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.. +. 3a•e WK.." .- y„, .',..•- . wG. .r-.�•.is> .,1uu•.•r •.;i ,. -,W ,.r. ,a..�.�'::• .s...n.. ,�:-wcw+aAad .+. e-_. _-•r. ••w .r•�: wi+i.-• .L - w',. ..,,,, .. ,r•.r ._..,, s - .: e• . ....-. 5,,,. . *. a•+r•rr -. � � i . ..mor . � . ...t- - •„•.^ d +. .. •— 0L: XXXVT - . - NEW CKE ING. PICKERING,' ONT., . FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1,6, 1917---1�To. 21 alwaft4ilomnal. W6eunitr•: DUNSARTON ■ROCK ROAD Established 76 years SUINKMILLS A repetition of the Cantata "Our James Davidson, who resided South Nedical Minister's Birthday," will be igen in of Brougham, died ver sudden] on , the basement of the church on Tues. Thursday morning of last week, death GREENWOOD L. CALDWELL;M. D., Successor day evening, Feb. 20th. under the aus- being due to heart failure. Mr. Dav- �• • to the late Dr; IL Brodie; phone Goa ppices of the S. M. A. Local talent. Idson, who was about 75 years of age, O}s:.Mont. out. FLOUR : - �� Proeeede•in aid of the Red Cross. Ad.. was born at Richmond $ill+ but has, � E. FORF3YTH, D, o! O., Re is -•'farad mambas of the Optometrioai es.oWHITE SATIN-BREAb ;� p�}A--- minnion 25 cents. children 16 cents. " resided in Pickering township for a MILLS . g _ number of years. He was twice mar- f ' h R ried hie first wife having died five ✓'• dation of oatario. ipeolal alteation gi eo b g the fitting of glusss. g tested tree. �tOrfb CREAM BUNS—FAMILY years u,go very suddenly, also from Olarenaoat, sea Jacob and Mre. Wideman spent s heart failure. He Is survived by a day last week at Levi Groves, Altona. TEA BUNS-PA9TAY family of eight. all grown up. These �T O. McKINNON. M.D., L.R.C.S., K. G, Tarr urchaaec a urs bred are Robert, of Toronto, Mrs, George 1\ . Sdiabarghr member of the Coll we of heifer at Mr. Thompson e safe at End- Mre, Clark, I am paying highest prices ` 2bydalaas and Surgeons of Ontario lisentiaie ford an Wednesday last. Thompson, o! Brooklin, of aA V College of Surgeons, bdinbnrgh. Brad, Shorts, Jumbo, y Mrs, Disney and Donald, of Detroit. bo .tteatloa d ddeaws of women .aaMiss meat �ere6nin - e°ativelyn Spoffard is a�dmon a hope to Mrs Wetmore. esealao survivHede by�hie y _ ehudrw, office and sssideao., Bsoasham.y for Berle and Wheat ' second Legssi. ace K. G. Tarr entertained the members on Saturday to St John's cam unera Eac*ery, Get my prices before selling • of Stouffville Methodist Choir on -� B. FAREWELL, S.O., BARRIS- 811 kinds of Chop. Thursday evening of last week. seventh concession. • van cam orewa Atteeaey, sad oaaastT SeMepse,y►bftk�, ao-v The oua people from here took Ia 6GRg ■Rouoi+AM Chopping on Mondays, the carnival ateMparkham on -Tuesday +� .. A E.' CHRISTIAN, Bkrrister and evening last. Everybody reports. s . Mrs. Crowells, of Detroit, is -with Wednesdays and Fridays •Solicitor, Rotary Public. Ste. X00 b SCRANTON COAL D. L. arid, W. - good time. her mother, Mrs. J. Beer. *'t ossa .ase Htoak tit. North. Whit]», �siT Mrs. Eveline Cowie is visiting her �w • BROCK ROAD g Chopping will not start. �• Dental -STOVE, .CHESTNIIT, PEA sister, Mre, idille, at Newmarket. »L_ Our hockey boys are anticipating a T. C. Brown, of Toronto, had a burl- until S, 1n. match with the Whitevale team on nese trip here on Wednesday of last -p LANE B. BEATON, D. D. IS„ AND STEAM. week. ` B' Graduate of the 8oTa1 College of vestal Saturday afternoon. They expect to 6asgeoas and University of Totoato, once be met by a brass band on their return Geo. and Mrs. Duncan spent a few Don't bring lees than l+ ,.ver W. U. PriaglVe hardware 'tors. Whitby. home, if the ams days last week with relatives at A Office hour a to 12 • l to sacs. Ina hone la: - g goes as they hope it _ gin• five bags, as minimum Shci–pfioae ' L. SPINKt Russell Philip and Fred .Hamilton amount charged for i flaring Dr Bestows absence overeu, Dr Robb, There were a few minutes of intense P - Tomato, will be is shares, PIOKERING, ONT. excitement at the home of W. H. .spent a few days last week with Oeha- will be five bags in. Jackson on Tuesday evening, which wa friends. �ititttl4li dRYsi. might have had very serious rouse- John and Mrs. Adamson and fam• --- future. _ _ q y quences. As his young son went to ily. of Saskatchewan, spent Sunday J SEgL, Claremeat bed he lit the coal oil beater, and theta with Henry and Mrs. Shell. G. HAM-Isauer of Mama e J. . The onion Sunda School will meet g pulled the. bed -clothes over his head, y �eUtssiag vim. in rite oonitT of �t;ria HOUSEFURNISHINGS Hila cries some time later brought his at 10 o'clock next Sunday on account parents to the room, when it was seen of service being held in the Methodist, T POIIOHER, Real Estate Auc- that the upstairs was filled with Church. -� 1 e tion•er, monitor, collector and inner parents Stock, at.the lowest prices. smoke, and the aide of the bed was Rev. Mr. McLellan, of -Claremont. +�+ of searrla,re ucea.es. Hsoagham, moi scorched. The bo who was near) will .conduct services in St. John's 4t�'i A S 1 LAK E!f Delivery free. y y Church each Sabbath until Rev. Dr. '�•� HOPPER Issuer of Marria8g�ee suffocated, soon revived. The stove Idcenses in the County etOntario. bad been turned up too high which Marsh takes charge. The shingle that has given satis- ant" at acre sad his reddens, Claremont. Call aud.see. Ind Phone 324;-- Was not noticed by the boy. As a re- Chas. Johnston spent a few days faction for over $0 years. Empire suit about 630 dau a was done. last week and over Sunday with rela- •� B.BEATON TOwNBHIPOLEH Claremont. - ag Corrugated Icon with a in. by sP =iL3 • Coave'aaeer, Qommf2sioner for taking Lives in Uxbridge. Graham Johnston flidavfto. Aceountaa Ste. Kona b lona WH1TtVALS also visited thereon Monday. 2 In. corrugation, see it before YOU ea farm yyrrooyyeessts�y Do o! >r•*d+n rue S k b bap other, mattes If oa are 1 to om". Whlievati• Oat, 1.1 - HUGH S. PUGH. Glen Mainr. Ont. Lseensed Auctioneer, Extensive ezpar ISOes to imported and thoroughbred stork. Sales conductod wHwhers, Write for terms and particular. Fhoae Ind. 2130. 3617 ' POSTILL, Licensed Auctioneer, . for Counties of York and Ontario: Ane- Siea'sales of all kinds attendedat reto on sborb asuee. Address aae saver F. O., Out. roc • re --a should not miss the Y - 40 Owing to so much sickness In the United Farmers' meeting at White- need of a Cream Separator., Trp. r community, the oyster supper 1.12 vale on Tuesday. Feb, 20th, as there a Premier f(r 80 clays. Also been postponed from the 80th to the will be something of interest to them. gaiioline engines from $89.00 up. nth• Owing to special services in Green- See or wMte me before buying. The Farmers' Club will meet on wood church. there will he service in Bell Phone. Tuesday evening next, ant H. John= e the Methodist church Sunday mer- son'a hotel. A full attendance of lag at 11. o'clock. Everybody wel- F. J. PrOuse Pickering members is requested. - come. ; A. Albright had a "beer' on Monday, The Brougbatn Women's Institute when a number of his neighbors turn- will meet at the home of Mrs. Henry+ e _ _ _ ed is and assisted him in 1luling the Shea oo Tuesday, Fehr 30th, at 2.80IC�C�1'l1�[Q �'al'�c�e ..,)R.B • - MAO V NEW BVTGHER SHOP 71, brick for his new reeideace. The day o'clock, All ladies is Red Cross wart aa77` e7 wan the coldest of the season, but it are welcome. - -Vetorin&ry Surgeon _ did not deter the neighbors from en- The many friends of J. H. Wm nor All automobile and Bicycle Honor Graduate -of the Ontario Vete- Raging to the wort. were sorry to hear of hie death w 1ch rinsry College A, full line. of Fresh Meats always The monthly meeting of the White- occurred at his home in Pott Pe _repairing promptly vale Women's Institute will be held at last week. Mr. Wagner was a reel- attended to.. �n and Graduate of the Veterinary qo hand at shop, the home of Mrs. A. O'Malley on Wed- ^ real - Science Aasoi�iatioo. y dent of Brou$ham some years ago, Tires, Oils, (crease and repairs �+ Phone-otflee 1808, residence 2802 Wagois on -road every day. nesday, Feb. 21st. There will be ellg- when he was in business as a butcher. alwayson hand. gestioos for home entertaining. All His cheerful manner won him a poet M CLXREMONT, - ONT'AR10 Fresh Pork Sausage a spicialty members are requested to be prevent, of friends. Mrs. Wagner has the p„ -- __..._ - as there to some m rtan t buss t9- Q{► 'LOGS j �I►T'T'L'1'1 � -' ut � transact. Rev, r. Andr Crickiagton will - VVJ •' 1� 1 r -g JAS O'CON1\'OR, address the membereon'•Cha1•acter." ,PICKERING. Oct. •aj PICHERI4NG .._: wrnT■v Corner Hing and Church Ste.WO®URN .; I will pay cash for the following logs Lieut. John Perry arrived home this I haps a good stook of delivered hereThe ! carboro Towashl Council, 4t week from the !root. He had been ,Basswood, _ No; 1, $17.00 perm. REAL ESTATE..... Mondav's meeting, passed a bylaw wounded while ia2ttseting tale nom- ., pan is bombing. ` �A.i.L i`a1 .LA _ S[a e.... .. 18.00 authorizing the issue of debentures to All Itft Elm. 18.00 •• the amount bf 218,300, preparatory to a Women's Auxiliary p o! eu- •�������� P y Saints Church celebrated Bt. Valea- I(lrey or Bastard Elm " 12.00 •• - beginning the laetallatioa of the hydror Q �'iRed Blreb. 16.00 " electric power sad light line in certain tines Day on Wednesday evening byWire FVnV g -;Rock Elm 15 In, over " si.00 " sections of the municipality. The a social and concert In the church. •' under 15 in 20.00 " matter ban been before the townshl Chaplain Bill, of the British navy, , P will give an address in the Ontario -- ALSO — White 821, 12 toot 160 sere Farm For Sale, cod soil, Mane form or another for the last Lad tee' College on Thursday evening lob lengths '" 28.10 " + 8 two years, but the submission of lac- under the auspices of the s Mere A �. brick house with 8 rooms. et signed petitions, and the passage P Brace ire Staple Chopping and Dat RollWg of he b law Moeda p g of Trafalggar. f z. done as usual. Baran and stabling for 42 head y T Put the matter The ladies of the War Rellef Societ beyond all doubt. y. of stock. Hen house leave just made a shipment of over Cedar'Posts and W. G. Barnes, Green River sad i a. The Ontario Hydro Power Comdtie , P g Ston are said to be ready to proceed 8800 worth of wort to Queen Mary's ,Or address R. R. No. 1. Locust Hill. All in good repair. with the work ofputtingto the les Hospital In England. This elipmeat and 'stringing the ires s soon ae the is the result of. two weeke work by the Steel POBtBe �• Q■ Richardson• - sppring opens op. The line will run ladiee. along Danforth avenue from the end The Y. M. C. A. wbirlwind cam- Coal, Lumber, Cement, Shingles, " JOHN PHILIP of the civic car line, and on u the Paign last week resulted -in surpassing "s P I:Ath and Ready Roofing Notary Public, Pickering'. Kennedy road up, to Agincourt. 'Be. the amount aimed at, na ely $2,500. Hae a full line of trash and Cur- yond thin point no arrangements have Col. Farewell was the energetic chair. always in stock. C01 - ed meats constantly on hand.pet been made to continue the work. man of the committee which had the Water, Pare Water' The villages of IIuionville and Mark- work in hand, j REE�4R ~` Spice Roll, Breakfast Bacon, - ham are ready to aid in the further Judge Ruda of Pet ro, recent- s s I, _ Hsmi Bologna, Weiners, etc. If you ase wise yq�,i will use the only extension of the line at the earliest ly appointed Zrr nlor Ju ge of Ootario Ideal well, drillEH by Chas. B. Rice, Possible moment: County, has arrived in town and has LOCUST HILL Highest rices d for who is Forty-five acres of gravel land near begun his new duties. He ie a man of -� g � p� agent for end Mills, Gasoline — Butcher a cattle Engines. all kinds of pipe and fittings the Highland Creek have been bought very high character. is very popular b the township for $1800 and the and will make a valuable addition to ` - for water worts. Also bath room fix- p •- 9iCke. a tarda, etc. Everything given careful division of West Hill school section the citize Vlhip of the xown.,S"�nllQuliC811i81`�Volga �iveru attention, tato two sections was formerly ratifi- several" ..loads of coal arrived in RICE'S PUMP WORKS, ed by the Council. town last week and relieved the situa. tion somewhat. Somq of the largest Home Tel. 5621, Whitevale, Out. DUN■ARTON � -First-class rigs for hire users of coal, however, are still facing - Ds'or night Mise Duncan, of Cobourg, Is visiting a serious situation. The Ladies' Ool y g The Pickering with Mre, G, A. Gillespie, lege and tannery have each only Having 'purchased Bus meets all trains , • Mre. Gillespie entertaified a number sbout a week's supply on band and �- of friends no Wednesday evening unless they receives rash supply is ? the Dru business of Teaming promptly attended to. �%1 11mce CQYnmittee Kim Miller, of Texas, is s�pending a the meantime, may be compelled to g Agent for Canada Carriagetco. few weeks with her knot, iNrs. Chae. close. - T. M. McFadden, I a $Miklos. The reading of "King Lesr," Shak-, '�• H. Peaks T1s object of this Association is to Mr. Chlgeto y of the Haoz eapeare' floc• - = - -- ----- ricked'{'n0. lessen stealin and prosecute Colla o Gon el teams m will •Deco the le e, last edneeday evening b Mr. solicit your business P g P Py g y �• . the felons, pulpin the, church here on Sunday, Squthwick, of the Emerson School of^ when it is hoped that there will be a 0' tory, Boston, was a most notable 'in all lines of drugs jam SafeSafe Sure and Quick Route Members laving property stolen communf- large congregation to meet their old affair. Mr. Southwick is one of the ,.Sure Cate immediately with as member. friend, most noted of Shakespeare's scholars 4 to a Good Business position of E;eontive Oom .:,.and stationery, 8IId is via the �>�• Rev. Mr. Baer, of Toronto, occupied at the present time and is a famous •;� ` the ulpit here on Sunday, when he actor. The evening was a most en- :l Membership fes X1.00. guarantee satisfaction conducted communion service. Mr. joyable one, and the event was some- e Tfckets'm2v be bad from The President or Baer is a very able preacher and his what international in character, as &iTaZOTT - secretary onapplieaslon. addresses were highly appreciated, the singing of the American National llnd• a square deal. e Exec. Com. -L. D. Banks, C. S. Palm. The Literary Society held a very Anthem was a feature of the evening. ' ' er, W. V. Richardson, Pickering. successful meeting on Tuesday even. In replying to a vote of thanks, Mr. ,Any goods not carni-' TORONTO. ONT. Ing, the attraction being the debate Southwick stated that be had recently wry, J. R. Theiton W. J. Clark on "Resolved, that Travelling is more visited e2 States of the Union and he ed in stock will be u ©Orr. Yonge and Charles $tea president, secretary Educative than Reading." The affirm- bad found the Americans strongly r Shorthand, Typewriting Banking, ative side according to the judges bad pro -ally, about 80 per cent, favoring pleased to procure., Book-keeping. Higher Accounting the best of the argument. A week the cause of the allies. He be ha Correspondence, Penmanship, S;S TOOLS SHARPENED from Friday the Society will hold their some strange experiences, In South r- ling, Business 4Forms, Commercial annual oyster supper, when the pro- Dakota, where the German element is We make a a cial of crosscut Saws, am will be given b the _ Arithmetic, Business Law, Civil � i'y gr y gentlemen. very strong, he had been advised not � 't ,`•'�' Service, etc.. taught quickly and Tools of all Inds. Locks repaired. Visitors to the meetings of the Soci- to give Shakespeare on account of it correctly. Ezerienced teachers ; Razor -boning a specialty. For a first- ety notice a great Improvement in being In English, and another State Go W. Liddle, Phm. B• careful attention; moderate rates: class hair trim or an easy shave call those who take pitr•t. Debating or with a large German papulation bad ^ . beat results. Demand for our at the East -end Barber Shop. liters societies are the best means forbidden the sae of English history.' . 8'm• � g Druggist -Graduate Optician duates is far in excess of our supply. See our House Furnishings of sal of developing the latent talents of the Mr. Southwick was so well received �3• Enter now, Catalogue free. kinds. Slightly used Carpets young. It Inspires confidence and that at some future date he will re- C. N, R TV it Agent. W. J. Elliott, Principal from 16 teats a yard up. develops the debating powers. and turn and give a reading from some of W, J. GORDON PlICKBRING . � - ._-...- .. . .-... ._m..:to:r..'- �o:Tfi•!t+'.h.sse,.® eth..o_u-..l.d.. .,h.. r <,organized. ..:. r.-... r. Shakespeare's ha a_t.es.p,-.e.a.._r.e�. ®...actO®w.,i...l_e,.s . .r... ,... Y�..'••+n:�..:4%.is3�.4s1«.:Ctw:.:]zs...-®:�3=,.:'i�''•'"]ats.%!L�!t£+K:ai.nth:.�Qw..9..s�5,]!t�»,.d.r...�1u''1-:,FC- `'"•'. ' Y _ d � F fiwy �,i" ," ',j, :`%!A '�➢..5 .➢5 dt :.. �' 'Bf- - . .. . :9 �.-+. .n _ �I�... r++ .1.'� -.. .. r .. �x :!: y .. _. _ ...'•dpi s 8y another left me SM a-.}+ass." ` All Pure Tea .Seated Pacicetts Cfa1y "Seven, hundred • !' said Miss g Norwood, severelyy. " tiinkn0 young Bl�a�'e' Wsr'-Crops Are all f. �Tee from Dust mast could possibly Tey y more than ':Never Sold iaBulk that. Y°n ha•oe only Yourself- to � Investment Worth While think of—no other expenses—no gown ipt into your huniry coal a few dolRa.rs' worth of proper terttl�atr np day hters to, dress and 1tep.' and fake'out many extra dollars in'Drotits 2rbm larger crops. Farmers "Well, Lcould hardly have that, you all ober. Canada are maklag extra profits in these days of splendid rd know," says George Norwood, apolo- market prices by enriching their lands with " geOw"' y. "I . won't be twenty�ix untI wast.4nonth.". _ . : "I was thinking op papa-if he had - - -H.arpb' _ roo a. year, how haPPY we. should both _ _. -{" " e." you would instantly an Davies f - 'more.,. � • _ -- - "I am sure not. 'That would give F F R T I (.I% E R $ him all he requires—`a house fu]] of Slack—Mxed—Natural Green. E 2i3 i books and a garden of flowers."' She They are food for both the seed and the soils We_ want ou to 'makes her quotation with a sweet, let our experts give you their advice in the proper selection of fertil- wistful smile that goes to his heart. !zeta for your own particular soils From our reports of tests and "And you—what would it` give results given by our Yb different kinds of fortiNzers used in various yod?" he' asks earnestly. soils all over Canada, we are able to help you select the right fertilizer "Me! Oh, I should be happy en- that will get bigger crops for you. p a- ouc�h in his happiness;" replied she. There is a Harab-Davies fertidlser for every kind of soil. Our He G ra-� d mot � r s po rtra ratt— lightly: — fertilizer booklet and bulletins gives directions that will enable you to you see, would be as much mine as his. bet axes en Now," she says. with a little irrepres- UAt8ti0 Flrtilizera, Limited, Welt TOl'ODLO. THE STORY OF A LOST WILL srble sigh, "he hasn't enough money to buy some of the books in which his e soul deli hts." s mean, their _ "Ni'hat are' ey —` names V' asks he eagerly, too eagerly! -'—' Monica, having thrown aside her, "That. means they are nothing but She raises her soft eyes to'his; there : The Pii�Ii=i Pil'{i0iE0t1 FfanOi huge white hat, is sitting on. a little , fancies." is gratitude in them, but stern resolve t)irl➢iw > ret rtT and rhos ata, Pe Jon Duo th•m• ZL• mnound, with her back against a beech- "Does it?" Then leaning back, and too. CeOle tree • She has taken her knees into „ » •. fence that wrsea roe for t esme. n't curS, rpa or breaY placing his hands behind his head, he No, no, she says. Remember de•n Rte an, •eath�=. &rh y�� awn»!, IIeiM1 ■ub a-' her embrace, and just now is ]coking turns his eyes slow! upon hers. "I reacts.. !cele, :lir Tarts hewrllr w�aai=ad, the attoasc�t, >nort at her cousin from under leas!] lash- y y P what you said a moment since—your eamosaw taamtencetoad•apdtulirguamatoed, vL y wish I had never come down here," income is not sufficient for yourself. �itND PO ed CATALOG °: m Wndr of traclnr for fara+r, Wagner, ed lids, that seem barely able to sup- he sa s deliberate] » „ par t.a➢rMsh., ...c.. Tatar. or•en•°W e,aetat a°a Pt.r. Y.• ta. th Y Y• You alai] not waste it upon us. rt themselves, so languorous is a "What!" cries she; lganin toward HE B '"• '°°` w°• a „•art ..at.a m .°•° `.";torJ. ppoo 8 I dont think it is quite a civil thing THE BANWELL-HOX1E WIRE FENCE COMPANY, Ltd ` - hour, and so contented her spirit. Her him. "Has Julia proved unkind? or to remember every word a. fellow wtoolva, Manitoba Hamikon,Ontario cowpanion can scarcely be said to be is it kind— Won't she marry you? Or says" returns George, reproachfully. r looking as free from care as she is; I will she?" "Well we won't go into that" re- ` there is a slight suspicion of wear- "Nonsense!" said Mr. Norwood, lies s'i're quickly.Then as though `• ' Inas in his eyes his manner is some- gruffly.. "I wasn't thinking-of Julia." some hiddn forccompels her to re- Then e- timed with a tiPlsrpgai°n very " • urnforeign to it, which as a rule .is of • came to.the CouA CIA rt?" y me ow you get on with Julia"' the debonair order. „� Norwood at this regards her. fixedly.! "Very well!" impatiently. "She Anything the matter with you? or wonder," he says in a curious tone,' will look all that is satisfactory at the y asks Monica at last. "whether 'you realfy don't know, or }ead of one's tabli. There is consola- Yes, any amount of things.' are an accom lished ""WellP tion, on doubht, in that thou ht as,—go on—nay them all over-1whether,,,yop coquetteI ., r » (i, W1101esOnnC, it will do you good," suggests site " �., bitterly, I suppose I must marry her. _ l Dont know what . asks Monica,] "Oh, why say must?" gently, and '� nutritious loaves. . sympathetically. o ening her large, earnest eyes to with a lance at him from under her t Not for worlds at least, not for p g of delicious nut - ]tie i their fullest, and looking at him with , lots lashes. "It is not a hardship, many -reasons. It would bore you g ( flavour, down] l ght- Z it wouldn't citta m cane, and besides,'] such sweet and honest surprise as 1 surety?" • y 4t Y awakes within his breast the deepest! i•perha s I shouldn't have thought . r. with a half laugh, "my worries are of self-contempt. How' could he have P g Ideas a.nd excellent- t the kind difficult to put in- speech," doubted her, for even one short mo-,it "She is younnth g handsome: that is � l 1 ' rnent? "To be a soquette " she says �CeFii1$ qualities. — - . in a little dignified tone, "requires, I all one requires, is it not?' — -- _- believe, pv- dice. There is nobody "Not Suite There IS thinsomegs- but else, � � 'r _ down hers except the rector and Sir I think—many other things but above ➢ ,.. " and beyond all. the essential grace JohIFIDUR n Frere. that makes life—theft is married life l "Sir John Frere'" apprehensively. I For Breads Calces-Pudidln S-PaStr tea _—_ i "Yir ea. e is toothless and seventy_! —sweet- I meats sympat�sy.„ 27 _ — flee. The rector is hairless, and sixty- t "She hardly knows you yet,” says -- l one.' With this she vary properly I Monica. 'deep but suppreased pity in tuins her back upon him. her eyes. "By and by it may be dif- -Thank goodness!" says Mr,. Nor- I ferent. ' wood devoutly. He feels . affec-' In six months more it must aFl be VV1•0 0 tionate toward both these old men—in settled," says the young man, rent- _ 1 ! spite of their abbreviations, and' In lanais. spite of the fact that he has never' ��� ou are sure Phe will accept you?" seen either of them, "I beg your 1 am afraid--I mean," coloring hot- ! pardon very humbly," he assn, atter � ly at his mistake, "I think she will do l _ a suss, full of eloquence. mei the honor to be fay wife." f� /� p No reply. You think rightly. She will motteLilJrhLr� 'Monica—speak to ma." resign the property. Only vaster• Men - "I will not," says Monica, giving day she told me ,she could not rive V herself the lie direct. without it. In six months, then, she j "Oh! but you are speaking;' de- will still have everything, and—you , • elates he. "l'm awfully sorry I said into the bargain!" The Royal Nati al Canadian Volunteer i" that, because it was as absurd as it "I air! not so sure of that," says Nor- • / wan unpardonable.' wood; unsteadily. "Monica, look at: Reserve, Wants men for lmme- a► / "As you acknowledge it to be un- me. 1\ay, you must," trying to cow- �. serviceStep • _ - ble,, gaze, which ,has forgiveness." {gown impassioned. • - - -"Nevertheless, - I do;' exclairna he,' He has taken one of her -hands in i the Imperial Navy i of your boldly. his, and is trying �o draw her nearer Candidates cause be twin 't beret is the first Well, then, may at once, I am not to him. 18 to 38 years ofsseand sons -- part to foal the effects a coquette." j "Release my hand," the says in a of natural bora .8 r i t i a b wear and weather. . "Certainly you are not. You are low tore, yet with so much authority subjects. Make your roof wear. an ang— Yqu are all you ought to be, that he at once obeys her. There is j $1.16 per day and upwards, Free Kit. Proof and you add You are—" a strange flash in her beautiful eyes I PAY � Separpdoo allowance, S2f)•DO monthly. nanny years of better "That will do," soya Mias Monica, that warns him to dare nothing fur- Experienced men from 38 to 35, and boys from 1S to l8 aervsae t o �yy o n r with a mischievous glance; "you will ther and yet makes his pulse throb , whole barn. Pedlar's ! overdo it if you go on any further. madiy. � are wanted for Wa CANADIAN NAVAL PATROLS. Shingles not And now don't let us quarrel any more. "I am tired," says the girl, wearily. t Apply to only offer the saFest Tell me wbat you were doing all the "I will go home—yea; you may come ' COIOIQDORE DEKILitl3 lARvi3, Naval Reemitias Off w. Ontario Area, protection against morning." with me, but for the future"—ehe ; I 103 BAY STREET. TORONTO, dr to cite -e Breather, wind. fire and ' Lounging after Julia." �pausea, and resolutely. but with evid-I Department o(Naval5ervice, OTTAWA. ".ilstnicclt tile wary I "Happy man! I do so love that old ant is forces herself to look at h 3' tom Court, and I suppose she took you him—"fore future you moat prom- � mall EOa' 'w"` 1 throwgh the amens. TZ only my ire me never again to. for tlet--" pwetically en. g had behaved properly, promise you faithfully,' interrupts » gat er a h I de.er,.etabla, taspo••t`bNtor andf h p P y. p Y � myself in it again. � _ - gr lifts • th .db�ps.•e.and lett it to papa!' Instead of which he, quickly, "I shall never forget!" I h 'If you asked your fa her—" MOTHER exare m roc and d«syyoat here we are, playing second where we She sig e. "I should have one at once•--at the . asci. fbr.p•rmaaeaWrite should be first. Presently, turning to heir almost as I expense of his being even duller than Pedlars.now- a'rir! j"Well, it's nearly as bad for me, they reach the cottage, be says 'Are ' -o:''•Tito Riabe Root' ,t � usual for a month afterward. He _ ' says the young man, moodily; I you oats to the ball at the Gtrange - w�" , I was brought up in the belief that, as to-morrow evening?", would give me every penny he posses- TiTa PEDLAR PWPLg your father was not in it, I was to be "No,"see, would probably sell some of his (EetabUrrE fart) the heir. And see now where I am." i ::But you told me you were 'irked." dearest possessions—books-to get ase Itnaendve Oise. ge "You will be all right when you ::But I was, But I °am not going." • few yards of muslin, in which to en- - FseterNat mart delis," says Monica with the 4-Why?" joy myseF! for an hour Or two, Do -YRUP OSHAwe, ONT. Y There is 'terrible disap- you think I should enjoy these two friendliest encouragement. I intment in his tone. � � � BmM�t _ „ r . P° ours knowing that. at pnrga- , i!<ont:roa1, . Oh. .1 dare say,' says Mr. Nor-! "If you must know, she says s, Cent- ' !" The of Mother Sei el s otres (wood, ungratefully, and with increas- Y y for they would mean, �°� K 1 ' it is because I have not- got a »'e would indeed P' he says, rev-' Syrup is in the That► ;� Toroote; Ing gIocm. I own good enough." erently would, indeed!" her-fair, loving face is'why formes: iuffferers, whose. London; "But you can't be badly off. You 1 g .Tht dress ou .wore at the Court w D" must have money now, too, says his' sir - with unaffected ad d--u-n e' He does vitality was bejn sapped by i last evening— her full justice, and un erstands per- y — g -- cousin, v-ith a swift glance at his "Is a fossil—almost - an heirloom. fectly the loyal affection that could Indigestion, say -it is just ex- clothes which -are, The whole county-knows-it.by heart by b� _ 'n_ a leaa„re se ne lent for stomach, 1-ver and _ - EGts� "Not enough to keep me decently. this time. No! pride forbids my ex- cured at the expense of a beloved ob- I bowel tt•otibles. Thanks to i f e' You- must come to see ane the day �`` �o�� �g°l's Sytvp, they - after_ the ball; and tell me all about are now strong and well. ='> / it,,, she says, lightly. "Second-hand Y to hear .of it` will be better than no- I$ EXCUL� FOR _ thing.» _-- "'4 es, I will come," he says, absent- , Y If 'you gre afflicted by lndi.- - - -but- it is plain his thoughts are gestign or otherdisorders of the - roaming, and that he is thinking of I stomach, liver and bowels take something far, removed from the soft Mothet Scigel's Syrup regularly evening scene that surrounds him. ' - (To be continued). for a few days; long enough to give it a fair chance to make - An Ounce of Prevention. its beneficial influence .felt, s e Then note the improvcment For the third time in one afternoon in your appetite, your strength, : D the lady fund her new mhid fast your general condition. Sots ` asleep in the kitchen easy-chair. `c t "What, asleep agarol" she said l �1�ESh �����S�E "When I engaged you, you said You were never tired." CONSTIPATION. "" i , "Redpath" stands for sugar duality that is the result of 11 know I did,' the maid 'answered, • modem equipment and method backed b f U ear8 "but I should be if I didn't ales " experiencana determination to produce nothing unworthy p 11*12DIGESTION. ' � • • p _ Canada produces Sb per cent. of the of the name "REDPATHrsa world's asbestos supply. ez,eotottle of Syrn} contains `4 S,ALABA Tit t<t • » e tkraa firma as ninth as _ %e>t Redpath Sweeten :t. Wars must be won by fighting, and the fa' sine. a 5 sane! 5cartons— Madgrade Orly----tae highest I the only leader who -useful a trine ande in one COs ZOs 60 and 100 Ib. Bags. igof war is a man of figg hting spirit it: �••�•-��•�•�+�• a .�'�! ✓ .v^...� :: w•-+ a T: ,' ,. -- .... .. .. ' . a,•. •'''i.'''"y+K-3.,++�r''y,'$V@•4m.'y't'Yy'r ;`_"'•rd_='. ':pt"A._4fK .TMS s)'r •' "M✓'" :.,,,,,+i. ..s.,,a: it8a�`n�8"_ "s�_....�t�%.a....�.,,�......-r.,.Pi..,5.,,,,-� £,..4.J.��,r-,as.i.-,... ,.d ._:.. ,: .. .. -. _,. . :.� _ .:,_-_ . - ....-_. :..: _. ,. ... �"•'°'�'"•.bi ... '�r�'�r.Qi�'ii'�'�J+. ,.. -...•r•,,•,:eu:J..ra+ucaeh".G-_zn,:r.:,n:T.•�%�-v�•a,e..c:"ixaee., x .r .-.,a- x.:w, 'Y'. �'.., „?n..�.K. _vyA.1-,..�,., .. ...,• .. ..,,.,. •"`�YL-rKY d-'?• `a•!-3• 'r�rrncfw^4.b.,;fN°w*' rwti.... r: .cu"9 i.•n*cTN :J �%..W 'rQ+:' '3.- :¢1!'�F3+ y; .�P� eau ., ... .- •.. s,�-•.;a� •.,•..: "., � •.. .. a.. ,1',:.r>.a.,,•�•., �. a. "�.. �,, 'S.. .�•,=ver .Y. -•;xk -"'��' r- • - i Ro'uschold DuartmC'n"'t"� -A--UR� -- - • • - tig•� Useful taints and General Information _ for the Busy Housewife _ :C 1 GAR ET T ES Candy For Winter Parites. Steamed -Steam whole' and wipe. Slice or mash; butter, pepper and salt •1 Nut Taffy -Two cups brown sugar, � _ to taste. So prepared, they retain butterlce of ore lemon, one-half cup their full flavor. Put in a pan, stand it over --+ moderate fire. Stir the mixture Cold -Slice and place "in stewpn iRe .15lenarm�' until it begins to bubble, then draw it with one ounce of butter, two onions to one Ride of •he ove and let it boil minced, a little chopped parsley. "Sim- Z� C�'�U4gn slowly. Test it by dropping a little mer siowly.thirty minutes, then thick- ✓ -4 'ppf the mixture into cold water. If it en the �tavy with whole meal, .add hardeiss it is done. Stir into thelsome lemon juice and serve. tcandy finely chopped peanuts, then put 1 Croquettes. -Boil • carrots in two _... b an buttered pans.. - waters until tender, mash smooth add- Molasses dd Molasses Ca nd p ane beaten egg, one tables eon melted 1 GOLD TREASURE OF BRITAIN. _ y -Two cu s brown p y butter, pepper and salt to taste, and ( A' rougar, one cup New Or inolasses; 1 I Hundred Millions in Gold"-Hldden in i one tablespoon vinegar, one tablespoon; set paste aside until cool. Mold into butter, Stir and buil the mixture j croquettes with hand, roll in fine i- the British Isles. - ¢ r . crumbs dip in egg mixed with water, , slowly one-half'hour, testing is in cold, From data collected in different I r water. N fien done stir in one-quarter t roll again in crumbs, and set aside for ;parts of the country, the London of a teaspoon baking soda, one-half hour. Frye good brown m , E P g pour into I Evening Star estimates that there is .~ dee fat: 1"20 • •buttered -pans- lined with- walnut ken- I p,000,UOU in gold secreted in Great , • .-nels. i Marmalade -R ash and boil,, until l Britain. _ Z' -Chocolate Nut Caramels►-13^uii slow.;'tender five pounds of carrots. Scrape When the war broke' out, many in - 1 tv cther two cups brown sug I and cho fine. To each pound of pulp-! 1 y g p ar, one- P 1 P dividuals drew considerable -sums in I c r 'quarter pound chocolate well dissoly-' °lid one. pound granulated sugar and gold from the banks, and while much 'ed, one-ha':f cup cream, one-half cup; boil. Remove from fife: Add the �o€ this had been retrieved sa - i - ec, one-half cup mo asses:*Md Zind of one 1 est It a " i I,, vrspaper, it is believed, the amount two, and one.teaspocn almond extract.. '•y_ 4 "'1'3 `''' a: •. 'and when it hardens acid a teaspoon mentioned in gold coin is stili hoard- 1 t''° •v ;r' "'� r 4-"�i=••a�'ti. �� - `vanllla, finely-choppedl Boil fifteen minutes longer and seal. e • hell almonds; ed in stockings or other reeeutades 'in then put in buttered pan3, and cu± into Browned Carrots -Scrape four or i homes or buried in boxes or bags. eW�• 'fl'i'es• .t �,, r er,� ,t1� �. five good sized carrots and cut Into - 1 saran squares when cold. A considerable sum 1n gold, ac- i Making Two Blades (;row Where Qpj One �'afew Before, ` three -lith. lengths. Gut each slice ' 1.2 Chocolate Fudge -Two cup' sugar,' rvrding to one authority is • to be:, jl into strips. Drop into bailing water ROGRE'F1Ct+fpr=�ere,toda�reeyg�l.eiiefxc2thrt two outires chocolate, two tablespoons f•9und arricng Scottish crofters and' �r„ n theyntxnoee?oatimrnlryo tLedrawenQety �lulter, ane -half cup Bream. Put into and sitar ler unci! tender. Put stable- ;Irish peasant farmers, who are far area d re cultivedon opt °; ;m`,t� Rreoh� l;cwit s�D ne>!:3920 Qetht° bkAt and mane" that tt#A t onful o! h -utter {n the f eying part '- T'te-erilasons nue er the pr 1fted thataiiatr of r Ltrt4 oa4 is s•rttcepan end boil until when tried po .from hanks and who, since the rear l ! pros.rfereiltser wn y,w taald ,.ill y,�r.,,,. ,� in cold water a soft ball is formed. -and when very hot add the drained car- began. -have been making more money om t� tem T !�ti [ssa► s b Remove from the fire; add one tea_ rots. Dredge lightly with salt and i than ever before. Since the campaign ( [ J fij SHUR GAIN Pepper and try until. lightly colored. 1 �✓ a✓ FEERTIUZERSi spoors vanilla and stir until smooth for the near war loan began a number; "'" and -e namy. Add finely chopped nuts;: I`udding-Take -one cup of sugar of ^•eo•.tle have appeared t-Arev..-tictlArt7. t'fie cup Of suet, one cup of grated ' pFear� at he banks ; are not an e: yeDbrc, but a for used. ennrellaa colt• Prop nud tx:aalrtentt &}piled dues then pone into a buttered dish and with bag9 containinx from £70 to Jao ; la: er cho Rpeu4Utarc, but pe leoettmeat which will ytcld coesOan, , tycr� retbrar it - .-wirer cold mark into squares . - carrot (raw)-, one cup of grated pota-.1 iz a ix• y yeuridesperteaca and reptttatian lack the="*. French Ca 11� bite of „ns- l gold coins. The number of sot e- For br,oltl-u and price list write tT•C r toes (ravel, one cul, of currants, one _ uGUNNS LIMITED ltd9 e1.$, visna retained by the well-to-do since one-half teaspoon vanilla, two table- `'up o2 raisins, one cgg, pinch of salt, there coins virtual! went out of. cin- ' ' -- WEST TORONTO etpour,.i cold water, two . pounctn con fluor. . one ontul c,f selda,_ two celpq of c Jation, - it is , declared, would al'o fl•cLit oozra'..etsgar. Beat fhe white fluor, one teaspoon f cinnamon, a, total. �of the a little nutmeg. Tie � a cloth and male a large _ _ gg, add to it file vanilla and i -.._�. _ snd some dolls' rubber -tired rick- drone. Flying was abandoned fol cold water• Stir in b+,il for rnv to Three h urs. JIF n *���.r„ sh,twa, the moment, and the squadron turn- gradoug and �i j RIDEp'�iS After four ouii]t 4ugnr to make a.stiff dough and - 7 {n them" d years spent in perfect -1 ed to the constructiob. of 'fortiflca- roll into. balls the size of marbles, f Household Litte1'� q , dolls'. heads in bisque, such tions. The It is ahva a wtbe to keep a., fern ex• h digging of trenches and Ginger Six!> -One pound of brown y` P :DRINK (�,� WATER as the Germans -were so famous for, the building of blockhouses Is no part sugar, ore -half ounce of ground Ming- tea towels and otker linens for emerw-•; ElO are_ now made in " Toronto, and for of the work of a flying' corps; never- � ser, o:te Kill of water: Put the •tsar envy use when guests arrive. This l %V1,�y, f,,,,,t fres nice i• au .n Lae stomarn beauty and elegance even • surpass thelessw trenches were dug, block - and water into a saucepan, bring them applies to table linens also, Every !,:iA sots harp that Urloomfortabie din- ' the German kind, it is claimed• Dolls' houses were -built, . and "the scouts - =to the boil, stirring ail the time, and set of napkins and eaeli tablecloth L•f«e,lnu: u i„ be%iuRe. of inouf-'wigscome from Montreal. And dolls' sent forward b the raidingy act.rnt' blood muVvl> te, the at.,truch.1 remove all scam carefully Boil again should bear the housewife's. sten: me ! ;•,•,,,t.tn«d t.it.h at Id ani] food rerrnenta- ; e'yei and %its, far better than those must have liked the aspect presented until it reaches the "soft -ball" stage, initial or her monagram embroidered Iic11, In nsuc tyahoanlrr`alehe p a�now is y' a 1formerly emanating from Germany, b the aerodrome so Htle that the -then move it from the fire, stir In the upon -it. There ie a quest4nnr as to .tetany etulnent ph).�wianu of.. taklnlr a come from England, } the proper lace to put them, but the °g attack was paver made. u .finger, Fra on stiring till it thickens P Pe p P tea+t+n�tstul a[ pure tl:autrited tnc,rnesta It is very* gratifying to" learn .that In August a -thin r into a tin lined with greased majority y prefer the letter On 8 table ? vull ;` mi'cu tnyay°driitt,k it.."The hot hot wa- Canadian toy manufacturers are now , curred. One of theosquadron �motor- ;paper When set divide into tsmaif cloth to be in one corner, "where it ter Jrnw4 +hr bland te) th« mterrarh and well able to compete with American tyc1L=tY, dashing along the roan ..a.n q will t1-•' blaurated marnemn ;as any nhvetc•laa' Ir usreht, just show off the rounded edge of 1;11 1411 }•uu: lnatuwl) neutralizes the concerns as regards both the price's despatch, became suddenly aware ; �'shtnt Candy -One-half pint : *f,' the 'table. Napkins should have the a.Id arta rtut,ce tiro fced ferrnenra,tion and the quality of the toys they are, of a -rhinoceros,' which bore down. iuolasses, -iia pint brown sugar, i ounce initials in the corner or in the middle ,;,;n� this titer �mCdju°ce reenns of e'- Producing. � y i't:pon him, utter; boil quickly twenty minutes. on one side, where they will be,on top 11et Fina comfort t1..0 aiwayx rots°,ace the i 0 � Passing close behind him. when the napkins are folded. Tea r• mforatlun' of the nor,nal proaeoa or di- • I He got down and hid in the grass. Rust before taking oft' the fire stir in 1 - P g -tion, PeOVI,, who ttnd rc inion, entent HUNS AND OTHER BEASTS. The cycle had been going on low 'a aspoonful baking soda and 1"•strait napkins are the only ones on which a t,c tltrte•s a> eovure 1110 water and travel- gear, and in all proba�ility the fumes !ricked walnuts. .l wreath can 4ppropriately be placed .4o "4o esal. rrequ j r N, oblixe hot W ale ague ,from the 1 It is quite', 4 p' In East Africa Make a Picture petrol and its curious antics Sugared Dates. -Wash in warm 9 permissible to place an „ + - utkr tn'n or thrw nt'u-ltratn tablet Campaign. prevented the rhinoceros scenting the boater one pound of dates, remove the I initial within tho. wroath or other de � '"`Ared Mclrn-N1;, after meals ..to , s attention, J -.- lace. Then roll the dates in ]cin «be finished with hemstitched or sial_ nr C,••nt t"ern«ntau unci neutralize she the African lforces sprelates with hecspent some tin in�ca cautious exams corative motif. The napkins can also s-..1 i to thelh Atun:.,c h, ' asuonrs, slid insert.. walnut bt their,'. ination of this ne*�inhabitant of the exam - :sugar. g .lisped edges. Some women may argue ' TUF TOY IN Dt'STR,V OF CANADA. following incidents about the work of Barley Sonar -Put oqe, pound of 1 that they haven't time to put embroid. I -- a South African Squadron of the jungle, then he trotter! off, and our y sugar into a saucepan (a double one; err on household linen. This is a ! This NeetV Industry Iraq 'Made Vast � Royal Flying Corps: � friend, the cyclist, attempted to re- � for choice), and add half a pint *of cold 1 poor argument, for a]most every won -'i , Strides in Last Two Sears. The squadron endured a good deal i linin possession of his machine.. To his - g I an has a few moments during y, of anxiety on account of lions. These horror he perceived the rhinoceros re water, When the sugar has diq;olv_ R the da l There are now over a hundred toy well_meaning and- reap }•••- I turbine. and_ ,'sd, place it over a slow fire. Before • when she sits down to chat with a' manufacturers in Carudt altogether, q -'— ' the mixture gets leery warrri, heat the i friend. !end the number is increasing almost less, but terrifying animals had closed ever, the hgreat beast, which showed white of ane 1 in behind the marchin brigades ades to . g g been wounded, dia- .� egg: and _add it. Bring -� "'� ,:� daily. _Yet among Them there is not feed upon the dead and dying animals l appeared, and as his machine was - to slowly the boil, removing ani scum �� so far overmuch competition. For 1 broken, the dist had to make_ his �i ,,� i that tell by the wag. These lions were ;' "y' (that I- ses. R'hen iC becomes quite ey -•i► ode H� th, re !a a distinct tendency to see- ;fee u ell encountered b men salt- shag to camp on foot •lelean, strain. -into a basin.' After ± _ q y y p , passing another "i cialize. For example, some mane- ; ing to and fro on motors, and one or bicycle, which had been trampled out straining, return it to the saucepant DeffBrentMan',factuters go in for velocipedes• doll, were bagged. - -of all semblance of a machine by, the and let it boil quite -thick. Add a few carriages, express wagons, The corps found difficulty in regard i enraged animal, its owner being no- r: 1 g P gone, etc. Others drops of essence of lemon and' pour f - make" a specialty of wooden toy Ito ground scouts, who world itiaist where to be seen.. ti on to a well-oiled dish, and as it be- «hof B. Draper Says of Dodd 98 ''articles, such as cannons kiddie cars, -gins to set, cut it into strips•and twist, y rocking horses, ,and soon. Others (upon describing two,and three feet' aN It. ; Kidney ..Pills again, specialize in iron toys. There high as "short" grass. Such grass Caramel [ opcorn=Have ready a i are now about twelve doll factories al- ; ]a short for East Africa, but it can an of popcorn from which all hard' together in the country, of which sev- (conceal tree sttiaipa which will rip up kernel.; are rerrioved. } vii . to eth- ; His Troubles Were Numerous and of the inside out of an aeroplane as it' 1UttY S` er one cu milk', one cu' ! g 1 Ton Standin en are located in Toronto, four of �,�CM A grarxilflted g • g, But Four Bores of lands at 40 miles an hour with disas- these latter having started within the - agar and three squares of chocolate. Dodd's Kidney Pills- Drave Them -All last• year, which fact shows the hold 1 trous effect. l CRM hen nearly done add butter the size 1 jlwaq: _ i the toy {ndustry is taking,' In July the -pilot T- had to -make 1 of an -egg, Cook till ft harden, in 1 At the third annual tog exhibition 1 g g SEPARATOR a forced landing, crash rendering neater. Add one teaspoon vanilla; ; Sedley, Sask., Feb'y 12th Special.) at . Toronto in February there were � hint unconscious. When he came to' ASOLID PROPOSITION to.ced ' be found in the neighboring kraal a ' � well ran °"rparu r f lifter taking from the stove. Pour, Dodd's Kidney Pills made me a di!- something like five thousand different I, arty nus k e:1e.Sy :'kine weeron lis hot peer popcorn, stirring with ferent man." The speaker was Mr. , toys on exhibit. Probably half of i native who spoke English, and with ore.m a1nr «heavyerfisrba a spoon ut+.'til it. is well coated, then Benjamin Draper, well known and these were o! new design. For the I this mans assistance, was able to ea j`s"a oras •, .sly eteeese frma pour in buttered pans to cool highly respected here. Ifie is a fine toy trade is like the milliner trade. get to Handeni, but the native paid , taktsr., w1,1ek' nt,,.tn ee. lartn•r y dearly for his simple act of kindness, : 'salty mals°"' ties oto tea.y • - healthy' representative of the prairie Fashions are always on the change. I for a German patrol visited his kraal Monthly Payment Plan Carrots Are Health Produrin�;. provinces and he says he owes his Among the exhibits were many new aeltar.«►es made poly from .. Few people area 'ze the value of car. l health to Dodd's Kidne P{Ifs. naval and milftar to a -wooden afterwards and hanged him, together y I Y y w, a. whedl,.r trots as a food, /Following ;tee a few' "I was in bad shape all round when Long Toms, bombing machines throw- with three of his companions. torte!lrl.raeor.mell,wr+tsrcr r • _ On Jul 20 Intelli ace received in- i 0redeom fr.0 eatele and es.y t•ecipes for their use: E I started to 'use Dodd's Kidney Pills," ring round bombs in the form'of ping- y ge I o° ^t a• Saute Pare and cut into olive ei CUP- Mr. Draper._ continued. "My trouble ipons balls. several new dreadnoughts formation that a raiding party of the �AIRRiCANSBPARATORCO. a ' enemy was marching on the aero tiis.'H•T• 1 fill of carrots; boil in stock till tender, came from harts 'work when I 'was 1 and cruisers, and a complete cannon y g 1 not to pieces. Tablespoon of young• My joints got stiff, my outfit with limbers made in iron andPutter and when hot add the, carrots, muscles cramped and I suffered ter- • wood. , avason v.ith salt anti pepper, brown ribly from a sore back. I was de- I' There were any amount of new Alightly and serve. pressed and low spirited, I wag always awooden toys -nursery carts repre- t ;' f3oup-Fut into soup kettle .five thirsty and I had flashes of light be- senting Puss -in -Boots, etc., rocking Mounds of knuckle of veal, a gallon of fore my eyes. horses, representing. motor boats, au- eold water, a head of celery (or half a "I had rheumatism and heart out- tomobiles, elephants, and locomotives, esspoonful of celery salt), two and a `terings, my a Ij PRetite was fitful; my wheelbarrows representing bol] frogs, alf pounds of chopped carrots, a memory was failing -and I was clowns, rabbits, cats, and so forth. The of appliCatioli3S for new i118tilallCe �. F{nth of cayenne pepper, atablespoon- troubled with shortness of breath. -Several kinds of extremely fascin- dui 1918 Wal }) ul of salt. ° Cover closely, simmer Four boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills ating sand balancing toys -such as y far the Greatest in the lthree hours --remove knuckle and made me a new man:" sand cranes -were on view. New History of the Company. That is the best°; F Iserve • Dodd's Kidney Pills cured all Mr• steel construction toys made in Can- evidenet of 'public esteem. With Miik-Scrape, slice, ptit in Draper's troubles because they all ads,' and' ranging in price from 50 'pouble boiler, cover with milk, sea- came from sick kidneys. If you have cents to $25, were shown. There were Let as seal yw some ft•sei feetrr•awee lasts on with butter, pepper and salt, cook any of itis s ymptoms Dodd's Kidney various kinds of wooden blocks all ' .*)I da}•, or until milk has thickened. Pillh will help you.nada In Canada, and some very in- OROWN LIFE INSVRANOE 00■P TORONTO ?�• • Lemon Juice -Lemon juice and the —: -- ----- geniou4 kindergarten folding -up I Agents wanted In unrepresented districts olka of eggs are recommended for Norway has prohibited the exporta- tables. Among other very pleasing' jti ,• ried carrots, to add taste and color. tion of coffee substitutes. g toys were some Russian dolls sleighs I a r`.'J'. 3:s- . '_e .r, =.,:. _...r<_.:. �..: .._9s-.• .n:�°P:.�w'.'.... __-3".. _4.. ,.-.:_.ak,.s w.. .,......._...sl.[.-.a.._�'uuy.:-.•.-. .:;;x.a.:•?, "..;�;... .:...-_.. t�nt9-"4v....4.,_.__r.-,4:.�.s.:..,..:rw...'d,:�.'i.: ;n.mr..:�..r:;, M. .-"w+ro:v..'�.:+�,+....-n.xc - .+..�:.:..^r-. xS= towns. They have In many cases Now Advort"Olmmse, 4-beengranted - bomits", and fazes -F16 are &hnoit exempt, when we con- '"VOR SALE—House in the Village of • FOR a rooms. good lot and stable, apply to 1) Hopper, Clisresuout. "d TRAMS eider the amount of capital invest ed-Lent.Begiag Feb. -21st.N. . . By acts of Parliament, they SALE—One grade Holstein 1A0 pa you; 11.25 it paid ii2 advance.have a monopoly over certain FOR call due Feb. 16th,191T. Apply to David Dawson con. a. Pickering. 22tt territory, and in manywaysen- COR;q, CORN—We have another VVEN at the preaght adva-aced, p-riceli; Fish is whighly nutritious and JOHN MURKAR, Proprietor. joy privileges that are not accord. car of corn *o arrive on 0 N R at Cherry t of thin week, D N FAceor, osda; 2 -.cheap food. We are handling more Fish this year than ever, ed private individ,ttals. In return. wood the tact owing to the increased high prices in meats, vegetable products and they should 1twill-pa, you tO eat more Fish from thestaudpoint,of -for these concessions NOT96 AND COMMENT01 carefth. - I 13.o t h, ITOR SALE—Another bay, mare, be corupelled to pay partictilar.at. JU ousty owned by W E Ritchie. LCCW- health and pocket -took. gety.lfwm work, as excellent driver, quM% The last hope of the Gerwans-, tentiom-to. the needs- of the court- toured ind so'had. F B-Houtser, Pickering, 20-81 OUR PRICE LIST try, and when they fail to do this �s pears to be the subidirine. and .. P ANTED—A married man to man- --Fresh Frozen -White Fish, 15 cents a -lb - F., the use of this dr the control of the railways should dreaded ingtrtiment W farm, Duties to begin April lat.*Also age Fr&h Frozen Salrucin, 15 cents a lb of war in the ruost ruthless and be placed in the hands of the single Man to 90 Out West at an earlier date. Apply to James Underhill, Claremont, l6tt 'd Salt Cod Fish, 2 lbs for 25 cents ',;cold-blooded' auanner is intended .coup try.. _. I _. - - . . . : Labra . d6v Herring,? cents PIGS FOR SALE—Six shoats a- a lb.. -king to starve Britain by:the sin bout 3 months old, Also sone timothy sc Canada's national debt now and threshed clover h&3 at lot.SL con 9; FicY Ci oes,'18.ceats a lb of every ship bound to or1rom amounts to $745,988,869 and since "ring. Apply to W F'Rallinger, Cherrywood 21 Fillets of Haddie. 19 cents a li:� that country. But. it looks at the war began is lucremi .1 ng veryaeE Seed oats, Qa'nitih. Is- Finnan - Haddie, 15 cents a 1b . best present as if it is'doomed to fail. Flu& R1 st variety I have ever own, rapidly.. The war expenditure in price, 90c, per bush(al, reduction to Digby Herring, 25 cents a box are, ai during the -past few -days the past ten months amounted to large lots. Also some pure-bred Bronze Tui• keys, oth sexes for quick sale. F. L. Green-, FRESH OYSTERS, 75 cents a quart the numb.ei of ships stink does $194,304,681, just double what it Greenwood_y:n91-ft not exceed that before. this meth- $194,304,881, year ago. 'But -while her Sale—A brand new Speight EAT MORE. KI - -,od..of warfare was inaugursied'otl' debt is increasing so rapidly, her FowaRgon. with the latest Improved spring@. Feb. let. - The zeppelins have Can be seen sA Frank EILMUtOWS,lot "loco revenue is also making great in. Pickering. Will give 6 months'credit oved parties. AF it dismal Nilure to the Ger. ply for particulars to"i A S.s, R l C HAR DSON creases every year. --During the KtIcIntMJ04 Trinity St., Toronto 21-25 mans and through the efficiency Past ten months it. was $181,903,- ICE—Gordon Andrus, of French. T H K of the British the submarine is 565, which -was about $40,000,000 man's Bay p othere is with ,= to tarnish farmers �7 likely to fail in the purpose for 0.Ud all wt loaded on wagon or more than the corresponding peri. sleigh at LnylU=e at a. price. Load - which it was. intended. It is true lag, done by machinery. Got your supply at 6d last year. -This huge debt for once and avoid the rush later on, The q ty S TANDARD :BAN K,' it has exacted terrible toll in ships such a young country may causetwx somn is dre"1845. W-91 and lives, but at the present rate some to wonder if it will ever be QEED GRAIN FOR SALE—Wheat, 01r" CAJ4AMA of destruction it will take a long "Marqn1:,�ndZild Go*a%-BarIsy—O A 0 No HIL^0 OrMCK TORONTO time to starve England w,ipeO out. Canada,' however, is ll; oats— nn Early Yielder, -Irish White Into sub-[ and Banner; Ali strictly puts and Im of wild a young nation with vast resour. as.-" and Was. Also Alalks. Timothy and Red, ad her popubdim"s- steadily ulover. writ pnowl-zor ave. sam- Or plea. Joseph Lapp & Son, Codw Grove. some ..Your surplus earnings in our increasing, and will likely increase phone i2o; P o—a E No i mwwh-- sett The failure of the railways, and more papidly after the war. She V ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT— Savings Department earn inter; of the Grand Trunk in particular, has been widee - advertised by the JU Being parts of lots 1% M can 4, and con 6, mons or is sentiment in part, she has played- in.'the war. PiWcariull, and consisting of 92 acres, increasing the On the promises an a frame house, bexas withI -a est at icurrent rate. 236 south stone stabling, small orchard also 1878 favor of public ownership of rail. Even our neighbors to the sou -dm a diff er- and ways as well as of other utilities. of us look upon us f r For farther PICKLE04RING BRANCH, .rwr Itis claimed that one reason for eat light than -she- did before. R. W. GORDON, Manager. In Elio Bram4h also at whift. the failure of the railways to grail- There are millions of acres of fer- ple with the the coal situation is -tile land awaiting the settler in Glen Winow Mm's to -because of their desire to increase the North-vvest as well as in North - CEDAR GROVE dividends by keepingdown__the ern ' Ontario, - and her mineral •M&&stPv-Harris '117 wages of men, thus making them wealth is untold. In the future We have now a good- stock of Corn abort -handed. A man who owns she will play a more important and O%ts. Distillers' Grains, Feed b1ol- A business his a right to con -duct role as part -of the -great British asses, Rog Meal, Poultry'Foods, Flour F A R -M and Mill Feeds on hand at the Mill and pleM 7 that business as he considers best Empire than she ever did in the Cher"wood Sheds. I past, and this part will increase Im demerits for his own interests, but -a rail- , As the embargo is partly lifted now i er vestige as well as. add iadli. �way holds a different position to h one car of Corn is e3 "ted Co ire to her wealth and her abil. are the result of the experience of Arrive at once. many men in many, ,countries and the general public from that. They ity to look lifter he national debt are put together with mechanical ti 'Home Phone nech, have received certain privilege Bell Phone &kill and scientific. exactness -from the country, such. , as the etS5CSWeett0EAt 1,T -M3EZ8i0:R_ ,right-of-way over roads, and into A Us* Sewd LAsadva. 'Wllo- Mills_. Cedar Grove.•—Teeth are in three rows. giving good clearance. The" Cu1bvaWrs_are great weed killers and necessary in good farming. J)r&—H6v ani Disic—force feed runs sow fine or c"irstcgr&iii uniformly Controlled with one lever. —without'injury. Four aiies. Without exception moat duuible add easy -running made . • . 01 Bin'ders-Steel chains—Angle andj-sbaped steel frame. Last a lifetime Particulus Cheerfully Give J.' B. THEXTON' • n THE MINISTER OF FINANCE 'What is Home -Without Music? • H E PEOPLE OF CANADA TO IBEGINNOW L 7. 'TO SAVE MONEY FOR TIHE - s • 11NEXT-WAR LOAN DWARrINIC01T 00 InPIAMM OTTAWA fJ 0�lnmbiaraf onolas -TO INWEST071 D. C! $4 THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE 75 to $20 - FUNDS REQUIRING INVESTMENT- . I T% D • MAY PURCHASE AT PAR --_-- DOMINION OF CANADR UtUEN U --IN SUMS OF $500, OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF Principal repayable let October, 1919. Interest payable half -yearly, 1st April and lot October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at -the rats of five percent per annum, from the date of purchase. Holden of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at per and accrued interest, ai the equivalent of cash, in, psy- ment of any allotment made under ally future war I 1 4 in C 9 4nada, other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other .'..-Aww'security. Proceeds of this stock we for war purposes only. A commission of one-quartei of one per oent, will be4iPwrl to recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments Mas respect of applications for this rtock. which bow their stamp. For apocation forms apply to the Deputy hfinisW of Finance, Ottawa. DZPA3RTMZTZT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA OCT06= 7th, 1916. U0UU C_ 134; C4;Qr_U3_ . Made in CD M — __-_ Fit Any "HEARING IS'SELMVING" The Columbia dealer new -est to you will gla=dl demonstrate. Very easy payments. Little required. Dealet will gladly explain terms. Send for a new free catalogtio.'. 'COLUMBIA GR"HOPRONE., CO. "Crestwo of the lad=Ary." "n*a*W*L=djBalers is So -owsws me an rvowtawomw raftaLs, cAmADw rkmoiff, voitoNTo --T. M061% Mcfa"Wv Agent nud Dealer, jW �w nn, .4. D. Dol %%OtjO= 13&10 phin h" secured a good Wid. Miller, of Toronto, Was position in the cit home -over Sunday. P.'Macnsb-Sr;.. �7. M. Palmer 0, John Scott had a business trip and Miss Macnab were in the ci6y, 24 Read- of 'Cattk to Toronto �on Friday; 0 h THE DOMINION". .';BANK,-: n Saturday owing to the delft Horses, Implements, Miss Doris Graham is laid up of their cousin, Bliss Joey Ross. with a very severe cold. Key,- etc.- Food POW UP Capital MON1000 Resent Miss Margaret Macnab spent a The property of few -days in the city last week. Bank I" Of Mrs. Edward Gibson is spending. it 1;, Thomas Clinkenboomer in etticient se:} a week with relatives In Toronto. 4 1 il .0. 1 Wm. Arbuckle is at present =41 g to 110-.1 A AT In A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED 4 laid up with the prevalent it mi - l ip�ltw Lot- 10 Con'&,- Pli�kci4ng'T d3r,'Ia grippe. P. US Thos. Neal and daughtei, 'Miss (The Chas. Proctor farm) -WHITBY BRANCH: S. D. TERRY, Manag'er. Clare, have been on the sick list 8 'OIL 1 4 01,Zt 1OX =406tO ■ 4 !Fro. 'I 'OF, .0 NUMMSNXXXXMKXXXMKMISXMNXXXXXXXXMXXXXXXXKUXXXWXNXMXX :durinit the past week. Mrs. Goodfellow, of Montreal, H. Sale at 1 o'clock, sharattended p. -4=.� Pic the funeral of her sistee, 0! ---Miss Ross, on Tuesday. 6, L ic -SEE OU R NEW J&n Wm. Leaper has been confined Feb to his house for the past t%N,Q Karl ye [SAWING X I Fj a, �, ACHINE weeks with an -attack of heart Apr -trouble. kni A� Reserve the evening of Friday, 1 1.. We can sup 3ly Emery Wheels and CoAl Tne 0= 'ran March 2nd, for the drama, :Circular Saws. All sizes 0 CP IP &W July -4 -.7. beiry Corners," to be given by -the keprtin-stock. Claremont.Dramatic Club.. • W out., *A Also Emery and Saw Mandrels -if you -B Buy your.. oyster 'Shell, p- I t and 'The services w6r'e held in the No,? wish to build your own frame.�R. school -room of the Methodist ar D". church last Sunda morning and %T. &. 0 3 C 8 0 I -ST -gran J&Du&ry loll.wbithy 8, o8h&WA t. Brough -M ulated bone.her:�- evening and will probably be hold Port Perr7 7, Uxbridge 11, CanningWa. 10 ---thwrz during the very colcl weath- leav"n 9. Uptergrove 8 BROCK ROAD Rev. A. McLellan conducted ser. Also Pratter.'s Egg- Prod user 'in'50o and. -vices in the Brougham Presbyter. Wan chdrch on Sunday afternoon an .-and expects to continue doing so d$1 packages, just the thing until the arrival of the new pas- t*r, Dr. Marsh. Joseph and Mrs. Carr and their MAKE YOUR DOLLARS to make your hens lay this 'formerly of Pickering, are visit,, lug with friends and relatives in time. of the y earl Clirenoni, Manchester and Sicti- ..F1HT._. goa island for a couple of weeks. -r _H F SARGENT'S The Wonien's Institute will hold A "r FrR0N their February meeting on the CHAS m afternoon of Wednesday, the 21s t, atthe hor'ne'ofMrs. Joshua Buu- -BUY CLJkREMONT, Ont. dy. The topic for discussion will z be 'The Wife as a Partner." Also -DOMINION OF CANADA Roll Call; responded to by an Irish quotation. Meeting begins at 8 lock. a e oronto. spent THREE-YEAR Cecil Ingleton, ofT sin ,o'clock. Mid Tuesday with C. and Mrs. Sargent and other Claremont friends. Ce. of Boots and Shoes .,pil, who has a good action with WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES the Mimicio Electric ilway, does mot .Llookso rugged as when no lived in the'countky. He has been -0 be sold at Reduced Prions. $25- , 00 F 1$ 2 1 -50 qAn Winter Footwear will Wider the weather for 'the $0.00 49 43.00 week but Is now iniproving. Also many broken lines of High Class Footwear will the Epworth League 'will be held be sol& at greatly reduced prices. The monthly social service of 0<>.C>0 89.00 INDIVIDUAL PUIRCHAiCS LIMITFM TO 81100. in the Methodist church next Fri. Bell phone 151. - :'day night. Rev. Mr. Wood will give nuaddreag and good music and FOR FULL PARTICULARS APPLY AT ANY BANK readings will be given and refresh - OR ANY MONEY OADERPoST OrpICC J. -PEEL_ SON A good wants - will be served. time ig expected so -everybody -- BROCK STREET,' WHITBY, ONT. -Colne Find enjoy the evening. JAM. to 191? On Wednesday evening the B. Y. R V. held a successful valen- %T _.M. 0 r 10 M tine social. The house was well Iti �lar�m�nt diverit Help being scarce I will be pm, filled with a well satisfied crowd. L__TtLe Unian_i!L�in �av ryjftQUr_ pared to do chopping and ishing condition. Last week an 'Bus meets all, Trains oat flaktag UnLy on, bld-firghioned -cleaning bee. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, held and the school -room now w First-cla6s Rip to hire dat or during the mouth of March. h nis a very cosy and home -like appear- t at lowest prices. After that date on Monday h:: F ISHING I N WINTER-TIME 1. 844.,; &nee. The workers set down -to a Phone 180& Friday of each week. miniature banquet at the noon is good businese If you go to the right place -.Also, for sale jL quanty of, -hour wnt hen a pleasant- half -bout and get good Fish. 2 -ft hardwood. Thos. UAW= At ------------- -mome ofoiirschool-children have PROPRIETORS John 't Bayles, Greenwood W 1 'y 0 TJ I had a couple of dayg holidays, the oecasion being the alteration made ith the requirements to comply R S E E0 S of the board of education for a A new line of Halters, Blankeits, Curry Combs, Brushes, Robes tz science room. A partition has and Rope Smaps Watch This alke, Rod Clover. Tlmothy sad all Irinds of seeds, bee erected on.the large ijout we are in. the market and am preps& —room downstairs, and one of the ad to pay the highest market Mot noupstairsisto be used asa Prim% .....Space The best equipped cleaning milk science room. This is only for the A big reduction in Sugars this week, call and get a supply, in the country. present as the -department n�jy Send us -saniples. or communicate wl"6 ' - `' later demand still ' greaW im- Something -big coming us before selling. provements. After many months of intense Lipton's, Red Rose and Salads Tess, worth 45 cents per pound, Take advantage of the best Seed Mmk- suffering. Miss- 'Joan,- D. -Ross w -on iater. at* In the world. .:died in St. John's- Hospital. Taron. this eek at 30c, 85e and 40c per lb. .33ell or Indepeaftnt phone. to, on Saturday last at the age of L Prorpt, efficient and reliable my ,. � '....,,Choice Cheese, Meats, Sausage and Oysters.' J. a ha, 46 years. -The deceased was born 7 - F N.r= 0 ndling Seeits'guarantowL in Glasgow, Scotland, but has NORTH CLAREMO J.H- DOWNEY COMPA" been' a resident 1DfL Canada fora XT WHITBY. ONTARIO number. of years. . She was well known in Claremont where "1E9 A N N I S E she WANTED Now COAL and GRAM. .was held in. very high esteem. Reliable valesinan to se" ag Her funeral took place on Tuesday 33imao Mr. in Ontario County. from the home of her cousin, Miss M. Macnab, interment taking place PAY WEEKLY Hard and 'soft C Of tu bat in St. John's cemetery in the 7th Outfit free, exclusive territory and quality on hand. IMPS money making specialti". Our concession. agenct" are the best In' the bu0ne" Highest price paid for Barley,' The following letter has been for we Sell thatij;�keet grade of stock ..received by Mrs. F. Ftirmer, from 0 'at most Rye, and Buckwheat delivered - D ON& CO reasonable prices and gu&r- Toronto: "DEAR Madam—In last antee deliveries in nret-class eoudi- at Spink's Mill. -hiiii -r -good money "n be week's issue. of the PicKERING :7 tion. Nursery sWck is selling well Piekering BUtion Coal 00e t yea V -5 LUVU90 appears as an item in "'Oener'sl Merchants.'- thand thew' diaremoolt, locals' made in In district, For partiou- lars write Sales. Man ager. donati6na.being forwarded to the a DICKERING PELHAM NURSHRY CO., Women's Institute towards postal Toronto, Opt, RD) charges to be -sent to ouil'brave boys overseas. In. cheerful re. -,GROCERIES -�..GRUGZRIES LUMBER YA sponse I -enclose you -a stnall.-con- 9 tribution thereto, with the. hope if rou order your Groceries from us you are adsured of havin that yon will receive enough and the. best and freshest that can 'be secured at the closest prices. to 8 All Tea has advanced in price, but we still sell the same splen- are of- what is needed......;... the js�t of Febmaryp follow "d* 'blend -of black, green and mixed at the old prices. Aft May the richest blessings Id. Why .After~' Institute in 4fic and 55c it lb. when you cah -buy good,tea at 35C a -lb ? ---the- members of the I kal: Y. 4:0 be able to do this we had our tea ordered before the recent 1917, our terms will the good work they -are doing and �. , j. in their endeavor to mitigate in advance in price. -Cofflee at prices 30c, 40c and 50c a lb. U Cash. some measure the hardships inei- C - dentto soldier life." 'this-letterOr if oredit is wanted,,d Mali contained a donation of $10.00. Of all watertalle Snd "'.1i= - be previously y Around one diner table In the -'Dr '"Goods Boots and� Shoes keO in stock. It will p j yon village on Sunday, the same itein in the NZWS was being discussed, Hats and Cape, 'Glovis and Mitta,,Top Shirts. Under-shirta, to eall si oar works and inq- our sbo& arranged for. land obtain Wow. Don't raiaw and one man said "I will give two -and Drawers, Corsets, Under.vests, Hose. Most of the agents we do not employ $ban -iaseq= dollars." Someone said "Pass the above good are about the old prices. Come now and ly we San, and do throw r &9=6 hat." and $5.10 was given. One secure these goods, as all new goods' coming in for spring 80MInhumn of 10 PW welk., Vt 70lu wo We D. Gordon K ffl woman living In the country sent 'AM And summer will have the advanced prices. (Phone 2800) 0111rWally move by parahsaine ,fn u& mu eb ""tolL In one dollar. The committee feel PICKBRING greatly encouraged and are very WM11 IT "1111171 grateful ral SIMPSON Co., PICHM6ERING ones and Wake, WhAbl. .:;tario Sell as Independent i7. ...., F . .4 . :• .r.�to:,v1�r!;'e.•-, K - .ERT- .A; w. .7 ..R`-0°y"• "eK vi'v Y .'!4'+°' . V.9•TJ-ryF..,y ,. �. , .. .p. - jCM:. LEADING- 'MARKM TC�KS PUSHED BACK 1200,YARDS INFRESH DRIVE --ON --AN RL - _ ]iYsaQstaIIg . :_. ON A- FRONTAGE OF FOUR MILTS _._ \ewNo. 1 Northern. $1.88, 0. Z, Q t. _ 4 wheat. ._ . 1.T1:, truck l uy ports, Old crop tru.d- - Aflranoes Also Reported Beyond village -of'-Graudcodrt---Takes 1aq ic: above ne.ti• °t•o�.. • Licorice Factory Which Townshend Held .Throughout Siege of The Summit of the Spill SailUsel Hill. branitoba oats-n"' t�.t�..-67c' i;"'- - -: - Kut Captured by the British. y'' _. ..8.a 1v_ O,d;, extra No. 1 tend, s5c; No. 4 , • _ . _ _ 1. 6 c, frac : Day p•,rCa. . _American corn-No. 3 yellow. $1.13. subject,- -. to embargo A despatch from London say; �ment refers to the eng8gement which untxrlo ,'ate- N•,. +'th11r r,z Tu'G4r, ' 'A despatch from London says: An "During Friday night and Saturday , nornlnal: Nu ;3 whit". Gl -tv Gar, nmol- The success. of the British squeezing is spoken of as "in progress," but is nal, according to n,•Ir ltta uut+lde. I.oftic'ial report issued on Sunday night four Turkish attacks on the'",, right any g• los tiro hal i�Nu. 2 Y l io r' i per bar I,describes hriely' a 'Britiah success: were re ulsed, and•'the British hold moveip4nit which i$ closing in on Bep- silent on further fightin along P sume 140th .from the west, and south- th Ancre, $1.70, accordir,� to, fr.�lgO." uutside. aWdinst the Turks in Mesopotamia, a ; on the. enemy trenches on the left @ 2. $- :f5, attuning to few line tieing occupied y west was accentuated on Thursday The British, however; declare that i led b the Brit-'was rapidly extended lis bombing at- west i:,h of about three and a half miles to ,tacks when General Haig's troops captured; they have made 'progress on both Marley-stinting. $1.14 to il._o, ac•- k' the highest point of the Sailly-SailliseI sides of the Ancre.. Dpring_the night ecirdl kgwto freight.4 efelt.4 „orgy+nal,-ue,,nraing 11 ,lepfh of more than half a mile, The: "Later, after =a heavy bombardment .. $ill, Just northwest o• the point where; the Baillescourt Farm, on the road be- to freigi,ta outside. text of the t+taternent "rends: ! a successful-assault "was undertaken ' ' the French were held t,,? in the Somme;'tween Beaucourt .and Miramont, was Itye-w. 2. $1.38 to $1.,0, accurding "The Eriti h offensive south of Kitt- against trenches west of the licorice • to freights uutc,tdr I el-Amara was resumed Friday. Un-' factorv, which Gen. Townshend held drive last fall. Adv.ncec are also l attacked and captured, and on the manieuha Qutn-• rirst na.ttmts, hr lots �' recorded beyond the village 'of Grand• south side of the stream a hostile bags, $4.50; aecond t,at«uta. itt luta b,tR,+, ; der rover 'of ithpilvy bombardment a thro!lghout the stege of .Kut, whereby . $9.00- Torj atrouR bakers', to lute bags. $n.tu, portion of the new Turki;.h_front line -;,;e recttred the' factory and 500'yarde court, which was captured ori Wednes- trench rear GrandcoilrL was carried. lurontc•. - ; da Referriii to this sector" the' These two operations netted an addi mile,L)ntato. tthulto $7.1u. ba.Rl (np; to west of the Hai Riser was secured and of enemy trenches. sample, bt•UU to i".1 1, to butt+, trtr, k, ,• o8 cial statement says-: "The ground tional eighty-two prisoners with one 'Toronto, prompt shipment; • ;G.vu, -bulk ;con smulated in the face of _two noun- "As' a result of these operations a -, " we have gained on the Anere since officer. That the resumption of the seaboard, exvorz tru-9e. ter-attairks' and tw-o bombing attacks. new line has been occupied on a front- "% .•the new •year now represents :an ad- British. offensive 'on the Somme has freltglitse bag's rInts Includedl- Y.f•u,i, ,our'ttu � Further westward," rile statement -age of over 6,004 yards, and the • en- i35; shorts. ,et• ton, s4o; est,! d reed adds ' Turkish trenches were r,.en.e- erii avErage-depth of nP�rly 'widened to a front of abQttt�@u�.T�teen ftour-rPr t cR 11:. cs c _ . , . -- --- - -- - __ Y- uPhed back for a depth varying___ - �.--three-quarters of a �nlle on a front males is indicated by the -report of a. lla> }.xua No.., per ton, $1:: nii•sed, Itt•ate. anti. by successful bortbing from S00 to 1,200 yards. All the evi- of .over three miles." successful raid south of Bouchavesnes, n-r ton. $n tc $11. track Toront,,. work were -ecured and consolidated deme shows'tbat the Turks- suffered + f' stt•ttw-Car luta, per ton, $e, track,alon a front o 0 y," On, the crown of the elevation . at not far from Peronne. Toronto. S f 1 2 4 Y� s. - heavily." `Sailly- Sail Iisel was an important Ger-! General Haig also chronicles the re- --' -- man-pusitiort whish the British report pulse of German attacks at Gueuede- 1 Country prosnce- olosale I nt } f _�j declares toss captured in its enttlety. court anti La Basses and the explosion r;utter--1 t-can d,iry. rho e. 3� to iiiIT13HSTP's ER MTS' "�L Seventy-eight prisoners, ineluding two. caused by artillery fire behind, • the 4^cit creamery pr rt9, 4 to 43c- scud•, W , $ �jri �f 3�1, f,�f officers, were taken together with a; enemy's lines near Ypres, r.4 I:RF,d --No. i storage. 44 to 45e, stor- age, ShI3 I1' L�\rtij ,� CHANNEL E� age, sel'-cts 46 to 45c: new-laid in c.tr- 4� 1CAtiAI)lA+i BL'. t�LiveS uwltry-F'owl,d'artonv.52 o 28c, - --- _. ; „ of 111 0 , 1 lb„ 1G to 18d•; - t ITISI� -AfTIVF - SH11EN lcht kvna. lb.. Itt to 20r r - - i = C (' O T:�I: f a1 ':'i-t, �: I, I .:' ,My "t-. .:..✓ .r -:.� `Y}+L r't w_ ..n ._ .s✓•aG �tiw.�z'i.:A..w%' -y-ra .1,,i ,,-r.,fe •'.f^ :!^.' ',rwY•' I: 5, •v -;Eli _ .Y" p' env 'i; -,,.di .,i� `%`�•+.+ 1' girls are not built out Of ' • The following iii an extract frbm t _books alone. The best food the London Times: -..:__ grog yo g is After a -,spell in the trenches our Shredded WbtQAt� the .$hO1C men are -moved back to get some rest. The Business Of Being. V'M.C.A. HUTS AT THE FRONT. • a Boy is a strenuous em- R holese"me Reereat hm Provided for ployn=t: Sturdy boys and the British Soldier. girls are not built out Of ' • The following iii an extract frbm t _books alone. The best food the London Times: -..:__ grog yo g is After a -,spell in the trenches our Shredded WbtQAt� the .$hO1C men are -moved back to get some rest. From a military. point, of view wheat food that builds alone it is just as vital to revive the healthy tissue, good one b spirits of the soldiers as to renew and, develops sound teeth munitions'.: ...- Folk at home should aulu healthy gums. For see the men as they come out of the tsehches. 'lintoiftphs and cinemas breakfast or any meal, With lead people to think that "Tommy" or .. _uffl or. cre=L DeliCioue L "Jock" is always smiling. They must With ' reserved fntits. p get rid of that. idea. I have seen ^:_a minty, very many, trudging back from i treasures and money to the extent of the line dazed and done. They. look like men who will never smile again. many millions of kronen, belonging - They look like risen who .have done I{ with life. That is the story of their to -the Austrian Imperial family, have eyes. It is uncanny, it is .piteous: L Their lips tell another story. Grimly -. set, 'they' express a purpose alive in t�¢i uNrrm Death, as it, were. tick to it," they _. t countries. The despatch declares tb'at say. _. _ . Erect a hut. The effect is magical- I " . ' • . t - Shelter, warmth, light, refreshment, ILS -d C Ala and above all amusement act like a -,.NATO LEAVING SHIP. talisman. It is the relief from pain. "r--"' A. Madagascar Industry. Strained nerves pass from. the ab- normal to the normal Oue of the, oldest native bladagas- normal industries is the curing and mann- -+—� facturing of, silk into what is called WOMEN WHO SUEF�mbamem"; "lamba" in Malagasy Bab 's Own Tablets are an excel- Y len me icmne for little ones.. They t 41• , sweeten the stomach; regulate the + bowels,' break up colds and simple fevers, cure constipation and make I teething easy. .Concerning them Mrs, extent' these vast areae have come under' cultivation either for crops or stock. No batter evidence of sub- stantial growth could be had. It is also a tribute to the quality of fencing to be had of Canadian manufacturers. Austrian Imperial Famitly Starling means dress shroud, or clothing, and "mens." means red. "Lambomena" is I E• Quinn, Parame, 'Que., writes:— I "Baby was troubled with eonstipa- e? - ---- 11Llaard'■' Ltatoa•nt Catrea ata. -vs.. Treasures ter Nentrat Countries. out pain �' ore too late DrtBellman�Xedlcal ' � •- `' , rn T.tmfted.-Cotllntwtwd_Qnt. - ••---.--.------•' A 8VAss correspondent of the Agen- to those stiff fingers, j zia' Libera; of home, reports that' a I, aching wrists and arms. Forg tootbout, nen-algia ache, bruiaAs, + great sensation has been created at � C ra' p ins, cold feet, it is promptly effective. I Vienna by revelations published in At all druggists, 25c. 50e. and $1.00. -Austrian palters, to the effect that ^:_a treasures and money to the extent of many millions of kronen, belonging - to -the Austrian Imperial family, have L been deposited in banks in neutral t�¢i uNrrm countries. The despatch declares tb'at the news has been fully confirmed. 'It appears. that money, valuables - and - FENCING THE HIGHWAYS. securities, worth mire than 160 mil-• lion kronen (over $80,000,000), be- _ longing to the Emperor and certain A Conspicuous Evidence Of Cas; Archdukes, have been sent into Swit- .How ads Is Being Rapidly Settled. zerland and Holland. The "Corriere In a journey today across the Do- d'Italia” learns from Berlin that the minion, one is impressed by the miles news has caused a very bad improv- of farm fencing, particularly in. the sion even in Germ¢ Y. far west. seems but a day where .It the vast stretches of •our Western ter - AN EXCELLENT MEDICINE ritories from Manitoba to the- Coast were one wide field. To -day, for hun- F 0 R LITTLE U N E S dreds bf miles, in any direction ' you . travel, railroad and other property is -- substantially fenced; it shows to what e in inns • -- For Bright ■b talisman. It is the relief from pain. "r--"' A. Madagascar Industry. Strained nerves pass from. the ab- normal to the normal Oue of the, oldest native bladagas- normal industries is the curing and mann- -+—� facturing of, silk into what is called WOMEN WHO SUEF�mbamem"; "lamba" in Malagasy Bab 's Own Tablets are an excel- Y len me icmne for little ones.. They t 41• , sweeten the stomach; regulate the + bowels,' break up colds and simple fevers, cure constipation and make I teething easy. .Concerning them Mrs, extent' these vast areae have come under' cultivation either for crops or stock. No batter evidence of sub- stantial growth could be had. It is also a tribute to the quality of fencing to be had of Canadian manufacturers. Sr n D a S p g, y means dress shroud, or clothing, and "mens." means red. "Lambomena" is I E• Quinn, Parame, 'Que., writes:— I "Baby was troubled with eonstipa- e? - ---- 11Llaard'■' Ltatoa•nt Catrea ata. -vs.. 41- 11 Can. Obtain New Health rinci all in the Betsileo county, in l v i The Difference. 'principally Y Y, began using Baby's -Own Tablets. „ the southern part of the Central Pia- They are an cellent medicine' for well, George,' said the president, Through the Use of Dr. - - _ 1 tees. This material was ariginaIly little on The Tablets are sold by °f the company to old George, "hawbnn , Williams' Pink Pills. fused 'for wrapping the bodiev of pro- I medicine dealers or by mail at 26 $Oes 1,L ?' �miaent natives for burial. The more 1 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' "Fair to rniddlin', sir," Ceorae ans- Every -woman *at - some time needs r celebrated or wealth the deceased or I veered. Arid he continued •to cur - - y Medicine Co., Brockville; Ont. ry a tonic. At special times unusual , his relatives here, the more . lamba- I comb, a bay hone . - demands are made upon her strength. „ p mens was used, but this custom is be- . "Mean' this here hoes, Fii•',t Undergraduate—Have George said, Where these are added_ to the worry ing gradually discontinued. you suddenly, "has worked for your firm _ • • - and wort[ which falls to her tot, telegraphed to the old man for money? sixteen years." weakness and ill health will fallow Second Undergraduate—Yes. Got an ,W ll, well," said the president, t ften Your E asskwer?" "Yes. I tele¢ra he thinking 'a little guiltily of Georges unless the blouti is fortified to meet! yea Need Care overnor: Where is that tphone the � j the strain. I Flee °r1oeE+etlledlcina ..oBmani, r-Fre!e g v. y -I ' y, ppbae ybu are both ruse - act, Q„lrttrs. Try tt for sed, weal, wrote for, and his answer reads: In ■alar "And -1 au Al - Weak women find in Dr. Williams' , sure Eye•.adcranniatwd Eyelids llurtoe l• pretty highly' valued, George, eh "" eom waded n o m pocket. " H. George, "the hath of i Pink Pills the tonic exactly suited to i lredeoine -but „Kc nsua e:.at°tt?>ax•gAa rt F y P m,' said is their needs. Most of- the ills from I Prartlee for many )vara xv.r d"Acatrd to was took sick last week, and. then lt•ot a the Pgbli, and wvtd by Dru lnea.•t tSOc gee . Wiaard'e LLslmaat CUZ4M Colds. Sia _ which they suffer are due 1,o . blood- ! ,$Citic. Martine Ese eu't.e tn�A.epur Iti,l,. + doctor for the hose, but they just lock lessness—a condition which the Pill's ' sbc and Wo. write for bond of the ase rre; ed my Pay-" x Munn• Eye Rem"co.,aany. Chteaao. Ad T. � eakin 1 . - readily cure. These pills save the ( _ _ P R of Appetites. •--� girl who •enters. into_ tyomanhood ,in A huge eating competition had been . a -bloodlress : condition from. years of� first in Sotnethins. held. by ttgme brawny sons of toil in a miser , and afford rota t and g to their own account, the country town in Yorkshire, and one ofHAV"Qul e y prompt per- �lccordan 4b t, -... -anent relief . to.. the . -woman who is children were first . in something _ at ' the .competitors had succeeded in dive- i -bloodless.' and therefore weak. Mrs. achooh One was flrst in reading, an- Potting of a •leg of mutton, a plentiful t Wim. H. Wagner, =lioaenthal, Ont., , other in arithmetic, another in aport:l. supply of. vegetables and it plum pud- _ #- a 'wri'tee:—"After the birth of my se-;Bertie alone remained silent, ding, the whole washed down with Would you like to e!�! that .er Gond child I suffered from troubles i "Well, Bartie, bow about you?" his 1 copious draughts of ale, ribiP Itching, that Lutving Pala; to n b which most mothers- will understand, uncle asked. "'Arent you first- in'' He was unanimously. declared the hr•.a1 those horrid soros' without going into -details. The doe -anything?" - I winner and was being tri umpltanfly Sou have tried all aorta of fatty or- who was attending 'me. said' an "Yea:' said }sanest Berrie,,"I'm first !escorted home when he t4med_to his' -ointaientn, lotions and powders. Nt e_ operi;tion'would be necessary, but as out of the building when the. bell admirers, and said: there aside now and give Nature•a am _ _- u<<''•w I dreaded this. and as Dr, Williams' zings." l -Ah sav, lads, don't thee say nowt chance as represented by Zam-Buk e' i - _ of -iiia to Zam-Buk is made from herbal ea. Pink Pills had been of great help to - y ole woman. or shy tvan't - - My sister I. decided to- try this meds= fid'■ 1-1101-621, Cures biphthesta Cie me ro dinner i" arncea. to a natural healer, is not _. •ometbIn , you have to Send -to the _ cine, and I can truly say that after I end of the world for, and pay a Elvery drug,,-, - - ---- - a made a complete cure and made life One da after the brakeman had You stepped sell you: Zam-Buk and for ;tor, only, Y peed right tri frotiL of, thatl more en bad been for! 6een the scenery, one dust give 1t a fair trial and Inel- A sports frock in all its glory is s ening time.blI thanit every. woman paasengeraiwhi,peredto the coiiductpinhr. ! edtsharpty ymobilqou mighti�h><�eer aLeen=kiil drnriy :five yourPlf ear^ by •h! here illustrated. It may be called-sufferin from the ailments of our_ quickest route. See name on twr-- ; • S "Conductor, can y uu tell ins how ed." _ � • •, a versatile design; for it is as suitable .for the afternoon frock of ,plain and :sex s}tould give Dr. Williams Pink that brakeman Foot his (anger? He "'True. Very true." Agured pongee or 'foulard ea for the 1 Pulls a fair trial as, I know'from MY'seems seems to be a nice fellow. "Were you trying: to commit sur- ( t a own case the great .benefit -that-- fol- "That's_ just it ma'am. He is sotcide"" morning frock of plain and figured j „ I 4 Iowa their use. obliging that he just wore his linger ' No. I took .,ut an accident incur- p: poplin. McCall Pattern - No. 7648, 1 Ladies' Blouse Dress. Pattern in 8 fou can get these Pills through any off pointire out the scenery along th-e ante policy yesterday, -end I was just' medicine dealer or by mail at 60_ line.." experimenting to see what sort of pro. sizes; 84 to 44 Lust. Price, 20 cents. g P cent`s a box 'or six . boxes for $2.60 tection it mould n y, finks, - ZZLP WANTED. • These .patterns- tsar be obtained I' I give ams': B from The Dr. Williams' Medieane it worked like a charm!" _ frons your local McCall dealer or from - - } Co., Brockville, -Ont. 1, t ES t� \ NTE: Tis I,- s 'I k: Y the McCall Company, 70 Bond Street, - - Fairville, Sept. 80, 190'_'. 4 � i d legit eeN•tn4 of horse whore .Toronto, Ontario. "Dept W". -4' -- The finest harbor in tete world ;a � O1 ,+r are t.tne. Hood pay 'Work worn Minard s Liniment Go.; Limited.' -. -ienl 61.Fw '2 t h:thee F» 1. rid Dear,Sirs,—We wish. -to inform you said to be that of Rio de 3aneiro, ■tr,trp fur t•HFt�. ,it,s Safi. �l +r„nu ,Some folks are satisfied to be 'set -- w consider your MINARD'$ Brazil. tacturtns t a, arnnueal. 1 that e w i _ acquaintance and sometimes thra ski-, Capacity to Produce , Pulp N%,00d in 1 LINIMENT a very suortor article, trawssArasa cos sass 1` rangement is perfectly satisfactory to Enormous Qapntitiea. and we use it as a sure relief for sore MA&M'■ 24 -4 -sat Fare■ &street in Cows. Roser-]IiAl{1NU NEWS .�'D .las ' both parties. i (throat and chest. When I tell you I .- I P offices for sale to rood Ontario. i Indications, point to Canada as one would not be without it -'if the price The .Government of India will ex- ! of all Titov most u Full into imatio *a tend its wireless system until ev et all Dusinesse+ Full intarntad C os of the- most important pulp and paper wars one dollar -a bottle, I mean it. producers of the world for many Yours truly, years. There is no reason, except'; CHAS. F. TILTON. I My i appitcatton to W4lenr, Publ.shinR nun• army post has a station in the charge : Jnr, a west Adrlatd• str.et. Tnr�ntn of a trained orrice 1lQWELLAMOUS g. e - -= -' apathy respecting fire -protection in i the pulp. producing regions, why Can- ! - /� t�cElt, Tt:slulis. LUMI- s. XTC. internal and external. cured w•Ith- .:e ads should not produce perpetually a � j large part of the world's payer. The � • Our Puzzling Language. , * „ 'boa said a teacl er to his I out pain �' ore too late DrtBellman�Xedlcal ' � •- `' , rn T.tmfted.-Cotllntwtwd_Qnt. • +:'�; � largespruce forests in the east and c ass north including the sub -arctic forest ; during a lesson in English, "can any - which -has value chiefly for pulp, snow one meaning full ve me a of, ending with full of Canada's capacity to 'grow suitable wood in enormous quantities, sufficient danger, and 'hazardous', full of haz- with any kind of protection and man- ard? There was silence in -the class t agement, -to 'supply .the demand of all ; for a moment. the front row Then .a boy ,sitting l time. Pulp •forests are however Put up his hand. ' i "Well," said the teacher "what is your particularly susceptible to fire, and, word?" "Please air " came +u.;,1 T'�am need careful protection. + ' zee 3, It is gratifying "pious,' full of pie I" gr ring to see that' some of, the most progressive pulp companies, bIBII» iii are successfully protecting their lands from -fire. On account of the com- paratively rapid growth of pulp tim• ber to a commercial size it appear. that pulp companies will be the first who can prove that scientific forest management is .good business for a private concern. - The increasing production of pulp and paper in British. Columbia con- tinues, and, it is announced that the plant of the Empire Pulp and • Paper Mills, at Swanson Bay, 100 miles south' of Prince -Rupert, will be turn- ing ,out chemical pulp in commercial quantities, the daily output when the plant is in full running order being between thirty-five and forty tons. I: there to be no reparation for the wrongs? Is peace to corns on this basis—that the greatest , .laic in the ,world's history is to go :ablolutely un. punished 7 A s lin RetSC)t[9 Me "outside" man, Pains and. aches stiffen his joints,and muscles and reduces his efficiency. At the first twinge get Sloan's I Liniment, easy, to apply, it pone= ;- Estes Wt°thottt rubbitnig• and • , the soreness. After that long dri-m or tedious wait in the cold rain apply Sloan's ! Liniment - to those stiff fingers, j aching wrists and arms. Forg tootbout, nen-algia ache, bruiaAs, + 111:rL'l0� � C ra' p ins, cold feet, it is promptly effective. I At all druggists, 25c. 50e. and $1.00. I.ASCFST ETf2E.'it00F .:,7 dries • ii(lIFJ. Bl TER 11'th21.1 ^:_a The ayirit'of America at Play! >Cutr10ituds and Cheorfuiisess AaaysroAN PLAN 37IIIiOPEAN MAN Ap D. a W-Atto, Free. g. W. Mott, Mar. E.D. 7. ISSUE 7-17. - t ._ • K. ..,,.,. x-.-r� a _.• ,e, •+.tn._ -ss- �ssi+v..'ls� i .. _ .. . . INNER �i T !1 �L C` r C� . -Bern, on Tuesday, Feb. lath. --Goo. and Mrs. Law, of Torou- Lli to Arthur and Mrs. Buyes, a non. to, spent Sunday here with the ___ _ j -Ur. Henry will be here..as former's mother and staters. .-Mrs. OrNoM. of C a,gary, is ; liana! next Tuesday to attend to -The ccildest snap of the season. lsiEiug her cuuNf�iP, the biioxeN ! hf.i p:-ofessiuual duties. * occurred on Monday morning last S: :Dun tin x. ! -Miss Eva Rogers, of Arthur, when a number of thermometers ' -Juhu Munre, of Toronto, speut'is vi•itiug_At the home of her dropped to 20 degree below aero. {Sunday with his parents on the ( g"•ndfwther., Q. Rogers, for a few -After a number of years of • Brock road. dKyA. illness, Joseph H. Wagner, of Port =; -Bugler Robt. Rankin, of the -J. J. Murphy, of Toronto, had Perry, died on Wednesday at the 182nd Batt., ONbawa, was home a business trip to Pickering on age of fl4 years. The deceased z.; Over Sunday- Uuudti y, in connection with the was well and favorably known -Mr. Alexiinder, of Fort Wil- R. C. camp, throughout this -township as for a he in liam, is spending a few days with -The regular meeting of the number of years engaged L- D. and Mrs. BKnks. Girls' Red Cross Club will be held the butchering• business, both at - -Samuel Stanley, of Elmvale, on Saturday at 8 p. m. at the Brougham and at Pickering, where spent a couple of days last week home of Miss Eva Bunting. his kindly and cheerful disposition dis- with his brother, W. J. Stanley.. -Miss Olive Honey, of Cherry- won him many friends. After -F. W. Hobbs has purchased wood, has passed her junior piano pposing of his butchering business from Dr. E. J. Shirley the farm on examination at the Toronto Con- in Pickering to J. C. Philip, he the base line known as the Logan servative of Music. Mise Honey moved to Toronto, where he con - arm. - - - --- - - -is -a pupil of -Mies -Hattie-Law's. ducted -a retail butchering -buss= -We understand that John Congratulations. nese for several years, after which Topper has purchased Mrs. James Some are beginning to wonder he moved to Port Perry, where he Slagle property near the grand what progress is being made to- has ever since resided. He is sur. Trunk station. wards getting the hydro -electric vived by big widow and one son, - -Both the Methodist and Pres• system into our village. Very lit- 'Rev. B. N. de Foe Wagner, who few to South byterian Sabbath Schools will tie could now be done in the work moved a weeks ago meet in the Presbyterian church of construction, but there Is a Carolina, where he has a pastoral - on Sunday next. considerable amount of prelimin• charge. . -B. Walsh is improving -the back part of the hardware store ary work to be done first. and if we are to get elktric light during CMERRYWOOD mow occupied by M. S. Chapman, the coming summer, something There is something of interest to =by putting in a new floor, should be started moving now, etcck-breeders at the United Farmers -By a change of time -table -On Wednesday at Osgoode meeting at Whitevale on the 20th. . - which went into effect this week, the morning local (G. T. R ), form- Hall, Toronto, the appeal of the police trustees of Pickering Vil• 1SSLE 1t�t;flBTli;$, a -erly due at 7.42, is dow due at 8.26.. -We are pleased to- see W. B. lege was argued. The following report Appears in the Globe; "Ap- MONDAY, Fim. 1DTa-Auction sale of ol Powell out again much- improved, hie.recent severe ai_eg8 of ill- peal by defendants from judgment of County ourt of Ontario of 14th farm stock. implements, hay, etc., on lot S, con. 4s., Pickerin ', the fro, after nese and is now bookie dates for g o ecem r, c tt`on o r - o'c ock. sharp. See bills. Wm, sales. cover $1,500 for damages to pro- ,Maw, auctioneer. " -The following have installed independent phones connected perty from flooding, alleged to have been through fault of de- WED-MI)AY, FEB. 21ST. - Auction sale of farm stock, implements and --with the Pickering central: Thos. fendants, At trial jpdgment was household furniture, the property of s Lag, 2008: Mrs. T. Bayles, Green- given plaintiff for $500 and coats. G. E. Philp, lot 4, con. 1. Pickering. Wm. wood, 710. Appetil argued and allowed, with Sale at 12 30 sharp. Maw, - -John McGinty, who has been costs, and action dismissed with.. auctioneer. - confined to his house for several 'out costs and without prejudice weeks through a very severe at. to plaintiff bring claim in future for any damages incurred since TIME TABLE -Pickering Slatian d T. R. Trains going East Ina as follows.- - tack of la grippe, is now improv- 11 Ing slowly. trial. G. Grant and W. E. N. No. 6 Mail S.08 A M. 28 Local 21.45 P. K. -Our eosl•dealers deserve credit Sinclair (Oshawa) for defendants, l., ss Local i{.04 P. Id. for their success in securing an T. N. Phelan for plaintiff." Trains going west due at follows - adequate supply of. coal for their -The union services which are No. 3S Local 8.26 A. M. customers. Very few places have now being conducted in the Pres- +6 27 Local , 11:20'A. M. suffered less than Pickering has byteriao and Methodist churches �" 7 bd•l1 7.40 P. M. by the lack of coal this winter. is paving the way for organic "Sunday included r j -The Board of the Methodist Church have decided to hold their union. There are hundreds of places throughout Canada like -The Fruit Store - St. Patrick's supper and enter- tainment on the evening of Mon- Pickering where churches are struggling to maintain an exist- HAS THE QUALITY ' day. March 19th, instead of the ance, but if union were to exist, '17th. Special sermons on the Sun- the united churches - would be :OrangeR, Bananas. Pomegranates. • - day_previoue. strong and capable of doing good Onions, Lima Beans, Celery, -The Women's Iostitnte.have work. We understand that the Lettuce, Sweet Potatoes ' = _ secured the services o! four boys union of the diffiPrent Churches• and spuds. to go around the town on %tur. day afternoon to collect all papers concerned have made provision for the- anion of the churches in Choice bulbs for indoor culture: that have not been sent to the gar- small places which are . anxious to As the market. is so uncertain this year age. Will all parties kindly have n papery tied up and ready. con union before. the Chnr- chec as .a whale- are ripe for that we cannot list prices and stay with them -A good deal always. y t -The union services of the Meth- union. In many places there is NEILSON'S ICE CREAM] ,b odists and' Presbyterians will be, held on Sunday next in the Pres- very strong opposition to this, move►nent, and which time alone Plain, in cones, sundaes or is 'byterian church, both morning will overcome. We cannot blame Ice-cream sodas -always good. and eQening, when -Lev- for -craving such. J. MA RQU%S - +, ford will officiate, and the union affection for their own denomina- chairs will lead in' the service of tion. that the idea of uniting with M� 1OOt4sio :. yratee, some other body is repulsive to - -We have so far been experl. them. In times past, it was this 1957 1917 eacin ideal Canadian winter wea• class of people who have done the 'But 1 cher. The mercury has been hover• most good. in Canada we : Sixty Years of '- Ing around the zero mark for several weeks, and there is a suffi- should take a broader view of the work of the church. There are so PROGRESS and SUCCESS _ tient amount of snow to remind many foreign elements coming us that we are living in Canada. into our country, that on] y by the We have established a Issting repu- w This continuous cold weather, united effort of the different tatlon for fair and square dealing and t• awhile not thoroughly enjoyed by is conducive to ood churches can these people be aissi- milated. Mach is now being ac- are now prepared to meet existing conditions offering our high grade r .every person, health and we should be thanTful eomplished, but a great deal more la trees and planta direct to customers + e Don't delay planting fruit trees and where rain and mud are, the chief characteristics. churches were brought about, and the sooner this is accomplished the plants, an there is nothing pays bet - ter, Send for our illustrated circulars -Experiments conducted by the better, especially ii} small places. of kardy varieties which you can order Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa, go- -A new method of educating direct and get the benefit of agent's commission. Our prices will be sure f to show that it is unprofitable to the young and one which will be to interest you. crneh cafe for horses. Those who favor the crashing of grain put up more generally used is the future was that employed in the THE CHASE BROTHERS CO. somei.good arguments and are not public school hereon Thursday last. when OF ONTARIO, LTD., 'likely to be detereed from continua Mr. Hutchison, public school In- NrxsEsy3 , ' Ing the practice. According to sector, and Mr. Johnston, prim- COLHORNE, -pNTARIO the reports of the Dept. of Agri- tlalture. a number of teams of ctpal of the Whitby Collegiate Institute, gave a number of mov- PICBERIN� BABERY *orking horses were used in the ing picture views of subjects of a experiment and after ten weeks, no difference in the result of feed- most interesting character. The machine is one used in the Whit- _ BREAD; BUNS and CAKES ing whole oats and crushed oats by Collegiate, and the films are Choice Candies, could be detected, thus leading to specially adapted for teaching . Patterson's Chocolates - the conclusion that the expense of crushing the grain was wasted. various subjects on the school cur. riculum. Among those shown •weddin Cakes a epee isirt :Wedding y --The annual oyster suppper 'of were views of the rubber industry, and we deliver them. the Pickering Vigilance Associa- showing the coplies at work, and Both phones in shop. . tion on Tuesday evening was as also of the sugar industry. There .; usual quite a success. On account were also pictures' showing the 'the H. R. Momey, Pickering .. of the snow -storm in the after. germination of seeds and noon, a number who' purposed at- failed their growth of various "plants. A num- F.L1VI DALE MILLS tending to make ap- ber of x-rays were given showing pearance. However there was the those the the action of the stomach in digesting food, PIOKER2NG about average and Pres- as well as, well as ent thoroughly enjoyed them• many other, interesting views. You can always get the beat Mani- .+ selves. Herb. Monney sustained This method of 4mparting know- . toba Monr made from No. 1. his previous high reputation as a ledge is not only most interesting Manitoba Wheat. - caterer. After partaking of a and instructive, . but is most At- Royal Household and Glenom for hearty meal a few hours were tractive and effectual• •There were Bread. Try a bag. spent in social intercourse. A a large number present, especially Pastry Flour Fresh Rolled Oats short program was given. includ- school ch#ldren, who' thoroughly BRAN, SHORTS - Ing a number of short impromptu enjoyed the evening. In future _ MIX FEEDS ` speeches and selections on the when such evenings are given, we - OAT CHOP - o grafonola kindly loaned by Mr Vigilance Associa think it would be advisable to " CRUSHED OATS CHOP ]Liddle. The secure the town hall for the pur-, : BARLEY . tion continueg in a very healthy pose, and have it more thoroughly WHEAT ., condition. there being over two Advertised, so that the older peo- CRACKED CORN '. hundred members enrolled. Those pie might have the benefit of it. MIXED HEN FEED who wish to enjoy the protection The hall would provide better Caldwell's Cream substitute ' that the Association affords should seating accommodationand draw Calf Meal. Meal band in their names to some of a larger crowd and AT& silver col- Molasses the officers, along with the mem- lection is taken up for the benefit CHOPPING AND OAT bership fee of al. Although it of the school fall fair, it would CRUSHING EVERYDAY bas been in existence now for six- produce a better revenue. Before. Get prices on Peed in toe lots. teen years, a second call has not the meeting was closed a vote of HELL PHONE. yet been made on the members, thanks was tendered Messrs. John- �. -�� 'N.107 Dun knd there is still a substantial bal. @ton and Hutchison for their enter- ance 1n the hands of the treasurer. taming talk, Chopping every day , d a9 Black and blue striped Overalls 1.50 per pair, Jean Pants 1.85 per pair, Khakt Pants 1.40, Black and blue striped grn6eks 1.60, Black' and grey lined ' Smacks 2.W, Khaki Shirts 1,W to 1.50, Black and white drill Shirts 85c to 1.00, (fray wool Socks 25c, 80c, 35c, 40c, 50c. Men's fleece -lined U•`nderwear 1.10 per suit, Men's wool Uuderwear 1.60 and' 2.00 per suit, Men's Pure wool Uuderwear 5.00 and 3.50 per suit. Our new spring stock of Boots and Shoes have artived and we can give you the best of value. So Ret your family supplied at right prices, Choice Groceries always on hand -Prime Old Cheese, Orange, Grape Fruit, Lemons, Figs, Dates, Prumes, Apricots, etc. Haddie, Halibut, White Fish, Salmnon and Cod Fish. etc., etc. G. A. GILLESPIE, DUNB,&RTON HOME.COMF.,ORTS In onveefence:caaaed..by_thescarcity- of coal is greatly minimized by the use of our Gurney -Oxford Oil Heaters, and Cookers. .. '� Pockets to CatEh Dirt 1 _ - Q Complications ! o -Dirt ! - Our Washing Machines are the best made and add to Home Comforts We always carry a full line of skates and Hockey Goods. J. H.. BUNDS - Pickering. JJ I • - )r -h $Lq _ANNE HERE'S TALKING TO YOU 1. •1 only, "Defiance Coal Heater, reg, $7, for $5.50 I only, Belle Oak, No. 12; reg. 13.50 for 9.45 1 only, Belle Oak, No. 1.4, reg. 14.50, for 10.55 1 only, Hot Blast, No. 160, veg. 15.00, for 12.00. 1 only, Gladona "Base Burner'' No. 14. _ . keg. 27.00, for 22.00 _ 1 only, "Alberta" Hot Blast, second hand, _ good as new, for ,7.50 - - 1 only, Pandoia Range, with high -shelf, ..No. 3-16, reg.'47.50, for 42.00 I on-� anode Range �a riAng closet, No. 9-20, 6 holes, reg. 57.00, for 50.00 -: A11 Cash .Prices. -.- MONEY-TALKSG- - _y et in early and we'll tell you why we pare selling these goods oft lust a -little below cost. M01, CHAPMAN LOOK! We' Will Save You Money We foresaw the presort market conditions in time to lay in a'supply of Woollen Wear, Mitts, Rubbers and Cape, hence we can sell to you at a reasonable price. Our gabbers are the'sameprice as last year, and we can guarantee you the best of satisfaction with the old favorite brand, y "Maltese Cross." It's the kind of rubber yo+3'11 bay once and then for all time to come. We have a goodly supply on hand of Woollen Underwear, including the famous "Pen Angle.'_. _ R. A, BUNTING)"' _ PICKERINGA. Established 1857. ROBES ! BL.ANKETS I. MITTS 1 THE SEASON IS INOW HERE Fall and winter stock now on hand, also 1 set second hand Single Harness for $9.00 1 set second hand Single Harness for Harness, Collar, Boot and Shoe Repairing neatly and promptly attended to. DICKERING HARNESS EMPORIUM ' Home Phone • W. J. COAKWELL