HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1915_04_30�x�lssltltal rDer.WEST SPINK MILLS MILL- Sunday morning as Mt seilson, BROCK ROAD Wilfred BaJgerow has purchased a Established 75 years ' _ Xeddc wOn aa going along the Kingstun roadyn- new. vilocipede for the railway work. GREENWOOD a. her large handsome'touring car, she Mrs. Geo. Kayes, of Mount Joy, and �E. FORSYTH, D. of O , Regis- . tared member of the optomet:lvn +Seo- _ became Stalled on the C. P. R. tracks, ust as a train was approaching. Mrs. J. H. Kayes, of Brock Road, are in Oshawa this week. T = eiatson of Ontario. Special attention s: - 9 to WRITE SATIN- BREAD ere was only time enough for the John Knox is home at present. MILLS the fitting of glasses. Eye • lasted free. N - - o get out of the auto when The contracting business is somewhat Ola tit. 46tf - TEA BUNS -PASTRY BRAN it was struck by the on -coming train threw molishing it badly. dull just now. o tpft caterpellar will be numerous on the - AND Off -RAL _ Kissimi for Pastry O. McKI. O , . BdiabgrRh. member of lire College of lune Fb and'Surgeons of Ontario. 1lcentfate -02 13o al College of a. Edinbn h. SHORTS . a.. - ;fruit trees this year, woe in over i Baker's J� for Bread children. attention d aHeasce B women an.JUMBO child:en, Office and residence, Brougham. Graham Flour Wheatleta, Corn Meal, . Rolled Wheat Rolled Oats, Buckwheat Flour,. 'her :,.:SCR (wheat) — -- Born -On Wednesday, April 21st, to L. and Mrs. Denny, a son. pupils for "the entrance preparing P P examination. a are , looking for great, things from the Brock Road R g -_'DICKERING MEDICAL (SURGICAL and X-RAY INSTITUTE OATS 0. W. OAT CHOP Mise Pearl Gibson is spending a week with friends in Toronto. school. Mr. Simpson, of Toronto, accompa- Pot and Pearl Barley. ' PICKERING, - - ONTARIO _ CORN AND CORN CHOP Miss M. Wood Spent a few days this week visiting friends in Toronto. vied by two C. N. R. officials were here one day- this week in connection PEEDS Bran, Shorts, Midlings, r*,. e -R. 1ZLGIN TOWLB, X. B., H. D., C. X., MIXED GRAIN & CHOP There will be a Sunday School Rally with the siding that will be construct- Crushed Oats, Barley Feed, Physician -la charge at Greenwood on Sunday- afternoon. ed probably this fall. Corn Chop, American Coz;t, f ;: Specialist in 8eotal Diseases. Prostatic DW s of Men. Diseases of Women, Caaoen, or, s -Bay examination. Dise"es of eye �1 I� �-�t T C O.&M 00.&: J at 9 o'clock. Mr. Martin, of Markham, spent Sun- Law- Officials of the C: N, R. were mere here on Wednesday afternoon making Oats, Molassine Meal, Cotton Seed -Me -al, — "• ear, nose, throat sed lovIi . Fittingglasea sad day with his daughter, Mrs. arrangements for the erection of a. Specially Mixed Grain to make all sense and chronic diseases, Omoe Hours 9.30 to I9 and 4 to 9 4917 (Scranton D. L. & W,) rence Denny, W. Hollis moved on Saturday to milk stand and shelter, and also th6 hens lay.= ^ t. Lipa STOVE, CHESTNUT, PEA Queenston, where he has secured a Brading of a road leading to them. The work will begin right away. Btbby's Cream Equivalent for calves, half Meal. • AND STEAM _ eltion as herdsman. Quarterly meeting service will be held at Mount Zion nett Sunday, y BROUGHAM ; FOOD Meat Scrap ape Bone and Meat. t �E. FAREWELL, H.C., HARRIS- T>las,00antyOrownettaxaq,aadOottay 6eiistror. Court House, Whitby. 10-v PRICES RIGHT. J. L. SPINK LIMITED mencing at -14 30 a. m. Walter Hof and, of the Union Bank Toronto, ie spending hie holidays with i Our residents are now busy patting in they gardens. Mrs. W. J. Coakwell and daughter, , I Charcoal, Shell and Grit. Cotton Seed Meal is the cheapest and best feed on the market for milk. E. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and • Solicitor. Notary Public, Etc. Money to oan. Office Brock St- North, Whitby. 9617 i t _ PICKERING. ONT. her grandmother, Mrs. A. Moore.,. sCARBORo Mabel, of Pickerinu. spent Tuesday with Brougham friends. Quite a heavy rainfall took place Try Mole$sine Meal for horses, cattle �• and pigs. You will neveebe with- out It after using it. Vttwtuttsili ealrbsl. - � T G. HAM -Issuer of 'tldrria e A sad accident o^.curred near Birr_ Cliff past office on the Kia stun road here nn Tuesday ani as a result vege. tation is making rapid growth. k Y r will exchange CORN CHOP for _ Q FARM WANTED teas in o a Pickering ti''11age - , O buildings, purchaser can pay fifteen " Insvh;Ch nlamin rant ];a ii r- Min ant t seed-ing-cm the 20th of ;. Cement and Plaster kept on hand. I� POL'CHER. Real _Estate Auc- hundred cash and transfer a first contractor, lost his life and Charles Ape il, and had oats up on the 13th. F- Z- 4RF-+��T Al 1 • troneer. valustor, collector Lad issuer A ararrisae llcenAes..Brocghsm. t@y rnortgarae for One thousand neld on a' farm, York County, and give you mortgage for.baiance. If you have a 'jlypm had h.,.m;Qg jg �cK -} 1 Law, wbose home is at 143 Kingston Road, had gone out, for aspinrn his. auto, having taking with 6Im his - Mist Peter Slaithe.wa la Congaed to her bed through illness.but is now improving sowewhat. Herd.aiughter, Mrs. Witter, of -East Toronto, is wait- - "E A S T L AK E" �Dj� HOPf'gl� Issuer of Marriage county . Licenses in the of ontarim oface at store and his residence. Claremoat- . farm to sell write friend, Mr: Thom. and were on their ing on her. John Fisher & Company gym'° trip, when in some unasount- Betrinn;nta with Saturday evehurs �a Vii► B.BEAT0:3 TOWNBHIPCLEBH able way, the auto swerved to the left May 1st, and on each TueRsdaS, Thurs- - aisds•I iss. AConiveceonatantOommissioner far Etc. ioug toboas LL MSDENCOUNTRY A BUILDING. Side of the rtopp}ed a Saturday �red ®inb a cream - nn latm lssaer of Marriage IJe _ 10 8 ADELAIDE ST E., TORONTO. ditch over, inn n be win p g H, ic11e11, may be Lectand the par: lora of the Brougham hotel. snows"y�lit�:.�a e. Ont. t -v ,ilLlSTILL. Licensed Auctioneer, ' a fin: ooansies of York and Ontario. Ane , mea utiderneatb. A. post. mAster at Birch Cliff, saw the acci- dent and hastening to the scene found Rice Brea., of Whitevale. are busy drilling a well for N. L. Stevenson. - _ * Fruit Growers, Look — tuoasalesof ail kinds attaaaed to oa sharlest- - aotsca Address Green River P. o., Out. __ ll qt. Baskets 3sc each, nnenn.rin�A. _Madiral._Ai& was summoned, but Mr. Law's neck Mr. Stevenson has also men busy at work building the stone fouadatl in - ' ICY BRE WSTER. V. $.-. Gradu t.Y _ 6 qt Baskets Sc each. was broken, death being Instantane- ous• Thom, while badly eut about underneath his residence .which will also be brick cladded. . s ate of Toronto Veterinary Colles., has opened an office to elaraasont Village. All die �overe lc each. the face and otherwise injured, was O. P. McGregor, of Toronto, has _ eases o2 domeatua tad 901:13618 *"Ude Cans bt ilavcm Blot attended to. lad 1 qt. Berry Boles iU rents per 100, not seriously butt-. M-iLaw is .ur- rented Mrs. Cowie's residence, which promptly P)oaa 34 and 27 t - Crates 1,2ic each. Ever package uarateed and rices vived b y his widow abd five children. He was a member of the Masonle and was recently vacated by .Tess Hub- bard, Mr. 1lfcGrrgor Intends to move The shingle that has given 9atis- =tl 30 Empire, POWELL. Licensed Anc. WB. tfOOMr, •ataater and coua:tor for are guaranteed not to raise if' g Orange orders, who conducted the his family from the city In the month -faction.for Over years. Corrugated (fon Z in. b . naccuee of Ontario and York all kinds of ordered now and get funeral on Sunday afternoon. of June and wills ad the summer pe. months here. with a R y 2 in. corrugation, Pet- it before yon gain eoadacted either privately or by auction e Ford otherp ,ar We notes *,y them when you want them. - WHITBY ba other makeet. Ityouare ltt Y Eliz a :=tienian appy at residence. Elizabeth St, Picit- at s arias. Phone orders least Nave Offiee Pick. sera&. or ktaenab•o •sore, Claremont. Mtn ee Chopping and Roping as usual -' A meeting will be held In the Music . -� . WHITBY need of a Cream Separator. Try a. a Premier for 30 da a Also Y eetwe prompt att•atlma 8aeelactLoaRo azao- .' Ned. M7trhoaenamberuIodapsad•at3001asoline every day, W, lie Barnes,8Green River Hall next Friday evening for the pur- pose of organizing a Children's Aid At the adjourned vestry meeting of All Saints' on 'Jinoowe eveaialt. the . engines from $39,00 up. „ See or write sue before braying. a T „��ti. y• LTTE V Society, r, Kelso, of Toronto, will address r+e"ports presented showea the church VeterinarySurgeon GET OUR PRICES gave an illustrated iF� stere- opti'can view-,' All are invited. to be in a very proaperoua condition.- Bell Phone. 8 The funeral of the Inte Martin Lee. Honor Graduate of the Ontario Ste --- n_ tTiY Mrs. (Dr.) Field. Mrs. (Rev,,) Pippen _ C' Pirtttp, 1 1 Bt AC w was killed o ; av x his _ Pr_8e,. �r1 rinary. Collette and Graduate r,f the Veterinary _-Machines, Saws: Gasoline _ were here one day -last week getting the Whitby ladies interested in the faun on, the hese line west of here, tobk place on itlonda " afternoon to ij Science, Association. Engines and Cream work of the Humane Society.Mueh y g - tst see on ere for an was=the lar eat seen here for a number of years. Ind. Phone Clare. 2902 - Separators. work can be accomplished here in the resist of suffering horses driven by The procession wits about! mile In length. O CLAREMONT, ONTARIO GRL our price? Cn the Ford auto. Jews and others. �..J -A .�✓ JOHN PHILIP W. H: TAcz�so�T I)r. Evans hay been notiAFd_ that he has been selected to -Rin to the front as Daniel. Cameron. a life -long -resident, of �i'hitby, dier3 on Aiindav at Isis 71 ,t stir eon, being one of thirty -flue re- reKidence here at the age of years. The deceased was a member cit ane oP Cement Lumber BROCis ROAD. -_ grlired from the Dominion, there tie the pioneer families o4 the town and > Has a full line of treah and cur- ing fifteen chosen from the Province was well-the Roofin lea Read ry - -- ed meats constantly, on han 'Breakfitst _rj tt o wheiev r directed b the British y. a coup oo ts es� at $Root- rag and at othersports. Corrugated Iron, • w Spice Rol], Bacon, `Shur Crop Fertilizer !� ar Department. Thomas Thoms, one of the oldest On Monday evening next the Board Eastlake Shingles, r - na Ham, Bologna, Weiners, etc. g _ Will pay you from 20 to 1W ' proflt residents, of Whitby, died on Thurs. of. Education will ask the town coon- to the expend;uire of IGedar Posts, .Steel .Posts, iHigheet prices paid for Gunn'e Hog Meal will reduce your feed dAy at the age df 81 years, His fume-. rel -which took place on Sunday was til ,authorize 87.000 to modernize the present High Fire Fencing- $utcher's cattle bill and make your hogs pay irirpite conducted by the Odd Fellows, of School building. The plana df the " e e e fiekering � verb of the high cost of feed, Gunn'• Ground Bone and Beef Scr p whose lodge he was a member. The deceased was a carriage builder by many new public school at the bay shovit the building to be a very bandsome will cost, along with If yea are goip to build let rot► give qua my price on anp- . sill make your hens lay and ke trade Rind worked for years in structure.•whith These thing you may s them "laying. Whitby. �•� the site, less than 610,000. two schemes will place Whitby in the require..' _ Fifat-class rigs for hire rices address For p s WHITEVALE front rank as regards her educational. Da or ni t►t - - .- Day Thos. Reerely, - Locust Hill '" —^ The Whitevale MueicatSociety gave facilities. 1 C E E►SV R • B13t1 IDeett3 all tTBlnfl Ind. phone, Mark, ia08 a most enjoyable concert on Tuesday. An important sale of high-class rest. l� dential property was made during the ,� • s p. . } Teaming promptI�'attended to... evening, April"80'1•. jr ►h.� . Baptist church, arranged by Albert Dowri,. ^ past`few days, when the -fine residence Jenny Patterson, -LOCUST HILL. nm � REAL ESTATE Agent for Canada Carriage Co. g g �'"� singing teacher of ,the Toronto Con• of the late Mise who died about a month ago, was sold to Peak, Peak servatory of Music, was a great suc- cess.in every way. Eveiy seat in the W, Downie, an officiaVof the.C, P. R., for $8000. The sale is im- - pickr{ftp. church was occupied and. admiration both vocal and instrumental offer- the sum of portant as it shows that residential in Whitby is still in the CUT'PRICES Many Colleges' Close . •- -=-�e+--- irigl; lefYno'robtri for doubt as to their ih property ascendancy, while• generally through - 7R for vacation at midsummer. I have For Safe a HCnse and- Lot hearty genuineness. The singing of the Musical Society places them 'among out the-country.propertp has depreci- sled during the past year or two. IN SPITE OF = Our College does not. in Pickering Village. Large the very best vocalists. Mr. or-d_welling houses - --- - -- Kn Uu-etl; 9vnre-3 young- trees. Everything in first-Class repAire wntrig' the conductor' deser"yea-ills greatest credit for the really fine, powerful and artistic ensemble he great -demand_ still continues, About a dozen newILUM homes are now under way and about be TAX • Call And see me as this is a bar• secured from the numerically 'large s many • more will started soon, yet these will be far from supplying +/.'+ :WAR To"NOS � e gain for some one. choir. The singing of Miss Gwladys Jones, Welsh soprano—tier voice has nes, s the demand. The employees at L provincial hospital alone will require Stock Foods- _ is strictly first-class. None better . �• 9; Riehardsoae a richness that rare,. and its fieri• bility and dramatic force is such that about sixty houses to 'supply the de y PP y has Regular L$1.00 for 439•. in Canada. Enter now so as to she is equally aucceasful in songs and wand. Evidently Whitby eater- on an era of prosperity which will Reg• t33c. for 59c. take a position in the early fatl. I. One graduate writes "My new --Notary Public, Picitering. operatic ariose, Her earnest and in - telligent singing of "Goodbye" from likely continue for many years. ` Reg. 25c. for• 19c. position pays three times what of at teaebia school less than g Tosti, "A Fat Little Fellow"bp Lucas Gordon, and "Un bel'di"from Madame _ -• -Prof. W. H. Dap, of the De- Healing Regular 60e. for 39e. ' g Have lots of. Water ? io r g years ago ust revioua to yon Butterfly,were a feature of the eon- partnlent of Physics in the Ontario Reg. 25c. for 19c. M- enterin our Col R y ege,' . We placed this young man in a position• after C. >s. RICs, OF WIiOTLVAL]t cert and must have been a great grafi- flcation to Mr. Downing, with whom Agricnitttral College, Guelph, hits issued a circular' warning to the &I's Cough and Distemper 1 ' graduation and have now placed is prepared to furnish you anything she has been studying. Frank Old- farmers of Ontario against infer- g tablets, 5411. him again. Catalogue free', g oPf in the line of water su 1 such as Pp Y field gape a most dramatic rendering ]Or lightning rods. A certain enol- NNal, s worm tablets 75e. W. J. Elliott, Principal Cor. Yonge Cbarles Ste. pumps, windmills, hydraulic rams, of the difficult music of his part. He sang .with great expression the solo pany that buncoed the farmers 64 Cooling Liniment 50c. and plumbing. etc. "Aons of the Sea," patriotic, which with iron -centred rods last year ,{ Spavin Liniment $1.00_� The are also expert well drillers They p and respectfully solicit.your our atron; pe y 7 p Age for the .tura. •rad, nhon , ",fi21, - was most. heartily applauded by the entbusiastic audience. The other assisting artist, Miss Florence Good, are selling the same rod this year. There o s. difficulty in spotting these rods. The inside covering Colic Remedy $1.00. - 9 ;t". " . Tonic 8i Uotidition tablets ia_c.. j� NEWNEWEMBER 3�0P elocutionist,_ gave dainty and charm- 3nq;endings-"1 ash 1 -was a boy,"pp "A Tale h train, by' is a thin sheet of copper and in- side of the copper is .a Styr of _Ral- p. Have yonreyen examiined by .nfa -T"L"HARPENE1 . - A full line Fresh of :Keats always ^ Anon, encore on vanized steel or iron, one•half inch ' on hand aL shin - p, We make a s ciblry of crwacut saws We Pauline Johnston. Albert Do*nin , g tenor, and Frank Oldfield, baritone, wide and "two galvanized steel or and semire-an exact correction. -_ Wagon on road every day, Tools of all kinds. Locks repaired. sang several duets with their usual iron wires about No. 10. The cop- - Raeor=boning a epecisi� f+f` For a first - class bait trim or an easy shave call skill. The' "Homeland;" by 'Sullivan, per sheath is' tiwiskil•d .grougd the T• 39, : McFADDEKo Fresh Pork Sa e a s icialt usag P y at the East -end Barber Shop. n h the Musical Society, ponaist- g y y� strap and wires giving the rod :� i • Buteller's cattle wanted 10 See our House Furnishirigs of; all log of sixty voices, showed especially well in the. joyous exuberance of the corrugated appeartruce. The steel or iron will rust out in from five Druggist—Graduate Optician; 4-_. -kinds. JAB O'CON NOR, PICKERING Slightly used Carpets - from 15 cents A yard up. last song. A word of praise is due to m to ten years, thus will be effective n� ; - Corner H;ng and Church SLs.W. J. GORDON PICKERING hyeRowllandtJohnston. _F. pA1RPyer1 only a Short time. Piol�eSi]7P•. �12tAS10 �'• a. ,.... .. °;- ...... . � - : •• ...-..• .- ;: t�� fir.. -'�',c`�':.;,:;. ,a,,,,•,x...,,r,,£�,;.h, ate,-,�zr_! «sem.... � u.1c'yv�-u_-a+c^'.?�.'•• r• -.:r v:;r, :" •-. _ •aa^ �.•a.. •v . ,�.i-,L <,..- , ..pa,;e*.-7. .,:;c3r•=•r• pr*r��e^_ , i- .. �"�',>,ep.,, _ ;1111,._;.- „ . ,,, ,,. _,.c, 1 .... -+c. • - -- :lL "T� -_ .. . - - -., . - - _-.�-.;v arr!.w-�,...a.� 'mss r w r r . el pp/�� WIt and Wisdom. $EEO POTATOES. ����1 :blood -Bae, Old Backache `' � 'buffered For More Of two evils, it isn't always neves ABLY IBI3H COBBLER POTATO]F8. Than Two Years F, specially selected and Government, -` �BrYl�lde Will ��� (7011 sorry to a elbhei. in for seed. Only limited Quantity. i j�V U '1 f` You � � �• • I� W Ohildre�n ara worn by, Sweets, wo- Price, One Dollar per bushel f.o.b. _Bramp- ton. Also Coungieeetir'e Pride and Ne ._ by bann�ta, men by aC�lemes. trSnow, two excellent new potatoes. Price, Stiffness is Rubbed Right Out; Every s:. THEN JOSEPH GAGNE FOUND What a pedes- Two DQ14re per buchel. lapsclal prces. trlan I" C'o•unt Pupil—"A `A man for Is r�a quantity. Cash must s000m• Sign of Pain Disappears. I A CURE IN. DODD'8 HID- ry F „ pany all ordere. H. W. Dawson, Brainy Y Gee whiz—think of ' j who gets run over by a motor. ton, wi'r No more stomach d ;necessary NE ILL$. A cynic suggests the three quick- Y P—to cure your lame baceat ways to Bend a message "Tele-NENt8PAPEa$FOA SA1a.Every trace of la cry bit a , - 'gra-Te•lephuDe and Tell-a-wo-p801^IT•�i�KIfiGi xERe3 axD nos oB• af stiffness, every sign O reas in a;,, Quebec Han Too; His wife s Ad mad ] 1' 1 ficin for sale n good Ontario towns. r' r The most useful and interesting of all3 the back's muscles can be rubbed away vice and Is Now Enjoying a New Su formatton on applies• perCili4tLB YOtt T m tion to Wilson Publishing Company, 73 •—•.,for all time to come by good ofd Lease of health. oonductor�— Is tlhat N<)Mh a Ark wast Adelaide St.: Toronto. "Nervilne." „ 1, _ , No other liniment can do the work f -Ste. Man site Ba Mills S key yet I . Yes, all but fine mon-- No gag- „ ffi8C}3]:I.A2rE0II 6. 3: 8tle Y key Jump'ifi. wlrcl: TUMORS, LUMPS. ;so quickly, can penetrate so deeply, g; j uen Co. ue. A ell 26th (Spe- you neve'` know whist ? can br Ha;. , Cla .—"Yes, you can „ A act -weary sufferer as Nerviline In, do till you try, sa4 a venter, out pain by our home treatment. write of the great relief I got from // us before too late. Dr. Sellman Medical lvarlably does. Dodd.'s Kidney Pills." The speak- and the21 you are generally sorry Co., limited, Collingwood, Ont.! Backache -isn't the only mala y you found' out I" t Nerviline is quick to cure. For lum- I „ er a'as Mr. Joseph Gagne, swell- An honest Sunday -schoolboy has bago or sciatica you would go far to known resident of this place, and explained ``suffering for righteous- lind relief so speedy as Nerviline I 9 he. has every reason to be enthusineGis sake" a "having to (sole to astic over the t Canadiain Kid - gives. For chronic rheumatism there gTeB Sund-aSchool I" ere pain destroying properties in Ner- I ney rewedy. y "`�"^"'' snna.ra cYeI T7ARZ. Not Alwa 'e,—Pa "Yea m . �r�t.. crena.` 13 to ,n„r Q of valine that give it first rank. The way "For more than two ears I suf- y ' Y' s 1^' oG��• Naa.�a1.gi y y IY. tM Itn.i, x—,cCnnsaVIt limbers u a stiff oint and takes ,, son, if you want to learn aai9thing konowc�onn,.l.U..ppw. 1? l fered from Kidney disease, Mr: -epi,.„ p a.,�, .ro„�.well you moat` begin at the bot „.on r ,,..,soreness out of strained or rheumatic, Gagne continued. "It finall de- „ ,, a'.ftoa„a.wnalem.�tom. Little Botnusclea is simply a wonder. Ohre �`•e Don•nhearted 1 �•elo into leu` and I •was a ,� Y—How about suutsrre.eto,l,.n,aaa. '?'•��” If you have an ache or a pain any- Certainl not ! and no one less so F swimming, pa I ` Certainly the British Chancellor Mr, very sack man when my. wife' per Mr, Rooks -- "So you want to where, if you have a -sore tack, a stiff g neck,, a stiff joint, a strained muscle suaded me to give Dodd a Kidney marry my daughter, Well, young - —� If you have 1 mbago, congested chest ; Lloyd Georsie, judging by the pic- pill's a trial. g man, what are your pros Z tore displayed above, Mr. Lloyd I took just three boxes and the young Man—"Excellent—if you silver bullets for the war, an ' or sore throat, lust try Nerviline. 7 y Rub it on plentifully—it won't blip- George is extremely busy providingg made me well. - ter, it can't do anything but cure -you d Dodd's Kidney Pills make their don't spoil them."l; A Board School teacher, illi' quickly. The large SCc. family size I just now he is trying to persuade risers enthusiastic because the not p ` ibottle is the most economical, of the le of the Old Count that l,ta hand on the s'loulder of a b of Res peop rY only cure the particular ailment „ °Y --- Wh :course, but you can, from any dealer. they should stop drinking intoxi- aimed at but they spread gid doubtful character, said I believe Y alp, get the 25c. small size of Nervi- cants till the war is over, declarin Satan has got hold of'you ." "l -- g health all over the body. They do believe so, too," was the reply. kilns, the king of pain -relieving re- that alcohol is the greatest enemy ',this by curia$ the Kidneys. C_ ured Gibbs --"I believe in early `fain ,. e medias. the empire has at present. Kidneys strain all the los uiitiee „ „ : - •i, F do t't-you i Dibba-- .Well, there g 1 S out of the 61ood, Tha.t.means.frire no abstract excellence is early cis _._HE -NS CAN'T 511'Iil. - blood and new health all over tine ing; it all depem,de, upon -what you _ SICKLY --hmv - ever see a�hentry tv PRi3(�PF be bet- youpeople ,swim I Did you ever ne a — i - APPRECIABLE GIFT. raver got up," ace - at tt en roer than I Baby's Otivn Tablets are an ideal s' e' to try it, that is the reason ashy you Appeal for Maple Syrup and Sugae medicine for little ones. The {, - have to -gay no to those two clues- j regulate the bowels and stomach for Red Cross Society. Deihl Nearly Cla1ffied - tions. A duck may swim all day and promptly cure constipation, The Canadian Red Cross Society long on water . with. cakes of .ice : indigestion, and simple fevers, has sent an urgealt appeal to Mr. J. - �W Brunswick Lady 46,IHoating cold around in it, and be .none.,' expel..worms, cure colic, and give': R. Grimm, who is well known in _- _: - • the worse for the experience ; but i baby health and happiness. Con- the maple syrup industry, for a a hen mould die in short order if ' cerningDthem Mrs. Fred VaaGor- donetitn of syrup and sugar for Was Restored to Her Anxious. Far thrown into such water. The duck des, unnvitle, Out., writes; "I the boys at the front. - -A letter from Colon_ 1 Gorrel, iiy When Hope Had Gone. St. is built for it, the hen isnot. i. have used Baby's Own Tablets for def John. N.B., Dec. 16th.—At one•, --or-thw-fa-of na• I my four children dnd find they ai-, the First Canadian Contingent, —If the--Lcird,� time it was feared that Mrs. J. Grail, iture, or whatever your religion WAYS give perfect satisfaction." tells of the enthusiastic reception of 3 White St. would succumb to the leads you to call the great creative The TAbleta are sold by medicine j accorded a recent rase from Caa- deadly ravages of advances kidbey "My genius of the earth, makes hens to dealers or by mail at lb cents a ads, containing, among other; I trouble first attacks of back- , ache and kidney .trouble began -years' j live only on the land and the ducks boa from The -.Dr. Williams' Medi• things. a few cakes of maple su- 4 agO' For eta pears that dull gnawing viae Brockville Oct. gar. He states, "thee mean went to live on either the land or the wa- Co,, fain bas been pre3en'. When 1 es I • 1k ter, it is but natural W -suppose that I.rt !fairly crazy with delight when it erted myself it was terribly intensined. '. 'he alsomakes some people to -be,A SQUARE DEAL.' 'was given to them. + To a Canadian away from hoarse tf i caught cold the pain was unen-' ..but durable. �Armera and others to be doctors, ! it -would be difficult to conceive of lawyers, -:haat® and chiefs. If In any organization so lame as I used most­6verything ; rothiag cave that certain grateful re - m. a more acceptable gift in the spnng , the doctor -tries -to be a lawyer, or that of the- C P.R., where under 1 of the year than same genuine su- � lief that came fronr Dr. -ifamiiton's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. In, - the farmer tries to be a merchant ; normal conditions over 100,000 em- gar or syrup from ''sire land of the stead of being bowed dawn wiEh pilin, or dodo -c, -_he is. just about as sure ployees' are on the payroll, one l Va le. today I am. strong, enjoy spieadi'a toreal problem i■ that of keeping - Eo glove a failure at it as the hen is I S F There are few farmers wbo could appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper- -been to prove a failure alt trying to + the employees, so to speak, dyne•- not spare at least a gallon of syrup ties have instilled into my blood. `le a duck _ .. , mlc• part of a living organization or ten pounds of sugar for such a ..—cheeks are rosy with color, and I 9 The - business man—whether doc ;Aad not of mare machines. Zeal "off' patriotic object. Thane thank that day that I heard of sa Rrand L and Ambition Must be' kat burn tor, lawyer, or farmer—will find i , p who refs ud,=and it he is be, ' sad Ing, Just as every soldier of Na-~ - ° Dr, liamilton's. Pili," Every woman should use three( pills oZ1t what cut out to Leon carried a field marshals there willbe man. -are asked to .regularly - because_ good health pays, !. Mhen stick to, it through thick an+l baton, in his knapsack, su every pack carefully an express to The and it's good,' vigorous' health that linin. If he does it with conceptra o in the Company must feel Cantadu' L Red Cross Society, 68 ive affiee b' comes to all who use Dr. Hamilton's Mandrake Butternut Pills. - ;ion Aiui courageous stick to -it ,.wellington St., Montreal, Que I be is a possible` president, not and oess he will win out in the end, and The express companies will carry E merely earn his dollar a da til,,- - - le successful. If he tries the thing I pension day. One system intro- such parcels free if plainly marked Sidestepping Them. the is not fitted by nature to be, or i duced on the 'Western. limes with for The Red Cross. "Both your admirers are going to .'loses his courage in doing the thing I this in mind has proved exceeding '* be at the bawl to -night; are you g,- be is cut out to -be, he will be morely efficient. Each superintendent!Cure ing i" _ i dance wants to dance all the time, ;-or oreman or e ,. o a epart- WWssr tiustrainleed--- If the Lord meant for you to be ! inert makes two reports a year on I' braver known to a fariner, do not try to ' be soave- his staff, Bright men are thus ear -,'Morse fail; acts. without and -the one -that can't talk wants 'to thing else. Tf He meant you tc be marked for special promotion. If , pain in 24 hours. Is talk. all the irtie," _ alawyer or a doctor, du not t to ! anv than is critic zed the report is soothing, healing; be a farmer. Stick to your -call- shown to him and initialled by him`, • it is just as great and just,aa before it goes to Winnipeg. He ot:t No, remedy so - : honorable as is an;vthirig else. In gets a square deal, and if he has tltrick, safe and sure as Putnam's Paln- Don't waste all -your -flowers- on , sticking, there is happiness and any life. in him he mends his trays ; less Corn Extractor. Sold ever3:• bottle.... the dead, Throw a few bouquets contentment; .. in flying off the so thatno such criticism can be �lahere--2bc per to the live ones once in a while. handle there is failure, regret and made twice. Then again there are lie 1 sorrow independent scouts looking for the l - • =-Originator. =0sD Xt"rd's ztnlmens In the boa■•. l Just a Scratch BUT it needy lookrn- after, Carbolated "Vaseline" will help it to ileal quickly and prevent risk of infection. First sid treat-- menG with -- CARBOLATED Vase-Iine Trademark �- -- Meds in Cmurde It is a most effective antiseptic Q, skin irritations of ally thud: such as eczema poison ivy anA barber's itch. Alco good for corns. AV01S1 We5TT=7r1J , Nola on "iVe- line" In <.rlrinal paekasea bearlas she name - fon.oa fated. }'oe ask as all Clremlb and General &ore.. - .Ar, br}!w -"-So CHP.SEBROUG-H MFG CO. (Consolidated) IBM CHA 3 T AVE.; MONTREAL e ong .. . • •.-4 _ bright men, -tie by Station agent, ' the courteous trainman, the man Governess—Who was {Qhristopher - - Columbus 101 CAREFUI. DOCTOR - cool in an emergency, the inventive Wise Willie—he. was the original ''%`'� mecbanic, the stenographer who "See America First"-ad_vocate.. ]prescribed Change of Food Instead can run the office when the chief-•;;;iy of Drugs. is absent. These scouts are search- _ It takes considerable courage for! ing for merit only, not for faults. Over the whole system ' of the Canoes! ` Skiffs! Motor Boas-it3t ., : doctor to deliberately prescribe az Canadian Pacific ideas and rugger- - � _• � � • poly food for a despairing patient, tions made by employees are not THE PSTERBOROUQH -LINE. instead of resorting to the usual only welcomed but lead to pro- ifinard'■ Liniment Co., Limited. _ . ' ' ' p I it is a PETERBOROUGH: ,list of medicines. j was very sick with e, is and If any Canoe can glue you satisfaction, Some trulyscientific h umans motion. They go to the Record thought I would strangis. I used Al*kys -wid evtr the some of rvioe, model, strength and tin - p IOffice, where a statement of the .11S1N7 RD'S LINIMENT and it cured me recognize and treat conditions as f at once. I am never without it now. '• ish. Over fifty styles and sizes to for catalogue. The latest canoe j employees asreer is attached to Yours gratefully, ie the Peterborou'th canvas covered. Ask for 111ustrated folder, Skiffs ,+ , -;o �; ,�-.. __ MRC -a D. p ixeE wgr Launches, all rises w_d povv $ere s an instance := sidered by a committee. If the Nauwigewauk, Oct. lief. era. the foldersotelling all about these. - "' --' "Four years ago I was'taken with idea is a clpted the record of the .;severe gastritis, and nothing would employee's career is then before.. ��e.PETEReoRoueh CANOE eomF.•Ny, UMIT!'�r ptay on my stomach, so that I was the eyes of the powers that be', and ° PRTERSOROUGH, ONT. .n the verge of starvaton. i • repognitiori is sure to follow. The „ • . ' •: - ' :':� {�� I heard of a doctor who had a needle in the hay�ta�k is easy )summer cottage near me—a spe- enough, to fired with a magnet, and There isn't much use in telling it for him and ae a last ho sent magnets looking . girl you .would die for her -un-less i t Pe, there are a dozen for him. out fo'r merit amo the 100,000 em- "After he examined ale csan•efull o � , _• you carry a pretty heavy life frau`- .• ___ ,• �..,: �+ y ploy'ees of the C.P.R. ance. be advised me to iry a small quern- tity of Grape -Nuts at first, then as�J� =y 'stomach became stronger to A warning. - - ore Oraneialed Eyelids, eat more. When M. Poincare returned to Eyes inflamed by expo -sure to h "I kept at it `.rid gradually be- his house after leis election as Pre- geld Son. Dust yMand ine qquickly relieved by Morins gan to have color in my face, mem- sident of the French Republic, his E" yes lye Remedy. No Smarting. _ lx ,ory became cl-e'er, where before mother, neglecting the official per- just Eye Comfort. At -0 everything seemed a blank. :key scrapes present kissed her son in' Your Druggggttat•a 5oc per Bottle. Matlse Eye -�`OVerstterfl" V Bottom U" Limbs got stronger and I oould front of them r:-il, and -then, panting SolvsinT ulies25c. For book of IbeEyefreeask � �91 DniWats or Merin eye Remedy Co.,Chkals I O l` 4loililt' $55 rte. - walk. So I steadily. recovered. his cheek, remarked: a All. "'Now after a year on Grape- "I hope, Raymond, tllatsou have •„ a►� _ - 'Nuts I • weigh 163' lbs.. . My people-! not undertaken- too difricult a job To lie ofd enough to know bettor Freight Pres 'd to any Railway � Station in �- were surprised at the .way I. g1-ew you were never quite so olever as is merely a figure of.speech. Ontlai�o. t 8 liimath 18 Ft,, Beam 3 Ft: a In., 'fleshy and strong on this food." - Depth 1 F A. In, • ANY -M-OTOR' WITS. u thought ourself, s 1�'ame, yen by Canadian Postum y° g y you know ! �elaash,■ 1Gtatmat vasa by phy■iaisns. g'i $peciflcation No. EB :giving engine prices on reQuest. (let our agotilt'ioa$ Windsor, Ont. Reid "The The Dog Doesn't Know Any Better. .. Two . hundmed and tem Scats 9n—"The _Penetang Line" Commerotal and 'Pleasure Latttrnhes, Row; oad to Weilville," in pkgs. „ boats and Canoes': irr,eLe re's a' Reason." - De only bane some mon, ever Guards are reported missing• 1i1 Aver sesA th• above letter? ♦ mand$ mpg remo6otdul' atten- TAE GIDI:EY BOAT CO.' LIMITED,- PEN&"G, CAN. new ooali„ e Eben, r e $[iaarQ's >Maiment Lupsbsrman'■ •1<riea6. -1126,appear■ from time to time. X17 tion, said V$Cl 11a1s when WO ceantaa, teas, and tau of hnmsn ley whistle to de dog --P ED. b. ISSUE 18—'15. ' pater•st. ' 3 `: e" -;,'.v„• 5;. ""�"S,; "!'R"�`-ms's'-"-T'� :c: �.-.,v^^+e-i�,crF. c' a , stn R g ter, an a may -fie e- ire s ob ���"�f deeded upon to do his part in ground for the training of troops. _ r y' 'IwbltsLedevery Friday mem allatits Oeow _ �i r ie's �•-�: - ,ptek.rins, out. defending theccasEmpire as he has uow at London, as well as those Fresh ' O v 1 • sssacs done on this occasion when his already there. \ s '01 J6 per year; 01.00 it paid in advance. bravery saved the situation. The ' eabecripcionstothe Unuedsrates,SIAQ large number killed and wounded ,No, ddve,yu0M,0098. la advance, and Vegetables at -- will cause many tears to be sheet, but there will also be rejoicing ' over the noble part played by our ARDEN TO LET. -Apply to Mise JOHN MURKAR, Proprietor. f G A_FLELD,Piokering¢illage• _. R t C A D 0 N fellow -countrymen. j+ -S RASE SEED FOR8ALE-A quan- FRIDAY, APRIL W 19I5 _ - G tity of timothy sead•also alsike seed at lot WOMI 16,con. B, Pickering. E,E.PUGH,Claremont. t: PL"RE 'MAPLE SYRUP -GUARANTEED, : NOTES AND COMMENTS - — qua II•l y o 0 cents a quart -bring EOth Century Oats. Apply at Iot. 10. con. _ SAVED FROM Pickering(, R, H. CRONE, , 8. No. i, Whitby, - E-10 cents a cake _y ...The automobile is. rapidly Arid. oat• - . 1'93! MAPLE Si; GAR ' PUft _ :an its way into the farming coal- - NEW CORN ShRUP-in quart sealers, 2.tic. g y COWS FOR, SALE —Two good �i Qllinity. - I(ILMCOWS milch dowe at lot 16, -con, ! Pickering ddreas PALTER CARLTON,. Brock road, Tice Cabbage, t'arsnipst Potatoes, _. - _ - coming fascinated with -it- as the P, , -city man has 1 efore hiu1, but there - - 08 SALE -A few 'Shropshire Grape Fruit. fare a • large number• of farmers F rI lambs at a reasonable price. Ap ply Pineapples, Oranges, Bananas, _ at lot 18, con, 8, Pickering. E. E, PUGH, 0 Axe-, `who are beginning to value it as By Lydia E.Pinkhagn's Vega. Lmont, . alt SIMMERS' GARDEv AND FLOWER SEEDS - x€, amecessity, in the same way:as he . table Compound—Their OW FOR SALE -A good grade SEED -CORN=ALL KINDS has valued -bis horse and buggy• Shorthorn, fresh, , years old. App 1 : at lot e0, oon„!, Pickering. W. C. WILLMO V - ;A few years ago. -the yearly cost Own StOriesHereToiid. Brougham. 31.83 - of maintaning an auto was reckon. PLANTS FOR SALE -Tomatoes, J g E'S R S 4 N ed at One thousand dollars 11 a Cabbage, Cauliflowers, Calory and, garden �.�_°� - p' Edmonton, Alberta, Can. -•'•' I. think flowers. Pansies a. specialty, G`2119011, agon on the Y'� now with lower priced ma- it is no more than right for me to thank road during season. TEOM . GAIkMAI�DGla, 1Get a Sonvenirf pooh.with Pure Fruit Flavor Chewing Gum: . chines, and more perfect engines, you for what your kind advice and Lydia - cost has been greatly diminibiled, F.Plnkham sVegetableCompoundhave STRAYED -On to the premises of STORE the undersigned, lot 4, con.8, Pickering, on so that the cost is reckoned by done for me. . Monday April 18th, a small white pig, The •• "When I wrote t0' you solve time ago I msner may have the same b pr nzK D PEEL S . S H� E « e w some as being no greater- than t and .ytnit expextse., IAV oID s. os: was a very sick woman suffering from rfoa d 1 v,%ga y- M_W that of maintaining a driving cut• female troubles. I had organic inflam- — • _ _ . - W H IT B Y -•- I". • As the farmers indulge them- mation and could not stand of -walk any 1 FOR BALE -A new buggy, Domin- distanca, sat I Was confined to ion make, auto sear, piano box, will be selves more in this way, there will my s.:d cheap, A borataio for mom ebod . For We always carry a complete stock of , --1A a greater demand for good tobedand ti for said I would have further particulars apply so wm, ED . Fine Boots and Shoes, Boys' and Girls' School Shoes, Felts, to go an operation, but this 1 - roads, and their present opposi- refusedtodo. Afriend advised Lydia E. Rubbers and. Overshoes. tion to that movement will gradu- Pinkham',s Vegetable Compound, .and `TRAYED-From lot 16, can. a, Men's everyday Work Boots our specialty. now, after using three bottles of it, 1 Q7rear! na he fe s, o area and the other tit k .Bell Phone 151. - -- - - ally_ k4ecom0_ _less. - -- -- - _ feel like a new woman. I most heartily an,' - i, will BY information nfo msrati n leading o thou be PEEL. Some post masterg report L at who suffer with female troubles. Ihave - "there `is u' marked decline in the also taken Lydia E. Pinkhaal's Liver POR SALE -One 1913 Ford car `. _ ROCK ST. WHITBY. ` ttnmber of `letters sent through Pills, and think they are fine. I will newly overhauled, and nickel plated electric lights extra tiro and tube° tortion the post office sinee..the war -tax never be without the medicine in the springs. cutout= speeaomater robe rail, etc. v— tires are new an everything) in drat class Rvas itrl sed. It may be too early il�re- FSANK E3[sLEY, 903 Col= shape for *40.00, Vi. JS,L'BE 3 MON, Whitby, - 1� cambia Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta. pan �s tt �Esrba fished ever Forty -ma Yeal'B - yet to form a --correct conclusion ia9 to the effect upon the revenue The Other Case. _ FED CiRA1N FOR SALE -Wheats THE STANDARD Beatrice, Neb.-"Just aitermy mar a ma dna Goo" oat. -trim White, : Caused by -the increased postage. sud0.s Isar! B&rlo - I�ictor. 1. Al Hera. nage mar left side began to pain me and soap• A. C, 72; BuLy•-C. A. C. gl. An gads- ._ BANK There was no doubt an abnormal the pale got so severe at times that I anteed stri.tl clean and free from wild oats V� CANADA amount of letters and so on t- suffered terribly with it. I visited three and tare. 'A>:o •quantity of good timothy p� Y hay Write or phone for samples and prior.. „ ed immediately prior to the 15th doctors and each one wanted to -operate Phone Mark. �a�s dos. LAP a MOY�g�-��,"l'S OVER =168.000.000 last. when the neva rates came. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was � A B C of Banking on me but I would not consent to an op- _ - eration. I hawd of the . Lydia E. into force, and this would rratur- g po �O Y�ARse -ally cause a falling off in the doing for others and I used several bot EXPtefttENOt You Will Find Us M - amount of matter' sent through item of it with the result that I haven't Y l the cnafls, a soon as the new rates! been bothered with my side since then... Zealous r +av im sed. The �!t office will 1 am in good health and I have two little I I 'Al � _ ! l� Po girls. "—Mm R. B. CHILD, Beatrice, Neb Efficient.' also no doubt, report a greatly in - We solicit your account in our -creased revenue for the month of T Aos MARRS $. April. Thiel would naturally be + ARX IMPLEMENTS. I co�ocs1 � SAVINGS DEPARTMENT the case as all post offices would Plonabs—Including the Johnam to -stamps is th month: And ae Wilkinson and Fleur Al. re- ato 'Oleouty �aK° "'c�$"t� W. ►ICK RING BRAl'�TC I, ` have to lay in a stock Of war - - y° lnyen. nn a mob.. • y IL pairs for file foregoing. ston.anec ++onaaent an Wagons. HuRptiea. Also `I'on fu up ~Parroe,ents reo�Qua a°'0� RDOI'1• Manager. � � � SraeeS aro at Wiiehl. - all bank cheques,. drafts,.. legal ports for - binders, that make the 'F'� ioe1'' �i{10°OOa m 7a - paper and big—ether uments yoke enay and burled light. $*118 AWIM Wbite Wyandotte eggs for sate, from A b.naeomesy lncstratea Yaws asr- - -are now taxed'. it will be difficult - a[g0a aR any .as�stee Tarmr for Pure bred sfoct. . yeas, snera, swab - _ oto tell front the amount of revenue If you want. any kind of tarsi impie- I 1 received what the effect has been mens call or write !SALI I. SALT- raw--- • - en the regular post office matter D. $s,IIkB•-1ekB1'lIIg ! _ } which baa passed through the -- We have just reoeive&& large consignment of this most ' - ~-twsils. When the rate was lower. s -ed from three cents to two the -•_ House-cleaning=��. upplles necessary prodnOt. - Cuk ` t4ra rate has been inereaeed, we do the -table - _ Curtain poles -complete 15c. sp. Brass poles, sash rods. Invisible for cooking / not look for an increaseof revenue . - : • - -_. uALT 1For th� dairy!from the increased lazes on orcin -picture hooka, stand and dresser handles ; cts each:. ._ Window shades 30 cts. rap. :.. - r cn R mfor the sry mal ma r. _ _...__.; - �_ - :--: : for the land k :-.The 1. Canadians have won glory C., H. BURLING, _ PICKERIN(� " -. In the battle fields of France. Ac- - - P B I N G BAR ii D W A RE _ ; ,cording to the despatches. the — - - heroic deeds performed by the Garden rakes, hoes, shovels, spades, manure forks, poultry !Canadians will go down in history nettlIIg, garden fencing, black wire, wire staples, as the bravest in the war, and watering cans, and nails all sizes. never before has Canada been heldIn siich high' estiination as; she is =' - Our groceries are the freshest. :now, although the price paid was terribly high. The part that a 'GEORGE PHILIP .being played byi:Canada in "0 _wts present war should secure -for her a more prominent pleyce in the - British Empire than that whit -elle has, occupiedj:in =the :pas . When the first Canadian•rontin- "MADE IN CANADA" WOOD • - -----Fla-i-na, ._._ _...._ ._..-----...----____ _--- _ - SILOS _. _ - -- - T------ last fall they were derided by a • certain element in -England for` their lack of discipline ;and their - lack of -goer soldierly qualities.' But the Canadians were'only dis= playing those qualities that are common to the people of the West - evu Hemisphere. In the old coun- try, and particularly in Germany, -they have their different castes or classes in society,• -in which the lower are willing to:aubmit to the domination of the higher classes, and naturally in such cases per. feet; discipline is easily secured and mdintainW.- Canadians are brought up in an atmosphere -61 freedom, and every man regarde himself as being on the same level as his neighbor and he resents the idea of being domineered over by another. As a result of this atti• trade, discipline in many cases it lacking. Buk this does not p went the Canpmiian from being e 1--e .:.:..Ford, Tounng -Car Price $590 - Yolir neivhbor-drives a Ford -why don't you ?, _ We ase selling more Fords in Canada _this. year than eves before --because Cana- diam demarld the best in motor car service at the lowest possible cost. ' -Ttie-"Made is - Canaria" Ford is a necessity -not a luxury. Runabout $450; Town CAr price on application. 'Ala Ford -cars are fully, equipped, inclucing electric headlights. No cars sold unequipped. Buyers of Ford cars will share in our profits if we sell 30,000"' `cars befween August 1: 1914,'irn&Auxust1, 1915: All prices f. o. b. Ford, Ontario. _- W. J. LUKE a SON; Whitby, - Ontario 3TOU'FF'�TII,%�BI - �. • ,1 >.... : .. - - - - - ...:.. '.. _ _ :�.:,,.., ,..5 ,;.•i! �.' a :. '.e. ' .rim. ,,.n::..R.. y...r. w =: •7 77 7' —7:! a s- 7-- . Z Kenneth Renfrew I Mout Was the guest of Peter and Mrs. How to Care for House-cleaning is now the order days in Blacketock: wit1rhis niece, Born—to Mr. and Mn. Kydd, a Macnab over Sunday. NIdaughter. Robert &-ott Is spending a few Your Complexionpf the day. There is no truer saying than that THE�O' pReamprT. W. D. NATT -Mrs. D. P. Macfarlane. beauty is only skin 11 Good IN C. A. BOGZStT, Gesind Usanser. Wilbur Gleeson has parchMrs.- The north -end is assuming a' " "7� new Ford auto. features lose their charm a sallow since the --The Business Of Farming avort actives appearance or blotch' kin d' features tures am G. H. Samis has purchased a store has been re -opened. glorified blotchy' skin =fr.0r.,;e.,.eLxion. -ins the basin*ss of Manuhictartn"Isoald be One in a practical business wir; -fine driver and buggy. Rev. A. McLellan has been busy. A very useful toilet booklet entitled Proceeds should be put in a b" Payments aboald be made by.Zheqtie. Ac rt" Mrs. Taylor. of lilt River, is 41 - canto * of the profits should be rA in a Savinp Account u anebad seasons viisitink her anii3t, ter removing the fence from the Your. Complexion has �ast been Cd: Tleman who has a cash ­rph­ Loa b" Is protocted against bad seasons Erskine church. - issued by Nyal's and contains SM had times. Fred Ward sh' rlo �d grounds of helpful health and beauty hints ir�clu A nice fall of rain took place -of cattle and hogs IL re on, ing prorr methods of massage. It can 0 7 1 here on Tuesda7 afternoon which d or yalAgeney -Monday: be had ortheasking attheN WHITBY BRANCH: A. A. ATKINSON, Manager. was welcomed by,the farmers. DrugStoreandyou shouldcall or tek- Lyman --Pilkey- is'. being ki? busy these 'days in the -pump . Mrs. Reuben Besse, and -Mrs. phone.for it. Among other __Gs it John McGrath spent Wednesday out is thatiliet, sleep, ventilation, P factory. ��'d a thousand other things we cannot W. Jennings, of Toronto, was and Thursday of last week in the escape arecontinuallyilifE TA.�BLF_Fiokering StationG tinually waning agains the guest -of T. P... Shirk 'over ci.tY- our complexions. Get a 25C or 50c jar of -T.1%. Trains going East due lie followi---; Tya s No. 6 Mail 8.08 A M. -Bund John Sanderson, of East To IN V Face Cream and convinqe yo -t�y� self of its cleansing an a?��dwtgrds is ranking V_- v%as hu guzat, of` n his 'and �s GRaff AM af t2 tocal 2.50 P I -siderable -improvements to Pilkey for few days beautifying qualities. It is greaseless, •14 - Local 6.05F. M. enatedand quickly absorbed by*the At the Pickering Bakery Trains going Woo due as property. "t week. 03 follows-- ;SM, Mrs. George Richardsop,spen1_------ leaves no shine, and gives a No. 13- Local 7.47 A. M. _Iii I Ch leasant, smooth, cool sensation, quick- 'During the beat of"the summer come -11 Local- 2.20 P. M. hursday and Friday at w y .41 Fruit', Vegetables fy removing the irritation produced b *here its cool and indulge in •7 Mail 7.50 P. M. friends in the city. wind and weather. ligs, *Bundav included Goo.. It. and Mrs, Samis and son tions are justly faro-' our refreshments: All Nyal prepare Pi I ', spetit the . week -end with ORANGES, LEMONS, GRAPE ons and none more so than Nyalls Face lee Cream' Bricks, Sodas, Sundkes, frionsle in the city. - Cream which we unhesitatingly recom- . and drinks right ot? the ice.' WAN T EE) Dr. B. I. Love is now getting his FRUIT, BANANAS, and mend. Call or telephone us for your Thanking You for past favors, we so - PINE APPLM. copy of this book which contains Most licit , continuance of your patronage, so - office nicely fixed up. The office valuable information. A reliable man to sell fixtures %re now laced position Fridays we have a freshsupsly of HERB MONNEY, PICKERING Mrs. Joseph Redman spent a ..Lettuce, Green Onions, Radish, Thomat M. McFadden, Druggist, HARDY -CANADIAN Gnowiq STooic few days last week with her son, Rhubarb, Asparagus, Pickering, Ont. in Pickering and Ontario Luther Bowes, of Peterboro. Celery and new EaxdwL" young men at- .County_ Anumberofoue Strawberries.' z - -tended the Oddfellow's aseeting at PAPER -HANGING1 -Call and see our stock of "Happy IS ICE CREAM . stoves -4 Markham on MoudL,; night NEILSON Thought" and other Start now at the best Mark . Painting, Graining as well as other* lines The Ladies' Aid Society of all the time.' and Decorating selling time. 'Erskine church met at the home cf Estimates given. of Hardware. Miss Margaret Maienab 6a T'ues- H. J. MARQUIS W. Eavetrougbing and repairing Send for list of Bpi ing Offerings, day H-STEVENSON promptly attended to. George . Gibbons, of . the . Robert Pickelikk$ Ontario Pickering and R. R. No. 3i Oshawa work guaranteed and prices and terms to agents. moderate. Liberal Commission Simpson Co. Toronto, spent Sun Asy bete at the h6me of his par-andsome free outfit. & Lawrence Denny� -eats, Thomas and Mrs. Gibbon George Johnson, of Oshawa, the GREENWOOD STONE WELLINGTON surance Co. forthis dixtrict, made The_Fontbill Nurseries. a business trip to Claremont .on 'THE SOUL OF MUSIC, F., H. HINDLE. (Established 1837) 'Tuesday. The farmers in this locality are rM a M 0 117 W 0 y is REVELLED IN CARPENTER, BUILDER• tiearl through with their USE VERA N DA�H_AN r) BARN ng ope The fa-vor- rations. seeding WORK. PANTRY CABINETS able weather has given the grain DUMB � WAITERS. a good start. 0 Sbil . 3g - I-ing and general repair AWEN TION+ Thomas Gibbonp, I we are sorry Z wor.k.t_ to state, to seriously ill at present. Columbia - yon- want' If you, contemplate doing any It is hoped, however, that with See we about any job the coming of warm weather. he done. Prices right. may recover his usual health. 5504 Home Telephone. -kind of building next season., --._-McDonald and Atcheson, of we will be pleased to figure Reco, rds NO" Stouffville. shipped a carload of W . 41 cattle from Claremont station on F E E D 0 on your. reqnIrmenta Saturday and Messrs. Holden and !nab or woman c9n he said to have known at C. N. R., Station -for all- kinds of Boyd, of Stouffville. also made a No shipment on Tuesday. the soul of music who has been denied the privi- Che Wood building material. J. G. Borland has purchased a fine new Dodge auto. and is now ng the new Columbia Grafono a p lege of heari _4y Cotton Seed Meal, Br", shorts. ';evidently mkibi; much pleasture Malted Corn Feed, Dried Brewers PICK—ER—ING fromit. Itiareported thatrev-Columbia Records, s, Whole Corn, Cream o! the -i . iral others In this neighborhood Grain firftend purchasing autos this 7 West and Monstreh Flour. Blachr- LUMBrE.An% 'YARD aeasou. '..--,No matter what ones mood orlaney conjures ford'@ calf meals Beef scrap and Poultry love, Oyster shell, etc. We rongratula1e B. I. Love on '.. _ .up there is a musical selection on a Columbia his successfully passing his final AW Phone Ind. Mark -ham 6030. We D. Gordon & Son, *Xaminations at the Ontario Vet- Record which enables the listener t,6 revel in its lerinary Col lece. :7 -- Love is now W2103=&93 IZ0060T PIC KERING full-fledged veterinary surgeon, delights. andhie many friends wish himsees ' success in his chosen prohmsion. acispupawigo IVI eftpqz —.1 $Jma Bell and Indepentlent phone. =S 11 —iiaivin *1 Jq"%&-9W L --r G."fl. Brewster, who has Jf It"is to dane% there are a thousand tones to k; been so seriously, ill daring the �_% ., .. ­­­ ­ . ... - " Tlle'Pick V"t few we&& is now. we are .,-.:.start ones feet a moving. -too glad to state, making rapid pro - A -- 0 Co ... I .- - - . .. a d -P inmi greas towards recovery and is now e i�els more sober, there are hu,n�dred -AF C tue We op? If on able to-lecve-ler-bed. W h qs that the progress toward recovery Wwsl t6 stir the imagillation. saw, 1A "NIW 40 -0 may continue until she Is fully 04, The object ait this Association Is too 1! adv lemma stealing and prosecute restored to health. a —1-4 the felons. Complaints are being made re- It the taste runs to Grand Opera" the MDA .. . ... of the unbecoming conduct 2;k�'qS& • famous artists of the opera stage are will'ing.to 0 Kestsbars havine propea toles 001111131IM0116. of some of our young men while as" imaNdissely wany membw -7 attending church, on Sunday fAv* mil"qs. pvenihke, as well as their roved charm you. of Eason Igo _ N 5 t the four corners, when o - ; . .1 - : - . .­. .1 ... .• Memb,srabip fee IBM a W. worshippers are returning from t Is to laugh, are hundreds of songs Tieksts may be had from am Pnement iw' . an example S 1P secretory on appliasaim. church Until 8, In 9: 3 .'Jo EXaC. COM. made of some of the culprits, the i selections to provoke _L. 0. Banks, C. S. Palm - P% or annoyance will continue. er, G. L. M c6rnbe, Pickering, Out 4 J.A. OICO'niior. W. J. Clark _01� John Shirk has been busy the Why not go and invegfigate the Col-umbia Gra- Is r ng pine pas C6 t week o' two planting f j. trees for Mr. - Recherean, the 1ono. las and Ilecords at the dealer's, who i6. men. 1i S. b 'd President. French consul, who owns Chalk -4 M, C6 IN, 0 1 0 1 1 Lake, and much of the adjoining tioned below land. We understand that Mr. ,B I *il,� jvl, Ptt,3p conv It is Kate Ontario thousand pine trees on his fart .-P g' On Becherean intends ulanting ten k farm..at Je S. JEPHSON ickerin " - 1-Z Chalk Lake. This work of re- Good Luc iforestration will take place far - - ®nam®a y �• ,more extensively a4 the yeors. pokas Agents wanted where hot actively repre"ented. by. While Canada has immense 00 .forests yet they are 'being rapid- Apply Music Supply Co., Toronto., With Treeg lye cut down as well as being des-* Ight Idnel _1_ot_&u_-*w1-o-az -d4Xi41Mtn.._._ --troyed -by-fires—,96--that re4oreez­ -ration will be absolutely neces. --------- -I-- of -trees. Bowth-an's have kept in stook. - It will pay you so mil &* our works acyl inspect *Ur Oftak .vary in order'ths�t the country hea4y fibrous roots. sn& obtain priam. Don't be mid" b 7 may . have timber. They are grown in the right kind spnik we do not employ them, An important business change has taken place in our village by from active work cifMilli • a ..9 nery'.,-Bargains of soiL' They are handled and packed in Ne pink of ly we can, and do throw off the stens commission of 10 per oent., which you wit oeiwinty save boPurobapins from oa. the retirement P. Macsiab ar. -hose,bneiness w be carried on by the condition —and they grow. amill solicited. WHITBY ONANITE CO" hereafter &J. new firm whb-se members are David Two more agents wanted in-,On'tario County. A. Scott and Reuben Besse. In See oitr Well Tailored Hat?, they are. a revelation in quality. Style retiring, M r. Msicnab will enter a and price compare well with $10 hats, and not half trice. �" THOS. W. BOW PIAN & SON CO, Jameg Walker-.' well earned rest, he liavihg, been Our prices are $2.50 and up. We give ality and behind the counter in the store in Claremont for 46 years.- His value for your money that you cant reach outside of Pickering. Come now and LIMITED Ridgeville, Ontario Tump -ManWactwelS m face will, however, cos time to be seen as he will still re- get one of these stylish hats. 'We can suit you. Shop and. Residence, Dundas St Iain the postoffice. The members WHITBY, ONT. - of the new firm are - pdoblar and familiar with the business. —W� new patterns are very tine, in fact % WALL' PAPER 'are be --out, C RO P PING Three doors west -of 'Whitby Iffouse- are Mr. . Scott. havibg asgisted., Mr. Ass, Ma�nab for it number of years. they Gome and see the AND' FLAKING We' are prepared to instal wood or from % .They are energetic and posses- ability, _�n d are an r -e'- t6 to, - Caps Boots The undersigned -is prepared to do NEW DRY-GOOL)Z laInd Shoes. Pum ps on short notice, also attend to all kinds of repairing. A sin good make a success in the mercantile grain chopping and oat flaking Agent for the Ontario Wind MIN. business. While the many Pat - the store will be pleased GROCERIESallthe beat in the market� Try a lb of our 28c. ies.' every day in the week also gasoline engines and the squre 41P Cori of -ha't' the busifiesi 'Will bb know t Why pay 36c. &. Ib for lea not as g000 except on Saturday gear - -continued by Messrs. Scott and Besse, they regret the retirementDo SIMPSON & Co., PIOREWRING1 John F. Bayles, -Greenwoodrhone ET CREAM SEPARATOR MAGNET - Bell $A-6 Ind. 26. ;5f Mr. Msenab. 7,. ITW .' iLZ.. _:. n .rfi •_. r . Mi '+! �,. .• u' .4.+ ♦ ,y-•r•,X *'. , •: �"•�. 'R•v,e •.�,'` fiz.xw-.:a-.�.-.4'� e' K.. „ .. ilii . ' - _. - a4� - . _ ' 1 _ y, :�_ ,•v. . .. - . . ... , •'''-' r �- x ilii t .?,.,.. q..• r .. ,Ga,-,= -'r - � ♦ r �. �' , a r ..•- . - - o1. .. Vit',. .': t .,. .. .• :r . - _ .. - - - - - _ . 1. �_ -- th tit anyoae ever asks me I can speak . '� !� the truth when I say that 1 know no- - _ - _- ? thing. - - . - _ I . .. - : 'There had bee. no tears, and the man- - - - . tal and vhyeicai anguish the girl had • - --._••- - passed throuelr seemed presently tb- 'be• - ( - loeg taclus:vely to Paris. to some r - --- a�' ��U 1 _ "'' ,. I. . .TSF FATE --OF AZ�JMA • strange metaPorphoeria o[ herself reeemb - — ` !Jug i transligurairon -abd which had uo- i ••, .. ,;-;. 1 •�+*•��* , thing whateve7 to Jo with London or I I ,,,,� �. �, - Delicious _ _ . .._ ., P:icadil eve her life,' }ie father - Jive. and deed without knowing. He was - } - Or The South Afi'1Ce`CD Millionaire. . ___ . . _- the kind of may.a, family keeps every - thing disgracefui from, and was ova- dpsp a _ derful, considering v;hat a very fine char• i �J -�la dregs 3 deter he had, that, so many disgraceful ` tlttnge did happen to his family without _ L -' bis itiiowing it.- •If -he had krtown- he " ._ I would never have held up his head again. _ _ !lave you never tried "Cram 'n Brand" with CHAPTER IY.-!Continued). away somewhere, not be. seen a$aia, or dna"to"itt r mat�'•er'e question, which ir• Blanc DTange and other Corn Starch Puddings? labelled_. R'hat he SvaG.a1,c _riling, him•_I }stated her, because she knew it was nom- Ttie„ semi to blend perfectly -each improves Say L shall be down is 'a momeut.t' ' FO one instant ass she heard the de- self, unconsciously. w,Ls that'the humor ln);, age answered: S the other-togelhex, fey m., , scenr. onding steps o[ the srooiu' of the sham• had for the moment sivamDtxf the grief If you mean Bir Hubert Qresharit, yet, dt;,:,art at everyone y axe ea�ensive s, til.says i beret who although he rarely condescend, I at hi) own -loss. It"'uu :onger seemed a he came." "ailmply dejicicas". - • ed to climb to the t'econd floor, had done j lose. since it wa., n. 10 -Of a desirable I A blcckrwh ch th s time Jud th ihougfit so this afternoon and refrained- €rom,-IWsbQistOn. EDWARDSBURQI . mai•: •*lever once did the thought o[ marrying I a merciful interposition. •brought them _ because he feltlthat something of import ! her in despite or it come to him -n OR, . was in the air Tn keeDigg with the hour I Aod as ,she told -k:m, the horror of It I they :end daughter -whom they knew. The j and the drawn blin¢e, with the silence of i seemed to istrike her for the first -time: m 6m a tads question- gave• way to the ua• , CORN SYRUP . the big house, she telt as* if heir heart had the nauseating character Of it. - etop•ped beating, as it her_head were.sud As the told him, elle ,eetncd to Fee it all I ;;b d wearego thing?" tieirly wheeling round and round. Thea again, the big country hon. , the moon) _ rhe opened the door and went down the gleaming throuzh the window. c=ta:ne, "Gone off .dreadfully, don't you think?" I is ready to serve Over all kinds of Pttdtiings- - a 1. big staircase, which invited. 'nay insist• to hear the creak oP the ancient bnarde I -Shp'' Oh. dreadful. They say he is in "LILY WHITE" Is makes a new and attractive dish of such an old , ed. -on dignity in. the-nsiug of it. I in the corridor, the [ootid!! neacinR 'he I deePalr." . a pure v)'hlto Corn favorite as !laked Apples -is far cheaper Than He was standng in the doorway lit the. door, to feel again the ben:ing of fiat "Another?" '-� g,•n more dell- butter or preserves when spread on bread -and' ....draw in g• room with his arias behind h' -m,1 heart, The strange numbing'bf bar body. "APpendicitrs."• D- _ - ^, looking for her coming. I whit) emoalone and desires awoke which "All married womens, mteinSavorthaa is best for Candy -making. How would it be !salt an hour hence? }.ecrmtd like the comp)et:on of some Chamberlain furious, they say.", ••CroanBrand'. ASK YOUR GROCER -in 2, 8, 10 AND 20 La. Ttaa. - He took her two kande `n his as ane , she had read, with an awful, yet irrevoc- "Twenty thousand poundta•" THE CP►NADA.STARCH CO., LIMITED t e months iu "Constance Morland?" Perhapsyouwouhl • ''reached the landing and drew. her iuto able climax, and hen ..• It .. . . the room and kisfed her. .- I Par's, where she had gone to 3tnd-! -art. I ' -:,Marlborough !louse." prefer it Head Office � Montreal 30 J "I may, mavn't I?" he said. and there! they said, and then . , . the return. •aD Paquin." „ who the joyouelicas of a eertalnty. in his ,parently a girl, yen with the yearning I 3t ossa -sot till they got .tar away, be ,;, i,,,, .�, voice. the certainty of being loved, As het pain of useless,- vain- motheirbo•.d in -her pond the parks on the way to the garden ' . --loved, which bridge: over every, couvea•„ heart, and th---empty arms which dared I party at Hoethat her to which they were 1. Lona!ity. even a Piccadilly, and hit not. chop the repudiated 4uerdon of her 1 drici.itr that her mother reeked the quer• - _ . Vi his v,>ece, his having kissed h'er,' {Jain- ' - Dion again, this time more' pointedly. -fllleat :her with pain, and a horrible feel- 1 flow Rhaatly it all seemed toI Then, "Do you tdean W say -that he said no- I - "-These prisoners _looked to me than in England at present, but, of "lase of 'cr wit ace i carry out her Cask. the event had seemed to preclude some of thing -?11 I in blank astonishment," our said, course, we Change`o#ten. V`; a haYd "After all, why should I2" she said to' the seneihility, Now today, nothing re• "lde said a great deal." i ,. been ,at different laCeB, ai craw stagy . her�c;f,- ' I[ y•ru don't, 'if yon don't,.".said_' ma: ed .but eta .sicken';; -ng echo, wbich ' "You are alwaye to ,provoking, Judith. I "when I told tbem that owe Unly' p ano:urt voice. which had no time to tell seLmed to cad ma kingly from Jungles (M course, since you want the dote on the trouble in the :Worth Sea was to get hist a Bavarian 'Prince's ex real! eve: v',bing +hat w..nld happen. because' thick with po!soned weed•. where the sun i'e, 1 moan tiid he propose? Certainly at- `the_ Germans to fight, I don't defice,''an aba'ndirn8d tivlc' hospi- y J pair„ r--m-rite tired terror, hope i _ ter -tile way you, both -talked oe the. fes- joy and. p never pepeasted. ta,1, anLLa )ilillionarire'e house, and and d,ffideucr were to mingled that she l Once he uttered almost unconec:onely; I race at the• Bradmere s, one felt that there know' whether they 1ie11ev'etI me ur could io: hear .what 'it sA ¢ $trt. sheI "But it was nut your-fault„you couldn't could be nothing left for you to talk nut, but after I left them there vats are now domiciled in the attW kilns ,L was threatening,Sund tb3t some hsly 'it i about unless he proposed,” storeroom of a fa,Fm house, It >� - ah:ng wit ms!eted ou her :ell:ng,' e� l And hoDe'retur3ed again, fleettng, eran•. Ju.lith gave a little bitter laugh. Ia hes,t'ed argument -in t1ie,German cause ..t- the nun who,:Dlood there. Any l racKnt, like the sun is March, leaving a . ,,It ,seems that there wale something left I ling,.." situated quite convenient "to thg other san-lL ubn:d nut have mattered e<,,' d,euJ cold shadow bebirtd• Once he-gruund : to ta-1'a about, far we talked #or quite an _ ,e, _ - _ _ t,reII-hes. about l r.d•s, and ii - , but her good ingel vrsrt`los ends t h1e teeth. an -1 mtittered:."The brute -- the hour, and ;hen he -rent." I _ much par . day. h• r tio•.d a•i�e; andg ' dazw cur' . I LaAy t. and didn't propose Com 4tMade C bC _ Arid .0 the )ace of-happ ncea._ she grow l ' Then, at the end of her ridrecital he sicca Ls2ly Glaucours'e fate expressed all her' FARMERS PLOUGH jiETii'EE?+ Jidda Huge hole. _ .r ]'oa k ,t+, dorv; scut-hatme�loOny�� t iuu :fan t er how sorry lid hamis h tad �sa ointment, and with the feeling that F1LRE$. _ __ - on her shoulder _ ter a. r know. . `'Otis last Cltiairter$ were in a City - 1113• I run rou to m r.,yt and -bat wbatever anguish it -was t•o her I and we, en edourseIvesh,u el un+ ' ei tri fie clasped hrz hsbde tri 'iia you." to talk about :t. It would have to 4e Rot job B f till he alma,: hurt her, an•d his strong, I And by b;r very voice, she knew that all over, and Ili this time was ad good aw .�tOr{eM #rgUl tyle . FrOOt •bY Ttr'O til the ding busted Germans SLa1t= . true. honest young love was shining ,n ! was ever, and she sat there with her face any other, Lady Judith went on: Canadian BOYS. ed- to bombard the pila,ce. It was __ h's e,i.e,a._se •b"_it_duzled here I in heir two kande and moaned. ,In the!. Yes, he proposed." a -. _ Yct the shier !once of love secmLd for m face of hra unready aaeech._h s want of , inwardly_ -Lady- Glaucourt ejaculated: unpleasant while it lasted. When ?'t.. the m_ oment Lo- d4d,pate livery cmot'.on to I impulse. it seemIi,d futile ;D has to ex• I "Thank goodnse." lion! Pte. Jamey 0wef Jit j heard the big hack Jvhnsonie both of them that was act nob:e; ha plain` li any further , - - "So -pats-*l-._aaRng.edfide r; 1 am vest _ -- ti�•e were in the _trenebe aL P PP B would trot It, pass+on have anything to And you, knew that no onQ-no pne . glad." _ Ezhe :a d her a on Judith a ,• 23 -i -i- zi ruing overhead; I had- _ a _-_ _---Ao N;ab_i•+ ^gµ,'f�r..Jndltlt. nnd.slte. will ,nee hear it from ae-never. It vias w;ch ret-affec:,on, but with apprect had, , Budden ea --for Summerhill ammed"to air that acrit)cc of re:f at ire`s cod` oI pnu to Ceti main trmw w'ha' t -- �;o, I am tet rRRaged• ? F�vrbaiux for four ..sass. and It - _ : —_ if -.I hat4 b 1- motnent was he only thing that could must have toes you, bat but would have t41dyouu wale the worst time I ever had. he �vpn+�p' �Q, buk there Ts i�L�! , . _ raise her to h s level. I some dry tbmRv will look br.gh+er. How A moment or terrtb:e s..ence, wb,) Latey cra.ih when one of these big shell -t• oc,krc Tato his eves and tried -oI woefu;ly lame "e-'yth.ng be IL d, sound- Glaucourt tried to find adequate words :n w'r1Les. strikes a building. The chole place " -rad there shat, he would say a few ma. ed; and be wanted to esy so much; tbat wh,ch. to express her dwappo:ntment, -On the Sryt da} the GergTaj . R "resets hones. 1 he didn't really, blame brr, that h was wii.il,e Judith telt that her mother -guess• lahelled us, and two of our men I simply flies to pieces, and amid 4 r ' pre, en not linea rase. gnbertY' � not her fault arsd that she must try sad ed, Tbea in lower tcxne4, ;nsistent, almost tremendous cloud of red smoke,- ud:th were killed.- .The trenclhes were • Her words were as ;food as a conernt, forget. - Yet because the words would not , whispered. uttered with dry 1 pe', � c�anised by the pulver'lzd brick,cLust. - and he took the intensity of her se'trcb I come, because the large beam:fnl room 'was it was it about that?" I about three feet wide, but after the Ing. !nok_ to be rite reii of her emovon. which male the r�aht,*ett:aR to the woo., "Yes- It was about that.' .Lady J "Yet) can take it from me that . altito ¢11 he-- had pletured a different i man, seemed to suffocate him. he said aheliin t't(J the mea,sur•Pd seer:. in which ehq laid her head on his one spoke too, with dry lips. her yoke was g PY"' modern warfare is ae wnlike the N brru-. _sad nestiu,p up.to hbe p . hard. and eh: tImphas'sed tge word "that' abtuut eight feet ..There were no P'II g picture, abort -story vart4i 4L w ispeT- I am ruse that you want to be. gn,et -bittl:ly It would $:ways be 'that" now ' dug_out8 In the trenches too we had ed w ;b g.rlxti '.im d ty the words he{ cow, •o I.e down and rest. and try .and in' her mitts' tsurely be -Y mother had no 8F -One Could imagine. It 19 simply : - wun:rd to hear• forget all about ,t, I'll go now, and :hen need to alk But she bird long ajr: real•, nu protection from the wind and. , W, 'e.,;, ;n'- uac imag.rat •>n, take our I —if you want me at any tame, send for ;sod that their re:asioas to each ether tsrsrst _uf all, we could get to -sleep a business -to be worked at to many ace from th,ryte wr neve read, and he me: you know I will always be'Your ,were diffesent to that between hersc'! and j .. houps.per sat, and eonsittts Of ' had read somewhere ab„a nL YI who 'had friend, duat't you°"• And Snd Lady Judith rose The new evyret, other wottien. Only from the tact, that her ; Demolish -ed HeadquarterR. _ standing around in: w sat looks lukfl. - .h:d her beAd in a man's waistcoat other dares ask her more cruel ques „ Wit e,e*cd. ''L love foil." so thar he hail ston on her face he could not read, the talons than an ne`else - At that U1164ant i The four day's taegmed more ilk* a ditch dug by the Electric l.lgbb i.. 10 atocD to catch the word*, despair imprinted there by the sudden when her mother tailed to spare her, she ft,ur years. ' On the second day- the (•o to ��• pipes in, w_ ith allow w_aL1 r i lc%.,.iid her eyeI seemed drawn to hes realization that this was the heR':nning' hated her, ' aL' t by magnetiew of retribution.' All that tie c,.uld not read. Germans be an shelling our head- of sand b on one ed of it• and _ '- Du 1? tVhs; du you think?' ' - - .becattes ter weeka•'paet he had been read let, the tact that she had told her, that ET g r il _ _''t" 1? Wth ,i::, caro even :t -ever it becIng something else. and be could not un• tbere-arae nathiug mcue.to Dome, calmed quarters, R1t11 L11E�reBult that ten at var}'i'ng 3titertajs a wi_dpned-Out re WI>.id void you scare aR about me Ser.tand the new pteruglyphics. -- ' her a l tt!e. minutes later there was IIs) heiid- space 1n which are a few hOusea - He did not tell her ethitlixtciritseveral people "Yee Derhape 1 had better lie down now Bat hose „n et•Mh did he know?" Lady quarters left- Our artillery replied fy F built of ct,rru stet iron. Vere of t laughed, Glatxourt -eked prrsenety. q 8 I:ad sod h m thin¢d of her. advised him a little." she ,mired, almoe b., dropping ere shells mto their ten $t) will lisrte'n for "I told him.' hi0ui's and - toBbe be t-fUlza4f. not �tarAt ed. her being almost, Duni her wondered. . bo he d _could' Abe held Lady C,lancourt eat up in the Carrie e s ' Jar oge mo-_ . trenthee�. wl�ict� putt a damper .un not hear a 331 Ir allot, filen again I be,-tr-rt%.'cw. anis daring but it had mtut, then he Cropped it, fora motaent sad sta�od;s. Ler ;sang ar _ "been ';onlid8ii:•r 'n h. uegtt -tut rerkleti In snothee momgnt he had one Ake tee's tae-. them fs2L that day- have heard art"tlhpryband TIfIe fire news, whi,7lt had Lads ban spurn all I heard h•s step across the tewee-ated hal!• "yes) I told h"m; I -had my retsse+ne,"- :'rhe _shin Changed LO snOW, so steady that it a like a single these .uAiz s:'ono, e-,nfidence in b e own the heard the totxman. who always •at „(irnd heaveae'" then to sleet, than it began - tu_ roar.' .- • - - IudgmL•nt „t a w. mans character. He there, open the door, and she beard- It Two careaeni pIIMPa3 them wit2 tr;ende d*dnt txhcrr that Jrsdith wav'taet, not slam again, She had one imDu:•e Lo tach freeze By this time aur ho�.tewere "'Our opportunities to procure more .read li in the way that all her set• ;o the windnw to see the last of h,m, as in' tfc>th, and, at tl•ev pal; q bar p raG:Ztx caked through by being in title %-a- ibaythirig' gi,e :'pry"limited, as Wis. wind hu+ tor•tho master of that, wrtit the 'be walked past in that bireety way -of coA=p t�rt�oina fiery slowly. Qsorgrs'- to ii hong p p+e _- pasr.. Ile r.ialdn.'t 1}Aoe csr,td to marry w;th hie coat•ta:ls flying ke wings beat. I :are only aid one frat)C r day. - ' - 'a ,%,,aan wnn watt, t quite up to date, I in¢ him otr ird to triumphs untold But The coachman wlrt pedens apt the horsey, but he dAn't believe that she was fast, i due couldn t. she had turned to•itone in- and soon they were beneath the deet of The "Li�tpning Post.' �xuc ly e." price of One bar Of ` not n the acnes of immoral, and he bad' wardiy tutewnrdly. The terrible drama they carnia;rs io front of them. pokes � •.°There is a hale in the grxIuncl Chvcalate." / - put down .ill ,,bat had been said to Jear• I *,;u, over. and .t"seemed a tame-e•trding Stop. stop'' Lady. Gibs. -o rt _ _ - _ , __ __ eT�aje,tta ,I the men who d;dn't want that whe ehouild walls arrow the room and George aR,t''n In the ribs, "w@. Cao t half oat' between aur tTellChePS and a bite w marry the Dre:tie••t woman is 1 mount the stair' age i, as i e Possible eaason. .. 1Lowioa ie.:uusy of the w•.men because been entertaining A ••Aller, But there was George was accnatomed to pokes- ani at her beauty. He :�,hembexrd that aJ• a ;tote tame ending than. even she sno had a• folded p:ele of cardboard' under his still, and watch the Germans dr,A t ways he had. been. .friends with a ¢;rl +pet; wa:atcoat in the Place Lady Glaucourt ai- come �hnd cut the' barbed wire- en "I don_ [ t)trderstand' a wi_iMan,. someone hid said cometbing, t When the door slammed on Sir Hubert reine•dc in -his ho ed, ce �Iie ion hdc� coachmen tan letuent.s. This is a very dan- 'gef6n,g a divorce immedla•tely.after. 'I ehuuld lake to know who .'told .ay I_Grewham it clued an anotjrrS, a r}. Ft - . an thin¢ lit eon ',o me." more sofa! bads Judith, a Lady J'uditb' Datten; w,th the to ma of Hugh N� Fr rt,taS pt lit bpCat)t3e tixtu have to the hUney'moon ended,''' yh You will have to marry Iiupth Glover," 'lit' st111 un you want a lufn Of A*Io once cv,uldd wMile. Lnythiri worse with ` Jc.Ld foul within her. "That 1 w,' p "Penh s her �iusthand, spent all _ ' '' 11 never do," raid Ludy Jw thea I am Roan¢ .e tell you myself." CH TPEA D, I 71;tb. -as thry palled up in the• queue roti Ic-a j,n yw,u. It is called'the, 11pteII his money un the wedding trip.7- . She eat lawn on Des is de of the table, carriaar«s withi3t the Rates of the beauti• in ,S,t. - 'Ne : d ume_d.dn't be," ful hoddo, which, for all its magniffcenre, g 1'r . oadtlie li-icit. with Out knee onhe other, Betty en them rose acbalhuge it was not till they were seated in their ,', was pet urban.' and while subur-ban,' NON,' ilf �O)t{Ilial. I. epergne, hideotTs_or design, but verlf valu•' victoria, one of those high backed ones was beautiful as.a castle in Rpa•in. ra. Aith2rfo-'rABve ytru'an ex-` . -able, beinit,tathtoned by Soi.cyo, lull of ! which were, -by• the bye. invented and w'ell,-1 don't see what else you are go- I "Nti•hen w'e came otlt uf.ttlle trenclir {lerTenCed'mald l' The Employment blade the fashion like eo many other' in¢ to do." ,aid her mother; taking a "I- wont hear a, I haver; t torts Xon I tl!'•ngsi which re,ocetable and even very beaatital wrap of black lace from the es un the nlaTth day before fhe bat .gent -"I can send you one who's • yet. 'I want you I. marry i't told Judith.' i religious women imitate), by A 'cocotte' groom'; hands, Lady Judith teillowed her . tl'e cif Nell�'e Chapelle we were held sad you haven't actual. said `yea,' not! err Paris, that Lady Glaucourt-put the •mot her'intii'the garden -*with -the sweetcot- in 'resert'C ready".to reinforce the had s0 much experience elle can in the wordy I trteen.'•'• •' _ qucFt;on which her 1:ps were burning 'o smile on her lips. This, she told herself bre)rk steel.enamel again% pIc01O .0 "I can't, Aubert, unless fou oast L•.'' ask Lady Judith. Except for a slight pal. ,•grimly: wan Ler first appearance in Pub•' firing line. This was our thiKl }ori that could have been attributed to dishes.' t1•ow• suddenly ehc rushed into, it ail, ' �'� tic• is her new role, tame in••the-trenches: _tile -were in ._ _ , hardly knowing .ib,t she was telling him. I the teat of the day. which, notwith•tand• 1 . .To be continued.) j what she w:as eay,ng, tearing he>: app;- ing the hour, seemed to have concentrated ; - _ Y 1 them twice at Armentie'res. On the nese into shreds, ae cue rips a piece of in dusty •haze of glare on t constantly +!' rtig'ht uE March lOtli I was Laken by stun in two, only the teas made no noise. I impeded traffic of Piccadilly, there were I _. - . no trach ohtho halt hour o[ meatal and mot ambulance t4 Salle).- I Stay . onso the contrary the silence held la' 1t i almost Physical agony Judith had spent I ' �•�0•31A� TO BE'SAVED.- ed. tales for nne night, and then i something awful. loss it only the hep Iia the drawing•room, and she was looking ' halt that deadened the sound of the trat• _ - was taken to llfer•rzlle. I was then I { flc outside, or had all traffic stopped? I away into the street with an almost in- i taken tit $azelklTouck, then .t0, _St. r The servants-'w'erC• they an' dead, that I Solent look, aa, if she questioned the right', «h Gerllians LeaTe lftritish Sailnl'o , none creme or went? And Ladty Glaucourt, of great wagons to stop them at every y Omer, where we got into the G'a'in • was she still asleep? No bell downeta.iie, turn. add criticized the policemen, and t0 Perish in 5:'88. no telegraph bov. no shop wagon leaving• .the board of. Agriculture, or. whatever I for Le 'Havre. The, tif+s n . journcy . at purchase at the door, no cry of news- government department looks atter the 1 A '-sailor who, has returned hone took us 36. biou is. The -1; put me paper hr,ye, only at the back :he ch(rD o[ traffic, For England is peculiar in •that ; 8boaril the hose p sparrows. 1'hs room g care over c egad• the name of its department has rarely i after nearly six months' abserli 1 jta•) ship Asturio. ow by the,dsawn' blind[, by *the awnings anything to do with its occupation. One I decla.res,that 'se Feral of the pris+Jn• Three .days later vca set sail for il outside, widen over to a , `olden, hazy would never.be surpfieed to hear that it ! Fire Lilihtnind _ ' _..outsade, igivike over rnst ria I golden, II was the business of the Rome. Ctrretary ' ers. captured during" t_he fight off , 11 . i pton. Then they sent its I s Qi.� Of antique ,µictuses, and the tlige on,. tne,T to a e d TO FOZe�ri mTa`siohe,dthe e*- t�1C �8 tri S OIdIm- t vK+r=n ceiling seea:ed latanonary as -if ihey lie• } Datriation of emigrants, or of the War tea ed, her o sant beating seemed to I Iltnieter to inspect' school books and GEflmanS could have sated irlany j bed ever same, and wall likely stay DIIta}�10 8ntd ' , beat (n her care.. and the man breathing almshouses. And Lady Glaucourt, as she members of the crew of the 111 -fated here' for a w _ le •'r _ Iteaci!y, leaning foratard hove, hie two asked tbe'question looked a little.. diffi• 1 Wnmotith, but they had recelC4d From Sapper Rates. � ` kande clutching the tabic, while he still. dently. at her profile'. The loveliness of it , • . Ornamental Knelt' 'n tgo arm-xJ:eir7_'his eyes looking. had lately ceased to have as much effect'; definite instructions that Ito man "This i6 $ curious war," he says. - wwra•y from her to one of tbq- veiled. win- on her mother, At its •expression of feel• 1 �t'as to be paced: r `-'The people here seem io 1'0gard i`; het its know tale do Of ally !00'1 Bowe, because be could not bear to meat, ES a bU&lne9t6 Show, ou Can bee - heir eyes, because of the shame he. would * The.•e was not -much -love lost between . "«e brought home nearly 30 psi- are thinking Of 00MI1 NA We -- - meet in here, because of the horror Bile mothef` and daughter. On one side there Soners,'' he said, "and Dile of them 8riy da', down aur' road, tyro brat 0 g would read in his. was the sense of having failed: for Lady 3 .will mak8 an inter ie� Opfer. Ani be+.ween them, murmVr:s like an Glaucourt was much more worldly than #Old• -rite that before Admiral .Star- -berms of artillery firing aWaj as - •7 --4 I. aril incantation. 'conjnrinR- up wicked she intended to be;:. and cn the other, a I deers sglladrom got, oft their track.. hard as tlhey can go, and between '�� vieiona,.the eWrY. the foul std -y' of a nfxne5e atthawh hnt of a she gado f the read;- they had received orders that none., them a couple of farmers ploughing a 11 brei, ed lily, a sullied soul, a virgin soiled. I responded to' - MetaiHO Roofing. Goa Never had anything like this been told I her mother's neglect. And between them cif the fiew5 wE'•re to be•re$C11eC1.'t away as, thoagh there wtas no tvar. j„V`a uv nYV" Y him, n it by a woiran of hcreelf, never in the iinpenetrable veil of the terrible de• - The Germans wez�e confident tlhat _ . . . I hate alQo seen a brewery, larger usaaatod such euIroundinigi beneath' the gaze of crrtotn,! of tch hose c mpletevaurrendersrcooff 'i3 well reds going well with the than a-ny in ToLotnto, running. full . __ y1en and women and cbildren depicted by by rand fleet. One of the', prisoner. MANUFACTURERS sntxlitne painters, with the Perfume of emoiion on both aides, which both were c far too well-bred to give way to. On the g blast within .sound of the' rifle fire TORONTO and WIN1�iIPB� flowers wafting across a room hung with one gide Ahere,9hould.Itake begn--angdish- lexpl'ain'ed that evens' other dray the from the trenches. _ _. - - I. • bGygv panels over sarpetr soft as _wood- ed remorse, and on th) other despairing )tend most and -Buhl and Sheraton and shame. but there was neither. 9111F 's Comps:n� waS aa�sembied 'OIL „e a litan•g. more_Comiortable __ _ . yewelled tables, on Nvhioh reposed knick• Lady Glaucourt had neither. but she deck and ,the, CoSnmand,er read •the - - knacka• each one of which represented a bad never known for certain.:" Only-sbe ernetws " #`rorTi'a typewritten paper. FOR - - '--T-- , tsars!! fortune, -Not from the lips of a' ,bad agreed io allow her daughter to go 1 - -f�O ,�'�����_ 1 1N K EYE, EPIZOOTIC _'' rromaa as fair ae Chis woman, and study art is Parse, much to every- They knew'a•11 about• the losses sus- SRtPPYRG FEVER, Why had she allowed it to coma to this one's Ftrrpr:ua, tained 'b the British aVy, but QQ~NS and CATARRHAL FHVEt4 , utas the thought. which pierced• why bad But since age $!!treses her to go, it was 3 Sure oure and o preventive, no matter how horses = , she not spared. hm•,and spared herself they hadTiot--be,e,n'Uld .of -the de-- x X positive by recoil, . athet• •than by -confession?' characteristic of Ledp Glaucourt that she ab sa�+ A ere infected or 'exposed." Liquid, ivetl on Lps Men, verhape becauso fewer things saw to it that the episode Dashed 68 with 6•tructlon of seen a single German O f� Q tanstia; bn-tho Blood anM Glands, espelBe aClegnoq - - touch ahem, -p because 'heir upbrii5-Ring a certain decorum, J»ditjr had. been _ ac. stiff .Ili• fact. they were told . that - �• � � Z R� the }bbodyy Curea Distemper in Dopa apd bps .,. companied by exactly the right sort of p' A bker !n isotiltry. Largest selling ]foe etoaic plasm them in closer contact with reality, eraoa, -and the story had never tran. the Germans had -secured control of CJa1�M� a ' Lppe among human beings and is t�, Ant k1Qq (while womeD often concoct emotion in Pa ired _ the �t-srt'k•Se�a•, _ rRmea' -Qdt ihbs out. Hasp'it. Show It to yO�tr drdgB11 �i , 11 order tc c'? expetiescel, feel more stn and When the girl returned, her mother re• e�A valnha it 11 *et It ttu you. Fres Booklet, 'Dfs�siriper, O _ )y, whCn y do neat than women -d Yerrt)d to the epit+ede once and,tor at1- The sailor added that it• waS ditfi fi O Otltes - - t tp Itis Huoett (;resnam thio seemed the „Ism all very d!Wraceful," she hail said, cult: to get the Germans to believe H [,goer a°vdul thing, he had ever hated, I ,•aired I tru,L it may never occur again, - Df1ti'RIBUTORS-ALL WNOL[aALE DRUOOISTt *b+,le, w,tboitt being aware of it, he was h know that the British a�gtlatlron in tike SPONN MROICAL OOs CheRsbq and EasRsrlola;iota, Goshen, Ind.. U.i.Ad�' falling b'.tnenif�thche whdn womathishonld ;o' sort I 'bout itethat bIrdo not Lwish o kn w ea \,.,nth Sew had hat' beeali destroyed. _ _ - thinr baypO J s o. _ _ ---- -- �— ....,t...i..ry. .,moi.. __ _. _.- —_--_ _ -_ _— —__ - . .. - I 1._ _ . • f .. .`.....a 7r : ,�. '._.lir... ._.L , ., ... :.._._--i ,.'y _. ilii �. -.•r.. rt_-........�_ ,..-r. .,..i. . :.r ....�:._ .�.:�:.._� - .. - .-ilii:. ".1.,,1:, tea.:_..;.,. �C•'*-..a,.,,-� �'� ' L.-^-±x•'a»•�'; .1s„^.- �ew.�,.e-a?- . --_s I gr"a !ig� x + - u• .. . r,., . . - _ , . - i . p:,. ..-- .e.: J --- — --------- --- -- � . .- �ANADIA03- '� y � . i'o $ :j: , S i f 7 w, off' 1, ,%' , . . . . _ kx _:� ...'n, ALONG OFFICEB"I.0." .c, 4a y y... ,k . .r E'., ., s. ' e �= Swept Back by Terrific Onslaught They Reform y✓ u a �� r t �. 4 _ t y 9 oP �'anada'r3 soba \awed in he and Retake Lost Guns - ' t lees a an -- _ •_... _� ua x s 11 __ . --- •- _ • -- ,,�11 (Un9 ct. a % : „ f ('' h !t} P �' - I' x < 11 A despatch from says: impoesibde for tbe gunn•era to wahk ay t 4 ',f The King's ylessage. !�hr sudd.n Ge-lt north with any degree of accuracy. T e Y 7q r A despatch from Ottawa says: - . of. Ypres, w,hilch Ger- first line trenches were made ; :.,gU w y -.IItians an advam„e of a mi!e and a wholly untenable, the atmosphere.%�' d ' '� : The Duke of Connaught, Governor-. General of Canada; has received a ha!f and threw thew first troops ern being so laden wlitlh the gas that ai. "� r s' message from King C;eorge express - to the west bank of the Yser Canal, -the troops had to fall back or drop f. ' ing his admiration of tihe gallant has been blocked -at several places in them tracks. y�i "....% stand made b,y the Canadians at tnur!ed back. ut >t w=as 'n un' Enemy Drove {{'edge. s t angemarc , a sympa lzirig� ' -Sat day anurnrn of=ter the enemy sf h y» with Canadians in the heavy casual- r had stormed and taken the village The space that was thus opened - of Lite 1 be driven out of this was west and south of Lange- ': � x ties sustained. Yi H it by a series of desperate eaunte.r- marc -serve as a breacht rough attacks, that an effective check which the Germans drove a forward : A causualty list coantaining' flys w f *k..:.:,;,,; a names of '84 officers in the Canadian ' seemed to ;have been administered. wedge that gained such impetus „ , Advirzs from the front tell of most over the unprotected ground thatiip °" , Division, of wham 23 we're killed, -. . sanguinary fighting -,till in' pro- the advance troops were able to ,. F ., : ume died of wounds, 59 are wound- •$a grecs, with bile Germans launching cross to tha west bank of the Ys__ „ H ': ed, and two are wounded and miss i VNey ounce of force into the via Canal before they were stopped. fi ing, was received Sunday night ' ;` of thei=r forward rush, and bleanbime, to the north and to the x , ,'. frurn 1<Iilitia headquarters, at Ot• yallies contest the issue with south of La.ngemarck" the entire / 4 taws' contesting b y �r Rank and file casualties in Data- ` '' equal hardinass, rttanding fast in German fro�lt over a distance of t , " y <' �; y nection with 11 this engagement have the face of their furious offensive. seven miles pressed forward with r� _: n nut yet been received at Ottawa, -•+• The ji'ar Of$ce re rt says : a t faience that has scarcely been f, t.K Po ,' h to y, nor has there been am anlgeunce equalled since the notable drives ,. , k µ, Tile fight for the ground into r ; : merit as to their extent..11 made last October. Their forces ;z, -,., ' ,- : ..r. which t=he Germans penetrated be- ( "` Among the Canadian officers re ` had been heavily augmented by - -•twe.en Steenstra•ate and Lange- - ported killed are Lt. -Col. W. Hart , the massing of troops for this very 4 tuarck still,cuntinues. The Ivss�uf Aviator Killed {{'bile Performing for Jloetes. IMcHarg, of Vancouver; Lt. -Col. . this part of the line laid bare the occasion, so that the allied forces This left of the Canadian diol ion which found bhemselves outnumbered photograph was made on March 16 at.Universal City, Cal., as A. P. Birchall, of the Canadian from one end to the other. Atiator Stites was doing a series of aerial thrillers far the moving 1 Permanent. Staff, in England; was fumed to fall back in order to Along this front the Belgians Picture photographers. The "stunt'' was suddenly terminated when Maj. A. E_ Kimmis, of the Queen's � keep in touch with the right of the were at the north, the British, in- something went wrong with the machine and Stites was dashed 300 feet _ Ott n Rifles, Winona, Ont. ; Maj. E. neighlruring troops. eluding Canadians, at the south, to his death. The' picture -shows the machine just as it started tilting C. Nusworthy, of Montreal, and • "In the rear of the latter had and the French at the centren 4.7-inc. Tu- on its fatal plunge'to earth. An instant before the dummy aeroplane Maj, J. McLaren,• of Brandon; 11 g idrentsback- lastln: night, hay ng press- is that Stites Cpl explosionbee blown shown inthepie picture causedart (if the tunt." One Stites' mach machine I. -Col, , R. D Bu�T R of"C whichfthusCa passed into the bands of lta., has died of wuundsrosslield; Pa is that the ex I 41�e -creamy. $ut-swine iwurs laiec ed forward again, and of ai equal --capsize. .t -C" -.II _arg. who was _- the Canadian most.._h - connected with the Sixth D.0-R.O. _ canoe t eerie an Tse l- and successful advance, recap gi:ans y Vancout'er, was the champion rifle Turin theme oris and takin a corn- Shot ui the -Deli, ainnin the title g g - While �tleh of -t -he b� AIDy UNDER TERRIFIC ATOS g -.sid-e•r•afrie number of ' German pri- ; at the Inst International Rifle � boilers, including a colonel. ing seems to have been done by the _ Canadian troops, it remained for matches at Camp Perry, Ohio, in - `'The Canadians had many cos _- • _ ' I. - . 1913. He won the Governor -Gen - the French zouaves and the Belgian ualties but their gallantry and thede- carabineers to drive the Germans eral's prize on two occasions, being termination undoubtedly saved t•he Canadian Division 11a3 Repulsed TWO Fresh 011- :. situation. " Their conduct-4raa been frr,m the• village of i.izerne, a few - „rie u t only two men � v minutes after they had occupied it slaughts by the German Forces - . I won thehonortwice at the D.C. _ --uragntfr riC tlrrouahr tit," Hi -4 record as .Blit while the Canadian troops gatard- morning. "These fiQhtrry� _ _ _ _- --- ' { . meet here were quick in aw m.in the offen- did-' not, however, stop at having - . •. Ruler and the (anadiatt tribal q g � -- , _ � _. - - -- Rifle matches has vets few equals. regained the lost villa e, but Bice. they apgareritly were not g A despatch from Landon says: t cable from Cud.. ('arrick. assistant 4rriory the wounded are Lieut,- - much before the Belgians and_ ttie pressed on, and also recapt-ured All England is talking of the C•ana•.� eye -witness for" the ('ana_.dian g y Ghrutans Lost 11,0(N►. � reports Frerrclt tole. Buell, of f Tortiutol I'renclt: iwth of whom were -qua, - u I Col. W. T Hunter, of Toronto ly ricin.- of the ground beyond it. lions' 4plendid advance. Latest farces : Sir . J hn Major � 1 affected b the suddenness of the. pu is from th-e front inc)rcate that , - hed Gen. 1ldersun as .follows : J German assault far, -accordingto - There is i ery little informati•,n heavy fighting continued Saturday `I w.s+h to expre,x to you aril to btafc;r, Gilbert Godson -Godson, of Vancouver ; Major D. �autherland, the n=ews -from ' Paris, important at hand to -night from whial: esti- f and Sunday,- when the Germans the Canadian troops my admiration of Norwich, Ont., and Major B. inroads have been made into the mates of -killed and woun=ded can twice attacked the C'aniidiam line, of the gallant stand and fight -they- H, Belson, of Pent Dalhousie. •anew territory acquired by .the Ger- "be -made. Netts from Berlin says but both tigries were repulsed - have .made, -They have performed 4laj.rr D. R. Sandeman, of Red 'many, while all .of the allied. fprces 2.470 . prisoners were. made, and -I The C'anadiarrs" had -not been -)tit a most brilliant and valuable ser- De-er, is seriously wounded. . are consolidated•- . that'33 cannon and a large number of the trenches .since their charge -vice. I reported -their splendid be- � Major A. T, Hunter is s widely The German aiiecess seems to of machine guns were captured. 1 to recapture. the guns, but hate havior to the Secretary of State, known loosl lawyer, and is promi- have been 'aholly dependent upon One .report says that the German's ! had the warmest trench lighting anti I have a reply from 'him saying I their'. use of bombs filled with as- lost 9,000 in killed and wounded at Since reaching• France, and were how highly th€ir gal'lancry and de,' make nand ca iadian tdateafor Par' .p phy x;ating gases, and the .first ad, the encounter w'hiah gained the steady under the strain, The es termination in .a difficult position liAment.- - Among the other wound- w • vantage they were ab•l.e to gaiar west bank of the Yser Canal ford tent of the casualties is not known are -appreciated in &norland,' " ed are Capt, George- McCuaig. son from this effect upon the allied them. at the record office, but all the sur- CrPn,' Hughes replied ":+inrere of Clarence J. ,4IcC'ua;i. the Monte soldiers. . The ga;srs which s=pread The 4.7 -inch guns of the Canadian I.rlus officers- on leave ,have been thanks for i"%sage.. Please cuntey real 'financier, and Li,e"ut. Reginald - froni,these bombs were felt as far division, lost and then recaptured,- hurriedly -recalled in anticipation, to Sir -John and the C'anadianq the T ppeAi-r g c C __ - --hack -as the second line defences; belonged to- "' the heavy Artillery : Strong dratts -of men.-ar•e . ready' to pride a.nci ;by oT their comrad?s i'n .�,rt Yaeger and a- ¢rand�on of They caused a severe smarting of Brigade, and were 43 pounders I leave. It is reported that. ttta. t have s" Sir Charles Tupper. y - ie eye , v ash made it practically from Montreal. '--6jPrincess atrrcuaaa su were in the mrbit pla ed, Vie ('anadians have �, - l battle. . justic prJ- •d that there was, no Admiralty May Close _ surrender and that, by whatever Ports Without Notice tooth -west, following the railroad i Sir John French's {te-save, faalt file r 's were host, they were - 1. GEBMANS USED. from Thourout to Boesinghe, and ; pa. g A dee tch from Ottawa wayw : not allowed -til remain in grssessiun . _ came into contact with the al'li'ed j „f the anc�nt••,r - A despatch from �:aahitigton _ -SUFFOCATING GAS lines at Poelcapsile. Siinultart Hughes received the fuHow'inR. says . Conxul-General Skina,t4, al eously another "German force -aug• London, cables" that the British Ad- - mented by guns and men appeared D u n . . trian :lir Scout`. miralty had given notice that oer- -: _ : he ore nt�t thie sou 11�IN II VES 7 nt tts ii :Frrut•h Forrea. Overwhelmed . by while heavy field guns, more read 'word has been received from An- be, closed to shipping without no= '.Noxious Fumra, ,Had. to fly transportable owing to the im �oUU H� �O LAST coria that an Austrian aerophane tice. ' "('losing will be indicated," - 1F'all Back. proved roads, once again shelled - was seen scouting the Italian the me=ssage said, "by three verti- --- •--- - -'Ypres. ` . -- - • - coast, along -the Adriatic Sea, The cal red lights at night and .three , A despatch. fiord' London says The si.tua•tioh thenwas that t'he 300 Held Post Again!+t _':(100 (:er- aeroplane wag equipped with red balls-by.day, When tt" sig- �n The ene=my scored a small success French and Belgians were engaged i' many Tilt the Last Round strong searchclights. The authori- - nals a:e displayed vessels mus! ' •ove the E:renah forces in Belgiti� to the north of the city, while the {{'ay Fired. , ties are attempting to identify'the proceed to examination anchorage :, Friday by the use of asphyxiating Btitieh'were in action- to the south. - Aeroplane, or keep to sea." . .e as. The shells used in the bom. Among the French it was noted A despatch from London :says: !. bardment of the trenches of the there were 4,000 French bluejackets i An official report. ironed Sunday" jjv j " allies were filled with gases which who had Riven such good account' night tells. of the heroic defence by NAVAL ACTT F I 1NCR�ASS compelled the soldiers to retire of themselves under command of i 300 British Indian soldiers of a po- 'I from the gas zone and drop back admiral de Ron Arch. They were _ siticln in.Z`:a t Africa against 2,000 % , tiowa,rd the Yser Canal to escape thus disposed when the Ger•mans_� Germans: The Indians held, a hill. ..-"- - - - _ ' •• the fumes. .The British front• re- made their fi'rst general advance, 1 until their ammunition ran out an -d Traffic Tem oraril Sus tended Wftiie tHle' British (mains intact, • except where the employing the gas-filled bombs,' all but twenty of their, numbs r had p y p- !troops have had to readjust their which made it .impossible for men t:, I been. killed. The. failure of the - - line in order to conform with the remain* iu_,tJe trenches near where British expe, dilion against Tanga :'_Submarines Approach German Coast -� .new French line. they exploded. At the same time 1 Germrm East Africa, as previuuslt .. i g The reports seem to indicate that they advanced to the �ottth more ann:iunced in Berlin, also i5 meii- .. the - Germans, - employing every to recover lost ground than to gu tinned, and --against this is offset A despatch from Landon says : Lloyd's -'and checked the .tendency s, tav�'"`,� man and un not onl • through, and in this they wRre un- t•he success of the.British in several Indicatiuna of increased naval ac to reduce igisurance rates. Nobody. L g y in the market seemed to f,e aware from the other points of fire frotrt, successful.. engagements on the Frontier and tivity comes from various sources. _ of the xause .of -the sloppage. ; but from the interior of Germany ,;. an t'ue shores of Lake Victoria Ny'- .1.41 s-eambu it communication with Merchant and fishing vessels ar, r1 it -self, are making a desperate effort anza. Holland has been sus nd:ed byAl to pierce the allied line isolate the- Bub ie Plague In Turks The report which was -issued by riving at Copenhagen report fire , Qn B y• order of the British Government, presence of an. Anglo-French squa- left to the north and thus win to the War Office, deals with opera- A des atch from Rome. says : R,e- . land taken in connection with the iron off Sayan• e; NorR 8 and the Channel and Calais. The have P tions• in the .British -East African g y' They ports have reached here from Can- news from Berlin that British sub- stories ale„ are current in.. the -'ahrawn themselves a ainst the Prr�tectorate between November' g Danish capital.cf. a -German fleet " g stantino' le that the bubonic la ue marines have been in the Bight of p g oriel March, aril is as follows : forces of France, .1 ritain and .Bel- is raging -in Turkey and that tJ7e Heligoland, where the German ad- cruising in tiie North- Sea.. {n attempt • by British Indian gium, apparently unmindful of the victims of the disease are ver • nu- miralty lays claim to having sunk t ' cost, and ahead mill#cry observers } troops to take Tanga, in German' The trawler ' !'orchis reached Y merous. •The contagion is -*sprecad- one'.a.nd perhaps, more, .this is be :�berdee:n' tu-day wi.t•h'.the crew of. are preparing to receive reports of cast :!fries, was unsuccessful, and _� P P g P ing in an alarming manner owing !level t�ti foreshadow some move- the trawls the bloodiest battle of the. war in the force re -embarked and proceed- i Envoy and reported to the neglect of sanitary -pre,tau- merit in the North Sea. that the Envoy had Leen elled b - tills Ione. ed to Mombasa. Simultaneously Y tions. Several cases have occurred,. The stoppage of traffic. to Hol-' a' German submarine last nt ht off; 40' The derma.n' movement came at. Salonika. an attack on a German outpost at g . _ _ Langido resulted in -the Germans land 'was announced in a'n official the cast coast. , •The. •men on the =-_ — _c�i acuatiti. their position after. sof- statement given out in Amste"rdam Envoy left their ship in, a •smal=l; -:,-J �, in bel • of the British Govern- boat. which; the say, also waa Refuses to Vote Military Credits 1 feeing heavy losses. 'The ]3riti_h y' 411 also drove the Germans out of Bri- went, which said: shelled by the submarine. No one, * tich territory across the Umba "All shipping between Holland was, injured: The Envoy's crew! PP g .• P _._. :; River.'. he om the .small 'w and t-IFltrgd i in a all bboaa•� - "The British post at Jassin,'held ;ped for the time being. No ships for two !lours before being picked'] `'A-T'arii3, des atdh to ne Central .of the opening ' of the -Chamber by 300 Indians, was attacked ' by will leave the United Kingdom for .up. - - _ . _ . _ _ _ News says that the opening session from that of the Central News. He 2,000 Germans. Jassin was sbx- Holland - until further notice, and - "Acoordi'nk, to Berlin evening of the Hunggriam Chamber was a says that Count' Tisza inn a long pre. rendered. after its_ammunition bad ships. from Holland will not b,4 ad- I newspa.pers," 'says . Reuter's Ami ', gloomy sitting. This Chamber" re-. hminary conference with -the lead= been exhausted and the commander mined to the United- Kingdom, st,erdam correspondent, "a, -Germ ? '-flised to Nate the new military- bre- ers of the Opposition, Count's.; Ap-- and 280 men had, been .killed...; It is hoped shortly -to resume limit- sttllrrlRrine ' stopped _ the Britiah� 1_!, lits demanded b� the general staff. ponyi; Andrassy,-MiiChy and Kar- -""An `expedition sent from Mom- ed cargo and passenger` traffic. steam trawler Glanc.atsc off Aber - 'The attempt of Count Tisza, the olyi, tried-teo obtain their praise �, occupied the .German. Island Special arrangements have been deen and .took itz into a G}erman� wI ..• Premier,• to break down the oppo- not to oppose the new bills.to be of Mafie.the German garrison su-r- -made for the*transfer of mails. port on 'the North Sea." Aber tition was futile. _ • submitted to the,Cha*er, but that rendering urioondit�onally. Shitati, The reports of the intention of deen is some 450 miles across the 'Phe Moroi=lig Poet's• Berne Dor- it- is believed fig failed to secure on Lame' Victoria- NNyanzi, was at- =Great Britain to 'stop 'traffic with North Sea frown the nearest point. :-'1 "- respondent gives a-difJereat version their promise. - ta&,ed and occupied by the British. Holland influenced the rates at on the German coastline. l I? . . - _. .. s _ - I .. _ . -. . .. -. . .- a , - .. _ _ ,. _ e3 1W .. o • . _. ,:. /� � -- Philip and Ed_ Br S�llovle� .'j.�rgntol _ 3 � /<1�CL Q. are erecting a new fence in front spent Saturday here with her par - LI of their premises. encs, Geo. M. and Mrs. Pakner. - -Miss Meston, who was off dui y -Jeremiah O'Connor, of Church . �--•� .-John Quinlan hag purchased for several days through ~illness, street, was off duty fur a few days a new-F.ord auto. is improving nicely. this week, blit is around again. -Miss Maggie O'Leary was in -Mrs. J. J. Fothergill, of Whit- -W. G. and 1Vm. Ham were in the city over Sunday. by, spent a few dave with her bra Whitby on Sunday attending the - -John Quinlan lost a valuable Cher, Geo. H. Junes. funeral of an old friend, T. Toms. -- S • - snare one day last week. -Thos. Rob!- ,a was is Toronto � -Miss Morrissey and .nephew, -Mrs. Elmer Powell spent on.8unday attending the funeral , John Cowan, :'Wednesday in the city. of the late B. F. Law. Sunday with -Oswald Gascoyne, of Toronto, -Miss Julia O'Leary, of Toron•- the former's brother in Newcastle. 'was in to s been s ndin a few days_ -Sunday next will be Cradle -James McCullough spent Sun- with Pickeritrg friends. -R-olr8ut4ay it- theMet a is Sab- iday with his brother in Whitby. -David C',sarlton and Allan H. bath School. Parents are request- iLip"� „►, -Robert Gordoh has begun re- Clark, of La:, -Held, spent a couple ed to attend and bring the babies. �o . j Airs to Mrs. O'Leary's residence, of days here ss ith the letter's par- -Herb. Monney willopen his �0# � y:. is �►�� -Mrs, John Andrew spent ents. ice-cream parlor on . Saturday1 +� I - Sunday with relatives in Dunbar. -Miss Leila Monney, who has gay 1st. His soda- iva ter fountai.n �� ,� I, „ . ( i €€ iron, has been laid tip for several days will also be in operation that day. -Fred R. Ranting, ronto through ilness is able to be about -111 be held an - spent a few days with his mother again. Monday evening, commencing at there. -Dr. F. L. Henry will be here as 8.30 in the S. Davis' barber shop i -F. M. and. Mrs. Chapman, of usual next Tuesday to attend to for the purpose of organizing [the - Toronto, were in the village on his professional dutieet Pickering Football Club. All in. Monday. -A number of the members of terested in the game are invited -Dr. A. M. and Mrs. Bell, of Ontario Lodge, I. O. O. F., went to attend. --- Tomato, were in the village on to Oshawa on Sunday to attend -A meeting of the Liberal- - Sunday. the Odd Fellows' service conduct- Conservatives of South Ontario -Mrs. W. J. Miller and Mrs. ed in the Presbyterian church by will -be held in the Town Hall, Every were in Uxbridge one day Rev. Geo. Yule, this being the 98th Whitby at 2 p. m. on Saturday ;last week. anniversary of, the Oshawa Odd ,May 8th, for the on of nom- = a -W. H. Bunting is spending a Fellows: inating a candidate to contest the -few days this week with relatives -Miss Hattie Law and Thoruas riding a the coming Dominion - - - - -"- - -.:in the city Law were in Toronto on Sunday -L. A. Findlay, of Toronto, is attending the funeral of their election. -See .advt. in another_ OW is the time "for repainting your house, bath for pro - spending a couple of days with his cousin, B. F. Law, who was killed coI tmn. N tection against the weather and for the sake of its ap- parents here. on Thursday evening in an auto- -Monday last, according to the pearance. Thon there is nothing that will show better -Miss Adana, of Toronto, and mobile accident, The deceased officials of the Toronto Obserra- returns for the time and move s ant at house-cleaning time Miss Cora Gordon spent Sunday was a frequent visitor to Picker• tory was the hottest April day in y here with the latter's mother, Mrs. ing, having been here in his auto 73 years. In some parts- of the , than paint and varnish used insi a the house. Tell "us, what , James Gordon. a few days •previous to his death. province a temperature of 94 de- you wish to paint or varnish and we ,will show you a , -Miss Violet Boyes is officiating -The Pas Herald in its last grees was recorded, while at the in the intermediate department of issue contains the following item Observatory the record �caa K}. Brighten L'p Finish that: will do it—and -do it right. ''-the public school during the illness "An asasy of two sampled taken It i9 very unusual to have August .- of Miss Meston. from the Ginger claim at Herb weather in April. The growth of _ • vegetation hag been co rapid that����'� +�'��'�� =Dr. G. A. Field hay been apt take Showed Sl�f.;30 in geld. The P =- - - - pointed to the surgir l ata o as�nyttrg waa da s far t} - Iowa Methodist Epircopal Hospi- and Dyak, of Cobalt. The c•lairy And cause cinch damage to fruit ----� �� tel, Des Moines, Iowa. belongs to W. H. Bunting and W. blossom and garden Stuff. -Mrs. T. M. McFadden has re- F. Hngbes." We congratulate -A revere thunder storm pats- _ turned home, after spending a few Mr. Bunting on his good fortune. ed over this locality An Sunday area line of Paint; and Varnishes which do exactly what they are in - weeks with her aunt, .lir9. ,Millen. -In spite of the village by-law evening, and viae accompanied tended to do -give a right treatment to each surface. It is impossible to of Denfield, who has been serious- dealing therewith and the warn- by a 'heavy downpour of rain. obtain one paint or varnish- that -is suitable for a wide variety of uses, so -it ly ill. - ings given. boys persist in running The rain was heartily welcomed is very important to obtain a product that is exactly suitable for the pt r- -Auto traffic was very heavy their bicycles on the sidewalks of as the land had become quite dry. _post. you -have in mind: -Come--int and taii<it--over. Vy"e-may be aVd to : -tea Sunday. several- hundred hav-- the village. A few clays ago one The-hahtning was a1cffost a can- help you with suggestions. ing passed through the village, of these reckless lads was w heeling tinnous Sash for an hoar or two. - besides a large number of motor- along the sidewalk and struck a but no damage has been reported - cyles. little girl, throwing her -off the re the immediate vicinity. -but the • . -J. Matheson, of Whltl7yy, on sidewalk and injuring her some. reflection from burning buildings -8. CHAPMAN' Monday last erected a handsome what. The constable cannot be at a distance was clearly visible. imontament over the grave of.- the expected to be on the streets ai4 P = N C3 .Pate Robert Deverell in Erskine the time to watch for infractions Harry.Asher, would be slayer of Cemetery. of the by-law, but if he is no ti. Rev. J. McPherscou Scott, was -Mrs. Samuel Stanley, of Elm- fled of such, he will attend to the sentenced to serve seven years in sale, Mrs. Livingstone, of Call- matter. Kingston Penitentiary. SEEDS]" lfornia, Mrs. W. Down and Mks. -The Womems Institute has Wonnacott, of Bowmaaville, spent sent to Mrs. E. L. Ruddy eighty p -Sunday with Mrs. John Powell. five pairs of socks knitted by the R8Yallle'$ ©cede always grow -Several from the village at- members and others. These were A Convenfia"n 'tended a meeting of the executive handled by the Daughters of the Garden Seeds in packages Garden Seeds in btilL of the South Ontario Liberal -Coo- Empire and the following letter _ ieervative Association held at has been received from Mrs Aro- -' - - OF THE - - Mansel -Giant Half Long Yellow, Stigar. Beet -. Whitby on Wednesday afternoon. brose Small the Regent. "The L1beIa1 �� n Jumbo, Derb Gre stone; Etc: _ --Mrs. Richard Moore and dau- Sir Henry Pellatt Chapter wish - T ruip- y, y �ghter, Josephine, of Toronto,. left to express their deep appreciation Conservative Association .Carrot -Mammoth. S. R'hite two weetzs ago--for-Denver, Colo-- to -the Womeii'e-ldstitute of Pick. _ OF - - - _ rado, for a year, owing to a severe Bring and others for the socks they - _ ; E� ergreen Lawn Grass attack of brogchitis.to the latter. knitted for the soldiers at the SOUTH ONTARIO= -The council helve placed a rail- front. , They were most timely gar the purpose f wlecting x Candi- 'Timothy, No. 1 Government Standard ing along the approaches to the for an emergency order fur more date to contest this _riding at the - bridge at the foot of Post's hill. socks had just reached us and we coming Dominion Election R -This was rather a dangerous spot here happy to be aide to fill it." will be held in the t J • He V N since the new bridge was erected. -A .warning from thepostal de- .TOWN HALL, WHITBY ' -During the heat wave wh5ch rtment has been issued' against ' a ---- ___.p�a4p.l_over Lhis_. a - ON - - —� r. ds the temperature rose-tuabove making arrangements for the de- Y Ka tht $th, 1915 �'� _ 80, and in Toronto 86 degrees is livery of account=. bills, circular=, Saturday, Y -TheMen S ore ... _ `• ,recorded. This is unusually etc., through other means than MR. PETER WHITE K. -C. „ . warm for April.- the postoffice, which is contrary and others will address_ Get pour ":►Ten's ZVear," at the "Men's Store. We carry fall liner+. -Fishing on Sundays seems to 'to the Postal Act: - The law is to the meeting. of boots ,shoes, ties, shirts suits coats and balmacaane, sa�3 be a favorite pastime of some of be rigidly enforced upon all par. everything pertaining to �uieo's� apparel. These our residents who apparently are ties who attempt to evade paying The Chairmen of t.bo various polling are our specialties. Dot aware that such it violation of the one -cent tat which has been sub -divisions throughout the riding our laws is subject to a heavy imposed for ear purposes. All will hold their meetings on Friday. Our raincoats and balmacaans are especially good value, and are fine. letters conveyed, received, collect- May 7th, to select five delegates and waranteed never to leak. We are agents for the famous 20th _ -Mrs. Harty Ellicott, who has ed, sent or delivered in contraven- two alternates. Century Clothing Co. Our reputation along this line has been suffering from a stroke dur tion to the Postoffice Act will be Chair taken at 2 p. m. been made. A perfect fit and Rood satisfaction goes •-ing the past few months, was, we seized and necessary steps imme- E. H. PuRDY, J*.o. MOORE,7. very garm nt. w.i th e e ^� are pleased to state, able to visit diately taken for the prosecution President Secretary Get the Habit,- Ga to Buntings. t with her sister, Mrs. L. D. Banks,- of the offenders in all cases where daring the past week. the law .lies been controvenLea. Repair'Sho BUNTING P,ICKERING'-During the thunder=storm on There' is a penalty under section p -Sunday evening lightning struck 138 of the Postoffice Act which the chimney on W. H. Bank's resi- may amount to $20 for each letter Now is the time to get your Bicycles n dente. Several bricks were.knock- unlawfully carried.. Bill@ and ac- repaired for the good roads. NEW rSPRING GOODS o ed off, but otherwise no damage counts, whether in o.pen or sealed Get your Automoble Tires now... was done to the building. envelopes, as well as circulars or Prices are away down. Last week we put in stock a largo -shipment of new spring goods. A dainty, -The Women's Institute held a other, printed inattei• enclosed in Ford size $15.50, other sizes in line of white wear; comprising blouses, housedresses. corset covers very successful meeting at the envelopes, sealed or ready to be proportion.; drawers. gowns, aprons, etc. A nice line of cotton crepes in _ home of Mrs. F. H. Hall on Tues- sealed, are letters' within the find phone 1913. navy, black and white, pink and sky at . 15c, a yd. day afternoon. There was a gond meaning of the Postoffice Act. attendance and the anb'ect dis- -The community' was .greatly Russell Andrew, Xotton, nainsook, lawn and long cloth. Emb'y lacca,. .cussed was "The Care of Flowers."' shocked on Friday to hear of theDICKERING, Ont. Collars, scrim, bungalow nets. -Mr. Almack, representing the tragic death of Martin Lee, of the Call and inspect our boots and shoes as you will require a pair forEaster: We. Upper Canada Bible and Tract base line east. The deceased had - "� �+ have a nice line for ladies, gents and children that will be sure to suit Society, occupied the pulpit in St. been busy sowing grain and was ELM DALEMI1 -.�. you in style quality and price. Andrew's church on Sunday morn- on his way home to dinner. His - ing and in the Methodist chtirch horses were attached to a stone 3=. 103•CFIRSNQ• Choice Groceries-fii:b. lettuce, celery, oranges, lemons, apricots, in the evening, When he spoke boat and seed drill, he having fin prunes, figs, dates; etc, Most acceptably. ished the fief& in which he had Royal Household Flour is the. G. A GILLESPYE DUNBARTON -Don't forget to leave your been at work. On arriving home best for Bread.'. Try a bag. ' ' order for fiowerrnq and vegetable he left the horeei'to open the gate Glenora Flonr Pasts Flour plants with F. H. Hall. He has to enter the yard. No. one saw y already received a large number the accident, but it is supposed _ Graham Flour of orders from the neighboring that the horses started to run Fresh Rolled Oats �` towns, and some linos are now away, and that Mr. Lee bad at- Somhething Intersting t0 Farmers ! nearly exhausted. * tempted to grab the tines and in Brau and .Shorts -The tennis club will meet in doing so was struck by the wheel Oats and Oat Chop ](n future I will have Harness and Horse Goods at W. J.' the school house- this (Friday) of the seed drill. When his body Heavy Mixed- Feed evening at 7 o'clock for the pur• was found by one of the neighbors - B Bronitham, at regular prices. odell's, pose of "-organizing. for, ttie corn- it. -was seen _.that the skull was Mixed tem-- Feed 1 all - Call and see him, : Ing season. All members and badly crushed.. He was 42 years Cracked Corn, Wheat ` mixed - ; •.. those interested in the game are of age and leaves a wife and two -Barley; - Buekwheat� together ;Full stock of Harness, Robes, Blankets, Rugs and all horse 1 requested to attend. small children, and was- held in Caldwell's Cream, substitute _ goods at Pickering, j -The anodal' meeting of the very high esteem in the .neighbor- - Boots and shoes repaired as well as harness Methodist. Ladies' Aid will be held hood and by all who knew biro. Calf Meal. _ on Wednesday,May 6th; at the His funeral took place on Monde - �_: Molasgine Meal. PICKERING HARNESS E31PORI1U home Fif Mrs., D. Banks at three afternoon and was largely attend�Y o'clock, sharp.- This being the ed. The d-eepeat sympathy is ex- Rpecial prices in ton lots. election of officers for the year, greased for Mra• Lee and family in .Qe� Phone Ind. '01. W. J. CO LL all member., are kindly, requested their sad and sudden bereave - to attend.-ment.• Chopping every day. . - �•., �. :.. ',x. ,y,. � -:.^^ _ •y�, _./:4r .o.e..rs..._l;,;xx3 1.�e:...�.,-.7wrJ'',.'-