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=mew VOL. XXX V11. 7 77- 00 J S ING W M..s. 'SEPTEMBER 20, -1918 52 PICKERING,- ONT.-,, FRIDf,& CKERRYWOOD MONGOLIA ..,Established 75 years Fall plowing ogressingr rapidly. Arthur and Mrs. Williams and two Safe'y'' First -1 noticed pr Medical We very few autos out on boys visited the city one day recently, last. ith nature.' Protect Sunday George and Mrs. Hewitt and Bon. Do not teifle n �R���WOOD re I L. CALDWELL, M. D.,' Mrs George (: Whooping cough seems to; be pre- Charles, spent a day centli with Succe"or youa bn1ldinger _11 - r.; valent in the vicinity, Bowers. T o to the iste.,.Dr. Brodie. Phone 305 Olarentout. out. 1�6 installing,& Mises C. Weir, of.11xbrIdge, visited .lice, R. Tarr and Miss 7era, Mrs. A Safe System- of here over the week-ead Thomas $males and Percy Rdeamn All MILLS "E. CARTW Davidson,. Mr. Hynde and F.. -spent Sunday, Sept. let, In Toronto. lr%B.. V RIGor. R. C. .,JLF morly of Gravenburst, Out,, cluccossor to, Lightning Rods.' MacCrae heye each. purchased fine We are sorpy to report the death of It. E. Towle, Pickering,LOut Office bomm Lsn�e#Corporal L. 0. Rams6y, son o It to a mud 880 to's P. M 3317 We protect your buildings In such new cars. f School has opened again, after the Robt. and Mrs. Ramsey, of Toronto .4 faRa way that a stroke ora summer holidays, with its Reynolds late of Mongolia, who was killed E. FORST-TH. D. of 0., Regis- charge is broken up. tared niourbiworf the Optarnstrical Amo. and Miss Layman In charge. action on Ali 't the 22nd. He was a eia too .1 0-ftew. apsow's"oution We do not draw'lightni A number of the young people of grandson of 11A Margaret Ramsey rig, but we m comijag. 'License No, 4.21§0 Wt the village took part In the Red Cron of tWe place. P=Of Camara. ftom tested free!liv prevent the flash from Concert at Highland Creek Saturday W6 have the saf6 system evening, Sep. 14th. BROUGHAM . . . . . . . . . . hype give a waranty e on hand O.-McKINNON, M.D., L.R.C.S., Flour substitutes kept Diana member of the College o Miss Lulu Shea returned to Toronto dass 6" surgeons of Ontario. licentiate Write us for' articulare PUNDARTON p on Monday. quantities required. of Saimeous. Edinburgh in any So W Coll"s Mrs. Hoyle, of Oshawa. is vlaitimg attention to dalosses of women and Mise Janet Allison Is visiting some East. 091.66 and redden". Brougham, friends in Toronto. friends hez a this week. Geo E. .Baker Miss Bate is spending- two weeks Miss Mary Abder'son spent the week 7`end at her home heft. with friends In Whitby. H4b"t Price' (Successor to!- T&s 11uSb, Wilson Is spending a Mrs. G. A. Gillespie Is spbnding a Baker month with friends in hinak:Oklit' W H. KENNEDY, Barrister. Sol. short time with relatives at Cobourg Mrs. Fea's9by Is visiting with her son, ieitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer &c. and Coldsprings. Phict whitb Oat. 41 Byron and Mrs. Feasby, of Oshawa. Autumn Is here again, and that W. B Burk has been appointed- fuel. fo St0uffville,Ont, means . the', return. of our- summer the r T E. FAREWELL, KA., BARRIS- guests to the city, controller for the central part of ft" o 121111.0aunty Crown Attwasy, and County Next Sunday will be Rally, Dav at township. 1101:11dur. Gout son", wbhbr.. 10-T 1 !e. All are Miss Vera Johnston and Miss Bya, the Sabbath morning siryie fl yisit, to Clare Barley and A E. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and J.H. BEAL, Claremott invited to be present. on paid a. flying XXoSolicitor. Notairy Public Etc Alone to Rain, rain and still some�. more rain, mont turday, last. can, -Office Brock at. North, W0bv,- NY . 'What do Mr. and Mrs. Ellis,of Detroit, ate Some met equinoctial gales HOUSEFURNIWNGS, you think. Mr. Editor P visiting the ltsttees father, W. J. Bo- Wheat W I LLI A M J. BEATON, B. A. Bar- Mrs, J. R. Wilkinson and little deu. dell. and other friends here. slater, Solicitor, Notary Public, associated Big Stock, at the lowest prices, e members of th'o Young Peoples' hter are visiting bar sister- Mrs. Th In practice with Messrs. Byck;nan, Denison & Poster. Ba=istas, Toronto General Trusts El stop at the inanse. Bible' Class, of the B. U. S. S. are all D�Iiiery reZ-.1 to be present on Sunday- Buildiril. 86 Day stroet. Toronto. Telephone. 9. K. IL Marshall and fabaltv left requested main sed -x63. 8617Monday for their home in Toronto, next, Sept.,22nd. Call and see. Ind -Phone -824, Mrs. Bigger and family left on Thurs. The many friends, of Ustit, Frank Dental da for Toronto, also. Malcolm, who returned to England in .Claremont. number of our citizens served on April, will be pleased to know that he• at -the inqration BLAKE B. BEATON*. D. -D. S.. seat held -at --- Rose- has undergone another 0 JL.1 Graduate of the Royal Colelge of. Dental bank, on; the drowning of Mrs. Bo6th, whtch--war vez) - sa"Reto" S111 111 11A ii if IN Surgeons and University f To 0- e • of Toronto, vat Saturday evening doing as well as can be expeotoL over WM. h An Office hour. 2 "1, 2a" �to ;,B w M. Fruit Packages a - I - .., I .phoac 6. .. . I . On April let the undersigned will take sell phone CROCK ROAD hone 220. 441yrj I have and expect to have during the WHITXVALB Beat4on'sabsencelovereewDr, Cook, possession of the above shop. D fruit season Geor If T��`otr;.. Keyes and family. of Mount will be in charge: Mrs. J. Leary spent last week with Jay, ca led on W. H., and Mire. Jack. Horseeboeing and general blacksmith _Q t Baskets- and -covers. Stotjffville friends. on Monday. work promptly attended to. Q son Mm Mason. of Toronto, 11...4 Mrs. of To Lgm-g said in ring hormes e 24 Quart Crates ..of her sister, Mrs. W. S. Major. present with Mrs Ass -Hubbard. a specialty of, anc monev M- - T Quart. Berry Boxes The anniversary services of the Bap- Arch McDonald does not improve as funded If work -does not N G. HAM -Issuer of Marri Sat church will be held on the 22nd at his friends would desire, prove satisfactory, MaLiceives in the County of All guaranteed No. 1� quality. Order 2.30 and 7. Rev, J. A. Grant, of To- jmej H. and Mrs. Hayes have re- g vlllasa; XF - Vn early and secure your requirements, rnnto. will preach at both services. cantly moved to T Grandview Ave.. I V, RICHARDSON - Real Es. as these are changeable -times. Mustic, will be furnished by the home Toronto, where they will be pleased to tate, Instrrarce. Corveyanctre, Not -choir' in the afternoon and tbo Bio. welcome soy of their. friends. Public. Etc.,*Pickenag, Ont Chopping and 'gat Roiling every-) 4hkm Presbyteridh choir at t. ilfth A deep gloom passed over this local - day -We regret io announce the dentb.of , Vicker,iing :56age usual, sty on Tuesday when the report circu- POICOHM Real Zatate,_Auc- Mrs. Hannah- Barton, widow of the I,tPd that one of our most highly- re, •J To tiouser, vsJuaicr, collector and Issuer G Bsm_es',--- -Grep�2. River i�,� Ricbaxd flartai:4_.:P�hlch occurred spected residents bad died very mud- All automobile and Bicycle 40 of marriame, 11cousem. Broughava. My •having Bur., e y t a morn rig, Or address R. -R. No. 1. Locust Mill. here -nn the 12th lost.. she- -havi - d ul Lbat- t 'after only &few vived her husband only two months. 'ho wAs repatrinir Prosoptli hours illness. The deceased. w HOPPER Issuer of Mar-riage Interment was made In the Methodist in his sixty sixth year,. had been, attended to. D LAcenese InAbs County of Ontado� CA4 at store Lad his residence, Claremont. cemetery-.-Msx�lrbwffi-_7-T.be, deceased rather poorly for Abe - past. two or Tires, Oild', Grease and repairs cemetery; was daugliteraf the late Lyman Bide three'years from some internal trou- and was at Green -River about ble.but had continued bin work as always on hand. R.BZATON TOVM5A7PMZRK born Conveysumer. Commissioner or 'skiing an Telegraph work as'-taught'in 67 years ago. usual. On Monday he had felt as well "All work guaranteed." af>ddavHs, A000uuftno. Zte. Kandy go load The Women's Institute and the Red U. -A time. He Shaw's School.- Toronto, will ensure Crow Leagm - mest- _be_fi� bona of e-held-th"inotirlit a good position -good -salmief. inor on Wednesday. The following =age on at a y supe and h it Sailors' t in the evening he FICKERM4. Ont. Write for particulars. W. H. Snaw. appropriations were made was seized with a very severe Pain. CANADA'S VICTORY ... BONDS pre'., -3.0er&rd St. East, To - - Fund. W;.Soldlers' Comforts. $20; roato. Dr. McKinnon was summoned and he r*LVLDenominations -••$b0, Sloo .83no 99 1-2andaccrued interest W. Prisoners of War. $15; Xmas Stock* did everything asible to relieve his ojkes� Bond Broker, Bell Phone.103, Whit., any. Prisoners -of War SU He d not. Improve UOOD ing Fund, SVI - Prisoner suffering.' SIC by, Ont., Ind. Phone 70, Bread Fund, $1.25. also, 50 pairs of but jrrsduslly -became worse. until �4 r soldiers' comforts. , The mbout.aine 0,clock Tuesday morning Lu'mblor Pocks. 10 PTf6H_,_GFen`M-aFP`r.Oat. - fidwing- ladles are now -preparing fora bazaar *ben he passed away,death heuik" Licensed Auctioneer Extensive exper• to be held In November. due to Inflammation of the bowels, Iones in i=W?ted and ifiarocalshred stook. alt Dug e mm Palms conducted anywhere. Write. for terms First-class rigs for hfi�e Iculars. Phone Ind, SUG. 354y heart failure. Mr. Hubbard wawa GRIZIN RIVKR Day or nigLt native ',of this township In Whit 35ninglies FPOSTILL. Licensed Auctioneer. Bus meets ill trains Our football boys captured the M lived all his life. He as an adherent e for Counties of York and Ontario. Ana. prfzeatHing City on Wednesday by of •the Chritittain Church until that de - lion dales of gal kinds atteased to an ob Teaming promptly attended- to. winning by the score of 3 to 0. 1%cy nomination discontinued their NoUce. Address Gma Sim P. 0.. Out, servi- bow their patriotism by donating the cen, but since then be has been. a Agent for Canada Carriage Co. $25 to the Red Cross Society of Green regular attendant -of the Presbyterian N M. GIBSON, . Octavio River. Church at Brougham. He Is survived MORTOI and Dominion land Surveyor and Civil We He Peak, 11�dckordng. . The patriotic. football match and by him Widow and one son, Clifford. a Engineer, Hopkins street: Whitby. Phone 231. da ughter having died to the late W. E. Yarnold, Ontario entertainment held ber6-on Saturday several years Mdc -Surveyor of Part Perry, 44-4 after - AUC not last o in early womanhood. His fun I evening -A*Ls a decided, success. Mal Water There was a large crowd present, and 81 Water, Fu will take place this (Thursday) MAW. LICENSED the proceeds amounted to river coon to the Brougham Cethets' Cemen ,WM. ry, TIONEfUcr York, Qntario and Durham Counties. All I of sales pmmi)dy attended $100. which will be donated to the The heartfelt sympathy of . the tom- - to to. To= resionable. Dates for ades may, be If you are wise you will we the, only Red Cross work. The football match munity In extended to Mrs. Hubbard "anvnwatzqEws'oftv. Bell and 'ndem- Ideal well, drilled by Chan, B. Rice, between the Dualors. of Toronto, and and her son in their sudden bereavea. - dent phones. Whitby, Ont. bly who Is Kent fox Wind Mille,the old Shamrocks, of Green River, meat. Gasoline was a most interesting game and end- -well 'REESON '1_,L,...j_:�N' Engines. all kinds of pipe and fittings ed In a tie, each side scoring one goal, A�o C :� -,-' Mi" Joanna Reddio Vetorinary Swgeos for water works. Also bath room fix- The entertainment fallowing was .n careful rather a disappointment an some of tures. etc. Everything give. After an illness of some won UBT E=1 Has o 'Graduate of the Ontario Vote. the talent that was advertised to take borne the Attention. with Christian patience and rinary College part failed to appear. much to the re p P tion to -the Hol will of God, y .-sad Graduate of the Veterinary got of all and the committee In par- - resigna Raddin - Science Association. RIGE'S PUMP WORKS, L Kim Joanna +! In WO WX � oma Tel. 5521. WhItevA10, 0111V ible. Another last Sacraments of We U Phone--affies ISM residence 20M r tbing that ZI;rt be passed to -her reward on September noted was the fact that fi CLAREMONT, ARIO at some farmers lot %W the Sth at St. Michael's Hospital, ,ONT' who would go all the way to Toronto ronto. to have their sons exempted from Miss kt ReAdin was well known or 1hormaus Demand w11It&r7 service, showed their lack of loved by a large circle of friends. Elbe Patriotism, by failing to appear to OHN PHILIP for Gradu.stes of the Populaa assist in this most worthy cause, bad Wen connected With many of the activities of the Oburch for a number Us si NIL Raw ot-rresh and -curl of years, being eic active member of T Rosary Hall Assoclationind having a capd ed moats constantly on hitnd. practical Inteftet In theChurch X_ 77 Asad drowning accident occurred tension and rAltar Socleti6s, as well -11pice Roll, Breakfast Bacon, on the Rouge River o12 Saturday even- that of the Sacred Heart League. Her tiieely Perfumed •Quality Soaps ? Ham, Bologna, Weiner., etc.. Yonge Charles Sts,.Toronto, ing, in which Mrs, A. C. Booth; of K holy death was a fitting crown to a at reasonable prices Hitch Hoyden 13t, Toronto, lost her life. life spent In generous self-sacrifice and Highest prices paid for All our graduates and scores of our During the afternoon she and Vvm. charitable deeds toward7 others, She or's cattle'. undir-graduate have obtained McOatebean, of 835 Manning Ave., experienced in full measure the holy positions this year and out of the Toronto. trent out on the river in a joy of having lived a life of practical The Pickering last one hundred and four applica, small boat and hid supper dmAhe is- piety, Olive Oil and Cucumber -Soap at land. :According to the story told by The deceased was a daughter of the- 5 cents a cake, Verbena, large ht t tions from business firms 'for office McCutcheon, Mrs, Booth, while in the late Michael Reddin, of Pickering, and help we filled only nine. Salaries: boat was gathering flowers and In a sister of Rev. Joseph Reddin, late round Bath Tablet, at I-%. --I & -0 10 cents =r#ABS@d frGrin - woolk, to $125 a 1!!cNpg out--too-far- -1-6- "a, -Pok- _1___...Torontn r4nra_ Rho- rnootb.-71-�-Evtev ii -0 -i -V ------- -tia--me- 4 -1-cra og a. Is survived by two sisters, Mother M. Assorted Floral Odors Cutchiio7n succeeded In moving himse er t Vhite Rose and The object of this Association Is to sent free. but the women perished, and afters, lKianle teddid, of Toronto. Her Heliotrope. lesson stealing and prosecute only 85 cents a box W. J. Elliott, Principal' time the man brought the body to the funeral mass was celebrated at St. the felons. bank. The watch which the woman Vincent de Paul Church by Rev. Dr. was wearitir stopped -at 6.55, but It O'Leary with Rev. Fr. Bench as lea- Elose, special' size Ov"er:-�"-, Members briving pnpertz stolen as not till (0 - o'clock that mccut6h- eon and Rev. James Reddle, _8ew0aW5 cent as" filu any member son told of the'tragedv. Coroner Dr. aw, an subd6acon and Rev, L. Mine- wi Eggs For Hatchin! I w Of xxondvo Oomnume. Breasted Red McGillivray, of Whitby, was 'notified. ban, master of ceremonies. from) Black -Brea@ and he on visiting the scene, decided The following priests were In the Membership fee 11.40. Hs ad, stock, and that an Inquest was necessary, which Sanctuary : Rev, Dean ad Rev. was conducted by Crown Attorney J. -Dr. Tracey, also Rev. Robert Walsh ham the Praf.2mat or. excellent la ere: "L aserstav on appliommos. E. Farewell. The deceased. who was and Rev. Dennie O'Connor, cousins of AlsaQ Young Belgian Hares about 50 years of age, Is survived the deceimed. Father Edward Murray, and Silver Grey Siber. one son, Capt. H. H. Booth, R. A. h� Xx9c, Colas. -L, D; Banks, C. S.- palm. F 0. S. B., assisted the choir, D "K H a h h b IF ren Z4 tAa z ba h ber TO- A All fan Hares. 'Druggist-GraduatQ OPUCIVin or, W. V. Richardson, Pickering. who Is a prisoner fnGerTnanT, and Interment took place in the family J. R. Thexte.All Pedigree $ two din bterp, Who are employed In plot at Pickering, where Father Ryan I!' tock. 1 C. N. Ri tl�,)t Agetit. I. , � W.J.W. J. Clark. the head office of the Royal Bank. with Rev. L. Minehan and Rev Robt. Presidenri ModrOwy W. J. GORDON PIOKBRI Her husband died fifteen years ago. Walsh recited the Anal pr&y1BT8.--0O3f- :M031COM19MAIN 14" • 'to 2-- .L. hat A ca+r a r.,. , ^ea:•""' ;.... i - ..» .a rgyP •w:�t' .may. -t 1, rt., writ u,q-. �, . c ,.",.� ,r• p.. .; 3•. J•. ! ,s Syn , l B S• 4. r t: w.,. ti "�,.. ..., .....:.-..... :., .:.. . , t. ar•,'acse: .fir. tui ,.a 'yl.T'. .�s�+":r l,i.. '.,.,. •'; ��,p . ^,,y .v' : ; . .. ;...•- . , .... ..� `.,^:,... '�� _. .. � ' x e :... �'•s. . x'• .+. .� x" �±�:*. orf r •rJli•.. 1e ,�'•h _°'.+i .:r, ;'� ,o-!,. - k. —had ditwrpeared; I thought he'd gone i into 'the alley between $evenLWATEighth but I couldn't find him. Tho, Ae no ubst tite . E , i other allow had gone up Seventh lAT� 't• i i- the opposite direMion; when I came• ! NT I },tinii,cii: " out after searching for the stat man; } 3i! ! ' ; insist upon f3 get>►Wtile -' he wasn't to be seen.' So I we7rt back 1 } to find out what bad happened. There were three',women in the entrance to TO .PROVIDE PURE DRINKING77 -- _ Walsh's store, kind of afraid to go in q�ATE_.FOB THE. FIGHTERS . i - y- WaTi h was lying on -tire floor i ehi -- - ;:� the counter, dead;. Mrs Walsh an q®®.� - ._ _. I __. i Morrison wer�bath -titers.- ----- ----- t staye un t Are DE as — —Thomas came, and then I told them f' ` what I've told just now." Cleansed by the Sanitary Corps at -did -you -do- then -V' - --- - - - "I finished' m bf the Medical Department. F i�ii��e� ti i Yap y patrol and at two r Via. U"UUB �R .clock went to Station 9 to report.I The "water train" is a wholly new ' 'Then. I learned that Scanlan had been! military` `#:=NOife Other is so in -use or so i arretsed and that -Officer Cheehan idea. " t, land Lieutenant Murphy were still is in effect a iniriiature" water-;; j M a •delicious in flavour. o,4,{ P y works, t Four I a.uestioning him. I thought maybe kit, buatFteas being to provide or its _------- -- -- - -'- - - -" ---- - known him well for years, so I went; trencheanormwherever else the may 4 ::i,iiii}:i..li}=i!i s OAP a Scanlan ml ht talk to me for I had P g water for soloists in the r i'° up to h o es to nee of it. VIW�wheard him tell the story that Officer Such a train is composed of u num-� `amu., "' W.v..... ' ;. Sheehan and Lieutenant Murphyhave "purification told. Then I'went in and asked Lieu- Such of . so-called purification anits," • :. each of which is a complete fiaration finery is in the. rear part of each mo- L e tenant Murphy to leave me alone with P J�'(�, ��� � him a while. I talked with Scanlan I Plant and laboratory mountetlr on a' tortrucic; the laboratory is in the front ' - and told him I thought he was making motortruck. part. ,It is all 'remarkably compact• a mistake to feel' that he was under The laboratory is -equipped for both' Electric lights are provided, so that fl an obligation not to give the name of chemical and bacteriological work.' the work when necessary may be car - Arthur Stanwood Pier the man that bald fired the shot. He 'Each mobile unit carries a chemist' ried on at night; and there are extra + was 'eery loath to do it, but after a, and a bacteriologist as well as a parts, hose pipes, tools, etc., to facili- x' lot 'of arguing I persuaded him. He •Pump, man," whose business is to take repairs when accidents happen azittr Soasataa aatnata eotopaar or as lob, arra• e.ment Rtth rho,' Allae, told me the man was Schlupfe. He au or in the event of damage b enemy W ssswt. told me that he had just got done sere- supply the water. The train is op g y y ing a month's time In the reformatory seated wholly by o�fscers and enlisted shellfire, :CHAPTER XIX.-(Cont'd.), "That might be," admitted the wit- for 'drunk apd disorderly, and he ran men of the sanitary corps of the medi-I _ Events accurately fulfilled Trask s ! ness r into Schlupfe when he was feeling cal department of the army. prediction. The selection of a jury! Dr. urran described the wound I down and out and Schlupfe proposed y , � � p Each unit is complete in itself. It Value in Fish Waste.. occupied the greater art of two days.' and 'explained that It was necessarily, the thing -all just as the other wit- arrives, let us say, at stream in the I In Live t Dave followed all the proceedings , fatal. The man was in fact, morel- (nesses have described. war zone.. The stream may be mudd spool, England, a plant, baa. with an ,intense, nervous interest bund when he arrived, which was The District Attorneq had no fur- Y Y, -been installed for the utilization of within five minutes of.receiving receiving the ther questions to ask the witness; turbid and uninviting. Never mind M�* Schlupfe seemed stolid and ancon- & , flab waste, and the fats obtained. -' - • Berne The two prisoners sat so' telephone message. The skin round i Trask rose to examine Jerry. about that; it makes no difference, be -'therefrom find a ready sale at about ' far apart that direct communication, the wound was blackened -and burned; I "You say, .Officer Donohue that you cause means are at hand wherewith $4010 per ton.. A meal made from the between them was impossible, and the . weapon had - evidently been. dis- used to know the defenant Scanlan; to clean the water.' from the first the took little notice charged' with the muzzle almost how well• did you know him?" residue and` used for feeding live Y "About as well as if he was m `� hose is dropped into, the stream stock and poultry, retails at over of each other, Dave, leaningon tha touching the victim. Y Dr. Kell brother. We were together out at and a gasoline engine on board the D100 a �n. �r table ih front of him, concentrated 'nil.• y. •the medical examiner g motortruck pampa up the water to a attention on the juror who was being corroborated Dr. Curran and gxhibit- Millvale as boys, and we ,worked to- i „ examine Schlupfe lolled comfort- ed the 38 -caliber revolver bullet that gether in the Purroy Mills until they supply s sand filter: But before the i ably in his seat as one- who had. no had been recovered in the autopsy. changed hands; Scanlan was about. my water, is allowed to pass htrough the Gas masks of the latest model ' thing to fear. Behind Drive sat his: bars. Walsh took the stand. She (beat friend." filter alum and liquid chlorine are put have been furnished the polite as mother; at frequent r intervals snit was a comely, middle-aged woman of He bore- a good reputation among into it. * g his fellow workmen?" protection against gas bombs in the. hazacter and self-control- she ans- L L Pure and- Germ -Free. -L { o,r„ +;3 a I/reee his arm, striving to communic wered the questions quiet y, an - pec' tion of aB`ra'ds ,, e c or ne k e any_ lasses germs olice have been warned to kee the gate her love and faith. though her lis trembled and she. This sentence that he has just P P served -drunk and disorderly+-dd that ma ybe in the water. The alum P Once the ury was chosen, the trial � sometimes seemed on the verge of you masks within easy reach. ' moved rapiJly. Mulkern, the District tears, she did not break down. She know anything about that i' removes coloiing and turbidity, and Attorne made a bei _ ,looked frequently at the prisoners, AA I saw him early in the • evening helps to get rid of germs _by forming, -- �^° resit. a was a sallow, arpp--' ano er, w� an ser He was in La atka's lace, sitting featured man, thin and tall, and he j Pression of sorrowful .wonder rather P P g ng through t hesand of the filter. ave the impression of being both than of vengefulness. Dave could at a table with this fellow Schlu fe. I After the filtering, prbcess the excess l+ Just and merciless. He outlined the.not meet her eyes, but Sch:upfe gazed �He told me that he wait out of a job..j_chlorine (which might give a disa-1, j case for the prosecution, commented back at her hardily. Her testimony and I -said if he would come .to me that greeable taste) is taken vitt of the."-- �° " bn the peculiarly brutal nature of the was of .no real importance; she said next morning I thought maybe I knew water by adding to the latter a salt i asxrslsear er 3 at�arr[s seine, and'elosed by saying that 'he; that she been in the store talking where there was one that he might i ,. believed the evidence to be presented .with her' husband. at a quarter past I, et. Well, he didn't come, and when of sada. ' Fs oesed'r =woutd waxrant-the flnditrg--of-a-verdicr' - -1 o! murder in the first. degree against that a few minutes after eleven. -she I hays later he'd disappeared.-, I never' truck pure and germ -free and is there-`'' r..�p,,, ,.� hd `'each of the defendants. had been roused from sleep and had learned until the night of his eon -1 upon pumped into 4iuge -gasoline-pro W&JUa ss..rlow come downstairs to•find:•him d fill fession what had happened to him- °d hz'p, °�• a He called Henry Morrison as 'the i y g i pelleli -tanks on wheals. that serve ae d,- Tapas•• feed first witness. Morrison teatifled t? at Next Sheehan was called and . testi- and then I didn t learn much. . Ise distributors, carrying it to, the - sol- •fir• �-� - fled tn._the_eircum3tancea. under which only. remembered he had ' been n he lived in the house ad'olnin diets, wherever it is wanted. It is J g' he had made the.arrest and to the dif- Lapatka s .place.wlth Schlupfe; when � aad dew Walsh's store, that on the night of h� came to the next da he was under filled into the tanks by a hose through do September Y5 at about eleven o'clock,!,had which he ana- the lieutenant y , a.d.hoarAdsa.1 • ad had experienced in in to draw openings 'in their to I t Ds5rand an Chars, I h street, for the first time in his life.tops. _ }, he was in' bash reading when he heard ! a confession from the prisoner. Court (To be' continued.) = .• The' water train may be composed _ m palm ra�r tee,,,., a a shot and'almoat immediately, on. the ,was adjourned -for for tae day :with the ,a of .a varying number of purification bar b.lraw dsat.r- iidewalk under his open window, the, lieutenant 'abo�t +" to.+;fY-_m res ZI ' a t"arr - tails of the confession. : Summer. ca soft of each unit far supplying wondered about .rt for a,, moment be- : capacity fore getting up to.. investigate; when' Jerry, who .had been in the room The summer hath so, many songs; Potable water being 1200 gallons per, w's a'T'wRutttTOO. .* he reached the window and looked out for part. of the afternoon, walked Of joy and hope and glee; hour, tifsae Mu�LooM he saw a liceman g home with his mind disturbed about The pumping - W. pursuing a man The robins strain, the pattering rain. P P g and . filterin¢ macb- whomany things. Schlu he s attitude af' had n as t ea far seethe street. He The beech leaves rustling had not waited to see the outcome of . indifference end confidence was die- gin the lane; - the chase, but had hurriedly dressed quieting.. It made Jerry wonder if And sings then; all for me. AIIFIII gone out of his house and into the 3chlupffe knew things that Dave i And that is why through all my days, hadn't told, and would be able to rove —flare --._At fls�st.-he-save Ao.one; then P I chant un easingly- --- - fn-huandDat '. di advanta e: More- l found Walsh lying unconscious, with over, Jerry ;coked forward to is ow I, ; Y g The summer hath such pictures fair] s , blood flowing from a wound ' in the appearance on the witness stand. the Of earth. and sea and sky; _ 4 neck. With a. handkerchief -he -ham next day with uneasine4� In the 'PhP a ra etc t}- - two months that had elapsed since theme green dark hills' be= tried to stanch the flow; and then had Pa ,r -telepboned to Dr.. Curran and to police night of the mardar his dereliction , tween, - � head ua rs. - And then he had run from duty in- lettin Dave escape had i The fountain's siIve g Sheen 4 q rte �, P ry aparkIin t ..upstairp and roused . Mrs. Walsh, •who trou4led him but little. Now, how- I .. Painted 'to Please my eye. a�l c ' 0S was asleep in the apartment over the 'ever, it was giving him concern. And that is reason form - atore.. Should he be obliged on the witness That places -hAr all else .above. �HE utward ole a u t ' -Trask cross-examined Morrison and: stand.io narrate. that episode? Would y asked him if he hail not seen. two men' there be any way ,f evading it r He p hes a t fleeing. Morrison said that he had had . not confided it to Trask; he The summer hath such perfume sweet that New scale' piano seen only one; that the policeman was c'ouldn't quite bring himself to the I Where blossomed fields unroll; le an Index of Its Intrinsic r almost under his window when he ! Point of going' to a lawyer and -asking; The lilies blue, the budding yew +worth. Ideals are built looked and that he had .taken just a advice about suppressing or evading And roses damp with falling dew, unto eve one of these glance up the street which hae shown the truth . Yet if the truth came out, Incense to charm thy soul. every him the fugitive, chaps a hundred rt might not only, affect most serialus- i a m o u s Instrumsnta-%. pe And that is cause for pen and voice ards away, that he. had then. drawn ly his own future, but it might also Ideal* of craftsmanship ty prejudicial To praise and honor and rejoice. P m his head and got ready beatify to judicial to Dave. Not of an 'that 'maks for the most And out what had happened. � introspective 'habit, and disposed to----------- "You �«nduri49 quality. . . You wouldn't swear that - there look on the" bright side of things, White Corn Syrup for Canning. Bungalow Model. $41WOQ weren't two men running away?" Jerry made up his mind after some �a�•.�t� -- 'No, but I aaw ont one, and my ( Pondering that he could tell a suf- For home preserving the pure white WUS PIANO M, Idtru�r.1/a 0§"w ONT. the beat all' an areas Piano era one." k -criminating. or doing an injury: to' yeltow or golden, corn syrup, with i -- "You were, of course, ven- much II Dave's case. which many pegple ate familiar asalflin -• excited, nd didn't observe as careful.� The next morning the lieutenant'` used on the breakfast table, may bel ly as you might have done -you ware corroborated Sheehan's story of the employed in preserving, but it has al _ '^ in a hurry to get away and see tiehat I confession, and,•as Sheehan had don:, I distinctive flavor which makes it less 1 s bad taken place?" told how obstinately Dave had re- -- sisted the effort to make him disclose suitable than white corn syrup. The: " ] ' I his • confederate's identity, , fruit jar should be filled with the pre - 4 "So up to, the time when you left Pared raw fruit, then covered with' I' Scanlan on that night he had not syrup and finished oft in the usual I 4' ` mentioned Schlupfe's name?" • asked way. ZL �,� Maxwell in cross -•examination _ POSir.".V4C OL iZ 1. "No, „•- Cheering aim C "When did you fir t learn than ' he UP• 1 '' �`''``. V 1• i N ii�� V • had implicated Schlupfe"." Sergeant -Instructor (to •Cadet)- + P - ��� "About half an hour later, when d ! Na,possible if the ware kee s on a ' ! 'yell no mak' an officer, But it's . Face Powder �� / ( ° toldOffiepym Donohue carpis to the des ani i just ` told me." f while an ye prractice harrd-verra + 61 Officer Donohue was called. Mui'- - kern, the District Attorney, asked him i harrd=ye micht-micht, mind ye- / No matter how clear and colorful your .• >,o., DAr'Y begin to hae a glimmer that yell if his patrol on the night of 'the mor- � ~` ��, complexion may be a few minutes' ItAfAT t~AhAaAN iVC� der took him into the neighborhood ,never ken the r -rudiments d thework or an bour in a bet 1 eye t o-3ssge�a a t�eus^ry!, ; Yes sir ' .T �� ' the bring and ontT avoid ' eery answered. I had --,r ;shiny. _.. -. ' Ni c L -I- ==:Ir==1 I this use Ingram's Velveola Souveraine gz,r y Ir,�,i�;fir :just turned the corner frim Ran The Victoria Cross is suspended by ; Face Powder. ust.a li °w Street into Eighth when the t:ning a red ribbon when worn b a soldier, ' - - - A Picture J ght•tovch watt. e Tell what you saw. i y f` .stay on until washed off. And it over- _ v� m a blue ribbon b sailor's. with Each Purchase •.come. the shins and hides tin im- "I heard a shot, and two tnen rush- A person's ability should be rated , Each. Hme you bay a pac age r s a od out of a house somc'distarice along by what they finish add not what they of Ingram's Toilet aids or Per- Ingram's Milkweed Cream Is a dainty and ran u Ei hth towards begin.. fume your druggist will give _— a without s-h-ar a -a -1aF a-- preparation that is cleansing, soften - "Weaver Street. I chased tem, Mit Creat as the nitrate indust of 1 P u' 8 ' g ing and soothing to the delicate akin they g�L round the corner of Weaver ry ortrait ofaworld-famed motion tissued. It also has an exclusive therapeu- ,,tirar�.r fo�eloastleloast , Chile is, the ore beds themselves are picture actress. Each time you tic Quality that "tones uo'.the skin aad Street, going south. I wasn t very �b.. ONGLCO.uMITso far behind and when I turned into seldom of vast size, though they get a different portrait so you keeps it in aheaithful condition. Two *I S. . spread oder .'lar mane a coilectionfor onr6ome. We and {l. At your druggist'a you willy� d t Weaver Street they were both in P ge areas. Occasion- 7 a complete line of Inseam's toilet alae fn- 1 sighs.- Where Seventh eros§es Vheav- ally the ore is found within a foot mak your druggist, cludingZodenta for the teeth, 31%. i 96 _ or one of them took the turn to the or two of the surface, and at other F. F. Ingram, Windsor, Ontario (117) ` Fait, and ;.Went after him. But -be times it is 20 feet deep, t y.. ,••. '- ,. ., . ;. ...• ,PMr.- r ',. �'1•]��•a...__ .....-_...-....:.x.�.-. .nx:,....,...-r,-,::.�t�. S,z, ,ei ,n,__...e•,..f.-.. ,.._�... ....... .....,:. -_.. _'... _._::,.. r..-._.:-:�..,t..XY.,i.e.r!�c .._-,. .•.a so,'...._. .. :.'a-. _._ _.,. ,_ �l.�,s"„ _--..,a. ... ... .. - ,.. . �. a .,•,.. ...s. a ..a.,a...ti,,..�,c.5t..:,wd. �{l..ii;��'i'L'".I.'�]-53c�•.j •~��"rrn •�k X:r4 THEDA -OR Fp IAST "NO - DV 'Markets of the Word fS BY ISHEVIKI A 3reamuffs YEI) THEIR COUNTRY Toronto, Sept. 17.-Manitoba wheat ttING CHARLES LAND -.-No. I- Northern, $2.24%L-444%-A�- ---:4 American A 77,14wod to be Hirelings of Berlin by orthern, 2.21%; No. Narthwn# -17%; o. 4 wheat, $2.11%, be Sone Details of Prussian Intil' Revealed AIREMTS ISLAND SPITZB -store Fort William not-includins t"#. in Amazing Document. 1:2 .,EDGE Manitoba2 A lLslID FAij- -1witham- . . . . __- L :`4�.2 American corn-No. llow, -B A -M E X Z, -s- . -, vrotaky, the Boigh lea rs are paid German agents-.9 indeed any gnat C e dried, nominal; No. 4 yellow, Lai- bta remaln-are let w 7 . ... ... dried, nominal. t an amazing series of official documents kiops 3 wSment in the first S E A Ontario oats, now crop-No. w 0 ISe; No. 8 white, 76 ft 4WIosed through the Committee on; Public Information. hitij 78 .4 not only 77c. according to freights outside. Obtained In Russia by Axqsricm 1 agents, these document's .-e yo dou a orld to-day by the United States Gov� C.. ...Show how the German Government, I through its Imperial Bank, paid its '..* - .1. .. I Ontario wbweat-No. 21 Winter car let, $2.31; No. 8 WI w9r; AA is. .e Russia Sold. to Lmins, Trotzky and their im ! mediate associates to betray . . , I No. 2 No. 3 Spring, Spring, $2.26 ,4 into deserting the affles, but give add' ed proofs, If any are necessary, that 1$2.29, basis In store ifontreal. Mermany had perfected her ph war of world conquest long before Peas-No. 2, nominal. LUZ for a w re -Malting., new crop, AD "affisaiMeAon at S&rajev�, Which, 11 as the or n It 'Barley Id now is c6n�inced, c9 -r $1.06. Tenlently furnished her pretext. to Buckwheat-Nominal. NX Lbfkina, Trotzky and associates a old Russia *to the German, Govern :Rye-No. 2. norninal.- .:Uelit for $25,00,NO. Peas-;4ominal. Germany's plans for war of worl I d conquest perfected long before as- or ot ift lee Manitoba flour-Old crop, war 'aassination at Sarajevo furnished th; e 'excuse'. quality, $11.25. Toronto. More .than two years before the United States entered the war, Ger- Ontario flour - War qualityi* �111 . t5,in bags, =shy launched plans for outrages in America. . Anarchists and escaped i�t�- Nort Cape Montreal and Tor. 9 0 8�6 Otto -orriPt shipment. ertmi�ls to be the destructive41' onto. p, agen; ts. fl -Car lots, delivered MonU rrang offt Milifeed an as Bolsheviki Revolution, a 0'tsa�s real freights, bags included: Bran, y b German general staff. $36.40 per shorts, $41.46 per ton conferene e was sta. Russia's be. 100 bd10 ton. Brost-Litovsk peace stage-setting 'for ,Ar Jeo trayal. Hay-No. 1, $19 to $20 per 'tom German staff officers secretly dir acted all Bolshevik, policies, foreign, *4 4f track-Toronto; mixed, $17 to $18 Per Aomestic and economic. lot ton. track. A German officers spied embassies, allied or friondly'to Russia. r C-0 Straw-Car lots, $9 $9.50. to Pkkod German general detailed to "defend" Petrograd against Ger- 1 'Country Produce;-Wholesale am army. n 4, All fridustriat concerns in Germs. y ordered on June Ri' 194 -nearly Butter-Creamery, solids per 1b,; 4A:11 two �months- before war, to open -seat ed orders containing mobil 42% to 43c; prints, r lb., 4 to lzatibn in -plans. ye 48%c: do per pound, 36 to 87c. N. Eggs- ew- laid, 48 to "c, Pact at Kronsiadt July, 1917« -tur nes over Bolshevik polie to Ger, int officers. Dressed poultry -b ringch les lekens OWI, 0 to 40c roosters, membership of Bolshevik, "executive Germans dictated central 28 to BIC; ducklings, 32c; turkeys, 32 to 3&. Live poultry=Roostori, 23c;' fowl,: Assassination of Russian nations I leaders arranged by German officers." 11CAOLZ Oft MMILES, 27 to 28c Destruction of- Polish logtorALriet in -Ruw4an army- ordered; ---- - - ducklings lb-, 22c • 1 lJ to 8271 Disorianization of Rumanian ar my and deposing of Rumanian. Kin The Northern W-,A-r,.-A-i eyes are now centred upon the western �1 Wholesalers are selling to the rate planned. trade at the following prices:- planned. �important events are taking place on the "northern front" also. Cheese New, large, 23W -to 7 subsututwn of officers satiSfac tory to Germany- In command of Rus- Here is a new map of the Murman coast from which a., 23 % to 2414 c - old large, 2 ch Important news MAY twin -A 'clan troops instead of patriotic, Russ- Ian generals provided for. be anticipated any day. :to 26c; twin, .4 26 to 26 % c., Butter-Fresh dairy, choice, M senxers, the account adds, was riots, froth ma, W :A- R MSH %F1 IF ST MIN1171 9 A I 3i W �~Awaw Millister of "-wowad" was &1raAXAA1JUJLA LJr&JJ1UJ I of the Union of South Africa,- who' -,arganne-32 to 84c. -�as saved. and Major: Rabuntine, EW-No. I's. is to 49e; select," r BY FRANC O.MVD i now laid's. 52- to Uc; In cartons, U ...SUNK BY U-BOAT, member of the South Afrlcan,_p�%rlia- LAUN TROOPS ;to.55c. b 'Ment, who is missing. chickens, Tlis ilway Castle was built at 43 to 45c; `roosters, Soc - fowl So tg Galway Castle Torpedoed With: -G �."Germana Driven Froih the Region With S Ge T91 I T.InAnn VMS bar 86e. Relfn&t . - --Were-Umb-le to uclh Haste That They .:34c; turkeys. 40c, ducklings, I- 139 VibetffiK Including any port of registry. She was owned by:' Women and Children. 37 50- imp., hand-picked. Burma ot r.the-Unlon-Castle Mail Ship- Co Now 13 mpary. ..93.00. . - -.: , ... . -. . . . . ... . . .:., I lng6�, $6.50; , Japan.. $8, W; Limas, Sept. 15.-The British 'i's �STALL GAS SHELL A despatch from London si�jj: The steamer Galway Castle, of 7,M tons - In addition, along the eastern.- Honey, new erop-Strained. 60-lb, dross, was torpedoed and sunk Fri-I OF DEADLYINTENSITY ,Americans have completely outflanked bide of the heights north of Hatton- tins, 25c; 10-1b. tins, 26c; 5-lb. tins, the St. Mikiel salient. Prisoneis now '0119. the Americans have debouched -26% to 27c. - Combs.-Doz. .13.715 to day morning. Me W 740 personal �toW 13,300, -including 3PO Austro'-' the hill region, and are as A despatch f rom the A morkan -Army tride., $4 on board. I One �hundred and twenty in Fr says: latest Instrument, Hungarians. within 24 houri of the, the railroad In f-peasengers are missing. once a road runn nx fro corn- 1 !of German frightfulness. in gas I. allaunching ofkthe attack. -Not oa w-Wholemale,-, The passengers included 300. we- nWmercy .. to. Verdun. Likewise. ' the "1 10 -Sid- small shell containine pumice. stone had the salient been wiped out,. but! Thlaucourt-Metz and Nancy-Metz Smoked In - eats-Hams, medium, 37 ---Tlie tea of General Pershing's men had all the railwayt are in American hands. to 39c; do-., he 80-to 32c; cooked and ph9sagene, The shell is projee a 'three of the children. -who had died -t ted by a rifle. According t6 French n tr8t' Beginning in the north-west and 51 -to 53c; rc -si- -�Iirtportariit i6w's, villages �and a 111.1 to 93c; breakfast bacon, 41 to 46c; -backs, lain; 45 to were brought ashore. : The captain investigators, - the combination of egic positions in the sector within crossing the - salient eastward and several ''of the officers are re-' 46c; boneless, 48 to 50c. pumice stone with the gas greatly in-,their hands. and were'standing on,Fresne.s. Los Epargei, Hattonvflle,',, ported to have been still on ' board; meats-Long clear bacoir, go creases the 'length of time tbat the rthe' bank4- of the MoSelle R-Rer at b - ..a 0C. the . vicinity', gn 'Pa Y. -looking across the Stream Lying between thefn are In.Arnerican the is IV, when she was Ia4 seen andl phosafrene remains in and Fanny and all the ground to 31c; clear bellies, 29 to 3 sinking into German territory.-and the south of The missing from where the shell bursts and continues hands. - T) 4DIMS- Vigneulles, Lire Stoek Markets .J. the torpedoed; to be dangerous. ern outer fortifientions of Metz. the Thiaucourt, Pont-a-Mousson and St. Toronto, Sept, 17-Extra choice Galway, Castle •.number 189. -They I In accordance � with 4the - discovery, great German stronghold in Lorraine, Nlihiel are...'firr - In the rear !of the heavy steers,,$15.50.to $16. 00; choice 120 asiensers. 86 nor&] and - 33 of I the allied troops have been cautioned were only -four 'miles distant. 'pre-ient . line-.- --Xontsee,, the -dominat- heavy steers, $14.50 to $15.00; bat- that officers'and men and that it may be necessary t From Haftonville, Wunted' o wear gas, In the ;',n height in -the centre. of the sa- eliers' cattle, choice, $13.25 to 14.00s- the crew. �m s for twelve hours after the' foothills of the heights of the D to $12 -class passengers ask' e trent, Alld from which much trouble'do., � good. $12.0 Ninety thud-class lost i Mquie. on the north, acros -medium, $10.75 to $11.00- 'do.' Com- bbells have fallen. - a the Ra- had been expected, fell without fight- 'were, without exception, women and m awny, the Amer- ins- mon, $11 - 00 to $11. 25; do. - medium its' Ilient eastward to P' on, $9. 00 to $10. 00; butters .,children. ChIldien of Fourteen Years Itans have closed the mouth of the wo Fighting With the Gery#ns:Kr-9Rck that extended southward 10-60; do., rough The liner Boated for two days in; I The town of St. Mihiel was prat-,bulls; $10.25 to $ a`rd fleallY undamaged, and most of the bulls, $7.60 to $8.0; butchers' cows, 4eharce of the captaln-and volunteers.; to St. Mibiel, tri pping within it by villages were left in good co t!pn. 1 choice, $10.25 to 111.00; do., good, The Galway Castle left po f The mans -left We railroad from says: ailed .to take refuge in Verdun to C $8.75; do., common, $7.25 to $8.00; South Africa on Tuesdaori y I _ last snALquarters in Lorraine forces who. f Ger ornmercy, Tout' and do.-, medium, $8.25 to rt_ from- Amer-k0w-He8d--' I t"- fa,%t-*4vftftcea1l--- the entnw I he $V25 .0 was torpedoed an -Thursday- in a! gr0upA of from 100 to 300 prisoners I flight when the great bombardment Wancy intact, -and this stockers, $8.00 to $10.60; feedermi. :.,.,0torrny.. sea. streaming back through the advanc- of Thursday, morning heralded. the, road _wn' 1 $10.50 to $11 00- canners and cutters, rove a great help to the Entente The Central News account of the Ing guns in St. Mthiel' salient '-were approach of the offensive. allies. $5.50 to 6.75: milkers, good to choice, ?- the life. the most mixed lot imaginable. "ere one o sinking says that $90.00 to $135.00; do., cont. and mod, $65.00. to $75.00; springers, $90.0e lboats was driven by a Stormy "a were some fine big- gunners more than BRITISH DROP BoMng' Montreal, Sept. I to $150.00-, light ewes, $18.00 to 17, C. agaffist the ship's Propeller and six feet tall, and there were children ON METZ RAILWAY $1.111 to $1.02;'extra No'. I feed,..1$15.00; yearlings, $16.00 to $16.00; smashed. One of the steamer's,pas-loj 14, frightened out of their wits. A 97 to 98c. Flour', new standard grade, Spring lambs, 17 to lb'4c; Calves, -to $11.85 to $11.45. Rolled oats, bag d choice, $14.00 to $17.75- A despatch from London says-. the 90 the. $6.30. Bran, $37.00. Shorts, Bogs, fed and watered, $19.60 to reports from the' headquarters of the L$67.00 to $68. e BRITISH TIGHTEN -GRIP ON ST. �UENTINP Independent air foirces says: : ;42.QO� Mouilile, W. i n9.75; do., weighed off'. cars, $19.75 In spite of the st�onz wind several I Hay, No. 2, per ton., car lots, $16. CO. to $20.00. TRY WIT -N(!R 9TWIN U A Uri D1 bo targets,, a a a n&JILJU JLUMILU UJUV IV xttmpts were made to � iijb along this front. Iombs were, dropped an the railway at Courcelles and dl- 1: ADDITIONAL TERRITORY %.: along Haig's Troppa Captured Trench System-ben. Mangin Gained rect hits were attained on the trackiiF. 'Valuable Pdfflon of. Hindenburg Line and 'Many Prisoners. The village of Verney South of Met BY A ALONG MOSELLE �: . and the railway west of it were also -London, Sept, 15..-3[uc'h progr-�;ss tack by the infantry with the su� bombed with good results." bas been made by the British in the port of tanks. The French progress Americans Plan Invasion of Germany t- Pr by. -Prisoners Taken region northwest of St. Quentin dur- was so rapid that at one point a 1MET7 STATION AND In the past ib hours. The important German Colonel 'and his itaff - were GERMAN RAILROADS BOMBED: -Tershing Now Total 15,000-155 Square Miles Reclaimed. town of Mais'semy was Captured; to- captured. At 6.20 o'clock the Laf. London, Sept. 15.-Gent�il Persh-: Germans inside the salient. The A despatch i;.-m London says: y es. gather with the trench system to the' faux Mill was carried. ingS army, according to this after-! caped at the rate of 1,000. hourly, but 7' ,southeast and east of that place. The While the American First Army was The holding, of this point was of nodn's news, is making fine progress. il the pincers closed and trapped many British lines were . advanced both: vital importance for the Germans, pressing forward, through the ' St. Mihiel salient, allied 'aviators were in-: Since yesterday afternoon it has ad-'thousands. and south of Holnon Wood lin and they put up a' stiff vaned from tNO4 resioance. Jp three miles on a The total captured are officiMly an- -GermRn local in The retaking of the tensively bombing, the German rail this area position by. the 33-mile front, and the fortress guns inounced at 15,000. the Trescault sector, southwest of French represents the i roads around Metz and Courcelles, ac- gaining -of of Metz have come into action against Prisoners taken were from seven I cording to communications issued by an '...Parnbral, were repulsed, as were valuable portion of the Hindenburg 91 It, divisions, namely, the 180i Landwehr, the Air Ministry on FridRy right. The y plynilar'tbrusts in Flanders, near Lot line. The enemy engaged his reserve p aviators also attacked the Metz! ata. The American's new positions are! the 35th Austro-Hungarian, the 10th 'basses.effort h11* was unable to, s �8 tion transports with good results. I I R C 0 " %;MiMsted and their rear the !92nd, the 77th, the 266' 'The British front has held intact the French progress. I Rrelts 11JILP 5 Ar being Me With, while there wer-ewso some, ainst a series of German assaults� The allies are advancing along REAP. 35,000 ACRES 'built across what formerly was NO' what appears to be a tit of des- �.the ridge on :,*btch , the from Landstur7n. units. Approximate-, Soissons- Man's Land. IV 165,.Ouare miles of territory were, `-aeration over Inroads made in de- Mnube"ge 'road. runs, forcing a new OF RECONQYERED LAND, 'fences of Cambral. by Field Mar The American army began this reclaifiWd Marshal i wedge into the German line and cap- Tl,,. week a pr fflmin-ry offen A desPatch from Paris mate 9 in their racent-piogr a neIg harvest in the reconquered or object of which Is the invasion: With American Army on Lorraine evacuat At �ts$rftmias&n Succftsful&V beat off rev- boring positions. *ral such ch attacks at Us' and ed regions along the Aisne, begun by Of Germany. For the first time since Front, Sept. 16-Hindered only slight-,� the French armies on September 8 1,! the first battle of the Marne, the war ly by the,.German artillery and me- (louzesucourt, holding valy;able post- Porb, Sept. IS"S0u+.b Of the �now almost completed, according' to is peremp lly knocking at the Kais-! chins guns, Pershing's army to-day Vans on the' higb ground In this sec- Oise," says the War Office announce- information furnished by ier Pr's door. continued the consolidation of theiri .7tOr. MIA to-rditht, "we m nin tained our po- Clem,nceau to the bud etcommittee'T.4 Americans have brought Metz; lines facing the recently strengthened' g sitions Against violent counter-at- of -the Chamber. Two are' reaped' dcWeb, within range of -Marshal Hindenburg defences. Additional ter. With the FvvneW Arm' In France, tacks. We captured the plateau east 85,060 acres, and the-he re' ain 6,0()0'Foch's strategic observations. Major ritory was brought in as the lorig, In 11ept- IS-42en. Mikngin yesterday of Vauxafflon, and the crest north- with crops still stan-ding. More than ixcparations for its protection must line was straightened, the American! FALSER, evW de d before the Instal on of Comm to 'Iftorning struck A new blow at tho, east of Cellos-sur-Aisne, The prix- 8,000 men have been• employed, as well 11c' hogun at once by Hindenburg—troops on tho-extreme right swinging `rr 54iont noAlt of Soissons, oners taken by us since yesterday is 11,000 horses and 314 reapers and When 'the St. Whiel operations' be-'t along the Moselle River for.the great- na"o an soly hon an at- mor+ting exceed 8,500. &InderL i eon there were from 90,00 to 100,000 sot ga.ins. N k 42, 1 fil Zia& M . •N. .. .. - . .� ti'w y..r, - �.a,v t\:i „�•—' f ,R•, -STS ✓ :+.,. y •. .k r- R1J. 3 JN'•, .. ✓:;1:,r :"'a../...+'•. ..i.•+.!i"' "fir'' � ';,Ili".. ,y. :,�:-•i�,•�.r•• _ s.r .r°6'�`v 't'S+E/ 4aip^'r'- "r .y: ._ys. :.r..'Q. �,, y r _ F.'?6,k "i °' },. ..p'4+ 1 r, i YtC,F•rC+• ,, •. gip. ':•'ti?c:ty. ..:..iyf, . .;•'.J`', :tr.}e+. _.,, .-r:^• aR.. x^ i ,.ji`_.- s"•"L+' r�t.Y '•r3+�;!Kx: their grasp.atthe tia FA$K FOR SALE Kr . ui turned, and.tti`se'eeme, ��� �� AIf Your y. N es bliabsa�:r :est+ome! horde4 tkre now fie to Highest B�dil@Y s Groce ri �A- -`ttrdat .•tttticl ' than Tenders, #n wrtting. x-11 be received s�s�s r - at the fiirocery Store �, a. *they a' ' - ' up to Saturday,�Oct. 8th neat, for zy. Yrgd y �'y dYa4 - purchaseof the T4e Boyer Farm of _ - .' - Ofi1c�=witin on '= g P y _? g : 112 acres—lots 18 arxd 24 on con,' 7 ' :velli the Qerman Piclrerin Townsh# Convenientl - . _Ag 'ghat, it_iH- doomed to -fin ted and under perfect cultivation, lige -• ' ;? kr To see this roperty is to desire to. PPe - - _ — oma s owner. The highest bona= Wk- �� ar#r cantle A al# to their enemies to fide offer will absolutely secure it. a n pt �_ Posses ion 1st of APrtl next wt`th I C. -H _R Dstop this [erre - _ . p o�° Wit S' 0- N ' it Ka -18 is a crime against humanity. The one ha f (oq ovet) cash, balance firs, Hest Quality Best Service Prompt Delivery oasted tpgt'>."war would allies, however, are in no mood to mortgage at a per cent; � dense �anlyE ' y " y peace proposals, as MRS. A. W. VCKAY, ' eh the mailed fist listen to an a0•o`3 Box 210, Claremont, Ont. ��= We spend all our time catering to your Grocery lermany would compel her they are fully decided that peace needs. , Let us.'�upply you with. the. freshest, hest � 'f , - . `0126A s to sue for peace. Nothing ,must come.only by victory on the NOTICE'TO CREDITORS goods the markets supply y the field of battle, when Prussian then satisfy her but huge militarism will no -longer • be a a,]�.d Oth.ers r- € so' o e allow- ;H- p menace to the peace of the. world. Tu:7t N. -W ed to retsin�all territory o that she "Irl flit stats of Richard Bnrtore;`Derlcts:d ��^�+ , r :had overrun, and besides all her TIME TABLE—Piekering Statou G The Creditors .of Richard Barton, . _-'• •�7ealers and Rubbers for Preserving _�Ost colonies would have to be re- T. Be Trains going East ane as follows late of the Village of Whitevale in the u; a turned. to her. Those were the No. 8 Mail s.o8 A Dt. ToCvnBhip of l?ickerinR and County of All kinds and sizes in stock. _ 28 Local -2.18 P. M. i•Ontario, Butcher, deceased, who died "Canada Fo3d Boiled .License :�o, S -237 i," - - :.days when the German hordes 80 Local • 6.0.1 P. Ut: on or about the 10th day of July, 1918, 1 were sweeping everything before Trains gging West dna os follows— are hereby.-noti$ed to send by post No: 3o Local 7.87 A: M. prepaid or otherwise dallier to the . = r _ .them and when Paris and the ,.. 27 Local '2.35 P. M. undersigned executor or -hie SoIioi- r' Chgnnel'ports were almost within "' 7 Mail 7.50 P. M, for on or before 'the _8th day of Oc- tober, 1918, their christian and aur- *-. names, address and description, full — - FALL MILLINERY OPENING particulars of their claim or interept Ticker''in'g�a�rdwareand the natof the securities, n an Store" held by them, Immediately after the 28th day of October, 1918, the estate of dot The undersignedthe said Richard Barton, deceased; having opened upa Millinery Parlor will be distributed among the parties .1�T at their residence, one door west of St. Andrew's' entitled thereto kaving regard only to NOIR is the proper hints to buT Happy Church, will hold their Fall Opening on Wednesday, - the claim of Interest of which the eze- : cutors shall then have notice and all 11QIIght Ranges Thursday and Friday, September 1&20. others will be excluded from the - - = said distribution,' W — ull arantee. Economi l N Donald R. Beaton, Esq., Whttevsle, g't1 Ca 0, Eitel is respectfully solicited, , ntarlo, the surviving Executor,. O • W. J. BEATON, •�' �G • u fib Bay Street, Toronto, - A com fete line of rw ushers run ham, -- — -T r w Mrs. and Miss Shepherd, - Pl�ekerm_g 42-2 a either hand or power. _- Th .... • one -_}dace to -buy` Rade--�--- t ' Lamps, New .Perfection. Oil ` Beaters, Elbows, °�v y� er - • ore 1p tc. v ky; It is alwa� s a pleasure for tis to > Farms' ra—Get your .Stock Food Tenth Calf. 3tea1:`liere: - have the Royal Purple line. T4s , TO UNITED STATES -CITIZENS IN CANADA.Flou'rSubstitute,The Vhea`t - ' �° Uhited sited .,Are now obtainable in .3 1.2 and 7 lb. bags vesstion RcgukdosW approved by the - Clover- States; and -THOSE WHO for., any reason i_ r—. ' ` sarin -Council on 10th August, 291$ MALE SUBSEQUENTLY BECOME LIABLE TO Campbell's Corn, Barley and 'stye Flours_ CiTI3 8 9F Tlig UNITED g?p,TgS, IN MILITARY 3ERVIGE IN CANADA HAVE Combined in suitable proportion* CANADA, 'MTHM THE AGES for the THIRTY DAYS FROM THE DATE of the with Wheat Floss, ' r t they [Hake splendid Bread, Buns, Muffins, time Deh� 3P3CIFIED BY THE LAWS OF accru OF SUCH LIABILITY within which Paste- , _ � - p aa� Cochlea. • THE UNITB,D STATES pr+escribtag com- to exercise the like option. It is stipulated _ P bey s Witaty service, except Bache -who by the Convention also that certificates of have diAxnatie exemption, ARE MADE' diplomatic exemption may be granted within -when kittyf+�g Wheat Flour ask forj --- 7`4 SUBJECT AND LIABLE TO MILITARY the optioaal periods' aforesaid. EVERY OR 7A�2..OF'jZ�I3F WE{5•i' F'=.+OTTR . : For Bread that rises well, x ' SERVICE IN CANADA, AND BECOME CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES TO - ` ENTITLED TO required --to RgPo1zT TO -THE . CtIS- � O N A R C i3 F =. O V R ; C:HAR4E THEREFROM, UNDER THE_ r CANADIAN LAW AND REGULATIONS. TRAR under the Military For Pastry £oc3eTicioua $oke _ - tart' Service Act, 1917, , y pjes, cookies. ebe. The - regulations governing this liability are FOR THE province or DISTRICT WITHrN When buying wheat Soar it is patriotic to bay equal quantities'" published in the Canada Oaxotte (Extra) of WHICH he is, in the manner by the re�tlatioas s ars. - 21st Awsgasl, 1918; copy whereof may be prescribed, WITHIN TEN DAYS _ AFTB _ 'o su titute o otbraimed upon a,ppaicatto:l though the post TxE EXPIRY of HIS OPTIONAL Ps>iuoa. .-The ai p-beff Flour M- - & Co., Ltd. - ' So the Daectw of the Military Service Branch and will be SUBJECT TO PENALTMS IF 1. • of the Department of Juice at Ottawa. without reasonable e:cu.e HE FAIL s0 TO • - ' UNITED STATES CITIZEN$ of the REPORT. For the information of those �a daa'iplian alosmaid who were IN CANADA whom it may eoncem Sections 3 and 4 - :PREPAREDNESS -_' - ON 30th JULY, 1918, HAVE SDCTY DAYS the sequisemeuts- of-xie�atlon,=wit which--=l►loneym the Baa momw preparedness to meet tneomo tastes sad , FftX =AT DATE within which TO it will be moeasary strictly to 00 ,safe mala contributions to na mp[y patriotic foods and purchase bi war bonds, h 1 RCISB AN OP'Z'ION TEN UNITED O ENLIST or set out subsesetially q follows; We recommend as account In OUR SAVINGS, DEPARTMENT :, .: � 'a U&MOA Interest 1, -A"ad to prinebal Won pw at 6@ nu of 3% Per "Mmm RiRGULATION8 S. Ev�RY 'MALE CITIZEN, OF THE REPORT IN THE 493 DOAMONRAM MANNER and with the UNI'T'ED STATES WITHIN THE AGEQ • partioulare aforesaid within the t�iaue limited _ r for the time hetes SPBMFI'ED IN THEas aforesaid RE SHALL BE GUILTY OF :;WHITBY BRANCH d._ ,iORDON HAIL, Mana6elr. { r LAWS of tits UNITED STATES prescribing AN OFFENCE, AND SHALL BE LIABLE compulsory military service, not including UPON SUMMARY CONVICTION to a iiaaasiaaaaasiaaaa■=aaaaaaasateslana=>.airaaaaa>r>rlstsiYs�aa1 those who have di*matio exemption, WITH- penalty not EXCEEDING FIVE HUNDRED IN TEN DAYS AFTER THE EXPIRY OF . DOLLARS, AND TO IMPRISONMENT r THE TIME LIMITED BY THE CONVEN for any term not ezceedin TION within whish- the Government s incur PENALI'? OF �Qf? P/CKL/NQ T /ll�l E United States may issue ' tum a certificate of' $ 10.00 POR EACH DAY after the time di tomaiic exec tion SHALL TRULY RE when or within which he should have registered p p - PORT TO THE RibISTRAR BY REGIS• during which he shall continue to be unregis- TERED POST, and in • wrWag which it tered. plainly legible, his name in full, his occupation 4. EVERY UNITED STATES CITIZEN' With pickling season at land We have and the date of his birth; stating also whether Vi'IiU HAS DIPLOMATIC EXEMPTION, frill[ f1I1d ]1191[ Vinegar, XXX quality',® K he is single, married or a widower; and if the slth ;h not otherwise subject to these . latter, whether he has a child living;�' TEN also if rF1 tons SHAT T WITHIN j in s] -Dice $ and Mars of- all the date of his rmrri _ — - s.ge; and statin after the ran n f th . a mP tru}T, place of re sure: aiike inarme, and quality office a , if he reside ::rit'h the same particulars as required by the �ar .rubbers end metal cin $• t Z3 If within a city or place where the streets and last' preceding section; and in addition he shall dwellings are mel and numbered, the name. embody in his report a true and complete and number of his street and dwelling; or if he statement of the particulars of his certificate Choir et Cheese 34C per lb. Salmon 250. reside in auotlier plane, the lot and concession of diplomatic exemption. NEGLECT OR -. -number, seodcsn, township, range, ' and meri- FAILURE without reasonable excuse to compl Sian, or other definite dceoriDtion whereby hie with the requirements of this section SHALL Leary'B and Green's bread and pa9try place of residence mai be toasted, Davi CONSTITUTE A"FFENCE PUNISH- , regard to thee of the tocsdi }� whits ABLE IN THE MANNER AND BY THE �$ouri also -substitutes. he Hm- sad IF WITHOUT NABL E PENALTIES provided in the last preoeding EXCUSE HE NEGLECT 4 FAIL TO section. Canada Food Board License No. 8.10738 `tom BY THE DIEIARTMtNT OF JUSTICE, MILITARY SI jWft BRAN i.` "'A N N IS �F.. r ,• :e �,r,., ...• � . 'A � q ."•.r ::,. y, ,,y w...,,,...•t•.d4ef�t y..••, ..a. ..4-V• i! .. �C •..,r •.—.. .. , •'1 f . r V., a "y', Y1' . I,r •. .,m^. 'v ... .�.*•.3ni..',�s6. w'.�a...K�`"'``'�....�5a."k�.�wrt�t�..�,,.c. i�«r..Nan.�•.r....�ss.....:e:•.ire•.3-.c,....m:vi.S..+a_..,a.�r.... ., �.�!�....�.,.-: r•....�,.....`h ... . _...— . . ..... ........_.. .>....., ..- .. �.a:,,.,�....>.•;t.:,'. air "i. s... r.3::_....._:�•.r..:.._-�,,...r.,u..�__.9,:,.....,air..��'�'.e�a.^".�:. •3•.rsi3.�dr�.�, iii( � °r �. .A. y �•.i+�• 4 :M � �,'� mF , - S n't• 'pY"+L� r r`s.illrl%.. T' ^i:. fix. eiwtslldsoNr. _:_ . �. }• tt�iYB,iter -`Yard had a bueiness rity: p to the city onTuetda' R. P. Hopper, of Tomato. spent Tuesday in town with his brother, .i' David. _ _ _ _ °Eh�.� �tlie`$l -James. Gelates has= purchased'. ,A Mrs. Price Pugh's 200 -acre farm on ' the northern tQwnlins. -Mrs.._ 3;- Bead hue . returned home afterape id ingg a month with '--"" friends in Streetsville and in Tor- --anta. - _ Miss Adell Schnurr has returned' home after spending a few- weeks ® `» ``€ ►' -at the home of 'her ' parents in Mildmay. J. H- DOW Miss Mabel Edwards' has return- ed to Ottawa where she has • se- WHITBY, OIJfiARff! " ^` cured a remunerative position in • - the Civil Service. Dir. and Odra. John Madill, of Stouf v'ille, spent Sunday •• here' when • he sand-- , Air With the,former'e brother, 'James B. and Mrs. Madill: _• s. - - t y� Mrs. Thos. Paterson and daught• ".Either, the civilian �popu- ��� = er, Misa Gladys, spent a•few day3 :�� '. with the forms, sister. Mrs. Jas: la -tion must go short of many things to, which it is accustomed $ortop. of Port Perry_. in times of peace or our armies .must go short of munitions .and Robert Bell, of Dungannon, is - O ' imaterials - . -visiting friends J Claremout and other. things indispensable to them. �' _ - ! ai sad dedpca - in Myrtle. • Mr. Bell was a reel. _ dent of Claremont about for kept in stook. It will pry you to call at our works sed i pent our stems -. • - - and'obtain- prices Don't be by .-'Years ago.. agents w we t employ them, ooa�nenf. ; Thos. Greig was. in Peterbora OW the only a . we can .Hu-ndred's of millions of - ly we eau, and do throw., os the ymtj f last week where he was acting as N Y Y oommission of'16 per oeink.,which you *0 �judge of'Sherthorne and Aberdeen oertaialy save by parahssia(l from as; olled Angus Cattle at the fall _ possibly live up to that dollars are of use to the call solicited. � faAndrew Johnstonhas been a obligation 'k by going with-. .country if goods and services J. T. MATHESON pointed fuel controller non has for north Office and Works, Whitby, Ontario a part of the towaehip. ale appoint.. out in order that our .soldiers.• can be secured only to the -meat will give Roneral satiefac- �y have. For the money .. extent Of eigh - tion. .�.- .rs • -- - s ---___— 1 Messrs. Ward and (fir dollars. -So we must -do every- we waste i>t not mon at e �ie week fly _ I- —tufo Olaremoat on day t LUMBER YARD three carloads of c*ttle which a�I--lt is equi n2entr clothingt thing in our. power ;to release .:they urchased in' the vicinity of - pp Duniirk• _ . shot and ahe1L_thext. _ u —moth gQ d_lab¢t r. tlr�__ q,}m. Baptist Young. Peoples �. ar - _ . - Fit us quote-yowon--t#Iaze IInion held their first meeting of entl needed in France. purposes- for Which Canada stack sizes and made to order. 1 the season -on Monday evening. : Y p �Ve can save you. money.' : They are looking forward to a -B den Ourselves, there- nee ....pleasant and profitable -winter A Y. _ yg_ 'stock, >?f H. C. red cedar .. p A heavy. work. fore, we enable Canada t0 elliagles on hand. Misses Isabel Sargent and Jean , Leans lest on Monday morning •procure to the ,fullest extent HBTHER It be food, Qrdere filled -for all kindsof a course at the Normal School. the matefiali and lab7or .W lc . CO , wool, ste0, er, ar w. • oor g. . Their many friends here wish _ 71 7them.succese. _. ..she= -and -our Allies need for labor- Or iPa12gp9r��i011, the —�-- Tarsus Cash -_- --- r, uses Ward received i- her_ W. D. w iAledi}n W 8on -telegram SYexi am on aesday last Con- the'S1ICCCSafill prosecution Of renal:' In all cases is the same - brutiertalainin�thPta-Mach:-hadtheen - -:the war. ,Whoever competes with •the killedin -action The bereaved : _'ICKEEING... family have the sympathy of the What happens when We fail aviation by freely satisfying his whole community in their deep = i - _ - sorrow. - own desires, selfishly appro- f-r-esrde-n-5-,w1io is in his 711th year, has, during this iii pullon labor hythe Govern. priates to his own use . that +. � - 0 ppeaatharvest,Itched - over .40 herds of hay andover200 loads of 'ment' iri one direction -.and a "''which is so urgently. required rain. He also shocked about __ — _ people for our fighting men in �iaaa s � pa�� of � helped t� -_pull on labor by the pec ranee: .. _ . • , ' E :certainl�y "doiiag his bit.". In - the oppos>lte direction.: - F -• 7 The glaremont Dramatic Club - ' -.. Went to Myrtle on Wednesday ' v when the resented - ' evening y P - _ = i _their alar drama, entitled y• The Uai4e •es pop For the sada . Qf ,�otsr country and the boys over • Fargo Folks," under the auspices =- of the Methodist church of that. - 1 e� cauts0u! y.lttll-- 0 what r • a.Kitchener hat • said, and ask yourrelf firsts.-___tliis_. xaa�r urea >� y� . large and apprelcciative audience. -firsts.- large ,s R. Jackson Sons s Mrs. A. J. Chandler, of Toronto. -- tomethin I- reap need or can I _ do without it? - �IrUo spents week here with her g 'y - Brock Road. Pickering, Ont. i parents; J. H. and Mrs. Beal, left 7 1 Blacksmithing and Woodworking to On Tuesday evening for the city, �' ng and on Thursday left for Sudbury Publish" padre she •nehoel of tae all its breaches. Saw ggumma 4 f and Sling a specialty; whe Mr. Chandler hue secured a h - Sinners o! Gasoline En ices, Emery t Maisser of Canada .e good sitioa fa a furniture basi- _ _ We et`�els,ECircular Saws, Saw nese. rs. Beal accesmpanied her - -.- - _ _ .. -. _ -_ -- mer- Ma -.- __-- t0 and ears e., to file city where she spent aeon- We have for sale a blacksmith's bel le ' of days. lows iu good order. _ — N.M. Ila. Henderson, Price who has been in t the boot and shoe business here a = fora neat man 1 A e X f; O 11 8 going tot sett- or the w rater, till? ~ 4 _ d possibly may remain rinaa- ' The undersigned has opened up a i q - , °p an a Tosyoato we will ret - 'Hue sate all Train_ ane a fat on hie' premises and ■ _,t V butly i g m s_ :.._ losing Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, ynight aj lawast prices. ' 6„s prepared to do all kinds 9 d ■ i _. _ i i -- - w iwho nave been prominent here for Fire Rigs to hire da or, • N i f automobile repairing. s p ., g a Q 'i'l handle all as PopiL4R o lmay return after a time to remain Y Phone 1803. ' constantly on hand In bulk or bricks for repairs. ;, two � dg d manently with us. ' (tom, Chocola and other Sweets. - le also agent for Gray -bort Cars. ' .�A corn supper will bi held under Tho$. Sanderson & Sgoa, Popular Patriottiic Music• Call in acid see him �i � �I �� � So 0w the nae icee.of the YoanR, People's , _ PROPRIETORS _. Tobaccos, . _ before buying. e� , p Cigars, etc, Guild of the. Preeiiyterii►n Church x S C ., �� •� - on Thnt•$iiay evening` next at 8 � IN DILLINGHA:X Bwex Thomas E Stephenson, da i� OM o'clock. The Claremont orchestra. 5 �►'N�!! M Pickering, Out. CLAREMO.NT, Ont. !ee �sgill furnish music and a good pro- Aeme10041&M ” y� - gramme will be provided. Admis• • ,r as s ere 3 967 • t-° -buy resins. its Blots _ Christmas boxes for the boys over - • The undersigned have opened up a new ,� M _ .+ J ae O y Garage at the corner of Church and Seethe Twine Sing, o ,e „ ,; .., Ja1y seas•. Everybody come and matte o � + ts>» I have been supce afcl ]p securing con .Si Ste., Pickering,where ti,e are Q P'1CkOrillg • � • �: C er the boys happy at Xmas time. trot of the Greb Shoes for this, prep reel to repair ll -kinds of altos, T. B. Mar hiss L : oa. w Capt. Hr.. ' Learn and - wife, of -locality, and bought a motor -cycles and••bicvCleo, io g I! S m ..^sa Now w Banff, klberta, spent last Friday very heavy stock before ;Before giving your orders r the advance in price, Tires, repair@ and oils are kept for binder twine. .w Dee 09 with their uncle and aunt, S. and P ce, constantly on hand, ?sneer- 1919 -whitey a Oebawe s,8ioae ,:'Mrs. Ruuwhr, The doctor is now These goods are here ,for spring and He sells the ,kind that does not fall s .Port Perry e,II:briase8l,;Caaoiaetoa 1q, engaged is :delivering lectures in should be assn b all men • _ — the various ej a wor ipg boot -for `spring pICKERING,O\'T, An guaranteed, Prices rigbt� Dominion. He also spent eonsid- wear. Ca11 and inspect. — .; -erarble, time in the hospitals of All gonds going at .the old rices . : En laid. And he relatpq so= - exciting experiences through - which he passed during the sir•_ J. . F / .N GOL TAN 0 IA S OY1taY'1� - London. _ raids in Lon o ' - Dr. Caldwell, who has been orae- NORTH CLAREAgONT _. tieing medicine here-witb much :. .__ - OF �APiADA - - "-' HSI►D ol■r�cit - . To9to►+TO _ = Farmers'. Club meete in Pickering: success for the past ear and a _ - —` y Towri'Halt on eecbnd Wedaee- half, left last week for Toronto da of each month only, Coal.,oat __ ywhere he enlisted with the medical� • t • _during ikummer months Money Or and Drafts are - :. _corps, , ' He will spend a few days __- ._ _ . _ ._ Seed cornsnow ou a on hand at A. J. : in toren before goin over to the - Alli ' Pickering tamp at Niagara. Much regret is issued _by s,.Bank payable Ul twine now on hand at A expressed at losing him, ae he has Hard, and soft Coal of the beet - - Sander, proved himself very popular, not - - J. Allison's and at, [r• Jack quality on hand. ssT'o +ase all parts of the world. _ U4 Wilson s, Pickering. only as a physician but as a rift• _ .Zen. We trust, however, that he Must be called forbefore;May 27 may soon return to Claremont to � PIC11ERI G BRANCH, I. THOS. A. - LAW; ,� become a permanent resident of ala. C. 'ZIfAWRMA. M^nag�r. BrRnch Rifle at filthy. �[M - �+ +_�O S ; . �thu village. ,�103COS3.?S�'s Gist. _ ail lit Marv.. ����.. ••�« = F: ;; � .� +u�?,;. Y.. Hyl •� �y.r we ... .. �. ;�' ..;.. � ,..in. i."� °.•.r � •"q '; ..r. ,rte .. -.. ... ~�-'�. �..,•:�",•.wk�•.v..r.,._xs.,._..__.<.ti+.�.N?a•..s�.a,i� e�Ax'Gtrws..'F:,�'�3••��e,2rW��••.ilw..__.i.'i+•.a�`t•_ �s,. ,�... r_. ' " .. • ,..". _... :,w..� .r .... ....M_. _ .._... - . ....... .. ....... ..... _... ....,. , k.• . .:'i:�.3� ...,�$i+'.r�....waa...,_ .. .Y_., .�,.,•v.,A-, vaS_av�^ _.�.,... - :4Z �,, - I - r 7t�17ff.2 .... .. . .. �. " , %�_7 �,%. _4;,`: '17, �Wlh, 0 , r,iof _DEA1)jjV_ R VT. DESTROY_THE A: listor-esiluff Facts About the Immense i4eses caused By pests. nnoll & "The-, rat in- responsible, for more Members Moni deaths among huaian.,beings than all 0 the wan in history." This startling T1*04�teft Rujidtas, motreal. Main 16" r Ir - statement * was made recently by Buy your DsO.d E.. Lantz of the United States. fleas iological Survey. Through the 7- D"'t Overwt;eCthe 8TOCKS.and BONr%cl Children. but a carefully dessert Is -that. infest thein.. rats- are -almost ,la' the country &ad ' on the farm desirable. wholly responsible for the perpetua- NOW. Prices are low and mturns h4h. Promptness and cleanliness are im- tion and transmission -bubonl'c* children are L Often requir9d to Work With Victory in jight in Fratwe the Prices an. sure .�,;.izi the field and gardens too long at a, pdrtiint in sewing the threshing din- plague, and' it has been proved that ner. to work highor. Why delay? ftlaie, or to -her The men must jjqt be kept they are also active agents I a read - carry water and ocher -4 R . . 1. 1 . . . .. . I . . - ... -eights too heavy for thqIr strength waiting, nor should they, while eat- Jn'g pneumonle plague, diseases which Lces- have destroyid, at various times, mil. Avail yourself of our 7 aad 0 1 ing, have to figbf flies. if it is nC often to wort: "der a blazing a Such early worksari to get, tables out o ' f doors lions of the worlds' population. Only interfer6s, -room, prompt measures have prevented the _P2rtlal Payment Plangr6wth and development, whichlirtstead of in a screened dining 4 tho one great business of childhood. everytbinx should .-be covered 90• far. outbreak df these diseases at large for.. investing even $5.00 a month in .-Anny men and women, whose phial- as posilble and fly brushes should be. American sea -ports during recent sec rity. any gift efte.d. u oaf strength is impaired, --might trace k*�t going. ;years and constant vigilance at all great sea -ports is essential to prevent -Booklet; or '.'their ilk to sickness, 6nderfeedint rite for explanatory overwork during the formative, Training Childrenepidemics. jrftn of, early childhood. Study your children. Develop In The economic loss caused by rats Is F. -J unselfish- almost' incredible: It was estimated. The tasks ch. -won are -given to do them emotional control. Abould be suited to *Asir years, and neer, an alert * interest in the World before. the war that in Great Britain, varied by frequent opportunity to rest around them. Keep them from be- the- annual_ damage due to - rats 'account of the danger to other ani- half carried, half dragged, back to and to play. At the same time food coming morbidly self-centred. Do amounted to $73,000,000; in France, mals and also to human beings. The, our line, and placed him In good hands "Aould be good and plentiful au -41 not let" them become too dependent $38,500,000; in Germany, $47,640,000; beat trap to use, is the small snap Back he went again, ignoring there should 'be long hours Of sleep. on ��u, but'at �.an early -age foster n in Denmark, $3,000,000, - and in the wire trap. It his the advantage of 'danger and death that literally ' The harm which "'heavy work - can! them - the. spirit of, initiative. United States as much as $200,000,- being cheap and, where rats are 'rained all about him, and soon re- _4anse little children can be ill afford-! Remember always the -old saying f 000. To this must be added the cost ;plentiful, three or four dozen of them turned with another. Three times at any time, and least of all now.! that an ounce of prevention ii worth of'fighting the aniiiais and the loss can be used to advantage. It is im- mora he made his perilous return human efficiency through diseases . portent for everyone in an infested tripOnly Providence can For the. children must be kept well a pound of cure. 0 of explain and strong to meet the demands carried by them. t neighborhood to combat them, for, if how he or the wounded men escaped they 9 an he had delivered the I n. -a sin -Which will confront them -when -An Outdoor Bed Built 1 They are also exceedingly � pio�lific. single former or householder nega -vame to maturity and �faft t6 taeTXe- b roan rat,--the-Ta-r-ge--sT-a-nd-fierc-- leets to do so, his premises may pro-_ o a _&7e-tb--- -tlieutretcher� -Ther-deUght-of _cFeZra, critical years! and of sniffling the fresh, clear air eat species found In, America, will: vide a menace to a whole district, bearers, to. Whom and to no one else rft0uKrUC41Si In thi -:to =me -work - which will demand 0- breed from six to ten times a year if 1 doting the night, Is denied many pe did he Intimate what he had done, �0� well-being as well as offiei- pie because no sleeping -porch isifood'is. plentiful, and. will produce as! A FEARLESS HERO. be quietly turned his attention . to easy and.chaiagter. practicable in their home. To build many at ten, or even more, young. to helping Ino, whateve:e way be could, the litter. CA consistent with his calling, the such a porch Is often both inconveni- nadian Chaplain- Broug&t. 1, Five 7he.-migrations,of rats from one. 1 Threshing Dinners. ant and ixpenidve. Wounded Men Under Heavy -Fire., troops in action along. the main line. A way to combine an indoor and I district to another are of much 'in- i of the attack. With threshing days come thresh. AlL.mapgr-bed-has been devised by terest. During a series of years they The following despatch from Fred -dinners_ -Now-,-4 ner does not mean the some to every-, large - school for *ys and is so may, be comparatively scares in a James, official correspondei)t with the body—not even to #Very farm- woman.' Imple and feasible that it might' rural neighborhood: when- suddenly Canadian forces correspondent field, has been ..And the Sky Blue. the become'abundant and do im� received: Fptber ruefully ga.zed on his last well so as Some fret &M."w6rry over thebe adopted In private home proper- � 5 are The - men "coming out from the dollar, "Money has wings and house into amage. These, migration -Aka of the -Mieal, whilw others appsr-.;'-it- is possible to build it -any mense d �91 usually due to seasonal conditions and battleline in front of Arras are tell- rents make it fly," he said. eptly enter - upon the work with ss room. sr� overflow of the rat population'fng stories -of - Indivi "'Yen.". answered his flfte a corner oUtO much pleasure a$ 'if the. task we The bunk t$ built Into ival heroism and en -year. re regularly Infested areas. Iself-sarrifice. To -day I heard of a old son, '.'and some houses have wings, the room, below a wide window. A In ?not* that of preparing a plenic.luneb. The, semany bhe� abIlAy to -manage, Wnd ' 'ImIlar wind6w siparates the bed To combat the pests one 5f the beat Cha oi padr�, to the an -a! house By." --_the cooking and - facni- 001i ___Wth Window$ InSylineang is to rander all oullaiii rat- afrection to name, or a Quebec un1r,-4 I ou_i4' az g -7 fr*16 the T be lead or lowered by means. of pil.!Prwf. Grain store houses should be who-myde five trips into .No Man's 'maybe, son, but I always thought haute_muchdo with thase-dif.-I raised 'ley ropes at the head of the bunk., put on posts at least Is Inches high Land in broad daylight under a,hall 'that no part of a house except the fwvwes- -Then there is the. item f The 'youngster• gets Out -of his - day- 1 and each post covered with some form of fire from the enemy's machIne* chimney flue." J.. time clothes and into his snug sieeO- 'of sheet metal. Collars and basemand s gluns and 'artillery, and- brought bacL f System comes -first whenever anyl,,,, 1 should- be floored and lined,with thence -to orhlsuitinthe- warm room. Whenunusual taik I* to be looked after, a, windows well - screened wounded men *-he* bad.been struck 9and this is especially true of he Is ready. to turn in, he.- I ifte , the Cret.go , ow between the room and Mr' properly trapped. Grain. and down -while they were- reconnoitring NTED preparing the threshing dinner. One! wind FRA It �An bed, slips into lowers !food must be kept from their- reach in ahead of.. the main forces of their has ebickenn'killed and dresa-� the bunk i I Paid *d in advance, if chickefis are to be 1 tnQ 'Aner-w azery possilble manner The b indow as& 3 tb fall, . a . ria served as a 'Part of the meal, while I reaches up and pulls the rope which means of destroying them is by means This padre saw the men I raises the outer. window., He is' out- ',of dogs.' . eat@. poisons and traps. uftbesitatingly advanced cautiously P. POULIN & Co. another waits until the last moment. -to '-. The firs Nor is the litter , vioiiiazi necessarily doors, yet protected by the wsrm:�Polwnq reoire careful handling on where the� lay. one. .he on lie ily -to blame. Probably. she would have walls .of the:.bunk.- Vropared al ch of the dinner In ad During the day an stirsitiva' f vane* had It been practicable. Perm cOua cover transforms the sleeping 'haps she had iso fee to keep fresh bunk into An Inviting window seat. Wnd= 7-- -meat and other. highly 'perishable --Accu First. _7 toodi. With ice, half the dinnir may racy Fir -be started or made ready the day be fore. Even where Ice Is not used! r7 -T L regulstrlyr It w 'have t -,!-threshing time. 'go Aa, 7— 7 Xs to the dinner, it, should biw plidn! to 'fi a if' a ill pay ne Plain- Tr th 0 to Iii..- ----bat good and served 4n-*n"*ppetfziug--__ nuiltner. : Men who handle pitch- firks or do other heavy work all day e P ices :...Sho r* want something more substantial,' -.1han llfahey- fixings." Th is does not! EA R_is_6C4rV4_Z— not imply, though, that boiled cab- ...:.-" an"vrowinrii i xr; A • bege, fat. meat, and other heavy large part of the available itipply muot be'used foods: important as they may be, are all that is requrred. There sh6uld or soldiers' boots. Importations have prat - be a vatiety In such seasons as,... ally,'"a-se"rid-w-e--are.- fom_ed-.-w&peIxd- -tic, this, when vegetables are' plentiful,' Ahreshing crews - often get practically :4- upon the limited quantity of materials produeed1h the same things day after-' day until -Accuracy i -s ore be first essen- -Canada. t, -their stomachs rebel. Under these'ials of successful canning, Do not - circumstances if ts a- wise. woman.1look for short -cuts -foe- there are none. I The cost of everything which goes into a pair of shoeslg liho Always follows a reliable guide and: .-provides at least s, few dishes 'hilh, andlis going h" her. Work i . men by the thousands have remember that in-* canning there is 'of, course' Sheri must be as' the fone best method, - which will ensure joined the colors, Olaebpe is increasingly hard to get. It is basis of every tbreshing-day', dirue uniform success year after, year not merely a Matter of high piictis, but of producing enough - plenty of- good iheat,'preferably, two 'The thermometer and clock a;� in-- good. quality shoes to go around. kinds and an abundance of bread. f disperitable to 'canning operations. -c .one of the meats an be tsuck as is not For full information as to, the time These -conditions are beyond the control of any Man, or in temperature required in the pre- Anr group of men. They fall on ail alike. No one is exempt— Something para tion of bait and vegetables write 0 will. be all the better. neither the trianiifactuter, thbdeAler; nor the consumer.'- sweet in the way of preserves or to. the Canada Food Board '6r any of y jelly is a, good 'addition -to the -meal, its" provincial. committees for booklet You must pay more today for'shoes of the same qual't than m. �appealing as it wtU- to the--delicatecanning, -dryin" you ( --a -yea ago -'ext storing je did - r-- _'1o-'_Ne%t_ S_p__ni-ng,- -price" -ba- t 7_ - - �_ - t rues -will &0 __f�t0_d__tiie_ -or-to-the-man-W ig 4 'rintg of Fruit- and Vegetables." En. close five cents for -same: will Desserts need. not be heavy-- c1034 These are hard -facts. --They .-not yield -to. argument. to eat." .They cannot be glossed over. -We.cannovchange-them, much -BOATS IN YEAR i�, ASINK 75 U .Jdays 268,000 soldiers were taken ds we, would wish to do so: 4 across the channel from England. In -Empire Has Contributed -one month 335.000 men weN, success- .But.you, as jLwearer of shoes, can help to relieve them if you British .11.wlll exercise prudince and 8,1000,00 Men. fully landed after a similar voyage. good ju4$nwfit in -pur6hisin .See Seventy-five German '0 -boats were Sixty per cent. of -the first million! `_tnat you get real oalud for your mo•ney. Spend end enough to get American soldiers in France crossed "frills." sunk by British vessels in the year it, but spend nothing for endinted g August, 1918;- it -was announ- the. Atlantic in Bri b vessels... Two hundred thousand of these I N Se�thittlierna:niifacturei'i - -in order to make the -price seem low'. But nomanufacturer Wj -,'.record achievement in c9nillating • Not the Right Saint.." enemy subma,riffies equals the total.: 'During the operations of the Bri. -cam I isl St h' trade -mark u on a product -which he It ashamed sunk by the British ;n the three ; tish, Egyptian expeditionary force In toi a now c edge. Rerharatei this, and look for trade -mark. .4rst 7years of the "r. 'Palestine a town to the south'uth of Beer t is your beat assurance 6f real' valuerfor your money; The tonnage of the British navy Sheba was captured, and in it a splen-, has reached the enormous did example of Mosaic was proportions pavement of 80001000 tons..ond there ale discovered. 000 men serving in the navy and mor- - A' chaplain of the, forces ase placed--AMES HOLDEN MCCREADY cantile marine. in charge of the excavation, and in the tAm rraD The total contribution of man pow -course of the work some human bones."Bhoemdkers to tharWation'! or to the Allied forces by the British i *ere discovered. This padre was elated Empire to August, 1918, is 8,500e mpire up at the find and Immediktoly wired to IT. XON UCW=mL TORONTO WOO(IftO RDMONTON VANCA)tM" 000. Sijc and a quarter million of Ids G. H. Q., saying: "Have found -.-tlwe were supplied by Great Britain; bones -of saiwt - - i"" —, , nillion V tho-Dominions and 1,- A little while after the reply came one 240,600- by India. back: "Unable to trace Saint in cos - When you bqy Sho" took foo-- --4his 7v4de-mmk on @~y able British ships have made new re- ual* list. Obtain patticultro'of regi- 4 q. , oords ijr transporting -troops to mental number and regiment from. of fourteen his identity dim - Zvi, Al K M L m .... m ;,, a * x,., " ,., `"'''ti .: u -• •v. .`.a,,r• }p§.ry. d°- Z% �s+. f .6[a: : •" $" •.civ, `fi., l . ,'•`�`"+.� ...., �" .,4y;',+Ya„��. ,i- ..i:., r a*• � - .. L w5, "rat 9t- ., .,.. "ki .q.. �.,�„Fy^:., ,�� .'. ... a .-_'�•:.- :r .. .,,.. s,..s ..�. , .,"t., .:. ,.. _ k�'ati9r a .,' :. ” "t'.}.Mu�n{'tt_"•,.. F"� A .'i7( 0 '�`YT _r�io;. ✓.. �: �. ' '.., .. . , .-. ' .:'lzfL•..... KF—c,5n�'. rr.sa R .... _ '�'N.. ^�"6K. ...i_:�`."".'.'. fk..: ...N .:w. � ,L��?3."....: '•^'. 3'fs'.y i_' ..ac.., v,.1•lkd:'�i a _ _ '�'k QhaAg•. � Tlit floss se the Happy Wira'Ir[. tiOII of I want you here little lad on my hnee, The setng of -the b,f who wtsf ►rue ' r.-71D0b111.2 For my lipsto touch and my' -eyes " . and fair,ia's to ser Hee wan young and Me'gert -I want your hand in my own to -day, may. _ But instead,. you scampered outbid" He -was swift to run -and strong to - to play. strive, And the house is Still As I. sit alone A ready for any ply. - - -- In the. silence mothers alone have. 1 - He climbed to the top of the. 00111 known. .... _. When nobody else would dare? - - I. want you here ]!tyle lad to tel] f He couldn't get down and .he feared G' You over and over I loGe you well. , a he'd fall want the touch of your suit brow!: = Aa'the-braurh swage3 in the a$. hair - O! the g;ound seemed' Buck A way 11411 ` But you're off for a game that ' i los., cannot share • But he smiled a doubtful Emil", y - ' While r wait and lonely and l9ng1 And he grit . his teeth,, anal P" N' bide "Cheer -o l" ti F 'Till the night shall bring you back - Though the drop to the ground --- to my side.: .- / seemed -% mile -a. f=- I want you here• little lad on my, knee !� But I'm glad you're sturdy.-- -and The coat of the titan• in the 'khaki :. .strong and free, 111"a IN I want your hand little lad to hold us • ; As h' stands in the wet and snow, CAJUMA But I'm glad gou're'fearless of storm A smoking rifle in his hands F and cold. - And his feet in ,the mud blow,:. ticca.L Tt� tale' of the charge and the man �'w• G �• LTQ ArI I'm glad that 'tis Nature's and - / / that fell, trMNr>. r -- 7. Heavens plan Of the tunic dyed with red," a -- That I've given the world asoma -day The tight -clenched teeth and the man. _'. claminy brow *w' CONFIDENTIA O VOLUMES. n e e F. y And the stain whet- the• wound hod Potato speculators Wa=*& bled. Dealers and others who may be am• A clever little design for cotnbiaa- The .Well _ Kept Secrete dt the Royal �i � O� he groaned as he Jolted to and fro bitious in regard to this year's crop I tion o! materials. The front panel I Navy. i And -wan, wan was his smile -a, of potatoes sad -apples have beeA In applied and stitched as far as the Signal books�re not the-onlq coafl And he grit his teeth and he hummed arae by the Canada 'Food Board belt, .- McCall `Pattern ' 'No- 8488 I Cheer -o! against speculation in negotiations- And Glrl'a Dress. In 8 sizes, 4 to 14 dentia! volumes issued to the navy, s And he died at the 'find ofa mile -a.` though they are the ones most often A Great 'Natilon s, for the purchase 'or sale of Apples,- belt - Price, ib cents. `,. ' mentrit lied Thssre ars confidential Tl'j11IIte -8• Donald Cox, Rifleman, Ct L. R", potatoes, or other roots, due consid- - oo a �t out a sae]- ;-gunnery--' - .. _,---- London- Rifle Brigade. enation should b; given tor the, poo• �> torpedo matters, and volumes that. The United States Govern-bjUa action being taken' u - are only issr.ed to 'commanding 'dit3= meet- hays conscripted the' LEMON JUICE. 16 by this Board;' declares t air e „ entire output of our U.S. FRECKLE REMOVER statement. - ters; and are licit. to be communi- p ' - - n factories in ortlertosupply •-- - _ _ .. .. .. . _. . __ -_. .•.,_.. •.... .::; cuted to persons below that position. -- -� The safe keeping of eon4identiai the -"Yanks" with Auto- girls!. Maks his cheap beauty lotion essaa's *n1r toll ma»*nrwlaers ' A - hooka is impressed on everyone re- c an w your Strop Razors as part of to leap d whiten o skin thea regular equipment. Flowers .are a3ore fragrant w7ten ' -- sponsible:- Signal betphs are in con- __ the sun is not shining on them, it is �q n£ant use, of coarse, but the are This tribtiie is'worth. of Squeeze the juice of two lemons into 3 contended by a French scientist, 'be-; kept .it-. s eels! box,•and the officer your' consideration when a. bottle containing three ounces of p next you send a package. : cause the oils which proiiuce the per- r- of the snatch baa' to satisfy himself Y � aK , orchard white, shake wen _and you . Overseas your. soldier's k� "fumes -are forced � out by: the water �. boil• whophe goes.on dui and when j have a quarter pint of the best frac n- he goes off that the hooka are in the thought -the AutoSesopt n tan to on,•and co leicio uta i sunlight. � and H mp n baa - pressure in the and this is ,. Y nc box. becaause of, its -auto" OF. fler, at very, very small cost. m nr9hed b . =self -strop device, is Your grocer has the lemons and my. - - ��,. ..Special chests are . 'proYided" "tor Ping- - - other confidential volumes, and the tate id razor for is, use, drug- store 'or toilet counter *111 sup -MONEY ORDERS _ «:� r to [Rend IL DomlaJOIL -',r three eusees of or-cloard white. fnr, -N keys o these are issuedon y. o the rice , ---- , Order. 1 iprrrthan mg officer. - e gives -a. re= 7trt..elres.n...+rr i+R - ' - face= sok.-.Eeows se 'Money a few cents Massage this 1•'!xe Dollars F intctcommissionw Two.hkesa�areasuut Ile. P st oven a itdgtaist Cotton into the - . arms and. hands each day and see. how Kd - M P tic. �oer,r/• tc�Il dellrer as y p- ¢_ by r.ee pLled "^t big ships, one for. the coo- alas: rra.ttered mail..freckles and blemishes disappear and Walter !to guest who has been Waitt• i tnanding officer and one for the sec Auto trop flow clear, soft and white the. skin be- ! 1ng, u Cer7'loriR final -"Did you ;tins " and in ccmmand. When the rum-mes. 'Yes! - It is harmless. the belt air?'" Gent -"No, I was ton} y W o O u we ea . sty Razor Co.,�•+ Eng 1t [thought you red d " trrr� niisrion ends the .keys are tented by a 7.the va to - j ai•aTDa.at Ter•rs� Esplortttg Africa. r• : yarn to see that ey are' correct, and ! az ° ! 9 111 The. first .organized attempt to ex >rosi they ar-a *1 n placed iri sealer? covers j:plore .the inferior of: -Africa was -made �� �1'L - r'. �t'lrt eta , x cset'•tiprlt and ,,b printins plant in Dartert� until the. cheats are re -issued for an- by. his ��*tt,u is �nsurnncr carried 1L60for 0. W11i _ : a M!r am" 49. odier loan its? hay must be reported f t - :initial Paron.k, Sv+ Dettirneii tirient two N'll'on ruauntri g:Co.. Ltd r ToroneALi4 M ungo P who voyage t the W the Admtral�y at once, and $n in- t the tfaific more 'years and seven months later after FKrt vt «, t ArxFtrFVR SA LM looser they becom ` fortunately,tcauses more commotionre� they, a're'to to �ew'4rttLtrfa, aurne! :urns to ddetrt of, that sortr-rare. enoaglt -Each the bridges I saw had two tion f Africa never before visited Ithat arnnuot, -App �D3, H c ah Wtiilson - 'borse�. Navin explored a, considerable 4ec- I Frame- it'll] PubliehtnX t•,,,, Lttatt•d', Toronto. An excellent design for combina- than would - •ten 2eppelrn bombs in ( fourteed or` sixteen inch planks belt-. by a white man, although he failed in --T� -=`- tion -of. materials. Can be worn with ` Whitehall. ! ed to the floor, so that theyprovided his main I ���a o� p purpose, which wan to trace or without overdress. McCall Pat-� Caniidential hooka t=om'etimes; have s smooth track across the floor for all the the of,the River Niger. i av[eP 1�'avTFl)` TU liu t'i.wrx I '•tern No. 8506, Ladies' Dress. In 81 to be destroyed, either because they I'vetlictes, - having been -e ced far' �I and Ught sewing at hear•" whole at- K pa ep,.re tirtre..rrood' pay. pork seat ar,y dim - are ' sizes, 84 to 44 buss. Price 26. cents. obsolete,. or are worn out. . A ape- ' enough spar0►so that the wheels ran ' - tante, rb ear .pard• 'Send Stam ' for ?-"- Le ar•E' The cial ceremon is., provided for such a - ' 14 19.03 tscur. - �tA,luna1 ntanufactur rox c om _i an> btnntrral. atom your local McCall dta]er, or an.. event. Two ofctrra_. act As. sacrl� vehiciea ever �1eet on these small ' Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. p from the McCall Co., • 70 Bond -Si,. ficial priests and ' the books tiro edges there -is little d'ifticult to the- Gentlemeu,--i was badly kicked by r£' i Pn,� ernai euriod wttb- burned to ashes. atrti ext Toronto, Dept. -W. plan, and it helps wonderfully in my Noise last May, and atter aaitlg four uanttn-tip' i;m-torus treatment. writs` Before they gra ut in' the- { j ue..before too iKte. Ur., [ietlmari MaIItaat p preserving all the bridgework. several preparations on m7 leg sorb• iso [.lmtrtd. ('oilinrrwood. Ont 5° the titles and numbers have to be The 'incessant. rattling or vihraung r Eng would do._ -bay leg was black as•.� - — _. _ �.�� t - Potatoes baked in layers with , was onions and tomato(h is- an excellent names removed from the register ' d re' tends to wen e - WANTED : !opsit-: dish for supper-. structure. When our car slid over night and could not walk After using, Yi Nothing !s more annoying than to kept by the ship, and the fact of the these planks -ft was.. like riding on a ?three bottles of your 11fiNARD 3 LINI-. + 14 p HY - destruction entered in another + Po" � pavement and the bridges did not rat MENTI was pet'fectl cured ' -"Inst- ky The s re a vee of the register. a ou err comp a ii o oose oor cou eta on t e road. Itave.. your. W e mon romand the>f 9icosly re JOS. DIIBES. JWHITE'.RATS boards.' . will provMe." -THE• V� � E�ARY CAT. A's`nigle wide two-inch plank is bet- Commercial Traveller. Must -be between 31/$ and 8 - — ter -than two planks laid side by aide. , A Menace to .Birds. Which Are Our ; ounces. 25c.• each given. Ex- Where two narrower planks are used The-:Ri ht Sword. .--ipress collect to Best Food Conservators, they are likely to -spread some • time-; g --,p _ _ �Y+ birdal le a meaneidta counteractmthe and o hoe on 243 ColEpevStHACAIrI LM in the d catch -a- wheel between them. The 1 A. party of tourists, ends may be bevelled to make a !.the curios in a littl shop Toronto action of agents destructive to plant smooth approach. If the planks are street in a certain European city. The life. .While artificial .means may, to ' bolted to the floor in several places' aged dealer, desirous of making a � f' IL limited extent, hold the multi lira- they will -be secure. sale, picked up an ancient -looking P ;: tf tion of insect life in check, no hu m• ,. _ sword and said: =" agency can accoinplish the results : - "You see, my friends, this most which are secured by the birds. f LIFT YOUR CORNS wonderful sword. This is the swoad �tst�ali Man, by his own action or inaction, OFF WITH FINGERS that- Balaam killed the ass with:" is responsible -for' the causes Which re- - • "But," said one, "Bal tlam didn't kill strict tbb increase in- the number of - r the ass; he only wished for a sword , our birds, Slaughter. and the robbing Now to loosen •tender earn or I r` • that he might kill her. _ of nests by men and boys and the callus so It I1ftt. out ... , . , "Well," said the dealer, "this is the `1! _` '• ch'erous family cat have made without pain. `i ( one he wished for!" such inroads on eir • the balance provided b nature bas ALL TAKE - _ .Let folks. step. on .your_ feet here• 1slaard'm rinimest s•itmvN >Amesaiti+'' ! ". ' been' destroyed. . • � By the recently•consummated Mig- after; wear shoes a size smaller it you ratQry Bird. Treaty, the protection of. like, for corm will never again send ( Good Reports,of S.O.S. Bays. POSTUMIelectric sparks of pain through. you, pntario Headquarters has reported ; ( Will e migratory birds from destruction by according to•this Cincinnati authority. ' j men has been provided for. No at- , as follows: Ontario farmers every- ; ^_ —you hearit m0?'e tempt has been made, howeser, to re-_ _ .He says that a few_ drops of a drug + where are enthusiastic about the boys' J a more when One move the menace of the unnecessary caked freezone, applied directly upon ,services. The boys are. making good. �. is waked what heei1 cat. The elimination of it must, per- a tender, aching corn, , instatltly, re •' We estimate that 9,000 boys from -the = h.5 MOMe— forre he t to the 'goad sense and , liedea soreness, and soon' the entire ''cities and towns and as inany• more bo s are working as Soldiers of ' ill$ drin a individual'the soil to'Qnta o.- ci izen. a —number-_ of these prow - once and simply -veil htful arofra - Ing destroyers, •and ,their predilection ! shrivels up the'cora or calluses - - -- �etnd_ oste,and free• for binds as their prey, cause the loss raven irritating the Surrounding tissue. poultry .yards at this tie on are will rcdtu•e inflamed, swoll" don fro the dis• to 'Canada of ,ast numbers of our I A small bottle of freezone obtained! likely to be dirty. and barren of green Joints, Sprains. Bruises, Softt cOMfOrts Cha{ O best food conservators every year.. at any drug store will cost very little foods.- -Stir- the soil' by spading it Bunches; heals Bolls, Na but will positively remove every hard �up, sow wheat, oats or other grain Evil,Q»lttor.Fistulaapd - with tea and coffee. Improving 13iidge Floor§! or soft corn or callus from one's foot. $nd keep green food -constantly avail- Tnfected Bores quick , t;:e • at: it is a sitive an ' -'Nourishing health- I wag down in a part of the country If our druggist hasn't stoi;ked this able. - ` F° t to recent! where a little creek winds its l 7 I• and germicide. Pleasant to �fui, economical. y neer' drug yet, tell flim to: get_ a small - - - oa, does not blister Was* way through the farina, where- the �[!am>•d'i T.la7rnmaL C4tmm >/ttYIIm' �t0' f the hair, and roe can vrorkibe deft* N I bottle of -freezone for you from his I , r ,\O WASTE at all roads were.,numerous and there were wholesale drug house. - ; si.soyor hoar, Rfor.a. Rook 7 R treR : an important item many small bridges. One feature I - One of the most darin feats in the ASSORDINE.JR.,tbeantswelinimentforswnkt t•�?e - - these days. GiYe . not particularly about'- the bridge Use new rubbers in canning. Old war -the bombing. ofrupp's waS fed4ee+ P�niut s..ouca vele., weSt er. atnlar = _ was that the floors were smooth and hers ire sura. to cause,more or ca lied out by a pilot nearlq forty ��°cra or s °ea•"'WHL � � n �sy1r iNSTAi�T POSTUM the wooden planks did not rattle as lees loss, - New rubbers are cheapest years of ager who before the outbreak u�.r.1 Tri,t ease per tie neo• eaa� •'� P W. F. tf011N0. P. o. F. iia Luau skim Morons!. •!pini. they so often do after a neiv floor Has is the and. at ho011itiq !tad no llgia or in ,�rowr ud "Viom� A. us !tads r count-_- ' _ bit; g been in service for a few months. sn was a pesedul grocer - .>. I Loose floor boards are annoying and s ztatmeaa Asea aaaa:ae, W • 1 villa ISSUE No. 8&--'18 y t 4i • .. ' o...v f n• r_.,�y„y .fir Kv+ i41'�foiH4.:,,:i+li,�'!\.M'�':•:�.,W,w#1�Sw..rM.:.. .K',. 4:�,ei]yi°�.'C,.V;.�.G°,: s -u. �:.72^:.s S. ...,.. ..L,.:•.,�,...e.-_.,...� 1'JJ.-�..._ ,a._ ..r•.,,Y.e,..,•n.-.n ..... ,'f.^r+.,a.,. •., Y-.. .�_.-:.,. ........,r __. .a et.�...e .....;„'E.V.is.3.::.7..,�5'ki.xR:•w"Si'mJ.d 6.vs�a'�.^.L _ ',ly, rs"s�.� �7a.��.��'�.'7r v.��'�„'�"—`2'•+��''rk?�`�w �.r.pr..`r; i�, ,�,- �--v' Fr�'^'o�°,,' • ,._ ��a4 '+ct`w'e' ""raw: F • n:+�g .h o'ti .w y."' .;d;, '<.r� .K%•• ..�„ . au., ` n r 'o'"�x.stt,�3'r"tt, .i} ,��.'„Y�+"iy�„y,Nat•� dr� ':. ••e,r ti +•'� ,, sF �. .,�� tit ' k `�°'��'i e"� � r 1` ��:,�'r• "f.�';•*'�• r,,�-�"`� Y,# x• ''"i r. )54 R - _ - -7F• A ... S'. .,� .t1 . qy,: . '`L�ar• '4 Y'`' ierT Z�y. . w . .ry .. .. .�• _ ': ' ..' . i.a L'Y.:rCa � cL�+�Y � i.^.5+� !"I?'i;:. , (M'�� ✓ ��„-7'!i.� � .. K 3 � , iii eF'. YOman Brooch ioulad: ' Loser call at .w. �� , „ ` *` Ppadp reLd this ofdce. * _ .' ip5.. -ht. C. and Mrs. Zimmerman,4 D Sielp . ` s ti t;ide►y s ova Pilkey, use' are sorry returned home on Mgnday afterghe #,he city with Mr, �pfloa. tla� its t very poor- health at their two weeks' vacation. � P W#1- --H;Dza eorgQ Law, of �Jtiorpnto� visit- t.-Mesere.'' Davidson and, �4khj,e relatives iu the; �vTila$e oa t oil for. the streets arrived liams, who recen'tIy urchased R. r �t t5da ill town on • Monday, and will be Andrew's b Oanada Food Board License No..8=20768 J garag usiness, have d dint kon lila@ ea Put on in &J eRrds�yys. been kept busy t '_`LiHeftsg pas- fs#t#ou -as.- teaeher Dese�'ort =• 2iev: T. and flus, Bedford, -of session: See their advertisement e F; ljatn: Oesea, are spending a week with in another columna r ,.. T ll�ies P, $r n, OUBlackstock, 0>iarles sail Mrs. Bunker. • • � • : _ Johnand --Miss Misfile Rankin. left..last FRIDat`!, SEPT. 20TH-Auetiou-sale o! y h[ � week 'to take charge of the new ' fifty head of cows, springers 'and g ' $eztoII .a>4d , Ijttsuell Bu iaesa'8ehool in Oshawa. yoi11 9 cattle, at the - Beason farm, 3 ; tea, d a bue'Does trip to the -Mise •Mabel Wright returned one mile seat of Claremont, the pro- ;Just tai[e tln2e r A g err of J.' H. Briilln er, Sale at 2 to run over this I t € yy oil, onday. home. on Saturday. after spending pp yy g * � See bille, Wm, Maw, auctioneer. -V ndlay,.af: the Toronto a month with'relatives relatives in Cleve. staff; epeab•: Saturday Here lid Ohio. BATaRDSY, KEPT. $ieT—AACtion sale tThere's teOmething you ,"!sept .� of house and lot and household fur. th.hie;mothfir. Dont forget the School Fairo. niturs at lot 2=, B. F. can., Pi - - - , -- `g @David- and Mrs. Miller, of To- which will be held on the school Ing (Fairport), the roperty of the' Boys' Corduroy Bloomers, sizes 28.88, ' rx .a iroRto,`. eggnt_ .over SlendPy with .$$rnun'da here ou-Wedneaidl}y nett. estate of the late Eliah Artaowemith. English washable corduroy -wears tike iron rTdrids' to Pleker#pg, �' A 'good 'pprogram of sports will be Bale at l -1l0, house and,lot. at 8. Bee _( -Mrs. G. A. Martin, 9f Toronto, i vidded: small bills. W. B. Powell, auction. ' . Bops Tweed Bloomers, 28.88, .. 2 26 Jot Sunday here with, her -The ladies of .Pickering and eer, ' Medium price -just right for uehool'wear " .,Jatzteb`.Gordon. vicinity are reminded that the T.-ssnAY, Sz?,r. 24TH -At Wbitevale, z ate` v ss Hate Woodruff • Toronto 'Red Cross rooms will be o en for auction sale of d'wellin house, stable !goys Cotton Bloomers, dark a:olore t. a few -days -here with her work on Friday, September go, at- and dwelling house and one acre of Very tough-•Iooks like tweed ' Zg r, Mrs. Wm. ,Allaway..'' 1.80 . m. ' Come and hel orchard and garden, at Wlliteisle ; , pp �' urniture end other "Youths and Boys'. Coate, from .. '1 OO.to 4 00 • Mice Edith Dale, of Toronto, -A. meeting of the Girls'' Red also household t. • �ifiited with relatives and 'friends Cross Club will be held on Tues. , goods and ch , the�_pproperty of All sizes and color@ the Estate of the late Mrs. Hapnah in )aiekering..over •Sande da evenin ,. p, m. see bills. � Boys' special, per pair 25e M g Se d Cross 24t , at Barton. Bale at 1 �Y ouths' t ff BlncheBBoo a, a ectal ry Gertrude Gro has hoe ac- 8 o clock, in the lied Cross s. Fred Poetill, auctioneer. Opted a, position. as assistant in a A• full attendance is requested. to for school wear, wilt r. �r high school atLeadville, Colorado. -The Campbell Flour Co. -sterid all kinds of hard knocking --a job end p New dd4eree'tisensentle. we cleaned a --Mrs. Geo. W. P. Every sad want 800,000 bushels of wheat for p` specially priced, sizes 11 to 13 9 50 eon; Franki -of Whitby, visited which they will pay the highest r Youths' Black Boa Hip Blucher Boot sizes 11 to S ,, °with her sister, litre. W. J. Miller, rice. Highest price also paid for OR SALE -A somber, of oak bar ' for -a few days; barley, rye, oats and buckwheat:* Frels, some suitable fo; via ar barrels, Apply 1�r• Exceptionally cheep for a fine boot ., 2 95 F., at the Pickering Bakery. , good easy fit; -Charles and Mrs. -Shepherd -Two military men from To- - --atf Boys' Heavy Black Blucher Boot :and family, of Oshawa, spent the ronto were, in this -district -last HORSES FOR SALE -Good work another job end, sizes 1 to 5. Our retail V. week -end here with 'the former's week• looking up men . who failed team, alaQgood driving mare, standard rice is real! the resent wholesale price g 93 - � Jather'and sister. to report, as required by-law, as bred, apply. at tckeruig Livery. - 43tf, P P Allam' Clark was confined to well as looking up cases of esemp- 0 OVERN MENT, Municipal and "A Suit Case Special,," heavy weight fibre, -steel Sithe house for a couple of days tion. Corpora.ion Bonds For Sale-- D. Dykes frame, sewn. and riveted corners, -brass lock y Bond Broker, Whitby, Ont., Bell' Phone M. oiTRh illness, but,- =The Toronto, men. who were Ind. Phone 70.. ... 4af and spring catches, 1 inch outside straps, �r duty at the post office. reapo>3aiilte-;far bringing--the-ear_ hit and straps in lid, 24 inch ... 8 75 load of�li OR SALE -A very complete -house •� " 2A inch — , ti �P. J: Calvert,' Of Toronto, aC• qugr into Pickering have Fwith seven rooms and basement with turn- - Bargain, ••• 400 raeom sled by,two friends, spent been convicted, and each one fined ace. Hardware floors, Two good lots. Apply ^„� a to Mrs. D. Simpson, Pickering. 49tf 'Navy Blue and Black Dress- Serge- Dou't miss y at the home of his parents to the extent of several hundred $ : emus-sad'Mrs. Calvert. dollars.' this line. Its4ery hard to get, Pure wool VOR; SALE -Near Claremont sev. r� U eral acres of stnnaang bush -suitable lor.fire- 58 Inches wide, per yard ,., .. 2 x -Rey. Mr. Crombie, of Quebec, -New regulations - page ed by wood• will •ell in the block orb the cord. A �y ,=oeeapied' the pulpit in St. An. the Canada Food Board forbids tea: roz PaoWe to club together and settle Black Silk Poplin. . 'Happened 'drew's church, on Sunday when the use'of more than two pounds theft Dura furl quatioa L. Park, Myrtle, b2e■ lucky in having itorderedearly. The price be preached most acceptably. of an ar for evey ninety -meals tT OT. -BE -AND LOT FOR -SALE IN is right. Per yard 00 d. Hennesh Gordon, of Toronto, served in public' eating places. J -L Pickering vtllaee --- Frame house. a room.. ..• antlLarge.. S f spent a maple of. da a here at the Pro tore of ice-cream parlors late `n ot1 n' For f, rthe' as icutarsamr°eto f -= y p ; ..!some of his mother; being off duty sbai! use no more than one quarter Asa' abbe d• R. R, No, 1, ckeering �_ Now julti at -the last- -Take $ �1 1"OI]� a oua r am, ret- Q y „ rt on recently installed sugar used in 1917. hei amount clan sail, wen watered—soca buifdirrgs, wcll u0s ,T �R Wan B a er annel� ©r , u new furnaces for F. W. Weeks, of sugar used in the manaifaetuce situated. suitable for dairy and grain. No locum- the oily them N Q rl' F. W. Hicks and WY _ . D. Gordon, of biscuits ; cake and like pro. braaee. Might consider a small farm as part — --- 11e �TOPk be don@ . P payment APPIY Boa C. NewiilQfice. 51-1 • ••• being bg�- Ed.. Lw ducts is also limited and half the -" -- -- - %'� IDFsR-Thy Cedar Grove Cider A may amount_ used must be yellow or ilin221 wt 1 be open rot work oa Tuesday. Wwl _ �/ '- -Gordon 'Law will close his brown sugar. Also the amount 'ne,day and Thursday or each week up to Oct. _� �. -blacksmith chop on the afternoon used in the manufacture of candy �' - kh.' Afcer that date; every ata czcepr Satnr- • f _ � pax ponos the season. - Do cot at y�r ;a � k . of Wednesday,, Sept. 26th, on chocolate, etc„ .shall not ezceed; wase, bring them in and we Will pay oar •�_ ,�....� .>r account of the school fair, which half of the monthly consumption c:choose them for vinegar, apple buster gc Ina, r will be held on that dayy of sugar in 1917. ' Table syrups ph'n°-1-' �Ia`knan'_ La,,;' �"'tl, sx•f._�HERE. fl L+ �� v�g *CHANCE' ,"!fins Georgie Shirley has' re• and similarproductaarelimited to �RISCOE MOTOR CAR CO.rThe - t•jir. YOUR signed her position at the bank in half that used in 1917, one half of c.r' with the half mill ionmotgn S:lf•,tartcr• -. making it easx for women to drive, Eect ria -order to pursue her :studies at the which must be . brown .or yellow, baht, to back seat malting it es to read goer You well require Shaker Blankets for the Autumn. See our new lot. TOlOIItO Normal .Schools. which St] r. evening•papeF- l esti wide, and wall !finished. cyu•ing your friends to admire your car- A ma, Grey and white, 11.4 and 12.4, at $& 50 to $4:60 r pair. F opened this. week... We wish her �A Part of motorists rists from Tc- '• k"= by.ehe car be drive... ' Beet.," 14ny a Ladies, brushed wool Sweater," in !trey with rose. Alice with fawn, F� BaCCees. - Briscoe Pink the dealer: R. C. ,trav,dson, ,"onto hacT a most - miraculoua ,Cherrya,00d. the navy with grey. A smart coat for $7,00. The heavy. rains of the peat escape from death oa° 8atnrdayy, A big range of Men's Sweater Coats.Ln taupe, fawn brown and grey, ,:.few weeks ie proving very benefi• evening incl. The were proceed. J�jOTICE is hereby given tbat Sam• .ail pare wool, $8 $oys' nd G le Sweaters, all colors, $$ u cis! to pastu'reand root crops, and Ing down the hill just on this aide Nuel uel Burgoyne of the Townahipof Men's Sox, in grey and black, of 63c $1 a ir. A good l ne of there should be no. complaint to Eaet Whitby ths.Countyof.9ntario, pa ' Moab Pante and Overalls, bi khaki .. the _ w the Rouge bridge, when in eoaae to the Prov Province of Ontario. iu` Ae' groan for fall way the ear broke rhrou Former, and grey; at $2,00 to 82.50. qR' pilowingg� _ tailing and dashed down the em- da atpphe aezt eeseion thereof, Por a All our, new Rubbers went into stock last week, -C. H. Pilke�, of the base line, bankmen ' which is at an an le so come and be fitted.. is -farm o 46 .degrees or more,' and _is fifty Maud Clarke of rife Town of Hilton !n o A-9 sad will hold 'an auction feet or thereabouts to the -bottom. the State of New York, one of. the G. A. GILLESITE, MNBART sale of his farm stock and im le- The car did not upset, but proceed- United States of America, :Harried eaeuti about the 18th of October, ed on to the level land beyond, woman, on, the ground of adultery and This farm is one of the .best on without sustaining any damage, desertion. they base line. oto• inflicting any injury to the Dated at the town of O.alzatva in the --Rev. E. A. and Mrs. Bruce, occupants. How the escaped County of Ontario in the Province of - - ?wh0.have been spending the y Ontario, the 15th day of August, ppee g past inj.n ry is difficult to understand A. D. 1918. - - n two'weeks in Whitby,,where Mr'• when one has seen the ground S.1Sei'$L Brxc+a4NE, Brace had charge of All Saints' over which they had their peril. By -ble Solicitor, W, E. N. Sinclair, Our stock of Footwear is now COm lets..and It will Qa to ° ---church' daring the absence of the oua .ride. They have good reaeone 49.,11 Oshawa; Oat. p PsY Y _pastor, Nov.' !lir. Allen, have re• for considering themselves the call to and see the varied lines of goods -!Earned home. most lucky individuals in the PIC�ER�G $ABERY before baying elsewhere. -The appeal that was made to country. Y Pleasure to 'forego motoring for -At the School Fair on Wed- Pleasure on Sunday in order to y We have our new line of Canvas Boots and Shoes e}�ened.- conserve ' the 'gasoline - sn 1y needs Se t. 86th, held in .the evidently had its effect, for the pillage, the omen's Institute in• All sizes for T�eIIF Women 8 il~IId Girls. tend holding s sale of taacy work >�y number of as Ws that were in evi• and food where home cooking may pence was comparatively r a very bought, sandwiches and hot R. A; BUNTING}, PI(�HERING small. The wet wet<thet aleq had tea at the soon hoar, se well as ,probably quite an effect on the Established 11!67. peanuts, bananas, ice cream, etc.; 1 aaaonat of pleasure driving the proceeds of which are to be /CE R E A M The Kingston to 1d in front of devoted to the Red Cross work. R, Jcondi ion, farm to ins vee? It was thought that the child- SODAS, SUNDAES and bad condition, owing to the heavy ren would be lad to hal b rains. The large amount of new R P y A.980RTED BRICKS earth, that was placed upon the allowing their exhibits to be sold ,. 'FOR HARVEST TIME, - road to raise and widen I% is now at auction Immediately after the Our Patro�e• are Pertiklar People, Fair, and if they will intimate • I a e of mad, which is impace. their, villin " eo[t drinks on ice ,• -�-Sole for autos, which have been gases when g will Bread, Buns and Qakee t"eYour- Binder Canvass repaired now and get a Bioom' - -' ' compelled to their exhibits a small flag will be Whip also. pe go by the base line Wedding Cakes our specialty or_ n h Mr. Fleming's farm. placed �� the articles and one given to each' child to wear, de- Both phones Harness, Collars, Boot and Shoe repairing -When -bee lrecotIIe the dntT $ m of emery person to conserve his noidtag that he,- -shy lase -coil= 1; R, --MOM a .--_��k5 supply o feel in every pouuible� those articles to the Red g tly and peomptly done. _. - away, 'much might be saved ii Cc'oae. Will the parents and DA* MI* ! Call and e g - churches in town and villagges grown ups" encourage the child- ELM 1,L,J got, horse Dods here would unite for worship-duringwail ren to help as in this way, and so p=p�=N� pICSERINQ HARNE$1� EMpOR�ii7M ur work ? Com. + the winter months. iTh a was -done in many places last winter You can always Ret the best Mani. . when fuel became . so 'scarce, and IN M�'MOR/AM tobs Flour made from No. 1. Some Phone 3800, W. J. COAHWELL from the present outlook It -will be Pte.:E. G: -Wilbur- Manitoba Wheat. oil "ousehold and enora or ss necessary this winter. Pats IP, P. C. L. I,), killed id actlon Bread. Tr a ba Acting upon the powers con- at the battle of the Somme (Cource• y g• erred on lette Sept, PastryFlour Fresh Rolled Oats ;,4iHappy T o> t" po by th'e govern- ), p lt1 1918.BRAIN, SHORTS '1lleat, the towns council has Somewhere id• France, near the long - ---- MIX FEEDS k: appointed W. G. Ham fuel con- battle line, --. troller for the sopthero part of the Stands a cross on the grave of that - OAT CHOP - -.township. His duties will be to dear eon of mine,; CRUSHED OATS , Range• He suffered, -he died, that his country $ARLEY'CHOPI co-operate with the dealers in m bt live- WHEAT 7, easing that all residents get a $of- Paid t o full price, gave all be could These stoves ST8 saknOWledgled flcient @apply of coal so that the give. CRACKED CORN y MIXED HEN FEED 16. be the best stoves " will not suffer from a lack of feel. Though belief far from bomaover lice The object of a sea, Caldwell's Cream substitute., 3 appointing a feel We shall meet him Calf Meal. On ttos'!1[et controller by the municipalities is again in the lite �T to guard against some that s to be. " Molasses Meal people Could I, his mother, have clasped his CHOPPING AND OAT r 'securing a large supply while Splendid bankers, easy on ae Pd F band. CRUSHING EVERYDAY as :others are suffering from a lack of The one I loved so well,. � - i, handsome in design. ` coal. The appointment of W. Cc, Aad kissed bis brow when death was Ccet prices on feed In, -ton lots. ' How will meet with p. BELL PHOI�FE, Call and see our fall stook, r geners�l a Dii�h, - o ,. rAval. a8 he hlie the COIIfidenCb -And wh P� feperad "Garfield, farewell." F. W, Wee3ast Hs �'. i�R, gib► a1L -Fathom and M6ther ChoPPng every day.1 +•, ^t°". .� b.>.'+F'.{. .. r.•.. .rte 1 �+, �} �.. .•.Y�.�t' Han?,ri:3+.•'z•'..*,�':.±'�`4...9�,:'�:h��n2-.c .:u e""`.,r. - ,_.____-".. `.- .. — .., _._ .,._. _.-.. a .-_. .. ,, ..._.. .. .,i sits»... _.. sx•