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x-, -T 7' ' ' `"t1-�_4"7:.':- �_' ` _ - - --7, 7 , ... ,!p P11 M r 7'. A % 7 7 ONT., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1916 VOL. XXXV. CHERRYWOOP., .�Zatabllsbed 75 years Arthur Willis bpent Sunday In 21. 1111:11[�4jl' I le-r-wedtits"all sot emn- ."SPINK MILL9 Are Toronto. ized at 'th ; � 9 Mettmdia.t pai;sonage at Nelson W�t�qallttd on 111T.b. IL.Tarr Whitevale pn the evening of January GREENWOOD 7:� E. FOR8YTH, D. of.0., .Re on Mondav- 22nd, 1910, when Margaret E., young. .JL%o Sexed inernbecof the OptometrieWAsso. -Thoma, lJilki-has engaged Clifford est daughter of John and Mrs. Orine- station of Ostaric. -Special attention given to FLOUR : Woodcock, of Viiian,for a year. rod, Hill View, Scarboro, was unlied I glasses. Eyes tested free. Worth Mrs. J, B. Turner has been under in,marriage to Charles Ei Gates, sec- WHITE SATIN-BREAD the d0Ct0L'b care, but,19 now -MILLS _�fn)provv ond s6n of Nelson and Mrs..Giites, .NO. MCKINNON, M.D., L.R.C.S-., ing nicely. of Cherrywood, Rev, Chas. Langford, o Edinburh, membernf the College of .,CREAM BUNS-FAMILY Percy Tai'r and Mrs. M.- Ramsey ofWhitevale. assisted by Rev. Peter PhYsiolandane Surgeons of Ontario liabatiato Of Royal College of Surgeono,Ontario, spmt Tuesd�!., of last week at Nelson Campbell,offle'iating. They tte tion to daieases of women Edinburgh. T'FA Bu.'NS-_PA`JST' young cou- PLY bride wore all, Wagg's.Clarrinont. ple were unatter)ded. The br =41-il Mce and residence,Brougham. A few of the young people attended a Que silk dress with white satin hat -ing Tp. SabbiAh School and white 'feather;" Mr.' and Mri. I wish you all the ComnlL. Ontiiia winter-w-hea't, Bran' the Picket PICKERING MEDICAL'SURGICAL Convention at AltoiL% on Wednejday Gates bR ve the best wishes of the com- .'and X-RAY INSTITUTE 4 evening last. munity for along a6d happy life. ments.of the Minn. and Sh6rfs af 23 and ONTARIO STOUFFVILLi PUl'41BARTON R. ELGIN TOWLE, x. B., M. D., C. X., ..-$24 per ton. .. : ' - "** M Pbysiclom-in-charge . .Seven-year-,old Irma Johnston,n, dRu- 'Miss Gatward and Miss Wright I ask you to reme' 'b6r that' 'hat SPnI.istiviEfttal Diseases. Prostatic Dia- These prices are fol lot gliter.of Clarke Johnston. farmer and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gat- I want to get your wheat Men, Diseases of women. cLnp!rs, LnUl owner of this place, was instantly ward over the week-ead. Tumors.X-RAY examination. Diseases of a". killed Niondav in her father's mill Mrs. Holmes is under the doctor's barley at the ,1hZo&1Udl= Fittiaggl"aawand her clothes caught.in'the madbl- care at present.- Her many,friends and chronic SOL when OIZ..Hours 12 to 3 and 7 to 9 P, in." W very and she was whirled around the wish for her speedy recovery. highest market 491y SCRANTON COAL D.-L. and shafting, her body being crushed al- Mrs. E. Gillespie. ofT to, andt byecogtesMs , P. boro,spentaue.STOVE, CHESTNUT, PEA instantanoous. Theaccidenthappen- a day with Mrs. G. A. Gispiei, _T E. FAREWELL, K.C., BARRIS- ed about four o'clock in the afternoon, On Saturday evening, January 29th, WJ o T31B.Covinty0rown Attorney.and County AND STEAM, while the father and other employes the members of the limited number of 111*11 Court 1904",Whitby. 10-Tchoir met in the I have a wet busily engaged about the mill. basteibent of the church and presented E. CHRISTIAN, BarristerThe w4rl, accompanied by her 18-year- a mat;tle clock-to Mr.Burkholder,who calendars for customerg -.-AeSolicitor,Notary Public.E and rF le..Mcney to J. L. SPINK, LIMITED old brother. entered the mill with the has so faithfully given his services as who use our flour. I will oan. Office Brock St.North,WbItbT. 2617 intention of getting a board to-close choir -leader for 1915. T 9, u bolVe- you 5LOCK at the ba-Fd-. -w-hFch was read by ----,be address, NT. as I them on Dental PICKERING. p P 6 ng close to the shafting, which Miss Daisy Burns, -glve F wa8_cui1:,1,1,y_r= !�,bZ_Mr. Burk. 'he tnp__-, i" ng was HE B. ]BEATON. D. D. S. of the will, her drers cauwbt, in-the bpent 1,a hinging,. t r aest. BGraduate of the Boyal fcToiiege,of vectai FARM WANTED ral5idly revolving sbaft, stfip ing the �Surgeocts and Univerivity o 0. Office over W.X.Pringle's hardware store, Whitby. Farm of two,hundred acres or clothing fr!im her body ind tmwing pf Office hours 9 to 12. minade �arniv' al %-t' I to 5.30. Ind ptrouc her betweta the and thewdl. bone 2W. 4Z more with good bush }`Anted Tu6sida' ly The cries of the boy attracted the Y, Feb. 9th. to purchase or n ill urcLace P father, vih� rushed upstaiib.andthrew suatntg* gavb*. good block of bash land. off the heltitig, stopping the Tn&A:bin-' GREEN RIVER If yon have land to cry. It took some time to extricate G. In e& of Marriage sell-write. the body. the b�ing dismetilber. The Red Cress Auxiliary pur oses W. License& in the County of Out 0 onL the C "E A ST L A K E y Z Pickering Village. Fisher & CoMp y J. The motber is -castrated with holding I, banner P 17th of March grief. 'An inquest will-rikely be held. (St. Patrick'i Day). Watch out for particulars later. POUCHER.- Real Estate Auc- COU..NTRY REAL ESTATF .'To wonder, Talastor,collector and issuer Standing of-pupils iv"Green River 0 ADELAIDE ST.. E.. ToRo--To. Uxbridge-Band at carnivalat' dIO LUMSDE-N BUILDING. School for January. 191a. The first Clerertiont Tuesday next. three of each class are given in order HOPPER Issuer of Marriage of merit : Sr. IV.-E. Michell. Dora li --D Licensed in the County of Octavio. Dora veo:at store and his residence.Claremont. :0M. :B- :E- M_J0_VM3 OSHAWA' Michell. Hazel Turner. Jr. IV.-Lest- 'Veterinary Surgeon er Fc rrier, Fred Ferrier,Myrtle Percy. -7i B.BEATON TOWNSHIPOLERE Honor Graduate of ti:* Ontario Vete- Wednesday morning as Joseph and Sr, HL-Clifford Percy. Ida Gray. .,l Do ocaveiranow. Govismilosioner for Mrs. Knigbt. living near Taunton, FrankCarter;, Jir- lll-�Gertieliorn J 0115davise. A"oun"Al. tete. money I.= river College t about six miles from here, were driv- shave, Jack Ferier, Mildred Hoover" 0o trim pr��ezt� tmsmor-of Marriage 1,16. and Graduate of the Veterinary in g their two voting daughters. Ont. Science Association. 1131�*bel]Rqutle -yRaJp.b Carter.Jea� Rliby and Leila. Into Oshawa to at. Wi igbt. I-Gertrude Dafoe, Essg EUGH S.-PUGH. Glen Major, Oat, Ind. Phone Clare.2W2 tead.as usual the Oshawa High School Skopitz, Henry Michell, Primer B.- Liconsed Auctioneer. Extectiv* and were crossing the C. N. R. about The shingle that has given satis- lance in imported and shorcumbbred CL7�REMONT, I Gordon Madill. George Hackney. Ada aw" conducted an b:" writs for term' half a mile east of Oghjiwa station. Michell. Primer A.-Ruby Micbpll, faction.for over 30 years. Ernpire- nw and particular*. on �d,2,16. 36-ly their buggy was struck by an engine IZZ7ScopftZ,LBeula:hPoqtilI. Corrugated lion with a fin. by G R • B R Is: W S T X R with a raboose attached. ruaninw-'est son. Teacher. 2 in. corrugation, see it before you : POSTILL, Licensed AuctiSneer, at a high s eed. Mr. Knight iraa in- . buy other makes. If you are in Sic a for Counties of York and Ontario, Am*- Veterinary Surgeon .9tantly killed, his skull beirig-crushed Don't fail to hear- Rev. S(:ljt1tt1,,j needofaCresw Separator. Try =wide of all kinds &-ttecti4d to on shorma icatico, Address Green Siver P.0., out, Honor Graduate of the Ontario and his legs and ribs broken. 'Mrs, Veterinarl College. Find Honor. Knilzbt was sencrusly injured,but both Lecture and famous Male a Premier for 30 days. Also WB. POWELL, Licensed Auc. ary Associate &f the Ontario voting girla escaped with slight in. Ch9rus at Whitevilt-le on Feb. Sth. gasoline engines irom $39.00 up, d tionoer. Taluator and eollft�lor for ecticts of Ontario and York., All kinds of Veterinary College. juries. It k'nliraculous.that all were See or write me before buytug. sales*and ed either Ind. phone 32(y3 not killed. as the crigire struck the t I t7&action WHITBY- 30t Bell Phone. Bale notes collected tberp Ontario body of the Uiggi. killing the horse, I:kr: Claremont On 4LIs_1ary apply at resldecce,Eltz&bartb At itt-so smashing the buggy twatom_;, The Farmers' Institute ighalding its aring. Pbone,ordere left at Nzwe Offtee Plek• nd th—roning the occupai;t_ fifty feet Pickering eftngor M&Ccab.5 store, Ofaromout. 'Xill re reRular wiater- tripettax here to-day, F., J. PrOuie"-, Picke 4. more, The i Delve prompt attention. sat,*faction Offing NEW BUTC= SHOP e7&qing i',j leipt. an when a flne promam is beinlz given. -pen rone, and the. tr=ack rixn be seen The license-of Ali-s. Wilson for the fur oonilderitl)le distinro in hath. Qiseen'.� Hotel, town of ".hithv, ha'; Afullllne hepri cat,celled front Sittirday, lith of Fresh a"Alw*ay's directions, bait the occupant�wpre dri- Timber Wan'W top- tip. and-onuld'oot Feh,. 'Mr,;. Wilson having made .,)f * on hand at shop. ring with the Iritthe Log, AQSI I gf-,rnt -beneflt of h J h%tvp been on he lookout for a train. -tit -for the I her ht was ahout tifir y(liti-sof credirnr-. W.�,gm on road every day.- 0 A -go, nrid prorperotis fai-mer. His An Interesting ceremorty-wRit per- -Fresh Park Sausag�v a rpicially bod-y wAslrervinved toDiFiq�� ijtjrgu�. 1ni'med.in All Saints' Church on Sun.- will pay 8 V, per 11 fo r'-No. I Ba,:,. in dray dior'nin - h a memorLd win- -7E C ment, um [.ffcer Whawit nnd Cnr(mer Dr. Rundle w ers . rap ei notified..After consulting Y�ith Crown dew was dedicated to the late James $15 per 31 for So'. I Soft Elm,$1#5 to JAS O'CONNOR, PICKERING Attorney Fareiveli, an inquest was Putledg-. The-cerentict-py was per. Lath. Shin-glee, Ready Roofing, $24 per M for No. I Rock Elm', and Corner King and Church Stq. ordered, and will be held on Friday formed by bishop Sweeney. of To- Corrugated Iron, $16 to $24 per M for No. 1 Wbite ronto. Among those present were a Co rnoL ning. Mrs. Knialit and the tw; -e Ash, delivered at the will: at girl-3 veers removed to the 0ahawn number of the County 4Lflieials. Eastlake Shingles, Hospital. The recruiting meeting in_the Royal Green River. �COAL !- COAL 0 '-Ce Steel Posts, -Theatre on Sunday e'retitng was Again Aar Posts, Chapping and Oat Rolling as usual largely attended. The meeting was Come to. the Cqster supper at t I will har=e constant] on hand he addressed by local speakers.including wire Fenciag... Baptist Church. Whitevale, Lieut.-Col. A. G. Henderson, formerly W. G.Barnes, Green River a flIll stipply of coal at lowest on Titesday next. of the high-school, Miss M. V. Powell If-you are going to build let 'me P and Lieut. L. MajoF The latter In re- give you my price on any- rice. BROUGHAM (erring to the objection 'made by the thing you may JOHN PHILI possible p farmers of Pickering that they needed .,require. Frank Malcolm, of Toronto, spent the men to take off the crops, stated Sunday at her he W. ki GIBE ine'liere. Has a full line off-fr-esh andcur- that if they did not seed the in the sp�n t a G e 45JY GREEXRERN STATION- Ml.. Kathleen McKinnon mans would attend to thee ood meats constant fevif-dAlW-ri I�' Id;F �5 -E)n the itivifliktion of tbis- RE.ESOR ro Mr. Ricliardson,of Wb* by,its viill- Peterbora�ibe members oU-the-laoun Spice 11, Breakfast Bacon, dhi&db offioll 11-6 4 0 0- ing his sister,Mrs. N. -a- E AL EIST A-TIE. cil joined a deputation that waked one L0 UBT Q. HILL -mla-M-11 I einers, etoc. 0 rookli . visited with Robert and Mrs. De I Sir Adam. B4ck on'Tuesday to deal 9 pard for tt with the question of hyd-ro-radial and sat prices r week. p-3wer L development In Eastern On- utcher's cattle ' N Y. Poacher, of Toronto, 6Pent tario. Thedeputation wasonecifthe • appeared before SI laughtering over Sunday with his.father,ThOlil" largest that ever lippe r S Pricei Poucher. Adath Beck,and contained represen- Mrs. MeNerny and Miss Brown are tatie, from all the large towns and gickler thly-01a :VVC-179 I..bAve For.Sale a Hctirp .� A T and Lot !pending it few days--with Frank and Cities of Ontario, East of Tomato. It 7- in Pickering Village. Large Mrs. Gerow. of Toronto. is to-be regretted that speculators had r' W. E. Holtby had First-class rigs for hire gaMen, Some young fruit the misfortune to --got possession of'-soinie'of the most McFadden's D:1�4 ' trees. Everything in lose his driver last week.,the animal vAltiabie water powers, thereby mak. Day or night first-class, re air. being sick only a abort time. tag the users of th-lit power pay high Win.. ,and Mr.9 _Mnsgrnve_,were inStore. Bull-meeU all-- trains Ct1JllL`A�nd_-_*ee me Its titis Is a bar. Toronto a few days last week.-the let- price therefor. A difficulty the hydro- "Daring this year.we are gain for some one, r al--Commission met with in the remaining over r With relatives for past, was the friendly dispute be. Veing to have regular Agent for Canada Carriage Co. a time. tween the Dominion and Provincial A number of our young people pur,• ,,bargain days, when we oil. goVerment inlregard to.the ownership We Vs. Richards pose Attending the promenade carni- of the water-powers in Eastern On- will Cat the prices all to Peak pilkeirin.. I in the Caledonia Rink, Claremont, vh tario. That, however,"a been set- ell Nota- on Tuesday even ext. tied in favor of the province. which y-Ftiblic, Pickering. I pieces. Don't fall-to watch "'Aid will meet will thus allow the Commission to 0 this space it will pay-ybli.- The Methodist evening at the home of Mrs. John Miller on -W development of Ife Ag-a-starter -we have I% START RIGHT Alave 3'rau, lots of' ahead- with the dev Tuesday, Feb.8tb, at the usual hour. 0 Your success in business iness life will water-powers in Eastern Ontario. Sir bench of post cards . C. B. IUCjt, 0 Ail welcome. The date has been Adam stated that be had been negott- "Cross de end_almost entirely upon � F.WHITXVALIE banged from the 9th to the Sth so as atin g with the Seymour Power Co. in ...Canada yie�ws,". regular the school you ottend and is prepared. to furnish i you anything c a I - - - not to interfere with the Women' regard to the purchase of their r s, while -Its ability to-stOrt yrff-riglit.- Tb'-th411ne,-of water supply such as Institute Meeting on the Qtb.: but so far bad not,succeeded.rights,b thle' price2forg cent, pumps, wizidnxills, hydraulic rams, Found and -left at Brougham post considered their, price- too high. He they last will sell thein at plumbing, etc.' Office; ii, good pen-knife and a good also stated' that negotiations were 6 for 5 cents. �ZFOTT . . I buggy* spread. If these -articles are practically concluded in the matter of They are also expert well drillers d ti not claimed they will be sold by nuc- puriV"ing the Toronto-Eastern from Collimbitt Grafouolas are and respectfully solicit your patron, on at the post office on Sattirday Meakenzie&Mann. He wits strongly selling well' just now, -OR_ ONTO, ONT. age for the Aure.- 'Ittid, rifion., %621evening', Feb. 12tb.and the prociieds in favor of continuing the Toronto. everybody will have", a added to the overseas tobacco fund. Eastern to Montreal and make It 'a X for The annual meeting of St. Joba's feeder for the Intercolonial. very Yesii if they hat a recognized standing z happy New TOOLS SHARP He superior business ti ENED assistir�g it-uCtents to good positions. .(Presbvterian) church was held on strongly advised the sending of large get a Columbia whi(-'h- and for We make a specialty of crosscut saws, Monday afternoon, with a fair attend- deputation@ to the Dominion and Pro- any Mae r record. All business schools are not alike. ance. The reports of the treasurer vincial governments In regard ta the Get Write to-day for our Large Cata- Tools of all kinds.' Locks repaired. and of the various organizations were matter of subsidies. Tone-above all-Tone. Razor-boning a specialty. For a first- received showing a satistoctory condi- the advantages this ogue and see I CeltwTbia, school offers. Open all year. Enter class hair trim or an easy .shave call tion of the eburs affairs. The trtas- . at.the East-end Barber Shop. rarer reported a substantial The town of Oshawa is' dl9cn4 any time. bidance In See our House Furnish of*. all band. H. Malcolm and Fred Casaie sing the question of separating To Moore XcFadaen THE PICKERING NEW- S W. J. Elliott, Principal kinds. Slightly used Ing eta , were appointed managers in place,of from the County. To do, this R Cor. Yonge and.'.Charles Sts. Car Druggist=Graduate Optician from 15 cents it and pp E. Ham and R,Milne, jr.. the retiring special Ptct of phrliament is neces- W. J. GORDON PICKERING,managers. sary. V11 _ _ i �• - �--� ^ _ the new faille .suits, made with •a losip'9 favor because its gownid rather close fl coat flaring..wide- popularity, it is, on the coatrr, be- rather - - For ' hat Irritating ly at the lower edge, combined with collutut daily more in detinstnd. For Useful flints and Cut or $CiatC�1� the most modern -of -old-fashioned business, street, and general daytime .. About 'te General lniorma- skirts. It a ,verity la "pull- wear, the dark blue serge, jumper . ice is nothing more back," having all of a inlnepa frock' combined with as oaderblotttsa tion for the Busy i healing � soothing than drawn,to the back and hel by a tape of crepe de Chino, Georgette, or blackt Housewife ti fastened at the side seams-fitting satin, is most satisfactory. The tack -HouS�e ,_�e/�' as smoothly and plainly across the that the uaderblouse may be'changed, s . .............................. ase line front as the narrowest of skirts did and the frock so varied,makes its ap some seasons back. From' belt 'to peal to woo who like`a change now - -_ to-make mixre--thick enou8b__to Tale' of afford V 'hem in back the skirt was stiffened and then; h o cassti a _ ,Da jr�ts- Ties._- t with,haircloth, causing the fulness to great number with knife; spread offer top oY a fall in several outstanding folds. At Satin or taffeta blouses or jumpers, Pineapple Tapioca,-Soak tour dish, dot with butter, cover arld bake " *tabieapoons pearl. tapioca overnight.!twse-fourths of an .hour. About the involuntary upward and down- with sleeves of a transparent g cos- r ward glance she induced, one expect- treating material are 'still being worn • 'Coo .in double boiler'until clear; but 0410M' . - l twenty minutes before serving un= Y ed to see a pair of extremely high for afternoons and more dressy occs•; x not entirely dissolved. Add one pmt cover alid let brown. t-"'"`•' can grated chopped pineapple' and • . Sold m glass bottles and � French ,heels on silver-buckled slip- mons, combined'with skirts or taffeta P _ - crowns ower trim k sugar to taste. Stir well; pour into With a Can of Salfnon. sanitary tin rubes, at chews Pers, h a high d, fl !ape o - r-satin- molds and chill: �, isle and general stored wed chapeau. Patterns can be,obtained f at your ( What shall we have for lunch?"is everywhere. As the small person continued on local McCall dealer, or from The' Waldorf Salad.-Peel and cut one often s� acelous a plea.as "What shall' her way from counter.to counter,,the McCall Company, Department 'apple•into dice and sprinkle with two.we have for dinner?" Refuse substitutes. skirt swung in true, - hoop=skirt 7.0 Bond St., Toronto, Ontario. ? tablespoons_ orange juice. Add one y q fashion, which it must be admitted cup of finely cut celery, one cup brok- The solution is frequentl found in Free Booklet on re nest. ���'�in en walnut•meats, one-half teaspoon the emergency can a salmon, which �te was quite fascinating. HEALTH WR�+$CilJLsiJ should be upon every housewife's rTTc C salt and grated yellow rind of one The Annual Sale of White. C w moisten shelves. Canned salmon is-a good, At this season of the year, of . orange. Mix- thoroughly, ,wholesome food, and while many .'' with one cup mayo in, a it to some.extent, it is CHESESROUGH MFG.CO: course. one expects.to fled.the shops Tp�1GH LAGRIPPE PE "Ttests"of lettuce leaves and garnish-1 - lliAT*ime� veritable bowers of white; to find the a a+ with candied or Maraschino cherries. really capable�o wt Chatoot A.� Montrwi most fascinating of cottons, suggest- Canned salmon is a . most concen- cks and to be Cabbage and Cheese Salad.—Make trated food equal to meat, and also --,Ord,- ll Leaves the Patient French dressing of four tablespoons! charmed by the airy blouses, para F two tablespoons flossy,, one-half containing considerable fat. It there t and other articles designed, as it Debilitated and an Easy 1C- P fore combines-best with starchy food, Ammonia water is excellent for seerns; for wear in Fairyland itself. tim to Other Diseases. teaspoon salt and one-fourth teaspoon, either bread or potatoes, or milk. The cleaning white paint. pepper. : Add one-half of canned pi- most quickly prepared .dish is, of --Earthenware utensils are. best One of the foremost medical writers. mento chopped fine, Qne ,tablespoon'course, simple creamed salmon, adapted to oven cookery. says: "It,is astonishing the number of ,hili sauce, four tablespoons cream,which can be laid on toast or served I Orange and celery salads are good people who have been crippled in cheese and one-fourth cup finely' on open, stale rolls. .-But where a,Lased with meat or game. ealth for years after an attack of n- minced cabbages.. Serve on hearts: of little more time is available, it is-bet- " Stock should be boiled every day. ,�. Is grippe or influenza." The real don- lettuce. f ter to,piepare.the salmon as a steam- and put in a clean_bowl. ger from this disease, which sweeps Pineapple ,-With Cheese. asp .y,w .Rr..'. .s-ys,:.,.er;w .:...'. w ..• U:. _ — h .- - 7. • •�• i� � ,.. ,,.r.. ,... - ." _. R m � •°•� tis° •' � 1. ��A1 o�. Them ST ARF3!�G-IN BREMEN. e - .THE DREARY NIGHT. N L u M 1 n Here s Palate Joy for You -A o —also stomach comfort be- Without the stars shine cold and high, �taoiteare - 'Tian-• Homed Are Without e..t ar , From Her Brother Milk, Report Rgyeale. gond belief. Heat a Shredded The moon floods earth with,light, THE �`'�Cna rawnLv"'rr - tssettvzanow • German working class folk are feel- Wheat Biscuit in the Oven to The trees moan wild and weirdly sigh, �# ing the pinch.of the $lockade; and-the restore crispness, then cover And tos3 throughout tkie night. SlMCMMiTtST,lIGM1� y MA NK USED-"Vorwaerts" 'is determined--despite - �t .WHY 1iR with sliced bananas and pour the household.rest and dream, the censorshi to make-their. condi- Within, - DODDS--KIS PILLS. -- - p-- -over--ice milk_.Oi. _.yam.-I._ The_worid_jmd__noi5-c :put out; --- -- tion known. In the latest issue it Yet mother's Eyes are open wide ' She Found nick Relief and Now Re- publishes a census concerning working Sweeten it t0 Stilt the taste. Q For one is still without. commends All Women Who Suffered class homes in Bremen. A complete, perfect meal as She Did to Use Dodd's Kidney Oilt of 787 households• 68 could not su more strength r kills. afford to buy meat at all. These•meat- ppg ' Among his comrades in his bunk vin nutriment than meat She sees-him tired lie; '.St. Martins, St. John Co:, N.B., less homes comprise 360'persons.' The 9 g Jeri. 31st. (Special). -. Mrs. Violet, remaining 719 households spend not or eggs and at a cost O� The soldiers' barracks now--his heme, less than Is. per head er'we.k on She heaves his troubled sigh. 0 Marchbank, wife of a well-known far- p three or four cents. A Warm,' -mer Iiving near here, is telling her mit' nourishing breakfast--a de- She wonders if his heart e'er turns I t ^X ,.,neighbors.of the splendid results she On butter,margarine, and other fats ' . 8Fh P 1iC10U3 lunch. From khat he bravely chose,; has got through using Dodd's Kidney only 9�ad. was spent for each member pills. of the household. Made in Canada. Or if determined still he spurns Out of the total number of house The life no conflict knows. hT4l N5 iV0 n'f . "My trouble started from"a cold,' holds 45 do not have any milk at all; `r Mrs. Marchbank states. -"I had back- }- MADE l N CANADA ache, my joints were stiff and my the rest spend on milk, about 33'ad. a She hopes, she fears, the-might drags ,.' muscles cramped 1 was irritable and week for each member of the family. oil, On the other hand each member of �} , "What wt 11 the outcome'be? Poor Fellow. I always thirsty. • My appetite was fit- the family consumes about- 41/sd. �I Will stormy nights bring peaceful I - ful and I felt h and sleepy after Sick Man-It doesn't make much ee-I� P worth of potatoes per week. dawn, meals. Rheumatihui was added to my ,,ir difference whether I die now or not. One=third of the families investi- My boy, or death, to me. r troubles 'as'well as headaches, and Doctor-�hy, my good man, why gated had an income of less than 25s, E. T. S. heart flutterings made me very anx- a.week. The average size of the fam- Ottawa,January 20, 1916. o' r sous at times. ily was four persons. Sick Man-Well,'I must owe you ' "I suffered for about two years and several hundred dollars by now, and Rent claimed on an average 5s: a want of zeal in its inhabitants for the q M t� Ltd+ Was tar from being a well, woman IA ' -� ���i��© 2 fi11�wTElld i I'll be in the hole any�ray. .when m brother told me'what great week, good of their country.-Addison. y Out of. 238 families with a' weekly Write it on your heart that every ty things Dodd's Kidney Pills had done After 2 Years' Useless Treatment. is .'for him, and I made up my mind to income of less than 25s., after deduct- I day is the best day in the year. No ' ttbinard•s Liniment.cares Ga:gst to cows rt- try them. Ing the expenses for rent, fuel, etc., man has learned anything rightly un- The healin power ot.Zam Buk is so f only 12s. 6d, was left on the average til he knows that every day is Dooms-' g FSBMe ron saLE. "I" sent and got three boxes and I much greavar than that of other oint t e for food and clothing. da Emerson. �Rnis - ALL SIZES -When you .: they.helped me right from the start. � y' menta, that it has cured in many caves I h train, Dairy or Fruit. when you I can recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills I Eighty-one families had an income Let none stand back as if his sins • when all other ointments have failed. :want to buy, write If. W. Dawson t f of only 15s. to 20s., while no fewer were.too great'to be forgiven, or his One such instance is that of Mr. Earle Brampton. Ont. ._..to all women who suffer as I did.' than 52 families earned only from 5s, lease too bad to be cured. Jesus is am E. Gardiner, 'of Marquis,•3ask", who a Itr:�. 13 l v ;1`:TH CON- nom. Ever one of Mrs. Marchbank s y to 15s. What that means with food !advocate who never lost a cause, a writes: "For two years I suffered 100 ceyslun. IP, Muskoka. a or,u. H. symptoms was a symptom of kidney rices at their, resent height can.be patient.- with a bad attack of salt-rheum on my J. wilder. ltirkrndule, ]r[unkoka trouble. That is why she found such p P g. physician who never lost a guessed, [vet. During those two years I tried Dr. Guthrie. HHLp WANTSa quick relief in Dodd's Kidney Pills. 1 every known comedy,.but could and 4 The light of the. standing .is nothing that would cure the diseahe. T,Y1TFLr t•A1,tEti Tu ucr l'I•A1\ f not a dry or pure light, but ceives a +� LEARNING SNIPER'S ART. � Then I heard of Zam-Buk, and com- r� and light sewing at hums, x trnle _ Throw Awa Vourltincture from the will and flections, i,.,ro time. icood pa)--, work tent and it forms the sciences accordingly menced using it. After the first few ` British Becoming Proficient in this g y, ' :any d;stan':?; chatwl" paid: Rend stri g Improve- for rticular• \attunai Manufacturing fEye-G l asses I _ y tan encouragedMeto C013- I Co iIl�Wal Bas :Oi nALd, it Brand of Warfare. ! - - v hough I sn vied for k plications noticed for men are most willing;to belie e.� meat, and t _ _ ,what the most desire. Bacon. � tinue. Although had ii '' It is good hearing that a beginning A FREE PRESCRIPTION. You know well enough what I mean two years, after only two months' 1 # has already been made in bringing to son can Save Tilled and ifs• at some. by youth and age; something in the ! treatment with tam-Buk 1 am corn Pn nIces�tor s l NEWS wvr_ JOB " UStces for sale 1a F•od Ontario s l - - I soul, which has no more to do with i pletely cured I t�wne. 'rhe most useful and interesting the British soldier's notice the art of i Do You wear 91-:•sets,: .are y,=u ;, at�-Ithe color of the hair than'the vein of'r tam-Buk Is.equally good for eczema, cf all businesses. ruii information on Y I tlm of eye-"train or other Py..-ai•,•ak- ulcers, abscesses, blood-poisoning, piles eppiloation to wil-on Publishing Cote- the sniper is by no. means a mere,nesse«" If so, you.will l,t: glad to know;gold in a rock has to do with the cold sores,`ehapped hands, chilblains, I pony• 72 west Adelaide St, Toronto. "!t t that there is real hope for �,:u, Many rays a thousand feet ;above it.— t , p pre- ? —Buk — I^ There are lent of marksmen g question of-marksmanship. 1 cthose eyes are failing Say they have eruptions. etc. At all drug stores. 5oe. { Iriscct.LAIIEOLIE plenty in had their ayes reAwrrd throuith the Ilclmei. - t _ bog. or from Zam-Buk Co.. Taroneo. principle of this unndprful area + 4 l� a�C rR ?1 d3 e t e LC�ure with , l� frrtornal sin! external cured wttl- the British Army—more, probably, scrltatlr,n. One man salts, offer` trydnR i cut vain by our home treatment Writs lt- t was almosq rrtin.f', t-uld not see ( uunnI� }� - A'Wateli Runa Baek�ard. } Y than in the German: fTten rbFio can put to rr^J aE all low I ran read Beer)'- Use An lAl k, hold. C before too late. Dr. Bollman ![edical Ont- thing without+ana' Fila-nes and my eyes A jeweller has devised d wat4h Co, Limited. CoilingRood. Oni P pretty = y R p i would the4, In dreadf ll S; now they aolefitrey� �e e1pe n�i heych Idiall being backward, the figures to _ a tett pattern on the tar et in al- I _ r i It mss ban weather, says a tortes on- dent,-writingfrom British head uar-`mP.' A lady mho used It -ay-i "Tho at-I`vlth (tr, 3w1.- is r r'' Meal ��n+ �rE�++ fit•[+ ' q �mnSLhere Sre,rnPd lies- wtt•h ,,r w1th�,¢t6!'akr anythlnFr from tfiynu tiled. Pat�direetlon to the LLyua� kmd; say- `�- Foix D�.a7ra,t�►�,Ei►�. +ters. But successful sniliing asks a Rtasses but 4ftor using thla.piesr'ription,hot taenia the �.n t- bakk ferment, tt',popul$r. 5lechanict. The watch,was for fiftren da}+ veer}thin¢ -« ms clear. I'makes most dei,ct bekilnF t^reventa Arid How to Feed I good deal more than that; it demands 1 can earn read Hae print aatthput glass- ,,ndlge+tlr:n, !A aP •' r utrlt ins ' reliea'e• invented at the suggestion of a left- Mailed free to any addro" b7 �+ era'" It 'its It•lies ed that thou'■Andy who,eomSttnatlon ur •'more- Luck" Thai'* 'handed person, who complained that f"tai CE•� the Aathoe -° .'Vigilance, cunning, infinite. patience I wear F;TaAsee can ai,w gi>~capd thPrn iu u'why a leading vh5'si,ian ea}q It's a god' Mand much ingenuity. wrt,ar glasses a t, a and multld ierr more•wind to, humanft}'. F:apeclislly try It t.'it was ahrays hard for her to tell pi�n�f Fl, CLAY GLOVER Y.S. � g y' �-wul be able co ztrengthea.their :)eta sn' porridge, panrakar+. and KenaS, but'cara-i'tlme on the average stoat, because DotRsait"Ess 118 West3latS�aet.NewYait ;. For a long time the Germans seem- as to be -par.+(! the trnuhlr and rxpi-w-o fully follow rlireetlans on t,ar•kaf. for. 'thought "left-handed." With ut ea•c:r got tins giaw:,e-. Mye-trouble" of tnakinst porridit« For an early br-ak-', g � �r ed -to enjoy, as, compared with our- mans dPwrrtpt+on• ma> Ue xondrrfutly Tart. cu"k the r iKlii berur•e in a double the new type of, dial the protea+- t,r' UNTAL . - -s�i:ts, a large preponderance of these benefited by following flit ss3apte rt+tc-s ,bDIINr acichout attrrtnra and w inn in the 'read the hands. was exs;er, Oilier q`+ C � esosE Here is the prescription tlr, to any ac-;mo.rninit Lv artttta{,- In bniling muter cAg Mr7 v CON- ..'qualities. They had made an art o! tiaP drum• Stnre and Ret , bottle of Ron-,awhile d,vsNtng,_ At grv..Yrts',• for and 26 left-handed rersors setrifig the--new- Tse vCrlit � sniping before we even took up. the: ',•t,to, Pill a two-our,•:• bottie w•iiit Barm Ce�1nd. L.�. the rtr,mun deal (',rr T,rr.:mt.,. watch agreed that thty could read it Works ever water, drop in one t3,tn-c,i,to tsbl«t and with more facility than the other' 8r 1 y dei game. In the early and even"th allvw to dissola t, With, this liquid, s type. . ,r inR thr year, Send To early-middle -days of-the war, mut hithe the ayew two to four time- .tittl — r 1'ou Should milt« your r)v- el-hr up '.. _ ilia J /T, QLJI 3 enrI w more numerous opportunities were t s CC,.Ltd s perceptli,l • rwhr from tht- start and ter-# PTOmised L(i rail 97 ToroatoyArcad•, �oroato . > 1Eiaasd's LSIIiitt•ni-Cn: Diphtheria : .offered to the sniper, and-Ahere were'-n:mmation will -rul<kty dimappear. If ,� � � AureIia lanxiouslyl-"Have youj tour ,Yes are . bothrrinE }eu: ecru a 9, prQpsbly more men in our opponents" iall,. takra dreg• t„ *aa'« to«m ttuw rte- seen George this- evening, papa. 'He of I fnre it td tun late i - What'd the ` forces who,were able to make use slam>' irthp y had blind promised to ca�T'r - i 1 em. ore s -double- na1'Br Fiaa'r been sxvod tr rt,«y had eared P he did call and I en-, a matter, little bay?" - �- for their eyes in time, if your own drug. Papa—"Yes+ ,anchored, as it"were, in t sir present glst cannot fill this pr«stn rt•,ejr,n. •earl I1!tertained him fvr an hour b!fose you " M_mg a gone and drowned all thy' /1f�RT tyC!! `S4R trenches, y to the Vit It 0's_ Tr rrrnto. for a kittens", the provided for'the, t t rompletA -flan-Opt., lir>me Tre:,tin-nt Came downstairs." + THE STANDARD t= R ' sniper a variet 'over which has outfit-- tabletts ,tad'al, Aurelia-"You entertained him,l "Dear, dear. Now that's too had." O :since disappeared. -Yes, an' she p-promised-boo-hoo: THIRTY YEARS : , QUD_OE HtS a sr y (pap?" - � t' I co it;,, temper vas. laWItt, aaq L"BLE spa y ga-ve-him-a iisi - _ r all the mea: dresses you had last year, _. starts Yate Before You General Joffre is 'a Catalan of the1—- as and the cost of e3tc�UTievtnPa- Awake.a -People Slowly Learn the Facts. I - Roussillon. --T xs aatomatto. _ _ man more: interested, yet he left very lead for Oataiog "m' +`AII my life 1 have been a slave to - +• -v^^ ?i coffee. I kept gradually losing my I General Joffre belongs to that very hurriedly. The publisher of the best Farmer's distinct type, the.French Catalan. He, Never judice •a hen by the cold paper-in the Maritime Provinces in s Tag o.a�, . health, but I used to say `nonserlse, it ' ou .have for •brenktmt don't hurt me. - is a Catalan of the Rawwr ion, ami storslre egg' y' II writing to us states: - - -- ° "Slowly I was forced to admit the retains the homely "tang" in his t "I would say that I do rot know zosotsrro, oiR't, truth and the final result was that my speech that the southerner loves. In I J/rE, Granulated Eyelids, ; of a medicine that has stood the test nervous force was shattered. (Tea the old days, when he wail engaged Eyesindeaiedby exposure of time like MINARD'S LINIMENT: to Cold Winds and Dtat-' It has been an unfailing remedy in } --produces about the same effeet-il cot'_ on forti&Ations.-he on, sp+tn�'A -relisvedbyMurim ver since I can re- _ the both contain the:day in mufti in the Pyrenees, and was UR Sye NO gQ1 member, and, has outIive dozens o eine and drugs, heart became weak and uncer- ing on of being a German spy, Just! For Boos of therX-To 1I S,.its won fi � -- ,.My ipng one tanni of-the passes that he was sus-I Mu�>se� twin in its action and that frightened ea he drew near to examine the fort _ =ne.-Their my physician told me-that-1 a:, r HO trust stop drinking coffee or I could in detail he was suddent arrested by It is colder to-a avv than in a Toa ' t'g - never expect to be well again. a detective and carried >be?ore the because when wet t freezes it parts Not Doing His Share. f 'p jell "l , 111 thought of Postum but � could commissaire de police. - �with its heat to th air- which tkus� The big sister decided the.children �LA� hardly ,ring myself to give up the "Are you a•German?" asked the feels warmer. in a thaw heat is �h- .could not sit up until mother came "� BORH.-Rl To WORD d" coffee. latter. "A German of the Roussil- soibed from the sir, home. Tommy did not care; Willie zh• 1lptrit of America at nl"I "Finally I concluded that I owed it ion," returned the young officer,. in I cried lustily. When the sister retired 1Earaitude,'and Che•sfnla0ss- to myself to give Postum a' trial. I the'broadest Catalan. The magic- he cried still more loudly. She wait-I Ait=sltvA>r s�tg ', i got a package and carefully followed I trate,who knew enough of the tongue( ed for a few moments at the loot of• >ovlsol�A>ft TLAx y;. the directions, and' what it delicious,I to recognize the_purityot_, the ac- the stairs to hear if he became,quiet. weal Do You cent,'laughed and let the prisoner o last-he stopped, and this is what a B ate'ms's- J.W.Koft 3urs. know, I found it very easy to shift with apologies for the mistake. With the sister-heard-"Tommy, you may t from coffee to Postum. his� speech, too, Joffre lies regained, „ cry a bit now; I'm tiredl" -�.'Almost immediately after I made what is also inherent in the Catalan, ', F the c�i>£IV I found myself better, and fidelity in friendship. ytiaazd's ssaim•at care. aisamDea I BERMUDA as the days went by I kept off improv- '`'- Carrots and Roses. s ins, My nerves grew steady, I slept THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY. well and felt strong and well-balanced. Sir Andrew- Clarke, the well-known The Ideal Winter Resort i' Now the old'nervousness is gone,and I When women_do things well the do Keep The Toes physician, advised an old lady 'who' g y Beautiful Drives, Saddle Riding, am well once more.'.' them better than men--Arttold White. 'Yoyi. �t'pe>t,R.. took Iter daughter to' him' suffering; Golf, Tennis, Yachting, Fishing It pays to give up the drink, that Our grand business is, not to Bee -1- and Pea F3athlna. Present Gar- from at,�t,ntts 'gTk'�-Tier clar r sono Fie'Otfaua f38th)•�t*ei-_ _ acts on some like a poison, for health what lies dimly at A distance, but i Deep it strong and good i x weeks later the old lady returned meat -�� is the greatest fortune one can have. to do what lies clearly at hand,Car- hooking with j with the girl, now rosy-cheeked and _T"Z33-- f Name givdn-by Canadian Postum Co., Lyle. healthy. "I'm glad she has taken her 1 y ' Windsor, Ont. I don't believe` inlanybody who has medicine," said Sir Andrew,' "Oh, PrincessHotil Postum comes in two forms: not had a tiff. It means a complete EU R E K� yes;' replied the old lady. "I gave Y s Postum Cereal-tlie original form-- absence of character,-Mr. Justice I u� Lei OIL !her plenty of them. We boiled them, is oya from aEVBgeBBs to >tsAs - must be well boiled.. lot and 25e Avory. H S ;and stewed them, and gave them to 9ttilated on the-Harbor of Packages. There are no chagrins so venomous her at every meal." She thought Iiamtlton• Accommodates goo. ; p Makes}farness last longer t Rates : $25 per week and upward. Instant Postum-a soluble powder-� as the chagrin of the idle; no pangs. dd I the doctor had' ordered.—cal-rots! A. dissolves quick in s cup of hot wa- so sickening as the satletles of plea atT look better. JiOW E d TWOROdER, ter, aqd, with cream and sugar, makes sure.-Ruskin. Dealers ioeryichirre >Y[iaard'e Liniment cares cbias, Etc. li[saar•zs HAMIt.TQ BERMUDA It delicious beverage instantly. 30c and Manners are an art. Some are per- Dorothy and her fattier had s short i Bermuda Is ree"_'!Rd�by the steam- b0c tins. feet, some commendable, some faulty; The IMMMIW Old Company ers of the Quebec S.S. Co., Both kinds are equally delicious and but there are none that are of no mo- LlotNd distance to go, end the latter said:- st Broadway, New York arasehes in all Cities 'Dorothy, shall we walk oil, take the ' about the same per cup. ment.-Joubert. 'bus?" daddie" said the lit- Co it- coat abo P P Well, "There's a Reason" for Postum. Them is no greater sigga of a gen- (tle girl, "I'll walk if you carry maP' ED. 7. ISSUE -sold by Grocers. eral decay of virtue in a nation than a • -:--. ,.-.� l ' 4A .. ,. _ �.. .:......-.� ..--.,J.,.' ..' '_:.. .','..%._ -•t'b+ b.'_. ...•-+mss}'"4.:-ar,.� I.�rA. vt�.. .:awra."`:M"' ,:iv w:S.e.c•. - - •.'iuY '.'S:^.- Y,. , ':w4 -" ...,� •_�„� :-_.. •,,. .,,._ 'r,. _„ ,;,,,.,-,� ... ;.-. „� xsem' wT-a'«'rsac ,�n -^i " ,.-y _ :.:a': r- >- .:?,x,�ae•- - :.e. � .�,qF. `. �.P. �. '! �•+.0 .S.. - �u�y+v .-- .is• :r,P.. •.a. «^x..— --- m„� +`' -moi rt` 7-- many would.have to give very way to make all do their share Is yr. liberally. Toronto has gone above by adding it to their iaxes, where- VE :YOU TRIED i iaWi�ede7Ple= oa6,LwW" e. the mark b raising over 62,800, b - >T IMIM y y they will be compelled• to pay •„ 000,,which is_a_eredlt to her. Thie according 16 the assessed value of RICHARDSON'S OYUERS . ` Is a time when people should not -their•property. This method will M it yew' il'�ii P m iDOs' be thinking serioualy:Xubsodpdom to UW U&dWd SUVA**J 40 .of increasing get many who otherWhi would re- ��+�� -in advanw their boot: accounts. What we .fuse.-to da their duty, but even THIS •7lCi��SQN ; �p should be thinking about is -to do -with this, a numbec,�ha_have .�•� - ��-IIr�eata ' r JOHN NlURK/W, Proptiator, our bit in defeating the enemy so heir wealth in 'bank stock, loans Try a quart`-60c. -. l her Vr Ther- that we will be able to retain that or in other forms,_ and which is -= _ fs_ t► aotwu•s a- winch-we-baalrea df peg"--:_ _ -- ISA . , ' nR6EEVE - THESE FIS ICES ` ed: If Germany were to win; the FRESH FROZEN WHITE-FTS$.... ... ..:12c. lb. On a re COL1nL Of the lOCal oDtlon LETTERa TO wealth we have accumulated FRESH FROZEN TROUT ... ... ... ...THE EDITOR _ !ballots at Whitbv on P'rida Inst ..... 186. lb. ` . ylast would be of very little ase, to.us, 8tR :-We are urgently in.'need of ,'�,: •FRESH FROZEN- HALIBUT ... ... ... ... 13c. Ib. , - he Jug lacked the•necessary three- more encu for the 118th, (County FRESH FROZEN SALMON RED... ... 146. lb.the by-law was declared lost hav- If we are not able to go to t -� of Ontario)Overseas Battalion. The 'FRESH FROZEN SAL.MQN -PINS ... ... Ile. ib. front, we should do our share of energy and heart support of all de- fifths vote b three and nominations in the as Pn assisting in WHY- PAY MORE Y work in other ways. These vol. P' g votes, instead of one and two- untar contributions to patriotic our work in this time of great Na. Haddie. Fillet•a, Ciscoes, Cod fish, Labrador herring _ fifth the ma'o'rit •as given when Y p tional crisis is freely and sincerely Digby herring-always in stock., g' y' g and Red Cross funds speak well acknowledged. We earnestly re- ,� the vote was taken.. ,While local quest bne more effort of the minis- cn I for the patriutism 'and liberality hers of sassy denomination, We are Special Sale with Extra Piano Votes. >option has been defeated in Whit- of our citizans and should be en- asking that Sunday the 18th Febru- Y -by, as it has been in a number of ar beset aside as -Recruiting Sun- .4 FEB. 9th 1918. '4 courHged. But it is uo•t a-just y g .i other places, we dd not believ8 day,"and we would request every All 6e. Soaps-6 for 25c.-500 votes. x .. . - method of raising' these funds. minister toretich one recruitin that the temperance people need P g Make some one happy by saving your votes .for There are too many- well-to-do sermon on that Sunday.' theta-If you are not saviagfor yourself. - ,,grieve over the matter. greatly aspeople, who manage to avoid con- If any minister should not receive a coin• personal request from the officers or we think it will be only a tributing their share. They allow recruiting League t this division, I ASs R i �G H A R D �O N r partitively short time before othere to do their work, thinking trust he will accept this as the iny' : we have prohibition of a more talon to help us on Sunday the 113th e$ectie character,over the,whole that when the. war is over, they Feb. - will be so mach ahead. The only We-waot to make a final effort to province, and possibly the whole bring oking one'an up to full strength. ��nj �i ;- HOE -':- ' STORE t\ J-ORE Dominion.. The a ave of. tem r Thanking one'and all. for their u7 IV i• sure sentiment which is ]Passing hearty co-operation in the task' of p g recruiting the Battalion from the " over the whole world is resistless, I OWE County of Ootario.i° Our. Annual January Sale , �--- ' and no power can atop or hinderSirI have the bosons to be, ♦♦. site progress. In every civilized HEALTH Your obedient servant, _ O1 Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, - - ... country the prohibition movement . � SAH SHARPE. Felt$ and Spats, Leggings, Etc. Js geiniflg ground every year: The • Li.-Col. O. C. 116th Overseas To Lydia E. �'inlcham s Vel- Battalion, C. b. F. j Call d secure the �biggeat present movecnent in Ontario is Uicbridge, Ont.January•LSch.1916. ,showing great progress in temper- etable Compounds bargains ever offered :enc@ sentiment. .Local optiou`6as Yefw ddveTt�aeme>sta. . carried in a large majority of Ott- - Washington Park, Ill.-"I am the _ - j 3' - Bell .-Pbone 151. mother of four children and have suf- '! tario municipalities, and this to A PPRENTICE WANTED-At once ~ t fered with female i co learn printing. e,>vty at ::aw.Oisce. - - �p *T spite of the handicap of the three- trouble. backache, -J. P E L �1L .S O 1� i fifths clause, and also the objet= nervous spells and FOR SALE-Kitchen stove, coal or _ tion that has been. made that its the blue. chll- wood for further part:calsre aDpl, ° aN/TBY. . ,ONTARIO My HC'HLBE RT.Ctar.aoat. 1. a effectiveness has been lessened by dren'a load tairciag —"AhT>Jb-A Rood practical farm its local character. Progress in and romping would band.ua.d to team work. (food we ea. T H E make me so nervous Apply co Bo4 lo,Pickering, is 4� temperance legislation in this I could just tear country in the past has been a everything to pieces H I o HEST PRICE.L. -PAID-For.all effected by the fact that politics. w f pot ltzy: L.PIKE. tot Icon. J. STANDARD _ and I would ache all Perkenad Ind. phone iWB. 96-1y over and feel so sick has always been min led with the RESH COW FOR, SALE-Apply y s ay,t ' that I would a o t , r 4F CANADA nestlon more or less. The r@S- �°"' '* want anyone to talk 'r ai lot R Ft.F.C E PickerinC. rod„phons -- rl +_ . _ 1� Y ���7 Maly.FRED L4CEti,-$:Rtttaa3 Creak, P O, _' -. ., ..NSD O - 'TOIRpIf}O eat movement has game wt a me at 'times. Lydia E. Pinkham's _ support because both parties are Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills re• i LLS FOR SALE-I have for —DEPOSITS p r Q T " :behind !t, and because the demand stored me to health and I want to thank B ,ale aeversl boil cal es at a =oderau +�s `+ 1`7 ilECE1VLSD SUBJECT r+V i you for the good they have done me. I orce at l.,t i6,eon y,P:ckenLg. E. E. PUGH TO CHEQUE. la made for prohibition over the have had quite i bit of trouble and Ctaretoont, 42.if wvhole province,- which thus re worry but it does not affect my youth- -+TRaZ ED-Fromm the premises of _ moves a strong objection to the ful looks. My friends say 'Why do you ; 4 :t.undersigned,lot 18. coo. 7. Piakenag Savings Bank Deposits bear lnwesdt 1A look so young and well 4' I owe It all ' .:i ewoe, .ane with r long tail ani several Preeent local option legislation. y g i :amble ewer tareear tags with oeme ereea gsT'O highest current rates• its to the Lydia K Pinkhain remedies. pault on lack mf Beck Any.loformatian _ _Mrs. RoBT. ssopim, Moor. Avenue, ► saline to9b.1 roeo,ery.sill be Zacd.nmelo PICKERING BRANCH rewarded.t. E• E.PCGH,Claremont. lit! The Kai3er declares that be has Waahington Park, Illinois. ! - _. -s clear conscience in waging this We wish every woman who saffers I. jj ARMs TO RENT-Beit lots hl R W. GORDOIY, Manager. ® � Branels alae at W1l.�iln. 'war which he has brought into from female troubles. neem D lC end ll.son o :o P:e. G- Tp telling -- X11 �, tia,i cf:f3 scree.sore or Jere. Good .,Ivan as backache ar the blues oeuld see the let• and ontbuttd.nga. Boil a rich ell loam. An _ the world in the "defeuce of hu- tams"h"owritteth women made well by Ly. eui:ancce of ssotada of ir,ed hard .16 ft.y. For lnNam ------- -�- ' unity and freedom." On 8utiday araculars apply to Jamas Cochrane.H a lto, E Plnkham s Yegatable Compo®d. �� •[rr.le B9rtcoa lass � • might last one of his zeppelins flew if you Mve ml symptom aboatwhitb -• 'Make Them She110Ut above Paris and dropped three eu would like fro know writs to the SEND OATS=O. A.C. No. 7a At the • s - )t+ Pldcham 8edioiae L o. A C,is t918 911446 06110 yielded Igo a , and a half tons of high explosives. Co., yam• bushels per Boa its aearea ac mx for Lawn- - li[ass., :O!halptb] advies-Pilin fess of can Banner••yleldia■94B buffo Bale o! . thereby killing and won a Jere turn un bushels. Banks rernlrned sad __ _ - •- _ -- . arses-pas oo dtesaaa. as _ - - �/ _ a-mber -of non-com �i�7 If cat`:!'H.WiBTNaT Zoi cluding women and children. This can,a,P: 4od.Phone _ — Ise content to wait until nest spring to get returns for Y Shaws Business Schools �JD�?,. ;30MM3R,:3 - act of barbarism will be calcul - "pleasing• to the Kaiser, He no =-- -the-goad grain'you are fig your li:sus when by -T Toronto. Canada, give thorough DENTIST doubt received the news with a courses which lead to good salaried 'has removed into his new office,on the Igiviog them a quantity of mica crystal grit, ground '•clear conscience. The shedding of office appointments. Fre cats- corner of Yonge and Queen Ste., To. :the-blood,of inao,. Children and loRue explains. Enter any time. scum, imporial Bank Building. -This. 'o .ter shell, and a sprinkle of Royal Parple---pon1447L- W. ld. Shaw; President. -$pRd office has been nipped with the most woolen no doubt aoethes himwhen Offices. Yon a& Gerrard 8cs., Tu. ;2 BpeciSc is heir feed,-you willget tote of eggs at Ghia _ - -- g modern of dent 'ppllancea with the . _ his mind is troubled with the cares rosin. object of eliminating all painful of office. He would sleep well operations_ seasat�-when the price is high. Trp Royal Purple after an event of this kind.--Nath- -' roup cu a on any hens that are dumpy. Royal Purple ing io so conducive to sleep aa-.clear Stoc k Specific cough cure, gall cure, worst care and conscience. When he is troubled - 'i _ liniment are wonderful remedies. Atrial with insomnia he ,will order a , `• �' _ .-._few more old' men and women aad _ - --will convince, you. _ - - - a--#aw---cWldreti.__l;illed._hy.hiY_ai - man 7s ;� �imcult- ->Ra�-A$gle -- - - -'Our roceries are the freewhest. flatons to underst-a-fid.the German - _ ' nary value.is deriv. E 0 R G E- �H I =ed frciob the Rlaughtet of those P — w-ho-are unable-to fight. It is not ? - " a military- necessity" as IjI ' - _ (ONTA&- 332RIO ;.:: • � Y 1 - 4sense of. the term. They may f� --- ` =-fmagine that this frightfulness ONADE I N CANADA" s.c .Your Kul and Country-Need You ! - will compel -their enetnies to sue ,I _ � - act of barbarltgtehasotheheffect of �. for peace ' y every Ford Touring Car'- than ever to -crush the Germans, rice E • _ f 1 TO Elf LIST hl — Every–succeeding act of violence which is contrary to the accepted : ' .- j' "r/-�E "WHITBY" COMPA 11l - taws of civilized "Warfare will ii If you stayed indoors all winter-you might E make the terms of peace entire {f -not need your Ford 'till "new grass" time. But 1 - —OF',THE — Ud severe for the Germans when they Ill is the wi="out•of-doors',the Ford serves as-_ ii 116th Ontario County Battalion for Overseas'Ser9lce. — It's -- - . '.cry for'peace. I Iwell is January as in June. the all-year- - - Ij .round' car with a -reputation for service and This Battalion will be commanded by Lieut.-Col.-Sam. Sharp, M. P., 'Taroato started out-last-week' to. ( `reconoeny_tbat isn't affected by Lha seasons.' . •raise the sum of two million dol• - -- - T=�ige, with Major Robert Smith,of Columbus, _ 11 The Runabout is now$•480: the Town Car f.o.b. II. and in,Command. lets for the PAttioLic-fund. It was _ - i -'Ford, Ontario. All cars completely nipped,curial- --quite an an'undertaking, bat no one -:_sec .pug electric headlights, Equipment oes not Include doubted that she'would accomplish �; Lspeedorneter. Get particulars from I` Enlist with pour County unit,a Battalion which *ill be exclusivelr the task, judging –from-her past j� recruited from your neighbors and acquaintances, and W. J. LUKE >s SON, --- ,history. The. sum aimed at I' -- • � who are known all. � •'• �l Wbitby; On tarl_4� officered by men to yon :amounted to about four dollars 11 W. B, Powell, Pickering, Apply at Recruiting Office, Brock St., Whitbyor o _-- for each man, •woman and child, - _: ` N y which is certainly quite a liberal _ _ any Officer, N. C. O: or,man of the 11"i,' - _ GEO.W. P. EVERY' Capt., 1 amount. Many people would not . �I H. L. DdIAJOR, Lieut., p be in a position to contribute any. j�L 116th Batt, C. H. R 118th Batt. 0. S. Fe • ;thing, while others would give =a ,only very small amounts. So a3.A.4F W3SCR SINCE • ' ,r1. .�a,.m*p._;y...Z..a.e• -i �:).:. .. ,. �.>.n.... '.ny.y- ',g.� �.as 1,.;y% ".ti•... �., ., a. 73 V1 % 7.6 Q'r Lk N C.49 z Miss Margaret Macnab and Miss Auction Sale of fth-Grade La grippe is still quite greval. Joey Ross, of P6terbQco, are gent among our residents. spending a week,with frieqd; in Holstein Cows and Heifers J. J. Hary .fete Stratford. ey is a nding ja Vehicles,-ate. week. L dale in the city t T INEDOMINION BANK Cecil AD4,erson spending a The property of ft. W.06 C.A.BOGULT,Gomm&Mumm --week or two-with ends in Dur- N"EY-HARRISC. ham. -AT- "Mi" bum NW sol'sodow haft _.'Vist"" J. H. Bnady, of Pickering. cal- Drilla JMdLCft1JiV,%t0rS C A 4vings Eh4mirtinent Ind on Joshua ant-",TBundy on Lot 23, oincemion 9, Pickeri 09 -.is conducted at every'-aranch of the Bank where deposits of $1.00 unday. (I mile west of Claremont),on and 4pwu& are receive& and-laterest &I current'rates *a" Miss Ida Bat4ef Brougham, It Is a 3 -visited with Claremont-friends on Sleighs, Cutters, Thursday, Februw 24, 1916 safe and convenient depository for your money; The following groper Tuesday. Wagons, Buggies ly 5. D.Holstein cow, fresh ; Holstein. cow, WHITBY BRANCH : TERRY, Manager. .. ....Mrs. Davis, of Mongglia, is spending a few W'ith' Mrs. ` When any implement due March 3rd -1 H-01stein cow, due tiij h 11; March 10; Holstein cow,dueMar John Shirk. farm or road use we wilt glad to C Brindle edw, due March 14; Holstein Miss Jean and Master HArold on you anct give prices and terms. cow,due time of sale: Holstein cow, Graham are laid up with a severe J. R.,THEXTON., -due May 4th ;Holstein cow, due.June "'Resolved that I will deal Attack of•la grippe. Representative of Massey-Harris Co. 10; Holstein cow. due July 28; Hol. SEE OUIR NEW stein cow in full flow milk , Holstein Mrs. Peter Macnab and daughte'r' cow, bred Dec. 5th :Holstein cow bred -at, the SAWING MACHINES Miss Bessie, were in Toronto to fora sell emery wheels, circular few days last week. Dec.13: Holstein bred Dec. 21 We Ho"i- 33&3ce - -Mrs. John.Neal and son, ster stein cow, briffl-Dec-.23-,11-olstein cow, saws, g"Oline" e'ugiries and Russell, are spending a coupla 3 bred Dec. 27 ; Holstein cow, bred Jan. cutters and buggies. Of The uudersigned has begun the masa- 13; Holstein cow.due Jan. 81 , Dur" In Styles to*suit everyone, circal&r - 4& weeks with relatives in Barrie. facture of-cement the frour 3 to 12 ham cow, Jan. 13; Durham cow, due• making a resolution like this Mrs. J. McGrath returned home inches. � Call and get quoUL- Jan.31 ; Durham cow.fat :3 Holstein we will help you carry it out saws, hammered and gummed. on Monday evening after spending tions, at'yards on Brock heifer&rising ILyear; Holstein bull, 4 by giving you the best. Prices reasonable. road, half 'Mile west of yrs old, res. ; Holstein bull, 5 months S few days with Toronto friends. J. S. Bandy left on Tuesday for Spink Mille. old, reg. Yorkshire white sow with Wedding Cakes a specialty. Pickering where he will spend a Also, Cement kept constantly 4-pigs 5 weeks old Yorkshire white BROCK ROAD. on hand. sow. due March 1. Buggy,Tudhope; Both Phones in shop,rouple of weeks assisting J. H. ass n P. ;Bundy. Spring wagon.2 Seats with pole andHERB MONKEY, PICKERING bafts.new ; 14gb4sleigbs, new : Set tFONTHILL .-Ltwtorn has-moved into of light harness, collar and homes, Win tile Frank Mitchell, PICKERING house vacated by W. J. Cather- new ; Milk vat, milk palls, strainer, 'wood, the latter having returned WANTED NO scales and other dairy utensils, Hilo W NURSER E S ,to his farm in the west. I0X26 new. Reliable salesman to act an agent xw The mission Band of the Baptist As the proprietor is in Ontario County. church intend giving a concert going out of the PAV WEEKLY milk business, all will sold. &bon t the 18th ofFebruary.'Wa tch AmiLials purchased chased to be shipped will Outfit free;�ezclusive territory and 'We have appointed B.J. Arm- Ant for particulars later, be loaded free of charge at he best In thebusiness strong,886 Clinton St., Toros- Measles of the old-fashioned Claremont. agencies are t to, to represent us for Picker. variety is quite prevalent among for we sell the highest grade of Sale at I o'clock. Lunch for those from stock at most reasonable rices and Ing and district and he I will the children of the village, some a distance at 12. Rigs will meet guarantee.deliveries in grat class of whom are quite ill with the give any information wanted. disease. Our Stock of mcruing trains at Clarea;ont. condition. Nursery stock ieselling COLUMBIA GRAFONOLAS well this year and good money can We have a very ehotee list of Saturday The heavy rain of Tnams: All sums of$10.00 and under, be made In this district. For par- varieties for spring delivery of :night has caused the most of the and COLUMBIA RECORDS. caab. over that arnount 8 months ticularg w' rite Sales Manager, credit will be given on furnishing fruit trees and ornamental snow to disappear. As a result Is all new. PELHAM NIU,RSERY Co., shrubbery, map berries, -cut- -4 ToaoNwo,OnT. :the raerry sleigh bells are no long- per annum allowed for cash. )proved joint notes. 6 per cent. heard. It will s plea ture rants and gooseberries. Write ,er h give u WK. Mew. Auctioneer.. t- lee harvesting is now in full "ay'the records for Mr. Armstroiag for- prices. owing. In spite of the mild you, whether youpar. weather of the past.month the chnse or not, and TIME TABLE-Pickering Skation G De Laval Separ�tors T.R. Trains going East dos,as follows- STONE & WELLINGTON ice Is of a good thickness and of .sill gladly assist you No. 6 ]flail 8.06 A M. 05 good quality. 111 Making setections, And Silos *-T W 0 Walter Wright who is giving up no matter how small Il Local . 2-60 P.M. 11 Local 6.04 P.X. the intention Of the purchase. I bare secured the agency for farming with Trains going Went dos air follows- No* 13 Local 7.42 A.M. the above. Call and new PICKERING :a tion sale of his farm stock, 11chaden's Drugre, - 11 Local 2-15 P. I moving out west. will hold an ane im. plement8 etc. to-day. 7 Mail 7.50 P. 4 _ separator and secure prices. C. O. Bennett bag decided to g . o "n YARD • out of She milk business,and will PICKERING *Snndsv included pad.phase LUMBEEZ% Z%LF hold an auction ". le of his Cows -0 and dairy utensils on Tbnrsday, Russell Andrew, Feb. 24th. See advt. PICKEWNG. Ont. James Underhill has rented a 13:1 . -T C3- ZJ:M a A 'Happ N eW' '.Yea' r James McFarlane's farm just west y of the village for one Mr. Fruit year. The F A Store - One car of 3z No. 1. B. C.0 McFarlane may then return from 0 HAS THE QUALITY the west to work his farm here. Aingles to arrive on or about Jan. 10th at$150 per square, A We are pleased to see' J, B. • Madill out again after being.. a- Now is the time to make Marma- if taken off the car in 10 sauArs --fined to the hense for six or-seven -WE wish to thank our'many customers in 'Pickering Jade. .Get,your fruit here, also the Inan of our .. or more lots. weeks, suffering from a severe Township for their patronage during the fruit-slicer, which makes it, attack of pleurisy and Is, grippe. year Now*is the time to secure a Mrs. Lyman Pilkey entertained that has just-pasaed�'and solicit easy work. supply as shingles are ad- .the members of the Ladies' Aid A choice line of elkocotates,'.home.. vancing in price. continuance.of same -Society in the Methodist church made taffies. A .-on Wedngsday afternoon IsaL --Nellsion Ice-breatu on hand W. D most enjotable time was spent by 1916. • Gordon & Son, All the time. 'W- -1-ite e-i nd keeping the public iiaforx6ed on what JailLn Shirk and family moved me in and saq as -on Thursday tc thetr farim on the -we keep in st6d an ve- r sale, so dr" . - townline of Markham. 0 posits H. J. MARQUIS we r on OIL? Ikell mW Independent pb6ne. Tithe-ninth concession of Picterina, -----where they intend making -their --Mailing list for ANYTHING 1:77-- home for a time. IN THE BUILDING 8=9 Richard Graham, of Grand The Pick Prairie, Alberta, has enlisted for F E E -D IANE. OTWIGM service. He is a, son of st C. N, R., Station ViAlancd Co David&ad Mrs. Graham of this :1141nitt" place-lm has been residing for Cherry Vod---- *everal years in Sunny Alberta. The object of this AAsoc lation is.to • ThomAs Duna, who has beep in lessen&"aling and prosecute dooBrewers' Gmius,Malted Corn Feed r health for a long time is now _"T the felons. Bma, Shorts, Flour, Corn, Oileake very serious conditlob, and is ,in a Anally becomLng weaker. He is Meat, Cotton Seed Meal, etc. itgmbershaving proWs stolon being cared for by his son, Dong• immediately witl any moosba Gs Orders taken for Swif t's!Red Steer abbe im laid and Mrs. Dunn, of Precch HOUSE PURNISHIN of Execadve.0ammlMoc Memberabip fee A promenade carnival-w III be Phone Home Markham 5W. bad ftouir� held rink - Tic ass,be or in the hisii -here piing trade. socreftry on a"liestion. edo Nl'e wok yon taUapeet mtr 9-tock-for-tht- -a ' on--theeven.Lng Of Tuesday. Feb- 13�4rooiu suites from-111.50 tip to $3600. coaches, M==L&S Meefil= idwe band will bw_ dimers,mers, fancy chairs. Hed4, -Apt ingo, nwttremxes and -L. D. Banks,0.IL E%kh*� 8th. The Uxbr Exec.00m. of er,G.-b. Pickering,004 -present to give an abundance 0 -ugs large iteid wWt-"U- -In Net everything that choic music. Skatin-g-witl begin -j kept in a f urnittt"-a tore. -G-ramophonewi records and cents '14 J,A. O'Connor. --VA- Claffi at o'clock. -Admission 20 utp" tee always on'baud. 2 -Ladies 15'ceu to. 19 F..t; Hutson, who performed C: H. 'BURLING, �,.7 -PICKERINGgli the duties of telle�r at the Stan- le _ dard Bank here for a couple of Ij Sao 7"� • on weeks has resigned and left Rhee Monday for. Stmtford where he . 0 1 Lb 'has enlisted with bat- on. tle 18 SUCceded by ' E. -H. JL-Jr 0 k X -L'W-& I- k-f 1-'q Oliver-, of Little BritAin, who en- tered upon his new duties on Tues. da 17-r Room, Claremont V Wel rt of' mat WINTER Of an materials and,design Re Jr. II.-Addie AVr lisp)in look. it wimpay you Thorniii-ek, 'hbn..-Irene Watson. es ba--eall at our works acd ft""l our stoat i :Sr. I.-Carson Watson, hon., Hol- �-`We are offering speoial values'.in the following goods. 'Z 0 and obtain prives, Don't be jig Hurlbertf hou., -Edgar Ward. ZU171 agents we do not employ them,oons., Jr.I.-Norman KnigWhon-Edith "a 0 .4 (Mat' y we can, and row off the Peters, hon.,Ruby Watson. Pr.-A Ladies boots reg.2.00 for$1.59 Men's work boots. reg. $8.50 for i2.7r,. oet.�04. dommissign of 10 per coat.,whiob you wo Annie Knight, Robin Johnston. Misses boots reg. 1.90 for $1,49. Men's fine boots, reg. $&76 for $2.26 oertainly save by purobasing from G& b., George Girls boots reg. 1.26 for 99c., Youth's fine boots res. $2,79 for $2.35. NOT -Pr. B-Isabel Gregg, ho I�- oall 6olloilied. gab boots. 59c,00c. Boy's boots,reg. $2,00 for $1.50. Middleton. Pr. C,-Margaret Babies b6ots 25c. sizes left in --the- 8Dr"ou'g*b&w --*-HITBT GRANITE No' ninglon 11, omiq.. Whisby, Onvad i Bingham, C. M. Doughty,teacher. boys boots at the above price. port Pest� s,IIzbrid,te --I dtb--- ---Tile omens ns purpose holding a box sodial in the Baptist Rubbers for men, women, bo e, kirls and children all at 'church on the eveniirg of Wednes- greatly reduced prices. Grain chopPM9 • day Feb. 9th. Ladies will pro- tall and see our stock of "Happr Ladies silk bloumm sizes 36 and 40 reg; $8.50 for $2.09. vide boxes which will be sold at AND OAT FLAKING Thought" andotherstoves 25 dents each. A goodgogmm of, Also a few sets Roby Burns bonnet and scarf reg. $2.T5 for V2.25, The undersigned pared to do as well as other line4 raigned is pre music, readings etc. will be given, black muffs and stoles reg. 2.00 and 8.00 for 1.49 and 2.59. Thpse goods and oat flaking of Hardware. grain chopping also brief addresses by the rest- xce1jent value and a rare bargain. Eavetroughing and reiring of are ezcell'ent every day In the week dent ministers. The proceeds promptly attended two. I the social will be devoted to patri- GROCERIES, can goods, raisins, currants.. 'package cereals, 20 lb except otifttarday Work-guaranteed and prices Work otic or Red -Cross purposes as .bags gran. sugar, teas, coffee,cocoa. Give us.an order we can suit you • y be decided later by the In- in good"ad,price. Phone 2800. A quantity of slabs for sale. also moderate. h tra is friends wagon tongues,axles, etc. stita Everybody come and Lawrence Denny,; bars a good time. Admission only 10 c"ts. A SIMPSON & Co., PICKYLURING John F. Bayles, Greenwood GREENWOOD n ham,. . .... ...:.,.Vx_+�- � ...,_,_.�taz eq-. w,...,s;w ...3.r ?c,>;,•-,- "rs. r �S -` ... - .. ..+.. �':e.ia,,.:Y ,i.. _arse y .�+ ...... -^"rv. � +• �h.««.,.. - -._,a h� •.v' •. •. .. ^.'r • '. n+T Z'•':, t.� ,: Y'6. `^com-_"-"._' �'Y., a - �s _ •.�': :r:. . • 1 Sys• .• - ... - ., - ... r .�� part of my narrative with whsr I learned e,fterwai4is; my own immse_( Fresh acid Refresliin9 diate concerns were much too pressing - ' " ` and exacting for me to think of what - b The' ••(i reen .�Seal _ was happening around ane, much less 4 �'.. have an Eye for it. -' - By CHARLES EDMONBS WALK _ - Anyway,no mere verbal description, however accurate and faithful it may _ be, :can reproduce the thrill of thuee I - \ ADthor of "'Phe Sflver.Blade;' "The Paternoster Rubp," wild,tease seconds• Since then (-have "The Time�.ock;' etc. pointeii .But the route our ear took'on -• - that memorable night to experienced _ - _ _. _ drivers; not one of them would -i 8�4 his neck trying to follow it at the ' sf6iveii'possilble gait and by-d ghf.I Is' composed of Clean, wvhio young CHAPTER XXIII. once sank back to the tonneau floor. And not one of them believed tt 1 y The tugging at my feet ceased. Ii�st-, o leaves. Picked r� ht, blended r>< ht and We- were a cheerful •art$ of three fly thedriverrearranged the, tuugs, had gone over it at night at high, �. . - p and again adjuring me to-silence, re-I speed, coming out at the end yvith a . -the aged producer of miracles in I packed tight. It brings the _fragrance ivory, the as yet unidentified ehauf- aiimed his place at the steering-whee}`Perfect score! - feur, and Brice Ferris,-Esquire, at- and his soundless, motionless attitude. And I would not voluntarily repeat I o! an Eastern garden to your table. c torney and counsellor at law. .Not,a the performance. But caught as I was in such a It was, in all truth, only by a pro- $3U.AL436Ks a T'S''�a . Ogr 43UMMUEL word had any of us uttered since my thrilling-situation, I was not tb be di of manipulation that the car was guide had.threatened to bid me good gy P, - "` b and-leave-me�me when i faltered at silenced, though I did follow the brought back into the road again, but --- ------ -� y other's exa-ui le to the extent of.not not µ the automobile door before entering. P. now facing in the direction opposite I A t- raising my voice. to the way we originally had been go-I FRU -®ID SCOTLAN� THE PRINCE OF so when he broke the long silence by «The devil!" I gasped. "My feet F are tied-cau--ht in some Bort of I -g addressing the shapeless driver, and ing. As the brilliant beams fromthe s. the latter grunted an inarticulate.re- headlight swung awiftTy-round, aflee- pl ,'I jerked out-of a gloomy reverie This intelligence apparently was an Ing Chinaman .was qutiined for the', f`xj� �jjn ' with a start to listen. Nothing more fraction of a second, and the remark- NOTES OF INTEREST FROM HER - unwelcome surprise to my companion `was said; but I knew that the driver _for no reason that Y could put into able man at the wheel took pQt shot}. -BANKS AND BRAES: i , anyhow was not Chinese, and this,bar at him; with what result the dark- _ 1 - words I was accepting him as an ally Borne cause,- afforded nae a grain of -for he exclaimed profanely under ness that instantly encompassed the �.. 1 OR :SOLDIER,LY QUALITIES �T comfort• his breath. He passed an open pocket target concealed. - THE FRONT. - t Next the machine began to slow knife across his shoulder.ton The tights of another automobile �ty}iat Is Going On in the Highlands down; then it stopped altogether. The "Cut the rope,"e," were now,visible. 7t had arrived and i. motor was killed, and a dead silence he whispered with-I halted upon the very spot where we and Lowlands of Auld. t - out turning his bead. But for Heav- had.paused, and in a moment I real- Scotia. :• In the.Opinion .of Officers .lino lien rushed down upon us out of the night en's sake, act as if you weren't wise, . - ' that was like the smothering folds of ized that it too must have been stem-i r a velvet mantle. to anything that's happening. You re I oras storm-centre of turbulence I The hospital for wounded soldiers -,He Has Made-- a to that Chink on the floor that 1 and excitement. It must have plung- erected at Elioch by Mr. J.'I. McColl-,' Good- - The old Chinaman was craning this just slugged. Remember-dont Flet', ed right into the midst. of the rascals i Way and that, as if trying to make on that you're loose. Quick, now!". we left behind." ;gel has now been opened. . out something that lay beyond the l- I dove and found the cord. A noose There are at present • only 'twos "You needn't dismiss the-testimuny' tsharply defined limas of the head- A man with hair and mustache as �hadbeeii.laid about my ankles in such rizzled sa a badger, with one arm�male teachers on the staff of West 'to the Prince -of Walesa sot ter y , lights' area of illumination. Another a way that my first movement drew it', ualities thatcomes from the front subdued curt utterance from. him, taut. This was severed in a }iffy. I in a sling and a perfectly contented Coats School, Cambuslang. . q and the lights were switched.off. And I expression 'irradiating his counten- Damage,amounting to $30,000 was as mere tosh, like.most of•what is L B eyed the bundle of ruga askance and P done'b a fire that broke'out at the written about royalty• he really has 'then I, too, for the first time in I,moved farther away fro it. ance, was sitting upon a Chinaman y ' don't-know how many minutes, again "Got a gat aw gun? , the fellow who 'lay face downward in the sand, Lorne Linoleum Works, Kirkcaldy. made good in a marvellous way." S . .. took note of my surroundings. and calmly puffing a short biiar pipe. believed to be the Thus spoke a British officer who „r (now flung at me. "You may need it. I In another figure, to mar amaze- A trawler, is back in London from the treflches y It waa the season of the new moon,I I assured him that I had, at the I recognized Struber. He ' was i annie, of Aberdeen,' foundered in a which, -of course, had set hours ago; same time transferring the weapon to standing over two other Chinaman heavy sea off Aberdeen BreakwateYI on @few days'leave after Service oat= r' who la sprawled in the road at one!the crew being drowned. ing from the beginning of the .war•, - but the night was.one of those trans-� my overcoat pocket. ' _- parent, star-lit marvels that are com-'i Again, and quite irrelevantly, he, of' second' automobile, and: From about 260 households in the and who is far from being. given -to tarn to California's dry atmosphere, swore under his-bresSh.- w•ho were going through a series of Cuthill district •near Prestonpans,'distributing Verbal bouquets. and the landscape lay disclosed in "The dirty Chinks! They've found extraordinary gymnastics. The de-. --eve direction like a vast relief map out in some way--that we're being y j over 200 men have been serving in Liked Hy the Men. every + extratectivr inarwith derby•on the back of his Bet in' luminous black crystal.'Larger!trailed. I'm afraid a"verything s off'head and hands upon ]tips., stood pant I the army since the• outbreak of firs ""It's �jnat truth .to `say that Uef-ore_ - i objects not in absolute shadow, even' unless we can find their hole.. It can't war.. ) when at a distance, could be descried be, far away. 'Keep your gun handy, Ing slid w surveying this a light. spec-I she came to France most of us looked with surprising distinctness._ Bqt by but'don't use it unless you have . to.. 'with undisgwised delight. Denny School Board have decided to upon the prince as a bi_t of a ,motly- and b I perceived that the broken' ,lust listen at 'em!" His tone w83: As we stopped close to them, the do swag with the giving of prizes at'coddle," the speaker went on, "but Y+ h man seated Ripon the Chinaman nod-�the -day and evening classes. This r nature of t e ground, a clump . of I expressive of profound disgust. deo attd grinned iably, will mean a saving of $300 in the after u whole year o! trying out; he agave-or Spanish bay onet-here and I Heaven knows thdt the meaning of, d a bagged re he announced t has proved that he is a real plucked _ there, a scattered growth of chapparal all this was unintelligible to tae; but in a mat of-feet oice. "How"yeS2' 'un, and anyone who attempted tai y and poison-oak, an isolated. live-oak it was clear-eTtough that-danger -m man- you get "' Then to the pro-1 The recent very heavy seas have roast him out there would get a or outcropping of rock.-made of the some guise was imminent and that I strate creature beneath him,.who had caused much damage to the sea wall -� whole region a checkerboard of'sepia was expected to be prepared.to meet developed fresh signs of protest, ,he I at Eyemouth. Breaches have been 'thick ear' in no time. The best feet splotches where nothing but fight' it-;it. If my eneiniet;'�lana were mis-! added a curt word or two in Chinese, caused in several parts of the strut- of an, officer,.whatever his.rank may self could have been visible to us. carrying, the perp exing question accompanying it with a cuff upon the!tune. be, is what the men think of him, -Otte detail, however,,impressed me im- ran in my mind, were not my own head that had an 'immediate quiet- The Bourtreehill Fire Clay` Com= and it is no he to Say that the men Com- mediately: :we were no longer upon, lana, or any that circumstance might s out there absolutely idolize the Prince: the highway, but upon• a 'dirt road,'mature for-me,being correspQndiligly ing effect. ectthe_man a sharp look, for ' a pany, Dreghorn, have -Introduced. fe- _ ilnd ao building of any sort was to be advanced? white man speaking-the Chinese late- male labor into their works, owing to" . _ Visite Trenches Daily. n seen. The man on the front seat.quickly guage was strange to. me, and here the difficulty in-obtaining men and . What has made him most popular • p was in second experience of the kind boys. of. all is. his almost daily visits to _ Suddenly the Chinaman 'lea ed to disabused me-of this idea the rnatarix -tis feet and peered backward.t e way, I,voiced it., Said he: to-night. The Dundee Firemsste"r has is;. some part of the front trenches. hie• tare had come. I knew what had start- "Our ane beat bet was to take-ad-.! Strdber drew-my attention. fled a re ort statin that-during-the P 8' regardlesene$a of danger while there, ted him. I too had, been sensible. of vantage of the way old Lao played. _ „Coma este, usted? ' he-bailed-me I`ear there had been 207 fires in Dun- _ the.cessation of a faint sound;' a into our hands-Keep still, Listen. ;iii Spanist►: "Either o' these Chinks y and his chummy way with the men. sound so thin, f diminished 'by dis- -He broke off abruptly- 1 i vends o' yours"" dee, the total, loss_ amounti ig to Whether shells are flying overheadAN tante;-tkat only its abrupt diseontinu-' While events were piling up with; $'143,5 5. ante 2nade it. noticeable. But I had such bewildering rapidity in the auto-i,. $eg�urd for, his inquiries-way §wal= or not�ttiakes no difference to the a - p in curiosity: TGerman 77mm. field guns rap- smile-with which he greets the var- �teard and recognized Its nature.'mobile, something manifestly had lowed •,What the deuce does that mean?"1-ttiredd'ouv Loos-one by the 7th and the dians of those trenches. Through a Somewhere, back on the road over,gone wrong oft. there in the,darkness i,I returned, watching the, two wr1g-, othe• by the 15th Division-have been periscope- he examines- the German whieb-we had come, beyond the range'where the Chinaman had disappeared. filing forma on the ground. But be- -placed,on exhibition in the County line, listening all theiime to the ex- of--eyesight or in one of the areas I could hear voices gabbling excited- fore he had time to ezplsin I saw and Square, Paisley. planafioria of the situation given by - of utter darkness, another automo- ly in the high-pitched singsong of the understood. At a meeting of Glaa ow Town - t e , ,,: a i g -the officers incommand at that par- Then rhatL d. eN o ua, perhaps a trying to repress their agitation. had been passed around a�apoke of one Council a wild scene, resulting in the tieular section: There is no attempt ton near hundred yards;,. I caught a tiny s rk "How do you know they've found of the wheels anti the ends tied to- suspension of eleven•member0., took o Prevente ' ---&f light . ,.. a d.. "Do you �RrE� to the flgliting; in fart, it is doubtful y,-than.ranished. The chauffeur,mean to say you un erstan yv at. The'eaptive3 all,et oncx fell uiet, „f the city hall.+ for"no conscription': if he would submit to any manceuvre 4 nudged the Chinaman, who was std �}iCiti,B af°titone atandinq and' looking.with fixed at- g,that a why I'm here"-an an-I ant, murderous look, while the of er meg in ! ration toward the rear. I ewer that onlly deepened my mystifica- impassively ignored our presence. The Scottish Medical- Service Night after night, two, he will turn '„ „ „ , , Emergency Committee have sent 9 Rey,'John, he growled, the light I tion. "Quiet. .Here they come.' a "Funny* thing,' the detecti,;e com- g y up in the trenches, and have long flashed again=if that's what you were I I saw.perhaps a half-score shadows mented, iftipersenally eyeing the two,'circular to every medical man in.talks with the Tommies, with all "-trying to see:" rushing toward us. Next instant-the '•but it seems to be only the bad 'uns Scotland, in which a scheme- is pro--formality laid aside, and if at those from which I gathered that it had; old ivory carver wAs standing upon!that've .kept their pigtails since the pounded for the purpose'.of securing times, there are any means'available _ flashed before, probably had been the the running-board and addressing me. new order to cut 'em off has been in more doctors for medical and surgical of adding to the men's comfort or --cause of our stopping. . The others crowded round the ear. farce. Blame seldom we pinch a work in the army. :putting a bit more in their stomachs, f ,You get out dis, place, The Chinaman now opened the door I _ _. " he 'said`Chink who's trying to•sprout a'-Jim Representatives of the Clyde Navi- the Prince sees to it that this hap- and climbed oitit updn the. road. -He curtly. Corbett co'ffure-which, take it all _ This impertinence served to crystal-;'round, by and large, is a• handy gation Trustees, the Scottish Union pens. -went ahead ata trot and,presently', lice all:my trlcertainties. t thin for us bulls.". of Dock Laborers and Glasgow Ship- _ was swallowed by the gloom where] .•I do-not;' I retorted, my hand; g ' Lift for Tired Soldiers. the light had shone. 1 M regard' � however,--had again owners recently met in conference in closing upon the • pistol grip, nor i Glasgow to-consider..the question of The_ men atdmise him also for the ----- wan red to the stranger who sat so " -I had collected a sena2 of.my my stir any other, unless you have something'toundi-;gs, and the instant we stopped, better to •show me than this gang of unconcernedly upon his his pipe seat, the establishment of canteens for the;way he drives his motor. d e es became conscious of a tension, an cutthroats.!' I calmly puffing Away at his pipe, an dockers at Glasgow harbor. _ {ways his own chauffeur, and he goes acute feeling of-apprehension,-as • ' obviously rtiminatin¢; . but .at this _ I at to speed, and straight through ; acute f ng had gone amiss that could n is eagerness 'the old rogue laud I juncture the chauffeur of our own car -. whatever may pperrin8 a•skinny claw upon. my arm nears t. • gh. time, careless of risk. He has offer. not be accounted-dor,--or--Else - o#ti�3 Stru�ei and me;so f bim.+ _ thing unexpected and equally. in xx-dim and gave it an impatient tug. I first distin fishing view of Mm. «I think I'll Spend a month i pec ' „ R overtaken tired soldiers on the --- You bully,you, he snarled. "i no; (T be continued•) - �• plicable was threatening; some dan-;wait." I' - l Pana' side and given them lifts toward their Aer lurking off there in the dark, that His bars.aced impudence was too ± - "How the deuce d it destine on, many of the men--being d not yet revealed itself, but which.,motif: I jerked the arm free and aim- in these hard tunes?" menaced the o'het essful' -outcome of, a smashing blow at him. But he` `Ofi CONQUERED. t,I can't-but I can a!lord to think ignorant o! the identity of the glebe• _ this midnight adventure. I found my-; ... -ant young -staff officer who has be- s avoided it. He leaped nimbly down about it. friended them iii&o practical a man*self all at once keyed high with an-;- i$elgiati'Prie$t Has Firn at Germans' - " r and yelled something that seemed to -alert, and was correspondingly',be the signal for bedlam to break I nen. SII •alert, m receptive faculties keen htr •, Expense.. _• .- _- : _. �-.Her Own Handiwork._ -' ,� '•• A. -• �' record the first:premonitory impulse. loose. The silent firs tifCeur alone appeared simultaneously, the motor started T}m Germans in Belgium (says 'a wife: (angrily)-I think you're the __� His Knees. _ o splutter, all the lights flashed I esponderit-) are continually beingmeanest man that ever was. forth, the car leapedforwardand-7 j Teminded that though they 'have in- Rub--That's hard on s my side- as rye oil his knees w A Yet what ensued during the space;was struggling-with.four yellow.fiends of the next two or three seconds was who, had swarmed into the tonneau,vaded the country they have not can. I dear; According to your mother, you he proposed?good many months a have been the making of me. Estelle--No!`I was! Fora y ite as startling, exciting and con- out rosin to o ea doors: But;sue red it. g - fusing as,if I had been taken alto-; I had rhP istol out;and'though:quar- brave country priest in the environs of y P billet a.number of wits . gether unawares. All at once the tens were too close for me to shoot Liege has had to i g O H f preaaIoa is stomach'and c..cst cher eatieC. .- chauffeur twisted round toward me without endangering the only .person',Prussians. • He does not like-them, THREE V1TAL�Uf 9T1cre signi &rad whispered a terse command., u o whom I could reasonabl count ifted with a sense of hu- tome.�"d tiQa COA'op'uOe headache eitere..,Syrup, the 9rcat I' p �i y but being g b.alth7)?o �a+that didestiQa oflnditeatlo¢.and ton ceipef'c'Syroo,the erc�t "Not a word-not a sound from as a friend iii this -crisis, it proved to, he puts u with is�e +� eOOd bat" Voss sad O°' herbal rme and tonic,will cure you. you-if you want to get out of this be hndweapon when wielded with I mor' and philosophy, P P M O T H E R _ alive!" I th�-ei�x-ub�e'rance with. which -I laid�them- and exercises his -wit,at their _ Now he utas kneeling upon his feat•ab (expense. He, has a replyto every- AF'TE1� '• BANIwhile Z sat tg_aring at him .tnE{ d 1-heard-the chaff thong,'alio although the Germans do - L .a upefaction. Simultaneously with! feur's revolver crack Three 'times.i not Tays enjoy his--repartee.-- e I MEALS 'E STOMACH IGEL- ----- the rapidly uttered acids he$watched Fhen uite as •abruptly a-s•it began'forgive him for relieving their du i TAKE t at the bundle of rugs, which shot ..my on struggle ended. moments. The other day a little pig; Sete 3 _ - up froAA the floor to meet him. The car had turned off the road strayed into the- drawing-i;d m where A. powerful tug..at my -teet nearly anis teas malting a wild detour across At all Drucgian,or direct on recei • G Baa NITZ The tare bottle contain• cal. ityca erked me from my sea and when I the priest, and his unwelcome guests ' _ mucb as the am.iw,. A 7 sirs�co;-Lir'T=D,Crg4 street Wear,Montreal. ; t+ the rough, broken, stony ground with-•- instinctively trie to move farther were'- together. "Ah, monsieur le d complete and reckless- disregard for — Cstarrhat leer away from this a`larmin sudden] cure," said one of-tfie invaJers, say O ry ' LV E NZA y g� Y .any and all obstacles. We in the ton• s� sse, ghfypias developed centre of giolence, Z 'dis- neau were being�,�hu. rled and catapulted'something funny about this little ani- Q pew, aylaooSio. covered-that-my-feet -not only were furiously this *vay and that-like so mal-'- The priest, assuming the-tone,_ bound together, but were made fast to man seeds in a diy,'wind-blown pod.( f an apostle, gave them this quota- st x vinuhing animate that was tugging) • I made a final desperate effort to,o "gyp a I And all diseases of the bocce ne stable hie throat syeedll ;away at them Ina fashion that made fling the last of Ii>ry assailants from tion:- He came to his brethren, ands Z cured: cotta and heroes in same Stable kept front, hdopes " me yah the.to as orfs for dear] This brethren deceived=liim not.;' , ture Dy lts a rvotib'e Gist icer to (ore on a to a Aoate life:cling -p pp' -• - me, but.a._violent lurch brought us to I - - often cure; one bottle xuaranteed to cure one case. Bt►!e the floor together in a heap. for brood mares,, baby colt@, stallions, all ages and cos- Two swift; thudding Ulowa the A small tumbler' is responsible for ditions, - Most skillful s„tenttfto con'Pound. Largest asi- driver struck with some short instru- CHAPTER XXIV. i pian of the slips attributed to the line wt.rinary �peettic. Any druggt.t or delivered by me71t 4 hollow groan issued from y toanufsoturers. siwrtnr fil/nt0" QO., Sotauo. - =e tree formless heap of rugs, which at .I am piecing out the details of this cup. f '44r it +�.t,.,rr " a�"�a„:.�'.,. •P�,. - ",a e�,n;r- .nn^• 'ki ^""Y ""' ''� ' .ems. .. ..,�; .., ,:3 ,. r.':, ,.. .''S,' r >'�.w` y,.u+ ,^•': i •..,� , 9s :qa`7 +.-,r_-^sd�'.i:` '�42''.":r, :,^°rj,i"; w-e�p•ir. ;' ^x'.^c,ry' L'a:r: ra, sa;;rt '''.:'�. .s�s`3F`' ;ut OMMSUCCESS .EGYPT TO S Vi BO l�5 o'. OVER -•SEIUSSI TRIBESMEN r DROP ON PARS' 4,soo Arabs Were Engaged and They Were Driven 124 Killed, 27_ Injured in. a?.4Pim 7 .-Back Three Miles—Encm-y- Ammts Nearly oo _ Raid on the French -- - Metropolis. A despatch from Pari=113'r saysA cep- • -.,v. : A despatch fr .ion says: Reu-i storms rendering the .ground very �i+F' Pelin dirigible passed s 113'1 over a '•. -'tet`'€"sorreepon at Cairo, in s-de- dMeult to -trwverse. The--Britiahes N eeetion of: Faris' on Saturday night, ; bivouacked Saturday night at Brishola y dropping about a dozen great bombs, ` spetch deaiing with 7,`en. Wallace s I and-marched out the following 'morn- a %,,h,ch kilted-24 persons and injured - victory over the Senussi tribesmen in. � Western Egypt last Sunday, sail's: ing. The\'two columns encountered - ' i27. the raid lasted about one minute gyP the enemy, -�-_,then extended his. "Four' thousand five hundred west-rand a half. The fog seriously inter right slid left wings, endeavoring tfered with the work of the Paris aerial ' '',ern,Arabs were engaged and driven I envelo the British column. The Bri- �- aid. ` - back three miles. The British casual='tish drove o8 the attack -after trwo 3 j. The fact that only one German me- .. ties were 26 men killed and 74 wound- hours, !orcin the enemy back three `> " �. ed. The enemyhas about 150 memr! g' y :d' I chine appeared leads to the belief that . miles from his camp at Hazalin,which the Zeppelin was making a recon-• = killed and 500 wounded. the British occupied at noon, the �, - noitring trip, and the suposition is '1: "The Britishers marched out-of.I►ia- ,enpmv retiring rapidly westward. , ?. that the Germans have in view a simi- 'truh Saturday to engage the enemy,:The British' bivouacked three miles ,; lar operations on a lege scale. who had been located by aviators. the west of Brishola, after burning the Fifty-two persons were killed or weather was most utifavo`rable, the i camp and stores." aA i wounded in the raid, according" to . e more complete rt 9 the a repo svailable a Nine women were killed and fourteen- ` wounded; 14 men were killed ,and 15 t.. 2000 TROOPS WILL LEAVE wounded. Included among the killed was a baby of 18 months Two chil- VITHIN THE NEXT TWTWOMONTHS ~' dren were injured. Ten houses were : rye: damaged by the raiders. Three houses - ,* were the scenes of eight killed and in- - �jured each. . In another house seven Accommodation Has Been Provided "in,England forpersons were killed or injured. { ' Twenty Battalions From Canada One of the houses in which thg most 4� As serious damage was done was a home °in which the family had met to cele- e > „ orate the return of a son, a Zouave,'on despatch from ' Ottawa says: 'of the Dominion, anis=the War Officeleave of absence from- the front. ; Major-Gen. Sir Sam Hughes ?,mount- has accepted the offer up to,a total of - Around the table were the grand. ed on Sunday night that twenty thous- twenty battalions, r whlm�stccom- '. Lieut..Genezal'S'ir Percy Henry Noel Lake father, 66 years old; his daughter, the and more troops from Canada have modation ie being pr in ing- Lieutenant-General Sir Percy Henry Noel Lake, who hes just succeeded latter's husband,- an aunt, two sons _ been asked for by the;War Office and land. The battalions will-be selectedd General Sir John Nixon as,commander of the British forces-at Mesopo- and a girl of 15 years. Seven mutilat- will be despatched from the Dominion in the order of merit, those that have taenia, had a,brilliant career in India and Egypt. He received a medal in'ed corpses were found in the wreck- -- -Within the next two or three moriths. =shown the 'most efficiency being the the Afghan war, of 1878=79, and also in the Wolseley Nile ExpulitioR of age of the houses 'An offer of more troops was made -likely ones for first choice. They will 1885. Later he came to this country to reorganize the Canadian militia. He.�. kfome-time ago, following the rapid be sent over as soon as the necessary i left Canada in 1911 to assume command of a division in India, but since}A CLASH IS POSSIBLEs progress made in'the training centres,transports have been provided. 1911 he has been Chief of the General Staff in India. - _ AT ANY MOMENT FLOODS WASH AWAY PRESIDENT WILSON 'GIVES ;WOMAN SUFFRAGE BILE. A despatch from Christiania says: train, in which 100-personawere killed or•injured. 'GERMANY ANOTHER CHANCE PASSES IN MA:`ITOBA I Extraordinary British amend German "There are man I -- -- I naval activity has been in evidence GERMAN TREND y .cases of scurvy _ among the prisoners ,taken on this Time New York World, under an Tremendous :.Enthusiasm Marks Ifs along the Norwegian coast during the =Q• front" Weight-c then follow on rida o from Third Reading in Legislature.. vast da s, according h Me S n Y g' gfew cot prints a ing despatchm anger correspondent o the orge - I W_ashington:— A despatch from Winnipeg says: bladet, who addsethat a clash is pos- Thaw'in Oginski Canal Plays Havoc "THESE HANDS CLEAN," "President Wilson has given Ger- Tremendous enthusiasm signalized the sible at any time. A number of British _ - -With the Fortifies- ASSERTS TSE KAISER many until Feb. 5 to state frankly to third reading of the woman suffrage warships and German submarines this Government whether it intends to bill in the Legislature on Thursday..have been observed just outside terrir tions. The Kaiser Sends-Characteristic Mes- who have beenwe prominent in the move-' -' [disavow the attack upon the Lusitania 'galleriesn torial waters. y y sage to Bavarian King. - fi .. sexes, they and lity O the A des etch to the London Daily with the resulting loss of 115 Amen- Telegraph on Frids from Petrograd: can lives P equality . PREVENTS DESTRUCTION r says: A despatch, from Berlin says: .R-e- It is impossible to state what the y g OF` SHIPS FROM MINFR "A thaw in the nski Canal dis-, I in to a mea President will^do if the Kaiser-falls to the Houseunanimously passed the bill. _ .P Y' g sage a! birthday con- I Premier Norris had introduced the - - a trict has caused the Rivers Share and'gratulations from King Ludwig of;meet the demands within the pre New Invention Offered to the British Jaseolda to flood 'the country, sweep- Bavaria, Emparor William sent the scribed time. The World has been ad-,I bill, but he is in Chicago. The Third: Admiralty, x ing a*ay trenches and fortifications following telegram: but pit i@ reading was moved by the Hon. T. H. {vied that he has- decided. upon a Johnson, Minister of Public Works,: A, despatch from Copenhagen says: ; which the Germans built when the "Receive my heartiest thanks for course that will be Anal, who called attention to the fact that,'An apparatus which, it is claimed will " gsound was,frozen hard, according to your friendly congratulations on my unknown to any except 'himself and PP + a telegram received here from Minsk. birthday, Trusting.in-God, in the will ,Secretary Lansing, and.neither will I besides giving the women the vote.:prevent the destruction of ships by t1�.P••lftli recognizes their right to sit in torpedoes or mines has been invented "All the railways and roads have of our heroic troops to win the vie- disclose the next move." - h �.<. `been turned into swamps, and the t and the f the Legislature. by Frantz Poulsen, engineer. The de- r ori, spirit of self-sacrifice of After the bill had been a third tails are withheld, but the principal German temporary field railways have.the entire German people,we can look GERMANY WANTS ,NO Pr P -been washed away. The Germans are forward-with confidence to a vfctori- ENQUIRIES MADE time the women roes in the galleries;feature is said to be a device for di- &" working waist-deep in.the seater try- ous erg of the Moodiest struggle of all (and sang "O Canada" with great verting the pressure on ships' aides .ing to extricate their guns, keeping times. All hostile assaults win break Archbishop of C-'ogne to Oppose In !heartiness; Then they sang Por They'of the air masses formed by the ex- y-- (and protective rifle Vire.to pieces upon ..the power o! a clean vestigation of Atrocities. I Are Jolly Good Fellows, referin to plosion. The, invention has been _ Jul- a heav y g lmeaiswhi}e• _ ;conscience, with which Germany, to- Ades atch -from Rome says: Car_ the members of the House. Not to--offeredto__.ka--$ritish Admiral�Y P y b -,which has promised to test it at the "It is said that the washing; awewith her fnithful allig, l, ix B�tslam•'plied-in the like manner, earliest possible time. a Lida, government o ing war for the existence of honor continues-to receive unusual attentions l Vilha, caused the wreck of a troopand liberty." during his visit to Rome: He cele--) —- -- - - ---- i _ _--- prated mass on Wednesday at the FOOD_ _ d _ _ ��LL ii --. - - _ _ - 1i" t a 7-t t t �i MANS 1�DMI-T THE , � . atom oil Y u e Apostle. is LOSS. _ reported in- Rome that Cardinal von . _ hbishop of Cologne, willHa:rs soon, comecto Rome with the ob- - _ _. - EXTENDS TO GERMAN 'ARMY OF THEIR GREATEST AVIATOR ject of opposing: the suggestion that a commission be appointed by the,Pope, - : to enquire ipto charges of atrocities Soldiers Not in Firing Line Have Meat Ration Only in Belgium., Was Kii.le_d in Recent Expedition, 'In Which the ' -+- - - Once a-_Week, it is Reported - Town of. Nancy Was Bombed - - - _ _ - - NOT A WAR OF KINGS, ' BL"T ONE OF ti ATIONS .. _ - -- : A despatch from Paris says: A the very good reason that the German - _ = Prusiian Tyrants '.Huai be Brought to � A despatch from Berlin says: The, _ _ French business woman who was,soldiers themselves in Lille are almost 7-7 - P s Tfie German aviation-corps laments Their Knees, Says Rosebery. caught'in Lille at the beginning of the without. food. According to her, six • /-two German air squadrons which in this connection the loss. of-Lieut.! war and whe has-Just been ie striated;officers quartered in a houeg in Lille Nancy on Monde as r orted- } A despatc}T from London says- Lord ,-^M P -by the erman head uarters' staff, oe me, comes ci osee ry,•speatcit�g ate:� l rg n +e-refs--fes_there,._cus_r a tetany :be- . q -she Sound condi- unable to hold Lille and sector of - _says ters report. ..lieu . . - _ dropped over 150 bombs on the •town Boehme fell to the ground at Ensi.= said: , "This is not a war of kings tions. :the front two months longer, se a- and the fortress -The news agency-,Beim,.in Alsace. The aviator was in. Ministers or generals, but a.war of The reason, she explained, why-the could not feed the men. She.says the ads: — _____ s an ed:" _ nations;•acrd you embody the-ngtion's-Germans have--not-only been• willing,-=German soldiers'-uniform. -awe in raga resolution-that so. long as there is an but anxious, to send sa-ii any French',and their shoes are, dropping from — - - -- _ - people from Lille better than'their feet. enemy-in 'the field not a man or wo PROOF OF GREEK KING'S DECEIT man will spare any exertion to secure . population They have a rrieat ration only once a triumphai}t.victory.- My only fear starvin d would be actuaily'starv- a week, while the horses'have'no hay . is that when success begins weak mind ing it t were not for the American or grain at all. Instead they are fed . = IN POSSESSION OF THE ALLIES may cry for premature peace, which aid ey have r6ceived.' on chopped straw mixed with-.sugar rt peat civilians, she continued, receive and the men, whenever they can, steal >• • would mean a short a and a worse The civili Prussian.bloodthirsty tyrants to their 'A Rome Dispatch Hints That Greek Ki fig., May be knees>' - --- - - - Arrested and Conveyed•to F'-ranee -- -, FIFE HUNDREDED RUSSI4NS ENGULFED- IN PINSK MARSHES - - FL'T TO TORTURE GERMAN DETACHMENTS. PERISH A despatch from Rome says,: The dente in the allies'hands, showing the Manner in Which Austrians Treat - iaAies, who are practically preventing Hellenic •:,ruler's complicity._ with the , Prisoners=Russian Statement. - - "vigation of -greek shipping,- and central powerai, Undoubtedly this evi- A despatch from Petrograd says:. Flood of Hidden Waters 'Wrecked Enemy's-Works —,thus have stopped Austro-German dente will be sensationally divulged The Russian army headquarters has Jubmarine warfare in•the Mediter-- .At the opportune•moment, and, it is issued a long official statement- con- and 'Cut Off the Soldiers I -- -.- ---tanean, have secured convincing evi- bound to nave the climax in the Greek cern mg the attitude of the Austrians - dence to tie-effect that-the .reek.situation looked fr - - $ing has favored in every possible'future. bent tsRB the-experiVice of six sol- A.Rebter' Petrograd 'cavy a eries.• - ;�►ay the operation: of Austiian 'and: The neutral diplomat who on Fri- diers who escaped from captivitq in j to-London'says that prisoners taken Not only have thousands of caissons, rman submarines,which were based,day foreshadowed an involuntary ustiia.-It declares that they and five i during the last-few days by-the Rus- quantities of munitions, and numerous it Corfu prior to the,French occupa-I by King Constantine to F ce added hundred of their comrades refused to:scans confirm reports of-the terrible guns been engulfed,the despatch says, tion,and still are based at other-Greek;that he nd reason to believe that the dig trenches and hence were tortured,I condition of the German troops in the'but various entrenched detachments of Islands. exile of,the Montenegrin King and- four, of their number being, shot on Pinsk marshes where a rapid thaw re- troops, and often largo ones, have Submarine@ are also said to be based his family was not self-chosen, but Jan. 14 at,the village of Hossenzass,1-ranean leased such vast quantities of. subter- been cut off, and, having been unable on the seaside of Constantipia's villa had been decided upon by the allies her near Innsbruck.:. The.executioners,the n water• that• all the enemy to extricate themselves from the 31er--- .4u,Athens, where.gasoline Is,seques-`cause of Austrian threats to have statement says, were cadets who.vol= works have been wrecked-as sem -'ally labyrinth, they periahai miser- - - , . feted. All of this is part fof the bvi-I King Nicholas executed. - unteered for their iasis. {ly as if they BW-been bombarded by,ably. f .,,.•,. z _ e. ilk- .. LOCALISMS. m� ba of te�Iepl��;as'`�a APP�'Li '�H>�H OF � eaD _ . �Q $» Gaon able and repair pork. The Serbs 1!f loieter its London has Henry Fawkes wan oQ .tYnty a =Miss Pearl Stanley has. been the honoar� o convey his warmset ;few dais last week_ owing to ill- engaged, operator' at the Bell thanks to the benevolent donors who Csrhactfe famous overseas and smocks, =L25 per . Telephope Central t^' seises, . �Mi qenerouely dove sent until now their _ •. :. _ ... ,. - -John Alloway, of Oehaws, - Larkin, of Toronto, is donattona through the Serbian-Le a e�yeeut-Sunday bees' with 1,3a sols. in a few :,eeke with her slop for several4teli<ee Funds ezlst ng garment. aU eines bL�ck and blas. ' ` tires. sister Dore. F, B- Honseer. In Serbia. , Fred Adair spent a few'da a -�'a• James Smith and Miss At the same time the Serbian Mia- A'bIq discount inail winter nnderwer Iden, ` the dome of his parents . in Lidgett; of Whltby, s nt wed- later has to announce that several Pm' _ pe Relief Funds 1n, t3e4bia are sending. __ r Desda with Miss 8, Lid eft. through him their to all bene- __.._ _. __ •' ;Agincourt. y g g appeal � ^women'ecnd'ehtldren's boots, shoed abere. " -The township sonnei]will meet -Remember the oyster supper volent men and women, fathers and } ---- nd eoxwert•atthe-ater __ Monday neat for the traneaLtioD a p` mothers acid alt philanthropic fnetl- ,t of general busislesA. Gist Q)iurc��4 Tuesday,Feb. 8. * stutione, painting the horrible suffer. ` New assorttuent just to hath -It is reporter] that there are Fussell • Blsrrejl &ad John Ing of th 8e rblan.Refugee.i. the star- several cases of measles of a mild Balsdou..spent•Monday afternoon vation o> he poPelation r3tayid'g at - t in the Village.— and evening with friends in home In Berbia,the painful scenes of G. A. GILLESPIE, bUNBARTON ..type Isabel Starr, of Ne Audley. the desperate mothers and frozen ;market, spent a few days at the -M•re. S.' Gibson Arid child, of children, Many thousands of Re- •-- F fuge�are dispersed In the villages of _ �z �home�Df Joseph Doyle. Whitby, are ori,Joh• with the Greece,in the Atbantof- Hsu tenegr n STORE -See.the Let. Diva Super-Bone furn7er's parents, John and Mrs. ,the rocky hollows of--Montenegro, .!Corset, Just arrived at D. gimp- Ktmne- . withoubhome, without food I TheBCA e * -We extend-our congratula- life of these Refugees is- auw.nothing -son.& Co's., Pickering. - r. -Stanley Davis was off duty a tions to Roy Wagner, of Toronto, else than aidow dying out. This help couple of days last week,owing to formerly of the. Pickering,. News will be a real belep only if-it comes as ,an attack of la.grippe. staff, on his recent marriage. Mr. quickly as posaiha , -Remember Victor. Rum th's Wagner has now a lucrative poli- Such'p have been made from .y:- P the fotlowinqq Funds: :sale of farm stock; implements, tion m a printing office in the THE 8ERBIAN ARCHBISHOPOF ., ",. 'etc., on Thursday next. city. :. _ BELGRADE'S RELIEF FUND for The three-sided - -Thomas ani Mrs, Calvert --k and iters. Linton; of 'Arcola, the FAMILIES OF THE FIGHTINQ , triple grates will en- tertained R onoberof their friends Seek., who. have been spending a MEN. wear,three times as long as the ordi- to an o eter supper on Wednes- few weeks with friends in Picker- THE ST. HELEN'S RELIEF FUND y PPe FOR THE ORPHANS, whose fathers nary range grates. This one feature ' G ' :day evening. leg, left on Tuesday for Toronto, -George and Mrs.. Salter, of where they will spend some,time were killed in the war. is well worthy of your i > THE PARLIAMENTARY FUND i - Oshawa, spent Sunda with the with friends ` e ore returning-U. comidpratioo-there are, y their home in the west. for the RELIEF U!< SERBIAN RE- former's brother, Levi Salter, of _ FUGEES. clary other exclusive e ° the base line. Previous to his departure for THE SERBIAN RED CROSS ones which you Should '-Bandsman Allan Clark of the Kingston where he has joined the FUND for the WOUNDED SOL 98rd Battalion, Peterboro, spent 34th Battery, Fred. Adair wan DIERS. ir.�'cst:gate before ouch onerous donors who would Tlfe •,:,v? a •-ev, of his resented with a wrist watch h g .�� chasir. your range.. .. over Sunda at,the home _ rents here. the I. O. O. F., of which he•.is help an of theabove mentioned funds ;gel ` y g a are kindly requested to send their con ' A heavy.rain occurred on Sun• member. The presentation ' was a y q tribotions through. the 8erhian Lega- day night and as a result the swol- made at the •regular meeting of tion.196 Queen's Gate; London. S. W. ` len streams covered•the roads in a the lodge on Wednesday evening. • Please do not forget to mark for __cumber of places. -.sill letters addressed to people which of the Funds the donation is �:• Zv _ r nisi milk-man, Mr• w, their. 1 over rural destitsed, whith will be duly ac7rnow• cit: - I ��.-✓' �; •f•, -Ou Pt p who get t o i. mat r Bath, made his appearance op routes, must have three cent posh ledged. Monday morning n-ith an up-to tape affixed thereto,othenwiee-the '"'• � date delivery waguu., receiver must pay the .deflclency. - • - -: ��_ :•- "' V � "`�- ,. � �• ._. George's-Church will meet at the into the post office by persons -The Women's Auxiliary of St. A great many letter=are dropped � home of Mrs. J. Tupper oh Wed who tbiak that the drop letter nesday, Feb. 9th, at 3 o'clock. rate is sufficient. -We understand _that Walter -The committee appointed at -.'Shepherd has sold his house and the annual meetingof the S'igi get are,cid '•lot to John, Calvert. He intends - *' ,� by good everywhere,. lance Association to make..all the - - - ._ i, �_, by=cod dea- erecting astable on.the premises. necessary arrangements in regard `�� �/`-h k*,wis°�k' -'- -Mrs. George Cowan, jr., Brock - - f '' ^� `' �p our susF to the annual oyster met on Wed- i � �J �f� mute on this road. who has been ill, is now im- nesday evenink and fixed upon proving. Her-sister, Mrs. Long. Wednesday, Feb. 16th as the date � of Whitby,-has been waiting on for holding that important event: eau t MCClaryt her. n -T. M. McFadden,who has been They will sipare no pains to make confined to his bed for about a it s success, SALE 1taaI8?S8. _ le of weeks with a very severe -For several years the township �P FRIDAY. FEB. 4TH-Extensive credit is now recover- council has been endeavoriblt to attack of Is grippe. sale of farm,stock, implements, bay, e - persuade the County Council to - Ing nicely. roots, furniture, etc., at lot 24,con, assume the rhaintenance•or d sub- -Gunner W. IAw. of the 34th 7, Pickering. the property of NIValter Battery, spent Saturday with stantisl portion thereof of the Wright. No reserve. Sale atone Pickering Iron beldge at the rarest relatives in Pickering• He expects o'clock. Bee large bills. J. H. Peen- a weeks, in continue training there. been unable to gree on the have T'ESDAY. FL-FB.-bTH-Auction sale of to be in England within, a few .,; �. tion that Aach should aesume the horses, cattle,pigs. implements,etc., -Mise Cora Gordon, of Toronto, p p �t `Who spent a week here at the mAtter wan left to the county at tot 26, con. 1. Pickering (Dunbar- home of her mother. suffering from .judge for decision. The-township ton), the property of gainnel Nichol- ' an attack of la grippe, has retain,_ presented sworn evidence showing son, gale at I o'clock, sharp. See ''• s +� i PP bile. ��'. B. Powell,anctigneer. o h cit to resume her wrirk, that a large amount of ;raffe on , `�; _ the y n• 'a sale ed Y 'l's, rrlr-A cu n s i t• wY Ft. 1 the brici'Ite was frireign, cl�iefiy Trr rt,n - ev, tt, of Cul- t4.nto traffic. The nd a rendered of horses, cattle. imphgnents, ftirtri- L�c4ca t Sia [sated ii"anseq Fete S! lcEa f dao SPI [doaotae sn um tgan, has been tra.usferred�to Mer. J g tune, etc„ at lot .13, con. 3. Picker- •:11111r,FIX, _ t riton. Father Jeffeott was at one his decision a few day; a„o by.. Ing ,I i- kali'?�,` north of Piekerin•g - 'time stationed at Pickering, where which the county is ..to assume �+llagel, the , pri�peFtg of ictor be woe- very _pnµular with all sixty per cent. of the' coat Q of Rumpth. Sale at 1 e);cluck.W.W.B. �/�. 8 C 1� A P M A � '''�7� classes. maintenan2se-a'nd the township Powell. auctioneer. -A number ofour'youD¢people forty per cent. _ C4 En r�r,naY, Fi-m- _:YiRn-'Auction ` went to Oshawa on Wednesday -A meeting -of the WomenQ sale of horses• cattle, rets. 6hrs�p- _ '� ST-ORE_ - eveoing to see the hockey match Institute will-be held at the borne abire sheep, OR4.-I �picme�ts.-Qs. . I_ VC as �-mow manY. a at jut 17.inn. ,i, Pickering it miles nor. o t ring Villa ---------- -._ - ----- Oshawa teams in whirl;the -latter noon of htirsday. Feb. lt)th, At Peery Fal }lc.gle. Cz!e at one We are pastma:ater� in the-art of eneral merchandising, and can won by 16 to 4. 8 o'clock, to which all ladies are o clock. ' See bills, ,. W. II. .Powelb guarantee that you will get satisfaction when you. deal with us. -The Ladies' Aid Society of St. invited to be present. • Miss Stith.- auctioneer. .: Of course we have our Apecialties, - •Andrew's Church will' bold their er•land. a -graduate in Domestic these-Sho men's wear, boots, those, THrnrn.cv, Fra, 24TH-Auction sale ` regular mbnthiy tneetiug on Tries- Science from McDonald Institnte,. of big.-grade Holstein rows and and ivy a ig i a wake the to Shoe eia -Shoe our. chief specialtygh in St v,-sTthe botne-of -m. Guelph, heifers, etc . at lot 23, coo. 9, Picker- heavyweights and the White Shoe the Specialty in fine weights. Burling. Ladies please note the -tor in Dietetics in John Hopkins' iz (one mile west: of Claremont), We are agents for-the. Lowndes -guarantee Per change in date. Hospital, Baltimore, will a dreeP tl�proQerty o[C. O. Bennett. gale feet satisfaction with every garment. o ` •• at 1 o clock. See bills and advt. _ -Frank Sleep and daughter, of the meeting on Oto•Influence and W. Maw, auctioneer. - " , Pease. Swfk., are visiting relatives making-the Most of Our opporttini� : : R'e have been learning how for sixty years- '. in this neighborhood. Mr. sleep, ties.' At the union meeting of Rias a large farm i.n the west, RD Farmers' sod' Women's Institutes WINTER GOODS Get the habit, you men,.go to The Men's Store. - be reports a very heavy yield of held in the evening at 7.80 o'clock, •� __ �j T�1 �t _.wheat and oats. in the sown hall her ettbject will As the *inter season has arrived Re A B V NTING ,r:1�HERING a -Thos. Condor left a few days be "Edacatinq the Boys and w e are prepared to supply. Established 1857. .�, ♦er Tare has Girls." Refreshments will be ser- our man wants in , _ - secured a situation with the Gar- v -at Mrs. Field's at the-close of our line. to which .If yon are in need of We have a complete assortment neoyr awd-song in to alsring Go. o spend �thet���a off ll drdgcordiallR in, Bbgozes s Pu1d rsEt�t Caasol Due�� ���'� -_ T '. ^-f thA nits... - ing a few y y Pe :-- vtEed:- - - —= Eir ti' ',•eWtivetF t gin,es or�. . - f -- �r 'HAPP TROU-GHT Fred Adair left yesterday for The many friends of,Miss Jose• barrows, l r f •� iAgeton to begin training withbine Moore will •regret-'to hear'of - Call on-or write to ' l ..._AND p f� 84th battaty., His many fri- her death whi li took place on 1'1 . .." ends hope that he. may return Saturday at the homeof her par- L. D. Banks] - Pickering Oxford.. apfely atter he. has done his bit in sate, Richard and'Mrs. Moore, 18 �'- pa •� , bringing about the defeat of the Roblock Ave.,.Toronto, at the age . The deceased had .Ismc.usweettoL.EdmGermanof 28 years � before.,noon - - Abort time or health for over a - D-day (Thursday), a nhinber of year, her illness ving begun ELM DALE I r residents could be seep staring, .with a'cold,which later developed at the son throng. emaked glass into a bad case of • bronchitis. =C�ERIN� Oil StOveB., - in order to see the eclipse, which Eaily .last i+pting; 'Accompanied, "? - -- ,' ,is caused by the moon• passing by her mother, she left for Den- Is the place to get your Bread _ - `]nail in and Bee them _ directly between the earth and ver, Ciilorado, hoping that the Flour, Royal household. Made sun, thus obscuring a I:art of the change of climate would prove from No. 1. Manitoba wheat. Try _J p P H .H • B U N Q Y— Utter: beneficial to health. For a time a bag. --The Home Telephone Co. are bar- health .gradually improved. Also GenoraFlour. Pastry Flour 'transferring their central ofii- ,Late in the summer, however, she oat crushing daily _ "ce from J. H. .Bundp s to.Henry-. suffer . - - - - "Fawkes' this week. Miss K. pneurooaia, from which she never Fresh RolledUats. -- COLLARS. X0LLARS to ; Fawkes, who has been operator fully recovered. Some time ago Bran Shorted at the Bell central for Rover&I -ahe re ur ed to "r home in To- a s tis a oats a lml 8 numb811`o o Sm. so a 8a0 years, ' wilI now, have c nto, where she gradually lost-_.- � oe a -' With her experience, the sub- -ground, until 8attirday when the - Oa Chop' Whole Corn — -- -� _--Secure a bargoin now. scribers of the Independent line last spa•-rk ofI fee ed. Date, y Cra,p*ed Corn- -Corn Meal may may expect a.satisfactory service which she.was familiarly known Mixed Feed Dairy.Feed Fall Rugs, Robes, Blankets, Trunks, Snit cai368. - -Gunner Frank Brien, of the to Aer many friends-in Picker- ga 084th battery. which has been`sta- ing, was a general favoritA with Caldwell's Cream, substitute Shoe-and Harness repairing neatly and promptly honed at Kingston,-for some time. all Her bright, cheery diepoei- - Calf Meal and __ was Home for few days, He 'tion won her man� y friends wher- Molassine Meal _ -:_.r- attended to. ' leaves shortly for England, where 'ever she went. Herfuneral took 1 they will spend some time in train- place on Monday to Mount Hope - Rpecial prices in ton lots. PICHERING HARNESS EMPORIUM ing before' leaving for the front. cemetery. Mr, and MrFi. Moore BELL PHONE. { We hope that he may be spared to and family have ,_the heartfelt Xe- •��-1 "VV0Alie9 Home Phoue 2501. W. J. COA ELL _rPrnrn s=afe and sound to his old sympathy,of all in their bereave- hurrie. meat. / Chopp#iilg every day.