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Y ------
PEOBRUAR" 21 - - �1919
Vol,* -XXXT-1111-
GREEN RIVER Wmi RVALS Established 75 years RE
ifflu onle-0-yer-
0 ties Abel GrIfft-u-MAS-11,
Hugh Michell was -G
Mabel ---
LET US RIE -1 IC R Aid wilt
hold their next meeting at the home 8
Medical 3�.. ay. 9 with F. H. White
of Mrs. Wm. Hutchings on W�ed eg:, Jug
*ben the boys come back n
�IaZ. Feb. 20th, at .3 o'clock. ve -Sunday. 0 -end
-CAL Miss A. Pennock spent tbew ek
La Ive M
'k]rs to the latel Dr. R.!Brodio. at t
Clatemont. on*. Garfield Turner, of Milton. has been S_
H. FORSYTH, IX of 0.," Regis- VICTROLA I jig In this neighborhood.
J. Tarner and family spent Sun -
the of doorge Commack. Is able to be out
Re 4 vow, I
F-"- membw of i most prized day at the home of Fred J. McKay
a"ad of Ontario. spacial gain.after his recent Illness.
tion Sir so The village presented a somewhat
fine Alu", of Slaosm Eyes tested trem, orkh all GlfV We understand that Wm. Oullis
ak"=RL' - appearance last Sunday
farm to John
has disposed of Ilia Been from a distaitice the CherrywoZ
MCKINNON, M.D., I&RA-8 We all admire "A Good Band" 'Crockett. anniversary was a success.
"A Good Binmee, ., r ... L.M 7'
er the -lAcenw
Wm. Carnmack: who has been 01, Was anybody: disappointed ov
-7-4-% Gond Violin has recoveie& sufficiently to resume g on the pond
flifflure of hockey PI&VID
Selection!' his work. last SaLfurday P Maybe noti but an Flour substitutes kept on hand
ham. has a & grudge against the weather
Fred Badgerow. of Brougham.
sum- have
men at work cutting ice for 1
Hear it oil the Victrots man. quantities re
quired. r.
mar's su When the, Agricultural Clan went lU &UY
Wip1h7o'lle., of Peterboro,'Paid a 12th. some of the
Toronto on Feb
to 'Both Badgerow on boys, notably Blake ADnis. Tim Rog -
H. KENNEDY. Barrister, Sol•
rb, did not come ,:'Highest Yilici 7
W GeBakker N ere and Hugh Pua imitor. Note" Public!lCone"wer &c- 0s ...F., CelDdgne visit
lost. P
The hockey match between the base
home the same night.
(Successor tot line and the Brock Road, which was The young people, with but a few
ve come;off lamt Saturday. and
BARRIS- I " were at the home of W.
T E. FAREWELL K -O Baker tHeise) to ba exceptions. w
a 0 723 cam crown Luarver. sea 0stpoopd on account of the poor Ice. night. Did the
=00 on Satur"y next, if J. Turner on Friday
&MMUm. 4;;N auto. WbLOT-. will he played Good
echo of -For The are Jolly for
everything to favorable. - -----
CHRISTIAN, Barrister and Fellows" reach the v T 7
Mr. Tipper, the, principal teacher of
Solicitor, late" Public. Zte. MO to
DWY Stouvllle,Ont
-At so!
h., Whitby. WkIlTZVAL.X the Agricultural Classes being held
am. osce Bica sKyort
15th, gavian 7
here, on Friday Feb.Barley -and
Mrs. J. Tweedle to laid u L&I'practical detnonstra-
ILLIAM J. BEATON, H. A,. Bar. p with an interesting tin
taimblia'associaw 3. BEAL, Claremont attack of quinsy. tion on killing. plucking and king
A�,: W Aul, Solicitor, No
Eye4man, Denison &
do* with Messrs. ber'se �N"eat
An p2mal John Birole Is spending A to* days of chickens The chickens, ore be-
-poster Barrister*, Toronto oarers.LTrusts
ea Say Street, Toronto- Telephone adged b
!Balletswith his family here. Ing packed. were Ji members
Ysia 1 .106. 341y Miss Maud Miller Is spending a few of the class and visitors. his Is good
da a W Ku. practice forsay -man—
Dental Big 8 . tock, at the lowest prices. kre. A. B. Major and Mrs. M. Reasor
free. are
Delivery f visiting friends to the city.
couple of drys C. B. Rice spent a
Graduate of the Royal Cotelge of Dt=al Call and see'. Ind Phone MA last week with bile parents at Tyrone.
of Toronto. Office Miss Gertle Pennock, of Toronto, to Garfield Turner to visiting relatives
S&Ssons and UnivewsitY
W M. a hardwtre store. Whitby. ton.
-MAM: l.to cwr. UA.Iphow 0. :101;remont. visiting with Mims Eva Bothering here.
Mrs. J. and Mrs. Janies Gordon. of Mrs. F. Turner spent Saturday at
PW pb000JW. 441VA Service
90*4 Dr. Beatoo.m abotemol Cook. Nettleton, are visiting with E. J. and her home. started to ring
%wW be in.dbarte-1 Mro'Moore.
Wadding bell@ have
A hold on the Open- -hrour burgl-__
gs WA, motoring
air rink here on - Tbesdity, FebFeU.- _'A_ magnificent at t
ustst"M &MY040• present time.
Eve t
Sabbath evening A
On Saturday. Feb. 22nd. the Picker- W. Pugh spent
or I will pay the following cash price for %:U -G--HAM-Inner -of Marri Ing bock III play a friendly P. Hornsha
Iq team w
VY mill, Green River Is helping Mr. Hobson to
IpAllua —..--=be a aft The undersigned have opened 00 team agpet mis jxreeu N
12& r
rrak.:ias •• testy Basswood No. 1. 3141
-_ ---T -_ 1-11) SL now X&
Rack Him No. 1. 30O(Y- da
the return match here 60 Tqgwe- W. J and-Mr-a.-TUrner sipeut SUD-SiT, 0 Chum and KlDg 9 -
Real Es- So& E 28.00
V..RICHARDSON_ Elm No. 1. my, when they -won by the scord�df W Ith Cl.and F. IlIcKay.
.'tate,[asuranctocauveyancing. Notary gaget with Pickert-0 , where, they are
maple No. 1. 2 Jerry Hamilton has an,
311Y to 1. he
ont. to repair all makes
White Ash No. 1. The anniversary services of t R D. Miller for a year. t Situr- prepay
tWOO church here will be held on J. H.Michell And family open of autos, motor -cycles
HOPPER Lw* - of Marriage 111cilaid-grolatth-M-0,-1
Lauer -Methiodist church here will us
tAcenses in *0 CO`mus7 •Of 0111&"O-� Sunday next a 7-�� A&v with his northern hrotber. and bicycles,
to "a" and big. "miasmas. Clarmous. Chopping and Oat Roiling Mr. Pletcher. a Toronto, will occupy 99 rene
410, as usual.
the pulpit at both services. The home the week -and with May Mi;bell. We are a so
]D R.BZATON TOWNSHIPOtAnx chola will lead the service of prXISS in T. Garner an sold his heavy team 1AVXl Cream ,Separators
issiouse for takins: 'Riv gave.
0 CiPT"anear. oomft W. G. Bame Green River the afternoon and the Locust Hill al Clvdee for a handsome 6
61111dorift, Aeovan"no. ats. man" to )OSIR In the dance on and repairs.
choir in the evening. A. Farthing took
home tsar of
.7 MIT
Or address R. R. No: 1. Locust Hill. Thursday evening at Mr. Ham's. e Engines, Tractors and
Everyone present at Turner's Vales- Gasolin,
Sawing Machines.
Ity BONDS 1130148RRYW600 time Party report a ver�yenjoyable
4w-iidi. - Decominatioes-.8w. sloo. $1100 Our' anniversary services were a evening.
9000. Prfte. to 1-2 and accrued Interest* W SPRING TERM 0' Rev. Mr. Avery enjoyable time *aP at Shepherd
msen:pbone Ift bit- irreAt success last Sabbath. . f U= CowanA
4011 RLnolds, a former Sabbath.
gave two the fancy dress carnival an Ay
*V March fird, in Shaw's Busi- 4 AL
opens OW 1A AdAra2ses. even g. hits.
UGH S. PUOH. Glen Ont. Dean Schools. 1:oroutu, and MEMO 9 -ions address an 4 -Peace". WAS -m-cat Clan at caste -ANickering
ni Monday judging beef ca
Licensed Aimatio Into Summer Session from June SO. Interesting. The Dunbarton and Can- Vale
1"ations. Fee
in imported d i ;�abbrad No compulsory ire were at at StewartBros.
its ft. I Catalogue. Write W. H. Shaw. teantal choirs The box somial at the school was asod partiomLtg.. .
4fo suro rendered choice selections. success. Some of the older-sporte
of successful work our Red Orono will knew
POSTILL. LieensedAwttonoer, octal even- After a diligent scitreb, Ernest MA -
President. After almost four and one bait years their friends
close their meetings by asocial C 0 L
-.V .tot Counties at Tat and 0016NEW Ana. recovered his. driver and
jag in the hall to -night (Friday). A dill ha -9 reco
sales of
GM. NUTOT P. 0-. 0"
Ilem sal of al triads attanued to on,ohorbm were stolen a week ago
notes, 9iekering �iuery complete report will be given. 103 buggy which . .
ndav evening from the church
your right to know how the money last So during the service.
GIMON. Ontario as been expended. so an invitation Is sheds in Wbitevale d
sad TD0omNini=K-Lead Surveyor and Civil recovered at
Ibitby, Pbone 231. Firat-class rip for hire extended to all in polling sub -division The stolen property was who a We han o hand
Hopkins Street. IN No. Cr to come and spend a social hour Brampton, and the thief, w . n
to the late W. E. Yarnow. Ontario king In
Surveyor of Po�t Ferry. ;, 44-4 together. Light
Day 0Z nigLt lunch served. young man who has been w or
Im a lecture given In the church here this neighborhood, was 'placed under thefolloviring
M MAW. LICENSED AUO. Bus meets 01 trai Iasi by Rev.- Dr. arrest. He will be tried before Police
TIONEER forYork.Ontark- and Teaming pro attended W. 'Pidgeon, of tba Bloor street sizer W Durb promptly atten n Monday evening Prenhv- Magistrate JephiQu- Of Pic of coal
..wCometties. All trims of sales prow attended
Dates for = may be Agent for Canada Carriage OQ. terian Church. Toronto, under the
IA*, Terms reasonable.
aroused at NEWS* of Bell and Indepen- -of the ed Gross Society . was
int peones. Whitby. Ont. Sir uspices R WHIT01Y Egg$ stove
We He Peak most delightful Dr. Pidgeon one. -
be war W -me -In France t, one of
:D IJO'V w oat On Sunday last Whitby Ion n
anrwl in position to give a In
g� t mirient citizens to the per
-Surgeon vivid a, escriptiou o 0 Hlortaw. -Ita-most-pro ,
Vetoneary f C. A. Goodfellow; the publimbir
thos and son 0
Vater, Pure WAS. Intermingled with
TA e and Chronicle, who
or Graduate Date of the Ont%A0 Vote. humor, and tt gave one a clear idea of of the Gasett
died in his 5fith year. after an Illness
nary College III use the only the manner the -work Picking
If you are wise you w f only eleven days. He was taken
-anid Graduate of the Veterinary was cart led on. The Pickering Male a
Sclonee Association. � Ch" B. Rim i Wednesday, Feb. 6th.
Idea well, drilled by uartette gave a number of selections suddealf III on apparently recovering A. -C. -REE130
phone--offied INS, residence SM who is agent for Wind Mills, Gasoline = Wem very h ppreclated. but he Was -TWuntil Tuesday of last
a chalris his
fr6m this attse
EMONTO ONTARIO Bogjas& all kinds of pipe and AttiuP James Todd occupi weeirwbon his condition beeame do -
for water works. Also bath room fig. own of manner. When the Pvc; armed his ;LOCUST EM
an those. who took part cidedly's,ov and greatly &I
.27" rA 13LB-Fiskering Sialon 0 tures. INywytbing given cards! 611M Was over t& The friend& A specialist was called In
were treated to refteshmem an It was
Tnine Ping End Am AS 1101110iwd jusultiLtion on Friday. when attention. receipts evening amounted, to cc
so. 6 M:U 11.07 ♦A M. at was beyond hop of
X. declared that he
RICH'S Pump- Woitxg, over recovery, and he became UUM110610116
'11.25 P. X
raftal . - and gritdually sank until Sandal, -Iksi= Wed ft* An 10111ows- 80=0 TOL jim. wbitevale. Mr. Good -
when he posed fLway.
9.17 A. M.
Loral cams. to Whitby about sizteen
In Brown is, Visiting, her niece. fellow c
Local 136 P. M. M as Invited by a
____k Gerow. of Toronto. years ago, when be w
7 man ins�. X. 1,11110014 to W
LLIOTT miss Murdock. of Toronto, is visit- Dumb" of prominent ci to the
Ing Thomas and Mrs. Perryman. tabliab a paper in opposition
to, which was
Gazette and Chronic the sWn 'so
opposed to the popularde- VCIVCW
JvnN The llutonS.S. purposes holdings strongly
cake social on Shra"Tanday, the
wand 70ropplixiblio ownership of
onto ryi Myl that wilt -be good. Sespoet- waterworks and electric power and
X" a fall Una oftresh and cut- Yonge &.0harion Ste. Tor
are later. light a stems. The ne
Hw pa
as superior co rem, equipioent Lieut.- Frank R. Malcolm ban under- as the Reystone was star , 'an UsIng
to favor
--"goes Roll, Breakfast Bacon, and teachers. It makes good every one another serious operation in rigid on a Tigorout campaign
Wngls�nd. His many frieudslbope for of the public ownership of these utill-
claim and'promise. It merits the
7ffam, Bologna, Weiners, eto. a speedy recovery. ties, and the by-law was carried.- The
confidence of the business public.. ..Ben But,, in St. John's Church Keystone had a brief existence as Mr.
e _�
Jfthpd prion Pau for Every graduate of the last three here on Wednesday evening.. Feb. ft Goodfellow purchased the rival news- ya Fac
ed was
Lod ceased the publication of
years has promptly' secured rim by lime-ligbt. Don't miss this tv paper I
Admission 25c and lie. the Keystone, The deceased
and the
ployment, ' Midsummer Prominent being a
In qblle Affairs
tute will hol&
-early Fall an splendid times for The Women's Inatl of JC an
.,The. Rick * the ardof Education, of
is their regular meeting at the home of r chairman. Cream
getting positins, therefore, Prow y after- which be was for one yea
also ebalrom of the Board
an excellent timo to commences, noon. Feb. 25th,
Mrs. on Tuesday of Health -
rignance C All ladies are wel. for several years. and' was also To"
course here. Open 841 Tow. Oat&- come. prominent In patriotic matters. Two '&cAent f"�
E. S. Annis went to Kingston On rg Ago ho was the chairman of the
logue Free. _7�_ 4k
is to Tuesday to visit his sister, who has 91*411;nd Press Association. as Was
lel • 4 after i,
Wtate stuns.. T. 11111ott, PrtuftW been attending Queen's Univel
&ISO & very active member of the Bap
and who is now in the hospital serious
tiat Church and was an ardent sup
III with pneumonia. rtes of the prohibition movement. SLiiM
Members having IMOPWI @I" WNW ralon Sabbath fteis survived by his wife -and one
The 'Brougham 10 12-H
11saftimmoilisfely on any meomli*4 Goodfellow, who has -------
Eddis For Hatchin! School bold next Sunday As Mis son, Grayden M
at Extend" Com Mss. be sionarl missionary I been a partner In the business during
from) BI r Day, when the OdWOU The Is, He In also surviv-
ftwouberabip be superintendent will take charge, the years. Staten
Garie-choli6e stock and ~ag will be for missions. Vtt brothers and two
bad two as i me. excellent layers. took Iwo on Tgeld;7i we uadie, 0
R1 N
=J:=LE S
.:dAL '"It a
M 'a __6 Turner, ne
Garfield T r.
letting 1, t neighborhood.
W. J T'". er an
at J.
,�o be out d h of]
The vil ice p ese
1?6x0rub" member of this
at *ut"1%=bwaU
of suramons, -
TWO daimasom Of -an= IRA
00es and residence, Broughmin.
=ry on appUmdaii6 oon to the
Capt. F. O. Mechin, of the Canadian His funwal UnCa Cemetery.
'Belgian Rat" who hear been overseas for aftern
Also, Young, l3nitneers,
and;9ilver they %U
ftse Com. ti D. Banks, 0. B. Palm- r- nearly two years, cabled bWparsec
tan Hares. last week that b would adl on sat -
)end 0. N. R. Tje.., it Agent.
41 er. W. V. Richards=, Ficker,1114 ord&y on the Canada for home, and be -The government will 81
All PedigreeStOCk. - 0,000 on the highways of
W. J. Clark. expects to land in the beginning $20,00 9
J. RJU9004'
7-GORDONPIOKERING the Creek.this province.
t�.arii�led elfid i �e, � � her
h -3
-"After being dHsmands
and le
_.. �. "
that assn t any chance at�a�
- responded Dsa wdtiir a i
know -triss
� and I --amore Kira to secrecy. ' N w'
would you 11�e to hens lis scat of my
} Bits +bvaltated just a moment. "itsa."
back to city iinst so. fact
as the automobile wW take use -•well,
not quite that, 'fail I -don't alisve to
being ret, *n even over sari a thing
*a, will go further on infdslon'and give � a'"You domi Interjected Nora, "L'm
N ' ' glad to hear it."
fetter satisfaction than any other'Tea «We".1 round up your mother and
R +obtainable• a a a e e it6to ' ' ` }�mtker —Maguire was reckless • any
•a -" .. - - _-_........ -.-- - -- wav of her interruntion-41crA aii
w+ q \. +•� t � 1._ •,j„ �'s' www �t :..'�+,��
kotory-130nds, ocks,
11111 a auy
VICTORY BOK any maturity -bought or sold.
yd; "tL d r
r( R
r F��T f anaavw 01 UOUDT ELDOUT Inlse a KZ a 1-1 --�••• »••••• • `
for Ghcago.� Well stay there sicca.-H'r-LTfiO--LLNLtBTEq--820C1� -
- `lays• -•-long -ennvglr--!°r-yot�--ts-#it Send us
— — ourself out with ii the clothes and particulars of what you have for sale. If you want
. ge.ou want; and then .well make to. invest any funds, write for
for Calflornia; we'll take in the Grand Our list of offerings.
Ceayoa and the Yosemite and any.iMULHOLLANb & .COMPANY
thing alae say; and well go from - .
one hist ho el to another and stun in 23 Jordan Street � Toronto1
each ,acs as Io as you lhke. °Thea, ,
r home nand. start in make, a' 7j&i you
home. -- -
' em iV t (10 you say?" had
Ke had spoken with suppressed ex- SCHOOL GIRLS SERVICE Good farmers use felt ars for 1ht
4 Atrt 'ur citement, his words tumbling out permaaerit iarpsovemeirt Q! their evils.' ~'
wood Pier' ��/ Taster and faster as he proceeded: Work of the Girili Patriotic Union Poon• farmers use them to gnat a •little
Now he hung over the table and look- in the OIA Country. mare to mi from thedr' i�ovsmlah-
!Sossrt:as .motagi usi Mums, cons trs eyeetai asrassemeas ,rats Thom. &use ed eagerly and eoa8deatly into ed lands.'
o � face. � "The Girls' Patristic Union" was
She bookedfor a moment into his, formed is England in 19 �-' --�
CHAPTER XXXIX.- (Cont'dL) -she was quite surprised to find how drops her eyes, raised them again, 14 by girls
"Z9iere's nothing crasy about me," well he seemed to., understand her and Inhal d a long breath, expelled it in a &ttending private end -public tciioob
M'e rejoined. "I ehdiukln't ward how march sympathy, be had - wrth 1141 aasdi then •+ud, -Suite-
plaizttively,. _mid.-t4te__m�mbere have castled stead -
der ft sometimes roti went a }dale off wi ia�t Jerry was accustomed to make ' dear, I wonder-- Are you sure dy ever since m ba --�e N• � �• _
,�Ir head." { her feel were her weaknesses: A you want me, Patrick?"
ca . ansa
_ entered her taind and. en- He reached out and covered her Red Cross comforts,
,1 He watcinredi 'best attentively while cultivating
.: she a4usd the ornaments to her care.' chs her with its brilldsacy. Per- hwaad .with his.. "I'm. aura." waste land, gatheri blackberries for
` "Yon know how to do dt just by in- ! hsps that would be weakntsses in One moment mrooce she hesitated STOOKS AND BONDS.
k #tactz be rmmarioed. I dQn t cap- i condition of life might be graces in while she si arebed hie face, use in hospitals and for jam making.
„ •� I another. With the Sash o! as3�ht to "Well . then " rhe said, "ft's .,Members Montreal Stook
4 ' emu got one of those things yea. They collected garments for Serbian1 Exchange
I ide her, wti;ta felt that abs Hader- Ma�g'a6 ve . her hand a long. r�eM and for -mien from torpedoed
was You certainly are a etdio -
h�- ` Not until they had finished luncheon "Now," Thea heWrIl •gat eau zed entertaiamlents far
" ! and Maguire had lighted a cigarette moblbe." the wounded and took over care . ieh us with yew --same and
She. smilsd at him: Do try look , of a number o! ri - -- -
{ e al►Ad
on,,W? How I wish I could ruse 1 �d h° �'� u'� �° �e � (To be continued.) D assets � was, The address to order to be placed on J -
"� I t ca. O Union has coW.ributed $6,000 to- the our mailing list for >snancial
"Well," he said, Mercantile Marine Funds and is the news service aaQ stock quota-
w "You will; that's part of it," was Pushing back binINDEM IM-- tions.
%hfi soneewhit enigmatic answer. He plate. and fading his somewhat donor of one wing ;of the Star and .:: .
stubby toreaxz�_o��the table. "are you Curter gonna for which the Union
wasted -ail she had aftVNliy arrartg- havnng s good helldsyl'• - �jN contrihirted 82b,000..ID addntion many,
ad her veil and thea said, "Now ,tom, pee;' rhe answered. BV EN01mo 106 • f00 TRANSPLIRIATION
-! t� - '" wN�>•eason why you diouMn't have contributed
have. been given to various BUILDING '
t Theyrent bowl down the ran$-- i ever�+ dayy a-FoIsclay-Ii cite this:" ---- - - - 8i'oups of war workers and their fat-
tha rate twenty-five miles " You forget the lettee I carob you -- -sem la-ta-Present-�Sut io the MONTREAL
cin hour, least it seemed a lelsure-IThe reason in that.
HUN DAMAGE TO BELGIUM TOO Q-M-A.A.C. (formerty known ae the _---
3F ni -otwat emoofl>=run _._. ora. VAST TO-6E-■8TtM�1TED. W.A.A.G's) -many of . whom were r
camfortsbEy ca I knave you ova a pul�wc and private school girth. 4
s they proceeded ailence again
1.1>!dfl betweeea them. Nora wondered think you do, but I know dtlflerent. ! '�"'
you did, yrni couldn't be enjoyi your es - . girls was from their , pocket money �`. O�.ld OF TME ar
when the next wayside. stop would Industries Destroyed. Factortea Rated,
self so much to -day, You couidn have or earned outright and the time given
occur and what act of presentation BI;EAT r.
sFgtnlldre it. If there was to be kept me.goi al this time as you've Machinery .and flaw Materials #o land work was taken from recrea-
atonia ng S. J. ctuNcwrl-cl.wxtc.with
- anbibi stop and the principle done if you to him. knew you tion perioda�, Herb
didn't love him when he happened Stolen, Coal Fields Pillaged. gathering and CiIIlda�t Valorous AGI11tYCmCntil
it Dania hardly along, ley just as you were get- herb g1•o�8 have been taken up by
be fear than s -diamo t ou Thus tar it has bees impossible to 'these girls and the collection . o! old By MAJOR W. S. WALLACE, M.A.cOe.)_
;Pearl necklace. She began. to feel bythe,book oa your face. r saw the ' nd bottleu:•j•-ieided quite an LechuerinXodemHistoryinTorootoUnlyeroft �
dare was somethingma about Lams i3sadaome Volm„e, over dW double coiuraa,
gScad lgpk on his fares too and I'm sot so Belgium by the Germans or to fix, income. - One of the schools present-
de creature; certainly he was superb awfitl sure be loves. you. Maybe when even approximately, the amount of ia- ! rd the British Red Crosa with an eve- eii pa!ste� aN arlr t 09 ala. rco.,�`e,e s'
in both audacity and opulence. She alo I Iseaaeiful Solara! Plates. One double e. is mat -
you two are me, together you work demalty which Belgium, *111 demand ambulance earnodl r the d6li The effective colon, Showing camou heavy I
°*Quid COM now as site had � saa•t• s nm
. escit other u tato thfalkia you from Germany: gIimpee of the personal element .that �., battery, worth about half the price of this book
.61tberte been unable to ail bis power , i•�
In litre. But'there ■ nota ng real In a mato=ity of the factories which Izr COKE. Fte5T stare O;
-- eoa'er mss No longer could she tldnkpermeates .. tie finest real�ixation o! A6ENTS WANTED
about that, you know, Maybe you're the Bel Ft .ored w territory xo
w : of ham with a tinge of dhi aragement thsionste1" him li -oanumse kind. of Person that could never pians were allowed to operate, nationalism will twat soon be loat on Canadian eJ-) om�isi w `.°Delithis�O'otk o'a d�
m ova mt a triotid girls. The next gen;-
not sure that you sin t, y ffi THIS- Is DEFFERENT to any other ani
seass a! hi; neldgEble qua Diss. He , " remains, but everywhere all stocks of start?on o! E m
•rsvetr4led biastself an formidable and "I! remilli thought that, you raw material have been entirely re• the finer because these. girls ,thane GO*- mailtas expenses of elaborate worhins omit
zormntic; it was a, b+w�dering• dis- Isaid
couldn't,•care anything about me," moved. dose their duty to the utmost. '-A fu!! Instructions !tma.dmutr.
t° make• other _(( Noss, quite outraged. In the other factories, which the Bel- Tke J. L. IIMOtf CO. LlsiiW, TOROW0
mai to as fairThere was ly 'well -satiated Nolde rs, "That's the funny thing, I do. Ill lifaus 'ware not allowed to operate, -" a '
die wa:dhardrty a disappointment. pOH do the loving, and ykes g the ap. there was a syew which
of ad Parker's- ilf d 't`•
'Eire viontrary, she was -ad when, u Fr'ec}sting. That makes a good team. the machinery, which was dismantled
3atislat•to to both. Some da
11Dt+etdnga town that casts the seat be" -'Ka ry yl may and sent to Germany. The names of - -- ___•. J �: .
too a small collece, they turned. Into, su a spoke slowly, -'some- be German manufacturers to whom
the of the attractive inn. thing may happen that•wt1I make you the machfaery case, shipped have been _• By cleairing or dyeing -restore any articles
- 'Wgera4l� bene " said M ire. do aocne hying too. But I, don't hard- aBcercaiaed. - to their former appearance -aid return them to =
OWN '11 Abe a chance to ace howl yatt i.Y . expect ft for myself. Ser
as Ilew.
M Nora dropped her eyes sad let them pias taduetrial.circlee seem to be - _
Jle deft his? at the entrance• while Test on the sparkling ran divided whether to attempt to recover, -'house _
g Send anything fromhold
s be drrevee oft' to put up the car. When "What did yea doafteryou got ray the ett5len machinery from Germany,draperief!
bec1sr on the • verandah• 'her veil was � letter? ushe asked about it for a little w now necessarily- �� to the finest of delicate .fabrics. We pay
he rejoined her, she was,seated in a'letter?"
�.I thought presently. worn, or to buy 'new ..�'ppg�ge ore teas ch
bile. machines abroad and to make the Ger• express arges one way.
pushed up and the earT�ng'a showed in Then I, went out and bought those mans pay for them.
fV1 splendor.- He smilyed at see- jeweta• The Belgian coal Selds In the region - �V�lQI2 'OU think Of
?a8 tion► Fer eyes sparkled. •i
AS " into mart �� of Motua-. ar aro an age --we
The Only UNIVERSAL Phonograph
Plays ALL reoords CORRECTLttV
fethuIlthie8runeickThasr" distinct needles, neuG_L 7,
Ing, the diamond point that stays oermianen'tiy In
hod on.
And the "Ultona" to the coil reproducer that gives
e7t0.o YtI the rE6ht weight and diephre.iii for each
This feature combines with the &I) -wood Hound i
charmber--butlt like s violin—to make the 11 lay
ole t oral univerael D onograph that calif lay
C Lay make o phonograph record.:
lX= X111 'v V 09VX`0X _
Dept. W. L. Excelslor Llfe Bids. Toronto
Without ebUffation send
me. free of oharge, your
booklet ezplaininlr mi street or R.R. ......s..:,...r• r.,..,►+,•,.•
oiples o2 the "L•ltoaa" Town' ................. .Pros , ..... ... • .
k-?- .
"I iitari}ly knew .mpaell," she
acknowledged I want to have an-
rms. ,a an awful coarse word,
Nora, L ere been in lftics a lot and
operated 6y- the moans -mon s d
Belgian coal as currency to obtain
look before care
I've •never got so I lee the sound of
from Holland provisions, cattle and
iO _
He' smiled; a few mutes later she
horses. Thus; while the Belgian popu-
caused his[ to smile again. • On -the
"But that's really what you did
lation suffered from cold, coal rose in
way to the dAning-roan theyseed
think, isn't it?"
price to 400 or 600 francs a -ion, and
febe Inn parlor, and Nona espiepad an
would say," replied Maguire,
Belg s .witnessed the spectacle of
oval mirror in a gilt frame on the
speaking slowly, "Twat I
wo. en ...,:weakened-:.-by--ovations
_i<arther wall- She- could not resist its
iatre- she into the room, the
bzi hems to- yVU - what you'd-- -fie
mars in "ou'd
forced to d
drag heavy carte. loaded with
1;6� ladies w were playing bridge
diose cs�e, what . have
in the ot'her." y
coal, racing the place of the horses
stopped' their gime to look at her'
she wast up to the mirmr amid atoo;J
"If I wean to change any. mind now
and say I'd mafry you, I.think you'd
Which the Germans had'stolen.
Factories Useless for Year and Half,
'in froatt of it for some moments,
despise miyroa'd know I had been
influenced ty
The industrial of Charleroi
rfling and pretendizng to arrange her
your presents and I
suffered severely at the hands of the
The lour - ladies watched her
wouldn't scans a nice 'person to you
Germans, who destroyed the machines
wdth pleasure, for they saw a siva,
any longer."
which they did not take away, and re-
isi figure. appropriately clothed,
"It wouldn't 4Inake tate slightest dif.
moved all material'of which they could
A face youthful and balrpy, • ,
whimsical ayes, pretty Bps parted n
ferenee In my feehixiga; in fact Ile
not make use. A great amount •ot wot+k'
a smile; and they aecdpted tate
already anticipated all , this. wars
will be necessary to clear up the
rearriuge and the big dianroatd sparkl•
afraid the registry might be cued by
the time we got back this afternoon
and even it the stoles ma-
Ing on the white hind as the proper
noes of auoh a • handsome,
so after my visit to the jeweler's f
chinery or its equivalent to obtained,
It will be impossible. to resume
went round there." He drew out
IA -bred young wotntstt. Maguire,
wit+fmd- flowed Noft hit the room,
bl for-�
tong envelope from his coat pocket
took out thi enclosure, and hatnded tE
duction before the middle of next year,
Nothing.now remains of the estab-
"indied t¢_fi
to her.
lishment Illy -le -Chateau, which an=
"ren't AYOU the rattle t" -he-
WE they �rrere °arca more
' She unfolded .it, glanced at it, and
:nually turned out about 200,000 tons
' on
way dawn the coraldor to the
- -
-IIs ;t a joke?" She looked over
of steel. Sixty coke furnaces; ions
Vri 'Burt it was wot+t41 kook-
at wasn't it?
paper at }tiara incredulously,
"Joke, no. It% marriage license.".
rat •ton con-
venters and• aiz sets of flattening rna-
' `I tikes it " she admitted. �� "Do
She glanced at it sin saw again
chines torte been destroyed or sent be.
the Rhine.
ink ali�boliy else would?
his name and hers -'t ail the fiat
e lndvlgently at such ob=
dencel'- How did ��
you rj8ire?„
Some of the steam engines were
ibus ess eoquetr7.--
steaks were blushing, but her eyes
up and blast f
stroyed by cutting down the support-
ing columns. The damage there
amouate'to several millions of francs.
It would be easier to enumerate
what the Germans have left than to
describe the ruin they have •caused.
British honey -crop this
year amounts to nearly 226 tons, the!
:;•�' `
biggest yield yet,
$alced''pooatoee and very tiboroiigh-
ly cooked ceree4s ase excellent *Ana
in the duet of aged .people. i
The Only UNIVERSAL Phonograph
Plays ALL reoords CORRECTLttV
fethuIlthie8runeickThasr" distinct needles, neuG_L 7,
Ing, the diamond point that stays oermianen'tiy In
hod on.
And the "Ultona" to the coil reproducer that gives
e7t0.o YtI the rE6ht weight and diephre.iii for each
This feature combines with the &I) -wood Hound i
charmber--butlt like s violin—to make the 11 lay
ole t oral univerael D onograph that calif lay
C Lay make o phonograph record.:
lX= X111 'v V 09VX`0X _
Dept. W. L. Excelslor Llfe Bids. Toronto
Without ebUffation send
me. free of oharge, your
booklet ezplaininlr mi street or R.R. ......s..:,...r• r.,..,►+,•,.•
oiples o2 the "L•ltoaa" Town' ................. .Pros , ..... ... • .
free to
Runs like 5
..i:,*VurtiAiX st -.1 . . . . . .
&* much
were running
electric light plant 11 Evapa
m WAIL n
7 b r-k-i-ir _:_Jacquervd-
_VLoZW_&Ta an,
of the
boiler. with Battey users
4 _6 conL.,
to enter our
valve. blUe4 steel Only
- W.00 Prize
spirit tint, sugar,
ftreboX. L with or petition for 97ruP
Germany F*ak That'thS Allies will
burners, and blued u for service, It gives =aXimulps re.
Bul so VS&W.
lire kept in-lite steel chimneir. All urs Which means . -
Where there is a running Parts of what if "n
The Making of SOUP- --Aak.For "Ton-frToe
not add to the COA to best Quality metal- Uagra of the "OU-"ViOia" w
Of HOW often kitchen it will e lea and will aaaln prove its MAW-Its
4'Hama Pilate of soup? or future use. Bond us Your Reatitwtion. de
can soups. stocks, etc-, and we il competition with its es Prize. win.
wul =d th
J&v4s you asked the family if it Would Non "-users.
1. t . you 40 packages of Ming opportunities
the Pantry Shelves. our lovely emboss. in An Import e, the grove owners
of soup, after you had ant Article on the state mudaling along - with 01
have a plate watch wasteful methods had Dotter
;;;.spent Some th Easter and order a
no And Material making ed k3t Postcards
of the German mercantile Marie necessary
This was seen recently on the Pan a Cologne Gazette arrives' At the cOnclu
et in ling
.it, Now I am going to tell YOU that ht- to sell at 10 cent "owner' 0. supplies slow
is the try Shelves Of patriotic but thOUg" a package. When he
the Sion that Germany is Still-t WMXVrAC=Ml* COUTANT
secret of true economy One quart can with FLold, send us the 'Juneon W�
SeTvini Of a paste Of good , �Wstable. less we=n: of chow chow in ft; money and ns of Merchant ShiPPinf VW
we 11 1 of 3'700'000 to
di about a Cupful send You he at! 500f
12 �, out of a total before the War Of 5
At the bee=ng of inner Jelly engine. V Al'
Z"Up 'longer fit to est, and one mated that 2,260,000
made, ' SOUP is a not paid. 000'tons.' It is estimated 'fish "Bristol," ball, succeeded In Be
coarges pro
When. properly jelly in the immedi- this terTiAC
tons are 'in Germany or chain of inottu
Are had
JAImulating and -wholesome dish that glass. *ffi- R few "fifull a Ing even
meal. left to I dry up and-be, wasted! HOMER-WAF(REN CO- nel. tains, although to' do so 116
-wffl add elegance to the frugal pantry. shelf ? ate ghborhood;" that. 750,000 tons
pV. -47. T030031" lies- untouched in neutral countries.; ..It Stimulates and 1 --'-b confiscated promotes the diger- they on your rise to a tremendous height. He isew"
and oreWes the stomach for the - This May bave,been a common sight that c25,000 tons have Been con from Santiago to Mendoza In the
't%n g few years ago when All ate what we a"
G4""*r14E*rt4GN by neutrals for their use and that 65e' gentine Mesa towns, 'LlthOT19
-food that f&0w3-
6tter how wanted And threw the rest out, but 000 tons have been handed over to the
Each - household' no DU I . food armistice. Even if than a hundred miles divides them
pot, and now when every spoonful Of ase less of each other's inhabitants
have its Stock enemy under the
Amall, obould ha
Jill!" pot W LondoZ4 fast go all the bits, must be put to use to save humanity; is assumed that 250,000 tons Of the than do New York and
not even a drop of jelly can be wasted. shipping in Germany has been used up range which separates
trimuniqra and bones, to Ilealth * ..: the mountain
r ea-gues that she still ,own&"
Al The housekeeper by war service, Germqms- height,
gether with the left-over gravies,h fruit and vegetables, 3,500,000 tons of the merchant ship- them averages 2(),000 feet In
;rv�daiiy I canned so In
Plate of soup should be im pint can and is the abode of mighty gt&cle"
couldn't find enough *""yl" ping that the, war. To and Inaccessible Precipices, and. ism.
and need she -just cOV1 "W30 at it had before
:-Auring the fall and- TdntM y glasses. Her construction of "at
a each week to and SMUL jet' this is Added new cons ful crevasses•
wA but a few cent small they 1WrOw tired of. Teeth. the war. In t'he
family is so ce, or Children's .9 all.
chow chow, Or sau Care of the least" 1,000,000 tons during
Only one mountain range
reliant fleet Is a beighti
ROW to prepare A stock Pot—Se one kind Of t first teeth are "so that the whole me the Andes I
Ing N vegetable, before the can, is useid up, Because he child's ed at about 4.00,000 tons- world execs" Wbkb form
lett IL Pat *at has A, close-fitting very 1Itt16--U only temporary mAny, motbere seem 'timal that is-the Himalayas
TO". The 1 and Just a little--& them of little has- The German Hop4.- the bastion of India on the north, "p
ad keep it for this PW inclined to think
gallon pot' 'wasted each time. kking much As h"" on several occasions been dependener from
=Ual proportion is a one. W_
I Wa;ere area few hints that will hft- po;tAnce and not worth tA stating our great t Tibet,._ *or a family of abr. You will require er, is shown, the Germans, are really pre a _t� Few at
MjiY is -snule you will Pairs to preserve. Tbat, howev mysterious land
"I" to every quart of Bemuse your Is &aL A great mistake. it is true that the pared for a demand of -ton for ton," the Oaks have ever been "4A
am pounii-of cans,
one OAHU- }undoubtedly Open the piint Placed b6- and thetr great hope is,that the Allies the great P a ever trod the' sum-
teeth are gmduaII7 rel
Water, And me h0reonlou, ed .ThL5, %ill heave _V=ftH__e=pty �mna in mill; sixth-h-and.tw4tth years. yet will not take what shipping they have NO human loot bA 8 to atelshl
um sized cwrot� 4=0 medium used
left, ovir 691ef0il- tfM to - L . bjF5AtI&ft0 with-thatt will Mit of Ev6rest,.whIcb rise
got and
;1 turwp, one fagot of SOUP, herbs- to which You can recast any r nt w _r At , bu culminating
your they ave very int 0 of W,4 piobiwit
TAW" of water or less. fruit or vegetable YOU think PO ts Germans 'to build for them, w feet, and is the
every lean family wild tire of before it is usecL perform. In the first Vlace the child tell the Germ the expansion Of point of the earth.
*a butcher . ersek the bones be reached by flight In t'
ve them under cold Or you might carry over a bowl of needa them for mastiestiou Just &a and th6reby secure Is earIJ futa"
'well,. and then rinse neigh- he needs the permanent teeth later. In the German shipbuilding industry -and I . -
gether with tomatoes or peaches to Your ;rhen some enterprising sitars wis"'"
water and plies in a Put to you have to open a two- young children the digestive organs the future at the German mercantile to do a 'stunt!, which win make bit
the Seasoning. Add the required lkm- Jbor when some day she will return are not GO strong, " they are later, maiiie.
of--- -WAtft-An&_briu9 to A rt must be wall broken UP The Cologne Gazette. for Its Dart, namib famOuseverywh*rs'
CaR quo- can. ad the food
am I a, bowl -cd Coro which
bait. 0ork Very slow.,y for three and. perbapsMth follows on its talcow
in order that the atom- comments as
hBH hours. Strain the liquid-And She is _WWca_ 44 it fien t, at course, foresee One Min cin bkkO 'Care Of IV
anxious to urea -f as
nwices Rho any sch may be able to
vegetables to no eircumsta trees As easily' return the boons and fruit or vegetables be cars- properly. Just " the aged .who have what will really remaTn--fd-Vr-o 41116-
d coal f 10�0 `=&yg an =fesr of the Pture
Set the liquid. aside to n suffer from di- I tonnage. The Signs that the enemy
of fat when it' C4.0perative
iftte keftle. les;11y'edfegt to ,poll when so Much lost their teeth Often has dens. iwow
4gnd remove the cake Live ills, owing to Imperfect MAS- =reaio dictate to us 1% Peace Of Jus- Sugar Syrup
P� thl d no of violence are still very
a � liquid In labor we spent in canning last run n, so the child who prematurely ties an I
d boil for when there we 90 many tication, suffers dusting thin. President Wils &Ionig Still
one hour. It mer,- And V% - On
IL sancepm &D hoses his teeth usually
be used for stock, Soups, hungry months to fill, nent maintains his'creed. We &A'resarded 65,000 farmers of Z&O
Save the spoonfuls. Thei ste iii
the interval before the P6rmA only about
' � mea sad sauces.-Sav teeth erupt to take the place of those as debtors and can only at best hope, tArn Canada tap their M2910 tZ
Cover-in-ths__ Is with w h. it the enemy Will Lose that it would that T-hose that don't lose the dome Ot
CON W&tsragain and Add any lost. grom of speech Are be un*iza to -make a debtor in Pa, Is A nice little revs out of
Good Nature C0utsZWi_U_L_ nit
Spavies, bits of meat, trimmings getting necessar 5ducei UY -bla-debt, Its apart
M in for PTO -them.-
that you may bav on band A-vertain little boy was consonantal sounds; if the low the fact that cOMPWts TIO
ra I trotting,hatred.
.()Oak 11111i,ijliiii�ff� 1:1131 the habit of f a habit of pluRge the peoples into fresh
strain, a 1notheil them eariy, lie may acquire i
$10r four hours, sad then at the brew will petiAst in A"
to -two quarts of this, stock add one h -off fretting at 11111(111,11 111111
cad i reprove(l him by haTz SPRIN& MUSKU5.41F..
flan Of tomatoes, one cupful of, di lift. -Tbe whole comfort of the morn- later life. But even more mCANAD
of diced
ou- aarigered. Father went than that is the Part the milk t
ammu, one4half cUVft1 lug become el and P"PPZ- se-4-'anferred We pay Ow best price for Giprins
wgrrieoi pPlay in moukling the Uw a Distinguished Flying CPO 141,
long, one-helif COPM of barley. -ons to his office With & little the permsnent teeth. ng George . Muskrats
child ing it for holdloff by KI
of diced PotstOSIS, half M-1 frown on his We, And an 'oder re are 'twelve more teeth in the I have.
-toy" one-quarter tea- I to school in a mood to be imitated by The In. the Send AnY� FdrS YO%
' aro
ej.: fut of diced turnips, 0 set than in iY announced - assured of satisfaction
thyme, twOithirgs %willich later in she could permanent the first, it is omclal King has in price And
uful of powdered three on each side in each Jawv--alld Guette of Feb. 10 that ths
41060 treatment.
ftbieftmonfulS of finely chopped Pan- ea,ily 1811311 '01-Mr. the natural Iron-saw In size conferred Distinguished Inying Cross-
discovered the although
..Ter, am tabjeepoon of dried celery It-was mother who provides for the extra so On the following CallAdians in recos' ABBEY FUR COMPANY
found:of the Jitive
Cook awwly for one.bour for She 00,;d nitiolt of gallantry in ayftg operations Montreal.
issues. . I danger and the reu . &a for- I number, it h a snug fit If the 310 8L Paul at. W.,
saw tasty Vegetable tow. that Little Boy, reproved for a th too ace', the nor- I against the enemy: 'sines# for 30 Years
prepam fallst at s" ibidden to mention one thing, twined 116ses his m2k tft Ir TIO I n f;u
f +11he W_ Clark, Central he Of Vhe 5t
tj carr herbs—Divide Me look' imvo w— th i n- = e- A—" on October u i� lie"
Ito aDo er and things ins 01 no . who St. Henry.
up, To coming better grew worse. When she ZZ" occur, and the new teeth aTer Regiment, sing
wto and out from the stem pushed ort of tine, out a very. successful shoot. can
together, re-
this acid four branches started t:he reformation, she pretend- crowded completely lyie�s of look an ugly aud deformed tire and explosion and com
two branebes of parailey, ed not to notice that be grumbled or twitted, and position. During the
of thyme, of carrot, cut in a strip mouth results straying the . p4J
one piece when the room was cold, but called continually harassed by
long, two' branches of that the graw Apart from the question of future shoot he *as'
three Inches his Attention to the fact but by exhibit-
Mpej pod. to throw i',Is, there are dangers of infection to eight Fokker biplees
celery, one SWAM Im sprites were gatting T09AY isnow- which a dirty mouth exposes a cb6ld. ing.marted courage And skinful shoot
Tie with a string and dry in a down whole. basketefull Of a dental Joa-,nai has Dae on ere and dis- Use
r Ing he drove dowh 0
-y put in, a glias" Wheneve AS a writer do
warm p1W*,Vben dr 'Ough to go cpastigg. Of
as'needed. cm- said, there Is in the-uncleun mouth persed the remainder.
to be used be there seemed. A lWellhood of a of several square fest , Lieut. K. B. Conn, Third ReseiTe
jar bild an are Expeditionary
Many varieties of soups, may from little bay she diverted It IL C Canadian r EXped
with asst plaint ora -'happy Bug- -including the surface Of the teethe-- Battalion,
!sono' the plain stock wi a by a 4*ery'-,rcmark o ou. October is. when raid.
The covered with filth-wbich, if it were On Force, who troops In retreat, descend-
is few misrules' work. one
queA of gestion. The remit was Magical - of the body, would CGUIW -W
Clear tomato soup- To amount of the surface y r' Diawns
r i I" I .t, attacked three cOM
Iihg grouch, ubich no the mother no tittle AlGr7n. 1%0 mouth ed t:-IM I�L a gun
ca, !ff-toma-, uld banish, di8-.1 is s�lj —1deal place- for -the leg of infantry with Machin a
rM reproof 'Or- s-&M
JL r a fine lire, inflicting casualties. So vigorous
toes rebi)ed .. through Terfinze"
abock add am Cupful Of Is . *leve,. !!1P red-urdek-*s sunowne of tact, those cerril =tl�at pro- pan
btOOd1e6P Macaroni or any cooked vegall appea nature. bacteria--both
and good teeth and those* that was his attack that the troops dis-
le-Boy it I duce decay of the Lt. -Conn For Profit
table xkaY be added- 1. perhaps instead Of Uttrmify who I invade the body causing diphtheria, persed. then attAtked various . - -'s 4u- J targets�AfsvlsYlliff con olcUous
For clew 5-w- de _T some older-Tre"11— umonia, tuoerewolu-s, ,— atlMr o
ban bouquet and any cut
fat of I -I bed on the wrong aide."' � i!fio iml dmessm. The child's skill and Initiative-
sired vegetaMes to 1--sch gear 0 *6rd or a reproof SoMeGun - a I ulb4%v& ... ft - Lt. J. E. Haloonquier. 1VLu X%Vw
I soups- I A Eroseong. just _%sl mouth dieserves as-much attention as �. Expeditionary
-stock. VALen aaslialsrg of prepared sets the whole day I the Battalion, Canadian
one cupful and hearing are the adult'* and the toothbrush, b
Y will Add our sense of taste 'and the mouth wash are Force, always displayed the •high st
milk your soup few hours dentkfrice setting a fine ex-
- 7*. stock to each ewN of more acute during the first necessarY Parts Of his toilet equip- Skill and courage, se He accounted -Toronto
still stave a deticiOus `nlwvy-� of the day, so aleo is the sense twr-
AS filled into Ater- nt. Brushing the teeth reguley-7 Areple,to other pilots.
Stock may be ma the Power to 'hurt us'Me night from earlie®t child- 0 enemy machines and during
1 n
s and then the -rubber and gives another tever happens morning ark '.% emildils iij Italy led four
Alized Jar may then be by word Or look- Wh" iling good hood will establish one of the best recent op
ltd adjusted; the SOUP let n4iling faces SrA unla Ed can acquire.
for three hours in hot Water be the� guests at the break-, habits that a ch successful bombing patrols at 1 1 Ow al-
sod the bath, -fasten temper tit d
U1111i. 31 fackav, 87th Canadian
Remove from Lt. 1�
Ads securely then test for fast tab' Woman Who Understandie' ii I
the P rely And � dry place. "The Battalion. as since April carried out Without a
leake and bate in & cool' - d The Finding of the Dawn. -,es no plan . d •has been conspic-
n for you to fulfill,
over 1BO patrols an
An N.C.O. in the Royal Defence She mall Iry and devotion to
uous for gallant
GIRLS from Worcester- The woman who'understamds; ts single Exc�ppido*
wr tes to me un,%risbed grist to Your duty, both In. attacking ground targets
re CA3921"M a. writer' in the- London Sliesends no and in aerial combats. in the latter oinzers We"
A= SOU 15 in-, shire, SaTS mill, � The Fe:
Thin big doll is s:-"The war is terpene- wino he accounted ed
gal has Jointed 16911 Evening New a understands. nted for two enemy machines
ahes tall, turil The woman d, Canadian Local ProfitablY EMP10y
arms anti na ibis for several great discoveries-to 'Tis th6ught she brings Lt. R. D. Slitherlan
I I I I --Says ottma
NILd us the sunrise was one of very valuable work
hands and feet, The
as done ve
Doll carriage ha-9 steel many of That sings and sings h he last year he
frame and wheels, and them. We "�Stlne. During t
Into heart of You,
worked.in the city before 110 rertniz,ers sad M&MIrs
the seat, back anti joining the Army, rose at the last conspicuous for gallant-and lirll- menta were carried outatfiveSs
hood, made of
'ill it periti2ental r-rin Stations, - �"J. flows and glows s
I he�rette. it is 24 lwan
eat' minute, and caught the 8.40 to town lust adershtp'between September 17 three-year rotation Of
Inches high and Is Now N;.e fi,.lve captured the wonder and I Andlfinajl�ongrOws
Potatoes or othcr hoed crop
Ju t the right size Into visions of dreams come true.
for s the big Doll• the. glory Of the sunrise, Ion It has been Crain and (3) Hay. 11 Theavcrace
-to, th.three years frc IV
lon since the Service
Just Ben R your our daily port yJ FEARSOME FLYING era of ova, 0,
both =a' -civ r-
nalyne an rems nd the ma She Bits and smiles from her eas manure end fertiliz-
and we" son claimed its. Th6 mystery a chair, peracre andfromfcrtillz , ioaos!lotly .
you ppackages o. gic of the wonder light of dawn will ."The understands, aln Ranges OVL� SIS per acre."
It has The woman Scaling the Gigantic Mount These calculations Sze based an to
our lovely osse Tomain with us for evermore. }our grow of -th prices ofallthe odl.
er taste cls to cellst. Patric t as And as she listens e Earth
clear, tA3T et, � no theta
t a increased
ac mge.
at 10 a vac �1'4 �;,_ , I , ^pPeoz,
-ug-l-ca our drooping spirits and h
lift6d Our ear ' r who understands, On the Italian —side Of the Allis is a
When ,sold send The woman first airman c
us our Hey and we couraging us throughout monument to the
rman who
WI)i giLout the heavy �e comb;rlatlm
141, LAGI 1, P_ She la •s no le aim that mighty
send Y-a succeeded in scaling �
with au abarce,% pro- hen 0! brain - - r.:�
For gluing you, European barrier by means of flight
0 x1j
paid, and we will what
she is givi
without any grovyth Sit I
son the Deli carrtago. The 6g attains its full life in the performace,
d you He lost' his 1918.
that Will the ew&of the secondsea race, Although he had actually performed L"We AND
how your Doll to
-go if
YOU orn, lives be- FERTILWS HASTEN RlPr
r. It is old heT soul's fine grace
friends and got years, and ld re his death. 11,40REASE CROP YIELDS.'
at fifteen ives you strength for the
The race that makes dreams come the feat befo
three of thorn to to comparitive
-7 our goods and yond twenty years. who true. But the Alpe sink-in. Tr?$#f0rFr#4AV9#H#g$o" crop PYCqga"
prison, too. Son& In making a skirt for a person cAnce?before the stupendous
tarn insignift
your name and ad- cWll nmd ImOsevoruoatBatfosu
f the Andes. in South Amer-
a so A0 U to lift the skirt in the back and Any man with a fair sugar bu.F�h barrier 0 arrived that of t�ffl CA
is very Slender ft is sometimes nece& Fortmaer
r-so to-dayoll lately RLM, Tanorm.
V t 0 yet news
prevent it be able to make $200 before im, r-z,
r ought to
=tly to -the sides to Godpy, a Chilean Instruct
ou if he Lieutenant r from Swinging front, and pouching regular farm work comm
ed by an Englishman And in an Eno
AXT sagging in the back. goes at it rigitt
out or
HN NURKAF4Pr9pr1et,0n-'-.,
RTT1KR8'T0_ T142 1901TOPii
SIR. -:-As moot . of us' knoiv, , the
:givers that t;a' d6olded that the
heachise 3 [A
y' botw
�_ _ (L%
•��-�ed to women. With the .00"Messelon of
- ----------
---Belo* yo'-'"--
tbU privilege there is a tremendous' t
responsibility, and it wJII hopecessary U will find a list -Of Aylmer Brand Goods
to prove to the dubious on this point. at prices ypu cannot 'duplibate,..:
that the women Intend to stand for -MATIOML
pie ratbrar than party, and for WAR SAYWO&C
Hall OMWA Can -
p_ Cann X21per ddaea'
all that to the wakit3&Of good- SIR HERBERT B. A Mys CQ&nmm Peas,'
-&Jew" -----------
, - 8
It -mons 1pand'and abetter Canada. svimEv.,v
ancow4w SIR GEORGE BURN, oume avc _6•
The,,question JOHN BLUE. Edmonton
of Prohibition will W. -M. BIRKS, Montreal 17e 1., 5
won be before the pe6ple—it was en- H: A• ALLLSON- Cagarr REPIE T. LECLERC. Montreal Canned Pearu;
.,-acted as a War. time measure, to be In HON. GEO. A. BELL. R -SIR J. DOUGLAS HA22N. SL JOW Cannad Peaches,- ..2.60
0 •
P*8 A. BLACK. Ha as 9'
force till after the war—the' measure, X RM. Lon
JOHN GALT, Winni 28c
'Z�,.-:.though not yet perfect. has demon- don . HON.14URDOCKMcIaNNON.6"e" Get'your supply now. They will not -b
e, '"-titrated Its Own merit and needs no a cheaper
`-comment. 0
"Un the first Monday, in the nionth We. have a full line of Royal Purple
.stook: foods
For -Information)
of June, 1919,'ther6shail be gul�mftted
the vote of the electors-1�ttrple Calf. Meal, C,50
of the Pro-, REGARDING Royal.
..'.,:-yInce of Ontario, qualified to ore at
Royal Purpl6'PbuRry Specific,
he v c
ction of members of the 1,egi
eel 30c and 60
olative- A agAmbly. the -question -f-A-re- W_":,_Sa_vinff'
ts Sia - mps
you In favor of "the repeal of the On.
J A M 'E S H A R.D S. 0 N
tarloTernperance Act?" Sect4on14
fn :Ontario Temperance Act,
,F- -�7'7 Thus we see that a BRITISH COLUMBIA
Ragm 615.Xdnpohua;8QiI"ff, vanconvitr
campaign ign Is before us and it 'will de. ALBERTA - .--21ga stit AV W
pe her we 42110 e#.__C_akw;_742-Tn1er BaUwg, Edmoston
upon the people whet SA3 UWHEWAIUL�
shall come forth • $03 MeWma-Hill Building, R A L S I K E "SEE D Keep away the 'flup
I r final battle for temperance. The op -ROS -501 Elftbic Railway Chambers, Wkaip*g
Polling faction Is maishalliDg its THUNDER BAT Reon' 410 Chk Exchanie, Fort VvMiaa, OxL
t�- rOtm Let us hope that every woman WESTERN ONTARIO By b
361 Richmond Street, Lon", Out. uY109, a warm Sweater'
wM ';;allze that, she cannot afford to CENTRAL ONTARIO Coat. I h4ye. -a big range.
f7- : L - - . . .. . . . . . , U We will
be indifferent on this subject which Teremostred, T ate pay the highest to choose y in men's
women's --boys'
- home and future ef Canada.: QUEBEC- prices for all,1kinds
tOuchOs so Til 11p, humanly, the EASTERN ONTARIO• r= In
When i I" SL jam" Shoo, mftb*d pf seed. jjrrs
A98b"or visits your home. If your
i - � . so Prime Wow Sti� St. -Send no samples an sizes
Dame ie not now on the voters' list, NOVA •SCOnA d -get
t ItL
-- ---- ask that .: 1111draimle SWUkt. Hollis Sbvt� HaWax prices that cannot be�'
be placed there, and. -so be ftINCE EDWAIWISIAX6. ' ' .* . .. our prices before " f
able to use your vote against. the re- rnvbww muing, cbwkudm I.. - . I 1L.. . . I found elsewhere
al of Prohibition. AL a..# requk* selling.
pe bitioD.
Yours truly' &&hveeid to W-4"In"Counnitt"...
ORKSO NW tandtod an onve6pe .0. The -best of fa'uilltle's' C-111 and see the big racie of
for -cleaning -
whore family.
I Fingold, North ()IiXeMont
- ti . -Cie
i to it ing-8
�Sovkz,Z _'16 Ap�
with Saturday,. Pec. 7th we will di,poge"of our
Pan .51114inery, stock at'gresel -reduced price". u
Everything"will be sold at cost.
".After Clirib,tmas- we u -141 --be. 1) epared th'take ordersake i ne Retur"a, NW16 InA1460
7 7_
M ma we S
hij "e
RISA&— an Irnportanthv'ui� fvr_eafflid_�. The ic der
•is en on _. a new era. I L, is ass] 7
tering P
r to* peacefrom war .Let us Start this new r;gbt
Theie are -thousands of soldiers returning -from over -
The Governme't is -doing all 1A it
to -HavingAnd
purehased the garage business of Rtuiiil]----
W, we am
et these
men backto civill _h.E Prepared to repair all makes of aut0e. Having work: in an
It auto factory forls a am ber-of years, we are prepared to
5 is giving a Wir Service v ke Gratiq'ty—' firinded
91 re than guarantee sa-tisfactloo,
0 n or raoney- re
any otf.
her. ther. nation—to ' keep. -the' .'soldier goimng till he We keep.in stoek all kinds of. Ford acepeasorien, tins for ali
_gets a job., ma as of cars, -oils, etc.
n—'whe're_ his u- s
1ftiaii,ef - him a pensio' e f u' I ne"s-s is" Davidson & WiRianul,
impaired. b. his service.
-It teaches a rnaa- a 'n cw trade when' his service
Tickering'- Hardware Store .
unfits him for his former trade.
It ffiv e*s him free edic
d I treatment when
-Stov's and Heaters'
�ncss rectirsq,".and supplies free artificial limbs and e
sur P nCes.' r
surgical appliances.
Now is the time you need a good Stove'. We have the Happy TUONEM!
guarantee them to satisfy you.
public Canada a
It bringing back to Ca k;nge, and
t she pt� Ne have
the Pandora Range' that guarantanAteelf.
expense the he'soldiers" dePevdewts' now overseas, _W 'alio have several second-hand stoves for sale rhea
omplete line of.Washers, run by either, hand `or power.
,..,--But t6*'6_0vefnment, how- —After he hati resfed the
..--ever wit —casinot provide so ler ti�T_be —Provided wi ffi __Naw Perfection Oil Heaters and Rayo Late -pis always du hand.
or employ-
e person#I touch- neededjrr--�-- iii ty f
an opport u
-th is work of ftpittriation. ..ment.
In towns of 10^0
on, We have just received oome'more GWvanized Iron Tro�xb&
That must be given by the lati '' Public Employ- five the h
Offices have been esitab-
le themselves �_tpn t 0 lie a new trough, and they will soon Pa
out 0) the feed they waste with the old one.
lisped io help soldiers
went fro
tr 71te men who ."well
Ulm m
parts to fight in Fland war -worker's; secure go''d
ers deserve. a real welcome 196a quickly.' 'Mierei these Farmers, got your Stoek Food here—The Ro al.Pwple XARS..-,
home—the best we can give,. exist, citizens should 1W
co -0
A AYs A Plamure for us to ithow our goods.
ate. Where they do not exist,
In most towns committees the citizens themselves should
o citizens
have already �help put the soldier in touch
organized to Meet the'soldiers
'V�Ith employment. MEL
and . their dependents '.Rt.tbe
station, to Provide hot mea
Ye .Q1de�Mill
�q supply automobiles,' afford -:
em rarY a ommodatio, s done. -It er
t PO c c n The'fighting job ii
hen necessary. has cost man . a heart -burn-
ing. But it has- been w g
ell ::zecommends-the followin' Flours
done.' The least we ean d0__:-'''
_:..'In. addition, Many other
•our appreciation
are org,is-to-
_In __SoC_ia
orlBest Bread and Pastr'
rin99 to give public wel- in no uncertain manner. - - ----------------
COM to
e returned men after . . ...
have been home a, Don't letth- we Mona" Que n City
e welcome die
ys, (Pastry)
few d a' away with the cheers. Blend)l
�Cresm of the West
-(Bread) J
Mif tee
The Repdtriationi. Com
e is
Z mills
Torounto. Peterboro, ekerin'g
r 'art- w, ti ,w . e. ="'rwy - it . ;, � ttuw 'i`« : .K `¢,s� ' aa$ .r�au"'•�` Ar"' s �a•. i`• .;17
.+ v.:, ,r Y i .b....s moi. . t.•s+t•a', ,•r.,r,: " :,.a: r.-''.i.''.f»'a�:.c qxa. •=;'`'°' r.;. "iY.r• :r.-,xw
�. '•sem•.; �•^" 1:- Z'. •r' -cy:v � .:o -^es • . yy,, •�' � e .,' ,,:,.a .,, ,kvi-r1'.","`�.d.� ,,s;:�7r�M1x..,y'i T�`.�• r. -- ..;'�•y.. yh.,=..,,,o, ,.n,t `'+„�� •>^! , a - �`•'„"
r,.. '! :�• ^°tel, ^s.. . ,�a',,.,;.e -. �rd ^ab, '. .la •_2' ,+ . ••g;':',�;.•y..., ;?:'�`,n.*.. :.de, .z`wwo- ',• xk•'.`a?''l ••i -
•,,, m r�.•., s.,•.,,}.?,. v,3., •g�., e.'•tir.... ,ii' „yrs. ,.. .:.r .:SN.:1AY� '-`"•ss'S .e••-. w, "'•A~%.fx'., .F.•'$.
Z �, A!M"i :.e• �^:-,6.15--.G • . .::. r �irr�: .:: r'�2�:�:•3a; ., _ �` 46.
' ••''ski.:. -,
aetil04 iia
• _
lhe. �nd�eRr returned home OD �O{ • ��Y PP G. I.aflon
onlay eveninit. ,$ave you pard f e AND OST ROLLIN(I
w' :Rsaben Rawson visited friends The understgned has recelved Instruc• The past year has been: a Ary'aR -_
- iat�teeee Ri sr last.wee:.._._:_ tsc�mthaEmentoriof.the.. _�PB►i yea' �►re_.� k'iveTp Ea9F. tL. t�19 Y�._y e
Yre. David Rots e- of Myrde; Estate of the iresdiag? if not, will . Week time for the baker who te' coneoLt.
friends hero-laeL sash, _ ._.. =;& ._ Ase= Wi��. : amu please do e� 3tiet egos - entioae, bat the ban Is lilted wal e
--� Amos Sherrard, o! Toronto, . -To sell by public auction at the - Now. , . _ -- _{�atard sy - --
^, visited friends here last week. ittst� �aa
T. P. Shii<k.wse in the oity on VILLAGE OF CLAREMONT �_= _ .EUMM
X;7-5. Mann spent .Buoday. �%tit5day, _W
_46-h bar sister- Mrs. Jarvis,' of The following valuable property: We Juive a 'full -stock o!
Locust Hill. _ o e , t Crete, -eh >.. -
sitnaxta in the Village cf Clareuoont.
F. and.Mrs. Hann entertained a. Said hotel is Z -story frame build,
x, Dandies • ` Choco�Ystem, «•
number* - of friends on Thursday . _Ing, contatng 9 ' bedrooms and sit- Gum,' Peanuts,;
evening last. D ream s
tit pc tanto upstairs, and barroom, -Fruit Cake. ,
- H. and Mre. Mectin, . of $rough• a u: p.'.e.eootn, dining room and two -
` :am, spent Tuesday: vvitli friends kitc8rns downstairs.
Hard and soft
in Claremont. - water iu kitchen, e Whitby Suddenly, in rile glow of the evening lamp Both shouse it7 the tore,
Mrs. R. H. Brown, of .Oron is Also. 7:i acres iu lot 30, Cori. , ' - _
• miles
- ��,,rr T Good soil. situated li — — --. .
vis ting her parents at the Ide't ho �•- • ---
a presence appears—a great artist, with viol: n aaIIrr d
dist parsonage. _. _r_ lro�u the Village a.
r n H. R. looney! ;P`lagenng >
- - the premises are aframe barn,lrume
T Miss Mabel Gib9on left on Satnr-- hoo,e 1 -veli watered. Full posses- hand; who at -our bidding, draws from the strings
day to. spend two .creeks with rola-.
.i, inVive-n.nnA ptil 1st,I9'A r
rives in Toronto. T9x8s-u, bore! arcipetty, 10% on a thrill of joy, a sob of grief, a sigh of love, ' h e X t O T!'-8
R. R. and 'Ira. -Rawson enter- - d,i; .,f sale, balance when giy.en pos•
"'•tatined 'a number -of 'frienda -on, . session. On fHrm, x� on day -of ..And under the enchanting '•u.,itchery of -
'inesday eveniug, _sale, 10'1: in 30 days an the balance b !ConfectYonery _
W. M. and Mrs. Palmer spent r hen Rig en possession: music, we are transported back to the old=tirrie
Thursday with t}le latter'a sister, Pro erts will be -sold auhTect to re- OWS k a -Cream `
' :lire. C. Elliott, ti! Brooklin. strved,bi.A. rest and comfort of happier days. NF.M - -
- Sherman and Mrs. Ragg;�uhr were F. Posrzrs, Auctioneer . - constantly on hand in bulk or briokt F4
in Montreal on Wednesday _ atten- W• B. Milne; No. 1. Locust Hill, Gradually, the dream picture dissolves, the [lam, Ohocolatee rind other Sweets.
ding the marriage of their son. E. Gllesson, Claremont, Executors 1
W. M Palmer and Nathan Cox W. J. B$sTON. ss.Bay 5t„ " presence fades, and we behold the. most Popular Patriotic Mnsio. Y }
had a trip to tfie city on Monday, 24 .:• Toronto; Soucicor for Executors Tobaccos. Giggle, etc.
4' .
A& cembtning pleaenre with baeinesa. maryelous. of all musical instruments— .If -T DILLINGHAM BLOOlC
Thom. Bendenon has rented Wil- NOTICE TO CRFT�ITORS - Pickering, out,
son's hotel and is prepared toofnrn•
` ish first-class accommodation to -- - -
s 'In the Estate of Susanna Andrew.�IEDIS, N_
ihe 0
public. later of too Township of Pickering,.. =
-• Mrs. Thos.. Oliver,of Greenwood, � Moe County of Ontario. midow, --
aad her slates:; Mre. Harrison, o —"The Phonograph. with- a Sorin" _ with Mare. deceased. --
�Toronto, spent Tuesday Notice is herebp'Riven, pursuant to - -
Mavid Taylor: - Section 68 Chap. 121, R. S. Q., 1914,
Mira. A. Thompson. of Walker -.that a!] pet having claims or de- _ 'Let Edison .dream .pictures enrich your '•
tont who has been spending a mends against the late Susanna An Let the life -like Edison Re -Creations:
Dr. J.
aiaonth; with hr#r brother, row; who died on or sbouttbe.t?thdays.
Morgan, o! Yet�rboro, is visiting day of 3ativary,1919; are ;squired to'�1; fe� Qum • -
frteeds•in and. awoand Claremont. send 1•y net prepaid. or deliver rtY1Ild___Q31t_-y0 - r -bra y '•
Ont, the ''•
During Rev. A. McLellan a ab- '14fr•.(,egi• 4 bRe. Dunbarton,
- - Eaecutnr of rho -will of the said de bring . you tl, a COn801atiOn, thG COnfCIItmeIIt, The UuiYAi•SalCl
sence in the city over the week. • _ '3
ers,jjrd. ftlil particulars of their claims
•encj, the servlees in the Presbyter•. rtrxI Ali+. r�iiture of the security'. if anY. the• solace, of beautiful �t�usic.:
inn rhureb qn-, Stuida ' -mere cau- _ - factur
yheld i>; them. and. w u• Baby e s
darted in the morning by the Iter. F'ur: her take notice that after the �%C- gill gladly �, $. lackson
Mr. cousins -and iii the evening by •!lath :i.ag_of IiSutcb, lsylfl, the a,+id Es-
Mr. Ellie: ecutor w ill proceed to distribute the roc err Ont,
Rev. F. grad hire. Ciinsins, who asse�� of t.hosald decea.ed: atausig the place..a. New Edison
B k Road Pickering, O t
have been visiting during the pant the ti � n1�9to the laim� of thereto
whicb be 3n 'our -- -
entitled 13E17srks_ mtihitr
R x� iYoadworktnA la
two or three months - with .the all rte branches. Saw gumming
elk a
' t- a its cr it bee }Iwble Eo _ .
.. -
• a
.. _ �V`e stock Gasoline Ea n Bate
ieit on Wednesday tfor their new whose .:!alta he shall not thea have re- R -
home in North Carolina, where ceived notice. a . -
ran r awe.
Mr. Cousins has been iven char a>4d Emery Mandrels +
e a pa n t e og can ehurch. Mo. everTeady.. and inex- We IIA►ve to# sale a blacksmith's bi♦1•
The continakioa class p�urpose �87waa T. C13xrtsx, tows to good order.
}laustible fountain of s
holding a concert in the Masonic Whitby, Got.
Prix •i.00.,
jeoticitor for the Executor. 2!•24
3 Hall on the evening - of Pride mental re 'reshmtnt
March 7th. The programme will
.-171 l ss++��
aeonsist of drills, eonge, duets goal Lueb 5 L. �t -emQ riotP
a one -Act drama. entitled "Elam- A �� � Wim` _
ins tion Day in Wnod Hill School." c
Watch out lot. bills. giving feu - a7iRiLef's �Vlualc StOie, ��shawa, Out. - 'Bae meets all Trains ---
Extensive Credit, Bale of
The debate n t! �Oil�rtti �* C A 1� _ night at lowest prices
ebnreb on Monday evening was a D iii +.
41P ilacot interesting event. The - •
Pigs, Implements, Etc. Make -Use of the Hails
Phone 1.805.:
ehurcb was well iitlet)L with Inter- .. �'h08• �,d8T80n & �
-ieeted bearers. The subject seas
^ 'The property of
°=•'Resolved, That the Christian it is entirely unnecessary for you to leave your WO& or
Life is more Powerful than . W �. QO'U`i�Srl7a+ I*" valuable time to-tutke a trip to the 13anic.
Wealth." The affirmative was At Lot tri, Concession 8,
taken by Misses Viola Forsyth Pickering* on . • !Batik with us by magi Send your b I1 br - Coal,
'C��Merle Stephenson and Adel. Friday, Tire 28th of February, 1919 7eane y order' or re�Bred post and the amounts will bei g
achnarr, while the negative was
The following property. vi:: aiChmowledged sad placed to Vora &oft report recdPL ' d
�_ • ;,
taken h Misses Mabel Wagg 1308998 -
.Mildredrodie and Mary Foeeyth. Light ba gelding, T sate old., h dr a The judges were Mr. Wilier, Mrs. Sari bay elding,�b dygelding 5 yeaDOMP" BAW
Ifil7 Hard•tand soft Goal of the heal
Morgan Pugh and Robt. Willison. aid, h d: Chestnut driver, • Tears - .quality on head. 1 ;
The debaters on both sides did ex- cArrrtt . `
rQeedingly well, their arguments .Red cow, bred July 28; white cow. ,WHITBY BRANCH , d..bCRDON HALL, Manager) THOS. A. LAW,
- - showed careful -preparation and bred June 21; white sow, bred June 14;
ltieywente gi, ven wit h telling effect. tsrrow cnw. rad cow. bred Jnne 21: aaaaaaa aatr;pt=aRaaasisl4Ratt1a1t1s= t<<ywaaaaRw13;r - ,:Gut' ,
.� Atter weighing all the argamente red -and -white farrow cow, roan cow, _. - .
refnlly the judges decided that bred Jose 26; roan beifer, eapposed to THE
she ai>3rmative had the beet of the be to ca steers �o $ ye d
etegament. pro- heifer; S halt calves - STANDARD - -
nmme was also given sad a col• heilees tlsin 2 veers old;
months oW; I,,�
betion taken. lir oaths old; baby
Atter a lingering illness of about 8 roan heifer calves: white hsitee alt. � CANADA
Bowe AND 8H0'A19. _
-ibwo years, nae of oar mQmt coni-
Yorkshire sow bred Deo. 119. York• + ;.' MAD 0�1Cs TOwONTO z � on Glssed
laent citisen0. lir. AIez. Wilmoa, shire -sew bred Nov. !0, 10 shoats f - w
wa on Wednesday, Feb. aaonths ;old 8 R iaelamaash
sop► ts- at the age of 77 ears. Him < sash !B:'� .. gat i.16 per Pante c
rias ,the rre�rs>t=xTe 1Vftoney Orders and Drafts aro
funeral took place on 7 Binder M•H 8•fL. Mower U -N t3•ft.. e -!t wh 14zM at =,rig per Oa1e
-14th inet-, when his bendy was laid bores rake McCormick near! new.
-to rest in the Union Cemetery: seed drip, cultivator. turnip dAlll Plea- by- t� Bank 'payable in order@ takes for- BrantfrAd :Aspi.lt
'The pall -bearers were R. R• Mow- ry nearly new. fanning mill Chatham - ghtngan oto and see samples
bray. !pp, fi. Barnes, W. G. Scott, Consists, set o[ scales cap, 1000 Ibe., and �et,our seines.
cortin box, turn pulpee000kshatt, aettro ,•,a all parts of the world.:,
' John Forgie. Ed. Gleeson and W. 8 ighg wagon and one set of springs, � � �VH4 bus arrt/ed a carload of Britiolm
R ffiilne. The deceased was born sept of trucks, wagon box, set of sleighs PICK V Columbia Shiplap sad "
- .4e Whitby township where he �'- bay rack, set of barrows, 'land roller, 8ssstei sJss � Aly�y. Yatohed Lumber• ---
gaged in farming and also in the 2 single plows. -double plow, set of M, C. SAN, Maaassr• '
'.hotel business in the village of plow wheels, scuffler, boggy. hay fort `w
'Asbbnru..About twenty flveyears and l73 feet of rope and pulls s. wheel W. D. Gordon k, So
j '•ago be a re to Claremont . to en- Wrew, water trough. is rods of hog
Re is :aim hotel business, which wire, roll of chicken wires. 7•stsbte Ov
�s rings, 20 cow chains. pig crate, !hog ys.. are e
Ire has engaged' in ever since with troughs, grindstone, Yelotte sepaearHolidA VY
:.4he exception of a few. years. Cor b00 cap. nearly new, range Home -Hell and Independent phone.
..' atop for a• number of years con- Oomfort, hoz stove, kitchen table, 2
Ancted u im le ent a enc bus:- -
nese in which he was very success- erns. 2 bird cages, 10• milk pane, 12 817 Or -- 118 r - 8
i; .....
He took an active interest in links of�tovepipea,-cross-cut saw., mot _
`- .. --f OF
tuanici al affairs. When he wKs of heavy harness nearly new, -set of s lendid lin
pp x.
in Whitby- towuship .he was a heavy harness Rood. set it Bingle a of'ghaker Flgnnel in light andldatrk calors- •
Cil harness, 8 collars, string of belle, set o! We have a p v .0IItano
- tiseatberot. the-tow#tshtia coup breechin e;-Ifl0" bvtehels of oats .25. -- in dark, -for men's -winter- tshirts.___Hea y -----
g _—extra +a+tY . _ _
—` ler several years and ttl�or,� capied bushels of (}once wheat, 9 bage of po•
the reeve's chair. Shire coming tatoes, set of 8-borse evenere, set o! Cottonade for Men's 8ni0eTcs and Pante,
4bo Pickering, he has also !leen: hon' doubletreee, 2 neckyokes,'forks, hoes, prints, light and dark, for Aprons and Hoagie Dresses.
:`need with a seat at the council shovels and other articles to nungerobs - Flt<Ymers' Flub �>neBCB lII
chamber !ora camber of ..years, to mention. Sand Towelling and Tea Towelling in the best quality piokeringHtt11
which showed the high esteem in 1� Mr, Giourlie ie giving up farming„ geoond Wednesday w
_ . which he was held. He was twice t1erything listed will be sold. '-pongee and Wash Silk for Ladies Blouses. ".
married, and bad a family of one Bleached and Factory Cotton st-ei ceei,aotiable price of esoh month.
sea and three daughters by the -Rale begins at 1 o'clock, sharp r OBj during 8U,M Mer MOUW
- test marriage. These are Thomas. �Ys ;_pigs, baby beef, g sin snd Come early and get vont choice. yi
win died a few years ago from all sums of =16.00 and under, Dash : *Stoh for Bat meetly
typhoid fever, Mrs. John Steven- over that amount S months credit to x _
Doe. of Mirror. Alberts, Mrs. F. parties furnishing approved joist • •Ef
s N •
Dowswell, of Winnipeg, and #les: notes, 4,perceat. straight allowed ■ e 'p
IL G. Irwin, of Wainwright Alta, for Cash.
poo hearth PAW roes=,
Milson, who is in r •rias Toole. Clerk Auctioneer s, ygy�,`' yT�`$..9.� •
survives him.
... ... .:;,--•.:.a.._..c _.. ... _.,,. a.,.r»s. _.. -..:.:.'_ -_.e..«.. ,.._...,«...i.......,:-;n•.r._._.,;.u::•r."«_s.�......._�: ,a._:.,H._..,.5.:rtiuif'_'X �i`,$t•8�.at..�rJt.rr:d.RiCns"":^i�'�e•w�IC'r'�'�u.'�Ek.7t..'_->.-:calm ''iia^.S'�at.._.. - =tom...±"�n�l'�.
- -------------
16tten of Dispute Between Natiow to be. Settled by Arbitration
-Five Giiat Powerslla L-A;ontre"f thu-
ary itself not to resort
-a my= of- the_ the &sPute binds
,?5w _rM01MVU W17A."WIMM qg Zk_"_7*7_M
$25009000 BEQt S1' ' y
Series of, Scholarships and Paicul,
ties Established in Great
A desP!4ch from_49ndon imrs -.-Sit .'L 2�' .
1rom aw2r*. 11MIlar Provisiom are to be F. a well known flnan
cier, has -placed in the hamis of- trus-
applied to disputes between nations
At a plenary sig.: -ion of the peace that are not menibers of, the TMxue,- tees ds sterling
half a million pounds
_JC0A for educational PIMPO
ference-the- VOP'ned-455156Wtitork versant- nations, a parded-larly
. I , re to
jw league of Nations VMS bpromotion c subjected "to a rigorous economic
the following
FIRSTLY -The prom of aduk,
'89nt4d by the' C0,41nxission to which boycott, which will cut them off from
the work of drafting had been -en- :all. other nations The Kie��rvi of ir in co a
r*eaIional Association or
trtisb4 *The constitution
_1"4`u-e_1__moreovw, may
`�acoB_`00`Utr0f_OriWEXD��HVe COUn- military. and
nay other association or body apo,
the nations to -provide Proved by the trustees.
*111 of the Les" ij, t -he hand,3 of the j3a,�sl forces "to protect the coven.
.'rive, Great Powers -Britain,' . France, ants-of,the League.,, SECOINDLY--Scholarships kw ea.
cOuraging the education of workmen,
the United States; Italy and Japan There are no provisiona against
WM or, their sons. and daughters.
"11,61W have one member each, while compulsory � military service, Th6
TH=LY-Thepromobiolt of the
t sea other natiow will have fimr cho- question of the reduction of arms -
from among.them. higher education of women by assist
ments is remitted to the Executive ance for women.
to colleges f
A14, nations joindag the League must for such iction, 'a may be considered
FOURTRLY-The promotion of the,
agree to subznit matters of dispute Possible- "com%qisttent-----with---natiimW
between them bo'erbitratipon or to the safety." study of foreign T&UiUuge8.
FIFTHLY-Tdwards the establish.
Executive of the L�mgne- Tkey will Germany is not expressly .barred eni, Of a 'Jaeulty of. com L morew In the
not In* any event resort to war 94 from the League, but "no State shall
J University of London on ruch'twms,
a member Of the League be admitted,te the League unless it is The Smile of Victory-Premler Lloyd George and Rt. Hou. Arthw
which couvries with the award of the able to give effective or the recommemiations sincere Intention guarantee of its Balipour photographed as they were about to enter the French Foreign as the. trustees . may approve.,
to L observe its - in -
Of the opening day of the Peace Congress.
of the Executive Council. . in the Ite anal obligations." This phrase MORE THAN 10,000,000. ALIENS
event of any nat!ion refusing to do I ko-W"Mi; Germ -any must sit for a RESIDENT IN UNITED STATES
:06 69 other nation_ *bJeh is party -tae I wmi% on *0 stoat of paukahes, UNADA WILL' THOULWDS DFa
'despatch from WaMngton
:ey A ximately tenth of
An one-tenth Bran, tg`7.25� Shorts, $42-.2& Krall- I
tv PER.CENr, IN THE STREETS opuml�o of the United States
World He $68 00 * -No. per ton. car, composed of unnaturalized aliens; a�xorddnpay
to ymend F. Crist, Do-
Breadstuffs. Tetrogiad People #aty Ca-mmissioner N
easterns, ?A to 25e. StiftflOgi Of 'Of Naturalisation,
Has Commercial In
Buttet--,Ckmidat creantery,'51 to 51%
...Teronto, Feb. 11,-Manitobe Wbest i Eggs-_-Seloctedp, 50e - Na.- .1
11 .-terest In Settlement'With Terrihis Beyond DescriptiaL "gala
that such a c*rA%tkw
1 - Northern, $2.24% - 14% 2 1 to Uc. �Wt�t_ooa�Z&; tpag. car ots, Would not ' 3 permitted by any other
Germany. A despatch fr6m L6nd6n says: country, andsippealed. to American
Northern, $2.21%j Na, 3 Worthmn, $1.16., Dressed hogs --Abattoir kil- There has JuStarrived
42.17%; No. 4 whelk $2.11%,: in led, $24-00. Lard= Pure, wdod piUs, A d*spatcli from Paris says:- -Ehesli tr�b-de u -in--Lefujon citizens--to-he" makin citizens of
mora Fort William. nionist wbo bag 1, aXen residents. He saicFthere
20 Fos his n a -tentative, -agree- M closes tac dived
brAtobs oiats-440. 2-C.-W.9-6mc-0 -..- . I - .-. _ ` . ment between the allies aM German Russian work-
C.W., 622Ae; extra No. I f94 Live Stock Marko r8P`rQS81%Lt1Ve8 R3 to furnishing food for the at Porte of the country land of the birth.
t con t with 10,500,000 persons in this country whi
a. I to on in differe still retain their. Spite& to the
63%c* ?Zo' 1 feed, -59%c; NO, 2 feed" Toronto, Peb. 11, --Choice heavy ex. to Gerntamr, but this orrailigament is di
Past five years.. He has eme,
el In store Port William.
Port steers, $15.00 to- $16.75: do, conditional upon the- acceptance by t from Petrograd, and in the GERMANY FORCED TO TAKE
-NO- 8 C -W -pp 81%0 rood, $14.00 boo 50 - choice butcher ow
140. the Gw=ans of the terms to be rA. course of an interview with a London
6%e; rejected, 69%c; 3.00 to '$lh.50�, butchers' miffed. Daily News repmenbstivis- ho.- dig- -DEFINITE ATTITUDE. NOR
9*4 69 Wep, in store Fort William.
exibed -the- terrible conditions W.- life
Grican own -me. 3 yellow $Lw- IftWe, efoice, $12.00 to $13.00; do., Germany'Wants. Immediately'' 30,000
4 rd $11.25 tQ $11.75; do. Comm in Russia under Bolshevik rurs. despatch from Paris says-�Tha
$1A7, Prompt lh4;;W� 9.56 to $10.00; bulls, choice, $10.05% tons -of pork stuffs and 250,000 cases . a
on oats -No. 2white, 67 to to $11.00; do., medium b
ftMougly approve bhp
7� a White, 56 to 5". a bulla t8,-7fi_t*__ FoRownw--t!) suffering decision of the Supreme Ccumil vs•
woroft-C &00-� there will: be -a second order for 200,- -are beyond Wlef.. The ut, Gecmiany, 4A]a- riJO160 - dial
4A outallic- __ ---. Tbutchers' cows. choice, $10.00 ;.� 000 to= of wheat and 25,000 tome the people is so terrible that it can IPWAi
wbeed-No. I Winter, 11.00; do., good, do., pork pro�u tar -My be imagined in EnrUnA the ailim reached a complate undpsr�
. (* top $a. 60,
tau A, $2.14 top 42, No- 2, 06 standivx " to the terms to 'be sub.
so P $8-00 to so aux" for food d3stribution
rnmny Will req I I
February IT.
$12.00. _._.en IF 4
to 10. 50; ra, 89 00 to h2A amp! down and milted to Germany on
to 'fiVV,VW
fred t�. $10.60 to practkadlj'alt t6 says
111:1W era in the y k#enn" A
Cann .36 t'o $7 milkers, jWJ tons of wheat, with large quantities are suffe;411C from steres. St&rtStJ=._n1ZSt take & doeI&h_e attituds "111"
Ontario wheat -No. 1 8 $2.09 to ice, to of other grains, . a and
to $2. 17; No. 2. do., $2. .00 "il do. cow. forage are
They have passed the stage of -semi- the next !6w' days because She Will
kr1t1,*,2.l4; and m ., $65. 00 to $1
$7�. nge". Germany's urgent food 'roquirements
NO. 3, do. $2 02 to $2. 10 fA.b., ship, W.00 to $140.00; light wee, $9.00 is an deducemeirt wideb. wM compel ally
;Qin starvation. I have seen people liter. have to TORK" that despite apInzent
accordiing to treights. I -yearlings. $12.00 to.S12.60; her peaceful acceptance to the new
ps�dyJig -in tits Streets. At night differances of opinion. ths allUnce
No. 2, $1.75 to SlAO, accord- tOA10-00; Was _ I
sp ne lambs. $15.00 j* $IiLoo; tarfft to be submitted. �e_a city_of_ the dead. mcpug her conquerors remains -intact;
calves, good to choicepp S15.50 to,.
to outside. "I often asked the People why they
1. Cansda has a direct commercial m- didn't overthrow the Bobh"Iks and BRITISH SUPER-ZEPPZLIN
y- alting 73 to 7ft-, nominal.
cultnal reply I got was.
$17-50, 1104P, ,fol and watered $17.50 teres 'in the impenddug, spetdement, the "We can't. If we
set-Nc 2. $1,00, n $1.03M.
IRyo-No. 2.,$1.25 because there is an understanding lift V
Wanito.be Montreal , Feb. 11, --Bart steers , -a fitHe flnrepi� that will be the. end
land, $ID.Sb Ment etas- $113-60; Poorer, $8.50 to $10.00 per that 20 per cent. of the meat p
to $1.1.35, 'Toronto. of us.,
100 lbs., choke cam and bulls, $i6m shipped to Germany from the reserves A despatch from London, mys•
Onawo fiour-War quality, $9.75 in to $11-00; eanners, 15.00 - to $6.00; tu Great Britain are to be "Ruselft 'ha's Pkasid leyond the` The "'first details of the constructiov. -
r ria at.sta end Monte sal,-fronot sphere of pokitics'. The question is of the British � supper-Zoppelin which,
* purames In CWWAK.
�-N- 4WW*ed-4CW lots delivered mask- ed, 12.00 to �$16.00 �pperiO�0�'lhb&-. expected submission by C now one- a -capawe- 6f -4��
rermany aspeople are dy,
red Mont- hogs, $17.50. the sh Ing wholesale* of s6irratiopfi. The
12001, freigbts, bags induded. Bran, to the conditions WE mean PO- non-stop round tmas-Atlefitic voroce.
Pulation -of Petrograd has dwiMled are published'iTi the Daily Mail. A4
$V -U Per ton; shorts, $42 25 per ton; meat in the couple of months the
good flour $Z 49 per Q.. bacon surplus which bas aecum ThOu.,,,
from 2.000,000 to about 600,000. was built secre&ly. The ship's lengtk
1'. $22 per ton; mired,
have been killed -or have is -670 feet and her diome
DARDANEIM OPEN In CW=bL tar 70• feet_
OP. tv'01-por ton. track Toronto. died from the' effects of starvation. Her welet in flying trim will be cum
stra lots, $W to $11 per tau. The reign of terror extends to the than 600 tons, IncludAng a
-.410C late. -A 1%U carrying.
...TO WORLD TRADE ' country distrieft. Ti ere, howevw� capacity of between 27 and 30 tons
the people aft not stal-vin For war Ourpoies' slie,wai 'to haiq
Cam Produce--Wholosaie. g
Butter--lairy, tabs and rolls. 28 to carried four 680 -pound and eight 250.
Relief of Armenians EXIMW"V'h Byrnulftton �'NEWFOUNDLAND TM -pound bombs. also, numbine std other
Aft; Pr*ts, 40 to 41c. Crean"ry, nians and. Peoples
made solids Sle- prints, 52c, of South Russia Will Be IRELAND ey AiR guns'fore, aft and on. top.
E%�Wew laic, 4b to 46e.
Important Outcome. Germans Must Ceasi Fightmg us t CANADA'S CLAIMS AGAINST
pool' trytaseging chickens In A..'siatement.to The Transcript
G�The Dar- . . . . . Colonel, W. A,:. Bishop, Canahs's pre- GERMANY $1,140,000,000 c; fowl, V to Washington, Feb. 1 Poles and Carry Out the
Oft, duckhr;js 82c' turkOl-S, 40c, danelles were thrown Armistice'Conditioni.'
squsbsl dm, ik "come, 25c. open to Arneri- mler "ace." who holds this world's war
UTS PaultrY-Roosters, cah trade ihterests Saturday for the Cbpenhagen, Fab. 16 --Replying to' record for birdmeb, predicts the early A despatch from radon says: -A
20c; fowl,
14, to 30c. ducidings, lb., Sk;r tarkys, first time sines the world'war began, a request by Mathias Eizbergor, head wIPIP9--dut-of- distance by t" airplane. new petrol tank, which will neither
by action of the War Trade Board, of the German Armistice Commission, He says': "As weather be- leak nor" catch fire when perforated by
o 5c; geese, 118C.
SAring chickens, .2 soon as the wea a -
We are se !lg to the re-- following cable advices that an agree- for a', delay in' the gaing Of -'ilxd
comes suitable -about April 1, rUink incendiary billets, the Daily Mail says,\
tail trade at the follow Priem: Mea ..bC&d - been d by t -he Su- aminVice terms . until =aM-aftlane will cross the Atlantic; . hu�_beenL_addedLAoAhr_I1st of-wouder-
Cbeess-New to .131111M Economia Council Foch declared that the armis- and not one, but dozens, for on the ful war inventions., These tasks were
gil Ik-K- and
28 -ft ncfl in Paris Marshal
a -be�uJlt-su4-1Md In BWEW air-
wh= woulid Mae poe'. co expired ble day, there will be an Tn.
28%c-, tftvftznL, , 1�� . at 5 o'clock Monday '1'*' 'aVoTa
sible,without destroying the effective- al race to accompliih'this planes as fast. as "pogsible when the
Pt0bh chir cWco', 46 to and, that the last hour for
• 4 _yp neSS of' the blockade of the Central ha_ wiftner will pfIbbably-start armistice was signed. Had the iight-
psrinwould' be 6 o'clock SuMay
-its 52 to 94�. 61 to 58c; Powers. It is understood hem that
sade' terne'ti;
orseelwy feat wt fag continued British pilots would hale afterno6n in order to be able to issue -from Newfoundland and land in Ino-
Margarine -82 -to 34c. the. trade and shipping inter*&" land, making theAtight In qjilte a bit been immune from one of the greatest
of the necessary orders to the troops.
Eggs --No. 1 stara 50 to 62c'; now GTmt Britain and other foreign An- if not under twenty-four hours; and without causes of casualties. - This Invention
jjgmed then, Marshal Foch'"hip
57c. terests win m-eivq the same Privileg- he would be obliged to leave Troves, the necessity of coming down.
UK 1516e; new laid elcartons, it is Is to be applied to commercial air ..*
Dressed poultry--Sprin chickens,
8 to Zc! fowl, 2 -es ft -m their Gofmments and that and the armistice would no longer I entirely possible to carry-sufficlibnt pet. Planes.
39 to aft -r rpiopeers 21 sol 'and other supplies to do this, and to 50c- ducklings, AIW6T
to 35c; i��kvy* 49 rate schedules ->a be announced soon. in force.
W S5 to 88c; squabs,,.. The agreement carries wkth it a the Newfoundland fogs, abut which CANADA ' CLAIMS Ad
An"AWARK Erzbergera countei-de-
Veose, 21'1,v 29c. r"un*tion,of trade relatio with ma;nck Mwebal Foch said' the- new mgrs or less liasbeen said, - won't GERMANY $1,140,000,OOC
F .0 ns bother, for the aviator will quickly
otatoes-- fitarios, f.o.b. track Turkey. and I)ulgaria, - with which armistice terns had been fixed b
Toronto; car lots, 90 to $1.00. - - y
rise the fog belt.At the start."
Great Britain -and the allied n4tiong the heads of the Associated I; A despatch from Ottawa says:".
Govern -
Beans - Canadian, ' hand- picked of f:urope are still, theoretically at merle and that he was unable to alter J31 Canada 's claims agat.ns.t Germany, in.
'bushel ,
4 - 50 to 45 - 00- Imported leant, at war. It also has the ef- t FLEW FROM PARIS TO LONDON eluding war expenditure to date, now.
ted, lluima or Indian, . $4. 00; he=.
feet, the Imli4rtaiwo of which ds p6ifit_ Basle,-rpob. f6. -Thi armistice has
IN ONE HOUR FIFTY MINUTES total over eleven hundred and forty
dollars. War expenditure
Honey-Eftracted clover: 5 -lb. tins ed to us not to be overlooked, of d, in ni ly,
Id been xtended defl, te according
C 98 to 29c lb.-, 10-16. tins, 27 to - �Se;' ing in the relief of the Armenians and to A des patch from London says: -The
alone from the beginning, of -the war -
A. Troves despatch to the Havas
60-M tins, 26 to 26%c; biu*whiat, So- the peoples of �South Ruisis British Air Xizilkry announces that a to the - end of last month, totalled
-2 - Comb: 16 -oz., $4.50 • Agency. . The Germans are ' required , a
-W-7 tht, -1 to 22c. French service machine on Wednes. ;1,122,Q00,000. This represents ac -
to $5.00 doz.; 12 -oz., $3.50 to $4.00
to cease their 'offensive against the
BRITISH DRAFTISPolei and carry out the previous day made -a record flight ' between
counts which have passed through the
doz. Paris and London, covering the dis. books of the Finance Departz;xont.. In,
fi M*ple products -Syrup; per gallon, i3ASIS.ON .WATERWAYS teras of the armistice 'until cam- tance' additlen. . elalms fe. "tual bnem3p� dism. 7
J2.2kto $2.85; sugar, Tb. to 2ft
rh�e distance covered was 270 rallec ages against. -Vanadians-claims for
A despatch from London Says: -
damages by submarines and In other BRITAIN wiLL DIEKKNO
Provistons-wholesale. The Commiission. dealing with inter- I ways -now total about $19,000,000.
al meats -Hams, medium, 36 national COntjr0l`,Of p0prf4, _iaifways INDEMNITY FROM GERMANY. Capital and Labor to Meet
to' Mk. do h 1 30 to 32c; conked
and waterways' has begun work on To End Industrial Unrest
-,4W to -hie; Asali to r2e - brawaxt, CHAPLAINS' RECORD
-asis y
bacon, .41 to '45i- hacks, ilil;, 44 to
the' basis- of a draft prepared , by A despatch from London sa s: -The IN OVERSEAS FORCES
45c-- bonekssi b0 to 62c. Great Britaii2, at to The Daily -British delegates at the Peace- Con. Linziomll Yeb. 16,11he Government
ference have bee
u definitely instructed has decided tQ convene, probaW
Cured meats -Long clear bacon, 28 Mail.
A despatch from London Says: -
to 29c--clw bellies, 27 to M to claim an indemnity which ivill' --ilfthin the present month, a national The total' number of Canadian Chap.
ices,' to 271AC; WAR COST ALL POWERS elude the cost of the war as well as entativ" c39i7 lains now ,sewing In the overseas
LsrW-!;rpsp, tTe conference of repres of
tubs, rq's to 28c; pails, 20% to 281ACI the damage actually cauqpd, it was tai' and labor to seek a settlement of form is 436. The number 193,000,OOOAOO DOLLARS of honors
.28 to 29c. . Compoun4, announced in the house of Commons the present., _industr_1*1 unrest It is nod include five C.M.G."s, nine D.
Thursday by Andrew Bonar Law, understood that represperv*tIveis Of 0.1,s,, thirty-three mentions (in mili-
t-tiper 25% to 25%c-- tube 25% to on
2630d it 26- from Washitz
In 3f.- ��27* --A, despatch. _rtm _Government leader -in the tory despatches and thirteen brought
0 *18 employers and all the leading
0&76;--Tb4p total 004 Of the war t6p All in reply to a questloA. trade unions will be invited- am& -that to -tulle -the notice of the-Secretary-o"tate
the -77-77:7-
Montreal Markets CsOtr8l A commission to now -ponsidering the premier' is disv9ting himself me- for War ad
93,000,000,000 Two Z%splaina were killed, one died 4ontreai, -•reb. 11.-Oats-rxtra an addraw the amount to be claimed, the method tivety to the promotion of thAs tOn. of wounds, one was drowned on. tins by which
PIOUTI-NWW 9talod. "K was payment should be made and ference, which will be the most im-
Llandovery CaUle, wbidh W§m sunk
kti* "Yeso:
$ of
chah $90
25 t19�tbs--Bags, 20 lbs.J11.8.L =:=061 %W *0 the memo of enforcing the payment, portent ev susagAed to -
to RAW dest Wft by a submMine; two died of
ILLWM 01011k Mr, ponar TAW IMed; kbm problom '21 woupdW.
Shoss, Wd
�e.=JMx• �'..va�.rw'we;a,7w.:}"Li. �"""', •,"`SS. s"` ' n•mow.€ ;° "•`.''Y+`-`: '.:','i• s. ':.1^z
• .
.r'..:,.max' .,w.w
�. _rte•.'„ .,.u.'Cw.r�
r +.�.+��_.•- ��'•"�" �y,];�� '•!`•uy1 h..7�'; cy� -.f � i.. 9. sem'•- ':4
> iv aI of the Brftich, they find- them- •
Y Waives: enveloped in an atmasrbisre of
The ;'Latest...
r militssy treaty _ c son suers
.:✓l' .
Almy That Was. I ti
r L1 AFiM, BTO tM bL1Z3dluENTB.gooFEEoDai�
Not So Ceatemp STOP HAHDIiv and soil; 110 nesse; Dart trapiR�r baJsa4l� A
- V
f - -
-- --�� YT ex4,lra,nae. F. L. Smith. Brantford. On
IT HAS TAKEN FRITZ A LONG But there aze other signs that the
Germano are beginning to realize oD0PrimingP � NEVirBP
I and Plant in
F•aste 1 „9
WHILE TO LEARN the grave blu v made in under- v '
estimating the strength,- Pure�'_y-as .
Try thist Your hair gets` wavy. Ontario. insurance
2ooron gtic'se'60Boz ell
•. 'tats factor, of the Briti-h Empire.
glossy and abwtdant Wilson Publishing Co Ltd $oroata
e ea n aracte! O �Bri h : _ at once.'`� F.EKLY A7EWBPAP$It FOR 8 �+
A German history 'of the war recent- i in New Ontario. owner going to
Ar 8e Showa To -day That lY puL:i_hed and. on sale in Germany To be possessed of a head of heavy, Franca Will well $3.000. Worth doable
t0'ntains one or two• passages wilrch beautiful hair: soft, lustrous, fluffy, that amount Apply J. ii, oho VPltso!<
fla .._- atiCe. The Pub] shiner Co.. Limited. Toronto. ?s'
Up Hag Leempt 4he. _the-British-saltie?-fCxll iu wavy and tree from dandruff -is mere-
writer,, who obviously %gust baye ha matter of using a little Danderine. y�pnyya»oIIi
The rrowda that stand all day and ofgcl,� sources to draw upon, quotes It is easy ate- ni-eape�sice to -have-
C TtTtdatls�-z;tt>aY,T-tC� Y
_tontemPlate- the smart and. well set- I .NaFoleon Bonaparte's well kPown tri- s nice, soft hair and lots of it. Just Bet internal and external Caren wash•
:+tip sentries outside 'headquarters and i buts to the Britishl infantry to the a small bottle of Knowlton's - Di�nn- out Pala by our home treatment Writs
by the Rhine bridges at Cologne are s derive now Lor a few cents=all drilg w before too late Dr. Bellmaa Medical n
feet that it is'the best in the world; ,- stores recommend it -apply a little as Co., Limited. Collinxwood. Ont
sufficient ev;iderke of the interests ,fortunately there is not much of it." directed hnd.within ten minutes there T pDIDs W4NTED TO DO PLAI00
wbich the native German -takes in 1ja and light sewing w home. whole s
.;.our military forces, so newly and so
Anyone who knows the contempttioua - _ 1 Will be an appearance o! abundance, tsars time, good Day, work sent any, die-
' attitude of German' mm:4ltary n4en t°" freshness, Suffiness and an incompar- mace• chargee paid send .temp los
(surprisingly revealed to him, writes �, � able, gloss and lustre, and try as you Parties s. National Maauinctvr}ns
s a British `officer. When,•on the Cam wards the British asst 'before will you cannot find a trace ,of dand- Comnan.Montreal
War Will Appreciate fife great oh�inge rut or Lalling hair; but your real sur.
thedral S care at Cologne, the
bugler r Sincerely Sorry
blarr3 "Retreat;' and the guard pre- °f heart winch ,he ritataon o_ '`'u= prise will be after about two weeks'
ten`s arms, one may see the nature Polson s euagy in a German military ; c use; when you will sea new hair -flag "Is Germany really sorry for who#
his siglli es." ` and downy at first -yes -but really she has done?"<w
-� fteely 'indulging in such gimes Rile _only indivi3uals who seem to new hair -sprouting out all over your csI think so -very sorry, indeed." '.
of aP31mva1 as intimate nudges to hits , scalp-Danderine is, we believe, the .,
want to shun the Brit' --b invalUr sre What -for the way she started '
neighbor, or bear him give vent to the German soldiers. • tbemse'cves, -' ' only sure hair grower, destroyer o! war?"' l
guttural "Donnepwetters" of un 'No >
dandruff and cure for itchy scalp and
When the German Armies went back ..- it never fails to stop falling hair at "No, for the way she finished It a;
lied commendation. No attention 'out of s3elgium, all the men whoae
need be paid to the prairie which Ger- .. once.
mans @ageTiy $eatow on the turn -out homes were on the 'left hank of the 1' - 0 McCaw If you want to prove how -pretty and Wasard�s zmlmeat cur" Qarsr•t in cows
the. British soldier in conversation Rhine were demodilized. So, th>ouah- soft your hair really is, moisten a cloth _ s . - dmf
out s large part of the British sone, '� ' with a tittle. Danderine and carefully i •°
with members of the Army "of Clem- German soldiers: are to be met with, draw it through' your hair= -taking one LA/N6N�'
patkra. 1t is "cupboard 3ooe'' dsi all - small strand at a time. Your hair X6111 from a Bone Spavin. Ring Boit+
deans aZ the expression. The Hun the majority of theta still wearing— .�� •thre"left dTess Las milady, be soft, glossy and beautiful in Just 'a, Splint, Curb, Side Bone, or sinaw
"oat" to arY' favor with his for lack of civilfsn clow''-g2eir skirt and bloomers. The bloomers are few momenta -a delightful surprise troubles and gets •borse song sottgsj.
.18 military uniform shorn, iowevet, of awaits everyone Who tries this. •W
"guests," both in alder tb propitiate all military emblems said badges of plain at the top, ordinary waistline, o It set: mildly bat quickly and tuaw soca co! . ..,
fall at�d adjusted at the: knees with suite sr* Wtia; Does sot
Ittam and, maybe, to get a sitars °f rack: .These men have quiet3y Te- Armistice is the nerve of the first remove ��s hair and7torse ws 1
their r t4oris. More generally has civilian pursuihe, and elastic. McCall Pattern 1 8728, self-propelled sea -going cargo steam- be worked. Pale 17 Mpa:rlpWetwitlf ��,
Wes is b0 pave the way for ' 6 sizes, 4 to 14 years. of ferro-concrete in Great each bottle tells how. $7.50 a boteid
wiilge in .no way host' e, c n 20 teats. detivered. Horse Book 9 R free.
League of Nations the basis which, so ma of their feblow-caantrymen, per' Britain. a 205 ABSORH!<NE. JR., t anTdrh
according to Getman ideas, Is to call attemrip ' do court the favor of the feet, has 400-b.p. engines, and stems
the war s draw and let bygones--suvh . answer for ssranki reduces Painful Sxellings�
bloodstained said ghastly bygones- British.- id addressed, they ePght' knots. She ons tauntdhed at G °Wens,&uisee,Varicose sins
civilllp enough, hat for Qie most putt Barrow recently. Sores. A IW Para• Will tell a
be bygones. Fortunately, tQ men who hold thmnseilses aloe# and keep their shore if you write. $1.25 a bottle at
«aeaw,ett slats! ems'b to for toe �sR
r _ `have had . actual experience 'own counsel. �e 1 Spanish
M. 4"1Wtl0, P.D. f..516ltaeseGemans' mithods of warfare, these t11s,11asfreal. Cap
=' smooth wordsno*ing. Tbere- Cause of German Defeat. _ a•°tD1°s �0a°0i sea stn yt �'��
lose, disinterested admiration of the. -The difference ,between their att3« •
niluenza _ SIG PIERCING
British Army of Occupation Be re- tude and that ori the pure civilians, _-------- -
v=1vd by the gaping throngs about Is probably due to ttie fact that ----- - -
The Liniment that Cures All
all file aeentsies zit fife affil. of the saWar .what Che iSC �IC PA�
that the. Ailments--
Gazn0 ,.dW ache. � due.
$rat awnmT
able.Recognizing the Type asst, to military defeat. '1A1�' -
And the German soldier knows that "
not Bolahevnm but yoneie- brotrgbt - ol'@
�e way bef tlt�d , Po:ts"
Germans are the most competent sol- THE OLD RELIABLE--TrY It _..tratitg effects of Slimm's -
Germany to 'her knees.. He knows
diens , in bile World.
Soldiering id in , . 3IINJLF3D'B LI,
CO.. Ltd. Liniment
` their blood and they have as instinc. that the Ge�nan -soldier was hood- t Yarrhouth, N.S.
�tiPe interest iii soidiiers, and, ieau4t- Winced about its progress, end fii*lly
r dug therefrom, a knack of distlaguisllh- son sad decisively beaten by the "Most of the great work in the So do those rheumatic twinges sad
�, man, w done by the people just after. the lois-aches of lumbago, the nerve
ea►bbtsrhs of Mile different. arms u inflammation of neuritis, the wry ne6ce
and regiments and the various badges' Ilse German. Army vise oubgener- ... --
:they were ready to give p. W. A. the joint wrench, the ligament sprain,
ad rank: They are, therefore, to bei. Tile Greet General Staff tnJight Brown. the muscle strain, and the throbbing
lccepted ae cosr►p®tent judges of 'what have_stiade abetter show of the re- `_"� bruise. H
{ a soldier should be, and the essenccl treat, might even have made the in- sunardre ztatesaal ewire Colas. as The ease of applying,' the quitskness '=f
tended, stand cal the Hindenburg po- f relief, the positive results, .
-'sot snr}•!'!se which -delightfully flavors sitions 8 the discipline of the German = _ . Tho water of a river til winter ;e d t om �
-: their eomments on our troops is ex- _ cleanliness, a 's Lin a he secs y . of
Army had not broken %down, DieciRp- Yom- severaY degrees warmer than the air. Sloari s Liniment make- it aaivessa
— - - --
tzemely. -Sattarlag. - bine went #ecause the- Gers%an' soldier- - e r
-` pr ie red: dadc in in a
Shopkeepers . watch a a►mpa�n7 � betrayed by his officer. : Wbte MONEY ORDERS.
nhardu'n6 to the bags, or a battalion the private soldiers' family went - Buy soar out -of -town -supplies with
A!e, changing billets with a .watchful eye hungry at loans and the soldier him- Dominion _ Expreas Money Orders.
for march discipline. The Hull who sell suffered J iUbn ginable :privations Th3e costume features the rounded Five Dollars costs three cents.
used to poke fun at the Highlanders under •_the Allies' drum -fire' in the tunic W'W!ch gracefully, curves across
has already come to .recognize the Sront line, the German officers were the center4roiht. McCall Pattern No. "The foundation of every State is
>- Istnring effect of the long 'bine of plundering,the occupied tA71'ritarliea ed 8479, Ladies' Waist. In 6 sizes, 34 to the eduettfon-of its youth."---Di°nys-
sovi:sgitig kilts. when a Highland bat- f� �,h should have -gone to the 42 bust. No. 8733, Ladles' Skirt. In 30e., 60e-, i1.2o, 1
talion-ts an the road. The aig'his and aTmY apd sending it home for their 6 sizes, 22 to 32' waist. Price20 cents iva.
teens inar1ung the daily life of the flamiliee. They did not scruple even each. 11Liaars'e z tineas Cures sitstomm , - -
British troops in Germany are daily t o dock the rations of their men to '1%eae ' patterns may be obtained !,
..drlvttlg deeper into fibs egvare heads add. to- their own private hoards on frenl yomr local McCall dealer, or from •most every, country in the world
of the" oboe Boches the immensity cari boast of a gold' mine.
active service,. or to Provision their the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto.
-of the COQ hoax which for fifty people in Germany. IA is eve,h-.•stated, Dept: W.
months was 'played on them by the- no doubt with absolute truth, - that A§T'HMA
I. German Supreme Command. They food -pio iteers at home in Germranywere told that Wle 'British wets notd� .a�� trade with Galznan Nr LY RELIEVED WITH �ealS Skin 'Trouble WM `
edl3iers. IA and be4hol'dl with the ar- officers, even -those of the h3ghea SUFFERING CATS!
p _Qne Cake Soa�and Two
grades, who-Tobbed-Itis
private s —' � TQac ��NN _ pw n
- dier_ for their own personed uiraAt. >�# Mtktl. ' , �Bdxes Ointments
Contrast in Discipline;'
�'1[ ibi. ttcbtag oa back a! mteett. � a
These practices were known, and + er WrluLystu•N.•x cel, ■oete•el, P.Q. Pa *gain After tbree weeks got Risky and bbe-
effeetinally combined with the dawn-. Retaemler tel o.tse .s k al•!t not be leen .Rite =me moss Was red aid eesahtCbias
- 1- n our feet hereat ter — sed las nishts. Clot Catiai:s►c
SONKEM 1* 1 !. ,
e.._:.L:y+.w. Cdr ,{. �r_ i✓',.[,r.,s^.i
-G Jp
alp k
poop and 06ttment. itching not so
-- hey
bad cls using theta. Now.ttss;ed.
Fitt agnea statesaent of sibs. lVii•
N. S.
ing enlightenment of the German so
diet, to destroy the once -famed die-
spline of the German Army: Those
Let folks step o y
wear shoes a size emailei if you like,
for corns -will never agatn,send electric
and i%eal eaamas sP y A, 'F t to
sparks of painthroughuth yon, acxording
lbtbest praise. Hat it does mors, 9,p
rosier I
e, anowing � �
.Jooebyouraktn, you will to sa*n7 aegis '
who have had to do with the
to this Cincinnati authority.
ori men on retreat
area. post -card: "*wdcua. Dept. A,,'!
prisoners af`vyar rioted the pragres-
He says that a fete drops .of a drag
9 • • -.\,
Sig Interior
mother had cautioned him
sive deteriorataan of the moral of the
German Army, without being able
celled freezone, applied directly upon
a tendon, aching cora, instantly re-
lo�her reasons
teased to exist tri fife German Atsnq
fu+ky to diagnose its caube. They only
lieves soreness, and soon the entire
; ,
knew that discipline in the enemy
rates was Baily weakening. The re-
corn, root and all, lifts right out.
This drug i a sticky ether tom-
but dries at once and simply' .
ave years is the hibbea tribute to iia merit anmsdlads�'
Tt is andorsod by the �t horabmea and il�e stoe)r •taM4
,ports 'received a! the good discipline
shrivels up the corn without inflaming
instead of
Youll like trDli
maintained by saline of the German
i ' "��°!
even irritating the . surrounding
Spiting diviay on their march
tea or coffee
into Germany do not in the feast�Co2=''
flirt with the accuracy of this state-
It is claimed that a quarter of an
caste of freezone obtained at any drug
meat. .,The German h plenty
of sf nt tre oiiemo a ecost veeryry little but to hard or soft cuolti
poop and 06ttment. itching not so
-- hey
bad cls using theta. Now.ttss;ed.
Fitt agnea statesaent of sibs. lVii•
N. S.
„Dinah lay, Windsor,
U C admra did no moos than
and i%eal eaamas sP y A, 'F t to
cis mea, wonno sap .
,Cblldrea it would be entitled to t2f0.
g a movemen grog mega
the ' would s
lbtbest praise. Hat it does mors, 9,p
rosier I
e, anowing � �
.Jooebyouraktn, you will to sa*n7 aegis '
pesverit %base distrassiinti�� aspe:iaiau.
For Free Sanl a i4'ltac W Mailed•
ori men on retreat
area. post -card: "*wdcua. Dept. A,,'!
-Bouton. U. S.A." toil evek3,111 .
i>l�er it �ti�3,
W49 UTAeretandHenry's
-- hey
somnd common-sense; SIX
discipline -of some sort the _provision-:
or eaUue from one's feet.. Cut this -out,
�- iN EVERY STAt3t,E
g a movemen grog mega
the ' would s
who wears high heels.
� ask Spohn's Distemper Compos
ori men on retreat
if health or .
i>l�er it �ti�3,
W49 UTAeretandHenry's
Sig Interior
mother had cautioned him
s the one indispensable romodY for eon ow as0 1?
x �a t�Iti
Z cy*eyentivi� euurren tOry'DIdBTE [P1eR sTNSI+ TI
lo�her reasons
teased to exist tri fife German Atsnq
about eating too mach when he was
a PINK EYE. COUGHS and ool.Da or mors ih:a .twee
y _
"� a� o gou -
tviten .use armbistice came. Officers
scarcely gave orders any more; theyttiA
invited out.
boy vms . .
ave years is the hibbea tribute to iia merit anmsdlads�'
Tt is andorsod by the �t horabmea and il�e stoe)r •taM4
wQhioh were complied with or not �-
a rather cross old aunt, and after he
des -
had asked three times for more des-
o ts� °! rOm hen
sPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY, Goshen Indiawa, us.A.
Youll like trDli
--- -`- -�..
-excellent table
cording the temper of itis men.
St fs the contrast be-
sort she exclaimed:
'bevera�e with its ,
flavor and the ..
results of the
• ch inAe-�will appeal
s6o I% wh PoS$Ut
Is sok] nowadays
Vad9 of the "My goodness, child, you do car-
tween the broken dlbcdPlirre
Gartman Amy WA the 901andid "N_ tainly ,eat an awful lot for a small
evident =*Mil -of out mien' which bag, boyl" .
move than anptihift else► Impressed' "Well, Aunt Grace;' replied Henry,
upon the -Gorman the realhO of Bri- somewhat conscience-stricken, "may-
tain% military strength -be I'm not as little as 1 look from
�- - the outside"-
For the cihudren at noon notlsing is =-
more. sstihfying than soup, mszsara•s ziatmeae Cash amusua'ta
Put together the best of a Briton Remember time iobryd acts of others
and the beA of a Frenchilhsn and you And forgeb Your
wall have an almost picfect human
being, Dean Int'. ED 16 %S9 E
be in ove" na
r or wrtn as.
me back,toothoell
lar troy lee are
u bees acid for—auses.,
CO., Hamilton, Canada. BOTTLE
"Mrs. MiWKWen. of' -Durham.
Qn, haniffebostnut coil at 8
L1 4114M k.
*11 -tefi'dding4 few days here, with R 0 0 T S A, N
r Parents. D. and Mrs. Simpson.
-win, Collie has sold his farm Rowe has, bisou'C013-
-Walter and Miss Gekie Bale- -Col. P.
don, of Markham. smut &--&W-
.40 ;6ho &D"atenas f- a coupe o
I recent y w rien 8 ere. 11101i a rute bay.k, `Seel-
,wmp to the village to reside.
-The r6joil
fillese Bertha and Ida Btint. alr meeting of the but we are glad to know that he
are Women's Institute will be' held at is now suniewhat better' ---We have a splendid line 'of black. grey
with their
".ndiGg n couple of weeks the usual - and brown.,
stir stat;ers in the city. hour on Tuesday next Rt
from 5.50 to 7.00 per paAr.-
the bome of Mrd. W. B. Powell.
-Mitis Dawoe, de6ugiiter of Dr. :R&LN "GISTEIEL.
Dapoe, of Medoc, spent the week- Miss Allison will give a report of
with Dr. and Mrs. Shirley. the convention held recently in WEDNESEAT, FBB.'Mm - Auction Come in and -see -them- and you will be 'sure to want
-Miss Georgie Shirley, of the Toronto, which will be most inter- sale of 57 cattle, 25 breeding ewes.
-Nortual School, Toronto, spent esting• implements. seed grain and potatoes
-a -pair, as they are the correct style.�
R-- over Suddayat her-botne here. -On Thursday, Feb. 27tb, the at tot 5. con. 5, Uxbridge. the
Percy of Thomas Hardy, Saleat;.-Mrs. Ge.o. M. Palmer spent 9. WOmens' Institute will meet at
few days last week with. her. den. the Red Cross rooms to complete o'clocki, See bills.. F. W. �Sllver- G. AL
AIQ� sides. auctioneer.
Mrs. F. H. Doyle,, of, To• the sewing for the Servial29. A
ronto. short program will be %given dor- THURSDAT, F6. iOM-AUCtiOn sale
y of Chas,
�H 4, A CZimw-6"man was absent g themeeting. Those in of farm stack. the propert
blacGrotty, lot 5. con. Picker.
slew week, o �ub hue -sewing or 1knifting-cornpleted-a 5.
days Inat we, ess, -a I-of-a-mlle West of Kinsale.
-the western In requested to briLIK' them to Sal
part of the pro. eatone sharp. Seamus. win., Bills
meeting in order that at the boles Maw,, auctioneer..
-Pte Cuthbert De Gruchy, of may be packed. FzB. 20= -An Ion
ct n
'the Whitby MilitAry Hospital, -In view- of the factthatthe sale of farm stock. implemenWetc.,
;:�-Andmt over Sunday with W. X. and Social Service Departments of the at lot 2. can. 4. Uxbridge, the wo.
'JEW. Clark and family. various churches are urging the
t f Than. 0ondy. Sale ab -tone.
C &g. H. S. Pugh, auctioneer.
-Miss Spencer, who is a des- local organizations to circulate
eoneas of thePresbyterian Church and sign a petition to be presented FRmLr, Fim. 2ftH-Anction sale of
0 411
-at Montreal, was the guest of Dr. at an early'date to the Senate and K eon. 8, Pickering, the property of Us a paying proposition -to
farm stock, Implements etc., at - lot
'Marsh at the manse on Sunday. ParUamqnt assembled, re Prohi- Wm, Gourlis. Sale at one.' See
-The Dramatic Club will preE. bitlon, it is deemed wise for Pick- bills. F. Postill,'auctioneer.
sent the draiw' "The Finger of ening to take some uniform metion that we carry a fuH Hine- of
Score in the Town Hall OD the In- regard to the matter. Lot us sale of farm tock, implements eta.,
of Monday, Mare'V17th. face the issue in earnest and- begin at lot 12, rear of con. 8. Pickering,
7"!Bright, helpful Ftervices in St. the petition campaign in all the the property of the estate,of the late
Andrew's church on Sunday morn• congregations next Sunday, Feb. James Lemmou. Sale at one. See Peabody Overalls and Smocks in black lain
ing.' Lime -light service on Sau. 28rd, W. D. bills. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. blue and stripe.
day evening. Come and welcome. -The Toronto and Hamilton
Men's Work Shirts, in plain grey, black and
Ben Har" by- lime -light. in Highway last year was entirely ..New Advertisements.
n-- 1 -in -posed
St. Andrew's church on Thursday. maintained by th ff white. stripe, khaki, &in blue
:Feb. '27th, by Rev. J. Gomm, of on Vutoists p
Blackstock. who ext ded the black eateenj etc.
This is It' great treat. speed limit and had a lance of W A NTE 13-�-Two geese. by a farmer
mission 16d and 15c. who has a you
$1080. The fines durf Enwder for sale. Phone
he ye 0,
cularstotheNE office. 22 Men's Tweed Pants, dark greys and browns,
Any of artists, under the auspices the good roads Vince
I �:* nounted to $1 e y
k, -A concert by a Toronto com- ar
ORSE9 FOR SALE -Good work ...=e neat patterns,.all sizes. from.,. 2.
s In t is Hteam. also good driving mare. standard
bf the W. A..- will be given on re not proving a heavy u en bred. Apply at Pickering Livery. 2.00 -to 7.00 per pair.
-'Ratmirday, March- let, at the..Town a
on the tax -payer. With the
-X=J4-Z laxerl D,R. at r;cloek-.. ivveuuer-fronv--���o CORN STALKS WANTED -Also Boys' Knickerbockers, in dark grey tweed
-vy,. veal and bob calves, T.
H. Bunting, whn.has been licenses added to the fines imposed phone 1702,.
hue since the funeralofhis bra will go' a long way towards the brown -Finglioll coidu'ro-
r Toronto. They stand the rough wear.
ENT. Municipal and
Mor, Fred. . has left fo maintenance of good roads. G."Cvor"
here he will spends few days pora, iqnBoodaForS&1e--W. D Dyke%
Uf6re,.returaing -There is talk of returning to Bond isinker, Whitby, Out— Bell li� 193.
-to his home in the daylight saving scheme which Ind. Phone 70. ,lou =d Bdys' Snag -proof Rubbers with
Is NP, Man. was adopted In Canada last year. OR SALE -Young Durhai brown canvas tops, 'all sizes, just the
Floe Feb. m cow,
-0 2 Wednesday night of last Many arguments have been ad F r
week an L. D. Banks was In Osh. W B. RVI.at lot 21, con. 4. Pick -
Locust Hill. Phone thing for thi"s weather,
sma, some person or persons stole vanced for and 'against th' Idea, ins 1031.22
In towns and cities the ache MEN -Have you• seen our all rubber,'cloth -
, 'I ��, fl;!;�!!� I SALE -Shorthorn bull. 13 Mon.
Inner -FU
tires. 80 ar there is no -lined Overshoes for every -day wear -its
t in the ural municipalitiesit tor Warly new. Fred kffY• lot M B. F.
Pickering Ind. Malvern
607. Highland ---------------------------
due as, to. the thieves. Is not popular. B putting be ---------
-Mr. and Mrs. Fielding, who clocks ahead an ho r di g t Cteek P.0, TOM
Xiye I
re b6s- I i �1 114 d not D RAINFOR 'SALE -0. A.
... ma e e 1 i 111111, 1
with friends 1 Hamilton, Burl- Do 1, C Na72oats. grown osii.ce
pear any more quiikly so that the .1 M
Ington and Brantford. have re- W-pr'a-cuc-ally, 7
Marquis wheat, good seed a
farmers could begin an te westnty. lot 10. coo, 3. Ptckenn&
-.turned to spend a few weeks with M6 Pwic.l!rinir 1420.
hour earlier than us 22tf
Dr. and Mrs. Cartwright. usual. It might :.`.HYHN iooKs
be adopted again in towns and WiA-NTR0--,&T ONCE
=A good
-Joshua and Mrs. Richardson cities and the farmers allowed to home for an infant baby boy. -about two
Celebrated the sixtieth annivem do -Meir work when they pleased. weeks old, fai.rcomplevv6d. blue -eyes and in The New Book. of Praise has, arrived
ary of their wedding (diamond bealth, A y to H. W Elliott. Agent of Cha
Box 321. Oshawa. 22
-wedding) on Monday. While there _After a lingering illness from Lod Society, Black Covered Books, -with Tunes, at 1.25'
'was no fdrmp4 gathering. A lar the Infirmities of old age. Mrs.
number of friends called at their John lAto6hford died on Thursday,
hnsridt Anrino,
the da sad
Feb. lath, at the house of her son,
joseoh I a tehf6r
evening to congratulate them a
dw event. age nine[ y year 101AI[Ir C0N!rFtA(1!r Small 100LIMAd cover books', at
The deceased
m�-tars. 0, 1. Gordon 804-90-16-4 _V186--born-tu-Ireland and r came- t6: SEALED TENDER&.-nddrmjFd- tu-tbu-post� -
Carman, of -Toronto, spent over Canada with her husband about master General will be received at Ottawa until
noon. on Fn -&y. the 21st March.- 1919. for
the canye�
x times per.
Sundav with chair relatives here. ntr4ct for four years. S Secure yours now while we have them
IM,andsettledon the base ntr of His Majesty's N%ila. on a pro
The latter returned recently from and for many years worked fur W. proposed
weex on the route Picken via
Dunbartan and
;overseas, where he was engaged V. Richardson and others. . Later Cherrywood) from the IXI.iv. 1919, next.
they moved into the village.where Printed notkes =tmnwg further information
medical officer on one of a comitious of proposed Contract may be British wairshipiL He 'has now Mr. Latchford died about 85 years 9`eetnoand blank Forms of Tender may be obtained
C the Post Odices of Pickering, Die and
resumed his studies in the Toronto ago. Mrs. Latchford continued Cberrywood. and at the ofte of the Post Ofte me so H APMAN"�
Medical School. to lire here until about el year
-The reports from the meteoro- ago, when she went. to Toronto to klost once Inspector's 01we. Toronto. Febru-
ary. 1919. 7 -7
Weal office indicate the" reside with her son. She was an
111111000L is voider then February of Industrious woman and bad the 22-24 Pon Offide Inspector.
mar. The general belie[ Is R U B B E R S
ad a famil#
respect of all. She 1�
that this February has been much of four sons' and one daughter.
'milder thea last, but this Now that the wet, sloppy weather is with us, you will want I is po.9si, Those who survive are Richard,
bly due to the inspector of dredges Cot the Great almost entire
absence of snow, which �:-to keep your feet dry. We have a fine line of
makes it Lakes Dredging Co., of Cleveland,
..A "m milder than It really is. and Joseph, of -the Hel MAIN ntzman Rubbers of all descriptions'
-..!-A meeting of the committee Piano Co.. of -Tomnt6--W11H&m, SEALED TENDER& addressed to the Post -
James and -Mrs. O'Grad red master Genpral. will be received at Ottawa until
noon. on Frida" We
inted by the mass meeting of y D e- can gmily with the best brands,
fit out the_ whoJA f.
lidento of Pickeritig h#Wa cesins" In& farch "St. 1919. far cow
UUCP rim veyapce of His Majesty's Ma" on W ad
few weeks ago, was held in Thex. ral took place on Monday, when Contract for 11- y tames M U=h.
ear, 2
to route Pickering Rural I from
tob's ice-cream parlor on Tuesday the remains were conveyed jug. 1919. neat. .1 Route NO. 1. Also Mm's Overshoes, Heavy Rubbers, Long Rubber Boots.
--.�-'eveninig last, when matters of Pickering, and after service In the n&d notices containing further information
Merest to the community we... TL 0 -.church. were interred in the as to c6ft' -7 be ..We sell the Maltese Cross Brand.
seen and blank form of Tender may be obtained
disdussed at length. The chief cemetery. at the host Oftice of Pkkerin& and at the oma
of the Post Qd1ce. Inspector, -170ionte.
'subjects were the advisability of -A wost successful social Rath- Post offoe inspectoesonce. Toronto. Febris- R. As BUNTING, PWRERING
of organising a Board of Trade Bring and masquerade ball was ly ftb- 1919- A. SUTHEPJAND
®atablished 1867.
for the village and the erection of given by F. H. and Mrs. Richard. 22-24 Pon Oince, SUTHERLAND,
a Memorial to the soldiers who Kin at- their home, "Richview
-1111ave gone overseas. It was do. Farm," ander the au!pIces of St. Whitevale Club of
-dded to hold a meeting of the George's W. A., on Friday, Feb.
residents of Pickering and the snr- 14th. The big reception room United Fumers J=11%fEV MEW is
rounding country -in the ,Town was illuminated by many Chi TOOK
Chinese Meet@ on let and 3rd Tuesdays of each
1W, at 8 o'clock, next Monday lante 9, giving quite the month. Of Robss,11111110hi!0616 Club Bags, Suit Cases and Whips of all
-evening to disionn these two im. once of fairyland. The a
, . ; I : - ::� . %; kinds have just arrived.
portant matters and to. take room, in which a buffet supper Orders taken for salt. twinia.seeds,
Bond earn and sugar.
motion upon them. A large at• was served, was decorated with
-tendamm in requested. -'.-When needing any Harness, Collars o
•crimson carnations and ferns, on .gar of oil cake. ordered. A r Rom goods
little left.
-The social and entertainment- the centre table were small wax
cell and ses *ua.
hold in the lecture room of the candles In crimson baskets, which, HUGH PUGH, secretary
"Methodist on Friday evening, with the centre dome lamp with
_Harness, Collar, Boot and Shoo Repairing neatly sod
vuder the auspices of the Women's its amber- shade, stave a most promptly attended to.
'Missionary Society, was a pro- pleasant effect. About seventy FJLM DAU MIT -1
udience persons were present, many of 1=1 C=.=, M- XMqC1. PICKERING HAR"88 EMPORIUM
was large and attentive, t re- -Whom wom--tastef ally attired in
, , , i 71
freshwetits were terripting and masquerade dress, the reception "on can always get-thebeat-Man
4oba Flour made from No. 1.
wholepome, and the progiram Was room presonti )axy� 'of -Homme Phone- WFd.F,
lilt "..' I , ng a ga,
.�: '. 'I Special beauty and talent. -Space wilt Manitoba Wheat.
,$6&ld1ig and edifying.
mention should be made of the not permit ds-; to describe in detail Royal Household and'Glenom for
Bread. Try a ba
-unique sacred drawn, "The Cbal. the excellently conceived magquer.
4eugia Pastry Floor Fresh Rolled -Q the Cross," presented by ads dresses. That there was quite led Oats
K Wa
Wm. -AlUVwxy-and her six a varlet y of costumes can be seen BRAN, SHORTS- . My Thou ght
efficient het pers. ' By special re. by the fact that the masquemdeirs
quest this sacred .drains will be appeared variouMy OAT CHOP4
Cupid, 77 -CRUSHED :OATS
its, Aang&
given In the Methodist church Butterfly, Spanish ladies, *gypsies,
some Bond evening In the near pierrotts, college pirfessoes, shop-
The h
1-fature. e proceeds of the social herdess, "little be* ee -WHEAT se
Miss The 'stoves'arelsoknowledged.
• evening were W. The members Libert Uncle Sam. Miss, Jews,
MIXED HEN FEED -to be the best stoves
"of this Wl* M. S. wish to tender Red' ZK�es Sister, Chinaman, J%.
`Caldwell's Cream substitute
their sincere thanks to all the panese, clown, Harlequin, and on the market.
Aind friends who rallied to their others, 0 of *bom added to the Calf Meal. to -day.
Molasses Meal
b6tp. We. congratulate the prest. beauty and enjoyment of the CHOPPING AND OAT'S -Auclk
dent and officers on the growing affair. The embers of the W. Splendid bakers, easy on fuel 4:1,
1k sto -
de4 the
lance of
he ye 14_
.deol, y
0 rovince
success ofench Ft noble enterprise. A. take this opportunity handsome in •1.desigd�
-We are .Aare tuany more of the tending to Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Get prices on feed In ton -lots.
women wiN Join in the very near ton their grateful appyocistion HELL PHONE. Call and se*ur full*stocM. 7
Tnz Miwa rejoices in for their graceful and tiquatebus. :i-..
tittfir prosperity. hospitality. UNDY
Chopping every day.1 :Z", J.