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V W X -XXXVT,,, .,.-.PICKERING, ONT, FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1917 N06 sessesse, ..... ses . a Virefewi&Lmal. Otatrbra. PORT UNION. 1TH LINE, PICKERING Establish' 75 years 4 eu There will be a pork and beans sup. Medical 8" P" INK MILLS per held MountZion churchon Fred Middleton, of Toronto, spent Sunday the evening of Tuesday, March 20th. ,ay at J. H. Micbell's. L. CALDWELL, M. D., Successor under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid e, Funny Saves, of Brock Road, GREENWOOD-..t. G to the late Dr. IL Brodie. Pboaa 306 Society. The supper will be followed visited at J. H.' Michelle recently. Clar-mor, Out. FLOUR' Hugh Michell is having a few boll. by a first-class program, Including & days in Toronto and at other points. E. FOUSYTH, D. of 0., Regis- drama among other interesting and .1 ,sm, amusing numbers. I A number of our young people spent MILLS " tered mem bar of the Optometrical Asso. WHITR SATIN—. BREAD Everyb9dy wale a pleasant evening coasting recently. Nation of Outario. •s vial attention given to come. See bills later. f glassol. Eyes to" free. North We Farmers' Club have received a Olanmont.CREAM BUNS—FAMILY 46tf carload of sugar. How sweet of them. CHERRYWOOD TEA BUNS—PASTRY Miss May Michell and her mother O. MoKINNON, -No Ediaba member of the College of Following Is the report of j3. S. No. spent Friday at Lloyd Turners, Mon• madre..... of Ontario liessatiate 7, Pickering, for the months of Janu- ed A*yaJ C*Ilev of surgeons. di g 081 toa; r -'Jumbo, aryandFebruary. Names paying Uabarih- Bran, Shorts, W. J. ;to report the Illness of Mrs. am pa highest price special attention to daies"s of woman and 611114"n. Oftes, and residence. Brougham. merit : Sr. IV.—Fred Ireson, Pearl Turner and Miss Gladys Pugh. Plaxton, Jr. IV.—Wilmot Plaxton, We wish them a speedy recoverfor Barley and Wheat. T. 'Garner ..Wheat Screenings, Frank Barkey. Class III.—Howard Or and Mrs. W. J. rner attended the Farmer's Convention in Bears, Ada, Barkey, Olive. Beare. OK Get my prices before selling val Davidson. Mildred Davidson. Wit. Toronto and spent a very profitable T E. FAREWELL, K.O., BARRIS- -All kind T time while there. .'7122 ocunly Oremna Attorney, and 00anty s of Chop. mot w.edle, Alex Gates. Sr. II.- 96Hd6w. b;;R House. Whitby. WT Bills Milne,Mary Garland, Stanley Chopping on mo�iaays, AE. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and Gates, Isaac Reaman, Joseph Garland, WHITZVALE * solicitor. No," Publio. Ste. Money to Jr. II.—Beatrice Petty', Willie Norris. The '"dies ' Aid of the Methodist Wednesdays and Fridaye o". 00ae Brock 817North. Whitby, U17 SCRANTON COAL D. L. andl:W. Class I.—Lillian Davidson. Agnes Pet- church held a Hard Time Rocial In the t J sale Davidson, Lucy Le Fever, Oddfellows' Hall on Friday event Chopping will not start "s STOVE, CHESTNUT, PES 7�h n McGriskin. Roy Reaman, May The receipts, asmounting to about 189, "PLAKE B. D. D. S..,• Barkey. Sr. Primer—Hazel Gates, is for Red Cross work. .,until 0 a. BEATON, Robert McGriskin., Howard. Plaxtou, A.V Graduate of the Royal College of Dental AND STEAM. Ruth Le Fever, Ethel Le Fever.ter several years of casual ship- of Tolonto. oinco Jr. Surgeons and Univmity Jr.J over W. M. Pringle's hardware .tors,- Whitby. Primer—Willie Davidson, Nell Petty, Ingat Locust Hill, (C. P. R.), we un Don't bring less thau., gerstand that Harry Clarry Intends Coo* hours 9 to J.2; I to am. Ind phone ie. Eva Gates, Gordon Davidson, Leslie making regular live stock shipments -five bags, as minimum Seta phone 00, my J. L- SPINK, LIMITED, Hollinger., Willie Hollinger, Ross to the Toronto market. ID I Dr Kc- �ROVInA, Dr Beatows absence overess. Gates. Olga Hoar, teacher. amount charged for of Toronto, will. be in charge, Our village was the scene of a cost] PICKERING, ONT. fire on Saturday afternoon when wijl be five bags in GREENWOOD D. Ra ers' barn was-completely de- future. loustntee gavboes stroy"gwitli its co Mrs. Alf Trimble left on Saturday valu&61e driver ntents, including a The rigs only were G. HAM-Issuer of Marriag4 J. So BUL, Claremont to spend a month with her daughter. saved. 10 se Liceases in the Oounty of on%&nO, Mrs. C. Wilson. of Port Colbourne. Plakering village. my Remember the concert in aid of the HOUSETURNISHINGS Miss G. Pengelly left on Friday for Red Cross to be given in the Hall next Vee Iseass QMMM IT TPOUCHER, Real --is—tate Auc- Scranton, P4., to resume her work Thursday evening. The programme o ticnew. vAlustor, collector sad iieuer Big Stock. at the lowest prices there for 10L couple of months. -consists of an amusing drama, entitled Of JDA2TUAS licensee. Brougham. 07 Mrs. J. : Totton and Master Bar- "Whiskers." and selections by Male I Deliver free. old are sp4oding'a, few days with her Chorus, etc. 'E A- S T L A K E" HOPPER Issuer of Marriage parents. S. and Mrs. :W&rriner, of D Licenses in Stouff ville. The shingle that has given satia- IMZ at 0. and his Call and pee. .Ind Plicae.. John and Mrs. Adamson and family BROCK ROAD 17 1 S.19EATON TOWNSHIP-OLEELk Claremout. e in Ern- F. R. and W. A. Jackson spent Sun faction for over 30 years. Empire D. 000TOTILD641, 04111milifiGO401 for taking Corrugated Ixon with as J in. by --- D told, after spending a couple of months day under the pa"utal roof, left this weak for their home admaTt". ass"ontans. Big. money be W" with friends and relatives. 2 in. corrugation, see it before you an hou Issues of Xarrv3s Lie- Rev. J. 0. Totton. Miss Brown and . George and Mrs Stotts have depart- buy other makes. If you are lrw= ed for their home in the west. in M"e on*. F. L. Green are the delegates appoint- Deed of a Cream Separator. Try TTUGH S. PVGH. Glen Major. Out. ed from here to attend the Conven- Owing to the Illness of the teacher, X1 Liceated Auctioneer. � ExLemsive exper- -Spring Term Opens tion being held this week at Massey our school has been closed for two a Premier for 80 days. Also foses in imported and, tbarcumbbred stock. week,. gasoline engines from 089.00 up. "as eauducted. as Ahern, Write for terms on Tuesday. April 10, and me Hall, Toronto. merges A sleigh-l(lad of young people from A number of'our Sev or w ri to me before buying. land pamcularv. Phone Ind. 221L ably into Summer Session from July Ird. L farmers are dis. No forced Vacatiop. No waste time. here went oat to Geo. Middteton.'s on posing of a large number 6f hogs, Bell Phone. TI LI..,. Licensed Auctioneer, Come. Free Catalope. Write to Mondav evening to an oyster owing to the present high prizes. .tor Countlem of York and Ontario. Atic- Shaw's Schools, Toronto. 39&7 9"PPe`F Fuller & Farley have completed F. J. Prouse, 'is Pickering • JC' POS and needless to say all thoroughly en- their ice harvest. The ice has been a n saless of all kinds attenued to on shot%" Yonge St. In ed the outing. noise's. Address Green River P, 0.. Ont, gct��m e Rev, Bruce. of Pickering. was Percy, and a good thickness. Y. who has. spent a year through here on Thursday last calling on the farm near Myrtle. b&s joined a 91ekering :farag on the adherents of the Anglican e Vetorinary Surgeon NEW BUTCHER SHOP Church In this locality.- If he missed construction battalion and Is now on anyone It would be anoversight his way overseas. on � All automobile and Bicycle 11onor Graduate of the Ontario Vete- his part, as he Is Practically a stranger Weare pl= to report that Miss rinary College .i full-line of Fresh Meats always Among US. Ethel Bray ng as well we can be repairing promptly And Graduate of the Veterinary ou hand at shop. expected -in the hospital in. Toronto. attended to. Science Amcwhitiou.* where she went last week to undergo Phone-offlee ISM, residence W2 Wagoil on road every day. :GOOD WIN- MCG VIRE an operation for appendicitis. Tires, Oils, Grease and repain On abort notice our boys got tagetb- u CLIAREMONT, Fresh Pork Sausage a'spiclalty On Monday. Feb. 19th. at 10 a. er five of their u mber to gi? to White- sill aye on hand. 0, ONTARIO 1- M St. Felix-Church, 17u-nrea,"Wan, Was v-AId-on- --Tb-ursdA .7 last to ay the we Butcher's cattle wanted the Scene of a quiet' but pretty wed• return match. They lost by Wore Mi-& Ah-die- L0_ ,LOGS WANTED I dine, when Margaret. eldest daughter of 3 to 5. They attribute their defeat JAS O'CONNOR-' PICKERING PICKERING,. Out. of Wm. and Mrs. McGuire was Joined to the fact that their heavy weight Carner"King and Church Sts. In the holy bonds of matrimony to was abserif owing to illness, and their � will pay cash for the following logs' Charles, eldest son of John and Mrs. goal tender was also absent. Another I have a -good stock of delivered here: Goodwin, of Pickering, Ont., Rev. Fr. game,witt be played in tbremear futwee- od, RZAL ESTATE..... Bertran officiating. The bride was on Brock road Ice when they hope Ui/Basswo No.., 1. 81 o � 00 per M. JQjJrJ '?le. ld 00 t Elm, m, - 16.00 iven away by her father, wearing to do better, her travelling suit of military blue Kite Bastard Rim - 12.00 French garbard-ine made military 16.00 jail :tyle, over a blouse of cream Georg. Wh ck Clal 15 In, over 24.00 2 etre crepe and large blue hat. The 'Ve 0 1& EYB!rrch.9 Red Cross Concert, itevaie, ch Thursday, March 15th. Wire noing under 15 In 20.00 61 bridesmaid, Miss Ellis. slater of the ALSO ...,lWhite Ash, 12 foot bride, wore a navy suit with cream WHITBY Or log lengths 98.0() 150 acre Farm For Sale, good soils silk crepe blouse and black bat. The Chopping and Oat Rolling brick house with, 9 roomss. groom was supported by Jack Fitz- The night classes at the High School Brace Wire*, Staple done as usual, Barns and-stabling for 42 head' patrick. After the ceremony the conducted by Mr. Johnston, the prin- f stock. Hen house wedding party drove to the home of cipal, have been most successful. ..On . and pig pen ' -^kfast 'We G. Barnes, Green River 0 the wedding bre Wednesday evening agricultural clas- was served.' Only the relatives and ses were opened in addition to those Cedar Posts and Or address R. R. No. 1. Locust Hill. All in good repair. already established. intimate friends vf the 'bride and groom were present.. The groom's F. M. Bell-Smith. of Toronto. gavJ ..'Steel Post gift to the bride was a chain and cross, a very interesting address on Renais- JOHN PHILIP WV. Rich.ub=- to the brides's maid brooch set with Saucer In Art, at the College on Friday Cosi, Lumber, Cement, Shingles, earls, Rod to tbQvet mart cuff links. night. His address was ilj_ustratel by Notary Public, Pickering. . lime-light views of famous paintings. Hass ,full line of tresh and Pure- 0. and Mrs. Goddivin left the follow- Besides being an artist, Mi. ell Lath and Ready Rooflug ing morning for their home at Picker- B ed meats constantly on h#LncL 11,11 Out, accompanied by the good Smith is interested in literature, be- �ftlwgiys in, stock. Water, Pare Water wisbes of their friends. I_ president of the Dickens' Club. =he town is grently interested N .Spice Roll, Breakfast Bacon, ted in A. :C. 'RE-ESORI Me Kingston road question. A large Ham, Bologna, Weiners, etc. BROUGHAM If you are wise yon will use the only cumber from here joined the depot^- Highest orices paid for Ideal well, drilled by Chas. B. Rice, Miss . -Scott spent the week-end with tion to,Toropto on Thursday last, and =w;..LOCUST'HILL ly , who is agent for Wind Mills, Gasoline Butcher's cattle her parents in Peterboro. they now feel that the government Engines, all kinds of pipe and fittings Mrs. W. B. Robson is visiting her will take It over. We also hope that for water works. Also bath room fix- Everything given careful S. A. and Mrs. Devitt, of Black. county good roads scheme at the June tures. etc. son, R. B. Robson and family,-Guelph. the county council will adopt the �1Uel'1� stock, spent a few days with W. J. E-ession.190unceiXent 91ekering attention.yf .-RICE'S PUMP WORKS, and Mrs. Devitt. A patriotic dance In honor of the re- t Tuesday Home Tel. 5521. Whitevale. On Mrs'. Milne returned to her home in turned soldiers was given on First-class rigs for hire Toronto, after spending two weeks evening In tbe. Music Hall. Among Day or night with Mr. Rod Mrs. Shepherd. those present were the of of the Bus meets all trains The Pickeririg, Miss Marie Hamilton, who has been 182nd Battalion, and a large conting- Having purchased spending a week with her friend, Miss ent from Oshawa and the surrounding Teaming promptly attended t( Gladys Brodie, of Pickering, has re.- country. Music was furnished by Mr. V11 ance Committee �the Drug business of ee Agent for Canada Carriage Co. ed h Jack Schiller, of New York. Mr. KS]e IA!�Odmfees-! Aid of the Methodist Schiller, who Is son of the -governor .7' _.T. Me McFadden, I The objeet of this Association is to urch will hold its regular meeting of the Wbitbyjail, .-Is a noted pianist, —We H. Peaks Jkckerinp. at the home of Miss Bate an W and his music delighted all, lessen stealing and prosecute ednes- da March 16th. All ladies made F. H. Annes is making an Interest- solicit your busifiess the felons. welcome. Ing suggestion to relieve the coal situ- ----- ---------- ----- - Route Members having proper* The You People's Bible Class of Ation. He proposes that the _govern- In all lines of drugs A Safe, Sure and Quick stolen 00112muOl- the Union Young School will give a ment take over the Toronto Eastern, 0611wimols"S41Y win any member to a Good Business position concert in the Town Hall on the even. construct a line from Pickering to C. and stationery, 'and Is via th6 of Executive COMMM". Ing of Friday, March 16th: the pro- N_ R. at Cherrywood, and from Whit- Membership. Ise se ceed4 of WhiCh will go to the Red by town to the harbor and secure the gross Society. A first- r :...,guarantee satisfattion program supply from Olcott, N. Y. This would 7.M Tioltots'n3sybe bed from the PIWdoist or will be given consisting PINEffigs, read- very short route, and only six ns, music, etc., Eby the miles would have to be constructed, and a square deal. recitations, • Exac. Oom.-L. O. Banks, C. S. Palm toga, wing well-known artists ss T. o1This scheme should appeal to Toronto, ere We V. Richardson, Pickering. Hawkins, ,elocutionist, of Markham, its well as to the towns and villages y goods not carri-s TORONTO. ONT. Mise' D. Prout, elocutionist, of Clare- along the lake front, ). Re Thextoii W. J. Clark moat, Miss L. Scott, soloist. Miss B. The town Is greatly interested In the Cor. Yonge and Charles Ste. :V I .�d in stock, will be president, Swats" Chapman, elocutionist, of Uxbridge, returned soldiers who are at the eon- Rhorths,nd, Ty ewriting Banking, M.7 Wilker,- violinist, of Claremont, veleacent home here. Special services Book-keeping, Aigher Accountin Messrs. Spears and Mackey, vocalists, were held in the Tabernacle on Sun- Pleased to procure. Correspondence, Pmmanship, 8;,1- TOOLS SHARPENED ofMount Zlon, assisted bytbeyoung day evening, and those who have It Business {Forme, Commercial - lin Busine" Laws We make a. people In comic dialogues, panto- autos are liberal In taking them out Civil spedalry of crosscut saws. mimes and choruses. Come and en. for a drive. On Wednesday evening �y _r MOD I KE IN R Fio9t-�Ou! A f Service, etc., taught quickly and Tools of all kinds. Locks repaired, Jog, "Courting Under Difficulties." they were treated to a concert at correctly. Exeriesced teachers Razor-honing a specialty. For a first 'Hooligan's Mistake." and "The the hos ifs buildings. under the Go Wes Lidaie, Phm. Be careful attention ; moderate rates class Bair trim or an easy shave call Somnambulist." During the evening us ices of the War Relief Society4 Demand for our gra- at the East-end Barber Shop. Mr. Poacher will sell by auction an 4 best results. It Fs now known that there will be Druggist-Graduate Optician duatte Is far In excess of our supply. See our House Furnishings of all auto@rraph quilt. made by the you from 1200 to ISM here before the end Bator now. Catalogue free. kinds. Slightly used Carpets People and conts.1nin ef of the year. Of those Lh-mAy here N. R. Ti- it Agent. from 16 cents a and up. CIO 25 cents, c g SM names. !T W. J. Elliott, Principw mLvid hildren, undetr 12 there in one of the seven survivors of • • W. J..- ]&DON the crialu&I.Princese Pats. GO _Q . a �, - 40 : V r" r.'. .:....... .:n-c.'r,..f.•,i.,, : F..�.. .W,... _ . !..u.. -O'. �,:,l.M1.X'. , ..•_.-.: + 1w.�.'..ti`�..:'y..._.,:...'.. . ...-._•-i.r,.+•.n✓,!^•.✓.•C,-l: i ...ti ... .::.:... ..,..... ........ ,.., ..�:. ...''`�,w ,, ,..hE..i". +i..f etra ::,, ..�v:x_ -'- ..:'�s ti.• �. s,n.-.. z .>k 7 -Tv "_ e��i., - F. . 'r. .1uB:v .s_4''i.ss.'. . ''•ik..K': .�. .: w " almost since he had begun to think # , " the thou J ghts of a mast. Or perhaps it had been born furth- er back yet. The angel, charged with _ . -. -• ushering human souls .nto Time, from' : Eternity, dues not always sing over - his work -or else sings ' to closed m _ ears. But once and again the song f 8 1 g e' u• �Te-rte ' lives, and is remembered as in ait �{ &kLADA- dream, and sought after during a life- - �x o0 0 .. �t has the reputation o� nearly time, as a haunting melody i$ sought. N t m1- r �' T Y p Such men and such women always run r the risk of being a little ridiculous as _ -a quarter of a century behind the abnormal is ridiculous; and if, in Canada addition, they are shy, the opportun. every packet sold - ities of misunderstandii:g between r i1f the heavily -charged electric wires, that pen tl`le f them and°their fellows are exception - people into a workless' and almost !oodles lead; rail : ally rich. wick--GrQen—oar JMixQ.d a If John M'Donnell was not consid- slang our frontier _.. . eyed "feckless," it was only because her. instead of ding of Bel kept his own counsel; partly, also, be- reading gran aufferiags we heard K i ,cause he could handle the double- the pitiful talcs from the bps of -escaped victims handed hammer as could few men in '-if we could see the loo and on the quarry-. -_ g hgry bread -lines of He was,going to appear unfaithful people as intelligent and once as prosperous and to the quarry now, but only, so tosay, comfortable as ourselves 'through an excess of faithfulness. By _9 we could watch the thousands- child dint of studying his fellow -workers, s of emacren _ he had arrived at his own convulsions who are fed, at the schools by the Belgian Refitl concerning their wants. To, all but _ Commission the infirm and the incurably lazy- bread was assured -laboriously earn-' -if what they are enduring, and their desperate need', "- CHAPTER 1—(Cont'd). l .Even after the cannonade was still, ed, and sometimes at the risk of life, were clear and, vivid to us, instead of unreal aid.- - y "So it's hey for Glasgow to -mor -'the men remained cowering and i but fairly plentiful. Their bodies ;overseas -row?" remarked Tim M`Laren, as,: cramped, waiting for the releasing' might be considered provided for -but! r whistle, v: bleb would not sound until their souls . -=thin the great heats of. Canadians would be moved, fathful to his rule of clown, he grin- Even to pronounce the•word in and there would be no trouble ;n raisin several tic! s x, red within the frame of his woolly a margin of some minutes had allow- ! P l g e i whiskers. John nodded without turn ' edfora possibly forgotten blast. Public, outside a church, would in his! our present contributions to the Belgian Relief Fund. u ing. "Ye'll be coming back a regular' To come back to the sheep and the present character, be a sort o moral 4 knowing, a ding, o daubnded , hammer tenacity, "you haven't. told 4a yet what 'indecency, as he well knew; and there- i Can we bring the urgent need of the hungry BClgian y fore it was that John M'Donnell had atiudant in spring, no doubt eh? not I whiskey," observed Adam, with fine ` g " 'harm it would tlo you to stopa week ' mother and children hams to YOU? Can we enE; - (.etermined to earn for himself the r from donitgthink, hl!" said Johii, with longer." ;right -of speaking both in. and outside.{ YOUR active sympathy for those whose very'livcs ° r John turned his face . towardo his' church walls. Not that the pulpit E depend on the prompt and continued help of people like ;Rita slow smile, while Willie Robson cousin, a whimsical -smile brightening had ever stoop empty, but that the oe- i _ ourself? Send our subscriptions weeld month! Olin :. solemnly gaped. g 8 Y Y P Yt Y ' its seriousness. cupaers of it -strangers usually, if not -� merely, toneelook upon gravity was 1 � o harm, perhaps; but no good, , to the country, then to the life of the'ode lump sum to Local of Provincial Committees. or P workmen -so seldom found the word SEND CHEQUES PAYABLE TO TREASURER Po g so soon to look -upon Glasgow bred Adam, neither to you nor to me. A that went to its ggal. To Jon it ra � 'awe, automatically, as it were. roomful of people always .strikes me j had been torture to sit out nine out of Adam, sitting doubled d with stupid, as you well know.' rund grimy elbows on knees and cheeks And how about a churchftil of pea- ! every ten sermons he had heard since chilrihood. He had begun by re - r. -pressed between two broad fists, spoke pie, eh? "quavered Tim. You'll have maktn thein in his own -mind; a had A to be tram lin on that shae ishnesi g' protestingly:' g P a9 5t. Peter Stecet, Montreal, a ended by resolving to stand one day in _ r "Strikes me you might have put it of yours w en once you get into the h Off ti that save me Pulpit-" R that pulpit. Off tib rrext'�o vK "DavWoasdbeat man pp The Greatest Relict Work its Hil3to2^f0 4 y "Rill I et Into it?" mused John,' flow differently, liv:•.gr their daily with wistful a es. lives, being of their very bone, he _ s It's the ossa] thing to come to wed- Y could speak to these toil - worn men! r dings, not to run away from them. ' As sure as we're all sitting here He knew, where those others. only - Doesn't seem cousinly, somehow. Vowing as stiff a.+ salted herring-,' Y r - What's eight days over the books, asserted Adam gruffly, yet With aside- `expend , or imagined: It it kfor a :after all?"? long look at his cousin, which shoved' exile -fence to teach how hard it t for _ - �t�� - a " i no want of faith'in him: men ever tied to 'the elementary ma- But the Band Ni ould. F R i� E` TO l)OYS Even one day is much when one; „ . tenial, ever at war with its laws, ever 1 bees wasted ten years;' said John, his au'il burr u bout it, eh.." urg. t• ed Tim bi'Laren P'•1 d be sorry to in contact with stone and earth and � Your Hunan," informed the pollen_ wide brown eyes following the move- metal, and. all the other brute phy meal man as he pointed to the risoner, "he - tnents of a couple of men sill, linger- miss seeing. you there, tint that, P Ing on one of the terraces of the roti, there's any over -great hurry about it facts, not to lose com„lete eight of the; refused to rise while the band played ------ either," he added jauntily, remember- side of Life which is not physical, 'Canada, O C'anada.' " \rtJ� and now, in answers is a ecorni shrill which cannot either be cut or weighed. j I. did not reed nize the tune," ex-, . !•tQ- that this acknowledgment of itg;e. g ' ' P summons of the whistle, running to, or In or calculated. And no. g� I �, shelter, was, under the circumstance-, impol-' plained the culprit hastily. <.. "'But two shed John -thank of =itt< ; ' "Let it he within the' next ten one who has not been in -it himself „Naw „ IRA, l p,. , my- dear man said the mag- , that urged A9am, warnsin>; u to Years. and it'll do -richly." know•v how depressing; ,is. the p.:rely' • _ •�• + _ _ p h steal r , istrate sympathetically, "iet me . his subject ".We've reckoned, Jean As the three pairs of eyed once more P } g cove. To lift his fellow- ® �+� fixed themselves upon -the figure in tate worker,; a little • ids olit of that whistle it for yrou, so that hereafter and 1, that one would go round us~ a' bit tightly, so to say. No e d of shit_ truck trousers it war, not hard $roovessuch was Jol;,n s amb;tinn; for, you may distinguisH it; :!mutton -chops, my lad, I tel: you; and to srucr-s that, mentally, he was being w•:th his big, t.npra:tica] soul hr _lou- The magistrate whistles] the mctcidy--------�-=af 4 - -i r Y put into clerical black. Not one. of ed them all ton well to look on content! and the' pri.oner listened' intently, -the -cake ordered from Obert, and the.them'doubted that. that priestly garb y: K'hen his ytior hip had finished the • ,. at their slaver He fr'.t himself as P was safely hanging in the ,wardrobe+ ditstinctly called to this deliverance of, defendant, ex<laime<I g*tsiterously; ,1 dull explosion coverer, the next T',,+ pinndt i Rapist F'irr t'Qnaon i�. words, preceded Ly a small gaff of of the future. Keen workman though his brethern a.; ever Catholic mission „Y�r �i"vrship, -it ' the band hacl �' � • ,• rmP' N'<,4d bait~! + i;�t tic + ate smoke, followed by -a spurt of date "ha w•a°• even the dullest among them airy felt dra-n • to the -conversion of ,. 1 >l,,.hlne .(.un•_ tf •: ,t: will e«it aq plspetl the'tuHe as pot~ 4 hietled tt.' I a pieces, whirling shout the cliff like a e'aeubesidefelt the workman :n John,something `a' age To, continued), would not bri here tu-day.'c - �„L'CK �. set°i cer�;`:;`,`iticr «�t�r love- :'.flt,ek of startled birds. Within acture that long, rarrtrtw figure ina ''Discharge+l:".interrupted the �r€Ii- 1`• 1?"iA tn'h,r.,+or.•d tit, r;�h t'l•turea the name half -minute another ,puff white sur lace re wired no '--0'-- at t'rnce each 'wt, r4n N4ng s w. wit^ from another point -another detona- p q great effort >leased magietrttte' t, ',I,t�-,;.q t,j, pai•I: thin RUt id' i+ire .tion. Like a dull a of the imagfriaCon, �' BA'CH .C;1R.S1'A\S FOE! QELGLI`5 But the band would' i•onclude•ii thin '�'n a «,t.c;, •'r hulNts „h•t Four 0 owe upon eachother. The foul e white Burp ice : 'u inan in an, un r one :i he hastily re- r, , :, ur nuT.r 1:ddr;• q rind ' men in_the bothy cowered with craned startle in this locality, tet it be bt•,efly They Will Each Supply Baths Pontin -!tired from the court-ruorn. Wo s«:,d roti rhe vers;air wct.irAy L, .eat necks, silently watching the familiar .Interpolated that here too the •'Mas- : _. ___,i�,__ %ti'ben e, iJ acni un the, ,aoncy r-1 w„ _ sight, whose interest never staled: 5z ere' -that. crow:,:r.g sin of the uously, for Fourteen Hoses. _ ii r r °to s F � a et g` T;* -at Kr;Q4 Iv! ' r Po douse of Orange-hadp p Two new bath caravans for the Bel- ''`!Taps, Snaps and 1l3ucltler: U n one or too distant, levels out- played its art,. c;un side the blsistin t by riveting the des-endon,ts of its vic- ^-' It is good' strap?, maps aril _ - g res he me.n .tend tams to the cht:rch of the Stuarts. For g'an army, the gift of the Wounded i b;Fckle•s that keep 'the old farm bar HONER-W_LR°�a:w CO., Sin g~Dopa, fascinated sprctatnrq. The Allies' Relief Committee were• recent- : Mop%. - • f ---ails tu�gaTt to sell -of gun -powder, centuries pint Ardloch a.nd it,s district �ba-`tri. such goat 'repair. and ,ave. "That's ours!" said Willie Rob3on had formed one of those Episcopalian'!y inspected =r the King and Queen old Dobbin a'se:cere shock on .heavy _ prescnt4% in an accent which teemed islands. which have successfully with- in Lontlon- What a luxury a hot bath' I Fulls. So thought Bill Jones one The Greatest Y.'rI(r. of tho nr;4a nl .nn,-Pgq!orn, stoncl the Presbyterian ocean, is to the fighting man in the trenche.; caking wet morning,as he examined The`g'ientest crater isi,u>c,iis- th<lEin - - - John's plan was generally approved can well he imagined, and the. new -''the farm harness. Ilere was a w�e;tk- the Jopanec-e .mnuata n, rSes,•itn. It FREE TU GIRLS "f, and yet between him and his well- caratiettns will supply a real want. It - : wisher,; there existed a complete mist is reckoned. that each caravan wilt ; ed�buckle�-lier�listedn p them nruht3 ; � , ern to fourteen n:ltr. ;r, understanding. They knew that for supply •bath continuously for du IM tri . Fears past he had been laying shilling fourteen hours, in which case the two pocket trate-book, along with home _ PP Y Y 1�'haPi _ i%elide shilling, in order to reach the harness oil, soap, blacking and a ho ?� pt:rr `water is is esi,ntial '.,,• i;';nd vehicles will he able todeal with atsout nttm which would make study possible, of rivets, all to be purchased whvii he_ health as Proper.food. band saw therein nothing but a eery 1,000 men in the time.- stated... Each.'tvent to town. 'Three dollars and praiseworthy' ambition which others. van carries twelve light steel baths, .i 1 twenty cents .was what they all cost,, • the p s' nt time y of ice, noir. , a,•�1c,n bef;'re him had cherished either suc- feet 3 "inches long by _ feet 2 inchei' at the present taste •.cell result in to i,•}i i g ' I and they put five- year:' neer life into cessfully or • otherwise -since the wide nested one inside the 'other. ,- comfort and pleasure rcxt vain*n r, . Church is, after all, the most attain- Along the whole length of the van, on itL3safettoruseainnhaLnin bheaeS loads' The importation of p -,tent ipctlivines able of the rungs in the social ladder. both sides, are fixed roller -constructed g y etnntainin� ingredients t!c',r'r,icntal to li'Je' -i To a .man they approved of his plan of farm produce .over the. roads to _ i of "bettering" himself, -without ever waterproof sheeting for forming i market- heaith is prohibited in Equaflcr. guessing that his own idea of 'better- tents and -this ensu ring- privacy. Ench We -swill Rive this herau aful prise free meat" bore no resemblance to theirs. teat houses ,rix baths, the water for THREE VITAL QUESTIONS prsi.,a In stowach rad cher- eret�r•.:.cs, So careful had Highland shy Hess been which will be heated b petroleum.. Are -ou fair of energy, vital fare rod gene:.! ccvcarstion, headsc he diii,-- ,-- t ; ,signs _ of ¢il t•1tarRe ty+ a;t} trlrl or young tads Y P food health? Do you know th.t fond ditratioo of Ind}sea[for.. �iotherSei:el'. Syrur, ;fir. ,rest Who will sell 4,i tea of Easter Post- °f keening its own counsel that not These no�'eI bathing machines wait I ' i� tiro toucda:ion of E.•od 5celih•; Palms a.: l op. ` herbal rcrneJy and tonin,. i,i ::vr von. cards at 10-cente a Set fur lnvely 12xiR even his daily companions guessed be drawn by horses -from place to �'- Inch colored V,1•u:ai:h PI^tures at to that they had a fanatic in their midst.'Flace, wherever water can be obtained AJFTER - MOTHER -'s �,;'� Unsuspected, ected he carried. about with . ceneE each. I him his dream, having brought it out -.from rivers and streams, and it will :�: A � i S.H = -� The Extensor pvar'etat IS, of rotted of his very boyhood. When it had be possible to take them quite near MEALS = E � S�;t��iINN '' 1 _ ! t ft Sold elate dna ens an;• arm. been born he could not- himself have the trenches. TAKE _ said. Perhaps on som2-Burnmer da I ' -}---- tuts =- �'�/ !� �+ F -- Tl r 'l S Send•. us your name an -i we will Bend p Y, • — _ • �i 4F you the cards or nlettrres. When sold, as he drnwsed t•mong the heather toI First Aid. = l_ - send us the rinoney and w•e will rend you the music. of the bees and the murmur ; At all Druggists, or dir:ct en ret 1_V3 a pried; 50c. er.d :Isco. The !arse bottle cos fi„ tome times *11- t he bracelet. Address, of the nearest burn; perhaps on some She took a course of first aid to the much as the •malim , A. ]. W xlTz A Co. L,MITaD, Crit sires Wiest, �tootrcai. .... _ winter night, when the awfulness of: injured, and, after' long and anxious b -- - --•--------- --------«-- HOMER-WARREN' CO., -wave and blast had taken his soul waiting, the street accident she had Free Prize t�' Girls DEPT. ass. WOZO tTo, MI,- I and shaken it free of the trammels of i earnestly wished for took place. It, `r formation he .could obtail� from her 1 earthl-- ties. But -it had been there , was a bicycle accident, the man bind I ' Beautiful Doll and Doll 'Carriage- �__.• •_ __._ _ broken his le • she confiscated the - - �' Thlu lovel} Canadian Doll is 16 inches tali at: i looka - walking -stick of a passer-by and broke I f - ;;�.." .a...... � Y fuel like the-plctbre. She has jointed arms and rec;e and �•F ~ blushingly took off her underskirt or i c it in three pieces for sp-ints; she nature looping head, hands and fent. he ham a pretty/'•is • with lace and ribbon tel tugs s"•�t�e c g drThe 1 arrt r1 a atom f n e and whA:els, and , Y p t 1►la] �il i bandages, and she was enthusiastically Inches seal,, basic and hod are maAe of ,ath..r,tta It is ¢ Ft . just the rtebt size for thr� c inti—fir.• rt x"1,�'rfi y� cheered by the crowd. When all was will be proud to own this lovely Doll anti Doll Carrtage. completed she- summoned a cab and Just send us your name and apt 1, ess and Ave will r I made it with my same old reci a send you 30 packages of beautiful, en,boeded Easter � Et P -took her patient to the hospital. Who ?t rad but I used Post Cm.rds to sell at 1J t y bandaged this limb so creditably?" in_,I cents it i,rtokage, or Io.ely ts quired the surgeon. "I did" she I2x1DD9 Ench colored otin- r/ �•; "' t: i ,� ' euchh �7},ten ether! a>°e s+nd a �4 blushingly replied; Well, it is most beautifully done,'._ said' the surgeon,lend us m•i money , tsh n d . * , � 41 dollars) , anti we will but you have, I see, made one little you the roll by matt, with mistake." She felt terriblyself-con- all gharges prepaid- and we ' g also you the' Doll Carrtyou -Sugarscious. "You have bandaged the also guar as exon as you „ show your doll 'to your p I wrong leg, he said quietly. intends and R(�t throe - of - ` them to sell P--.qt-cards 'or _ 7 I� pleturee'and earn prta0 _ -Rome Was Different. VPrite to us to -dad sn you H'it Ort account of its Fine granulation it i can wet your iSolt and Doll dissolves instantly, ma a clear Z�llp. q: •i Little Willie had been invited out. t-axrlage quickly. - r "I want to make you feel at home," w t� said the hostess. " r " HOMER -WARREN AGO 2 c�r5 ib.cartons,l0, 20th 3 00 ib. racks ...,�,.. _ But I don't want to fee] at home, objected Willie. "At home i con only DEPT, 137, TORONTO. have one piece of cake." Owl - ft- 4i%i,i'v.'I�C#:.cvit'cxC.a uua•.iv.1i:C'-eY.itvm'+.`,�v.5•''•.,..rim..ae•"?�atct.ea:N ,-•. •at.sola...,w,m..k...•.w..,rv.....:....:,.•,s...:�,..._..a..e.,r....,,-.:....wL,...:-a.-_...v....-.<,.v_....-..:. �.'....:._c-.'�::._. :.a,_.. ...- :_•�_s......�.. __ ,.. .�s•......_....s �-.... . _. .. _.. .._. ._.. �.,..v..riilte:S.a...Y..ri::!'an?W iu..••u�.uB,fir.iiia¢.•.....a..r.:.'...:.,ed,..: `:�:.6Y. -y c .. rt- � .,�y . .. ,: ,- , ,. �,�-.., _ a S:,,v, ..�. :h C r - � �t.v,:f ::�:. .� .t... !•tG` cYr7 '� �- ' Z� t. ..>, �•. - -r-.. ,, .�-., +. x, ,,.n. �" ,'+i'W er. --+x^.11•, ,,pp� -�.. e.y� s •.w � ,.:'v+- i�'r '? • y `•t.�+r.. . •`�rc.s ,.;.++' ., �, v. s ae-s4o- n e �•^:► � � ` •rs6•- °` �� ' �-•v' , .r .. :... .. •...,: a' -,a '.. ✓l;r,,,6.� •�--.,,, ,w. - _ .: � 'a5.'h/',.+:C`n '`N'w.^^'r ..,r„ �4,. ,ayt' .. ,Y •�« .. - _ e �e 'S h• .J'. .,. .A„ _,_. .... .. ':.... .. •.: ,: "j: D"3F' ,.:dzj'.-9ID..,�"" '';"wf Ji�se•*^E :f ':9'4 , fF' .'Y ,'.;i �.:..�'1 . ,` S• aw v .h, F T .. « , i . $10© AWAITS ANY PASSE LEADING -MARKETS CANADIAN RECRUff S NEW U-BOATS _ WHO SIGHTS .0 -BOAT AT SEA Toronto. Mar. 8�ses stn!!s. shaft -New N 400;000 MARK 350 FEET LONG; No. 1 Norther E.DO. 140. E, do.. 31.64 -, cc�y { - - No. 1. .1 i1.Y1+. track BaY ports: z'1 - L- - rail wheat delivered Montreal freights Glasgow -shipbuilder Willing to Tay -Out 110,00a to Encourage 4c unde? above tauotatic,l'otal Enlistments Since the Out.. ut Can Carry Twenty Torpedoes ._ Manitoba oats -No. f C,w., 7i to Tac: - Watching for Submarines. _ z o, a aw.• 7o to na: extra No. 1 feed, break -of War Reach and Grew of Thirty. 0 to 71c; ljo. 1 feed, 66 to 76c. -nominal. all rail delivered an route C:P.R• and399;434. -- two -Men. - - - - C.N.R. points not embargoed. American corn -No. a yellow, A despatch from London says: ! reward will be paid on the certificate auOnta,. to o tabaarr�1o, E whits is to 66c, A despatch from Ottawa says:-- A despatch from Amsterdam says: ••Americans and others crossing' the y of the captain giving the name of the nemtt. i No. 8 white, ct ata nominal, EnIlitments in the Canadian expedi. The Telegraaf publishes an account Atl4ntiq can make a hundred' dollars j person va}to first draws his attention according to freights outside. •tioflary ,force between February _16 ; of an interview with a German sol- ` lyy sighting a submarine. Sir 'A. F.1 to the submarine. The statement is to Ontario •to $1.79; E .tater. per -car and February 28 numbered 3,298 and I dier who lias been for some time sery-' s lot, 11.76 to 11.78: No, i. da, {1.7! to- rY Yarrow, the famous Glasgow ship-; be signed by the captain, saying: the 11,76, according to freights, outside. brought the number of recruits en -1 ing as a clerk at the Vulcan dock - Pea a ,. builder, writes to the Times that .in! submarine was scion!! sighted. Ap- a -No. 2. 32.45, according to rolled- since. the.beginnin of the war yard }, Y g freIxht. outside. g Y din Hamburg. To avoid punish - order to encourage everyone to keep a i licition should be forwarded through Barley -Molting, $1,31 to $1,23, accord- up to 399,434. The'enlistmont dur- I ment f r some trivial offence he sharp lookout be has offered a •reward ,' the owners to Sir -Thomas .L. Devitt, sna to 7•relghts outaide. _ ing February totalled 7,836 as com- ' eseal across the frontier. The man' of £`20 u to an eX uckwheat-i1.E8, nominal, according 1 =s`! _ p peaditure of £10,000: chairman ,of Lloyd's Register' Ship- to freights outside. pared with 7,705 in January and 26,658, left Hamburg - in February. -There' i Rye -Nn, 2. 1.40 to $1.48. according. to anyone on board a commercial vas- j ping, 71 Fenchurch .Street, London, to fret hts outalde. in February of last --year. Military , were then in the Vulcan dock -yard sel who flfst draws the captain's at-! %yho has consented. to make the Manittoba flour --First patents, in Jute District No, 2, wth headquarteris at eight large submarines on the stocks. ba S. 19.50; second patents. to Jute be e, fention to an enemy submarine. The; awards, 119 bo; 'strong bakers', in Jute bags, $u.fo, Toronto, led. in the number of recruits' These latest submarines are " nearly NOW_ -" T rioutro sour -winter, accoreintt tooiaccepted during the last two weeks', 350 feet long, and are armed: like a NES PENSION PLAN i HA�VIADAN FALLS eampte, ;7.35 to ship to bags. tracts re February with ext ' The Mont -'send cruiser. They can take a0g Of, ' Toronto.-vrompt shipment; ;7.00. bulk real district was next with 388 men i edcea and a crew of 32. Gangs of` `n"• seaboard, export grade adde4: to the overseas forces. The re- { 120- men *are at work day aid night on DlilIteed_{•si lots, delivered Montreal freiym ta, bags 4neuded-Bran, per tort, cord of other military districts was: each submarine. The completion of . a FOR BRITISH ARMY TQ THE RUSSIANS 11 4i atsorts. per ton. • 12.8 good feel London 328, Kingston 327, Quebec 88, Rubmarine requires three months.. Be- tlwtr, per bag, i�.70 to 12.80. Q p Ray --Extra No. 2, per ton, $127 mired. the Maritime Provinces 317, Manitoba sides the submarines small cruisers _- Der ton. ;6 to ill, track Toronto. 265, No. 11, Britieh Columbia; 174; are now•buildin at the Vulcan dock• straw --Car lots, per ton. $9, track To- g ' rondo, No. 12, Saskatchewan; '202; No, 18, 'yard of a new class, so-called 'the Totally Disabled hien Will Re. j star s Troops Begin Advance to r • Albert, 69. � yard Mass. These the so- feet long. ceive biinimum of 27 Shil- Aid the British in '°gun*•"- P"4a4o-=1rho3sttale, Since the beginning of the war 88,- Star Butte Fresh dairy. ic: I, ss .- ase: 097 recruits have been.. enlisted in the t K * 0 lilts 6 Pence. Weekly- Mesopotamia. creamer prince, 42 to tic: solids: 42 to' 1 u L ►lUsiilJ g y 43c. TorQatA district; 35,652 i the Mont-! F g ae--New-raid, to cartons. '6A to 68c; real district• 7 991 in -the uebec div - A despatch from London says: An London, March 4.-Contemporane- out of cartons. 62 to 64c, I > Order -in -Council e..ozblishinq a new!ously with the. advance of the British Dressed. -Chictcena, 211 to 28c: dict; 32,490 in London district; 44,676 I ru, oz to 2�e: ` �u�� 2� to . 28 t . EXCEED 25,000 pension plan for the British army. was I up the Tigris from Kut -el -Amara the 1 nee doe., $4.oe to $4.60: turkeys. !s to in Kingston district issued on Wednesday, $?rid r` it _pri-I Rus1ian force in I'ersia,which has re- f T.Sia' Reese, 1s to.2oa -4 3 1 :fi toe26ultp( triplets, old, l. lb., bto 126 co o?d, ' f Kut Garcisoist—Flee nates totally disabled will receive a i mvined stationary awaiting this move. ct,ictkens, ab,. 1 to 20c. y' minimum of 27 shillings r pence meek- mnent, has started ori the march to f r et 2>Fr Remnant O ]y. If thi:: ,um is insufficient to en- I Join General Diaude's troops at terse..,7.c; twins, 271 too t�73r, _ X able the tole#!-r»:to live approxi•rtta: Ay 1 Il rg+iad, - F►^n«�'-a'ht:e stover, t1 -Ib_ stns. It ro. _ iN�) T ��1 in Disorder Toward ! f I141, : -lb. tine, 13; to l4c•, 10-1b. 13 to TO . JOIN. A111E1,J g' per�ion ! cit • near the Turkish border, has a11q.• tbnii heavy iweiRC Comb n doe i up to his before -the -war standard h_ 1 Hamadan, an: 1m ortant Persian , 131,': 6n -ab.. l -i to 12c; buctrwheatx6 _ Bagdad. will he teen an alternative y . 2.75: i Ades y basc7l on his fiarnings previous to the !,ren' captured, by the Russians says a' ""t°ct• $2.50 to 12.:6: No, a, $3 to ;E.Y6. patch'from London says: The. wear.. No sill le ' ' Y Potatoes -Ontario, per 2- $ t3.90 6- 'Preliminary Negotiations Now _ R pension, However, Teheran despatch received in Petro. 14.00: -:New Brunswick bag' 33 9 ver - - l;eninants of the Turk$ -h force retreat- shal! be in .gXceat of 75 sttiltings' grad and transmitted by; Reuters. The b°4' $4.75; ,t,lbertas. per bag. stis. in Progress at g from Kut -el -Amara have been R Fteena-[mnorteA, hand-picked, Per j shattered completely, according to_ in- 14�ak1Y• - r Tessa a add -that the Russians are 1,uyh., $6,25; Canadian. hand-pickeg. per ,Pekin. The.atlowenee. for children is ::hil- pursuing the Turki.h troop%, who are h""tt • $7 00; cana.ilan primes. $4.B0 to formation given out in the House of .Knit•; for the first child and a sum in retreat, 17,00. Limns. per ib,. 1i to t2ia I Commons on Thursday. The Turks, it _ A despatch form Pekin says: Wed- , . alight'.: leas for each 4ubaertuent child, The capture of H1►madan, which is N !ro Tlaioae -7t hel.ule, neaday the allied 1liiniaterg presented . is said,_would reach Bagdad Daly as a, ; A soldier not totally salr'ed will '.li,ghtly more than 100'miiea from the i -honked :r eat++- Flame mc'tium, ze tc ' a memorial to tate Chinese Govern- disorderly mob. This information was - reef i .c a" neer •':hn based on thF deJlrce 3(Eyapotasaian ,Loader, ryas officially 2 d°'• hen+•,•, 23 10 !sc, cooked. 37 to ,-ment exprissing sympathy with the received .from General Maude, com- -4 .'to shi h'ht4 d4naAblemPnt afFe�t.. his Y 2, t foils t to 2Ec: bre bacon, wander of the British expedition on confirmed by the War Of'lee to day. t^ .�- backs. plain. 3o w 3tc. bone- attitude taken by China in regard to p ea' pine Rgwer:r. Widows will roceivc� 1— 34 io 115 y, pioinising favorable the Tigris front, and was announced The fovea was -taken from the . Turks Gelman and _ r Iha.f the FTJm to which their.h,:sbards n Lara -Pur• lard. tierces, 21; to 21{c;-, on ?iiarck .. - R,144ian t:roopg also are t�� ,2 1 to 2 2.1c Pali*. 22 to 231c com::,-Consideration of tide question$ of sus- s�retary, to WarrOtlf e, Financial A; exec^'er.titlt•ci if fatally diisabled, A I on the offensive further.. north-west, cured meats--Lonat clear ►arbn, 11 to pension during the war of the Boxer di&Oded soUlwr requiring-thp services: and have captured a village within! r 11ic' ver lb.; clear betltes. is to 1$16. indemnityMr. Forster said that more than of a,n att:erdant is allowed fees tt to payments 'and revision of P two miles of - Bijar,- 80 miles north- ; -- the tariff in tabs event of Chime's ef- 2'500 prisoners had been taken by -the li 1 a w! k for. such service%. Widows west of -Hamadan and about the same ' 1lteateeal titartets. - "festively sever relations with Ger- British since February 24, and that 2 aril! 6e ! 1fLnlPraL' Mir i-corn-4,merican 81aCe the commencement of the of[en- �wtnke,s special fvndG. for thenil�tance from the border. vo, 2 yellow. s1.30 to it. at. oath -cans- many and luau a. Delay In tits e= expenses of • training to- enable theta ,� elan �ti estrrn. Yo, $. 16 to 7 or No. 3. 7E : sive on December 30. some 5,000 rn 74�: extra No. t reed -s to 74c '.petted deveitsptewt i■ German -Amari- Turkish prisoners had been takes: The to porn tlloir own !lying, $30,0110.000 INCREASE IN #!facie,-�tatapg $1.36 h]sur-alae$- can relations and -tie absence bitherta Tho Acti+ary's report accompanying r rnha ladrtns whear oatats rusts, 86 ae, a>if say oslleatit.e ]atistation on fir `total Turkish. casualties fin killed and ihr plan e4trmatetl file expense far the T,fl'E CI ST011S RF.y'E'VLE. ew•n}+as tw to, strong tinkers', $s 10 wounded was estimated b Geadiral r't Wtnter patents, eiteim 11.25. straight part of the allies- that- .Dail be I y $st ycata .at £?:,,000.000, which there- A `despatch frarn Ottawa says; The ! j4tt s "' !$ewt�dt sa t0rL d it 't$Cl0 to welcome atmotttcg titers ba -.e caused the Maude at or than 6,000. m'et 2 after" krill decrease' annually. - �� 17 16, e Customs revenue of Canada for the',''o ba -s '0 1152 $1,34 to 6$ 46, Brsz Chinese to hesitate regarding future Aycal tlis,00. 8"arra 144,04 - Mil4s�ass, 14$ os.-setion. The Germans. it i"s tieedreaa� GERMAN t. -HOME ARMY- =: BRI STILL year which ends on 'blarc}t 3ist.1 �rc,atute, $46.09 to $so 41, Ha --Vn, t• i i will probably exceed that of the last, ;,r vm. car toil 11 -3.60 -to tl4.110 cheese to ay have ream ds:tng their utmost : BEtNG MOBILIZED, , ' fiscal eae b more than fort rsiiilios P'in.•<t 2werterns 24 w 14i< Suent aasortR the otso•n of the army to ea- ! � — ;I • Y Y Y i +Yterny i to tbjo. ititc'r-C�alcese -1 j -re��rnuw=frolr�l•1s' to 440; seconds. st to arc tabh h a prarEy • ed to the rn - A despatxlt from Copenhagen s: ' Q�/ - [tgsh, io o 6$ lo�stees'-T'ar �a a I � � • �r duties for .Februalry. the_ 3linister _ of r lure. 'Me -timely action of the allied According to the German _papers, the _w : .a: fair yE 00 to �i 66 compulsory Customs announces, amounted . to Ministers nester likely to have the de- Y mobilization of -Germany's $1.1,190,000, or $1,062,000 more than • wtaai*4C sa'la aired re:4uit. "home army" is iauninent. The ap- tho�e of the corre%poriding month to �`t'''ntp•R- liar a -caste 0rtces- peal for vdivateers, though answered Hundred4 of P'risonerg Captured , K�w�at-Nn 1 -Northern. ;1 Tai. No s FO_ F. FOOD SHORTAGE, .-by targe numbers. Las not produced 1916. FQr the eleven months -of the i N,.rthern. 11 71i, No. a bterchen. 31.61{; :in Twen#y-fear Hours. fiiCal year which have now passed 1 r' 0'1 $Ar, al"r. -Nn 2 C.w 571^: No. KNOWN TO 3RITA-IN mouth workers to satisfy. the actual to'$130,739,000 _ as compared with �n a qes extra Xo. 1 feed, 57{c; 4o,, rr`griirenents. 'Large numbers of ; 3 -C -W S7{c l,ondotl, March 4. -The British Canada's customs revenue "amounted 1`004 561c No 2 feet• 64jc. aa�r•ley- — trooP% in their forward moyatttent in tis 4. est: r.lected 91c; Zither lmpertarat Materials Also Lac6- men are needed_pt once to replace foal. 41c. flax -1o. 1 N.W.0, $2131, ;tlt09e employed " the Ancre area in France have mania -$91,94li,000 in the name period of tht; �. -,n,. $: 61:3. oto 3 C.W . SC144. Ing -Less Trade With Neutrals behind the feat:, to further imnoDrtant progre%s. On Sat- la:It fiscal year, or an increase � of , ' _ work in munition factories. which are urtllgy agal}t%t stubborn Gormnan re- $38.798,000: vtuted sanies manizeis, A despatch from London says :-. vow'beins completed and for the all- t« %tt,uteanolf9. Mar 6, -Wheat -stay, The- Govorrmeart-bas-res.snn t4 befieve, imnortent farm work. The papers say afstance Gcneraf Haig's f6rcei ad- - -PL s1 a3;-. July, $t 771. Cash -No. 1 hard, paid Lard Rer•rt Ceoil, Minister of that the Government is re r} vanced their'linenorth of the Ancre ZEPPELIN' EXPLODES; sl47.to $1.99 xo, t Northern. it e6 to 1 P Paced for ALL OF-CR`EW LOST i 11.93; No : Vorthrrn. sl.96 to 111.$2. Meekade, in We Nowe bf Commeas the c•gspulsory enrollment in the ear- An average of a Quarter of a mile on.a $Corti -.V6. 3 yellow: ga t ce tt.61. cats- on' Thttrscay, {rat there is a serious' lY day's of March of all persons be front �f nearly five, miles, The British No. s .sate, 661 to c c. r'ievr=Faaov shorts a of foi4tats4is and of ct>stgia tweesi 17 anal 64 so that the recruits Tyro Belgian Witnesses of Disaster 61 ndcanerA roc, Quoted at is 6i; 8 advance was made north of Pulsieux- i r, rat clears adti arced 10c. Quoted at $8.16; very ,importans materials in enemy'ran can be Put to work from April 1. au -Mort, and east of Gommecourt. On Arresterd aand--ken ' �.;rttcr grades unchans'ed, ]Iran un-. _ rcLanRtd, countries. Fir some months past. Sunday their Rains watt; extended east ! Clrermany. Dulutb, afar• 6,•-ts�cat-t�.,, 1 hard. 1 no substantial naairties 4►f oe4is iso= = AL'3TR�tLIA PROHIBITS . 1 of Gummecouct along •a taco -wile {;1 ssli so t �0rtltetn, 01.s2{; No. 2 4 t London, March 4.--'a nes° Zeppelin. N,nj-io •n. st.slr ro stsif; May, 11.xsl,srotted overseas late Hoilas4 and; IMPORT OF U•S. APPLE& 7 front to h depth of about. two-thirds on speed trials at (;hent, caught J1relriIn eptl. o :-tragi $2.27gi{t�xtt�li Juar, Scandinavia .bad, be believed, gone: - -- -- - :� of a mile, according to the official re- , on Dionday and.% c completety de- l $' `-: t,ta throtiA to Gemamny, and there had. _.A_ despatch from .London says: Wif- port from headquarters - to-wkhf,'stroyed,. according to report,- from been no material evsraeaa xports liam Morris Hughes, the Australian -Nearly '200 pri.:onr.t; were vaptured I Berlin received , by the Excharrge' 161'x• Block plackets - . from -Germany; Recently.0 a result Premier, says Reuter's Melbourne ---- --0`- _ R 'r. iwu in, Mar, 6 --Heart' steers 110.5• of negotiation wW the candinavian. correspondent, intimated to a - delega- c .t Trle eph byway bf Copenha en, The $11..G: rhulce butcher, i10 to 110.60: BF"TTTGENF3! fiTF.EI. CO, " ' - !de,patch says that the crew of the,;'1'•• gaud- $:)• to $1,50: do medium, $8 :countries and Rolland, Lord Robert tion which called on him that the im. TO !t1 ILD C�tiARi)E'RS• Zo pelin c„ ts,6o: do, common, $s',en to 07.75: added, the exports •f their produce to portation of American apples would - , p Perisha,l with their airship,,; h^itc•rv. gnud to choice, $1,60 to 19.75; : ` ., and that. two Belgians ,who witnessed !,dog apedlum, $7_ tq ,17,50 . hutches caws, Slgwaptsuoa- _. uooq anutl-tfueul.taD probably - be prohibited.. The deputa- A --despst,;.h from $al{imrr�r titd , , hnice, $b to 3:` 20: do medium, 117 to dimini:fled. 4 0, - tbrr disaster were arrested $nd taken $7 C,0, bub:Nor bulls. •choice, s. $ to tion visited the Premier with regard +ay,: Tl1c T?rthlihem Steel Company, to Germany.- $9.bn, aa. good, 17 to fz26: do.• medium, ' 4' `!to. the restrictions on the. export of at Bracco..' Point, ana'ounced on --- _ ._ se.✓ to $fi,5r; feeder, ROO to 1.0.00 lbs:, ' A_ I tERTA NO'I�ONGEt� - f.aPp�es, and the Premier promised to ec.;n co s0.00: an., bulls, sa.25 'te 36 601 HAS N. W .11i . P. FORCE do his utmost to as3i;t crops. -Wednesday lh it had received con. ' K EEI' GERMAN R•O1LIiN'ti ,err,•. 1a:rte. 74o to suo tbs , ts•s4 to 11.75; - tract.: for toy„ sego, -bins of "1009p' S'T'YLES I•'IiOM CItAN-GIN'G.'a': t;�l�i: ctin to•65o lbw; $sssnS to 6.7 tons o ch far+m the Cul)ard Cors4pany: ; •i., o to 35.25; cutters, $5.5o to 1s.7u; ; A (!esratch from Edmonton says:, QUEBEC VOTES $100,000 It w;t:+ anno:utce,) that these ship:: arc Landon, March 9. -The 4:erman : 1fie�' p'''asts nAliamb%a bis 75 Bio !The Royal 1Colt$t-west Mounted Police TO PATRIOTIC FUND. •- :'he fir. -.t to he guilt in this country fo'r • ir,Tr•Erial''Cl'uthltg Committee has is st4.;a'; eatves, 35.50 to $14.60: 1170¢8, fed ; after, a continuous. service in this' :he Cunard t nrnnany in fifty } ra ., ,-u�,l a warning that styles in x.onr en's #1i``,j t o cars. •o'F1t°5; $ do 0; f.do.,! country for' 43 years,.ceased- on first -A=despatch from Quebec says: The .$r clothes cannot 6i' allowed to than c' 214•°�. I of March to do police du Hol,i,•1ND 111A'(ES HREAL g' - 1• duty in..the Pro -'City Council on Friday night unanim- e every six -months, according to an t'17ntreal. J1ar. fi,-(;Dori steers, 110.25 j vines of Alberta, and the newly -form- ; oualy adopted the report of the civic T R•►1{ POTATO PL(►['R Ai,,. : � $1055; do., fair, $9.25 to $9.75; do., I --- terdam despatch to -the Ex4hange rrnrm^n._ 1[,.25 to -$9.00; butchers, cows, ! ed provincial police took up the'work. 'finance committee recommending the ^` Telegraph Co,_, Tlie committee says TQ $s.s5: bulls, $5.25 to 1s.5o per $Four divisions of the provinoial police: voting of $100,000 as the rity'g share' 4 dc:4patrh to the Central \sive; y' cn•t. A few lambs .brou$•ht• $13,25.. to r v erten mny gear winter' dresses ?.14.1n) and sheen $9',26 to $lo.0o, white ! have begn orgttait ad at Sdnaonton, j to the Canadian Patriotic Fund and Londur.from ►rnsterdam,say: that a» tht'oughout the coming ••summer -and ai:d `tea rat�ez sold at 111.00 to $12,50 Red Deer, Calgary and Lethbridge, Red Cross Society.- Although the cam. a con.=equent,v of the sinl'.;7" of Dkltch winter without di=grace, and that . �Se ec ed 1 is r noes to$8.00olapat I and although nett recruited up to, full mCign has not been bf fully opened vessel; by C -r.:;:«' suhmarine; r,: Tiers d°r is measure:: will be taken against Sl i'e'r_ •and -g6Od at. $15.25 - oat• cwt., strerigth,'they are, according to Supt. ! $254,662 unsolicited subscriptions ' ' ,yeighe:l oft cars. A. E.' C. lMeDo"' affl y have been is::::i r1 that bread shn'.I he a change in fashion, and.the,: con5e- .;. u ha a sen lees v including the - baked it Ho'►Knd fron7 potato four. `cp;ort waste -in materials, - - ness. pity's grant. ` read for b si- i ed DR,ITiSIi C A%IJALTI-ES _ —_--�_-_-. :.__ _-- LIGHTER IN FEBRUARY. -185,000. SLAYES IN GERMAN AFRICA A; despi►tch from London gays: POPt�LATIU�f OF WALI�4CDIA - - T BE GIVEN FREEDOM BY BRITfAIN roach British'o casualties during February FORCED TO WORK FOR GERMANS % roachod a total of 1,243 --officers and t` 17,185 men. The Februar,V, figures for British casualties show a' totaT but - little more than half that for Janu- An :lppeal hy' Anti- 1avery 4lcietc Published Linder Sanction of ary, despite- the fact that there has Enemy Has Requisitioned Everything, Leaving- the. R-umaldans- been considerable fighting on. the _ ' the Colonial Office. Hard! ' Somme front during the -month. The y Enough -to Eat. February total of ' T8,428 compares _ „Y with a total of 32,354 officers and _j- A ijespatch from London says: The of 185,000 slaves in the territory men for January. Officer casualties A despatch from Rumanian Head-! civil populatidn between the ages of AnLi•hlavery A,,nri; ine� Protection; known recently as the German East for February, however, were consider- • quarters says: A Rumanian officer j 18 and 42, he says, is compelled to f3 r.e:;✓ h,,.; i un: ;.n apit•,:,I to the'; .-African Protectorate. The publics- ably greater than fnr the month �'.e£t behind at Wallachia succeeded in work for the enemy. The Germans Secretary of `,Late for the Colonies to 1 tion of the appeal is sanctioned b ceding, Pm. : declare by proclamation the freedom 1 tits Colonial Otiic4a, y R. when they were �ffl, as com• Pa�.ing the German lint, and brought have requisitioned everything, leaving •_Q ! pared with the past month's 1,243. I interesting information. The whole I the population hardly enough to eat, ` _'4_ Yv-m..s_ c••, __ _ _ ._ _`.. .,-1?}4•:ta:?N^�-.. _ ', 1 , - a. _',-7, .. 4 6;�.y 1. . , , - 7. ; Y'%. . . 7 PEEE!m aw wilatflas smf not yet -defea6ad, and the war is Now Advorg4sen"nft. f# Vtiblkb�ed &tits osoll way develop surprising, strength, WCUSE AND 1,0t POR SALE, in h. far' from being wolf. - The enemy JUL the Claremans. Apply to ;-and all the wealth of- the- country John D.. 41 ., . 3=4 Imam jpay yet •be required. People in -eg �7 1.66 per el�i:; $1.25 itpeAd'in-adv R' LF-:-Fo'Ur well bred Crdllie ss 9 Leat B ins Feb. 2ist.. y LnOi- cities, towns 'and are urge F 0 8A dog pups, W "oBrLdo' , BE No, 2 Clare. ed to cultivate 'their back yards. moat, boas o4re-opt 04 23 -JORN MURKAR, Proprietor.' Iand prcduce all teh7 posslblk can. EVEN at the present ad vanced price�,, Fish is a hig4ly nutritiogs and t, standar tpl- 8A —GeldlD colt, 2-0 cheap food. We are handling more F this y a t It is*wonderful what a few square :!Old gouu�.,.d.L h, 46 e ban ever,* owing to-the-ineretised high prices in wean vegetable TILS AND COMMZNT4 G,�.. se w., 9ia 2 products and NO yards v% produce with cereals.- It will You to tat 1none Fish from the standpolut of I)Oth_ care.' Ste' hen Leactick, the well. — took. OR. SALE—Honee in the Village of health and pocket - Some time- age a manufacturer j known - Canadian' Writer, in a OR. 6 too=@, good lot and • ,able.. .. I. - 7 - ... " . - .. . 01 of munitions in Hamilton ref lade Apply to D Hopper, Claremont. 2Dtf OUR. PRICE LIST: Irgeent article says, "Save every _ed to the government the sum of cent. Live plainly. Do without OR SALE—Otxe grade _Holstein, Fresh Froien White.Fish, 15 cents a lb t F fourth th calf due Feb., l5th, MIT. Apply $800,0(�O, which was the amoun everything. Rise early,. work t o David Do u. r 'Fresh Frozen Salaioi' 15 vents alb waou, con. 5',-Pickezing. 194 of his -profits in the manufacture hard and -content yourself with a Salt Cod Fish, 2 The for 25'cents AY FOR SALE.'. About 20 or 25 -. " '-: �. .. 4 . - of munitions. Thereare in Cana- bare living. The man who does HAY Of No, I timothy. �,7cpntsalb gand mixed bay; Ap- thousands of -men who are ln-' tbij§_if he use the saved money at lot isle B F con, kering. D NoNeil, -R _Ciseoes, 18 cents a I.b. the same position -at-he.. They properly— is doing - war work for o,1, Pickering, . 93 Fillets of Hit are making initnense fortunes, and his country. ' He maty' wrap his VOR SALE -6 good young Shrop- ---:Finnan Haddie, 15 cents a lb X: shire ewes, registered. Also eggs for hat.h- they look upon the whr as -a.God. hist, year's coat about him and eat hoice Pon of White wyandotted. Digby Herri, n from &Y strain, -Alex Gray, a ]w No. 2. Clare- -send to them. Xlany of these bred WTI a c me', his bread and cheese and fe6l that mont 22-M FRESH OYSTERS 75 vents -a wart .were without means before Aug(- he, too, is doing something to show �—E Ila po the world the kind of stuff'that is r an . - I. influence they were enabled to get vet' left in. it." s sous .into a -position where they can. roll led23 • an upfortunes . at a pace which they wbcir Red Cr Concert at JASet, Ont of e: _R1 -1 8_1A "sk "h 'SAL ugphs' 5c. 0 ust, 1 14, bift tHroukh litical Ii V�.ilsoti- Green .1.0.� M 16 92. p�.'.;'e0jo1hr. WE Stark Re rb e' Cross - T OOK—Maynardino, the* Prince of thtemselves can hardly realize. Whitevale-next Thursday. ze. JLJ Magicians, with all the latest magic and But very few of them possess'the 'Slight- 01-11 and tric ke, is open for ong"ements T H E Special prices for Red Cross Qr Military con- patriottem that the Hamilton man -It-, G H May.Ard�% R No. 9. Pickering 29-W House and Lot For, Sale lot 22, con. 6. Pickering Good house displays* ' There is something de" ARM TO RENT--60-acres, situated STANDARD 9 A N K cidedly wrong vvhen. a part of the The executors of the estate of F on W and outbuildings; soil it clay loam; fall plowing Reesor offer by 'Lon*; 9 acres in fall wheat and rye; orqhierd ww :0Fr CANADA" the. late Josephus d population is making great sacci- private sale a white brick veneer. esnallf-It. OHPvgh. RENo. s. Clarmnons flees, enduring all kinds of suffer. ed house, 8-roome, coal and wood -shed HKAD OFFICX TORONTO E. -ing and pain upon the scene of hard and @oft water good SEED GRAIN FOR SALE - :table and workshop, with o t -Wheat, ' k_11=-2Xd ild Goose; Bwley-O A Q No Quart - conflict, while another portion is situated Vat'rh'e 21; iiig Early Yielder, Irish White �_:'Money Orders and 'Draf r acre of land, nicely a ted basking in the sunshine, accumu-' Village of Box, Grove. Fine shade and Banner; All strictlypare and free of wild ts are trees, two verandahs, - Close to post "" and tares. Also Alaike. Timothy and Bad • lating immense fortunes, and - en- Clover. Writ 4 or phone for prices and sans - office. school and church. For further Vies. Joseph 06"r Grove. Rome _--issued by -this Rink 'Payable in' joylog all kinds of luxuries with " - -particulars apply to phone 1215; P O -PR MI Markham Wtf -out making any- sacrifices what- x, Mg, go S. RicEsoR, Be? 10 to or AmDazw Rzzsou. Ezeetitorli V ARM' FOR SALE OR TO RENT- all pa rits of the world. 234 ever to -help the nation win the. L' R. R. Na. 1. Markham Being Parts Of lot$ 19, con 4. sad IIL con 5. j PICKERING BRANCH, war. When the war is over many Plakerius, and consisting of Nacre, more or lose, On the Pr*WiW are a f711041 house, barna ruen will come home hopeless trip- with stone stabling, saisil orchard also a R. W. GORDOM Manag rwwh also at small peffi&h orchard, a quantity of fallwheat and ryt. All fall plowed. Sail a gaudy loam. Ales, blind or otherwise afflicted, ton 0 y'armers For further particulars ap I tile preni,20S IL T with a bare pittance upon which or write Jsa W Rick. R Olt HUI 15 -ft to live, while others will be so Existing war conditions demand that - -filled withpride, from becoming you give the question of seed ape. ClAl attention this year. Seed -The Fruit Store Mawey,Harrm -Thede-cit'desifs-ble—varieties wla --�_so Suddenly rich� war HAS THE QUALITY profits should be heavily taxed, high germination pow. will be factors FAR M ..so heavily go that their owners influencing % .., Influencing yields, Drangeq Bananas, P omegranates. �-ebonld have .a reasonable profit, Onious. Lima Beano, Celery, but Let the -Ontario Department of I M, * ts not allowed to retain huge l mple 'en Lettuce, Sweet Potatoes 1'-' ;fortunes a's their prizes from the Agriculture help you. and Spuds. are the result of the experience 'War. Of We believe the time is eom F Choice bulbs for indoor culture". many men in many countries rid arvaers Seed Grain or Potatoes Por are put together with mechanical Inst when there will be a limit. 1 '0 1 1 may forward t�amplee to As the market is.so uncertain this year r �d" this 6fliceots ting varieties'. price and we cannot list prices and stay with skill and scientific exactness the amount cif health a',W'an can QUANTITY, them -A good deal always. .:po@aea8 a ad this a r will help to Farmers wishing to pwvbm so" -Teeth are in thi iae row..giviqg good clea, aace. Theis hasten that time. are NEIL -SON'S ICE CREAM -r. -JdO i6vited to eoMintinicate with Cultivators -are great weed killers itud treceasary in good farming. -9tating viriety- and uan- this office Plrtiu, in cones, Twmdeas or in tity. and an effrort will be 613 *,Increase �rodt' e- to Ice-creatu sodas -always good, —Hoe ani Disc -force feed runs sow floe or ao4rile griline uniformly wtioa is the ut them in touch with farmers Drills-withotifinj,.iry, 'Funi :izeq . . C,6ntrolled-vvith one-leveir. that is being ;(jitud-ed "througbout. Eaving seedlor sale. I H. J. MARQUIS ;the whole empire, wi one of the Write to "th6ut -t-iluiable and easy -running made. ... ... . :_ exreptibn fnn� Pickering Ontsio m Be ders: Means to Win the' tNar. a Eng- R. M.:371PPER, --Steel cbiift- -Ar1g1e'.oLnd:T-sh,%ped steel frame. La*talifetfne District Repro%ent4tive. land, lands that have been lying Whitby, not.. R. THEXTON waste as- hunting gi,ociudg, parks W - H. HEARST, to Particulars Cheerfully Given, Minister of4ftgi iculture 22-25 P 0 n _or lawns, ire, to be transfigtured into fields of grain. or some other 0 .-useful products necessary to win A..'action -sale 0 -:That is Boase - VT the war. Owing to the scarcity -OF 0 0 x vfnsen, the government are con= 24 Head of Cattle it a f 0 all Ic Weir qn 'Without Music? • sidering the advisability of im. I I : , porting two thousand farm trac- Horse -1, Implements, ka. a , I - Hay, etc, 0,7 R POOL tore which will be operated con- log -tinnously, day and night, by ex- AM Job perienced men, and in this way The property of *L they expect to be almost Inde- Thomas Clinkeub 9 S I- a cm Kra! 4 0 pendent of foreign countries for 00 es U their food products. ' In Canada Ar - 0 the govei-nmezit is strongly urging Lot 10, Con 8, PWwing 0 49� Z Z, a July: the people to individual thrift mnd - a 2BOO of .(The Chas. Proctor farm). 40 to individual sacrifice. Thp peo. 0011. pie do not realize the position in :1 NOT which the country is placed at the Tuesday, XarcbL 13 1917' 01.1 January Igir-Whitby 3, Oshwwa 4. Bratialiam. present time. The Germans are Bale at 1 O'cloek, sharp. `,..,,IJ_ 5, Port Perry 7,-Uxbridal,ii3Oanninglost.,10, 17"Wgrove 8 . 7 D .-.,TO INVESTOIRCIS'l' �irafonA 'n. C umb a as' _ . - L_ - :'THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, IJAVF. 4 .$475. =to '.AZO FUNDS RFIQUIRINNG INVESTMENT MAY PURCTIT-A&Z-AT PAR JV- 00MINION.,0F.-CARADA. DEBENTURE'STRW TILT QWMQ OF $jvv, VA ANY IVIUL11r4Z THEREOF Principail repayable lot Oc%ber, n19, Interest payable half -yearly, 1st Aprtl and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered 1Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the -date of p'urchaie. Ekideis'of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering ering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, inpay- alent of any. anotmenvmade under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Tream date security.- ury Bills or other like short Proceeds of this stock,are for war purposes only. A co -igsdoa oft:iae-quarir L �r Zov will be allowed to recognized bond and stock broker: allotments made in reaped .of &.pplicsoqqrA for this stock whi beer their stamp. For application forms apply to the bieputy Minister of Finance, Ouawa- DXPARTMENT OF FIN-ANCS, OTTAWA OCTIOINM 7th, IVI& Vouble Visc'Kecoids In Fit Any J ,Made 85C Up Canada Machim Vouble Visc'Kecoids In Fit Any ,Made 85C Up Canada Machim "HEARING IS BELIEVING" .41 The, Columbia dealer ribateWto you wM, -demonstrate. Very easy payments. Little r: iidred, D ,cal cr -''idly explain for a new -40gue. MBIA 4ittAPHOPROM Co. "Creators of the Industry," "Pioa~s and Leadaria in IliwAft" oowntria et tw rm4dialliaw Pt,&n r."ADI" rACTORT, TORONTO. T-. Moore McFaddn, tie Agent and Dealer, ' "C'%Try Corners," will re- -raa peated Thursday next. -T- Roy Redman, of Balsam, has moved Into Mrs. Neal'a residence. _Chas - Bar ' & -f G(i6dwoioid, wain3r, o In town on Tuesday on business. the best and Iresnest. that can be secured at this closest prices. -All Tea has adva'nae.d in price; but we still sell tbesaime splen - Mrs. Geo. Pugh, of Whitevale, '* best, if not the best, ever is, di spending 4 fear f days with Wm. III III. API -ace . it Peters expects to have his 'mill For ready''for sawing and: chop- ....... i. ping this week. y6u Edward and Mrs. -Gibson - were 'the guests of Thoi. and' Mrs. Bir- kett on Sunday. acceded to the request of a large Fied-Evins left for the P'eace River District on WednesdaT :k with a carload of settlers' effects Miss Clara Underhill, Oa . of Boots and Shoes of the 00'tario Ladies' College, -Whitby, of Thursday, March 15th. The -Claremont Orchestra also did spent over Sunday at her hums here. All Pinter Footwear will be sold at Reduced Prioes. Revs. H. Wood and J. - R. - Real Also many broken lines of High Class Footwear will. were in Toronto this week attend• be sold at greatly' reduced prices' ing the Provincial Prohibftiouc o*n- vention Miss Mar�arlte GrahAim, Tho'.9. R. W -Graham -aa"r. and --Mre. Robins .ecr'uits' allted attended the ball at StiTdffville on Friday evening. BROCK SdRERT, -WHITB Y, � ,,.•T .--. Wilfred and Mrs. Sadler and Produc�tioFred. rn and Mrs. Harbron, of Kin-• sale, called on relatives and friends Z-3 in town on Saturday, Thos. Stephenson Was in King J as surely as lack. of f ood is strangling Germany City on Tuesday shoeing horses day by day, so -plenty of food is winning the victory for Sir Henry Pellatt. Tom has for the allies. The French armies, for instance, were an enviable reputation as a horse - 4 aboer. never better fed than now, f or France cannot f orget The neighbors of Geo. and Mrs. the awful lesson of 1870—the failure of her food Middleton held a social evening at Supply. To this she attributed the loss of that war. their home on Monday night. A. bout fifty were present and all re- To feed the French soldiers around Verdun, more than 25,• port agood time. Mrs. Kenneth Renfrew 500,000 pounds of food a week were required. Thisgi-�es -a and her mother, Mrs. Peter Macnab, have faint idea of the colossal task of feeding an army. Canada and been visiting the litter's daughter Britain haveahugearmyof fighting heroes on theline;'every Mrs. D. P. Macfarlane, of Can in an musT have plenty of food., in spite of a world shortage. :nington, during the past week. 1UPOaL Canada's food production all principally rely. Miss Mabel Gibson accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michell, of _....-The Farmers of Ontario ruiourtile, on their return home last Saturday, and expects to a few days In Toronto be- Urgently Need Help .xrid forereturning. - C. H.Found and Thos. Paterson The Department of Agriculture appeals to -men and boys to have been awarded the contract enlist in the farm help campaign. The Department appeals .for building the new school for to men unfit for military service, or whofind it impossible to the Cedar Creek section. It is to be ready, for the oponinK after the cn!ist 'in the army. Do your "bit" by helping to increase summer vacation. production of foodstuffs. This is your hour of opportunity. OY Friends of miss Ida MeAvoy The farmers of Ontario need the help of retired farmers, of " have received the announcement men following no occupation (retired), of business men who of her marriage to Mr. Stiles O. can spare a portion of their time. We appeal'to all who Clements, of Los Angeles, Cal., which took place on Feb. 14th, -can SO arrange their ordinary affairs to plan to help, some farmer friend, in .Wt, extend conirratulations. particularly seed time and harvest. We are pleased to see "Rev. A. Confer with your county District Representative of the :•:Mcf,-Ilan out agatti .,after bei6g Department of Agriculture, or write, "Farm Help Cam. con fined to hba house for a couple paign," care Department of Agriculture. Toronto. .,of weeks iufferingfrogs a ver)r se. lve,,� cold. On accoGnt of h4oi ill. is ine-, lie, was unable to occupy' Ontaria-Deparli!... -a—h-t---of A�_z__ gHiculture. pulpit h last Sunday. Two rinks of our curlers went W. H. H of Aerkalftre to Brampton on Saturday last Parliannut Buildings Tormto and pla a.-Iriendl. 9 -me -with Lit! the club o that town, defeating 11-h— V� 9 L Fri.- '114MUNUM XXXXMXXXKXXJKXXXXZKXMXXKXX=m I I I ;44 -THE DOMINION BANK�� K K 11ST&BLISHI[b 1071 _W Farmers' Business attention tho busine" of Twas" sai fla04 1 "ver"is Ulm". T_ RAVINGS DEPARTMENT deposits at $1.00 =4 upwards rtwToc added t a .71w, EO WHITBY BRANCH: O. TERRY, Manager. X EAGG �k7, E C G Se mica grit' and the best and Iresnest. that can be secured at this closest prices. -All Tea has adva'nae.d in price; but we still sell tbesaime splen - i X 9 r,7 elated' bone -here, best, if not the best, ever Also Pratt's Egg 'Producer in 50c 'a fid, and -$1 I packages, just the thing 4' and �56 a lb• when you can buy good tea at 35c a 16 ? -.2ax ac To be.able. to do thisour tea ordered before the recent ,to make yo'ur' hens lay this perfec- tion. The play timet witb� such a time of the" S ear 0 CHASs'SARCi•EN`f"'��' CLAREMONT, Ont acceded to the request of a large :k Mld ter ale . of Boots and Shoes Of all materials and design of Thursday, March 15th. The -Claremont Orchestra also did 'Ha'ts and Caps, Gloves and Mitts, Top Sbirts, Under-tabirts All Pinter Footwear will be sold at Reduced Prioes. themselves credit and are a credit Also many broken lines of High Class Footwear will. is we do not employ them, 00nesquens. be sold at greatly' reduced prices' above good are the old prices. Come now and Bell phone ISI. door were $74.15, and In addition P E- E _S 0 N lesion of 10 per, eon$., whiab you v8 BROCK SdRERT, -WHITB Y, � ,,.•T .--. and summer will have the advanced prices. (Phone 2800) I'laremotitl iverq `�T 1. 0 rX I 0 M j Help being searce I wili. bepre- Z-3 oat ng 'Bu, meetsall M1128 return Monday, weduesda M y and Friday, 1"atch Will be played on the Cale. First-class Rigs to hire day or during the month of -March. donian rink here to -day, night at lowest prices. Aftei that date on Monday and The ladies of the Methodist -Phone 1805. Friday of each week. church held a quilting -bee, in the ALWAYS 501ETHING NEW ,Also, for sale a quanty of 4church on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, when Thos' Sanderson -Son 2 -ft hardwood. T ' lave quilts were quilted. Dinner .PROPRIETORS John F- Bayles, Greenwood ,was also served in the church for We will, U`ntll further notice, run on Tuesday of each' we4k a very those from it distance. Her numerous friends in Clare. .L.Special Bargain Table, when many articles will be sold at --.-8EEDS wont will regret to hear of the or below cost, in order to turn the goods death of a former resident, who Va��1�h is Alsike, Re d Clover. Timothy and all was �eld in very high esteem, Mr for cash'and make room for :_ * A I is kinds of seeds. Wood, Sr., who died on March new g..over odp that are constantly arrivifig. We will We are in the market and are pi*per Ist, at the home of her son, W. R. ed to pay the highest market prices. make it worth your while to be on hand Wood, M. P. pace The best equipped cleaning mills P., of Winnipeg, formerly minister in charge of the each Tuesday and secure,sooe of in the country. Presbyterian church here. Mrs. Send us samples, or communicate with the many choice Bargains. We od had been ailing since :Sona�thing big coming us before selling. last winter, when she.had an at. Take ad ran tage of the best Seed Mark- -on later.- ets in the world. tic k of I& grippe, and especially We have Jast iec�eived a' consignment of Royal Purple Calf Meal, since last fall when as anemic Bell or Independent phone. Stock and Poultry Food, Chick Food, Beef Scrap, etc. condition 'set in, isbe has been eom. The use of these lines -will make; you money. Prompt, efficient and reliable serylee paratively frail. She was confin- J. F N G 0 LD . In handling Seeds guaranteecL ed to hpr bed for less than a week The Last Call-ior Oysters. and gradual], NORTH CLAREMONT J. H-DOWNEY COMPANY Y sank without an w. 7 - WHITBY, ONTARIO suffering. She was also well 4& known In Dunbarton. where she resided for several- years duringE • WANTED NOW C�Reliable salesman to act as agentOAL and G-R—AlA N, N! I S:"_N her son's pastorate there. Inter V � . . . in Ontario County. went took p7a-e on Saturday, PAY WEEKLY Ord, when Rev. H. G. Crozier con. Haird'ana sbft -Coal of the best dieted the service, assisted by Outfit free, exclusive territory and money making specialties, quality on hand. Our Rev. J. W. Rodd. - Her resting .-C 0 agencies are the best in the business Highest price paid for Barley, Place is Elmwood Cemetery,North for wesell thebi host grRde of stock Winnipeg. D. -SIMPSON & at most reasonable prices and guar- R.ye and BtickWheat delivered, . ..... ..... The drams, entitled "Cranberry antee deliveries in first -clues condi- at Spink's Kill. Corners" which was' given in the tion. - Nursery stock is selling well this r and good money can be Pickering Station Coal Co. 7'Gene"ial _Merc'ha'n" mad`y�7 Masonic Hall on Friday evening last by the Claremont Dramatic t e this district. For partiou- Club, was a decided success In ev- lars write Sales Manager, e way. The night was fineand PELHAM NURSERY CO PICKERING try - . I .:� . - he roads good and as a result the - Toronto, Ont, GROCHWEES J hall was filled to its utmost cepa- iGRUGERIE S -city, and it is estimated that near- LUMBER YARDI ly one hundred people were linable you order your Groceries from us you are assured of having to Rain L admittance. ' It hr coyced.' ed that the dramawm'oneof the the best and Iresnest. that can be secured at this closest prices. -All Tea has adva'nae.d in price; but we still sell tbesaime splen - best, if not the best, ever did blend. of black, green and mixed at the old prices. Why given in Claremont. Each one who took part did his or her work to 4' and �56 a lb• when you can buy good tea at 35c a 16 ? -.2ax ac To be.able. to do thisour tea ordered before the recent M all $W I perfec- tion. The play timet witb� such a ."d e.• advance In pric ..at Coffee prices 80c, 40dand 50c a lb. 0 hearty reception that the club has acceded to the request of a large number to repent the -performance which will be done o a the opening Dry' Goods Bobts!.and Shoes Of all materials and design of Thursday, March 15th. The -Claremont Orchestra also did 'Ha'ts and Caps, Gloves and Mitts, Top Sbirts, Under-tabirts kept in stock. lt,will pay you iall at our works acdAnspeat our stock obtain prioss. Don't be misled by themselves credit and are a credit and Drawers, Corsets, Uuder-vests, Rose. Most of the 'about is we do not employ them, 00nesquens. to the town. The receipts at the above good are the old prices. Come now and me, and do ibrow off the amt door were $74.15, and In addition secure these goods, as all new goods coming In for spring lesion of 10 per, eon$., whiab you v8 to this, & quilt, vrbich was gold and summer will have the advanced prices. (Phone 2800) ly save by parebasing froma& -.And re -sold several times, realized of �alflisd. sum of $17. The receipts were *given for Red C"os D. SIMPSON & CO., PIC"JECERING1 Ww"T 1UNITI 00.. given worlL cr: I Wwks, Whaby. Onaria .kfter the 1st of Febraury, 1917, our terms wills be Cash. :)r if credit is wanted, it must ly ,J be previous arranged for, W. D. Gordon & I - ' ' ' , PICKERING Sell sad Independent phone. Al a Fish Reelpes. does ,this apply just now to old pot's- toes. Under no. circumstances add • FIN& Soup (Russian).m.-This: soup is salt to the water ii. cooking these, as very hearty. It may be made of one it draws out •the juices, hardens the Or several varieties of fish. Put two fibre, and destroys the flavor. POundB fresh fish, including bones and All'vegetables should be pu't 'over bead, in- a saucepan, together with one the fire - to cook in rapidly -boiling sliced carrot, one onion, several stalk4 of celery cut into bits, sprigs of pars- water, and in uncovered vessels ley, one bay leaf and six peppercorns. Vegetables containing starch -rice, potatoes, chestnuts --must be boiled 'Grover with three quarts of water and !boil gently one and one-half hours. until tender, 'but not a moment longer, or they will become heavy. and soggy. Strai through cheesecloth into anoth- Old eas 1—a and 1 -til abould MURAD, .. ..-_CIGARETTES.... or saucepan, add six tablespoons rice'. r f 9 slid boil until rice is tender. Add one-be washed and soaked over night. In - -�aaa ."half pound %tricoolk the uncooked fish, skinned bond -morning drain, coVer With fresh- boiling boil hour drain, -A ARTIFIC I-A—L - — IM` cent Home on Spadina Avenue, but t - valesceInt'Home to its privile.-esi and the men from there to the ed and cut into small pieces, and a=- water, .half an go one on : these are very highly valued by them. an re mer d threw this water out. They a ra about fifteen minutes. Have then ready to be cooked according to FOR MAIMED MEN College Street to get their artificial 41 limbs.. ' As regards the artificial arm' � ready one egg yolk beaten Into one 't I -The Natural Cbminent 'Cup of cream or rich milk; add this to any recipe This preparation neces- the soup; remove from fire without sary in order to get full food value question, should perhaps' be said -hat the type of arm rpolommended is London children certainly get some t and to make them more digestible and "letting boil any more, flavor with salt, 'TWO i It is important. to- TYPES OF ARMS, ACCORD- dependent a good deal on what the vo-, quaint views of life. An instance of the by it is this recently occurred in a London , - palatable. remem- �pepper and paprika and serve., I Salmon Mold. -Drain off the' juice her this at the- present time, as these ' ING TO VOCATION OF SOLDIER. cation of man whom need- ed is to be. If he Is to be a clerk or East -End Sunday School,. where the teach6r was talking to her class Tram a can of salmon and flake the are amongst our best meat. sub- f?�ds an office man. a Carne's arm is de" about onion and his wisdom. fish, picking out every fragment of tituted. bone Mix the fish one getables, containing volatile fla. Government r Artificial tificial Limbo Factory tided on. If he is to be a mecha'nic or 11901 a manual worker, not a Carne's arm, "When the Queen of Sheba came and skin. with egg lightly beaten, the juice of a half voring, onion, cabbage, cauliflowers, -and Orthpp(edic Workshop for but one which will be of. more practi- and faLd gold and jewels and costly - lemon, a cupful fine dry dread crumbs, and Brussels sprouts, should be boil Cal use to him Is decided on spires before Solomon, what lid he say?" and salt and pepper to season. Pack ed in salted watei in an uncovered 'or Making Splints. The men appreciate to the full'tbe she asked, ,presently. : -. -In a buttered mold which has atight vessel,they will emit a very un- pleasant odor. The volatile matter The'soldier who -has lost a limb is great value of the vocational train-! One small girl. who had evidently ing which has been brought within ;had experience "In such matters, fitting tin cover, steam for hours and. cool. contained in all, these - vegetables is i met at the station on his arrival in'their 'and I reach. .-The. majority of them PlOmpily re lied. 'Ow ac all who have lost- limbs -Salmon Cutlets.- Chop rather rich in hydrogen. and sulphur, both of Toronto I probably about 60 per cent—were much diver want for the lot 't thi contents of -a tin of sal- which are valuable for the human I are sent to Toronto, for there, close to! manual workers in the days before .coarsely inion, and mix in an equal bulk of system; so when this is allowed to es-, the Convalescent Home, is' the only In connection with the the war. Doctorb are eo necessary hi Eng-Wnd bread crumbs, seasoning the lot ac- cape by over -cooking or Careless' cook -'i Government artificial limb factory- In Canada -and then examined by classes in vocational training, there, that all of ..the Bt iti,;h colleges have cording to taste. Theo, with the aid ii.g.� there is -great food waste a is a great, run on bookkeeping and 1 opened their doom to women students. 7: of beaten eggs, form a fairly' stiff A safe rule to remember is: Top -'board of three officerq. Then he is i clerking, while the courses in me - ' paste, which can be.made into cutlets, ground, succulent, or green vegetables: transferred to the Orth6poedle Hog- chanical -engineering i are also very.. : Oil obtained from serdF, r)f Brazili- -and each coated with egg or milk and should be cooked in salted boiling we-' Pital under the charge of, Dr. Gallie. popular. I an rubber trees has been found an ac. browned bread crumbs.- Heat in a ter. Underground vegetables.. the Then his stump is looked into, and if It should be mentinred that the Y. : ceptable substitute for linseed -)il lyy _--frying pan with dripping. This pro- roots and' stems of plants should be it is In a condition for fitting he goes M. C. A. admits the men at the British aint-makers. p cess will be found an economical one,. cooked in boiling, unsalted water. Salt to the., limb factory and gets fitted. should be added after as the fish lasts longer than if merely, - they have. been, Bilt if not in such condition he is pro "sthrinker" eaten as it comes from the tin. i drained. vided with a and thin giv- en a pas -4 (coupled with transports - Fish Patties. -Remove all bones, ttionl� Housekeepina Hints. in Order. that he may go ' to his' able to from about hall a pound of cold flih. i . J be fitted. Clhop up a hard-boiled egg and add to i A number of creamed soups can be horne until such time as he is Cle* and D vreilm this th.. fish.. Add half -a. teacupful made with the water in which vege- then; y boiled rice, a dessertspoonful of finely' tables hive been boiled. when be iq able to b:'fltted, I ohopr.A parsley and pepper and., salt! Very. good wash cloths can be made he goes back to the - Convalescent Home is- fitted his limb. Quick Service Make from white stockings cut open. The and . with to taste Mix all well together. Mak 1 'be BLANKETS . half a pint of white sauce and add to edge cup be crocheted with pink or Some men have t;3 operateil on - 4 3. C.UtPETS % Excellent Work b -first This is done at the General he other ingredients. Mash half a lue heother Hospital, there are facilities LACZ CURTAINS of cooked potatoes and sufl`16-� Pantry shelves axe cleanly and at- as no FEATHERS Send for bur Catalog" -ent flour and dripping to make a nice tractive painted white., "dive them. for operating at the Convale?.cent Home. Th" new -Orthopoedic Hos- I FURS % an Cleaning a d. pastry. Roll out. and line some sauc- two coats of white paint, and last- -etat. p;tjLl at North Toronto will Irate such- DRAFTYJES -Dyeing cra a Cam i then f ill *ith tho mix-; tY a .of -enamel is more turt Bake tflI brown, after Cover- satisfactory, than paper, facilities, as well as an artificial limb GO"S TABLE COVMU }ng- with the rest of the pastry, facto and an orthopoedic workshop 1 QUILTS Moderate Clmrge4 -for making splints. etc. • 9f. VITIS DANI E A large number of men come back CM"T Rugiir Substitutes with immovable joints and stiff limbs, 7- CLOTHING • �-Wa Pay Carriage Charges -We all need a certain amount Of ily CHILDREN' etc Some of these are treated electri- One Way. .sugar. specially dijrng the cold weath- er, because it is"a carbohydrate, or ca y: Some go through a baking pro - iceft. Nerve cases are treated with. • A PARKERPS DYE WORKS, LimaMr.. heat and -energy giver. This Trouble Van beCured air, -with hot baths -of various Cleaners aW Dyers In the first place, we must remem- ber -that the refined . white sugars. kinds. and 'with electric treatment. -Through the Use of Dr. Wil- .Straight. matsagex are given by V. A. '791 Yonge Street Toronto' granulated, powdered and cube, areD. 7 S Pink Pills. workers. Theme are of great effl-, most expensive, and that the , 1-cacy.,in muscle ewzep, Mary (-a,eq are -brown is pure, wholesome and actuarlf! 9t.* -Vitus Dance - is - much m ore ' hoth nerve and mu4cle cages. , sweeter, besides being considerably cheaper; then there is a Inirge amouint common than is generally imagined., Best Arms and Legs Made. The trouble is often. mistaken 'f o- r' Tha equipment o'( the Convalescei"t Doctor Tells How To Strengthen of sugar contained in raisins and oth- mere nervousness', or _swkw.ardness., Hontesis fine and the baths are sple fir fruits, -and, as we all know, there is ':"an It usually attacks young children, did. The arms and the legs suppli,J Eyesight 50 per cent In One enormous amount of sweetness" to most often between the ages' of sb% by the limb' factory, which is, praoi- be had from maple sugar, honey and and fourteen -though older ' per+ons callsin one with the Convalescent fie s Time In Many Instances molasses. Besides these actual'sugar3 may be affected with' ft. The most Rome, are very satisfactory, the legs the starchy foods have to be consider- Common 4ymptom is twitching of the 'being the hest artificial ofiepO an the ed as heat -givers, because starch is muscles of the fare and limbs.. As -.continent. The legs seem to give the A ir"e'ePrescription You Can [lave 04. M&AW "�%emp0ma than ed ;to senor during the process, the disease progrt-.�es_ this twitching nien more sotisfact;on than do the may be wqa �r'ul�,- brn.-iisi hv Hese i and Use at Home. Nt"ine thA. mirple rules. .9 tite pmwrtp. of digestion. takes the form of spasms in which arms, for the reason that a man us_ ..Filled cr, and et .a _,%y aotive drug e 'wear to tablet!. Ann Optn Layer. Pudding.-Foui: ounces of the jerking motion may be- . confined',,ually expects more from an arm. 1,andon -T)o yna &W? AM "."n a In" or,e of eye &train or C. ®rr (-$-a woialtn'""? I tablet 1�,.! iauvWh of a 41AM of war" sr.d'%J!,tW dried applies, six 'ounces of bread" to the head, or all the limbs may he' . The type of leg that i4 being u' used is victim 4� :,. . izh this liquid bathe th�, OY-4 it no. you.ww be rl*d to know that lWemdi�lg to to etminbs, broviaec in the uven*•or made -71; fon-, brown bees brown affected. The patient is frequently' wooden* throughout with a n ankle L4 t1*0 to fnnr hin-4 daily, You sbou!d Dr. Lewis there 6s real hom. t4T )-093 "y Doff," yotLr F" 41"r up peree0bilt rght frmn th whose eve, wem Wlinz ORY they have had their e &tort and iUf1&D3rr.tt:0" 1Y It of ounces of unable to hold anything in the hands, joint. and also a knee Joint if the am- Wi:l qLIC c4xw,7-nr -.,,ur eye% restated throuxii the princip:o of tris won- both-rinal (Te"' are 0 flWo. tak three ounce-, of liu -agar, tter, nutmeg, or walk steadity, and in severe caKe3 putation is, above -the knee, as is the ui troo pred�ri=, =&n avm sit" Y-�fi�revpn.z der, I before it is too Late, %!ary trying it, "I vral �,rA, CrJILA not me In to sa"a k0c, a vr cirimmar., one-half pint .of .hot milk. the speVch may be affected. - The, case with -a relatively larfre number. read at n:i. Now I ran rraJ, vw-%,th4vg witboulany hr, htini migirt hzvp. b. -'en saved if iter h:lvll:_rafor their ern in ti -no. Soak 3 I Ae til ppin..� and .. V %'el V 9tntly � Mender. 'Ci disease is due - t -o impoverished-, The leg is fitted in the rough, but is gla"ft A My #- •-es d o not W&W say more. At RiKht V�UlW P,,, -ir-adf.Uri DOW they feet Note. Anutbor procalneut PhyArian -n� wt,im •he Rnn"-otn until -ease a Ire-proor dish •.sprinkle a thick layer f nerves. owI to the blood be'ling out � not flni.,,hed until it las be. worn five fat 00 titre, WILq lilre a wino:,, to me, aboAp sml'i. ,rax IM14witt"I. W-1. is a %eg romarkable temm). Iiii cnwi.Ruem 1PXrM1,n:q �-d it pays: "llhe aunoapbe" seesned Sr. well UTICAM to COMPItt PT:1 IPCMaI14" &7�11 airs and 0 -fh.? bott,,. m. CON isr this: of condition and can be cured by. th(" about a week or a fortnight to enable -Dr. " 't bass without claws, but aftrr ustax this days h pirt%arrosed bi, ibim. 'Ibi- strenI ghl 14, P" rm` in nr.r wo,),'� crura': ),T use -of Williams� Pink Pills, -Nvhich 7 Lhe man to b-(.,ome act'.1u3tomed to i with a layer of apple, sprink.11- 'enrich for fiftera c V" V .1 even rrsd fine print wit one i la , , inn, in 6nny Inpion(P., or Tr(un the movii-F. il,iv blalred Mm drasmist and is one., .she the blood, - strengthen the and to enable any -aiterptions found 27ar, njt?n.e�� and. cinnamon nerves, and in this way ed Nv 'th t�u, a man restore, the necessary to be made. When wearIC a4o" It is believed that thanmudq wt we can now disrard ttmn in a reawriable time and AN cocni r.1 the NITY new Pr.-rwat orsi 1 reel bbouid he ley On hand i,r muiar w,, in ain;ogue ery famLly.- ltt- vz;uiz e ufferer to -ood heatth. A said dd a-re-,v'lftt!6 of the fiat- n -y symptorn leaves with his new leg he is fltte�l zoultitudol more wi!l be able cc) stitnathen thoir gym eis as to be spared tAs trouble and 90"n Drur C-1 , C-11we 4. TZronto, wul LU your ardaa v b oUc d'usp.% C&MOL nate ter. .Repent these !a�,erp alter I�Y of nerve trouble - in young- children with accessories to last him two yestrs. . .... until the ingredients -are used up, keep- should be promptly treated as it i, The leg it -self, which IS worth $i,00, i r g -ors of the crural-- for last. Pour ,,most sure to leaf! 'to St. Vitu:- and is the hest an the market, will last the :silk evenly over the top, sprinkle' -about ten years. An, artificial arm, Pance. . The folliowin�: 'is p�ooT of with put in a, few more pieces 1 the power of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills which does not get .so much use as at of butter and '�ake:in a modefate o%,en to cure- this trouble, Miss Hattie; leg twill last about twenty years. :1 , , until, -t brown. 3, P tL Oummings, R. - R. \�o. e Orboro, . A mail N"Vithout a ft is infinitely -EVERY Rajah Pudding. — One pound Of Ont., says: -"I wa, attacked with better oIT' than a roan without an lic I . z 'L bread c. urnbs, ,np-half. pound very 'what the doctor said was St. N itus' arm so far as his capacity for future -finely chopped (,i grated suet, a little Dance: Both my.hands trembled so' manual wQrk is conc.-med. With re - ' 'of Ar lemon Juice, oi,,e x-.;r.(l of• molasses, as to be practically , u:;,eless: Thee. 'gard to the - ty'pe, arm required, -one-half pound raisins. . Chop raisins the trouble went to:my lett side -, and the view is taker that in cases of KNOWS e:y-and'mit them sorb tl-;e fine's -from tbatto my rikht, leg, afid left. amputation above, the - islbnw, only h - 7 chopped stret-. them- add the bread %_i me in such a condition. that I was not smill amount. of good will be ' cot• at crum';., and the lerno .' juice. Ile. I -took fr0m. an arm,'bu-t that, *in* si able to go out" of the fi(�us'e. gut -ase That fertilisers arc an absolute the molrtseg and stir well into the dry the doctor's medicine v.-ithout get-' Carne's armi which has been greatly Ilecess"V to successful farming. ingredients. Pour into a well-greas= ting any benefit. '('her. I , tried an- hoosted'in England, is a little more The only question that confronts him ed pvdd:;ng -mr,!d -arid boil for seven, other remedy with the :anrnf, po'cir re. :uitahli_, because k has a wrist move' is getting the right fertilizer. h ties • " How To Prepare Vegetabl(,,s , sults, -At this stage I . wn.:; advised -1 nient, as well a.4 a finger 'Klovemerit,':. M'illiams' Shur to try. Dr. Pink Piil,; anti; i and, of course, aelbow movement. -Gain, One of the dirties of every Cana- ,,dian housewife at the present is to ---C -aid Foovith the result than they fully i �'. ith —TTip iTr—ne s: arm, a man can - restored me to health, and 1"havr' a tot of fano- things, but it is -not- — _ -- -- -, - make - every home -a thrift Centre, not had the slightest - symptom of: (it is said) as much practical- use erfiliAzlcrs Theit, are still of waste in �nervou:; trouble since. I can _reccmi- ror a pian cnga!red in lahor as the are PriiPftr4d und(lr-ths luPel-V140r, of 1,11POrt COernist3i—aro bucked b forty sad bo every home. Onc of tho, n-iqt tin `nrie: mend these pills to anyone who is,� ui�m with amputation below the c!- froin sears' rel?utation ars to v#rfeetly twi&nolu plavvt roods Ana very ��.Ok rah s noticed of the,c is lyrol�r_l)!y onr suffering nervous rouble, and' bow, and is particillarly well ."suited: Nano, f4rMtorX a" n$1V o N�9 _9�. e!9triii-ation. ferutisisrs � therk nf pi -eparinir an:1 - rr-ol�;n,4 c hope they will profit by my experi-' for ripti in Feneral labor. The Dor- ror users aC our U, we aris roaly at n = 0 Finaliczo eerill)163 of goils avA recomirtieno the forttlixor liamt suitod- , aklnW it up espe- �.4, `"tai: of food. encs." J'anice hook appliance has a h"R' n d if A60"ary. Iff-re ane th6 for the You ran get T)t- Pink! ,%hicb- fits over the hook, and if R IPor Urtuis4r book and other lzf*rrrvv1o1;, write 78c, inev (.,f Old vegetnhle,t or' Pills from any—drub dealer r) r 1w. mail niatt wanti to -,o out he puts an th^ Gunns Llmlt4 West Toronto k qt. 50 cent Fk hox or six .11 for: the "; �- I - , cents box a�tr half an 1. ter in ol' 'I". rn The Dr. Williams' Medicine ed at 1( cold $2.50 from Voirational Training i N water before cooking, Pa,"ttic Co*.' u ar Brockville, Ont. There is another Military Convales 7,- I �FAV_ NZW1 R :7 All ah of the province look forward to the At Grips With a Leopard. Tvienty-Five Cents a .Fof when every -school district will be A correspondent in Port Elizabeth, Day spent for the right a library centre; giving to the settlers South Africa, of the London Express, the facilities now afforded to residents kin' sent an account of a thrilling battle kind �vjU �eep a man of cities and towns thi-ough their, pub- 1 between a British officer and a full - in libraries. The prosperity which (i ILLE-TT .good health, fit for any lie libi own female leopard in German East has almost overwhelmuki- rural Alberta gr ka task. Two Sbrvdded Wheat I in the last two years, when farmers Africa. An expeditionary force was NO EQUAL on the march when the animal was 13illiCuits., served with hot have been reaping enormous crops and •-selling them at the highe9t figures in sighted, and Lieut. Bouwer ' dropped It not only' soft' the 44 - milk, make a CO;nplete, per-, hi. out to try a shot. The leopard sud- story, promises to contribute still water but doublest the Cleans- Meal at a Cost of four further to the impurtanre of the rural denly charged the officer, and t1fe best Ing power of soap, and makes school as a social centre. With,ever 'he could do was Jam his rifle in the or five cents—a meal that Y everything sanitary and farmer driving his own automobile the I open mouth of the beast. Bundles of wholesome. supplies in digestible form opportunities for social gatherings are burning grass were.thrown toward the N* RMFUM sunsTrTUT98. animal to distract bar attention from Ni to greatly, increased, the country TT .every. element needed y !Lieut. Bouwer, who wa's. badly hurt, ,44 'build new tissue and furnish 'school is the natural meeting place.. end Dr. Ivor Haslern finally sent a .'heat and energy for the FAMiNE THREATENS WORLD. dum-dum bullet home, which, closed the career of that leopard. When Oil Was Costly. Belf-stop hum ping Auto. an b6d At twenty- Y. Prof. Leacock Says We Must Increase Modern electric lighting costs about Chiefly intended for delivery auto- _4 five cents a day for three one -twenty , -fifth as much as illumina,_ mobiles is a new attachmt;ia ior a car Our Food Supply. that' meals there is a margin al tion with sperm oil or candles 4'cen. stops it at a set distance from . a )f 4 Stomach H I prof. Leacock of McGill University, tory ago. starting point enabling a driver jo ten cents for fruit or green jaddressing the Montreal Housewives� call at several houses and find Iiii ma.. .-_t vegetables. Such a diet. I League at thi? Royaf-Victoria College Drink Hot Water- chine waiting for him. recently, said: means a clean stomach, "We are in sight of a terrible food "Ifdyspepties, sufferers from gas, wind Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. wj3L&jd-s- T -1 -4 -ext cures numa, healthy liver, active bow Is. i lor flatulenoe. stomaeh acidity Etc. famine, such as .world never or sour- Gentlemen,=My,daught9r, 1 yrs. 'ness, gastric catarrh, heartburn. etc.. A little salt rubbed on earthenwane seen. We must take steps betimes if would talce a teaspoonful of pure bi- old, was thrown from a' sleigh and For breakfast with milk or i we wish to avoid national and world j urated magnesia In -half a Klass' of bot injured'her elbow so badly it remained pudding dishes will take away brown icream. Made in Canada. - ter Immediately after eating, they wide disaster. 'We -must at all mats 'wwt)uld soon forget that they were e%er stiff and very painful for three years.: spots ;increase our own food supply 1 afflicted with stomach trouble, and doe- Four bottles - of MINARD'S LINI. i tors would have to look elsewhere for POR 9AZZ., THE COUNTRY SCHOOL. "We in Canada are fortunately 'Patients," In explanation of theme words ?SENT completely cured her and she, n placed. We have boundless resources 11.16V well known Now York physician stated has not been troubled for two years. jolt ALE BOARD. that most forms of stomach trouble are louse i;i ()Wgh Sound. It! good -Schoolhouse of Western Canada is a in land to draw upon. J must see ; due to titumach acidity' and fermentation Yours truly, Rood location. Near Depot and -of the food contents or the stomach curn- i kTPly I Community CentU.' that every available acre and every 'bined J. B. LIVESQUE. t. hicorath. Executor, with an insuffl(lent blood supply a. Man. Joseph, P. 0., 18th Aug., 1900. to the stomach. Hot water increases the St. public available day's labor is turned to use. Nations are built in the •blood supply and Wourated mugnesla. in - "It is gratifying to learn that our "WorapWas Post *ALS! schools. The ideals set up by the ' stantly neutralizes the excessive* etom- school teacher Department of A' riculturie and our ach aold and her remain very largely the, 9 Co stops food fermentation, PRO PIT -MAKING NE"'S A.N 7 JOB the combination of the two. therefore. 6ritarls -#-.iousiy successful and kls�- An excellent grafting wax is made tcwnx• The most useful and Interesting his National Service minis's, v i,eInr marvelously P (Mces for gale In cc -3,t ideals of the pupil throughout life, and I ion are conception of patriotism 'will be "ide awake to the situation. We must oldedly Preferable to the use of artificial by melting together four pounds of " a" businesses, Full Information -on what he has been taught during ' digestant- stimulants or medirinem for application to %VTon Publi-hirist Com - his put behind -thefn the r force of public rosin, two pounds bf beeswax and one .any, 73 Weat A, CIt-1 1"', school years. It is not too much to opinion and the efforts of individual pound of tallow -4 When melted, our nntiL say that the present world war is due National tional Service Cards. into a tub of cold water to cool; then Z2$CXL"N310tTs to A difference. of ideals fostered by - --------------- 4— - - :, . WYCLES. N R W AN 1) sr.cos pull-, the same as for taffy, until it is 0 different systems of education. The ,time for those persons who B fand; - 312, v4 up.. send r(,r ifppctal have not filled in the National Service of a clear, golder, color. price list. "Varsity Cyk,re Works,' 413 Great as is the importance of thei TEETHING TIff"IE Snsul',ra -Ave., P school in old and well esta-b- card,,, or have not properly filled them T)DY in, has been extended to the 31st day ANCREL TUMORS. LUMrs. -ETC- lished countries, this importance is C wernai, &ad external. cured with- -even greater In the new lands which I .:.A TIME OF WORRY of March, 1917, and further cards out twin by our ham* treatment. write Is to ber,,re too lata Or Sellrada wedicaj :are being called upon to assimilatel 'have again been issued to the post- Cc, 11-imitad, (1.111ingwooti, ow ters for distribution among those populations from the more congested 1 A%ben baby is teething i-; a tim e" mas rt -a. In such a country as Weit-! of worry to most mothers., Baby's who have made defatult. countriL It is. under ern Canada, the public school has . to i little Rums become swollen and ten- stood that the returns from the 2nd take on functions not usually associ- der; he becomes cross, does not Military District havdtbeen most gra- ftdy lkrw"s pol"em 661wiss ev ated with it in the older and more! sleep well; is greatly troubled with I tifying, There are, how ei, even in 'this District a number Asliseptil"Ists Mvei-valtas not densely settled 'communitie4. I The constipation- colic or diarrhoea and who have 'prairie '.qe i.4* not merely schoolhou a,sometimes even convulsions r ketWet-Igils pin ast sswft fila e , properly made their returns. The N seize 'tional Service Board hopes that every. Pw"esii IsIt hsWs rasliss. centre of education; it is alio the re- hiin. During this; period nothing.. licious and social centre of the dis- can equal the use of Ba one in the District will use his or her salt all sms. Baby's Own very best efforts in order to make .the tract. During the - week days the ;Tablets. They reg-ulate the bowels H DmSeas dwd Moroi 50c box. A school teacher furnishes education to and stomach and make the teething returns from this District as nearly i the children of the neighborhood, perfect as possible. but so easy that the mother scarcely real- on'Sunday the mis-44onary holds his izes baby' is getting his teeth. Con- Mnsrd., Z4 _,,*at ,services, which all attend regardless cerning the Tablets Nlrs. Arthur as neuralgia. and on week Archiba�d. New Dooli ws of creed or nationality, Town. X.S., writes: F nights the building iX used for meet- -I used Ask Sons To Surrender.' DOG. DISIEAF) Baby's Own Tablets when Ings of farmers. 1oir'the varioll"I Win-, baby was getting hi's teeth and I 'A Canadian Just back in England And 110w to Feed munity societies; for the Red Crass 1 found them an excellent medicine."! from France says that German troops Mailed tree to any add -,L"' t:j , ; y, %� Club, and for purely' Anrb's %a# Au.nor 'e-11 fe� hith�"te, but t. 1%fleor H. CLAY CLOVER CO., 17c. 11 .'4 'cial events such90-4, The Tablets are 9014 by medicine, have been m as deb&tei. can r in oerts i dealer., or by mail at 25 cents a box great deterioration is show ej Resoft 118 West 31st Street. New Yor'. and dancesf. To facilitate the latter, from The. Dr. Williams' Medicine -Co., food recently. Young Germanssur- ------ - it may be noted that' many country, Brockville, Ont. reridering- declare that their mothers qchoolhouseq use 1emovable clesk,..4i asked them to do so. The weather at farm When buying your Plafio Which",the willing' hands of the Uared Gr,.;' boy,; qijiekly .1i ;, " Australia's Wireless' the front has been penetrating. Cana- .$-; . � — -3- :: .: . A chain -_ = Mans feel it as much a, they do the Inslat on havinq an r�ftt -1 -there is a dance in prospect, of wireless stations extends severe. cold in -Can"a. *x ur 0 r- by 9 I around the coast of Australia, so that, Another phase Of Community work "OTTO HIGEL" 1 a vessel never is -out of touch with' Associated With the- rural school which. has bein coming into promin- school! shore, Kinard's L1mI=*zt Cures DandmR. PIANO AOTJ N -,Health. once during the last few �Fearq is the Change Playmate. Cheerful, c7mbby 0:-Jrm supply of books to settlers in the dis- Vihen Your Eyes Need Care "Willie; you must stop using such' -.4 "LLEA "LARDS Na" Zrome Z!';-,: 1110K9 56U strict. This work is encouraged and, 14o8m^rtInc- Ilrr4 dreadful language," said his mother.' 14 Fime - Acta qul-ckly. . Try it for Red, wet, k, t" ------ "osrFd7Vy the tentral Departme-fit of 9�re E"s&a4urantitated zyelias. Idurine i "Where in the world did you learn it?" � that make a F,)rse Whae7e. Education, which provides eatalogues romPonaded by our ocoltsnota "Pat" Week, puny ba6teia.r a rnrtiat 4 Xedielne"�but used justwer%nflil to Why, mother," replied, the boy,' Rmer, itzits 'rhick %� uid care'to tired ofilere and are. P-%I,ject Pb Ianw o! .books suitable folsuchpurpose", Pia alto for many ears. Now deY,2111edta or uses- it." or Cho"-d-r.wia, can be ti many diseases fist do not affect the actual =election being left w the Publie and 4 -Id by Druggi i reduce.1 VVij11 heal the -its at ate per "Well, then," said the mother, ',don't 1 tby children. Battle. Murine Eye salve in Aawpthc Tub. teacher. The number of books allot. I f the Eye Fre play with him."yy 1 150 and %-. Write for book "d to a school diqtrlct is based on M u rine EV# R smedy 00 -n p&no Keep you; children in gcm)d llwalth. V. Chicago. Adv, See that thr!r howc!s m.,)vc rrztliarly 4..A I the report of the inspecror, of schools. --especialty durir J 1190 Other &mchcs or 6vqc!iirr1. $ter, g the teet Hng I -er;od. .'I In the Province of Alberta, although A Texan is the patentee* of a new gone, horse kept at work, Eco- This is a dil ng,ti;nc i -i tt,c :ife AR no hair gor this 4chwl library- mov t 'i,3-1 harne a to hold i �41 of every clTi d WIC 4- Oro-". a -rod -far -a fisherman- IJLP- pm- horllital—on!v 2 i.yr d,-opj a I an its 1_2 only in infancy, no less than I and leave his hands free for other i 'Ication. 62neybotiledeliverod. 9003tAfreC cau ion should he taken to kerp them 110,000 books were supplied for purposes. MORK%'E. Ille antiseptic lissiment for Well and strong, ra mankind redures Cysts, Wct,s, painful, swoilea�CiIlsmnd 131cer'441 and $2 abottleM t We of All this purpose last soar, -at a Cost I By the con-listeii of some $30,000,00. Educationist, Xinard's Linim7ont for sale ever7whers. A-0 A-2lers or ticiivcre(l. Book " Fvidence" free, q16 Lviars tiioz, Writreal, Can ns Enlist At Such A Time. II V. F V?UNU, F. 0 F. Mrs. Wi Iow, -:3 A mustering officer, in the early �ays of the war, before England was Soothing SyTup s_ aroused met on the street of a coast I Old Fashioned- it is possible to avoid many childish village ills now so pre%alent. Ide a strapping fellow aboutl twenty-one years old.. The officer It is a corrective for diUTHine.N*, colic hailed hurl. and other infartile ailment i. It soothes "See 'ere, me la tli-! fretting baby and permits d;" he said, "are you I it the are- being supplanted daily in kood 'ealth?" 6ild to sleep well Lind grow healtli Y. "I are," said the youth. It Mngi comfort d relief to bo;h ► child and mother. by newer and'befter things'. "Are you married?" . 7 This is particularly true "I aren't." n evert home Sloan' LW- eney 'Aye you anyone dependent on ment as earned its place in where health and'effici you?" the medicine chest as a relief Mrs."' Winslo WS are concerned. 'ave not." from pains and aches. Soothinor Syrup In hunlzvds of thott8aricle "Then your King and country need Quickly pendrales wilhoal rab- A CLEAN HARNESS you. Why don't you enlist bing and soothes the -soreness. wears longest .'Makes Cheerful -of homes where tea or f - "What?" he said. "With this bloom -- fee was formerly the tabl�, in' war goin' on? Cleaner and more effective than 'EUREKA Chubby ',ill Y,6u must think 1, drink, you will now find am a silly fool!" mussy plasters or ointments, it does •HARNESS OIL is absolutely non-narcotic. It cort- not stain the skin. tains no opium, morphiiie nor any of does more than make 3 For rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, lum-, their derivatives- It is soothing, p!eas- wer. T bngo,s its and strains use Sloane Lini- -qs clean. L ant and h�rnflcss. Fn-., ge --rations The Usefu-T—Sunflo :four harness t revives the leather. ne Grow sunflowers, not only for their went. sprains all druggi3tS, 25C. 50C. I.W. i Mothers in all parts of the world have POSTUMAi gorgeous beauty, -bet-as-food for the -This oil soaks into the used it and millions of babies have E �Ij it not water bul Ing power eve h I _n'd the Do 0�. nt", parcs,,makes the lea- been benefited by it. hens. In the autumn the sunflower itlier softer blacker, 7 It promotes'health avid e'f, seed is a healthy stimulant and assists tougher. try it. on -BUT have today and biddy in repairing her wardrobe, and It handy flden,CY, and the old time riots any black leather. e Relieve and Protect Your Children clothing? her for her winter duties. It -frazzled tea or. coffee 'i3 good exercise also for the hens to IAL OU nerve -frazzled niz Imput L COMPANY. LLmlftd SoM by all drj�qgirfr in Canada and drinker soon giV'e'S nick the seeds from the heads, There lace to throughore rhe qvvr/d oil nce-through — fire erle—ar out - thinker H6 drinks delicious Posturn and knows. Thete's a Reason No change In pr1te, quality, ". or size of package., .11 w o c p ant., w fch, when the stalks and heads are dry, makes good fuel, so that no part of the plant need be wasted. The common garden plant called coriander is found in Egypt, Persia and India. It has globular, grayish seed -corns and is mentioned twice in, the Bible, in Exodus xvi., 31, and in Numbers xi., 7. Book "Patent Protection" Free BABCOCK & SONS Formerly Patent Office Ezz Iner. Estab. 1877 ".ST. JAMBS ST., MONTREAL 11111ranchess Ottawa and Washington ED. 7. ISSUE 10-17. OrIAstemper in Mti3lliOne, brood maeq, cojLj aLjitj_fl� o hers, to most destructive. The rerm causUg tile., djL.P,,"fMust be removed from the bad,,, of the animal. To pro%e.�nr the trouble the earn@ must be done. M P iSPOHN'S CO 0 urj 0 NVIII do both ---cure the -Ick and prevnn I:' hove 'Wxposedl. disease, having the dizea, All druRlttata S703LN KE.DICAZ 00., Cbemlm. Goshen rad.. V. a. A. -. x f; p"'; S+'Y .., .,y, r,,, '.. -a -r3•R 'SIT, 1 .." 'p"Ci a `�' '+'� . ..`¢+ ti, ..� '.•.tc,$:s""` -.y^�F•d;. �sl .�2,° "'a-" y +.t 4'; - :e; . .SOON BE SPRING, SEEDING! Get your Harness and Collars repaired'now.' - Ji I have on hared 2 Sets of Team Harness at $97.50 a set "- 1 Set of Team Harness at $87.50 Also, better grades at close prices. ' : - Boot and Shoe Repairing promptly attended to. PICKERING :HARNESS ESIPORIUM Home Phone 8900. W. J. COAKWELL S e= tq. care _ .,Grocery Nevus - _ - 0ANNED ,FISH FOR LENT Domino Brand Salmon,.., 10c per can Cascade 1 ..: 15C Gardenia " ... ... 90c A4 Tiger lwc Battle Axe „ -..: ... '.._ - Clover Leaf ,� ... 30C Tiger halts .. 15c " - V innan Haddie, _... Ise Herring in tomato sauce, ... lie " Sardines in oil. ... .: 121c " Special --Baked Beans in Chili Sauce, large can, 15c. � holesale, price of these to -day is over 20c a can T.�1 A I�M�� ) -11irR, q►cv A.^a^-Fnn,'of Onk• i -Mrs. Jas. Brien has moved into Hardware News 1J\! - i }vuod,. viQ+ k.- -.week =at the -the Linton residence, Church St. Feb. 28th. Names in order of =- i;crrlle of bpi �,'' • I. p.. %4-t' Souter 1 -On 'account of Mr. Simpson's ,neighbor's. -His many friends in Pickering with W. D. Ro ers, -J. R. Theztun hay" a Business and Mrd. Ola:•:,. l pour health, D. Simpson & Co. are trip to the city ou ii p. --We r�,� f •. _ : i .i1e .iexth� ufferiug for sole their entire stock ` -Harry WmIck = *>:�Pd two car• of E. A, . - .''!: t _.d.,, dvy. of dry goods, boots and shoes, gro- _ y, - !� takes the lead - - ' `loads of stock fluro iib+C lnrt week. k 1 ULW1•yl ,+t "It .�u Siturdky to caries, millinery, etc. Everything 'elauR Let your shipping point -Fred Bu--,ih,; F Toronto, E�ekwe Cerner; . ; . Rill be tared in small or F spent Sunday at the come of his -=A meeting of the South On. tario Rrform be large lots, or sold as a going con- cern. The millinery business will µ' '••elisters here. adsoeisidon will ' 'settled -and is now getting comfortably in her new home, L. D. -Joseph Wray and son, Isaac, held in the Town .H01, Whitby, be continued at slaughter prices xof Oshawa, called on Pickering on Saturtury, Metreu tv.u, ailp.m. throughout. Sale commences on i1 s }_ Don ti friends on Wednesday. The meeting will be addressed by Saturday, March -17th. Watch Reference: Standard Bank. Markham -Mr. Gibson is quite ill at the Samuel Carter, M.P.P. and others. for particulars. 'residents and Anthony Coyne equal. George rhome,of his daughter, Mrs. Lorne A large attendance is expected -A number of our are : Squires, on the lake shore. and desired. Ladies will be wel- anxious to know what our police SEE OUR NEW -The union services will be held come and special provision will be trustees are doing in regard to on Sunday nett in the Methodist made for them. * hydro -electric. It is now time = . church, both morning and even - -The 'time for the return of the that some action was being taken. -.-#ore proceeding overseas. -Several more carloads of coal ing• National Service Cards by those We do not, wish to enter another - -Owing to the storm the town• who have not yet returned them, winter without having electric ship council post -coned their meet• or returned improper l signed, lights in our houses and on our Ive investigation into the price of kind from Ing from Monday until Wednes• has been extended to March 81st, streets. We understand that the other places the coal situation is it has news -print the of paper which our dailies and weeklies are and further cards have been issued farmers between Pickering and -Gordon Towle, of .Brandon, to postmasters for distribution Whitby are taking steps to have spent last week the guest of his among those who have made de- the electric light and power in - and you w all to build your own frame. uncle and aunt; Dr. and Mrs. fault. The returns from this stalled in their dwellings and out - a naturally r no Towle. military district have been moat buildings. Poles have already hold their annual meeting on Sat- -Fred Adair, of the Convalee- gratifying, but there are still A been erected for some distance to " seat Home for soldiers, Toronto, number who have not yet made the west side of the town limits, spent over Sunday with Pickering returns. meet the increased cost of paper$ERBAC EIIM STOCK FOOD, r1'riends. -Don't forget the drama en- ULS XZGI8TEi3, FRUIT TREES 1 -The heaviest snow -storm of titled "The Last Loaf' to be given # vited to attend. Insufficient to meet the increased the. season -occurred on Monday, in the Town Hall this (Friday) Tv$snA4, MARCH 19TH -Auction ogle -Remember the St. Patrick's :when snow to the depth of about evening by the Pickering Dra- , of farm stock and implements, har- ' ;nine inches tell.. uratic Club. This is a wholesome news, ha and rain at lot 10, con. e, ' cif M -John and Vincent Moore and Play bill of stirring incident with Pickering, the property of Thomas s George Cowan, Jr., of Toronto, a lot of pathos and humor. There will also be a lively and laugh- Olinkinboomer. Sale at one sharp, See bills. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. spent Sunday at their respective homes on the Brock road. provoking farce entitled, "Stick WRI)WReDAT, MAReH ,14th -Auction -A number of the women of the village have been besieged ' -The Ladies' Aid Society of St. to your word, Gal," given byy five sale of farm stock and implements, at lot 83, con. 4, Pickering (close to - -The annual meeting of the Andrew's Church will meet at the ' home of Mrs. Rankin on the after. negro characters. Em ringham's g P orchestra, of Toronto, *ill furnish Whitevale), the property of John Bale See bills. moon of l ednesday, March 14th. an abundance of sweet muile, in- Larkin. at one. Fred Postill, auctioneer. i - The following have installed inde ndent phones connected �Pickering eluding several harp solos. The proceeds of the entertaiaro nt are TZ EBD.LY MARCH2ftH—Adminl9trer tor's sale of farm stock, implements 18, plants, as there is nothingPaye bet- ter. Send'for our illustrated circulars - "-'with central : . Albert for patriotic purposes. very- and household goods at lot con. 4 cipient is required to send similar letters to seven different persons. Gray No. 520 and Robert Devitt body come and. help win the war. Pickering, (Brock road), the proper - : there is to be an electron of ofi3• 'No. 703. Admission 85 cents, children under ty of the estate of the late James -Why is a country newsliaper 19 pears, 25 cents. Davidson. Terms cash. Sale at .SOON BE SPRING, SEEDING! Get your Harness and Collars repaired'now.' - Ji I have on hared 2 Sets of Team Harness at $97.50 a set "- 1 Set of Team Harness at $87.50 Also, better grades at close prices. ' : - Boot and Shoe Repairing promptly attended to. PICKERING :HARNESS ESIPORIUM Home Phone 8900. W. J. COAKWELL S e= tq. care _ .,Grocery Nevus - _ - 0ANNED ,FISH FOR LENT Domino Brand Salmon,.., 10c per can Cascade 1 ..: 15C Gardenia " ... ... 90c A4 Tiger lwc Battle Axe „ -..: ... '.._ - Clover Leaf ,� ... 30C Tiger halts .. 15c " - V innan Haddie, _... Ise Herring in tomato sauce, ... lie " Sardines in oil. ... .: 121c " Special --Baked Beans in Chili Sauce, large can, 15c. � holesale, price of these to -day is over 20c a can like a married woman? Because -- -Report of Intermediate Room every man should have one of his. Pickering echoul for month ending 13.80• See bilis. Hardware News own, and not be going after his Feb. 28th. Names in order of HIGHEST PRICE PAID ,neighbor's. -His many friends in Pickering with W. D. Ro ers, merit. Sr. III -Hilda Morrison, Elsie Baker, Blanche Walsh, Doro- thy Towle, Artie Crockett, Dolly _ FOR _ cattle, a'heep and Hogsy -,,"The 1000 Gra.vit washer - sympathise Whitevale, :he loss of his Palmer, Charlie Lonise Johnson, • of on Baker, Charlie Law, George Thea, be' -at Locust _ y, - !� takes the lead - - barn and hiiroe by fire on Satur- Let your shipping point - day a'ttern000. ton, Eva Murphy. Ales Crockett, Hill, C. P. R. Good accommodation, -Mrs. C. W. Liddle and child Arrived in town on Thursday last Mary Gould: Jr. III. - George courteous treatment, fair and accurate Cowan, Hugh Miller, Ella Steph- weights. Your co-operation will,be aPPreciatea. free trial washing done �► ' 'settled -and is now getting comfortably in her new home, L. D. enson, Ed. Marquis, Agnes Moore and Harold Lajeunes re equal. Sr. HARitY STrART CLAARY' . ., in 6 minut#'B banks' residence. II -Frank -Morrison, Ed. Walsh. Phone Ialkbam 5b09. i1 s }_ Don ti -The 182nd Battalion it is ex- Wilhelmina• Mntcb, Jack StubbQ Reference: Standard Bank. Markham Keep it we've -neve-r ppected, will leave Oshawa for Ex- and Anthony Coyne equal. George _ - lribitiun Camp, Toronto, where be- :dutch, Ruth- Morrissey, Clarence Mercer, Mary McGinty, SEE OUR NEW ones $ 3•0U i had they will spend two Iuonths Potter. SAWING MACHINE i _ - -one a -.-#ore proceeding overseas. -Several more carloads of coal -The daily papers of Toronto have are igatlsfied." returned yep _ a.. ve s wn9ra i. in Pickering with- beep. conducting an eztens- _. -in the past week or so, while in Ive investigation into the price of kind from We can supply Emery Wheels and - '---- --- ' = other places the coal situation is it has news -print the of paper which our dailies and weeklies are :Circular Sates. Alsizes kept in stock. _.l One Pri ce to all, 4 $ 16.00 as unsatisfactory now as been anytime during the present made. The rapid rise in the price Also Emery Saw Mandrels: if •rwjpter_ of paper has been it problem for -hep and you w all to build your own frame. y +� -Thi GW:e Re��ros3 n wr'II a naturally r no eme -- �'sorlly one P1 e� - - hold their annual meeting on Sat- want to increase the price of their have "Mr. H. �'AOKSON PAROID ROOFING, to -day afternoon at 8 o'clock at the papers, and some tried to BftOCH ROAD ='. home of suss F. Jones. - As this is meet the increased cost of paper$ERBAC EIIM STOCK FOOD, ° the yearly meeting and the else• Rion of officers, all the girls are in- by increasing the coat of a certain class of advertising, but that is.. FRUIT TREES 1 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT # vited to attend. Insufficient to meet the increased sand Plants THE 1900 (IRXYITY WASHER _ -Remember the St. Patrick's cost of paper. There is only one ' entertainment -to be Riven in the Methodist church on the evening step which they can now take to save vee, and that is to in• in - F`or Spring Planting We have established A lasting repu- M H A P M A I'�1 .. 'of Monday, March 19th. The pro- - ram committee is busy arrangin g a the x crease tele RuberripLios price which will likely take place before long. Cation for fair and square dealing and s • first•elass program and a goo ;time is assures to all. -A number of the women of the village have been besieged are now prepared to meet existing conditions by offering. our high grade trees and plants direct to customers - �OOTS BOOTS BOOTS - -The annual meeting of the with the endless -'prayer nuisance at ROCK BOTT09S PRICES, Women's Auxiliary of St. George's -at -the-home during recent weeks. The letter. -contains for _-Don'-tdalay plantislF-fruit treesand - -- Church will ba held of Mrs: Ham on Wednesday after. a ebArt prayer the soldiers of the Empire, and the re- plants, as there is nothingPaye bet- ter. Send'for our illustrated circulars ." {,let your Spring Boots where you get the best satisfaction noon next, at $ o'clock. All me. •i- bars is requested to be present as cipient is required to send similar letters to seven different persons. of hardy varieties which you can order direct and get the benefit of agent's " WHERE? AT BUNTING98 : there is to be an electron of ofi3• They are then warned that if they break the chain by neglecting or commission. Our prices will be sure to interest you. We have a dandy line of Boys' and Men's heavy grades at all priest very -Ghee. S. Palmer has prrchas. refusing to carry out the request, THE CHASE BROTHERS CO. OF ONTARIO, LTD., and made by the old reliable "Williams Co." ed two carloads of turnips in'this misfortune will overtake them 'We -leave a supply of canned goods on hand that you can't beat. locality for shipment to the States within a very short time, but if • for which he is 'paying one cent a 'po and or 50 cents for a bushel of they do carry out the request, great joy will come to them. Only (Established' 1857) COLBORNE, - - ONTARIO Tomatoes, Aylmer Brand, he the tin. - IiO lbs. A few years ago the usual the ignorant and superstitious w Peas and Corn, >t tine for 25 cents price for turnips was 7 and 8 cents bushel. will pay any attention to these letters. The fire is the PICEERING BAEERY - O, `Al � •'- a proper to deposit Re BUNTING, :,:PICKERING -We are sorry to report that 'Pte. victor Austin, who Inas been place such missies. and if it were possible, such eownInni- -BREAD, BUNS and CAKES . Established 1857. a in the Base Hospital, Toronto, for cations should be denied the use Choice Candies, the past few months, awing to in. of the mails. Many persons who Patterson's Chocolates ) N' -j�' .0" Q uries received last fall at Camp rden, hue developed serious receive these letters are afraid to disobey the demand they contain .Wedding Cakes a specialty blue striped Overalls 1.50 per pair, Jean Pants 1.65 per pair, Kbaki ' spine trouble and is now in the -sanitarium in undergo- and are'thns put to considerable bother and expense by continuing and we deliver them. Black and Pants 1.40, Black and blue striped Smocka 1.50, Black and grey lined Khaki Shirts 1 to 1.50, Black and white drill .Hamilton itng treatment. the chain. Both. phones in shop. Smacks 200, .00 50C - Sb 85c to 1.00 Gray wool Socks Me, Me, Me, 40c, 50c. -Pte Clifford Salter, of the -A very large deputation repre- $• R. �OII1�S r P1Ck8?lIIg Men's fleece -lined Under 1.10 per suit, Men's wool Underwear 1,50 and Men's wool Quderwear 8.00 and 8.50 per suit. '- 182nd Battalion, who injured' his senting municipalities along the s��pine in the swimmingtank in the Kingston road- from Toronto to Y. M. C. A. -buildin, Oshawa, Montreal Provin- ELM DALE MILLS 200 per suit, pure Our new spring stock of Boots and Shoes have arrived and we can give you the best of value. So Ret your family supplied at right prices, several weeks ago, underwent an waited upon the cial Government on Thursday = R=N� Choice GFroceries always on hand -Prime Old Cheese, Orange, Grape =operation at the base hospital, To- last asking that the Kingston road Fruit, Lemons, Figs, Dates, Pcumee, Apricots. etc. Tonto, last week, and -is now re- —covering rapidly.. and he expecte be made a provincial highway, to be constructed and maintained by You can always get the best Mani-• toba Flour made from No. 1. Raddis, Halibut, White Flab, Salmnon and Ood Fish. etc., eta DUNBARTON to be on duty again in a few days. The Manitoba Wheat. G. A. GILLESPIE, . : the government. request of -The 118th Battalion which has this deputation was supported by Royal Household and Glenora for been in training in England Since the Mayor of Peterboro and the Bread. Try a bag. the 1st of August last left for France on Feb. lith. Since land- president of the Board of Trade, of Ottawa, which was an evidence Pastry Flour Fresh Rolled Oate BRAN, SHORTS HOME -COMFORTS Ing in England two drafts brought that the scheme had the moral :. •MIX FEEDS - - the bat ' strengtb, but drafts from the Peel -of-all-that- part-ofthe province east of Toronto. Among CRUSHED OATS Inconvenience caused by the scarcity of coal is greatly minimized t and Miadlesex battalions have those who addressed the govern- BARLEY CHOP by the use of our Gurney -Oxford Oil Heaters and CookereL , brought it tip to full strength Again. ment were R. R. Mowbray, reeve of Pickerinp�, and Col. Farewell, of WHEAT CRACKED CORN z -- Pockets to Catch Dirt r -In our last i9sue we stated that Whitby. The government listen- MIXED HEN FEED ,~ Complications ! P some person had thrown a stone in ed very patientl9 to the various Caldwell's Cream substitute D(rt through one of the windows addresses, and expressed them- Calf Meal. _0 - = Chas, S. Palmer's residence. The selves as being in entire sympathy Molasses Meal _ - __._-- report was incorrect, or at least with the scheme. Sir Wm. Hearst, so far as the act being of recent thepremier, would make do prom- CHOPPING AND OAT CRUSHING EVERYDAY lots. Our Washing Machines are the best made and add to Home Comforts date was concerned. Some time ise. bnt said that the great work Get prices on feed in ton We always carry a full line of skates and Hockey Goods It ago a boy accidentally threw a in hand at the present t� a was BELL PHONE. .. ,.�x.w'... stone through the window with a the winning of the war, and all F• -�j � -Wreel— ,e%tapult and through this the other work should be subservient Ch eve d recent report originated. to that. Chopping every day -1 ;ry .. ��„ .. .. . ...: • ., .. - ' . - 2• r..ms'.wE.at�...-... ..,.... w.-fM�.hw:-,.•y..,.;G.I..Y;._a.. .....,.'l..-i,.:e ,._w. _. _ ... .... _._ __ s.. -.._. A. .Jd. .... ..... _,Wt-. ....... .-..er. _..,.."Ci..^..,^ .r_a. .. ._.--_ .... .. ...��:�—^L,�a.'.e'l�!.. �w . H. - Pickering •T/_+nvC.. .A._. ...., � u:M'E. y..e:.+:kr. l.._.`v w6 �.L.. .. _.amu. w..e�i.Lt-ns +1'.ui.,Y.�.51 .,� .•:....v../�.�.rT.'•L•::1 ._-.�C•.w.u���V H. A .-•rix. 1..e'a.yr Sr:. tit+.. Y;