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40viifsootanal. garb*. UXBRIDGEtablished 75 ye#m
Word has just been received here -Have you heard the latest?" Well
Medical Baker' & �e1S�*'' GREENWOODGRILKNWOD
that Capt. Roy Hamilton. son of W. here it Is I A mammoth picnic, under
and Mrs..Hamilton, has been awarded the auspices of the Sunday Schools of GREENWOOD
L. CALDWELL, M. D., Successor the Military Cross for bravery in ac. the Greenwood circuit will be held on
Ecant. Out.
ere at Winnipeg. and went overseas literary program will be rendered b MILLS
to the late. Dr. B. Brodie& Phone 905 -A Good Wedding Gift tion at Vimg RideCapt. Hamilton Saturday, June 28rd, in Wm. Clark's
Clare enlisted with the Cameron Highland- bush, con. 6, lot S. An 'interesting
Ir'%R. V. E. CARTWRIGHT, For. would be a in December, 1915. His brother, Capt. the different Sunday Schools, while a
A-.f wer17 of Gravertharst, Ont-, 9uccessor to
.J* Harold Hamilton, also won the Mili- large part of the afternoon will be
E, Towle. Pickering, Ont. office hours
111.1r,111, .. 6-SO to a P. m asly Mason. Risch Piano- tar Cross for services in Greece, and taken up with sports, including foot.
was invested by the King 3 months bell. As a majority of the events are
RwfetedE. FORSYTH, D. of 0.
'Regis- ..Player Piano or 7-- sago. Capt. Harold to a medical officer "open" we hope to have a large at
-feted member of the* Optometrical Amo.
a Victrola., In the English army. and enlisted tendance. A refreshment, stand will
dation of Ontario. sp*obu attention giT to
,e fitnion ""s
ting of 11. Byes tested free. NOON11 with a Toronto University, con1915, af. the able managementtingent be conducted on the gof rouJoe.nds, Wideunder. Get your se
tow that- went over eas in May,
O. McKINNON, M.D., L.R.C. terwards transferring to the En lish- baskets and
S. army It Is mot often two one come along and help us. Everybody
L1 a ZdLaburgh, member of the College ot' Our prices are right. early. Good seed
Fbystals us and Surgeons of Ontario, licentiate
family win such destinction. Mr. welcome. Grounds open at 10 39 a. m.
'of lRoyal.. college of surgeons, B Hamilton is postmaster here. Afternoon program commences at
See us &
=attention to daiessom of 1145. Admission, gents 10c, ladles Is scarce,
16 Ofilse and residence, Brougham. and children free.
Phones 2700
Harry Honey, of Milliken. spent. WHITBY
r I J have the best•
Sunday at J. Timbers'.
2303 Arthur and Mrs. Graham spent San- A Special vestry meeting of All
E. FAREWELL, K.C., BARRIS- . : - .. . 1. .,� 41;
a TAR.Counly Crown Attorney, bud COU11117 day with friends at Mongolia. Sainte on Monday evening authorized •
-:86MIftair. Court Ron", Whitby. 10-TWin. an Mrs. lille, 0,111 111 t)W wardens to proceed with the in-
A. J. and Mrs. Taylor on Sunday,- stallation of a new beating apparatus Bakers ' Joy for bread 'I
AE. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and Geo. Judd, of Toronto, spent the for the church as well as other Impor.
s solicitor, Notary Poblic, Zto. Money to Stoluffville)-Ont'.. week-end with C. and Mrs. Plaiton. taut improvements In the church is equal to any brand
"a. Wiles Brook St. North, WbitbT. ably - James and Mrs. Thompson and fam- building. on the market, and it
WILLIAM J. BEATON. B. A,. Bar- ily open t the week-end with relatives The funeral of Jeremiah J. Foley on costs less than stores
rioter, Solicitor, NotarT Public, associated Mont bete. Saturday morning was largely Attend.
in Practice with Messrs. Byckman, Denison & ell the western mills
J. 3. SEAL, Clare Mrs Watson Dixon And d lite ed. The services were held in St.
Poster, Barristers, Toronto General Trusts of Toronto, have been vLaitin &ufthherr' John's church. Rev. Father Ryan offi-
Building. 85 Bay. Street, Toronto. Telephone HOUSEFURNISHINGS gw brands for. Patronize
Main 901-083- 8417 parents here. ciating. The body was taken to Tor-
Rev. A. E. Owen being absent at onto for Interment. Mr. Foley was 60 your home mill.
Dental Big Stock, at the lowest pritmi Conference, the pulpit was occupied years old and was ill but a fortnight.
by Fred Rogers on Sunday. Bee-keepers in South Ontario are to t
BLAKE B. BEATON. D. D. S� Delivery free. Miss Pearl Plaxton is in Pickering have the benefit of apractical demou-
Graduate of the Royal College of liental this week trying her entrance exami- stration in up-to-date methods. An
Surgeons and University of Toronto, Offlee
aver W. N. Pringle's hardware store. Wbitby. Call and see. Ind Phone 324, nations. We wish her success. expert tinder the auspices of the Onta- J4,
00co hours 9 to 12; 1 to 6.80. Ind pbone IS. Mrs. Geo. Judd and daughter re- ito Department of Agriculture will be ?
339U phone 220. 641Y Claremont. turned to t,beir home in Toronto, present this Saturday afternoon start-
During Dr Seaton's absence overess. Dr Me- after spending a week with C. and ing at 1.80 sharp, in the apiary of Mr.
Dowell, of Toronto, will ba in charge. - E A S T L A K E"
Mrs, Plaxton. A. A. Walker. which Is situated on
Win. T. and Mrs. Heron, of West the north side of the Kingston road, The shingle that has given astis-
FRUIT BAAL'SKETS Hill. and: Mrs. E. Heron, of Toronto, next east of Lynde's creek on the west faction fur over 80 years. Empire
e of the town. Eve bee keeper i
visited with the latter's father, Win. aid )OW. by
W Taylor, on Sunday. should attend. Corrugated lion with a re
'W G. HAM-Issuer o Marriage 11 and"6 quarts, with covers* any color Much interestia already awakened 2 lu. corrugation, see it be you
lAcaus" in the County of Ontario.
Plck.;tag Village. a71y I quart berry boxes ATHA be" in the garden party to be: held on buy other makes. If you are Ila
the lawn of F. B. Richardson an Do. need of it Cream Separator. Try
"UCHER. Real Estate AUC- 24&nd27 quart crates. madeof very Mr. Frith And lady friend are, visit-. minion Day in aid of. St. George's a Premier for - 80 d Also
tic m vslustor, collector sad Inner thin boards. Strong and very light. in at D. Trans. eug a 8,11.00 •� up.
Of morula2 licenses. Brongbato. 407 church, Pickering. An excellent pro- ga-401ine lues from
Order earl as If there is a good crop george Carter and son Walter visit- gramme will -be provided and able See or write me before buying. M
HOPPER Issuer of Marriage p ed at John Scott's on Sunday. addresses will be given by R. R. Mow-
of fru there will not be half
D. Linens" in %be County of Ontario. Bell Phone.
enough packages for town hi
OZCG at Store and his reeldsum Claremont. Mrs. Geo. Tran is staying a week bray. reeve of Pickering a Ip.
the demand. with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Cowie.. and Hartley Dewart, K. C., M- P- P-- F. J. Prouse, Pickering
Thomas and Mrs. Dunkeld and fam. of Toronto, the silver tongued orator
lly visited at S. Burkhofcfei?s bu 9un- of the Ontario Legislature. Many
1A.P a Conveyancer. Commissioner foo 'Chopping and Oat Rolling day. otor-
• sfimavtu. Acoontrians. BIG' Kong done as usual. Collins, from the county town pu3 poSe_ m.
�on rum "Tavel of ZAC_ Mrs. of Toronfo, spent it q over to the eventful affair.
askaw =,;. Out. I-T __ I week with her daughter, Yin. Me- be commencement exercises at t kering 'Sara e
W. G. Barnes, Green River he
S.-PUGH, Glen Major. Ont. Bride. - Ontario Ladles' College on TbursdAy
HuLotce1ed Auctioneer. Extensire exper. Or address R. R. No. 1, Locust Hill. Don's forget the Atha picnic to be was of unusual excellence. Although All antomobile and Bicycle A
vaim - tnHported-&" diereeabbred stock. held on the 90th. Everybody wel- It was An all day affair because of the repairing promptly
conducted anywbers, write for terms REAL ESTATE..... come. inability to.secure a a ecial train from attended to
IL334 particulars, Fbonolnd.2116. Wly Arthur and Mrs. Carruthers spent Toronto,the-- frgP Attendance
FPOSTILL, Licensed Auctioneer. Sunday with R. and, Mrs. -Lloyd in from the city. Principal Farewell'is Tires, Oils, Grease and repairsos.
for counties of York and Ontario. AuKIng. - establishing a new record of excellence i
tion sales of all kinds atteno d to on shortest J. B. and tiers. Lehman And family under his regime for the College. The always on hand.
notice. Address Green Rive? P, 0., out. pent Sunday with ISAAC And Urs. successful local campaign to augment
Lehman. the college finances assures the con-
-1 - 1.J 0 -VJM J. Reesor and daughters spent n day *tinuance c f this splendid educational 'Potter & Andrew,
Vetorinary Surgeon 150'acre Farm For Sale, good cot, last week with his daughter, Mrs. J. establishment. The most 'welcome PICKERING. Ont.
' Drudge. announcement at the closing was that
Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vete- brick house with 8 rooms. A number Yrom here motored to the collage witl re-o an with a com -
rinary College' Barns and stabling for 42 head Little Britain on Sunday to attend the plete staff in Septerriger.
-and Graduate of the Veterinary of stock. Hen house Christian Conference held recently at
Science Association. and pig pen that 01ace. -BROUGHAM'
Phone-offlee 1", residence 281r-
"Write' me
All in good repair. QRSILM RIVER W. J. Bodell was In Toronto a con-', CLAREMONT, ONTARIO
Mrs. A, Helsey entertained cele- pie of days last week.
-"We V. Richardson. Born, to G. E. and Mrs. Holtby, on
Ab6W240M . - -for prices
tives on Sunday. Tuesday, June 19th, a son.
Veterinary Surgeon ":Notary Public, Pickering. . g. Robert Defoe visited'
ed, with Mrs. Da- Miss Elsie Malcolm, Lof Toronto., via•
foe over Sunday, ited relatives here over Sunday. .,on Sarnia
Honor Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Me. Downing vir-ited with Mr. and Leslie Wilton. of the Belleville Insti-
College. All calls day or ni lit
The Pickering Mrs. o. Pugir-last week, Lute, is home on a three months vRCA_
PrOMPELY atteMs or
Everyone is going to Atha Picnic tion.
his year if It does not rain.
Bell and Independent Phones VigUance Committee It Miss Ethel Wilson has returned Ypnce.
P I CK E R 1140, ONTARIO Win. Hoover and Howard spent afterspendinga few weeks with her
Saturdsy and Sunday at home;. sunt at Brooklin.
Sunday Scboal can save
Theo of this Association is to Don't forget our - Mrs. Jawea Malcolm. of Markham,
lessen stealing and prosecute picnic to be held on Saturday, July spent a few days--last—'week-wad-over
the 7th. JOHN XMUKLIP the felons... MiS411.� Hagerman. of Kew Beach, Sunday with her sister, Mrs. 'George
Duncan. ..you money
----Ham a full line of trash and cur- mernbere having proper% stolen oommoul. Toronto, spent Sunday with her par- We are sorry to report the death of
ed, meats constantly on hand. cats immediately wit any member ante here. Margaret. the three-montho-old dau-
Mrs. Win. Robinson and Master
of Executive Committee bter of Arthur and Mrs. Jackson, of
Carol re visiting with relatives in
Spice Roll, Breakfast Bacon, Noud, Bask.
Membership too $1.00. Green River,
John and Mrs. Littlejohn, of Wert A, Q REESOR,
Ham, Bologna, Weiner,, etc. Tickets may be had from the President or: Mrs. P. R. Hoover has returned, Hill, and Wm. Harris and family, of
Secretary on application.. After spending the winter xvith her i3rooklin, spent Sunday with Joram
Exec. Com.-L. D. Banks, C. S. Palm- daughter, Mrs.,A. B. Collins.
Highest prices paid for and Mrs Littlejohn. LOCUST ]EIML
•Mrs. W. A. Fuller has retured home, Robert and Mrs. Devitt were at
Butcher's cattle er, W. V. Richardson, Pickering.
after spending a few weeks with her Port Rowan on Wednesday attending
1, 1, Thextoin J. Clark. daughter, Mrs. O. M. Patterson, ofsr
the wedding of the latter's Sister. Miss
.8"retarT Toronto.
�l�keri�i�¢rq Beatrice Moore, to Edwin Becker, of
Seileon's Tee Cream will be sold at Woodstock. Stat I o n e i y
TOOLS SHARPENED the home of Miss Alice Hornsbaw on Mantle & Hamilton, our new firm
First-clue rigs for hire Saturday evening, under the auspices of contractors, are kept busy these
.-Day or night We'make a specialty of crosscut saws of the Girls' Red Cross Club. Every days excavating' for a furnace for A
all Locke repaired. body come and 14ave a good time. Morton Miller and putting in a couple ZL little nicer, than
... Tools of kinds
-Bus meets an trains Razor-honing a Specialty. For a first. of cisterns for Geo. Philip.
clan hair trim or an easy abave call Report f Christian Church Came-
Teaming promptly attended to, at the East-end Barber Shop,tory Vund for 1-916: Balance from 1916 the ordinary
Agent for Canada Carriage Co. A grand garden arty in aid -of the 1.50, Sylvanus Phillips 1.00, J. H. Holt-
shings of Red Cross will be held under the au-
See our House Furnishings all
kinds. Slightly used Carpets by 1.00. Mrs. Wodell 1.00, making a
spices -of the Centennial Epworth Les-
4 We He Peak, P' totalof4.60. Expenues,J. Littlejohn,
from 15 cents a.yard up, Bramwell
on the beautiful lawn of Hilton
W. J. GORDON cutting grass 3 50, leaving a balance
• PICKERING Brumweli on the evening of Wednes of 1.00. The Sec-Treat would be glad -Kid Finish Note Paper
day, June Vth.. A splendid _program to receive funds as soon as possible to
will be given in part by our Canadian pply on grass cutting. J. Phillips. 50 cts a box
SUMMER TERM AUCTION SALE heroes, who were so well received 8
Among those who will L, K. Devitt, physical culture and
here recently. -Khaki Liiien Note Paper
Opens Tuesday, July 8, In $how's UNDER MORTGAGE 4rgt. W. E. cadet corps instructor and teacher of
Tur- ca
Business Schools, Toronto. The take part will be: 8 ish at.Oobourg Collegiate Insti- 40 cts a box
work merges Into Autumn Term t Two ley; tateofMh Batlute, bais-fe—nd—ere-ff-b—is is-reels
fromL from Sept. 4, without any break. Houses'i:t"'Brboklin Village, five E blenders of Canada, who will in- Board, to take effect immediately, Hand Spun Note Paper
miles north of Whitby. One is cement des and the
Courses fully described In new rata- at the audience with ti been Accepted fora;
and the other a frame house. song of the
logos. Write for It
W. H. Shaw, 8 atrenclies; Sergt W Hart Mr. Devitt has Im 35 ets a box
DESCRIPTION commissin in the Royal Flying Corps,
Pres., Yonge Gerrard Ste. vocalist -, 'Jock" Hunter Bell, late of
and Is to report June 26th. He has
ei Two stories, four bedroo livin the 2nd Argyll and Sutherland High-
me, been a successful teacher here and. Assorted styles of Linen Note
room, sitting room. kitchen b= lenders, Ist C. H. F., humorist: Tbos. popular with staff and pupils.-
room, cement cellar, hard water and G. Brewer, late 75th and 60th Batt. C. CL urgSentinal-Star. June 8th. Paper Land Envelopes in
SEE OUR NEW E. F., who will give a number of selec-
clstern.� Furnace. Newly decorated, A meeting in the interests of the attraetive boxes
Lately built. tions on the concertina ; R; Scott. late
SAWING MACHINE I If you want a modern. house at a low 16th Batt.. Canadian Scottish, let C. good roads movement will be held in at 25c.
Allan, late
cost, on easy terms, see these H. F., violinist; George town hall here at 8 p m. on Saturday,
(to-morrow) June 23rd. when S. L.
Ind Canadian Mounted Rifles, banjo
properties. Squire, municipal adviser of the Pro-
dye Turley,
We can supply Emory Wbeels sad TRRmo-Pro will be sold sub- selection. Also, Miss Gla viuei&l Highways Department. will
elocutionist, And Mrs. Chas. Rigby, Phms Be
Wircular Saws. All sizes ject to reserve bid, on terms. to suit e An address in wbicb be will ex.
baritnne soloist of the HAbon Memo-
kept in stock purchaser. Houses will be sold cepa-tial Church. Toronto. The Highland plAin the County good roads system. we Lidaie,
rattly which is now establiabed in a great
Creek Orches
Also Emery and Saw Mandrels, If You Date of Sale. Saturday, June 16, at tra will furnish music many counties. As this in a question Druggist-Graduate Optician
wish to build your own frame. 2 p. in., at Brooklin Hotel. BurinF the evenWw. There will be a of vital importance to the ratepayers
refr"timent bot-h on the grounds.
Guo. JAcicsow, Wx. H. BARRIS. Rev. R. S. Fro6lick will take the cbAIr of the township, It Is hoped there will O. N, R. TV at Agent.
Auctioneer Port Perry. at 8 o'clock. sharp, Admission 25o.. be A. large turnout. 7T_.hti:
he meeting has 7�1
BROCK ROAD "icitor for Mortgages been called, by. t township empoll. Qc
children 16c. i:;, . .- !" 2
1 7�
A- W
CHAPTER I.—(ConVd.) her any good, I'd worry ten hours a
but it'll not
Upon One of the central levels Adam day to please father and who buys only the best sugar—because.
to you,
for , & fretting 5
I say EX
M'Donnell is working away almost as 1 nile. EXTRA as on that former
'vigorous! ter
I 'You know that she was nearly gone E DIAMOND GRANULATED
noon. he rvd,of his hair no 1frger!
the first time
sSreams so loudly against the red of without any superior—will never cause preserves to ferment
his fgce; . its fire being as though, "BiAt she wasn't quite gone, and —admittedly
she's not gone yet Cheer up, fath- I'm
.sprinkled with ashes, and his frame as, it does not contains the organic impurities which Bart fe entatio
has :thickened considerably, which is er! B the time we get home to -
the laborer's night wto knows whether you won't
only way of growing
stout. Beside him, as he crouches: have a gTandson waiting to be cuddl AVE
before the ready -bored blast -hole and "But will I have 8, daughter?" harp -
with' the powder -bag in his Mand, -PRECAUTIONS. that the 100 lb. bag
ed n •Adam when Duncan sharply in -
stands that 'same Duncan who, when to ted hi;n of St. Lawrence Red
of T?e 'whistle
aged three ha cL in consequence father! - There YOU To Succeed with ]Diamond Extra Gra-
causeindiscrefit invitation been the have it. Much good will it do Bessie
cause of some scandal to Ella M'Don- your preserves, buy nulated, is the best if. we've missed the blast!" t
nell: now a ripe man, and a comely good fruit—it must for the Farmers'
one too, having taken after his "black" of the
"',mother, rather than after his "red" Theshrill, long -drawn scream..not Se overripe: Home.
father and with no mote than a few steam_whistle had not yet done re
ruddy and
among the deep brown echoing against the walls of rock when
It ensures full
of the sound of an explosion—a prema- Buy Good Sugar—
his hair and beard to recall the
M'Donnell strain. He has his f ath- ture explosion, as every experienced 4 $t. Lawrence Red weight of the best
er's powerful frame without its pecul- ear knew --covered its final tones. sugar and avoids
fatly thick set of bones, land his m.6tb-.The men �on the different levels, gath- DiamondGranulate-dL -trequent trips to the
or's qui&, black eyes.* ering up their tools before. retiring to
•shelter, stood abruptly upright, their s.
Of the two other methbers of the startled eyes sweeping the grey arena,. Sterilize your jars,
"crew" present, one had worked with to remain fixed upon one smoking . . . .1 .
Adam on that far-off afternoon; but spot, through whose thick fumes the thoroughly. dealer Your d e can
Willie Robson has no more -need of figures of running men could be seen supply Red Diamond
artificial, gravity,.. life having, within dispersing with the haste of terror, Then procautloAs -in Coarse Grain, or
these twenty-nine years, furnished their upraised arms shielding their
him with material quite sufficient for heads from the flying slate pieces. prevent the usual Medium, or Me, as
the genuine article. Custom has long As the smoke began to draw away, opus" of fallum
since staled the .charm .of his present two figures became visible upon the you may prefer.
occupation, which consists in loading distant level, both lying upon their
the rough block's upon a truck drawn backs, and neql�er moving.
by a large, patient horse, who cit- Good Rid 41eservas Good Sagar-1et the
"It's Donald Robson's quarry," ran
culates the level fro morning till the excited comment. 127117 LAWRMCE RED CJtAJNU
nights collecting oekmis from QjL DIAMOND F'XTLRAATED
nc No; it's Adam M'Donnell's."
�Orkj t in turn,
the bT
to pass them on pre- I ::Who can say what quarry it is, un.
sently to the miniature engine which SSM in 040W @W" and f6M of MORROW jOO&d PaChar*&
till the smoke's off
-starts for the sheds whenever a suf- I "That's Adam upon his back-" ST. LAV1RlUWZ 311.110" RIPUCCRM LIMITIA -MONTREAL
ficiently long train has been. formed., "No-, it's Duncan."
As for Tim M'Laren, he has as little! 41ythere are two of them!"
need of artificial' jocularity as of any -'r "One"Why,
moving now."
'thing else, havin
p for twenty years Over the edges of the rock -terraces
t slept souncRy upon the Burial the men peered, horror
all -struck. jpzIng I
sand. breathlessly upon the spot Of dangero
The fourth worker in the crew- and 'which might so easily prove to be a' WHAT IS THE WORLD WORTH?
-the youngest of the lot, in busy pre- spot of death.
paring the primitive fuse, a long and,
gout oat straw, which, filled with gun-' Set Up a Pair of Value Scales And'
•CHAPTER 11. Determine Its Real Worth.
rwder.lwas presently to be inserted In the a e bow -windowed room In
the blast -hole. , With the fixing of which aquarter of a century ago John -Men know by measurement the size
Its tail of "Mitch -paper," ready for and Ella M'Donnell had for the first' of the earth; they know by ealcula-
the igniting flame, the work will -be time sHt down at their own hearth 'tion the weight of the earth; but what
accomblished. metals
three persons were earnestly occuplea [ about its worth in possessed
"That's enough powder but it will around a fourth. - There was only I and producible -foodstuffs- ? A wift
-take some squeezing. Where's the one man among them - and of :he wo- 1 calculation w ats
?01 . . III show you th the
I, dresser I men one was obviously a menial, her i earth is worthless. ' The oriental!
Duncan handed a tool to his father. part in the process b4ing confined to
-"Do you know what I'm thinking, banding pins, threading needles; and, in
ind is convinced that- the earth has
father?" giving forth various tones 4juggestive no reality; the Occidental mind, when'
Aye?" of acute bodily pain, which, however, that - mind thinks, known that this i
"That we're fools to give in to the, to Judge from the radiancy of 'her fat earth has no value.
now pnanager's high horse. He knows ;-face, were intended to express delight- For sale, cheap." Such a signboard;
to well as we do that the iron tools j ed admiration.
might be stuck up in the earth any -
are forbidden. Why have none of I Wrapped in a dingy dressing -gown, where,- over mine or in fertile field.'
-it 4
us the at!' to threaten him with the thoigh. with carefully -dressed hair, The earth may have. size and weight, 1
Isw? Mr. Gillies had promised us I juji, M-D,nnell was on her knees but it has no value. The animal'
the steel hammers and bearers; and upon the floor, putting the last
just because this man wants to-make'touches to
- her sister Fenella'i white does not value it; -the angel would!
favor with the compam7, and knows..evening dress. not take it at any price, however
that 'he will do it"best. by saving the (To be continued.) small.
back. They keep their pennies, and In the language of Friedrich!
the promise has been taken
pennies, The value of the world is due to'
we keep the risk. It's infamousl" man. . ---..,. . -
Adam . A -TYPHUS CARRIER. Nietzsche, "Wan is the valuing animal
Adam shook his big head reprov,1 WRMM�� I C
inel . - .1 9 such.", Take away man and you',
lye, Duncan; that's you again. Dread Disease Now Known Z'
to be Car. take away earth's worth. Leave man, I
Always for &6tre*Wg somebody and but extract his human desires, and the'
talking about rights and things, when tied by an Insect. earth is 8 ,wtill a'orthless mass of mere the value of -money.- 'Another -does'irot come in school or by correspond.:
lOu ought to :be thankful, in these The, most deadly and destructive of things. With man gold takes on its not -know the value of knowledge.. Still'ence. You can be, you must be, your
ard days. Just to get along. It's war diseases is typhus, which during color, its preciousness; . with man land another cannot comprehend -the value.own teacher. If you know the R's,
an awful ill thing to grapple with a the present conflict has killed hun-'and land's products begin to have 'of personality.. These, and all the try to learn the V's, the values. Your
manager, I tell ye. k1l find that. dreds of,,thousands of people, notwith- value. itself the earth is worth -'rest of us, too'. must be taught to' own desire in its raw state may mis-
out whets you're in age. And that
" w 44, . . -'lead you- but your desire can be ei
tie, n " looks U to deal with I standing scientific methods employed less. perform tricks, but the trick of valu'
We've worked. with the iron .these lto combat it. Man the valuer, because man has. ing things, ideas, feelings and' the cated.
many years,.and what harm's Come of I Otherwise known as I'minp fever, " wants too be satisfied, desires, to be like is still to be communicated to man, The --'or:th school is the SC1.001 the
"There -is__no.__warLth_In__tbLe_,
It?" it was a frightful scourge during the. fulfilled. . Worth is desirability. The-Lwho-lought to be-Ahe-y-al4i-Rg'-animhl, ---,future..-.
Adam, as he spoke, was placidly Revolution. American captives on animal, the child, the savage have no I The great teachers have been teach - 'earth, but there is worth in the soul.
pressing down the powder into the the British prison ships died of it like'-
special derd2es, hence the earth of such era of values. Buddha sought to Your -brain is'y6ur school of 4.aIues.
ole, pri
-paratory to filling it up with
the dry clay which lay ready. flies. Its record as -a wholesale de. ,creatures is wanting in worth. If change the desires of the hu -man heartJ
. I stroyer goes back to prehistoric times;
After a moment he spoke, cowering- some demon or - angel could persuade: Perhaps he attempted too much, -'Since -'-.Often Read The Name-.
a little closer to the hole. but always it has been especially' as- man that gold was not desirable, gold he tried to have man 'pass from
om valu-I!•
inted with war. -one day
"Duncan, my lad?" would at once lose its value.. in everything to valuing pothing. An English school teacher.
"Yes, 'father." until very recent The business of life does not consist would have man 9'et up a pair to he subject of the geo-
ly, however, took France as t
441-m heavy to -day, Duncan; there's has it come to be known that -the ma in in accumulating things on the outside, jpf value scales and determine which i gTaPhY lesson.
misfortune in the air." I lady owes its distribution solely to an: but values on the Inside. 'Once educa-'had the greater worth, the whole' "In this terrible war," she said, ii
,-The ' re's no need for misfortune, 30, insect, the louse, which, becoming In- I tion had to do with words-; then it be-' world without or the single soul with- "who is our prin6ipal ally?"
long use's are careful," said D
un- fected by t#ing,a sufferer from the, gan to pay attention to things. In' 'France" -came the chorus. 1..
can, a trifle impatiently. "That's an An. Socrates wanted the Greeks to
extra big blAst-bole, mind" fatherllp, disease, communicates it to other per- the future it will concern itself with feel the value of -knowledge. Ibsen Right," said the teacher. "And
"It's not the blast -hole I'm thinking sons -by biting them'. values. Man must be tight on! wished his Norwegians to see the now can any one of -you give me, the
At the present time, in the Euro- which side his bread i1r batt red—that
of—it's Bessie." -The values must name of a town in France.
worth of truth.
"Then it would be better if it were', pean armies, a measure of protection is,
man must learn values. wait for the valuer. somewhere," promptly shouted --one
the blast -hole, father. What's the is gained by obliging the soldiers atl, Such i man, it is said, does not know Take a course' in'values. It need small boy.'
good of worrying over Bessie?"
"You've no heart for your sister, I frequent intervals to submit,.
to chemi-
cal baths, and by systematic disinfec-
Duncan. You heard what the doctor
said. Shell go the way her mother t tiorr of their- clothing with live ste'ars.
did. . And another thing,, Duncan"—
Adam dropped his voice by a tone to Didn't Reognize Dangeir.
add: "The corpse -lights, have been p
seen. The baelk sheep of the family had
Duncan kicked a fragment of slate -first night
-out of the way, perhaps all the more run away to sea. The
vigorously as he was not' as absolute, "oAt'l he was on the lookout and sud-
he'denly. spied three lights—red, green,
unaffected by the final remark as
wished to appear. and white --the port, starboard and
-If worrying over Bessie would do' masthead of an approaching vessel.
-'Every seaman knows that when these
writ* for MY s3snss s3ooYtet
lights are to be seen at the same
ICI—Methree, it means danger,--but-the-black
sheep wasn't a seaman .D 4-
DIAMONDS . "Ahoy" , tWhatre!" hethellatahead yed the offoficer'?on
. 's us "
L_ J. POTTS; 1710 Royal Bank Bldg.
".Don't know," answered the black
TORONTO sheep, calmly. `q think it's a chem- 'From ,Ye Olde Sugar Loafe" of grandmother's clay,
ist's shop�"
to the sparkling"Extra Granulated"
in your own cut-glass
Enough. bowl, Redpath ugar has appeared three times daily, for -pver
"What are animals mamma?" ask -
BUTTER PA PER ed four-year-old Vi;fan, "Oh, any half a century, on thousands of Canadian tables.
Butter Makers, got our 10w prtogs thing that goes on legs, I suppose," "Let Redpath Sweeten it.
pn finest quality Butter P&Ver• replied her mother. "Then my stock-
]BIUTISH WHIG pUEL CO. ings must be animals, -Laren't they, 2 and 5 lb. Cartons—
mamma?", queried Vivian. 20. 20, 50 and 100 lb. Bags.Made in one grade only the highest
5✓ ,y:. .w. ,,,. ,,,; . :,. x_ ..mcy-err ::.e15• - � ":m cs mi,,rm.1
,.. v� .n .macro . •. ,.cvlu°.a <r a =°r - ,..- :•yy,,, J, y." ,xrr ra•> :,,r :p-F•.� - "w• w-.a.. k . sr
w. .. ,..dam` n a'x:a ... •+i 4*e ,M,•Y^ . l ,- :.� tv°+fF•,°+r. •;. 'p?..:. .... :-•,. 1 - :. r*' a•...'F V-,k
Markets of the 'World GERMANS TRAPPED BhJfWEEN? C NAL
- N. 15-MINUTE: ON hONDON Toronto, June�18�-5�itob: wheat== __ AND ItIYER ON BELGIAN FROiT�
- _ No. 1 Northern, $2,78, do., {2.76,
nominal, track.BaJ worts.-•-
t: Manitoba oats No official quota.tlons.
' 1137 Injured in Most Severe Raise# Made Over England by Ger- American corn-No. 3 yellow, {l.ia, Enemy, Caught in- Narrow Triangle Are Retreating With Diffi•
nominal track Toro wto.
Ontario oats-N oftiatai quotations.
man Aircraft-No Damage of Military or Naval Value. Ontario wh at-No. 2 winter, per car cults Over Arelx!of About Eight Square Miles. '
.lot, $2.60 to 2.65: dg.. No. • 6, $2.68 to
- -
$2.88, according to lrevghts outside. - -
Peas-No. 2, nominal, according to a -:
A despatch from London says: Al three of the raiders and considerable freights outside. London, June 17.-The British on to their reinforcement by fresh troops
]squadron of German aeroplanes. raided damage was occasioned. One bomb � to freight outside. nominal. according the Belgian frontier now have the sheuld they try to make a stand. Apa
`London shortly after el ven on tired-' struck a schoolhouse, killing a large Rye-No. 2, $2.eo, nominal, according Prussians penned in - between the parently they have determined Berlin reg
Heade mornin and dr ed thirteen i number: of children and *oilnding to freights outside: ; I River Lye, which Jorma the boundary, tiro at leant beyond the canal. Berlin '
Y g PP hfanitoba Hour-'-' •tet patents, in lute,
bombs. The casusltie i the raid it' scores 'of others. j bags. 13.80; at( patent$,` in uta and the-Ypres-Comines Canal. This, hints at a partial withdrawal In its of, y
is officially announced, umbered 971 In his statement Chancellor Bonar bags, 13,30; sti, ar bakers', in uta with the British line` 4from Hollebeke ficial despatches and the fact that tht
ba,g a $12.90. Toron-to. heaviest o! the enemy's guns no,longf
"killed- and 437 wounded_. Law said twelve to fifteen aeroplanes Ontario Hour-Winter, according to to the 'frontier as the hypothenuse,
- Killed. - crossed the coast of North Foreland I sample, 111,51 to ;11,60, in bags, track ' makes an. irregular triangle pointing er drop shells on the British line 1i
Men ..:..........:.: , . 55 and proceeded across Essex to Lon- Toronto, prompt shipment.
milifee.4-Car Iola delivered Montreal east. The two cissa, along the Lys i corroborative of this auppoaitlon.
Women . . . ...........:. 1Q don. •Two bombs were dropped on 1 Freights, bags included-Bran, per ton, and the Canal, are each about 5 miles British forces east of the Messina
$33; shorts, per ton, $40; tniddlinga. or
Children . .. : 26 North Foreland, and at 11.30 o clock ton, ;44; good feed flour, Der bag, { 'so long, and this portion of. the British' Ridge, according to to-day's reportAh
llajttred. the bombs began to drop in the East to 12.90, line bas a length of seven miles, con- are 'engaging the Prussians at bot$
_..:. Hay-Extra No. E per..ton. 1 '
Men . .. -...223 'End of London. Thirteen bombs 'fell 3. t - o on, i s.00 to
313.60; mixed, per ton, $9 to 121.60, etantiy narrowing and encircling the the north and south angles of"the tri•
`.. Women ........ . ....... . ..122 -in the city. track Toronto. Prussians. angle they occupy, which has an stet
Straw-car lots, per ton, i9, track
Children . ... , ............ 94 The Chancellor said �-ell the anti- Toronto. Military men who know how diffi- of eight or ten square melee. They
No damage of a military or naval aircraft guns defending London were --- cult it is to move large bodies of are astride the Ypres-Coniines Canal °y3.
- - stature was done. The raid over„ the brought into action, and that a large Country >�oduce--wholesale troopi with ,all their impedimenta from Klein Z111ebeke to Hollebeke of
Butter-Creamery solids, per lb„ 863
city lasted about fifteen minutes. The number of aeroplanes went up in put- ! when there ie the slightest body of tke north and are working east front
largest number of casualties occurred: suit of the raiders. Several, engage- to arc; prints, per 16., 8 to otic; dairy, Y Q
g � per lb., a1 to 33c. water to cross will appreciate what an GapAard, on the Bt. Elo!-Lille road,
$n the East End, but the downtown menta occurred in the air, but the eggs-Per dor., 34 to 36c. obstacle the L s and the canal form Alresid they have ushed 'north-saes
business section was also visited b results at resent are uncertain.Itrade�� hotesalers are selling to the r.tail Y Y Pj r
y p t t Freshl dairy choles, a9 to 99c; I to the retirement of the Prussians or and are directly north of Warneton♦
creamery prints, 40 to 41c; solids. 40c.
CHRISTIANS ARE ROYAL FAMILY Dress, hi oulttld, in cartons, ens out GREETM TO HEAT ACREAGE `
of cartons, 40c.
Dressed poultry-SPi'!ng chickens, 60c; w'!
fowl, 24 to 25c: squabs, per dos., 34,00 - - t
to. $4,50; Lurk ye 26 to 20c. =�7 S�V[��IiiiYii`
I`.1ve Dotsltry spring chickens, lb., 40 AMERICAN ��� Ia {ly IS
-FORCED TO FIGHT LEAVE GREECE'! to 45c: hens, lb.. 22 to iso. O
Cheese New large, 24c; twins, 20c:
tripiets, 244c; old, Large, 201c; twins, Germans in Full Control of Tur- a floc; triplets 3oie. --''
Pro-German Politicians and Mill- I Honey-(:cmb-F.xtra fine a" lteavy R��,Foreign Minister States Crop Conditions at the "a of �M
wet ht, per doz.. 12.76; select, 02.60 to
key and Everyone is tart' Leaders Also Must Go. `82.71; No. 2: $2 to $2.26.
f Maple syrup-impeo-W gallon. $1.76. That People Consider War In- May Were Below the &�
BeingMobilized. P evitable and Will Continue It. - Average
A despatch from London 88y9:-It! Potatoes-on track Ontario, per ba , •
Ades despatch from Amsterdam says: has been decided that all the members 84 _5; -Alberta,, ser bag. 14,00i_ F.E.
A era e
pa reds, baR, $4.00.
--An Armenian who has arrived in of the Hellenic Royal family,exec t j [spans-imported, hand-pick■& Of eo to Petrograd, ad, June 17.-"The Russian A des tell from Ottawa says: The
,p $9:50, per bush: L1mJu per ib., 19 to i0c, consider war inevitable and will
Holland from Constantinople gives the the new King, will leave Greece, ac- peopleCensus and Statistics Oidcs has issued
!Telegreaf particulars of the condi- cob anied b the most prominent pro-', continue it. The Russians have no' a imit�ary � the' areal
p P Y i lrewtrfaioar-w nol■rais Prcl
tions in the Turkish Empire. He de- German politicians and military lead- i Smoked meats-Hams, medium so to imperialistic wishes. We know that town to grain crops this Spring, with
icte the administration as wholly ers who form part of the entourage of 31c; do., heavy, 26 to ire; cooked. 41 to you have none. We shall fight to- a report of their condition on May 81, °
[minder German control. While the former kin Constantine. 420: roils. 27 to 8c; bs•eatfast bacon,;
g n +a3 co sec; backs, plain. 3t ca $tc; bone- gather to [acute liberty, freedom and ea compiled !torts Liar returns o1 crap
IMinisters themselves are Ottomans, No. indication has yet reached Lon- Less. 39 co 4oc ' happiness for all the world. I , am correspandents. The reports from the
the rice-Ministers, who real] manage don as to the line of lie Eleutherioa ! r.xrd-Fuse lard, tierce., 171,; tub■. to ray that I do not tee aa''
Y policy 121 - pails, lac: compound. td, tae tub:: ?appy prairie Pro+ituat state that the = C s
the Ministries, are' Germans. Turkish L'enizetos intends to adopt regarding 21 c, tubs. lilt; mail,. 12c. moral idea or !actor between America Spm there is very backward. and
f Cured bests clear
bn� clear to 21e,, tt to and Russia divide us. The twa g q y
inscriptions have been removed from Life change in sovereignty in Greece, ' 15jc per 1b, olear be ie■, 34 co i:e, acedia is can ueotl late. At the
the olfgcoo of the Ministrit9 and re-' but .be already has declared that 'at _ peoples-Russia Aghting tyranny and end of May severe frosts cut down :
4_ placed with notices in German. the end of the war he intended to uoatsw ataesat■ Asiatics standing an the oldest demo- I the grvRirt` seat plant; but sapid
The Germane have in short stab- leave to a Greek national convention Montreal. June if-Oats-Canadian ;eracy-band in hand will show the recovery was anti4 abs. Rain was -i
Nio•estern, No. 2, Talc; do. No. i. 17c,
%bed themselves as master s of Tur- a revision of the constitution which; extra No. 1 feed, Trc. issa'le�r-star• way to happiness to nations great and needed for the gal minatian of the 7
;key, An espionage service under would aid in depriving the sovereign feed 31.20. ' flour-clan Swre wheat small." later sown crops and of wheat sown
�} atents, firsts. •ill 9e, do. seMnds•
t' erman supervision b at work in Con_ of the possibility of again interfering 13,40, strong bakery rlts3 Winter There ringing words, expressing the '
stantino - . stun families es e- with the wishes of fire people as ex aterits. choice. 318.'6: stral t rollers. ! ton stubble, p;
pe p Is Iowa de of the Russian Government It b estimated from the reports at
iciall are ted upon. Everyone is 13 co s1s $0. dc. b s {s 3 to ie.4o
y p po ry .. preened by their representatives . in Rolled oats-14 tis, 00 9e les I toward America and the American �,�Qdents that the total area
-being mobilized-men, children and Parliament. I $4 36. Bran, $34 aborts. ittd mission, headed by Elihu Root, were sown to wheat for 1917 is 1f.d60,M
' lingo, $42 to 844. Moulilie. 844 to 1
even one-eyed men and mets without Former King Constantine left !Lay-No 3, per ton, car lata. $1i toi voiced to-night by Mr, Tereschtenko, acres, as compared with 14,W,000
fingers. Enver Pasha has summon- Athens on Thursday to embark on i SLS,60. Cheese-Finest weeHrns itfe:
ge I Minister of. Foreign Affairs, respond- acres, the #tea soma. and with 12, A,
Anent eastern, 21 c. Buttes•--t'� cut t ?;
_ od to the colors all men under 51, In- British warship. Constantine was ac-' creamers: sa co �3c, seconds. s!� 4o ! Ing for tike Council of Ministers to Mr. -904,600 acres, the area hatr*evW in i.
eluding members of the Christian companied by the former queen and ' asc, Eggs---Welected 40c. :to. 1 stock. !Root's address of sympathy-and good- 1916. Thus, the area sawn this year, IX
i 31c: No 2 stock, 84 to A0tatoer- i 4,
population. This action was taken clown prince and other members of the i Per bag, car tots, $4.26 toil itrf will on the part of fisc American Gov- whilst nearly 10 per coat, less than A
after the visit of Prince Waldemar o! : family. They left the cit by motor . - the area soca for 1910, is abvtit tour"
y. y erament. - ��
Prussia, who in October brought a car. Prof. GorQios .Streit, .l�tmer i vrism"s t3{� r r The American Ambassador, David per cent. more tkan the area hu-
marshal's baton to the Sultan in .the ' adviser of. the Greek Foreign Office, «innlppg, Jun*. 18-�yiht� cartons- R. Prancts, presented tate Boot mis- -
heat-No 1 Northern {i d9 No. ' vetted for 1918 In arriving a� these t
Kaiser's name and pressed on the went with Constantine as his secre- Northern. 41.63; No. / !ierthd@u r2 se: Sion to the Ministers in the Marinsiiy flawee revised returas of the census
Sultan the enactment of this law, i tary. \o, 4.';z 47 No 6, it ts. d4. b 01 tr; Palace, explaining that the mission of 1916 have been Included for Kani- tilt
Christians in Turkey were dispensed! feed, $1 39. Oats-Nn. 2 c.tv.. 48 No.
from military service for the _whole' a C w,• 67 Re; extra No 1 feed, t711c' .1; had come to Russia to discover how ! tpi,a; for Saskatchewan and Alberta
1 [ ed, 66ic; No. i feed, /8ia 9arlap- 1
ZEPPELIN DROPS 3• $1.80; No 4 $1.33; re voted, America can best co-operate with its similar revisions have not yet been
period of the war under a law* Passed 31 9 feed. $1 09. Flax-No 1 Ni w C. ally in forwarding the tight agalnsf completed. As compared with the
Foshan hostilities began on condition Sl. s; No. 2 C.w,,.;2.ali; tio..3 a, w., the common enemy. The presentation'areaa sown for 2918, the rtettlrns this
that they paid £45. A year ago sz 69. -
was ter informal, only a few Russian I year indicate aalaIl increases uncles � I,
Christians were made pap an addition_ li N IN FLAMES United` a�ws isa,,Y1, officials and_ the members of the wheat in each of the Atlaatic pro- y1
W Lt80. Having that pats £^5 exemp- Minnespolls, June lea-U-heat--Jury, American Embassy attending. M. evinces and in British Columbia -and
tion, the Christians are now compelled $ 65; September, 11 96J. casR o. 1 litierenak the
:.:.to serve. Two Persons Killed and Sixteen hard, $s 20 to $3.25. No. s Northers y' Youthful Minister of an iiscresae of 25.000 acres is Quebec;
_ 13 le to $5.15; No: 2 Northern. $1 o$ to War just hack from the front, wore but for each of the remaining pro-
S3 in Air Raid on South- 's
s8.10, Corn-No. $ yellow. ! 1.661 co ! the l kaki blouse of a common soldier. I vinces decreases are reported to the
SUCCESS OF U. Se $L .1-lour-Fancy
Oats-tio. a white i to bre -
Flour-Fancy p¢ten■, $15.50, not creat■, --�'-- - extent of 154,000 acres to Ontario,
East Coast of .England. 313 50. others unchanged: Bran. 121:00 GERNIANS STRIP WARSHIPS A
1254,000 acres in Manitoba, 927,000
Ito 3.-.60.
t . �N London, •June 17..-Two persons Duluth. June 19-wheat-N.,, 1 hard, AND TAKEGUNS TO THE FRONT. ; acres in- Saskatchewan and 1 8AN
_UB LO!'11' were killed and sixteen injured in an i1 0l nominai' Na. t Northern, it,00, titres in Alberta:
nominal:' Nu. 2 Northern. $2 36, nominal: Paris, June 17.-Artillerymen taken l
air raid by two Zeppelins over the Jury, $2,63, nomlpai. Linseed-37.14;
east.: and south-east coast of England rave stock Markets prisoners recently say that many long
.'1Expected To, Go Well Beyond; early Sunday morning. One Zeppelin (Vctobei', ;2:ao. range guns now being used by the RUSSIA DECLINES 4
the $2,000,000,000 Marl[ was brought down in flames, all of her i Toronto. June -1941-hoice heat p steers, Gena-have been taken from. war- "' ,«
crew, perishing. slt.35 to $11.15: good heavy acres♦ iii ]ships. One prisoner said his guns :
A despatch from Washington says: tr ill. t5; butchers' castle, choice: 010.90
_ A despatch from an sat coast town to $11.25; do., gond, $10,66 to ;10.86; do., I "['ere taken from the Kaiser Barba- Council ofWorkmen's and SoWierrf, y '
Liberty Loan campaign entered : gays that thousands • of -persons wit- medium, $9,60 to $10; dn., comiroon, $8.26 ; rossa, while many others were from Delegates Refuses Austria's Offer. x .
the home stretch on Thursday with nessed the destruction of the Zeppe- to $Q 95: v shoal buil les. a ie tio 610 o i the same class of vessels. The feel-'J
every indication that the tremendous lin. The attack by anti-aircraft guns do., medlum bullA, $8 to $6x91; do„ rouge ing between the German infantry and ! Petrograd, June 17.-A stirring
thirtieth day drive throughout the na- on the dirigible tasted fully half an-,bull , $4 to
116. eo„ stood erg cows. i8.:choice, artillery is becoming more intense, Proclamation placing the Council of
-'tion would result in getting well be hour, and people issued from their i medium, $s to isso: stockers, 37.60 to :and there is general complaint of in- Workmen a arui Soldiers Delegates on
sons the $2,000,000,000 goal. houses half-dressed to watch the $5,50; feeders, taxis to $9,73; canners sufficient Runs. record as irrevocably opposed to a
From coast to coast the story that ,znd cutters. $5.50 to $6.60; milker■, good j 4! separate peace was adopted to-day by
avant. When the black object drift- lin choice, $Ro to $110; do., coin, and
poured- in to the treasury all 'day was-' ins across. the sky from the south- i mea„ each. $40 to $s0; eprtnger■. $is 120 CHILD VICTIMS the council.' The prociaaastion was
the same, a story of whirlwind finish. to 1110; light ds•es, ;6.:0 to $r.so: I OF GERMAN AIRMEN.' prompted by Austrian efforts to lure
east to the north-east was seen to sheev, hoavY, $1 to $8: yearltagri, 811,60
--Telegrams told of tolling bells and Ito ]Russia-.into a separate peace and ex-'
burst in flames the artectators cheer-, $12.60: calves, good to choice, iia to
shrieking whistles across the continent • ed tumultuous! Pedestrians and ¢15; z Pring lambs, each. tic to 184c: I A despatch from..•London says: Sir ; horts Russians to "rally around the,
[narking the last day of the campaign; S lambs. ehotce, $15 to 816; do., medium, 1 banner of revolution and increase the
of . redoubled efforts by the many cyclists dashed off in thb direction of vet' hedg , fed ta d watered, ✓]15,50 •: da,; George Cave, �3otne Secretary, an- ! E
the #ellen airrhi £ pounced in the House of. Commons energy of the military power for the
sgep, but owing to the .q t a. , 5; „
cessnCl of enthusiasmes at work ateits loan's highest' unexpectedly long distance few suc- st `roilyearling June
ilamhs, 19-Sheer' io 8 i1E ties, in elatest Wednesdaports of sir saltie casual
showed defence of freedom
itch, of long Gaiting lines of sub-' ceeded in locating the Zeppelin, which!" lambs, E to sin; ealtes, $1 co -
fell few miles from the coast. It 512;, select hogs. 115.15 to $16:.5, that 104 persons lead been killed and 'itae radishes once in a while ass
scribers in thousands of banks in every; 16d seriously and tib slightly T_state of the Union. had been first winged by a land ein,' { -- R y injured. relish and the familywill a !
and was then finished by an aeroplane, : BRii 1 ISH -CAPTURE
Altogether, he said, 120 children were : it PPreciate.
$[USS TO PUNISH + vthich the Zeppelin fought to the last killed or injured.
with her ns. "
The dirigible dropped in a field of FORT AT RED SEA ANOTHER BIG BRITISH SUCCESS
A despatch from Petrograd says:.corn, corn, ,far from any habitation, and
L was complete! n
The Provisional Government, has is. y destroyed. All the"
suss a decree declaring all acts of crew were killed and their bodies bad- Turks Driven Back in AdvanceN BOTH EXTREMES OF 'FRONT
'-military disorder to be insubordiaft. , y charred. Some of the file appear From Gulf Of Aden. _-_ - " ` - -
[tion, including refusal to fight, and ed ,to have jumped from the doomed:.
use incitement to fight against the airship. Doctors hurried to the spot, A despatch from London says:-
overnment. Such acts, says the de-; but their services *were needless. Fort Saliff, on the east share of the Gen. Haig Captures Further Positions on Hindenburg Line
ee, are punishable by long sentences ! -'�' Red Sea, has been captured by British Northwest oI Bullecourt-Ads anees on 7-Mile Front
servitude 'in the penitentiary and MR. S,%NDFORD EVANS Warships, it was officially announced
t @ deprivation o rig is to property,-! ere ay evening. South and East of Messinee -�
* a1�d also the right to• receive land un- Fort Saliff is on Kamaran Bay, in
+ _lies the coming land redistribution. A despatch from Ottawa says: W. Yemen province, south-western Ara-
Sandford Evans, chairman of the bra.-`Large rock salt works are locat- A despatch from Londcn says:-earlier on Friday. They gained all
WILL MAKE ATHENS i Georgian Bay Canal Commission, has ed there. The British forces on Friday delivered. their objectives, advancing south and t
N%rHOLLY VEN IZELIST.1 been requested to accept the position The captured fort lies about 176 ' ekst of- Messines and -Astride the
_ 4 an attack upon and captured further-'
i of food controller for Canada during miles north of the Gulf of Aden, A I Ypres-Cemines Canal.
A.despatch from Salonica sa .9: Its the war. The Order-in-Council de- portigna of the Hindassivrg line notch- The British new occupy the former
y � i force of Turks to firs north of Alert ,. PY
�q dxpected 'that the Venizelist Gov-: ming the duties and powers of con- has been long in the way at the British ve•:t of Bullecourt, titl1i dta the resist- frsnt trencher of the Germans from
rnment Fill soon be trans{erred to troller has been submitted to Mr. in attempts they have mads to ad- nnc•e of thc� Germans. vthi suffered the River Lys to the River 1Vatnave.
thens and will convoke the Chamber Evans, who will make any recommend- ]'vane from that city. The purpose ket,vy lorises, acc,n-di.rc to tl;e official As a result of, Thursday Right's oper-
Jo oiler-
JDeputies, elected in May, 1915,1 ations he considers necessary ,to en- of the seizure of Fort Salify may be in ,,,mrnun�cptinn on Pridiay night.; ations and the constant pressure ex•
hich the follower? of former Pre- ,,ire success to this proposal to regu- facilitation of a movement to work in I The British struck a-[other hlow erted, the British have advanced their,
4 I Thursday night on itis front near linea from 500 to 1 000 yards on a
¢ler Venizelos maintained was dis- late prices and distribution of food behind this force and capture or dis- I g
Solved illegally by King Constantine. supplisa. verse it. Mosaines, the War O[ice announced' front of seven miles,
__ , —. - "a:--� -, v --- 1- . ..,� , . , ., - --- " . . . . T , . .
embassy -as a -Stenographer, where CARD OF THANKS'
she had- ample opportunity of IF ITS t%"%QdCAEL;dRIES
J�aingatilixOfillas learning many a' Gerw&n-_6e;cr4t._ We wish to thank our many friends
2 d neigh bors"f 6—r-1-h—eir sympathy m path y and
r.7 On this particular occasion Von kindness shov[n us during the last ill- FRUITS- or
Papen started a flirtaition with neas iLad the dimda of our mother. Mrs.
-1.60 Par y The Stewart.
"F.; 11.25 if paid in bdv64"-_ the pretty stenographer, Signed on behalf of the family.
young lady in a playful tuood, got MRs. JOHNSTON. 0
ON MURKAR, Proprietor. a red pencil and drew the picture
of two hearts on the lid of 'a BOTH -PHONES-
NOT1194 AND QQNlM9NT4 containing' many '' confidential
P peii to be sent to Germany. EXCURSIONS w--w,e- 'are, loading u
a Just no' _p every, day with Tomato Plants and 11
Th Von Papen completed. the -pictlAre kinds of Flower Bedding Plants'. lGc. AL BOX.
The newspapers of Canada have
.,..made It clear to the powers that by drawing the picture of an
be that thisi country resents the arrow through the two hearts.
act h Government n as unsuspec PINEAPPLE TIME
ton of the
eImperialGove' ment Poor Von Pape" w
'I hat-he'was You won't get Pines Now.. Get pour or.Aerin
0 Imposi . ng heveditary, . titles u -'o- inn. He did not know t any cheaper than Right_
p n -"at once —they are gotag -to be higher. 30s are 15c., 249 are 17c.
.7.1his country. . Among those who a willing victim to the enaresset
recently received birthday honors by'tbe, pretty- young girl. _TbLe pic-
ture was- drawn. on the box' My fth New Potatoes, -Cucumbers, New Carrots, New Wax Beans,
from King George was Sir -Joseph ture t
TO OCTOBER 30th New Beets, Ripe Tomatoes, Rhubfirb.
..i:rlaVelle, of Torobto,' who was was the identification mark where- Avery
by the authorities were enabled
hinds &'bAronet, a title-whi.-h will You cannot equal our Groceries for quality and' f re freshness. We . don't
remain im_his fami.lyfor. ages to to pick out the box froth hundreds TU E S D A Y
keep groceries, we sell them. . Try us with your next --order.
come. No one will doubt that this Of others stored ii2 the hold of a "ALL RAIL" - also by
•honored gentleman has done ►much vessel, and which contained Ger- 'MUMDArS STEAMER -'for the Empire in thin great crisis man secrets which were among the JASs-' RICHARDSON
"great Lakes Routes"
'in her history, but there are hun. other evidences of unneutrality
-dreds of others whose sacrificeswhich led to the rupture- between
countries. Many other Future ID Is lit On Wed
7h&vd been greater than his. What the twofortile preirlse hm out i
he has given of his millions will instances similar to this were 01z an the rnep. Thpreview ll
ly be felt by him, although described. The result of the .neve- 6 thouser4a of acres walting for On roan
scarce OW waft a =1=000"or
he has been most generous of his lations made by the Providence
wealth and time. But when the -Journal was that every German Canedlan Paelfle Cattle Stanchions, Hay. Carriers, Litter
war is ever he will still be a man official in the United States had to W. J3. HOWARD,
of wealth. There are hundreds of leave the country or be'impriil . On- District Passenger Agent, - TorontoCarriers, Water Bowls and other Barn
young man who have given up ed- We condemn Germany for
good positions . and 'Promising having such a spy system, but it In Unity there is Strength and Stable Fixtures are Unequalled,
7. 7
careers- in order that they might must not be forgotten that Britain They are complete in every particular
Their durability is unsurpassed
assist the Empire in her time of and the United StateS have also a There to a great movement , at pres.
system of espionage 'Which is more titfoico-operatiou among the farm- Ou`
peri], who will codie back unable :rs of Ontario and every farmer is y contemplate renovating your 3tables* or putting in Hay or
to follow up their chosen career, effective than that of Germany.
invited to Join the good 'k. Litter Carriers, CONSULT U
and who will have to begin life Attend the meetings of the U. S. 0.
.._Anew, with prospeclp far from -Xiew Club and become better acquainted Particulars Cheerful] Given J- R. THEXTON
cheering. We.donot wish tosay with ybur neighbor sad mutual re- Ind. Phone Pickering, Ont.
NEED BUCKWHEAT spect and eatifidence will develop.
that Sir Joseph Flavelle should FOA SALE
S — Hilver B1211 vaosty, 'James H.X 4. Attend the next''Weeting. Wednes- T 9
not be honored by the , KiU0, 21H.Nol.pick.ering, Ind.pbone 702 w1ye -day, June 20th, and leave your orders
but It is entirely- contrary to . for soft coal and binder twice.
SALE—One 5 ft. Deering mow -
.6. democratic principles to have this FoerR Has out only about 40 acrow -W 11 be
-honor transferred to his descents- sold cheap, w Brown. box 544. Oshawa %41 United Fa'rme_rs` STANDARD -.BANK
ants for generations to come. His (jALVANTSED PIPING WANTED :01r CANADA
great grand -children way be un WU—Abow 20DO feet of Inab galvanized piping Club, Pickering.- 'roftoN"
take a Isais quantity it offered. For pant.
w 'zws Officz 3940 HORSE REGISTER. worthy of honor by thigir f ello culan apply at the
'country -men, best by the doiiffFr- PONY FOR SALE—Thoroughiy re-
liable. suitable for women or children to -Money Orders and Drafts are
ribg of this title, we are obliged drive. For sale cheap. S. Walker, Lot 7. Con. Filvag's Coot rtship —(Imp), "14115,11,
!to honor them in a m anner befit- 1. Pickering, R R No, 1, Claremont (14-,22). Clydesdale, proporty of Oscar
Wilsbo. Broilgham. will make season of issued by this Bank payable in
ting that title. .The King,.hovv. ET LOST—A round gold lock- 1917 @.a tallows , Monday leaves bits own
ever, honors only those who are Lo,,c.K,,,, setting and gold &&Lu, at
White Cbuzeb servicesion Sunday, June 2M stoblefor GCow ,n'snight. Tuesday.
e lodimended foe honors by the riuder please leave same at this o2ce. D. 3dunro a,'b9se line, nig t; We Inesday ts?s all parts of the world. '1234
R. Fu krin's, Audi, y, night; Thursday,
Dominion Government. The lat-
-the e 'NIAN WANTED—To work on farm W. 111d,14ston's, oTeecaroo-i, noon; R.
ter slidurd know views of the for lb"umnier months. For particulars Nattall's, con. 7. night; Friday, A. Mat.
Poll at 0 9 Union's farm, bass line. Picker• thAWs, con, 7, night;R. W. GORDON, Manacer. Brach 960 at Whitby.
Canadian people in mat _ Saturday. own
hadian peo matters. Los, r address him B R No 2. Pickering
We do not want a titled arist(i. — -------
•IDIGS FOR SALE—One pair of Etern rd Darriley—(impJ, :0609,
cracy, established in this country. JL_ suckers and twenty from 30.tolM pounds, (13461). Clydesda!e, pr y rty of Robt.
Liao tiresyoung rood SoWl, and a heavy [arm - Dafoi Green River, *111 Make the a
If a man has to be honored let him horse for sale. VT Love, R.R- No, I. Pickering, COAL and GRAIN
!,d..Plouo L410 W -M Order. your Butter
be honored on his 'own merits, son of 1917 as follows : Mond.y, le&'Vfo
his own ots%)Ie for W. H. Major's White
and not on what some of his an- valq 000al• Broi gham hotel. night: Tues.
cestors have- done. , A few weeks _.S E E D 49 -day, W. 1, McDonald's Brock. noon, - S. Paper, Bills, Har'd,*and - soft -Coal of the best
Bath's. Pickering, night: Wedneday, Liv
ago there was a large gathering of quality on hand.
AWke, Red Clover. � Timothy and all erpool.inoon and night; Thursday, J bar.
nee, Cbs, ry-wood. nogn. P. B. Rc6sor's, Highest price paid for Barley,
public men at Washington, at kinds of seeds. Stationety, Ete.'
which there were representatives We a" in the market and are pripar- con 5, Scarbom night, Friday, H. C.
-pay the highest -market prices. Ressor's, Cedar Grove, noon, own stable Rye and Buckwheat delivered
from France, Britain, the . United ed to night. Saturday, J. Hood's, cou. 10, offie at Spink': Mill.
States and Canada, and of these " The best equipped cleaning wills - 31arkharb, noon, own stable night. at the at
in the country. with . Pickering Station Coal Ca.
the those from Canada. . These were us before. selling.
only ones with titles were Send ps nam lea, or communicateMmwreiffe Alblon—, (imp), [12800-1.
(16380), Clydesdale, property of i Vipond
ElrOOklit, will tallike thof season of 1917,
Viviani from France, Balfour from Take advantage of the beit Seed Mark- as tallows Monday, leaves his own
eta In the world.
stab's for J. Corner's, Kinsale, noon, E
England,- Wilson- of the United
Bell or Independent phone. Vinstone's Andl@y, night, Tmsd.y,
States, and the noble' array of pro;�pt, efficienjand rellable service Bryant'., non 8. Ficke
+ . ., — . . ringnoon, Liyer.
;' Hussite 'from� Canada with her ' in handling eeds guaranteed. 1118 afternoon, W. I
ruler's, Pickering, night; Thursday, W
Lidgettle, babolizie noon, Bandel's hotel :7
.7,6M." of popul!%t on. Does this. J. H. DlOWNISY 00 Id PANY I
Wh toy, night; Friday, J Bonnetta's,
elbow that Canada has a weakness WHITBY. ONTARIO
for titles ? Canada is democmtici noon, G. Roeson's, con 3, East Whitby,
night; Satardav, own otablo.
but let het be democratic in every
",Pd RIgre"C. 1413 Ci- N. R.—Standrespect.ucai &gout wantea istallion,-theA N T,E D i
ard:bred trotting roperty
of Tbos. Maddaford, ek g, will
Felt -make the rossaa of 19IT as follows Horses -
have heard a great deal
Monday leaves big own stable, F Madds, H
about the Gerinan soy iyetem and _P 10 K E R I N G ford's, Kingston road, for Bandel's hotel
Whitby, noon; J Viporld's, Brooklin for
how It permeated every civilized
AND DISTRICT night. T G Ward's, Utica, noon;
bransionceallay, 1850 pounds
country in the world. - The - Ger, Houle, Uxbridge, uigki. Wed Ages 6 to 9 years, height 15.2 to 16 hands, weight 1200 to
To sell for nesday. rhinos to Temperance hotel,
Anan spy prided -himself upon his and 1500 pounds and stand 18.1 hands
cleverness. But thole who -heard "THE OLD RELIABLEGoodwood hotel -night- ThursdayBrougham hotel, noon; W H Banks' COLORS—Any except light grey, white or light buckskin
Pickering, night. Friday, to his own All horses
the Press Association in the Tech-
-John Rathom at the meeting of .FON_
. ZRILL NURSERIES'! stable until hionday'm6rning. must be sound, of good conformation free from blemishes
Aldorf;—crani trotting bred stallion, and broken to harness or saddle
nical School, Toronto, last Thurs- Splendid list of Stock for Fall property of H 9 Pugh, Glen Major, will
day night, were firmly convinced planting, 1917, and make the season of 1917 as follows': Horsis will be inspected at fort Perry, July nth, 12 noon
the Teuton* does not ha,�e a
that Spring plaotlog,, 1918, Wednesday, leaves hit own stable -for
Mktaion 1fouse, Uxbridge, might. Thar@
monopoly in cleverness in t1fe spyr
including ni'any newyar'letie�s day, N'U hartl.s Brooklin, moo Ban.
business. No detective story ever which we alone control,, 7
del's note], Whitby, might. noon; Friday,
written w' Pickering, noon, H IPugb's Wbitevals, Pickering Hardware Store I
as ever more thrilling Ix
"s - - night. Saturday, 'Greenwood, noon;
'than the story by the edi. fiend for leir iliust
rated Catalogue, tbance'to own 'stable where he will re- the only place,in town to buy.
also Agent's Proposition; Hand. ma;n U13til the following Wednesday.
.3orof the Providence Journal on some freeoutfit, Exclus-.- -Bette Boy* r8524]- 1(140t8)—Iic�portod
that . evening.
g. Every movement iver Territory. 'The Clark Jewel. Oil -Stoves and Ovens
Clydesdale, the property of Nelson
made by the representatives of
LIBERAL COMMISSION 'Fagg, of Ciareniant, will make the sea-
GermanyandAustria in the vilit--
eon of 191-7 -ar follows:-- Monday will They. are manufactured by the Wm. Buck Stove Co. of Brantford
ed States was known to MrRa
STONE and WELLINGTON, leave his own stable for Jess Davis', -of They are guaranteed to give s%tisfa6tion. Your money
Glasgow, noon; thence to Goodwood un --money back if they -don't satisfy.
The Foothill Nurseries. -or
—- and of able assistants, SLITueslay aftornogn. .%ruesdayaft
(Established W noon own stable night; Wednesday to
every poffi.*t, the- self-satisfied The Old Reliable "Sherwin-Williami Paints" and Varnishes. Drop_
ONTARIO F. Banker's, eon. 7, 11okering noon in and get a color card. Look—Try "Marnot"
German was out -witted by the TORONTO, _Brousbsci hotel, night. Thursday,
Harbron Bros. Kinsale! coon: Irvine for your. floors and linoleums.
sharp Americans. For about an
Tenders Wanted- McAvoy's- con. L& -Pickering, night.
hour the large audience was listen. Fri say, W, E, Appleby'@,, cop 8, noon, 72 -
Ashburn hotel, night Satuiday, Reuben -1.000
.-Ing spell -bound to the interesting Sealed Tenders will be received by Besse's, Balsam, noon; thence to hill Try it. bon'iwant'yqur money unless' your satisfied.
rativ June narrative. None was more amu?- the undersigned up to Saturday, J own stable until Monday morning.
ins than the story of Von Papen 80tb, for the coutract of putting metal
ceiling on the Brock Road school. Royal Salitte—Choicely bred regia The
Th u ht RANG
and the lady stenographer, who Those wishing to tender are hereby teredjHackneT (winner of thefirst mine it.
Markham several years previously come requested to meet the School Board at ize-st MarkhaFair in 1916 defeat .,Come in and exa
the school house at 4 o'clock, P. m.. Era' the f &mono imported hackney pony,
In from her farm home to the on Monday, June 25th, for the purpose Whisegste Pimple.), the _property of E. R TWINNE—Plymouth Cord—Cash prices 050 feet, 10 cents
office of the Providence Journal. of receiving plans and pecifications. A. Percy, lot 27, con. 6, Pickering, will BINDER
ted The lowest or any a 917 at his own lb.; 600 feet, 18 cents lb ; 500 feet, 17f cents 1b.
Bathom's t tender not nesse- mate the season of 1
She was one of eerily accepted. stable. ArraziRemoots maybe made to
41M eat, t
_ 11!L.11ft ., .
J !tL0 A,
ge ._J.FLr,&T=.2,aL
. "�:":Y.:.'4v5 ��s.• - "..avm,G+.^r✓a-'°a,.R. :. :•• •�E�s.y.''^,+.-.�ra.-. ,rte:-�+%-�ns:s+'xr?.r_:..n.r..^',M.,'.:r .L;-,PVTe_ ..1?'7w�.sT
't.;:.r ,jf�-:•`+zro+��,•
4t 7 -
art I CLARZMONT �tM111t1/Rltt �)L1L1 1t===Ist>t=iit><E sii�
Mrs. W. S. Cook; of Toronto, ie This is tivhat you have been w.
- E. W. and Mra- Evans, of Whit- visiting her father, Geo. Cooper, looking for.:
for a few daye� N 'BANK
Sunday with Dire. Wm. Robt. and Mra. Worth o! SQO'piairsof Hsme Boots=Taadlea E 0 N'
Evans, y Gent e, Boys and Girls —to THF
its mMiss SIoan,' of'Peterboro, -spent Brampton, visited with thelatter's sell at prices which pre.'
.Sunday here with her sister, Mrs, parentR, Thos. and Mrs. {Iibbone, --. vailed before the 1Psid�,e g��ppprpQp =-x
S. F. Robbins. one day last week. war began: _ _ ,
Wm. Ormerod and John .Fleam• • Mrs. McKay, of Toronto. _spent S
the week -end here with her sister, -but
a will not permit quotations, set
_ ling spent over Sunday with -bot a' call will convince you and t >�� � this >sanitc ase assaed � >mri�t aervicw
-:friends in Scarboro.
Mrs. A. W. McNay, and with her
prove a money saver. •
Hugh Gregg sr. ie re -shingling brother, Ira Boyer. _ •A GSNERAL�ANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED
his residence which is, at present, Mrs. Anderson, of 'Toronto, Is Sale commences on. Saturday,
occupied by W. G.. Scott. vieiting Mrs. Joshua Bundy dur- March the 31sT. � _ ; _,• - _ __ _ _ R �.
ing the absence of the lattes's , E,
Lyman and Mrs. Pilk�y and J. WHITBY BRANCH: S. D. TERRY, Manager. i •s
H. and hire. Beal spent Sunday niece, Miss Sehnurr. J'y ;/— / N Q O L D tt ■
with friends in Pickering, firs. Walker and daughter, Miss NORTH CLAREM0NT=ana=>.><•>r>ra=■tta>Y>tix>atialr■='n=atir<stitianita>.aaiaia■=nnnnn
Mr. and Mrs. Comba, of Toronto, Harriet, -of Uxbridge, were in the ;rv„F
spent Sunday here with the lat- village on Monday when they R.
ter's mother, Mrs. McKay. called upon friends. The Fruit Store -� :yz
Harry Porter and Wid. Miller . Mrs. AlbertRaw?on; of Toronto, HAS THE QUALITY
visited the former's brother near was dere one day last week visit- .Th V :Hat Weathor �"�
"Port Perry on Sunday last. ing her father, George Cooper, -' - -,
-week or two with D. P. and Mrs. p has been tables and Fruits always g
. r•
Mrs. P. hlacnab is spending, a who is in poor health. Choice variety of Spring Ve e-
Eli Shirk, of Hamilton, � coming
Macfarlane, of Cannington.' spending a few days here with his on hand,
•s mn
Miss. Adell Schaurr is visiting brother, T. P. Shirk, and other
.Special orders taken for end
her parents, J. and Mrs. Schnurr, relatives and friends in this local -
of week requirements.
-of Mildmay,- for a few days. ity. q
Luther Bowes, of Peterboro, An interesting event took lace Ice Cream Parlor now -open where You will need one of the latest- and most up-to-date All
spent Saturday here with his on Wedneada evening at the we will be pleased to serve
another, Mrs. Joseph Readman.
p home of T. an Mrs. Benne, of the NEILSON'S ICE CREAM '04 L S T O V E S t'
Walter and Mrs. Weir, of Prince
' Albert, and George and Mrs. Smith 5thconcession of Uxbridge, when Plain,. is cones, sundaes or in
-"of Five Points, visited with Mor• their daughter, Ada, was united Ice-cream. sodas—always good,' _
,Pugh on Sunday in marriage to Mr. hiagime eMor•
',gen and Mrs. Ttat are On the market. rt
_ last. gen, son of Geo. and Mrs. Morgan. H. J. MARQUIS'
The ceremany was performed by `C
Morgan Pugh was oonflned to ftev. A. McLellan beneath a bank
hie bed a few days last week ��S •t Onttltrcio It will pay you to see it and make' comparisorle
of ferns and in the presence,of the #
threatened with an attack of ap- ,.
irendicitis- We are pleased to re- immediate relatives. - The happy n �t before busing. - -
port that, he is now improving couple, who are very po alar in PICSERIN� S��iil�� -
uicely. the community, and both' mem-
bars of Erskine church choir, left Come and see them at �"°
The citizens of Claremont rr.i on the evening train for a month's
juice in the improvement made in Mourn through the western pro-
-the health of their esteemed winces, followed by the beet wishes= a
townsman, Mr. George Cooper. of a host offS A R CA E N � S -
'We are hoping for his complete CHASs.-
:.restoration to health.
A meeting of the Library BoardCLARE MONT, Ont.
will be held in the library room
- = k
-•-next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, Send tho Summer. /OE-ORE'AM 1
;for the purpose of selecting books a
and appointing a delegate to the Zonths Constantly on hand, also •
.'Library institute meeting to be - soft drinks on ice. s e oofwear r
held in Linden in the earl art BREAD, BUNS and CAKES ;a�TSpring;.
''sof Jul y y p f'�I a - Patteraon's Chocolates.' - - •
July. r,. Our Stock is Complete
Mra. J. R. Real and Airs.. Ed, � f / /f i G� _ -
Gibaon attended the W. M. S. ✓ t-. 'Huth phones in shop.
Branch meeting held at Bowman- T02ONT0. ONT. -
ville on Tuesday, Wednesday and H. R. Monney. Pickerin Nall -and see the new style of Footwear for Spring.
Thursday of last week. Mrs. Gib- Cor. Yonne and Charles Its.`
-- son made herself a life member .of It will pay you well. Great den Our Every Day Shoes are made of solid leather and guaranteed. :aT
the society. Mrs. Real was elect- mend for our graduates. We were i.
branch. The report a most ex- ached t� fill 40 positions t to two ; ow Be
ed . 2nd vice-president of the p eat
months and $#0 during two other -
They months. Do- not delay. Enter - Peels Shoes Give Satisfaction. ll Phone 151. -
ceilent branch meeting. now. Large Catalogue mailed on
Some little exciternetit was request. Colla a open- all year. J
on ?
caused on our streets on Tuesday Strictly First -Claes in every De- 'Je E L i'
g L'. of last week when a horse belong• partment.
Ing to Fred Bunker became fright- - WHITBY, ONT,
eued and started down the road
W. J. Elliott, Principal.
at x furious rate. It nearly reach• pt all tock. It will ay and you
ed its home on the seventh con- kept in noott. It will pal Ton P7
cession before it slackened speed TIME TdBLE=Pistie Ina
a Station O: a ob11 at our prime.
azd Don't
d bl � ATS
� � � � �u
T. Ii. Trains going East dee as follows—: and obtain peioas. Don't be asialed b7 y'
and was caught. Fortaaately, No. 4 Mai 1 8.08 A b1. ageote we do not employ them, consequent• a
little or no damage was done. •• 28 Local 2.45 P. M. I ly we eaa, and do throw off the agent `
: Two of our elderly patriotic 1" 86 Local 6.04 P. M. .' oommission of 10 per Cant., which you wt1 .
• -citizens have purchased a quanti- Trains going West dub at follows certainly save by purchasing from 111h We have Just received a fine assortment
ty of seed potatoes which they No. 2d Local 7.97 A. M.. 1 1'soltoited.
have placed is the care of flrat• a7 Local l ?; P. M. 1wN1T�t 4RAMITE Ca.. . of Summer Hats. --
class farmers and the product will 1 _
be donated to the widows of the *Sunday included' _ 1 Office aa$ W.otke, Whitby, Ontario YQ
married soldiers, from Pickering
township whose lives have been $ BAN -: N D H R ,E c o N o nC`Y
sacrificed in this war. This is a
case of "casting your bread upon _
the waters." We have always a large stock at lowest prices. Is necessary is these hard times. To accomplish this our Coal Oil
The Score in front of H. Gregg's Stoves are just the, thing. - Save our fuel bill by buying �l
- �p remise9 has been removed, thus - o O Our rices. are all '
improving its appearance very
right.v Wicks kept constpantly 7 r
greatly. In these days when MONARCH CHICK FEED SCRATCH FEED . - =on hand,
live stock is not allowed to roamThis is a good food, especially pre -i Is for ad>>' -t fowl. 'A mixture of the streets undisturbed, fences are pared for young chicks and different graina in proper pre _ x
no longer a necessity, but are, in ib very easily digested. portions for beet results, �.
many cases, an eyesore, as a fence -
- soon becomes dilapidated if not The result from its feeding jis Try it once and you'll be sure We have just received a fresh supply o!
kept continuously. in repair -.and healthy thriving chicks., - to use it again. N - ;I"ine Apples, Bananas, Oranges, Lemons.
D.. A. Scott was in London last
:E s�
week and on his return on There- - • Our Floors are made to give Ea- ::-A N N I - S satisfaction. � -- -•• _ '• � -
day was accompanied by Mrs. ..:
Scott, who is waking satisfactory LREAM of the Nest QUEEN CITY ..MONARCH -
though slow progress toward re- (Bread) (Blend) (Pastry) SROVGF�3.A.�d ONZ',A�ZSO
1 -
covery, after undergoing a very
serious operation at Victoria Hos- Q
pital. We hope that -the progress Alavay a full line of Grains and Mill Feeds.
°=' � �Plarement ide17�
.toward recovery 4mav continue s
until she is restored to her former _ Call and get our prices. ,. • -- -N+
good health. e . i = a e t claw
O: — nue meets all Trains
Tile anniversary services of •Ens- * tv to g t! w. '-First-class Rigs to hire da or
kine church will be held on Sun• The Campbell Flour Mills Co.,Ltd• 3 � • _ $ X ! C R O y
+day, July let, when Rev. C. H. p C kQ, t;bee - k N Q e night at lowest prices.
dastard, of St.' David's church, "►lc�� M 3� �g ; o, y Phone 1805.
Toronto, will preach at both the �i�$E6htuorninR and avenin services, and�]r <, o n e special music will be rendered by he e o le's -S t o e • o v
the choir,' .On the. evening of p t1, m o g ��" Tan Os PROPRIETORS
Wednesday, July 4th, a garden
a _-cy ,y aa� fab
_ party will be held on the -church 8 e, m •4 caw, Nor y �N�
lawn; when's flrst-class program ° ,.,, Gar I►e .�. PIC, j�j •ems
will be rendered by George Neil, It is not. our Prices, but the quality �, �c.y�' e
the celebrated Scottish tenor, of . - _dist s high _ • . e
�— — . o a. J ae CUMBER = YARDS
TOronta, an - :. -- „ .a} Jni7 ••1
and orchestra. Appropriate ad- - -b. -, --8
dresses will be given by the resi• Of tremenduous Interest to you --Our Summer. Good fere .v oet.l k
dent ministers: Admission 26 cta. priced right. Ginghams, Mullins; Voiles, I m „ W„ Nov
children lists. 'HARDWOOD FLOORING
Nainsook, Hosier Etc. Doe .2
A meeting in the interests of �� Jaanary 1D�T•Wbttby 9, oanawa �,sron�tham We can suppl hardwood floorin
? Good Roads will be held in the 5, Pore Perry 7, Uxbridge ii, owningeonno, y .
'Zltasonic Hall on Saturday, June fine assortment of Mens Straw_Hats• in beech, birch,' maple, plain an
Beaverton:9, . Uvseraroce e _ %r tired, - White and red oak in ;
23rd, at 2 o'clock p. m. An ad at popular prices. all grades, widths and thickness x
dress, explaining the County good NO T I C Ejj
roads system, will be given b S ecial for Friday and Saturnia Only
Mr, S. L. Squire, Municipal AT p J 7 .�` Help being scarce I will be pre-
viser to the Provincial Depart- Spick and -Span Cleanser, regular 10c a can, at 2 for 15c.. _. pared to do chopping and Buy Rubroid Ready Roofing, the -,
went of Highways. As this is a Only two to a customer. oat flaking only on first ready roofing, made in 1891 a
question of vital importance '_o Cream of Wheat, regular 9c a lb,, at 4 lbs, for 25 cents, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, SHINGLES .'
the ratepayers of the township, it Only 4 lbs. to a customer. . during the month of March. Choice B. C. red cedar shingles
is hoped that there will be a large After that date on Monday and �
_ -attendance of those interested in Friday of each week. T pp-- s
this question. The county good T Also, for sale a quanty of We D. Gord011 dAi '"''nS'
roads system has been adopted by _ 2-1 hardwood. -
�..e.�."MimRws• of .embain lea lira tlu .0 . . +�/.� •,��.
.. �,x
_ �W.:.-• .. •n.-. ,.....]..e;�us. a.•.e:..xi).�i+.,..�a!'i.'}yylq..es.i'R'.?3�a..w�Yx.'f!•S1KfC1M.`.it&i'°.=�i'.f. "'ri's J.
S.W Y,
youth, he begins to feel'that what gone over- as..
has been told him is true and 'DEL BY C
be patent to all eyes. Generally It
.7. M
The former are rasping and sharp, I equally to the point:
the latter liquid -and- soothing. "Join the Canadian Buffs and, hunt,
Science explains this, as it does most the Huns."
"Here's it's
of the commonplace phenomena, by•
your chance; n we
needed such cajolery. Far from it; A little yellow breasted, daintily
Preserving Strawberries. sun. -But'to the surprise of the oth-
�'Strawberiies are a favorite fruit,: er passengers the usual reply, "Oh, my
but must be given particular care in; dear, don't ask so many questions,"
Canning if they k6ep, well. Wash and' -was not was rig1A there. forthcoming. In . thia case
"drain the' fruit after 'hul) 4-%g.' While ni6ther w
"Motfier, W*hy,does 'a little aiit7onio-
doing this, have cans. and lids both
heating in hot water. Measure the- bile rattle more than a big one?"
drained berries,,and for each qiart of II The passengers smiled, but mother
berries' allow one cupful of white su-
replied promptly:—
m -
Because. the big car iq heavien"
Place the sugar in an alum- "Mother,- look at the lady soldier. Is
spoonfuls of water to keep it from
Inum, or granite keitli,'ind'aad a fe-
she gainto war?"
"No, son; that is a Campfire Girl."
burmag until it melts. � When the
sugar has boiled long enough to drive Here followed a detailed account of the
all air out of it, add the berries. - As l aptNifies 6f'that organization.
these boil up gently, stir them down. I "Look, mom, at the officer. - Does he
When they have boiled up the second ride on horseback?"
"No, dear
time, lift off you can tell by 'the in-
' ff the lire and can, taking
the cans from the warm water one at i signia on his aleevethathe belongs to
Y. it time as you . can; put on the lid be' -(the artillery."
fore filling the. next can, tighten the By this 'time' the passengers were
tide, turn the can upside down, andrgazing with much interest at the lady
leave in
that position four or five days, !who'could actually answer a little
Assets Increased by nearl000,006
'y $25I
In the Past Year, while Current
Loans, and Discounts In-,
creased by $13,902,393.
The 64th'' Annual Statement of the
Merchants Bank of Canada, just pre=
sintea to' the Shareholders, shows
most gratifying progress during the
year ending April 80th last. Not
only have Deposits and Assets grown
very substantially, but current Loans
and Discounts, the measure of the
Bank's p4rticipaiion in the commercial
development of the Ddminion, have in.
creased over 28%, -reaching fa total of
$62,737,958. This indicates something
of the revival of business which -has
been so. marked throughout Canada
The boy's cj#estions. Then came a poser e mAease n * assets for the your
then, when turned, will re-
a -6 their proper position if as thef'bus trundled past a downtown King and Queen Chat With Workers at Shipyard. amounted -to $24,769,1", or over 25%
sus i the cans.,
never lose strawberries when I fol -
club where the flags of all the -nations, While.at. Birkenhead, the King and Queen visited Messrs Camme -bringing the total assets up to #121,�
-low this recipe, who - are fighting with the Allies were I Laird's great shipyards and talked to several employees who. have wo7ke 180, 568, and enrolling the Merchants
For preserving I use only firm ber- fluttering. many Ypars tor, the firm,. , 71wir, majesties cordially gripped their hands,
Bank' among Ciriadalt- Hundred Mil.
"Name 'em, mom," commanded the!sind the intimate, kindly way in which they conversed caused the old fel.
ries, and prepare as for canning. I Dollar Institutions, . -This is all
measure the berries, and for each boy. Iowa to beam with delight. Our photo shows the royal visitors looking 1'04
quart of berries allow a full quart of And mom did—every one, from thei down Into a dry dock where men, are at work. the more creditable since it 'has been
h hto England; Cuba f Cua on through white sugar. I Place this sugar in the flag oaccomplished without amalgamation 7
and France.
preserving kettle with enough water -he rule with or absorption of any other bank.
to keep it from burning until the au- A. gray haired man gazed thought- us rather say, superseded��by t 6
fully after the pair as they alighted' of corallulsion? Notable among the assets' are over
gar melts and boils. I allow the au- CANADAYS RECRIS forward to happier
at Thirty-second street, the youngster Looking forw times!Ten Million in Dominion and
gar to boil, stirring it until it strings I I . -
from the spoon. still chattering and gazing eagerly- to come after the war, yet contain-' take the straw- 'Imperial war obligations, indicating
rj berries gently from the vessel they into his mother's serene face. ING POSTEM'ing a sharp thrust for the present, is that the Bank is doing Its share th-
have been drained :n, and gently� add "I wish my kid had a pal like that,' this one:
the he'said wistfully to a friend. VI, "How can you cheer the boys when I ward carrying the financial burden& of
m to the boiling sugar. This cools
10 AND APPEALING IN THFJA they come home it you sit on the fence the -nation. The assets do not' in�-
the sugar, but they soon boil u"gain, , - - L- I
and I stir them down. When they have 'Recipes, Tried- and True.- PHRASEOLOGY. and let them fight your battles for elude any mortgages, while real estate
thoroughly boiled. up again I consid- strawberry lather than Bank premises, and over-
er them done and Shortcake Like a double Macedonian cry are,
and, them In the baking powder, ;� tea--s-p-olo-n-f-u-Ii these two calls from abroad:, due debts, amount to only $443,236, or
cans. You see, I make but little dif. salt, 2 tablespoonfuls sugar, 14 cup I Methods in'Vogue In the Dominion For less than 2-5 of one per. cent. of the
'farence between preserving and can- There's a tight going on over here. I
-2 cups flour, 11
�butterr, 74 cup milk, I
ning, with the exception that I give Persuading Our Youths to Are you in It? total assets
more sugar to the preserves I quart strawberries, M ix flour, bak- "German success means *9 Germaniz- , The confidence of the public in the
and � Ing powder. salt and sugar and sift! Join the Colors. .,:,
low it to thickets before adding the Merchants -Bank of Canada was strik-
ed Canada. Come over and, tight with
!twice. Work in utter with flmgers.t
us oo
berries, It in the surest way of get- Canada, whose sons have done such; . I , ly shown by "the 27q increase in
i Add milk gradu3lly. Put ob board," super -valiant servise at the front in I And here is perhaps the briefest and','ng
ting them to keep safely that I know divide into two parts. and roll out to doPoeltsi, which have now reached a
of, and to retain their shape and color ; France and elsewhere, and whose cgs -'most porignant of allf
fit the cake ttn; using the least pos:- ' total- of $92,102.07 1; Such an increase
Too many housewives cook the straw sible flour to roll. Put one part on wallies at times have been pathetic,! "Who won't tight for his own?
too long. "Reme�mber Belgium!" Is also an evidence of a healthy state of
tin, spread lightly with melted butter, I has relied up till now, upon the gen, business, and of 9, general practice of
Sun Preserves of strawberries , 1, then place other part on top, Bake I mother! Recruiting ,Meetings Everywhere.
the eral appeal of love for the Ithrift.
make this way: After preparing tb These are just a few specirwino,
.�berries I measure berries and sugar' 15 minutes in hot oven. When baked, 1 country, supplemented- by poster and copied _ at random in'Terento, Calgary, This marked increase. in -the funds
to equal amounts, placing the dry su-; the two parts will separate easily i personal methods. Winnipeg, Edmonton and in far -away and the gradual 'clearing" of -the fin-
ithout cutting. -Mash . berries" Canada has .had nearly three- year Winnipeg, ancial 'horizon, put the Bank in posi-
gar on the berries, then set them terns,' Vancouver. Many others, equally vivid,
the back of the stove and lot tb or' &lightly, sweeten and place between 'during which to specialize in - tion to extend its loaning wul discount*
em, cakes. A dozen or so whole berries vivid' phrases, to cull from the vast: could be quoted, for all Canada in Ing -business by many millioni, auto=
cook gently until the sugar has slight- 11 seemingly one vast recruiting bill..,
material -verses -which
may be placed on top for English store matically placing the earning power
ly thickened. Then I spread on shat-
I- a decoration of mate
'a of the Bank upon a much improved
r low dishes set direct in the sun, Lemon Sauce for Puddings:—Mix' will reach the heart. of even the over- board. No one can deny that' these
ted appea4 have had their splen- cup sugar and 1 tablespoonful flour, seas- patriot, and to fashion lines which' pr... i plane. The profits for the year car -
cover with mosquito netting an frames ter, Put on I will didcd tremendous effect, but the Do- ried forward consequently showed an
to keep off flies and birds, One day add 1% cups boiling water, 11 bring the war and its effects -Milian's officers have by no., means
the fire and when it begins to boil add' nearer home increase from $260,984 - to $421,292,
of hot sun, should thicken the syrup, I heaping tablespoonful butter, % slic�- � A favorite in the windows oft large f reTied upon this method alone. Every after providing for the usual diva-
the berries a bright red; but i possible agency, formal and informal,
• if it doesn't, set them back on the od lemon and pinch of salt. Cook'shop.9 or on the doors of manufactur- 1 has been requisitioned, and not the dends, the Government War Tax on
until it has the. consistency of cream.; ing. establishments in Toronto is this note circulation, donations to Patriotic
.stove and keep merely warm until the 7 least among thd latter is 'the psycho -
sun again Serve either hot or cold. I statement, so simple, yet so pregnant ng and Red Cross Funds, contributions to
n shines. I 0ogical effect of a mild touchi
Orange Sauce is made by substitut-'with meaning: upon., Officers' Pension Fund, and writing off
ing one orange for the . lemon "We have signed -our names and LperAsonal vanity. $100,000 from Bank Premises -account.
A Little Boy and His ,pal." Chocolate saute is -made by adding I will give I e our lives in the noblest cause pretty recruiting officer, mild of During the year the General
',.Sometimes one wonders if, after &11, 2 squares of Baker's unswe i manner and with ingratiating smile,!
etened'this world 'has known. ' Manager, Mr. E. F. Hebdeu, was ad -
will approach the young civilian and
these stories about the child who asks chocolate to the orange sauce. And ther4:f allows. the
Vist of --4b vaned to the position of Mariiagi
so many questions have not another AW murmur:
gone to 'fight beyond the Director, while the Montreal Manager,
side. .-A-MATTER OF CL G " 'You've got a fine figure, boy, Mr. D. - C. Macarow, was appointed
Atlantic. . i
Th-,, other day coming down in CLIMATE. .� j Good broad shoulders; -3,ou'll look
the 'oni�ripted Canadian, the
Fifth avenue 'bus, Says a New Yorki mighty . To thi ure . i General Manager. In speaking of the
'o man to *h6m enforced military ser- -hty fine In khaki Better come in- annual statement, the latter referred
writer, a little fellow about ,eight was., Effect of the Atmosphere n Human . side and fet us.rneasur'e.you up, while
5 -vice has -never bein known, much
I with pardonable pride, to the fact that
asking his mother the -usual string- of Speech. I you sign up." - I
f an appeal there is to this: I Of 874 male members- of the -staff of
V, questions about everything under the I, To be sursAis may not work the,
What makes' German and Rus- .If you were a German, aged eight- first time, but after other blandish- military age at the beginning •of the
isian languages so harsh and guttural., een to fifty; you would-be fighting for !war, 52% or 69%, had enlisted and
menta have been bestowed upon the,
Iks' N -6 -thing -
Jo ffide.--,,
Now' that the Government
has absolutely, prohibited the
use of any artificial coloring
matter in sugar, we tell you
again that .we have - -
-never used Beets
—never used Ultramarine
n4Ter used Aniline Dyes
—never used Vegetable Ljyes.
This means that jewe7 pound
in the hands of our grocer s
pure and uncolored.
So—why take chances? Why
not insist on havMS LMuc—
the Sugars. that have
always been pure, and
cost no more than any
Look for the Red Ball Trade -mark
on.every Carton and Sack.
so unpleasant to the ear, and the fang- the Kaiser. What are you doing for
youth, he begins to feel'that what gone over- as..
uages -of Italy, France and Spain so! the King!" -
fluent mellifluous and charming? Then there are the briefer ones, but
has been told him is true and 'DEL BY C
be patent to all eyes. Generally It
The former are rasping and sharp, I equally to the point:
the latter liquid -and- soothing. "Join the Canadian Buffs and, hunt,
is not long until he is in khaki. 'In France Birds Are Used to Detect
Science explains this, as it does most the Huns."
"Here's it's
All of which is not giving. the ini-
I pression that most.- Canadians have Poison Gaics.
of the commonplace phenomena, by•
your chance; n we
needed such cajolery. Far from it; A little yellow breasted, daintily
i simple,' natural means.
t --"but.
�'Canada, I hear
varioui.methods nidst.be employ-" feathered bird which seldom sings a
It is all a. matter, of climate. or
you calling me."
ed to obtain results. note is rendering Invaluable services
countless generations the -people at the -Selection From Burns.
I. "Soldiers; invalided home, others who 'to the allied armies in France to -,day.
cold countries to. the ' north went about If there be . any little boy in all To-
have not yet been called . to the front,' it Is the 'French cansry-L;whose' fusee -
bundled up, protecting - themselves! routo, or' in' nearly arir other city id
from biting
su-pplerfienf the efforts of Canadian tion is to detebt the presence of poison
•the cold weather. They f Canada,- who has not memorized the
women in street -corner and cart -tail gases in the sapping galleries just off
spoke little and ween they did they following verse, he -must have a poor,
oratory, and• each recruit gained- is the front line trenches.
as briefly as -possible-with 603- remembering machine, for it is to be
greeted with as much enthusiasm as a The British have solved the question ----
- ---
ed mouths, not opening their lips any
wider than necessary -to form the
"10� the deuce should I repine . e
far- the_ of. dealing with chlorine, the deadly
16ff prairie - cities of Edmont-on, Cal- : gas which the Gehilans squirt out of
words. , .
why .
And be an ill forebodes?
I and in the superb-
I Bary and Winnipeg, a -b- cylinders. This can be seen rolling u
This -reitricfid their langu
,Ake, mak-
I'm twenty-three and five feet nine—
ly located Vaticouve'r the same enthu- ito 'the lines in clouds, and gas masks
ing it harsh and guttural. The words
formed in- the back
I'll go and be a sojer."
I-siasm for the war is noticed, and one are donned in time. But the invisible,
were of the- mouth.
In the .. scu . th I . ands where
Not very good rhyming, to be sure,
1 of the most picturesque and -inspiring' od;5rless carbon- monoxide just as
vraS more kindly, the weather never
but -Bobbie Burns said it back in 1782,
sights of midwestern Canada is the deadly, which spreads through the gal-
- vast training . camp between Winnipeg ' leries and tunnels after a mine is ex-
han%pefed peopIL'so. Timie the full-
ness of nature, inspired them to ape n--
and it holds good in 1917. .
There is something of the atmos-
i d Brandon, which, with its hundreds ploded, is especially dangerous to the
neas of expression; the tropical slim-
phere of the raid -Victorian period in,
of circular tents, is. cphe -Saracenic in allied, soldiers employed in sapping
I appearance. I or tunnelling.'
-ate made them emotional, romantic,
Another favorite recruiting verse*
Beyond the prairie in the heart of The canary's part -is played thus,
sensuous.' They more, freedom.
"Par- gold the merchantman plows the
e majestic Canadian Rockies, every When a mine is explodbT, whether
into their speech, for
-Poetry was in the blue Mediterranean
The farmer tills the -manor
gloiyfs� s-6Td1Tr 7spruC,
rallwRrbridge is and his been guard- �German or British, there is always a
-PA-foi.--ne&rly throo. yam r R _L_10rig! poajibility that the deadly -g -as has
the blue sky, the highly colored fields.
Warmth made -them comfortable and
But th-i
The .soldier's wealth is honor."
sentinel waves to the passengers in found its way into the galleries. The
the trains as they pass. He has seen men have their anti -gas apparatus
increased their passions. Their langu-
the women of Canada, like the wo-
i nothing of actual warfare, perhaps,
ready and the leader takes up a small
age was rapid,- swelling and volum.
men of all the warring lands, have
and nothing has ocourred to disturb
wooden cage with the canary enclosed.
ineus-, explosive. They formed their
been brave in the separation which
the dull serenity of his -watch. It was I Holding the cage well up and in
,.words in liquid _ syllablei, for those
conflict entails. Many !L wavering m
an English poet, though, who said, front at him he pushes- forward,
4come easiest and are' formed -with!
ther, sister or wife, has been persued
"They also -serve, who only* stand and watching the little bird for the first
wide open -mouths.
ed by this poster:
sign of distress: If there is any gas
"To the Women:
" '
present, down goes the canary flat on
The Director -General of
.,"Do you realize that the one word
Yes, Suh!
Its back, toes up in the air. "Gas
National Service is appealing for 10,-
'Go' from you rnav send another man
"It's this relay in the b12,?k.-!an+be4 masks are donned and the work of
000 women to come forward at once
to fight for our King and country?"
now," said the Ne-% York Fven',ng vappi?ix goes on, while the canary is
to train for work en the land in the
The speeches of the late Lord.Kitch-
Post's friend from Texn1-: -Cotton's go pasped back to be resuscitated and
4; United Kingdom. The nrnber re-
ener are also much quoted, the selec-'
high that a farmer comes into. Dsl'aF, revived for its; next performance.
qulred ncludes 5,000 to be taughttion
most frequently Peer being:
eats a square meal at one of the hest
milking and dairy work, and 6,000 to
Does the call of duty find no re-
hotels, puts down n cotton ased, and
I Excellent mufflne can be made whit
tradn at general farm -workers,
spowe in you, until renfore.ed—lat
pts fifteen cents change.
' �r-'••4�'� i^'n . V __1.,,,; d � �,,,.. .r i �„tF• u. '•.•Y ^'1!. .f' .IK �. �j 'y�
varnished this season. Price $300.
der, 7 Pa.dssuger Touring Elso.
- ep YOU �.at Bread
=ass WANT=
Theis Boinb6
When the the Zeppelin
I 4
11 t DSON, 1016 DIODEL, 6 CYLIN-
1 der, 7 Passenger Touring Car, with
worst of
° a
�r :�1
OL1 are entitled �� CV
Two Submarines Repotted. Sunk At
Lathe and General Machinists,
also Pattern ]fakers. Day and night.
raid Was Over, says the ]Manchester
_-_thing in the whole wheat
Apply Brown Boggs Co., Limited, Haanll-
Guardian, a resident went out into the
town to see what damage had been
r�� p
.V-ai .. Pr- Wiley 8ayS�
Stories not hitherto published Of
lively encounters between British
German in
done. Iii the fteknoss he heard s
group of women talking loudly, and,
�l,l ite Letterer. Apply Geo. M. Paul.
Sarnia, int.
!'heat Is a Complete food f
trawlers and submarines
judging them a clue not to be neglect -
3MM"asilas son SALa
con all the elements {.the
North Sea were told by Robert
Dowry and others st .the recent meet-;
ed, he followed them along an alley in-
to. the bavk yard of a house. The
l/ Cylinder Touring czar.
stouter, *fres yractically new, demount,°
i P Offices for sale to good Ontario
necessary ' for human nutri- '
in of tits Mission to National Sea-
debate never ceased, but he was unable
tion. But, be sure you get
men. One trawler, Sir Robert said,
bees U-boats that
nla such a terrpr to U-oa
i towns. The most useful and interesting
j of all businesses. Full information on
to Wilson Publishing Com-
to t the gist of it until one of the
women—the most eloquent' appealed
the Whole wheat in a digestir
I four of them lay. in wait and eve'ntu-
May. 73 Adelaide St., Toronto. -
directly to him.
mow. roaorto
ble form. Shredded Wheat
!ally destroyed 1t.. On one occasion,
this trawler' armed .with two light guns
"'Ere," she said, "do you call it fair,
I should like to know? T' bomb drop-
11der Tourin,` Car. Has electrio
rnd t+tarter, good tires, and is a bargada
- Biscuit is whole wheat made
was. attacked by a, submarine. One
through the' deck house,
C internal and external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment. Write
ped in our yard, and a body's gone and
"Doctor, my brother steppeoNnto a
estiblC b steam -Cookie
y gs•
shot went
another smashed the wheel, "but the
us. before too late. Dr. Hellman Medical
Co., Limited, Collingwood, Ont.
took awn never even give me a
Y— g t».
receipt for it. It's our bomb.
and wrenched his knee,.and now
shredding and baking —the
skipper went on steering with broken.
asz >ao111111111noa Aosoatoasrarstoa?t.d
a limps, What would you do in a =' `
best process ever devised for
j spokes." Another shot carried away
but- the trawler's
Wireless in Warfare.
lielmo Marconi, senator in- the
case like that?" "I'm afraid I should' �
limp, toot" _
;preparing whole Wheat
1 the cook's galley,
gunner hit the submarine, which then
Italian Parliament, captain in the
How to, loei;en a tender corn
_ ,the
sin for the human stomach.
had enough of it and under.
i Another unarmed trawler saw a
d d
( Italian navy, and inventor of the wire-
less, when asked recently what he
Constipation in children can be
promptly cured by Babys Own Tab-
AVTG O]3zc gs nos SAsa ,
Two or three of these Crisp 15ubm$rme.on the North Ses an ma a thought the. _gr}}atest single, accom- lets. They are a gentle but effective
little loaves of baked whole a dash for it with the'result that the plishment of`Elie wireless had been in laxative which thoicughly regulate
U-boat quickly submerged. "It went I the present war, answered: Its use by I the bowels and sweeten the Stomach
N wheat with milk and berries, underneath," said Sir Robert, "because I aeroplanes. The wireless h83 revo- and thus drive out all 'childhood ail -
make a delicious nourishing it could not imagine it' possible that a lutionized artillery action. Hereto- meats. Concerning them Mrs. J. B.
trawler would have the courage to. gore the gunner did not know whether Tauffenbach, Richer Man., writes: "I
meal. Made in Canada. attack if it .were not armed." I his shot landed accurately or not. have used. Baby's Own Tablets and
Sir Robert related how they learned' Gains are frequently placed in such a have found them an excellent medi-
of the sinking of two submarines bye I way that the hills intervening cut off cine for' constipation," The Tablets
the bodies of the crew floating to the direct observation. But nowadays a I are sold by medicine dealers or by
Ne W Design for surface, although five or six , days big gun might be located on. low i mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr.
' later a -report was circulated from ground and actually shoot over an ele- f Williams' 1tiledieine Co., Brockville,
Bathing quit Germany that the boat had returned I l
- i vation to low ground on the other I Ont.
to port. side and be sure of its aim and range
For the wireless constitutes the eyes �' 'Making Butter.
LINGERINGWAKNE•S5 of the gun. Aviators remain in the, "Grocery butter is so unsatisfactory,
nn (G� �� air above the position that is attacked. � dear," said Mrs, Youngbride, 'I decid-
ti = l' L L V W l lY G D I S E AS They watch each shot: As it falls ! ed to -day that we would make our
v they report back by wireless whether ! own."
it is too far . or too short. . In less I "Oh; did you ?" said her husband.
Banished by - the Wonderful than a minute after the shell has "Yes; I bought a churn, and I order-
�bur�t, the commanding officer of the' -ed buttermilk to be left regularly.
C t in of origin Won't it be 'u to ave really
�. Toni Powers of Dr. Williams'
l _ t of the hot fired by each fresh butter?"
artillery ba lovely h
- Pink Pills, has a repo,
_ of his guns;.
.How often victims of disease such
as la grippe, fevers, or contagious MONEY ORDERS. I was cured of Bronchitis' and
- t troubles are left veak, ailing and des. IT is always safe to send a Dominion Asthma by MINARD'S LINIJIENT.
pondent after -the disease itself has Express Money Order. Five dollars AIRS. A. LIVINGSTONE.
disappeared. They do not • pick up. costs three cents. I Lot 51 P. E. I.
- strength as they ought; remain list- _ I was cured of a severe attack of i
less tired and discouraged. The rea- Insufficiently Protected. Rhuematism by MINARD'S LINI-
- son for this is that the blood has Mary had been' grestly. interested 11fiENT,
been impoverished by the ravage- of ,in watching the men in her 'grand- v Mahone Bay, ,JOHN MADER,,,,
the disease tihrough which the_ victim f father's orchard putting' bands routed. I I was cured of a severely sprained
has passed. Strength will not re- the fruit trees to entrap the. climbing'! leg by MINARD'S LI 1I33ENT,
- turn until the blood has been enrichzicaterpillars, and she Lad asked a JOSHUA &-WYNAC:HT.
ed. The blood can be purified and Bridgewater.
enriched b no other medicine as great many questions. _
_.. -, • y Some week] later, when she' was in
�r quickly and as surely as by Dr. Wil- the city with her mother, she noticed i J
1 .liams Pink Pills='to:enrich-the blood a man who wore' a mourning band - __. Don'ts and Be's,
and strengthen the nerves is the 1 round his sleeve. _ Don't -shirk ; don't worry; don't ex-
., .. ,' his other g
whole mission of these pills. Thou-' «Mamma. she asked, '.'what's
to, plain: don't knock; don't kick; don't
sands .have found them beneficial in, keep them rum crawling up quit, dont loaf` la
- i-` bringing strength and energy after army'• "� Be—prompt, alert, quiet, determin-
�_.,._, -disease- had left them weak and run ed, steady, helpful, unselfish, consid-
0 ]!cons down. Miss Hannah Hamilton, Ev- seal ag:=&Ws Litilm.at 1s. the botisa . ` erate, gracious, observant brave, clean.
'. - Brett, Ont., says:—"After an attack of
�la grippe 'I was so run down and Conserving His Ener;fy: Ntlaard's Li-s-ent tinea by rbsaiolass,
Since slip-on. dresses are popular,, annemic that I could scarcely .walk. i Clarence announced his approach- by,
slip-on bathing suits have also appear- • I had no color, no appetite, and con-! a rising succession of how is "Ori, ms' I - "It is a solemn and inspiring thing
ed. The model shown here is develop- Stant headaches. The medicine I finger'. m finger'," he cried. to be alive, in the mi<i.;t of such
ed -in black satin with a deep band- of was taking was doing me no good and i "Poor little finger!" his mother coo- i mighty happening's as these . May
striped satin about the lower part,'; I had almost lost hope of getting bet -(ed. "How did you hurt it?" the nation prove worthy of its place
Notice the smart way .the band iso ter. I was asked to try Dr, Williams' -With the hammer." in the shaping of the new world."—
stitched.- leaving
orld."—stitched,-leaving the upper edges free, Pink Pills, and it was not long until I ',When?" Archbishob of York.
at the sides in pocket effect. McCall -,•could feel that they -were helping me, "A long time ago," Clarence sobbed,
Pattern No. 7780; Misses' Bathing" + " AAk for ttitiard's and take do other
' and aftter. taking them for a -couple But I . didn't hear• you cry,
Suit, to be slipped on over the head or of months I was completely cured. I "I didn't cry then; I thought you k
4 Piles of .trash gad rubbish in fence
opening on shoulder, in 4 sizes, -,-14 to now never fail to recommend these were out,"' said Clarence. corners and in out -of -the -wap places
20 years. Price; 20 cents. pills to anyone needing a blood build- around the Yard,.nr in the attic or ceI-
These patterns ma •be obtained.
P Y' er." ( �Y hen Your Eyes Need C2rE lar, are inanimate."fire bugs.." 'fvaiting',
�. from your local McCall dealer, or from You can get these pills through any l
C-cXurinsEye Medicine. NoStnartin,--Fra only for the opportune spark or the
the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto,.! dealer in medicine or by mail postpaid Fine—Acts Quickly. Try it f,ar Red, We.-,
slower rocesa of spontaneous coni -
Dept• W at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for amore Eyes and Gran itlacedEyelIds, Suriveiy P P
compounded by oar ocollecr—not a' Yat. ct bustion to burat into, flame.
;2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- ked.ci.e"—but used insucceaeful"' 'clans,
,;Steamed brown bread with ' raisins zine Co. Brockville Ont, Practice for many years. . Now dedlc•aied tc
the Public and quid, by Druggista at 50e per
1n it is delicious. 1 Bottle. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptte Tuts.• Gtsenda: "1s there anything as bad
2lsc and 50c., Write for book of the Eye Frel: as being all dressed up and nowhere
JUST EIGHT. Murins Eye Remedy Cwnpany, Chicago. Ail.. to go?" Brenda: "Yes. Getting'
I'm just ^turned eight'years old to -day. 'Our Natural Resources. ready for company;' and having no-
_ That's getting pretty • .body call.
g g prat old, but say One of the great movements of the.
I wisht it didn't take so long present; time is the movement for con -
To grow up really big and strong ~''' servation of our natural resources.
Like Dad. For Dad, he's -awful tall, We have go�e, on asif the world were
And nothin' can't 'scare him at all; comingto and when we were dead.
-That$ why he's went •away to war. Now we areetting a better perspec- You will find Wief in Zam-Buk i
1 don't know what this fightin's for, tive, The conservation movement, as It eases the burning, stinging
That is, not, altogether quite. - was natural, was at first most con- i
-But I know this, that when't comes spicuously identified with the conser- ase stops Perseverance,
and brings,
night vation of our forests and our water case. Perseverance, With Zan).
an 1 I wish I had my Dad: At tea power, but it must extend beyond the Buk, means cure. Why not prove
I■■���� It's 'awful lonesome; just us three. forests and water power. It must' glia L73 Dr'.op4t b" �t°"Y'�
g111�� `'N then when Sis bedtime comes more immediately concern itself with
! There ain't no Dad to do my sums, the conservation of the soil, for even
But ma, she says that's for the right our brief history tells us that fertile
AGENTS That daddy's went away to fight, fields may become abandoned farms
'N then she looks all light an' glad through other . causes than lack of
A'thinkin' of.hnw.brave is Dad. rainfall.
• N 'then she calls me sonny -man. --
'N pats my head and says I can Women who have replaced the men
Who love' -to gratify Grow big 'an' brave like him, an' in the English industries now number
children's desire for strong 1.671,000.
#Ile same articles of By doin' nothin"mean or wrong,
'N then she kisses me an' cries
food and drink. that 'N turns away to hide hei' eyes.
grown-ups use find say, dont-I-wisht-4--was ail grown; ` —
I'd take my gun,' an' all alone 1
_ -_ — I'd-lsiatce�ked�ermsns --------"-
'N wisht they'd never Been my gun;KIDNEY
The Soul of a Piano is the
- I'd wipe 'em all clean off the map ACtlOA. Insist On glia
INSTANT 'N bring my great, big Daddy back. a t1 T Hl- a
But then I'm only eight, you see, O TO
PosTUM 'N have to grow lots 'fore I•'ll be 1, PIANO ACTION
As big as Dad. But yet you.know
What Ma says must be right, and so 1
19.1 help to grow a big, brave man
.just the thing. � By bein' the, goodest boy I can.
r —Maude Broomhall. ,
"Plenty of water should be supplied
"'there's a !Reason" for the calf from its birth, but water THE
g• should never be mixed with, the milk.
i llttaalyd's alalmeat Ltimaboa mtatm's Fria"
ED. 7. ISSUE 25—'17.
der , Touring Car, in good runnlnK
order, This car has been, painted ant
varnished this season. Price $300.
der, 7 Pa.dssuger Touring Elso.
trio itahte and starter. Recently over-
hauled and newly painted. Tires in good
shape. Price 11,80_0.
11 t DSON, 1016 DIODEL, 6 CYLIN-
1 der, 7 Passenger Touring Car, with
electric lights and starter. ThorouYh17
overhauled In our shop and newly passe•
ed. .Beat covers on all seats and doors.
Oversize tires. Price 11,_200.
.2 JL 4 cylinder Tourinir Car. Electrla
lights and starter, Inood running order
and newly painted. Looks like a now
car. Price 1550,
looking closed car seating eve.
lectric Iighte.and starter, alio inside
dame light. Nearly all the windows
open, which gives ample ventilation for
summer driving. Price 1700.
('IH A L M E R 8, 7 -PASSENGER, 4.
l/ Cylinder Touring czar.
stouter, *fres yractically new, demount,°
able rims, one spare tiro Price 8300.
1913 310DEL "64." A DIGS
II�� powered• sls cylinder. 6 passeng�
Touring Car, In SSood running order as
looks llke_ne_a, Price 5160.
Car. In
►7 Ewer, 4 cylinder Touring good
running order. Tires in good ahapa
This e..r wtucpainted this Year and loops
very nice. Price 1360.,
11der Tourin,` Car. Has electrio
rnd t+tarter, good tires, and is a bargada
at the price. 83u0. __
We only sell used cars after the pad'-"
chaser has had a demonstration arid'
at,ntialied himself of the runnln`` qua i -
ilea of the car he is buying = at our
showroom neat tinre you are in Torontq
and let our salesmen show you any oir
our used cars and give you,a demonsj`a•
asz >ao111111111noa Aosoatoasrarstoa?t.d
148.160 Bay guest. Toroalo. out
How to, loei;en a tender corn
?_ callus so t lifts out ..
b pain.'
Let foils step on your feet here -
after; wear shoes a size smaller if you
like, for corns will never again- send
electric sparks of pain through you,
according to this Cincinnati authority.
He says that a few drops of a drug
called freezone,applied directly upon
a tender, aching corn, instantly re.
Llieves soreness, and soon . the entire,
corn, root and all, lifts right.out,:
.This drug at once and simply
shrivels up the corn or Callus Withotft'
even irritating the stirrounding tissue,
A smal"ottle of freezone obtained
at any drug stori-will cost very'little
y '
but will positively remove every hard
or soft corn or callus from one's foot.
If your druggist hasn't stocked this
new drug yet, tell him to get a small
bottle of 'freezone .for you from his
wholesale drug house.
Woman Thought She would
Die. Cured by Lydia L
Pinkharn!s Vegetable
- Ogdensburg, Wis.-"I suffered from,-
female troubles which caused piercing
pains like a knifa
throurmy back
and side. I finally
all my strength
so I had to go to
bed The doctor
advised an oper-
ation but I would
not listen to it. I
thought of what I
had read about Lydia
E. Piiikham's Vege-
table Compound and
tried it. The first
bottle brought 1Krest
relief and six bottles have entire1v
cured me. All women who have f a&le
trouble of any kind should try L is E.
Pinkhtim's Vegetable Compound." -
Mrs. ETTA DORFON Ogdensburg, Wis.
did their be
Physicians undoubtedly
battled with this case steadily and couih
do nbmore, botoftenthe most scientific
treatment is surpassed by the medicinal
properties of the good old fashioned
roots and herbs contained io
Pinkbam's Vegetablo•Compound.
If an mplication exists it ay9 to
E. Pinkbam MNciale
wt'ltq the Lydia
Co., Lynn, Mass.,for special free advim
.'4.`Z,+�rs>+�`'"8'"°Tr,'a.•:'ta'1. ,fyi:i'•'�^t' b"-Y� N+E.+�... .•M;sr-'K`�.4.• -.^-7i "'ve.rcr:rs'�.`•J,. a",'!k u`X+�i�1"". ;a,•z:
ws A �-J. H. Bundy spent a couple, of
'daps last week in the city.
- -Mrs. C. H. Burling is visitin
` her daughter, Mrs. Clement, of Mil -
-Charles and Mrs. Shepberd, of
Oshawa, spent Sunday with his
' .father and sister.
-Miss Verna Collins, of Toron-
' 'to, spent Saturday and Sunday
..with friends here.
'. -John and Mrs. Law, of Toron-
to, spent a few days with their
,eon, Gordon and Mrs. Law.
-E. L. and Mrs. Ruddy and
lamtly moved down from the city
• ion Tuesday for the summer.
-Mrs. G. A. Gordon, of Toron-
to, spent Sunday here at the home
sof her father, Richard Barrett.
-Men have been busy during
the' past week gravelling the,
Kingston road east of t'he village.
-Mies Lena Wallace, of Toron-
to, spent the week -end with her
?uncle and aunt, W. G. and Mrs.
i Ham.
-The service in St. Andrew's
church on Sunday evening last
was well attended and much so-
- Mrs. McEnteer, sr., of Toron-
to, spent ,a few days last week
with her son, N. B. and ,Mrs. Mc•
-Mrs. L. A. Findlay and dau-
ghter, Miss Nina, of Toronto,
spent Sunday with their relatives
In Pickering.;
-Thomas Law and two sons
spent Sunday in Toronto, with
Mrs. Law, who is making satisfac-
'cryp-ogress towards recovery.
-George and Mrs. Philip, of Bro•
ugham motored down on Sunday
and visited the latter"'s brother.
Russell and Mra. Brodie.
-Miss Ross has resigned as
teacher in S. S. No. 4, East, and.
Miss Myra Crook has been ap-
pointed as her successor.
-Quite a severe electric and
rain storm, accompanied by con-
siderable hail, passed over this
locality on Monday forenoQu.
-Principal E1vidRe. of Wbitny,
is presiding at the departmental
and entrance examinations being
held in the school here thio' week.
-H. W. Lindstrom, cf Bowman.
ville. formerly of Pickering, was
here in charge of part of the extra
'gang employed on the G. T. R.
-Miss Frankie Jones and -Miss
Rets Peal¢ attended the Com-
e' imencement Exercises- at the On-
••tario Ladies' College, Whitby, on
Thursday last.
-Dr. and Mrs. Bateman and
danghter, Miss Marie, and Mrs. R.
:A. Douglas motored down from
the city on Sunday, and spent the
--afternoon with their relatives.
-A Rang of about eighty nay.
vies, mostly French-Canadians,
bave been working on the Grand
!,Trunk tracks here for the past
!week or two ballasting the road.
' .bed.
-Miss S. E. Johne, of the To.
routo public schools teaching stall
and formerly of Pickering, spent
(Sunday with the Misses Richard.
*Y. peon and other friends in the vil•
-Service in the Presby terian
church at 10.80 a. m. and 7 p, m.
Rev. Dr Marsh will preach moth
mornjng and evening. Both ser,
?vices will have good music and N
iof an interesting character.
I� -On Thursday evening ]Rat at
Interesting game of football wai
played on the athletic grounds be
tween the married and single met
of the village, in which the latter
claimed to be the victors by thi
score of 2 to 1.
-Last week two baseball game;
were played by the local tean
and a team from the large Rang o
navvies now working on the'G. T
R The local team were victori
ous on both occasions the score
being 5.4 and 4-8.
-The outlook for a bouatifu
strawberry crop is very bright a
present. The vines are loader
with fruit in various stages o
development. A week or two o
--._favorable weather will insure 4
very heavy crop.
-Mrs. H. Savage, who has beef
spending the winter months wit;
friends in Hamilton, has returns,
home much improved in healtl:
after her serious illness which sh
--6ontracted while visiting relative
_. 11Chicago during the winter,
On Sunday afternoon a larg
nu bar from here attended tb
a ual service at Erskine Churc
d its church). The church wa
uas Is to accommodate more tha
a third of those who were presew
A substantial collection was take
In aid of the cemetery fund.
-On Saturday evening last th
homo-of W: G. and-lKrs: Hain ws
the scene of a pleasant gatberin
when their daughter; Miss Clart
was treated to a miscellaneoti
shower by about thirty of be
young lady friends, prior to he
departure for Springfield, Mass
wberA on Wednesday her weddin
v-py66-IIri--F'rtriny afternoo
a tea was also liven in her boric
at St. George s rectory, by th
lady members; of that congregi
nG .J
Rev. Dr, Marsh entertained a -A grand garden party, und
num ber bf the youngeople of the auspices of the Girl's Red Cross 9he
ilk congregation on 4hursday. Club, will be held in E. L. Ruddy's _ _ "
±velliuK last. beautiful park, Pickering, on the �. tore
--Chas. and Mrs. Knight, Alex evening of Thursday, June 28th.
ind Mrs. Audereon and son, Clare A splendid program will be pro-
kudersou. w vre the guests of Smith vided by the following able talent:
tad Mrs. Clark for a couple of Miss Belton, elocutionist, of To-
lay". ronto ; Miss Edythe Law, vocal i • L..
-Miss .,Jennie McGuire, daught- soloist,, of Toronto; Malvern Male Specials n Ladlea� and Child -
w of Wtu. McGuire, and late of Chorus, comprising some 8 voices -
iVlunipeg, Man:, has been added Highland Creek Orchestra, and 1C�t1�s S11in1'ner Wear at
;o the staff of the local branch of others. A feature of the evening _
he Standard Bank. will be a series of Moving Pictures
-Miss Mary Harding and Miss put on the screen by a gentleman •
lyra Crook passed successfully from' Toronto. Ice cream and - close pneee N
heir examination for first-class other refreshments ay be pro-
.ertificates and are now qualified cured on the groundsm. Gates opea ,
o teach in either High or Public at 7.p. m., program at 8 o'clock,
schools. sharp. Everybody should attend -.- WHITE SHOES -•- 1
-On Friday, June 15th, in St. and help along the Rood work of • •
leorge's church, Pickering, Mr. the•Red Cross. Admission, adults _
Jbarles Alexander Hillock and 25 cents, children 15 cents. * Ladies'- High Topped, Rubber Soled Canvas Boots t
dies Margaret Smith, both of To- high heel, .... .... �,
onto, were united in marriage, wHiTUVALs
he ceremony being performed• by --- The same Boot, but with low heel, 2.00
he rector, >iev. A, E. Bruce. On Tuesday the ead news was flash- _ • :.
-Oa Tueeda use 28th, the ed acrose the Atlantic that one of
y. Whitevale s brightest and noblest Rubber. Soled Canvas Pumps; ... " 1.75 _
Women's Institute meet at 8 p. M. you men. Capt. H. L. Major, only '
it the hoose of Mrs, John Draper. son of A. E. and Mrs. Major, had suc- Leather -Soled Canvas Pumps, ., 2.00
'rogram-Roll Call, answered by cumbed to the wounds which he had
)roverbs; Letters from the Trench- received early in April, and of which Ladies' Tango Pumps, "Fleet Foot," ....
% Mrs. Stanley Davis ; Victrols the readers of the News are already
ieleettons. All ladies welcome. familiar. His death, which took place
-A meeting under the nus ices on Sunday, was not entirely anezpecL• Mons, �� Women ,�s and Children's Yachting Shoes;
.• .
p ed as recent cablegrams.were decided- Fleet Foot, at 1.50, 1.40 and 1.25
A the Y. M. C. A. will be held in ip discouraging as to his condition. - -'
:be town hall on Monday evening The heartfelt sympathy of the whole
+o consider the sennas situation communityy ggoes out to Mr, and Mrs. .� - (LADIES' BLOUSES �.*
misting throughout the world in 'Major in their hour of sorrow. Fur- • • •� a.
-egard to food production and to Cher particulars will be gigen in our+-
oterest the boys in this respect. next issue.•
-At the missionary meeting Sunday next. June 24tb, the Meth- .8peclals in Ladles' White voile waists, some
ieid at the home of Mrs. F. `H odist Church Choir and friends will embroidered, some lace trimmed, -
Sall on Friday afternoon, hire. G., give s service o! song, introducing
;aw ave the report of the Dig, several inspiring and harmonious at 1.25, 1.50, 1.15 and 2.00
g Tw anthems. Among the number, "Em-
Meeting, and the ladies pre- manuel's Land," ie one of great beauty
iented Mrs. Bedford, the retiring and expression. This is one of Dr.
president, with apestal and Emerson's compositions, who died two f -
'ern with fern basket.� years ago at the ripe age of 95. His �:- CHILDREN S DRESSES -
-The Cam
method of : composing was first to
Campbell Flour Milts Co.,.plearn the words, get them as it were Assorted styles and Sizes in Children's Ready-made' Dresses in
:.td., will hold their annual picnic into his system, and then write the y y
it High Park, Toronto, on Satur- elody. He wrote this anthem in pinks, blues, whites and plaids.
lav, at which the employees of 1909, though it was not published till *'
,heir three mills, West Toronto, after his death. "There .hall be no . Plain Chambray Dresses, embroidered in white,
Peterboro and Pickering, accotn- might there" is another beautiful Per- i312e6 2, 4 and 6 years, prices
panied by their families and fri- mon by W. U. Petrie. A fine tenor _ _ _
!ads will attend. In consequence, solo opens the piece followed by a 60, 70 and 80 cents.
soprano obligato of rich and charming
:he mill here will close that day.. 7
melody. An earnest proper of ap- Striped Dresses, sines 2 to 5 years, price 85, � 5 and 8.5c.
-The many Pickering friends of ling sympathy is a new anthem by
k. E. and Mrs. Major, of White- Warren, entitled 'Even Me.'• Its-:�ancy Dresses, made especially for the little Miss' Sunday
vale. extend to them their deepest very simplicity is touching. Rev. Mr,
sympathy on the iereparable loss 'Gwen, who Is preparing a special ad- best, plain materials, embroidered in white,
they have sustained by the death dress for the occasion, -has chosen for - prices 1.75 and 2.00.
if their only son, Capt. H. L. Ma
his subject "Acquaintanceship with
or; which took lace in a hospital (red'" bearing upon and suggested by 1
P P the musical numbers. Service begins' ,f
m England on Sunday as the. r -e- at 7 p.<m. .
Cult of wounds received early in _
-The Methodist Sabbath School Ladies' Blouses and Whitewear
will be held next Spada morning -_ r
at 10.50, instead of at 2 p. m., the Ladies' Voile, Lawn and Dimity Blouses from.1.00 to 2.75 each, very stylish
usual hour. The teachers and White Skirts, the latest make with belt 1.50 and 2.00.
scholars are requested to meet in House Dresses; all colors and styles, from 1.00 to 2.00 each. Corset Covers.'
the school room at 10 o'clock, and 25 to 60 cents each. Combinations, 1.75 to -100. Drawers, 24c to 75c.
Idler repair to the auditorium of ` [.Tuderskirts. 1.00 to 1.50. Night Dresses, 85c, 100 and 1.25.. _
the church, where Rev. Mr. Bed- Undervests, 15 to W. Jersey Combinations, 50c each.
Hosiery for Ladies and Children, black, white
ford will address his remarks to and tan. Corton and Lisle 13c to 50c pair.
the school and its friends.' All Corsets. D A and Compton's 75c to 1.75 a pair. Hose Supporters 15 to 950
ire 'cordially invited to attend White Lisle (cloves 50c pair. White Canvas Pumps and Tennis 9b"a
1.25 to 1.75 r air. In fact everything for the hot months _
this service. per P g
-I t is with regret that we re- - - of June. July and August. Call and see the goods.
o ohs d high p esteemed reardeath of a former :L$ REGISTER. _ G. A. GILLESPIE, DUNBARTON
dent of Pickering, Mrs. Wm. T. PROW -o'
Hartriek, which took place on WaDV"DAT Jr -r$ 27TH -Executors
Friday, Tune 15th, at her home in sale of house and lot on Church St.,
Vancouver, B. C., after only two Pickering, the pproperty, of the Es -
days illness and followiag an o r- tate of the late Joha E. (lee. Sale .1
y Pe at 3 o'ciock, sharp. See bills. W,
ation. Her body is being convey- B. Powell, auctioneer.,
ed to -Pickering for interment and _ _ _- _ Gives people the notion of Driving or Going away for
Methodist cemetery on Monday
the hour of which will be an-
nounced in the village churches.
The deceased left Pickering for
the west four years ago. accom-
panied by her daughter, Miss S3!1.
vania, and has since resided in
the west. She is survived
by a
family of two sons sad four dau-
Qhters. These are Hiram, who
has resided in British Columbia
for a number of years, but who is
now overseas with the Canadian
Engineers, Wm. of Vancouver,
Mrs. Branton of ' Toronto, Mrs.
(Rev.) Banner of Yarker, Mrs.
(Rev:) Farnsworth of Newburg,
and .hilts Sylvania of British Col-
-A garden party, under the
auspices of the Women's Auxili-
ary of St. George's Church, will be
held on the spacious lawn of F. H.
Richardson, "Ricbview Farm,"
2nd con., two Hailes west of the
village, on the evening on Mon-
day, July 2nd (Dominion Day).
An ezcellont program will be pro-
vided consisting of addresses by
Hartley Dewart, K- C., M. P. P.,
of Toronto, and R. R. Mowbray,
Reeve of Pickering; solos by Don.
ald C. McGregor, the well-known
baritone soloist of Toronto - Hor.
ace C, Pease, Comedian, of Iforon-
to ; Miss Althea Howarth, fancy
dancer, of Toronto ;Miss Margaret
Bolton, soprano soloist, of Toron•
to ; Ross Stone, tenor soloist, of
Los Angeles, Cal.; Mrs, T. M. Ma
Fadden, soprano soloist, Pickering;
Miss Fawkes, reader, Pickering
Misses- Ruth and Eva Murpby
piano and violin soloi9ts, of Pick•
ering, and Miss Mildred Jephson,
dancer, of Pickering. The chair
will be occupied by Rev. E. A.
Brace, L. T. H., B. D. Refresh•
merits will be for sale on the lawn
during the evening. (Sates will
open at 5 p. m. Admission 15
R nts. children 10 cents. Every•
bdy tome, and have. a good time -
SEALED TENDERS will be received
by the undersigned Secretary up to
Saturday, June 28rd, for building
about 2400 square feet of cewent side-
walk, situated in the Police Village of
Claremont, the same to be completed
by Sept. 19t,' 1917,
The lowest or any tender not neces.
sarily accepted.
For further particulars apply to the
Village Trustees.
Taos. PATERsov, Secretary
Pater, Pure Water
If you are wise you will use the only
Ideal well, drilled by Ohas, B. Rice,
who is agent for Wind Milia,. Gasoline
Engines, all kinds of pipe and fittings
for water works, Also bath room fix-
tures, etc. Everything given careful
Home Tel. 5521, Whitevale, On t.
-. 1=I03CERIMTOh
You can always get the best Mani-
toba Flour made from No. 1.
Manitoba Wheat.
Royal Household and Glenora for
Bread. Try a bag.
Pastry Flour ' Fresh Rolled Oat9
Caldwell's Cream substitute
Calf Meal.
Molasses Meal
Get prices on feed in ton lots.
' F. W , "VCreee3cn
l Chopping every day..
Single or Double Harness, Plush Rugs, Dusters and WhiJall_
,-7,,,new stock. Trunke and Suit Cases. Sboe Repairing
.'Harness and Collar repairing promptly done. '
3800.W. J. COAKW
First and foremost, we are Gents' Furnishers and can supply you with
anything in the way of men a wear,
We had a dandy tine of Sport Shirts and Ties arrive last week, and
our summer samples of Clothing are here.
Call on us before yon buy your Summer Shoes. We have.
an At line of Canvas and Rubber Goods and
Y can guarantee satisfaction.
. 7..
Established 18.57.
Wisconsin No. 7, Imperial Lemmings,
-- - White Capb- Corn.
, =Co
-Screen 'Doors -Window Screens,
.., r,a,•
= Coal Oil Stoves for cheap -
1J. H. BUDDY Pickering'
. ..� �._p.. �• . _..