HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1922_11_17 4•'i ,;r,, ra _ 2: '.eL.' ::.s•'.''iw:�'Nf•,r 9'1,',,q,xj:�+"%7j,,' .•:.. „its`-� w,;;• F r;9 l..5 yC➢.'W.`i. °?"-c p 'S':'"R"'.,, +1'.0 -4 ry{;; .aR" T?aN^ y.¢�&;5 :C. ,�. •"KC? '•' >• d,, ,[- :}' }' 5+t �V ^✓R' H. 4:.+M1i!..• 'iM',;�. "Fn J+•''101..""-,4'. „�. „• _ s; n:'•.'e'w•�' - ., tti `V+6: . . Fe.: . . _r^ok: :.;xb•,rya _)'.- ._ �`,.+•�.'�'',"- '4r••as �� .�+�'-, ',, r � q,r�`M# ,,,• '•s" •.rF• yr: r • �.>,•i. a.�qr . ri-T• ti'' _ 'y 'IJ F- -. ,_ ;�� _ ti _,�' `11 - V w, � 1, R ' VOL. :L1Ia PICKERING, ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 192 No. P rofte!'iY nal, 49avb*. CHERRYWOOD ,BROCK ROAD. Established 1828 Geo. a •Baker The annual Christw, Tree and Con- Mrs. Thos. A. Knox 4s a lady visMedical cart, under the auspices of the Cherry- itor from the city at present. wood Sabbath School,will be held on W. H.Jackson is again able to at- GREENWOODE. FORSYTH, Opb. D., Director Friday evening, Dec.,'22ad. Full par- tend fo his duties in ills shop, after-bis R s0 tomctrical!Association of Ontario. R PRETTY SOFT "culars later, F p c• recent accident, latered Member of;the American Optontme t. A goodly number turned out on MILLS fton 280, Eyes nt,examined by appointment• GLEN MAJOR. Tuesday last to-W. J. McDonald's 1Phone 2804, Claremont, ons. To be able-to sit down and '"hear a good plowing bee. Mr. McDonald wishes " 4 NF. TOMLINS.ON, M, B.,-Member A football match between the Do- to thank all for their assistance that L . of the Cottage of Pbysiciane and surgeons Coon Song, minion Radiators,of Toronto, and the dad,and also for helping him to draad OPOntario. Office: that formerly occupied byy Ureen River team will be played here the material for his new barn. . the late Dr.R:Brodie,arid latterly by Dr, Cal d- Comic Son • on Nov, 18th; at 3 o'clock. As these s reell. Phone. Claremont,Qnt. 231y g -two tenrna are at present a tie for 0. McKINNON, M.D:, L.R.C.B., -.. Sabred IGHLAND CREEK. ed Song second place in the•flfth division so an N. Edinburgh, member of the College of interesting ganie is expected. The p On Tues�3ay afternoon an even+, of BARLEY WANTED of Royal and a ons or Ontario,Usentiats Edinburgh. - Bra?l3 Band wormers .of this team will .be the great importance in the history of the >. of cal al Coils of 6araeonf omen ugh champions, Provincial Bi htiva between Toronto ShIldal attention d dsilence of women and or Orchestra, _ g y Highest price paid. tM•119t b9 good et3itdren, Oflfoe and resfderiee,Brougham. - = ' = ' and _lloutreai took place w§en-tkre new - quality. -- -Or-damee_tosGme--o€-the_be gip pA�„� ciarluct at Highland Creek was form- ' -- DR GORDON McRAY—Chiroprac- music on one-of ally opened by the Hon. F. C. Biggs, I am buying WAEAT at top tor. Office hours-2.30 to 3.00.and 7.00 to Me . Johnson, of Toronto, visited Minister of Highways. The opening market price. Stre and by appointment. 'Phone 320. Brock 1 with Mrs. Philip Iast weak. took.,place in the presence of a large u A, Street, Whitby, - sly Bakers Phonograph_ .-'VVm..-and-Mrs, Cassie, of Agincourt,- crowd. all the municipalities between With the big drop in the price of are visiting with ther son, F. 0.Cassie Toronto and Oshawa being well re- BARLEY FEED, ;? l e�is6. and wife. presented. Brief addresses were made BRAN AND SHORTS E. CHRISTIAN, We have a large assortment •Albert Grey has purchased Robt. J. by Mr. Biggs, the Hon. J. L. Perron, it will a oil to sell Barrister -and Highways pay Y your graiiii. Cowan a house and lot at tbt3 west end Minister of in Quebec Pro- w A&Solicitor.Natal. North,.Ere. Yon. b and buy these feedf►. oan.d,Omca Brock 8t.North,WhitDr. � - 'Come irk and see them of the village. vince.F.H. Richardson, and the war- Mies Bate left 'for Stratford last den of York County. This new bridge - A limited quantity of �]'ILLIAM J. BEATON,H. A,.Bar, r week to spend the winter with her eliminates the worst two hills on the Heavy Oats Wanted. 17 rioter,solicitor, member of the rum of Sto 1 niece there. Kingston road east of Toronto. These'Ryekman Denison.Foster and Beaton. Toronto u�vil�e� 0.11 � Chopping on Monday, W'edneads� Much sympathy is felt for Byron hilts have been the 9cenee of many ac- y, per flag until General Jsrusts Building,88 Bay street,Toronto. I and Mrs. eaab of Osbawa, through cidents and have been the dread of jll aad Friday, 8C k Tefepboae Main 981 and 982. thedeath of their only child. motorists, and by the construction of - further nottCd. ; At Oshawa on Saturday, Nov. 11th, the new ibridge they have lost their Dental i death called .away. through pbeu- terror. It is 655 feet in length and is ,$ ja H, BEAL ;monia, Muriel, only child of Byron 100 feet above the water. The drive- [� J. HUDSON. D. D.S.. L. D. S., and Mrs. Feaaby, formerly of way to wide enough to allow four care fat Carlton St,,Toronto. 'Fiudrnn'sNew �LAREl1t10N T this place` Deceased, who was an etc- to run abreast, and on the north Fide �. Zr. QRE�N \.a• system" of comfortable piste work. 14-16 for ceedingly bright little girl in her is a sidewalk about five feet wide. The tntormatioaor phone North 3318. i-18 eighth year, will be sadly missed b bridge is a splendid sam to of modern Licensed - her parents,relatives and friends who engineering skill. It is a beautiful V, BLAKE R. HEATON, D. D. S.. Embalmer and Undertaker. showed their sympathy by their beau. structure and in driving over it the Graduate of the Royal Cototge of Dental tiful floral ofFrrin Szageou• and University of Toronto: Office Motor Hearse.. . ga. and. her school motorist is delighted with'the.beauti- over w M, Pringle's hardware store, writ". mates..who came in grous-to bare n ful scenery oa' both sides, which as . Office hr,ura 9 to 12•: t to b.3u. Dnd,.'pFone a. Tornnt�;nnneCtlon for last look at their little comrade. The W:trdeo Richardson remarked, wnwild a IF .Bell Phone,220., 44;y , Hospital Service. funeral way held on Monday from her rrfakp a magnifleent park. The build- \ f • pdrentb' residence. :73 Jarvis St.. to ink of this bridire and the paving of ,i gust*%*** C;arbo. Oshawa Union.Cewefery, the highway make this road a W hitevale _ - popular one for tbotorista. T V. RICHARDSOti= Real Es DUfVBARTON. ` ;-1" [�/ :,. F 1 . ta:e. Irsur-i cr.Conveyancing, Not The Service garage OSHAWA. 4 V IPcbfic.Etc,.,flickering,Oat. 3tiy W e are pleased to see Mrs. Bray in The Universal �--- our village again. On Tnesd y eveniasr a gathering of AZEL ANNrS-Elocutionist. For. Oserhatitiaa, PaitttinS, all kind9 Mrs. Burke is visiting herdaugbter, some threebundred or more of repre• S81. .Y].e' S1,2a,C3 -1=0 a -met yupil of Qwen A Stmly. For.terms done, Ignition '+1ra. :11ort ie h. at the store. sentatives of the municipalities be- repairing tone of Our Productions) . pen dates nd, phone Malvern 408. lire.Harold lbfe(owaa and family tween Toeainto and Oshawa,-as well as 2 I•lylhiard creek 1'.a, 33-9 a 5periatty. y We sell Silt's Rite-Lite Lens for are visitiL their aunt, Mrs. Alex. manv others interested in thle good Your old Ford top recovered Thom. g roads movein`eut, took place in the all makes of cars.-the.best POSTILL, I3cenged Auctioneer, ' a for counties of York aad Ontario. Aria. for $13.00. - Among our hunters at present in Osbawu Town Hail.. This gatberingg in the market for > 41m wlee-of all kinds attended to on shorta rt the north are S. G. Morrish and A. J. was in the nature oia banquet tend- -_ the price. Nauss. Address Green River P O., Oct, Berry & Poynter -Arrna-tt. -- - -- . *red to tba H�,-�,, Bigles to-about- -- FOR SALE D. conveyancer, Otiminusloner for BiL R1�1 S -' iaG been on list for a couple their appreciation gof s rk in rw B.BEATON TOWNSHIPOLER}i: -- -- - - - B p vin ,be hav- -him work Heavy Wagon, tst" T ! R p mark the rid r ct y g .... prtarm p leaner of marriage 1'do ili3ape liar Margaret and .Beatrice A°°- racer the 13tgbland Creek. Mayct BtrRRY. a o o s. as we 1 as to affidaotss. Aconnneans Etc. i[oasy to toss of weeks. R --. . h opening of the new vlxdu Sri" th°it.. e, ons. t.v or Set of frog Harrows ,R an, of Toronto, are holidaying at the John Stacey presided. and speeches, All in good Ahape. "�iC`ID d-P�(sB=Lice stock auc- � In 1�1 (Ad homestead. p g full of wit and wisdom. were g:ren by Woodworking and General Dr, J. R. Dales is at pretreat is L. O. Clifford.:M, P., W. F. N, ISIn• R .L CArlo r, Graauart of a M. Jones school. �Vetlesley Haepital snfYering from elalr,salt P, P,. F; M. Chapman, $laCkstYtithia { iChcallo Lifetime experience with pedigreed F g" -stock. Bkxk and ring work. All kinds of sales kYill will be eloseEi €ar repturs septic poisoning, but is lmproriag Fnwwke,ex-M.P.. R. J.-Fteming, Oeo. �'V. $-J.�iGg80�1, Brock Road( pronp try attended to. Terms rcaaorwble. Phosre nicely, W. MclAughlin, Dr,Doolitele. Major gtoClaremont. ialy oa Oct. 18th and 11th. Brunton, F. H. Ricbardson and oth• Pickering, Ont.� k 9liaq Florence Aunts is baring an - �7M. MAW, LICENSED Ara .Running again Oct. 10th. unexpected holiday, her school at ere, Including the Hon. J. L.-Perron, Y T%NEER,for York,gntano and Durham 'Agincourt being closed on account of Minister of Highwayy s In Quebec Prov-Camttick Alf kinds of salas promptly attended [! scarletfever. ince, who told o. what his Province to, Teermsreasonable, Dates for sake may be W.- s+.Baimes, iGreen River We are pleased to see Eddie Read• "as doing in the matter of huitding Hereo ' You' Are deal phones. Whitby.Oni. San sly Indepen Or address R. R. No. 1. Locust Bill. ing borne again from the Sick Ohild. good roads. Mr. Biggs is his address Home Phone 64'J5 Mark. ren'e Hospit d quite recovered from statI'd that in building this flne new UR INGBA�d BROS. -- — hit)hip operation. bridge his department kept in view • �•� PICKERING �'� O° Monday evening a business meet- the takioit care of the future needs of Cement, • • r,f tbe'Sa4boith School workers was this section. He outlined the policy y (FRENCHMAN'S BAY) held at the home of Wm Tliom. A of thegovernmeat i° this matter and -Builders, General Contrac LUMBER YARD very profitable and pleasant evening he told of what had been done and was spent. what will be done in the immediate al, -tors fznd Sign Writers. A.meeting of the date-payers of S. 'future in respect to good reads. All a t, S. No. 3. Pickeri°g, will be he ld in the the speakers spoke highly of Sir. �at ism--� and • Bi a courage and foresight and the Lu I11ber school bottle ou th�evea3ag of Mon- RR sit 8h y •.Mon- description. Concrete work, Hardwood Flooring day,Nor.etnber �ih, at 8 t,'c!oe�, to strongly approved of the course he Chir►ineys repaired consider the erection of a new school, aad folioared.•• -The epeecbea were in- Eftiruates free. - `-We can supply you in As the ppresent grounds are too ei°all, terspersed with readings t`d Mr. Dow- f; . '` ►711 ingie6 it will be npcescary to chooses new ney and vocal solos by Adr. `FAIRPORT P. O., NL G`3l9Qil:, - 0 T. Itlaple, Birch, Beech, site. All interested in the matter are all og were which much enjoyed by ng - ��---- •---�---__.._ .__ __-- ic-e:t�r: t.,atte:,\1. th-: _-V1d2.2::U. • Ylaln and (quartered Oak, _ and Lath �'rutt Trees; Shrubs Etc. - - GREENWOOD. , 911 "Beaver Board" GREEN RIVER. _ Having secured the agency for E.D. -"" On Thanksgiving Day the home of - Smith &.Son. Ltd., Nurserymen, stock. Chas. White was a Toronto visitor Andrew and Mrs. Pegg was the scene `: last we--k.' of a rett wedding when their eldest �j ^ r of Winona, Ont. Cecil Smith is all-smiles these days, daughter•Gladys, became the bride of i' a Ae R E E S lJ Rt �! I arts prepared to take orders for all w• De Gordon & Son, "its a girl." William Alexander Brown, youngest kinds of Fruit Trees,Small Fruits, Mrs, Cowie spent a-couple of days son pf John and Mrs. Brown. The Zrcc„ou$T 3=,r• a Ornamental' Shrubs Etc., at PICSERING at Cberrywo°d last week. marriage took place in the large lip- = lowest possible prices. J, E. and ,firs. Wilson and Hiss ing room in the presencA of seventy- �- Special rates for large quantities, Helfand Independent phone. Julia spent Thanksgiving at Csbridge. flve guests. Promptly at 3 o'clock _ 2gtf v - " Miss Diamond, of Toronto, visited the three e e nn of the bride, Misers ����� '��yy L N. J• Cha I118II, G A R A C+ E Hiss flay Hobson Dyer the week-end. Elsie, Alice and Mildred, and I£ttie �? Plckerin Melville Draper has returned home, brnfhei•,'Mastpi-Fdga.r, entered carry. 9 The Chevorlet Garage and Service after spending a month.in .New ©n• ing white streamers which formed an Station at Brougham still have their tario. ais:e for the wedding party: The j �O O jt expert frorrs the factory and also have Clflford Wright returned home, groom with his best man, Wm. S. 6elhL+ K 1\ew Chevrolet•l00 Specials in stock, after a endin three months in lj est• Pe ru a man a medicine tha*_ re cores the 3 speed car at the 2•s bed rice. p R gg, brother of the bride. came next,' : .•v A ent for Cream Se p p ern Canada. followed, to the strains of the wed. his vigor,-that puts snap and ginger R parators, Willard A Dumber of ladies from here itt- ding march played b Mrq. J.L.Pegg, into -his every function', that 'mvkes Batteries, Good ar tend Dunlop tires. tended the Bazaar given by sume''by the bridesmaid. Miss Mav Brown, The only car on the road that cannot ladies at Wbitevale. 'sister of the room, and the bride, him have the youthfal feeling and be matched by cur com etitore. Less R y SOre p Hughie and Mrs. Percy and family, beautiful in a dress of trot Duchess =- ambition. then'you have a lif.-•lank gas and less oil than any car on the of the 7th concession, sundayed with satin and georgette crepe trimmed .,'$p friend and patron in that roan. NVe road and Service is our.Watchword. Herb and Mrs. Percy and family, with seed pearls, leaning'on the argo__-_ want as agent in-your locality'--get White Rose Gasoline and Enarco Oil. The Ladies'Aid will bold their regu- of her f-Mer, who gave her away. __ ,- lar monthl , meetiD at the home of va wtlle at.oa..ce:-.. A read teller y R Rev. J. W. Banner tied the nuptial , p+ y brow s garage; Brougham hire. w. A, Fuller on Wednesday. kaut, after which Mr.and Mrs.BTOWn Wampc6le a Tasteless Cod Liver ,.. and a big profjt for you. Address - --- -- -------- '--- - — Nov. 22od. received the congratulations and beet Oil Emulsion is the hest pro• Austl'a11an Medicine Co: -: ► R EP A_R E A fall b°nhe greeted the Pickering wishes of their friends, During the= dnel ou Can take for f Dramatic Ctub, who presented their signing of the register Miss Helen y .351 Yonge St., Torotgto, Ont. drama "A Noble Outcast" here on Bunner sang "My World," after that nasty cold. xi For a Business Career by attending Tuesday evening of last week• Every which the guests repaired to dining the well known one enjoyed the entertainment and room to partake of a sumptuous wed- Wampoles' Throat Ease. ss t went home satisfied.' The'. Sunday ding breakfast. Later the happy services were well attended and bump- coupple, amid showers of rice and con- Warnpoles' Paraformic Coughs ,n fro: ICN*lwdlarft LUOTT ercollections were taken tip. fetti, left byamotor for• Toronto and The Ladies'. Aid intend holding a Palmerston where they will spend Remcdiee celiepe the Cough. _ Bazaar in Fuller's Hall on Friday their honeymoon. On their return ' afterneea,Nov 24th. Doors open at they will reside on the farm settled CrddeDrugs,Patentereparatione, ..Grain Chopping Charles 9 Yon g a Toronto 2 o'clock, There will be several booths by the room's randfather, Alexand \' consisting of home-made baking, er Brown, over seventy years ago, Toilet Goode, TrtbaCOO, Cigars. AN FLk]iiINQ Every graduate of the last twelve home-made candy, fanev work and, The bride's going away dress waa a Metcalfe Choice Caudiee.a miscellaneous articles: There will be suit of brown broad-cloth trimmed - months has promptly obtained em; a fish pond and a tea room. In the with fur and hat to matob, The `0 THh PICK-*hRING N I am prepared to do Chopping and - ,, ,• Oat Flakid eve Monda plc ent, "Solid Merit" is the evening in the Green Rover Bapbost groom's gift to the bride sore a string .. 8 r'Y Y ym Church the Century Haptiat Choir of pearls, which she wore: to the , and Friday. - will give an excellent concert• con- bridesmaid, a gold bar•pin.and to the fonndatiop of _this school_ Enter alstin of choruses• mate q uartettes, best man, a fouatafn pea. The roanv Na E e M WEN-"-1 Stoaboate Far Fale n " an time: Handsome Catal ue mized quartette• duets• Piano duets, Beautiful and useful ggifts show the n(�r 'I'i� -.+1 cr i' 6 y o8 Aolos and readings. Doors open at 7 high esteem in which the young nnu- s+ t�. 1)<Z: LZ ' n^k, pro rnrn nt 8 A .miss, . 215 plc are ,.•id. The b?st +rill^A f�.r n � J. I _ �_, ... �' �•� t. I f C 1 a veteringry grrr.eon NV, J• F''Vwt, FGat•isl.{v' u:.,:>;u.a �! Pnnci a `i t.enr-: rh;!dren. ti,ldpr 12 1-1— 15 Lr;atr. ixp�y ar,d F : l�rn�is : !, 1.a ex• cents, .�.• .. .. �, r Y}•.�t Rt,v. Geri Gi LAFn, GY,ts4mar+. tefldr3d Jai 41tem by flay ctJltpppuaityt � �6x:.:.'.•� :, ° "` t'3; r... .r.,._. ._'3 .... } „�,r. +,•• .�. .. P ":i': - «;`- '�G3k.er.: 'i�` :�.-y"' ��s• ,r..-*-x,a•,r ,, � �ti'4"•� x.;-�': `-;,y.,i„ - 'F- ._:�''')-aRa� f, ''N'a. -s;..='!;7�;•r°,•`�4r..'+ .:l^,'A',:' -K,,r�.':,�,..m-,.,;:%'.:•«,,...'�'' •rzx..,:..{,`,, am •.^far.'!. :C-.. '' r;•y�_ ..: w„vei?' 6 t' �;, 1 +tr:r;'� :°,'...'i, ,+.,�r ..,,,. ...�•'r�•.• ;,�,, "%r-•" `i.. .w-: :r. rs.. 'j•d;..,r., :-:r: ,.r.µa.....st,� iJ,. ' .py c.r w'* ;.• -•'•+y•. ..�. - �-•, :w'1K�.A. 's�'`.y •,:[•",•"m >._,. ,,�' � 'ir,.''' "+-'� ''' ..'Y ',dy-aF•t4a`r, r .• ��i•, � ra, yxr;.. .r. - :�Z,,�, q �;,•, r •.rr •..ys• .+�'•*' ,�'"'",'�<. I'♦ s,r�.J ^.,..-' - --:ycy�.-,�",-,...5^.,, ]uA'h bv-..-Y^+"i.. -� .•Is "•i.f .1' ..r.'St �5'•r. tone of his voice. ""ne a bitter day • ' �. an' night you've been spend die Frank'moored "Oh, Jnks—my of - dory-mate—get some pillows an' SY s wedge me in. Git• a doctor aboard , In as saon's ye t in. Fin a'll stove up, `in' th' pain's ki]]in'me every time she rolls--Ahl" And. the broken body, t taxed to the limit of human bndur- �:~ ante, collapsed in a dead faint. R CHAPTER FOURTEEN. "What a wonderful constitution the i t man in have!" It 'was the doctor • pe who was speaking. "His caller-bone A . Dollic ' - ., l is fractured; three of his ribs,and his s arm broken in two places—and you duties?y h Wes well! How attend it his t edit �,LL-�.li }• ' C� StY' C�'1 � 1, e ! hap, pen?" Not until now has a dollar been Jules an's'wered, "A sea bove him �;� •.._ dmvn on de--:wheel an' de spokes mug' . as big as a genuine GMette Safety I have hit him in de chest, den when OLUE W_A-� _ 1 l an' knock him to de deck. I cal'late ` be broke shoulder an' arm dat way—" No Wander it feels out of place In �A. TALE OF THE DEEP "Does he drink?" your pocket when, at any general "No Sir — t' "Well, I smell liquor on him." drug—or-jewellery . . - store hardware or 'ewellery _ r " at's Vat I give him when he r , SEA r� .�v � � ! lied dul�3. store, it can buy for you a lifetime's - 8T FREDERICK WnAJAh1-W�.1,ACE) � "Oh, ah." The doctor nodded and - opened his instrument-case. "Can you shaving' Service—comfort, and _ - get me-tome hot water and a towel? 'safety for ,the rest of your Shaving �yrwbt by the Museon'Book Comte Get me.some small pieces of wood for "I. CHAPTER THIRTEEN—(Cont'd-) He groped for a hold somewhere. splints to set his aria—then he'll be days. -Lord! what a night--black, howling There came a thunderous slatting to m Pe to go ashore to the hospital." g Frank listened with closed eyes, and, r W. N and thick of snores, which made the his ears, shouts and curses, then a Gillette' fearful crash. He saw a myriad of wizen the doctor ripped the wet et the �rx• ee$ appear blacker against the grey-I�� �ocing is blackness, and then off him and commenced to set the ownie white of the sky. It was hard steer- came forgetfulness. broken bones he fainted again. When Inc, but someone—huge, and clad in a s s s • he awoke to full possession of his - gleaming oilskins--was standing by Safety Razor - - 'r. wheel. Wbo was that? Not Jules, When consciousness returned to him faculties he found himself ketoses again he found himself. lying -in•a� -white sheets sad in an sines- _ ..nor McCallum, nor Simms. Who then? awash of water on the lee side of the phere which seemed strangely fa- -- •.. -Westhaver could feel the snowflakes miNar. His seemed to be un- end $ Gillette blades made imd i r melting on his face, yet he didn't feel cold flood. The vessel was backing usually stiff body and when he 9� by �� Safety Razor C46 i and plunging in a fearful manner; , the cold. The big figure alongside of spray was apEsatiiag cross the deodk made a movement it was accompanied ' �.. Mm turned and laid hie bends on the above his head; and above the whine by a alight twinge of pain. Then recall- 4f Canada, Ltl�- 1• • _- spokes of the wheel. Frank could feel' and snore of wind and sea he could leetion came,to him, said his eyes " • Mikes but he was putting the bear the shouts of the men on deck roved around the plainly lurnislied r� , .,. 1 Ire yelled savagely, anti he Keep at As recollection returned to him, he roes►• J - Wheel hand dawn? He didn"t warn the, � vessel to come u "Be her off. picked himself up painfully One of "Oh, yes . . . th' smell . . . hospi- ": `( the spokes with all his btrength. The leis arms seemed useless—he was;tail,"he murmured. "I'm all bandaged "I " answered the Newfound- Linked by phone. afraid k was broken--and be almost up. Wonder what I broke . .. . arm, lander. ' " e went ashore this morain' England and Holland have bees' - r aged not to.bear him.I screamed with the grinding pain in I I cAl"!ste." There was a swish Of all sgrwAd up- Collate he's maybe° linked for the'4nrt time by a tots AA�nk-!•alt the wheel being drag- shoulder and chest. "I'm stove up," skirts, and a young woman in nurse's gone �p to th Bay Shore---" �d aaa.y from him. Damn the man!I ,« " , " yearn cable planned more than alight' What did he mesa? In a beret of tarp i he mattered between set teeth, and uniform Dame ov�r�to him. How do Without comin t see me?� There yeas sea white-faced and dishevelled he drop- you feel'now, sir. was a plaintive mote in Frank's voice he laid all his weight on the gear, and' "Not bad—not bad," replied Frank and as he thought of the event all g the pall of the other was arrested, psi upon a lee mocker. „ the previous stay of the way m which Clouds we an the avenge sdrooiq ,, with a morn smile. What a all my y • Far God Alan ■ sake, get the 500 yards in t3tk nesa. • -''' lren he turned and gaged' into mapper up here l' shhouted someone. dsmacoe?„ he had treated Tait slid dory-mate, of •+ '. Frank's face. It was but a fleeting "Thaw's nsin' bat whits water an' The nurse laughed. "Oh, nothing stzfking him . . . Jules's words as he ��' but the yonS "gyp m Based breakers all 'round -this hell-rearin' very much, Captain. Broike an arm or'stood biers him with the blood . under the other's dripping sou'-wester n„ so. Well soon have you up and about. trickling drown bds head, "Stow de ,k deto sya which shone into his without PO Westhiver heard, and crawled with The doctor will be here sees, so let.vessel Yourself. • • . I leave Tou when Malice. It was a decd-white face, but me fix you n we get to " same a has mind'. '•' .the rewion is mouth and eyes was gasps of agony to the companion. He 1 ri ht now," p a bit So! Tlrst s ail Pont l,, h - '�... . ee��pp yy was sober now, and a& he clutched the Well he cook! )eerily blame sf tendo3raess and sympap Wbo was g� ay bulkhead with his right a doctor came, 'bdm foe' not coming. i yy. � made his ersmina- be? What did'hs mean? ]Frank calked ggww tion, seed himself satisfied and (To be coatiaued.) u' tntndbe shouted ere - - Parker sootsw� btzmdi-Sees qu conscious that I - was about to ]save whey the nurse y'the wheel was �ged out of " him, "Olt, doctorl There's s Rtusia Interested is Bird darkness, Come bedoav bete as ;;im- �P �_ ... -� handy la sp�ibe ff aria resistance, me s hand!" number of fishermen from that cis- your home. gaits &A Ads kl veakl cried Westhaver. McCallum and another man stepped.ma�ated vessel oft' there who've been Protection. ��y dye apparel coo be is a matter, Still hanging around wanting to see him. I wouldn't The �., spokes, ink aver the washboard. ng protection o! its migratory -'�ever by the fearful strength of "Ca me up col Lord $air yl -let them i—until you gave me in- game- birds is engaging the attention- mss, draperies, carpets anll': :a ;b}se sinnger he could heel life strafe what pa ul Buy,now—oh! All rice_ of the Rusetan Government and a re- M household articles can be dyed a ct his muse] and the' I'll stand . in here. Where's--�thl The man at medicine was abort to quest for assistance in drafting its, restored to their original e+, joints cracked. " Imake a negative answer, when West- 'The other was too atrorig fr him. He msine7? haver called him. "Doctor! Let them laws has been received by the Cana- freshness. -would have to list got a did sv. and "Gone?"rowed a mart. "Went with._ .. disn National-Park Branch-w43ch-sd Y, er the wheel spun to tb" pall of the th' blamd' mast a while when ye come try I want t see diem an I in the Migratory Birds Convert- We pa carriage sae r , -- fi�fi put tit' brute about he's under cal'tate It ain't a-goln t hurt me any way an a orders. �� • a veukce rowed in to have a talk with my gang— tion Act in Canada from V. GenerosoQ, ear: fares'] now. For th' Lord's sake tell - - . ' sit Island Nova-Zest Bur_-as' us what t' do. Thar's aawkhin? but , "Well, now, Captain, I'm not so Superintendent of the Lxpei;imelti l Aru11 r e fall Radom ' dead absadl" breakers all 'round an' we've jibed;sure about that. It won't hurt your Hunting Station. Agricultural Scion- '. "Sable Ietamd North-East Bar--an, her over twice—'t arm, but it might 'not-do your'other title Committee at Petrograd. The 1p�,t_eZ,fB ,dead ahead!" Westhaver glanced around A ter- injuries any goad Quiet, rest, and meeanrer taken to Canada !os' the pro- I� k ' n'ble sea was running and tossing Jr, perfect stillness are essential to r 'ibe words sang is the Y skip- g g !'� tectioa �nd 'propagatloa of wild 11fo, 'Wolrks,.i.><mtted yllr's brain, ands eat flood of re- livid, foaming crests. and the schoan- quick recovery, but I'll let them come states Mr. Geuerosag, appear to be so �wsss }f collection swamped him all of a and- or, with mainmast gone, was chin ng or a few minutes. Nuase, see that he Clt�was �'+� gi " desirable that to his report to the Rus- 's'. den. "liable Island' No"th-Ears Bar 7" iris burying her bows in the seething doesn't talk too much. _ •781 Fonge 8L The Guses Weathaver . . . his lather. I For over an hour he lay and watch- alas (3oserameat he proposes_ to re- turmoil.. Ton►ate as ''sY •. r " commend the adoption of similar meth- "Lord God! there's tk Larcber dead Wheree th Lightship? queried ed the play of the shadows on the de to his owe country. :+ ahead!" Frank. wail. A few h o flies buzzed around the The protection to Russia of migra- ;�,.. Someone screamed the intelligeniM "Bout two miles t' wind'ard.thse mom, but everything was quiet save ' -.and Frank swung the helm bard down. —eon west from here Weathaver for the occasional blast of a tow-boat's tort' home bards, especial the water ,+ chafe od seething sea broke over did some rapid thinking. "We're in•{whistle in ,the barbor outside. Then fowl, during the breeding season. will as the vesael_sasspt up Into they thth -half an' flve_ fbffi ��ke a slrnffliag of liesvily booted feat be of immense importance to the ' ?i a felt someth.ng give inside spots—;at the door, and the nurse entered fol- meter part of the countries is the ' hb It n. were ahourting acrd that's breakers on either side of us--"!low���lam, Simms, and a eastern hemisphere Hteda from t:nc- Fr in in the ' `� the storm He Aloud he spoke. 1kgTeu�* coo a more a tinsel• y� p1 - - , ortions of Africa and as f g vines orders I now. - "Here's some people to see u, " -• :, Board himsel! !slimly „�,, ,,, • a , „ „ y°, tar mouth a&Muiitralia, miainse OhBr to a great bulk standing along's`'lde 9 voice aaawered, `East-no th- Captain, said the nurse. There s bim. "Mainsheet! 9candedise 'fit!" about a dozen mate outside, but I great northern breeding grounds in mains']—laver awe yysrrr With excruciating pain at eve would only let four come u Russia and a treaty similar to that en- r' y Ytir Palk!" An- ' r6 spoke to the mamma "An' blow wull sure feelin' to-do tared tats between Canada, and the 35c Dandeflne SavesYoLll(' • otter sea burst over him and when it articalatio he pe y, drained off he was blind-stone blind. �iag by him. "Jibe her over care- skipper?" The great sad head of D[o• United States would have a salutary : ia1T—Ends Dandruff _ - folly—art head hdL%—south-east-haK- Callum beat over him. •� eQect on bird life is the old world. _ - _ -, may. east. D'ye ttesr?mouth-east-ball-f "Not so bad, Mac. Not so bad. i Delightful Tonic v • east--an' hold on that course 'tH yya� How's everything?" - i git Cape Ferchu abeam. Be caretu] "All rigt skipper. Ta vessel's The Retort Paternal. - ; in jibtn or ye_ U Dump th foremast out lyin' snug in;o back channel an' she's �. Lard I told your father that I just dote - 1. �jf!!11 I . .• . •�o' her, Oh, ,how my side pains!"�no sae pad alter all. She'll pe needin' " .�! ` • The jibing tackles were hooked into a new mainmast an' new dories. Ta on you." what did he say?". = the foreboom, and on the hail from I mainel an poom as to gaft was pick- � for'ard Jules put-the helm up. Crashl ed up this mornin' py a shore fisher- He "That I had better find an anti- The boom flew over and fetched up man py Part Maitland,ant Chnles has .dote" _ a- againat the tackles with a fearful'claimed it." :-- Bt1><�� 1 shock, and the men gathered in the Glancing around at the nurse, who Mfnard's Liniment for Colds, etc. °", 1 - s es-swept waist looked anxiously at:was gazing out the window, the the mast. " I Judiquer leaned over.and whispered: Born Talented. ._;•, t RbOVplitiC What a wonder it didn't go, mut- "I hev a pottle of to real whusky in , I��,. X tered Frank and when the came pock y „How you do stutter, my poor boy:. . gang ma et. If a wu•1'1 for havin Have you ever attended a stammering ? •' ' '{. aft, be called to them. Ill a Hawser a wee t1am—? t V fast to the forem'sthead an' set it ulp A look of fear passed across school?" �''''r'•,:; \''; �� 2u obwteat �' dvell aft oa th' starboard side 'here Frank's face. "No, no, Mac! My "N-h-uo. I d-d-d-d-do thi.- naturally." " M I "Breakers h' boo -tackle I"j,%d,-no!,-rlLnever_dxink r again with y ahead The men jumped, r , i.i(� •.r• } after what I've come th'roug s and Joke shouted to the skipper. McCallum nodded sagely.- "Maype ' ro - "All right--don't worry, cried yoursel" wull pe right, skipper—ebw AM !_ ,Ile huL suffe 'df/ ,Frank. "That's jest a tide rip. We're so, art' I'm not afieiitied at asl, at sal. sstvrai me o" permanently reecors past the real shoal spat—ye kin hear It is gout for some folks an' fery pad ae coralepeeca Graduate pupils every. •, , th' whistlin' buoy well t' windward. for other&" wYeee. lhesadvlae one licenjur•. _ • '- 11dt Kee her on that course, an' set u " „ THt ARNO'T'T iN8T1TUTrL ' ... gyp► �'�r P P Look now, Mac, said Frank. I11 that paeventer backstay. Let me know most likely be hauled up, here'•for LrrcHRNM. CANADA when Yarmouth Cape shows np." some times an' th' Kinsella needs s He limped painfurl'ly down the ]ad- new mast an' other gear. What kin ?'�n't lose another hair! Don't tall- :�R1 yl der just as the vessel made a wild I do for you fellows? Ye've no trip Erato destructive dandruii. .A little plunge in the rip; a frightful pain to draw on, an'- it's my fault that ± Danderine now will save your hair; ` _ shot through his side and with s - 1 u$ you're stranded over here—" =r icken and strengthen I ; doabie its Y T8• groan he dropped to the floor and slid "It's all fixed-up, skipper," inter I.beauty. -like a log into' the water and debris rupted Simms. "Jules has flxcd it s Falling hair never stops by itselt! „ i , � f mss{ to leeward. Heavens. what pain Ira all up. l=ies sent up to Long Cove far aaad.ruS multiplies until it totmo a al4 t!b[ !/► in;' lie murmured, and, afraid to yer.uncle, an' he's tannin' down by to- crust scale destroying the hair, roots * �,: move, lie lay to the sluicing water mower's train from Aneliorville. We'll y Jules, � live aboard th' vessel as io ' and all, resulting to baldness, - anti) Jule exhausted with his 11 ng as th g c at the wheel, came below and found cook an' the stores hang out, so don't Your druggist will tell you that him groaning. worry. Jules has ' =`Danderine" is the rargest selling • . ' wry. got th mains.'1 an j b* ` "Mon pauvre amil" The big French- basins, an' he's ordered a new main- saver in the world Decause it corrects Prevent& chapped hands Eracket. at•- �. : .t ;; man came over to him, and, lifting m's�t—" � _- ■�+' •____.. _'__,-atltn$tiar-o-t'mein and, " ^ '°' •.,.:. i _ _ body skipper gent- '<Ja�lpsa—.era..;.^�,r_-p,—„cw— �,.t”- ur, ••1•Bbtaina. rakes your skis i Kamen every time. Use o0e bottle of Dr Wig! Ji1y11N �i,. TM� the limp ad the skip r as t -1Tp ea would a s]eeplrrg child, he westhavee spoke in slow surprise. salt,white,clear and smooth. Danderine, then if you find a single .. laid him Into his bunk. (Where is he now?" talltng hair or a particle of dandruff, w "Oh Fnarrkee, Frankee," he said All drsrggirti sell it you can have Your money back; with commiseration in the•Mlnard's Liniment for Diphtheria. f 'u.`2d. e. 'ash'J` .'I"k '¢'M-''•ir,'Ee:ro;'\aP.,^'�iu7'e_xhs"".;:j.,.a... ..re...�:_:^.�.,.:'�.fZii•.t.: ..-i:C,. �.'_x�.,.R ....-,.� ''1_.. ... .,..�_.1 .�..._r^.A....;..' _.+ .•. sv.,.. - ._ _ . .._a •a -_ ..._,. _..._n _ �.? .'�wiw_�_. -9 e1�..'M _*.� n ""�.,� •.il '_�'#t,� �• v. �"1'f4�..�nx `,.+. .i'!'.stt�� "�, rrc-` = su? ..,'`,� rrc. Y.-iP' �.,.''i.R-111 i ,*ei%. `. •.,+s`w�•t`►�'h�'c-^,,,., ..' 17'4• e�?ay�', K;''a1"" '�' r:". !w S:,:F`+e-:,'°:,{:q ?'•e ,+;� .d t .c. 1f,"" �}, its ,mss +'4 }�,, ;,-x'. .'�i".lK. -:Si'"'" r.£•°�'-"A•;�k`t+2+i ti• 7 7 'C�l°•...n. y: �5�" 'r" .,.e+' 1r• '^ t. �k� .-i?• h�'•S"n..i?� �Yr�' 2 _ a:y;�. ..3"A`<,'-�• i •+.'1i�'' iw:,.+, v�ti,� a .. ,rte ,. -•�e�-«n,� r "' �•y zr r;. `�` v f s r � �0U"fi.AY ON ONEARIO HIGHWAYS M 1922 : �= 4. ya �. -` z: `:y Previous Eames . �• : - _ N DOEIf+ARS � � _ , � Qluleati�,Republic y TOTALS Tru MILLION _ �'" .•,, a 21as•ben ehea#ea by eardb- f. _. • ti..; ' .x {Euslce three t before this-- ---� 1818, 1866 and tin AnaueK 16. A despatch from, Toronto says:- erected, 1x900; bridges 'built, 28; rall-' 1"a. The latter, is Valparalw, ~• `With the construction period for this way Mooing **ways constructed, I This work, the Highways' Depart- destroyed the Greater part of Depart- year now over the Provincial High- went states, has been accomplished as the business section of the city, -ways, Department made available on the result of a season which has been' with the lose of hundreds of a' `✓ " ,c. "Thursday at the Parliament Buildings most propitious for furthering the. ` lives. Two distinct shocks so- . y , pop, � '�,,•� ��..� cur•red without tremor or warn- _ a statistical abstract of its seasons provinces good roads scheme. The l t j�,,,a' accomplishments. It revealed the con- weather, it is pointed out, lens been tug. Macey buildings were top- 2'- ^4 ... struction of some 300 miles of vacs- most favorable supplies of materials. pled over into the streets, sad -_. ;t :? .'� lire completed the work of des: �ously oompaeed highways, the accom- have been more regular,and labor has , ,�: ,s _ ylishmentof much preliminary grading been moat efficient. .; « traction. The seacoast near the and .other work, and the expenditure The locations of the Department's city is pnatable because of the t. of approximately $10,000,000. As the principal work has been in the Niag- <• frequency of upheavals. •Department's books for the year are ara peninsula and up through Western _Mt yet dosed,-this latter figure can_- Ontario._ A a ooneuuez}ce of its not be specified more definitely. activities.in t base regions, le Hamil- Week's Of this $10,000,00,%, of course, the ton to Brantford and Hamilton to. :f Tie - ::.. province's share, by virtue of the Do- Queenston roads have been .completed, ,minion and Provincial legislation with the result that a paved surface, .s . - --under which it operates is only $4,- now exists from Hamilton to Niagara wheat-No. Nort Toronto. ',000,000, or 40 per cent., the Dominion Falls. London wid St. Thomas and Manitoba soh N . 1 hs�l, Government also being obligated to Welland and Niagara Falls have been $1.20. Manitoba oats-Nominal. - z i' . - pay 40 per cent. and the municipal- linked: up, v nhile work has also radiat- Manitoba barley-Nominal. - �- trties benefltting from the construction ad from the cities of Chatham, Wind- ! All the above track Bay ports. being obligated t> pay the remaining sor, Ottawa, Peterboro and Toronto. d _ American corn-lo. 2 geHaav, + ,;t0 per cent. I The Department in its report ex- - THE COMING STORM. : 87'{ac; No. 8 yellow, 863yc, cell rail. The Highways' Department arum- presses its recognition of the advis- Barley-Malting, 69 to 62x, accorth! '.- ;n3rires its year's work as follows: ability of abolishing level crossings -From London Opinion ing to wbeat't outside. �,.• `? bitiminous contrite pavement erm. and states that it is pursuing this -- --- - --- Buckwheat-No. 2, 71 to 78c. °ten P Rye-No. 2, ?6 to 79c. - etracked, 44.9 miles; concrete .pave- policy as rapidly as practical caasid- Millfeed-Del. Montreal freight; .ment constructed, 4826 miles; bitum. orations will permit. The cost. it is THOUSAND PERISH IN CHILE bags included: Bran, ppeerr ton, $�, a inoua- macadam constructed, 1125 pointed out, is so great that reason- shorts, per ton,$24; middlings,$288.50; tailea; waterbouiad macadam con- able regard must be had for the rail- BYTI 1i linos feed flour. $2. _ 1 its at .'strutted,-107:4--miles, ,,,mot o„a LaL-e way companies in tne. matter of the Off.ario w t-No 2 white, $L(i7 • - __4aourse constructed, 138 miles; grading extent to which they are forced into to $1.12 aecrding to freights atxtside; }i ^ v > •finished, 487 miles; concrete culverts this expenditure. - -- -' - No. 2, #7.02 to $1.07. Many Thousands Homeless is Southern Repnblie--Tidal o ,a�o No. 2 write cafe--41 to 4se.l Ws►ve 160 Fee# in Height Which Followed bulhquake Ontario corn--Nominal. EIGHT-HOUR FIGHT ontario Soar-Nines�per Bent.pat.,� ` Destroyed Some of the Smaller Towns on the Coast. In jute bag's, Montreal, prompt chi IN COUNTY MAYO meat, $5 to $6.60. Toronto v: a' $4.90 to $s; bulk. seaboard, $4.80 to Santiago, Chile, Nov. 12.-An whole coast line and doing much dam- $4 90. .: Twei*oC Rebus,Killed ill,Battle � s I earthquake of great magnitude and age. The tidal wave Addeo to the �= ,ems �s,',r Manitoba flour-.1st peas., in cottons', between IrlCgulars and 4 • ' ;fsr-spread effect rocked Chile from terrors of the people, many ai whom mks, $6.90 per bbL 2nd pat&, $BAO.� lV:ttlonals. end to end yesterday. It was accom- cried out for aid. Again the sea re- gay-Extra, No. �, per tan, traelt, „ permed by a tidal wave, and the corn- ceded for a dis�ree of 300 yards Toronto $15; mixed, $18.60 to .$14;j A despatch from London says:--An .' bind toy" of the earth termore and beyond the low-tide mark; then seem- clover, i13.b0 to $14. a4: r �, ton Umdr, To- - aright-,hoar battle between Free State the sweep of the water did vast�ad to gather foare and came back lace Straw9.50 t tote, per an immense wave, tatimated at 50 ronto, $9.b0 to $10. troops and Irregulars near Foxford, d8mage• � large, It is estimated that at least 1,004 metres (164 feet) in helglst, which Cheese-New, tile• tw►inr; County Mayo, is reported In a Central ;^ are dead and many thousands are in completely destroyed the Baquedano old, tripletr,'26}ac; 13c; ns, aum. Pteays despatch from Balling,tea miles `distress, needing food and :hebtter. quarter. A number of big lighters,t9c. js>'ge, 2?c; twins, 28c; Stilt+oras,� �tx+om the scene of the fight. The ir• I The provinces of Antofagasta, Ata- were picked like chi and carried 4pi regulars are said to have been dis- I chips r - 42c;ord17 t creamery print . W -... central points of the qua lying' I � r - which . to 0c. ord'inarp cssgm �, men killed aadbemaayore dad.about Zvo sued most.then beyond the railway brie+ds mark. to 40c. Daley, t9 to 81e�t� 91i1.i ' r cams and Coquimbo a iaj five blatdrm from the law-ti ,r k men on flax Free $tste� th �- ` ; dad 3 ., 25 Atacama,has the largest casualty list,-and many seriously wounded by the •be nPa 28�; 3 to 4 lb., 26c; f - wounded.-- with about 100 killed and many sari- earthquake, which ., /y«..I many 6 lb. and up, �c• ; 4 to 6 ttu; 4 Ski ^a. A despatch from Belfast mays:- oust inured I buikiisags in Copiago, capital of the do, uader4 lb. lie; masse, 24c; s Er•akine Childers, one of the chid y were drowned'province of Atacansa. li�sa 38c• tnrjceya, 40c. 3ientensnts of Eamon de Valera ffi the One hnadretl person Msrgsa-�n�-20 to 22e. at Coquimbo, when s tidal-wave, com-` ' It was for a time feared that the Eggs-No, 1 candled. 37 log 81ls� - Republican movement, was captured Sir Auckland Geddes ing after the earthquake, swept In city of Antofagasta had sufi'ered•a selects, 89 to 41c; cartons, new laity. :, by the Free State farces at Wicklow "Stay wawo you are:• is him advice with a great roar. The inhobt'tants'great diameter, but most of the dam- 65 to 70c. ' - aesrly on Friday morning, R b officiab- to young t aagdis>aa,an his start to the were panic-stricken and race to the age done at that places was due boa Beam-�aasdisn lfand�ricksd, 1h..r ly announced. A brother,of Seamus Domdalon. He as" that it Casadtaap bW& The' adaance of -the sea wan'tidal weave. which drove the people 6c P'dzY►es, 6ilar. ;Robinson, prominent Tipperary Re- stood by their oauntry in peace as sceompelnded•by electrical discharges.I out of their homes over a consider- �� ? ,. .s..: .-Vablican,1 was captured with Childerm. they did.In war,its'Drogress would 1» Two stgunws were left pigh and dry able area. No report of lance of life �+ $2-50; W 5 bn;k .0 ya WaaW+ ..�.o [1�u W (Pia lace 6laaaw w marl. when fire waters reewea. "roe idote imas yw coma i mm Caws. � y Portobello Barracks In Dublin. _ and rail%my depots were destroyed.i Chancel, in Atiscamg,hiss virtue�q nand 2% 1b. tins, 14 t to 13e pad The arrest of Mr. Childers, though tachments drove auk, b.; 2 and io co fans, 14 to ar% pegs chewing foe Great quantities, d merchandise were'been a9aandoeied by the inhabitants, as �.; Ontario comb honey, par dbeeo,� . r -depriving the enemies of the Gov. the Irish Republic. scattered through the streets, and many buildings were wrecked by the $8.25 to $4. i+ mrnment of a valued counsellor, is not Heavy Bring cracked in various along the water front. Coincident immense seam , :�,lu,i in wh%m tai ?oistoes-New, Ontario, 1ta 1,tii4c .;,:expected to interrupt seriously the parts of the city during the night, with the shocks the sky was Illumin-' earth sleeks had caused. The greater to $1; No. 2, 75 to 85e. activities of the irregular forces, The irregulars renewed their attack ated by electric discharges, and fired�part of this town was•destroyed.. Smoked memta--Rant. med., 20 to which, in Dublin especially, are in- upon Wellington military barracks broke out. After the first shocks, the' Throughout the province of Coquim- 28c; cooked ham, 40 to 48c• am ?; creasing. and also fired upon the Portobello,,wa receded for a considerable dia- bo-hu�eds of houses wWo levened, rolls, 26 to 28c; cottage n, 32 ro�la, 88 taF It is reported that Mr. de Valera Barracks., The early, morning hours I ice, and then t back in an im-' while the residents tied to•the' hills. a b��� b�4n' c t° S t tom- wvas also in the house-where the ca were made hideous b the rattle of eoiep ��brand less, 39 bacon' 38 to 40e. P- y dense wave, eztendin,g from Coquim-f From the southern }fast cd Glbdk backs, boneless, 39 to 48c.' Iturea were affected,but evaded arrest. ns gun• bo to La Serene, seven miles to the come' report* e! severs shacks, but Cared rooster-Low clear b�r�oal Tire hoass where Childers and Bob- TR'o ctvillaam were found d"d on a �h�, flooding the strap and the little dsnrage. 19; lightweight rolls, in bblr., 114 7; boon wore taken was the residence of suburban road, and two soldiers lay _ -.--.. ... .-_ _ ._ -- --__^_.. . eavyweight rolls, $88. �~ rt Barton, Glendalo^ Rn„u wtrunded this mereiag in ths..centre -�-- Lard,--Pure tte+ces, 1^ec; ttrba, NEW RECORDS 1N `ducer for the province of any de 17%c; pails, 17%c; prints, 19%c. M�iaarton, a signatory as the Angle-. of the city, meat, because of the timber limit -o' .Xrish Treaty, who later joined forces , TIMBM RF.CFIPTS I sales which it transacts; it bids fair Shortening, tierces,;8 to 281st; tab, r, -with de Valera. ; 13�i to 13%c; pails, 14 to 14%c; this year to maintain this position, prints, 16-% to 17c. A despatch from Dublin says:- Employments,will be much better in Lands and Forests DePaAm t its only possible rival being the sue- Choice heavy.steers, $7 to $8; hut% ' J1=rned Republicans,mingling with the .Canada this winter than last, accord-I � 4�00Q cession duties' department. cher steers, choice, $5 to $8.25; do,' laborers going to work in the port of,ing to. an opinion expressed oy C. S. Re ' ' During the year forty-one timber good, $5 to $6.60; do, mad-, $4 to $6;' •Dublin to-day, surprised the guards of Ford, Saperiaten51e1it of'the Govern-t Revenue. do, wen., $3 to $4; butcher half r i and pulp-woods limits have been sold era, ilational.troops at their pcsts in the.ment Employment Service. Building l A despatch from Totonto says:- involving a total area of 600 square choice, $5.75 to $6.26; do, med., $4.b0 port area, disarmed them and took and con ruction trades, lumbering to $5.25; do, com., $3 to $4• butch Ontario during its past fiscal year miles. Of these the largest single coois, choice, ;3.50 to ;; away all their arms and several thou- and farm work, will be fairly active has realized the sum of $4,40�D,000'tract was•the one.of 81 square miles medium, $2,50 to $3.00; canimm sand rounds of ammunition. this winter and at the present time, 1 Tire spoils of the raiders were load-i there is a coripiderable demand for''from the Bale of its timber and pulp,in Sherlock Township in the- Sudbury and cutters, ii1.50 to $216; ad %e a lorry which the raiding de- men in those industries. I limits and crown lands,'according 40' District, which was sold on the last butcher bulls, feeding$3.50 steers,$4.25; do, the statement which was issued Fri- -day of the fiscal year. Another large r +day, afternoon at the Parliament tract was•one of 72 square miles in j$5 to$5.50; do,fair,$4 to$5; etoc1ers, A Buildings from the office of the Min.- Mississauga Township, District of Al' good, $4 to $4.60; do,fair, $8 to fj&ed., ROBERT FORKE SUCCEEDS HON. T. ll. - }•inter of Lands and Forests. This goma. The great bulk of sales, how-I calves, choice, $10 to $11; do, mad., figure-corisfftutes a record, being sub- ever, were of tracts that were under $8 to $choice,do, tom., $3 ; $7; milts, C� L7L7 LEADER OF P Sur choice choice, $60 to $80; rii.75 4o stantially in excess of the previous 15 square miles in area. choice, $70 to $90; lambs, $11.76 •to high total of $4,035,000, which was, $12; sheep, choice, $6 to $7; do, bulls, ` achieved in 1922. '$2 to $15; hogs, fed and watered, Winnipeg, Nov. 12.-I! the "Pro- should emanate from and be formal- The Lands and Forests Department Tamps Raid De Valera $10.50; do, f o.b., $9.75; 'do, countrlr• gressive" or "Farmer' members of lated by the local constituency or- considers that_the year past has been a Headquarters in Dublin points, $9.b0, the Fedora! Government can have'ganizations instead of by the elected one of the most successful for it. Montreal. r ^.. their way, the Progressive organize-1 representatives, the Alberta members' Habitually the greatest revenue pro- A despatch from Dublin says:--i Oats, CW, No. r,M n spri g,w No. 3,60 to 61c. Flour,Man, apring,w$eat tdon in Canada is to "broaden out";and Miss Agnes Macphail of-the On- Troops raided the De -Valera party's pats., firsts, $6.90. Rolled'oaks, bag- and, become a real •political party tak tario delegation put in written pro- headquarters in Suffolk Street oat 90 lbs., $3.15. Bran, $22, Shorts,424. tag in all &*aaea. tests, with the result that `;r)>�tm*+- - Thursday evening and made a pro-1 Hay, No: 2, per ton, car lots, $16 to 4 T`ne conference of the Frogreasivel ference agreed to a modification, a longed search of the-premises. $17. M.P.'s from five provinces passed abider being attached that the matter No men were found in the huilding,� Cheese, finest'Easterns, 23 to 23%c.' resolution an Sraturdle; to the effect of a national organization should first but five women were arrested and a'Futter, choicest creamery, 87c. Eggs, , • >. ; ' .,.` freA, 45 to 46c; selected, 39 to 40c; 'that the Progressive movement is big i be submitted to the local •organza- ,;� _ large quantity of documents were No. .i stock. 36c. Potatoes, per bag, ' am0ugh to include men from all walks tion& seized, including Republican election car iots, 90 to 95c. Ad life and that steps be taken to give The conference elected Robert `;• literature. Good steers, $5 to $5.50; North-wet affect to the common ideals. The Forke, M.P., for Brandon, Man., as ! �- cattle, $4.50 to $6; med: steers and ' tegol'ation was passed unanimously, Chairman of the Parliamentary Ex- BritaWs Debt" ; heifers, $3.50 to $4,25; tom., $2.25 to Ilihre Alberta members, who have been ecutive and House Leader, succeeding $3; med, cows. $3 to $$33.25; tom. cows, is of the "group or oc- Hon. T. A. Crerar. Mr. Forke was 4 E7[cEedsr�0:000,0Ua $1.b0 to $2.7b bails, $2.25 to $3;• ; v0pa�tfo l" idea of government, ap- elected over J. T.*Shaw of West Cmd- s ll i calves, $9 to $�.50; mad calves, $6.1?v•- ,,aw _ �tently having been won over to the gary. The vote was not announced. I A despatch from London says:-I S8; grassers, $2.76 to $3.50; Est , 'ab -41mung-0v+t" policy, The Press R. A. Hoey of Springfield, Man., who i�, The British Treasury returns made lambs, $10.b0 'to $11; need., $10 to lbommittee report abates that the re- had been 3ustrtioraed-for the leader- public-on Thursday give Great Bri-; $10.b0y corer. lambs, $0.60 b $10; ` Molvtioa was padded unanimously. sksip, declined to stand. tain's total debt on April 1 of tidal sheep, $4 to $6. Hogs, ;11.26. - °: To carry out its purpose of beeom. Mr. Forke is a former President of year at 97,742,526,147 (roughly $84,- c __- iag a national political organization, the Union of Manitoba Municipalities, M 067,11bA68). The lowest figure since. The biggest carloiad of-apples- over }_ 1 committee that'hrad been named to and has had extensive municipal ex- Admiral Halsey 1875, when the debt Nvas f757,268,569' shipped out of British Columbia went into _matter and report-t+o-_the periemce- He-is-,s-fanner and lives Canadians will remembrer' Admiral ($8,365,082,648), aces in 1899, when it eastward la3tL Weal; to llSsgrath', AIta., +reaferetroe reQOmmerded that the at Pipestane, Man. He is regarded as Sir Lionel Haiaey ae cne of the officers was £635,393,734 ($2,795,732,429). The the huyers beirtg 1&ssra. Wurz and $soak of forming a rational organiza- a sWe and sane "moderate•" Mr: who attended the Price of Wales on debt in 1914 was $3,113,M,184. Whiffle, purchasing ageM;t f0• the don be ptnesedrad firdkh ' Tlaking the Forks was -born in Scotland and came lays tour of the Dominion, He has been The highest figure was in 1820, b'ernonite colony near that town. Fit nd that the driving p;w"r aced to Canada in 1882. Mr. Shrw is s retired at his own request to'make when it was £7,878,607,166 ($84,555,- teen hundred boxes of Jonathans and raLtrsla o! sod► an tre'jly Calgary, lawymc. room for younger officers. 671,b19). �Wagner*made up t%r`m!#ipr",.t. i _ , '� '• ti T ,' ••+w;��• b'. � .C'' !C' M F.M {� .�.1.'Y'y.'�'"�ic scribers. The Home Compeny also' first-ciaaa-position and are being offer-. T-- - g P t qANNE'D .,,.GOODS i now becomes the a ent of the Bell ed at an at rice.b -Dl r.AI keli lCe. Telephone Company for Long Di$t=' the $nancial representative, of the ' �T y . �;'r• :1r'.. TMRMS ante service at all t;,te p9lats mentiou- Uompanq% 11.75 per year,;:$1.50 if paid in advance. ed, which means that the Howe Com- We understand that already son:P BEST BRANDS AT REDUCED PRICES an s revenue will have an addition;of these bonds are being placed and t =of commission for handling this Long ' no doubt the limited amount which is JOHN MURKAR, Proprietor. Distance business, which amount ,ciJl' available at tbis time will be absorbed Gold Medal Canned Corn 2 for 25c. Gold.Medal Early June Peas 180. run into four flgures "annually. -The! by the subscribers or friends of the ; Hoene Company's annual ceyenuewwill f Rome Telephone Company in the - - Gold Medal'Tomatoes I6c. - ou .,.,IN MEMORIAM. i be just about doubled as a result of i terri.tory. the consolidation,•their operatiogex- -Aylmer Standard Peas 15c Aylmer Tomatoes 15e. r. RICE-I'n laving memory of dear dear pense will be only slightly increased Aylmer Corn `?for tar. ��• daughter. who died Nov. 18, 1919. and their maintenance cost should be y js Three'yexrs,have gone, our hearts are reduced on account of now having! Grain Prices are Firmer • , _ _?= it still sore, more telephones per mile of wire and C���e�u©17,t1y "'King Standard Peas . for 25c. :Lud we often sit,and think of her pole line to take care of. When we ere al alone. Feed rites will also advance as the ' It is the intention of the Home Tele- p phone Company to start at once to feeding Beason come bas: ,For those who arlrseeking something stiperior in these For•'rnemory is the only friend that goods we have further improve its service-a. pro- -Mu our requirements now B k grief can call its own. y' q .Ike ivy on the withered oak when gram involving the expenditure of. = and'save money. ,� r •';: man thoueande of dollars. A-`71, • other things decay. To take care of this work an to free Another car of Out. Bran and Shorts -•`: Our love for her will still keep green to arrive in a few days. ; . and never fade away. itself entirely of any current liabill-' Each-can guaranteed to be the best iu Savor and tenderness. i •• i'. ties, the Home Telephone Company i Corn, Wheat.Oats. Mixed Chop.Bran Sadly missed by has made an arras eme6t to offer for g or Oil Cake ask a Peas (early June)25c a can. Apes Corn 20c a can Shorts, Tankage `Ape .- _ . . �.3. ., - sale a limited amount of its first wort., tc., in stock. 20 Father and�3other nun �►� *'� A a . .+,Par, ran of Gun- gage(Sold- Bonds. As a result of the� Apex Tomatoes c a.can. Apes Beans 25c a can. T= = t P--�" Grindin Tuesda s Thursdays and ner.Rrilliam T. Law, loth Battery, consolidation, ae we -ua. id, t_°i g y " 10. F. A.. wbo died Nor. 1i';th, 1917, earning power of the Company bas; Saturdays, 7 cents per cwt. Lip n:` of wounds received:at Passchendaele, been jurt about doubled and.the secur-; GLEN VLTILLOG{T MILLS 'Some day, some time', our eyes shall iry in the way of physical assets be- • see hind the Company's .bonds bas been CEDAR GROVE ---- -— -` The face we loved sn well.• increased,by approximately$10.000.00- r' ti (dome day,some time, our hands•shall The bonds,' therefore, are placed in a 1 Branch Lueust Hill Phone hark _600 clasp _ -_-____ __ _ The Superior Meat , Market .... And never say farewell. - •. CARD OF THANKS. _ , . — - The Man Who 'Makes Money - {v. Wz wish_tn thank the many kind ° On Friday;.October 20th, we open our friends for their their expressions of HE man raisin k1i h- rade cattle makes more mone - !uh - sympathy and neighborly assistance - g g y - • - ?. during the brief illness and at the time - than the man satisfied with ordinary stock. ne�v Corner Store opposite the 2'r ' of the death of our dear father. Rich- and Cullis• If limited resources handicap your progressive ideas for Gordon HOl1Se Wu. arras Mss. CvLL1s improving stock, discuss the financing of your project with -;- - - - ----- - -,our local . ..aa... - - - ---- -special Opening Sale fc�r-the—weekend. r t.• . Cooeolidated Telephone Service Watch our window-- for• cut prices TRZ N" ARRANGRXENT PtTTS A6ME r sy TzI.SPaorra co IH elan-ins Poel. — and save money. h k.., TlON AND RILL BENEFIT BUS �. Cf ° RCRIBSRB AND PUBLIC - :r:•` The public will be interested is WHITBY BRANCH, - C. P. LYND. Manager. 9' . learning that the negotiations that BROOIUM BR,ANCK E- C. CROSS. Manager. We have been told that We Cannot IDake a Lying •"'' have been In progress between the Some Telephone Campaap and the -at our prices. . We believe in small profits 4F; ' Bell Telephone Company 'have heed ,and quick retnrns: ' carriod to a successful l9aue and as a aeeult rbeiw will-he only nne telepbooe e ti stem 01"rating jg this territory. nder the arrangement, The Home ChOlOe Fresh and Cooked Tale hone O,+m arty. which h the The Store that'set the.pri�e. p Meats. Prices that are LESS. 1.-, way. bas "a p the l ge r-� Scott Telapbooe- C ompany. wi ] ha vae t MEAT ,-MARKETA. the exclusive charge of the telephone ., - ^ L rn OPPOSITE TH p E service to U:hridge, Markha®. Pick- F. J. Coldha , :GORDON HOUSE + IGKer�ng s eriolt. Brooklin acd C.4reano t. The Round Roast or Steak. ... . 2&-per lb ` Sarluio Roast or Steak. 28c '• . ranee of the HomgTelephone omp.►ny .�, will apply on all Telephones in this •'• • .territory io the case of Unionville, Porterhouse Roast or Steak, ... .:. tho wahectilaeaa ri.ar- may nlrimately F. asp Roo ; - cXv+ ►1(, t,YLEb +n t ore : r�,JJ jj�� �<JJ j �/ be taken Into the MArkham exchange , Fine Ri'b Roast, ... .-. 5W " which means that tltiey will get all the "' connection that they have now for Heavy Rib Roast. ... .. ... lee " their 'anauaf reatAl and in addition ' Shoulder Roast. .. , . - .. ' alt,and I6c secure connection with the HomeTele- 1 f, - The Canadian Home needs• plenty of phone Com ny's subscribers. :: Pot Roast, ... ... , The Be11.Telephonw-Company have Brisket, to boil. ..: .. ,.. Hes;t and Lig t r' ^keu offer the Hame •exchanges st Lei;of Pork 25c ,• _ i Whitby and Port Perry. wberP the �- ; i Home Company had been operating Loin of Pork. ... ,.. ... .. .25c -,•- 6 .. under rather advert+e conditions for Shouldet Roast of Pork; .. 20c,23e Bli a Htl, �+p` soma years PPast and a result bad diffi- m 1 tufty ►n maJntaiatag otHeient service. P2 g ph�]r qa ..: .. 25c - 1 h(�i11�11�i i►al�gE�1 Y y rrrom the rumic ataadpoinc ..e d0 '#µms sot heoltats to say that we believe the_. Flneat SaltPorQt Bltcon. iec' -. 2ac " and yr n will alecr,s to caelfortable a rranirement is to be .commended be- a nce� and coatented. I cansP it removes the du lication o1 :r- �� p e' 3aC � p .. telephones and places the home Tel,- - �1 _ - _ sliced. ... .-. ' We _ _ ,• phone f7ompanv in a strong position Mild Cared Cottage Rolls(half or whole).. 38c " . - Q y a (1Ole m&n :x ` u thr field, impro_5ed--their financial r ,. oondit on tad-enable them to make Back Bacon. ... ... -. ... >aecaseary improvements to their @Te- ' ked Haaa,.. •• r ,- + _ Lamp ". - tams. which will mean more efficient Weiners,.- d esrvire. The latter Is where the sub •'• .. n e ... - ... 20c w sbrthrr w1U benefit. Theretoce, we --.' ': Mead-Uheeee..• " a - •�"' have a good light daring th • � long winter ereaings. _ •: '...' .beileve the arrangement Is a ood one 'Easy First and Donseatic Shortenlna, 31bs 50 cents _ g .. pa god 5 lbe 80 cents - P k xor the Qom ay and a o one for •� It is a lea�sn re for as to show Rlss Public and the enbecnbers. .. " •s lb prints 18 cents -.. port our 3•�tds . To regrrd to the Home Telephone _ Company its PosPfnn has been very 1P`reeh Trost sad White Fish Every Friday J• �• ��r �,T^i*' - l pl � =?° Imaterialiy Etrenptthened. The Com•' j.�jn�j� —" lR �pany bra been retested „f the non- W G REID, - -- TICKERING Tr aying portions of their system and r ve been placed in exclusive control i 4 r of a moreennipact tejephone territory, � � � µ ., "with a much larger nnmher of sub- _ �foy.r�z - --- --- --- low rice. level never before - lllallcla. s,: ^.. 1,::r . r.__- r:ow•.ea 0 of �. l;r.c a.. c! 1.::ri{�<.�•S ,rQ^d.ardv�•; fv - -reached by any car ul Canada s - N rv1F1rIP�;r� i Ax t.IVe?Ci ,r3Pr ' - �,}-• ,1:��•,'ra i ' ifl°^+t t�!]S 1: �']? :r ? ',r�r �.- �•-invahl-i.^, e; 3T) - ^t `;c�,• F'r-aecicl S?r*. 0 41 G . I- .- :-- ; ". 1�- - Ford Touring Car F. O: B. Ford, Ontario The Wrist Watch of beautyt ,i'°�!t_ , l, s ==a' OP G•:uLAa. �► and lfound craftmanshtp - ATE YPICES Obi ,ALL FORD MODELS TOT_L t 1 T� O{�r FTr,lIT1-T�i;i_~ 31Ir.I.IO?tiS =s:` The wrist watch you buy for Pickering Brr.^ch, - -` A•[R -^`E un� TSan��er Chassis . '' X45.00 Whitb Ma^�aec :=*awe dear friend should be a y product of the soundest crafts- R,ii�Il S b01]t • a ': 05.00 - -- dnansbip. If it is not, n0 - - arnouot of beauty will make it 1 ourin . _. an object of pride co its -Truck Chassis ' . 495 00 - - '' A l • . .',wearer. ::' • . 1 � . �.. .�.• � �. .. ...�" Coupe - 95 80 in'our wide display of tiiuen Wrist Watches yon will find • • 1Q J J timepieces of unAUrpassed -Sedan _ 785.00 4 beaoty. accuracy and depend= , i}l el o rN cart ilJ 1 on Our The above prices are F. O B. Ford, Ontario. : Starting and W 11►l t, r =ability. Each is a product of electric lighting;ne Chassis, Runabout,Touring, Truck Chassis thefamow(Trues Guild Ciafte- � , I,• t Y, 4 $85.00 extra. On Coupe aoa Sedan starting and electric light- b11S1it � � 1'``'"d 1 t1�t;�"�' `t �1` "1 . E'�� iunoship--the finest craftsman- inR are standard equipment. ` Ll S ship known to mode Freiiibt and Government taxes extra. 1,'.t �11:1 �'t rn watch- =akinµ. _ here R•ith the �; , s( 117+'- T °home in and examine some of - _ _--�; ---- -- , -- -.. - - d t? li i ii i ti 115xes. ' :•;oar newest trues G^ :�' � the 3l r. , S uild crew= :lions. You will be Bur rised ; ' - 3 t•'� , • a►t the very moderate coeD of ;; �' White Bread, l�r(�t� l� � :�d, � I'lll� LUVeS 'Such time p master- I a me " ar 1 0 �c ea n o cee F. r kee tag _ ;pie pendent phone 200 Inds Trp o M'll;: R 11 only " ch a ongh f gel' �., . �. � � C K S '� _ • �33� cf Chocolates in b111h,anti hn7a�' ' .a tai..se r, i omt.,wbiehyoa ss! 'y JEWELER . ��aCU� �` .IndeF��ndenJt Phan�,y p�,haef�fray.. ... ,� • a. Sherwood 1, Co .+ fiI�IHITBY. OIVT. H R Monne'yl T. MATHESON Ford Sales and set�ce Station. t•r_ it7r q�*4 "....� `�`' i ..R• -rp,'•Fec ...r, ra:• vsc t r•.rra.!F.��e.:•w'���'�'t+ _ re,.-+•iM1w' ,0.��iae`+r .��., •,�sy.,y'^ '^+ `° �G�e° .:�i ..xr .,C r^�t_-� +t*tw,s• -r •>: rr:�„•...$%;ir��'^i` •� Wr;�;.. i.•,+„.,, ':..;... , -,t. -'e�`3t'' -yw'e^ y+' ^'''�Y�'' ,�. .. ', .;, ..• .,tiE� F, -=�f'y"�+�; Teie1.E:iV ,.r� ..,. :�,s v��' ?4°F�9-?��r-1`L.�+ci{ 'i, .,�•."•",s'°• ,•rb' "Sy,;.•'+... . ry .��I • .. L "a�YEl .• �-. � , y .f• .cM..r>"u! II :ur ,N. o- _. .. .-.� 'v. _ loom ;CLAAEMONT. The Union Sabbath Sehool~Arill Thoeflea Appleby, of Wingham, _ TIME 3'dBLE--Buttering 3iatiow ' hold tbeir annnal Christmas True is visiting with his uncle, Richard T.R. Trains going Bass dae a follows ae.Cooper had a business trip and Entertainmept on the even- Ward, to the it on Monday. to of Dec, 21st. i�IrF. Durden, who has been ORo T �'t� is Local 11`,83 P.X. Ddra. Ed, Gibson is spending a R '� $0 Local d.2)i P.ld R. E. For,-yth's two youngehild- on the Cooper farm west of the Sunday train, 7,5"c A.M. few days with relativef in -the ren have been ill for the past week village for the past two years, has � lit iI' I city. or two suffering from the flu, but, rented R. J. Mann's farm on the! Train going Rest dae w follow` G. M. Forsyth landJanrws Under- No. 29 Local 10.50 S.M. : are now somewhat improved. sixth of Uxbridge. r 27 Local 'd.44 P.M. hill-were in the ciiy on Monday 1drs, N. Burton, who has been. — r_ I Il 9 Mail 005P.it[; -? -buying a carload of cattle. confined to her bed for several L {{�� Bunchy train, 8,05 P. M. very I Wm. Bundy. who has best weeks ovvina to illness, is some• on a Youth, RJUt Foregoing is according to Standard very ill, is not improving as fast what improved during the past L time. ae her friends would like. few days. - Never Knew a Boyhood + Miss Jean Renfrew, of Okana- Fred Ward has, been busy for George Adams is a very weak boy I ,' Ran, B. C., is visiting at the borne scrime time buying horses ini-North• —he's so weak he can't even turn � T •_`•. of Peter and Mrs. Macnab. ern Ontario Hnd selling them to the pages of a book without feellna, f You' Co a`' Coa� x "� Mrs..Reynolds, of Toronto, is pain. He has a good many brothers I 1 Show, a _ y farmers in Pickering Township for and misters and his parents are very _ spendnga few days with her par- feeding purposes. poor, so when George put on lone � How t0 Increase ants, Harry and Mrs. Thomson. Mrs. B:inse who has been with trousers—he was lust 1. at the time Hard and Soft Cori of'the y r W, J, �diche11 and daughter', he became a man and took upon g , her pxrent�, Harry and Mrs. himself the task of earning money Your ; Profits beet quality: on w= Wisses Jennie and Agnes, spent Thomson, during the summer, is for the family. He went to learn a trade in an iron the weekend with Claremont leaving for her horse-in Syracuse, foundry, where fumes and hard work If you'll talk over with me the T* * hand _y friends. undermined a weak system and Bowed ! �7 N. Y., this week. ( advantages Toronto Stable A� W •. Lieut.•Cul. W. G. Michell and future trouble. Now and then one I g _ , sister, :111ss Catharine, of Toronto! ' r• a,arr"' Equipment will bring to your Lo .week-end With Ed. ana ,SALE- REGISTER. o oios of jot and George would have ' farm. _,.- to 'keep nis nose to fife grindstone Toronto Stable Equipment Gibson. . . --� C. H. Frunrl_ha8 completed the SATt'RDAY, NOV. 18TH—A.uetiott sale ,a'few more hours each day tb make is designed to save you labor, x of farm stock and implements at lot work,rworkH until f one dayuhe drop- keep the stable cleaner, keep WANTED 't brick work on Thos. Gregg's new 0), con,:3'. Pickering, the 'property p,;d on 'the floor. The company your cattle healthier, more con-. . _ •residence and is now busy with of )✓BIOS Hill. Sale at one. See physician, who, examined him, pre- tented, more prom able. RELIABLE SALESAGENT the plastering. bills. F. W:•Silversides, auctioneer. scribed a year or two at the Muskoka i a Hospital for Consumptives. He can't Let's talk this great im ve- For this district to soli our Mis3 L. M. Jones, principal of , pro i � 11oxDAT, \o�-. ..lYrli—AuctlOn sale Of understand why he never had ahoy- , meat over. Toronto StableEgw'p- 'Fruit and Ornamental Trees, �• of the High Cast Girls' School, of g acres of etnnding timber, consist- hood and none of,the good thing's of I ,sent includes Stalls, Bull Pens, - _Flowering Sbrubs,etc, Ramachandra, India, is the guest ing of pine, elm, hardwood and fed- separation fromihis happy—he a family sfegua ds Exclusive Territory Water Bowls and Litter Carriers. ; •of Rev.and hire. C. W. King 9,r.at lot 30, con. 7, Pickering(1 mile `them, He's content, and he still has � .° GOOD PAY The Ladies Aid Society of tb* from saw-uWl); also frame house, hope. j Union Church will ,hold 9 bazaar 19a?0, and frame bars, 87x34, the There are many lust eu^h deserving C �r• PILIIEY Our agency is valuable. The ofJ. E. Wilson. Sale l cases in need of treatment at the PICKERING - ON T. Stock we sell ingrown in.our - 10 on Tuesday, Nov.28th,when there property Muskoka Hospital. Will you lend a own Nurseriaa. Our list of : will be a sale of home-made cook- o'clock. See bills, Fred: Postil), hand. 'varieties is the best, auctioneer. Contributions may be sent to Hon. ing, fancy work: mac. W. A, Charlton, spa College Street. Graham Bros. expect thearrival TvzaDAT. Nov. 81sT--Auction sale of Toronto. Pelham F*, Nursery Co., of three Clydesdale stallions from about 10 acres of standing cedar, v - fie�Id-Country this week. They - with some bardwood-add elhi. at l—d-C v"r' • A°"s l will be exhibited at the eomin D can. . ugh.Pickering, the property,sharp. �+ g David A. Pugh. Sale at 068,sharp. , FARM L- A N D S CLAREMONT 0ARAGEB horse show in Toronto. See bills. D. A. Pugh, suettoneer. Thos. E. Stephenson was in TtrESDAT, Nov.21st—Auction sale of To buy or sell your farm, consult the Farm Lands Department of Brooklln on Tuesday and Wed• farm stock, implements, furniture, i tiesday shoeing horses for Mr. &c., lot 19,con.•4. Pickering (Brock The United Farmers Co-operative Company, Having rented J. McGmtb'is liar `;«, �. Batty and Mr. Duff prior to their toad). the property of W. H. Rob Limited. age, I am prepared to make expert: ,,�.�fug taken to the Toronto Stock sen. Sxle at one. See bills.-W. B. repairs on all makes of ..n. Ali' _. dhow, Powell,auctioneer. A. J. tLLISON, Representative, Pickering, Phone Pict, 1508 makes of Storage Batteries asps{r• t ed and recharged AQencly toe The Claremont Citizens BAtd TrzsDAT, Nov, 21ST—Auction sale of the Exids Storage Battery were in Stouffville on Sunday W head of choice dairy cows, (Hots- g playing for the special Armistice tela and Durham grade), Clydesdale= Ind. phone No. 1808 " celebration service there. Quite horeeR, Cotswold sheep and Yuck- w'�` W 9TOIIP'FER, a large party of Claremont friends' 'hire hngp. the property of Oliver- i pa ot 2.4,coa.4. Whitby. See T - H- 27tf ;Claremont, OoM, l motored to the celebration. Denny..y' ' Peter l4lacnab returned last bills. Sate at 12.90 o clot, rhrr tivm. claw, auctioneer. W. A. t THE, BUSY STORE—THERE'S A REASON It Is M Business Thursday from a two week's visit Knox.Clerk. My with his daughter,Mrs. D. P. Mac WrMNESDAT, Nov,22rn—Extenelve To help you run part of yours. _ farlate, of Harriston. Mrs MAC ayction sale of farm mock and im le• �. nab, who was also visiting her meets, the property o! Robt. Coss. Come to the Store and trade—IT PAYS '. Yost see what ou get and By opening a New Garage.in the Y11 daughter, will remain for a longer ins. lot 20, B.F. con., Whitby, As et what ou a for. We have the odds at the right prices E,�e i ds of repair I am prepared d do •', +, plait. . _ Mr. Cossins •is ving up tarminR g y P y S g P atI kinds a! repair wort, inaludIng a The two special prize* Riven b evervthin 'moat be sold --tale st Il and pay top prices for your produce. We iflvlte Com- tops sad side eartatas, also matistRa pee p y g your old car look and run like new b!► u;� ---the Claremont Women's Iaetitute o'clock. Lunch provided. See bills. parison and want to know our shorteominss, _ . ' giving it a good coat of new paint, to the girl and boy winning the W m. Maw, auctioneer, so be'trank with us. That is the way o square dealing. most prize money at the school 8ATUADAT. Nov, ftm—Auction sale y Ageing: Toronto machinery. laolni- fair were won by Elizabeth Wrd of shout six acres o[standing timber We have a complete stock of Rubbers and Rubber Boots at prices ing;Pumps;Windmills, Bi1+o• P and Gasoline Roglosm 1(s fountain pen). and t3ordoo or• at lot 23, con.S. Pickering. the pro- that will bear comparieoa. : _. CHARLES RI fld(a football). The contest was art o[W. H. Rabeon• gale at ode. " M. OE, open to all pupils who exhibited at me 1iils. W. B.Powell,auctioneer. Hoare Tel. 6821. Whitevale. t� Buy your Dominion Express Money Orders from us. he fair. SATDSDAY. Nov. W-m—Auction ssk - T' The increased call for public of [arm stock. Implements. hap. Q tF Hbrar books with the increasing grain.roots, furniture aka., at lot 17. A ' M ,:���D • number of new subscribers require can. 8, Pickering. the property o[ , Percy Wideman. No reserve as the . r. ;that all books out for longer than [arm has been sold. Bala p-m l the usual two weeks mo tntns+a Gen biire. u. a. Pugh. auctioneer. - ~' + ' at once. Please note tlhi9.Hours— Tuesdays and Thursdays, from S- Tenders for Debentur @& ��o - • r to 8 p, m ; Saturday$,` 8 to 9 p. W. -- 11[re. J. Walker, librarian. Publi� A number from bare were pros- Sealed Tenders. marked -Tenders - eat at the formal opening of the for Debentures," will be received by _ _ _ new bridge on t 3 mvincial the undersigned Treasurer up to Moo- Highway w r at on C ) Creek on November 20tb. 19= for the Y g y g parchrse of debentures of the Oorpor- Tnmdsy afternoon, and also the ation of the Township of Pickering, - �- ban net tendered to the Son. F. issued for the purpose, of the Police: . +, ' Watch . DIgge, the Minister of Higb- Village of Pickering, bearing Interest (ways, std W. A. Mclean, the at six per cent per annum and rapsy-' } Dephty Minister, in the Oshawa able in annual instalments during s Town Hall, on the same evening. term of ten years. For fuller particulars apply to the Ti�, On W ednesday of last week Treasurer or Clerk of the corporation ' ' ` Mrs. Fred Morley (nee Miss Verna or to the Trustees of the Police Yiil- Evans). dasghterofJ. H. and Mrs. age s ` 4 Evans, old residenters of Clare- Dated the 10th day of November, motif, was pleasantly surprised 19�, �O�t s'f.•: by a jovial party of some forty W. (}, Barnes. R `,a S t D�r y 1 friends who vtsited the parental Township Treasurer, ' & '• .�.'vr i.a s P home about 8.30 p. m., and shortly 8-9 - .- R. R. 1, Locust Hill. •� _ _ _ . r :•.Hot Gad n after' there was a stinwer, copioss w,• . and precious, of wedding gifts, You :Can E,.. .. " ' L 0 P E R Iarge and small and of great vari Spend ZWs �e feature in particular a:^; st _ °'.:`' r "^ "' ' '. • Y ety and all dear to the prospective _.both sides of your dollar '''-'' ''''`"`rho" 'r T �REMONT `�^ housekeeper. Mrs. Morley was you'll appreciate about To V nto n'" at J. Fingold's. Stable Equipment. It's the:.0nlT or_'=a:;:v t su: : �,.,. ;;..... 'aE4Y- `� '1. -taken completely by surprise acid t tnade in Can de co =` £ �' a SSLu:~ st �d �~thAnked the donors as she opened Flannel Blankets, Ladies' Fleece- Stable Equipment } " � ^,.t PI C, PP l Gros ty. t, tQ� the numerous parcels and laid Litt4d Underwear, Ladies' in which flu galvanising thorough- Tomtits Et,! .: nmo- Y Hose,all wool, - :•.. them on the table. The evening ly covers and completely costs the to •a: hire to buy, r►as spent in gamegand All wool Pall-over Sweaters, me e\ P in th-•• :ro'``'"uF`s. L`� 1.•S p-tgroceries. y pe metal and the inside of steel tt:b� � 1-- ,: .,�.,�.'.ta�A�o: ' - music withdaint refreshments at the e�r.a n t_: mar. ; ,�u, i, up-to-date, clean taOC z. y All-wool Sweater Coate, ss well, This method makes it ab. Toro`.+.o s'talf3, Rul'.Pens, .Water we sell'onis the beO. the clone. Mr, and Mrs. Morley, in col rtA defying and proof Bowls and Li:.er Car=ol- Men's Pants, heavy tweed, Men's X17 ��e h tre'x good assortment of ChrM• the course of a°few da s, are to f h O weeksa y t:a5' iii,euits, tes every settle near Woodstock where Mr. Fine 9hirta, Penman's Union _ 1 Suits, Boys' Tweed Suits. w 1'1T;� SAL E. O N T' �., $• AYNARD, rl al_O s f:al line of .pastry and Morley. it is understood, intends bread flours at lowest prices, going into the bee business. Cali and see for yourselves. - =i'(' We have airw secured theagencytostlt = a;- Under the auspices of the Dom- f Canada Bread. (Set a loaf next p en's Institute a very successful J. Fwgold� �� em0at time you are in town. Armistice celebration mesa meet b We don't sell cgal oil nor gasoline,13tH fresh ing was held in the Masonic Hall $Ind. Phone 3800 tr t ! rat fruits etc. Phoner28M. -.---IsstEriday evening-.when Lieut.- --� - " Col. W. C. Michell. Principal of :r_ ._� Poultry. tz„�.e., the Riverdale Collegiate Institute, AT THE - -- FRANK CHTDLOWt delivereda most interesting ad- Harness Shop - CLAREMWNT, ONTbRIO _ dress on "Experiences in the Great t War and The Significance of the Ca , m cArnliatice.” Rev. A, DdeLellan s 1 t PbAl e ��o u r i�� � s^ occupied the-cbair and Messrs. This is Horse Blanket time Stephenson and 11dcIptvre coadnc- and our seliection is good. •Work dl_�n e wul?, : Cm 'C�:aft ted an enjoyable community sing eon R, the latter also sang a num- Come III early and her of "olos in fine form, as also _ • did 1VIrs. D. A. Scott with Mrs. T`, look them peer. We are` In the market ff,r xv irJ(;�' and BirkPtt as accompanist. Rev. Buffalo Robes Wool Rua � .k, aritev q W. King in a brief Address at this , Rugs, iui rgtli� wheat, « l ``� . • Of all m#Aerisis and dseiga w� close expressed the warm appreci• Club Bags. anon of the audience of the enjoy- a Yl d rye. 1D qn-irE, kept is afoot..It will pa you ableevenitg provided by the ate- All kinds Of Leather Ooods osu of our works aid inspect oar$sovli u':_,•.. COI' /l t•1C,'�,� obtain prices . Don't be misled y� tin guished guest and the other Y ! agents we do not employ them,aoesgawli +`:�` F=� A.t•,•,aa�4 t1Ewt�aale►mme. Liewt. ' Good Shoe Repairing Service _ l i �,/�•l� �] i5 `fie can, and do tbrow off 94 -'.[l� wont of forming a TWA! In t 'The Ca npi6ell PLonr Mill.. $ Co.? Lti.!• comtniedon of 30 per osnf.,whleTs v1t � be L a �Mth►,' :�� CECIL BRADLEY _ _ callsintafted. by parobasing ievea ens nd that'the driving Mill6 at call seliailed. - euoit ,sa fly Harness maker, �t •� J, T. MATRESON ,s in PICKERI\G, - ONTARIO Toronto Peterboro _ Pickering;Cf,4e aid Works, 'Whiihj, Vve ti , rt '.�1 •, � ' +�. '"wN,.ngLi �.� �i.gR.. ��T.l�•. 't"� ^'h2",`.�.:.�"''+•+.` ••' �."2'i`� ��,•�¢ 7' .,r 'e- ,,�-.- .. .�� .a < ,R." `.'d.. �' 4,,.'-:"�yfir r-. i�' .,,t ;s ,,,.G,� .•nj. ,:� r rN,,n�ih' *, ��' :Yr�,r' a, tic• '4. t�• _ � nwx.;..o �%e. .V' ^.'�,'"',': _.. .�� ,'� ."��rc K � «R.x�l.+f'.,s?°F;.,, .�'c�.,?;1• '-,� ;�n r j�cf 6� "'�,.4 1- amateur olden in the country, f h-r r „ and the worst is vet to come When - -. ha,•ving h,is very first mount at the ;��/ •. . - Household Brigade Meeting, at Haw- �.. - ,• thorn Hill, a test which the Sporting • _ = crowd:Whersd upon Me.00uase obiser•. ad to the echo. r t This too, In•s measure, probably had �•�' -" - ._ _ �• much to do wish the sympathetic ua- a ti derstindin a,wNch rater brought a bout ' -�— the Prinedas' engagement and mar- 1Z ■ riage to Lord Laiscelles, another_man- • �- s i noted for his love-of the horse. Like his father before. him, Lord - - Lascelles had raced on a moderate •• �' Scale,particularly, at home meetings in w•.''. o' ° - - ' — / Yorksibdre, but it was not until he in- •... %' f - ••° _ herited a fortune of some $10,000,000 - _ from his eccentric old uncle that he r was able to launch out on a scale ade -'n quate to that of a son-in-law of the . King, in whose stables his horwe are now trained. t ` Should-the report be true that Prim- . cess Mary and Lord Lascelles are rJ i/ shortly to keep'a permanent domeatie `•�`' :� I �! �I establishment at Newmarket, it would give the greatest possible impetus to the "sport of kings," which is -little a`' '''- 1 , 'i '� �� • likely to show signs of flagging in Eng- - ' land so long as Princess Mary con- e a tinues to patronize the race track. ` a // • As a Deer Sees It. My home is here among the hills, i • - Where vagrant breezes wander free O'er sparkling lakes ha laughing rills OJ✓�..i,�i e Which sine their happy songs for Quali me. r' • Beneath the rocky crags 'I roam , X Where, In the spring,arbutus shows. },• _ Via here I live and make my home III spite of winter's blinding snows. :�: e • p)(t„�{o.,— �. I wander'over fertile fields, a n d i n packages Through tangled brush and mosey - �_ fen- • f I linger where all nature yields •:r ' A Press Whose Hobby's Horse would be - Its peaceful st!}]neaa in the glen, . l .. And all my life won a joy t if men men would let me wander frcz„ ■* H EDUCATION r�VT ` n That love of a horse la ingrained in of second eight. She can now pick out But they their Cruel guns employ � EAi.�rT1 1 �VU�ATIQ1 1 every Binglielaman Is exemplified In the one horse from 'a bunch at 600 yardq To pester, maim and slaughter me, l' Rome of Windsor, formerly 0usiph, distance.tell you ita• name, its age and for hottsrfieah bi every guise may be: sundry other iniorr_aticn known only What have I don3 that I should pay BY DR I J. MIDDLETOiV � . ;. . - .. ,said to be a keynote of enjoyment to to the grooms. The price supreme and give my life? Frorinalal seats of Health. Ontario rues ty every member of the British What have Idone—You heaters, say, = On one occasion just before the 111' 1!ltldi+eton will be glad to answer questions on P•ibifo Health mat. 4, �Ro7ra1 �� World Wa:, Princess Mary was stand- ! deal in neuter atrese moo strike. ,From the times of the "Merry'Mou- isg at a window of Buckingham Pal- I eat enough to keep alive,' �� �►at Spadtira Howe, Spadiaa J And Hv who made the great and arch.”who wee mainly instrumental in ace, overlooking the Mall, her cam. _ - Introducing the sport of matching the paaim being the late Sir William Car Faded that I should survive: ' �..�.r.,� •�_. " ' �, q of the thoroughbred. down to rintton, then keeper o! the Privy But you would kill us, one and all. "APprortmarely $400.000 is paid oat fag visited the average family, drill the time of the Iate Kiss ESwarde Parse, Several horses, returning from annually by the Dominion Government;agree that the difficulty of earning a • _- abiquitously dubbed "the Firat Sports- exercise were some way distant, a My brothers aad my sisters flee to carry an anti-tuberculosis activities J living is safScient handicap for the man of Europe," the worse had coma mere jumble of moving color to the Before the cruel, roaring gun among our cattle, ands reimburse one who has been compelled to seek "1 • in for more than a]gals•share of aduls- ordinary eye, "Why! There's Col- the own of stock for cattle destroyy charitable assistance, without , the nk tlon and sdmdration. but it hat been' ,leer' Look! The third pair from the I have no doubt you'd slaughter the ad TIC are the words of Mr. A. further burden of reds bursing his And thdnk it naught but harmless B. Cook, President of the Canadian municipality. p; loft to a Princess of the present reign 'froot," said the Princess, indicating a has Association for the Preveatioa of "Bure�ety ,q oveenments, w well u to'develoq a knowledge of horses quite bay mare, vduo had for-a time been Oh. heartless hunter, pause: survey ' Tuberculosis- "In contrast to tillw the '..�:,h:...Ar„-wva-realized.-that the RhYsic, She . , , - •aattnsei b ladies of royal birth. The undergoing a co-.arae of .The sulf'ring that your practice sum of sF10,000 granted to our asso- of One Man or B ag'ie Endeavor h�ai So Princes Mary, Vlacouatess was csation." be continued, "to assist in long passed by, and that team work right ton,despite the tact that the bring, rKi string of animals on that occasion fi gMing the hrmtan type is the share a co-operation are the only methods Ere you take Up your gun to sled by employed y L a little Girl Princess 'Mary loved numbered ctoie upon fifty. The shyest of (cod's living thing. ' of tine work assumed the Faders] employ in these modern times to ac- the table fns more_thoa cities pasts of The above to but a sasfta>ry Instance . —D. A Heater. Government:. Surely this is out of all complia'b anything worth while. •Indi=a proportion to the importance of the vide] effort, in so far as tuberculosis seitiash.-fibs N� of tb+e trersvteacitT of this yenng lady d s tvvo. It appears bo be accepted as a b coneeraed. b a thing al t+he past,' p•.',.: +'uals sd. for stare were to be found the wttoeae horses are concerned when it, Washable I+ipir• fact that about 10 per cent. of tuber- just as much as the .ofd belief. that affasationate, ant—s In which. as she is realised that scattered among the C!as most _,bumanr is of t ubereA sis was hereditary sued 1. �er, she was to, find her chief stables of Buckingham Palace, Wind- The invention of a Japanese Is a bovine or . It is diffscaiwto uti a At-four or five yseas her sor and Hampton Court (where the waterproof paper for many.uses that stand bow a Government eau justify meAnagement of a hone was frequently main stud Is -tow situated) .are be, can be washed with soap aad water itself ootttzibutittg so little' tmrards A Poor behotar. L _' s., remarked upon. for,_althoagh no ant- tween 800 and 1008.horses and ponies, frequently, without impairing. its fighting the other nine-tenths of this ,• stretagGbt apprecfahty. disease. Surely it is root because the 'Tian famf�ty gathered,in the living -mal of viclous tendencies was even ea-- it will.be seen that in knowing each ' ravages of the disease are not felt so room were talking of a certain pro- tro.tsd wiW the carrying of this im lndividaai animal site luau achieved directly in our pocket-bode? or be- rsssor or their acquaintance when Vor rA young lady, yet even at this something which would be beyond the Bets Emergency Brake. cause, tubercular most is not accept- " iieedw age she bad no use for aa-ant- powers of the average ? Aunt Miry chanced to observe: easge woman_ � When a new automobile hamper able as exports to other countries? "The professor is each a learned ' trial wliirout some modicum of "gtw This innate love. of animals, site stribea any object electrical cooneo- These mast be other•rwt►ns 'Peshape ! I understand, that he speaks no *. im" shares equally wilb her brothers, all tfone dint off the ignition and set the those directly affected by the money leas than tea ' K was not until. moms five of whom are no mresa performers, in emergency bake on a car. m their stock by this disease have k es" yew - been able to place their case before And what does that amount toy r:labr. however, that the Princess be- the saddle,-whether 'tat hounds" or the government to better advantage demanded the pride of the family, s.., in straw the peculiar- knowledge 'over a coua2ry.° In tact the Priaee Germany's timber"area js shoat six than tlmse engaged in fighting the Harald,aged fourteen "I saw him try ; - el lsdividaitl borse , which has since of Wale accomplished, in winning an times larger than that of the United human type have been able to do.{to atop a car by wl otling on his fin t_ ,developed into an almost uncanny sort open ateep!echaee cup against the best, Kingdom. Unforttattatdy we cannot produce I gets, and do you know he couldn't do- figures showing the lees of .export(it? Talk about learning!" ' trade, or lose in a purely commercial+ - - way caused ,by' the human type- of I a� x _ tuberculosis, the humans affected; or Ruptur8 K1118 -•r - - _ free from the disease, not being gnot-+ - -' - - n taonal C ed in our I terna ' ommereiat v a Statistics. ,7,000 Annually * - ..• "6440,000 expended on one-tenth; r. $10,000 on the other nine•ten thousand Seven thousand persons each ^'r - off our people dying eac�t year and a year Federal assistance of this insignificant are laid away—tbe burial certificate �s sum to prevent it. There must be,being marked "Rupture," Why? Be- :~ something seriously wrong.' There .cause the unfortunate ones had neg- . -� must be a reason. It has occurred to I lected themselves or bad been me2e17 - ' me that it is because the situation has taking care of the sign (swelling) of ; - "not been placed fu•Hy before 'the the affliction aad paying no attentionw` proper authorities. Strong represen. to � � What are you doing-? tation should be made to the Dominion Are - 1 x. _ --• ... Government, setting out the necessity You neglecting yourself by wear- -, ing a trams appliance, or whatever ' •' -. - - - for help, and showing a disposition on < ratio arame you dhooss to call it? At beat '. u�` sty in Government ns`A siirbresp sibil-, ' �- _.. -•- ..: '. � -- __ ponaibi'_-`:the truss is only amake-shift—a fals� .. i+o ntial ap-(P='o'P against a collapsing H—sn w - proprist n should be provided for s cans a expected to act as more this work, and a carefully worked out''than a mere mechanical support. The lodk`ahe a r.� tan of campaign should be approved biii. sWng pressure retards blood eiz- ;, pp i by a joint committee composed of puli}tiom, tftus rtvbbimQ the weakened, a members of this Association and re- "aitiiales of that which they need most: ;.. .. .. _. .. EADY nerves sleepless>nig or erg _ Pr eatattnoteskr�wwtoi any his tree- —�hmeT1t' of mental and physical cof'iap t. porraibility that ie soy tautly science has found a way, sad, his are# e-satin t` ?.'• . aiktfr=_acre-auci1uLt%,y to-he-other every-trues sufferer_in-_the land is f Watch your nerves. When tea or coffee sets them on as is the case of the unfortunate pa- ingited suite a test right in the tient: General hospitals do not'secept privacy of their own home. The switch at Once-to Instant Postum. them for treatment if it can be avoid-- PLAPAO method is unquestionably, .F ed. Governments do next t� nothing '•the most sdent3fiq laoal and success-, id The change is usually permanent,because Postum brings to assist the patients unable to prow a ful salt-treatment or rupture the ;i - ;i.... ._ i for themselves, and claim that the v.+orld has ever known. bWth slid comfort. It is free from any element of disturbance ' - [can ef indigent patients is a direr- responsibility of the local municipal- Tits PLAPAO PAD when adhering -tQ aeryes, heart or digestion,and its delicate aroma and fnl� �t�.ety to the body. poraibi ' sty in which. the patient resides, and yl has been so since the commencement sitl� or shift out of place, thtredore� rich Savor,aka-pleasing and Satisfying' ca nOt chafe or inch Solt as vely 02 tithe. Mnnicipalitiear delay their p ei�{ ; paretmoniats charity as long as pox. -may to apply—inexpensive. •To be i s 'alt your Qrocer'a in sealet�r air-t ght tlli'J. Bible, and only admit their responsi- used.,,whilst you work and-whilst you` , biiity when sM the ingenious reasons sleep:) No straps, buckles or sp T mV ' for withholds it are exhanste•l. Ina attached. °; ._ :c>,.':`•�= c Instant �QQ�■iiJt a• P y withholding y how to close the hernial open. . 1 Postum - Aeon cases where fife bard assist- I, i�• A serous sample tin of Inatme %nee is finally secured it is not un- fug ys nature intended so the raptare A t t • 1 f PostnIn sent,pootpoK be.4a ifs �:- y'': t There s a Reason stamps. VWtlta: �, .- common to fled sasigttmentd of per- CANOT come down. Send your name n i y:'.•�+; w ••' wmal property, or mortgages demand- and ton cents, coin or stamps, to-day. ed, which laces the unfortunate one f >'-••, : Canadian Parana►Car al Co.,Ltd,43 Front st„_,, Toronto. r t Whtdaor,Oct. pp to P PAO CO., 766 Stuart Bldg., SL k - w 'D Hader life• ng• obligations to repay. , 7th'.re you,,who have a know]- �°, for trial P3apso and the eSed of ttubarcalosia bav• info tr♦on necessary. now 1 MM"M PO, 7 7-- Oma Ck" ed A&wd"amub �_.IEAMAGEW All Her. Friends After seeing a business man light.s. MOTHER! END UESTIONS. BLRTKDATJL M MODII Cigar and flip the match thoughtlessly $lp Neill* Lewis, Psychologist, ­!-Bee A Great Silver Lake. Oregon. BLOOD into a corner of'his office near a'waste' basket, a visitor woote, the following WOUT & WAYAMM. ICM.NT JJLL)G 0hange Clean Child's. Bowels with RY rigs Street Toronto pa ng'i best an raphrase of one of.' Pipli I 1"ent Attorneys. Bond for Poor Blood the Cause of Head- 'known Poima:_ When a medicine produces the de- "Qalilornia Fig Syrup" . aired results.its praise is sure.to-be -if you can two-a match Into a clear- heard- TUt is why Mrs. Katrine Neil- aches and Run I)owit Feeling. TARN—WONDERFUL VALT-T28 AND sea, Holmpatrick, Calgary, as well as. Ing, X colors, ■ample■ frti­Georgotown To the woman in the home.-the wo. And never give a thought to put It out, thousands of other men and women W001140 M111■, 4DnL -,mall closely confined to the house, Or drop your c1garette butt without throughout Alberta, bas become such either through household duties or the ; ­ an ardent champlon.ot Tardac. AGRA T WAD.e. �_earing, UENTS-150% PROFIT. BELL TER :Cars of Children..• or-both—Dr. W11- That ftames may l[indle in.ttoe leaves "Not in a long,long Ume," says Mrs. A-l—eterl The air control for Fords. Neilsen, "have I enjoyed such good saes starting easy; cuts running costs• Hams' Pink Pills are a positiv• bless- mat, I.1L a The average,woman ban too little health or felt so,well as Ido since tak- without efficiency. Quickly If You can knock the.,aahes from your removing camuretor. I 'blood. Her nerves are easily Irritated Ing Tanlac. Fcr several years past I Price. write for Particulars nowl Air- brier and she worries over little things; has Without &-'glance to,nee whiste they have felt all run downland have been meter Manufacturing Company. Dept. ML severe headitthft and backaches and may fall, extremely nervous. I had-no relish 210 York St., Ottawa. OnL generally feels worn out. With the And later find.the forest all afire, for any kind of. food and what I did BELTIN11 FOR SALE woman who uses Dr. Williams' Pink Where you have passed—with Uo one eat seemed to do me very little good. Pills the condition is different. She Is I felt tired all the time and my steep near to Call; " . '-f ' BELTING or ALL xnwe, NEW oa , always well and the care of her child- If you drive yoni auto through the was.so unsound that it 'did not rest used, ll "we, cable, b00% Ten or household duties Is a real plea- working, me. I somehow managed to keep go- etc., shipa=j.'t tolll.pry oval at low. eat prices In Canada, Bolti" On.. kl This in because Dr.*Williams' And- east your szogle stub into the Ing but 'it taxed me.to the utmost to 115 York St.. Toronto. Pink Pills exulab sad purify the blood Even a sics: child loves the "fruity" slash do my-housework. taste-of -California Fig SYrUp.l. if the supply which brings vigorous health Unmindful �f the danger therein lurk-7 "So many people.,here In Calgary During-tale war 20,000 new miffion. and strength. Mrs. FL Everitt, Parry were taking Tanlac and praising it little tong.ue is coated. or if your. Child sires came into being in the 1jaited Ing. Is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, Harbor. 0".has used these pills with Oi homes or happiness that you may that I began taking it myself and the or has colic, - give a teaspoonful to $tates. first bottle made a great difference in --bszlefit and cannot recom. smash; cleanse the liver sad bowels. In a few mend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills too It jyou,caa leave -your 'campAre -while my feelingi. It was 6rdy a few weeks hours you cian-see for yourself how "highly, I was run down and very 'tis glowing, until I was enjoying splendid health !- - thoroughly it works all the constipa, 'weak. and after using the ping I felt No thougbt of industries that it indy and since that time, which was about 'like a different woman. They are won,. a year ago, I have taken a bottle of tion poison, sour bile and waste out of blight, the bowels, said you have a well, DIRT- "Cascarets" 10c pt derful strength builders. For nursing Or of the billion saplings in the grow- Tarlac now and then with the result fal child again. mothers they are a blessing, at least I that I feel strong Liid well all Me fag, time. Millions of mothers keep "California have found.them SID." Turned into charcoal ore the coming Fig Syrup" handy.� They know a tea- Everyone speaks of bow much If YOU are suffering from any con- night, better I look than I did before I start- spoonful to-day saves a nick child to- For Sluggish Liver "1011 due to Poor, watery blood, or It you can start afire beneath a brush ed taking Tarlac." morrow. Ask your druggist for genu- 'Weak nerves. begin taking Dr.. WII_ pus TW21w to gold by all good drag .-or Constipated druggists. Jae "California FU Syrup" which has -"liam's Pink Pills now, and note how When the wind is roaring like a,dig- Advt. directions for babies sird children of Bowels -Your strength and health win improve. tank gun— Johnny's donciusion. all ages printed on'bottle. Mother! You can get these Pills through any You surely should be Wed -without a Yon mutt say "California" or you may :'dealer in medicine,or they will be sent "You didn't get that situation as of- srttyw you: -oweis. r eei naol trial 'get an imitation fiff syrup. Whe you tool nick, dizzy. 1190016 by mail, Post paid. a.50 Cents a box or And labelled as Innate, my son. five boy,"said Johnny's mother,"What n -six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. WU­ —Fire Control. was thb trouble?" when your head is dull or aching, or ans"M Xftestir am mammon Fou)r stomach to sour or gnagy, just Items, Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. "Don't know, =aL The nian asked Book as W • me ff I was a good whistler, LM I told take one or two Cascarets to relieve him I was the best whistler on car- DM DISEAM constipatlon.. No griping---nin"t IaLza- S PIM to Plant Another Tree. -THE FALL %UMR street. and he said I wouldn't do. Sow to Ire" tive-cethartia on earth for &.a- -up* We Visa our homes, our churches, Guess he Must Want a reg'Isr profes- and children. 10c a Tests 1110 pchools. the Candy. BM ON LMLE ONES Our boulevard*, our parks and pools; W" 34 treat 0 sw We plan our music, songs and books. Aid to Reading. Oar gardens sad our Ingle nooks; Canadi" fall weather Is extremely A now rectangular readftg glass to NERVOUS AND We Vim our children's hours so they hard on little ones. One day In war= supported by a frame at the correct 'May have some sumblne every day; and bright and the next wet and COIL dist-ac above printell matter so that COARSE SALT 'RUN OffN We plan our lives and with a sigh These suddeft changes bring ou Colds, not -to be held In tae It done haver Cease planning only when we die. Cramps sad colic. and unless baby hand. LAND SALT all through life how "Nom. we little rtomacb Is kept right the result But Buft Carlots Plan to plant another trees MAY be serious. There Is nothing to optimism Is sometimes to a TORONTO IIALT WORKS RAav4 by TaWng' Lyft • equal Baby's Own Tablets In keeping shortage a, expeAsme. 'the little ones well. .They sweeten the �r So PUnt a tree and watch it draw, J. ou TORONTO L+ aFti ;Through it some of your blood may stom&ck regulate the bowels, break Compound now; wealth. 7%o man who' UP ovitta and make baby thrive. The Economy Is it may become a safe retreat Tablets are sold by medlcjno dealers waster no wards isn't W to have to M Cohour-S.Ontario._ That friends will seek with eater took or by mail at 25 eshts a box from The take any of them back "r1ormalwyes" :-.,I tth my nerves Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,Brockville, -Erlaw I %a.. And 'Heath its shade In cool,content run-down me"-it—Your living menumaut;• Ont. ----A-Inan wbose argy maitNe for acdon ponld A tme-that-simss,-&-lanals in his wages, does a bad piece of not do my work half the time b�emmww Favorite R=Gloue Hymna. 42 To every pilgrim passing by, worke--Charles Wagner. of trouble every month. J was told Two religious selections that And a of Lydia & Pinkham's Vegetable And reaches out sl6triandly limb. T ATH HMPLES condition for some time. 1 As if to shade and shelter Ill=• — are Compound by friends and advised to place among an denominations try It It has done me good and I Keep Healthl MW Md BOMA bk Indeed in he "The Church's One Foundation" and strongly recommend It Since I 'More In a Grew HUI Far Away." USE D—A f Who never plane to plant a tree.. have taken it I have been able to do Frame is estimated to contain all my own work and I also know frleaft who have found It good. Taq A tree. a shady, sheltering tree, MW a-than ISAK000M tons at ge" "-24 skin becasne by Mu mo these tactill So Is like a living Prayer to me, coal at depths of not more d= 4,000 using diffavat kinds ad ointment —Mm. ELLzx PtATTEas, Box Tile A prayer that grace and comfort lends feet, and rote than four bUlion - and when I mcnacbed it Cobowv, Ontario. 'To mortal man e'er it ascends fanned an my -7 'In thankfulness to bless the hand -i tons.low than 2,000 feet deeper. KM OF &G—wd foriah" The Any worn-P, in this condition should take the Vegetable' Compound. for III .,That planting It, both worked and Minard's Liniment for Garget In CAnvo. pimples itched and burned has helped other women and so it Planned- and I screwbed them,sad: should help yo, m7facew" disfigure& I U. '"A tree whose thirsty mouth is prest with Imagination-in-equal Ica son at night because For nearly fifty years this coed T'he man 014-habloned root and herb medicine, ,Agsjns� the earth's sweet 9kming of the Irrhation. to all emergencies, for when one way TU 0141 Reliable. Try It I which contains no narcotics nor breast; "The Wcub%bated six be. rd of accompbsixfog a desired result Minard's Liniment,Ca. Ltd. Ilare Ibepm Us harmful drugs, has been the standard A tree that looks at Gbd all day. _ing Cudcml Soap and -And lifts its leafy hands to prey; preves, inefficient he will think of Yarmouth, N.S. Ointmem andefterualngfout, cakes med.1cine for female Ills. and has re- SnDther. cd Soap and thres bases of Oins. stored the health of thousands lot ..''Poems are made by fools like me, women who have been troubled with mew I was healed. in am month.,* ar ;But only God can make a tree," (Alined) Min Wissbeth such ailments as displacementit, in- i2l.61­62nd St.,OaklezwL —T. H. Kendall. Anin—unation—_ ulceration, Irregularities, Constipation etc. a Use cadcom Soap,Ointment INDIGESTION, GAS, Lydia 11. Plultbam's Private Text- Talcum.JIM On twm pwponss. shied Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to air sdd�.,'They do me wrong who say I come no Women" will be sent you free upois A druggist i7s: Vor nearly Lydia more UPSET STOMACH Write to The Lyd 1116 an thirty Yean I Me dad request. When once I knock &W fail to And Pluld-im Medicine Co., Lynn, Mum you W the Fatract of Roots, known an Pepsi X$tkw 3dws Cared"SM fair lyl 'Tipe'sDia ­- :For every day i.stand outside your Instant in aff am"pwg ing �:7 door, Coffects Stomactl so constipation and indigestion. _: - And bid yon-wak6, and rise to fight It is an am reliable rstaedy that 30 and win. Meals Digest never I"to,do the work." drops thrice daft. Get the Genuine. 50cand$1.00boWes. 4ilp- 4rt thou a mourner? Rouse tbes from The moment you eat..& tablet of thy spell "Pape's lliiapepsin" your indig"Pon is Art thou a a4uner? Sine may be for- gone. No more distress from a•sour, given; acid, upset stomacb. No Axtulence, Each morning gives thee wings to Bee heartburn, palpitation or misery-mak- a from melt, ins gases. 'Correct your digestion for -1R)WmafifM,. .Each night a star to gdIJ3 thy feet a few cents. Each package guaranteed to heaven. by druggist to overcome stomach :UNLESS you see the name "Bayer", on tablets, yp trouble. Z-Bound to Qualify. Are not!�_getti ��at all The rules were strict at the college. Accordingly, when Mr. Foster ar- For .Nervous -rived to take Miss Joy out in'llis car,' -It was with very mixed feelings that Headaches she mentioned the matter to the prin- cipal. "You know, Miss Joy," said ache or neuralgic pains that IS THE RELIEF from head personage, "I only Allow the students worth one cent to you? That's �o go out with their fiances, Are you• all it costs for an application of 0 "Vasellne"Mentholated jolly. engaged to Mr. Foster?'! "No-no," was the reply; "but If I With the first indication of a you headache rub a arnall asnount will let me go, 11 shall be by.the time of it gently on tho,forehead and n • we get back." temples. So convenient,efik- .,by ;IP conrfion tive and economical I MONEY IOR8ERS. I Most aches of rheumatism arise MANUFACTURING Pay your out-of-town accounts by CKSIMBROUGH from congestion. Apply Sloan's. package" of "Bayer Tablets COMPANY Dominion Express Money Order. Five Don't rub. It Penetrates to the Accept only, an "unbroken of Dollars costs three cents. 1680 Chabot Ave- Montreal sore spot,starting the blood Or- Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by culating. This reduces painful physicians during 22 ypars and proved safe by millions fat Preventing Ice Formation.' congestion---the indammati physic 9"1 K on n vanishes' , k, . - y. Rheumatism' Canadian enginers are working on --rrr51o=!A_on sprained.bruised mus. Colds Headache the problem of preventing navigable rivers from freezing. They have had Try it on that."cold It the rhest'. _. :_._Toothache Ne ralgi Neuritis Ilea, on aching backs and neuralzia, u a some success by pouring into the Vaseline Made in.Canada Earache Lumbago ,,Pain, Pain •atresm a small amount of tepid water. ep"TIM W�1_11_ but they are still Bearebing for a bet- Sloane Un—i mi-m4illsfialkil -Handy"Bayer"boxes of 19,tablets--Also bottles of 24 and 104— ter way. a the trade mark (registered In Canada) of Sayer 1&nufA MENTHOLATED t=d ter of sallaylicacid. while it is well known that -r:. .f pfivotnw MLY i " .M .' - Minard's Liniment for Distemper. ISSUE No. 46­4L UM to eaml•t the Public sralnet Imitatione, the Table of 8614W will a stamped with tusir general tr"a mark, UL* "Bayer Cram' ��Ar. F ...p„ ",R° :iF. 'n `^'. ,'•Gu:.r. ry ',�. r.'•, � �,� .:t" ��'•4'; •�;•�*%�"-�fk .-SC:s :*k, k a+ .x+. ./ .�,`,��,� a.• �a'✓(r`� ,�.�•,.�s .a: ., .. '., - 2 •,.• '��: ».tom.^ --•c"�'': ?�' ��✓a�.rL�i'"cc4#1"'S'• -= `ayiay. :, ,i,�0.3 x.' x; .'.r .,�:•, •. ,- i,.,'4•• '� .i.M X•w'�'�� - tiaF. - .1.•S _ _ . - ... -. - .c �'�••. .. _ {x - r`,-4n-. vr. � vR:•� :bhi .._.wM..+,.." J•l n v-•ras..' ."•..,y '/. -. "'. f� ` -. • - _ For Sale at W. J. Gordon p -Dr. Henry will b - j :LOCALISMS. a here as _ _ •', dt:y_hurdvruud and hemlock, ltd- 12 usual on Tuesday next Eu ahead in., 18 in. atld 4 ft.lengths. * to his professional duties. * Seasonable �. G _� -Found, on Saturday morning. -The Ladies' Aid Society of St. -Pickering township council --.a lady's wool 'mitten. . Luser eail Andrew's Church will hold a will meet on Monday next for the ^.b at this office. * bazaar on Friday, Dec. 1st. transaction of general business. : "At Men s Wear Head uaiters -Dan McGuire has returned -A uumber from ,here attended -Look ! White. Rose gag and -)iome, after speediag the summer the opening of the new Highland Zero Red Indian Auto Oil at the )fi the north-west. Greek bridge on Tuesday after- Eastern Refreshment House.Pick- Full lines of the Very Best Underwear. �PGH are 'showing a k:y -=S. J. Collacutt has rented L, noon and the banquet in Oshawa, erinR. * fine line of Wolsey'Inderwear,guaranteed unshrink>�.ble. • ''D. Banks' residence recently va- tendered,to the Hon. F: C. Biggs. ' eated by Chas: Beeso. and W. A. McLean on that even- Prices are a bit easier than last year.- : Now Advertisements. -James and Mrs,,Cowan, of To- ing. -ledo, Ohio; ar visiting with. their -Mrs. McMuptry ano daughter, " lrelatives in Pickering. Miss Medda; also Mrs. Field and � OR SALE-2 motorcycles and a Williams' Boots x ': vest pocket kodair, T.C. Brown; Brough- am, 3slyw two weeks' vacation at the home motored to Toronto on Thursda Our fall stock i3 now complete and'we can show a great variety of g y ? y "oil'his parents at Beaverton, evening Iasi to attend the concert HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE-In - the very finest Work Boots: These are the kind that the village of Claremont. Apply to Harry keep bringing LtS business. You'll CBCOm- °. -The Methodist Sunday School in Massey Hall given by the world Thomson,Claremont. 3tt n1'end them to all our friends, i ` y Intend holding -their Christmas famous opera star, Madame Calve. Y , �+ ,entertainment f n December 210t. Everything needful for the STRAYED a yearling please Jersey - - -' -Mrs. J. l). McKay and Mrs. Christmas Cake be had in its fresh- L.Green,Greenwood. $ !Thos. Meanly, of Toroutoi spent •es•tand cleanest ctatg'at Richard- Sweater Coats the week-end with J. C. and hire, 'son's Grocery. ' Fresh peels, rais OR-SALE.-A' number of voung r Fpi>s at lot 12,con 4. Pickering,or addYbss Thls is one thing that has taken a decided drop. A coat that two "Y '"]Philip. ins, dates; ea30nC29, figs, shelled J.' pigs at R.12 1, Locust Pickering, 9 years ago old for$I0.00, we can sell the -Rev. A. E. Daviss,of Frederic• almonds and walnuts, almond �> _ - ROOTS R1?PPiIRE-D-Hunts----rind. - _ _-_ -s_atu_e to_ •dam Rt $a.a0. bQtt;N•-$:.�i`21}tJffiCIECte]n St.Geor- icing, lclng sugar and mince meat, QQshoes repairtdd neatly and quickly. Thos. " ge s Church, Nov. 19. at 10,30a, m. the best quality. Watson. Shop and residence just west of St. and 7 m:' -A number f' our residents George's Ohurch, Pickeria�. 3tf - } :. —Mrs. L H. Spragge has re- have• been receiving, during the AXSOLOvirCH-Dealerinwool, Men S Odd Pants turned borne, after spending over past week or.two,comrnunications_ Br�k road 1fowl.tnilrs horsehair etc. Residence we have a spplendid line of tailored Trousers. made up by Lowndee, nisi on N } a week with De. and Mrs. Archer, posted at Claremont, supposed to Brougham P.O. 391y navy Ulues, tweeds and worsteds. Exceptional value at oaf Port Perry. come from a gentleman named 6.30 and ..00. Different lines at 4.5.0 and 4.00, -A. P. Sweanor, with wife and Thomas Gregg. Each common. CARTAGE-To and from .Toronto. daughter, Mr3. Charles Has► and cation asks the person to whom lots, 71os,Will rates. R R.No. 1, Locust Hill. 4 � Men, see aft, we can supply your wants ` '.Wm. Ham, of Toronto. spent Sun- the letter is addressed to hand Ind.phone 3017 Mark. 35-9 •p _ ry µ'aftlp with W. G. and Mrs. Sam. over to hiss a certain sum of TAPED-From tot 13,con. 1. Pick- Fred T. Bunting, !�. jCerin , -Henry Coates, of Toronto,:money and at the bottom of each Sering,a 2-year-old steer, about Nov, 10th. , Oki, who has been in Any one knowing of its whereabouts please noti-' - Established 1 .,°. :` poor health tor letter a threat is made that if the . �?• the pastlear, spent a few da7a said sum is not paid by Dec. 14th, fy Murrsy Barrett,Pickering. 9.11 •- r,....,. Iasi wee with Norman a it the he r ill` increase the amount by.WANTED—Girl with some exper- „- Misses Holt. two per Cent., and if not id b /ence wanted a t once for general housework. • _. .. _. ( p:Steady em 1 meat. Apply to Mrs. H. C. Miss Morris, of Toronto, was Jan. fat, the amount will be in Bradley, It�'at;ntre c�.hawa. s-e R b ire over Saadayy with her sister, creased by five per cent. It is re- • " °-�•� _ Mrs. Wm. Cullip,. having come- ported that the same man did the Fi ARM TO RENT-Being lot lo. ton.u Pend go[.coat.soil 190 acres, gaud tore down to attend the funerV2 of the same thing rile lost tsv0 Or three'frame house and good bare,soil a rich clay loam. M Bate Richard Cullis. years, and in aImost'eve Case For full particulars apply to David A. Pugh, . .. There will be a social evening is demands were grant d. But /tf �. Claremont.,• In the Methodist church ob Thurs the girl to Re- ' pepple are not taking so kind• WANTED-Woman or - . .. • ' .day, Ntly, 30th by the W. h>. S, iy tQ Lo it this gear as in former �, �� aist with house-work. G•Mr! home, easy " ' pace, all conveniences Apply±tating age,ex- EVENINGS ` A musical program will be given years as-the amount he demands pe nenceaitd.twagtiexpseted. '.Mrs.Lea, vrton HO�i'6' THOSE,COOL E`Ei�I>iGS" REMIND YOU ". and refresh merfmAerved. tltia.year is some twenty per cent. Partt, we"t It;u.ont. Gtf -digs Eva Pilke wliQ was io more than rant ear. It is useteia of the many things that need repielzishing in ,your ` 5 y �TRAYED-On to the p'riinlse, of ` tile, city for ra couple.of weeks toproteq.t against his actions, as Z7,,•un.ler,isneda :-year old heifer, Owner Wearing Apparel, and when "von C011ie to do some ' tin Ufug an operation In the It CqInnQt be pl'Qwed that lie iy tt r..,: r.a,e sane by p'or;ar proper:y and paying exogsra Ceo.Tool.lot 3:'carofeon.f"Yickr Ho"Ise-cleaning, Moving S.toKeS EtG x'017 �'lIId 2nSIIy hos 1, returned hove last week member of a "black hand­' gang, cttnb. R.R 1, Locust Hilt. 5111- a,+ r ,, _ and is recovering rapidly. In-fact he is in the employ of the ; — -- lithe household effects that need renewing. The'11e�t1 'e F•ilf:K`f i11XlrR FOR SALE- g''• -N. A. Ham left pe�terdap on members 6f the township COunl il, �-flalt .,atch R'rtlaufrer, and an Amenean his return trip to Honoln1u, after w ho are desirous of raising a large t,,m•:nt brick machine,cap.SLO; .ptr day. -Also of these things remind yon of the right place t0 PTO- racks , ` :open three tlltinths at the suns of mone and the have and palette boards. ' �hityy�Y@ Bain w9y' cure those articles and You like to llily at home if pe g Y/ Brick yard Supennte-ndent: h , hams of his parents here. Jars. fulupted tl:i� mean:� to secure their —• -- -"-- -- -° -7- - - ' • .. �� Eam auci family s%ill rsmaiu in toot. dire thivas have been 4si.d Fw}R„a h Loa a aeii�kinds of farm ';me 1"°�+scih]e, so you:jiist naturally think of THE ,DiGr Pickering during the winter about the council. The eleetor�, piem�flt.in goodord;r. Alsose,•tralheavy and STORE OF YOUR OWN .HOME TOWN." ' --A number'id men and teams off at' in the first week in Jauu• month4. will show them ''lvhere the et tight scales and cook stoves and be H. +, r He,man..Stouffvslle. Phone 1903 17t! are now employed grading the at'y, tra account of them incrAa«- L�OR HALE-5 acres of richest Star: �'4 a are nowt, showing a large stock of Sweater �'arIIS BrOek road 'between the second ing our taxes. A care'ftil stndy of r den land with•floe'bon. siune stable, tine ",gym•. frame-house. 3 spring wel.. acres of bush in in all leading shades. Sweaters, Boys and Girls, "{ _land third concession•roads. A the tax nutiees and a comp&^isOn finecondition. $3.S00cash Opposite •Audley' number of new erne t culverts nitb that received last station, C.P:R. Mrs,'C> Brown, Pickering, ' p year will ont, 9.10 , Ladies &ncl Gents.—Ladies Hosiery, stasis and fancy have also been built on this por- :•how thAt that portion of the -- ---- -- ° tic of the Brock road. taxes controlled by 'the township �`c1R SALE-One*90 trwrinirewr. 1 _.'patterns,, Ladies .Gloves, IIeW styles and Calory. W. G. White, who has bees council is prt+ctrcally nti bigher a'?E)ro,sd,trr,both 14'1 models. Cheap for , a ' quick safe. Also 1:13�Laughfia top biz qy,steel ;Ladies I'nderw4ear, silk and wool combinations, also ependiog the t+uik.mee months in this year thn n last. In that part t,re*, nearly now. t S-month.ofd weI pox . .,.� A 1 cola, 9ask.. id visiting in ti'ttin of the ton uship outfride of the Cheap roc quick sale- Gerow a Garage,BrosQ -_ . "�este, Drawers and Bloonlera. Big assortment of am. Phone Pick 503, 9,10 rouver, B. C., and will also spend po!iee villages, there is a deflt•ic --- --- = Childrt?n'Ia Hosier "'Little Nell" in ore eashn:ere is f. , t »pt td fur the ^^�*+/ of VARVI FOR$AI.E-I�e arses in the p —r-- r-^ — IawewFiip oTFeke`ntta. J ni�fe3 frmn Clare- -- - with his uncle, Samuel Mitchell, wiping out a part of the drflcit most, �l clay and clay loam Barn 4S:75, before returning home. inferred several years tigo. Brit good.tablingander baM cement -door., steel stalls and stanchions. Pitt houw wills cement -Job a T. Elliott, Rho has been outs-ide of-this the tax this year � 3 frame Dove with ed, 7resseed All Wool, Wess .Sec es 5!2 inch, nar � black sand • spending the sutIIrsser In A.rcu't'g, i- tbe.eRtne as last. The increase harm house.Over 40 acres ploxrd,83 acres seed- � � y.. > z .� Baser-. and who bas been vl~iLinpr i9 Ails to the increase in t;t•br,ul I thi*yes,Fme dairy or stock farm. Continua- old.at Claremont. Apply R.H.Patter- :maroon, old.rose} special value, $1,40 per yard. for the past week in Lf-th,biidge, ratpq. In PickP'ring village the am,B. R.3,Claremont. s-10 :. Alta., returned here this week. increase in the school rate is atinvit -'------ P]gid OOdS for.Clildren's t�•e,wr, 3© iIICh,_ rett ' at- He reports good crops in those ;0 per cent, higher than last year. NOTICE g p y_p .r parts. He was accompanied on We were told that the'establi,.h- is hereby Risen that a Bp-Lair Qi.s - terns, .38c per yard. is return b xis mother, -- y Mrs. iog of a Contineation Class n'ould passed by the Municipal!/,uncil of the Adam Elliott, who' has been make little di'ffereoce to onr toxpa Corporation of the Townsbip of.i''ick- spending the past twelve years in as the grants would pay for th-e ering on the SoLh dray of October, lf32.3, fiItP_n s Fine Hosiery in black, heather;,Ett'., " Etc. Lethbridge with her son, Frank, -hu-rea4e, of-at least a great pa-rt-ptovtdtnwfor-rbe-Issue rrt dgi,o..c..,a, - and daughter, 'firs. Stanley.Chap of it, ahi.ch is true as the grahtf+ to the amount of $8,Otitl,fo. fnr the - - ur se of eoab)in the Police Village a Men'S Heavy Wool'Sox sins @, 27C to S+I.00. ' Pell. She has sufficiently recover- will be based on the amount w e p K ax vy g ''-=ed from her recent severe illness ,expend. This 70 per cent. increase of Pickering to pure a."a fire 7►e to be able to make the return ill fie largely returned to the and appliances far fire'proteetioo, and = - that such Bylaw was registered in _,_COng-pleum.Rugs — Oileloths — Linolellin'— Shaker trip with her eon, John. section at a later date. The town° the Registry Division of the Countv _ -The drama entitled A Noble 5bip road . tax that the village is of Ontario on the 8th day of November. 1E'lannels—Shaker Blankets—Etc., -Etc "Outcast," presented by the Pick- called upon to pay, will be spent 1922. Any motion to quash or set : . taring'Dramatie'Club, in the Town entirely in the village, and not in aside the same or any tart thereof �� 1Hall last• Friday evening, drew a the township, as many inferred must be made• within-three months _ $ IJ A T H •U-lI E. 1 . good crowd who were highly from the collector's notices. -aMr the first publication of this not. leased with the performance. - _ .ice,and cannot be made thereafter. � The members all did, their.parr WiLsov-I�`ever .loving memory of Dated the 10t6 day of November, M„ S ."CHARMAN 'well and with credit •to them• our dear husband and father, Rich- 1922• .'selves. Carl and Mrs. Devitt. of and Wilson. who passed away on Donald R. Beaton. _ Greenwood, furnished the music Nov. 11tb, 1917. 8.11 „- -_.. Clerk, 'between acts in a most acceptable "Thy will be done"seems.bard to say ' When those we love have passed _, 'manner. The proceeds of the ' -- 1�. SAFE. INnEST�ENT .` HARPWAR�i..•ej►enings entertainment amooat- gum day. perhaps, we'll understand,' B�ND i '� s� ,Y ` ad to about. $45 and the surplus When we meet again is a better WITH BIG RETLTRN9 s ' will go to the park fund. land. -A well known former resident Five years have passed since that sad A reliable busin'ess showing gross of Pickering, Benjamin R. 9Pood, day profits of 80 per cent., wishing to v died at4lis home in Winnipeg on When the one we loved "woe called Nov. 2nd, at the advanced age of away; increase volume and profits. will /� ' 85 years. His•body was eoriveyed Though dear to 'us, {Sod loved him place your money Safely and re- - � U R -� .S C 0 to Pickering and his funeral took best' turn yollatleast twice the interest .j_ ■■■'��J w place on 'Monday to the Friends' And took him home with film to burying ground. The deceased rest, von are now getting. write Box g ' Was-&.teacher 'by profession;and -Wife,Son and Daughter A Pickering News for Farticulars. he Fa ..__ _ Cold Wster'Paate-,: ' 'taught in different parts of On AUDLEY. " taria a number of years ago, in• — - 1C+LLrI DALE MILLS in White and Tiu ts• b eluding several years in Pilikering Mrs. W.H. Guthrie has been slight " y. . ' College. About L10 years ago be ly indisposed of late. was engaged by the Philadelphia up before A freeze upplott+ing to-clean � - y Society of-Friends to take charge PICKER=N'G.3' Miss Gladys Holtbv, of Woodstock, O11e ound of Muresco W11I cover `; of a college at Petrofka, Safik., is renewing old acquaintances in the r _established for the education of vicinity. the Doukhohors, who had settled Rev, Mr, Rowland,, of Brooklin, f1,aVe Just received a =' seventy-five square feet-, in that district, and he eontinned occupied the blethodiet pulpit on Sun- a Shipment O-f _ - •" ,` ;.' r.-• ';•_. ?in this work until the Saskatch- day afternoon. - w' �ewli,n government inaugr►rated Abram W. Brown, of the etaf[nt =Canada's Best Flour -�U�i Up iII 1, 2 slid J lb, paCka�e(� ` ' ;;`�r•` the Pittsburg Poet, motored with his 1 - - `r ,,:their new school system. The 011vle 8 ` ` « Irate Mr. Wood was an ardent mother here fast week, K :';• . , Will Westney and Arthur Percy »: Liberal and was for a time staff are deer-hunting this week. What 'correspondent of the Toronto about a flunk of venison Bill P Royal Household wrap in and get a Color �Cardiand .Globe at Parkdale. Of the ten some road-work needs,to be done on eons and daughters who survive the 4tb line•trom the C. P. R. bridge -ALSO are A1fFed and Walter H., of westward before much wet weather read all about this w 'Montreal. George Y, and Frank follows.g. W. Wade,B. S. A.. of the Live Pastry Flour W. of Philadelphia, Mrs. Chas. E. Walker, wife of Prof. Wallies, of Stock Department. Toronto,inspected Chopping and Oat Rolling sanitary finish., ' :. F.M. Chapmn's Yorkshires one day Queen's University Kingston, every week day • g• last week. "-' Louise wife of B#v. Thop. Sate rr•,•, Winter Bros. have been trucking ' r y All kinds of Feed on hand Bundy, ,, ,r than, of'Ofsrttols +City. Nevada, and epic.to cToronio for 4rasmere Farm,ti � l� 7. Fi, l.tt,l't:^ -� :,•...�'.I. Wllc: �`r1 ,i Lrfaa t;&1:'P. f f A. ..'J - .,:'- ,.