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-.VOL. XXXV111 •.--,.PI'C'K[Xr-'JvUARING9,ON.T.,,'FRIDAY,, AUGUST -15-40.1919 'No. 47
7 Established 75 years
ti Medical
Geo•'. Ea- Baker X re, Ls. Fraiiltb,. of Stolllrville, is ,Oih'awa"Falr will , -be held ozi Sept,
Visiting E. and Mrs. Holtby, 'h. 9th and 10th. ReInember
(Successor to
R. FORSYTH, D. of 0., Regis -
R. PAkerj-k Heise)
tending the coming Fair.
1J. H. nod Mrs. Madilt w0re-iii BraLd. dates -and inake 'Pri�pfcrtitions for at -
ford on Sunday visiting relatives. the
teres member of. the tc;petrical Also. Fred O. Middl6ton and -C. W. Rot)•
efialtion of 0 to. specisil-oatention given to Corton,
left here on Tuesday for Saska:-
=tionagco "�. Eyes too" free. worth
Miss Nellie Peterson I& visiting at
Mrs. Philip and Miss Freda Crossing MILLS
spent a few days last week In TJ_ Alfred*Wells'.*
AT F. TOMLINSON. M. B.. Member : - I -
a of the College of Pbysiciam and Surgeons MachineS rent-. Mr. and Mrs. Wells a'6d falt,ly. vlsJt-
..'WOntario.- - office: that formerly Mr. Witter, Mr. and Mrs. Crocker el at Wm. -Hopkins'.
-go late Dr. R. Brodie. and -latterly
b Dt
Phone. Claremont: Quit.' r 31Y -to-$-500-- Ud-mons spelatAmr-Su da with XM. Mrs. Wighton. ef Dagmar, visited
-WA. 2 $2". 0 Sit A
Mr. and Mrs. Brooker. of Toronto, Mr. Smith. of Toronto.
i Matthews, at Wid.-Flie on Bunda
Latest Victor Records spent the A,
,R..QARTWRIGHT. - M. D.- M. 'beide In week -end at his summer resort here
have come to our village and r
C. P -A one. Office Office hours 12-2 and and Sheet Music .. .1
P - m., of at other hours bra nt t T. 0, Brown's house. Mr. Pitt and.' two. sons. motored to I am again bit In Wheat and
"-pboome Zqo. 24. Indj�cme No, Pick- Would the person- who took the Charles H t)kins'on Sunday morning.
strap- off the Kate at the Methodist - A number of friends from Toronto Bailey -Highest prices paid
last our prices on your church returod the same and save were -visit4ng -at Silm Redman'soli
O. McKINNON, M.D. L R:0.8, Sunday tact.a Edinburgh. member of ;tI Lightning Protection;
The Union Sun'day'School will hold Mirs. Brandon and daughter. of Mid -
•'Don't wait until the
a garden party on Dr. Bentley's lawn land, are spending 'a. few weeks with. Bailey Feed is the cheapest
---- -00 'Irld fa 0111
er,0 ut ani- Do it now.greim is T-ing ]prepared. See -bills. We are glad to see George. Pfckitt
The Ladies' Aid of the Brougham oUt_ again, after having -had a. very .plRs- A trial will prove it.
Methodist eburch will be held at the bad attack of influenz,-A.' X 91:ock always on hand..
home 0 M
er. So S nesda,y. August ROth. at 2,80.o'clack. ed the garden party at Mr. Davidson's,
utby, %gWot . a7,Public. Conveyancer &c. In -0 h f re. W, H. Jackson on Wed. A number from this locality attend -
vn lou"ille, n E-verybody welcome. at :gsbburn and all report having had
H. IMNNEDY. Barrister.
a good time. Mondays and Fridays onlv-.
t7• Iflal'00- and Do -*y
. CHRISTIAN'Barrister and
s Solleltor. Notary Putille: Eta. Mon t
Gbn.',-&Q:Mc* Brock 89, North. Whitby ION;
JLFetc .229Danforth Ave. (Woolworth -I'd
Toronto, Phone Gerrard 4411.Saturdays, W!
vern 1720. (lad.) .401y
nater Solicitor member -of the fam of
lRyckman. lNuison. #oster and Beaton. Toronto
jGeateral Tram Buifdin&83 Bay Street, Toronto.
Wm, Pugh Apdrts baby
ghaMr... Fr y.. Adg�
Brou Friday,. '22od.
I.grind floor than other miHo-that
a now gra nd
means dollars a ton extra in
Ernest, Madill -visited James Rout-
feeding value for pigs.
ley on Sunday.
Miss Elsie Carter visited Miss Gladys:
Mrs. James Taylor -18 visiting friends
Madill on Sundla
In Toronto.
Miss R. Currab
Mr. Devitt, of. spent Sun-
d&yr at rWM..Hoover's.
spent Sunday' with
Miss Pearl Plaxton.
Everybody is coming to the garden
party here �)n Friday ovening me -at..
M194 Mina Reesor. of Agincourt
virited with Miss Miss B. Pett, ore
License No. 4-266
Geo. and Mrs. Garner spent Sunday
.with Fred and Mrs. Hornsbaw.
Mise.Etbel, Davidibil. of Toronto, [a
Mrs. George Perrier and son, John.
spending her vacation at the home of
1. 4-1.
T4ft one Main I and 962. •spent me week -end at Musselman SL er pa n ere.
ts 6earge, and Mrs., Judd, and little dau-
-.:.Fruit Baske Ed. Wilson has engaged with Mr, ghter. of Toronto.- spent the week -end
Ferrier, of Stayo4r. to help in, the at 0. E; Plaxton'a. R
I have and expect to ba - v
B -8e- during the milling operations. George andMrs Davidson and Min
fruit season
a -
G A -A �_G E
LAKE B. BEATON. D. D. ire- Lucilia left- on Monday to -visit rela.
Graduate of the Royal Colelge of Dental 11 Quart Haskets'an: d cpvjerpo tween Green River Maple tires inthe United States.
and -Umversity of Toronto, offm* 5 - '"i,•IAAfd sad
Pringle's hardware.atwp, Whitby. Clammont Red boa at - tbci DiamondMr. -rink. wbo hail'recently fret uAil-
bimro 9 to'$ 30� 6 IM, *pbozie.6 24 Quart Crates Park. fftouff ville. an Saturday e from crerseas, visited his sister. The undersigned have open4d
DWI viiiiiii 256. f'; rp
rry Romps' -.31-A - es
�' I ' d anew garage at the cornee
d -in A It I.
guaranteed No. A. 2 'or,
11hertric Dr, Bealon'a absencitioversess. M.-Itookil All Ja- Mi
I (ludlit y with Rn�
A inloslon =5c;u`ts a airs. 12 a nd xtffrsrrwk��
of Torouto.Zvrw be in. charge. strong handles. Order' earl-, and Remember the warden p Lau blin and Chas. Todd motored Pickering,: where they, are
arty on J. a
down near Ottawa last week and spent
. prepared
secure requremehts. as' B. Wilson's lawn t Mal Friday Yeven Ing. to repair all make*
tbes ' I • b- I!ven b
loom' e Leuc anapahle Hrr,es A. few days with friends. 'Of �an
A001Chopping an d at -Rolling -every day Ao
a Dicycles.
G. HAM-40luer of Marriage as Usual. d Brain'sO%t, itby.A Beatrice
etricPyithW A14s icounty oOno,otball match will -be an intereatinK M " Albert. Newmarkpt, Bethesda We arer.also agents for-be-
1plake; svill W. G. Barnes, Green River feature. - A refi-t4liment booth will be and other etnivil -places IlLst week.
on the ground for the sale of ice erearn All eA and.M.pai. Petty, Mrs, Win. J. -Laval Cream Sep%fttors
-W t V,113RDHARDSON -Reel 'Es'. r address R. R,No..I. L6cust Hill. and otber refreshments. Admission Patty, Arthur Milroy and Miss Kath- and repairs.
tate '3nsisrancv. Conveyace;cv. %,^tary leen Milrpy motored to Brampton On
Publc* Etc ;F)ckermg. Ont. 35.and 20 ceSts.
'unday and spent.the day witli I& -
y re Oasi6lifi4 Fn9l es, T'
S GIOLUNWOOP riactorar AA(f _..; ......
��W.. AIALL-House carpenter. FINE POSITI&N O'ne-of the most iticeengfut garden Sawing 31athineii'
li•, *epa,rs or are W 61lid dally by the grad -u- F� L. Green is in Quebec `tbis'weelir ties ever'- held here 'was that of is
alterations. Ind phone 2913.ItPickener. My 0 par
ales of slaw's Business Schools in on business.
Friday eveniag last which'-wasbeld
Toronto Mr,^ndMis.qsborn* and child, of under the nuppicem of the Ladies, Aid
Write for catalogue cowim &
CLERK Rat of recent akppoIntments,, Enter Tioprobto
X TOWNSHIPfor taking spent-4unde y ir fib h .. Is i�oth- ,octet of the -7
to ]a"
I., MA er here.
an -y day, e Ont.
ening was rather coWfbr an out -of- 7Pick 1.,r'e_-
"IM � of P-31(elateeb. -W. R's re is, of Toronto, speut thi, door go
9 it her ak. nevertheless there
U•UU16 Prinelpal President eek -end with Mrs.'.M..A. Sadler and was & lame crowd present. The enter.
Head Offices, at Yonge And Geirr:rd family. tainer the evening was Duncan
VICTORY BONDS Bob Hay. vey-of Tpronto, •-spent
aAA-D-A Streets sun- Cowen. fTbMntO,*ha-prov
for Oak. nommattoaa .-
UDJR ffe�iad Mrs.
J1000. -2 and accrued interest. W,
Price. 99 1 RL@t
Hairrey'. Brain's Novelty Orchestra, of
Bond Broker. Bell Phone 193. Whit- rank.
nd. Phone x. 40if 'lira. 0'
by, owbytn XJ J"
rmerod. of East Toronto. Whitnt, gave a number of selectigns
.91 ekerinq
Iverq crient Tuesday with her son, William that were very much. enjoyed and
UGH S.L? Orn.e�od.
UOH. Glen Majnr. Ont, w6rci heartily encored: The- pastor.
H Licensed Auctioneer. -Vakusive-exper. Walter And Mrs. Green and little .,NfAjor ftJce, proved it most. excellent
lone* to imported and thoroughbred ofbal. Fitat-olass - ngs - fdk hii6 0, of Btiffalo. spent a week with IF' ch,tirman and' -added . -much to the
Iftlea; conducted anywbert. writs for terms f and Mrs. Greear.r
11,04 Particulars. Flionclad.2126. The. proceeds We liars on 'hand
3&17 Day or night Mrs. Harry.Duckett and Tamil evening's enjoyment.
y _are were a little over 12W,OG.
bolidiying in Buffalo. this week with
FPOSTILL Licensed Auctioneer-, Bus meets all trains Mr4. Duckett's sister. e following
• for 001121tidd Of York a" Ontario. Auti. Hear the entertainer. Broughiini. -'ZeS: Of. Cj)al
Mon as!" of all kinds atten us d to on shortest T6amin_9 pr6&ptIk'attepdcA to. -Master Ed. (fleeson returned to the F31
notice . Address Green Itivu P.0 , ong. Agent for Canada Carriage Co. city on Ss'turda'y, 9 randfather, Friday, Aug. 22nd.
M. Gleeson, v tim. and will
MORTON M. GIBSON. Ontario 'spend A. week 10 the city. -VvmrTnv Egg,
arid Dominion Land Surveyor and civil -We He Peak •
Picker4rig. � George-atd-Mr% Mason, of Toronto. Storey
Rogincer. Hopkins Street, Whitby, Phone =I. -with WaItL - Much interest in tise country ffiiucegasor. to the Late W. E. -Vurrkold,. Ontario it the week -end: Walter and try West
Land Surveyor of Port Perry, IL 4" Wilson. Mrs. Wilson went of the town was awakened this week
Pater, pure -wate, r -.Nut PM
to Toronto with them for a few days. in the marriage of Wm. Oke and Miss
M. MAW, LICENSED AVC- A number of men -from 'the. neigh. Philp, the bride being a resident of the
1` M, York. Q.-iturio and Durham borhood met at Wm, Pengelly's on Base Line in Pickering. The vener-
rinds attended ft you'are iwiseyon will use the only Tuesday afternoon for the purpose of able groom and his..winsome second
Wy Ideal well, drilled by Cbis. R. Rice,' raising'a, driving house slid pig L pen. life- partner ares spending the honey.
ri-&�E I:G.M� -Mills,Gasdline Mrs. Thoialis Wilson wow removed moon in distant parts. The ceremony
Whitby, who is agent f6z Wind Mit A., C. REESO&
C Engines. all kinds, of.pipe and- fittings from her borne on Saturday to' the took place In Bowm,&nvilIe,.T6p*,4y A.
Oshawa Hospital, she having fallen afternoon at the homi of the bride's
-room. f, - 4Owrr--TtXiTs-t to -her hip. end relatives..,
fOiW.a.Wr__w,orks. Also -bath LOOUST HILL
Vet *ftlr - I_— - --- _ _ - � -- . _ - -
oriftry Suigeoh tures. etc. Everything' given . careful otherwise ree ing a bad shaking up. Rev. R. W. Allen has resigned" as
Kbnor Graduate of the Ontario Vete- attention. rector of All Saints' church, to take
rinary Colleire WHITILVALS effect M Sept. 15th. : He bas heen-ap- . . .....
:and Graduate of the - V*t*rfvkiy RICE'S PUMP WORKS, -:7
pointed to the charge of Clirliat Church
Science' Association. Home Tel, 5521. Will . tevale Mr. DableTwis In the vale over the Brampton. Rev; Prof. Wright, of J J
-013 1 bolidi,�6 FU - SERE
Phone o INS, residence ITuron
Col!leige` I olobniiewthho r1secoofor'18
0 ted boarding house farfull to ating at All Sainte'
COMMONT, ONTARIO on vacation im:Muskoka, Is winning
Win. Bur ton I.,; entertaining friends warm enconiums:by his earnest and FALL. .-TERM eloquent from Hatniltor. .. the. pleasure r out. -
--Th-9 -regu ar.ruont y meeting -the _quent addresses on Sundays add at
Veterina'y Surgeon. __C5renfill _Selzt. 2=d -t-lie--We4-no-iTi-cy-�v�-n-ing-k%nurw. - - - - ---- Mg' by --taking along -
r• Whitevale Women's Institute will be The qtiestion 6f grades on.the Post
versity of Tarn=o.
Graduate of.Uni' held in.the.hasement of •the Methodist and Rouge bills was dealt with at the
church on Wednesdq. August.20tb. - town council.. F,.ElowardAnnisdrevv
Agr icultural, Col
lege, tie e, t 11��111111
meeting. standard gradent of per cent ad.
Prompt attention to all clievitr. Operate and take good,
bell and 16d. Phones. Youge �.'Charlejg Sts, Toronto On July the 30th the Baptistparson- dopted by the Highway Department''
age-lawrrwasthperene-ofa quiet, but for the work, on the Kingston Road as pictures.
PICKERING, ONTARI exceedingly pleasant picnic.- On that �an inter -provincial highway b to
STAVDS TO -DAY WrrROrT ft SUPER- y n- No. Brownie Camera' $�,00
nec.11.Rion the members of the Ladies'. sidering I've per cent grade on these
TIME YABLE-Fiolse-king' Staiton-0 "UR Iq..THE Doxrmox. Ourrecordi BIl))6 Cl^qs *of the Century Baptift' two 'critical
points. It was shown No,. 2 A-Bro'wnie Catnera &'70
T. R. Trains going East due as folloi*g for placing gradu'aiteer pr'oinptly In Church. Toronto, motored from the that if this was accepted tty
the mun1cf-
NO. 6- M06il 8.07 A M positions have never been sur ass- city and spebt'the do -y' visiting Wp, palitles' then undoubtedly similar No. 2 Folding Premo* takes pie'
28 Local 12-37 P 'Id-ln CatrrtdA:. lb�e dem74ndis far Howard, a late member of the class. degradation of the four per cent stand. tures 21x3j, a compact folding
36' Local 3.99 P. S1 Dinnerand tea, was served at. the par- and at the Highland Creek'hills would
Trains goin('West 'due- sit � folloWi.- beyond our supply. OUR iHoR sonage. During the after600n the be irsisted'on vivb�n they are cut down camera at 7.00
No. 35 Local 7.37 A. M. OUCH TRAINING is WELL KNOW!%, party visited the Wbiteval either by the York Highways Com- Nu. 2 A Autographic Folding
e Baptist
• 27 Local 2.85 P. M., Write td ---day f6r "our lalrge� cata- church and listened -to the organ play- mission under whose authority they Brownie takes pictures 2Jx41
7 Mail 8.00 P. M. logue. ed, wbich)Af,6betitne,lcrdtbttuia'tbeir now are cr bv the Ontario Government 'Price 9- 75
Nos. (I and 7 also run ori Sunday
devotional exercises at Century Bap- when it takes over
the Kingston road
Foregoing is I hour in advance W. J. Elliott,,Pi-incipal
tilt church. After this some of the through Scarboro. The effect of this -Eastman Films and supplies
I n -g J, in -y dh r 111 in a W
of Standard time. party rambled along by the creek, move will be to reduce the hinling be -develop-'
When under. the shne 0 a big tree capacity by either horses or motors by
tl,,r mat down and rested. After the one fourth. While it to of no come- ed and printed -you will bo
W Eggs For Hatc 1 noise and tw4h of the city, the quiet- quence to auLomobilists the difference pleased *1 . th the results
a. G. -RE -ID nese, which was only broken by the between the four and five per cent for
from Black Breasted Red birds and the ripple of running water, freighting in find out of Toronto over
U' 00 bus ;13es-*
Mr, And I
Te c ap
Or 'At -N
r er
h 4Ve-imingw*A r
out '0- week -end 'a 861: 1
k Toronto,
�'Ppe*t stplidl ar
ee -e A. adler
f,ml . or
LZ BO ly. Rai 1
d b. 0
10 �TT
Has a fall line of tresh tud cui- Game -choice stock and was greatly appreciated. While thus this bighwav for all time to come Is of
..ed meats constantly on hiLnd, excellent layer@. resting, enjoying the beautiful sten- more Importance than any othar ele-
Also, Yours g: Relginnl Hares r G. We Lidaie,
y an breathing deeply of God's ment to the rood Improvement. Mr. Phm.'B
Spice Poll, Breakfast t cry
fresh air, several sala: "White- Annes Invited the co-operation of TO-
HaW, Bologna, Weinersi-eto. n Silver ray
r- vale Is certainly an Ideal spot to spend 'onto And all the municipalities later- Drugjist--Gftduate Optician
iati�B r�eys�
a quiet holiday." During the cool of ested to t and have reconsideration
Highest priem pald for
;4�1,dh r cattle. , '< the city, having had a most enjoyable Fartment of this feature of the road
T,# sumd rimAtablai r1mai
All: Pedigree Stock. the evening the party motored back to by the engineers of the Highways De- O. N. A. Ti-, it Agent.
_W:N pl
A Rte.
w ,� -,C• - u�Y,a s... +.. ' _a, > ^qy z.,,'�a.,',,y`fyin •.. -N' q !:_-y -;r . fi
,.. e:a, F. aN,. .� ab^, :.:.a,,r;va' f +�.,,}._...;,u, .,.f y,�fi^�'. :+fnV'�+*':c�l''�C'.+f. : x 5.:�� '•ii:�,wu•�•, 1 T_:.',r°",F. •••�""
�! .n x .K9 .,y;. . ,,,JMy.,J'. '•4.,. > :ki '.....;� , . 5._. ". :R.,(,a, ,gi:Ynd ,F, ..'. 9#^'R _
,4 , .... , p, .... ,�;. �-�^' .. �•"_: .:^a r•+.,.. �,ya;. , , .-_�., - .�" i,•.,•<�:�. x �: :k••�, : r�.:tr. s„^�..,� ,:,,,; e. 5...�.,: .�?'�, ,-' rx'..�d ...
Y ;r� y 'l K''kA ::M , ✓ ,. .. r •..• :4.w,5": .. "�iw � ;:.n.: AC,Fw:. N• k ^'Y 'S 9 'H`: .Y+.- Je w�,. '
�....t' •• ,. f . : S, .- . .. C .. '"� h �J "�.. .. ..It� :.. w .. ..'hl.. f J:".^l1!•i±' S"�: .•6. ^#, Sv'z. �." F"„ST ,P: '. u. j ..�
•.'�::.1. ., .sr .,•.-.d•......�?v • ,�_„r-n,.Y' ,,,.,,,, � ::. ic•--•' ..� •'";� . r.t s,,,• ,.'xa `^` :w �'Xm,•,',.rar.�' `s5''-. ._.ryt,,.� y .r .> `v4,
.. _ ....,,,...e .... _ .. v, ..-. ��.. ..., :: da"' •..:.. .. „:."-......,, "r' .Yi •N'"• tir,W�-.» ,�'. ,�',.. R:'Ae `:�.Y•.w':`T..'"k, �
. , . r "�'^.*�.i .:...,v- s -..s :..�:4*; a.+�+s,..• z_...• 4s��;, :' .. s i,.•. ..,ns, .. �'•'' -
.. r. .. a . •� c y,' . t ,,,
- be attracted..; For s further attraction, As for the new lapt verse, the most W. L. >I[o>sfaaoa Bsaa iL >feNM
it was intended to illuminate the in that 'cea be Said of it is
'that it is no* ■ - Q
• - tefrior with .11eetricity, but the remote- much' weaker than the ofiginal. There �' C o �y Y h d
-ler Ho u sob rake r , a of the tegioa rendered -this 1m- = is sense in .this continent of the Lon-
_ practicable dos .Times upon the while project: 1, Boilers of Vlotosr Bonds velli sad desalt*
Unity-- _ ricntqumaod on the ynas`oI14 reset ofJhS
$y Florence ,Morse Kingsley. _ ^ - _ - s now. almost W. L. - McKINNON & CO.
,. - R TheNa'nthemsi forLit� is -
*cording Gorilla Conversation.
ograpSs were so arranged
inside that the large tin horns attach- worthy of that name -is at lengttrper- 14_aiers to e;Fopiraareat and atnatoivit'
ed to them projected OutW through- haps-more in -accordance with -the _r -e- Roads
CHAPTER I: + gesture. "How do I know but what KONJUROa BUZ is 7ltellgds et., losoa't
the ' bars: ' Thus, - wren gorillas ap. fl
nement of an age remarkable or to
In- the dusk of - a rainy",.,auturat you're -air escaped burglar? I've s preached the cage, and had aliy're• avoidance, of, vivid• colors and loud
evening . a tall, rather heavily -built !good mind to- marks to make of a hostile or, in the
langvage. u s o e no cad that summer Sunshine.-
unshine. '
young fellow shouldered his way Then he relaxed into •a. beefy case of'a female, an amatgry sates;e,there is in it less about the king and Summer sunshine warm and bright
through•the gathering'• darkness with chuckle in which he. was joined. by the storage batteries controlling the ma-' more about .,ourselves, and even the II Bleached'the diiisy's collar white;-
hite; _.
' the same steady, ploddiniC gait he had' ferret -freed young man. ch chines were promptly turned on; and, natural scenery of our' dSmicile, char( Knit for him a cap of yellow,
before;• and our taste and sense of ilii Turned him out a• dapper fellow
maintained since early afternoon. His 1 "Didn't take.. him. so long to set the words w re duly recorded
clothes were sodden with rain. Oc- on -eh, Charley?" congruity will have ultimately to de-
By day . �nd night doctor Garner Summa: sunshine touched the rose,.
.casionally--, cold, trickles of moisture I Their raucous mirth pursued the made responses to the.yells and hoots tide whether this mixture of motives blade her tender leaves, unclose,
'from his drooping bat brim made; sodden figure on its way to the street. of gorillas, heard in the. woods, hoping is calculated to make the,same direct Painted blushes on her face; -
' _ ti�em h ea fe}t on lyis-steaming ghoul- I There were brightly lighted supper -Mereby, to draw them near. They appeal as the former single one. There
dens. His shoes, weighted with mud ' tables 'in several of the Iloua'es-"-he still much to be iold In favor o.! the. Gave her beauty, gaup her grace.'
awoke much nocturnal uproaz, the iB _
;and water, cruelly hurt his tired feet. passed, with Esthete and mothers and bachelors o! the specie being. natural- old form, which made the kine in this Summer aunshino_drew the showers ,If Icould find a barn somewhere," comfortably clad children gathered • in ly dAsposed to postpone going to bed Bong, as in more solemn supplication, That revived .the drooping flowers;
he suggested to himself. the cheerful glow, . He approached until morning, while the males• with stand for the people. Waved his .wand, and lo! the sky
' The night before he had slept in a.� the back • door of -one . such house, For our part we have never under- -Flashed a rainbow to the eye'!'
grass that his foot- , families kept ung a ere 4 guard at the
'tumble-down old house near the. char- 'treading on the feet o! the trees where their wives re- stood the supposed popular discontent , ,
red ruin of a barn, and been awakened falls might make no sound: A white- with the historic version; and while Summer sunshine, all your ways —
posed among the breaches fa the later• Gladden us through many days.; _
by rain dripping through in bib .Race haired .old grandmother, was, eating vale of the squalls of . offspring lack- complimenting the latest -reviser. on - ---
through the broken roof. Why had supper, and an apple-cheeked • girl lass Ipecac, and, soothing syrup• the tact and gentility of his effort We Owe so much - t � ,
Girls and boys, and flowerlets oo
Ing !pe h o1 joy to you
-he noE *Bayed "here till -lite *corm was waited on the family, which. appeared much as the great apes, and atiIl retain a preference tot the hearty,
fiver? There was a rusty stove, 'he, to: be a large one. From the shelter. even the lesser monkeys, are provided if rider, original.
remembered; he might have kSnd'led a of a dripping rosebush he watched the with epdEch organa exactly Hke our The revised version of the, British Hudson Bay Railway.
fire and at least kept warm and dry. . girl baking pancakes at the stove. own, they ought' surely to be able to hymnal seems an unfortunate ming- During the •year. ended March SI•
' His empty stomach furnished the She turned with a start at, sound ,of talk, That. they do vocally express ling of two conceptions. • It begins 1918, the grading of• the entire line ot;
answer- his timid knock... with the king as head and symbol of the Hudson Bay railway from TI}e Pec
some ideas is undeniable; but the
"If I hadn't lost my money -" was + "Somethin' t' • eat you're wantin' ? ramp might- be &Aid 'of "many other I the -state, and then switches- to .the .to Port Nelson was completed: The.
his second hypothesis, muttered Sure it's s' tramp ye are -an all wet species of animals. A rooster_can say, I land itself. The oniglna hymn had the main line track, with necessary aid,
through closed teeth. an' muddy. Go 'way from me kitchen, .•Here is a worm! "- just as plainly as I clear merit of sticking to _one point of Inge for the operation of light iratdc
What could have become. of the or I'll set the dog on ye. you or I. view and gaining all -the force that extends from The 'Pas to the second''
'iten dollar bill he had knotted so care- Sick at Mart; hie *hurried out of the Doctdr Garner' thinks that monkey- comes from as outspoken unity. crossing of the Nelson river at Kettle-.
.fully. in the corner of his handker- yard, ewers of the Sudden mrn'motion talk represents the .beginnings of The moral is strong that a national rapids, a distance of he miles: The
chief?' He, had drowsed for an hour in the dining room, as :the apple= human language. _ Perhaps it does. anthem is a good thing to leave alone. total distance from.
The Pas to Port
'under . a tree by the roadside, being cheeked girl dispensed her pancakes Who knows? Its anachronisms, become harmless Nelson is 424 miles, therefore about
-`` weary with his first day. of steady and her information. - through lapse oC time; Its overtone* 90 miles of lice remain over which
G ;ramping. When he awoke -if indeed Further down the street 'he tried of ---
patriotic emotion glow with __the• tract has not qct been laid, as stated _
he had dept -the handkerchief was again, to be again "pulsed, this time J<W' i�7�� T(tL+ years._ _ _ _ to the annual report, of the 15epartment_
' missing from the pocket of his coat. with a smartly shut dcorIn face Of his
of Ratl*ays and Canals
He searched for it vainl3, going.,back halting request far food. - Lack of Food Caused Blindness.
over miles of his journey. Reluctant , A third attempt was effectually NATIONAL AN�� i The' abnormal number .of- children Attracted His Attention.
' - Iy he decided that the money had been blocked by a big dog which bounced at / ass�ui�'�a in• Poland born blind the past three Codviile fs very, proud or its schools,
stolen while he slept. There was no- him, barking vociferously, as, be at-' years, although their pareater were not 'which boast all the latest improve
thing for it but
to go oil. I tempted to enter the gate. .Other diseased, !s due mainly to the malnu- meats. .Every visitor is asked: "Hata
Doggedly toiling up the long slope: dogs in different quarters of the town -RESULT OF EFFORTS .TO _BRING ou seen our schools?"
03 a hill, he passed at its top with an res ended in a scatterin chorus of ars, *aye a .despatch 7
p S IT UP TO DATE. ase in bltnd- replied mail Dro�ii�y,
involuntary exclamation. Below him barks. He Asad never been afraid of
trition o mo r ... .
aro rth waei '1 have, '
m Warsaw Tile !acre
eba among children at bi fa answer to -
ge, dogs, but to -night in the darkness.and a advent quite good.'• question. Th '
twinkled the lights5of a villa From
Steeple of a chn bel id aten't
' striking the hour. The faint barking) with vague terror.
eves ee•s on a `God Save ,the of some new veer disease. Snt'tnres• ''Splend they -2"' gushed -t e
ligation by experts proved that the native. "Fine buildings; and all - the
of dogs and the distant rattle of He was stalking rapidly now, like King" is a Mingling of Two Con- fanriihed co most ltp-to-dOa
wagon wheels floated upward* through one pursued, hunger and fatigue alike i acted on the eyesight of,their infants. what was the first thing which stivcli
- _ u on enc rfagr'
tho VAsk -lid rain; forgotten An e desire to 210-1
The road, descending rapidly from that unfieudly village. There was Meddling with a national anthem ii 4 '`' yo"A beanetroai a .beanehooter?" said
- .,:.the heights,' brought the. wayfarer into faint comfort in the fact that the rain a d!fticult business, and England has _ A New Kind 9f an Iran. the visitor coldly.
What was evidantiy the main street, had ceased. Under the urge of some approached "God Save the King" with When boarding .or traveling keep _
for -he passed a -grocery store; a .drug- upper current of air the clouds part- a duly tentative and hesitating hand. .with you a number of pieces. of blott- 'Initiative is a matter of tempera.
gist's window, with its green and ed, revealing the cold fate of the Criticism of the old Song (that Hsary mg paper about twegty• incheA .squgre. melut like courage in -the field, and
rple lights, and a hotel withdrawn pu1 moon, He looked about once more in Carey probably _ did sot, after aft. Wash out your handkerchiefs or lace can be developed. -Lord Haldane.
frost the street under a tett of drip- search of shelter' and saw close at -write) has been. trequent- of -.late Mara and place them between the -
-#rase. Tantalizing odore . of hand an old-fashioned picket fence years. It cuiminated In a new version � pieces of blotting paper andpmgLlaimeas Dare* »sght5erla
freshly baked biwmit and broiling skirting the. road., for some distance. sung reeeatly for .'the -fust time at A. ��g g, Ou the It. .fa an
xrr. -
"' meat stole forth into the night. Presently he found the gate and stood thanksgiving service in St Paa1's at-
I.easy and effective ABY to_troa.
The lad seemed scarcely more,.irrelrolute, .staring at the house it tended by the king and queen. The
-d T
seen in the light of the big. arc -light guarded. It was painted white 'like original first terse has Been pre- ,a r tasawat Core* Oarset la cows
4 yin front. of the hotel -shook' his wet Life fence; a gravel path bordered served; for the other two substitutes �
coat with fingers that trembled slight- with flowers led to 'a verandah gar- have been written '•with. his majesty's The condos is the only bird that. All grades. Write for prion. _ if
1p. - His hat. appeared reduced to a ( landed with vines. Late honeysuckles approval." The name of the author keep its o8apring in the nest for a TORONTO. SALT V1lORttB
dripping pulp; after a moment's heli- were in bloom; their penetrating is net gf�•en: The' "tentative" revision year. `The young can not by for � ` �. TORONTO =
tation he thrust st into his pocket, -fragrance. floated out to him like a runs thus: twelve months after being hatched.
visible presence. There was ns, light `
X.ad for once of hie heavy thatch of in a of the windows. Its occupants God save our gracious king,
•curling hair,
an jig live our noble king,r -
" .. " he Were busy in -the back of the house, he -- God save the.lting. -
If I only has t�pat money,
decided. He would ask them fur a fiver bealn'
?thought, and picbared himself eating Send him victorious, .;,, .,� •a hot supper 'at'one of the white tables and leave to sleep m the barn.4
In the morning he would Work. There Happy and glorious,
;glimpsed through tine windows of the must be work to be done at a place Longa to reign over as, _ _ in. the "Clark" Can
:brightly lighted dining room.. It was - God save the king!i e
xsty stoney; all rigir£," he added de- like this: 1s • perfectly cooked and the tern- ,
-(To be continued) One realm of races four, !meat legend guerantees . absolute s
r - Blest more and ever more a :.purity. -- the front door o! the hotel; hospi- God.save our land!
_ - tably w de, revealed glimpses of .a l With Tomato, Chili or Plata Sauce.
° .'cheerful red -carpeted room: Behind a ���%�G WITH
Home of the brave_ sad tree 189 SOLD EVERYWHERE
- -;Ah
white railing was a desk, and behind jjt! Set in the vilver sea, W. CLARK, LIMITED' MONTREAL
.:.True nurse of. chivalry,
older than himself. He glance u M�u - God 1
the desk aferret-fated young man, no � �ON� _uT1'( save our and!
p !�' n
Ist• the eight of the big, sodden_fl•gure Kinsfolk in love and birth t=
which confronted flim: From utmost. ends of earth,
"Hello!"' lie said, "what can I do '' God save us all! i
for you . Bid ;strife and hatred cease _
His tone was doubtful. ..He _hall OF MAN -APES. • Bid hope and joy increase,
learned not to appraise -a would-be Spread universal peace, - F
patrosr too -hastily. — ; : -- .. - _ all!
- --
Goa save us, ! '
s , "I -I've been tramping all day ih Scientist WherrrVis'Ming Tropical Afrla 1 , .
?he rasa. Somebody stole .my •money. - It will be se that the scattering of
I want s fob and-" . ca Employed Phonographs -to. the king's enemies; together with the '~
"You're a bum," decided the clerk
Record Monkey Language: lines touching politics and knavish
promptly. "Get out of here --quick! -
"I'm no.more-bum than yoi} are," The talk about a "missing link" new- of the empire and ifs seaward, look.
:. :or.Lradicted the stranger r`I want Iy 2onnd in A1,'rica is; of -course, pure -
y, . something to eat and a place to dry nonsense, That continent has been
' Tk„ only. two, species of -man -apes, the - -
l •�
-` -
.ph, you can; elf? ;Well; all I got gorilla and 'the 'chimpanzee. -
lo say. is you got some nerve. Got a Doctor Garner has yet to publish his
- ny .way to prows ea con o ape language. e enson
_ lf? ere did you
says -that it consists chiefly of squeaks.
f Identify_ yourse RPh y >
- :erne
from" •, "E e•fi" means food. -Say that to 'a `�''• �'' ' _
The door of the dining room opened chimpanzee, and he: will always re- CORN STARCH
F: 4nd s stout man with 'a red face' came spout -an 'invitation to dinner de-
put. He were a white aisteoat, its manding from any well-bred persona _
rotund expanse 'undiil'y' emphasized by reply: Apes, declares the doctor, utter
showy double watch chain. 'Tile ten or a Aozen vocal sounds, which are -
odor of hot food appeared to attend modified, by enunciation in such. wise
l�h _
his sleek, comfortable person like an as to make forty or fifty words --these l� • •� S
-• aura. The stranger 'drew- a deep-ipcluding interjections 'eapresaive of
'breath. `'Me had grown rather white pain, satisfaction, iear'and ricrac*.
around the mouth. When Doctor Garner went into the little Benson's Corn Starch should bentroduced into juicy fruit
E - "What's up, Gharley ? demanded Gaboon forests of tropical' A2rica' to - pies, such as rhubarb, cherry; etc., t0 p� vent running over.
the stout man, his sharp eyes begin- interview the gorillas at home, -he took
f ' -Ziing with the wayf rer's muddy boots with him In sections a strong but 'light
and aindshing with his shamed face. steel stage for his own safe occu�ncy . - , grange Cream Pie is riot difficult to make and will prove a happy
"Says he lost his rnoney on th while studying the nntmalp. .On, is
way;' drawled the clerk. "He'd like back he carried a small tank of am- $ddltiOn t0 your dessert: recipes. _
supper and a bed. Guess there's plenty pionia, with � >rubular.squirt attached,
1v re he Mme it -" in order that, in case of an unexpected ^Serve custards, blanc mange, sauces, gravies, cakes and puddings
L7F71 told you I'd *Orl 16r what I encounter with one of they ferocious made with Benson's Corn Starch. Write for booklet..
Vo interrupted the stranger. "Why beasts, he might be able to quell him 5 _
' trot give -me a chance?" with a dash of the stuff fn the eye. • Montreal
The Canada •Starch Co Limited
,I'll give you just hell a minute to Around the cage, when it was finally • f 227
,ret out o' that door." The big m�ti set up, be placed several mirrors. to
j his remark with a viol
phasi7oci violent 'which femalecline world safest
'A•YG_..4?n....v- i,:�::.i ' •. .: ,... ,.•. ... 5: .. ... : ..,i.. g... .. .. __... -....a..... ... - _ _ .... - .. _.... .. , .. _ .. ... .. . ........ . ..:.. rS ^.ai _. ... t_,. .,_.....- .. � .._._....,: i'._ _. .. __ ..::_V6,.x.c. •...w..:..� 1.� 'iisAlY.s&�.a..�.•i .rte,_.......
oi' y
eaval Wiping Out Big Crbvem-
'Ten Dead Sixteen. Hurt, in. 0
g W11ith Two Million Dollar Lom.
went Grain Building
Port Cqlborne,. Aug. 10. -At tan One slab of concrete, 30 foot square,
minutes after one o'clock on Satur 4ay was found. 160 feet away.
ernoon a mate
The dead are. Joseph Latour,
-igr.111c eggosion at th
7-rri6Tmoth- Government 'tlevat&- sere of the -bar a QtieUe-c,--marc -r6d,-Cote�-St- 7
-killed ten men, fire of whom were Paul, Que., Charles Aston,.elevator.
members of the crew of• the. be Se Weighmaster, Part Colborne,* married;
Quebec, l6dding grain at the elevator, William Cook, assistant weighmaster,
severely injured nearly a score, com. Port Colborne married; J. P. Hanham,
�pletely -wrecked the building, and chief ,pouter, Port Colborne, married;
-caused a property loss of over one E. � W. Mychener, assistant -spouter,
- Alfred Leslie,
;million dollars. Fire followed the ex- Port Colborne, married;
't�laivn, and the flames are described laborer, Poit Colborne, married; Al-
surviiiors as more like the flash of bert Back, ass'st,4nt shipper,,P6rt Col-
electricity than an ordinary Are. The 1 borne, marrie(i( Albert Dunlap, nlikT\, �'' X //� -
Immenze building of concrete and steel I ine *towernia-n, Port Colborne, single, '�� �' 3 r //' ire.
hook as if it were some toy in the returned so'dier; Clarence Hart, steve- f
'hand of a giant, the concrete roof was! dore, Port Colborne, -sinile.
Besides the terrible death toll, tfie
thrown off, and the concrete floors
. .below -were shattered. Two storeys exploston is serious, in that it will
the lower section' paralyze the removal of the Westei-4 -
were blown from
monetary 7'
of the b -ea -board ana the- wo'rlds' 'building, which was 150 feet crop to -' the Viin TY
high, and the higher 'sect 7 on, whil'a market. - .` loss is Well
-it is partly intact, is - like- a rubbish -over $2A00,000. - The elevator will 16
'heap, with dangling girders and gap= handle no.. grain for a yv4r,,and the
}ng ends. ;.1 1
Jbk, grain steamer Quebec, which was
The whole'countijiside R•as- aroused "UUdi&J6g at the time, is almost a. com=
7by the tremors of the explosion and plate wreck. Math of the grain can
'the air was filled with flying debr-is. be salvaged. ---_ T_` H /tv ,
1.5; primes 13.50 to $4; Imported hand.
I d A
JiIck� Burma, or. Indian, $3.50; Limas,
1 Honey -Extracted clover, 64b. tins,
10 -lb. tins, 23�j to 2
1,24 to 25, 4e
'Brenda offs. -Q-�lb. tiny, 23 to -24c; buckwheat- 60-1K
Toronto, Aug n wheat- C .50
12. -Ma
No. I Northern, -$2.24�fi; N�..2 North.' tin�, 18 to 19c. Comb -16 -oz.: $4
do -A;
-err _N U dOz
$3.50 to $4
L,12.21 %; No. 3 -cirtheFfI4 2-17%," to i8,oz:
-No. 4 -wheat $2.11, in store Fort Wil- Maple prcducts-Syrup, per Im'per
*3 -
ial gallon, $:,L-. toimper-
ial gallong, F?15 to $02 40; �511X&r, -lbot,
Uailtoba cats -No. 2 CW, 97%.c; %
'a. 8 C -W, 84%c; extra No. feed,-
86A -c; Noi 1 feed, 83%c- -
No. 2 feed,! Provisiors-Wholosale;
- '
80%;, in store Fort.Wiflism. ISmoked_m,,-ats--lIams, med.. 41- to
Man. barley -No. 3 CW, $1.38%; fte; do.. �enr" 4,1- t- vaAcd, 114
to 05c; roll&, 33 t. 3i:c; b nl-fast
No. 4 CW. $1.33%; rejected, $1.27%;
-7 7
feed, $1.27 %. bacon, 49 to ak'"s. rl 1E
W, 6 5 c; e ear bellies,
ihal, Na. 4- yellow nominal. 33' to 35C.
Ontario oats--Ro. I white, 94 t6-' Cured w. eati Ae,ir hl-.- -)n:. 32
'.-87c, aecordin3 to freightsoutside. to 336; -clear bel] i i i
'0 mtwio
err lot, nominal; No. 2, do., $2.03 to tubs. 37% to 33c; pails, 377 to 38 14c4,
$2.08; Nor 8, do, nominal fo.b. ship- prints,.88% to 39e. Compound tierces,
;ping points, according to freighti. - 31%c to 32c; tubs, 32 to 3-2Wc-,--pailsj THE REAL PILLAR OR SOCIETY.
-,No.,. 1,.. 2 and 3. 32% to -3294c; prints, 33 to 33%c. the a d the home
-Ontart% wheat
-1 . . - Aug. 12-Oati. e It's a good rule that works BOTH ways. When the farmer supports bome march nt an
Sprm nominal. Montreal. extra No.,
.11 'merchant supports thefarmer, you have the real pillar of society. The fArm*er would Wive a" poor farm it he did
-974c. Flour -new standard mere He must have the suk _A
to freights outside de,
ey-Malting, $1.29 to $1.33. ac-:' 1 feed,
ng $11 to $11.10. Rolled oats, not have a good home market. And the merchant can't build up the home market alone.
r, VICE he gives to not the best. plos.
Buckwheat-Nomin"aL $5.25. poft of the farmer. . Likewise, them PO 1b -Bran, $42. Shorts, chant has poor business whew the SER
Ry�--Nominal. Z44. Hay --- lots., Istble. The trade must be even. The services must_be mutual. So, the.picture you are looking at NOW should
Manitoba. Cheese, finest easterns, 25c. be true from both ends. If it doesn't quite suit you this -way, the pape -r -around. NOW you have seer ,the
Toronto. !.Butter, choicest creamery, 52% to 63c. REAL PILLAR.OF'SOCIETY. The farmer upholding the merchant sind the merchant upholding the farmer.
-Ontario _idQur-_-iiGovernmqkt stand -..Eggs, fresh. 62 to 64c; selected, 58c;
to $10.50, in bags, Mon- No. I st6ck,'55F; No: 2 stock, 46c. Po- 11911%
Ar!d, $10M
tatoes,' ver bag. car lots, '$2.25 to
!'seal, pZqmpt chi $10.25 to ORDER Int;. '-a 12.75. : Dressed hogi, abattoir killed, AUSTRIA REPLIES M OF MERIT GERMAN FOKKERS
._.4iom, In lute bags, Toronto, prompt
. $33 to $33.50. Lard, pure, wood pails,
shipment. :20 lbs. net, -M%c-.-
-Z;'.::_ ' Millfeed Car lots, delivered Mon_ Lite14Stock Markets.
treat, freights, bags' included bran, -
Toronto, ' 12. --Choice heavy
per ton, $42 to $45;• shorts, por . ignt-1 steers, $14 to Aug.$14.75; good' heavy Prepared to Sign But Thinks His Majesty the Kin- Acknow- Barred From Taking'Part in Fly.
to $50; good feed flour, per --steers, $13 to $13.50; butchers' cattle, 9
$3.25 to $3.35. choice, $12.75 to $1325- do, good, Conditions Should Be ledges Services of Prime Ang Contest Between Ne -w
Hayy-No. i,S11.75 to ;12; do,
-ton, - to Modified... Minister. -York and Toronto.
per 19, trach, o-, $11.25
imixed, - per ton, $ 10 to S11.50; do. carn., $7 6 SS;"bulls, choice,
--A despatch from Paris says:---.; A despatch from London -says:-[ A despatch from Neid York says.-
...'ronto. to $11; do, med., $10.25 to $10.75• The Austrian counter -proposals to the King George has conferred upon Pre- Three German Fokker type airplanes
-Car lots, per ton, $10 to _$1 1,
Straw do, - rough. $8 to $8.25; butchers' cows, David Llo
peace terms'have been handed. to the.' �ier yh. George the Orderl which were to have, been piloted bi
track, Toronto. choice, $10 to $10.50; do. good, $9.25 0 1
Count" Produce -Wholesale. t Allied- Mission , at St. Germain -en- of Merit as a sign of his appreciation , Canadian and American army officerl
$%75; do, med., $9.50 to $9; *do, . - . I
of Mr. Lloyd George's war services. In in the international' !tying,contest•be;
'-Butter--Dairy, tubs and rolls, 36 to.,,com., $7 to $8; stockers, . $8.75. to Laye. The counter -proposals were detect Buck-'
$11:75• -feeders, $11.50 to $12; canners brought at once to Paris and delivered' a, letter to the Premier. i tween New Yor� and Toronto on Aug
..38c- prints, 38 to 40c; creamery, freth' in ham Palace, Aug. 5, announcing
!made solids, 50 to 50%c; prints, 50�j,and cutters, $4.50, to $6.25-,. milkers, to:the Supreme Council of the Peace: the award, the King ��ys- 25, have been -ruled gut, it was an
-good to choice, $110 to $140; d i
7 0, com,- Conference. Honors nounced by the American Flying Club
d med., $65 to $75; springers, $90 "My Dear Prime Minister,-
Egg"4 to 45c. The Austrian observations_ on the The 'planes which are, trophies o'
and rewards to officers of the army,
bressed poultry -Spring chicke1is,.10 $150; light ewes, $8 to $10; year- treaty were considered in Peace �Con- navy and air force having a sub- war surrendered to. the British ani
:r that
t5c;. roosters, 25c; fowl, .30 to 32c; lings, $10:50 to $13'; spring lambs, per eepe a
ference circles to be irery,temporate'mitted to Parliament, I t my: American armies, were originally
132c - turkeys, wt., $17 to 920; calves, good to choice,
ducklings, 35 to 40c; c'
. - 1 $17.50 to $20.50; hogs, fed and water- IT' tone; according to a "statement b)
squabs, doz.
i�- i people will share' with inii regret that i entered,
'weig1hed, off cars,
$25; The 'Austrian reply said the dele-, it is not possible to express the nay the Flying Club, to demonstrate the
Live poultry--iSpring chickens, $6c,-,, ed, $24.75; do, I t. f
Tn s gra
-004ters, 22c; fowl, to 30c; duck- do, f.o.b., $23.75. -gation realized Austrik's position was, grateful recognition of the per-., supe a . i
sigent services rendered by the Prime city of allied models over the
links, 30c; turkeys, 30c. I Montreal, Aug. 12. -Flogs,_- $24 to that of a defeated power, but com-, 1.1
Minister, both in carrying the war to � best ype. of German machine, but
off cars; plain
Wholesalers are selling to the retail' $24-5.0. per 100 lbs., weighed ad that . its territory had been, a victoriou-s-end-i-and-m- as was eh erec
lambs, 16c• per lb. Butches cattle,
trade at the following prices: - � - imited-in-tao-awvvping--iL-M�.�l' --o-norable peace.' To rectify some- I by Xaptain Bose, of the French High
t,, gq,. $9.50 to to W ter
Cheese---:'Tew. -larso, 3. Particular, objection was offered to, what this omission, and personally to Commission, against what hi termed
ins, 28% to 29%c; 8 -
ti let .29, to
29 to 30c. the loss of Southern 5 Bohemia and the: mark'm hi a
Tyrol district. 1 -services, it gives me great pleasure! goods," the club immedilately'c4heel.
46 to: _SOLDIE
PRutStteir't-0 Fresh dairy. choice, RS' WIVES nf apon you the Order of Merit,! -led the entries.
The Austrians state they also be- Ito collf
-18c; creamery printq, 55 to 56c. e, your very s
It is understood that CaptAn
"Believe, in incerely',
Margarine -w46 to 38c.eN
COMING, TO CANADA lieve they have been greatly . over- "GEORGE R.I. Boat
ebt ofl
Eggs -No. 1's, 53 to: 54c; selects, charged, as two-thirds of the d i has cabled the French Governmeni
56. to 58.c. A despatch from London says the Austro-Hungarian State is beingAFGHAN AMIR : -for permission to enter three French w7. - .
Dressed poultry-Spring.
chickens, British wives of Canadian soldiers loaded upon them. They say thit pro-! I,()SES machines in place'd
roosters, 28 to 30c; -fowl, 37 W now in out to settli 4n the Dom! tagJARM eonsider4ng their
5ac;tUMreyS, 4U to vx"93, lb -1 ion now numb small population, and - they, are' not
Aug.- 10.-
9 ---- y in Simla, India The Amir
to 30c movement initiated by the Khaki Co - -sure they can live under such condi-,
lege to give special training to these' tions. of Afghanistan, under the peace tre.1- H.R.H. the Prince of Wale
Live poultry --Spring chickens, 45c; view -the - voy cou s while in Toronto,
'fowl, -30 to 35c. for Canadian life, has btee-n-x2mumk�
I week, not only loses. his annual sub- An invitation will be issued by the
Austrians for an oral diicussian of I National Exhibition to the
Canadian Nat,
sidy of $600,001), bil, more than $5.
the treaty. They said they believed; - I
1000,000 in subsidy which it appears he various Boy Scoat councils through.
such a discussion would result in a had on deposit with the Government-l-Qut the province, and it Is
more complete understanding of the these
C01C. RiAILWAY AT MONTREAL ar. that the gathering will be quite the
)pw. conditions imposed. lof. India. Confiscation of Rani- largest scout, gathering ever held in
hard, blow for
Although the 'Austrians indicated rears is a Toronto.
-DESTROYED BY FIRE WITH LOSS OF LIFE very clearly their intention of sign-
ing, even if the treaty is not modi-
fled, yet they expressed the 1hopelarty
"Number of- Xictims-May-, Reach- 'rwerity-i--Wo;Dde'n-Striteture-Itt- thiat-sonie modification -gray -b be effect- �j ne, New Leader of the Liberal,
Dominion Park Takes Fire While Horrified -Spectators ad.
to Help. William Lyon Mackenzie King, into from 1897 to 1900. His deep interest
in his appoint -
BRITISH MOTOR CREW een. entrusted the I . 1.4bgr qu%stions led to
whose, hands has b meet in 1900 as Deputy -Minister of
Montreal, Aug. 10. -Charred be-, -westerly wind, which blew toward the SIKHS NKS "RED" CRUISER mantle of leadership laid aside by ir
1 Labor, and during the eight years he
-yond the poselbility of recognition, the1 river front, and' it is to this that is
1 r capacity he acted as
Libau, Lettland, Aug. 10. -It -is n in two score of Important
I`,,bodles of three men, three women and due the salvation of the entire park. now Wilfrid Laurier,: Is a direct d*scfnd served in that Capp t
When the - firemen -arrived the revealed that a British motorboat ant upon the maternal side of William conciliator
a boy were. recovered to -night -from ..Was called'in
Mystic Rill was enveloped in flames. crew of four men only torpedoed the Lyoh Mackenzie, a fact that has bee ' n industrial sulker. He
the ruins of the Mystic Rill and part They heard- shouts for help and moans a potent inlluvirp In winging him rec- the Cabinet of Sir Wilfrid Laurier fit
113 Bolshevik cruiser Clog, of 6,770 tons,
orniti in the Liberal Jg09, aiq for two years acted as Min-'
of the Scenic Railway, which were of agony, but it was Impossible to aid in the Gulf of Finlafid. okloW pr T
7 'n-ii4ds's first Mi
'by fire at Dominl6n Park, the victims, Minister lqteT of Labor. In the reolprocityi
destroyed They broke down the p 911 he went down to
,An amuitentlent resort near this city. walls, and in this way got a few per- -of Labor, but back of his appointment election of 1
as sons out. When tht Scenic Railway One whole building will be devoted were years of definite p
It Is thought that several more bodies; reparation for feat with many of i05 colleagues, and!
will be mcgvqrsd to t
-morrow, when p03 H fell with &.'crash Into the roaring fur- to Canadian war trophies at the Can- just such a 4 b eghn his train- retired from public life for the time."
the wreck Is si*rehed. The exact i nate, it Is stated that there was a car. adian National Exhlbftioy�, while the Ing in the University of Toronto, Some years ago he accepted
I the' Rockofellqrr Foundation In
"uja of the fire is unknown, but it is I load of people on it at the time. big guns, aeroplanes and other large where be won the Blake Scholarship with
fhought 4t may have been start -Rd by, The death -list of. the Dominion relies will be distributed around the in Arts and, Law in 1898. Later, he Sponection with social 'investigatilo
&.ctgpntte or a match. The flarnesl Park fire, maybe Increased to possibly grounds, giving the Big Fair a truly took a course in. political economy at The new 164146r' is " years 01
spread quickly and were fanned by a fifteen or twenty. victory atmosphere. Chicago in 1896-7, and at Harvard of Scotch ancestry ands . Presbyterl
:$.'^'yf•.* ir-p 4.1•.w. ...un ' .M; *a, _ 'S&� _ �r ,'e� , w •a'' ar .F 4` rp . �+�c, ,I,, ,�,1 .
eK • 3• "T • t ,r r �•y a. :. A4i4.r -0 ". ^.•.-0.. '"!,:JuL3nT '" .'•Jf�.',' r2:..' hs:( ..� n 'A. w '.. gk ...uF.- ":. ,,<. t',ti-":�.o.F-+F'"!Irv'ia>. n•.-•.' ka.
-S4 '.., n. It1'/ • :. •'-.'. va �,yµ, .r. ; y,; •r bA?•' f. .,•G?" !A`•aF•," 4.1'7
rr r. "^. .'�'"..., ;'.,. a :.5: "'.,T't= r .°?. .. ',,::..:r.. .xa.. �:,. a^ "'g «i.•'-.te_ ';c..i*• �-- 7^!>w .rr a ;.,, �:r.,��.�7Rz t .,�.. r ::r,s"c�' ..•,. '' ;:..,.,9 c:ag'd,':. ��.s':
r. ,.._ ,,. c s.. .. .�, , .�'': z.. �'"'-qx.:.�'^ v`.1r` ;;�, s+°. i�:^' t�•. 7E:'" .wr "+fir ":.-x6'.. .•r.. .•-..- .:C" fie- ' h'�'. • ,K.- F' .e
.. .., _. - •'I. ,rte •a ,. :'!:asE., ,.. t•'`' ,7.x.• }.. r c.. T"' � ,x •
Sw.. ♦.. .: ^si ...a ,. .. L. ,i :L'fl'w'•. .. ,.+�'M,xi.+,h. .: ":..'T', L.. �4.6., f .q,, '.✓:: f. Si^+. '... o.4P9'. .' ,•.>.Y. fir. �'Ra- _ ..7aM if5...
+,., x4 _. ;4. .., � ,..s F': >' X .wh. 4 ....+ a ..i. 4 ..., ,,. .4 ... •-f•,:}',. x•. .-. '.�Y' ,J.. .'4'.- ..t... ..✓" w4. ,�` 'J .i. t tl "% _ I. �^N. _4.
,. 'ti ;':, .� .�Sa... .g,w,?".... ,I>+..'.....: cr ..'i '.r , •... .7 ... ?.. .q;;• i. ,y n:. ,,y; �. :.���. s' ^ '"y.:. .-
t „ . _ . .. A^ , .., ,.. 4t.... , ....,. .. , 9- .. � .•:. .., ., ... :".�•'r mw,.
e" .�,,, �.....'.e• ?baa. �1il `a r >t..r .�`F s r. .fr ,.s
y ..
(r'. ,. .., ... Y. ..i. ..' , }•f. M ..' .. .. .. I•-i;._ _... •', ,.. -. , ..y,. _.. '.. .- ''.,✓• `M £�', ^17K:ti'•-'," �., +LK..•..i's.'a .�E' .�/i, %-"iYPJ.. .?Y.,•'h\ iYr9X.wviP.: e
S. I
The above council met pnrsu&nt, to __" V_
ad)ornament on Monday the 11th - -R__� S-ERV I N, Q JAR S
- . lost. Members all present, the reeve = - - -- -- - - - --- - ___.
';m the chair. _ o' v�'iKINDS
_ .
The minutes of the last meeting �' -
_'. were read and and approved. Mon. S Worn boots, �.00 a pair GEM JARS—sir@W TOp. ., r �'
Mrs. Oiatworthy and Mrs. Holmes
were heard re 'opening. of street at , y $'
ort. HalfGallon," ,. ... r doz'
A full line of small children a boat alien ., 1 5o ne
tt Thestandingeommittedon Contin• imperial QUtirt,..; :.:; 1.35 cc ,
gencies reported and recommended
payment as follows. D R Beaton, on �, t d - .. :Wine ine Q ar , f`
Fruit Jere—Pins Quarts an Half Giallo•-s "" . .
'acct, of salary, 100.00; S H Stevenson, x mperial '1�111t,
... ....
P en cling Divis1.25
ion Court, 200;' M.-
11. IIt8 a alien Finet ....: .'...1:20' "
lee8on, ditto, 2 00; blugieiEfal World, g'
supplies, 4 22; Garnet Simonds, dam- -
`' `ages. to auto, 15 45; John Murkar, for �Cl8llel Ba&iietR Fruit Baskets 6 vnd 11 du :.rte PERFECT SEAL -
-'" - girintingauditoss' reports etc.w 1'.r.� 00. t
The standing committee on Bonuses _ _ •
+` for Wire Fetwes reported and record- :: :. "� r ....
��t 'La ge; 1,70 dozen
f3 payments i®i ♦nay r ,
mended the followin : Rose � MediuI11 -• `f
Keater, bonus ofl 5n rods on•W t 1, con. f s 7 Small, .. ..1.30 ca -
'.11. 30 00; F H Richardson, bonus on 50 .
rods on sideline bet' lots. 21 and23,.c an, EMP Rubbers for Jars' 10 cents. dozen li-ht. 5 cents dozen
;x, and �rods',on north side of lot .2, , e
. _ .._ ._� _ y
con. 2.-• __. _.
g ,�ti Sugar is 10. r 5 per 100 pounds .
e The standing committee on Roads '� - .. •• . _
and Bridges reported and recommend-
lend• ~%a JAMES R / C H
b - ed payment as follows; Leoonard ard Neale ,p D ^ O►N
_�; and drawing gravel and drag-
9 { `�
�r ging. 78 00, W.G Ham, services as fuel ' ,^.i " AM:I y?�
controller, 26 W: J td Balsdon, hard- '
"'"" -_) . d "B Groceries at the Grocers,"
ware supplies 76 43; H G Calvert.
„:: drawing gravel,'. base Iine, 144 00; W. 7Emerso.�y,
ing gran and others, graveland draw- A L S I K E SEED VNBAR'2'ON
gravel, 29 70; • B Lotto
n, work on
Artois road,
Gormley, for
drawing gravel and dragging, 41 10; Watedraving gravel; 30 00; _deo Cammack,
M Xennedy and others. gravel and
' drawing gravel, 45 75; also bal of July j^ We will pay the highest Horseshoeing and general bl.ickamitla
i acct. 17 00; J Calvert. freight bills, Western Harvest Fields prices for all kinds - work. promptly attended to.
'drawistg .gravel and cinders. 76 87;
J Kittlejjohn. cutting and burning rub- a of seed. - Lame and interfering"borees mhde
blob. 11 110; E E Perryman, fixin col- $12.00 To WINNIPEG send ae samples and get a specialty o!. and money re-
vert. 8 W. Ale: Thom, fixing culvert rias Half a cem Per ■■w ►weal. our prices before funded if work doers not
and drawing gravel, 50 50; M Ryan, So IRebein. limo a Gat ser ail. to Winaipes. ohm $1&4*.rave satiafracto
yde gravel. 8 00; Geo -Gates. 48 yds of Comfortable Trains. Through 8ertice. special aeeaataaoda- selling. P ry.
gravel, 480; Leonard Gates and others tion for women. Box r,nnches on spedai Trains. ..The. best of facilities
work. on Altona road, con 3.811di; T. — tar cleaning.
' Sanderson is Son. unloading ear of $ R•
�t cedar, 22 50: R Davidson and others, _
tinloadiog cement and drawing gravel, tspec,ai,Trains}—An= 12th. 7.00 p. m. and c0 p. s. J.H. DOOPNDI Y CO PANY
800; Bentley, $row„ drawing, gravel, Auttwt doth, tap. m. d
Audley road, 37 50; W Carlton and Yor Tickets and information, apply searest CA . Sys. '
�� gwti �fit_-
others. drawing gravel and fixing col- 4eat, ac 'write General PumE et Departutut. ,
verts, 178 80: R K Taun, and others, Toronto.
-grading etc., 28 55; •W E Redman, for
~vert oD e t 1, con 6. WhiWy to pay a -
half, 12 50; W ID Gordon �.9on, lum- t
ber etc.. 488 00• J Murdock. work on '
n 4:9 00; J D Remnier and others, Having 1 draw ag grave o , . --- - -_ - ---- g pu r ehased the garage business of Davidson & Williams the are
bet lots 14 and 15,8 7U: O 1lfiddleton �-3.
prepared to rep>; r a rna • ..
and others, work ocLcon 8, 75 15; L._
1 White. drawing gravel, Danbarton, 2 ttf a 1 _ y
24 00: W D Gordon dt Sun, lumber a; c, `• '* �*
_-lye k ep stock it k'nd9 of .Ford accessories, tires for all
1i82 91 T McCiii work on Fitzpat- . ' ,� _ T �' ► �`,�• '
s rick', bridge. 183 00; also on Audis _. a f oils etc.
A2 m ked o care, 't e
_ .. bridge. 281 00; drawing gravel, Aud- 1 ', ►; s � `i 3'.ff` ,3 r• • ` e A ,,,
leY I,rCdge, 4t 00: Ainoa Brigoall' and s a e . Annis & Andrew, - Picker
-pth�rs, wot: k on held go on cap 4, .210 20; y it.t s _ r ...r ;.
z �I 4...�
�" _• Jo* Mitchell, for repairing enlvert and -��'` �+ 4 �-�•�+
dragging, 12 00; Jos. Mitchell and oth-—
+ ere. for work on road, 80 00; S Ben- d
r sett, 70 yds gravel, 7 00. }• '' r,r �"'
The committee recommends that �\ / ;
` hereafter the pay for man and team .= r .. s'd .' - Cheques and money transfers reiresentlna pair sad.. .
ion township work be 00 cents per hour �an�
and for man 90 cents pet hour. t s.,�� 1. �., �' .� -
bey this ,Basi[ $4.$6 to Pound &erli>i�.
... :, I.- iS �.�
- A,esolution was passed givingau- -
fbority to the Department of High- !s [' �; l; • �• _ r. s r+ t -.wf will transfer money for aoldiers, free of Ch0>li to
gays to instal a'siding across the ata- = i'tL i �` i �.J M T . ' L F ally point in Cana& where the have a br8OCf1.
tion road at Pickering. I ,'
A bylaw was passed fi:ing the tax t r c -
Irate for the present pear as follows :{� `� ` - THE DOMtIy[lt�N 11WK
�1'ownebip rate. 5 mills; Pickering Vil- v :�J�°• +., f 4 t"t' ("
)age rate. 5 mills; Claremont Village,
8 1,10 wills; Special road tax. 2 4/10,,'WHITBY 'ERANCH : J. OOROON HALL, Manager.
m111r, Oeneral school rate, 8 2110 mills; a6
County rate. b 5/10 mills. r. �■
i -` Aby-law was also passed assessio■t»••■=eaeens=■■■»■■■>•nee>•a=fla:a/ea>.uuuatitlsatl
_ .the various school sections according' Ise Cream Sundaes, Sodas aB'd Bricks.
the requieitiona made by We >�. R MONNEY, 'PICKERING
eetive sebool boat da. e e yi
.I' c e ing Hardware'Store
This is fust the place to get an Oii Stove forthis. hot- weather, Aye
-haus the C1ark.Jewe1 and Florance'Oil Stoves.
Gua taw j`�
• __to give satisfaction or we return your money.
_ ,#tl.iuli
- - rrHE Hailer doesn't >wrowd the dinner off the We have a complete line of Screen Doors and Window Screi. Nies
Pandara-J.� -ret - -
- or w e of the top. t rom I8 to2 i6ches- ids; at lowest price. _�►anhioa
There is no guess-work baking either: The CII ,Jdaehines, either hand or power. to snake' washing
has a lass door which keeps ceps the baking in fti _resp d,rring -the extremely' hot weatheF:
view. The thermometer tells whether the ores
is hot enough or not.' The oven, as .you snot ban Hssr:raweis from 2,25 up_ Call in olid see them and yoei will bny. _
heard, is very evenly heated. -. _ - _ -
A full line of Garden Tools, Forks, Rakes. Hesse
by ... _ _
may remo or ,
_ The p_ dodos is the sort et range you have aI
—__ ways wasted: SeeiQ �
The old reliable Paroid Roofing• always on hand.. Get our priors.
..Sold D J. It is a leamrs to show ode g s.
=s y S. Balsdon: p
an .Th • ;
. ou�andG. OA ..
y_ _
F - -....
low is the --time to put n your
a Farm Laborers �:=�+V�n�
- v�intgr s supply.
f op �$PWC7 1 % tQ► We can; fill your orders promptly
` Miss, i2 at R,Aght PriceFl.
_ t "-3 u l�rr Tf!! East"-i tree MIS.
t� D.• L. & W. Coal, the beet
GOING oAT>ts 7Yao' siatloarr is Ontario wait a soaith'. d . (e1e i.es is a y rs osrtssl. ohm* t+
AUGUST 12 l,aro and Raydoolc-Ptliaboro' Line. _
a and iia s"�o°as' �uy,��o'p°pp°°b,�~..A' anthracite obtainable
&Uov9T sbtloas lstl�rny aa..nw to Tari Hdf asl sesMe b'go6ags es. lapbaia► `
= Av sna T 14 '°' Vol...n ..a w rimae at r aw rM� ..� -ne Campl'Iell Flour M& COy
eo oven ,ftwiib�i �19n.Nar. Ria�am �s.a, xJsbwi. i ' s< Via.
" UGUST 21Emma
lt� afaMw ltirnaM aal� lfoltao. Jysbyia _,
,1, �• mYs'�:��r '�,�_... _-r.���-�..�....�._..s..a_w::: - "M , _...."�.---...
"�W 3 1-1�-13.--Irl�ll'-,Tg��-.-'-�-e""I'�,.�*--7;llk��,��'7,11 4Kqt
...... ...... ......
A. J. and Mrs. Chandler, of -Sud-'
The Pickering
bliss Ina Mantle is •visiting, bury, are holidaying with the lat- ICE -CREAM
ter's ptiretits, J.- H. And Mrs. Beal. Viallance C nu
friends in Columbus. om ttee Ne'w PremlA7Ana., The famous Neilson make
Mrs. Welford is'visiting her sis-
-kept constantly on hand.
Mrs._ Worth of Bram_ topes__.
os. E. and- Mrs."-Stephensoll itevale Club of. lessen ate -ding and prosecute' --Wv-nr�v–be friii n UA-- Am- prepared to cater to
Verden parties or other
motored to the city on Monday.• M. Henflersoa�s premises sociii-, jka-ther1ngs.--------
Miss McGlashany. of Toronto, is
Visiting with the Misses Hamilton. United Farmers Members having propertystolen oommoal. Parlor in Telephone Con.
iwmet'k ly with any member '-where a large stock of new Aral office, opposite the
There will be service in the Eli P- Seeds have at -rived. iTs committee. bakery. 29-8
List church as usual on Sunday At the next meeting of the Club reso- 'fresh goods have
' bersu too lt-00-� I
next. lutiond will be passed on MemT- P. Shirk, Chirmolft
the following arrived.
Re Interswitching of Railways Becietery du application.
Jesse Banbury, of Aurora. call Tioists-may b, ,lad from ths President or;
;,...on Sunda TT!ni+Ar1 -F
ed upon a few Claremont friends iends Military Training in Schools 1 4% wl&& lam
Y- Impr-4-ng-eur-Scirootsy-s-rem. Exam Cain. -L.-D. Banks, . S. Palm -
Mrs. M1dV1Te-rbrY--oUElmvatF—,is Regulation of roodstuffs er, W. V Richardson, Pickering, tU-10OU VIA AUUZ IS
Visiting Joseph and Mrs. Readmau Standa't,dizwtion-of farm implementsor
...:,'for a few days.
Regulation of motor trucks on our
J R. Th L.Clark.'resident, Phone 2804'
Frank Chidlow drew to Toronto soft roads Bear
load of hogs for Levi Linton,
..-:;which netted him $620. NEW GARAGE
Of&. C C Sweet to Eat
-I etclxffrv-�—� al Lass"
M. and Mrs
The midersigned has opetie u W. DERUS H A
Perri, spent Sunday with Peter Farmers' Club meets in the
flasMargaret Macnab. OtInigcon his premi;:e.z�.-and
prepared to do all kinds'- a war veteran, with, 13 Pickeringlown Hall -on
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wagg, of is P . owl
of automobile repait1ng. experience in re.
Quaker�, Hill, paid a short visit Will 1�',In'dle all necessary I 'parts -
with J. H. and Mrs. Beal on Mua-
pair work on all males
of each month
for repai.rs..
day. -..of cars, has opened a
Miss Annie Spoffard and Miss Isftlsonventfor Qra3-Dart Cars. only during summer months.
-Hazel Mantle returned home on Call in" and see hitit Garage. at North Clare -
le buying. ell
Tuesday after spending two week@ befol Mont and is prep@.red. to Watch for next meetleg
.4a. Midlands take care . of your, tar A date.
Mrs, Palmer returned home on Thomas E. Stephensoii, us
Sunday after spending a week CLAREMONT, Ont. troubles. Satisfaction
,pow. with her sister, Mrs. Geo. T. Lee, guaranteed.' Haveyour In Union there is Strewth
of Stouff Ville.
car put right.
Misses Vets and Merle Stephen
son are, spending a week with
their grand -parents, 'John and M Claremont North Cla Grain Chopping
Ste healon, of Pickering. IT TO SAVE Garage ANIX FL kKING
A heavy rainfall occurred here AI
am prepared to do chopping and cob
'last Thursday which was heartily
'welcomed, as aU kinds of vegetat- Rvi�zy man, woman taking on Mondays and Fd -
Ion was be inning to suffer. and child can save. days baly, beginning
Then. and Mrs. Paterson and F. Everyoneshould
lave. Every on April Ist.
and Mrs. Farmer motored to Anro
4jurs"Oday-And--anent the d" ambitious person do" save. Some atone boats, W d binder'
The Savings Denartment Of tongues - �:zad!'
with Robt. L and . . Biro. Bryan. S -stia E adi
Mrs. John Paterson, of Toronto, thill!i :�jiilj Ellititi a Ant
xpanied . by her daught-t. awm*g-:-Ma L 0
s h W, lou to save. ���`����`
Thom., mind Mrs. Paterson. Ing y ep e every facUity for aid. �����'
Bella, is ding a week with her Manufactured by
We are pleased to see P. Macnab W. H. Jackson & Son, -rHiE
Jr. out again after his severe at. Of all materials and design
Brock Road. Pickering, Oat.. In stock. It will pay you
tack of typhoid fever. Wbile stili TANDARD BANK I as ourworks and inspect bur @6066 Bus meets all Trains
in —2
amittrtn and -t'4 worl ob"in pri,;es Don't be misled -
fag his strength. all its branches. Saw gumming- agents we da not employ R
nsequen IgL to hire day 0
Maglxfts Henderson, of Toronto ly as can, tad ,do throw off the honj n at rowiA-Vp-rkw.------
I and filing a specialty. PICKERING BRANCH
His We
was is town on. Tueiqday, conunlasion of 10 per can$., whiab you. wo
Circular Sivv.-, Saw* -artsinl t pain polio %&,ve by purchasing from u&*. Phone 1805-.- -z'
11 Q it U 111;
glad to know. that his_health has d R . ANCH ALSO AT WHrT
and Emery Mandrels.—
greatly Improved during the past MATHESON
J. .7
A good second, hand road wagd[2
raw months. Offiee and Works, Whitby, Ontario PROPRIETORS
for sale cheap.
While Mr. McCallum was en-
..... . ..
laged.en-tting. grain on Monday he
ad tbe, misfortunWto be throwii
from his binder and badly shaken
up. Rev, Mr. McLellan went to
'hl' assistance and operated the . . . . . .
Rev. A. McLellan returned home
on Friday last from his vacation
and occupied his pulpit in Erskine
'church on-Stinday. Here rte, a
Milt -,-a most eujoyable time and po feels
benefitted from his five
week rest
A number purpose accompany- 7�
fog the football team to Stouffrille
to rrow evening. when they
g)lay off the tie with Green Riter.
The game, which witt begin at f
promises to boa fast one as a $25
priie to atstake.
J. I f busi-
Fingold, whose pace ci
iness was destroyed on Sunday,7 r,
Aug. Srd, to opening up again to 4f
bis 1164precin a store to -day (Fri -
'400 day) Rhas received 4 large ecin-
m 0
eigarrid Ronde and is now busy . . ....
,placing how on the shelves.
The Women's Institute will hbld
their August meeting on the after-
noon of Wednesday, the 20th, at
the home of Mrs. David Gregg.
Alton& Tristitute ed Yet"
has. It
an invitation to be present. ALSF
.goW programme will be given by
visiting Institute- At the AIA 0A
conclusion of the Meeting lunch
will be served. All those who pni-
C Sweet
V7 1
PA � pose going will inset at Mrs. ateh
eriscites and take the, buss, leaving
at.4:7 M4
11,80. The westing will begin at
A-graudgarden party under the
auspices of the Claremont Metbo-
-16. ill be held on the
enurch lawn an nes MY 10VOL"Lusit
Aug. 19th. Tea will be served
from5,81 o'clock, alter which a
Neill be fve
by Austin ag as, en r finer of
'Toronto, who has had the honor of
singing before the king, the Misses
-Osborne, of Oakwood, who will
'give'vocal end instrumental selec-
tions, and Frank Stevens. cornet
soloist, of Uxbridge. The Uxbridge
•orcheAra will also give a number
•of selec-tions. Football will also
be played. Admigsion,-40and25c.
Don't forget the lecture in the
Baptist church this (Friday) even-
ing, when Lieut. Macklem, of Tor-
-onto, will speak on "The Wonders
of India and Egypt." As Lieut.
Macklern was three years with the
.Royal Air Force and sa%v service
in these two countries, lie- is well
-qualified to speak oil thi.; -Auliject,
-80 than;his address is stir)yf, 0 prove
-a most interesting one. He will
also skow a number of very Inter
eating relics from these countrfetq,
itneluding a number of war troph-
ies. A good musical programme
twill boRiven by Mrs. Rather Pal,
mer , soprano soloist and other
local talent The chair will be
taken at 8 o'clock. Adwiselon.,;'Pt
..nae tat• iphildron.46 cents. Evert,
be ow ev her first calm Oh. so car" It"
-Caune, b- MO. axiou ---who- t
she been that this calla
and com the most elusive appetite.
Now, she is mixing in
More finely vmukftd dian most suzam it dissolves la order that you may telt it; Immwer; 16
.."Dore quickly I ttially to wonderful
...you buy a pound of it, we am prepared to send
Betty Cellos it 67 crystalized sweetness. to try. We have already mailed
YOU sample
Sugar is sugar samples of Our
Er Fyron smv? Not a bit . of it.'
0 Inany envelopes containing stigar to
the ordinary There is our" and sugar. Cft the one hand there
kind --the kind,some grocers will send h*tnw inyour vicinity; but if you have beat
if you -aren't careful to speca—fY. On the other overlooked, we hope you will write us now, giving
there *'Dominion Crystal sugar that your name and address --and You
always uniform in quality. always pme, always receive a few ounces of Dominion Crystal
fine in granulation.
together with a few Recipes which
o you will like Them . i hare too"
Wet grocers cuTY this, brand—They win siab- reap"
~date all we say about its quality. sad found to be exceptionally good.
•, .cAC,: wJ ,j,:. ,n,. n". .• ,. y`Mr +urti'e�:.A'W:�Q-¢M ,] 4. � rM. ' �i�¢ ��� �'-
y dxy. sm' , rar :.. ,s *. �, tF -. '4sir �!` u "rvkar sNr' n , : .� .r + J.^lam
rrai,. 5m ,.�... .'!i • p. ,v... :....... � .,- .. :. "`'ry 4-.., .ff?'• ,�r, a ,Ii .�'r: ie=- �' ..;i �L• '.,s >-"'` r-
., a`- ..•-X> s .Ly-• q". x b. ':s= ,'e•.. .i. �aZ' 7•--. ,f.. x .•h '!i "-r
'i:r,4'o.,....- .' .��nl.- ., ..«r. _.:•:�.•, ,y'. r�,.,�, .-.. •..rr�'.. r. ^s ..+s.^• «+,.,^•:?."• I., r.'Y�+i'' ,Tr
�lPi J- a 9G« T. '9 .� G .. . dl^rr:9- '..M'. r ": J... .•rN•".eF"�. • -
e. ..,'. 3w: i. }.: s'+•...rz•�. 2i•:,F fn,Sy.. ! qa.�, .a..
h .. .: .... „•,. ....:�, •. r-. r 4"x .,Cl` r . r ;'Y. . .f ri-. 5.•. .
w:..,.-..a,r .-. 7. .. ., ,. -_'.� ..: '�..:�• _'', k ,.i'* a ..■. a .i! tom- �e- ?.
• .�, ..Y.r . - . .. -, —
1'',. r :
,.c .. ...
1 9a-
_ -.
- _r
Duke of Connaught, and of his Excel- "
K:,_ �' ' ' tT i�11T CANADA racy the Duke ot.Devonsh�re; &.over• �E Great West Permanent
r.. •,4,, nor General of C . , The Beat of . Loan Cola ; -
t • - '' ; $ the central -executive was � :
�11. --�•� .d, r :'•' - ' 2. WD FU ' fn -Montreal. - Toronto Office. W King ✓•t, Weal -
r,.•,.` :;y,. " At the beginning, food•and clothes 4yasUowefl on Savfass.-
r, - F % { were, above aIl_ other things, lacking Interest computed quarterly. .. ,
... DEVASTATED BELGIUM'S GRATI- in Belgium. The central committee of Withdrawable by Cheque.
6 a �' - -
t n'l1A �s TUDi= TO DbMINIOA Montreal decided to lorward to our 6%s� ori Delienttties,
_ ial''i�1 > ' ^"l _ _ country, through the niedlum of the Merest payable half yearly.
. ::.
"" "r"f - �- : ' commission for relief, the numerous Paid up C pital. $2,412,579. _ . _
Z" a gifts in food and clothes• that they
o Belgian Government Sends Com• S "
glishw•omen'e Rtork at the • Cana ' chicken gravy. Wash the rice in cold were receiving . at ` their large store , , ..
dLtitt Memorials _Exhibit. aster over and over again until the munlqua" Through Their Consul houses, and it was also' decided to 0 a tptal of three million and a halt dol
, _ '*.:'Three•Engiiahwomeh had the honor water runs• off clear. Then ads cold` at Ottawa Thanking Canadians ply e g s n can o e pu Iars, that is '-t�say,-"approzf>zt8t
r .of being commissioned b the Cana-! water enough , to stand lit the pan ,.For yid: , to Canada of Canadian products. seventeen million and". half francs
y i three times as high as the rice, and - . - • - When, at the end of two years and a' wifl be -obtained.
r r than Government to int canxasses salt. Gook fast unit pearl dr Then p y ppreciated.
Pa y y half; through scarcity In the means of - 'Dee I A
to be used as mural decorations for Ey command of the Governmen£ of transportation, the imports had fere•
1:1the great War Memorial Building remove the Iid•'and allow-to_dry- .6s ti the King of Belgium, Fxrthermore, the above mentioned
-back of the stove. Thus the aina ably to be limited, the commission for dittes do not` esem liY in' its com-
which is to bB erected at Ottawa, and writes the Belgian Consul at Ottawa, p y
relief itr Canada took the best course
.the three pictures which are the happy �' will stand out white and flaky. Add I wish, through the medium of the pleteneRs the tuaenitude of the gen-
r result of these commis=:ons has in no milk or butter or anything else, press, to !hank heartily the people of f possible .under the_ circumstances by' Erosity Canada, has shown us,'for one "
8 applying the Canadian public grants
conspicuous position'at the CanBdlan� this would only spoil it.' Canada, whose Brent charity has been Mast not forget that a great number
to ,the. Belgian charitablQ orgarliza
-War Memorials Exhibition which this The chicken should be cooked tend- a constt nt relief to the dire sorrows of persons together with a great num-
tions, and more particulariy to those
year forms an'interestin art of the, er, boned, and made into pies because of Belgium during the war. bet• of associations, have conveyed
'' X g p connected with the children's welfare.
Canadian National Bxhibition't To -i m this vEay .it will go farthest. And Euclosed herewith is a "communi- their funds to-Beiglan relief organiza
r, -t•-"' •Tonto. eve boo likes chicken Three Wilton and a Half Dollars.'
2y y pie. But it que" . addressed to the press of my. tions e.-tabliahed more particularly in
e' Each of these canvasses •depicts s � should be so managed- that there will l country by the "Comite National Beige Up to the 15th June, 391f the Cana Lnglur.d.
P - be lent of good .rich gra for the r than people's subscriptWhs collected - All of these figure's bear a character '-
t --typical scene in army life„ In which i plenty �' de Becours et d Alimentation. .You -
e . the figures are of heroic size, 'and potatoes and rice.. will notice that my -Government in• by the •relict fund for the Victims of tiehich is 'peculiarly significant when
* _. 'they are the very last pictures in • If the threshing is to be prolonged 61st upon the fact that Canada and the the w.ar in Belgium had reached thi it is- considered that Canaria. has not . -
the entire collection that one would to that supper hour, there must be press of your dear country are en• I
total of $2,827,191.' _ _ yet a popiilatioR of_ eight:.million in. -..-..—
f' _ _
imagine to have been painted by we- another hearty meal. But --by, this titled - to the deep and everlasting At the same date the gifts in goods habitants, and that such a splendid ex.
` zrien, for they aie all three distinctly time the housewife is very tired. Sol gratitude of the Beigiafi people for of all kinds were estimated at $1,495,_ ample of generosity has been giver
a "masculine." -both in the subjbet and in the forenoon, while theotherfoods the splendid, help'given•. us during the 042. It is here proper to state that all more particularly by individuals. • - . x ''
its treatment. . are cooking,. she should have a big past years, the railways' of .Canada have handled -in conclusion, let us say that the .
pan of beans boiling. These can be ' ' the whole of these goods free of fund has still on hand an available
The most striking of the three is Canada Ever 'Ready.
.� » I baked for supper and if well pr pared charge. sum of 85,000 dollar&. Said sum wilt
t� - •called The' Boxers, and was painted + .� . Amongst the countries which, during . .. • ~. + -
by Laura Knight, a ,very well known �' will be appetizing. the German occupation, htive� hialped .The gifts in goods . 'were mostly fortkiwith be reiit3tf6ft to Kr Albert
;artist in England, especially famous The following supper menu its aug- 'and rOUeved as in our distress, Canada wheat, barley, rice, canned meats and who will personally see that it is din
E ested and will not require a great i tributed amongst the principal relict
Wkr , : 'for her figure painting. Two Canadian I g q was one of the most ever -ready and other canned goods, potatoes, blankets - _. ,
)w soldiers stripped for combat stand out deal of work: Bread and butter, bak- most generous. It has been found I quilts, new and old clothes: organizations.'
' • ':aizainat a background of bright blue I ed pork and beans, roast •potatoes with ( there, in favor of Belgium, an outburst � Up to the 15th'Juue,-1917, the gifts •A Cink-Estabrfished.
f11 milk gray, cabbage salad with sour;1. I
sky and heavy white clouds, surround- 6 y, g of common assistance, and charity in cash had reached the sum of Sl,- Needless to further exemplify the
ed b their khaki -clad comrades. cream dressing, apple sauce,.cake, tea,!
�" y I which one could hardly Imagine had, 340,520, --and up to the 31st January. right bf the Canadiaq' public So the _
Mas. 'Knight is a woman in the early, coffee and milk. he not official and correct figures to 1913, $1,897,450 tial been collected:' Belgians' grat1hude. In expreasipg the
' If the men with the ma ins ataCriSince-the month' of September. 1914, sentiments which. indeed, w.e Leel so
Knight, is also .e well known artist.; t was the work achieved. u -- __ _ _- __ __�
Their studio Is in a charming, out-of�', host awkward of all the meaIa But, immediately, after Liege had surren- � leetion, in brief, totalized a sum of to thank oitr confreres of the Canadian
' the -way -village in Cornwall.. ' that is because it crowds; upon se dered;•'there was-founnded In Canada a, $8.241,105. IL one adds to this amount press. who not only were amongst the A
K If, as now seems Itrobable, the con -`?nay other early duties of the day. I4i commission of relief for the victims of the 284,3G5 dollarn.coriected•artd trans- phat<tnx o[.etaadsrd-bearer$'. heartily
I I -1- 'eerratiti a old Royal- Academy decides ! can be managed by simply espandiag the war in Belgium, as#d .commission 4 mltted by ou , general copsulate to symitathetic to our just' cause, but
at las t £o open iia sacred portals to the ttimiIp breakfast. .: _ being under the -moat distinguished ! differ -e. charityble brgait-izatiens KB mover +tt
women painters, Laura KnightA is ``+ atronage- of hie Royal Highness the I apart from the 'relief fund, more tharf echo th3-dlstresa o[ .:Belgium, . to. _ ..
:•: palated as the moat probable eandidatel Value oi'College Traittin;. sttmul ire t?re good -will of the Cana
- flan parents' are work,in .hard and _ dfan population, and thus to coutri
for, the honor of being the t3rat of Y F g
----lt>r-_sex=to affix the magic letters "8. ! denying themselves in order to send : -uta to the tilost effective way ,to the
"� ' .A."'to her name---their-children Eo college_ -__The seri- , ..' D ,, laying of an International fraternity
r. Than the Ocean
;� The "Ceokhonse" of the 156th Cana-; flees are worth while provided , the e -------- - -- ------______ always be nary dear to the
which shall 1
dfan, Infantry is the second picture. I girl or boy is willing to work out itis D r - - e g un • . .
Did you eve - bear of a "suboceanlc \4-hy should these rivers be. drown- ' e t ''
-. „! i *re is the work of bliss Anna l or her edueation. A college'educiition ' ,,,
„� - canyon • - ed? "What has happened to them? - — �- _ p
, _ Airy, another Fngli_% o*iin; w-tuse-" -
e u eon Well. you -see ft is like this: The ` .August.
`- beork ie very well known is her native tain better business positions, but it_N_.
11 :~land. . It shows the huge caldrons of enriches. and enlarges the life in every worn lay the flowing stream-fs con- whole east case ooAmer ca'
W „ I aiderably' deeper than. the offt§hore has spat a good deal to the coarse of Shorn oi' their wealth. the..harvest
chow !icing prepared for the soldiers way, if thibstudent has made tine most - fields _
his o ortunities. But areata part of tho AElatttic. I'�es• owing .to the enormous weight of -', :
-by -the white -capped chefs. and it i%'- PP P - I,.ie silent in the sun:
material brought down by t rivers - b'
,;� all in greys and white, With the excep-` should be sure their children watit an . Another such canyon is the channel -Weary, beneath -the languorou_•s haze. -
ticn of here and there the brilliant' education and not mere! a Rood time of the St, Lawrence, 'fret another is end deposited out in the ocean dfI'
y ThBir generous labor done,
yellow of the flame under the kettles. when they send them to college: If that of _the Congo. Both are' deeper share., But geologists aie- inclined to . -
think that the melting of glaciers has
Because. of the success of .this can- s solid groundwork of character and 'than the- ocean near their mouths: The dreamy river trails it9 length -
.vas, Miss Airy has recently been ap-I elementary knowledge has been given The Hudson -with the great bay into largely to do, with the phenomenon. Across the breadth of,gold:
• .pointed b the British M'::ister of j the child and the ehild is willing to which it Bows. is a "drowned river." Once u a u time a river separated. Slow -creeping, t111 it fled its way
y i Eiigland'from France. The rise of the By cedars grim and, old.
Munitions to paint 'series of pictures , work and btudy for an.education; theve That is to say, it I flooded -by an in- ocean drowned it; and' to day we,call - -
- showing the workers in the diiierentl-need be no fear of the effect +of.col- truding ocean. Thus bay and -lower it.the'British Channel. Anoth river Gone -are the.Iilies. but the leaves-
- '."branches of munitions making for the lege life on him. A . river compose whet would be called ran between England and Irelad; it Float sullen •on the ptream; i
. Imperial War Museum in London. � to Norselaad a flare: ,was likewise drowned. Above the shimmering undettiow
The third war canvas is by Claire+ - - HEAT PROOF VESSELS. The Delaware is another drowned The British Channel, by the way, le ,3Vhere•water-grasses gleam.' -
•Atwood._and is called "On Liiaire."� --- river. - Chesapeake Bay is another. a suboceanic canyon• its bottom'deep , - ' '
Ii shows tate inside- of a Y. M. C. A. Quarts is Replacing Platinum In Manu- Long Inland Sound is yet another. or than the ocean nearby, outside. The fleshing pickerel snaps the fly '
but at one of the great Londoni facture of These Utensils. _ _ .. _ Which careless skims the wave;
termini at the hour just before the Hitherto almost the only substance And circles widening to the i3horp
dawn. Here the_ Canadian soldiers possible to use for vessels in the la- 0% 4
: . The rooty margins leave. -.
have Torre' for l?reakfast and a ,cigar: boratory where high heat is employed N!"'r iE ' w 'Che turtle warming -on- the tbR
e.t! bcI 't takinir the train. Some has been platlnufn, which has become .. ;i u�„ Prolo gs his length, of days
1.:' a feu' days' Ieave before them enormously, expensive. But utensils N.i, ,fir %: y -, I Y� r LTnheedtut ot, the empty seat .
ar.i'some are on heir way back to of thin costly mQtal are now being re- r '`��` i _ The, PtKling cattail sways. -
Placed to a considerable etent with M' +,#'s `" ;n�� `' f I y
- the trenches. Aanadian soldier. in + G - _ •
. the uniform of 'the rc:ebrafed Black cheaper ones of quartz. it -is practic- .r `" $ rn :, Now_, $low_ before the.•lowering sun
r''':1Vatcti is seen in the €oreground qiv able to melt ar even to vaporize gold, ;a "• + """� - A lucid vapor spreads;. - '
_ .11
` ' _ ' ing--his serg,,ennt a- light from his copper or silver in a quartz receptacle; 1� ;, :, 4 7n Drifting in hazy coolness o'er 7.
cig'crette, _ so wonderfully, resi=stant to- high tem- t'''' ; > ,The mallow's -rosy dreads _ _
;:peratures- is this material. .-: N „' . f ' '` + v � `..`V
i.Y , r Nature holds close and tenderly
Cookin% for Threshers. 1 The :iitethod adopted for making . W" .. t • , � - _
A^_cording to the ; testimony. of th-e ` gaartz vessels is to melt'the raw ma• c , � � Her droA sy c1illdren dear; '
men them elves, some threshing day' terial in a graphite box in the electric *` +, , .1
. 4 � , I This is -her hour of full content- .
drnnars are to be remembered for furnace, at a temperature exceeding `lw-�� 5 �. 'yg� '' Her "resttime" of the year.
:their excellencies; nrxl others are to 2000 degrees Falltenheit, under &.Pres -1. t
be remembered for other reasons. But sure of L00 pounds to the square «- x. f ,y
Inch. . t ; � -� �g �� Girls �
if the energies of workingmen are to ,, ,,� ., t 3 BO
�e•_ 1:e i�t__at par, they must be well One peculiarity about these quartz t �, �� T -'t
. -- _h %L: a
.`_,. ae Rive a met5ni !cent ��, .-
stoired.' _ Workingmen alsprerraia-ca �rrtC ntiato raid water t ., y , '' C' . gol + locket With IonR; :•
_ r L
'plenty 'alai 8 Rood flacm. The good '' - . _L I nock chain also one •
_ -'flavor is attained bt cooking t9 the danger of breaking them. It is stated ; _ �. ` �. , � '":- y4•�. a&�- genti ;or
_ , ` bdaiiti tui nr► s ahso. m
t ,right degree and ,seasoning csrefully. by experts a a v: n ow o th s � �� - M 4T zs�-11" W._ �� : 'e. The will •
. Preparing the threshing ✓?inner is, kind of glass were inserted to a fire- � �' >< �^ � .. '' - , � n^L °Oft y'01� °ne `"�
r r # a lrrn ,r Sirrly send yol:r Pere
a heavy task for the bonnet' ifs and proof steel
etc fiercest Oahe latter _were -- r x ; any aadrees Tor z. o `
safe and t
mss,.- the safe c £ oar lcvely fast sell -
she should have plenty of- good help. e p _ } t ieuelry novelties
Presumably she is informed before- would suffer more than the window. f} �: '�� , to sell at Inc. each. • ___
,� i:.en sold send us ti.s
Lndviten to expect the threshers and : Recently artificial spiders' webs, '� `` ncney any"we will in -
sen mode from threads of spun Q ,s } madfhtel• send ou b'
to mal a her pre ]urinary pTe ,� 1 - ' 1
rtz. The aro wonderfu I fine, y._ �. return n+a:l,c�e prem -
.'Then she must decide on.her bill .of qua y y 1. ium you ealo°erre al -
I. fare. Here is one meant not to be with much the. !same appearance as ea gi.a wsx�e, Gm-
_ 7 ti :' aras,dolls,rifles etc.
ad and strands of real cobweb 'and actually ' ii'rite"Ago I�tod�«roes -
butter, chicken pie. mss -._ r cg
cottage. .cheese, new, beets, `fresh or + have been stroked with a straw pre• t"' f - - 4
: °canned fruit, fresh tomatoes, fried : viously dipped'in castor oil. The oil * : .4 �, `r Fri :y ,1. :! vry
...f W M1 \...: 1 S M .:'
'cakes, apple pie, tea, coffee sad milk. ;takes the place. of .the gluten in as :ria ' "E r, r � r ass, ,�:la�,u
The ' day befow the threshing all ;ordinary spider's web, giving to the °" A ; . �� c s
the baking except' the chicken pie counterfeit the 'requisite stickiness.. .4, ,L: ; 9 y r�,
"'neighborhood. Some need twenty men, as e o es n a ant.
. ;''''and others get along with fourteen or "Why," said the landlord of the Pink
fiftedn. I Pig, "I certainly am surprised at your
To accompany the chicken, rice may j cenorance a' mented 'em withy affairs! They
this here trench.
be cooked' cording to the Japanese n
+tifktirl od. to delicious seryl with i o
:..M.R.H. the Prince of Wales, In Civilian Attire.
I r-- +)w r..' �a� c
A ,'�
A }
kg, - _x.
�s' j
• ,
For Profit
iWr!lsfortiffe Bulletin '
Ontario Fe. - e e elrs . #
Lin aisd _ ' .,
L; Toronto
. should be got out of the way, plenty,, it has even been found possible to at-
: ``
Of white bread, half a dozen pies, a' tract a spider to such a web by a tun>
the latter, thus
n , -•
4 .. lot of fried cakes, a bi loaf or ell ing York vibrated near
g 7 y',
�a riw;
3 '1
1 •
+ef ..
• cake, orAwa-small ones. ' i suggesting the.buzz of a trapped fly..
r f -i
Y .;
On this day also the chickens should j -+---- •
killed, dressed, and cut up. Thus! . Explaining Mllitary Terms. -
, _�
Lhe flavor of the meat mill be improv I To ' Mudville-on-the-Soup_ war news
` �_
' - W and time and labor 6r the next + comes slowly. All th-e talk Is still of
, ^�•�
a .'
- `A day saved. Reckoning the proportion ' the great German retreat. The news
of chicken to the number of persons, ' of the armistice will not arrive till the
there should .be one good sized chicken week after next: Hence the follow-
r' i ' '
to each: •six persons. The, -number of ink:
� . fnen regtiSred to run a threshing ma- I "wow do you reckon them soldiers
'' kept the dugouts from in?"
" "
aehine varies with the conditions and cavin'
.1 _- ' k d the ld t i h bit
„r n,_,, ,ruin,,;,.,.,
"'neighborhood. Some need twenty men, as e o es n a ant.
. ;''''and others get along with fourteen or "Why," said the landlord of the Pink
fiftedn. I Pig, "I certainly am surprised at your
To accompany the chicken, rice may j cenorance a' mented 'em withy affairs! They
this here trench.
be cooked' cording to the Japanese n
+tifktirl od. to delicious seryl with i o
:..M.R.H. the Prince of Wales, In Civilian Attire.
I r-- +)w r..' �a� c
A ,'�
A }
kg, - _x.
�s' j
• ,
For Profit
iWr!lsfortiffe Bulletin '
Ontario Fe. - e e elrs . #
Lin aisd _ ' .,
L; Toronto
.,, ,. v;� ;,- < rr.•;.cse«...;rp, :r .r ...-..3 a ,mgr.- V:S .,•.. �.,n.,.F •.�i:.�vn.�„ .3„y,^.
,L?<T{t,+R�tf... .--''�e�l,..;wdx"z vp -'•� .,w, fit;. -W,: r ...,; a. .�-,•a c., .,, ,,,,�,-fi�n. -+ -°i '.<. '�.;•:, �, '$:?Y, ,,, R. <r.�:�c .' ;i'c-'•ice :-� .. ,.4y�- =' .x^"�rr-.r+ '"e"� a�+."[+ +�":*s�> .�-'s ;t �. ."mow- .`+"eJ?.'' .
r ,.c a�'Ss - ,.. 7,-„a• �, c.:,..� :3s;u a• :. y -.e', a u �`H-,.. ' s� •� �T4 - ..., .y'�" s...a.:.a.-•+4" *7 ;'.cvax .w.t-�r ows.;,,.�euaF ys*.. .a ,.-c �r :.i..u. .cn .a �., iso .''�
...,.�..':. ... R".. W.' ..SN . . .n - ,/ry. •...'.`. • .K ..1.. F� 'JJ' ,}vm :el.. .,;,,e 'T �el .'
F S...'A. r. .. - m- as.:.. .'>.'-%F+ .., ,.... 1:.. a.w } .. r. r .:a ..,,.. •. . :Mh�i • 4' .�.' .A, - >•P'J°-rv+.� r .%
�.. .s Fri �'p�-+i;p,•('„�'. ry �. a . x r'� :.r- -x.': s+ -F' .a• -14 .''+r1 ,1 r' y.'. -�, d,7x,,- rte" ' !,_
• - - • - .. _ - .. ..t
.` _ _._.— --. _ ----. _—_ — --__ _---- - - '�'--�. —7 _ �•.._. - - _ ---- _, _ .�,..,. ,t ',
. st _
__ _ ..__
vu CAUSE ' OF SICKNESS - ><ot...>G>,.. �.
' '_ _ ••ter-• . ,�- 1 oaCd swltscuntv en `PaTtaiDTe o Rt Co tJLlmW1t� s
__ .. __
Y� BITS- o
, s r • $ A es' de 8t- Toronto. o. 11
., Almost, Always Due to Weak, F�R
,�, �>cI.L RQQIPP]ZD 1V1CW15PAPMR' ;�p- ,
I>atp0`rt'!'ji3W Mao 1.x � ,� � y� and fob DrintlnR plant in Ess �.
Apart from accident or illness due ., ';% �up r_�t vatasto- Inanrsac• catrid 111.tio1. --
FW AE {� 111 o for ii.lo9 on valet sal•. ib: B!. r* .,,Y,'.
. to infection, almost ail ill -health arises : o i �ttsov nnntt=htaR Co... Ltd .. Toroota 4"A
` '• 'from one -or two• reAsons. -The great
.. ain't
_ mistake that He DI !Oy>Fa's= Wi>KT>QD
people make is in not'
• realizing that, both -of -these have -the Part of the Peace celebrations at I �� 1iAT HAVH 'YOU 1'uR BAL, Iii
g Liv Poultry. Fancy Hem P! Boas.
* .same cause at the root of them, name• s Little Muchcombe was a shooting•._ Eo fag, •tc.J Wr • L Weinrauch & Baa,
4 - can aptists Markt. Maas-
ly poor and improper blood. Either1. f _ match. for lade under seventeen . Al• 1 et
" bloodlessness -or -some trouble ,of the f .. s � though the judge clad• his doubts about real' Qu`
.. •merges will -be found to be --the reason a1. some of the competitors, he held his sow* t3tTlLi'INAXI r
for almost every ailment. If you arer. .� - peace. HIT uR OTR FREE BOOK OP
r _ pale, suffer from headaches, or bsea l : ` {% The prize flnaliy lay�t n wo Cuss Pians, and iatornsation tail•
lessnese; with palpitation of the hsart, marksmen, � anal the excitement be- inx now. to save from Two to Four_Hnn-
k p pit died Dollars on our new Home, AII• r
Y .door appetite and weak digestion, the *' came intense. cress Halliday pomaany. !s Jacluos
"cause is almost always bloodlessness. = 1. A gmall •boy. of ten or so, who had w' tan. Ont.
crowded close up io the barrier, end• . , m1l�0=16,6 10o17s.
. Aa
if you have nervous headaches, near• �'
algia, sciatica and other nerve paina,� j denlq called out to one of the com- CAxCE TUDdORB i.UMPB, L►TltQe +s
nerves. uBut ran down nerves ai-eqe Is run down, ualso A FORESTRY WATCHHOUSE. - --... D�{tom d. shot, dad+ few more of out pain
of Dion iste•,� r. Bel man s[•a1o� r
a result,of poor blood, so that the two those, and you'll get the prize!" �o., ifaited. Collins..". Oat
Dominion forestry, lookout -cabin on Green Mountain, Kamloops, B.C. . . a:
chief causes -of illness are one and• the p
Same• from which constant watch 1a kept for forest fires and much damage there Blinks at the Blimp A Reuter telegram •'front Kingeton `r
by prevented.- - - . Jamaica) states that •statistics fur-
Thia accounts for the' Brest titiIn ' - - Augustus Tolliver, the Yankee soap _,-.�,,, WQ
of people, once in indifferent health, nished b fruit com ni
king, strode wrathfully out of his state- y pa es show t1s#t
le nervous and dyspeptic, who have room aboard the blimp and seized the an extraordinary crop of bananas in
.Da HELPING -NATURE. .. town, near Artane, Co., Dublin, com= e>tpected. It is believed the crop will
. been made well and hearty by Dr. r arm of the porter. s
_..menetng:. :. _ .._ , amount to 10,000,000 stems this. year, t
'W111Iame Pink Pills; `tot no ,other Oeeaplonalt Dame• Nature Takes Re- "You're welcome to Puckstown "Idiot." he roared, "why didt�I. you
,medicine ever discovered'is so Yalu-' ' y 4 w3iich-i$ four tiiaea as much ori Iasi.
able for increasing the supply of rich
Ven a For Man's Interference. Robin Adair." __ f;ive the .a call ;this morning. I told , _
. - - you I had to be in London for a direr- year.
Robin, in spite of hie convivat
_ red blood and giving strength to worn As a rule, Nature can and does take - tors' meeting at 9 a.m. sharp,. and' ,
out nerves. Mea and women alike• hahite, lived to a green old age-, and
yy- good care of herself, but she . can , be ultimately died in D$3tin in 1737.. Ia .London to Lord knows how many 1
- _ greatly benefit from a course of the helped, as miles fn eur rear." , Montreal, May 89th, '119.
agriculture shows. addition to bis --harp', two of his wine "3,
Splendid blood builder and nerve tonic. Left to themselves, the thodsaade 'All pounded on yo' door, boss, but Milla�rd's Liniment Co., Limited.
_ If your. dealer. •does- not keep these of varieties of glasses, which held a gif8rt of viae .
ills you can' get them by mail at 60 -pigeon, will all go back ,each, are still preserved yon refuses to araken;' replied the Dor- Yarmouth. N.S.
Pull to the common blue kind, all apples to j ter. Gentlemen,—i' beg to let you know «,
_ .-ceats_a box or six boxes. for312.50 from the crab, a21 Mums to the aloe, sad so The !soap !ting palled°out `s watch. that I have used MlNARD'B LINI-
, The Dr. Williams' Medicing5Co., Brock- on. She can also helpedto good ' "Eleven-thIrty," he grunted disgust- MENT for some time, and I Sad it the _;�
villa, Oat. effect by Importation.. The apple to KEEP CHILREM WELL edly, "Where are we now!" best I have ever used fOr the ,joints .I
a sire /ip "Jest passed ver 9t. fouls bass; end "muscles.
ager in Tasmania, yet there it [j p% {� q jj p 4 _ %
flourishes best; the fuchsia is a XII10-1 T rl EI 1 HER we'll be back In N'Yawk- at 12.05." Yours very truly, . '
COMMON' HERBS lt+l MEDICINES. "Ob, well," said Tolliver, "I can at• - . THOMAS J. HO(iAN.
._ . . . stranger -in •the British Isles, yet In •
14taaiclsnd they soaks hedges of ft, But Every mother knows how fatal tlis
tend that 12.30 meeting of the soap The ' Champion Clog and Pedestal
Olsouleed Undir Latin `Names' Tbey these' things need to be done with care. hot summer months are to lima!! child- powder people and catch, tine- 1.30 Dancer of Canada. N
Work Many Cures. Occasionally ' Nature hits back hard, res. Cholera Infaatum, diarrhoea, b
limp !or London." .
_... ___ .. . _ ,_ -- .
- ..
�fisay of the secreta hiddeli , undsr is in the case of the rabbit plague In dysentry, colic and stomach troubles "� -
the thatch of the wattle asd.dsuD Cot- Australia, which has cost the Island are rife at this time and often a pre- . Gems of Knowledge. Australian sheep -breeders, !who at
teaem can be found in the pharmaco Continent millions just to keep 1t In cious little life. is lost after only a few A nature•etudy and biology teacher nae time would shoot a stray .dog on
pefa of either the allopathist •.or the limits; or, as In the., cos@ of the ppar- hours_ illness. , The mother who keeps somewhere ]n America •.scads the tot- sight, are now scouring the country ,
tow fn'Amerlea, which has ousted• by Baby's Own Tablets in the house feels lowing casket of jewels culled from for any kind of an ani -ad that is able
homeopatlifat, observes , the . Londgn 6 ;
.Daily Express. Its pulrnacitr, many birds' far more safe. The occasional use of the Tsb= her pupils regarding their observa• -to hunt down �rabbita. a
destrable. 'late prevents stomach and b1. . ` 4
Willow tea !s but a crude form of p opvel tfoas and conclusions In the domain _.-.
But perhaps the funniest case of this troubles, or, ii trouble comes suddenly of nature:, . MtONEY ORISERS. _
the salycftates which have long been - . ,
recognised se the orthodox .11
'anLf-uric tiInd occurred in Bermuda, The island —as it generally does—the Tablets "Organic matter is when, you have Remit by Dominion Express Monsji . _ _:,: ,;
-- ' acid and Kati-pyretic"remedies.- -- was free from reptiles of all kinds, but will bring the- baby- safely through. .something the matter. with your or• Order.' If dost or stolen you get your - I
Common mallow. called "pick• Its Insects were, and still are, many They are sold 4y medicine dealers or mss." mosey back .
- cheeses" it children, provides ataste- 1�sidua and
champion ha� Insect -destroyer,
thkind-r WIlt m t .Me25 di Ise ts box Co.t rockviile, sgattered are wind, water, explosion, _ . lace __ leas. mucilaglnona ligttid..---wlslch is pt To give a slight stiffness to line lace
• • - worked arta various shapes and givenye _ _ . torn up, taken out. and'thrown away. _ dnse• in milk and iron while damp,, _ i
for coughs. The leaves of the colt's Introduced toads on his estate. a - "The peculiars of an insect are some ",
-' .foot, horehound and.balm are all used The climate -suited Mister To g senses, o ere eatroy
Wr coughs— sad a, an a speedily spread The crown q! Hungary,. which fs food, suck the blood, spell the tfiowecs, �� TABLETS IV s'.,;
- chest affections, _ ' - _ everywhere, nQtil he became anise- said to have been offered to Prince ley eggs and ]till babies." • ..
Foxglove cordial Is given to old ileo- sure and plague like unto a plague of Alezander of Serbia, was once within The grasshopper, wtiea he walks, 6e'
� :`ple eaftering from palpitation of the Egypt- Then .the islanders bethought an ace of going to England. -- - - either jumps err hops." - - �T =
PIM --
-heart, and does as much good as themselves of the importer, and pre- .IV 11149; wben Kodauth struck a "The jaws of a grasshopper move - ,
,when It is -;.called "tine. digitalis:' • - sented him with a testimonial for his blow for liberty, he caused the ancient east -and weat." . • -' ••
Camomile and dandelion broths or meal, in the form of a pie. When open- crown of Hungary, to lie given into his. " A• larva an unfinished animal.^ ONLY TABLETS MARKED WITH
1.team are sold as tonics by the wise ed, this "dainty dish" was not full of custody, and, when compelled to flee, "The flower is to show what a plant "BAYER CROSS" ARE ASPERIN. - • ` a `
. women who t_woul�t be at a loss to say blackbirds, but chock full of toads!. • tried lo -carry It wfth.hini. His torten- cad.do." -' .. . _ _ • •: , . _ . _
what was meant by Aathemla nobills , tion was to take it to London, but -a
-er Taraxacum. -when in danger of capture' he buried �!g's saatment C - nistemwsr. ,If.You. Don't See the "Bayer Cross" ee
- Beautiful �comtrew l$- used, both it near Oreova the Tablets. You Aro Not Getting \
. plant and root, as a poultice for calf There It remained u_Dtfl _1854, schen For the commemoration of Peace
A Dublin -Nine Merchant of Scottish - the Oxford Ithiversity Press have is j►sPeTl*i—Onty Aeld Erraltatloell
• .,cerow'snd other growths, and a broth he made an attempt to have it un- ...-I
is •made 'irdin it for kidney 'Ilffectionq. - Ancestry earthed and sent to him. Uufortun• , sued several handsome new editions of ^ - ' _
r • the Bible. ' These include a pulpit
,This has obtaiaed.of8cial a ate! the 'secret leaked mit, an t1i
recon e e f mons old b d e
flies i th oro • Ro in _ _
- ltandtr the name of Symphitum otacin. Adair," which we have sung from Austrian government was beforehand volume, a family Bible, and several _ .. -
• _ ale. childhood, Scotch or-Iribli? Scottloh, in excavation. - other smaller styles. The Press have . 0��(�+„(� 1.- t'
The '"cure' for measles Is saffron undoubtedly, will be the general reply, also . issued commemoration Testa- - x _ r``
tea. Thte is prepared by pouring boil- Yet authentic 'history seems to point tataard's: zdntmeas Oars Colds. >Cta menta and Prayer Booker - T _ _ . ,
Ing-_wate'r om the dried stigmas of the otherwise. The "Beef Eaten." tai
• purpla autumn crocus. An Infusion of Hanging in the great hallway 'of the • '
flaxseed cleanses and heals wounds. present mansion of Sir Robert Rd: The warders, known as "beef -eaters,'
Self heal has cured quinsy.; sage has . sea, at Hollybrook; Kilbride Co., Wick. 'probably because they once wars fed
many valuable qualities. low, where Robin Lived, played, and on rations of meat, Corm one of the
• sang verses, Is his harp, while, attach- curiosities of the Tower of=London-tor
- _ = ed to. a small building nearby, is a visitors. They wear Tudor costumes,
- Late Hours -For Children Retard Da brass plate bearing the inscription' and, like -the Swiss bodyguard of the
velopment. Here Robin sat and Bang, and -quaffed Pope, they, keep . their ancient cos-
t Ines �indisturbed b cu is f
Genuine )"Bayer Tablets of Aspertn" t-
are now made in Canada by a Canso • "' �
dian- Company—No German -interest - '
1.whatever, all rights being purchased -
from the United Sta#es. Government. - _:,,r
During the war, acid imitations were
sold as Aspirin ivrpill boxes and va=I• y 'I
ous other containers. The "Bayer ...',�
..11 , . . _ . _ __ _ rr'en
One wonders what on earth the
.the baswl.
Degenerate days., how fallen the
u ,. y o,
modern fashion.
Let folks step an your feet hereafter; g - -
small children who are practically al-
-ancient line!
Just before midnight the head war- for.coras
wear shoes a size smaller i! you like, that you are gettin6 ge nine psperin,
will never again send slectrfe proved safe by millions for Headache,
- • -lowed , to stay up half the night will
How -science bids ascending waters
dor and the porter,_ carrying a bunch
sparks of pa through pori, aecordiag Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatism; um. ' r ' '"
be like when they grow up. The u p•
roll , _ _ __ . . _
of huge keys, go to the guard room
to this Cinchinati authority. m
bago, Neuritic ,and for Pain generally.,
to date child stands no nonsense from
And gush, where once
summon the escort of the keyb,
He says that a few drops of a ,drug Hedy tin boxes of i$ tabieta—alio
his parents, and goes to bed when he
Bowed genial. -wine. _
made up Qf "beef eaters," and -then
called Lreesone, applied directly upon r ,
aimed "Ba erg packages can be :. ,.
larg y p
• _ :.11kee. The_ fact that irleRdO _are ex-
Robin accordin to
_ a _ _ B the latest re-
proceed oeri moniously . to lock the
a tender, aching corn, instantly re• t r - .. .
at d s o es.
the had rug
petted seems to be a special reason
searches, was a aucceesful wine mer-
groat outer gate. The password is
lieves eorenees, and Boon eatiie ;,
corn, root and all, lifts right out. Alperin is the trade mart, register• _ ?-
why he must be present to entertain
chant in Dublin, with, however; Scot,'
given formallp fo bentries as the pro-
aro .
them. A brain spet'ialiat who' --U d -
•-fin-g--al-the --ho— of a friend recently (
e e
confusion. He it was wha.built Holly-
n cone us on the
detail salutes the keys as the porter
pound, but dries at once and. simply of Monoacetic-acidester of Salicylto-
shrivels up the corn without inflaming acid, -
_said tQhis hostess: "Those -children's
brook, where he entertained lavishly,
cries, "God preserve the King." Every
or even. irritating the surrounding - .:
-- --a; gins will never develop �ualess -you
mend them to bed at a proper hour.
Agd, worse still, your girls will
which goes back to the year 1730, be. I
Ing written to commemorate a visit he
el ing �
queen sends the password of•the'tower
to 'the• constable, signed and^ sealed,
-- ---- -
It is claimed that a quarter of an �„ ,
ounce of freszone obtained at any drug MONIH OLD BABY
orchard white at any drug store and
store will oast very little but to sum.
lose their looks:'. . _- . .
paid to.some sporting it%nda at Flicks-
and the mayor of London is the only
cleat to remove -every hard or soft corn :
they outside arson su sed to kn
j -.
hicles Into Trinidad -has averaged
I D DPo ow
It. This custom is a relic , f the time
a ower w m -
when t as -pr-i arilg -a=fort•
or callus from one's feet. Cut.this-out
especially If you are a woman reader,
who we8rs high basis
flAU � �� THURE
The juice of two fresh lemons
- �
increase, as not only are stocks of new
ounces of orchard white makes- a
- . -- 7-.--- -
whole quarter pint of the most re•
ow cross and fretful she could
'ing rapidly. Estate owners to Trinf-
markable 18mon akin beautlfler at
)M'•. . • I. . . - • - . .• - . _ . - ._ F
is . . _:- ' _ —• —99 _ –
= ...
.. ..
- =Motor Traffic In rrh+tdad: - -
— =---
On FSce'af{d Hands, Itched an
urns tis ra H
small jar of the ordinary cold creams.
Care should be taken to strain the
0 , - - --�� a , or a art four 11 ea Sr
r. '4 .
.. _ .. --builder' of brain
I 1..1c id brawn.I�'lI�ty I
.. - .... �. � fo �od. also for WO. _-1
. - men anal d -W* &en. -
.. I-
. . '6- �- e.Is'
- ♦. . _ .r S -,
.-*,,F- .
1. � . , .
... - . !blade of wheat and barley. . i
. -,% r. , _. x• . _, _ _ .... ,
years, the Importation of motor -ve- How to make a crefmy beauty lotion
"I1v baby we only -a month old , .
hicles Into Trinidad -has averaged
for a few cents.
per annum, and this rate is likely to
The juice of two fresh lemons
increase, as not only are stocks of new
strained into a -bottle containing three
practically non-existent in the
ounces of orchard white makes- a
country, but their popularity is grow•
whole quarter pint of the most re•
ow cross and fretful she could
'ing rapidly. Estate owners to Trinf-
markable 18mon akin beautlfler at
. •
dad, are beginning to realize the ad-
about the cost one must pay for a
and Ointment, and I used three cakes
va ages of motor ,transport for Boa-
small jar of the ordinary cold creams.
Care should be taken to strain the
veying their produce to the railway or
lemon juice, through a fine cloth so no
Ontario, May 7,1914.
coast, and are eager to obtain com-
lemon pulp gets • in, then this lotion
mercial trucks for this purpose. At
will keep fresh, for months, 117very
-. -
present about 600 miles of roads suit•
woman know .a that lemon juice is
able for motor traftle exist in Trinidad,
used- to bleach and remove such
slid 'lately there has -been a - pro--
blemishes as freckles, sallowness and
nounced movement towards the fm- 'tan
and tli8 ideal skin'" softens'?,
whitener and beautifier.
provement of highways.
Just try Ill Get three ounces of
orchard white at any drug store and
Roller skates:.were used In France
two lemons'froin the grocer and make
as long ago as. 1819. The first Eng-
up a quarter pint of this sweetly frig -
rani lemon lat}on massage it
lith skate had five narrow wheels in
tato the lane, nook, arms and
- .
a single row•
"I1v baby we only -a month old , .
whsa her face and hands startled to
get red and scaly. - The
eesema started in the form
' Itched-
and burned. She was so
ow cross and fretful she could
sot sleep,
"'This lasted
months wben I tried Cuticura Soap
. '
i ;; ,,
and Ointment, and I used three cakes
. of Soap with two boxes of Ointment
when she was he"." (signed)
Mrs. Oscar Pilldn, Amherst ,
Ontario, May 7,1914.
Cutieura Soap, Ointment and Tal-
cunt are all you need for air toilet
' s',
uses. Bathe with Soap soothe with
Ointment, dust with Talcum.,,-,,
per :4-109
r4-10 .m_a_t tea 0
ED. 7. . ... I$8UE 88---71 '-
. . _ _. .0...,...
.. ':;IA
... 7.. .-,. ;..., -: - �..,„y. s.. _. '! i,. - ., -.. - ,t �� . J• .e...-: iro r-.?er .writ 7t-+- ”-'d!'k
>J' w e•• a: •..v"�°:.a•'�. .. ..A. ,.,.,.. .- n. ; :.' ,.e. ..; . . .�.......(: r,ps. ill •,'c.�'�.. ,p .c::..: ._.. .....+t ., ?r�r?P�'.At . -.r., ••- j:r..' .;:. .-F . •s•- w'.'�'- ti'r_ :ie'er'!': g',,,A• .`�A:-3'�.�.,' »4.,.•' . �, x, �,s.. " 5,'�.
st' •C
Sets � 4
• -c
..:'...,.• •nuts. .• _. :. ... .:_ ...:�_ .. . n ,:.. ...;r�••'•;'{,,- *r'.
•iYc �
r ' Mi>is' Clgri
of "8 Tin villa to New Adverttimments. -
a 4 LOCALISMS. visiting Miss. Ina Marsh. g .a, OhCioo Gtoc3 c or7.
—L. A. Findlay, of Toronto; vis V ED (food �� .. - - . -.
j AT A. T — timotby, of f
-Gordon Law is re painting his iced his Filother here on,5aturdsy. H ;zed. Apply at "News'" Office. ;• M,� ea�'y_$. F�ous Enol mi ' re
refbidence, _ =T bI. McFadden left on Wed- ti
E �► cow. leave inoof•Georgetown, was erDum%h ]IId��fag.ar aw
ami n.Sandy.X11 spend couple ofe before Finpl aaec . Tuft A=l"j.40GL {'
—James Rose has been spending returning.
_ PIANO FOR SALE ---Mason &Rise
.a few days in the city this week: —The sunrise•' garden-•pa•ity oft P b YOU III I1aed some for preserving our, season's fruit. Preserving
upngght, in good condition, splendid tone, p g y
—Mrs. Oliver Crummer has gone St: --Georges church, Pickering, end good action. Apply at News office, Picker.
to the north-weet- to' visit her will •be- held on the evening -of Ing. 97•so listless flora 1.50 up. Sauce Pans from 83c up.
brother. Tuesday; August the 19th. an the r-ODERNMENT, Municipal and Have you noticed our -new prices on Berger's; Paris Green and krse. -
_ —D. and Mrs, Pettit add son, of spacious lawn of Rirhview la arm, Vr Corporation Bonds For Sale --w, D. Dyke., -nate of Lead: • See•them 'arsd -bu at once., r
Brantford,`are visiting Mrs. and the home of F. H, and Mrs. Rich- Bona Broker, Whitby, 011e., Bell Phone;.lea.-- Also; a fallstock.of Harvest tools..40
Miss Fawkes. g .. _ ardso.tx. At 3.12...m..a . football Ind. Phone 70. 40tf
—Wm. McGuire , played, p, y y please you to look over our stock.*
i store, valued as a kee ken Please leave at the t u
and son, Dan. match will be a ed which will I OST—Aug. 0th, a pearl sunburst 7 Viii a o and also lea
left Tuesday ori the excursion to add to the interest of the gather Jbetween Mrs. Mut 's•gateand Richard r
e north -weft. Ing. Tho Hon. Sir Adam Beck, News office or return to Mrs. Match_ - 47 i H H - $UND ' = PICKEERIN�.i
=bliss Isabel Forbes, of Toronto, the chairman of the Hydro•Elee- -- - —"' — • • It
is spending her holidays with Miss tric Commission, has promised to - OST—Small brown grip, contain-
Pe y. Ling personal effects on the Kingston road,
Laura Andrew, be present to give an address. Iii between Pickering and Oshawa., Monday might.
—Dr. Henry will be kers as usual' ,View of the development of the Aug. 4th. Notify box 828, Oshawa. 47-48 -
next Tudaday to attend to his pro hydro -radial system east of To- WANTED TO itiENT—For term cif • -
e Jessional duties.' Tonto, this address is sure t0 prove years, this fall -or sp.i g,'a 8fla«e 'farm.
.—Miss Lizzie Morrissey,of Mont. a most interestingone. A most Must be good land and bParticul would cos. �_ = —storle
in visitingher brother, N. J. interesting aider looacfe., if good. Partictilars to E. A. P..
g program will be given ,News office, Pickering. 47-60
and Mrs. Morrissey and family. by John A. Kell the famous -- — -
! y 3' y,' � OOD HOME WANTED—For.. s
•--Mrs. F. H. Doyle, of Toronto, comedian, of Toronto, and the (7rfi„e baby boy, e months old fair complerc-
it spending a` few da s with her Whitby Orchestra will play dur ed: blue eyes, sial in.excellent health. Thi. chitd '
�..-- for adoption. Photo mph sent oa uest. Ap-
parente, Geo. M. and Mrs. Palmer. ins the afternoon and evening• ply. to H. W. Elliott. Ag, of the ch" wren. Ata
--0.. W. and Mrs. Liddle and There will. be a refreshment booth Society, box a2r. Oshawa. 47-48 - -
r Master Jack have returned home. on the grounds from which ice- ARM FOR SALE—Con ting' of
x , after visiting friends, in Fort cream and othor refreshments 112 antes, being part of lot 17, con, S. and Spotted,, Shantung silk for Iskirts. and, dresses;, natural 'color;
Credit: may be secured, Admission 35, part of lot Is, con. 7, Pickering. a mile and a half
Fart Claremont. Good brick house. bank barn, with spots OI rose, brown navy or Alice
—The Standard Bank has taken a®ate, children 20 cents. and cement silo, well watered and fenced. For - possession of. their new premises,- —Tile new bank building.is now further ticulars apply to Fred C. Pugh., R. R blue, per yard .1.59. -
pparar r i '
> No: 2, Claremorit 97-50 r r _
.& few doors east of their former completed an-& the ' occupants . .
office. moved therein• this week. TheIft Navy blue Shantung Silk, fine quality, yard wide, serviceable.' ' ,
—A representativeof the Christ- Standard Bank officials are to be ,for"�surnrlier wear, per..yard 1:50.''
Sen McYA's.Federation will occupp complimented off erecting such a
"the put it in St. Andrew's church fine structure. which is much ap. Natular color Shantun , .so much in demand, for'cool..
QE-ALED TENDERS addressed to
on Sun ay neat. preciated by the people of Picker- , the undersigned. and endorsed •Tender (]r 1 r _
esses, price per ya d, 1.25.
—Wanted—A self -rake reaper, ilig. It is a solid brick building, foe Examining warehouse, Oshawa, Ont.".
'. : • „
fi'bolit 5 -ft. cut and in oiOd state with a covering of stucco. The w,il be received until 12 O'CLOCK NOON,
g g FRIDAY. AUGUST. 22, lelsi, for the 13lkck pailette dress silk, yard wide, per yard 2.?5.
r of're fair. AV. H. Westney, R. R. front Is most attractive in appear. construction o, an • examining warehouse
No. , Pickering.* ance and the workmanship iq of at as and Ont.
p Plana and specifiestion can be seen and ,
—F. W. Weeks bras had bis mill the highest -order: The heatity,: terms of tender obtained at the offices of °•v O = � � � -
a the Chief Architect. Department of Public -
_ -. closed'' for the past ,two weeks, however, is not confined to the wjrksi Ottawa. the Superintendent of
�~ during which he has made ex- outside, as the interior, in beauty. Dominion., 'su;ldings: Postal station - F Nay- � blue Voile 1. ard'wide per and ��iJC
fi Toronto, and the Caretaker of the Public y + .� + h y s
tenaive itnprovem�enta.' is not surpassed by many city Building at Oshawa. nae. iA �� _ r , _
—Mr. and Mrs. Van Skiver left banks. The fittings are of the Tenders will not be considered unless Black• ti oils : '7�e
4 made . on the forms supplied b�I the is _. is s .
--� on Wednesday, for the Bay of best quarter -cat oak. The floor is Department- and in accordance with the are white --'
P 5�c
iQ,ninte, here -they will spend a, of hardwood, while that behind coaditaon-s 'set forth therein.. Flowered re andblue " e
couple of weeks camping. the desks is covered with cork- F,acb t°ager must be . accompanied by
g Y
F P g• an accepted cheque on a chartered batik
—Mrs. W. D. Rogers and dau- matting. The work on the walls payar�ta to the order of the Minister of These make serviceable and pretty dresses.
t abbe Works• equ'+l to to p� e. of the C Y
=' hter, Miss Helen, of Whitevale, sad' ceiling is - Most attractive. amount- of the .tender, war Loan . Bonds
• leave been spending a. few days From the beginning to the end the of the Dominion. will also be accepted a. "
y seeunty,:. -or '-war bands or cheques if ADSL 3 H0�2F�RY
with their relatives in Pickering, work is of a moat substautial required to make up. -an cad ar.onAe.
--The -Toronto-Ezhibttlon' will character as well as most artistic. By order. _ _
open on Saturday of next week. The gronnds also will be putla an R__C• DESROCHERS, r
-' 'This mines to a fire best in its attractive appearance. In erect' secretary.' Black. thread. Silk Hose. per pair ;1.3
_ -history, as the attractions-w,ill fog this building the Officials of Deparritterit -of-Public Works, White
surpass all prevroas earn. the bank rerogoize the fact that omwa. Aujist s. ills' ac 'file Hose, dei- par --
3 . :-C as a uture t aE 3n=t1. e
an Mrs. H. Hester, and Miss Mu See them erecting such a building, °Black Cotton Hos
vie, Clark motored from Toronto, —Those in, Pickering' township i afional Victory' - '�11itQ Lisle Hose. .•"�O
t on Sunday and spent the'day with who have been' wondering '� bite Cotton Bose
-Mrs. Sizamith's mother, Mrs. Sar• whether the -H ro electric Coni !P ca
' - ah Clark. mission have been doing anything �a�
Georges church will hold their system -east of Toronto, will be TO BE OPENED 13 _..H�'�_���OVE
,.7 The j'Voman a Anziti4ry-of gt: in the matter of extending their
regular monthly business meeting pleased 'to know thtit they have THE PRINCE OF s,A'.LLES White Silk Gloves 1.00 per pair
at the Rectory on Thursday, &ng completed the work of making r.�_ -
_ C'hampaigne and Toupe color -1.00 and. l .5 'z
i ll+th, fit 7.80 p. m ,instead of at estimates for th'e 'purchase of the
Po g P Black Silk
white silk gloves 1.35-
-LorneW - `
$ p. m. as previously announced. Toronto -Eastern, and of .su I in �i � � ®� lack ,
9quleea and Jas. Bich 'power and li ht ,t -o this art of the - -
iardson treated the campers at the ovinc�e. It is to
that the Aug. 23 TORONTO Sept.
I poke shore and a number of theiry=1�w,,s will be eabnlitted.to the
5 ' friends to a corn roast on Thurs- munibipalities interested within n
day evening last, - there being •few weeks, and If they approve of British' -.Grenadier Guards Bald Special ---Children's khaki overalls, price_ 50c per pair—
about thirty -present to enjoy the the plans that will be submitted, just the thing for the little ones to play in.
urea k the Hydro -Commission . will
at «. _
ohn Harding returned home once proceed with the . preliminar- War Memorial Paintings
on Thursday laflit, aftee spending'a its so that work will be comm_ enc• -Sensation of _ the art world.—
:_ stew months in Alberta. Wilson ed early• next spring, a'nd. it is recording every phase of
apd Mrs.. Harding .have gone to hoped that' by next fall' we ct ill Canadian operations overseas.M,`---S,�'-CHAPMAN
Prince Rupert where he, has been be able to go to the city by trolley.
appointed to a remunerative Not only hove the estimAtes far `WAR TROPHIIvS C
s`�tion with the government. - the costa been made, bnt rthe time- H G L L O • �F' A R M E R S 1
The material for the_- new tableaaswell are being' prepared, Mammoth assemblage of
R.onge bridge has arrived at the The road -bed will not be surpass- monster guns, aeroplanes and Have Soli bought pour Binder Twine yet? If not :y
1Cberrywood station and is being ed by any other electric line in all the'Instruments of hellish
_itaketts to the Rogge, oleate the America.. and .the rate of. speed warfare captured by Canadian ice can supply you with the best
Vaork of erection will be commeac- will be the highest. It is intend- soldiers from the Hun.
ed at once, Large tents.have been ed to make the run from Picker- _ �_
• erected for the acconwodation of lag to Toronto in tweet -five dal, 850 ft, 1 ver Leaf, 600 t, ...
-the workmen. _. y Canada's. Flying Circus G 2� �tl 2�3c
Gold Me
.. Inmates, which ime place truer Y g Green Sheaf, 550 ft, = .. Plymouth,, special, 500 ft, ,
—Oo Saturday evening iia Mise lag ea far ae time is concerned, Cols. Barker and Bishop and
,Minnie Hallett was getting into a the same distance from the heart other world famous aces in parks Green, 7.5 cents r sed
13ug y In front of the T6wn Hall of Toronto as. Kew Beach, and per Fo
-the horse became frightened at s 'firstborn BeaclL This wilik be ec, surrendered German plants. ^, ,
grasping. ;bicycle and she was conipliahed on a- Thi of the few Areenate of Lead.. 66 cents ger._pound_
thrown Ont of the rig and cess. stops. There willtigno sbP- VYHIPPET-�Al�K- G. A. (ILLESPIE DUNBARTON
badC sh ween asE—tiTorontoand YOURe 9t.;
sides receiving s elfght wall) as there will, be no level crossings. CAPTURED U BOAT
—From present appearances the MIt3MLAND CREEK-
-- ' :-potato crop is doomed to •be a fail Festival of Triumph..
are in these parts, unless rains 8 acini Ann rereary services will 7w M«t:*rwsOf .!1 Grand sod st+wtst:._'
° come soon fo revive the late crop. herd at Ceaterinial Church on Aug. 17, _ SUMER + av+++D TRW-.
- •The tops of the earlier varieties alre Rev. Mr. McLeod, of Melville ebtlrch,, . : ' -will •..'Rte s�readsr of the Gatmsa Floe
dying Fwith the, blight, and the preach_. and Washington Choir 81,AC� 8t �,
.'potatoes' few, to a hill and ver will eine for' the sifteinodn l - - y 6
g r. arm:c gel, of St, An• . Akoliy's' ent-7 :at*- Jeriusakm `
{ livid will not, be detrreasedgtb f crew's Church, will preach, and the O '- TRU\K,.'SUIT C,ASE,OR CLUB BAG
-- y Locust Silt Choir will. sing 'for'thb And a se.rs .f Other .rtrawdinsrr featwos
cheap potatoes during the present evening service. at 7,30. _ Tl r_•'s_
year at least. — . C SWtti t0 Fill stock
e meetin of .the town• Good t ck of Singe and '.
ship council on. Mondaylast the F,', .,also, -1 secondhand team •Breeebin Harness, t
_ g ___. _ ..______. a and Double harness on 'h
tai rate for the present ear Was L1� DALE MILLS LaX-etS 5 d caaffgiltnrd l.wti� :.... $�� ,
flied and it will be good news to PI��ER=NA'
hear that.the rate will be a ys R0:0PTCK�RTN� PICKERINa HARATESS EMPORIUM .
approxi You can' sews a et the best Mani-
mately six mills on the dollar less toba Flour made from No. 1. $some Phone 3800.•• - W. J. COAKWELL
thud lasC year. This will mean. Manitoba Wheat•. LUMBER YARD
a reduction of taxes of about X30 Royal Household and'Gle'nora for
/on an .assbssment of $5000, which Bread,_ Try i bag. -
is the average assessment on p Pastry Flour Fresh Rolled Oats - T
100 -acre farm. Not only has: the BRAN, SHORTS w e`carry a heavy and well assort G�'I l SUMMER WEAR - -•
tax rate been reduced, `but a debt MIX -FEEDS ed stock of Lumber, all well
`.of about $8000 -has been wiped >OAT CHOP, milled and drq, comprising , We have on' hand neiv lines of Men's Balbriggans—just on the
" ut.RUSHEi2 OATS the following material shelges—fn comtrination and piece suits. -
°� . —The 'Chamber.- of_ Commerce '_ . ., 3ARLEY CHOP- `
met en Tuesday evening with a WHEAT :hatched Pine, Hemlock, B. -B. Fir. A da=ndy liue�of the ver latest in Fine' Shirts, ranging from' I.50 to
fairly good attendance, and mat- CRACKED CORN . Spruce and cedar ' .2.,50, The nicest stripes y, u e er saw. ,
ters_of deep interest to the com• ' MIXED HEN FEED Pine anti Spruce Dressed .Lumber Something light. for the kiddies --a brand new variety in Linen Romp..
Munity were discussed.' C. W. Caldwell's Cream substitute White Pine and Cedar.Sidings ers at 1.50. ' What your boy needs for working in in the stun -
Liddle, who has been secretary _ Calf Meal, mer is a nice. cool, comfortable khaki union suits of _ ..
since its organization, tendered Molasses Meal: 2 & 3X B,•C. Cedar Shingles, Etc. Overalls. We have them.
;. brtsignation owing to his earls CHOPPING AND OAT
d rture from the .village. The. CRUSHING EVERYDAY T pp-- Q Our Boots are the best—you know, you've bought them here before
} realgnation was accepted with Get prices on feed in ton lots. W. D. Gordon W Son, A nice new line of Men's Hats can be seen cm
x, 'deep regret as he has proved tO BELL PHONE. our shelves. They are the very latest in style
? 'hp a most efficient official, and F� PICKERING . �-`' �''.ICKERh�T(
Rev. Dr Marsh was appointed in • $UNTI G
r • r n. ®�, ,d Chnpiug every da .1Independe>4t phone. 1 . • ,
• Z i'r lA. .:..K.. .er�hy�%ei. .. �iYtWe iel:c^iilNW:0.�6,s`'.�.lL^ ,. i:_._ every
,. d&7 ...__. . _._. ... n.- • - __ c_.... _ ..w _... .. _...c... .� AawMM.. ....�L.. _�.r.n AS..+..a. .da._......2.5„x
Hell and � .` * ,'