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�W_ w0k;, MY IL .4 No a-,. VOL:` L. S;EPTEMBER 16, 1921 - - PICKERING, ONE. FRIDAY,' GREENWOOD. HIGHLAND CREEK. EstablIghed 1828 vViersootaual garb* Geo." E. -'Ba_ hr Mi Eva Evhns, of CIrramon't. has The Highland Creek Wornen's Insti- da Mid- tute intend holding a social eveni❑Afed4cal been%olidaying with Mi.s -A dieton. in Elliot's Hall, ou Thursday, Sep t! GREENWOOD :'. 2' ME M-M Norman and Mrs.Wilson.spent-Sun-. 22nd. Games and music will be pro. Direefor LXe ptometrical!*Association of Ontario. Reg. Saturday and Monday only, we will -body welcome. Aspe- O�. FORSYTH, Opb.,D day with Robt. J. and Mrs. Cowan,6f sided. Ever) a istered Nlember of ithe American Optometrical cial invitation is extended to all the give $5 or allow $5 on any fall cabinet Brougham. AsiociaLion. 'Eyes examined by appoirl,�rnent. Phone 2804, Claremont, Ont. Phonograph in store ; and we will give Richard and.Mrs. Puckrin, of Pick• young people. Come and have a good -week with W. time. A silver collection will be. or allow$10 on any Piano in store, We eriog. spent a day last, MILLS `� T. and Mrs.'Middletqn. taken. Light zefreshuyent-6 will bc NT :F.•TOMLINSON, M; B.. Member are doing this to find out thp extent of ofithe College of Ph�sicians,and Surgeons i0 our advertising. Mr. and Mrs. Davidson and fadmily, served. of Ontario. Office. that formerly occupied b Conditions : All vou have to do is to of Sanford, spent a few days with B. the late Dr. R.Frodie,and latterly by Dr,-Card- A. Widdifleld and familv. �r and ROSEBANK Phone.,Claremont:Qdt- 231y cut this advt. out of the paper �r, of Fenelo show it.'to us and we will deliver or Miss Kathleen Webster, n Falls, returned, after her 'vacaT -XT E.ICARTWRTGfIT, INI. D..1int. -ship to any ad'dress in Ontario, lion and re-opened seboo'l,here. WbFQ are vou good for? You don't Biscuits and ''*Pastrx' bav6'that finel V 6 C jRP A coroner for the Coun- freight.prepaid to your nearest eta- know what you can do. To•morrow, ty of Ontario, S..Ont. the 17th, every fellow at Camp Full•o• sweet, nutty taste when Office hours: 12"and 64p.m... lion. or at otherilhours by appointment Phone Bell �No.24. Ind.phone No,400.* Pickering. On- New Records lNewSheet Music Girls and Boyi' D-ay-Saturctay Pep will know bow many points he is made from an-atlirlet, test'. The aL Green River. V-wr ping-Rc!e Rmaline Dixie -.'Vamping Rose Canadian Standard. Efficiency Tests McKINNON, M.D., L.R.C�S.l In Canoe, My Daddy' will tell hitu where to specialize and K S S M I N BROCK R Edinburgh,member of the College of OAD. where to irnproye in his physical abil- Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario,licentiate Mother of Pearl Lord Bvng- it'ieg. No co can afford to Pastry Flour. It is made by.the I Ain't Got".Fun country boy. of it 1 i0ollege. of Suraeous, Edinburgh. Emaline. F epeotal n -v.--We' 'hare attention to daiesses of V700100 and Fitt raer's Pride CKtHli-Ba F. Jackson visited his pare' ts miss this opporttinit most modern system from children• OMoe and residence,Brougham, Floral Dance Old Fashiqnl�d here last week. - cha'mpionsbip material right in this the choicest wheat grown, Nf" -A ItIrc- Rndypr, -of Toronto. neighborhood-let'us find it. Aprize LOO(A&.: - .- 7 var6eu vi-ited with Win. aijd Mrs. Badgerow wilt' be- given to the boy maiiing ttire T'-- over,the holiday, largest number of points. 'price is right. Miss School reopened last week with 11.1KENNEDY, Barrister. ��ol. StoufVille, One, Bunner in chKrge. XSE BAKERS' JOT Wbit4ieitor.iNotiry Public,- .o.t. 41 LConveyahcer c. Clifford H.utibard- has -recovered AUDLEY. For Bread-niakes more, better, from his recent illness.' A- E. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and Walter Jackson hag returned to the' W. B. Westhey has built a new ce:• whiter and.sweeter.brea-d JM.Sollciwr.,VotarvFtkbI1c.Etc. MoneY Oshawa High School. meat cistern. to pan.2Q&cp Brock St..Nortb,wbltbv.. 2017 -it, Ju. - BEAL Frank Puckrin has sawn about fifty oWhin any other. Fred Stover. of Montreal, is holiday. MR with his parents at present. acres of fall wheat.' J TjXLES JOHNSTON-Barristers CLAREMONT 'G. Morley and family made a firing "Silo fillli.ng 'is general now and the w. JL-,?etx.j229.1Dan forth Ave. (Woolworth.1131cig" corn crop a good one. Toronto.r,Phone Gerrard 4411Saturdays,AM visit to Brock Road friends recendy. 'The school.b,ere is in-cbarge of Miss► vern 1720. (Ind.) 4Uly 0 Chairs,Tables, Buffiets etc. 'Connor, of Whitby. F. Z. C�.:R ILLIA M J..BEATON,B. A.,Bar. Simmons Bees and Ostermoor DUNBARTON. Ccoke' Atbenburst, Rail wife.. of W rister. Soh6tor, member of the firm of Mattresses. Reach.c;klled,at Grasmere on Sunday. R vc k man,.Denison.Foslerpnd Beaton.Toronto. -Prices alwiLvs right. Miss Anna Allison has one to,New l. J.Cbapmans pent Sunday at his General Trusts Building,85 Bay Street.Toronto. -k. 9 Yov Telepbone Main 9617 and 962. Delivery free. old borne here with. his son, F. M."and J. Mit6hell and.family motored out wife. Sonya one day recently. F. M. Cb�apinau shipped.seed wheat A C nr onirratulatious to R. Somerville tothe,Norfolk Fruit Farmers"Vittoria d fo his bi ide gond wishes. this week. B A S K E T S acid L KE B. BEA7'0--V. D. D. _.S_ Thos. White, of Wilson' N. -Y., is Nc4rman.and Mrs. Gibson, of llfreeb� B Graduate of the-Royal Colelce of Dental - and Fzuit Packages Surgeons and University of Toronto: Ofhce 'visiting relatives'Find friends here. wood,culled on Archie and Mrs.Bunk- -store. Wtutby, over W. ),I Pringiv's iardware SRmuel and Mrs'. King. of St. Paul. er recently. Office hours 9 to 22 1 to 5.3u.;. Ind.$honi• a. Berry boxes Wm. Ellis has *w0hp4n the vicinity Be14-phone 220., Minn.. visit with A.and Mrs.Gourlie. :49 "iia 'r -2 qt. Crates Oliver and ,,Mrs. Annan. of Hamil- buying apples. He reports some extr4k. 0 and 11(It.Baskets and Covers -ton, 'sre renewing old acquaintances good apples in this section. in our midst. Many hereattended the fire on Mon, We advise orderinlit early as.there.is it Mrs. Bowden,of West Hill.and Alias day evening of the Frank Mackey The Universal scarcity of I qta at the Anderson,of Toronto. were guests Of barns N-60N.A.T.C.A., on the third concession. -VET,&EISTEPHE preselat time. Miss A. Them.' Simon -Puckrin in b5Lrvestin his (One of Our Productions) teacher of piano dud,theory. Phone 1803.. 50-10 Chopiiilag and Oat Rolling every week Geo. and Mrs. Oliver,of Brighton, fine crop of corn bits the curiosity of day excepting Monday. are visiting the Wfar's parents, one stock bearing three• three ears, We sell gill's Rite-Lite Lens:for 0; H.4�11-Issuer of Naattw d Mrs. Annan. an one of 'them being 8 rowed and the all makes of cars-the best W. Lt... in the County bf Pillage. 571.7 W. 0.Barneg, Green River other 12 rowed. in the market for- the price. Unionville, Band at Green River V,RICHARDSON- Real Es Or a4dress R..R. No'. 1.Locust Hill. ..--ob.Saturday, Seot. 17th. GREEN RIVER. Wheel.81. 3,e otar7 for all carFs, Emery Insurance,Conveyincisig,'N Tires Saw Public 321y Wedding bells are ringing. and Emery Mandrils, Etc..Pickering, *HALL-Bouse-carpenter. Es- Grain Cho In WHITEVALE. Misses Essie Hoover and Annie Ful• Circular Saws. Lad- IV V timaies given-fox new"u-007. reVeirs or ler are spending their holidays at deco, etc. 7 Ind.phone M Wedding, belW are ringing very i ia.-_Picketing.. 2S17. • AND FL M.SG: r M alterations. ioudly' he homes here. WoodworkinR and-General "7 1 am prepared to do Cbopping and Mrs. Price.Sr:,Sr�, is visiting relatives The committee who has charge of Blackatuithing. a T% R.BEATON TOWNSHIPOLE81- g every' Monday cle ning the church wish to thank Oat Flaking in thee d7 Low. cavverancer, 00--favionewfor takirg 'Brock Road'; 2 W, H. JACKSON. . %MdavIrm, A4ccutstsul: zte. Money to loan and Friday. Mrs, W. Smith� spent a few day, tbosev�hn came and helped. on arm 1.1 Blarijage IAo- Don't fofaet.the monster Field D&vL f &M"j;. On,96ner of . with friends in Tcronlr. kering, Oat. enact" I Gw I-V Stoneboats,For Fale t Green River to-morrow(Satiirday) Pic -.0arence Hanes' nad sister. of Oak- a 7 vile. ap The bare p spared an.ex-the week-end with aiss 4- '64 UGH S. PUGiT. Licensee Joh-o F. Bayles, Claremont- Relleti Trover. tensive list of ports for which go C -T iteer for the Provinco of Ortan All W Ing 11 club tine., cf sales,conducted on reasonable terms, Misg.Chalmers who has b!e'�n visit, Prize@ are offered. Includ 'Route Rural '4o.2 er,-'.Mr,,;. E. Goden, has re- bagq' -.%Iued at $1 If)f nior fontball. Ing bpi,sister,"Alio breeder of pure-Fred' Shorthorn cattle, v orse Write.-phore or.call.. Ind.,phone. Qlare-grit for intermediate and$18 for ladies' ere You' Are rut ned to her honje-in Buff-do. fajor P,0. a-My 211d., Glen N Don't forget the rally and re-uni baseball. -Good razes will also he- Ion It i1s. My Businew in the Methodist S. 8. on Sund4ty, given for running, jumping. climbing POSTILL, Licensed Auctioneer,:AUG. Cement _,; To help you t tin part of yours. Sp pt.251 h. the gic-ased pole. tuir-o-war etc. These F. for Counties of York and Out li-i have entered for laflies'basebal': $ton sale•of sn kind* attermte to on shortest The Women's Instl0ite will raiW test a+ Ad4ress Green aiver P.0., Oat, BFopenjmra-.Nem Garage in theVil- P. on Wednesday. Sept. 21st F1 t 3 Milliken, Victori-k Square and Stouff- Lap of Whitevale I am prepared uirAo ,.t the home of -31rs. A; E. 1&aJor.' ville. and for football : Claremont, Coal N Ut E SED kinds of rei-kAir work includinfic- B O�ha-wa 6-; W. V. AL., Good- lAW, e;L t-, • iihen tne ricvpting branch *will give topi and A, &ISO making: wood. Hisrhland Creek, Loenst Hill, VV TIONEER,for Ycirk,Qrltarioand Durham sid� curtain ogram. the entire pr Brougham Find Malvern(by a mistake Counties. All able.Dates attended your otd car look and run like new by A camp fire meeting, under the .-Lumber, Dates-for sales may be " giving it a good coat,of new paint. .7•to. Terms ressonable. rrangedatN;EVVS'Offtv. Bell,and-Indepen- auspices (fthe Epworth League will of the printer, Claremont omitted a -bitby,Ont. Uy dent phones. Agent for Toronto machinery, includ- be -held at the pond, %Vhit_evftleoon from the list on the billsl. The games ing: Pumps.'. Windmills, Silos begin at 11 it. m. • Three sets of Friday evening, Sept. I6tb'A talk on Wut of Doors' will be given,also grounds have be and'Gasolinel'Engines. God been secured for games. CHARLES !M. RICE, camp fire songsw Ever one come and The Unionville Band will furnish an begins at abundance of music during the aftelp-. Read Roofing Bought and sold. Home Tel. 5&21. Whiterale, On enjoy-themselves., Meeting b noon. RefreshmentRL eatables Z t 3 o'clock. and G vernment, Municipal and Corr rounds. Admission 25 Mi.is Lydia Major gave a tea-an Fr i.. serrea on the g ..-poration Bonds For Sale. TIKE TJBLE-Fickerinir Station dFtyafteinoottin honor of Miss Lillie cents, children 10 cents. -and Lath T.R. Trains going East Ins as follows Pugh. whose rnarriage takes place on -7 Bell-Phone•193 , ... I - Ko_g Mail 57 A .11. Saturday; Sept. I-al). Arnoibg those Football Tournament at 3reen AM D. DYKES, WH11-7ky 28 Lo;341 VILLI' 2-28.P.X. presen rtrere Miss Elsie Rogers, of To- River-on Saturday. 36 Looal tr.(4 P. X I onto. Mi.--3 11-pne Ptigh, Mlsg Helen F A R E E S 0 R's Trains goieg Weak due mi; follow I Birn'i�, Xrs. Fred a-- Trover, Miss Raz- =' -No. 35 Local 7,•7 A. 51. M.%jlor. Mrs. Slmke Annis, Mrs. Mar. BROUGHAM. 27 Local 2.85 P.M. -Rpescyr. Mrs. Geo. Pugh And' -Veterinary Surgeon 7 Mail 855 P-M- ,Mrs. A. E. Major. Miss Eva Hood spent a few days in Honor Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Nos. (3 and -4 also run on Sunday her sister. inary the el College. All calls day or night Born', on Saturday:Sept. 10th, to E. 0 amg p.romptly attended to. Foregoing is according to Standard. WHITBY. and Mrs. Perryman a sob, timp. wontfi, ie spend--Bell and Independent Phones Mi-ss Murdock. of Z - P ck An interesting and unique ceremlony ng�L week with Mrs. T. Perryman. PICKERING, ONTARIO took place on Tlitir�dwr, Sept. 8th, in I -rs, Luihei Middleton has returned Pt: M a the'Wbitbr Baptist church, when the home from visit in Western On- 'BroughaM nastor, E. M. Armstrong, B. A..was r calage Express I Mips Hilda -Automobile R Examined as to his faith and ordained Middleton has resumed D g by the laying on of hands of the Or• dainitrg Council's minister -r her offi at 'S find prayer ce work, after a vacation The Chevrolet Service Station and All kinds of Trneking to anti fr by Pont ev, M. L. Orch-ird, assistant see. home. darn Re at Brougham is open for all the City or nther poln_t�. retrtry of Foreilvi Miss-ions. Preyed-, Miss Gwendolyn_ Devitt -left this week for Toronto to attend the Nor- sir ing t�e ceremony, %i hlcb took place at kinds of repairs and oreibatils._ Alse Tonrin" for-hire Store the aevotionai service or toe t.,ouncii, Expert workmanship guaranteed. night or day' .- . ,. John Barclar, of Owen 'Sound' Rt•v- J. T, Priest, of CAnnington, the visiting his d Winton Agent for Cberrolet Cars, Goadyeax Ind pborhe 50' Apply ...83-8 moderator, prca-:bed a helpful sermon �ughtpr. Mrs Tires and Willard Batteries. White, and other relatives here. Uj� on Doing the Will of Our Heavenly M er Mrs. Christie, who has been very il Batteries exchanged. emb RRO AM HOTEL FRther." Following the ordination lit the home of her daughter, Mrs. T. Rev. Charles W. King gave the right Oerow's Garage-, Braughain hand of fellowship to the candidate in Perryman,is again4ble to be around. The Brougham Women's Institute. The Memorial Par a brief.address of welcome into the &121 LIOTT will meet at the home of Mrs Burk on niiniqtry of Ood's grave, - Rev, H. E. a Tuesday, Sept. 20tH. All I'dies wel- Mr. N. E. McEwen, B,V.Sc,, Stillwell,general secretary and a ret- come. -Campaign _�.%�_ Veterinary'Surgeon. eran nilssionery,' gave the charge to Dr. W,T.and Mrs. Pugh,of Boston, Graduate of University of Toronto, the candidate, but for tbis called to the who are on a motoring tour in Ontario. Yonge & Charles Sts,Toronto Platform Miss Smith and in a most aid visited big nephew, L. Middleton, -Se 's 159 16,v 17 -1 Former Veterinarian to Macdonald - Pt -and telling way delivered the Agricultural College, Quebec. Is a!;chool with a splendid Record. after the Exhibition. Pleasing chit e to the two whose hearts are A steam roller has been bus-v west Vrompt attention to all 'Clients When superiority of training is y a double tie in their chosen Amogt lastitg tribute to our, one charge of the village repairiag'the road. The - Hell apfi Ind. Phones, -k among the suffering heathen of red this college ranks among surveyed; in order that fallen Heroes that will considered eg it may ;Fut-into much, better shape. ONT India. Tboy are under appointment road is being -PICKERING the best on the continent. Many to sail in October. Miss Smith is the commemorate their Aid The Ladies i of 'thi Methodist daughter of Dr.'E.G. Smith,founder business colleges in Canada and 3 - , .� eeds for es aI-M he Tern church'will be a bazaar In it A the United States empty our former of the Telugfi Medical Mission,and she erance Hall on the afternoon and ;gelieTations to come. is a nurse graduate of the Toronto P X, :G * ,-R E I students -teacbers. All buriueaQ General Hospital as well as a fellow ave I articles will be offered D ning of Wednesday,Sept,21&t.�All ts as colleges are not alike. They dif6 graduate of Mr. Armstrong's In Me- kinds of usefu r Has a full line of tresh and cur- Ili many respects. Write to-dap gaster University. Rev. J. L. Harten for sale at reasonable prices, Home- y made baking and candy will also be ad meats constantly on hand. of Oshawa. was sec�etary of the Coun- for catalogue, and you will soon be offered. A program will be given in McEWE_N9- �11 cal. A lunch was served in the School N.- Spice R,011, Breakfast Bacon the evening at the close of the sale. convinced of this fact. Students Hall by the ladies of the church. The R&M, Bologna, Weiners, etc - The oung ladies are looking after the admitted at any time. whole church has recently been Im• lunch counter. -Veterinary Surgeon proved and redecorated 'In time for ce Highest -Ill s paid for W. J. Elliott,Principal this occasion and piresentsa most pleas- Buteher s cattle Ing and Inviting appearance. Green River Sports on Saturday r. � 1 .�^+n`,: '4' '� .,.. � :�-`.�i'b wy;; •r.�^. e;•a..3".�v•. ✓ lkv. �+'7t.. '�v'�:>", ..'•p'• ,✓.t ^..w,.,r. ,.✓ ..r'^t .s. -i..3�-.,.: is ;w.'�'.,,. ,,.�3� .',Y .. .�+" 'v .#v 1# •. .. f ry�i,; ,l'. ' `�,r�,•x'% y f ', * '`x.'� S "ry'.! `s' �c.'J'r:� '._ w e^. e+'' >T... R•. :r a _ r' _ _. �c. a v, �,,, n kdo =:� r ^ r The - B in — By E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEI:M. (CoplL2ed) Synopsis of Later 'Chapters, Granet for a moment bit his lip. - Captain Granet calls upon Monsieur "I laid out those things in case t fuIllot at the Milan Hotel and gives there was anything doing, he said. =- M. hiar-a-dceument-from-the-;saga= of "As I told you, T felt sate that I had feri France a separate peace. The heard an airship earlier in the evening, - l.`you are out all day in the Cold ^' plot is ,discovered. Conyers sinks two and I meant to try-and follow it if' I y y .'.'<',snbmarinea Granet is commissioned heard it again" keep warm by Wearing ".'by his .uncle, Sir Alfred Aneelman, to There was a brief silence: Granet , °.:.. destroy the new sub detector; trade by lounged a little back in his chair, but AT rfolk.'When though his air of indifference was per ANFIEL of No ST D S. 'Sir Meyville Worth - �•K,-A-:= 3'x'1 �3-�•s,, 'taken upon Isabel Worth he is mis- fact, a sickamn� foreboding was '- takengbyithe inventor for the captain creeping in on hlm.�K He was conscious • _ ; . "Red Labe!" Underwear .r «e ,.,,•;.a •,,d .hmmr the marvel- of failure, of blind, idiotic folly: r : tous invention. At midnight, with nis Never velure had he--been-guilty It heavy woof underwear--t�uC�c accomplice, Collins, he lights a flare such miserable short-sightedness. He to guide a Zeppelin. Next day he is fought desperately against the toils enough to protect yon against.the . moned to the Hall and confronted wh win ich he felt were gradually closing .�.' ;by Thomson.. in upon him. . 'There must be eor-ie Purcuigcold—easyandcomfortnble l way out! because so carefullyy made. .` CHAPTER XXIII. "Captain Granet,'.' his questioner little ather;ng in;continued in his calm. emotionless — We make Ia 1 welQkta a.,it.hio Col the drawing-room of Market Burnham tone, "according to your story you men,Women and Children. Hall, queer and in a sense ominous. changed your clothes and reached here i- 1�vo soldiers guarded the door. An- at the same time as the Zeppelin,a°.ter S•nd for h"earnplebook. ac ' other one stood with his back to the having heard its approach. It is four Stands Strenuous Wear" _ x-• Wide-flung window, the sunlight$ash- miles and a half to the Dormy House ,STAMELD'S LIED �- Ing upon his drawn bayonet. Granet, Club, and that Zeppelin must have -.. although he-looked about him for a'teen travelling.tt the rate of at least ,N.g• _ ` moment curiously; carried himself[sixty miles an hour. Is your' car n ;••a with ease and confidence. f capable of miracles?' ' t:.'-:•-: "How do you do Sir Mayville?' he, Tt is Capable of sixty mile a' an x said. "How are you,-Thomson?" thour," Granet dnlared. - - - Sir Meyville, who was in a state of!. "Perhaps I may spare you the ` ?.': great excitement, took absolutely no trouble," Thomson proceeded drily,"of notice of the young man's greeting.!further explanations. Captain Granet, : sp r Thomson pointed to a chair, in which when t tell you that your enr was ob-" Granet at on.:c seated himself. j servird by one o: Qb.: sentries quite a - "I have sent for you, Captain'Gran- c,uarter of an bj.:r before the arrival - �'.' et," the former began, "to ask you'nf the Zeppelins wo the lighting o'.�enough to have suspicions about me.� They-had reached the corner of the'' certain questions with reference to tin'. flare.", Your tF_vments,rto put it(I should never-" avenue. Granet glanced down towards $.:m the events of last night." . mildly, -are irreeoncaable with -the i "The truth may just as well be told," the road... Hallea��e e "Delighted to tell you an I'facts of the case. i must ass you once!she interrupted. "There is nothing io "I presumL;' he- remarked, "that I' can," Granet replied "Isn't this a fife more if.you have any other-explaaa-I be teamed of. It is hideously dull,am at liberty to depart?" ® �® � 1 e -tle out of your -line, though, Thong- tion to give as to- your movements down here, and the life my father has! Thomson gave a brief order 10 the' son!" last night?" asked me to lead for the last few I soldier who had-been attending hem.1 Don't overlook these in buying. e k Sir Meyville suddenly leaner: for-' "What other e.,planation can I,months has been intolerable. I never` "You will find the ear in which you i ward. I give?" Granet sakes, his brain ;Dori.- sleep, and I invited Captain Granet came waiting to take you back, Cap-! �r Travellers have the Samples; "That is the young man," he declar- Ir, fierce! "I have told you 'the ., We have the Stock. • R y• Y to come over here at twelve. o clock'fain Granet he announced. ed. "I took him tube. the officer in;truth. What more can I say? last*ni ht and take me for a motor� The two men had used. Granet, Toroan Fancy Goods- You here and I showed him veer "You have told me," Major Thom- ride. was dressed, meaning to go,!was on the point of eparture. With (,+0. Ltd. i my workshop. Quite.a mistake-=atso- son .went :on, and his voice seemed and Captain Granet came to fetch me,'the passing of his.sudden-apprehension, o lately $ wrong impression!" like the voice'of Pate, "that you are I It turned out to be impossible because'of danger, his curiosityy was awakened.! Wholesale Only. it was a mistake for which you 1 rived here in hot haste simultaneously!of all the new sentries about the place "Do you mind telling me, Major f . could scarcely hold me responsible,"I wits the lighting of that flare and the i but that is'why Captain Granet was I Thomson," he asked, "how it is -that: y Wellington St C..Toronto. Granet protested "and you must real- dropping of the bombs. Not only.one 1 here, and that,' she concluded, turn- you, holding, I presume, a medical ap-'i i ly excuse, me if I fail to see the con-:of the sentries-on guard here, but two ing to Major Thomson, "is why, I pointment, were selected to conduct nection.- Perhaps you will tell me, other people have given evidence that suppose, he felt obliged to tell you an inquiry like this? I hive voluntar-' A Creed. ]itajos Thomson,what I am here for?' our car rues out there in .the, lane what was. not the truth. .It has been ily submitted myself to your question- '� Major Thomson seated himself be-''for at least a quarter of an hour pre- done before.'' !ing but if I hid had anything to can- gay to yourself every day, and mean fore the desk and ie+aLed a little ba;`k vious 'to -the 'happenings of..which Ii- 'There was a silence which .seamed ceaf I might have,,been inclined to-dis- - _. in s chair. hale--just spoken. For the last time, composed of many element3: Sir put your authority."' C-it with all yarn heart: If r; "We sent for you,"he said,"hecatiae , I will become more-than •I am. I y u, Captain Granet, I must ask you Meyville Worth atond with hia eyes' Thomson s face was immovable_ He will achieve more and more every day We are looking Yon two men who lit whether you wish to amend your,ex- fixed upon his daughter and an ex- simply painted to the gate at the end because I know that I can. I will re- the magnesium light which directed planation?" I pression 'of blank, unromprehending of the avenue. - the Zeppelin last mRht to this locdlity. There Was a Iittle movement at the dismay in hia features. Granet, a' "I! it had been necessaryy, Captain(cognize only that which N good iii my- One of them lies on the_ lawn there, further end of the room.' A .:urtF.in!frown upon his forehead, was looking Granet," he said Coldly,"I ahould have self=only that which is good in aTith a bullet. through his -brain.,We was drawn back and Isabel' NVorth j towards the floor. Thomson, with the been able to convince you that I was others; only, that is all things and 'are still look:ng for the other'.- came slowly towards them. She.stood;air of seeing nobody, was st:t•iy:ng acting under authority. As it is, 1; laces that-r know should live and "Do you imagine that I can .be of sere the curtains on either a4dc of them all in tuna. It was he who s oke wish you good-rri'ornin " p any assistance to you?" Granet asked.�her, ghastly pale, her hands, clasped.first. P Granet hesitated, but only for a grow' When adversity threatens 1 �� �� 8 'Y you- ustly remark, -Miss-moment. Then-he shrugged has sshoul= wtll.be more determined than ever in- "That That is our impression, Major in !rant of her, twitching nervnua. As j Thomson admitted... "Perhaps you "I am very sarrq," she said. "This Worth" he observed, "thin sort of dens and turned away. my life to prove that I can turn all ,:_-wM be so good sa to tell us what you •� Ithin •� " things to good account When those is all my fault, g �isa been done before. We will Good=morning, Major! were !sing here last night?" They stared at her in amazement. leave it there for the present. Will He made his way down to the lane, whom I have trusted seem to fail me, : "Certainly" Granet replied. "About Only Granet, with an effort, kept his you come this way with me, if 'you which was still crowded with villagers I will-have. a thousand .times more l 'r calf- ast ten last night I thought I,face expressionless. Sir- Meyvilla be- please; Captain Granet? I won't and loungers. He was received with a faith in the honor and nobleness of x heard the engine of an a:r-hi We you, can to mutter to himself. i trouble you, Miss Worth, or Sir shower of.questions as he climbed into man. I will think,only of that.arhkk all went out on the lawn but could see, "God- bless my souI!" he mumbled.!Meyville. You might not like wnat the car. I has virtue and worth. I will wish only nothing. However, 1 took that oppor-:••Isabel, what do you want, girl? C'an't we are going to see." "Not much damage done that I can{ - tunl to y g for that which can give freedom and ty get 'my car ready in case oa see that we are engaged?,' " ` Granet rose at once to his feat Iheac;' he told them all. "The oorner.i[will• :_ -there was any excitenent going.Later y She took no.notice of i he turn- "Of course, I will come wherever of the house caught fire and the.lawn truth. I will ezpect only. that which cn, as I was on my.way upstairs, I +. can add to the welfare of the race. I ,. ed appealingly towards Major Thorn-�y ou bike, he as+sen ed, looks like a sand-pit.''distinctly heard the sound once more.' - 1 . was driven m silence back to live to live more. -I will speak to' 1 went out, started my car, and drove`80nThe two men passed 'together side He ,� of ouragement, Ina iratlon and Can you send the soldiers away for b side in momentous I, ,= 1,0 e��T�i ,i°1.;-i P down the lane. It Teemed to be come �• sue; "I d,,.,'t ire atone hall, out oP the house, and there the 'place.-was deserted. The Joy.. I will work to be of service to an ,:q.•; • --ing g, -this 4,p short no f followed think that they will be nee•1ed." round the back of the garden to a'other men were lunching at the golf ever-increasing number. And in every siong, pulled up short of the house 1 gave a brief ord* ' --1 posted club. '•He made his way slow! to the I thought, word and action my ruling de- Climbed Major Thomson en shed, before wh:rh was y y ' sathat on the top of the bank in ann and the men left the room. Isab. ntry. The man stood on one side Impromptu shed which served for a;sire 'sball lie to enrich, ennoble and saw that extraordin:ry illumination r garage. - His-swa ear was=stand'in Ii 1 `ence for all who come -from the marshland on the other side. came a little nearer ho the fable. -�„� w lac them pass. On the bare stone g standing-', y �+ 1. I stew a man iri a email boat fall back!avoided looking at Granet. l floor inside was stretched the dead there. He looked all around to make my wav& - ' = � I am very sorry, indeed, she went I i�ody of Collins. . The malt water was I sure that he was absolutely alone. „ w` ss Thongs he were shot. A moment or on, "if anything I have done -has!stil] 'oozing from his clothes and'Then he lifted up the cushion by th _ <;x `two later I returned ld my car and!caused all this trouble. Captain Gran-!limbs, running away in little streams.I driving-seat. Carefully folded and are- gave - Was accosted by two soldiers, to whom let came down here partly to play golf There was a small blue hole in the ranged In the corner were the horn- Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. I my name and address. That is, I rimmed spectacles and the silk !rand- really all I know about the matter.” !partly at my invitation. He was here middle of his fo.enead. kerchief of the man who'was lying at' s Major Thomsen odded. este•rday afternoon, as my father I "Tris, apparently," Thomson said, �+��� "Yon had only knows. Before he left-I asked him ",.a the man who lit the magnesium Market Burnham with a bullet I Sweetest Things of Earth. f when the bombsywere dropped. then, to come over last sight" I light wi,ich showed the Ze through his forehead. What are the sweetest things of earth. ppelin whe:•e g , . ` "I pulled u There was a breathless silence. to throw her bombs. The thing was _ (To be continued.)..: p p just before the ilium- p " ' : :Lips that can praise a rival's worth; \:=' •-, :nation," Granet asserted. Isabel was standing at the end od previously prearranged. Can you 4' A fragrant rose that hides a,thorn; Thomson looked act him thought- the tab , .gar fingers still clasped identify him?" - faIIy, g nervous! together, a spot of intense "Iden4ify him?" Granet exclaimed. The Use of Dough III Richeo, of gold untouched by scorn; ,� color in her cheeks. She kept her "Why, I was playing bowls with him I _. WatCil•�a1Sin A happy little child asleep; � "ram going to make a remark, Ca g Wn Granet;' he said,"u on which o eyes turned sedulously away from I•yesterday afterroou. He iz a r 4asgow Eyes that can smile, though they may p y Granet. Sir Meyville : Two barrels of flour, or aluicst-four; `'• can comment or not, as you choose. Y�' gripped her by nursed Collins, Prc. a veryihundred ponne used every week.! weep; ` Was not your costume last night the shoulder. '�� fine golf player. He is staying; at the A brother's cheer, a father's praise - rather a singular one-for the evening? "What do you mean, girl. he de-,l►ormy House Club." l in 'making watches at a well-known The ministrelsy of summer,days; . ^ k You sa "that mandecl harshly. What do you mean! He has also another claim to dis-!factory in New Wand, which turns °.• y you were on your way A heart where never anger burns; upstairs to undresz when you heard by all this rubbish? Speak out." tinction, Major Thomson remarked cut from two -to three thousand .the Zeppelin. Do I y, " A gift that looks for no returns: Granet looked up far a moment. dril for he is the man who tired i watches a week. Since a baker uses ,Wrongs overthrown; pains swift *e- _ I- T you wear rubber "Don't," he begged. "I can clear those lights. The sergeant who shot)about three pounds of flour to fivo ,- _shoes and a Norfolk jacket for din- lease; �'� nor?" myself, '_Yfiss Worth, if any one is mad him fancied he heard voices on the loaves of bread, it follows that for ' k=: - --•- ----- _ _ ___- -___-__� __._- :creek, and crept up. to the wall.just 'every watch the maker uses the .Dark footsteps guided into peace: �=1..• before the flare came. The sergeant, e uivalent of almost'a third of a loaf. -The light of love in loyer's eyes; -- ` I may add, is under the impression.: q Age that is young as well as wise; ur The flour is made into dough, a:..l the that there were two men in the boat' hat needs no ward; . Granet shook his head dubiously dough, is used to handle the screws; An honest hand t - =' - = « (rivets and other small parts. Each , A life-with,right in true accord; . , ..• _ I know nothing whatever of the A hop-bud waxing into joy; s:`': . I!{� ,,,•.' � '� man or his movements;' he declared man in that part of the business has.a I i l i s - • <, 'I A happiness:without alloy; beyond what I have told you. I have lump of bough always at hand; and , :f i' j • • • r ds _ scarcely spoken a dozen words to him i when he wants to examine a screw he A mother's kiss, a baby's mirth— 14. It r = it1' my life, and never before our-I jabs the piece of dough on it. Then, These are the sweetest things of earth., N' = chance meeting-at the Dormy House. —Emma L. Dowd. ' "You do not,for instance,happen to turning it over, he has a good chance ; . H' I t8'-look` at it with his watchmaker's N know how he came here from the ` Dormy House?" I microscopic eyeglass. Many of the ' i/i �, • „ y y, screws are too minute to pick up ' X I L L j i f If you mean did he come-in m _ j - • • r r ., I easily -with the fingers, and many ( car, .Granet-answered easily,:r'please i « � ' "� '�!1C\�, . • • . • . let'me assure yott,that he did'not.'Nfq more, though large enough,to be pick- I$ errand here last night was indiscreet�ed up, would be so covered by the i i, t ,� ` • • • . • enough but I certainly shouldn't have fingers or the forceps--as to be almost : The used car dealer who shows you brought another man, especially a'hidden from sight how they r•uri instead of talking about stranger with me." uhat they are like. 1 1 "Than•i you;' Major Thomson con- I ' ' 1� \, s • \ Quitting time brings beginning time USED AUTOS `:7 a, eluded, that is all I hive to say to f for sot"thing;•what a man makes of 100 Actuaily in stock , ,;,. i ` • you for the present." r : „ ► 1 \,` �\ Has there been much damage it makes him. T ,•e.,.,;.. i ���`� � \\. j done." Granet inquired. , Percy .$reakey I Very little.' :r Keep Minard s Liniment In the house, Mention this paper. �• .y,Ft�i. ,.•��j✓ It�^,,' ,`,b by� ,A� .,` ..Y, "�+ •".4•ti' 'e��>'rp; ^,,�.• ••'i. .iY •i`v/ ..ly y,e l:�j S� ',�..�i�;r: -sib.' "'A''70,y+i'. 'h'.,iQy ''h .,y; t ""$�.. %s>'� .M$'"'�t'�a, •r'�f,-6>•''�'.�':' ,;,ns<'"'- , , •�," — a`'�°, •'�'E.:. .w�i' aa.r }' •ri,, , -x• ,E, ;a m , 1 �4 ',�%7 �V, Kjr 7 ',.,z. IT OF* SRO FUN DEMANDS A DU Toronto. N lu In MM, AT WMESS Manitoba wheat-No. I Northern, Z $1.61%- No. 2 Northern, $1Z2%; No. -B ritaiu-Co 8, $1.46%; No. 4 wbisat, $1.94%. Valera?* Party Would Enter League With n. Manitoba onto-No. 2 CW, 49%c; No. cede to Ulster the Powers and Privileges Conferred _L No. 3 CW, 45%c; extra 1 f No 1 feed, 43%c; NO, 2 f, by the Home Rule Act. 45%,c; % 41 c. Manitoba barley-No. 8-CW, 78%c; III be in a wall Sept. 11�-The News of the It is stated these terin London, by! No 4 CW, 697Ac; rejected, 63c; fee World, the' London weekly, owned the hands of the Prime Minister on, 634c. Lord Riddell, who is a close friend of i Thursday. All the'above in store Fort William. The Daily Telegraph's Dublin Cor- yellow,' 71,c� -Lloyd George, to,,duy stated that in Ameri6an corn,-�-No. 2 nominal, cl.f. -Bay ports. Sinh.Fein circles it is reported the l -pondebt abates that there is a res > .'Irish'plenipotentiaries who will meet,glowing feeling in Dublin that. the Ontario. oats-No. 2 white, 42 to ... .............✓ 44c. the Cabinet- at Inverness will make. Sinn Fein will accept the Premier's Ontario wheat�-No. 2 winter, ear als as a basis Invitation to ai c4onferemce in hi�erliess;' lots, $1.22 to $1.27; No.3 winter,$1.19 three fundamental pr6poe of an Anglo-Irish treaty: saying public opinion IS unanimously to $1.24; No. I commercial, $1.14 to (1}_Reiiunciation by Britain of the THE GIFT HORSE, $1.19; No. 2 spring, $1.17 to $1.22; No. favorable. As yet there is no word of claim to legislate for Ireland, thus the official reply to Lloyd rge's Geo Ireland "Sure, he's a fine creature, de Valera. Why not give him a trial?" 8 spring, $1.14 to $1.19; No. 2 goose giving full Dominion status. Inci-;lett-. wheat, nominal. Peas--No. 2, nominal. dentally, this would,put InHand where) ciff 1 he Michael Collins, however, _LORDD - ]WES Barley�Malting, 65 to 70c, accord.-, a ROBERT -CECIL, -by Ireland to act at RatWarnham this-afternoon,,--said RAY ing to freights outside. (2) An agreement in association with the nations of the "'Irish.freedom is coming,'not be-' Buckwheat-No. 2, 'nominal.• Rye-No. 2, $1.00. British system cause of any action of our enemies, Manitoba flour-First pate., $10.51i; ' '.ARMED LANDS IN LEAGUE MEETING 'W (3) An agreement by Ireland to con but because of the'strength of our 'second pats., $10, Toronto. Ontario flour-$6, old crop.' cede to Northeast Ulster.the poZ;I own position. It is coming because Geneva,Sept.8.-The Council of the' the. freedom' given to religion also and privileges conferred by the Home of men who are still prepared to die: Millfeed-Del. Montreal freight, Rule Act, reserving y fuller for Ireland. We will not stop $28 to r. possibl' till League of Nations, the United States, 'shall be extended to educational and bags included: Bran, per ton, POW I Irish freedom is secured." mandatory powers and countries that charitable organization workers, not $SO- sh6rts, 'per ton, $30 to $32; good ere to the National Parliament d hour are continuing 'to arm came in for only those in the territories at pres- fee u-r $1.70 to $1.85. trenchant criticism in the first day's ent, but those who may go there in . Baled fiay-Track,Toronto, per ton COL COCKSHUTT NEW * THE ""QUEST" SAILS debate in the Assembly of-the League the future. No. 1, $23; No. 2,$22; nixed,$18. large,Cheese-New, I ge, 23c; twins, A n J.T.-GOVERNOR OF On. FOR THE SOUTH SEAS of Nations, on the work done by the Electioneerfig for the eleven judges 23%c; triplets, 24c: Old, large, 28 to Council of,'We League. of the International Court created by 29c) twins, 29 to 80c; triplets, 30 to Hialiner Branting, of Sweden, ac- the League of Nations already has be-' Sle- Stiltons, new, 25c. Sir Ernest,Shackleton on 30,- Business d the Council and th-b Secretariat Brantford Bus' Man and gun and is developing considerable Wuttar-�--Fresh dairy, choice, 83 to War. true Sfic; creamery, prints, fresh, No. 1, 41 Farmer, Active During W -Mile ex- ardor. , This is particularly 000 Trip' to . Make cased League of partiality and drographical. Survey. travagance. Lord Robert Cecil,repre- among the South-American delega- to 42c; No. 2, 38 to 40c; cooking, 21 _Hy Torqato, Sept. 12.-Lieut.-Colonel stinting South Africa, defended both twins, which, basing their claims on to 24c. Harry Cockshutt of Brantford, Is the London, Sept. 11.-Sir Ernest the Council and the Secretariat. Lord their numerical strength In the Dressed poultry--Spring chickens, new lieutenant-governof of Ontario, 'Shackleton in his two-hundred-ton Robert was very, severe, however, League, are asking for four judges. 35' to 40c; roosters, 20c; fowl, 80e; e ship, Quest, Sails from London next Succeeding the late Lionel Clark - about the countries which, according The four.principal powers-Great ducklings, 35c; tuzkeys, 60c. The appointment was autounced by Saturday on a thirty-thousand mile to statistics' are spending about 20 Britain, France, IWy and Japan-aTe Live poultry-Spring chickens,20 to Cal 25c• roosters 16c; fowl, 1q to 20c•. Prieraler Maighen at Ottawa on Satur- trip to carry out'his hydrographi per cent. of theif energies on arms- conceded one each by election fore- ducklings, 25c'; turkeys, 50c. day after it had been passed by the survey of the Antarctic and South Pa- the came time complain- casters. Also it is general y conceded ments and at Margarine--20 t6 22c. cabinet council and approved by-Lord cific Oceins. The voyage is screduled, ing of instability and a bad trade that one a them will come from the Eggs-No. 1; 42 to 43c; selects, 56 Byrom, 'governor-general of' Canada. to'last two or three years.* Laborator- situation. United States and=e from Holland. to 51c; cartpns, 52 to 54c. JAeu*__Coi. Cockshutt,who,Is president ies' have been built above.and below Lord Robert's address seemingly The difficulty of placing the other five Beans-Chn. hand-picked, bushel, $4 of the Cockshutt Plow Company, and docks and platforms have been erected made a great impression on the mem- in order to satisfy -all aspirations Is to $4.25; prands, $3.50 to $3.75. former commanding officer of, the from which soundings up to thirty- bers of the Assembly. becoming apparent. I Maple products-Syrup, per-imr. overseas butalion, i&-tbe ,flrst thousand feet can be taken*. Besides That a resident of the United League leadoi-a aim to give 'all imp, gals., $2....35. • 215th ov gal., $2.50; per. 5' 1 Brantford man +,6 become lieutenant- a kite balloon, the Quest will also be States canilot alone, under-the consti- round satisfaction to the nations of Maple 'sugar, lb., 19 to 22c. Honey-60-30-1b. tins, 14 to 15c per governor- equiped with a seaplane, while a tution bind his Government on a the world, whkh raises the difficulty �.; 5-2%-1b. tins. .16 to 17c per 1b.• lb Col. Cockshutt has devoted much powerful wireless • equipment will question of mandates is brought out in their object of-giving one seat to Ontario comb honey, per doz., ;3.7A.- ien make it possible for the explorer to'be riefly in one of the paragra, time to public busines having be b phs of Scandinavia, one to the Slav countries, to $4.50• Mayor df. Brantford from 1899 to for some time in contact with the the last United States note on many_ one to the British Dominions, and one Smoked meats-Hams, med., 40 to . 1900, president of the Board of Trade world at lwke,'but there will be a long dates,. copies of which are circulating to-German-speaking countries. This 42c; heavy,-30 to 31c; cooked. 5T to in 1898 and president Canadian M-anu- time, it is expected, when. the Quest among the-delegates of the-Amembly leaves only one for South America. 60t; rolls, 27 to 28c; cottage'rolls, SO 'facturers' Association in 1906-7.' will be Out of wirele," touch. of the League of Nations here. The John Bassett Moore, who is now in to 31c; breakfast bacon,.83 to 88e; special brand breakfast -bacon, 46 to- The now Lieutenant-Governor was From London the tiny vessels, the note is dated August 8, and is-iddres, the-United States, is the most often t Brantford, July 8, ..1868 the bows and skies.of which havi-beeA to the French Goventmin-t.- named an the 47c- backs, boneless, 42 to 47c. born in sed United States represen &red meats-Long clear bacon 18� youngest am of Ignatius Cockshutt strengthened with steel plates two The note makes various suggestions tative. to 21c; clear bellies, 18% to 20%e. feet thick, will make for the Cape of of changes in the terms of'the Turkish The method of election is-n and Elizabeth Foster, in the old:home- Ow b Lard-Pere,_0*9 Lard xe. tiereeg, 18% to 19co• -stead on Tutsk Heights, about threel,Good Hope7 via Salvages,near Madeira, mandates, some of them being that studied 'and probab4y will be public. tubs, 19 to 19%c; p4ils, 19% to es from the city, which he retains then on to the lonely island of Tristan, consular tribunals, under'capitulations The Assembly'and Council,It is under- prints, 21 to 22c. Shortening, Je; is his possession. Col. Cockshutt bag Dachuna. and Gough Island, and then from the powers, shall remain in force stood,will hold elections consecutively, 1424 to'14%; tubs, 14% to 153Ac., a sentimental interest in his boyhood On to the Unknown Sea, with a view until the Governments are organized after which the lists chosen by each pails, .161m4 to 15%c; prints, 171A to' home,and when in Brantford, he g dwich• unde I r mandates, and that if the man- body will be compared, and a now elec. 17%c. to exploring the South am the"frequently, waaxlem about, gives Islands, South Georg* dates are surrendered, the consular t1ou held for the seata not provided Choke heavy steers, $7.25 to. $9;1! r.Shackleton alto hopes to be able to tribunals shall be restored. butcher steers, choice, $6 to $6.50: do,! direetions to the manager, and in, for by both bodies at the first else good, $5 to $5.50; do, med., $4.25 to, spects his epeoial herd of 7ermy cat- discover the lost Inland`of Tuanaki An Request is made* in the -note that tion. ;5; butcher heifers,choice,$6 to$6.50f tie, which be prizes highly. He has the Pacific. Some -of these do, med., $4 to $5; butcher cows about 80 head of the best Jersey cows particubLAy Dougherty, be hopes will-EARLY AND HEAVY MAW LIVES LOST choice, $4.50 to $6; do, ed in a wide district,.famous for this par- prove to be serviceable as a coaling 4; canners and cutters,11 9 ticular breed.He also owns other stock station Or As wireless relay station be- GRAM MOVEMENT IN TEXAS FLOOD cher bulls, good $4.25 to. $4.60; do at •high peddgree. tween New JAWand and South. Am- coven:, $2 to $3.66- feeders good, IQ* i; Ao, fair, j4 to $4.50- In 1896 he married Isabella ROHS. erim- Xhe-e%piareris-accompavied by Over Eight Million Bushels Thousands Rendered Home- "be- $5-50 to $ Mm Cockshutt was born in Chatham, %Wor-'his companions on his 'former milkers, W to $80; springers, $65 Chatham schools and voyage, and attended the including Comander Frank Already Shipped from the less and Total Death Toll $85• calves, choice, $'rO to $12; do, West. m;W.,,$8 to $10; do, c $3 to $8;. -olleglate Institute, in To.. Wild. Probabi the Jarvis C 4W. a, $7., Om.' ling 0 to $&50; do, lambs, year raft, wbwe she lived later. They A despatch from Winnipeg guys: an, Antonio, Texas, Sept 11 spring, $7.50 to $9.25; sheep, choice, $9 to $4; do, good $2 to $8.50; do,, havis,two daughters, Miss Margaret E. Money-Making Pre" in and This city's list of known dead from All previous records for volume bucks, $i to $2; hogs, fed Cockshutt, who is at present In Eur- the flood which swept over it earl heavy'and ------ one. and Mies Kathlemi'Lw,&,Wle. who, Hungary Wears Out early shipmeift.of grain over the Ca -wal`watered, *IL to ;PLI.Otp; do, off LLurday morning, to-cay jumped to $11.25; do, f.o.b., $10.25; do, cars, Ltienis, Glen Mawr School,In Toronto, adian• Pacific Railway's Western lines 45, with the finding of ten additional Her recresUons include gardening splitc Zurich country points, $10. drig and A de h from Z 'ch says:-'G*- have been shattered-this season offi- bodies' under piles of debris in the music and She is a member of Brant- ing to the heavy demand made on the Montreal. cials of the company state. heart of the business section. Oats-No. 2 CW, 61 to 61%c; No. 8' ford,Galt and Hamilton G*lf Clubs. 'Hungarian bank note printing machin- City officials and several Mexican CW,. 60 to 6014c.ery it wore out and the Hungarian Wheat and other grains shipped Flour, Man. spring societies that are'. co-operating with wheat pats., firsts, $10.50. Rolled oats, xxavermw"t wsk-, forced -to-engage a Emkt-up to this time bave passed-the-i - civil authorities in •the-succoring.of 96-1b. bag, $3.10 to $3.20. ,Bran, $30. -Heavy Frost in the West.. large Zurich printing firm to turn t 8, 00 -bushel mark,.and this, in a thousands of homeless, - gave out Sborts,.$81. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car, ou OOQ,__9 for it five million kronen.worth of measure, it is stated, accounts for atfftementa estimating that the total lots, $SO. -A despatch from Edmonton says notes. Before long, however, the reported congestion in Montreal. Of death toll will range-between 400 and Cheese, finest Ea3terns, 18 5-16c, With two Inches of saow at Calgary, Hungarian Government found it w' as;-.wheat 5,419 cars have been handled-, 500, "persons. Butter, elvoicest creamery, 37%c. -Southern Alberta and Saskatchewan running short of paper. 'Consequently IE selected, 45 to 46c. 7,402,354 bushels, and A re-mirvey of the flooded business d also covered, and heavy frosts report- it has just ordered another five billion-aggregating Coke picked calves, $11; com, $3 580 cars of coarse grains have carried district of the'city and of the Afazan to $5- -good lambs, $ Vd from McMurray, Dunvegan and kronen worth from the same Zurich 7 7; me $5.50 to of creek district, which was stripped of $6 -Spirit River on,Thursday night, the firm. 1,020,400 bushels. Officials f the ; com., $4 to $5. H $11 to $1 10.76 for ..'rklmonton district is awaiting its turn. a Canadian National Railway declared a thousand or more homes,resulted in 1.26 for light selects; that the movement of grain over their the earlier estimates of loss from the selects; sows and heavies', less. - Vo far there-has been only a suspicion A remarkable bird found ir Mexico lines was 10 days ahead of last-.year, flood being cut from $15,000,000 to of frost here. The weather is cloudy is the bee martin, which hPoi a trick and very heavy for this season, $10,000,000. C40USk' Of the King following rain on Thursday. Crops of ruffling up the feathers on the top With sunrise this morning and after arf! nearly all cut now in this district of its head into the exact semblance Dies in Lonalon the city had-spent a-night in dark- .2ar,I threshing finder way. of a beautiful flower. ness, and with the streets patrolled ......... London, �15 t 11.-Admirg Loull by detachmeiks of troops from near-by Alexander Mountbatten, first Marquis hundreds of-business men army posts who were the victims of the flood of Milford Haven, died hews to-day. He was 67 eats old. CONFERENCE ON DISARMAMENT I ged bravely, but with sober faces The Mirquis of Milford Havds:4 for into the work of rehabilitation. many years the personsd aide do ewp TO COMIST OF TUM DELEGATES "Open for business Monday," is the to the King, was born in Gratz, Aus- sign which has appeared in front of tda, in 1854, the son of Prince A4ex- vie Great Powers to be Represented by Four Delegates almost every business establishmemt ender of Hesse, and grandeft of LOWS•Each Advisory ComTw*ttee Will Also be Present. that was wrecked by the rush of II., GTWA Duke of Besse. In 1884 in water, that reached a depth of 12 feet was married to his cousin, Princess g despatch 'the downtown streets-but In die- of Louis•A from Washington the five great powers' has clearly dis- on Victoria; dau p1AY_i_rfg_-suck-plecards there is more a:-Presideut Harding's suggestion This definite agreement between Duke of Hesse mid of Princess Alice, 1pulled the fear that with partial ad- optimism and never-say�die spirit Queen Vietoria's daughter. for a limit of twenty on the delegates I mission of China and possibly Hol- than there is serious intent of really The Marquis of.lWord Haven was to the international conference on'land and Belgium, or others, the body re-operhing their shops to-morrow. a BAtish subject, des- - as armament limitation here in Novem- of delegates would grow unwieldy. It 0 of France Louis, oi Numed the title French Thumb Prints ter has been approved by the other means that China and such other fav- Bottenberg, and **;erW powers. This Government's four aced nations wi;l not actually have Must be Rogistei*d navy as--s naval cadet in 1868. Ht Secretary of State delegates seated in the conference. .-delegates will be was successfully promoted from tW Standing back of the "big four" Hughes, E.11hu Rolat - and Senators A despatch from Paris says:-The grade to that of first sea ldrd a thi Lodge and Underwood. delegates from each of the five prin- entire French nation, as well as all Admirmlty, from which position he I'10.. Deflnite announcement on the con- ciple powers, however, will be ad- Mon. S. F. Tolmle foreigners residing in France, will be signed In 1914. In 1917y at the Kini-Ii f6rence membership was made on Fri- victory committee3, designed to bring TAInister o',Agriculture, who,*as made recatalogued and corhpelled to registIr request, be reliqudabod"his; Gem"' day at the White House, and at the to the fingertips of the delegates all an.arrangemeut with tbe'Government their thumb-prints, according to the titles and assumed by -royal HOGrAi* <_-samo time tell Speculation on delegates the information necessary for success- and the Cailadian Bankers Association- latest regulation of Police' Chief the surname--ok bfounWstten. x ass ended by the naming of the form- ful negotiations. In the Americiii ad- to loan 'cattle ralsers,moiney to secure Leuillier. or SecrdUry of State and the Demo- victory body will be representatives of fodder, cattle being the security. Cat- Identification of crime suspects and ChImte&-U the largest Wa 'Ju leader in the Senate. Senator the army and, navy;'-act well -as the tle ral.36rs,will thug be enabled'-t6 uar- the d-eTeffflbn of criminals is-expecteid world, a timWeas rtrcant* A Underwood. The Presidentis certain Arrezican womanhood and-American ry.their"stocIc instead of-being forced to be-made easier under the new eye- in London was 17 inches in Atame of their willingness to serve. tern. and 53 inches round to sell them at sacrifice prices, _ :S° v?a. e}+ - °*z'et•u1,9-.m. rt-+:••-r.:rx �.»�fv+r.,r.a,r $ n •rt•-.*i. . ;r,: .,r .nw..; . u .,c: a4S? ,'.;.;5:..x°wg.,t.-t�:*,• Ifn'+r'a.•. . r IM �' Ott zl Glen 'Wi1loW Mills 1 .SS SHIP . . a P Je d' J?eSday mordin�et,its.office C4?e3isl, a .x is � � Oar Corn,Oats and Sumacker Dairy Feed If your needs are in the harness line - , - 7 •TMRMS In stock now, give tjs a call. We have new and `_x1.73 tier•year,; $1.50 it paid in advadee. Just unloaded 3 cars of.Corn,Oats $eo�d��d�� ud in stock. ' and Sumacker Feed: New back Band fi'arness$35 up a T ^ Another car of Corn coming in a few Brni;hes,•Curry Combs,everything w I O V e ( , - a JOHN MURKAR Proprietor, days, also car of Bran fot e-inorse, • - 1 ��JJ yy � t >d and Short . . Trunks.Suit saes. Lunch Boxes _ _ . __ _ .. A csa of Old Process Oil Cake Meal Shoe repairing promptly done. Rub- : _'f•, _ bookRd for Oct.sill`went. ber heels-put; oh wbt}e you wait. .--- --- ---. -- - PICKERING COUNCIL. p I• f..." - .:Mte in the Feed line I can . Guaranteed this Year scrop. The above council met pursuant t6 supply you. Cecil Braille --' ".adjournment on Monday, the 12th Phone, write or call.' Rome 2600 ' � _` .�iinet. Members all resent, then Pickering ' a the cha Minutes of the last meet• a• �' 1% 3M E.IS O �. Harness Maker,were read-and,approved. WW. E. Appleby was heard re culvert J r an eastern'townHne, 8th concession. MASS jj��jj��''!! , . • • • which hdclaimed fails to take care of :�` _ A MASS Tu,v S a�i Pa118; -'the water. 9 • _ _ - ...._... A communication was received from 'theChamberofCommerce, Pickering, the Supporters _ --" - - . �'..�1 • 11 � *. � : � 65C, asking for s grant for the Pickering Of - - 2 lb Pails, - -- :-:;= �.•.°Memorial Park, which they had re - cently purchased, The request was _. of the"' a supPorr��edbya large deputation con. - _ = JAMES RICHARDSON aiettngaf Dr. Cartwright, M. S. Chap. - = man._R.A. Bunting, Jae.Richardson, ed he coun il. others, who ad= Natiorn-al-liber-al-a-nd- �Onser- - - - { (;ommunications were received from - '..•.�.<':, W. J. Beaton, barrister, Toronto, in-7 :•"_ ^ :.,: regard to the regard t of streets in vat P arty of South Ontario Y V Fairpgrt and in regard to the granting of patents of water. kite of Pickering , �k _,- e r /�ur .... (J v •,. '= Harbor. � --: `Viii be held in the •�'' - ' Jae. Rose was heard re grant for his industry- _ • --- _ ;wd The standing committee on Contio- Music Hall, ♦�-h�tby, - - eacies reported and recommended:' the following payments: London .k ncasbire'Guarantee and Accident Saturday • September 17, 1§21 Roof Co., re bonds for tax r-ollectog20'00 ; xF-.k-•r✓-Ryekman, Deanisoo. Foster& Beaton, -._. - - y° for services re Fairport' "J.00: D R : 'Vur the-pitrpose of organization for the Federal Election.' • '. Heaton. on acct of salary'1 W:John . T - Before, the Fall Rains Murkxr, printing school requisitions MR. DONALD SUTHERLAND, M.P., Soitth Oxford, and other and letter beads 7 00,on acct of print- proruineut spenkersfrill-address the meeting. r Ing voters'list 100,00. : The standing committee on Relief The Lady Electors are specially requested to be present. and �- '"reported and recommended payment assist in the oganization. P A G . as follows : 1•' T Bunting, Roods sup ' lied to Mrs Bugler 2.88; Mrs Jr►rnPS Chair taken at.. P.it].- A full atteudance_is requested. _ JOHN J. MOORS, se�'y. - - - Gives Good Satigfaction p 'White,goods supplied to Mrs Butler _ •60.00; F H Richardson, railway ex= e penwe for Mrs Butler on leaving Pick.. Bring i2.00. * God Save The' Kin$ ! q • y= The standing committee on Bomtsee, , A uantlt of Wall Board at Reduced. for Wire Fences. Drainage Matters .. r etc reported and recommended pay- ; , PMess tnent as follows : David Gregg,63 rode • fence on lot 26 con 8 943 aC Story 70 _ � - - rods fence lot 22 con 7 10,50: A Story. J. S. BALoSDOI�t, PICKERING 42 rods fence lot 28 con 8 6.90 ; John -lPhillipa, 60 rods fence 9 00; G. West. ,� . ... '70 rods fence - -' • 10.50; A Spears 58 rods f ence'14 50 Nathan Cox 96 rods fence .a. a, ice+:aoc�:,- rs•.t+�+•� _' :��,.,.:>���•�:. r - e ...,,.-..,.,�.. :. _ '•1.1.40: R Milne. 108 rods fence 27.00, - - `.. ' 1 'lr " The standing committee on Trans- r portation. Light and Power rellbrted ^. and recommended the following Ply- J3..rx :W .'`, :� 'went : Hydro-Electric Power Corn•' I AT E �. - 1 •i �'= t I . . Imivailm of Ontario. Oshawa. lighting I ! , F :Rost s600d streets for July and-A a4 ' u�t urn } - t - - �f'' �,rPt 54.Ii0. . _ `- r � � � � a i.a � 7`.�rrG. �•,;, (-•a! '�i?y'i• +' T r I 'r The atxnding comnii4tee on Road r..- = ` p �i; 1�:i i` and Bridge-,rr�.ppurted and recumniend•. 1 ' Ned the followibg payments : N M_Gor• _ don. lumber Puppiied 38,09: C Phillips =You pump ot'er a.ton of water FV1ery day, Your wife carries /fs t'- • , dragging on Coll v 1 sn; The-Cat�hell rover. two thousand•heavy pail;of water'every pear. - Flour girds Cc, coal 47.95 : J Puc tin, � -Lly Toronto Windmill will do away with ail that drudgery. IN I' 28 yds gravel '2.,9'50; C; R Puekrin, 44 It provides a supply of running water for your kitchen, bath- _ - " �� >/ l� I9}}�� "•� yds gravel 4 491`; alao'drai;ging, draw- - �t ali� 0 89,12 ; Srrwver&of csaey Co. 2 drag .v Z log gravel and rep roads div_4 sub-div, room,or garden. It gives you wares for sons' stock without time, a+ ` lost or effort cxpcnded. r. :. .... _ scrapers 91.03; R Burrell, 15 y,►rd� Toronto Windmill initial. cost is•.low. Its upkeep-obit an ���E� ���;,,� ����r 't�,, s "rs"> • 9 occasional-oiling. r - Ti •' ... gravel 225: D Pugh, yda gravel SOc; C 4 s .y' •J Hortop and others, rep sidelines Quiet,cheap,powerfni-fife time and labor sated will pay Eor, __ I � ER V�j..� �','c:,' s' cons 8 and 9lots 8 to 12 16.40 ; Jno S itself in-a single season,with continual comfort thrown in. .+• !, r.•7"� .,G.. Balsdon, 1 brush 1.50 ; 0 T R. freight Come in and talk it over, next time you're in town. It will J � E�� + 1:,A • r.1 ' =.=_-I ndsag--serape••-1,31 ;,J Littlejechn. for ^` - 3.�a• _ work on Brougham streets 1.87; Dan !may . =.No ton,engineer on steam roller 85,00; • P = L 'C a Phillips. teaming 36.00; C Plax• y : ton, teaminp 30.00 ; C Hubbard,tears- COCSSHUTT AGENT, _ ing'0.00'; A Reesor. cement 181,eo : _--..Piekerin .w J Herbert, work with roller and sen- �iCl�Ei21Yl�'. C�S1tA.1.10- _ H. R• lV�onney, _ --" °° -. Y try d ity .84.00. J Walters, work on = as watchman 78.00 • !J6s Cowan, work with truck 1S.W; W t -Annie, -i night sentry 300 : J 1'nty, BOxes - and rates ter, 854 inch file 4.U6 ; John McGinty, err�-' 208 bags cement 185.40; R J Dixon,. T %. coal oil. gasoline. nails etc for cement ~].1 quart B�$i ket8 - - mlxer 7.98; C W Disney and others. _ c- •�rev on con 7 and rep roads 113 75: J Bayles, 159 loads gravel 23 85• Robt J = _ - ,.�. "''•.Gowan, teeming gravel 131.83. Wm y, yy, Di:on,foremen cement' work 148,25; Paris Green - - Araenat ' 'I -Lead R Dixon, cemeat-work and excavating ( ' 105.011 G White.ditto John Farley. �KI� Turmip Seed �hickTeed ditto 96.08; W Batdeley, ditto 95.28: ` _ ' ;.J Walters, cement work 2100 ; W ;- ' ;Poultry Netting. < Palmer, cement work and pumping 4.55• Seth BRdgerow, carpenter work -' For - - Oil. 68.05; Wand G Randall, truck and `` ' - itelperl•1.10; L Morley, teaming 350 ; I� - :• II _, -:Paint, ��W and -Boiled F Axford, trucking cement and ravel I - - 123 2n Silas Tool, services as Supt - _ ' 'Y rpentznQ _ LO 'K FUR THIS SI(1 u from Aug 8 to Sept 10 321 brs 192 80 i Cameron &'Cameron, supplies for road - - , , and bridge work 29 00 ; fit' P Jones _t ' t and others. rev sideline Glen Ufa')r w i A '-N N •::8 •road)con 9 140.75;-T Law.f1320 lbs of II I I • v I - 'coal 38.10; V Madill; hauling gravel - -" ', , t:.�PC''�'�•�3�A��ti _ _ O _ by truck 147 60; Walter Carlton and )' KEEP y, d.on the road. Prompt u others, grav sideline con 470.75; W W atteution to repairs as Qociu as-needed -- _- P Jones,9 yds gravel 1.35. H S Pugh, , ;.ativey further expense. 5 yda gravel 75c; O Hopkins, 15 vardF peravel 2 26 ; J Carter, 90 yds gravel �I - Let tie keep your Ford tip 'to 100 per cent I( C m +off the.: X13 50: Ed Willson,74 yda gravel il.le, I efficiency-it will save you money, re a L r.6 Carter and others, gray.Qon 7 and • Our repair shop is equipped with ap �roved sideline 84.80: C A Fuller,and others, pp �. �;� :..''• �uaehinery to facilitate prompt and efficient :...For Bre&d.. •gray div 4 sub div 2 65 25; W Carlton - - . - • work. We have the skilled meebanies to give and others, grav div 5 Pub div 2 40.00; = .J.A White 4 yda Kr ve18r Olsret ca I you a first class jorb. Mn n s�r[► F 1 nit r fe�� ;A Rtry >^ ; III w Simpson,ll yds gravel 1.6J� ; H Eiji. III� __ _ ewe sell Genuine Ford Parts at prices fixed I. - "---',• . . - _. _.• _ - __ ° coot, 35 yde gravel 5.25.; G Cammack, J by the Company. ± _ S de gravel 1.20:W Hedgerow,ahoy. Bra,11 -Shorts . and Feed Flour. :.. eking gravel 50.06. y F _;' Bring y ire of _. , ' , . our Ford to as aril thus be at On motion of Mr, Forsyth, se onded getting the.genuine. - :: by Mr. Pugh,the matter of making a We will quote you exact cost of repairs or _ _ =':parts before you buy. P �'� ,American Corn $rant to Pickering Memorial Park -ground,,cracked and wholeZ ;, - 'Was deferred to the next meeting of I - - r ',a_, II in in uantltie9, try our II r - - I I your;hens'are not producing eg h d 9 g 1qi F w thg council. All the members were in , f celebrated Laying Mae an crate Feed. 1 '*FM with the question, but they y --.--.-.thought it advisable to wait until the Bell phone Ind: p4one -' Hi heat price paid ;for Fall Wheat,..Margnis-Wheat, BarlepIN ' petit meeting when. the state of the 2� 4 - - "- finances would be ascertained.• The, 29 Buckwheat Rye and Oata. _ -reeve dissented as he thought a rant �brntld be made at once to assist 1p the I ,Chopping and Oat Crushing WeanesdAys and Saturdays.*. �"•. `I III . • r�lrive. He favored making a subetan- tixl grant and thought other cent�rPF S / 1'C O flacutt =The Cam bell Flour Mills Co., Ltd ` p:* is the toVvnehip should be encouraged ' to take stepF similar to that of Picker. • ~W n Vlllage. 'a;;; • The council nobv adjourned to meet Ford Sales and service Station. , _ _ ° u "IflnRtlp. m o M t r, ; - - n oodRy, Oct, 3rd • � - ` ff V. s,t. Rrnnallam ft5r the tr naRC - ^*�'--- = «-_-••�• -v• + rr-=: t b t'0 Plckerino h a ti-.n of :�' � ,� �,,.,,,,• ��_. - -r'.Y ^ �. To1'wl to' Peter ,.:.W:...N ` ` t `,G•^s .( ,'. i- � _ � \ , :.,,-: �' z. ,'xw�.a^KO,,,Y.,,a�,i^�`t;�",,., a"•.{vj-`' ,y.:'I'll:k'k� tsi'`+1. F`^' er- iw''� N.'I�'',�. 4:bi,t�' � ."Z,:' .. „°`-.• .�'_�, ���� s � •d°�e c• ' •.j^' 'rA�"`rw'crlr��,,`�,ri .''^ �� ''✓:$ :y'^2µi-, :'x:.'R'•nV�Yn° -�, -.�•`s'-,- '4 e 5 �,Wes' ..•y: x,�t c, _ ... '.d �' 'a.t m .. , b S' aW-.,.G.+r... <r �1.js�yT"'`R,'sue-. r.:a "^8,',••.n.. kw_., "^-��:.s-Y''�t•'. y.e.,., m" y 7",,s.`•`-r '- '7>.V . btu a •,� .+u �,,,, u u.'•., v,r . S.•!r .ra. :i ';,q �n �i" !eyi. l '`.:,.u•,e,.�c.' :...nia' � x:Y;.'r A"Y :;;x fY� . J15 _,-.' —_:.a..�• ::a..wi-�;:ya�,l,,' ,�CLARSMONT.' .: AUMON SALE OF - `l OW -the tl _ 7�7_ ,Tt . :•. *♦ CATTLE-* l�t$:. _. OQ ,•:e ., <- �r,3110i ICE Ol A large stock of fall goods ;usi NORM .AND CATTJ, E- . subseripffon to ' d ' r� � � lica�ion f -+�� "a-rrived at J.-Fingold e. ••*_. C A, g or �Torce Toronto Exhibition attracted a Iimplrnients, Hay Grain p• PP :,µ• ,:the 1ake1#11g New'. ' anti Faralture.. - :. - ' . Notice is her large number of our redidenta•-.last - • - eqy given that Eva ' :.. week. .. We-'need the-money badly. Hard and Soft Coal Of tale Florence Heavens of the Town of Osh• y� Win. G. Bingham to bas these The property of awa in the County of oatarIlo;in-the y '�C7Ra4N Me�A. - befit quality on _ Province of Ontario,'Married woman, daps redecorating the Baptist hand will apply to the r'arliament.of.Can- Church. _ At Lot,'Is, Con. 6, Pickering ( of -- -'The Xickering slant the neat session tkcreof, fora � •., James Dafoe, of Adrian, Mich.. a mile east of Whitevale), on - — THOS j .g A .� Bill of Dlyaxse from bar hersbund, Is-visiting-1219 sister, Mrs. Wm. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. '-21,,-1921 v'igilanC' ..Committee i • 1's• La!°'! y William GomVe Heaven. of the City Bandy, The following propertyy, ! of Toronto•imeAs Couai�of York, in ' �* C=t- the Province of Ontario, Laborer, on Mr. and Mrs.Jarvis, of Seariioro, • ' � - - �'$Q + _ EioRBES The object of this Aasociatlen-is to the round•at adultec and desertion.•• = ,-visited with J.and Mrs. E`vatis ow, B.j mare, 9 pears old; Brown mare. a . j g v' Sunday. lessen stealing and prosecute Dated at tile Town of Oshawa in yrs old, sired by Edward Darnley,Hay the felons. FIRST-CLASS the County at Ontario'�n the Province Frank M. Cooper is spending a mare,3"yrs old,sired by Ed'war4 Darn- ; , ; of Ontario, t 6th day o! Jutie, ` few days with friends hi Eastern ley. Bs mare,8 yrs old,2 sorrel hors- >,temt►ert laving prgpseiy stolenopimm�oii~ p'aiatm ' (� �@cora � A. D•1921. iDntario. es.aged, Black filly,2 yrs old,aired by cafe immediateltwfih any metebee EPA FLOaErICie HSAVENie ::. Fred-Ward is busy these dava Edward, Darnley, Bayy,gelding, 2 yrs of Executite Go ft. _ •.,•Bone on shortest notice by , By her Solicitor, W. E. N. Sfnetair, erecting silos for�acmere in this °�d, aired by Edward Darnley, Brown Membership fee [11.00.• -- ••�� 88-1 , Oshawa, Ont. mare, rising 8 yrs old. George A. Lilley district. Tickets mat tahad from is ion. at.os.. REQI9TERED CATTLE �- •9rorsbr► on application. Earl and Mrs. Pearson,of Toron- to, spent Tuesday with J-H. and Holste 2629, rag„Posh .D 2, H Hen. zee, Com.—L. D. Hanks,C,S.Palm Wall Paper Pattern Books, eelectiona 1 ..• ; : derveld 26294. bred" Mai, 22, Holstein W. V. Richardson, Pickering. o!$impeons anti the famous CHOPPING -Mrs.Beal. bull, Uanar Pontiac Kornk ke 42780 leer. g, Y Y Empire Wall Papers. _ W. G. and Mrs. j3ingham and Holstein helfer,-8 months old,papers J. R. Th Xtoa. W;J. Clark. r family visited the former aunt furnished on day of sale. All orders for work received by W.G. :. President, Secretary -Reid. Butcher;Pickering, Cho la in Ringwood. (TRADE CATTLE . PP� g anA Oat Crushing will Miss How,, of 'Winnipeg, tyho Black And white cow due Oct 1, Black be done Mon y, y has been visiting friends herd, re cow due Oct 10, -Holstein heifer-bred ( y, Tuesday. Friday ';turned home on Friday. eb 25,'Black and white cow bred Apl y r - and Saturday of each week until RLy and'Mrs1 Morgan and fain- +Red row bred Jan 27. Black cow due. YarlrierS BusineSS !lily have been spending a few de►ys cow bred Apl A. Black cow bred June ---This Bank offers every facility September lot at- with friends in Toronto; .la, Black cosy bred Aug . Black and ry tyfor transacting Farmers business; . g , We feel sure that it wilibeto y bant<iag -. ----The Altona Grist Mills, Gordon Overland;of Erin, spent white cow bred July 25, Black and your to. your - - -. --the week--end here with his broth- white cow in full, flow, 3 black heifers •- " requirements with us �• J0 �t 'er, C. A.,'and Mrs. Overland. 2 rs-0ld, Red heifer 2 yrs old, Brindle- We shall be pleased' to have you call on us- at• -�V Y yoi:r.$rat Miss Ethel Evans returned'from , heifers yrs old,, opportunity, 730 49 -PROPRIETOR Toronto-on Friday -where she had" Ibf2'LENL\TS ETC. � been visiting friends fora time. Deering.binder 6-ft.cut; u•13 m6wer � L IONBANK _ Do ' It In the Fah ! A large.number from Claremont 5•ft cut, Deering horse rake 10-ft. 3 4 UN Y` and vicinity attended the Oshtiwa, wagon, W gon, boa gad 91pr•inos corn- WHITBY BRANCH, While there.,is ideal temperature r4�" Fair on Tuesday.and Wednedday. Jp G. P. LYND; Manager: p lets, C'�,rn cultivator.Cockahutt gang + anti less mol9tut'e. Jgel'.Cnrney,of 9treetsvllle,_slid .p1gw. U. drill 13-disc, • E. C. CROSS, Manager. Braudram Henderson's PAINT • 13 hoe drill HROQiCLW BRANCH, J. C.)3undy, of Thorold, visited cultrvoCar combined P H; Bet harrows 4-sectuti,,-Disc harrow 12 disc. Riding will protect your but dings'from Mrs. Bundy a fete days Last - -- -- the severe stories of winter. plow, 1 furrow John Deer:ZV. Wil- our stock-of Paint ' Week. � plosy L,L., Wilkinson plow No. 4, '�V'il- - Come and see bliss Jane Pilkey 'has been en- kinson plow No. 8, -Bet' trucks, Bet of �•+_ „• and Varnishes. Always a plea- .,:'engaged to teach the Cedar Creek scales 2 t00 lbs cap, Success manure Your Seed {�sraltl - Blue to price anything in Hard- school and entered upon• her dut• epreader, •2 turnip hoes, ,McLaughlin - ware. )es last week. buggy, McLaughlin-cutter, Hay rack, TO obtain nlaxill►tlli, olds you need to sow Test. p D. A' and Mrs. SctQtt motored to Light wagon Steel 'bar. Shaft and j ,, y Frank Cod per, Claremont London on Friday alt to spend bangers, Fanning mill,- Barley fork, ed Seed Grain. i0 pu clias good seed you "a ten ddy holiday with relatives Short handled shovel.Post hole spoon, maly require financial assistance _, - Tri rape 60 ft, Post hole bar,Ha ,may Ci sweet to Est, s ' and frteude, - X. y Extendi accommodation for such ` W-ets Mr.:York, who is here on '!'uea- for 2 maauie forks, 2 iron bare. 1'40 n$ purposes is atD I_ L QrYtlslwl Li ft of hay fork rope and car. Gilson important phase of Standard Service.. days in the interests of crippled 2i h p. Ladder 27 ft,Cutting box,Bug- casssle ear less/Masd�sr - '" ` 'cloeks'and watches, le. Scoop shovel, Sc the.Light 4s doing a gy l� p p - �(3�1Cr�t8 •:_'' growing business. wagon pole, Water trough, $cuftler, r THE _ - !- • '._.•• � - _ - - i T. and Mrs. Caster were in Tor- as°wpr,Stock rack, Cultivator,2 feed STANDARD BANK Qtato last iveek at the Exhibition boxes,Set sleighs, Set tog bunks, Root, pulper, Turnip drill,-Coal oil, tank 40- o► CANA & 3:0 s p -And visiting friend's, Mrs. Caster gal. Crass-cut saw, Circular saw, Elm TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS t� =,L, rodu�j�� k:yenvaining over this yveek. ' plank for stalls 9 ft long, 4 anchor- Pickering Branch: - W.F.Law,Man Mrs. G. P. Bea) and son, Nvill, P, ti. Some cedar oats, Manager. p p Nelotte sepal Whitby Branch: .C.A..McClellan.Manager. and Mre, Leach and daughter, rator, 2 wheelbarrows, Logging chain, 1�'ield Tile dE{Iargaret,of M$nitoba_. were with Numt*r of whiftietreen, 6 row-chains, f , ' ' J. H. and Mrs, Beal on Sunday. Manure hottorn;-Cistern pump, Post , !' A large nrimber of file members hole digger.-About 15 tons of timothy `• and j3r1C of the ttasontc Lodge oP Clare- hj'ti h+imdiibarlley and,oats�80 ' - - Wont twill pay a;fraternal visit t� Doric Lodge,.Toronto, this Thurs• hens, 8onue er.1 a Leghorn pullets,3 � _ �,(1�� �� ����e , �.,/ ``; .slap eveoin geefie, dander, 10 goslings;Set brass- -_ i - � T�1e and 8 g, mounted breeching >zncne 4 Set brass_ - `Farmers are no* busy $llilig harai�sas back bands, bet nickel stogie inch their,.los. Corn, as a role, is an AL number of collarte. Some harness. re ConO to Block$ �1r y ,. .exceiietrt crop in this locality, the - FCfi\ITL•RE ETC, - : . -- - - - _ _ • _ -weather having been favorable foe Dark oak bedroom suite.' Dark oak ex- Get p�� limes growth. tension table 8-ft, 5diningroom ebaira, i ( � `� - y p p i-j-� �j :Ind: Phone'2705 Fick. ;. James A. Madill, of Harrow,and large rocker. DLfk oak" airn chair, ble brother, Albert, „f Detroit, Mahogany secretary. Light oak seers- *� . '..�� Clarence Simpson �accompan}ed by their wives, spent rare iron bedSCetrd, spring, mattress, - . - New Perfection 3 burner oil stove -- _.: .a few da a with their arents,_J• • _ - . ` R. Station Brook Road 3' Jo Churn, Butter bowl, Stove, 2 banging _ C N. R _ , B. and Mrs. Madilt lAmps. Hall lamp. Lounge. Toilet set. - .) Mrs.- Horse and. taco daughters Round table Larfte kitoen cable, 2 Assuired __cleft on Tuesday for their home in smxlt tabfes.;Some ptetures, Writing = .-•' _ µ=;, #fout'real after apeuding ,a few desk, Large square' of carpet, Meat lase here n}t6he former'a atirit, grinder, 2 milk pails. $trainer, Milk ,^ �.. • Y - lfre. B. S. Palmer cooler, 2 bracket lampw,25-gal oil cane sod many other articles, Graham3toe., as usual, captnr Wit�i - ih To- ed a.namberof prizes, at the .Sole begins at 1 o'clock,sharp -- - u-.._-_ -.. _-._ uonto Exhibition last Week. They �! , - are taking a number of horses to T=119—Aff sums of$15 and under, _7^ Ise Piston fair this week. cash : Huse that amount 12 months Mrs. Watford -went into the credit will'be given to parties turn- - - Of all mars sad dewwa i city.on.Thnrgday to attend .the ishing approved joint notes. 6 per • ks"in tiosh. Ii will pay you funeral of he sister-in-law, cent. discaelat showed for cash. j _ � �aca� bin.. FRED POSTILL, a"s s�J H a iris - Obtain ON �i ORr a1o� Wm. Gibbons. who died on. Tttea- Mwe donnootem Dehe b, mWsd Ida afters W. A. Knox,'Clerk ' Auctioneer - - y prolonged illness fol• -- ._-'�- l' _ 1t�7�•a+.�y9 _.Rowing a stroke. AUCTION SALE O�'FARM Y-- - ---- "'' t teyomtnitdoti et 0 (brow off tin esetai s save b Pu asai.,wbieb - The Mission Band concert in the - a` - 7 P � H �� . 77 - 19nionChureh on Monday evening IN THE' • _ -_ _wee a grand success. All those tak• TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY, _ lin Q i V J, T. MATHESON U,910, -:` ing'parL is the prugrtimine did -_ � •. . - .,." :-their ports well and were mach Under instructUms from the Admin- ---=. Office and Works, i#by,Ontaelo _ail-preciated. The proceeds were istraWre of the estate of Robert Ed- gar gar Hall,deceased,there'will be offered -�N(� for axle at Public Auction b William - •�� PICKERING row �« The Torrie Evangelistic meet- y - - . _ . . Ingo _which began in N-hltevale 'Maw, •auctioneer, at the Whitby ' kIouse, in the town o Whitby, on LUMBER YARD_ last week are tb be continued this Thursday, the 22nd day of September, ' �""'t ,p Reek in the Green River Ha ptist 19.21, at 2 o'clock, p,m., the north 75 Church-. Mr. and Mrs. Torrie de- acres, more-or less, of the south 150 liver, their messages in sermon and acres of lot 35, in the 2nd concession We have.EL large and weHassortec� song with their old-time fervor of the tow ship of Wbitby; situate _ `. stock of the following material : ��" and attractiveness.• about 3 m�es from the town of Whit- I' — _ g ^.- Quite a earn- by, her of Claremont friends motored � Matched B. C. Fir Flooring. V " over to the meetings IHSt week. On•theprernises are a rough cast Matched B. C. Fir Sheeting, and The September meeting of the dwelling bones, frame barn, driving - '.: Matched B. C. Hemloek flooring. - Women's Institute will be held at shed tirid ores'stable; 75-acres of bear- inch V Matched Fir Ceiling, 4 in. the school house on Friday. Sept. leg orchard, running stream. and 6 in. B. C. Cedar Siding. gird, at 2 30. Addresses_will be TERMS: 10 per cent of purchase price at tine of sale. Further particu• *"' _, --. Also, Bever Board,Plaste;Board Riven on the following aubvecta: jars-and conditions to 'be announced t and Apple-Barrels. ' e ,The Function of Expt ession in De• at time of sale. - vglopment, Story BoOka for Child- For further partioalars' apply to ' - - A a NHL....L. Cvl1, P,Tt Aeweppde ep'• '" n • . ai S� Music Rill a also be provided by H, Aahhy, Administrators, R. R. No_ t Power BIOKER,IN o Pupils of the school-.—A-cordi'nf in- 1, Whitby,Ont. 1Villiam Maw, aunt- =-~ vttation is extended to parents ioneer.' Whitby.- t.,or A. E.'Cbfis- • Bell and Independent phone. 4 °f - aaa all tntereeted. ' tiara, Solicitor,Whitby,Ont. 61.52 Expense Stops when `not in use _ The Rev. Andrew Arthur Scott, _ . - _, _ `'becretary of the Canadian Baptist Helps to Kee -tile bo s on the Farm JUST ARRIVED• .� . Telu n Mission, iecentl returned �;C �� p p ' y = ' R y a CsiMy �`• _ - ) iR values is FIeet-Foot for teen, from YeIlamunchili, India; will _ _._ htens Housework ''' women and children. Pumps address the 10.30 a. m. and 7 P. m. _ CLAREiIO�iT'S NE�i' g and Oxfords, including -congregations In -the Baptist T -- �% _strap styles for slimmer sae r. I r.• .,'able s next Sunday- He is an .-.G A R A G E Does much•to Make•You Independent Colors white, tan alas, F> } able speaker and ;twill tell some Prices as low as you ex act. y iJ very interesting things about the The undersigned htcving purchased j'�,� -- Men's Sunday boots, chocolate Strange people among whore he the garage business of F. M. Cooper, Your own-`Feed �uttingjr goodpear welt, to clean at$5. .j. =iabgrs. With the audience r00n, are prepared to do all general repair- -. now undergoing re-decorations. ing o!care of �uil n,tekes, - **TT Football bootq, steel toes tats and �. - the services will be held in the 'loo i farm should be- without One . 4~ - wh'ite at$6 50 per air. Only ? , All accessories for cars kept coast- . < p school room. On Monday evening antly on hand, Y': a small quantity left. - the B:Y. P. r1.will have for their Motor oil always on hand k ; bail on nests the young people of the, hitbp Linton who twill provide Work guaranteed Prices right i p '.Ti4r i?p.A Erial - .,• Y. Fingoia, - 7-Clare"oat �' + 'tile programme to be fry? ,gin,:d. b . . H; 'a social tune and refreshments. !Anderon& Nilkey, - Claremont J. R. TH T N Agent � Pickering Ind. Phone 2504 ..r`• �+-.A`^sZ: .d' •� •���' ;a:.�'rl'Y'�;k;:..�. .J'w.' ry+�. '.� 'w 4:ri- 1wv °•tJ'�',M:,�•��y�;y.yy�" ,�';. ,':�,.. -r^. . ;N. F:a+-•+o.ne.�rx,, r+.•.sw a _r'r.. n;:... -�'a. a ...y'w a-* .�•e•�a oamr aw+•ry.. .y�„ m.i sRy, +br_. its "�.h' •►L+E.;�:ra:'3'a•>= .u?•' ;t'r'�{k`.. ?+�' �� ,�7�,," c +,:tk,:�., •.^Y + -�3.. - ..a,;.. .iT. Tr.,�: .R ,' -..Ra .rr, C',•3.✓i�^" :'ta.s r�o... �yy��,��.t� :..':�r� �A�,.s,�y� ,.�,c��•�� •��'� ...J� .i.ti.. ..r. ;7s.1�°��,..•,t•�g..:�.s .T•ni?.fu:'W' ., iY"•:..•59 �y�iy°� •�� '�' '3 •P•y ':',�. •,y� .si.rml ..T� Yk^wIf'"',•'� �'�'-��.pS'iY+�'�w°r.. •Y.�,+a. �' -'> 51 'v �w.�.;.�, CC ''�' �.`n3",�.. ey.Z:'�..`rp%'.- "�vid���� 11^ ���(�_�W*7'" •,,/�, '�JM.•�1•.'•...i �. 'N .�.y., .e �'' "n2,''>�4'.-�'' »'qtr .' '••:.,,;,«�4+',R,�esr; _� :. a. r, :.,q,'r '�•• "�' N��4ai-�.'; .-!.i'�,-'r:+c:..+u' :-- £. �, ' _ :,_. .1 T`n'y..�a . ysr.+"t ,ai. +�� -,� w .•.e. ._.:�'• -..�. _.W 'n_ex.^, ..._... - .._ .. .. . :'4 .. _-S�x_ _, .:,,,tw:' _ -._ ., _ e ,. .. _! .- .- 2•� • :C;F'.•. t'„�SE a? '" "' _ oherisuhed 1 If anything grows old grwcetully,surely it is linen.-Its sheen �n the worst , is yQt' to c��rt�e M , and dlky-smoothness seam to.become more ingratiating with time. k•. Y •.' r $ �" 3o whether'the present-day woman. . -wrests merely to.satisfy her own long; - - w". -_ F•w ing for beautiful embroidered linen or whether•abe is sowing that others may -- ,, `Ps::•", �isap,-there is an-abundance of.worthy 7N1Rln p1NNUA4. _ 3 terlal at hated: TheA tWgners have tee _ Ken their beat in the patterns, and- 'Virtue Iwy Become a Vice. make tipper and lower.cleats.far.anus of YNe ' ^ 'VirtaGo-'east be carried to such an barge pie. If Ellin the mahaer in which motifs have been u r ' . g is uncooked 'bake carried through sets is admirable. Jr6Gwvn' �r,• ez'treme that .th 'degenerate 1ptio,forty minutes in 450-degree oven, re- _ SLIMOM 5CM00L - by A centrepiece, accompanied by -. . - vices Is an.axiom. Perbpps the one.during the_temperature to 400 degrees twelve doilies in two's'izes, strikes one ��`••� :y which _most tea y.and uickly elips"for last ten minutes. as a big piece of work-'one that"the� over the 'borderr is the virtue of criti- It is claimed that this recipe will faint-ifesrW Is' likely to postpone _ eism, never tail., It is more easily and until she has "more time." The "more � �s':-- A little kindly, well meant criticism"qukkly made than by the old method time" stage is a sort of twin sister to < :.• m' is one of the beat stimulants to grawtX of rubbing' the fat into the flour and - to-morrow.' It has a pray of never But it is seldom a critic can remain,keeping everything ice.cold. .. arriving. nd so a woman - n :f et a kindly critic. n.is so• spay to More ewer to ever di that g' goes on _ v :! I` " u over the line and become a chronic saves time-and labor but sacrifices'no longing for the thing right within her • �', { s - �p o 1 reach,if she will only stretch her arm, "t fault finder, from'whom Heaven pre- qualityl ust' a little bit for ft'. ] Hand embroidery moves,'faster as' / / :•' One such pest has almost broken up A Novel Bazaar. the.work - progresses and faltering.fin- �( a community organization in a pros- Ladies' Aid': Can you suggest some ra' ow savift a skillful. A iece - �: '. perous farming section. Her first mg- new vay of holding a small sale or P t that frightens on© by its enormi y i i�, „ tti gestions were constructive,but wheth- bazaar? when blank loses all the terror it held _ �'-�; er her success in getting the organiza-� A Pedler'e Parade is novel and does tion to change some of its plans gave;not require 'booths. Those who for the worker within r week's time. e� And it �is,a work that rests the 'mind s .: -her,.an enlarged sense of her own im-i part dress u to represent peddlers _ { P while the hands fashion a beautiful portance,'or whether she was at heart' ('both men and women), and place thing. L L .MONAD =m -a born fault finder, who can say? At: their wares in ba�yketa, packs and Embroidery may be done' at any any rate she continued to-pick flaws in;push-carts. -The sale opens with a time in any place, in any company. 7F� -the methods of work until the die- parade of these "merchants" headed The conversation can go along freely, couraged promotors of 'neighbo;hood;by an organ-Srinder carrying a hand- for there are no stitches to'count, no ( III ``�� ...•�' y� enterprises, are all•-ready to•give up.;organ, if' it is possible to hire one. clicking g needles to interrupt. It has r o-.e•.'- Probably this woman has done no An agile boy might 'be persuaded to always been a pastime occupation of b _ —rNi., ,,'g mere harm, though, then her neighbor dress as a*monkey and accompany the gentlewomen..e who flyds fault with her family. Every'organ-grinder throughout the even- Women's time is too precious to-day woman knows that no hnaband is per- 'ing, liolding up his cap for stray pen- to waste it, even in heir leisure mo ' 's�'`• ..feet, no children faultless. But ,a►+hy Hies. If this can not be arranged, a mental/on unworthy work. - Q be forever telling them about it?'group of musicians might serve as a IM9{pk Psychologists tell ui that the best way street band, g ;A North Pole Deception. ` F' producing music on real fin:build up is by praising,virtues or fake instruments, but remembering - •-" ' It may surprise many people to rather than by stressing faults. 'Yet to "pass the hat" between numbers - this woman-and she has many copies! After the "parade" knew that even when an Arctic ez- -almost never mentions.a nod th papa �� pal �- plorer had the Pole Star exactly over- �j g leaver to sell their wares, imitating head he would still be mbout eighty HEALTH EDUCATION about any of her family, but continu- the methods of real pedlers in order - ' miles from the North Pole. alfly,harps on.their shortcomings. to create merrimer;t. Sandwiches can Why? Because the Pole Star—or BY DR. J. J. MIDDLETON _ That woman is.giving her children be sold from a basket carried by a Polaris, as it Is known to astronomers •` '' Provin lai Board•of Health- ..,, , a reputation they will have hard work man dressed to represent a "train- _ 0 �Ontario ;a;•;, -!s not at the North Celestial Pole, _ _- •'.--� - - ltving down. They.are already looked 'boy," .Another "train-boy" could sEill to which the geographical North Pole Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on, Publi^ Health ;ict• - upon in the community as future bad peanut bars, marshmallows, other corresponds, but nearly three times t" tars through this column. Address him at the ParTiamente-B1dEe. citizeaa, when as a matter of fact thee, package candy .and sweet chocolate. the apparent breadth of the full moon Toronto. are only normal, average children. No Ice cream could be sold from a push- from it. -child ever overwhelms its parents with cart and should be served on paper The fact is that the Pole Star mere- T . - gmtitude for its daily care. . Yet be- plates and eaten with tin. spoons. A ] happens to be the nearest bright y Dp A few days ago a letter reached me;drab and uninteres mg situations with cause these children are not constantly•woman carrying w basket containing star to the North'Celestial Pole. This from a mother to the Conn reading smiles and nod->e]?oWahi A few A thanking their mother for their bread cakes should be near at hand. Other latter point is an imaginary one in the ., try g P - ir` and butter, she'refers to theta as mop= baskets should be filled'with aprons, heavens, marking the spot towards as follows: Our baby, seven weeks evenings ago I *as in a train coming stele o2• ingratitude. . And where is iron-holders, tea-towels, fancy-work, which the earth's alxs is directed. Ow- old, had a rash from the heat. Would to Toronto from Blackwater Junction you kindly tell me what is beat to do and the compartment't was filled with b— -thy child'who hops out o! bed in the-'notions and Sowers if they are avail- ing to causes which need not be en- tared into here, this-imaginary point for it. This is a difficult question to the-ordinary crowd of tired sleepy in- morning and rushes to mother, clam-'able. - --- -_. L p orf#ng to be given work to dlo? I've answer by letter, and sbows what dividuals one sees travelling.at night w? : is moving in a great circle in the sky, public Health officials have to deal after a long journey: -Yawning. mz- yet be ase a healthy 'boy or girl who Planning Embroidery. a circle so vast that about 20,000 years ly offered to do chores or p� your n„sedlda,� for the sea- to taken to complete it. with. In the first place the question ing list}early at the notice Prohibiting ' should be answered b the family ,spitting in the train, or looking out �s w'ua6 dishes.,until months o!habit bad F 9 FhY- P g _ g h eon. Think of something you have A few thousand years ago it was s sician. He is the Sae-to visit the child into the dark of evening, everybody made the lab seem natural. The pro. alw�s wished,for and resolved to get long way from the present Pole Star, � % peas�ity ad children is to das14 sat to-when pan could "afford it" or to do and fa those days. the afar was quite and determine.what the cause of the seemed to be looking 'on life as a r-• �. play, and if they don't whine and pre when u "bad time." an ordinary one, differing in -no way rash may be. The mother a think commonplace, without a' thrill. But tent when you dragged them In to it is caused by heat and she may be Into the train carne a young man wear- t04 instance,If you have been long- from boats of others we ewe&renal us right but'it is better to have expert tng the returned button and with him vark,you'd think there was something I for a�y handsome embroidered on any fine,night. 1 60 a&#Or with them- New woalda't advice on the matter. There are rash- were his wife and baby. •That charm _ lines luncheon sat, but never started Ma another few thousand years to come our present h° hl im ortaat es 'due to scarlet fever, ,incipient ing little mortal about fifteen months one because you felt you would never ig y D felt because this woman's children measles and various other ailments old was anon the-centre of interest. finish it, 'make that your season's Pole Star will have again sunk into that have to be taken into account. Hardly had its mother got • seated �^ • ari heaith7 young animals and object) . When every odd hour.ie spent obscurity through having teen left in ' ` k �y It is for lessons such as this that when it wheeled round in her arms to°beias broken to harness she bewails'on maki piece of work grow, it is the lurch by the steadily-moving North _-- 'the fact that her children are lazy and surpriain a haw the thin Public Hearth .Education as far as an a newspaper which a man Celestial Pole. The brilliant blue-and, Child Welfare is concerned lima to y reading in the seat be- idle. Bewailing at home would be bad g g Bath- was listiessl - t era speed attisr., ace has a,start. white Vega will be the most magaffi- is.concerned, hind.=-inatar;tl the-man was alert *� enough, It would go tar towards malt- fni tamped linens are-cent Poe Star of the future. It wi11 be 'impress on mothers`the necessity mat Lh kind) interest. N6t ova:,ling to u- ing the children ,but-to tell their; years, however, before a thorough med' 1 examination of Y y ° lazy, be' rho sasses that even the-about 12,000 to the world is little short Of mS its turn comes, their children regularly:Parent ate have the reader disturbed, the mother.. . busiest wo an, wHo have not given moved over to the seat facing, :r isrlamaL _ -.. too prose to diagnose complaints o! g but .� any time to embroidering' for years, 'a ""' ruddy-complexioned' tem� Da s. _ :children and. label them this ar that Y ompkxioaed old fellow w9a the are trying to spare a few hours to do P Y ;withurat as next victim. The little tot lour fly - a .,=A 'Nave Fail" Pie Crust, The most important point shoat September days-September days- Y scientific Investigation hoed of his ear and the weather- September A made with hot water We- theme new stain they An' antumn-fields are callin'- _whatsoever. For instance, it.ia appal- P��'y pad pieces Ya that:th -ing to think of the number of deaths beaten stranger turned round-startled. ass: you experienced cooks-can I are of genuine Irish linen, of the fuel, O'er woods there bangs a purple haze of infants and young children from- But when he saw that laughing_little • -,you think of anything more iconoclas- round thread'Derryvale weave. This As' acorns area-fallia', countenance' he instan y reached _ F Where squirrels in the trees soh diphtheria wholes.mothers were,firmly tic Here it is: I will wear for years and years, so the high, convinced that.the sick children• hadi ever his horny hand and shook baby's _ a In. their wee awe are holdin' „ outstretched palm. The child then • - 3i cuplu'l shortening (�,(, caplet but-'Worker. has-.the satisfaction of know- P ' The nut,to eat-oh, such a treat- merely a sore throat or tonsilitis.I P ter, 3ti cupful lard), % c rpful hot ing that her labor will last, not far a - Over 63_per cent. of the deaths from`noticed a lady across the aisle eatir:g ., (�oiling water),•2• gupfuls_flour, 'a season, lout tor.-a'generation. Indeed, A sight for your beholdin'. 1 an oran' a and lued its a es or. tae r. clef:water),.9.%9 ' ` diphtheria in Ontario-last year were $ g F liesapoo g ,powder, % tea- if -she be of sentimental nature, she among children under five yearn of attractive fruit. With the mother's F spoonful salt. will take joy in laying up treasure for Across the fields the Bob White yielde age-that is, children of pre-school'Permission the lady gave a section of Cream the vbcit iI with the•ber daughter and her dau liter's His mating call so oheery, the orange to the child,and to show its , g � g age who had not yet come under the g 'seater--by,adding the latter only a bit daughter, just as mothers o!half. Which plainly gage bis wife he.shield@ � appreciation, the little one allowed good supersisian 'of school medical lnspec- ' at`.s time. Mix the salt and- baking a century ago used to do. By.that call clear.an'_merry, I itself to. be lifted, on to the lady's .. •; lion. Minor defects of all kinds, more- 3' „p_�vder_with the sifted flour, and stir Those women were wise in .their Ere long the punkia's golden glow over, go unattended to and become knee; _ th:a into the butter and water. Tura'work, for material that was to be WSI brighten up the stubble, n� - chronic because either the patent did All the time the baby was smilirg out upon a Soured board and rok], thin' graced by the art of their hands was.An' pies that mother makes you know not notice the defect in the child or and waving its hands at nearby people l:c_cre lining- the tins. And do not always 'of.the finest quality genuine. Will banish care an' trouble. else- did not regard- it as anything in the compartment, with the result - ,to:get when lining the plate to,.care-I Irish linen. That is why, some for- '•serious. The idea of calling in a doctor that everybody *as wreathed in = = _••--fully press out aH air so that none, tunate daughters-and even grand.-September days, .September days, only as & last .resort with some smiles. That baby was atonic-a Is is Ieft to force up the pastry in Iarge, daughters--have remnants of bridal • An' school bells gladly ringin" Pe'op e, n fact g P y kmbbjes and.paslh the filling out of the� seta to,-day as 'keepsakes. And how An' boys and gills'with happy-ways, bear the,expression "I don't think he',to fits Parents, but every stoat gel P4 into the oven. This amount will those lovely 14 silvering pieces are Their cares to winds are fiiagin', " - I is_sick enough to send fAr a doctor. !it met along the way. Its father re- Again the huntsman's horn so clear' I marked to me that .the baby was Will on the air be fallin', The baby is not a toy or a plaything,: y but a great responsibility. Its health,i breast-fed from birth till it was over Ger ; many s Latest „Offer to- France* ere, the autumn's y ninae months old, which was-,very ob- e autumn's h growth and happiness depend iargel The,painted woods are callin'. ' upon you-the parent. Therefore you vi s. ^: must .avoid infection by keeping the To me, interested in the.Welfare of hrhe delivery to France by the Geri this .purpose, The French company ;,baby away from anyone who is not Children, .my- addiiration of this - ` + will take the material )has^ delivered - -�If the Teeth Chatter. man Government of ?,000,000,000 gold Y perfectly well..What seems like a cold youngster was associated with a feel- • and sell it 1n the opeh market eacln- The little mnaclea which close the in the head may turn out to be measles I ing a. regret-regret that there =. 'marks worth of building materials F lively for rebuilding northern France.-4aw are acted upon by-the cold In sue ing; It ... „,L�� ;qa--should-not-be more of-li��",� lit...Ithy, within three years is provided for by The French 6ovefnment; according to a way-that they pull the jaw u_ and ` five recent agreement between Louis g p end ."k cur4is-c'ougn-are err- naPPY oabiea in'this Province of Or.; the terms',ot ll L,'lcs. own wetgttt,, This, re- ous•diseases for young children. The, tario. They are optimists from birth ` - Loachtnr, r-renen -Minister of ,the care not to cut prices below a' mason- peated many times, causes the teeth . T older a child is when Oe comes down and will grow to healthy men and -Idbrated Regions, •an4 Waiter Rattle- able competition with private interests. to click together, and produces what with them, the less is the Clanger of women. How often,we see the other ash, German Minister of Reconstrue- which hitherto have been strongly op- is called "chattering." v fatal results. .The germs of disease extreme, the ill-nourished, pale and ° Lion, the details of ' which"are now DQsedto Germany's supplying material •"You think of it in connection with enter by way of the mouth. keep crying baby, handicapped in bealtl', made public, says a Paris despatch. to the triment of 'French mapufac- your.- teeth because it is ' the'teeih playthings and comforters, and every- from the moment it begins its earthly _ This immense iranaaetion- will be 'turbig firms, which makes the sound, but the,cause thing that has not been thoroughly existence. It it a sorry spectacle and b&udled'••by two.companies, one to be Herr Rathenan!s main argument was 'lies is the muscles used in chewing or cleaned out of the baby's-mouth. Do there is no need for many-of these argantsed'by Germany and the other that if Germany, were compelled -to in opening your mouth when you not Iet the baby crawl around on a weaklings, if the mothers only knew, by France.each to participation .continue cash payments under the speak. The chattering occurs in s itA and•' racticed mothercraft articular. .. p dirty floor or dusty carpet. Place'him p , P by soMe'private capital. Ties German same international exchange condi= of the will or brain.' You have little on a clean• sheet or blanket: Flies ly tl:e great essential-breast feeding, eomga�sy is.,to look after the &seem- lions as those she encountered while control over it, and can stop it only by carry disease to,babies: Screen the coupled with proper care of the child :,bling of material ordered by the paying the first billion marks she clinching the teeth. baby's,-room. ''during the early months and years of French .company at the , shipping,,would be forced inevitably to default, It is really a mild variety of spasm Keep flies away from the baby and life. In the whole field of Child Wel- Ddnts. probably not later than.next July. The caused by the cold, which, acts on the his food at all times. Cover the crib fare there is no more important first - *"'4' lkmn'sportattou and delivery by the mark, which has already decreased in jaw muscles in muck the same way or carr' a with nettin to kee out princi le than this-havin the child g g P P g pirmaa, company at suitable terrain- value since the recent London agree- that some poisons produce muscular the flies and mosquitoes. fed at the mother's breast,- It is a ;�sla and on suitable dates also are pro. meat, is likely to fall to a point where -spasms which.cannot be controlled. A healthy, goo$-tempered baby is slogan that should be.preached from �.vldsd for, the..Daypaent to,be Horde to it will have no more exchange vaine one of the; greatest- joys of 'life. the housetops, from the pulpit-'=lrta' ` "th!manufacturers out of German Gov- abroad, ft was argued by Herr Rattle- It is more profitable to emulate than !►t'boride issued specially for nap P Wherever it goes, sunshine radiates from every newspaper and avenue o! �. ' to envy. from its nresenre and fills. the Alaat n6blicity in this couptry. cis., .°o ',` "w;.a:us.'' "- 'xa. <• ,. ',:. .r,. k°,: , .' T'u+ ti'.��"' '+. r 't• r-;ts,'.rk -, m ''?Tt^�^ .v%. •:,e!';M�.' xi3 ,�„•.'. i. -.. •;,� �.� .%w. .iM 4•, °:�`.. 3. ic_`�i .^rr 3f•- °5;�;.. ..c b•'iri- 'r.?T"'-' .l ry'�'•5�!.;%'e•w7y" �, N"ti:'•J i -`fi �"• �k{ .,kt}• d,'. 7. .v,,, J Wz, ,-4% iZ 7 7,t1,- , ,- — - I - �:'M -S, ��i it- "It M A— 4W t*W.-balk T #WJ TJBLkfl: that,'*1 the Wcabined istlioad 4 MCA ] emb^nJtmerU-af the entire worl& Al Ar The-total length of China's cu"I Mrs. W._,Beeskey,-MIIW Roche, Out.,, would be sufteieut to. Grow Canada FROM RM&TNE'RE �Wxitss: "I have used Baby's.Own Tab- forty times from north to south. Both, Come From the Same PUT ME IN SPLENDID 7* •'lets for the-past eight months and The number-M boats In. China ex- L .•1. L -1 Cause—Thin, Watery Blood. L---,.:1.wouId not be without them. I used coeds the number of boats in all the ' HESAY& His 6reaiesit Ambition. them for indigestion and isethln�& and rest of tte world. Most people think of'neuraigta as a "J'Ohnnie," said the teacher, "what my baby is cutting his teeth without There Is coal enough In the province pain In the head or face,but neuralgia is, Your greatest ambition?" any trouble whatever. I can highly of Shansi,, in north Chins, to supply Feels It His Duty To Tell may-effec recommend the Tablets t6 piker moth- the or years, and vas t any nerve in the body. Dif Johnnie considered briefly.. a ere." What Mrs. Beesley says thous- Iron deposits close by. Others How It Has world•f 2 600 fereni name's aie given to It when it "I think," he said, "it is to wash affects certain nerves. Thus neuralgia mother's ears." ands of other mothers say. The Tab- The Yang-tsq-Kiang River pouri, of the sciatic nerve is called sciatica, -Helped.Hirm are i. mild but thorough laxative when high, a million and a hialf tons but the character of the pain and the Couldn't Face Her., "74anlac has been. of such benefit to ..which,regulate the bowels and sweeter of water a minute into the Yellow Sea. nature of the disease are the same, me that I feel it my duty to make the the stomach, thus driving out cousti- The grelt cause of the famines east The pain in neuralgia is caused by Doctor—"Tell your wife not to wor-, facts known to everybody," said Her- and making of Pekin and north of the 4161-ta of the starved 'nerves. The blood which'car- p4don. and. indigestion ry about her deafness, as it Is.m ely bert H. K"pton, well-known drug. teething easy. They are sold by medt- 'Yellow River Is a westerly gale that ries nourishment to the nerves has an of ad ancing yews." a v tine 'dealers or by mail at 25 cents a may blow.night.and day.for four whole clerk. 15.Ebwrirfh Ave,, London, Ont. become thia-and impure and to longer Mr. Meekmau — "Er — would,you "As the result of an accident about box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine months without ceasing, the mind telling her Yourself, doctor?" does so, aid the pain you feel Is 0 three years, ago I was laid up for A Coo., Brockville, Out. The fertility of China Is due to the cry of the nerves for their natural seven weeks and got,Into a very run. Emerson SaiCl -Plain - from Pekin Yang-tae- algla with hot applications, but real Office Boy---"The editor says he's upset that I had to 96 on a special diet 9 loess constituting.the soil is. the Great food. You*may ease'the pains of neur- His Exact Words. down condition.' My. stomach was so Ralph Waldo to the Yang, 'Whenever you - sincerely pleased, Kiang basin. This loess is a yellow relief from the trouble comes by en. much obliged to you.for allowing him because of indigestion-and was also' .1oft are nourished. soil. Loess has self-sufficiency of fer- riching and purifying the blood. For to see your 'drawings, but much re- troubled with constipation. I li—ad-- so' All healthy things` are"s-weet-temt, tiliti'beywid 'any 'other known soil. 'this purpose,Dr,--Williams' Pink Pills grate he is unable to use them." much neuralgic pain,In, my shoulder, Pered.' The loess elm be, powdered In the are strongly recommended. These Artist (eagerly)........"Did he say that?" that I could get no rest at night with. ..,, hands, but Is firm enough for entire pills make new, rich blood and thus Pflice Boy (truthfully)-11W611, not out taking sedatives to induce sleep. Genius works in sport. The best part of health is a fine dis. communities to carve out apartments act as,a most effective nerve tonic. If exactly. � He said, 'Take 'em away, - "I must confess' that I did not think position—it Is' more essential than in which they live comfortably. 'ClIfts you_ are suffering from' this most 'Ptinv1d; they make me 111.1 Tanlac could help me, but a friend k talent,even In works of talent. ot-loess occur. dreaded of troubles, or any form of mine was. so benefited by it that I It is fine souls that serve us, not A single mile of loess soil In Shan- nerve trouble, give these pills a fair No Nerd for Thanks. gare it a trial,- I-was both surprised st what we call fine society. tong province wil support 2,072 people, trial,:and note the ease and, comfort - Henry 'aaa always been kept up to and gratified by the result. Mankind divides Itself into two 256 d�mk4�ys, 256 cattle-and 512 pigs— that follows their use. the scratch In the matter of grace at ."It quickly gave me an excelleat.Ap- classes—benef actors and malefactors an average of,twelve Individuals, one' You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills petite and so improved-meals, and no exception was made qC my digestion -The-second Is vast, the first a.hpmdful donkey, one cow and two PISS all 011 fromi any medicine dealer, or by mail that I.could eat whatever I pleased when he was taken W a ireitaurint,for The frost that kills the harvi4t of ; a'single farm of two arid a half acres. at 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 tea or afternoon. without•suffering any bad after ef- w year saves.th.e harvest.of a century,by from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Aft, P er they had been served, Henry's eets and It also relleirb(I'my coubtipa destroying the weevil arthe locust. Brockville, Ont. ion. mother.said: ,Now as, grace, Henry.". Y We acquire strength from the Nices Boots made of a special patent ."I haven't an 'ache or a pain in my Henry looked up In surprise. -.we overcome. instal;extremely light and cheap,with Laughter. "But,"' he objected, "'we're paying body now and ever since ir finished the P all parts replaceable, have been de- far this,.aren't we?" third bottle of Tanlae I have enjoyed 7.tAtnard's"Llniment I:umberman's Friend signed by.RIUrsiUke�workmaa. Nothing there is more varied or apart -a.plendid health. I've been pmi3ft- Than diff'rent- people's laughter; and recommending It ever since." some young girl's �Hli Contribution. Taulac Is sold by leading druggists That like a rippling silver streamlet A clergyman was making the rounds everywhere. As 2 Adv. nam and lReir Oriffm* ' lof a certain industrial-town on behalf sup--Ufa purls A bypocrtee'B that make writhe of a deserving char.ity, when he an a one w Ask for Minardle and_take.noother. countered an over thrifty merchant, and start, 015HAUGHNESSY now bpelled' kJuerei; In County Gill- . ... way. So plainly It reveals a crooked heart., upon whom all the. -clergyman's elo- "Ve I may,I want it said of Variations--O'Shaghhasay,.O'Sh&Uneg- -t. * quence 'was wasted.at firs A lover's, breaking an a whispered * b' "I believe this is a deserving'chart- =• m y those who knew me best that I word; CULLEN :''-.. - I . . -1 . and planted -4r[sh. Young wffe`Al,lYi1c as a 'mating Y," admitted -the merchant. "It de- flow Racial origin t always plucked a thistle 'Source--A given name. Varlitliins--OCul ton, Cullin, OCullin.- bird;- serves to-succeed, but I can't afford to er where I thought a flower would.. grow-'—Abraham Lincoln. Racial Origin—Irish. An actor's, subtle with consummate give anything.- Howa*j?j, you riafd'my Like virtually all of the Irish family 8curce--A given name. good will." 'namee. the first use of this name.as art, Pensions are being paid to thr," s a clan. OClillful, Is the Gaelic form of the "Thank you. sir!" said.the clergy. to designate half rniI66n men, women and surname was Lame is Clan name from which the Anglicized The bubbI man. "If that Wall yos feel you are and a- The Gaelic forr# of the 13 Ing mirth of some,gay tem- children by the British Ministry c� family names of Cullen. O'Cullen 041- able to give, just Olga your name here, "VSeachnasaigh." an red chil4 pored Pensions. a' this proper-r pr6n eloped. That finds the world const-m- eted for A O:Cullin have been dev and write 'good will' after it, and then And what I The founder of the clan, a chieftain the townspeople will know what your •tion'of this? -Well. it's difficult-for an, b, the.name-of."Cullin," was a great- his play:, gift IS." Eniglisli-speaking tongue to get It lkb- y The nervous-figgle of a spinster. 111randabil of "Core," a contemporary gray The-paper was. signed, but the mer• solutely, but 01shaw-nesch," with the of St. Patrick. Hence it will be seen accen-t on the 'lihawl' and the ' With wondering how others Love be-' chant put something more'than "good ���HING BURNING final- that this tarn" or-clan name Is of will"-against his name. --jyllable a rather vague one, somewhat gu!led.' between the sound of"soh" and 'Bay." bulk:off family names of England' saddeat. covering a mother's' great antiquity, much older than the And 7, From the -same flower the bee-ex. or ar, 7.0"lic -Scotia fears. tracts honey,and the wasp An 'Is" before an in -Scotland and the Continent., The little "mile that Is ties'. asp gall. ECZEMA DI FICE takes the sound of "sh." Indeed, the ancient Irish records, teaTs• r kin to The. -"O'Seachnasaigh" became give this chieftain "Core" the credit Wn i1g,9A .Clan aboig the year 1100A.D., becom- of being the ancestor of the Scottish IUD= MONEY ORDERS.' as the follow. Ing known by that name Stewart clan, and hence of the stew- Um Ee-2" era of a chiettatz.i of the O'Connor line art line of English monarchs. A Dbminlon Express -Money-Order for five dollars costa three cents. At the Yarmouth YXT.A. Bois' siamed -Seachnasacb." According to the fragmentary Matt The O'Connors of Irelabd held a po•' tortes this !'Core" fled to Scotland in - ----------- Camp, held at.Tusket Falls lin.August, czem started ca. toy Ihm meat beire -L It -an ct-t I= A, Have You Two Friends blisters=d the itching sittoi Iii the ancient history ot that his youi where he married' daugh. I found Minard's Liniment arotizid my tht. ca and burnina were vc:y Land not dissim of his Some fifteen. or more years ago.. for colic and toothache.' d1zaCre blo. EL-cp vv--z Ilar'to that of the Clan 'ter of the Pletish king. One Ocial for sunburn. an Immeitate-rellef- -AplIn In Scotland. So many of Its di- sons, "Main-14ambna," remained in 'when 'a kid at college, I heard -a very -visions became,1!411-dedgiid crane them that country and founded th'e line of Alfred Stake,*, an of tl-e-quc=-.!cna=d poor speaker make what I'considercd L-= %vad selves. TbuC General Seely. vv as.many of,the Scottish the "Mgr Mbair Leambna," the "mor• a very, very poor remark that I have clans trace back to the Clan Alpin,-so moors"i or the "Great Stewards" of so I VVC.0 a VC:t never forgotten.- Said this dub of a In Ireland theta wete"many-'closely as- Lenox. Core returned to.IreIaird, but speaker: *•It yout-treach the age of forty 5e di, rent•rc=edico but ociated with the O'Connors, InclWiting was never cenverteid to Christianity, and-have as many as three friends on n-cibing-would.doarycCol. IFrQ- ;__z �e O'Dowds, the O'Colmans, the. though he wa:a appointed to a commit. whom you can really bank;yon will b =-ed a ml=of and a O'Cahills, the O'Rowans, the O'Scan- tee of scholars including the High e A NTrJ.�--VOUNG LAOJF�S OF box of C=i=ra 0h.tr=--vrhiChcc= a lucky men." YV Iona, and Irish Forbes, not to Monarch, the saint himself and a-num- cood education to train as nurses. tim" '(Sisntd): VAlm Curie Three! Why, suffering cats! There pply Wellandra. Hospital. at. Ca heeled .4 of ber of bishops, to codify and classify ere char- FL FrIzbie,. Gray, Dzy blills, b1c.. confounded with the Scottish clap was Harry'- Bill, Jack,' Cha Ines. Ont. that name. The stronghold of the the historical'reedid rile, Tom, Try to prev--nt--ftuiber trouble b7, a of the "High George ;�d. doze*ns of others ere we usIngCutl=-a for all toilet purpowal ..O'Shaughnessys was "Cineol Aadha,'l- Kingdom of Ireland,. America's Pico~ Doe P4=060 1hought of in a ilash, without even en- Book an tering the rearm of the uttermost sex. ontributor of this space. 000 DISEASES Well, the c. fi tiller has not yet reached the pre- and How to Feed Mailed Free to any A& f! scribed two-scoY6-7ears, -but he Is dress by the Aum". about ready to say that he'll haidbta 31. OU y 010V42 co'.Ift 113 West arse noises stqp piCetty, lively or--he'll New York. U.S.A. -e LL�v Awo sbort�of tbe'-klIoted-tbreia-m]h- rst, on' -A 'etlz ,e- be at ���E WAS PP forty rolls around. And he is not sure that he is fair in making this state MISERY TO HER 4 ment, for the one het-can bank an is COARSE SALT NCE the cspness &nd charm OS i not a man. - LAND SALT Says this Woman Until Re- Grape-Nuts have bleen tested by the Take an ' inventory of your real friends. Not these who call you by am'* -6fie item'th.at starlds-prom. y vuL first, "me -as4-fuss—over you �--'-TORONTO SALT WORKS - - family, there's Bulk culots lieved by Lydia-E.Hinich - Vegetable Compound, -7. 2 rig IL- thereafter. ineptly but in the M' arketi, st' when you,do them favors," their C6 Cupp TORONTO ...... bills, or give them business, or contri. 9 Owen Sound, Ont.—I'l sizffered f:,r ti -That's- Grape-Nuts. bute to their..Pleasure, but folks who female 'organic troubli ten years wi come up t6the definition of old Theo- neuralgia and indi- phrastus: True friends visit us In Thetw6hty hours of w-nti–nuous bai ASPIRIN gostion, and was king prosperity only-when invited; but in weak and had such 'have produced, from the,natural r-caness bad pains' 1 could adversity they come without invita. so -k A 'N' -hardly walk or slaria of wheat and malted barley, a food C., tion.—New Success.' Bayer" is only -Genume A UP at times. Whien. I • would sweep- would have to go and 7, i4 L Your Tell-Tale Thumb. could from the grains themselves, and wjho§e -is uniquely sweet with -sugar -d-cve1o;. A he"down. I cou The share of a person's hand is an not steep at nigh; his character, C1 ez. wid 4,o, mr-Ea a7 daliel. t index to and would wander a, appeal to ever;' member of. the ,family. What men are so fond'of calling a PP around the house. half the time. I tried'useful" girl—one who is capable In everything utno.th,, --often bas by no -n And Ct -Nuts is sound' -L h 1�19re ou: 3 the domestics good, and the last doe- - pe J 9 means a pretty hand. It Is broad in a gr --ali:h for I ha me he never eat builder li, w r the paelm, RICit*ong heavy fingers I vie to be on my feet again or able to" Warning! It'; criminal to take a -i c:-ea- k, as a c 3:-eal and a thick-set thumb. 'day's work. One, y one of your- 4;45 lebance on any substitute-for nei e books was left at my door and my 4perved vAid m or mill:, On the other-'hand, the girl whose I"Bayer Tablets'of Aspirin," prescribed band said I should try a bottle of- f,�r breakfast 6r I"rich, or mada into a hands are pretty, with delicate taper. 'b physicians for t' Ly ink fingers and narrow palm, 7 P twenty-one years and dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- .,Tudding for dinner. is apt to proved safe by mIllions.l. Unless ! pound. I thank God I did,for it relieve(, be the ou e kind who does not make a suit- ,now well and strong. J 1ree the name."Bayer'!.oA package or 1 Me,and I am able wife for the average YOU49 man. that ):2a marketing list includes In I think there is no remedy like the Vega- han on tablets you are not getting Aspirin The girl with Plump, dimpled I table-Compound for anyonewho has myt u at all. In every Bayer package are Voubles, and have recommended it �,this delic�ous, economical food,. today.- has, a warm and affectionate- d1spogi-idirections for Colds, Readsiche; Neural nlyneighbom You can publish mletter grocers. 'tton, but Is not always capable, gla, Rheumatism,Raracbe, Toothache, I A man's hand m :for the benefit of those I can, reach —Mrs. HENRY A. MITCHELL Handy. tin r may betray him, es- Lumbago and for Pain. tl7671 PeciallY Jf he has a thumb that 18 flat 'boxes of t*elve tablets cost few cents, Ave East; Owen Sound, ont on the -iou have angsymptom Itbout whi ness. palm side. This denotes fickle.!Druggists also sell larger packages. If a oni" for Grape-Nuts" 7heri's a"'Re s The man With a bread hand 1 Made in Canada. Aspirin is the trade yrns would and thick, short lingers Is persistent i mark (registered In Canada), of Bayer Mass,, It and prnetleal, while men with long ' for helpful adyi:e given frei of Manufacture of Mono'acetteacidester.of 2=11ZLIV. fihgers are declared to be unreliable. Sallcylicachl. 183UL No. 3621. A J j. 41 Mi lo PIRT P117711T 5 Etc N W1, P I RM .1. io ff4)a6*ftI be Ili i`a ustial 7 T h ' bdid through Illness. next uesdaytoattend to his peo. lonal duties. Miss Irene Rogers I;tts Ron6 to fees .F., �iTr,AM the hospital for treatment. —W. F. *Law motored out to —W. G. and Mrs. Reid were In —S. Collacutt has started to Woodville on Monday afternoon .,.'".-�Toronrto'on Monday. piit • on the roof of his new garage.' and returned home on Tuesday Krs.Fieldiqg, of Brantford, is slang her daughter, Mrs. (Dr. —Born. ob Stiriday, Sept. 4th, morning. to IGarnet and Mrs. Courticer, a —The Misses Law r',etnrn%ed home —Cartwright. son- on Monday, after spending a —Mrs. Brodie, of Toron, spent Ir —Harvey and *rs. Ham, of Far. pleasant iaolid*y with their broth- a few days with her sist* rg. gus, are vi@iting,f riends in Pieker--ore in Toronto. ....... J. S. Jephson, 2.1 Ing. —Russell Bye is off duty these —Haiold.Reazin, of Detroit, is: Faring from an abscess on $ALE.it me leTaft. days Buffering Vieiting his-aunt, Mrs, J. X Rich. :one of his hands. _�_Mls. F. H. Doyle, of Toronto, ardson. 7FRIDAY, SEPT. 10TH—Public sale 'of en a A. E. J. Clark, lot Trog ressive t few days with,her parents, _Da��ight-saving ' was discon-, farm stock aad hioplernents, on the tinued in Toronto at 2 o'clock on farm occuplod by National Part IPeo. M. and Mrs. Palmer. 3, con. 2,- Soarboro(I mile east-of Thursday morning. Sale at 1 o'clock, y —W: H. and MS. Peak and -Highland Ore.6k. : �' ..: :dAughter, Miss Reta, were in Found, on the second conces- Sharp. Termse ash. Seebills. W. "town Monday calling on (fiends. Sion* of Pickering, a b6och of keys. B Powell, auctioneer. of South' Ontario will hold Apply at D, Dawson s, CEerry-L' A number from this locality WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21ST—Auctibn wood. a monster meeting at -:,wl <` purpose attending the sports at sale bf,livestock, implements, hay, —Miss Lizzie Richardson, Miss griin, corn'and some f urniturb, at `.- Green River, to morrow (Satur• :r mile east Annie Cornell and Ww. V. Cornell lot 28, con. 5, Pickering are vi4iting1heinds in the State of. of Whitevali,), the property of Gor- Qi confin. —Mrs.W. J. Monney was Ohio. don McKa Sale at I o'clock. See Z d to her bed for a couple of days -auctioneer. Brooki.in -nturday ' Sept. 24 InstittIte bills. 'FrO -.,:last week, but is again able to be —Don't forget the �'PostilL Weetln at Wbitevale, *on' Wed. SATURDAY, OCT. 1-ST—Auction sale of 9 p around nesday, Sept. 21,t. Phone Mrs. E. horses, cattle. registered Shro shire a —John T. Stephenson has be6n Andrew, or-Mrs. 'Dra.per for par- t 2.00" pe me sheep, pigs, implements and off duty for the past fe%v days ture, at lot 10,rear of con, 1, Picker- ticulars. suffering, from the prevailing i❑g, the propertvof Randall E-alcott, ff 1 8 - disease. -The Girls' Baseball Club are �%, a Town, I,, "A Hall o reserve., Sale at one o'clock. giving a dance in the See bills.-W..B. Powell,auc- -W. A. Find giving Fuller and . sharp, ._,.,t1VO daughters, of Green River, tbis(Friday) evening. - Proceeds tioneer. This ineeting 'w ill open the�ampaigii for the ."I Memorial -a:nd W.J.and Mrs are to be given to the. 1 .Federal-Elections by the.Party of-the people spent Monday with Park Fund. Now Advartiselizents. forthe people. All who are in s, mpathy with Monney. y H. Ham and bride, of Engle- —The drive to raise funds for clean, truly.,responsible.. arid econamic govern- 'hart, spent last week 'here with the -Mernorial Park began this'BRITISH COL17-MBIA SHI.NGLtg the•former's parents,--W. G. and In n e attend.' The (Thursday) morning. The corn- for sale at lowest possible prices by Thomas Trent people are invited to following speakers will address MrF. Ham., mittee have that the'y will Paterson'.Claremont. 35tl Ing inept with splendid success in the' the gathering —The Campbell Flour Mills Co. OR SALE-1-borse power Gasoline are erecting a new porch on their efforts. JL' a�d pump,nearly new,for$30, at IN, MOST residence which is occupied by 31r. Torrance' of Peterboro, .gro,,:sABrougham. .52 R. W. E. BURNABY has been appointed successor to Mr. McLeod. OR SALE—Two . tborouiebbred —W C. and -Mrs. Murkar have J. S. JephsQn. 49 manager cif the TN'orkshire boars.elivible f6r.regist-ra Lion. Ap- Pres. Can. Council of Au'riculture Pickering branch of the Campbell 1 ply to James Rains.Greenwood. .5u-32 returned to their home in Brant- ford, after•spending a short vaca- Flour Mills,and entered upon, his:'VOR.SALE—New Farmers' Friend ROLAND H. PALMER tion in Pickering. duties tbi_� week. X: gang ulk plow,cheai�,. Also sccgRd-hand —M. C. Zimmerman,of Toronto,,Blizzard. I. Theitton.Pickering, 49tf -of the Independent - -Mrs. Farnsworth. of Canuif- Sec�-Treas. ton. and Mrs, Branton,of Turon to. paid a short visit to Pickering PORN FOR S.%,LE—About 5acres.of -of Oimario friends on Wednesda'y afternoon. %_orn by the Mw or. by the acre. .Apply at Labor Party have been vIQitlug their sister He was returning home fro- Brown,R.R. Co.2. Pickering.1EM 11-52 ter, -1w. �. m Col. 1,con.1, Pickering. Phone 1327. A. F. —Mrs. Geo M. Palm' er has' been M. Chapman Mrs. W. A. Banner. umbers, 'where he was attending-' and.the Candidate, F. the funeral 'of his uncle,.the late WHITE LEGHORN HEN8—f have oa the sick list during the past 200one-ye4r-o,d White Leghorn'heris'for -week, but we are glad, to know Wm. Purves. sale io make room for this,year'.4.pullets,at$1.25 that she - is now somewhat ini —The action' entered by Mrs. each, Come soon and take,your choice, E. L. Ruddy,Kingston, Road,Pickering, 52 proved. . Fowler against- Mrs Smith for _'Electors ';Nfcn and. il 'Women �—This' is-vour business ' —J. B. and Mrs. Hrirn and faro assault was dismissed by'Police FOR SALE—Cheap, all.-kinds of tn kinds of farm im- on Magistrate Jephson on Friday - wagons,harness, 'and all and must be your voice. y. of Peterboro, motored here p!cments.in good order. Also several heavy and Sunday and spent the day with evening when it came up for final light scales and a couple of light horse-powers. H.Herman.Claremont.- Phone 201. 17tf Gi've'the Campaign n a rousing start. Mrs. Horn's parents, W. G, and hearing ar. the complainant failed 9 -Mrs. Ham.- to appear at the hour specified by —J. S. and Mrs Jephson and the Court. R RENT—Twobundredaefedal- F�,farm,lot 3.1.con. 1.Pickering. About'73 God Save' the King ! Ift:M family left today (Pridar) for h —Many of Dr. Field's friends acres under c-,ltivation." Fzc6l1enLjia9ture and I plenty of good water. Brick ho uff.bank ham air new home to Streetsvi le fol- have had the pleasure of seeing a silo, riving house. Miss Tait,149 Bedford Rd., lowed by the beat wishes of their sample of the products of hisfine Toronto, 51-1 garden In the form of a mammoth 3211merous friends. ABM FUR SALE—Being part of —James Kennedy has purchased cantaloupe, familiarly known as Flot 19.con, 5,Pickering•consisting of about musk melon, which has a circum. 50 acres.. On the premises are a good frame F ALL SUITS the dyrelling *at the rear' of'the house good barn and 2 good orchards. Suitable A ference of 39t inches and weighs for grain or dairy, For funhe Gordon House from Mrs. John .r particulars apply 28 pounds. It belongs to the Mont to Amos, Brignall R. R. No, 2. Claremont. Phone300. * 32 Hal ght, which is at present occu it real species, which is of the finest p� led by Wm;Martin. . --The brick-work on M. S.Chap quality and has to be grown tinder V OR SALE OR TO RENT-1.04-acre Our new samples of suitings are now' " JL' farm,being lot 21,con,4,Pickering, On the HO , man's new store was held tip for cover. - p,,,,area V%tory brick houae.good hip-root week on.account of tbe contractor . —The annual Harvest' Mu-barn with stonestabiing ttyrderneath. 7u acres - .here at greatly redtieed-pric�es. A are under cultivation and about S acres of good -being in the city, owing to t Services.will be' held in -St. Geer--hardwood bush. First-c as$clay 103M toil arid L he I ook them over, it will good � water. win sell, or d serious illness of his Son.- ge's cbn�ch next Sunday, Septem spring I IC10k. —W. J—and Mrs. Plark and diu her the '18th. at 10.30 a. tn. and tenant for a term ot years. -Henry.Moore. ering, Save 3- ou money. p. uj.. Special tunsic. and the 1.00 ghter, Miss Fanny, were in Ham- IN Rev. C. K. de Pencier, 31. A., Rec. IARXI FOR SALE:--122 acres,'east • 11ton a few days last week attend- lag the funeral—of Mr for of Oshawa. will be the special I halo'of lots 24 and 2,1, f %lark. 9. Clark-9 to there ham iCashei Corners) BaZobwllrnl z0,1,0. and Prices Reduced but Qiiality Raised mothe4-.-Mra. Wtn. AlIhn. preftcber. It is ,hoped that here a n,-,t I er barn 30 x'43; sheep pen. hog pen. hen --,F. M. Chamnan will give the In-ill be the usual litrge attendance house,icehouse,silo,drivint house; alto water- %: in t he stables.:wells.6itern. Brick house of S s of fruit, address at thi;Rally Day Services and gift vegetables, rooma.withcook �house ind wood-*bed,' Good 4 ,in the Methodist churches at Pi flower,4 and grain are aked for orchard and small fruit, good creek runnin Pick through the farm.74 acres of bush, 13 acres 01 Buy a Twentieth Century Suit once and you erinZ at 10.30 R. m. and at Audley the decoration of the.,c-hurch. =re. 140 rods frontage on York County good -are our custom4er for keeps. R,R mail and telephone-convenien, to. at 2.30 p. tn., on Sunday, Se Cam- --�Qiiite a large delegation from school and church, Possession to plow this fall w. her the 25th. .CO Bron- J 1st 192 Apply to l- Pickering Village went and full possession Apr; 2. p AL bert Heisey.Green Riv r.phone 6408.or'to Mrs. .•TailoAncs and Fitti Dd are pasitivel =silo-ailing is now the order of gham on 'Monday afternoon to Ales Tate, Unionvifle.e 52-3 o y the day with the farmers. Corn, complimetat the t3gembers of the 7 —gdAranteed 7". ►Ihl#year. in an exeellE.L vV, LLLV LUNIAV41.ilp cutencil on ineir good Ship Your QW11 Hay warm weather of the stinimer be looks and intelligence and inci• particularly adapted for its dentally to ask them for a grant then phone rapia g row th. to Pickering' Memorial Park. Get oar hay pressed —A dinner, under the auspices :finch persuasive eloquence was or write-as mid we will come out' . .!See* our Arrbw and Forsythe Shirts.' and give you prices delivered on -anteed Perfect and bf the Chamber of Commerce, will indulged in, which, it is hoped, ;,be given to the Hon. F.-C. Hix—aq, will eventually productive of the cars at your station. Guai We can pay highest prices go- Minister of -Highways, and the good results. At the next meet -fast colors. .' - ing. Get into coninjunication with Deputy-Miuis ter, W. A, McLean, ing of council it is expected that • in the Town Hall next. Tuesday the conneil will sea their way clear us by phone, Maiu 885, or write us St., ..evening. to make a Substantial grant for at 23 Scott Fred T.- Bunfing Pickering —A large number from this this deserving object. G. T. HARRINGTON & Co. zeigliborhood attended the Toron- high•class concert will be 12 TORONTO, GN.-T. ]Established 1857. to Exhibition last %v-eek'and help aireu in St. Andrew's church -next swell the attendance that Monday evening,Sept. 10th,by the ]BEAVER • 7 .-:,-,broke all records, the total rmim concert company of the Go&o• her that naaAed through t-e_ n '7' CujiL-Lca,Guip 1,.y Th.�. VULCANIZING WORKS ! BUNDY $ HARDWARE 'being and a r4iiar and Mrs. Dare, of Toronto. A oron _Aer. splendid program will be given, We guarantee our tire repairs to —The first contribution to the conrisdug of selections by a last as long as the tire. 7- be de 'THE `PILOT 'SUPERIOR .:Memorial Park Ftind from a Pick- mezzo-soprano soloist, tenor solo- Your', old tires repaired by us can ering Qld Boy now residing else• ist and two baritone soloist, also where was handed in on Wednes- violin solos and readings, soprauri pended .upon for long trouble-free service.,`day by Geo. W. P. Every, Of and baritone duets and tenor and 'finy of the former -baritone duets. There will also Whitby. M ADAPTABILITY residents of oar village have ex- be something unique by,a whist. 7. j,pressed a desire to contribute to ler and�mpervonator. As a num HIGHLAND CREEK -,Ahis fund• her of the artists are professionals The Pilot Supefior'-Turnace is. Adapted —Wm. PLirvep, of COlumb"F,'a most plea-sinz program may be to the widest variety of 'buildings. It is "'who is well and favorably ELM- DALE MILLS ),'down looked for. This company gave throughout. Pickering and Sear- a concert satisfactorily heatincy from one to eighteen in Dunbarton a few 'borotownships*as well as in''East weeks ago, which inet with the You can always 'eCthe beat Mani- 7, rooms ftn(I-as inane as three stories from its 9 and West Whitby, died on SAt"r- most-ost.-favorable-criticistu. Don't toba Flonr nude from No. 1. -one.register. day aftern000la after several days' fail to hear them., Admission 25 Manitoba Wheat, illness, at the age of 72 years. He cents, children under 12, 15 cents. Royal Household and Glenora for :So building is too old for the Pilot Su- ., ..:had been in good li-eftltli fOk' ,--eVeV- Bread. Tryabng. iior Pi.peless Furnace. Installations �al months following a serious ill- Pastry Flour Fresh Rolled Oats Ee ness in which be w.as coullned in ?he Federal Elections BRAY, SHORTS ave been made in houses constructed of ythe Oshawa Hospital for many IMIX FSEDS roll()'h hewn timbers which, 'have bt6en built A ring ...... weeks, WRS taken very ill after the To the citizens of P4 .:OAT CHOP :`meeting of council on Labor Day. Township for almost a century. The base with which CRUSHED OAT9 it has been installed ..,.Deceased was born in Searboro Having'been honored with the BARLEY CHOP 0 has made it the most� �opular tope of heating system--for old township bi where he taught school. nomination for the Commons by a e 42 years ago he moved to Collim- large number of the citizens of the CRACKED C.ORN buildings. bus where he'tauRht for a time riding over Ft year ago, find as the MIXED-HEN FEED He has been' the efficient clerk of election is now approaching, I in. Caldwell's Cream substitute East Whitby for 41 years and also Manufactured by vile ours symphathetic considers- Calf Meal. ecretar$rof the Maple Leaf Farm- Molass S Meal tion and support of the platform a % -Ltc., 3'Muitial Fire Insurance Coi.sine'' -I ' 'CHOPPING AND OAT The Hall Zryd Foundry 'Co., 8 and the principles which will is inception to 1895.' He was also announce through the local press CRUSHING EVERYDAY espler, Ontario. Sold by active In phurch work. having in a few days. :T, Get prices on feed in ton.lots. -been treasurer and elder of the 10 Sincere!l yours, 13ELL PEtONE.-. Presbyterian Church. Columbug Presb. F. M. CHAPmAN TFe vart he played in the Com- W.� Picke" J. H. Bund Picker�n ,, sl_ munity will be hard to fill. ring, 9ept, 15,1921. Chopping every day. yl- _J