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VOL. -XXXV,� .:Pll_"ERING. ONT., FRIDAY, MAY. 12'1916
No. .33
_1I0'V*00*WUaL lkar�b*._ CHff.RRYWV*0�-
41CHOOL FtEiit�R Established 75 years
1)on'efoiget the patriotic t of River
Medfcaf SPINK. MILLS 0 Standing of pupils Green ver
be held in the, town hall an the even• school for March and April. The fit -at
iag of Tuesdays May 16th by the 1822nd three of each -class- are given. In order
E. FORSYTH. D. of 4D. i Regis-' Battalion. A first-class program will of merit: Sr. IV.—May Hobson, Haz- ����NWOOD
..I?to:teredmeimbergftba..OPtQZZIOWC&IABBO- be, given including moving pictures of el Turner, Dora Mitchell. Jr. IV,—
the It'd a of Ontario.- special attention given to FLOUR a military nature and of a
fitting of glasses.- Eyei tested free. North humorous Leslie- Ferrier. Myrtle Percy, Fred
Claremont ebaracted. vocal
116tf 1b and instrumental Ferrier. Sr. 111'—Willie Dixon, Elsie
WHITE -SATIN— BREAD Music, including selections by the new Hut MILLS
Hutchings, Ida Gray. Jr. III.—Ger-
D,, L.R.Q..,
-N - hAbd. Add6esses wIll-begivet by Col. trude Mornshaw, Mildred Hoover,
mcKI-N. ON, m.
No c1dibburgh, member of the college of
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. licentiate CREAM BUNS—FA31ILY Cockburn, a lady speaker, returned Jack Farrier. If. Class—Don Hoover,
of Royal College of Surgeons, Edinb soldiers and others. A -silver collet- Mabel Routley, Gladys Postill.j, class
s0601 Attent3ou to fteases of womeb. .9.d TEA BUNS—PASTRY -tion will be taken. See billsfor full —Irene Hortishaw, Gertrude Pafoe,
.0hildr0n, Office and residemoo,Brougham.
particulars. Essy -Skopitz. Pr. A—G'Ordon Madill
0 r
,J George Hackney, Oliffoid Madill,
PI.CK 'PING MEDICAL SURGICAL Bran, Shorts, umbo', WHITdY' B—Izzy Skopitz. Rub Wl�qiED'
Ruby Michell, Beu. •BARLEY
land X-RAY, INS..TI.TUTE- The ladies of the parish -gu-3dof A lab Postill. OATS
Wheat' Screenings n.
PICk �G;' O.'TARIo Saints' Church held a very successful Get my price's before' selling g
IL RLGIN TO bazaar on Tuesday afternoon and even- �OBITUARY
WLE, M. B., M. D., C.. M., _0 I
ing in the
PhyaiUan-in-ebarge tOWD 'hall. Tegilzing some
All kinds o Cho
_p elsewhere.
SPOOL&Iist lit! Rectal Diseases. f _L IN *_-3 * -j- .
Prostatic Dia- T P fo]intimilri� at
The Mtli' Battal1-0_n_wTi_TeiLve, b Z e- ali_Lrges tock on hand of
of Ment Diseases of Women, CLE100", Y pendeni, ci�f A refers ave M1
Ttnziors. ay examination. Diseases o special train for which awar en, low
Beaverton, wh h to-thedeath of Mrs. Patrick, daugbt-
mr, nose, throat and mase. ptuiriggi
all actite and chronic . "I. I . . . town they will leave on Monday. Th er of Willinm and Mrs.'Cassie, Brou. -BARLEY FEED'
O&Q4 Hours 12 to 3 and? to 9 P. in. 6917 will visit Csnnibgton, Sunder
'SCRANTON COAL'D. L. ai�'4. , Sunderland, them : -One of the saddest ev:ents.it 'BRA -N
Uxbridge and Port Perry, remaining as been the duty of the Independent
at each place'for two days. They will
STOVE, � CHESTNUT, PEA to record for a long time is the death
arrive in WhUby on the 25th'or 26th. of Mrs. Chas, W. Patrick and her in•sri
E. FAREWELL, K.C.-I BARRIS- where they will remain for a couple of fant twin daughters, which occurred MIDDLINGS
Camt OWN. Whhbv. I&T AND STEAM.. days, after which th0v will go to Osh- at her home in Carpenter, S. D., last
• T23.0oung oravittAttorney, and 00=11y
4 awa. Exhibitions of si�cal drill by Saturdayand Sunday. Mrs. Patrick CRUSHED 0
ISTIAN, Barrister and
E- CHL the whole Battalion will be given. gave birth to twin girls Saturday,'ATS
a go-licitor. Nots, Exhibitions by the machine Run. sec . :. P
_ry Public. Etc. mousy to J- L. SPINKP LIMITED - Both died at birth, and the following And will give special 'prices for
can. 0000 BtO4* St. North. Whitby. 9617 tion and-gWallers will also be given. day the mother also passed.aw4y. The
The band will accompany them and
FICKERING,'ONT. pany bodies'of the in lfkrg'e 4dantitie'
other and babes *ere a for all bought'
Dental furnish music, and If the weather is brought to Hawarden on Tuesday for
LA K E B. BEATON. D. D. S., C; fine, - a. open air ' concerts
oncerts may be given. interment and funeral services'were during February..
JLA Graduate of the Boyd College of 1jents, R BRXWST]tR held at two a clock this afternoon at
of Tworito, OUNNARTON
.19ursecas And Unlyerafty -Office
Veterinary Surgeon the Presbyterian church, Rev. A. M.
W. X. Primatei hardware store. McIntosh preaching the tune
09560 hours 9 to 12; 1 to A-30. Ind p=11 Honor Graduate of the kiss Isabel Senales is visiting frien funeral ser.
:Ban phone Im. Ontario mon. The body of the mother and
of tIfe Ontario
ary Associate win babes were laid to rest in the
• "Iy Veterinary College Fwd Honor- In Toronto.
Miss Risk. of Toronto, id the guest the t
fu*ins I 4cm of Mrs. 0, A. Gillespie. a Grace Hill cemeter
Veterinary College. a I'm' stave
f everyone is extended
Rik Ind. phone am R. and Mrs. Taylor are spending a ab
W The ey'tp t 7 0
to tb , , ,
G. HAM—Issuer of M few drys w e be a ed husband in this sad
• lAcemses, In the Cons e ChLremont with his uncle. Win. Taylor' hour. "S ASTLAK E
kering Village, ly of On 0. Ontario Don'r forget the --Boot Social" to be
271y given this (Friday) evening in the The shingle that has given satis-
TPOUCHER. Real Estate Aue- NEW BUTCHER 311 basement of the church. .111R000HAM faction for over 80 years. E
o tionser, valuator, calisetcir and Ismer Remember the- patriotic concert to Empire
Corriigated It with a in. by 4 171,
of =&rriatite licenses, Brougham. Wy hPId In the cbUreb her M. Gerow was In Whitby an Mon` 21 a. -corru -
e On Monday day on bual gation, see it before you -
A fun lineaf Fresh Meat's4l"y& nee@.
HOPPER Issuer of Marriage 4vetting next by the 182nd Battalion. . Miss Alice Nuttall visited with Miss buy other makes. If you are
Do Licene" in the County of Ontario. on hand at shop. A most interesting prog moven
vivill be -Mabel Bamilton on Saturday, needofaCrearn Separator. T
Ofit" at store and b" residence. Claremont. Wa given consisting Or moving pictures Pte. Clifford Wannop and Pte. Ar. a Premier for ry
gott on road every day. showing the allied troops in action at 80 days. Also
T% B.BEATON TOWNSHIPOLERK at the -front as well as a number of tbur Wood were here over Sunday.- gasoline engines frons
Fresh Pork SausageMrs. John Hamilton has been on See or write we before buying.
-A-Re ConverYsZoar, Oommimimicner for takiling a "'Clalty Pictures Of a humorous character, the Wit, list. but is now on the way to
SINAT!". Accounts&$. 814116 Money to loan
an faras Issuer of Butcher's cattle wanted Music both vocal and instrumental recovery, Bell Phone.
Mary"" Lia. will be given including anutuberof
fenow" VFW= Oat. F -v e.
JAS 'OR `G aelections by the 182nd Batt. Oscar White and family, of Toronta. ,F. ,j. Prouee,_ Pickem
O'CONN PICHERIN hand. motored out and spent Sunday with
HUGH S. PUGH. GIeii Major. Ont. Carter King and Church Sts. Addiressea wilt be given by Col. Cock• big brothers here.
Licensed Anctioxwes, Extensive exper. burn. 311re. Parsons; returned soldiers
lone* in imported and thorocabbred stock Mrs. Leo Hayward. - of Toronto; lei
sales )ndtacted anywhers, Write for tam and-otbers. - VEverybody dome and en- CEMENT TILE
and pan(culars. FbanoiLmid.2114. 364y' SEE OUR N spending a few daYs'with her paren.te,
EW lay gleasant evening, A silver cal- sPeE
ect n will betaken tabelp-to pay el- Ch&p. A. and Mrs.,Barclay.
Licensed Auctioneer, -penses, as began the manu-
POSTILL. . SAWING MACEINE8 - S. H. Stevenson returned frorii fbe- The uitderalitied has tar Counties of York and OnsarmL Ana. We sell. emery wheels, circular -A dark gloom. wits cast over. the hospital. Toronto, an Monday. We facture of cement the train 8 to 12
UO MOOG of " kinds att=u#d to an shorlsel
Z= Add. G., at,. p. 0.. on,, saws, gasoline• engines and community -on Thursday evening hope to see him around again Inn few inches. Call and get quota,
cutters and . buggies. last, when it was learned that tions at yards on Brock
'W B. POWELL, Licensed Auc- Styles to suit everyone, Miss Elsie Gatward. ibe"eldest daught- "Mrs. B. Feasby left .on Wednesday _rqaid, half mile west of
"Oseer, vat circular
and York, An kinds of saws, hartitmered and to. join her husband In Ogb&WL, where Spink Mille.
--- son" of ons 136tor and collector for er of H. R. and Mrs. Gatward. -had
gummed died at Wellesley Hospital, To he has securefda position with tha*Mc- Also, Cement k'ept constand!y
eoadnoted either privately Or by suction. Prices reasonable. ronto, Lauffbito Co.
dates or Other paruattlars apply as M1- - , following an operation. The little girl on hand.
"111414t, 2111sabeth 5L Plakerins. Phone orders I can accommodate a few more colts who -wag The Ladies' Aid of the Christian
win re. and young cattle to pasture. ral favorite, was taken III on Monday. W. E
Intl as XxVs oilice, Pickering. ten years of &ire. and a gene -
so" Prompt fitsenuon. 8"aftesfan 91114,716111- church will meet at the home of Mm Frank Mitchell
Mod. Also mal" spas for Ford Cars. my "VV mg but her co Holtby on Wednesday, M
3M TA condition was tipt considered
sib"st number to Inaspeaddart I sox. 17th, �t the usual hour. All are W4,T PICKBRING —A
19ROC K - ROAP. dangerous until nursday morninsr.
wben was burriedly taken to the St. John's Ladies are redo'T—atingthe
hospital far an operation which w"
PLANT BOVES 'I at once performed. This.. however, cushions and otherwise improving the
4,01'a -mi r,
failed to save her fire as she died that appearance of the interior of the edi.
At 80 cents per hundred, evening. Her funeral took place on ace. A bee will be held in the chuiA
Sund to Erskine ceme. all day Tuesday to which an the ladies I have about l5w ft. of No. 1.
ay afternoon
if ordered right tory. Si: littleil ftbe congregation are invited. hemlock 1x8x9 to le ft. Ion that
Iris, herflor y.
9 mat— abted as-- pa,1143eare. m Lieut. W. J. Beaton. who Oiled the I want to move and will sell At
-,:rd T', pulpit so acceptibi
-91,wa -
Y. A. L McFacfadyen conducted an ap 8L John's close price for each in lots of 1000
vice. The floral
Cho in and Oat Rollin Toronto and
I have For Sale a House and Lot tribtitesfrow fdenda, In T� occupy the pulpit In the Christian • or more,
y 10
propriate tune ser Church a week ag tart Sunday. will
Pickering Village. IA rge Dunbarton were beautiful. Th Church' at the morning service on
e dee Crave contracted for a supply of gj
usu y is
The Brougham Women's Ing car about March 15.
la family in their sad be aveLmej Institute garden, some young fruit eat sympathy of the communit e Sunday next and that of the Methodl- Sarnia fence and expect a
trees. Everything in tenoed to Mr. and Mrs. Gatward and ist Church in the evening.
as repair. -re will hold their annual busi
Go Baimes, Oreen'Riverl Call Aad see 'a this ` 3t.
see me a a is 'a bar-_ t the home of MYs W.meen meet- You know this febde and " I asap
Ing IL J. Devitt
Or address R. R. No. 1. Locust Bill. • gain for someone. WHITEVALK
on Tuesday. May l6th, at LSD p. im. satisfied that my price will
William Burton had a flying visit to All -members are requested to be rbe suit you.
W 'a A
V. RicharbbM. Whitby last week, ant as there will be important bualne
Clisirries (Yhlatlysp.�nt Sunday with t-0 transact, * Refreshments will be Coal, cement, lumber, 'lath
bin brother, A. -J. 0 Mally. served shingles, ready'rooflog
OgN.T.HILIP after the meeting Is over.
Notary Public, Pickering.' D. and Mrs. Rogers visited with The C-. N. -R. evening train for To- and wire. log
Has a full line of tresh and cur- Pickering friends on Sunday. Onto will &top on being flagged
r at always in stock.
flisp Brown, of Broquifhnam, en t- Brock Road for passengers every §at-
-Swunfida-y- - with 317is-9 -Helen Troyer. urdaT-aveninq an every evening
spice, ROU, Breakfast Bacon, If you
Mrs.D:S. Turt*r has been visiting holidays, This train is due at 8. is P. •-Ge __REES0R,__
- Matta, Pure, wafkii r(
ed weste"constantly on hand.
u are wise yon will use the only her mother, Mrs. -Elizabeth White, in, and the privilege thus given will
Elam, Zolo6m, Weiners, etc. Ideal well, drilled by Cbas. B. Rice, Toronto. be much appreciated by the residents LOCUST HILL
Highest prices who is agent fol Wind Mills, Gasoline We are glad tq see Harrison John• of the surrounding country. It may
cLes psid for Engines, all kinds of pipe and fittings' son ierecovering-frotha severe attack also be noted "that'. the train for To-
B�itcbier's cattle for waterworks. Also bathroom fix- of rheumatism, runic will stop on the morning of
attention. dents of the districts chance to
tures, etc. Everything given careful Miss Jane Thornton has gone to re. 24tb of May which will give the
side with -bee- sister, Mi s:" Wilkinson, spend
ekering live RICE'S PUMP IVORKS, at Springfield, Ont. the day in the city.
Home Tel. M21. Lieut. W. J. and Mrs, Beaton spent A patriotic coneer f-will-be_&iven in waw
Whitevale,-O SundRv with the latter's mother,%ria. the town hall.bere nn the evening of
First-class rigs. for hire W. Hilborn, of Toronto. Thursday next, May 111th, by the 182nd
Battalion. A splbndid programme
Day or night The Pickering Lieut: Fi*d, A.' Major. -who- is at- - COMING, TO'
tendi" the Provisions) tach will -be rendered M aiiating of
Bus meets all trains' ruction at Toronto, was bomeon pictures.of a military -nature as well
rning Sunday. as some of a, humorous character.
Tes; -pr6mptly'attended to. _Tfigfflaince Committee Our Drug Store
Mrs. Moody and her son, •Mitjnr Vocal and instrumental music. includ- V11
Agent for Canada Carriage Co.
Moody C. O. 10 Company, 118th Batt., Ing selec'tions by the band. Addresses F. A. Graham, of Montreal, one of
The object]all IN'to
of this Associat' Whitby. itnil Lieut. 4 H. Major spent will be given by Col. A. A. Cockburn,
We- He Peaks Pickqiring. ..lessen stealing and Or6secifte Sundayrwitb the latter's parents, A tubo is the officer in command of the Canada's leading Optoineterists
the felons. E. and Mrs. Major. Battalion, returned soldiers and Others will be -at our store from
Lieut. Howard Langford was home A silver.collecti6n will be taken to de: Thursday, May . 4th,
Members having property stolen cimin . uni. . fray expenses. Everybody is wel-
on Sunday and will leave shortly for until Saturday,
Idan Havo Enlisted I 0"i immediately with any member Sault Ste. Marie, where be hat; an ap- come.
7 May 13th..
M anyvacancies must be filled.. of Executive Committee,- ointment as signalling. officer irr the
9tb Battalion now being recruited FARMERS' INSTITUTES We have' known Mr. Grallain for
Right now the demand Mimbership fie $1.00., In that city, can recommend him
years and
Orr the*
Tlcketstn% ebidfrom The annual meeting and electiou, of "Boards -of Agriculture," instead of, as one of the best nien
as k I 1Z deal 6r
Wirow retsry onapplitu officers of the Whitevale Branch of -Farmers' Institutes" have been de- in the business.
the Women's Institute will be held in tided upon by the Ontario Depart -
0 EX19C. Com.—L. D. Banks C; S. Palm- the basement of the Methodist
ng. 6n Wednesday, May 17th, at 3 p. m. the reorganization of the system,
• er, W. V. Richardson, Bunke,
Church ment of Agriculture in connection with
All ladies are requqsted to be present, Each board _�Will cover the same terri- -..FARMERS
.1,A.0'Connort - 11V,1$ Clark. TORONTO. 0 T. President' The 182nd Battalion will give a 4ory Rirthe eld institute. Treat your seed for smut. $5,000,.
is fully Are times our ggg.Dly. I secretary patriotic concert to the Oddfellows' One ,aim ofthe boards shall be�to
This 000 lost to farmers through swift
hardly seems possible, It is true. Hall. here, on the evening of Wpdnes- improve the nature of pubic meetings in grain crops In: Ontario fix 1915.
Business Men x,;ow- oar graduate@ TO SHARPENED day, May 17tb. A most Interesting held in the district controlled by a
are -first-class therefore they program will be rendered consisting beard. Fewer such meetings will he Prevent -.this by using Formalin.
the habit of applying to us when In We me Vial of crosscut saws, of a variety of moving pictures, but held, but only speikers of recognized No disappointment when. you
need of reliable office help. Tools 1 11 kinds. Locks repaired.
chiefly of a military character. vocal merit will be engaged. use oars,
open all year. Enter now; Cata- Razor -boning a spqcialty. 'For a and instrumental music. including The boards will also encourage the I lb. bottle 40 cents
fl rnf-
logue free. class hair trim or an easy shave call selections by tbi'lftnd babd- Ad- formation of Farmers' -Clubs, and Im-
at the East -end Barber Shop. dresses will be given by Mrs. Parsons, 'provement of the quality of live stock Half lb. bottle 25 cents Fy
' n -A
i A
W. J. Itillott, Principal See our House Furnishings of* all of Toronto. Col. Cockburn. returned in tbeir'district.
Yong* and Charles Sts. kinds, Slightly used Idlers and others. Everybody come
-Carpets and have a pleasant evening. A silver Toronto will contest the Ontario Druggist- Graduate Optician
Gor. Yo from 15 cents a yard up, . - -_ - --To- Moore Naraddell.
-IRDON rollection will be taken to help to de- WFkr Tax.
W. J. Cit PICKE�klVG fray expenses,
;Z77 _U
7— Ir
-noo the Coco's
During the nexf aftp?
b ie�Char_waaghased by a warship, a fast -There's a Su t
British destroyer this time, which put
race. But the
.,,Silver More BIOUSM LlngerLe and up a determinedabout the delicious flavour of
Skirts—more Table Linen— Oocos's powerful engines settled to
their task, and maintained a lead be-
rnore Sheets and PJUOW C23,53
more Curtains --- are sand the range of the destroyers's
Gloss''tardhed with "Silver Glos3". hplls. The eciliptain did not seem^th" xt2rch in anxious to show his utmost speqd; lie..00- I- All
CO. LIMITED Canada. YOtu grocer Pa4l%,- 4W
came on. Then -be dodged, to and
"T fro for a while. with lights blaniketed,
:k, f ','CFO ana Laundry arid presently left the British ship far B 106'
L# -to the leeward, her ineffectual searchl
light playing back and forth over the
Starch This flavour is unique and never found
Empty waste.
d to be repeated
Thi same ruse had teas.
Let us mail
in cheap, ordinary t
next day this time for the benefit of
the Australian cruiser Sydney. Crallic sample. Black, Mixed or Greene
-1 you a
gathered over :he 'phone that she was
acting as convoy
To a fleet of five
certain merchant vessels. Then, too, ce . Which Is Your Way ?
not, believe that the intelligence which
l,,rONE -HAND code messages, picked up during the had conceived and directed this -, Two
niKht by the wireless -operator, seem- grin, men were leaning over the
or ly masquerade was on this ship.' If: pasture bars. Their conversation
indicate that a sriiall gray ship,
t why. not j is related in the Western Fa
having given the slip to several war- one such craft could. operate I Farmer of
apWre. Pi rate vessels, was: under suspicio . n. The a dozen? Where there not others Spokane, Washington, as follows
The C ofa German.. I now at large under various disguises?
-captain. evidently decided that these, I Yes, Sir, that col( is for sale, but
It was his duty to se that the in-' belongs to, my son in the, field yon.
waters were to well guarded. then he - si he
would seek new postures.; fur he set a i a . rmadull lie had should re 17— .:-- I clier. You'll have. to Wn WM
C41AFrER Ill.- kvollt'd.-) -the- tube. For,t1w.firs- time he rea� se at a good speed miralty, that the ports and lanes of'
'literal, sel-' south-west cour Seven Seas be watched for such him," said the farmer, motioning to
Mogawhille by watched with intense lined the capabilities of the the e
action.-,- of the crew before elltiLtiv 'Teutonic mind. The men be- which led, through unfrequented seas, , could take no un- the boy. "He'll' be here presently
Ill the w . ghouls. So he ' and you can talk to him."
"him. They stepped into the posi ' tions Jure hirl not look cruel or brutal. . toward the Dutch Ea�t Indies. necessary chances' with his life ret. "That boy!" ejaculated the stranger.
A week passed by quietly, and the
aijut prepared the whe for action with 'They were eirrijAy carrying out a. "Yes, George is seventeen, and a
is of long plan W its logical conclusion. - Their- Cocos was breading her way through For two days longer the Cocos cruis
the quickness and 'certain the narrow seas of the Dutch archi- ed north -ward through the Indian! smarter boy never was raised on any
practice. The deadly missile -us'al- opt�ration% could be -carried on only I I . I
ready in plxce;'he knew row when, it -by Absolute secrecy. They could pelagoes. Not a ship had been sight- Ocean, while Crane grew restless and; farm—if I do say it. You ought to
d except two small traders' with nervous from enforcid confinement -hear him in debate. He can hold his
was put there. In a few minutes. not burden themselves with prisoners' e y Then, in early morn He raised
'Imapped off. except a They knew before they attacked that which the Cocos exchanged signals,'.and inactivit end With the best of 'em.
the lights %V --re reportiniz herself as bound from the ing, the lookout reported smoke a- that colt and the sale money goes In.
wh,ch barely illuminated the crew of the freighter must die. The i a nam.
small bulb
Marshall Group for Borneo, -Twice- head. , Soon it speared that they were to the bank n his e. He's sad
the sighting - mechanism. T"IcIr a destruction of the few miserable, three large ing for a course in an agricultural
she stopped at small trading stations, everhauling a fleet of
-slid back, and a large porthole helpless survivors was, to them, not
fr panel - left a little freight, and took on : mall'pa'senger-steamers convoyed by a college; then I'll step down and out
opened in the Urboard bow. . Crane' murder, but A simple miliary mea- battleship which was in the lead. and he'll run the old farm. Here,
ntitie., of shell and Copra, doubt
They must not be *left to be qua I
could not see- the _d9omed freighter, sure.
ik reflection of her' picked up and to spread their story. less- to strengthen her disguise in When this was learned, Cocoa George, this man is looking at your
but -he- could see the
lights on the _ waten- Fherw were.A.At was no worse than dropping bombs cal Of' necessity. Certainly the, slackened speed and allowed the flotilla two-year-old."
sleeping cities:, shell 'part of the cargo strengthened to draw away. At sundown the look The bargain was soon concluded,
few low orders, clicking- of mal from aircraft on or
'her adbur perceptibly. %meti - meslout reported the smoke bo -
visible. but notbefore the buyer had learned
inery, and then a -,,�udden hiss of es- shelling towns filled with. non-com- ,
a in the men w the corridor : The crisis was -still PostPon
long black sbadwo patents, both common event alked through e& - ---- t the sevvriteen-year-old boy waa a
caping. air as a lot of Crane, al he lay .
shot through •the open poll Re- present war. Nev'ertheless his flesh within a -few Leet About eight o'clock, however, a mea- keen judge of horse flesh and knew
gardless of danger, Crane leaped UP crept and- his fingers closed. convul--. in his narrow cell; but his luck held. sage passed over the 'phone that the worth of his colt.
his ventilator. 7lively on the handle of his heavy Then one dark night dies ran the brought Crane up on the alert Picked Two men were leaning over the
and scrambled into
The night was black, the sky over
Leuger. Strait of Sul between Sumatra and up by the wireless operator, it identi- pal bars.
least. Hardly athousand yards away.' Presently the torpero-crew finished 'Java, and when the morning came Sed the flotilla ahead as H. M. Battle- Yes, Sir, them steers are as 900A
'and slightly in advance, the British., their work, the panel were shut, and were in the India Ocean, standing out ship Dauntless, eonvoying three trans- as ever was raised in this town. That
in the track of shipping from Aur- I
!ked they filed out through tho'hatchway. ports that carried five thousand Aus- boy over there cans em hi. &M has
vessel glided along, her bulk pricked
out by occasional lightsShe seemed Crane lay thinking for an hour or tralia to the Suez Canal. tralian troops, bound to the help of; fussed with 'ern ever since they were
. i
not to realize the COCOS'S presence. more as the ship settled into quiet. A I All this time Crane had been 'busily the Mother Country. The speed of calves. Hey? Oh, that makes no dif-
in his ii it comes to selling.
Everything w4ka calm and quiet.. his i plan was taking shpLpe Working at night and lying hidderr by I the Cocos increased, and bey course ference
refused to realise the mean- and he wished to work it out to the day. His work was laborious and; swung slightly to port.Crane let They were fed from my mow, and I
that -in'st&Z bL—k.-ahape slip- Jest dota 1. When midniKht came, he %low, by reason of his inadequate himself out of his chamber
and hull reckon the casli goes Into My pocket.
-ftwtan necessity rind to-Ifial-c-o-Vout OW. - Scull the ftY 5 a, r UZI&I 81 n0will He
so silently through the blackroused himself and climbed down to tools an"—e t nece A
water. A few moments thus, and then the floor; The time for work- had work noiselessly a4d leave behind no deck lights flicked out, and -the gun -.keeps talking of quitting, and I cant
a red, glare showed at the freighter's' come. =visible trace of his operations. This crew came forward and began strip-!, keep him bringer than be is twenty..
water -line And flamed upward, setting; -.much he had accomplished. Digging ping the1:
-piece. He realised that the one. He might take the old farm slid
out every detail of the. scene like a CHAPTER IV. I patiently, hour after hour, with his captain would try to sink one or more let me have a rest, but he will not'
photogTapher'& flashlight. - He saw, His first act was to locate the-mech_ small gimlet, saw, and chisel, he had of these transports. and trust to the listen to that. Well, it can't be help -
spaces in one of help -
the and his great speed to slip ed. sill I see. You dpn't offer quite
the big freighter heel over; a quarter anism that opened the concealed dooi. hollowed out two
of her port -side disappeared, show -He tried it; the panels parted easily.. thick coiling -beams, and had planted -away from the guns of the battleship. I what I consider the steers worth,
Ugh to slip two of the twenty -pound shells direct- They represented great prizes to the but there's no use in feeding 'em any
7"Ins her interior structure like a liou'
He opened the door wide eno -ly under the feet of the gun -crew on -captain, well worth the risk. - Crane longer. They're yours.'
struck by a cycloll The glare -died- through, found thel could operate con -
down; then a'second explosion came it from the Inside, and closed it be- deck, and likewise just over the heads realised that the crisis was at hand, Which boy, made a successful.
t carefully over of this torpedo-crem To make aura p'und his courage and determination tented farmer, and why I
as the water reached her boilers, and hind him. Then he west
a shower of embers from -her, furnaces every detail of the giant tube and the he had planted two more shells. in roseto meet it. Everything hinged on
Saw out and hissed into the sea. A lay -out of the room. The ceiling: the floor just under the sliding -door his actions in a few short minutes, and
as through the forward bulkhead..head., The his brain cooled and his muscles hall
muffled rear filled- his ears, a sharp hung low on heavybeams, that wid
He outside sections of wood removed tied to the teak, As longi &a'& man does his level best
-blast of air struck his face, and the the cockpit of the gun overhead. 7;'
tossed in the waves. was familiar with all the details of he flitted back Into place, puttying. the (To be Continued.) - h . e isn't going down bill.
All was dark n6w; o. y 0 ELe went back cracks with a mixture of sawdust and
0 0 6 0
bulk showed where. the freighter lay— - to his den for his tools, d with siersped iron , then opens buicied
a his two wereconn1111111
concealed black bulk that settled slowly, slow- � the breech of the tube. For ro rust. These shells wer , con, �c'
ly lower. A jumble of minor sounds' hours he worked silently and rapidly. by his fine copper wires, c e, L le I E wilen digestion fail,, W er
name across to him, small explosions, then he closed- the breech, arranged cracks in the planking; caulked with docs of tine. climatic changes, overwork,
oi diet. nothing so soon restores
The everything as he had found it, and dust. The wires ran ;ack below the
Screams, shouts, commands. or error,
'black bulk heaved once endwise, set- stood Up With a Sigh of relief. He freight and up to his lookout station tnne and healthy activity to the digestive
ventilator. The free ends M E A L S N,4tem as the root and herb cztract—
!tied back gently, and disappeared. For had disarranged the steering appall under the S.
a few moments there was silence. tus of the great steel fish inside.. In- were fastened some three inches a- Mother Scigel's S)Tup, it toilk- and
straight ahead to part, so that he could bridge the gap�regulates the liver and bowel, sv�.tcrn of the decayed Then, like the crack of a whip, the I and ck-ars the
. . j stead of swimming a
�.,Coeos's searchlight. leaped across the: its mark, this one would curve rapid- with his saw -blade. * Then he brought products of indigestioq--the fruitful crave Of l3cid-11A I'M
waters and played upon the spot. A, ly away and lose itself in in a lead from the electric -light Wires,
ge floated -surprisingly
sea. and this plant was ready. A simple
little wreckafloated-surprisingly So he cloised the i?ulkhead door and
'little. A few'nien clung to boxes or
sought out one of the small iron -touch of his switch would seal the
'planks, -and one small boat, with about hound, boxes. This he opened, and fate of every man around the torpedo- flatulence., brain fag; and 'biliousncs4,
tube and the gun above. ood nourish yota, and thus build
acidity, heartburn, s licalt,li on good digetition.
a dozen occupants, rowed toward, found, as he had anticipated, a num
them.. The Cocos was swinging In berof the twenty -pound shells. Four The thing that worried him most
closer, and Crane expected. to see a, of these be lugged into his den, then was the uncertainty all to conditions,
boat manned foL-the rescue.- - Then I carefullye in the stern of the ship. He suspect -
bid the box away. Then b
he heard a cyisp order forward, and once more retired to his den, where led that another gun was Foncea . .:MOTHER J
knew nothing of how Jt
law die -craw of the quick-*rer-�' unds of his work --were less like- there, but
..to 8 odd _S
'r you was placed. However, he -did not The --al.00idw ocawns three fimes as
The gun swung . _ to be detected. much an the trW viss
stations: cg you ; I ly 0' venture on deck, even at night YRUPS
`three sharp explwions rent the air in pening the, dare t v
It was ticklish work o, at Me Per bat"
�Pld succession. Three more -ex- Ibig cartrdiges; but his pians called -The slightest suspicion of his presence -------- - -------- -------
plosions echoed , back as the shells for it, and open them he must. His on board meant death, and, worse than 04*0*�si
-reached their mark, and the small trusty bag yielded a small coil of. death the failure of, all his plans.. He ------
and had seriously considered death; it was DISTLIUll M
boat crumpled like an eggshell. Once
waterproof fuse and some caps; --- For CAT&I13HAL FMVZZS
so easy to blot this ship instantly from
more the searchlight swept the scene, when his daylight bedtime arrived the PINK EYE AND ALT, NOZ
then flickered out; the hum of the en- foui shells had changed into excellent the face of the waters. A hatifter A" T OAT IDZK"=S.
'. the ' swung on the nose of one of these X . I
gins quickened, and, the e nose of hand -grenades, with five -second fuses. ' He Curep i . he . nick Rnd acto as a preventive for other*.
�4hip swung away.to the west. Meanwhile his chart showed that.the torpe0os, and the thing was done. a
nameless Liquid given nn the tontine. :cafe. for brood mares on
and body, d would go too, like scores, of By the bottle or
Sick at -heart in mind a ody, captain had changed his course, an
---was heroes who have given iip life gladly all others: Best klanpy remedy.
-Pil crent flown frorn the __w� heading south-wert Evid for the dozen. gold by all druggists And turf goods houses, or -
to accomplish lesser things -P -.anufacturers, Booklet,
find lay almost listlessly watching the ently be had deci6erl to look.for vie-' lierit express ps11A. b� t!
German crew as they opened the near -1 ng the sea -lane betWeen Hon- Motherland. The results were worth "Distemper, Causes A�-.a Cura., free.
eat box and fitted another torpedo into I ties along i the cost, but for one thing. He did SVCXK MZDZCA6L Co., abomis-z..
olulu and A-Jz-ra�iar
iR 7 .r. . . . . . .
Satin and Serge Combinations-
4he ass@ IWOUG--
Dainty Dishes. about the summer styles is their de-
- Cherry --�-Ariange cided youthfulness; this is bot
and Cheese Salad.
h in line
individual. slicer, of cream cheese on and coloring. The straight linedl
lettuce leaves. Surround with can frocks and suits of serge, garbardine, 1
ned white cherries in which the stone5 10 taffeta and faille
lend grace and youth HI
has been replaced by peanut. Put to all types of figures. For instance,'
al 3 a yoked, pleated frock of dark blue
spoonful mayonnaise dressing on each
'cheeie slice and garnish with mares- serge trimmed with black taffeta may SHOES
chino cherry. A little cherry juice be worn by the large woman or the
added to dressing adds to its favor. Fon Lvany SPORT
small- one with equally good results..
Mushrooms -Just let them simmer' One particularly good model worn by ^V4D RECREATION
gently in browned butter until tho- a large woman, at an exhibition re- Sold J* cM gggd Shm DeclIM
rughly cuoked. The flavor and sue- cently, was made with a deep shoulder Cr—
Jcess of the, mushrooms depends upon OVID, Ignib
yoke of black'taffeta, the serge laid
Oh Xila=
.,the slowness of the process. if you in deep, flat pleats, hanging straight,
-UFe a chafing dish, turn the flame
from the yoke. A girdle, consisting
-down to low, or if it is electrically of two narrow stitched straps of the
eary William=I've bent a few of the bars,.but still. -I can't get -aut. b1sok--gilky came wall down confined to sport suits
'fitted—use rower power. At -least- ',a by any meansp
half-hour ii required in eooking. '-From the London Daily Graphic. hiRs- giving a long, slander appears: many a. simple. little -serge frock has,
----7---New--D-easertTake -a pint of rhu- encsCo'i�- —rat -h -e -r "heavy fl., - - 9 note of chic oy the ad -
—7 — --!dition of one of those collars or tim'
barb, cut it into inch long. pieces, then NeW pretty adaptation of the same style Of
In hats, too, the idea is to
cover with a cupful of sugar. Let be properly drained on paper, after S dress is illustrated here in serge for, nod dciwi�
this stand for an hour. Now have being taken from the pan of fat. If Spreaft God the slender, younger woman. and made effective use of In tailored
a large pudding pant' at hand, into yqu do not care to go to the trouble -is effective with serge; and of millinery. R
}which you Can put the rhubarb, a pint of making -a sauce, roll each fritter course the combination of navy blue There are han&painted belts of
-cad,/crumbs and a cupful of in powdered sugar. Broadcast Berge and black satin is quite as pop- suede and antelope -akin being shown,'
of bi
raisin:; ';n layers. Add a _half -cup- offering another effective way of in -I..
alar this season again as it has been
troducing it bit 'of Color in a dark
Sul 'of hot water. A. final layer of Helpful Hints. for several seasons past. One mesa
:breud crumbs should be added to the WANTS EVERYBODY TO KNOW many smart serge frocks With sleeve- linen or serge costume. Some of thAi
top and the whole cooked in the over dissolve medicine WU&' DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS'
a Alcohol will dism less coatees of black satin, half skirts most effective ones shown this yew,
`11,r 40 minutes. Cover the top of the Paper bags make good over- of satin, sleeves of satin, and the vari- are of suede, in the favored soft blues' 4,
dish during the first half-hour of 1sk- ing for Jars with .food is ous Other notions favored for the
0 C
in- - Serve with whipped cream. Paint stiains, on th arpet modish combining of two or more
Creamed Asparagus -Tie the bunch dissolved with spirits Of turpentine contrasting materials. Scarcely a
Up -with a soft string, cut off the Dark calico" should be ironed o uis Champagne, Alter a Long -frock apper rs these days made strict-
neces-;;Pry' part, and cook- for at least the wrong side with irons that are n Period of ickness and Weakness, ly of one material. - It is a fad
-.25 minutes in salted water. Have too hot. I which makes for economy and bacon*.
few slices of crustless toast -
When the furniture looks sticky Or Says lie �ound New Health In ingness.
reatty a
-d l,r%-Rd. Dip these in the asparagu. sinewy too much furniture polish has, Dodd's Kidoey Pills. Hand Painting on Sport Costurn4a
---hquur-.-tlrz-n-tmtter--we41 and-orrange- -boon. Use&
The sport costume B anothpasta_ s er youth-
lon bei (SpeeW.)L fol- -notion.___ _htfUl_
a platter. Drain the asparagus Soak nuis -1-ri--hot -water �' �--Hferand,- t May Oth
and place it on the toast. Now make cracking and the nuts, will be much -5'rong LnPbearty again after a Pealing of freedom, both of movement
Is 1114c4. cream sauce, using a cupful more likely to come out whole. long �OeTriod
01 weakness and ill -health, and spirit. There is something very
'of milk, a teaspoonful of flour and a If roses are starved and otherwise, Louis oll becoming and exhilarating about the
ham cne, a well-sknown, real
tablt%poonful of butter " seasoning. neglected they are more apt to be at- dent lace, is spreading I
combinations of vivid colorings in. the
iA tlie simplest of dishes, but it tacked by insects and other pests. Cast the good news that he found new wide striped, checked, and printed
is a In ever welcome one. Instead of Crating cheese or the I health- and. strength in Dodd's Kidney novelty fabrics 'now being used In
Stuffed Mutton Chops. - Remove rind of a lemon, pare it off car Pills. skirts and suits. The middy-blou3e
borws from six double -ribbed mutton and put it tbrough the meat chopper. "For a long time." Mr. Champagne costume is popular with all; one of
chop-, or have butcher remove them, Mix the batter cakes in a wide-! states in an interview, 111 suffered the now m&teriala--beinc-used--f*t-
i�-place with sausage meat (about ones, mouth pitcher. It to easier to po from ki .-A t-1-1
e er ca Is an adaptation of the old-
fg;ur-th peendi and' -fasten wish skew- kes, thin It Is to alp app ife was uncertain, and I got up fashioned Joan. This material wears
yrs, a'lowingskewers. to project two or in- the morning with a bitter taste in quite as well as its old-time blue pre.
three irehes.- .,Lay chops in dripping 'Coarse salt and water is the beat my mouth. There were flasKe-sof light decessor, is reasonably priced, and a
pan, dr.-fte lightly with pepper and cleans" for wicker furniture and sum- before my eyes, and I had a dragging most Satisfactory material -generally
salt. ani roast fox twenty-five minutes, mar matting. Use a strong brush, sensation across the loins. My limbs for middy blouse and accompanying
hating frequpntly with two table- and be sure to dry the articles thor- were L heavy and I was, always tired. skirt.
An effective combination for
SPO(L n4 "Then I decided to try Dodd's Kid. !a middy costume Is one of the bright
. butter dissolved in 'cup hot wat- oughly.
'er. -4on skewers and While ironing it Is a good PIS
Place paper frill n to ney Pills, and f am Clad to be able awning striped linens or ducks, with
from drippings in pan. In get a clean brick (a white one if post to say that two boxes made me w IL blouse of plain white, collared and
'rerving ?a Kidney 11 r,
arrange ebops in circle on sible) as a stand. The Iron will re I recommend Dodd dn y Pi a to cuffed in the stripes.
round chop plate, with peas ort vege- taint beat much longer than if an all those who suffer from feebleness
The hand -painted or stencilled halt
4abh-'of day hosped, in center, allow- open Iron stand be used. or bad -kidneys."
has been a fad for some time, its vivid
ins ruiner frills on skewers to edge If vegetables are wilted they should If you have the symptoms mention -
parrot. chanticleers, conventionalized
not be pared or Prepared in any way, ed by Mr. Champagne You May be flowers and fruits, harmonizing and A
Carrot Chowder. -Two' 'cups of until they have been revived in water. 1� sure your kidneys need attd�ntion- 'blending in charmingly with the s1r:rt MCCA&A
slice carrots, one cup diced potatoes, The wilted surface makes waste in Neglected kidneys are the cause of 'suit or frock. While many Of Us,l
I..-nnc-half cup diced onion, one-fourth the preparation. more than half the. ills mankind is have misgivings as to the durability
cup diced- raw bacon two tablespoons -MMen a baking dish gets burned In heir to. The way to. treat sick or of the colors when the sufi takes. a I
flour, twa cups fresh or one cup evap- using it should not be scraped,. simply weak kidneys is to use Dodd's Kidney hand, and beat& down mercilessly on
'(,rated milk, two teaspoons salt, a lit- put a 'little water and ashes in it and Pills. their gorgeous tones, still the idea Is
tie pepper. one' tablespoon fresh or the burned surface will come off easily "00
Inictst attractive and becoming, and'
dri 4 parsley or ce cry, !D 'Urivig the dish- I
101A M4 - I Y01-T1r= R p[3!ISIW PERTI 30 easily carried out, that even if the 'Pllaln and Plaid Voile.
rot% and potatoes on to cook in three Never boil dish towels with was ZOOM do fade they may be quickly
Ulan- -Speakers Discuss Economic Value and readily restored; therefore, we greens, 3-
cupi boiling Water and boil forty-five ing powders or soda in aluminum Ut and lavenders, either stencil- IN.'
Im inut". . Fry bacon and onion light ans. It will leave -a blackened mark. be" -
may go a stop farther and have hand- led with flowers, or finished with
of the Disabled Soldier.
0 im-
p brown and add milk. Mix flour with Clean aluminum with paste prepar- led motifs and ornaments. On
1k litfle cold water till smooth. Add ed for it, or rub blacksbed scorched The loss of the youth of the nation 7
ported novelty has a bead 116wer 2
plied at the center -back, and is closed
to milk, bacon and onion in fryingpan surfaces with mineral wooL is pe I rhaps the bitterest blow to the 41;
and cook In front with anotAer rose to match.
c k five minutes, then add to Half a cupful of milk put in 4 dish- countries engaged in the war.
water will serve as a 1 Another pretty L suggestion for the
pqutatoed and carrots, with salt, pepper tub full of hot "At this moment we are threatened
and parley. Dust with paprika substitute for soap. - It softer the, with a L man
shortage greater thanyoung girl is illustrated here in the
effective combination of plain and
when serving, water, does not roughen hands, I we ever before k n*ew in our history,"
plaid voile.
Crumb Pudding, --One CUP rolled and brightens dishes, cleaning off all writes the medical correspondent Of
crumbs, one-half cup water to moist - :greases, and leaving no scum in the, the Times. Foulards are being used extensively
en, ore cup milk, one egg. one-fourth pan. As a people, the writer Concludes, again this year; there is no silk it
10 one-half cup sugar as needed. Kind After cooking a new 'laid egg 'it seems, half an satisfactory for the
the English must set their -house, -in
of crumbs used will determine amount very often gets cold through standing. - order lest in the d summer silk frock for .afternoons and
days to come they
of sugar. Good combination is rich When this Occurs put the egg Into R'ffhd,it tenantless and so become a for church. A most attractive dress, 14A
cake or rooky crumbs and
part rolled I cup or small befsin and poor some hot! prey to foes who have shown a wiser shown recently was fashioned of
crackers. Stale macaroons are de. (not polka-dotted foulard, a dark blue dot
boiling) water over the egg. You foresight and a truer appreciation of
.-licious. Roll crumbs fine, add water : will then find the egg as nice as when values, on a white ground, trimmed - with
.,Rnd let soak. Beat egg, sugar and 'freshly boiled. On the other hand Dr. Murray Los- bandinge collar and cul"s of plain, dark
together, add crumbs and
bake, AW -the left over pieces of breed,
lie, lecturing recently at the Institute true foudard. Foulard wears well, and
is soft and cool.
..or Lteam in top receptacle Of small should be wrapped carefully in a flour of-R-y-giene, London, on "The Disabled
double boiler. Baking require one-: bag, or a rack. Hang this where .the ' �oldfer-, His, Future and Economic These patterns, may be obtained
Nalf. hour in small, moderate oven;lair-can reach it It servesto keep Value,' said the present marriage rate from your local McCall dealer or from
steaming about an hour.
This will !the bread free from mold. And you, is the highest ever known. Presen The McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,..Toronto,.
a jazz Ont., Dept. W.
make four moderate servings. Serve always have it at hand when YOU m rr s for the most part have been
with %
want to put it through the most ChOP- confined to young strong and active
h fruit sauce, hard sauce or cream.
"Last -Did
Minute" Dishe
Yo per for bread crumbs, bread puddings,: soldiers, although there werenumpr-
ever think to make fritters, when the cutlets, etc., r, FINDS 173 DIAMONDS IN 9Ei.'
ossa instances where -girls d bbp
unexpected guest steeled himself com-' To renovate hat bands when stained, only too Clad to, marry the men of
placently in , the best it ' 'armchair and by sweat dissolve I% Oz8-, Of white: their choice after the latter had been British Mine Sweeper Deckhand Pldw
made plan; to stay to dinner? No Castile soap in 4 ozs, of alcohol and 1 disfigured or disabled.
From, that
--matter how little you have in the oz. each of 'Sulphuric ether and am-': point of view war ejy�ft Up Floating Package.
Kements as
larder, you can evolve a fritter out of monis; apply with a sponge or tooth 1 well as war marriaSt-s are greatly to A story of a package of diarnorids
.it. ' They're a Sunday evening, Y.
"ape- brush, rub smartly, rinse out with 'be recommended, the speaker believ-, worth 9100 ($500) f6und, floating in
cial" in one household, where drop -ins clear rain water. This in equally good' ed the North Sen by one of 'the crew of
Admiration for disabled war
.are a common occurrence. Q
to renovate any cloth with fast color. heroes should be v
7ouraged. He con. a British mine sweeper was told in
London police station recently by 0
Make your batter out of flour, milk-, To prevent the finger from becom tinued:
haking powder and salt. Two level Ing pricked when hemming or em- "The economic question is the 4iffi-
deckhand, Walter Gleason, who had
tablespoonfuls of baking powder 0 MCCALL
'nit'geo"s adhesive plaster over iL This' of the gems.
quarter of a level teaspoonful of � n 0
and a; broidery put a small piece of sur-'culty. yet bow many women there are been arrested while trying to dispose
An this country with comfortable in -
are to be used to each cupful of ' f10111". I plaster can easily be removed,, and' comes who spend large sums on pam- At the police the dockhand
This for a stiff batter --one
to which a 'roll may be kept in the 7ork-basket, percd lapdogs! Such incomes could confessed that while on a tralkler
Y ou add fruits. In rdaking all good for this purpose. This device is much be better utilized in other direr- which was engaged in the hazardous
-er, you '7. 7063
,..fritter bat'. use twice as much! more practical than the silver or gold [tions." task f gathering up mines in the m
flour as milk. More milk may be ad(t- finger -shields. -4 0 gn
blue 'North Sea he saw a, package, floating
Serge Frock.
ed to soft batter, such as for c-'; For damp places round a sink, or Jifi the .tester. He go it with a boat
fritters, and such. tality.
similar 'Place, Paint over with tar. "D;d your audience throw y ou - boo- painted neckwear l to match bat, or: hook and when he opened it be found
Canned pineapple fritters are easily Give two costs, letting the first dry complete_ the Georgette crepe nir�eiy-eight polished and seventy-five
- Sal
as are any fruit fritters. Just! thoroughly before applying the see. qu �,t-t after your speech?' usually the material chosen for unpolished gems. 'the deckhand at -
cut the canned fruit up into very' replied the reklci,; urator, the,
ond. Then paint with a distemper, e collars and ties. with ,uw and tempted, in company with a'friend, to
)j WYO
over -
ironed uis Champagne,
ar n Period rod
damp lllth�y brought only useful gift -3, such Small pieces, then add them to the bat, Strip off the paper from. the then one of Chinese crep- or a loosely sell the diamonds to a jeweller a
-ter. Applies should bh cut up as I r'ck and other buildinir material
into place s, take it sheet of brown paper,. I woven linen. , The motifi range in I Cardiff_ There was 'nothing on the
coloring from
slices, coated with batter, then Cook- blacklead it on one side, and place that pale, - oftly tinted blos- pfffttge to indtcate the owner or bow
ad in fat. Oranges receive the side against the wall. Then cover' His Belief. som", to gaily plumaged birds,and the
-*me treatment. diamonds- cime to be floating
The damp vividly colored flowers and its
with the wallpaper. will "What is his religion?" 11 - Of about in the ming irtrewn watera-d the
A14 1rNd fbOft 6f thiMkind should not strike through. "Get the money." trnp?cal origin. The flotitin is not • iNorth Sea.
-Its 114filue p4mo
1.26 Per year $1.00.it pihi(l in advance.
SubscripVioas to the United btates_$] 30
in advance
Belgian troops have pettetr ated
Germany hila cut down the war
seventy miles into German Ear
Many prophesies are made it,
a company in Pickering Township.
We have assured our comma rig officer
.It was announced in" -London
that the German casualties' to
regard to the duration of the war..
CHOPPISG—Owing to scarcity of
labor. I will grind on wedaesd%s and Sat -
would kee,p tip the reputation of
township as did their fathers in the
ardays, after April 2uth, until further notice.
Eli men, Atha 33-84
Xle w Advertisentents.�n
date,totat 2,822,079.
SEED. POTATOES -A quantity' of'@�-JRESH
y potatoes for sale, Abdom Shell, cos T.
Fruits Provisions.
and the
Reaphone giri 33 34
Osbsiva or to Dr Heary it his. off :e in P111.7
jag on Tuesday mex�.
mercy. There are others who are
forefathers are seriously imperiled,
.,so pessimistic that they it re begi-n-
ine r"A".'t
J "-
Gentlemen. -We b,a7e- bi4tL author-
Fee, SL Tho 1,M Bftj
ized by Lieut. -Col. A. A Cockburs 0.
C. of the 192nd Battalion to raise half
'PASTURE TO LET -Excellent pas-
turage for horses and cattle. , Apply at
Many prophesies are made it,
a company in Pickering Township.
We have assured our comma rig officer
once to Irving Heald, Pickering RE No 1. SJ -33
regard to the duration of the war..
that the young men of Pickering Tp.
CHOPPISG—Owing to scarcity of
labor. I will grind on wedaesd%s and Sat -
There are some optimistic people
would kee,p tip the reputation of
township as did their fathers in the
ardays, after April 2uth, until further notice.
Eli men, Atha 33-84
who believe that wiif
in few when 'Slae
. ti%h peril of '66. Undoubtedly
this is the gravest hour in the history
MAID WANTED—'For general
collapse a •weeks,
and the
work, to Mrs, Dr) L F 1180
will be on her knees pleading for
of our nation and , empire,
result of the labors of our fathers and
Osbsiva or to Dr Heary it his. off :e in P111.7
jag on Tuesday mex�.
mercy. There are others who are
forefathers are seriously imperiled,
.,so pessimistic that they it re begi-n-
and demand greater and greater sacci-
flees on the of of all, particulal -1Y
. lot Ita, con 7, Pickering. at the farm
A- sale at
bulls for
ning to doubt that the allies will
the yours
erb'op�-ripri.e Also young shorthorn
isle at reasonable prices. E E Pugh, Clare -
.be victorious. There is oue tbiug
'%Ve ask you to come with us and
wont 3ti
the allies will have to I
show that we are alive to our respon,-i*
bilities. Success consists ir doing, not
D ASTU RE TO LET—Excellent pas.
I lots of
forth every effort to bring about
Tt— a"- Still fal fLVLLJ
in not doing.The main t � 11 i t g
,t_fl e
4th e
sure, &6undatice of good water, -
sliade and gocd fences,,!�i�rtb halt of lot 9,•B F
W e roaxe a ciampierue Lur-L—L
month, so when we say fresh we are prevared to back it
up. We also claim the largest and best assorted stock for
tuer always a customer," is
your choice. "Once a customer,
our motto. Give us a trial with your next order.
We have just added to our stock a line of clover leaf and
ordered before the large advance
plain dishes. These were
in prices of this class of goods.
--50'TvV SM:wMIDS
�rid aIng
ep b3_34
r=ae_ thi;W _g-jiu4t
- I J%% 160 3010 0
W tbe tt L So fat tTt �himiji Ontario County. Don't xuti ' FOR SALE—Duke of 'W
I the
� STALLION ars old -Buy Youx Groceries at the Grocers.'.'
have very victories to their the grave dangler of throttling t ecruit- 0. 14620, VG1. 21, C S B, 4 ye
Join C'Yde'Z
dark b-,-- in color, Apply at lot 12. B F cos.
-credit They have checked the ad• ing by delaying taloin yourself. H H No. I.
this mirnlug-don't wait. until after Picketing, or address Roin Fawcett,
Whitby. sitf
vance of the Ger.nans, who have dinner.
Lieut. 1829nd.
lost very little of the territory J. F. DA HED OATS FOR SALE -0. A
W. J. BEATON. Lieut. 182nd from
tree C.
It is SNo 71, gov,rameat inspected. Jkr ��T'S SHOE -STORE
they have gained. foal seeds and germ tuation test to 99 per cant,
have lost nearly all of their colon- Price so cents per buohel, orders for less than
10 bushels not accepted. Ind. phone Clare,
the R No, 9.
les, but in the chief seat of 1501. ARTHUR C&hRUraEas, JL
tsar, the Germans have been the e S Military Bo OAS
200 Pairs of M n
victors. Their submarines are OR SALE -In the village of White
FV&10. LO 6 roomed frame house with good
active and have ventur- !ladfiag an acre of i d a hall Th best Boots in the world fo Farmers' an
still very act K stone small stable two good orchard r d Mechanios d
N D B AC acres of lamd,in<
F ed into mid.-Atlatitic, according i be house to nicely surrounded with shade use. These shoes are the same as the Canadian
at WDY time,
trees, Possession may be given
to reports, where they are coutiou-
For phr. and ,erm.lpply,o PHILP & BEATON
ffitf -pair- fully-guaran- -
ling the havoc among the it ow Mrs. Kelay Suffered and Whitevsls very
lied 8-ol-diers wear. E
veesels. We hear of youqg men How She was Cured.OR SALE -161> Ford Touring car, teed. Sale price $4.00.
Fc"lv Paimted and overhauled, now none-
si�,d t;t& &111 roux saying that they will. eali?,t when d. extra mechanical starter',
------ prest-ci;te outfit. tae carrier. tool box and
they are needed. An intelligent Burlington, Wis,'I was very lrreg- - electric horn: 'ooiarciermil qeedomitter. -.0 be I J. -S O'N
a first P E E L
reading of the war news -,hould ular, and had pains in my side and back, ram auou% .;oto miles, guaranteed
lass shape'. price e -43j. 01.5 Fora touring car
un v1nee-0iem.tbatAhe but after t a k ing
1 �; 41! extrLrobe rail eLc good as
are needores ...
Ly1ft E-Pii-kham s �., PrLceyj.'M'w 1914 Ford touring car newly ----WHIT BY. ONTARIO
:1111711 'Vegeta'ble Corn. P- 75.00 WJ,LCKE&SON
ed now. The war iituation was condition
�111 " nted and overhauled in drat clam'
a lot of *XUL* 00 It. 63
never more serious-lboking than it pound Tablets and Whitby tf
T H 9
'o doubt Germany using two bottles of
is at present.
I am fully
desires peace, but they are far Ithe Sanative Wash 7 convinced
.'__ B
from being a con(Iiiered people.
that I am entirely For sale at current prices 3. 4. 5� 6
11 L M3 -
e at the
. T ®� -_
The allied nations also desire cured of these trou- S.. it), 12 and 15 inch cement tila
e, but .0F CANADA
peac bt they Kill not think of Ind.,Tel. No.. We% and feel better Whitevale Tile Yards
it except tinder their own term!-, 0 Over�._'' I know 11arkbam. HItAt1 OrInCIC 0111ONTO
your ��edies have NVM. PHILP
bd they will use tip all their re.
It me worlds of -A General Banking Business Conducte&
sources tintil this is gained, . good and I hope every suffering woman Farmers, Merchants and Manu -
was never thought that co"crip- will &e them a trial." -Mrs. ANNA NOTICE Accounts of F
Can. KELLY, 710 Chestnut Street, Burling- facturers receive careful attention.
tion would come into force in Cilt After .!lay lst, feed g6liding at
ada, but unless there is a change ton, W11L Glen Willow N1iil,, will be done TRUST FUNDS should be deposi"d in. our SAVINGS
ENT. Highest Gurrmt rat" of Interest an
in the war 4ttlation, every yotinq The many convincing testimonials con- only Tuetday�a, Thursdays and DEPAR nt
stantly published in the newspapers
ir may yet Saturda)7Q_ until farther uOtice. visid bW yearlT.
I Who,.$ Ph
tit ought to be proof enough to women who
�b�e- �dinto the ranks. and "cora- ou er from those distressing ills pecu-. D. N. REESOR, Buff 31-32 . Cedar Grove PICKERING BRANCH9
pelled to fight until Prussian mill. liar to their sex that Lydia L Pinkham's R. W. GORDON, Manager. IB Branch also at whitbr.
El 0 .. .-
A Laic M a
tarimn is completely crushed. Vegetable Ckimpounct
they need.
The German Governmentthio= This goodold root and herb remedy
basroved unequalled for these dread-
%igh their Foreign Secretary, has fol &r&4is ; it contains what needed to
replied to the United States' note restore -woman's health and strength.
demanding a change in the end- Lf there is spy peevins"ity in,
!marine policy so as to conform to your came requiring special ad-
-international law. The German -Tic,% write the Lydia E. Pink -
ham Xo&cine Co. (confidential),
Quality ill be Remembered.
-Long aftel Price. is Forgotten
L. I-- -tip S+ a low rice, pe wall be
'government has promised to De Lynz6 3K--- for free advice. lint when you Can get L. e J
sink and not to sink -4
vessel. except in accordance ix*d Potatoes n pmv't fer yer eel.
But . ...... . field and garden seeds.
with internationat law. (New Brunswick Btock.) We are head.quarters for
German practice in the Kings •Courlebip 114115:, (147") ,`awl arrived cars. Reduced prices. 20 per pound
Toe Parwbred Import d Clydesdale Mammoth Yellow Manget 8eed,
past has
been to ignore all their promises, Irish Cobblers, go- pound bag._ $2.00 20
stallion. the property of Oscar wilson Wobe
�__for they seem to feel that premie- Brougham. will coase the season of 1916 Delawares. go- pound bag._ Sugar
es are made only to be. brokau. to fol owe: Monday, May 56, will The very beat stock. Enclose -
. Seed -Derby, Irish -King, Can . Canadian Gem
T y regard a promise as a scrap leave bis own etab* Graham Johnstien'sl money order when ordering. . 'Turnip Seed that will
he Brongbam, sod prateed to W.V. MiHer's Jumbo, Greystoni? and Aberdeen, at prices t
of paper to be torn tip and cast into Pickering, for rilifitis. Tuesday, Pro J. RYkN, -=not Startle you.
ceeds to Donald Manro's, baseline fair al Con L woe Suee, TororAo
the fire. If GerruAny di,4cbutinueq. night. Wednesday,'Rickard Puckrin's,• 1 Thilothy, Red Clover, Sweet Clover and Alsike
her -former policy of sinking every- night, Thursday, Wm, Middhton's, A Supply of 0. No. 2 grade.
711103COTL=W 3Ma3cobr-7 Seed. Wedonothandle'.
;thing in sight, it will not be to ful- Greenwood, moon; Victor Parkin's, Kiu -Beet Seed
isle, night. Friis'y,�.bert Joues, Mt Wax Beans, Sugar Peas, Sweet Corn,
fil their promise to the United 111's. con. 7. Pick. White BeanF
Zion, ucon; Mr. Nutt& rinelou Seed in bulk,
Sweet Pea Seed, Wate
SA'tarda -ed to
Statss, but because they will,be acing, night y. will pru,,L oils find Pure 'NI-twle Syrup;
hi-sowu stable where oc will m
Oranges, Lem
CLOmpelled to do so by the power until th P fuliuw.ng Monday.
of the British navy or bec'ause
they may deem it % failure frons a F.The Fashionably Bred itzipoi e I Cl d
military point of view. For a dale atailiou, the -property c�f'Robt_ ].10 F ORCAE PH 'LIP .
foe. Green hiver. will tnihe the ieas-ri
time at -least we expect to still of T,.,i6 as roftowti,. Moudny. Will have
bear of vessels of all descriptions his own sta6le and proceed --to NV. H.
Vaj4)r's,con. 5, rckering. fo -noon; During heat of the day let us
And of all nationalities falling Grabain luhn-tou',, Br. ugham, nigi't ing the
victim's to the German submarine, Tue-day. vV. J. M-Donalu's 13r"k show you how to keep coni.
to hear cif night. Ice Cres Sodas anv flavor. Driukt,
Road, no n; S. Botha', Pickeritig,
and we still expect nesisy, Liverpool, UUon L,l ribht. in old of all description.-
-Am-eficans losing their lives thro- NY, d me's, Cherrywoo ice c !lade Bread
1hursday, John bw . Home
at"'eforught �rida
ugh German disregard of the laws noon! his owp
F, W. Silver, 1;,� ark.,
-a shop.
respecting naval 'warfare—, The him, for night. 9tttucu proceads to Both lilwnes i
Germans will conti-ite to express his own itable wbere he will r main un- HERB JIUNfiET. PICKERING
regret 'at their murder oUtion. til the following Monday morning.
copibatants, and will declare that Aldorf - The Grand Trot ing Bred a t
lion, the property of R S. Pooh, suct•
the occurrences Were mistakes that ionser, Glen Major, will make the sea -son
could not be avoided. But the -of 1to16ae follows: Monday, May 8th,
other nations will not thus regard will leave hi, ownst We and proceed to
'Walter By-wes' con. 5, Uxbridge, noon;
them as. mistakes, and when the thence own stable via Claremont until
proper- time comes Germany will wedneiday morrijug, Wednesday, to
Mansion House, Uxbridge, noon; own
..be compelled to answer for her etabl night, Thursday, James White's
lawlessness. While war has been con
"Whitby, noon; Brooklin night. Onr Stock ok
Friday, Tboa Puokrin's, Audley, noon; COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS DODGE
averted for the present between
thence via, W H Jackson's, Brook Road,
and COLUMBIA RECORDS thinking and saying the country over, constitutes a
Germany and the United States, a to Brougham for night. What owners are
bi, t of the Car, than anything
Greenwood, noon; thence to own ats, e Is all new. i higher endorsenien
Continuance of the Germ' an subma- till following Monday W . . we might sErrabout it.'
rine policy will end in a rupture, 7
i "it will give its pleasure
The ecor
Lord Regent 1413 O.-N.R.-The stand tomy of the Car, its quality, the remarkable things it does
'for American patience has been and bred Trotting 86allion, the property to play the records for' when called upon, are commit is you hear whenever
strained, to the breaking point. of Thos Maddaford, Pickering,will rou, whet -her you ur- the Car is discussed.
e season of 1916 as follows: Monday, Twe
Germany knows that a break in chase or not, consumption is unusually leaves bis own stable and proceeds to will gladly assist you The Gasoline illy low,
the diplomatic relations with the B.udel's hotel, Whitby, for night. in making selections, The Tire mileage Is unusually high -
'will be a bad thing 9useday, Commeroial Hosel,.orhaws,
United. States night. Wednesday, Temperance hobo], no matter how small it will p . FLY You to visit us and examine this Car L also our large stock
for her, an event Which she Will Brooklin, night. Thursday, F G Mc the purchase. of Carriages, Wagons, Farming hlachln4ry�,, Harness, etc.
'try R!�y,AL41!y, noon; own stable
, !
Belgian troops have penetrated
70 mikes into Germi" E. Af riea.
ME? .
llalurZay, own stab's unlit following I as
Monday morning.
* JV * AwVA0AA1F-.y 9
7�1 - - �7�— A,7:.��-il� . ; � �n; _i; ,,c'-4:: -77,W.W, j V 7 �
P. Macnab and Mr. Smith wore A. AL Smith, Chas. A. Barclay,
Evans Was in: the city out fishing on Saturday. If it had P. Macnab iv. and J. Schummtr
on Friday. Dot' ra iued they would have opened the tennis season on Fri.
David A. and Mrs. Scott were in caught nic.)re. day on the courts at the rear of j ,
Toronto over Sunday. - The Woman's Institute vi ill hold the Standa-rd-Babli.
ThomasGreggand D M. Mor. THEDOMINION BANK
t the
gan paid a visit to To their munthl meeting a 111is-; Mary Morgan, who, for the PRESIVaPir. W. C% WA7T
Toronto last home of Mrs PoIrgie on the after- ' st few weeks, has been nursing C. A. BOGERTs Gmad Managw.
i9ter,Mrs. Leslie Feasby, of
Win, Luke, of Oshawa, ha noon of NVeduesday; May 17. Tile ger s —This Bank Offers Farmerg
hada pr' gram will eonsibt of election of Sandford,' who u
'htiminpRia tDip to - Glare 'Y . I - ndpr-eut amplete slid 8dwecto., boddrig ser"m
. 4,! wW "9114 PHYMMIC of tees, joperati6b foe appendiciz 'Ke Notes =119%ned = fiftraUe tkTn& and idvancos
Tuesda is, has hv&'an� ench idei af
rqp*%able rates.
which i- 25 cents, "Empire Da-y, returned home. We are pleased
.on Friday, May 19th. See bills ance is urged, quite recovered.
'for particulars.
- Feasby has P=sr- Interen at �went-rwea itgad an doxmis of one
Remember the Patriotic Concert what it menus." A large attend- to state that Mrs The Savina Departineni Is a safe and convettiont de
Owing to the very, backward
- little seealng has WHITBY BRANOH: S. D. TERRY, Manager.
weather verb er.
been done so far.
Private D. Porteous, of Strat-
ford, is spending a few days with 7
his awn t, Mrs. B. S. Palmer.
Thos. Patterson, and his man,
are busy. these days Shing-
'I" a few dwellings iu'and around
Thomas. Paterson is wondering
if his car will soon be ready how
that the roads' are becoming fl
4br motoring. MPANY*
Mrs. Fred Farmer is spending a
tv y is i a 8 T 0 111 ar, the nams 1v ... L
of her father, Rev. Mr. Booker,
who is very ill. -"MADE M CANADA"
James Harvey, who has been in
Pickering for the past few weeks,
id a flying visit to Claremont
friends on Sunday Price of. the New Ford Touring Car
Rev. H. Wood has been conduct-
Fully equipped with electric starter -Col. A. A. Cockbum,'Whitby
,V Ing a couple of classes. of those Lieut.
who recently decided to become and lights, electric horn, etc.,
-s of the-church. - S640
mem hers f. o. b. Ford.�
There has been several additions
to the Baptist . choir recently, -Standard' equipment', L o b.- F(")rA S -5 3 0 Aggressive -Action, NOT.Com'
musical or- placent Confidence in
which is now a strong
Ranization. Come out and hear Runabout, fully equipped, f.o.b. Eord, '590 others, Rill alone win this
Edward Halley, of Toronto, hoe Runabout Standard, equipped, .,and
your war.
been engaged as biker by Win. f. O. b. Ford, S480
Thompson, a-4 stiecessor to Robin
'Thompson, is W. J. BEATON. H. LE WI LES,
ho has left for New -See the new models at our Lieut. I82nd Batt., Lieut. 182nd Batt., Lieut. 182nd Batt
J. F.--DA
York city
showroonis. WhitevaI6
Governor P Whitby'
orter, and broth Dunbartoa
visited Mrs. G. Johnston and other INV. J. LUKE & SON,
friends one day last week. ' Gov-
ernor bag become a mewber of the Whitby, MASSEY The . Farmers
18th Batallion. '%V. B. Powell, PicLeting.
Did you ever stop and think what
The members of the Fire Co Cream Separators
jeny are requested to turn out you ora loosing by. not having a De
``ill assure you every
ir rce on Saturday evening for cent of profit.
Laval separator. Now Is the time to
practice and also for the tra get one on trialr Phone me and I win
-tion of general business. Drills, Cultivatois Harrows, call and give you_ prices on, DeLavat
Mr. Wilker has successfitily. I
'Vexity.Plows, Wagons separators, silos and engines, also for
passed his first stages in running
the best barn door trsck and hangers.
motor :or ca,i. A,-3 gas' is dear, he and Buggies.
-13as decided not t,,) attempt the 7—� Russell Andrew,'..,'..-
mile mark this year. J. It-. THEXTO-N, Pickering, Oat.
PICKERING. Ont. Ind. Phone I"
.Library Board at 8 o'clock on
... Tues 'A
There will be a meetinp� of t : - -
Tuesday - evening next. A good FULL'-LINE
attendance is recinested as import- The Fruit Store
enssion. WURSERIE'S
ant matters will come up for dis-
No.derision has yet been -arrived .-OF LUMBER 'LATH
at as to' the renovation of the AND �Pprini-lthss come with all its
-school-house. It is 9RIA that the Auty and greenness to the
7 Friiit Store., (carry some -Wehavea pointed B. J. Arm- J'
delTitmeat i1% determined to cut P
'Off home), lettuce, radish, stronpr, 336 Clinton St., Toron.
part of the grant if the work SHIN G L E IS
is not done this year. green,puiloss, celery to, to represent as for Pickerr-
Robin Thom psou. cabbage, Grape anddistriet and -he will
;peat two who, for the fruit, lemons,
_yea& j, has been em oy- and tbosesunkist- oranges, give any information wanted.'
;ed aq baker by -his uncle, 0m. ... -ALWAYS'ON -HAND. A choice line of chocolates. home. -We have a very choice list of
Thompson. feet oil Tuesday morn_ made-taffie for spring delivery of
tug for New York City, where, be
Neilson lee-Cream on hand
baa secured-& poakion in the . all the time. fruit trees and ornamental-
,Astor Hotel. - Since coming to Car load lots a -4;Speeialty."' Comein and see us. shrubbery, rasp berries, cur-
Claremont, Bob how made many
rants sad xdoseberriee: Writs
-friends who regret his departureHe J. MARQUI43 Mr. Armstrong for prices.
_but whose beat wishes follow him
Ito his new position.
lace -- ---- A
In view of the German met STONE WELLINGTON
it is thought that it' would be a F E E -D
plan to get a few rifles and
form' a home guard. There are
at C. N. R., Station
several men in town m ho have had Cherrywood
vailitary, training who have the C SIVIM b be,
I&Ids 5 LCI*Uwd
to organize an efficient -
force who could be depended upon
Brewers' Grains, Malted Corn Feed
Ma,�.ter how large an Rrili G
to ensure the safety of Claremont Bran, Shorts, Flour, Corn Oileake
Vo y Meal, Cotton Seed Meal, et, PICKJECAMIN, =:a
the Kaiser might send to take -the 1.
town Ciders taken for Swift's',Red
The drama, entitled "The Red
Acre Farm", which wAs presented Having been -notified. that -e;-se.�; are advancing in'price, I hive Phone Home Markham 5030.
in the Masonic Hall on Monday
secured good supply which I %Nill beable tooffertomy
evening was a decided success in customers at the old price while they last. Box "toik 'of '2x, 3x,
a93 Mee
-A full S
-every particular. The hall was fact I can save you Luc uev on every.
filled with 'i inost appreciative thing we have in stock at 4x and Sx B. C. Reil
a I?
,ho enjoyed the dram
audience u the present time.
*4 . - . -Cedar Shingles.
from beginning to 101 . .
end. Every U-1 I
'T. 2: a , es
r part as a professional.
- He BURLING PICKERING 'IRubroid Ready Roofing.
person who took part did his or C
The ;0
proceeds of the evening amounted -All kinds of 'Interior., -
Finish, in - white "and
to about $58.
On Tuesday morning Mr. Mor. fir, W Georgia Pine. -
gen Pugh sustained a heavy loss qR
.rl 1A. In
9 Er 31
when his residence was burnt toDe'-SIMPSON & Co.@ 9 1 9b P 4-4 Doors, gash, Veran-'dah Co'lumns'-
the ground, ix 1111ils Z b Z
Between five and Q'
ag 7Y
qo'clyek in morning .Ir. JL
e and prices an
had arisen and started a fire;n the Our H;tts are all latest N w York and Paris styles W. D. Gordon &Son,
ki'telf6o stove and then went to right. Feb ta.0
You can get a hat ' -N
the, barn to do his chores. t your own price quit you by a Mar
It be work
made to 9 TICKERING
ins very windy first class All guaranteed.
j3dyand the,drafts be. Apr , b6
Ing turned on, tberewr soon a M Ivy
W to
''Come to our Sale of Bootq and Shoes. We are o'ffering' L &
1-.9% Bell and Independent phone:
.bright fire in the stove, with the great tie o
result that a spark from the shim- "j'. July
reductions. See. bills and prices. • n
ne,v, set fire to the roof. When
first noticed the fire had gained oct, I" !I
considerable headway; which t Wall Paper Sale at about half price. Watch out for Now V
he bills and prices.
high wind soon fanned into a fire
Deo ct
that was beyond control, 'As it, j6ZM 917.Wbitb 9, 09baws 3, Broughim I
was seen that it was im Uxbridge 1'-, CLnn1U9t0n 11,
_possible to 1�
t Beaverton I U tergrove 9
.;B L 0 U S E S
save the building all efforts were
saving the n.
directed towards
tents, of which those downstairs All the most up-to-date soft collars, sea pearl buttons, '$1.25 to, sl.5o, Gr Cho Ch
were saved but those upstairs silk, $2.95, seasonable goods arriving daily in all departments, OPPM9 7-
#were all consumed. The residence See our new wall paper, most beautifql :designs, AND OAT FLAKING
I Of all materials and design
was a good frame one whigh was
The undersigned is prepared to do kept in stock. It will pay you
inspect our stook
thoroughly overhauled a few to oidl at our works aid
grain chopping and oat flaking
and obtain prioes.' Don't be misled
years ago and was practically as G R 0 C E R I 1E, S
one which is only partly covered -to-date flour Cream and ea Buns, ly we oan, and do throw off the &ant
good as new. The loss is a heavy A fall line always fresh and up - -A
every day in the week agents do not employ them, oonseq1:1
except on Saturday ;
cereals of all kinds, black and green mix tea
8 --CT 0003=186ion of 10 per benl.,wbiob you vW
b Much 9 ed a 5c. a lb. offee, 80c.
y insurance. mvathv is xruju no,
exp _ r—ess-e-0-1-6i; $r-and Mrs Pugh- lb. Phone 25!7.� -of "Haft"•
in the misfortune * agon tongues, axles, etc.
4en them. that has befall- D. SIMPSON Co., PICHPLECARING John WHITIT GRANITE CO.,
hn F. Bayles, Greenwood QAae- 0814014
..:: ;•.r :, '. - '.
` - w Lord Derby's Name Mentioned in Connection With ,
Make Concession to United
States—PCGSId�ent Everything Humanly Possible was T
-Undeilded its to A"eptimce- none to Hold Out. Im endin Chan es in the Governrnent-of Ireland..
A despatch from London says. In
- A despatch from Berlin says: Ger- 1 the success of efforts it urges the the House of Lords on Thursday Field -A despatch from London says: The i febary for Ind, following the ex-
concedes fully President Wil-1 United. Statea to. make to force Great Marshal-Earl Kitchener, tho Secretary I Nationalists, according to -the Daily•! ample • of his superior,' AugustiFie Bis-
son's contention that in the future no! Britain to "preserve fully the prin-. for War, warmly euolgized General 'I Gell. Sir Robert Chalmers, former
Mail, will press the Government at an Governor of Ce n will succeed ,liim
merchant vestpl, whether freighter i ciples of international law." Townshend and the defenders of. Kut-yO +
earl date-to disarm ever maxi in Ire-. temporarily.
or passenger liner, shall be sunk i "Should the steps taken by the gov- el-Amara, and read .General Towns- y y I y'
without warning, ..either within or ernmenb of the United States to force hend's last despatch, which is as foie land. The gaper adds that the theNa-y
. Parliamentary representatives asso-
taPlthout the war zone around the Brit- England to alter her conduct of war) Iowa:. tionalisbs are quite willing that they ister,ate Lord Derby, the Recruiting s n-
_: N 'ish Isles, unless they offer resistance 1 not attain the object it desires, to "We are pleased to' know that we I should be disarmed provided that the I tater, with the im endin changes In
,P Q g
or-attempt to escape. President Wil- ;have' the laws of humanity followed fliqf'olir Int;1lation Im ons.. of th -for- ITIsh�r "volunteers "Tlie f . The Daily Ex have done our fluty and recognize Government 'does likewise with . the the government of Ireland, -
_ARys that Sir
ignn already bad conceded the by all belligerent nations,. t132 G-Or- of submarines to sink- ships under i man government would then be facing tunes of war.. We-thank you,.General says the ,Daily Mail, "is likely to raise' Roger Casement has expressed a wish .
ch conditions. I a new situation in which it must're--Gorringe -(commander of-the British a difficult' issue in Irish politics." ::.that Sir Edward Carson defend him.
suis the clause wherein the Ger- serve to itself complete liberty of de- relief ,army), and all. ranks of the Sir Mathew Nathan has resigned, It is -not likely that -Sir Edward, , the
-Here chco
"man government makes this conces- cision " concludes the note.' Tigris force, for the great efiortd you as Under-Secretary to the Chief See-; leader' of loyal Ulster, will accept.
-- • Dion: have made to save us."
"The German government notifies Lord Kitchener said he was glad'oi FOOD SCARCE IN BELGIUM. E
the gryPrnrKPnt nf the United States I `•President Wilson Considering.' the-opportunity to pay tribute to Gen- j TRy CASEMENT
ern�an naval-forcas- have -receiv--� despatch -from as ngton-says:f er - f-t)1-/•
1 1 "whose dogged determination and . -Officers S G i e fosse
-ed the following order- "In accord- Though-President Wilson is reserving 1 s Starving. A FORTNIGHT
,sacs with the general principles of I decision until he receives the official splendid ¢ourag'a had earned for them �. _
p so honorable a record." A despatch from Paris says: "The ;
visit and search, and the destruction text, there are many indications that s, Brussels population is almost, stare-;
of merchant vessels recognized by the German reply to the United Staten LIGHT YIELD OF STRAW. Ing that the German officers may feed I'
,international law, such vessels, both note will avert the danger of an im- _ • abundantly," says Le Journal dei De-' Penalty Likely to be Death-Insanity
- 'within and without the area- declared mediate diplomatic break, The Ger- There Is Nothing Serious in the Seed- bats Brussels correspondent _ "Ela-! • . - They "Not Taken
a naval war zone, shall not be sunk man note, though unsatisfactory in Ing Situation. borately uniformed, monocled officers
-- -'without warning and without saving more ways than one, apparently meets A despatch from Guelph says.: Prof, stroll the-,streets .and flood . the re- Seriously.
human lives unless the ship attempts! the President's basic demand that 2aritz head of the Field Husbandry stauranis from 'noon to late in the, A' despatch from London says: An
to escape, or-offer resistance." _ j Germany "immediately declare and Department at •the •Ontario - Agricul- i evening, where their gastronomic article in . The Express -of Thursday
Germany's adherence to this poliey, effect an .abandonment of present feats are an insult to the misery "
however, is made conditional upon ; methods of submarine .warfare." coral College, is not of the opinion I declares on good authority that the
t. = that anything that could be termed around The establishments they pre- trial of- Sir Roger Casement, now im- j
fer commandeer for their benefit
' a "serious" situation has yet 'been prisoned on the charge of high treason
thousands of kilos of flour, meat fruit
OF DEFEAT MAJOR McBRIDE SHOT created by the wet weather in ..'.Re- rfor inciting revolt is Ireland, has been
FEAR B..'.Re- vegetables, which causes a yet' definitely set within the next tort-
AB AN IRLgS REBEL. Ing with the seeding the operations. Re- more abnormal rise in prices for the night. It will be held in London. The
ports show that there has been little blic: The small bout eoisier and -.
t -HAUNTS GERMANY Husband of Maud Gonne and Fought seeding done yet. In. the college plots !pr- g article continues to the effect that Bir
��++++++++•• working classes softer terribly Po- ,
a g y Rogers fate will be determined by s
A den etch !Goin Boers- Put in spring wheat, ! intoes cannot be ,bought end meat,
With the we have not y
�barle or mix grains, although tribunal conafsting of a juryand a
p Dublin says: An I start has been made.. In ,the .,last butter And fate are far too dear for Commission of either three or five
If `Teutons Want Peace. It Is Only ; official statement says :"Thirty-six !twenty years I can remember only ! them. The worst sufferers are wo. ;Judges. Opinion here is practically
i ,� men and children, who fill the hosprt- ;unanimous that the penalty will be
rebels were court'-inartWdd- • one season-lithe-this, - ma r - —y
Mvauaie They Are. Being' There was official confirmation of onlyels, exhausted• by privations."
vitz, "and I suppgse we can look for death. The insanity theory is not
eaten• three cases, however. These were the imilar results this year. We shall 'i
Beaten.held seriously.
- cases of Thomas Hunter, John - Me- probably have a light yield of straw, +HARCOURT JS NOW
A despat.:h from London says: Lord and Wm. Cosgrave who had NEW IRISH SECRETARY.
RobeYt Cecil, Minister of War Trade,Bridealthough .there should be an average i _ Coll PULSION MEASURE
;. unci Parliamentary Under-Secretary been sentenced to death. The sentences crop of grain of good quality. Pro- TO INCLUDE IRELAND.
of Hunter and Cosgrave were coin- feasor Zavitz added that fall wheat, i A despatch from London says, The ,
for foreign Affairs, in a statement muted to penal servitude for life by I hay and clover were in splendid condi- I Right Hon. Lewis Harcourt,- First —'
giver to the Associated Press, deals "flew Military Semite Br British Except _
- ivitr, .tee rh�rge� against-Great, But- � the general officer commanding. John � tion and growing very rapidly. !Commissioner of Works, has been ap- ; • None � the British
McBride was shot ou +*radav - � i�- � pointed to succeed Augustine Birrell '
sin a.^.d Germany-'s avowed desire for ing. Edward Duggan,•Pieree Beasley,-?
Tease as contained -in the Germ4n re- EXTORTION IN G as i
and Jbse h McGuinness have . bees Robert Chalmers, who has been Gov- A. despatch from London says: The
ply to the note of the United States sentenced to three ears each "Ceylon--
- 07 snbuiarine warfare. y Rise in Prices of Necessaries of Lite ? ernor of since 1913, has been military* service hill, making con-
k Brings-Bitter•Attsek. appointed to succeed Sir Matthew Na- scription general, has been amended
._Auer recalling: alleged.. inhumane. FORMER WAR MINISTER than as Under-Secretary for Ireland, to include Ireland, according to the
practices by Germany, through em- ! A despatch from Berlin says: Eu-
: JAILED IN RUSSIA. gene Zimmerman, General Director I Sir Matthew resigned simultaneously Exchange Telegraph. Another amend-
. __.^^ meat provides immunity for Irish who
pin;meat 'of submarines, Zeppelins, i with Mr. Birrell.
poi oned gas and high-explosive shells,! A despatch from London says; of the Lokal- Anzieger, publishes in - - took part in the uprising if they en- - •r
Loral Robert. on the issue of- peace,' his paper a strong attack on extor- GERMANY 16 BTARV LNG list. Ireland was excluded from the
General W. A. Soukomlinoff, former' that they itre conducting the dirtiest
tionists in provisions, g He - declares , I original conscription measure
ha--O p ' P -business ever done, and criticizes Danish Pastor Predicts Revolution -F ---
Of the German race overtures Russian Minister of War, has been Ira- ��
_.r.U[�7 _.:ify_tlre to be called._ I will say risoned in the Fortress of Peter .and �+ , .,
- Pau], according to aseam-official de- g staking her all fa the battle of Verdun, E.l'PECT THAT THE WARS YEAR.
little. It was only in last December akar 1 _ the incom Tete measures of ! WILL END THIS Y R,
spatch from Petrograd, as the result the State's or anisation. Herr Zim-
In e a sera mp ra
sharply- P "Germany. faring starcaCioa, is
that their Ch-ancellor, declared That of a preliminary enquiry by Senator
` tide lieIieved it to be in our interests similar s article followls.la t few
da of. Failure. to win: it . will mean •revolt .on A despatch from London says: In- '
to attribute falsely to them peace pro- Boporoddky into charges of criminal attacks in the last few days, the part of the people and the ending
negligence and high treason in con-Lin which "the unjustifiable and shock- of the war. no matter what the coat. dicating a strong belief that) the war
poZ•.als:. Yet the German Government nection with his administration of the ing increased prices of the necesasries herefore the blood of Teutonic is beginning 'to draw to a close,
now .aye that twice within the last R fan any - I " f tans is -being poured out tike water Lloyd's on Thursdayposted new in- _
of Iife were poi et�t, -aa well--at ted--Dead Msa°s ' I 1 t 3
• •-frw. mc�nrh:: Germany has announced j surance-fates.-
- I "the material damage they do to Gar- Hili and other critical points, while the
before the world htr readiness It _ that the war will--not end before De-
- make ezce -Which is the truth? : HOW THE. CROWN PRINCE mans and the.false ideas of atarystion , peoprle behind. remata in iguorance of
p ' HATES FRENCH PEOPLE. and of ecenomic weakness they awake the losses and feet the victory is near.
cernber 3t). 1916. For savers] weeks
It- may be that the. Germans want the rate of insurance to guarantee
peace. If so, it is because they fear - abroad." �_ Ing. "This to the view of the Rei against laws if the war is over by the
detgat. It may be. only that they want -A despatch from Paris says: Henri d-= Anton Bast. -pastor of the Jerusalem g
4 de Regnier, one of the forty immortals ' PLACE PROHIBITION Church at Copenhagen. Denmark, and end of the year-has been steadily ad-•• -
k to appear peaceful. L editor of. the lighthouse, •wh- i.. in vancing .until it is now almost pro-
of the Ftencii Academy, on Wednes- I ON ILLINOi9 STOCK.
"For ws it matters not. Our atti- . dsy told the following incident as an _ Chicago. hibitive.
L .tyde, of any rate, is unchanged. We "The Danish people feel a great aor•
P drew, the sword unwillingly. We shall example of German's hatred for I Foot and Mouth Disease Outbreak row for the German masses because of -
France: The army of the Crown Necessitates Restrictions. ;conditions in the empire," he said re- PRISO\ERS OF WAR
sheathe it - ladly; but vee should be I TO BE EXCHANGED.
Prince, fighting around Verdun, re- Ades etch from Ottawa says: Fol- Gently, "Reports have reached me, for
untrue to our trust, we should be be- cently sent a cradle to the Crown P Instance. that the average weight of
tny'inR cisilization, if we abandoned lowing an outbreak of the -foot and 4 despatch from. London_.sayn: An ----
Princess beann� bite. inscription. The - _ the school children has fallen ori four
—our task until ae_havE re-established' wood with which this cradle is made : mO� disease in_ minoia._the Depart or five potirlQs De"cause of undedeedins. agrFement hss been.reached between
In Europe the supremacy of law, the , ., ment of Agriculture has prohibited Germany has maintained herself large • Germany and Great Britain for the
is stained with Fiench blood.
sant�tity of treaties and the right of _ the importation of `Cattle, aheV. , swine ly by imports frorn'neutral c6untries, transfer to Switzerland of wounded
All nations, great and small, to live' - and goats . from that state. Horses principally Denmark and Sweden. prisoners on both iidei, according to `
` � their lives to fulfil their destinies, DEMES ATTEMPTS ARE may be brought in under special per- Now theft sni9lus is virtually all gone
• MADE TO SECURE PEACE. an official announcement made on
free from the intolerable menace of mita, and regulations are provided, their own inhabitant are subsist Tue�y. - -
Prussian militarism." - ! ' - - governing imports of animal products ing on imports from America." _ _
' A •despatch from Berlin says; , A and poultry. Healthy cattle from —
semi-official telegram. from Sofia Illinois may be tranaparted through BU
>V7H L -
GREA1` FRE:VCR CANALcharacterizes as untrue the reports 1 Canada subject to specified conditions SINKS
COMPLETED DURING WAR.recently circulated that Bulgaria was . as to can, etc.
attempting _tQ_ arrange a cepa;ate F B
A despatch from Paris says:-The peace. _. TO-.BE INTERNED UNTIL -- .BY.. GUNFIRE IN BAY 0 BISCAY
new canal oormecting the Rhone with e' --' ' THE WAR IS OVER. !'
the sea'st Marseilles. which has bees;` Gen. Petain Is Promoted.
completed during the war was in . A. despatch from Paris says: Gen. A despatch from London says: Your Three I"IOuI'S Later Second Sttbfmarine Fired Torpedo
' aulturated on Sunday. - The canal is' Robert George Nivelle- has been AP- correspondent was given to cinder- .at the Liner, but Missed by a Pew Feet.
77 kilometres, long. The cost of the pointed to direct the local operations stand by an authoritative source -on : • ..
Garin] is ninety million francs, 36 at Verdun He will succeed General 'Thursday that most of the Irish rebel
= million franca of which was given by, Henri Philippe Petain, who hes been : prisoners, except the ringleaders, will I A despatch from London says-.. The ! attack on her was made in the Bay of -
the State and the remainder by the promoted to Commandant-in-Chief of not be tried b court-martial, but-will' Biscay, whet{ a submarine fired sixty
local Government 'and the Chamber of the group of central armies in the be interned for the remainder of the Britian liner Clan MacFadyen has ar-
shots ars her at a nage of fifty
Gone I sector between Seisaons and Verdun. I war. rived in Gravesend from. Africa some- yards. The steamer' immediately
what damaged by' the gunfire-of-two''broughi her big gun into action, and
- 'KK--ee- - "A� �`M—p TO MOVE CLOCK AHEAD German submarines. The steafirer re- hit the submarine several times, and,
_ KS ABANDON, GIUvAT Clllraa y IN GREAT BRITAIN.! turned the fire, and a was believed on it is-believed, ru-latera it. ` -
TURM T' board that one of the submarines was Three hours later another submaa-_
RU IONS A despatch from London saps: The' destroyed. ine fired- a torpedo, but . missed the
I�EFLI'1T BY �S Daily Mail learns that the Cabinet The steamer reports that the first Clan �IacFayden by a few feet.
has been converted to the proposition
_ -- of moving the clock ahead in .order to -
: _ "sa+e daylight," The adoption of the SOLDIERS SHOT DOWN' PEOPLE 7
(Iraltd [luxe's Forces Gontince Their Advance i'n measure is egnsidered practically cer-
Dir, of B:igdad, tain and.will become a fact on May THE STREETS OL
" I13th. - _
- - -4 -- i.�_,_
A despatch from London says:.The tiie Turks, having --sustained heavy .r37.04l COLONIALS HELD
jtussiauc' continue to advance in the losses, retired hastily, abandoning..,_s BY THE ENEMY.
- directicm - of -Bagdad. After Aislodg--
great camp of tents and other mater-' Thousands of Socialists and Women. I a;I ded 1
ial. It has now been established that 'A despatch from London says: I Shout i " Give us Peace I Give us Bread I"
ing the Turks from their poaii':ons. in .by the. oceupation of Trebizond we-IFigures--on-the number of British col-I
,,the peighborhood of the village of Se captured eight mounted coast, guns, onial troops who are prisoners in the
Tinaakerind, th( Russians bayoneted 'fourteen six-incb- pains, one fiLki gun, IAndg oft the various belligerents .be- t despatch from London says: i and women assembled. in. front_ of the
the' <iefenders 'and occupied the-poei-- a thousand rifles, fifty-three caissons came available on Friday. According Serious rioting took place in •Buda-' Burgomaster's house shouting, "Make;
bin.. Sunday's Petrograd official' and-other important booty. Vito these, figures- they' total 37,04', the- ,.;•_ t on &tit.�t.n- c•ordini;, to a Con- Peace." "Give us food" Fifteen o!�
sps`. "In the direction of Bagdad "In the direction of Erzingan we re- (•mans boldin 28,800 such Prison- - -the crowd were killed -when the Hon-
,o, _
ace nr occupation of the :organised .pulsed a Turkish offensive supported 1 era, the Turks 8,796, the '"Bvlgariana tra'.e�`' uespatch .from 'fhe Vague. ved garrison fired. two hundred ar-
points �f the Serinal grins—pose ren y ar r cry, tqg an t e us i said t11at a O11sand �ciali$LA__-1eaLs were ntada "
• •ir z
,. .. _ „_. ... ��:. ,,:'Sy7` ;� .:.y. n��w.sa Z.vm.. :.,�.a�wu•.. _-, ��r •�'-ii4ii�ia...r w ``i�. 7C'��
.:,...-. at)-"- .�+-."4}_�t+.r�'7- _.�! ..... ^.. c. i`� --. _. _- �'• - - _- — .. .. _ .. .- .. ,. .. [...,n J .�„ 5• v
a... }:, 1%iss_.•••'"iy 2°+:.. S..` ": f`�"�s�.C.e',2,.,,-. n " 1. r .
'His Speeches in Britain Have Caused' Rare - Treat - after the Hardships and Perils of ItaU;n
a Sensation. heavy meats and the canned
IN Tfumv SPOG, Troops in Carso.
1 016 "!
'Thi Hon. William Hughes Premier Vegetables of the Winter---�
of Australia is causing the British rwith 'a jaded stomach and, Th London Morning Post's corre- For "safilng
Nature 'Needs 'Aid 'in Making 'people'to bit up and take notice. Says spoXent on the Italian front writes: pap,
the London Tatler; from which we re-
JLrebellious liver—Shredded' The hill. of Carso- might well be call- For *often.
New Health -Giving. Blood. produce -theace an in hotO-7W-heat -with Strawberries ed hills of deatli. The- main eharac-. Ing Water.
In the spring the system needs a graph: —a s t is deliciously_ terstlus of Faint.
tonic. . "His amazing career from odd -job' achievement is sometimes-- wrongly For I I n
To be healthy you have nourishing and' -4iLtis refri tar
-new blood, just as the trees must have man W Premier Is the wonder and considered slow or too careful, is that ink got
new sap to renew their vitality. Na- admiration not only of Australia, the —a' perfect meal, SO it has never givezi up an -inch-of- do ral 10 r
;tore demand it, and without this new scene of his- labors; but of the Empire easily- and quickly prepared. ground, conquered on -a front of more other
Iblood he dreams and slaves for. Itis said Toi'breakfast, for luncheon than 600 kilometres. Each shell as it
you,will,feel week'and languid.:
�that great crisis throw up the great -bursts scatters the rocks in a thous
!You may. have twinges of rheumatism hem, but or any meal. and splinters, deadly as bullets. This
i men necessary to 'deal with t -A
or the sharp stabbing pains of near- 1 up to .the present, although England reason why the Italian losses
is one Ancient.
algia. Often there are disfiguring
PiMPIms or eruptions on the skin In, as a whole has risen to the occa- are so heavy. Many corps have been "Are you going td'the fah�y-dress
sjpp, no 0111 -standing per-sanality has living, for-trinni-ba uniar these t rihl-
,other cases there is merely a, feel* conditions. It made me shudder to
of tiredness and a variable appetite. "Oh, yes."
Any of the" are signs that the blood see many soldiers, exhausted by
"In what garb?"
is out of order—that the indoor life fatigue, asleep leaning against a "r shall vicar -one of the - quaint old
trench parapet, with mangled remains
a lessened your vitality costumes .of 1905."
of winter has unspeakably horrible sticking out in
What y9u, need in spring is a toni
many places.
Medicine to put you right, and in all, Zs*v 31tinard's T-i-i—ext In the house,
the wolf. of Medicine there is no tonic I The Austrians have concentrated
can equal Dr. Williamit'- Pi IE PMA- I About a million men in front of the , . Not XrjiucrL =R
mizia und on tb t! eaL no. Pa.. nan's w!fe ta his b4tte'r haii,
These Pills actually mike new rich,
isn't she?"
The next offensive will be one of the
red blood—your greatest 'need'. 'in
A 0
---spring. This new blood drives out the. Made in Canada. greatest battles of the war. We' are told 'so, my '86n."'
"Then if a 'man marries twice
seeds of -disease and makes easily d just over the �liff edge. Much 7
n the sand
after- MOTHER AND BABY.. there?
there isn't anything left of him is
tired men, women and childrin bright,
active and strong. Mrs. Eugene 4. to their surprise, a few seconds
Cadarette, Amherstburg, Ont., says: ward his engine was heard running
I The fond mother alwayss the Xinard's and take no other
ha AAk for
suffered for a long time from dart- again, and a minute or so later there
welfare of her little ores at heart.
-nese, pain in the back and sick head-. '-was a burst of -firing a mile or tw
-is cont As to Method.
out at sea. She Anually on the watch for I
ache, 'and pothing I took' did me any, "Next morns a destroyer I . e of t& maladies which, Landlady, (sympathel 'N
Pi came any appearanc
good until I began Dr. Williams' ink �ically)'Why
in and said that, hearing --the noise threaten her little ones. Thousands how did you fall downstairs, Mr.
These cured me after taking
six boxes and I now feel bettor than of bombs in the, camp, some of the of mothers have learned by experience 1anks ?"
ver I 'did In my It& I had fallen off X-
e officers had come on deck and were that nothing will equal Baby's Own Boarder (with dignity)—"Une
Tablets in keeping the children well. pectedly, ma'am"'
in weight to 82 pounds, and 'after tak- looking up at the shore when sudden-
ly Cliff, Concerning them Mrs. R. Morehouse,
ing the 'Pills I -had, increased to 100 n aeroplane dived, off - the
ds." flew straight at them almost level Blissfield, N.B., writes: "Baby's Own 1111111"
These Pills are sold by all medic Tablets are the best medicine I hive Q ECD POTATOES, IRISH CO
medicine with the water, and as it passed raked -
7. --dealers or can be had by mail at 50 them from end to end with a machine ever used, for my. baby. He was very r7 blers. Delewar4. Carman.. Or
cross but the Tablets soon put him' der at once. Juply limited. Write for +4
teniii a box. or six boxes for $2.50 from Sir William Hughes. gun.. quotations. 1. N E . .-mon. Dramptoa. 4
The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., again." The Tablets are
Dinner, T�ink." sold
by fnedicine dealers or by mail at 25.� 7039 SAZA.
Brockville, Ont. "Another incident which . o&urrm � - 11
arisen here throughout -this g -cents a box from The Dr. WilliAms" (I FLOW -
very early in the Gallipoli operations I Medicine Co.,.Brockville, Ont. G Y.R. Cultured directionm free. H.
SAILORS'HYMNI OF TRIUMPH. Hughes is great in thought and execu- lalso has its humorous side. r, vanwagner.,R. 5, Hamilton.
tion, with an unerring faculty of aim- FIVING MACHINE SUPPLIMS-14-
3 -1 "On this occasion two British of-!
pie and clear expression. He rea. IS
having Rammed German Destroyer, 1 firers went up and discovered that i Reversing It. iL Superior N 2fic, Shuttles 75c.
the necessities and opportunities
Sang "Abide With Me." not Bohbins fic, Belts 20c. for any Machine.
i their" Machine refused to rise . more 'I'll take this hat at $6."
only of the war, but, what is even as i Superior Supplies Co.. Hamilton. Out
than about three thousand feet. Some- "But the madam is trying it on
When the Admiralty lifts the veil, important, of the period after the waf. P. RZLF WAX"D.
where above the Turkish lines a shell upside down.
-of secrecy surrounding the latest dash Re stands for a sound Imperialism.'
by the British Fleet to the German and. it may be given to him to realize 1 burst almost under the tall, and the "'And the price tag, to, ell ? Urn! I ANTED UPHOLSTERERS, GOOD
g 9: piecework -
chine stood on its head. The pilot It's $9 now.' W Apply Balatil
coast one of the boldest and most ex. the dream of Joseph Chamberlain of ma Ernthewre'L; Co.. Berlin. Ont,
hilarating feats yet executed by the. a united Empire, whose citizens will ;pal led it out arits dive and had climb
M ber I ed to the best het ht the machine -311tinard's Zdalmont Luinberman's priond, INTEL), EXPERIENCED COARSZ
navy wl -z e. called, my s -die-4.6,9- not In prosperity forget-jh*rr- first! home loopers on black work.
dun &OLLOV
Sunday Observer. Never in -duty, namely, the knowledge of how I could reach when another o--- urs P&IG
their bistoryL have our intrepid sea- i.Lnr,,care
Wireless In Irelan kga
to defend their homes." on one side of it and tippcei 'I-, up so' Ireland. a . blish.
I Ing Street Wej-t Toronto.
men essayed an thine more audacious that it did a terrific side slip and again An l7khman and a Scot were argu-
lost several hundred feet 3MW"A-FZ3LX cos &AmA.
and perilou5 than the coup which . 'Ing as to the merits of their respec-'
has just been accomplished by them "Once more he pulled it up, and Live countries. "Ah, week' said RUFIT-MAKING NEW8 AND JOB
in! JOKES. u,,n,TH DEATH"'
the t6eth of the German fleet. A parts -1 had climbed to his maximum when an- Sandy, "they took loon an P ut*f1ces amort
In good Ontario
dpa-nt In the engagement says: other shell burst right in front and sued Ca3- .,n,. Th. in,., useful and intertstine
tle in .Scotland and foohd wire& under of all businesses. Full information on
apptication to Wilson Publish
"We set about the on I Ing Com- Ze..W�
m in a ding -d' . 9 UP IN TR AM he and his passenger raw the :,hell it which showed that the telegraph
11 case drop past tbim within a foot or 91 pany, 73 Went Adelaide street. Toronto
rfashion, the -Cleopatra being was there hundreds of years ago,
-ahead . of the other cruisers. Re two of the body of the machine. The "Well," said Pat, "they took down an
most awful pounding resulted.
I May, ALL IN THE DAY'S WORK OF THE pilot scribbled something on the writ ould castle in Oireland, and begorra AN Tumults, LUMPS. ETQ.
remark that the German gurmery *a-5 Ing block fixed in front of him, handed C internal and external, cured with-
: . there was no wires found undber it,
AVIATOR. . cue pain by our home treatment writs d
an * mprovement o ' n that of a year' the paper back to the passenger. an which shows that they knew all us before too late. Dr, Bellman Mods
e turned the nose of the machine for b' t wireless telegraphy in Oiretand Co- -1 d Collifixwood. Ont.
alto and the enemy certainly landed, a ou 'J Is
us one- or two disturbing thots. I keine. As the machine turned ro'brid: hundreds av years ago.". 611
read the comforting,
!Ttft Cleopatra made a desperate Mixtuva of Tragedy and Comedy the passenger Overseas" Liniment
dash, during which- a German, . , de- Found in Life of the words, 'Dinner, I think!'" Wh s �,j if wr dr
b9olUtely rift in two and -a sago,
Ifigno Sack or pain of any kind,
"or IF 1yers. , "Ov rmeaA pniment will cure Yom
went to the bottom. When the' VALUE OF A. CA.N-F- I cured a horse of the Mange with bane' Ibm"4est nrade - Liniment muds.
-MINA'S IMN. uaranteeA, send at once. Family &-tre
Cleopatra rammed the enemy de- � -liumors ori War in -the Air," is v� Laroee size $1.00.
.....4troyer weal]. sang 'Abide With Me.' tike subject of an interesting article Imparts a Sense of Confidence and CHRISTOPHER SAUNDERS. OV21ARMAS CZZMUCALL 00,
"We made the return journey in the in the London Daily Express by Mr. Ease to the Carrier. Dalhousie. L 610 matiLat-st at.. 210"Sta. O&M.
most abominable weather, and all our, C. -M. -Grey, editor of -the Aeroplane A cane imparts as 'sense of eonfi-
7- 1 cured a horse, badly torn by a
beats excepting the, Medusa returned, , 'which he narrates an aviator's deuce and ease to its. carrier. with, ..%IINARD'S LINI- BOOK O'N
, In ex Be- pitchfork,
to port little the worse for the scrap., version of the old f- 7Lce "Box - and fore the age- of bootnerangs bows and ME's -T.
The crew of the Medusa had a very- Cox- azid some incidents of Turkish arrows, firearms and steel, a cane St. Peter's, C.B.
was miraculous, for when she collided) 14
narrow 'e. -tape. 'How they escaped 'cheek or cudirel). in the hand vW oitt-ri a I cured a horse of a bad swelling And How to Feed
"A s' by M -ILRD'S LINIMENT. Mailed free to any -Adre-s by
story appeared in a, Turk -:matter of life and death when cit- IN.
with the. Laverock it was odds against • mat 11 X�B THO&- W--PA-yXF- the Author
communkjuethe-other day re- '71-fe—n 6f thearc�yns was a ack-ed MORW H. CLAY -GLOM,;
anybody being saved."
'lating how a Turkish aviatoe dropped': an enemy. He who could Rly -his_ Do& RameMss 118 West 31stSbwt,N&wYsrk
bombs near one of the allies' cruisers knotted stick with the bes'i skill was
of those Her Reward. HAWK BICYCLES
and caused her to change her course, probably the political Los's
after which he tacked_ 'a destroyer" diys. A certain remnantofthis pri- Ml -s. A,—I met --Mrs. Swellton, the, An ur-to-date High Gradsi
qUpset Her. with his machine Zguii," he writes,mitive instinct exists tow-day.re-ident for the Home for the Aged,! Ilk -V�
a, Xercula
People *ho- don't know about f oo-d -Ir P%.c :+,d F r", nap.
"is probably someth I of an- exag- r - Some AAalogists -trace 6e origin of to -day and are her -SIO for it-, which
should never be sUowed to. feed per- geration, but it would 'be quite a mis-, the walking -stick back even. farther I couldn't. well afford. chaRe nre, h ghgradc.quip.
sons with- weak stomachs. takii to put it down as - an absolute 0 ill re,'y6id
than cavedom In the arb riRi stage Mrs. B.—Hemmen -%v S22.50
Sometime ago a young woman had; fabrication, because people %vho have certain animal.7 were accustomed'to"
Mrs. A.—It has already. She in -o FREE 1916Ualo s'
for V I
an attack of : scarlet fever, and when, quite a high opinion -of the Turks as the feel of wood and dependend ori, vited me to luncheon. T f
convalescing was permitted to eat, fighting men and even. respect their 5 0 8 444 - You can
tree for sudden ascension from dun- b sti pplies from us&$
-anything she wanted. Indiscriminate-, aviators. 'The Turkish communique
ger, The Rpe found Wessier to Nvallc' W.=,. Prices.
feeding soon put her bark in bed with � r 'fe ris - to the G nolaled Eyelids, T. W. BOYD & SON.
d fiviathr -as s['Turl�, but on his hind legs with a bowed stick Eyes inflamed by ex o- stomach and kidney trouble- Sore re V Xdre lboic St., West, P,' "treA
i the pilots of the Turkish a�eropliimis in his front paws. - Wheth;?i� th"n
"There I sbayed," she says, "three have been Girma6a chiefly. sure to Sun, Dusland Wind
is any 1LrdftSjwckly relieved by' Marine
months, with My stomach in such'
ari' .
con-;- "There is one incident, however, and the present use of the can JU ye Remedy. No Sm
h e h E
connection between thise face
that I could take only a few related to me by an, officer whoy", highly I lust Eye Comfort.
has�c6u y theorefleal. At
teaspoonfuls of mil k--,orE-e
-if7 —Juice at just Freturned-T-ro-m-F-G-allipoli, of which '-Your ru 'st'sSft erBottle. HariveEss
Salve inTubes 2 5 c. ForIllao o f e ye'reeask
a time. -Finally Grape -Nuts 0%
was the hero was more likely t&' have Sure Proof. i n�R b �.2 5s5 - r �Sa �fe "y Be V
brought to my attention and I asked been a Turk �han a German, for the' Dniggists or Hurtne Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago
Do you believe in'lu k'9" I
my doctor if I might eat it. He said,, German, although he 'May on oeca- ' - " - I -
'yes,' and I commenced at once. 'Yes sir. How else could I aecount'- -
I sion fight quite well, does not - - - -- - - Poor Boob. W
"The fodd did me good nppat' for the -'success of my neighborii?'!
from the ren'ly beiieve in lakink chan�es pure- is not Very happy
start and I was soon out of bed and ly as a sport. in his choice of adjectives.
recoN;cred from the *stomach trouble. The Di'vjng AerQplane.. Usher—W.hy' sp?.
-Lb&�crvained,ten pounds and am able: "Misi -Gumms -fished for Cornpli-
- "One night when things were fkirly
to do all household duties, some da- IS YOUR WAGON
days calm both in the air and on the ment bv asking him what he thought!
W.; i, J�
sitting down only long enough to eat of her slippers." LOPSIDED?
�ny meals. - I can eat anything. that
ground the sound of An aeroplane en- Have worn axles made the
..one ought to eat, but I still continue --gine was heard approaching the Brit- '!And what did he, say?" *h-e'elm all out of gear? - You
d" 116- sitid they were immense, could have prevented that
to eat- Grape -Nuts at breakfast and ish lines. -It .drew nearer and nearer,.; EMBER I The ointment condition—and you can still
and it was. evident from the sound
supper and like it better every day. YQU put on you -r child's skin gets help It with
'Advice to Mabel.
that the aviator was flying very low*. into the surely as
"Considering that I could stand only. system just as
Suddenly he appeared., over, a certain A London man just back from the
a short time, and that a glass of water. food the child eats. Don't let 1 7.
seemed satisfied' part of the British camp 301' low that . I States says .that a little girl on the -MICA'
so heavy.' I am fully satisfi impure fats and tniincral coloring
he could haV6 been hit with a 're-�ol- train to Pittsburgwaschewing gum .:that Grape -Nuts has been. everything,•
matter '(such as many of the AXLE
to me and' that my return' to health ver •i! anybody had seen him in time. Not only that, but she insisted on
cheap ointments contain) get
is due td it. As he went he dropped several bombs, pulling it out in long strings and -let- GREASE-
did no articular harr-A. , Half into your child's blood I - Zam- ting it fall back into her mouth again. The mica does It. Tt 11111 016
have told several friends having,
stomach trouble what I Buk is purely herbal". No* pots- Won't Curn.' ICH9 friction.
nervous or a dozen officers rushed out of their "Mabel!" said her mother, in a hor- worn ,ores of � the axle.
tents' acid began' firing at him, onous coloring. I -se it always. -1
Grape -Nuts did for me an * rifled whisper. "Mabel, don't -do that.
sound of his engine -stopped, and his 50c. Box at Ad D�uafsb and Storm Chew your g -dm like a little lady." 4.
case they speak highly oft "ed7 :.
ii Reas6n." % I machine was seen to throw -up its The Imperial 08 Cenp&4
Ami given tail; and dive dov�t-) over the cliff at WisardS Lialni*n't need by Physicians. Limhom
by Canadian Posturn Co7 -a a 3MANCFM IV ALL CITERS
7Vi ndsor, the edge of the plateau on which the
or read the above - Is . tter? A* a4w Camp stood. A • Seems go.
one time to tims. They "Everybody thought
he had been "Pa, what are the fortunes of war .
04m= . true. and. full' of %--a- IM -0111 -
;,+,,s. �;y-y, ++,.. ...wny�•�.•k-rr,. 'v�:- �+:4�' p,v,y.-:.r�,t .,. nom• ..,,c -y t. ^•+'- :•°'-,'�".�^''
.,�'+���� v.<.,,
. � „-a L' `p #-� .� L• n . '. ii� . •r�"T- �S ¢' . •r..P 4"Y'� . ,3�. "''!l}i�ft <-'+. '- °' `. X F 7 ix.. . a'.'• - rm- ... .
r.' ' .':,p._w.<:•ri.d..u., ", ..• n. '.. J.yR :+.•r.^ :S•••....:_ ..a. r._...". .e-.:vc�.i+s•�'•'r�.'..'+. c ":. ..s . a.yC ..�• '. by.aaCP '
J .. _ •.. . . • .. ... .:.. .n • a
�i T y rr .'.�•
L{�CALISMS. -Fine worsted snits to order -Lloyd Shirley spent Sunday GARDEN SEEDS and i OOL4- ;
from i19 tfrtl€!6. Tweed shits $16 at the home of his parents h e.
a , to $20. -Order now fur May 24th. -firs. Lockwood Rud child; uu p anteFl your garden yet '� If not w e can supply you with
B. Powell' is re-shingling We guarantee all work, D. Simp of Liskeard, have been spetding a either Eel-Briggs' or Simmers' Seeds Dutch sets and
-his residence. son & Co. * few dayys with' the fornieFs prtr- muitiphet Simothy and Clover Seed.
Iirm. Lind 1i We can also supply you with with all necessary toolls you require-H�s ana
-House-cleaning' is still . the .-Although it-is-near the middle ants, rs. Wihott.
of fhb day in our village. of Mays many farmens have not * '-A targe-nudiber, tbf fruit trees Forks, Spades and Shovels. Chicken wire in 2, 8, 1 and 5 feet, the
-W. V. Richardson was laid pet sown any grain, and are riatur• arrived from the nurseries this new kind, to protect your Rairden from the little and big-
order v
last week with an attack of ally becoming quiteanzions. The week for the purchaser., who are chicks: The newest thing on the market. -Chick feed, grit and ahe1L _ ;4
weather so far has been hood for now busy Alantin¢ them out, The ladies are busy house-cleaning and will require wall Paper, Alabastine,'
Brushes, Li uid� sneer, Paints, etc: We
-J. O'Connor, of Churchstreet, Pp y -
Is erecting a verandah in front of --Ou..Sunday the, auto traffic. out. on the trotlt streams in the can , u I you with ever, requisite- y c o s, - too sum,
along the Kingston road assumed northern part ' of the township 5i It ing, Bungalow Nets, .ScrimR, Cretoas, Art Sateena.
> •1ais residence. bis proportioiza, The roads while and repos some extra Rood catches Call and inspect our stock and satisfy yourself that both goods
-Mrs'. Kerr is visiting her-son. _ . .. exti and prices are right.
Norman- and Sirs. Kern and fam- quite dry now are very rough and"
r ily, of Belleville. full of deep holes and .will req�iire, Germany admitteJ '%inking the G. A. GILLESPIE�l �DUNBARTON
k -Dr. fienry will be here as usual a lot of'attention before Moturing Sussex and oifvrei4 indemnity to Vr
'on.Tuesday neat to attend to his 'can be thoroughly enjoyed. iuj.uredAmerican citizen,!.
professional duties. *^ -lir. Grahaw, the etntnent eye
Eighteen thousand pound-c- of m
--Miss Irene Rogers, we are sight'specitili t, lSontreal,.,�rilleon• food were druAhed by uerv,l,lnne" Farmera
�ts 'Seed Tillie --
leased to- state, is itu rovin , time his free exaniivations at Me.
p g Fadden's drug store until Satur- into Kut-Amara ."i the tiritii+h
after rrison during�h�iegN.
-Chas. and -Mrs. f ilkey, of ay a A 1. Get yf onr.Seed where you, get Rood satisfaction, We have a good
Mount Albert, spent.over .SttndRy last opportani.ty of having your _ re nttation along this line, and are 'wit again to do busi-
eves ex a reals ec.i- � htetttoriattt " 1 posy tivith yo,i this year. We handle
with their parents here. b' * - -
-John Calvert is getting mater- alist. LEOTARD WQUAY Steele-Briggs Co's Seed and also D. M. Ferry's.
`ial on the grounds for the erection -The Postmaster-General has __
of new stable on premises. stated that a new three•cent post- No more that they can do, While seeing us place your,order for Boots.We handle the best and
-Mfg. Housyer, of Toronto,` is. age stamp will shortly.be issued Leave ibEm the lifeless clay, = _can guara-ateey9a the, best of satisfaction-and good wear.
with of a color different from that now His spirit smites upon-�t� nes. --
--- _ her son, F. B. and Mrs. Houser• [n uses an No more that they can do, per-
-Private Arthur Sier, 'of the subject of many .coroplainte, as it No more that they can harm: We are agents for the 'Lowndes TailQYing Co. and guarantee
169th Battalion of Toronto, spent so strongly reeembles the two- weep not so sore for that brave boy; feet satisfaction with every garment.
Wednesday evening at his home cent stamp. The badge .of heroism upon his
dere.. -While all kinds of paper, ink, . arm, , . R; A, BUNTING, PICKERING�r
-E. L. and Mrs. Rudd spent type and all printer's supplies
Ruddy No more that they can do, Established 1Sa7.
Sunday at their home here The have made great advances in price
They Oh, mother heart be cheered;
•down'AcWtly.for since the war began, butter-wrap- Thy son is beyond the ills,
expect to move
she summer: pens have- made the greatest ad- Which tby food anguish feared. _
John'R. Linton was overcome vance in price. The firm, from No more that.they can do,
on .Monday evening while work- whom we purchased most of our No, though they try till doom; ;
.-Ing in the garden, bat has 'now better- wrappers for several years, Rest, gentle son,-for ever rest, :
quite recovered. now quote $1.40 for the same lathy triump�[ant toiab .__.
t l't that t we-can do
'd to 1 ore that ,
uantit an p And m
-W. D. and. Sifd•. Rogers, and. y _ Y q p ,
daughter, :Hiss Helen, spent Sun supplied at the beginning of the Onthis too troubled earth. i-teik _ .- -.52--rents This price i� da and England must not
., day here with the furmer's moth-
er, Mrs. J. H. Rogers. nearly three times that at the soon forget,
_Such valiant men of worth, < s t
-Sergt: Fred "Adair,-of the 34th commencement of the war. As yes. more that we can db,
Battery, Kingston, spent a few soon as our present stock is ea Whilst others aremeeting-hlsfate, a' _
daps with Pickering friends, re- hansted we will be compelled to More that we can and ought to do,' :
to make an advance commensur- �xa
turning on Monday evening. slots, lest we be too-late. •
-?Sirs. F. Graham is accompany- ate with the increased cost of the arch 27th, 1916._ B.H.N.W. •'� f ! '
ing her husband, the eye specialist paper•
--:--wbo has a ten days' engagement -It is with regret that we re- X*Fq�, ♦'
Piekerin with T. M. McFadden. port the death of one of our highly COURT OF REVISION �.
In g `v iwp
-J. J. Gorman, head engineer respected resideatQ; James hingt '`�,�
of the ;water-workq filtratinta which took ,place on Monday at Municipality of the Township of _ ;,�'�, x�•"' :ti , _ '
plant, Toronto, spent a few days St. Michael's 'Hospital, Toronto, Pickering,
r` t —
with his uncle, J. H. Gorman, this Mr. King, who worild have been public Notice is hereby given that .►` ' �,'; I -i _ -
week 49 years of age to-day, had been the Court of Revision for the Munici-
Misses. Maggie and Metcy troubled foe some title with one Pality of the Tolrasbip of Picrering, ► "
Aloore, of Toropto. s peat overSun- of- his leg's, went' to the hospital For the year 1916, will bold its first
p about a coo le of weeks ago for Pitting in The Town Hall, in the V.11- '
day at the home of-their uncle and p g cf ----- Monday, .the _ _•
_aunt, Harr and,..Mr . Moore, of treatment. He wag making satin - g
Harry s tory p r erp 29th day of May. 19M. at t11e hour of
the r road.one o'clock in the-afternoon.
-Mrs. Fred F. Bakdoo. of Gar- and was able to walk around. He All persons' interested will please
and Bandsman Allan Clark, of took a chill and had to return. to take notice and goveru themselves &c-
the 98rd Batt.. Peterboro, spent a bis bed. Pneumonia developed cordingly. + "
few days during the past, week and although he waA 3► man of Dated' at �t'ttltevate iji8 > lth day-of _
with their parents, W. J. and Mrs. strong physique he was unable to Map. 1916. DovaLa R. B��ro�.,
check_ the regress of the disease
Clark. Joe Clark, of Brantford, - Clerk of the said
p - i
and he gradually sank until Men- `
_ ...,also spent Sunday with.tbem. 33.35 Municipality
-Lance-Corporal V. Rumpth, dal►, when his death tools place. _ .
166th. Batt., Q• U. W. is at the ex- His body was conveyed to his EXECUrOR'S .
hibition camp Faking a course i° home in Pickering and his funeral 1�TOW is the time for repainting your house, both for pro=
" bayonet and phylscal 'drill. Uo Wok place on Thursday morning tection against the weather and for the sake of its ap-
-his return Air. Rumpth expects to to the R. C. Church, thence to the
earance. Th�r1 there is nothing that will show better
- take his place as instructor for ,cemetery. He is survived by his AND OTHERS. p g
the Battalion. widow and one eon, for whom In the estata of Peter- Annan, lata of !ha returns for the time and money spent at house-cleaning time
-Mrs. M. S. Chapman returned much sympathy is expressed is Township of Pickering, ix the county-q/ than paint and varnish used inside the house. 'Tell us what
1111:11 Itil e 1:1,1:1 11111:1 a 11111!11 er span ng -berea ou wis o psi i-sh–and we will show you a
_ a week attending the annual meet- '-The patriotic concert given in NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant BTi hten U Finish that will do.it—and do it righty
Ing of the Provincial Presbyterial the town hall on Friday eveuing to, section 56, Chap. 121• R.9 0.. 1914, g p
`- and also visiting friends in Lon- last by the 182nd Battalion was a that all persons having claims against
don, as well aq in other parts of decided success. The ball, includ- the estate of the said. Peter Annan. - ���'� �
Western .Ontario. _ ing the gallery, was comfortably who died at the Township of Picker-
' Walter and Mr!-. Bra-y and filled. Before the [Heating was In[igg on the Seventeenth day of Oc-
family, of Filmore, Sask., are vis- opened the band of the 182nd,
toter, 1915, are required to slider or r'
r -Sting relatives throughout the which is a new.'organization but past prepaid, _to Alexander J.
township.The hmii sold their contains talent of a high order. ExecuAzinator
, Dn°aid es , e. on Ont., the
p E:ecut�r of said estate, on or before
Yarm in the west sad are thinkins gave a selection which was much the.lst dayof Julie, 1918, their names are a line of Paint: and Varnishes which do exactly what they are in-'
settling in this neighborhood, appreciated. The meeting'opened and addresses and a full description of tended- io do -give a right treatment to each surface. It is impossible to
' JbA ao far have made no definite a ith the National Anthem, play- their claims, and the nature of their obuin one paint. of xarnish that is suitable Eor a-wide variety of uses. so it
----' - ed --by the...band, after which a securities, if any, held by them, and
li after
is ver important 'to obtain a product that is exactly suitable for the Orr-
-On Monday evening, Russell number of moving pictures were FURTHER TAKE Notice that aft se you have in mind. Come it and talk it over. We may be able a
Burrell's 'light' driver became thrown upon the canvas. These the said 1st day of. June, 1916, G2te said Po Y
`.frightened by- the smell of-blood were chiefly of a military char- Executor will proceed todiatriDute the help you with su�estions, i
at the slaughter house and ran actor, showing a number of bat- Mate of the s+itd deceased among the
away, doing considerable damage talions in ,Toronto passing in ie- parties entitled
thereto, having regard P M AN
to the light-'wagon to which it view and of battle scenes at the only to the claims of which be shall 'C H A -
f+ then have notice, and the said Execu= me S a
l was attached but the horse es- front, "somewhere in France or for shall not be liable for The said asTO
Caped injury. - _ Belgium." There were also several-setsior any part thereof, to any person .PICKE RIN G, ONTO
-The Girl's'Red Cross-Society reels" of an amusing character: of whose claim he shah not then have
will hold a supper in the base- Vocal solos were rendered in a received notice.
trent of St. An&ew's church and most pleasing rr:anner by Lient. ALEXANDER J: ANNAN, '
Mrs. h his solicitor, A. E, Christianf _
'-concert in the town
'hall on the Lewis and Lieut. Ren y
..evening of May 24th. A choice Parsons, who is well-known among Dated flay end, 1918.. O �DS
t�ro ram v+ill _be gicen, consisting the Women a Instit es through- ,tion SPIRIN �
p g TI:FtE TABLE-Pickering 9t d
6f .quartettes,• duets, 961oa; piano oitt the =nee, ave a -mast ,.r R. Trains going East ane as follows- ARRIVING DAILY
solos and readings by the "Harm- stirring recntirtIng address. When No. 6 Mail -8,08A M. ' - -
ony Four," of Toronto, and other yonng, Mrs. Parsons was a, student �, 12 - Local . 2.50 P. bi. "T
talent. Watch for bills and full in Potsdam, Germany, and 'thus(1j"\14 Local 6.04 P.M.
particulars next week. has a good knowledge of things, T sins going Rest due as.. �olloae- HOES, RAKES, SPADES, SHOVELS, FORKS
_ 1 B.. McQuay, who spent German and of Prussian militar- No. is Local 7.42 A. a1. _.
last summer at the Duchess of Otani. She is nn excellent speaker, 11 Local -2.15 P. M. �_ and all other Garden Tools.
naught Hospital, Cliyecden, Eng- Nvho cur'uutan 7 blah i P. M, t
nadavincluded� _ _
lead, and returned to Kingston her audience, from .beginning to
last fall to pursue his medical end. Sergt. Martin, who received-.ELM DALE MILLS - -
studies at Queen's U'niver'sity, has .R number, of wounds; including a ELiya
- just completed his course, securing ballet wound througgh his shoulder, PICKERIl�'C} —Base Balls and Bats. Fishing Tickle complete in all hues, • __ .
the degree M. D., C. M. He is to at the Battle of Langemarck', as • Complete stock of General Hardware, -
be congratulated on the result as well as being gassed at that bat- You can always get
he took two years' course in one. tle, also gave a good address, ou ' toba Flour made from No. 1. _ e
He is visiting his parents and sis- his experiences, and also made a Manitoba Wheat. _J 0 S G P H" H . SUN D Y-- ,
ter in Fozwarren,' Sian before re- strong appeal for men to join the Royal Household and Glenpra for
turning to England to continue colors. Lieut: Patton, another - Bread.. Try a bag._ 3
his work there. returned soldier, also spoke, _Cul. Pastry_ Flour Fresh Rolled Oa
- -Marriage licenses have been A. A. Cockburn, the officer com- BRAN, SHORTS -
raised from $? to $5,-the new rate', manding the battalion, who is -- .MIX FEEDS -- HARNESS! COLLARS !
coming into force ou -the 14th inst. very popular with his men, gave a __OAT CHOP c • _
W. G. Ham, the issuer of marri• short address which 'was well re- CRUSHED OATS
age licenses in this village, expects ceived, and. Lieut. Dales, who is "BARLEY CHOP QOOd Farm $SrIIess from X35.00 upwards,
to be busy the remainder of this one of the officers in charge of the 'WHEAT
-week supplying the demand for recruiting in this todrnsbip, spoke .CRACKED CORN A number of bargain Collars, $2 and $2.50
these-deeuments fcr would-be -briefly. The chair was. occupied MIXED HEN FEED -
. benedtctUs-
., who are anxious to es- by W. J. Clack, After the close CaI�ReTI's Cresta sitbstitru ,Fill lIOrs�e gOoti9-at-r@&s6nable prices.-_gar>Z
ape the extra tax. We are also of the meeting the young ladies of C%lf Meal. Boot and Shoe repairing promptly ti
repared to print wedding invite- the village served coffee, sand- Molasses Meal
ions of the most approved style wishes and cake to those who pro- CHOPPING AND OAT' attended to.
Fit the lowest possible price and vided the program and to all those - CRUSHING EVERYDAY
are willing o work overtime to in uniform who were present. A Get prices on feed in ton lots. PICKERING HARNESS EMPORIUM
supply the eels of those young collection was taken up' which .BELL PHONE.
-- ELL
people who ave come o e . su- E[tmsnnierl tu-sootrz $ Ae oma one ` ff -- T.-v���
rinston thyt. "?ingle ble=redness" is amount was very gratifying to
_ ,n�,t what it is cracked tip to be i the officers of the battalion. I Chopping every dap.
••. '. .. .. .. -. y ';: 'v*i�✓_ •;.5,,, 'f '7•.-.:,� 3-. -..e Si^M1'� Y:L' R. r'•f9'�A•iy;x
,,,,.. ,.-r ;.,:� .._.,.-- .:.•� .-. .. _ .... .. . ., �.: .. ... -. �.c.�..,i...s.. .�M_a!S.•,.:J..•.t:sw_R`ls.'�i'�-.,_.�.s:a�._.,.x,.._ua,:.'`,�N::r...F'rr.�.