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Wrolegiiistaftal garb*. SCHOOL REPORTS.
�,EDtrance EX&MiCatiO03 lbtablisbed IS28
Es Baker 'Report of U. S. S. No� I III to
Afedtst;W 0 Geo, Jr. I V-(Hon)SaDelle Healy,4enoetb Tbe'complete list of succesaf ul e�n-
didates for South Ontario, exclubire
Lee. (pass)Jean McGregor. Jr. III to
of Oshawa, follows GREENWOOD-
Director 8 III-(P"@)Grace Hallett, Edwin
We have moved our Office and
Ontario. Reg. Hallett, (rec) Charlie Roberts. Sr, If-' WHITBY
Nuaic Store to the centre of to Jr. 111-(Hon) Audrey Draper, Helen Batty. Madeline Biargi(bc,�)
Dorothy .Brawo. (pass) Violet Hall, MArjorie Bird '(130L). Rtx�aell Brant'
the town and we are put- May hichasi�ds, (rec) Rliie Richards. Will Bruton. Bruce Buck, Lucy-Coil�
Myrtle Richards, Martin Rueb. Jr- ev, Herbert Cooper, Margaret Correll
r ting be a new brick
F. TONLINSON, M, B.. Membe- 11 to Sr. Jl-(Paat,� Margaret MAdda- (boo). Edgar Crcxalll, Mar-ion Curtis
0 ofthe Ccl!rr Physicians and Surgeons
of e of front and making
Ontario, OfF�:e: that formerly occupied b ford, Helen Ruc-b, Afnold Rwh, 0. Elleen De9wond, Harry Donrl4lly
the late d� L. Butmer, Teacher. Nin% Edward@. Doris, F,�,Ilows. Dcro.
Dr.R.Frodie,and latterly b�Dr, C.1
..Well. Phone. Claremont,Qnt. a large and
tby Fisher. Rb,,&L Psid, Virgto;A
Frid, (jeo!-gipa Giant. Cvril ijeard,
,�spaciou@ building 70 ft. long Herinan. Clara opper
P�ARTWRJGHT, '-M. D.. M. H (bon),
V 'S, S,,Ont, A ccrczier for the Coun- McClure Jc-ne,a (bon), Readus 'Lee.. Barley"' Feed,
tyo(Ontario. OfEcehours : 1_92andO-8p.m.,
or at oLherlbours b), appointment PhoneBell The hacknev horse that waa left in Wifliam Long, Ivy Lomax (b 0 n),
it. Indghone No,400. Pickering. On- Wm. Cammack's field on Saturdav, Grant Lynde'�'Dorotfiv Moody. Oscar
We-are Selling Agelnts for July 81h. and on which day a valuable Moore. Claude Moss, 'Katbleen-Mun-- For-feeding pil;L, no. other,feed
Phonographs, Pianos. Singer Sewing heavy mare was taken in its.place, day (hcoa). Emmett Oke (hon), Ken. gives eqllal re�ililts ff)r-'
N C. MCKINNON, M.D., L.R.C.S. Machines, Records, Sheet Music, has been claimed bv a Mr. Wials'On, R neib Palmer '(hon). Della Patton, Ab- the money.
11161mburlrb, Member of"the College i .
Of er'ou Yonge street,
livery-etable keep
f2waWdans and Sursawks of Onswic.Ileenuau Band Instruments;Violins etc. bott Price (boo), Robert Richardson, Make sure'of your ;upply
of 160 ,41 Gol!6g* of Burasons, Rdim -Government Standard Toronto. The animal waa hirE;d by & Edgar Rush. Ina Spence. Robert Ste.
Lightning Protec yo '30 p. in. on the vecs. Violet Summerhaves. DorJ�
- oa to 112de"as of wozaam tion. ung man about 2.. . . while it la�sts.
tv.azd residences Broullbam. dav on which it waA left in Mr, Cam. Talling; Lloyd Taylor. Mildred Vase-
Beatty StAble Rqaipment, viz:
Inadk's field. Mr. Wilson is still minue leA.r. Gerald Wigetou. Marjory Wil-
Steel Stalle and Stanchions, his buggy and harness which were the som. Bet tv bt. Baby Chick Feed
Water Cups.
Hay Caft, best that be bad and which were very 07 wrote,W"e e succeamf*ul. Ju9t the thing for young chicks.
WU.'KENNEDY. Barrister. Sol Litter Carriers. valuable. the buggy alone being worth CLAREMONT
ic.'IC4seveyancer,&c. Also, Hem Feed comi.)o-ed
ieiu)r.IN*tary Pub.0 _*200. Mr. Cammack so far hae.had no
V,Out. 41 a of his missing mare., Mabei Bie (hon), Mary Benson. .7
sebe , Vera Dunkeld, Alms.
CEIRISTIAN, Barrister su Evans. Margaret Glee, Edna Green graias for
ad "Ile, On t Helen Ch r of beat mixture uf
loilm.Notary Publia.1k%& Movey to Stouffvl BROUGHAM. (hoa). Harry Hortop, Robert McC&I.
ean.0011tice Brock St.North.Whisbv. 10my turn. Flossie McNair, Allan Meyer,
Miss Margaret C&"ie, of Agincourt. Allan -Miller,. Leslie Neale. Ali6e Pegg
TNALES & JOHNSTON-BarilipterP is visitinit with her brother here. (bon), Kenneth Reesor, O*car Stepb.
229 Danforth Ave. (Woolworth B
M. - Mr. Webster. of BowmaDT!Ile. pays enson. Gertrude Tolrbard. Lloyd Wit.
Phone Gerrard 4411. SaturdaMw Look Here I
vein 1%0.(Ind.) 401Y our town flying visita occasion Ily. son.'Norrine Wilson,Paul Wjfson.*
Miss Gladys Witter, of Toron-to, 28 wrote, 20 were succeseful.
visited. with her grandmother. Mrs.
ILLIAM J. BEATON.B. A..Bar- If Its rea'] good Furuiture io-clack PICKERING
Wnster,-SoLraor. member of the &m of MAttbewo. over S-anday.
Ryckman.Denigon Foster and Beauan. Toronto waluu-t cf quarter-cut oak in Rev. And Mrp. Van Wvck, of Micbi- Hau4d--AC`nderson..Jean Annin. Clif-
General Tv�sts Builemg.Sr,Bay Street,Toronto. fozd Barrett. Gltidvs Riyar.t. Xiry
Telephor,e Main 9-61 ar.d SC2. any rJ t):e, period" styles gau, are bo!idayiEg witb the lattet's %IeGinty. Willie Power. Nellie Sier.
C parents. Mortonard Mrq. Miller.
you are tbinking If 14ahel!4q-iirea. Mazi-n White.
Mi-sss Dorotbv Linton. of NN innipeg.
Vental 24 wpute.9 were
is ,pending �er bolidave with h1er
SEE xrandmc)tb-r. Mrs. G.�'D.'Lipton.
r VLdqs-n'sNe Mrs. Tripp. of Torrinta-, vNit-d with D,vidron. Ja,L DT.Amrsrd, Irene H��rn.
sylteffl 6 Bennett. Ahaw. Ger!r-.;d- Nif Kay. Patfir-k
D. D. S.. L, D_ Q Mrp. Pat!ers(,n,_U_1Lancqt.,ver and ;LrJpy Burk Lillian' f.
132 Carits:n T�
4 '4ritefii J their �:.-.ers. the Mes
intormatwn or pho:ie Nc.th!5316 4 16 Idat week.
cf lan. Tbr�tnaq P-!-,A). H-Ion Rogerp,
BLA4e.B. IBFATON",* D. D. R 6:ivle Wb�te.. Velma' Whlt-. Aoirev
Graduattof the Rc�a�CoVge rf D-m"I Any quantity. we -,Low you ssLm
Surgeons arid Craveruty cf Toronto. 01mce DUNBARTON. 12 wrote, 12 were subeeso-fal. The -UniN-ei;.11 �.A
over W. M Fnngle*% �ardwart spare. W',i%by. ple-. -You don't have'to pay
CHhce hourq 0 to 1.1 1 to Ind. p,cre 45: memorial forthe late Lee
Bell pbon�2�0. until the goods are de- brvthprs will he held in the Dunharton GREEN RIVER.
�Oi.,erjf O:tr Prod vif,,tlonti)
church an Sunday next at 31 o'do,1r. i . - . ..,
delivered.at yvuls hcrae. Tho Opeen River L&&et,' Aid will for
_a)nducted by the Rev.Mr Clugston. We �ell Sill's Rit-*-Lite Lens
it b , at the homp 4mf Mrs. W, Gray Ar
#iis bcrne with Me"'
We @ell the OL-termoor Mattress AfteF-a-rinkerin Hine s. onWednesday. July 28Lhjtt2 30 p:m" aH inakc-of es:trq-tha betit
Christian fortitude. Annie Laurptta Word fur Roli Call, "Loo lia the rns(tkotfoit
and all Simmons Bedding
4;- Real Ee ;Sullivan died at the home of her
W tote.. Corveyancing, No and Springs. the pric-e.
mother on Tuesday. Jal,,'18-h. in her
Pubhc*Etc Picitnrst,0=. 32 i2lst year. Miss Sullivan was the BROCK ROAD.
Tire@ for Fill F.me'-y Wheels
fourth daulzbter of thp late Robert A f#tmRy from the city in-m_cupyi Saw and Emery MAndrils,
-)FRUIT BASKETS nd' part of W, Z Jackson's residence'for Circular-Ssiw' ,& L,%d-
-LJrAZRLANNIS-Elor"tionist. Frr. and Mr,. S,,Ili,.. of this place a
�711of �Wen.A f�m
JLJ suer I For terms- as h' h1v esteemed hy all who knew the,,mmser. deng, ex.
w I
load iven a-eq. ad. phorsel1g;:vern 24�A- Fruit Basktta of all desci iptions great- her.' W-lidesber mother she loaves to Geo. Moody and family and C.
ARillbland Creek P 0. 34.9
ly reduced this year.- mourn her loss four brothers and four Young and fa-mily.,of- Osbawa. P,%Id Woodwo-kine mild G
In C_ wiwtersi---Tb*"are:James of Toronto.
POSTILL. Licersed Au7tioveigr, -Pleiiiy;�1all-1, as nb,,ia friends here a flvicg visit on Sunday'. .
A' . for couzVes of Tort and Ontario. Aurs- George. Fmck and WilliaAb at home, Tbos. A. Kno' N
x had a narrow espor W. H� JACKSON, Br�-k RwLd
Was of%:1 k1ce: att* r-4e to on oborses, Green River. Mrs. C. H. Cbadwie!k of Windsor. t
Adere"Gre GLt. on Wednesdav of this week a hen t
Or address R. R. No. 1.Loenst Bill. 8hterM_CvetAn at JosephConvent, tongue of the"horse-rake brrke-an4 he .,.Pit-kering. On-.!
Ht;ff.0n. Mary of Toronto, and Alice
EATON TOWNSHIPOLIERE Hoine Pbose d405 Mark.. at borue. wFLm thrown under the borsea' feet.
D commisesocartar He ecappd with a few minor bruistom.
6114se 4=. 021. WTT day excepting Monday. late N. J. Brown, died after a 14
,;=Tift, Aweezvoes. Zte. mosty *0 11 Chapping and Oat Rjulling every week Mrs. Annie J&ekoioz. relict of t�-
mc r. Here' re
AVID A. PUGH,-Live Qtot-k aur- ing illne@v of.thr"year@. aT the hburf
W G.Banies' GreenRiver Mrs. R, Soarka is visiting ber dau. (if ber sirter, Mrs. John Pvrcr, cn
Ptioneer. C-a-duatect C M, Jones, ,,�40;. b.aged PIS pv-trA.
ChwAgso Lifetime experience,sath prdigr;jed gh-er;Mr-, Tho,*. Law� of Pickoring. July 16 Deeeaspd
a rock 15tock ard rsnX %crk, All kinds 0 M18a Annie -Mtn-r-field. of Toronto, Wall it daugh!or of the late James
grow attendedtc. Phory is i4 vi-itine her paito A. Thom. Red_Nlr. NfAitha Jackson arrd was a life.) g 0.
efront. PICKERING C ment. ,
tly 'dent-of Pir!koring tc,wnsh-�p. Th�
Man%field. Ar.
-P r,n T�ie*day to th�
WNMAW. I.lCE_N',%ED At:( . The nld-tim- dance held atMarlp- ftineral took pli(
. LUMBER YARD fl�ld'o Hall 6n Smiirday night was. Chriottian C-ectietary.Brougham. -,Coal,
TICNEERA,r York.(4ntAric andJ>_r0%3rrs
countz Ml kindsji salts prornpz!y attenced ml2ch enjoyed by tho%e present.
to. Det"for %ales rn;ay be S�rvice was h-lit at Fairport church Heron...Hallett
arranged at NEWS'015,_v. Be% ar.d Indeptu- Lvnbers,
31Y On Siinday. . %Vhillo fnirly well attend-
'dwood Fl00r11W *0, (here were too many empty f-ear,4.
Har The hcune of Jabez and Mrc 14stIlp"
-Sh in gle
Sort y.tD report tbaf Helen. the lit- (if .. . . ,
Pickering. was -the otpne. rY
N.Sc. We can supply y tie datighter srif Fred and Nfrq 9,-ott
Dr. N. E, McEwqn, P ouin has been ill. She iW now i -pretty wedding on Wedne-!day. July
Veterinary Surgeon. inproving. 12th. when,their daughter. Mah-1
'Uate of Univereity Maple, Birch, Beech, On Stinday it larwe ntimber of Aiidrpy, wFLR imitpil in inarriage.to Rend Rooffirm,
G r&d ni Toronto. Winches wpre itnrhnrfd in y r.
William Allan HerQn, son bf ltohp-rz-
Former Vetel iVaTiRn tri Maedr,rald '0.1, Theqe brought many vi,4it4q fmom To- and Mrs. Heron. nf Myrtles In thp
Plain and Quartered -, Lath
A,b- Q'It rontn. ritubout AP-vPTrty-gTTPstv,-Rirr-
Prom T4 att(�ntion to Ali clients. all "Beaver Boards' I-Ast week-end w&R-the hwiest of the W. A. Hunner, o? Pickering. vfflirili-
esison at the Bay. The weather was
11 and ting. The bride, who was giren away
Ae. . Ind. Phcre.
ideal and judging hv the large number bv her fat her. lo(,)kpd very rharminv
PICKERING, of batherti the weather was ideal too. in ivot v Canton.c-repe with pearl trim- F. A. REE SO R11
thing,and worpa veil with,cr)ronet of
BT i��Fickerff sitaticn We D
.r1NE TA Gordon & Son, orange blossonis,And carried a shower
T.R. Trsirs goirg Eaell do*ase follows GREENWOOD.
- M. botiqtiet of sweetheart roses and maid
1.57 A -n. -r7.
No. 10 1 . '. I Robert Brown was hQnle Irr,111'To- etilhair fet The little flower girl was
1`-, 28 Local :121 2:3 P.M. `:'�'*I ronto over SiindA Miqs Pfivlliq Pilkey, niete of the bride
.]Bell and Independent one, 1. Y.
36 r,ocal, 04 P_M ph
Sundav train, 7.57 A. 31. The Girls' Cirrle.,met at the home of Nliss Margaret Givern plaved the we'd.
Mrs. Wesley Gee on Tuesday' after. ding warch, A weddini dinner was,
Trains'going West due &P follows- Q� Ah. M C*,= 1 6 MP ' IS
sierved hv a ntiniher.of the girl friend!,
N,o-. j5 Lozal 7.47 A._%l- G&tr&g*---*nd �Prv,[-ss --ur-and Mrs. White, 4 -Toronto. of tile I;ride. After which the happy
D 2.4 4 P. M.-
-7 Local Stationat Brongham -till have their 'are holidaying with Bert Harvey and en"Ple left far a brief honeymoon
9 Mail !0 9 t 15 P. %I. fxpert frc,.m the faefory and also have family. The brido,travelled in it ntvv trientine
41judav trAlIT, a n t heir rf%
-N,w Chevz olet 441) Specials in stock. Ft-(:d W.Gih:,on. of S-ilem, has pur--l-lit %ftll hAt to In tf h. 0'
Foregoing is according to Sinntlaid tLie 3 speed car at the 2-speed price, chased at new Chevrolet car from Roy Mr,Anil Mr, Hermi will r&ci&e nt Ash.
tiale. Agent for Gream Separators, Willard Gerow, of Broughanf.
Rol tteries, 6modyPar and-Dunlop tires. Mr. knd lfr:-. Wftb6ridge And Miss
rrip only rar on the i oad thRt cannot Grills, of Torontcs. spent A 4'r�, UUNBARTON.
�w matched hy nur comvetitcsra�- wan Alf and Mrs.Trimble,
SS. It-ss ou than anv car on tilhe M r. s. Perrv. of Tornnto. Mrs. Mankey i�vi,;iting her d.i1gli
STLOT -a" and Nlr'
er, Mrq. Alex.'Goiirlie.
wid And ServiFZ-. is otir Watehword, spen 1- a n4"ipIv of days with the latter's
% it, Ro s. Marley-penttlier -Re
%'It se Gasoline And Enarco Oil. grand-parentq. 1ohn and Mrs. Adam- Mr. and Nlr vek Pleasant tastinj fresbing
SCHOOL THIS SUMMER end with Robt. and Nlr�. Ch -
coil. 'and gives prompt relief in caser. of Sicw
Work haq commenced on the High-
Gerow's Garage, Brougham T. C. Robinette And family .1
The Sha Schools in Toronto never motored, from Jackson'q Point And wav At the sehoo-hnnQe corner. Bilious or Nervous He.adache,Bihousnes&
C s. Isundice,Constipatiom Indigestion, Sour
10 inw3ummer. They are open Xennetb'White is this week visiting
july and August Don't waste the spent ThursaRyAfternom with Miss
All his Leo i
holiday season-start now to loam type. Wood. _pArents, -and Mrs Wh te.' Stomach. HiccougN Heartburn, Rheu-
[iss Floronce An- matic or Gouty Conditions.
shorthand smi bookkeeping. FIA!L'LfiT E R M N`Mr. and Mriq.'Bosh and family-bave We congratiflate LN
*idual instnction in every course.
�015 his on having
arrived and taken possession of the su.ccessfully pa,ssed the 9 wampl."G'ape Solu
F. McIntosh, Chief PrIneival farm e,entiv purchased from Thos, Normal examination, 1,,gl,IV rWfiMr"J.. X
nsiAug. 28 Hutchinson. A, J. and Mrs. Annan Are xisiting A loss NVM 1111401,2;3 1
'and L Ira, Jac Master st few days at Niagara Falls. Jame- all Side boptives,
Ed. '.N kson and hmplw em
Nfclntosb is in chRrge at home.
TCRONTO ,-_�LLIOTT NlRlirice, of Montreal, are holidaying ympathy to Mrs. qf.�.R.sq�,..111". GRAPE i
with their daughter, Mrs. Pegg, and We.extend our s SALTS
van and faniilv deat awin essl*s,Scar]*
other friends in the neighborhood. 81111i in I the b of
'a 25th anniver ary of their wedding on Tuesday of thin eek. tle CLUASM rot
0. A. Annis had the misfortune to 61 A SysrEm
y ba4es&Sts,Tokronto the
on Thursday. A few of their immedi-
_Gra�a Choppmg lose a, flne brood sow and a horse to . It a coulle
Is STRICTLY Fi Our Ate relatives were with them daring through having RA leg broken this Land"ans!5tiestates i
the day. At night abotit,a doze.n.of pm�."44
AND FL!kKING graduates readily obtain employ. the members of the church here Join- week. C. 'W. Holmes also lost his po- Uver..
ment owing to kheir superior train- ed them And presented them with a ny in,the same way recently. � .01,~
I&m prepared to do Chopping and ing and our assistance-in placing silver tray on behalf of the congre Kennetb'and Mrs. Gonrlie, sonand Get a bottit Rar.R,.
gR* daitgbter, of Toronto, also Wro. Gour-
Oat Flaking every Monday tion. Mr. And Mrs. Btinner were the
and Friday. them. IT UVDOUBTFDLY PAVS TO recipients of many giftR frnm relatives lie, of Vancotiver. called on oldjriends
ATTic.ND,THE REST. - Write to-day and friends. Arnnng the a and viqited thp old home on 'V PdnL-8- Price
Stoneboat8 For Fate -gue ts from day. Mr. Gotialie is principal of Pop sale by
if forour catalogue and Arrange to a distance werp Mr. and 311'eii'. Grant
enter At our Fall Opening. And datiebter And Miss Grant. of To- Central Sebm], Vancouver, with over
,d.,, SM ptivils i-nsoInjectina. He repnrtA
Johi) F. Bayles, Claremont ronto: Ew9rt BunnPr, of Li,
1W. J. Elliott, Principal and Rev. and M`rq. Btinner and $.daii- very dry weAther in B. C. and statea
Rural Route No,2 that On'tario crops look much better. picke'n'--g rra-0 'Z'Lore I
ghter,of Pickering.
-7- FIA-M
jam added to a pint of
and the worst Is yet to come whIpp"eadeec'ream makes a delicious
Pack In equal parts of lee
and "It and lot stand three hours to
44 freeze.
_ —Superfluous 11air.
77 ......... 10K
There is at least one manly chay-
for by boys
acteristle longed and
young men with great anxiety which
I never coveted by any women of how-
R+:' 108var masculine type; that Is the
growth of hair upon the face. I know
of no facial disfigurement that creates
In a man so much complacency or in.s.
woman so groat consternation.
J What can a woman with a tendency
bair do about it? Must
J to superfluous
she just give up and lot it grow?
It depends very much upon the am-
ount- and character of the- hair. If
16 there'are only a few strong, aggres-
.0 sive hairs, the electric needle will
make short work of them. The needle
i must go to the follicle of each hair,
so it is a tedious job if there are very
manyr-and I do not advasoi that it be
0 0,
attempted unless the hairs are so few
q. • ZZZ
;.that they can be readily counted.
00 Where there is a large surface, cov-
0 ered with vigorous hair, I do not ad-
0 vise the use a the needle, neither do
-.0 ! 1 thin kAt in worth while to try to re-
_-_ -° o U MVV4 such a growth of' hair with
drugs. I have often wondered what
objection there can be against shaving
in such a case. It is true that shaving T{s,�To]Dd' CC' 0' d Quali
will make the hair firmer and stronger,
but, even so, it is seldom indeed that
hair growing on a woman's face is as
aggressive as the softest type of --V2 LCTINS
beard in a man, and the man with a
mild beard can easily keep his face
and in p ackages
I J A I clean by, applying the safety razor
"By. I would much prefer U am a
woman with a clean face that gave
some evidence of acquaintance with a
razor blade than one with a straggling smooth and at right tem
growth of nondescript hair. be moo the per crumbs with milk or meat broth.Place
ature to insure success, a layer of this In a well-buttered bak-
Drugs known an depilatories a" fa- various
miliar to all doctors. Some very good ways of making eggs palatable: upon it with bits of butte}' here and
1h fl --ones-aze-made---It Is a-mistak -to them. Thenplace *-layer of mix-1-1 Following are some of the v ing d*h,-slice some hard-boiled eggs
-try---Abou e -ou
to use them in cases that caU for s, Pla& eapoon- veal or chicken; then broad
razor, and neither should they be used ful of butter in a steel spider and'heat ham, �and
crumbs. Bake until well heated
when the hair is removable by the slowly. Break four eggs into the bowl crumbs are browned.
electric needle. But the" are many and only beat enough to thoroughly
Canning Relpers.
Pass turn cloudy for three'ressons'. cases In which the hair Is not very mix the whites and yolks, add four
'The process of cold-pack canning Cracking the skin of the blanch- vigorous nor does it cover any great tablespoonfuls of warm water, a little Growing.
Las I'm - given so many times that it fag too lon1r, using very hard water surface. In such ewes a good dep4la- nutmeg and &&I+- Draw spider to the -quiet,
does not seem necessary to repeat it or mineral water. ;They said that I must keep you
tory,appHedby a careful doctor, gives hottest part of stove and when butter I And wrote down carefully all the hours
bers. Remember to bioncon greens Be a=* to make current jolly. Db is.-hot, not browning, add the eggs.With steam; .do not dip in boiling not pick currants. after a rain. Look very satisfactory service. of your schedule.
Let cook a moment and then with the Food and oleep, they said,that Was an
water. This may be done by mspen& over carefully and remove bits of lest,
I&, loosen the omelet at the edge
you needed.
Studies in White and Gold. allowing the uncooked part to ran But last night when I-could not tell
Ing the cheesecloth I** a hammock wash sad do but do not stem. Put I
Over the water in the canner. in a pomelain or acid-proof kettle and' Why not lot the color scheme for under and continue until the omelet Is what you wanted
It asparagus, beans, go", and%eorn ccrver with water. . Cook until currants your meat dish during these warm Adoet•9P Now sprinkle with finely chop- And lay down beside you, worn out
are allowed to stand too lamg before turn white, then 'drip through a jelly'summer days be white and gold? pod parsley and with the spatula tinm with your weeping,
canning, a mbar tests often develops. bag, boil Juice ton minutes, add sugar' housewife who has given little or no over one-third of the omelet,then fold you alept happily, close to my,heart.
They should be conned as ex as which has been heated In the oven, thought to the composition . 4111
L on of eggs Or" as you turn OUL Serve at onc'i- -Little son, were You lonely so so-on?
Picked. Never let more than two or allowing CUP for cup of sugar and has much to learn of their nutritive This omelet may be varied by adding, Elizabeth Porter Wyckoff.
Juice,and be* for three minutes.Then food value. Care must be taken in chopped ham,pass, tomatoes,bacon or
three boors ebopse before canning.
Coen turns dark for three reasons: teA by takf- a little Juice In the their cooking, however, if this food cheese, just before folding.
U41ng ccwn too old; canning with spoon And pouring off the . Who value re . ..Protection of Table Tops.
side h va is tained.
In the words of the Creamed Egg:--Chop five or six
t.- Water that contains hvs; blanching two thick &V form an the side of p hard-boiled eggs,not too fizm Make a The careful housekeeper is solici-' a.
• poet.
too 11=9• the spoon It Is done. dd - egg, within thine oval shell, whits. sauce of a cup of milk, a table- 'toes for the preservation of the finish
straw. Of
Cam becomes waterlogged for f6ur Raspberry, blackberry and What palate tickling joys do dwell."
spoon of butter, a tablespoon of Sour on the dining table, and usually pro-
Wasons: Allowing it to stand too long berry Jelly may be by adding One of the simple things to remem- and salt and pepper. When this is video some protection for the surface
fkk the oold water after bhaching; let- equal measures of apple juice, or by ber in the cooking is that the albumen cooked,pat in-the eggs and stir gently from the heat of plat6, electric toast-.
'ting the cans'stand on the'table after using & commercial pectin. in the egg'congulates at a high tem- for a few minutes. Serve hot on a ers, teapots, and other articles. The
they are packed. Always plunge ini- In making jams allow three-quarter% Perature. In order V) have that soft dish with suitable pieces of toast. Forest Products Laboratories of the
wedlately into the canner; heating of a pound of sugar to every pound of creamy consistency so much desired, Egg Gems:-Use one cup of chopped Department of the Interior, in the
cm. in we= water over a slow fixv; fruit. Crash the fruit and put it an the egg should not be subjected to cold meats, one teaspoonful of melted course of a study of the beat-resisting
"Openinga to serve and alloiv�the Stove to beat slowly while the sugar extremes in heat or length of time in butter, one cup of bread crumbs, salt properties of various materials, found
ease to stand In the cold water. Re. hosts In the oven. When berries are cooking. . . and pepper. Mix together meat and that ordinary quarter-inch wall-board
aw" cans as soon as opened, heated through &M 'one-third of sugar Hot Or warm water makes a Much bread crumbs. Add the butter, salt was very suitable for this purpose.
Best@ lose their color because tops and boil tan minutes, 7%en add one• more tender omelet than milk and and pepper and enough milk to biiid it Tests showed that wall-board permitted
and tsfi an cut too closely- on baff remaining sugar &M boil for there is little excuse for- fai!urs of together nicely. Have ready gern pans the passage of only'about one-half as
at least an inch of the top and all of minutes. Now add an the sugar j= these toothsome dainties if one in too. well greased and fill with the mixture. much heat an other materials often
the tail while b1siaching. Then scrape cook Ubtfl thick enough to sprea& sonably careful. A good omelet Pan Break an egg on the to of each, sea-� used for this purpose. As wall-board
Inytead of posting. Store In Classes 111m Jelly. in necessary. This steel-spider must son with salt and pepper and sprinkle is an article widely manufactured in
with cracker crumbs. Bake',-eight Ca nada,and not at all expensive,these
minutes, experiments open up a new field for
Egg Salad:-Boil the number of its use.
eggs required for twenty minutes.'
When cold -s-h-etl-a—nd-re-m-ove—w—bite!s� W
i hatever else you do with a worry,
it on.
don't pass
earefully from the yolks. Chop the do'
whites and leave the yolks whale.' Canada's forest resources are essen-
Serve on lettuce leaves with a boiled tially of coniferous nature, the hara-
dressing and small balls of cottage woods as a whole forming about 3 per
Let Taste 'a and Health
cheese• cent. of the total quantity of lumber
Escalloped Eggs:-Moisten bread produced.
:Take the Benefit
..Canadian Tree W for Britain
HERE'S a double delight In v�bfld uS'e*Instazrt Plottzrn'regululy
TInstant Postum-that famous -as the
better topli drink. Th usands of great sack&--to be British Isles has shown can be move
cereal beverage. "Von thou sacks--of' proll�aboly-devoted to trees than to any
—Ft?K-J you—ordier instant Postam this cones of Douglas fir, Sitka spruce, other crop. Tests, have shown that a
Taste finds the full satisfaction of a
from your grocer today.
hot, amnio Note its re. hemlock and other species of trees, number of Canadian trees; especially
rting meal drink, and were last autumn brought in by rail, Douglas fir and Sitka spruce, do well
jreshing taste and benefits to health. by steamer, and by farmer's wagon, in Great Britain,and this Is the reason -
is health finds a real.friend—for YOU, Posturn and dumped down on the floors of a
too, will be a regular for the British Forestry Commission
'is five from any of the-drug elements -storey building In New West- asking the Dominion Forestry Branch
:i-.user, thereafter. Instant Postuin is big three
L-.I in tea and coffieft
minster, the seed extraction plant of to secure a large quantity of seed an-
made Instantly in the cup at the-table,
the Forestry Branch at the Depart- nually.
Thousands of people an over the merely by adding hot water. -meat of the Interior. New
It was erected Shipments of seed from the
specially for this purpose and In one of Westminster plant were also made to
the most modern -d in Australia, New Zealand,
plants of the kin
Made by
Instant Postum the world. Nere the cones were dried and other Dominions'and colonies, and
Canadian Possum Cereal
and threshed and the tree sood. clean. some to the different provinces of
Co.,Ltd, ed and bagged for shipment. From am
FOR HEALTH �C' ada, as well as to associations or
the seven thousand sacks of cones individuels, in the United States.,
There's a Reason" somewhat over twelve thouisandpDunds France, Belgium, Sweden, Norway.
of tree seed was extracted. As tree Finland anil-Pern. The great Increase
seed,runs. from fifty thousand to four in reforestation,work throughout the :1
which tbds seed collection
hundred thousand kernels to the Empire, of
pound, with an average of perhaps two is an evidence, to due to the lessons•M hundred thousand, it I.% evident that if tough by the wax.
01 these germinate,a good-sized forest. 0wada has Some of the finest kinds
A 5MRA09
.1 v4'.K W%of Who will•reault. of timber trees In the world, and this
The largest purchaser of this seed coilectiom, extraction, and distribution
was the Forestry Commission of of seed by the Dominion Forestry
Great Britain, which took over seven Branch'is a berieft both tothe Empire
ass thousand pounds, the last of the order and to Canada. It opens up a now, line
of activity In Canada, and It enables r.
being shipped early this spring. -This
seed Is to be used to re-forest the acres governments And individuals, to secure
cut over during the war, and to plant seed In sufficient quantities to carry
up such other areas as a survey of the out worth-mobile plans of retaread-Wom
.+•..«• .,n.' ,afil'�iu;>" .�.5's�s, •ar. •-a>-x mtraf?S+•r .ra. ,�. vv
°J : �'s"`ti". :;i;.` .z. .. 3 •, ,.c�. ,..,,;T.,... ,xr¢m, .�J,';`S:"r.�. -:Y x•Y•• y.. -•a,^.•.'•R,•r.r> '�•.nv4 tartan•,�+r.:�..f '.'ia'+u::yF" x,R- '?3.'.d,,
' _ z .•y;, R,.c�.r '�` - *i 'i .3'tiy'*,J'"• :xt:y;,• ♦ :ate -.i} •y,.�{,,°�. . •..i .ir. rust >s5-:. '�'r'` ;a•.' •tan. . .0..•v Y .;.6A�.i�r :� ,.,,,fix,. 3 ,.,�,:
.-r�.^C _Y':.OA •'M• - s Ci. .. +nyT, L.LR+: :i •i i '(d.!•^• :•.L A - )" ,x ,r. 1 ':L:°I ..�3:�>'��•"S,'.' .-" L,
Shaving the Roof. 1 Classified Adaeetisemanto -s
NORRIE'D �OIEN � S Tree: HAIII,TON IRAN Plantiing. Changing the thickness of the roof . salsa: ataw>Qasss wASfa�.RICH BLOOD Throughout Canada the greatest so- may not seem 'like a Particularly W E HAVE A CASH PIIBCHrtti]lll�
tivity and entihavglasm hat prevailed handy way to keep the temperature IS BACK ON JOB for a weekly aewepaper in Oa•
�,ry��'1, tario. ]?rice must tae attrao i ve, seal{this year in regard to forest tree plant- o! the house unlfdoi Certainly no �� Ohi� FINE
tuff information to wtlsoa Pnelisblag Jr
one would think of doing it is that way
W.. Toronto
f � Ltd., 7S Adelaide
It is safe to .sy that more trees y
the Blood in Not Hept Pure have been planted in the spring of 1922 thH - But in the Arctic _
"shaving off the roof' is the
Health Will Break Down. than-In'Lay previous spring in the his- BELTING FOR SALE
tort of Canada. In the eastern pro- thing. Mr. VilEtijalmur Btefanegon, the Chas.Davis Was Often Forced HREASHIR30 BELTS AND SU0•, y,
It useless to tell a hard working viaces and on the .prairies, the cities, Polar explorer,.explains in his book. /�
'�m� to take life easily and not to towns. and villages have planted trees Tlhe FrlendlY Arctic, Just how the Es- to Lay Off From Work u Oct t hors new sad used, shippe4
subject to appso val'st lowest pr1oM
kime does it Days at a Time Before He Canada Yorlt Belting -Co.. III 'r
worry, To do so is to ask the almost by the thousand along the streets,"and y et, Toroatq Ont.
•impossible. But, at the same time, it in the parks, and where provincial, If, sees Mr. camping n, the snow Began Taking Tan 1 a C—
Is the duty of eve woman to save her highways 'have been ceus�tructed trees house we were camping in was built A Sign of Coned out
" strength to meet any unusual denbands. have been planted along these under
at fifty degrees below zero, each block a�tOmACh Trouble NOW En- ' tie Bolsheviks started out with the
a systematized plan. These are all in the wall was'then of that tempera- tirely Gone. uacemeat twat they didn't,believe
_ bf It is a duty sue owes:heraelf and tune and•oontaiaed what we may an- .. �� that I '- �'•o�Y So it's really a great con
.tamily, for her future health may de- shade and ornamental trees and they 6ctemtiflcally speak of as a great deal Tandac did me so much c
p8nd upon it are planted for aesthetic rather than should like to tell everybody about it;' �'oa that they are willing to bor.
To economic reasons. AL the same time of "latent cold." To neutralize the cold row from anybody that will lead to
guard against a complete break- said Charles H, Davis, 24 Croethwslte .
It was necessary to keep the inside of teem.
Clown in health the blood must be kept on the prairies, especially the planting Ave
the house for a considerable time at a " Hamilton, out, a popular ma•chialst e
rich, red and pure. No other midi-.of trees in grban centres helps along temperature of perhaps B0. d F. -=
the movement in rural districts, But " MONEY ORDERS.
nine does this so well as Dr. Williams' �Y kidneys gave me so much trou
Pink Pills. This medicine stsengtibeus the movement has not ended there. In eat is ,o nearly a"Intent cold or of ble that I otbem had to lay off from Send a Dominion Express Money i
addition to the five or six million trees heat Chat, once the "latent cold" has work for two or tharee days sx a time.' Orden '�eY are payable everywhere.
'... the. nerves, restores the appetite and been neutralized, the heat of our
' keeps every organ healthily toned up.,-sent out by the Indian Head-and San-. I bead awful nagging pains across the --�
iodise kept the temperature well often
tAomem katoon DonrffiIOn forest nursery stn- Smell of m Depends on the Ciwe.`
caamnot alteags rest wiles they above the freezing point. even w71en fm, a whole day ''wi art eating,be- u the cause for failure is known
Should but can keep their do Is to farmers to plant shelter-belts
{ 3
strength they' all over the prairies and those sue.out the hole 1n the roof was open for veati- cause of the severe pakw in the pit of there is hope for success later oil.
meth by the occasional use of Dr. Iatiom- But if the weather became a
Williams' Pink Pills. Among those for like purposes and to restore wood- my s?,ome,oh after every meal. I had
lots from the Ontario, and Quebec little warmer than it was when we
Who have found benefit from this made camp, the heat of cur bodLae,or frequent spells, of weakness and be- Beep cool and ravel out your Fish.
'medicine is Mrs. Cora Conrad, Broad nursery.stations at St. Williams and the beau from the fire would raise the came so dizzy at times that I couldn't ing Lime; impatience multiplies each
Berthierville, respectively, there has . see whew I was Cove, N.B., who says: "Bey syeteLn'w&s been a much larger planting and seed- temperature boo mph' and the roof burry Into people in the reed I just
Poor ]knot by Nina
very much run down, and my--blood would begin to mekt. Then we seat a felt tired out all this time tree.. I get, —- -- -- --
poor and watery. I suffered a great Ins of,purely forest trees' than ever`man out with a knife to suave it any-
deal from headaches Lad dizziness; before. The Dominion Government tins weaker every day.
my appetite was plot, Lnd I tired where from tour to two inches thinner 'But Taalac has rid me of these r,
Forestry Branch hoe planted trees at • s
eeesl try Dr. Williams' Petawawa, Ontario, forest experiment p that floe cold from outside would x
y. I decided to strata the snow blocks and troubles and I'm right on the Job every
station sad on a number of its forest 1h ►a$op � ��
Pink Pills and have every reason to be the teasing. hey now and am just feeling good,and a ..
reserves in the Prairie Provisoes to a gettlrlg stronger all the time. Tantac
glad that I did so. Soon I felt bets', If the next day the weather turned
total number of about 150,000; several
and under the continud use of the is oertatnly a wonderful medicine." 7..
Of the big pulp and lumber cold again. hoerfrost4,would form cn '.
pills the headaches and were companies Tdruggists.dw roof end,drop as snowflakes on the sold by all good drugg
r gone, and my blood teemed in a bet- have done considerable planting, and bed. We world know then that the _ Advt.
' ter condition than before. For this there bee been a for ward movement roof was to"thin and send a man.out YARMOUTH, N.B. i t.
treason I
in the municipal forest plantations In th it,with soft snow. There are over one hundred 'and ,
r Pink Pills. recommend Dr. Williams Quebec and Ontario. In the latter Pro thirty species reaching tree size in The Original and Only Genuine. „ -
,� wince the scheme of county and town. representing cues..forty gin-
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills -- Canada rerpresenti 310we .Of ,e>ltwd" sold os the
silly io>~eeta devised host year was p C p [�' y MINARD'S I..IIYIMEIVT
ebt+ongi: say dealer za medicine or by Pat KE l LHILDLIEA WELL
`0M Of these, only about sixty or ~"
y Into active operation. In Simcoe
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes. seventy are sawn into lumber.
.101,;2.50 from The D>f. Williams' Med1- O°'antY the first tree in the county for j� p I t
.: 910e Co..Brockville, Out eat plot of one thousand acres, near D BETA HOT WEATHER 1 Illnard's Liniment Reltem Naarallils
° L Camia Borden,was pleated by the War 111IRY0 O S AND-
den with appropriate ceremonies. It On the 'south shore of Pi �.
u Betty's Version. Every mother knows how total the pistons,
Three-year-old Betty was left in � expected the whole plot will be hot summer mohths are to small child. lake, in northern Saskatchewan. jig- ae
planted in tan yeLM In the game nits outczio of over flue feet in thick-
charge of the bab—wTo was Isis to sad one ren.• Cholera infantum, diarrhoea, dT- -- rt
y' count? two to village mess have been discovered Ths li O WN
!sleep on a beach in the garden, planted plots of ten acres each, and sentry, colic and stomach troubles are mite is reported to be of He
When mother bed to go Inrloor<s she In Norfolk county rife at gels time and often a precious reP good quality. pp���L�� �
said, "Wgtcbi.baby,Betty; ha will goon twenty thousand little life is lost after only a few hears Dewed by Taking
fall_ aeedllAgs as s beginning wise planted EcccenttiC#ty is others we consider f
At she was r on tihe'municipal torest Other town. Owe• The mother who keeps Baby's individuality in ourselves. " s vC O "
returning to them • lit- fps set up trees and the counties of Own Tablets >n the house feels safe.
The occasional usa of the Tablets
. _.• tie later sale heard a terrific ton:•, and York, Ontario. and Durham,are laying pro- ,._..__.... ,_.,;I _ - Comixiiund _ -
Betty came ranting to meet ber. vents stomach and bowel troubles, or
out numerics and getting Heady to
�' e _ "Mummy," size ghosted, "he faJfLed start next year. !i the trouble comes suddenly--as it ;,� , Cobomg.Ontarlo:"For'manyyow
an right, but be wasn't ssieep." ��, gemmerailY does—the Tablets will bring 1 t have bad troubles with my nerves =
The path of duty generall b and have been in a general ran-down
y para11e1s baby safely through They are sold condition for some time. I- could
- The imprudent man reflects on what the road to happiness, ll by medicine dealers or by mail at ES .'' not do my work half ills time because
he has said; the wise on what he is (cents a box from. the Dr. Williams' - �.was 1 f of Lydia F. Pinkbam s I Vegetable
going to-167---O'Connell. In proportion to its size, the swal- Medicine Co. Brockville, Oat. ' -°
low has&'larger month than any other � •tl� 1 Compound It by lends and advised d�to
IMtnard'g Liniment for sale everywhere bird. Beaadtas News of Natural ) � tl� a 11
tins strongly recommend It. Since I'
have taken it I have been able to dot y
- �— all my own work and i also know.,
Hge a * ■*� ` -f fore to the than 3opl of extent placing
NLlA7L UlVtA7 `N, friends who have found it good. Yon
before the Canadian people the extent can use these'facts as a testimonial"
and value of their natural resources„ 14Ias. Ett>wv FLea'ress. Box ?ti:1
BY DR. J. J. MID►DLETON . . the Natural Resources 'tntalligence ' CbbourL Ontario. .
Branch of the Department of the In. Any woman in this condition should •d'
Provincial Board of Health. Ontario tenor Is broadcasting this tuformation � take the Vegetable Compound, for it •M'
�._L W!11 1M has yelped ocher women' and so It
by wireless telephony, through the y p oa
or. Middleton wtil be i� � answer 4nesttons on Public 8gaitb tnatr 4 , should yet
- Lets tbrosaih this oWumus. Ladrs" him at 8padtaa House. 89adias Courtesy of the Radio Branch of the For nesAy fifty years this good
Crescent. Toro&te. Naval Service. nd .Hare a &a SI& old-fashioned root and herb medicine.
Short interesting notes of new dig- Which contains no narcotics nor
_ !coveries, of new and unusual procma_ Both e with the Scap and hct we- harmful drugs, has been the standard .
About one-third of the way between'serious cases. The twain features of ee of manufacture. and of the progress ter on rising a n retiring, u•i n g medicine for femide ills, and has re-
i! Halifax and Yarmouth, in the beauti- these pavdions is as it should be, the!of utilization of the natural resources fit'of Scap' If any signs of pim- stored the health of thousands of
ful "land of Evangeline" protected sleeping porches, where the patients of Canads are featured, especially �'redness or roughness are pees- women who have been troubled with"
P• eat smear with the Ointment a n d such ailments as displacements. in-
trom both north and south by range sperm most of their time day and where they are typtcslly Canadtaa or let !t remain Ave minutes before >lammstion, ulceration, irregalarities,
of parallel hills, lies the pretty little night. In the ia$rmsry are rooms spire, this country leslda is develop. beshiag- AlwaysincludetheCtaicara etc. - s
'town of Kentville, surrounded by apple that can be used for sleeping in when:meat • Talcum is your toilet ,.....,r Lydia E. Plelkham's Private Text:
orchards. Just north of the town on the weather is cold or severe. There' i'----e►-• I se"XI•OWENEt soiw T&Mss- sold Sook upon '4Aiiments Pemnar to
the !s The Otter'Bit throughout the CaaadiaaDepot Women" will be sent, you free upon a
a strip of rising ground is located also a well-equipped laboratory,sad
Provincial Sanitarium for Consume-.an operating romp. A professor had been lecturing, andeh..M:uLwtws request. Write to The Lydia ILL
Pinkham Medicine Co., Mass. .
hives. Tile X-ray department is the pride se he left the dsas-room he found that
In company with Dr. P. J. Moloney of the place, but important work is one of the Btu d eats had•dropped Into
and Dr. George Clinton, Ontario Dis- also being done through heliotherapy, his hat a card, upon which was draws =» ...• �,'.
-�rtct Officers of Health,I recently paid and gas treatment for diseased spots
the pSoture of a donkey. He said moth-
Ia visit to Kentville 3anitorium while'on the lung. It is recognized, house er, �at the time,but the next day, when
kt St: John, N.H., attending the con-I that in the treatment o! tuberculosis he stood before the class, he prefaced -
-I�ress of the Canadian Public Health,If medicines are little more than palli. his lecture with the remark: ,
Association. Our visit to this insti atives. "Gentlemen, I have to thank one of
ttrtion was well worth while and gave The sufferer needs fresh air, sun- your member for placing his card is
r my hat. He was too modest 1: leave
ha a very clear conception of what shine, nourishing food,• rest, and
RJova Scotia is doing to combat the graded exercises, walking being the his name, but his portrait was excel-a'great most beneficial. To these must be lent.'
great white plague. _ , ,. _.• _The problem of combating tuber- added recreation, bmusements 'and, x
fl Fulosis is a national i sometimes, occupation, in order to de-' UNLESS you see the name 'Bayer" On tablets,' you
problem, and the:
r1ar orts of each province is of partic- velop and fiisintain a cheerful, hope-
interest to eve Jul attitude and a contented mind. + , _ are not getting Aspirin at all
every part of the Do-j These features are all in evidenee �; ~
plea: In-Nova-Scotia work is
kve13 in hand Dr. A. F Miller, the af_tientvnke an- rtum. There is a? _
�uperintendent at Kentville Sanitor-! vocational building where work such
Cum,has a staff of over 100, including as wood carving' basket weaving, etc.,:
lour physicians and twenty-two nuts are carried on and there is a recrea-:
es. Everything is being done.there'tion building with billiard tables,! -
barber shop, canteen, even a Y.M.C.A.
that can be done in''the interest of secretary. Entertainment is provided
the patients. f, y
b the sanatorium's own orchestra and'
Kentville was selected as the most by moving picture shows. The pictures
suitable site for this institution for are all selected
and of real educational
several reasons, among which are ab-�value. And to be up-to-date in the
fence of fog, early spring, less rain-� latest form of entertainment there Is Asmlaft ploasgo > iesedtes "'r�'y :^
fall than in most other parts of the re-
province, and a comparatively installed a wireless concert Book on g' _
Y ry at- ceiving station,the gift of the Knights I= DI3EASE3
mosphere, the dryness being aecentu-; of Columbus. d How to seed
ated by the sandy,porous soil on which The power station ,kt only lights 1Ea�'lid il"ree to a ws- ��
the sanitorium is built. The, north and heats the institutioon, but lights d—h- b the wa,tor. -
—range of hills protects ifentvil}e from {he-town of KentvilIe as well. Protec- I;Eo`"'v�e�=Co Accept only an "unbroken-package" of "B'ayer Tablets of
the fogs that so often develop in the tion from fire is afforded by a system New York: U." ;
Bay of Fundy some ten or twelve and equipment including a watertank Aspirin,, •which contains directions and dose worked out by
mile away. It is_only for about one of "t 09_vallons cavacity__. The _
physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for
-_.__ti-ate err—�te.�dts'j -_ -
6.;,,...3e of the sariitorium include ,AR8� SALT. ~�
.weather ge uncomfortably hot, and acres and the anneal cost of upkeep -'�OldS --ileaClaClle .l�heurllatlSlll ?
the rent of summer being usually of the whole institution is a roxi- LAN DYS A LT "
-several degrees cooler than more in- mately $290,000. Money spent fora gog (�trlOta Toothache .Neuralgia Neuritis
land districts. better or more praiseworthy object 2�t Earache Lumbago < :'' 'Pain, Pain
The bugdings are located on a hill- cannot be imagined. The effort: of
side at a.moderate height above sea the Province of Nova Scotia to'care for Q' J OLIP* TORONTO Handy `Bayer"boxes of 12 tablets—Also bottles of 21k and ith7—Drn88iyno-
level, and are of the separate pavilion tuberculous patients are worth of the - Aspirin le the trade mark fregtsterrd In Canada] of Player Otsspirin ire nsOrono- * ;.
* P Y eceticacidester of 9ailcylicacid. While it to well known that Aspirin fneena Hayar
type, with an infirmary for the more highest commendation. ISSUE No. 29—"�'. manufacture, to anla the public cal trade imMATWna, the Taster ro Bayer OomDedl C
will be .tamped with their general trade mark, the "Bayer Cross"
•t'1.°.Y.LW...[.... _ .. .. .. - i . J.9s...:' _ ...._--_....v.. s8 a:i'.i.:_rw...+•.Lt
1'8�a m• { r Wa _035
.�+ d,,, •. ,,. .y+^ ."'• �5�:;-z:" •u„ - 4:i- �,.� �"..= -xrw �•ss+-rte z.: "t.,..i.v G,�,� �,.
:. p� r. TSw. � ,�.;' r:'...Y a _ v''.:,.- '.:C ;Y. .. - .r T-._ '-''Sw'�a-...z'":.l ..r'., +a!"- ,.. .'.w,. • •' j^- �G' ::
S Ci✓. .. - ., rY +. _ r"". -, w'r"'" ,fir'°'>` •• F•,. . .'. ;y
- � Yr rctug i_ Greenwood Garden Party•J-uly 21st ;
` <
31.7:perycar,;-,31.50 if paid_inadvance. '
�<, :.• .=-'- - Saving Inspires Confidence
` luriN Mi1RKAR, P'ropt�eLor, --__ HE feeling of independence and self-respect which RICHARDSON'S GROCERY
- k LITTERS TO THE EDITOR. comes to one who has motley in the bank is more than Y*
worth all the effort involved in Accumulating the sav-
_ D> .etc.e i Please allow area ings. It is reassuring to possess a growing bank account`
able spice i° Sous worthy payee r in n "
which with enable• ou to meet the emergencies as well as the
regard to the Claremont l ommunicy Y g r 'Canned Salmon, 20c to 50c 'y"
t; Memorial Park. Opportunities of to-morrow. a- Sardines 1Dc, 16c, I8c Cooked Ham 80a
,• A number of the residents and Yon are'invited to open a'savings account at our nearest,branch. - Por Ho, Day Can. Kraft Creani Cheese 40e lb
near reAdents of Claremont have of
3r': :`. the idea that this prark is a village _ Coaches -., Prime Can. Cheese 25c lb rm.
""� park and that the village rytepayers : Olives, Ulein or stiffed,20e to 80C
_ tibould have taken a vote on the ques-
Sweet Pick lee, bulk, 50c qt
`. Lion, I stn writing' to asp that such
DOMINON B"Kw, Orangeade 25C
is not thecase. A number of us have -
'. thought for a numheC of years past WHITBY BRANCH, _ t",. P. LY1VD, Maneigelr. Legionade `LSr.
that buitable grounds should be -pur- BROQKLIN,BRANCH, - L C. CROSS, Manager. For Hot Day Drinks- Raipborry Vinegar 25e
.• thrusts for a pack or pray-ground, but lima-pe Juice ... 25C 5
it hub been tailed and I pelirve that Lime Juice F.geOc.
• the R'omeu's Ioatiri.te had taken up ---------------- — CERTO
- 'the inatter at ono (`Jurejell) makes perfect Jams and Jellies
,•ifiia but it all seems -.GET IT AT :.
to have fallen thrnagh, until Picker- _ _.
in,g started.the.wac i,aud I Rive, th- 1Ire Superior" - Meat Xal"���
6 f community a Pickering no R.-, t credit JAM4S O forbanre� w�en a.�rn-�`o. u= thought that bomething -hould be dare in re=
., tueurbrance of r•ar brave buys w-ho _ that-'
fought and'fellincher 'eat war. ��� Stt1r� L�liLt ��b8, t2]C�'d�. -- ----
�j' More than ne Ineating for same has { ' Have you renewed your subscriptio>l�i
been adverti-ed commlt.tees appoint- _ -
i> ' u ed to view dfffrrent gr, oaks and the a,.Re' utati 'n -' Qliaiii •
t� basis din acu at the next meeting. _ . -to The Pickering flews yet �
aid then a cumin, tea was appointed of
v to�urchase the xrr)undP. . We use the most Reliable Scales Made, The Toledo '`Hotiest Weight."
i°-;•. '. lhis park will, be known as tte
4 .. Claremont Co.mmunicy Memorial We give Sixteen Ounces to every Poirad.
,Park. The territory to he Revved by SHO
this park wi'l be from thee+astern Prices as low as we can tuake them and remain in busiuese. a
•., townline to the w.3arxr° and We have installed-a HARN ESS
from the northern townline ne south to SLICING MACHINE and can give you Choice.. ,p TTENT/ON, FARMERS
meetthe cerritory served by the Pick. breakfast Bacon. Cooked Ham, Roast Pork and other,lines
erinor Memorial Paris. of the Sunset" Brand of-Cooked Meats.
Now,the committee is trying to ps- Maebiae Sliced in those Delicatq on and after R; 22nd this business will be looated in tie
tab}iah in Claremont a park in remem
4.. -.; braace of our brave boys, a is Fiae $liceR,so much -'. ReddiII property, opposite 6128 Town Hal ,
ground for our rising sod t P u e Appreciated in Every Household. p p �t pp
' ,geoetudona and a plaice for young Choice Youog Beef, Pork and Lamb are the Only Kind We Handle. We have in stock a d,goo supply of -
P men of the farm to go and enjoy them- $stress and Saruese Potts. ''` '
selves,wad t.y so doing it will brinK „ Q+Sa.Iit9' anti °✓lIV�Ce
rµ grrat tra°e to our little village. Collars, Whipe,
ya Now then,dear clurw-ns, be bri„tlr«r Sweat Pads, all kinds, ;�' Mjl►
for dame,and it you cannot beak b,nbi. .'Ill DOOR EAST
p F J Coldharn Pickerin
.• er,• don't be a knocker. W'stch- Derr F. J. 3 `OF` P013'T OFFICE ,p� -
,: M*X4gr w --Yal. wboare Ica cking '6 Collar Pade, all kinds. _
it°ow, will give the committee credit - gt#isg for thsz-Horvoi
In years to come. We are mewinyf ,
with much tutee" in receiving v We ery tin are prepared to Rive a good �•.-
r - liberal •donations. Aoy amount is Sboe Repairing Service.
thankfully received. If you have been
F a overcooked tend .your contributions CECIL B R A D L E Y ,
direct W tins becretarp-treasurer. M. E .AT , -MARKET -
?I =
ca"t 4, A meeting will be held on Tuesday
evening.g. July sad x bbrriara re eat. HARNESS-BEAKER � — FICKPIRLNG
g• y . p p irect,
e•:,.., 1Ronnd Roast or Steak.
w ors will be appointed, ember •• ••• �.' per lb
this ca for the north htrlf of, kerialc ,Stu' t ar 9th__,• A& " - a
It you are Interested, come to the POrterh Roast or Steak, 28ts — ,-
`'a meeting and say by your •oto who '• I'1ck�-ring-Hard 'I1 a� Storo
yc _ you think the men should be. imp met•
20C ., 1.1i
<: John Seat& - Fine Rib Roast,
1 - - 9eeretary-trewnrer. -
Heavy Rib Pt .. lot
8 y i oast, .,. -
--- Ise all ova,
'Shoulder Rost. i4 a,aa o W is the time t screen' a
` 4N MEIMORIAM. Put Roast. ... .. �� r.
' .-window screens d wire cloth-
In lo•inR memory of 'Riohasd A. �.Piewka to boil .; •• „ - .. Arc
t. ...
Gormley. who parsed away on June _.._.__ g of velst; l�isIf or whole. with•foot of 23c •' �:_We have a complete line. . .
Peacefully sleeping. •+ -
yyy p Loin of Veal. ... .,
b tbe2ullysl ep ,_ � _ Be protected from flies.
' ing. resting at last, Shoulder of Veal. •'
xhis world• weary sorrow and ----
s',. - troubles are peat. -Shouldet Roaat of Veal. ... 20C of
1n silence he suffered. to patienee he Flare Pork Sausage, .. _ We •' A full line of Harvest Toole—The Samson Brand.
}l 'Fill God call bi«n home'ro suffer no Finest Salt Pork.... etc " often the cheapest, always the best.
Ry. -more. nnest Brea]cfast Bacon. iece, 1155 -
a —Mrs. Oliver Gormley. '•. %sliced. ... 35c .,Get your Binder Twine, now and take the cash discount.
_. Leamington. Onto Mild Cared Cottage Frills(half or wbole), '38c " We have the P4ymouth ma]%
` ?y - .CARD OF THANKS. 'Back Baeon. .,. .. 30c '•
_ Cooked Ham... ,... ...
- - I wish to take this - rtnoity to .. bOc " is the tlroc+ ��atws -5,used. your sows. ;1
-Now ' to ups Ur. on yo
ODs'!► tried
-thank all those who re�po°ded sir. Hesid_Uheeee .. _ Paroid Etoofiaig always on hand. - .
willingly and peoaapWy w the call for ••
iarsistaoce when my barn was diseov• 'stay First and Domestic Shortenfag, 3 The 50 cents __� _;Our Motto—We have it, can get it, or it is not made.
- isred to be ''on Hre early on Sundsv •' : $ The 90 cents
b _ :• lb print&18 cents J S BALSDON,� ." 4 a
Chevrolet Car
- - _ ••
Farmers" SaI(es Notes - ---- --- -- -
Dear Sir:-
We have tried, in four pieces 'n( 'ry BRANCHES Of this Bank in rural sections red der
printed Inattec which wa have wlrea.iti H . B
-trailed you, b iliustrate as cnnciselc valuable krvice to fBrtriCJ�by aChR
and graphicadiy as our ability permit. ,+we� Lo Pees on All Ford todian for their Sales notes,of b discounting
'ted, whs we think the Chevrolet car , and maldng�echons when tall.'
ahrxrld -be your lagiral- choice. of a -Models, effective at once , - -
tnotot•car this summer. „ 1I StSltdaFdlVlOt nlil[ES t�l! fitgiGS's �IA,.ACi�
We have tried to bring out four !'il�!, -Runabout $530.25 Chassis 4'0.01 •
Main points.
(1) ifinitra,retr. EscxoCEVr> due '• starter 811.38 starter 588.12 -STANDARD K• �-
to unlimited rebourcea of Ger,erai- � -
ir Motors a-ad Their aLllii,y to obtain the Touring 5711.24 Truck 8`1'2.
hiRhe�t engineering apd mechanical •' starter 855.3.5------ -," starter 899.34 TOTAL ASSETS -OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS
. skill aarwhere, .w . , _
(2) C'OMIILETENE" AND QIIALITY COnpe b91.19 1nn. t.De7.-arJa.84, I Pickering Branch, WF_ T.BW. ManaVM
- lof tinishand equipnieny.' 8r:ch thinlzti - Whitby Hraslch, - - - C. A. McClellan, Manager
ae superior flnieh•, three speeds -for. Sedan fl84 02 " starter 848.05
- ' ward and reverse, vacuum system. ----
spiral Level gear rear axle, longer 1+ O. B. Pickering, Ontario -
�azs.• flexible springs, electric lighting and -
ignition etc, mean real value, comfort II �•' ' ' -
Iry�� Any 'of these models maybe purchased with a y T
and pleasure to the owner. ii
t (3) REAL SgRvICH taken care of by
aver 1540 ef8cienc service stations—l('• small cash payment, balance to be paid in rrr
sated in racticall y _ :� `r. •,
,,. p y'ever city, town �' •�.?',
a°d village from coast to coast. twelve-equal monthly instalments. ti , INDIVIDUAL
(4) TtiF. R6PLTTATtON of a mannfac• I!►1� - ; -w.+
' turer whose product boa grown stead. 111 We are now prepared to re-charge all makes and
-a ily in popularity till to day there are -
more Jlrevroiet cars. solo than any sizes 0 a eTlds on Ou-r own premises. t g
y' other fully equipped car in the world.
Feeling that we cannot do proper --dive t19 S trial and be convinced
;:. Justice to'our cars by printed }void
and that an actual demon:,tra,ti'nn i. � \ / ;•;,
essential in order th t you really ap- � �� PAPER CUPS
ppreciate their value, we c-irdisliy I r
V invife you to call or phone our dealer Bell phone Ind phone' , k Q
ia'cnur vicinity and let the car itself 2s 200 NEVER USED REf`+BRE
f•, .,probe what we have been trying to "
ti I -
, tell on paper. Chevrolet cars ai•etheir x _,
• __Qwn best exleAmen. Their appearance :�� _ j •
sad performance the justifysaything =1J NP11 ELiUI'Mt1/N HEALTH
�Recansayaboutthem. herwaod J . 'Colla�utt
" Yours sincerely,
General Sales Manager Ford Sales and service Station. '
Ro'tr (;arrow,_ - `
Bruughaot- __ SEE H. R. Monney, Pickering
.:.. .�r •an.,: ,' `. ''- i ...:"'A `•-:• ,.;u`,ty+..: ,' tfi'-y'u`-- ,Lfi = ` :s ,,.a._�-'-�"�':�'x rt::sw .y<+• -r:r'- *�'' ' -'-a•-' - •►'� a .K-
.• -<'+,.•"•s. -« .. .^xt,`. '.t*7isa'•: '-s,�a;..,1�s.•.•-sw.:• >. :�..�c':+..N - : J•�::�r• _A, _ u• - --,». .,.....d., -.
:' r _ •',"S. ,�;. .:tom. .y:'7�JJ"+' -. .r•r,., tin „'�1" s,..r
:fir y.,!.•. c:,v.r q. _ ,- 1 .. -. `3 dT•-
CLAREMONT. Mr, and Mrs. Boriotiky, of Mount Now is the time to get in your Bert and Thornbury Rumour,of The PIClCer1II
The Pilke families s - Albert, 'spent Sunday with J. and supply of granulated sugar befure Toronto, are visiting their uncle g
y pent San- Mrq. Fingold. the price advances. J. Fingold is and aunt, S. and Mrs. Rurnohr, for Commit
lay at Rosebauk., . . „ Mrs. R. H. Carson has purchased selling it at V.:75 per cwt.' * a few days. Q401oxce tee
J. H. Beal had a business trip to a Chevrolet car from Roy Geeow, T.`P. Shirk installed this week Evans and Mrs. Ward, Ralph
Turouto on Friday. of Bruu hate.- a radio receiving set in his rooms Evans and Mrs. Reuben Besse at= .'
c� M. J. and Mrs. Wilker were in g g Th object of this Association le to
- ---the city one day 1asL week. s Mrs. Anderson, of Toronto, is above F. M Cooper's hardware I tended a church picnic at Robert lessen stealingg and prosecute
pending a few days with friends store, front which he expects to de-' Ratcliffe's, near Ringwood on Sat- Jhe-3elone.
Richard Ward was in Oshawa in Cl
last riFe much plesanre. � tirdAy afternoon. -
last week-end, the guest of rela
'fives. Members having-property stolenoommmAj
Miss Gertie Morgan, of Turon to, I oate immediately with any member,
spe n the creek-end with Misq,S. E Coal, 0� of Eieoutive Committee.
_ T Membership tee $1.00. u
Mrs. Bame and two little boys Tickets may be had trom We President or,
are with relatives in Markham - aeo:.t.:, onapplicatioa.
'this week. Hard and .Soft Coal of the
.. Miss Dickenson, of' Toronto, bi beat quahtty on' _ - " Rer,cW V, R klardson PiCclreruPn lm
-:visiting with Miss S.E. Evans fur ,
a few days. hand "
Thomas and Mrs. 'Gren-spent
THOS, LAW : J. R. Thextoa, W. J Clark: rt
l;unday,in L?zbridge with the tat- • President, 8eorel�rT
ter's mother.
Underhill, who sufferer] a PiC1�A2it1e', Co=t-
John dt is My Business
sna stroke about three week's ago, r �7
is now much improved,
Cauont With the G��dS To help yot� run part of yours. . -
Mr. and Mrs. Comba,of Toronto, � i; �_. ;.; ti '- .;,.�`,'�= By opening a New Garage in the V11-
and plead euilty to a charge of ,•' , e� . :
spent over• Sunday with the lat- "? lage of Whitevale I am prepared to do
ter's mother, Mrs. A. W. Mackay. operating a Planer for Match- y
e all kinds of repair work, including,..
R.'E. Darting; of the Standard' ing and Dressing lumber tops and side curtains, also making
Bank staff, has resumed work of of all kinds. -your old car look and run like new by `may
ter enjoying a two weeks' vacs- Basswood, Elm and Maple Lumber ! • giving it a good coat of new paint.
in-stock. You'll Get B i gg e r Beef Agent for Toronto machinery, tr
The wet spell of Monday retard- Satisfaction and quick service Pumps,; Windmills, Silos w
red the haying operations -around guaranteed. Also • • and,(iaeoIine Engines.
and Dairy Profits
here, but the root crops etc. are charged with having Corn, West.
on the move, ern Oats, Bran, Shorts and ` Home Tel. 5521. Whitevale, Ont °
Thomas E. and Mrs. Stephenson • When you outfit your stable with part a Toronto Litter Carrier plays
Distillers Grains for sale Toronto Stable Equipment. in m farm life easier until
and Wellington Pearson were in at lowest current
Ashburn on Monday attending;the prices. Toronto Stable Equipment wit! � �o. a your fa:
funeral of their aunt. Mrs.. Swin- enable you to do your shores[artery
A car of Corn to arrive at Locust and better. It will keep your cattle o�g-
so fre. Sidney-Bennett.-of Brough Hill this week_ healthier and more contented. Toronto. Stele Egnipmeai 40_
GLEN WILLOW MILLS Healthy, 000tented cattle 'mesa eludes Stalls Bull Pens Water THE
Gnu, moved on Friday last into better oattle-hisser profits for
Geo. Cooper's fine brick residence, A H, 116mar, - Cedar Grove Bowls Litter Carriers. 11�be
pe you• to esp�aia floe apeeiai advantages d �-
ghich she pureha*sd some time You'll mover known the wonderful any or all of tLen.
insects James Madill was in Tillsonburft 1�I hitevale �j. �]lke �1CkeCY�
'this week attending the funeral of p `� before they get
'his sinter-in.law, Mrs. Ben. Madill, The Service Garage
Who was also a sister of John
'White. - your crop
D. A.and Mrs. Scott sod Dr. Overhauling, Painting, 'all kinds = _y
Mills and mother,of Toronto. left repairing done. Ignition - We have Arsenate of Lead
_ T H0R 4-T :0 . S• p1y_XQp4 y on ti motoring-_trip to a specialty. Paris green and 8prayide ;
,biuekolta. They will spend a oou• Your did ftrd,top - , �.�d-- for the garden. `mac
- preo!weeksatLakeRoaseaa.
Mrs. Thos. Lee, while picking Berry r Oyllti8r Oraonoid. Zeooleum and
Pratt'; Lice Killer for the
.cherries on Monday. had the mis- stock. .
• fortune to fall and eastain a very -- - Seadquaiters for Sberwin-Williams Paints, Ki.tehen Brand Over.
painful sprain to one of her ankles N O T I C .E ally, Hardware, Dry Goods, Men's Balbriggan Underwear Both Hand and Compressed
which will confine her to her house Air Sprayers
;for a week. Chopping and Oat Orushing will - and Fine Shirts in stock.
The Baptist annual picnic ex- - Q e it
carrion is fixed for Friday of nest be done Saturdays and Mondays .,, _:. ..ex-
See us for Twine
week. July 28th. and Osbawa Park Send your money by a Dominion Expnws Money Order. We sell them aII� Hay Fork
ithe grounds. It ila-to-ben*-big only, dp to 3eptn ldt at payable aa'ywhere. Canada Rates
united'Sunday School and congre•= AltOVA Mill& 8 6.00 and under 3,cents Over 5 00 not over 10 011 de Rope "�"
gation outing. __ Over 10.00 and not over 30.00 10c Over 311.00 and not over 60.0016* Y
Miss Reashp, a former teacher: � Service 8tition Sums over 50.00 at same rates. Why pay more 7
in the Claremont public school,' Finak Cooper, .01ar81no113k ~
_ epsat a day last week renewing Wbso is StoaSville call in and bave `dtl
old acquaintances in the village._
:.'.She made many friends here who your tire•ezamined and repaired, if -B R 0 U G H AM .� Men's and Women'a
neesseary. I am agent for' Hziginair ~
"-are always glad to welcome her. Tire Pum Thhii pump is run off
11 Claremont's Junior footballers NIC9P SPRING FOng.
your tan belt and can be attached in a , " "�•
-play y gam y few minutes. Ousmateed to pump at a big saving.
played a lively a Iset Monday � •-
on the ho.ve ground with -Picker- pore fresh air. Your engine will pump A shipment of Pau+at Shoes 3 strap*
lww's team, and like the Satur- your tires in a few minutes. Call In and buckles. Also Q:torch and
day's outing %vere given a hot sad have a look at this pump. I also T. ' 3 strap Slippers with
time by the visitors.`bat it hap- handle gasoline, oil, tubes and tires. Cuban heels, black and tan,
paned this way,-two to one with PERCY TARE. 1 rag, $t ii0 to$S.at 9.26, ~f
She cup io favor of Claremont. - Bast Bad Garage, Stouffville, 1 �' - _ _ R
Men's calf Boot, black and brown,
-We're going to-#eep it," is cow 117tf Phone 8711 or SM �' regular 7,00, at 5.00. 5�
the password on. the street. All
riplht boys, ,� Tb a Ideal Grocery Store A big.hipmen t of Football Boole is
to it. t browp, tau and white elk.
We congroLtnlate bliss Merle This the Ideal StorQ to get _ • _- at 4.50 and 6.00.
Stephenson on having passed her as
First-class examination st tbeTo- your��ee•ooerie.. }�. �Q
Tonto Normal School. She has You will be surprised at our low prices at t�e ` ,r� of ap cmat
Many dollars can be saved b�shop-
been engafted as assistant teacher ping here. We also have lots ►Iad. Phone$800 .
in the_ Drumbo Continuation of choice fruit to select t
mchool. We also cougratolate —: from. Don't forget to .. — =You pump ever area-of water every day. Your wife esrrues $Oaf LYTLE, LTD. '
- Storer Stephenson and Stewart give us a call the over two thousand heavq pails of water every year.
`-Graham on havirg red their ----next time you are in town. ---- My Toronto Windmill will do away with all that drudgery.
".ISecond•elase certificates at the To d'4 . i stock of Bread and Pastry -It provides supply of running water for your kitchen, bath- GEED GRAN
Flours just received at lowest' room,or garden. It gives you water for stock without time �� Oats:geed Wheat, Seed Sentry, r
_;'Tonto Normal School possible prices. y your Seed Rye. Stock complete.
Claremont s Senior football kick- lost or effort expended:' daft for prices. '
Phone 2908.
_ere beat the Goodwood aggrega- .� - • - - - Toronto Windmill initial coat is low. Its upbeep--only an
:Wanted-Poult Butter, Eggs, OLOVER AND TIMOTHY
' - rich, one to nil, to the letter's ag- t'y occasional oiling. �.•:
gravation, and they have made. Also, a few bus. of white beana. Quiet, cheap, powerful=the time and labor saved will pay for All kinds ani of finest quality,
the allegation that that first and 1+RANK CgjDL��q', itself in a single.selsbn, with continual comfort thrown'in. Ask for a price on =our Feeds, Corn',
I&At goal should not have been or Come ONTARIO Come in and talk it over, nexti,time you're in town. It will Oats. Shorts, Cotton 'Seed and
.,allowed . Then, why, say the pay you. Oil Cake, also on Oats,
Claremont kieket�, do the other WANTED
- Corn and Peas '
kickers R heft they kjcked too �• H. M A Y N.A R D ,round together.
Phone 21103 Use it.
late and allowed the ball to paps? Limited
:The Claremont aggregation, it is All men working for the Piov..High. hitevale - Ontario Hogg & Lytle, , ...::,
rite allegati , must face the alli- way Dept:that come home each night f l3tf OSHAWA
Rators in another friendly kick. with sired aching more feet to know
The mere the merrier. that the Australian Gloanna Healing
A mass meeting of the ratepay trial will con imrreigbt is°Pr-ic -50 eta. ADAM Re •YARiLi/.
ers of Claremont and the adjoin- "' -
-_ing district will be held in the ,end abregular $1.00 treatment lot m� Registered Optometrist
Claremont-public school on next Australian-ldt.Le n.d,.,,e W',ld v;„4e - - and Optician _ -
Monday evening, Jaly 24th.-at 8 Oil for$1.00 post paid. Will be at Mr. Palmer's Boot and Shoo
o`ciuc`, for the purpose of consid- Store, Claremont,on Tuesday P. M.of
ering the advisability of securing Australian Medicine Co., s e each week, for Testing Eyes'and FW,
e the consolidation of the schools of 361 Yonge St.,Toronto, Oqt, ���ke: �7 '"Co- Al O e ling Glasses, and y take in Watch,
these sections. The meeting is to Clock And Jewelry Repairing for J.
tboaddressed by a representative gMlt gees, ,Shrubs Etc• Yake, Jeweler, Stouffviile, Any re.
of the Depgrtntent of Education, ppwiring or orders can be left with 11[r,
Toronto, when full information Having secured the-agency for R.D. (The Campbell Flour Mills Co., Limited) Palmer or at Mr. Porter's Barber
mill be Given and every opportun- Smith 8t Son, Ltd., Nurserymen, p Shop, Clermont. 8 S
ity for discussion. The urgency of Winona, .Ont. � *T
of the situation calls for a fall and I atn orevared to take orders for alt •. ' F l,_ R_ F F 11 E D C O Al
representativegatnering•. kinds of Fruit Trees,Small Fruits, -
The numerous friends of S. F. Ornamental Shrubs. Etc., at ;pill Sizes on ]land.
Robins will regret to hear that be lowest possible prices. _is about to leave Claremont. It is Special 'rates for large quantities, L .g
sixteen' years since he came to ' 28tf -
q' (i - nick delivery- -one ton or;over. •Close
��� I
.Claremont to fill the po itu,n f N. J. Chapman, Pickerin y ' .y..
.C. P. R. agent., and during that g
time he has made many friends by CLAREMONT GARAGE
attention to all orders,
iris courteous and obliging man. _ = " large or sI�1a11.
- her n•ht'le dealing with the public, Of all materials and design• ";'„�
He will leave about the end of the Having rented J. McGrath's Gar, kept in stook. It will pay you
month to fill a similar position on %qe, I am prepared to,mrake expert call at our works acs inspeol our s/os2
obtain prefer Don't be misled .
the P. ft. at Whitby. In the repairs op all makes of cars. All &gins#we do not employ/hem, ,. ,.
church and social life of Ohre- makes of Store a 13atCerieq repair- .' ly we one, and do throw off the l�
at both Mr. and Mrs. Robins g A enc p for ^_� DeU Flour 1co Ltd. eommiasion of 10 per am*., We wt
e mo ed and. recharged. ¢ y The Ca1Yip f
have been very active, and their the Exide Storage Battery. e•HaWy save by purchasing from no.
departure will be a great 18es to Ind, phone No. 18'08 Mills at
our village. While we rearef their W. STOIIFFER, J. T. 1[ATHE80N
• ' departure we wish them success in "=
their new field or labor. 27tf oiaremont, OnC Toronto Peterboro Pickering o��a d Works, Whitby,
'~ v
`�'.^vN i..._ _ .. - - - .. . . • - ........_., ...._ -_..............:.........,,.n..,�.+.'.�_t$c.]..,,wH;r[`rdG:i:eac�`"".uugf#"r7:�:�
Paper much affected by yvuA,ff girls.
"Billet-doux!" murmured Jules when
he saw it, and Frank rolled into his
!bunk for the privr-cg of reading such Had Your Iron Today?R _,. It
I;asacred epistle. was from Miss'
:Dexter-he knew that before he open-
ell it-and it smelt faintly of perfume.
:"Dear ir Frank," -it ran, "My free night
be F'
�.7 iwl ridays, and I shall expect you
this week if you are in town. It is
deadly dull here in the hospital, and
I think we might take In a ]chow.
There is a dandy play on at the
Try and get seats for it if you can.
...................... I am putting in a fairly good time here t
C0P;;W_t by the Musson Book Company :-the work Is hard but the doctors are
awfully nice. Hoping to see you soon,
ifew tive story started, I "Well, Shortee,Your girl eeb In B011- I remain,with lots of love,your friend, .7
As ton, you-eay?"
Frank Westh-%,re_-,' know, Carrie."
"Yep!" granted the other, straight-lives They had scarce knocked off unload-
set- Ing the fish before Frank was down in
lei FWAY with his mother f the tub. the fo'c' Is 11 Ing up," and Jules,
coast and ening out a bent hook upon the
block placed on the lip o
his one* Captain J Clark. He e &Prue
drink a Jest got a letter yeatiddy. Says, she's as he g,aneed at his dory-mate's radi-
4=d his chum Lemuel T
bottle of ram, whereupon Frank's takin' up nureftV as goin' into th' ant face, knew that he would be left
hospital as a,probationer."
uncle tells him'tlte story of his Path• to -kick ibis heels alone for strio-1tr
See fondness for drink and bow vise O-ah, yes. Days good Ving for
"Grace Westhayse went down Of. ital- ev 4-rm a-goin' up V see th;gl�l"* con- Bra
girl. Soeur de merel dansl%oap :Work ' ins-
-d ver
J good. You kin see her ver' often fixed Shorty. "Buck ar*un' ta'cwu. a
Sable Island with ten of
her skipper. This has t)her crew an now Shortee ?" bitt,fo!r' sock, an' lick out a nice bra
to desired ef 442alp nor I kain't. Ye see, she's pe
f00 upon Frank. He finishes school Jenny Le lanc." And dressing
7. with gredit to himse,1 WW spends unjer difficulUes,aniong the ahoating, D igestion
the only got one night a week free, but Not
`cs to "Long,she says Z
summer As an apprent, r at laughirj�, half-drunken mob in the
I kin come up an' see he
j�jt his uncle'th" libepital certain days when she's ftme6 tie, he hove his
Dick" Jennings. in An,
i�� I suitcase into
takes %im 'on a fishing trip as spare off cluty. St" I'll see her oftener his -bunk and leaped up the ladder. ERE'S an ideal hoi.weathei
r.- i ''hand aboard the Kasfalia. While at,than of she was livin'1141ein Long r
anchor in Canso after the fin ,,Cove. Did th' bracelet PrOcu theatre tickets on big way
it iishine -town, Frank looking andeniably luncheonl
thing sent le we u
h boy ir*O I e� last trip?' p
trip, Prank rescues s.FrouL handsome and we]!-built in his neat
a-$ that was ver' pretty Ving. I Two packages luscious Little Sun
by Ids fellow-19allo? blue-serge shore toggery, stepped gin-
The two bola try their band at dorl .mus' send. one Zak fiat to of Mamselle, gerlT up the broad steps of the, hos- Maid Raisins—one cool glass of
fishing with success. A
storm bursts Leblanc up Long Cove
"Ha,ha,Sabot," laughed Frank-"So Pita "Narse'Dexter!" he whispered milk. Big men don't heed more.
4' with sudden fury, Frank's P, to the door-keeper, and a white-clad
rice'Johnny Leblanc's sister hez got you
• of mind saved the vessel from 001- 1 hooked! Waal, of thip don't bea� all orderly piloted him along interminable 290 calories of energizing nutri-
:1ision with a steamer. They arriYO'
my goin. "'nj letters from corrWors which smelt strongly of
home for Christmas. iodoform and disinfectant until they -ment in the little raisins.' Pure fruit
her? Ye hevT Let's read them— the nurses' quarters. sugar,ga r,
1-0---ab, yes. Ef You let me read reacted practically predigested so it
CHAPTER EIGHT. yottrw" And the two sniggered Here he was ushered into a waiting- acts almost immediately, yet doesn't
and ehwkled pily. room, glaring In the whiteness of the
It' was a bright, yet cold, January "W'iff newsharom Capitan Jerry, unPapered walls and severe In the tax digestion and thus heat the bla'o-d.
Morning, and Shorty and Jules were
engaged rig Shortee?" scantiness of its furniture. A matron- There's fats gue-resisting f ood-iron
Dpng ugo:mwl gear upon I $'Got a card from Nooftland Vother ly kdy,'ruddy of complexion and white
Boston marketman
the deck o the S&:M of.hair, approached him. "Captain also in this lunch.
Fannie B. Carson,then lying to anchor!day written by Jud Haskins,
Inside Provincetown harbor. Jules they're lloadin' -frozen herrin, up Weathaver? ' she enquired politely.
'Sabot"ji Bonne Bay, an' swinigin' off :in a day Shorty was taken aback at the title. f Vital men eat like this and resist
... '
the rinqway,and the"Little - -- . 4
the old Kastalia, could no longer be or so. Should be most back to Glou- "Xi--ah-Frank Westhaver ma'am" }he weather. Don't work their diges- 7
ident;fie,l as the shrinking brown- center now." he replied. "I'm callin, for Idws Ida_
a ri in
e ed Paimpol fisher-boy, forL tow,- "How's your mamma, Shortse?" ter." tion because they want to work. their
bead and shoulders over his stocky "Oh, ma's pretty lit," replied the "Oh Yes" replied the matron. "She "braini.
.-dory-mate. He had grown and stretch- other, working away. "Wants me t' said that Captain Westbavor would be
y,come home:Un' fish out of Anchorville calling for her-here she Try it for f Cw day's-and, you'll 7*
ed and broadened under the kindly;,
is." And
tip. treatment And wholesome fare of the in Canadian vessels. - Maybe I will Carrie Dexter,petite,rosy-checked and 'feet better.
American fishermen, until at nineteen some day, when I git a Q of my strikingly pretty in her 'neat street
years of age he stood sfx feet in his! ow,. I wouldn't fish out o there in costume, stepped lightly into. the
th' dory though. Ain't enough money room.
socks; broad and strong in proportion,
roe -Bull*, Frank!" she cried, her blue
and to all but Frank Weethaver he in It.
was known a97 "Big Frenchy." To "W'At's Lem Ring doing?" �eyes a-sparkle with pleasure and the
-Dryin' fish, I carlete. His 01, man warm blood mounting to her cheeks.
Shorty he was always "Sabot," or i �ittle 'Sure'nsMaids
Jules, and the friendship of their boy- her started,a kinder business w to th' "When did you Arrive in? This morn-
hood days bad cemented 1111=0wr M_ Cove an' ?.eke.an' Lem are rennin' th' Ing? Well,well, I'm glad to see you.
the years. store end of it They buy fish from. This is Mrs. Kenealy-Captain West- 1 Boween-Meal Raisfin
Captain Tom Watson of the Carson th' boat fishermen an'dry them. Cal'. haver." And wondering at the uzi-
was, in fishermens parlance. "IL d , late theyrre. makin' a good thing out called-for title, Frank -acknowledged
r. of a feller" and a hard drive;
wl of it. saw an old frien4 ol me'n Lem's the introduction gracefully.They chat- m Sc Everywhere
gangs, anW it was ovi bard gangs last trip-feller called Morrissey—" ted for a few minutes, until Carrie
that sailed with him. 71harfaide goo. "O-ah, yes. Tit' feller you fight so opened the door. "We- are going to
the-s", Mrs. Kenealy. We won't be
lip had It that he'd have the dories out mooch wit' at school?"
when guRs. couldn't fly to windward, - "Yep! He's mate of ;,big three. late-- :,—in Little Red
f and.with Watson a fisherman had to master runnW to th' eat Indies , The matron laughed. "All right," Pac' kages
turn outon the shout of "Get readyl" out • BoM*zL Got on party well, he
she said. I'll take your word for it,
and to make sets without ces- says, callates *ftin' aid soon.' but we've all been young once. See'n
I sp
I pre= W r don't enjoy Yourselves now. Good-bye, Cap-
e id It palaver m Pire
Nation., %V1 and night, until the wee- much
ther or e.finished bait declared &!like me, an' I don't think he-forgets tain?'
stop. While the Carson was on the i 'bourt, th' wraps we useter have. I Out in the-street, Frank overcame Wben Small Fruits Are in Sea&6'L
grounds 'sleep was not to be thought ain't got nawthin' 'gainst him. He's his mystification enough to ask Carrie of susaf to each pound of.fruit. Boll
a question. "Why th' dickens crye As the small fruits ripen, jelly and slowly until thick.
of,and crews were kept relentlessly at a decent enough feller."
work until they almost A delicious jam requires' two quarts
t drolped from For a space both busied themselves call me 'Captain,' Carrie? I ain't no jam making interrupt the canning ac-�
sbeer physical exhaust -nawthin' but a common ttivitlea. of blackberry juice, six pounds of ap-,
them in the long run when the share and arms a-whirl they coiled fathom trawlLM'o fruit' pies, pared and sliced, and one pound
ion. But it id with their work and with pripes going Skipper yet
Only perfect fruit should be
Carrie's 'pretty face ck Icanned; jelly snaking requires
checks were distributed. The Fannie after fathom of the tarred cotton trawl -uded. "I,which is just ripe or slightly enter-'
of crushed lump sugar. Heat the
Carson was never long at sea, and I down Into the tubs. The crisp cold know that, Frank; but I couldn't tell blackberries, crush and strain through
her fresh-fighin , trips were invariably'of-the January air encouraged eyer- them that up to the hospital or the ripe. Slightly overripe or soft fruits,
. I a bag in order to obtain the Juice,then
"high-line, while the T. Dock ftip-I tion, and the groups scattered around girls would drive me crazy, They've should be converted Into jams orbut-,
I combine with the Apples. Or the jam
buyers in their estimates and sales,al the the deck blew on their numb fingers all heard about you and seen your let- ters. Jams of superior quality can
ways counted on a trip from "I)Itiver,and cursed the Idiosyncrasies of a ters-,and when they asked me who you be made from the seedy small fruits, can be made in the fall by using can-
iron," no matter what the state of skipper who forbade any man over. were I said You were captain of a such an raspberries and blackber'ri ned blackberry juice. Cook juice, gp�_
tee, Is
the weather might be u Ing his gear in the genial warmth schooner—" and if a small amount of apple pulp is pies and sugar until the apples are'
When the pair shipped aboard the hauling I' (To be continued.) . :1 -
cabin or forecastle. The Carson's soft and the mixture reaches the con
Carson in Boston a trip previous, the!,gang wag an extra good one, as far as added,a better consistency is obtained, sLotency of jam.
stout, saturnine Watson looked them I their hardiness, daring, and fishing the product being less Needy. Pulp
grapes make an excellent jelly.
Hydro In Italy. may be added in the proportion of one-,
over critically and said bluntly. "I'll'abilitles went, but Merwise their Green
I hiIt yez, but let me tell yez somethin',1 characters were aptly designated by Italy.is building certain hydromelee. quarter to one-third as•much as apple,to.serve with meats. The jelly in flav-
afore we start. I'm a driver first last, the term "bard bitten." Rough New- tric stations that will give-t"t country Pulp as berry Pulp. erred with mint. Wash three quarts
an' all th' time. Thai's no i;y-:o of grapes, fully -crown, but eattrel-Y
*9 on foundlanders- Highland Scotch from -4,ouble the' The cooking ' of Jams'
omepower, should be
Cape Breton-
jump, see? Yell It
• this Peddler.- When I wing out-you Arichat and inclique in Ca amount e I x1sting five years ago. rapid, i.e., cook at the boiling point. green, add five pints of boiling water
br t,sandy, raw-boned and cook for fifteen minutes, crushing
of in great, men who Jab- 'The sugar should not be-added-matil
Al order-no runty =syoer gang- bered in Gaelic and spoke English with the grapes' with a wooden spoon-
the product begins to thicken. Add,
6 Ins. We go by th' count, an' tht man a sibilant lisp delightful to near; one #AlnarcP* Liniment for Dandruff.
What eurnes low dory too often packs or two Boston Irishmen-good ship- Drain through a jelly-bag, measure
sugar equal to one-quarter the weight
his kit for th' dock when we hit in, mates and fishermen, but pugnacious the juice and place again over the fire.
of the fruit used. Jams should have
I Add three 9W
see?" And he dismissed them.. and quarrelsome with a skinful of f tee liquid 98 of. freshly-bruised
owl's Wings. a fine, even texture with no mint, cook for twenty minutes; skim
Men made big money with Tom Wat rum; and the usual crowd of Nova with separating from the solid portion. If,
Watson, but they earned it, and the Scotian from the southern part of the The wings:of the out are lined a spiced jam is desired, the spices may' and remove the mint and to tech cup-
Watson, who had bung out a season province. Good shipmates and fisher- soft down that enables the bird to dy I ful of juict add *a scant cupful of
b added just before removing from,
with him was entitled to some con-,men while at sea,but a crowd to avoid without making the slightest noise. A sugar that has been heated in the
videration. Jules and Shorty, strong,when the dollars were in their ILI
pockets very Important matter to a nocturne Ze stove. Jam made with a small pro
and hardy young bloods, made an ideal and an Atlantic Avenue saloon under bird of prey, portion of sugar is directed above will:oven- Stir until the h4uid boils up,
pair in a dory,and when skin, and pour into glasses. When set,-
they complet- their lee. not keep so well in paraffin-sealed'
e& their first trip after eight days or- "W'at made Me' Dexter i cover the jelly'witih paraffin and cover
come to glasses as when equal parts of
Georges, the -skipper had paid them Boston for learn nursing?" queried are added. Put these less sweet jams the tops of
the glasses with paper.
with a grunt of approval.• !Jules quietly. Jules had a queer way into hermetically sealed containers,
On this sunny January morning, the'of pondering over things and spring-
such as glass fruit jars. M i n ard 9 Liniment for Ou rns, sit.
pair overhauled their tubs of gear on inlL unusual questions. AIP f
deck in a corner remote from the other Frank paused in his trawl coiling. Jelly can be made of overripe fruit,
men and chatted as they snipped' off What made her come t' Boston an' or fruits lacking pectin (cherries for
rusty hooks and at Only Human.,
stuck fresh gangins.'take up nursin'?" reiterated he in sur- New le combining the juices i During the war some Australian'sol-
-It was Jules who was speaking. fr;i* "Why-I don't rightly kno%y. -rhubarb- or-or-roncentr
i instance), by
with apples, ated re quartered beside the Gor-
ateabe wanted to, an' Sides that were
!her mother hez married I agen. For fruit pectin. The latter comes in. tot on HWIghlanders, and took_ji�_m_t de,
I ... . q . ties ready to combine with either!light in chaang this Scotsmen unmer-
hez-br�livin' with an uncle an' aunt . I
up tq, Lynn somewber'es--they're RHEUMATIC' ifully,
MATIC- fresh-fruit juices or dried fruits.
D101purty well fixed n' s'pose 'twas How to tell if the fruit juice will one of the Gordon% while WMM4
.,,-.,-.,SUFFERERS "Jell" is a common question among an "Aussie,,' trod rather heavily on his
them what wanted girl to take Jt
I up. Carries uncle is a manager up in housewives. A specialist recommends foot. Up sprang the lateer, furious,,
• Testirnonlal:
I one o' th' mills an as he ain't t -,!
0 this test as sure. Add one-half tea-'and shouted:
no children of his own be kinder takes Dear Sirs,-After eut-fe-rin-g rL spoonful of Epsom salti and one-half! you stepped on rimy foot!"
V th' girl. I figger out 't a them Sciatica rcr over 15 yeace and
teaspoonful of sugar to one teaspoon-
we emending i --Well," said the Scotsman, "I did me
what?,Fut the idea into her head. InDtilay O'n. MONCine, If the juice con-1 beat to Jump over it: but a Heflan-
Why Whs, electr'c beitau, etc-, whic,� ful of hot fruit juice.
nc I .tains Pectin (the technical' name' for man's only humsn. nee a kangaroo"'well—" Jules used. "You goin red b
u did me, no good, I was cured --- Ila
lqA a !-.--j W XA".,*_2;
u.9ims ,one bottle of your I
'denly. LIFE REMEDY. become jellylike.
i Shorty blushed visibly under his equil parts 6f'
"Er—ah—waal, I ain't A combination of
tan. Yours tinily,
&pared 'rhubarb and blueberries is highly re-!
t' say," he stammered. "vlrhev a Wm. Giafty. ".pybril .vilves eat.
kinder understandin' between us, but Gerard St, Ewtt, To-Aq commended. Canned 'rhubarb can be
ain't given her a ring or nawthin'.
used with the fresh berries.' Cook to-
She give me to understand that I'd One bottle for One Dollar; gether, adding one cupful of sugar to
hev t'git a vessel o'my own first afore '':,Six bottles for Five Dollars. each quart of fruit, This may be
I broached rich a question—but thar's ..:
Mailed-direct to Customers. canned And served as a sauce or cook-
lent,v o' time, for -that. I ain't for marmalade.
Hear Toronto and Montreal,Radio Con_ ed until as-thick as ni d
in' up yet awhile." ck currant' jam is especially de-
.;, carts every nighf,•just as though you* The skipper came upon deck at this 1`,.;rwUfP Mirmebg (fampntig � 131" WI-1 Y
were in one of these great cities, with Juncture and the subject dropped. "Git sirable for the sick. It is particularly
our Marconi Radiophone (Model C). yer anchor!' be cried. "Git under ' 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto beneficial to the convalescent. making S h D
Write for full Information and prices. way!" And the gang stowed their-irresr Canada an appeal•to the palate •which will in-
away to heave up and stand Out.
sure its arreciation: The propor- CA • ko.
It was on their return from Georges
TIME RECORDERS bons are one part of rhubarb to one
that the dock postman hanc:ed Shorty INVERNESS
CANADA part of black currants, and one pound
TORONTO a letter of the sl1ke and bluish hu,2 of
aa;s - oat•"s; `+' g' •^.�-'..' ,u,n.. L`ae•' .•, +.:.y '` '<s. -r.:- - cA ;:±+ rims•iS�rferW .: •fit,.-r`.•,7y;! re '`.Y,-r',�+ v ,.4-.r :,.+•,: s;, t�,.' -' ,:..�'n". •e>
�"• L'"-• . .�ro:.._,'T,•-.:i. _ •r ""�•w ,m:r"•:,,. '^.- v :nYXUI."�• --� "'car.'..^•^'.Ys.:• '�3'- .,w,�w t - -,� ,. ..sj s-Fw-'„ '?^'•<!'E �,y,� "*�"�9 :r?e•, ti..+•Cy
a�-" . •`i'•f r*t='-..,p.-`. , •"? .. •+1 .,,'ib F Jab•:T:.s .•.,7n-•^1' `C,i''4i1,W.i_'FaC .
: 1
, to Reh= to Canna.
WORLD'S RICHEIST GOLD AREA A,despatch from Annapolis ,
-- •. Royal, N.S., says-:-The key '
A despatch from Cobalt says:-I In discussing his statement after of old Fort Anne, Annapolis
'r ' pealing at a banquet tendered by the meeting Mr. Brigham said that the Ro en from French I !
e Porcupine meaYbers to the visiting mine had produced more than$150,000 hands' in 1710 b British
of the Ontario r.Aug Brig- y
tjoa at Bchuarac'her,.Mr.A.F.Brig afoot down to the 200-foot level and forces, and subsequently find- ,�,- _•• '�""-- E=��-•
neral manager of the Hollin- that there was yet considerable ore in •-
�e ing-its way to Boston, will be _
mine,made a statement about that reserve to that depth. Mr. Brigham
ins which sets it is the position of said further at ,tha banquet that he Presented to the Government •��_�`- -''j' �` `-,
the world's greatest gold mine. thought the other mines of Porcupine of Canada by the Massachus-
said that formerly be had thought would in the aggregate have prcduc- etts Historical Society, it is an- .�
180,000 of each foot of depth was a tion which would equal that of Hol-
ir estimate of the value of the Hol-!linger, "or at least a fair proportion pounced hire. This Society +
er, but lately ecided that$160, has had the k since l 789. altfi . '
y 000 of it" Following out Mr. Brigham'a key I �H�i �•
ot would be nearer. Mr. Brigham suggestion that "It was purely a mat- The presentation will be made
ted a depth of 8,000 feet to be ter of arithmetic," to figure out the Il t
A as a basis -for. calculating the valuation he puts on the Hollinger at Fort Anne this summer at a
date to be decided later, ==
• e of the Hollinger and added that mine,amounts to the astounding figure, by - •�,
►n the$150,000 a foot valuation it was of si60,000,0o0 from surface down to Arthur 'Lord, Vice-President r
Fie ,�•�,
ly a matter of arithmetic. f only 3,000 feet. of the Massachusetts Histori-
' RUSSIA'S HARVEST REPUBLICAN FORT Society, to L. M. Fortier, - Moline roc o-r r'
=f'130 o al, acting on
Federal Govern-
' soviet Estimate Plli><ces 'Total
Free Staters Capture Former meat.
-: crops at 1,350,000,000 British Naval Station. Campaign Asp slum Tractor and 12-inch Plow i .
+ Bushels, Belfast, July 16,-Irsch Fort, in
July in Old London NOW000.0� '
Moscow, Jul 16.-Details of the capitulated today to the Na.'Ns.-
tional troops. This fort was an im-
'Food tea to be paid by the peasants. Portant British naval station in the A despatch from London nays:-'
fitter the harvest are just Press. he earlier stages of the world war, and A strenuous campaign to Wipe out Extra P��W ��Oeo�
by the Soviet Government Preaa. The immediately niter the sinking of of London's slums has been
decree is one of the most remarkable the battleship Audacious-off the Don- by the London County Council. The QQ
_.' =sepal documents in any country. It achfine, which is Of immense propor Makin 117-PIQw Outfit
�•:' spat Coast, where JeiHcoe'e fleet ran L�oas, is to continue for tan ya ire, and' g
realizes the ideal of a great risks from submarines and
I"," advocated for many years by re- mines formed twenty-two "black spots" are-doomed.-
'formers in France England and Ger. ' Part of the British It will er;tail tb a c''snplacement of 45,
scheme of defences. foci persons and a capital outlay of -
many. A13owancee 'ere made for de- The fort was heavily shelled Satur. -
lpendents, etc., and though the pros- day evening from seven o'clock until a THone of pounds sterling for rehous-
peroae peasant is required to pay on dark with an 18-pounder from a go- :rig arraagemeota. The main idea, ac- •
IS higher scale than his poorer fellow, sition in the Fahan district. Today cording to Lieut.-Col.Levity,chairman'
"we is a wide margin- of advantage' there were heavy explosions within I of the committee to make London a
r heft for individual initiative, a'umless city. - Distributors
F`dnally.-a point of enormous im- fort and it was surmised that the The announcamc nt has struck fear <'
06rtance in Russia to-day, the tax is Irregulars were destroying stores. Junction, „
' cps ,penetrated in �i owners v t the nt,already groper. S c r b o ro �i 1 t•
' bat onerous, running from nothing at �' Free Stale tro ty. with the aa�+ut that already they �rGg
gll is the lowest eategory to 20 for • oonsidpreble distance into the _ r
Per island, gradually narrowing the cor-I ore cleaning to rep on their own behalf in don.cent. of the 'total crop in the highest. Then, after submitting the fort:order to forestall condemnation pro-
The latest estimates
put the total to a further bombardment, the Fr ceediags.
gain harvest at 2,250,000,000 goods, Staters resolved to storm the # S Gas Wells to Cos-
au' 1,860,000,000 bushels. Some affl- P meat. composed of high-praesure
Vial estimates ran higher, based an They gained aoewa to the yards but Sunimer for Teachers. pumps'and well.IIttlags, by meaty of
Vial estimates
yield for southern teron bombs were thrown by the defender, wv-e Supply. which scud-laden duW*end cement we
and the aaaauking party ass obli ed Never is the history o! the provin-
�bo'ry already harvested. _ g _ - , infected Into the well is slush a m�►n'• 'The 'food'food tax. which ,may be con' to!etreat for some distance. Finally, eial university have so many teachers.- Th* inteasdve drilling for otl now in ner that o0oands are protected from a
side red to avers 10 however, Captain Mullein, leader of availed themselves of the opportunity progrees In Western Canada is having water, acid uneonitr Lied no Bows era
ge per cent. of the the Irregulars, hoisted a white ,to take summer courses as came to an' effect not altogether expected by
'total, will accordingly run about �� sealed off, At Ma dims, Hat sera In ;{r
and marched out with 21 men who that university on July 3rd to improve some of the drillers. In several of the ,{
$25,000,000 the Peace Rlrer ooustry s iveral mil•
ponds. After deducting were taken over by Adjutant Dough-I their education. The courses in Arta woUt heavy flows. of �are1 gas l=ava Boa rabic Eaet of nataza9 g is was bay
from the estimated figure 26,000,000 erty of the Nationals. and in Pedagogy offered by the pro- beau encountered. As this occurrence Ing waster! dally. 'Phe pat Ta am cor
goods, which will be remitted to the The fort was much more lightly vincial university and courses in b almost always at a point where no piney of the above branch, with the
'peasants who subscribed to the bread ;rw
Joan, head than had been supposed. market!s available for tlse gaa� and as egn�bpme�at at his dL:pc�ail,was sustain►
a, the Government will have is Pared One Depart special subjects offered by the'�e �under wb�s the leases
-:hand some 120 000 land mite was discovered and destroy- Department at! Education were never ful in seating off the was=ting gas,
,000 bushels of but a careful examination ids- so filled as they are this year. To the are granted require that the lessee r
`grin' closed that all other mines and bombs'onlooker, it wou14 appear that there shall take all. reasonable precautions ---�- 4
When it is realized that the Pre,, had been are ahiiert as ma to ecit the vests of gas, much dif- !Howl Air Fitter,
exploded by the defenders ny people at the uni- prd9
:war grain harvest for all Russia, to-. before surrendering. Quantities all versify this month as there are during IIcalty has been ..,w ..�:. . .! in cap A navel air filter for farm tractor
elad3ag Poland, Finland, the Baltic foodstuffs, recently taken from the the winter. This is., indeed, a hopeful pins gas wells or in controildng the ~j
f9tates, Turkestan and Eastern SIbesfa ' IIew• cerburetere is featured by a span"
. railway stores, were found, near the sign. .It shows that the teachers of kept wet by a bottle at water, to catch
Iftred are now excluded,SAW, rarely aver- tort. Ontario are willing to use the greater_ The same conditions apply when duet that otherwise would eater the -
d more than 8,500,000,000 pooch, The centre of resistance is now Pa prove their
part of their vacation to improve salt water is eaoonatered, as the cylladers.
It is clear that this ear's figure ---•
y B�'e of Gieaveagh Castle,flying columns from academic standing. The skew of_water must be prevented from gang
8,850,000,000, after a famine that of- which are still causing these summer courses would seem to access to the oil-bearing lormatiom. :
Betted fifteen Provinces most prolific much havoc, To enable the drillers to cope with The Okanagan Coal Oil and Gas Ors.
indicate also that the aaivereity:wo�ld has recent! been • *;
itn grain, is little short of marvellous. be justified in going still further in each coatd4�tioos and m conserve the y incorporated at $1,- �q
'$t would seern to u Betrayer of Edith Cavell the devbiopment of this type of work. 000,000. A number of claims have
Justify the Soviet ooaatry's natural resources, the Do-
claim that the peasants now -work .Escapes Death Penalty In benefiting the teachers of the prov. partm,ent of the Interior, through its been ]eased and machinery ordered.
It harder for themselves than they did face, the university is doing s great Mining 1's°do Branch, has assembled Drilling is to commence immediately LL`
k !car the landlords. A despatch from Brussels says:- service for the youth of the province. a "mndd4aB and' oementine, equip. near Armstrong, B.C. a;
The death sentence pronounced by a
�lew Treatment Found civil court at Mons last April upon
Cough Armand 'Joan' for treason and 111 60 000 Harvesters C
espionage against Belgium and the for �CitelII Crop -_ - -
A despatch from Paris sa _ Allies daring the world as.:, was- _
Much of the terror of whooping con h commuted to life imprisonment :nn $'oronto. :• +selects, 85 to 86c; cartons, 87 t 88r-
g A despatch from Montreal says:- $4.25; rimes,
Is eliminated in a new treatment Thursday. At his trial deannes boast- Manitoba' wheat-No. 1 Northern,! pp $3.75 to $3,90.
prat. ed that be had much to do with the The demand of the Western harvest Ma to
tired by Prof. Caaiere, 01 Lille Uai- �fields this year will exceed that of $1.42114; No. 2 Northern, ;1.40; No. 8; P products-Syrup, per ire ,
varsity. His method has just become betrays] to the Germans'snd the sub- Northern, $127%. �gal., $2.20; per b imp. gale., $2.10;
other years. Last year the number of I maple
i sequent execution by them of Edith Manitoba oats-No. 2 CW, 67c No. P e sugar, 1b., 2oc• `
known. Prof. Corriere stretches a - men going from the East was 80,000. 8 CW 54c Honey-20-30-11h. tins, 14
wide canvas over his patient's befd tike' Cavell, the British war nurse. This� , extra No. 1 feed, 54c• N.a� y- � to 15c
charge, however, was not brought otis This year, in.all probability, according 1 feed, 52c. per lb.; 5-2%-Ib, tins, 17 to 18c per lb.;
a tent. This is saturated with a aolu. to a prominent official of the Canadian Manitoba barley-Nominal. Ontario comb honey, per dozen, $5.50.
tion of euc tus and eve in the indict ant.against him.
myP e I, s PaMftc-Railway,-the requirements of All the above-track Bay ports, Potatoes-Delawares, $1.15 to,$1.30, _,-
isick child is given an intramuscular the West will be about 60 000. Crop American corn-No. 2 allow, 82c; Smoked meats-Hams, met., 36 to The aeroplane Black Cat bearing P y
Wection of gomenal oil. With this g plc 38c; cooked ham. 53 to 56c; smoked
Treatment it is claimed that the cough-! Phi British
and Major Broome, very satisfactory quarters condition din t the NoB ilyyel3oNo. 3 extra=test 47 lbs. or'rolls' 28 to 31c; cottage rolls, 86 to
:ing fits diminish the very first day. is on its way round the world. It left West, and in all possibility the first better, 60 to 65c, actor ing to freights 38c; breakfast bacon 32 to Sbc; ape-
y f �cial brand breakfast l►acon 41 to 43c•
A of. Corriere says that most o! 600• trainload of harvesters will leave here oettaide.
• �� treated � London on May 24 and is expected backs, boneless, 42,to 44c.
by him were cured in' about August 11 or 12. Buckwheat-No. 2;$1.00. Cured meats-Lon
back in London within three months. �.
aegis than ten days and all within three y g clear
If the flight succeeds, it will be the' . t< Rye-No. 2. 96c. $17• li htwed ht rolls, in bola.
weeks.' Millfeed-Del. Montreal freight, g B
first circumnavigation of the earth bs s included: Bran r ton, heavywei ht rolls $40. ..
Unique'Trip Planned g , pe $28 to Lard-Pure, tierces, 16%c; tu.*
Immigration into Canada for the through,the air. • The aviators plan to $30; shorts, per ton, $30 to $32; good 117c• it 1734c• 18%c. = '
month of Ma 1922 totalled 11 199 !3o by way of Italy, Egypt, Mean t- . _b9 I�tl�lQ Of LCin6ter feed flour, X1.70 to ;1.80. I ' , Pinta,
May, , Po Shortening, tierces, 16c; tubs, 15%c:
of whom 5,972 were British,2,866 from aniia, India, the Straits Settlements, Baled hay-Track, Toronto per ton,.-pails-16e;�srima; t8c-
.he A despatch-from_London.-says-- extra NO.-2---$22--Ia- 3.
-- ,.461 from- � ew -- , mixed, $18 i Heavy beef s $8.50• ;.
countries. f York, Newfoundland and Iceland. The Duke of Leinster plans to start to $19; clover, $14 to $18, i s, choice, $8 to $8.25 do,
next month on his single-handed Straw--Car lots , 'rack, 't'o-I gcod,$7.50 to$8; do,mad.,$6.50 to$7;
i cruise across the Atlantic in a ten-ton`ronto, $12 to $7$. !do, tom., $6 to $'6:60• butcher heifers,
ALL-FATED HAGUE CONFERENCE ketch with old "Highland Gillie," who+ Ontario wheat-No. 1 commercial, choice, $7.75 to $8.2ei; do, med., $7 to .
will act as his cook and only shipmate. $1.25 to $1.30, outside. .$7.50; do, com.,$5.50 to $6.50; butcher
s Only bad weather will prevent- airs' Ontario No. 3 oats, 40. to 45c, out- cows, choice, $5.50 to $6.50; do, mad.,
FAILS TO SETTLE RUSSIAN PROBLEM! Doke from making the trip, which he I aide. 53.50 to $6; canners and cutters, $1 to
figures will last.between six weeks and I Ontario corn-53 to 60c, outside. 'i$2; butcher bulls, good, $4.50 to $5.50;
Ontario flour-1st pats., in jute do, com„ $3 to $4; feeders, good, $6.50 •
three months. In announcing his pans, sacks, 93's, $6.80 per bbl.; 2nd pats.:to $6.75; do,fair,$5.50 to$6, stockers,
A despatch from The Hague says:--� The Russians replied that in view the Duke said that his old retainer will (bakers), $6.30. Straights, in bulk,'goad, $5.50 to $6; do, fair, $5 to 5.50;
At a meeting of the Credits Commis- of the attitudes of the powers' dele- cook food consisting mainly of por-1 seaboard, $5.65. !milkers, $60 to $80; springers, $70 to
lion on rr�nay tee 13uweaa' .N vates they agreed that the conferences ridge and vegetables-the porridge to{ Manitoba flour-1st pats., in jute $90; calves, choice, $8 to $9; do, med.,
Informed the Soviet delegates that un- had best end. There will be a meeting: be "the real old Scoten stutr. an�lti�, $7:2^ ps_ la'-I.; °^a r-+- 47 zn $7 to $8; do, com., $3 to $7;• spring -
iof the delegates 'to adopt this report, _�. Q _ Cheese-New, large, 1.9% to 20c;'lambs, $13 to ;i3.5u; sheep, enoice,
leas they had new proposals to make,, to the Governments which will be pre- twins, 20 to 20%c; triplets, 21„fio $5 to $6; do, good, $x.50 to $4.50; 80,
f no recommendation that credits be ex-If pared meanwhile. It has not yet been:Kingdom of Montenegro .21%c. Old, large; 25c; (tins, ..24 to com. $1 to $3; yearlings, choice, $8 to ^•,a;
tended to the Soviet Government could! decided whether the Russians will at- NO Longer Exists 24 c. Stiltons;25c. Extra old,large,.$9; do, com., $6 to ; hogs, fed apd
26-to 27c. Old Stiltons 24c. I watered, $16; do, f.o.b., 14.26 do
• be made. Litvinoff replied that the tend this meeting. �� ��---'- �country fats; $14. � � •��'
Russians had no proposals in addition ` Butter-Fresh dairy, choice, 32 to try Po
Po This, in brief, is a suer nrrary of the A despatch from Paris says:-By I i
to those the had made and which had g g, b g 3bc; creamery prints, fresh, finest, 40 Montreal,
Y lore meeting, which in reality.was the 1 flxin tie boundaries between Albania to 41c'; No. 1, 39 to 40c; No. 2, 37 to!
Oats No. 2 CW 63 to 6S%c No. 3
been found inacceptable. last of the ill-fated Hague Conference.! and Jugo-Slavia, the Ambassadors' 38'c; cooking, 236: I CW, 60 to 60%c. Flour, Man. spring
Baron Avennazo, Italian, the Chair- The powers delegates blamed the Ras-I Council, gave official r.cognition to Dressed poultry-Spring chickens, wheat pats., firsts, $7.80. Rolled oats,
man, then .deformed, the Russians of i sians for the failura of the conference the disappearance of Montenegro from 50c; roosters, 23c; fowl, 24 tor 27c; bag,90 lbs., $3 to $3.30. Bran $25.25.
ibe decisions on Thursday of the-Pri-I because they refuse to restore or pay the map of Europe, which; as a mat- ducklings, 30c; turkeys, 46 to 45c. 'Shorts, $27.25. Hay, No.-2, per ton, z
Live poultry-Spring -
vate Property and Debts �ommfssions�for foreign-owned private property ter of fact, dates from 1019. Bing chickens, 3be; car lots, $25 to $26. ,
roo='crs, 17 to 20c; fowl, 20 to 22c;i Cheese, finest Easterns, 15% to 16c.
Lord with the Bolshevik delegates and: nationalized by the Soviets, and the /Nicholas, to the day' of his death, di:cklings, 30c; turkeys, 30 to 36c: !Butter, choicest creamery, 35 to 36c.
g Busssians blamed the powers delegate's hoped the country' would b_ allowed Bean--Can. hand-picked, bushel, Eggs,selected 94c. Potatoes per bag `
4 told them that it was usele'i; to con- because they rffered no credits. and to -vote on the question of retaining! margarine-20 to 22c. Icar lots, $1.20 to $1.30.
tinue The Hague conference. loans to Moscow. its independent existence. Eg;s-No. 1, candled, 12 to 33c; Hogs, selects., $15 to $15.50.
-Mr, and Mrs. 8impeon, of To -Ray and Mrs. Brokenshire; of
'LOCALISMS. koatu. sand the weekend with Toronto, spent YVeduesd,ay with •
Pickering friends. 4D
-Elmer and Mrs. Dare. of, ---Misses Gladys and Vivian ANN.
-C. H. Burling has purchased a Win. and.Mrs. Cullis..' Bvin-
W o' ay for a couple of weeks torle
pew Durrant touriog car. (Aville. speLit over Sunday ner are away
Mrs. Law.
witb W. F. and Mr visiting friends east.
-Born, on Thursday, July Otb,
,u. in the General Huspital, =Misses B. and 1. Bunting are
to George and Mrs. Baker, a son.
Brantford,-on `Saturday;Jul'y the 'spending a couple of weeks in
-John Mutch, we are sorry to rtl.
kar, ubkoks, the guests of Dr. and
report, continues in very poor 1501, to W. C. a-ad Mar
health. a "on. Mrs. Bateman, of Toronto. Bulk Teas Our Specialty
-F. H. Doyle, of Toronto, LRpeat -Wilton spragge underwent a -J, C. and Mrs. Philip accom-
a couple of days last weekswith' tiuccesidul operation fur appendi• parried by Win. and Mrs. Peebles, Prices 60c, We and 75c per lb. Especially recommended, our 75 cents
his relatives here. clots at the General Hospital, To of Whitevale, motored to ar Orange Pekoe. It makes a "real" cup of Tea. More
ronto, on Thursday morning. born on Sunday and- *pent the economical than other line@. 7,
=Mrs. W. D. Gordon left an Nicholap MorriatteK Jr. ip home day with relatives.
Saturday for a visit with Mrs, the Sit, Obildren'to -Mr. Paul, the editor of Toron-, G
-Alex Flett,.of Kingston. agalu front 'Gem r. -J. Aroot and daughter, Him ffo*pltal, Turontq, where he un to Saturday Night, and ]Vre. Paul ell��. jays bars
Nellie, of Toronto, were here der*t4at An k1p*ration on his feet. were the guests of E. L. and Mrs
I - The Preserving Season is here. We're eeady to supply your needs
.1 b1le• Alleirra Orovk returned Ruddy over Sunday. While here
)Ire. Arnot over Sunday, lapt ri-Itu &etwx Co., where'Mr. Paul gave THR NEWS a pleas
in screw top and perfect seal, also ribber rings and metal tops
_M". Smith and fauiilv, of To.
e visiting'Iting with the form othe liks Wen In charge of the Sr. ant call. 4 ..........
er's father,Wm. Allaway. - Dept, of the Maple Grove Sc-huol. -A large number of the young -burin the'Harvest Season
Mrs. Alex Flett. of KlugAton, 8be rent tw(i weeks en route-.1riends of Mrti.. Heron (nee Mabel
has returned hotue, after 'visiting visiting friendLi in London.Strath. Hallett) met at the home of her You Will no doubt need some more dishes. We are Headquarters.
. ..........
roy. Hamilton And Turooto. father, Jabei Hallett, on Monday White i:raniteware Cup;. and Saucers 2 40 pqr.doz, Tea Plates
-]her relatives here and in Detroit. .. ............
-Mrs: John I.%w. of Toronto, -Mr. Calvert, -A-bo some time evening and presented her with a 2 2.5 per doz.. Breakfast Plates 2 60 per doz.,
returned borne on. Thursday, after ago purchased the Lisconite pro- miscellaneous shower. Larg'e
Dinner Plates 3.00 per doz.
perty, just west of the viliage. -Ww. and Mrs. Brirrell and
spending a month here With her. CLOVER LEAF DISHES
isZo. Gordon and Mrs. Law. and which was o,_�cupied by Mrs., daughter, of Peterboro, motored Plates 3.80, Br.eakfast Plates
Burrell has ' erected a 'fine new, here on Sunday to visit with the Caw and Saucers 2.90 per doz.. Diane,
-Misses* Mary and Jean Clark
are spending a couple of weeks verandah in front of his residence. former's mother. They left on -3.20, Tea Plate' s 2 80, Fruit Dishes 1.540, Pitchers,
with their brother, A H. Clark. We understand that the coo- Monday for Toronto, accompanied Bowls, Tumblers etc.
tract paving that portion of by Mr;. Burrell, sr., and graud-
and other Lakefield friends. 4
the Provincial Highway between daughter, Miss Lillian Wiman.
-C. H. and Mrs.. Burling -pent %
past week the Rouge h!H and the Grand -One day last 'week as 'John Miracle
a few days during the
with relatives in Ridgetown. Trunk crossing in Scarboro has Calvert was engaged in repairing Have you tried it ? The new help for wash day. Positively no rub. ,
They made the trip by motor. been let. The preliminary work the Provincial Highway he sus
g west of Dunbarton tained painful injuries to his face, bing the clo,thee. Try it. We guarantee it.
-Mr. Torrance. local manager for the Pavia
Pei bottle 5%cents.
hool has already,begun. through the road oil splashing
of the Campbell Flour Mille Co., Oc-On Thursday evening next,!up when being emptied out of a
.hoe purchased a new Chevrolet
July 27th, our villager" will be-barrell.' The oil 'got into his eyes
sedan from Roy Gerow, of Bro Salt
treated to a band concert in the and for a day or two he was un-
W -The large government truck ark by the Whitby able to see. We are glad to know Farmers-now is the time you need it. Coarse salt in 100 "d 200 lb
s. emorial 13
which have been employed n r tizens' Band, who have kindly -that his injuries are not serious bags, Fine salt in 50, 100,140 and 200 lb bags, also Fine
Dairy$&It in 10c, 20c and 35c.bags.
Dunbarton for the past few weeks offered their services as a donation and that be is again on duty.
Ids on Monday morning for Sun- in aid of the park. They come -The Executive of the Trustee
under the auspices of the Chamber & Ratepayers' Association will
of and the Pickering meet on Tnesday evening, July Ladies Ladies
E. D. and Mrs. Bank@ and son. I'at A
of New. York, and E. Janiep, of Football Club. Prior to the con- 25th, at 8 o'clock;is the school _Gioghnnno in small
cer;t there will be a league football Pickering. The representatives of Another shipment of Giogbarrig and Organdi,-a.
visiting with L. D. ' colo
Clevelmad, are vit match between Claremont and the eight S. sections are urged to checks and plaids. 82c and 40o. OrizandieEl, In plain rr,
and Mrs. Banks and other Pleker- white, pink and manve,' per'yard*90c. .
Pickering, the game to )-e called be present nq important bii-iness
These teams are now a io to be planned Rod a speaker
-The p every otato crop bag a t 6 30.
tie and a good fast game, can be from the Edneational Department M M
' appearance of being an abundant
one, and Is much earlier than expected. There 'will be a re is expected to be present. en en -
r ur Blue Chambry Work Shirt At 1,00. An exception.
usual. Some of olir residents have f e 4 h ra e pt booth on the grounds. Chapman. president. Hav6 you seen o
been u4ing them continually since Admi-�ioo. 25 cents; children, 15 ally. good putcbae enables' tiq to offer this large well
rents. Eveiybodyeomeanden}6y
June 27tb. madeSbift. Don't miss this eim nee.
New Advert4s,
-Rev. F.C Carper. BOA_ B 1► the music FALd game. lip
--fr,rmerlt Oa4.tur of St. -A vory aerion- accident.occur
; - east (!D Q�-FrOND 151OWER
Andrew's church, Pickering, iv
-.Vhi(.Il a k VR,forsale, Apply J.R.Thexton.Pickering
S-Aturdty evenlogla'-it in "CHAPMAN
who was,
red on the Fain road ANN 14PRE4,D-
Ing to South Af Africa. He recent- M a a
y received a call to Picton, bnt 51r. A�hley, of'Belleville, received FOR SAI.Ez-2 itantnireveles and a
too late for acceptance, as he-had in;, deq which may yet prove N�t pocket kodak, T.C. Brown. Brough-
:decide;dtogo to South Africa. fatal. The unfortunate man wag a-
-Just as the need was begin- procee.-ding west on his motor- "OR 'SALE-A Ford tourinz mr.
mb- to be felt, a nice rain-storm cycle and'-wben near the Audley F Ai shape, Apply at NEWS
9 44 wS -specials
dderoad met R. J. Fleming in bie A Fe eason S
visited tbig locality on Monday.
The timely rains, warm days and large auto. Ashley was driving BOOTS REFAIfIED-Boole amd
in a very erratio manner Pwerviog ho" repaired neatly and quickly. Thos.
COOT night@ that we have experi. 23
so far thin summe from one side of the road to the Wat�;onxhurch St.,Pickenng.
r is -what
a-r-j!Ared for a bumper crop. other as if he had not complete y OST-In fickerinir. on ThargdrT. Silk Hosiery
i control of biq machine. Mr.Flem- I jj.Aiy yth.a farrn%e.,N,c•bronze brooch, Re-
288 Edith Crook is to be con.
Who I@ a most wr its return to the NEWS office, 44
gratulated an passing @nccessfully iog'�, chauffeur,
ber third year Honor Coors carefal sad ca ble driver, c Butterfly make, in blues;blacks,-browns, rifekle'and
4e at the PA On- T.-4OR SALE-A good Hctlsteii beifer. grays.
JL dueinawtek, also a teef-ringtr.* Charles
sidereditbestto take the centre Dare thv%A-ailki---A. lso a mee range-ofAAa& and
TorootiDUniver4ity. Afteropend� Fu!ier.R.R.4,Pxktring. Phone 1018. 42-43 ......
of the road which wood tbw-give white of Italian silk-hosiery, heavy,'at-50c.
lag several weeks at home she has -c list am.pie room to qHINGLE9 FOR BALE-Fir,-t And:, whi
returned to Toronto to assi�tin the tuotor yt: Colurnbia jhin-
ithe tide, But jnst as ►1.- second cla"o quality.Brii,Ab
Mire supervibion of the playgrounds Pass on e r
t lowest posiable pntaa. Tboa. Paterson.
't complete control
-In regard to the Sunday morn it
there. he wag abont to meet Mr. Flew iArttnont• 431y
'%OR SALE-14 borp-power Water-
ing's ear he los Lade Patent Spo Shoes
ing'a fire, Mr. Ruddy wishes us to of bi% manor cyt•le and dashed IF ioo tra�ttun ttearn ergine.m good order, For
f. refer to the- heroic.c 41-44, Bean'tiful shoes an'd of exqUisite �vorkrnanship. -Also, a nice
re efforts put direcily into the large powerful ivirr rruculiers Tapscolt
i e Vply to Charles
'forth by bis employee*, Chas, car. He wekq thrown into the Arm4dae.Milliken. .0.
dine of Ladies! House Shoes.
Wood and Sam Knipe, to Pave his wind•shield, breaking both 1ego I f,.;X qOLOVI rcii-•Dealer in mnol,
-valuable horses from deiatrn�!tion,' and two ribs.-besideo, -11-taining n,dm li%e fowl, ho-.e heir etc. Rttdence
serious internal irjliries. Mr. on Hrt" road 1 1.4 msle4 north of trougharn,
It was due chiefly to their work umugh4rn P.0* 3DIy
they were saved..ed. "s S Suitings
0 that th Fleming took Iiiai with ft' lllpo Gent Summer
wa uspi. Tnrc-nto.
-The tVomen,w lnittitl3te will Bible speed to the Otba H •411TAGE-To an� from
-4 given ,,, ton
tal. where one leg wastaunwitated. - -nade is a piece of nias
old their regular meeting, o l;,i,, •Tho%.Wi0sam.R.R No, 1. Locust Hilt
%q-, . Made by Lownde.s. -Every suit i
Tuesday next. th 25th' in_At�. at It is reported that Mr. Xsle ' haQJ
y 1114,pl", 7
Our line-, of
8 p. ni., in the Wed Crops Rooms. exonerated Mr. Fleming frtiln all workmanship. snnii6r tweeds and
blame and that he alone was re. TIOR SALF-Pair'nf younIt beavy
Brougham and Claremont Branch 3 ani i yezrs old. the cider-onc rrok. worsteds. are a treat to lookat,
opousible for tire- rtunate- �kppiy a,IQ%
expected to be present and
ce are
will 'give the program. A hearty occurrence. The motor cycle was "Kinloten road). ..Col. K. R: Starshall. L n.
barlon. i2-44 special at any season o
Williams Staple Footwear, is a season
damaged beyond repair.
welcome is extended to, every
woman in the district. 15 4,8P e'e'66-k PP__Q,9A3jdA-y_ _N,�Wg HavInir rrnrchtsed a bay-
0T,C�-.HavJ.n,,.p,, c=;� alo T6�-
morning the residents of the vi
please provide. to cat,r to tile wUnLs Of th't co.n: a Williams before anything else.
e en Btirling returned lage were awakened from their muniiy'in thi%!ine. R.Conner,Brougham P. O.
home on Wednesday last, after qlumbers by the ound
spending two months with her fire-alarm On looking out E. L. FOR SALE-Cheap. Pickerind
Ph6ne Pick 513.
ing of the sail
R11 ki d-i of Fred -T. Bunting
r�pe n
ter, Mrs (De,) Marsh, of Ber Ruddy'*fine barn was seen to be ,xaxor,,harness,and all kinds of farm 1 rn
big Also se-eral heavy and Established 18.57.
P!errwnts in good order.
goinda. We regret m hear that a mass i4f fltines. In a few min, iight.cales and cook stoves and heaters. H,
Dr. Marsh is in very poor health utes the fire. engine was on the iierman,Claremont. Phone 41.
at present. He and Mrs. Marsh scene with a lot of willing helper-,
thing could be done to save -TRAY CATTLE-Came. nnto-the
are now in Buffalo at the home of but no Sp7t-rniseq Of The undersigned. lot ` BUNDY'S : HARDWARE .
- the building. All efforts were Pickering,on or about July 3rd. 2 ye,
the former'si daughter, Mrs. Mes Owner may have same by proving prnperty
nard, where he will take medical_directed towards confining the--ft paying expenses. Arl hur Swan.R.R.N 2.
treatment, fire to the barn, in which they. 11.,kering 4244
_W I o"d UrQ NtQUM23�LW -re were 6ticeessful. Mr.Ruddy'svalu-
in Toronto several (lays last week able horses were in the stable QALE-3 1-2 mi!es east of Claremont on a
-owing to the death of the latter I a when the re brak�.ont.' The fire rove�nrnvht.roadj half-rn:le-frorn statiorr',churel.l.
-fi t office convenient. Allevel
A. B. Collins who died was dPFovered by Nlr.-Ruddy's ;chool.sto.e anq po.
brother, ay loam oii; .3 acres of orchard; good fences:
k, who had arisen early pring creek across the farm; outstanding large
on Wednesday aftera prolonged Chinese coo for �Nl j brick house with beautiful lawn and trees; two -RE -S C 0
illness. The deceased was well to prepare breakfast large bank barn,;and large silo. TN.� must b�
and fav*ably known tbronghout- Ruddy and *his gtie-Qtq. who seen In be appreciated. Terms reasonable. Ap-
ply to W.,
Pickering township, where be was arranged t.o leave early on it P Edwards,.ds,Claremont
e The Famous Cold Water' Paste
io T T Q
_1Lprn and lived for a number of t%notoring trip. As soon as h
yeFtrR. He was book-keeper for gave the alarm to the libusehold,
the Carppbell Flour Milli Co., %vith all• efforts were made toward-1 i -in White and Tftits.
e h0been employed for the. saving of the hot-seg. In this whom h
the past twenty-eight years. they were only ioartly slicees-24til.
-The' garden party, iinder the One of the horse-, a Kentii(-ky Having taken over, the Elindale
.1 "One pouiad o Mures-co will cover
auspices of the Catholic Women's =addle mare which he valued at Mills from F, -W. Weeks. I
Leagiie I was a decided success. $1,000, was burnt so severely that wvAh to announce that the-
The Imperial Ordie'stra, of Whit. 1 had to be shot. The mate of
Business Y611 be car- e t -five squAre'Ifeet,
was present and gave many lttii animal was also badly burnt ia
by, we
8ek-k4.on*,_aLA.y_A.Qsisted by and- contracted *pneumonia as a .,,lied on iwthe
Nc-Parxer. resifir of 4, ;Q llmv out the ever popular Ja usual way.1
homes were also more or less
The Scotch dance by Helen Mur- of danger. A number of the other W® will-keep on hand alli 1� 2 5 lbo packaispoq
i Vby and Ada McMaster won a� hor, kinda ot Feed. put
hearty encore and equally appre- burned, through burning stuff
elated was the singing of the ]at- falling upon them. One of the We have'at present
ter. Miss Uruqnart, of Toronto, tuen who was endeavoring to get
9 ende "Driplinya d get-- Color"C-axA-and 7
it lo- out the horses was overcome by the .1 Car Bran and Shorts o n
displayed much a,
rutioni8t. W. E.ability��,rn!s' a inir!M. smoke And heat and fainted, and .1 Car Barley' and Oat Feed•
read all about this
P. P., of,Osbawa, was prase an 1 Car Western Oats
d it was'%vith difficulty that he was
Q. M rq. Cum rid carried from- tho bnilding• Only
gave an addrieL
Also Corn.
remain of
er, of Toronto, held the li, ky the toundation walls sanit'ary finisb,
eau the fine modern barn. How the Oir
number entitling her to the ilvie's Royal Household Flour
district. �ni
;e,',,',p1r'o the
e oral"
8_� Z
e�n�Bnrli�rreeturned 1�ge �,r
e ei
tiftil milt ' donated
by Mrs. M. fire originated is a deep mystery. Pastry Flour
Hickey, while Miss Doyle, ofland tbi� is the third fire in this
Whitby. won the centre pieceibi-ii1ding in abont A. year. Mr. I Chopping done every day
rfonsti-d by Miss McGnire. The! Ruddy intends to re-build as soon J. H. Bundy, Pickering
t_;al tkvipLf3 were $89'2.-Coat. 1 i-., possible. W"