HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1920_01_30k - +`a%'�.. Rai.`-+ . y c: �r�A a r'" a•,, °4
.�e �`-9- Yi. ,.. "�; s aw Ski• ,,, ,. }�•as,.. ,rr.C•$�; y: e xt'. ',yn"''dr'•'�,g �id'..y,•dW+W,' 4 . s ".•.+r%4+c+®M.+�,..:� .u= ysy�,'s•'"�3:`'G� .cX..nliPR�►'i.�' .k 3J�., ��$b' sem. ��e.G. +kelp
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,,. OL. XXXI ^ ;
. OSERINCI, ONT., FRIDAY, JA 'LT�iRY -30, '1924 _ No. 1.9
"iSstO{ipflle{OfiQl QQi'1la. , GREiNWOOD• . CHERRYWOOD Established ?5 years 4
eO :E Baker . :. r
An interesting debate w itl t eke place The Methodist Church Will hold •an-
afedicaG_ in the Methodist Church on Thursday ntversaey services on Sunday, Feb. 1,�-�1 WOO
evgning of next week, the subject be- at 230 and 7 p, m. and will beeonduct�r J
-�-'- '• - Ing "Resolved that all aliens should be 'i ed by the Ker. '!r. Howard. .Servicer
E. FORSYTH, D. of O„ Regis- deported from Canada.' The _4.flircita-. of praise led by the Whitevale Baptist ,-�
�attoS1. teres t berof the optometries.1 Ass 15otne Hien sit and think tine will be taken h H. Tindall and Choir in the . afternoritl and by the
of Ontario,- special attention given to _ ..� y
e ra,
ting of glasses. Eyes tested lyse. north Other ineu just art. C. Denny and . the negative b�, I). I L tcust Hill Methodist Choir in the rMILLS •
Oleremoat. ;eti Corner your elf �f,tnewliere Hoskins and C. RLT$Sell, evening, On Monday evening,ga, con-
cert will he given by J. W. Ben - ou b,'
F..TOML1NSON, M. B., Member and figutc.
: WHITBY _' the wel6kno�yncartoonist,ofToronto,
N•'ufthe ColleRcof Ph>..oansand5urgcons The mall tS'lth the �'iltel' CJydtelli` -�� }Ir. 'Ben�otigh is one of the most ,.
of Ontario. Ofilce: that :}latterly occupied l , The county o:licials deserve great, pnpiil.ar platform, speakers in Canada. ,
the late Dr, R. Brodie, and latterly by Dr, Catd-
^weA. Phone. Claremont, Ont. 231! properly installed is gettiuit' credit for tfiecareful manner in cvhieh' uo rue and enjoy} t. good evening. Ad-
thev look after the County property, inission. adults 23 cents, children 15
E. CART�YRIG$T M. D., 31. from l to quarts ser as one of our prominent bttsiness.men' cents.
. C.rP. & S., Ont. A coroner:for the Coun- found out by actual espet:secs. This r
tyof Ontario, O ce hours : 12-2 and "p.,•rt.. - .it�ilking itlore than you are. Rentletuan was driving in the north- _ -
or at other hour by appointment Phone Bell - BROUGHAM x
No. tada4.. Ind. No. 400. Pickering. On- o ern part of the county at few dig} s ago, .• c z
p Just think, with _0 coins, yru get, A Rodd tock of Shorts and Barley
and %$ 1'te wits ahnut to cross a county � H. Haw, of Oshawa, spebt Sunday - F�e'd oil ht;md. Now, is a good
nearly an sates cite of tLtrlg bridge his enntpaninn in' the cutter at F. L. Iladgernty'
'�T O. bicKl\N'ON, M.D., L.R.C. S., warn�ui L•hat-he might, he 'piar•b-� 11i== Ella Badrxerow is spending a titt,e to lav in it stock.
. e Eat b- rgb.'member of the Colleact of In QO days you have , ed" if-ltb drove over the bridge. faster few days with friends in Oshawa. They will be scarce later on. >:
Physicians snd Surgeons of Ontario, lig ntia thtia a R alit. He disdainful, uuheed-,1
o! Boyal coltego of 6nrKeonp, Edinhurgb. actual, lost about $27tj y Frank tilRlcnlnl. spent Friday and -
y A plendid quality of Corn Hoyte,
Bpeoial attention io detesses of woolen and - ed the warning, and in about 1n ltoitt' Satniday of Inst week in Markham,
eehfidren, OMceand residence, Brougham. aftery ards Appeared•hi•forethe inagi- Graham Johnston.'of : Uxbridge. on hand. s
Let us figure your i•eq;iirewents � R .. r
\ _-- _-•- --�- _ strate, tlhu happened- to be.-tt ,li+trd- was in Brougham on Frida of last c
[trace inerchaot'and a custower of his, Chopping as ustial on.Mondays
L.egaL: «•eek. ,`
to0ville,0ilt,ti<hn simply remarked "a dollar with firs. Linton is visiting rel+itiyes in ` and Fridays.
H.'HFnNNEDl. Barrister. Snl-otit.Cost's. "A fool=ish man and his, Agincourt and Toronto for a few
��7 Wheat, Bayle and Oats
%Y . ieitorMotary Ptibltc,!IConveyaucer 8.c. ... t17onPy are soon p krted, Re?ka. _ y j
Whitby. Ont. 41 - - -- F. L. BAdgerow visited his neoew, Wanted.
SRO •K ROAD - R',- Hamilton, o�Ush rs one dap i
T .Co=t1i'ELL: K.Ctonne &zd u ly �' BEAL
last week.gTEB.Cooa e3rowaAttorney,aadcotiaty W. H. Jackson i� 6lightl-y. indisposed 31rs. Hugh McKenzie. of Tnrontn-, � o • :�i
M!<alfaltto:. Oonrt. o se. Whttbr. l0-vJ., l = --
ihis is expected to occupy St. Joins pu pi
- -- - - Cfm- btick Lind the plant i; •running on Sunday afternoon next.
AE. CHRISTIAN. Barrister and mer, tittle every dor at pre?erlt. "'rat. Mosgrove has been orf du.t}
.Feiicii'or.Noteiv PuLu�,Etc, more)- t6 �CLAREMONT C ,ifford Hul;batd is under the dot- the past week: owin toill•healtb, but
oan.. 095ce Brock st. North. R'hitbv. Yly I f: f
tura r are, suffering frottl a severe at. is able.to he about the hoose.
TALES R JOHNSTON-Bar[isters ISSUER OF` tate k of Ia gtipM,e.. 'Mr4, to her home R. -Participation receipts are
Lett,. 329 Danforth Ave. rl400lvrorth. Bldg) I :� . H. J tckson and -Clif oYd H:tl,- Brow LU. d nOtt' I'ead for distrobution. .
5olworys, Diad- t h , rrToronto nnnThtn'sdav list. after a y
Torow- Phone Geirwd 4911, >ar1 Stnr it Lt;:ittr•« tet t0 ,lf tel' i., -;i 1
Yet+ 17.,1. (ind.) 4tny �/j • • I P ' wevk a vi.,it with her daughter, .11cs. _._. --
Marriage Licenses one di+y,.kat week'. H. Malcolm. ^•a
'(�7 i LLIAy1 J. BEATON, B. A.. RAI'' Albert Ackford had a n;t.rro'w ecrape Frank Middleton, of Goodwood, has
Yl =ter. Solicitor, member at the item c•f e C P. 1;' hired with. L: Middleton for a•vear _
frcitu be•i,r'^ run.ovec h4 the
Ryckman. Deni.on. Foster and Beaton. Toronto --�-
..- ......_., ... __..... -_ express one day tart week. 1'he hors� ---Service
Trust* Burlding.83 Say Street, Toronto, Inl3teld of Fred 'I idflletOtl, of Green_-
Telephone:Miiin 961 and 9c-: LOGS -WANTED ar cis w he n he a%pie of feet- Pd from the, callers � s
e good, as stated hist tarsi:. R
fourteen years since he left here with UP A ■ A � E t x
_ Hugh Bell. of Saskatchewan, 4 on old friends here n Friday It
Dettftal I will pay the following princes deliver- Frnnk And Clayton A%tord have din-
ed at the mill : solved p,trtnetshIp. Frank has Pur- his parenta,.J.'and 3frs, Belt.. He is
chased a meant' truck and'intenda o- ;
�LA]I:E B. BEATO.'Y, D. D. • S.. Rock Elm No, 1 35.00 to 1'i 10 p,--'1 R noir farming St)U latees. of, land. His _
Graduate'of the Royal Calelge of Dental Soft Elm No. 1 25.00 to 30.:x1 '• ins tyhoiesale• into the trucking •hu�i- many friends here were pleased to see The undersigned have opened
- Swaeona and University of Toronto. Office Basswood No. 1 ?•3.00 to 30.091 ' ness. He will move intbA. Brignall's hint, np anew garage at the corner
rase W M. Pringles !hardware; store. Whitby. residence on the 5th concession. +
'Office boors 9 to 12:: I,to 8.30,9 Ind,'ptone el. Maple No, 1 35.00 to 90.00 '• _ The annual meeting of St. Johns of Church and • Kin Streeis.
Rett phone 220.
441r.0 White Ash No. 1 8.5.00 to 40.00 " """--'�' Presbyterian church will he held on Pickering, where they' are
2nd Gr'ib Pinel 2:1.00 to 25.04 '• GREEN RIVER Wednesday evening next At 8 o'clock. re r8 to repair 811 mtt$e'ys "
ttlli<st1Rf 6eifrDs: Hemlock No. 1 20.00 to 25.W At the conclusion of the business of p Pa
f� Tim Hagerman spent Sunday at H. the evening, refreshments ' will be of autos, motorcycles
Chopping alae Oat Rolling every week Percv'ki. ' : reeved by'the ladies of the cool[rega and bicycles.
WG. HAM -Issuer of Marriage day excepting Monday.. «'111 Duncan spent thea ttrtxlf•end at tion, A Rood attendance Is requested.
e Lfesases in tae -Oona*+: of oataifo, the store. Remember the ec ure on.'•Jean Val We are.alSoLagents for Dei
""kering v1n.g.. �'_ W. G. Baynes . Green River Charlie Carter visited with friends Jean" to be i ren in the Methodist
s gg --Laval Cream Sepr►ratoris
at Atba on Sunday. church on. Tuesday eveding next by K
]' I V.IRIOHARDSO v - Real .Es Or address R. R. No. 1. Locust Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Hobson are spending a and repairs. 3
•'tate• Insurance: Conveyancing. Notary Rev. Dr. Cleaver, of Toronto. This
Public. Eic. ;Pickering, Ont any - - feR daps is the city this week, papular lecture has been given Uty Gasoline Engines, Tractors.and '
f Miss Myrtle ,Routley visited with, times in Toronto, and one hundred q
'['�% *HAL1,H*"e carpentgr'. EV-$usineSs Ca�Is her parents. Jamey and Mrs. Routley. requests to have it repeated have been sawing Machines.
1 r •,timates given for newl'wnrk, repairs or Blake Annia and lady friend visited' q %� y '
alterations. lad. plhone:913./PickcrinR• 231y refused ea Rev. Dr. (:leaver, Do not Cowan�X. She hel �.L
with fi^ieac3s at Locust Hilton Sunday. „
B,BEATOR TOWNSHIPOLERH daily for qualified recruits. A Miss Elsie Hiarbings is under the fitittohearit. o
course in con of Shawn Schools' d;:ctor's care. We hope fora speedy
• conveyances', commiscionerfor taking - • (�{ ;
sadsvits, Aooauntant, ate, stoney so' loan will qualify you in Short Order. It•(`nverv, PfclCttcing Tp. S. S. cCnY;Iniiott $�iekerin IOnt
ontatna prope::•et•�� tacos of Marriago Lio- derrnandt�Por onrogue and proof of Mi:ss_Y.vdia Haiternian,•nf Toronto. +-- �$) • �.
wars" Whftevali, mat. t -v 1 �•;; irk d +with her parents, W. and'lrs. The annual Convention of Pickering
HUGH S. RL GH, Glen Majnr. Ont, dress, P. MvIntnahKChief-Principal, ii tizerman, over the week -end. TownsMn Sunday.bchdol Ascnctation A
11 I.:ceaeAd Auctioneer, Fx:•nbivti ezpor• Yonge and Gerrard SL*.. Toronto. tjidte R nutaherfrom here. attended which wits held in ths. Presbyterian
lance in imported en9 tho* 32bbr-d` 06"eat. 11:0-rl•Sunday. School "Convention fit church. 0areintsnt, on Wednesday.
antes coudneied ouTI'Rler., �Qet a for terms _`--_- _ f'iarPturtnt on Wpdnesdav I:kct antiali JAn. 21st, waF one of -FreAt interest
and particulars. PLooe Ind, Mid. 3617
- - • • • ' report having had, a gaol time. And proflt to all who atte•ndeJ its vari- C. 0R
etea .for C alba not York
outato. Ana, 1ekercn� �ver�{
otic sc^*sions. rhe President. E. L. r
F. -for Oou
I York sad Aurtb. ee,
' shortest I GUNBARTON _-' �••( hap Han, ++f Pickering, opened ills -
I 1 C +n%en'inn at lu.3o a'. nt. with devo-
eottee, Address Green aim"r P. 0., Oat, - - J,'irfti•t�han : pt -rat [he wee, -erad in I:„nal eRPTCIFPt+, The attk skdaneP in
First --class rigs for hire E, Zlfl�'8 OIl ilatld
ORTON M. GI$fiON, Ontario' ' Tor +r,t°' _ themntninR was not large, uwingro
q 5 t h+k think cr r utter itri[ir •twtl' to
�I.+ndtbmtni:,n Land 4urc.•y6r'and Civil
Li�� Or Ill�t,t thePxtrernrlpinlci tveathrr.Rnd stRLe _ }j' 1
:'En¢,needHominimt1 irK'prv, Phone 23 1. IF hlind Creek is• preferable for cifthernads. R+it u fiuod delegation lJle fQ��Oii'i2l�,�
(�S$ku wear to the late W F:, Yarnbld. ont3rio �iU$ IT2e8t8 All traig8 .k,tt.n¢, Prom Whitevale came in on ibere.ven•
Land Surveyor of Port P' i. -3j 41.9 Teaming promptly attera�c� tA,• C. C:. ftu-1 Mrs, Minar, pf W.01harn• iti•g train Nnd with local metnhers the j �t
ston, }':n land• Are visiting ibeir fri- sizes of coal
R kiurndance Was fair, The aftnrnocin
M' N[A«', LICE\SF.[) ACC- At for Canadas eq and - Mrs. Fotoon. and evening sessions were both well
Pt.' '[rs. J. F. Clugston arae + re:enr GV �t
Counties, All kinds of sales prom y attended � fi P+ p�
to. Termsreasonabte. ,Qatesfor +ales may be W_. _H. Peak Vies I). toth'v,•letntued t:.i: Reek, Ccc.,ni t.ea y :+I1 r,tla of [he to-si,shi gg)' Stove',,,:,
arranged at �IEwS' Officv. Be'.1 and Tndepen- 7 Pt. kertrig. 1t [''
_ after rpending a few• weeks niLh Ater devotional exerrisas, words of
dent phones. Whitby. Ont. ^' .ay Iplativesat.aleafo[d., wee-zome,Apprhy Rev,_.4, McLelinn were
_ I Skating parties are rltiite•popular of hPNieciated, delegates' re.
'CTSGZ'OR'Y �CTiZ'S. W t :,- G', RE I D !At-, but sonic of the boys are very i,.,tts >h base: the Sahbith Rchools t -i -' T*
BouRbtand sold. tired since thc- Gt:t one. IC takes lets t r in a Lealthy eonc -tion. The resi•
Has a full litie�tTrech and-c'ur- of p3ah to ri 'to Whitby rink. Eh g y of address followed these reports.
1laovernment, Municipal and Cor• ed meats constantly on -hand. < Boys' The President RayP ,R review, oft he A C. R E E SOR
Un Friday evening, Jan. 30th, the ve;ti .s work 'And outlined certain fea-
poration Bonds For $ale. Ladies' Aid of Dunba ton will hold acons!f �,
Spice Roll, Breakfa�'Bacon, fi tunes of the work which he idered s
Ham, Bologna, Wei niers, etc concert in the basement of the church: HILL .
Bell Phone I93, : - g � � essential ter -its suture development.
Tva served front ti to 3 o'e4cck. after 'lira TRi+gntt, the Provincial rep-e-
WLLLIAM D. DYKES, -WHIT es cs F.ii h -in excellent prograni will be sentative, was not Nhie to be resent,
Highest'pricPs paid for Kiven, including a: veru pretty scarf P
Butcher's cattle, P but hPr'pLiee ryas ably filled by Rep. --
- drill by a number of voting ladies, Mr, Halpennv, Provincial Secretary,Picke'ring
63'1ra. :viiia. re ding; h} '[i,, Els deli•titei9 the Itndience with hisVeterinary Surgeon .. rzrlcaence Ann:: and Nfi,s Ht•lpn Thom pleain'R atddress upon the various
Honor Graduate of Outarials'eteiina; y and instrutnenatl solos and duets h}'
College. • All calls day ornight Select: a Sc001 phAses of the work According to the
'lira 'I: tg:,ret 4VPctgate and the g;Nndard of Ftll iencv as set forth in �F
_promptly a5,tended to. - Ji is.
Bet %-I Nnd l:v:t rinnis :Lod a N well rtepared' ch tet which the etti-
BeU and Inde endent Fbones rliatogno he the hot.; of the tiuc cess tient Secretary Ofr..liichell?, had pro
ONTA(Z,O with our ekes'wide 4Neo• 2+1d,ru _
PICKERING, • - i S e ('Inb, :J I:ee•tvill oller!ug will be vided fu:• ills occasion, � y
Business C'olreges are not alike. `, taken. - The exercises were enlivened by se. -_
�R:�- =•�O V it ��L.?STT GREEN -BURN l4� J Teet ionq urney a miisiot,l choir, led b} \In
�^ eg
Evening Fession opened at 7 o'clock -
Vetorina'ry .Sturgeon. t --St
- The severe eras].. snai4as naturally with devotional exercises, conducted Honor Gridnn.te cf.,tl:P Untart.0"ere-!� .'J Ore'
Made good ice, :tnd a numher are note by Rev. A. McLellan. .lfuslc being
iinaty C'ollige Yonge&.CharlesSts;Toronto' availing thetns-elves'ot'the opportunity furni,hed hy the Choir of the C'hurdh.
and Graduate of the Veterir.;trythan- ;
of laving in a izr!, d supply, to rase when This proved to he of more orc7i•
Scien^P Assot:iation' is noted tbroughout ' Canada' for 01+3 Sol's raysore nwte keenly -felt• not p interest, 'There was a gond at-
Pbone-oi3iee IS+!S, residence 2602 Scr� t. H,,roid .lames, a retitz•ned tenclance. In thennavoidahleabsence t
higu gralo training[, Our gradu s„ ldikr of the C . E. F., visited with of NIr . Ed. Willson. the report of the Drag.,, Patent Medicines,
--_-_-----.- --. __.--_._-_ i a_es nre im great demand. Gat our NV. 1I, 4i P tney- it t week. Srrgt: Prav'rncial Convention was .given bl, 151
B.V.S.C.I. �r James:, crni-:tiering tAking tip fat m- N[rs. Hoover, • of 'Markham, The re- Toler Requ'''te-, x�
E McEwen B. V.S.,C.I. Catalogue, read our necoids, then- in He states thAt'the French farm- nrt.,wae certainly tom lets ind Was
'Dr. N: g. P _ Stationery
Veterinary Stir eon. d?ciclP. i:rate;anytttne.' era are primitive in their ftrminglli,teri^edtnwithrnptattPntinn. This .
Graduate rat` University of Torooin. -npelatioTP bleand instruc. c
W. J. Elliott, Yrircipal Government in- Rritish Phide NIP, nn F,itfr-C-Prner Ston of
Fortner 4'etPrin:u !an to'Iacdonald _ --Cigars and Tobaceoef
_ _ r __�-- --- machinery. a Christian Nation, These ,I r. Price --`
Agricultural College, Quebec. "' trorlucing' mare modern
Prompt attention to all clients. And once used the peasants will no proved to he The Home. Edueatkn. SI)et1:lTfittetttion given to drug ..
Bell stud Ind. Phones, <Innht adhere more to the Brit!sher's Religion and Government. These
ONTAP.10 'mater, Pure Water meth,td. several foundations were cl arly and rPriuit'e.ments of live stock
PI�CKERING, _ A tire from one of the.bnRe drivers forcibly elucidated to the Seliglit of `--
- - -- of the locomotive of the G. N. R. To. the delegates. Calls pt•utnp tly answered day or
Eggs For IatchlYld ! [t vein are wiase von will the only rnnlo•Ottawa Express emne oft one 'Mr. Halpenny then Rave the closing ,
Ideal Weil, drilled by ,Chas, B. Rice, dNy circee,nntar while pa sing through Nddress which proved to be very en- uiglit. Bell or Ind. Rhone
from Black Breasted Red Ofeenbdrn wards. Another engine tertaining And instructive, - -
�Gasue-choice stock, and ' who is agent for Rind 'Mills, "Gasoline was summoned and aftfr a few hnnrs The new Prosident, Thos. E. St -ph- ---...
Engines. all kinds of pipe and fittings delay the t ran era roceeded to Tu• enson, wAs Eben introduced and in A
a excellent layers. - 1; P P g Pa �• R P • b
Also, Yttnng; Relgi ns Hares 'for waterworks, Also bath room fix- rnnto. The disabled engine ryas tem- brief speech expressed his apps `A N• E.
. MeE ♦• EN,
orarily repaired and proceeded under ion of the honor the convention had
l and;9ilve Ute Biber- tures, etc. Everything given careful P'
F yl its nwn power the following day. 'Dur• conferred upon him.
i to HnrP•. attention. ink= the interval nil tr+4inq worn ohlivod What hArl p^raved to hp nno of the
All 'Yedigree�5tock. RICE 8 to aw itch, caudiut{ delay t%
:mumu-' beat uw
CuvCutub ever held in the Veterinary $i1r$e0n
Pump WORKS,�.;
venience to p7a.
assengers as well as to ali I township was brought to a close with
tpir;,T, GORDON _,PIC>;E]3ING Home Tel, 0021. lVVhitevale, One, bands concerned. {` praver-and the benediction. PielllerS71� OtaT10 a,
_ v
'y`r.,;'rap .'..r .--':-:;. ... :Se .: ..,. ,.•., �... .. .•,,... �' •, ..- .__ ..- ,. .._. .- .,. _...... • ... ...-... _.. .._,. •ti.'< .. h., ... _.. .,• _..- r:4.a+,....'-. ;.. ae-. •-.,'est w. :l.�'�.f'w•.-P�.wr �;r1.i.,-+,t •,.m,,,I�(r�#,w,".,bt•ycc•'i�..ragi'S-ct`�7 ...
•v_yf -;M •trR""> J�.'•'. '^'-'1' T' a +. J b- .:
'..7`i►;fix:., .� sx ..£ :'�^,.� x,_ 7a,4'e 4 r,' - + 7 ey
`run- .3rrar+�•�r?"tl%,°'•�.x•~�-�r. �c,�: t«^a.cg.:,,: •,� a±, ,_.. v.�. �.•' x..'t"`, .tom
� •.....moi n. ' >-.
x� s Tea is FureTea; Fragrant "-very Intereslno storyipiorers of the maws,"appeared-
..•"Ext s'
which appeared_ ,
and - of Delicious Flavor, stimulating iQ these pages recently, was reprinted '
.,, from The Atlantic Monthly. The
___ :and refreshing. "Watch for the Name" _ Y acknowledgment In such cases, '
� h4oitt:-_wae 'inadvertently omlttnd, is
on eve genuine sealed pae�cet. now gladly made.
7 `- queried breathlessly. "What good is l
the orchid to us now? If it is truly _
your good omen you will win; if not,
you will discover how false a thing[
t was that to which you had "intrusted I y (y•"
your faith"iR'"�
-r r: He turned to Alvarez and, said, "Are .
_• _ you sure you wish to do this?"
r "Quite sure, senoi!"
8671 ♦ `Then I will play.'
>:. Sophia, without a word, brought the•{
' packet of cards from the cabinet and # !
' f 27 Years in p1iblic Service, id it upon the table in the centre of HEN Y9u buy a phonograph you
the room. The two gentlemen stood Iwant to be sure that you are get -
upon either side of the table; Sophiat A.
remained standing at the end of it,, ting the best instrument to be
mechanically wavingher silver fan. had for the money -- one that will
"Will you shuffle, ssirV' said the
THE ORCHID colo olitely. give lasting satisfaction. But how cari
- ver,ard
luster plc ed up thes and
shuffled them with cls nervous You besure unless you know what to
gestures. After which he replaced look for? This book outlines the vital
them evenly upon the table:
A BURNET. #'Pray cut, senor," he said: points that should los considered, The
The colonel drew a cep breath, —author, Henry Purfort dames, LL.B.,
owe an reachedforward; but at (, is a renowned Concert Pianist,_ Lecturer.
that instant Sophia aeiz-ed his arm. ` - - —
w CHAPTER IV. I right," he muttered. "It takes a wo- "fist me draw for you, Philip," she and Director of the Pianoforte I)ept.,
man to know a mans true weakness. pleaded, in. her soft, musical voice.{
When she saw her husband standing 11 will play him once more. I Will of- "It may bring us luck -and I'm sure Cosmopolitan School of Music.
,.thbre upon the threshold she dry'►' i fer to stake everything against the that Senor Alvarez will not mind:'
-back with a little gasp. flower. I will, rob him of his luck- Alvarez could hardly repress a The Brunswick "All Phonographs
"Philip!" she exclaimed. "What i piece--„ laugh. She was making it so very +�
has hapuened? Why :do y u come to ;_�, �Ii. One answers_ every__one of ,the rigid
me? „ All, Cried- Sophia suddenly. "but easy for him. "Not at all, senora."
uppose that you' should lose! I had The colonel stepped aside, folded his _ tests ' which Mr. Eames says Sou
r -The colonel's head' sank upon�� his, not thougght of that!" She put her arms and bent a curious gaze upon! govern ,phonograph purchases.
breast: "I have lost everything,, he hands to her bresat_alld her eyes grew his wife's enigYnatical and slightly
said in a hollow voice: wide wiithi apprehension. smiling countenance, I i
"You, have lost --I do not' under -I Alvarez laughed, a cruel, malevoi- "very well, madam," he said; draw --
stand." ent laugh.' dor me'•"-'
"Alvarez! I played with him -his ( ., r Mall This Coupon To -night
I shall not lose,' he said; "I have Sophia leaned over the table. Her
fortune against mine. He won. I am a charm against-] si lg.! small hand rested momentarily upon i '
-. -a pauper, and you, Sophia- he I "What is it, my Eamon?" the pack; her dainty fingers seemed 1
raised his eyes and looked. at her in "I cannot tell you, but it -.is a very to be in quest of something; then
-uyou are li au is wife.•' dsical eaerohradise anise Colit9aay, f
She stood immobile, 'but er s lmi long .ago from a gambler of St. an turned it face up.Dept "
}rrowa hands dutehed the flowered Augustine." It was the see of spades. Please aen a tree or charge and post-
vhawl and drew it closer about her She came close to him, and oma Aharez sprang, back, with an ex- uaid, t boo t "What to look for to buy -
body, as though to shut out the chill; more he breathed that ineffable fro- damation of fury, but 3o�rhis a steady! ins a Obbno�q s'" ____..# �r
a_ at breathes lro� the very tbought � grance of orange blossoms. dark eyes met his. ._controlled i i+
olf You played with Alvarez she"toi "Tell me;' she leaded. "I ~hall be 'himself b a tremendous:rlfort; the .ams
„ !" tortured with dread until I know." muscles of his face trembled spas-'
Y 1
murmured. Then: No. not There'
then compos-! 1
must be some mistake! It is too mon- He smiled recklessly, "Well, why nlodicaliy for a second,
not-since you love met" ed themselves into an expression of
"It is true. He owns e - her sickly equanimity. Gathering up the, rrovinee • .
house, land slaves, money-' hand, be ran the'colored bits _of paste- rema na o a ••
• She land
his arm Her eyes, in -!board expertly through his"fingers, made Sophi4t a bow. L...w.�,� �.....�. '
' aesntable as always searched his. ! finally selectin the ace of spades. "Senora " he said in a volts that _
shook slightly, "you have beaten me.
"'Surely you have saved something!" Then from a table near, by he picked ah g
Colour! Philip smiled bitterly. "Yes.' up a paper knife and with this instru- From the pocket of his coat lie` took �e Pyr p��ift. The wasp is affected by colors, even
I have saved something. I have saved- slightly roughened the edges of a slip of paper and held it out to the, to the extent of stinging the ♦veal+�r Ilk
g' ' the card. colonel, piano playing is real hard work. of Is hues.
the great oak and the Gardiner or- I "There ism 1•ittle charm," he ob "I return to you, senor, the dee
f •ehid. God knows why, since from served. y - for in no other sphere (except that of
the da it bloomed I have Yttffered „ of gift of your estates. I assure you
`r f. „ that it has been a weight upon my typewriting, Perhaps) is the wear'and
pp I am so dull.' said Sophia, Ido .
only' imisfort%%& heart. And now with your permission, tear on the nerves so great• '1'11e (:rest West Permanent
"Sophial" cried the colonel at last.' not yet see—" Loan Company.
i - - I will take my depal;ture.' The rapidity with which ,a pianist
She turned he It is 'very simple. We sit dawn "Permit me to accompany you to Toronto, Office 20 King St. Weeb
him over her shoulder, "lit yowl to play, the colonel and I. The pack Your barge"' said the colonel, whom consumP's energy !s so enormous that
please, Philip," she said, "I would of cam is on the table between us. ood fortune had elated no more than in only a couple of hours' work the 4% allowed on Savings
dike to be alone, I should like to re, I In reaching my hand to cut 1 run my j ill fortune had dismayed. Neverthe- consumption of heat is saf5cieat to - interest computed quarterly,
main in m room for a while." _ thumb --:-'so, across the and of She boll twenty gallons of iced water• Withdrawable by C,beque.
y leas, as ' he and Sophia walked with
He drew himself up sharply.
His, pack. I draw it out. It is the ace Alvarez to the water's edge, he drew At a conference of musicians, held eii do on Debentures,
face hardened and a pallor came over of spades. There is nose in ih6 her arm through his and tightly, some. years ago 'in Dahlia, It was a •-
It, leaving it Ilke stone. "Very well, I deck to equal it. Tlianka to God, I
asadam " he answered,
and with shave won eve lin t':. cusped her hand. shown that the ordinary player must liateregt gaygble�jl2,4 yearly._
„ ir The three came to the great" oak, cultivate the eye to see no lens than ` paid up Cap llai $2,412,678. _
bow he walked from the room: Ah, but you are clever, my Ra- and as though by common impulse, 1,000 signs per minute, while the iia -
afternoon, at 8 o'clock Ra_ mon! It only remains, then, for -you all stopped and looked up at the gol- gere had to fly over the keyboard and-
That- to induce my husband to play" den flower about which had revolved
mon Alvarez came in his elegant i ..That will not be dliticnit," paid make upwards of 2,000 movements; Ll barge with aomira*itat the "air of a ; the singular drama just concluded. In a part of Chopin'a "Etude in E
The colonel had not et; Alvarez, and added mercilessly: ` It Alvarez was the first to speak.
i°O� yy 'will• be his death -stroke!" - .. � �• Minor," the rate of reading testees _
returned, but Sophia, adorned in Ger After all,' he said, the only value'
i "Shortly afterward the heard the
ti loveliest gown, and looking like an ' of your orchid is its beauty which 13,860 signs in two and o half minutes, grades. Write ta' 1111"M .
am e1 who knew how to smile, receiv- .sound o hoofbeats on a drive, and would- soon vanish
if one ppic�Ced- lt'•' which to equivalent to over twenty -ata
Q Sophia, snatching up the cards, re- "To me " lied the colones -"the notes pdr second. 1s the eye can re- TORONTO SALT WORKS
ed Mm in the drawing room. t � � �
"Ah welcome, senor," she said soft -
them hastily to the cabinet. true joy lies in possessing' it!" a cetve only about ten consecutive im-
" „ Then she seated herself, and, opening Sophia lifted her gaze to her hue- preselona per second, it will be ap• b OLIif TORONTO. .
Iy. 11 have been- expecting you. the silver fan thi<t she carried at her
He pressed her hand to his lips. ; waist, moved it languorously to and band a fake, and it seemed to him her parent that the brain must accustom
Y though file veil had fallen from firer
"Senora!" tie exclaimed, "Yon are fro. Alvarez eat down � in a chair. " itself to read In groups.
sot angry with me?, You do not hate some distance awn The were thus spirit at last. There is' one virtue .
of " Generali speaking, a greater force
?„ Y Y, an orchid, she said proudly, that - y P t _•
"WhK should I hate my own coup- ednectoealy disposed when tate colonel "neither od you has ouserved. One is required to make a note sound on
- prizes it for its beauty and one for a piano then is required to lift the 1 -
tryman • - He was pale and gaunt, but appar- the delict of possuasing it, but I lid of a 'kettle'• As -moat kettle -lids - ie
"But I have ruined your hus)Htnd.''entl as composed sed as usual. He bow- 1
t. Has he not told . you?" y yo senora see only one thing, and that vary in weight np to $>aeui'-two-
I ed to Alvarez with cold -civility. is how closely it clings to the it it will be seen that a pressure of some -
"Yes, he has told me" "I observe, air;' he remarked, loveal"
J "And still yeti -do not Ab thing like three to four ounces is re -
Sophia, can it be as I have dreamed? ,that you are as punctual as you are _ _ (The End. i
" 1 _ quired to produce a sound on the i1i
Are you perhaps burned a little by fortnnaamten haste to dispatch a melon-��+p~�-,•� s'; piano, even though it be very soft. FBtigII�d _
' not
n C 'Minor,
1 , [1Ln O1.dJ 9 last Stud i ,
• ;that same lire which • consumes n y choly errand, senor; that is "all.' SHE DES In Chopin y
o'What fire is that, Ramon?" "Pray do. not let it grieve you; for
GARMENTS I1KE NEW there is a passage which 'takes- two AeupofOXO
`!Yon call me Ramon! Yon look at it does not me. Indeed, .nir, such minutes and five seconds to play. The is both re.
�oae-I am mad for yon! Yee, yes, I Preciousness as may, be .lost upon the "Diamond Dyes" Make Fined pressure which must be brought to I freshing and
love you, Sophia, my beautiful one! I' 9" of a card is not worth't a cos- S b Apparel so Fresh. bear on the keys during this time is . invtgorating. e
beve loved you from the first. I isideratdon of a gentleman." y PPS equal to s,130 kilogrammes, or suf- I ==J
woad-elo ulytbing to possess y,onL'+ If you are ready, air, we may as �nf] Stylish. liceat •to move over three tons. i Ready is a min- i
"Not so loud! My husband may re- ( well proced.,to the settlement of this / „ i site -the the dt It -
tiresome affair, It will not take long In the seine composer's Fuuerai
tilts at any moment. Don't worry about perfect results March," a passage occurs which takes you wait it. `
"Let him comm.He is nothing. 1 'for by the terms of the wager you will Use "Diamond Dyes," -guaranteed to
assume ossess4on o! m entire es- give a new, rich, fadeless color to say a minute and a'Dal! to play, and is only
have destroyed !tint• He is crushed „ p Y gt estimated at 384 kilogrammes, but
and broken, He will blow his brains; tate • fabric, whether It be wool, silk linen, _
out in a week. Oh, Sophia, give me! &coon's teeth gleamed beneath his even here it will be seen that a.pianiat
dark mustache. "You forget the or- cotton or mixed goods, dresses, would only require to work" four or
'tour hands—" chid, senor!" blouses, stockings, skirts, children's Tim � lo�..2sa. ilaawizas• `V
She placed her hands fn his and live. minutes to move a ton,
"But that can mean nothing to .coats, feathers, draperies, coveriass, _
bloatioms in h hair. The per- You• everything. mother examples, !t will be seen
swayed toward 'him. There were or- I f,+ g . From -
�s V p "Ah senor; ` replied the Spaniard, The Direction Bogk with each pack that the total tonnage of one hour's
fume of them filled his nostrils. 1 over anyplaying varies from twelve to eighty. ff, ;,-
+'You have glade one little miatakt, ! with a sigh, and glancing swif f y at age -tells how to diamond dye e
Ramon. You have forgotten the `
Sophia, "how strange are the ap- color. four tons, a _'� •
Slower that grows upon the oak ; Petites and longings to which the hu- To match any material, have dealer T— _ -_ �•'
men heart is -subject! This very hour, show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. It Was on the Map Once. �,
"W'hat is a flower?" I as I passed beneath the branches o! _ 0, `
„ our t o k still ours, senor, A colored infantry rggiment was !
�• "In this case, she said, it is mdre Y Bea a - Y ,for So Considerate. - being mustered out, and the company • ; i
than a flower. It is the luck -piece of all my good. fortune it seemed to me
is family; one thing in Which be has that the flower growing there was the Thp\,,traf c was at its height, and commander sent the home address of
is faith. Aa long as it remains un- most beautiful -the moat desirable there were the usual piles of paSsen• every man to the quartermaster, so `! ;
t be who]T crushed.. object in the world. In truth, I would gers' baggage -non the'platform. In the that each oould draw his -travel "pay
&--will not despair, a wt • not---- "rQqPq.9 it than -11 �be re + -4 tsisuak wax the parte" Were b.anging go llorne. There wets some
'die!" -She lifted her face and looked: my winninKs Put together-" it'about, while the owners mournfully officulty about one man, and the cap-
_long at her lover. "You must win! Sophia rose from her chair and looked on. Suddenly the station mss- Iain called him in.
the orchid," she said, with an ardor came forward with a rustle of silken ter appeared, and, approaching one o1
thpt thrilled him. !`When you have cloth, Why do you not play fcr it, "Jackson, you gave your.:home ad
the most vigorous baggage -smashing dress as Priii ce Frederick, Maryland,
.--done that you will have slain him as'tbe;t?" = `
as though you had thrust a "Madam!" exclitinted the cplonsl porter;, shouted. in. stern. tones: and the quartermaster says there is �f " ~
surely • i++ sternly, But Alvarez uttered a cry "Here! What do you mean by Pr�`%�aa�u �+
dagger into his heart. no such place . _aa_ .Prince Frederick,
+'Sophia!" cried Alvarez triumlrh- of satisfact^:on.' throwing those trunks • about. lilts Maryland." >l>4se VVEWatl W84e>C t�>�d
anily "you are in And he tried "An excellent• spggestion, senora! that?" "Doan't you believe him, siih: thev , -�
stow- Let us; ploy for it by all means. Col- The passengers. pitched themselves Baby's �W11 SOAK•
to ta�Ce her- in iris alma. She, one! Gardiner, I will stake your whole is.
�ver, g+lided away from him, and go-' i to make sure, that they were trot <Welh they can't seem to find it. Washitiwarm.wateiWithBabp's
IDg to q cabinet at the aide o! the i saint' against the orchid. - Will you 1 dreamltlg, but they returned to earth ••Huh!" grunted the soldier. "They Own coal We 1$ d
I suss 11 at r5' k
room, took from it a pack of cards ,Play • ' when the otHcial added: - -perfectly-
ou! skin will
whloh she held out to him. ' "When The colonel's fie flushed, "Sir;' didn't have no trouble finding it when �Ife: _ �3'._ _ _
fou have won the orchid," she said, he hurat out, "I'll see you damned- " "Can't you see' you're making' big they drafted me." _ be soft aiid never chop.
smiling, you have won -me. f Sophia placed her hand on his I dents id the concrete platform ^:"1n&'"rs"``a"i�b1
He gazed at ter with big passion l sleeve. Q ---
(imoidering in his eyes. "3 nn are! "why do you refu';e, Philip?" she �,}rats Ltatmr9t for sale everywhere. 's Liniment seltevss x.nralsia.
1..2> - -:v ..-...... :x. _...s:....r .:.sVM�.c§L.:d.:..c M. w:nr-.,..�.._ ,a•..�. . `�.'p
iL 9,IS'N., .s0.y:,_ ?.1 ,�+S .0 f.jr�'.".+ri�''!•:S'�' ��BY. �'+nl:aCs. K...V„`: 5•t'�' "•''`y1•`pRFPPfM '�Y,'h'�•1•z�•r7.'.: i';'':A
w -. <.•� t 'A"_y '- °•� •M •r..r' -' :.e.+ -ai. .r+r_'ew. s�at� 3,t :+c. so•a�'aEyaw,w.,:d9. .�� .�.� �uxei?'..e:.»k� k-
''.:.' ,!!•- �} '.,.^,., ,,. •. . 'aa1.�eA�,F+1i ^7'vJ►r'mwa"+a'sYAt 'x,rr„ra.:-'-..'n....c„. i71,�w.•... . e,- . .. - �, c .. �Da, - A,..:'�tiw.. rti:
' 1
y % / l 1
11 ' r
i ' ...,5.�� pk ,c� , o� ti4 i •_�'. ' Vl' r/I1. i�'•
,' < rte° `• �� � < � � a•' ; Holland's Refusal to End Ef I
forts to Factradite Wilhelm.
-:► . - *,
Second Section of No. I C P.R. Express for Vancouver Dash- *>K `'~
r l" A despatch from London says:-
es In First Section Stalled Throuh Failure of Engine .r�y�s�' ' I In authoritative quarters the opinion
-- 4 was expressed to a correspondent
to Operate Because of Severe Frost.
,r � r a.>.'>.:,•%<• x N"='. that the Dutch, Government•a refusal ��• g
.. .. w•.'•; yah'''' ' .SN, bi•M3 m.3 }. 1
=A.� to surrender the ex -Kaiser to the AI. -
North Bay, Ont., Jan. 25. -Fifteen So far as known all the casualties ; ' 1. x " lies for trial would probably result in
. r , F Y -
axe dead and a ,large number injured are immigrants for. Western Canada, f a -.,, no further attempt to extradite him{
- or residents of the West on the way f! ; .. r "' ''
as the result of one of the worst train, tx But the next step is up tb Premiss •
home from Europe. „ s
wreck$ in the historyof this- division P Lloyd George, who initiated the dew
Among those killed were Mrs. < r
� � mend just about a year ago to ensure
of the Can
Pacific Railway, Peden'and her two young sons, who $ '?% $�
y : > the re-election of his Government:
which occurred at Corbeil, ,11 miles: were on their way to Vancouver.
gast of here, n ls?' Unless public opinion demand it, and
this morning. No. •1,+ The two boys were-kihed outright. $ �;� of this there is not the slightest evi-
Canadian Pacific express for Van Mrs. Peden ,died after removal .from dance now,. ft _is declared the Premier
couver, due here at 10 a.m. -was run-' the iti rack.
' < will make no effort to secure A11W
sing in two sections. No. 1 section 1 Others in holsl+ital here ineludfe adhesion to a plan to demand aha4
t-eame, stalled owing to failure of the Miss Dorothy Kean, in uries 'f� back•
engine to make steam under the con. I Mr. and Mrs. Klenne, and iV1,rs.l s X. � `' Germany herself ask for Ills extradi 4
ii " ! tion. , It is suggested that the Allies'
�ition of severe frost obtaining, and Klenne, senior and a bride and groom, .: next move may be the despatch of s
No. 2 section came round a curve on', zanies not yet learned. r he � ` t ' x # ;further note to the Dutch ' Governr '
(it, the locomotive -of No. 2 section i Nearly a71 the passeg,•• e s on t I . y
3 13 x ment, ,expressing the, hope t1at1ths
Eelescoping the: rear sleeper of No. 1 train were Svestern people, or sett- : c
* x8 i � - K < ��: � Iformer-Emperor's place of internment t
irection. " lers for the West, and all the ease- a . �' s be such as to afford no opportunity
It is stated that torpedoes had been aloes were in tk a rear Pullman, I ".r, y x,"' a : v wthf`
placed and other precautions taken! which was telescoped. -It •is assumed; } •. for him to do any harm in e ytttre, r_
I , a El
e+re oVi TSO Du @ 60me de -
:idly the crew of the stalled rain, butt from the latter fact t1'at-the-zea;-L- -e ,F ,
' fnand by the Hang the ifaiser' fact,,
.`+ it is too early, and there is as vete section of the train Could not have!,
+too much confusion existing to be been running. at - full speed when ' it i s' tion here to keep Lloyd George m • have-,
, ,promises, but twelve months haws
certain on this paint. The two see- I came in collision with the leading , ' made a great difference in the temper
_Mona, it is stated were running close portion Disablement of the.locomo n
together. Eight passengers on thel tine, due to extremely cold weather, o� "the electorate. The few. extremists:
- - � I would be satisfied with a ' straw
e n were killed outright, and is given, as the cause of trio• first see -
Kaiser" v : I Kaiser' trial, as .a court proceeding
seven 'others died after their removal tion having. been stalled. The acct- with him absent, had been character -
on the way to the hospital here: At dent occurred at 10:30 this morning, ized• 1'
-.the hospital k is reported that none and at that hour the thermometer ;r�, r ,, Nor do those who clamor for econ-
of the injured there are. fatally hurt. stood at 22 below era vC<� r �, ,r; ,iul4< �F; ��s ,
z r see anything but nselesa expendi-
' " ""`! '' •° '' tuts 3s, haling an imginary- Kaiser
RUSH TO AFRICAN cope with the antici ated rush to i - RE OP- I before a tribunal where some legal
Tlaring, and a township to receive the, Belgian workmen fixing up new copper tram lines. outside of ruined lights would air their, abilities at the
- - rDIAMOND FIELDS I new community is being laid out. I library. The Germans took away the copper W;res when iR occupation of public' cost. The Dutch decision has
Taungsis situated about 40 miles ! the_to�n _ - ,. been fully expected. The premie!
` • - I sou o rt' rg an tv out m eg _ _ _._ � ; s Bode through the motions of ob-
cerning Rich Diggings in north of Kimberley, the last-named i taining a trial, to make good an slec-
Bechuanaland. place famous for its great diamond ' tion promise, but there are in in 4
.. nines. - fAnada s Wheat Yield by Pro'
v�nces his rctirrue who see in the Dutefs 741 -
Johannesburg, South. Africa. Jana - '�' -.- fusal-A way out of
YS. -Tiering, a waterless, treeless and; Farm Implements From The Bureau of Statistics estimates; was sprung wheat. The value stands sitaation. ^,
virtuslly2ess desert near Taunts' Canada Admitted Free the total yield of wheat for the Do- at about $53,000,000. The area sown
In Bechuanaland, promises to be the � _- I minion- at 196,361,000 bushels. At an j Was 400,000 acres in excess of that Oil -Fuel Passenger Ships
scene of the biggest diamond claim-rom 1 r
perstaking rush f nSouth 'aveveTdCome U St. Lawrence
rcanhistory.1 The Greek Government has decided to means that Canada's wheat crop this bushels per acre. p
} It is understood that Tlaring will bei admit agricultural implements from year is worth about $400,000,000. ff B josh Columbia's crop was 1,431,-)
prmle:imed open -for diamond digging y g L A despatch from Montreal; says:-
a+-:wbout March 20. � Canada free' of dot Burin 19211. The, fatal area sown wheat roe's 000 busFiele. � •
l 1 Robert Reford head •of the Weill -
Amazing stories are afloat concern- The Dominion has been making fairly 19,141,837 acres, which makes the I Ontario's wheat crop is worth known steamship line, states that the
g , ler a shipments of this class of goods, yield per acre, 10.25 bushels. Of thi%, about $47,000,000, the yield being 20,- i ,
g 8t. Lawrence will soon have oil -incl
ihtg the wonderful rlchrrxss of the Bis- and in all has done nearly'$40,000,000 { 18,462,444 acres were sown to spring 8$2,000 bushels, The ' fall crop was i :*{
?. trio, and prospectly diggers from the y,' g especially vy, amounting to 16,- passenger steamers coming rip to
worth of trade with Greece. '.wheat, the yield from this being 181,- es eciall flea
_. Ca to Zambesi and Mozambi e, I _ _ I Lo Mor*mW, s The Cunard Moces, b -
•. pe 9u � "'• 228,000 'bushels, the fall wheat yield-, 0'23,000 bushels. Spring wheat aver- London service will, he announces, be -
-and even the Congo, are preparing to Masked Murderers Ing .16,188,000, The estimates show I aged 16.50 bushels per acre, and fall
try their luck in the riew• field. Des- bb4 resumed just as soon as the new ships
its warnings of oaaible failure, men that -the total .1919 crop is 7,000,000' wheat 24.25:
p g p
Wound, Constables .bushels in excess of that for the year All o! now building are completed. There
y Quebec's wheat was of the
arm n.1inndfning good jobs in various! London, Jan. s,6. -Armed. men' 1918. spring variety, and amounted, to 4,- are six of these ships now os, the
parts of the_ Country in order to be; wearing masks attacked the police In point of both yield and value,! 894,000 bushels, at a value of $8,800, -
and !t !a hoped that some o!
i f them will be ready, for the r
art o
le y
.;. - :fres to ,take out claims when the barrack, ' Saskatchewan leads amo th rov-i - •.
bartac at Bsltmglass, County a ng @ p 000. The yield was about 2,000,000 next navigation season._ All of them
proclamation is issued. Hundreds of Wicklow, this evening and shot and inces. ' Of the total pr ct it is I below that of 1918, due to a much re- g
women also are arranging to go to wounded one constable severely and credited with 97,938, bushels, or'! duced'acreage. are being fitted up as oil burners.
the new diggings. �.anottier aliptztly, The miacreanta es -:slightly over 60 per cent. This should' The maritime provinces produced
The Government is preparing to caped. L be worth about $200,000,000, or ' at l 2,984,000 bushels of wheat, of which Red` C4VR1rY Enter
least one-half of the entire value of � about 900,000 are credited to Prince Persia and India
• - he wheat crop of -the whole Domin-[ Edward Island. _ 45.-A wireseo mss-
- 4on. In point of importance in • product London, Jan
_gain and Lave Stock ► p j
• 43,-I tion, the provinces rack this r as from Warsaw, undated, glues a, •
Manitoba comes second with yea sage
' 206,00 bushels, all of this with the follows: --Saskatchewan, Manitoba, AI-! Bolshevik rumor that Bed cavalry
cottage " exception of 93,000 ' bushels being harts, Ontario, Quebec, British ODI- have entered Persia and- India.
' Jan. 27. -Manitoba
Manitoba wheat Ito Barrelled M4atss-Pickled pork, $46• spring y wheat. The. value is approxi- l umbia Prince Edward Island,.New, i o Y r
' olls. 33C to 34c.
j -No. 1 Northern, $2.77; No. 3 North I meat' pork, $4b. matel $90,000,000, The acreage was • Brunswick, Nova Scotia. ><>ynaUln b Radia. w
+ern, $2.73 in store Fort William.. Green Meats -Out of pickle, lc less 12,880,331, or about' 100,000 less than; One of the most ,ratable develop -I Successful testa of railway 6,isaal•
Manitoba oats -No. 2 C.a'.. 931,wc; ! man smoked. - in 1918. The average yield was 15' manta of the last 50 years in the life ling by -*-sew system based on radio. _
.;No. 3 C.W., .901,4c; extra No. 1 feed, - Dry Salted Meats -Long clear, in' bushels per acre.of the Dominion has been the shift- -were MAIo�
r; '90%c; No. 1 feed, 88 V& c; No. 2 feed,! tons, 32%c; in cases, 28c to 29c; clear Alberta's yield was 26,151,000 - gcaia=grawt�ng can re tom f In France. 4
.185%c, in store Fort .William. t bellies, 27c to 28i4c fat backs, 32c to, shels, of whickall but,680;00"ushels' the eastern to the prairie provinces. ---r-- -- Y
barley ; No. r3 , C.W., 33c.
Lard -Tierces, 31c to 3114.c rubs- - - - -- -�- Grasshoppers
Mani ba . �5Y
1.79 No. 4 r, $1.49 • rejected, i have .their ears on
feed lit, in store Fort l 311hc t.p-_32C ac o 3'L1Ac; i 70 German Planet Keep snow away from young ever- their front legs.
UL nn s, 321�c to 33e. Compound lard, greens, and low growing•abrubs, so the _
markers corn -No. 8 yellow, $1.78; tierces, 28% to 29c; tubs, 29c • toy Destroy in Fire branches will- not be weighted down � Kingfishers make flteir nests
o! y'
Na. 4 .yellow, $1.76, crack, Toronto 291�c; prints, 30c to 301r4c. and broken. L fish -bones. _ -
Oompt shipment. Montreal Markets. Berlin, Jan. 2S. -Some seventy air- __; !
- Ontario oats --Sq. 8 white, 98e to planes, including two' gnarl achiaes,
Montreal, Jan. 27. -Oats, extra Ki _
-41, according to freights outside. I 1 feed, $1.08. Flour Man., new sten- which- were, lying. in. hanrars at :CANADA 1117►7 LARGE
Ontario wheat -No. 1 winter, per dardgrade, $13.25$5116$ o3$i _o. Rolled Mec}denburg-Schroer- ;
+ r lot $2 to 12.01; No. 2 do., $1.97 oats bs 9lbs., 25 !'in, were destroyed last night in a fire
�o $2.Ing p o. t o., o rdi g $1. re ghts. IN UPKAP OF'LEAGUE LEAGUE OF NATIONS
r $45.26. Shorts, $52.20. Hay, No. 2, which raged there. The origin of the �.
shipping points, according to freights. per ton, carlots, $26' to $26. Cheese,' bl'aze-"T ' known. -
_ OOnn S
• taro wheat -No. 1 Spring, $2.02 finest easterns, 30c to%c. Butter, `
#� $2.08• No. 2 Spring, $1.99 to $2.05; ; choicest creamery, 65%c to 66c. But-
No. Spring, $1.96 to $2.01, f.o.b: ter, seconds, 62c to 63c. Eggs: freak,
ishipping pointe according to freights. 87c to 90c; do selected, fi2c; do. No. Leaves Only One Survivor Will Bear Same Proportion of Expense as Britain and Moi'�b
Pena -No. 2, $8.00. i 1 stock, 640; do: No. 2 stock, 51c to' b What Was Family of Six, Than Belgium or the Argen tina-Dominions Delegate -� {
Barley -Malting, $1.80 to $1.82, ac -i 52c. Pot -toes, per 'bag earl
ots; $3.50
cording to freights outside. to $4.50. i Will Have PF; anent Residence at Geneva.
8uc lea -;1.46 to $1.48, accord- North Bay, Ont., . Jan. 25. -The
Live Stock Markets. I
Lim t0 freights utside: ' -�_. death of i4irsTSnsan Peden and her two _A -despatch fr.Qm Lond_ys:--' assembly, the place of meet{ag adj
ye-Pio. 3,.8b to $1.88, accord- Toronto, Jan. '27.=Choice neavy boys in the train wreck at Corbell Canada will have to pay :a much to-� which has not yet been decided. AI-
_to freights outside. steers, $14.30 to $15; good heavy leaves one survivor in what .was a though no programme has yet been
MMvgtoba flour -Government stan- steers, $13' to $14; butchers cattle, : ward the upkeep of the League of ; e
dard, $18.28 Toronto. choice, $12.25 to $13; do., good, $11.50 ; few years ago a happy family.' Her i fixed for this gathering, it is.dodidedj
o- hos nd�iad taken Up land in Alberta, Nations' as Britain, 'and more than that the admission of Ar t i J Ontario flour- Government sten- to $12; do., medium, $10. a to $11; p
dard, $9_65 to $9.85, Montreal and To- do., 'common, $8. to $9.`_?5; bulls, choice, I and is in Calgary awaiting the ar- Belgium, Brazil, the Argentine Re-' Chile, Colombia, Paraguay and Pern,l
tbnto, in jute bags. Prompt shipment, ! $11 to $11.50; do., medium, $10.50 to rival of wife and sons. Two older public and other countries whose pop- who have signified their , detire to
Millfeed - Car lots - Delivered; $11.50; do., rough. $7 to $7.25; butcher Boys -were killed in France. !'ulations equal that of the Dom' n� join the League, will be considerstL
QMontreal freight baggs included -' cows,, choice, $9.50 to $10; 'do., good, d -or is even greater. This was one of i As, future of Russia may also be a
n, per ion, 45; ahyrta, per ton, ! $9.75 to $10.25; do., medium,:• $8.75 to
good feed flour, $8.60 to $3.75. $9.25 do., common, $7 to $7.50; stock- .Command Of British Army - some interesting points broug int subject, as•well as the matter of man
' ars, 7.5. to 10• feeders $10 k-, an interview with Sir Herbe Ames, dates for German Africa, and the re-,
!Jay -No. 1, per ton, $26.50; mixed, $ ,
;Oar ton, $26, track, Toronto.: 11.50; canners and cutteis, $5.25 toy To Revert to Army Council chose position is connected th fi-•i spit of the Washington Labor confer-
$traw-Car lots, per ton, $16.00 to 16.50; milkera,, good to choice, $110 nancing the League. The reaso why! ence. AP
$17, track, Toronto. to $175; do., corn. and med., $65 to� A. despatch from London says:-, Canada has to bear a relatively large Ultimately a permanent home fog
At 76;
springers, $90 to $175; sheep, Field Marshal Haig will retire Feb.' pro ortion of the ex ense of the main -
Country Produce-Wholesale.1P P _ I the league is conteraalated is Geneva,;
8 to 12. 0, lambs, per cwt. 14.b0 1� when the post of Commander-in-,--tenance_,is that it was decided to ap-' and it will theft b�neF.
M01646, ANV. , to $19.50; calves good to choice, $18.501 _ 1 �f4LC-
80c to 85c• selects• 67c to ac;. uBtter Chief will be abolished. With the portion the cost according to the class- .ada, like other members, to keep her
to $22; hogs, fed and watered, $18 to
Creamery prints; 67c to 68c; choice,, $18.25; do., weighed off cars;, $18.2b abolition of thin post, the command of . ification of the International Postal i delegate impermanently in reddeires
ry prints, 69c 'to 60ca ordinary to $18.60 do, f.o.b, $1? to $17.25 do. the army will revert to the Army ;Union,: and Canada is ranked by the there to guard her interests. Stroh s,5
cry 13Tinta, 50c to 53c; bakers„ 45c do., to farmers $16.7b to' $17. Council, as in pre-war days. I I. P. U. as a first-class power. Sir delegate must evidently be a metTt'ber'
b0c; oleomargarine (best grade), I Montreal, Jan. 27. -Butcher steers, ,_�,�- _'` Herbert Ames is Canada's sole caeca• of the Government in power and wl�
to 87c. Cheese -New, large, i ood, $13 to ,$13.76; medium, $11 to , sentative on the League staff. change when the Government changes
l4a tp 2c; old, large 83%c to 34c.; 12.60; common, $8.50 to $11; butcher Peo le Deac'l From Hunger'
Is, Syrup -Per 6 -gal, tin, $4 per p The appointment of the Dominion's For the assembly in April he will
p heifers, medium, $8,50 to $10.60; corn-
ton do, one -gal. tin. $4.25. I mon, $6.60 to $9.26; butcher Iowa, _Picked Up in. the Streets i representative on : the deliberative take with him a staff expertly ,versed
onsy-White=80, s, 26c .to 26c; , medium, $6.50 to $9.50; canners, $5.25 j I body of the League Assembly must in Canadian affairs. The hope Ilea
' i0 26c to 27c• 5'a. 27c to 28c. to $5.50• cutters, $5.75 to $6.50; but-, A despatch from ' London says:-' be made within the next few months,! been expressed is London that .if Sir �A
ockwbeat-� % 19c to 20c. I
' cher bolts, common, $7.60 to $9. Good' Diplomatic advices from Budapest, as he Tn..st attend the first meeting, Robert Borden ¢eeides he cannot con- J .�
Provisions -Wholesale. ural, $16 to $17.50; medium, $12 to state that the Hungarian food stocks' and that is now expected to, take time q-, Prime Minister, he will be-
8moked meats -Rolle 80c do 31c; $16; grass, $7.50 to $8. Ewes, ;9.00 are at the lowest point et recorded, in A ril. A meetin of the councilI c me the Canadian delegate to the
85c to 3�c• hes 83c to $10 lambs, ood $16.b0•'common, P y P g ,s
s. medium+ vy, $ and that persons who have succumbed, was held in Paris the week beforel Les a or take an appointmsirtt in
>s4c; cooked hams, 48c to 50c; ; $15.50 to- #g16.50. Hq e, off der •Tu
plain, 490 to 60c; bac,�ca, bone-' weights, selects, $19 to 19.50; lights, to starvation are being picked up in last and another will take place �in� the international High Court of Jos- f
la to i64c; breakfast bacon, 440 ! $a9.60; sows, $16.60. the streets. • London soon. Then will come the tice is,- connection with it,
• T >' ✓ .tib ` •„t�w'•'3/'.• ..� •1118 '': I'!
,..: y�y�� Y�"'9•(�1y r k.Yi. ,:. . P'�g^a:Cffi•.47.: �-�q">yy. y'.
..�i~'.% , •5�T"�: h -9,� .�. � i'„ .� �� i _' •cam- q. .t.. •"^r�
b r' i�� a
7 Ihe warden's chair. fol 1 ei e
>; were two other aspirants for the
'fi M 4
".honor, reeve Noble, of Scott town
everything Abe'. hallways "d
tat t eii operating expenses hive
•: public; ¢d 1►ridalr a,«ai.s at Jts of>Sa.
las, Oat. ,
risen greatly the poet fewears.
Coal to three times the price it wi►e
SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Post-
x�`'t'.�,.:'a - _
* before
the war, wages have daub.
kind*f equip
il.� •! per year a.i1.2S itipaid is advance.
or more, and all
have made corresponding
the conveyance of His Majesty's
eeived thirteen votes, while Mr.
WEDNXISDAY, FEB. 11TH—Unreserved
proposed contract for four years, six times per
wee on the route West Hill R. R. 1 (via Hith-
in cost, so that It could
dispersion credit Bale of Clydesdale
be esperted-that the old rate8
horses, reg. and high-grade Short-
,;Ju iq MURKAR, Proprietor.
horn cattle, Shropshire 'sI .pigs;
.�t�on him.
implements, hay and grain, t�e pro-
t Of Chae. Sa ent at lot, 28
seen and blank of
at the Post.Offices at Went Heil a Highland
7 : Pickering township has, been
honored -by the County Council
..who elected reeve W. G. Scott to
1 �X" '•�iM �•�. �?•'-. urn L "��` ^ T"e�.' AI L'�91'� "n r 1 ��.,
o .,..•x i,l.%j'+,.,r, - x'rsM � '�i' '. �•«. •►! . ' n3thi.Tk.' •.'Gi4 •h' ..
SEALED TENDERS. addressed to the Post-
master General. will be received at Ottawa until
rima, on Friday, the 27th Februtry, 1929, for
theconveyance of His Majesty's, Mails. on a
Conuact for lour yearn, six times per
aro on the route, West Hilf. R. R. 2 (Scarboro
and Scarboro Junction), from ,the Postmaster
General's pleasure.
Printed notices containing further information
as to conditions of proposed Contract may be
seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained
at the Post offices at West Hill, Searboro and
add Scarboro Junction, and at'the office of the
Post Office Inspector, Tor -onto_
Post Office inspector's Office, 3 rs o SnSo, Jan.
12, 192),
18-20 Post Office Inspector.
reser coo. 8, Pickering (1 miles west and at the ogee of the Post O �Z%�18r�,RiZ•OZV
e rand' Trunk Railway has }} tor, Tprontp,
of Clare®oat.) Sale at I p. m. See Post o03ce Inspector's ofsee, Tomato. ,an. ALSI E -SEED
,found it -necessary to increase the large 'bills. F. W.
Silverddee, au. l�h ls� s SUTHERLAND, SLACKSIdITH , S80P I
r eQ"utere fares, the same to etioneer. ltd -2o. Post office Inspector, Y x ANTED '
lake effect on March let. The in- -
::" ereel" varies from ten to seventy We: will pay the highest Horseshoeing and general blaeksmitls
per cent~ Rosebank, will is the %*0 grkes for all kinds work promptly attended bored Oe.
nearest station to Pickering to be of seed. Lame and interfering Gorses made
%`..' benefitted by commuters' rates, Send ns samples and geC a specialty of, and money re-
' fu ed if work does not
will have to .pay $8,45 instead of our•pricea before
Y $7.80 for 55 -ride tickets, $4.80 in. @ '7 l selling. prove satisfactory.
stead fit $3.05 for 48 ride scholars' 10 per acre rental will 'be p€i-1 U htlr �RIId The beat of facilities �1eg MCi.p.CgEN -r
5 tickets, and $4.50 instead of $8.45 'for cleaning. '!
to any, farmer or owner,
s`for 10 ride tickets. There will be = �• H. DO
WNEY conaPANY ' 5 C *MI$ �
s, many complaints made frotu this - d - ACm* Il"uEfth
increase, but the raise call hardly uvestlgate. -Apply to _ _._ WHITBii. ONTARIO be termed an injilstiee. As in
PUnrees"ed Dispersion Credit _
of dose FlakMill, ickerl'ng
- - -
�LYDESDgLE H4RSE5 Having•p ..
nrchased the.g arage business of� Davidson 3c Williseat *sore
Reg. and High-grade Cattle, Pigs,
86ropehirel3heep. Implements, __-- prepared to;repair all,'imakee of autos.
Hay and Seed Grain Greetilligs
We keep in stank all kinds of lFord accessories, tires for aH:
The property of
. peas 13a.Tffe=t -- � ' '
r b r___
At his premises � dre ,. -
Rat .-25, Rear Con.`8, Pickering �' llilill�B
_ An w, � ksix
e• z (l+i miles west of Claremont), on
_Wednalid ty, Feb. 11th, 1920 We are now in a position 'to look after your household
The following property, nalyrly • BE PREPARED
4 nete$s�ities, and invite your closest inspection
Bev more, 4 vrs, old reitistered. bred -
• - e war has taught us the importance of preparedness.
of the values we. are offering,
c: July 21 to Belle gap, imp.; bay mate, Sickness way oysttake you without warning—are you
r>. li yrs, old. bred to Chlef Guardian; bay prepared?
-ware. 4'yrs A&.--dark-brown mare, i �
mold: bay. colt. i months old. sired a would alEo like to have your Butter, Eggs and all kinds o our savings
a i gto meantto-day and possess theassuranee
!C 8r
by Belle Boy. imp.; bay colt; t y ability all emergencies.
cid, aired by Chief Guardiea; bar cult of produce you have for sale, for w-11ioh we are
h.. ..
3 yeskre old.
- CATTLE prepared to pay the best prices.
Koral tsabef 3rd. 1130':1, red, calved
•s Jan.7tb, 1910; Maud 2nd. 1•'21299. dile Royal Purple St oak Feeds.
Feb. 10th. red, calved June 30th. 1914. y 1� - J. GORDON HALL, - -• ' hiasa/w.
` red heifer. calved Oct. 9tb. 1917, red -
• heifer. calecd July 11th. 1918: red �GrUnn's Shur -Gain Fert111Z@F9.
" belfer,•calved Oct. 3rd, 1918; red and -. -
white heifer, calved Feb. 10th, 1919:
` roan beifer, calved April 20th. 1919. BEIRITT' HARVEY 4 SON,
Hardwa'reStorThe above ammal8. are being regia. Pickering
:' lered. For a more :x -tended pedigree. GENERAL MERCHANTS -(Successors to iii. Gleeson)
""- a liege hilts.
Red cow, 4 yrs. old. dee time of Sale. - _
wbitecow. B yrs. old. dile March 20th: Gireenwood - " to ` Now cow, well bread,: yrs. old, bred ! n how is the time you 'need a R Stole• We have a complete htook
;Dec, 2nd: roan steer rising 2 yrs. old: of Happy Thought and Pandora flanges; which witl '-
red and white steer, rising 3 yrs. old.;
. fred steer, rising 2 yrs old; white faced
helfer, rising 2 rs. old; red- heifer,
rising 2 years old ; red spring calf :
roan spring calf.
o ewe Iambs, Shropshire; a Shropshire
,. iswes, registered. 1 Shropshire lamb,
;registered: 4 pigs, 3 months old; brood
sow, bred Dec. 12th.
Binder, McCormick 7' ft. cut, new;
mower. McCorttggick. �5 ft. cut. new:
� manure spresddr. McCormick, new;
",;rill, la disc. Deering, .new; spring
` ,tooth cultivator. S burse, McCormick.
' :seal Dane hat loader: hay rake, 10
it. McCormick; corn cultivator. Olivet
sew: McCormick in -throb+ dide harrow
-new; grog plow, kid kanizaroo, new;
Steel Innd roller, McCormicl, 9 ft new;
is le low 41 Tudhope-Anderson
save Doth fuel and money. Come and See thein.
A few Oil Heater left at $6.50, while they last. This is the oil' plane
to bey the 1900 Gravity Washer. Fnlly guaranteed.
free trial given. See our Power Washer
which saves you hard work.
We have a few Hog Troughs left -some as low' as 2.25. Give the begs
a trough that will save the feed. A full stock of Calf Meal,
Stock Food, Poultry Disinfectant, etc. Oars is the
Royal ]Purple line. Once tried, always used.
A complete'line'of seasonable goods always on hand. Sawa, Aiee,
Bandies, Snow Shovels, Brooms, etc., also a stock of Mitts
that will keep•Qut the cold: - It is always
s g p a pleasure for us to
'show our goods,
new; iron scuffler; turnip dill]; cream - - -
separator,' set of icor. barrows, 4 sect-, ' *
love, new-,. extra doubletrees for two _ --�� — a/
horses; cutting box, Maxwell; Aylmer r
scales, 2000 lbs, capacity, new; scales __ y
stock rack, spring w on, Chatham d s i n s •
P wap
with hoz 'and Spring seat.
tof eels
net of steel w
hheel trucks, Set of Qhat-R OiJ •am Yarm bob-aleighe, lural pulper, '_ -,wheelbarrnw, 2 new bay racks, stock
1 �
sack new, stone boat, corn rack. cut -
••ter, Chatham fanning mill, bugggy, 3 Fresh Frozen Salmon, 15c lb
, feed M. r
ladders, Scythe. 2-p;alee, H-Qrse,• Cattle, Hog and Hen ]Feeds
blankets. robes, logging chains;Brain _ _
harts, 2 sets of doubletreea, Finnan Haddie 15e per 1b ----
kyokea. 2 gpod barley forks, on o , •
and short ban les: 3 axefl. forks. shoe- -'
breec Ing harness, pod as new; set ofPl?e8 all Salt or - the lowest market price :
team harness, good as new; pair of _
back bands, 2 seta` of single harness,-
ate, whole find crushed, for horses.
-several extra good horse collars, set of O f
.- low harness, 250 bushels of seed. Data, -+.; _ Beef. _ _ Dairy Feed and Shorts for cattle,
_10 tons of hay, and a numberof other FreB� �8
:+ i' articles too numerous to mention.
Sampson Feed, Ground Corn for hogs,
reserve whatever, as Mr. Sargent V
•; has sold his farm.your cattle of lice by using Hellebore, Sulphur !a Scratch Feed or Corn for hens ,;
Rid p and Poria Green,
Sale at one o'clock, sharp
•.. Baby Chick Feed for chicks
-'-we have a good supply of all on hand. -
%4M3ls-Hay: grain, ensilage and all ••j��,
sums of $13 00-amd under cash ; over The Camp8 elf Flour Milia Coop. We �
that amount nine months credit nn
furnishing approved • joint notes.
' 1 sFive per cent. per annum' off for
3�rI� ll atsr 1 to PF, n'. 91LVERAInR4. .r -�f- Pe 1'0 lckerila
. � 1-• ..-:n !„p.,; 11,,.,,;.,. -„pr ..:
"r `71 � Pz•.- rho
�1 T -
,, n � � to
:..... ..-.: .•-,-.:r_. �. ..- ._ -: ......-. ...'.......:. ...:�..::. �A �.r .: . .' A.::;..««.-. :e'n,'!' J�v,-.:;,� .. r_A....... ..N �.-., ..+.. ._ ..._..... .,_ _..�ti .: .c ...,_..-..t.�.�'?�,.eSee.•u...?'�:..!-.,ri_.s�.� -- - _ '••.,.�J.:_..>k Win.. —_ •• _ _ _ `,"•�-.1.Rw�'�e�'. —.
7 Ihe warden's chair. fol 1 ei e
>; were two other aspirants for the
".honor, reeve Noble, of Scott town
iehip, and, reeve Weir, of Reach
lownehip. - Only one ballot was
SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Post-
'yleceesary, as Mi. Scott had a ma-
first he►vin,,
master General. will be received at Ottawa until
noon, on Friday, the 27th February 1920, for
Mails, on a
Jority on the vote, re*
the conveyance of His Majesty's
eeived thirteen votes, while Mr.
WEDNXISDAY, FEB. 11TH—Unreserved
proposed contract for four years, six times per
wee on the route West Hill R. R. 1 (via Hith-
. NOble had Seven and Mr. welt
dispersion credit Bale of Clydesdale
land Creek), from tbe Pdstmaster General's
live volae. we congratulate our
horses, reg. and high-grade Short-
pleasure. tnotices containing further information
reeve on the honor thus conferred
horn cattle, Shropshire 'sI .pigs;
as to conditions of proposed Contract may be
forms Tender may be obtained
.�t�on him.
implements, hay and grain, t�e pro-
t Of Chae. Sa ent at lot, 28
seen and blank of
at the Post.Offices at Went Heil a Highland
reser coo. 8, Pickering (1 miles west and at the ogee of the Post O �Z%�18r�,RiZ•OZV
e rand' Trunk Railway has }} tor, Tprontp,
of Clare®oat.) Sale at I p. m. See Post o03ce Inspector's ofsee, Tomato. ,an. ALSI E -SEED
,found it -necessary to increase the large 'bills. F. W.
Silverddee, au. l�h ls� s SUTHERLAND, SLACKSIdITH , S80P I
r eQ"utere fares, the same to etioneer. ltd -2o. Post office Inspector, Y x ANTED '
lake effect on March let. The in- -
::" ereel" varies from ten to seventy We: will pay the highest Horseshoeing and general blaeksmitls
per cent~ Rosebank, will is the %*0 grkes for all kinds work promptly attended bored Oe.
nearest station to Pickering to be of seed. Lame and interfering Gorses made
%`..' benefitted by commuters' rates, Send ns samples and geC a specialty of, and money re-
' fu ed if work does not
will have to .pay $8,45 instead of our•pricea before
Y $7.80 for 55 -ride tickets, $4.80 in. @ '7 l selling. prove satisfactory.
stead fit $3.05 for 48 ride scholars' 10 per acre rental will 'be p€i-1 U htlr �RIId The beat of facilities �1eg MCi.p.CgEN -r
5 tickets, and $4.50 instead of $8.45 'for cleaning. '!
to any, farmer or owner,
s`for 10 ride tickets. There will be = �• H. DO
WNEY conaPANY ' 5 C *MI$ �
s, many complaints made frotu this - d - ACm* Il"uEfth
increase, but the raise call hardly uvestlgate. -Apply to _ _._ WHITBii. ONTARIO be termed an injilstiee. As in
PUnrees"ed Dispersion Credit _
of dose FlakMill, ickerl'ng
- - -
�LYDESDgLE H4RSE5 Having•p ..
nrchased the.g arage business of� Davidson 3c Williseat *sore
Reg. and High-grade Cattle, Pigs,
86ropehirel3heep. Implements, __-- prepared to;repair all,'imakee of autos.
Hay and Seed Grain Greetilligs
We keep in stank all kinds of lFord accessories, tires for aH:
The property of
. peas 13a.Tffe=t -- � ' '
r b r___
At his premises � dre ,. -
Rat .-25, Rear Con.`8, Pickering �' llilill�B
_ An w, � ksix
e• z (l+i miles west of Claremont), on
_Wednalid ty, Feb. 11th, 1920 We are now in a position 'to look after your household
The following property, nalyrly • BE PREPARED
4 nete$s�ities, and invite your closest inspection
Bev more, 4 vrs, old reitistered. bred -
• - e war has taught us the importance of preparedness.
of the values we. are offering,
c: July 21 to Belle gap, imp.; bay mate, Sickness way oysttake you without warning—are you
r>. li yrs, old. bred to Chlef Guardian; bay prepared?
-ware. 4'yrs A&.--dark-brown mare, i �
mold: bay. colt. i months old. sired a would alEo like to have your Butter, Eggs and all kinds o our savings
a i gto meantto-day and possess theassuranee
!C 8r
by Belle Boy. imp.; bay colt; t y ability all emergencies.
cid, aired by Chief Guardiea; bar cult of produce you have for sale, for w-11ioh we are
h.. ..
3 yeskre old.
- CATTLE prepared to pay the best prices.
Koral tsabef 3rd. 1130':1, red, calved
•s Jan.7tb, 1910; Maud 2nd. 1•'21299. dile Royal Purple St oak Feeds.
Feb. 10th. red, calved June 30th. 1914. y 1� - J. GORDON HALL, - -• ' hiasa/w.
` red heifer. calved Oct. 9tb. 1917, red -
• heifer. calecd July 11th. 1918: red �GrUnn's Shur -Gain Fert111Z@F9.
" belfer,•calved Oct. 3rd, 1918; red and -. -
white heifer, calved Feb. 10th, 1919:
` roan beifer, calved April 20th. 1919. BEIRITT' HARVEY 4 SON,
Hardwa'reStorThe above ammal8. are being regia. Pickering
:' lered. For a more :x -tended pedigree. GENERAL MERCHANTS -(Successors to iii. Gleeson)
""- a liege hilts.
Red cow, 4 yrs. old. dee time of Sale. - _
wbitecow. B yrs. old. dile March 20th: Gireenwood - " to ` Now cow, well bread,: yrs. old, bred ! n how is the time you 'need a R Stole• We have a complete htook
;Dec, 2nd: roan steer rising 2 yrs. old: of Happy Thought and Pandora flanges; which witl '-
red and white steer, rising 3 yrs. old.;
. fred steer, rising 2 yrs old; white faced
helfer, rising 2 rs. old; red- heifer,
rising 2 years old ; red spring calf :
roan spring calf.
o ewe Iambs, Shropshire; a Shropshire
,. iswes, registered. 1 Shropshire lamb,
;registered: 4 pigs, 3 months old; brood
sow, bred Dec. 12th.
Binder, McCormick 7' ft. cut, new;
mower. McCorttggick. �5 ft. cut. new:
� manure spresddr. McCormick, new;
",;rill, la disc. Deering, .new; spring
` ,tooth cultivator. S burse, McCormick.
' :seal Dane hat loader: hay rake, 10
it. McCormick; corn cultivator. Olivet
sew: McCormick in -throb+ dide harrow
-new; grog plow, kid kanizaroo, new;
Steel Innd roller, McCormicl, 9 ft new;
is le low 41 Tudhope-Anderson
save Doth fuel and money. Come and See thein.
A few Oil Heater left at $6.50, while they last. This is the oil' plane
to bey the 1900 Gravity Washer. Fnlly guaranteed.
free trial given. See our Power Washer
which saves you hard work.
We have a few Hog Troughs left -some as low' as 2.25. Give the begs
a trough that will save the feed. A full stock of Calf Meal,
Stock Food, Poultry Disinfectant, etc. Oars is the
Royal ]Purple line. Once tried, always used.
A complete'line'of seasonable goods always on hand. Sawa, Aiee,
Bandies, Snow Shovels, Brooms, etc., also a stock of Mitts
that will keep•Qut the cold: - It is always
s g p a pleasure for us to
'show our goods,
new; iron scuffler; turnip dill]; cream - - -
separator,' set of icor. barrows, 4 sect-, ' *
love, new-,. extra doubletrees for two _ --�� — a/
horses; cutting box, Maxwell; Aylmer r
scales, 2000 lbs, capacity, new; scales __ y
stock rack, spring w on, Chatham d s i n s •
P wap
with hoz 'and Spring seat.
tof eels
net of steel w
hheel trucks, Set of Qhat-R OiJ •am Yarm bob-aleighe, lural pulper, '_ -,wheelbarrnw, 2 new bay racks, stock
1 �
sack new, stone boat, corn rack. cut -
••ter, Chatham fanning mill, bugggy, 3 Fresh Frozen Salmon, 15c lb
, feed M. r
ladders, Scythe. 2-p;alee, H-Qrse,• Cattle, Hog and Hen ]Feeds
blankets. robes, logging chains;Brain _ _
harts, 2 sets of doubletreea, Finnan Haddie 15e per 1b ----
kyokea. 2 gpod barley forks, on o , •
and short ban les: 3 axefl. forks. shoe- -'
breec Ing harness, pod as new; set ofPl?e8 all Salt or - the lowest market price :
team harness, good as new; pair of _
back bands, 2 seta` of single harness,-
ate, whole find crushed, for horses.
-several extra good horse collars, set of O f
.- low harness, 250 bushels of seed. Data, -+.; _ Beef. _ _ Dairy Feed and Shorts for cattle,
_10 tons of hay, and a numberof other FreB� �8
:+ i' articles too numerous to mention.
Sampson Feed, Ground Corn for hogs,
reserve whatever, as Mr. Sargent V
•; has sold his farm.your cattle of lice by using Hellebore, Sulphur !a Scratch Feed or Corn for hens ,;
Rid p and Poria Green,
Sale at one o'clock, sharp
•.. Baby Chick Feed for chicks
-'-we have a good supply of all on hand. -
%4M3ls-Hay: grain, ensilage and all ••j��,
sums of $13 00-amd under cash ; over The Camp8 elf Flour Milia Coop. We �
that amount nine months credit nn
furnishing approved • joint notes.
' 1 sFive per cent. per annum' off for
3�rI� ll atsr 1 to PF, n'. 91LVERAInR4. .r -�f- Pe 1'0 lckerila
. � 1-• ..-:n !„p.,; 11,,.,,;.,. -„pr ..:
"r `71 � Pz•.- rho
�1 T -
,, n � � to
:..... ..-.: .•-,-.:r_. �. ..- ._ -: ......-. ...'.......:. ...:�..::. �A �.r .: . .' A.::;..««.-. :e'n,'!' J�v,-.:;,� .. r_A....... ..N �.-., ..+.. ._ ..._..... .,_ _..�ti .: .c ...,_..-..t.�.�'?�,.eSee.•u...?'�:..!-.,ri_.s�.� -- - _ '••.,.�J.:_..>k Win.. —_ •• _ _ _ `,"•�-.1.Rw�'�e�'. —.
a'• r, • is4�.�.w;rW' ud..�. ' , .6, .3 'a yM' .•x•' i Y• ?`T� "�'�'is, ,. r . .....:" '' � �'' `' ,,' �. . -3 . +ms�?'^"F .,r ,.;i' `'•'' .' +I. :..c:7 %+✓. y ,7�m�,y� l?a :. ,. • +� y . ,- . %r+e�.°c f ." :v,�., , "355 . �"• . > r ..-,•f `
tf ;aai.'�w•-• .y.�. +•'y.,5?e:. .�,•.•�...+{�..-«.�i�ro...'Y. .ro•...u....'-_....: ..'L. vi•,.s'S... .. ..v. ..�,.;.a�•�'i^++..Y „�!1T.:,T"'�".•.a:..w,;l'(:.-::*•�.-. .w:x•e-�._ _ _ ..r...lr,,..rh. m+c.5.. •.•:s�`L'l.u-w+u'.5 •xh .:r '-�'�'P.. '�Fwl i:, yw.•-a
'.. ,.saa2k-� :..a ..,eY,. s.,„ r.r .y:ia-.+: r..s°....•... �' :.t. �,.-... -. •r +e /r z•YI :.�.i `s, `r' '�t+2. ,,,.
, y
P •
i ; ...-• i!Ioii _ w lire. A..W. 11i�E& is o�i�ed -
�_ +1 X tea•{'",'
' FNksy ie stilt ng -du to b bed tbronsh but we 4 _ � T noxt ►
s from as attack of sMati are gl to kaowkr that lhs�i ao.w - _
• aa. ME
R. _
T. P. Shirk spent over the week- Mrs. 0. S. Trueaoiin, who has F > :Not later khan 'April let = 'Bus meets all Trains
end with friends in Richmond been quite ill during the past week ( First-ol$es Rigs to hire day or, s;'
Hill. or two, is now improving nicely Sod lured, propeily drained, for growing fibs. will pay $16 night at lowest prices, c "
A number of our residents have and is able to be out. _ _
been suffering from an 'attack of Dr.ont Caldwell, formerly n of Clare_ tone per a ahou d be saesaiand. hardest same. Thos S -Phone- 1805.
aadersea K
. 'tagrippe. wont, called on a number of � C�_..��,
. Messrs. Ward dz Gregg shipped friends here on Tuesday. He in- 3 p a ed i iA a favorable spring. ,
a carload of cattle and one of hogs tends going to Windsor to prac- PROPRIETORS
on Monday. tics his Urofeseion. No threshing, nor no seed no, binder twine to buy _
Mrs. Palmer is in 8touffville, We congratulate reeve W. G. { All profit with little work.
visiting her Sister, Mrs: Geo. T. Scott on the honor conferred upon y
'- Lee, who is ill, - hitn at the county council on Tues-
We are pleased to see Joseph day by being elected warden of T.H1L�g IT OVER "- Ind. phone 800 _- x
:Readman able�to be down street the County of Ontario. _ a
s after his recent severe illness. DIr George Morgan, who sus -
Mies Ellen $colt, who has been tained a fracture of her ankle a f'
:.suffering from a severe attack, of rieek ago Sunday, is still confined 14
bronchitis, is now recovering nice- -7
T-1 -- to her bed, but is making satisfac- Tj18 P1CkBiing
R tory progress toward recovery. Grain Chopping T Of all maser" and design
Mrs. For le'e'r. who, has been _. -_.. _ ('1 it, in stook. It will r+
raid up with a severe, cold for the - y�� AND FL I,KI]\TG Vigilance Committee roan at oar works nisi �y1 our etoot
t few weeks, is now somewhat i inspec „z
better. $ Bakery I am prepared to do Grain Chop The object of this Association Is to ' obtain pdoa• Dont b, mi•kad
I'�ckerin Bake agents we do not employ them, oonequeot• �`
-We are pleased to see James lessen stealing and prosecute l we sea. and- do throw off /he
' Underhill out again after being ping and Oat Flaking every the felons, y �°t
ooa$ned to the honer for deveral Big display of Chocolates, Creams eommis•ion o! 10 per ant.. wi
' > weeks through illness. and Mixed Candies, week day except Members having fly save by perehasiag how U%j
g Choice Chocolates in boxes. Saturday.
Property stolen °°t°'°°°ai' pair solfoit•d.
rig Fruit Cake 40c r lb.
be held in the Methodist a arch, per _ of Easontive Oom ifttaly with /tes.
Claremont, on $anday next at Extra quality at 56 cents. John P. Bayles, Greenwood membership f« ;i•oo• Oros and works, Whitby, Ontario
10.=0 a. In. The official Board will Wedding Cakes our spebtalty. T!•bsts may be bad tsom We Preerdeat w
meet on Monday evening at 8 y eeoeel.rT ea.ppue.ttp.. ■
o'clock. �3_ Fr. �2o1�Tv' . h e x t o ri . s 1111oic. Com. -L. D. Banks, C. S. calm- The Fluted Farmers
er, W, V. Richardson, Pickerteg:
Charles Sargent having sold his PICKERING, ONT. _
' -farm will hold an auction sale of ' Confectionery °g
1.. iiia farm stock, implements, hay, 1; R, Th.exten■ J. Clark. s _
-grain etc., on Wednesday, Feb. TIME TABLE-Piokering SWoa O P:•aid ret, deerelacy Ontario ?,
lltdi. For complete list see advt. T. R. Trains gsing East ilw w tolkoiws ' N`F'N'S �08 Ctf801O
No, 6 Mail 8.07 A M.
in anothercolumn• (11 28 Local • ` 228 P.'M. ..constantly on hand in bulk or bricks Concrete -0 Farmers' Club' meets in the
On account of the heavy down- s. 38 `Looat - �2". 3i 0o
fall of snow, the C. P. R. has en- Troiae Roiog went . due as follows— Gum, Chocolates and other Sweets. • Pickering Town Hall 012
,gaged a number of extra hands to No. 29 Local 10.27 A. M. Popular Patriotic Music.
--keep the track clear of snow, and 27 Local :L363b P. M: Tobaccos, Cigars; et�6ec' cond Wednesday
Products as a result several of our resi- 7 Mail 755 F. M, IN DILLINGHAM BLOCK • of each month
dents have been engaged. No B and 7 also run on Sunday '
Pickering, Ont.
only during summer months.
Our various churches are enter= For goingg is 1 hour in advance _ - _ ... _ .. _.. � _ _ -
laic verx ` of Standard time. _ �_=Meld Tile wat,3h for nett meeti'eg
work of the Forward re bengL� o n
Com 'Appropriate sermons are being wh�teVale C1Ab •of -'t sand Brick date
preached each Sunday dealing - ,�•,t
with the , varions phases of the TT .-3,4,6a
v �,$ Stt'8ai ,
_.question. VnZted Farmers Tile. -3 4 6 and :8 __.._.
Hard and Soft Coal of the
Our hockey team journeyed to Seeds have arrived. "
Agincourt on Saturday afternoon best quality on �n(+�
when they played one of the At the next meeting of the Club re•o: /. hand
scheduled games with the team of lutions will be assed on Get my prices
played thron hout but our boys Re Inierawttehing of Railwa • norI; villa anth .-. rhe manse was wall 9 followTHOS•
g yy
were defeatedby tine score of 7 to Military Training in Schools _ PSie]serLng• Gut end, Phone 2705 Pick.
t ,
•�• Improving our School 87item - 1
D. A. Scott has secured a liberal Regulation of Foodstuffs �1 a • h
Y. supply of the Bayer and other standardization of farm Implements Laxds C SIMtlt a �(� Clarence Simpson W
Regulation of motor_ trucks on our _
makes of aspirin tablets, forma- soft roads 4'caay Imd lea . N. R. Station, Brock Road r
g _
anent erm•krlling mouth tablets
and other disinfectants used tocom
tt Spread to t the "flu" epidemic,
epidemic, should
p p ality, as it is
ezpected in ashort time. * -
A rink of our curlers had ar. HROL GHOOd
ranged to go'to'BramptosDn Mon- `- g
,day to take part in the bonspie1.. times and bad'tiknes for
. #k But owing to the death' of Moses .Tthe Past 45 years
Ranter. of Toronto, who is a for- Ban]chassteadily givenitabest
mer resident of Brampton,and had - the development and -
donated the liberal prizes for this efforts
bonsplel, h has been called off is upbuilding of the agricultural,,
definitely. -and co
miner• s f
efiaite� manufacturin
y H E r d Will Exceed the
A meeting of the residents of
the village was held one day last Output—, Place Yo �� r Order bueinesa his Caent�.
week to consider the advisabilityer Oureffitserviceillavailable
of making a loan to 'the proposed for a benefit of all customers.
eaad factory. As it was leara't Now! TKE � .n
that it is illegal for a police village
-to make a loan for this purpose - - _ �KN D A B D BANK
:efforts are beink made to raise the - - e
imoney by private loan, but the The Ford Company' advise that OF do not seem to be very en- OF CaAN�eDA s.
ithusiastic in the matter. PICKERINO SRANCN h
A grand racingcarnival- -kill be o n acro a n t ,o f th e s h O rtage o f raw' : tIMMQRMAN - M,M.,„R 2
held in the Caledonia rink on the - — a;;
,evening of Tuesday, Feb. 8rd, •- .r
when the followHag prizes vsW be material they entertain no hope of
awarded Fastest couple -let, $2, T
`2nd, $1; Fastest lady skater -let, p p Y • b V _ \
4& 2nd, sal; Boys' race (13 years S u � 1 n the d e m a � d ' f o'r ` For d
saI under) -let, $2, 2nd $I. The N
o I :
second heat piths ten -round fast > -y l
race will be run at this carnival. 'Cars during the coming season. `..
-daces will begin at 8.15 sharp A -
gwol Band will be in attendance.
40 �a Admission, cents; spectators, �a Our allotment .-o f Cars will -be, Watch this space
The annual meeting of Erskine - - .
Presbyterian church was held on ' • ..
Monday evenin last. All the or. sn1a11 compared with the demand Something bid
gsnizations of t e urch report- , ,. Ve
that will exist in this territor . _In
ed a substantial ire ee, excelling • r;
all former years in the contriba-
•tions., The increased. inimum _
atipet 9 wee raised and Il Shan• =order =to -obtain -this lllotment It 1 Fla '- d el m
-tial obligations dischar ed. Mess. - .. . t
rs. John Beelby and A rch. Fleming - +i
will be necessary to show the, Ford Ina. Phone 2e04
were elected to the Board of Man
sgempnt: A hearty vote of ap• « x
preciation of the services of the
retiring members was placed on Company the actual eiders.ti
record. A tasty lunch was served
by the ladies at the close of the
meeting at which a pleasant hour
was spent. ,
# The coursein-agriculture which
opened on Jan. 14th is progressing ,�s Ford Dealer's1n this district t , , {
� "
emery 4avorah)y th_&Aotal. enroll-
merit of thirty-seven students. On-
_ ,:: • • ..
-----e - ar _nus to serve the
x '
Friday last the following execu•
the was elected la het arrange
the work of the claee; President—
,• _
muni tope best of pilillity
`'J :.
The Universal "
g • t
Sa Win _•_Machine . y
Robert White, Goodwood;• Secre
--taryTreasurer-Douglas Dicker
Son, Committee -Jack Duke, Mur.
$y placing
your order:
low you �`V 1�1
ray Forgie and J. Willison. The
W. H. Jackson fit; SOII�
else= i. in charge of R. M. Tipper
'.and H. W. riff. Three lectures
assure yoil rself, of gettrno your `car
Brock Road. Pickering. Ont, ,
are given each morning and two
in the rtfternoons. Two or three
� f r a2
l ul e l
Blackamithing and �-oodworkir�g is
Alt•itG YtrA St�tl?C. gASC'i{n II1 R]I21g
afternoons per week are devoted
,to prnetivg1 work in judging live
l ` 1
and filing a specialty.
We stock GAsoline Engines, Emery
eto�k.- The 'eonrse will eornaode i
Feb. 13th, when'it is hoped to,
Wheels. CirculAr Sawn, Saw
'and Emery Mandrels.
eondnct a bAncInet. to which a
(A T:NT'IS 8z .&1TDIvFJW�
T.nddere of sit lengths on band
number o gneete will be invited,!
and for sale,
�diX:,an:•x".+n.;.='3=.. +w.,. n:w.`.5u+-:aL_....•s.,:a:.;,.s,h..,'.d3a.t, i..__<�„_,........�.::� :.• . �.', ,.. ,- r+..... .-...a, ..-.-.. - ..as+:er:. m....w.sa.-.;._...�s_...�.,.+i�-b•e.+„....'$:sxr.�L•�..-:�2+�_�c...�:�,L.. .-,c...�.-«..•,.*r,�"',...:�cbt^mow et�"'>.,..a�a ...:;_...izss -'� c�,..��nna.uui: er �-A+.i+4:.�...'r_tYnS... e.G'�- x• -
-y' �A .. . .. +. t. .:' an, ..q.: . n. ., :... ..v»: 'C'd ♦.' :^':rw _ , e ..,� -4 �-, •.•.;.-'y 1' • , h - „-T .,--k `.Y
,y :... .. .. e..s• ., ,'mxs-�"-• -3. _ °i~:—.:.�...... .r.»-.::ew �Y., v...v'!!.s_s-_gym. ..:.. ...v�w.a:d: r.�.sN .'.+w� ....r-.:..� _S' :::r•._t...
�^i. ... ,
• �-' :s, .. ..::r --'r .. S• --r cova•l+,ry.Y.•j¢r�Y'rta.•a.,iMlirnwrL�.1tg01's+9v}tJM•"'' h�'•,"• KiYMM,@?",,A'�rSF''7'
. --
" �'•' '. ..w�.a. w ,rsJx inr�cril•�J�-•....rN�.gd �Im4'ita�Pa�Fb:'�6s�:..y.s +.z. ,s."... ... ..... ... ..
CANADA'S OST ......��
• - -- - — -- -- halt
�`OR-Lt�9'L�ONI+�S --� �-
B - ` r��✓�!� ��
lent own
medicine Ti blit lea are
an, They • �� .40
416400100110, May Be Buailt...
- are • a mild but thorough laxative The very foundation stone of healtth
which sweeten the stomach and regu• ...FOUNDED IN 1604. is Sleep and for that reason the Habit - -�
[arises for the Hand. bleach before applying, Touch sect late the bowels, thus bringing relief __ _ of Sleep shoald be built first of all.
f Z1 bas often been ren►arked that spot, and run the soaked cotton :indett in cases of constipation, indigestion, » For the first three months of lifer '
the nail from aide to side. colic, colds and simple fevers. Con- the healthy baby sleeps (if allowed
,adv is recognised h the _co n Then loosen the cuticle -all around NOVA Scotia, Famed FOr Its
aid 1►ppedranca o2 her , corning them Mrs. L. J. Chieason, Pa- a to) eighten to twenty hours out of ;
k+a'taia it ds that nothing more surely the nail. Lift it up -never push it quetyille, N.B., writes: -"I have found Beauty, Has a Long and the twenty-four. A wonderful thug a
ltdiain I an that
of daintiness in down and back, as this movement will Baby's. Own Tabletf-excellent for my . happens. That baby doubles its
?nal care than neglect of the crack and split the akin -and fre- young baby in the case of conatipa• S*ring History. • weight • in tftiee months, something 9
catty di the knife into the water, tion and colic and 'it gives me great
's and nails, and nothing more p Nova Scotia has been the name of. that never happens again in all its
• Paw
gaickly stamps a woman :as being as this helps to soften the cuticle pleasure to recommend them to other a territorial division of North Ameri- long life. A ten -pound baby can gain
ll'grobined than a white, well -kept and makes the work of raising it mothers.' The Tablets are sold by ca since 1624. It was held by the a pound in one weekduringhis sleepndand smoothly polished finger easier. When if, is quite cleat• of the medicine dealers ' or by mail ..at 25 French and English alternately until period, a gain of ten per cent in bodyits. It Is not an easy matter in nail use the •n�etitile-point scissers, cents a box from The Dr. Williams'_ 1710, when it was taken by the forces weight. Think what a miracle is hap- ;
rdweather to keep these active and endeavor to trim the cuticle all Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. under General Nicholson. Its history peeing before your very eyes, just
mtbars soft and white and the nads in one piece, otherwise rugged edges ,rte is rich in picturesque incidents and as the result of sleepand a little food
good condition. and- hang nails will result. Be -eX �61arid Where Dees striking personality. The rivalry of and care.
Climate has a good deal to do with tremely careful about this part of the La Tour and Charnisay has -inspired Was your baby cross and restless '
bc��-! general condition of.the akin, and treatment, as a too zealous use of ((( ' _ Are Safe. song and story: -'Longfellow, by his after 'it was born? My first guess
ands that 'have a tendency to red- either knife or scissors may hurt the I The deep music of a deerhound's "Evangeline," made Nova Scotia. class as to -the cause is that you. worked
nail and undo all your work. Press I sic ground; Annapolis Royal, found- too hard before Bab came, and now
►les ,. and unehapeliness will have all voice came faintly down the wind, y
the skin at the bottom of the • nail ed 1604, is the oldest settlement In not only you lose sloe
"'.these defects exaggerated -with frosty shortly it blended with the sharper y y g _as a conse-
Weather. The busy woman may be: gently back, so that the half-moon `voice of a hunting Airedale. The Canada.. But Nova Scotia was first in quence but your precious one also '
'grudge herself the half-hour a day shows clearly. scream of d' hungry cougar is not -.other things. It had the first news- loses it. When you lose sleep and gest
Ifteeessary to devote to this part of Next apply the red, paste. Use more teri?tying -.a thi' timid deer of paper, the first local legislature, the tired, then you give' the baby "tired `
"he! toilet, 9�at she will'find that these very little and, af�er applying to each the British Columbia coast than the first college, and the first provincial milk" and then it gets restless and
minutes are well worth the small sac- nail with the finger tip, rub well into}bay of the 'hounds on the trail. Wheit history in Canada Being settled first cannot sleep and uta wakefulness
!'[five. the nails with the palm of the hand„ they hear it then get ,up and go=- of the English-speaking provinces, it keeps you awake still more and so
The necessary outfit will costa lit- follow -!ng this with a brisk rub of the straight for water. developed the 'first Anglo -Canadian ,'you tread the vicious circle. I hope'
tie, but good instruments should be' buffer. Then dip the finger 'Li s into literature. "The Clock -Maker" made eve mother who has done this wife
P The little spike buck, born• a, few � every
nrchased in the beginning A flex- water and dry thoroughly, as it is im- seasons before on the rugged, ,forest• Haliburton famous, appearing first as. realize that she could save herself
q erg lifted his of the Pacific his ears, I - - d -Perhaps the l�apgi- ^'
le file em boards, polisher, or possible to polish a wet nail. With' sketches in Howe's pager The Nova and her b
sage sticks, cuticle knife, cuticle avis- I the nail scissors cut off any tiny Scotian." Hess and welfare of the whole fan-
sors, and -nail scissors are necessary, threads that may be left, and smooth I his very pose displayed the high ten- The Land of Evangeline. ( ily by taking time to rest, and that
.together with a little red paste, nail I off all Tough edges on the nails with son of his taut nerves. He looked in, she will not repeat this -mistake. Mil-
` Nova Slotis- has a provincial flag
Wach, and white nail powder_ the emery board. Dip the, buffer into to the forest of the island, on which bearing the Arms of Scotland, a pro- lions of older mothers will join me
Just before retiniag is the best time the nail powder, place the centre of he stood, and he saw nothing alarm- vincial Rower -the . Mayflower, or 7n saying, "Robbing yourself of sleep ,
to give to the beautifying of the � the buffer on each nail in turn, and I I does not a
ing. He turned and stared across the Trailing Arbutus, and a provincial pay."
Ganda and arms.' .Immaculate clean- rub lightly ,until the desired `polish water toward Nelson Island. The only -name for its people. "Bluenoses." The i When Baby is able to toddle around,
"tineas is, first of all, imperative.I results ---a very high polish ("China thing that caught his eye that did not province Is made up of beauty spots, another danger period' comes. This -
a They should be washed in .warm water; finish"'). is not conpidered correct denote restful nature in primitive � the moat famous being the Annapolis' busy mother, driven with the urge oil
-never extremely hot or cold-toI these days. A light dip into clear, grandeur was n smudg_? of smoke that Valley. traversed by the Dominion At. � getting--�+ 0�ork done + * e t
- `smeared the horizon and showed that I lactic 'Railway, and Cape. Breton, the ! first one -thing and then another' -tint --
"-which has been added a pinch of tor- warm water, careful drying, and. a, of the way before she takes care of
' ax of a few drops of tincture of ben -I brisk rub of the nails of one• hand a C.P.R. coasting steamer was out scenery in the latter place being like y
zoic. Apiece of lemon added to this against the palm o! the other
and bound from e11 River. Then the the Highlands. of Scotland. This, the little one's bedtime needs. Then , !
!kites is excellent for removing duet) your manicure treatment is ended. boom. of the hound's voice' rolled taken with the Scottish origin of so when she gets around- to put Baby
sand stales,. although for some skins After the. treatment it is wise to `again across the waters, from Nelsot many of the population, nn doubt in-• to bed, there is a crying spell be-
at mild soap or almond meal will brir>;gI put on a pair of very loose gloves, I Island. The�deer moved nervously, i spired the epithet "the \ova' Scotia• cause the child ie too tired to fsA
better results.' After washing, the ! clean Inside -white. chamois ones are I looked all round again -and calmly !nese of Nova Scotia. asleep at once or else she has fallen
v bands should be carefully dried and I splendid, but cotton ones can be used I bent his head to bite a mouthful of I The old capital '$ was Annapolis aslep in a pathetic, little heap in a
rcapital,_ turner and has to be waked u for
then ,thoroughly rubbed with a good with very good. results. Snip oft the' grass• He was safe. He was on Royal. In 1748 s new
r- s en u y a tips the fingers an cu a e in- � I fax, named in honor of the Earl of • necessary undressing and a .
��oves the hand and arm. especially. the palms so that the hands will have
Hardy. Island is the city of refuge to, i Halifax, was founded by Colonel Ed. Choose a bedtime hour for earl! '
around the base of the nasi where the free ventilation: Use large gloves, all the deer that` know about it. ( wa#d Cornwallis, uncle of the general one of the 604fren and then stick to
Three years ago it was good hunting who surrEndered at Yorktown, on the it. Let it be too earl rather than
. ` asatida and the nail join. I so there is not the slightest impedi- g � y
Anes applying the cream, rub the ment to perfect circulation -in very. grounds. Today it is taboo to men shore of Chebucto Say, "Chief of too late. A baby tires very easily
. tdedi around in small halt-cirdes, important point in the .care of the I with guns. and bell pope; as the sap -,I Havens," to countery8ise the French and needs maty short rest periods
pressing deeply but gently, and al- hands. Wear the gloves all night. ing goes, if .men with both guns and I City of Louisburg in Cape, Breton. I during the. day and, a twelve -hoe;
sways rub up toward the elbow. In A mixture of glycerin and rose-wa- dogs appear. It is unlawful to hunt I The harbor is one of the best in the I sleep' at night. Even though your
i deer with dogs in 'British Columbia, world
'fffiishing, draw the fingers straight � ter, equal -parts, should be kept near ,and• the fortifications the most one -year-old baby will not fall asIseg,
!'but It is still done in certain districts, im ortant in Canada. The ort was of ever eriod of so-called crassness isdown from the -elbow to the wrist , the wash bowl, so that a few drops .4 b D y P ,-
1 times. in massaging the can be applied and rubbed into the 1 in spite of law. Two years ago, or I immense service during the. war. Its a signal that the child i� d�•ed and
VWW&after rubbing the cream thor- hands directly after they are washed i perhaps slightly maze than that, Mr. I sea -borne trade is rapidly incrPasing. needs to be put into crib or on the
y eughly into the pores, gently pall each time. This will help to keep C. J. Leyland of England purchased Its population is about 63:000.. bed, if only for five minutes or until
Hager through the half-closed them white and soft. For pronobnoed
I Hardy Island, a gem of land situated The increasing throng of tourists ; it gets good-natured again, Remind
Pof the other hand until you can roughness of the ,skin a few drops I. just oft Nelson Island at the mouth of that yearly` visits the beautiful Land ! yourself that "baby tires so easily,"
Wtihe warm blood pulsing in the fin- of carbolic acid added to the glycerin I Jervis Inlet. He bought it to ex- I of Evangeline has recently ted to the I and remind others , of it too=even its
r Hera and the whole head locks pink. and rose -Nater mixture is highly re- pertinent with British trees in the ( acquisition by the Dominion Atlantic father, ` r
B.C. climate. There were 2,600 acres Railway • of a further comfortRbie I Gbt into the habit of taking a keen
Itnd -rosy. The massage shmla al• commended, acid if the odor of this of rich lands and forests, and the a hotel, The Aberdeen, at Kentville, to 1 kat the face of your lee in child.
ways run lengthwise and the joints drug is objectionable the addition of I was a good orchard. He placed a those already operated by that Com- I Ill health -always shows on pth sleep- -
gbouki never be sharply pulled or a little pert me will remiive it. 1 watchman, Tom Brazil, on the proper any. ss sleep
twisted unnaturally. A celebrated physician recommends ty, and did no more toward develo p ing fees. The sound, dreamle_ p
Naar gat yaar manicure instru- lettuce cream for swollen, red, or p +-- of the perfectly healthy baby i; one
meat, preferring to await the end of , oP the most beautiful sights on earth.
Inmate into play. Begin, by ahapingl chapped hands, His formula is: Milk t t ���
the war. Brazil, a lover of animals, ; A T01I1. FOR H E ItHATS I feet sa though I should get down
Se nails with the file. Alwaya pre- of lettuce, 200 grams; pure glycerin, , caught two of the wild deer that fre• on my knees in adoration before a.
serve and extend the curve and 50 grams; tincture of benzoin, la ~ .
quently swam to the island from the Loss of sleep injures, first the nerv•
shape of the nail to that of the fin- I grams; salicylate of sods, -4 grams. other nearby lands. lie tamed them. 1 r {
,and trim all rough edges smooth. I The first ingredient can be made ThP ous system, then the digestive s s-
y in turn brought other wild ones. he Only Real Nerve Tonic is a y t Y
''(Extremely pointed finger nails. are at home. Use only the large leaves many of them had been run to water tem, then the blood system. After
ia<tot considered beautiful -they are I on the outside of the.head of lettuce.' Good Supply of Rich. Red that you may, have any kind of an
... I by dogs and,took•refuge on Hardy is. ( actio or pain: But you can !tegp your
limes, claws.) Then soak the lingers Pour boiling water over them. Let land. There, seeing how intill-te the _ $l+ood. ealth by taking your full-aliot<an.:r
for a�few nsinutes in a basis of Luke -j stand for five minutes, then pour off I original tame pair ager: •wJth the man I h
warm ,water ..-just long enough to the water and pound the leaves to who controlled the orchards where "If people would ofily attend to of sleep.
;soften the cuticle -and dry with a•, paste. Strain throug c.ean cheese=; Lhe leuseiotis satires gio �thc�-wiiYd their blood instead of worrying
j�afi tom cloth or through a jelly bag. This newcomers gradually grew intimate selves Ill.", said an- eminent nerve t Chicks Reared in Bacteria
Clean the nail with the point of the lotion should be bottled end used nightI too. Today a herd of thirty deer, I specialist . ¢e doctors would not s� I -proof Incubator, -
11se=ge stick, being careful to remove) and morning. �� 1 most of them born in wildness, re. L our consulting rooms crowded with I —�
,Rory particle of dirt. If there are "Clean hands and a pure heart are uervou wrecks, More people suffer I Upon the otd question of whether or
P I spond to the voice of Tom Brazil when �, • not vertebrates can=•live without the
;ply stains, •wrap a tiny piece pf cot- :the tinstructions the Bible gives us, he calla. •Some'of them will step,for.- from worry than anything .else."
• +lbs► around -the stick and dip 1n -to -the) andcth are possible to every woman.) ward from the herd when, called by . The sort of thing which the special - .1 companionship of the "benevolent
---- -' --- — -- name. • They have no fear at all of ist spoke of is the nervous, run-down I bacteria which ordinarily pop fiats
condition caused by overwork and the their digestive tract, penetrating light
- beiag'reprlmanded by the. general be- man, when on Hardy island. $Me- is Thrown by the recant experiments
COOT[ Wei a Krllght. I many anxieties of to -day. Sufferers
cause ;of .some dish being not a per. times they swim to other parts of the of a French bacteriologist. He is able
Amusing stories -are gaining cur- feet suecess, remarked: "You are coast, and range about a bit, but they i find themselves tired, morose, low -
Amusing I to report . that this bacterialess sub.
reney, fib Ffance.aa a reault'of the at wrong to speak eo severely, my gener• come back, often fagged from some I spirited, agd, finable to••keep their
der -war relations of some of the na- - minds on anything'. Any sudden noise I jects have developed vigorously, and
al. I am a Knight of the .Legion of fierce run A- nd swim. at maturity have actually displayed
hurts likes blow. They are full of i
don's combatants. 'One of these Honor." '• Tom Brazil's herd is becoming` a by i i unusual resistance to Cold, thirst and
VWch comes to hand relates to a An ' investigation followed, and it word on the coast, but no dog and no groundless fears, and do not sleep
famous general 4nd his cook, who, on wa8 discovered that the cook had man dare brave what might happen I well at night. Headaches, neuritis and I hunger. Placed among untreated
been a nurse at the front, where she should he try_to hunt on the island•of, other nerve pains are'part of the owl, they have easily withstood the
h d I o such braver that the red- refuge So the deer are fat are bring- misery, and it all comes from starved �' inroads of common bacteria. As laid '
a s y
ribbon' decoration had been awarded
I ing new little. lives into the world,
out on. the laboratory table, there is ,
'nerves. i first a cubical antechamber, about 37
to her. On the termination of the war.
and are adding• to their (numbers by
Doctoring the nerves with poisoltouz t . _ fi
I in. on' each edge. Here the scientist r ,
she had accepted dismissal from the
recruit volunteers from the wild
sedatives is a terrible n stake. The
washes the eggs in antiseptic, solu--
only real nerve tonic is a good supply
service without complaint, and, hav-
ranges where such safety- k not
;tion, and performs other inannal opera- --= -
ing to earn her living, became a cook,
of rich, red blood. Therefore to cure
health Dr. I t Eons. Communicating with this ante _i
wearing the decoration only on Sitn-
_ _
nervousness and run-down
fainter by an airtight door is the
dealer in medicine,- or by ma -IF -at at 60
tered air and,aaeptic food, Water is-
Williams' Pink Pills should•. be -taken
c='lindrical braes 'incubator,' stoat i6
Echo de Paris. which prints the
HOW Mr. Giraffe Faces =
These pills actnalIp make nen-, rich
•which in. lona, where gas jets keep the eggs
story and vouches for it, adds: "And'
His Enemy.
blood, strengthens the nerves,
improves I at 'constant temperature, until they
since then the general has trot al.
The giraffe has neither ' i laws nor
the appetite, gives new
strength and spirits, and makes. hatch.' -Separated from this chamber
lowed himself to make remarks when
any dish has not been a perfect suc•
beak nor sharp teeth with which_ to ''
I by a cloth curtain is a likewise sit -
hitherto despondent people bright an•4, tight cylinder of glass iso in.- long,
Ara you peeping your bowels, liver,
defend itself or to attack Its enemies:
cheerful. , If you are at alL-,9aut of where the chicks live until their
pfd stomach clean, pure, fresh
so when it is out of temper with one
sorts" you should begin curing your -
transfer to an unprotected chicken
with Cascarete, or merely whipping
What a Pity.
-of its own kinddoes not attempt to
disembowel its adversary, as a rhin-
self today by taking Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills., yard, or their death by chIorofotm at
Sam into action every few days with
An untraveled cogntryman Duce
oceros might, or tear it,, :f9 a tiger
You can get these pills through any the end of a determined period. Two
qtnneps•-bona• Ac "tn'`rrea • e�-
• Wa ra?
treated himself to a trip to London.
would. But nature has given it a
dealer in medicine,- or by ma -IF -at at 60
tered air and,aaeptic food, Water is-
Stop having a bowel wash day. Let
There for the first time in his life he
long and .pliable neck. which termin•
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from _
'Dr. condensed from the air,by a tetan
ftscarets gently cleanse and regulate
saw a schoolgirl go through her gym-
ates in a very solid head, and it uses
The Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont. ting coil, which drops it into as ia- ✓
he stomach, remove the sour and fer•
nastic exercises for the amusement
the upper part of itself like a flail,
-^ b clined 'gutter, and thence' into. the
denting food and foul gases, take the
of the little one:, with whom she was
swinging its head down at each swing
drinking tub within reach of the
• azoess bile from the liver and carry
with a thump on its antagonist.
French scientists have invented a ,
Oat of the colon and bowels all the
After Hexing at her with looks qE
?uta other coTbatant uses precisely
the same tactics. and the two animals•
sugar flour, made from dried sugar : _. k
beet for use where
' Ooastipated waste -matter and poisons
MO you Can atraighteri up.
interest sad compassion for some
time, he asked a boy near by if she
planting themselves As firmly as pos•
pulp, pure sugar
i-. not required. Prdlifle Egg Layer.
Cascarets to -night will make yon
had fits.
Bible by stretching 'out all four lege
In England the consumption. of -The female turtle usually lays a$
feel great by morning. They wori
No," replied the boy; "thbm%
to the utmost, stand opposite to each
margarine, wliieh before the Nar was night in the sand, depositing fro
while you sleep -never gripe, sicken,'
gymnWIC5:-^ _
other and hammer away with their
eight pounds a head a year, or about one'hundred and fifty to two hundr� t
or Cause any incouAnience, and �COst1
,Ah, how sad," said the yuan. "•How
heads until one or the other has -bad'
one-half the consumption of butter; and fifty eggs, which she emers with
to little too.
bag's she had 'em?"
is reported to be steadily increasing. sand.
dci not
Clearly inspired by Santos-DumonVa
"Demoiselle" "Crow,"
. . the Trenches.
My song shall.,be of birds and flowers
And all the lovely things of earth;
for cat/cod prinb and
rlfte.oa Art Corte.. 4 Brunswick Avat
The little leaves that, clap their hadds,
To -O
have relied on
The health and wholesomeness of
The wonder In a baby's eyes,
100V Splendid oppor ulty. Writ*
Box T. is V,
The clinging clasp of loving hands;
on o.-. Limited.
78 Adelaide St. W., Toronto,
The glee of frolic waves, that chase
feet above, the head of the pilot, who
Each other up the golden sands.
and Job printing plant ln,Eastern
Ontario. Insurance carried $1,600. Will
for prompt results. With the lowered
The morning star together sang
1Wfor $1,200 on quick sale. Box IL
Wilson Publishing C9., Ltd.,
strength and vitality of age they realizes,
In g conveyances.
"Rejokv� and Again I S*yp
dci not
Clearly inspired by Santos-DumonVa
"Demoiselle" "Crow,"
. . the Trenches.
My song shall.,be of birds and flowers
And all the lovely things of earth;
for cat/cod prinb and
rlfte.oa Art Corte.. 4 Brunswick Avat
The little leaves that, clap their hadds,
To -O
have relied on
The health and wholesomeness of
The wonder In a baby's eyes,
100V Splendid oppor ulty. Writ*
Box T. is V,
The clinging clasp of loving hands;
on o.-. Limited.
78 Adelaide St. W., Toronto,
The glee of frolic waves, that chase
feet above, the head of the pilot, who
Each other up the golden sands.
and Job printing plant ln,Eastern
Ontario. Insurance carried $1,600. Will
for prompt results. With the lowered
The morning star together sang
1Wfor $1,200 on quick sale. Box IL
Wilson Publishing C9., Ltd.,
strength and vitality of age they realizes,
In g conveyances.
more than ever before the importance
I When this old 6krth-,,bf. ours was
overcofne this difficulty, Mr. E. A.
of having Gray's Syrup on, hand for
immediate use. G2
Tis we have lost the 'h6ariug ear,
light sewing at home whole or
tima dis.
Tber 4dways buy the Large also
I Not' they who leave' their songs un -
spare good- pay, work sent any
bAce. a so paid. send stamp for par -
oculars National Manufacturing Com -
Montreal D. WATSON & Co.. New York
doctor in his best bedside manner to
pany, Montreal.
SoleSpuongts dip their peus,wlntears,
d. some in wormwood and In gall:
With ev'ry 'bush afire with GDd.'
Poses. Also, we are buyers of Raw
Fure. What have you -what pricbt
And love the banner over all!
Reid Bros., Bothwell, Ont.
Oh, were my quill a feather dropp-d
vided with four ]ever -topped vessels
for butter, milk., jam, and condiments
From. some bright angel' his
are able to supply, advise us, an Ve
the highest prices. K+ or
w 0% —
t"'Im the from ReenBroa. LI=
only—look for the Iiam;a California On
Owen Bound -out.,
tongue I Remove poi-
My muse might soar on higher wing
sons from little stomach,
To spread the, gospel of delight!
On by our home treatment Writs us
liver and bowels
-Smallest British Airplane
Now Food Container for
WA T=.
Clearly inspired by Santos-DumonVa
"Demoiselle" "Crow,"
. . the Trenches.
for cat/cod prinb and
rlfte.oa Art Corte.. 4 Brunswick Avat
To -O
smallest airplane on the English mar-
Dunn the late war one of the com
Everybody Stumped.
100V Splendid oppor ulty. Writ*
Box T. is V,
.Partion. (at Christening): "What
on o.-. Limited.
78 Adelaide St. W., Toronto,
lawyer should -never depose a
feet above, the head of the pilot, who
Mother: air."
and Job printing plant ln,Eastern
Ontario. Insurance carried $1,600. Will
Parsonn. "H'm! How do you spell
1Wfor $1,200 on quick sale. Box IL
Wilson Publishing C9., Ltd.,
taminatink attentions of flies. To
In g conveyances.
Mother: "Well,* there, air -I'm like
overcofne this difficulty, Mr. E. A.
yourself. I can't spell it, neither."
modern tendency, however, In the
Dennis, who spent four and a quarter
light sewing at home whole or
tima dis.
Need a Guide.
"Um -yes! Ah! Um!" remarked the
spare good- pay, work sent any
bAce. a so paid. send stamp for par -
oculars National Manufacturing Com -
Years with the N.&MIr., has Invented
a tin receptaCele for food which exact- --
doctor in his best bedside manner to
pany, Montreal.
his patient as they stood G the con-
sulting room. "I'll ve you the fol-
Poses. Also, we are buyers of Raw
Fure. What have you -what pricbt
Lowing prescriptions."
Reid Bros., Bothwell, Ont.
And he handed him three smalkOFFIN
vided with four ]ever -topped vessels
for butter, milk., jam, and condiments
"A powder for my he ache," he
are able to supply, advise us, an Ve
the highest prices. K+ or
w 0% —
t"'Im the from ReenBroa. LI=
only—look for the Iiam;a California On
said .aloud, "a pellet for my liver,11 lie
Owen Bound -out.,
continued, "and EL capsule for myANCER,
TUMORS, LUMPS. ETC.MC internal and axternal, qured without" -
over-all length Mft. The speed Is 65
gouty foot."
On by our home treatment Writs us
Then he stopped, and pondered
are too late Dr. B*llmAu
_ V. A "
d of a march the new food -recep.
Weighs 220 Pounds.
Now Food Container for
deeply for a moment.
11 say, doctor," be quarried, "how1l
a.. _e . Collanawdod, '.4
Clearly inspired by Santos-DumonVa
"Demoiselle" "Crow,"
. . the Trenches.
the little beggars know the right Ploce
of 1907, is the
to o go when they set inside?'
smallest airplane on the English mar-
Dunn the late war one of the com
ket. In -both monoplanes, the twin-
cylinder engine Is set on the leading
moIfficulties with which the
the trenchei had to contend
212sard's ZdnInLeat ChLree 46=0.6 In cow&
edge of the, single plane, only a fewA
'a of preserving his' food from
lawyer should -never depose a
feet above, the head of the pilot, who
the depredations of rate and the con"
horse. Both got their living by d raw.
Bits with his feet between th e landing
taminatink attentions of flies. To
In g conveyances.
Cad rid of bit of that
wheels. This new machine shows the
overcofne this difficulty, Mr. E. A.
ugly dandruff and stop
modern tendency, however, In the
Dennis, who spent four and a quarter
phot iron cover critic wet cloth
falling hair'.
-elimination of every possible stay and
wire. The entire lifting service may,
Years with the N.&MIr., has Invented
a tin receptaCele for food which exact- --
4Lnd applied to velvet while will
in fact, be removed after unscrewing
ly lits Into an ordinary mese-Un. -The
raise the p9e.
8 a' a
a . few nuts. The ,propellor, engine,
ends of this foo&container,are pro -
llrorr4a" Syrup of rim
and gasoline tank form a complete
is detached
vided with four ]ever -topped vessels
for butter, milk., jam, and condiments
- - - -
only—look for the Iiam;a California On
unit, which with similar
ease. The wing'ap" is 15 ft., and thij
respectively, while the middle portion
the package, then you -are Burs your
over-all length Mft. The speed Is 65
Is available for other foods. At the
child Is hAvIng the best and m Oat
miles an hour, which can be rid
d of a march the new food -recep.
harmless laxative or physic. for the
little stomach, liver
to less than 30 for landing. The total
jacle, which is called the "Campaign.
weight to but 220 ]be.; the price to ex•
er," could be taken out of- the =In-
Children love its delicious fruity
pected to be $2,000 or less.
Ain, leaving the latter clear for the
- - - - -
taste. Fun directions for child's dome
protection of the Iron rations from
men and woman wb7o
an each bottle. Give it Without fear.
An Explanation.
rats. •*The system. would also allow of
an pastured with corns and who have
Motherl You must say "California"
Exasperated Passenger (after long
jam, margarine, and milk being Issued
at west once'a week Invited an Awful
from loc blood poison
To stop falling hair at once and rid
Iron rust stains can be quickly
delay at wayside station):
In lover -topped which would
"Campaigner,'r_Wus —appreciably
-by lg=
every particle of dand-
moved if you saturate the. spots with
don't you k0ep better time on this
fit the
use a ;;�; called (reefoffs.which ths
ruff, get a small bottle of "Dander'Ine-
lemon Juice and immediately bold over
wretched line?"
simplifying having to serve out ra-
agamout a tow drove are opytied to
at. any drug or toilet counter for a few
--the steam escaping from the tea I
11 Guard (eanfidintiilly:" Well
tions from bulk, he would simply Is-
my corn. the sOrms" Is relieved and
cents, pour a little in your liand and
nn�=n. ma'am. I'll explain It all to
sue the necessary vessels to each -an
_Oan the entire corn. root and all, lift&
rub well Into the scalp. After several
ye. The train before Is behind, and
every one, two, or three days.
ant with the fingers.
it is a sticky other compound which
applications all dandruff usually go"
w4aim-d's 'r-t-jameat pars DIsfmlleg,
this train was behind before .besides."
dries the moment It is applied and
and hair stops coming out. Every hair
Minard's Lipiment Co.. Limited.
the com withtn.
in your head soon shows new life.
Sire,' I haft-usedyour MINARD's
VII mply shrivels
flaming or even irritating the surround,
vigor, brightness, thickness and more
LINIMENT for the past 25 "arm and
whilst I have occasionally used other
Ing Ussu* Or &kIlL it is claimed M&&
of an An"^a ftf treeaoa —411
tyles oii Drees
i nree n 11piment1a I can safely Say that I have spot very little at W of the ad
never used any equal to Yours.- stores, but to suflIclent to rid one's f=
overy hard or soft corn or callus.
It rubbed between the hands and Of
Inhaled frequently, It will nsver fail you an further roamed that cuttlas
torelieve cold futhe head In 24 house. at a cam is tml al fiabit.
Itis also the Best for brtilses, sprains,
age. -
7T truly,
%�, . �. .1 _"._.ours 1 J G. LESLIE FUN IN RMN.
UrvT 10AN9
Canadian' N. W. M.P. cncum
famous law -enforcing or-
CAnada's' On Face and Head. Itched
ganization, known since 1871,�Lbs year
and Burned. Dlsflgured. Too don't leave to rub fS IR
to &*
of. its establishment, as the Canadian quidk.
_0- i t north West Mounted Police, has been '"LAW ym I b000r= affected with
I renamed, and to about to undergo
easoma. It started on the aboshe In
other Important changes. The new ap-
a rash. and the water spread gildpellation 47
In the Royal Canadian =ads my fees all wound the
:01M youlyj tried It an 'that 00 11
'Mounted Police. Plans are, being our and pertly an my head. The skin 11,�ts uncle, sciatic.
son and rte, and the 40 M F_=M
made to movA the headquarters Of the- was vary -1
inatic =90, lame IWO
force from Regina, Seek., where they breaking am Itched and burned so sootift
rTef, you
Unbqent could produce.
am SM have been located for 87 yegra, to Ot- that I %ould hardly help a thought a
Ne. 9232-1,416dies* Negligee. Piics, I I% yards. My face was very on Stain the @W
it- , .. awn, and to increase the size of the dw*un& W
-OR or -:-But' territory to 'be patrolled by the sear. CutIcum I saw," *I am
33 ftffittlL With angel sleeves, or! Na 8975—Ladies' 71* "Thea I used a fm muss, wastes no time in lying surs,
bought three
halpe to glyt quick results.
#Ieeveleas with overdT cut in' ton -an House Drees. Price. 25 cents. let -clad oflicers.. - I t -dool t- I
;11 sizes; small, 84, 34; medium, 38,! Instep length. Cut in 9 sizes, 34, 86, akes of Goop and one bm of 01v means econenw. Your awn or uW
amt. and my IN= was bmlo&" IL hff CK&
40; large, 42, 44 ins. bust measure.,1 $8, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 50 inches MoiJEY ORDER$. 4- other d at bas mada—
(ftned) Idles, Martha Data Spen. "Igr 70�
pmall size requires, with overdra ry,, bust measure. Size 36, tie -off dress, . ads. Get t to -day. 854.. 1.4
pe Buy your out-of-town supplied with away, Wash., Feb. 11, 1919.
AIA yar4 40 to 45- inch" wide;• with long sleeves, 4% yordelt 86 Inches DominionCo
dive dars Soap, Ointmeft Ned
Express Money Orders;'
01"Ves' 8% Yards, 40 inches wide, , or 8% yards, 54 inches rive Dollars costs thiee cents. Taleass the me of your akin. -1 k
idel or 3% yards, 45 inches wide. wide; collar, pockets, 'A � yard. 86
Of Pope
-7 ntle U 1-61"13 1 IC
9211—Ladies' Drew. Price, 25 inches wide; button -an &vw short Persuasion.
$Mt& Inset vest, tucked or plain;; sleeves, 4 yards, 86 inettis wide, Or - "Did I understand you to say that
two styles of *laws; instep or shorter! 23fi yards, 64 inches' wide. * Width
this lad voluntarily confessed to play
jongth. Cut In 7 sizes, U to 46 inches around bottom, 1% yards, Ing truant?" wasked school diiend-
buA. Sire "I Instep length, with I Those patterns may be obtained ante
olfleer, addressing the mother of
n vest, 2% yards, U iris. wide;1 trom your local McCall 4W _.,--..ONLY TABIAM6 MARKED
071 or a small and dirty boy,
;,with tucked Vest, shorter length, 1 from the McCall Ca, 70 Bond St.; - "Yes, air, he did," the woman re -
k: - X
X% yard#, 54 inches wide. Width,` Toronto, Dept. W. sponded. "I Just had to 'persuade him
a little, and !ben he told me the whole
thing voluntarily."
"How did you persuade him?" In.
quired the offter.
"the eqitire7food vahies
"Well, $rst I gave him a good bid. Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross
Ing," said the parent, "and Men I put
---to bed without supper, and I took
hTm 14
Of wheat aM mWted his clothes away and told him he'd
stay to bad till he -confessed what he'd
bafley am fomd in
done, It 'twas the kat of his days, and
that I should punish him again in the
PL 's
And In less then half an
Nut r
hour he told—me the whole story of
1: ..q
-G;�ape. S moraine. his 1�wn accord.* A
A food in every sense:
9, delicious,
..Easy to di
gest becau6e
of twenty hours baking.
Ready -to -serve.
A Gooksurs Physician.
"Are you ours," an anotious• patient
once asked, "ars You sure that I oball
recover? I have board that ddators
have sometimes given wrong diag-
nosis and treated a patient for• vneu-
moats who afterwards died of typhoid
I fever."
'You have been yroefully , mtsin-
formed,' repl%d the physician, Indig.
uttritly, "If I treat a man for pneu-
monia he dies of pneumonia."
ED. -L Issu a No, 1--190,-.
-The name llftysO ideatffies the esn"s proper diroodged for
only uine --4be Aspirin Rsadacbe, Toothache,
fearen =Irtn,
ro d by phye lann'tor over nine. ralgib, Lumbago, Rhaza", slb,�W`Sra
em years and now made in Canada. us Joint Pains, and Pain general
Always buy an unbroken mesioTin boxes of 12 tablets cost bits
of "Bayer Tablets of AspirinP which a few conts-Larger"Dayie
Tleore is only one AsVJpiu-PX&"v"-Tou saaft say "Notyus"
Amptrin Is the trade mark (rerlsterid to Canada) of Rover Usauffavro 49 111006
aceticacidester f sell 110a Id. Whilo R So Well known that "16410
o 'o
he public asainst linitationA the Tab
Mazur . = 11 Ike ""For
b:c= t
XMI ped with t Air general trade =&r1c, t
-Mr. McLeod. oui�f ilia millers -Dr; Henry will be here &9 visual
employed at Campbell's mflf- his on Tuesday Deat to attend to Lis.
• professional duties. STOCK TAKIN
moved into thit house recently va
-Found, a fur neck -piece, - "Lo sated. by Walter Shepherd. and Mrs. J. J. Mipty, of
11 at this office. -Those"in the village who are Winnipeg, have been spending a
'saes ca reinvents of shakers, �iiAts, Otto ces,
you paid for that paper, laying in a supply bf'ice have few days with Lorne and Mrs. Will clear out all r
you ar ng ? completed embroideries, etc.,. ft 9 reduction e room
P, 9 -now reading nearly all co the work, S broid to iAa.k
-Joe Clark. of Toronto, spent' the lee being. of good thickaoss tWoeta Robbins, accompanied .
Mildred Gil- for our new spring goods.
Sunday at- the home of his parents and of excellent qualit by; her friend, Miss
Aftill line of choice Groceries always on hand.
-here, meeting of the
-A Fire Coin• soy, spent the week -end at her
NEW@ home here, previous to her de-
-John Marsh. of Toronto, paid pauy kill be held in TmE
ig visit to the home of his office oft Monday night next at 8 parture for Moncton, N. B. Fresh Fish -Salmon, Halibut, Haddie, White Fish, Sciscoep"
-8 vil -Aust'
.�Iather e -9f -Rev. Dr. Marsh has been in �Oysters. Bacon, Sausage, Bologna,
here last Week. o'clock. A full attendance
--The February meeting of the members and those desirons of be- vited to deliver a, short coarse of
Methodist Ladies' Aidmill be held coming membet-s is requested, as lectures •in astro-physics in theG. A. GILLESPIE, -DUNBARTON
on Feb. 4tb, at 3 o'clock, at the important busiti.e.fas will come be- Bermuda Isla4ds. o Difficultv in
iransp(5rtation way prevent his
tome of Mrs. Down., fore the meeting.
4K!7 -Dr. Shirley is in London'and -Preliminary notice is given of going.
at other western points this week a high-class concerti which will be -The annual meeting of St. An.
.,on professional business in the given in ;the town hall �ou Feb. 14, drew's church was held on TLiel!3
of the A,-ylv'iui Farm at St. Valdntine's Day, under the day evening last with a large at- 49D
auspices of the Women' Auxiliary tendance of. membaws and adher-
AV hC*
-The Woman's Mlisionary So- of St. George's church. v ants. The various repoilts showed j G�� �
the congregation to be in a satis-
ciety of the Methodist church will particulars will be given. later on
financial condition, the
h010 a social on Tuesday evening, bills and posters. factory
-Feb. 17th. Particulars vvillbegiv- -on Monday yeninilasTR16ge receipts being the. largest in its
:en later. ntimbcir-of those interested in the history. The totaUnmount raised,
-Ueorge Farley,.. who tinder- oeganiz itiou of a choral class its- fur all purpose was $2283.82. Of,
went an operation in the Oshawa sembled in the -school- house and this amount $535.74 was for -4
Hospital a few weeks ago, is now- after deciding to organize elected Actils and $346.85 for, GROCERIES
be at- uud the follo Ing officers : President purposes. Donald 31unro vmim; re -
Ire 4s able to .0 following
h� again, but is still in, rather, poor James Richardson, See.-Treas,- elected a ineXnbejr of the Board of
�A`l health. Miss Sleep, -Leader-Miss H. Law, Managers and W. -:H. Westney Good Service, Prompt Dblivery
-e nl�n n.rided
-T-hesey re,.cold hiLs-couti d- Pianist--Miss-13pta-Ralik., Tii and NV m. Dickie were
:.during 'the', ptisit week,with'the t*y names were env61led as mem to the Board. A pleja�-ing feature
• temperature from ten to eighteen hers of the- Oass on Mondav of the evening Was the presents- If you- %vant vorir Groceries fresh and quiclolN delivered
below zero it good part of the evening, and many othei-, have tiou of a -well-filled purse to the
phone us Vour'order and we..do t1le rest.
'time, It is .such now that -when since• signified their - lutea - organist,llis�; H. Law, who was
-y rises to the mark- tion to bk�u'L116 'niembef�. The taken completely by . surprise.
the mercury -:Bell r 1nd ol'tif'phoiie.
feelquite wild. first regular practice will take Miss -Law bag filled thi,,; pQAtion 0 el en e
_Tbe.serviceia in St. Andrew's place this L (Thi,irsday) . evening for iiiatly yearis to the entire atis- tire Clover Honey, jar at 2.5c, 3.3c and 45c.
church 011 Sunday next will .he of wheu-it is hoped, there wiil-'be a faction of all, who thus showed. P•
IN, - h ostial interest. Mr�. good attendance, We' would their. appreciation of her work.•
more than .5 poundpails at 1.7,.5.
Hugh McKenzie, of Tc�-onto. will strongly urge all the young peo- At the conclusion- of the busipes.;;
be the_SpeAker i,k tbe evening; and pie of the village!,atid vicinity to at., trf the meeting, the ladies of the
-u -efresbment�z
,way al so be present at the mot - tend theclase, as'it i one of the congregation served i
>t ing service. Mrs. McKenzie i4 a best ways of spending.. the'- even- -and- a plen:taut' sterol time was
wit it great ink;;, azul -those whose hearts are spent by all:
0 splendid speaker and has LADIES!
message. in the work can find no better
A narliber of onr young ileo- ineanFzof eiijoyLng themselves. seta Aii1vertsoemerats. We haxe -a �plendid subscription price] for- Ili'e Delineator.'
gI t do tit, n'to %V hitby on Mon -
e wen -Thu Seuttish concert given in '20 (�ent> a 12 copies
ay evening'- to see the hwkey St, Abdrew's church by the Whit- 'OR SALE, -One secrind-hand cut- Ala 11 a i . ne. ... I . letails at -(:apy
Hope and by Ba Choir, tinder the fill* at 20t: ea0i is 2.40.
match between Fu�t 1,-r.trt VtxKj repair; at lot 9. con 1 rickiiiimr--
Whitby In which -the former wim, vices of the Ladies' AM Society, E 1. Chapman, 1klJ phone. V,,�f
bT 4 to 3. It wita a title exhibition ,was a Mott pleasant affair, The Onr special offer -is 1-2 copies for 1.20
OR 'SALE CHEAP -Sleighs, %*mg -
hockey. as the game was, well night was a- very stormy one,
and Fins bugrw,. harneso arvi ��Il k!nd. or implir-
plAyed and both teams evenly the road from Whitby was in very men,,. H, Herman. Claremont. 17tf
matched. It was neeftsary to bad shape for sleighing oil account
of the
play,overtime in order to reach it e large artionot of brnken iipti-,end for yearly contract and sample
iev H,A,,%Lartin,winiisor.Ont.,-19-21
as the score was 8 to 8 stone that has recently been },lac- Case
decision' Flannelette Blankets
at full time. ed upon it, and on account of these_ OR SALE -Dining room table, bpd
--Sunday next being the reign- unfavorable conditions, it Ivas Froom set, tad 's bicycle, also some fat ill- White or grey with pink; or blue. stripes -12-4 size 4.50 air.
lar mission day in St:
Andrew's about nine o'clock before tho *Iry stock.. A F?l V to Wifla.shepherd. King 5t.. ..... ... . .11-4 size 3.75 pair. Good weight.
Sabbath School the collection, choir had arrived. However, Pickering. t Fine quility.
those present were well rewarded VOR SALE -2 good cows. Tand
will be given in aid of the Armen 7 :7 -
lam sufferers. k liberal offering for their patient wait.' The pro-" JL Id due about the beginning of Match.
Apj,,'a'tlot i7. ... 9. Pickering. Magnus Mar -
desired as the need is great, and gram was purely Scottish in char- grn. 6laremont- 17%f
prompt answer to the 'urgent ap- aster from beginning to end. and
w. X"I is necessary to save the thous- consisted of the old familiar songs, WOOD FOR SALK-S5 per cord. at
lot I';, rear of con, 5. ,Brock road). A man BOOTS BOOTS to
ands of lives who are on the
he verge which were given as choruses, will be on the premises to attend to customers.
of starvation. Any oue wishing quartettep, trios, duets and solos. C- ",, Barclay. Brougham. 19tf
We' have a,good assortment of Nfen's, Women*s:and
to give to this worthy object may Se Scottish readingq were AN
t 0 so by handing. their donation alsogiven, as w -c poultry and fcathe,". of a,!
Z d well as. several me. N%anted-Lt-, -Childt�ii*s Boots n6w on show.
it t nd,,
officers of the school. lections on the bag -pipes -find rmHi hest price paid, Ind. phone
to any of the office . . lijit an!claremont. 19tf
--On SatniAmy evening as Mr. cornet. The choir ii tinder the The prospe'ets" for spring are verv. poor in the shoe line andIf
and Mrs, Appleton were returning able leadershiplof Mrs. Johnston,
OR SALE..Ahout L enrds of pine' price,.; are steadily advancing
F i -it wood, at lot 3'-, 0 F con, Pickering
-home from visiting the forwer'-; who proved hier.
glf t6 be nqt only of.acce�, Price'
-E4--y 'S4.';4fx4, cord �
capable conductor, but also Appiy t�)T�&J,.%IcGla-iha.-I,,Dunt�art-,n,. 17ti
brother, who is em pl6yed at the 'a most',a Buy. now and save on vou,r spri.ng shoes.
Earl of Clareudou*s,.-^ -bolt came a' voc,;Ili-it with an excellent so- OR SALM-A illiantitv ofeli-rin
Fc,,l griin %1v,iio;� hvw; Whitt- Wzy,!
-�-froni the - sleigh ,when opposite rano voice. hi ber i% a
en anti
-7 runaway. Mnt. Appleton wa- hearty apphitiiie. 'and while it
,to kt�r. R, Ili 1. Whi. hY. Jnd ph4nc- 2 io i, ii�jo C A P M
lila jos Joliffe*-a, causing the horsit-4 well rendered a �'I % received a H AN
-3- ikay partienhir
tbrown: out iagRi nst a tree anti q'i
'.J 'taiaedba(ic-ut4abotittlieheii(i.ne- number alt bei6e worthy of more LOGS WANTIC
cessit ting several �titc hes_ to c
e speeikilinputioo than the odieni,
the wounds- Her ivittriea.. how- its all were (if it sup-rittir character twill PAV the f111i0.VhYg prires. deli -Ter%
are mot likely to prove seri. the rend. -Hug of "Cailler Her rint" -HARDWARE
�ever, ed the Bix..ket F:tcrory BUNDY'S
ions. by' the ve
-The following books have Just and highly al�lpreviatvd. The r)r,;- B to M.,ii)
0 -pt-r yu
Soft Ehlj.* -N*,), 1, 8.) 0)
been Olaced on the Library shel gram, uns brought to a•
clo-te by Lu. U1Y)
ve$*. Most of them dre' the latest the c-miging of Atil(l Lang Syne* 2nd Groworh Mao
66 ..-7 -otir-.-summer s Wood pow
1. 216 614 to 25 191 ut
a--�bookp.,by'CiiiiadinniAtitliorg. you After which the tuenibers of the
would pay frorif $1.27) to $1.75 for *choir 'repaired to the. basement,
'Cr(ISS-C"it �4;INN .1 and 11, (-r, .5.50
�L. Ch, ml'ion
'read it, R E'
any ove of them. but you chn where refresbmenti;t G EN RIVER, ONT,
tf in All for 50 cents Receipts of the, eveniug $35 4)0." Blick Saws I CoTnpj�ie
Morning, Mackay Rainbow Val- �- ':-The -exhibit of ticedlework,
JoAn fit Unit fancy work and ants nes Saw Supports .50 cents
(odlts, fit PICKERING
ley, Moutgomeri .
war. Rogers Thp Girl of O. K. tit the Institute rouniq on Tuesday
Valley; Watiion :Janet of Root• last was certainty a much greater, LUMBER YARJT.)F F anions Red Seal, 2.'1"' coinplZte
ney, McKovvan Buldolit y, success tham'ax1y of the,ladies ha(f
AXE S Mann & Durin*s Special, 2.00 complete
;Fraser,; Golden Div'kie,Sannders : hoped for. -Thelarge Attendance -,.
The Man who Discovered Himself, and interest exhibited was very
--Emerson ; Making the Farm Pixy. gratifying. The r.piantity of ex.
.D .4 for Teachers. - hibits wag judged by many to be.
anger Signal ju Fel' Sale
We regret to report the death greater than -n at the
that shown About 300 Al 6 hooped apple Make your hens
=of toaster Royieplisnn, elder son comity fall fair. The descriptive
-;of J. S. and Mrs. Jephson, which labels on the antique articles , e-er-
barr6ls at 85 cents
It r)r Food
took place in the Otillia hospital, taiuly added in neb -Ili ter6st.' Frolu each in lots Feed' International -Poll
on Tuesday. The deceased, Nflic, a black thorn Irish shillmitili to the
-of 10 or more at in packets 30 cents
was nineteen years of age, has Indian moceasinq, the'llontilpla Grit and Ov
ster Shell
been,in poor health since infancy, dress of reeds. specimens from the shop•
and his denth i eta per lb.
-3�a happy' r4eaRe France, Holland, Italy, Palestirv-1
35e per tin
from years of suffering. Ili,; body And California, the needle -work W., D. Gordon & Son, ".`,Louse Killer -
was bi-ought to his home here on pietures,'the home -Spun kind wc,v
fiin*p. iial en linen of four centuries back, PICKERING
."Thitiesday morning and ' Ili, I
took place in the afternoon to Er., also puneli ladlestmith inQet of five.
kinecenietery. The sympatily of gold coins of George III in -the sit- 13*�-.Il x.nd Independent ..pbonp.
'the cornumnity is exteilded'to the ver, samplers •
-d Hardware always in stock
(one hundred
Jk co uplete lipe, of euqt
bereaved family. ago, n'bome-spun. linen and
-Next 81111day, Feb, 1=t, th'p. ELM DALE -MILLS Ve 1f�e 6. S116W oil], (l000ls.
Wool bed spread made one - -hun( - I . Z:)
of the Lord's Siwpel red and fifty -years ago, -rivalled i
will'beadministeied in Pickerhig anything that can be'P'l,odileeitl t0- Yon can always get the best Mani-
Xethodist Uhnreh at the -clo�:Pof day. , Twelve (lililts. of different tuba Floor inade fioin No. 1.
W Heat, Ing
of 0 a. in. service. The types ni)d it. number of rng,� ex er
the, 10.3 Manitoba
10• memher,4 are .411 urged to attend. Itibited thrift and industry, J. '.H,, Bundy,
1�try. Of Royal Hon�zehold and Glenora. fox,
Morning sul jest, -A Painful'i-lave, embroidery and linen pieces
.13rend.- Try abag.
Tragedy." Tii,:� text is asfirl- t)iei,ev.-4isa-fiiri.'Coli('Ctioll. Spatee Pastry Flom, ' Fi-esh Rolled Oati
e T S
ii%rff�nyed " 61= `*4
lows, -The iL,,ni Je�4iis the same forbids birther mention. W11 21 RTLVN�, ST40R =1 9�
--tty ca-fi so Iviiiingty MIX FEEDS maw 1*40 p1laump Mdbo afto 11111111111IN111101001111
took 4read,` I Cor. 11 :-2:1- Even ptodnee such a fine collection of A T (JI 0 P
ging sAoral-y Motives'" article, all i
The honsehold nteresting C' R L'S Fl 1.
of and useful, -we need have -no feArs
text re-mls', P'The love BARLEY CHOP
Christ constrixi6*eth iiQ,*' 11 Cor. of the success of such'a venture of
---.B : 14. ' The ":Sural-V)ynqntiv*' vivill rlitzpIny in th6i future.- A-votO, of -Business', includin Stock.,Dweilfing
put our c g
campaign ficrosr. May, thanks wks I
--we all be inspired. The Ep to all who ill N FEF
wortli any �vay helped to make. the sits. MIXED HL �D
Caldwell'.-, Cream substitute.
Leagne will• niept at 8. 1). ni.-w) cess. After 'a short pro'grainine And Harness' Shop,
Fridalf 1Ica1.
y The official board will and a social eup of tea the event C
meet at 7.30 p. i�l. Oil Moliday', was closed with many re(liipsts 1,)r - --CH0PI"l,11(r -1.) '0ATj
Feb, 2nd. Trustees to hold FP*,qiovi A repeat. There was it snb' scrip. CRUSHING E.VERYDAY We halve some snaps In Women s an -(I Nliss�es' Boots
�17vfterbonrd meeting.
All memb- tion onened for the Armen! n
5-a- c e
Campaign Get priepq%on feed in ton lots. at one-third value.
er!aiiirged to. Attend. Ca i n lief a ict Any uerson wishing to I
captains, .i needy ranse utas ilp.ninq will'" meet And report at contribiitp to thin y i BELL PHONE.
• f,]( ),, P of Snnday evening service.- hand the same to Mrs. Hicks-, the; L Re Al BUNTING PICKERING
J. W. I1, Leereta i y. l Chopping every day.] l Xstablislied,1857.