HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1914_11_20.. �.. ..: a •, .w.yy, .,,...: , } :,i .f °„ ?, w .-'�--- T^°i_--�•E ,q} .. +
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rafsertiltiossg;i �ati4a. MOUNT PLEASANT MALVERN Established 75 years
"— At the ublic meeting-held herE-
_ �fed�4
PINKMILLS ._ Agrand patriotic concertwilL - � -p Ps eclde w at art the townshi should
- — ouse rile.seventh-Concession t e ev school take 3n patriotic work, a committee '
E.FORSTTH, D. of O., is- house(S. S. No. 12), on the evening of was appointed, which' includes theGREENWOOD `
fig• Friday, Nov.27th. The program will counts, all the local clergymen and
R. tered member of the Optometrical Assn- consist of songs, readings. recitations, P g
aiatfoa-of oatario: Special .attention given to 'WHITE SATIN-BREAD representatives from the Women's
•,fibs shin=of glasees. Eyes tested-tree. North dialogues, gramophone selections, vio- Institutes throughout the township.
Claremont. �8tt CREAM BUNS—FAMILY lin solos, also selections by the Mount
TEA BUNS—PASTRY Pleasant mouth organ band. Every- Reeve J. S. Cornell was elected press- MILLS
O. McKINNON, M.D., L,R.C.S., dent and Dr. Coutts, of Agincourt, y, '
body come ami-1selp on the.good cause. +
N e Edinbu:gb,member of the College of $RAN secretary. The nest meeting will be
Physicians sad 8nrgeoa•o!Ontario,ucentfste Admission only 18 cents• held here on Saturday, _ _ t
of Bo7aI College of Burgeons, Edinburgh. `
8psalael attention to defenses of women and, -. SHORTS STOUFFVILLE
n, O$eeaffdresideace,8zonghaaA. JUMBO
PICKERING MEDICAL SURGICAL OATS �. W. James Turner of this place has been th�1'sh(F postponed
ping in�thelbasemeld
By the will of the late John Manuel
millionaire lumberman, of Ottawa, To the Farmers .
and X-RAY INSTITUTE ^OAT CHOP = bequeathed the modest sum of$60,000. of the church. A good program has .The Mill will be running
rzas$ltlxa, - ONTARIO At a meeting of the board of trade been provided and a good time if g
S. aLGIN TOWLE, M. B., M. D., C.•X., last week a committee was appointed assured to all-who attend.
P$y6�.in�ge '-MIXED GRAIN & CHOP and steps were taken to make elabor- Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, Sr., Mrs. Monday October 18th '
spec allst is rectal Diseases. prostatic Vis- ate preparations for the annual Christ- Irwin and three children, of Toronto, I
eases of l[ea Diseases of Women, Oncosts, ------' mas market to be held the week before and Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, Jr., o
$aipors.IL-Ray examination. Di.ea..• of eye, -•�- � With m increased wets I will
sur.nose,thioat and mats. FiDiscu s of and C0A� CO&:Ej Christmas. Selwood, motored down and spent
SH aerate and chronic diseases A home gward contingent hue been Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Disney. be a le to do an Increased
Ode Bonn 12 to 9 and 9 to 9 toy (Scranton D. L. & W.) gganized here with a membership of They aiso called on Mrs. Jones, of business.
about a hundred. J. H. Schitt, a vet- Pickering. y
tepai;. STOVE, CHESTNUT, PEA' Aran of the Boer war, will act as drill The many friends of Mrs. Alen, y.
AND STEAM master, and rifle practice will be car• Cowan who underwent a erious opera- My BAKER'S JOY makes equally
t� E FAREWELL, K.O., BARRIS- - _ tied on at Maple Leaf Park. tion in the hospital, Toronto, on Wed- as rod bread as western mills brand, r.
e TRR,00antty�O"vuAttorney,eadOc6at7 -PRICER RIGHT. nesday, will be pleased to know that and it costa you lees. Why should
gelMtf+or. OonrtBottsa.whubv. 14t HIGHLAND CREEK
she is now doing as well as can be ex- you not patronize your home mills P :.
E. CHRISTIAN, Barrister and - pect.,d, and that strong hopes are The give you a good market for
�A Patriotic Concert in aid of the y B y g your
•ilolieitor,notary Public.Etc, honey to entertained for her early and corn- rain. You would et lower prices
J• L+ SPINH, LIMITUS Red Cross Relief fund will be iven g p ces
can. 'Once Brock St.North,Whitby. 9617 plete recovery. or all rain-if it were not for the local
under the auspices of the Highland g
PICKERING, ONT. Creek branch of the Women's. Insti• Miss J. A. Melville..who was a pris- mills. Surely they are entitled to
Susinfas (Sawbe. . Cute will be held t Ellt o hall on the oner of war in Berlin, Germany, for your patronage.
hY . . three weeks and who has been Riving
evening of Friday, Nov.27th. A good-
'�,�T G. HAM—Issuer of Marriage ` very interesting lectures in Toronto l want to buy your Barley, Buck= T
Licenses in the County of Ontario, LOOK HERE f' program will be given by the follow• with regard to her experience there, wheat and Wheat':
Pialiering Village.. filly able talent: Miss Hazel. Annis, is coming to..Dunbarton on the even-
The Claremont Fu reader: Jlias Ciussie Hawkins,reader:
POUCH•ER, Real"Estate Auc- Miss Nellie To ne, contralto ; Miss sag of Friday; Nov. 27th, for the put-
1 . tioneer. vslastor,collector and Issuer tilts �.J'tOTP - y ase of addressing the D. L, and J1. I. Z•- =N
o t aurziage licensee,Brougham. Jfarrison, so rano; the Melville Male
is:'the befit lace. to et our p ocietty on-that subject.
P 8 y Chorus and other lace! talent. Short _ •;,;
NOUS-E FURNISHINGS, we have,HOPPER Issuer county
3ia�r3age patriotic T.
will be given by w
Licenses to the Oonnty of
On a dressers, washstands, iron Rev. E. T. Doll ase and Rev. H. D. HROUGHAM
OAK"at store and bin residence,Claremont. and brass bedsteads, par-1 Cameron. Instrumental music will '-
I have for sale the best 28 gauge' '
- 0 0 - K I
lot suits, buffetts. 'and he furnished b the Iii bland Creek Archie hfechin, of Toronto, was
DB.133i;AT0PI,TO WN6H1[P OLERE y ga
a coaaeyaaoer, Oommisaloaer foe tatting -aide boards, mattreasee and spring Orchestra and•the -Hlg�land Creek home over Sunday. _ -- - - - -
6Adavtle. Accountant. Eta. honey to lona couches, and all kinds of chairs Band. Stabling will be provided for Miss Tupper. of Toronto.is visiting
on fasm tulles of ]f[arzlagr Lie. always in stock, also many those who may drive. p p
on gum f•. Admission 26 with Mra. Christie. rorruEated;iron at 83_60 a square. R
other articles too numerous cents, children 18 cents. N. Y. Poucher, of Toronto, spent 28 gauge corrugated iron at $3,80
F POSTI" Licensed Auctioneer; to mention. Rememberwo, Sufxlay with his parents.
1' + for Qbaawp of York and Ontario. Asa
the goods and de- Patr{ot':c concert at Whitevale, Miss Hcltby, of London, spent last a square.
_ Iiia sale•of all binds attenn•d to on shartess P your: week with Mrs. Wesley Harte
641666, Address Green giver P.o., Oat liverthem
at the ry ; to-night (Friday.) Mrs, Pea!tvmarr Is spending two Also Eastlake. shingles, metal
A. BREWSTER. V. S.. Gradu- -' , GREKN RIVRR weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Love. lath, e>din • ceilia s and
tyre ate of T to vferin poll haz poorest price, bars. Love. of T rat g
Drop Toronto, spent the
opened as*Mos in.naremoot v`i I.ge, li'dIr Patronize our town merchants. Wm. Hoover was as Uxbridge via- t+entilators.
G Jeaw of domestles ted animal. treated. calls don't send our good dollars g week-end with her parents, Tbsimas - E.
AW or bight promptly attaad6d to, Ind y icor Inst week. and Jars. Perryman.
410 ssc�a away t0 build u some .other,' Messrs. Jack Nighswander. and R. Willis Hamilton has returned from ,. Premier cream separators.
ines® on Toronto friends one nto hoe ital and is recovering '
$. POWELL. Licensed Auc- da last week. Gasoline engines, ,
�[T+ ra idly.
YlY goneer. .aloato: .ad collector t� BEAL
.We welcome Mre._Routle and fam- p i
s6aatiee of Ontario and York. All kinds of Jt He y MiElla Linton, who has spent the:
saWn sondu•ted *fiber rivately or by aaeboa. sly to our midst. last few-months. in Toronto. is home Poet Wire Fences end. gates
gale oases collected, For date@ or other�ppaarr Rev. W. Daniel occupied the pulpit for a time. .litter carriers and hg fork a �
'lisatarr• ty at residence,Elizabeth Ili,Pie! here Sunda evenin y
pp CLAREMONT T g• Mr. and Mrs Cassie spell a cou a of .
•slag. Phone orders left at Nave Om•e,Yiek- P �s
eelag. or !(.sash. store, Olay.moot, wail r• We are sorry to report that Mrs. E- days last week with their son, m.,
este•prompt attention. Saflefsadon guarse- Bice is confined to bet house-with an at Highland Creels
' bad. My phosenumberisInd*pead•nt loon attack of pleurisy. Wm. Ashton and daughters, Alda Get lny�prlees on any.of the above
FARMS WANTED A large number purpose taking in Gladys, of Uxbridge. •nt. Tuesday _ before buying.°
+� the patriotic concert to be beld at and Wednesday with relatives here.
�. R. PENNOCK Whitevale on Friday evening next.
Sell Phone.
We have a buyer for a farm of We .are lad to report C31st our There will be no service in the Chris
V I'WNfTY.VALff, ONr, g Pm tiara church $iiriday tfiornln� owitlg F.
J. ProuBe
fifty to one hundred acres in the bunters, Messrs. Edward Wilson and to anniversary services in Markham
;Funeral DDlreacr and Imbainw. Joseph Doren,are haviDpt great ]uclt. Christian chvech. � 'Pickering
northern part of Pickering Town. Misses Nellie Gray, ,Violet Fuller A special price-A Bobberlin suit or es
Any business entrusted to me will ship. If you have a farm to sell and Pearl Doteu have ,returned, after overcoat mode to measure,20sam.ples, -SCRANTON
be carefully handled. write a?. spending a week'with friends in To- at$10 50, Good Saturday and Mon- t
_Charges J3oderate-- s
ron to. dap oD{y,at l?hitip'a. 1.
!-Inde{ lident Phone No. 1514., JOHN TISHIR A Co.CoMisses Gertrude Booth and.Gladys , Will the party who took the Lane 9
Country Real Estate. Pugh have returned home. after at- book from the Methodist church on '
tending the C. O. W. I.,Convention in Friday night please return it-to the0
-:JOHN PHILIP 810 LU V$DEN BUILDING, Toronto last week. address on the fly leaf.
The friends of Rev. B. A. and )firs. , John and Mrs. Tweedie have moved �
-8 ADELAIDE ST., E., TORONTO: Fisher assembled in the A. O. U. W. .- .
--Has a full line of Lresh and cur= — hall on Monday evening, Nov.9th,to their household effects to Whitevale
bid farewell to them before their de- and rare living in the house recently ALL SIZES I\ STOCK
ed meats constantly on hand. occupied by Mrs. Tweedle, Sr.
Chestnut and Stove. Coal pxrture to Pittsburg. After a pro- Mr. Clark, of Victoria College, To-
Spice Roll, Breakfasa Bacon, gram of music and speeches Mr. Fish-' ronto:occupied both Presbyterian and is
_-'Haim, Bologna, Weiners, etc. I will have constantly on hand a er was called to the platform, when Metbodist church pt"its on Sunday If you would like to secure
Miss Lena Booth presented him with and gave interesting addresses on the .]your winter a supply of coal at
Highest prices paid for full supply•of beat coal,„at a purse find Miss Dista Hutchings read work of the Bible Society. Owing to °ibis month's prices,but are too
r Butcher's cattle inn address expressive of deep regard the unfavorable weather the congr•e- 'buay'to draw it now, you can
lowest possible rice. in which'Mr. and Mrs. Fishet are held gations were small at both services.
• • P P by the people of Green River, do.so b7 paying for it now and
l e getting it in the fall or winter
eriff dive - CHERRYWOOD WHITBY r
( '9P. H. GIBSONf when
you need it. .
J. S. and Mrs. -Honey Sundayed The town council atits last meeting
h'1?9t-01888 .99 for hire 4 Station. with Joseph and Mrs. Laughlin, passed the third reading of.the Hydro- As R E E A S R k;
D8 OT IIl tit Miss Lucilla Davidson bas -returned Radial by-lww. .
p 8 home, after spending a couple of The meeting held in the Music Hall a' '
Bus »eet9 all t>�1n9 REAL ESTATE..... we-eke in-Oshawa. on Sunday afternoon -b Evangelist _LOCUST HILL
Mise Olive Macrae and a 'number of Torrey was well attended. r
Teaming promptly attended to. 'r �s r ai<� Kith " friends spent Sunday with James aDti Dr. Boyle, professor of church COAL AND LUMBER'fARD
Agent for Canada Carriage Co... Mrs. Macrae. ' music in Trinity College, will preach
A patriotic concert will be held here at both services id-All Sainte'church NA -CLO
�• H. Peak, �,�,,__ on Wednesday*evening, Dec. 2nd; in on Sunday next, Dr. Boyle is a very
Ptckerinp. aid of the suffering Belgians, under able speaker and should draw large SYRUP , OF
Insurance rates lower on farm. pro- the auspices of Subdivision No. b, congregations.
perty and Village Dwellings, Pickering. Full particulars will be Some ,of the factories of the town LINSEED LICORICE and
THOROUGHNESS In'firdit-claiss Companies. given next week. are now enjoying unprecedented pros. CHLORODYNE
The people of this burg are not tb be .perity as a result of the war. The
/ is the Bey-note of this Institution. No 1F=0=5,um Notes outdone by other parts in, the Patri- buckle factory and the tannery direc- -
Our graduates succeed because they otic work, Already collectors'are do- tly opposite are both working 'might This preparation will be found
have received correct preparation. :If not insured with me,,call and sag their work and doing it well. The and day including Sundays. Of great benefit in all'eases of �s
compare rates, Girls' Patriotic Club are (lacking a Provost Macklem, of Trinity lint-'
ion box of clothing for the relief of the versit9, preached in All Saints'church iIRONCHITIs, COUGHS, COLDS,
• 4 , stiffering in Belgium and any contri- last Sunday. His address was nomin-
e We 1 . Richardson• butions of second-hand clothing or ally on missions, but be Rave a most HOARSENESS, LOSS OF VOICE PAINS
aew goods for the Club to makeup brilliant talk on the war, connecting in the cheat OTHER DISORDERS
TORONTO. Nota Public Pickerin would be gratefully received and con- it with the missionary work of the of the THROAT OR LUNGS
1'Y + g• tr•ibutors might leave same at the church. His sermons were very much 4 j
enjoys a National Reputation for home of Mrs. Jos. Laughlin. appreciated by all who beard It allays the constant irritation
Business and Shorthand Educktion. mysteryand promotes expectoration, thus sr-
Ali business schools are not alike, �r Ver a alfa Ie the r. G con- them.
>>*' Nothingless than, best should Have X011 lot's �i Water Z nected with the death of Mr. George The meeting held in the armories do
Hollinger of this place. The deceased Monday dight for the purpose of relieving the patient without
satisfy you and nothing less than C. B. RJCE, OF WHITSVALE has lived alone for a number of years organizing a home guard was well at- drying up the secretion or causing
giving the beet'training will satisfy is prepared to furnish you anything on his farm on the seeond concession. tended. A committee was appointed :k ,
us. Catalogue free. Enter any On F''riday last a nes hbor called and with Mayor Willis as chairman. The the disagreeable constricted sens�-
time. in the line ,of,watei supply such as $ y
- W. J. Elliott, Princ% al Pumps, windmills, hydraulic rams, on not .finding him became alarmed, prospects are there will be one bun- riots experienced �i ith
p and on noticing the boards on the dyed in.the company. The militia de- many remedies. _
Cor.Yonne and Charles Ste. plumbing, etc. well disturbed, proceeded to investi- partment will furnish arms and amu-
They'are also expert well drillers
gate and found the remains in the nition. The work of the guard will be When using this -9y>MP--Care.
well. The Coroner was immediately to protect the valuable properties of should be taken to have the bow-
-+• v and respectfully solicit your patron, summoned and further, investigation the town including the water works
age for the--,tura.' 'Ind,nhon, %521, showed the body to be weighted-down and other public properties. els moving freely. If constipated
;BLACKSMITH SHOP ! with a large etcae. On Saturday A congregational meeting was held
an aperient should Be taken as the,
TOOLS SHARPENED evening a jury was emlpanneled, the in St: Andrew's church one night dui- g
body viewed and a number of.alines- ing the past week, presided'over .by beneficial effects of E411 cough rem-
The undersigned has opened anew ses examined, when an adjournment Rev. Geo. Yule, of Oshawa, the in- *dies are greatly hampered, , krid ,,
blacksmith shopon the Kin We-make a specialry of crosscut saws, was made to await the result of the terim moderator of session. A unani-
g- Tools of allkinds. Locks repaired. the comfort of the patient very
Ston road opposite .the _ P poet mortem examination. The in- moue call was extended to Rev. A. P.
�_ -,Razor-boning a specialty. For a first- quest will resume shortly when all Menzies, B. D., of Ottawa. illy. Men- much dee"eased bq eonstipat{on.
Quaker church, two class hair trim or an easv shave tali mysterywill be threshed out as far a; zies, who Is an unmarried man, is a �1
miles east Of at the East-end Barber.Shop. possible. ��'� graduate of Queen's University- end is >�� �, Mcl' ADDENf
Pickering Village. See our House Furnishings of all very highly spoken of, not only as a
Work guaranteed. Char es moderate kinds. Slightly ed Carpets Hear Madame le Mar and Miss, reacher bnt.as a man of much public g p P —Graduate Optician,
from ]5 cents yard up. Wishart at White ale, spirit. He will he a decided ftcqutet- �21t21.?l0 ;cam
�P. J,G(iRDON PICKERING Frida Nov. 20th. tion to the town. __�PiC32re=1x1j;+ .
,,,e.t .r., W.. ••:a`�r,,s„s w.f.. .,a` '''S ,� ,sypR :w::'r.:•+ t�n-rt x-"�°'• ,t�'q„F%;a+4': •N' 513 .�' -�
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_Mmes Mone �, , ;F ,e�-,,, '"' ,�.1 ..- 0The ;House11
. - -.-- --1 .1. . .. �-:Z, `' '_., ;. . _. �1 - A A Cold Spo. 't ". ., ,
_ Or, A Strange Stipulation. - - � '
x r11
THE house that
— - — —! s has a Perfection .
C73APTElt IV. "Conn inside," tad said. ".',tier 't die- {�;
cuss business here. Mr. Bryant. "t. R Sinokeless Oil Heater
' When the lawyers employed by,tbe late I The office was on the Srst floor. Mr. ti ,
Mrs. Marnock; who were administrators
of -her estate.-hgsLinformed• )Ir: Bryant Pleydell noticed that Julian atagge - needn't t have S Cold .
of the eatraordinary Iegsoy left to him sad find to boId'on to the atatr rail'ir < p yw
by their lace client. they had"farther in• like a man who was not sure of himself, a S Ot an here.
or his own strength. When he was in his .as
strvcted .him that he, Was to be allowed office Mr. Pleydell pushed forward a bt .. �' k ;'
only a certain amount of time in which chair and the young man fell tato it with. d A Perfection is light
''to come to a decision. a groan. ; ,
1. Meagre. Pleydell di Cousens showed Mr. *Ob! my beadt be said, "the pain-the and Can be Carried
Julian Bryant the greatest courtesy, and I pain is torture." - ' +< - ___ _
in a degree sympathy: - . . In tact he was trembling like a man y- '"' • .easily from room t0
1%appeared that Mr. Pleydell,the senior with ague. „ _
Partner, had received direct instructions •You are not fit to be out," raid lir. ,.` I _ O O n7—anyw ,
only a week cr so before her death, from .Pleydell. "You are very itL" that eXtra•heat iS neededr
` ]las. Marnock herself, regarding the ••I have been walking the streets 1 , +�* .
money which she desired to bequeath to night," Julian Bryant answered, speaking ° "' r ':�Qr the "between.seasonS" Of Fall and Spring
Mr. Bryant She had, it appeared, duly 1 hoarsely. "My wife has gone-gone— � .- > i• _
informed the lawyer that with this be Oh, what shall 130?" k the Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater gives just
<-quest a certain condition was attached: "Come, come,' said Mr. Pleydell, going
and Mr. Pleydell was the first to assure forward and purling his hand kindly on the heat you want.
Mr. Bryant that bad he been aware of the JuJiaa's shoulder. "Pull ybarself to � .' . .
very peculiar nature of this condition. ¢ether, Bryant. Tell we what has hap. - - ., _ .
be Isbauld have done his best to have ad- Oened•"
—vised bis late client to abandon it,- -Enid has left ine." the young man an -- _'
It was not. however, until after her swered. "E}omehow-somehow she has lgof � I PERF
��1 J J O� `fit"
death, when a sealed letter arrived and i to know of this cursed burineae, and that
bad been opened, that Mr. Pleydell bad is why she has cone." . SMOKELE HEATERS
been informed of what bad been in bid "She bad heard nothing from met Mr. . , .
Into client's mind. He had no hesitation Bryant." the other said quietly. 'Your i ..
in dec'aring that he found the suggestion II instructions have been obeyed to the lea ' . perfection heaters are solid hand- I� -
ioxtthias more +baa peculiar. Fte�`!ttiaa forward with hie aching head sorrel designed and sfnOlre1238 alis i
"It is a downright incentive to immor ( i Y 1g �..
tsllty," he had said in his first interviex supported with his two shaking hands,
( Julian said doggedly: odorless. Look for the Triangle trade. t
with )Ir. Bryant; and the young man f ••Well, then, she bis Rot to know of it . mark. '
Etas anawere¢ him bitterly- some other ,way. But that doesn't mat . _ adds m Coaad�
- 'It is not immoral, it !a inhuman. Mrs. " - '-
Marnock was ver angry with me because Iter now. all tzar. kill to ie-she has gone � •
. 7 married without informing Der of ml and ft is going to kill e, Pleydell; that's •.
bly them map be some mistake. Tell "
ear ntioons rto do so. She dtoapproved of ThC FatE ROYALITE OIL is boat for All uses
h what It's going to do." .
Let's talk this so Mr. Bryant. t• __()JUL_CUMPANY, Limited
1y ages, surd, though t el never me — _ of a Traitor. .
met, she hated my w',fe. This is her way I everything.-
.of hitting at me for having-dared to be Juliaa sat back in the chair, and for an "SPY) Tra,,tor to his country. ' Tortola Qsdree Halifax Nestraal $t. Jt6a winnip" Valeo es .
independent." i tnataat he c,uld not speak. Sir^brows This Freneh "ec!dier"" sold his _ '
"Very curious.' Mr. Pleydell bad said.• were contracted with pain. In that brok• Cumratles for Gel-frau &liter, For a - - - '' =
"but Mrs, Marnock was a very unusual'; ed, adiotinct coke tan anis:
woman, most unusual." i "You know 1 have been working at a hundred francs he signalled a mes- .
"I would rather a thousand times obe wara¢r lately learning to drive a car. i sage tC the Germans vin them
had forgotten-'me," Julian Bryant eaid. ' Yesterday I got my first trial. I had to Se giving _
+t He had the agonising conviction pressing ¢rt into the country, and I didn't get the position Of the FT2n.h guns. -_- ,---__ -._- __ _-
M - on bis heart tzar she bad mLread that back till quite late. Enid wasn't there- i near Rheims. Of all the acts of
last appeal, and that she bad supposed I can't tell you what I telt like when I t "Your servant 8tephene Is waiting to GOOD ROADS NECESSARY. �,
r -'him not merely beaten by fate but self- ; realised that, I couldn't find my wife ,treachery none cou.d be blacker or come In." • -
eoafessedly unhappy in his married lite. ; anyw'bere. I roused the people n the fouler than this. He weighed the Julian Bryant made no answer, and the .
r r bouts, and they told me she bad gone aurae passed out. her place bein taken
The mere thought was so cruelly disloyal i away early in the afternoon, and that lives of his brother soldiers a a;nst Thi Real Reason Wh
to Said, be told himselt.'be would ratter' g akmaet imtaodiate.y by r trim�ookiag y the C@rmaIIe
she bad left a letter for me. Here it is." the coin of the o valet.
die than let tet ever know o! this atraoge my f hisoountry.
!p i The lawyer took the letter from h!s With half-closed eyes Bryant watched Invaded Belgium.
�_� �y trombllrt¢, outstretched land. Over such a grave no man'c�a'n shed this maa. ..He was arranging sotme clothes
e had sat a ionic ume talking matters; embli 4i. tuabretc £aid bad'written.
over with Mr. Pleydell is that first inter-' •I want you to forgive me, but i have ,a tear of regret, . on a chair. putting out some smart socks Although the general reason that
Brown tired of Iiia Il -- .. L. and bed-room alippers; then he came and prompted German to make its wa
say will weight
on you abO dot being - stood by the bed. i F Y y '
moat wretched condition. H.e attitude i life. so t
' , vress, and finally tad gone awe to • I asked the otter man. Thera is no one I always you like to be staved now, air?" into France through Belgian Cerci- ______
had b-en firmness itself. uIderd You I R ,.
What will is do when to gen home?" be ad'.,.1.
"I1 the money tad been eiz times what k, and that to take caro of him. The thing's gone an 'ays shave myself,",the man in bed tory i9 generally recognized the ne- :.
it Is." he said. "I should refuse it I lou atone must enottort its; well, I don't
ogres with you, and so I am totag w take I answered. ceasit of finding suitable roads for
ieyezthetew, !t was almost pitiful to up my share of the burden. 1 am going I dead out of hie hands.• You can see that. The valet made-no remark• ottly`obaery y B
Rote the way in which Bryant was drawn I W work for myself. To live on as we are can't son? IYzether thin to cites hent ed - the transportation of her immense
ie go back again and again to the office, flying cow, don't yon feel as I do, that ward, or whether they are scunic n col- "vera-well, air," and turned Away; but field guns. which have otil recent]
_1Rat to talk over the legacy. to discover the s+asetness and the beauty of every. I lus.on, the fact remains that the condi• at lie was y 6 y y -- '*
At by some means at least little of the o going Bryant called to him.
thing it last. 'I shall always love-7o. tions are fulfilled. This moa baton I rap, who are beeII diBC)osed, was a most compel-
`; taoae7 conal come to bum. but I must work, sad It you are wise you ga yon? What are you r
I hate m sett for even givim it a ; will not try to bring me back a sin, at to Bryant now dont here?" ling element in her decision.
7 g , y # I "I don't think we meet go 0o tar as that, "My name 1s Stephens. air. 1 was en-
r as igen a is s mpl awful to be mocked After her' signature there'ware(• few Tenderten," said Mr. 1Meydelt. "lir. Bry; ga ed b yogr lawyers." 1L moat be admitted, however,
tho t." be said to Mr Pleydell on one i least pot ant'!1 things are better or both t�
- occrr:out "but whenya manta down as tar I of ud." - i ant was most emphatic. You heard him now long have you been with me?" that the very gluallties of weight
by the know h yourself Possibly the illness may per Ooiag on for a mouth. air," Bald Ste- '-
ledge L at there >. so much I more words- mit ns to gave him • L'ttle lotrger time, phone. and power which snake the 11-inch
t - 'money waits lust out o! reach- "Don't fret about me. I can take qa> +' mortar such a formidable piece,
I bnL we mutt not act without atm'° "A month!"' repeated Bryant; then he
ns tong hart �' `ioudertea shrussed his si,oulders. seemed to wake no completely. He drag .
aptolon. but without any satisfactory to- Rood trews."' then,went tato the nest room and called Red 'himself into a sitting position. "I nevertheless Constitute 8 most serf
q salt. Oroteagne, lmmoriil, inhuman, calf f "She mum be found!"' sold Juliaa HrT a clerk, He seat'him for the nearest doe• don't remember anything," he said. and ous problem of transportation. In
+t . = -it what they mleht, the terms attached!ant: "she must be fotthd!" - tor, and when the medical man" arrived Stephens answered-
r to Italia legacy were binding. It be chase Mr. Pleydell folded up the letter and it was Mr. Teaderten who intery:ewod :'Iso• sir; _you haven't.seemed to acts" spite Of the still with which the de=
to remain with bis wife, Julian Bryant' not tt on the table. him. As fat as the doctor could anything, -I'm glad, air, you have.had r - '
' - would not inherit one Penn - "19 'a evident that your wife knows no sign has been worked out, W1L11 its
He stopped going to the �axyere atter thins," .he said, diagnose the case be pronounced it turn for the better. Would you like to
„ the firer ted going
but eve now and But Julian stook he lead. a form of influenza• accelerated by et up, sir: the doctor*, especially Sir large diameter pedrail wheels, the
i7 emotion and I t rRe and lack of 3weob. wish you, to be roused. He thinks
t then be wrote, and always the same an- "She'd never Wave left me." he said. food. He" prereribed conditions wh!eh it ,could do on weight of one of these mOrtarb is i,
y good to nit up for a while
•wars came back to him: and the time Then he etretchdd out both hie hands.to would have been practically impossible every day." such that it demands the very best
was growing shorter and shorter, The the lawyer. to the little place where Julian Bryant Bryant looked at him to a Curious ConditiOne Of roadw8 for its sue•
date on which be mart gyre his, decirion Pleydell," he said; "help me to find her, bad been living fashion: then he said- y
was drawing very close. I have Rot nobody else to whom I can so. i Mr, Tenderten very gladly took upon "Yes, I'll get up." ' Cessful, or, at least..' for its speedy
I,, ' , the loan er member of the firm of and It it costs money I'll work my finrore: himself all uze burden of arranging to Bat it was not an easy Ink: more than
Pleydell and Condone was a certain Mr. to the bone to give it back to you.- 1've coodact the tick man to a nursing home, once bs would have fallen if Stephens transportation. To handle these
Tenderten. He was of a di8!erenL calibre got my ebanra at !.tet: they've taken me I -Mr. Bryant to a Tory valuable client rt had not held him firmly: and when at pieces' successfully. whether In ad-
_ to Mr. Pleydell• who was an old-fashioned on as a regular dMver." ours," be said. "He has come.unexpected- last be wad silting in the chair by the .
man; one who was just -a little over- I wiJ do all I can," said Mr,.;Ple7deil. IT into a large fortune, and the whole window wrapped about in a allken dress• Vance or retreat, calls-for the high- .
weighted and it
by the new elo•I "It won't be diffic•t}t. 1 am sure we shall thing has been too much for rim,'• Inc gown. felt too weak to speak.
` moot which )ire. Marnock's will had have •one news of her before another dal est Class Of military roads, roads
>ir. Pleydoll told himaelt aloof from the . IIs was roused from another spell 0[
brought tato the firm. las ¢one. From what you have told me i.•arranRements which big partner made vain thought by Stephens asking rim a which as far as possible shall be
' lir Tenderteo professed a little sym• 1 yourself, your wife had no fraeuds. She i Lad the Younger man viae perfectly wall' quee.tion. i
-nathy for Julian Bryant. He was not a cannot, therefore, have been helped. by aware that hie action was no: by any "The car Is here, s!r, and the chauffeur free from heavy grades. Therein,•
married man himeett, so perhaps that I anybody else, and people do not disappear I means apuroved of by the other man. wants to know it you, have any orders?" no doubt, is to-be found One predis-
t. tram one reason why he thought !t war so easily._ you know, Mr. Bryant- ?low Tb)s. however,.did not tremble_Mr, lien- Bryant locked at bim. - sin Cause which led the Ger-
r. wont you prom'ec me to go hoale anJ sett en. He wad eaentiLll7 practical. "A car? A car?" g ' .,
r,diculous o! the other man to illaw sen-
timent to stand is his w%; but then Mr, take care of your.i.elf'r" ^lie vilTI be the first to thank me one of "Your own car, air, It comes overy day mans to cling so tenaciously to ';
%.. Tenderten did not really elieve that Ju• that moment int ep e o Rice aL these days." he said to himself atter he about this time. Sir Joseph .i. very aux- their plan of campaign through Bel-
lien Bryant would hold out to the last ingly •t i had s.rn Mr. Bryant comfortably housed ion that you should,.go out in the sir. p F g -'
- He was prepared to take.a bet on the sub•i bis partner, in a large, airy room with eTerythinr no- I have got a light overcoat waiting for glan territory. The magl}ifitent -
deet. He rather annoyed his colleague by lir. Bryant is ill," air. Pleydell at. I ceseary' for hie comfort surrounding him,., you, air; I took measurements from yoar
j lite asanrancc that so man diving world plained• 'He has a great*bock. I am -We will responsible for alt ezpense, other'cloibee•" highways. through Belgium and
ascrifice so much money for such a reason. oersuadins him to go home." be had ,said to the doctor. and be went "I don't want to go out." said Bryant. Northern France, stretching, , as
x -You'll. see, he'll find a way!'.he declar•{ What dort of shock?" asked Hr. Ten- back '.o the Cffice very well satisfied with. The •al,pt retired, and the, sick man sat y
l ed to his partner; but the dayb went by I denten. on thinking; but his thoughts troubled they do,. throw h con arativel
` and nothitiR ba Waned to Drove Mr. 'fen• For answer Mr. Pleydell picked np.Eaid's. the morning=r work. B comparatively
derten's convict on. - , ( letter and gave it to his parrnor. him. As Sbeobens came back he oat for level country, are ideal for the
Mr_ Tenderten read it through and then . :, CHAPTER V. ward trembling a ittle and sat ,trans Ortation of batteries of these
", On the morning of the day before that . . I want-1 want Mr. Pley3ell, Send F
tp on which Julian Bryant was bound to! put 't down with •alight smile. Jailan Bryant lay in the small• ez• 'and alk him' to come, he must come." heavy siege guns rspidly t0 the
P•, give his decision one way or the other, the tilreh. -Jeav^• rte vifty clear, any• Qu neat bed sad watched the sun• "191 ring through. sir, to the office."
+y young man appeared at the office of Pie how," he ea>d. "This fulflle the condi• fortifications Of the French capital.
} ' dell and Cottsens almost .before the door I tione required by the testator." light •.iter through t'no Lace curtains. 1'he. ]n a very little while Stephens viae bank P
The man in the chair opened his eyes, xtudaw viae open and tine blinds moved with the information that lir. Pleydell At the outset'of the war• the world
: were opened. to and fro with a pleasant rythmical was away, and would not be back In Lon• $.
' One of rte junior clerks informed rim and looked fiercely at, the speaker. lie sound. lie.moved a little on We pUlowa don for a fortnight or another,-three wondered how the Germans coulcj
i - that of had arrived, and that Mr. tt"I -wo ' to his feet with difficulty. and gave a sigh every now and then. It weeks• _ -
l' Ployde3l'wse not expected for near? an "I won't ;ouch the money," be said expect, a9 they evidently did, to ba
Y tbi�kll_�ase,anately. "Do you tear me? was so pleasant to ]ie still and Wako up ")ir. Tenderten Is st 7oar service, sir." within the City Of, 3?ti1i9 In a few
hoer. He asked Mr. Bryant to wait, hu; I won't touch the money! That's ml last' slowly' Pleasant, and yet there was that • "No," said Bryant "No; I don't want +
Julian refused. He acid he would walk I word. 1 had to give it to you sooner cr:sense of doing something v;at ought not' him to come and see me."
1 up and down outside. To sit in the dull l , to be done, that this spell of luxnrioue (To be continued.) weeks time. TherSnpwer is to be
later, and now you're got ic." ease would be faltowed by a need for ex - ¢ - . found in-their belief in the invinei- "
lawler;e office-vion•d have been absolutely Just for an instant be looked into Mr.
i.: impossible Pieydell's eyes. tra baste and industry. bility of the huge armies Which they
Mr. Tenderten, alighting from a taxi, ••I trust you," he said. -You are going He had been dreaming so busily and he
saw him in the distance, and was quickly flus ter: you swear it," had worked so hard in hie dreame that were prepared to pour through Bel-
enliRhtened by the mesa's look that eoa►e he frit he might permit himself jut a -it 'Not Unusual Cagt. um, and in the ability of this 11-
thing had developed. "Your wife shall be found, Mr. Bryan:. K y
the elder lawyer answered his quietly, rex tninntee mode.
Incise he was given the information by Julian Bryant closed'hie eyes and stood He bad been driving for miles eo it ,a inch mortes to CUt a wide swath
hie clerk that Mr. Bryant bad been wait• swaying uncertainly on his feet for a seemed to him: driving through the duet Oi hear that Casey. is h8vin
Inc nearly an lora. moment, then ho moved like a drunken and the summer heat and rtes through f�hrouble wid his'better ha'lf." through the engirdl.ing fortifies- - a
Wouldn't come in, air; seems upset the cool. ,plashing rain. He bad got tions , ..Pal;is. 'The Germans ill _
about something. He in waiting for Mr. man to the door. lis; she wants to be the whole +
Fievde,l. along fleet rate, doing tar better iu Fact _
Don't come with me," he said . Ten- than be bad expected to. thing," our belief, never contemplated for
'' --All right," said SFr. Tenderten. d But ^I can Ret alcaR alone." - I _ - _ m8
He felt gnrte excited, and only regretted But as he spoke he caught at the door' That vise s brilliant idea of Derryman's, Complete investment of
a moment, a
that he bad not forced leis pariaer to take and hie ales closed again, and then mud• the suggestion -of learning to driye a _ . Paris such 83 they made'ie 18.0 to
ov the bet be had offered. denly he let go his hold, Swayed to a•nd car. The wort was so interesting, but it _�
' DSc. Pleydell walked sedately to his of fro helplessly' for au• instant, and flan was very dirty:' Still dreaming Julian 1871. These 114n.ch mor-bars have
slipped rather than tell to the boor. lifted his hands to the bed and looked at tt::r • =;'ch an investment unneces-
five, and lust as he reached the entrance Mr, rat Pleydell- was quite agitated. ' Item. How bad they managed to get Barber (sbaving Customer) - Do
h wan accosted by a wild-lookin ,man, "We must send for a doctor," he said. so clean? The grease and the dirt had' -Ileal the French-British -
w�os at first be hardly recognize poor fellow! I knew ze viae.not.fit to teemed'to stain them beyond all redemp• ,you knout that W}len 'tire edge of a
):ou-nave broken your word to me," _- i tot a envelo in tactics
ia.ld Bryant. broken
z r a u -out:.- LIli)11 s razor is etiam1II�llDaer a micros ' ' "`` F g
thing,' He knelt down rd tried to lift Julian, bands: curious tow the mind drifted been less successful, it is'probable
i' Instantly the lawyer grasped that be but Mr. Tenderten advised him to leave back and bank; be could see things quite cope it has teeth like those of a P
had to deal with a man who was hardly the man where he was; clearly in the days viten he zed been . a s&w 7 Tortured Viet don L that t.tle German army would have a
sane. We meet get aim home,"said Sir. Ple little boy. It he shut hie eyed quite close• been in' Paris at the resent time.
Aden. y Iv be was actually living in that time. need a microscope to know that. p
_ Ho turned once. again on bid pillows.
l Scientific Americ,
�,gyp�, - The bed was certain y very enticing; but -_- _ -
°LsY� it=net be more than time to et up. Then agTHE POWER `
:, . >::`
>',t' y�, FREE
PI all at once he remembered teat he had OS•> L.� rranged to take a day off, a very sensible HOUSE SPECIALa'
r ali.:'f a
�.. : thing to dot he really was awfully tired. -
••�•'•' �` nes 1 las of him; but n a
S•,, 1 O G I �LS It was abomi .b.y ,y i .. , horizontal Model Steam Engine
I •
w _ .f w minutes be would be melee again. - 8 '
a "I w, - k 1st f11 o: be must not s eep agairt, be mus get Runs like -sixty, epurtin etetim
Beautiful, French Dressed boll up' He opened his eyed quite widely, The and making as much tune as
`room was ebanged. It vies larger, nisch though it were running the
prettier; there were flowers on the table, electric light plant in your
]6 inches tall, Cully jointed, eyes oven and abut, He looked,about him-with his brows con- town. Has braes lacquered
"' wmDletely dressed in satin with' 'lace and- ribbon t=acted in a--puzaled.,irown, and at that boiler, with safety valve, blued
trimming. Beautfutily trimmed hat and real shoes moment the door opened and a nurie'came steel firebox, with, spirit burn- - i
;end eine lags. era, and blued ateeI chimney.
• Send us your name and address, and we will in"It is time for you: medicine, Dir. Bi y tall running parts of beet"
. e U send you 30 sets of Xmas Greeting Postcard,,, to ant." she said. quality metal, t
r ` Julian lifted'himself on his 'elbow and . Send us your nano and tive
sell at 10 cents a set (six beaut'ituI cards 'in each lid 7
I? net.) When sold send us tho money,• and we will looked at,ber. will send you 40 Coin of Am,w u
` . "Medicine," he said. "I want my break• Greeting Cards to sell at 10 '
"..send you the doll, all chargee prepaid. It you pro. I .
ed feet." ctats a eet. Sia beautiful carat
ter we Rvt19 10To•Sou a roll locket and 'ehaln o
or a rolled gold, engraved bracelet instead of the The nuri,e laughed. in each set. When erid tend ce y
"You have had your breakfast a longi she money and we trill 'eep4' b
y i , f 1 doll. time a o." s - cou the engine. all ct,a:aes pre , Q
__ .._ ..----- _-- .. _ -"I'm quite-in-ti atnddFer' trite Dung ima.n. _- -- _. _
• •, Home! .-Warrren Cos said weakly, and he sank back on tha
, v • ' pillows again. He swallowed the meds• -
:. DEPT. S2, TORONTO. cine. sad the nurse moved away in her Hom r=Warren°Cu., ®opt. ,, Tor'�riito
soft Jasbion. At the door she paused- i
. ''
•ml. - .
, --.'Y" •„S.p�' ' ri)tr t r ." : i ' '. . ' --
. „�.a a a .s j' s ?'iA'
r..._.. - ... ,. .�. .... . .'. -' - �:T d '^dr.Sa:1,reLPs-- - •.+'�. ..J'T .y:�. -.9rY
_.N'..yr•. • - .. :,..e ,, .'" •:/5... itis T-� .1 , � •�.
Jk,. _ - .. a ..v.•n ;rya e:v v n.": -.d•"• .. _. _ - 7[�.,M'S'
a . - --- combatant. General d'Amadesa
bearingis fit for all occasions.
i It isthe. bearing of a first-rate +
fencer. It has the alacrhv and
s ;s
finich proper to an exponentof that.
+ 1 politest of the arts. General d'A-
_ _ e'i _ made has done a great deal for the
•r, c+,—It—of fLhe foal and epee in Eng The Standard We O1
land. He has offered prizes at Lon- •r
I = don clubs, and shown how useful Canada Has m a n
I Z.z `(� ct,mpetit',ton•s a'nd displays may be i O�� ��t nQ
•• '' + � , � •,I in spreading the vogue of his favor-
nY1� a equal
• ` �+ A ,�..
Nitaoi i, ite exercise. /4t EMS AND
More than would be the case with VLLi!'!R !'!R
y✓((' `� �Ii i — maet..Eriglishn3en, he-is able to keep-- — �i�'}#1G�� ' 'S'
the martial character intact under 1 `It
% 4(/,� a pile of eoci•al attainments, A man
- U I of ahou,t fifty; with grey moustache 100 Q/PURE
, ,
_ and gray-blue eyes. A brilliant IV
-'horse.man sial of established velar, ;<
--•— 11� �� 1 ,o I �Y
j �.r►��M����+s� ed over with aweight-on it W keep
r ' contents under brine. Add more
' - water later as needed. When ready
to use slice cucumbers lengthwiat
OM for the table and boil' kraut .a-
- _ usual.
- You can make
Bread. large cup mashed
potato, two tablespoons lard, one �aL
�e�1ClUU$ Candies wEth==
Selected Recipes. half cup sugar. Beat all into mash
Ya pancakes ed potato while hot. Add th"pec
- u P nc
ncakes. De icio s a ew. ter abd s r r
! F may be made by adding to any,god c 1
_ u u k arm -water
t sl
R v . . .. - noake flour c ne beaton through medium fine strainer, Ada
Send for the little milk. This en above mixture one pint flour. r,
riches the 'batter and noticeably im warmed; an beat till well mixed .
War 9 tirgome brands Sbnds of flour will require
`: �„ I' proves it. '
more than the pint to thicken. Add
;Free Recipe Book Delicious Crown Fudge, Taffy, Butter= A Variation Iii Scrambled Eggs.- ;.
Scotch and Caramels! ' Beat. the eggs, season.with salt and one veast cake dissolved in one-hal
_. -The best syrup for candy-makmgl. pepper, and add them to melted cup warm water. Stir all together
Economical, too! i butter in chafing dish. When nearly for several minut, or until, thor
' 6
And nothing equals, Crown Brand , ' scrambled, .a+dd bread out into dice oughl•r mixed. Set in warm place ,a
" _ to rise and stir at inte-rcals,� as it
Corn Syrup with griddle cakes or.,hot and browned: make§ a li hien son e. At bed ,
Duck Stuffing (Peanut) -Three- g P g
Made in Canada Sold by Al}Grocers General D'-luiade. cjuarters of cracker crumbs; one tune or early nein morning warm
- halt of a cupful of shelled peanuts, two and ,one-half quarts of flour
t� -The Can�Anm-a Starch Co. Ltd. he is the best type of tape able and finely chopped, one-half of a cupful (or more if not egou leh.to stiffen
Manufacturers of�the Famous acv"'e I p
two tables oonfuls properly)# add one tablespoon of
r the honor of France in the.present of butter, a few drops d onto
E d w a r d s b u r g Brands encounter. His allies can find no juice, salt and Cayenne pepper. flour n n di stiff dough
flo u til. me um d gh i9
Montreal Cardinal Toronto-' atter description than•that he is an �Mix the itagredients in the order formed. Knead and pound well and
Brantford, Fort William Vancouver officer and a gentleman. given. set aKac to aise.'�i'hen li�tit.
b Relish. each a e l
Ripe Cucumber c . - Twelve' into ett,"r b Knead rosy w :
- - - - ,ripe cucumbers, four large anions, for better bread, Warmingthe dour .`
- 1;E'i£RAI. D':r►11AllF. gets on the nrorves, and I long.with ST 'VITUS n jNflour green-peppers, two red' pep i e e t brec'
P s part of the secret of his ati s
-- longing s peri,--'Put through coarse-kai-ff-- en
'Was With the British .Troops in two or most e secluded
ert si:uat ons-i area _ meat grinder. .Add half cup salt. _ _
the liner War: - - -one-halfHou cltold Hut�.
one_cup 'sugar, one and to t
hansom in London.' `Another Severe Case cured cups vinegar, 'Can cold. This is Bt. dipping 'a broom in boiling
'1'o the average reader Sir JY,hn - t !delicious: retains its crispness and
._ 1 rencth description of the manner In South Africa he made fri�en-ds l Through the Use of Dr. suds once a week it`can bi presery r'
is exceedingl,v pretty. too.
` 'n which Geeneral d'Amade's,eavalry� with ses:eral of the Eng generals k Williams' Pink Pills Oahneatl, 11ush 1171th .Apples. - 'ed for longer ase. �t
tad relieved the-pressure on the now fighting in Fran in all I Core the apples, leaving large car- One card of sheeting will. makes
•-EngliRh troops alit a'-critical . ma- semsea• even to the.point of being St,- Vittis dance is a .common 1 ities; pare and cook until• soft in ,pair of pillow cases.. and will cost
meat meant. no more than that -a able to amuse and be amused by .form of nervous trouble, which of soup-made by boiling sugar and much less than pillow tubing:
I renoh commander had done his ltIg escort,. he proved an exemplary frets not only• oun ebildFetr;-but If a few drops o€ paraffin $re etp- ,
duty v=sli mma and had
But t.� Attache,-arid when he .did - was ? g- water together, allowing-one cupful li;d to a cut it wall give in.s+tarn
mea and wamien ao well.. Th' only of sugar to 'one and orf.?-half rap• •p '
:.=mugs military readers the' name aaoiie .he had- a w'ar of impv-"sin% `tare lies in. lest of ore b?nod, eli-f and also assist it to heal.
gas alrnily interesting`and fairiil _ - "niCinur serttrti w�tb-l'�` _'� - pp _ __ .fuls..nf..water_ .Fill the cavities wit.a r
because DoT _is the IiCe fuc'd l oatmeal mush: serve- with agar $viled'ches:tntits served on }e�ucn f;
lar. General d'Amade has already cd intention's. At% attache, let it f the nerves. Dr: 1i'iliiama Pink I testizs. with French dressing' maks ?>
" been in touch
with the' T:n-lish be knaRn. runs'a risk of being of
cure-the.must severe cases ,f j 9s d. and re The
� Berri es, sliced a delicious and seasonwble.asiad t
iarmy: .on active:.service. He we•rit treated cis m.
a spy if he shows"#Lhe�St. Vitus daace,- because then ac- i Apiece hag made of� tnusgLiito
thronQh the South African' War as least 'dittposition to . nercoteeness, tunliy make the rich, real blu{xl them , bananas or sliced peach?s are ex- netting enables one by a look to
French. military attache, and When he goes forth to observe the cellent when served' with .any: S
feeds and restores the star~ing. ' find the psrtirular pull �f grinds de
:,-although. h4 cava she'• Boer bu!• c{,untry, he must never avoid .the . breakfast cereal,
ped tha.ttered nerves. This has . cen sired.
lets, be Pell a victim to a common eke of patrols or het }iimself.'be pruned in hundreds of cases. ' 't4tirka•u :and,Oa'ytt'r soup. - Cut Spirits Eif turpentine will _remove
..enemy-'typho d aiie.cged Eur. long.in the landscape;_ up and prepare a medium-sized
is is_•not safe for an alLiPn pa,�,king annus them tkat of Mrs. John Dun- most spots from,silk:"but care must
-It is doubtful whether it is easier I can, London, Ont., w hu say-s: I f''wl as . fur fricasseeing. over be taken to be sure that the dye to
to wage war or to. watch i;. Thr gentleman of military b?srimg to ''About a year 'ago I found myself with water, and cook sluwly. re- East.
'attache's business is a difficeult 6ne. ePPPar too suddenly pedal the car homing very nervuus. At the out- wing. thy.scum.as it ri'ses.- When Vairni-shed papier cin vwis"sho�d ^it
nen. But by confident and easy the-chicken is tender, take it up
He is always under escort "1ti'hcr set I did not pay much attention to: be cleaned with a Hansel dipped in
boarinq, and even by timely and strain and. return the broth to the weak tea'and polished with a dri
ever 1 walk and a•h?rever I o,". it as I thought the trouble would h
g noisy 'hiowirig of the nose. �fl ap=I g kettle:.�If there is nut.a�t quart of it .- A : . _
wrote Sir Ian Hamilton,.who're he pr, -t,he, danger-zone (h.,th ,Paas away. In this I was disap- o crotid,
tray attached to the Japanese staff General d'Amasde and air Ian Ham- Pointed, .,fur I soon found. m}self ackl hulling tester. Add one quart-,
Tu'staa:rpeb a knife, tela a piece aI
•in. Manchuria, '.'I ant unceas?ng:y a Ilton'-have anecdotes to the paint),1 rap-oily growing- worse,:. My right!:,f ul;steps }with their jric'�, and 'the !emery raper'in the centre shed draw
target for curious eyes. There is no + _ arm and 1eg- began to jerk arid'same Sx� unt of scaldang milk. Sea the knife rapidly back and forth
help far it, I know, nt in pour,"- . 84.thio-ugh-a hate a . e time, everi'�ne fin-to-ssie Wit;.=siiTi-and P 3
bF time this sense of being watched paign .without being taken .Eur; a ,- sever-at l pie e--.
ass iii bed, and I found great di�i pepper; also a lithe mace and nu. i A,small piece of glass plac,,do�•er £�
culty in walking or doing any monk.' meq if irked. Thicken vn hh one tea- I a a.,okery bcolC-lichen lying open on
C flour'and butter ru e ` ticble-keeps it open and enables
speech, 'a •it was, with"difnculty I ther aild just before it is sere'
the.coulc to read the'.-recipe without
011 OIL Finsliy" the trouble affect m�•
spoonful u half of'a tea cupful ?,f
_ � m se I"was e for�he fro�f it one- handling the book with sticky fin-
ad' a stir
coup g' hot cream' 'into the sou This
ble, but eras diol bein helped, and . gens, . .- - _• .
} g p makes three darts of sou �+
finally, the doctor wanted me to,-go Batata 11tthshy Estuff6d potatoes)• ' When a k�ttte , furred' isizle ,
Peel a.doyen medium-sized ota- fill it with water, all's goad-sized
• ,� to the hospital for trest.ni,2nt. This , — t n
P p lump of borax, and let it boil well
I did not-care M do, and, it'was at tQes, hollow them out through a P y
,�► Then our'aura• the. berax•and•wa- :
this statge that I decided to try Dr, small hole with• a sharp knife untilI1PE�IAI. QUAUTYWilliams' Pink Pills. - By the.time ter, and rinse thoroughly with clear
I had used four boxes I felt much the shell is about as thin as an cold Rater.
1 orange.peel, and fry theatt well with - Sweet spirits of nitre will remove
better, and-in .a short time.longer I butter. Mince into.very small pieces p
was. quite .'well and strop 'My ink-s ots from wood. Rub the spots
THE IMPERIAL OIL g a sufficient quantity of lean, tended• e
"COMPANY-. LIMITED. -- ueighbors , look upon my cure-as, Ri, t'he nitre; :ishan 'the wood
mutton, add a proportionate quan f.tuins white, wipe it off with a soft
quite wonderful, and indeed•I think t.ity of pine seeds. season"tire mix P
a Canadian-corporation with' - ' it is, and shall always be grateful cotton rag. It may be necessary to
tore with salt and pepper, and fry ;
over three thousand employ for what Dr. tV'.illiams' Pink Pills make a second'a'pplica'tion." -
did for me." it thoroughly. Stuff. the potatoes j When, you have finished with the
/ res, is manufaC rtn and with the'friend meat and set them '
g These Pills are sold by all. meld- kitchen fire for cooking purposes
side by side, with the hole upward.
distributing refine oils, gas cine dealers or can be had by mail take some fine coal'dtist, put it in
in a saucepan.. Put some tomatoes, i
olines and lubricating oils _
at 50"cents a' box or six boxes for a strong brown, paper'bag, damp,it,
•,,2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams wild put_if.,on the,top of th?; fire
Brockville, Ont. ...... of water i.r a light for t'The Tattier will burn slotvlc for
c nada Medicine Co., i
With its two large refineries _. g hours.
" �— 1' hour. The a reds 'can
--a. Sarnia, Ont., and Van- ;- . : -- generally be procured natsany Syri-
couver, B.C.—and its five" t eden-
Inan grocery store.- If,they are unob- CAILDIiOOD CO PATIO. '
hundred and twenty-nine tilt,is a'dealerofn speaking,
�h used y either w be
taina'ble, the meat may
branches throughout the Do- The only use some men seem to n alone,!or in combination- t Baiby's OR's Tablets are an
�► have for.heads is to butt in. some other ingredient. lute cure for childhood conatipa
minion, it offers to the Cana Sauer Hraut and Cucumber;tion. . They never fail o regulatE
Gums od thought never were-nor I
lien public the facilities for will be a drug on the market. Pickles.-Cut cabbage fine, using- the bowels and -sweeten" ;tris sto-
securing.the best grades of 'Neve'r despise little things. 'The• kraut cutter. For every gallon use I mach, and unlike castor oil,.thea
biggest man that ever lived was a iounded, table�sipoon of sa1.t and action is mild and they' sire plea
Ca'nad'ian-Made petroleum r once 'an infant.' one-half teaspoon caraway seeds. sant to take. Concerning 'diem
'. -products at the lowest prices. Once in about 7,000 years a'mari Mix well. Wash 'medium' size -,cu Mrs. G. Morgan, Huntsville, O'nt
manages to hit the mark when he cumbers. On the bottom of an says,: "My baby was greatiy..trou'.
shoots off his mouth.- • earthenwax 'jar pput a few dill (,lad With co**atipgt-;� n'a*rd r�,lir.hajE
ADE IN CANADA Real faith is -heeded before a man- stems (seeds will9do), -then put in i I began giving her Baby's Oivn'I`ab� ,
- • - can buy a Bottle of hair restorer of alt'erna�te layers of cucumber's� lets. The Tablets are surely• the
ed druggist. pri le -with the pre- best remedy I 'know of fbr libtl+
Ott - - �'�tho-mas-good doesn't pard cwbbage. About three times ones quickly banished sal x'.
a bald-head
'- The man r
wait for opportunity to'knock. He the thickness of cabbage whe-n signs of constipation and colic k
has..the door wi& open. pressed•-down with the palms of would use no other medicine fo
by ,' T Tablets
aarao occasionally a-ttaa3ri has_-a-
your hands as of cucumbers. Con- m he T are sold b
sof time-until par is full, -using cab mime-dealers. by: rhat%l.at 4
spot in his heart, but more often in base as last layer. aver all put a• cents a box from The Dr, Williatni
tom►; _ - Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.,
his head. white cloth and,a white plate tarn-
,��. .. .. 1... •' .. ..: .,.: ' .r Y .'^L�•, h r'K" •ex' Y .H','. n`Sjy`S-k
• -"<, •liar ,w.r '«+,u.•',�, :•:r.•.. .,,:'. .':!�,.,.. ..,a.� ,rA+r'.:: '^:,:,�' .;�F^a•.n•r:,a'+-- -•'s- gyp. 1r x4. c..: mr.*',1 r„, ;..y �-ti.,- �. ff,�, .0
4Y ,.. a^q.. �.tys'i's'ga�L:.}w�' .?'y.c,'ya.,���>;m�,,....'e��' "2.F-'ut' my".`,.„q��4,�'y l e''s ',�"^�.' .,d:••+'c, 5,�'-' '7i'�:�..," x� .;.P: "�[=[�'t ..i "L'>.t` 4. .'�L?'
i ra
'° US time that it is not "contemptible" boundaries on this, principle is
�� _,o at.b.a...�prla rmos.ias••1r.oae., and the time is rapidly approach- doomed to failure. Germany con- `� �.
g y -�GRO CE RIE S
.mss.oati. ing, when it can -no longer be tains a people of rest industry
termed "little." A few om nabs and remarkable intellectual power
kti�ti-25 Pec year; 11.00 if Paid in advanos ago there was`only about 70,000 but-they have been dominated by
You know our Standard in Groceries-nothing but the beat is ever>-
snbscriptionet slabs,i1 ao roan under arms and now there a military caste, who are bringing thing. s With our large turnout each month, we are daily
1,250.000 men under trainin receiving fresh goods, which insures your order being
in advan" g-and the nation: to rain, instead of ...tilled with the freshest Groceries attainable
who will be on the firing line by allowing them to take that exalted anywhere. Phone or send your order.
— 'JOHN MURKAR, Proprietor, spring,and steps have been taken position among theilatious of the We willdeliver aIle goods. - - —
NOTIM AND COMMaNTi to bring the British army up to world; to wkUch would .otherwise
the two million mark, not of boys "be entitled. _ - - ,•
No person would imagine four- 8nd untrained men, such as are O ' 1 S T E R S'
teen years ago that the Boers of now being found in the Gerknan - GREEN RIVSR ` -
''•South Africa would now be fight army, when- Britain's present Mrs. E. Nighswsnder is getting quite Fresh Oysters now on hand. We will have fresh Oysters constantly*
fans have been completed she will well again. tin hand duringthe comity season. We
ing with their whole heart ill de- P p -Edward Nilson has .returned from
fence of British rule. It is true
Y P hunting, biinging along a nice dear,,
an arm that will. rove the - 8blicit your orders.' --
have •
i..that a small number, of Boers equal of any European force. It Oh no, a deer. -
has beep.a characteristic of. Brit Say boys, you wont have to waste "
who have come under the influence much time-geWng your turnips in or J -
of German iatrigtiers are disloyal ish wars that England's strength_ they will freeze. <;F j ,S Hl —jri I S
to the ' British crown; hilt the has always increased as the war Our ladies have collected about$180 _ -
as well as many useful things•for the Fish is the rhea
advanced.. With German the re- pest food on the market. During the cold weather
-great mass of Boers have found y Belgians. The lady workers have we will have a complete line of Fresh Frozen Fish.
mut by 01perience that they have verse is the case. , Her greatest agreed to make 12 quilts. Smoked Haddies and 9iscoee now in. .
'.nothingto gain and much to lose, strength wag-at the beginning
8 -Salt-and pickled fish,on-the way.
by severing.their connection with and it is gradually, wAning until
the British Empire. German rule she will be completely crushed. GLORIOUS HAIR
Girls and women of all awes want to JAMES RI CHARDSO/r
.in Alsace and Lorraine,which were be beautiful and attractive, but un-
:'taken from France in 1870, forms A man who is devoid of honor sightly thin and Iifeless'hair destroys - ' ""Buy your Groceries at the Grocer's"
half the beauty of s pretty face.
'a,striking contrast to British rule must- eventually meet with a If your hair is losing its natural
in,South-Afrioa -AitliOiigh iE is -dowufalf. '-If-&-- mal ocegpies ' a color, is falling out,dull streaky, full
high possession 1n soviet of dandruff,too dry or If' the acal
nearly half a cantor since the PO y °C m p PEEL'S: -rSHOE '•'_ SWORE
it and burns do not "be'alarmed.
Franco-Prttasian war, 'the inhab- the councils of the nation,' he use Parisian Sage. Rub it well into
itants of those two Freneb pro- must step down at once, if he the scalp. It will go right to the Td7 T m D ,
vinces have so far shows himself to be a man with- hair conte. nourish them, and atim- er H 1 T. i7 •,•
yielded very ulate the hair to grow tong and beau-
little to German influence. The out honor... Many a man with a tiful. it removes.dsndruS with one The Lateat,in FaII Footwear far men women and children.
"mailed flat" is not the proper splendid reputation and possessing applioa+tlon: stops itching scalp and Men's and Boys work boots a s >dity,
falling hair and makes the head feel -.,Our Bo
method of winning over the hearts great ability has been compelled fine, Boots ye and Girls school shorn are of the beat quality.
Of a conquered people. In only to sink into obscurity and in dis- Parisian Sage supplies the hair with and Shoes sold wholesale and retail. .
fourteen years the Beers of South Bruce because he had committed thick acid gloriously radiant. -It is
what is needed to make it soft, -fluffy, 'Bell. Phone 151..
Africa have been thoroughly con- an act that had a taint of dishon- sold in fifty cent bottles by T. M. Mc- — -
or in connection x ith it. No more
Fadden and at all drug counters, Look - -JOHN P E E-L, _
vinced that pure justice is meted for the trade mark-°•The Girt with
out by British rulers. Gen. Botha can a nation expect to retaina :he Auburn Hair. At no other. t$ROCK ST. WHITBY. , --
who made such a determined flitht high position if her acts do not
against the British in the Boer reach the standard set down b3' --
war, and who is now premier of the civili4ed•nations of the; world.
the British_ South. ., African pos- When rermany tore up that)!yerap
aesione declared that the Boers of paper; in'which she sacredlytis73
w would ten times rattier be under promised to observe strict neutea- _
6,_.Wfish rule than under .German, lityof Belgium, _she lost the re-
W. - There is not a British possession sPOct of all the othgr nations of .n,+
ARD . . .
in the whale world that has the the world. During this war she
TAM- -' =
desire to sever British connection. has violated every principle held
]HeroiAm fR ancred by other nations. The de.
A quality we look vastatiTl, - - -- -- r-Lr- -
g-af Belgiuist;
the bar-
upon as being ver rare. Ii is true CUstolnCrs s> parts
y barons acts committed on helplessinvanous
that heroic deeds are not of every and innocent people, the destrue- .. M� of Canada of dstwhere wiII +
day occurrence,- at least in the =113ALE REGISTER. OF C A -
tion of cathedrals and nailer pro-
-ordinary find the services of this balk of
ordinary arfairs of lite. _ But men perty for which there' is not the jinvalua(le ass6bme in collect-
and i
t and women who seas the spirit SATURDAY.c Nov,21st-Auction Bale of D C)FpQjL.�
POs P shadow- of a n excuse,e n have'They
l tat Geo. W Y ..• ::TORON?10 i s
horses, cattle, t fowl and ba at GtC.
of heroiern are far more numerous tended to Weaken the nation. The lot 11. con. 4, c eriag, the proper- as
y Bate at one. See
than we thiGJr. With the'major- declare that they will hesitate at bills. W. B. Powell.auctioneer.
t„ its of people the opportunity to nothing, no mutter how criminal TLEsDAY. Nor. 24TH-Auction sale of PI R11'r G BRANCH,
show that quality map not come or,:, disreput�lble it may be', milch cows, yearlings, 11- ear-olds R W. GORDON, 1Ylanavw. 8ease6 also
K.__ diuing-their-wholeIgo-time. $u long as it will advatice the inter• and q&Ives. at lots. con, Picker-
when the o ctuoit does coma; tag• (Kingston road, ii miles east of
opportunity eslig of Germany. War •is _war, Ptekering Village), the property of
the quality is very often exhibited :they declare, which they seem tn w P. Orv_is. No reserve, -Sale at
1 o'clock. See bills. W. B. Powell,
In those we least expert. Ia many think gives them liceuee to com- auctioneer.
takes a l erson'a ..whole life has alit the moat horrible atrocities. -THURB,DA.r.Nov. 88th-duction ' sale ROYAL--
been full of heroic deeds,although Necessity, the sa know a of about ten acres of standingtim- U RPLE
they were unknown to the world. This is sprincipley�that leads her(beech' maple and hemlck) at
toe tp, con, 4, Pickering. Brock .Now is the time to have that well known stock and poultry.
A person may be fighting against crimes innumerable, and the na- the, property of Miss Etla `
evil desires, or against poverty, tion that endeavors to extend its Robson. Sale at one. See bills, tonic on hand, the change from grans and freedom to
'- and in doing so ma W. B. Powell,auctioneer. • .-dry feed and stabled, is such as to cause many disorders
way'require.un SATURDAY Nov. 26th- Auction
usual courage and determination. _- sale of horses, cattle and sheen at in horses and cattle, and Royal purple is just the. remedy `
Itis-in the battle-field where.the lot 18, con.3.Pick eriog(Brock Road) .to keep
THIS, �O � the property of Timotb p them in a thriving condition. MoaltinRand the
the quality o!heroism-meets..with y Reddin--the severest tests. The histo o€ No reserve. Bale at one. see bills. -cold weather coming suddenly has caused nearly all hensryW, B. Powell, auctioneer, to cease laying, a little care and mash feed to which
the present war will abound with �'� ' - ' ' _
- ceroids ofth��s trerota deed,?.- - � � - Now ddvertssemeaq Royal Purple poultry specific is added given regularly for
g y
One cannot read the accounts of "s short tttne'will"start them going and-the profit will 'be
the various battles without being Qil1VC�� ridded TOL Fr r�OR SALE,,.10 young pigs, six
-�.. struck with the noble examples ofam'i �/e� r weeks nada•apppyl�y a lot es,con.1, Plops;• gratifying.' Try it. _
ing. JOHN HBwi'fT,Dnnb.rton, f-e
_.. daring and heroism, and man,y..of - .__ — - - •.''
these Performed by persons whom tCompau><nd• �'OR SALE-A good light wagon, we Ileus a supply of good onions at $1.25 per bag
and4leo a large wiwimitl•-both in good
we thought 'unequal to the test. Baltimore, Md,—"I am more than repair. JAMES-OREENLAW,Pickering, 5•8
-When it comes to-writing"of'the hat Lydia ,E. Pinkhsm's 'ANTED TO RENT-Farm of � g ► are
e freshest.
g Our groceriesth
lad to-.leu w
"�Vegetable Com• twenty See to:fifty .scree within thirty
Wal'of Nations, all previous his- pound did for,me. of torts miles of Toronto:sandv losm soil pts
tory will have nothing fo compare I ea$ered dreadful t° 'apply e°:A'Ns"'oat°e• 9Q EORCAE P 1- i L I P
with it in this respect. Those peo pains and was very A1TLE >�'OR SALE-Five yearling
irregular. I breams C Holstein heifers, all of .good milking
Ole who declared that the British strain, Apppi at lot w, non s, Pickering, or
rr Lydiasent for add.-ass WM.ELLi00TT.stock Road P.O, 6-9
soldier of to-day was inferior to s OR BALE-One +z•sri.i
that of a century ago. oreven half C Vegetable.Com- F parlor -cook and
g one Queen heater, both is nod'repaiY,
a century ago, will have realized pound. I took it reg. Having Installed a furnace there is no fnrthet
_ ' cilarl until. I. was use for same. Apply at the Methodist parson.
their mistaLe, or thoae•who claim- y' age,Claremont, s.tf
s. without a cramp or
-ed that the French• people were"in C STOVE FOR BALE-The, Well-
-in -
o u
pan and felt 111fs known "Famous" heater, almost new.
-a decadent state will be compel- another person, and Having installed a turnaos the owner has no — - ~
�. led to acknowledge their error. it has now been six months since I tools further use for same. Ma be resat-.t w M
any medicine at a11. I hhpe my little Patmer:etoresIIOH GREGG jr'Olaremont ilt ant, what you -want, when you -
�` When the German Ern roc 'note.willasaistyoaiahelpingotlterwo- wTRAYED-From lot 14. on. 4 want 1� and Y
Pe men.. I now feel perfectly well and in Pickering,a red heifer with some white
started Out in his tool'of conquest the best of health."—Mrs..AUGUST, :pots or right side, 9 years old. Tip of right
ear is cut ofk'sed a.elitoa•ieft•eir.• LONARD -
one of his first objects A'as to aa- W KoNDNw6.1682 Hollins Street, Bal- NEALE.R.R,No. 1, Whitby. Ind, hone � -
timo .Md. Pick.r.o9. �
nihilstte that contemptible- little -
British army." This was 'to oc- Lydia E. Pinllham's Vegetable Com- OR BALE-House and two lots'in
F the ciHave of had
6 room hove .�a, .week afterwards.
" copy only a few days; after which pound. made from native roots and ,it, and woodshed sttaahed splendid IarRe *�• T
they were to turn their attention herbs,•contains no narcotic or harmful barn cost ssoo,00, good garden and fruit tree:; -QUALITY
_ drugs, and to-da holds the record of residence of P MAONAB or' •will sell at •
bargain for.quick-We 4tf
to the French • and within six being the most successful remedy for -- and PROMPTNESS combined
' weeks were to be in possession of female ills we know Df, and thousands �rHE WAR I)OES-NOT AFFECT •
�. Of oOluntary testimonials on file in the THE NIIRSElingmo INE89—In spite of with RIGHT PRICES haves _
Faris. Bila the best laid plans the war,we are selling more .)r ant stock than
�� Ptnkham laboratory at Lynn, ,Maw.i evethbetore. we have room for another agent
of mice and men gang of t agley. seem to rove this fact int is county however and application should
E p be sent in at once, A good man should earn made- us. . n1&I] d acid
It is now nearly four months since For thirty years it has been the stand- els.to$30, per week right through the winter, »
Xo delivering or collecting. Outatfrea THOS,
those operations began, and the 4t'd remedy for female.ills, and has re- .W, BO�yMAN dt aGN o0.-LTD, Ridgeville- irleIIdB
° stored the health of women Ont. 7 s
Hermans are nob likely to get auy
who have been troubled with such sit- TIME Td BLPiokerin 3 _ -
nearer.to Paris than they are ments'as displacements, istfiammati g `uows � a can alwa 8 take care of More.
P ou. T:R. Trains going Ent due as follows- -j -
now,anc'f the emperor of'Germany s Akerftion, tumors, irregularities, etc. No, g Mail 8.08 A M. y e J
opinion of the British `army has . I! you want s p ec i s 1 advice ;; 12 Local 2..50 P.M,
�. no doubts n somewhat altered write t6 Lydia E.Mnhl><am Med- it Local a-05 WK.
loins rains going. West des u follows & C
It is true that Co,y (oonSdentiistil) Lynn, No. i$ LgooaT ,_. ._. . 'T•47 A.X. .. D. ..- M .- �-HEISE -
-the_&rmy w "little" -but the . Maw Yonrlelterwillbeopene�4._
rend and answered by a woman •,• _. 7 Pail 7.86 P. K.
Germans have and out by this and bold in col 0&SM0% *Sunday included
�`�i :h,s.. :• a, � n. •. ':wr,, •�,.'' '�.",'". ,A xa'�,Y ^+++.ry, ^1 •..$� '".3r, r r, �r '*.F14.. .�"•
,�-, •7;,, •Ex -w r` -xra v �'v+'r, ,�.1, •r:,fl-•. �; ' x.- w+*w. !� r, ;�2.7 Y,r;n ,r.:,y. -w"
a14 i :.w A '. - i.�. M. a y �..�',i�x,,••_,+n�w N� 'ALT ?'r.;, •�+». ��«.' ,. "�z .7" u,a .�.�
� 'art �'•ti '�� � z�
777...r : .. .. ',-'r':, i.• -."3 ^r... .. - Jai 'W. ffi.,We .p' --,�' - PICA rws•.d x'J -
,.,r.+-e,»:.. .ear, -z-r,sa-, .�. ..,.. �r ..n., yr. _' •.T`Ar yr .n v. w,�4• ,a' t '.'1.. i,�,, �r sem.
a ^-sera^�•' , .:,,,"G`R+^„'- ''-�,.>:_ .".•-. ..r.::�i.�_ -e. 'F�,P s..:..,,..'... ...,r'�. '.w'. x`ni- r� •�s�' .i.. ^,r; ,.r `�'b
F � y,t 3q• •1 � a it g� ..k ,� �r ;.
David Scott spent a few days' CIDER 4:.MAKING NISis the city this week. I am prepared to make cider every ReairSho6 • 'H. � HASO
Jae. Madill nt last week-with
bt,,,, eeppee Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs- Superior Stable fittingsaTmparMut tbowiss of saesl
,cher in'Markham. Pe
oaQae Paterson had s business
day until the season closes. all prices, ohioa. ♦ ley lash assortment of
tri_p to the city on Tuesday. Chopping every day except Stationary. Books.DoW, Toys, jart -
Miss Margaret-Macnab was in y —superior LtLLer-Carriers -- eeeeived ma Holiday trade. Call
3aturda .
'Toronto during the past week. ,Galt steel shingles and siding, � w
Harry Thowaoa- has secured. a, I have alio for sale s quantity of only lock In the market. - and "s ms°s'
"poeitioa at his trade in Toronto, slabs, and saw dust. _ Subscriptions taken for all --Magnises, - ...
George and'Mrt,fl'erow, of Port In
phone 01.8 Pick.- - Weekly and Daily Ncwspaperel
.Perry, has been here during the John F• Bayles, Greenwood
. - _ ._ . Russell Andrew, -
Mrs. Fred Farmer has been*a. t C SWL t0 F . tT, �3. .R=C,� 3A.R1'� Owl',
spending a few days with friends 1,J a Gedy Eowel la>tadx PICSERING,•Ont.
in the catty, eroc]s Sheet. Whitb9" .
Charles . A. Barclay .made R _
A�l' ';shi meat of apple's to 'Montreal _The• UmverSal Sawing Mathuie
on #endaly . .�. Pickerin fake :The Pickering -
Ott_ cur era and skaters ar+esnAl- g ry' ••• ,.
ing over the frosty weather of the Our home made 1 after liven a fa_i
past week. - trial will convince you that it is: V r
-' y 1g1laI1C6 .001'nl'�1'�88
W. S.Cook entertained two of - The Best, '
his-gentleman -friendb' from'the
city over Sunday. The object of this Association is to
Mrs. Crocker, of Buffalo. and is the time to' order your
fruit cake far Ohrietmas, lessen stealing andprpaecute
-Mrs. Reynolds spent Sunday-with 25 cents a lb, the felons. `T
Ilfrs. Harry Thomson. _ ,_ - Orders by phone 'or from driver Members having propsrby stolen oommnai•
Mrs. Bryan Scott, of Toronto, _ - give nate immediately wi any member
n strict attention th
Is- visiting with Geo. H. and Mrs. WERE MONNEY of Executive Comm use. ,
= mis for a few days. - -- em
- Mrs. D. Forsyth who has been lw PI;CKERING, ONTARIO p fee
on the sick list,for several' 'weeks - -. __ _ -_ as n0>ff- or
is now improving nicely. secretary on appliesUon.
rf . o Greenwoo'd •:• Hardware Ezac.Com.-L. D. Banks, C.S.Paltu-
Altons, sppeent a day last ,ak with Call and see=our stock of `'Happy er, C. L. Morcombe, Pickering, Out
DCI. and Mrs• Henderson. - ought" and other stoves
Mrs. Harry Thompson has re- Manufactured by W. H. Jackson, Brock Road, Ont as well as other linesj,A,'0'COn-ior: 1N.J. Clark' ,',•
'turned ho:_te after spending a This machine is designed to saw long poles as well as cordwood. No of Hardware. - president, BeoreurT
week or two with friends in To- pulley or fly wheel in road of wood on carriage. Eavetroughing and repairing'
E 'fronto• This machine iaa combination of efficiency and simplicity. promptly attended to. �: HINDLE
E. W. Evans' sale of wood at his The best outfit on the market to-dey. -Pork guaranteed and prices F. He.
- farm east of the village last -twee - _ - - - moderate. WHITEVALE
g$ Get our prices on Emery Wheels, Saws. GsaoIine Engines,
was well attended and good prices Cream Separatore, etc. CARPENTER, BUILDER
,were realized. Lawrence Denny, HOUSE VERANDAH,AND BARN
Mrs. Thos. Wilson and daughterW• H Jackson ' �- Brock Road 'c`�ENWOOD WORK, PANTRY CABINETS
----: Mies Doris, of Uxbridge township , DUMB WAITERS.-
were the guests of Mrs:M.Header- WATCH FOR
.,eon one day last week. Shingling and general repauc
Gregg shipped a carload work. -
of boas to Peter boro on - E -FURNISHINGS -:- --- TOD'S •' See we about any job you want
Prices ri ht. '+
an also�#carload o Iambs to To- Motor truck'ear a es• -
ronto on the same day. 5504 ome a ep oee. u
A large number of furnaces Our stock is complete in.- every-line -- day and Saturday for all
a den change to severe Ernst and for-our fall-trade. Flee bargains in a kinds of Bread and Cakes. -.r-
high winds is having its effect on seC>retaries -and separate chair is. . wrapped
the coal bine.' Ask fora 10 cent
Mise Ethel Burton after spend. = t
trui loaf
_ibp-&-y-ftr. -with'her! lister. -Mrs.' T.TVa U )er yLlt.i.d I -
Alex. Bowes, of Brandon, Man. C•BU �'' q—'`--� ��
,and with friends iv,. Dakota, has �� OSHAWA. ONT:
returned home. _ _ _ :n
Owing to the heavy downpwtr .. lL.Lluan ty of Al
of rain on Sunday the attendance -. sa`Aa, steel �hlr�gle� FLOUR and PEED
at the various churches was not
ch as to Rive much encourage- -.- ,.Are Fire Proof, .-Wind Proof, at CC N. •, t10II Apple ,
N 8 Station
,�1 pl Barrels
mbmt to the preachers. herrywood
b. Don't forget the drama entitled Water Proof, Lightning
-"Valley Farm" to be given in the _ :_Bran, BhortB,Flour,Dried ' ' ' 'For Sale
'`'Masonic Hall this(Friday)evening Proof and Frost Proof,
byy theryoung-people of the Meth- Brewers Grains, Malted .Bell sad I`ndependeat'phone.
.odiat church. -A most enjoyable AU good; up-to•date, Canadian -•Corb Feed, Oileake Meal; R
time is assured to all Who may Molassine, Blatchford'sM;
.attend. Farm =Calf Meal,Oyster Shell etc.
�� era use them
Yard closed.6ve Saturda attar.
The Baptist Young Peoples y
- - ,_ - - - _ � anon, until further notice. '':.
U. -nioa will Rive a social evening to - For particulars�Phone home 6080.
its members on Monday night See any of lollowing'Loeal Aagents-They will gave you best prices on mr&OZ y,p,y3 R,�p= x
next. The young men will pro- W. D. Gordon & Son
wide the program as. well as the Pedlar`s Metal Roofing,Siding, Vents, Unlverts Finials,
Terminals, Sheating and Ornaments.
ieefreshmente for which they are
nrell qualified. Samuel Manning, W. Pri le,l = ( a i R'
ng II 6 Q PICgE INE3�
_ Rev. M. Dobson, of Toronto, Brooklin,�0at. Whitby, Ont: - y1 P i *b _ T _
-occupied the pulpit in It
Metho• .G. M. Rice, Jacob McIntyre, - j 'e° i f' dp�rul�.
diet church on Sunday last when Whitby, Ont. Whitby. Ont. . : t SXPSAISN08I Px
he gave an eloquent address oD Lawrenco Denn :John Ashenhurst, � p-
behalf of the mission schemes of Gresawoo�, Ont. Goodwood, Oot. $ d = ° K S o R s•g OM
•the church. 'When in Claremont W. Healy, - •'W. F: Br,rton, t' !g aR K ►� I yC a •, k
Boz Grove, Ont. Whitevale, Ont . C
--she w•se the sheat of his brother-in- a p H
law, David Hopppeer. J, C. Morrish, W. W. Sadler, .. at aaThe young ladies of the Presby Highland Creek, Ont. Greenwood, Ont. :o, je l� &� o O Teu►os-MMa•
lterian Mission Band will give a Wm:-Wilson,...Pickering, Ont. _ yy pain
program and bazaar on Friday �fiio higher price, but better service and satisfaction. r °° 1D s �g Jan a Co►nRaitrsi�
evening Nov. 27th. A silver coli - •" reb' s �iO6°�ui sur oopJiondP1.V
_ ..
. g ,:: r •+ '• •. I ra to 11T.a a Tnob�el7 unsay +
section will be taken daring the ti a • a liar
proRramafterwhich.therewiuba THE PEDLAR PEOPLE, Limited .. .p �® �� �a��ds�ec��e
u fatten sh b ittn�s��.
a sale of fancy articles. cake and ._ Head Office and works, 08HAWA, ONTO Established 1881. R�i a a -.� M.yI�WR e free.,, ,aiu,.K.+cnoos saUM
candy made by the girls. ---- - _ , .a Jae e1 a�R�" �q�N
William Hockley, of the fifth �� e a m :01 July �e rArvA
�' ►• Sep, ♦1� e�1 selentific o�azM TT rdat re�oe
concession.of Uxbridge fn'et with a .. a o m e a A. to a y2.rwokwe prepaid. sola�
very painful accident's few days m• oat. k4. an em
,ago, which might have resulted r m ;, g ,;. iQov m nn__tisttivsetttwa,
-1much more seriously. He and his Dee 4. � ��rareawa > .: .
y �:THED0�11�1ION UNK -.1 � .
son, Charlie,took a day off to ga itPI satruta a osts�,w a.,p"Wosxr. W.o.M�rn+cws,pros-recs�os Janct�n els.whub7 t, o.b.w. a arooeb+►m .
rabbit shooting. When in the Q A.BOGYRT,General M.ws•e s Port Perry Ly,tTzbriaRs iB,Oanninaba 13,
woods they separated. The• ]At- l�eeverbon i�,>?PtetRova u
-ter seeing something-- moving This )erg Offers Farmers
which he took to be a good bige=tpat..ndaattdactorsb.arnts.rsee. ..Are YOL1 Interested in
Sala Not.s aclladed on taiorable t rma,and etivanm made an smh nm d
rabbit, took careful aim and flied: feem 1.rates.
A loud scream of pain convinced The sashes Department u a sate and eonv.nlan: a•ooattor, for your :. • oaumaat�
him that he had made a mistake,
tat.rst a""`int rat«N paid
d.oala me avll.rand � F e c
for in place of it being a•rabbit it • •
was h►s father's leg ,that had re- _ WHITBY BRANCH: -A. A. ATKINSON, Mhnager." AND
ceived the contents of the gun. Of all materitils and design
Medical aid waA .immediately se-
cared'and Mr. Hockley'e in1uries • 91 b eull atourw works It
clasp oI YOU
sioslt ;
were attended to. It is not expec- • ate • and obtain prie w. Don't:be misted by -
ted that anyserious results will Nws do not em to them,oonsegaent• '
follow: SIMPSON Co.* l a a►n, sad pdo ar,oe t. oft the olieal
Mr. Watson, of the state ' of • _ commission of 10 pee oeat.,whiohyoa wit
Wyoming, was here for ten days esetainly save by purchasing from as..
I have in stock 3000 rode of call •
with James Underhill puri haling _ ,.
FULL RANGE o!''Fall and Winter Underclothes for Mea and Women, Boyo =
Cotswold sheep. Owing to the and'Giris, at old prices,also a full assortment of Sweaters in 411 latest wire fencing made by the NNlTRT GRANITE , 00
strict laws passed by the United' styles, no advance in prices, Omoe: Whitby, Oatasly
'States in regard to the taking of Steel Company of Canada.
farm stock from one State to LADIES'BLOUSES-Muslins, white, HATS and CAPS-A full line in all •i' also carry Brace wire, _James....&_ Walk-er -
another owing to the foot- and • black,striped.- Prints from$0 cents ' the latest for men and boyo.
mouth disease which has become upwards. . Y - toiled spring wire, wire
e� ppidemic -in many parts, Mr,. ;,ADIES' Fancy Collars and Cufis. Pump M�Dufacturers
found-that it 'oeould be Everything the latest._ GLOVES-gid, silk lined, ale ' heavy :.staples. . Steel poste- and 9ho and .Residence,Dundas 9b
impossible to snip the sheep DRESS GOODS-Blue'and black Vel- Gloves for men and boys. We,arep
through the States to their deetin- vet .Cords, b ue and brq•rti Ser es, giving bargains in these goods. cedar posts.' -
R a. g g 8 g� g � -WHITBY;ONT. - -
anon, He left here a few days Checks and Plaids,black and brown p Three doors west of Whitby Hone!
..ago for Washinkton to interview Venetian, Melton Clotho, etc,
DRESS SHIRTS-To Shirts,C�lliis, "
the authorities in regard to the Shaker Flannels, Sbirtings, Tickings, _ Neckties.Braces, etc. Let ma show you what I have and t—
,matter'and-obtain-permission 'it Gibgham6. Cottdnit; etb. " ' Y We are prepared te'inetal wood or fres
-',•possible to ship them in -this dir- - ' `quote you prices. pumps on short notice,also attend
-ect route. In the event-of .-his MILLINERY-This-department is rushed-all ladies know our styles are up to all kinds of repatring. <�
to the minute and rices down to the lowest.
_ f ilure to secure this permission p I or for.the Ontario Wind `��
lye will send them by the C. P. R.
GROCERIES-Ab, here we can do you eyerythi; right 50c. allHaour sop s, REEBOK also gasoline engines Aad,low -';w`
through the -north-west thence about old rices. Teas JOe, 40c, 50c. Coffee e0e 600• Highest riceAs s the squre gear
•south to his home in Wyoming, paid for good butter and eggs.
but this will entail considerable ItAGNST CREAT[ SEPARAT08
extra expense and trouble. D. SIMPSON & Co, - PICJXFRINGtr LOCUST HILL Ptfeae Beu xa, 50, Ind: 28,
a .,. .. L.r>;:+,,,: `'y,a •`r„-F� ,.s.rd�J^•• .,i±4i^, •.• }r .Y- ^g,—. .Y;`!
�, .ry,R 1e0.+.6•a ,it',>hny.,v,<,a �""" .P '"v$. �+,+ r. ,''�.;, 'a T'et 'f 2�.-+i"" w'i�'e :+i' i..`' '+ �..;j'` .m�e �iTM•«"�"nom' 'a•'(r' - �1w 'j -�.
�, '.moi...,-: _ . .... .. •y....... ... ;:. ../: ,,t n3 �r.:
_. .fit .:.. •,. .... .. � .. �. > ti.
',, .. - - ` .. .. .. .-•:fR?'JL � ,o^:,t,-�,.^•yq"w - K ..:!. '.+ {• s q L� .�..s,•, tit ,.,-� .... •••+e ;.t. �y
OF �.
' -find •Atone on a Brief Visit to France to Greet the He ���� n ll.oadtled Gerinaa and
D nee f Ypres II Rank as One of tiisfory's 3,
efe o .. Will
- Indian Troops, Then Received a"Mortal Hytrt a es p:SadeS
_ — - Hiuteell. - re -
- ._... A despatch from London says. A - r ,
rA despatch from London says: with his programme on the Contin- Paris despatch to the Central News A despatch from London says:I against it, only to see them. break
The -Off i ial Piers Bureau issued ant. In fact, he was about to, re- says; . During .the .recent_•-fighting,_ The. Official Press Bureau issued to pieces, one after the other." .
the >ollowing announceaien£: - turn'hofrie'vvhea 1 death occurred: •the German troops, after a fierce the following statement: "The The bombardment of Ypres. serv-
"Lord Kitchener announces with Earl Roberta INA motored to the charge, retreated, carrying all their operations during the last few days ed to aibsolve the allies of the obli-
7 dee r P wounded axes t"one pian.. A Bri-
p egreti which!: he knows-• will B>itish, bases and cam s, had re-
be shared by the whole army, that viewed the Indian troops and had g y fighting to;gation of looking after pearl one
tish officer olio went out to bring have consisted mainly of fi h ' Y
he received the following telegram conferred with the leading officers. in the wounded soldier was himsel# the north of the Lys, where the ; thousand German poi opens.
German shells fell on the railway
from.$ir Joha Fteneh, the .coin It was not until about dinner time wounded, but-managed to drag the points of interest were at first on' station, where they evidently hop-
mander of the British forces in Friday evening that he complained German soldier to shelter, where the line of Hollebecke, Wytschaete ed t-o blow up one of the armored
y of more ch bass a he was subject later both were picked 'up by' a
;Fraiice: of a alight shill. A and Me�ssines."There have also been I trains. At the moment prisoners
`I dee trifling chest German ambulance.
ply regret,-to tela you that severe encounters on the line from were awaiting the arrival dhf a spe-
'Lord Roberts died at8 o'clock this troubles, he followed his usual As a reward foe his bravery and Zanvoorde to Frelinzhein.' tial train to convey them to the
(Baturdayj evening:' course and went to bed early. As humanity, the British officer re- • "The character of the fighting south of France' They were killed
- "Lord Roberts was on a brief, his temperature increased, medical ceived the Iron_.Cmsa—fr g8 tse�n oqe ofrequent, and vigor I In eppallins num•bere, onty 884 our-
"Lord in and-'pronounced German commanding officer. He oma.-infantry attacks from the Ger- riving ungca�hed. One hundred
_ udi n t ranee is girder to greet the his condition critical. The 'reliev= was sent back to'his own trenches,
Indian troops, of which he is sol- y mans, accompanied by heavy shell and sixty-one were wounded and
ed the General of what Spain he was where he was recommended for the fire.,alternating with ualdy vigor
ontl-in-chief. He contracted a chill � g �1 conreyPd to the British 'base hospit-
on Thursday, and suocumbed after suffering, and he fell saleep. His Victoria Cross, but succumbed to, ons counter-attacks, the general re- als. Tho others are still unburied
death occurred during slee, his injuries. salt bean the maintenance of our
a short ili'nees to an attack of pneu- g p` - ,�, g . at the 'railway station. The Ger-
The passing of the great warrior ;_..line;not wittigut considerable losses mans began a night attack and they
has created prd4uad.grief through- Turks Sent to Fort Henry on our aide, but with still heavier were well oy toward Bethune, The.
A e•a Contributor ause. Bound for Fort Henry as prison- losses on the other. Six machine, .town seem Ed to a at their mercy,'
^ 8 y out the country. At all churches, P
His a and in the cams w ers of war a train 16ad of Turks guns and over one hundred prison= pposition, for
age—he was R2 on last Sep camps, here the sol- - g They hazt-met-lit-tie c. '-.
passed through the Toronto -termi- ers were taken by its in one day.
tember- 30—was-- a -contributory, Biers. are_training,..touching, refer- the thin line of k raki had retreated
pals from Brantford. This was thea "The Gef'maii artillery rite -was
t• cause of death although he had antes were made to his death, and y talons them and uccu red a si• -
'-. ''`beet in his._ usual health lately, first occasion that any citizens of practically a continual bombard- P p°
the "Dead March in Saul" -was tion on the slopes n a hill. The
the, Ottoman Empire have been meat, intended to pulverize the de-
which oras exceptiouaIly gaol for played. British ipfaiitry opened. a terrify-
man of his fisted in custody, and the arrival fence preparatory to the advance
age. . ing rifle fire which decimated the.
e - Lord Roberts Lite in'lB•t•irf. - of the train in Toronto created a of the infantry, In the centre the •
A despatch from Paris nays; It is great deal of interest.' The train struggle has been at Ypres, the de- Germans. In the meantime the
i-learned 'here that the end of Lorin Born at.Cawnpore, India, Sep, was composed of two coaches and a fence of which will_. certainly. be latter had brought their' artillery
I Roberts was glorious, that; al- tember 30,•1832; entered Bengal ar-.� baggage car, -which was filled with reckoned in history -as one of the forward and in the stampede thht
y"`.. though he had contracted h chill al-- tillery September-V_4. 8 _; commis- the effects of the prisoners; The. most striking episodes-of the -Bri- ensued after the British fire opened _
' moat imitiediately after his arrival stoned Lieutenant' (at relief "Of total number of Turks arrested was tisk-army. T their gun crews and infantry_ be- .
in France, the ii> fisted on going to Lucknow), Jun red in ( 140. A full company -of the local "For more than three weeks_ the came a panic-stricken mass of hu. ;
:th,e frovt'to see the troops. He Ireland,-May 17, 1859; promoted to militia•was placed in charge of the- .position, which .projects like a. bas- inanity. The British guns did their
•'shook hands with the men, and in Captain. Nov. 2, 1860; 'breveted prisoners, and while ten men were tion into the enemy's lines,-has been work mercilessly, The Germaui
moving about cragsed what- is now alor,-November 13, 1860•; brevetedI placed• upon the' platforibs with field under a rain-o€ shells which were driven back helter-skelter.
a►veritarble bog. An affection of the Lieutenant-Colonel, August' 15r, lokded• rifles as-gtrards the remain- has hardly ceased by day or night. leaving piles of dead. Their guns
lungs developed, and Local Roberta 1868; Senior Staff Officer, Lushai I der were seated in. the ccwche-s be- During this time the enemy has were also abandoned, with several J
;G mtarnedl to Boulogne. "I don't campaign,. 1871-1572;_breveted Ma- tween their charges. poured successive waxes of infantry rnnnds._Uf ammunition.
a7 sayin V`after his arrival at Bou- commanded Kuram Field Force, Af- i
+• e, "but I am glad tb die near ghanistan, 1878.1879; commanded
man V of my old comrades." When Kabul . Field Force, September, ,
' the Dews of his death reached the 1879-1880; commanded in Southern ;
trenches many of the veterans sub- Afghanistan, October, ISM', receiv- - .. TURKISH FORTS
lead. The T'rencl nation regards ed thanks of Parliament; May S,`
sp-ring historic incident of this war. .November, 1881-1885; Commander s Shd'ikb Said. at Entrance of Red
Mari_Aitata to Return, in-Chief, India,. 1885-April, .1893 • +
> treated Barori Roberts of Kanda- Sen,-Oeetipled by Mariw-
Lord. Roberts lest England on har,_ L893; created Field Mar%bal,
Weainesday of last week -with his May 25, 1895; Commander-in-chief, ' 9+ s 1 - Force..
t leen r Lewin- l A. do-patch from- Lonclon savq:
daughtEr, body Aileen Roberts, Ireland, October t: 1833; Command-- � - + t<
and. his son-in-lar., l er-in-chief, South Africa, 1899- °' w The secretary of the Admiralty an- '
,."The pnrh• had s rough trip crossing 1900; Commander-.in-:chief-of Brit- pounces the Slicces•a of uperarauns
r• the Channel. but the ag:!d'GPneral ish army, 1901-1941;'Chairman Im- � against the Turkish fort% at. Sh-ikh.
: felt no ill-effects and Rent through penial Defence Committee, 1905. , ' bald, on the Strait of Bab el . Magi
t �. � : _ �0„ deb, at the entrance of th•? (a t'f >F '
3 • . . ______ . _ _- .-_- _— Aden; and of the occupation of t h s
` Liverpool to re•rltove hey from the 4' ' Turkish forts at Tart,a by Indiatr
track of navigation, The Liverpool w Troops; assisted b) the ' 1'---r,t:+h
1 had taken off her commander and - ` "'"" �•' cruiser Duke of I•,"Ainburgh, -
r f,!RiJA� A � Ij(;►(, �HI�,'thbsc6 of the crew *-ho had remained t Thi- Turkish f•,rt (;F- 'fart's."
Abd;ated after the Olym is had to / �"` � tya�•s the Adtnira!t}• r:p.>rt,-' is •,itii-
abandon-her effort to fow'her idto• Ated on•the ruck-t heights clow• t)
I thoa, water. Y' the- boundary of. Turkish tertit.iry
�Ite Awlatiaui Comtw -in coniaet _ I
y , uqd the -A-den protectorate. Tits,
tiitb a {fine Off-the. - � — d 1`fi{Ins of the fort r%nirnarxi the istai-
. � mita eonnec;,in„ the pen riu!z•, of
Irish Coast.. # -
tqft .,lwikh Said w'it_ the. mainlartci
f. -' 1: ee a talions (A tr(•,�p.
. y wY r?
d,rpatch from New Ynrk says c "` r b t
. in the fai
Rlanded r Fit upp�sia t.
Absolute -„onfirmation that the Bri-
4 t: ' h l
e.Uper-DTPadnutlgbG :�UdaCIOU6 ' .,� '� • . +` "'' ~. - ' .— i �� but IIII&T cover Of th? OUµ? r.,t
vas sunk i.went�• -miles off the coast r - Edinburgh's fire,. u hirh'Tia—ii-p�e�i
27-"sof Ireland on October 27- s been ; ,. *, .uhly diazhled tf+e Tulp€ter-x.
,, - , - Iiidlians attacked the vncrni s 1, `-i
. tee.ivetl_in this cit • in letters from-�...
Eo.lglish corres ndenta. 1 r tions, being 1'p11•`•Fct by �ti.Il
p` sealed artiller and 'infantr}' fir,-.
the .�udazc:rius was'guingdown . ,lf
'sh- flashed a wireless call that was + "`ri'hen the liill.i comm i•lniq
dal-ght_by-.the Glympii; v6h-ich 'was �• ,. xk, hfenhcli were•ocouu'ed, the Opp .5r-
pd?aming cautiously toward the Ax - tion weakeiie<t and 201 of th, 6n,m
coast of Irels.nd, only a few miles escaped over.ti:e kthmil� cn ,a:ncls
away. ' `--- + or by beats. Six Turks�wer,•'k'`.l:eel, --
Cimoet. ac the .moment that the i ii the rein ainder , being w n..ltird car '.•
wh-eless me�sagc' was -catight; the F ,taken prisoners. a
iia 1 outlin•a of the battleship was "Tho fort d as occupied Rad 9
seen hl all the pass,agars on the! TII£ I,_�T}: LB RD ROBERT '• large amount of munition uf-war
�'> ?` _ _ —• _-- - �----_ and six field guns were captured.
Oiympic's dAck. Full steam. was
put on, dEspite the fact that 'the I ' - from Thorn, by a siznuitaneo,us ad The Indian casnaltres were one utli-
cay�tain •of the QlyTnpic had been a FORCING .A WAY ---ince on bode sidei of the river, biit I ter and fifteen men «oun<ied, and
+ four men killyd. There were nc
warns 1 to leak out for mine's' s'al'e a „
t'hs+ rale to rescue the crew of the :3ti re repulsed by the Russians. The ' casualties nn the cruiser.
Ardscious was begun. I ? •• INTO GERMANY German;force 'in Ellis direction is I The ,Sultan has refus.•d' Co ��- T
said to have been s,ren thened by p'
Ralf an hour later the Qlympic >5 1 claim a holy- war.-but. at tier urg-nt•-
vras standing by and the Audacious' , ' . troops hurriedly transferred_ from request of Enver Paslaa, Dl'ni=t:r of ”
vias rapidly settling: Avery rough M +r" 4^ r I -Luck, where no effort was made to �Var, signed a proclamation a•d-
+ Russians' Wearing Down the Dc• dressed to the army and navy in
-sea was running. Despite this fact ti check the Russian advance slime
the Oiympic's captain ordered life `A` hY'� r , ' fenemof East and West .L. days ago. wh;eli he exhorted.. all Mosiealr to
zw:... - Of the fightin on the Poseti and r especially
boats manned and lowered, calling. a- + - Prussia. g �',ht,lit Turkey's enemies, P.pe, alb
volunteers. Twice- a many�• _ I "" Silesia fronts the Rusman general l;
B I the Eng,.sh: who, it says, sitar at the-
men responded:as were needed:' I German Crown Prince's 5lother-in. A despatch from London says.: -staff-merely sats that in the.�!zen annexation of'Pers;a and Arabia.
The work of rescue went on with- haZty Hns Renounced (:erother A general engagement, • on which stochowa region the Germans are ` The proclamation declares t.liat• _
out a hitch, although several times the fate of Germans eastern front- moving gradtiallr .to the Silesian ilia k:nglish attempted to corrupt
of the small boats were cap- The Grand Ductless Anastasia of ier provinces may depend, is rapid frontier." Unofficial reports pass-� the :drab chiefs but failed, and
sized: Befare-�tiie crew of the Au- 114lecklenbourg-Sehiseriri; mother-in- -ly developing all along the extend- ed-by the-censor and printed in the everybody is now united under the
d•acivus was trans-shipped several law of the Crown Prince Frederick ed line from Stalluponen to Cra- Petrograd newspapers, however, Caliph's flag.
vessels of the English squadron in William, has renounced" her' Ger- cowl-where the-advancing forces o€ state that-.severe detest• has been ... •' . � -
the IriEh sea came up and aided._in .man nationality .and restuned the the Czar have come into contact i
inflicted on.the Germans near Kal-the work,. nationality of her birth, which' is with the armies of the Kaiser, the isz, and that the enemy has retreat- _.__,A_N•1.gRITISl1 PAPi1;115.
The crew was 'transferred to the Russian. Hereafter she will be latter evidently being 'determined i into his own country'after losing
twelve 'heavy guns and• leaving
Olympic at noon, three hours after known as the Grand Duchess Mika- at last to offer- a stubborn resist
many diead•On the field. Order-in-Council Makes ii a Crind-
the pocident. - levitacch. She f the Ciar.s cousin, once to the Russian- progress. Al- 3,
The Audacious'& not go down and sister.of.the Grand Daike Nich- .ready the whole eastern-and south _I nal Offence to. Possess Thein... _
oat aftei an accidental explosion olas and Mlc�trael, Sho has given BRITISH LOSSES•ui,000.
P g ern border, land of East Prussia is. A despatch from Ottawa says:
her stern, but was deliberately her beautiful villa on the Riviera ringing with conflict, particularly� A despatch froTit London says -
blown-up-by•tire Hien oI the cruiser for the use of-the wounded sold* 'r in the r ion.of-.the. Mazur.Lltkes,. P The order-in-Council, making it a
: The British casualties in t4lid war up 'criminal offence to circulate or Poo-" ,
where Slav and Teuton ora stru
lin for the possession of asses, to October 31 were approximately sess-aeditioua antiBritish and Ger-
g g . P •-. _. I SZ,•000 men-of_a11 ranks. . This esti man papers, which are coming into i
B�►n For Enver ills Germans whose relinguishmenC by either mate was given by Premier Asquith Canada from American cities, will
army means serious defeat owing I in the House of Commons in reply be rigidly enforced. -The matter is
to the nature of the country. - - to a-question by Edward T. John, to be taken up by the Postmaster- «
- The Germans failed in'a vigorous member of the House from East General, and special officers ap-
A despatch from-Petrograd says': fsterltor'War.' •Enver Pasha himself offensive up the Vistula into Rus- I Denbighshire. ' Premier -Asquith pointed to-e.'nfocce the law• The
•'Phare has been a revolt of the Con-f was unhurt, A letter which wast. sign Poland from the stronghold of gave tlle.British casualties, and add_ penalty is $5,000, or two years' im, - A
nbinopl_e gatrrison,_ Five C}erman touted :cieola.reti ttia tho bomb oras .Thorn.. .�coozding.to official. state_-ed tlia•t...he waR._not._.>n a.position to piisoumeiit. .There_.is.said td
officer* wore killed: by a bomb in#'tttaant-for t1i6 man who sold Turkey 'menu from Petrograd, the.Germans estimate the losses of the otlser heavy circulation of such papers in 1
ti.'.Us palms def Rriver Pa". the Min- W.Germany, •' ,sought to reach Vloelawok, 30 miles allied powers or those of the enemy. Montreal:
C 4
� ". - - .. r .,.n ..a, , +Yy+:• ,�;os•• .yti, tiX.;:p :u,,,,.. u.�:.. .rpt y_�' nt-" x .w6 yµ +i." �'�` :w,+�'31' r ii�<• v `x.;,'d S",gv�"l:..• '"r."-.r,•,
•�;�,r•+`Ms � .=,.., 3y,C 'u h,�tiw �''' t6- r ,..n.•..
.. '-*wi�K��'.,'''':�L �r,:y.S ....., ,•: t ,'t�`.r�r'k";t�.t�:S,°bi'�•_w`Lnd'. .r.6,.. ,,;�., ahr 'r •.M
ieiv -K; , 77.
,must Liniment of A .: :SOY S
- The Lust of Battle les' at the HEAD A Eiiig' lish Soldier Died a Soldier's
- lestroys Every Pain Roots of Our NaDeath In Franee. or.
-7- h
11 the instincts with which "An Englishman,-who his just re-
But Wer Burns human'nature, is endowed the fight-- "SIGHT tRO ECZEMA lk
Ing turned from France, tells how,
instinct is the keenest and the
How thankful we are to get bold making his way by the banks of the
f such a wonderful household rem- Oldest, and all the habits taught or In Blisters. Itched and Burned Aisne in an at-tempt to take cigar- I)eliczately r O
edy as Nerviline," writes Mrs. E. P. enforced by education, by law orb cross flavoured- U Psi
7, Lamontagne from her home near We• custom are but curbs upon it. If, Badl . Had- to Put Gloves On eftea to"the tro6ps, he came a
hoisy-au- Highly
tagkaWin, Alberta. 4-in this far-away for the sake of argument, we put Chillis Hands, Cuticura Soap a solitary grave near C
Bac. Twice he passed it, and his concen-
section, far away from a doctor or the age of man upon the earth ata
and Cuticura Ointment Healed, attention was arrested by the fact 7;
}druggist, every family needs a good million years, then for at least.990.- trated•
isuPply of liniment. Nerviline is the 000 years the two great imAincts-L that kindly hands each day strewed
fighting and the social-were
t of all. It destroys every pain, the 13 04t.
10 Abbott Ave., Toronto, My fresh flowers over it. On the Pon-
but never burns. we use Nerviline boy had Iczems badly all over, but bin toon bridge near by a French -de-
Jn a score of ways. If its rheums- rigorously selected, It was the head was very bad and was affected most, tacbment was keeping guard, and
,418m, aching bilck, pain In the aide, fighters, in bands, clans, tribes or --It came out, in blisters and It the soldiers explained that the lone-
-you can laugh nations, who lived t.6 tell the tale, was
a eight to look at. It WHY WORRY I
Mlatlea or stiff neck,, t h I he last resting
c y grave was t g place
At them If you have -lots of Nerviline the beat and the bravest of the'war- ed and burned ad badly . f an English soldier who, qui.4 Choose your variety or rior races who survived to carry on that I had to put gloves on the 4o
-landy. For earache, toothachethere-fou-g-K-_thi9 -Fis-t ask your grocer for
t1-came t abne. d
think anything could the-race-. --eapp red - with--th- first on his fW near the ears, fight till overwhelmed by numbers. "Clark's
cramps I don't a ese
-act more quickly. For a general all-, aeons of evolution during which the then went to his head and then During.th-e great retreat he had
round pain remedy I can think of no- fighting instinct was seleettid the -on his body. His head was strayed from his comrades , and
thing more valuable and .speedy to most ancient Of civilized periods like a fish it was so fallen exhausted from fatigue. Un-
cure than Nerviline." � 1. bad. 40
was but the day bef-6re yesterday. I used-,also
Ak, The above. letter Is convincing-it Need we then wonder.that even af- and others, and not able to find them he took 'up his
a old- nothing did Hears Little.
tells how reliable and trusty this him any good. I gave t quarters in an abandoned carriage,hem 7
Nerviline for forty up and but thirty-six hours later the Ger- "Jones believes about all he
,time remedy Is. ter some 2,000 years of civilian edu-
years has been a household word in cation the fighting man lies latent tried Cuticure. Soap
and ointment. I used three mans appeared on the other side of bears..
Canada. Scarcely a home In Canada beneath the thickest strata of con- causeof Cuticurs, Soap and two boxes of the Aisne and fired at h1m.* Un-I "Credulous, is he V'
you can find without Nerviline. Every tinuously and laboriously acquired cuticurs, Ointment and at the end Of dz deterred by the fact that he was ','Not particularly; he's. as deaf
community has its living examples of habits I weeks he was entirely cured.". (Signed) as a
utterly alone he replied, an uc sl �v
A s h
the wonderful curative properties of The civilian responds so readily 31m Carroll,JtuL 1.1914. was his determination and accuracy post.
Nerviline which will cure pains and to battle conditions because he Samples Free by Maff of aim that. the villagers deolared, Minard's Liniment cures Distemper.
aches anywhere in'the joints or mus- too his an-
cles. It's penetrating, soothing, sheds habits and reverts he accounted for six German -offi-'
cestral type. It has taken hi For pimples and blockheads the follo"
him years cera, one of them a general, before Deserve the Punishment.
warming and safe for young and old
--to use. Get the large 50c. family size to acquire- the, rudiments Of , his to a most effective and economical treatment;
smear the affected parts with outicurs he fell under a volley. The Frenchrt
-....bottle; It's the most economical. craft, trade of profession, and all Gently Mrs. Scrapp--Stat is tics show th* ,It
Small trial size 26c. at any dealer's the social etiquette of his c�ass It Ointment,on the end of the flagw.but do not buried him where he had fought, married men live longer than saig.e
rub. Wash of the cuticum Ointment In Ova erected a cross, and. in honor of his
.-,anywhere:' may take him, months, to learn to minutes with Cuticurs,Soap and hot,water gallantry laid fresh flowers each men.
41- - - - Serapnv-Yes, it ser
drill or to sho'o't straight. But the and continue bathing for some minutes. This day on his grave-. serves th--m
THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY. lust of,battle lies at the roots of his treatment Is best on do"and retiring. A$ Standing beside it uncovered
other times Use Cluticurs,Soap freely for the
nature, and fires his blood in a mo- . tins Inftm- they told how the soldier died a
toodet and bath.to amolst In preven
Expenditure is necessary for the
meat Of time. It would be difficult zoatirst Irritation and clog"of the pores. soldier's death, and then showed Granulated Eyelids, 0
• 'protection of thope Who are chari- to recognize in a fierce and ragged Raid b7 druggists and dealers throughout the inquirer the ruined carriage, I Sore Eyes inflamed by expo-
warrior charging the gu ►i the suave sure to Sea.Dus!and Wind
-tably inclined and sometimes mis�- the world. Liberal sample,of each mailed in which the shot marks bore testi- I
young solicitor Of a..wee or so ago, tm, with 32-y. Skin Book. Address uIckly relieved by Marlati A
kd.-Mr. Pearce 14. PON$-
y 2ye Rettiedy.No Smart4.
Cam who thought, 'in kx-and-eightpences card-cuui:um Dept,D.Boston.U.L A.1 m!ony to the fierceness of the fight Eter
We are not going to stop until and was anxious about the set of At the Mairie a certificate was I just Eye Comfort. At
,we have smashed the German sued that there was buried on your
Army, the German 'Navy and the his tie; yet, after &�I, this is, the BIRD WITH A BROKEN WIN 1914. Davidl. M. falvainT 2 Soc per Bottle. Hurtme Eye
G. pte-mber loth, C.-For Book A the Eyefreeask
spirit of German militarism. Earl real man, and the other was but the Ray .(3,654), of the 5th-Lancers.' vn4lgisw Ruin IYO.Restedy C*..Cbkap
mask he wore- a mask of education, U walked through the woodland wes.
There has been no war for more of habits, of wore,
Where sweet the thrushes sing, Brow (whose new oopit is
than a century which the nation : , D . ' than the fas.0-1t. was it -who-7:-T:-:'
. . " . . . And found on a bed of mosses Death- Nearly. Claimed
has entered on with so general a A bird with a broken wing,
`.7 commended that new cook to nav
belief that the action was justified, I bound up Its wound, and each morn-
wife, wasn't it I Jorres (with -101 it
-Vis-count Bryce, lug New Brunswick Lady 1 4ipncp)==Vps old rt�st n
Many have puzzled theirs It.sang its- old &meet reftela
_.,abouVttEe®rigin Of-evil.-T observe Kinard's Linimeat Co.. Limited. X D'S But thia bird with a broken futon Was Restored to Her Anxious Farn- (vengefully)--Then r must ,it
&' Gentle en.-I have used XIJ AR Never soared so high again. to come to dinner with -n'e
�.there is evil, and that there is LINIMENT , 11y.Whon Hope Had 43*n*.
4T on my vessel and in my f&m.
way to escape it-. and with this I be- ily, for years. and for the every day Ills TA"S TOM 111"is.
-Newton, aiA accidenu of life I.consider it has no I saw a young life broken St. John, N.B., Dec. 15th.-At one
-gin and end-John eyal.
By sin's seductive art time It was feared that Mrs. J. G
Justice is itself the great standing would..not start on a Toroge without rant, a..Vr Dawson.Kitaty owborms xltf**%.
policy of civil society; and any emi- It, it it-oost a dollar a bottle. And. touched with a tender pity. of 3 White St.. would' succumb t6the vqTosto, . .....
CAPT, F. R. DEWARDIN. I took him to my heart; deadly ravages of advanced kidney' F T U L; %%ANT To BU Y, 411-
-Storke." St.-Andre, Namouraska. He lived with -.able pdrpos�-.-. trouble. "My first attacks of back- Irrutt, stock, orals or 'rSt'i" 's
'11\j�ent departure from it, under any Behr. Dat y irarm.
And struggled not in vain- ache and kidney trouAle began years' i"Ite H, W. Dawson, Isramptes, 40 04
nntance, lies under the soap]- I Colborn* at. Toronte,
-But the bird with a broken pinion.
i , rion of being"no, policy at. all.- ago. For six years that dull gnawing
,Burke. Never soared so high again. pain has'been prescnt. When I ex. , U. W. DAWSOX, OWb,3res St,. Torosm
If a man be gracious and courte- myself it was terribly Intensified. NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE,
But the bird wfth'a broken Vinton If I naught cold the pain was Inen-
ous to strangers- it shows be is a RUIN FOk GER N ANY.
Kept- another from the snare, durable. I used most everythl.ng, but OOD WEEKLY IN UtE VOWN
Citizen of the world, and that his And the life that min had stricken nothing gaire that certahi tratei!W re- GYdrk cocam. 9ta-tionery %nd Bo{t
heart is-no island eut off from other Corameree4 C. Onlea and Trade Will Saved-another from despair, Business in conue.:t ort Prca only '14,04.
--lands, but &-continent that joins to lief -that came from Dr. Hamilton s perms liberal Wilon Pubilshin.- Coa-
-Racon. Be Lost to Her. Each loss has Its 'compensation; Pills of Mandrake and Butternut. In- vany, 73 West Adelaide Street Toront7�
..them. There's healing for every�paln- stead of being bowed down with Vain,.
There is an idea abroad among; Signor •Pantal,6oni, & leading But the bird with a broken pinion to-day I am strong, enjoy splendid atiscELLANEOUS.
-moral people that they should make Italia,.,-Wonomist, examining the Never.00ars so Nighagain. appetite, sleep soundly. Lost proper- AN CE Et. TUROSS. L t:,11 114 r,
into my blood C in terns] and externai. cur*Nt woh.
their neighbors good. One person I obabte financial situation of the ties have been instilled
have to make nod-myse f. But r But the soul that.trusta In Jesus ---cheeks are rosy with color, and I Out io hv'our b-me treatment. 'Trico
Mligerents at the end of the war, Is saved from every-sin, thank that day that I heard of so grand "o before too Isto D�, Bellwan Ued,ex)
my duty to my neighbor is much considers that Germany and Ana- LoTritpi
more. nearly And the heart that fully trusts him a medicine as Dr. Hamilton's Pills." C"
rly expressed by saying trig, whether vanquished or vic- i
Shall a crown of glory win: Every woman should use these pills
that I have to make him 'happy-if torious, will be, ruined. Unless Then come to the dear Redeemer, regularly because good health pays,
I may.-K.�-L. Stevenson. Germany destroys the Biitish fleet, He'll cleanse you from every stain; and it's good, vigorous health thati
'Germany will have lost her colo-
By the grace which he freely gtveth comes-to all who use Dr. Hamilton's
Dies, her predominant commercial You shall higher soar again. Mandrake and Butternut Pills.
'EW . �..: ..
;DOCTOR K\ position' in Cthina and • her trade -M. Butterworth. Last verse by P.B.
v< -America- H a b*9 G ueqs.
Had Tried It Hiatiself.
Great Britain sill be all right in •
..The'doctor wh(T has tried Postum. any case, :unless her fleet is de- ON THE MARRIA�-E DAY "They are advertising slip-'ons at
*--_.knows that iris an. easy, certain, Istroyed. She--willhave German Romanoe ceases and big ary begins- great bargains," said Mrs. Gajb'b,
`�4aud pleasant way Out of the tea or trad4f and German colonies. Her and corns begin to to too when "Put- looked up from the news-
a's she
coffee habit all of the'ails fol- 'mines and factories will be unin- "Am""' is
a,1)Pl'ed_'t takes, out roots' -What is a slip-on?"
I'D w 10 g., jured. She will be a still g.rest branch and stem. Notbinc so sure and paper- , skin," replied Mr.
&ISO a great paialess as Putnam's Corn and Wart Ex- "A banada
The patient of,an Eastern physi- colonial power, and tractor; try "Put5am'o," 2k. at oil Gabb.'
cian says military power as soon as-her army dealers.
-During the 'Itst past I is ready.
summer J Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.,
.suffered terribly with a heavy feel- IN 0.
in at the it Of my stomach and Originator1. : .. -knew Her We%kness.
of the Red Cross. He-What would you say if 1,
1: dizg feelings in my head and then- Y., -ross-Ari,- you a man. Or
We hear and read a lot in these Mrs. C
-a Alindness would come over my- days about the Red Cross, but how asked you to be The First of ALL
eyes Eo I would have to sit down. ,She'-As-little as possible. -mouse I
many of us cooid say (writes a Lon- Husband-The question is super- Home Remedies" "
I would get so nervous I could
mtrol in' feelings." The don corresponiAtt) offhand that the Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &o. fluous, -my dear. If I were a mous-
.bardly co y founder of this international move- Vou'd be.up,on a chair screaming. -VASELINE,"in its many
effects on the system of tea and cof-
fee drinking are very similar, be- meat was Henri Duhant, who died Pal (to emerging burglar - Did forms, with their innu-
only four years ago? -Greatly in- ser get anything? Burglar-Naw! minard's Liniment Curts Carga'ln tows. I
--cause they each contain the drug, fluenced by the example of t s a lawyer. merable uses,is the fourkla-
,:affeine.), two De guy wot lives here i . She Said tion of the family medicine
Englishwomen 1. Flizabeth Fry and Pal-Hard luck! Did yet lose any- Something.
"Fina4ly I spoke� to our family Florence Nightingale; , Dunant thing? An old Irish woman travelling on
.:pby ician,about it and he asked if started the movement unofficially in train one day noticed that two
il drank much coffee and mother a
told him that I did. He told me to French battle of Soiferino. .when he June •weather prevails in California; the � and who were travelling on
,immediately stop drinking coffee ideal W.interinff plaM reached comfort- gets,1859, at the time� of the Austro- A WARM WINTER. young men who were fellow-passen-
as be was known, because of his- dre��s, ably and conveniently by the Chicago passes did not pay. Turning to vl �������
and drink Postum in its place as the "man,in white. In his old and North West" -i Ity. Tra&mark
and his family\Ahad used Postum Four L-Plendid trains daily from the new them ;he said, "How does it come
and found it a powerful rebuff der age he fell into poverty, but the ter terminal Chicago-'Phe Overland t-bat you voting men do not pay, It�keeps the skin smooth and
award of the -Nobel Peace Prize M1'4:1, fastest train to San Francitwo; sound. Invaluable in tfiA
"end delicious food-drink. last the Loa Angeles Limited, three days to while an old woman like me has to
smoothed the passage of his Land of Sunshine. the f9mops Ban Fran- pay 711 "Oh," they explained, "we nursery for bums, cuts, in-
e' idea of having to give up my Switzerland,
I hesitated for a time, di�liking years. Dunant was a -native of cisco Limited and the California Mail. t bites, etc. Absdutely
e travelling on our looks." She sec
'the the flag.of which is a 6.111iluelnnt d folders describing the great ai
or Exposition's, andlooked from one to the other a few pure and safe.
,Coffee, but finally I got a package white cross on a. red ground. Out 11 varticulars, will be -i1d
and found it to be al,l the doctor rates and full application to B. H. Bennett, seconds and then said, <{
"Vaseline"is sold-,by drug
of 6ornpliment to him a Red CrOSS promotLy, on
said. on a white ground was chosen. by QeneraI_.Agent,,rh4eaco &.North Western you must be near yinir journey's and general stores every,
"Since drinking Postum in'place Ry., 46 Yonge, St.,-Toronto; Ont.., end.the nations as the syrnb-ol of this e where, or a fun size bottle
of coffee my dizziness, blindness beneficent organization. 'Pat Again. will be sent direct on re-
_,:and nervousness are &II gone, my
again ome time ago it notorious:char mpt of I 0C.
bowels are regular and I am 'Like it Band of Music. :. Some
well and -strong. That is a short atter in the North of Ireland was Write for new illustrated
statement of what Posturn-has done At the battle Of the Modder River sent to jail for two month;..During booklet which describes the
a officer for me." " ' n 0 . observed an' Irishman the time of his incarceration a false various "Vaseline" prepay- '
Name given by 'CAnadian Postum taking shelter- from the enemy's report got circulated about the
,tions and their many uses.
Co., Windsor, Ont. Read "The fire. After the engagement the of- village that he,had died in jail. One
] d to Wellville," in pkg-,. ficer, thinking to take Pat down a
R��a day after coming out of jail the
--post,1711n comes-in two forftis:� peg, sd-id :::-AVel1, Pat,-how- did
priest met him in the street. "Well- A 7
during the engagement 1" h' I lie ax,.d
Regular Postum ='niust- be well you feel din -,ijid.t e clergyman,.."
ReL Pat,"
'�ackag6s. w `'Feel,"' said Pat;-"I felt as if every
15c and 25c :Vou were dead." "Oh, sure, I
11��tjnt - Postum - ds a soluble'ble hair of my head was a band of in"- heard it myself."-replied Pat, "Imi-t.
11. A teaspoonful dissol.ves. sic, a.nd, they 'were all Pl"`y'T'9 I didn't believe it_.
y in a cup of hot water and, 'Home Swett Home."
cream and sugar,_make's a de- iy)
e-verage T M li�tfahim, used hot, will_-ii4n�_ Small Boy-ftc, c4a-r4ablela�.
s b nstant.ly.- .30c and e Please, mother say s she's much bet-, CHESEBROUGH MFICL CO
50c ins• ern dishes.
<)f tllF� (NIMPlaint tint you gives 100 CPABO'T AVE. MONTREAL
The cost per cup of both kinds ter
-ip about the same. it is rbly thr, man 'who deserves 'e,,r quinine for: but she'r awful ill
-,)i the disease rent's cured by p:rf,
S I b-
on his '4C
_t to
h it,
"I used_
-d there_ a
him any good
:P and tried
.d ointment.
There's a Reason'" for Pnsfum. a kindness who knows hA)iv to be. ISSUE 4-1 -114.
--sold by Grocers. gratefid for it.-Arnold. 11%vine and chicken broth.
.' � :•.. ..... • :�.` .. .+Y...r:' tl"i{•1.•s :/iNOari'a�•CfJ ,r=•gjiyC.•- L•ano.c '._Yt�zDV^,.w .:bit" •.xtrl L:b>••n.tT _ a..:2'R+T'. .MR'�q/JACa•: -y- n'�SY.'.':..
.. .'T" .r .rq "r. _,:�..,• 'b+a, r;,�,. � •.:::�•:, - •;rnL s
-Walter Powell and daughter, -Farmers who.have been busy ONLY 5 WEEKS TILL CHRISTMAS ` M .
LOCA�ISMS. Miss Gladys, were in the city on with their fall plowing,.have been
Thursday. compelled to take a rest, owing to And there will be busy days before that for you if you do not makewx
-Mrs. W. J. Coakwell spent a the severe frost. - your Christma selections early
W. J. Coakwell had a business few days this week with friends -James Thompson, of Mount China is always appropriate and useful. Salad bowls, celery, --
:trip to Brougham on Tuesday. in Oshawa. Albert, was here on Tuesday,ow• and spoon trays,vases cups and saucers. plates, sugar '
-Mrs. 'Win. Burt, of Toronto, -George White, who has been ing to the sad and mysteriots and cream teapots, mustard pots,pepper and salt eta
spent Sunday with her Pickering residing in Dunbarton for the pact death'of his father-in-law, George
,d large range of beautiful stationery,
friends. year or two, has moved into Chap- Hollinger, books, etc, etc.
-Ed. Goamley, of the Ma4eey mew Brroe', residence on the Green- Fancy trays, hand bags, clock#, toys, games;
Harris Co., Toronto, was home wood road. aCMOOL REPORTS Choice fruit for your Christmas cooking,raisins, currants, peel
-'over Sunday. -Miss Maggie McEwen, who fig, datas, prunes, apricots, nuts and all kinds of Spices
=Frank Shepherd, of Port has been is the employ S. S.No. 12, Pickering•for month of
p p y of the Our confectionery is always the choicest. See our novelty Dutch .bozos.
October, names in order of merit: Sr,
• .
'Perry, visited at the home of his Countess of Clarendon for the past Marie Hamilton. 'Hilda Ham,
father here this week. two years, left-6n Sunday _for a IV October,
.Eva Hood, aMabel Hood, Winnie - Prices as low as last year, with goods o1 best quality.
-Misses' Frankie Jones and three mouths visit at her home in Wilson, Harold-Bartley. Jr. I Jr. G. F A. GILLESPIE DUNBARTON
Lizzie Richardson' stent Sunday Edinburgh, Scotland. She will re- Mabel Hamilton, Charlie Rusaetl,
..with friends in the city. turn again in the spring. III.-Raymond Pilkey, 'Helen Bar-
-Rev. James Wallace, formerly -The Women's Missionary Soli- clay, Russell Pilkey, 'Myrtle Ham,
of Lindeay, spent a day last week ety of the Methodist church will 'Lillian Courts, Russell Hamilton, -
with friends in the village: hold a" Sock Social on Tuesday Tom Bunker, Fred Riddle. Jr.II.-
-Quite a number from this evening, Dec.. 8th. _Tpa�ervedL
Muriel Madill Frank F3arrlav �ordoa
-attended Oliver Dena rf oin 8 to o'clock, after which Riddle. 1.-'Elmer Courts, LorneOLVre
Neale on Wednesday afternoon. Mies McGuffln. of Toronto will Bunker. Prim.-Colin Madill, Edna r 1
-Charles and Mrs.-Pilkey and show lantern views on China and Wright, Harold Percy. Those pres-
ent every day marked thus
Albert spent Sun- r •:ti:J; •:!;::l:;::Nii�f:'�+.�:•Z.•: ::N�:Y-:t'•.':i•;S:?•Syr••J� .1•,.
Child, of Mount p Japan. _ .,•, '%vr;: �r.: s;•.;,1,+;,s,a:.;.,;...:::.:.•:::::.:;9:.;;,,:::��:E::.;::•�
with Jabez and Mrs. Hallett. -At the Beekeepers' annual +,. 'r .'•: , • •••.:••s.•:•.J::•••- at:•s
y $O'WLETT-HICK +:;.;;::e`e '•' �+sr:y. °•:.rs.; ;4•,{:••::.:•.;•`:.;:;•'i''i:'
-Joseph Doyle, who has been convention held recently in To-
confined to his house for several ronto, Wm. Linton, of Aurora, in t'' "t"% •�•t.•,••',`•,•• ••
••=•' Pasfora:Range will borh" :'! ;#;'';;;:r
weeks through illness,is gradually his address "Sweet Clover-Its Avery pretty wedding was solmn- •,, .s ;}f Y l�•'.�.,'•�t .:;.. _—
ized at the home of Mr. and Mrs.O.R. i s•. cook and bake at the same time to :::••':r•;•,
im rovin Culture and Uses," stated that he = e
p g• Hick, of Deleware, Ont., on Wednes- t„ s '�'����•�'�''���'��•
-Frank Bundy, of Toronto, + '
y he had made ra2000 in one.season day evening, Nov. ll,..when their old- -f�;;?:;{':.,;�Y 1t5 full capacity. This feature and �="•''
accompanie I by a friend spent by selling the seed from a thirteen 'est daughter, Phoebe Florence, be- • ' f; "•`' _
-Sunday at the home of his acre field of this plant. He testi- came the bride of Mr.Cecil Ezra How- __'-'-�'cE;;"rmany other exclusive ones will compels•''•• '
ate here. fled to its great value in restoring lett The ceremony was--performed i.=,',•••.'•:�� ;.
Eggs are now s very scarce fertility to the soil, by plowing by Rev. Mr. Garbutt, of Lambert, the r.+ti:• yaGT-5eriOlis consideration when you.
-article on the market. The price under a green crop. bride entering the drawing room on �r,-'s'',', select, your. kitchen .�
In Toronto has soared to about -A notable study of the effects the arm of her arm of her father to is � range.
— the strains of Lohengrin's--wedding
sixtycents a dozen. of war co women and children ap- b y,
-Detective. of Toronto march played y bride
Flavin Tucks -
-D peered in this week's issue of the of Komoka. The bride was attired in r;•�.;• •�"'�'' q
Tuesday investigating
was here onTue y g g Saturday Evening Post which. is a gwn of cream silk crepe with
themysterious death of George well worth reading. The paper is blouse and tunic of shadow lace and (�; ':';f i '• ;;K:r
;Hollinger, of Cherrywood. very ably edited, but recently,has trimmed with lace and pearls. The r?if. ?,.; '• i
-George Stephensuu, of the come infor very harsh criticism long bridal veil was caught in cap
_Vreenwood road, moved into t _._. its
strongly pro-German
effect and hemmed with pearls. "She r...„ y
Tillage this week, having rented articles, a .result o which has earr.i�eriaet-roses The bridesmai ,
M• Shaughness 's dwellin seriously affected its circulation in Ji`ss Lulu I'.obeon,of Hyde Park,wore ?
y R• y pink silk with pink slippers to groom
`r•" j ;
-Fora first-class shit or over- Canada, where.it hag had many and carried carnations. The room .�;:: , r::, ;:• � ,
coat for the holiday,; see D. Situp- readers. was supported by James- Hick, broth- i�;,•;;"::' � �, �
eon, the onlypractical man to -Timothy Reddin, of the Brock er of the bride. After the ceremony, •'
'leave your orer with-D:Simpson road, will hold an .auction sale of over one hundred partook of awed
* din dinner which was served b
Oo. his purses, cattle and sheep at his g y - •l
-A new chimney has been erect- premises, lot 18, can. 8: Pickering Messrs Ernest and Gordon Hick and
`ed on the fire-hall. Mr. Wilson on Saturday, Nov. 28th. As %Ir. Abram Dempsey During the even- -
log the bride and groom motored to `A '
'has about completed the paintaog Reddin lost his barn and stables London and left on a honeymoon trip,jad decorating of the interior of with their contents by fire a few to eastern points. On Monday eves-
all. weeks ago, everything advertised .ink the youngpeople residinif in the jai
-Mrs. Henry Gordon has instal- will be sold without the slightest neighborhoosurprised the bride-with
it led a-furnace it: the residence she reserve;having no stable room_nor a linen shower. '•;
r e
g Estate and which she now winter. i f` •�':`"
t PICKERING MARKETS .. r::;: � :`;;•:, .,r;= ,-
oceu ies. Everything that goes up gi tst
v sold a ��.
s have w ea is ��-s:••
pp Friends- a .is an old-Th F tom® do
White Winter Wheat ... ... 1.15
fR ,
�sbed immediately south of their which we never thouahtvf contra- g� •• �• ,. 1.13
--iaseetia -house to the Ba tilt diCtiDg. But what about the Mixed 1.15
`church at Green. River,'-.where it cost of living. The price of meat Spring Wheat. . ....:.......... 1.00 ;a•:
will be re-erected. every now and then takes a jump Goose .....a......... 100
r -George Smith. of Dunbarton, upwards but we have never yet Oats..... •..... .50
roved last week into the residence heard of it coming down. As a
recently -purchased from Mrs. result a great mea of us or :•�': �:': .;; =_.:. 'r;;rtti` �'i'' :r a _ .
y COUNTY COUNCIL: , NDON�t::.::• � : ;x,.:: :� �• � ��`
Sen Gordon, and lately vacated a have been compelled to •.s LONnoN- { r •� a an.
t•y lid ;. Pandora Ran- '•.
by the Misses I.aw. give np the use of meet except a :County of Ontario TORONTO e•'•'• ora nes are sold
-Miss Clara Ham left on Thurs taste Q our Sunday dinner. .MoxTREAt _
day last to spend a• few weeks -"A sale of work under the alis- •,;; G by goo here z
with her sisters, The adjourned meeting of the Coun- WINNIPEG ,, ¢, by good den.
. Mrs. (Rev.)$"F. pices of the Women's Guild of St. cil of the Corporation of the County gds VANCOUVER �•• lers who back
��de-Foe_ Wa ner,of Alliston �and Geode's church will be held in the of Ontario, will be lseld, pursuant to ,; sr. JOHN ,. ° up our guar.
a B df cit- Town Hall, on. tFe a�erttoon an journment, at the Council Cttamb .;..HAMILTON ti 7.
Mrs B. orn, ra or s. anted on this
r` -Remember W. P. Orviy sale evening of -Friday, Dec. 4th. Be- 'erg, in the'court House. Town of c,•
P of dairy cows, heifer calves, etc. sides the useful articles for sale Whitby. on Tuesday the Ylth day of SASKATooN .;;:
Nov. 1914. at the hour of -two o clock ,�R DadONTDN r. ,j range �f
t� at his premises on the Kingston there will be a fl%h-pond. In the E :. ?z; "s:; '•;i': -'' McClap►�
r; _ in the afternoon. ::;,,�,-.• „ta' ;;: ;:;
road, one and a half-miles east of evening there will be an At- All accounts to be placed before the � •;;3�::��r�+h;:":,;1�•.i;:�:. ... .'�::,,. ,, ::a•s -
t'v .$'ickeriog village on Tuesday, Home," n ith dancing. Light re- Council shou•Id be forwarded to-the •� ,~
Nov. 24th. freAhn:ents will be served. A gen- County Clerk, at least three days be-
-W. A M N
y -W. E. Ritchie has -returned eral admission of 10 cents will be fore the meeting of said Council. `-
y,after.spending a couple of weeks charged for the evening only. The J. E.FAREWELL, Me '
<in his annual hunting tour in people of St. George's church ex- . -8 County Clerk -
': Northern Ontario. He reports fend a hearty welcome to all. 9
A-hat-deet are-rather more timid- - -Don't forget-the literary treat rG ETA L ES hat You Wa ' NaW
this year than usual: in store for the people of Picker- C
-Millinery- We are offering Ing to be given in the Town' Hall,
.some bargains in hats. Any Rork upder the auspices of the Wom
wanted to be done now is the time en's Institute, next Thursday 710R SALE Heaters;Parlor Cooks, Stoves and Ranges, Coal Oil Heaters, 7.
to attend to it, as the millinery evening (Nov. 28th) by Donald G. -- -
eeason will scion be closed. Come French the literary editor of the
y Cabbages, �ar>i>;1ps, Onions,
:.`now. D. Simpson & Co. * Toronto'Sunday.World and Prin- _ . -Clark's Carriage .Heaters -. x
-An A. Y. P. A. - (Anglican cipal of the Canadian Correspond- Carrots, Pota69, etc.
Young People's Association) has once College. His subject will be Quality guaranteed, prices right. Fireboarda Coal Scuttles, Cinder sifters, Gloves,
i' been organized in St. George's "Messages froen Our Canadian Ind.phone 101. _
'g�hharch. • Many pleasant-and pro- .Poets," a subject on which he Is.
Stable winter evenings will be well qualified to speak. In addi- E. L Chapman, Pickering
i spent by its members. tion to the, lecture there will be a p g Mitts, lined and unlined.
-The heaviest rainfall of the. good program of music: 'The pro- :.
year took place on Sunday, when reeds will be devoted to the Patri- .A Position for Fall J B V N iL.r Y _
there was a continual'down-pour otic Fund. Admission 25 cents and �IntB>< H.
.for twenty-four hours., As a re and-child�en 15 cents. -
snit there were man ,ew__ . .,
y vacant ps - -In,order riot to be-behind the We have a Sound'bueioess proposition "
io.the various churches. other towns and cities of the o- for a reliable energetic salesman for ,-
-Mr. and Mrs.Somers-Cocks are minion in the matter of patriotism this district to sell fruit trees, small
moving into the Earl of Claren the young men of the village are fruit, flowering shrubs, etc. Pay
don's residence fo`r th'e winter. It eontem latin the formation of a weekly,outRt free,seclusive territory. _
is the intention of the garland home contemplating
Having no water. ►Something Inter8ting to arm, ers .
-"Countess to return in the spring, works to guard from destructive of fruit and ornamental stock under-
unless something unforeseenoecurs Germans, our energies could be cultivation. We sell through our In future I will have Harness and Horse Goods at W. J.
-A number of the ladies of the devoted. to therotection of the salesmen direct to the consumer and Bodell's, Brougham, at regular prices.
p gvr-%ntee delivery of fresh• high
village and surrounding country town hall and the bridge over grans trees. Our agencies are yeti- Call and see him.
met in the basement of the Meth- Duffin's Creek. When the Germ- able by reason of the service we give ill stock of Harness, Robes, Blankets, Rugs and all horse
odist church on Wednesday after- ans once found out that we had and the volume of business done. Re-
noon, when a number of quilts such an organization, Pickering tablished 35 years. Write goods at Pickering.
1: were made ready 'for Belgian re• would be quite immune from any PELHAM NURSERY CO., - Boots and shoes repaired as well as harness:' -
3ief. foreign invasion. The idea is a TORONTO, ONT.
-We regret to report the death good one, as the greatest need of p.-S. Handsome Catalogue on request pICgERINa HARNESS EMPORIUM
<of William Albert, the-infant son the nation to-day is expert rifle either to applicant or those wish-
ti'of J. D. and Mrs. Remmer, which shots, and we would be pleased to Ing Nursery stock. phone Ind. 301. W. J. COABWELL
took place on Saturday at the age see,such an organization formed. - .
;-of,4 mouths and 3 days. The fuse- -An interesting event took Ei LM DALE MILLS
rRl took place on Sunday to Erg- place on Wednesday morning in
r`kine cemetery. the R. C. church when Mr. Maur- PICK�^RINQ•
-The next regular meeting of ice Hickey waa united in marriage the Women's Institute will be held to Miss RatTeefy, of Cherry- 7s the place.to get your•next _ N10E Warm WoO+j
T at the home of Mrs. J. Dickie and wood, The ceremony was per- bag of Flour.
•-Mrs. Chapman on Ttleaday after• formed by Rev. Father Ry�►ri, of '
noon, Nova 24th, at 8 p. to. An Whitby, in the presence of a few Ogilvie's Royal Household can't be Our stock of Woollens this year is the most eatensi t, including-
illustration of inexpensive Christ- relatives.and friends. The groom beat for Bread.
'mss gifts will be. slyer by the was supported by his brother,Joe, 61enera Flour Pastry Flour"
'Sweater Costa; Sweaters, Socks and Underwear. J-080, our
.members. while Miss Li=le Teefy, sister of '- Graham Flour. Fall and Winter.Cape cannot be equalled.
-The large mill-pond-slid the .the bride, acted -as bridesmaid. Fresh Rolled Oats
'creek are-now frozen over and on Mr. and Mrs. Hickey left on the Bran and Shorts We'make a specialty of Gents' Furnishings, and ace agents for the°
nesday, the 18th of November, ten o'clock train at Cherrywood Oats and Oat-Chop' -
the .boys were skating on the on their wedding tour, and -'on Barley and Barley Chop Lowndea 'railoring Co. gaantee is given-with U H 8very t -
small pondq at the bottom of the their return will reside.in.George Mixed Feeds _ garment and• perfec satisfaction assure ur. —
Ill south of the village. This is Smith's cottage opposite H. Mor- Molassine Mea] and Molasses•Meal _ Fall and Winter eampTes are here
the earliest akatiag for a nnniber rtsons. THE Nsw$ joins their Special prices in ton lot#. now, so call and see them.
orf years. It will be a long, long many friends in wishing the VCTps]c8
w. '
=ivnv tn'next Rnring if winter sets happy couple many years of R A BUNTIG P:ICHERING-
iat'now, health and prosperity. Chopping every dall
'.. ' - .. . ',.;rw._,.,a,v..M1: _..,. .•. ,,....'^•.a�,',`'":�w;.�'A .. -; '`.X'h 'i::A•' "�'i•a:. :�.w4r',. '`�^a,' ',,.• +�'
,f MP :y:.. ,-,w w r4,. .�, �.q,4„ , ,iyyx.;� "r,"•` ,,,�` 'GrM' t _