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7.- 4-� C z f 31- - 7• 7 5q, 1" A, till"� LZ EBR' 27,,1920 No. *23 +i�OL. XXX.I-x -"PICXERING ONT.'FRI[DAY eath of Ricb4rd.,Jones friends. -His funeral took place on Established 75 yeaxe -Sunday at 1.80 to the Union. Cemetety, l f Geo. . 'Baker F'Ilowinz a two wee'4,1 illness the CIRretnout. He leaves to mourn I Hed-ical n 1;s death took place at the Portage la! death a sorrowing mother, a, brother Prairie General Hospital, oil February � and K sitter. I Th,-, faluily have the E. FORSYTH. D. of 0., Regis- GREENWOQD Asso. 24th from pneumcnia. of Rlchal,ii deepest sympathy of the community JLIL. teredmemoar of the Or,tometriw �,Som6 men sit 'and think ev'ruay, Saisk.. aged 20 in their- sad bereavement. rt "tiou of Ontario. Special' attention leen to Jones, (of Inv fibs fltti11.9lasaes. Eyes teetod1zoe. North .,'Othor mon-just sit. years. The late Mebard Junes was 4& tf Corner yoneself 'somewhere horn in-Ontario arid was a rssid f BROUGHAM Z. i ent u XILLS and figure. Claremont for some years. beforego- 'SON F. TO51LUN . 3f, B.. Member 'of the College of Ptigicians and Surgeons The in Ing west.' Deceased 'was visiting his Miss Mabel Hood, of Toronto, was N'o* an With the W "Syit, i Of Ontario: OfPce: that formerly occupied b atei e u uncle, VVm. Burgess, and cousin, Mrs howe ovLiy. .4M late Dr, R. Brodie. and latterly by Dr. Cald „properly installed is getlffik' Robert Vollet, of Portage la Prairie: hlf,�,,;'Edith S�Atlderson, of-Clarernont, :'Well. Phone., Clirerront. Qnt. 231y Xrop His loss is 11jourtiLd by his parentsnad: snent Stinday with it, J. and Mrs. five brothers. they being willialli anti, Cowan; PTWRIGHT, D1. P., ZL f rom 1 to 2 quarts yeF-__ Joseph., of Oxdrift, Oat., 1Vflked, Fred' Keast Was called to Lindsay -lit, -, t1ne day last w#A, owing to the illness tyofontario; 0%cehours,: 1�1-2,an,16-8p.m.. Thomas and. RQb-rt. of Invert 4. V.'c-.ep�,l S., Ora. -A cvr(.ner:for Lh(.,Coun- A� or at otherhours poin Phone Bell :"milking than you are. SAsk., also three sisters. it of bis-Wher. Graham.. Mrs. Job n Burgess Arld I j�S bliss Luella Shea, of Toronto. is Na.24 Ind. hoXN0"400.t"Pktker%z, On- Just think, wiell 331v 'Cows, yrtLget,B. Jones, Sask. "Ile home at firesent, owing to -the illness A good stock of Shorts and Bat-ley of Inverinliv. I nearly an extra can of milk. funeral took PlUC.0 lit In verin Of her father-. NT C. MCKINNON, MA, L.RX 19. Feed on hand. Now is a good O Philia left on Tuesclity Edlnb�ir_gb; member of the College of 11, 90 claksyou have to spend a con title to lay ill a Stock. le of weeks with Physicians and surgeons of Ontario. licentiate. BRO,K ROAD th tela- They w; ill he scarce later.on. of Royal College of Suraeonst, Faitilluro. actuidly lust about $270 ti*�e-1 in Zion, Markham township. Special attention to dAienses of women and abildren. Offic"rdreoiience.BrougLam., Frank Axford :tijd fAmily;who were, 'The're are still quite a number who A splendid quality of Corn now oil the sick list, bpivp quite 'rpcovered. are ill with the flit and bad colds, but Let us- figure your requirements ell 9 We understand that Albert Ack- no serious- cases are reported at the on hand. ford's- licitne,is under quarantine At' present time. Chopping as . usual on Mondays Andrew and 31rs-'Wilson. of Bal. WH.-KENNEI?Y. Barfloor, Snl. Stouffville OnttMrs. B;idverow, sn. was takeri seri. sarn, and All. and Mrs. Hamilton. ofand Fridays. ieitor,iNotary Public.1i[ConveyL°ixer &c.ously ill last week,. but has now im.! the 5thlrofice,sion, rpe Whitb�, unt. 41 proved. considerably. Mrs. Hugh 'Wilson. nt Sunday with. Whe'at, Barley and 'Oats E. FAREWFLL W, H. Jackson, who was confined I Owing to the absence of -%'-mlnister Wit, it ted. K.C.-. BARRIS- to his bed 'two weeks ago, bTip TER, County Cro�wn Attoruej, ard couzity took it re- :there was no service in St Johii's 56116it0f - 43ourt House. Whitby. la se and had to retin a to bed agaill, church on Siind y Ee. BEA L I but be Is now it V. . i Im.... !. Hll,!it ernoon, which _Pplo vin _.ni to-th AE. CBRISTIAN, BFtrrister and ll'-M 11LIM11111 -ho assembled. s Solicitor. wotary F ublie. Ete. Aloncy to lAmr�d's house.-Clitford. If good Srr)P4 11sualiv follow a wtnt. 01611. Ofdce Brock St. Nor-li. Whitby, 2517 CLAREMONT 'who was aff-avil with small-pok', is er With lots of -now• there t-hould be a 0. e. now-in his usital heallh. bountiful crop this year, ag it is'relly nkLE;i & JOHNSTON-Barrign-rs ISSI:E;R OF 0-ir school bas re-openied with a seldom that we-have mare -snow than- B.-Participation receiptsare 10 etc,, V20 Danforth Wive. i W,)olwr!h B d very small attendaw-eand with-:Nlisq have 1.11. Saturdays, Toronto. Phone.Gcrrard-t we _v4 *i4 year, As the wind now ready for di4trobutiolo, vera 1720. (I...J y chnrg". zLfter heilIg cloqi-d stornis havp "heenr very severe or 'cquept all the firlds ate .well covered' n e for abotit a month. oil accutillt of the ft Mar' ag ' Licenses _.j IiILLIAM.J. BEATO-N, K A, ar- prThis pvh�*.iliag epidemic• with snow, rpter,SAititor. member of the firm of I nfeighborhood, was rhocked on V yckman. Den„-.on. Foster - and l3catun. T01715=0 Mandar to hoar of the &ath of Arth- General Trusts Buzldrand ng, 45 Baj Streit, T.0onto. ervice ..ITelephone�Nlain 561 and962- LOGS WANTED ur J. Poynter, after a brief illness KINGSTON HIGHWAY from prit-timonia. - --;[is willow kind familN, have the syrnpatby of the On Wednesday a large deputation .1 will pay the following priceiF deliver- whole community. representinsr . the municipalities from ed at the mill : . - .1 Oshawa to Trironto.• interviewed the G A R A G E BLAKE. B. BEATO'N, D.. D. S., Rock Elm N'3.1 35 00 to 0. 00 per M GREENWOOD Hon. Slr'. Biggs, the Minister of Pub- _" Graduate*of the Royal Colelge of. Dental Soft Elm No. 1 Surgeon* and University of Toronto, office 9-5 00 to 30.,00 lie Works In the Province. of Ontario. even W, M. Pringle': 9hardwa"el. store, Whitby, Basswood - Na. i- - _2 oo to 3o, 01) Wedding belly are ringing to the to impress upon him the necessity of The undersigned have opened _4 I Office hours 9 to 12.: 1 to 30.1i Ind. -Vtone 6. Maple No. I ' milking the Provincial Highway 'be. 25 00 to 30..00 east of Us up a new garage at the corner -z Sell phone 20.0. James 6ibson has been laid off duty i .4417 J White Ash No. 1. 25 00 to 40.00 t-pen Toronto and Oshawa a perman- o Church and King Streets, for a few days. 0 2nd Gr'tb Pine 1 20-W to 25 00 ent roadway by giving it. Q cement _1 Robert Harvej spent the week-end stir Pickering, where they are Hemlock No. I . 90 00 to 25, 00 with friend$ In 0 face. It was pointed out that with prepared to repair all makes .4 the roLpid pro-th of the towns va"t of Chapolllg and Oat Rolling every week Cecil Miller -spent last Tbursday Toronto, (Whitby. Oshawa And Bow. of auton. Viotor-eyeles WG. HAM-Ittsuer of MA day excepting Monday. evening with friends In Myrtle, manville.inothing leve than a concrete and bicycles. Uarnesse. in the County Of ne V111466. OVY.M.- Levi and Mrs, Linton and son spout surface would withstand the � immense W. G. Barnes, Green River Sunday last wit4 -Wm. Ormerod and amount of traffic that Is derolopift We are also Agents for Do W 0 V.11110HARDSON - Real:Ep family. V on this road. It was also suggested Val Cream Sep%Lratdrs **late, insurance. Conveyancing. Notary Or address R. R. No. 1. Locust Hill. � Wm. Clark spent a few days last that the. Provincial Highway should and repairs. Public. Eitc..:Pickering. Ont. 311y_ week with relatives in Stratford and be diverted front' the Kingston road Pa London. at &Rrboro Village and connect with JUsollne Engines., I Tractors . to ., rs riAn ,NALL-House carpenter. Es.T VIV.-timatesinven for rievVwork. re Alex. Moore. of 13-rightdri. is spend- the Danforth road and Danforth Avp- paim or after * business Calig inor a few days with Sawing Machine6. ations- Ind Phone 4_911. % Pickering. 23.1y his sister, Mrs. our, would provide a more Corbett. direet entrance into the. city. The eit 1% R.BEATON TOWNSHIPOLEEtK daily for qtmlifled recruits. A Mi-ils Nfa,.z Gibson returned to Osbst- reply of the Hon. 3fr. Biggv v; Cowan Aw. Shepherd &-re Goaverancer, Gommissionerfor taking course in, one of Shaw's S,,hnois W3• after spending R week with her mosi favorable one. He said that he a0davits. Acdountant. Eta. lito a? to loan will qliallf-- )-oil if, Short Order., p,ir"ts here. lid made a on farm Per:1, -issuar at 21=1846 Ella- W,it, f p�eroonal inqpeelion of • -bool haq bei-n 'elowd %alses, IM1,16v 0. 00% .1.1 catalogilp Ar.4 prool'of Our piihii, s, lhig road and-hp witq P-1.4"ced that, demptnil-for our v of ive�eks, b44t will re-ol5-en 'Merrqtiest of the deputation 'was a • Gips -P. McIntosh. ('bipf-Ptinc-ip,ti, "ll 116il cil the Ilt- -0,14t reasonable one, He had Anted M.mj-r. 06fj d r P:, 9 %1r4 Alfred Trimble, Is spending at the U irttreirs, ezper= Ynage and, Gerrard Sts . Turontp. F. 0, convention that. vrhpr- r Dee in rted salt t roualthred stock. "Aj" conducted anywbes-. write .tor terwit s tiirle tier daughter... 31rq, ever the conditions warrantf4l it jVL __S We tirilder.-taind Jninpia. Byers: *;is con-itruoted. arid he conidered that And lliarticulaso. Thalia Ir d. 2118. 3&ly il�on. cd Brooklin, pernistnerit road surface, would be. rjjjq ren -ed to the ho pilin this 'wee'-. this road was within the conditionq POSTI I.L, Licensed Auctioneer, eer.. Is -Wire F• for Cnt;r,,&G of )'nirli and Oni-Ario. An- Mike ll i• inwity friends hope fur', his,.%peeqv laid down. Won #&)Mot all k4mill altaz; U40 to on aboruot 4 active, Addrossareenaivorp.o.. Oat. MORTON M. GIRSO,%. Ontsrin WHITjEVALIJ CUN&ARTON -First-class rigs fo -ryor 'and Civil CID is rTJL and,Damrnicin Land t;Qr% Day or nig Mrq. Jarnes LvdTand Mar r Fen Whritly, :Phone;.131, Loin, on Tires'& (Succcuor to the late W. I.., Yarrold. Bus. meats all t Es -T! iridin, Of Toronto, spent the adEng,Surveyor of Port Perry, 4&-& Ontario raj i�)mit4o and W-j. Annan. is d;w,-later we, Teaming promptly PiinA forget the !box so it I T t1b their parents. Thos. and Mrs, ....... attended to. .o. I n the end w hn.,eivent i)l the church' this (Friday) Hamlin. 7 Catrin Co. W. J. and Mrs. B6.qton and little .�'..WX NIAW`.�-Ll�',ENSEI) AUC- Ajent"ror,Canadit Car evoning. TIONFER,for YoQntarir, and Durham Countwq, All knd. W %alcs, promptly attended Alis� Gl�idvQ Burb.A bas. (1-ittghter-NInry. of Toronto. we-re .1the t me quote -nvinLibie. Dat may reti;rned of D..R. and Mrs. Le to, Terms rc �q for sale: m-le- W• I Q ovPrS1l11d-,%,v arranged at NEWVOflicv. Bell and Indeptn- T. Peak Pir k .4 the p;%4 month guests "'119- in T,,tta)to. Waton, find the litter two remained dent phones. Whitby. Ont. My forashnt-tvii4c. .Iter.' J. F. Clog,�*on vra,; able tone- bring ....,0U- V.rLices It is with dpep regret that the tri r,,py biq Didpit; the tl!l for past ten dHvs. ft iends here of Mrs. W. F. Hirnie have W G, E I D learifed of her demise at ;her home at sold. Baugbt and ItliQu; A.. Annan, of Orilfia. is harne Ltkewood, Ohio, on -the Has a4ull lie of treqh and Cur. owing i a t ht? schoois of that town be- 10th inRt. `!Government, Municipal and Car• ing clow-(-d on mcn(,iint of the flti. Deceased was born in. the vale" being Po Mrs, Brisbin, 6f' Cold Spring'c re- tugbter of the late, Don- aid MacPhee, f6r a. great man} years A..:Q REESOR ration Bonds For Sale. ed meats cbnstantly on.hand. the second d Spice Roll, Breakfast Bacon 'turned home last week, afterspendi n g 'bet] Phone 193 the past week 'Irs. postmaster oft his plage. She is with her sister, is Ham, Bologna, Meiners, etc. vived by herhusband and son, or Gillespie. WILLIAM D. DYKES, .*HITAY We Are please don, and by three sisters Kate, Mar' LOQU ST HILL d to state that )IiQ.zz y HiglleSt prices paid for Ella Holmes returned home last week,and Hatti;. OfHAinil on. '.s cattle.By the death of Arthur J. Poynter. -M. ArZ`Zv.Z0M=: Butcher uf;il- lindorgoing an operation for ap Veterinary Surgeon wbic-hsadevent occurred on Sunday Perdicit I,; in the; er HonorGradilAteOf OutarioVet*iinatv The mane ft fend. h,-ve *we"ro sho(.-k- ,vemll�iz, his wife and family have lost, im. Nr_-_-ntlav when the ue.ws l,e,,(:Ilt!d a loving litishandand father. A Citi- ied College. All calls dayornight Mck' M- Lhe vlll;ig(� that NIitjtj;jn(j horn- ren r-f sterling warth, the deceased promptly attended to. Select a" School ww; taken with theflo, which ivaq fol. ley h!td jia�,.4ed ait-ay on S.�rIll'Al!y Inst I hnnif-in' ki'nsalf- frnin pnin- Bell and 111dependent Phone' Oil bF double pneumonia. which %N;Lh your evO's W;(Ie oppo. All PICKERIN 0, ONTARI 1;0rdai 'Sh li-.-ed 11�•To A few v;r'; his niortal cat eer at the com- n P' The parati V el vlo". I Iva Busi. ss,Collpge_� aAe nci�alikc. ago Vinci %s vi-; v highly us"Pein;,d 1w go-:of 4i'l years. ...... 11 ey, _R, all, I leeeRsed was A�rtatk+e of 1,66,luri rx ig- and with his brother, Herbert 'd and two yr In n d, . V Lne. herOaVi Inusb: c.9nie to this place about thirty Veterinary Sur can ago, worked at farming ft. Mist Years, BL -11onor Graduate of the Ontario Ve-le. f�-iv years 4nd later entered th'? GLE.-4 MAJOR . , I rinatv C611ORP Mai khain high school and 9tialified -aduate' Yongii Charles Sts, Tr,ronto- - -as tore and Or of the Vetei irnry Thr. zehool bas been closed on account teacher.. ' After teaching for .1 fev� Science Association. Of the vpirli'mic, years he enrolled in Toronto Univers- is natal thio-uglictit �'anada, 1`61. 'Phone-offleeISOS,reside-)t,(,2f)(12 �Iri'z. Hopkins is with her datighter, il 3, and after receivinir his B. A. de' h grade training, Otir gradu Day, whoh s been ill witi: UREMONT, ON -r-A R1113 i pneu. gz,e(-. from that institution, entered upon th-e s.tudy of law. While in his Drtigq, Patent Medicinci, t aces are-in greaf. demand. Get rim- 'li,s Flbi antl Goorqt- Pivk,�tt Ed- I;tw rmirse ibe South African war Dr. N. E, KcEwen, R. V. SC, ratzgi�(` read- oiir record,.,, then ind �Irs. Pit:k-czt and family, Ch'111.11,:' broke out and' he olplisted and went To I e, t Requisites, Veterinary Surgeon. Hopkins'. Genrgi, and Nehsnn McDow- Over v"th the Canadian Contingent, decide, Enter arov tirile. Stationery ell and Joseph Jtm«:s and ebildren ace servirifthroughout thp. conflict. Orihis GI-Adiiiito' of University of Toronto all sull'-,ring ftom attacks return he completed his law study and W. J. F of the Bit' Willard's Chocolates, Vfterinaz Ian to 31acdorinld 1116ftl Ificiphl On 8;1tinday, Feb. 2L;f, north of graduated its n, hartisternnd' solicitor. Agricultural College, Quebec. here about three miles, Will B,,Il At this time he purchased the farm Cigars and Tobaccoea -)n which he has resided ever sinep, -Prompt attention to all clients sed away. after an attack of the up( th. She. - leaves to mourn her death t lien mostlycov(-rf-d by hush. int-�-nd ing Bell and [n-d. Phones, Special attention given to drug ince srikall ebildren a d PICKERINO, Waters, Pure Water - ONTARIO of-Rhein) are, i with the ll!i, hilt nl.q of the land and commence the practice reqhirementq of live stock. improving. The hu�.hand and family of the legal profession.. But as time haves the deo lost sympathy of the cow'- w(,nt on-be ,found f;irming to his liking *Eggs For Hatchind ffro'iz are wise yo6 Calls prom p tly answered day or the 0�lv nvinilN in their bereavement., And tontinued sit it until kis clenth, Ideal well, drilled by Chas, B. Rice, A deep gloom has been cast over the The deceased was married ah-outsix. iii ht. Bell or Ind. phone, from Black' Breasted Red who is agent for Wind Mills, Gasdline eornintinity by the dp;i.th of Clayton teen years since, to Nliis Lillie White, .!Gane-choice stock an Pugh which took place about.4 p, n Id st, daughter 1. P e -.r 6f Thomas White, of excellent layers. Engines. all-kinds of pipe Find fittings 44 fni, water works. on Fridav,,'FPb. 20 b. after only si-, this place, and she. services, also three Alen bath room fix- Also, Young: Belgi%nj Hares daps illness froni.pripurnopia following dangbitisrs, Mildred, );valine and I il CKERING Nfi-ws h given,careftil an of the CQn1m And'Silver GreylSiber- tures, eLC. .Everythingattack of flit. The deceitied, Ilan. The synip;ah'y On- attention. who was in his ?Ath year, was horn in ity is with them in their sad beren';Ip- -N' E. McEWEN, inn Hares. All tPedigree;Stock. Tb, inform-int was nn Ti Ps* Veterinary Sur'leon HILL' WORKS,' sidt-dforat�mnher of years here. and was at. IRDO- and a half north of Glen Mn jar, qinr,,e tended by many sorrowing relatives ,:J. Home Tel, 5521, �Whitevale. Ont? I I coming here Cloyton. , has made juanyand frier;d.q. b. -4 alu�y andearogrift to slat a UM Owl-MLETS WAR In the IARiform of a captain In WT !7 the Bg;Itish navy or a colowl in the —7: TONIC 'Peter and JOw British army or something else prince. NEZVOUS PEOPLE ILWITS 0 THE Hop "Then Philip went down to the city and painters and preachers inaph-ed. ly. 4- di oly Sp "I sure would like to a a prince of'Samaria, and preached Christ into The fellowship of e H Irit is 66 th Once a mother has rsed Baby's Own them And they, when they had ever with us if we will obey His —where Is be?" sala Owen. ra Your Nervous Ene Tabt*ts for her little ones she always testified and preached the word- of gracious admonitions and give our- Some one volunteered the sugges- �r7l �':�� ' keeps a suppl"n hand, for the first by Buading up the Blood With the Lord, returned to Jerusalem, and selves freely to His dame. tion that the prince was still In bed. trial con-irtuces her there 1.% nothing to— "Well, you bet he wouldn't layAabed P the gospel In many villages GoWs Gifts Are Free. Dr WWiamW Plikk Pill& equal them In keeping children 'well. of the Samaritans"—Acta 8, 6-25. And new what shall we my of 61. murnluggi if he lived with my uncle,* The Tablets are a mild blit thorough Nervous people who have not yet The history of the Samaritans is laughed Owen. "Uncle to a- reg'lar mon Te sorcerer, whom Philip bap- laxative which regulate the bowels can be re- most Interesting. After the death of bear about getting folks out of bed sweeten the 'stomach, thus driving developed a disease that Ztise+ Ind who wanted Peter to give and early. Say, I'd like to be a prince c9l ed and treated by the medical i9ol6mon there came a bitter contra- m power that- he also 0 so out constipation and indigestion, cold* -pro Galion have the greatest trouble might lay I could stay in bed when I feel like "f le veray, resulting ip a division of thebars on people and bring the gifts IV. and simple fevers. and making teeth - tion, headache, Jewish people, ten tribes under Jere- .,Jn finding-rellef. Irritation, of the Holy Spirit to them ? This Ing easier. Concerning them, Nlrs. sleeplessness, nervous indigestion. all boam, forming a kingdom of their first: That hThe good-looking chap !u civilian e Was -not the Simon Salusto Pelletier, 'St. Dumas, Que., ";'these discomforts n clothing. Edward Albert Christian make life miserable -own, commonly 11 the kingdom y ea � ed e in of Magus of whom, early Christian his- writes:—"I have used Baby's Own George Andrew Patrick David, Prince but are endured rather than run' 9 Israel, and two tribes under Reho- tory tells`bs. Some have thought Tablets for the past ten years and am doctor's bill without hoPS of recovery. boarn forming another kingdom com- that he was, for Simon Magus was of Wales, led the hearty laughter that never without them. In the house. They Eve" such sufferer should know the monly called the kingdom of Judah. a great false teacher and led many followed, leaped to the step of the have always I given 1heigreatest iatis- of such a eonditl should the ner- The kingdom of Israel had Sheehan, "Killarney" as the locomotive whist - danger on astray But later writers contradict faction- and I can gladly recommend Tons system. - Nervous debilityacidafterwards called Sychar (St. John. this identification. He was, -however, led "All aboard," and—light-heaptedly them to all mothers of little ones." even paralysis may result I f the tons 4:'6_)_, for a capital, and the kingdom not sufficiently Christian, for he braced his shoulders for the duties of The Tablets are sold by medicine deal. — of the nerves Is not restored by build- of Judah had Jerusalem an a capital. thought that money could buy tke gift another strenuous day. -25, cents a box era or direct by mail af Ing no the blood. As a tonic for the There was bitter enmity betweeri the -P from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. blood and nerves Dr. Williams' Pink two -kingdoms, and the northern of God. 'Peter rebuked him severely; and we may well believe that he Never clean aluminum, with strong. Brockville, Ont. Pills have been used with the greatest door was finally taken captive by his error and become a true follower soap or scouring powder. a. They have a direct action On Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, about of Jesus. His error, howevet, has Where the Smiths Ceme Fro he the blood and therefore enable It to 7310 B. C. `11 ten tribes have been given name -to a great evil which ge' An old lady, in London for the varry to the nerves the elements .they called the "the lost tribes," became A human nerati first Be from time to time has afflicted th6 on is counted as need to fully restore their normal they were scattered abroad; but many ch rch a twenty-five ye a., time her life, saw a glaring sign -on u and which sometimes, even y --&r— tunetie*--and at thesametime -im--of-thein rematnet-In- Samaria, and now, leads men astray. 'This evil Is the front of a high building, which prove the general- health. The Dene- whiie othirs from Aasyria: and other called "simony," and it refers to any -- 'A whale yields., on an average, read: "* The) Smith Manufacturing Its that. follow thb use of fIlls medl- nations mingled with them they re- 2,000 gallons of oil. Company.,. nt :of 1 any "Lawks a mercy," she remarked to -."'tinet' is shown by the' statement I traffic in sacred things. When tained -in a' measure their character Mrs. Jenny Marr, 'R.R. No. 3, Port and, race as Jews, thotigh the people man tries to make money by sell- Maple sugar and syrup production her nephew, "I've heard of Smiths all j Ing the free gifts of God he is guilty Rowah, a well known school teacher, of Judea "had --no dealings" with in Qiiebec in 1919 -vas 12,157,498 my life, but Lnever knew where they �ix .. who says:—"Some years ago I became them. Christ recogniied them as of simony. :In some cases pedple pounds, against 10,173,622 pounds in, made 'em.". greatly. run down, -and' was . in this want to pay for a baptism or fora worthy of His ministration, *and it is 1918. The production of maple syrup minister's condition for nearly a year. A doctor, i funeral, which 'it is the significant that His . first positive in 1919 was 1,765,371 gallons, -against Plower pot stains may be remover as suffering duty and privilege freely to grant. whom I called in said -I w declaration -that He was the promised they 2,314420 gallons in 1918. from the window sill with wood ashes. from complete nervous prostration. It "Messiah" was Su&EeCinies people have thought made to a woman of 1 would hardly be possible to tell all the could buy their way into Heaven by Samaria. toms of my caffW-but-smyunw-who of 111011e� to has passed through a-ueftous break. , T9 the Samaritans, thens,_ —came work. We must remember that sal - Philip the Deacon," and he "preach- -down will know what'l suffered. An vation Is free, and Heaven is not ed Christ unto them," working mir- I did not sqem to improve under' the acles, converting and biptizift many, earned, but granted freely to those doctor's trdktment. I decided to try and bringing "great joy." When the who trust and love Christ and try to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and the do- aWatles in Jeru">m heard.of it they serve Him. T12is does not touch the cislon was a fortunate one for me, as giant Peter and John to Samaria, and question of ministers receiving sal - r. I soon found some relief through the aries, for they do 'not receive a &al - r use of the pills, and after taking eight they prayed for them and "laidotheir wry In return for their services AS !boxes I - was fully restored to health. hands on them, and they received the n ministers, Vut'aa the friends of those Ri ,;. I . F. with- Holy , Ghost." The spirit of the T04ay I am strong and hearty, v: who ask the to come and care for apostles, which was the spirit of their in Succe'"ful Since 1856 out an ache or pain. and for my pro- Chr Master, Itheir church. Sometimes pe6ple speak sent physical condition I feel'I am In- ist, was thus shown n of "hiring" a minister as a business It is easy to make claims for seeds—it is another it 7 debted to Dr. Williams- Pink Pills. that theydigregarded the enmity as- man "hires a clerk, and they think flit; to be able to substantiate them We are and can heartily recommend them to istb*botween the Jews and the Se- the minister does his blessed work c=phatically able -to make our c" good be- anyono suffering from nervous tron- maritans and came freely and loving- C=30 Our record for "seeds that grow" has bles... ly to bring the Samaritans who were 1�use he is "plaid" to do it. Such gone unbroken f or 64 Si For seeds, bulbs. You can procure Dr. Williams' Pink converted a blessing. I love this spir- ignorance is happily limited, an4f most plants of.all kkids, trust mmers' goods. Christians, know that God calls and ire Pills through any dealer in modit:ne I which was the spirit not alone of semda His servants to minister to Hid' THEY C"WI or they will be sent you by mail at = and John, but of all the spoyt- IPWACftr our Und"Pse wear !'9]Y Ch4akSw Apday. established a broad fellow- people. They know, -too, that the 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 100.- It estabi Igifts they offer, are offered to God. J.�)L Simmers Umited, Toronto by writing direct to The Dr. Williams' ship which we might well imitate to. Who Himself carea for His servants,' _4V Medicine Co., Brockville. Ontario. day. It in always a pity to suffer any animosity keep us from doing That is why in church the - people's the Lord's work and doing it thor-1 .. 0 offerings are taken to thealtarand CAUPM"T001S, NeeCISIL oughly. Daubtless� Philip and Peter given God in prayer or,hyinn' at til list of farm carpentry and John had the old traditional feel - Rev. F. W. Tomkins.complete tools follows: It will help in keeping Ing concerning Samaria. It creeps it **4 of the tools if they are hung out in more than one place in the go He Envied ed the Prime. an the wall of the shop, withr-a rough pel story, and Chript did not hesitate Up Ottawa way there Is 'a briiht 1 eutliue or picture of each tool painted 'E toi hold it up as unworthy. He gave ow. little fell'- Qwen Fagan by name. where it is to hang: the wonderful Aparablo of the Good 'Te w hose delightful personally has re - One twenty -six-inch cross -cut saw Samaritan. He called attention to cantly made a bit of- sunshine for a --ad eels -one- the one man out of ton who was whole contlnsi�t. While tbre Prince Jack plans, fourteen-inch.wtth . two- gmteftl, and he was a Samaritan. of Wales was here Owen decided that inch cutter; one carpenter's draw And when Hi gave His great com he would get a glimpse of His Royal - 7 Icnife one marking gauge; one eight- mission He included Samaria, as_ one Highness it the opportunity came. It 'Inch squqare; one mallet; one saw-iset; of the missionary fields (Acts, 1, 8). came one morning, long before day- :ons set of auger bilts, one -fourth to The man I who converts his emmy Is light, while Owen was out in "the pda one inch 'inclusive, by sixteenths; a great man. But he who suffers -pre- tura tying to catch one of his father's 401141 expansion bit; one ratchet brace;, judice to control him in anything, two screw -drivers ---one large, one and especially in Christian service, The Canadian Pacific special train, small; one countersink; one steel is small and bound to be a failure. upon which the prince was making rafter -framing . . square;-, one pair The Work of the Holy Spirit. his tour of Canada, was being held on i pliers; one ten=inch :net file; one We must not be confused by the i a side track for a few minutes be - auger -bit file; one eight -inch triangu- 'tapered Pdeclaration (verse 16). that the Holy i tween stations, and the good-looking Ur file; one six-inch slim, Spirit had not come to the converts, Young chap in civilian clothing, like triangular file; one twelve -inch half- through their baptism. -It was Chris- Owen, seemed inclined toward earl;, round wood file; pne eight -inch ob- tian baptism that Philip administered,I ra ' c onversation. m0ow'en long carborundum oil stone; one six- and we believe that when a, repentant, Mattention, -however. wander- teen -ounce straight , claw -hammer; and believing man is baptized aptized he has, ed a bit, for he was watching the one L twenty -four -inch carpenter's the blessing of God, But special train with youth's eagle eye, level; one putty knife; oke nail set; early days of Christianity , special Toner socket firmer -chisels -one- gets of the Holy Spirit were granted LET "DANDERINE" one-half;inch, -one inch, that men might believe. So at Pente- -quarter-diielh, one and one-half inch; one two -pound cost when the Spirit came to. the twoounce bench hatellet! one two- ---+Ie- and others He —e them $oot, foui7-fold boxwood rule; one gifts needed for tWr work; they 7.,SAVE YOUR HAIR across -cut saw tool; one pinch bar; one spoke shave; one screwdriver bit; could preach in divers languages; they could with power; they one pair eight -inch winged dividers. preach could see visions and dream dreams, Hurrv! A few cents stopS hair C.So•when'Peter Mother," said a Topeka, four- year- ':old, and John came and laid their hands (m these new con- the result was e*dent, for falling and doubles its beauty 441 know three kinds of livers--verts liver that you eat, liver stable and 'liver us from evil.". Simon saw it himself and wondered. They, too, had special gifts as did the others,on the day of *Pentecost. Those special gifts. are no longer needed. But the great truth i%bere declared Book on that the Holy -Spirit e5mea to us to DOG DI.Sr.Abt;b and now to IFS04 Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by thq Authon 3L May Glover 00. In:. 118 Went 31st set New York. U.S_ qM% MVLA is selling at the some old Vries - XQU 0~ l000ln louresurw asus Treacle. Vss,'11 regularly. Pied It to your Cows, Pigs, Hones, Sheep -1 4 ,,.t.h them take on weight. • sprinkle It over straw, old hay, A" tell othbr fodder. It Keeps Stock Heilthy Builds Flesh Faster Cows Give More Milk 24 GUAM down cost of feeding. A Tslu- able coUdItIoSor at decidedly reasonable ooX9_ Made of vvire sugareaus molassM 311 it by the barrel. VbftIn*d from all first-class dealem 9"d -for foodlur alroulars and vrice. Can* Aloka Co., of Canada, Llmiff& Ills!. Paul�t. West, h4batfoal, Qua. 41cip us when we are in paricular need. He is to lead xr1s into all truth. Hence when I am perplexed as to my duty , re I pray to the Holy Spirit and, He comes to my aid. When I have a hard task to perform and feel unfit for it, then I ask I the Spirit to strongtheti me. He comes, not as He came when C I gave my heart to God and was bap- tized, to seal my pardon by His grace; but He comes to bring a special gift; A little "Danderins" cools, cleanses He comes to comfort, to guide, to -in- and makes the feverish, itchy scalp spire. So we sing in that familiars soft and pliable; then thin stimula- hymn of Isaac Watts: ting tonic penetrates to the famished Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove, hair roots, revitalizing and Invigorat- With all thy quickening powers; mg every hair in the head, thus stop - Kindle .' thin, Kindle a flame of 'sacred ping the hair falling out, gcttlii�, In these cold hearts of ours, scraggly or fading. I think that is such a, comfort in After,a few applications of "Dantic.- these trying lives of. ours I We are Ina'! you seldom And a fallen heir cr weak and the Spirit makes us brave a particle of dandruff, besides ever; slid strong.. We are troubled and *to hair shows more life, vigor, ' bright- Spirit makes us calm. Indeed, the nets, color and thickness. great truth of inspiration presses If- A few cents buys a bottle of dc - ,self into the common -life, and we lightful "Danderine" at' any d7119 ! know that not only are some wefts or toilet counter., Have .Your Cleaning -Eperb )one by x Clothing, household draperies, linen and delicate fabrics can be cleaned and made to look as fresh and bright as wh4m first bodcht. Clean'I'ang and D*eing- ..18 Properly Done 'at Parker's It makes no difference where IOU live; Parcels can be sent In by mail or express. The seine care and atten• tion is given the work an though you lived ln.town. We will be pleased to advise you cn any question regording CleffnIn.0 or Dyeing. WRIT9 U& Parlor's DAs_ C rs wyaw A= ,. , � ' .. .. :: • .7 �• , : .. �:�.. � .. y .>,,,•- .•m;,s;€�i�.� ,,.. ;ice:'= <. �s�`�+"'�'*a� "" �'ia4�>�'�s+g' �',,,'=1.. a ':t +'�:.er •'--., .. .. it ,a3�,a5.. .-. .. 'z3�°hr"'Sy ..a'�•. Y a.� e # s, �e.� ,. .• ..%,L ��w'C•ue rv:.. •� .iti...'r ver,. •'. i9a.:y�.., �nK.�+r .�a- r.,c, �•,`y :,t^.^.,eyi+t- - s.r$ w •.�!La.:p•u f • r r. -.. u'R1' a• �e -.: ay ,.. 'A 1 "" a a a.,; xdv�'o}' « n _ e „ •;qs• �t.i ' -e ., (' �� - : �. r7,�.., . ,�yC � • tg .. Y �' �� .. . _ . ... -� ..� .'•t}.r f � ± _. � 9 r. .. `i:" _ �'` ,j� a� Classified Advertisern.,nts. BITS OF 410212 1 W&Z%%a. --, 1/ RUMOR 7XT>4 At3ENTB \VAllow*At P good prints and enlshea—loweMt ri�rleea on hamar—ask for catalolaNtt IInitad .1rt Co.. 1 Sruwwlek Avs, 'To NOE & ionto. GENTS WANTED. 150 to $loO week easily made selling .\ilio Bpecialtfes. Write for information. K All He Know About Pianos. Rothwell'9 Auto, Specialties, 231 Rich - k Mr. Newritch —"I wanna buy g mond Street, Toronto, Ont. ' ti Planer for my darter." VVANTED — RELIABLE, E.,77 ; Piano Salesman = "Certainly, sir. errs• or othersip mwho farmers' der sons, a of rte some of ` 0,; Here are sours' beautiful iastru- their spare time to represent us as Salesmen for Nursery Stock. We Monte—„ ` sup• ply up-to-date caneaseing outfits free of _ Mr. Newritch (After several, min. charge and offer liberal remuneration. Utes' Counting)—"Guess I'll take this Maple Grove . Nurseries, Winona, here one—it has the most keys on it." Ont. MART, ENERGETIC TOUNG MAN "A Modern Version'.'�7 wanted to handle mining stocks, bonds and debentures, to represent To - A little girl in Sunday school, was ronto House. Liberal commission. Ap. „ I Ply Boz 6, Wilson Publishing Co To Accept "California" Syrupof Figs _ only—look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your ` child is having ti)e best and most re y harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach liver and b els telling the story of the creation. And ronto. so," she said, "Eve was made out of Adam's rib, and —" MAND i =L=as. "My ma says, put in Peter Harrls, ; WRITE FOR INFORMATION ' who was the son of the laziest man ! about the new, modern way of ! selling real estate. Bell, your property !II t0�ia, "that she wouldls`f 6o much yourself wT-th our help, Our method mind being a man's rib. It's being a Only costs you ;12.04. • Why pay a large commission?rite for full par - man's backbone tlfat makes her mad." titulars, Real EstaTekvBuppera Monthly,- _ 781 Dundee St., London,.Ont. Oar fMp Winasdra Zdalza"I is the Itoasar' — !Oa sena Children love• its delicious fruity II t _ >aiiC=ri.�7f>dOil1• I NEwsPAPER WEEKLY, IN B#tVC9• !seta. Ful} directions for child's dose The Years. COFFIN STOCK WANTED. IF 20V l� Countyy,.� Bplendld oDportuaitt Waite on each bottle, Give it without fear. When I was young and twenty, are able to supply. advise us. as we BO= T. Wtison' Publishing Co,. Limited. t Mother! You must say "California." I'ld run a many mile, will pa the highest pricM d" WIN= t8 Adelaide et W., Toronto: 0274 9281 _ , from the naw. Keenan Ilea&. Limited. W Na 9285•—Ladies' Two-piece Skirt And when I came -to thirty Cern Bound. Out. ELL ZQUIPPND NEWSPAPER Price, 20 cents. Two a lea of et• I'd sit and rest awhile: fISNCER, TU3iOR8. LU]ti'B, ETR, and Jab printing plant In Easters P , C internal and external. cured without Ontario. Insurance Carried 11,500. Wi11 And now that I am thirty-five i o for 11.200 on quick sale, Boz t1 Yes, Cpld a high waistline; 38 or -86-inch length. n by our home treatment Write t.2 son I`ubUshlnc Co,. Lta..Torozito. Gone 4 Cut in 7 sizes, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32rA4 and; I the aleeptest man alive. / ore too Is Dr. B•iisoaa Medical - 36 incites waist measure. Site 26 re �. Limited. Colunawood Oat Bit of Cough .......... _............ _... -- • ' � But maybe schen I'm forty e _ Left quires, either style pocket, 2%- yards - I'll shake my legs again, 36 inches wide or 2% yards 50 inches And walk from thea till fifty ! It Works.! Try It Feel great this morning. As soon as 1 «de. Width around bottom, 2 yards. ©n �[ �%� felt it coming on yesterday i used 9275—Ladies' Two -Piece Skirt. With young and striding luau, — n/� JTi Gray's Syrup and nipped it in the bud. Price, 25 cents.. With or without two- And hillward go In sixty's wear r Te tis how to loosen a sere, Just couldn't miss an hour at the ofr�cc, ace circular tunic; 38 or 36 -inch To see how yet the c6unties -fare. sender edrn so it lifts we are so a 26'-2$' 30, `lrhen I am QId and ei Ste Whipping Bowels out without pain. rr Gray's Syrup b a habit in our family, 82 and 34 inches waist easure. ' Size - - g ity ' p P�.. g the folks have used is for sixty years• 26, with tunic, 38 -inch length, 5% All treasons will be done AZltO ACtlYltjr, but e " c iu.ar. •.r tre t..•e afa. a. Vanda 30 inches wide or 3% yards 45 Of love ani! silly bitterness, Good news spreads rapidly and drug ' tushes wide; without tumid, 2% yards 'And I shalt watch the sun ,� gists hers ars kept b 30 or 45 inches wide. Width around take Cascarets" pt � dispensing • I Go out, and little heed the fear frees e, the ether discovery of a Cta- e 1 bottom, 1% yards That smote upon my middle year. "- ~`� ~~' ~`�4 a�� �, which Is said to -loosen No. 9281—Ladies' Two -Piece Skirt. Put aside the Salts, Pills, Castor any corn so it lilts out with the « Price, 20 cents. Simulated panel 0 OU, or Purgative Waters that Irritate gage,, 1 D SPRUCE aCO.. front; high waistline; 38 or 36 -inch MONEY ORgERB. and lash the bowels into action but Ask at any pharmacy for a quartet length. Cut in 8 sizes, 24, 26, -28, 30,1 Send ..a Dominion/Expreas Money which' dq -not thoroughly cleanse, ounce of freesons, which wlU cost very is 32, 34, 36 and 38 inches waist meas- = Order. Five Dollars costa three cents. freshen and purify these drainage or - Size but fs said W be sutecieai to rid ure: Size 26 -fres, 38 -inch length. gens, and have no effect whatever up one's feet of every hard or soft sora 2% yards 36 inches wide or 1 V yards41 or callus. on the liver and stomach. 54 inches wide; 36 -inch length, 2% The Cost! Garter. Too apply ,just a few drops on the fords 36 inches wide or ]?a'yardo l54 Y Keep your "insides" pure and fres tender, aching corn 2nd Instantly the ! fiVCB Ii>lr/ inches wide. Width around bottom, Lord Londonderry, being one of the with Cascarsts,' which thoroughly soreness is relieved, and soon the cora r � 1% yarns• most wealthy members of the peer cleanse the stomach, remove the un- is so shriveled that it Itlts out with- - These patterns may be obtained age, will be under .no necessity of re- digested, sour food and foul gases, out pain. It is a sticky substance 1� p� ** from your local McCall dealer, or fusing the Order of the Garter, which take the excess bile from the liver and which dries when applied and never �jTOTllCQVGHIS from the McCaIl Co., 70 Bond St., To- the King has bestowed upon him. I carry out of the system all the con- ,dames or even Irritates the adjoin- /' ronto, Dept. W. through inability to tug tiusa. g y pay the fees en- stipated, waste matter sad poisons fa This discovery will prevent thou. s,��t Owery Morning Smile. ! r— >. tailed. the bowels which are keeping you sands of deaths annually from lock. ! ask f# lalaard's sea tare no other. Others, have .been less fortunate, half sick, headachy, and miserable.. jaw and Infection heretofore resulting G Greet each new day with a happy � ---4 and Lord Melbourne had more than Cascarets to -night will make' y°u from the suicidal habit of cntitus .smile I A Steeplejack in Wear Time. oure• to refuge 1t from Queen Victoria, feel great by morning. They work °0�• t -As you wish the world "' food morn- writing at 'last, in 1847, that he did so while you sleep—never gripe, sicken �' in- .. 1 A steepie)ap{t's lite even iu time of because he knew the expense .Involved or cause inconvenience. Cascarsts ' Its charm will those you meet beguile, peace fe liable, to be u'tipleasaatly by its acceptance would be about cost so little too. -FACE FULL �� rte, thrilling now and then, but ,when a. All gloom and darkness scorning, £ 1,000. and that he had never had IN'or a happy smile on the face at an follows such a vocation amid fly morn ! ing shells the thrills are I[able..to be that sum converriently available. DONT NEGLECT A OF PIMPLES 'Will make Lite day 'Teel cheery, continuous. As I was a steeplejack, AlansonvIlle. June 27, '13'. And the hours will By as you truly says an English writer. I was select- Minard's. Liniment Co., Limited. �� ? try ed for observatio - work do a, lofty 'UMATIC PAIN For Thi Years. Harland "? chimney in the Ypre area. L- ad Yarmouth, N.S. 'To make this world less dreary. Gentlemen.:. -It affords. -me great 1 �+� !! a ,,,1 rented myself on a board that had Awfully Sores �lsflgurede pleasure and must be gratifying to ''Go after it with Sloan'B steaks from sleep with a thankful rigged aea� the top of The ch nay CuticVra Heals, r you to know that atter using 38 bot - heart when, to my -dismay, a German hell Liniment before It jiset8 ...��.s. w * b That a new day is your guerdon; tore a hole through the Brickwork ties of your �Llafinent on a case of den rOtL9 Oo forth to labor and do your part about six feet below me +end marle the paralysis which my tattier was af- " face f m suffering With a pier. ' To lighten someone's burden. whole chimney sway, flitted with, I was able to reatora him '. - � Ihll of > to normal condition. Hoping other rip a Uisle don't To wear a smile on pour morning lace The ladder by which I was to des- bPt on t rub, let it pence- hard sad awy sore. They fes. Will make the -day seem brighter, tend was smashed by the 'shell, but sufferers may, be benefitted by the frate; and—good-by twinge I Same for tared and dried U said were scaly, As Porth you fare fo use of your Liniment, I am, external aches, pains, strains, stiffness and fpaoe share perform• your I had a rope with tae, luckily, sad, Sincereip your, - of joints or muscles, lameness, bruises. - me tolowas Io sof sleep and . Tbey were fixing one end' of it to the chimney_ _ GEO. H. HOLMES. Instant relief without mussiness or awfully itehy,tsestingtmesaatichand - �' To make some trouble lighter. top, I quickly let myself down to the soiled clothing. Reliable—the b�'ggest labials my lap. ryr 90 face each day with a sunny smile, undamaged part of the ladder. Hardy selling liniment year after year. Eco- "I startea to ase Cnti�a soap The day new-born to greet you, had I done so when another shell car- • Murdered Classics. MOMEal by reason of enormous sales. and Ointment and � _I� two sakes w And scatter sunshine all the while ried away the upper part of the chim- Keep a b bottle ready at all times. of C itiaaa sea UP two ioorxs of Time deals hardly with the wisdom tiey altogether. Made in nada. Ask your druggist Cndazra O when I, was «• fi On all who chance to meet you. of classical authors. „ -Go 'forth from home with a. purpose -' 40'' Modern versions are 'invariably In- i°s Sloan's Liniment hsetlad. (s ) Yeomans, high sic., 70c., $1.10. East Ili. s. Europe's poultry population in the correct. "When --Greek meets Greek, tlse Catlenra Z=UM Sone wee to be beguiling, ?- duration of the war, was reduced by then .comes a tug of war," fa wrong, ply Hstlre V&bAnd those who sigh will some good 180,000,000 birds. The loss was. env- The original line written by Nathaniel , ewto espy lest in $stela,, where fie total one of the old-time dramatists, 28 Because you go forth smiling. stock is now only, twenty per cent of occurs In his play, long since forgot. - O `its pre-war sine. Holland lost sev- ton. "The 314yal ,Queens, or Alexander .bares «Iir.es.ss, Under the sheds on many farms enty five per cent of its poWtry, the Great," It reads: "When Oseelts �aT--end'-the-rnnning gears. ti! Fiance flits per �sni , and Doamark joined Greets, then was the tug of dollar t !amber wagons. For a few fifty ! >� it watt eft t war. ONLY"TABLETS MARKED dollars these wagons riles" 1Sd rigged the 1 en of these Similarly Milton's "fresh woods and op; 'repainted, and made to serve a interested in holding a poultry confer, Pastures new" is Invariably rendered fixe purpose once more. There is' no encs at file Hague with a view to "fresh fields and pastures new;", wWs "SAYER" )BARE .more handy wagon on the farm than I co another pitfall for the unwary Is to U,p� R�1� a good one-horse lumber wagon: crease ways and alis et in- found In the well-known 1!122 of • g Production?, _ Kingsley, beginning "Be good. sweet maid." Nine people out of ten, !! challenged with them, would repeat:— 'Not Aspirin at All without -the' " Baydr Cross!" - I He good, sweet maid, and let who will a be clever; Do noble deeds.. not dream them day loew. Whereas what the post actually -did !r'\1 a TOP ex. - - write was : — 3 Be good, sweet maid, and let who can i D Q •U L be clever; lg ��d Do lovely things, not dream them, all rQ s` ' day longi `• /I�.�■■/. Sugar, to i1i8 'bleu G sW Tennyson has perhaps suffered las Q enc • m d Y.Cd barley' m eam to n most " from m o rs the poets, but l.. tits "streaming London's central roar,' which occurs In the "Ode on eDs ; -- Death f the ton " 1 p o DUie o! welling b The _sweetness 18 dile to' a enerally aoavorted� Pato ."Cuss hos• or r�ooldti pg� Neundgh, Tooth- which oa !lobs Comp & tual Tdlil sU at. self-dtaVte�= Su's osntral, roar. "The noiseleu e, $eadaohe, Bicracie. and for neat Then yM are, �ett3ag real ,a n 7tt boor O! their way, from Qray's eutsratLai, L , 8eis11". Neu• Alii bin—the ganaiaa Aspinn yrs-. ;7 Ped y,tiie vicesein}� and ane�y Is "o e familiar to many as a As��aarited w[th aha s°ribed by ph�st� Por over nine- non$. baktfn$ o Ibis $f eaf"Food: the "even tenor of their way." a ayyei+ or roil neo not taking testi reale. Nowmade In Canada. ab $aadr,tizr ho:es ooatainin 19 tab; eels "Bayer Tablots of ]Its cost but a !sw eanta. uggistis t' l M--. -- ' Tile pbpulatioa of Russia is ssium- -` � , In an unbroken "Haryar" also sell larger "Bayer" packaps. ne Them j''J, M r �1 - ats8 to baw derseased by 86,000,pOp l lie �i J��Q .1'OT. Vel '� , '1'be:e is e:;ls nae !es >,asst ssljr 'Ss�yesr' 1 since 1614, owing to Lite war, r`� il0lrin is the trade mark (re�i�{errd to Caald{) of Mithufsature of !tone- p and disease. d•aC.r of eaitcyfieaotd. 1/hIt• it to w I I risen rp•aaa M1 re, to ssHtK the lu0110 aadn•t fmltatie*a t • IMI I ar►ror Caadsway , eau! No. 9-.J:a `� /tars2rd wit► their gss.ral trade sunk, ts. ' prime" ...ar3�•n'�,.:.�`t..'`s'.-JT:�.Er:+,ay....:��:..�:y_,,.:'..:....,.-3ir�./.�..i.'csu•. � ......_ _.. .... _ �_»..., .. ...__............Y.. _. _ ...... ..., ._.. ... .,. ... .. .., .. ... .. _....._ _ ._ .� ' ,... �:..v.ri.m:.:.._...- 'ti...r..<•.,:-,•,..... ,r .. - .. �... _max:' Ib.l�,:.. .. ..s_'._....:•,.c...n::t..� _•� _'.r.'.,. �''. 2�:.WS: :,:c:,r._...r::_;iz.. s..:._s.:m^�.m.r.,:.�,sYii`,£^I t id PF TOLL 'F r"Uk was th" tits Us$ was PM so ISM :paired hurriedly, 00P it R E'PA An --list much inferior to that PrePar- wou14 be many tthan Z F� -Small at ke elks ed by the municipal otftceis, As *Ut It ii- -_P0 we" nth 06 in teorid-,,at 640 11me, no Ir there were many names omitted r ytwool.U it. $paid kkadvaum. As the women were si4titled to lungir createi Ab0l alarmalarmthat It --bee vote at this eleetiou, the "munfel., once, dW. ause preventive --- would be incom- Sel lea have been found, which Oriental' Blend. 1f you like a good ued, The choicest Went JOHN. N�URR, Proprietor, pal voters lie renders an attack of this disease plete, but, in future these -names of little -account. Diphtheria is Cup of Tea, try a pound r4QTaa AND COMMUNTS, - could be added at very little extra anuther'deadly disetise'%ybih hXs c extra expense, and the one and s been robbedof its terrors by the -SO CENTS be salted investigations of the scientist, A bill will be introduced fit the half million dollars could forth -f-orning session of the Pro- for the building of Rood roads, or resulting irt*effective remedies:- iucSample Package Ask fora ial Legislature providing for fur educational purposes, or some CARD OF THANKS pensions for widows and needy other. worthy cause. In carrying mothei-s. * If there is any class out their intention the new gov- 1 wisb through the columns of THR what ---of assistance went should have the hearty sup- News. to thank trjy numerous. friends _1 is 'deserving Fresh Frozen Fish anc Oysters V front the government it is the port of every tax=payer. for their deep expressions ofmpa. thy and many acts of kindness Mend • Farm Sausage 'poor woman who is making every ed to me and my family during recent effort to raise a family of smallHistory records many Cases of siege of illness and death of my belov- ed wife, childreu in a manner that will Plagues PI ow g over a whole con F. L. BADGnR --h-Undreds of. only to tinent leaving behind - R, A R D_ S 0 N'S make them a blessing not oi but to thousands of corpses in its wake. :themifelves, and mothers,b AUOTION SALE the country. Many of the best As the people in olden times were_ 0P_ (THE GROOERY STORE) Wen and women in the country ignorant and superstitious no ronght up in 0 1) MILCH COWS have been b inch effective method was used to con houses, bat many a poor mother, bat the disease.Any method that e. The property of AL S1 SEED An her noble efforts ham found it was adopted was of a supersti- F. 1$M. lftobllill,O= is to flows character that in these on- WANTED BLACKSMITH SHOP I Physically impossible, and it help tb"&that the legislation will lightened times would %imply pro Lot 22,. Concession 2, Pickering '"be introduced, and it ,will be a voke laughter and scorn. -In the We will pay the highest Horseshoeing and Feneral blacksmith "Bich View Farm;" on work promptly attended to. splendid Investment. present age, medical science 'has Wedncu4y, March 10, 1920 prices for all kinds of seed. Lame and Interfering borsee made reached such a state of perfection, At I p. m.. shat Send its samples and get A specialty of, and money p re The new farmer gooernmeat anct sanitary laws are so enforced, -ndid milk- otte.prices before' funded if work do" not has stated that their faten that civilized countries no longer Theabove cows am all &ph that ers and have passed the tubercular selling. prove saiisfactory. these visitations -3. Hol- to make the municipal voters' have test. There 1)ii haw The best of facilities wrought such havoc with bur an -r breeds -list the one to be need in provin w n steins and otlitt tial elections. In making this an lives several centuries ago. It is in the herd. for cleaning. As Mr. Richardson laquittingthe dairF FW7 5 C swed to mouncemeut, they aresimply carry.- not becausq the WOL'id is free from business, all will be sold. i H. DOWNEY COMPANY LU.CtS A Cne Istrel Liniftet, Ing ont tFieir promise to be ecodi' , them, it is n but becanse W. B. POR ELL, Auctioneer use of 'public funds. WHITBY. ONTARTO mica i -science the first approach__ of 7 The prepitration of the lists used Ciese angels of-death, at once seta Whitevale Tile Works T1 A f I 1M !, 1:1 MCITT in the recent provincial election- to work to Bgbt the disease. Tbe rain Wes' E JLV1L has cost the province about one preset influenza- epidemic is&'Coacrete-d of different sizes and a half million dollarsThe deadly disease and is carrying off and concrete bricks for sale. are -thousands of victims but if I Ind. Phone No. 5515, Markham. in pI-utichased the.'garage business oflDs its vidson Williams we ...Credit Auction, were allowed to have it . a own t Geo. BUrkholder, Whitevale 'av; Sale of Prepared W.repair all makes of autos. 7 AND CATTAdal We keep.in stock all kinds of Ford accessories, tires for all" Luplementa., Bay. Grain' makes of cars, oils., etc. ROUtf, Ste. .,'FERTILIZERS 1�m&ew egg The . pieperty of .... . .... . Annie ik jil. 'la qvid M. 0ilra-210,= ALI 1," 20. Conssion 7.., Pickering. on There is one thing certain, early Friday, March the 51h, 1920 Farmers Potat6es are going to be The following Success and pmspaAty come to the "or as well the his adairs in a business. the money-makers merchant or manufacturer who conducts, --Brrwo ware. rising 5 yrs, reg., bred to like manner. 7 Belle Boy. Brown mare. rising 4 yrs. The services of thla Bank am offered you W dits transacting of these are a matched team. Bay m4re. this •year. 1 7', your business.. rising 4 yrs. rpt., Brown filly. rising 2 consult us; we will slaft help you to solve your problema, 126 yea, gIviding. rising 2yrs. Browo inare. aged, Brown driving ware.'ris- Fertilizer is very scarce and we advise ing 7 yrs old. r "w"E ]DOMINION BANK ILAWLS 111W. ....,.placing your order right away. Minnie May, 6 yrs old, bred July 9th. WHY ,RANCH 1,ady Olga; 2i3d. "I yrs old. bred Dec. 18. ZZY J. CORDON HALL, Gigs, 31d. rising 2 yrs. bred Jan. 1Z Minnie May 8rd. rising 2 yrs, Lady Phone'Pick. 702 _01ga 4th. calved Nov. 18. 191,9. Roval Bruce _j&rcher, calved Nov. 1, 191& The B reg SON, Calved A 1 28 1919. For istra- & tKu'l numbers see bill& BERT HARVEY GRAMB CATTLI Pickerin 'Hardware Store GENERAL MERCHANTS—(Successors to M. Gleason) Rosa cow, rising 4 yrs. bred July I& Roan cow, rising 5 yrs bred Aug. 15. .Red cow. 7 yrs aid. bred JoLn 6. Red Gr &-mwiiiio tario 0 time you need a good Sin . We have a complete btock i Dow. Tyre old. milking well. Red beif Now is tk ve er, rising 2 yrs. to calf. Roan heifer. of HappyThought and Pandora Rangers, which will rising 2 yra. Red heifer. -risiog 2 yrs. `8111ve oth fuel and money. Come and we then. at steer, fat heifer. 14 , v_ - -.-. - - , e'they last. This is the oul plass A tow Oil Heater left at $6.50, while &BMW ANBD PoE;L.TRY 9 Cotswold 9 JJA 6LTVDQ9 to'bity the 1900 Gravity Washer. Fully guaranteed. ewes. reg., some with BLANKETS KAA1W MI Power Washer Iambs at foot. Sbearling ram. reg. 2 free trial given. Else our :Embden geese Embden 'gander. '2 so you hard wont. ' which saves Ahabden gand4s. young , AboutI00 Barred Rock hens. 4 Barred Rock cockerel% -rub We put on men's and women's rubber heels, also ber soles. IMPLICKNNTS, RTC. r MoOormick binder, Oft out: Deering M Mi JEZP 8 1?o "hes, dressings, water dubbio, lam, shoo trees, etc. 40100wer, 4 (tent. Hoe drill. M-H,good ho , _: _ few Hog Troughs left—some as as 2 P new, McOormlck cultivator. 13 We haI f 25. Give the Sboe, harneim-and collar repairing neatly and tooth, Disc-barrow. M-H. in turn, Bay &,Wough that will save the feed. A full stock of Calf Meal, M" promptly attended to. -ft. good 08 new, 9-furrow Ours is this 1,rffilks, P EL 10 Stock Food. Ponitry Disinfectant, etc. T. Fleury idw. Oocksbutt, Single plow. Royal Purple line. Once tried. always used. 1, new, Single plow. Wilkinson No. 7. _Single plow. PH. No, 21, Set diamond PICKERING HARNESS. EMPORIUM A co lete line of seasonable goods 'always on hand. Saww, Axes, harrows. Horse power, good luck, Out- .7 landles, Snow Shovels, Broome, etc., also &'stock of Mitts Koine Phone 3600. W. J. COAKWELL 7-ting box, with rods and couplings. Set that will keep out the cold. It is always ,-,truck scales, 2OW -Ibe cap. Chatham a pleasure for ns to show our goods. fanninVill with bagger, Cream cepa- el Otte. Churn, Leader No. 8, Wagon, McCormick, with box cow- ICI(6F.,M G fete. new, Heavy on and box, Set I S. BAUDON ''P Stock rnck, Land roller, Scv� ffler., Hay rack Hay fork. rope. car Real Bargains and pulleys complete, McLaughlin top buggy with wheels, 'St and rubber tires, nearly new, Top McLaughlin .,Wggy. good. L ` ock. 'Feeda Cutter. 4=d6d. Root pulper, Root shredder, er 25ft.Wder 10 ft, Coifing 1chain, wooden vise, X-cut saw ckie Fresh Frozen Salmon, 15c 1b. grinder emery, Wheelbarrow, oatbox, Horse, Cattle, Hog and Hen Feeds :19t of team harness brass mounted complete good m new, Set of team ..'Finnan Haddie, 15c per 1b.' ,harness brass mounted no breeching _4' -.--g&d as new..Set of plow harm 'We h%ve a, full stock of all kinds of Feeds at collars and bridles. the lowest market -7 Scoop shovel, Long handled hovel. 2 sea of single Fresh and SafiPork. ,'Znsllage fork.1 Barley fork, also ot.b- or forks, hoes etc.. too numerous to date, whole and crushed, for horses. A, mention. About 20 cotton grain b s eef. Feed and Shorts for cattle, About 80 tone of first-classDairy Fee timothy Yrest B hay, About 4 tons of cattle hay, A Sanipson Feed, Ground Corn for hogs,, quantity of mangels. oi` as jMr. Gr No reserve whatever aharu Scratch Feed or Corn for hens is giving tip farming, Rid your cattle of lied by using Hellibore,' Sulphur and Paris Green. ..Baby. Chink Teed for ks Sale-tit, one o'clock sharp 'We-hav-e a good supply of all on hand. T,ERATS-F;a citttle, lasty, fowl, grain i-11 �unin; of $15 and tinder, cash The Campbell Flour Mills Coe� Ltd* ...I 'v(.1. I 11RI R113omil, 8 nitintliq credit t 6 Frub soles. B les we SH arm, Success a. t., etc. y 13d t7 ORIU M COAKWELL I I ' `�' L, - 0"_ . mills at hirz,!,hiona mpl-itoved joint Itt-4ive'. 3 1A r.-Int. per. Annum off 83 IE9 A N N, IS Tr 10 Tor.on 10 Pe terboA") r v Ac. J. H. • Beal spent Monday in To- ronto. Miss Adell Schnurr is confined - to the house at present Quimxh Bluess. • Lyman Pilkey and Edgar Shirk •had a business trip to Port Perry on Tuesday. Mairtitis Henderson; of Toronto, has been visiting with James and Mrs. -Evans during the past 'few Mrs. Graham Johnston and `datight-er, of Uxbridge township, visited friends in Claremont last - Sunday. . Now is the time to buy a ticket for the th ublic library. A number of new ooks 'will be placed on the 9belv shortly. Sher�an and Mrs. Rumohr spent a flow days in the city Inat --week visiting their son, Ray'4 who has beea III with the flu,,butls now recovering. Married, on Saturday, Peb.14tl;, at Lindsay, Ont, May R., daught- ,or of R. R. and Mrs. Rawson, to Stanley Victor Shaver, son of C. IEL and Mrs. Shaver, of Little Brit-. sin. The young wife of Win. Bell, of Uxbridge township, Sell a victim tothe dread disease, pneumonia, an Saturday, leaving to moprn her loss a husband and five small child - J. H. Evans intends holding an auction sale of his dairy cows etc. in about two weeks. Having sold his farm there will be no reserve. Watch out for bills giving full ',particulars. J. H. Evans has sold his farm to his son in-law. Reuben Besse. Mr. Evans has been in the milk business longer,%It is said il than 'Any other man in the county. He Im thug entitled to a well earned rest. Mrs. Willison, of the fourth 1coocesslon of Uxbrido, returned home last Thursday after spend - 11 several weeks. in Cobourg. ..'W1290re she was, visiting friends. While there she was taken ill, thus compelling her to prolong her visit. While playing hockey at the rink an Tuesday evening, Leonard Pilkey was struck In the face by Ohe rack thereby datmaxin sever 41 laull-eve—r- o his teeth and rendeFABC ilm unconscious for a short time, but eaustng him no serious inconven- 4enee. Mrs. W E. Risebrough, who has been visiting friends and relativeq in Claremont and In other parts of the province for the past two or three. mouths, intends leaving this week on. her_ return trlpwL�to her -honte-iu Grand Prairie, in the -.Peace River District. A- H. G. McIntyre, who Is giving up farming, will hold gn stiction sale of blO farm stock, Implements and household furniture on Tues day, March 16tb, at his promises, one.mile west of Claremont vil- S Watch out for bills Riving ifuli particulars. Clayton Pugb, a promising and Ugresslve young stocxman of xbridge township, died suddenly on Friday last of pneumonia, fol• Rowing an attack of the fla. The funeral services on Sunday were conducted by the Bar. A. McLel. !Ian and the remains were interred in the Union cemeter Next Sunday will be "Go tc Church Sunday" in Claremont Every one should avail themselves of the last opportunity in a life• time to go to chu'reb on the I*tb of February. The subject will be "Life Service," coupled witt thanksgiving for the success of '-she Forward Movement. Miss Veta Stepbepso"as beer .,successful in securing first-clazi 'honor stsiudinx in Junior Harm any aCounterpoint at the 're cent find examination at the Toronto Conservatory.of Music. Althoutt ,having successfully covers, . i piano work in connection wit) the Associateship Teachers degree Miss Stephenson is continuing be *)prk in advanced piano with Mr G. D. Atkinson and her theor] with Mr. Healy Willan, both o the Conservatory faeulty. "Home Ties." This highly in teresting and irLstructive drama n four nets, will be presented b, the Claremont Dramatic Club it 'tbfiMasonic Hall on - the evenial of Friday, March 5th. "Hom 'Tieve' is drama of stirring parte -_and lasts for two and a half home The following is a synopsis of th Tlay: Martin Winn's• wife lef im when his daughter Ruth we a baby, Harold', Vincent, th nephew and• adopted son of th man who wronged' Martin, make love to Ruth Winn. She is als loved by Len Everett, a prosper Otis young farmer. When Marti discovers who Harold is he ordet Ruth. Harold, wh him to leave Rut -does not love sincerely, yieldi Ruth discovers that she loves Let but thinks that she has lost hit also. Then he conies back, an Ruth finds berhRppineqq. Speci} %-,ill he rendered betwee the n(It!;. The proveeds will It to%%ams l((-tilitiipVorements, A( ini-ion -. reserved seate. cent, 25 cents. Pian of ba at Scott".,? *:,tore. `Mr.,M'fQ*TT;MMr -7. F Z�r . 40 .W Wilrdib VOWN 'AIWITANIM - 014 WID- MOW and JA* 860MV, Ik Toronto. PICKER -M We Kesert. Ward'and Grea shilp4l Tvhsn&%r-M'Azc* 10=�-Adcuam� saw Of tared boron IS TV A" our carloads of stock from LUMER oar and la"wout durla"t a cattier hogs, Implement$, ay and tun meets all Trains Irralo. at lot 2% IL F. One,. Fickrink met weekE (Frenchman's Day, the -property or First-class Rigs to him day or t*n, e. Miss Mary Graham, of the 8 (leo. Downing. Sale at ) sharp, night at lowest priceleft ard Blank, ie slowly recovering I See -bills. W.,B. Powell. Auctioneer For S Qwi dzer !�, lengthy illness from "at TURSDAY'MIRCil 10TH—AUCtiOn Sale, —Phone 1805. sok R flu. of the ,jd farm stock, implements and About 300 Al 6 hooped Miss Merle Stephenson, furniture. the propirrty of H. G. Me- barrels at 85 cents Thos. Sanderson Soui Itityre. at lot 22. con. 9. Pickering MhiEby Collegiate Institute, spent .be week -end at the home of - her (I mile west of Claremobip.--Tbe each in lots PROPRIETORS ?at ants here. farm will also be offered for sale or to rent. kqle at 1, shaip. See bills. of 10 or more at LVALN KEGIBTEIL Witt. Maw, auctioneer. Abe shop. .. on �ftle'of . CARD OF TRA UONDNKS Gordon & Son, �kY. MARCH IST—Aucti W. D. Clyde. dale horses, high-grade cattle, I wish to take this opportunity to expr�y sheep, Yorkshipe hogs, the property gratitude to my numerous PICKERING of Ontario Ladled' College farm, (i friends east for their kindness tome during Bell and Indepiendent phone: Farewell farm (opposite J. D. How- the time my house was under quaran- don'&), The college lease having ex. tine. This kindness will ever be re - W membered by my son and me. of all materials and design ,cired on this farm, everything Ill kept in stook. It Will Pay YOU e sold w4hout reserve. Sale at I Mrs. Asa Hubb%Td.-_W1Ateval-e--0lub of o'clock, sharp. Win. Maw, Auc- oall,al our works acd Inspect our slack )looser. obtain prioss Don't be mided --,Gtain Chopping' United Farmers employ Ikem. rURSDAV. MAFWu 21—Auction sale of ly we oda, sad do throw Off the sent tie. implements. etc., at Seeds have arrived. horses. cat AND FL &KING per aealk., which you WE lot 22, rear of con. 2, Whitby. the At the next meeting of the Club reeo: owwniy save by parakaming from a%l Sale at I lotions will he passed on sall 0011116111110d. property of Fred Wilson. I -am prepared -to do Grain ChoP.7 o'clock. See bills. W. B. Powell, the following auctioneer. Ping and Oat Flaking every J. T. MATHESON— 7 Re Interewiteblag of Railways WEDMODAT', MAWR 38D -Auction day except Military Training in schools sale of farm stock and implements, week Offloo and Works, Whitby, Ontario. proving our School System the property of Mn. Jaber Scott Saturday. atation of Foodstuffs and Sons, lot 2. con. 1, Pickering. Standardization of farm implements buds 5 C svfed te im, No reserve. Sale at I o'clock sharp. Regulation of motor trIUMCIN on our A Caft kwd LN30ft.. See bills. Win Maw, auctioneer. Joh� F. Bayles, Greenwi6d soft roads TzuRsDA,ir, M&wu 4TH—Auction eal* The pokey" of registered. first-class mares and P Bakery flIly, farm stock and Implemente. Vance GoI3113dt'WIDbay and household furniture. at lot Concrete mo _ 23, rear coo. 6. Pickering (one mile Big display of Chocolates, Creams west of Brougham, the property of and Mixed Candies. The object of this Association Is to John Moorlessen stealing and prosecute e. is the farm has been sold there will be no reserv.e. . Sale Choice lessen Cake 40c per lb.es in boxes. P • roducts the re . Ions. at lo'clock, sharp. See bills. W. B. Powell, auctioneer. Extra quality at 55 cents. Members havilog'properly stolen cominuall. 5TH=kuction sale of .06" imme"tely with any member FRin-iLY., M.&RCH . Wedding Oakes our specialty. nalt"s. �!_. farm stock. implements, haw. grain. Field Tile - of Fxwotilr- ()am roots. etc.. at F,t 20, coo. 7, Picker- Membership fee 11.01L ONT. md Brick =&v -be hadw t- — a* or --m-mo_ Sale at I o'clock, Pharp. See bills .8owetory on app and advt. F. W. Silversides, auct. Zxsc. Oom.—L. D. Banks; C. S. P&W- SATURDAY, MARCH 77s—Auction sale Richardson. Pickering. of hotel property in the Village of Tile 3, 4, 6 and 8 ecl-w- v- Whitevale. including barn and eta- Coal, -.Coal J. R. Thextea. W. J. Clark. ble and 8 acres of first-class land. preeldeat. Beacom" theYropetty of R. Johnson. Sale t z P. On. See bill.. F. Postill. Hard and Soft Coal of the Get my prices.' :uctioneer. Concrete work done. THURSDAY, MARCH IlTm—Auction beet quahty on 1nd:,,y"e r= Pick. sale of Clydesdale horses, higb-grade hand Durham cattle, Yorkshire and Iserk. shiro pitta and I lements, the pro - J. Zli'm IMV. calm. THOS. A Clarence Simpson Tertv of W Whitby. No reserve. Sale at I IX sharp. Lunch at coca.See 'Z. C. -N. R. Station, Brook Road 05 •A ARNTOrSAVE Every man, woman and child can sane • Every ld R .-WE ARE Ford Dealers in'"thisone shousave.-very , ambitious person does save. The savings Departm=t lQ# distrilft' and have o r m e d an the Standard Bank of. Canada •affordseveryfacility f" 9& estimate of the number of cars 'we Ing you to Saw— AM Will require to meet the needs of THE STANDARD BANK We' cannot get his territory OF CANADA, enci,pic "ime WnANCH ugh cars to fdl- that •estimate M. O. ZIMMERMAN' • MAMAOM "AI#CH ^L.90 AT %V**T" because there are not enough cars being made to- fill all dealers' .,,..estimates throughout Canada. BARG Al N8_ f In Men's and La dies' OVershoes Men's 1 buckle, we ca Yet n L f cars The' numbe'r o Men's 2 buckle,..". ... us depends upon the number of orders Women's high top,.:. Women's ovorshoe, ... I: -.4 Men's knee rubber boots, a t All illiese, goods are made"by the ...,we send in and the early date Dominion Rubber Co. We also have a big supply of 'send them in, as the Ford' granulated,sugar. which we artmen `:Shipping De t follows the ringoia, cimmait p z: Ind. Phone EM .principle, :First �Come, .,.First -Serve ... 4,0 ordered now will - be -delivered until March and defiiver- ies Will be uncertain throughout t b The Univeivas 711 year.Sawing-:-=M 9 f you do not want to- wall: achin Manufactured by_ •delivery, W for summer or autumn H. Jackson & Son,' Brock Road, Pickering, Ont. -Tn -come in and reserve your car%by mithing and '%N'r1wcT1'klhg 1�,iw gumming all jt� signing an order today Westn(-k T, H Ab DEALERS PICKERIN. mery PICKERING GARAGE G rrths on hand rs, r f Al I �11 80 JL1',T:D1:Z and for ,ale. . ........ _A _01 N ••",S�.IBa1 „w •1` +'•�. 'n_ <�•'•• _. w, It •K ' r,e'• ..".., r:'i, :...+�.� •` .. , f:.0 :k �._ _�d. _..�..,�....-1. - - � w.r.�r��u,scse:wt.vF Used ails ` N�llions of Z'ea.-Pats Daily weslaxi-l !'¢� which had ,formed is Nous ' 11117. was this perlod that rpaid a t to Antonall � the r of the Bolsheviin against the woks to ascertain the exact state nQ of that evil-reputationed f "LILASMltar-*^"\"-=4'!.C^�e1T'''t,(�'••r9u-niyti�rl&'t7. ,. ,e� = ` ';eaeral is case the Germansadvanc- 7f - � ed. To the 04nadian's _ surprise, he ' Its Intri•tmie goodness is Tea found the If ussius an excellent leader a and decidedly anti -German. k$�yle Quality- - makes it the most sen and he had a most amiable meeting, Economical in Use - and on parting swore eternal hatred �_.�_.. _ .-._ __-.-- _ • _ - - x i r of Germsny. t And history records ' that as long as his men held • to- robbed, betrayed, she believed in Bri- 'Canada Protects Its Wild gather Antonof never went back on tain, and heir gallant army was teady _* &&LAMA— Colonel hsoath of.war on the Hun. to retfre into Russia and fight onArmed with ' even i the Germans occupied aliIBoyle then proceeded to Bebaitopo . oylman a. And thea, to fill her sup,! there is abroad in Canada an' im• �'As his train arrived it was surround- the spectre of Bolshevism raised itspression that the Dominion Govern•, ed by a Bolshevik leader named skeleton's grin on her borders, and; meat concerns itself little, if at all;$peiro and a committee of sailors. the Russia 'she had always known as with the actual protection of wild."What does• this mean?" demanded her friend became her enemy. i lite. This impression is not justified Boyle. At the risk of his life, a Canadian ! to -day. -While the ,Dominion Govern.' tSpeiro explained that a local news- from the Yukon braved the anger or! ment has left to the provinces the Dro• aper hadjust- announced that Bri- Rackovski, the most powetful'rr:ember.I taction of the game, furbearing ani. ; tain had made peace with Turkey; the of the Russian Supreme College. This; mals, and other wild, life•within their• British Fleet had entered Constantf v. man, who was himself it Roumanian, i respective t6fiitortes, it is neverthe• ople, and was iabout to invade the would not hear of peace with Rou- less responsible for the protection of Black Sea Sor the purpose of crush- mania; but by deliberate intrigue less wild life over, an enormous pot• ing the Black Sea Fleet, as a punish- Boyle turned the man's associates ment for the Bolsheviks making war against him and secured an offer of tion of Canada, namely, the North on Roumania. Therefore -n-resolution Peamv-whqr he toe+ -'to-Roumania,-�' west-Territortes; Yukor.-fierrftary,-an. . had been passed to arrest all Allied rasing through the lines, and being in the Dominion parks. 'To carry out i sub3ects, so that for every sailor of fired a by Bolshevik gunners. In the our national' obligations with respect " (theirs killed they might execute 'ten subsequent negotiations Boyle had to to the treaty with the. United States 'Allied prisoners. They implied that act as intermediary; -and on one oc- for the protection,of migratory birds. Boyle would maize a. pleasant addition casion, while he was flying just abovel' !t has also assumed the guardianship t 4.0 ' list 11,11 Dni t i i R - o err a e. er n an aerop ane, a ou- I y IV. {{ In case time hung heavy on his Summoning his interpreter, Boyle manian battery fired at him, and; of our migratory birds; tbis'fs belt$ t -.Punctuated iter a period of modified calm,, hands, Boyle 'was then placed is addressed them in a very few words, death was missed by' a matter of undertaken with the practical co—opera. ' by trying moments, he. charge of the protocol between Rua-' but with plenty of emphasis. He lashes. i tion of the Pfovincial governments, . kept at the work until the Russians;sia and Roumania for both food and explained that the whole thing was Eventually peace was signed, and The•,Iegislation governing these mat, signed an armistice. As no one r:clothing. UP Ao that time t:+sssia had, untrue, that the newspaper was own- Boyle's greatestachievement wash fere is administered by the Minister ` wanted to. do any further work after delivered only promises. The Wizard ed by German propagandists, and he co>iripleted. of the Interior, To supervise the en that, Boyle went to' Petrograd, and of the Klondike waved his wand, and -called for volunteers to go and -de- _(Ta be .continued.) was among those present when the in eight weeks more than two-thirds molish the said newspaper. p forcemeat of this legislation, and 'to Bolehe iks seized the wheel and of promised goods' were delivered. This a "Nine!" advise on such _matters affecting the q I appealed to the mob as an " started their joy -ride. i Some idea of the magnitude of this ;idea of considerable originality, so conservation of wild life as might be To a man -with a. natural love for' achievement may be gathered when -it they adjourned to the' newspaper- A nugget, weighing one hundred and referred to the Government, there was moulding chaos, the Bolsheviks offer-' is realised that'the protocol covered, office, arrested nineteen members of seventy-three' ounces, has been dug I appointed, two yeara ago, on the re- ed an .enticing prospect for further equipment, for 350,000 men. I the staff, and then wrecked the place. out 1n 04 Belgian Congo. This to one commendation of the Minister of the adventure. There was street -fighting Having performed this •herculan; At the invitation of the 'ommittee, of`the largest•nugge„ts ever found out-+ Interior, an Advisory Board on Wild for six days in Moscow, resulting in a task, Boyle was just taking a Boyle waited until next day, when plde ,Auslralfa, and this new "find" of I Life Protection, which . if composed of. s r -freight blockade and a threat of gen- breather, and wondering whose', large mectingr took pplace.-Speiro African gold- Is-aaid-to be -amazingly `a representative from each of the do r k was starting for home, amusia its- next, when he was visited h the referrd to Brttsin as Russia's best ;rich; rtments concerned it wild life con - oral starvation. The Northern Arm stables would have to be clesr.ed Qut g g y ' frleri (tiffs -being received with wild' it.1s, ot! course, a eolricidenice, yet a self by destroying estates, burning mach -perturbed Roumanian . (oraui-' is 1)1, seg. hater Boyle attended s servation, namely the Departments a1 villa ea, and, to celebrate the rtnew General atfbSoscow. That afftclal had meetingof all the committees of the very carious aha, that all the great the Inferior, 'Agriculture, Mines (Goa Yreee�om, massacring peasants .enreceived orders that he was to send. Black ea Fleet, and through an in- gold finds have been made in years i logical Survey). Indian Affairs, and. -route. to Roumania the archives of the For-! terpreter (Captain G. A. Hill of the ending with the figure"9," The famous I the Commission of Conservation_ Tho P. } ealising that the plot of their sign .Office, which had 3c:n deposited 4th Manchester) lye ex ]alnesci that Cailfonrlsa sold Sada at Salter's Creel chief activitles'ot this Advisory Board i drama was becoming somewhat ob- in Moscow when the evacuation of Britain never forsook her friends, were to 1849. ! up to the present, have been 'thi F scured by the . enthusiasm of the Roumania 'waa contemplated; and that she did not want to interfere - Just ten years later came the d]s- I drafting of legislation under the M1 actors, the Bolsheviks 'iid a wise also he wins to send all the Roumanian 1 with Russian politica;•but merly Wish- covery of gold In Australia. and in the gratory Birds Treaty and the reTisios thing. They took General Maniek- pager money that was being printed ed to atop .Rur.+ians front killing each very some year in British Columbia. of the Northwest Orme Act ! ouaki, Minister of War; from the there. other, 'so that they could devote their pprison where they had incarcerated The proposition -was ar difficult one.: energies to the much nobler task of The rush to Australia was really the o- filth, and, with an aplomb. one Wes the Icad wt"ighed twenty tons, an'i killing Germans. I begislning of the great Island Con - f forced to, mire, replaced him in the it was necessary to pass through the I "The Nuns," he said, Fare suss to i tlnent's career as a Dominion of the SHE THOUGHT DYEING War Ministry and told him to feed- tines of the Bolsheviks and . the advance into your country for the i British Empire• WAS OLD" FASHIONEC -the arm yp I Ukranians, who were fifthtina. It! Purpose of making you more- their In 1869 the famous Comstock }ode ! "Tachy!" said the' generril.""Send wn3 at this stage that Boyle'z admir- 'slaves than you have ever been- be- � was opened up, and proved the richest u » tion Cdlonel Boyle." ation of Roumania took definite and, Blit Dia><1i on of Mad! r y + ever discovered In the United States. The general, being a soldier, knew permanent form; A3 an ex -manager This caused it furore of apppreria- The year 1879 saw the Arizona gold Her Faded, Shabby, Old that the military art consists in.a'nav-' of u heavy -weight prise-ftgliter, he flan, and the appeararice of a Dx;tish finds, and the great rush to the faan- t ing responsibility on the. other peo- had felt for i luuir time that - Rorf- i naval officer 1p uniform was a signal I CsarlYlErib I+tIiC New. b ple's shoulders, He asked Boyle to mania was a irnme little bantam. try- � fou wild applauuce. i ore town of Tombstone. _1 to to hold o i In 1889 the almost equally important won about perfect re wt. ,Moscow and untie.the knot- and ing o d be own in a ring crowded , The pisede is not lacking in humor, i Po Don't worry ,pe t softs Royle, not being a pucka sofdiesr,; with heavy-wei ts, From what he; but it turned the whole Black Sea diggings of Clover Creek, in Southern Use "Diamond Dyes," guarasiteed to t promptly agreed to do to. ! could gather, she was getting the I Fleet solidly pro -Ally' at the ceryl California, were opened up. Here the I give a new, rich, fadeless color to ani Nothing daunted by the stews from, %vorst of it -from friend and foe allke,!moment when it seemed'to be assum- gold was just below the surface, and fabrfc, whether It be wool, silk, linen. that city, he entered its bullet-har so he. decided to tend our little Ally! ing an attitude of. friendship tow rls huge fortunes were plied up. cotton or mixed goods, -dresses. freed atresia, In forty-eight hours; a helping hand. Germany. In 1899 history repeated Itself. That blouses, stockings, skirts, children's freight was moving out of Moscow; Having almost absolute sutherritr•+ V,. and in -a week thins wore - runn' on the railroads. he t)ok charge of + In • the next and m i-. In, the year when the world brat ,coats. feathers, draperies, coverin:e. S oa- ttu Lent � ry Por heard of th everything. _.: fairly smoothly. I the axechivca. and a .vast sum of ; rinse of .Boyle s- labor3.'- it will be; a amazing riches of the l How did he do it? .It'is difficult. money, -and after- twice ppassing'seen that, !argely througg-h him, peace Klondike, and when, the great rush4 The Direction Book with each pack• to state; but presumably ev n a Bol-' through the .lines where the Bolshe= was arranged between the Bolsheviks began in the far Arctic. The Yukon I age tells bow to,diamoud dye over any shevik stands aside for a flan who vias and the Ukrsnians were at war, and rouniania- _ We have forgotten, gold --has made that year a landmark color. , / '=knows .where he Ir -going. What a he reached Jassy in safety. Aflcri tco soon how pluckily Roumania+ in the_Aistory of gold digging.. To match any matgrtal, have dealer • - pity the Allies at large did -not realise that he returned to Russia, and ccn- i +fought on when the Allies Ict disaster The year 1909, again, was the year show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. !hat••eiemental bit' of psychology! tinued itis wot-k as-thaimran' of- the grip- her 1•y the throat Tortured,' in v*?ch Brifiora Columbia discovered ecollecti�ns of the old SurveyD� Q I that the possessed a veritable morn=Y fain -range of Moths have been caught in, mid• gold: The first die- ocean ],200 miles from the nearer! covert' wasemade at Bitter Creek, +Y. p ` During the summer of 1831= we where free-mfiling 9arirples of rock land. - ' were locating and running -trail lines � (� +Cv' •. averaged three pounds worth of gold + mmard s ztais.iar for sate evesywiLwo for the main line of the Canadian ; �'` ..� tote ton. ,ileeij • +jya _ And now, in 1919. comes..the_neas: __� practical three -wheeled au'amo, i'ae fife Railway along Nost►unslag ti s, ;Lake and down the Vase Creek to- 4 f hear cweighs- `wfrds fake Niplsaing. A air. Hegar. ! i ! e Of this new discovery In the t .f bile that onl 120 s ` Was !n charge of the party, that -glut- s � ' � v$4 � � .- tropics Africa. * 1 the invention bf a Japanese y •y pounds i pan ae arm fb` "' i • 4 j This raises the que.Wan of the truth, office,% a ;waw for work, Mr. E. J. Duchesnay or ot'.�rwise, of the so-called "Science ! �'. transltaiaa, and Emile Tetu F;' , ` { �" i► of Numbers" --one bf the many occult ilache'or (who has forgotten who- J 9leveller, At that time there was LuE_ Irl •�'± ,fi,: 11 " ;{ off;• beliefs that have come to as from In- tier the ba is s bo or a girl): e4v settler on Nosbunsing Lake. and 61 . by Y g ) ' Kiibat fishiub, there was tri it!. "+ ` Ltir.. s' 4ia and the East. "Well,. well, but, he's a fine little fel. �' ' While we were 'camped along the B ; ', +++' �' i' t F �� � There airs now many little, :books i lour, isn't she? How old is it now? lake we used a lnmbermaa's red boat i '! I, dea"ug with this subject, In which ' Do her teeth bother him mach? She I."to ,take us to and from bar work, <a I" 1 ' , those who are attracted by ,cut -of -the• is like 'her father, isn't he? Every- Z (srbEti .we lnvariabfy trawled with a _ way studies will find much to in-' or -ways it is." stead Use and common 80010111.- terest and amuse them.' ]t,le as- well, -- at i i recollect while rowing to' work - ! however, to test thoroughly all such r:V r pee morning, Dsudde ay here d, I = - �'- ;+� ='/ theories before putting them to any The Great Whist Permument curt looking on. at there was a - practical test. For one cannot hel ria GompaW. treoaendom tug at the Jfne. Uttering how mach fishing has been done ! wondering why, !f these "sciences" Toronto Wffee to KIM at. W"t fab exclamation Ducheanay beftan since Itbose days, but unIan it has , �• 2=41119 1t In. but it was no Interest "Oputett gaaturiy. 'say mat- bees much f1e>sed it should still well ' are reliable, those who practise and I 4% aibwett oa savisris. item arwas .evident he had hooked a repay a visit of any enthusiastic dis- I p �. rofess to believe in them are not roll- ! i, big ltbrtunat�y. however. the cipies of the gentle art ,ing in riches. Wphelrswalte by CMtlae. Me was a stout one and the fish Recollect we had but ee�e common, _ Securely caught. Atter a brief and arse red and silver spoon. How the The man who gets there acts as � a halDeboul earl \ _ ttesperats struggle on the 'part of the fish must have swarmed in the lake, '\` interest yaya6i 7 7 h;`he was brought alongside of the then. `What sport might not expert °' his oma crutch; he doesn't lean on ►aN �'» bout" The 4bestion then was, how to fiphesmen have today,, with rods and rodman on thaur t svey; that morn- - other$. R ' set him ess board? for we had neither piv tackle? Where could they tag, however, oar of the chainmen; I aff nor landing -set At his belt, find riser camping hounds either, or was laid off, for sicirnese or some-� iaaasa'�Ltalmsat s.u•vs saara;xls r vuebessay carried a neat little 33L lovelier wild scenery of lake and osabrill i4snit and Wesson revolver'. woods? thing, and I was told 4o fill' his place. e _ C -t brilliant Wes occurred to ores. When we had left the lake a few As finial, that motraing, Dnohss ' "Shoot it, 'Mr. Duchesnay," I called aures with our surrey we got into met up his transit, and SAas usual thy` out Prins*tly acting on my sugges- the undulating _bru16 country along axenren lolled about. Ilshted tlrei IN .Alun, at arrange of a couple of feet The Vase Creek. What a paradise pipes, or gave a ttual touch wit TOROlITO !lt1k1.T WORKS — 4r so, he broke his back with a bol- that country was for sportsmen, then. whetattitneq to their axes, *while thejj '• .�� OLi�R TORONTO let, killing him immediately and a before Its world old silence had�n waited for line. In .a few moments t -waskalunge of thirty-two tbs. weight disturbs¢ by the locomotive's w ia- the transit wag in readipess and D'u- -weig'bed on OUT return to camp in tie. Moose, bear, lynx abounded, chastity turned to me. %,tic evening -was 1lfted tato the boat Never a day passed that we did not "Get a good stout four by four; �� �otA �elfm without any trouble. see fresh tracks of them. The bear lnob, four foot dry stake, rikc a bub- " patfsst • The following Sunday morning Du- and lynx we never saw. What 11111- stake, blase it like a .hub -stake, 'and FattIMLd � lx sp�paraar,th eof heamm- 4heanay and I took a bark canoe and mals are more shy or wary? A moose mark oa it with ped keel, In �'g let-• -AatDafUXU e! .",went trawling. We had but one line occasionally we did. tern, 'C.P.R. Station O.' Fro -.:n :)ow both .re anon' pertaaasat and took it turn about to fish and . One dal, while running the line on this line will be l nQwn as Thi nory F y Ireshiag and tronbttt areeeficcthre�ty r - Vaddle. I do not reoolleet how man along a side hill,' in the open bru16 Cana�fSn Pacific Railtivay, not Th: ror.ce�ls Reduces uta. we caught, but I do remember that country, ae saw six magnificent Canada Central." He 'tu Wed to tho invigorating. .• 1 natural ce.or and corrects after, , fishing. for. a portten of moose. But, of course, no rifle was men. "All, right, boys, stick utp ;a Ready iii a OstII. ry skinsH; ant=seyuo, +ilio morning. we brought back to ever carried on the liar and we could picket and get line now," rte -the minute r us'd with bal results as 'camp pore black hays and dord than only Batch them trot away. \Vint Thur I had the distinction of rnak-nt r n �!re agetit for 70 sac tris.whnle.party of about twenty-two str'des tics took, with what easo ing and driving in the first slatian X ; m0thy man could eat, before a good they negotiated .fallen timber! stake marked. C.P.R,. art oP the catch went bad and bad It was about mid -summer, if I re- I think .there Is a station now+%i-~ ;fo 1•2 Throwtn away• member rightly, of that year 1841. somewhere about there, called Calen• An not know how many,sett;ers sontetvbt•re along The Vase, We ha.;l dao'.- ' pmrow he ilvi k atbout the lake. or gone out to work as usual, 1._a6n� a M•.r ,.. -. '.' ... _ .. 1 '.. �-_. . _. .', • �. A.c;.......w, _•"r?'.. w,..'. ^%-.:;- t+,Fa .- .,w. _ .. x'. -a -.r .."-..%._. .-, . , ;�.u..._,_ . �^+�. Ps�LL.,•.� .ik,,.5»'"t.,-�..._... , � - .. . - ... a� .N. • • a ,. .a ••n .;.: , ..., *; .� fi" L' -"b••. ..'4: ". _`^ --..,. ., •a J "!,7 r,..r.'•, �.,+.,. �.. ...-...•a�a, rs+•n+• a :i`.�'a" w,. . .� .. � -711"... '`j • ,- , ww1r e:^ . wt�`''c*`v'' °r : L :5 -.z"" ' .r , �� ",Sc- '�h"� ����gssT.• .•a. .•. ... ,.+r- r•N .. f.. :. .:"\+� ..-fi-.. -./ ., Owl .'•' ..:' ,.•�' LC .^. ._ {.. .. !': +.Sea: ,E:F.vT� Nf:.. :.vL _ ,_ % . .\ °,:,,, :ALLIES TO TEST GERM ANY'S -GOOD FAITH MAI!1Y ' NORTHERhi� -J� 1:AKl: FROZO *-:-IN,_TRIAL OF WAR GALS R a Ar, V Pulp.. a_nd Lumber Manufac .Number of Definite' Caves, Where No Doubt of Can � ,�� �,; . _ tore Consequently Red6ced. ;h< ,Exist to. be Submitted For Judgement in German Courts 'i on "°" Quebec, Feb. 22. The nor¢ can tthe ' _ a UM of the water in tine ricers on the y� --This hist Will Be Typical of Whole. Category. r Z@Nei ,,• i e� "'� north and south shores ,has cortaider ably reduced the manufacture of .pulp, Y Paris, Feb. 22.-A decision of the tainly be of a very definite and 'per- „ �ouco lumber and .other natural resources `greatest importance has been taken sonal nature. that are aependent upon water power as 'the result of an allied meeting i ; In the catalogue of German crime ' �.., .0 = This is due in• a great measure to the t is not difficult to find cases of l,oaAe,o a .. cna�• wruc extensive cold which was experienced -� yesterday at Paris, at which .Lord ! an officer, yvantonly _ and without FivaE +"'`�'b0• "`%.Lo" UVr s N '`j at the early part of the winter, which Birkenhead, the Lord Chancellor, the covering pretection of superior su�tlovwo„i,a L;o' �� n` 9 O froze up most of the lakes • In the represented Great Britain. Not only orders, directing_ a_priest and inaf- roEeaff zAliA o�•� northern country In' many of ; Pensive citizens: to. be shot, of the ° :+••�« -+ sARAJIWO the - villages in -the Province inals muddle been discovered but y g nrconA torr - EBEN 'a� even the ueducts and wells _ has one way out o� the war trim•. -sa PREF pe$„ e h handing. over 'of women to be out- O '`-•� '+, 1 the allies will shortly call upon Ger- I raged/ b • a band 'of men, of firm.. _. __ _ _ _ _ =� ve almost. ied_up. At Murray tYT. _ TR 1 r+- i ! upon sailors from torpedoed swigs = - _ y r Bay many of the householders are many to show unmistakeably, on a! struggling in the water. The evi- y `isaos+c melting snow, as the aqueduct there regular test case whether or not it { dent: in such mattgra is overpower- a -JO= `°"" a�.�Zs „�p�,,s„s' . is out of use for lack of water. The Is 'prepared to live up to the spirit i ing and .involves no arguments about - 4„ _ same is being • experienced in• many_ z .of the treaty signed at Versailles. _ The 'following method of dealing divided .responsibility. The very ria- ASCGI r �MAvrE,tal° other villages. • STAbNO ture of the cases make it easy for • ZO4+ In the lake St. John District the with the question of war criminals any civilized court to ,come . to a de- i b� �.e,'"' , , - , large pulpwood grinders have been has been adopted: ri4ian�which-sh - CMINcloged- - Germans at their word. The will. In the desirto make the inatter .. ts+� s���. The allies are goingto take the national feeling.y u►sTeM,L coutimi there are only three or four Y - OFHKlS �', grindere working out of forty two, at i be ready. at any' rate, for the mo -1 as feasible 'as possible for the Ger- `:- __ - sa toe Jonquires. five, while at Port Alfred ment to believe in their • promise!man' Government, the allies will _ i the m�iR has had to close down. It is that • Germany herself will give un -1 take into -consideration • any com- _ ® CLA MEED Br not expected that conditions ,will be prejudiced trial to those persons ''Ment the German Government may , ITALY very much improved before the mid - whom the allies may choose to ac-! care to make upon any specific case (; Lllls Inap shows ltal�'s latest suggustign regarding the Da:uiatian 1•dle or end of March, owing to the cuss of crimes against the laws "cP ; when such comment 'tends to show I Coast. She would" make -Fiume and its environs a buffer state with its 'fact' that, there is heavy thick 'ice or humanity, and they h any--f_the._selected cases does, Italianity recognized. 7,aru w3uld be a free port. The newspapers of Italy the lakes which will take some time a sub -c mmittee to establish a re -,.not fall within the category of ' indis- ars bitterly hostile to President Wilson's attitude on the Adriatic question. to melt. 1 -�icted gnumber of definite cases in; putabde guilt. The allied intention is I They claim that he is trying to impuse his will upon all Europe. which there is, in the allied opinion, � in sh,Qrt, to press for immediate pro -1 no question of doubt of responsibility.1 secution before the German courts of s etc.) The children must be, de en- RO:'smania King to be f The number of such special test cases! criminals whose guilt is. so clear-as®TREES PENSION ( g dent upon the mother;__ -r £TOvined- - r g has not yet ,been fixed One proposal { to be almost beyond id 'argument, and pj,AN ANj�jONUCED I The report does not suggest de- I - r is that France, Belgium and Great r to judge o£ German sincerity by the i fidite amounts, but recommends that A despatch from Landon, says: -- -Britain shall each present five• verdict and sentence given. Such $$Bis -FOr �giRls`lon Sum the 'amount shall be determined in The coronation of F2rdinarui as King -- i pro a e curt a a tna s, w erever they may be held ini vac, case by ive'cam-' of Greater Roufnania will take place the cases thus brought forward will, Germany, will necessarily entail thej Illltted to Drury Govt. r t _ :cal w - Y A des arch from Toronto sa s: -mission subject, however to an es at Albajulia, Transylvania, next yp__. _ of the hole_categor" a uance o man un re s o it - p Y tablished rnaximr'rn per famiI { p y. spring.' Great Britain will sends i crime. There will be no effort made,.lied witnesses, who *ill need'to have; The basis upon which the Drury special envoy to re•preeent King in these Brat trials to solve the some kind of protection during the i Government will draft the mother's George, and the name of Earl Halg troublous question o! rg3pcnsibility, proceedings, and_probably some kind i allowances le islation to be introduc Bringing Back Bodies H g already is being �mentioned h of ou S, on the rsub;ect out submitted iby Dr. R I A despatch from Washington, i this connection.. sen Marie, and the charges brought will ter off. legal.hdvice. _ - ! _ ed at the coming session of the of MIA is ex acted to visit Ea land RELIEF FOR DISCOVERER OF Y • soon. W. Riddell, Deputy Minister of Labor i -The bcdies of seventeen American i King Ferdinand undoubtedly is the MAGDALEN ISLANDS NORTH POLE DEAD ; to. Hon. Walter Rollo. The report,, soldiers who died in England have! only living ma ns+rch wily :will enjoy § which' is an important compilation of been disinterred in English cemeter- the unique position of being crowned A tiebreaker Montcalm Succeeds Rear -Admiral Peary Passed information upon the problems of ies and are ready for shipment to the twice. in Conveying Supplies. ,AWa at Washington. Looking after n>_v Dr. mothers, • ie „ announced. Thil!- :is the first definite' pe United Sates, the War Department! Y �� � Ali second made b Dr. Riddell the ' a -~ ^ -• Sydney, N. S., Feb. 22.=Relief for A despatch from Washington says: ! first, an interim repoat, having been step taken in the plan to brig back Poor Will Re'member 7 the Magdalen is in sight at -Rear-Admiral Robert Edwin Pea laid before Sir William Hearst just' the bodies of American sold: -ors who g retired, Arctic explorer and discover- I before the late, Government retired. i died overseas. Sultan Of Egypt's Heti neat 'aa a' result of the intrepid sea- l p l--�`is� scheme as recommended b the--:,�--- - • manship of the master and crew of: or of the North Pole, died i y A des etch from Cairo. sa s:- The here on Friday from pernicious Deputy Minister'may be summarized l.0ar! #o pis P y C - . the Government ice -breaker Mont-' As follows: Sultan 4f Egypt is distributing !2,000 j arieemia from which he had suffered Bu Canadian Goods pounds nmo the eslm A wireless message received ; for several years. Arrangements !or Allowances to be paid the --moth- ` y ng poor of Cairo and I er o! two of more children under the AlexandT'ul in -celebration of the. birth at North Sydney today says tkat at i the funeral have not been completed, A 'despatch -from Paris says:-- ( of an heir -to. the Sultanate. 6.20 a.m. the 52ontealm smashed' her but he. will be buried with full naval age of 14 years o1' age and in the im- i Paris' Municipal Council has accepted Prince Ahmed ruad was chosen array tQ within half a mile -of the honors. i mediate care of the parent, who is a Than of $20,000,000 from Canada for by Grindstone 'Island of the Magdalen. Admiral Pea submitted to a blood! (a) a widow, t(b) the wife of an in - the purchase of Canadian foodstuffs: Hussein Kemal, as S- ultan in October, s group; and was unloading on the ice , transfusion at a hospital here .ten 1? and ober goods. `stores and _,provisions, which the peo-' days ago. He later was removed to I Insane or (c) the wife of a man who' 1917. > pie were carrying ashore in sleds and his home and, his condition then was I is totally disabled. • 1n every case 7 . ___ __ where .the allowance' is iven the t- : teams. p impos- reported grew somewhat improved. He g 'Weeklya i kat Report Close -packed floes made it im os -I gradual!weaker, however. and mother must be a suitable guardian sibla for the steamer to penetrat- the end came early Friday morning. for her children. r.�arer land I Dr. H. F. Strine, the admiral's physi-' Allowances only. where the father The MontcglTii was despatched cian, disclosed that the transfusion is a British subject or the mother! Isreadetuffs. 32',4c; Stilton, 84 to 35c; pptd. laage, from Souris. Prince Edward Island, this month was the 35th to which Ad- a British subject be'ore marrfage.l Toronto, Feb. 24. -Manitoba wheat 32 to 38c Do.,' twine, 88 Eb 88%c to the relief of the 31a alerts Rev- Miran• Fear had submitted within two The mother and children must. be -No. 1 Northern, $2.80; No. 2 North-! Malgar•fne-33 to 38c. Y ern, $2.77; No. 3 Northern, 0 73, in' Bns-Canadian, hand-picked, bu era! weeks ago, after the failure of , years. - resident in Canada `at the time of S-• p g store Fort William. ; she:, $5.50 to •$6.00; primes, $4. b0 to ti __,p_-- ._ death or total disability of the $5.00 Japans. $b.60 to $5. 76; Eali- Rho Canadian Spinner to cope withManitoba oats -No. 2 C.W.; 9GaYs B Great Psairie Fire I'the ather. The mother moat be a res:-, No. 3 C.W., 93%e; extra No. 1 feed, fornia Limas. 1734 to I834c; Meda- ' the ice. The ice -breaker sot caught dent of Canada.for-three }ears prior 93%c; No. 1 feed, 92%c; No. 2 feed. gaecar Limas, lb., 16c; Japan L.mas, - - -in the _huge fields and was atiowed� .,SixtyMlles Wide ; to the application• fon two years a Ib., llc•.. carried aift t last f �begond Cape ljorth A despatch -from Buenos •Ayres, in the Province whine • 91Mc, in store Fort i. , j' Honey -Extracted clover, 5-11b , Y Yesic)\ent of Ontario and must reside Manitoba barley -No. 3 C.W. �• Y g p Y in receipt of $1.7436 • No. 4 C.W.. $1.453j; rejected � tins, 27 to. 28c; 104b. tins, 25 to 26c- ?� ,slid into Cabot Strait. The recent: sa s: -A rest rairis fire, sixty 60 -ib. tine 25c• buckwheat 60 -Ib. tin;. big galea. scattered the ace and re an allowance. $1.34�1i; leers. $1.34ih, in store Fort , p to become entitled to an allowance $ -'leased the steamer, which a was ex-, W[lliam.- -_- - - 18 to 20e; com 16 -oz. $6.00 to 6.50 -- 31 miles wide, has swept through the d 10 -oz.. $4.25 to $4.60-doz. - would make , all, speed for territory of La Pampa,, in the central the mother and children must not American corn -No. 8 yellow,. product --6 zW Peet part of. the Republic. Fifteen thous- own property valued at more thsn.,$1.90; No. 4 yellow, $1.87, track, To -1 Maple yrup, per imper t Sydney. Instead, the first thought o! ronto prompt .Phi merit. t fol~gal'•, $4.26; per 5 imperial gals., g and sheep and much other litre stock $2,0071 or have more than $500 in ' p p �$ gar. Ib.. 29 to 30c. z. y those on board was for the pe le are reported to have risked, while I Ontario Data- o. 3 white 98c to . 4.00; sur Of the islands, who are 'believe o be p° cash or seeurit es convertibte 'into $1.00, according to freights outside. i Pror cions -Wholesale. 1 the material damage is estimated at -T -cash (othPT than hnvsehol-i gnods, Ontario wheat=No, Y Winer," -per -Smoked. meats---H,&ms medium, Sb • ani fiscrt of supplies by steamer went back this'd nto the $1,000,000. This conflagration is said T $ 0 t 01 0 1 _a car lot 2. o ; No. 2, d $ .98 to 87e5 do., heavy, 29 to 30t; cooked. .'ice -packed gvli, to have been the biggest ever known to $2.01; No. 3 do., $1.92 to $1.93. 48 to lc; rolls. 30 to .31c; breakfast in Argentina. t t, f.o.b. -shipping points, according' to bacobo42 to nele s 54,to backs, plain, 50 to 4 '' freights. 52c �D TRUNK RAILWAY SHARE' Ontario wheat $2. ; Npo. 2 per Cured meats Long clear bacon, 81 car lot, $2.02 to 32.03; No. 2 do., to 32c• clear .bellies, 30 to 31c', $1.98 to $2.07; No. 3 do., $1.95. to hard -Pure, tierces, 31 to 313X, HOLDERS ACCEPT GOYER�VMENT TERMS .� X2.0'. f reig shipping points, accord-, tuba, 5134 to 32c pails, 31�ia to 823/ac, ....,;•,�; ing to freights,prints, 32 to 323rac. Compound tierces, Pias -No. 2, $3.00. /t 28 0 3f t 29c; tubs, 29 to 29%c; pails, Barley -Malting, $1.77 to $1-'-'9,'29U to 29%c; prints, 30% to Sia s Sir Alfred Smithery Saya Company Could Not Carry on Un according to freights outside, . JJ! Montreal Markets. t v Buckwheat -'$1.55 to $1.60; accord -1 ' der Circumstances -Judging by Protests the Bargain 'ing to- freights outside. Montreal I e13.25 to $13.65. Roil - Rye -No. 3, $1.77 to $1. actor oats, ba 90 lbs.. 45.1b to $b.25. is Good One For Canada. r , ; ing to freights outside.ed Manitoba flour -Government stand - gran. $45.2. Shorts, $52.26. Hay, _ . A despatch from London, says: recital of this case was sufficient to ard, $13.25 Toronto. j No. 2, per ton car lots. $26. Cheese The shareholders of the Grand Trunk j cause considerable feeling. a,,,i., Ontario -flour -Government stand , --Finest easterns, 30 to 30%c. But - I after listening to- heated "I knew there were influential men �; ; $10.80 to $11, Montreal; $1] ;n'ter-Choicest. creamery, 64 to..Qbc; in Canada wbo thought that the ,po 1 Toronto; in jute bags. Prompt ship -,seconds, 6134 to 6934a Erzga-Fresh, .Mtiaism, on Thursday assented. to' g Ment. ' 75 to-77c;'selected, 62c; No. 1 stock, the termt of agreement with the Do-! licy the Government should-$ursue Millfeed - Car lots= Delivered 53 to 154c; -No. 2 stock, 45 to 50c. Po ' minion Government. A dozen dis-; was to let us alone, and that the ! Montreal freight, bags included' tatoes-Per bag, car lots, $3.50. sentients held a meeting afterwards weaker we. beeme the easier we could " Bran, per -ton, $45; shorts, per ton, i Live Stock Markets. ., be dealt with. They knew that we . $52;_.good feed flour,_$36D_ I! `against the terms. WCLC UCLIIg LUL -CCU 4•y LILC I VYCalllaaclaY •"We have fought hand for nearly; to '-carry on under impossible condo - tions over which we had no control. , two years, and we earnestly and un-. „ hesitatingly.recommend' you. to. ac-' I felt we mere being held up. (Cries { of shame! 'aid the voice "Swindlers!" cept the agreement" i Sir Allred, continuing, said-' "I re - This was the. final sentence of Sir; ceived figures showing the profits Alfred Smithers' speech to the Grand'' were ''swallowed up in increased Trunk shareholders. The meeting wages, without the company being eawas crowded and at times there were granted increased rates; which meant, strong ejaculations. The sharehold the loss to shareholders of at least ars, however, were entirely cordial! one and a quarter to one :and a half j toward the Chairman and, his col- million Bounds in e?ch, of ,tic last leagues. • - :I three $ears." Sir Alfred Smithers decairei that The Chairman - said that they l 1e, 'had always been most careful to thought in regard to the Grand express himself with all possible re- , Trunk Pacific at least they were en- • •atraint regardiiyg the Canadian Gov- fitted to ): a shown the same consdd- I ernmwit, but, unfortunately, the bare eration as the Canadian Northern. ., L ✓.,. yy _ .- ... Via-: - .. .. cion o,Rice esus Hay -No. 1, per ton,, $27 to $28;' steers, •$13.50 to 14; good hes track, Toronto. mixed,,._ ear 'ton. $25, i steers $12.76 to $18.23; butchers' est' straw-Garr lois- er f 1Gt°-$1 7 p, i t a oice $I1 76-io -- 2:60; d+J;--" t ,. • track, Toronto. --- cod, $11.15 to $11.60; do., medium; .ff Country Produce -Wholesale.. I $9.75, to $1.0,25;' do., commo , $7.5% 9, to $10.60 to11; do, s Butter -Dairy, tubs, and rolls, 43 to $8;'bulle, choice, 48 50c. Creamery, I $9.50 to Do., 44c, prints, to medyum, $10; ron�h; ! 4 fresh made solids, 60 to 61c; prints, G.75 to $7; butcher , cows. chorea,' 62 to 69c. i 410.50 to $11; Ly %, gid $9 . 1 1 ^ .$14� 0 D Eggs -New laid, 64 to 65c. N., Fiieriium, yviu yo.c , 0., cvtH Dressed poultry- Spring chickens,: mon, $7 to $7.25; stockers, $7.50 to Pa Be Canada's Next Governor- Pay 32 to 85c; roosters, 25c; fowl, 25 , to $10; feeders, $10 to $11; canners and 132c; General. geese, 25 to 28c; ducklings; 82 to I cutters, $5.26 to $6.50; milkers, go 'k Lcr:1 B a; of Viny. The 1 -:<sex 35c• turkeys,' 45 to 50c; squabs, doz., to choice $110 to $166; Do., com. and Coun:y Staniard, an ininortaiit Eng-' $4.�0, med., $4 to a78; ,springers, $90 to• lish paper, clalnvs that Lar;l Bl -ig will `• Live poultry-Spprin chickens, 22 $165; s'h $8.50 to $11; lambs, to 28c; roosters, '2 owl, 25 to 82e; cwt., $1 r. to $21.50• calves, c `- be next Governor-Cencral of Canada.' geese, 22 to 25c; ducklings, 30c; tur- to choice $18 to $28; 1hoas, fed an As Sir Jul;sn l3yng, he was for.i time Commander cf the Canadian Forces i keys, 35c. watered, 18.60; do., waigb4d off case C Cme on Western Front Cheese New large, 30 to Sle; $18.75; , f.o.b., $17.80; do.. do.; 31%c; 31% to $17.93. twins, 301s to triplets, country points, 7. -.4 AL P 77 7�7 -`I"-V '7 Z aw '0111r -Miss Alma Cowan, of Toronto, Mrs. Je phson 18 C fined to .-LOCALI SMS. the house iuffering. from -a veiy was home o*er Sunday. ii c. severe cold. -The Campbell Millsresidence, ' -11. T. Love, of Toronto, was -Dr. Henry will be here as usual now occupied by Mr. McLeod, mil- Yi Ig Q . ���' ja townou next Tuesday to attend to his pro ler, is being overhauled. h- It -Miss Joan Forbes, of Toronto, fessionol duties. -W. F. Henderson spent Wed. -open U ow A(Svertti4ineroo,ts, spent ndiy with John and Mrs. -Murkarne stlay with his brother, James -E. L. and Mrs. Ruddy paid a Henderson, of Scarboro, . who isOR SALE-Cream separator. Mag- Z-11 111ying visit to their farmhere on ill bolt improving. Fnet; cap, 35o lba. Price, 630. inquire at '-We congratulate Miss Reta NEWS office. 22-23 BREAKFAST FOODS Miss K. Fawkes has been off Ranks on securing first-class lion- QQUARE PIANO FOR SALE-In U y 1) A t for several days t3liffeLitIg ors in Junior Counterpoint at To- Og(;Aorder. Apply to F, H, Hall, Church St., CornAakes, Kellog's Waxtite, 15 cents per pkg old. run to -Cuni;ervatory of Music. Pickering. 22tf 17 -y spvere e (rein a very V, Kruinbles, Kellog's Waxtite, 15 cents per I)kg -The choral clas�s will in future I -Tile Young People's society OR SALE-A quantity of i hoice r'. . Grapenuts, 15 cents per pkg ,.:.,.,.meet on Monday night Justet(d. of I of Sc. Andrew's church purpose A' potatoes. A. E. Brown, lot W), Kingston r,ad,'PickVing. Ing._23-11 former] spending a social evenibg with the Shredded Wheat, 1.5 cents per pkg Thursday night as for OR SALE-A number of voting -John Quitilmi, jr., who was Baptist Young People of Whitby Ll y tioniti, last next Monday night, March 3rd. U calves under a week old. F. H,'Westney, Rice, 15. cents per pkc, seriou!41 ill with priput kering, Ind. 22-213, R. R, No. 1, Pic ,week, is w)w recovering nicely. They will meet at the church at These are always on. hand J U., ',n Annan has been conflueld 0 30 o'clock, " Nylien conveyances WA \TED-Two fartn-hands, steady - k the� year around, Apply to F.- T. 4e ftzr. sever I days suf- will be on hand. to the house B,ignall, Qxdri.t, Ont., stallng wages required: very severe cold. -lietween twenty and thirty 1ering from it re 21-24 -automobiles. front ' 0slikiwti, ring -Miss Reta Banks went to the new -- - .'Dress Materials for Sp 0 R '--,ALE CHEAP-Slt-igbq. wpig- ..City last w4eek to attend the wed- *passed through the villagei bud.,es, harness and all kind" of imple- (t),r.s Good qualitN -ding of 4ey ppu,-In, Miss Matta '"7(dnesday on tbeir'wav to To men 11, Herman, Claremont, 17tf serge, 36 inch wide, onion B rents. t of. the deep P FOOD FOR SALE-S-) per eord. ratco,16rs' green, red, navv ])town, only' y' 1.50. per cardMrs. John Rankin, vvilo has snow auto traffic ryas suspended lot IS;'Tvar of con. 5, *�BFock road), A man been confined to her house for, for, a few days, but.the use'of the will beon the premiso� to attend to customers-. -wide, .1.00 per and ow Plow has fnade the roads C, A. Barclay, Brougham. 19tf 8hepherd's 36 inch -several weeks is now recovering :�n nicely. DOU, L,rRY AND FEATHI-�,, - G inch wide again Pa"Isab]L -IShepherd's Check, 2.00 per yard d -Mr. Talbot and Mr. Fester, of -Service !it St. George's Church J. Wanted-Live poultry and feathers of all., 51 - price paid; Ind. �hoine -'Toronto, were the g next S inda , Feb. 29th, 2nd Sun- rmllygh"' 25 and 1.50 -d guests of Robill H.He an,Claremont, 19tf • Plaids, for children's wear, 36 inch wide, 1.2, per 3 ,.-Gordon ' at the Gordun. House on day it: Lent. Morning at 10.30. Sunday.. Afternoon at 3 30. The Anglican FOR SALE-Good milch cow, Dur him. 6 years o-11, due March 1.5,th. Apply a, d Movetu" t appeal will be P,cke Blue basket cloth, .-MO per yard N% ill leave to-' Forivar a r1k 12*41 Mn,,. W. J. 01, lo, 1, con, 5, r r a4dio:SS S, Carlton, dap to Spend- a,'cotipIr of . weeks made. un Sunday, and it is hoped R. R. No. 1. Loc I with friends in Hamilton and that evi--ry Ang4VIa -1n its the to%%_ n- OTIC'E-1 will not be re.,zponaifille 11) -4-111 respond that this parish Nr,,r� ydel�o� incurred by my wife, Mrs. Curtain Nets and Scrim' Burford. _W.. A. Henderson nectipled 'niny'jnakp a ro-(-ord. The lasttier- th� � date, Feb. P$th, lto2t). the pulpit in St, Andrew's. Cloirelt Sunday afternoo-ri eer vice for the Alfred 1). Palmer, Pickering , 22-24 preached season -:. . _ . .. Creain'Scrini, liemstitelie(t- ))order.. .23c, yd will be Meld oil the 29th 1�-1011 SALE--�4 cows,.2 of wbieb ure on Sunday, when he p i very acceptably. Hereafter the evening servive will L. milkingarA 2due May Ist. Al�) a _:2-year C 7 oA fINcolt and a sorrel driver. Albert :Gray redin Se ri in, beavy weAjit,.- 65i2. yd -ii r4. P. Me-D aid, who haq o'cloclet commendl3g Brougham.- Phone Pickering 52U _213 21 been vi:,itinz at the home of her with March 7th. - I-goil . 0 . ;V day Service, Wednesdii� Creani Scrim, with flowered- border, 665cA- danglitet, Mrs. Arthur BAL.C-nal 'week OR SALE-2 viunir Holstein rows jr at 4 1). tit. F� Dur;;nm cow. ail fresh aValY at ;ut rg now.-erjonsiy -A man in New York, 'who I ?,r"',n,1. 17, Pickc-ing,-w %ddress-G. W, Hodgson, -Br -51 iSaeq Inti 'Nor4i ftn". `-4:6-fti4 tt� he the wn%t*tk-c"4nI R. R-. Nu. 2. Claremont-_23-U n and- fawn...,c6l0X'ed. Flowered-Scrini,_ _70c yd 'Clark; of the Whitby flimh School, formister of the weather' now SALF-A (jivointi(v of . clei 1,7 () rl tli .-Cream het' open "pattern 50c -yd -',,have been liotrie during the pli:�t living, i; predicting n- very �4.evere edgtaw. klarqu,,; wheat; White Wave d Earl Iden vilow-co, -S, C. Bun e e het. week suffering from the.fli.i• wind storm about 31ftrch the 1St, kcr!ian . LR, i. Early-Golden V1%1. phone 2141: 13-31),Z Ct arn NX fine'�jualitN 1.00 yd, -Hugh Robbin?,, of chi" Stand- wbielv will cause' much dills and Bank, has been confined to %Vf- need not feel unduly ttlarmprlN OTICE-I h,-i ebv give notice tbitit the - for-about tvio weeko� over the prospeoc although it ill -..t tw any debts 6on-_ tract.-d by-my w lie. _N " ArthurC- P-dorrmider. suffering from the dii, but is now ver probable_ that we skill have after this date Feb. 192n.. Arthur C. Par- Men's Heavy Boots Improving, der, Balsam. Ont, 23 ij his winds- about that time, for -John Sloore, of Tot-onto. hqq everybody knows thait March IsED OATS FOR SALE-0. A. (7- Ea,%-e you seen opr "Petar-I)oro" Boot; black tan, without toe- been spending a fewdays at the not 1-17.1E. true ton-sorne and 0orc. Thiahait-enthe . notorious for its gales, and any bc4meof his parent Henry Find one who foretells high winds i hviviesty3eldinir variety df 0,A-. C: fdr,several Just t . he thing for out-door wear in the q, a Price, S I . 1,I) per bushel. W, H West ney,, cap'. Mes. Nonce, on account of sickness this month i ars-ring. 1! �'phone 1.1-10. o; not- likely to have years. d _13tf -home. his reputation prophet suffer OR SALE OR TO REN I T-An 8- -wet weather, all sizes, 8.00 per pair. -...An their -A-) F. H. Richardson- Is going very tritIch by doing so,, FOR frame dwell- nor on Churchl.;t,. Reker'. ..7 out of the milk business, he will -The steel work of the new ing.. Half acre of firm-clan garden land. Anumber of apple trees and six c,Aerry trees.. Hard -� hold an anstion stile of his herd of bridge is noiv 'about completed, and soft water. go - 0-Connor, Church be Pickering, ty 5p to J. -.twenty high-grade milch cows on with the exception of t greater st, - CHAPMAN Wednesday, March 10th. part of the riveting which will - 'D DECOR M• S USE PAINTING AN -Morley Sleep has' been confin- take a considerable leustth of time. M;� Best prices and workmanship. Also no rance in two of the beat established ;ompan- ad to his bed during the past week The bridge, besides being of large I uf..utomobi e, farm praWrty and stock, resi- suffering from an attack of porieu- dimensions, will be a fine looking deno:rs and mercantile. at low rates. Apply at Spring Sewing to be Done Before Souse-cleaning monist but *e are glad to know structure. The two foot paths, Gerow's garage or at, house across thestree21t,- .33 -.:.--that he Is now improving. six feet wide, one each side of the Toil will reqn1re some bleached and unble%ched Cotton, Nainsook, Ai . E nbruid try, Lace, Prints, Shaker, white and colored, Barred and The public library was not main part, with their handsome Notice of App catian 0 ened no Saturday owing to the railitig on the outside, will add Dotted 11nlitis, Pi tie, Seamt-covering Buttons, etc., so illness of the.librarian. N. J. Chap- much to its'appearance. Aq the for Divorce get your list-maje out and call on us in good time who ivaq confined to the cement flooring i-4 still to be put Juan. N o T I CE IS H F It E WY (; I v r's that We.have a nice range r4 liRbt and dark Overall Aprons at 1.25 and 1.30 each. house suffering from a revere cold. down It will be Rome titue before John Graham. of th*.T,,,.Nn of 0,baivoii, Pure Linen Toykeling for milers at &)e. also union at 30c and35c. -Tea --w-Tbp Metlindi-wot Ladies' Aid the bridge%%ill lie completed. It in tbp County of Ontario; in -the :Pro- ttndglkt,4sTomeling3f)cRnd35ce' Blenched Table Linen tit 1.50. will meet at the home of Mrs. R. will also take quite ft while to fill wince of Ontario, electrician, will a p- areh in the approaches. which rannot ply to the Pat IjAnv�nt of Canada. tit -Bleached -table Cover-9 at 3.5U each. FtKt her Ticking at We per yd. Pnckrin on AVedne,;.day. M, Boots Shoes and Ritbbf re, Full line of Fresh Groceiies. 1, 1 - 3rd, at 3 p. m. Spevi-oil busiineio!a. be i1toine until. the fine weather. Ahe next rhereof. for a 1301 of B-tc�., .til age ana.Fromin Fish. b..All members are urged to attend. -Sutidwy. Feb, .`29th, will be Dlyorv-e from, hio.nifo. N14tV OrabPka). -Dr. Cartwright, whu was laid "Life SerViVe DAY,*' in Pickering (if the said Town of Oshawa,ill the -GILLESPIE, DU -;'-bff duty for several day.iipsf seek Nlethodist Church, follocviug the c'otwtv of OwZiio, on the.,g1'011nd-4 of NBARTON G. A. oo account of the **i." ii again Spiritual Ai!ni part of our Ctiin,. bigatit y rinedv.,vy tion. Dtoridarth,- Town-of AN'hitbv. in d on duty. While-being ranflned paign prripr-ato. Tile 1-Neiv''Age the Crittrify sad Provin( of IM A after by a. doctor frons the city. is saving to each, ready, ead v, W. 11. K F- N NF U Y, �_�o the house hik practice was look- has the chut" heQ all lined p and this 191 h day of Fetoritiotm. _D.. 192.1, ed -BUND Y'S HA 11% DWARE -H. C. Ped"Well's rale, on Sattir" go ; Auer the''Clittr0i that riot's not •2:1-A; NVIlithl, Ont. a. day'its well attended and good go over will go.under. ' L-t it, Zo S nli��itnrf,-r:thAA John Giahitill- w prices were, pard. )It-. Pedwell forward sill filong.. tile' line, no Morning sul I 'S ave' time am �Wc�i the'store in Roblin, which lie hold. * The o,n' d labor by using left on Monday to vike possession bending or breaking nhore nf- 1. '1 ect. , , Doel; I t- received in exchange for hL% farm. Pay?" based on-11i'4-words ",e -The Jabez I and f(Alowe onery Scutt fir-rin on-the have forsaker] a] Confectionery -7 "The- Latest." Fkqe UIL town line, wAN sol&on f4 there- b Ii a half niiha wdst of tire Thee: what A)itll liFkv( )re?'* `what 10,; 27.' Evening �nb_ r NEILSON'S Ice Cream F iday ]ast.to Wing R. Brown for ject, "Popular Excuses.— - The -New Idea. 'VVitsbitrg Machine, complete, Wringer, which shows )row farm text read-3, "They 'all with one. cianstant1v tm IiAnt'l in bulk or. bricks. z" only b2:3.00 this tow , i KLndttaily V0lj9Wut--. bega-rr-tv-m-%ke--exuTT-!zP' Grain, eimcnirt land in increasing in price. Luke 14 : 18. Men are still exerts- Ptlptil:tr Patri-,tic -i One Minute Washing,31achine,' complete, with, Wringer, The Swastika Club had Ft most ing themselVes out of Heaven and TohAccos, Cigars, ete, enjoyable timeon Tuesday even- into hell. Does it pay? Why say ,only $22.00' f Mrs. (Dr.) Field. "Excuse rue, please." Lea f IN DILLINGHAM BLOCK .74 League 0 .kg at the. home q* feature of the evening, was the Intercession will meet for ;pecial '.,,.Pickering, Ont. tj -.,presentation of - s scene front prayer every Tuesday at p. tit. These machines are fully guaranteed If y ur are not satisfied Shakespere',4 "Tempest" which Epworth League service at 8 p. n). LOGS WANTED we round your money. was greatly enjoyed by, all pies- Friday. Campaign canvass going eat. well-nine-tenths of our objective -0 eavy Tin Boilers, I will ay the following prices deliye'r- -H -W-H.11anks lost a valuable pledged and thirty snbs(�.ribers ed at the Basket Factory cow one day last week, arid Ft few still to be seen. Get ready to -ci 0 -copper bottdins, $4,50, -with _N --are C t, I y .---days before he lost it!.-, most vain- s4�n tip o r ivi§' o u i n g a i 'Basswoo'cl No. 1, $31100 to 35.00 per m 'able regiittered snare. valued at tuilinte.-J. W. D. Soft Eltn_ No. I_ 20.03 t6 35'X) ' l o_'d W, asbing Roards 65 cents ve about $0.0 0, its death being due to -In &e'Ini the ath of firs. Joseph 2nd Growth Pinle blood-poisoning fulloviing injuries Bye, which took place last Thurs- No. 1, 20.(Yro') (Jd -5 lavnized Iron Tubs, all sizes, $1 by being kicked -by tine of the daSr.at. her home up.' .other horses. On CIPUT11 SE Pickering loses one of lts Olde =t -As we go to press word has citizens. - She. bad been in jioor, GREEN RIFER„ ON T. Call in and look these machines-over' been received of the death of W. lie:14h for a'number of yearc, so 'P. O'Connor. of Toronto, son of that her death was not nnex'l e(*t_ r rieces' a Right 99 late Jeremiah O'Connor, of ed. She was born in Hope ELM DALE MILLS 660u �,-P re '._.Pickering. The funeral• arrange- ship seventy-three years azo, anti nients have not yet been tuade, was a diingli ter of the Nte Clin rle's You can always get the bestMani- 0 ' r tuba Flotir niade froth. _:,Pickering. either -Siittirday (ir ship until about tweniy,flve year,', Pickering -17 place it) Bye. She resided in Hhpe town' -,-,o. but titi�rin Mnnitubpk NA`�Keat. n y .1 J,,H, Bu d ..,.�,.Wonday. ago, wh6n, with lipr lip'sband -in(] Royal Household and Glenora, for -On occount of the prevRilin epidemic' v fancily moved.to Pickering ti),R-11- Bread. Trynbag. duty an Saturday. Efforts' were. resided until ten years ago when B'R AX.'qIWRTc3 'dernic-noar bakery were all off ship, settling in Andley where `;11" Pastry Fhkii,. , Fresh Rolled Oats ril1w Village, -FED made ' ' � � L to get a sufficient tiniount of she callip, to Pi(-ke OAT C1101? ,''bread to supply all customers from wheCq she\.Rpent liet, remaining MIX,F 03ERo ''Whitby and Toronto to - baker=, but dans.' She -was a in.pniber of the GRUSHFD OATS thedemaud*was only pnrt]Y -nt)- Methodistchurch and t%as4iglkly 'Y CHOP BARLE plied. However, there has been esteemed. Site 11'ad a familyI WHLAT 'Business,'including no deaths front starvation -yet re- t-wo daughters arid one son, Mt 'Stock, 'Dwelli' A ng Walter Mercer, who (lied a mini- CRACKED CORN 'E D .MIXED HEN PE _4w -The work of cutting down her oyears ago, 'Lents, , who also Qtldwell',� Cretin,, substitute Posit'.,; hill, one mile east -of the died fat' the Age of IS yenrA, and :".,.and Harness Shopli. village, was completed last week Russell, who lives south of tit(, vil- Xl Calf , -11. d the steam shovel has been latae. lie is also. survived by her, Molasses Meal shipped to Kingston. As the llnj)'Rncj, wlio iQ in poor lif'Rlt.11.1 CHOPPING AND OATA V e have some, snaps in Women's and Misses' Boots �Aeani shovel weighs 24 tons_tlip RU�_ 1. G EVERYDAY and for %�-hom nmeli ryttipotthy k, Get prices on feed in ton lots. a a'r'il bridge at the west end felt its 1,,inelii.eqF; arid sorrow. t one-third vatne. p ill,- villr4ve had its Supports, re- The fimekni if Mrs. flys look (BELL PTIONE. the nperator was i)lann on Saturday to t1jeUnion! I%Xr, �%eqlrs 1R. A, BUNTING ]PICKERING it, across. i Cemetery, Chopping every day.) (Eitablishet]118,57. A