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...'.YOL. XLIL .� ,PICKERING, ONT., FRIDAY, APRIL 27, , 1923 ' ., No. 32,
VViXf*0*tVnWA GREEN RIVER. BROCK ROAD. Established 182S
GeV. ""E. Baker Th.Waite& Dauche V)tball team, George Farley&Son have started 'A
Med4cal of Toronto.will play their league game fencing operations.
at Green River on Saturday, April W. J. McDonald visited Whitby GREENWOOD
�:"��']R E. FORSYTH, Oph.D.. Direetor 28th, at 4 p. m. sharp. Those who friends last Tuesday.
ArthurClough is engaged 'selling
4L Ooornetrieal lAssociationof Onti do.Reg wish to get membership ti�keti may
r:d e
ur Y. honey for R.J. Puller.
iste mber of ithe American OpWinetrical see e them on SeAarda
Association. E
yes examined by appointment. Mrs. Jackson and -ann. Walter in.
Phone M4, Claremont, Ont. CHERRYWOOD. tend visiting the city this week-end.
Lighbiin Henry Moore will work his farm MILLS
NT F.-TOMLINSON.'11, B.. Metbber Seeding is in full swing around here. this season as he has 6eeu unable to
ol�the College of Pbgicians and Surgeons M. Drinkwater and family spent get a suitable tenant.
of tano. office: that iormerlyoccupted
Sunday in Toronto.
the late Dr.R.Bfndlp Protection
C . cr
,�latterly by Dr. Cal
well. Phone. Qnt. 231Y We welcome Miss Annie Brander: CHERRYWOOD
(o our Midst*once again.
C. McKINNON, M.D., L.R.C.S., .-may ia-ve,yod hundred's of
Miss Liicilla Davidson, nf Toron to. Who is next for a car boys?
---No Edinburgh,member of the College of Seedi is again in full swing.
spent Sunday R&her home brere. BARLEY WANTED
PhyBiol&as and Surgson*of Ontario lisentiate
-dolfars this year. the Severaf of our bovs have been off
-O=&l. Gollegs of surgeons, ildiubtizigh. Wrn. Sinclair litts moved into sucker-ZfI ,hj% Highest price paid. Must be good
a attontion to dids"m of wd=eu end house latelyabeupie�d by Arable Long.
Mts. B. ynde visited the'i%libses (quality.
ObIldren; Offiee&odrmld*n*o,Bro1agbam.. Get oprprices and' have your- Ed. Lintner and farally. of llting6,
�Wbod.spent Sunday with his parents Gates last week.
-V y
unatroprac te buildings'protecied and nere. M... 131L"�;L A.u.AA uum .U(i tivil I nou U -'xttg WA HAT wL L
have returned home. market.price.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Robin
NfeRAY-ChiroprRe. W ' . and Mrs. Sinclair have moved
R. GORDONI i Wit� th' e big d rop in the price of
cut down the Toronto.spent Sunday with riends ai
Dtor. Office hours-2�30 to 5.00 and 7.00 to here. their new abode.
8.00 and by appointment. Phone 320. Brock fire lose. Mrs. Nelson Gates is spending,a. fe w We are sorry to brar that Mrs.Win. BARLEY FIDED,
Street. Whitby, day with her daughter. Mrs..john Petty is under the weather. BRAN AN-D SHORTS
Mrs. L. Johnston, of Brougham, it will pay you to sell
We save you money Pearse, who is on the siek list, your grain
Our School Inspector visited our spent Sunday with A. J..Taylor and buy these feeds.
school on Friday 'lost and report family-
AE. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and things in&prosperous condition. We are glad to see Miss Roach is A litulted quantity of
*solicitor..Notw*PIWO.Sit. M01119 a:ble to be around again, after her Heavy Oats Wanted.
van.a Office Brock Es.North,WbJtbv.
DUNBARTOX. recent illness. Monday. Wednesday'
C)ho 0
Stouffvilla, Onti Our Pickering school girls�.re back apnInKiday, 8c per bag until
WILLI AM J. BEATON,B, A..Bar- A lox-_-_DLnxmAI1- I�at to school gmi.a. after spending(a few
,her nudev.
Ryckm-n 'Denison Foster and Beaton. Toronw week with friends In the oity. weeks at
General i!rvats Buiiding.85 Bay Street.Toronto. Miss Minnie Bennett has been bome Mrs.. Dawson and daughter, Miss
Telephone Main%I'and 962. funeral of, the
eic'k. but we are pleased to say she is Helen. attended, the . 4 0 0:
4 J, -He -B E A' L quite recovered. later Miss Francis Phillips on Saturday
DerltfAZ Miss Louie Annis. of the Highway last.
Quitii a number of our y un
Dept...Tor.nto.- spent the g peo7
CLAREMONT with her cousin. Miss Marjorie Aunb. pie attended the dance at OTweedit's
T-X J. HUDSON. D. D. S.. L. D. S..
X JL s,1.32 Carlton St..Toronto. "Hudson'sNew
Alt report a
Mrs. Hall. Mrs. Beane istid Mrs. On Wednesday evening.
of comfortable plati!work. Writefor Cook, of Mt;Dennis nad Aurora. kre very enjoyable time.
lf.'..tionor phone North 5318. 4-16 Embalmer and Undertaker. visiting their cousins. Mr. and Mrs.-
Motor Hearse. Heise
R. D_ C; Smith, Dentist, Stouff- Mr Ykewitt is' contemplating the
Dville. llonorGraduwe'of Chicago and 'TO-
rooto Unwersitiers andkthe Royal College cl Toronto connection for it week
erection of a house on his property. Mrs. A. E. Major spent last w
tal Phone office 1011., Reode HospitAl. Service. We are pleased to see him in our with friends in the city.
5neon!cll appointments. 261Y
-1013. N .1. the
midst again sln�e his return from Cal- Ralph and Mrs. Cooper were
L AX E B.r BEATON. D. D. S.. gavv. guests for a few days last week of D,
Wei. Nicholson bad a business trip ft. and Mrs. Beaton.
SUrgeOTIS W-3d UMVeMtY 01 Toronto. 09=e
B aduate of the Roylk)Cnlelee of Dertal BAILIN ES' to Bafrie on Saturday and spent the The Mission Circle of the Wbitevale
over w.M. Prin%le's hardware *ton. %'h; b week-end with relative* thiere. while BaTtIst0hurch Intend boldlogatea
hours 9 to 12 t 1-to 5 441-Y n Wed.
p Mrs. Nicholson and Phyllis -visited a concerton the eventngof
�Ice beat 220. .30. Ind.-p�- Chopping Mill friends in the city pa Sued& nesday. May 23rd. Watch for parti.
The U xxivere�al
The special services as announced culars later. X46,Cb IM 0
Will will be closed far repairs. for Duaharton church on Sunday. 'Jobn and Mrs.'Cooper and family (Que of Our Productions)
April 29tb, have been cancelled. But have returned to the vale andrepum0d
on-Oct. 13th and 14th. on Sunday. ?Aav 6th.at 11 o'clock. the possession of their farm here.- Their We sell Sill's Rita-Lite IAUD for
W V. RICHARDSON 7- Real Es all makes of cars-the beat'
Etc.;Pick.-i-9.0-1. Dominion At
Fblk*'tate. Insunrce.Cpeveyabcing, N Running again Oct..16th. service,will be in the Interests of the many friends here are pleased to have
liance. 4ev, Ben Spence them back.' in the market for
r.Howa;-d Russell. a Miss Elsie Romem Is home for a time t the orice.
-DR. E. G. KERSLAKE. B. V. Sc. W. G.Barnes, Gre 0101st. will Aon., an account of -theillsess of her-moa.- FOI�-SALE
"*_� rl..QUALC 01 UmVerSlty Of Or address R. 11�No. 1'.Locust Bill er, Mrs. W. D. Rogers . pleased to
Toronto. - All cams -=,and 'cardul, Home Phone U65 Mack. Hear the -"Busy Ladies' Aid" at know that Mrs. Rogers' condition Is Heavy-Wagon.,
attention. Phone 309. C 321y is IM oving. Buggy,
Wbitevale.on Fir evening OnWed,,ed,,r.May 2,d.the Ladies' -Set of Iron-Harrows
POSTILL. Licensed Auctioneer, next, April t6e�th. Aid of the Methodist Church will hold All in good shape.
A� for Goosti" ON Twit and Ontario.'Ana,
ofts miss of all kinds aftenned to on shoruse their regular meeting and tea at the
"Us*, Address Olson Biver P.0.. Ont. Vn GREENW home of Mrs. Btake Anals. meeting Woodworking and Gener I Ll
at 3 p. m. . tea will he served from Blacksmithing.
B.BEATOR TOWNSEEIPOLERE KAN X%Lj Seivicebere On 4!!� 1 53Dp.m. Allare-welcome. Admis-
LUM-B C( � vening
Do Coureyanam. 00�1- 7 o'clock. The MuSIC III be furDldh- @ion to toa,25 and 16 cents. W. H. JACKSON, Brock ROW
adwaviss, As"Git"816. t, Mousy to
ft= -imam of mairria" LAO- ad by the Minstrel Choir imele voices). t, 27,h Pickering, OuL
on On Friday evening Dez the
jeoew =;. Out. min' Mary amd Rose RaIneenter- lost.. a concert will be given at the
We are . carrying a tained a number of their friends on 1 0.0. F. hall here. under the aus-
DAVID A. PUGH-Live stock Atic. Tuesday evening abd a very pleasant �Ice of the Ladies' Aid of the Method
tioneer. Graduate of C, M- Jones'school,
Chical L ierience with pedigreed large'and well aa. -timo.was spent. ist Church. when the Greenwood Min-
atock.loinzi Ime w�ork. AD-kinds of sales Don't forget the Mission Band con. strel Troupe willbe heard in the vale Here You, Are
I IFTT:erms reasonable. Phone
r,0 n ad 1 l6ly -.,sorted stock of cert to be given In the Methodist L0 the first time, and the play, -Our
i'llarch am some timp In the n ov
en led.
M. MAW. LICENSED A170- lumber etc. f.turq. The members of the Band are
TIONEER,for York.Qatario and Durho- 1yogratm
1W Ve p,hL 'rig an Interesting The work of redecorating the Metb-
rt we
Counties. All kinds of sales , attended er Particulars Lext e odist Church has hoen completed&ad
to. Termareasmable. Date=farv= may be Let us quote you priees on
arranged at NEWS'Officv. Bell and Indepen- Our Mkolon Band lhpld' their elec. the church will be 'reoperred on Sum.
dent phone*. Whitby,Cint. My tion of officers for the year on Mon-
your requirements. doty'next. when services will he held Coal
-2ad. afternoon and evening. Rev. Mi.
day,April They are&a follows
Pres., Margaret Gee: tat Vice-Pres-, Coulter, pastor of the Stouffvllle Me tb-
2URNING"AN BROS 31abel Bie; See'v. Vernon Disney; 6dist Churcb,,will occupy the pulpit
' .'t-Lumber,
W. Do Gordon &Son, Treas., Alici Pekg. Cor. Sec'y. Edna and the Washington-h1eibod ist Cboir
-CH, -'S
<FRE.-, N1 A.N SAY) Green Pianifit, Mabel BIP; Leader, will have charge of the serv-1ce of song.
PICKERING Mrs. V. Gib,on. A tbank-offering will be taken at both �Sh in gles
'!�,wflzkzz, Ceziural Contrac . I . r
f C)
,tomand Sign Writers. annual rnpet,io Rnd election ffl-
-EP C 0
est Motor-Car Value era on Wedne a*.April 18th. The BROUGHAM. Ready Ro fing
officers are : on. Pres . Mrs. John
AT--L . . . .
�Alteratious Rnd repairs of ev*r ' . .. - 1 1 . __ - Mrs. W. W. Gee-,
Adatfison.; Pres., Miss Sarah Norton is visiting In To-
description. -Concrete work,
h inini s' ' re i ed The Lowest Pei Ist Vice Pres,..Mrs. F. L. Green: 2nd ronto for R few.weeks. and Lath
_V Ce Vict-Pres.. Mrs. Bie : Tress., Mrs. J
Es at-es ree. MIqs Margaret Diincan visited with
--%W - C Mrs. F
'I,-- -P. 0. Durant Star at .00 iihson ; Spc'y. . W. tAbson ; friends in Toronto last week
FAIRPORT ONT. $710 PlanBt.Mrs. Bert Harvey. Therneet- Mr. and Mrs.Dingman visited the, IR
ing veas a success and the flnsneial'ye- F 'A. RKESO R;p
Complete latter's father, J. H. Madill, on Sun-I
port dbowed that the Aid bad been & d
during the 1L 7-r ix,"i
Thos.and-Mm.-Norton entertained
Some good points worth knowing.; very busy
1. Red seal continental motor year 1922,23, and its members are,now theirfri6odson Wednesday evening.
e y for E D _9 Three-qum ter fl6atiDg arle planning to hold a garden party early list.
Raming secured the a
Smith A: Son. Ltd-w2eryruea, 3. Timden bearings all through in the summer. Miss Margaret Barton,of Toronto, P
of Winona. Ont. 4. Same gear ehaft as Chevrolet is spending a few weeks at be
5 Single plate dime clutch Do not fkil to bear the Green*o�d IhOrp.
I am prepared to take orders for all * ickernigio
q,-Half.elliptic springs (underalung) Minstrel Trobpe at W hitevale On Thursday,April 19cb. to CAl"-
kinds.of Fiult Trees,Small Fruiti, which guarantees easy riding Friday, April the 27th.- and Mrs. Wannop, the gift of a dau-
Ornamen4d Shrubs Etc.. at gbter.
7. Gas tank in rear, with vacuum feed
7. lowest possible prices. Whiteman Phillips. of Regim
8, Side curtains open with the doors STOUFFVILLE.
Is rug
'special rites for large-quant'neg, 9. The supreme effort of the man who visiting her uneles, George and Jobe
designed the Oldsmobile.Oakland, Ira Badgero suffered frrm astroke of Phillips.
Cadillac, Buick and Chevrolet. apoTlexy on Tuesday wnd is in a low Sylvanite Phillips, of Minden, was
N. J. Cha' man, ""Tickerin 9 L.tbutnot least.for ex t repairs; can
ID per dition. here attendingtbe funeral ofbis
on&II makes of cars,go to Stouffville Boalrd of Trade will bold @ter, Miss Francis Phillips,which took
a big celebration here on-Dominion placebu Saturday last. St6re
�i It is My Businew dalijuly let. The Pickerift Township Sabbath
Gerow'g Garagej
To help you run part of yours. macellor C. W. Fllnt�of Syracuse School Football Association will meet
University, an old Stouffyille boy.was inthe Christian Church,' Brou
a t
By opening a New Garage in the Vil- Brougham honoredvith the degiee of D.D.from on Saturday evening. May 5th less! Cod Liver
a quest- Wampole's Taste
Afallatterld nee tare
lage of Wbiterale I am prepared to do Victoria College.Toronto. o'clock. I
Gil lCmulsion to the beet pro- ,
..all kinds of repair work. including Dr. Albert Mitchell,of Vancouver, ed. Intosh will deliver his
tops atid side'eurtains, also making an Old Stouffirille bo Is spending the Wm. Mack duel you can take for
:: entitled "The Mys- - i
your old car look and run like new by Ujiexcelled week here and prescilled to-the-Preeby--popular lecture, -Brougham A list noty cold.
giving it a good coat of new paint. terlan Church on Sunday last. tery of Three," In the
0 of ourindustries, the Stouffrill* Christian Church on Saturday evening
Agent for Toronto machinery, includ- roat Ease.
April 28th� at 8 o'clock, under the&us- �Wampolee'Th
the Dominion I w,"'
ing:Pumps,: Windmills, Silos in Ilow works, has received a large
Trail Rangers. AdmIs-
order from tbeT. Eaton Co. Thisin- picot of The
and.Gasoline Engines. ch Wampoles' Paraformic
dustry to to be considerably enlarged. skin:10 cents; Ildren under 10 years, Cough
),F-LLIOTT emical fire-works will
'CHARLES M. RICE, The banquet to Robert Miller. ere- half pries. Oh ieye' the congh;
Remrdies rel
Home Tel. 51121. Whitevale, 0 sident of the 0.N. B.,Du Friday even- be an inter#@ttog feature of the pro-
Ing turned out to be a pleasant one- gramme. Come and help the boys. Cr�lde Drugs,Patent Preparation$,
two hundred grand entertainment, under the
een. theep being about 0,
Yonge Charles Ste,Toronto and fifty present. There were people Brougham Union Lodge, Toilet Goods, Tobacco, Cigars.
pIn pyesent from Toronto. Uxbridge, A. F. &A.M.,will be held In the Town
�Grain Chop is open all year and admits stud- -,Metcali"s Ghoice Candies.
Markham. Newin Hall, Brougham.on the evening of
arket, Aurora, Pick-
ents any time. When superior eringand Claremont. Thetoastoof Wednesday. May 2nd. A splendid
rtb and mystery
AND FL1KING training and promptness of ob* the evening were proposed by Dr. pro ram at music. Mi
wilF be given in which the following
e ax ed to do Choppin and t&ioing employment are consider- Freel, Dr.Dales. Dr. Smith. Mr. Rat- lots are expected to take part Mrs
t gi in
Oa Lt r ar cliffe and Mr. Hesse],and replied to art
I ev.e;y Monday, rd- ed. this school vbould receive yoi tbi - W. Brown. soprano, Ionic Male Quar.
es a, d Friday by Mr. Miller, a guest of the even
n patronage. Keen demand for our Mr.Cane. tette. Prof. Maynard, Bert Harvev. No E. McEWEN911
ing. Mr. W&Iton. Aurora.
a famous cotuedlan, R. H. For"tb
3toneboats For Sale graduates. Write t4-d&y for our Newmarket. and Messrs. Fleming. th
Irving and Rartieden, of the C. N. E.. and others. Come and hear Bert Har-
handsome catalogue. Toronto, all eulogising Mr.Miller on vey,as It MA . be y I our last chance of Veterizkary St7geOu
johli F. Bayles, Claremont W. J. RUiott, Principal sing raised to the Presiden .." th bested artist. Ad-
b oy of the bearing th cola
Amwon 264en
AW1* 011*4
te No.2
, . •' �r 'a " ,}'*' n.;",'.r y,„'; -4!7.j5``ya'�••'•g' _.-,*r-'�r'm's u..-�. 'r.s1•'r<«-.:-'a•a 8..tF r .aYI?.-'t-."7''»•,'-"?�,,.•,'T.'•_ *p'F+Le',.•� _""'`„�'-tk•�'r'yxi'".I."'"',,:.5x j•+�.+^..+''is:'$p~'.i,F'-:`a,`wc m d,•6ia.-,.�N''.t.;�. 'p.�:�2'';d.�ri'v'^'.°'•xwK P'�'n a.a..`;•-�r"+,..�,. ,•..w u:�'w'••f,:.''e:r..7'•:,,'�`.,,"Fl,.x,••.••!A?:'v,> r:.°�r:'.±5ra�;"•.. `::u e"R711 i �:�,yx.:'•"q'.-.`,k.;�,�-f.;.e!
.:d'C r`:S s.--1'<'�'_'g.„,x't�?;:�i'S.f...�Y� 'e'er•'�'�,�','.-.'•'.,•v':�F. v=-::.c.aC
Wr. 1„r ."'.,.nr'_ 's. :+.,:?':i-w'” '4•. :�, '• ..`'Y-,.a.• :6-, :r� �..'.: ,r' 7'J.'• �,v ,r�- �:s6
Vi.i•,,.,¢,. �'- _-.. _ U Sc EASY TR
IG _` and teanu Turn � eE •,� '�'ti�;�� ='?:'' , :: ,:r,•�.�,�•''
#..east ezddea poise or Lodes 'i'
would.Startle Hun.”
fir•. .. a'! S,i 'dy w, ` tea'- ... _ `.'x;
•'U to the.a`e of eight,my boy was still remained. The doctor gave him • .,� :--° ' - _ _ _ _
5; p l; gh -
-:,; a strong,healthy lad,full of life and a tonicandtold me to rubthe leg with
? ," energy. Whilepplayingleap frog one olive oil. This reduced the swelling
' '` :-':" tin with some bo s of his own age, grid took away the,lameness,but the
y 3'
and, while is a stooped position, a nervousness remained. The poor _
boy jumped on his back and in child would t+raL•en in the night
�A - lag my boy causcht his foot in an screaming at the top' of his voice. a.
i 'iron grnt3ug and rlocated his hip. The doctor gm him several different h
'lobe it was so great that he fainted tonics but they were no use. • I found - �-
pa s
and the other boys were so frightened a circular about Carnal and it seemed
they .ran away. For hourabe suffered so different from other tonics I had
terrible rain and when found and heard of,that I thought I would get
" ,brought Name was very vieak.'with a bottle- Three bottles were all that Smooth, White hSTlCl3-r ' f
obis thigh and leg swollen twice its was needed to make my boy like his } r
'F i;'-$, size. The doctor set the bone but the own self agun It is hard to convince The problem is to place a halt ear, bright complexion-4
-pain and exposure were too much for my friend9 that the cbenge in-him
dollar on the back at your sett head
the poor boy and he became uncoa- now to entirely due to Carnal. Of and. -without touching it, make it Fresh, clean skin 4
• scions. A high fever set in and for course.I still have to watch him and turn a Sip flop or somersault and
;weeks.he lay between'life and death give.him Carnal occasionally but'l. land about where it started. A jvg-
:. raving for hours.at a stretch. One ],now that he will soon be as strong gler or one having-talent for that Simply that .Lifebuoy cleans
day he o ed his ayes and mutmur- again as ever he was. kind of entertainment may do this
' redo ere=out tnia�s tiaay.,ly,•u.d Mrs.P,,Montreal. in the obvious way-but not with the whole-depth of the pores;
be could utter he was so weak,but I out coasideratile practice. Here Is "y
' Y knew the worst was over. He got Carnal is sold by your druggist, amore amusing way. _ and Opens them to Lifebuoy�8
trtronger but for months was is a and if you can consclentiously say, Slap the left wrist, a few inches softening palm and cocoanut
nervous condition. The leestsudden after you have tried it,that it haen t above the coin. vigorously with the
ofse or loud talldug would startle done you any good,return the empty t
right hand. The coin will obliging- "oils.
Isim and he.would beg{q trembling. bottle to him and-he will refund�oQur ly execute the necessary flip Sop..
$e was quite.lame and the swelling money. _ a'°� With a little practice the coin may
�; Bold by D!. McEwaa's Drag Store, Pickering, Ont be made to-turn a series of gip ddps. Tke health odour :raft
�' rte• going into the air every time yoo - isliei quickly,after use. "•
�p your wrist. _ a
CamAe and Cross. do. and taking hold of it,with the tips
Always hold the belt arm atttfly
x: of your fingers, and slap Vigorously with the right. `
— sae at Dace -my-candle. and my gentle pat Will do no load.
l You will never accomplish anything, a °
cross, never do anything worth while, until
(clip this out and Paris it, tcit>t 1
w 'The light I carry and the load I bear; y� throw the whole of yourself into ethers of iha aeries, to a secot
b beam -of.living-love. a weighs of ,
- , your stork. When yo�rjmve learned to PDoob,J \ a
' _
'' Possewioa and irreparable loss. de-that yott have Ibis secret of success.
w,r Your very appearance will be alive The Runaway Engine.
� .
)Isis mine in yen: aslant each dawnlstg with the spirt~ that wins. He was called Greasy Jim because. -
�:�-. ;�,, de- _.
y 1 being the master of a threshing mar
-Cse long- gray abado'w falls. . yet —��� chine, he was covered with greens and
when the night $OIA/aT0 Of Posen#e!Z dirt throughout the season. however,
With blue black blur would curtain French scientists have made this the nickname did not Imply contempt `
+ earth-,from sight : -LBO
Th the still dark your taper throws i;s etartltng decllratloa u a result of e:- for the quiet man who did his work so
say. pertmests Way have been conducting. well. - -
r' Chemically pure water, they silt',bas At last the season was.over. The
- to be dietilled, which frees it of all big engine, separator and water tank
. .
..My lap is' filled with busntag bitter '
germs. But distilled water, u taken left for the.night in the lot behind the Soon One May Talk Aes+oss � are clearly beard here, including
sweet, regulariy,weakens the human body be- outbuildings made a spectacle so !m- the Yankee "twang, as it was des-
` ,And every hoar the berries brim my the Ocean. cribed. At one of the big stations
aattd cause It cont, nathiag-but oxYges posing as to draw to their aids every
and hydrogen. boy !n the neighborhood. Now that the British Government where an'American laai band concert '
;Because of yon; yet would, I look �e procam of distillation removes The next morning Jim went out to ban appointed a notable committee of was heard recently It was said later
ads all mineral salts. which are at flu rat-
get up steam to pull the separator Into experts to act In co-operation with that there was no mistaking where a
:} : _�. •.With gratttarda, still would my weary most value to the body; In fact, they the abed. A'f<re was soon roaring,and American experts is., investigating the .came from as the
announcer had a
are la>ddlspensablq The working of the he went back into the house. Am hour p*•3bl+s**+ et wtr.,t.ws teteph^*+y Deer nasal ioiee-
_ feet yea, olio mid# me Hn�nsi" �n.nl.rwa- ,
- -b-aontimmUy des- passed. He did not notice the excited long distances and especially to malts
on t Disappointed love makes the miner? s
°' TMai .°' .r.. troytag the mineral salts found In !t, schoolboys, still discussing the mar wireless telephony a commercial poesi-
boaaty d 'thlg maguitade of and therefore we mast take fresh sup- chines. bility between America and Gt Britain, of youth. disappointed ambition that
lovft~ - - Of manhood. and successful avarie s
plies into our bodies,the mart effective. "Here's when he palls the whistle" there are some enthusiasts here who
way being by means of water. said one. "I bet I could start her and lee the day not tar distant when pas- that of age-
g!•E - r Consequently, If chemically pure guide bar too." said another, "You stingers on the,Atlantic highway can ,
_ ..
- " water is taken ,regularly we are using start herb You couldn't start a wagon keep in touch with business interests Home Garden Gol_feet�on _
r • --
" � °'• everything !a showing by
�n '---•'. -There b eve rap ottr setts without obtaining others. downhill!""Couldn't I. though! Here's on both sides of the big goad during � noaen Dees. era 000sa r..r. tun Danes wss _
your appearance that you are alive, T� tend& to tuberculosis, among what he palls. I've seen him do It the whole six days of the Toyage,says Be". and u ,,.sere Im.r+aaet-Te"tak seeds t
tb" you are alert, mffourmfal:' wide � thy many a time.", And with both hands a London despatch. p..es.an Nr ei+o.
stwske, determined to make o 't = the boy grasped the big lever and tug- Mucb of the mystery of ocean travel, sad `off "°0h`' wet. ear olio e.a.auoa
, hffd ear aemaat,. ear.adar to-a.,. ;
j =#60 something and be somebody. _ -Tre"for Children. -goad Ull he got the throttle open. ihey.arsa0. then will be over for the - C. E BISHOP a SON ;
We know a young man whose pre- -i Jim 'teas lust finishing breakfast Atlantic lane will be the, objective of -
sence is surcharged with the spirit'of �rnt°aga' the most populous of w.ben suddenly there was a fearful telephonic communication from both
Progreso,e Is surcharged
can see in his piritag, the Cook islands in the Pacific, it is , , ,
provided by law that the head of each ,noise. Crack. ,Sang.. Rip._ He rush- „sides. What >s a rave to-the enn the
'his mariner, his conversation, the mot• f=Uy shall plant a eocoanui tree for ed to the lot- Before he had covered arm of veteran travelers too, is the Sphagnum Moss
to toe hag choeti'e for himself-"On,oa, each year of a child's age until the Half the distance to It he saw what possibility of being regaled with broad- �
-- fou-eve on. Up rap. for ever up+" child Vold enough to plant trees hthe bad happened. That boys might pail exit concerts from both sides of the we offer the t:_nwr Trhd. +� • .
Every movement Indicates aeibltion, sell the throttle had never occurred to him, water while a ship Is at sea. Tree tea,oaa awes USIX-Meade eobase M rise Q4 r'
unttrtng energy: he makes a into,• + ;he bad built-the fire and left the ea- It remains to be seen whether Brit. «rsta.b 3&-m 0a1i� `t er ao peer°'t
able Impremlon, inspires coafldeace Anew . thermometer, little Sine with,rising steam. When the boy fah shipping lines will follow'the exam- w. .tw °«° tees. aroahh
wherever he goes You hear men say, larger than a msa's watch, -works bed opened the throttle the big engine pie of having ocean going Follies French x L An Nee
" "'Heap year eyes on that feIlaw. You had trembled as it ascertain what to planned for the LeviathRIL The French N1e'""" tNStcTaGaas tetra."-_
with a spectal metal spring and indi- t~..t var
are going to hear from him wme day" 'catea,ail degrees of temperature from do with Its free strength; they the already have promised to provide the- N�~� '
Therein a tremendous difference be- wheels began to turn_-,and the machine, atrical troupes for some linens going DALE ESTATE Ltd. :F4
` tweea being hall alive. and being 10 degrees below sero to- iso-de¢rem wing a -big half circle, had struck to South America.' aRasaxouses. BRlirr•roM
wholly alive, a tremendous difference above. the shed, tipped !t half over, burst off What evidently '6 gtimulaLtng the
between half-heartedness -and whole. - the big doors and broke In the side of British seriously to take up wireless
heartednese, between being half.there What we teach otirselvea is im.. the y- them Iim ionnd Ii-_-- telephony !s the success achieved in
and all there In your job, between measurably more valuable than what Friends,there is a force in your lives the United Statee. About two months
flinging your life into everything you others teach us.-Lord Ashtleld. that Is strong beyond measuring. That ago attention was centred on wireless _
force, it pat to the right use in the telephonic possibilities when the
u,�A11tD THE WORST IS YET TO COME right-way' will prove a'blessing to you American Telephone and Telegraph t
;�s.� Tug '•611ANTtrORe" COSTS Lgia
_ __ - and to the world. .But what are the Company and the Radio Corporation of To RuN
consequences of th=rowing the New York through the Western Elec
Concrete r«.a earn twidfaa sera,v ism-
throttle wide open and "letting her tric Company Bent a message of eon- vw d woeom>anr with the Bmntfmd rare
- d C go Y' Wreck and ruin, sorrow and Aderable length at a prearraa ed 1II1ds ate, aunt r« Aaod or Panes 4
- g our. « tr X11 r es E Owe sat e «
-17 death, will strew the path of the lira dime which was clearly audible to a err.rbT» °r s:teem. tswa w. .w
-_- - - that is no#�nnder the hand of control. big wtdionce In London. lam*r«ws-
I �. i ear robes tvr►a r«boersA.
And the o y safe hand on the lever Is What also )tars centred public atten- The coots.saAPtsr e,'
_ the hand of the
Master o Byes,, the tion on the matter.of communication Ml�i�er' Mu�R eRI i'►'sn.d' �•
sM w.masas st
•�--� �� Lord Jesus Christ
Will yOu submit t4 with America is the trequency with Brahtferd, ere.
=� - --=■ Him l' from Amer!• °
which broadcast co
. '+.. - AL - 61155 Solve Mystery of Vanishing -
-11.R�+ whale. . . ;-
�, - The Colonial Office has purchased - - u n Subscription'
and refitted Captain Scott's old ship,
�••• the Discovery. for a long Antarctic f
a f voyage to investigate the disappear- • •Offer
F sacs of certain kinds of whales, says Ott thre months will be months of ab- `' '` '
{�, `rw•C• , a London 'despatch. Why tbey are The next "e'
v l , sorbing interest the electors of Ontario. Never
vauls'h•Ing is no mystery, seafaring
men declare. They say many varieties ;before in the h' tort' of the Province was there as
of whales are rapidly-being extermla• much polio confu8fon and uncertainty as there,
` e = ated by whale-hunting man, who can -
: is to-day; never before was it so necessary that
',..' realize $76,000 a toJn for whalebone, electors should understand the
point of view of
Whereas the price some years ago was
�.` - �"�' • � •-� _ _••"'� '.•those with whom they differ. •�
r only $1as. ,
The Farmers Sun during the coming cam- '
4•-„ ,, :'_s .� Navigators of the Discovery will try 81 will endeavor to give its readers a full and
_ ! to find if there la a possibility of con- p -
°.' serving the supply by-means of Inter' �p�al word of events and to those who hold
national regulations, based on a study !to the principles it supports, as well as those who
y .[/ of the habits, of the mammals. may support other rinciples but who wish to be -
,r. .`.: The venture recalls an agitation of - : 'well informed, it offers a special subscription op-
l4.:' its riot t, , ten years ago, when an authority on '- portunity. The Sun will be sent to any address
ar.�" 1 the Industry declared: "Thin revolting 'in Ontario for three months for fifty cents, or six
ors, t•- butchery is without foresigbt or Intel- months for one dollar. You may send your sub- -
y�,, ..,e:�� ligence,and is carried on solely for the
satisfaction of human green. Appar- schiption by Postal Note or Express Order t0 the
Sun Office, or through the courtesy of your local
rr 4 ently it will be stopped only by the ex-
• `' -"'_ Unction of the remaining whales." fir•
f _ The Farmers' Sun
The British Empire's wounded in dal
4 the world war totalled 2,121,908 men. �109 GEORGE ST. - - TORONTO
'y. ISSUt No: 17-128.
aQ a.
'� 't.! F ,. .,.' r•, wf:•„,:•es .r2:•'c'= 'br '`-.+.• :rw:, .a 's;.,,• '�' :42=. .r.+ :r .'s', '.%. ^".?; :,a• :.y'?e w. E
a �'.•k r.. a ' ey,�c ,f ,s •t.R •..S-. •' n ' .3� •c'ad '•'' $' kt -ti - 'S,
p "•P' r ., e :'RLe ,,''�..,v' ''� -y 1: • • :'4'1 N ,W:p ::. 1 'ayi
�.�•,•v.r w-. .>:" .�..N-r�f i-•`4' ,•;,,,Sec•'' in� < Ww W."_ ,fir ,,. 7' f,, ;✓
.._..�}c,Ieas�', •r4w. .^sea• �w'�'`, _h• .s. •'R xa. �:�';¢i'•:' ie..o-- �k:r°. ".v T •w.M,. . " ''°'::.a"- w-�:�� T". r.• ,,"r.3)
.. — .. .. •, '„--` ti-�.—raw `"T' q '.�,'i+aw''. ;��`jV � h •._?�,"!n° - _ .. / •3.3,y.
IAS T 1om SAYS Classified Ad`aryt%.. •i
y OUT _ • • "Declar" Tanlac Restored lit AT Playa. B atohM lloSM.
R Jolc•a Recitations`Yn Hake_II�i
(�oodatr Flts p � (7prAs
My When ALncst a No, Depa W. It Vuey Btseet N•w 7ork
Z1tit8 gOlely to Weak, Watery r t Oous Wreck Gains sAListtsn wigtrett. 'w
Hood—A Tonic is Needed." }. 8U i�0 C:'1 to #M7
14 Pounds. .,ef�>r AND AoZM& :crow
V. by 3 ' M,� I NG _z.`•{' ""Tarlac restored my health so oom- §wk*;�case s pros
Anaamia - literally impoverished '_,. i t11 Tf Rlq _ �y �. pletely three years ago that I haven't oars. us war b sheaf ?o:eaa
v, blood--comes on so steal4hity that it ) 1. ) bad to taste a single dose of medicine - ran "LIL
Is often well advanced before its pre- r since, says Mrs. Cora Waterman, I" „
sense is recognized. Feelings ot° _ ��. Maaroe St, Toronto, Ont. r vau><lo>as aTVnsaax$a r-rAaesaoo>ol
fatigue and discomfort are the earliest ` 'a solra�e tuail 1Otk °r rlrw
"I Boat believe there .was t worse oeadttfoa aswb twmted car tats triad soaK r„
maniiestatioae of the trouble and
- case than mine in Ontario. For about °O" a �"' « U-000-00 .elk.d. tnu•aan
>t>dnserla o.9 Wan at. W.. Toronto.
these are seldom taken seriously: } `• three years I was practically a nor-
'Gradually small"tasks become an oi• vows sad physics] wreck I could sit CANCRAL �
' fort and exertion causes the heart to scarcely a thing, sleep was almost far .,�,•
LESntNO eAL3. MArrs TIaQ a rrII
palpitate violently: The complexion ±r w1, ;:. possible.and rheumadsm in my hands, C e� m Canada. Maw ten teas
beeomea sallow or pale and there is ' wrists and armo almost drove me dis- Bead �faat UsL reeai`a waste raoatreai Pie►w
loss of weight. The nerves grow weak traded: . I spent every cent t could
ind the victim displays Irritability no.• lay my hands on for medicine,and had YrANT$>rsa ffooaasa aces" ra►fl nasaj•
.1,.g,;,;•r '..,., •'- .. -:• = l psrrectlr slasle guise: la:lu3dwe v�rt�' .1.,
: . der slight provocation and is extreme- i _ :' about lost hope of ever being wail or osatat. rrrtna, stewilm sample. 47. lts•siY
' ly sensitive to noise. The appetite !e "3
again. twee accts co., to Duadae wet, Toronto.
IIc>de and Indigestion often follows. �' "But Taulac ended my suffering and
A condition of anactnis calls for a 1 - ' saved me a great many dollars. I re- �talaara � nK ;,
tonic one that will -enrich the blood gained fourteen pounds, too. wh4ch I
and strengthen the nerves, and for t- �` 4, still retain, and I foal as strong and BO°l` °6 Y�
this purpose tlte�e is nothing can equal L=z a ; l!''0 healthy new as when a school glrL I DOG DISEASES
} ,
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These pills _ �. _ have been praising Tanlac three years
and Now is Feea
Malled Fre• to as Alp► ? ,
. . give ,the blood all those missing *lo- C,t,;r���y now, and want to lead out this roes- dre�++�st eb. Au�tter.
meats necessary to give strength to )' sage to help others. ij t levas ita.la& SM.
the nerves, color to the cheeks. and Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. i 111 set t4 itttrast
CAbTLE6 IN THE AIR �sw Xork: II.1>{.A. , .
nourishment to starved organs and .-From the Bt Louie Poet.Degpntch. Over E6 million bottles soled. }, rr
tissues. Miss Margaret J. Fraser, R.R. t '
2. Thessaloa, Ont.. has proved the - He-who never relapses into r-
,; vales of this treatment She says: "I Pug on Dogwood. '� tiveness is a wearisome companion, r
was very pate and`weak My blood The positive,constructive man, but beware of the man who jests at In Head, Throat or
;w was poor and I was very nerseue: I Putting on dogwood V little - Miss the progressive man, does not everything, yield quickly to.the
boat my appetite, my feet and ankies Spring. I once of Minard's.
talk and think aegatfvea. He
t were swollen and I was in a very nab- a�ouad the wood border, the lov-t Mlnaed'e Liwlan.nt for ante everywhere The Old Bailable RoMe", ,.
zR able thing. does not say "I.can't"; it is al-
arable conditlon. A friend advised ms
r to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and I "I ill ": o It,"b not .
7s "I
i - Patting on daffodils,redbad and.glow It is not What you get out Of lifo, a ,
-got two boxes and found before they "I w" try to d ,• " calls you give, that makes n y1'`
were Anisibed that they''were helping O! plum !a life orchard where warns ` E t'a" have rt ued more happyh.-Rev.uP. T. B: 'Clayton. �
MO. I continued the pills until I had sephys blew. i people than almost saythtai ttise. { r y�A
taken a half doses boxes, with the re• t It Is a dangerous thing to get 1�4Y T
Wt that I am now ' •,'
r.. enjoying the best Hourly expectant, l wait for the spell i
of health, all symptoms'having disap- Of lovely arbutus adown the wild dell into the negative habit, the V
? doubting habit, the I cant ryes. I3 they Tirq, a .
geared. 1 feel confident that what Dr. ! habit.
Williams? Pick Pills did for me they And wbat shrill be more to my liking It tends to keep•people down. Seset,
will do for others, if given a fair trta." than ate.-
You can get these pills from any The laughter of lilto along the old = They are fastening bonds of ter-
in la a around w l not elves, .nd s a8sok.s.+. WANTS TO HELP
Medicine dealer or by mist at lI0 assts wall_ IntantorAddL At�Wtita
boa from The Dr.Williams' Medicine is !star lice calif not be ab]s to .t
i -� counteract their inftence un. ..a
Q o-.Brockville. Oat. Japonica nodding-•and` *re she is now _ r
n .
With loved valley Imes upon her skins� their thinking. , I .I �I fI .,OTHER WOMEN
sweet brow. �!
y —� Pulverize around.
' * Two sate of plows that revolve In
rti � h cb Grateful for Health Restored
BABY S Or N TAB i ►�� ; i�� by E. �s Vejo%
opposite directions feature a motor.
�j WAYSTU TU u1 driven machine betas tested m Porto �� ! Wile Com*pound
,�"�jr L[ ITM Rico for pulverizing the groaad for
*a sugar cane planting to s depth of
T Oat.-'"t took
- ` Once a mother bas used Baby's Own
'twenty inches. t Plukham's Vegetable Compound fat
Tablets for her little ones she always 1 backache and for weak and dreary'feel.
_ keeps a supply on hand, for the first Mlnard's Lfnitn*ns used by PMhnMSlinsr II inns caused bymvconAldon.R-undue" Y'
trial convinces her there is nothing to y I felt so bad t6 t I couldn't do alp house.
No Repentance Now. equal them to keeping children ws'1L When two re men quarrel the In one , j work. My neighbor told me of your=
". ronto Telegram' and thought I Wools'•
ktother-'.'Let me cairn yon, my .` .
laxative which regnlaie theubowel��d fool t. .'.X1:.11'.f .
Pl'esan and read about t in a o..
door, against an ill-considered. mar _ �' take it. I got good results. I
-mace. 'Marry in haste-' w sweeten the stomach. thus driving out vary
constipation and Indigestion. colds and built me and i have told rev ,
Danghter--`Yea, mother; but now
�� eS�.E`ali friends what it has done for me. Y „
repeat at leisure, duple fevers and making teething may use this testimonial fie it be
" yon know. easier. Concerning them. Mrs. Salust*
It may be a sprained wrist of �lP to some one who has suffered as�
Pelletier, 8t. Dramas. Qua., writes:- have."-Mrs.J.Lose 25 Hervle Aver: '
'MONEY ORDERS. °+ elbow—a bruised muscle -8
"1 have used Baby's Own Tablets for 1 strained tendon— Toronto, Ont.
- A Dominion ,Express. Money Order the past ten years and am never with- Mrs• Lee L Willing:to wr[te to arty"•
for five dollars costa three cents. out them in the house. They have al- You cannot foresee!t. But 1 or woman suffering from such trots•
- -- • ways given the greatest satisfaction - --.you can keep Sloan's always lees, and answer ask. say questions tr
pie Hadn't Earried the Right. and I can gladly recommend them- to idandy to relieve the pals.
Women sufferin from female trou-
'rhe friend of a certala captain of is all mothers of little ones." Thy Tab- - Sloan's brings immediate bles causing backache icregularities.
dnstry once applied to the great man lets are sold by medicine dealers or !comfort. .It breaks lip the pains,bearing-down feedings and weak-
for a job for his son, just out of cos .direct by maSl at 25 cents a box from congested and inflamed con- teas should take Lydia E._Pinkham's ti
tege. The Dr.Williams'Madleme Co.,Block- Vegetable Not is the
edition and restores normaln1y
- "He's a bright,honest,modest young vllls, Oat twortll of thie - endid medicine shoarts
mmn" said the proud father; It I do circulation. Use Sloan s to by.uch c..e.am Chia,brat for nearly fifty
say so mFs*1f." guard from pamas youwould years letters ll7ce this have been so.- 9,
°+sty _1 " i !" sett antiseptic to prevent In-
You dada of women.
Modest?" snorted the industrial �y P P
captain. "What has he ever done to' ,� - ifection.Yourdruggist has iL Yon•nXight be interested in reading
tae motivot aboatf" _ --__ rd ,,,�.S..aa --- _Mrs.�PmkSsm aPrivaisText-Book upon
4 the Ailmer}ts-of-Women: Yoa s
Experience ma be a ,,y Mowers SlO.=%��t"kl P&7 t a copy tree by writing the Lydia
7Cp8 y good tutor, / r For rheomadsm.bru1ws straior:chertcolds. �e r gi
but the terms are always excessively i O� >sltaa n# jk - Medlcme Ca C�oboar x
" =: �iva�u ■isi.asmsstli� �tiri0. O 1 '
high. JllassotllZNoperWilf.fteep
: Irrigated Farms in �J,• - d6 At yaw bar&
Southern Alberta _ ,w.•.tsatelet•a. - �.. .
I& the ramous Taux"ll alstrios Baseball-"Flow do you like that JAMS SMART RAM
now etas 14ssfawss lrsoiass long rent we are having?" ® aaotztvltxc osrr.
t A.n especl&uy ocation for mla:ea
{ farmin LV dalryIng. splendid np. Bat-"Not much. I could knock the -
portun ty for young men now It" hide off' you right now."
N to dt.trfcte where good land onanol<
be bought at reasonable rises y
Ass t10.000 acs amffn�setde°d and Discovers Way to Intensify , • _ a __
another lo,oao ifir.. now read, for PCrfuisne Flowers- '_UNLESS you see the name_``Bayer" on tablets,' yol#
maximum distance from
railroad. seven awes. (food roads -
telephones and schools• lt:aay pay,- Intensifying the.perfume of flowers are not getting ASpl1'1 at all -
i ments. astending over 13 yea". _ n
i'31,L,m..tae east Lana sitry to Albert is the latest horticultural experiment
Wrtta for further Information to in France, says s Parka des-patch. Re�j
"XAaa za» asa ==G TSON suits achieved by Prof. Daniel, of the -
•. 4.7 71f•afeta• ![•R. - - Alberta University of Rennes, were presented - 0'• - ' �_� ;. `• - - �� «r_.-.r ' :.: ,� ,_-�-
here yesterday before the Academy of -
Sciences and declared to open up a
new field allowing hitherto undreamed A( �
' of possibilities for perfume makers. >•,a '
By grafting a shoot of wormwood on ;
Keep Kendal lie a chryssintheam it was found the odor -
always in the barn. of the chrysantbemum was greatly in-
A strained muscle,a tensifled. From the seeds of the graft
sprung tendon, a jolt splendid plants were fib ed the for• `� EET!•t1t1 _or a knock demands imatediate i]ow
ing year, which produc flowers. it Q e
attention. A few hours'delay will ! Some of the blossoms had p werful DWI We • iff iinli
result in a long tameness-perhaps perfume, but, others were entirely c „ -a '-'
in the loss of the horse. Kendall's odorless. �'� .'Accept only an `unbroken package of Bayer Tablets of
:7 As grin " which contains directions and dose worked out b s
s Spavin Treatment lies saved more Although the experimentation admit- Aspirin," y C
1 horseflesh than all the other known tedly is in Its infancy, it is generally V your scalp is Irritated, hysicians dtiring 22• years_and proved safe by millions for
_ and burns and
remedies. under the same of ;agreed this-new horticultural wrinkle y h'� `'� ds Headache Rheumatism
Keudall's Spavin Cure, it is the is capable of tremendous results from �g one in treatment. To try stphoecafo]- [�„t
forty"'Oe"Id standby of horsemen, a commercial standpoint, and for that dandruruff an id tchin Tw�ith Clitiets� `"�
� Toothache Neuralgia ' . 'Neuritis
farmers and veterinarians. reason it fa to be tried on a great Ointment and follow pith hot sham-
Gd a Writ of Kendal!'• fay. scale at Greg", the centre of the per. Poo of Cutitmra soap. Earache 'Lumbago Pain, Pairr °�3
Ask, too,for the Fns Book or fume industry of France. All per- U"r-O%b—t25ud50,Wrote 25e Sold
i throughouttheDominionCanadi anDepot Randy Bo. er"boxes of 12 tablets-Also bottles of 24 and lAO- Drngg7ata. ..
mNta for i!to frame-making flowers will be grafted L ne tioiW.744 7t Nei&,.W. It.et.eal y y
DR. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY I With shots of various plants In an �cutietaa soap Amvee.;t tMM. ►spfrfn Is the trade !nark (regtetered In Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mon*-
• Rcetfcacldester of salleyilehtld. Whue it a well known that Asplrtn me*"Saber
EMOSSURG FALLS,Vt..U.S-A- I tort to determine what: species�y manufacture, to ustst the pub3lc ■Rainst Imitations• the Tablets of satrer COMAMW '
4 the role of Intensifier. ` ISSUE No. 17—'2,.. --will be stamped with their tnnerat trade marx. the 'Bays' Cross."
ika, .w .q•'•b .f' .. .M w�,.n.} •S. �;.`H"' .°. b,. J-,,ei•,..� •A3�' Y,,,t, •.✓-•'•,'�. ,J',` :n b.y^~^ap +z.%d' v},,, „�, ,p,•' r n
Had upon to form a,government, pr6greesive party especially -I
ali.d who 'had no Idea of th6ir building country. ood roads, and some 1
strength in the, country. They good legislation bas been'bn' pah*ed, • 'M
-k R -R�
experfed.to be A force in the Leg!- But as is evidently lat.4 Of
Q 4D THOSE CALV�RS Royal Purple Heal
$1.73 M)!ear.; $1.50 it;oeid In advance
tiont; to the ti6ited Cr ly, but they never unanimity in the panty, it' is bard
b StAus and ,t slative Asserab
Britain'412.00 in.&d,0a=e. had a thought-that they.would be to -say whether they have the jEIENJ R. P. Poultry Specific ZED YOUR
called upon to form a govern-meat. same strength that they had at a
------ 7. BED:-Y- OT-T R STOCK R. P. Stock Specific
-OHM MUROR, detor. They have proved -theruselves a the last electiun.
7 AM
i.".'� The date of the Provincial gen
isral elections have been fixed for - O `
al e t 46
Friday, June 25th, And.the nomin. S H
-ittloWs for June'18th. ' The several Toronto otor Car Co. PRICES AWAY DOWN.
a" now busy selecting
parties Limited •
is. York-Brand Creamery Butter 35 Cents
e -ontest, it
r A C
their candidates. and as there are
three.parties in �th' -c f o Us-ed, For
• 1 asible to predict the result.
Choice Dairy Butter 35 C
Thevanipaigo will be�
a �varw one . SENSA- TIONAL - PRICES .1
and in many constituencies'it will All these ears have beeq_traded in as part CHOICE CLEAN GROCERIES
::-be very close. The strength of payment on New Fords. We guarantee GUARANTEE
the UU6, model and year and protect you If yon do not th,"the &r
.� .,the U.F. O. at the Imt general C
against observable defects. .Every car from as is
isei to every- ilit R 10 H A R D S 0
a.r election Wma surprise guaranteed to be as represented. wort:V=nty I briag it
body, especially to the farmers, in within (to days and wet
who had no,expectaii(in *of being The LOWEST PRICES',Ever WiHall"Wth. fUH "'t
Pa an th ase,e parcl of a Z
hl S
Quoted on Used Ford Cars Now Ford.
To buy or self your'farm, costult the Farm Lands Department of
IRSDAY. ZMAY SaDAuction sale of $.50 CASH CASH N $8.1 CASH
choice household furniture.the pro. DOWN $54 The'United f armirs Co,6perative-Comipany,
peaty f Mrs. McMaster, Church St., Limited.
o M -kept
Pickering. SideRt one o'clwit. See FORD TOURING Well 35e4003FLX�
bills. W.& Powell. auctioneer. In Good Condition FORD ROADSTER MIT .DELIVERY A. J. kLLISO�;, Represi.entative, Pickering, Phone Pick. 1509
SATURDAY. Wiy 5TH�Auction sale of Balance$6.SO month Balance$9.50,month Balance $12 menth
household furniture in the Village
of Pickering. property of Mrs. D. F.
Every. Sale at one o'clo*. See
bills, W. IL Powell. auctioneer. XN"LZ rOU TO BUY A FORD THIS rZAA
jOA• vadAy. MAY Iftil—AtICUOU RaIC
of household effects. including bed- ASH An 6-b C"ff HOUSECLEANING SUPPLIES
§ $105 C DOWN 129-"306N $
ding etc.. the prnperty of Miss Irene $ qj1AQ DOW
i Good-lookliur -b designs in Wall Papers
-Rogetra, in the Village of Pickering. FORD SEDAN. FORD TOURING Let us help you by the following list—Newes
7 JWe atone Valock See bills. ' W. FORD COUPE condition In Good chaps In stock. -We ca t Itoa for you if so desire.
B.Powell. auctioneer. I )a
Voirk'Guafan teed.
Balance$17 moA Balaw$22 month Balance$8.50 aiiand
-NDER %S Sherwin-Williams Paints and Vtkrnisbes, Hoore'a blaresco''
For Addition*and Alterations to CASH $118 CASH FORD TRUCKS Johaston's Floor W-atx. . (YCedar Oil,
Pickering. $72 DOWN DOWN Liquid Veneer, Brushes of all kinds,-etc.
Public School. PW
and$19 a month CASE Deal where you get the Square Deal
Tenders will be received tip to Mmy
RM AOADMR soon my for $66 DOWN
10th.*29. for the followfoo trades ; FORD COUPE Trmu: $9 month
Aida envy. PI*Aterinn, Carpenteting. Bab=* $11 month
Steaen Hpatlttg. Pluhibing. Electric Po" TOM-MUCK
"Wlrijig. Painting and Glazing. T. H ORNT, 0N S
Plane and specifications may-be ob-
-1sined from Mr. G. W. Barker,Recre- DRIVING INSTRUCTION* • qP DOWN The Busy, Store, i Broughami-Ont.
Li•v of the Board. Pickering, or Mr. I
Terms: $11 ibmth
S. J. Spalt. Whitby.
The lowest or any tender not neces, $24.50--XPOENIT H $72 cts&ll Paso r,*,v T*VcAr There is a' Reason
sartly accepted. Buys%bu - Good-looking Reliable 4CASIN
JA3&zs RicEIARDSON. ' ' $qS1 DOWN
$150 Cub Devi Balance $11 seath FORD rov rauci S
Chairman of the School Board Terms: $12 menu ickering Hardware - Sere
The& tnents and Include Interest-
aud substantial extra savings for CASE. 'E?
above y terms art far twelve monthly
77 A- IE?j M _M
T 2*1% CINT00 While we always bane a jV stook of used Fords at low prints.now is Ske
I time to buy-wben we are he peak of oar Sprigs business.
W ehave just received a Now is the time to get your-seed for'
-- '
A shipment of the Spring Crop .
anada's Best, Flour
- We hive a complete line of Red Clover Timothy,
"Cknisidn's Lwireat F" Doxiers Abike and Alfalf%.
52-36 JARVIS Sir. m 381
_09fivie's Uusir nowr*or Koo Toltorfm P"04-18 MAIM
All kinds,of package and bulk s6eds for.the garden�
Royal H-Ouseho' Ido
der 'd we wilt
Leave or phone your or an
7 --fill it promptly
Pagtry Flour
Redeeming Victory Coupons
Chopping and Oat Rolling The old reliable Paroid Roofing always on ba6d.
every'week day ON"r neglect to dip your Victory Coupoin when
ad I)Wnfectant—onii trial will
payment is due. - Any branch of this bank will cash Royal Ptirpla Calf Meet, Stock Food a
--All kinds of Feed on hard ID convince you that it Is the best on the market.
7 them—or deposit them to your credit in a-savings
account where they will earn money for rou-by-Wiamulating Our motto—"We
have it, emu get It, or'it Is not made."
I M40 interest.
The Service Gar
' Overhairling,' Painting, all kinds WHITBY BRANCH. P. em, Mamm. Depoift' Your Coupons
L C. CROSS. Manager.
repairing done likaition BROOKLIN BRANCH. WHEN you cut the coupons from you-r Vic-t Band
a spec
ifilty. W or other securities, the logical Place to.CX the=
N6ttrold Ford top re-covered is into your savings account.
for $13.00.- Savings 'Departments are maintained at all our branehe"s and 'i.IL 2
Berry Victory Bond coupons will be receiyed for deposit or sucask.
& Poy - -ter I
..Ber 12 z: Co KER I IN went without charge.
_Lot the-interest from your-investment earn Maio interest im! tke
M A:
w-and Second-
Ne 1111 EAT .. , -ARKET...,.1-111
Hand Machin ery STAN DA
Rbund RosAt or Steak,' ...n' 20%!per lb
TOTAL.ASSETS.,Mawey-Harris urloin Roast or Steak 25c.
Pickering Branch, W. F.Law,Manage•%
Porterhouse Roast or Steak, 25c C. A. McClellan, M
Whitby Branch, anaga
Fine Rib Roast,• 20c
Heavy Rib Roast, •
'Shoulder Roast.' 4 and 16c
14c Pic�erin g, �►�ker A' "
.,Brisket, to boil,
Leg of Pork,. J
'Loin of Pork doiing bu 'i
25c though not settled, we ate s
Shouldet Roast of Pork, We,23c -Altho. 9
new building.opposite
Pork Chops, 2& ill 0 ar
Pore fork Sausage, Wc
'Readyfoi Standard Bank,"' on the
,�. e YOU
Fineit Salt Pork—
Id site where bread has
st BI-eakfast Bacon, piece, Sk
0 rY
..,Spring ? sliced, 88C
-wild Cunred Cottage-Rolls half or whole), been baked for more than 40 years.
CaH and see our Back Bacon. ... . ...
hereby thank our many custoln'eis for their loy'al 'pat.
We It
Cooked Ham, 5be
g the past, 'and also solicit the trade of
Aer* Cushion Tires Meiners 25 ronage durinj
ering community. We are
'-I fead-Chee", the whole Pick
they Will stopptmc-i Easy First and Dbittestic., Shortening, 3 lbs 50 cents here to-serve you'and our regular
5 lbs 80 cents,
I I deliveries are made, whether the roads are bad or not.
'cure troubles. lb print,; IS cents
-hone 9GO
Fresh Trost and White Fish Every Friday Independent p
Thexton Pickering
� W. G. RBID jitiN He R. Monney,
.1' 'N'4
Nrl , U11
T.X.- Ti
Fredericton, N. B., for some time, mins
9014 East due as follows
Alex* Anderson was home over has returned to Claremont. ail e amd Otlmere No. 10 MW 7.57 A IL Fred Lynn, who hag. been 1n aso n � TABLE-Pi
Bunday. Wesley Phillips,'of Chicago, Ill., st 8 Lo"I -2.23 P 3L.
-In the 80 Locil 6.25 P:X
-0. Qostick was in Toronto to visiting in and around Clare
T. matter of the Estate of Robert
Waldo Toms, Late of the Town Sunda train, 7.57 A.X.
ship of Pickering,in the County of Trains _going West due " toHows-
-Qntarto.Farmer, deceased. No. 29 Looal 10.50.A.X
27 Local
Wm. Edwards, who underwent 'G��� 2.44 P.M:
last week-end. moist among friends of his boyhood
Charles Cooper and Peter Shirk days.
motored ho Toronto the first of S'
Notice Is hereby �i�eu. pqrsuant to .9 05 P.X.
the week. an operation for his -eyes -in -To- 9 man
R..S. Q.1914, Chap. 1.21.that-0 credl-
Jos. and Mrs. Evans spent the ronto . claims Sunday train, 9.05 P. X.
is now considerably Im Lora and others having or de-
ekwitbiriends l . I Foregoing Is according Jimt part of this we proved.
manda against the estate of the said to Standard
in Toronto. Dr. E. G. Kerslake, who has juit ;A all-wool. Sweateis, reg 9.30 fo..r Robert Waldo Tunis, who died ori or time.
. Mr. Kilpatrick,' of Brardpton. I graduated from the Veterinary Mali about the Twenty-second flay of De-
visititighla son. Ben., and hire. College, will return to Claremont 5.00 camber, 1922, at the said Township of
Kilpatrick. practice. B 6.50 for -Pickering, are*,required on or before
in a.fa�v days to resume Hay's all-wobol Swea�teris, rig 4
L J.H. and Mrs. Beal spent Sun- 2.75 the First day of,Mav, IM to send by
Ths. E. and Mrs. Stephenson post, repaid. or deliver to the under-
�Iday with J. R. and Mrs. Thexton, and datigii'ter'(" Miss Veta, spent Boy' '5 for signe Solielcor for the Executors of SPRING "GOODS
a all-wool Swealers, ie1j'3.1
of Pickering. Sunday in Pickering with the for 1.75 the last will and testameae of the said ---------
has R."
S. Trueman rented mar's parents, John and Mr,-. Ste- '-1,00, deceased. full particulars of their
Man's woci home-knit Sox. re
Besse's new,residence which he re* nbelison. 9 Prints,Gin hams and Linen Towpling
claims and the nature.of the security,
r 4or•69c. Snow-white'Sheeting of medium-
:cently purchased from. A. Mandl'. H a rry Thoms6n., who has if any, held by them. and that after,
R. Sn"dav been spei)diuz J. How spent over several, W eek,3, i a Men's wool Sox.reg-75c, for 45c. - such last' date. the said' weight. good quality 76 inches
:,A wine at 50 cents per yard;
in Richmond Hill at the 'home of Toronto %%ith"her daughterj-Mr�q, Men's heavy Mitts up to 2.40. for 1.40 Executors will proceed to distribute
his daughter, hire. Archie Andel'• Revnold-4, and in Markham' with" Underwear, reg 1.75, for the assets of the said deceased among Prints all colors and.shades 25c.
Heavv rib 'the persons entitled thereto..having J 'her -,wh, Walter, has returned regard only to the claims of ' Ginghams large Clad check 25e,
*1 gory 1.39 per garment which
R. Besse has purchased Ch w8. tonie. All Linen Toweling for tea and
Men's fleece Underwear; reiil..Z, for they shall ihen' have notice...
store in Brooklin :and will hand towelnig at 2r
89 cents E7ated at Whitby. Ontar.io, this
take immediate Tenth day of April, -1923.
possession. A limited su ply :of *knee Rubber
Elliot i6compelled to give up busi- 11�eale, Elmer Boots
Delay "i's Dangerous Men a C&-ps. tip to 215, for 1.79 f -Claude Field,Leopard white soles and rolled
bunt of Toms, Executors. edges at 4,00.,,
ness for the present on ace
See our new''Gingb4ms. 'Zephyrs
ill-health. By A. E. CHRISTIAN.
up and Prints,also Wall Papers. Whitby. Ontario. We 47 highoetpric6s for
James Briscoe -has ' Opened !hutter and eggs.
Their 8 1 r
a cleaning.and pressing business Now is the time to get your Hat'r- 3'3'-
in the premises owned by, Judson neLas and shoes repaired before A A. SCOTT; Clarem'Dat
Mundy, anl. at present occupied LAREMONT, ONTARIO,
'Ln-cts 5 c sweet
led Spring work begins; im j. ringoia
Charges mod All work neatly and-promptly A Cash Awd tmolft
by Frank ChidloW
aerate. Give him'" a call. attended to. The Pickering
Mrs. Appleton, who has just re
turned from the West, is SPeucr :s=cjk•A6.M 3=1M.A.2;I-TO
ing a few days in, �Claremont *itb 'at the "Corner Shoe Store." Your G raiGr her pslren ts, J Claremont, Oat. -1-lve ound , -v-` u&nce .Committee-
1L.and Mrs. Evans,
9 going to Windsor where AT-THE
before The object of this Association Is t*
she-will reside in future. Iss"Im stealln. d proescuto
The fine spring-like westb4r
the stealing Ha rness S h o
the past- week is welcomed by-t
farmers who-are most anxious to P
be tam bell Flour' 'Mills'
their seeding operations. 0 0 xmosb$we�t2m&Tedistal y,wt any bee
The Bland is drying rapidly.and if . ..W ' rk done while you wait
of 22860mve oommilbee.
the present favorable weather PARMEPM
continue,, next week will see much Now to the time. to see.about your Mambersbip fee SLOIL. 7
the President er:
. .ofth spring work completed. ' in the market for vw inter and -nekou ma,t*ha&tram
'Mrs R. J. How, who had been Harness needs. We are on spipa"Kan.,
Mrs, A
laid tip for about three weeks suf. We' have on hand a good supply M arquis-wheat., oats, barl,ey -Ezsc. Com.-r." D. Banks,O.S.Palos-
fering from S severe attack of the
'Donald Munro, Pickering.
od of Harness and Accessories er.
'flu. left Butt week for Richmond -rye.
at varions prices. .-And. - Inquire
Hill to visit bar daughter, Mrs. J.R.. Thextoit' W. J. Mirk.'
to Give ns a trial and be I - a.-
-Areble Anderson. We regret for prices'
hear that since goltia to Richmond, convinced.
as been suffering from a
MiUs. Co., Ltd.
severe attack of Ca ' pbeU Flour
Hill she h euritis and is Good Sh.be'Repairing Service
' under the- doctor' care, but we
1VMS at �� '
are glad 6 know that she is now CECIL BRADLEY
7-Improving. Harness maker,
The roads are now getting into Toronto -.Peterboro Hard and. Soft Coal of the first-clan condition. The road. PICKER-ING, ONTARIO
overseers have been busy the past b-bat quality on
week going over them With the hand
road drags and scrapers putting
them-into good shape. The use of
'these Implements at the pro
-time saves a great deal of expense C=t-
-which would be Incurred if they
were not used. The council have
wisely It& iner" tug the
3311luber of them throa0out the
Don't forget the drama,entitled
*•my Brother's Keeper,"to be pre.
Sal] next If-I. Havetroughing -
seated in the Town
May 4th. by the
day evening,
'Brooklin Dramatic Club, under
General Repairing-7
'• lb -,the auspices Of Brougham Union
Lodge, A-F. & A. M. This Is a
splendid dmm^and is -well pre
We have secured the ser
seated by the Brooklin POOP16,
and is drawing the, houses wher- 'Vtcw'of a 4ret-cLass Tim-
IN 'ten -years -,ffie Fdrc r
I ca
-over,given. Don't miss It. Ad-
=Ust a. reserved mats, 35 cents-
smith and are prepared
has assed the street car, 7
rush maw, 25 cents. The plan or
and . A0 Mai"a satisfactory job
the h&IW may be men, at D. A. the CoTse and buggy
.-,Scott's store. the locomotive as a means on anything in this line.
Mr. and Mm Readmign, of Vaa-
0han.Luther Bowes. of Peterboro, of transportation. 'LAC us give you an esti-
and several other friends met at The 7.
Ford has given the
&te.. on ady work you
�. tbehomeof Joseph and Mrs.Read. In
in one day last -m-eek to help --- .,,-public transportation.-which
-.41 r. Read min Sr.celebrate big 84tb combines all '.the' advantages -have to do-it will cost
most pleasant social
all: 'which -other me nothing.
tints was spent The cosy methods offer
-residence was decorated with an W 'X. 0
beautiful roses. and- ith none -of their disad- 0 P I It
abundance of beg . I .. . -1
the diune'r table was' laden with WW AND vantageg.
abundance of good things. in It- is giving . the 'railroads
joluding turkey and all the spring V6RVrA
justice. TWSE PRICM jr I- competition in fast
delicacies, to which all did
J r dinad is M e IdW Gracel Stors
d . FteW remarkably Fter-
ive for a nian of his advanced --., .,.-pross-country transportation�
-years. and we hope be , way --be it hias 'ousted the street Headquarters for
spared to on loy many moie birth- Touring
-.-.,car in ready convenience and
:-,days. Coupe $695 0
A happy event took place at the lowmileage costs. Good Groceri
-residence of D. M. find Mrs. Mor. SedW $785 -Doa't fail to call when in town
gan when their youngest dangil. It has pushed the horse
ter, Melissa Alice, was nutted by (3VU* $345 and buggy completely into Butter, Eggs
1081,riage to William Rideers
-,the 'discard in low-first cost
�Coates, son of George W. and'Aire. ..4
The ceremony was ol- 'and-coates, a a Poultry
Zmgaox T . low maintenance costs.
.4 =4 nd
-emnized by Charles W. KIDS and Voc i.
STA"CAfto Wanted all the time and YOCO�sc after- d
took place on Wednesday The number of people who
good prices pal,
r, whicili a daiinty
buy Ford cars' will t the
noon last.z'After, se .Vb -
wedding breakfast was served; one,Clare SON
and later on the bridal, pair took lice of Ford cars'.
train-for Toronto for a brief bon.
Miss Adelaide Coates,MOOD. CLA".MONT, ONTARIO
the bridegroom's sister,played the
-h and the.bride was
wedding mare Collacutt, Pickering, 0
.givefi away by her father. The
bride was dressed in a sand-coloi
td silk crepe voile with corsage of
pink roses. For her ,travelling
snit was becomingly gowned in
• navy blue. On their return on
.8sturday evening a jovial party
of• yon-og friends surprised the
bride and•groom with a shower of
7q . of all materials and dealwn
sundry useful household articles,
Closing the Pvening with light re kept in stock. It will ps, you
nail st oar works ar d Juspeol our stoat
freshments nnd "bon voyage w i obtain prioss Don't be w1ded.
their-es" in which this paper with agints we do not employ them,ofts"umon
ImAny other friends heartily join. ly we asm, and do throw off the wul
4.Tbis wpek was spent mostly in commission of 10 per asut.,mblob YOU W2
and around the boniesteadg. Mr. oertainly gave by pumh"ing from VA
isild Mrs. Goates will reside in *all fouall".
Huntsville where the bridesgroom T. T. MATHESON
ISc d tod
ornALSOloiSt in celebra
yin; •«r,:# .y.?:,,{ ,- ''t°''.° ?' ? ....I •.�''h�c- ,.r.- ?lr .<' .rr •!S,- „ .`.t'„ Y, ,�• t� "*t _ . .,-'w',-4.:' %`x�„�,we k' •V§sa.i, y,3y'• ..a'
���a'•ga •'�.; 7'1,�.;.,: kY•;5'ss�.;Sr,u' ...$• " '..�,. *.. �qy.•.<.:� •p•. 2+' '••«,e•.• c, "' ..�' '}=*"..-.:.�,' ''�' ✓•• '•^rK .. ,E•' 'I''R:•,-,�r ^O'St3'c,.- J�� �•
,r ' ,,,[ •ym.. y ,;k - •i..• d• i.. •„""' S',,,- " ,,-1.. r' r-'-a ,^ ;?Tr,.- w`fc.' x �i`:�:+t
`yy, �'y-:`, .y'{. `�.S: ., ::c ".y_.,e�•, +'s"�' .. .t:' S.Y''•`' 4,S�r r;_,,,, ,y . �
a.,i, .:.�'. "• h i"-!'.'n. .. Jf• „•
•.- • • Then my senses became,normaL I.f ;
- Tom. NURSES ,
! way- _� � Mimed my eyes with a start _Around Somewhere there'a a willow-bidding.-. -
my arms, wrists, and legs were cords, In a bollow by the river. '
The'Toronto Hospital for Itwar-
- binding me to the heavy armchair in able&, In affiliation with Bellevue and
which I sat. Something soft filled my the autumn leaven 31e sodden, Allied Hospitals, New York City,
:^ : Turning aid the pool to brown; otters a three );ears, Course of.Train-
.,_-__ _ _ month and pressed on my tongue, Theses a thrash whob building early. inss to roans women. having the re-
. _ while a handkerchief was bound tight qulred education, and desirous of be- -
ly around m jaw. With his feathers all a-stdver, coming nurses. This Hospital ban
Y j ado ted the eight-hour stem. The
And the ma le sap is ris p 7
The next'thing I noticed was that p — pup ils receive uniforms'o the so���pp4
But I'm glad that I'm.in town. a monthly allowance and ttava111n
,the,fire was now nothing but a dead expenses to and from New York. 8'ns
_ mesa of flaky Cray ash I lifted my = further Information apply to the _
head, and.saw that the old man was somewhere out there in the country Superintendent.
~: r,-. standfng by
my- side. He seemed to There's a brook' that's. over•flowiyg..
And a Quaker pussywillow
—.'-perceive that I 'had returned to con- A Strong WIN.
s'sclousneaa. Sews w
- grey velvet n her gown; I've Just been reading about
f „ e "
the young fly has become en=`Atteyhee whisper to each other power of will. It's a wonderful thing."
mss in the web o!,the ecome old That marsh marigolds are showing,
e spider,"
he, said softly. t? And those saucy crocus follows— makes seeyn children and twent two
ANT But I'm glad that I'm in town. y
f He came forward, and once more „r grandchildren behave themselves."'
finger tips passed over my face.
�'ACKE'r TZA IN NfyRTH 'AMERICA. his fin Long ago,when we were yoanser, ,
Yes,you are ready, I heard.him say, flAlnard s Liniment for Corns and Warts ;
f I put in the port only Just sufficient How those little things enthralled t}a;
to make you sleep a little while. I
King-bird nesting in the hedges, The sugar content of maple �p '
gip, 1 shallows, eons; it is higher following year of,
have barely finished tying you u Baby field-raids soft as down; varies a d deal according to ees
i Ss. Yea, you are ready: p� Muskrats fa.the sun-warmed $hall •:
'•., I watched him as he stood'with his Strange how all these voices
called us luxuriant foliage. It ie usually about
'< vacant eyes starving before him- Hark, was that a robin singing? three per cent.; that is,it takes thirty.
�� "Do You ?" When's the next train out of town? two gallons of sap to make one gal ?`
�.. y know why you are here?"
He paused as though it were possible -Sabel Ecclestarne Mackay. Ion of syrup. _
ll i for me to reply.
.. Nearly - -
��.., ''• _. . „ '., •'' � �` '•• : 9 fifty Yearn," he began Uati�mlltar.
PY•LUCK WILLIAMS. agai>3,with that waderfal silken qual-
ity _ _'
of tone e`}tave II been living sin the T e Old
by my daughter. She sunset
eat der Always studied
ways alone. It's not that. It's color abroad several years." �±
PART L and never once did he fumble. Soon' I've craved for all m lice--diving, The Yong Man—"Ah, yes; I undo:` , 5 ,
the room was brilliant in the yellow Y
As I passed the partly open door on vivid color. There is only one way in stand now. I can't remember having
the third landing I suddenly stopped- light which. I tan obtain it That is with seen a sunset like that inn,our country.,, ,
Fxnm'inside the darkened room there I looked curiously at the occupant,, die--the music of my violin."
stole a meway, sort ana MoUR y- , with--soft_ - 1 t z,
silver hair and•beard. His face would t - =o .Gautnhs d iCo da -
have held the usual placid expression Forces Plant Growth. . '
I am a, music-love= generally, but of the sightless, bat for the fact that
y allow my brain was caught in a loop of g Promising results" have attendee a ,l
g his mouth was bent in a hard, re- (stomas experiments crith forcing the PATENTS _
� r'.siren sound, from which I had no do- pellent curve. - His open eyes, dull, growth of plants by adding carbon i
• �
mire to free myself. It seemed to eddy motionless, made me think of win- dioxide to the air surrounding then. bring opar rthe largest Y return can ��`'�a'�' •+asL�^`+ '�
and swirl around me like the breath dows heavily,whitened on the inside ' � write with oonAdernce to our for M. whole hod is re-
f std' incense. Winn its wailing notes ng - Donkey Rldeal - o e L>psot cam a paa�anuL i lazed, the ironing is
so that no one an see through them. 41dl,sad
were wistful, I, too, felt exquisite He caught up his violin-sec though '• pondenoe invited. done far more
"-!yestaia(�a, and when it rose into a again to make it whisper and cry and London.—The child of i2, wino wrote stases: 00. the end of your ironing finds
'''rlrli and vibrant volume, my own the follow", is evidently better up is teat Attornq s ou with unfired aama Lad
sing with the cunning God had given an staal7t ilia Ottawa~ Ors, y _
heart throbbed to Its eestaaf- Sad- the events of the day than In the wrists, B you iron the
his hand, but with sudden decision ha i -. -- -
.,u dsnly�-It seemed as unnatural as the works o! John Banyan:
replaced St on s chair: ,
i; abrupt ceasing of a stream—it "So-the fly, quivering with its gauzy" THE PILGRIMS PROGRESS • ':
} The pilgrims are going on donkeys
i „ gipped. irridescent wings through the, sun-lit ' of West
"C me inside, young man, come tn- air of youth, has bravely entered the to see Tutaakliamea's tomb. They �WS Best
r. aide,'* said a silky voice from within silken toils of the patient old q come from a long way.
Ts the roam: he said. P _waezclutd e e thumb rest, an _. ..y
Hesitating, I pushed open the door. "Why—why do you use such sues „ Hotpoint feature,
relieves all strain from
and stumbled into the darkness. At words?" I stammered. wrist,and makes ironing an
:. '
the•other end of the room, casting a. He1�ghed, such a laugh as is born agreeable duty,rather than
"::llt'tle reflection outside its own orbit, of eterdal blackness. • - "weary
For tam eleabasevery-
. was a daily Slowing fire„ sunk in the '"Don't you remember." he acid, � where.
4 + .blackness like a treat misshapen ruby. "that Dire. Hain told you I was 'not, 1 "'� " 7Rab in cssads"1►y - ..
You are the young man who has quite the thing'? It's nothing, my ` Otl �� Canadian.General B�aa ak Ce.,
come to live in the top room?" asked young friend.
It's only that in the `�` itorlea
• •the voice. as ottie.; - Toronto
darkness I crave for color, and-some
"Yes, 'and you ass— I began. words are colors. To me they are
+�+�� s -— -
"Oh, our mutual landlady. Mrs. the game as butterflies are to you,
Rain, bas told you of me," went on dazzling splashes of crimson- and — -
"' the smooth votes. "I'm old Mr. Get- le and n Boating thro the '."_".'. '".
._, PAP !iZ'� g ugh r ._ „__„,,,.,,
t10. tlye blind taafi. 'a little queer ca a3rt” I ��1'1/r R+' 4 wL ,F. . ,1'faiein April 23 to 28 ..'.
F top,' as Mrs. Hain always tells ber" "So you there not always—r I_
now ledgers, 'but perfectly harmless ventured for something to say.
but for the fact that his mouth Was "No. I could ace until I was three,
His laugh, as he ended, Sometimes even 'now I - DOLLED UP. i` s
possessed all the silkiness of his voice, a great mass of wonderful brazen Mrs odle.t at lovely me, lle?"gave
your poodle.Lhat lovely marceile.
yet it was an eerie laugh. blue—the summer sky,I suppose ' • Mrs. �flphile—"He had it when we
"I happened to be passing the door, But let one touch your face. I Want I bought him and we liked-it-*o-well--me.- f yl. • �:
and I'paused to-bear your violin, I to tell it .' !•' :
I shrank back instincts paid fire man fifty dollars extra to give Off` .y r i•�, •�
hastened to"I board yo tut man. And then, ashamed, let him approach.
Iiis him a permanent wave."
You, Yo. g
would you care to hear more of my cold fingers came lightly over my face
-playing?" and though their touch was but_�w � _
"I wotild,"was my reply. Some`ltaw mentary, there was something gneerl Yr,.�
' _
g gas Y played passage. ._.• •-• -j.
,.'. I was feeling tar from comfortable. tenacious in their assn For see- . :
-Then light the No, Ill ends the Za d over m e ea almost +�""'� .. -'
see to it Light isn't necessary for lovingly.
"•� rk-me, but I know you'd. prefer not to "But I'm forgetting myself" wag Have O Tried � -
sit in the darkness." his declaration. "I'm not doing the �' -
I. ' I heard him go to the gas bracket, duties of host properly. I'm selfish. a i L_'' - -
You must have a .glass of wine with rs - _ fi=.your va&�OOCOisZ
' I demurred, but he insisted. With
"• - -
?� ►
wonderful sureness he went to a cor- N IM�big,brown loaves
o� Order from your grocer't13'
ner cupboard, and after a minute or old-fashioned full-fruifed s neighborhood bake shop.
so returned to me bearing a glass of > smsi>s bread? Say you want the bread
' '
aline. It was Port, sickly stuff, and —- r; ibToix the raisin flavor tbs� that's made with sun-maid
curiously sweet, but I drank it as
well as i could „ . ..:-.these --
�"- . loaves, Good raisin bread L a tars
He took up his violin again, and i:J,: ,:.,> , •` - Count the big, plump,tt3ti+ combination of the benefits of
WMG �' •,
be Whetherlit was one of th 17 �. B .1ux7 raisins beach slices gmtritlo d good and fruit—both
e works of It's stern rahiri read--6e mod and good for you,so serve x
some master composer, a rare old , it at least twice a weeL -
mek1idy, or just that he extempori,:ed,
Treat loud you're looking for. !Use most raisins In your cabm
Grow GLaadiae 81°seii,sat I do not know.' At first the music was puddings,etc-,
prowl s} asast aetlasi wild, te}npestnoaa, making me think eryolie in the family will Ready-baked to save b ` You gran be offered other
foe yoar;'teeth, also of a storm,raging and hurtling across enjoy the delicious REN'ts ins a home. Delicious and ids that you know lea well
�tswtVO 00 erevfees the earth in blind fury to destroy all INVINCIBLE Jelly Pow alai want b a bat know
stud eleasauNg Were. __ things in its path. sera. in=L , t Sva-is hot the kind -
As you
too, IV ages Slowly the-storm died away, and in Sixteen Fruit Flavorings. We've arranged with bak- ' is s°°d: Indst, tberef°rr, °u a
Al•ea�floss. the sweet rhythmic whispering that Easy to ranks era in almost,eve town and gas-Maid brand. They cost no
a followed I.seemed to be near a tin Ecosos,ical.
more than ordinary raisins.
Ilse W1tlIGL1EY•8 alter Y
city to bake this full-fruited mail coupon for free book of
snnery meal—see 'bow babe, resting on its' mother's breast. "'s} Pao p Seers Llaet �bread, keted Sua-Mald ridpes,
aaneil0t better you will . I could*hear their two breaths•wing _ • -
leet. ling in a carious harmony, broken Ask f os _
only now and again fly a sudden catch McLAREN'S
.. in the mother's breath as thou h she ' :,.� SUN-MAID
suffered some sudden fear for her tiny -•.� L�
offspring. -Made by MaLARENS LIM1TEn, Ti1C SLl�fZ'elIIe Bl'C Rf n
' F�BVOf�SfS I was becoming drowsy. My eye-
Hamilton and R'ianit+eti. 7
,. lids. seemed to be swollen and heavy; r
•• b3? and I closed-mom eyes. How sweetly Sun-Maid Raisins are grown and packed In California by
-- Sun-Maid Raisin Growers, a co-operative organization cam
- ,
.F the mother and babe were sleeping. r �" prising 14,000 grower membem
Once I lifted my reluctant lids and' Hm Off
noticed that those of the blind violin- • ��•.uM
r.s: ist Alsd dropped over his empty shells !tltuted your CUT THIS OUT AND SEND IT
of eyes. Again 1 closed mine. ' The S� 't _
fir. i
music became softer and softer. My `, I Sun-Maid Raisin Growers.
Y Fresno,California ,
own deep breathing was now.drawing as
t in time with those I seemed to hear I• « Please send me cop of your• free boo"
• . • I Recipes with Raisins.
But I was floating away—away
from the gentle rise and fall of those �.
sleepy sounds; I . r . • ` t NAME..
Slowly my brain returned to con-
' Y' ..
sciovsneas. Fir§t I became aware of • _ __ _ '"�' •
i•,;.•; 9 , • i lw Packs t ' Cm ET.._ ._..____..Pnovtxca._._.._..._.._.._ �';
the peculiarly stiff
r � pecu y position I was in. ,
j There was a burning pain around n>ry 8 f 1
I ankles and wrists, and I felt I was I 1
choking. ISSUE No. 17---123r
•..•�x�•„"^S!A. ;J ,y. ' -.,...; °''+'�+ y ^�''s,•--y..•wL,.y..r+.•:v'�7.ij�:i `� •%;..• a"¢„,wwa�;-•°.. ..,°.;. .!'.' �r,a•:+""L'7,c� .a +;�:.°"
"'�+° •;v';..: «,1>s'�etf..?^'yP�,•a: ,,s9. �: -`'Aua ;°; '• ,'°4'�,'.�' < p'•"' """,�•a"A' .+.. ', -,•`�•.'a�e. ,,,.`d,�" N, yF4c .We w y! ,y,•.4'"a. ,y, ,;, ", ''.
R-^I ei " _ Ku - _ `r•%L. 'sC ° .'£ '�•s^.', .r*. r pit'_`,s �M f*!r• ""' i. ''L_• �.'t� z. '`4 -.4. -� •°` .=. Ei• a�'�b
vw, .
:•* ;' r;u,S�, ' '• A'y .xv .�w•. u, -...•. "- s,•#... d" c.•�a'i„'"'.a:L,' ••.s':SC' a" ,' F 'Yi•' r ''•°,." '- 6''�"".sy x
'�.A' �t.k;s �+ ti ;�,'4,v t- w .,,n �r .' '-w 7":.r •3:�• - a '�i ".wa_. a;..T.., .� •t.0 j` .'? •i .•Bald v,
-ar.•,a-- "h 7k>t+Kw. •aA ;°• .,•t�4c#- &., .1 r•rx• <Y�±.'• '•s^`Y..,d•'r < .�r, 1-"T' "r' '? .'r.-:>:^.�:'d''-Piz^.•. y r-n• s!• ,.�i'r tir+�.Sc' ..,'�
,•rr7:,'w•` .:� ,wt"i_. m., - !ti7i:' 't: .d,7;, '.F.. •,`
'-',;- y sSs�_.ybt. 'c;a• r., .,,,v .•s "++[r a� 't..� .Ct'.. _ a'!-,•nu;, .. :faV ':+.'.e�'. .,,.
- WEDDING-OF PRINCE AND .COMNER : ..w Soviet Russia Barred from,,
Conference Until W to
April 22 Not since ' P" ` '
the turned into a bannered pavilion for `: k .,,. >r: °;:'M �
Sinn Straits Convention. rte.
P �;pr.;ri5:r• �:aw:. k '°;:gin:>,`.;.
day thirty years ago, when Bing their eathusiastie well-wishers. The s.�^� r ';:s><;.::y '" , Lausanne Aril 22.-The s to
V as a windows of offices shops and even :•:: YY >. P - fie
George the Duke of York, led % { ':< all set for a resumption to morrow oil '
his Royal-bride to the altar,.has Great, Private houses, have already been
<;: :: . •.. the Near Eastern Peace Confetenoe, ,
i-. rented to persons who hav%come from a '... %,:;.,:,,,sk:>'<:. which was so dramatically ended
Britain prepared herself for such a �reo x4 ;
gala wedding fete as will be celebrated parts of Great Britain and from <>: ,;<;?; ;>: �. <,.:>< ,;•'<a:y•. February.` :r
` be oad the seas. o " #s>
on Thursday nett, when Prince Al- "Yon :,: <,' ? . .;. ,:.;; The,outstanding feature of the reJ
Already some laces of varAage are
s. . ' g
bent, Duke of York, weds Lady Eliza- y P '; " %.:. ::::<;:�< ;:;;:. sumed conference is the elimination o -
,C .r:,w,s, .Cf r/ Yk:::fM:
bath Bowes-L oti Ea Westminster bringing big prices. One Routh Am- ,' Soviet Russia. The correspondent of,
caAbbe . eri & ancier paid 100 guineas for the Associated Preen learns-that Moa-I
two windows in Parliament Street. :�>•. cow di i
All plans for the great occasion are diplomatically sought an hnvita-
•'- But, in all this' rush for seats these
Completed and it only remains to put unfortunates who returned from the s'�y f tion to participate in the conference
the finishing ouches to 'the' scene .>. R Y but that the inviting powers-Gres :
Or staging Royal las Great War grievously'wounded have Britain,.France and Italy-returned al
Sing y 1mg�t.
- -' not been forgotten. A stand aecom- ' s I polite negative. Russia has been told,' "
.Which the wort thrilled b the ro- G w;„;::;c;.;• ''.: •x'
d' y •modatine 800 of them has been con
rr '13=ee of the young -prince's wooilig K :{ it is said, that she was invited to th�
strutted on the line of the proceasio$ >.. first conference to discuss the Strahtd '
'of a subject of his own land, has been
:;<. €. ;. ..:
near the Horse Guards. '�i s :s; :;.?:;;;";. _;;.;:. :: Convention only, but that she poliely
1lagerly waiting.
.k;, y
g To handle the enormous assemblage �;:� s. : ,, R> announced a refusal to sign:. this ... .
London herself will be decked like �',the streets there will be on duty ".'` 's: :r:<; :. = treaty, on which all the other.coon- -�
a bride in all the finery of her eiikea 7,500 foot police,✓200 mounted men and r tries
, including the Turks, were In'ac-
tap.-and banners, and everybody in 1,000 specials. Traffic along the route
the United Kingdom-we21, 'almost of the Royal cord: and that if any time before the
.' y procession will be sus- ,,>;,<:
adjournment of the conference Russia.
...A 1-"Y, it seems-will be here to pended for some time before the car- :�: l `% ""' 4. has changed her mind the conference
+catch a, glimpse of the winsome bride
hinges appear. ray hall always will be open and the allies
and ent lover'and lend a hand'ia
_ The ceremony is the Abbey will last %h will be delighted to see her.
the festivities which will be held ��gua�re of an hour. In the ;i`> Economic and $Wencher clauses o! .
4rwrywhere Thursday nigliR. Those nave of the Abbe 600 rivileged `''`
Abbey P ;;. 'the treaty caused the collapse of the]
unfortunate"enou h not to be able '
'Y g guests w�ll see the ceremony'of a life. first Near Eastern Conference and:
dome to London will be regaled with time from tiers o!' seats specially these must now be settled. But the
the wedding story told by wireless built, and,2,000 -other seats will.be question of judicial guarantees for s
�� plated In the nave and tranace
8�dreds o! thotiaands of le The weddin will lurnish am at foreigners probably also will be rem
people g gre opened by the allies. Great uneasiness
are expected to line the' route of the occasion for the famous Abbey bell-
exists am`oag foreign residents o1
wedding procession to and from.the ringers, who will la a l of Sted-
5 play P� Constantinople and other Turkish
Abbey, arid, in addition to the stands man's Triples, consisting of some five cities because they henceforth may bei
erected near Westminster for thousand changes, which was .first = -
- entirely subject to Ottoman- laws, w�
i - +m, every building past which the taught to their predecessors about the . without any privileged proteetiv
..Duke and his bride will dride will be year 1668. treatment. In an endeavor to induce
the Turks to sign the treaty in Febru-` F„
FLOOD SMATION THE BRIDEGROOM AND* 1418 BRIDE ary the French and the Italians mad
Iastminute concessions-by which fo
.sW:3 IMPI:xoV�MENT One of the rarest pictures to reach Canada of Prince Albert, the fling's tign legal m advisers to appointed
second son, and his bride, Lady Elisabeth: Boweo-Lyon, whoarriage ' PPo
the Angora Government, would be . 'h
Waters Abate at Portage la tool: place on April Z6. prince Jaberf is shortly to be made a Governor- formed of all arrests and all domk
PrAWO B t Cantinm to General of one of'the Dominions.representing the King. his lather. iary searches affecting foreigners.
• -- -� Lord Curzon, British Foreign
R� at W Market R ntary' � left Lausanne, and Gres r`
Winnipeg, April 22.-Although the - - e ---- Britain whose- colony_ in Turkey '
from Brandon did not austaib numerous, never accepted tMa eon
the hope that the flood there had cession, and, as the peace treaty wa4�
reached its peak,improvement was re-' TORONTO. Potatoes, Otitarioa-Na 1, ;1.O:f_W not signed, both France end. I `
posted from Portage is Prairie, half- Manitoba wheat-Na 1 Northern, $1-10;S Smoked 2, $1 to ;1.06, consider this question ' still on
way between Winnipeg 132. Smoked meats-Hams, mad., 25 to
peg oad Brandon. Manitoba oats-Nominal. 27c; cooked hams, 85 to 40e• smoked agenda- Like Great Britain,
�' Manitoba barley-NosninaL rolls, 26 'to 28c• cotta roi�a, 28 to probably will insist that all
Taken generally; the indications to- fie
t are that there will be a adual All the above track, Bay port. 80 foreigners will be
nigh gi $ SOc; breakfast bacon s or searches of forei
recession of the Assiaibofae River and Am corn-No. 8 yellow, 8tc; No. char brand breakfast bacon, 85 to 88e; by the Turks in accord,and with t*
its tributaries, which for days have` 2, 9714c. backs, boneless, 84 to 40e. foreknowledge of foreign advisers.
inundated the low-! I Barleyy-Maltin 59 to Me. aceasd• Cared aeeab--Cons clear bacon. 60
trsl '11a<anitoba, driving land inn- inter to treighta oateida to ?0 lbs, $28.50; 70 to 90 lba., $18;
_ dyed people from their h Buckrvheat�-No. 2, 78 to ?Sc. lbs. and up, $37; lightweight rolls, F Mg Floats K
homes, and'- $ye-No. 2,•79 to 81c. in barrels, $35.50; heavyweight roll, Over Gesr113iit! City]
eausing extensive property damage, Peas-No 2, ;1.45 to i1.b0. $32.50.
The river to still running high at llinfeed-Del, Montreal freights., Lard-Pure tier 16 to 16%0; E g `
:'Portage La Prairie, where residents - bags inelnded:. Bran, per ton, $29;I . 18�li to 17e; 17 to 17%c-
pea+ April 22.- or the first
were compelled to leave their homes A Canadian Explorer shorts per ton, $81; middlings, ;86; pshuts, 18%e. S rtening tierces, the Preach Bag was hoisted in Eseezi
14% to 15%c'; tubs, 15% to 15'Ac; home of the.Krupps and fad
on Saturday morning,when-the banks VilhJalmur Stedanaaoa, who is now 'good fjeed flour, $2.25 to ;2.2li. i print 17% to capital of the Ruhr. It went u to-' "•
of the Assiniboine. gave way west of visliin;Toronto,says that Canada has Ontario wheat-No. 2 white, ;1.20 �a. i6lE to 18 c: p
t6 $1.22, according o freights outside. 18%a +day to the sound of the Mare dllaise� £=.'
the city, and flooded the went end of as area twice as ]sage as the United Ontario Na 2 white oats-49 to 51e. Heavy steers, Choi $7.60$7.60 to $8; when General Desseas reviewed tb�
the cfty and railway yards. The water)States to be developed in the norw Ontario corn-Nominal butcher steers, choice, 16.75 to $7.50; fps,
_ has receded fourteen inches, and the}sad recalti the time when Europeans Ontario i}onr-Ninety per cent. pat, dO+ gam. $6 tA'$6.60; do, med., S5.25 �gag In now flying over the roof
blasting of an ice jam mat of the city,I believed the world uninhabitable north in jute bags, Montreal, prompt Chip- to "; do eom., $4.50 to $5; butcher of the building abandoned by the Ger-'
it is bell anent, $5.20 to $5,20• Toronto basis,i heifers, c'hotce, $6.76 to $7.25; do,
sued, will afford great'relief,of the Alps. ¢5.05 to 86.ib; balk seaboard, $4.95 to man coal syndicate t before the
med., $$66 $6.60; do. cum., $4 0 to
. . .... and completely save_the situation. ' $5
to inches,C ut now show an inclination BRITAIN TO PARDON 68 y� $7.10 u r haripel dad co ts.,i ners a docutters,$3.50
1.50 to $4.50;btcher reresmtedyeve y Sunday hoisting
morniM it is
back" and eclipse former. OLD DERVISH CHIEF ;8.6p. bulls, good. $4 to $b; do, cam., $3 to decalared; until farther orders. x
records, They ose in the earl hours Ray-Extra No. 2, per ton, , fbed good $6 to $6.50•
ry y y track.�$4• ing steers,
Of the day about nine inches and Toronto, ;14; mixed, $11; clover ��gg. do, fair, $5.60 to $8; ntockera �dd
Now Nearly One Htin�'ed straw-Car lots; per ton, track,Ta'$5 to $5.50; do, fair, $4 to $5• calves, Cited a ..
afterwards remained more or less eta- ronto, �. I choice, ;10 to $i1.b0; do met.. $8 to tI>te World•
t(°aary Years t7ld;and in Prison Cheese-New, la 2aC; twins, 87: do, coif, $4 to $5;' mihch Gown, C'r'la`�
rge Q
_ for Z3 Years. 26%c; triplets 28c; Stilton, 29e. Old, choice, $70 to $90; springers, $Choi a, A despatch from Los Angelan, CaL,' ,
iv Z0,0�,�0 F'1>Ih Rea la 31 to �2c; twins, 88 to 81c;I to ;100; lambs, choice, says:-The time'wiII come when the
ESQ Ready A despatch from London sa rrggee , springs $25 to choice, arise ys:-
' - P �'- Stiltons, 85e. 15.50• do rip
- at GOVer[EMOnt Plant after twenty-three years; in prison, ' United States will bny its wheat from
Batter-Finest creamery prints, 42 choice, $8 to $9; o, culls,' 4 to to Joseph L Brit.
9s Dim ":...:_� t0. 41 fed -and
-acrd American Consul Geaersl at
A despatch from Kingsville, Ont, for sixteen years defied British troops, t-0 42c; dairy, 2 to 27c• cooking, 24c. $11.25; do, f.o.b., $10.35 to $10.60;"do, fin'
•says:-Ten million eggs of whitefish may be pardoned and returned.to his Eggs--New Isida, loose, BSc; new country points, $10.10 to $1025. Winnipeg, now visiting in Los An-
and h the laid sin cartons, 87c. es. "I-believe Canada is the
. erring, largest hatch ever tribe. He 1a nearly 100 years old,and � MONTREAL. � 8'�t•
_;made here, ,fill be carried out by the the Foreign Office will be asked in �Y Chickens, milk-fed, Corn, Am. No. 2 yellow, $1.02 to eat wheat- producing country on r
rameat tugs two miles into Lake the House of Commons Monday to free over b lbs, 25c; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 2be•,$1.03, Oats? Can. West, No. 2, 68 to earth," he said. "Our commercial re-
do,a do, over 6 lbs 2dc• do 4 to 5 lba, 2f - No 8 63 to 64c lations are close and
' - •,- . 'Erie and turned loose. The moving out -him. • • to 24c• do, 2'to 4 lbs., 18 to 21c; hens,��' do, , extra No. 1 Profitable. 'We
: of the ice recently dedded the hatch- In the Sudan in 1884 at the head of over b lbs., to lb 4 to b Ibn., ens I feed, 61% to 62c; No. 2 local white, have the consumers, and Canaan for.'
'F _ 4ry officials to make the"dump" 10;000 Dervishes he broke a British do 8 to 4 22c• roosters, 17c• 60 to 61c. Flour,Man. spring wheat years to come will be producing food-
1 ``On!fur tl5►er la4s of time. . re b a wild charge I pats., lsta $7.30. 2nds, $6.80; strop
ague y and tempor- ducklings, over 5 lbs.,80c; do, 4 to pa g stuffs in large quantities. .The Can-
' : . arily captured British guns, Finally lba•, 28c; turkeys, young, 10 lbs. and bakers', ;6.60'• winter pats., choice, adians are a splendid, alert, progres.
up, 80c. $5.80 to $5.90. tolled oats,bag 90 lbs., dbe people 111
Kitchener, then a colonel captured - $3.10 to $3.20. Bran,$28. Shorts, $30.
:�pe�on Eby ' his camp, but Osman later won it ' Dressed Poultry--Chickens, Middlin ,
fed, over 5 lba., 35c;do 4 to 5 Its., 8s ;3b. Bay, No. 2, per ton,
Planes to be Held in England back: Kitchener was wounded in a 88c• do over 5 lbs.,80c;ao,4 to b lbs., car lots, $13 to $14.
fight with Osman's Dervishes in 1892. 25c; do, 2 to 4 lbs.. 25c;,bens, over 5 Cheese, finest easterns, 1611/.
Butter, choicest c 82 c.
A despatch from London says:- _The old mans last effort was made Its., 90c; do;4 to 6 lbs., 28c• do, 8 to � creamery, �
The Daily Mail offers a prize of£1,000 in 1898 'when at the head of 85,000 4 lbs., 24c; roosters, 24c; Ducklings.,,Eggs, selected, 86c. Potatoes, tt
over' 5 lbs., 80e; do, 4 to 5 lbs., 29e; Per bag, car lots, $1.30 to $1.35.
for the�longest flight-not less than men he again attacked the Britith. He 1
'-fifty miles--of an airplane with. an had been appointed Emir of Emirs turkeys, young, 10 lbs. and up, 40c. Fair y-good steers, averaging 1,090 ;,; •.
Beans-Can., hand-picked, lb., 7e; lbs., $6.75; poorer steers, $6.25; do,
engine of 7% horsepower and one gal- and Governor of Berber, but the primes,Buse, com., $5.50; com. and med. dairy cows,
_ Jon of fuel. The competition is open Mandi's overthrow ended his influence Ma Ie pproducts-Sprnp, r imp. $3 to$4; ocm.bulls, $3 and up; calves, Z
to the world, and will take place in and be was captured in 1900. . He has gal., 12.50; per 5-gal. tin, 92 40 per ii$5 to $5.75, fairly good and med.; do,
England next September. been in jail ever mace.. gal. Maple sugar, b., 23 to 25c. I com., $4 to $4.50; do, very com. and
Honey-60-1b. tins, lids to 12c per cull lots, $3.50 and $3.75. Hogs, good
CONSUMER PAYS HIGH �.; 5-2 -1b. tine, 12 to lgilta per lots, $12; sown, hog d en ng o
Ib. Ontario comb bone}- per dozen,,heavy and rough hogs, depending on
No, 1,$4.50 to$5; No.2,$3.75 to$4.25, quality, $11,50 to $11.75.
=s: ° escape in the darkness of Wednesday
night, And were drowned; Commander
Lyons o! the hillside fortress, dropped `
A despatch from Ottawa says:- the bands of wholesaler and retailer 100 feet to the beach while being haul-
..How $100 worth,of goods imported to consumer, the pyramiding was even Thr� Re tiblieans DtOwned =:
from the United States by a Canadian greater,and the $100 worth of goods p eel up the cliff, but rose and was shot
' While Endeavoring t0 Es- and killed while trying to escape, sad, _
='wholesaler, under a dbty of 85 per without allowance for coat of manu- and Fot>t ture& the four others of the little party, in- _t w-
eetit,because of pyramiding of profits; facture, cost 'by pyramiding -alone Pe `'°l' eluding•Walter Stevens,, of London,
--on the coat of the goods,on profits and $841-4.66. A despatch from London says:- were captured,according to a despatch
'on sales taxes paid, cost the consumer 1 Of the added cost through sales tax The spectacular siege of the little band to the Central News from Tralee. Col. Joe Boyce
Canada X247.20 by the time the; and duties, in the Brat instance the of Irish blicana which had been A ro antic figure passes from Cann ;
RePP ' The men in the cave evidently be- ,
goods had passed through various I Treasury'collected a total of $44.11, holding out against the Free State lieving their position insecure, were than life In the person.of "I{londyke''
hands was shown to the special Agri-, while the consumer paid $69.94. In forces in a'cave 100 feet from the top Boyle, who
1'humbered among his ad- :
endeavoring to sally forth and read ,n?
.-,.cultural Committee of the House on;the latter case, the goods being hand]- of the Clasha•.eelcon Cliff., on the wild the protection of an adjoining cave ventures the making of peace term&
'Thursday by Isaac E. Pedlow, retail' ed through additional channels, the shore of 'the Shannon, in County when the casualties occurred Tbe'between Russia and Roumahla He
merchant, of Renfrew, Ont., and s Treasury received$19.73 in sales taxes Kerry, has come to a sensational body of Commander Lyons was wash- was greatly loved'by the Royal family
. ;former member of the Commons. while the consumer paid $82.56 in ending. of.Roumania for his services to them
td out to sea by the rising tide. and was nursed by the ,
- ' In the cane of goods.inmported by salsa taxes and profits on same. The Two of the men who had been fight � - Queen herself
a wholesaler and sold b him to a Treasury received $35 in dun 4 after suffe-ln ax '
y ury duty, while ing Hader a continuous machine gun B a stroke, witch follow-
manufacturer and then, In manufac- the consumer paid $77.77 in respect fire since Monday night, fell from the There are two million Boy Scouts ad a strenuous trip through the war
tared form, passing in turn through to duty and profits on duty. cliff into the Shannon while trying to in the world. zones from Russia. k .
F ,
•�,wi�a• Vii' r,: •,ti:: ,D"'.r.. <+'fr '``'it r-r,'7�,C•n '"�. '6, r .rn. •,rw..,.�';" -
^A ., '� ,ors+•,' w'XZ, a- �'W ,•` .,r, ''''•ri;MW _g.m "^"�' R_ +r „t: `pro..-• Ssr ; "`* -r;, •'r'q +ix`
.. ..cYti'S'r Paw „vri7hry.. wN'= €• ."M�+,''•-9.. ->t,- ''k;Sr ad r/*as,� �rx• "..a: 'nv.. d•• „-c ^v.,.^''•.r' n; •:iSA +f•- +tits _ �d
1 R': ,'F:. .3 '?•}fro.. - �.� ^1. ,L'3•, ..+t.-.� �.,,'�"•,,.n-..'F M�'ti'J h l�T ,"CS�Y,'�- '+�' -y�wC � •4+ aH r "ltl .,
_"fie -� .I.a.�..•-s- ;=3+- > +s
4 q:g.a rr:..:'•,ti:..'n•` - Y'i :°�tY.- •'.trY�• 4?: f.^.:"i 'e. -'-t�sw.,,: _.'.l�"'"'-,t... ,,i:•'u��tl'r -rT�� '-'G*!,p'
T;•i N•. - .N. -av.,.�!- N.. r.,L. .+•�'. 4_J ,�i T'M's.a: he:. °.+1'• ..l.r. --•:.j f .
•�.. "``eF _ ..�iK4+, Lti-'.: �. .��..'.• .4 ^CS.•'w _ c.a'w C,. ♦ .�"
has' -'.t• �c,:
-x-' •N 7• rya
. P^� /fr ,.'yV+'.^ je�^ � s L' f.M-. ^�f�` ,�..•t`t`a:i y w
T •� =Found, a man's smock. -Loser -Dr. E. A. Sadleir, dentist, will ,
will killdlgcAll at this office. be in his office on Thursday fr*m t . - .
-Mrs.H. Reesod, of Hrooklin, 10 a. m, to 5 p, ni.; ll usual o
°m•:- ' Found, a bar pin: Loser call silent a few days at W. H. CrunY- !firs, HarperlAtlen and little
mer's. daughter, Eileen' Apent: the week• Sprin
sY; pt this stilts. -Robert Gormle has rented end in Toronto.with her mother ►
-n=- - -Arthur Long, of.Toronto, was �' , _':------------- -_ _ . •' _-__^__ �._._
` the rectory and wit take posses-. Firs. Thompson. y; �
xcr ,'Il1ome over Sunday. Sion on May 1st. -Wm. aid Mrs. Collis s. nt Williams Boots 1 goal h s Overalls, �a
-Mrs. W. R. Crammer ebent p 1�
-Dr. Henry wilt be here as ttan• over Sunday with relatives in
last:Meek in the clip. al nest Tuesday to attend to his Orono. Mr. Culils re Smocks and Shirts. • We needII t ti
-J. H. Bundy ,had a business y * ports that a
professional duties. number of farmers in that section
.. :trip to the cite on Saturday. •-Mee•W.r �� Ftivie¢ left,fQr the. have Qom leted their seeding say any more . they speak for _
�'�•. ` -`. -Mies Hazel Crammer B ant a} , A g '
' fe daps last week in Whitby. cl y un Sundayy afar apending s bperatioBe. themselves. !1�1 ew lines
- he g pales' have started on month with W. H. and"Ars.Crum-- —COMING EYESIGIHT'SPECiALIST.
their rounds,a sure sign of spring. mer. Dr. F.E. Lude, 167 Y.onge St,,,To• Just In and better than ever.
-Mrs. McMaster, who is leaving ronto, Optometrist and Optician,
--Mrs.P. T. Hauling 1s el5endiog pWbtt•
a week with friends in Brantford. '.the-village, will hold an auction at A. H. Allin's drug store,
..Burrell still continues sale of.=her household.•effects on by, Tuesday, May 7th. Glasses if
in very poor health, suffering from :Thursday. May 8rd•. required at right prices. * * Bo `s SC1100� Boots and Palls = @.�•
'1 heart trouble. -Mrs• Every, wlio is going to -The dance Riven in the Town " R
-Abo the city to reside, will hold an Hall on Friday evening last by We can show you goods 'that.will staled the racket ih this.
-*:the week end laze a sloth his sisters, on auction a ae of household furniture.ah Omhestra,management i h his t : �� g muf dy, Wet season.
the Misses.Law. y' y _ ,� -
r -Miss Irene Rogers is spending :• -The St. G<it$ ����'�;t .:n., _Lhaui'che,yuuog fulxs from ry IV- �7 Pape
'a fete days in $,rooklin with her Choir together with a comedian 6y, who attended so numerously. �m ire Wall Y•�
sister, Mrs. W. J. Taylor, and an elocutiol,ist •sill'he at St. -The stores of the village will 1'
-Alf. Clark, it is reported, has Andrew's Church on. May 14th. close on Thursday afternoons dur-' „
-The monthly meetcug of St. irg the rnouths of D1Ay, June ask t0 Bee'"OiiT semi-Trimmed papers. :�'Ve have ' the finest
sold his house- and lot.east of the , .
`¢ village h a Toronto man'. •Andrew's W: M. S..•..will'be held at July, Augt74t and SeIA4niber. The array of sample's'to choose from you,ever saw at Rock
the home of Mrs. W. J. Miller on post office will also close do the r ~>
E bas nrchased a p Bottom p1'ices. �'S e carry no stock on hand
` new tractor with whir a 19 now by Cud uL f,. w. atacup trFirruvuua 1lvtu 12.3U, CO
'F • consequently our rites are the
busy with his spring work. -F. C. Mecbin, of Montreal, re. 6.3Q p. M. -- . _ 9 y p
-Several frotn here attended ' turnitng from a business trip to - - - cheapest. Guarantee a
the War Veteran's parade 'in Toronto and Sarnia, spent a short WHITBY. 24-hour delivery.
��... ...: _time with his parents here on
Whitby on Sunday afternoon. The contract for asphalting the five
--Mrs. R. Dillingham, of Belle Saturday last. miles of highway from Whitby to
'': -A meeting of the Fire Com- Pickering, Fred- T Butting Plckerind
'. =- -- villa is seriously ill at present g, which will complete the -
with pneumonia and has.a nurse pany will be held in the Town the surfacing of the provincial high. Establiahed�1867.
ttehdan;e. Hall this (Friday) evening at way' between Whitbv and Toronto,
motor boa service be-
has for the purpose of organi- was let to the Johnston firm of pavers,
zction. 'W hen you hear the town and work will begin almost' immedi-
tween Oshawa and Toronto hay y ateI
now been inaugurated and is- belfring pat on your hat and come y•. �� - - -
B Emphasizing the necessity of Hydro
to tjle meeting as your resents
ffl, Ing.fairly well patronized. p radi.tl, quick tratssportatfan on the
t . -Mrs. Robt. C. Stork and soft,`will be required: highways around Toronto was de• �
. -The Some Telephone Comp-•t:. J ba, were in Belleville last Weelt"'. p p' monstrated, when a boa service was
yi any is exerting every effort to-ccornrnenced Tuesday
attending the funsra of Mrs. Me y from Oshawa to � k'
�1 attend. the- mother of dire. Wm. further improve its lines and put Toronto and intermediate points. The
everything en first class shape, so trig from Whitby to Toronto takes •
• Stork. that it will be able to give its RS at your Serv><ceOr : .. .
-A number of our sports have only two hours. The service is being
been eojc ]ng themselves during patrons and the public in general well patronized.
the past week sucker-Ashing and first class service. This requires >:
a number of good catches. is re time and money, and as this Now Advert4se'r»enlis. Choice Rolled Oats,5 lbs.,
month is one of its rental periods, Groceries
r4. . .,, ported. -
4 -Mrs. Norman Banks bas re- it is hoped that all subscribers OR [SALE-Gang pinw, Cnckahutt, , Thompson Seedless Raiein�,pie lb., ' <-18o -
turned home, after beimg in To- will see that, their .rental is paid. FPrrce.31500.9w.And►rson, Dunbarton, 32
` Tonto for about three weeks, ow. before April 30th, so that the tom- '<RTURE TO RENT-Rear of lot S, New Prunes, ch63ce quality, " 16c.
•. .` pany may have sufficient funds t0• Pcom.s.Pickering. Fred Holden.Wexford F. _ _ — __.
Ing to the illness and death of leer
rRn • carry out its plans am kilt riGt be►�.- Phone!bate 2vr3--- T .3. 3s' - -- -- �� 1 \t�.
+ iaiater in tan. Hiss Reta F3ank_ n ,� '. Fresh Hallowi Dates,,
The many friends of Thomas obliged to force payment of the:�Ag�TRETQLET-v4ill takestock t '® '
Field trill be glad to .hear that he t$1 50 authorized by the Railway for any penod of time. and will see stock `-T 2 117. Celt, - 28c
g' Spa rd. if oat aid within 30da every day. 'Nm.Lacey.Dunbarton, 32-34 �✓ Canned PCACh@9,
has quite recovered front his severe p p - _
sit:M attack of the flu which confined -Oa Saturday evening the fire- ASTURE TO RENT-May to No-
: . engine was summoned to F. Pvernber,rear o7lot 9,concession 0;Pickering» "Caoned 13lueberries, per can, 20o
. - Ihim to his bed for several weeks Apply to J.L Pegs. Phone Clare aoT, aa33
large amount of smoke Hurst a to extinguish a fire which
,�- that hang around the village last had got beyond control. When WANTED-Ahout 350 bnabelo of - 'Standard Plumaor Pears, per can, 'Doc s'
T teed barley at Broadfield Stock Farm. lot
the firemen had reached the scene
if i,e r can . ncaenns. rnonavmimy
the found that the fire was local-
had arrived and oar residents y
•' ed in a large hollow tree, it hav• WANTED AT ONCEiYounlr girl .
rM� were busy burning u� rubbish ing ignited from a grass fire, and WANTED or,riddle-aged woman to assist at house-
around around their remises. g wort to Village oMciteling. Apply at!NEWS New Prints, GiIlgh82118, Cha'mbrySi �
' -:-� p was in danger of falling on the ofSat. 3F __ -
-As a result of the fine weather
Bell telephone wires and had this Galiteas etc. for Ladies' and
of the pastweek the land hag dri- p AY FOR SALE-Mixod clove '
'" ed ra idly and spring work is now occurred considerable damage u _, -
11 and t,moihy. ApLLty at premises,confer of Children's Dresses-large :k
p would have been done. A mom- Kingston.Road and Rosebenk aideroad. E,
A' in full swing. Another Week of out's work with the chemical fire- Bmmell, 31-32 - as8ortment of prices
;R _ ne weather will see many farm. ;
I.thvough with their seeding. engine was sufficient to extinguish FOR SALE-Cobbler and (3reeo Dr y �o
S Glloghama' at 25 cents, 28 cents, 35 cents'
--'If there were many who had the fire.and thus prevaot d>zroage ltfountaid Potatoes,also beans,tfmosby and and 45 teats r and T
doubts about the arrival of spring, to the telephone cv3rea This is atafke clover seed. George Duncan,lac 2s' con. l� y : .
8, Pickering. 31.32
they, had their doubts dispelled on the second time in which the new .» Ladies'and Children's Hosiery is oar
' Friday and Saturday last when fire engine has been },ut into nee F OR BALE-2 milch cows. one due tlpecialtp
on the former day the therroome- and the manner in w ice .it does twin tc i by aS"tq`e�`e thgood milkers. Apply
' ter showed a temprature of 132 its work amply justifies the action to P.1.Rowe.Pickering. 31.32 _ :_:New Chintz, Art Musilap, Cretonnes,.Cur.
Ii. the °° 1° t+"sbii9 RpOOTS REPAIRED-Boots and taco Scrims,Marquisettes etc.
latter day t6 degrees was record- its purchase. Dshoes re aired neatly and Quickly. Thos.
ird. Thin wwoald be considered -A very enthusiastic meetin Watson: sIwp and residence just west of St. i
g Georgt'r chnreh, Pickering. 2tf WALL PAPERS
- ' warm weather in July, but for of the Ratepayers' Association Wall Paper , �,_ -
April, it was decidedly hot. was held in the school house on j�OR 8ALE-1000• Cntbbert rasp- Don't fail to ask for sarn lea-We have ,
-A moving picture show will Wednesday evening of last week ' berry can't°' also uimc Victoria Strawberry 1?
y g rhuburb roots. App1y W. Payne,R.R No.2, made up samples of a number of
:'�,be given in the Town Hall on the when Mrs. R. H. Cronk gAve a Pickering, Phone IT,
1722. 82.33 our lines and will be glad
evening of Fridley, May 4th, under full and well rendered report of . purpose r to send'
h OR SALE-A ' General you these
the auspices of the Women's Iiati• the O. E. A. Convention. Mr.. snare and a rubber-tired buggy, Conboy, in •' if unable to see our full-range.
tuts. Two hours picture enter- Segsworth. Field.Sec'y of the Pro- first-class condition. Reasons for selhnx- CLIP - Prices 15C per roll lip
tainment will be given, including vincial Association, Rave a very ofd Hubbard,R,R. 1,Pickering. 31-32 J
two' Charlie Chaplin comedies. instructive sod interesting ad= LSII;E SEED FOR SALE--Also s r�� -
"' I'he-proceeds coilk.b@ for tho slides dress on "The herita�ce whir - quan�,t RoyZ�anaer oau. s-�ia�r for --
71 ! d. Apply at'lot 15, con 3. Pickering,or ad- "Elastics" Hfln9e, Paiute and varnishes. -M
to be donated for onr Memorlal awaits our fatnre generations in -dress Arthur Percy,R.R. 1,Pickering. 31-32
:Park. Admission-25 cents:child-' our great North Land, setting -- --- = Decotiut. the cold vaterkAieomine
'.`.fen under 12 pears, 15 cents. forth the need of greater educe- ra OR BALE-Waxon, Hoe drill, _ ll`alsomine Brushes', Paint
1: Binder.Steel land cotter. all in snood wadi- `� Brushes, Scrubs.
The many friends of Miss tton for our rural pupils that they tion. Also Strawberry Creek..plln Ph naplittto Frank 7 _ Brooms, Wash Boards etc., etc.
Edith Law of Toronto, will regret may be able to cope successfully 32-34 ,
to hear of the serious accident with so great a problem. The Pink-
- ''which befel her Thursday last. ering Orchestra enlivened proceed- OR SALE- f Pickering,frame dweNiig . So :'� HARMAN
She was returning home from logs With several selections rend Fin the Village . Pickering, siluhted on a Y,•. -
ered in their usual l QIler, acre of land,.4 King ,Street. Open for :.
=work and on leaving A Bathurst pleasing nzan oQer. L.A.Findlay,404 Danforth Ave.,Toros
street car, ran to catch a College ner. ,firs. (Dr,) McEwen was co, 29.32
street car which was standing appointed .Sec'y of the local As. TAR RADIO BET FOR SALE- A •(��1�■�
waiting- HA foot 69nghC OII 50t1]e- 90ClatlOn. The next meeting Will ► Has unlimited range,complete with Willard gRDiiRii
.', battery and aerial,is perfect working condition. g
- thing causing her to fall to the be-held on May the 15th, when an For further particulars apply to A. H. Bundy, BUNDY'S -g�+pavement, resulting in a fracture oratorical contest isbeingarranRed Pickering. 31tf
of the shoulder bone. She was among the public school children
of our district. OR SALE-3-burner oil stove,with
LakeO t0 the General Hospital, overn, 1 oak cabinet.combi -
Fs ; 13_ft. iron _
where she atilt remains. She Will -OD Thursday last it wRf3 ofli• nl,gs,3 i z 4°are mattress: -2yds nMrbeW J. or _ ;
be off duty for six or seven weeks. eially reported that the Canadian non,
Pic,2 31
- On Thursday next, May 6th, National Railways would -proceed � E S C
in the Presbyterian Church, Pick- at once with the electrification of F{ du BALE-1 Red Durham cow,
sue April 12th several young sows, some
U ering, at 8 p m., Brigadier LOU19A the line east of Toronto. This bred and some of>�reedin age, c-bred Broth- _
Prescott, of Oshawa,_will give a would include the completion of mont Phone Clare z i. R. 30.31 Clam
very interesting Lecture on the the Toronto Eastern. Which ASTURE TO LET-Anv one bay- the Famous Cold Water Paste,
.Social and Missionary Work of route between Pickering and To- Ping young cattle they wish put out to pasture 4 f
the Salvation Army. Brigadier ronto has not yet .been decided. during the summer'months apply to Geo. Rich- . . • '
Prescott is an officer of 80 years' Several surveys have been made, archon,lot 2s,con.9,Pickering. 11-2 mites west ... .'
-experience and has seen service in and it is generally supposed that of Claremont,address R.R.3,claremant, 29tf V4 In White and Tints.'
ln t8. _
Germany, Erases and Belgium. the most Southerly route will be "P OR BALE-4 tborough-bred Tam- -
:She will explain the ur}7oee for sel8cted. This would regnre much worth Bows.9 months std, bred from prize- V
, �. . L grading y winners at Roya1winterShow. Sold with
a 011e„pound of Muresco w><11 cover .
this-wore radio than the Cherr - reiktered and atreasonahle prices. PAfbt ly
great Sislf denial Campaign will be Wood route, but ae it would 1 e tog j.Dixon Jr.Highland Creek P.O. one
used. There will be special music convenient to Fair Malmo 24zo. 3333
p port, Dunbar. :ae°venty-five square feet,
and singing. Everybody is heart- ton, Rbsebank, it would give a FOR BALE-2 imported olydesdale .
it invited• mares,one in foal to "Florehtoa.' These _
y greater t�evenue, Cerrywood route mares roust be sold as the owner has no further --
r -' -On Wedaesdav afternoon of has advantages that might lead to use for them. Apply to waiter Turton, lot 35,
lsst week Dr. Sbtrley'met with an the selection of that route. The
`s�n'onsh Pickering,or to S.J.Mannell3aj q Elgin Put Utz In t, 2 and lbs a�`ikaddeg 'w
accident which might have had building of this electric line should p ' packages
1 ' very serious results. He was dri• be a great advantage to Pickering, STRAYED-From the premises of
v *: the undersigned,lot 1, con. 4. Pickering,on _
vin'g along in his Sedan. accom- but the thing that concerns u9 or about April 27st, a black steer, dehorned. • Co'
:...' '
by his danghte, Miss' Fran- roost is power and light, and be= .reish;ngabou�110,�bs._ Please phone Whitby -Drop ill, ant get a or Card and
le, and when n r the Town Hall fore these advantages can be 123 r(n or address R.R.No.2,vVhltby,Bendey ;.
i; Bros.(Audley). 32-33 ?_
.: he turned around to get a robe, secured legislation will have to be ---- w
g HATCHING EGOS-Get winter " read all about this
¢ and Without a tzlfimont'e warning psaeod permitting the Canadian eggs by using bred-to-lay White Wyan-
f �', the oar ran over the steep embank- National Railways to Sell power dotter, Regal Dorcas strain,Canada's best strain
went slid turned over on its side. which would have to be secured direet from J,S.Martin.75 cents a setting. Also • • ='
w'`.`d • Mammoth Pekin duck eggs M.B. Burk R.R. sanitary finish,
Neither ocetzpant '.mss injured in from the Hydro Electric Power No. 1,Locust Hill, Phone Pick 1031. 10-32
the lea,,,,. The pia a glass in one Commission. Sir Adam Heck, no
OR SALE-ChAap, all kinds of
=�,�r .• of the r s wag 81*ttered and a doubt, wo-ild oppose such ]egisl8- I'wagons,harness,and an kinds of farm im- ��• T s •
+c, road gill slightly bent, but ne eftealryie�e hoped that stzeh vgbt- order. alsoseteralheavy and
}7ProeiR tbs eac�, received no necesas legislation will be pass iighc ago No and cask stoves and ifeat«s. Hf V'
.a•,.r' _ .. . . .evil Ce d for des add wQOIP alNa'
•,'.'„ ,a :.•.,�^
V• .•k'A :Y+91`�fe'+'*'" ;.0';.liii,, N.3!liORf YG .� m"k'i+'• .. „-. •.�.< r, rte.. `,•�,