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•', "��a. A- �. L. ,. ., ,,,,yr•q YACF �•%L•�Tcv., _ - w Y•-S
b +..FA }}T' •.f+h:'.-.•.. w '_,.v<e..- ... R'S�" ......J'� '.'.. -w s4a ...'.�,. ..- ^F.:%.' R +S`�. - I•Y -
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A - .. • .- __ r. _ _ ��•_ � :qt',-..
No. 47
iM>rofiafatlstaual l6arDa. _ ouNfiARTON -
PINK MILLS " �� WFIITEVALE Established 75 years -'
Medical W. A. Rammer, principal 'of 'the Mr. Duff spent ay in Toronto
Brockville public schobls, accompan- Mr. Paress, of Toronto, is visiting
E. FORSYTH, D. of O. Regis. ing relatives at the ba _are with Beaton.
e tared member of the oytometiioal Asso. P Swimming is the ord-er_41_the Clap,
elation of Of glasses.
Special ete dfre given to --- - A Very-violent'eiectrre-storm passed- The instructor is kept busy _;REEN W. 001)
_fitting Of of gtnese•. Eyes tested tree. North over this locality early on •Tuesday _ Mrs'. A. Mathewson is entertaining
•moat. _ 46it WHITE SATIN BREAD morning, and was accompanied by a a number of Toronto friends. MILLS,
NO. McKINNON, M.D., L.R.C.S., ,CREAM BILLS-FAaIiLY- very heavy rain tall. Mr. Scott, who Miss Mildred'•White returned h-orae
. Edinburgh;member of the College of lives just north of the. school had the on Saturday, after spending a shorter ''
Physicians sad burgeons of ontarlo>lieeatiate TEA BUNS—PASTRY misfortune to Joie two valuable_Gows vacation in Kettleby
-nf al College. 01. burgeons, ,li licentiate
- - - - -- — Two 1-indR of F
medal rttsntioa to deiesses'of women and y the Iightning.
Errol Tomlinson hada ver narrow K
oMldrea, once and residence,Brougham. . . espape from 'being killed one day last ISSIMI for PASTRY ` -
. C _ BRA'` CHERRYWOOD - 'week, 'While drilling_A-w AKERS' JOY for BREAD
DR. W WILSON PORTER, Ohiro - _- .S$ORTS - .
practor-The cause of ditease removed by Pickering he stepped into the bucket I guarantee baking results
' astment of the spire., Consultation free. JUMBO The Cherrywood buggiologist visit• intendin to windlas down to the
on Mondays, wedneedave and ed the Timberlost recently and sue- bottom, tut ales, the rope slipped or Money back (}
days. once-4o Simcoe st.South, Oshawa. SCREENINGS ceeded in getting some fines specimens. he went down faster Pthan ptphe law -
1'hoae 914,Oshawa _ OATS C. W P ROLLED OATS g ,
PICKERING MEDICAL'SURGICAL --OAT CHOP -- The severe thunderstorm Tuesday allows. Don't break the speed limit Exchanged for Oats. O
morning was the cause of the lose of 8 Errol. WHEATLF T9 g
fine barn a little north-west .of this _T
:. .'and X-RAY INSTITUTE CORN AND;CORN CHOP Place. It is said to be that belon in ' CORN
-�' 1�IAI2v Towz�,
X. B,, X. D,, C. M., Mrs. Hodgson and little daughter, Miss Bessie Llutchings, of Toronto The following-Feeds kept on Q
who heave been 'visiting relatives and spent Sunday with her parents here, hand '
P,Ispsidaa-in-oherge FEED OF ALL KINDS friends in this locality. are returning Rus and Mrs. Forster, of Hamilton, :
- 8peeialist in Sects! Dotes as Prostatic Dis this week to their home in Roland,
' ssuss of Men. Diseases of women cancers, are holidaying with the foruier'e par• N O
ors•S•Ray ezamiartion. Dteersss of aye PRICES RIGHT..
nose,throat sad luags, pitting Blains sad .�,_. �,'e
a�! SHORTS _.
eats here: OAT CHOP
gouts and chronic diseases Miss Annie Fulle'rAs spending two D
e sorra i>r to 9 and T to 9 �y - ---; -- weeks 'with her parents. W. A. and A
- .-_ _-..__ David and-Mre. $eabeck and rami!
Mrs. Fuller. . CORN CHOP :,y. "
LeOAZ. s mother at ox as re urns ,
grove. after spending two weeks holidays CORN-Beat American W :
E. FAREs�yYELL, K.C., BARRIs- J, L•• 3PINBi LIMITEDt -Arthur and Mrs. Betz and little son with her parents bete. OIL CAKE _ c
Court soli
' ':rte- • '-
_�� B AT_
Infontry, Action ►nMorni g and, �t
f Ships an
Dismantlin oand Disarming oAfternoonfForts
- - listed Upon
s . -'A-desjiateh `from London ser•s: fantry withdrew from•the town,into
the Imper r the woods at the;side of the Meuse, w
"A despatch from -Tokio says: of the said'agreement, , I The Times correspondent ati Namur, four miles. from the river. The ar-
- Japan has sent an ultimatum to ial Japanheliev.5 ese
'b oits du y'to-sincerely
erthe � ,' L ,. `.,:' $elgium, who witnessed the fight: .tillers then took charge of the bat .
_ rniany ria erm �t Ing at -t ' ,
At the me moment a French
t draw -W 91 and ev_aeuate_ advice to the:Imps___-- _ -Satur - k _ --
n , • un- ernmeht to carry out th8°$(illowmg °°-' vanctp -
s "The bat le occupied a whole, day- infantry regiment, -
s Kiao-Chau. - Unless Germany "
but was trade up o'f two actions. the Meuse .on the right ban rem,
ust 23 two propositions:- - - h T flung
conditionally accepts by Aug Immediate• V�uhdraiv al.
,7span will take action. -To withdraw immediately The first occupied from m'orn'ing un- Houx, at the south of Namur,
Test k ultimatum. "First a z til 2 o'clock'in the, afternoon. The itself on .the I tfile s , the town, �
sinese andNine a waters he remainder of and, aided by, artillery, drove them
"NVe consider
it highly tm _
t., s I the'afternbon.' J!ht:LL from
From-early morning,. o
and necc�ssary in the present situa- j Germari then of-war and arms vel- ��+ W when the Germans took possession the two armies were engaged in an
* • 3
s 'tion to take, measures to remove sera of 'all kinds, and to disarm at x4 * " I o# apart of Dinant, on the left bank artillery duel across the town. It
the causes o€ all disturbanQes of the once those which cannot be so �� lO
e in the Fax East and to safe- withdrawn• liver on a date '" 3 ,"' of the Meuse, and a regiment of was ala;8rs the Germans who were:'�
xi- 'p .-rI ' French infantr advanced at the retiring along the hills to the south Y
-guard the general interests as con ` Second-To de y the French
tember to to the lwa�s r
templated by the agreement of not later than Septies, -__-____ I same time from the south to the of the town and atter
-- .. betvreen Japan-.and Great Imperial Japanese Qmutnsation,, --BIR JOHN FRENCH, north and occupied hthe
_b:tweenathe I liide I tle. Gradually the Freno moved their ba ies ch dro e
alliance wit'hdut condition or c Pe
Britain. of the town, skirmis
C3eaeral of the British armx• two forces proceeded throughout� the Germans southward probably r
-_ "In orc?er to secure a firm and t'he entire�eaase erne Of
Who has been appointed insPecto['!
the fiorencon.• In the afternoon the 1.along the road_'to Han-•Sur-Lesse,
enduring peace in eastern Asia, the ,Chau, .111RRIBL); C'�R\AGE. fighting took the form of an artil- pursuing all-the time with in
establishment of which is the aim•restoration of the same' to China. ement; The French in- and chasseurs." .
a _ — lery engag
_- I crowds.saw a flash from the German Germans Driven Bark Try!
o -
Rush Liege Forts;
machine and then the bomb struck NOTHING CAN STOP IT:
the bridge. -The.legs_of one of the despatch from $russels', via
victims of.the bomb were shat IlArp Andeeht .London, says: The Germans sus neither II'ais nor Rumors of` ��ar
'ihpi ion. s ,.
II .. ' _
` inches deep was wrn in the bridge. ''
j� Liege fo;t•a on.the right bank of the ,*
'Later a bomb struck the roof of the , river and concentrated . all their It was thought at one time that
' :;I
railway Bratton+ covering- the plat- efforts s,n those to the west of the war and its troubles-might in some. .
f ' affect' the Canadian National } J
form with -broken glass• . \o ,one tijw•n. Fort Pontime and the way
'was injured: _. _ -. _ - but as time.-wore on, .
neighboring forts resisted extreme. �Exhibition,
-- V ly well the fierce„ German attack. and the rush of entries became
6 ..
.ALL=SL_1Iti BY ONE ItA\. .heavier than ever before and the
� � _ The Germans have_been trying �� ',demand for, space nearly doubled -
ush Pontisse by .main force, no while every other de
.. ,cement of a Brave young Bel• r i upon siege artillery. !the supply, �
iehle longer rely ng P " s
pian Corporal. hase..been unable, however, to partmen't s owe a b' c se, it
h d B
in res
r at
_ h
- $ales, get beyond :the g-lads. of he fort, I became evident that the Big n 81and
a.r A despatch from Cardiff,
an 9 V 1.
cars: A letter•received h"rem`!uaho �bhethetfire'- ohey f the d(The n-growing no pmatterht tions.hat happens,
co J
t private in the Belgian a - rovided with bun= In 4o far'as trio attrastiona are con-
took part in the fighting at Liege I, besiegers were p
the splendid bill announced .
i described how a .r•uung corporal •by•I dles of wood and. mattresses with :corned, -
' the name of Lupin shut the officers which to fill up tris difetTes-'about Yaclier still stands' the only change
.nets' of a German battery the flirt; bu-t they Gere. unable:to�being that the_ Grenadier ,Guards _
runners } _
and then was killed by a German i make'' use of them. Po tisse,1ehas I However, its dates have been bfille f
shell. The letter says that the Ger- i which is just west. of a number
_ ,mana,'having. failed in a frartillerv, li lent atter fortification-, eAtaciou.57 sistThee objecttof-Ithetbest. Amer caiitbanda, and there
tack, w g Leave the -Germans obviously is -to seize I will-still be a dozen band erts
SIR W: EDWARD GOSCHEN, - Gount • %'on 11i�ltke.
i with the. famous Creators
British Ambassador in esrlin, who when Lupin, exclaiming, featuring-na Count Von Moltke, the chief of
delivered the British declaration of. them to which-behind aiiof tg Ger (VeufP.twhchtlin the m hands of the storing the bill. The interna=
1, e .between Can- the -grand general staff of the Ger
war. nK
" •- mean left, enfilaEied the crew of he i Relgiaiis would'be terrible weapons tie Peace peace
100 years of pear
-.'..'hMRGT, II00'ifE1 LIELD• Germs.battery He shot down in against them. On.hI' other hand, against
France, Russia, Hol
S chief officer; these forts in the hands of the Ger- ada and 'the United States,' is the ring army; now engaged in war
onsibls for quick succession theland and Belgium.
Jury I'hmd+ Him Re%p then the under officers, and finally mans would serve as a base fel a n I promises torun-high in- patrottismt r'Von Moltke is the nephew of the
trench Reser Death- . l spectacle "Babylon," great Field Marshal .Von Moltke
the gunners, Confusion ensuereeted tion direoted'against the. Belgian P 00o perc. foriiicrs and won-
entre and rejoices in the Christian name
despatch from ,Montreal,says: among the Germans,atie.wall bringing 1 Selgianoattack. eThe�at ark is Ger-,I derful- with ts fireworks effects, should of Julius. In the same way th
-great. fierceness, -he G
JSergeaai G: H. Hooter, of the their last gthe Field- Marshal was celebrat
who 'sliofi it down and crushing I.upan tO. .manpi being mowed down at esems prove a favorite, Another feature
Montreal Heavy
Brigade, _ bill is the Nater Carni- for his taciturnity, so is his nephev0
and killed antoone -Notter. a death. ,i_ attempt to carry the fortifications.. of the big and successor as Chief of the. (3eA
-.--' ' Fcetir.h .:lrmc.reservist, at the drill Terrible German carnage resulted vale with everything from Indian -
hall cn Friday w•heii he failed to from-the last attack•, _ race - - _ .
canoe s to flying ship's. ed for never smil
--- : — --- - lI
` oral Sta en w
r o n
. .halt at the c.,mnmand of ihe-saldrer, _.
-' �ntmalo •for the Canadiar+ Conlin- gOfL\LIST L1�XDER 3fI0T MAN OFFI('EIiS root He
n prof d g, i
ouZi m, but
''•will no,., go to' wars He was held �. GTR even of downright misery, impress-
eriminall� resp-)n%ihle for the deed gent flay Be Commandrered. —
cr the l'uroner : Court. -_an enorm- ys Were Making Observations of .Rus- eaaid tlratit le- aiser taddres_sea him"
croRd jammed, every inc of :� despatch from -Ottawa-
authorities Roused to fort G,e nYlnrf Ser- I+fana In a{ hips. - as "the :Gloomy Julius." Gloomy
_ous _ -
space in and art,`'lnd-the court, and When the lora y e is o
A .despatch from London says' •: L despatch from.-St• Petersburg h for his imperial master
_ many a itnesses were .examined: attempted-to buy horses aL La°s The Daily Citizen, organ of the sur
The evidence seemed to show thatldowne Park today fur the local says; Unprecedented secrecy proved a hard.man to satisfy. The
?cotter did not understand a word' unit to be attached to the overseas I Labor party, ,says it was learned movements; regi-
been killed contingent dealers asked such prices , from a reliable authoritX that Dr. r t 8egtnaent•has left, no P mond of the fore sed with
ounda the Kaiser. 'hi
� meat after 3
_ of English, and had Rarl. I iebknecht; the German So body knows whither; '$nd even the his general as his Chief of
_ urchasing committee
u am idea that.he .was dis- that the . p
's gloom `
-In- threatened,to commandeer the re- cialist leader, has been shot for re-, eonimanding officers are ignorant• staff.
obeying the order o—t" he sentm`3- - at a price , —�'
C'•oroner 'Mc�Iahon're- quit num fusing to do military service. The Before their departure each re . —
aumnmin� uP. vs that the 4tory, ceives sealed..orders to, he opened REFUSE TO F',G HT.
y marked that H(wten had. by his to'be,filed by a militart.y ve p X330 D8 ybrought to. L,on�on�y at-spec }muars—The-Russiatls, _ y
i•. own a(fin, -cion, ordered the ma was NO horses asked rangedr frim e boug$230 The rices man refugee, who reported that after a sharp encounter, drove back
r then whop he win to the shortage of d 21st German army T'he• ,Iustria;n.Forces are Said to' {t
morin;. hail caller} on• to a +• foody was in a virtue state u revo- corps, who were en eavering .
. It was for' disregard of this order SULD HIS COL'�TRT. lution. Dr. Liebknecht was an offi- cups Evdtkuhnan. A message has A despatch g frDm Rome says:'Per-
. that the shot was fired:
The Cor- cer of the reserves, and was called been an
from: Vilna ata'ting 'soar arriving at the Italian capital
oner said he ce)Videred the,sentry's which from Bosnia describe the Austrian.
for service. that a German aeroplane,
excuse 'that he thought the deceas- Wireless Operator on yifTrl Tower I r�pond on conscienHousegrounds, forces there,.especially the Slav,
Convicted. -. l whereupon, according to the story, was making observations of Russian Czech,'Italian and Roumanian ele-
i ed was about to pull .a'rel ol�'er a - r__ military,movements 'in the Polish
q .
Poor cIt Hlwten was ebellious-
taken to the _ was Erred
` droll hall under a military guard, A despatch from Paris says: 'A I•g det&chment•of:soldiers was sent .Gove'rnment of Suwalk, The{r'aaellersrasseit thatuly and r altiiaugh
Frenchman eexused of espionage to his residence. He was taken to brought d n with a
upon and °a°
'�-- was
to death'by a court- I the military barracks and -court a number of mutineers have
martialed. After a short trial, -he crash. Its occupants, four German ear to
..BOMBS FROM _ EROPLAN- .S. according t
martial s the firstic'sat in camera. rI'hi$ c s, we
officers, re killed ac rd'ng ° shot, the regiments app
e since disintegrating, and 'that this ac-
espiort��g was convocted and shot is- a pia- counts for the inactivitw of the Aiis-
Driipovd '1n.' amur 'and Five Are the,declaration of war. "i'fie rens'or toon of infantrymen. It is also 're the deapatc` h'
Ilouiificd. ublication 'of orted that Rosa Luxemburg• the trioti army on'the Servian frontier.
r will not allow the p P GERM_ N ('-��-�L.Bl OFFL�SIVE during the last eleven days.
,� despatch from London says g- noted Socialist writer who declared -
his name. He was arrested on .1u +-
Tne Llrndon Titres.. on a.:«•a.r extra, ust 3, afId a report on aviation stn that- soldiers were maltreated in. And
Are Once More Driven. Back
the a=my, has been shot. B� the Belgian. .
prints a despatch from, Naimir say- tions and the Eiffel lower wireless
-- _-` -
.1 fallen in tion was in his" posse
in Mndon
various parts o€ the, city from a The Frenchman handed these _� despatc from
The War Office announces: The
German aeroplane. One of these ments'to a d'etectice, 'mistaking him has won victories in
Do bridge, far a German spy, It is said the :`M, IW.goan army against
e -I t
t el
ell on h' velar civ ,` and Hass erg
f csmme Y aro
wounding; fire men. T'he Place' de Frenchman was a g , the district
fa Gare, nearby. was crowded with ploys If the War Office. It is ati I �
German cavalry, which was trying
at the time; a•ll watching mitred he �•isited the'Eiffel Tower to,takc the offensive again •dtfter-Its
the ev.�lu•tions 'of'a .German aero- once or twice a day. -His•duty' eras defeat at Diest. . German infantry is �
lane and a Belgian_machine. The to send out true' news in German i 4 Y .luring. toward Vise and Tongres.
pp I `
• - datter.was,cplplani.ng to earfl . The and English. .' _ '' _-----•- .. _
Icrthant nnc arm
•' FIGHT A ... of Food. _ W.
Vessels Rcsi C r 'age
- -__
-from London Says:
-•-• -
- ngerstaedf ro
• Steamers with passe as
t a.
rian Shi s. Sunk, Thi-rd---Afire} and Fourth-
,:_�c° _4isions' contits'ue to err ' om
_Aust P - sea
` Scandinavian north pox
- t s
V t0 g Y ea _
coastwise traffic is being
st dily �y� •.
- resumed-and -trawlers are• going
Ut their legitimate_ business. z"
- s: 3 uadron coming torn a Two cargoes ° R c
.A despatch from London ser}' 9 ravision steamers from ��
A derpa'tch frolri R'en't•er's Telegram west, attacked the riustrian wa•r �\ ``` i6rcr and P enhageu arrived"`
"sh under date, of Sunday, ships: Rotterdam and C-0P
ri _ ,+ ronclads were a .• Among the passer- Q Ott
, uatroan 3 ursd \icnlii
_ o w A fib Ike -
C o fi
T �n `rand 1
- s
•a3 s 1, between grcnch Funk, a third was a8t on fire, and a i C,� enhagen was Jul
".1 naval batt naval fhe formei French ambers- ' the Comm-' clan -in Chief. o,E,i
R an off fourth fled nort•hwasds tovgard ADMIRAL VON jorman rs froip_- P Itu�sian armies.
and Austrian wa 'hies bP'g 11 Correa , I sador at Berlin.
is<lua, :1 irFtria, i ho Adriatic,.at Cahtare. The fight lasted over an torcesCommander o! the
cisrmsu► l am'ban.
A . "ewe Farench hour.
U'Clock this niUTIIl -ora
�.:�:x7" ""e.+r. `r'"--;•'''•�,. '..t, "!�.. �Y.-+,,• ,iAS,zr ^Y r ,. - yn?- �w; n4; '^ '.u`*d;, ! 7.,t. "e 4t�,! �f'^?�yS'4'" �y"n: .a 1 ,;�{' a. •i n-.« y,
' , -� R,, wo#: irr `5a...5. l�, ,d` ' .r;s -'�" .:c. x y. ?,.,-t'ur .ice. .•yr'+. -r.. s,
LF.. z
'.. ...... ': .,.,;. ,� ....T,.., . rn --�;v";; ••�". �y a:_:. '.� ,wn ;:•.,+2a< ,'.�'na.+'�r .,m?A xz rvx�'� -
_ The -Common-Cold.
lag RPI o0 u(olgi0 - - ' AM
The most dangerous of all, and GOTBALI
fQIVllU1i1Q Polo-a
UWU1111 perhaps that most commonly due to _�__._ .Natives of the Soudan Utilize & = -1
,Nutri yy I �uVWuu� Oil pure neglect, is the common cold.
1 Hollow Tree
A YEAR'S 8UFFER CU*EO gy This, if not attentied_to, may prove : " 111 PLACES' Surely rite strangest use to' which
the to ting pointe-#n bronchitis, a growing tree can be put is to
No person reading this need ever tuberculosis, pneumonia, and even
_ diarrhoea and• rhulertzic diseases. I turn it into a reservoir. Yet this MEATS
� r
- again suffer long from Neuralgia. Ve Itchy, When Brushed Dan- is what the People jhlE A T S
Nerviline will With this are-classedfihe infectious ► p p of Korodofan in
gniekly Cure the f'All aver, Bair Caine Otit m the Soudan,•do with th'e trees 'which
•worst Neuralgia, and •Mrs. G. Evans, diseases, whooping cough; diglith- Full flavored and
In her fiche letter written from Rus- aria, erysipelas, mumps, measles Great Bunches, Cut!GUFa Soap the botanists call "Adansonia Digi- The k
Bel post�ce, says; "One long year, and chicken-pox. The.third head- . _.and. Cut•icura Ointment Cured lata, ' child's Perfectly cooked
the longest of my life, was almost en- ing covers al'1 those ills produced by The tree which is known to the delight. snake delicious ,
tirely given up to treatin dreadful. Fleas. In Three Weeks, „
g' the careless or ignorant nurse or natives by the name of Home, sandwiches.
eaperleneed during some of the bad g
mother, who -un nowln r In 1Ct 15 Hallags St., Toronto, Out bout sins a considerable het is
attacks was simply unmentionable. To tortures and terrors on the-help two years ago thedandrull height.' The P nid:er's
use, remedies by the score without less -babies left in their charge. The began. it which trunk, which measures from 20 to choice. a s
g �oL worse and scabs formed on it which 30, feet in relief was mighty discour- tight wrappings in which the child - madelt bald in 191aces. It wee-_ rnaumfeFeIIis�i e -- ,
aging. At,last I put my faith.in Nor- iyllfne, I read of thes first rolled and swathed rewent= very.itchy and gave mea !'� many of the- bamboo family, Eve' s '
aubduin ing the proper development of its Ta° envy to aerate It which u ow, an a natives have dis-
g power it possessed and made limbs and organs, at x made it worse. I always had covered that it makes an excellent
UP my mind to prove it valuable or_ ___• g the frequency to wear my hat whether in the. (cistern for storin watt?r, for the
useless. Nerviline at once eased the with which itis•deprived-4-ifs na -. _hnus@atworl or out. R'hen [ --
Pain and euroe�1 the headache. Con- tural food and fed on various mix- ever I brushed my hatribsent I old--ae&sorr - Sh e]--the-cxvity not tinuous treatment cured me 'entirely,. tures and preparations, :the haste the dandruir all over. The t be large enough the natives scoop J x�
and I have Aver since stayed .well." with which it is often given adult = haircameoutingreattiuncbee It out still further.
Mrs. Evan's case is but one of hun- until I was nearly bard and The Sousianese,have also a me- 3;
dreds that might be quoted. Nervi• food unfit for its,digestion, even _,when it was at its worst it came out roots I '
-line is'a specific tof'all nerve, muscu the administration to it of alcoholic' and 811• thcd of cutting the opening for the
I race do of the water list aim 11-e o
lar or joint pain. It 'quickly cures and-narcotic soothing mixtures, all j "1 tried—whichmade it worse than be - ; p p j e .�Y
_neuralgia, sciatica, -lumbago, lame these things-weaken•and'stunt 'the ! tore. I tried several things after that but top of the trunk, where the
_back,.neuritis and rheumatism. Forty child. Almost equally harmful is 1 -the "I'd. `liter nine months like 'branches begin, so that during the t ' t
this I had hardly left when ppe
ts, of the
wisp$.rose seliniment�to-day
Dom#nt the habit of taking OttIIg cltiltlren-i ,I-happened-to see ythe advertisement of treef sierras Butte sffandoguide the Y
Ion. Don't take anything but ^Mer- ou-t at night, and in*.o crowded and I Cuticum Soap'and Ointment in the paper. water into the trunk,, $t the same
Aline," which any dealer .anywhere noisy streets and rooms, thus es- ! I straightway sent for a samp►e. Atter firs; It's cheaper to rase co!!s than t0' - p
can supply in large 50c. family size' citing-and gtimulatrng the brain t7i '*"� with'the Cutlets, Soap I applied time pool`s are dug at the foot of bay s she. r t-i raise collf than to - -
bQttles, or in a small 25e, trial size. an unhealthy activity. Proper rest some Cuticura:ointment and,I ,ould.?oel>_ se
ithe. tree to collect the rant, apd� tbecclts. KeepabottleufI endall'o
•� is as essential to the child as ro- °•great relief. After finishing the sample I I from these.tile water is transferred Slyavin Cure Land}', For thirty-five
f-A PA .
p went and got a cake of Cuticum Soap and a to the trunk b • buc e •cars has rowed it the • '
ointment. ..In w ! Sometimes, though rarely, -the rcr::c 9. or spavin,splint,curt,ring.]
child C8nflOt be Healthfully reared,- they had cured my he8d.': ' (Signed) B: bon,: �;rotvth; and lamene9r<.'
Iiow Did, This Royal C'ouituunlea- -A Physician. ! _Born,may 38,.1s13. i tree cracks under the weight of 1
tion Come Into the Market; -
3• CuUcumSoap and OiatmenC do so much I the vNatei•, after which the trunk is
YOUR OWN DRUGGIST wH.I. TELL YOU for poorcumpiettlons,red.rough hands.and of little use, ' , However, the ria- j
Try XurLne Eye liemed for Red weak,watery dry,thin and falling halr,and cost so little.
Some curious literary relics come. Eyes and Granulated Eyelids; fro Hmartia — that it is almost criminal not costsothem Ilives--have found that cracks can be 0 a
into the ands of second-hand book- last Eye Comfort.)write for Book of the Eye !successfully stopped with cement,
y`11iftee. l[urmeEye Bemedyca.,chloogo, w single set L often suIDeienL Sold every and recentl a number of broken- ,s s„ld b
dealers. For instance, one. ,well-. _ where. For liberal free samplenf each,with �' � =: • > r•civ : rt at gl a
known English deafer' in auto- 'F- a&p. book.send post-card to Potter D down trees have been thus re aired, DOetle,J �' Pu• (:ct a f.ce copy of ;
]KING ALBERT OF BFI, Drug I p o.irbook 1Tr� t, eontheuorse"at our
graphs is offering for sale a letter. BELGIUM.1I. Ic Chum.Corp..CarpDept.D.Boston.U. A. Curiously enough, the resence of druggist's i y ga
�• g p Beier s or wr.te lir•
from`Queen Victoria to her uncle, '-" ' I large quantities of_ water irl then lir.&J.lt{LNDALLtQ.,EnosbnrgFells. -
.=in which she.-ap6aks in high praise Illy Stand Against Cernlarty Forced i1Ares of the Belgian-capital, which �-trunks in -no- way -impairs the! ,
--�f her married life, and hopes that” �iritain `to Intervene. ha -remained untenanted ever growth of the trees, whose use in
)ser son (Albert Edward, born the King Albert pf Belgium, whose since, and is pointed out to elven- y s undoubtedly an ingeni- :es>as roe Resp.
this way i -"
1Q. W. DAWS *-Ninety Colborne stinky
previous ,rear) might grow up in his determination to fight Germany, !gers as the scene of a tragedy oils solutien of the water supply Toronto. '
father's image. The letter reads: rather than allow his country to be j Which, according to popular ru- problem` .•. - 7r wANT, TU BUY OR SELL w
My Dear uncle: I have to re- used as a base of operations against mor, bore lna.ny striking-analogies -:': veli ,p rH t.`Stock. son. Bramptton, or 1
turn you my best thanks in Al- ;France, and whose appeal to Great to that at Mvyerling, which cost
I Mora Scotia- Case of
X. Toronto.
---�'Iiert's aaine, 'as•"yell'as mine, for Britain to help him preserve Bel- !the Crown Prince of Austria his - - -
8. W. nawso g, Colborne 6f.. Toronto.
your good wishes of the 10th. That Bian neutrality and independence 'life �II�CI`�$t i4 ��IoII)CD--
day ever must be one: of joy and I was the concluding factor -which �. The K;ng'has been an eatansive DrE4.!t3?a MAX roe SALE.
gratitude-to me, as being the cool- (I�determined Grea"ritain to plunge traveller, -He has 'visited ,every I ud�u 11•EEXLY Iti LIVE TOWN 1
mencement °f the greatest possible }into the European w-ar, is intensely country iii Europe: and Cisited the iork County Stationery and Hoot
T Halifax Sends Out a Message of Help, bus"leas in ccnnectlon. Price only r•'
&happenings to me. Few, if any. Popular with his own subjects. I Lnite4 States is 1898. A devotee of t4,uou. Tams liberal. �tiilson Pubil h
_ _ .So- Many People. i ing S otapuny; ?a. Went Adelaide Btree! ,y
possess such a-treasure-as I do in 1 He has none of the vices of his the bicycle, he has always prefer-
Tornnto.. �}
,my beloved Albert, whose only tyb- t late uncle, King -Leopold; and,' in�red-that to`horseback riding: • Halifax, N,S., Dec. 15:--When inter-1 -'
ject is the happiness slid well-being !fact, is in aimost every respect the Queen Elizabeth became the-wife viewed at her home at 194 Argyle Sc., saxsasssestEove. +�?,
of others. I direct opposite of the late monarch, I of King Albert fourteen years ago, Mrs. Ilaverstock was quite 'willing to , -
C1it .ALvtlow a PAIRS H$EEDINO
"Ma 'Kin Albert is the second son of-their wedding having been cele- ;talk of her peculiarly unfortunate case.' j' p ex pa3►vtior aonapuoaa.auo .exol
"May bright be
of vii- g g t I was always 'blue' and depressed, Hr,iw HntbKellr Out,
J r'
the Count of Ilaitders, who aaa �'brated• in -.rd al state on Oct.. 1, felt •weait, ianguid and utterly unfit: ANCER, TUMORS. LVWFS, EEE.
toe. and excellence be followed by I 3'
our son, and may he be the image of the younger brother' of Leopold. f 1900_ Their union was described at I for any work. My stomach was so C internal and external. cured witla-
his father, is my most fervent Aibert'n elder brother died, and se the time as a genuine love match, I disordered that I had no appetite. I out pain by our home treatment.-Writs =
I Leo ld had no son he became the and it was said they had similar What I did eat disa us be.ere too terve. Dr, Bauman Medical
prayer greed. I gufffered Co., Limited, Cc1)Inrwomd,"Ont,
^� rWhat some people would like` to
heir to the throne; as women -are and congenial tastes. Both are greatly from dizziness and-sick head-
y debarred •Belgian laws, highly educated and fond of litera- 'ache and reared a nervous breakdown.
'know is bow confidential royal cum-} lure, music wad art. Upon my druggist's recommendation
munications of this character ever On the death,of his father, Several r I used Dr.. Hamilton's Plils.
years ago, Albert inherited a large Queen Elizabeth, who was.a Ba- KJORC CIRRhNCE SA[f —
a -thing
into the market, And what g "I felt better at once. Every day.I•
fortune. _ I ravish princess,. is - a strikingly improved. In six weeks I was s well '
a thing to know tfiat this fervent The King's full name is Albert j handsome woman. She has a long, i woman, cured co lately after sifter•
note of Queen Victoria can be O
bought for the. small sum of sm
Leopold Clement Maria .Mainrad. oval face, with fine features, and I ent physicians had failed to bele,me, O
His mother was the Princess Maria I boasts of hair of a, pale golden It-is for this reason that I strongly FING
:DISAPPEARED - '_ - of Hohenzollern, and he was born-I tint that surrounds her head like urge sufferers with stomach or diggesy
- April R, �19 5.� His paternal grand Ian aureole. � 'She has travelled ex- Live troubles tri -use Dr. Hamilton's Per Roll tet.
' ' - mother w•a,,,a 'daughter of L•:uis I tensively with her f$ther and mo- -.Pills." C 109 S 'uare•Feet
,?1'ea and Coffee Ails Vanish Before Dr. Hamilton 0.
Ptll_s. trengthen the
------------------ ther,-one of her trips extending in- stomach, improve.digestion; strength- Regular S2.00 ,
-'' Postum. to the interior of Siberia. Music ea the nerves and restore debilitated '
It seems almost Loo good to be I P , and .ahe. is systems to.heath. ,By cleansing the 98
is a passion with her, � y• -
:true, the way headache, nervous a� an -' accomplished ' vio'linist. Aa a blobd of long-standing impurities, by
nese, insomnia, and- trlany other I , horsewoman• she is without fear, I bringing the system to a high point A4PHALT FEIRT ROOFING =
^ and is said to -ride as well and of vigor, the effectually chase siva 100 Per can, Saturation
obscure trb.ubles vanish wfieti tea, -'
find coffee are dismissed ,and Poqt
'' firacefully as her • aunt, the late weariness, depression and disease :Contains no or Paper
Good for._young-or old,--for-men, -for"
-elm-used-as kmPrPsF °•i `A&—. A-16w ye�srs j women, for children. All dealers sell Lowest price r Government
erage. + x
ago she developed_talent as a dra- Dr. Hamilton's Pills Qt Mandrake and Standard Roofing-ever offered ,
The reason' is clear. Tea aril , ' matist and wrote a play entitled Butternut. _ in Canada. Sale necessitated X
- .-cont aln .a polsonoUS rug— — 9lnesa can ltl .
1 by bu ons
caffeine-which causes the tsoatble ' 1•n•Brussels-iii March;'1908;-causilrg Brillidnt Idea.
astir in the Belgian capital. Send fol"Free Sample'
but Postum contains only the food y'.` i s l P tel Customer-I want some-thing .for
elements in choice hard wheat with fleas, THE HA.LLID:IT CO., LTD.
e little molasses. ,_ .__ _ L `HUW"TO POP CORN Drug Clerk—�t�ly don't you get,a. Formerly Stanie� Mills J� Co., c
:1n Eastern man grew enthusiae- ! = tt is done in different ways, but the moat I dOgi HAMILTON, TALNAD� _
tic ares wrote as follows: approved-method;t. -tie pop- your-,carne
"Until 18 months 8g0 I used Cof- �k7 with Putnam's Corn Ertraotor--corns yap
fee regularly every day- and suffered I 'f out for fair, and stay out, too', when re y, tut rr. y
A&-em headache bitter taste in my
moved by "Putuasn'e:" TI-y this painless ------- - - �,Mouth, . .•and indigestion; was dealers, - - - era
- Ther ca�•� the people wlio
remedy yourself, 25c. at ai4 doll This is to certify that I have used-.%I: • married get t look elite."
gloomy and irritable, had-variable I *° r +-''�-' ARD'S Liniment in my family.tor years, --Yes: but it's a queer thingthat
or absent appetite, loss of flesh, de- I : : If a-man-has'a large and ex en- and consider 3f. the best liniment on the i they rarely get to think alike."
pressed in -g �,. g p market. I have found it exccylent for
p spirits, etc. . ,. sive family to provide:for, he hash t' horse flesh,
"I attribute these things to coffee, I. f much'time to *ori.V. (Signed), Mnard's Lialatent cnres Distemper.
because, since. I W. S. PINEO.
quit• it and have "Woodlands," Middleton, N.e,
drank Postum f.feel be,.ar t%lea I stlaard's Liniment Curs - - Very 1 reri -.
s suscep ,- ! Boston- :s noted in America as '
'We to cold, have gained20.ibs..and I "How,She Won: t the' place where everybody is very,
the symptoms have disappeared= ging �Ibert, of Belgium. "�'v'hy erg you so pensive Z" he.
" very "cultured" `and ve'r; Vrecise' '
vanished beforo Postuin:" (lea is - - --__ asked. "I'm not pensive," she re- in their use'of ii The The Iatest J '
just as harmful as coffee, because l He-People are saying you mar- Boston strn� is about a small child'
Phi!i e, Rin of F'rahce: He is Plied. But you haven't said a t
they both contain the drug,. caf I. pp g „ „ ried-me for my money I -He--Well, who fell out of a w••indo*.• :1 kind- ` -
g' finel • educated and is thorou hl • word for twenty minutes. Well, ,
:feine.) . I 5 g y , I has_to give them some reason: hearted lad,} came hurrying with:
unostentatious, Stubbornness . of I hadn t anything to say: }Don t- P
Name given by Canadian P09tilm I ou ever say anything «hen you lttasra�s Ltaimene cares atyhtherla the anxious question. "Dear, dear I- -
purpo.-e is the chief chai•acferistic y g y h nal qt et
Co., Windsor.-,.Ont: _Read "The -mother. have nothin ' ++ How did you fall i. -The child look- r
he inherited from his Hohenzollern 8 to say t" No, t,
Road to WellviIle," in pkgs. Will you be my w:fe; ' Out Rest. pat the. questioner-and.replied.
Postum comes in two
forms in a voice chyked w=ith sobs,"'Ven-
F He is fond of athletics, and-be Western. Official-"Do you t•ak'e
:Regular PoRtutn-must be well cause of this -has changed a natur- this woman, whose hiLnd you're ' a-
y ,.
boiled. 15c and 25c-packages. ally delicate constitution into onesqueeiin', to be your lawful wife in
Instant Poaium-is;i soluble pow- much more robust. - ' t � ' flush-times and skimp?" "I reckon
der._.A tea_.goonfuL..disso.lres qu_tclr,. ._._.-At-the timfl of his elder brother's That s about the Bize'of it, squire:'
1`y in a cup of hot water and, with tragic and mysterious death a few "Do you take this man you've fined
crearri:and sugar, makes ad'
licious years ago his delicate health gave fists with to be-your, pard,thfough lino will flus relief in ZSm-Bok
beverage, ingtantly. 30e and 5ft rise to universal fears that he would thick an' thin 4". "We11, you're
tine. not live to grow to man-flood. He is a about right'-for ,once, old man." it �� the burning, Min
The,cost per cup-of-botb •kinds is tall_and ma.ldlerly looking, well set "Alt right, then,- Kisvin court;ari' Pain, Stops-bleeding and brings: ;L.
about• the same. up, and always had the_reputation. .. . 1 +
n or Postum. o eing a a far more stud lous tight as the law can j'ine you. I Buk,meant cure. Why not prove
- -sold- by Grocers. temperament' than- his brother, 1 cess four bits 'ill do Bill -if' I this? AMt D,,ogiW �11d Store&
Prince Baudouin. _ i don't have to kiss the do,
If I
Stopped There: = A Mysterious Death. do it's six bits extra." +F
,_you !have your salary raised The latter :met his death under ar
ear circumstances still shrouded with A mean man isn't always a man FOR ALt.50M,XP � -
o, "but my hopes were raised mystery, in a house situated in one 23 THE P . of•means. uR�s•
al tames.". of the most fashionable thorough= E •'i
mtalmsa Cover.
f.4. Qarse ED
, -
.•.X, ,*'y Y:'+ „ `vies, »_ r� --�� L 7+ X.
„•.s ..,e�
.' ,d.<,.-,,,.: •.=,.y<^ ,-m^•1.•TY,,. y".5..,�,+, ..,:_ "^`,pi?'• +c' -�:4;.;`"�''- ^ - ..', Y,,v-s
. a;.. .' .• ': '„-.t ,;,........ ,, -°.-'4'. ,,;''' ,,5,,,: 7.'� -..:'Tia ....«:;�-•x•.w,. '�%. ti �' ,.�jea�x.” �'a �i
i �
�• •11Tew adver>cis•Lra•nts. _
- 5W 19kafts 98WO Fallin� �Hair And _ 1
l anbli&sA•v��oR morniogatitsomos, It� IL�OR BALE-Eight young pigs. b
J. l�
r S P
_ 1=9
weekss�o4old. also strayed from nature a , � - aids
_ 4'$SILY NEEDLESS—USE PARISIAN BAGS. gerock rgoad, � heifer. VV'. 8, a.Bg�oN, ---pIC NG'S , iGROCER
it lb pec ye4►e ; l}1.00 if pais in'sdvanoe. Now that Parisian Sage can be had Ofrims the people e€Pickering the vel best o!everything in ;
OUSE TO LET-On lot 10, con. 9, more store
r enbsaripti0as the United scats,$Ijo at any drug counter, it is certainly� H liakermg Good working mesa's home. the Grocery line. In our new s
needless to have tbin, brittle, mattes' plenty of work in the neighborhood. App1Y to ,
— stringy or faded hair, No matter E E. PUGH.Claremont. 8 tf - ;space and better facilities. �e�8re in an
o — how unsightly the hair, how badly it OB SALE-A pure-bred Yorkshire excellent position to serve you. _
!OH N M U R KA R, Proprietor, is falling, or how much dandruff, Par-
JOHN Fj, whlts Bou,,11 months old for sale at lot
isian Sage is all that is needed. Fre- 29 con 2. Pickering, or address C 71 :w
at applications and well rubbed JOLLIFFB,Pickering, _ You will find
..FRIDAY, AUG}. 21, 1914.. into the scalp will do wonders-it acts —
like magic, The hair roots are nour- EES FOR SALE-3I colonies of OUR STOCK COMPLETE'
iahed and stimulated to grow new B Italian bees with full egni a,e3t. ALSO
w�T-E8--Ah1D..�COMMHNT.d.. -• new bee house 19:14,Aptly to EARL HCGLE OUR GROCERIES FRESH
- hair;itehing sea}p, dandruff and f&1-. piakering lues,pLoae-Plok, luL.- 47-tf .:,r•o ov -_�rr1Q MAF: RRRT
feels fine.
One effect of the war R ill be to Best of allend the
and radiaIIL es sof
lues 8 A ten roomed y
-vael�ls- parts f"--tkl — house adjacent to hardware store and latel Oj?R DELIVERIES PE PT —
• ' and beauty.
British Em ire as it has navel' occupied by 6 S.Chapman. Apply to MIB
p ___ You be surprised and delighted DALL.or M s cHAPMAN. 47-tt = �i7R,ATTENTION COURTEOUS
been before. The German emper- with Parisian Sate. Try at least one T __ --
Or was encouraged to enter this fifty-cent bottle from T. M. 1MIcFaddan he Dumbarton Exchange have for
he will refund the purchase price if 1 sale-G,P.horse, new potatoes, motor We have both phones installed and your grocery orders
y you are not satisfied. boat,row boats, motor, truck. holstein bolt,
war b the belief that the British n.Uborse,seed fall wheat. Want to buy-
Em ire was torn b feuds. - _..•. y115 spout drill, chicken feed. eorrespoad or will receive our prompt attention
Empire y F�one to G COWI+NN Sec• ALLDuabutreement, or
an promieeti a civil war that American citizens in Toronto BUY ALL YOUR GROCERIES AT THE GROCERS. .,
-would require all the attention have-organized for the purpose of OL TO RENT-In Pickering L Q
' that the empire could spare. assisting the families of volunteers vulage,Bldg St.East, now occupied--by
water, � ��
_ tubo have gone to tine war:- R.a•Marquis 8 roomed, hard and soft water, !T I V
$Curb Africa, he believed, might good sized yard,suitable Sor garden. For'far•
Cher particulars apply to H. T. Marquis or
, give trouble any moment, and Jeremiah o'Conaor,Pickering. 4stf PIr$ERING'S GROCERY-ON THE CORNER.
.. _ Canada was•not,over-enthusiastic } T�ARTS TO RENT-Lot 14, con. 2.FARMER S WIFE
with Townshipof Pickering. A beak barn
about the British connection. Her with stone et► ung a roomed brick hoose. a
wells and never failing spring. Proposed elea• 'Peel's
subjects In India were discontent• trio line across the propert - Possession to Pe e1 SBig ' -_Annual
ed and might rebel whenever the pl�ow any time, Apply wEo. H. tf
A WRECK Pickering. --
opportunity presents elf.BritALMOST OR SALE-The
undersigned is
events that have 4xClTPred 81nC@ - F leavtag Pickering and offers the 3011 nd n9 hoe Sale
1 O t o WaC e- O hicks also white Wyandotte hens 1 year o
the opening
abgsed the mind of his most sgrene Restored s Chicks
brooder for 100 Chicks. Bose and 10 per cent. to 50 per cent. Discounts $
Ea Pinkham s Vegetable feed grinder,scales Acme weighs up to 940 lbe $
Maj@sty of these falAe hopes. He hanging sud other lamPa, heater and 1 two
r Compound•�•Her hole Globe heater,.3 piens parlor .nits. tom- off every line of footwear in our afore.
finds the BrlLlffil'Empire a unit Own c`-�• plate dining room•alt, diners zbaad
when 'it comae to defending the JW Oak, los table and buSett all to match, .olid
oek� Por particulars apply to was• BOY OE, Call and nee what we have to offer you.
h : - _ Pickering. a 1�1. -- --
Empire from her enemies. Every London, Oat-"I am a farmer's wife Phone *-
part seems desirous of surpassing TIME TABLE-Pickering StatiomG
her neighbor in showing her loyal and a very busy woman. Last summer T.R. Trains going East Sae as follows- JOHN PEEL, WHITBY.
I was taken with No. 6 Mail 8.08 A M.
ty to the mother country. The +' ° severe pains in my '• 19 Local 2.50 P.M. •
' ' back so bad that I " 14 Local 6.05 P.M.
warring factions in Ireland are could not get up or Trains going West • doe as follows-
hand is hand d to give battle No. 13 Local 7:47 A.M.
ha 8
$ R scarcely.move out ,. 11 Local 2.20 P. M.to the enemies of- their- eoun ^`
�" out pain, and my ... 7 Mail 7 3n P. M.
. ,
periods were D TH F.,r ESTA>l111H® �•
try and to the enemies of freedom ` paw- *Sunday isoiuded
' The Boers of South Africa with l k l a ;ii. ful. M y husband
Ifil ` ' called in a good doe-
' d was engaged in a " .: - --
tor as was unser — I� �J
death struggle only g few years - ! his care for some fit the Matter.of the Estate of fames
sato promised to assist "to the last time, but he did me William Hogle, lata of the Township
reword" in the defence of the Em- little or no good. of-Pickering, in the County of Ontario,
' !phs. With-such evidences of loy- One day a friend of mine told me to Fa„n,,,dcccaud, :. AYIIVC� deposited bank
salty, and unity, the German Em- try Lydia E. Pinkham's V e g e tib 14 Notice is hereby given"pursuant to
_ Compound as she had been greatly R S. O., Chap. 121. at all persons ANIK S draw the highest current rate of
• e
said estate
d a aina�tl5
't an furs
' peror must feel rarely discottr helped by it I began taking i haying ala g
aged. - -' soon got wetl, and my periods became of James William Hogle, who died �� � � interest Wdb&awad of-put a the
natural again Since then Ihave -had on or about the nth day of May. 1914, whok amotmt r� �� w�. 1
r _ �Oae of _the most .lamentable p4erfect hes►tb. -In fact I have never felt are required to send or deliver to Ed- ie1 desired without delay.
eco '
- nes J. EioRle one of the undersigned- - ;. -
things about the present war is. so well in my life. Lydia E. Pintcham's �
Es a medicinexecutors of the last Will of the said � fl FFjiC� w
the fact that a nation like Ger- Vegetable
Compo If lyou think.this deceased, Pickering Post Office, On -
many tario, on or before the 15th day of TORONTO
many that leads the world in letter villi help other women please pub- September, 1914,` particulars of their -- /�
_ learning should be forced into war fishit”-Mrs.&C.YOUNG,Tambling a claims;duly verified and notice is PICKERING BRANCH
through the insatiable desire for Corner, London, Ontario, Canada. further given"that after the last. Q Q Q Branch also at
mentioned date the undersigned Ex- R. W. GORDON. Mar,ater.
`conquest and glory by their road Women whosuferfromthosedistress- ecutore will proceed to distribute the
., Emperor. The Germane are a ing ills peculiar to their sea should not estate,having. regard only to the
ce loving peopt� who are fond doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkhth s claims of which they shall then have u
_ -lam Vegetable Compound to restore their notice. strength :Vinegar
of their homes, whose energies health. Dated at Whitby, the 7th dap of
have been directed to'the eapan. If you have the slightest doubt August. 1914-
-cion of their industries and eaten- that Lydia E.pinkham's Vegeta : EARL B. Hogle, g;ecutors,
` - ble Coffipouad will help youowrite
cion of their commerce. Their Was. A.OAN.solicitor
f Amd Choicest Spices 1
' to Lydia,E.Pinkhsm Medl4flneCo• A. E.OgaI•'r1ANf,Solicitor or
seats of learning.are many and of M,�.,torsd- a
�► vas high order, there being (eonfldenitial)Lynn, l847 the said Executors. they will keep in any temperature. an
y g vise. Your letter will be openedo make best pickles, pe white wi `iw
over twenty large universities read and answered by a woman• SUING are always appetising. We have the best XXX nb
-,within the Empire to which young and geld in strict eonfldence. EASTLABE S !vinegar also pure fruit vinegar guaranteed free from acids.
-. :_Our spices are the choicest that can be procured. Do not buy
men from all parte of the world e - ----- --..-lasv._grodv-etnff.
:_mock in order to increase their - -
learning. In music also they oc- Canadian
,copy a leading place, as it is to :YOUR ATTENTION
•that country that the ambitious _N +'M�1
weather geods
'young musicians from other.conn- t s� is again Caere Wh88�•�
e • • corn flakes, flaked wheat, Malta vita, grape nuts. puffed rice,
steps in _ nd Cris .
9W a
' ries will 'direct their p lwa s fresh a p �,.
Aries sod a
+ o
order to attain perfection in their ' - Exhibition and wheat etc. Ghnaties y
_ .
art. This is not the kind of pec- biscuits in abundant assortn4an i Salmon p plenty, brawn,
haddie, herrings,beef and sardines. Camp coffee, . instant
�ple that we could imagine.would PEACE YEAR Are easily applied and have al postum, lemonade, raspberry vinegar,etc. �.
'revel in bloodshed and wholesale America's Greatest Livestock Show ways given the best,of
-- -murder. In fait we believe that satisfaction. _ -_ Our groceries are the freshest.
Acres of Manufactures - '
the majority.of the Germans';are Exhibits by the Provinces Have been made.29 years
i averse to War: But the country Exhibits by Dominion Government like cut above.
is in control of the military el-e- Exhibits by West Indies made gated Iron any gauge.tandard grade Corro GNAEORGE
ment,who are led by the Emperor $ROVC��3A
himself who is a man whose whole Grenadier Guards Band Let me figure for your neat roof ONTARI
and save you money.
life has been filled with the desire Dragoons' Musical Ride Bell telephone.
Lo be numbered With the great Auto-Polo Matches - �(� are leased to quote'
romare of the ;werld, and whe- -
is quite willing that amillion,of Dozen Shows in Single flour J •
sturdy sone of G@rmany should-
the Boy Scouts' Review P•IG'NIC GROUNDS you prices on
Canada's Biggest Dot Show
._sacrifice their_ lives' in order that Picnic parties desirous of securing
his ambitious desire might be BABYLU�T ggrounds may secure those adjacent to a • �Simcoe Point House at reasonablesatisfied. Should the Emperor Greatest-Oriental Spectacle rates, a ro- $uitd�n mate'rials
is object and his ver,presented on Continent to dishes and tables will b p
Witham fall iu h t pr Boa ,
fond hopes be forever• shattered, vided at reasonable rates., ;
Paintings from Efrtland,Scotland, Ice Cream every Saturday _
ibis country -will be plunged into United-states and Canada ..We Can deliver to any station Y
the deepest miser and will be Ice cream and other refreshments will
Pe y Educational Exhibits be provided,at booths for those desir-
oppressed with a burden from Goods in Process of Making Ing them, when timely notice hese
which it will not be free for many Athletic Sports Id been Riven.. _ ,' n Ontario
For further particulars apply to
-- a long year. Her commerce will Aero-Hydroplane Flights W i L .L l q M 8 be shattered ,-and her industries Grand Water Carnival _
Simcoe Point House
paralyzed. Britons feel`no hatred (;reatore's Famous`Ban
Our materials are up to �quality and
against the German people' but TENDERS WANTED
Score of other Banda
against the autocratic military y - --- - - _ _ -�n —
" Dozen Band Concerts Dail
Sealed Tenders will'be received b9
of down o price
system which is a Menace to.the Chesapeake and"gllannon
the undersigned up to noon on gator-
peace of the. arid Be leaff as Biggest - -
oP a cement,box culvert just north of
eaiste. Peace Year Fireworks -
�1 Erskine Ghureh on the second courses. -9our orders l i
z OSHAWA FAIR International Peace Tattslon of Pickering, the township to
he_h9uth Ontarion Agricultural 400 Musicifurnish gravel, cement and reinforce-
t3o 4iby again beg leave to announce 10 Bands meet.
Tenders will also be received at the
s annual Fair at Oshawa for Mon• same time for fillip after the culvert .
day, uesday and Wednesday, Sept. A(j 1914 �pthas been completed. 1 Da M ., HE ISE ATOS V.
14th, ith and 16th. The Prize Lista For further par..iculara apply to
are t and preparations are being W. W. SPARKS, �rr(�•UFi ill '�==.,lL� i
made ally fora ll
Piak _
7_ 41i4T. • Bring .
�' ' :Fait 'a .• n Yy§:i�e,', '.,:dy ,�.,u'.r +k\", �� ��.�' r ".�� ah,rov: M'., '•r. ys.:'+'�, ,ta�';. tk;,.in. ' .?=�'4.. �'.A;,•'ei•f,•�,. �"a"''a+•rw'wis"^r'
^ZM i
. "'"" .-.. yr7, •a,s � y •_vi.,•• ''°c, -.,w. »+v- ,,.r.- .,..,•r. "^c•`,a^;_+ --. ..r +
'L .. r + n
...,.•.,,.,;- •f"'�w'� 7, ' ':s•!it'f, ;a�':!
.. 'wr: >: ,......�.,.�...e _ .•..c ..._, °='C. :.i .mac ;i• i
• A r., .5.. .M ..,'4•
NY m t
_ 71.
Ct.A1ltMONT _• � Rev.H. Wood will return from Algoma steel plant at Sault Ste.
a -^ `D Brodie was in the city on th holiday trip a time to take Marie, Out, i3 to be closed down Wo , afle
services in the Baptist church indefinitely at the sad of this
Mesa Mary Morgan was is the on Sunday. month, 3000 men being thus de-
-- Tuesday. Thos. and Mrs. Stephenson and prived of work, tn•p, -al-howls I of finest display of ,
Miss Myrtle Anderson is visiting Thos.-and;.Mrs. Pearson were in China, A Very large assortment of' - - ;,
friends in Os Weston on Monday at-tending the - f3tatioaary. Books,Dolls, Toys, fart
Thos. G '16Mpped a carload funeral of a relative.
'-of stock on uesday. Mrs. (Rev.) W. R. Wood and received for the Holiday trade. Call
Miss Gertis Morgan, of Toronto, daughter:��ihoda, of Franklin, CANADIAN sad flee them. _
is visiting friends here, anitoia, is visiting, friends in Bttbsoripiioas takes for all Mag�iaes,
Mrs. J.H. Beal has been spend- Claremont and pieinity. ,
ing s few days in the cit _ ..Weekly and Daily Newspapers
y 111r14..G+eo. Scott and son, Peter, HOMESEEKERS'
_ Thomas Birkett spent a few of$ichmondHiff;-returned home q
days with friends in the city. ou Friddy,- after visiting theirILMAI
EXCURSIONS 17W, %T3 . 1_, RIC23.A-R:D801T, R
Robert Worthy, of_-B_-ramptou,_ relatives here.for some times s Rob at Worthy, fBraHay King rs at- present suffer- 13=01C $t3'ee'1.Mrs. D. Morgan and Miss TTos- Ingfrow an attack of-blood-Cols- ITOBA, ALBERTA
cuing. We hope for his R_
- .... .
sie were li Tor L-1'- pew111
Mrs. M. Henderson is s nding recovery. ocM livehe King. ICE CREA/1�1 The Pickering
Dlrs. A, W. 1llACkA who has Each TU�y Until October 27th' iadusive. <
a few days with friends 1n the been spending a few months at Winnipeg and Return - $35.00
i Miss Sherrard is visiting with the home of her daughter in To- Edmonton and Return- 43.00 Our ice-cream parlors will now be �jl �r�,Ce rotte�
- - Mrs. D. Forsyth, of North Clare routo, returned home on Saturday From Toronto: and Stations West and during the season and we • �+
-� y night. North of Toronto. Proportionate faro will secure a regular.
wont. from stations East of Toronto. supply from the
?+1 Miss Leillt Rumohr was in To- Roy and Ivy Tarvee, of Myrtle, �„m tit two months. CITY DAIRY mtheCOMPANY The object of this Association Is to
Tonto, a few days during the past and slater, Miss Nellie, of Oshawa, _ lessen stealing and prosecute
— week. spent a couple of days. last Reek Particuian regarding RAIL or OCEAN tickets the felons,
Hugh Gregg Sr. spent a few with their uncle and aunt, Thos. M. Canadian Pacific,DTicket C.P.Ry.. or onto. First-class Bread,Cakes of fine variety
and Urs. Pearson. M.G•MURPHY,D.P-A., . y.,Toronto. and Confectionery always
on hand. Members having property stoles oommoalG•
_ days with his brother in Reach oats immediately with any member
township - HERB MONNEYr of Executive Committee. `
John Farmer, of the Royal - PIC$ERING, ONTARIO Membership fee
Bank, Toronto, is home fora two My Th :an Farm aborer: Wanted Tickets'm�ite had from the President or; ,•4
weeks' vacation.
_ -.David Taylor, .who has been . io �lsv[e Na ldt wiETsa+t zA snap r some. armer ' `�-on app14ks,C.
ssppeending the summer months in it ING in EST,'1 _ t'R$TURN Tilf EAST:' Ezac. Com.—'L.- D. Banka,C.S.Palace
the Niagara peninsula, is spending .OQ M NI ;18.00 FROM WINNIPEG A DASiN VERTICAL LIFT' er, C. L. Morcombe, Pickering, Onfk_,
a few weeks here at the home of DATZG MOWER FOR SALE-
_his mother, Mrs. A. W. Mackay� 41 41114 . Y o. 8sofr•v sm •at to A+tiaa saes WILL SELL AT COST. C�
1.A.'0'Connor: ark:
in ula Pro
Ca$tet and Miss Dankeaji an,
el ,' return- w•�tJ nt.rio esti porn to uvwpa,
CDs a. f.ak.' manna'.►ea to e .n�a - a9 it will positively be sold.
•ed on Monday after s Qding a stn abs s .i�voms1U m�8 a Dints Guaranteed in every way, s
few weeks camping at Rice Lake. >a el LAks
They report a most enjoyable out- AYeY.s:s.r,- a��e�iet•�to$',�"Opotsnes�a'bOC °neosa�O�'°°°`se.>a°s� �1'1A�d9. '�7CT. P2?AKEY ShopRe airJ g - t1y-,,to 5pi►'a,W..A:.T• �,a. Ind. Phone 1921 p
- W. 8. Cook, of the Standard `rt0 eTURDts,7W °6.f'. PICKERING, ONTARIO _
Bank, is spending a two weeks' Bicycles for hire. Also, a 'number of
$cation at his home in New second-hand wheels for sale,or
(Hamburg. Mr. Leslie, of Rich- yr ATCH FOR new ones ordered when
_wond Hill, is taking charge of The Cadillac Vacuum Cleaner . required. L q11
Mr. Cook's
Besse, Srk r. returned sed his absence
bome This is the time when women have their carpets and rugs cleaned TOD'S
Goodyearfle at ghtpr prices.
-ion Saturdayafters sites' the truck each ZVednes Ind phone Pick.
.: and put in place again. Why not keep them clean by using
summer mnths in Edmonton,
with her•da�daughter, Mrs. W. G. ? day and Saturday for all ' Russell Andrew
._, .. g this hand vacuum cleaner? No dusty .curtains or walls, - . ! ,r
Bingham, who has been seriously kinds of Bread and {Fakes. PICKERING, Oat.
Ill, but who, we are pleased to re-
kept clean and brigbt -all the year round.- The _
- , ' much improved. best make ig9.50 and $g11.ii0. A free demonstration when asked for Ask fora 10 Bent wrapped z;
Mrs. G.H. Samis and son have - Pickering
returned home after spending a frtlit loaf.
couple of weeks at the home �f C•- H. BURLING, - PICKERING , T O M
.her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Scott,of -- - OSHAWA. ONT. Lu ber hard .
_ Brussels.-The latter accompall - !
JO ied-her on her . return and willSkatiJa steel �kin�les ,
spend a few weeks here. FLOUR and FEED
A gentleman named Mr. White We have just received a large and' F
- - ` - Are Fire Proof Wind Proof, i g
-came to Claremont one day last ' ' -at C. N. R•, Station well assorted stock of Geo pian la
week to visit friends, arrive on Che Od p rbc �s
'Water Proof Lightning
0 terior finish,composed of bees c
the Bobcaygeon express. By s me - 13 8 rr9W and mouldings in great variety. 4.
wi whithe ecided itdonot toffy io Proof and Frost Proof. - $ran, 8hoet ,Flour,'Dried We guarantee all the above stock
J P It_was manufaotured�
doing so he was severely cut Brewers Grains, Malted in the America States er the beetr '
about the face. The train was All good, up-to-date Canadian American machinery.
_- Corn Feed, Oilcake Meal, Also anuel doors, open and glas r'
stopped and the man taken to the Farmers use them. Molassine, Blatchford`s sash, verandah columns and hardy-'
'General Hospital, Toronto wood Scoria 1 2 and i inch
The first social held by the B. !, a sal,Oyster Shell etc. suit dressed pine. 1 and 2 'inchr `
T. P. U. in the school-room of the —��.�:.•�� -- ---- F particularshone home lock, rough. 1 inch hemlock T
Calf M (#
Baptist church on Monday even- See any of the following Local Aagents-They will gave you best prices on °rP d. Call and see it,
Ing was .a decided. success. Be- Pedlar's Metal Roofs Siding, Vents, Culverts Finials, Z+hpmg� Re�BC= Yard closed every Saturday.fter� "4a
- tween fifty and sixty members Terminals, heating and Ornapnents. y' noon.until further not .
were present and a most enjoyable ;gsmuel Manning. - W. Pringgle, w
time was "at by all. The Bf'ooklio font. Whitb , Oat. a a "
ltnembers are looking forward.to a ,G. M. Rice, �• Jacob McIntyre,
i W. D. Gordon Ido
successful season's work this fall. - w
y w.
No betternor profitable way of Whitby, Ont. __ Whitby, Ont. ` • 3� g PIC$EIN�
Lawrence Deanyy, John Ashen urst, t, : t
spending the long eveain�e can be Greenwood, Ont. Goodwood, On4-
than by attending such 'W. Henly �W. F. Bvrtou, n d = `' Oce A �+*� '
meetings as these. Bol Grove, Oat. Whitevale, Ont. _ 3 • K R s to o ~ Apff— TION. e F
On Saturdays young meso -J, C. Morrish, W. Sadler, B ---
-t►bo Z4-y hotsge si red at � Iind-Cr��n -- t3reenwood, On£. - r p �
the oma o Cas. Ho�ink e, ._near g s 4= g ►4-a New and second cream sepses- ''
Dagmar-.station. He would not t, "Jisw .
nor tell what his business No higher price. but better service.and satisfaction. O tl 0 tors. aro less eai nae,
was and and when requested to am Jan O different makes, pumping out. `<
so. Cons e ! y r to a '+ 'a' Q. N
LAR PEOPLE Limited r r r y_ - fits. Farm implements. k
Henderson, of Llaremont, was Headb'Offiee'and works, OSHAWA, ONT Established 1881.
sent for to have the man arrested. ° 2 a a aL Y 1. W_
' n ►' .+ .. Apr GET'PSICES.
He was ttaken before Magistrate -- --- : W!! •, li
'Nilson, charged with vagrancy. �li r .m� J II°'O o :YoungBrood Sow for sale.
He was found guilty .and was ;� � � � m � �C', July'• w �
sentenced to a term in Whitby - b- sept
'jail. —THE E IN1011 UNK, y rm 'm ',r r to Y7 OOt. TOn Tuesday afternoon, Thos: Ig r . Nov BROCK ROAD, O\T.
Birkett met with an experience NR eoeltlRo s OeL[II,M a PRasionIT. w.o.r~.THEWS,MVPRas�ourro+ Dee .p
• which he will not want -repeated. C.A. OGBRT,Gen", January 1915-whitb 7, Oshawa s,Brou&Lto d
He was returning from alsam, s Pore Perry 17,U=bridge 16,Omgiaston 15,
g The Business Of Farming ' Laval It,Upe•r�ove 1g
in his auto, and when starting up --irk•t •busts of Man hould be done to Drsetteal business Way. — '
�Ghe ..hill at Waddell'; aideroad pP•<untta`geof hepron i:h b. autnIn sa Sia be made Acc unt`as an:m ; Are You Interested in
-'about two miles east of Claremont fond. Tk.,,,,,,who hu a wh surplus is a b.akyis vrot.ct•d sc,in.t b.a ase.00e
his auto skidded' into the ditch esus hard ttmee.
and turned. twice.over before Felaci�
reat;e:o�the fence tWr. irkett
sustained painful injuries to his WHITBY BRANCH: A. A. ATKINSON, Manager.
back as well as other minor bruises -AND - h
Dr. Brodie -happened to come Of all materiah and dedgn r
' along and took him borne. Tom kept in stook. It will pay you `
-may congratulate himself that he ' . to coq at our works el inspect our ab,t
M and obtain rfoss. Don't tie raided
ares .. �
escaped with his life, •' �' s n1s dap
A severe electrical storm ac - - --- - -- 1+es we no
companied by a heavy fall of rain • COG ly we can,
pertoenl,hio�h�oo ,
passed over this locality on Mon- ave by purchasing from >as.
day. Lightning struck the barn T have in;sock 3000 rode of call solicited.
on Sam. Disney's farm near Bal- wNITLT GRANITE
Sam, Occupied at present by Mr. - Wire fencing made by the omoe. Whitby, o*seri s''
'Coterill, destroying it and all the We are pleased to state that our store-is about completed and :Steel Company of Canada.
other outbuildings. Mr. Coterill our stock is being got into first-class condition, when we will
lost all his season's crop,excepting be able to meet the wants of the public better than ever. You 'I also carry brace wire, E. W. EVAlr �f
one field of oats which he had not will flud.the store well lighted and cheery. The Millinery,De. t
_ succeeded in hauling into his barn. partment is in connection with the Dry Goods and will be _ coiled spring wire, wire mp ManufBCtur
-• - -His imptements-and several .pigs -- up=to=date when comp-feted. PII
- were also destroyed. Mr, Coterill --staples. Steel posts and Shop and "Residence, Dundas ft,,
has the sympathy of all in •, Boots and Shoes In this line we have some bargains.to clear cedar poets.
his severe loss.-Again on Tuesda s
` and save
morning another electrical storm
pasled over here when Mr. Wm., moue r.
13cott'a residence west of the vil- Let me show you what I have and We are prepared to instal wood or
- - -lage, was struck by lightning. Here is a bargain in window blinds all complete 30c also bel- y p p
' um in short notice,also attend
- The inmates of the house were ance of this seasons wall paper-stock cleaned out at=0 per quote you prices. Pito all kinds of repairing, .
rather badly frightened, but cent, lees than regutar price. This is a good'time to buy as ,
-fortunately not much injury was no doubt wall paper will go up. As
ry "�'� T') Agent for the Ontario Wind Mill,,done. Some of the veranda posts - ry P 1 ;e �{��50 K (also gasoline engines and-were splintered, but otherwise Groceries a1I fresh and up-to-date at the ve closest rices. 1�,i .k.11�1+--J��/J .L11 the agora gear
liftle damage was done. In this MAGNET CREAM gSEPARATOR
inform Mr. Hoover, of Markham,
had aorae killed. Do SIMPSON & Co.
° - - 4`"'t , i�•^,. ..., .r+j+.,, wr, w ,..: ,.,, ,..:;� �.q-.„. J}».';w+' '-,.'fJ.tiM '..«.Jd, 1. •'` 'L + °n1
-. R'q.i .,>, -•.- sd. ..,w n! 'moi n. •, :. 'i
A •l
The -Wedding -Eve .
h Or Married to a Fairy.
.-. CHAPTER xxVIIL-(Continued). at Lythin0&.nearly four years ago.
But in the morning it was Lilith who
I broke into my capital and paid o8 came to me. I found her lying huddled 1
every farthing.' I sold my Y=bt, my within the Porch over my doorstep, like
hoose, my furniture and-dismineed-t 11 a cs am s tate htlteTi�e. - - --- �'a�"I
_:_Tsrvants with wavr+_iaetead ot.notice. Not with, cold* and exposure, wrapped in a ) `__ u11 fly
a aoiA would I see. and I felt deeply grate• woolen shawl, with icicles in her yellow I = s
ful to Madge for leaving me alone is my
bitter disgrace and shame. All the woad My heart almost snapped in two with
01 artists and Journalist. were babbling pity art I lifted her and carried her into
at Adrian Hervey'.. the vrarm dininr_-room, and wound hot
His`'Pretty-little wife has rained blankets about cr frozen im - - -
-bolted abroad with some other fellow.' ed her poor blue liver and chafed her stif• i
No doubt our wretched story formed the fened fingers. 1Vreashaw helped me loyal-
'basis of some highly amusing and unvera- lv without a word. and I believe he was
cions club-stories. But I heard none of almost as glad ad I when, after hours of _
'these things, for I admitted no human cafe and wawhinir and fighting with
being into my presence but my man of death. I felt her Quiver` in my arms, .and a ��
business and Wrenahaw, and neither of saw her eyes oven and fix themselvee upon
them ever mentioned my wife's name. )ny face, vacantly af-fi[ttt. but presently
All through this- time of tension. of with the saddest little half smile of re-
and nights, of heartache, and fast- cognition flickerin- in them.
Inc. of days of vain looking and bitter re- 'I knew you would be here t the -
" law
,¢ret. of drudgery -over figures and ac-(French House," ehe .whispered Leeb1Y• -
c*unta and cruel humiliation, the refrain "And I knew .von would be kind to me, _
of a song beat' through my throbbing whatever anybody said. And I wouldn't 1�A�•
i; head: have bothered von. Dicky dear, but I've
77 No loader hopes nor gather.: CHAPTER._S%%
'M.v heart. in need of rest.
Without will, without power.
Farther to go or fly: "I can't die yet. I have so much to tell _
Take me bome to thy breast. Yon."
Oh, valley of my, fathers. Lilith said this as she Iay that night
For one hour of repose propped up by pillows on the couch by the - -
Before lonely I die." are.
A doctor had been sent for from Cran•
"' ft ..d Kith fmnar King Arther's Couit t is filled with niched and name diswrac,d, crippled in old Iocwr.from �andhvthe wbould see the glee,
1. fortune and stricken in heart: I found my tragedy he had sought to avert-and had -. .Toy reigns therein this morn'
sell alone with Wrenahaw. I turned to the Dronounced the patient to be dying from • ,
faitbfui old servant and told him my the results of overstrain, shock, and ex. The Queen—God bless Her Majesty— _ ..
plana. nosure acting on � delicate constitution. A pllddln$ has made from BeI1:4b$'s Corn.
"I mast leave London and all these peo. Heart and nerves had broken down, the " -
Die." I said, "and iro somewhere where no lunge were seriously affected, and the doc- ---
one.knows me. or I shall go mad. I can't for held out no hope of recovery.
paint—it may be that i shall never paint I wanted no second physician's opinion. :
atealp: My day is over. But if you'll have I Death was written in Lilith's face, in her King
n 1
the patience to- pat up with a I know hollow eves and sunken mouth, in the tel• Foca Fit fora i��il i ~
. a lonely old house halP•way up a hill that loiivi•L, waxen tint of her skin, and the
rises from the marshes which stretch to terrible emaciation of her form.
the yea. There, you and 1. Wrenahaw,can :•I haven't bad enough to eat lust late
live in quiet for a time at least, until the ]v, and I have been so cold sometimes •--but so cheap that everyone can afford it. That is -why, - --
pomade are a little lean raw. Will you J without a fire.''aftshe said. y. haven't had BENSON'S PREPARED CORN is so popular. It's a food
Wrenshaw and I became inmates of the 1 and she rea,ed her thin little hands
come," , you to look after me. Dicky. But it hoe-
"Anywhere with you. sir." n t been the Bold or hunger, though they for all seasons' excellent for Warm weather because it is
` And ea, on a bleak November day. �were hard enough to bear it's been here, ,
old Fr neh House at Lythitige. on _the against her beart-"that's where the sell- - 110t over-heating. _ --
steep sloping moorland above the marshes ing hat been, and that's what has killed
---and the sea. me. Oh. I know I am d��yyin¢-I knew it - - _ - . -._ _ - -. - -
_ _ two days ago, and I was dreadfully fright• BENSON'S
sued at first. And then I tbought it I = PREPARED CORN
,..'CHAPTER xxrx. could only come to you, and bee Your - - - -
Pardon, and get you to forgive me. I might
All through that bitter winter Wren- get forgiven-somewhere else." ++ The housewife who keeps a package of BENSON'S PRE-
shaw and I lived our bermit lite under the Her head fell back on my arm. and sbe
'last red-ttled root, colored gold with lich. ®tared for a zhimens wistfully into the PARED CORN in her pantry is never at a loss for a dainty
en. and hung about with ivy, of the old
' house above the marshes. a''You must not talk of forgiveness," I I dessert—one that can be quickly prepared In half a hundred _
About our little garden enclosure, wall• whisDered: "I have nothing but love for different ways'.
dad in by fragments of what was once a you to my !'ears-there is no room there -
Roman stronghold. the Kentish sheep for any other feeling. -
strared.'bleating in the.driving snow, and Pel Lie .till and rest._
_ . buAdled together for warmth against the dear: don't try to.tell me anything You Delicious with an flavoring, fresh fruit Or extract. Can -
massive frairmente of the ancient stone the know
back to me-that it all I want S' g
13oan below us to .the marsh villages. She put sip her hand to my face, and __ - be served in so many�.different ways that it is always new
;. -alights twcakled out at afght, and high Atroked it with a little caressing ¢estura and refreshing:
I remembered weltn.remembered with a
above. on .the crest of the cliff, the win-
dows o1 the sattare-towered church gleam- stab of Infinite pain. -
It o very good of you. Dicky, to . But
__,Send a-postcard for a dainty little receipt
ed red on Sunday evening*. Our emppllea nice to very
and d. ask no questions. But
of food .were.brought by hand, for there I must•tell. vet}-were things aa..that lou '
•was no road across the strip of rugged - -' Ibook that tells haw to make the man table
moorland to where the ancient,.half-tint• mar undenstand-" y _
Her voice was very thin and weak Con-
idelicacies that owe their goodness to BEN-
bared house stood in complete solitude. - '
st8ntly I had to make her sten in her
i' bad tar from any other a ear place. , rapid. whispering talk to take sem. ap ISON'S PREPARED CORN.
mad taken she Louse for a year at an ezr trirative, and to softly wipe her dateP '
ceedincIr low rectal. as the owner wa: orehead' and'to lift from o8 it the clue-
only too clad to have it occupied at an; erin¢ hair which looked. in its glDeay a
-time of the year bus the summer. Abundance, patbatically full of life and �t tT
All day long. whatever the wrh,tber .icor against her wasted cheeks. - COMPANY i."
'Might ba j;� took long walks by the sea • • • -
II could not Dainc. The light was baa "I know I have been eery wicked." she .. CANADA �S TA R'C H C O M.PA ..
through an esceptionalky severe winter. beean a¢aiii after • Dausn. `and I have "7
But,had the skies been asure, and the sun: treated you dreadfully, But somehow r Makers of fife Famous Edwardebur`Brands
.bine that of Italy, it would have bees the thin¢s have been all wrong from the be- 1410NTREAL tt CARDINAL a RRANTFORD
t ginning, When von -determined to make - J
`3abie• I could not paint. I had lost all a.lady of me, and sent m* to. Morland
incentive to work. Honey was of no volae go»se. I was miserable. You zee., the girls
to me, Arid as for fame >che sooner my gnizsed me and stared at me, and I was-
pomp wits forgotten the better I-should n't used to their fine=lady-ways. And I
be Dleased. couldn't bear being shut in and kept a
The. "Rose and Crown" had changed prisoner. And then I was very, very fond • I
hands. the Nokeses having failed to make of ,you. you don't quite know how fond I
it Day.. Consequently I ran no risk of
meettax any one who would recognize ma ase, I think. It would have been all sight and remember Laitb. I took the house in and I'd have been quite wood, if you DtD•
A T'90
Wren-tbaw:" and,'epart mired- to marry Fqg when I came out of _._
from this precaution, i school. But wliea I knew you were going _ D
that any one would have known Pie, for.1 sped tc to think I'd have to put up with ' �R E i A R E D
during Lhp days that elapsed atter I Aiwt i two Years of'that school, and then perhaps '
m en %ip being a nursemai o
had or ad gray a. •that -if a man of after all. And then-I met him!'•
fatty. '- Ellie paused and turned her eyes from
In the evening. I would come cin 'he - me to the fire again'. A faint blush crepttired " mad wculd cit in front of I ?'
old-fashioned fireplace, watching the burn• as she went on speaking:
+ inw logs, and brooding over cop lost Lit- ••$e tell in love with Pie as Boon as he —
ith, who bad vanished from my lite like
the marsh fairy I had called her. saw me, he said. .Not in your rogsantic,
Wrenahaw enjoyed the solitude. He nils- l adoring way, but in the way'¢iris like me J
trusted his own iez.-and hawed nearly, all'!like. make moslip out-and meet him
Women. 3fadge'was his one weak spot, and' and h!'d snatch me up in bis arms and
Aire me so that be hurt me, and swear Faithfulness
I soon discovered that he occasionally ler Land wkly she didn't let on to vett= w•ae dreadful,"even though he said our -'�•:••=
wrote to.her. About-aici,- of course. she I and co on, saying he'd kill himself or me.�buteI suDDoso she thought I wasn't;really marriage wa.s not a real one. Afterward,t
if I didn't run away with him. .And--and
lzad had•too much delicacy to write to me married before, and that what was done I was always teasing him tb take-me back_ The diamond is one kind-ot Crystal .,
direct, but I knew that she would sym• I was dull and .miserable and you never• couldn't be undone. Oh, Dicky,-why did- for, although vou,were so kind to me, I, and coal is another. But, on the -
vathiie. Only I did not want to hear of came-and three'months.after I'd Rone n't you marry'her and save all this dread•. felt lie was my husband, and not you. But
to Morland House• I stole off and married whole, though the diamond is beauti.
her sympathy. I wanted to.wear my sor• ful worry?" be would hardly ever see me, and always
him." , ful, the world R'oula rather give up its
row alone. "You married him!" "Don't tell me any more,."'I groaned. wanted money,honed, nothing but money,I
Winter broke at last into a stormy "You are breaking-my heart, Lilith. How Then at last I heard that be had.fallen diamonds than its Coal. 1ti0E0 de-
t spring, and a furious Varch came in, "Ya°• I have my lines-I have Hetet could I know? Why did you not tell me in levo with some one else, and wa ¢c I pends upon the coal-far more. Genius
h Darted from them. Often, after I was
swathed in driving snow, One bitterly the truth? Yon loved me as a child. and inc-to marry her. And I felt quite mad- i6 as shining es. the diamond; faith-
day'I had spent searching with the with von, Pd Lake them out on the sly'. I thought vbu mutt grow to love Me like, and that I must go back to him.
and look at them, and tell myself I be fulness to duty'is often as dull as the
shepherds for lost lambs among the snow. ' again." whatever Happened.
and Had come home late, tired out and longed really to him, only he didn't want she shook hes head. coal to the eye. But it the latter.
numb with cold, to eat a little food, and me anv more., And then I'd cry my eyes „Not , You want me to," she said.."It "So I left you-and went'to him. But he p
out nearly. and you would find me and would not.see me. and the woman. he after all, that helps,the world most.
then sit and doze, and dream before the .you had been the first-but by the time I
wondor what had upset me, and be very was witri took awav my jewels and money.
are. filet you again that day in Recent Street• +:
kind, and make me forget him. And he which I offered her to get to see him• and i
Wrenahaw had Gone to bed-he kept hili• ho had made me so fond of Him and so Glass in I iaee of Iron.
did love me ,iuet at first, and o .hated laughed at me, ani told me that now I ( The iron-ore
depo.its of tie world
Lary hours-'but ]ate into the night I sat, afraid of Him'I had no feeling left for any I [epos
by the warm[.h and too drowsy l you because. I was so fond of you, and had lett you
ant} could send no ,snore
after a long and fatiguing day in the bit• would tell me how well yon were enjoying one else. We were dreadfully poor then. money, he bated me as much an he loved a
ing cold to rouse myself and go to bed. yourself amonir .your grand relations, ttnd I had been dancing aL a hall Just outside her. And'then I got very, very ill, And ''are,being, exhausted; and the time w
LQndon, and I had come up to try`and`'¢ei is nqt far distant when wt will have
In the comatose state into which I had+making Lady Margaret laugh at me. He they sent me back to London. And I tried
fallen. I lived again through the scenes was so handsome and so masterful-and a' West End engagement. That night, af• to find,you, but You were gone and the
R you ter you'd left me at Mrs. Jackson's: I house was veld. And I went back to the .Ret along without iron and steel' -.-
' I had that day wit nee ed, And'eearcb�id he said it I didn't go awav with him, 1
•'again with the shepherds , murky da would get married and p, crept out to let him know what had hap-
get tired of keep. i You told me you drove to the studio' old cheap lodgings be and I used to have, ; E�ind and it substitute
b 11 have to be
y timed—" been suggested b�
light ander a.leaden sky, and afterward* Inc me• and I should.have to become a and persuaded the landlady to lake me
r' -__ , servant_after all. I was afraid of-hiaa-at _ _ in,_-I think she meant do be kind, and she I -'
by .amvlight; which-cast a red-stain-o first. but then-then I,got 40 love him and His studier -she--wh-leper wave a little Took now an ep. ` ` a>_At the logical-succ.@88-_.
the gleaming snow,for the missing sheep, one mornlnT I ran away from achoot sad friend' bad lent him. Then he told ane I lived in a room Uv myself until.I felt sure,
beneath the feathery downfall that prick- might go out with you it I brought him or'will be glass.
sif our,faces. was married to him in St. Peter'. Church I was dying. Then suddenly I thought
at Bristol. And at first I was ver ha thirty pounds the nett day
But in ms contused fancies it seemed to y ppy What an infernal villaial Lilith; you of what you said one day-that if a man
me Wtat iL`was Lilith for whom we were Afterward, when you got rich, and he wanted Lo hide from the world, lie would interesting. - v
wanted to get rid of me and to must tell me his name."
seeking. and an agony of apprehension get hold come to the French House at Lythinge. So
posseEeed me as I 'beheld the deep drift's' of your money through me, he swore it She eat in on the couch and clung to c,
by the ways' e. me. coughing and crying. Z came here. ,But Ld'ared not knock at 011, ccs, my husba-nd is an eII-
s sn't alreal marriage.. l dand
that's "It fe nobody you know or ever heard the door lest yon might be too angry. And t.husiastic archaeologist." said UTS.1
The night wore on and still the same I wan weak and faint and so tired, and I ;
- ideas pursued me, Lilith was lost
,true. After he and I were married, he oft" she protested again and again. "He Brea sleeDy•with cold outside your door. BTnith. .'end I never knew it uII� -.
ith was nailing me. The hallucination 'went and saw Mrs. Morland, and she was was an artist at Bristol, and saw me out, Thea at last you found me in'the morn ,til }•esterdap. I found in his denki
dreadfully angry at first, until they ar• walking with the school. He is wonder. Ino. But it gas silly of me not to knock. +'
grew so etronR that 1 seemed actually to ranged between them that while he and fully clever, but he doesn't 'like working. t3ome User loakin' tickets with the
' hear her Plaintive voice above the snow And he's very well-educated, and was al- for I might have known.you would' be q g
_and sleet on the windowpanes: I lived together about the country you kind." inscri tion, �Ittd'horse, 8 t0 1.'�
"Dicky Dicky" should be deceived,so that you might Bend wave telling me how'd been
I was. And _.,a• p
Ones I even loran¢ un in my--ahA•Ir-...and the money for my eduo.•ttion all the same. someti>Bes, when he'd been drinking a She d-led-dn--my arm. 'wt daybreak, tall- .And--w'hen I asked him a-1Tet they,
-- .:� n window-_ Mrs. Morland had half, and we had the little too much, he would strike me and Inc sal eep with a little sigh like;s child were he said they were relics C e
�rusl} of snowflakes was driven into the
Other iiundtred-8g was e u y w had-�
room. and the cold air 6eemed to clear any debt, and we had no money at all but wave, even after I saw he got tired of me. ed me. and who Had never even'been,my. last race; isn't t la iriferest3IlgQ
brain and ainvince moot my folly. Never what I made by ,dancing." And.' she murmured with a little sob, "I wife. --
"By dancing?" love him novel"
.tore had I so stroftsl:y realized v titter Oh, vest I worked awfully hard, and ehe stared into the fire and wae'e lent. And I buried my heart and my youth Lawyer-Madame, •)_gym - sorry. to
loneline" t.0 I Had pavied beyond self�su8erin¢ in the and all
my hones in this world with her
out For my wife ip.tcu giveneas an f pity to the churchyard on the cliff over the say iihat I don't Bee the ghost rf A:
for with the insti got of lova I kq lR that theatrical company of sincere an anc- ,
she was to t insti and that RIA get ere. And in Lymburst, at a ball where I It would have cut me to the heart that C
s was dancing, Lady Margaret saw me and now, as she lav dying. all hsr thoughts• wanted to Ile yearn apo. Will. Client-Well, to he frank`
my help. , told me afterward how beautiful I danced, all hxr rev sTe for the cowardly and In her puree we eound a sealed marriage
In the morning uo I decided, I d a,d go And she saw my husband, too."' contemptible r _*ho had brutally Ill- in which was the certificate of marriage with you, I don't Bee the ghost Of 8
back to town, and leave no .con upturn- Your Husband(" treated her an=fid had sold her to another between "Lilith Saxon. aged sixteen, and
-ad to find her. EM long as she w i happy "Yei. Yes!" etre anewared fretfully, turn. man. Nicholas Wray, aced thirty-five." Chance td pay the
•for what vourVe
with the man she had preferred to me, her head from side to ,side. "Lady- Mar. "I couldn't bear marrying yon," sh already done if t'he will isn't brok,',�„y
,so long would she forget my very ezisU went on, suddenly rousing herself. ov "Dvery fatalist knows that saving a ,
-'pence.' But ahonld Borrow or ill-heal4h carat's cot such sharp eyes, and sho mane life is the best way to turn him into en. I,arwyer-H Rn! �II 6000II is
Dome mega Ler, I felt sure she would creep caught a klimtl" of him somehow. She know I couldn't. I begged and prhyed 'm a dangerous enemy." thought, madame, I think the w1f
pack to me a tell ane Ler the would
roubles, Just. as knew me again in a minute when Abe to let me off, and ran away to London, as
alt. used Lao whop I first met Her here came to see its in Kensington. I can't un• you know. And Mrs. Morland thought it (To be ooatinued). Can, be 'broken.
r„:..a iE•gM u' ,, °T. .'� c �., '..:r r..,n:., ,u. ..w. `•b•., r•' -: ..�:,.,ate.;4 � .;�.,, .�-; ` �..� -1 �•'.
•'r'a•� �'+ ... �:�.r'ry's'i.':. . . rt #x'.' -3 wte't:n.r;�•q.,e as„..^.;..+ .xr r' ,r ,r:+..•;�, ..,,,•...._._.. .i.,.r er.' 'i<�...tgridirr *4-;win'.-=i' T<` a- sat-':iry r
F. ":'b,,.,, r,.:.'`- .[.v`-.•� r r G.J.rax'=i.�`�µwi.• s ,.'6,+'-••; a;�.r �.��''�'qL'�@�.
1 vI
'±'ht' , X .�•.4 .q _. X �... •� r;h� �' 3s"�.�.dSi.•�ya•+E+�"�+�i.,..-b'.sz.: -+-yir _ ..r1e:.a.o-su �•.!nr++vanr�st r:"-"�.'n" _
;}, qv ..,ry..•1-.. .-.,.,,,, .. .. ,vT.J.4 ��. �k V `tl!•, y;. ,.v7A J.. .
'Ger,, ,;�, ;,. .cx ^z ^?,: '_:'""r«�. ..:.. 5 1• -1' i '. Y ..„s. '�.
R `
` r
.WHENFOOD TAXES YES` spirals, while a dress. length of the �► �+N�H�'�► __ �_.,.:.:.... ......
II N 1J l AX S latter could often be had at the ex- T„�wwn!w.
pence'of a little climbing, there was. READ THE LABEL
.YOUR STRENGTH no question which was going to be
the .more in demand. The flexibil- SUMER THE INGREDIENTS ARE.
- - legra-ph st rand admit- PLAINLY PRINTED ON THE LABEL. IT "
:'You Need the Treat ted -of a great variety of treatment, ' �,�,� I S THE ONLY WELL- KNOWN MEDIUM- ;
-of Dr. Willis ' Pink Pills and very chic effects in weaves and ._ . CANADA THAT DOES NOT CONTAIN
twists were obtained with it that
- When the food you take fails to could never have been"approached i•ten'mlis for Pickles.—Do not use INGREDIENTS PLA1NLY STATED ON
nourish, when it causes you. pain with the ,Stiff brass trade wire,. cheap earthen crocks for cucumber THE LABEJ..
and often, a feeling of extreme pickles. The vinegar eats into the CTS
nausea, ' the. cause is indigestion. enamel, in the manufacture of - ; tiNa No
Your stomach is too feeble to do its tO3131ANAER OF HOME FLEET. whiZ� ead and - other poisonous
work and . -ou will continue to suf- minerals are used. The wooden = �{
--y— - - dmir,al--Sir C eor-e— , an—Is + __ u of a P-H-AT E-0 F -A-L-U-14 i N A-O R SOD Imo- A L-U-M t 1V-t G
► casor the g ass lar should be
nurw„a„aaa; " =
I until you strengthen y.ourdiges- ate ' SULPHATE. THE PUBLIC SHOULD NOT BE
tive powers. Your digestion has. -An Irishman. ed. A recent test witk'the\best of ,«,rraerduF ; MISLED, BY THESE TECHNICAL NAMES.
failed because your etomach is not An Irishman is in -chief command vinega.r�combined with she cellulose' /J
receiving the pure, red bldod of of Britain's home fleet. He is Sir of raspberries so as to`form a thick
1ealth to give it strength-Jox ;+Qblanket Of-_"mt,her" showed that t. W._GILLETT- COMPA_y-Y
` it
:would eat through very heavy I'°"i`nC01 !'"m WINNIPEG ..TORONTO, ONT. MONTREAL
.work. and. was born in County Cork 63 g y ;
- The tonic treatment of indigestion . • Irishman of the old white. enamel on iron. After t•he *aNa woAi�"i
_ by Dr. Williams'�s or a e_ fighting breed, he is.known in the- blanket was much reduced in thick-
+M People succeeds by building up and navy as a brilliant offiee.r. He was 'ness it dried into a thick and tough ---- '------ ` - - -
enriching the blood supply, so that naval A.D.C. to the 'late King., paper. Vinegar is strong stuff. used, having bread for the last lav- A piece of art gum will' Clean
the feeble Estive organs are Pickled Horseradish.-Grate the er and putting a little of the grated white leather girdles. A gentle
-dig g whose judgment regarding men
strengthened, appetite -is restored seldom erred. Edward VIL.formed horseradish, put in 'bottles, and lemon- rind' =between each layer. rubbing will icemove all spots that
and tone given the whole system. a very -high opinion of his charas- cover with vinegar to each pint of Make a custard with the eggs and come_ from rubbing against•objeets
Thousands have roved this by r- milk, add the salt and pour-over the in the hand• or o t the outside.
p per ter and capabilities as a naval offi which has been added one teasl$aan '
•saijal-experience, as is shown by cer, Callaghan was one of the men of salt and one tablespoon of sugar._ bread and fruit. Let the pudding A thin coat of potash left on the
'the following typical instance. Mra. Witted by Edward VII, as a com Easy Cucumber Pickles.-To one stancd a f an hour,'then bake in a sink over night once a week- will re-
James Boyle, Dartmouth, N.S., ing man He has worked his way gallon"of vinegar add one_cup' of moderate oven. Serve hot with a move the ugly stains that will not
-s: "For years I was a sufferer up by sheer merit to his present re- salt, one of mustard, and one of lemon sauce. yield to kerosene. It should be &p-
"For New Conserves to go With plied with care, as it is oisoHous.
iges ton. con nut to is a eneral sugar. Wash medium sized cucum- p
Meat.-Green tomatoes and Limes, Soiled and finger-marked birds
food without feeling terrible' lis favorite in the senior service. ers, nev - a e a aple can be cleaned by
Tress afterwards, and in conse As admiral of the home fleets, file throw into this mixture. No cook- tomatoes and 'pickled limes, Grind ing with a soft rag and lukewarm
quenee I was badly run down. has command of several fleets, and ,ingas 'required, and the pickles will rosette
-toge-ther. and cook t
take spells of dizziness with a feel- blue ribbon of the naval'profession. but the addition of a horseradish the mass is thick. Add half as many has been ad.. Rub dry quickly ]
` in of numbness throughout .my His salary is £1,825 a year, au cupfuls of sugar as the number of and polish h a soft cloth..
g g g rout_will improv a them and d to
r body, and at other times my heart I mented by table money to £I,6.12 their keeping qualities. Thisck-le tomatoes; that is, if there are 31ost p\ pie"do not realize that s ti
- would palpitate so violently that I I(8 ,2001,\ not a his salary «hen I has various names. It is some>imes twelve tomatoes and twelve linea, stocking that is too tight is almost
j ''lazy-wile „ and six"cu uh of sugar. Boil the as bad for the foot as a shoe too
I* - feared I would die. Naturally I wasp ---. — called pickle, Leaving i e
doctoring continually, but w ith„ut I out the sugar and hoc eradish, t is mixture ten minutes, or. until it 's small. Its most common effects ar
getting better. Then my husband °`' called "mustard fickle” by hu�Qble very thick. ingrowing toe-nails. and en.arge- ;
got me a supply of Pr. Williams e _ popple who have not porcelain $et Ripe Tomatoes and Ginger.- went of the,big toe joint. Cara
Pink Pills, and before lung I Evund I tles for cooking ner sealed contain- Pare and slice four pounds of ripe should be taken that stockings be
! tosiatoes., Let -them stand until long .enough: -A foot 10 2-3 inches
they were helping me,' and Icon - a, en`s 'fur keeping pickles.
tinned to ta�tc them until I was re- 1'iikleil Celery. - The Orientals the water has rub from the fruit. long and 3 3-4 inches wide cannot
utored to health. I was never in �. Add three ounces of preserved glia wear's stocking under size 11'with
better health than I am new, and I ponlr, c +ld %:inegar.orer a great num:
ben of single things, or combina- ger ctrt into fine piece's and the juice I out iridueing a tendency tq the
awe it all to Lr: Williams' fink' of one lemon with the grated peel, rabocc-mentioned (Somplaints and to a,
tions ki Eruits or ve etables to make .
Fills.- K grated well into the white inner crumpling-uf the toes. -
\ t a pickle or 'vour-shun. ' , The Eu1- I skin, Cook the mixture- until it be- a
- Thee Pills are sr)Id by all meth I been lowing
r recipe
e ipefrom and source has of gins -to thicken. and -.add - four - "Dou't5" For-Wivelf.
a b• moil at 50 cents a box or six 1 r I g.pieces and pounds <,f granulated sugar. Con Don't forget-that eou$ery._is an.•
cine dealers or veru can et them l
3 t celery•intc, two Inch lin tinue. boiling the mass until it is �j
boxes for $• ,50 frum Thr. Drr Wil- k I I salt or other seasoning w taste with. `.err thick, stirring it continually subject w the law of expenment
liams' Medicine Co.. Brockville., 1 =, a crushed_ clove. or- two, rf you on husband%.
to keep it from burping• Pour it
Ont. + choose, of garlic. Cuter with vine,- Don'.t forget that fine dresses can
;i into.glasses, .and,when cool, cover g if
R Bar and then with a tight cover. 3n only come frons_a fine. salary__ `
CORSETS OF TELEGR:1P11 11'iRF.; '; the ,Blesses •Rixh paraffin. Dunt let our tidiness become a
' two ur three days this is ready to 5'
— u'Ae, Green peppers„ pierced, sea. Ilohsehold lfints. tyrant.
"Ladino" in. Half Civiltzed Cohn- I si. -with salt, -are -tieafed the — --- D -fdrget that: a inn •v ho has
_ ern t t a
_ tries Use the Material; same way and ready•as soon or they -Mea•ts should not be pierced tasted kisses does not appreciate {
may be stuffed. Green tomatoes while cooking. pecks. .
- The telegraph, pioneer of electri A dash of salt added to the whites
-.. .cal iayenti n in all new .counl;ries _ lore treated the same as Breen pep- 'Don't set-out to prove thtit s�vvo-
�' per:+ Onions,'garlic, cooked vege- of eggs makes them ship better. mans tongue is length -without
bias had many remarkable'experi tables like. carrot,"etc., are-treated Never slam the-oven.door, or jar 'depth. '
ences in linking up the outposts of in the same way,. . any rising material while it is bak• Don't forget-that, when he took
nowhere- or than _.
Civilization and no h re m e t � _
=Curoai:c•d 'Chili- f5auee.-Twelve' hi& - you for his wife: he-didn t'proattise•
in the still half-savage islands of ripe lunatics, six onions, six small' When watering a garden remem- `to give up his friends. !'
'Malaysia, says a writer in the Wide ben that a thorough soaking is bet
World Magazine,- In Sumatra, fol• i pepuers, one-third-of a cup- of salt? g g 1 Don't'forget that the first•-aigti•of
_ or, less may do and be better for ter than fre�c cent snrinklinQa _-Aare g i, messed nyBuding,- v-:
instan_ '-the rebellious Nehim"I fhe eaters. especially -if the sauce -Crumbs gra-ted directly from the '. his sucks,
- _took the wires to hammer into slugs. to be ke t for months, one loaf give a more delicate color than I on't forget that-a man `eshase
_ is n.,t P
for their'-muskets; in Celebes •un =
protected lengths of the early lines ? of sugar, two cups of the best dried crumbs to fried articles.' slippers are always warm and ready
genuine cider vinegar: Peel and In a special section of the book i finds it difficult tQ refuse a new hat.
were turn down and improvised into ch;,p fine the tomatoes, onions and I dealing_.. ' with_ dinner-giving. the i. Don't tri to stop-ar'man's smoke
fish traps, while in Dutch Burne•, ' I hostess will find man% valuable su '
!the white porcelain insulators Rave per-,ers, and_add to them the sea $ and continue your own chocolates.
stinings„ mixing well. Sterilize the Bestions. I Don't forget that if you make his
such a striking effect as. necklace bottles and fill them when cold. «en -washing the.ad ! house his ho stay there. 'elle
;beads for the dusky jungle belles I ---of ammonia ur-borax to the ' t •_ a
that the natives still steal them ;-This will keep well in-a cold place in spv0ess,y-clean house is-not always
bottles with tight.stoppers. Ix ►s a ra'ater will make the articles white. the sweetest-of-sweet homes.
"— whenever• opportunity offers. T A diet of oranges will clear mud- I e
- $tit it }ras-remained for the Di "'rte-aRreeable_sauce�_or even a re- R -N.eveL_forget that where--one
1 a Ci�li:-enc?n-ill- ntc'ei}2�'� mix wit. s-sad velure-fatTat nuarre , Vis, can. omp a to:be
eke of Sarawak-Ra'sh Brooke's mavunnaise dressing for the Thous- half a dozen a day, if you like them. the one.
remarkable . little state in ' North l ur Nand Island salad dressing or what, Milk and butter' should be kept �F
Borneo-to cap the climax by strip- "' in closely-colored vessels, as they
' 'it•curnetimes called cardinal may-oCnn't NOR It-
n-many m - , ❑else or urtugarse, etc,
sof their wire in order to turn the' other articles. "«-hick du you love most-pour
,distes"' to manufacture into _ Recipes. _ Farmed papa or tvur marina;" .0 lie's-`
. _ in the oven before being'put inti, lobe papa"-mi�.at:"' Charlie's mo-=
"`clothes'•' for their. ladies. Long) "' Walnuts.-Mix one-half of•a cup hut•fat. It will thus not reduce-the ther='`Why• Charlie, I am surpris-
'before the telegraph wire cattle, the compared with the plums" .in
other walks of life. . His term of .ful of sugar, one cirpful•of molasses, temperature of the fat. ed at you. I thought fou loved m9 , ,
principal article of trade .with the appointment will expire-ifi Decem- I one--third of-a cupful-of melted but- Kish will be crisp :grid-brow•,n :if it most?" -Charlie- Can't hel-• it,
Dyaks of Borneo was house wire,
well beaten, one tea-"is t'horou lois dried ori both sides; inamrna f w'e men have to hold . 0-
.some of which was used for.the,rnal:_ ;ben, by which time history will ter, one egg g
in' of bracelets and anklets, but the have been made. I spoonful of cinnamon, and one�half' then clipped in fine .cornmeal and gethery"
g Admiral Sir George Ca4laghan of a teaspoonful each of .ginger plunged into boiling lat.
bulk was worked up into a- remark-I- looks Hindustani like -a-native loves, and salt. Add one teaspoon- - A teaspoonfttl� of -dry- iiiustard• For the man witha chip on .his
able corset for the women folk. I �ful of soda mixed with' one tea rubbed into the hands, after' pre Ide'r-get-an axe.
?�► ,The "garm,ent,". beginning a .little I ane' ' knows eery branch "ufchis s ,onful u€ boiling water, and three pa-ring- onions or fish, will remove The-Dentist (getting 'even with
treide, from gun-e'ffic'iency to sea- ,
I" g Pa g'
below the waist-where it •taxes the ; , c and one-half.cu fuls of flour. Pinch the odor com letel "It should be hisphotographer)--h-64---k- pleasant,
bedan a stri of cotton cloth fall-.I plana: fighting. He has _filled e off small pieces.-the size-of an En,g- rubbed in as f it were soap. . teaser • - -. .., 3
g, p eral.'important commands. P p' ' p'
ing to the knees-ascends in broad-
ing the Mediterranea*i. In the lush walnut. roll them in sugar, and - -
ening spirals to the shoulders. The�1l,oxer trouble-of 1500 he command-' bake them in a quick' oven. They
;spirals are *co•nnected- with other 1 ed the British naval brigade in the.j will keep a long time-if locked up. _ -
__ 1pie6es of wire, which have the ef- 'march to Pekin, and was mentioned 1 A'arrots Creanivd,in a New Way'.
feet• of depriving them of all elms- i r'..de4ltcbes• -Take eight• carrots, scrape, and 1
ticity-, and rendering the contri=; The flagship of the home fleets, on 1ioil thein for ten minutes in salted
vance-. quite- as-rigid as its modern w-Mich admiral Sir George Callas water, a. dessertsliooiiful of salt t�>
prototype of the enlightened (k;ci-I flan flies his pennant, is the Iron every quart of water, and strain
dent. Duke. . -This warship is pne Af the I them. Cut the carrots iu rather
Under foreign influence it is be latest super-17\readnoughts,. and thin slices, put them-in a stewpan
Coming the custom to make these I was commissioned fu.r the first time with two ounces of 'butter, half a
"cages, "so that the may be 'ee; l o.. 25 _ ill of \wafer, pepper and salt. Put- suga' r
y only a few• months ag . She is R P P1
:moved at will, for bathing and even 000 tuns carries ten 13.5 and twelve the cover itrl.the pan,,and let the
I,for sleeping, but in the remote I 0-inch guns. The entire fleets un- miyture simmer for twenty-minutes,: the-
�`j a I %e
Dyak villa. es this reform lias not does make the
` 8 der ills cummarid`number 200 ships +baking the pan occasionall} to in
:yet begun to make itself felt. There all told, including 55 battleships of sure even cooking. When the car bread and butter
a girl, an. reaching maidenhood, I bre^dnuugi+t and pre-Dreadnought rots are tender, add the yolk of one -
has a loose win@ corset or fashion 'types, 4battle'-cruisers,• 27-cruisers, egg and half a gill of cream, beat tate Did tir7 '
able shape built u n-her and to .11"
P I� 28 light •cririser�s,-'i•S torpedo-boat en together; also half a�teaspocinful � y,G, ', ��•'���
--- this her figure-must,grow, whether destroyers, and other auxiliary Ves- of chopped parsley. Stir the mix- -�'
- It chances to be along its natural I sell, In additiun,•tho fleets have a ture over the fire until it is thick,
T is-when you spread
(lines of expansion. or �. Only targe number of sea-planes and but du not bbil it-after the cream it out on bread or �..,r77*1
extreme illness,-usually only the airships, which will doubtlems play is a e - -
`shadow of death itself-gives.war a .spectacular_and,useful prtrt in Date I ding'.t-;;ix slices of but-
.trant for the' removal of the galling pun dof�12ED1'ATH.Extta Granthat you notice most ulated Sugar-'Buyd>perfect
g g� any,engagement• that •rriay- take teretl'stale ISread, t'wo eggs,'1-3 tea-
spoonful though it is also occasionallylace, spoonful of salt, two cups of st.on- p ty he
done in.other cases. �-- -e to _ F, _ -
y4ire is wino in Borneo, and No mail can talk quite . so elo grated' rind of jz lemon, lemon
.'though brass trade wire was more gtrently.as-his.money.. sauce. �Remove the crusts of bread, '
Cloth Bags,and you'll-gerthe genuine ,absolutely '
refulgent and "dressy" than tele- Landlad3)-I'll give you just three and cut the slices into dice; place a clean, iugt as it left the refinery. 83
gra h wire as lou as the former days in which to S pudding p , g pay yQu,r rent. facer of these'in.a teased uddin CANADA SUGAR REFINING CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL.
pat a picul of damar or five piculs Stade-All right. I'll take the first dish, then.a layer of dates, then
Df copra for t' ^» aitp , her of of July, Christmas and Easter, more bread and so on until all are Rrt
su:- £ ,�.,,, ��. ` ,:d.: .:..,---- ,. ..§ ,.�a.5+,>� -„�.s,�es' -9. --„ .r ',� � �,�w. •�:�°; Y�.'i''n..r`":' �%w: a,.��:;.« ,+rw."';,,.
1 a,. a;R��,�OIW7
.. .:. --. ,7'� . '. :f ..,F� c a x �!'a` ': ' ur" . ,.T ...ems.'a... .a a ,�...� ,.-. ::--'-` - ^y5•„„•,� .. ,FRI" _
Y -
M „
r ..
Z^^ �- �Lr14,rQ -Mr. Pannick spent ,the week. -James Gordon has been in a
r `1V111J A71�117. cad with W. H. Crammer. very critical condition during the some-
-Mise Date'Cowan, of Toronto, past week, but at present iii
visited. Miss Allegro Crook over what better.
: -Smith Clark is visiting-rely Sundays
-Paull and Mrs. Knif ton,Parry
-tires in Barrie and Alliston. -C. H. and Mrs. Pilkey spentare here owing to the seri- -A new shipment of working shirts, overalls and pante -just-
-Sound, -- -
-Alf. Rogers, Df Kinsale, spent Sunday with the farmer's brother _..,_ '
ous illness of the latter s father,
,•$unday here with his father. at Wexford. James Gordon. •. arrived. Also a new stock of guaranteed to. u'
-Miss Clara Ham s nt. a few -Miss Martin and Miss Switzer, -A. and Mrs. Burrilh of Chi-
:day%with friends at Hampton of Torento, are spending.-& two tag A. a Mrs. Daly and Mrs. W. -
-Mise Hobbs, of Toronto, spent week's vacation With Mrs. Crum- Palmer, of Toronto; spent a few
a f6w days with Pickering friends. mer. days with Mrs. Burrell.
-Word has been received of the -James Denny shipped a car- -Henir Larkin, of Saginaw, Our.fall and winter samples from-the .20th century clothing
safe arrival of Lord 13om'ei in load of cattle and one of- hogs Mich. has. returned home . after .• -
England: from Greenburn station 'on Mon- spending a few , days with his have just arrived,the finest ever.
-Mrs. C. H. Burling is visiting day. - '
r daughter, Mrs. Dannon, o -Mrs._ _wit_ lark and M -- o:aza_s"�--pMr.at3n"tney-and ------ -
or d '— chef�rdon are spending few Miss Richardson returned to theR. A. BU P., CgERING
-Arthur Rogers, of -Toronto, weeks-w1th relatives near -Oak-
spent Sunday at the home of his wood. city Sunday evening, after spend-
spent Sunday
-H. J. Msirquis moved on Wed- mg a week'at W. H. Ciutnmer'e. '
_—Ed.S�Qrmley, of the Masae�__ nesday into Mrs. John Andrew's -"A severe thunder-storired here �uo,c�cur-
Harris, Co.,of Toronto, cane home res06
idence, recently vacated by Ing; Robt. Heli on the Kingston tl iJ �
` over Sunday. Wm. Royce. road east lost three cows that had - - , -- -3
-CI rkson Rogers is-spending a -John and Mrs. Chadwick and sought shelter underneath a tree, 1 only hammock reg. $3.25 for $2.75. 1 only 3 burner oil stove
svdelcth his son, Rev. Robert family. of Toronto, autoed down but no other damage has been re- ;
' Rogers, at Arthur. and spent Tnur-sday.with Mr. and ported in this itamediate vicinity. . with,oven, reg, $13,50 for$12.00. 1'lawu seat reg,$1.75.
-Rev. W. A. and Mrs. I?ippen Mrs. Larkin. `:•-have been spending a week with =-C. �V. Disney, of Balsam, -Walter Stevenson left in our for $1.50, Cutlery-a complete stock of table —
their friends in the city. and his brother-in-law,Mr.Fletch- office apples a number , i last _
years .apples' which were, in as - •'-' -knives and forks, spoons, carvers, etc.
-Miss Gladys Law,of Toronto, er, of Toronto, were in" town on good a;state of preservation as
has been spending a week or two Wednesdayy when they were picked from the .•Graniteware and Aluminum. -with her aunts on Church St. -Thos. B. Marquis has just re- trees. They were kept in the cele - {
-_Miss Violet Boyes has secured ceived a quantity of binder.twine lar and no particular pains were Ravetroughing and,furnace work promptly attended-• to. .
a ppoossition as teacher of the public suitable for cora and buckwheat. taken to preserve them..
eohool at Canton, near Hamilton, Call on him, * • -Pickering Branch of the.Woni- - 'r-)
-Miss Marie Bateman, of To- _ -John Ryan, a native of this -
gV _ _
mato, is visiting at the home of township. and who farmed near home_tf Mrs ��—�--
3' ens Institute will meet at the
-heigran�-ti►o a-ter;IBce. B. Bunt- CheB-U
rrvwood for a number of Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 25. As
Ing.. years; died in Toronta on Sunday, important business will come be-
-J. S. Jephson has had a new the 9th inst. His funeral took fore the,meeting the attendance
furnace installed in his residence, place on, Tuesday, the llth inst-, of all members is requested,-and Canning And Pickling. Requisites
and W. H. Crnmmer is also hav- when interment was made in the all other ladies will be cordially _
Ing one placed in his residence. R. C. cemetery, Pickering. The welcomed,-. Malt vinegar, cider vinegar; white wine vinegar.
-Harry Cowan and his cousin, deceased. "who was aged 59 years, -The Canadian Northern..Rail.
Miss KateCowarr,arevieitingwith was the eldest of a family of sin wa o erred its new passenger -SPICES-Celery seed, ti4meric,ca cone a er, mustard, rte'
y p p q Y P pp
the f9rmer a parents, George and sous and three daughters of P. service between Toronto and�Otta -
3 r5. Cosva Sr., of •• the Brock Ryan, of Whitby. After leaving wa on Tuesday, Aug. -18th. A allspice, ginger. nutmeg, and Parks catsup flavoring Li5c.
� food. the farm Mr. Ryan went to the
+ y splendid service.has been inaugn- _
rn..Spence, of the Standard' city where he was shipper iu a rated including electric•lighteci - _--=a bottle. a __
Rank, left on Saturday to spend wholesale grocery for a number of coaches and cafe parlor ears, This Pint, quart and half gallon. Try perfect seal jar's.
` his two weeks' vacation at his years and later was motorman on train will leave Toronto at 9.20 a. The are alright.
. home - in Bradford and other the street railway. For the past r and arrive at Ottawa at ti 20points. few Y ght. -
_ p•
laid Bank,Mu Black f the
owingto failinghealth. i
x :. - _ AOINCOtiRT -, p -- -- ..._.. _•- ._ o-_,�
ears he as lived retired, M. - ,- - Im erial.rubbers for all sizes of jars.-Ca Joly o has received — G. A. GILLESPIE ...DVNEARTON
pealed by several friends, motor- word that arm officers from Eo �
4- ed upon Sunday and spent. the land will arrive within a few On Wednefday, Aug. 12. the home
day with his parents. - days for the purchase of horses of Mrs. Whitfield, in the Village of --
-Dr. and Mrs. Bateman- and for service in the army,, and in Cavan, was the scene of a quiet wed-
son. Lloyd, and Mrs.R. A.Douglas making their tour through this ding when her daughter, Mise Sadie.
and da ighter, of Toronto, motor- part of the country they will be was united in marriage to Mr.Thos. 0* T A p Q Coi * A p C
ed down on Sunda and spent the accompanied by the Captain. In Adair, son of John and Mrs. Adair, of .,COLLARS
y Agincourt. After the ceremony,which
day with Mrs. B. Bunting. other its of the province men took place at 9 a. m., the ha py cou- - - -IF YOU NEED
—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans and have been engaged in this work ple left amid showers of good wishes
Mrs. Ackerman and her grand- and they report that many farm- on a short trip co Montreal, Niagara ;New collars or old ones re-bodied, for fall ploughing.
-dasghter,motored fry--"the eity ere are asking two and thre prices and other points of interest. . On their --- . ;Cali and see me. Fly netts, trunks, suit cases., --
r: on Sunday and spent the day with and as a result thev have purchas• return they will reside at Cedardale, and all horse goods on hand. -
t Alex. and Mrs. Findlay.--. ed only a very few. These men near Oshawa. Their many friends g
y p y. _
neer rainfalls took lace and se but the refuse to be held u If wish them many years ot. happiness Boot and shoe repairing as well as harness r
�- `Thirin$the past week several are willing to pap good prices,
r p and prosperity. f pa pa B _ -
• e iris ,
a result vegetation has freshened farmers wish to dispose of suit -promptly attended-to.
!" np considerably, and a number of able horses they can secure a good FOR SALE b9 TENDER
farmers have started plowing. - price but not. an exorbitant one. PICHERING H ARti'ESS .EMPORIUM
-Mr. Galloway, a famous or- -S. S. Ritchie, formerly of New Tenders will be received by,the under.of London, and his bride, Liskeard and one of the pioneers signed up to 12 o'clock:noon, on 45t J• eOaKWELL
*f- --fire visiting" with F. and Mrs, of Northern On ria:-died n8g a e t, gt, 1914
Horst. It is,Mr.-Gallaway'9 in- ly at the home of his.sen. Wm, E. pr P
teatton 'to locate in Hamilton. Ritchie, of the base line, on Tue4- .for the purchase of the property be-
-Mra. Somers-Cocks intends day, Aug. 4th. at the age of 69 lging to the estate of the late Fran-
On -- - 'leaving England on -Aug. 28th, years. His fun?ral took place'on is Varing, in the Police Village of
along with the Cuthbert party. It the 6th lost. to Groves Ceme- Pickering. - ,
This property consists of one quarter
is now quite safe to travel on the tery, Broaklin: He was born in rr
of an Acre of land on which is situated
Atlantic as the 3erman war. vee- Dummer township in Pete�borO a good 8-roomed roughcast dwelling. 500 FAR NR'S WISES _
cels have been driven from the Co., and took an active part in good stable and dri-•ing house, and - _
leading routes, cleaning up several-.farms. He also a number of fruit trees. Good -
-Mrs. Victor-Rurnpili was 'in kep.L scare in Lindsay for abciut 12 'supply af-water, both hard and soft.' }
Toronto a few daps last :reek, years and also engaged in theluin• This is a very desirable property and :Not to go to war, but just to rea
attending the faneral'of her ne h- burin business. -He was .e _-_.- a nice home�o- a man re- _ g «a( �'t >>
— p - -- -
ew. Mai3ter Francis. rD eke. Mr. ilia township of Monmouth for 12 The highest or any tender not neces- �y
t �
and Mrs, Drake accompanied Mrs. years after its organization. In sarily accepted.
Rampth home' and spent the 1894 he moved to New Lirkeard For further a s and ins ec- ��'
--week end with them. -where me with great success tion o house apply to - t
-D. and Mrs. Pettit and family in-.niining operations; having been W. V. RiCHARDSON, _
have returned- )dome- last- week a director of the Temiskaming and 46 48. . - pi are a number of-things around the house which have
a -Hudson Bay Mining'Co.,�wbich - —friends in Brantford and' other he held many shares. For several ' either become broken or worn out.
ppooint.9 in Western Ontario. Mr. years he hag lived in retirement in
Pettit has not yet decided where Brantford, during which time he This list will greatly assist you in "stocking up' � .
as several,. .has-been in failing health. For
places in view.` several weeks -previous. to his AND OAT FLARING Whits Cups and saucers;$1,00 ler dozen 1
-Rev. Dr. Pickard, with wife death he resided with his son-W. The undersigned is prepared to do ,. Clover Leaf Caps and.Saucers, 1.20 per dozen• 2 :
and family, of Portland, Maine, E. and appeared to-be improving
are visiting with _ the former's in health. He lived onlyfour or grain chopping and oat t i3O cents per dozen
Whits Plates, ea,.
uncle, Thos. B. Marquis: 'Dr five hours after being stricken, flaking every day in the White Plates, breakfast, 85'cents per dozen -
Pickard, occupied the pulpit in -About nine o'clock.on .Thurs. - week ezcent - on
the Methodist church on .'Sunday day evening last the loud report SaturdA -Wh' a Plates, dinner, 90 cents and $1 per dozen
el-Hent sermon,he
cant Bed an of an explosion was heard by the' �' -
J, O'Coiicioia; p
evening, when h
ai residents of this locality and as
John F. 88y18s, Greenwood :Clover Plates, tea. 85 cents per dozen
a been far beg'as Toronto. The nervone Clo'v eaf Plates, beakfast, 95 cents per dozen
section foreman on the C. N. R. ones began to think of the wicked NEW TINS�dITH SHOP -
at Greenhorn for the past two Germans who are supposed to .be " Clover Leaf Plates,dinner, 1.30 per•dozen 5
years has resigned ' to accept a in every corner of this fair Do-
more desirable;position at Cherry- minion of ours, read to blow u I have o ened u
y p p- pin' Greenwood aWhite Bakers, 25 cents and 80 cents ..�
wood, where he will be in charge everything of any value: , Soon tinsmith shop and am pre sr-
-t the tower, where the two rail- reports were circulated to the .-ed-to do-al_l• klnds-of-tin• _Clover Leaf Bakers, 17 cents and 25 cents
ways cross one another. effect that a railway bridge was smithing,-roofing and White'Scallop, li, 18 and 26 tante ^"
-Lord and Lad Hyde-left last blown up. About half- a dozen -= furnace work.
week for England, having been bridges were mentioned in 'these Work guaranteed and prices Clover Leaf Scallop, 15, 18,•26 and 35 cents
summoned owing to the serious reports, some being the C. P. R. moderate. - . ,-_White Bowls 10, 12 and 15 cents
illness of the former's father, the and others the C. N. R. Closer in- -- -
Earl of Clarendon. We under- vestigtition proved that all these Lawrence Denny, - - Clever Leaf Bowls 10, lZ and 16 cents
stand that it is Lord's Hyde's in= reports were false and that the " GIREENWOOD : ,Platters 56 and'65 cents }Y
tention to join his=regiment-dnr- real explanation of the- loud re. - -
Ing the time the war leets. port was that a prominent tiff- ELM DALE -MILLS -Sauce Dishes 55,eents per doze,} '
-Asa precautionary measure, zen of Scarboro towns i residing
ry �SCKERSN4 Glass Taunblera 85 cents per dozen`
the railways are all lacing arm near, Malvern, had exploded a _. _
ed guards at.their bridges in or- quantity of dynamite. We have _ Knives sad Forks;dark wood handles, Sheffield, 1,75 per dozen
der to prevent destruction by the not yet heard what his object was : -,-�s the glace to get your neat
enemies of the nation. If tht in making.tbe great.noise, It is bag of Flour, Knives and Forks, black bone handles,•good quality, $2 per'dozen .
bridges'Were destroyed A iOould said that heintends going to 'the
... greatly hinder the transporta- war, and he was ..desirous of. get- Ogilvie's Royal Household can't be : Knivea-and Forks,.white bone handles,English goods,'2,50 per dozen
----tion Lutes-- used.to the_roar_itf Lhe-ca beat for Bread. vefl anlX, 1.50 Uer dozen ,,
would be`a calamity in time of non before leaving, others say he Glenora Flour Pastry Flour buck-horn handles, the kind
war. was only wanting to scare .the Graham'Flour- Knives and Forks,
-W. P. Sexsmith, of Toronto, natives. Whatever his ob'ec •
JL%JZLUVLAJV teachea of M. was to iu u ging in is Little Bran and Shftts ;
East, spent a week with Pickering pastime he succeeded admirably in Oats and Oat Chop Nickle Silver-plated Knives and Forks, strong and durable, 8.00 dozen -
friends. He left on Tuesday morn- arousing the curiosity-of the coniBarley and Barley Chop
-Common Tea Spoons; 26 cents per dozen -
fog for Saskatoon, where he will munity. It is said that the re- Mixed Feeds
att@nd the university for the re- ports circulated regarding the Molai Meal and Molasses Meal * Common Dessert S000ne, 45 cents per dozen
mainder of the year. He will destruction of brjdges, caused one Special prices in ton lots,
•be accompanied on his trip west of the railways to'detain some ofF,• W. W@l3�f9 ®=i31
by Melrose Bit'vant who will spend the trains until they inveetigawd �
� .
same time visiting his sister. lthe matter. Chopping every day!
•,a f.,.. �•..,,. ,..y v.;� .:...> �,..•.+,. ti .� r.t',,;;� ,a,�� -a .. s':wa„ r' R ,_.a�a�•,s rs•� :,