HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1921_05_13 `
ann A,
Established 1828
Scarboro Township Batieb- 11 League
Geo, --:T. :.Baker The 2nd annual field day and sports
evefiing. Eight teams were entered is
Bigger and better than ever.
Medical held an enthusiastic meetiug Frlda�,
Birch Cliff, St.Nicholas'Cburch. Scar will be held at Cedar Grove on July GREENWOO
E. FORSYTH. Opb. D. Director Watch for further particulars.
While the chores were being done
istere emberof:ihe American Optometrical NEW, RECORDS Milliken, Pickering and West Hill. 0 . Monday evening 'A J. Roesor's
e 2804 Plaremont, Ont. house near here was totally destro
at am
.1 Xn 'Where the Flies Go. will be affiliated with the 7. A. B. A. by flre. The family wereall the
Oh llo"sva Lovely �Y-.ar. Huminiag'. intermiediate series. The first games
Assoc'ation Eyes examined by appointment. The Leaaue opens on Saturday and
iO'.N1LI-T,'SON`. M, B.. Member'' barn milking and the blaze was not LLS
!`�ithe College of Physicians and Surg b Down.Texas Way take Me will be Scarboro Village at Birc�J'discovered until the fdrat-househad
of t
ano. Offlce: that formerly occupied Cliff, St. Nicholas at Agincout t. '%111l1t-: become a mass of flames. Not a thing
theUte Dr,R.Brodie.and latterly b�Dr, Call In Old Manilla One Fleeting Hour ken as Unionville,and Pickering it
well. Phone. Claremont.Qnt. Virginil Court Scene Laughing Vamp wtst Hill, was saved. The clothes thev were
working in �tre now the only ones tb0,
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
surt-d foi- the small su6 of sl.()Oo. Biscuits and Paitry have thFtt, fine'
Ity of On tario. Office hours: 12-2 and 6-S p,m.. ;--NEW S The'BuaT Bee Bible Class,
or' at other hours by appointment Phone Bell of C�Ilege Fira-has-dealt hardly with this family sweet, nutty taste when
No.24.V:Ind.phone No,400. Pickering. On- Street Methodist Church,' Toronto, lately. A year.ago the old house on made from
tario. *,� 331v Grieving fox,You Fez�tber Your N@st. will gi_ve their drawn, entitled The an adjoining farm. in which Mr. Ree-
0. McKINNONN, 51.D..L.RX.S., Margie Ob It's a Lovely War on the evening of Friday. May 290th, ashes. ed to
.Sb, member of the College of under' the auspices 'of thi Ladies'Aid
ftysiciansand Surgeons of Ontario.licentiate Nertle in Your Daddv's Arms
of Ro I college of Suraeon;, Eainbur Society. If you enjoy a good hea v Pastry Flour. 'It is ma
rt de by the
ention to defeages 0 women &gnhd' Bonnie Lassie Alabama Moon laugh'do'nur'fail to h�ar this grea�t \TENNIAL CORNERS
Honolulu Eyes ..Why Don't You ? treat. Music will be furni,.- odern system from
Centennial Mothodist Church will the choicest wl�eat grown,
Greenwood Orchestra. Doors open hold fheiT anniversary services on
at 7.30, program at 8 o'clock. 'Admis- The quality Is there and the
Sunday and Monday, May 22nd and
siou 35 cents;.children, under 12 years. 23rd; On Subdity two sermons will price is right.
U.'KENNEDY Barrister. 9 20 cents..
ieitor,Notary Publi' I- Stouffville,'Ontll be Preached, at 2 30 and 7,30 p. m,, by
Ber. Major Price. of Whitevale. At USE BAKERS' J01
E. CHRISTIAN, Barrister an�d Rose Tyndall and Miss M. Foriv b. be conducted by the SeArboro Junc-
Mon whiter and sweeter bread .
.'..:.A*Solicitoir,NotsrT Public.Etc. 0 of Claremont,spent Sunday With Miss tion Choir. and In the evening the
can.001nee Brack Et.Xortb,Wbitbv. 4617 Gladys Middleton. music will_he__ua4er--the direAlon of than any other.
24th of May The Brougham Women's Institute Washington Church Choir, A free-
IFI ALES:&IPJ O11_V_%TJDX_Barris ters Will thold their annual business meet. will offering will be taken at each ser-
Toronto. Phone:Gerrard'4411. Saturdays, AT - Ing at the home of Mrs. E. Holtby on vice. On Monday evening, May 28rd.
'day, 'May 17th. -tainment
-wern 1720. (Ind.) - 401y Tues AIL. ladies ar.e a musical and fiCerary entet
kindlv'�equested to attend. will be given lor tal;nt from Centen-
ILLIANX J. BEATON.*B.'A..Bar- Frenchman s Bay Ev�rybody turn out and see the fir,t nial Metbod!41: Cbilrcb, Toronto. con-
riiter. Solicitor, member of the firm of leagpe football giime to be plavedon c6tingnf solos. quartettes, choruses,
Ryck man.Denison.Foster and Beaton. Toronto the athletic gio -here to-niorrow. readibgi etc.. which promises to be of
Telephone Main gel and 662. THE OANING OF (Saturday). evening between Gres-n sm,exceptional order. Concert begins
River and Brougham. Ad mission 20 a t.8 p. .rn.. sharp. Admission, ndultR
Dental cents, ladIes and children free. 23 eents, children 15 cents, Proceeds
Fairpor' t Sunimer 'Hotel Service
Jobn Little, nged 93. (lied on Wed
xeong anti Univers2ty of Toronto,
er W. Nt. PTinr e'! hardware'.itore. Whitlay.' nesday, May 4th, after a short illness.
aied-by the pt A
Office hours 9 to l,io 6.30--Ind.'phone 6. W.e exvect" ev'er'y person -i I rk the Born.in 'Durnfrieg. Scctland. be carne 31i.ss El.sle Rogers, of Turonto, spent G A- R ,
sell phone 441Y . to C&nada its a young.man and settled Sundiiy with her parents bere.
Township�to be there. near Our early gardeners are eating pep-
Brown'i Corners, For years be crmings to stop the breath of areen e bate 4 full i time -of motor oils and
f3aiiiineso 4tcLvb*. Any.person wholiFts uotbe6n.there was the mainstay of the Emit York- P grease&as,well as mo-tor fUtures.
come hnd see and any person Plownien's -Assoeiation. and his si We are sorry'to bear that 31rs. Mc- Auteus of sill makes and designs repair-,
A .9TEPHENSON.A.T.C.M., who has, come again. sons are,famous for the %tra bt fur- Ni-ely 1%at present in poor health Find
r of pi=q 44d thhor�. Phone 1"3 row." One son. Carld. holds tb,. Av- ed oreshorteet notice and
plP unable to 2'eturn to her home here.
L Clarrmont. 30-10 Bring your f riend8- R10Dg DU Ing championship of the three-prairie at fair prices.
Stop! Look : Listen! Go to the
G. HANI-Issuer of- Marri.8 e provinces. and has beaten all comers Oddfellows'_Hall on Fridaysirening. Agents for Dorainion Tire&
L!c*iisoe in the County of On= h tb�e last three years. Mr. Mti:14 never Mav 131h.and hear *'Cra.nbe'rry Corti-
Pickeeng Village. Fly May It e 24th missed a plowingroatch since he cau'le ers... "Genuine Ford Parts.
V.1NCHARb9ON Real Ea Ob yess. there is a first."class The- Young People's Class nf tbe'
o ly iron plows in existence -were m Oasoline always on hand. Free.Ale
Itate nmrarce,ltonveyancing. Notary osem orted from Scod-ind. The ethodist 8, S. went on a fishing tr;p
Public.Etc bat. lly ^PU to the Rouge IRA wiek-. All repoft a Call and-see-tzar if you. are In need
W "H ALL-Bruse ��arpebter. rows ato, The'-Women's Institute- will bol
, -given for new in connection. so yoxi don't need, work as,,horse-dra-n ones. He took d or tkuck line.
ortimate . work. rcpan or their next meeting on Wedr)esdav,
-alterations 2913. Pickering. 231y -e interest in politics Find was
Ind,p"0 - to brinR anythiog in an activ May 114b,at 3 v. in-, id the Commun-
"SHIP OLE RE that.1i.ne. a Conservatiye. . HI,; son. Capt.Gen.
B.BEATON, TOWN B.. served on the Townsbip0wricil
f1ftli. As this Is tbp annual busi-
Do GOD"Tancer, OmmUlonerfor taking Th6 store will be onen all for'a titne.-and in the last provitic-ial
&fild&4", tint. Eti). Mover to loan t it-is po that each member be,
on farin rt the yeni 1�cr election contested East York, as U. F:
of 'It. ickering, Onto
Come X11. All Wele �hort addre4s. and besides the secre-
Otue Mbomsis.George and Arthur, of Scar.
the Hkil Committee-will report on
kinds of sales conducted on r-easonable terms, Buy your Fumiture frot.h danstbter,Mrs. J. Laui ie, of Scgrboro. their Work.
Also Lrerder of -pure-bred Shorthorn ilanle., TO THE PUBLIC
Write, hare or call, iremant survive..
Ind, phone, Cf.
Having purchased the- husities-11-
is H, B. E A Ll! A great ireat iii; in �-tore for yon if
POSTILL, Licens#d Auctioneer YOU Oin; Saturday,. April 20tb, after a formerly carried on by A.. e-
90 to Motint Zion on P Ree
Fs tar Ocuntlee of'Yori and Ontario. A%e. CLAREMONT FL-iday, May 20th. w �veeks illness front pneumonia, gor. I respecifully soljrit the pjit-,
lion maleii of all kinds.attenutc, to an shortest there p"wA fiom our mid.-t ore of
notice, Address Green River P.0.,Our� J'
Rvdi*ed es. for Jal. ixtid the oldest itnd most respected pioneer- ronage that was exten_dect,'Itihl.b�
Iti the person of Mrs. John Pearce.
. WM. 11AW, . LICENSED A17C. Feb. TN�e pay the f reigh an-d will endeavor to give entire
whof maiden.name was Mary Fisher.
TIONEER.for York.Qntarir)and Durharn anywhere.. Arbor,DArwRs-fittingly celebrated,
All kinds of sales-pr at the school. She-*as in her 842nd year. 'She Was .satisfaction to all.
omptly attended 4 stock and lowei, born in Mon.treal. Qtt�., In 1839 rind
,,arranged at NEWS*O9kv. Bell and IAdcprn-. from there moved to Pickering town.
dent phone*. Whitby,Ort 517 ahip-r-esidinir about two m-fles West of
iir.i Griffin is recovering from woman of good priariple, with a SHINGLES ana
bright and cheerful dUposition and -
f hi neck.
uffll be-grektly missed among her, --,CEMF4NT
Miss HAIeson visited with Brooklyn
.!Government, MuMcipal and C many friends. She was prede-
Or- fripuds over the week-end.
-poration Bonds For $ale. 24 and 27 cit. Crates We are sGrry to hPair of the continu. ceased by her busbknd 27 years.and KVPL vvuel.nudy VIE1.ladad"
and 11 qt. Baskets And Co,�6is "ed illi3ess.of Mrs. John Beare. has since lived- with her sons on the
homestead. She is survived by four'
Phone 193 By all Rppearatkies there Will be a .'TERMS CASH
Anns and two ditighters: Win. and
We advL,;e ordering early as tbere-is a large crop of all kinds of f ruits.
WILLIAM D. DYKES, WHITAY scarcity of,l qta',it the., Mother-s Ditv was obric4vPd.in both John fit tiome, Joseph, Rouge Hill.
Roger, Highland Creek, Mrs. DavW F. Eso
present.time, the Sunday.SchonIs on Sunday last, 'A -R E
Milne. Cberrvwood, and Mrs.Thomas
'A moto. loittl of friends from Roch-
Chapping and OatiRolling every.week ester v6ited with A, 13. and Mrs.Ellit Robbins, Pif-kering. Herfuneral took �XC)C:-=.SrZ 1= :6p=,Zj
Veterinary Surgeon dav except 31onday. son, place on Monday afternoon to.St.
Hono'i'Graduate of OntarI6-V"eteriiiary Frank Boot.1i'lias bought n new Fortl NIn rgaret.'s-Cemetery -and was largely
Oallege. All calls day or night W. G.Batmes, Green.River tractor and is using it to kood,advant- attended by relativis and friend�.
promptly a age these days.
"Bell and-Independent Phones Oraddress R. R. No. 1.Loctist Bill, Do not forget the concert given in. STOUFFVILLE
Picke' 'rmg
the hall on MRy 23rd by the Baptis�t
on Circle. Dominion Day will bp celebrated
versi Ity. spent a few days at the home Inent And cchool contest.
- Automobile Repairing 8i of Geo*. atid Mrs. pugh, A number of men are hard at, work
Cartage so Expre
-. _ -Br6ughaM tourna- D
Miz,�s MRhel Piigh, of MeMacter Uni. here this veAr With-A baseball
rugAmn-vass by a business college man building tile drain-, through "Memor-
The Clievinlet Service Station and All kinds (if Trucking to and from' berelatelybas resultedin hi§gettii3g ial Park"and otherwise improving it,
Garage at Pickering is open for all about fifteen pupils for his school, Dr. Smith, dentist, is attending- A
kinds of repairs and ovei banis. the City or other points. A. E. Major has disposed of, four post graduitte course held at the Royal
;Also, Tonring Car for bire Sbetl4nd ponies to Toronto parties, Colle-ge6f.Dental Surgeons, Toronto, tore
Expert workmRnsbip guaranteed.
night or daT. They trere shipped by motor truck, this week.
Agent for Chevrolet Cars. Goodyear Ind phone 509 Fred MclCav has sold his farm io a Our baseball team is now orgatii7ed
4� Apply 38-8 Torouto He received $9,500 stnd will begin practice this week,
Tires and Willard Batteri�s.
Batteries exchanged. for ace which congins one bun- We exp6et them to hold their own in TRY OUR OPEKO COFFEE1
BROUGHAM HOTEL d an�l party.
-Gerd' 's Gi agd, Pickering On Friday evening last, under the A new reservoir is being built at the and is sure to
Rnspices oi the Women's Institute, hase of our water supply. This mF*es
tb t f d Mr, Bob" was two reservoirs, which will result in please,
Dr. N. Fi. McEwen, B one being always ready in reserve.
N.Sew given in the newly'decorated Odd Fel.
Only 45 cents or poun�.
fellows' Hall by the lociii dramatic The G. T. R, has made an agree-
club, tinder the direction of Will At- ment with the town for a watter sup
Graduitte of University of Toronto. Yonge &Charles Sts,Toronto kinson, of Toronto, The hall was fill- ply in the water tank at the station. NATIONAL, REXALL
Former Veterinarian to.Macdonald ed to capacity and standing room was Thp price stipulated is$800perannum.
I t a promium. There was not It weak Honor was done on Sabbath last in ;'-Products always on hand- -
Agrickiltural College. Quebec. is wELL,KNOWN THROUGHOU'T CAIN;-
-Prompt attention to all clients.. Methodist
character in the whole cast and the the N Church to "the best
ADA FOR HIGH ORADE w0aK. Ac. audience thoroughly enjoyed the two woman tbAt ever lived"-Motber. Stationery, , Candies, Tobaccosiff?"..,
Bell and Ind. Phones, hours duration of the play. Much Rev, Cigars, Cigaretts.
cient training of the participants and A meeting of the Board of Trade We make our own stock and c
writing and general mproyement staging of the play. �jiss M. Ross, of will he held this week for tbp, purpos ditiori powders. They contain
r into action the building of
Whitby, sang a conple of numbers of bringinL
I E I D courses ; much personal attention very sweetly which were much iip- the Hydro-Electric froth Markbarn to pure drugs. No filler,
given to students; graduates reAd.
.Has a full line ot tresh aud cur- p ed ne - that the gorernrnpnt will guarantee
,e a of the evening werein the igb
obtp DrFtMatic the payment of fifty per cent. of the
*d meats constantly on hand. ily dri employment open ill borhood of $125.00, The
I H, ,
Club has received varlous requests to cost.
Spice Poll, Breakfast Bacon year. Write to-day for prospectus, give the comedy skit in other places. No E. McEWEN,
-Sam, Bologna, Weiners, etc
enter any time, -The official rettirug of the re-
Veterinary 'Swgeon
Don't fail to hear the Dramn "The ferendnm vote for S. Ont;�rio ig:
Mghest prices paid for W. J.,Elliott, Principal Co.-Ed." at
Butcher's cattle Mmint Zion on Yes 7 58, No 3223, and 'in Picker-
Friday, May 120th. ing township-Yes 1489, No 421.. �%a 7"3-0WeT1=19 0MA4=0
4 '5 Nx-, K ;,I�
�Ins '
Theries Surface uraiii
T E N T -8
)%AM. S A
7he '' ...Kingid. of. Tbe D.'-.P- IKE Cdo. LA&
*Pain't and Varnish
123 K I ng
More than three-quarters of a
No.8ranch Office Toronto -tion
7 cep
...The `:Blind t6r:�bf'@�cledhtWc #roduc
"rho Right Pabd and VarWM to Pt*d
for a moment in grave silence. Am-- and Vwniehfthe,
brGse leaned back in his chair and .......
frowned heavil
"Through-6ur line;s, through,B
.(Copyrighted)- ASK YOUR DEALER
lognei across the. Channel; through
'SYNOPSIS one of them. When one remem ers Dover Station, out of Charing-Cress,
all the terrible things he must have t
dy Anselman's luncheon-party fault with him." In London, eh?" cw fo
The stary, Written in 1916, begins seen, though, it is very hard to And �rough our. own- men and the best
�,witli La that Scotland Yard �ould do for us. PWA F rooners
air the Ritz Hotel, London. Among the
i They turned into the Square and Thomson's face twitched con;�ulsive'
esta are 'Lord Ramsey, a Cabinet.
paused before Olive's turning. ly. His teeth had come Sir lan' 'Hamilton tells a good otory
ter; Surgeon-Major Thomson,, ,You're coming down with me, a-little snap. tqgether.with little knew that to be well oiled, In
Chief Inspector of Field Hospitals; his Ralph, and' you, too, Geraldine?" she of when he was the only foreigner slang English, means nothing more or
11micee,' Geraldine Conyers; her- bro- - I . -
%% You,needn't play at beir head 'with the Japanese General Staff in the less than to be Intoxicated,,
inviZnyers shook his head regretfully. quarters,,Ambrdse,".he said. a', 1; Japanese
ther, a naval Heutenant, and his C Rusio� War. A geisha, whose MIgslonaries have found the trans.
fiancee Olive Moreton; Captain "I know it seems like a miracle but
"I'm due at the Admiralty at four there's a reason-for that." name in English woufd have been Iation of hymns into barbaric lan.
Grinet, nel�hew of the hostess, 'honre' 7 7
to receive my final instructions," he Miss Sparrow, sang to the company, guagei a Very-ti-clillib task.."do�La.
with a wounded arm. As Thomson said. "I mrst move along at once." "What is it?" Ambrose asked.. . . 0 a
ex ry are "Only a few weeks af te' d he proceeded to compliment her bor On" in the dialect,of the C ng
cd Geraldine leave the hotel the r the war an
. The smile suddenly faded from his began,'. Thomson continued thought- on her skill.
Overtaken by Lieut. Conyers .wa7ing lips., became to them, "Go Blunder On"
He seemed to be listening to fully "two French generals, four or Proud of the little' Japaineie he but It did not interfere In the least
the calling of the news-boys down the five �bllznels, and over twenty Junior knew, he-tr1ed to say to lier In the with the gusto with which the blacks
street. and non-commissioned, officers were florid Eastern style that he would like sang It.
�CHAPTER IIL'(IQontd.)' "I don't know what my instructions court-martialled for espionage. The tb keep
"""You've'got your ship?" Thomson are going to be he continued, drop e 1, have been.on the lookout for her always-with him In a cage ,Physi-cal, and--spiiituaI ldbas a re' sf
Fr ne
Inquired. ping his voice a Ifttle, "but I'm sick thal she might sing to him. He told good'deal mixed up In the case of the-
i r chaps are that sort of thing.' We haTen't. There
"I've got what I wanted," the young of making war the way ou isn't one of these men who are sitting her so—or thought he did—and vhe cannibal Islands, and food and life area,
man answered enthusiastically. I-ve doing it. If I'm lucky. enough to get
i udg'ment upon us to-day, Ambrose went,away quite crestfallen; Interchangeable terms, meaning ex-
got a destroyer, one of the new type. one of these murderous submarines, w 0
would listen io me for a singl� What he had really said' to the igirl actly the same thing. So when the
—forty knots an -hour, a dear little I can promise Du one thing—there'll
moment if I were to take the bull by 'was: "My. good sparrow, I wish you nVasionary set about the task of trins.-
--%.'row ct four-irwh guns, and, my God!,be no the horns'aiid say that the-traitor we woul(i shut.yourself up In a box!"
For a moment or two they neither , lating the hymn which says "Sing
somc thing Ise,.I hope,-thaVII.teach: seek is one of varselves." During the war the following adver- them over agaln to me,' *ondeTful
of them spoke. From out of the win-
those murd:rers a lesson," he added, "You're right," Ambrose murmured, t1sement appeared in the "Times": words of life," he thought the nsr.ttves
shakin his. fist towards the placard. dows of the house before which they "but do you believ e it?"
"I I
Geraldine laid her- harfd up-�)a her were standing came the music of a "Jack F. C.,--If-you are not in khaki sang it witff--ji-articular -appreciation.
"I do,"'Thomson asserted. "It isnt
brother's arm. ------ ----:.-Jpopular waltz. Olive turned a`oy only the fact of the attacks themselves by the 20th I shall cut.you dead.— He learned later that they were really
p with a little shiver.
Ak� "WIen do you join, Ral misca ing, but iVs the knowledge on Ethel 31.11 singing ".Wmiderful words- of stom-
"To-morro* night at Portsmouth," the 0 Tyr side of exactly.how beat to The Berlin correspondent of the ach."
"You think Im brutal.,dear," Con- t
yers went on, as he patted her hand.
he replied. "I'm afraid we shall be , meet that attack. IVs the exact.kno*l- "Cologne dai�tte" was so greatly Another missionary' found that the
NZa- �. Remember I've 'seen 'men killed—
several days before we are 'at work.,that's what makes the difference edge they have as to our dispositions, struck 'by this terrible threat coming cloalug hymn: "Lord, dismiss us with
our most secret and sudden change a:& from an English maiden,that he tole, Thy ble-sisIng",was an
It's the 'Seoruion' they're giving me,
Gerald- ery ship, as i%ey e've suffered enough, Am- graphed it to hls'pap* e�r as an example with a little chirping voice, whereas
—or t9e myst Olive. Yes, I am differeW We'are factico* ng very charlly,
call it in the navy." all different, we who've tackled the brose,*in this country--from-civil spies .-Of the -brutal method of English re. any other hymn they "hg w
id. job. Thomson's different. Your young ith might
Why?" she sake —the Government is to blame for
His rather boyish face curi,3usly.man at luncheon, Geraldine�whatls that. But there are plenty of crulting. But he managed to trans- and main. He found presently that his
his name?—Granet—he's different. "le late it into:. If you.are not�in khaki translation meant'to them,"Lord, kick
like his sister's, was suddenly trans- who go blustering abotit dec aring
iThere's something big and serious that tw -of by.the 20th I�shall back you to death!" as out sof tly, so
formed. 0 our Cabinei, Ministers
"Ilec side us, and the brute is
ause we ve got d' rod in piLkle,grown up in. ht to be hung, who'd turn round That Is the result of tr�lng to trans- Once the great Sir Walter Scott
looking out. It has to' be- 'rit
come :Uns give you,the lie If you hinted for late the peculiar idiom of one lan- made a wilt a d ve witty
L 'for those cursed pirates..... ul n ry mis
"Conyers!" Thomson interrupted. in later, OUve. Tell the mater I shall a moment that the same sort of thing guate intd anotlier. and It IS not the tra=lation of a Latin sentence or,
The young man paused in his sen- be home -to dinner, Geraldine. The n a far worse degree was goiAg on only instance. There Is the old 9ftiry zfi-o—tto which appeared over the gate.'
tence. Thomson was lookine towards governor'o-waitin dowm at the Ad- amongst men who 'at.0 wearing the of the'-Frenchman *h4i-isld he had "a way of,an old baronial ma
him,with a slight frown upon his fore- miralt$1 for in#. tood-bye, girls!" K. 'a uniform." usion which
."bead. He waved his hand and strode down I cow In his boy," when he meant a had been taken over by the Edinburgh
I.Ts uglyi" Ambrose muttered,-
"Don't think Im a fearful old wo. towards thi earner of the. Square.-.(,=tied urly'!" thoughtfully. "Every cough on hU chest. Law Society as their 'headquarters.
P,; inair," he said. "I know w"re-all Both girls watched him for few mo- secret connected with our present and 'During the war a well-known Freneh The motto carved In stone was,"OLIM
rather fed up with these tales of ments. His should47% wen as square future plans . practically passes!gweral, who was trying to pay a well- AIARTE. NUNC ARTE," which means.
spies and that sort.of thing, but do as ever but something had ne from through my hands, yet no one watches i deserved' compliment to the British "Once by war, now by skill,"
'miss of his-gait.-gere was me. -.Whisper &'word at the War Of7 Army, made'Jiist as'bad a bluiideir. H6' Wbeii George IV. visited the City SIZ
you think Ws wise to even ,rn your the sprinT
P, lips about a certain matter. nothing eft of the sailor's jaunt*-fice that perhaps it would be� as well compared the Army L with a vast in&. NYalter acted an showman. The king
"What the dickens do you know swagger. —just for a week, say—to test a few[, chine.
.'about it?" Conyers demanded. "They are aH like that," Geraldine of my reports, and- they'd laugh at He said the prtvates were the observed the motto &�nd fnkulred Its
"Notking," T%omson- assured him whispered, "when they've been face ou with the.-air of superior, being3 wheels, and that the oifficers were the meshing. Sir Walter said: "It mesI
to face with the real think. And we-aning.to the chatter of go who put the wheels In motion as -your Majesty, 'Onte robbers,"'now
hastily, "nothing at-all. I am only a fool. Yet co
Ing by wfiat you said yourself. If are only.wpmen, Olivi." -what Ls-there,impossibl4k about it? 1. long as-they were "well oiled." He thieves.,
re —avarice,
is any device-on the 'Scorpion' may have some secret Nice
�for desl ing with. these infernal craft CHA13017ER IV. perhaps. -Germany would give me the Natural Conclusion.
rd never breathe a word about It,V e of a kingdom-fof all that I could The Rust Record.
1 wire you. I'd put out to sea V am had ap- re liark4tis, who had taken b4s children
ith . Surgeon-Major Thom ptel'l them. Yet because I am an Eng- The greatest waster In the whole
;parently forgotten his appointment to to a country place during the,hall-
X "a] upon my even before Ger lish'officer I am above all ausp16on.
I-view camp bedstes&, for, a few min- Itis world is rust. It costwBritainAlOns days, was proceeding across the fields
aldine here and Vials Moreton." magnificent, Ambrose, but it's
one young man'& cheeks were alit-i utes after'be had left Geraldine an4* damnably foolish!' $160,000,000 yearly! with_Louis, the youngest, when the
her brother, his taxicab set him down The young man watched his chief latter saw a cow for the first time
tle flushed. t'I When the oxygen of most air com- !,
"Perhaps you-'re,right," he adnii -�before a sdmbre-looking ' house ffi for several moments.'' Thomson WAR- bines.with the sensitive surfipe of a "What is ihat"' aske-d the chlid.
tad. "I was a little over-excited. To Adelphi Terrace. He,passed through standinF before the' -x indow, the cold i metal it produces an� oxide. Thi,% Is
ibe open doorway, up two Rights of. "That's a cowi my-son."
t the 'Scorpion' was more, even, spring ight falling full u on h else.
Ce . I & "ind what are those things on her
for. Still,
face,' rust and nothing
than I had dared to h P:w a key of somewhat pecu with. Its nervous lines 9d ngly- AluminiuM in the only metal that head?"
"'Mi 't seem to liar a from his pocket and opened
-before the girls it d cut' immobile features He felt R- will not rust. Gold is generally taken
matter very much. 7% a door in front of him. ,He found t indisposition to spwk, a queer to be a rustiess metal, and it Is true
ere are no spies, himself in a very small hall,from curious And the t,;ro then moved on. Pre-
anyhow, hiding in the trees of 11�rke-
sort of desire to wsiten the chance of that It will not combine with oxygcm sently-th6 cow mood, wherait'Louts
ley Street," he added, glancing about which there was no egress gave bearing moye.
through yet another door, through of koelf—without air. that is. Given 1 was surprised.
-tbem, "A single kink in my brain," Thom--
Thomson held up his finger and,which he-passed and stepped into a son continued, "a secret weakness, the aid, it will rust. .'Which horn did she blow. father?"
1 large but singularly bare-looking perhaps evei a�� of lunacy and I Ornamental steel—that with a pur- he asked.-
istopped a taxicab.
"You won't be ann6yed with me,!apartment,, Three great� safes were
rhight-be quite reason-ably the'r�sster- plisb or liliac color—is the worst rust-
,rf ranged along one aide of the wall, spy of the world. I was in Berlin'six 6r, because the color tinge has. been Minard's Liniment Relieves Colds, etc.
will you!" he said to Conyers. I I
you'd heard half the stories I had piles of newspapers ard maps were weeks ago, Ambrose. There wasn't a produced by part-oxidisation, and the
,h th* .011 strewn all over a long table, and a
It e i we have givenaway quite I who ever knew it. I made no re-
--binacen -*f-theFrv=I' awd
huge Orduanc j)ort, on puroosi!. IDrocess begun art4flitally is_cprn
Belgian frontiers stood upon naturally. SALT
an easel. 10�
"That's all ricAt," the young man The only occupant of the. apartment "Perbitin Llicy kilt!" alld "it; slu- : Dry air will cause rust, but the 0- 0- Anor
interrupted, "oi2y you musnit think' thing Ambr se suggested softly.
. 0
was a man who was sitting before a metal has to be at a hIgh temi�Vratiir6. 1
a moment's I
'War 0 emed to-be considering the een made red-hot '
d r two here before Gerry and.turned his head and rose at Thomson's A poker which b&s b
g j -Fsa�la�t)pewriter in front of.the window-He Thomson se" BWk' Carh*
-I'm a gas ba, ust because I Tfiere w LANE) SALT
Olive and. you,.old fellow,." idea with strange intensity. Then he -w4ir rust when It_cools. Grate-barB do
entrance, a rather short, keen-looking *Oi%OMTO SALT WORXS
"Must. you' go, Hugh?" Geraldine shook his hoad. the same. The flakes that come from.
asked. young man, his'fa;ce slightly itted "I think not," he decided. "When red-hot iron when it is bamm.ev4d .arei . 41. A CLIFF TOItONTO
with smallpox, his moutb hars and
am so -sorry," he replied, "but I firm, his ekes deeo-eet and bright. the histary.of this war is written, Am- but rust.
nitmt. I really have rather an import- ::Anything happened, Ambrose?- brose, with flamboyant phrases and The best preventive of rust Is,fat-oil
alipointment this afternoon." copious rhetoric, there will be unwrit-
"Am appointment!" she grumbled., ly A dispatch, air," was the brief re- ten chapters, more dramatic. having varnish (one-part) mixed with recti-
p fied spirits of turpentine (five parts), . .Merchants
:"You are in London for so short a' "From the War Office?" really more direct effect up,)n the final aniff applied with, a sponge. The high-' PHONE YOUR RUSH ORIYERS
'time and you seem te,be keeping ap- "'No, air, It camie direct."
Issues than even the grea. battles
while. *at steel -polish an mathematical In-!
ir I sha'n't Thomson drew the thi hich have seemed the dominant f3c
Ztments all the
you go unless you tell me what it,* n sheet' 'of w For Anything in:Fancy Goods, Cut
tors. Sit tight here, Ambrcsc, and struments remains absolutely unaf-
about.,. 1p per fromb'� envelope and swept 4L I Glass, Toye, Sm&Hwaxw, Sporting
or wait. 1--may be Foing ovor to 33ou- fected if this solution Is applied.
9 c mae! at the corner of Goods, Wim Goods, Druggists' Sun-
"I have to inspect a new pattern of table. en h .1 logne at iny-heurk-�� Tinware is tendered practically lm-1
camv bedstead," he I I ed Imly. t2 e un ocked one of Thomson pushed on onp side the I mune from the rust fiend if, wbi dries, Hardware' Specialties, etc.,
the safes and drew out from an inner an.new,] to MAIN 6700
�'If I may, I will t4 'ectly I an inner
aieeNo=e dircs drawer a parchment book bound in curtains which concealed the w;kre Is smeared with puii'� lard
ism free and see if you.are at liberty." room, and passed. through. rii a quar- on a Reversed charge.
brown vellum.' He spread out the dis- and baked in a hot Wen.
She shrugged her shoulders but of an hour he reappeired, dressed.
patch and read it carefuUy.. It had �er
gave him a pleasant little nod as he been han4ed in at a town near the in uniform. His tone,-his bearing, his Torcan Fancy Goo& Co.,
4tepped into the,taxi. Belgian frontier about eight hours be- whole manner were changed. He Ltd.
"Sober old stick, Thomson 11 erifore: -ed'with a springier rten, 'he car- Germany is said to. T67RO
h 7a!l, be exporting NT6
brother observed, as they stai�ed off.; r-ed a little cane and he wao,'whiat!;ng
"'I didn't like his pulling me up likei- Fifty thousand camp bk1steads are softly to himself. goods.into England marked "Made in' Major Harry Cameron, Man. Dir., .4
urgently required for neighborhood of Birmingham."
that but I expect he was right." La Guir. PleAse do your best for us "I ani going to one or two laces i�
"I don't see what business it was of I the matter is urgent. Double =at-' the Tottenham Court Road by np-.
his and I think it was rather h' id poiiment." he announcefl, '1�o * a c
Orr tress if possible. London. ui pe t
of him," Olive declared. "As*tbou onto new patterns of camp bedsteads.'
'Gerry or I mattered!" kh For a matter of ten minutes Thom- .........
son was busy with his pencil,and th Yr can tell them, if -they ring op
41A �h8petll moon hasn't e from Whitehall, that I'll report my-1
I. toke Tho very code-book. When he had
.—nille finished, he Send for 2,-S,-and
itudiii--il4ughtmily the- -message--self later in-the-evening�—" - Aook-of�--
yers remarked. ' "You'll liave to wake which b1b had transcribed:— Curiously eiiough, the ot'ner man,-' 10.1b.
him up a bit, Gerry, if you mean to Plans for attack on La Guir com-!too, had changed as though in sym- . 1 � ARftipes., .-fins
get any fun out of lif e." .munkated Attack foiled. 'Believe p thetic deference to his superior of- FREE I
There was just the faintest look of ac eT
Smith in London. fi He had become simply, the
.trouble in Geraldine's face. She re-
he I obedient and.assiduous secretan-.
"Anything important, air?" t
�mained perfectly loyal, however. young man at the typewrit "Very good, air," he said sm�oth`y.
er asked.
"Some of us take life more seriously Thomson nodded but made no im- I'll do my best to finish thpsFe sneci- 4 .7
...than others," she. sighed. "Hugh is mediate reply. He first of all care-.fications before you return.7'
fully dest (To be continued.) re the beat
royed the message which he e Com Gems you said we
had received, And the transcription, you had ever eaten, were miade with
Msed Autos ;tnd watched the fragments 6f"papeT-
to re-
RE-4-AM SELLS T U8XD burn into Ashes. Then he replaced the 1%.lusic is frequently eniployed a tablespwnful and a hall 01 t.;rown
'�Braind Syrup instead of sugar. ,
cari of &H typet; &a mrs told nub- code-book in the safe *hich be care- store lost power of spee
ch a'nd mem-
to dou're 200 Miles, or Issit fully locked, and strolled towards the ory, it having been found by experl-
If :Eou wlsk In dis To be had of all G
of same d I= I minutes rocers
rebx9m. or purolleffiso, window. He stood for severa ment thaA j�ae neurastbenic and para..
or##. order as pu.
Ic- retanded. ilooking out towards the Thames. often' able to %ing. wbilei THE CA*;ADA STXRCR CO., LIMITED, MONT.REAL
lyzed are
RING ipechank of yew oirn thefts "The same thing his. appene
to leeit thgm *Ter, or ask 10 66 1 _k __4___tby cannot-speak.
I - 7`he-said.at Last.
e any car to Mty yepresontlitiv* for agairf at Lar Gwr
--crown- Branu.
tion. V4kr7 haTe stoolk amaIn
"Any clue?"
"N*ne. They say that he is in Lon- Canada's wool crop in 1920 -wa�,l 24
Brea.key's Used Car Idarw Che-Great Sweetener"
don now." I
'M -row* loops. 121,�00,000 pcunds;�w th .1,720,000 head
The two men looked at one anothir of sheep as part of'the live stock. 2
K L V �rr,,
4M F5�
7 Vr
Alterditive, of Accepting Allied Terms or Being Subject-to Invitation'CoMityed by Lloyd George Accepted by Presklent
Harding—Represejitatives of the,Republic-Will Sit on .
Invasion —-Thou
ght That,-Germany.Will. A-i:cept'Plaii
When New Government is Formed. Baud for Regulation of European Alfairs.'..
Washingtoii State's for ace on
N'ovembe'r` despatch from: confere
A despatch from London says:— Ik N-ove I'"'but will' be issued general ......
'The final meeing of, the Supreme only as the Reparations Commission says:—President Harding accepted on policies. ...........•'-Council NZ3 es Gerniany's.capacity to fj?rnisb� Friday the 1 Roland W. Boyden'a Boston lawyer,..
bald- at - 9.45 o'clock decides
nvillation of-the allies to
'Thursday morning at 10 funds for service. will be an unofficial American repre-
membe epute representatives of the United I
AtTe. et,. when the fa , affixed AM the bonds shall be free from d sentative witho*ut a vote in the Re-
-tes to participate in the Supreme-L iobs Coiiirnls�ich, d body c?eated
th-eii signatures to the-ultimatum to all German taxes and ,charges. Ger.; Sta pata
G ssion by the Versailles Treaty to assess th
Germany and the protocol of the re- many must also pay within 25'da Reparations Corami e
rmany days Council, the
Each document was one billion marks gold for the first German indernnit4es,
parations plan. and the Cbnferen6e of"Arnbassadors.
-written in English.and French, Lloyd two quarterly installments of interest Hugh C. Wallace, Am
This resumption' of participation in eric4n Ambas-
sador to France, tually his
:z eG ge signing first and Briand sec- and sinking fund.
cor I the councils of the allies the Pre-vident! and even.
Amid the English text, and M. Jasper, . It fif thought certaid'Germany will i successor, Myron Hetrick, will be an
aims to carry out without entangling
`-the Belgian member, first, Briand.accept the. plan, and the new unofficial American observer without
the United States in purely European
and Lloyd 3GeoTge 'third the ment, as soon as it is constitutional, -affairs. The American representatives .'vote in the Conference of Ambas-
'French text. Iminediately'the-signing will take immediate steps to prevent ' Thomas Adamson sadors, a 'formally constituted body.
will participate in the deliberations,i
-mas over-the-French delegation took the occupation of the Ruhr. Town-Planning Adviser to the..Com- Wbi& works but in detail Policies
but not in the actual decisions of the
Dr. Sthamer declined to ission of Conservation, states that several confuefic6.
�the train for Paris.' �I*cuss the -m adopted or propo-s-ed by the Supreme
Lloyd George then summoned Dr. situation until his Goi6iruiient has last year there were about 100,000 Cdvneil.
:--:Sthazner,,the German Ambassador in acted The correspondent Is informed marriages in Canada, and only about.� They will have. no power• to bind President Harding announced, the
;Landon, by telephone, and at 11-a.m. that �ie Supreme Council has invited -11,000 new houses built. In addition the 'United States to participation in decis-ion of the Administration follow-
: or support 'of any specific course of in6,
formally•handed him both documents. the United,States immediately to send there were immigrants to be hou�s
the Cabinet'meeting at which it
will com-
-.v cloie.;I,a ropr6scritative to the Supr action. The United States discussed and approved: Shortly
Both of the documents follo eme Coun was dil
it itself only by legislation-or treaty 'rs' Conference and- Eggs, fresh, 34 to 35c. Potatoes, per I in afterward Secretary of State Hughes
ly the outlines already cabled from ell, the Ambasa&do
7 1-in dealing with foitign queitio
ultimatum expires the Reparations Commission, but thi.3 bag, car lots, 65 to 70e. rts in made public the invitation rece4ved
-day to day. The ul
'which there is a direct or indirect from the'allied Gov' Ortiments and the
Gocd veal, $7,to $7.50; med., $5.50,
-on,May 12, on.which(late,failing Ger was not�announeed officially. to $6.50. Good sheep, spring lams, American interest.
man compliance, the French will oc- It is reported here that the United $9 each. Hogs, off-'er-weights, selects, favorable reply thsreto-by the United
Cupy the Ruhr and the British navy States has officially, signified. its $13.60; COWS, "..50. george Harvey, American Ambas- States,
-dor to Great.Britain, will represent 'as, conveyed in a,'
-will demonstrate at Germa3L ports. willingness to participate on. .these #a -The invitation- w
The outstanding points of the re- bodies, provided its view of the man- GERMANY STILL the President officially in the Supreme message from Mr. Lloyd George, the
parations demand, which was signed dates is accepted and the-whole.ques- WITHOUT GOVERNMENT Council, which, however, is.an "unoffl!, BrItlab'Prime Minister,- which was
by the Reparations Commission, opened for revision. In
axe: ti�n op cial body posed of the heads of receiivod several days ago.
(1). Bqnds--Series (a), for twelve The British are quite willing to'
billion gold marks, must be delivered follow-this course and the French will No Decision on Reparations
.,by July-1. be glad to get rid of some of theirs, But Acceptance is Probable -NEW PROBLEM IN LONDON ENTERTAINS .
(2) Series (b), thirty-eight billions, but the Jirps are holding out'- It is Berlin, May 8i.—Germany to-day is ..% . . .,-,POLISH FRONTIER JAPANESE PRINCE
must be delivered by November 1. -owever. that
likely,.h they.;�l yield still without a Government and still
(8) Seiies (c).' eighty-two billions, to "persuasion" by their allies. undecided whether to accept or-reject
Elaborate Entertainments to
the-allied demands. After three days Three, Allied Commmioners A
Beane—Can&d!sn, hand-picked, bus., of futile conferences and only four Struggle With Fresh
'Mark Stay of Royal Guest.
primes. $2.40 to days of renzainiln-rg before. the :71
-.grace LoncMn, May—8,El&-borat-e-=tSZ,.-
-ar, 7 to 8c; Califor- further march of allied troops into the tainments" in honor of Crovm- Piinze . ... ..
ma Limes, 10 to 12c. country,.nothing but the utmost con. paxis -of Japan, -who arrived at
— ooner as
May 8.. No a h an Hirohito
Toronto. Maple. products--Syrup,• per IMP• fusion prevails in an political parties, _ Spithead Saturday, and will remain i6
accord been reached among the-aUies
Manitoba$!bit—No. gal., $2.60; per 5 imp. gals., $2.50. Ambassador Mayer who was re- . . England until the" end.of the month,
I Northern,!Maple sugar, Mos., 19 to 22c. called from Paris -so that pr�� In._Lwd*n -the- difficult-matter of
$1-79%; No. 2 Northern, $1.75%; No. Was held to-day% aboard
the -Q,2eerL
Honey-60-30-lb. t1ns, 20 to 21c 1b.; Ebert might tender- him the offer of deakng with Germany' than a new -Elzabeth. All the ships of the British
Northern, $1.88%; -No. A wheat,: 2%-lb.--tins,' 22 to '24c 1b
3 Nor .5- source of difference deveops in Upper
$1.57%.. �,,Ontario the chancellorship, has definitely de- 50
I comb honey, at $7.50 'per section 1-fleet were dressid for th
Silesia. .Of the three allied high coni-
Mamitobs. oats--No. 2 CW, 41%c;';case. clm' ed the task of forming-a cabinet, missioners, appointed to.draw up the with the Japanese flag ate-ha::'Wast-.
No. 3• CW, -37%e; extra No,,I feed, Smoked meats-Hama, med.,.-39 to-Dr. Gustav StTesernann, who is re- head.
87%c; No. I feed, 35%c No.'2 feed,! -to girded as the representative
new frontier according to the risultsi The- battl1ship Katoria,�' oni
40c; heavy. 31 to 32c; cooked,* 50 e of bi-
33%c. 165c; rol!s, 31 to 32c• cottage rolls, 33 " of the March 20 plebiscite, the French industries, has forged to the� fore- the Prince is traveling, %il .enter
Manitoba barley—No. 3 CW, 74%c;.to 34c; -breakfast bacon; 40 to 44c; ground again.but the inability of Par- representative,Gen. Le Rond,supports Portsmouth harbor t m rr m.
No. 4 CW, 69%e; rejected, -56%ct special brand breakfast bacon. 47 to liamentary parties to agree upon a the Polish contention that the whole a- o ow morn-
66%c.; accompanied by her escort, thio
F I 50c; backs, plain. None in, 46 to 47c; -course--Prevents his forming i cabinet. industrial region should fall'into the
of the.abiwe in _*re at Fort'boneless, 48 to 52c. hands of the Poles, while the British and the ' Prince will * be
William. Cured meats—Long clear bacon, 27 Party leaders, completely worn out, escmted ashore by the PrInce of
American corn-71e; -nominal, C.I.:to 28c--, clear -belHes, 26- to 27c. by the -day and night conferences of Commissioner, Col. Perelval, and the Wales to the 6mompanintenz ef a
bay I Italian General, De Marinis, repoit in
Lard—Pare. tiefees, 13% to 14c; the past week are resting to-day. The royal salute from the land and see
Ontirlo oat*—N6...2 white, 41 -.to tube, 14 to 14%cio Pails, 1414 to endless string of meetings and ewfer- favor of limiting the Polish portion to forces.
4Wk• 14%c; prints, 15% 16c. Shortening, encea in the ReichitAg failed to bring A-much smaller and less valuable area. by the.
Visits will :be paid
Ontario wheat—No. 2 Winter, $1.56 tierces, 11% to,7-12c; tube, 12 to 12%c; the le"ere nearer re- The Quai d*Orsay officially professes Crown
-No. 2 Sprinj(, to a decisia Frince to Windsor, Oxford and Cant.
to $1.60, Iker car lot; pails, 12% to 13c; prints, 14 to 14%c. garding what action to take on 'the!the hope that the result of the Council I bridge$1.45 to $1.50; No. 2 Goo" wheat, Iforcn and mil'itary, na and alt Choice heavy steers, $9 to$10-, good allied -ultimatum. There was of A-mbsuadots instructions, to �the,
UM in&], shipAW points, according to,' s ntrong eirtres.
heavy steers, $8 to $9; butchers' cat- sentiment last might for'rejection, but high commissioners to condo 1reight. - & new Great interest t1e, choice, $9 to $10; do, $6 1 !,England in treist is ,being taken In
examination of the boundary line will
Pears---No. 2, $1.30*to-$1.35. cam., to he'vialt for it is the-nrA
to-107; do,, mod, $7 to $8 butchers' the opinion prevails that a deci2ion
Barley—Malting, 65-to 70c, Accord- bulls, choice,-$9' to $10; do, good, $6 accept *will 5e made at the eleventh be the establishment of an accord. . time the Crow A Prince-of lapain, Ka'
London, May S.—The Polish inbur-' a
13i to 'freights outside. to '$7; do, com., $4 to $5; butchers' how. left his own country.
%uckwheat—No. 8, nominal.
RyeNo. 2, $1.35 to $1.40; accord- cows, choice, $7.50 to $8.75; do, good, ---------4 gents in Upper Silesia are fortifying Crown Prhx*-Hirohito, wiil b- the
$6.50 to $710; do, com., $4 to $5; Japan Will Return their positions and organizing bridge,,
fret to outside. -1 guest for the first few days of, the.
feedm, best, $7.75 to 39; do, 900 lb3., Shantung to China �heada along the River Oder front "- King at Buckingtiam Palace, but lateg
Manitoba flour—First stoat $10-1 $7.25 to $8.75; do, 800 115s., $5.75 to cording to a despatch from Warsaw
second patent, $9 50; se;board' will take up his residence in:.Chest.qr•$6,75; do, com $5 to $6- canners and to the London Daily Express, , After
Ontario fibur—".90, bulk seaboard.,!cutters, $2- to*14.50; milker good to Tientsin, May--S.—The correspon- - field House, which has-been plaead-adt
ip , ent fighting and -heavy I
Montreal' thoriti, bug f es losses or! his &qmsial darting Millfeed — Delivered i choice, $75 to 100; do, coin. and med., dent is informed on high 911 both
sides. the insurgents captured a g the visit.
$50 to $60; c nice springer3, $8& to that Japan has decided to return the
freight,-bags 1nclu?-ed:-Bran, per ton, t
-shorts, per tau,. $36; good feed $110; lambs, yearlings, $10 to $11; Prorvinee of Shantung to China immi- strong German.position at Kedziesz
1 our, $2.10 to, $2.40 per bag. on the west bank of the Oder. On Ins CAMPAIGN STARTED
-12 ' do, -spring, $13 to $13.50 do,. new diately and unconditionally. This'-de-
Hay—No. 2, per ton', $21 to $23. 5, in upper •Silesian front the insurgents IN TREE PLANTING
Straw--Oar lots, per ton, $12. crop, each, $10 to $15; caive good cialon is due to a change the
to choice, $11 to $13.50; sheep $6 to 7 are also.using airplanes.
Cheese New, large, 27 to 28c; $9.50; hogs, fed and watered, i1125- Chinese policy.
twins, 28 to 29c; triplets, 29 to 80c; do, weighed off cars-, $11.50; do, f.0-b-11. Nursery Centres to be Opened
old, large,33 to 34c; do,twins.334 to $10.26; do, country points, $10.
This Seasom
;i�i 1u; .1pla, 54% to 85ce Montreal. 7
e ton, A despatch from Tarouto says:—
Butter—Presh dairy', choice, 83 to Oats Can. Wes+L, No. 2, 57c; �io,
$5c,,creamery Prints, fresh; No. 1, No Active efforts alofig' Provincial-for-
3, 53c. Flour, Man. Spring wheat
estry, lines are to.:be carried.on this
44 to 46c; cooking,`28c. ts., firits' $10.50. Rofled oats', bag'
Churvint cream�Sc per lb., but- 90 lbs., $3. Bran, $29.25. Shorts, by the Ontario 'Government
ter fat. depattineirt of'whick,Dr.'..-E. J. Zavks
$31.25. Hay, No. 2, per-ton, car lots,
is the heed. During war years com-
Margariree-27 to 29c. $24-to M.
Eggs--New laid, 33 to 34c; new
Cheese. finest easterns, 23% to 24c.
paratively small advantage 'bad been
laid, in caitons, 36 to 37c. Ontario municipalities of
Butter, choicest efean-tery, 33 to 35c
taken by
t along
Government ezwourageinen
-that line, but
this y is hol*A
year it gaped
q that real progress will be-made.
MOSTIMPUR SIGN OF PEACE Seven million seedlir4p,mostly;pine
and--M�, with—so me
will-be wV mt4n the Forestry D •
partmint's Norfolk county reserva._
3"` tee tom
'Between Sir James Craig and De Valera'is Full tion from which it is, otpec
Of Promise f_or Unhappy Isle, Says Sir Hamar get 50 per cent. yield. Counties and
municipalities w*1 again have
L G. reenwood.
0 brought to their attention legislation
of the last two sessions, by which
Hamar Green- when be recently'
Dublin, May 8.-L�§ir Ham interviewed Mr. De the Government will assist in Putting
Secretary for .Ireland, Valera, Sir Hamar said: waste lknd& It is also
I �11 7V
Ilk I IS) :Z5, use w
wood, Chief 1, 1 .1, /1 1
to good
"Not at all he went with �,is eyes 1 ---contemplated to openAwo new num
spialiing yesterday of the recent ocn-
-ery centre
wide open." 9 in Eastern Ontario.'-Premier'Serene of Sir'James Craig, ti
The Chief Secretary 'p6inted out Simcoe county, with its many miles
designate of Ulster, and Eammon De and emphasized that this was the first
of waste land, is said to be one of
t the=to the
�Valera, tj-.e Irish Repul�ficAn Leader', time .on 'recor4 tha. sections of the Province upon,
--doclared the meeting-was the most tives of Northern_and. Southern-Ire-.- which the department has forestry
designs. Sfmcoe is.,already,among
hopeful sign of peace in_Ireland in land hid consented to 'meet for a
friendly discussion Of the different
i5o years. those countidt which have taken ulp
"It is not only the.-best thing that p6luts of view. lie declared himself,
're the Go!�ernm'Rnt's, forestry proposi•
--iia's happened in modern-Iri�gh his-`extremely optimistic over the outlook FC% -44 elon' .
tory," Sir Hamer said,,I%ut the most,for a settlement.
hopeful thing in 750 years. No 'Eng- When asked if there was any British Miners'
pos- S Vk
or Scotsman sibility of an Irish settlement before
Willing to Arbitrate.
Ireland must the -Parl tar� Sir �p
wants to run Ireland. iamen. elections,
settle.her.problem herself. Hamar said:
A despatch from London sayqf
tne meeting 01 qtr me present isntish Government
.7-emes and Mr. De.Valera is an ex- has one virtue, iti consisbancy, which —The striking coal miners,•it is
sign, acrd-in cqn-11 reported, have intimated to the
Will be followed first, last and all the
-'tremely significant w-i
section wdth it I must praise the time. There is Do question as to the Government their willingness to
Courage of Sir James, who consented Government- going.-on with the elec- accept arbitration on the wages
to accompany strangers, whom`- he tions. The Irish question must questloff-by Sir Arthur Duck-
to be 'enemies--bf--it rnot-6r --fh?-mW -A
ar d -the e u man with a view to unmediate
from my lodge td'the meeting'-place. After the elections the atmosphere settlement of the strike.
lie went'slone and unattended." will be cleared,,and,we shall all be in
Asked.whether Sir James bad been a better position to diw-isi matte=
MARRY A SCRAT"—AS YETI It's a wise child that remembers Its
btindfbldad, as was the correffNndent, than now. ti
rich relations.
?ZIN 7 `17E 7- 7.
7N 7i
yu'kidi ► two
41u ,
H'AVE - 7YOU �TRW. 0,
puiA-.b1:Ad every Friday ictor� Boi�d Inte rest .
g. Oat!fW at its ofte
Loan Coupons"and Interest Cheqiues may
out branches.
fis=ts -1*��per-jr�';' 81.50 if paid ixiadyance. or deposited at any •of SEAVE�?W?A
D V Bond- interest -in our -
4pooft our victory =:MXJ10X0T78
1QHN MURKAR, Proprietor, savings Department and cam interest filereon.. as -
Gallon Tins.(ImperiaIjileatsum) _&00 'r
Quart Bottles,
FICKKAING CO"CIL. -7, ..Plut Bottles, 40. .....
The a,liove council met pursuant to, WEHTBY-BRANCH, Q P. LYN v Manager.
:.adjburntnent ibers*iL11 present the reeve in the BROOKUN BRANCH, %-E. C. CROSS, Manager.
-chair. The minutes of the last meet. We want you to see
;in were read and approve d.
u'tuber.of accounts weie present-
ed for payment and refereed to the Which we'are giving away with One Pound of
respective standing committees.
Befst Quality Tea•at 65c.
-On-tnotion'Geo. Faeley-"d Frank
_Quinlan.were'heard re bonus for wive
This is an A
I Qiiality Tea
fence on bend of con. 3 road. 6pp lots
W ' * -is he
]4-and east side of 18,
The P.,-adiSup-1.repji tel ai to.drair.
an d 2,4. "Buy all Your G -s at the Grocer--'.'
e matters on 7th can road o0p lot; os sD Th6standing committee on Coutin- :-"Red -Cr
lea reported hud recommended-1i�. enc
payment , ou
ent as follows: D R Beatd .-The R ed Cross in Ontario has:
account ofsalary 125.00 : also on acct
.:7 of postage'10.0U`; John Muzkar. ady-t 1. Continued its war Woik 'i�' militar-y
re closing of road allowances and post•
era re read Same, alboRdvt to f,-.t t hospitals.
drags 23 50
; T Gregg. Ralary'as Out-
lector 300.00, also for postage 10.00.
2. Contributed to the,relief of diseaser
rF _-Thestanding committee on Bonuses stricken sufferers and undernourish- TIME TO GET BUSY -.' .'
for Wire Fences. Drainage M*tters ed children in Europe.
Etc.,reported and,'recommended pa
as follows : A Spears, attending 3. Co-operated with the Soldier Settle-.
meet as
of owners under D W Act merit Board in helping soldier set-
re R
E &Cowie and others 3.00 ; U L WaIl Papers in good deg'igns and at
lens in eipergencies due to sickness
Middleton, services as: inspector of
drain's re Lorne Puckrin 300. aloo at- An the family.
- reasonable priceQe
tending meeting re dralBage on con 7
2.50, Z4. Provided funds for three years f6r 3i
committee on Roads ;e in public health nursing Paints". Oils andlVarnish-es-
7 mud Bridges reported and cours ng jn
Liniversity of Tbr6nto. The
ed payment as follows : Sawyer first class of fifty graduates in May.
Massey Co.,I No 4 road grader 219 30 ' Curtain rods and window sliad6s-
The Pedlar Peop'e. 2 culver"llpei 10
Provided eight nurses for child
-,and 12 inches in diameter 8.1.04 ;H E
he demonstrations under the
Turner, poitiag notices re closing road P so--s 11.bars for- I
rovincial Board of Health.
allowances 600; Win Dixon. reoisirs
and a flea for cement mixer 38.73:
UP 6. Distributed to civil hospitals equip-
IL .0 work on ,bridge lot-4 con ), I . . %.. I . .. 'a
a)& for ment and supplies 'left over from
culvert on con 5 aNnd_wArk_on_StJ_,l=4. - -E **- A N. N I
,44 - e-war.
culvert detour 108.00; B Carter ;nd
other*. dr.992219 and work rt-p#alrinx
24.67 Carlton, dragging road*
culverts an fixing washout c-+u 7
and repairing culverts con 5 5.30; C
Disney. rag lu roads. and rep we have a Canada rmd for war; now
culverts con 7=11 75 ; Cho&Fuller, 1st w bwe i(CAMada amanbsd for good heahL
culvert* and washouts eon 4 and
sidelines -00 , H Wood and others. Hardware. StOVU
jr,-f-•4 draffinx roads rep culverts etc. on Unroll in the Red Cross and help create public opinion in favor at
'0"' sound health measures. Enroll with your local Rod Cross Branch or
IF base line and sidelines 43 75:.j psill,.J.
S Committee, or, if there is none In your community. with
titer.dragging roads' and work on cut- ZnroUrn#at
the Ontario Provincial Divinton, 410 SHERBOURNE WrREET, Now I the tunei to get your Field and Garden Seeds. We have a auta
verts div 9 2&10; Charles Todd and others, dragging roads 1780; A R TORONTO. plate line of Clover.'Timothy, Alsike and Alfalfa. All
Williams Machiaery Co. 15 ft suction kinds of Package and Bulk Seeldk for the garden.
-hose 29.00; U Blake, dragging and re. Altorders.will be filled promptly.
pairing roads 8 75 : B WL(aton.d 11an
9- Red, Cross' Society'
ti tools a
.-SiDg.roads.divs I and 2 16 25 ANII hav9an excellent line of garden' --�Hoe . Rake"ai etc.
Carruthere, rep culverts and bridge.
Ontario Division 'wash days. Come and get a washer
also dragging roads 12.08. G W Phil. Don't let yofir i�.ife worry kbouts
lips. dragging roads and repairing
.on Wdays trial. We have the I1X0 washer. guaranteed
culverts 12 50: Win Dixon and others.
ditching. in- Whit*vale 87 25: Silas to give-'satisfaction or no sale.
Tool, road supt.salary for April 47 68
The Old Reliable Sherwin.William: Paints and Vdrnishkks, P&rold
-David,Annie.M yds gravel 4.95; J A . Roofing, ost Wire Fence, Heavy Steel Posts,
White. 88 yda gravel,13 20-, A Thum, . . ug, Fi
dgagaing roads and rep culverts dlr, now o a hand.. . Get our price, 4.
B L 1 16 W; E .Hatfield. gravelling
-_-1;No i W.W.
baR of Royal Purple Calf Meal for only 1.50.
The committee recommends that Smaff Remittance-s 25 pound
t of V"be made for. the esatero it is the
grant One-trial will convince you that 1
towniTine to be met by similar grant AM%&m WHEN you reinit small amounts do y6tuuie the Best on the market.
made by West Whitby.
t� On motion of Mr. Pugh, seconded safest, most economical and most patisfiwtory
by Mr. Middleton. the clerk was in-
medium? It Is always,a pleastrm to Show our goods.
istrutted to write the council of Mark- Bank Money Orden are inexpensive. protect you
ham asking for an immediate settl e-
meat of accounts. otherwise this coup• against lose and relieve you of worry. J . PIMMUNG
le These orders are obtainable at all branches
till will feql compelled to take gal our
action I e collect the amount of the ac- -and sub-branches. ... . . ..
f�4 count of this 'township as tendered to THE
The council now adjourned to meet —STANDARD BANK ttii
r. I I Or CANAD&•again at 10 a. in. on Monday. Us M
said corporation.
for the transaction of general business Tu - -IMAL ASSM OVER NMETY MILLIONS
and at I p w -a a,court at-rev4sion.
Pickering BranA: A.W.Cmwiorth, OF
HORSE REGISTER Whitby Branch: C. A.McClellan.Manage: MONNEY'S' BREAD
KING GAUL. (14945),Vol.= S. S. B.. Made.froni pro-war standard flours. Nothing but No. 1
PWj C. S.,B., the-Imported 01 des-
dale stallion, the property of Tcar
'grade used. Milled and baked in our own town.
-Wilson. . Bronq% will make the
Patrdmize the home indastries.
season of IV21 as follows: Monday.
May 16A. will leave his own stable
land proe4wil-to W.-G.Scott'i'for night.
Tuesday.W.C.Ormarad's Greenwood
--night. Wednesday,J.C. Bryant's con.- Best Fruit Coke 55e lb, '400d FruIt_C^ke 40c lb. Mines' Meat_25c I_bJ_
X noon; H. G. Wilson's, base line, for Mince Pies 25c. All our own make. Beat Ingredients used
night. Thursday. H. Vlale's, Simcoe
Point,aight. Friday. Goo. Oowan". Chocolates in bulk.and boxes
Brock road, night. ,Saturday. te hiii
.:-Wedding Cakes a specialty 7.,
own stable until klowiag'Monday .7
'.8HANNON HANK MACK 16W], the•
superior P, the
pro)ert,May of W. H. Tran, Markham, M -0 N •
wtor br6d Clydesdale stallion,
H R N . IE Y .1,1
willmae the seaso
n of'1921 as follows: l�-Monday 16th, will leave,his own FARMERS ATTENTION Ii��
stable and proceed to Green River for
night. Tuesday, Ben Carter's, con 7,
"Order' votir F
-noon; Geo. 9 Holtby's. ordsm Tractor
• Wedneadn. W. H. Major's, don. 5,
noon ; W. MeDona d's, Brock road. the sprim, rush .
,•,Ulght- Thursday, Charles Palmeri, -7. . I . . ... . • . . Cr, eam. f the "._W. .e_S
LiverpoQl. night. Friday, W.Teefv's - .-Price$755.00 F. O. B., Yunr Farm.
�Cberrywnod. noon . Edgar Pilkei's:
,-.ni*bt. Saturday. to his own stable Most Economical
.The Best, Cheapest and For' Bread'
Itatil the following Monday morning. Farm Tractor.
_',' .--'rENDZRS WANTED Flour for Pa9try
Monare I
`dersigned up to Friday, May 20tb 64 Flour
Tenders will be received by the tin- New .1921 Model Touring Cars in
for Brav, Shorts and Fe
the privilege of conducting a refresh. immedia' te ♦
1meht'b6oth'on the-athletic grounds.at-
n' ie'ricau-'00
Claremont on Friday•-Tune :3rd, 1921. Aelivery. -aTsd whole
The highest or a
not neces- A Dorn-ground, cracked
any tender
Price, without starter, $723
4arily accepted. 5 hens are not producing eggi in paying quantities, try our
EDr.-GLEESON, Cla-e� Price, with starter,,rter,. 2 Mash-and Scratch Feed.
I mont. celebrated Laying Mas
These prices include Licenses. -xis WheakBarley,
7, all Wheat, Marqt
Highest price paid for F
British Motors I kwheo, Rye and,Oats.
That is the name of the Gm. Oat Crushing Wedneqflays acid Sa6rdays.
-My tank is now installed at,d
t your service.
Anth-orized Ford Sales. un(l service The The Campbell Flour Mills Coy LAW. .
Corrio ,-nd got }emir tank f1l;-od with
good gas and l6ok plei"ant Stat lon. deli phozio 29
Your ear put In shape to give the -Mills at
-Fin-At poQiaihle mileage hp
C ?,,I-d, 0 a 7 uro, Pickering
.yw I
ire, ain s, W' s
o 18 and M
0,a BOB.
t , y f -th We st"
. Tr Cr 6' am ,►o
SPrf0g* block 49 now in.
Ton1my Hawtaond' is Master
xt Bread. Nothing'like it.-
rtlag a new wheel. A full line cf Frost Fence. Get y For-your pe
'Z. . I while the stock is complete.
Mr.Noel-Turney, of'W.es a is
.:the guest of Mrs. Joshua Bundt,
Motor Oil L�5 per'gal. Stock of Groceries
Mrs. David A.Pugh has returned Coul Oil 29c and 32c per gal.
Gasbline 40c per gal. iir� -Alwwys on hand at,fair p
rom &,visit with Toronto friends.' •N. Y. Poacher, of Toronto, was Our Paints are the best and the Mighest prices paid for Butter and,Eg
the gu&t of J. H. and Mrs. Beal. ptice-is reasunable. gs. Of all materials and design
kept in stock. It will pa you
on Tuesdkv. 1"11 at our works I car sio*
Ernest Chamberlain', of Agin- rha ' nkleled
Frank'Cooper, Claremc�t std ins
Mrs. McMaster, lBrottQ M obtain prices Don't
court' spent with:F. and agents we do not employ t
, spe hem,oonsequenij.
Mrs. Ward. The Municipal Corporation. ly we can, and do throw off the agens
Mrs.T.MeCtIllum returned home
F T oon2mianion of 10 per coal.I which on,.n '
70 ELE SUMMER '.FOOTWEAR oertainly save by parohasing front =4
on Saturday alter visitipg friends
in Chatham, call solicited.
- f i
Mrs. Williamson, of �Peterborb, ship o Pickerng
Weha' v*6 a`com`p1ete' 'line of Summer Footwear' for' J.
is spending a few days'with J. nad . :,_. . . I �I _. • . . • .. .
eby given that Office and Works, Whit*,Ontario
,,Mrs. Readman. PUBLIC NOTIC8is liet the. whole family.
Wellington Pearson,of Toiutito, the 0oti ucii of the Municipal-Uurpora.
Outing Shoes and Canvas Boots
-i;..•spent a day-last week at the home tion of the Township of Pickering wi-11, "z
o rents here. At a m-eeting. to he field 'on Monday, at lowest priceE. PICKERI
f his pa NG 0
-30ch (1,ty of 31A y. 1921 at. the ItO'Lir
Oscar Rtimohri who-has been'-of 10 iu the fUrenCoij. at. the The Corner Shoe Store.
Tialting-his uncle, S. Rumohr, has Tovvn 1:11,11 in the Villaze of BE-ou- LUMBER YARD.
returned to Toronto. Khaw, in the rai4 ioyvn.sfiip, consider
W. M., Palmer, Claremont
Mrs S. F. Robins was called to•: a By-law ior closing. stopping tip sell-
kingston owing to the illness
9 of.. ing and e.-jn% ing the portions of car-
her sister, Miss Ethel Sloan. tain original allbvvaiiceq' "for"roads We live a large and well assorted
Mrs, A. D: Peters has returned which are,described as f6llows, that is stock of the following material
to say
home after spending three months Hatched B. C. Fir Flooring'. V
-W (1). The portion of�the original al-
Ith her sinter in Belmont, Man, Hatched B. C. Fir Sheeting, sad
Mt. and Mrs. Comba, of Toron. In';A 13"for road bitween the second 'CREAM. *&*" "VE ST Matched B. C. Hemlock flooring.a d rhird ranues Gf the broken front
Fir ei inf
.,to, motored out- the first of the - n of the said Township which j inch V Matched Fi C *1* 6 4 In.
week to visit M r. and Mrs. Mack' I
and 6 in. B. C. Cedar tig.- _4
Y- lies c�pp,-)bite lots numb. pra 32 and 33.
Bryson Park, of Toronto, and (2).--The poetiob of the original at. Also, Beaver Board,Plaster Board
formerly of Claremont, died very lowance f,)r road between lots nom• OUR and Apple Barrels.
'sviddenly on Wednesday last from here 32-and V.in the second range of f
Apoplexy. the broken front concession of the said
Mig.'Rfsebroug�,' who has been Tow bsb!p which lies to the South of W. D. Gordon-& 8021-
the cer,!re line- of the River
about two months in Toronto with Rouge, i
her brother, who Is'seriou:91)r 'ill, saffcewre-line of,river being in the The family Cats
-hAs returned home. year 19)feet South of-the South-
Mr. and Mrs. Hfill Tyndall, of erly limit of the aforesaid original zqore bread since- Bell and-IndepeadetiC-p-holm
allew o,ce for road between the second
Greenwood.and Mr. and Mrs. H. Mother started us--
and thir �ranges of the broken front
of Altona, spent 8 o3ticeimion. .7, an Cream' of the Big
with L and Mrs. Hill.
(3). Tho portion of the original &I- ,West Flour. - It _valuosinFleet Foot for men
Thos. Sanderson would UP to lowan ip tir 'road bietween Iota num-
women and children. Pumps
know who borrowed' the whiffle here 31) And 31 in the fourth concession maim loaves of ex-
trees.and clevie of his plough. His of the said township which lies to this and Oxfords, Including
traordklary--whitt- .strap styles for summer wear.
Dee-da-the the
Creek. Colors white, tan blue.
The B.X. P, tr. f-Uxbridce, -ness and Prices so low so yon expect.
will his the guests of,the local Un- (4). The portion of the original at-
lowanote foe read between lots cum.; wimas q4
ton in a, social evening with a pro-,_ X4016 Leaf Men's Sunday boo
be &nd.aid the Fourth coneies- Limited IN, chocolau
gramme by the Visitors Monday el rs 34 goodyear welt, fo cloar as a.
01rentaff nexL on-of the sald Township wbIcb lies
to the South of a point 80 rods South areSa. edlfia Football boots, steel tam tan and
James and Mrs. Hart6p and from the Northern limit of tbesald
daughter, white at$6.50 per pair. Only
MIS11 VAIdee, of Port original allowance for road.
Perry. Spent Sund^y wit)} T. and A small quantityle&
(5) The portion of the original al-
Mrs. Paterson. Wta- Coultis also lowance for road between lots nurn- 0all on
'accompanied them. bees 32 and 83 in the fifth concession
1. IriallffiAld, C1
Lost, on Tuesday forenoon, M y of the said townqhip which ties North
a =mod
-10th, between Wm. H4pkins' and 6f a Point 15 chain' South from the
Balsam store, a blood:pressure Northern limit of the said original&I.
Ind. Phone..2804
"machine. Finder please leave the
:same with Dr..'Toxiili n son, Clare. - All persons interested or whose'
Mont. land-.4 mac or might he prejudicially
-atlected by the pa-45ing of such propos.
The popular drama, "Mr. Bob," Coal; .-Coal Is -J,
ed By-law are required to attend at
which proyed such a success ill'the veld meetirg when they• will be Yolz con procure Oremin of the West FloLurfrom F. T. Bunting, Pickering.•Whitevide last. Friday evening,i heard in peraou or by coausel or soli-.- N1, S; Chapman. Pickering.: Mrs. R. J. Etade,.West Hill -. Highland Creek
W 9. -'&Its. Sic%tRAer""
ill, itis expected, be given Intritar with reference thereto. upon Supply. Highl,triti Creek : Vr ' Howson. Scarbnro P. 0 Hard and Soft Coal Of the
-1 be so heat d.
Claremontaboutthe2i_th of May.-petitioning t, Brougham-:-Huch- Hrjnto-hi Locust Hill-; '%V. J.- blorri.,li, Highltud be-at quality on
_-Watch on t�for-bill& DA'ted the'22itli day of April. 1091 '.rroek ;1V.- X. Palrnpr. Mrerriont- E. Pa - lopou. DunboZt : JRn3eS
"Richardson, Pick-erinsr; Rodd Mowl,r"my, lyinsRle ; R. D. 1�,herwin,.Bal- hand
"Mothers' Day".was a success 16 Doxkt[) R. BEATON.
the Union Ss bbath School o • s6 saiii D. B. Taylor, Claremont S. H. Tiompsov. Cherrywot:cl.
on Clerk
day last. There was a large at. THOSnQ
. A. LAW,
teudan"ce of both members and
•visitors. The programme was ap. 3EFICUcerl=ff. Q=t.
gropriate and was 'much -enjoyed
y all
The. tj Women' Institute will meet • Concrete,
atthehomeofMm. H. Thomson.
The officers for the ensuing year
w i W6dziesdaj_-afterno6n,' May 18, feet' Tha t-Never Products,
ill be elected. Ever* member is
asked to attend. MI csll�_Pay
l-' •your quarter. Meeting will begin.- .-Field The Touch' t' he` F1o6r
at 3 o'clock.
The first league match will be and Brick
layed to Claremont to-morrow A worn floor spoils the look of your home and
Saturday) eveningThetween Gen impossible to repair, but If you kftp your Tile 3, 4, 6 and 8
'..'7 ' .oral Moton, Oshawa, and Clare- A . painted, feet CIRMWt tDUCh then. Lei
wood. Save the Ine
.Wont. The game will begin at 6.80 i �the pamt wear but save the
o'clock. idmission
26 cents; Surface"d you Save all.
15 cents. R body 'Concret&Bloolm
QrD OU verus.
t and encourage thle
The Dramatic Club of the U I a ' my prio".
Sunday School went to Gre".. SE-NOUR'S Ind. Phone 2705 Inck.
wood on Wednesday evening'
_1"rbea they presented the, popular OJA*416 B;"i#0jUAA
drama, "T'he lAst Loaf.' They
have also been invited. to go to Floor P'Aint- C. N. R. Station, Brook Road
JBtackstoek,on the evening of May we, dries very'hard with a high htstre and will with-
ew to
-cided whether to accept drill it required in
24th, but they have not jet de- Stand a sreat amount of hard V018.
e ljivi- U your floom using SMOILMS FLOOR PAINT. Anyone can apply it. G A R A G E
tation or Rot. I h are hardwood, The result Vill Al eMbS the beauty of your home and
As Wm. Rk 9 qw, accompanied uch labor will=A�for the floors will be very aW to keep Now Is- the time and this is the
by several friends, ' ,Was . coming a Use plaee.to get that car
down the fifth line- of Uxbridge Come in qLnd Ift us give fail If" W overhauled.
t, the car got. be.
on Sunday last, `We have a full ran& of bit Expert mechanic. on all cars, g"
goad control and ran into the The Flow otbw MAR TN-S,.O,,rpm
ditch, where it turned upside finish with a •7rhav Is a MARTIN-SKNOUR Pam, or englum and tractors.
Virnh We will be SW W "Service" is our. motto.
'down. The occupants: were all moneir.:back
thrown out before the car over- guarantee. It Phone 1614 Clare. day or night.
turned and were rather severely ftnk Cooper, Cluement
shaken up, although notserlousij
and wears. It
B. U N 0. y
The top of the car and will na mat am-
the wind-shield were torn off' scratch w P10KERING.
Thebecapants of the car were
and IS sot dw
able to right the machine and pro•
teed on their way. by*&W.
What might h&ve been -a very
-,serious accident occurred on Sat-
-urday IRst on the ninth concession
in'the hollow just east of Beth*el
cemetery- Mr. Porter, of 0slidwo,
motored up for a days �sport
Lad %
trout fishing, and was accompan. e The Universal
led by Ed. Gleeqnn. M. J. Wilkey
The'autohad (,One of our Productions
7 Are sell Stil's Rite-Li for
got into a deep rut, and in getting te Le'as
out of it the cnr ran into the ditch all infliseq of cars-the beat
`before it could be brotigbt tinder in tbe-
e. market for
control: It ran into FL telephone 7
the price.
•Pole whicla was snapped off a short ' Wheels
ve--the-grotvw+w---The-- Tives for all car,;, Emery
8 1W and Empry Mandril,4,
M 9J 1w4, Lad-
u to was badly damaged but,the Circular
occupants All escaped with a few r I low, I
brniqes and scratches its well as n stars, etc.
-•Isevere -Ain 1,in v n p. Woodworking and General
OR SALE—About -W) Ihs. s•inch JIM W.[9. JACKSON. Brnek RoArIl
TOR irnn,a bargain. Ap 1�!to Fred Waad, Pickering, Ont.
0 Pickei
Claremont. Phone 31" 34
'.7�"1t. .'.^ye ._t�+L,u . .� = 915 _ .::r 'h•rK%r.'• -- ..1�' _ __,.4 :] ..» e7.: _ u n �IS&-a,;L7..;^-' .an.^n;.>u,z!S :;au.-0n: •v W;y�y„',s.':1 ry s. 3r Yxt.;n a •v
a ?= •. 3^. ,»"' ` .W�'vs4Jy,,m"—'_ it s.a 1° !.
.-� -� �- .. ._._.. - •. - � .was' ,`�,.� 'a
o S i _
�''ieJJ". •' t -•• .-i,.!,6� �'..v war•'il: . ',••'t"'`•• �
: 1 NDERFUL✓ ■/�
< `*, .BY DR. J. I NW. DLlETON k
{; : A. WITHOUT ' Provinotai ooard of Health. Ontario
VISIBLE WOKS. Or, .6tiddleton will b+ std to answer questions oa public Health ULNA, -
h. 4 +'N a term through this coWnuk Ldd»ss him at the Parliament Qldgs,
Ready to Citn Spring Greens. _.fresh unstretched ring. The stretched
the successful pergormance of ring should have sprung back so as to
piece of work has it more necessary be of exactly the size of the un- Strasburg Cathedral
in Alsace- ire®®e®I '&V Uft II III ' Ls s
A be prepared ahead of time than for stretched one. Another test is to fold PtDes�BtLa Marpe�. A fly may not be a very interesting cows will give less' milk, and the
r�`•r' Y 'When asparagus and spinach the ring and press between thumb and object, but it has a re mar his- horses will Icse*"me of their vitality,
rr:L,:;are in the garden, all ready to can, is finger at-the fold. If the rubber cracks, loos Piece of Mecha�sisin. lacy. Its life story makes entertain- having to fight us off, all the time. -
tlt poor time to hunt up cans and covers. or if the crease remains, the rubber A Ner• York mechanical engineer ing reading, and at the saine time We make it a lot.harder for the horses,
that $t;to.look far rubbers arsti cis= be discarded if it is to be used; has perfected a clock that is corrected given some ides of what harm it can every summer
that these,are no good ones om canning meats or vegetables. It is'daily by a radio wireless-impulse sent do, a'nd`why it should be destroyed. "If You want to.get rid of us,'the
F. lsand, to decide �vhart.canning method economy to throw, away. a dozen ar from Washington for that purpose. 14 Here 1s a story told by the fly itself: only way is to prevent us from haw- 'y
'.t0 employ. Plan for canning ahead of more rubber,rings, as.eompare3 with. i's self-winding. Once'I was only a tiny, white, oval ing any breading places, by keeping
r'tim* aed be ready. throwing away canned food's: Canned gesidee indtcattng time itself, the egg. My mother laid me with'�a hun- all stable refuse screened, or treating
foods represent not only money, but clock will operate and control any
Bred others in stable' dirt. ' After a it thoroughly every little while with
k� What kind of jar is'best? Of the P few days I hatched out' a little white lime to kill our- time, fuels precious huaham energy, ys , eggs.
kinds of glass is .on the i number of secondary clocks. It makes y people will become en-
as well. When the housewife loses; warm. I fob fo a v�eek or two an the. "Some da
market few, if any, can be said to possible,, it is believed, for the first then I changed into lightened can goods, she often loses courage filth where I was, enough so they will c an
4�-b6 not good, though one may be more tfine, the synchron3ziag of timepieces pupa. g P thoroughly y in�e
'desirable than another. Any jar which as well.and will not try again. But if+all over the country by wireless. a brown u a. Several days .later I even- ,thing u thorou hl earl - -
boys and girls, in their clubs,can learn i burst forth a full-grown fly, with two spring, brushing, off every-one of us
dsaBs-perfectly bzay, be succesaf IIy Another, wonderful clock is to be uz wings.how to can perfectly, any woman - gauzy. t3 • that is clinging to' the electric light
r. seen at Waterloo Station; Loudon, "Since then I have travelled about a cord's and scale cords''in the markets
surely ern, With four faces and no visible works,
I =. The type of jar that has a glass - good deal.' My feet have a fine little and groceries and from the walls..
it is conntrolied.by electricity sad apei- ;
,�''reo+vt}r and an adjustable wire spring fuzz on- them; you contact see it with- They will swat us without mercy
or damp to, it in lace, is easily � 131eep. _ _ sled by a self-wound electrical mss out a magnifying t p mag y g glass, but it is just until we -disappear.
+t,. Nothing is more important to the ter clock. splendid " ppotse people would not like to
�.;.sealed and can be easily and thar- S I Iertdid for' catciaing germs � all I su ,
s ou cleansed and sterilized because health of man than sleep. Scientific The late Czar of Russia possessed kinds. The also cling to wins have us leave fl
$ experiment has roved that it is more' a wonderful watch made by a_Polish y y g flyspecks a their candy, _
Q=the hidden place for bacteria � P "You would not think so (I am so cake and. bread;-if they knew the
"j" essential bo life than food. With mechanic, Having beard many tales
maid to 'lodge. Glass covers can small),but I really can harry 6,000,000 specks were our excreta, and also that
be used with perfect safety year after proper precautions a starving animal!c! this. man's inner live genius, the bacteria am my body at once! they might contain disease germs, but
erF° •ear in canning even meats and vege- will recover complete health, but the Czar sent him a parcel con4aining i,
� same anima) if deprived of sleep will� some copper nails, wood clippings, s What kinds of bacteria? Ai'1 kinds, they do-not assn to know it. They _ •
r,--.tables, both of Which require most P but especially typhoid fever and sum- say, 'Oh, it is just a flyspeck!' They•, .,
die--and 'in much less time- than its length.of wire, and two or three 'crib-' mer complaint, which kill do many do not 'seem to care if their, bread
would take to starve kiln. The Chinese; bage pegs; • With this very mixed lot
Sam' people prefer the screw-to+p young'children and adults. You., do and cake is flyspecked. They buy it "
long ago knew that truth; one of their was a command to make them into a n_t 'hear of summer complaint in in the market �
e type of '$r. It may have a cover coo- , P just the same when. .
1 y favorite forms of torthue was to keep timepiece,
winter; I am-not flying around then
F#'°citing of one piece or,two pieces, top , they see us crawling over It'
and rim. The one-piece cover usually a man forcibly awake until he either A Watch Made of Scraps. leaving the germs on tj a baby's battle, "They think wrapped bread looks
9 : went mad'or died. Before long the Czar got his parcel or lighting on its-lips-,•eonsists of metal outside with c olors- Man le are,mistaken in think- g B ps-, or falling into a little•smaller, but by actual weight --
.;.. y people back in the shape of a watch. The the milk, or feasting in the •sugar one baker's leaves were just the same; --
W'v ly fitted glass disk inside at the bop. y �p case was made of chins, and the bowl or crawling over the dish towels anther's had about four mouthfula'
�I.'Tsars cover when new and a perfect 9t irrg that the suffer from lets in-• � ,g
somnia; for '`complete insomnia," ex-�works of the other odds and ends. h.ry n in the kitchen or on the foodi less in the wrapped
�') i!4 good. After having oirce been used gi s pped loaf. So peopla
. tending over any l-ng period, can be i Wei-is Cathedral contains one of the there and in the pantry. continue to buy the unwrapped;P .1# is -not wise to use• it.again with maintained chi b alert and active' t „ y bread.
t r only y most interesting clocks in. the world. I also ca tuberculosis
rl•.+skher vegetables• or meats because i cry germs;I If they had watched us coming from
o samet iiag which might cause spoilage
watchers. Nevertheless, many people, It was made by Peter Lightfoot_ a in fact, I pick up a good many kinds human excreta' and .stable fi!th per-
� lithe food may be concealed under do •suffer from gravely insufficient, monk, to 1320. Models ot, celestial of germs, fez I love to Sit about, heaps they would not be so killing to -
`�f'tyOht areaiad the glass top, within tba sleep' On the other ham}, many pea-, and terrestial bodies •indicate the lighting on filth of,-any kind I can,have us make a door-mat of their food.
� ver' pie .sleep too much, either because' hours of the day, the age of the moon, find. Of course, having hatched out But thry ne
notice, so we swarm -
' metal cover. Therefore, buy new caw-- they dock they need a great deal of� and so on. in it and lived on it the first- art of over the food in lire market and gro=
Rt FpcsJEoi' fihia'type !or masts sad vege- sleep or becaru4e they have inactivel When this clock strikes two com my life, you could not expect me ,to'caries and:)Save access to .nosy a
°` 1�brains or undeveloped coirsciohsness.I parries of armed horsemen dash out of do otherwise. But I also love to feast
�eie .ss°e two-piece covers that young and healthy children, savages' the gatewsya in. opposite directions on candy, cake, coasts, meat, _cheese highly came nesr�losing m• site this
,4 ii glea+s top with metal rim. They g s
a special rubber ring which and all adults o! law In are and' charge vigorously. They strike and every kind of food. 1 morning bathing in somebody's milk --
, - bikely to fill asleep the minute they with their lances aai they pan as many "I am really quite ancient, being�pitcher. I was afraid I was gain
"betpvieen the tap of the jar and. g to
h become quiebeent. So, too, persona times" as correspond with the number are of the very few flies-.that lived]drawn, but a kind-hearted l:.1dy lifted_ -
ewer. These covers are often very y
f who have anaemia or any other die-•of the hour. A little distance awe over last. winter. I hid myself in'me out and
ct8t to remove. y, y poured The cream,with all
order'`that cheeks the flow of blood to' seated'on a bigh perch.-is 'a quaint somebody's kitchen, those hundreds of bacterial I had left
,. ,Witlta the vacuum-seal type of jar; the brain seep too much _and too, figure which: kicks the 'quarters on "I cannot tell you anything about! there, on her little '
"tso rabbet ring is required, there be- girl's,oatmeal. 'If
"� a rubber-like substance, on the easily;- two bells beneath his feet and strikes my descendants, but a very Iearned she has typhoid fever I suppose her
'Should we keep the brala quiet se; the haul a'on another bell. I scientist said I'might have.195,312,- mother will wonder where she could
Inner edge of She metal cover which, the normal hour of sleep approaches!! The Nawab of Rampur India) is the , 500,000,000,000 in one summer. So have gotten it!
-wow n subjected to heat; softens,' , ' f
�•, That which healthy children do auto— Possessor of a watch valued at over there is no banger trP the fly crop l "It was ,t sad day for u9 when it
P. - cooled, havens' resulting ha a martically adults should do as the re-t 390,000. The�ower case is cut from failing: even though only a very few was established that eve were carriers
rbe*perfect teal provided the robbery sub- suit of observation and reason. Per.; a single topaz., - the u -
,.,, � � g� y. Tea bti peer from as of us live through the witrter. -i of typhoid. How the crawled over
sir sons Wfio doubt their power to sleep! emerald, and a diamond, gro?dun very If le cleaned us out of their excreta in the open closet (privy)
j' clamp to bald the cover_m place thigh the night should scrupulously i thin,serves for the glass. This watch hou"sores. markets and stables, vault, started for Lhe kitcheta -
1'�r'1ii1b the jar and cwateotit is cooling. roetram from heated 1 shows -the seconds, minutes, quarter. while is still cold•, when are std table toiw.'�
?"This clamp should be removed when arguments, pro', wipe our Peet laden ivith filth
`i- longed talk of any kind, excltiag' boars, half-hours. days, weeks, months and inactive, and burned as and� qnd bacteria on the*beefsteak, or, tc •' -
Jar is cold and the seal tested by lift- � �then kept �
ine the jar, holding on to the cover Plays, indigestible 'suppers and tea: seasons, years. and leap-years up to p everything clean so there take a morning bath in the mil
t ry R g k Pit-
°' only.. If the seal is imperfect .the and wee' especially coffee• may; the year,9,999. was no fihh, stable litter or decaying cher, leaving hundreds of bacteria-
people who are susceptible to the The clock in Strasburg Cathedral garbage for us to lay our eggs in, there in the milk,•in.w'hich the w
�1 cover comes off is the hand. These � y t� .
rovers are-removed by puncturing the stlirmilus of coffee learn that, if they (Alsace-Lorraine) is one of the most we would be starved out and di'-+and multiply more rapidly than any-
#trp with some sharp utensil. As soon would fall asleep, they must forego wonderful of its kind. Besides vari- appear. where els'o.
it for many hours_before they go to our astroaomlcai devices,' the 'revolu- "If stable refuse sad street sweep: "We ear.Tat Iive.in a perfectly clean
<" se the sir can enter, the meal is broken bed. tions of the planets are represented, ings that we have laid our eggs In is locality, where there is no tlih or -
ettd Abe'cover taken off. New covers (t so-that the relative pcsitiou of each carted away_ and piled up to decom- rubbish of any kinit for us to, breed
are required each time the.jar.ia uses. Changed His Mind. - at any time can be seen at a glance.• pose, we will hatch out there, and in, so we shall disappear from the _
The eof for type tic cover shouts . Clocks Without F torment the farmers cattle,, so the scrupulously clean places."
iSe tested for seal in the same man- lack—"Then you didn't ask for her
'nor. hand?" Oa a platform ar asable figures
Screw-top jars with one-piece cov Tom—"No, when 1 went to Inter. •representing the to ages of man: At figure of Death theft appears and crustaceans and mollusks, will be col.
Art are tested for perfect seal by tarn..view her father he was busy with the the first quarter f an hour a child strikes the full hour with a fleshless lected, and an incidental inquiry will
furnace. He called but to me to come strikes the bell wi h a rattle, a youth bone. relate to the transparence of Rater
Sag the jar upside down; if it leaks, down and after watch! his straggles strikes the halt-h r• 'while at the On a higher platform is a figure of and intensity` of light at various
file rubber cover on jar'top is imper- Christ, and when Death strikes the depths.
feet and must be retested, . Leakage for halt an hour and hearing whet be third quai�r a.wa r strikes. it with
said about coal,-3 decided not to et his sword. At the fourth hour at noon the twelve Apostles
nectar spoiled food.- • g quarter an _
The' homemade water bath canner n°�ed." _ old ur an strikes it-with his crutch; a paso betbre the feet of their Master •,f;
and bow to Him. As Peter passes a
may be constructed by any woman or —' large cock flaps its wings and Crowe A -
of utensils found in most kitchens, e Y
three times. I _
such as wash boiler, railk carAg lard - and the worst 1S yet to C7me in Sw4tzerland clocks are made that
Dana or pails. The utetiFdls'selected - do not require hands or faces! The I y
s}ioaid have a close fitting cofer,athd Itimeplece stands in the hail, and it -
one s ants to know the tame one u+tew•Ftsa -
jPrs to be Shed. A false. bottom or presses'a button. The clock, by means
lift ins tray most be m.de of wood f
/ of a phonographic interthehl arrange-
metal-which is raised at'least one'
�/'% i
aril one-half inches from the bottom • _ i �� %+'j meat, calls_out "Half-past Pacer," or
• i "Five mintrtes to ten," or whatever 1
. of the curving vat to prevent the jars //
the time may be.• i
er containers coming in direct contact • .e' t• In the tower of the premises of the Perfect
with the heat and to permit' s free • • �! alvanizin
Lfverpoo. Friendly Society on the B $'
circulation of water under them. A' • `Y / Pier Head, Liverpool, is the large Qt?
lard can or something of _ /� B' wire8. Full size
g that shape, • t clock in the world. The dials, which' rolls. A mechanically
'is better than a boilel because it is li _ _'`t"� are 250 ft, from the ground, are 25 it.I hinged joint. Backed by 21
easier to place and remove containers fn.'diameter; the minute hands are ►ears of quality fence building. - s:
without their tipping and because of _ MA(3ES �� 14 ft. long-and 3 ft, broad!
' being ab a to sterilize a larger num- tv TASK YOUR - -
:-ber of jars over one burner of a flame pgK °O
stove, thereby saving fuel and heat �1 ` .� Sea's Floor. I j- `DF:�ALER
Poor rubbers are at the root 'of ! -
m the sorrow and failure in ' �(rR �� Qws° French. scientists are proposing' to
borne can i . Never use poor rubbersR.�� f2� build a submarine boat for the our• ( _
find never, no never, rise old rubbers pose of exploring-.the sea at depths up r
no matter how-'good they look or-how !i ` t to sixty fathoms, or•300 feet,
:poor you feel, -when canning vege,- I *� �•' t : The craft planned is of small size,
tables and meats off any kind. only slaty feet long, and is to be built
What is meant Vy good rubbers? . especially to.resist pressure. With
.Good rubber rings are not necessarily this idea in view its hull will be ciren- �• . a y'.'f
I lar in section, and to enable it to rest i
white, red or black. One-way of test- �'t ;• i comfortably upon the sea floor it will
ing a rubber Is to s•tretc4 the ring all � }!- have two ke ls: - ,�►
'raund the edge and then lay it on a i I +. i. Obviously sit could so rest only !n( f, TO SEE
_ I comparatively shallow waters, such as ✓ THIS
•a.: . those of the North Sea, which is a+ r FENCE
- C.�•W�OL•FiU� vast pond not exceeding thirty Path- - _
' ,^• ours in depth'over• the greater part of
With the coming or mprin on its area. Made Yb� t -
wsu vi w yy yv a
be ha wool. guide
The proposed stud •,
e is
expected t
ed to
. Pee
skins and horse hair to =. .. ThC .� ...,• .-v=-. :, .
Ship it to us or writ• for r;: furnish information that will be of
prices. We will use you cis t same practical usefulness, inasmuch '
tai Catna dian Steel & Wire-Co.
r' WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED as nearly all of the fishes that supply
Wt1)O�STOCK.ONTARIO - _ food for man dwell between the our- ..Limlted
M; ODSTii K. 1870 . _-J rl� p 9 f,e„` face and a depth of 300 feet. - The HAMILTON, ONT.
� small'..animals they live oak such as
-- -
"d�•��""!�':$°qa#'? � d';. ... •�', i,> n.,+r- s -".�. ',3,rn,. ry.-"wii•.,^i- '�I:. _` •a�e�, ,fre,.lyi.N3. y.x,,,.�r
z''' 'S s...e%rv?r^y= S•. .n•yt�ta'• ��.. .,.q, ,.;f '7a !}��,- fir;,is'�u'Siw•r ry.E'k;^° .A�,-��_Y. '�; •p„<`!S^ vt .'�° ~fir• •'�:y.. { .'4'
W. bl
q �__Za t , .• ��A, 7;, 'Z
%at 11nne the Bouclu Clawrified AdverVIII
69MG Toffic
9 t makes and models 69 ",Z. Afe &.enig. Aur.WTS WANT AD.
or =
Your rid. b"rokep or worn-out parts it BITS Oir
In old Ontario woods to-day A EAT APPEARING LADY TO�ACrII
replaced. Write or, wire us deserlb- I N an our ativ
rult WEM PEOPLE a 41% rem-ent. e Intr u
tag what you want. AV* carry the the maple boughs are greening, useful line tiling &rUe
largest and most coinplets stock It& Write, , Anderson Man a
Cwaada of slightly used or n I And III jb,.hirits that r.? Past
new parTA lat on them sway, pony, Loyidop, Ontario. ufacturing 1po
and automobile equipment. We chip feathered raiment preening,
i Their feather 9EN,
C.O.D. anywhere in Canada. i ROM VrFE&11
factory or refune In full our motto Wfir swell their little throats to sing Dr-,WOliami" Pink Pills Act On
1311AW's Auto Salvage V Past Anvylr, And through our lovely province ring the Blood and Nerves.
Dufferin so., zoroatoo vs% _S PL NYDID COLLECTION OF TJ8IM_`#
-the Not a Hoot.
Sweet w6lco.Mp tO 3 May- Food is as important to the sick-,per- : _ . . - • Motor Cycles. mostly IniffiezA.
son as, medicine, more so in many "No, your honor, he didn't give a Prices from 4125.00 upwards. state.amount you expect to An%est d
an we';'
In old Ontario towns to-day cases. A badly chosen diet may re- hoot whether I saw him. coming or wIll mail list. H. M. Kipp Co., Limited,
-Beating I$e Potato llkgr.' The fruit-tree boughs are greening, 47 Yon,-c St., Toronto.
91 tard recovery. in health the natural not."
The Potato Magazine, published Beneath them happy children play .7in he didn't give a
.,appetite is the best guide to follow; "How do ycu , Qw
in the United States, calls 'attention Where soon from sunshine screening. In sickness the appetite is often fickle hoot? Typewriters for the Blind.
An ingenlous typewriter.for the use
to the fact that certain regions of the The fragrant blossoms will .lightly and depraved. "Well, he didn't blow his horn."
upper peninsula 'of Michigan have shed of the b.114d has been Invented by Na,
Proper food and a good tonic will
-been virtually, freed of notorious tale Rovedo, a young Milanese artisan*_.
t not ' ous Soft shadows o'er each childish keep most people In good health. Dr. Saying-drace.
peat, the potato bug, by the operations -And welcome In. the May. Its method is modelled on the or-
Williams' Pink Pills are-a fine tonic The minister had mid grace, find
of a tiny
Binary but obsolote.German p6rtabte, -
parasitic fly which lays its Medicine, harmless and certain In the fodr-year-old daughter of the hos- m
eggg upon the striped beetle. Grugg' -1 n old Ontario-cities gay
their action, which Is to build up the teas look printer Mignon, only a zinc plate up and said: Introduced containing forty-two spA
, hatched from these eggs bore-Into'the The shade-tree boughs are greening, blood and restore vitality to the run- "That's not the kind of grace MY ge
potato bug's -body and eat out his in- And those who found the Wi-iter grey within each set in rell
PO ch of which is if 7,
down system. .'For growing girls who papa says."
e characters o the side works. ... .Some golden hours are gleaming, one of the f
are thin and pale, for pale, tired wo- "No?" asked Ahe nituAter, sweetly.
U It were not fo,z,parasites that prey Throughput the province each small alphabet.
men, and for old people who tall in ."And' what kind of grace does your
-upon the potato bug. it would The operaiorplaces__the Index flngd'r,
scarce lad strength, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are papa say?"
b e posslbI4 to'grow U ny potatoes In And'lass and flower and bird Is glad, an Ideal tonic. Thousands have-testi- "Why,' said the child, "he came--of the left hand,-In-the-finger
than country, despite all the farmer To welcome in the May. tied to the benefit derived from the home last night and 'when he -sat which moves over,this zinc plate, and
could do.. to_ppisbn the insect with Marie Casilda. use of this medicine. Among them is down at the table he just said 'Good having found the requir d sign, stellmems
pal is green. 41s . - . . ..1
the stamping"lever . with his
Mrs. Willi-am Gallic, Hantsport, N.S., heavens! What.a supper!! right.
That destructive beetle was origin- and. The chief merits claimed f6e.;
who says: "Before I began the use
ally n gT; HIGHLY OF pilling.the Beans. the machine are Its economy and 4"
11 native to mountain districts , SPEAKS of Dr.-Williams' Pink Pills I was so .6 'After two days' practice'the inventor's
Colorado, where It fed on a wild varle- weak and run down that I could hardly Tommy—"May I -stay up a little
ty of potato plant called the "sand do my own work. I often suffered longer" sightless comrades learned to writilk
bar." It Is supposed to have been ear� BABY'S OWN TABLETSL from headaches and was very nery- Ethel—"What do. .You want.to stay sixty-five let.term's minute.
ried Into Missouri by the cattle traffic, our. I.thea began die, use''of Dr. Wil• up' for?"
and in 164 It crossed the Mississippi Once a mother has used
liams, pink Pills and-I can truthfully� Tommy-11 want to see you and Mr.
River. In the early ieientles It had 'es she is ai' When ordering goods by mall me
Tablets for her little ones say I have found themrthe best medl- Green-playing cards."
crossed the Detroit River and Lake ways plekied'to speak highly of them clue I have ever taken. You may de� r. G:ieen—"But we are not going a Dominion Express Money r.
Erie waq literally alive with -potato Ito other mothers.. She knows the Pend upon It I, will advise-other suf• to play cards, sonny."
ferere to take these pills."
bass, p4seengers on chips or whatever good they have done her children and Tommy='''Oh, yea, ym are;Te 6he V�4.
Mistress (indignantly)—"Jane, wh&4;�
for 'I T
else would keep them'- afloat. They realizes that her ex erience should be '. Yo-d can,get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills heard mam saying to Ethel th'Ot every' did you mean by wearing my nsv.�
'.eached the Atlantic coast In 1973, and of benefit to'others. Concerning the through any dealer In medicine or by thing.depended on the way is_-which- evening dress at the dance last n
w. the beaches were soon swarming with' Tableti Mrs. Fred Murphy, Charlotte-
mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for she played her cards to-nigh,. ht to have
"I have UW $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Really, you Ong
them. Vessels were boarded by them town, P.E.I., writes:
In such numbers-that It' --ashamed of yourseifl"
atches had to Baby's Own Tablets for the past eight Co.,,Brockville, Out. From* Personal Expertenge. Jane (meekly)----"I was.-ma'am; y
O.e battened down.,'. months for my baby. I caraot speak Little Freddy was using his fists on never heard such remarks afi`�
At that period and for some Lime too highly of them for they hais been little Helen.
afterward much alarm was as felt lest of great assistance to me In my first A Call of Spring. .. I made."
a his
"Freddy, stop! commanded
the potato- would become an extinct;experience of motherhood." Baby's The irolicso
me waves caress the gold- mother. "Dooh't you know that gentle- Talk is cheap—unless a
vegetable In Canada and the United Own Tabl*ta axe a mild but thorough it
en sand; r strikes w lady?" himoding •out.
.,States. But nature has away of deal- laxative- which are, absolutely harm- . jjje gentle Zephyr man never
whisper's •to the Ins qtly Helen stopped crying.
% Ing- with inch mischiefs, and before!less and may be given to evpu 'the tree', "'ge., o, too," she contradicted.
long parasitic enemies of the beetle i newborn babe with, Perfect safety. The brilliant sunshine smiles upon the KFZP YOUR HEALTH
dealers Helen," said Mother, "when- USE
multiplied, to, such number&•.' as to.1 They are sold by medicine do or land— did you ver see a gentleman,strike 4
make possibi -its control. direct at,25 cts. a box from The Dr.
e, dir What mean these wondrous signs lady?"
The above-mentidned fly,which has!Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, to you and me?
done such good work In Michigan, will Ont. With an-air of convincing proof the
be little. maid quJ41y replied: 'Daddy -
colonized In other parts of the From robin's throat'a cote of silver apanks me."
country,and May so4e the potato bug Thlbet, Nepaul, Abyssinia, parts of' drips;
08 OF
problem for good and all. Arabia, and Afghanistan are still The .111my cloudle 'with sea Shut Him Up.
cloted to'ihe British and Foreign Bible and sky,
Scottish humor—recently remarked
Minardre Liniment Rallives Distemper Society. T_he dew beguiles the larkspur's love.
ly lips Sir Harry Lauder—la generally dry
add crisp,.but I as.told a story Over
All Nature heeds the ring- THE OLD RELIA R.-TRY 1,
fp Is most" the United States which I think-will
an me cry. beat many Scottish ones. A stranger Blin.ard's Liniment Co., Ltd.
ind Bi -0
ll�es Yarmouth. N.S.
rn arrived at a Far West village,and dur-
-Each little bud that -op" upon the Ing his first walk up tbr"ne West he
NIXON encountered a Young man leading Amw~s Flower Ow Resimmilles
Eaeb blade or. grass which Aim against the door of a saloon, lazily Book an
Variatione- Mawkes, Hawkinson, Varlatione--Nichols, Nicholas,N160 6.
Howes, Hammon. Racial Origln—Anglo-Normon. from out the sod; -chewing gum. 900 DWEASU•
-Racial Origin—English. source lven name. Ali things a Prey, to,sPrInitime's an. "Pretty quiet place this." said the and now to reed
ward rush mailed Free to any A&
--A shien name.-- -' :.' "�1 -1� - . . stranger.
Source -As is Indicated In the foregoing fist' Roveakthe goodness and the love of "There's -a quieter over there'.. dream b7 tbt Authm
re- 00-,
They don't look much like Henry, of variations, the.family names in this God. 11%
those-family names; but that is.,the group are all derived from the given- plied.the villager, still busy with hi
gum •and jerking his thumb in she
given name from..which they have name of Nicholas. Whence come thine gifts, the$
m' I e beau- direction of the cemetery,
grown. This name did not appear in -Eng.. ties inany, rare? "Have you lived here &II your life?"
The only, variation of the given land before the period of Norman-' The Hand that fashions them is asked the'visitor, hoping-to cam on
name of Henry which Is frequently French Occupation and amalgamation. ready ever the conversation. ASPIRIN
To'sho,w the'wa t I It
found today In "HarrY." In the Mid. The Normans brought it with them Y be blossoms bright ".Not yet," came the dry reply.
dle Ages there were many, Prominent froln'the continent, and due to its M, and fair— After that the stranger gave up J 60:132yet" is only Gen
among which were "Hal" and "Haw." Ii&!0u& association with St. Nicholas,- Where sprIng'In happy hearts may
This last seems to have been,due to a Who lived several centuries before and reign forever.
--p"uIlar twist of the Norman 'tongue, had become widely known as a patron His Hearing RestoredL
which tended to substitute a "u" or a saint of children, the inarcrS L#7nlm*rt-for D&RdrUIL ra Invented
e name became - The invisible ear drum y 7
w" for an It was'the name-ten- quite popular throughout England A- 0. Leonard, which 'is a miniature
which changed, the word about the time family names megaphone, fitting Inside the ear, en- mi%ky RZ3
dency . -were be- Trophies of 1870 Returned
_i. i.he"alme" into "heat=67 and gave as Ing formed. That lit, is restoring'the,
was in the period tirely out of sight,to France.
f ie the family name -of "Homer," though centering around the twelfth, thin, hearing of hundreds of people In New
-.IiLter ,the English speech reverted to teenth centuries. As a.balm to French patriotism Ger- York City. Mr, Leonard invented this r=
the "I" and brought,the word back to The medieval -English did not I• many has finally decided to turn over drum to, relieve himself of deafness n a. a
iielm" again. It is the same ten- ways pick the same nick names and a train load of military trophies cap• and head noises, and it does this so
deny which-changed Pe whole char- diminutive variations for given uh-m"es tured from France•In the war of 18M successfully that no one could tell he
Warning! Unless you see the nanis-
acter of the French-Aanguage a few that we.use to-day, but one of their says a. Parts despatch. Included k" deaf man.- It Is effective whe;L
Bayer" on package or Dn tablets yow
-��ceuturtes ago. variations-was "Nick," though some- among them are numerous cannon and deafness is cauvkd by catarrh or by 11
-getting genuine Aspirin at al)
From this variation "Haw," of times It was spelled rifles and'even the first machine gun perforated, or wholly destroyed nAtur- are not of . .
N.W' and some. In every Bayer'paekage are directloilm,
Henry, there developed In turn's. di- times' 'N`yk" or !',Nykk" In. one old models. The train bearing these tro- al drums. A request for informat!on
minutive form ot the name "Hawkin." document the same individual is phies'bas arrived at May6nce, -They to A. O. Leonard, Suite 43-7, 70 Fifth for'Colds, Headache,' Neuralgia. Rhea-,
re- n matism.Farache, Tobthache,Lumbago
Th.s "kin" ending is an Anglo-Saxon {erred to in one place as "John NykkA" and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of,��
will be displaFed for MID troops of oc- Avenue, New York City, will be give
element, which has its counterpart in and in 'another *as "John. cupation. there and then brought to a prompt reply. Advt
Ill. Nyck" twelve tablets cost few-cents—_
• modern Gelman diminutive end- (that' Is John "fillus," Nick-, or the Parls.for an exposition• at the Inval- gists also sell larger packages. adib
--chen."' son of'- Nyck). Idea. Prince Henry to Enter Ann-
y. I trade marls;
Canada. Aspirin Is
The French Wrilstry of War 'has
Then came '.'Hawkinson," at .first.a_ .. For the most part "Nyck" was the prince Henry, the third son of the (registerid in Canada), of Bayer'.
addition not yet been Informed
purely descriptive' to the variation of the name most popular ,whether the King and Queen, who attained his ma- Manufacture of MonoaWetleacidestei
French campaign-banners which the of Salicylleaclif.
names of many sons whose fathers with the Anglo-Saxon part of the jority on March 31, is destined fora
were named "Hawkins' but later to. population, and hence those who hear, Germans are compelled under the military career, . Although tl.rust•�
become hereditary and a true .family the family names derived from it may terms of the Treaty of Versailles to somewhat in the background by his
t b some of which were re-
tame. Hawkins and Hawkes are fur- assume an .original Anglo-Saxon an. surrender, older brothers, the Prince of Wales
ther shortened forms, and Hawes cestry as more, likely than Norman• ported to have been destroyed at the and the Duke of Y rk, Prince Henry
conies from Rawson,
French. outbreak of the war and the remain.
Is Immensely popular with the public.
der In the anti-French demonstrations In stature he excels his brothers and
in Berlin last year, are In the ship- is fond of sports and outdoor life., In
meat. pursuance of his Inclination to be a
soldier he went through the army
Unemployment in Great class at Eton and afterward studied
Britain. at Sandhurst, the English West Point
..7rheii9s' a Reason Why
Last August the Prince was gazett4d
Unemployment in -the British Isles a- second lieutenant of the King's
Is rapidly reachf6g the 2,000-,040--mark, Royal Rifles and at present is attached
according to Government figuies pub. -Thirteenth Hussars at Alder
to the
Gtate S Relied for the week ending April 22. shot.
-.The report shows a total of 1,774,000
on the unemployment registers, which
�makes a helpfuil breakFast and a" --is-an increase of 750,000 since the pre-
V= sent Indthstrial &auty lof Skin
xofitable—rii6ch' "crisis began. ' During TREEZONE
must be awake and alert duT*--, the day the coal strike the figures have been
rising weekly to an alarming extent
Corns Lift Off
ected London and the southeastern dis-
GrapeaNuts is the perF FAhucedbyCtificum
1 When used for evm-day toilet PuT- 1
tract lead with a total of 316,000, which
_Igoodness ofwheat and malted barley, Wth Fingers
Is an increase of 14,006 In two Weeks'.. Cuticura keeps the Comp lex-ind is emmptionally rich in.nourlshviefit, The northwestern district comes next -ion fresh and dear, hands soft and
white and hair live emd irlosay. The
Itb 265,000, while In the West Mid, I Drop a i4alt.**b reexcise" ou an Ach Soap to cleanse and purify,the Oint-
It. Reds body and brairi without ng corn, instantly that corn stops
'lands there are 239,000 unemployed.
T hurling, !lien shortly you lift I,, right went to aoo(be and heal and do
tax upon did' digestion. In Scotland there are 179,000, Ireland uff with fingers. It doesn't hurt a bit. Talcum to powder and Perfume.I
117,000 and Wales 100,000. 3*025c. Okbood2Sudsoc T&k=2$C Sold
In the London 6unty Counicti area "Freezone" for a few cents, stiflicient
1,181HOL 3"3L ftst 31t.W womb"
Soap shaves,Zi�=U&
heres 4a Re&S' On-" there are 192,000 unemployed rejis,' to remove every hard cara, soft corz,
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
tered, exclusive of short time workwt% or corn between the toes, and the cal.
The figures Include 68,000 women. ]uses, without a particle (it pain. ISSUE No.20--'21. t
Z-=-RE 'P
-bra W. J. Miller in the --Aev, P. Z.Gardluer ban pir.
-let qhr,�
city on Tb ew Chevrolet "HARDWA
T. Bunting will keep open The'Cbaniberof 06mmbree *will, BUNDYS I.
ursday list. f4b a sed'a ii
-Mrs. J. Calvert was in ihe elt
y -N'late itery Monday evening until hold their usual celebration on
one da i.last week. farther notice.
Dominion dy,Jnly_1st..
-8 Collacott has had haludi. A
-A large shipmeut of seed corn -Clicie. Xud Mrs. West, of To
'_.Pendent phone installed in his just
received,.a-t T. S, Balsdou'E;, runto, visited with Miss Irene
,.-,garage. Call and get his prices. Mur'kai on Sunday'af reraoou. Your Nei shbor's"Will En You I
Dr. Henry will be bereas)isaal 0
M. W.J. Devitt,Miss Owendo-,
Tuesday$o attend to his pro-. ,,,Mrs. and Miss Aggie Cowan, Now Advaretsements
Paint rU
ess onal duties. Set a gdod eia' mpl'6 61! the'-.street.
-Born, on Thursday, ).Lpril 21st of Brougham, and K.-E. Devitt,
' of Toronto, visited Hugh and Mrs.
at Vista, Man., to S. J. and M UOK EGGS FOR Sai LE-Apply
re* Meebin on Sunday. YoUr property aua- the n-eighh6rs
Sam, a daughter. DUCE Hugh Miller,Pickering. 31tf
-F. H. Hall hits this year a lar.
-Mrs. Joseph Cowan and dau-
gbter, Miss Helen, were in the city ger and more varied assortment
of flowering and foliage plants Be at lowest possible fricea by Thomas _Vvill all f all in line,
day last week. Paterson Clarerobiat, 3 34
than ever, as well as garden vege-
-A meetino of thi Maple Leaf
tables. Whether you want to buy OTATOES FOR SALE-Early ring will be held, to morrow y
Eurekes the best early potato grown. 50 cts.
�.'��fftturday) evening. or not, call and see his fine display Or bag. Wid.Miller,Claremont. 34
Services in St. George's ch' ch at his hot bou"s ofiChnrch St. Se6 olir complete line of
-.'`Whit-'Whit Sunday : Morning at 10.89, On Ttesday, May 17tH, the QTU.L%IPS AND STONES BLA§TED
-Persons reqn iringwo
��,'�Rvening at 7 00 o'clock, Worren's institute will meet at rk done phone Mark.
the president, Mrs,
the home-of 161.3,or write Geo. Ives, Brougham, 31-34 artin-Senoit ri 100 vir cent Fur Faint •
-Geo. Baker has purchased the -
W.. B. Powell. As this is out, ASTURE TO RENT-Pasture for
Pabout 20or 25 head of cattle, Ap
Liscombe property went of the
-ein n.810a. branch annual, members are IV.base line,Pickering. E.W.Sleep, R.No.
bridge and moved the! 0 y at lot
day. urged to attend, go that the ele(!- 1.Pickering. 33-34
ed--tion--cf-officers may express the
-A-. V lAm-8 k iT e r-re t u r r Y 013._RAn_& z'o_od fresh pilch MaiWe'Ae •Floo*r FiniEh, Varnoliam�' fo� 'Oilcloths,desires of th-e -fulF-meju!U-e-rsJi!p_i_1'1Fcow,50 bag&j6f eatin Wood.
home on Saturday, after spending tatoes and 12 reg.
4 1�9
the choice of leaders. Represen- Shropshire ewes with lam'. Alex ray,
�about ten days on business'. in. 910 4 4 R2. :lac stain, Varnish Ruff, -Porch Paint
Piston. tatives and district director should
ClarernonC- Phone Mark Shellac,"
b appointed to the district,annu. POTATOES FOR SALE-Earl r and
o. formerly a _appoiu Master Painters' Green-P Flat White,
-Mrs. R. D. Nimin e
resident of Pickering, has been re. I In ee tins. iate`V36eties, Go cents per bag it.tho; farm,
-After a lingering ill f ApplyatlotitY, base line, Pickering, E..W.
newing 'old acquaintances in the illness 0 Steep,R.R.No;1,Pickering. 83-34 Gloss' White, N'eu.tone etc.
Village. several years, in which she bore
great rufferii-ig - with Christian T-TELP WANTED-Agents, be inde-
-Mr. Rose wishes to thank all Bring your coupon and get a Sample.Of Wood-lac.
fortit"e, death eRme to the r -L-Lpendent. Act in your city and county intriti.
who assisted so willingly at the e- ducing 2.5 fast selling rubberized household
lief of Mrs. C. H. Btirling on Sat- Make $1� a day� UP, Write '432
,.'.�'&e last Thursday which destroyed tirday last. Veplatirnelton West:-Toronto. 32-35
the fix•mill. - The large number
. I -V D. and Mrs. Rogers and who attended her fnuer6l an Mon. OR SALE-Obesp, all kh?d6-.of
family, of Whitevalp, spent Sun- day afternoon, when herbody was E wagons,harness, nod.all kindsoffarmim. J. . H. Bu111.A„y, Picke'ring
laid to rest in Erskine Cemetery, Elements in.good order. Also several heavy and
day with the formers mother, . bt scalps and a couple of light horse-powers.
testified to the -high. esteem in Berman,Claremont. Phone 201. ITtf
2IN-Mrs. J. H. Rogers. which
she was held ins thecom SA thorns
She wFL4 a member of the
19 ore
e _r pare 4110111 AIMED
-While plowing an Friday Wit e a Church, and ii hen
of Toronto, spent Sunday With
V-1,th I rents here. rmitted was an act.
-,--z�Oshawa, and Miss Blanche Mech. m ti ri One hC'
Presb y 0 or for
�e c Mn c. e
0 L 1 0 'h
'e C Black
I,h ri� ,�kin i__ hit,, .n r
e 'P e
be r health 1� p r Apial j, lot 3.5�B_
h d�k colli p
e F n �keziriit_ Fre Lacey. iglazad r ek.
ive worker� in the church in its P 1.1,.otr U�3a.
yarlow# branchex Sbeissurvived
LO 71nR S ALE-Oue drivinlii
rae nires sprained his ankle metre, cme
by R sorrowing husband ud Bye F et o. - - - . . - . I . q . . --
very bad y, which will -likely f heavy harness. one medium .-eight
him off d lay dauRliteri : Mrs. R M. Cftleruent,�- �pr,ng.-agenwt*h?)oxctpmp,'ete., All thesear-
uty for some weeks. - . ti.,ax are in good condition. and muit lad sold,as
-George Find -.%Irs. Allan and- of:Milton, IV r�i. W. -B'. Pean0l) 01 the owner has nofurtber u"for them AprAyto.
Mobile, Ala., Mrs. (Dr.) Sittruh of F.Chidlow..Claremont. 31tJ S ummer -Shoes
Mrs. Can Special in S
telon. of Toronto, motor.
on Sunday and spent the F. T- -,OR SALE OR SERVICE-plain ed down Hamilton, BermudA, Nlrt.' . 14
day with, W. J. and Mrs. Clark. Bnoting and ML-),,4 Helen Pit home. - �-vring, the nica b3,kney stall-on that Ladies' Patent Leather Pu iiip-5.' high-heels and pointed toes,
-M11t6n Scott, who left some' -A' most ditiastrotis fire oecill.- va inds in the county. who never has had to take regular 5.50, for,4.00.P'a�1r.
ad place wherever shown-' No onable'
red in ottr village_.-oiq_'Thtirst11%y offer refused as I have no •time to carerewr
��L,Alme ago for Stratford,. where he fur him.
k. ed FL good po,.41tiQn and afternoon of ln,,;t week en the A00y to W,G Gerow.Pickering. -- .33tf.
seenr wh N.
Ru, ladies" Black Kid Pump, �Ctl bain' heel,''regular'
he has recently purchased a -e Flax Mill was completely
_: - 5.0.0, for 3.7.5 'pair.
0,1 cot), 2. ! 11 mile,�"t of P. nna N.,il
destroyed. As soon as the ffre H
nioved-' his honseh6ld
qtArted the Bre alarm Was sound- 1jim- Frame dwelAig cvritaining.7 rooms- hard
ects to that city on Mon&y. helpers %vere an of
ed and many willing hel w.,;*wit.:, frartie- saint afloat 18x2f) with
Th Women's Nice line : Ladies' Oxfords;- �lack
Ft institute -met
0, - Is rk-shop and stable. ben-hoqise and pig-pen
-400ii on hand, but -on aeconn t of wo' 0
pril 20t at the h4)me of M rd. A. eel, for 4.50.
j%A h Large,wAsorttrent of-Faritif and small fruit. Lo %
containks about 3 3-4 acre*well adapted for war.
uni- I
the very !D84mmable material in
$042. denins. Mrs.J.Dwyer v.,ChuivhSc Pick.
was necessary to
the will, and quite'a high wind
neat meeting to
.',f the date of the n'
on AC160-an
m-er -Sweater Wools
'At"Kay 17th, t of the 8411-U.
bloiting at as time, it WA-; soon
pe&ke-r,-Mrs..Woelard, being
seen that -the building was dootu-
here Jifne 1st. ed and all 'efforts were concen•
7. '�Australine"Wool, -
-The St. George's Dramatic trated- in saving as In Just the thing for Sninmer Full-ov
much of the *�_4_ s
Society, have purchased a. Nrge stock as possible, and thpse-efforts. NIA11., -CONTRACT while it lasts.- Colors Brown, Doe'. Navy,�iseda,
patent gasoline linip and have'met-with much, �nccess as'a large
- ftIX Q B. - LED TEND
qllklitity Of seed. fibre and _EA E11%.addressed to the P,r%r- Wisteria, Black and White
very kindly loaned the same for Will I-C reeeIVIEd at Ottawa,until
.-iise to.St. George".1 church. Thin 21, fir the Re alai -3¢s, aoing at 25,-tent 48111.
tow were saved. None of the Frida tl--z f7thl, June. 152 9
eVy %Vaq� .4av p convevanceof
Innehin ed*, with' th * '0" 4
2t' 4reatly adds to the enjoyment' of ed Contract for four yeari,twelve times -e
-�--worship in the evening servicep, exce�tion of the engine, -whic-li orithe route,Dunharton and the GranrTwu.kk
tractor, which- was f6reed RjUw9Y$tatwn.from the 1st July-next.
Mrs. (Di.) Spain, of Brookhhi,'. Iva" DISHES DISHES
N'. Y.. returned home on Saturday thmilill t 11C.-*VA11'"I tt4 c1A.W-11 steam. Printv]notices containing f(irther information
morning, after:.-,.riending,reveral For �""IJQ6 t12P mpbell's Fleur asto conditions of pro
:sevn and blank form-t of Tender m.sy be obtained Special Opportunity to repleni�h your stock-of every clay dishes
IC4 proposed Contract maybe-
her 1. Mill,V%.44 in -of befog at the Post;offlce at Dunbartnn,an at"the office
months here With Mother of the Post Office Iniipectar,Toronto.'
Mrs. John Gordon, who less been deAmtroyed 8-1 flrp�TQtnrted attliffer POST.QFFICE INS.IECTOR'S -OFFICi�i White Platea, breakfast size, smug a t.1'.75-per dozen '7
_tVh1te.?lateR, diotior alze, goirrg at 2.10 per dozen
critically ill, but rho, we are Rind eut 1)ohits behind. the still. but Tbronto,Mjy21rA.,I9.:.1, . . ; .
report, iit.bo*much iraprovecl. these vvere extiuiruiched -fin 90013 'D,
&"SU.THERLA% White Platters, regular 55 cents, going at 83 rents each
-Thomam 'D%%jer, of Toronto, as 'they were, teen-. avid only by. 11-36, Po.t Office Inspe.ctor".'.
kepping it Watch wq; tho White Platters, regular 7: cents, going at 50 cents each
PeCtSunday-at the home-of hiA 00--S
mother on_ Cbtirch street. Mr, blifl-ding wjr�-d, J(,hu McGinty'.3, ..--Grain Chopping Large Platters,. regular 1,50, wiing at 1A)d.each
Dwyer has been employed for -tine-residence had. al-o A nArr.ow scup Pl,ttes.'regnlar '140. goiug,at 1.75 pe-ir dozen
several years with a large:firm of ef`aPe, as & 11"nilyerof the window AND FL IKENG:.
Dinner Plates, Clover Leaf, rvg tq 2 00 dQz., going at,-
-contractors •engaged in building penes were broken by the i"tenme I am prepared to do Chopping and
bperations, avid has recently been beat - and the curtains izqited Fall line of lqi-ge Water Pitchers, wortli 7.5, vents, going at
ap0ointed foreman. several titres. Had the bidlaing Oat FhWrig'every Monday :reints eac'b. Heavy Glai.q Tumblers-, reg 90 cents dozen,, going
-Friday night lak the new beets a frame' structure it wonlit and Friday. designs,
at 60 cents dozen f7la;Fruit Disheq., se
ga".1ne lamp at Jas- Richirr'dson's tludouktedly hdre been destroyed. n' bco its For r-ttle regular 45' eats each. going at 30 cents each•corner c
disappeared, and during A% the'buildingp, i"cluding3r) ad:
j()i0il1R barb,Saturday it vrae found broket rn, belonged,to H�trry Jobn F. Bayles, Varemont
the ditch near Almonds Chnrcb. Wade, he will be a heavy lo4er, Aivrikl Route.-No.
OKs 2
east of the towuline, Some pass. 99 th,-y wer•&onlypwrtinfly insured. Full Line of Fleet Foot Fodtwear'.
tug motorist; evidently bad stolen Mr. Rose's loss will also be heavy,'
-it, and not knowing how-to Inan- as he carried onlv-fL small insm, HARNESS SHOP For Children•, Boys and Girls, Men and' Women-all - i7n, •
1pulate it bad thrown it away-, once. 'The-lossi w.ill be a great one -Bu while the stock -is, complete..and et-the
-Those who want to be present for the village as a number will SiAofs1tigleb.,crtiess, _�..' '..28,00 tock.. Y g
.- Itt a really higb-clasis .eintertaiti. be thrown out of eniptoytiiebt. Single lines, 4.75 Team lines, 8.45
went should come to the Pickering All winter about tiventy-flve wen -Single bt�dles, 5,25 ;�best.choice" of styles an(T'sizes.
Town Ball on Saturday eveniti-g
were employed at good WAKep, 50 pr
when at 8 o'clock and during the 'summer the nim)• Team closed bt dlei,40,
y A. Y.%P. A, will pre,- berof employees, was iuneh larger. Collar complete, NN M.0
the Whitby ITU
ant -the well known play. "She Mr. Rose, however, hopes to re ballS' 5.90 pr. CHAPMAN
for the work next.0m.-:15toops to Conquer." This will be bnild In time Collars 4.7.5' "upsS-weat pads I 5c-np
-al fall. The work at the mill, wbjeb
',Riven by -some of the best local
v%,a§ started early )as fall, would and Brass Polish,talent and a capg-city house is ex �Wiih
:pected. have been. eompleted on the clay
Harness Oil, Royal Com*po, J_
k -Lqdies'A d. The
Curry-Combs qte.
Aid Day the Meth- on which the fire occurred. C
odist church next Stinday, the pas. fire originated ii? the engine ronin amS9 ISh ws 01
for in charizt, Morning and it spread with such rapidity All Hat;ness and shoe repairing
subjebt,. "Our Best Girls." A 2-, Are'The 'Best
Our Maiden Ladies. EveU that it was imptissible to extingn. promytly done.
ish it with the apparatus at hand.
dial invitation is extended to the
Cecil Bridle Boot once
a service. Friday,at IN MEM90?IAM In and you will be
public. Leagn;, Y Bluy-a Willia.
-In fond and Tioving memory I Pickering 8 p..rn., with the young men 113 B.tTn of HaTnes, Maker, Pick
charge. A popular' program will my dear husband and our father, S. 'All
"for kee sorts shapes rind sizes. Prices,
be rendered. The annual meeting Samuel Bath, who entered into rest
of the E. L. wa§ held ELM DALE MILLS
Friday husband 7Z _"-��ere reduced.
night when the following officers You were-a 16ying father. 1=1 C 1=0 Ze 3:INT 0-
were elected for the ensuing year both kind and true,A •better friend never lived,' your You can always get th e* best Mani.
made from No. 1.
Pres.-L. Hobbs 1st' Vice-F. were but few; tobia Flum
Down, 2nd-Vice-E. Bunting, 3rd ou from our home, dear,vi�e Maultoba Wheat.
W e have a nuii:iber o
Vice-O. Sleeb, 4th Viee-�-C- Bry. from your place
Royal Hortsehold and Glenora for'
ant, Sec'Y-W.Crtimmer, Treas.- A shadow o'er our life is ca'st, we mis's 'Bread, Try Fi bag,
W,eGrubb. Cor See. A. M.Hallett. the, sunshine of you face,
T F o i-s y the nid Arrow Brand'Fine Shirts
annual Meeting of the S. S. We miss your kind and willing,band, Pastry Flour Fresh Rolled Oats a row
was held on Monday ev'g last a your fond and earnest care.; BRAN, SRORTS
the officer ' b d Our bome-is sad witbout-you, we miss MIX, FEEDS) for men. These Are-' absollitely guaranteed perfect.
s elected for-next year
you everywhere. -OAT CROP
are:SQptG.Lavv, Assoc,Supts.-
-Wife and Family CRUSHED OATS
E. Wilson and W,L.Cotirtice,See. -Redtieed from 5.50 and 3.50 to 2.75,
-M Barrett, Ass ec.-J.Bry. In loving remembrance of John W.
ant,* WHEATI
Trewq.-E. Wilson, A. B. C, Law. who entered his 'eternal rest
L. Coii rLice,and E. Wil MAY 12th, IM.
-Caldwell's Crean) substituW "Bu 1 d Suit N
• st
HelAdepartedtoaha - 111i: ya own
'i -son, teacher. Teacher of Organ. ppy world,
4;.'':,•,}.' - He is gone, yes gone, Now
ized Clais, Rirls-H, Diinting, boys A,-
But not forgotten. Calf heal.R. L. Chapman. Teachers of other -Grandcbildren Mobisses Meal
IrAasseqqameas last year, The an. .Before the best of the saniples are all sorted out.
At Home on the beautifill hills of G�3 CITOPPENG AND OAT/
nlige"Ary )nstStinday was a rec
".or eve By the vilLage of rest so fair, CRUSHING EVERYDAY Get in on a good thing for once.
Got prices on feed in ton
d nt. Large cotigregationsr�Snn,,Pl dav, some tithe, when lots.
%.terly .Prmc)n% and the offering is done,
¢yu to date tOtFlIQ $!91, With 40 Pave'- Anil silently ginka life's vre•tern sul?i BELL PHONE.- 9
-,a --1 rot. 3-4 t ha ided in. Well lo; e %Vitb Joy shall imp meet him there. 29• "%Ar, Fred To Bunti Pickerin...
41anks'-J. W. D., -Wife and Family every day.,
'A'al W,,LJY Established 1957,