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a v$ r,,.y✓ .aa^.t +•' t'. .xh f.! L •L:y�:r .. 1''. ;5..,'` -«,tour r¢-~ - - .a_-_..:�; ,.+Y' �n'�,-• w.-- '� •s'-;ear- �::' ;.r":a�.:-'. >a.•'x a^'' a. *'ny, 'v; ,..•,F y�';,�, , x •T EW P" ,I. ;`. .� ;.S'. 4 VOL. XXXI. -�k. ' PICKERING, ONT., -FRIDAY, JANUARY `?6, 191`? " O. 107 >�rofitesstassal Sawb*. — MMeddeag L: INK MTTI,S spers. L111TTr[ah GREEN RIVER Mrs Malcolm ging,. of Alameda. Establishediti year- Sask,,, is visiting trienda-and relatives g, of Mount Joy, [n•this neighborhood. r -� Bell. ar ea ro es [s busy a present M E. FORS H, D. of O., te- M[s.-R. J. Datoe entertained r, few urine stone a other material for •�-� tea and to ' i Re$ the erection of their new residence, t .Eros tered memlArvr!!6 optometrical si � _UR " friends from•oherrywood on Monday Mrs, A1Px: Wilson and daughter, of X11 clew of of glass". Eye t te[e d fres.No'to ilial. Corners, �TT_T_t■ Ilbe t glasses. E es tested free. it°cf h T r Bha a sTand[Mrs. leanf i with' 1 LLtI\f ✓ ' •- GRE 4 M-BUNS s �dB atfewwander. of Renors, is Cpent SnridK ly„ � -J _ p g days with friends and accompaniedy her = C. MCKiNNON, M.D:, L.R.C.S.. __- TEA-BUNS _ relatives here. eon and daughter have returned, • Ediaborgh, member of the cortege of Lawson and,,Mrs. Hill, of Altona, after holidaying with friends in Wes- F@GCS! F@@G� _ Physicians and a sone of oatarlo,2fcentiate - Bread and Cake Makers Free. are spending a fete days with' Wm. y g 6oeoi�sl0 Coin of Sureeonn, Edinburgh. and Mrs. Michell. tern Ontario. For a short time.I will sell barley feeA •�` attentio to dsiesses of women and FEED . La gripe has been a very un*ef- _nhtldren, Tigre and residence,Brougham. . Earl Tomlinson, who has been visit- i for @128.00 er ton, or in 6 ton lots for come visitor in many }�oroea at fires- $ qa per ton Cash. - BRAN ing with his sister at Pouches l3 Mills, ent. The disease seems to be of an p j PICKERING MEDICAL SURGICAL SHORTS., has returned home., unusually severe type. This makes excellent feed and is time. WELLAND FEED FLOUR We are sorry to say that Mies Cald - The Grand Trunk Railway Go:have cheapest feed and best value on tlbe . and X-RAY INSTITUTE - T y P beck is.on the sick list and not able to 1PICHSRiNa, - - ONTARIO :'JUMBO " " unloaded a large cargo of cinders for market.' Better secure it at clout OATS teach school for a few days. the approaches to the new overhead - OAT CHOP Several from here attended the an- Aleo- BLOIN TOWLE, X. B., X. D., C. X., bridge on the Bay road'. _ Physician-in-charge GOR'�T - - nivereary services of the Whitevale Mrs. aefad en, BARLEY CHOP Specialist In Bso:el Diseases p:4.tattc Diu~ 1 Baptist church Sunday sad MondayMrs. y Mrs. Dunbar and CORN « §+ Tues of Men. Dawes of women, Canoe"ors, CORN CRACHI:D .CORN CHOP 1ast.A number of our villagers were Wedne dwere in k attending y n OAT �� ]palesP r o Tumors.%•Ray examination. Diseases of eYe, say of last week to drag a liar.nose,throat and lunar, bitting glasses and meeting,of tine Whitby Presbyterial.' _a!1 acute and chronic diseases. MIXED CHOP very much disappointed on Tuesday The Ladies'Aid intend-having an -BUCgWHEAT S3 > TB r Orae Bonn 19 to!and 4 to a �slY sari as the stormg weather prevented open meeting at Mrs. Win. CowanIa, BRAN 00000000 FEED WHOLESALF IN-TOFF LOTS them from attendiug the Sabbath Rosebank, on the evening of Thurs' SHORTS ; _— _ __ L,appi. School Convention at Pickering, day, Feb. lat. A Tod time is expect FEED FLOUR Cliogping--Ever--y- lay---- _ ed by all. g pec OATS ,1 V E FAREWELL, $,G., B3RRIr9 i�3pecia.l wHiTEVALE - Edgar Bath has been' in Toronto w J. ?BB Coast Ore Attarnay-an4CImnfy for the peat few weeks training for F• �+• Q'REF+r,� A>!ffitttor. f3o¢st h Ouse,WbittrT, I4v ALWELL'S MOLASSES Miss Edith Wilson, of Toronto, is at the position of motor-man. Weare I' home at pre e T. BQARGLAY, Barrister•aLLaw, MEAL in3 friers os hese: of Toronto, i9 visit- plea to know that he is making Sts George's Anglican Church sed t . solicitor,rotary Fnt5Ho-�veei.l g satisfactory progress. _ g ✓°i mer for El" Court at Justice, Brock arrest, J• L. SPINK, LIMITED, Miss Bates, of Toronto, is visiting A fEw.from here attended the gab- 60NDAY•SERVI(ES a; whish,, sly t4 bath School Convention at Pickering _ - her parents at Whitevale. F. ,CHRISTIAN, Barrister and PICKERING. ONT. Weddin bells are heard approach- on Tuesday of last week. We were Morning Prayer 20 30 9 ' --- R PF rather sur riled that so few attended, n A. il?, rl S .Solicitor,Notary PnWtc,Etc. 1[oaep to -, !ng our pleasant little vale, seeing that the place of meeting was i .r ye _ 1oan. Offie•-ee:e door to-the stanaara sank, g R Evening 1.00 P. Al Whitbv, airs. Hit h Pugh entertained g ply a so convenient, The storm and cold Jt -�tREAL her of friends on Thursday last, no doubt was the arose: Sunda Sthoo} 2XO P:XL i�usifhs erg QLa>e>ats. W. H. Moore, of Hampton, visited The Lake Simcoe Ire Co.began o ere- Y' r? ;,. his parents here on Sunday 1++st„ ations last week and.are naw in 11111 - Misses Lena and F.lsie Moore-ase Nast. _The cg y" G. HAX-Issuer of .V+tri is e CLARE.NIUN T y have built a large add!- ' g slionding a few days in Toronto. 9 License® to the County of Ontario, tion to their store-house,and a new Pickering village e�I Newton Robinson, of Swan River, - -- _ _ y for all styles o�-fucliitu•re. and large gasoline engine has been Man., is visiting his mother here. installed. The_ amount of ice to he ee �.• POL'CHER. Real Estate Auc- Bert Rice, of Fort Francis, is visit stored will be-larger this year than + T. tioneer, oeJastor, collector and $ y [sever in his brother,C. B. and Mrs. Rice. I I� 1< of marii•ite ltcenses,$rougham, toy - gAlrs.. Judson Puph entert ailed$a ever. The annual meeting of the'Dunbar- & HOPPER Issuer of. Marriage Room Noulding number of young friends last Tuesday, ton Presbyterian church'will be held 1✓ Licenses in the County of Ontario, David and Mts. AnIIia are visiting on the evening of Tuesday. January - n; _Moe at$tor•sad bis residence,Claremont. , the former's father at Port Huron, nth. Before-the regular business of •� he beim ver ill. " ,�'� R.BBATON.TOWNSHIPOLE&K Picture Frame g y the meeting is tranaacted, a social D^ We are glad to hear that Otto hour will be spent from 7 to S o'clock, .ILJ. Oon.eyaaeer . Mrs. etoo ig for Nigb•wander is recoveliog from-_a during which tight-refreshments willwe utsdaillar�nass, soeoaataat. ]lite, teosmsy w loss. ° ~larger of-Marriya L1e. Window Shade- loo siege of illness, be served. We believe this is an ex- +mss•" Wb1�+a e. fiat. 4•t ake Annis is attending the On- �Ilent idea as those:presect will be in •: !/ �� ' POSTILL, Licensed Auctioneer, 1 facie Agricultural College at Guelph, -fine talking humor by the time the. . for Cogntas of Tor!and Ontario. aria' We win him success. busineaq of the meeting Is taken up. EGG ..STOVE NUT Eon WA-of all kinds atsennod to onebanow The concert given in the Baptist '�ie hoped that there will be a good U- Address Orem atm P,o poet, church by the Whitby Baptist Choir attendance of members and adherents. PEA 'STEAM ml •�` UNDERTAKTlr G T, -- - t• on Monday Tight was a great success. H. PO WELL, Lrclfised Auc- - A fiery pleasant time is reported at _ - tioneer Valaator .rad sotlector 40, in connection _. Our Coal is all under tomenta• of Ontario an;1 York All kinds of the home of John Kirton when a band Wki"raY • linea ocaduoted either pri Palely or by�gotioa, Distance-no object: enjoyed eyed) n oyster supper of Foresters a r - - C04eT. a� ♦t sem__"iia-eisres o'-e.liei or Tgeitday even ng est. .. Mrs. Boilidnty .motber.of VET. A. _ .. . _ ,I N �ra aDDty at residenos.6aaabatb et. > Hollida of Brooklin. has urchased .tries, mows orders left at Nies ote••,pick, .Prices Inoderau, A please[nt sleigh-ridewas witnessed yy. P 685 Coal at lowest price smog, or M+oaab's store, Ciaremoot. will re. - when a party of young people left Z?nest De prell's property. rout••prompt attention &iw$fsetion soarao. Gordon McKay's place one evening The Hopkins homestead, consisting _ yr s«d, ]typhonennmbeeislnaeDenaeat 1x01 --- - '-- recently And proceeded to Locust Hill. of 19 acres on Brock St. south, has J. L. 'SPI N K, Ltd. .. W A� - - o epld'-to Mr. StPphvnsgn.Toronto S R PSG -NNOCK A hockey match .will he played on , • BROUGHAM the-rink here on Monde night neat t' _ _ g )PICKERING YW,IfriVALS, ONT. Milton.Burk is hone Ecom Toronto between- the bankers of Oshawa and - - Funeral DDireaor and Embalmer.. MEN and WOMEN for a time, w W. i} ficott. 're.Pve of Pickering, - H. Herrick spent.a f w days with•J. Any business entrusted tb me will �V. Fiuytle. e y was the rhairuian (if th4 strsiking tomo if► - mlttee that appointed the various =` be citrefuliy handled. Need the blood M19. G. ('onner is visiting in Toron- Standing lirod.ueinit ingrPdients g CornmlttPps. ' -Charges Moderate. = " - of "PIC'KERJNG PILLS." to this week. G 0 The members of the Yoring Peoples' - Independent Phone :vo_ 151#. R. J. Price !a Spending a week with � iety' 61 All Satnt'-T church were ' Egg, Stove, Noir. and Tea sizes These'Pills are a fine laxative Tonic,• frionds here. entertained -,n Monday evening by in bard Boal, N �•�• restoring energy and Strength to . Miss E. 11A,!olm is spending a few the similar society of St. George's Best_{ lumpsteam coal_ Al} coal }n :. ., .-JOHN " PHILIP the a hole syste>ai: days at Ashburn. , Messrs. T. and E. Perr4man were in church,-Os Rwa. ufider cover, full w.eigbt and Ever boa has oiu' ersonnl he memhera yf 'the Conrtt £Tun- prompt service. 7K - y p guaritntee 'the city this week. ci w-ere e_nterta.ined Y Wednesday - "T `�� - r, Lobe exactly-as represented Miss Lillie Holtby is visiting with night h 1..1 .tv -Has s fall line of trash and cur-' g y the VVhitb Grin Club ly ed meats constantly on hfknd. - or money back. friends in Tomnto. their club,coma. Refreshments were - - -- 5rOr'a box vr8€m$Y.tIO. -a-rid Mrs.Born osiSunday, x as om- 21. to HenrQ which a Ie stock f rough an tchea• ! served,atter asant avenin A Good s oc o iRh d irra F Spice Roll, Breakfast Bacon, I lost a Mitchell and Robt. Devitt each Wgrakent-n program Ra f-e Port Perry- -- be-mom ed es matcdedand dress- A �k# Ham, Bologna, Weinem, etc. a a valuable ll a horse one da last p pine. ; — T M. /V1� A DDEN y ]tae, met with a very serious accident 3 g .Hi hest rices Creek. 2a, z and fix Ontario cedar shin les. g' p paid for.. on Thursday night lust while coupling - F. Nalcnlro,of St ThodiaA, visited 3z and 4a B. C. shingles. _. Butcher's cattle DAUGGIST AND a t cars. Hiasrm was so-badly torn that - a _ Hew - . . • • • PICRERING, c kgmenmby train n ttq yhgr hospital at mglateri$! you may require. a ohm l j = O\'� Mrs. Geos a Linton a tin her 'Picker r� r g �• in say. � . son John and Mrs. -Liato I. ,of. To- Messrs. R. R. Mowbray.Allan Gray, Bill atuf!a specialty. d Tonto.-' L Smith and' J. H ft n ant phone 1503 REAL ESTATE John Poueber epeyt over Sunday aycra . '. Th J. Smith n W ex- _ a ape ..... Wardetl8'of the County, were invited + �first-class rigs for litre with his brother omaq aril 'Mrs. t.address .the new County Copncil. A. "Co E E SO R� w D8 Or IIl Yet— �1RIS>1t�Otlt�f **16 Poacher. They all spoke very highly of the LOEU$T.HILL _. - y g - Mrs. James W..Hti le and Mrs. Eli r _ . • scent unprgvetnents to •the,county Willson visited--friends- at Uzbridge buildings.which are now Amon the Bus meets•all trains � �5�� �$1� this week. g ' g Teaming promptly attended to. ••'---' Thos. Fhilip'delivered eighteen fine best in the province. - • _ ro- even ngelaatwhere of ;The Baptist Choir to Monday pertity and Village'Dwellings, Pickering., they were engage o - - P He [)In flrst�ss Companies. Ed. Phillips, of SaskaWon, is visit- i?a The roads were so bad that three•houra • f peck..0i . Ing with Ed. Willson and fannly and ,sere necessarf,to make the trip. In - NO PT6=7 1U= NOtBB other friends. one of the snow-ban�Cs on the.return - 27AWE TABLLt--Pickering'Station O -df not insured with vie,tali and` Earl Bogle had the mid"m-tune to trip the load upset, and Mrs. (Rev.) ' T.R. Trains going Elesi figs as follgwr - 11 . get a severe cut over the eye on Men- NfcLean had her face cut rather hadiv �� x; compare rates. -__- Ey. No. ']flail 8,05 A M. One first-class-brick house and da night at hockey practice: painfully injured. l4 Local 2 i3 P.M. yy and was otherwise a' y ' 14 stable for sale. . J. and Mrs. Lemon are in Burling- Mr.Brown, reeve of the Township Local 6.04 P. M. _ ton visiting the latter's brother, New-- of Therah was elected War-den of the --Trains-going Wsst� 'due as follows; rick Wilson, who has been ill, but is Count oil Tuesday. The election was No.,13 Lossl 8.3(i A. M. We V. Richardson• slowly recovering. y y' 11 Local 2.30 P. M. Mrs. Geo. Philip and Mrs. George conducted under the now system, and Tested 7 Mail 8.60 P, M, Duncan were at Cedar Grove on,Tues- the proceeding lasted only about ten , •Sunday included. Votary Public, Pickering, minutes. Under the olds stem two • A• . day attending the funeral'of the form• y >- ' . The - in er's aunt, Mrs. Lapp, dans'were some times consumed Specialia;3t David Defoe, Sr., received word this,tedjous operation which conse- -BT AN - last week' of the tragic'deatb of his quently meant a-heavy expense W the In, all kinds of tire-setting. Binder son-in-law, County. V nErr i/V iRi�ION -B Mack Smyth, at Fort Wil- h r 1 and mower knives ground. John Smith,one of our best known Baro. The deceased was a brakeman � _1Eiead Oboe, TarontQ_ Ladders ofall kinds in stock on the-£-P.-R..'and'in-_an_gccident on public men, died at. his home at-the to order. Monday of last week bad one of_his South End do SuDday--last. ..The de- and -V L� i l V 1A N Sir Edmund B. Osler, K. B.{ M, P„ lege taken off-Fie-5a�to be, taker; ceased owned o>Ue of the best farms in j j President Skate Shar coin and two hundred miles to ars hos ital,but in the procince, it being situated at W. D. Matthews, Vice President Saw Gnmtaaing, - the .unfortunate ,man succumbed to the bay, He'was' a member pt the C. A. Bogert, General n 'r his injuries.' Hie body was taken to town council for 80 years.,and for ii1 „. $ Toronto for burial on Saturday. years was the efficient chairman of Oapital $4,700,000, Reserye $5,700,000 u N p�r - •+ • the Streets Committee. At the elec. 2,Ma demte Charges for ; Total Assets$70,000,000 W N ��4ao11 - �i06K f�0�� tion at New Years he declined nomi- _A Branch of this Bank.has been estab- h, 1 I DV NBARTON nation. , 'Spectacles or lished-in London, E land;.__..__ . Dr: Ric}iardaon; of- 'ororrto;--spe>a A}ph--Sosyer.Adaaager of the�2atk_. 7S Cornhill,E. C. - Sunday with Mrs. Jas, L. Palmer. ham A Pickering Independent Tele- -Eye Glasses. Hage VOU lots of wakes ? ';This Branoh will issue rA-tterii of Crean and John E. and Mrs. Allison and child phone Co., has applied to the County Drafts on all impo rtaut points in Canada,�g o III Bills sent for collection,sucks aro�t p6tc 1tlC.Ir B1tOS., OF WWTE�jAhL visited with the. formers aunt, Mrs.. Council for permission to instal phones treaders and transact every deseriptlon of - A. Allisen. ;, into the County buildings and into the •, _ - _ ,; basking Dusineu' are prepared to furnish yon anything Miss Maggie Allison has returned House of Refuge. The Independent Information will be furnisbed on all Canadian in the line of watel supply such as home, atter-'spending some time with Co. have Made remarkable pprogress Norman Bassett 9„ . matters, pumps, windmills, hydraulic rams, friends in Toronto. since they 'were given perm salon to NG A spacial depastmsnt will be provided for the plumbing, etc. Rfiae Arlie Cowan, who spent the enter the town.. Already twenty ''. of visitors end�se�ars o!our Letters of P B•t. - Sgt week with friends in Toronto, phones have been-installed and they JEWELER AND OPTICIAN CRAB. D. GORDON, Manager They are also expert well drillers has returned home. have contracts for thirty more, which ' g • L: M. Grant, out esteemed wagon- will give them a total of fifty, and oraro•,rs rw R •n+ and respectfully solicit your patron, roar OPP104a • `h►'HITBY i'HITBY B$AI+TCE age for the future. lad.phone 6621 maker, is not improving as his friends with the probability of braving this 6r $ _.._.._-_.. wonld like to see him. number greatly increased: , r V f 0 '1 s '1' •4 I' M., aw 4 r a .. .- .• o- -.:,. ;:•ti - t z° ;x , .r_ a,..;� 4:'ywI 106.1 or ,, a, `.$'4w' : µ° ,+t°S..r, �' ae°C*x• :?..t!'eWK: xc''w`r` ; �A•.6•,. ..�s, '.r�..g�:+�x., ro' �e..x',�,:,en<••.' R •b:•.'.K. ,r., ^3 r. `A'q�',i.,a •''a•, ,.„,,. .„ ah.�a.„'. iim'��'3er:•Y S^" ,,' „r ..,� ,,,. , suer. .• ,.� µ,,dr.. ;.,-, '.,:. "�". ,,lb,+: :a: '('"�,.fi�,t,. y"�;' s+� _ •g$`1�",� f .M1 "`� e''� C ,F',71, �. �,. �. •s view W I I 1111�vw as A V, " a f 7 7 J A W ER, AC-tIDENTIEC.-ORD PRICEN FARM PRODUG1 ECEMB9 0 h I N.-J t R. 81 -CROPS U9Ar0,R1V14 FROM THE tttDING- 'TRES'OF Shown a How the Minitonas, NiRADE CEN Great Improvement -Sho - a M at 8 Comp 'red, old Fields; AMERICA. h, the FreVious, December Were Discovered he with Pplees-91 Cattle- Gr2l]u, . A despatch from Ottawa says: miners at Middlesboro', fr#4C, in- .And Other Produce-at Home A*despajeS from Winnipeg says: the summer and fall. Other claims mine', and an ex- haVe*beed.stZikedin the'vicinity and Eighty-two 'fatal and one hundred tb;e chut� of'a and Abroad. Reports from Miniionak, in * t'he�!. igh losion in a •powder factor at Do- wheat, Swan -River Valley, give details of "I a -0- noa4atal ac Toronto, Jan. 23.-Flour-Winter 11 some hundre& and twenty. I a4d ninety-tour. accidents P er w t There is'` parture Bay, Vancouver, B. C.I in cations have been filed. .to workpeople, were recorded by 90 per cqnt. patents. S&S5 to $3.60 at eon- the new gold strike, which is said LOW for-much prospect- which three men were killed. There too much'sn the* Department of Labor ditring. were eleven -killed iir the railway -board. ' Waniboba'� Sours-First" . Patents- to-b4- phenominally rich. Just I>e-• ing, but'a nugget weighing just.9tver__ , $6.50; second patents. �5; and strong bak- 'Thii -record shows a service, and fourteen in mining. fore Christmas a farmer named an ounce has been found and. sev- December. $4,40, on track, Toronto. slight decrees compared with the The largest numUr or-fforifatal ors, Northern Murphv, tiding some nine miles oral smaller ones. When the snow curre ' Manitoba Wfieat-No. I Nor is preceding month, and is much less accidents oc- _d in the metal froMMinitonas,. sold some turkeys. goes o-es there will be an active mining, 'than'hi the same monfli':of last' trades, in,w6ichfortyLtwo were.in, quoted: at $�..11_Bay. ports;.,�Zo. f..North. several flakes of,gold camp,' -for preliminary prospects- in that a year. In November there were 286 jured. Nine men were killed and era at $1.08, and No. 3 at $1.04, Bay Porto. their crops, and when the con- show ' , rich gold field has been Ontario Wheat-No. 2 white, red and. Joe d fatal and non-fatal, to thirty-orw were injured in the build- outside. t.ents were properly examined a i atewith possibilities of find- mixed. 91 to 9.3c, on ' of nuggets = ranging in e ' Geological ndividual workmen,- and in Decent- ing trades, an unusually high num -Peai, $1.10 to $I.- number ng 'the mother lode. L Tier, 1910, there were 351 'accidents. ber for the . month of- December. Weight up to three ounces were.1 formations are similar to those of Peas Good shippina 4 The chief disasters during the There were twenty-six non-fatal 15,'outside,side. found.' -No one seemed 'to know�other rich gold mining regions, and d �A. Oats-Car lotji of No. 2 Ontario a, 43 to *he the turkeys had cpme from, two Klondyke miners now at Miai- mAth w' J accidents in the railway service re ere the suffocating of three 431.2x, and No. 3 at 42 to 42 1-2c; on track,ack Toronto,,46 to 46 1-2c. No. 2 western but -Murphy heard of it and staked I tonas predict a wild gold rush in, MINERS VOTE FOR. A. STRIKE- ad oats,49c, and Np. I feed, 45 to 45%-2c, claims along a ridge of black sand':the 'spring as soon as the v'alue of where-the turkeys had run during the deposit-becomes known. ay Unless They Receive a Fixed Min BBDoris.Bazley--07 to 43 lbs. at 85 to 86 1-Zc,;,out- Imum Wage. side. t 0 $55; springers, $30 to $40. sheep-EweR, -HE STUTTERS-.- The recent ballot taken by th� coal Tonto freights. A despatch from London, says: Corh-No. 3Americom yellow. 70c. T ' $450 to $4.75; �uc'ks and culla. $33S to m , 84.25,; lambs, $6.50 to§6.75. Hogi-F. o. b.. The distinguished English author, 7 Rye-94 to 95c for No. 2, outside. 0 17 Z5. _Calves-$3 to 815. Arnold Bennett who is probably miners of Great Britain, the result A of which was officially declared od 'Buckwheat-61 to 62c. oixtside. �_Toronto, ja�h. 23,-Dirnana waV keen for tle most charm;qg philosophical Bran-31anitoba bran,` , .1n 'bass. the few loads of cb)bice steers and' bei- . -riter of was over an,' 3x the daThas one striking Thursday . afternoon,' u L ---- This._-story, whelming]-i in favor of astrike for Tor,6uto'freiiiii. shorts. 825.50. fe;s marketed, ana"'as high as $6.75 was ipersonal pec' liarit��. h wage. .?T a fixed minimum The actual b4 and refused. -Some loads. of good told by a New York editor, has to CO _told from sc?.5 to �1 this peculiarity figures were: For a strike, 945,901 T.T.TTRY PRODUCE. butcher eattle i6.50-I-do -�it I'aritv C against a strike, 115,051. Notices �4iu�a-_cattle ranged from $5.50 to $6.1 A critic at the..club th"e other day Ap ?--Winter per ple stock, $2,7S-to $150 to quit work will doubtless prompt- lanibs sold'from �ist�niilg to an ex barrel.' �'he and to 7. the ly be banned in by the miners. and" is latter from 33 to $4,75. Hojo� 9novelist. The young man Beans-Small Ld�i of -hand-pick .. young tignal- s.lid calves were Practically upc &tie _bQa1:t_d c and this will bring about a natio 35.to 82.4-5 per b&hel. ed-.-- __,n_2.n_wrin:i_nably, but at last swprage of coal mining on March lloney-Extracted�t4V tine, ii to vc-per The intervening weeks, however. lb. Combe. $2_�6 to 82,7� • 1,-SURPR1SED DOCTOR give plenty of time for aegotiations.� Baded Hay-No. I at 8116.50 to $17.50. an between the employers and the $14 L �15. track. and N-m 2 at to Illustr3ting, the Effect of Food. workers and efforts for medi ork atioti Baled Straw-$7.50 to_$8. on track. To. "4 .,�Pj remarkable adaptability of The 'V, May be expected to avert hat G ra pe-N -7 would otherwise prove a national roatc, uts food-to stomachs so-dis- 4 Potatoes-Car lots. in bags. $1,25 to $t. I_ordere4 that they will reject ev- Calamity. 110Y. W M. H. HOYLE. 30, and Delawares at 1'erythirig else, is illustrated by the $145 to 8150. Speaker of Ontario Legisla-. case-of-a woman in Racine, Wis. Poultry vrie "Two years for " h "IFIELD CROP COMPETITION es. of dressedt�T . iks3pwporwas attactlList%t Prize-Winem Announced to to 12cducks. 15 to 16c: FeefW. 13to so seriou ,,that among time I BIG FNE TORONTO. -Live poultry.aboifft At Ottawa. 15c: turkeys. 20 to 21c. could nof tAke much of any sort of of a 2c lower than the above. "Quarter Million Loss Ina A despatch from Ottawa a food. Even the various kinds pret Down-Town Blaze. The prize' winners in the Ontario ser-iced b;�Ae doctor produced most BUTTER. EGGS. CHEESE. :te, standing field crop competitions ac.u, pain, A deipatch from Toronto says- were announced an Wednesday.- Butter-Duary, 'We theft- got some Grape-Nuts A Ere which broke out at 7.45 cb,olce. In, wrappers. V They are.- Oats-First-prize, !Geo.- ,food, and you can imagine my sur-to 30c, lar" colla: 27c; and inferior, tuh.L o'clock on Friday evening in the Brown, Millbrook ; second, George is to I%. o &3 1.2c prise and delight when I found L r, Creamery quoted"at 32 t.. Allen building. 103-107 Simcoe Boyce, Merivale; third, W G. Wil- hat I could.eat it with-a relish'and . ... .... for rolls, and 30 to SIC fdr ootids. per t 1 0 istress. street,, gutted the top two -stories son, Woodville. Barley First,' S. w th ut-the slightest di lb. whi0h were occupied by the R D. "When the ductor heard of it he E. Bonisteel Frankford Erse-9trictly -1 a d. W, �elivered Fairbairn Co.,_ Limited, as stock- 2nd, D ew I told me to taki�- seveAl small per- L Ross, Fra�kford. Wheat-First here. and'.fresh at 28c Per doses, La case rooms. Serious damage by water Samuel McMillan, Cobden; 2nd° lot., tions each day, because he feared I by -was done to the lower floors, occu- John Ireton, Queen's Line. Poto- Cheise-L4rg'e. 153-4c. siad twine at 1614-0 Would grow firs.; of it as I had offetes3 T "pied by the Allen Manufacturing Royston- --First, F. •-Walker', all other food. M r. Aruold Bennett. per 1b. .-Company,.Limitod, and the Swiss 2-nd, Jas, Reid, Oxdrift-,,3rd, Wm. "But to his surprisW, (and that of I heard the critic get in the words ..."'Laundry. The loss is estimated at of Jenkin, Emsdale. One hundred ROG PRODrCT§. e"rybody 'elsey, r did- not tire Do yon know, you remind me of $250,000. Three firemen were in and four agricultural societies, I,-- Grape-Nuts, and became better i Arno Bennett _Vred when a high pressure hose 800 farmers and 29,000 acnes were Baron--Long clear, 111-2' to IlUe per day by day,- till,. after some weeks, � "Reall)."' The novelist blushed roke away from the men who were ju,4ged by sixty judges sent out by lb.. -in case lots, Pork-ftbort -cut, $22.- my stomach entirely recovered and!and laughed for pleasure. - '.'Really I water was being my able to eat 'anything my &p- holding'it as the wat Agri- 50. do.. mess. 9197,-50 to 83. game-Medi- I Come, now,-do-ym really think-"' the' Ontario Department of • turned on. William H. Hawkes culture for this competition. am to light. 16 to 161.2x: beaTy, 14 to, petite craved.. "Yes;_you stutter -so," said the was thrown against the aerial truck 141-2c; rolls. 103-4 to lie: breakfast baoca. I'My nerves, whii!h had become critic. and had his back badly bruised. 'H to 17c: backs. 19 to W. so weakened that I feared I would was holding the SMALLPDX IN A BAKERY. John Roach, who 113-4c; �.b' were also restored 1510; Pails. become insane DUST EXPLODED IN MINE. about the head. h*V_. was hurt 12 L4C. by the Grape-Nuts food in connec- Edward, C<Furtney, who was in Neighborhood Is lit a.State; of Ex- tion with Po-A-um, which has become Fifteen Were Killed and Forty in. 'charge of a low pressure stream, citement. MONTREAL MARXETS. our table beverage. I appreciate, 7.1 was istritek by a flying nozzle and Jared. A de"tch from kontreal, says'- most gratefully and thankfully had itis,leg broken. A Montreal.- Jan. 23:-Oats Canadian 9 k despAtch from Kemmerer, Wyo- baker, who has been making and go-ad that your food preparations western, �F` 47 1-2 -to 4&-; 40---No- �L have done me, and shall be gird to says:,Tiftee-n--�minert were. distributing bread at Mi anc, Que.. I feed, No. to. Ming, fit 45 I_Zc; extra N, 461.2c' ed and forty injured TWO MEN KILLED. for four days, is.discovered to have answer any .letters inquiring is to reported kill No. Cal white. 46c, No,Z Iccal white. 45c. my experience." Name given by in a dust explosion in mine N o'. 4 smallpox, and the neighborhood is. 9 1 white. 44c. Barley-Malt 7 -ad fe4 . 4 lw& N, R. Constmeti n- Gang Drills in a stte-,9-exeitemeot-a r Iaii, 96 to, Canadian Postum -Co., Windsor, ofthe Kemmerer Coal Company on .1 98c. Buckwheat-Nu. 2. 70 to 71c. Flour- Ont. Saturday' afterno;6n.' Of the, forty 'Z Into'Old Charge.. The-matter was reported to the Pro- Man. Spring wheat n T.he.m Friday b 'patents, firsts. 85,-'o: Read the' little book, "The Road injured it is known that nine. who ea _A desj��tch' from Port ArthurII ncial Board of Health Fr y y 0 ak-in to the,hospital,at Ire, and afull staff of inspectors. do., seconds. $5.10. strong bakers'. $4.90; Wellville," in pkgs. 'There's a have been i '�rious coyr- sayiiTwo- Finns, John Ranto and wire, ng of three doctors, h . Winter patents, choice. $4.75 to 85: straight consisting has beep 'reason." Rock Springs,,are in a: s Q. nderson:, were-killed and five e all rollerrs, $425 to $4.40; straight rollers, Ev;r road the above letter? A now ond diocion. There were 112 men in the otbgrs injure4 at 0e Canadian rushed to the con to take They are time of the-explo- - of. bags, $1.95 to $Z.D5. Rolled oats-Barrels, appears from time, to time. T Property af the ti �rtRailway construction Precautions against the spread $4.65; do.. bags. 90 tbs., $2.20. Bran-S23; genuine, true and fu-1 of human Interest. sion, and those who were not killed Kern_, Is uesday, 'four miles north the diseas6. shorts, tj�-,�=iddli�ns, all in] works on V28; _pouilI4e unod ruthed-to-the- f Nepigon"by drill i'n g-intoof __90 to $34. Hay-No. 2, per ton, car lots. 0115 CAN'.NOT CHECK DISEASE. companions. �-The men on the top exploded c'haige.. They. were era- Matters have reached a, 14 critical to $ISM. . Cbreesc--Finest Westerns, 15 1-8 uickly organized for rescue work,' -ployed with. Flatt 'Timmo; sub-, Stage in Pekin, ?Lna Yuan Shi Rai Killed Thou. .but- despite their most 'd'esperate) 14c; do., finest Easterns, 147-8 to 15c. pneumonic Plague. to 15 contractors. is re the,c4piW._ Butter _&1L_oftbe dead and injured- -ebotces � to 32!Be. 5afids in-China. -efforts seconds, 30 to 31c. Eggs-Fresh, 45 to were not removed anti 4a ew min-F A. despatch from Manila says: utes.before midnight. 54k; do, selected, 311-2 1W 32c; 'No. I stock. intern lot-, The-report of the ational Z71-2 to 28c. Potatoes--7Per bag.-car a, plague conference, which was. held GRAVEL PIT. $1.40. CRUSHED IN SIILO-RS,- WERE'. DROW ED at Mukderi, Manchuria, last year,.53 -- UNITED STATES MAitXiTg. w" issued here on 'Saturday. The • conference was convened at the Wm.-'Adair, Caradoc Farmer, Was. Minneapolis, 'Jan. 23.-Wheat-May. $I.. Instantly,Killed. request of the Chinese Government on 057.8; July, $1.065-8; No. i hard, $1.06 3-8; and-eleven 'countries *ere'repte- Tha Steamer Wistow 'Battered W Pieces k 'despatch from Lon on.. says' No. I Northern, No; 2 Northern. seated by delegates. ,The report Wm. Adair, a farmer: of the fifth $1037-8; No. "S wheat, $1.017-8. No. 3 yel'.: was-prepared by Dr. Richard"Pear concession of Caradoc, Townships, oats, The Scotch Coast low corn, 611-2 to '62c. No. 3 white' son Strong, of the - Philippines was instantly killed Satur4ay af.,- ✓ 47 to 47 1-2q. No. z rye go 1-2 to 9ic�. Bran, Bureau <)f--Science.- -It consists of ternoon in 'a gr4yel pit near Del&-, $24, to $V.50. Flour-First i5,10 500 pages and gives data and an- _patents, A despatch from Abe�rdeen, Scot- the '46 to $5,40; second patents, $4.10 to $5;, first -king' with- a rcY 6f the" seg. A few min- ware.. Adair was working nounces conclusions, which, it _s -�axid, sa Fifty-three �of the utas before shestruckthe steward clears 0 id number of other men in. the pit,+ �ys: $3..,o to $3.85; second clear $2.40 believed, will be of-invaluable a when a huge'piece of frozen iaarthf .-British,steamer Wistow`Haft were assisted th& captain to dress. No to $2.80. to the scientific world in rega-rd to._ • upon him, crushing hial -drowned on -Thursday morning sooner had he reached the bridge, caved in i Buffalo. --ilan. 23.-SDrtng wheat-No. I the pneumonic plague, about which -steamer crashed- brains out and inflicting other ter-) Northern, -store, $1,13; Winter, little has heretofore 'kno • when the steamer foupdered on the than the N been' wn, Tibia injuries. Bullers Of Bii�!haa, of? the coast of ks-.-` He was washed overboard No. 2 red, $1.01; ,No. 3 red, 98c; No. 2 white, This disease. killed 50,000 persons Aberdeenshire.- Only Capt. St-od-raZd remembered nothing, until lie 3 �8c; N&'4 yel. -d Northern China $f.01. Corn in Manchuria an -A the cot tow,and three of the crew reach- -.r6covered co'n§66ysness.� . . TEN.-YEARS AND MASHER. .. - - - . . I 661-4e, all on tracker through billed. last year and some of the best phy ed'shore. The Wistow Hall had a Cage where he, isnow lying. After oats-No. 2 white, 5414c; No. 3 white, -giciams in the Wr6_rld seemed--to. be terrible`experience in .the gale-.t Monday thd crew had no -food--or- 531.2e; -No. 4 white.-5234. Bar�,ey-MaH- unable.;to do anything to check its Heavy Sentence for Xan 'Who% Capt. Stoddart, who was r-esuscit- drink, anal.-all'� them huddled in ing, $1.25 to $1.35- v spread. Several of the prominent, Robbed dfidB09aulted Woman. ated after a long period of uncon- the engine room, not daring to ven- docto'rs ;Who"_'went to Manchuria at sciousneas, relates a story of ex- ture to the forecastle- to Procurether time succumbed to the disease. A'despatch from 'Vancouver, B. tempestuous weather from supplies. --The scene from shore LIV34 STWX MARKEiS. 0;, ys. The sharpest, sentence the time of leaving the Tyne on was -harrowing. The vessel soon montr'eal, Jan. 23.-Butchers'. cattle, ever. /handed, out in- the Police. Monday. Thie 'veF&bl g6t into dif- 'peeks U13-L and-the-cfew- "clung 'dei- 06.75 to'$7;-.do:.'rffetI1uffl, $4.25 to . Owen- Sound ratepayers will be Court was imposed on WednesdajK" faculties Wednesday; when two- oE -perately-j-but every-wave-claimed its 65,5 1 0 do,. common, $3 to 84; canners, Si- asked to vote on a million and a an F. Renault, convicted of-rb'b-,. 06 crew were mortally injured. The victim. Nothing 'could be -dome to k to $3.50; butchers' cows. choice, 85.2'5 half-dollar' dryd.Gck -project biery,-withviolence, from Mrs. -may, -captai.n himself had his spine hurt: help men,en-, 'aid 'in a 'short, time to ss.So; do..' medium, s4;75 to. 115; do.. The Government has purr6hased Richardson. He- ettered the and hds armr bulls, $5-26- to $5,50., fe�cdlnr bulls. $3.60 tho Wate.rous property at Bran'(. d knocked- house annoc broken, confining him all disappeared except the . f9ii ed the woman to his cabin. Finally the fires were who 'were carried by the sdislq the:to $3.75: milkers, choice. each $70 to $75; ford for a,site for -the new post- down and stole $72. The acnSetcc' exting"ished and the vessel Wits at- shore. do.,_common and medlum, oach� $45 to,office. 1,was ten years and twenty lashes. wu V r: W5 Ni... +r`�Fl-�,,, ' .::. .u{.. .v' ,:y, ;i^a: ill+.• «w'.•i� .n -"?'' ^ "', .-. -... ..-'T,-. ^"„'_ ';G , ,^ n•,_'R'P. :.v.y,..... �5'2n'v v,c-•-9p':.YT!' a. v'^:`w, y ,y. ...:OJr-a •'•! ?:i; 7,','y1 �Ar- .. .. .. ,:,.: '�..w. ,..�.r-.-� .. .'_*•e'.Y1Mr�.�••P•+w.,yi•.,,c.,W.....,wry .r ."-d. - - : r w ' c c�Q AlARING PRINCE. LOST. I Y 1 il�K F._ '— "Well, Tommie," said the joy.- At White, a prominent Con- ,� _ ROOT 0[ servative publicist, has gone out of oua Slithers. you must congratu- _ n [ T, his .way to commend the Churchill late me. I am going to marry your e ,mak• changes in 'the British navy, and sister � g , the z1�, thuutler I" growled Tom-es out for special praisn, . HRS. COMEAU CURED - R appointment of Prince Louis of Bat- ,�,' f„ tenbur as Second Lord of the Ad Why, Tommie. protested biith- KIDIIEYS WITH DODD S g ers. "Don't you like me?" miralty. Prince Louis, he declares "Oh, ,yes, I like you well KIDNEY PILLS. ri to be.the ablest official ir1 the Brit- enough,' said Tommie -"but I bet ,, yet lm tia� kseen- Mabel . a -poundo - candy ' you .----- ' And her Heart Trouble, Backache wouldn't be fool enough.to ask her, 7. ^V, --and other.ailment' disappeared- and she bet. you would_" + Says she owes iter;good health to :d3 ' " -- n sx�Y,. f` TMIDN'T._AGREE.- - -�-- Y y K --Dodd sfdae --Pills.- - Mistress-"And why did you leave ' ' Petit Rocher, Gloucester 0o._,_ k� your last placel" :.B:, Jan. 8. (Special).-V�hen Mrs. s� Maid- Me and'-the 'miasua was Pierre.-8emesu;-a well--known-and .- - _ highly respected resident 'of this R1," <�U " - - lacercured her kidney disease, .her «� ,'" FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. p y (rARf�ET DYEING H W. pAWSQN, 90- COI�BOBNE ST. : lfeart trouble and other aches and BEST CURE FOR S1�hT SORES ' „ ' � 3' L�M L sad Cleadni TWs>.aspeot�Uty,w.l�t,,b the. Toronto. ,'•:� ured / yelling coll h rnkidnalso.-disappeared. y disease ea sly aad qu k• : An illustration of the' way in s�l�ddsh sys as Montreal.stual u NBnildin�smear B=amxptoa- GOOD �► ly by using Dodd s Kidney Pills. which Zam=Buk cures even the most \ W�NTY•FIVE ACHE FRUIT FARM— = "My heart troubled me all thechronicasesserious Brick House and Good Buildings; ' - time," for the terrible results X M R�nHa Barkersortscof pGlencaarnulcers' T Action. Insist he Heall of A an tho Iii e� � Care 9P GogD SrOCS, GRAIN Mrs. Comeau states; and _ �.. - that might follow. My. limbs would A and Dairy Farms in Halton, Peel» swell my back ached and I w.as al- Ont.' Helsays: "(J'Y TO HIGEL Beek, Ontarto-aad Prince Edward f Galt ���. I would- not have believed that ways tired and nervous._.- any remedy could-'lire-se qui' y, - _ Piano Action Z-EVERtL GOOD -FRU4T- PfB.RX&'IN "Those symptoms led me to beand at the same time so effectivel _ — - - the Niagara Fruit Belt. lieve .that kidney. disease was the I'as Zam-Buk cured me. y' _._ _ RR� ANITOBA. SASKATCHEWAN. Columbia iia L. root of all my roubles, so I turned << M ber.•a ana,B t R 14Iy face became covered with a _ iu small or large blocks. o to .Dodds Ki ev Pills. Before I kind of rash,_.-which itched and ir- , _ bad .finished th first box the swel- ritated. This rash then turned to F, YOU WANT To BUY-As,-=SELL =A -_ ling was one, my .back was well I Farm, consult H. W. Dawson, Ninety ' g g Prince Louis of Battenburg. sores, which discharged freely and I olborne St., Tordto. b'' ..and my heart no longer troubled began to spread. I first tried one - ' 1' _ me._ I am now in the best of health, with amazin=g virulence by a section- thing and then another, but nothing AGENTS WANTED and I owe it all to Dodds Kidney of high .society, who contend that I seemed to do me any good, and the �. fGH-GRADE• - sPECIALTIEs FOR ' Pals," his German- 'birth precludes him j era tion of worse and worse, un- :A¢entn. Commission ba'i'l D. L ? P g lw.,a Co., fillsonburg,.OnL. : Always strike at the root of the I from carrying on _his. responsible!til my face .was just. covered with CIVE YOUR Ii A CHANCE AND q. 2:. tenK '891 uble. And all women's nt trne oubles staitout w ith !duties 1 Inthe trutBritish navy more.E ag- �running from the pain which was your bay.sores. you olr not grain'�t-h- hand- Goy hes, SY WITH IT. yme on,, Money refunded E t usatls8/a - --- ' --+s "'cry"Apart —P—_� acid you should not use old pots and J tory. Collette Mfg. Compauy. Cothug -- -_- —the KiFilys Tl}at's wily3adr{ s tisk than t3sengtisf�- The Prtnce s verydS, »iy face .was such a ter• a i l'pana. Install a "Champion" end make wood. 'Oat. Kidney Pills are woman's best;handling of warships, say the keen- rible sight that I was rsot fit to go more •�n�d better syrup with le=e time and tLel. more revenue at a reduced cost. GENTS W NTN;D. — A L1.11; friend. est officers in the navy, makes men out. This was my state when some 1 , >a ^ : ]hold their breath'at timei-it is so one advised me to ti Zarn-Buk. I Why not o this We have one that wile every home. w•res. `iia-W oar 'bo le• ? Y Yllat cult you You arepura Lo•win: Sprite l,at �x agen's suppiire. -We have the ANVIL SPARKS: brilliantly daring. He is the idol:got a supply, and, marvellous 4s it for tree booklet THE, GHlstu MFG, CO, greatest sgea<y proporttioa in Canada . of thA lower deck, and there are .may sound, within little• under a LIMITED, 58 Wellington St.; Montreal, today: No outlay necessary. Apply U. Que. C. 1. Co_ 222 Albert Fit., Ottawa. Trying to get even is always low- those who expect -him to work month every sore on mq face was _WE `1{" _ Bering the level.• _ i miracles in his way, in course of i healed. I have no objection to our OIamtlltesHto operate Ao high-,,peed Vii• A grin is across between a smile I Y EASILY EKPL AINT _i ED, time, from Second I:ord -to' First'stating my experience for the bene- fid ene- - a . mane l+attting xach/nes rc tome, � : laf d a frown. --- Vlsitor—"M.y good man, why art' we Gr spare•- t4me ktlfiting fur-the Lord of the Admiralty. fit.of' other sufferers. „ trade:e'. ¢�to mase%. For all part,<ulars The Lord doesn't love the Cheer- Zam-Buk is purely herbal in ecce You he rel _ - i,ddr .-o. 'the tanadlan Wholesale Distrt• ![ul giver of offense. Convict- 'Chiefly 'cause they bu ia¢ Co.. Dept. W., Orillia. Ontario. position, and is the ideal balm for You can keep cool-headed with- haia t fined the open door move-�,Alo& 4" babies and young- children, X07 f HELP WANTED.out being cold-hearted. k ; whose tender skin coarse ointments ment here yit. The man who gets rich quick HEALS THE LUNGS ' are so dangerous • Zam-Buk is -a� � r trade; experMEX TO LEARN cinBAIs>oll ��long. Wr+f•s7 Civ�Cin�PRICE. as CENTS •A Pill That L+ htens Life -To p rade; e:pert instil ce ploy. ? + may Safe not stay nchSuffesin Wo - gore cure for cold sores, chapped R m for wore tree; Write sure employ x110 mea wtt0 19 a victim of lath PS- meat ror a barber. wren for catalogue. The secluded life of women which Frank-Sam, when You as me hands, frost bite, blood-poisna• tion Lhe transaction of bus' 8 STRANGE, FOR SAH' 1 ass be-13l.�ler Barber i' llege. 221 Queen Last, A Pill for g men. - hands, ' sores, piles, scalp res,_ n . r�,ront-o f _ - Y ringworm, inflamed,patches, babies' comes an sidaed •misery. H_e can- rmits-of little healthful exercise, was out at de party las' night you eruptions-and chs ped placea. cuts, not concentrate his mind upon his MALE HELP WANTED. —_ + : it a�sea fruitful cause of derangements acted :awful strange. burns, bruises and akin in ivies tasks 'and loss and vexation 'attend PPOILTUNITY FOR YOUNG MEN ';1 of the stomach and liver and is ac Sam-I didn't know it, Frank. generally. 'All.dru sts andf3torea trim. To shill a man Parrnelee's t.� rrotn old country to quality for P g sell at SOC. bdx, 'or post free from Vegetable-Pills' offer relief. A I In"•clots to railway afratiln service: (countable for the pains and lassi- How din I act strap e? :ntL4l re may-be taken tip by Hosie-S dy itude that so many of them experi- Frank-Why, you wa' actually Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, .upon re-- course of treatment according to and $hio is the Day and Evening 13Choo1. +e•nce. Parme-lee's Vegetable Pills spendin' mone•1 1 directions; -will convince him of f h or wise for particulars. Dominica S ceipt of price. Refuse substitutes. rlchool Tele>rrayhy, Torouw. 'Will correcll irregularities of the di- ,I, their great excellence. Thev are gestive organs and restore health A Household Medicine -They oonfidentir recommeslded because' - iMirS0ELLANE-01.1111i -:,TH kT S DIFFERENT. . they will-do al r1hat is-claimed for land vigor. The most delicate wo- that are acquainted ,with the ster- '•[�i AY and FARM bcALLd. Wilson's � 3� << William them. lI •�eate Works. 9 Eapfanade, lwonta ,td; •;=man can uae'them with safety, be- ling properties oll.Dr: 'Themis., Ee- Are you a friend of W i am cause their action, while effective, lectric Oil in the treatment of many Bliggins? That neer-do-well I" - t a(.slit, 'L:UXUisa L,•uldP!, eta Is. = a _ _ .,, - ,.A, .. KNEW.— � u+tnuf a°a urtarr.uL_uuc•4 wltLuaF .. .��, deed. HE - - 'I ...iia mild and soothing. ailment' would not be without it in' - I should think not, in •' -' y-,a ny our uume treutmenw write us the house. Itis trulya household "Then you'll hardly be interest- He-.A woman is always illo ical, Limited CO° fate oo Boum:n ueatcai Co- ' Y g Llmtted. Colltngx•ood. Uat. ' A DOUBTFUL HELP. medicine and as-it is effective in ed to hear- that he has inherited She-How do you make that ont i gw"r dealin with man ordinary Com- iON MALL UUARAN'1LLL: Wlteons ® Aman who .stuttered badly went 6 . Y Y '85�•� He-She can always remember (j Scale Works, 9 twianad., Tocoato to a specialift, and after ten dif- Plaiata it is cheaper than a doctor.. '.'What:? Dear old Bill!" - . her birthday, but never he-r age.' ' lficult lessons, learned to say' So,.keep it at hand, as the call for _ uENTis WANTLU. - A STUDY OF quite 1 A other Agency propositions convrnees it m come most unexpectedly. There ie no medicine on the mar- hat nose can ual ours. You will al• - - :distinctly, Peter Piper- picked_ a may pected u� `° l or ar peck of pickled peppers." His ket that can compare with Ai-k'e'y _ =- wa.Yr regret Uculars :o Travellers' Dept.,22d Albert t 9. xpel- _triendsp congratulated him ^upon. THEN HE WAS QUIET. B 1 nti from the tine S rthe irritating Ottawa-. ,I;T� Ahvtcs r'ite>;. t onmaft this splendid achievement. Husband=You re always 'making g �ilnard'e Ltaizi,�nt Co.. Limited G� ' "Yes," said the man doubtfully, bargains. Was there ever a time germs that colds engender in the girn. I have used your KINARD'S LI_ us to regard to any diseaso. Lowes: �?! y _ s. r Air pas9a e9, It is suicide to neg- MENT for the pact 25 years and whilst I ptues to drugs of all asurs W _I but it's' s-s-such a d-d'-deucedly when you didn t 7 g have occasionally used other litriments I trusses fitted• by mall. Send rileasars i d-d-d-difficult rem-mark to w.w- Wife-Yes feet' your cold. Try the cheap ex mea: Glasses fitted hh�y age. write today a.:. ,. sir, on, _my- wedding f can safety, 'eay that I�ttlfve never used .for anytbint sold •f° flr t-class dru - 1 a s e� mork into an ordin-n-nary +c'-c-con- da periment of ridding yourset. of it any canal to %vara. ,to,:*, to Dr. sellman. Colungwand.-oaL rY Y• If rubbed between 'the hands and IA. by using Bickle'i'Syrup, which is -,Ver8-S-8tiOn; %'know." -�- - haled frequently, it will never fall to - :�� a simple remedy, easily taken, and o,,rs-e9ld is she 'head in twenty-four When Try Murine Eye Remedy once used it will always be prized hours• Tn - Vn8marilnq—Fee leItlnmaActsQulchly It la•also the Best t++r braises, sprains, FARM HANDS WANTED gob •• �. _-'.:• _� ��V�Ciryana�itod >iYe 1de.'IaKnGd Hfwk. a er e• C. - •' o G 6LIE 'tIJ,Bf?ra for A monthi,i.ith Marcttto 13th aF t:yam and as sovereign medicine. et Yore truly {glH. i I'. "'• fv each Y Itaae MCR177E fs Com• Nov, for ES°.A and board. Apply D letter to J' I.1r - e unded h ear()outfsta—nota-Paten' DartmOIIth. PP 7 5 )Eye S d Hubby-I wont say'—marriii is Box 127 Toronto P.O.,enclwin¢at least two t J Stedfetno" at used in anecewu 1 Ph st- N c e�!clam'Yrwcttcs for many yesm t ow a failurec and , but some are more for- reterencee from ran Wlnployers, at►t• age aMd by Car Lye ire I Remedy T to the (Coes, MeChicago toast' in w at t ey get t an Shi s will be towed thr�u n the - rl _ 8 r® Lry' salve In AsaPttc Tu bee, :fee- rl•aCl�� - tothers: Wifie==Yost ' are quite p g right;:.dear; for insta:nde, you-got P iC iocff!n'Q- i. A 6yOR H, L, PLUMMER -4". - Pana Calliai by 'electr` I't's the worker that achieves me, but I-got only you. on either 1 e E success, not the work''. terway�i� of th LYON &r P LU M M E R tiv g s d e ,. ? PILES CURED IN 6 TO LI DAYS. w8 Your dru ¢let will ratan n 3neTcs;Bonds and 3Mlnln¢StoekiBoog t a MMards L1nlm a a o•cnre'any cAse of Il lfin¢, Blind, 1 ;~ If 8 dose Of Hamlins Wizard Oil 'so[d on eommiwion. Dealers la Governfaeat Bleeding oT Protruding Piles is 8 b i4 days bOc aad Manicipol'Seouritlss. - • taken'at night will prevent your -Any girl'can learn to love a.man 21 Melinda Street, ,TQRONTO having a bad cold in the morning, if she thinks some other girl wauts. It doesn't take a fast-young•man isn't it a good idea to have it read Tel'•M. 7978-9 Csbir. "Llolwa -'1-_A him. w long:.to 'run.'through a'fortune. r ` _ t1 - - to take'the moment o `feel the cold There is no poisonous ingrediz Minard's LiniMint'Curea Carget'In cows, coming? -DOW'S ent in Holloway's Corn Cure, ar�d � DOW'S it can 'be=-used without darigd off TRUE SECRET OF SUCCESS. A 'floatin debt is a or life rte ■ - $ server to keep a man's h alcove injury. _- Klymer-What' is the secret, of -._ . ..> cc ss business 2 Selling. the water. sU a in RESOLVES. people what they want l Only One "9ROMO QUININE:• Me Best Treatment Muntoburn-\o, not ,exactly; That lefiAXATTVE BR031OQUININE. Lonk Resolve to economize. To O er-- a signature of E.W.GROVE. Used the s 1 educating them into wanting the for urs 25c for Itchen Scat draw your account at the ban • >g .. g C a Cold in one Day. STURCEROIL thin s youhave to se9 nothing to your 'credit, -- and Falun Ha�r1 solve to say less. It is just as There is nothing. newnd�r the - LINIMENT geasy to talk like a.philosopher as to sun. Even our mistakes have been To allay Etching and irritation of the scalp, act like a fool. made before, — _ �.'N �, T _ - 1 • crusts, dry,and and falling hair, remove . -Resolve to be a s may husband. Worms-feed upon- the vitality of External application for man crusts,scales and dandruff,and promote the Husbands nowadays may be dived- Pv �' i s�poec�lafiltrea rDnenit�ohrta� i�eerol�Qbe ed into two classes-those who have children and endanger their hues. or beast. Everyone knows of - + and economical. On retiring,comb she hair, been•found out and those who arA t1 simple and, effective ` cure is the wonderful qualities in the qut straight all around,then begin at the side Mother Graves Worm Extermin- oil of the STURCIEON' - for , and make a Parti,a>rrftly rubbing cuttcura 'going• to Iieunless they resolver In u Otatment Into the Partin with a Mc of soft time.. ator. - sprains, liminess, •etc. l�anaelheidnvertheendoftheanger. Anoint .r ~- Dr. Dow's formula-has it-in sddttbnal DDo tines Apbout halt an inch apart. Resolve to be charitable. Avery 1 VLRy PAINFUL. its hes orm. _EAr Ii,heumatisrl, tfutLllthewtfolescalphasbeentrested,the pur, o«1 •wii t keep moths out .of- table. Lt eCutic hrtftne t nth g Y I? ` Flim-Halloa, dear bo ou lobk Lumbago, Neuralgia, Swelliligs, jp akin rat�iet•than ol.cT.Tatr. It�e well old clothes is to give them, to the - y,What'sYthe etc., it cannot be equalled. . io Place a light covering over the hair to ver sad this morning. - ytotect the ptilow from possible stats.' The Pyr.•' y g' Tr -it orae and-you'wilt -be ' t morning. shampoo with Cuticurs wap Resovle to persevere. A parse- trouble? satisfied. Price 25 cents. hot water. shampoos alone may be Flan' -I ve-just undergone a most N a4. sa often as agreeable, but once or vering salesman can get an-order r ' g 1 s month_Is-- orally auffld•at for .out of chada. t annoying operation. ASK YOUR DEALER. ; treatment for cabmen's hatr. Not- Flim=What was it? .. i'tE SIELLS LS I T. o 4. toQ Cutleurs soap and ointment an Resolve to improve the home. In _ everywham those wishias to try this every home there is_iY-room for im- �� Tfi>; "' Flam-I had ray allowance rut The IlrayIe Drug Co., Ltd., i clay do so without ezpenae p� _ y to"Cu Dept,tilt.Bwtoa,V provement: aaratxwssm le of Outs sisos and _ Sole Pops. SG John, .'v. $. ' �P`bob!anakiaandplllI -Minard's Llnlment Cures Colds, •1t. ED: 7 , ISSUE 4-L Mtnard'a Liniment Corsa t)iphtherla < + : '?l ; 7y, _ (9, • ,,�, 1. ,.... .. - _., _. �_ ,. .,,.. ., .. :»-: _ ,c.- .. - ..#. ,•-+:-«.r..' R .s 5• .£.,. °rue' �t,.�'d• i qt,�✓' !7 w,rr•d,'s'.•r-.�..,+. r r Y'•✓•.3:, •,. Ay•, r?'� .'�..' ..iY ,..• .:.�. ,... ..p...,•• , .A. ',3'. '•i^` ♦P:..i •4d ww ::i''n. 4,4 . .i. 4•A i ". y,.s .v -. .K .�.:. ,;aa'Lnn-,. /�s.,°s +.rad...,.';�:... ,.:.C: Sal. '£w,. 1'• -.rK, $7'�'f_'+6't'� •:`ia_ i.'a M JrL,6 o-ax",tG° '>•+au,• p, •'X'ri" , . �_, ���'w�-r1^ni ,wY � i, p' �. - :,?�' �� - r•L,k`+�:. a ,�2:Ku �. C-v '.. yk.�a-a u. ,.,%....,•..: ... -,.4 .c, ,;r - •«' ..=...g: . ..x'_ ...;�-.. h^- -.,,. .. .... ... — w'- xf rix. 't S 'Cid t, Boas. Deo. E. Pugh. Now ddltrerNaewts. { ROrl(i8 HILL s tbRnt►3lshad eves)rridas asoraioilttlty Od1a, --Ed, Rees, Geo. Toyne. ! ii FR ` � FISH �PtokrtaR,Oat. _t wTla4 VOR SERV IOE-A pure-bred Berk- it �- BA7Ell OF Arthur Carruthers. shire Hoar. at lot St con. !, Pickering, Minh anbsagaeaa iasestroa. FRESH TI971S(i: 10 nears C14R"IQN+T Y / HOYD HL`aH,l3soagham Oat. 1461 i3Restinsertion palrne - - ' per ire- s.eaats Jaa..MeF�tadane. POSTS FOR SALE-The under- ~' a !hb rate does no.include or F L Legal oreigst AUDLHY sinned has for sale about 1000 cedar posts, RICHARD %*5 .•ssteerUremenW. anitabla for fanoin¢¢,, For further partiosslsrs $pedal terms given to parties making eon- Geo.A. O'Connor,weetney. Bros- apply to.T,S.HONEY,Oherrywocd, 17.18 M tog 8 or 0 mouths or by the yea. Elan �ar17 or yea�iyy o�lIItraoW payable quarterly. xl�� - i Businaes eards,ten lines or under,with paper Harry Janes, R. R. -D[a�frbray, R. R SAL33--A new milch cow, t3 -+nae pyeeace g5 0%payable to advance. Seam old,also a Jorge gaaatit of 2 tt and _ ss Notice in local�olamas ten cent par ambsequens 1, lfae, �•Cat6on. !ft hard and sort wood. Apply toy MOOiiE QJLOV- .0 E R Y �rrr :+tapeetal eontcaot rates made known on appy JqQPearse.:'- salon. No tree advertising. . FOR SALE-House and Int situated - Ldveseiaomeats without written instructions GREENWOOD on Brock._Et.. Clar mout, oppoai}e the t WW boimwted until rorblddsa anci-eharged sa F. L. Green,Samuel GacIetonPTh08.• Methodist church. . For particulars apply co - aordiaoly. Ordersfar dlsconttLniug aavartiee- Bayles, r11. Pengelly. W.J.GREGG,North Claramont but FRESH FROZEN WHITE FIS ROUT HE and SALMON ,rents mustbein writing and "sit to tbe.pub- 6 9. Michael Glee- __. "- Aber --. —__---- son Ho wtil -J- Dewitt_ WANTED--a yoting lady-with-my SMOKED HA,DDIE; FILLETS, -HERRIATG, SALT Jori Workpioaiptlyatt�i�e&to, RROC'K ROAD knowledge of music• to teach a toung _ child,also to make herself useful in the Louse. : 2E>�ms --"-. Thos. Knox, Henry Fuller, Geo. irorturtherrarticusaran(>piyto w,E.>i:rctliE .SALMON,, WHITE FISH _ - Toole,'Jas. Cowan, Jno. Percy, Har- Pickering, Ser-tt` X01.25 per year ; $1.00 if paid in advance. y' _ ESH - - - 1- Ellicott, Jas. H, Ka es. = Subscriptions to the United States,6/„50 Y y 13RUPSHIfiE SHEEP-The under- ASR — SELECT OY., ST RS in advance those desirous of becoming lnem- C - . +- hers may secure t ll information item S signed has for Salo a z ut.:ber of Shropshire t v la Down shearling rams, extra ggoodquality, tot 10HN MURKAR Proprietor. the Pf•esident, J. A. O'Connor, or Lhe 1s,.cou.7,Pickering. or phone E, E. PUGH ff0 fp Secretary, Arthur Jeffrey- Claremont, f 5-ti _ - - FARMS TO RENT-Clue of 148 ac- A. full line of Fresh' Pure Groceries-- - 'THE CANNING INDUSTRY ountaernoNT F ree.the other:00 ac:ee, first- class build. ings The associated frtrtners,., clubs of A good thing rll+ay be bought gat o ictearing in Orchard For further acd ingood ale — -- Ill 13tOC always stock'at -Prince•Edwurd County have issued x tU0 (IeAC. _�Igtl�LQf_011r_C1tIZb'i1S- app,ytoJAVE$CtiDERHILL.Claremont14,17_ descripliv enc}tlestiona�ily thought the en- - - dustries that are heirs carr ed on R SALE-First class S room in that county. The fgloh g den- lieu of o ularlt etc'. furnished C� amedwellfngsituated in the village of tertaintnerrt medicine, dec2�tr eription of the ca>Sning industryy is of pop y, none, 1 acre of garden with good quart- .interesc to the farmers of Pic by the company which from their °itY trait;oleo a goon frame e.able with --- �'ti� OIIT @rle8 there'. P - _ g, 1 pteaty of hard and soft water. emus reason. - _ at Ihs-preseut tune. p+ice of vantage in the Masonic able. Apply4o THOIl. PEARSON, Claramont "In the canning industry this coup. Hall dominated the attention of out, al-t! iy lids made rapid strides. But a the village last geek, were good -OLAREMONT LIVERY and Res!- _ aiuuch greater development is possible. things. Nue who was in a poli. Qence For lisle-As the undersigned in. . ' 8oroe years"aKo when 'the first can• tens.leaving foz LLe :orth-west, he otters foz tion to kuow 'fweive _,cell daleh;ecum - atterqy oin factory in the county was ssturted complete livery oatti t,and also his real. estimated that the ei ved fat` denco opposite the lips For further pant• at emorest�tile, peas were shelled y calara apply to BECBE `BESSE, Claremont 0 tt bit hand and the aweet corn was cut their servicggs-- not less that twcl Out. 17•tf -,off the cob with butcher knives. Now. hundred ana"fty dollars. 0,13 ;the fourteen large cannVies of this sober judgment it is very difficuO lt CND-On the Kingston road h } -• - ,county eduiJ,ped with all the latest to come to any other judgment F between W.J.1lorrish'sstore.and-eenteo. Eig it cutters left to be - a”' Church,on the 23 of December last a par- appliances, put up one-third of the than that the community paid sel coatsiotag cutlery: The owner may have -canned gouda_(vegetables and ,null too much for its whistle. Gents- the stn,e by cal,.I at the undersigned and rovtn zo art ani p P Y paHag expeaaoa, J. B. I < rue fun is good for body and ruled �i®Gln,lit plana oreek, P. is a7 F E _._.... "frniW►•of(�anadn.. Ttte extent e€the•canning industry g O _ -----maybe sbown`by tie follows Ing stint butt it takes a good deal to balance A C R I -unary for the- year 1911:-Acreage, the sum metioned. Medicine, of 1r ARM FOR SALE-Lot 19 con. 5, �- certain kinds iA O L e v ri fa enoslsea of Sul acres more or 'Only One Of til® ries le with Auto Doors;t0 be •i10,000; tons of pt :a.WO;cost of god for c'ert8in `iesa,a never fedhaq stream.8 scree of orchard, y -qty - i `,`' _ ;produce to factorjes,S+'Q.. W. persons digeases, but there is an element smali fruit of all kinds. Possession given first -• - _ sacrificed with the rest. 7-employed7-employed - s- of Apr.), 10-2.Also freab cows ter We. For "learu,inq per, of the ridicnlutis in laying in 4 further pamettlers apply to AMOS BRIFNALL � T _. employed (cannina). ; Lor stock of ten or 13fteeu dollar. brock fond,Oat,or lad phone 1(08, Broaabam - wages paid. 100.0(X): total No, of casts � �,�jicine when there is Out. i.tr - -. -.of goods.W0.0Wor1D)Dcarloa,df_ Total ttrl ytcknesq. Popularity is very �,j�OR SALE-A goo ouQh•caQt - J� �jcu paid out by factories"in 1910• $450.000. desi r.able, bAi t there is no rifle i n 1' bonne 000tara ng C rooms bestdae.closets R:O B E S BLANKETS and BELL S Corn, tURlNtoes, pests and'heans are Che viii++ a trrho the $ u add good cement cdliar Bard and soft aster the chief vegetables grown. The corn g g ret+ 11eii'' iosida boos,. OowditL of►a acre cf ggod gird• < is vafluable to the firmer a9 fodder chased LO ztand on the bill hoards eo ecatatclnQ rive • pie trees besides other -e have still a good a9SOTttneflt at pr10E'9 A+ _ II p - for hits stuck. The pea straw also is last week has any real relation-J Nutt. Alga rtr portal Oxford_atove in first-class ch sell them. II which l repair w;Ch warming oven attached. For fureh- - -'-valuable for frx'ding- purposes. To- ship to the comparative popular• or parttcciars arpiy Er tq THOS. E, STPHEN- snwtoes have been known to yi Id rte its of the flue of 9}x little innU- BON Claremont 7tf e Acre. utawhose - J higb as 8W bushels to thk'mak- cents w hO3e names were po ban ing a return of$", but a fair, aver. ate yield is represented by the re- died about the street. What will; .. � _ turns(rots, 43 ,tate i, planted by 15 the effect of dolled ars of two hen= • ^� . 11DTS *N ixrmera: the t ,tal yield way 17.78[► tlrpd and Qtly dollars out Of the r � , bushels making the average, 41it- hu public pnf�e, have on the ptI- whets per acre, a return of $1rl li) to Pieut,of bi11r, thr purchase ut or-,,- the r-ti>te acre: age of nect+sr al i and the patr.Ild ..� ,�; WHITBY,, +ANT-" ' Peas vary frnrn aE30 to$fist per .acre, age of tn(!• lura! insstitutic,nw Ancj _ • • Corn yield for 11)10 average, .3 1•S tons amasetileatq daring [Fie rent cif �t1' j' per acre,the&t heft yield being a} wnf• [u,eels cp mniuntt noir eeAtiblel of thiern slave an rducatiorr of the night Headc u+trters for Fm�t & W'ood and Cockshutt Im lelvenba •+(; olkn t boost. Let i P being at-viupeded into pouring ltA kind-no write t tartiager�, Eiarue3t, in fact everything - ora sells ai$7 to $8 per race. y-- K f ' Pickering V}ai{ao* Association time, no useless ex. -. •- yuel need. _ moody [bite into the pockets of peose-$W-3 wonths. Poilowiag is a Iia[ of the membersstraulrer_s. Had we clot bettee� - • - q - -of the Pickering Vigil°ince Associa- neat tune think first of the .dozen - itton, as,would appear from the Secre- more advantageous useA to which Six Important-Points >lltary's books; we may put Otlr two hundred and _ g e well-known regardloth -. . PicsErv. fifty dollars.?-Cost. DON ' - FORGET Miss Jolla U'Leary. David Palmer. kobt. Deverell, W. V. The Markham 8e Pickering ]Richardson. Jas. White. Jou Dickie, 111,orentn'Baoks, Jno.• Xitcheill, Enos, Remmer. 'Rich. Moore. Robt. How- Telephone Co., Ltd. • To call at C. B. BL'RLIi\G'S FURNITURE STORE. We have ft.Y - ''Iaod, W. C. ReaTin, Rich. Barrett, The annual general meeting of the "UN"' _ - lines in all House Furniture. Wan. MAler, Ed. Gormley. Wm. - shareholders of h 1, Courses are.strict} Sn -c The .li[srltham and t }ass y :J[orecombe, Geo, Wilson Jae. Gun See our aDmial value in Extension Tables. These are Solid Oak. -- t o6 R t, Q Annan. ed, for the election of a wrd of Di• given pedestal foot, a very handsome table et x14_50 and $15.G0. Robt. Stork. R. A. Bunting, E:-J, rectors and the traasaction of other 3. TeAahet¢are expert and experi- -Sbirle , Alex. Falconer. Joe. Bundy, and any husifness relating to the affairs enced y Others as In as $6.00. _ ,^l3eo, Qowep, Jr., Joe. and Alex. Go r- of the Company. wiU tie held at the 4. Graduates oils and HOLD good -"-- _.. __. -don, T. W.,Robbins, Geo.Mutch;Geo. Oddfeliowe Hall, at the Village of positions Vacuum Cleaners for saris, also one for rent-by the days Dradfor•d, W. Harvev, Ww. Van- °Whitevale, on Wednesday.,the 7th 5• Equipment thorougblyup-to-date - _�tttone, Rnbt; Found, 'Joo, Mtirk&r, day of February. 10}2, at two o'clock• 9, Enjoys a wide-spread-pa - CALL ANIS SEE U$ `-- - ' 'Jan. -Prouse, Miles Chapman: J. H. p, m. Write for Catalogue. Enter'now: - - Wagner, D. Simpson Co., W. D. ALeH Hoovint, President. W. J. Elliott, Principal ? irsgers.John Greenlaw, A.Leng,Jno. 'DovALD R. BSATONr, Secretary W. Cor. Ya and Alexander Sta. . Clark, W, P. Westgate, frank LLated January 2 . on2od, 19}2. 17-18 g Careful attention given to Embalming and Puo'eral York. Shepherd, Wing Brown.Jno;Stephen• fon, Robt. R. Cronk: -Wm. SLrnley. Phone night or day-Bell or Independent: - Jos. Wray, Claude Field, Jas. An- �tdrew,T. M. McFadden, Gordon btw, TT By. Larkin, W. J3. Book-c, W. B. Cow-se .-m-Agriculture r Cis e _ '•: V �� owJas• lc ar son, re urst, nrt i e u ftu re _ W. H.Crumtuer, Jwbea Hallett. -Ed. Q - win'Balsdoit, E. N. Hicks.'P. .1. Rowg, _ (JY T --= :Thos,Wilson,J. S..Jephson, E.Nick. _ 10ITM MONT .I. ICKERIN G, Ont. •ettf W.J. Olark, _ ,1'H1TB1 - Feb' -5th c� March 1st 19 '" ht - �swll�t-to-�t ac smi In : --Trull, Viii. Balmer, H. E. Webster. •C1M�latrdt.tlis� a -_ N. Irving, .Frank Jladdaford, T. G. To be held in rooms ad'oitlin tiie A rirnituritl Office, ^ s t ,Osborne, A. Jeffrey, tern McGregor J g g CCA -COAL Brown. Walter McGregor, v Having rented the Dunbarton alt .y Fred. Rowe, Thos. Morconibe, Jno, 33 ROC. �T , W �?: I'T B Y - 'k� Hallett, Jr:, Wm. Kem Nicholas he same,I amus par- _ and opened t -Brown Robt. Bradley. &rry Rem- Linder the management of the Agricultural Department BEST ANTHRACITE do al or nt ua to —ed to } work e r sner, Jno.- F. 'Power. Anthony Ban- of the Whitby Hi School. din the above.}' e, ?' Ste henson, Bros.. Frank Is, Jones, a 1n .-del,Cbas. McClennan. Ed. Atkinson, --- y The Standard IIeI Co.t'i0. Horseshoeing a specialty. % p - Limited Uall is and see me any time. inarryy 'Gulliver, Geo. Richardson, Practice in judging all classed of Farm Stock, is a 6REENBURN, " Jno, E. Falewell, Rohl: HaII: prominent feature _ 1 Dell, Robt. - les'•in the Vicinity C. N. R. fpr this work. of the Gourde. Tri are taken to stab DUNHARTUN W,W. Sparks, Jae. Fouad. Geo. ' A - i .White,Benj. Fawcett. Jno. Annan, Under Field Husbandry;`a'study is made of Rotation of 'Crops, Crop. W. H. Gibson, Age' l_1t fJy j to�Vm. Cowan, 'Wm. Thom. Andrew _. cultivation, judging seed grain, etc., etc. ' Ind. Phone, Bro. 705. Istaxesels 5 ACgttdyigNel —" r �Ann*b � `Xis. -Houlbben.- Peter An- t -sawn. Geo. Smith, Robt. Toms. Wm. Under Horticulture, the business of fruit � 0.)—war. growing is studied in all its `f Mitchell. Chas. A-.Annis, Jas. Mitch- branches,including- a study of growing aitrgery�stock, buying • .,i1.Trios. Burns, Robt. Wood, Wm. - � nursery stock, laying out an orchard, planting trees, best varie- Dixon,Allison.Bros, ties to plant, cat'e-and management of the orchard, picking, pack- sxovGHA>+C ing and marketing, spraying for insects and fungus diseases, etc. . . Porcher, Tpo.., NL Ger•ow. _. "'Tiros. C. Hubbard,. Jesse Hubbard, Students f ill be given-practice in*.box a 1 r�`-«�1 SIANDMD BANK packing fr lit at the Fruit Pack- a. CANADA '1F`rank Gleeso>l, Fred Bunker, A:-E.- `iug'Hoilse of the Oshawa Fruit Growers Association. _ Other subjects studied are A .105 BRANCHM Tool%Lancelot_Johnstgn..Jcj)n . J griciilture BotatiV, lnclucljng a`sttid of _ iElnmilton, Boyd Burke, Thos.- Phili ESTABISSNED 1873 i A- White, Albert&'Matthews, Thos, weeds unci weed seedy and method of eradtetitlon. Soil eulti= - y a FS;,Y rmadge. _ vation. 'Farnr•draimge.- Fertilizers and .Manure. ..QUARTERLY DMDEND NOTICE No. 83. cHExR�r«ooD -. Poultry culture in all its branches eu-o eration 'the keeping.... "-No b given Lacy, Jas. Ferguson, Robt. 3 p ,• tics is here y that n Dividend at the rate of Thirteen Per CeaL r Vavidson, Wm.19pencer,Jno.Header- of Farm Records anti Farm Accounts. per Amum- a13on.the Capital Stock of this Bank has been declared for the Win.Geo. Davidson, Fred Roach, Jas. gtraiter ending Slst Jannarq, 1912, and that Efie same will be payable at the _ ilcRae, Jas. Todd, Alex. Lawson, No.young fa the district can afford to m}ss this nppottunity, Bead�M'In this city,nudist its branches, on and after Thnrsday,.thr 1st day- _ John S. Somerville,' Russell Carter, of February, 1912,to Shareholders of record of 20th JiLnuary, 1912. Jas, Davidson, Noah Burkenolder. It--comes at a season When the work on the farm is 0 a ' WH1TEt'ALE not J)resging. The course is'FREE. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders will be held at the Head Jos. Carter, A E. Poynter, Judson Office of the Batiks in Toronto on,Wednesday, the 2lst.Febrnary next, at 19 r Pssgb. Albert White, Hugh Pua•'h, H. Write for farther information to J. J. BELL, Principal o,alacknow , - Johnson, W, S. Major, D. S. Turner. • High School, Whitby, or to - r rr Jno H. Tttrner. A16ert E. Major. W. • x :. By order of the Board, !Gro. P. vimle >F1.D. Ff. 1[+tjar S. Pennock, Benj. Carter _. J. H. HARE, Agriculture Office, Whithy. xoroato 21'st December 1911. Geneml Matsagec. - ' ,$tobt. P. Nowlan, Win. P�eble, Thos. _ , are David Anpls,P , 6�eare, F. and F Be , hone: Be11-Whitby 86 i Itadepend n - f a t Whitby 69. a, . " ,r, ., -..• , _ ( :.. s� ,,,-,j:.,,, ,.7'a .i.;ir3r.-...�.;^X� JN�r,. :i.e•,1 °tr?� :Fl .' t'i' yrs yCY, <•$ ..o.:. ., ro..:' a. .e.n*". -r.9..ww ._ ..•.. ,...,_.'r., ''a ::+.• 'r, -t s. •+,r4•^ew.• '� Ste Vii'. .6. 5. @• s.' ":.` ;-3. .,. •f.�n,..'�'�'r .. � r � i o A, +3 , e ..t f :�- til }-r r'y� "„'#� ,. •.., .s• ,ft,, .,,�:� ..d�,.tinerT't3. •«~,,;x�?"`?�'', .,. ..Wit.: w "' �'`.°:'.":�r. .Lr roa:YSx�'�j+?a':�SY„cc _ .�. •y"�y�," �,. . 5� 5pj'101L sou:. 5..m Jwu s•' .caws.r -" .u-. <a►•S "4 ya `! "'92•":9' ...'...•.^ '.. a .,.., ,w.•., .. _.. _.:::.. . . d I 2 ,� w - t r 1 .. l w 1 i . Since the recent falls of snow, I G. H. Samis paid a flying visit • i Gasoline high have l- sleighing has improved consider- to Toronto on Saturday. y 'led in the skating rin ably, although in many places the Dr. R. L. Graham, dentist, will w liICHARDS Mrs. tiPm. Thom in 'roads aresuSertng lrord too great be here as usual on Wednesday we �n _ the city one da last -we R quantity, snow li8ing level neat. +y �. ty y - _ iimportaot allowing of fusel display of _ ' Thos. Gregg shipped a aad with the tops of the fences. Three rinks of curlers are tak- china, A • A farewell rt Ives given at in part very large assortment of sof cattle to Toronto on Monday. pa y g p t in the bonspiel at Peter. - Miss Mildred Forsyth 'spent the home of G•, M. Forsyth, on baro this week, We hope they �O�y. Books,Dolle, Toys, jut Thiarsd'ay last with friends in the Wednesday night to F. M. and may bring back with them same received for the Holiday trade. Oat! : Mrs. Cooper on the eve of their trophies of their prowess-at-the- pit. - - and see then:. _ departure for New York State, "roaring game." i Subeeripsioa to Walter and Mrs. Kerr, of -Ash- all hf n event reports from Rev, Mr. _ - ° - burn, adaughter. pointed manager on a large farm, Peattie,. who suffered ,acuses in- Weekly and Daily Newspaperi � Miss Mary Macnab returned belonging to one of !�etv Yorks jnry from,a fall on the ice about r linme on Saturday after '.visiting millionaires. six weeks ago indicate that he - v2CH R.�SON _ relatives in Agincourt. � - continues to improve, and that in - J' H• Mrs. Andrea ohnston, -ane are spite of his burden of over ninety 13=c3c Street. glad to report,4s improving Lifter years'h4 may yethopeto be ablest W b sen attack'of pneumpniH: - — to walk practically as well gas be'- - A ER Fred. and Mrs. McKay,. of fore the<accident. -- -__-_- , - Whitevale, spent Friday last•��'.ith The Mission Band of the Bap- _ Alex. and Mrs. Anderson. ' tist church, will hold their annuals - Walter Baston, of Goocl;wuod, fffERING tea and concert.on the evening of i i ■, M� T rt spent a few days with his incle 'S Friday, Feb. 2nd. Tea will be 'tandaunt, R. and Mrs. Bryan. served in the basement of the . ' ► John Farrfier, of Toronto, spent church by the ladies of the mis- "' 4 - �Jon circle from 5.30 ~. o. encs, Fred; and Mrsat the . Fart er.of his par ___- Beginning at 8__'shock_an excel-. duced as wash- 1_W. G. Scott, our worthy reeve, - _ .., en programme, consisting of er that aitnost -is in Whitby this week attendiirg quartetteF, solos, recitations chor- runs = - - n Itself. -. - ---- ---the sessions of the County Couu• +� ' uses Cinderella shadow scene, and Cubed -bLydiaE P>I>llkk= tableaus will be given._ M�9 N. It washes the Albert Rawson has returned to y out with- - - - � Myers,elocutionist, of GoiSc�tsood. Y ,P Pe ham sVegetableCompound and Misses M. Forsyth and M. Bry- out rubbin - his work in the cit -afte -"spend-nd- g or B P an, and Messrs. R. E. Forsyth,�nd tearing them. :•In a couple of weeks is home B �}♦ here. Fox Creek, N.B.-•'I have always B. Richardson, soloists,will assist •I Wm. Coates has returned home had pains in the loins and a weak- in the program, Admis on 25 ets, It washes t ter spending several weeks with Hess there, and children 15 cents. whole tubful of " s eister.__.11irs. $lark, .of Mono often after m y �, cI thee clean, i fid• meals m y pond We regret to report'that dtir- wrist-bands =.. would distress me ing the early hours adty and all in from _ Miss Edith Slack, we are sorry anr� cause sore- morning last Mr. Du can Mac- a to I0 all, f to report, is seriously ill at the net§ L y d i a E. nab suffered n slight stroke of - home of her parents, E. and Mrs �' Pinkbam'aVe ta- paralysis. He had been confined :.Slack. ble Compoundhas to the house, sed at times to bed done me much ___ s•„ ° -- G. M. Forsyth has Sold his vain g I am steno - by weakness of the heart for some Our booklet teller how xnd'is frpe. Don't watt until you can't wash ally Y able driver to Frank Orchard, time a . who will take the animal to the eradigestion is be� Pa g y t but had been feeling more but write for it to-dr Address— ter,and I can walk gulls diettuctl better during .North-west. � John and Mrs. Dunn, of Picker- with+ambhtion. I Saturday and nuday. Medical _ M Howard E. Turner igen hiteval® haveothes _ B a Ing, spent con he of days this encouraged attention was .secured at ,once, f , t g. pe Y � many mothers of and at time of writing there is - -_ week with the �ormer's father. families to take it,__qq�� it is the best rem- - -�- Who bas charge of Pickering Thomas Dunn. edy in the world.:You cap publish this Rome slight improvement of his 4 - condition, but while there is hope - - - Many of oar residents are suffer- in the papers - Mn. WILLIAX g of partial if not complete Shorthaad �da.de Easy W' Ina from the prevailing reside. is Bot•xgc*E, oz`Clerk, V.B., Canada Pa Pete roan cases th$.dhie2ase-ia develop- The above is only one of the Lina- the earlier wit is reak ess of the-heaed that r if such evidence as the following e:- tVH171-EV AGE Ing into ueumoniai p sands of grateful letters which are tl g p an degree Anoouoe:es hat she is re red:to do constantly being received by the Y g e of paralysis must net- g Yiaa Floieuc 'orgie, trio has Hnkham Medicine Company of Lynn, essarily be serious. tracts from letters and other equally all kinds n plain sewing, tacludiaR , been suffer Ag from an attack' of Mass.,whichprove beyond a doubt that - . strong testimony contained- in our( men's shirts and pante. ; euanaata for a week Past is to booklet, is not euflleent to satisfy an P Pa Lydia E ch prove be tind a dope Com• y fl 0 y ported as slightly better, pound, made from roots and herbs, person desirous of learning sbortband, �p YEARS" As Reuben Besse intends lerty- actually does cure these obstinate dlo- � then there can be no merit in any busi- ing for the North-west as sono as. eases of women after all other means C H � P'P I � ness under the sun• � EXPERIENCE plea- circumstances will permit, he is have -Palled, and that every such suf-. DESA Mx. CUAkXg-'•[t is a plea• feria woman owes it to herself to at setae to wane a testimonial eoeinrsln .:.,offering for sale his c(em fiv- 8 g least give Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegeta- anything so much superior to other l ery outfit• and also his fine resin his Compound a that before submit- ' thin nerd for the same t The undersh neo is repose as _ deuce which was rebuilt and made do to an o , 8 prep g• p h ` re red to do up-to date last summer. Thin is h g operation, or gitiag up your system of Eclectic Short xod is hope of recover*. grain.chopping every day to others 4 have examined, I shall ` so excellent opportunity for Lome Mrs, Pink,him, of Lynn,Mass.. in the week except be pleased to reply to any commu.ni- atm w ARKsi -. ooe to purchase a good paying Invites all sick women to wrise eation that may be sent me with r`e- Saturday. , Cowvntoo4rs A= -business. her tot' advice. fame Toss guided _ erence to the system:, or to have any Anyone Nmdans a.ketm and nose" r<.a®a> The Oddfellows' I.,o)dge in our thousands to health and heft - - one interested eall to ree,me,"-L, K. �;nty to �„c';y village is in a flourishing condi- advice is free. i John F• Bayles, Greenwood FALLis, 477 Parliament 9t., (teacher,) UOW0"*sfree�eo tion.- Many new members are be- Our Fall and Winter Term coon *a wean ati mrm CeQiwstw y menced September 5th, but students wuboot m tl'e Ing addedandall are most enthu- .. may enroll, any day, as instruction is Mastic In the-work of the order. Cold eathe Goods Bartains strictly persona l. now = .:At their.meetin on Friday last Write or call for free booklet. ,woe the following omeers were elect- z�'eo a•Hess casuals. ,' '' 'ed for the ensuing year : P. G.- Ladiefs' $20 fur-collar Coats. $18 ; Gent's $20 Fur Coats. 018 ; Cl$1'ke 8 Shorthand College j Bro. G. H. Saints, N. G.-Bro. W5 College St., Cor.,Manning Aye. �Ioaa�"� � John Gerow,V. G.-Bra R. Berrie, - '$200 Home Blankets, $1,65. See our snap in Robes. �,� �rt - L S. N. G,-Bro. Chas. Neale, Ladies' and Gent's Gauntlets and Mitts in great _ _ TORONTO. - L. S, N. G.-Bro. John McGrath, variety. Toques, Sweater Coats. w R, RYA N R. S. V. G.-Bra R. Bryan, L. S. _ Blankets and 9oz. o a 3 o I� Tobaccos, i and smokers` , V. G.-Bro. C. Sargent. R. S. S.- � �` at� r BARSERl Rao.J. J. Harvey. L.-9.-a R.,., --- P Y $ w « ' -`Thos. Adair, Con.-Bro. Thos. LM Skates, Straps, Screws and Fucks and a splendid line of new hocks euodries, p ntesl office Bell' 'Stephenson,Cha .-Bro. Levi Lin- ■ ■ 7Cefeghone' Co. .iagency for p sticks 20 per cent. lower thin elsewhere. d •. o to e e g a` Rolston Laundry. a, 4ton, I. G.-Bro. L. J. Pilkey. O. G. - - -- - , - a = '1 -Bro. Chas. Story, R, S.-Bra`. D. Our Groceries are the freshest. The Central Store. - 3 g ° _ ►M O CLARiMONT. - ONTARIO -. ., . = fl_;3cntt,F_..9�=Bro. - --' I�a� ''rreas.-Bra. Wm. Thompson. --- -. . --- M.. .)-'a $.ma.. 4 $f o , ; - - - rs �O After a lingering illness from GEORGE P11ILIP1. BROUG .SNI �. � - - 0 b� g �nm'�er s ; the infirmities of old age, Alexan- o O 1 '-tier Morgan, one of our oldest resi- - „ g ' ;,' „ „ p �;, ,Tau i�as All gr$dea of New Brunswick E7hingie■ dents geed awe on Monde at' O and patent roofing. pa, y y, w a s s Feb - the.age of 87 years and 16 days. �N 1 In. and 2 in,pine and 1 in. and 2 in,, The faaeml took place on Wed- • coo .a' m s 1 in.pine aid hemlock, K nesday from the home of his son- �j .. p k, rr to=law, M. Henderson, with whout R�� ee ee,pI lacy � and tuatcbed. u" he has made Gia home fur`a num- _ m ..■ J ne O a . Terme istriotly cash �.. her of years. Hiswife:pre•deeeas- o C a a .K cp Jalyl• .�.CORDON&.SON. ecl hire about,nine ears. Thede-Y learing Sale from �'a ro• --- �� a,!R picYerin Out ceased was w ifs lve o . argb; - o M g9 3 Scotland, where he was burn hi rg >8 n m.� moo• ►,, -- 182a The followiin9>r.interestin " 00th to February 29th ' 19.12. Jaauawy �D13-EVhitby 13, Oshawa t4,Brocttbam sketch is taken from "Past Years - -- —- , in Pickering', "In 1832. Mr. Mor- _ __ , Be.v raoa 8,Upt�ergrover gan, then seven years of age, sail- ,ed with his parents from the port Xow for our Once-ai-Year Clearing Sale. Those of you who have L- of Leith for the now world. The Now `Blaekstaith Shap vessel was a new one and scarcely profited by other sales of ours at other times know that a .completed at the date appointed dollar is as big as a dollar and a half for her sailing. Being threatened was before the Sale. a ' with the law by passengers in _ Having leased the blacksmith avaitng she sailed, but passing shop formerly'run by 1Ty�T-hom Of all materials and design 1 round the north of Scotland put r son, I am prepared,to do general kept in stook. It will pay you • to owl at our works and t our stook . in to 3tromness and remained'twoblacksmitbing in all line's. and obtain iaspeo weeks there, being finally fitted ;_Como To Ou'r Bar ain Sade prtee. Dont be misled t- agents we do not employ them,oonsegneat- r11 - - for the long Atlantic voyage. Nine HORSEAHOEIN(3 A SPECIALTY r weeks from .their leavingLeith - ty we'a and do throw os the agsat■ L DON'T keep the good news-tell your friends. Tell Ind. phone, No.'302, Claremont' oommission of 10 per oent.,whioh you will they reached Quebec. A slow and - thein they can't buy without savipg dollars.' oertainly save by purchasing from u% teaions journey up the St. Law. Tell them the Sale will last to 29th of Febru- oallsolioited. _TM r "" rence by Durham boats and along ary, 1912, and tell them they should make it _ CGRAT _wHITiT OIIANITE CO.t Lake Ontario brought them to a point to bet supplied during that time. BE- _. CLAREMONT, UNT.. oaoe. Whitby, On%ft2 •.. Toronto, or, as it then was, Mild- CAUSE PRICES WILL GO BACK WITH A �T ay York. After spending a mon-' . BANG OINT THE MORNING OF THE. IST E w E VAN(►J'+ .. _71'...._. ._ �4 ith an uncle Rt Thornhill they DAY OF tMARQH, 1912. .- : The Pickering E. settled in Markham. Here Mr. - tea• 'Morgan learned blacksmithing in REMEM R this is a Dry Goods Store, a Shoe-Store,a Hat a'nd-Cap `,Plll'Jtlp Manufacturer. � _"his father's shop, he having Store, a Millinery Store, a Grocery Store; �1g11anCe COmr�utteE brought his tools, anvil, bellows, _ a Crockery Store. Shop and 'Residence, Dundas St etc., in all weighing 2,800 pounds = - - _ - - The object of this Association is to . casco a alio and proeecnte WHITBY, ONT. ' with him from Scotland. When g - twenty-two years of age he came - ? - 1. -. t the"felons.. _ e doors w o t o Tire est f Whitby House to Claremont, where he has resid- _ FAW "Of the Qrl70dS and FriCe3 3ldami»re having property stolen'oommuni• ed ever since. He married Eliza- oats immediately with any member , beth Sharrard. Their family are Metas Fleece-lined Shirts, and Drawers, req. 50c and 60c, for 45c. of Executive clonivil"ee. We are preps red to instal wood.oriro>: as follows : Melissa (:lira. Wm. Mens Sweaters, reg. 1.50, for 7.5c. Boys and Girls' Sweaters, Mambenhi f« i1.0o. - -'Pampa ao ehortnotice,also attend - e :r Evans), Margaret Mrs. David reg: 75c, for 49c. Ladies' Shoes, black reg. 1.40, -ror p to all kinds of repairing, }z, -Pugb, (deceased), William Thom- 1.15 ; Tan, reg. 1.90, for 1.49. Men's Caps, reg. Tieksto may be bed from the President or as(died at I7 pears of age), Rachel 566, for 25c. Set Dishes, reg. 8.00, for t•rt on.pptio.t►on. Agent for the Ontario Wind MIR,' T per pa Ii;icec. (7otn.-L r7. Banks. also gasoline engines and • , tMrs. James Evans), Elizabeth ,4.99• Pillows r ir, reg, 1.00, for 75c, - (Mrs. Magnns Heuder•son).Duncan -- W. V. Richardson, Pickering, Onto the aquae gear Iizhrid toWnlb7BR John(decesas• MAGNET CREAM SEPARATOR 4 � : . �Bm I () T .$ - IC RING G J.A. arc®Por ,Af�n�P jtlf�rf��. Phme Na.rso at residence. ,. ,. ...-,. _.. , 5•.. ,; _`WYE -',o -'•�'�", ,, '''. ••'- �;, �,����`�,~ r* tm M cyx r �i �. ,. T �...._. ua' ti .,...tete - - • •.. p , .y y ^ y, .-, ns,.Y � . '... .. ..•... n :. '. � • • �• - yy 61'- ....... .r. +.... J a .., :.�' •. :C.-'3` "�i' ...',.;... .,,�^-•xxw;.•.,w.. ..-+.n-sou.., • FM b. ~'~ you the same gentleman in a some- �� -J what different aspect. But pro- __ SHeadaches-r>au"a-Indigestion- "The ndl stion- eziQn-ptaiplesr- "The explanation given to me by bad breath-these are some of the effe LOSE R ' Mehemet Ali was both extraordi - ary and disconcerting, especial - • � stipation, The mild, sensible, at such a lay@ hour. He told me reliable remedy is 1 - - - that the three gentlemen to whom - -.'OR, THE HOUSE IN THE I had been introduced-I am sorry s A ,. TRUE BAR-BETTE % bx the way, that I cannot remember They contain the latest they names they were all Mo- discovered and best evacuant known.which ? •amu s, gr . asuls, or Ibrahims, empties the bowels without the slightest discomfort and Without cgs- CHAPTER XIII.-(Cont'd) to release Talbot, and what do you and the dramatic events of the turbing the rest of the system. Constantly Increased doses we not necessary. . - --"I rang the'bell and Nomptly put think his -first" words were when he night subsequentlp drove them zs..a bo:. u your dtustis:has not yet stocked them,send zsc dna we will mail them. 16 my ear to the keyhole. It seemed slowly sat up in bred and tried if from my mind-had bnt 'been sent post National erns and Choadaal countess,of caed&,Limited, tMlo.ttraal. to me that a couple of doors were his leg would bend It' haste from Constantinople on a ' "I cannot-guess," said Brett. special .mission. They had only - �p hastily closed, arild then some one "He said; `Have the of the reached London that night, an - - - -" -- ,i slowly approached. The outer door , „ y g moment Talbot Continued- ment the an who effected the? - was oipened and a man's head ap- diamonds 2 _. they bore with them a special man- gang red'. I could see hiA face and a "I answered '`Yea.' date, signed by the Sultan himself, "Several times Mehemet Ali ap- murders and the robbery had Mo- red*. � _ P� 'But it was impossible,' he said. ,directing Mehemet Ali to hand over pealed tome to change my mind in their power, for they had Dom- - y " .portion of his left shoulder because g and formally ratify p allaying my- > The could not hace'lnastered all the diamonds to their charge. and y y the transfer at, lately succeeded in elle n the chain was on the door, and.the those policemen'.' " at once to return with his assist- once. I was quite firm in my re- suspicions, and I can only plead in opening was not more than eight ' But the slid ' Ire lied and ants to Yildiz Kiosk: fusal, aLd'did nett esitate to de- extenuation of my ashortsighted ar ten inches, Speaking in bronco y A scribe the Sultan's demands as ri- ness that Mehemet Ali himself, English he said-`Yat you want l' then and there, before he would There could be no questioning i - diculous. I ,was rendered more and,the other gentlemen with whom to ]His a I.budge an inch, he made me tell the authenticity of the Sultan'sin-cce3it. showed that he was ahim the whole story. Just as I had structions.; The document was in determined, if anything, in this at I had been acquainted during' the Frenchman. tit{ide by a grgwing certainty in my past month, were willing accessor- „ - ended we heard a scuffle in the pas- his own handwriting, was endorsed -- r r answered in 'my best French, sage. 1i'e_tvent out, though Jack with his private-sea], and convey- mind that his Excellency himself ies to the arrangement." __ . wTali-to-S88 ffi€6da»in4 -y4ttr .II11S- P es,�i *inn„ic}: mar NPP y I d67'notS'}' 't was hazcll 4b:_ to w?lk-at-lust roved of :m attitude. lilti- txesa, at once, y. - 1 "�-�" erns, they hit upon a you have the slightest Cause to re- „ was Smith wrestling with the .wo- rendered F oPl� -arl- + It. '--I'� � 'n t. is important point. He told rrie compromise. The r�hole party proa•ch yourself. Yo acted quite. same language, and simultaneously man,tv «as a _ - y _ and he would. -ven then, have do+te-, that-he-was compelled=to obey ion- would remain together-all night in properly throughout, and I am sure he tried to shut the door in my n face. I shoved my foot against the us any inischief inner power. There plicitly, and were it possible ie a sort of dual control,°and then the that when all the facts are known was nothing for it lint- o tie her would have started from London change of guardianship would take . tlr status at t)� Foreign Office jam and preventedhim. At the a place ne a in accordance with ea ' mama instars*, my own servant and hands behind her back, and then that night. This, however, was out; y will be improv rather than di- r, I fasten her securely in a chair. of the question, but he had not lost my Views as to what was right and min-shed by this incident. I-as, if dere was to be trouble,, I n_ r � proper. I must admit I was in- To be continued. .liter this,'was dune we tool, cou,T a moment 'in sending for me and� tensely re'.ieved when this cocoon- ( ) thought is best to keen the others eel as to our next movements." out of it-applied our utmost force 1 „ acquainting me with his Majesty's i "Wait a little," said Brett. :`Flow wishes. ion was rrived at. Looking back Fortunately ti average man is 6 to the door and succeeded in snap- now ovef the events of the night unable to realize how homelyhe - many ruomg were there.in the fiat l "You will readily perceive that -- r ping the chain. It might-have .been a tough jt;b, as you kuc w that ti;I Yuu have accounted for four. the affair piaci d me in an awk�and I can perceivQ ttrum that mo is:-- _ force a wail through anything taati "I forges-said FairholTne. `'The .predicament. I was, so to speak, ----- 1' yields slightly acrd yet holds fait place lead six rooms. The small ; renresenti'ng the British Govern- - .. is mush lightmoxe , arrdl yet ti*) s,llq�; apartment In=which Jac., was con- meat in the matter, and tee-For- - fined was a sort of dressing room, sign Office had pledged ltur'.f; - a lock or a con 1� of bolts. Luck:i ���►� tr���fs for the N� Year Con- 'the flats were ferry built, so' the 1 and the bedroom beyond looked out through our Ambassador at l un` - into the well of the block of flats. stantinople, to undertake all tl.e T chain broke, and so suddenly that 1 Ther had carefully nailedthe blind precautions for safeguarding the i - the Frenchman was pitched violent , of` t4ir dressin room, su`that not - --. ` hiThe backwards.eWe x olicemly fell a tea even a eh.cnc a and f of wind d cored ttie have to offer several first-cissa bond i B diamonds. with which you..-are ad- p 1 A qt>ainted. It-seemed to me t.t;it 3ielding 6 per cenr. net, cartytng our unqualified recon- splendid chap- His firsi_lilea was b'" it a notwlthat3nd,n the urgency of the to any one in the fiats on the op Sultsn'a orders should not be do- mandation. S to um towards the switch of the a ,;y jump ! posite story or higher. The remain- ; ing my duty to permit the transfer WRITE FOR FULL DETAILS r electric lights and turn on every in room was em t� Your friend ' uthe-place1 g P .'' 1 to be made in stool -seri irregular i lamp in I the policeman subsequently search-' s W,.)"I shouted, 'Talbot, are ou' but. manner. � I said quite plainly, y ed the place from to+p to toe, .: that the matter uld not .be set- 1 "there 1 It is 1, Fairholme.' ( he found no.then fhe on'.,r d tl- ' CANADA SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED ' 1 got tw auavrer, but a ~woman g' I tied that night. They must all Yient of any impurtance.. .was an wait until•- the orning, whe 1 I ; lit► Ja+*.• str..t. Montreal. ,. . darted uut�i a rnoni which proved address on a caul which he discov- I 304-McKinnon a&Itding, TORONTO. is CorsMitt, wltOOl�, [aO>rarr0 - - - wnuld consult my,Departrment and j to be the 1i lichen, screamingseine r A' Mehemet illi, together with his 1 Bred in ,the Frenchman's pocket " _ 'thing which I could not catch, and' :,qh '' said $reit, • ",ohne was 'handed a revolver to the French- that sddress 1" nodes, could leave for Constant". ,, E pian, who was just. struggling to Here it is, n°Fie l -the evening train,- after my superiers had been acquainted his-feeC That was where lily prize-� The earl produced's,& small piece 1 P g , A with the Sultan's wishes f t �'ilq oa ON CENT--4igEit3n butler came in useful. Be-, of pasteboard on which was scrib- ONE 'vi./l � fore noir could sav 'Wink'-he gave bled, "Monsieur Jean Beaujolais; "Turkware difficult people to un- - Chez , ,�asl derstand, It seemed to me. that: '. xlu.w all,t cosnyou t.: your%tock in _ the man an upiler cut that settled MI Monsieur Henri de Lisle, 41,' prima condition Leith the worla'a o,ost - his+ effectual ly-for the next minute., f Rue Bonnevie, Paris.'' my decision gave some satisfaction ?t, tamouraaimaltonic= i1lrnost with the;same movement he to Mehemet Ali. who was undoubt- _ 1 _ 'That is important,'' said the ( �. r International Stool( Food : caught the w man a slap oser'the I barrister. "Why did you not wire ed'Iy.very much upset by the queer ,a-- c�r that u se her nerves Conlid- ' ++ manner in which he had been de- Every cent iavested in this wonderful heAlth-. p I it to me last night 4 I ver,bone bnclt dollars in rtmeg.be&ithy erabl She had a revolver in her; + posed from his important trust. At orsee.cows,,theepand hors. - y• "I had a reason," said the earl' Po n( hand too. It fell to the floor,,anal i once an animated discussion took S�'" -s� Care`ul tests show that 4 quart%of oats a•� --- -- e.sger.y, "but that Comes in ,with „ o the re ulcer feed of INTERNATIONAL ti,t Smith, your servant, seized both' Jack's part of the Etgry." And he place. �t STOCK FOOD wi l keep boron in better 000ditio& than — weapons. t In French Z iinterrupted-Brett. FIVE uarts of oats without it. P turned towards Talbot: who thus a "The cit- ?iceman Called Out No in Turkish." INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD will make yyour cows" -_ I?9 sum-rnoned to the stage, began .to „ sin l to' uar"of intik r da 'I do not think we are makingan Did the gentleman with the "t vothm lee INTEK1*ATtONAL y explain matters. STOCK ou 'e-mistake, air. They would tout act ++ sabre-cut on his face take_any part $■ye•ai at. ?it" OC FO to fatten raimala for 1 understand, Mr. Brett, he therein"' i+�:.zu+uaa.i nwx h.MlC C.l•u6 market. Your hogs neod'ig. Ask your' Mfter this manner if they were on said, "that yoir are accurately ac- - - T.r•.nw,Out dealer for it tF,e square.' uainted with all that transpired "Not in the le"est. He sat and �� polo.&r til.I-,.-11;to.4 that we have a cogs of our $3000 Stock ' - "I mtist say.,' seemed to me that` q smoked cigarettes in the most un- M.I'M more al tout lu ass nook for You. bond no your name and _ y until the moment when I entered than sn .ab"knn4 1 ever+u.4, ad ire+n,nod tell us the number of head : ao far it *as'we who had been act- the Albert Gate mansion on that re- Conscious manner possible, leaving sn an�.at.are w rine,.wt== of stock?ou 6w n. — soon ,canto rlrr.L Yo nt tWrENAMAL 8=K FM Ce.Unita ang in an extraordinary say, but markable night?" his two associates to carry on the soon sero rsnta Grndt Yana g,+ conversation." •r=ptr,tis(Ascot,loa,tllou:s. ToeQo�To oairaatu there was no time to discuss the, -That is so, said Brett, rca.•t:a++�.r..M " ethics-of the-case then. Whilst my t'�'ell when Inspector Sharpe As the barripter appeared-to have -y lbutler and Smit too care o the met me at the .door On my -arrlv8 fttrthe* t�pctinn n only at-the-,------ _ - u •your assistant and I hast-. he told me that lois Excellency Me- - ---- -- -----=-- ily examined three rooms. They hemet Ali, with three strange gen- _ were empty, save for a small.quan-; deme,-and the junior members'uf - tity of furinture. The fourth-door, the commissun, awaited me in the - The dampness which destroys lumber `'resisted our efforts, so; of course„ dining-room. I went in and was only intensifies the strength and hardness we burst it open.' And;the first' surprised to find the three visitors, . of Concrete. - thing that met our eyes was-poor i for during the preceding month not old Jack hk hying on his, bacon the' a single stranger had entered the - You can impair a wooden trough with bed, -and glaring at us in a way' house save a member of.the' Goo ""' _ comparatively little use; but it takes a that made me think at first he was i ernment and one or two'important , r powerful explosive to put a Concrete'watei mad." officials.of the Foreign Office, who - '""`t`""«°"`""'r """s?�":y'•` "I_should think eo;" i terrupit i came with iiia out of 'shier curiosity tt1f11C Out 0f business. ~ -- 'Talbot.Talbot.. "I would like t see`your to see a t%wt.'a 1 _ colltction of remarkable _-�',� hoc L face if you were trussed up' as I diainolids: 1 s, �[ �d y was-not.able to speak a word- "The strangers bowed politely _ ''"fig ++; •an a, en. is row _-_ -- Two of. is your choice -producing Wood, passage outside." , them spoke neither French nor _ "Yow were gagged," questioned I English, but the third man spoke We'd be glad to send a copy of our _ _Brett, "and your wrists and ankleg�,French-fluently. He had, by the book, "What the-Farmer Can Do With were secured to the four corners:way.. a lsomewhat peculiar accent, 4 of; the bed, your limbs being dos-1 different from That fo which I was • • Concrete,'-Free-if you'll ask for it. tended in the form of -an; X j accustomed in••the Turks, It was . ICh Y�Ur Ch Q ? It tells the many uses of Concrete in plain, ' Fairbolme glanced around-admir-; softer, more sibilant, and impress- _ _simple language-tells how'to make in-gly. "Of course," he cried de ed me as that of a man who was Sloppy, beaky wooden frortghs 1i htzclI "I knew you would ness; accustomed to s eak Italian.. He , ,, earns Hen.d cleats Stable• g y g P -_ Clatern• Hitching Post. sWr• - • „ `it._ .That is the pleasant way thete.l was a good-tooki_n ch_a-p, about my Dalrl•. Home Blocks stalls Turks have of securing their pris- height land build: and were it not Cine d Concrete ? -_-Founda Tank• Houses star.• - -" or ole durable Conc f � -t=oundatlon. - Poultry Houses' Tanks his'bran skin, one would not Fence Posts Root Cellars Troughs =-T - _ Wooden, drinking troughs are about a "It is an awfully uncomfortable have regarded him as a Turk. One Feedlmg floes 91los -Walks' one," said Talbot. '`•`My joints are� side of his, face was--deeply 4c .reed ,...Its reliable as the weather. w .outter• Shelter Walls Wall Curbs '.,still stiff at the mere recollections wl a sword cut, but, i# anything, - They are short-lived and reguirC re- of it. I have lain in that way, Mr. 1 this did not detract from his ap- 'placing every'few years-not to mention Canada 'Cement Con ---Brett, for countless hours. Oc pearance, -and it`gave a manly as- . c casionally the brutes would allow pect to an otherwise effeminate „„Continual patching to cep them in p _._._ c ntinu k re atr me'_to change my posture;but the! facA.�, The best of wood cannot withstand, _„c-;•� "National Bank BaAding. Montreal moment any one came to the doom Brett' could pot help smiling in- for long, constant dampness and so2tking. I was strapped up in an instant voluntarily. pd a gag slipped into my mouth. ,* "tire' you sure it. was a sword Its tendency to rapid decay soon shows hat used to make me so furious cui'i" :itself in leaks and stagnant pools* of '- was the knowledge that if only' I ' '"It cert only looked tike one." "water around trough. 1 " got the chance'of a second i could "And his skin wt's very brown?" t. have broken that Frenchman's "O'n, quite. Indeed it was a shade Contrast with this the durability, - fleck and escaped, but ho and his deeper than that of -most Turks. _, cleanliness and Well-ordered' appearance s Wife al'wavg -took such precautions I have;cen very manvpf thein_ Al of Concrete. that I never had the liberty to do p though _ dark-featured,• they are l' 1. more than -reach with some difH-i often p,a.11id'enough,in reality, and • _ : 5.: culty the food that they. gave me. ! their,deep-hued complexion is .due ' l $owever. I must not interrupt,." " more to their black hair and eye- "I really hVe not much mora t^ brows than to the mere color of say," rvent on Faiiholme. "Yoe. .-the akin." Brett smiled again. May. be Vure it d`i? not take me long "I thank," he said, "I will shave 'ti H� ,.Ga .-•u'..r'Fr.. ,7.. 'b" f ,"l �9.'. 'd .xr aY,,. y;{�, .t • w il.,,,t�q`' .Sa��`;,,, "� .^'. .�,v .c�'�t �,.,+^�'r .y�.�;gi}ra i'' •a +trio' p2. ?�, l.,,,s,i.�. '§i :s �st� . ' :�;,.• _..,..+c+s :-. .:• , TIT a••-Less. ;': i ? •.,..,r'n•x�L,� .c,rAu.;Y,. „i �d� tea , x,e„cn¢e•r m„,rr HEADY FOR MORE. TRIED POISON -ON HIMSELF., , Quality t. -... . _. .�• -. — � J niEwl•'lITE57 Li6liTF3l - • Bishop Burgess of Long Island, A Swiss Professors . Experiment y "' The c demand of the public is for apropos of his crusade against Sun- With Nightshade Berries. _ day flying, said at a luncheon in Not ai>}ce the famous "cholera Gard City: breakfast" 'man ears ago, at Yea t against the formation of which the German years Pet- '1 T _ ball habits c�hether they be habits P of lAaziness,of selfishness, or of Suis-i tenkofer, demonstrated on his own bud that certain bacilli supposed J day tiring Be sure,' we are told y P 0 ' to be those of cholera weren't that kind after all, has so much inter- - • „t a ill, .E oxlco glop _ experiment as in that ma,,4e the oth- -_Tea and ii Salada " Only. N ' r day b D an a ser, oft <' University of \e uch te}s he •' ' 8ealed Packets Only He set himself.the task of test- - ---�Blaek, Mixed or_, -. -- -- Ynleolered Green T. Refuse�SubstitutGs rY 4w h� ing the process of poisoning by bar- 1 g W s` k> l ter. ries flf the deadly nightshLde�;am STYLE L�► r FREE Samples Msu`led on'£agt'iry. Address: "SALAD A," Toronto. �` four to ten of which, aceerding to ; the age and strength of the Sub- NEVER ANY FAILURE w. _ ---- --- y supposed'to be y. ject, are common! su TO THE �j �, ;� F a fatal dove. Dr. Kannegiesser had OR DISAPPOINTMENT A LITTLE MO1� courage swallow berries. MALI , n the to 11 ten be tie '�# Seven minutes afterward the chief WHEN y� Q Before the day of Boiids-an undertakine' requiring a large mortgage was poisonous elemen of beliadonna. financed entirely by a Bank,an Insurance Company, or an institution having b atropine, began its worlr Dizzi- command of great sums of money. These institutions used the money paid them nese, dryness in the throat, and MAGIC in deposits,policies,etc.,to finance the undertaking. s >;- !.after an hour impairment of sight. tj Nowadays the mortgage is split into small denominations,called Bonds. Q This gives the public-you-the.opportunity to participate in an investment followed in due course. BAKING ed by the-greatest slossible security and paying excellent interest, often as The experimenter industriously J - - highas , - - 'made notes, but when he -POWDER - - Let us send you literature on Bonds in general and I leaden sensation creeping over him, special issues from time to time. Send your name _ and address to go on our mailing list. and when his limbs re;used to move 13 USED. � at the bidding �' the brain, he SECURITIES g g , thought had one fat enough and / _ took a otwheerrful emetic, -ms con- CONTAINS NOALUM. }• ROYAL CORPORATION LIMITEDoP-B •__ p be .. BANK OF M,)NTREAL BUILDING = YONGE AND QUEEN STREETS - - - TORONTO - sure your sin will find von ,timed. . .. . . STS NO MORE R M. WHITE JACNTRZAL-QU4aEC-HALIFAX-OTTAWA Duff.' That is true,,but it is also'• -The next morning he found him- " lAaaasar LONDON(ENG.) f suffering 1 < true ths't, when your sin pays you s su a from tempora loss P y el ring fr temporary KINDS. [a second, third, and fourth call, it of memory, hallucinations and sin- QRQ NAR P KEN _ - cal»e that a sound industrial bond often gen orally finds you in." fol convulsions in the arms and le �( c CANADA TAKING SAFE LNVEUTMERTU ie was a week before Dr. ,^ a . (] SAFE t [J ((]1 shows. .F• legs. �7�W� `� For. _, -� Kande ie?Se!'8 lrOn CUnatltntiOII '�ie permanent in�eator stability of • - g _ market Dries is a relatively uaimport• overcame the poisonous effects. —• apt item. IG is, however, always ditcon• AN- 0PI LET TER His observations are spoken of ;.`. PUBLIC UTILITY BONDS DO NOT OFTEN certiag to see one's investment selling at I very highly by the medical profes- YIELD AS MUCH AS IN43USTRIALB. i s:on but lie sa t that he wouldn't a= amethe_tome* _ Y a price below that paid for it,-sad so s 3 i� a When .t made another e erimen of this "'- ` stability is always a frature to be de FT�� �,,-1�e�I �no�n clergyman �they look upon her with suspiciota stred�-if it c�begot witbout oacrisc-{ g kind for all fide wealth of Lha as being their natural enemy. z ' But lire Far Leas Subject to Fluctuations In some more important quality. As a Indies. Ing Showing Haw Ingl�eStl.0:1 _ . _ _ It ;8 enough to harden the =heart -Noss to Cot Particulars If Desired-- a rule, public utility bonds are stable t. �__.,li$II Be Ct�31- �t 1�i oY the kindest end best-intentioned - Open Market Adjusts Prices-Readily for the simple reason that their earn- _ - WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT _ stepmother when-She has all her ad= -l ; Cenwrtlble-No C»at Prwaeot of AV.I Ings are stable. Depressions to 'trado do s canoes repulsed-when her hue- ' not cat into their profits.as they do Into I --' '-- BABY S OWi� TABLETS band's children treat leer with dis- 'y preolating In Value-Earnings Cenarally the profits of railways, or often Indus- Rev, T. A. Drury, Beamsville, _ . trust and dislike. It is only na- Unallected by Trade Deprsulons. _ trials. The 'narrow market for the public Ont., writes as tuliuw. -"r'ur Lural, too, that where such isblothera who have once thA* n e price steady. atoo rule,..Leede.to keep eLgliyecu. d with _ n wonder-1 BabV's Oan tablets for 'the r lift a sults !round a sThe marreag an- ueass th iznpresae ones always keep them in the house. The articles contributed bs •'laveotie To summarise, we have found that the fit! effects fur good wrougb� by.Dr. I not be ha one y" They realize the value of the Tab- ( PPY Tab- see for the tote purpose of guiding pros, bonds as a class are safe, but they r.�- I williams' Pin, Pills. - Fur Bums I Of contras, titin sou�ht to be dif- �peetire invertors. sod, a na•sibla of tae• lets in banishing baby's illness g g Nag charm Brom losing iaos•r ti!'ieAlth suite to be carefully examined todividn• years -i had suffered almost-cun A when it copies, or better sill}, in j !acts,* 1t in "wild-oat" otermrisaa nuh event. It i9 obtiiuusly unjust for {{, Theally for several .possible weaknesses. scantly with chronic -dyspepsia of i to re tad ice children a ainst " ®partial and reliable character of the warding off illness by giving him people F 1 ' S formation may be rotted upon The Their yield is better than municipal$. the must stubborn. type, attended an occasional dose of the Tablets i their stepmother, just because m Writer of these articles and the publisher but leve Chari industriali<. They are, gen• by diHereat other trvublea which in- aF et this pa ee have no iaearetee to Ler.• to keep his stomach and bowels re- fairy tales stermot,hers are some- a connect on with ebjs mattes other alias erally speaking. readily convertible, ex• variably follow, or accompany it as 'itboas of the reader. ceps where the issue re relatively small. its results, prominent among which ' gular. Cone+erning them" Mrs timesesteI. The cases in real life ? Isaac Mcflonald, Nit an Station, where stepmothers `resemble the. ; _ They have.-little proppect of more than were. kitidney trouble and 'pass. writes',-"I have used Baby's Own storybook ugres taken by sil}y pen- a ` A a modest appreciation in value, and their AgainbL this compllca'tlon of dis-i Tablets Anel would not now be ' le-�+ - i 1 era~ fear-.a.nd very� , rJ. 1187 "Investor."' ffiarket price is stable. On the whole. ease I waged a vigorous warfare for I After the investor has satisfied himself i !without, thein as they are the very far between, The majority Qf step-= y �' and as a class. they -form," .excellent several months, using many differ- I best rnedicine I know .of'-for'little mothers ase ready and eager to � as to the safety of a public -utility of. medium for permanent Investment, en•t remedies, none of which gave ones." The Tablets are sold at 23 help and love- their husband's chil- 4: !faring there are several other points to permanent relief: In my discour- cents a box b medicine dealers oi' dren, if they.are, allowed to. ADA be oonsidered. to passing, however, it 1 — agement I was about to discontinue y !sight be acted that, if the issue .ie a Dew : :RINGS TALKED Uk A DUEL. treatment altogether when .I was by; mail from The Dr. Williams when the children are allowed to Medicine Co., Brockville, Oat, meet their stepmother with an tin• til ane, that is a public o>fering by some' — advised by a friend to try Dr. •Wil- well-known beaking henac, the particn• But George 11. and Frederick of '; � biassed mind, they will usually !isms Pink Pills, the use of which lata reQuired to satisfy such as ezamina- Prussia Didn't Fight. though under very unfavorable cir- THE SECOND MARRIAGE. learn to respect and like or love her. _ The lot of a stepmother is no en '. $ton as has been set out in.this column: cumstances, soon revived my droop- The personal enmity which ex- Little Plea For the Mueh Maligned viable one, and only a brave wo- Recently. it not given In the advertised: lased between George II: and 'ng courage. The 3i>i'diclne struck _ man will undertake it. Then •sure- Stepatother. 1prosDectas, will always be avatlabre troaf g at the root of my weakness and the s, fi Frederick .King of Prussia, scach- � ]y people should help rather than 1the. issuing house. Where- the issue lies ed at one time to such a hen t different troubles of which dyspep-: . At the outset it would seem that A; Sb hinder. Second marriages can ba been on the market for some years• much sia Was the prime cause released, _ that, as Baron Byfield was inform- a second maFriage must be easfer very happy ones, and very helpful. I of the information must be taken for. let go, and-Aisappeared. In One J ed on good authority, the monarchs to succeed in than a first. Nothinst also, When they do not succeed. granted: but if the security is one which month I increased fifteen pounds in ' conceived the very singular design of the sort, Indeed, matters tend failure is frequently to the mis- , cella freety on the exchanges, such as sell. . weight, and received a -new lease Tet@pbonr. Elect of gratifying it in a duel. •.- i s pro- King chief-making and interference of _ ng eorge made__ac nice of duced'this wonderful chanoxes 01 e P novelty which characterises and people-who,gin reality, are no `- las Tramways. Xontreal' Street Railway change In my _ or Winnipeg• Street Railway bonds, the Brigadier Elution for his second- health'* which was miraculously pardons faults, to early wedded days= concerned. - and the Kin of Prussia.of Colonel is missin at .the second marriage. aaarket adjusts the price, 'as a rule, to g permanent. g 8 - 9 =. ?, mteet any weaknesses or alterations _ib Dersc}�au. The Territory of Hild- - Later'-my sigf i bechme 'so re-. A great deal of stuff-ee.nee and Ithe p .:ion of the companies. It might erscheim was pieked on- for , the I duced by anaemis (though under nonsense-is talked about this mat- '-be mentioned in passing that none of the meeting. His Britannic Majesty the care of our family doctor) that ter. Iii. reality, it is Dint of the P0, h. s was then at Hanover,* and his Prus- she could scarcely walk. In,this question -to generalise upon it. -- • toads moatloned sell below-in•fact they Sian Majesty had come as fax as dad ei•ous' extremity Dr.- Williams' Everything depends upon individual ,Aare all quoted above-Dar:' _ g After eatery comae, of course, rate of Salzdahl, near Brunswick. Baron Pink Pills were resorted to and in 'circumstances. Some .second mar- riages the Prussian Minister at a_brief a ate of time restored her riages are wise, others, are--not. TOa. t�eS Inhere. As a rule, the street railway,and p - There is no broad reasons against t. 1 ether public utility borde sell to 7ie!d a London, and lately rismissed from to perfect health. somewhat lower return than good ludas• the.gourt in a very abrupt manner. Being.;a. minister of the 'gospel such unions,and often there is.muck to commend them. This latter fact trial bonds. They return, however, more having repaired to the Kirg, his' many teat cases have come under ' _ than the average mnain. b or railway I master, at Salzdahl, found him in my notice, in all•of which Dr. Wil- is..abundantly proved by- the im- bond-ezceDting equipment bonds. not think it advisable directly too tanned there world-wide re utation. second r>tarri_ es wich xist, fol such a violent' assion'that he did liams Pink fills hat=e• full sus- mense number'of lightlysuccess The convertibility of a public utility a P- h-s-is- tchy_Lcau_co p Rut it is Pni'inll. tri• th, t n varies const era 7. pus his des-g*i, but m "however, the better class-of those, i.e., feigned tb approve of the -extra- recommend 'Dr.' Williains' Pink second Marriages are not success- those 'based on utilities in large Ana ordinary -combat which his Majesty Pills as being superior to anything- fill. Some are marked to fail from A Treat " gtowtng cities, are most popular and, meditated; and he erred offered to known to me in the treatment of the very beginning. F r.example. . re-mar- therefore, are.-readily. convertible Cn the carry the challenge. the '-many diseases_ for- which-they, take-the case of a man -who re-mar- • �h�_eliallen a .was not sent - are iecommended." ries and yet wants to keep the mem- - _— O Sw0e �— --I -open market-or-by using thea' 8 _ Lateral. for a loan wit!} a bank. istcrs on '100ir sides gained time. Dry of his: first wife perennially They do not, bowever, possess -much the choler Of both parties'evapOrat- green. Add C rt>✓a W prospect of appreciating in value ueless ed'i and the rollowing year the quar- There are many men who object to .•BOTHER-THE BUTTON they are more speculative than the av rel was made up.-The Pe•rcey Anec- thQir second wife exercising her in- >.._'._stage investor desires, of cou'sc, any dotes. All_.know__.the annoyin habit bu-t —rviduality in their_home.__Shp_ n --- - - - - - lace is probably dominatea b the heli at '4 b g gonad'S-per cent, public utility bond sola ns have of corririg off at a moment P y Memory, the 'influence, the tastes around par, if very well secured, is -like- O whe "they are most needed. It yet ` 4 Gof his first wife. Is it fair to ex- x Iy to advance from hyo to fire paints; but � �� fib seems sometimes'as thQligh nothing unless they are convertible into stock at short of wire thread will keep them Pect the second , wife to have ally the option of .the holder they do not HEALSTH$LDI�GS in their places; and .even wire' things unchanged-to live irya•place` a STOPS COUGHS pRlci. as csN.rs which in every direction breathes - - • - stand the same chance of annreciatins in breaks away from the cloth. when - DIFFERENT VIEWPOINTS. next 'you are sowit:g on a button. the memory"of her,p;edeceasor.7 No, _ follow these directions, and that. �- second marriage must mean r r Old' Lady-"There is one thing I button will never trouble yov fresh start. Past. . notice particularly about - that . But the ever. cause for a second p y Agan!. " Place your button, fake a g young lnan who-calls to see oil., He hair in-a strop one-and la it marriage failing is when it createF 3' g y P g Y, l� seems to have an inborn instinctive, across the-button, then.sew it over. a stepmother. It is a most lament Toasties' r ift respect for woman, He treats every. the hairpin. - When you have put able thing that there are o many. om r H wpman as.though gl]@ were_4 }.i9A• as much.thread through the eyes as People in the world td+irio' glory in. .' from a higher sphere, to be aP~ the will hold, withdraw the hair making: a terrible bugbear' of a �t7 N a y "The .1"lemory Lingers". proa:ched •only with bhe.utmost de- pin , Then push the needle through stepmother. They,commence,thp licacy and deference." near the button, pull the button onslaught. The future stepmother condemned hole to e • � •� . Granddaughter (sweet 18}-"Yes, ftp, and' ,wrap the thread several is c il' •• • ' • - ;I r�r. "dem wholesale th h he'shorridly horridly bashful."' times round between `the button dren: Servants, neighbors, friends. M • _ and . the l trying F Canadtaa Postttm cereal Co., Ltd., i Ilkgtgment, Fasten the relatives-all Din in tr in to To' lvtahson oatarfo, G.aAi4a. i= i Some merf run for office and thread on the Iinder•aide -of the but son the mind of the bays and girls others win in a walk. ton, and then you will find that'that against bheir father's second wife. � `' It-takes a p=etty big man to say button will stay on until the gar- Small enough wonder if under such P Mand for tris sample to Dept. W. L„ just what, he thinks- meat is worn out. pressure the children get perverted ED. 6 . ISSUE 4--12 *'Mationai Drug and Cnemical Co.,Toronto 7 ` r l k. a '"' >. .,^' �':""'y ,,.,,..,1:t .:,., ,Aiyp +, - .,C.,.,, "'n::r-4,• ,•�•:.^ t < ,n •k. ,x �' � s.".7 ti,.•s :x,', �S„+Y',r$-+, .M, ..v -.4= rr+r' ..-.,... s' �'t .vy... m3Uz rY^ ail,. .,EH"ro„r,,;_,.-u^�k'n •� .ii"' -.,u .:fin'v.r•, �^_' :.1p � f $�' •.`,h- w. k- 4ffi+ !a, _ .y..:� „�,.,,^�.�, y.�' �,.' a(,..w.,.L4µ �L aso Pill 0.0 111 1111111111 ' " -'Jl:..r ors ..rl.. 'stir --g ••r'a" •.. l:%Y:.i.'r"3S. °L� Y--_.. _...._ ,. , •,,.. . M . o•u r -'W. Dickie,.. of TorOn-to,--_is TnvAwAY, FEs. 15TEL-Credit sale ' home.at resent recovering fro of horsea,p i h de cattle, ia- - - t a severe attar o gcnow con. &, Pickerinrat g(its miletjot westof �G� �. T1ie ice-harvest is now under Pickering) the rty of Robert ' sIi bt Co., chane full swing. The ice is of good e y �Pa l'3 Found. Bele tit 1 o elocic. are bills: There is nothing r ,of advt. * - quality sued many are laying in a W.B. Powell auctioneer: 'that you.buy that a as much,gnality. and -James Denny shipped scar- euppl . e Freshness as what you coasgme able. A few of our r` head of Stock on Monday. -The regular meeting of St. _ many lines are given here your benefit. Ricbat Moore, of Toronto, Andrew's Mission Band will• be -TeIIderB For 8tflII8 Canned Goods-Cara, Peas and Tomato t 10c straight. was in,town on Wednesday. held next Saturday, Jan, 27th, at - — - -Mrs Marker Sr., is spending a 2.80 o'clock, at Mrs. Peak's. SEALED,TENDERS will be received Extra early sifted June Peas 15c, two for 26e h few da 9 with relatives in Osh- -Some of the bargains at our by.the undersigned up to 6 p. m., on y Saturda , Feb. 10th, for 15 toles of Our Teas are spebially blended for us and have a flavour all their ' awe. store: Boys overcoats, reg. $6.50, y :+ f`or 88.99. Great reductions on all atone delivered at Dunbarton, and 10 ..own-Black,.Green or Mixed at We and 40c. -Mrs. M. HickeLAs very ill with toile of s . ne delivered on Bid Ston j pueu- r opposite o , r_1eM-s as an Cakes always on an .- r - Lost-Between Dickie & "W. W. SPA$KB, Colne here for A good.sd are deal'in•Groceries. mwlia- .. ._. . z -Arthur and Mrs Gormley are Chapmau's store and town ball a 17-18 Commissioner. - - dark enamelled butterfly brooch. - -- - _ s�periding a week, with friends in Finder lease leave at Ews' of- P:ICHE3�,ING Toronto. p , ELm DALE M ILL-S . BUNTING _ '-W. J. and Mrs.. Miller- spent a flee. R A BUNT . < taw days.1astr wgek with,,friends -The annual rileetinR of the St. Mary's. public library will be held in' tb.e Chopping our ctalt-gold are very prevalent at library room this(Friday)evening PP g y qt s A ood attendance is re- Ogilvie's Household and~: Gtenora., Dickie ;(v � ;hi� M` '111 _._present and many are confined.to g t`�ff `�J (,(I -' ^ the house as a result quested. Flours in 26, 60'and 100 pound -There died at.his hotlte in To, eacka. Fresh Rolled -Mr. C. Rogerslns been ill rontu on Monde morning, saw- Oats, Etc. - r during the past week, and is yet 3' g Bran' and Shorts by the toe or cwt. under the doctor's care. rence Furlc ng, in his 78 year. His Prices reasonable. -The annual,meeting of St.An- "funeral took place on Wednesday, ROOiERY SPEC/ALS '_.drew'@ church will be held on. when "hie body was con eyed to Chopping every day. = ' Tuesdayy nett at 7.80 p. m. Pickering on the afternoon train, -J. D. Rammer was in Oshawa thence to the R. C. cemetery, Nice White Beans, extra ualit , 5 cents pe lh. -- on Wednesday'when he - where i Urnient-took- --UIbs or cents. - - --- '-"ed a black reg�'stered filly, ' deceased was a resident of Picker- -Dr. F. L. Heary will be here frig about forty-five years ago, $ CE �HOP Spanish Onions, 5c lb., albs for ZS cents. y when he engaged in farming. He _ as usual next Tuesday to attend g 1 Yellow Danver Onions, 4c per lb., 81be or to his professional duties. * was twice married, his firet wife -- --- -W. W. Sparks is in Whitby being a,sister of Timothy O'Leary, _ Choice Cooking Figs, i!c per lb. P Y Horseshoeing. Repairing of Im- _'this week attending the regular. of this place. He has been a rest- meeting of the County Council. deat of Toronto ever since leaving plements, vehicles and"auto- -Fresh Latge Prunes, 12 a per lb. -Alf. and Mrs. Rogers, of Mn- Pickering, and the past twenty- mobiles neatly and quickly] .Dried Herrings, 20c per box. - . sale, spent Sunday here with the five years has been a travelling done. - - - ' salesman for Cos r'ove's brewer " " __formers .1fi}rents, C, and -Mrs. g y• - -CHARGES " ,:CHARGES MODEH-ATE - i' ,, Rogers. ease of the best entertainments 13ave So�1 tried Farina, t�ie�e`lcious -Vr�al�fast - -George and Mrs. O'Connor, of given in Pickering in a long time A trial reepectfully solicited. j+'OOd ? 6 1136, for 25 Cents. - = Audley, were the guests of Tim o- was that given on Tuesday even- - -tby O'Leary on Wednesday 'aft- ing by Miss Lucy Webling and ernoon. Walter McRaye. Both are actors -Abe and Mrs. Law, Geo. and of a high order, and there was {successor to �'nI. Lawson,/ DRY GOOD SPECIALS Mrs..Law and John Law, of To- not a weak number on the whale , 8-undays. Steep g ere nrill, re us p alas were -- --J- en ate t • 1�3unday exceedingly well given.-sod were .•. ._� r O n e ading fes ionRble shades. - -- - _ 'e Sn e C eta � h le h ' - full of humor.' Mr. McRaye's.ren- � regular $2.25 each, clearing at $1.76. herd, of the lake C 0 A L-- Don't miss it. - dition of Dr. Drummond's sketches v H, .l'3 shore,.-hes moved into town and ;-• - - _ it. is now residing in L- D. Banks' on the habitant characters was "STOVE AND NUT - Men's Mocha Gloves, reg. $1.20, now 95c.dwelling - -Miss Dar s has been confined wafamtl nesse a parson is some- • perfect. familial with the poems of TI STANDARD FUEL CO.,`Ltd'. - Mien's Heavy Tweed Petite, reg. $1.50, oo;v $1.10. to her bed for several days with a Dr. Drummond. one of the leading } - slight attack of pneumonia, but Canadian poets,-one would not Che WOOd S 8d0- 11 M. - - _/ we are pleased to say that Mahe is ap reriate the sketches to much � t�► Z have a splendid assortment of trunks, telescopes, now improving. wa a otherwise would. An enter- Moudaps. Wednesdays and r -The Pickering hockeyp team tainment like this one now and Fridays only. EWt lases, etc., to allow you. Come in. ��----- went to Whitby-on Saturday last again during the winter would-be �;, ��. �A�►=�®�N ' and played a friendly game with much a preciated. Phone Mark. 5M. .. a Nana of that town. The game •-J• � Williams, who hue been -- _. _ . . _ was a tie, each side scoring three visiting his old home in Prince HARDWARE SPECIALS = goal@. Edward County for several weeks. NORTHERN-�ROWN TREES - tY .. R Jacob and Mrs. Toole, of Vali- and incidentally working up in- Apple, Paan Plata.Charry, Feaeh, Grapes. ---I only, good 6-hole Cook Stove, in first-class repair, l' Satan Frusta, Ornamentala, Ever�reane, __..- Qouver, B. C,,ase• vtRiting friends tercet to the .Pickering canning Rosea. Flo.ersas shrubs C3nmttere Eno, only $10.00. _ -_..... and relatives In Pickering town- factory project, was in town one s..rrshtns to the nursery tine, catalo.u. r` Flee, Sead its of ne wrote fol pzteee, ahip�and other parts bf the Prov- day la@t week. He was accom- ° 1 only, new 4-hole Cook Stove, with high shelf, reg. a Aaenu wee apply for ceruse. -ince. They have also made an ex- Panied by-Mr.. Pearce, who is Re- Naa•s•rytmaa $40, going at$82. Don't miss this,chance. - teneive tri through the United Lively eogRRed in the canning in- J. H' fir' ' P g g Port Elgin, Ontario 1 only: Tortoise Heater, pickle top, regular, $15.00, ' States'. dustry in that county.--`.They in _ -The members of St. Andrew;s Spected the property, which was going at $12.50. -- - Sabbath School will bold. their recently purchased from- ` 111 r. - lannual sleigh-ride on the evening O'Leary, Rod Mr, Pearce was most Have foil seen our "Big Ben" alarm clock. He's of Friday, Feb. 2nd. On the. re- favorably iaspressed with the pro• OVERLAND 8 daIId�'; "Come 1D and heat him rill turn from their ride, refreshments Posed site, the water supply, in :_ K Will be served in the basement of particular being all that could be she church.. desired. We understand that -David Piikey, ' 'manager of Rood prooress has been made in - • • - !Sir Henry' Peltatt'�+ f:4rnl eRgt of aubscritfinRstart;, and we .believe --- - _ here, passed y with the village the intention i to establish R +►� �� tie apman oti Wednesday with a ptiir Of im. plant on-a ]urger scale Than .way '+: ) � V:-- h __;ported C1 deadale (nares recently at first-i-n4ended. Meetings will �� OVERUIND MODEL SeT purchased from Graham ..d� Ren- shortly be held to interest the _-frew.Toronto. farmers in this new industry. T -Mr. James Brien has again industr3'.has-been most subeetssful —MOTOR CARS T _ been confined to her bed with R in Prince Edwa County, and ` -]RUBBERS, .-RUBBERS KERS -severe attack of la grippe, but is there the farmers--are going into N© TRCJCK� now improving. Mr. Brien and it more extensively than _ever. 1912. Models .are .unsurpa�aed for 'Sow that winter is hers. yomwill need some Rubbers, and Overshoes. We Frank were also ]aid off There is no R parent reason why _ ' valve and ellicienc Rre supplied with Nlen s and Boys'heavy Rubbers, with and with- . .son.duty for severe ass wLtie Above tut represents ' our five at right latices.out leather ' beet ' - sante complaint. -" passenger• thirty horse power ear -W. C. Murkar, who has been Rubbers for Men, Women, Bops and Girls, for hi band low heel shoes. 1, 2 :on the staff of they Standard Bank HER HAIR .GREW at 81375.00, delivered- . Toronto - and 3buckle Overshoes for men'. Cork and felt insoles. here for the fully equipped. -. _ - past seven months, { '=lies igen promoted to the Can- THAT'S WRT-A THANKFUL WO-MEN Call wi'thout'fail anda:nd see-'- "'Heavy Sox for men rind boys. Call and inspect our goods and prices _ pin Loa branch and will leave RECOHa[ENDB PARISIAN SAGE and you will be satisfied.' Terms Cash. ' T. M. McFadden will "sell' you a our 1911 Models. r is new position to-day. He fifty cent bottle of PARISIAN BABE is cceededhere' by Mr. Mowat, and gmarantee it to -banish. Shaw-Overland Sales. Co., i A GILLESPIE, = DUNBARTON of dville. stop falling hair and itching scalp, or ' ' -Th any friends of Benjamin money back. It's a delightful bair 52 to 59 Adelaide St., West. - Rtepbenso will regret to hear of dressing that makes hair lustrous and his death on Sunday last at, the fascinating. , . . T O R OIN T O INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD. t -home of his son-in-law, Joseph ' Io the aprinp�'I sats recovering from e a severe case of a sl' las which left _ Fi`sher;..of Toronto. The d -d•rp --- :TION_.8.dL ' --- _ ,: at one time lived-on the base IiQe, me.v baI on the front of .my- _ OF _ r+a tions �Jtoo� QUl'akly SII "- OnarutTtnown as "the Cam- head and nett to my ears. The hair keptcoming ppppeout yply unnothiny. SORSES' AND ZATTTE " prevents Disease. .. 1?ell" farm." Mrs. S. Linton,, of I used stopped m. gettingentire] = - -` _ E. StephensoB of Whitby, is a PARISIAN SAGE, two bottles a IMPLEM$lYTS. Etc. Oil Caket Linseed Meal. -� Arcola, Sask., is a daughter, and' bald, until 1~ . y, GE, This tonic made _ ---- son of the deceased, my hair start to row in and, in fact g -The undersigned.has re--celvmd- 4, _FitC. I'it0: -Occasionally we receive tom- me—a g'o�o -fair arnonnt of hair instr u tions from '? - -. plaints that the P1tKERIN(i NEWS and it has entirely_stopped- my hair + T falling out. CHARLES A. BARQ.AY b or your Hens try some Poul- Is•late in reaching its destination- -that 'I gave a •' try Food, Mica Grit and All papery going west are maid blit--ree©mmend--to PARISftt - - vn Thzrrs`dRp afternoon, and those AGE, which I know is a wonder:" 'Lot 19, Con. 6,MckerksS Township oiD _ dchrist;W. Pitt St., Bed-- (li miles north-of Brougham), on _ Ge east o Friday morning. fora. $iia G' J. Hs BDNDY� `mai Dunbartoa bundle,which was ford, Pa. TQBSda Jul. 30th, .1.912 : mailed on Thursday last had not � °- - �` _ The following ro ert , viz•: _ -reached Its destination on Mon- �:� • ," • g P P Y �• ^ day, LE REGISTER.' . y, although only 2j miles dis- A full.complement of working horses. • . PICKERING tant. We have laid a complaint A number of thoro-bred cows' and" with the inspector regarding the TvE§DAT, `JAN. 30•m.3 -Auction sale of, -heifers - ,_,f hatter, and hope to regardincome Food horses, high grade d.tYY cows, A herd of grade milch cows and heifers implements, etc., at lot 19, con, 6, A full line of new Massey-Harris im'- plaint attended to. Pickering every -- Vigilance gham , pr miles north of Brou- :pleme y affarmindentirelon, oyster su Pickering Vi Ranee Com- for detailed property of Chas.A.Bar Mr. Barclay hpas leased ghis farm and is mittee will hold their annual clay. Sale at 14.90 o'clock. See bills U R /.� / S . H. :/ /r G S laps n the town hall un particulars. Wm. Maw, - " `the evening of Friday,i Feb. .2nd.. auctioneer. TEi;Das : All sums of$10.00 seed under, For Horses and Rigs. Single And Double Harness_, Cards have been.sent to the mem- MONDAT, F11B. bra.-Auction sale of cash; over that amount 8 menthe - credit will be given to`partiea"-fhrts Collars, Halters, Etc: _ her notiflying these of the event, farm •stock, implements, boy..grain a . .. . . _ ,K.. end giving them the privilege of. 1 iehingapproved joint notes: b per Whips, and roots, at of 19 con. 6, Picker-. Robes, `.blankets, •Bells, p 8 cent.pe annum allowed for cash. i, inviting one or two of their Erie fag (at Brougham), the��pprrogeny of- P the estate of the late Wm. T. Wil- S. H. STsv$Nsox, Wet. MAw, and. anything you* need--for our horse and rig. ' ends, who will be admitted on.the �' y Y , same terms as the embers.:All . W.* Sale at 1 o'clock. Bee bills, Clerk = Auctioneer � - W. B. Powell,auctioneer. - - .Repairing ne>>ytly aped•pcotnptly ' those who intend being present PIOKERING �MARBETS i - C ' TossDAT, FEB. &m-Credit sale of _ attended t0 a 'ere requested to notifly the"secre- --- •• - nto of the supper committee W, farm stock, implements, grain and White Winter-Wheat,' old...:'.. $ .90 y ry Ply , �ewer wtrld-mill. at lot 18, con. 6, Red •' " ...... . .90 .1. Clark, not later than the 29th 'Pickering (half mile south of Bro. Mixte ,� �, ,,„,• . ,� lE'ICHERIiT(Q' HARNESS EMPORIUM N inst., so that the committee 'will ugbam), the property of Newrtek Spring Wheat................... 7B Phone Ind. 301. W. J. COAKWELL know the number to ba provided Wilson Sale at I o'clock. See Goose " ............ ...... ,78' bills. Wrb:. Powell, auctioneer, Data........................ ...... .0 •gym. F' ... . ,e• a.. M' !+,�. 5`s's.7'a,,.,..r, ..Mx..°'y-Y•,;,r +...x .. .. :. ,.,w.,. .y..., o..,. " µ' t�,. - ,.s' .:.!,+� :✓,r ,wa ::yrs..,' `�, �%{, *s� '-j. .f' +.,,7f.:bt. cps.. ,. ;,sass~: .r .r^ .a,a. -u-..,•.. . :_: ...,+,_.,"p.•,c- .,:,;,p,-;..w djy. .,+u'... ., tx.y.i r •'..y.,:-y''.^w Y�v •n,e uC<, +s e.J..Xt '» ' sr '9 '"K .�n�e . Y ...� .Zy. R.. :r _ 'l'•:0.'-Lim"'.�. ..vt yq,l ••11'F'• � '"it's ' i Tixe -V.bn.'i).'v s u.. `1�-h••.: .''..'+e,'.�;. . •�,,''�� �,.::e.: '�., °k.:,,.:n:u.r�,=�. .see.''.. �� �q i,. w.' p•., ,,. .. ,.. . �J,`. ..rr? � , ...... ..