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XX IX. 1'ICKERING, ONT., -FRIDAY, -MAY 28, 1920 No. 3G r - - - fpraiFtshsf�ttal parse. ct(ERRvwooe ROSEBANK Elitablished75.Tear:s Geo.Baker iWill the party who for the new I The final game of football of`Pieker- Medical 1 Royal Oak tine o*n i a ,v Ford car erin Township Football League willGREENWOOD, at C'herrgwood on Fridr.p-night, Zlay g p g -- --- - -= '•'-�-'"� 14th: pleasereturn the same to Petty'e be laved at Rosebank on the evening R E. FORSYTH D. of O., Regis= ' - - " I of 1hursday, June 3rd, at 8 &0 sharp. •tared member o! the Optometrical Aeso-. Garage, CheiT�-wood-, and thus sate p �q+ We have a show room with' Shelf 'Ser- :i,fter which the cup will be presented oiation of Ontario. Special attention ten to Record or Sheet Ma .lgc attic want trouble. ego •K R. -. n team. After the eine Qhs fitting o! glasses. pEyee tested tree.��orth vice. You tiro -see ata lance what to the winni f, g Claremont. x'i6tf:, c .• the Dunbarton Dramatic Club will MILLS.,. _ - ;F.'TOMLI\SO\, bI, B., Member Our Talki'i1 �Ia+:hlnes'are'at your ser*s. OAD in Give to pavilion. entitled "Home Ties" N•'of the Collcgc c[ Ph, s:ciansan� Surgeons cite at all times to try out the (epi oy da.din uh to the delight of Cher Sec'y-Treat Ilion, AT1a.t} DlcGlashan, want of Ontario. ORlce: that formerly occcpied by ReCOrd bU - the late Dr, R. Brodie, and latterly by Dr, Cald- q friends. well. Phone. Claremont,Qnt': - 231y Mr. Conlin and family, of Whitby; GREENWOOD We have two extra v ictrola Rooms were the guests of :11,' Fitzpatrick one T E.' f`ARTR'RIGHT, M:`D„ M. where, you can play to your heart's day last week. Jar. Lloyd, of Toronto, spent Sunday content .without being annoyed- by with the Denny family• ` •'C.fP. & `~., Ont. A coroner;for the Coun- Amon the many holiday visitors to On account of increased ex 'eases " ty of Ontario, Office hours : 12-C"{and 6 -Sp. m.. of hers coming til to the store this "locality were", ilre-- 11is4es Kayes MI » Ada \fickle spent the holiday P cr.at other '•hours by appoigtrnt at PhopeBell witb their pat J. White, of To- with her parents in Myrtle. I am 'forced to advance chopping �•, No.2i. Ind. phone Pio, lou. Plckenne. on- All the New Records are stocked and p " 3I[s. %lies.) R'illcinsoa i iiolidayin "tario. 3313 a -vast number of the rontn,.with Axford Bros.: lir. Devitt B to 10 cents per bag. This does not; standard records - and family,'with Amos and Mrs, Brig. � with her patents in I:indsay. nearly the extra cost, and O. 3icJCT 'NON, '_11.D., L.R.O.S., nail ; \fir, A.'' Joel, n. of Kingston, ilea E;iieesan, of Toronto, spent a N • Edinburgqh, member at the ecneae of fete days tt'itb her, parents here, unless there is a lowering of ea Physicians Oi and burgeons of Ontario. licentiate Our Talking Macbines range from with his parents : Mr, Crawford, of pa of Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, $1-r•1"1O to $423.00 Toronto, with Chas, and Mrs. Fuller ; f The Hopper -family, of Toronto, penses,'a further advance may he �DeRo attention to defenses of iromen and Miss Johnston, of Oshawa, with S�'; spent the holiday with J:'Brown. rendered necessary. : ehildrea, Office and residence, Broughatm. Come in and hear the music while H, anti Mrs; Jag6sen. Jack Ashley, of Toronto, has been wailing. You are,alwtiys welcome +holidaying with Albert Harvey. Some milts, owned by farmers find i6 Legal GREEN RIVER 1 Miss Edith Widdifield, of .Uxbridge. neccseary to charge loc per bag • sent the,week-eridwith•her parents. Ont p P and.r>lore, to make it pay. H.;IiF\tijDY, Barrister. Sol- Gilbert Hockey pent a day recently Missed Edna' Middleton and Pearl ��i'Ieitor,i <otary' Yublic,'1Conveyancer &c. ! , in Toronto. Tyr. dal bare' been' holidaying in To• BRAN and- SHORTS on hand Whitby. Ont. di ___.__. __ __ _-__ __ Meldrick Madill, is busy these days rnnto. aintfn his''car 1liss May Gibson and friend, of Osb• Will-tbose who have not et of theft ,. �E. FAREW FLL, K.O., BARRIS- • T>•R, Coratt�� Crowe Attorney, aad Gotrnty Bollai•or. Court Sonse;•Whitbv.. IC -T E. CHRISTIAN, Barrister*and *So;icitor. ANE. Public. Etc, Money to oan. t: Office Brock st, Nortb, Whitbv. Zly DALES:& JOHNSTON-Barristers atc "? Uanfnrth A•. e. 'W,--, l•+..rah I131dZ> ronao PKoneGerrard 4111. > - .To.saturda)-s, 1IaI- veen 1720, fIirG.p AMY ON, B•' A.. BAS- I r ser. `«.�.clt�n• menrber of ehc atm of I -R ckni an Demon Foster and Beaton Toronto p Glad to.report that W. J. Michell's awti, spent theholidav with the form- parttcipa'tion receipts, please call "- family are ont of ituarantine. el', parents here. and get them. They arp valuable 0. H, i al has improved his farm Feed. and Mrs.. Nutt, of, Torontr, by the planting of anripple orchard. have, h. en holidayigg with the. form- , Con, ratulatiens to tho GrAen River er's pare,nts-here. S. S. football team an winning the A., Mr; and Mrs. Ashloy, of Toronto, league series. W'. G. Barnes bas itn-prinved, his spent a few d+tys kith their' daughter.G�LF�.trr.T Urs. Robert; Harvey, hasket-factory by enlarging flour Nvillid and airs Hamilton and fam- ,the of :hare celnsiderahly, ily; Oshawd, spent the week -end The new cement bridge on the-, tb is nearing completioh :and- is it -with their'parents Isere. Thomas (h•uler•od -a,nd family, AC -con. Service credit to the contractor: Mr. Gibson. companled by s')nie frierids, spent the week-end with William- Ormerod and General Trusts, Building, f,5 Say SLreet.Toronto. O.UNBARTON amity. -• Telephone,\Iain 1101 and 9f,:•: DOGS W�1 NTED Stewart Corbett's blister, of Mince- '. --'----_.. __.�. __. _ a— p here'for,thir- \lids Ri.k, of Tnront�, sent a few sofa, who has not heen t Dental -A I trill pap the following prices deliver- days with Ira. Morrison. teen'veare, arrived on Mondav even- g G A R G E ed at the null : J]iss Iiecnedv and Mi -as Capp spent ing to spend her vacation with him. the 24th with Jdrss G. White. -.Nliss . Aunie Day, of Toronto, and LASE B. - BEATON. D. D. S.• Rock Elm No, 1 3J.W to .0.00 per►,.til _ ' • •'- Mr. and :tli•s. Elder, of TOronti+, formerly of Greenwood• underwent a We have a full line of motor oils aac2 Graduate;of the Royal CTo on o- Dental Soft Elm No. 1 25.411) to 39).(X) " SurReo?L�. and University of Toronto: Office =pent the week -end with F. and �1rr. seriot s opt rat is n cit hlsy 20th is Rus- greases as• well as .motor S=tores. over W. Iii, Prtngle's 'hardware; store, A'hithy. Basswood No. 1 2.3,1X) to 3(r (lf) " Leroy. holm Road Hospital, qtr maty 09ice hours 9 to 121: 1.to 8.30.•1 Ind. 'pl one 6. Maple No. 1 25.(X) to 30,00 " P Frank and Mrs. Dales, of Toronto, ieada will he glad to know thiCt'she Autos of all makes and designs repair - Bell phone 220.-j 441y � White Ash No. 1 35.1X) to 4t).Cd "� sent, the week -end with Dr. and Sirs. is rtt ids improving. "ori Gr'th Pine 1 '20.(X1 to 25 09 " P P e - p � ed on shortest ices. and Hemlock :\o. 1 20.00, to •13.00 ••' Dales. The heatroncert ever given in Pict- "' at fair prices. --� �ufsiafafas darDt�. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, Toronto. ering township was listened to In the _ Chopping and Oat Rolling every -week spent the weekend with C. and \Ira. Greenwood church on the evening of Agents for Dominion Tires G. -HAM -issuer o! Marriage 'day exec in Monday. AaniP, May 24th. The church was packed to „ �T g y Pt 8 y• Genuine Ford Parts r�` Idoeasw in the County of Ontario, I, W. and Mrs. Pizee and family its utmost. Bert Harvey, the "Star ' picketing village. inn. W. G. Barnes, Gr@SII River spent the week -end with his (mother, comedian, delighted the audiepce In Gasoline always on hand. Free Ate -W i V.IRICHARDSON - Real ;Es ,11re. Pfizer. his usual happy manner. Louie J, r1 ..tste Insurance. Conveyancing, Notary Or address R. R. No. 1. Locust Hill. M. and Mrs. Gibson, of Toronto. Ashley sang very acceptably. Robert , Call and see us if -you are it1 'need Public, !Etc rate Insurinf: ooh. any were -the guests of Mrs. Dunbar for and Mrs. Harvey, Jack Ashley and of anything in theauto the holiday. Albert HArvev delighted the Auaieoce or truck line. 7 'BALL -House carpenter. Es- Frank and the Misses Bruggers 'with so1o9 and instrumentals. - Miss r -- ' •ttimatep giverr for newrworir, repairs or C spent the wepk•end with their sister, DorothyHopper and little Miss•n'Don- alterations. Ind. phone 2913,ePickering, 231y. Summer Sessions- 'Mrs. Gerald Clark. hell, of c ton a. were the elocution- C*Wail & Shepherd • T •B.BEATO.IT TOWNSHIP to Shaw's Schools, Toronto, from 31r. and lits. Ciatward and daufsht iste. Miss Gwyneth Hopper, Mrs. B: _ ' D. ooaoeyanoer, Commfssioncr for casing er and lir. Wright. of Toronto, spent Harvey and .Mrs. Ashley acted as ac- • , j1Ls0dartts, Accountant. Etc. • Money to loan June _28th to.September 1st. Rive the 2'tt.n with H; Gatwnrd. cotnpani:,tq. The Devitt & Co's Or- Pjekerjng, Qrite ' on farm propsrty• "I suer of litakriag• Lio• continuous opportunity to ct;:vtlify John Anderson. of NiRgara Fella. chests. was also in attendance. F..%I. _ an Whicerals, Ont: i -t Nii-a NI, Anderson anis l]c. and Mrs: Cbapn,lrn made a capital chairman: for a business position. La -t an \IIArd •and son spent the oliticiy with Receipts -of the eieninR :,+; iX), T'GEI-:5. PCGH, Glen ltAlor, Ont. time.-e.�-.' H, •Si1Aw, 383 -�` ,u Here"You': Are11LscfU. AucRiH. G tater :r. cOpet• �lr� AIIdercAri•Ieace-''.a tr;rarted ane thorcitahl :ed' Mock:Yonge St , Toranto. ,'.irk: FiArirk• Ev-t 'and Frmnk. of - Bales conducted .anywhere, Lyrae for terms Jit Memoriam •Toronto spent the 4th with -lyra aaa pPOSTIT.LPI is Pn. ed1?,tution 1p — -- Also Mira B,zrc,n and lli�s j -- - The late Samuel Rath, the �nh`ect of PICI�ERII'J . . �f.t:vitt, of 1+nontn trete werit•Pnd ser, • • thio nlemnir, dP aired this life very • for Couact•s of Yoz* *alOnta.rio. Ano• • • •:-ivory wlth�ll�, tit'-tle�. p _ r o . onroi:t fetch -n ori tiFnndHr 'evE r �,idden;y on Tuc•.rl:,y mc;tnintr, enc t1 Qioasales otall kiaas stteaq(t to on shortest Tho the lith. l'J_l1,-alt 1lit•fatprTy- Tt°idense Cemer�t- "noucs: Address Greta Siver P, 0., Oac, ut; , \f <y 17th, in the't htu'ch wA" wt•li I LUMBER YARD I n Int 13: in the\ 'lnd'ct nrkr4ion o! rCiP.TON M. GI[i�n\, Ontaii,, At!+ nded And gleati� en.ioyed by 11 Pi :(30x1 _ r rP.Nrrt. 11id� Lori,y sang two crto� f Itkerin>` town• ]p' He was horn in V 1'..n.I ik,m,nion `Land '`!:r, ;or r r,Y- �;{., ihicir deli,Fhtrd all. The r�•adinfis,ht Dt-vunshire. Fns and in -the year 1831 x 'Enainrcr. lfopklns-Strect. �%Ktby, P., >. _ 1. \i'is Jackson were Wkll rendered ar ;i:ti'ttas-in hie. xty•t,ixth •year'when' Lumber, {$ucc•cs.lwor to the late W, E. ;Yarnotd. Oritar:o 114 �ct•nt hE„tiP, H. ratite to CARadat Land Surveyor of Port Perry. It -'a - 1;P is a'favntite at I)ilnhnrton. thr tcl1E•n tacl.year:f :age, with his fath- _ Far dale bt ins her third appy ArancP. M. )uhn Bath• d his mother, whose __ Cj NT. MAW. LICENSED AT (• Jnr.•, Iie1. lI. A., rfncipal of the Nor- � Shing E; VV TIO\EER,forYork,Qntano�ndDuh 1 v P tu,ar4'PIl 1SAroe n•Ns Cole, and settled C�ur.na••, :U; kln�+of sales promptly. atteaCrd nlal l] 0101 S. -lin -rd. gaaye an Euldre.c on About 3f�0 Al G Looped 31i 1e. The i1'AngE•t' within (,111 j:.rP:.' n`ar-N:weizst:z. . ftr' was united ro Ready ROOF Ug - to. Termsieison:Elle. Dates for sates, may be The �U ir�n. -v a l'bini our difhl:'tlTr' ;i1alrla);P Yn Miss Pedlar in the ear ti , ~ dent pcd as ti£1liiL chrtcv. $cal aad Indc;xr.- barrels•,01 8 one, but hes haBdIPini t estinl a arid. it.- dent phones Rhitby, Ont Sl J cents ` A , t oun Alike. 1541) acct r- the ed to the County of ty + 4 each h2 lots toll, mak n1; g Grev, whirr the reFided for twenty Steel Posts - ye:syr. ra the veep IiXN) thrycyme to .a. ....�.. N.iB ti uctiyt• to illi rd i;P t ' �f 10 or more at Pi tins z„ tnsht Y% here the have - Bought and sold. SROUGItAM tPsidca eget Croce. Ht+ whole life -was the Shap. t1lArked IN industry and econotny. - �1 Go�'1 rnmeni, Murieipal and Cor, 1t•ilsnli'� ice-cre'tiu alwac'on hand honesty Ruci sobriety, making a good A C. RE �1 SORE =T T - at F. L. Baid.erow's, sttceessof his noble 'lofession as A • potation Bonds For Sale. rlr ; La Gordon �; Son, R J. Price and J. L. Cowie spent model' farmer, He wits active in Bell Phone 1c33 PICKERII G r,t'Pt ltmday with friendi here; Church and Sandfly- School work from LOCUST HILL - F. and Sirs. Grtow mil , family pent his earliest Youth, was a highly " W1Lf-IAM_D.-DYKES; WHiTAY oyer 51:r.day with R'ro, llosgrq�e. re t,ectEil offlciAl.memberof Pickering - — -- 4 Pell and Independent phon r:. Nliis L'dith Sandes•s-7n, of Toronto, 11 'fi digit Church at the time of his =r: M. R. AT �"..RE spent the 1lolidav with R, J. and Mrs. trousiation to the Church above. . InPioi6kering p v- Cowan. ch•irnmer he teas stain ed tweet Veterinary Surgeon If You wish to GET a Hi(;u GR,\DF - lir, alid Mrs. Shy pher i, >lr Rnd f,nTr carat 1:oid, anti i1i cnndttct he'liw- WonorGradua'te'of Ontario VetFlinary , Fly College, All calls day or ni ht 1 Bi'1xF.s I:DC•C'.1TiC)\ and a Po+ -r- ?Ire. Ji.:ilden..Mr, ar•d _ Ir . t'luellinr k •wlthogt reproach.. 'We mourn the y K spent•thr holi lav with Dr,.Bentley. I: ss of a'nchle citiman, a faithful Ill promptly attended to. TIt1N scon after GflADt-ATINi: yeti Remember B:� ftugortrgl-a's Chalk Talk. band and a loving -father. He i9 sur- _ • t Bell And LndependentPhones will select the nr.d.�r the au=T+it t- cif •the tIe thnd•,�t rived hq itis wifs�, three daughters -PICKERiNG> - - ONTr";1'30 i 1 L'+dies' Ail. tar, the et el:er.g of l ridat, Anrl five cony. The daughters Are Dru �_EL.i_,OTT ~: June the I lth, NIrs, G. W. Lee. Mrs. E. McGregor and. CEJ' 17 --" :---f Avery inter?a.ing gnrnP of foothrtll 1Irs, \I Bryant. The sons are John, - • 11 i i�R .f.>��;•, . ✓ will hP eyed hr ra on Saturday e'er.• �� i ,_ ... i.in•ne And Allan, living at Home, and Whlt,evale Tile 'irks i:7 � ing, y '_''? hetneen the single and ��'ilhei't ane F.dgar, who are married Yun�e 3: Charles Sts, 1'u.t'untE1n1ar1tn,the.l.st game the rtr,d ,tt;:y; Thedeceasd's step=Store Concrete drain tiles of diff2rei,t sizes nru'ri?c] nihil iron •','?, Roth tearlls mother, one sister and three brothers and concrete bricks, for sale. LEARN NORF APOUT THIS Sc1I(201. It". 110W much stronger and, are de- tire still living. 'His funeral service r - l trl'milled to win, as ille losers are to .-tpas conducted by Rev..T. W, Cown at NNli Ind. Phone c, 5315, il.hnn), t y wtitir'g f:ntour latrgL C-,italogtle• r(-iit the lvinnc-is and .. their -lady -the _failiilc..-residence on _ T_hursdav _ -•: Geo. $Li;f$hOlder,. jee what we have done fry. others frientl� to -ice cream.- Admission til iftt;t noon, May the 13th, an lyes At? h•te-vale -- Drugs, Patent Medicines, at we can doY+�r y,,n, Tt1is ooze, It)c, ii -fid of new ball to be used tended l,y a very large nnmberof tela- Schor.l stands for the l cst'in touts,, for the first time: on this occasion. lives, friends And neighbors from far Toler Regni3itee, Dr. N. E. McEwen, B• . SC, Fred C 1�=fe,-captain'of nlRr'ried men, and near, who came to show tbeir - es, ,inatrnction, (t{uipment unci tits- R. Fea,hc; captain Single men. , Ei1- sincere respect for the*. memory of the _ f. Stationery K Veterinary:Surgeoi). " cipline.• Open- all year. Enter gene Percy. Claremont, referee., one departed, and to express- their Graduate -'o€ Unieersity of Toronto. 11ow, A deep glornn was cast over oto• moil- beart•felt sympathy Mr the family in Willard's Chocolates, � Former Veterinarian to 3lacdcnald lei'. J. Elliott, Principal I,1ge on W dnesday . M, ay -19th, tyhen their greet sorrow, All thA•t is rtlortal he sacI news was rece;tcd that Miss of our, absent friend is -resting tluietly Cigars and Tobaccoes Agricultural College, 'Quebec. _ • , a -Prompt attention to fill clients. F•talth A. Brodie bnci died suddenly, in '`Grove Side." cemetery, near bhe Bell orad Ind, Phone?, following an operation at ills General tillake of Brnoklin, He was' carried Special attention given to drug It is rVI Easiness Hospital, Toronto. \lis: Brndie, who to the grace by his five nohle sons and ` PICKERiNG, ONTARIO .7. was ,t ter of Sirs. Geo, Philip, tvA9 :1 a younger brother. He rests in peace requirements Of live stool[. %_ To help you inn part of yours, young lady who was held in the high- awaiting the ressurrection of the just, est esteem by all who.knew her. Her and will hail with joy the coming of Calls prom tly.an9wered;da•y or By opening a New Garage in the Vil• life was one of unselfishness, devoted that great clay, for which all other Ia a of Whiter ale I Am re ared to do night. Bell or Ind. phone. G R EII D g p p` to the welfare of others, Her cheer- days were made.all kkids of repRir' work, including fill die osition won her many friends, Asleep is Jesus! blessed sleep, _�_- ' = x trips and side curtains, alto making who deeply regret her untimely de- - -' Li r m which none ever wakes to Mus 11rty hi - _ F n ` ,. -- mise. Her funergl took place from taus ' ed meats constantly on hand. loving it a good coat of new paint, her home here on Fridav afternoon, A' calm and undisturbed repose, *i jj��%%(( ��,,`` Agent for Toronto machinery, includ• to Zion Chnrcb Cemetery at Cedar >✓ubroken b the last of foes, N• E. i�aeli_+VvE, '`• • Fpice Roll, Breakfast Bacon ing Pumps,; Windmills, Silos Grove, Among those who attended p Ham, Bologna, Weiner9, etc, and Gasoline Engines, her funeral were friend9 And relfitives Be sure to attend the grand Cele V8t81'lllal'� Silig80II cs: _ CHARLES M. RICE, fruin Canuinatun, Beaverton, Sunder- ' Highest prices paid for -- land, Stouffville, Lambton, Mimico, bration at Claremont On *^a 1 Butcher's cattle, $cine Tel. b52], . \ 1Whlteyele, Ont Toronto and Agincourt. Jute 3rd. PiCkerisig O]ZtBhZ'14 ... , - M a.. last( `.a ''.F .r.._.•.,. ,alta. ... .. .. t^ ...- .:.-. .. -. . _,....,.. •.. .:..��....,:•n.�,..-,,,,_..,. :..alta - .:'tr•�..�."i-_.r....,..,_.- ..alta.-.fis_'�""Y-e:•.+,.-•+_.'"`��- _ ,�.._ .,:,lata, :•� .:. 5 ..?-.,? .. .. w• .' -„ ...+w.,%„'Y.,'.Y. '- j '.' .-..•. .. ..� �.'-'� a: i�+. T ,.� . `.. R':'. '!A ¢}'... _b '� •r ., •,. •d '_... ,ivlsi. --. %y ,ray. ..^�daw :i�:i... vm••n pv, .: li, jrY.� - ''„y�e ` '+i” ..•(. p' ci:•ar ` : W -4'M`', ,�• '+ry..,�:''Y �^ ..r �•�-•wan S�.� � .r..,, ,.¢`� :✓'. _..y. F •a,^•y„ ��ss�,. �"'t '. T ?C:4:.i 1.. .fw �". S .i.� �',e~.�'.,'`.'�rar 7.+':ay'la•'n'X. m� «wa rrd'.'s. Fc'.z •u-.,i'•'°t 'a • , - .z°� ': i.' -y .-^.'iYu¢'*� �:; ^,^ �'n V�-ry:�+i.`� +�`��.5 a .zr.M i": .' .. ,...r'""'.' :,j.:�- .r3,•"..• •s° Y - •. d•• <.'r ,. "....< ,. - •.� .4 Vic.,,% rf i.' .. "'�' '" '�.;;+I'^`' .�y� a.-a¢'+�•p��. .•:^. . �+4 ', a•• *i- ..'�ih i ,ys% r ,ra-.' , w cW+•'�t'^':' '_iy .'T +q'3E! v,.�`7'•ti^`'�' •' r•r*r. r :�. Y .,�4 K4:: ,.,ti anis>�'J::: r,y '�;,. •';,/` -pica 'c : +F :9. �' . •t, -.r-'' ,n. ��.�1+ There are over 600 private.' schools was parted .;:..,..T 5:.. Elizabethan times, when the ruff was principal form of -neckwear. After -. •^%•" � " •••�l.' �'S- - Nlgn A serving in the Infantry yy K:...; n•'J Y'.. 'KM .a . � Mi .r y t pr And taking orders under me. Tuesday. is considered unlucky for 1 knew nothing of his death until a same one that you've exhibited his overcoat He then X. 1' an e. Pb just as safe as sate can be. Have Vou Ever Thought oI,. f Cyn THS -SEAL OF SECkECY [7 Thi" —That a Cu of _ This C TEA By EDWIN BAIRD. r a. A-Ult c T 3M.A. s'3st _ _ `' . ' r properly iiniused, 1S Ol?<e o Mature. s greatest x as a harmless stimulating beve�'a E. -,-blessings—A where McKinlock substantially "I Judge went ing of CHAPTER X. !breath of fresh air before turning in A Mortifying Question: { for �Wthe hide night." .were outdoors last Marjorie was taken to her room, II ,r „ a physician attended her. Henry night, pursued the .coroner, did you was examined and testified !, speak, to anybody?" collar as -.follows: I "Yes, sir. I generally walk back proposition: had. dinner last evening with to the garage'for a good -night chat Blackburn, and afterward we I with the chauffeur; -Frederick Hicks, lace to his study where we sat talk- and I was with.him last nicht when beads, I heard the two revolver snots. I for perhaps an hour. In the coarse, adorned I rushed back to the house and our conversation we disagreed on i Mr. Quinn there. Judge Black ner matter, and I'm afraid that ..upstairs to the judge's study. I found wasWh 'burn of us became more heated than use How We Got Collars. It is just a hundred years since the came into being as a commercial l has, been suggested that the neck- of teeth ar claws, or string of with which our early aucestors� themselves, was the .forerun• of the modern collar. The earliest pictorial proof of the of the collar proper dates from 4 p - i r :.? — ---- White dales. a certain „ each FaCt$. - environment, says an expert. room No fewer than 1,000,000 men are � Bill Smith was just a P -T -E There are over 600 private.' schools was parted necessary. In any event wedead." „ . at was Mr. Quinn doing?" - in anger. I returned a little "He was 'standing near the desk, the Elizabethan times, when the ruff was principal form of -neckwear. After `• qn Throughout the in nest, Quinn in -1 m+ght arouse suspicion . q "Yea. in the i termittently had been ."sizing up" the A serving in the Infantry in London. later of and apologized for my, display p this temper. After that I went home. and I saw him put the revolver—the here, gold and silver veltu fringes "Is this the revolver you saw?" -!men gathered a the coroner the dreapon to net hb hood -and he perceived in • 1 stress I've had my full share, too,-- -'- And taking orders under me. Tuesday. is considered unlucky for 1 knew nothing of his death until a same one that you've exhibited his overcoat He then were the fashion fora con,,i erable 1' an e. Pb just as safe as sate can be. v A simple cuss he seemed to me; weddings in Spain. we tip of the tongue is the 'most detective o'clock sir—in pocket. -came to my house about ten hurriedly searched• the judge's desk •period, last night and placed me under lars he found the shee of blue note= these being supplanted by col- similar to those worn today, save Writing on- the Train. "Ile showed me an anonymous let- the' chair, facing the coroner across „ the table, he was fully resolved there I never thought that he could be ' senaitt> a part of the body. arrest:' ..until "You paper, which he also pocketed. for the .fact that they formed -part of the coroner, handing him the hesitatingly took this way, heedless of This soldier4ife a green with me.sheet A teacher, of philosophy. . Mcre than 60 per cent. of the popu- saydisagreement," you had a disa Was Mr. Quinn in Judge Black- the shirt. . Till suddenly one awful night, " lation of Portugal cannot write. the, us, coroner remarked. "Will you tell what disagreed about?" burn's study when you announced the But this arrangement was an ex. _ -'Ti rain and told and sorry plight, The, total war debt of the world is please, you "It was reap nothing of moment,"' arrival of Mr. McKinlock. Y g travagant one. As soon, .as a .collar ti The Bache attacked upon our right. estimated at $200,000,000,000, flowers said Yes, sir."was the lawyer, in his calm, precise „g y Did anything the soiled, the shirt had to be shed Bees will suck over 3,000,000 way. a " It was. in fact a quite trivial you overhear y for y' q � , washing purposes. ' Then just before. -that bloody fight in gathering one pound of honey. !matter, and my only reason for men -said to each other?" This state of affairs was changed a Bill scrawled this note by candlelight: One pound of dried tea represents tioning it is to explain. why I returned I overheard: enough to warrant the belief that they were not on friendly century ago by an Englishwoman, one (I censored it with blurring sight). about four pounds of freih-gathered to Judge Blackburn's' study." I "How terms. I that they had dis- Hannah Montague, a blacksmith's "Dear - Ma," he wrote, "here's just a ' leaves. The swallow has a larger mouth in the long did you remain with him gathered second time?" agreed shout Mia Blackburn, also wife. She had a bad time with her husband's washing until one dad she D I. ii" proportion to its size than any other "A few minutes only. I went away about the heritage which she was to receive from her With this, was struck by the brilliant Idea of • To 'let you know Yin feeling fine. bird. again almost immediately." .uncle." "Did damning bit of testimony, the sere- separating the collars from the shirts. ra This kind of lite is hard to beat, f 30,000 women , were employed on you see any person• as you �„ ant's examination ended. The next morning .the blacksmith h� ".fan ought see the way I eat; British railways at the end of January went out . 'Yes; I saw Mins Blackburn- and Frederick Hicks, the chauffeur, was went'to. work in a collar that tied with _ � But -then we've got the finest chow of this year. Mr. Quinn. „ called. He corroborated Zuttermeis- strings, instead of being fastened, as In all .the army anyhow. They feed us meat and eggs and cakes In an ordinary book the letter "Z" will occur, on an average, twice in ter's statement that the fro uentl "Where were they?" Y q y "In Misa Blackburn's sitting room;'�.tbefore, met in the chauffeur's roam above the to the neck of his shirt. From his simple idea sprang the collars the _. Until we all have tummyaches. i 3,000 words. "Did either of them see you?" asked garage, and that Zuttermeister-'had wear to -day. Our grub is always piping hot; That stuff is all a Lot of rot One 'in Germany is- the the coroner.been there on the previous evening,; "I think Both. had their backs when the shots were fired. ---r=----- Liniment in About our being fed, supplying electricity for light -and power to 166,vlllages. toward,me.' not. , - The two policemen, Flynn and Kelly, i were examined next and declared they Keep Minard's the house. And acing pig -pens for a bed. _ Why, listen, Ma, Is for a be high Criminals are rarely made by. cir• wise "You didn t speak to them, or other - draw their attention?" had searched the house from top to after the and,t ' Up where it's nice and warm and dry; cuatstances, but are due to birth and No; I merely glanced into ��the bottcun, soon murder had found nothing. It's in a dandy old chateau environment, says an expert. room No fewer than 1,000,000 men are as I passed, and walked on. "Did you notice anything there— The policemen having finished the Where' princes slept not long ago: still under arms in Poland, Roumania : or anywItere else, before leaving the coroner called: "Mr. Douglas Quinn!" I There'a shower baths and everything ` That I could wish, it I were kin + and the new European Sates. house—that qn Throughout the in nest, Quinn in -1 m+ght arouse suspicion . q "Yea. in the i termittently had been ."sizing up" the g Is sure is great to see the way I October was- 1231,396, of 1 whichmoreroom, On the desk sitting- I saw a pearl -handled revolver." i coroner's jury—chiefly composed of Ie hastily together the a The mail from h, me comes in each day; than half are in the British Isles "Is this the revolver you saw?" -!men gathered a the coroner the dreapon to net hb hood -and he perceived in • 1 stress I've had my full share, too,-- -'- and The Imperial War DIuseum, to be him. apetieci at the Crystal Palace, Locdon, passed them, or believed he did, a determina- have "It appears to be the name one." teat !o! Most every day I hear. from you. Wow don't You worry. y rry, Ma, to June, will eont:.ta more than 200,- "While you were here last night, did Thistoand the moray Zutter- in meister, persuaded him to do a des- 1' an e. Pb just as safe as sate can be. 000 exhibits. Judge Blackburn say' anything t thing. presence that would indicate' he p era e r we are miles in the rear t -_ your ��— was expecting sudden death?" As he crossed the room and took And far from any danger here. Writing on- the Train. "Ile showed me an anonymous let- the' chair, facing the coroner across „ the table, he was fully resolved there I guess the bloomin'.war'll atop. = Actors I once go o'er she top.. Mast people- know how difficult it i8' ter, + to write well on a train that is 'travel- threatening his life. " was but one way left to save the girl. "Ia this .the letter he showed you? he had hoped to marry -and he un- l'm just se happy as can be, - ling vary fast. Yet the waiter in the I asked the coroner, handing him the hesitatingly took this way, heedless of This soldier4ife a green with me.sheet dining -car will make out your account I of note -pa era McKinlock read Lhe message. exam- its peril.41 So, smile, M -a, twill not be long 1 r. umn, said the coroner, can with perfect ease. What is the trick fined the paper carefully on both sides Q Datil we sing the -victor's song, that enables him to`do this? and returned it. "Yes, that's the one." You supply an clue to the identity of And great will be your pride and Joy i As a matter of fact !t is much more At this juncture Quinn scribbled the person who killed JudgePBlack- OOAR E SALT .!'Too greet your grown -up -little boy." burn in this house last night . LAN SALT'*'' : simple. to write when. standing up 1n a 4something on the back of an envelope. .•I can do even better than that;' t're marked his grave beyond the hill, moving train than when sitting down, I Unnoticed he slipped it to a fellow said Quinn, looking the coroner stead- reporter, who, after reading it, quietly Balk Car%Ot[3 And though I wear a "brass hat:' still The reason for this 16 that in a sitting fly in the eye. ` I am the person who ;I learned a heap from Private Dill. Posture there is too much lateral I laid it on the table coroner's eyebefore the coroner.fell upon the note, killed Judge Blackburn!" :TORONTO GALT WORKS movement of the trunk. In a standing (Concluded next week.) C. J. CLIFF TORONTp position these movements are more as he was asking a question of no _ _ lgreat importance. He asked two or l easily,, and almost instinctively, con• three more and then, ., unexpectedly. Amazon Valley Fruitful. ' The Amason valley cauda raise rood trolled. � said: Fashions in Whiskers. Beautiful Women I With the passenger, however, the "Mr, McK:nlock, have you ever pro- of Society. duringtbepast ,,. There are signs that whiskers are enough to feed the entire world; from ' I writing must be' done whilst sitting posed marriage to Miss Blackburn?,' seventy years have relied being cultivated again. It is a re - Para .Para to the Andes foodstuffs can be I down, and this. fa the proper attitude The pointblank interrogation hada upon It for their dlsHa- grown successfully. The soil is ex- t startling effect upon the attorney. His markable thing that, although both gvy�appearaau•Tbe I to take up: Hold the elbows close up - traordtasrily productive; there is a cool self-assurance, which had char- King George and his father, King Ed- soft, refined, pearly against. the ribs, keeping most o! the I acterized him u till now, vanished ward, were bearded. very few of their white cow lesion It 'bounteous rainfall throughotit the Sear arm fairly rigid, leaving only the wrist ; ` instantly. Panic seized him. — 1 subjects followed their lead.. / renders Instantly, Is and' perennial sunshine; two and three ally free. It will be found that this "W—why" he stammered, his face '. crops a year are harvested by. many + y, In fact, from the days of the later always the source of agriculturists, and there ea heves the plan checks the moving tendencies of reddening— `why—since you .ask me Stuarts to the Crimean War, all --Eur- flattering comment. i danger u frost og the various- joints, and.thms the pen or —yes. But I quite fail to see how your _ilystug>}t It is said pencil is much more easily controlled. question has any relation—" ope w,as clean shaven as well as be ' that for every bushel of grain planted 8 _ When did you propose marriage to wigged. The bearded warriors of the ..::840 bushels are reaped. ;her?" Lrimea brought home the fashion, and Oriental Cream f Cocoa has alvmys been a more. or r 'Marriages lA Burma. "I'think—if I remember correctly— for forty years Society occupied itself + lose Important •ez es, it was the day before yesterday. in devising new fashion in whiskers. port. Amazonian But what bearing has this—" Dun - cocoa ata of excellent quality, and cow., A curious idea among the Burmese g Sothern, thg actor, made the Dun- nlaada a high is that people born on the same day of The: coroner again cut him short: dreary style the rage, and a dude of N g price on' the world's " ��� �l/� the week must not marry, and that if What answer did she give you?" 1, markets:" There is no limit to the they defy the fates their union will be "Why, my dear man!" sputtered the the 'sixties was hardly complete with - possibilities 6f-'t''bcoa growin marked by much ill -luck. y out. •side-sideFrom France and g• law er, beside himself with angry con- uoian Mai Cotton is beinggrown in Amazonia Napoleon the Third came the Imperial, fusion. "You surely don't expect—" for the first time. It thrives there To prevent these disastrous mar- - "Answer the question, p Glov riages, every girl carries a record of �„ lease. a little tuft on the chin. The same amazingly well, and 1s said to be o! And if I don t period also saw the rise of the mutton I - Over& & her birthday In her name, each day of "You refuse to answer it?" chop side whiskers, which were worn i► the finest quality, with an unusually the week having a letter belonging to "I do—emphatically!" both with and without the moustache, long staple. It can be brown almost it, and 9,11 children are called by a "Ver well." The coroner turned to 1 anywhere throughout the valley, and Y while ,Hodge compromised between In some places it has already begun name that begins with that letter. It his assistant: "Recall Miss Blackburn - „ beard and no beard. by shaving his. to surpass rubber in importance• is r�titer hard it the biarys,attd Aiarks to the witness chair. chin and jaw and upper lip and lean of. Burma fall in love with each other, Ing a fringe round the throat as a sort I �r Cotton, tobacco, sugar, corn, rice CHAPTER XI, as in this, country. �,+ of natural muffler. '! and beans will undoubtedly figure I Killed Judge Blackburn. largely in the future exports of the Unlike other Oriental lands, the The twentieth century bad largely - p young people are allowed to ma Marjorie'a physician sent word Amason valley. _ marry as returned to the clean shave, but the t taste dictates, subject only to the that the girl was :unable to leave her war brought back the .military mous The forests of the Amazon river and room at this moment. Zuttermeister tributa'tss contain inexhaustible birthday restrictions, was questioned instead. tache, reduced, in most: cases, to the quantities of commercially ,valuable " "Did you see Mr, Henry McKinlock smallest dimensions. Bob Load Says: - 0" ^ go to Judge Blackburn s study last • myoveralls and shirts are roomy { p _ _ ads Running on Iia Reputation. night at a little past nine o'clock?" ran comfortable, night products, many of them_ raw maters urgently' needed in the world's mann- "Charley 'is wonderful!" exctaitned sial foe farmer.. I d ed the coroner asked. ' Where Cherries Came From. tt,P'�iththeiatathatyoeht tactures to -day. " ,�7. young Mrs. Torkins. "I never dreamed Yes, sir. want to stretch your arms and that anyone could run_a motor car the, "Did you see him depart?" Kerasoun is a town in Asia Minor legs occasionally.' Love in An Earthquake. way be can!" — No, -sir." that has Teen the 'scene, of several. "What has happened?" , , "Tell us all you know concerning Armenian massacres, and is now a 10- O LONG ' . "He looks like a cross between John the death of Judge Blackburn."cation for several agencies of Near F "We took a ride yesterday and went ..Bull and Mr. Pickwick and talks like "I opened the door for Mr. McKin- East. Reber, but the place has stili a 1 along beautifully in spite of the fact i Q -=John Bull—from Canada." lock when he called here the second renter significance for the lover of I GLOVES That is the pithy description of Sir that he had forgotten some of the ma• g time• last evening, and announced his h3amar Greenwood, the new Irish See - "You arrival to emplo era I then came fruit,. because it is the' hdm'e of the ' y will outwear any other make of Tetary,'by as intimaterfriend. "You were running without, ma. -downstairs and told Mr. McKinlock cherry tree. Glove on the agsrket, because Sir Hamar was born in Ontario and chinery?" the judge would see him. After that, I When the Rbma'n General Lucullus, { they are made by skilled work. Sir "Yes. We had .-one at least eleven went outdoors—" after a victorious, campaign in Asia men from the strongest glove • ' } • ted sodiering from eight years. Af- "One moment! Why did you go out- Minor, carried home the shoots' of a leather obtainable. ' ae wards' he tackled the law and inti• miles before Charley discovered that his engine was missing." dors new tree, he named, It the Kerasoun mat iy entered polities. "1 ofte stroll outside of an even- „ �, tree. Later the name was shortened Insist on getting Bob Long The ost extraordinary incident in ing, he said calmly, lust to 'get a to "karass," then to "cerise," and Brands from your dealer - iiia carV11 was his 'Brat meeting with "Oh, I say, cid chap," said Smarts tbey will save you .money --- his wire, which happened in 1907 at to a friend; "heard about the scandal finally the Anglo-Saxon tongle evolved ' ,.,Kingston, Jamaica, when that town in the post office?" "No," replied his was wreck d by an sarthquake. The friend, preparing to hear and enjoy. aconnfntPnr, ihfn rnnde amid scenes "Not about our poiltman getting the of rain and solation. ripened into a sack':" askew l uu.ri,e, increoulously.' love match as marriage. "What dkd he get it for?" "To put the letters in, old chap!" said Smarte, tinsird'rLiniment used by Phyaletan% with a chuckle, the word "cherry,". r R. G. LONG & Co., Limited Ceremonies differ, but true --polite Wimalea TORONTO Moawd ._ _a.::_._�_-._.::� ti ..,q:"•�'.,_ec 2 ' F}u:-mom '�¢,�,' r.:r M.:_�.F "�r'�E3• ��,�.:_e-;:-_.�?,.•.°ti -t 4The monetary loss from -fires in Lon- Known don last year is estimated at .b91- Iitnowal!rom Coast to Coast 486,000. T .....,.� ....ami..•:.eu.�+�.ax-...a�li.i.:.e.C.�:.t�;aa.i'.e :..,•.st.y2dr'4r'lf��--�� `.ia,::�.^,r'�,A:� �=-._!u.#��'.,.�_�;;si.� _ ,,.was_ .�.. ... , -• ., •.,,-.... �..a._ .. .. ....,._....._ . ....� • an importers, u no o J He4vy penaltied are provided foi in- Tetailers; as Iles of food and coal ex- P11 yachtit,-canoes,-and-mator-boats, M nIster of Finance, who has Just is- cameras candy and- confectionery, rY, .71 'd 0 1 Fresh from their successful quest of the world's premier hockey honors, the Falcons of Winnipeg, %Cr-na.* p F Z. than Olympic representatives, arrived at Toronto the othc: day, and were greeted by huge crowds and lVading ' pianos, cartridges, organs, musical $50,000, 20 per cent. on all profits ex - J cn passenger biles increased from 10 to 15 per cent 7-1, members of Toronto.Spoi-t,.5*,ieiis.Fraterntty. The photo L'.ioivs the Falcon„Ii4ed up on Clty•Hall steps to receive for household use.- This tax payable instead of 20 per cent. as at present., Increased excise duties beer, tion allowed from 7 to 10 per cent. taxation welcoming speech from :Mayor Church and Council. per. cent. in, women's wearing ap- litIncrease .on I wine and spirituous liqtiors. in stamp taxes on bills of and changing the schedule of to the following: ing: -400 Germ IC HELP SHARP DECLINE IN 'an Ships DOMESTIC Twenty per cent. of total purchase; is in effect this year, and the modified .. -exchange and VxDm4ssory-nuteT-fi5-r --On prefitS A 10-pere�ent. FOODSTUFF PRICES I to be Sold in ritain FROM ENGLAND Zvi, cigarette holders and pipes casting, in 1921. ,more than $100. on capital, but not exceeding 15 per over $2.50, humidors and other equip Tariff Cha nges-The 71,3 per cent. PLANE BUILDING 0 Increase in taxation on incomes f "'-$5000 cent., tax will be.20 per cent. - On profiti in 'excess of 15 per cent. I says. - United States Reports Fur*ther! despatch from London I Canadian Offices in London and riding garments, 'fancy pocket-" maining items. Last ycar the 5 per German. 'Factories Turning and upward. on. capital, but not exeed:ng 20 per hundred vessels of the Oer- i "Cuts" in Clothing. Over four hL Thronged With Servants ► I Tax of two cents per share" on cent., tax will be 80 per cent. man mercantile marine are'expected A 'New Wishing to Emigrate. stock transfers. On profits in excess of 20 per cent. despatch from York say-- shortly to arrive in the Firth of Forth, TAXATION MID` IN �-,BUDGET OF FINANCE MINISTER -7 .'Tax of. One Per Cent. on Sales of Manufacturers Customs Duty of 7 1.2 Per Cent. Removed -EJXCi3e Duties on Moter Cars Increased to 15 Per Cent. Taxes on luxuries ranging from 10 paid in instalments, interest at six per -to 50 per cent. of purchase price. cent. is to be charged, and payment Tax of o:. -e per cent. on sales of ii. full is required within six months s, wholesalers, jobbers after return is made by means of manufacturer 6. 4- - -les b three equal bi-monthly instalments. :peal of taxes, $30,000,000. Net increase in revenue expected, The following is a summary of the taxation proposals: Luxury Taxes --Ten per cent. of the total purchase price on hoots and shoes costing over. -S9 a pair.--men'sl and boys' suits costing over $45 each, men's and women's overcoats costing over $50 eacb�, fur coats and robes over $100 each, women's dresseq over $45, women's suits over $60, and, on hats, hose, neckwear, shirts, purses, and. gloves costing above certain speci- fled figures; as ;;ell as on other h I il .wearing apparel, all fans, opera , cloaks, ivory -handled cutlery, cut glass ware, velvet and silk fabrics, lace, ribbons,. silk embroideries and sporting goods. ..-Also ch trunks- over $40 each and valises, suitcases, etc., over, $25 xach. This -tax to be paid -by the purcbaUr-I to 'the vendor at time bf sale. I �.o cereals and provisions, including pork,'to aid Germany in rna:ntaining her Canada on July 20. The committee also suffered sharp, reactions. Sil,nifi-; former trade routes. has had an unxpected rush of candi-' cance Was attached to the drop in the dates, and is. ery well satisfied .with pork prices as marking the first pro- the qualifications of those coming for-, -hounced, break in high-priced food -r Hun-ary Will Sign ward. , In addition to these, even stuffs. PeaTre t -Once larger numbers not possessing suffl- The stock exchange showed-' fin='l ce c;ent funds or influence, to qualify be-' provement on a sharp recove--y of ,. A despatch from Budapest says- fore the committee ale being sent to Liberty bonds and Victory note;: H --in -he peace treaty Canada under the overseas schemell" gory will. sign t A large part of Friday liquids presented to her by the Allies, it is and these, too, are said to be, good tion in cotton and grains was a.ttri-indicated herg, Count -Albert Apponyi, I class new citizens. So great has been buted to the further scaling down of; who strongly opposed the acceptance' the rush of emigrants that all Can - credits by banking institutions here '' of the treaty, has. resigned from the adian sailings are now booked up two and in other reserve centres, evidently' peace delegation. and three months -ahead. ; I . in conformity with the request of -the The Canadian emigration offices In Federal Reserve Board. In the local cotton market May con-, tracts broke almost 400 points, with' equally sharp react:onx in New'' Orleans. The Liverpool' market also: reported -substantial reactions. Domestic and foreign •metal 'Marl.-'-, ets quoted lower prices for.spot and; # #-.; .4 1.- *. il - tu ; an importers, u no o J He4vy penaltied are provided foi in- Tetailers; as Iles of food and coal ex- FALCONS OF WINNIPEG, WORLD'S HOCKEY CHAMPIONS yachtit,-canoes,-and-mator-boats, M nIster of Finance, who has Just is- cameras candy and- confectionery, rY, empted from tax. I correct returns. Fresh from their successful quest of the world's premier hockey honors, the Falcons of Winnipeg, %Cr-na.* - Excise 'Lax automo- usiness Profits Tax. -Present tax than Olympic representatives, arrived at Toronto the othc: day, and were greeted by huge crowds and lVading ' pianos, cartridges, organs, musical $50,000, 20 per cent. on all profits ex - dry goods district reported -additional' cn passenger biles increased from 10 to 15 per cent ie modified by increasing the exemp- members of Toronto.Spoi-t,.5*,ieiis.Fraterntty. The photo L'.ioivs the Falcon„Ii4ed up on Clty•Hall steps to receive for household use.- This tax payable instead of 20 per cent. as at present., Increased excise duties beer, tion allowed from 7 to 10 per cent. taxation welcoming speech from :Mayor Church and Council. per. cent. in, women's wearing ap- litIncrease .on I wine and spirituous liqtiors. in stamp taxes on bills of and changing the schedule of to the following: ing: -400 Germ IC HELP SHARP DECLINE IN 'an Ships DOMESTIC Twenty per cent. of total purchase; is in effect this year, and the modified .. -exchange and VxDm4ssory-nuteT-fi5-r --On prefitS A 10-pere�ent. FOODSTUFF PRICES I to be Sold in ritain FROM ENGLAND Zvi, cigarette holders and pipes casting, in 1921. ,more than $100. on capital, but not exceeding 15 per over $2.50, humidors and other equip Tariff Cha nges-The 71,3 per cent. PLANE BUILDING 0 Increase in taxation on incomes f "'-$5000 cent., tax will be.20 per cent. - On profiti in 'excess of 15 per cent. I says. - United States Reports Fur*ther! despatch from London I Canadian Offices in London and riding garments, 'fancy pocket-" maining items. Last ycar the 5 per German. 'Factories Turning and upward. on. capital, but not exeed:ng 20 per hundred vessels of the Oer- i "Cuts" in Clothing. Over four hL Thronged With Servants ► I Tax of two cents per share" on cent., tax will be 80 per cent. man mercantile marine are'expected A 'New Wishing to Emigrate. stock transfers. On profits in excess of 20 per cent. despatch from York say-- shortly to arrive in the Firth of Forth, Business profits war tax continued, on capital, but not exceeding 30 per Influenced by the general price -carting: under the terms of the Peace Treaty., A despatch from London says: - but at reduced rates. War customs duties of 74 per cent. cent., tax will be 50 per cent. that is - steadily gainin agitation g The entire fleet is to be auctioned in Tile agricultural selection committee, ground, the commodity one lot. i -ad valOTerh repealed. On profits in excess of 30 per cent. on �apital tax will be 60 per cent. principal composed of Messrs. Scott and Wilson, markets of the country on Friday con-! O'he of the kirkest British ship i I P`9 � which has been sifting the applies - Estimated revenue for new taxes, For small businesses with capital tinned to "mark down" quDted'-v'alue3. intends t6 buy the fleet, and Itions for free transportation to Can-' -$100,000,000a of not less than $25,000 and under Cotton, sugar and corn opt; 'oris. broke: afterwards charter many vessels fo i ada and the Canadian Government Est:mated loss of revenue from re- violently here and :n Chicago, &nd! Germans.- in furtherance of the plan loan' to homesteaders will return to :peal of taxes, $30,000,000. Net increase in revenue expected, The following is a summary of the taxation proposals: Luxury Taxes --Ten per cent. of the total purchase price on hoots and shoes costing over. -S9 a pair.--men'sl and boys' suits costing over $45 each, men's and women's overcoats costing over $50 eacb�, fur coats and robes over $100 each, women's dresseq over $45, women's suits over $60, and, on hats, hose, neckwear, shirts, purses, and. gloves costing above certain speci- fled figures; as ;;ell as on other h I il .wearing apparel, all fans, opera , cloaks, ivory -handled cutlery, cut glass ware, velvet and silk fabrics, lace, ribbons,. silk embroideries and sporting goods. ..-Also ch trunks- over $40 each and valises, suitcases, etc., over, $25 xach. This -tax to be paid -by the purcbaUr-I to 'the vendor at time bf sale. I �.o cereals and provisions, including pork,'to aid Germany in rna:ntaining her Canada on July 20. The committee also suffered sharp, reactions. Sil,nifi-; former trade routes. has had an unxpected rush of candi-' cance Was attached to the drop in the dates, and is. ery well satisfied .with pork prices as marking the first pro- the qualifications of those coming for-, -hounced, break in high-priced food -r Hun-ary Will Sign ward. , In addition to these, even stuffs. PeaTre t -Once larger numbers not possessing suffl- The stock exchange showed-' fin='l ce c;ent funds or influence, to qualify be-' provement on a sharp recove--y of ,. A despatch from Budapest says- fore the committee ale being sent to Liberty bonds and Victory note;: H --in -he peace treaty Canada under the overseas schemell" gory will. sign t A large part of Friday liquids presented to her by the Allies, it is and these, too, are said to be, good tion in cotton and grains was a.ttri-indicated herg, Count -Albert Apponyi, I class new citizens. So great has been buted to the further scaling down of; who strongly opposed the acceptance' the rush of emigrants that all Can - credits by banking institutions here '' of the treaty, has. resigned from the adian sailings are now booked up two and in other reserve centres, evidently' peace delegation. and three months -ahead. ; I . in conformity with the request of -the The Canadian emigration offices In Federal Reserve Board. In the local cotton market May con-, tracts broke almost 400 points, with' equally sharp react:onx in New'' Orleans. The Liverpool' market also: reported -substantial reactions. Domestic and foreign •metal 'Marl.-'-, ets quoted lower prices for.spot and; # #-.; .4 1.- *. il - tu ; London are also crowded with do- mestic servants wishing to- *go to Canada. BOLSHEVIK! WIN AGAINST THE POLES 'Advance Thirty Miles Along Forty -Mile Front. A despatch from London Aays:- Confirmation that the Bolshev-iki have captured the towns of Polot sk and Lepel, in the Government,of Vitebsk, was given by an authoritative British source--on-Thursday, - It was stated that the Bolshevikl have advanced 36 miles in depth along a front of 40 to 50 miles. Pqlotsk, one Of the Most ancient cities in Russia, lies ,60 nilles-niarth. S west of the city of Vitebsk, an the Dufia River. Ufider the Polish kings Knives,'fold, silver, ebony and ivory I cent. Bn.3sh preferentimi war tax was Them Out by Wholesale. Lieut-Cen. Sir Arthur Currie I it was a flourishing trade emporium. tolletware, jewelery, articles of silver entirely removed, as well as, the 7% adaptlid for household or office use,in Paris says: --All 'on food, clothing, agricultural imple- A despatch fro Rio commanded the Canadian fnrces] Lepel is 62 miles south-west of - :fur wearing apparel (except as men -'.menta, etc. The War Customs. dut'es German factories' which, during' the In Flanders: and who has accepted the Vitebsh on Lake Bereshta. tioned above), liveries, Oriental rugs,' imposed in, 1915. are now entirely re- pom of Principal of NlcC4!1 University. war, turned out airplanes, are no%v in, e ensive carpets, curtains.and chan-, moved. fall swing and are carefully caniou-!This ts his most recent photo. Buy Thrift Stamps. xp 7 deliers. This tax payable by the pur- flaging Mae their ne products. Thus, not one 7. -chaser ab time of purchase. 1 SLUMP IN vhale hiturned out by any Twenty per cent. on EGYPTIAN COTTON mechanical' single factory, but all over the roue - Weekly Market Report player pianos, ianos, graphophones and me- try spare parts are assembled, and. it, 1lchanical -musical instruments and, re. a minute's notice. -could be sent to Markets at Manchester I _%Vh(iesale Grain. i 43c; heavy, 32 to 34c; cooked, and 9 to be assembled as air- I - t. 59 to aards %ased therewith;.Fm other Dart I IF 41, T_ 25. -No. t I'llorthern, 61cv rolls, 4.1 to 32c, b.eixkf..v W&MV111 $2.77; No. 3 45 to 50c; backs, plain, 50 to 52el articles of gold for household use. Liverpool Expgijencp 30 planes. 12' ril 7 Latter two taxes -being payable at The German Zeppelin works are at -M store Fort 'Wil- boneless. 54 to 57c. Per -Cent. Decline: �thcrn, $2.73,� Rime of salle-by.milnufacturer or when present engaged in turning out new liam. A despatch from Manchester,Cured meats -Long clear bacon, 2� Eng., 'oba oat.;-N.o. 2 CW, $1.17%; to 29c; clear bellies, 27 to 29c. Imported.1 powerful airships, while special: sheds Man:t mays: -The sensational slump in the I Playing Cards-Twenty-fivii cents - I are being constructed at Friedrich- No. 3 CW, $1.1514; extra No. 1 feed, tuLard-Pure', tierces, 28 to 28%c; price *f Egyptian cotton during the ! aften. Other firms are busily engagedfeed, $1.13%; No. 2 feed, ba, 281/2 to 29c- pails 2841 to 2914c; 1pack on cards selling at Wholesale past . three days in Manchester and' $1.11112, in store Fort Willi . ts, 29% to 8&; Coulpound tiercesl 41 am. prin Yates not over $25 per gross packs, 1 building and testing powerful airplane engines. and 50 cents a pack on cards above Liverpool is said to have'been Jargely Manitoba barley -No. 3 CW. $1.,9;, 27 to 271/2c; tubs, 27q to 28c; pails," due to speculation in Alexandria,! No. 4 CW, $1.62; rejected, $1.57; feed, 27% to 28% c; prints, 281/2 to 29c. -.425 per gross packs. - - 0 151:57, in store, Fort William.' Montreal Markets. Egypt, and the refusal of bankers Beers, Wines and Spirits -Increase First New Cents Coin American corn -No. 2 yellow, $2.40; llonger to finance speculative trans-�, Piece Montreal, May 25. -=Oats, No. 2 C1 In excise duties on beer of 30 cents a, actions. The latter contingency, it is Larger Than 10 -cent i nominal, track, Toronto, prompt ship- W., 41.30%; No.'3 CW, $1127% Flour -kallon, non -sparkling wines 30 'cents I asserted, compelled speculators in.1 i ment. new standard grade, $,14.iF5 to $16.05 a gallon, spirits $2 a gallon, and on Ontario oats -No. 3 white, $1.10, Alexandrii- to realize the best obtain- A despatch from Ottawa says:- Rolled oats, bag 90 lbs., $5.50 to $6.60, _-sparkling wines $3 a gallon.- !according to freights outside. 4k able terms.' Canadian cents of the new size were, ran, $54.25. Shorts, $6126, HAY( Motor Cars --Excise tax on Can- Ontario. wheat -No. 1 Winter., per cotton crop struck the first time car lot $2 to $2.01; No� 2 do, $1.98 to Cheese, finest easterns, 30c. I Control of the Egyptian, c' t ck at the Mint for No. 2, per ton, car lots, $31 to manufactured and imported Butter, adian manu an Govern= on Tuesday. The first two coin-, mint- $9 01. 'No. 3 do, $1.92 to $1.93, f.o.b. Master , 57 to tggs, •by the British and Egypti choicest creamery cars increased from 10 to 15 per cent. ed were presented by the X. ster of shipping points, according to freights. fresh, 54c. Potatoes , pe' bag, car :Z Sales Tax -One per cent. on the i menta was removed in 1919, when the t r I pr:ce of the Egyptian staple was two! the Mint to Sir Tlionias Whi"C�, v ho Ontario wheat -No. 1, Spring, per, I lot -sales of all manufacturers, wholesale in car lot, $2.02 to $2.03; No.- Z:,d� $1.98 � s, $6.00. shillings three pence per pound. It as Minister of Finance, broaght Live Stock Markets; dealers, jobbers or importers (not r6 at:on last to $2.01; No. 3 do, $1.95 to $2.01, f.o.b. tailers). This tax not to apply to rose by leaps and bounds to eight shil- i the necessary legisi. 1, Toronto, May 25. -Choice heavy, The new cent is slightly larder shipping points, atcordhTg-to freights.. rings three pence per pound in Febru- large list of essential foodstuffs, cat- t Peas -No. 2, $3.00. - steers, $14.75 to $15; good, do, #14 to anthracite ary, owing to -the tremendous demand � the Canadian ten -cent piece, Barley -Malting, $1.87 to $1.89, ac- $14.50; butchers' cattle, choice, $18.5�, tle foods, or bituminous in the United States for Makin- the, Cor to $13.76; do, good, $13 to $18.25; do ,lost; or to goods exported. cording to freights outside. 14abric for motor car tires. By- the Buckwheat -Nb-. 2, $1.75 to $1.80,. mod., $12 to $1 .60; do, coin., $10.50, Stamp Duties-Existingtax 'on I ?;i beginning 'of May this year, however, according to freights outside. to $11; bulls, choice, $12 to $13; doll, cheques continued, but rate increased; Rye -No. 3, $2.20 to $2.35, accord- good, $10.50 to $11.25; do,- h $9 I the price had fallen to six shillings rou P t on bills of exchange and promissory !six pence. Heavy gales continued on ing to freights outside. to $8.50; butcher cows, choice, -rotes. Two cents for bills of $100 or, Manitoba flour -Government stand- $13; do, good, $10.75 'to $11.2,�,, do� J Friday, and the belief in the cotton coin., $7.50 to $8; stockers, $9.2b ard, $14.85, Toronto. less, and two cents for each additional' market was that the worst was not $100 or fractional part thereof. Ontario flour -Government stand- $11; feeders, $11 to $12.50; canner .$6.25; milkers,' yet . over. ard nominal. and -cutters, $4.50 to Stamp duties on patent medicines, INii1ifeed-Car lots,. delivered, Mont- good to choice, $100 to $165; do, com , I etc., henceforth to be affixed by manu- facturer or importer, instead of e. Singer; is Heard real freights, bags included: Bran, per and med.$65 to $75; springers, $90 IL 1. ... - .. - - ton, $54; shorts, per -ton, $61; good to $165; iambs, yearlings, $15 to $174 taller, as now. - calves, 100 Miles Away feed flour, $8.75 to $4.00. do, spring, each, $12 to $16 Films -A tax of 15 cents for each 14 to '$16 - s - pet ton, $3o to $si; good to choice, livip, Hay -No. 1 7 abolished because of the A despatch from Ottawa says: -A. mixed, per ton, $25, track. w day used to $14; hogs, We $20.5t m -Car lots, per ton, $16 to V hed 76 ", country Inequality of incidence as between large audience at the Chateau Laurier Straw 16 Pmall and large theatres. Assembly Hall on Thursda3� night $16R,� , $17, track, Toronto., Mon cal, May 25 -Butcher a Mir a All the above taxes are effective 'heard quite distinctly a gramopnne, :,.::. , Country Produce Wholesale. from choice,315 to $16.90; good, $13. to f 161 '7 om Wednesday, the lPth instant. played id Montreal, and also Miss Eggs, new laid 52 to &Sc- butter, med., 412 to $13; coin., $10 to 124 -By last year's legisla- Lutton singing in that city, over 100 Income Tax creamery prints, 41 to 63c; do, solids, butcher heifers, choice, Alon income'taxes pay�ble this year miles away, by means of wireless� �30 to 62c; choice dairy prints, 52 to med., ;11 to $12; coin., $8 to $10.50k 53 ordinary dairy prints, 46 -to 47c' bVtchers' cows, choice 110.50 t an 1910 income were very substan- telephony. The demonstration was C bakers' 35 to 40c; oleomargarine '(bisi $12;'50; mod., $7.50 to $16.50;t �tlally raised. A further general ad- arranged by Dr. A. S. Eve, in cennec- canners, ii 141tion to these taxes of five per cent. tion with an address on "Some Great grade), 31 to 37c; cheese, new, large, $6 to $5.50; cutters, $6 to $7; butcher. 32% to 33c; twins, 83 to 33%c; old, bulls, good, $10.50 to �13- common, A now added, Oh incomes of $5,000 War Inventions," before the Royal large, 33% to 34c;twins, 84 to 841AC, 8. maple syrup, 1 -gal. tin, $8.550; 5 -gal I�Ood veal $12 to $14;, iAd up, to to qlTeet, Mi. 11 !9$1111 sheep 0- thin h V. CARRANZA b. $10 F in future, 4x returns . �lu,t took place at 9,90, and by means of a tin, per gaL,'$8.85; maple sugar, 1 0 11; good clipped sfl�e $12 be -hied by a chit�ue dor ai inlifik ib&, the voice of the distant A recent picture of the deposed ruler 83 to 34c. mpa 4 r g limbs, 410 to $14 each. least H por cent., of the singer was quite distinctly heard in all of Mexico, who has escaped. -the pur- Provisions-Wh6lessle. - weights, selects $20 75 amount estimated to be payable. If parts of the hall suit of the revolutionists., Smoked meats -Rams, med., 41 to $21,60; sews, 6 to whole of the Onr $16J. � k7,60. Tin per cent. on pleasure boats, 81 R- HENRY DRAYTON. e erten, s er proving e only exception at,a.s,:ght rise in Lon- yachtit,-canoes,-and-mator-boats, M nIster of Finance, who has Just is- cameras candy and- confectionery, rY, clan. Little business was (lone here, I I sued. h1i first Budget. in copper for immediate delivery. arms, chewing gum, fire' shells or I Banks in the uptown or wholesale I pianos, cartridges, organs, musical $50,000, 20 per cent. on all profits ex - dry goods district reported -additional' -instruments, and plated ware adapted ceeding 10 per cent.. will be taken, loan contractipil,`and most of the re -i for household use.- This tax payable instead of 20 per cent. as at present., jail shops, advertised '.'cuts" U 25 to at the time of sale by Canadian manus Under legislation of last se.3siOn,'40 'facturer per. cent. in, women's wearing ap- or when imported. the maximum scale of bus'n-za tax i parch Twenty per cent. of total purchase; is in effect this year, and the modified .. price on. such sTt!c1es, as cigar and 'tak'wili appfy to 1920 prafits,,taxable SPEEDING UP Zvi, cigarette holders and pipes casting, in 1921. ' over $2.50, humidors and other equip Tariff Cha nges-The 71,3 per cent. PLANE BUILDING meet for smokers, hunting, shooting' War Customs duty is taken off all re - and riding garments, 'fancy pocket-" maining items. Last ycar the 5 per German. 'Factories Turning London are also crowded with do- mestic servants wishing to- *go to Canada. BOLSHEVIK! WIN AGAINST THE POLES 'Advance Thirty Miles Along Forty -Mile Front. A despatch from London Aays:- Confirmation that the Bolshev-iki have captured the towns of Polot sk and Lepel, in the Government,of Vitebsk, was given by an authoritative British source--on-Thursday, - It was stated that the Bolshevikl have advanced 36 miles in depth along a front of 40 to 50 miles. Pqlotsk, one Of the Most ancient cities in Russia, lies ,60 nilles-niarth. S west of the city of Vitebsk, an the Dufia River. Ufider the Polish kings Knives,'fold, silver, ebony and ivory I cent. Bn.3sh preferentimi war tax was Them Out by Wholesale. Lieut-Cen. Sir Arthur Currie I it was a flourishing trade emporium. tolletware, jewelery, articles of silver entirely removed, as well as, the 7% adaptlid for household or office use,in Paris says: --All 'on food, clothing, agricultural imple- A despatch fro Rio commanded the Canadian fnrces] Lepel is 62 miles south-west of - :fur wearing apparel (except as men -'.menta, etc. The War Customs. dut'es German factories' which, during' the In Flanders: and who has accepted the Vitebsh on Lake Bereshta. tioned above), liveries, Oriental rugs,' imposed in, 1915. are now entirely re- pom of Principal of NlcC4!1 University. war, turned out airplanes, are no%v in, e ensive carpets, curtains.and chan-, moved. fall swing and are carefully caniou-!This ts his most recent photo. Buy Thrift Stamps. xp 7 deliers. This tax payable by the pur- flaging Mae their ne products. Thus, not one 7. -chaser ab time of purchase. 1 SLUMP IN vhale hiturned out by any Twenty per cent. on EGYPTIAN COTTON mechanical' single factory, but all over the roue - Weekly Market Report player pianos, ianos, graphophones and me- try spare parts are assembled, and. it, 1lchanical -musical instruments and, re. a minute's notice. -could be sent to Markets at Manchester I _%Vh(iesale Grain. i 43c; heavy, 32 to 34c; cooked, and 9 to be assembled as air- I - t. 59 to aards %ased therewith;.Fm other Dart I IF 41, T_ 25. -No. t I'llorthern, 61cv rolls, 4.1 to 32c, b.eixkf..v W&MV111 $2.77; No. 3 45 to 50c; backs, plain, 50 to 52el articles of gold for household use. Liverpool Expgijencp 30 planes. 12' ril 7 Latter two taxes -being payable at The German Zeppelin works are at -M store Fort 'Wil- boneless. 54 to 57c. Per -Cent. Decline: �thcrn, $2.73,� Rime of salle-by.milnufacturer or when present engaged in turning out new liam. A despatch from Manchester,Cured meats -Long clear bacon, 2� Eng., 'oba oat.;-N.o. 2 CW, $1.17%; to 29c; clear bellies, 27 to 29c. Imported.1 powerful airships, while special: sheds Man:t mays: -The sensational slump in the I Playing Cards-Twenty-fivii cents - I are being constructed at Friedrich- No. 3 CW, $1.1514; extra No. 1 feed, tuLard-Pure', tierces, 28 to 28%c; price *f Egyptian cotton during the ! aften. Other firms are busily engagedfeed, $1.13%; No. 2 feed, ba, 281/2 to 29c- pails 2841 to 2914c; 1pack on cards selling at Wholesale past . three days in Manchester and' $1.11112, in store Fort Willi . ts, 29% to 8&; Coulpound tiercesl 41 am. prin Yates not over $25 per gross packs, 1 building and testing powerful airplane engines. and 50 cents a pack on cards above Liverpool is said to have'been Jargely Manitoba barley -No. 3 CW. $1.,9;, 27 to 271/2c; tubs, 27q to 28c; pails," due to speculation in Alexandria,! No. 4 CW, $1.62; rejected, $1.57; feed, 27% to 28% c; prints, 281/2 to 29c. -.425 per gross packs. - - 0 151:57, in store, Fort William.' Montreal Markets. Egypt, and the refusal of bankers Beers, Wines and Spirits -Increase First New Cents Coin American corn -No. 2 yellow, $2.40; llonger to finance speculative trans-�, Piece Montreal, May 25. -=Oats, No. 2 C1 In excise duties on beer of 30 cents a, actions. The latter contingency, it is Larger Than 10 -cent i nominal, track, Toronto, prompt ship- W., 41.30%; No.'3 CW, $1127% Flour -kallon, non -sparkling wines 30 'cents I asserted, compelled speculators in.1 i ment. new standard grade, $,14.iF5 to $16.05 a gallon, spirits $2 a gallon, and on Ontario oats -No. 3 white, $1.10, Alexandrii- to realize the best obtain- A despatch from Ottawa says:- Rolled oats, bag 90 lbs., $5.50 to $6.60, _-sparkling wines $3 a gallon.- !according to freights outside. 4k able terms.' Canadian cents of the new size were, ran, $54.25. Shorts, $6126, HAY( Motor Cars --Excise tax on Can- Ontario. wheat -No. 1 Winter., per cotton crop struck the first time car lot $2 to $2.01; No� 2 do, $1.98 to Cheese, finest easterns, 30c. I Control of the Egyptian, c' t ck at the Mint for No. 2, per ton, car lots, $31 to manufactured and imported Butter, adian manu an Govern= on Tuesday. The first two coin-, mint- $9 01. 'No. 3 do, $1.92 to $1.93, f.o.b. Master , 57 to tggs, •by the British and Egypti choicest creamery cars increased from 10 to 15 per cent. ed were presented by the X. ster of shipping points, according to freights. fresh, 54c. Potatoes , pe' bag, car :Z Sales Tax -One per cent. on the i menta was removed in 1919, when the t r I pr:ce of the Egyptian staple was two! the Mint to Sir Tlionias Whi"C�, v ho Ontario wheat -No. 1, Spring, per, I lot -sales of all manufacturers, wholesale in car lot, $2.02 to $2.03; No.- Z:,d� $1.98 � s, $6.00. shillings three pence per pound. It as Minister of Finance, broaght Live Stock Markets; dealers, jobbers or importers (not r6 at:on last to $2.01; No. 3 do, $1.95 to $2.01, f.o.b. tailers). This tax not to apply to rose by leaps and bounds to eight shil- i the necessary legisi. 1, Toronto, May 25. -Choice heavy, The new cent is slightly larder shipping points, atcordhTg-to freights.. rings three pence per pound in Febru- large list of essential foodstuffs, cat- t Peas -No. 2, $3.00. - steers, $14.75 to $15; good, do, #14 to anthracite ary, owing to -the tremendous demand � the Canadian ten -cent piece, Barley -Malting, $1.87 to $1.89, ac- $14.50; butchers' cattle, choice, $18.5�, tle foods, or bituminous in the United States for Makin- the, Cor to $13.76; do, good, $13 to $18.25; do ,lost; or to goods exported. cording to freights outside. 14abric for motor car tires. By- the Buckwheat -Nb-. 2, $1.75 to $1.80,. mod., $12 to $1 .60; do, coin., $10.50, Stamp Duties-Existingtax 'on I ?;i beginning 'of May this year, however, according to freights outside. to $11; bulls, choice, $12 to $13; doll, cheques continued, but rate increased; Rye -No. 3, $2.20 to $2.35, accord- good, $10.50 to $11.25; do,- h $9 I the price had fallen to six shillings rou P t on bills of exchange and promissory !six pence. Heavy gales continued on ing to freights outside. to $8.50; butcher cows, choice, -rotes. Two cents for bills of $100 or, Manitoba flour -Government stand- $13; do, good, $10.75 'to $11.2,�,, do� J Friday, and the belief in the cotton coin., $7.50 to $8; stockers, $9.2b ard, $14.85, Toronto. less, and two cents for each additional' market was that the worst was not $100 or fractional part thereof. Ontario flour -Government stand- $11; feeders, $11 to $12.50; canner .$6.25; milkers,' yet . over. ard nominal. and -cutters, $4.50 to Stamp duties on patent medicines, INii1ifeed-Car lots,. delivered, Mont- good to choice, $100 to $165; do, com , I etc., henceforth to be affixed by manu- facturer or importer, instead of e. Singer; is Heard real freights, bags included: Bran, per and med.$65 to $75; springers, $90 IL 1. ... - .. - - ton, $54; shorts, per -ton, $61; good to $165; iambs, yearlings, $15 to $174 taller, as now. - calves, 100 Miles Away feed flour, $8.75 to $4.00. do, spring, each, $12 to $16 Films -A tax of 15 cents for each 14 to '$16 - s - pet ton, $3o to $si; good to choice, livip, Hay -No. 1 7 abolished because of the A despatch from Ottawa says: -A. mixed, per ton, $25, track. w day used to $14; hogs, We $20.5t m -Car lots, per ton, $16 to V hed 76 ", country Inequality of incidence as between large audience at the Chateau Laurier Straw 16 Pmall and large theatres. Assembly Hall on Thursda3� night $16R,� , $17, track, Toronto., Mon cal, May 25 -Butcher a Mir a All the above taxes are effective 'heard quite distinctly a gramopnne, :,.::. , Country Produce Wholesale. from choice,315 to $16.90; good, $13. to f 161 '7 om Wednesday, the lPth instant. played id Montreal, and also Miss Eggs, new laid 52 to &Sc- butter, med., 412 to $13; coin., $10 to 124 -By last year's legisla- Lutton singing in that city, over 100 Income Tax creamery prints, 41 to 63c; do, solids, butcher heifers, choice, Alon income'taxes pay�ble this year miles away, by means of wireless� �30 to 62c; choice dairy prints, 52 to med., ;11 to $12; coin., $8 to $10.50k 53 ordinary dairy prints, 46 -to 47c' bVtchers' cows, choice 110.50 t an 1910 income were very substan- telephony. The demonstration was C bakers' 35 to 40c; oleomargarine '(bisi $12;'50; mod., $7.50 to $16.50;t �tlally raised. A further general ad- arranged by Dr. A. S. Eve, in cennec- canners, ii 141tion to these taxes of five per cent. tion with an address on "Some Great grade), 31 to 37c; cheese, new, large, $6 to $5.50; cutters, $6 to $7; butcher. 32% to 33c; twins, 83 to 33%c; old, bulls, good, $10.50 to �13- common, A now added, Oh incomes of $5,000 War Inventions," before the Royal large, 33% to 34c;twins, 84 to 841AC, 8. maple syrup, 1 -gal. tin, $8.550; 5 -gal I�Ood veal $12 to $14;, iAd up, to to qlTeet, Mi. 11 !9$1111 sheep 0- thin h V. CARRANZA b. $10 F in future, 4x returns . �lu,t took place at 9,90, and by means of a tin, per gaL,'$8.85; maple sugar, 1 0 11; good clipped sfl�e $12 be -hied by a chit�ue dor ai inlifik ib&, the voice of the distant A recent picture of the deposed ruler 83 to 34c. mpa 4 r g limbs, 410 to $14 each. least H por cent., of the singer was quite distinctly heard in all of Mexico, who has escaped. -the pur- Provisions-Wh6lessle. - weights, selects $20 75 amount estimated to be payable. If parts of the hall suit of the revolutionists., Smoked meats -Rams, med., 41 to $21,60; sews, 6 to whole of the Onr $16J. � k7,60. r; .. .. '?`•- w .y,1);,_» .,,, ,. `.,•. .`- :; r. .•+:, '.r• :'i.s a' .y q� ,,4,�y rt A -err .0 v'OR•-•• nw.eY�G'^�F'. '4•.,.� �: .. �. ,p w .`. a.'.....,....,p.4. ,. ...: •r' -,. - � 'n•1.�:. M'.t' %+'. '9..;•,. w 'ir T,� .._M z •x+• „moi �,. . :%• ,..•.gyp,, '�. . 'tl ..._.•�!e., .., •: .. •.:...:. "-a�,rr ,,, •,s. ;rd ; f. �v',� .a ..c S,w i*t vde.rMv trr �r z, �,, rq,•i "'sT.e'%'� ..r,... F,�e... :: y . u: � .1. ..4"+``', .:4z'. •riw.^eT..�j .� 'm.• f;:'• v ; x v.. .�•ia . !.+,cyst!°•,-,.. }Y '.�"-'-,>!�?i .r':�,Y ,�,��+y' e•.:•.. .'?, r: i' y, 'd 4 .. o x;•7i ...:� P: <CAt . L.- .Mvl^ _ .' .p. .£C . a• '*s2: 'rrf+: *. •.,^qm,*.. -`:+L+ d' ::° ': Wr+. c?�„?. r. , • •. '3 i r + . ^*. ?'�''+ e... -,...:..., k?•.. �,. �.. u."+ir...:$ .:../` ?.+v. _ r+d� 'a.:n;^,. '"'S•:xk'�vr^Z+ 's'.;3 .." %/..r4c�'.,.,,•:- ,eriY�, ,:,� ... yyv 4 3%. W. ... -. .. f.,.,�.. , � ., Jam•- Y r} .. r _ „ 14 : d. PLANTS FOR SA $o>�>s iilfAilfil7)R SPRING o.GARDENING ; 2000 Tomato, a000Dab� e. A�'r Pxms [1f0Y07. The plure bled `e pubh bed ery Friday nwrains at it. of6cs. registered Clydesdale stallion. the A full and complete line of Barden Seeds in peolsagse31 1k. PicksrinQ, Ont.l 1000 Celery, 1000 Cauliflower. property of Geo. T. Davidson, Cher. Dutch Sete and Multiplyer Onions. Mangel Seed, Apply to Oherrywood Gardens, Con 1, r wood, Ont., will stand for mares TMRMS Apton� road. Ind. hone Malvern No. y Turnip Beed and Seed Corn. 1 P during the season of 1920 at his own _ 01.51) per year.;01.26 iflpaid in advance. 1722, __ - .; � stable, lot 30, con, 3, Pickering, Lo- Then bu here . ' -'T"-- suet Lodge Stock Farm, : Clet our prices y _ 40 JOHN MURKAR, Proprietor, COURT OF M VISION g1NG's HEATHER (14o49J, (17004>, the well-bred imported Clydesdale Stal• t• Munici alit of the Township lion, the property of D. Ryan, Dun - Municipality AND COMMENTe p y p barton, will ufiake the season of 1920 +�,' P R/ N G C L E A N I N G of Pickering. at his own stable. x Public notice is hereby given that GALLANT REFINER *, Brooms 75c, 85c and .$1.00. Dutch Cleanser ir Henry Drayton, 'Finance X16972, The pure All 11 Ceuta, the Court of Revision for the hiunici• p p Pearline Whiting � Bon Ami Scrub Brusher. "�;3Ddinist'er, presented his budget be- polity of the Township of Pickering, bred Ch desdale stujl{0n, the r1) er- fore the HOtt&e Of COttlt17on9 011e fol• the year 19'20, will hold its first tv of David Anntin sr., will make hlte Wash . si'ktinK in the Town Hall, in the tiTi1-. the season of 1920 at his. own stable, day last week. It has evtne in for lege of Brougham: on Monday. the Pickering village. , S B �r �V h Etc ranch severe criticism on account 31st day of May, 1920, at the hour of SING SACL (14943) Vol 3� S.. , #''^ i' ofadditlg so much to the present one o'clock in the afternoon, �938t3j C. S. B., the Imported Clydes- i • -.lfli h cost of living. It is claimed All persons interested -will please dale Stallion, the property of Oscar Our.General Grocery lines', A 1 and plisse consistent 8 g take notice and govern themselves Nilson, Brougham, will make the with quality, which is the.best. ,*that it is a tax qu luxury, because accordingly..- '. season of 1920 as follows : Monday, the tax has be made so heavy Dated at W hitevale this 12th dap of May 17th, will leave his own stable Cash paid for good Butter and Eggti . alar, 1920. and proceed to W. G. Scott's for on what is called luxuries. It is DONALD R, BEATON,night. Tuesday. Irving McAvoy's, pro 'Cle�of the said noon; Harbron Bros', Kinsale, night. all your Groceries at the Grocersper that. the ." heaviest 34-gs Municipality Wednesday, W. Middleton's. Green - burden of taxation should be . wood, noon ; U. Blake's, Audle , placed on those who.are most able night: . noon an mi G. Wilson e, JAMES RICHg DSON f� to pay it. But an examination of Whitevale Club , of base line, noon and night. Friday, W. J. Miller's, noon; Geo. Cowan e, this budget makes it clear Brock road, night. Saturda , to that the average person has to 'his Farmers ' his own stable until following Bion• ALSI KE SEED His bear a big share of this new bur- day afternoon. den. The man of great wealth Meetings held in I. 0. O. F. Hall, let r WANTED E D ��BT'S� seems to hays' escaped paying his Tuesday evening in each moflth Concrete __ Vain fosummer months, „just &are. In fact one would al We are now shipping live stock regu• We' will pay the highest. most think that the manufactur• lar[ on the co•o erative lan. s P.roductsp P gricesfor all [kinds ers and other men of wealth had phone or•write F, Hornshaw, Howard of seed. In great 1 assisted 'Sir Henry Drayton to Malcolm, of Directors. T,� . m Bend •us samples and get Variety prepare the document. - ,-...1` leld� 1 13 G H. PUGH, Secretary - . ! our prices before New Records are. received each Are. ou going to Claremont on and Brick selling.' week; and Special orders filled on Thursday, June the 3rd ?. Notice of Applieati= The best of facilities shortest notice. , for Divorce -... for cleaning. THEXTON'S Pickering _ e 3,4, 6 and 8 Til ' tiUTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that jr1C]1 J. H. DOW CO QdPANY I Luets 5 C sweet M toJohn Graham, of theTown of Osbawa. �ti'HITBY, ONTARIO d f�%M'� � in the County of Ontario, in the Pro- i1] Qat r1CA8. ' MAIL CONTRACT since of Ontario, electrician, will ap- Y P plyto the Parliament of Canada., at Concrete work done. t the nest session thereof. for a Bill of SEALED TENDERS addressed to the Post -.-Ti waster General. will be received at Ottawa until Divorce from his wife, Maty Graham, Ind. Phone 2703 Pick. K FJ R G IMM. on Friday._ the 2nd July. 1920, for the con- ,if the said Town of Osbawa, in the ccoou mart for His years. twelve and us upmes r County of Ontario, 1)d the grounds of . Clarence Simpson __ pe weekon the route Claremont and Railway Star big amy and desertion: tion and R. R. No•1 from the Postmaster Gen- Dated at the Town of Whitby, in Having''purchaaed the•garage business oflDavideoa 8c W illiame we are esat'spiesstue next. the Oounty and Province of Ontario, C. N. R. Station, Brock Road a Printed notices containing further information y ._ prepared to repair all makes'Of autos. s>ti to conditions of proposed Contract may be this 19th day,'Of February. A. D.. 1920, seta and t>tanit forms'of Tender may be obtained W. H. KENNEDY. (� s 6( • tires for all at the Post o�ceof 6aremont, and at the ogee We keeyin stock all kinds o! Ford accessories, of the Post Office inspector. Toromo. `gSo • .. Whitby, Ont. , �� �� {�� - Post Office inspectors Office. Toronto. alar Solicitor for rile as3d John Graham. makes of cars, oils, etc: �Oth. 1420. _...__...,_._ _...._ _..,,.. ..... .- .,-.,,-._.._ _ .... • _ :•. ` .. • , .. A. SUTHERLAN D. 36-38 Post Office Impactor Ann18 & AndreW, Ci P..i isa� a, w t a' :::COUNTY COUNCIL � M �o - comity of Ostarie , 'The regular June meeting of the ��•) � ; 1 A Banking Service County Council .will be held at the �DIVID ,Council Chamber. Court House, Towa + �L L°� 1 at your Farm Gate .of Whitby; on Tuesday the- First du}- of June, at the hour of 10 o'clock in S Si,3 i 1."f 1 I Banking by mail is a eat convenience to the farmer. �r the .forenoon.,rAll accounts to be laid e 9 -He has no time in his busy season to be driving to town to before the Council should he forward- ��-: �' deposit cheques or pay his bills. ed to tbe 'Clerk, properly certified. at /� F" �� 1 But, having a bank account with its, he can do all this by mail. least three days before the• meeting of Cotuuif the Manager. 770 _ the COu IIC{l. a r• •*0 r' Ail delegations wishing to addreae \ ' / �� -' '' -• a "' THS DOMIN ION ,BANK ' i� the Council, must be present on «ed• PU1*� IVNIM1 1 i`� t1.4? '� Ut < _ r',- Dated at Whitbythis 21st da of y '' £; i' r • . WHITBY BRANCH, - _ G. P. LYND, Manager. Mxp, 19?0. y I NEVER 1 f S :_ i1 D 3 . � v a .. � ,� BROQKLIN BRANCH. E. G CROSS, Mansew. J. E. FAREwELL,.K. C., f �' County Clerk, Whitby NEVER USED A ii A I i � �ECVTORS' NOTICE ! SAFEC UAM HE :.1 r1 i 1a the Estate of Frederick Roach. _ Pickering 'Hardware. Store NOTICE is hereby geven pursuant to �.` '� the Statutes in that behalf that all lc Cl'ln pig ersons having claims against- the He Et Monsey, ;Estate of the said Frederick Roach, -Q- " Farmer, deceased, who died on o2ate of the T_ r v'�c Now is the time to RAL your Garden Seeds for spring amp.'' 'We have -shout the 23rd day of Murch, 1920, atMas"mm` Timoth Alsike and Alfalfa. All 1 .the said Township of: Pickering, or en- a complete line of Clover, • ....Utled to share In his Estate, are here• kinds of Package and Bulk 9eeda fur the Garden. 41* . by ootifled to send by post prepaid or Leave order and we -will fill it promptly. !' `_otherwise deliver to the undersigned / / - ' Ezecusors on or before the 14th day of = A .✓ e a complete line of Garden Toole =Hoes. Rakes, Shovels, B W have 'June, 19'20, their cbriitian and[ sur- , J names, addreaees and descriptions and -- full particulars of their claims, ad • - f counts and interests duly verified, and Don t let our wife worry about wash days. Come and get a Masher " ,the nature of the securities, if any,. - on 30 daps trial. We have the 1990 Gravity and Playtime. ;held by them. Immediate[ after the - satisfaction or no sale. '14th day of June, 1920, the assets of " the said deceased will be distributed - G teed t give da ua�an o yw among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Executors shall then have We have the olTreliable Shermin-Williarns Paints arid Varnishes a i. had notice,'and all others will be ex- A complete, stock- of Paroid and Sampson Roofing. ,;.. i "chided from the said distribution. ''•'' Dated at Toronto this 14th day of "~ Royal Purple Calf Meal, Stock Food and Disinfectant. Once tried it May, 1920. .a will convince yon it is the best on the market. Wesley James Roach and atary Jane ~ I Roach, Executors, Cherrywood ,Post {. :ate, Ontario A Trador with Every -Part Right J. S. BALSDON, ° _ PICK:ERIhtCs Malone. Malone & Long, _ T- 85 Bay Street, Toronto, 8ii-SB - Solicitors for Executors OME of the features that make the Massey -Hams r _ M: 12 22 H P T—Ror the choice of the beat farmers �.l _' �• 1C7 A. n Arm DALE MILLS . �20KERINC+ You can always Ret the beat ManiJ. - toba Flour made from No. 1: Manitoba Wheat._ ,Royal Household a-nd Glenora for Bread. Try a bag. :Pastry Flour. :Fresh Rolled Oatq BRAN,SHORTS MIX FEEDS OAT CHOP -CRUSHED OATS - ' '-'BARLEY CHOP WHEAT CRACKED CORN :MIXED HEN FEEb ''Caldwell's Cream substitute a: Calf Meal. Molasses Meal " :CTT0PPIN0 AND n;tTE C4USHING EVERYDAY Get prices on feed in ton Lots. P'SEf.L PHONE.; are: an Underslung Frame,which gives low centre 'of gravity; the Flexible FrontAxle Connection to avoid . sliiains on uneven ground; Short Turning 9adius, although the Front Wheels are of large diameter; Powerful Cylinder Engine Transmission through' Spur Gears exclusively; all Gears well 'protected; -Belt Drive from Pulley without Gears • Water Air Cleaner; Easy Control; Ready access to ail parts; Self- i ,-Steering when plowing; Economical and Durable. Write for Descriptive Folder - MASSEY•HARRI S CO. Limited Head Offices: Toronto, Ont. .A•GENCIES EVERYWHERE T R 01A rnab"# Pickeri*n0r! TO r1)„ to ' Peterboro 11MC1019 M5 ue` i-�"r: F°'� �,� 'i�-e..... ,''%�,,.• ,1lYssti.:: _'�+a d s.. t j v } w u�.s .n ✓ r rev., �M1,,e -�'- - i'• a •i - . n,y^ `-:%'✓>tS.o. ., ?.,r rr, ...:^?-• ..i+1:'.#`,�-....,-:a ••t. �a, �• .r¢ - •••-} � .�" "".r 4,(�•. Ib'.• ;. �^r' , `'i•+•• ai 7i .. s ... : .. : . A .w -'r `F, ,. 7k. � :4: , .. 4 '�w .7'"v-. , i?•i r ,fib... !h.. '?s"•.. '> -T'> v .,"34+•': rR 47 ."�•n'"'1�' r , 1.' o ..,cry ..;r. . a'% s ...�kn..-.,�p.,. ,. le �F' - _.. , .a, . .,."3+",•'n -.» .. ,,K•.. . �:+r 't .,/!r ..-?r fka"'r. »+.'. +.u._: Sj•..ultd . ,...L .. ,. w .F- a.1 :. a a••.. . .. - ... .-. .J.ca .. ,..., � ,•L`., ., ... r .. .�- .vr:. �+,e. - . t-' Vis: �, �'. -J. k'+,.. .�- :.5r / ",•+., r.r„�. .-.?n L� 'mac •t'7.`` 1..r.. .as,a ;tTr - ,. .,. .-�..:, ..- J�r. ?,. .... }... .�.. r,p•'.. �..,� -'�'•= p.,p�- s•d'a w �.r 7 J.rw•,9�F `+' d: ..- >,.+ bb < t •, C • A number from here attended James Taylor has purchased a John ud Mre. Cuter, o! Toroo- a •-: Mise cheMachin, of Bcoa h- the funeral of the late Frank Stn- new Overland car ,loom ]![sere. to ' s �Ia%�¢mQjtt a ,l er g pent the holiday with the 2 am, 6 ebday with Mrs. J. H. rep at Goodwood on Sunday. Gregg & Ward. loaner's parents, Tobias and Mrs.: , firs. krthur Hurd, of Toronto, ,r Beal. Alan Thompson, who is now Caster, —� Mies Morrison, of Toronto, spent spent the holiday with her uncle employed in Oshawa, cone home Bus meets all Trains 1, the holiday with D. and 'Mrs. and Runt, Wm, and Mrs. Jones. over the holiday. Farmers complain that the pas- F Taylor. Miss Ina Mantle, of Toronto, tures are ver poor on account of First-class Rigs to hire day or accompanied by it friend, spent i John McLeIlan left on Tuesday the cold, backward weather, and night at lowest prices. Mrs. Nichol, of Toronto, apen6 for Port Hoe where he has se g ; the holiday with Miss Margaret Victoria Dap with her parents. P as result the cattle are logia Phone 1805. 'Graham. bliss Ethel Sloan, of Kingston, cured a position for the summer, ground. ' Luther Bowes, of Peterborci, is spending two weeks' vacation Thos. Sanderson & So �' a visited bis mother, Mrs. Readman, with her ei-ter, Mrs.'S. F. Robins. on Sunda Roy Forsyth. of Port Credit, We h �� PROPRIETORS Amos Sherrard, of Toronto, was accompanied by a friend, visited ave, O �hand at his home here over the holiday. a ' •here on Saturdayrenewin old Y• - t C $W2tt t0 E3i acquaiutances. g James and Mrs. Hortop and fain- -Cts 5 A Gsweete! ce>rari � Stanley Cook, of Toronto, cis- fly. of Port Perry, visited' . with iced with George and Mre. Cooper T. and :111,s. Paterson on Sunday. A new and well assorted stock of wall The PlCkenng Miss Aare real was taken quite Papers, including oatmeal paper in over the holiday. d V�g�lanCe Coffilnittee ill -on Friday evening but we are s s' Fred .Ward plowed eleven acres Y 8 p 8 p p for Frank Cooper with his tractor lad to know that she is now im p provin stripes and floral designs. Also one day last week. proving. The object of this Association le -to David and the Misses Peattie, of Mrs. Harry Thomson left an odd lines at reduced prices. lessen etealin gad rbsecute 7 'Toronto, spent the holiday with Tuesday to spend a few days in, p Claremont friends. Buffalo. She was accompanied by - the felons. R. and Mrs. Rawson and George W. S. and Mrs. rrooker. z spmP�y ebian g Egg Crate Fillers Chick Feed Ken”immediately with an meesbee .and Mrs. Richardson motored to : Tetel boro on the 24th. of Executive Coasld/tes. Warner and Mrs. Brown, of Bee Hive Syrup, in bulk,11c lb. Membership fee Oshawa, spent. the holiday with eM m.v be y.a tree, h..ia.al ac Richard and Mrs. Ward. MAIL CONTRACT ei0 *WrT •Napp�a• Mr. and Mrs. Bentley, of Oah- Bink Seedless Ra1s1II8 258 lb e Exec, Oem•—L• D. Berke, 0. N. Pelaiti awa, spent the holiday with the SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Post. er, W. P. Richardson, Piokerin�. ratter's mother, Mrs. Lynn. master General, will be received at Ottawa until w n� .I, y - noon, on Friday, the Isth June, 1920; for the ` 1 • R. Thexten• R • s V alt. Mrs John Briekenden. o! Torous eonveyaaee of HIS Majesty's ti's• Mails, on a propos- Ev �•�_� � '�?reeiaeat; sure" to, spent over Sunday with ilffss ed Contract for tour rears, sa ease per.eek oaM the(route. Claremont R. R. 1. from the Post - Margaret and Peter acnab. masterGeneral's pleasure.I Miss Roduiek, Mies Gorebaek, Printed notices containing further information O Mise Miller and Mr. A Raalea Of as to conditions of proposed Contract maybe �..+++��� • + seen and blank forms of TTender'may be obtained 'Toronto, spent the 24th with H. at the Post Office of Claremont and at the, office land Mrs. erm&n$.----.._ . _ : - of the Poet Office Inspector, Toronto. Poet Ofiue Impactors Office, Toronto, May 1, STOP I LOOK ! LISTEN '. 'Ir Samuel and Mrs. Pennock and 1920. friends. of Toronto, motored Out A. SUTHERLAND. on -blondav and spent the day with as as Post ofsu Inspector R. J. and Mrs. How. TlAfE TABLE -Pickering station' Now is the time for White Canvas Footwear,: also different The committee are desirous that T. R. Trains going East due as follows - the residents of the villa a decor. No. h Mail g,p7 a �, • lines of Outing Shoes. We can supply these g Of all materials and design ate their homey for the celebration r•1 28 Local 2.28 P. H. lines at reasonable prices. kept in stook. It will pay you _ 36 Local 6.04 P. Di ' " s* foall a/ our works acd ins of the Kings Birthday on June C©mead — � pent our Nooir Mr. Carberry, of Toronto, ac- -11-114as gGifig West due as, follows-- 001610 prtoog Von's be No. 35 -Loosl 7>55 A. M. mews, dono e t the l7 Local 'L 85 P. M. , W M laremont lgewe can, andedo brow os the gio01 companied by his son and daught- •.. 7 Mail 7.615 P. X. • M. Palmer,1 oyommieeioa of lO pe�oenl.,whichyou wil er, spent the holiday with his Noe. 6 and 7 also run on, Sunday "Aftinly save by pelfehasing leoso tae. uncle and aunt. Charles and Mrs. Foregoing is according_ to Standard sail souctseL ! -:Sargent. time. An Announcement J. T. ][ATHg80N e.,Quite a large nnmber of our res idents attended the Uxbridge Falr . . 018ee and Works, Rhilb:, Oolarlo on Victoria Day. They report a G•$m Chopping — very large attendance bnt state that the fair was much below the �. sysratxe. AND FL:3HING For Spring Uniou services will be conduct- y am prepared to do chopping and oat Store will be closed Wedne$d$ $ _ led next Sunday -at 10.30 a. m,. in y :x the Methodist church and at 7 p. flaking on Mondays. and Fri- •� in Erskine Presbyterian church' days, only, beginning from 2e30 P. m. / . m. I have a fell supply of selected • The Rev. Mr. Limbert will be the on April 1st, , p Roods for ep ' preacher. ` _ - Men's and Boys' overalls and Work W. S. and Mrs. Crocker, and so 1 9 GreeIIW00d Delivery Shirts, Boota and Shoes for the John F. Ba les, , Hard•, of Buffalo, and L. and Urs. whole family, at last year s prices. Reynolds and son, Ralph, of Tor. Tuesdays and `+$tuM$3i$' Call and wemonwill esave you y onto, have been spending a few S.7 days vacation with their parents, COQ COai Harry and Mrs. Tbow.son. N __- J ringold, Claremont Rec. Mr. Lee, of Toronto, oecu - - • .�' pled the pulpit in the Baptist. Hard and Soft Cool of the 'I BERT .:HARVEY � SON, Ind. Phone 1.804 church on Sunday when he spoke ' in behalf'of the�oaaittion Temper.. -: beet ctualit�r' on - - • once .Alliance. Hie addresses - "The Stora you have heard so much about' were mneh enjoyed by,those pre- hand fleet. THOS. A. LAW, Greenwood . e14 Miss Margaret McLellan, who f has been attending Toronto Uni PSC1�Eix'i]�.g, Gx3t. z :+Ontario O '�4►� vl lty, returned home on Satur day. She expecte to leave about - the First of June for the Peace sA 'River District where she will teach until the college opens is N the fall. 4 Otir Dramatic Club went to : �� - • of :,24th and s," to nhzd the drama, 1 ealUk S "Home Ties," to the largest Audi- - •lC I�l�Q ` encs ever seen in the Masonic Hall n the RIFTS sof that village. The play was well _ ,received by the audience and all _ w@ BtIO'ngly—I� _. -report a most enjoyable time. comisend the pttrchase At the anneal meeting, of the of Thrift Stamps mud cost Claremont branch of the Women's Institute the followiDg officers savings Certificates. In this X i Ps re elected.for'the ensuing g year : W On are . � esident-Mrs. G. M., Forsyth, _ _: ay you not' ly siding your country's finances, bat ~^ t Vice -Preside \ �L TRACTOR gt tad Vice -President -Mrs. D. Scott; �� formin he Savin baht. _ are 10 Secretary -Treasurer -Miss S. E. +' r The Stamps may be ptttrbased • Evans. Organist -Mrs. W. Ward, . ,Exclusive Features: Exclusive Results: at any branch of-• rte - A3siEtant Organist -hilae Gladys I. Does all field ]work, encTNS Paterson, Auditors -Mrs. Steph- hxting cultivating, enson and Mrs. Walford. Direc- and belt work. �^tn 1 No duplication of any work by 'tors --Mrs. A. Fleming,Mrs. N. 2. Both tractor and STANDARD BANK _ impkenent operated by one man 'A. A saving Sanderson, Mrs. T. Birkett, Miss 9. Tractor and implement form one unit. S 4F CANADA ' G. Paterson, Mies C. Underhill, 3. Entire outfit nuns short, OF piCKERING B' ANCH Miss A. Schnurr, Miss V. Stephen- � and makes &r c crornerspfvdt�t, � 14 Operator sits on ' implement at center of all controls of 4 Ease of operation. -A. W. CRAWRORTH - MANAOM • ,eon and Miss M. Gleeson. The �P �. treasurer's report was very en- tractor and anplement, ""'� BRANCH AL50 AT WHITBY) l5. for sees his work 'F t is better than" S. Better work.' • tonraginp, showing receipts to the tea. � oresigh f' - amount of $181.31; eapeaditnre, hir�ht $198 flS' thus leaving R balance of d•' �►e power in fitttt of work, operator behind it. " 6. Power used as iloeses we mod; Dunt forget the grand celebra- • • f� tion in Claremont, on the A itsg's ,` The Power of, 'a Correct Principle Birthday, Thursday, June 3rd, under the auspices of the football --' � Dr�ple of daftalt reed ape adons with ; club. A splendid program of 1 oft �•iwingWherehecon watch his work is y.. eorreet, or 1388 clave sports is being provided, i•1 >� 1388111- l ./ a ward, and the operator would always have rid- c of baseball for which a $50 cup l9 r den or led his borers instead of droving them. _ offered;-football-for_cRsk prises of —t~` - !j ~ • - $55 and $25, tug of war between The MolineUnivereelTractorplacesthepower Uxbridge and Pickering townships ( y of nine big horses where the horses stood- is / , • _ �'fsr a cash prize of $5. Prizes will driven, just like horses ere driven, from the p Beet of the implement, and hitched up to the The Universal. also'be offered for running, jump- impkmtnt just like hones are hitched in and other athletic contests. Sawing -:-Machine : Elitries for baseball and football NOTE—(f bled roc w a« tb. `drae b. •;•� bind" or bor.. �r.wn im y - —--111�Ufactiireti by )must be made with the secretary, pi.menu roe .b.. "G. S. Trueman, not later than June y.. base th..ao,. u with otb•, trpa of er■cton f- yrxr iGt. bI11F1C will be fnruished by �'� 1~ W• H. Jackson 8C San, . the Olareniont, Citizens' Band.. Iu _ `Brook Road. Pickering, Ont,, , �Y the evening a grand concert will be given in the Masonic Hall by - anti rkin n �• _ d „ , 11 al its emitbh nches. S w gummin� ,H . y .p and filing aspecialty. >~ s i qr cream and other refreshments may •';i' r gyp' rn - I i " l,:;' We stock Gasoline .Engines; Emery ` be procured from booths �-s Wheels, CircularSaws. Saw ,grounds. Admission to grounds, ______ ' ,and Emery Mandrels. � a -25 cents, children, 15 eentq: to con- tePrt, rP9PCVPd seats 35 cents, rush ; 11 sro Dealers - ,SCarboro Junction Lndders"cf all lengths on head geaoo ?,e "PLO, l er 1 : and for Bale, Ali. ,c- " -1 , , , .Se- - ,� - - ;; , ,,,.,-�4, - �1 " . , � - , 'M �� . FA9PV � - - - - , �.• -�- ,- � - , . �". -�,s !kY6 -�� 1, ,''!61 . %�- W . . ". � �,X 1, - t - -. - . ".- �, � . . � ,;.� � .,� . *.-O�X!.!�q: , - � , ".t�ni.7. � , " ,�, , � � . ,;. Y.: ^'r. � ., , , .- � . . , I , , • � 4'. . I . , �N - �. ',,'.-.t'll,.,.%,:V,;��..,:,� , t'4- �- -,;,., - M� I.. I -,ra, , " ;F �4�4�f;;. , - ". .� , ., :4� ��,- - ,�: . 'r,--3 1��. 1� OF .. 01 11 . 5 0.1 '� ��,-,�,-.-. ,;-�;-,--�', - .. .Wk-= M � �i--* - -O=Y,�,r�w. ,,v4z'W'aw�ss!1,71�� 1-q� - N"i W-R� J., `� 1 i4 -,,'�Z�-'-1 -.-- ,-,-. M- " W- ���- all"w'-;R141 , 4i� , . � � , - 1�1 6 � - � �,4 - - . , , . , . . . � �y.1:.;;%.,.;", ;.:-.1.'' - - - , 2� �,Z7 � - .. , ,.,2. 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I �,%-,ZO,M.�i!! -:��11 :, $14,* -11"`�, I - W�1-11111 � . . - , .. . ,. . , ,16� '� �* !��, , A.e 11 , � .7-� ��, - I,: - . . -, , , ; - 1 ..� ,� " - - �. ,. , . , — ., �:: . " ,. - ,,,-_�.o �- .,�],. : . 11�� ,,, . �, l.... . , 4� �t- f�, �, , , - , I .. . � , , — . . . . ------1" . 4t5l - ,1� - Aill liftt,;.I. - . V-ZrZ.�-...�,t,.��,4 4.� , - . . I . ��.. .... 4nl.z�.. --,- -�, �� . . I I ... ". - .- , ,,-4�� , - - — ----- ; d .v - — - - 1. . . . .. . .. .. ` �-1 . Aft A100, - • I I v ' ' � � ... . . 0 . . I -�Al � . ` . � ; .. I . . ,. ,, . . ,� . . _ . * . — , • W Road''lo, nicle, . -.,..1'.''.�."1`Signs ..Along' ER'c ,.,-.'��,.:,��!-:--l- 14 . � �... ,4 1 — - . , . .0� . 4 . .. . . . I . I . . ' . . . . . . Are you careful of your health? possible -to you, or do you turn night ,- revengb arid all grudges, so that when .� --M .., . ,�.... -I* ... :, , , .. I .1 � ,..-:: 1k .�. .. . t;l- J I I . - . . . I I ., I ' 'D6 you try to do more work than. - health'' you sink intp unconsciousness you are . into day and jeopardize' your you . _ :- 1 ... I , , �.. . ". . I ." .., .�.. � "�. I � ,4 �. � . you are paid for? , I in foolish living? . ..... . � . in perfect harmony with all th6 world? ' Have formed the habit cf living , * - �:. [�" , . . . , . 1. . . � , , . , . . . . Do you try to be original, resource Do -you seek -- your recreation in you each day withJu the luatead of ... - . I ,, I �� , 1i , 11 � , . . . L��.,. I . . 10, . full in everything? ' ' - I things which will hllVi� no unpleasant .day,_ - t be living in the past or in the future�, of �,:" ? 1, Z -'i' � � 1- -. . - . � . - - --- 71� .- — I - - - I . Do you try to put the stamp of char- . I 'everything that 'goes reaction, arid which will refreshing . to. you? , I . making every day a fea-letter day In .. I ... ... - . ,, �. . : I 11 :V , .. � - . - I � . . - �" . -. - atter upon through your hands,, doing olng everything I ' Do you realize all of your faculties - life" your - Do you know that.alllife can mean. I . . ,j� :--: h use. - . � : ' �' ;The Valiant Mo -�.. ", . '. strange growls and roars sounded I . - to a finish? I pathize with -your' physical condi- . sympathize .1 to you must be fofina in the passing .:,: , , � . I � .. . * I. A ..� . Rl'-,. P I . mouse .,: -, , Once upon a time there was a mo � . through' the trees. � . w I � Are you alert and to the 1 tion that robust health adds to one' 'R out of the past or the instant, a I I � !,: ,! IWho did nothing bUt sigh: because he "What shall I do!" wailed the great -responsive blest things of life? i ability- tremendously, sharpens all of . - future' that yoti can only live a frac- 7;� , , , . -, �.Wafi 30 small. I ' big enormous -mouse, trying to find a I. . 'the forty or fifty different -success Do you regard your Job as your'best � ' , tioti of a second at a time, during the - 7... 11. .a � . . . s p . 'kr*ow brave, I would be if I wete a place to, hide. . I .1 . ' . I faculties, increases courage, increases friend, knowing -that If y n e initiative process of the swinging of the pendu . , ,: . . , .�-��-q I I I IaW as a dog or the size of a lion," But there were no holes big enough of It, -It will take care of you, will re- and executive ability? I 'know Join from one side to the other; that. �. -: •. 1, �,,, .- � . I 11�--.-- - - - tw- would say over and. over to his for him to creep into and no trees Bard and treat you as you can regard DO 'tOU that much of the credit all you achieve must bewrought In - : �1 i I - vue. "I would snap up that impudent large enough to. get behind. A great . ' and ' . ; given to the 6ralu is due to the atom- treat it? . . ' the passing instant? .Is not that suf. ..'�. .... . , - .-cat with one bite, and after I had *huge lion, out looking for sup per, spied the -or Are you enamored.of,accuracy? I ach, that your vigor of brain and clear I . ' ficlen t motive to -seize It as It passelt . ,- . .v:'l-'. .: *. , , -' ,. 'finished that I should -be king of all creature and came snuffing � � - Are you religiously truthful, even in thinking Is largely depeudent on your and get everything possible from it? " �- I . .. I " .t. ". 115"' � I - I ---the - the beasts." " A around. Now was the time for the little things.. . i food, which'Ilas much to do_witli your I * , Are you thrifty in the we of. your - I . .. - I --:- , I I . -�!- 11INo doubt. No doubt," said Mrs. . mouse to shbw how brave he was and Are you so In love with yo.tir work success, and that if you do not choose I I will, time, your energy, _your -money, or are. -1 �.. , .2 Wouse impatiently, "but as you are to challenge the lion to a battle and the foods which add -most to your that you long to get to it in the morn- . . .1 . you letting them run cut in a . , . - 1.1 sorts - . ,,1 " . . . .., tw larger than a radish what is the Proclaim himself king. But, goodness, pr , . I . I mental vigor but simply tbose your ,it)- Ing and regret leaving it at niglif9. I 1 of wastes and leaks, as the water -.. L . . . I "I .. . ... % I . use talking about it. Can't you be instead he gave a tremendous squ�ak . � Are you trying to be a master in i petite. craves, your phys'cal condition 9 throt g4 the leaks of a ,dam. ' `-.�. "I. ' content V1 , . and an enormous leap and away he your Instead of merely artisan? 11 will be seriously affected'? - I Are you coining- all of your energies, I . ` �� , . . , �, 44 the what's more," added crashed through the forest, with the - ... - . � Are you -painstaking In regard, to I Do you know that a, heavy meal In all of your life into dullars. ne ' lectin g 9 . I . I 11 .,'::1 ..And .. refusing to be silenced, "I'd: old kind o a lion and every other I I .. ;your your personal' appearance? I the middle of the day muddles your home, your family,, your social Are yourf . I . . ;P1 . ,..: ,-'mouse, . I not live in a hole and eat crusts and beast after him. . inking for halt the ! obligations, your.frietids, and youf op- nails properly'attended't6, a'nd Is your brain, your t1f I . 71 - . . . crumbs, nor associate with foolish lit- I And at last, -after a terrible -run, clothing always pressed, neat and 1 afternoon or more --especially. If you , portunitles for self-improvement and . . .. .. - I . ? ilei folks like you." � he found a hole big enough to fall in, . . . . clean? . . I , are doing mental, work --and destroys I larger. growth, making merely a living . , "Humph!" said Mrs. Mouse. Arid and there' , stayed all- night, too I Are you careful in choosing your as- I . 1; �. I . . half of your efflc�eney? - instead of a life. I . . .It �.. , ,1� , went; scared to' breathe and almost starved putting on her best bonnet she wer I sociates, and clean and manly Jn-your t rDo -you- know that over-tridulgence Do you know that to keep young I ;I . 1. I - - .. lilt a I to death. And there the fairy found to call on Mrs. Sophronia Longt2 I -opts- conversation? ,In coffee, cigarett6s, or Intoxicants has you must be cheerful, hopeful,, opti. I I ' . �. I �, second cousin by marriage. And .I I hini'asleep at dawn, and seeing the [�T "Do you take efEl"Ciency in.'eviarything -:the same eftOct on you that a whip -mistic; you -must be much with young. . I .... n 1. X:: L . . , - , :: don't blame her on bit, do you? I. terrible state he was i4 --all scratched L . . as your daily ideal? ; has on a tired horse? While these � life, must learn to play your home, ' " I � ; .. : . � . . . - ''. I - . . I..,.- Well, sirs, that little mouse got to' briars and sticks and witV . Can you stand up under rebuffs, � things miry momentarily �nci 4o your, i to, play with your -children; and -if you ' -eaa . I ,- L � - . . rl. � I. -six scratches -she felt sorry .. - talking about being big and how he I twenty have none of your own, to play with laugh at opposition? 1 mental activity, Your creative ability, h . . . - " V5 V " til I and turned him into a. regular little � .. would act'and what he would do on, . Does failure make you all the more, 1 they steadily devitalize your body and your neighbor's children? I . . your I I .. . � -01 .. 1��. : . - -: -"L':' -he really fancied himself enormous.' mouse aghin. det�ermlned to win out at any cast, or, lower the resisting power of the c�!II- .Do you know that It you Would make ' I .. - . I - And the next day the mouse awak- He bent his head way over when he � do you become. easily discouraged and life of ail your organs. and tissues. your home happy you, ,must radiate - . , I 11, . . . i ened, an I came into the house and sat down on d when he found himself lit- give -up when the odds are against I Do you know the art of.getting re. , happiness; that- when youi* put- your I. I - - - . a -. :� " ' .' the edge of the chairs as if he were, i'tle again he was so happy he 'ran 'told youg .. f reshing, reju-ven-ating sleep- bow to I latchkey to the door when, ,you return '� .. . . I I 1 - ' . I . straight home' -and his wife bow Do you' keep yourself so fit that ! i.ake a mental bath before dropping to � In .the evening you should say good. - - - . 1 , I- '.='' ' - them at once. And pretty so(#n all jolly home ;iia'saridt- ai�-for crusts, , every morning you are in a condition' sleep, wiping from your mental slate - 'cares?'- tI bye to all of your business and pro. ' " * - - " . 7 . ` � I '.". his mice friends arid relatives got so llth�y were simply delicious." to do the best and the biggest -thing-'all evidences of hatr6d, jealousy, envy, I fessionaf .1 . I . .. - . . tired of hearing what he would do if. Mrs. Mouse thought' he must have . I lost his mind, but being a sensible — , iI ---- . .- . .. . -!M , , - - "' . ' Hold dumb-bell Th4� Acid Test. - . I ,- I [ be. were big as a lion that they. ran of your shoulders. a , . -- , [ANAEMIA R OBS 1. ITS ..,. . - I off -and left him, and when they saw little she said nothing at All- ' or a book in each hand and, with your ., Once upon a time's missionary by I . , . .0 . en. him coming pretended to have ar.l. -.-I- gagement. - . And after that Mr. Mouse never once I to be'large agair- I - legs stiff and your . spine straight, lean a little forward at the �wajst, ' * the name of .Francis Richardson was ' I I Im -4 1 VICTIMS BY SUALTH :.- s I 1.wished '.. ' , -v,, So Mr. Mouse went off by which leads me to believe ATI .of . I taking a class of African rican converts so that.Ljou can h6ld the books to- . 4 4 I . . . .1i..1;,, and even talked to himself atter'..,... thzt *:e has nothing to do with bray- . . 4, . while, and one moonlight -night a lit -i ery.. ., . 1. . , I .1 � , gether w:th your arms straigdown . in front of you. Now, without bending. through- the lNew Testament. lesson by lesson and verse by verse'. . . I Finally he came me to the text beailp-g i - . �, Condit lotis' of Thin Bldod That . . I .. . . . I , . - , , - L — - :"-. "' .. - , - - _tle fairy overheard him . . - Brn�J Shoulders. your elbows or' -the position: . Ing"Give . . . - .. I .. the c(�uimafid of Christ: to him ' . . .- I . . - - !. Could be Corrected Easily- Axe . . .. * - The little fairy threw back her head . . . . of y our body, separate your arms arid' I that asketh thee. and filom him that . . I -I and laughed and laughed at funny lit-� Broad shculd-�ri have always bee, for lift weights out -and up until they - would boftow� of thee' not thou. - Stealing the Health and Ener. � . . .1. 11 I . . .. ... I . I - 7 arded as' a s:,7n of strength, I .. . tle Mr. Mouse making out as if he, reg . a ' they - indicate a' re at the height of your shoulders, � . away." .. . 16-11169s� I i .., gy of Many Men -and Women, ..; ,. .. ,�W , .'1%-.- . we" a lion. usually •corresponding Then all at owe she had', . . . and as you raise your Arms inhale He knew the of' his dusky - . . . . , 1�, , sn 'idea. She Raw just •over the � breadth- of chest, wh-ch is most im- , deeply. Repeat the exercise until . corgregation.- They.were the greatest i I and'.Boys arid Girls. . . - . . . . . . . . . mouses head and whispered several, portant; and without s'tro.lz shouldeirs I are somewhat tired. on the Afrimn ectatinernt- If I �L '--+ . I—- -I... - '- . . I . .,: I'� are of little value for ma-glit words. and, mouse -alive, next' strong arms . . . -as A variation of the ncre:rent en- ' .beggars he.all-ould expouril this text.to ,,,,,.I Ariaemla, whicli I-ItOrally means . . * . ' . . I . I thing Mr. Mouse was as big' two heavy labor. - . ' ' abler yciia,iicp use or-e'iJc,'-nid at ;,'time. . '' - -- i ,,,% It$ I, --alialess and tire up to it, .•. . I ald lite * - ,. bloodlessness, is one of the mbst, pre- . , ' , .. -, '- . - , liobj! � . I . Imagine! I 1. The popular belief that'square shoul- [ - I � 10,ir left f-:�'e`v,.ith 7 .r� - Lie -a ,'- Y,I; .1 I ,.'-r"'! I valent troubles of the present day. If ftt,y r.(,uld not lezve him one artfir,e' � .. .. . .: .i -1 . .. k !,'. � �L: -:- And'the funniest thing about it )wAs, . dlers indicate strength is mistaken. arm extended on the ri . gh sl -'L' Of Our'c'- I � ' - - ,neglected it. 14 opt to develop Into per- hl� e��t�re equipment, upon' -;Nhich .1 .1 I - - - I : . , ov ;-that he did not know it till, after -a' Square, Pointed shoulders really mean . . I . body and with the palm of y h our an,,, �,� y lh,,�.17. '1�)nF� loo!Cel with covetous � n1cion,; anaemia, one of the most hope- jr I ,, 1 '"s . .. 1. q . . : . I , I � bit, he started for home and could not enough muscle for couldn't' that the re. is . , down grasp the weight. Now, 1,.eep.n . " d;sea4ps.. While anaemia attacks e ". Ile lj;ii,�,, carry for time, and so � *. . L ,While . I . .. . .. . I . .1 . . . - , . � .-,+- - find bis. way. No wonder, the flist'the frame. If the tops of the shoul- your arm, stiff, slowly raise the book . I Illen/ � I he propc,-ed a review of the lessons � find boys. I ' t 13 moire prevalent 'p . jump he took had carried him away I der's and -the base -of the neck are - I filled out, the shoulders %ill `4 ' it the him or* dumb -bell -until your arm is per- As . I covered to this paint. ' M-eartwhile: among young girls and women and for 11 I this -reason,every nonan, particularly . . ..' . , -`Past and second jump took . � . clear out of Mousetown. . properly . I appear to slope- Many very strong pendicular.- . led his coinment.try. �It blandiy:� you grow stronger he stu,li from week to week increase .' every ractoer. should know ho* to r6- * ase ' 'the suggv�ted that. of course.' this text . . . ... I ..i "This is queer," he mumbled, look-Imen I Ing. all around. "How strange every-, fluve immensely broad, shoulders that slope gracefully from the 'neck. . - . I .. I cognize the stigns, of-i4i; trouble which weight. . . . . -was not to be takeii'lit'erally, pecau-se .. . . .'L ; makes It. - ap 1� I C - LHere is a harder exercise; it can be! that was viiholly'trupracticable. The p1rol. h �o gradually and t . . . . , . , - . . - . . thin - . .. I •- One of the best exercisel to -extremely severe, but you. should not: text, so �eqmrnentary ran, was i so stealthily tha:t It. is often far. ad- ' I - .. . ,.r I L .. . By this time he had come to the strengthen the shoulders and broaden - ..,.. - I . ,the. I I - . . . ' i vanced before the nature of the ot-erdo.it: Holding your hands in front' merely a general adroollitioll to. 6 . . . trouble is noticed. -.dne general syrup- . 1. ;.edge of a pool and- looking In, was the chest. .is sometimes -'called -. the of you, grip your right wrist with IL geri.erous :;Pirlt. ' - "' - - . tom of anaemia is pallor,-' The cheeks I i . 1- .,� amazed to see a giant reflected ,on the, -reach, and it particularly good for a v -I surface. He ran back several paces, rlinder boy who is growing rapidly., I your left hand, Now, while you resist: But this interpretation did not sa ' ils. . with your left arm, raise your- right' fy Richardson, He resorted to'pra - ; Ye�-' I gradually lose their co!or, and the lips loss; , - A , . . . - .. I 1. . . n; A ','Ahen looked again. I Stand with.'your back to the wall. . ' ... "Why, to the sides at Ole I . elbow high' and straight out at the' for guidance in the matter, for it become rale or white, Aylth this � . . . of color there comes a tendency to � ... - . -.. . - it's me!", he exclaimed in extend your rffis side. The movement pulls your ll�ftl,seexaed to him that his -entire miss. I ;ou' . fatigue. -a palpira:tlon of th'p heart. and , astonishment and hardly knew wheth- - Ile height -of ymr shoulders. Place 1. 'against forearm over to w ur hands .arr-career- with -here your ill these people,was at! I breath les -,fieis offer slight. exertion-. I ' _Ler t . .. . o be pleased or not: iing.t r.L V PS one hand the, .of . * were it the beginning. Repeat it a stake. But no. new light, broke .u�oll . - . !with occasional headaches. In the . I . . 4 . "Better atartfortb� yroods- some %%'all in a corner. Wahout, movins . . - *: ' his troubled spirit. and the day had few times, then he position . f i more severe cases fainting spells re- 1. . !" he thought nervi . one might see me . . that hand, rea�ch along, the wahi as rar I— ---- — -- --a t once i of your an an try it on the other conic to lace Me `aEgerous tex ric . . . qtiently. occur. i I. I . � *'ausly. I as you can With the other, and at the side. I � � . . . . - ' more: Tjw., lie decided -to ,accept it * I In ordinary ,an-aemle conditions,- in-.�.� . I. .:1.. . ., . And it was' wise, 'for a --mouse-asi " me take -a deep breath. With "me time muscles I Because 6e shouldef are* as, Christ had ,Ttated it. He fticr li Is- I c1liding the anaemia that affeats youn,r � .. . t� , . -1 I I., , .. Aarife as two lions would have attract- I a pin mark on the wall -the the Aistance lot . reach, and try from day to - I likely to. stiffen or bind if they are convert, -that lie had not lived tip to it, he intended in'the girls in'their 'teens, Ur. Williams' Pink .. .1.1 I . ., I � . - .�: . . - . - I -.4d k of attention. .1 . . . - . e giant moose sat . u you can day- to increase it. I ' .wise always to, but that to do:so overexercised, it is..wise I . combine with heavy work some exer-1 future. I Pills' are all the inedicinii requ I . I . I �- 71 Fresh air. sunlight d ig -,-; * - I' ----� - " .�.�,* . .. : . , .-'down under a tree and wondered what By increasing the deltoid muscles, i else for suppleness. For example, hold; The"effect-of. tile lesson was electri. j•food will do the' rest. "'Any w1m, I- r "I 0 ....1, . - , . I . to c�p. . There was no bread or cheese which are just below the point of your your arm straight and swing it rapid-' cal. As soon, as• it was -over tht crowd girl -taking Dr. Williams' -Pink FiLis .- .-.,. ' I I., to ba awn and he was terribly bungry. I shoulder and above your upper arm,, 'greatly ly in circles as baseball pitchers some-! rushed in to ask for lits, possessions. tell by the growing redness of her *r ; . . 'Theh. it grew very, very dark, and u can add to the breadth I you t helps to It looked as it he would. soon be des- times do to warm up. That ,can ' a emELU---.g herblood . lips that the Pills are * . I � " .% . .. .. :L . � . I I - keep -the joints pliant and smooth.' Mute, .not only .of. equipment, blit of . . rich and . . . .. . . . . . . , M, . .7 . .1 . 7: in Witchcraft Still, Exists I Punching a bag is also excellent for clothes as well. . .. that purpose, especially - when you! ,Then an old man stood up and ad: N.B. , Miss Mabel Feeney, Liverpool,- ,-Iqys: "'Bifore I began the use of Dr., - . -- -- - 7 :-Jk .�'.. , ...Befief ....; � 11� ., I �, : I. practice elbow blows. , Speed is as his native friends, telling them ('Williams'i Pink Pills I felt like a com- : '." * .. . .:. . �: L . I . - 11 . � .. . � - . and , hi�avy. � that if they not restore. the things important as strength, - . . - . . . , - pjete wreck of,.uiy:. former. self. . l%T3r - - . . L I m. I I ... .. � � . .. Belief in witchcraft still, exists in i living near Peterborough was almost stake. � to the- owner he could not go on with training alone is a serious mi I . - blood was thin,and watery; I'suffbred ' I _ L,/...; . .. . ..: - - .. I : i . . ! the British Isles In spite of the work !starved because- the other -residents . . of the education department and the I in the village had the belief that she . � . . � . 0 -- - Fhls Work among them. All the articles �;� ADVICE � were given back, acid he had -no fur- A MOTHER'S . from faint and dizzy spells, d ' headaches almost every day, I was ..';:,. �' -'-L�; �.;`j - I - - . I I . many other pigs' and Pont- her means of enlightenment, ha,d.�"bewltched" their r : thoir ritItiests.- That was a supr&ne - . taking doctor's medicine, but It was I ' L 7, , .,:. .' IL";l . that tend o direct the- thoughs of the ' try and even made their "children ,iali . test of the religion of Christ for Rich- ! not helping .me and at this time I was I . . . that tend to direct the thoughts Of the ' sick. . . *.. .i - . . -ardson.,--He -never doubted the practic- I .Once -a mother has used Baby's Own , learning my trade as a tailoress, and . .11 . I . . I . .. people to viewing he unknown from a' The Welsh Hill folk cannot be p ' *Witchcraft ableness. of the gospel front then' oil. Tablets f�r her, little ones she i.,'al- ' , i His work grew'by leaps when the na. was forced through my illness to give lip work.' After reading ari advertise- :. - . I .. .11�. I �..�. 1. • .1 I A few days back Mary Davies, an suaded that is a'my''th, A - - � w-ays happy to recommend them to I 1 tires sa-w his utter sincerity: , ' -' iiient of 'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills one '. . ' L I.:, �L ': _ . I . - 1- -old gypsy, was charged in a Welsh I cme was old not so long ago of how : .. 1. , others, Her advice, given after a ., - . . . - I .. - day I decided -'to gIve 'the pills a trial. - .: .. � 700111rt with.stealthg $600 from a farm-; a fdrm�r's h,6rse had fallen Ill. The . I. ; careful trial, can be readily followed I - . . . .LL, , . ' , After taking two boxes I felt that 1 . . er by means of a trick. According to ' farmer ascribed it 'to the elves and i I ' . the David James, the farm-; drink for ' with assured gbod results. The Tab- 1, . I - � The •Earth's Crust. . but thorough laxative . was being benefited, and continued I evidence ._ or, was, suffering from a rash on his. one night put out meat and - I the fairymen and a note asking them ;lets are a mild never fail' to "regulate the i Inter�sting facts concerning ,.the their use until I. was fully restored to , hand and he sent a ter t( ) con- to, cure his horse. The elves were 'to cure ;,whlch , - Colo el .. I . . 'bowels and sweets the stoinach. ' earth's crust were jdiselosed by. I I Sir Sydney Burr9rd recently. . ' health. The pills certainly did won- . . I ders for me, and I cannot recommend . 1. 4 . .. . .- suit the gypsy regarding a cure. . with .the food and the horse . They always (to good -they cannot 1 "Isostasy" Is the particular science . I them too highly." . . 'Williams . .- -. . . . 177 .. . TTre daughter that told the I . she knew what she had come for, and . i recovered. ., - ' * , ' I belief In the "wife The i . � possibly do h�irtn even to the youngest which deals with the structure -babe: . ' irb of the Concerning-4hern 'Mrs. P. La- ' I The purposd of Dr. Pint � . I that her father, herself and her child power A)f I POW I women`to tell the future andcureills o' . . earth, and Sir Sidney told how all - foyest. ,St. Nazaire, Que., writes—, mountains and heights -.standing above ! Pills is to build ap the blood. They . do this one 'thing and they do'ft well. ".. , . . . - .- -..; . ,.1-14. . �, were bewitched. She undertook to cure them. for $600, and they paid $400 ii is widespread: A woman -who profes,ci. the future "For three ni-.aiitlis my. baby sea level are compensated'by deficien'L 'stipated ,and f,rled cnhtlnuall�-. On - They are for thts-reason- an invaluable -'.' . ed to see into and claimed . 'la,i an instalment. The gypsy pre-'', the power .to ward off disease had just 'brought ! cies of -matter underlying them below, rico,--- - the advice of a friend ' Fgave . level, and that. all oceans and sur. remedy in diseases arising from bad deficient blood, as rheumatism, , or rheumatism, .I ., , " - . - `L " � 1, . . heavily - . scribed a daily dose of brimstone and � been to court ,and beavi,ly .Baby's Own TRI)l * ets and now at the, ,,�a face hollows dipping below sea level neuralgia, after-effects of the grip and 1. - 'L. .:,��:; �. . . girl for each of the inmates of the . firled. . . farm and handed over -a number of I 1. . A woman at Leeds had a child who age of live months lie is peirfeftly Tell , I and weighs twenty polirlds. I am de- I . - are compensated by excesses of'mat I them In the fevers: The pills are guaranteed to be free from oplates or any harmful - L - . - , --- . ; . l, little bags containing charcoal to be,! * became Ill. A "wise" woman oh being I I lighted, to be abj4�. to advise, ether' te r underlying crivit; . There Is considerable 'evidence in i . drug, and cannot injure the most dell. I. . . . , I -worn around the necks of the bewitch. I 1 consulted prescribed a daily portion Needless to say the cure was In , � mothers to ime them." The TabletsWil I . . are sold by medicine dealers or by favor of 1. -the view that the condition of- cats system. You can get Dr. -. -any ... -,." I . �.�,� . . ed. , . : of s�ome-aiitmal'.i blood and warned vain and the farmer demanded his , I lll,,il,l 25 cents a box from The Dr. 6stasy exists throughout the earthly I Is . liams' J?Ink Pills through dealer L i.; -1 r I I .. I money back. .. . I the mother to guard the sick (ITIld - - ,It Williams Mediclue Co., Brockville, crust. Apparently,'in a region where in ,medicine or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The . I '... - ;... � , . About a - y - ear ago a farmer giving , from the eye of a neighbor, The child - recovered. These are authentic cases, 11 I 1) n',• - -' .1 I �. an extra load' rock Is accumulated, the underlying crust increases. in aerl- h Di. Williahis' Medicine Co., Brockville, . r-� ... 1. I I evidence at Swaffham, In Norfolk, 1 gravely told the judge that he had a i and could hardly be bettered by me- � . 0 . The Russian Empire consists of on,- 5 . . . sity and rock Is removed c., . Ont. . , 40.0 . , I ... � .:.., , - ,4: .. ;.. ..", . diaeVal records. . 0ow, bewitched, but that be had put -a , . . I . sixth of the land surface of the world. - eroded, the crust beneath increases !.I I I : 1. �-�. it is never safe to look into the ' . " . . . red hot poker into the churn contain. I The police are rather helpless, for "wise" It has a iotal area of 8,650,000 square . `Half,of density. . . tL ., 1 . _______40l_ future with eyes offear. - . , -',7. .� . .Ing her milk the spirit "went up I they are unable to deal with the . unless some one lodges scam- miles. Europe. and the whole 'Asia . . ." is lose . . - - . a flame which lighted up the dairy." �n People . I I of Northern are included within To lodge difficulties to the - ' t " . plaint. . . . . .. I 1. �� A, few months back an old woman I... . . .:, . . . , I I its boundaries. I — . . - . Stamps... power of dei?is',on. ' . I . . Buy Thrift . . I .-. - : . - �# I I . - . . I . . I . . . I . . . I."" ; I . . . I .. .. � 1. .1 I .. - -: L . It I . � ', . 1% . . I . . . ., ,:I ;1 ,. I -, .', . V,.d.ava- '- '.ilii- L - -"I . . , ..;..--- ..� . -----��— ..:�r .•, a"".s, s•=i�,'^y,"n.�.,sr`:" .r.. -•F ..d ^i3a,.+ i e; "�. taC✓ ,.. ' . S .. n r. Y - 9'7F' ... e'c. 1 i Y .. H.r Aft a:.GM'u Y •ir4 Y� '•d Al ,�:y .0'Y- ', Y T,� .1Y...• ,'r� a x a h r ^.. •3"95 ISf Tr• ?" -r, f,tr. <,�M."iF ;�qy',s'?; to ••s•i2,... 3YA': .�G� ...:.34' .4, , a?Y•„-,-' 't.0 �.j ,,,,.-s. ?"',�.y,. x' i .;r • :re-. s+.,:: r -r...+..' ssY . - tkr •. y -�, r... .. ..: �?ii-�yy '.+�, r.'4"�. '" r.'.n " -.re, .x y '.'f _ %r -re,....:3rr3i�-re.;,r"�.�; .. ^. A. , .. r ,. - •�, " 1.• ro •Y .: J' ,i, • r!n'". :)u. `�Ni"'S •r.,.• .. '. +•:•'7r rd• ^,ppi, -.G^.• i .. r� •;ger. 'H.r,..x ,.re, . �. '" ��•r ,. ,y' , . •. 7'"C' �d .q<.. �".� �. "^c r•rt y, saw. - ,�+•* y .'Ft'r'. $ `-it`•w p ,.ar(,xy.t'�• V.'•%',. ..,y ,.y.,.y� '.M'Mr ii',. •V., -i . 'T��b•�]. . +2•u'!.., d..) +�• �'""iN'u �...Y n.'t':i- � r k �� : Y .�' '.� .iC+ 7'r', ',. i..'F n 'i.- e � L'4 ..... .. •.' "` n 'rm :':at4+...e A,.....$ii' .�...,•,r -. .`Y._w. .'1'r•� ,S tb'... r . "SYRUP OF ' FIGS" ^ :� HapPineas. - 4 a ` ' T4ere's joy in the song of the -robin t 1 CHILO'S that rests on the twig of the tree, A'nd there's joy in the blossoms of suns- tTYY 1T�,V� mer, and a thrill In the roar of the - ---•- ` ai`-,-,:,Look at tongue! Remove Qoi• -sea, f Oh, the peace and the gladness we're '-in 77, sons from little stomach, seeking are clothed all manner - liver and bowels of dress, command success "without inteilae. And soma• In the laughter of ebildreh ' may come to their dream of success. .:. There's joy in the smile of a comrade, T and joy in the blue of the sky. ! Who lives In the sunshine of friend= ! ' ship•h'as joy that no, money can buy. " There.is peace to be found in the val- WI 24a rubiishing Co., Ltd„ Toront} . leys and calm in the shelter of trees, you crying, dearest? Are you not hap- And millions of people are happy'in of ` priceless waterfront and over six claiming such, ple,,A-sures as theso. s 1 The man that is proud'of his ch'ldren A little Ontario girl who had a ban• Co., Montreal. o:cns more than the man with his gold. " And he .that has chummed with the songbirds has found a delight he can k - hold; . Accept "Californlr. Sy:u,: Figs There are millions of -ways- to be hap - only -look for the name California on py, too many by far to recall, -the package, then you are sure your And who lives but for gold and for sil- child 1s .having the ' best and mos: ver has chosen the poorest of all.' liarmless !axative or physic for the n tam was -,disappointed at the smallness of the first egg laid by the bird. Her T3&Amr as eosooL iron Nt17t6SMS. atx, ideal egg was that of the ostrich, a [� EOISTERED TRAINING SCHOOL ' specimen of which la on the table in r for Nurses: St. Elizabeth Hospital p Y 204 South Broad Street, Elizabeth. N•ew 7 the -parlor. One day the ostrich ,-egg Jersey. Complete . course. Monthly al- , was missing from its accustomed•I lowance: first year $6.00, second $10.00. third -$16.00. ,Address: Superintendent place. After a prolonged search, it was found near the bantam's nest, aQSCSLDAt11ECCf. 9 and on it was written these words, g -t A.vC10R, TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC' ,¢ "Something like .this, please. Keep lri internal and external, cured witlwns a by our home treatment Write -little 660msch; liver and bowels. Child•on ren love its de:iclous fruity taste. ball Classified Adverfisenients. English Bay Road; Stanley BITS OF rBssaz>mB. directions for child's dose on each bo Lis. Give it without fear. b _, ,� Park, B. C. . A Poultry Problem. HUMOR TE l COMPLETE 1. doe.& not' exceed 1,600,000,000. with an even' distribution people, rela- . ver would be famous fi it ancon had only the . pa George will .pay you. George' eteveasl, st veaft Peterborough. Ontario. command success "without inteilae. ROM RM THERE Mme ran sor a attraction of "Stanley park," was the opinion of an English To a maid farmeretting- "Should one say of a hen on 'a nest ELL ZQUIPPZV NRWSPAPAm T the • planet on which we dwell might support 6,000,000.000. and lob printing plant in. East�t1 Ontario, That ft's sitting Not What 8hg, Meant. lnsursnce led $1.600. • go for $1.100 on quick sale, Sot 6L " He (after the proposal) : "Why are- WI 24a rubiishing Co., Ltd„ Toront} . (slRi..SI DRAW A you crying, dearest? Are you not hap- eOrT ELMS WANTED. of ` priceless waterfront and over six py to know I love you?" s 1 ed for, the table by frying, baking, or She: ' Oh, no, dear,' it's -not t OFT ELM WANTED, f IN. ANI?., thicker. shipped green from saw. j , I am crying from pure joy. Mother Do not sell until you commute:cats with ns. -Keenan Bros Limited• Owen SonntL Y' has always told me that I was such "Tell me, when It cackles," she .said, s<-; an'Idiot that I wouldn't'get even a don- Ont', park on the continent. It is fringed key for a -sweetheart, and now I'vegot LADIES WANTED. : Syrup, may be takoai water one, after all"'T ADIES -WANTED TO DO PLAIN Or lying?" _ nature In ali her bewilderment of 1J and light sewing at home, whole or cause of the age -long turmoil in _ spare time; good pay; work, sent -any dig- `' Good Example. tante, charges paid. Send stamp for w .. MONEY ORDERS. particulars. National Manufacturing; pition and bad blood. Persist, A little Ontario girl who had a ban• Co., Montreal. o:cns more than the man with his gold. " And he .that has chummed with the songbirds has found a delight he can k - hold; . Accept "Californlr. Sy:u,: Figs There are millions of -ways- to be hap - only -look for the name California on py, too many by far to recall, -the package, then you are sure your And who lives but for gold and for sil- child 1s .having the ' best and mos: ver has chosen the poorest of all.' liarmless !axative or physic for the n tam was -,disappointed at the smallness of the first egg laid by the bird. Her T3&Amr as eosooL iron Nt17t6SMS. atx, ideal egg was that of the ostrich, a [� EOISTERED TRAINING SCHOOL ' specimen of which la on the table in r for Nurses: St. Elizabeth Hospital p Y 204 South Broad Street, Elizabeth. N•ew 7 the -parlor. One day the ostrich ,-egg Jersey. Complete . course. Monthly al- , was missing from its accustomed•I lowance: first year $6.00, second $10.00. third -$16.00. ,Address: Superintendent place. After a prolonged search, it was found near the bantam's nest, aQSCSLDAt11ECCf. 9 and on it was written these words, g -t A.vC10R, TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC' ,¢ "Something like .this, please. Keep lri internal and external, cured witlwns a by our home treatment Write -little 660msch; liver and bowels. Child•on ren love its de:iclous fruity taste. ball • Peopling, the- World. English Bay Road; Stanley trying." 60 -fire too late Dr. Bellman Mikoas c,, :.tfaitaA, CoIllnawood Oat directions for child's dose on each bo Lis. Give it without fear. b The present population of the world Park, B. C. . A Poultry Problem. No abilities, however splendid, Call bllit - M therl You mut- ray "Calff�rala" doe.& not' exceed 1,600,000,000. with an even' distribution people, rela- . ver would be famous fi it ancon had only the "Te me"-'tw 11 as a questiop addressed command success "without inteilae. Coffee sold for $29 a- pound when th'ely to area and soil productiveness;, attraction of "Stanley park," was the opinion of an English To a maid farmeretting- "Should one say of a hen on 'a nest labor and persevering application.--% A. T. Stewart. HOW to i the • planet on which we dwell might support 6,000,000.000. tourist • who had circled the globe. That peerless playground of 1,000 That ft's sitting fes first visited America In the fifth -• 1 {li But the distribution is exceedingly' acres bf virgin forest,.with many.acres Or setting?" , (slRi..SI DRAW A {� the Blood uneven. In India and China there are of ` priceless waterfront and over six But a shake of her pretty, fair head s 1 ed for, the table by frying, baking, or so many human beluga that the failing miles of marine panorama of park Was her way of replying: ;IVIOLST CLOTH Y ate l" to thirty drops of Extract o1 crops 'even slightly below the nor- foreshore, is the greatest municipal "Tell me, when It cackles," she .said, of Roots, commonly called Hetger SdIIA's Curative mal fora single season means famine, park on the continent. It is fringed "Is it laying THROUGH HAIL : Syrup, may be takoai water bringing death to multitudes. A pr,'me by English Bay which abounds with Or lying?" _ nature In ali her bewilderment of withmeaJs and at bedtime, ' for me, cause of the age -long turmoil in mirrored reflections of forest trees --• ---4 -- `' the cure of indigestion, consti• " Europe is overcrowding,' which makes frequent inevitable. and birds of every shade and plumage bank MONEY ORDERS. et r,.� Let Danderine save y tot pition and bad blood. Persist, wars on the surface. No bulwarks or' Dominion Express Money Orders are once is "treat meatwiU offect There !s plenty of room in (Africa ' ocean wall mare the beauty, no roar. on sale in flue thousand. offices ]air and d0Uh14 e erre in nearly eve cue.n, � and South America w fn Rock," the grave of. the Indian ciet Me geat»aa at drunitz. of the tropics (mainly a matter of dis- there is all the •beauty and majesty 4 its t7eaUt}/ 4 S ease elimination) shall have been ac- and novelty of its placid surface with "Firm "Demobilizes" Top- times, in Egypt, calla tubers were one _ complisbed. The latter continent- a soft calling of the waves. historical, geograptlical and ,poetical of the most important food crops, a — AauN ews Pioneer Dog Remediee Book to relatively vacant territory for the most part -especially Invites popu- The park is picturesque with its magnificent firs and cedars, and is The swagger cut -of the British army works, allude to a country or continent They were grown over -extensive areas some of the -points of interest.--C.G. . on DQG DISEASES latfon, because, save !n the far South, largely in .Its natural state, yet with officer's regulation overcoat makes -- Bre to zees It is ser-bonnteously wafered. o rhes 'of the conventional fn that ft possible the maintenance by -a Scottish overflow. O. + ile Mailed Free to any Ad- il:'usang is on record in Chinese history is encircled by- a perfect motor road dyeing 'establishment of a service that i A,. - • -that of Hui Shen; a native of Cop- dream by the Author.which TO -NIGHT TRY affords the pleasure of enjoying is -..proving increasingly popular with / liens or Cabui,-the centM■ The little French boy can experience.. EL May Glover Co.. las. Ila west 31st street Mlnard's Liniment for sate everywhere the Innumerable' potnta of interest is demobilized officers. On receivingan a oy t at is unknown in this country. `e New York. U:s.A. this wonderland. The unique brit- through the parcel poet army overcoat"Food"' Liniment First bathe with Cuticura Soap A Food Flower. liancy of the `eiquislte scenery in the the firm removes all military insignia, and in the year 499 A.D., during the reign i .. r' - .Was Columbus First. The calla lily, which was -cultivated distance where mountains of grace and stateliness form a grotip of peaks, and dyes The popular belief that Christopher on a. large scale in Egypt, and prob- grey and green and rose-colored, call Ask for Minard's cnd take no other. Columbus was the first to discover ably In Palestine, thousands of years one a; .n and again by their.enchant. 0 o America, in. 1492, - has --bad another ago, was and is grown ea a food plant. meri. Mown t�air pine -clad elopes; Coffee sold for $29 a- pound when ishock- It develops underground, fleshy tubera syi .a atreamlets wind their way.. A. first introduced into England about the The theory that Buddhist missionar. 'that somewhat resemble potatoes,, variety ei' enormous trees, 'spreading middle of the seventeenth -century. fes first visited America In the fifth though more elongated in shape. With their branches on the green lawns, Tin boxes of 12 tablets oos0 but `century was put forward `some! years l preliminary boiling they may be cook- greet the eye, creeping ivy decorates Alrrnss er ttrbrnlrar. rekskao Tablets of Aspirin' which � a few cents. Larger "B&ver" packages. ago by Professor John Fryer, ed for, the table by frying, baking, or the base of these giants of the forest. Pf--Bayer Hieroglyphics • have now been dis- In any other way that potatoes are Walks through the park reveal pic- �7 ,•�....n..�� miles an hatiT.aceticacidester ' '.-covered on the foundation stones of cooked, turesque retreats «here.the aroma of, ED. 7 1>68UE No, 2t -'t0, r . seanutacturs, to ass! the public tealn,t lmttatfoas, the Tablets of Bayer Comtaes Ill be stamped wltkthelr general trade mark, the "Sayer Croda - - the pyramids of San.Juan Teotihuacari, Large areas are nowadays devoted nature In ali her bewilderment of In Mexico. - which are stated to be in Florida to the culture of the calla luxuriant growth, sweetens the out-ot- -Similar to symbols used in the Chibese for its tubera. It grows admirably in doors. ~ �r language. These lend color -to Pro• swamp lands that are useless for The "Lions," the "Sleeping Beauty," "lessor Fryer's beliefs, other purposes, the yield of a single "Siwash Rock," the grave of. the Indian - He points out that from early times moist acre being enormous. In• olden Princess Poetess, Pauline Johnson, the Chinese, classics, as well as the times, in Egypt, calla tubers were one who cast over the lovely surroundings historical, geograptlical and ,poetical of the most important food crops, a gracious mantle of romance; are works, allude to a country or continent They were grown over -extensive areas some of the -points of interest.--C.G. . far to the east bf China, under the In each annual season of the Nile's , Keep Your. Health Game of Fusang or Pueu. The narrative of only one visit to overflow. O. + il:'usang is on record in Chinese history Postman -as Fairy Godfather. i A,. - • -that of Hui Shen; a native of Cop- TO -NIGHT TRY �}���}� f7ll0ee" b "'a"o ry A liens or Cabui,-the centM■ The little French boy can experience.. missionary activities in early times. a oy t at is unknown in this country. Winn The narrative- states that Hui Shen, His father or mother, or kind •aunt, Liniment First bathe with Cuticura Soap may have a. generous impulse, and in the year 499 A.D., during the reign and hot water. These super -creamy of the Emperor Yung Yuan; came from send him a • postcard which will carry for that Coli and Tired Feeling. emollients not only soothe, but in �e country of Fusang to Kingch'ow, more fun with it than any comic card, Get Well. Keep 'Well, most cases heal annoying rashes, ;the •capital of the Dynasty of Tel. such as they ordinarily love. . Kill Spanish. Flu irritations, eczemas, etc. Nothing insures . was treated by the Emperor as an en- voy, side On the opposite Bide to the`address i a large space devoted to close print- - •• by using the OLD RELIABLE. � so a clear skin and hair g� ., as making Cuticura Soap and Olnt- and one of the principal al feudal p D "lords was deputed to interrogate him Ing, which is signed by the generous MI.NARD'S LINIMrENIX CO... LIMITED. ment your every -day toilet prepa- rations. _. concerning the country and to take relative, and .commands the postman Yarmouth. Soapo' out is asd doe. Said $an)o at South Pole. iiown his history in writing. - All the descriptions the to hand over to that lucky boy, at his own door, some nice little sum, per` throttsltoutheDomiaimCaaediaaDepot given of country of Fusang and Its people and haps five or ten franca. The space do- One can scarcely imagine a greater 16 ..i:�•sfwifli�e.c itheir customs in them as a iyi voted to correspondence is about an contrwt, than playing & ' banjo in a O'h, girls, such an abundance at: thick, hu 'heavy, invigorated hair; a p - fact masa of wavy, silky hair, glorious- r Iy fluffy, bright and so easy to, man- r age. Just moisten a cloth wit'i a :itti s "Danderine" and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand -at a time; this magically re•' moves all dirt, excess oil and grease, but your .hair is not left brittle, dry. stringy or faded but charmingly soft. with glgasy, ,golden gleams and tender lights. The youthful glints, tints and color are again in your hair. W "Danderine" ifs . a tonic -beautifier. y Besides doubling the beauty of the hair at once, it checks dandruff and steps falling hair. Get delightful Danderine for a few cents at any drug or toiiet•counter and use it as a dress. Ing' and invigorator as told. on bottle. ...i� sirtcE �Itrro ,� �'�r_arYilt fA �" particular. pp ag inch strip down the aide, the right 'pro- crowded meeting in the mance f Loa. " ONLY TABLETS MARKED Ito the Pacific Coast in general, and to , 'Mexico in portion fpr -;a einal'1"boy. don, and giving a performance in the Think of' the joy of answering a icy atmosphere of the Arctic regions. r, '*• '� postman's knock, and finding yourself- At the hundredth lecture given by Sir i As one lamp lights another nor grow presented with'ari extra bit of pocket Ernest Shackleton, when he told the `(BAYER" .TARE i�ASPIRItV +K jlese, so nobleness enkindleth nobleness, money quite unexpectedly. It adds a thrilling story of his last polar ezpedi- • y L—Lowell. new thrill to Iifp. tion, he introduced some of his old r--- _ colleagues, and insisted on the produc- tion of the old banjo which played so - . Not •Aspirin 1t All without the ttBayer Cross' 'great a part in keeping up the spirits = ° * of the men who were marooned on Elephant Island for a dreary four and�� or� �' `. breakfast a half months. _ o .. At an informal gathering after the OV _ lecture some of the old songs were / ' • ` L /� sung and specimens given o1 the im• promptu ditties that helped to pass r•� ^ t _ sway the time and amuse the men the` tale Qgf w�pae fortitude and patience L " `.A ready-to'`eat food that QSts is dieing Ileteaea to by thouaends of �1 e, 1� people from the cushioned seats' of the IM_ .O ^ l� ^� Ppog1c lull in London. •t �.'I "`�`' r Ernest iii8det01i tells' his ad- g ri-11`�h3h sY1L OI eat, - _. venture in simple, homely language �.►• and malted bade with a sense o1 hu>zlor that is a relief ~ :L � ..- _z a „ � . to the thrilling story. The. penguins, - T ' 1 k F t11 in the pictures, all unconscious of their London audience, behave Iii tfieir usual The name identifies .the contains proper direetioni for Ooidtir 'Sayer"etizm e,,.re, 11r1y ie,-- amusing way, familiar to stay-at-home , 'only genuine Aspirin, -the Aspirin Headache, Toothache, Earache, Nea- �•�••' ' aks . A.e.. a as to v. a �. Y1 m7 l " ' people, who love to roam the world by the help of more adventurous spirits: prescribed b physicians for over nine. P Y P y , teen years and now made in Canada. re, a, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neud-r tin, Joint Pains, and Pain generallT. Aft :�' �..e`.-OJ, LOlilLCal buy Tin boxes of 12 tablets oos0 but Alrrnss er ttrbrnlrar. rekskao Tablets of Aspirin' which � a few cents. Larger "B&ver" packages. i 7.rCi'• : /� �+ , Human blood passes through the cir- Pf--Bayer At C3rorex's Everywhere ' CUlatory tlyafRIt1 at. a rate Oi' seven These In only one Aspirin- "Nayerr' You inns! stay " layer" �7 ,•�....n..�� miles an hatiT.aceticacidester Aspirin 1s the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Wono- well known that Aspirin Hal of eaticyllcacld. While It L Aspirin mer ED. 7 1>68UE No, 2t -'t0, r . seanutacturs, to ass! the public tealn,t lmttatfoas, the Tablets of Bayer Comtaes Ill be stamped wltkthelr general trade mark, the "Sayer Croda - - w711 4 MENEM I A -Dr. Henry will be here as usual -W. H. Peak, of Toronto, was "LOCALISMS@ Tueeddy'to attend to his pro- in town a couple of days'llast week. -A consignment of books has fessional duties. TIUNDY'S ARDWARE Measles -have arrived Intown, -The many friends of Mrs. just arrived at the Library and 4 — -Mrs. R. H.Cronk and family Joshua RR16rdson '*III-be glad to I more areVeidtdrdered. Have'you know that she is now able to leave a ticket. ? If so, buy another. money'by bu in g here were home over the holiday. Y 311al her bed. after hei'mrious- illfie6Fi. Mrs' (Dr.) Bateman, Mr. and -Dr. Shirley had a professional -The Provincial Highways De- Mrs. Steele and Mrs. R. A. Dou- visit to Cobourg on Tuesda vertising for ten glas.,and son, Bert, of Toronto, _75 -Born, on Wednesday, 3�ay. 26, partment is.-ad -s for the construction of the spent the holiday with the Vi5ser, - dens -..to L. and Mrs. Vam Skiver, a son.: -7` -Miss Ada Thornton, of Wasli- concreteD roadway in our village, Bunting. D. C., is visiting M -E. L. and,Mrs. Ruddy and W. J CoEikwell and family their new Rachel Gordon. children have r ' etgraed to 'their left on Tuesday, for A fine assortment of these from -2 00 up. summer horne here. Their tuany holpe at Freeman, near Builling- -Rev. J.'W. Down' and Rev. Pickering friends are -pleased to ton, where they will engage in Dr. Marsh exchanged pulpits on see them back again- in their midst. fruit4arming. In the departure Window 'S creeris, Screen 'Wire, Etc. evening. 'and Elva •..White, of ,%Iv Coakwell, Pickering is losing -Misses Cut -Miss Annie Gibson is spending Miss'Delia McEld,er, Miss Enima one o6ts most useful and highly a couple of weeks with her par ents in Mariposa. Mitchell andMiss Beatrice Blitcher, respected residents. - He V611 tot' _LA Ian, all of Toronto, spent the holiday be. ni i�sefl by the people of the W N 4M.OWERS' Henry Coates and' sob, Al :k'ibf Toronto, spent the holiday with the fornier's parent,-, James village 'only, but the fartuevs in ?with the Misses Holt. and Vrs. White. the surrounding country have All sizes and styliesfrom ..$8.00. Lawn Shears, Etc. Herbert and Mrs. Wilson and -Mrs. Charles Keeso, w.ho has suffered a great loss in the re- --. s S two children spent the 24th with been in poor health and Linder the pioval of the only harness-maker Theie good, are exceptional V'alu_e. their Aunt, Mrs. MLItch, doctor's care-for some time, is Low betiveen Whitby and. Toronio- oving nicely. She was in the The 'Methodist church and Sunday s Nellie and Ada -Misse. 6 Xicholls ITO' a of Toronto, sp - ent the - holiday city (,lie day Inst week, blit not to School will miss both.11f. and Mr.s. go to the hospital as was report6d.- Coa kwell as they -were among their .With Lloyd and Mrs. White, -F-I S HING TAC K LE Nisses Marjorie and Jessie -F. N1. and Mrs. Chapman, of inostaoti-veworkers. •Theirnume - Toronto, have forsaken the city roes friends hope that success- and --Johnston, of Toronto, spent the poles, Lines, • Hooks, Sinkers, -Bobbins, Etc. -'holidays with Pickering friends. for the summer to enjoy the fresh good health may be with them in and air at theft�_farm, Grasmere. .111-. their new home, -Mr ' and Mrs. Clements a u r prices on a kitchen children, of Milton, spent the holi- Chapman. willgo to the city every err hit's in ret o, dawith C. H. and Mrs. Burling. tnorniniZ to attend to. his duties as -Misses Jessie Rorke and Mar- editor of The Faribet Magazine,. N 0 T 0 y E"" I Fand sink. Ion-Clark-, of Toronto, spent the an return in the evening, -"Ticket=. Tickets." Before On and after June 1st I will sell It se tee kets at Seplienson's all outstanding amounts i�ettled cam- Pg Week-end T%ith Pickering friends.-For t e convenience of tho travelling nnywhere, procure the foreashonly. Would.liketoliave.haserected a passenger sta- %Vitt your leis- by June 15th. J'. Y, _pany tire. He tickets anywhere. Single tion at Atidley. A. C. REE90R, Locust Hill -the -G 0.0 0 S -Eric -Armstrong, of Sunder- round trip or prepaid choice of 96-3, and" railway, beat or ocean steamship - S U M M E R land, England; is learning lines Rate gi0rhuteed right. He Can than methods of farming a redeems his h-z�ties whan prevented h R. H. Crook. wit -Clarence Reazin, who is in the u-`In R. 'We have'a splendid range of ready -to-weerr. goods, contracting business in Calgary, -The public services 4a theFOUND-A lady's shawl. Loser the iiewe��t styles 7 spent a few days with his uncle Methodist Church will lie in charge still atthis tifl.lee. ,35:. (if the pastor on Sunday. May the OR SALE-12 vo . uPly ng I oig% Ap Palm Beach & 'Skirts50. White Skirts 2,50.. VoBlouses and aunt, J. son.. IN. and Mrs. Richard. 30th, and all who care to . attend FT �ws� N IcGl;vshan, Duzbar ton, U;i . Middi", with roe, blae-and green e:olltir�, 3.00. House'. Dre`s"S� elcome. Murning �nbject, 1.50 to 3.50. Apromi, cfverall�',-1�25 to 1.50. Tea -The regular meeting of the will be Y% es The Soul:9 Emancipation." See 'Aprou-5 6.1c. -Boudoir Cap-, silk find mlill, 1. V%rA.NTED:.-A quantity 'oats. Methodist Ladies' Aid Will be lie Apply to E. L. Ruddy. Piekor4ng, 36 P4111M 40 There is a "Better 50,.75 and 00 cents each., 4m. Wedmosiday., jv;n@ 'Ole," Quire. Let uQ seek it. Even- -4(jf.!ARE PIANO FOR SALE-In o'clock p. in., at the hogne of Mrs. Call and inspect our gobds,. as they are correct in style, and price. ing subject, "TheMy-tery of Evil." 's ,.>d Irder. Apply to F. 1-1,4UH. Church Findlay. St. Pckering. 44ti -Miss Marguerite Shepherd, of Text, "Sir, didst not thou Sow good seed in thy field frons OR SALE-Driving mare, 4 years G. A. --G .Hamilton, DVNBARTON -.Hamilton, and Miss Violet Saliq- 0 1 FId : alio huggy and harhess. Apply to C. whence then bath it tares Matt. Bate, 33tf bury, of Toronto, spent over Sun- - 18 : 2,. Here is a big problem. day with W. J. and Mr_-a_Clark :an Come and let us look into ita IFOR Sale ---�2 bedroom suites.• with family. s.prings and mattresses k Inquitc at the -The township councir' will Prayer service on Tuesday at 8 Is Ews office. Jltf meet at 10 a.. m. on Monday next -for the transaction of goner X' timoth&hay� Apply to W. H. Guthrie. Rave us very timely sermon on business and at 1 p. m. as a Court Whitby. 11 phone. 36 8 p. m. this week. Rev. Dr. Marsh IWOR SALE-3 cars of first class 19 9% ��� p. in. and League on Thursday at C '-'of Revision. Sabbath Observance' last Sun v hie i day night. His services were PLANTS OF ALL KINDS ARE -Died of bronchial pdeu Pnow ready for delivery at the Piekering monia a the home of his parents,* To- much appreciated by our people. green boui6. F. -H. 119M, U-345 t 7 % rol2to, May the 21st. John Andrew, Thanks to St. Andrew's people for letting him off. J. W. D. VOR SALE-A DeLaral separator Announces a dearly beloved son of Andrew JU No. 12, 300 capacity, never been used. Cow- sud Gladys Avalis '(nee Gladys -The concert given in the town an & Shepherd. Pickering, 34tf 7i • e of �Mutch)aged 11 months. hall on Friday evening last by the SALE-One roil top offlee desk. A luire -W. H. Thurston, editor and Choral Class was a successful Fofuld oak, odcondition and reasonable in go publisher of the Flesherton Ad. affair. The hall was crowded to price W. T. Her.. est Hill. 'Mtf Vance. and his son, who iq on the the doors, and a substantial sum 0 LET-9-roomed brick house and '.'.editorial staff of the Farmers' was realized for the society. This Thil;-acre of land. lot 21,. con 1. Pickering. N'S BOOTS eg Sun, Toronto, were in town one concert brought to a close the ApT,!y to Tboa.. McGlultan. Minbarton. 30 vicinity last week and gaveTHEN-Ews work of, tkOr Choral Society for OGS FOR HATCHING-Duck Mnrder to liave-evPry Fartner. in, the -a pleasant call. the season. The program consi.;t- E e g- jzgs stroni *tock. v!c 1,I)o per set become. well acqnainted. with our Solid Leather -The folloy�ing were ueqtq of ed of several selections by the 1:R i Mrs. Findlay cai the holiday , junior c OR Yale-3 h rood sf ivr4, with 8 Pigs -k Boot, we are Offering las-9 and several by the dan. . i -,-ck, old and 7 pip I %,vekA old. ),pplt L A. and Mrs. Findlay, and senior class, which showed good F Peterboro Brand Wot itter tiros, George Harvey, Leslie work, tinder the leadership o Pi kcrin f 1)tzon, Rouge Hill, It, R. 2. . c 11 .3t,�.s i our complte line. which comprise' Harvey and son, Mrs. Hutchinson Hattie, Law. and of' NIks Ret,4 F F D BA RLF Y-400 "itiek of *Ped d grand-daughter, Edna, George Bank pii;ini4t. Several' violin S� j. ley i.N1!,rhcuri, o;-ruw'�, Prite, ?200- the following an os were -ably rendered by 31 ham, Wallace, 116s Kenna, and Urs: �-ol isq �,U�hvl, . -APplY LQ1 %Vint*n White. 1111� Walsh, of Tot-onto, and Mrs.'Har. Eva Murphy and'��oloi by Nli�sp"A Style 'FOR 'A numberofgMen's Black, plain toe, Military e Vey and daughter, Cora,. of Osh Mary Clark and Irene Murkar, 1 S _1iALF— -)od F1 inkA :v,�ver4 uck..r: I one "V,>od Readings were given by, Q L 'Giflimsn. Brouithair." Phone lark John ...,-The School Act li to,bechang- Marjorie Clark find Miss S,I=qe I t;).. Men "s Tan,, d disorderly conduct e to make it compulsory for Stanley. The T,101t SiALE-1 'folding tob-itr4nd, ichildren to attiand snh of a few boy-i wnrred the '11P�• nay"�wklz. machine, I McC4,ary'� __�en s Black coal oil stove�%%ah Air with toe ca liumber of days each year from of the audience a--i well as snaking S11 oven, 9 p I-Airner. Fickcnng. 43tf it very dificult for those on the the titne they are 11 years of age -until they are 18. At' present, at- AVING PURCTI.-VqEDA TRUCK program to do. their 1).%rtsi, Tit(- -_- :.Men's 1 L ire prtxiic-d t;) do ili' k--.nd,; of. work. Dark Tan With toe cap -tendance at school i3 'not compul chair was occupied by Jatiie�- Gi cc triia. 34. R. lioovrr &-Son, Locust Ason, the president of the sory.after the age of 14. The new Richat. Hill. Lad. phony 1331, 33-3,3 law will not carne' into force until 9eciety, who Rave FLU Ltiteve4ting Our IntroductorySale-, Price is the fall of 1921. account of Otfie work of the S06. 700D FOR SALF-85 per cord, itt -The Women's.1tistitute met at ety during the seasoM lo! 1*-�, rear of c-n..1, tBrcA road': A man to attend to castomeri. ..,-,-the home of W4. Pilkey Tnesday -A �ueeting in the inter("sts of c.'.-%, Barclay. 13ruujhani.. 1-JU -afternoon, when the following the Salvation, Army Self. Denial SIX DOLLARS OR, -SALE-4 yegrlinq. cattle, . 1 6.75 Vrl�njr I.; . -,-,,w cow. Zoad Ifrade '%hdr'fhori-�.' Ing f I*V Campnign was held in the Method 5 officers.were elected for the cam .$6.7 year : Presidelit, Mrs, W. cB. est church on Thursday evening j)pl�,atlnv,_n1,rear,ofcon. 1. LV. Willson. and Seventy -)07 6 ind-phdtfe.Pi�:kcringl . 35.3 :_Powell ; 1st 'Vice, Fawkes : last. The number present was, -Cash Cash - - -- 7 � - m., 2nd Vice Mrs W. J. Clark ; Sec'y- not very large, but those who QTR,-kYFD-From lot con. 3, Cents. re .."e. I PI a 3�eakling heife d, w:f% wh: Treas.', Mfrs. (Dr. )'McEwen . Direc- Nie—re there were Much, interested hind ez, nZhorns. Any inTormation vcill'tw tors : Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Clark, 'Mrs. in the worthy cause. The. chair- lady received by J. Barnes, Cherrywood. 36 a Jephson, Mrs. Morrissev and Mrs,. was occupied, by M. S. Chapman, OR SALE-Wagons, bugaies, ret'stockedj�- Farmers, its your innings, 9 Dickie. 31u,,lical Director, Mrs. ho spoke briefly-on the noble Plow,, scui',!,:-r,, and mowers and all krill; of ing machines. 11. ficTmart;-ClaVemobt. Phone -addr sq J. Somerville and Mes. Clark the'Army. The'ehief e " was 2ol, j7tf -.,UP* -o (Dr.) Cart-wright. Auditors, Mrz, work carried on so unselfishly by inipl'�mcnts, also several kitchen stoves and ,ew- �B ots will go much M13- given by Capt. H. �E. Smith, of -A quiet wedding was sol ized on the afternoon of Monday. CisilIwA, who -was for two year's a 1�)T:H,S-FOR S.kLE-2',qhorthorn-, 'higher. yet. -n y. He gave a h !!I k-,)rn pe'digre�d stock. and h6th r�gisr�ered. am May 24th, at the home of C. H. prisoner in Gernia .)ono 13 and anotht-r I veal old, One hel,mv, to the Snowdrop fanuiv, and the and Mrs,. But, ' lipg, when their 'ver'y. vivid account of life in a P bod" Overalls lls and SiAocks,,Men 3 fourth daughter, Vera, �,*.hcr tc, th�'Lnui�d Fa6iilv.' Apo 3• ai� lot P, 'con. ea y German . C. Bryant, R, R, No. became Germ, lAdson 6mi). which was .4. 1 lickering. or address i the bride of Fred T., Stinting, only not ealireo�-Xoid of bulUor, 7611t 1, Pickyring. Phone' 1107. 36-39 son of Richard A. and Mrs. Bnnt- evidently cherish Work Shirts galore. he' does not cl and second hand L,d The ceremony was -peiform- very iPtich.lovo. for the German:;. 1. 1 ri,�Y 'm"wigblin buq presence ncl han,l.bugizies in first-cliss rep r.'slo hope. Coribov and Mount Forest new 'Finei" n w' e in the ' res" nce of the iinmedi- Mnior A. F. Hind, police m z7L� .. -, 4- 1 '' e line of Boys Blouses 1. .-ate relatives by the Rev�. Dr. trate of Oshawa, who is also a r('- buggies ; lianDy F,17mcr tractor;, and Renfrew r or- Awlv at After the ceremony Mr. turned soldier, gave a short ad- ci'les. scali-.�, and cream �;cp:6tat _ Marsh.NV. Ckr5*. for Toronto., - TH.E. NENvs j6in,�. the J�jghest terms of the work of and Mrs. Bunting left by motor drps�;... 136th these ineii spoke in mg. many friends in wishing- the Army, and made 1 41 T,E -1•-)r)-acre f.,wni, sih,,'ated . -1 -S. C H A P M A N .their I C. TZ S at ti,c. v;!!nge-,)fTyron�. Twvn,.hip,,f Dar- Short addrese-� j1r._r,11 i�,unty of %Vc�t Durham. qm:uio�i,,eing Dar- them many years of -happiness strong appeal. F and prosper itv. were also given by Rev. Dr. IlFtnzli 1-,-, 11 and 12, �evwih 1v 121) acrc-:, unrier culti.vacon.l Good grain farm, Orval Coakwellhad a nnrrow and Rev. -j. W. Down-And offirel'S YOgouts.ion. Approximate UR NEW SPRING OUTFITS clay lolm. w, pnder-cirained. running water, escape from serions injury Or prc- of the art-ny. Ext!ellerlt music was orchard, Men;; %-e firm. tm ildings, Gri;3Lmillc�n the corner of the lot, sl'ust Wflce, school and bably death on Saturday last. He furnished by the Salvation Arn had 13' tu,,ch I undr,-d yards of property. Smocks, Shir For further -011 wit ..,.n b� ,;in just come out of Cliapivan';;' silver baud and a male quartct We can supply S It Overalls, ts, Boots. Qai E te iz �c)jd j(? w;n(l up e,;tatc, :7irs kindly apply t�'Mrq, Ulen 'Mc� h. the -e two 19 "Ar and Harnmer" More and started to cross tanionS road. from local talent who gate I i n.:-4 I Br'ock S t %t, Oshawa. 211--'1311 Our Overalls Find SnTorlflare the tit 9_ In passing Mr. C�iapnian'.q auto, selection.. The committee ap brand at 3,854t piece. Shirts from 1.50 to 2.20`. which was standing in front of rointed by Capt. Blurs several 0 A RELIABLE NV911AN PRE- ":-'Our Boots, the finest in Canada, Rilliams cannot be beaten. ",bis store, be did not not* T �e r ah!,% or *n a g ! rl ovf- r I I., year„ r;, w ho i q cap- p- ice an a p- weeks ago was endorsed by the Be sane yon ask f6r Williams. -)wn-stajj:�. rjrcle.inR 31,1c"fl, ngchargeofthed, • pronebing car tintil be was kno,�k meeting, and tlis na-we of F. W. t�j-j %Tth no laundr"y work, I will, -ed down. The driver at once Hicks added to fil �4 -r y c;�p�ibihly and -xhether she desires to, undertake �e vacane r,.:Iy from �:15 to., .7, pt month, according to b. applied the emergency brake and caused by the removal of Mr. We haTe a new� liup of Lowndes' fFirlious suitings, 'We gnarantee.iii the whole. oronly, part of this work nj�aLion,�d. F.irnilv If three and comfortable living quarters. perfect fit and satisfaction with every garment. stiereeded in QtnPr.;!-"- 4 e r line of kelt,. an Thrr rr a5wured hr generous in courteous &aii��nj ik distani(a�of about three or four tf�d chairman' anti jib agr"l "pon. %ity i LL A� In, order Anche.4from the boy's liend,"which e =y secretary treasurer. At apart, from wages, but must be reliable and hon- good value at $5.00. was directly in front of the wheel. the close of the regular meeting est. No special experience is necessary, but nat- Forturifttely he escaped injury, the committee met for a -short ill fcr,5to opaywrtiore acctirding to V ne 66 sha a, or write B*x:182, Picker'ind lb-if -P.-iPess to say he received a session to make preliminary ori IQ - aa, giving address, and will motor to • see Fred T. Bunt!Dg, - - 6 ii bad fright. ratrigements for the campaign. party, 34-36 i[Establighed-1857.