HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1919_12_12I C.i: " . T I ['�Y �.. tF� �v A� R i0.. ^Y , }�TT�i•Ry 5i ti b/tr•' iav4. �{i G•, y.kT 0
X. - , 6 -,tee""' 3�• • �• •�;. v "',,., _ s x��z� -.E., r c • .-sea 4�a•-r nst ir'-r!Q _ r, v . _ pay r-.
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`' VOL. gXX._I� , - �1. . `PIOS.ERING, OTT., FRIDAY, DECEMBER �?, 1919 ( ;_r 1'�To. �?
- .'
GLEN MAJOR ,tiUOtlY- - • r" s?
i;7tlftleltf4stal.�n. :.�: �. �:.'.
VI�JOa`.' a 3akiall I : vprxl•froni here ltttenc;,:d 1�'In..� Nottcithstc:ndingthe stormy weath-
Med{ctrl , _ Edwards' cedar and,.hard)suod sale.. Pr un Sat.urnxy afternoon Geo. ' 'est'. N
___:---_ - ,-_ ___ _ -_. _„ _ last o ndT ty. Auction-. w d sal as fairly.. ell attended R�E�\ OO
a Monday u uesdt o .� oo e w fa w D
-• eer Pugh 'gbtained gou[l, pricey at and a ouTuber of lots sold at a sati,fae- N
RE. FOR'YTH..D.-o,f _O.,_Regis- d,4_4
• tered wetuber of the Optemetrichl Also• . _ both sale?, quarter acre cedar lots torp price. There are still a fen lots "Md
eiafiowoI OAtario.- special attentiou given to selling up as hiirh as �ltr). heit7aining which JIt-. Fest will dis- -'MILLAbe fitting O'l•glasses. Eyes tested tree. North Place Sour order for a Max' (p p tely.and at' a reasonable .■ I -, ".�.�- ore bf ries`Oiaremont. ;1602 ... .GREENWOOD _ _. rice „well- Tonrina, Car or-. a.. 1.- p'_S
F, •TOyLINSON. Jf, B„ 'Mprnber- R )bert Harvey spent the weekend
, oftheCollc•b-vi .Physicians and,�urgeons Maxwell 1.Iotor. Truck In'Foranta. DUN$ARTOJU -
ilfieOlete Dr. R Bzodie andflutterty by Dr36ald nOFVi if you want g p \�' ' Annan lias_b o "t;siting. friends _ . -
A1rs. h'. «'ikon; of Srou ham, t eat
well. Phone. Claremont, Qnt. 231y . Saturday and Sunday with her sister, j -the city, • . "o - , o
., .
' a]2 efficient' Car - firs. S. Corbett. I 'Miss �Ilison has moved. to thelctt _ `
E. CART�i'RTGAT;--b1. b.. 'ii. r+ Don't forget the entertainment and ; for the winter. - I,
C. P. x s.. Onz. ce:unrr ter rite conn- ' Or Tr12(113 t0 d0 wOrli, Christmas tree .in t Greenwood, . N 1L' ntil Pitrth -r notice on account_
V 'yourIts. • C*nurliP;• sr.. _.'and sister have
tyof Ofitario. Office hour9 : 12-2 ands -Sp. m_ puhlic school on Dom. 18th. Sant: I ills, e3 to DutShartnn reit the n inter.. / _ of tepait•ing, 1�
or at other hours by appointment Phone.Be.l -. Claus has promised. to be there at 10 _ sirs. Ales. Gourlie: tthn has been in
No. 2A. Ind. phonrl�o •fUO. PickerinE• 9n 'i10re ! 1e.3 psi^ gNlloli gA:oline '
--'ta�rio. .131vI.o'clock p, in. to distribute presents. i Turnntn far several week? owing to inPPI\G FILL
-:\ O-- GI
Dlore voiles on tires At 8 p. In. a good prngrxnt sill be" her. brother's death, bas ret.:ned, BE 1J0tiE
�T O. 31cKIN'\O\, :11.D., L.R.C.S., ; - given by the. pupil; of the -sch ,ol, esti- Qn Uec.ls)Ut the Anntuil Christmas
lel • Edinburgh, metuber of the CeileBe• of . &istinq of rPcitationa, dialoqut•s, etc_ I tree of the Srtnlar S; tool will. be held --
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontaric, licentiate t-�._
ofRoyal College61svzAeona, Ediu}.etrgh. Trade ltl yoliT C&r and save money Everybody welcome. Admiaiun '1.,' in the church. .�- ;good progiarri lits
Special attention to daleases of worn2n mud • • - cents. - � - i hePn pr) p-tvpd. Admission 20 cents, W�3Eat�T . a
1,:r ,children. Office end residence, Brougham. anti tittle fol' potit'self, _•_. L chilliren of the schrol free.- 4
. WHITEVP. E' _ I requite Rn unlimited quantity of a
�� �;,
__ .__ Wheat and ,will p%y the
__ ___
' y .. .. hest price e -
leQTsl The ti'hitey+le i3.tpti;z Cunclay SRO :3S ROAD hiQ the '
S t ouffville . O n#J, sei vw,l will hold. th en anm the *) t y s - -
�. A. BH(�-L'e2'otF t asctfin R'. ;T.'\Ic. Government
�r H: h'FNITED�C . Barrister. ti.,l• et viers on Sunday, Ue+retnber the' let R
�♦ . icitor. Notary I'ul}1ic.';Conyeyanct;r F_. it '3,30 and 7 p, rtt., and their annual D,nald At present, will allow.' .
Whitby, oat. , ala1. - - - --- - - -- Christmas tree and 'entr•rtainnlent on F. R. Jackson had a pleasure trip to I al go refjuire Barley. and Oat's g
Chxishnas nji ht, Dec: 2,ith -Fuller 0%hawa on Sunday evening last.,1.
i xnnoanceu)ent later, 'Seth Bad -g is FngagrJ in tbresh and will pay the, �t
tY • " TER.Oona,ty Crown Attorney, acd Coant9 Js 171 •11
sotteftor. Ootut H.onse..Whitby. Ic r t I The regular monthly. ineeting of the ing operations Frith Jli.tou: Harniiton. . E` . a. t price. ; .. -
t\'hitevnlr EYoaten's Institute will be Ilexr.Btotrgh'atu. -., -
L AE. CHRI4TIA;C, Barrister And .. • held on Wednesday. the 17th inst.,.tt The book+ -tilt n'iPet f,,r'ISri'rkey'pra?•=
.s.o'liciter.Nota'ry Putlic.Etc. Sloneytu ..CLAREMONT -' -"i p. lit., in the bitaetnent'of the Jlrth, lice on Soh:rd'a�' cicala;; on the pond. �. � -�
A good turnout is req uested. ,y�:
Pan. Office Brock St. Norib; Wbitbr. Ysly - • • '+ ovist r. hurE'h. 31 r. Platt, hanker, of 1 � - e
-:_ --- ----_ -. Jlarkh tin, will addresta the ineetini; Oning ro tile- s'r,ruty weather fico. ' _F Z. MMMMN :j
DA1,I•:'4'& .IUHNSTON-H#irci..rerg ISSUER OF fon Nankin rneth,lds frit wornen, ul,cr \Feet's wood salr,nn Satrirdny tvaan•)t - V;.
-et; . 2.11 Lianforth..ir?. :R•rni•cor'b ifliriqq, I �' ic.ih b LiCE'n9e :•i q,.i-'3fIG
_ ,:. To:om ., _t'hvnr C:crts+d, ,411. 5aturday�, \tale :- re@ )t't r:f r,,r : NUlittn tu,d p:r hltnitr• i)f tt'e11 AttPt:d,'d.. te. {{sod x[guins
verb 17.11): ,t1id.1 loly ? • • hht.i5_t,tUAtc pre-ent�.. All.lttd;'I•s, [;lost were str_u- . Unl} five nares were. -- -- - I
-. ,.. Marriage Licenses c irdjally invited. soul: n
'Ft.rlAw,T„',rBm mbeOr �•f�tt<�ermaof _�`"_ MON(30iaA o eoftaltraldPstredenrn, nlithP,,per4v In t _ r ' P w,
----.-.- __.- - son of 11IrK. .11. A. White, at he ad-
Ryckman man. F o er and $eau,n' Cur,ato p 1 _ _ v I c V . .
4"eoeral Try+b f3utic;ng.b, Bay Street Turvato. 73utCheiipR 1 Y all the ;'age In our ,,,
Telephone. 'Main I.rrt and 9f,_. : vanced age of ninety four rears. De- - ..'
_. - __ borg. Tarr • ceased came to Cz<nadn o.ret✓ 7'2 r% A -,R
I.4ehial -- -_ - I will a the following ClaytonPont-S�undrry after• years ago and lived most of the ''.
tithe H
pay R prices deliver- noon. in Toronto. since on the farin hpi P. She is 9urviv-
^^ ~^^^^^�^^^^^^^^• _ ed at -the. mill : _ Lloyd T Irner has engaged J. Davis, ed t .0
hp two sooA, tt rlliam and Thomas " E , G, a
-DLAKE B. BEATON-. D n. S., of AI ona, or a year: and one daughter, Jfr4. H. Fuller. also --
Rook'I•:ltn No, 1 3i.q► w �, tN) per M R
Graduate',:f the Royal Culsige o1 Degtat Soft Elm No.. _ 33.0 W 4y.IN) •• Allan and Mrs, 11'idenlan"s ant a y. The: tinders ned have opened .
P one heather, John Perc and one slat-
: Surgeons and t;mversity W Toronto. Office da rrc+Pntl in the cit
orrr W. fit. Pringle lr'i herdwarr store, Rhitby. Baz=ewartd Nn, 1 '23,110 to 3t),OA •' y y 3 er. Slra. Mone. of \i -astern (.nada. {7 a new garage 8t the Corner
Offuie hours 9 to 12 : I to ..34.Y. Ina.'ptone 8.' Maple No. I 2. r, Some of our -sports took its tilts show Her busband the late James White;
I? >.ftl to 3U.00 at StoufT neon Moodav might. . of Church and King Streets,
,Hell phone ?_0. tilyJ White Ash No'. 1 1!3.110 to 4u:W0 `� K predeceased her about twenty•elaht - .. ..
. _ „ J. B. and Mrs. Turner have returned gar a n, She Was laid to rest in St- PiekeRn , where they al's
�_ _ ._ .__._-_.._-._ --_._.__�- 2nd Gr'th Pine 1 20.(10 to 2v.f►9 R
borne. after a vi"9it with their ion, Rov. colas s cemetety, Pickering. on Mon. Prepared to. repair all makes
snotnt** loral. Hemlock No. 1 20.01) to 28.00 - R•
Ai _ In Chicago. day afternoon. 'of auto", motor -cycles . .
1.Chopping and Oat Rolling Thomas Brown has returned home. . and bicycles.- -
vtl�. HAM -Issuer of Marriage as usual atter spending the summer• in the ReR• rnR� anti dist=Nines hartses
Licenses to the eonatr of oatarla North -`;rest. - •etre are also agents for De
--`Pi•karins Village. - - - 2"7 a Ci0'Irtice'9 sale.
- W. G; Barnes Green R>tver, James Brown batt moved 9n to the . # _
r term etthir6 he recent) purchased 'Layal. L`reaini. Sep•tratora
V.'.RICHARDSOI�I -Real rEa from Thos. Clinkenboomer. p WHITEVALE : _ -. ' - . and repairs. . ,
v7 0* late. Insurance. Conveyancing. Notary Oraddre9t?fR. R. ai0.'1. LOCtIBLHiII. _ ......
Public, Etc.: Pickering, Ont. 311y _ .. - • '
• adding bells are ringing quite' Gasoline Engines, Tractor" and
. . Sawinpllf�acflineq.
CHlRRYWOOD .. - - _:
IN' H ALL -House carpenter. Fs- plainly.
. timates given for new'• work, repairs or -Learn Wireless Messes.'Herb. Bennett and Wes1Pj Geci• Chadwick spent ,Su; at , - -
alferaacros. Ind. phone 2413 Pickering. 231y PPLLY were in Toronto. , Green River. -.owan , Shepherd .
R.BEATON TOWI38HIPoLERH operating and win a. good salary. Clad to see firs. Plalttott' out again, Miss Helen, ;Mitchell spent Sundmy
Shaw's School, 30;i.Yaa, after kiw rpcRnt illnetu•. at Belford C ornerA.
iJ • Oon•eyanaes, Oommi�eloner !oi eakiss Re. St,.. To- • •
amdavfts,,p soovrtaon apt. Ete. lfon•y ,to loss Russell Dnvidsoo Is cnniined to the Sliss Helen (iritlln tend ftigtid %spent A
:actif°Whii vale. Oct.
of 3tarriasro Lie- f�t�}�a xttta ttaddgtcPasit ehest,it mf nj id[t1 h'i:+nesttiAnl.at�4eek Y arty rtn+il Miss St\l+`dQ ephh«'ttlson...of Toronto, Pickering, OYit•
__ _ .. .
._ _ , Glxdvs: (of Toronto, + )rat the week- sport t the wpek•end in the vt,le. ----- - _----
'�j t'f: H S. PCG Ii. Ulcn J[r.Iq�r. Ont. tion xt`suiall coat. ' �� rite fur flac[c+. i
.l�lii end tvitli 11ta. Petty's Yatther, James slisslTprRaret Po11.•c-k, of Tyrone,
Lecen•wd Atiption,.er. f'xtar•gAv• ester G. NV.. Crews('n, Sec,
-tease :n troporteA_ ar(L tharonal,bred five,, . -. 1`nd,l, - _- sp nt a few daN with friends here.I.
P '
Eales conducted am!vmbero, Strata for terms A' Chri,ttnas tree.' and i'oncert will 31i • Olive Antbhnp ,;pent'Sonday . ' t
."I Asad pazticulars, i'hnue fnd,2!IL . 3e ly _ I,,• twit en by Che school children rif 9.R. wit.h Jit, and lira, Brarr and -fa uilc. C � A 'a � �
rV ..__. ,. _._ _ • • • ' yin the hrtll on the, esPri''ng of The. Mclhadi..t Sunday `school are '
POSTIT.L Lir•ensed Auctioneer. 9i�kerfit -Alvetr Irvvei t.ber the 22nd, c,)rmuencio'g rtt S holding tht-ir auniversary on Sunday, .. _ i
i • for Oountieg of V,rk'aa•i Ontario. Aae•
$ton rales o4 all kinds erttei,mvi) to on lebbrie•a ,r rlov.k. Adnutstoti' '23 rr•ntii. l'hr !1: c. alsF in Cha �nrn ,Ing at ly,, And
Dative, AJdrenta Green RL%or P, O . Oar; : pM.9rWn1'wVjllroil�j�.t cf drills, 'dia!og- t}ieir' entert:tinrtiont tri Monday - , - '.!;
'lXst-CIS3I3 Tl�'B'fox.131re _ ttx•s, rhoru.P anti tPsitnti•)ns, 3Jt, eveninpt. UPc. 2'l,iul. .Don't uliac it: r _p
]` 7
f)ftTO\ J1: (iFF3SUN. Cintaiiu SIiL'nv, viuliiiia, mrd J1i,s 'iLnriP of ., Th::.$a ti -t Sn•.i:iay.ra hnol..te}t1'hold` �.• ,�' 1]��Vr✓ on Hand
Da or ni l:t
'Inn Dominion Land Surv,•yor and Civil � g Slarkharn, Pl+;; utionist, will assist, t•heir',innivois try • on Sunday Dec. ?l,
En¢snr.•r, diopk+r+Atitr¢rt. 1tfi;tby 1'#ulrtg S.it
> ,' 't
Sucz k -or tatM• 1atv-�C, E..Yarnow, -Ont. 13tis meets all 'trains. Rt r%' ices m . .. he Id yftP' J_ rtan aur] t, - n
_ 11 s.
e fcillo�l
:�ane+Surveyorgt fort i'erry, z di•3 ?vt 1 -'thin tr) 'be =edit `lit .Cl)u t- et'pn.. 1'hP (-1)Clstm,lA Pn1Pi.CAIn- .
-. Tertining promptly Rtteucle(1 tu. 3 K p
_�__- _ 1.. n+ent wilf h' l' I ',iii [`firicf.titaa 'ni ht. ::STZvs of- coal
1i. 'MAW, LICENN %E.I) • AC('• Ageti[ f(ir•Canadit Cart'iRge Ua.: Ice. -ale r)tI thE• 1 r th,,,• , . Please come and errjr,y a pleasant. night.
- 51
l.y TIONF.FR .fc- fork Qntar; , ar,-1 Vuih.)m ,
-Coer,',,w. All -kirri f-•iP-s promptly atrrrtded •,-:.... lli.l.`11): y
.1o.-.Term,src•a:a)nahic f>,t.e for Salva m'•y.bF 'J ,...11•,�eaki Pick:Petit �1 _ n1ThP titre tie S'nrmgPPnp1Na(`lute Egg, • Stove, ---`
.•�rrhngedat NEWS' 00ice, lien and-'friilcfxn- - -_ __.. . __ _-g- - 1 '� vt`ited"thr Lorust Bill Vptdorth -�
•-d'enCphones, iYh,tLy, Ont. 3fy lljsa 1VfIll,rt e tank -A hI131nP3 trip LU ]•,P;tt�nP on lT�,ndtiv PCPnln�t And. took � "�
__,----- _- G
`��, T the r 1ty_ u►r y,ttni�3,ty l t:t-. art in a drh its, "ReColcrd, thirt tits e
1J J. D K teat the wreck• P Nut, ,.Pea
���'J 'Y �ON Z+ca hiss I-urll:i 14urk'r 1 fnrmrr h:,a (Ione more fir (`anad»than ' ''.1
� I .
t •' tend und.gt• the parental roof.... : . t hP'n1ajnufacLtirPr." NFi L HAze1 Birn•- ^ - ' .. . �'L�.. `.��
_ t.,"`'�1
Bought and sold. _ - ' ' - - Jlr, Taylcir ll+ia engfiged with Sir. ie.:ind Gordon NfoK,iv, fur Whitovale, •--..i 1-- -,
5a9 a full line of fresh and x:ur- ,lurid for the follayv,n sP a�Pn.
-.Govercament, Munici al _stud- COV• R toi,k the affirmative but. were defeat -
P ed meats constitntl on hand. S ,nre of our' eo le •ire rushir.g the y
y_. p p ed, A iC R E O R
oraiion Bonds For Sale. the season by getting out their sleighs , ! ,-
1' Spice Roll, Breakfatit Bacon, ,,nd rurters: - '-
.. i3e11 Y.hone 15)3• - �'einehs etc. «'m. and Sirs. Tavlor. of islin ton, CouIliie's sit re for e.-gistei-M-alld . ' .
Ham, Bologna, _ LOCUST- HILL 1
• critnndav %Liar frien(is in -this hit;h,Rrade cattle. . A
_ _ -- FllglieFt pt 1CR$ paid Tor ": ItPlghb0l'h00d. +-+►+-- _ -- *n
�_. $. R. ATMORF I _Butcher S Cattle, Unite a nu,ui,er front our bur,; at• : t3¢OVGH/1M'
tF•rtt1.'d the po}xtku-t>Iay, sl;rke�., -_-.- -so.
' �r t ;.
Vele'rinary•'Surgeen ` --r kt},ic h w, held in ll:u cirrm Tu;+'n f rah alt .ir,hrtstr*r, inlA,ed '7o lu ..P :'
' Honor-Gradnate of Ontario L t tet Inst }-! .. • I1aI Len SAt Ill -dA • evening last ht icI . nn \Io ,Sap.._ ��
(Viege, All c•allsAa • to ni ht i i on't forget the i} ire ;,f the Flillside W. 11, anti lf:s ?filler spout 'Satur= ,
protnptly-stttende . •Select a School Ciu'istnt:,. tree rnrPttaitniren't to be day with F. Ti :fad \II (hePn.
! held in the srh,)e;l b.:r1a• rnt hricl:ty aihPtt and .lir',. Beer vi�itPd friends
- Bell•at,d Indeliendent Phoit = 1 %k ith your- eyes ,i }e1t•• P ,sen. - -:U l I _ 1 c ;.'
PICI{1✓RIhIG; ON�i11ZIQ i } ,'vel ir,;;, Ltrc. 1Ja;. ] et -rt .iZri,). lit i 'it1 t'i,trrn rt �n Th:ir.�rlax�_l"1- •- •-j-nitr sfreu'gth lro� before-'illnes '
,• , rnn,P, Gccn•4 P Dunr tn- Stas in Oshawa ort
L3it'inez� (cc,lce. ai`t not alike. comes. Anthuritias predict
Tuesday attending a meeting of. Rtes- atiother outbreak, of Span-
R.�. i.zo-�i-
T�r-� _ Vi h. , y. r =,
.L.JL.i.�-r , :\Ii i Niel 1\'il cn is, spelxlin a ish Infl'aeuri, ijat
dCtorinar Sut soh - j. � ; �`_./',� R. _ . .. .
y g l �,;_,.t;<%/�'�j -Thr tn,%'n 1?, li is hr•ing t ikekti ddttfl %vrek' wi*h her it* �lr�; Cttrlton, of -
'�- "`t-.:. f/ lP )trtttn,\' to irt�tallin' tt on rt Here T,iver aril. ; '-r
Honoc'Citat}u:,te c f the Untatic, Vet -1 P i P
iin;tt'v Cn11egP `- -' - ,teel to%ver that a to be built by the The L-uli,.-s' Ali] of the MethodistAL r
.. and Gradn:tti• i)ft,hP �'eterir.+r.j, Yunge & Chavlcs.Sts, Tot onto tlntalin %Vied Engine A Pump Co.,. church met sit the-homP of'Jtrs. Show • - � 'r.
Science Association, .� 1))1*011tn, - . - : . -• - . ,fin Wednttatlnv atternoom r ``;
N y is _ngted 'thrnilghC) Cltruula' flit J. R.'linil, n,iinnger of the I)nn,irr- H. Jit chin hu.� a Rn+,d stock of irons CREOPHOS -
Phona-office ISIIti, rc,idence _f,rt_ ,� �;a
I high grade -training. Oar gradu- ion Bank here, h:r� hePn appointed to groceries, frnie, candy .nil nets of all ,
CL7LREMONT, - ONT:A1�10 ti,t: ;'orae position :at Brat ,tam n}ii,rh kinds rant } hnrid':Prr.hief,. eft. s -
- _...._ _ ales are in great demand. Get nut i, dieing thi fifth large„t i)usiaess in llrs. J. A. liadill will siting end %,•ill help you to'n'ith�tand till ,5-'��.
a - - -- ' the D,,minion.. Lieut. S. Jut1•ee, itiake• other %inipr•ovements to her clisPase: CC<•O�has i� Ru.effect "'o
DY'. N McEven �•�%. r'C C;ttriingnP, read stir rerntds, then ]
• 7, �+ In)t. l:ctely;te,tnrned frcrrn pv tsc.as, is lin•nse, vacated by Grahan, .Ti,ltn<ton.' jve'tonic Rad tissue littilder
Veierinar Sur eon. clNcide• Enter ani• time, ' the now nl4nager here. He went The Wonten'.s 6i titiite will meet at .•.
Y e�peciRlly where there is R pre
'ttvav with t1*P the 18th, the C-anadian the home of Mrs, F. L. Badgerow'on - '
Graduate of UniVer'sity of Toronto. Scotties, :inti has A fisc war record, ''rnesdav,' I)e'c. ]lith, A roll call- tlispositiun-to hing-'t�'eakness. 11
�V..T. Elliott, Principril
F.ocmer Veterinf,tian to Macdonald Jh. 11:111 took rh:irgP of his rite duties what.\toss mean 'ta lite ., Atl"lndies Take Creophos now rind build s,
A rictiltural Dolle e, Quebec.. -� . -' . • on nPsito • ltnd later will, remove his welcome. , ii 1 gtir overs of reslstanee.
s g r ,� �s p
- Prompt rltention to all silents. _- - ---- - t family to l3nin.tptr)n. - ' - "' , The -fdonds +mei nei,a_hhors cif Ora-
1'he �-ictnrian Ort}er c m)1 tell} mart- haul: :Ind 1Ir=,, Johnstgn at '+
Rell'and ind. Phones. 1 __.hared in t er bottle J . ) `^
VQ -.ter, lure Vater Ing lLmd:i\ evening showed the tine the tP11]peranr`e hal] on Thursdac
PICKER1h1G; - ; ONT7lKlll cnn,nnuTit ''t,s,ital in s lendid con= 1 venin last to hitt them f: IFwell t1' r -
-'- clition RnRre;tdyLo'gn nn with est [h- social evening was spent in ro,iaic. "'
Eggs, For If r If dr,u are'tvise }'ori'will the only Ii�hinQ the new memorial in co -opera- speeche ' ri17d refrPzlimen'tr. During ' - :.. r
Ideal well, drilled by Chas, B. Rice; tion with the county. Besides the' theevenin'g litres, Perryrnixn read and 7 .I
. from Black Breasted Red g t$Z.(Kilo },Iock of Perry Castle for a cite, pres4nted an address, on he 411 of tl)P Q ` _
who is agent rot 11'ind 'AUilly, Gasoline 1V�cFADDEN'S
- %Gttme-ehviee stock and ' more+'than ten ,thaitcrind dollars has Institute, to then;. Jlr. lohnston
f:ngtnes, all kinds of pipe' and flttiu$s been enhsrrihed. Tt is nntv_Ceit. that ave :i snitahle re Ir tl6nkin thein --- ;: -
eec•ellent layers.K P K
Aj.o, Yc,ttng; I3e1 i9n Hares for water works. Also tenth room 'fix. ,t ten Ned rot take will he too small, for their kindness. ;,.,,
tures, etc. Everything even careful even to start with. There is snRRes• a QT ,a;�
nnd;Silver Or y R g tion of a. forty room budding. A huild- DRUG �•� tJ i ORE '� 1-4
attention: After being 'nn strike far five r
inn Huree. • . . ing rnibmittep'with John Thnmsor na kl
' �.il I'edi¢ree�fitrx'k. P.1C'%: fi PT"SIP-iC711IRS, ch irmen was appointed to.prepare weeks the or)ft.c:7'RI miners will t'e- C. N. P,-Tie,keta
plans :end RPt ready for ronvtrurtinn i .Ctirne ivork today rind "hipping r
S Gt1RDU`� PJC.KI:RhIG Hume Tel, ,;0_1. «- ItevaJ , lint! n the R, 111 7 R r n Monday. _5Y .
r h'�' Onta�- o - ;
P spy'�' irk
, ern
v 3.as...�:..K.,A•'w' ., I..1 ... -_ .. w . ' --' ;en, ..... . __ " r..a_._.-._a. ..c 'f.W.,-:-,:e.is?'.it[t.-ase.,ei.,i.�.1111 is'•3'..Ir.A#r
' k: :.. . .. i- ;y... roc .,>::. ,-. " • , e;. 4 sq v,.s . a . v . R' d.'•:�.,,-'FM+,'Ca . ,,..av; y ,..i;:,"'4• X-
4 v!:..r'k.,'r...1.4 s6`c6%+r"T ..:•sx:.k+i'iii:•v'w..: .ala"s<... ., ;.-, tvua ;,. ••F,,.Rs'. .:.•ti ._F..s s,++,a.a..M ,a.•...::,... .usL.'+-y..e6, �.>'<�a•sJ .. w.>•}i'" c.!i+a,-.-::ticawr.- .....,.wF" - .lk3axeys
M°'a ., 0 .. .w ., ..", . • {...... .,. .,.. ,, 4•W.. 'N .,}-s:eR{y: .� :•''�.._ '�L _!Y.Yyk... .'1� Nd .X� .�'. �S • lb'..+.'•�,^'
rs ,r d ; •;.; . •. .r ..::, • a .:., • :.`,. . ,r- • ,y. ,•t ... ,.. Y:, -r •": �, .. .,T r :. « , f- p:r .. .,� . � 'i" 4?; _ "s�
made my way back to the table; pro- Pligue 'htft i '
seated any hoide for a leather skep Auitralli. a r.
inspection by Mrs. Handsomebod�, and �= -
dr ped' �ly ilito ]b seat, �ieporte from'Ansttsiia indicate that - -
r> aapp ]by
The tae gave me a look of sym= a recrudescence of the influenza. epi=
1 . `
understanding. Perhaps lemic occurred during the recent win- �, t
he had heard' me mount the distant
• attic stairs; his hearing was wonder- ter (which synchronizes with our enm• t ,e, a
lh mer). There were from 1,Z00 to- 1,500 ,
fully acute. He chewed in silence for camas as a daily hosp3t�1 average is ' =:
a moment, and then he made one of t - y
those seemingly irrelev_ nt remarks of Victoria. The mortality in Melbourne i'
his which, somehmv, a�ways set our was from 10 to 12 'deaths, daily. ' In l `
tit little world 8 -rocking. Sydney, a severe outbreak occurred
- - - -- - - "One fing, about Iiuc " he said, "she is June, the mortality assuming pert-. \\\
was -always awe•et-temguVI ous propgrtions Lor' one or two weeks. ,
"Who?" snapped Mrs. Handsome- With milder weather in mid-July, • the°bod�
outbreak'rapidly subsided.
y ,,, `
ucrepeated The Seraph. "Such
a sweet-tempud geill" We,'in Canada, are now sustaining
Mra'. Handsomebody leaned over a prolonged- c91d •spells hence the
h:m, and gobbled and ,threatened. The necessity for the . publig to bear in !
Seralih reserved a• remarkable calm, mind that there is the danger of a re
considering that -he was the storm- -currence -of the disease in Canada.-
anada:centre. He even raised his small -fore- Every individual should take' precau- I When you, „et il�i-�8
finger before his face and looked. at tions against infection. ,Keep the-
•it thoughtfully. Hisspeculative gaze body warm and guard against sudden
- III. space, while the attic -room, with its traveled from it to Mrs. Handsome- changes of temperature. Guard also A rapid brushing up of
- cobwebs, reeled, the sun rose and sank body's chin. I perceived then that he the sob a few turns 'on
My brother 'was looking over atyf was comparin warts! against fetid air. The more the bodily Ps
•*boulder now. V(fe' were filled with like a foundering ship, and -Mrs. Band- (rh'e EndY) heat cantle kept pp by natural and the - the strop while the
conjecture. somebody --resembling in my fancy less by artificial means, the better. � laths' is* getting' in its
"Lucy," said Angel, "owned all this a •hungry spider in curl -papers --con- '�- As "natural means" we include heavy "work; followed by 8
aAtuff, and Charles%was her' lover, of sidered which victim was ripest for
^ course. But'who was she? Mrs. Hand-' slaughter. Canning ails Drying With clothing, nourishing food, air well sup- :-once-oven' with your
" bionerand �" plied with oxygen and physical exer-
4 somebody never had •a daughter; " you -and you. she. t o d
Au o3tro�az r an
l know; and if she had, she'd never have gabbled. Oh, to think of it! No place El@CtriCity. rise. 'Artificial heat is secured b* 'fire. the job' done. Three
allowed her to wear these things. Look safe! VS'?iat you need• is a strong man. Experiments have recently been car• through the various heating systems. minutes altogether by. your --
how she jaws.when 'M Ellen spends We- shall see! The, very windows— A person who is well fed and Well watch, You can't beat than
l��rp burst from their bolts!" ried out by -the United States 'Depart- clothed 'and who moves briskly --can Aad u have a' cool click -
her wages on finery. Ill bet Lucy was meat of Agriculture to ascertain the y°
£ wbeauty, And she's dead too, you -can She slammed the easement. and se- easily support prolonged exposure to shave sato the bargain.
bet; and'Charles was her lover, and cured it, Angel and .The. Seraph dart- best methods` of using, electricity in the severest cold. The greatest dan-
likely he's dead too. `Bide the time;' Ing from her path. the home for preserving, canning and Tb clean, you simply put the
"Even a deno' waman's.'clothes =to 'drying fruit and ,vegetables. ger' in Canada is, the shock to the sys- -blade under the tap, wipe it
' = eh? You see; they're waitin' around' „ tem produced by getting 9ver•heated off, thea it's re for the
yyet—somewheres. Isn't• -k queer?" ; make a scarecrow of! By using the hot plate of an electric �
The Seraph's voice came from the; She pounced upon"them.. I -bid rriy. range -tir exactly the• same way as a tndoora and then going outside in next. shave. No precious
i face while she did -it, but I heard a zero weather. This is- also a prolific minutes lost fumbling ixith
window in a sort of chant,- (coal or gas stove an excellent product parts. That mesas more
"'i9ie little :white has fallen; sinister ipstliag, and. the snap of n cause of colds.
was obtained but the cost was too time for breakfast, sad e
down tate cobbler's chi ey !" trunk -lid. It -a-as over. "Bide the Most Canadian houses are over• Sys work.
f ., High. - A second series of tests "was' smile for the
"It has fallen down, and the cobbler. time. - ' made, is which the oven of the electric heated in winter. Their average -tem-,
13 sewing it .into a bhoe!" Ignomfniously she lierded '6 6town perature Is often higher than (luring ! 'Raior — Strop - 12 blades —'$3-
-1 .A nitilkman in wunnin down the the stairs- The Seraph, making, only range was used, thus obtaining the the summer months and certainly is a neat, compact apse.
stweeti" - ' . one step -at a time, led the way. r'sr• sterilization temperature -by baking in- higher than' in spring and autumn. '
"Tell you- what,"-whispered.,Angel; • drawn the drab: vista of the back stairs stead of boiling. The water bath was This is unnecessary, it wastes ..fuel- .
• w "I'll show you" what Lucy was like- that ended to the scullery, Mary El- omitted and the carts -wereplaced on
I lea's red, round fare was seen for and it endangers health., •Women are A ��
3ust a little. I'll make w picture 'of a rack in the oven. sy-these means
her." 1 moment,.like s rising sun but vanish- prone to wear too tight clothing in viola
- . a reduction in -the coat was effected.
winter. It would be much safer for
The space between tno tall chests, ed as suddenly as it tach appeared, at The electric fireless -cooker proved - -
ti of drawers formed a sort of alcove, in' a shout from Mrs. Handsomebody. them to dress more warmly,ana have
W ere in the-schoolioom,.now. the. mast-ef5cierit method of s1F; the their houses ten degrees cooler, � s? ' RAZORCO'°��
which stood spier -glass. whose tarn-. cost .being only one- hale that of the ) Acv �1da+s. Tomato, Qaaaea
r-Isited .ft'ame was di aped in white net. Placed• before ber-in a row,•as was her - --- - -- --- s
Before it Angel drew (without mach wont in times of retribution. _Seated. oven method: Whew employing this -
rr caution) a hi h -backed- chair, and on behind her desk, she wore her pu I ' apparatus. the material is blanched. .
! It he began his picture.I dressing -gown with magisterial dig- and packed as usual, the jars are
Over the seat and almost touebing pity- the wait upon her chin quivered . placed in the cooker: and. the eleetri cl_
'the floor, he dritped a frilled petticoat, 1-81 she prepared to spea'lt: iy fs turned on -full strength until -the l
' and. against the back of the chair-' "Now, David," she said, addressirt� thermometer registers 180 deg. The I
With a foundation of formidable stays' A.ngel - by• his proper name as usual,, swttch may then ba turned down to 1
' for ,support -he hung a
garment, "can you say„anything -in explanation the lowest heat, 'as 40 watts has been .
whicheven then be seemed to know of this outrage upon my property?-
+ P found sufficient. to keep the jars at the ,
s, for a camisole. Over all he laid a Hold your head n and toe.. ou#,
S eharmin iiia( -silk +r steriitzing temperature.
g gown, 'and under please."' �� The reason' for the .. much- more
the bem, in the most natural attitude,! Singel looker at its hands. Nuffin' s
.peeped the little party slippers, A, to..explain,"-he said sulkily. "Just went economical operation of electric ovens
small lace • atld velvet bonnet with an'- did it.": "- - - ' 'y and' ilreiess cookers is to be found in -
- :streamers, was.hung at then'pex-of -_ "Oh, I thought so,” said our govern-
the fact• that the source of- heat and f
oven . following -some -cooking opera-
tion. ' omits is sufficient to- start the
The first- postage stamp was prints _
. the creation; aiid in her lap -for the r.e••.s. w as just one .of those seem-
the articles- being: cooked can be en-
dry ing process, then, when the oven
is nearly cool, the door is opened and
iii Great Britain in 1840, it was black
time has come to use the •femin.ine.'ingly iriesistible impuI•ses that have
-Me fan. •
closed together in an air -tight space.
in color. . -
vnaun-he.:spread gauzy, so oftei) groced disastrous. for all.can-
4 e hung _ over _'ger tenderly, aa' an. cerird& If -your father kngw-"- She
while -with fuel° ranges a large amount.
-of is lost Into.
an ordinary electric fan is placed near
over his su'�'ect, -each fold- bit off''the words age .ii the !tad
Tn9st be !n_ place, _Z empty sleeves' leasant,.if acrid t-este--a'If your
heat unavoidably the
a air. '
W}t n mania in
@ g ginger c gkit=s, oc•
casionally try Substituting light brown
carved -Just sb6-one fancied a rounded. father in South America knew our
Drying o! Vegetables -was also tried,
using first the oven of a electric.
= u r- for -the molasses. - Use • three
+ chin tite velvet streamers, so criminal_ prodivibie's, he would be
a ..
tabltspoonfuls of water to each cupful
artfully was it adjusted. Her reser- crtslied rnan--a< crushed man!"
range, then. a combination. of range
¢f sugar. "
--tion in the piere-glass was superb!{{ The Seraph was staritfg at her'chin.
and electric fart. and, finally, the fan ;
j '"It is here!" chanted- The- Seiaplt:1 Then, t t have -one -too," -he said
"Evwy bit of evwySag is shin n'. Oh, j fient'ly.
A I ' J h 1 1 kf'• "One what 9" H to h 1d h
alone.- The cheapest way is- to make
use of the residual heat left fa the ..
Education to Ce --t More'
7,- -
�t4tlaa:d s Ltisliisetat Qara colas, fey
4 �
° � � 5..x • x'r,! , � ,.. � - �., .n�: e y+5.• +�,s• =i`�t",. .sem.=F;?•!'rA'� ••-
<.;.:-:_.:n. a ,. +,..i-.. ...•;, m.:. ..._r�.i•.:x. .._.sits. ,. °.ti.•n...-.... .-.. _.�-� ..' ,...v.: :�. rat�.:6sw',n.;xG::._:.as�.a:. _.R^.''S»s€ki?i�'i�'... �.7!x,kih„« •±.a. �,e'.Y:&:.es'Jw+•fls?L:":h.�aF2 '-''+i2tw'6. •''�,�'.''"`•' '.�'`t�•.> +iirra
n, p ease oo er ne a ou ave
Vire -11ew to the wiiadow. ltnd leaned : wamed him = '
oven . following -some -cooking opera-
tion. ' omits is sufficient to- start the
across the sill. . t "Onc R -art," be went on, with easy
It was a happy word that morning, mate r `'It's just a -little _one. At
dry ing process, then, when the oven
is nearly cool, the door is opened and
glowing in the sweetest dawn that cant w�ggle—likes yours—but
-ever--broke over' roofs and .cliimney-gwowinpr riicels. Would you care .to
an ordinary electric fan is placed near
ppots. The 'earth sang as she danced ; see it?" -' -
by. This soon finishes the drying pro-
her der nay among the paling -stars. affected not to-
cess and also prevents the oven from
The -little gray clouds ',blushed pink hear him. He stared -sombrely at -An-
against the azure sky.- Blossoming i e: and me, but I believe The Seraph
sealed aur fate for after a moment's
,boughs of peach and apricot hung.over' selibeiation,
the gates of hetveli, and rosy spirals have f ion, she said curtly.*" I hall
Education to Ce --t More'
you thio.".
eurled upward frons two , chimneys ; y
Pink -footed pigeons strutted, rooket-' She 'gave us six apiece, ands could
In England.
ty-cooing along the r6ofs. They-nol-'mot .help noticing that, tl;ough The
ded bbeir�heads( as if to affirm, the Seraph was the .y-cungest and tender-
cation is to cost more in >ng-
con=unimado'n' of a miracle.- "It is est. his six were -the mos£ -stinging-
land. -Thatis a fact parents and
•'so,".they seemed to -say; "if is indeed When we had been cent to our bed-
youngtsters. of school a have already
so." One of them hoppers upon -the room to say ou:• prayers, -and- change
discovered, and fees are likely to go•
cobbler's chimney, peering earnestly, `our-pitifu,lly inadequate. n:ght clothes
'uP still further in the near future.
into its depths. for clay things, I'put the tluesti6h-that
All•the public school, are-experiene-
" It sees the star!" shouted The Ser- was burning in my mind:
such a rush of applications as was
..a h. "It sees the star -and nods to -it:; �'1: d .either of,-yoii see her
"`iam.highernow "Rho"''
never before known. It is•aot merely
than'you,' it says!";
Something -was Aa breath? al "Lucy, sitting in the chair."
Eton and Harrow and the one or two
sigh? -made me look back into the 'Angel's brown *eyes were blank.
other schools with some that
- attic where Lucy's clothes clung to, -• "I saw her clothes. What sickens me
the high-backed chair, Iike flower- ! is that, the dragon- took that spy- lana.
are flooded this manner, but also all
those others, many of them equally As
" petals blown against a wall. The pier- ,You 'see if I don't get it yet." IFMrs..oid,
which are. snot quite just so well
glass had caught all the glory ,of the''-Handsomeboly was dragon" in
morning, and was releasing it in quiv- Iour vernacular.)
To secure his son's admission to the
ening spears of light that dazzled me! "Did you see her, Seraph ?"
right club the fashionable father of a
a moment, The Seraph•was-sitting on•the floor,
generation or so ago would eater his
I rubbed my eyes and stared, and Iris head on his knees: He 'raised a
heir's name on the club's books almost;
shook a little, for in the midst of all ; tear -flushed face.
this splendor I saw Lucy!. No -pallid, I "I'm 'most too cuushed to wemem-
!rigid ghost, but something warm,= ber, he said huskily. But I fink Lucy
p as if something of the sartaw
eager with life, - spreading• the folds' was fat, It's a @wy bad fing to be
have to be done pretty soon to secure.
to the
of the -lilac gown. like a butterfly fat, the cane -ft worser."
warmsrfg its new wings in the •strength , I turned from such infantile imbe-
admission some of public
-of the sun. "•
cility to the exhilarating reflection
Her bosom rose and fell quickly, her.
that I was the only one to whom,Lucy
• eyes were fixed'on me-titith a beseech-
had shown herself -her chosen'knight!
China's Trade Still Growing,
ing Iook, it seemed. I drew nearer,-)
I was burning to do her service, yet
near enough to smell the faint per-
the- passage that led to the attic
Again in 1918, regardless • of the ,
fume of her -and I saw then that she
was'not fi; skin --g at me,: buf at the fat
stronghold was well guarded. Twq
days had I
great world war unsettled inter-•
little book; The Mysteries of Udolpho,
passed .before made thb
f attempt. I had been sent upstairs
nal political conditions,
foreign trade increased; keeping the
-which I still held in my hands. The
from the testable to wash my hands,-
grand total well above the billion -dol•
hook that Charles had' given hers
"Bide the timel" he 'had but
I although they were only comfortably
I had dipped
lar mark. Observing 'commercial In -
she could bide the time- no longer:
soiled, --and after them
in a- basin of water that had 'done
vestigators agree that,.. industrially
Proud as any knight before 'his lady,
service for both Angel and The Ser -
and as a manufacturing centre, China
I strode forward, and »ressed the book
Into her Bands,=saw.her Rn-
aph, I gave them a good rub on my
has a great future.
trouser -legs, as I tip -toed to the
ger* curl around it, --heard. her little
of the attic stairs.
tr ;
gvAp of joy. I should not Have been. at
Cautiously, with fast-bea'tingheart,
'Thinness of Mica.
st�*rised had the door opened and
arias walked in.
I mounted, and tried the door. It was
locked fast. I pressed my eye against
- An ordinary soap bubble is said to
a matter of fact, the door did
the keyhole, and made out in the
be only one flys-milloneth of an inch
oma and—Mrs. Handsomebody walked
gloom the dark shape of the -trunk,
thich. It is astonishing that so thin
delicate film
sinister, forbidding, inaccessible. No
and a can be accurately
$he gave a sort of gurgling cry, as
rustle of lilac silk, no faintest per-
measured,'yet a single leaf of mica
if fine were being strangled. Angel and
fume, no appealing sigh from the gen-
may be even thinner. Mica can be
The Serapli faced about to look at her,
tle Lucy greeted me. All was dark and
split antis its Issues are no thic"ter
in consternation, their wjld in the'
quiet. the timet" Who knew
than a single molecule.
wind, and, the rising sun making ,an
but, that some day I might set her
aureole abut them. The four of us
free again?
shared at etteb ot*r Usilence for a
Yet my throat ached as I slowly
attaarma rtafaeat suet as>oathe"s.
4 �
° � � 5..x • x'r,! , � ,.. � - �., .n�: e y+5.• +�,s• =i`�t",. .sem.=F;?•!'rA'� ••-
<.;.:-:_.:n. a ,. +,..i-.. ...•;, m.:. ..._r�.i•.:x. .._.sits. ,. °.ti.•n...-.... .-.. _.�-� ..' ,...v.: :�. rat�.:6sw',n.;xG::._:.as�.a:. _.R^.''S»s€ki?i�'i�'... �.7!x,kih„« •±.a. �,e'.Y:&:.es'Jw+•fls?L:":h.�aF2 '-''+i2tw'6. •''�,�'.''"`•' '.�'`t�•.> +iirra
j. .... I^vYar. .F.Y :'PS - ,.YN. a., .. ._._.,. .835 :r.'R.' a r FR'.• ..,_":'t .^ 4'Y ..:f lAlry• C,,, �,y �q _ .,g
.. NF^'"9 4.. 4:' , Cu,"a ,0'. •n�'�`dF" ... �'� 1 , ! - i:..,tit:'io ...3 d. y' X ,.i" 4�t .^-•. :.. +Ys1 rat' .'�- 'rT,'.. .7S?x . _ d'R"S ,�g `Y'
�.. , .. ' :"® �,++, w_y �*'com i� , ,.--u •,- ••a S '. t,p: ' � .i � ..,!••�•+ �e. r= •.:'�h.j. � EE :,.: Yi°� . -!w�� ,� ,,,� •' •,.,,+Sv . +W.,. ..3 �r
^L;..,,yy , e ....,, o�.�"Mw1,,�`k�, ,n::�,�„ � -.. '�-".¢� e. i :-•• b, , .,=l. x. }�,, R �� rw is •`� _
���,�'.w' °.e��u^'� ^'� � p.1�d• ��.i �•' �,,,p,-„a >ewov�,.y.�....� ••.R �7 �. w.f�r .. ar^R ..... .�R' .r- .Fa 'iMKtYl`' '+"7,`.Ud f � ;�.d���•a:t�'. M;
v .y�iNM-- Mr �Mi�+.� .�" �+�' ^���" ! - /R. w+,Wr '•.-rX"�6�y'N'1' Y ���ivs
e- - :.
j':ping H:xf Way 'on Almost a Cash Basis -Question as
to. Why the Pound Sterling is So Cheap :
Easily Answered
y Landon, Dee- 1. -Foreign trade re - is the pound sterling so cheap? This € r
porno for November, just issued by the `( is a pertinent question, but easily
Board of Trade, show that Eng'and is answered. According to United States h w
.,tecbuping her favorable position. 'rho 1 trade returns Great ritain exported
U I during October only $41,000,000 worth _
-November exports. were $537,000,000 of goods to the United States. If this
' and imports $718,000,000,, zompared, same ratio prevailed in November it
tt:ih October exports of $43:,000,i:00 will be seen that the United States
and imports of $767,000,000. Exports took only seven per cent. of Britain's
for eleven months were. $4,228,000,000, ` °exports. Where are British goods go-
while ' ,itmporta- were $7,313,000,000. Ing. The •majority is going fo the
TOTAL, $30,696,003
S,433 -Sober Grant Entries
r ".
_ Reported by Boar':`
A_ despatc's from Ottawa says:
i The Soldier Settlement Board has gone
over the fifty million mark in loans to
returned soldiers settling on the land.
The reti:rns are completed to No -.rem?'
ber 15 and show a grand total of. $60,
699;003. The number of` loans ap
I proved is 16,175 and the average loan
is $3.134.
! Advances. were made for the fo!
los; i n purprnes :
i I and purchase.
Amount for purchase, $28,125,260,
improverients, 4,528,325; stock and
equipment, $10,336,537;,total, $41,990,
auRaa Rnao vaarwv uua�T%r& , w ulw - uent:inent, tio 'nviv rnou=u iuuus,,ry auu I MR. LION•EL H. CLARKS
balance for November was only $1,81,-� trade there, and that is why the pound' MRS. L. H. CLARKE
000,000, compared with an unfavorable feeling is so low. Goods are -being
Newly -appointed Lieutenant -Governor Wife of the new-,Lieutenant-Governoi Improvements, $1,375,1?8; stock and
balance of $358,000,000 last Jan i of Ontario. of Ontario, equipment, $3,882,267. Total, $6,
uary, r sold on the Continent. 'on. credit, but ! +- _ _--_�-__ 257,800.
.:the most, unfavorable month after, the i Eritair- is not buying_from the United On land owned by settlers:
armistic . The visible debit balance States on credit, so sterling bills must IiVG� GERi►IAN Encumbrances, $1,726;279; improve
for eleven months is $3,086,000,000. If ! suffer for the time being. If the Con -1 menta, $583,294; stock and equipment,
"to this b - added the probable further tice'' succeeds in getting a, big long- `$1
e ,141,518. Total, $,451,091.
' delkitt for December ($176,000,000), tune credit the effect on sterling ex- RUUSIA CAPTURED Y RO J AANIANS Grand total, $50,699,003.
for about the same as November, Eng- change would be noticed immediately, The board also reports a total of
- land's unfavorable trade balance for as it would have the effect of turning 5,433 soldier grant entries completed
the year will 'be approximately $3,-. British exports to the Continent Leto i Cargo atoll Documents Are An Eye -Opener Regarding Ger- up to the 22nd of November.
260,000,000. But in the figures of liquid shape, enabling her to buy in many's ttitude Towards the Entente Powers.
the Board of Trade no account ,is taken the United States ' with the proceeds _ Ex -Kaiser's Trial
of England's'huge revenue from ships of the sales to the. Continent.
sa8 bahlciaug eervieea collected from The figures show that .since the Paris, Dec. T.-Aeronaul:ical experta l war. But the contents of its passengez Will Take Place
* foreign nations. Financial people esti- armi-•tice British exports in food,' have pointed out often that it is clang- cabin throe$ new fight on the ablied�
i German undertakings with Soviet A . despatch from London 'sa
mete the shipping revenue at $2,000,- drinks, tobacco and raw materials Brous for the Allies to permtit the Ger- Russia. The cargo of the machine �•
000,000, and interest from' foreign in-� have quadrupled; that exports of j mans to build new air machines or to� Speaking at Pcntypridd, Wales. on, R
vestments, together with profits from manufactured goads have doubled, which was piloted by -two German offi-I Thursday, Sir Gordon Hewart, Attor
! use their powerful old ones unless the'. cera wrth'the aid of three mechsnics,i ne General, said the suggestion was w$
-banking an- ices at more than $1,- and the re-export of imported goods y -
-000,000,000. Thin total o! invisibles has increased one thousand per centAlliee ]imit and control their use. SuchI inoluded 260,000,000 roubles (normally not true that there were any dissect
revenue will -almost wipe out the un -f The rapid increase in foreign trade L3! fears seem fuiby justified by a docu- $180,000,000); a special press for; sions or waverings with reference to
favorable trade balance. According to. making it extremely difficult for the meat published to -day by Le -Journal.! printing roubles, and 'million worth of r the trial of former Emperor William : ll
these. figures and estimates England! advocates of an anti-dumping bill, who .A photograph shows a huge German jewelry, of Germany. The law officers, he add- o-
machine which. seas captured by the, . Among the papers found on board, '
is really paying her way almost on a are having a lased time proving that ed, were continuing most careful pre-
Roumanian4 in Beasarahia when the' it is -said, were documents which i rations for it. Fifty thousand wry
cash basis. such a bill is necessary to ptrevent I pa Y
One might ask, if this Vtrue, whys British trade from beim; kill"ed, machine, which was.flring to Russia, clearly show Germanys. intentions in ten statements with reference to this _r
}was forced to descend because of en-' regard, to the Entente powers. matter of prosecuting criminals for
--- -'-- -' - - gine trcuble. The pictureQn itself is The machine has five engines,, each their acts during the course of the
BREAK IN SOLID ' Prince Replies to nothing remarkable, except that it of •260 horse -power, and ,`s capable of war had been examined. From this,
' , i shows the.�ize of the machine, which hauling 40,000 pountt's a .d of flying the speaker said, the audience could
FRONT OF STRIKE' - The Kings Welcome i3 one -used to be London daring the for se+ eras hours without a stop
j appreciate the magnit :de of tae task
I -- _ ..- -- _ _ . _... . _ .- . _-_�.____ ._-- _ • -- anti .not he- deceived by sugge�itions
Coal Miners in West Virginia' A despatch from London says: -Al- I i�• - 'that the matter'tvai not receiving the
r- though the welcome home dinner to
'� Live Stock Accept 14 o Increase,.. I the Prince of Wales at Buckingham l closest attention.
A despatch from Waahin'gtoai' Palace Elohduy night was a private! - . -
says: -r -Reports_ were received here on'! function, King -George' greeted his son' BrcadstuRy. ; 38c do, heavy, 31 to 32c; cooked. 47 Another -Record
Friday that- miners in the Fairmount' in a set speech, addressing him ai." biy Toronto. Dec. 9. -Manitoba wbeat to 50c; rolls, 30 to 31e; breakfast in Exchange Fsal
and Fairfort [holds in Weat V]rgiaia 1 dear son;' and adding, "I wish you' a _�o. I Northern, $2:30; No. 2 Northern, bacon, 42 to 46c; backs, plain, 47 to '
had aegreed to adcept the 14 per cent. most hearty welcome on your return $'2.21; Iv D. 3 �ior:hern, -$223,' in -6tore .48c; boneless. 49 to 52c. � A despatch from New York says -
facrease lately suggested by Dr, Gar- home; safe and sound." ' Fcrt V� iiliam.. Cured meats -Long clear bacon, 3f Demand sterling or bills an London
Hold the Federal Fuel Administrator The Kin expressed his sneers at V �nitaba oats -bio. 2 CW, 88-%e; to 32c; clear bellies 30 to 81e.
.l g p pi fell •to 53.8•t'r',' to the pound in this
- .and would, return to work. These re- the'remarkable enthusiasm with which Ko, 3 ('W, .86�4,c;. extra No. t feed, -pure. tierces, 29 to 20i4c; market on Friday, representing a do-
84troc; No; 1 feed, 81�sc ',to. 2 -feed,
'tube, 29th to $r, nils 29%.to.30 t.4 c• ,�
ports gratified Federal officials. who the Prince had been every.tthere reF cline of 2% cents -from the recent bow
SOtsc, in store Fcrt William, e
lto,►ed that the, breaks in the hitherto ( ceived and because he had forged.a pririta...0 c 30�c-to
tierces, level, and a discount of about 21
Man. barley -Ilio. 3 CW, S1.49?r; 27tFs to.?8c; tubs, -28 to 28ic; pails, P�
;-'sold front presented by the miners; new link between` Canada and `the Na. 4 CW, $1.32, in store Fort William. i' .... cant. from the re` -war rate of $4.86%..
25 -a to $8 ;;c; prints; 29Vj to 30c. p
would lead to a further- crumbling off biotherland. American corn= -No, 2 yellow, $1.70; Rates on Paris also made a further
}heir ranks. I The Prince, of Wales, replying to No. 3 ye, $1.60, track, Toronto, .%Idntreal Markets. decline, the, purchasing power of fire
M1 ether b an:. prompt shipments. . *. � r
- "- � ,Rj� t 114luntrcai, Dec.:l.-Oats extra :V o. 1 franc f.11tng to almost lAtYe to t3s9s
Your Majesty, I- feel very diffident . ' Ontario oa s=No, 3 white, 88 to 90c, } ' (dollar. or a discculrt o! s1P htl more
>..Demaind in South Africa according to freights outside. feed, ,�9c. Flaur.'new s.andar.i grade, i a g y
p Y f to e11:10, Rolled oats, bags, 90 •.hen 60 per cent. = ,
in att6mpting to re ! to this toast.' Ontari i w eat -Ivo. ! Winter, per[ S1
For Canadnaa Newaprurt j«'hen you bade me farewell I felt very $ 03• No. 3 do 1.93 to $1.99, f.o.b. $ s $ _° "' to $4.8F; Fear,, 515, Shorts, ---�
1 car lot, $_ td. -S2.01; Pvo. 2 do, 81.9? to
proud of the mission you, entrusted to 2 cb2. Hay, i�'o.:l, pe'r`tCn, Lar lots. $24
:A despatch from . Londo says:- ma I was -follows
1$2.03; t o- ,, 177 Head of Holsteins
1t ng your footsteps, shipping points, according to freights. o $_v Cheese, fines: eaz..rr,..9t4
Robert Muir, representing South -setting out to see the Empire for nay-. untarlo wheat -No. 1' Spring, $2,02 to to 30c.- Butter, choicest creamery, I Fetch Sum of $51,000
African paper importers. will sail for self, and I meant to do my utmost to $2.08; tin 2 Spring, $hiss to s2,o6; rod 3 87t� to 68c. Eggs, fresh, 00 to g5c; �----
-.-Canada shortly to negotiate' -for a� be warthy'of your confidence, siring. tti.ss to $2.0-1, tmb,• obipptns selected. 65c; No, i stock, 58c; -No, 2 1 A despatch from Fond.du Lac, Wis., a
large export of Canadian newsprint to '•It is still a prouder moment for me pointy. according to freights. stock, 53rd Potatoes, per bag, car lots, ! says: -A total of $51, 00 was obtained
that country. He ha es Canadian TW4-1o, 2, $=•so• $2.25 to $2.60. Dressed hogs, abattoir: for 177 head :of registered Ifolateins
3 P i when I hear frorn your lips that voe're-, Barlev-Malting. $1.:60 to -•$1.68, .ac- killed $24 to $.?4.50. Lard, pure, wood
manufacturers will ease their prices, pleased with the war is which I car i i et the annual fall sale of the Holstein
cording' to freight's cttts.ide. s pails, 20 lbs. net, 281- e. Breeders' Sale Company. The avers, • .
and ocean carriers their rates, u:61 ried out m task, and I am deeply ., - pa y' g
otherwise it will be cheaper for South' y r + , freights outside.
tRr $1 8- urcordtpi, Live Stock Markets. price. was $288.• Korndyke Preis
P grateful for the •far too kind words to freights outside..•• I •
Africa 'to obtaifr supplies from Scan-' brought the .tcp _price of
' :you have used :_'trout me. , I 'have had. R�•r-1o. s. s1.37 to $i to, according Toronto. Dec. 9. -Choice Heavy - _� is
- dinavia, from which steamship rates a wonderful journey, a wonderful ex- i to frelght4 outside..t steers; $1325 to $13.50; good heavy
Ale lower. pe2ience, and can never adequately Manitoba _flour- (,overnment stand steers, $12.50 to.$13; butchers' cattle, British Subjects
F Y express my gratitude for the univifeal I ard. $11; Toronto. choice, $11.75 to $12.25; do, good, Only to .Give Oaths
,a: $10-76'to $11.50; do, med., $9 to $9.76
Only Two-thirds Wheat kindness aiid hos italic n Ontario flour-Govern4rient standaed.
y_shown me..
u I iP•so to 39.so, Montreal d Toronto, in do, coo., $6.50 to $T; bulls, choice, $la
Hai Been Moved East lute b-gs, prompt shipment. I to $11;'do, med., $9 to $9.25; do, rough, A despatch �m Regina saga ;���
+'-Queen'Mary Accepts } Millfeed-C^r iota, delivered alontreal, $7 to $7.25; butcher cows, choice, $10 Coaumissionm or oaths in Soaks
! freightR, bags included: Bran, per ton,, to $11; do, good, $9.25 to $9.50; do, ehewan will have to be British sub- -
A despatct from Winnipeg says:- Indian Woman s Name $6.50 to'
It is estimated that not more than sc5; shorts, per ton, $52; good feed flour,! med., $8.25 to $8.60;• do, com., , jests edtber by }�irth tr naturalization
1.$3.16 to 13.60, _ 1 $7; stockers, $7.50 to $10; feeders, aalp following the pessage of a brill before
' 'two-thirds of the season's grain has •A despatch from Brantford says: -r Has• -No; 1 !per ton, $2s; mit^ed,.per: 'to $11.50; canners and cutters, $5.26 the Saskatchewan Assembly.
been shipped out from the West. To That Queen Mary has been pleased to. ten, ;21 to $zs, track, Toronto. to $6,25;• milkers, good to choice, $110 nt
Appointmes wdll, moreover,
- date 70,000,000 bushels have passed accept the Indian name of Ca -non- Country Produce -Wholesale. I'to $175; do, com. and med., $65 to $75; bet
subject be annual renewal., This is
over the Canadian Pacific Railway Ronh-Nwaj from the women of the Butter -Dairy, tubs and rolls, 43 to springers, $90 to $175; light ewes, $7 a question Mich has been back can-
3bus, and at is .said that between 30,- � Sac Nations Indiana, whose reserve is 44c; prints, 48 to 50c; creamery, fresh to $8.50; yearlings, $9 to $10,50;
.800,000 and 86,000,000 bushels will yet ( near Brantford, is the information re -I made solids, 62 to 63c; prints, 63 to spring • lambs, per cwt., $14.75 ,to vassed by the G. W. V. A. daring the
be shipped out. The early cold spell ceived here from Ottawa. The name 64c, $15.50; calves, good to choice, $18 to past year. /
is responsible in part for the slow! iven is the Indian name of Mrs. Helen Eggs -Held, '52 to b4c; new laid, i5 $2t'!; hogs, fed and watered, $1625; do,
f g weighed of! cars, $16.60;, do, ,
-,movement, all. -available cars on rail -i Hill, President of the Six Nations Wo- to 80c. o f.o.b. .�14� 'horses Bring
shay lines having to be used for the, men's Patriotic League. The Queen Dressed poultry. --Spring chickens, $15._6; do, do, to farmers, $lb. Bag Pt;cc In Brltsiln
trans ortation of coil. t 26 to 30c; roosters, 25c ; fowl, 20 to
Montreal, Dec. 9. -Butcher heifers,
p a,so extended her gracious thanks fo>'
t 25c; geese, 22c; ducklin�s, 25 to 30c; .com., $6.75 to $8; butcher cows,. mod., �.
the address sent to her by the Indiana Lturkeys, 35 to 40c; squabs, doz., $4.50, $6 to $8; canners, $5; cutters, $5.25 to A .despiieh from London says
The street corner is the home of a11, worsen, and presented to the Prince of: Live poultry -Spring chihkens, 19 $6; butcher bulls, com., $5.75 to -$6.50; Thirty lour Percheron hrrses bred by
--sorts of evil. Street -corner friends Wales on the occasion of the visit of to 20c; roosters, 20c; fowls 18 to 22c; gra=_s calves, $7; veal calves, $15 to George Lane of Ca3$ery, Alberta, 1
rare usually 'bad friends. the Prince here on October' 20, geese, 17c; ducklings, 22c; 'turkeys, $16; good veal, $14 to $16; medium, 19 weresold at Easton, Suffolk, sad -seal
�85c. to $14; grass, $7; ewes, $7 to $8; •iz,ed 27,018. Lord Minto bought a k.
-- -- Cheese -New, large, 31% to 3°c; lambs, good, $13.75 to $14; com., �a
4� C0 ����Q �i• �• AGENT • twins, 32 to 32?�c; triplets, 33 to $12.50 to $13.25; hogs, off car weights, astE for 650 guineas, and a let�tiot.
jyy� u 33 zc Stilton, 34 to 35c. selects, $16.50 to $17; lights, $14.50 to a Bon, winner three t4tneb in Can
Butter -Fresh dairy, chpice, 55 to $16.50; sows, $13.50, ads this year, brought 550 guineas
58c; creamery prints, 66 to 68c
;PRFs. WILSON DANDLES SITUATION Margarine -33 to 38c. ! -- - +----
- , to 65c; �ewolaid, 85 to 90c, selhcts,•64i SETTLEMENT ,OF COAL STRIKE IN
Two Sen '
aloes Who Visit President Find Hun Mentally Com- � roses sou r�---Sprang 'c ickens, -
terit t0 Direct Affairs of Nation =- News Of . 30 to 38c; roosters, 23 to, 25c; fowl,
;; 30 to 32c; turkeys, 45c;• ducklings, 34 UNITED STATFS NOW IN SWE
Jenkins' Release Halts War Talk. to 35c; geese, 24 to 27c; squabs; 'doz.,
$6,00. I ; . g
s ' A des h from Washington It was throw h this Live noultry-Spring chic::ens, 22 NeW Proposal by President . Wilsoh Will Be Accepted • by
pate g personal anter- to 26c; fowls, 23.to 2bc; ducks, 22 to
says: -A sharp and sensational turn vdew that the ghost waat laid of the 25c; geese; 19c. Both Sides in *w Opinion of U. S. Attor-
Of optisaistid Character was given to strong intimations that President Wil- Bears -Canadian, hand-picked, bus.,
General Palmer.
:Ise Mexican crisis on Friday. son was in no cotulition to direct Am- $5.25 to $5.75; primes, $4.25 to $4.75; , ane y
Its first phom was official announce- erican affairs. Japans, $4.75 to 85; imported, hand- ,.
��aaeat of the release of WUliam O. - picked Eurma, $4; Limas,, 17% to `Washington, Dec 7. -Attorney- the Scale Committee in Induatnir
Jenkins, the United Ststes, Consular The two Senators who intervliewed 184c. - General Palmer atinouneed early this on Tuesday.
•AQent trnprisoned at Puebla. I the President,
with the filly-conoeated Hcnev-Extracted cloves, 5 -lb. ti +
27 to 28c• 1t) lb. tins, 25 to 26^• GO -Ib. mcnmi that President Winson has The President's terms were submit , -�
Its second have, now more a, ter- purpose on the part of members of 1 g ted to,a�c%ing Presidoit Lewis and Sm
the 1 the Forel n Relations Committee to 'Lina, 25c; buckwheat, eO-lb. tins, 18 .� m6*de to. the coal miners a definite con- rotary Green at a meeting yt>iaterday
to the country, was port) g 20c; comb, lr'r-oz„ S6 to $G,50 doz.;
a special committee of t e Senates a,scortain the truth or falsi}y of the 10 -oz., $ 4.25 to $4.5q doz. cre+te � pro. csml looking to a speedy at tih,e Depaztment of Justice, whieb
ttae on Fo•ejg+>yLth
i , alter many rumors t'hxt he was in nd physi- Riaula products -.-Syrup, p.r hope. -i terniir.:,lion c f the strike and an ad- -wan attended also by Joseph Tumnity, ?�
cal or mental she to attend .to im- usta�z„t of ' the entire Coiitravrray, Secretary to the Pres$iient: bdr. Pa1r+
per�ongtl inasvt etsident hal gal:. 53.13; per 5 -imperial gals., ${ j
thea h• was y com- portant,public business, came awry sugar, lb., 27 to 38ce.nd that act,'ng President Leavie end' finer had preRiauiy^t ►n• over theto handle the of thel from the Whflte'House COWneed that s Provis;ons-Wholesale. SA.cretery Green of the miners would whole coat fon with th• Presi. is
his mind waq vigorous agd aoblve. S • ked mesas -Hams, sued., 36 to! urge side •tteceiutaace at a;,aaestling of den{.
in the chair. Minutes of Is" mosuag THB 91 NST CHRI&TUAM FBMNXT
were nod and improved. AT ANY PRWZ
A. number of acoaunts were PrOOMt-
* ' '' ** _��s
bl'IA46 7d"y gooraft at 1W OEM. t and rote A to the -He*. 04 gear money go
ed for paymen M forthei'a ror rbrl rt*" 'cheer than with
row4ti" stanoias committees.
Mrs. Beer and lith. Holtby were -a yvar's,vubscriptidn to The Youth's
`' TNyRMs board re gran � , for memorial for the Companion P It brings oo'mueb into
1,#ft y adva=e. soldiers. a household -its stories for maders of
J. R. Thexton was heard re Victory all ages, its serious andinforming-con-
Loan canvass.
He stated that the tributions.,Its Editorial Pages. its in
40IN MIJUAR, Proprietor.
township exceeded the objeetiveby telligeat and trustworthy commenton
75 per cent. whereby the township the great and tragic events of the
was awarded the Prince of Wales'dag 'time. Its wit and humor. There Is
NOT96 AND COPAMMINT6. -with three crests. . This flag Mr, Thex- nothing quite like The 06mpanion in
ton presented 0 the council for its periodical literature.'
in caretaking. 9d, Wilson, one of the subscribe aeonce you will get
-Q -sojuurnRobertsUp
After several months some yo of also spoke -at length regard Capt. Theodore Rber -
Canada'anda brief visit to the ling the. splendid work of Pickering river Folk Stories, which will be fol -
United Staten, the Prince of township In buying Victory Bonds., lowed dui -1g the .new year by his
Other members of the team were Ed.' great serial of CanadianpiLtriotifirn
Wales has arrived hotneinEng- Glee4oii, Tbos.' Birkett, and Dr. At- and valor, Sons of Liberty.,
land: In every respect the visit more. New subscribers for 1^2 will re -
.has been a great success. He has F. L. Green was heard regarding the 'ceive
lighting of Greenwood Village. 1. The Youth's Companion 52
proved himself a man in the true issu-
The standing committee on Contin-' es in 1920
sense of the term. In many WHY$ 2bies reported and recommended 2. All remaining weekly 1919' issues.
ge: followitil payments ; 1) R Beaton, 3. The Companion Home Onlendst;
e resembles his grandfather,
on acct of salary, 100.00 ; W G Scott, for IM.
Bins; , - " vil.'' - , ,
Edward Who Was salary as reeve, 150.00; F H Richard- All the above only $2.60. everywhere
% 8
Peice-maker. He son. 0
k6own 49 the salary as deputy -reeve, 100-00 ; in North America.
H Ohs
gb, salary as councillor, 100,00; TSE YOUTH'S COMPANION,
possesseh, . that tact that is 80 X 8 Chapman,'ditto, 100.00 -, G L Mid-
.�._,issenitlal to, one who is destined to dleton. ditto. 100-00 ; Municipal -World 887 Commonwealth Ave.. Boston, Man
be the ruler of thegreatesti Received at this
empire tile debentures, 3.07: John Murkar. New subscriptions
printing and advertising, 13-00, M Office,
'the world has ever men. His evi- Gleeaou. att Div Court. 2.00, 6 H Ste -
dent desire to become acquainted venson, ditto, :LOO; U Hutchings, re.
with the 'ma'sees and sss0c1&te
fund of dog tax.100; J Hamilton.
' ditto 2.00; R Beaton, forpostage
with thew as oue of themselves, is 10.00, W 0 Scott, services as Cogamm-F-We
RIDAT, Dzo. 12rii Auction
sure to strengthen the bond of stoner F H Richardson, ditto,
of horses, high grade cattle, Implo-
union between ruler and subject.
25:00; H Pugb. ditto 25 00; M 8 Chap- menta etc., at lot 19, con. 7. Picker.
man. ditto 25.00. 0 L Middleton, ditto
Many '2500; John Scott,'' typewriting audit- 1061, the property of Charles Nlchols�
years ago it was fre. -.* bills. P. Postill,
Sale at one, 8:
a report 191-8. 5.-00.
F Quently declared that the days of or The standing cqmmittee; on Dam- auctioneer.
the monarchy were numbered. In •ages to Sheep Killed by Dogs reported WZDIqZSDAY, DBc. 17TH-Extensive
uctiou.sale of reg. and high scrade,
feeling is and recommended pavments :Ps a
more recent years that b
tlp ' stock, implements, b,y and grain'
lows: 0 H Pugh. one lamb killed by .
dying out, and this'is due to &, dogs 19.00, W 5 Major. two sheep and at lot 17, B. F. --i, . Pickering. the
;-,,.great extent to the character of one firup6rted''reiva kliled'117.00; A L -property of W. L. Cjurtice. Sale
the recent monarchs of England, Milne, inspecting the foregoing sheep at 12.30 sharp. See bills. A
1.8u. Powell, auctioneer.
ocratic DEC.17 -Au ti')n
who have been so dera In The*standing committee �on Relief WEDN TH c
he follow- -c.,
reported and recumsueoded t sale of farm stock, tinplemeots.et
their attitude, ,towards their sub- r
13 payment ; Toronto General Hospl- the property of Robt. Hutchison.
The Walies, in his frets. tool, for maintenance of baby Lilian 0. lot 83, con. 9, Whitby. See hills.
to w one sh'arp. Wm. 'M a w;
sir through Canadii, has an the, Wilson 12 75. Sale at
Aesixts and heads of all with. whom The standing committee on -Bonuses auctioneer.
(91 Wire Fences. Drainage Matters,-
he came in contact,, so that, when etc . teported. and -recommended the THURSDAY; Dz& ISTit-Auction sale
he succeeds to the throne he will following payments: John Larkin. 78 of farm stock, at lot 19. coo. 4. Pick -
rods fence on lot -38 con 4 19 50; Mrs ering, the property of W. B. Rob -
44 And that he to the ruler of a peo-. balsas on bonus for fence 0013. Sole at one. See bills. W, B.
Vibn Skiver.
pie who love and respect him. 1.00. Powell, auctioneer.-
His visit to the United States will Thestartiding committee on Roads MONDAT, Duc. tare -Auction Is of
also do much tow&Tda strengthen. and Bridges reported and recommend. high-class furniture, the property of
ed payment as follows ; Thom Madill. re. party, Church St.. Pickering.
ins the growing feeling of friend- rep culvprt on Nighawander'o sideroad Sale at 1.80. sharp. : See small bills.
ship between that great country 21.00; A Matthews, removing engine Wm.'M&*. auctioneer.
and bridge material con 7 6 00; R Sow -
Great Britain. The hearty merville and others. 'drawing gravel WEDVINDAY, JA.N-, 7T11[-:EZt@a41 'we
Welcome that was extended to con i
2 258 80: Sidney Bennett, 22 yds credit sale of farm stoc-11, imple.
him wherever he appeared has gravel 2.20; Joe Michell. culverts and meats. bay. grain, roots, furniture
gravel con 7 'A 00 i
etc., t
been most remarkable &ad hardly T E Holtby, plow- he property of Henry Moore.
18. con. 2. Pickering - (Brock
:what one'Would expect. lag c( a 7 9 00. * Jas PaInief. drawling at -lot
gr'.vel, ditching and changing creek road). Sale at one o'clock. sharp.
WA I ereourfse 47.50. J O'HeillF. culrert a -See bills. W. B. Powell. auctina.
When are the prices of the Lre- at d drawinfr grKv.1 18,00; J Todd and ,ser.
tesperies of, life to L.Owt, stow *? whers, grading, gravelling. etc: 101.00:'
C W Petty, gaeoline, oit"and repair to
16erehy that
This isthe great burping question OTICE is given
engine 16.011: Wal Dixon. material Noeoi'ge Henry Shemilt. of. the
he Idod., 'Cox
in every household in�t 2.56; N
sor. 113 yds gravel 11 30- W Jackson. Town ni Oshawa, in the Coua"
�tf On-
P.-, ..The prospects for a decrease in
material Qfh,." T E Stephenson; rep acrd
tario, in the Province of Ontarko, I#Lb
7:4 'the near future re fa'r from being material 11,
75; A -Rii&znh1I, moving orer, will apply to "the Parlisfin6tit of
rig his . wife.
bright. ht. Insteadof a decrease fol. and fixing eniverti, 13.5u; R Davidson Canada, at the next, session thereof.
and others. drawing -gravel 379-50: F for a HQI of -Divorce from
lowing th%end of the war,- We find - City
1 50: H Wood Florence May Shemilt. of the of
Soden, grading acre 112
that the prices of many Come mad others. gravelling etc.. 364.25: 1 Toronto, to the County of York, in
modities still . k ee . PL I soaring.. If Pallister, 19 yds gravel 1.90; B Reenor, the Province of Ontario. Married
lei yda gravel 1.6 6, W Waddell. dig• woman, an the ground of adultery and
the demands of the laboring class-, ging and drawing gravel bet 10 and I I desertion,
1k se areDotted at the Town o4 Osbawi;, in
granted, the' former evels can 0 41.25; M Pugh. 12 yds gravel
I - 9.0; R K Taun an
A d others. -work op the Province of Ontario, the2ndday of
will never be reached, or at least 12 and 15 and sideroads con 9 108.10; 3 September, A. D. 1919.
.1not for a number of years. The Pallister sadothers. w ctilvertsatid GjcoRoz HIC14BY SHRICELT.
manV By ble solicitor, W. E. N. Sinclair.
I labor unions throughout the Planing road 10.50; Carlton and. 61
others, work on Greenwood rd 179.70; Oshawa, Ontario.
;.�'.whole world are demanding short I Hortop and others, work opp 3 and
re TIME TARLB-Fickering Staton G
or hours and higher wages, and 9 con 9 11-25: Z Gibson. 25 yds gravel
the laboring classes appear to be 2.00: G Middleton. work opp 12 and 13 T. R. Trains going Zeal, due of follolwo
a 6 00; J White. right-of-way to No. 6 Mail 8.07 A X.
the masters of the situation. - A coo s Local .187 P. X.
%L pit •5 00; R Bye and others. gravel on 66 2 6
1- 86 Local .26 P. M
.,few days ago the itarknent Work- base line 144.00. J Hortop and others wast due as . follow$---
oeting in work bet 6 and 7 con 966 90; A Prouse Trans going
.'ore of Toronto held a w
67 yde gravel 6.70; R Burrell. 32 yds No. 29 Local 10-27 A. M.
Massey Hall, at 3 o'clock in the gravel 3.20; L Squires. 183 yds IS ON 27 Local 2J6 P. M.
'.6ftern000, and in one of the largest W Dixon, work to Whitevale 25.80; 7 Mail 7.56 P. No
C Fuller, rep culverts and gravelling I'D Ncwl, 6 and 7 also ran on Sunday
t8othing manufacturing establish- 6&50; W G Ham, material and wort Foregoinis I hour in advance
.,welats every employee left to at- 18.75; H Ellicott. 38 yds gravel &30; J
of Standard time.
tend this meeting, notwithotand. H Michell, cement culvert and work
n w t I Markham to p*l, half 06 25; L 8=g
lag the fact'. that the firm were - The Pick
Z Squires. scraping reads. -gravel &ad
overstocked with orders, and rigbt-of-w 36.50; Campbell Flour Mille
also notwithstanding the fact that Co. 36 Yds gravel 3 00, J White, 26 V%Hsncd Committee
yds gravel 2.00; R Burrell. l"yds of
only a short time previous to this, :gravel 14.40; W H Westney, grading
Th object of this Association to to
c lessen stealing d prosecute
every demand they had madto re- 00 one 3 and 4 19.00; H G Calvert, Loa
. I '.'4srding honrs of labor and wasps gravelling station road 12.00; J Clark. the felons.
on Church streei rRce 250. M
...,,,.had been granted. Neither the Kennedy and others, gravelling, turn-
" flim nor the Manage -a could pro- k on.cUlverts 242 50; M Members having property stolsor oommud.
r ds 1gravel 7.70; Elmer pats immediately with say member
test. The' next morning every gravel 4.60; J H Mich- of Executive 00romhu".
leone eras back in hi.q -place, and it M work on con 7 22.60; Membership fee 11.00.
was useless to cow
also work on w t I north of con 6 Tickets mai be bad from the President of
Plain- ' With Markham to pay half 425 50- W G Georootery on spplicafton.
the laboring man working much Scott, services od'uSting txl,ria e
Exec. Com. -L. D. Banks, C. S. Palm.
-shorter hours, there will be de- sects .50; G r. Midileton. ditto 2 er. W. V. Ricbstdson, Pickering.
D R Beaton, ditto 2.50. W Knox and
creased production,'and that along others, work on con 4 19.15; J Brown, J. R. ThextoaW. J. Clark.
with Increased wages is bound to 151 yds gravel 16.10; Fred Budgerow,
Akeep, prices up. While labor may Thos Coady; 15 b
storage of township machinery 10.00;
bo his cement 39.00; G
•win in its fight with capital, they McKay, work . on con 4 bet ?A and,25 PICKERING =:a
ill not better their, condition. 3.00; G Burkholder, gravel for cement
They. may get shorter hours and
bridge Altana road 1.15; Wm. Dixon
repairing mixer 15,00. E
f�better pay, but the granting Of A by-law was passed appointing
these demands will only mean G Ham, W B Burk and Andrew John -
start fuel controllers for 1919-I920.
prices for the
The usual by-law was passed tippoint.
-of life. W responsible itis the various polling places, deputy
bile %bor�js Foi e
a certain extent for the high returningofficers an poll clerks for
the township elections to be
'prices, the have'shown
held on the first Monday in January. About 300 Al 6 hooped apple
..that capitalists are printarily
Thecouncil,now Ndjourned to meet barrels at 85 oents
'-responsible, for the bilge profits again ai 10 a. m. on Mond y, titsb
they have been making, especially inst., for preparing the financial state -
each in lots
since the. war began, has led the meat. =of 10 or more at
'.laboring classes to claim a fair the shop.
�share of the profits from their
:labor, thus leading to the presetit. In ever grateful memory of the boys
e f affairs. fro. Brougham, who feil-InIA 1W. D.- Goidon'& Son_,:tate ,
John Dafol. ArthtirLIttlej6bn
Thenenas Fostii. V%'m. McLeao.
^Tbp abovecouncil met pursuanVto Insert I eA by. Women's 1. ln�titut^. lbell,and Indeptndent, phone.
adjournment on Monday, the '18th
I n9 t N1Pn.11rr-3 All prPQf-rt,, MRS. B. BuRx 'Secretary
O."Ju 8
? .
BWAUSE it is tasty F
it is nourishing
BEQAT;SH it is ch@4.per_thaq meat
Smoked Haddies l7 lb.
7SmAeA Fillets 22c lb.
WE ARE READY now for your Mince -Meat and Chaiet '.l
etas Cake.'.- Call and, see our stock of
new Feuits and Nuts.
Buy all Your Groceries at the Grocers."
We Will pay the highest Hor"811(t9jng and'Sen,eral. blAaksmith
Priem for 41 kinds work promptly attended to.
of seed. 1 Lome and interfering horses made
Send ns' samples and get A specialty of, sad money ve-
our' funded if
prices before work does not
selling._pr ove satisfactory.
Ths':best 'of facilities
for cleaning.
J. H..DOWNETC0 NPANY Lax -ds 5SIM.M.162.91,
Havins'purchiased th*4.gsiroge business ofiDavidsou do Wililswq we art A
prepared W*irepair all Imakes of autos.
:We keep in stock all'kinds of lFord accessories, tire's for &R:_
makes of cars, oils, etc.
To Men Who Are 45
Review your earnings during the past 10 years. Is the asoolunt
you have saved in proper proportion to your income?
" a continuance of your present rate otseving insure adequate
protection foryour family in later years?
is not too late to begin systematic a
savings account today with this Barth
J. CX)RDON HALL, Manages.
PickeringHardwar6 Store ;�
.....,There is only one place to buy
she 1900.Gravity Washer
Felly Guaranteed
Free Trial Givest.
'The old Reliable and, ... ...
now Famous
Happy . Thought
Come and see ours -we
can save you money and give xuamiatoo.
-lefull'istoci of staple goods on hand.
r. Williams' Fly Oil -the beet on the
.market. Royal Purple calf Mod
and Stock Pecific jus arrived. 1
bag will convince you it is
the best to be had.
Ift is a pleasure to show our goods.
Cann t eat
-Qur ;`Creatt of the West" Flour
z, 7
`tor bread
"Monarch" tor 'pastry'
"Sam�p,"Oill, Hog Feed
Farmers try' our -J
�:Full.line of Feeds on hand
.Highest. pric es paid for g1rain-*.
The Campbell Flour Mies Is Co., --Ltd 0
Tor( �.r e!`IU� 0 al
. .
��: ,�s Qlara.'�"CTlede# `fires ia'. tete
`8ora,Ton FridayyDei.. 5tb, to
R. W. and Mrs. Ellim, a son.
F _ Born, on Monday. Dec. Sth.. to
Levi and Mrs. Hopkins, a daught-
Miss Blanche Mechin, of Brongh-
am, spent Tueedag with Mrs. J: H.
R. P. Hopper, of West Toronto,
r went Tuesday with friends in the
o John Miller shipped a number
Og'ure-bred sheep to Minneapolis, on
• ,,"Moadap.
Peter. and Miss Margaret 6laenab
"are spending the week -end with,
friends in Toronto.
George and Mrs. Farley, of Pick
Bring, visited with Claremont
friends on Saturday�,
Mr. Lock CutteA, of Toronto,
was renewing old acquaintances
in our burg recently.
Mra S F. Robbins returned
home on -Saturday after spending
two weeks in the west.
Alvin Bnahby has entered the
employ of Chas. Sargent in order
to learn the tinsmithing.
Hurrah I Skatine on the risk to -
"Morrow (Saturday).eveninC. Pint-
clase band in attendance.
No farmers claim that
at the present prices hogs do not
pa for the feed consumed.
David Russell shipped several
head of cattle to the Fat Stock'
Show at Toronto on Monday.
George Wagg, we are sorry' to
report, continues in acritical con-'
dition at the home of his son, Nel-'
i The NEws man will make his
usual trip to Claremont next
week on Monday instead of. Tues-
The scarcity of fuel.owing to the',
coal strike makes hydro look &I-
Juring,. but until the. southern
front has more than they can use,
the mach sought for fluid will not
come our way.
Rev. A. Mcl ellan attended Rev.
Dr. Patterenn's lecture in St. An-
drew'schurcb, Pickering, on Mon-
day evening, and on Tuesday went
to Oshawa to attend a meeting of
Whitby Presbytery
Mees. Wm. and Thos, Graham l
returned home on Monday even
Jog from the International Lis
Stock Show at ' Chicago, where'
they met with their usual good
Iluccess with their exhibits:
We are pleased to report that
Ithe Citizens' Band, after being
dormant -since-the beginning of
the war, has been re -organized,
-and is now practicing under the
capable leadership of their'former
•leader. Geo. W. Coater:
A number of our young. people
treated themselves to a ba_ll.in the
' Nasonic Hall on Monday night.
A number of gneste -were -pp' resent
from the neighboring. villages.
All report a very enjoyable time.
-Excellent music was furnished by
;-'the Oshawa orchestra.
About three Inches of snow fell
on Saturday evening with the re.
malt that a few cutters turned out
for the Brat timer this mason. The
sleighing, however, was of short
•duration as the mild weather of
Monday nigbt and Tnesday caused
'Inuch of the enovr to disappear.
David Ruseell went to Guelph
ion llondav to see hie eon, Milton,
who is in the hospital in that city,
where he is undergoing an opera -
We are sorry to report that
his condition is very serious, bnt
ilt Is hoped that the operation will
brim about his recovery. The
ttroable from which he is suffering
'-wascontracted while be was in
the war,
Nelson Wags suffered a very
severe loon Monday morning by
the death of his valuable stallion,
"'Belle Boy." He found the ant-
imal dad when he went out to the
stable In the morning. He was
apparently all -Mpcht the previous
:'evening. Mr, Wagg has been tin
fortunate In losing several of his
best horses daring the past two
Beef ring, No. 1, held their an-
nual oyster supper on Toe day
)evening at the home of John and
Mn. Forgie, when about fifty sat
down to the well laden tables. Af.
`ter enjoying the things providers
for the inner man, a most pleasant
-time was spent by Itll in games of
various kinds, music etc. On mo-
' tion of -G. M. Forsyth, a hearty
vote of thanks was tendered to
tine host and hostess, to which Mr.
Forgie made an appropriate reply,
after which all IN, , for their re-
.'.spective homes in the early morn.
3ng hours.
The bazaar in the Baptist
•church on Friday evening last
was a decided success 'in every
way. There was a good crowd
present and the Iadies were kept
busy selling their ' home-made
randy, cooking and fancy articles
etc. There was a Rood program
vocal and instrumental music
by_Me , NP: -M 'Ring
lulu, Mrs. Palmer and Miss Em
tpit Brown;'- recitations by' Mias
(`htfpman and a readihfr by Misq
.fear Evens. Every one pt*sent
- report a most enjoyable time.
The reeeipts of the evening were
i over Se -1.
Wallimstna Pearam and -4 Mor.
gen, .of Stoulffiille, were U this
neighborhood on Tuesday baying
Mn. Abram. Bundy still contin-
nee in very poor health, as she is
not improving as her friends would
like to Ree her. ' .
Mr. Wilker wait unfortunate in
having to repair a blow-out on a
recent stormy night 'while en
route to Stouffville.
Dr. Ira Free _1,•of.Stouffville,, has
agaiti taken up practice after
speeding. .�orue,w.eeks-in the. Post
Graduate Hospital, New York
Tiioq. ' Gregg and Fred Ward
shipped a carload of sheep from
Claremont station and also a„car-
load of cattle from Daxmar on
The various Sunday Schools are
anxiously looking forward to their
annrtal Christmas tree and enter-
tainment next week, and are kept
busy pr4etising.
Our curlers had expected to
playy their first game of the season
on Tneaday evening, but the mild
weather disappointed them as the
ice became too soft.
Voters' List Court, 1919
NoTIcE Is, herebv given that a Court
will be held, pursuant to The Ontario
Voters' List Act, by His Honour the
Judge of the County Court of the
County of Ontario, at the Town Hall
In the Village of Pickering, on Wed-
nesday, the 17th day of December,
1819, at the hour of 8 o'clock in the
afternoon, to bear and determine
complaints of errors and omissions in
the Voters' List for Polling Sub -Divi-
sions Nos. 1. 2, S. 4 and 5 of the Muni-
elpal It y'nf the Township of Pickering
for 1919,
Dated as Whitevale,- in the, said
Townebip of Pickering, the 3rd day of
December, 1019.
11.12 Clerk of the said Municipality
�,P� ro � �� � ,�tr,.,�,� 'r � "• -s4."�': � . �a :rs.s 'gin ana'i� r
.ui .: a,.y ,.: {,. td"'”' r „1. .. r -•'}� .�t•ta
AA'r 2
ced girls or �imew wanted ern
There is no guess-work.baking either. The oven
- : oto work on our Singer :swung
has a glass door which keeps the baking in fu.,
view. The thermometer tells whether the oven
Is hot enough r
ug o got. The oven, must have
Sawing -•. e I
,aa you
; .Machan
-machines.---:None:other need ap-
.. :..' -
" l
ply. '_ Oood wages to the right
Of all materials and design
r kapt is stook. It will you
- —
Parties, T'he Sunny Dress +Co '
call at our works acd inspect t oar stselk
obtain prices Don't be misled
' �.zte we do not employ them, ooasequ
• =
next door .. ' to 'the Royal Hotel, ::
we can; and do throw off the
commission of 10 per cent., which you wit
nlysaveby parahaaing from all
of the day. If
yon have formed the Sav- .
Whitby: :.Bell phone 188,_
to meet its, opportaaities; 9
Office and Works, 71ilrby, Ontario
not, reconstruct your methods
The United Farmers
- OF
—= FOR
Farmers': Club meets in tho'
Pickering Town Hall on
second Wednesday`
of each month '
only during summer months.
Raisins, laded and seedless, Currants, Peels, Dates,' Figs, Nuts,
Watch for neat' meetieg_..
r a,
Fancy Biscuits, Candies, Fruits. _
A splendid assortment of
Glassware; Brass, Handkerchiefs. Gloves, Scarfs, Ties
and Wool Sets.
A fine stock of Toys, Picture -Books, Papetries
and Toilet Requisites.,
Ccmesand see for yourselfr1rratings to all
Whitevale Club of
-United Farmers De''Am.S G 0 T T'
Seeds have oftharrived. � ONT, - !ONTARIO
At the nest merinos o! the Club regio " �
lutions will becpeased on
the following : -
&e tnterswitchi inir InRailways F,ARMERS,
A ��^m� �Military Traininir fo Bchoola�j•,.�i (V�.11 •Improving our School Sysfeto
Regulation. of Foodstuffs
Standardization of farm implements _ -
Reg-ulafiou of motor, trucks on our
Tanted fad 19 0
raft roads
139d land properly draind-for growing Flax. Well
.Confectionery supply- seed and harvest same and. pay, $16.00 per ton de.
IVEiLSON'S jos Creme livered at the mill- in Pickering. Average yield two and
constantly on handin bulk or bricks one half tons' per gore. Apply
Gum, Chocolaterand other Sweets.
Popular Patriotic Music., _ ROSE FLAX MILL
Tobaccos, Cigars, etc. a,
Pickering, Out. - r
p VinterGet Preaed or .
Coal,',,.coaf _ _ : Y
Hard and Soft Coal of the Men's Heavy Sweater Oc ate _
best huadity on Boys' Pullover Sweaters -
Girls' Sweater Coats
THOS. A. LAW, Girls' Brushed Wool Cape and Scarfs
�1G3C01'Sns'. Gut Men's Hesvy_Almira Wool Box 1.00 per pair. +'
_ Almira Yarn, black and grey, 2.20 per lb
Crain Chopping '
Tam prepared to do Grain Chop- After Nov. 1st the etore will close Monday and Thursday
ping and Oat Flaking every evenings at a o'clock.
week day except naaaee:. .
John F. Bayles, Greenwoodv�'�.r►�
. C'►Ic"11� Pc�tdora
mluulatiuul II►IIII;IIUIIUIgIIHE Boiler doesn't crowd the dinaeroff the
TPandora on wash -days. You can set the
rZ Unin +19" is Streaiath
There is no guess-work.baking either. The oven
has a glass door which keeps the baking in fu.,
view. The thermometer tells whether the oven
Is hot enough r
ug o got. The oven, must have
Sawing -•. e I
,aa you
; .Machan
.Manufactured by
This dependable range has easy -working grates; porcelain
W. $-: Jackson & Son,:. ti
enameled reservoir, which mqy be removed for cleaning.
The Pandora is the sort of range you have alwayawanted See it.
R _.
Brock cad. P ckenag, Ont, r
TION is the order
of the day. If
yon have formed the Sav- .
fags habit you are prepared'
to meet its, opportaaities; 9
not, reconstruct your methods
and begin today. We have a
Savings Department at every
Just received a large shipmenli of
Men's, Women's and Child-
ren's sizes, to be sold
at last year's prier. -
E♦er� pair guaranteed by the
Dominion Rubber Oo.
Call and see them baton you
buy elsewhere.
�. Fiagold. �Clalreffio�Il
Ind. Phone 2504
Pickpr••4�,�1 B k
Bread. Buns, Cakes. Cookies and Pik
Home-made Mince Meat 9001b.
Mince Pies 25c each.
Fruit Cake. unexcelled for quality.
lib cents per Ib.
Wedding Cakes, ready to bs fed,:
on receipt of your o�rdeer�•■�'
boiler either way, across or lengthwise of the top.
There is no guess-work.baking either. The oven
has a glass door which keeps the baking in fu.,
" , The Universal Y ':
view. The thermometer tells whether the oven
Is hot enough r
ug o got. The oven, must have
Sawing -•. e I
,aa you
; .Machan
heard, is very evenly heated. '
.Manufactured by
This dependable range has easy -working grates; porcelain
W. $-: Jackson & Son,:. ti
enameled reservoir, which mqy be removed for cleaning.
The Pandora is the sort of range you have alwayawanted See it.
R _.
Brock cad. P ckenag, Ont, r
its . •
Blaek- iithing andlwoodworking to
-.. \1 j� ,,.�A'
Sold by J. S. BalsiVn` v
all it.,; hmrf h". Saw humming
and thins; a apeclalty.
�egtprlt (3a«line Pnginra, Emery
-Wbt eN. Circular Saws. Saw., ^'.
and Emery MandrelP,
.,T,. (Iders ('f rli lengths on hand
y :tial fir -1e,
p,q N"-
4" —ttS ;1-77TTf 7
-- -- � '; :. �7
HOW F 19 7 1 '
t�� oi .1• bow",
it car, be, made smooth by beating w!th L
1%m Favorite gated De is-
&4rA dressing. won mwlie,-is
—1 cup
• QT= an egg. beaki.
I re
TR&W Thousand Island Dressing 51/2 % In tO
Aft *VUT Miks"rift 4011ild mastpr. bottled salad (Iftsaine, 2 ths*. chopped ' -,PAYABLE HALF -YEARLY
Th* Teopes are first
clasa. in eyery ey;-2 -tbsp. chili sauce, - 2 tb9p. Allowed on money left with as AW 1`1
chopped sweet pickles, 2 tbsp. chopped from throose to ten Years.
Boiled. Dressing -14 tbsp. salts,
-pimento. - C!" -.614 ingredients, - nibx Write for Booklet.
J.Jjs tap, mustard, speck of red pepper. and serve over lettuce; or other' salad
lklift- MalstaliNd rma
ThrOUiAll the ON TM 13-ATFL'EM 2 ii'gg yolks -or I egg,
greens, The Great West Pe Rent
.0p FRAPqM tbep.. melted- buttej," 1-3 itili'milk.- Loan Company.
Use Of Dr. WHURMS, may.
Tartar Sauce cup bottled
cup vinegar. Mix dry ingredients, a -p. chopped on
dd - Toronto Offloo 20 K iV9 St. Wei
[ onnaise Aressing, 1 tbs
soUghtly-beaten eggs aiid ntik ivell.'
Ph&PM& I ion,...l "?bap. :chopped -pickle, I thip.
Add butter, then' mix gradually, and'i -41
chopped olives. Chill and mix all I
.I .. I — linuilix uir. &W vinegar vety slowly. --Cook over; h canned or
than In not a nook or corner
I ziedients. Serve. wt freak
thezX ;Snail„ in the cities, the tov=, the yu-, Will Help boiling water ' W1 the mixture slight- 1 fish
slaps, on the farms and � In the mines Next SPing U
ly thickens or coats the spoon. -Straial
lumber cappa, whom Dr. Williams, PAY . War 13HL - - if -needed and use cold. If the mixture
'ftk Pills. have not been mod. and
?tom one and of the count" to the
France owes a large amount of
l on
should curdle from -cooking too, . g,
other they. have brought back ti, bread-
money, having been a party, to and the
wt=wl, their WIT" and-Umities, .the
scene ,of a large world war. - It costs
treslaulifill Of now health and
money to support flue of terri
Sc struggling, and the financial genii
Tea haves only to ask your neigh-
of that country 'arlil'dev ising ways' and
means of reducifig the discouraging
can be speedily cured by YqUrsolf
W M WA they ciz-tali you of some
In Your own stable by treatin
rlL g
44Lio"inatm mo, "arw"bAttered insta.
disparity between. - the - cash -on -hand,
W -
and the cash -to -be -paid -out sides 01%
ii4so sufterisir woman, ailing youth and DR, A. Ce DAN 1EL98.-----
or analown 01 who owes present national ledger.
�,Wth and strength to Dr. Williams' The money spent by tourists' is being 00L10- DRiDps
I -Wk Pills. For more than a
-quarter counted upon as a means toward pay. 30 dXQV6 IN a do"
tjjqee�pilis havo been Ing part of the war bills, according to
a century iM�V ik,.Z�
-IMOW!2 RA only in Canada, but ne Ole
gliroulghout all the world, as a rillable jy:* formed"Commission of Tourists,
tho Hit
the w . , — . M
Jules Dorang, who represents
tonic, blood -making medicine. the government of France Is virtually,
The wonderful success of Dr. WA- planning" to standardize touring. In..
fertilizer Instead of pricing the next fft
due to the fast, it
Pink Pill# Is order 'that no guilty dollar may as-. you buy ---investigate first the quality.
Oat the cape. Instead of being a natiom.cover-
Wk, that
y go t'ig'ht to the root Of the Fcjr ft Is quality, not mere bWk, that
disease in the blood, and by xna" ad with, tourists roaming at will and gets results. The time to ask the price
the vital fluid rich and red strengthen without guides, France will have a 11 it when yoix have made sure of quality.
ctar7 organ Awell-trodden every nerve, thus taw ell -trodden paths, leading' Z XA
twft out. disesise,
sad p" and mak-. through the heart of, the places where We cnA prove to you—and the proof 7, 0
own experience later
we furnish will be borne out by you=r
*eAk despond t people bright, enough history was made to add an to ---that 1HUArab.
Davies Feitilixer Is the best that
adfta and strong. %. W. T. John- other year's -worth -to the high school 'to.,
A Symptom of oolic.'
Me of the list known and most curriculums.
.402 Colic Is often fatal, but If you itive' niloncy can buy.
Lunenburg , .Why* in Dorajig- said, F o,
"teemed men in Verdun," W. rur-collicky horse Dr, A. C. Danlerip, t-� t .. � -.11 1 �Ilt Vill
am a Provin-. 011C Its qualities are the result off'knowledgi:
N.B., s&Ys:-"`l
"there are actual accommodations for 0110 Drops In time, you will save I
Ills and restore it to conduion. -notguessworiz. It contains Nitregenor
oW Land guveyor, and &= exposed only fifty and yet 5,060 people visit IW I& battle of this f&mcrus remedy
for the $r"Ar part of the year to very the battlefields, with 'their minion Y Ammonia, PhicsPhioricAcid and Potash.
or '4 can avoid sending milee, away
bard work -titavelling through Poll I The AmrnonJ14,which is the plant grower,
-dead-under thin mounds et earth, and 4 v*terlx=yr, for this reme a
roots out by anfir ministered by anyone. •!%by. is derived from materials which'dissolve
and Camping some not competely under, almost run the risk of los valuable In the soil -watt: in proper order as the
night Be Pre!=1�3LEhazv.s Dr. -A.
&3 t -And Me only thing that daily. ianinial't le prepared—hazes on and for 11
season progresme. This results Li, a
will keep me up, to thif mark is Dr. C -Dania Col arg=, but better
"it 119 heartrending to see the hti�. emergency, crop that k rot only L
Pink Mile. Whedl leave in quality -ani J atror4er.
dreds of British women -•
PRICE $L.25 lot,
home for a trip In the woods I am U "d the poo aq
from all parts of France combing
interested In having =y- supply bt jpIlls Big Animal Medical, Book Free. Our'fite booklet, "Tertilizer Results
veil CVIC=
$X plWislous, and on such occaalona, through the raves of crosses for their ow A. co . DANIELS CC by Satisfied Usen," gives
I take them regularly. The result to OF 41TAXAMA. LbEMEW that you ought to atc. 0 YERTILIZERS
beloved dead. They da re all kindsi, of
-take cold, and. hardships." KNOW QUEBEC copy to-d&y. LIMITED -
I am always fit. I never EBEC .0aft.
dia"t Adlki ds Of food Such. 118 we Providing Hotel Accommodation.
ihave to put up with hastily cooked In
At outlined by X. porang. the
psl woods. Having proved the value ..........
at'Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 3A a tonic French government is heartily advo-
eating the building of tuge temporary
jiond health builder. I am never with- hot -IS_ '*,th,L,tWo
e hundred and- fifty
them. and -I lo" no o0pattunity In
roosts each. , equtpped with - every
recommending them, to. weak- people I ro
1whom I most modern convenience. These, they
-said. will established on the
'4 -:7 ti,
Dr. 'Williams" PinkPills should b6
principal battlefields of Fmnce,. In--
Upt in every home, Lad -their occa-
eluding Verdun. 31ontdidler, Solissons.ff
tonal U" will keep the blood pare
�5M ak wird off'llinese-_ . you i Amiens, arras. frpres. Perobne, Pont- , A;14!
can get %�4
"".pollls through. any medicine deal- 1 a-Molasson. In the Toul sector and In
six 1 the Argbnn�e
two of
by mail at 50 cents a box or
-from "The hotels will
`box" for $2.50 The Dr. Williams' be btIUt to last
a Co., Brockville, On't. for eight or -ten years*. after which re-
construction will Proceeded to
Ly•4Z i
the most devastated points." Mr.
"Cndoubtedly. the, 4
Drunswig said. M
Ssingk Tree &arb 141=4
money spent on tht hotels -would be
The ynan rove tree, specimens- of . . .....
, i• !,, �
an in the Arnold Arboretum. 4W s� - I. I I !��
realized in the first yearl,pt their exist -!7�11F,
A ok
Vwch -1 ;�
once. j
-Harvard Uni�
**Q. tree museum' of
a made in this
ersity, has very IntAreeting method
country through a bureau to bo as-
"Arrangements will be.
.09 sending Its seeds, or fruits Into the,
tablimbed ll� M. 15orang. to
an It* usually does in
b t
Growing y W
:."Id. -:5 -
congestion at any single point, he
oftallow water, It to necessary for the Wit A-11
routIng of the tourists so that the an-
Ffruits actually to begin gtowinf& tire touring body- will -move ll�iithoai.
rg they leave the parent plant
e Ifiralt, wtdch, resembles'a large in. tally and
"An attempt will be mado to tfftx the
Iverted berry, send -out large leavesit Itinerary so. that five, bandred pers6na
its upper end and a long root. some- I
top at 4Zacji �pljcp- one :lig.. t. M .1.1 ii.. r �% s t x : , �� + c--rEr�
times from t-- 1w
18 inched length
• ti.�crfbed
�m lowgr end, while yet attached to the Tbey will bi given tickets,
with numbers. -Tliese, will show. for
rent plant. Then, as If by magic.
'2xample. that Mr. A will be at -Ve:,duu
parent plant drops it into tbemild., j S- .. .
Tuesday, -.in([ I, ?�-.
Monday. 9bissous on Tu
'liters the plant already growing be-
rhaps. the Ar onre on Weluesday. 7-
.9. X ftk-5-
i. M, Z:
i- Sins to develop Into a larger plant, and
His card will 6'
e stamped with the
-Poon. In firmly established. It It were
he Is to, occup;-.
number of the room 14,
IM prepared immediately to.begin to
1 3f r, B will have -s- card which entitles
w in the mad It would probably be
him to a room at VerdiAn. on Tuesday,
away. A single. maugMve Is I.EASING,
$oissqns on. WedtiOsday_Agd. the -Ar- 7 -
able to start'a small Island
gone on Thursday.
ifs, manifold roots and arms.
her bounty' r
"Wounded and maimed Soldiers, re-. 7he earth .1w delivered h Y' provided fo
sidents of the battle -sparred territory,
sleeps __the winter n
her own. Contentedil' Ali
w6w-k will serve' as guides. Having lived.
The of chartiiig*ib�*cossts and
over the griltifid,'"'they' will
seeis',oi the British mpire am and fought ov
ploys a -And the men who worked with her, who toiled in her furrows and delivered 11W
and o l'000 CST be able adequately to give the tourist
ociie of warships over a'11 ting Imprbigsion of the beittle-" the harvest—they, too, have earned a best. Thoughts may -turn tO Egspit
4sn and men.
fields." -and social evenings. The
Tdurilits Spend $150,000,000. 7
Tourists in France spend - on an'r,
average of $500 a yeart,-accoriling to
. Dorang. . The amounts vary, he
Potato' . e-' *S M 1 said, from. tens of thousands of doll"
•.-at 36 CentS 'spent by comparatively new million -
per bwhel aires to two or threehundred. spent
by school teachers and others In
search of some firilshIng touches to
HE cost items of 251r. Joe. -SAFETY �, 11tt A Z 0 R
their educatl�on.
T 10oughulls potatoes, Dand"
Oo, totalled $95.50 per- acre, in. The 300,000 tourists,. at the average
la ith part 16 -the warra-hearted social life of the -country, and in the-117116re
by N would spend
named Dorans,
dodi.ng $18.00 for fertilizers. -a part.cularly. clean ..shave JS
$i60,060,000, dnough-to'lpay,%if not for .f(o=al functions of the city. Wherevi6x
Fatills" Potatoes yielded 286 a full battle, at least for a. sizable -odemanded Gillette service is cornmMonecloo,
Ims.. per acre. skirmish. tillifte -Semce mews shaving comfort, No Stroppin —N
The battle -seared territory, M. Do -
Bonin& the elimination Unfertilized Potatoes yielded 80 ation of the unnecessary, the saving
bus. Par acre. rang explained, would iio% * be In de- . - . I .. .. 1. . . . . - I . -- .7 ... . ..
mand for agricultural or- industrial 45.00 at dealers everywhere.
At his rate of g!" what VVOU141 uses for some years, because the value
-is but 400 trance an acre,
YOUR potatoes lave yielded? of the land 77
while it is estimated that, under.pre
sent conditions, the cost of restoring
WDM the property Would be -4,000 francs alkacre -�
WrIft for our free Potato Butlettal
Th l Ministry. of Public Works, which
&A md Cmp has the preservatton of the battle
r Its Jurisdiction, M. Dor
fields wader L W k"4a very acaW
n BWeRU said, has arranged to preserve the I
AMP 0. = :.Tile Gillette Bafety-► Razor.. ma tdiUe and serviceable Chrisftnat
09 fes ftnisom rislottilaw Arron. "pillboxes," or concrete machine Sun - You got the fall, -weir value f -every dolkw yoa !Pend ort -ft. -
sift pre or
fill ?W"le 81d4j. nests, the tangles of barbed wive and 589
Too the underground trea& systems just Xr
--------- -
-------- moo-RAqft an they wire during the fightj;�
I pig
-7��, v",
I. Queen T1WIl -Hold Himil�! -
They were very fond of eaeltather
h the JR—Atcrsi
• and had been enr.%W: but -they had
quarreled, and were too proud to make
CHILDS VE -bays-Gorns. Lift It up. He "Red afterward -.at- her.
house—to ow her father on business..
W pail,
i1bout Any ME[ She was at. the door.,
Look at'tongue! Remove poi - Ah—Mlms - Blank, I biilivoi?" esld
96ns from little stomach, .-_1z your father in!"'.
liver and bowel
Pare porns, hard qorns, soft corns or Vo, air," she replied. "father Is
s any kind,of a corn con shorts bs..at present. Vo you wish to see -him
lifted right with the fingers Ipersonally"
will apply, directly, upon -the, co M a
few "Yes," was the bluff response of the
drops of; freezone, says a Cincinnati visitor, who felt that his fortner's*eet.
heart was yieldlng="I wanted to see,a i'
It 12 claimed that at small cost one
•4. can get a quarter of an ounce of free- him on very particular. business—"
zone at any drug store, which to suffie and he turned away haughtily:
cient to rid one's, feet 62 every .corq "I beg your pardon,". she called after
or callus without pain or soreness or him as he reached the 196bt step, "but
the danger of infection. who shall I say called Y'
This new drug Is an ether compolmd,
and 'while sticky, dries the moment It "STA-4—ent cum daftet ln'caiwa
-�T 'b applied and does not infiam:e or even
2. Tirritate -the* surrounding tissue.
This announcement will Interest Language In China.
women here, for It is said that
the'present high-hosel footwear is put. Three-fifthe of Chins , ae speak prac.
tically one dialect, Man&
Ling torus, on. practically, , every the
yeoman's feaL the educiLted among. the other two -
Accept PCallfornla" Syrup. at Figs fifths are becoming -familiar with .it.
only—ldok for the name California on
the package, then you'aro -sure your New Way of Stumping.
-Wl'd Is having the beat and most
9154 A novel method of clearing a field
harmless' laxative or physic for the 9154 --Girl's Coat. �Price, 25 cents. of 'stumps is de5cribed in the following `-Iittie'stomach,- liver and bowels.. Child- Adjust -able co'llar; side L Seel w4m 11870
;ion, and letter a farm woman:
'ren love Its dellclotis trufty taste; Full sleeve in orae. Cutin 5 'sizes, 6,_ 8, 10, "1 had purchased a steam -pressure
f[Irections for child's dose - on -ea cbcanning machine, but &dn't-Faive any
'-�!otlle. Give It without fear. 112 and 14 years. Size 8 requires 2%
yds. 40 ine. wide , or 1% yds. 54 ins. land on which to raise the tomatoes
Mother! You must eay"Tallfornla." (wide; lining, 2% yds.'36 ins. wide.with wh ich ' I had hoped - t0 make 'my
30 1#0014 C011
These' patterns 4031vars
may be -obtained canner a profitable investment. Even -
7 froin your local MCall dealer, or tually I persuaded my fanffl.y to let AineclWo Vioneer Door :154*6048
St:, me have the -use of A' two -acre strip
-CH ND PAINS from the McCall Co:,70 Bond: S.,
A S) Book on
TL Toronto, Dept. W. that bad been cleared off'duAng the BOG, WSEASES
winter.' I managed to .roll the togs
Wk.1 Now to reed
her, and either burn them en- Malled*Freo to author. 10 1 tire or in small enough pieces to ' allow drett by the Author.
(HILD11041) COIL S' me to roll them entirely off the land. 3L Clay 020'rer Co.. XA3.
M West slat street
But Bthe stumps stood so thick that the. -New York,
You'll find Sloan's Liniment .. . . - — . land - I
Constipation Is une of the most cam- land was'practidilly useless.
s6fterw the severe
Chissified Advwli ptft., I, ram
r"M was "us
WAX ftml 12- 0611 a, 41'' >Pi 0!4
Sar P
worked. V1U"6Thb_11ir_tie
,.!�L.sh or On
Porlints, Firdoh000d Portrattsk
on r -Catalogue and
Tywrite to
nited Art Co., 4 Brunawtak Aye -,q
Toronto, yr
1%und, any size.. I ray expre",
miles of 'Torou o. Sanusi
within 4
Lewis, $66 Dundas West, Toronto.
Internal and qaternaL our!owthoul
a by our hosse tres. rK
,T.nt 110%02
too late Dr., I man
Herbert Samuel, former Baithh
Postmaster General, believes that a
torCansIdos WM tWM
great emigration
place in the near future.
'Zo I rp.
rheumatic. ache
man ailments of babyhood and- child-
`.'Coniing-, in the house one day I
the ground, and when
result. I would strongly recommend I dig a hole through under the stump
system Is filled with liver and bowel
poison which keeps your skin sallow,
hood and unless It is promptly cured
found my mother lamenting over this
ext to the, tMproot,-a.3 it seems
n - t61
your. Stomach upset; your head dull
-will undoubtedly lead t�,dlsastrOus'
number of holes in the bottom of the
The Tablets are sold by medicine
draw bVtter. And speaking of dray- i
results. To cute this t rouble nothing
- ihj�i - -In- 'taken' out of
heater was being
Put it on freely. Don't rub it in.
Just let it penetrate naturally. What ;i
can equal Baby's Own Tablets. They
the diiiing-room. I asked for the -stove,
--sense 6f soothing -relief soon follows! -
are a mild laxative which Instantly. re
the bowels and sweeten 'the
and over given it, with a -lot of qu ei-
Don't stay bilious or constipated. Feel
External aches, stifiness, soreness,
an d mondirini looks; I' hacked
to be churil ed up, and.it isn't very fast
cramped muscle.., strained sinews,
stoma ch. thus' banishing
the bottom out of it and carried it -out,
Finmin -in P.M.
Fur 1 9
back "cricks"_`those ailments can't
colic.' colds. etc. concerning them
to my -new ground and set -it -over a
Ji ht off the relieving qualities of
Man's Flegan,
1 .9. Eugene Vaillaucourt, St. V%thleu,
stump, It worked line. I put on a
1 -for a few cents, pour & little- in your -
Liniment' convenient,
Que_ wrltes: tui baby was
joint of pipff to keily th6 sparha -Im
as , harsh pills. They cost so little
I Made in Canada
building to be called the Second Gar.
an established and sclenti8c industry
Chissified Advwli ptft., I, ram
r"M was "us
WAX ftml 12- 0611 a, 41'' >Pi 0!4
Sar P
worked. V1U"6Thb_11ir_tie
,.!�L.sh or On
Porlints, Firdoh000d Portrattsk
on r -Catalogue and
Tywrite to
nited Art Co., 4 Brunawtak Aye -,q
Toronto, yr
1%und, any size.. I ray expre",
miles of 'Torou o. Sanusi
within 4
Lewis, $66 Dundas West, Toronto.
Internal and qaternaL our!owthoul
a by our hosse tres. rK
,T.nt 110%02
too late Dr., I man
Herbert Samuel, former Baithh
Postmaster General, believes that a
torCansIdos WM tWM
great emigration
place in the near future.
'Zo I rp.
ecol 1. . . . . constipated I gave her Baby a -- It burns them out quite a distance into '
SU. 70c, $1.40. with the
Tablets am well satisfied does'even better
Enjoy life! Straighten up! Your
the ground, and when
result. I would strongly recommend I dig a hole through under the stump
system Is filled with liver and bowel
poison which keeps your skin sallow,
the in to all mothers ioc this trouble."*
ext to the, tMproot,-a.3 it seems
n - t61
your. Stomach upset; your head dull
The Tablets are sold by medicine
draw bVtter. And speaking of dray- i
and aching. Your meals are turning
Sealers Or by mail. at. -25 cents &� box
ing, everybody knows how a heater
into poison and you can not f6el right.
from The Dr` Williams' Ntedleine Cm.
can drn�v. Of course, the'stum p has I
Don't stay bilious or constipated. Feel
Brockville, Or'.t.
to be churil ed up, and.it isn't very fast
splendid always by taking Cascarets
English Scheme. for Second'
Finmin -in P.M.
Fur 1 9
work, But la find I - chn burr out any
stump the t
stove will fit down-.over--.Ijng
occasionally. Tho act without grip.
6r. Inconvenience, They --nu. er
The recognition' of P"rlui�e - Edward
op . .
And do it we!) and Safely—
YOU Ilk Is Calomel., Salts, Oil or
1 -for a few cents, pour & little- in your -
A' new project in induitnal'-town-
island'as the centre of fur "farming as.
as , harsh pills. They cost so little
building to be called the Second Gar.
an established and sclenti8c industry
any dandruff. Help your halt to grow
toorCascarets work while you sleep.
den City is ii; course Of formation'In
is constantly, tu.'evldence7 ',This fame
was.cured of -painful Goitre by
England and the development will be
Of the island has spread not Only.
on the lines of the First Garden C
throughout t1IN continent but has
*'hich was established at `Letchworth
crobs4d- both the-, atlantic. and the
Chatham, Ont
En HeTtfe-idahfre, fifteenyears ago.
Pacific. Norway, tram drawn uponinflammation,
I was cured of inflammation by
The estate chosen 'is in -Hertford.-
Prince ;Edward island brreeders for
shire, about fen miles from Letch.
worth -and twenty-one -miles from
black• foxes w:-th. which to es blish*
fur-farraing industry in untry.
Walsh, OuL
Japanese businds� men. n" invests=
I was cured of Facfaf Neuralgia by
n. Provision will be made for'
population of frofn 40,,000 to 150,000.
gating industrial coedit! In Canada
While the offshoots from the Letell-7 and the- United- States, -are 'paying a
to the island to firsi-
Parkdale, Ont. J. H. BAILEY.
'worth, elpefiment hAVIe been many,
special visit get
they have taken the formofgarden
hand information of fur -farming
, with the idea of pf0tiding
better accommodation for the workers
Fur-fs. ng 1s ,a pursuit which can
and will be carried on extensively and
ANew Sex.
T!aacher—"How mans.. 7'. suXes are
In the city and, to that extent have-
served• a useful purpose. -But no single profitably In many sections of. Canada.
Prince Edward Island has achieved
Little Boy—"Three."
development has emboolled the grin- I.B&
ciples of the Firit Garden GRY, which j a 'unique.rebtitation for.. the Industry
Toia&er _"Wb;3tAtrq they?"
�Vo '• a, highly organized indus- and is likely to become permanently
Little Bay e sex, the . . fe-
I as, renowned for its ro]irs as
trial town'complete in aself.aud.sur-
male sex' and the Insects."
rounded by a permanent agricultural C-olumbla is or.,tts salmon or the
I Prairie Provinces for their wheat.
ForYo M
belt, that shall not suffer ottsintegra:1
A Dominion Express. Money Order
D=eruff kills the hair.. Cut!=ra Ulls
_,kion by the, expanding needs of the ur
ban centre. The idea Is that ....Farmer's Account Eloo k.
for five dollars costs three cents.
d=& Try this teat=ent. Before
reVxins rub Cuticura Oin==t into Part -
Insi all over tba, walp., NcA mor-cins'
of small towns properly equipped for
Mr.- Farmer, if you require a' book
The E-nentials.,
ih=pco with Cuticam Soap and hot
• all the uses and amenities of -life -and
will give you a complete, Yet
` ' "And so) ybu learned French that,
Rlaft with tepid water Dandruff
==n -y ears. hair stops 'UnInal6mil
permanently in touch with agricultur-
simple,' method of keeping your ac-
oughly while over there, son?" Said
�_al areas Is better for public welfare
counts, with.blafik forms already rul-
the proud father of this returned' Sol.
ad sold
-than a few and overgrown cities
constantly destroying the _land areas
ed, apply to -the Commission Of Con-
servation for the, "Farmer's -Account
- "Shre! - T-gbt'so4 I -could- say, hello
.that should feed the population of the
Book" If you have never kent books
.4 -Anf W, and order ham and
Chissified Advwli ptft., I, ram
r"M was "us
WAX ftml 12- 0611 a, 41'' >Pi 0!4
Sar P
worked. V1U"6Thb_11ir_tie
,.!�L.sh or On
Porlints, Firdoh000d Portrattsk
on r -Catalogue and
Tywrite to
nited Art Co., 4 Brunawtak Aye -,q
Toronto, yr
1%und, any size.. I ray expre",
miles of 'Torou o. Sanusi
within 4
Lewis, $66 Dundas West, Toronto.
Internal and qaternaL our!owthoul
a by our hosse tres. rK
,T.nt 110%02
too late Dr., I man
Herbert Samuel, former Baithh
Postmaster General, believes that a
torCansIdos WM tWM
great emigration
place in the near future.
'Zo I rp.
A little "Danderin6l' stops
hair coming out and_.
doubles Its beauty
To stop falling hair at ones and4M
the scalp of every particle of danoirutf,
get a small bottle of delightful "Dan'.
derine" at any drug or tollg!t counter
1 -for a few cents, pour & little- in your -
hand and rub it _Into 'the_ scalp. After
several applications the hair usually
stops coming -out and you can't find
any dandruff. Help your halt to grow
strong, thick and long and become
soft, glossy and twice &a beautiful and
an elties. 'It also Includes tree Idea -of pub-
-before, this book will teach you. There eggs, and I could -ask a felIdw to l6nd
be ownership of land and public' ser- "time'than the- beginning me--money,and tell a girl I loved her
is no Vetter
ricii so that the increments hi 'value
of the year. L Start now. better'n anything and tlukt's all a -fel-
-.0 the lands. shall- and the profits.of public "
atilitfehall be conserved for thelow needs in any language.
' The few mimates, after sunrise is
...people who create them.
_,.usually the coldest period of the day. UhWd's Z1111 -411M Cirtl IDI*temvm
Ii0a as WE a a noun a a M's a 0 a moos was a a Is a a 0 up a a as ago a waseenma*W Kee&g CAed Sausfte.
In,fall when wemnkill hogs I always
z 1
Aspirin at'All without the "Bayer Cross" -
fry sausage' in cakes -just thof'. size we
0 use on
Is Th4�re's'soi thiri r&any the table, put thefro, in glass
jars, cover with melted lard, screw up
faseffia-fin.8" about -6he nut- tight, and it is ready for nee at any
time. I have, -kept it this *4y as long
like flavor of as n year. There has always en one
drawback—it -takes so much lard to - 4:7
entirely lost; it we* never Wes to
use .11,9867n.
'G.r e- Last year I tried a new
cover the cakes, and while it was'newr
Scheme. I used only the greue that,
fried out of the cakes as they were ■ 'l ie strep th and nutrition -i -
cooking, two or three tablespoonfuls
'iS Wheat
gleaned f��m to each jar of sausage; after screwing
tight I turned the lar upside d6wn to
Viand ' malted barley -food cool. Of course, the Jar was perfedtly
tight when the lard cooled and my
■ air -tight •it a most
nv" sensible
sausage keg peifoictly. 'I left the jars name Myer ?4
breakfast cereal, standing on the Ups, as'in the warm only nine As rin,—tho AspirlU Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu -
The n "11 dentifloos the contains proper directions for Colds,
weather the lard might melt away, d by phy as for over arse- ralgh, Lumbso, Rheumatism, Newt -
I d
*"e its low cost adds trove A and the saumge would spo!].
years and now made in. Canada. tis, Joint Pains, and Pain gen,
Always buy an unbroken package Tin boxes of 42 tablets coat but
-Redresses Wooden Blocks. of "Sayer Tablets of, Aspirin' which &'few cents. Larger "Bayer"psoltages-
t machine has been invented in Tbwe Is only one Aspirin—PRayer"I mast say "31arose
-England to redress worn wooden pay. Antrin Is the trade mark (r*rW*r*4 in CiI of 11&7*r Manufacture of K0000
Ing blocks at a rake of 1,000 an hour 0"destoor of Raticylleseld. While It As well knows that Asidds V1101111111111 1311,74111"
More, to *sopw the public &�.VMU$t ft"Itatibna. UK Table" Of 31111711111, .29=1114AW
so they can be used qWn. stamped with, 00ir doitsew trade no% the 111arer Orem,*
we.%..' .1-
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v�gg .�rw 'r�'r�.-.. rw+.v r. -., d... -,,fir ,r,r -,r++. ^ 'ac.-.>,�at3'-, a:F.wi>!-.;.. v,ry-.-"b;.,a� h.� ��v.^'9" J ; h ,d:.
'^.'^Y.. F'Nrs•`'v-i "+�y..yN...•„r.x;.y9' :rs»n`.,J w:: -,YY .,:r. #''M1',•. 'rrT: �" �. "ii„'i:i('.'I?+C.E. �'�'�'. .•?. .;�,••. vf^. 'S. �.t•'" ."lr T,a' .v,u�.i•�^•a ,•Y.,
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�;YY. as rny,n _.- -r ..ia..sax k.r :_ rrkS r• ...Mv viti,c,- , ?ie. f$'.v tM e.576kW .•!.Wr.. 'v! 'c.F t� 7:t w .e 2 "+v . - ': a-[�aag'n'v "..''{t , t- - ✓ -a J.1�
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-.Dr. ill be petro as -A foil Sine of ATtt+Ueon's ahoco- ,, :; c � ' " . - I . ' - , - . �°' .
•Q �p ;;:
�•� T� � ,.
L.00AA.1J1i711<J S husnal is prnfe Henryxt' 1 Tuesday
t.,o" attend to 'lates. both in bo and in bulk; at - - 0
'' A •'' '" - T•hexton's, '}oat the thing for, a-'' "
-are' tLt itston hes been in- -The Y. P. Society' of $t�An- Ohris2mas gift. C - M1 �;�o . "r'
dtew's church' will lave a social A far gauntlet and also af-he 6tore -. "''
.:dispose'tlforthe�pastfe, weeks. g .r.Aire. F. W. Hicks.apent a.dap evening Qu Frida'y,. Dec. the 19th, large leather glove were recently 9
a last.week with Mra. Zimmerman, In" the basement of the church. left in our officer, Losers kindly b�
' ric rof Eglinton: . , Keep this dote free. Ball and secure. the same. - _ _ '
-The �aDDual '$tugs tree'af St: - rinjor duliffe purposes bol -ding -�'V. Peak who has been cru- — - r —* --
tidrew a Sunday School on Tues- an auction ease of his farm stock, ploy.ed at Georgetown for the past „ . ..
y g Dec: 30th. irolements and household• furnf- few months was home over San-.� . .-S, ata-
���� ZQ oy�
da avenin tuPe,.cn Jan. 13EFi.'' . Bills Rill be da He leaves this week for IJ 11 V
. Mrs. Cr' sler_` of Toronto, ,fe Y•
��' epending a few weeks ' here- with prluted later gii`i'tig full particti- Merritton, where his firth has a new . '• - - - - * , , - t
, :-11®r daughter, hire. W. J. Reid. "' la1',, eontraet. . - - l '
Several.froii)_.thevillarze►rotor• -=Ed. CWalsh has' pctichaced„'t'lie' -=pr, Cartwright'a new verso- -' T;��i �.-.-- ',--:-.-.-,.�-1--- :'- — I
p ” ed to Toronto on Saturday to hear property=" oppos,ite the Ruinan dah is now nearly completed, and - s+ . ys
„.. .:�� I . ,�.:t, -,.- 11
' Adizsiirttil J'al.icoe".peal: in Misiey Catholic church, Belonging to llii~s adds great(;. to the appearance of
gall. .]Vinnie Reddin, and whichllas just Ilia '•residence, and, it will also be
t � -Mrs. "Peardetz and Mastei-J;T k 'been vacated "by Theis: -Law, who the suurce . of Much corvfort to He ref � a rings assortment _of Xmas Gifts
r :of Birch' iaifF, epenta day' last ha�serrtreci reon)-_iuJuhnPo�cell's them. 'th T th•
` "last week with Mrs. and Miss residence. . • -The Ladies Aid of . St. And- with Lis. here is some ing
P.,`'.'Fawkes,-Grauc} concert in the ctllool• rew's church held a very success• t- " . .. . .I...
-gtanle�Dfavie, cillo"soiiiP true Nonce (if S- S. \o..4 E.ti-Pic•ker[ng, ful ineetin'g at- the: hoine of Mrs. • -- _ . "
i ago .purchased- B.nssell .Andrew's on «edoeiday evening, Dec•, lith, C. H Burling on Wednesday Y" . or everyone :
t .. residence opposite J1. S. Chapman•s const-ttng of t�lrulgase, quartettes, afternoon.- - All the officers of the. ==
= -store, moved therein 'last week, violinlltiet. 'reeltatious, dialogues, past year were re-elected 'for the Father, Mother, Grand -dad, Qrandlna, Brother, Sister,. Atlritle,
land will conduct hi9 b.Avber1n9 several .drills;. pantomimes and 'ensuing year.
lbusinessin hisnew.premises: tablefitix t)y pupils and .adult -_Dr. N.E: �1cEwenhaeparcha� Uncle, i�ejll]e , IN , etc.,•€ind lots, of lit'tle'thin's
" =Mr: Crasvforth, the, new man Dooi•s open at ,,80. :.Adult's �15 ed 'T,�' M.' �MeFadden':� stock 'of -+.
ager of the Standard Bank; vas cents, children 15 cents. Every- drugs, etc., and will on Monday : for Baby. '• Fresh.. goods tllrivina daily.
rented Mrs. M O'Connor'9 ' rest body welcoale.: .' . *, next. move to MAss Boone's More,,. _. ... . _ . . - ... _ . ... - .. _
denf:e on Church St. and has taktn =FortunKtely, 'Ino=t of our res[• formerly ocrnpiect by I). Situp=on
-1 possession.. Airs. O'Coonn,or has dentq are-a•ell supplied ivlth coal, & Co: Friday and Saturday of „
. ys there at•e but few who have not this week he will af€er-s ial bar. -
Wt '.,.gone tci._t12e city for the cr.rte'r. E - ~-. Don`t fail -to see bur'sto'ck of • .
� -Farmers, holding receipts, as to stlflicient for -their• winter's. needi, gains. _' ._ ..-:
� < Clovernment Participat[on Cartifi- timers the w•iuter" ttiras out to be -__-.- _ -- . - : - - , •i. Chinaware and Glassware =•- .�
r Cates•forc+heatdeliveredtoCain'p- exct>ptionally severe. :�evetthe•. .Vew�tiZtwUse�nerite.
IJeIl:Flour dills prior to \'ovetnber less, every person ho-iild i•ousers e •, . —
`" I5 Ina tinct receive their register• its f•ir as I.msti'ble tL-eir s'ttppl,y,' as OR SA -1 tea tit of hearer=. a giian- To"'s aIld•-Handkerc 111efs, Leather Goads -tllld Y�oks;
r y the. coal sjoiation in the L -ted -tell 11 !-.v 4 L:ry and some cur .stalks E. A.
ed' certificates by calling at the ?j x. R. fro. a. Locust'M;r. •• 3tf- - • - r � -
i -' o ic•e of the above firm iiud prey- Sttates t, In a most )io atkfac•tr)ry _:.` _—. _ _� ._ _. � 661 "*ncr Silk Cit�ocl- Vii... MoliseS tlll(t' I'ailcy .
` eDting their receipts. # (-onditinfi, and the fuel controllers 0TOVE FOR `ALt;-A, Sniall par- } 7 %. _ _
' - are wacuin )eo le of the neves-i• •� lurc+wk;::,,�oxl ,pi,r, aDle�dticoukeraTd �E•[•1{'fi le: Gents dies iln(t :rloVes.
-The servlce4 to St. Andrew - 6�1 • P f,e,±•,:. appi) at t., NiE %S offce .
church on Sunday w ill be of tnure ty " to...erndrnnrre: ' At'. -the- liiat - ,..,. _.-.. - - _ It .,ft
1 - than usual interest. Tht [no -ning meeting of the eonneil, feel cou T, nR S ALG- RpvisteCed Clyde, -duly
service will be bright and helpful.. revilers cvQre tippniutecl fu the 1 '' y r' r ...= aa.,n h ter credit. _R:7" _ _ '.
to w"13. Poweif,au',teoneer. i"cke„ng - .nff . I +
Thernewly organized ynatlig I,en- township, as that step was :uses: __ _. -
people's sorlety will Fon -net the =cu•y before the fuel controller' of , OR SAT F-Ret11.�Nred C,y,decdale - . ,- .
a9Venln$ Ret't'ILC',• t\ I1"n it ehu[r-of the". j7t`r'v1nC2 . is ,Mld •_.allow '. ally � `+SIB, E'u�a 1.7au .:nicer. eYt.ker nR 11tEly Lot,' Df �Li1latnti, '..f'.11Y1321tS, Yee1�, 1'.sS�I1CYS, "11119; . , pices,'
F. r thirty -flue- voices will lea lead . the eosin t`,,be shipped into the1.- toivu- -- _ _: -
„ ..-'. singing. 1. ji- wrrk.of•f 1p�jiY to E. lfnhbe. R R Pio., , . �` e^
phi".i. '(TR '+3T:F A .nw •anh 7 flute 5 'Or;ii:l P5- Datebf - ,igsi' n fuer evelrvthil2 to make -
Very seldom haQ the KinQ`ton -the National `Campalttn gel. r whsiby, -.Yd, prsnte.P%-k-19t,.Y. •r -1-t3 - . -.. . - .
road baten in such- gaud ".cutlditi,nl. .lees vvill_ue c• :Dtipned i,n Picker- •- :y.-., _- . - the XL11.14:Calae and Z ludo inm . . •
as it has been durint; the pant frac, in j Methodist • chnrefi beat Still• VOR RATE-Frehh,nillch r'r7w._ Hol - - -
4 "-.:. of Dirt: arr�faif,. ais,r 'a r�Qliif,'lef�• 9hiirili'r'`I'r1 _ A '' _ . 7 - O' - - -.
• da Dec. 14. Mornin of b ect lrnorl.. PitStf' In 1 )O11I1i� tins,
weeks, as there ha"y_ been veey �' �' J 1,,11, AyptYRoy:Cxrrer. Green -River. lot;arr. - . - - _ -- .
y , i
little rain to_In)tire it. Of couroe The Forward Movement, stig• cu;,,;. t'icYerinK. I1•t_
I ., whete the broken stofie it89 been srP3ted by the vrords, `'Speak to .TRAYED Frorli !at "l3: eon.- 9r .We -have Chocolates and Candies galore
' , place recently„ It doe,; not improve the children of 13rael. that they -, flickering. -a 2 -year -61d red heifer• horns . - " ' . n .1 "' -
them much for the present, but ill go forward." Esod, 1#:15. Ager• altihtly fu'n'd m geed a stir ,n Ieft gar smalt'atar _
vice of special intereEt to Christ- on face. Reward for mformattoaleadingg to -her
1 'time the benefits will be unite in P recovery. w, c Scott; ClaremontL' "lltf _ Everybody . Come -
evidence. tang,. Evening aabject will ba
-litany complaints neer bean¢ "The lliasiou of rise Church,"-a«'I'�if to the tactthat, I have flue- _
: from the wordQ found in II Cor, chatted the Pickering drug store, 1 atir offer- r,,r' -
made to the effect that the wells ,ng for arae 4- pure-isied Ayrshire cows. 1 Ayrf
---are very low, owing to the lark of 5:-'0 This service will be of inter- .etre t,>�t and 4 ,trade cows, at,o-a number, o- � �. ' ,� � HA P � �.
r, gbung cattle. Cash -or credit on Turf tsfun� sp
;rain. any fanners throughout est to all citizens. A pressing proved notes. x. E. McEwen, S.v. sc., iricic- .
Abe country wee afraid that they invitation is extended to the pub- ermg. is
will find it difficult to secure water lid. Sdiliday School at 2 p. m., OR SALE PRIVATELY -The "
-', for their stock, and play be cotta- open to you. Special meeting for Ffollowinti furniture'. bedroom set of furniture - - . - . -
. fled to haul it for a considerable the young peop a on Friday, the :�000t>�M n. $3,00; pk,vtc--couch, $3,00,
t pe ..rd, desk. $7.5-00: BLANKETS, HAL'ITERS, MITTS
distance, which will mean a large 12th Inst e.t t.80 o'clock, p. m. feather tad. pillows. sideboard, hamtoch trots:
11Amountwork. �e nrge" the lad$ -and lasses to ate centre tame. rocking chair. arm chair, wheel- - -
servit;ee at St. George's cllnrcla tend. Christmas ire® and enter- harrow.,A for particulars to Ntiaa r B. -
R Soon•. Picksrina is 13 a,Y1t�, . .11 XXOrM3O C.�O=i�13
t -.-Will our friends please taint iiia on Monday,, Dec. 2'?:nd. "_ _ _ : - - ''
notice that fur some time while at 7.80 p. lu. Fuller psrticular4 R'est;:rli �$+g F'4r �a18__ .- `••,,
the days are short there will by a next week. =J. W. D. _ - We pat on men's and women'si rubber heels; -also rubber soles.
change in the lliytir tete I+:veniiig-`ovemher report frf Junior c,vr o! Ctr<nxd •in.. Western Oats _ ..1-1
:t -111.- Prayer, so that until further lint• Room of Pickering public - hool. expected at Lncust Hill in a week or _�Polii•lie•,•dt•e"1hkQ, viatee dtilibin; laces, shoe tree4,�etc
ice the services will be : -Morning NaineR in order of merit c Jr Il- ten days. Book ,6)ar order at once •
Prayer at 10 3f), Bnndtt� yclrool rat l;dwfird Palmer, Li«ie JileGinty, for oats tifT car. .lull phone :or Horne shoe, hfti'r1c`ti nttd'Dirt+' repairing neatlq anti ' •
' 280, and Evf•ping':Prtayer- at 3.30 Evanurviine CawAu, Mildred Mrrr phone' - _ .,._ _ . - - -
llrciuiptly.ntte ded to
r ` :-in the afternoon. - thy, Jark Jephson. Luella Martin,
,. Geo. E. and hMeq. (;Iovoer,,v"ho Clarence Sadler, 1Tilda WAI-h Gabe 1211. l'edar(irttrc+, out.'. PjCKERIN(�r HARNESS .EIIPQRIIIII "
` have been vi:aitiug with the lat. .sent). Sr I-Julimty Groenlaic, - _ •
;'tree's parents;' W. G, rand \irq.. Dorothy kndrew. Leonard.`�te•Irh s ' $c)nae'Phuite- tl(1E). - �Y: J: CUhK�YLLL _%�
8nn1, received r►telegratu'oit TnP�. nllybtl, Phoebe Ilriker (abee•nt)r W ai� e%% on e•+rlr���� "�
clay ttYoruing- rontai-ning The sail Earl hor�ter (xh rrrt r. 'Jr 1-1:tliel'. I. - --- - -
r �. news that the former,i father hoer Kray. Kenneth ,11ur[e-y,. Harriett � Bu -i ineets fill Ti -tin- CHRIS' CHRISTMAS
died at his home i,'n .Bradfo' d. thrit , ori *-ey; 1. ro'u'tes :.. - i), Angn,4 -. '
mornfu , after tr< brief illus=q >rl'on► L'i�rinubrI Alltin " SlaNtr}ieiei . (,il,•,; 1• ik.,t•. '1,t -ti I�r r tet, h[re da ' ur ,-.ONLY,3 W EEKS TILL
g �` . y A short time left t., bus gifts for y Dpi rel,ttivec and friends. So come
nes .onift. M -r. and Mrs, Glover -sentt '-Prim. III -Cecil N file,.Ilei , .-_ tliy;l;t tit. hrwtpt.ptices. _ Anil.ak,onse and kelt' u good.selection.
t. : pp Pn Cerwan, -Bitrbara' Him, f: