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XX•XI. • PI011RING, ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1911 -. No. 5 ;
VV4fsm*fVnal Sawbo. OROCK ROAD convention at Pickering last Thtirs- Established 75 years '
SPINK SILLS day and Friday.
W. H. Jackson visited the city on deo. Philip and A. B. Matthews
BleddCat Friday last. were in Uxbridge on Saturday fora GREENWOOD
Mies Mabel Tool is visiting Toronto load of patateey. VVVIII ��R
E. FORBYTH,D. of O., Regia- I friends this week. Mrs. McLachry and daughter a ant
. sexed member of the O tomesrioal Also• Miss Lena Ellicott is under the doc- M ;MILLS
pp • the past week with her sister, rs. TLT
oiaYon of Ontario. Specialattentionestergiven to tot's care at present. George McGregor, 1 L .. z
ilii Qttiaii o!glass". IDyes tested izea North FLOUR + Mias Forman will make a protract
Cllaremont. teff Mrs. G. W. Phillips received a mes-
WHITE SATIN ed visit at Mrs. T. A. Knox'a• sage on Saturday to go to Aurora,
NC. McRINNON, M.D., L.R.C.S.. CREAM-BUNS Mrs, Geo. Bayes and daughter were owing to the serious illness of her
+ Bdinborifb, member of the College of at Greenbank over the holiday. I require 1000 bushels of Suekwitreat at uy
Y'bydoiao.and surgeons of Ontario,Haeatiats TEA-BUNS Thomas Jackson, of Torontcalled mother. once and will ay an,extra rice
f Be al' College of Surxeons, Rdinbargh, Mrs. W. J. Devitt and' daugghter, P r?
attention to d.iesses of women sad - an friends in this locality on Saturday. Gwendolyn, and Miss Blanche Mechin for it for quick delivery. i
- uhlldren, ofaeesad residence.Brougham. FEED^. ::j Mrs. George Tool moved her house- visited Dr. J. A. and Mrs. Moore, of Will also pay highest price for {r
BRAN hold effects to Mount Joy on W6dnea- Brooklin, Saturday and Sunday. .
SHORTS Oliver Had-erow, who is it,_the hos-
WELLAAD FEEDFLOUR pilaf in Toronto, is still in a critical TEACHERS' CONVENTION
1PiOILHRIN(3, ONTARIO �� �• VCT=3FAZ' -0 -`
fjJM$Q condition. _
OATS - Miss Ella Robson, of Toronto, visit-
R. JILGIN Tower, M. B., M. D., C. X., The twelfth annual convention of
Pcyeiman•in obarge OAT CHOP ed friends in this locality. Miss Rob- the Teachers of South Ontario was WARERS'JOY-the best.bre oar. `
+r' son is also makin arrangements for
" specialist in Rectal Disease.. prostatic Dix. ,CORN - g held in the Public School here on gISSIMT-the beat est flout x
p�aaaaaeaa of•hien. Diseases of Women Cancers, her-wood sale on the 26th Inst. pastry
Tactors.%-Say examination. Diseases of sye CORN CHOP + Thursday and Friday of last week. It
Special rices to farmers buying levo
e� was a success ta.eve particular. The P P y• g
ala,upas,threat and
loans. Fittinggiaases sad BARLEY CHOP ! DUNBARTON barrels and over. t
au acne sad It to 3 and
T tM. - weather was favorable and the attend-
Hosts i9 to s end Y to ti sly MIXED CHOP _
Mrs. and Miss Tinline are in the city sure was record breaking. over ninety
for the weekend. per cent. of the teachers being pre- I chop finer than any other mill-that
1,0409. FEED WHOLESALE IN TON LOTS sent. Mr. S. J, $eves, 8. A: of Peter- means a great deal this year - s
The measles are quite prevalent in _ 3
E, FAREWELL,K.C., BARRIS- Chopping Eve Da the village at present. boro Normal School staff, was the when feed is scarce.
• ,f,HB �� OrrownA PP g I'y y chief speaker, delivering three impres-
tt�y Attorney. Rateland Gormley and Robt. Wood sive addressee upon that much n ler- F+ X.J. Q'RiFMIT
sMteitas, 00=11 NOUN,Whitby. 10-v are deer hunting this week. P eg
J. and Mrs,Neale, of Belleville,were ted subject "Reading." His manner _
T. BARCLAY Barrister-at-Law,' was pleasing and attractive and his
the guests of Mrs, Wood, Sr, St. George's Anglican Church '
Solicitor,Notary Pnblle Special Bzami- style of presentinghis subject was a
ner for J. L. SPIN& LIMITED Alex. Falconer, of Ayr. spent'Mon- '
sign scarf of Justice, Brock Barest, t i 11 F very clear and concise, '_1 r. Keyes' !
WhdtbY, ny day with George and. rs.'Falconer. SUNDAY SERVICES
method of teaching reading if follow-
E. CHRISTIAN, Rev.A. L. and Mrs. Macfadyen and �+
PICKERING. ONT. = ed carefully through all grades of the a
Barrister and Miss Hazel spent Thanksgiving in To- d Morning Prayer 10,80 A. M.
.solicitor.Notary Pnbuo.Etc, Mone to public school would pro uce a mark-
U" r
• Once nen door to the Standard Bank. Tonto. ed improvement. „ .•
�3lab.. gMy Mr, and Mrs. Bowman and daugh- Miss A. L. Williams, of Oshawa, Evening 7.00 P. X '•
_ H's
tars spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. G. dealt with the subject of '-Art in
ligua nee* garb*. A. Gillespie. Sunday School 2.00 P.ai.
_ is Messrs.,Willie and Gardner Dunbar Public Schools," Miss ZVilliama
thought that the difficulties of teach-
and Frank Dales spent the holiday in tgght3 subject were unduly ma ni- "
ryG. HAM-Issuer of -Marriage .CLAREMO�T with their parents. fled, and ubjed that a nderto teach � JAI
Licenses in %be County of Ont o, Mrs. G. A. Gillespie ace a very
g village, grly for all styles of furniture. successg this subject it is not necessary foor the
Piake to vi Real course a teacher with a natural anti- I f +
" of�arrtions licenses,Tnii-tto teae er to be an artist. though of
or, �im�t and Issuer : ' eeeently��qt friends laone afternoon tude for drawing w II find the subject
- more interesting. She gave concrete r
HOPPER Issuer of Marriage Roo'� o� jf MONGOLIA examples of what may be accomplish-
License. !n the County of Oab i;T ed b junior rades. Miss Williams
- at-stare sad ht.rem once.CLremons, Samuel $lady, of Turonto.- spent- y l
' over the holiday with his tattier,Jacob was thoroughly interested in her sub-
� B.BRATON,TOWNSHIPCLERH Picture Frames sindy, ject and before she finished her talk,
. coaveYsaosr oommumann for taking Mrs. Andrew Store and '_dies Ruth nearly every one alae was interested. _
'� afadia.tin• d000aataas- Esso, Honey to loan y also, Miss Georgina Toole, of Cherry-
faxen grri�,arty Inner o! IIIdOW Shades i,regg, of Claremont. s nt over Sat- ti
$nese" 9Ph!'N ;. Oas a iso- urduy night with kiss C. Degeer, wood took for her subject Nature
Thomas and Mrs. Ramsey. Wm. Study and gave mAnv strung reasons p
POSTILL, Licensed Auctioneer, Ramsey, Albert Smales and son, all of why this subject should find apes• 'fit
. for counties of York and octane, ♦no- maneat place on the public shoot pro-
a" w = '
�; Iron sof all tria" Toronto,spent over the holiday with
oasee to oc sbortaat
friends here. ramme Cf studies. She briefly out- -Save money by Securing
-_Jt✓ ftaa. adds+"Grem fiver F.O, oaf
UNDERTAKING George Bowes and Elias Srovtr at- fined her method of teaching and de-
T B. POW ELL, Licensed Auc- tended the Conservative Ccovention monstrated the[act that a great deal '
1'3' . Moawr, 9s1aator sad collector for - An connection may be accomplished-b . careful man- 8nT �+#1$� �ef43"@ winter
In Toronto on Saturday. P y
'aoeoatee of Ontario and York all kinds of Miss Ma Bowers. of Bradford, and agement and still not encroach too
lutea soaduesed either grivistely or by aaasioa, y'
Distance no object. much ti n the other subjects.
3"&now collected For dat" or other j George and Mrs. Hewitt, of Toronto. d?a j pT1Ce8 gfl 111 force. �
IUssatiars apply as residence. Blisabeth sa,t spent Sunday at Geo. Bowes. Mr.• A. H Hutchinaoa,science cone ,-
lartse pbooe erdesy felt as Nswe Ocoee rink- - -Prices moderate. ter of Whith Celle sate Institute,
'.S"! Frank Houghton spent over the. y g
arta . or Mscnab•e store, Claremont, will re dealt lift a ver able manner with the
mdse prompt attention Savolactioa ga&ran• haHday with his parents at Bond y -`� SPIN Ltd `
1a•d. My phase numbeale Independent tool --— Bead, "Elementary Science" as applicable ,+
-' Mre. Pollard and daughter, of To. -to fifth cladises. • f •
- :Hisses Gamble, of Port Perry. and
�w PICBERING PILLS tonic. a ant a few days with herarint, v
• . les C'. Garrow, of Oshawa, -dealt with the -
i7. , PEl1/NOCK — THE — M Leggier, subject of bun work in the Junior
Elias and 11rs. Stover and their two y PICKERIIIIG
WFIITEVALt, ONT. - children spent Sunday with friends at grades of the public school. This is - `
Funeralf�} one of the greatest problems that i!
D4rsctor and lemlbalmsr. �'?@S� LBZStIv@ ♦i)n1C Victoria Square.
A humher from here expect to
at. [aces the teacher in an ungraded
_ _ P
Any business entrusted to we will tend the ploughing match which is to school. Busy children are not mis-
P g
be careful! tiaadted � ar. illiken on Nov. In chievous ones-the great enemy .of C 0 ,� � •
be held ne t.
_ 130 - .. n 's • e
-'Chargee Moderate- stores the energy and strength �t_)rod disc plias!, idleness, Any on r
listening to the papers presented could re.tint and Pea size@ M'
Independent Phone No, 151., to every part of the human DOW1 ANVILLE not help being surprised at the multi- ..Egg,S• Store
hard coat,
FyAem-just the thing to Publishers representing the news- tilde of devices for kee Ing the small
g � Best t lump steam cont. All coal is
V O�N PHILIP g tone you u p. ppacker of the lake shore towns from saes profitably engag under cover, weight and + ��
Picketing to Cnbonrg met Tiers ,>n fort Perry was decided upon as the prompt service,
�'4 a uarantee ever box and re- next lace of meetin `
Friday last and organized the Lake gg
fund your money if not Shore Press Association. The meet- The election of ofi3cera resulted as
Has a full line of trash and cur ' ing was held in the Hotel Bowman, it
follows: L V -�`/-1- � E R
satisfied. President-hit, E. Ward. at Clare- r
ed meats constantly on hand. well conducted temperance house, and ea A Good stock of rough and matched � >
Manufactured and sold b g g g mont; Vice President-MissJ n
the visiting gentlemen were the guests hemlock, also matched and dress- e
Spice Roll, Breakfast Bacon, y of the Bowmanville publishers, NI. Garrow, o[Oshawa; SecreGirp Trea- ed spruce and piney
Ham, Bologna, Weiners,.etc.. A. James, of the Bowmanville States- surer-A. G. Green, of Pickering;
man, was, appointed chairman xud Auditors-Messrs. Etvidge and Hen- 2x,3x and 4x Ontario..cedar shingles.
T. M. McFA D.DEN derson, of Whitby. 8x and 4x B. C. shingles.
Highest prices paid for A...Goodfellow, of Whitby. Secretary. y• g •- *:•�
;Butcher's cattle DRC4CiIBT AND ORiDt ATE OPTICIAN After some deliberation it was decided The meeting Thursday evening was Let rite quote you prices-on any build
held in the Town Hall. Long before a
to organize that tate publishers in the fag material poll may require. oti r
e e e PICKERING, = ONT, district might corns together occasion-, the time of opening. the hall was
� �}�s �/ l� ally to discuss topica for their mutual packed to the door, and all listened Bill stuff&specialty.
ir! �Ig� IVQ with the greatest attention to the pro- Indepeodant phone 1504.
REAL ESTATE aatantage. It was also decided to et-
•..•• tend the boundary of the Aaeociation gramme rendered-Miss Simpson, of ,t
to include Markham and'Stouffville to Pickering and Mr. E. Ward, of Clare- A. C. ' RE E SOR �if3
First-class rigs for hire. went, sang solos, and Messrs. T.,Law
the west -and Brighton -and Wark-
DB or ni ht Two fifty-acre farms for sale cheap. and S. Gormley sang a duet. The
ware on the east,and also the' towns main item oil the programme was a LOCUST HILL
!• p• g '•.". Good building®, plenty of water, one- some distance from the lake front. A g
IIs meets all trains half in cash, balance on mortgage if constitution was adopted and various Picture Travel Talk by Mr. Frank
required. topica discussed, It was decided to Yeigh, of Toronto, who took his au-
Teaming promptly attended to. dience on an interesting journey from h.
meet again in Bowmanville on Friday, the North Ca-pe to Sunny Sicil The AJ
Agent,for Canada Carriage Co. Also a good' tenement' dwelling Nov. 17th', when John Imrie. Secre- y y' ,
yielding 1' meeting closed with the
y g 2%�to the village of Picker- tary of. the Capadian Press Associa- staging ,of
W. He Peak g• a National Anthem.
Ing. tion,is expected to be present.
Pick wil"p. w
� �tr>iiil:s it�t! qua BROUGHAM. Watch outforbills giving
`. TIME par-
--PickeringTABLEStation d - g g
T.A. Trains going East due as follows- � YsR. J, Price spent the holiday with titulars of D. Brokenshires' sale g
sNo. 6 Mail 8.05 A' dVf•' friends here. ofhousehold furniture etc., on aa,mm. id
12 Local 2.43 P.lets Miss Edith McGregor is visiting Safurday,,Nov. 11th.
'• 14 Vocal .. 6.04 P.M. friends in Toronto,
A T _
Trains going Wat. due as follows �e V. Richardson., The Misses McKinnon, of Toronto, -
No. 13 Local 8.36 A.Iiiwere home over Sunday,
•' 11 Local 2.3o P.m. F. C. Mechin, Toronto University; -Hair. Beautifier '
• •" 7 alai! 8.50 P.M. Notary Public, Pickering,' was!tome over the holiday. Refined Women the World
Bassett s•
•sanday included. 3. d. Gerow has gone on a hunting Over Use It _
SpeCia,lifst. tri u north for two weeks. ing eo goo 1 for hair and scalp trouble h. c
L P P Ever women knows that fliers is noth•
The In all kinds of tire-setting, .Binder Mr.Gannon, of Hinden Hill, spent
and mower knives round: the holiday at Ed. Willson'-, Parisian Sage. It Parisian Sae is used Eyes should be examined every,
DOMINION 'B�� g Miss Milligan, of Toronto, is visit- two or three times a week it will keep the two years.
Ladders of all kinds in stock in gg with John and Mrs. Phillips. scalp nice and clean and remove dandruff:
Head Ot>i2oe, To:onto and to order. hire, A. Brodie is spending a few It makes the hair.lustrous and..fluffy, ani The eyes change. Glasses exec- -3
days in Toronto with relatives. kee a it from tallin ant. fly rigbt last *ear may be in.
Shop will be close every Wednes- Mr.and Mrs, Goldman, of Toronto, P R urious now, Whether you wear _
E. B.'Osler, M, P„ President " ' da' and Saturday from now , „ We urge every women'wbo loves radi• ] y z ..
y spent Monday at Thistle Ha. ant and faeoioatin hair to go to•T. M. glasses or not you should call
W.,D. Matthews, Vice President until November 1st, R
C. A. Bogert General M'g'r Mrs. McLaughlin, of Toronto,spent McFadden to-day and get s latae 80 Dent and consult us about your eyes _
last week with Mrs. McGregor. bottle Of Parisian SARO. He guarantees it before it is too late.
-capital$4,000,000, Reserye $5,000,00 Mr. end hire. Pe man visited with
W I r Y 'y to care dandruff,falling hale and ibhin
Total Assets$62,500,000 Il s N i JICKSON ? ROCK R0�8 P, y g g g =1
friends at Acton the past weep_----: ' seal or mono back. Bold and uaraa• Perfect fitting glasses means a
A Branch of this Bank has been estab- 1 Harold Herrick, of Oshawa, is visit- tee s in Pickering by T.M.lt3iiFaddea.' good dear to the eye-glass user= `
lished in London, En land, ingg with J. W. Hogle and family. this is the Ideal we aim at-you
78 Cornhill,E. Have you lots of crater ? Mr.and Mrs. E. Croker visited the ars the judges of our success. r �;
Ibis Branch wilt issue betters of credit sad latter's mother, the last few days. frO RENT-A comfortable- brick: r
Drafts on all impoream points in Canada,aego Mise May Routley, of Toronto, is 1 house on Linton Avenue, Pickering, Ap- '
chis Bills sent far colleatlon,make selogrit P �� BROS.,OF WMTLVAL.t ply to L,D,BANKS,Pickering,P.O, ti tf Our mounts and lenses mast: .
spending a few days in'bur vicinity,
sransters and transact .very aescriptloa of- are prepared to furnish you anything A. Hamilton moved on to the Gan- give good results'
ill be furnished
bshed oin the line of water supply such all non farm on the 8th con. on Tuesday. PICKERING MARKETS
InfozmaHoa will be fatroiahed oa all Canadian -. - .. - PP y y• � •
m• y Mrs. Wm. Cameron,of Oshawa. is =
-A special department will be pumps.' windmills, hydraulic: -tame, L.
provided for the, visiting with her parents T. W. and White,Winter Wheat, old.....,'$ a86 Arman BaaSett
�j ase of visitors and bearers of our Lesterr of plumbing, etc. - Mrs, Hogle. Red " " sees,. .88
Oredit, They'are also expert '• •' R1 JEWELER AND OPTICIAN ,
- r well drillers Frank and Mrs. Gerow d miry, Spring
Mixed. .••.•.. .72 p" tra n it WHITBY
CHAis, D• GIoRDoN, Manager end respectfully solicit your patrofl; of Toronto, 6p,
ent Thanksgivingwith S nn Wheat..............sees. 72 orroarra wavv
'WHITBY BRANCH. � e for the future. Ind,shone 5521 relatives here. Goose� Oats.••••..•.•............ •..•.. A" E
age Mies Brown attended the teacher's ,44
�9n �� �,'�+�', ��e^C° ^°-yr•-fes .Y "�,•A ": ._.. ::. NY, a'J ., .. ��
..�r '. ..w ,�"#w.;�a+etr. � - < .. .^k�xy, ,:m„. S s,�r y.. ,.;•t �.i. 9�»v�+vi,,, ';' i.�.�y re,: - y' ,�; ,.r',, ,a-• y; ^ atM_ -tom.,,. „g h�,,
.. � ..,+ '�'",c-i..rnr...a. .k, ..,:•>t. �, .:� ;<' ,�• �:r;.yti. ��''^��»w�,,, ? �;r` .C,�?,��f "'•' �` 1i
<, 7" e _
• � nit ., i r r,-
TOO LITTLE BLOOD. (1 ------ 4
The Cause of Nearly All the Er- .rpt•
t ::q
eryday Ailments of Lite:
Too little • blood—that is what f SPORTS rROM THE LEAD00 ,
.IUSSeB Q t makes men and women look pale :TRADE CENTRE' OR
f Italians in Two Days Fighting and sallow and feel languid. That
x - =- ♦fILAEBICJ.
is what makes them orag along,
Greater Than Officially Re.p +�
ortedL - ways tired, never real hungry, un ,
able to digest their food, breath P'riees of Cattle, Grala .b.,Clloeu
less and palpitating at the heart and Other Produce at Heine
A deepatch from London says: terrified Europeans. The situation after slight exertion, so that it is z
is described as precarious and the wearisome even to go upstairs. and dbroad.
t "'li!our hundred f 6lians were killed p "
or`wounded is the fighting around Italian outposts are nervous. The Doctors tell them that thew are BREADSTUFF*. '
g military arrangements are bad. The anaemic —the plain English be- Toronto. Oct. 31.-Wheat was dull here, "A1� �% `
Tripoli on Monday stied Tuesday, whole force occupies a semi-circle, ing too little blood. if your face with the teeline easter. The off arings of � � ��
r. `abut all newspaper correspondents whose ends rest on the seashore. is pale or sallow, if your gums are ungraded western wheat are large, and
were forbidden to communicate the There are no reserves in the town pale instead of being scarlet; if
eztent of the casualties, according and only two warships remain off you are easily tired and frequent mach of It will bo fed w stock. coarse
a Wawa *gene despatch received the cit The left win is still hard ly desp4/ndent; 1f you do not relish are lower.Ontario continue firm. Cables Are your hands chapped, cracked
g y pe grains in Onta
y p y. B or sore? Have you "cold cracks'•
-:. re on Thursday from Tripoli pressed, and 1f it be broken the your meals, and small matters ir-
which Baca Italian censorship situation will if t rave a os ritate you, it is a i'EL that your Flour-9Piater wheat, 90 per cent. pa- which open and bleed when the akin
p B P blood 1a thin and water and that teats, $3.60, Montreal freight. Manitoba is drawn tight? Have you a Cold
by being filed at Valetta. The situ- sible. The Consuls are realizing Y sours-First patents, $5.40; second Pat- ' sore,frost bite,chubisins,or a "raw"
Cion at Tripoli the des atch adds, the ssibilit of the breakin of You are on the verge of a complete
p , p p0 y B care, $4.00; sad strong bakers'. 84.70, on p,wyoulsit:h at times makes it agony
serious. European residents fear the left wing and fear that a mas- breakdown. place, B r
about your howwheid
a massacre, as a holy war has been nacre will follow. The are arras More weak, anaemic people have track, Toronto. me
Y B been made strong, energetic and Manitoba wheat-New 'No. i Northern, duties 2 u ae,2am-Bilk will give you e.
paoti"aimed by the natives of Tri- ing for Europeans to board ships i1.oT 1•z, Bay ports; No. 2 Northern, $1.•
l�h and Benghazi At Sharashett if it becomes necessary. cheerful by, taking Dr. Williams relied,and will heal the frost-damaged
e felt line of the Italian defence Fresh troops to the number of 1,- Pink Pills than b an other means. 051.2, and No. 3, $1.03, Bay ports.
�y, y y atria. Anoint the scare places at night,
? The actually make new blood, Ontario wheat-No. 2 white, red and
t !ls reported as being hard pressed 100 with thirty guns arrived on Y Y mizt3d, new, 86 to 81c, outside. Zeta-flak's rico.healing easenoas grill
b Y which reaches ever art of the peas-{tool milling peas, 980 to s1.o2, out-
y the Arabs.
Wednesday 'and landed near Shar- bol braces the net vex and brings oink sato the wounds, end the amart-
_ The Arabs who attacked the zet to strengthen the left. It is re- y� g side. lag•and will heat quickly.
Italians' rear oa Monde had en- cried that 6,000 Tuareg.tribesmen new health and new strength. The
S'. Oats-Ontario, No. 2 quoted at 431-2 to Mrs. YoUen,of Portland,Saye! "Mp
tered Tripoli in disguise, and their are advancingon Tripoli. and an- case of Miss Nellie Welch, Essen,
p Ont. is roof of the great curative �• uutaide, and No. 3 at 42c; car lots of hands were w sole and cracked that it
r outbreak caused a terrible panic. other battle is expected. p B was agora do pati them near water.
F' ing in the streets was general. The Arabs oa•Thursday made a h° No. t, oa track, Toronto, aT t4 o. No. 2
powers of Dr. Williams Pink Pills. When I did ao they would smart and
_N n-combatant men, women and violent attack against the Italian Miss Welch saps: "A few years ago western Canada, 48 i•2c; and No. 3, 47c, burn as if I had scalded them. I seemed ,
" children were nixed up with the positions between El Mesri and I was going into what my friends Bay, porta, gniteunable to bet retief from anything
` combatants. Crowds flocked to the Boumeliana. The were repulsed believed to be a hopeless decline. Barley-No. 3 extra, 92 to 94c, outside; I put on them until. I tried Zam-Bak,
They P feed barley, 80 to 850. sad it etecceeded when all nice had
shore and embarked in small boats. with heavy loss. The Italian ensu- I was subject to severe headaches, failed. Ib closed the big cracks, gave
had no appetite, was ale and grew cora-No. 2 Amenoan yellow, 781.2c, and
The Consulates were packed with alties were only a few wounded. pp p $ in ease,soothed the ia$a d iiiy a and
distressingly weak. I tried several No. 2 mixed at.771.2c. Bay porta: No. 2 � a very short time,healed ipy heads."
— American yellow, sac, on track, Toronto,
doctors, some of whom we counted
-- f3AB?F''s3 OWN
TABLET-9 proposed to establish another ata the best in this for old. za°` ata. `r""aering• rashes, 'I"t*
part Of the G4un- ea:.",a,sits,u�c.rr,/s+urb,p nor.+,w.e l.a.te
USED FROM BIRTH. tion at Montreal to communicate try, but the failed to hal me. At Rye-Car lots, outside, 87-to 88c, for co. and bents se«.,k,,i,.rn�(as, ring-worm.r,", .te
i.. direct with the West Indies, where last my heart grew so .weak and I 2- .ata, tura., star ea, scalds, ttyreca,. of all
drvygiatr and atar•aa,or sort fres J�t►u Zem• ;
M re. H. P. Ossinger, Tiverton, all the islands will be connected by was so nervous and thin that I had Ruckwbeat-Prices nominal at 60c. BttJt Co..Toronto. Paco Moo a Goz.
. S., says. "We have used Baby's short-.distance stations from Glace to take to my bed and the doctor �Brno-3daaltoba bran, 823 to x23.50, In >�
fJwa Tablets since our little boy gay. It will be possible to com- held out but little hope for my re- bags, 'forontd freight. Shorts, $ r
'vas three years old and know of municate direct with Vancouver, covery. Like others, I had often
(nothing to equal them. He is now where a large power station is to be read of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, COUtiTEY PRODUCE.
twelve months old and has always established which will provide di- and though the doctor opposed my Apples-wiuter stock, $3 to $4 per barrel.
>• enjoyed perfect health. Baby takes sect communication with Hong taking them I determined to give Beans-Small tots of hand-picked, 112,
the Tablets easily and we always Kong' them a trial; us I felt Wmight as to $130 per bushel.
well be dead as to be living in the Honey-Extracted, In' tins, to to tic per
1 keep them in the house." Mrs. g 221.2 to 24e. Cheese-1S'esterna, 14 to
�t Ossinger's experience is that of ;SEEK; TO AVERT STRIKE. misery I was in, In a month after lb. Combs, 9250 to 92.75. 1141.4c; eastern,, 135-8 to 137.8c. Butter- '
thousands of other mothers. An oc- ____ beginning to take the pills I was Baled Hay-No. 1 at S, to $16,'on track, Choicest. L71.2c; seconds. 261.3 to 27c.
y p I u and around again, and steadily and Interior at $12 to 813. lam'
cas:unal does of the Tablets will , p 6 y -
BrltiSh $adtsva Com anion to III- growing strop er until I was a sin Baled straw-86.50 to $7, on track, To-
" the well child in excellent g g $ g %;NITED STATES UAsxETS.
crease Wailes. enjoyingthe blessing of perfect ronto.
� health, or if the baby is ill with any - { g p Minneapolis, Oct. 31.-Close-w$eat-Do- ,
of the many ailments that afflict A despatch from London says:I health. Several years have since L'otatoes-Car lots. In 'Oafs, at 95c to $1 cember' $1.09 3.8: May. 81.13 1.2 to 8z 13 S8:
P ,- little ones. they will speedily re- It is stated that the railway com- elapsed and my health has been the Poultry-wholesals -prices of dressed
store him to health again and make anies have decided to increase the I very best- It is therefore with poultry-Chickens. 12 to 13c per tb-; hens, 1077.8 9 o. ossa nominal, No. 1 hard. 14; —
$ I p � �07T•8; No. 1 Northern, $110 to ;1103.8;
ly, him thrive and grow fat, rosy and rate.of wages of all the lower grade great gratitude that I write you in 11 to 12c; docks, 12 to 13c; turkeys, 19 to No. 3 Northern. $1.0714; No. 3 wheat,
strung. The Tablets are sold by men in their service. This is a the hope that my experience may 21c. Lire poultry about 2c lower than 110J34 to 81647-s. Corn-No. 3 yellow,
laedicine dealers or.by mail at 25c cougte stsoke to the agitation in be of benefit .-to some other suf- the above.
a bpx from The Dr. Williams' favor o a strike to enforce better fares." 1•z to ; Oac 4c. 3 white, sb to 461-:*,
I _
Medicine (o., Brockville, Out. terms than those .offered by the Sold by all medicine dealers or by 'BCTTER,-EOGs, CHEESE. 87e—:la: t, as t.2c. Bran-e91 so co iy3
+. Railway Co4nmiasion. It will, •a mail'at 5x7 cents'& box or six boxes Flour-First patents, $$.So to 95.60 e
Butter-Dalry. choice, to wrappers, ES and patents, $490 to $520- first clean
all probability, mean higher freischt for $2 30 from The Dr. Williams' to 26c; do.-• medium.grades. 22 to tic- $3:80 to $4.15: second clears, 92..'0 to $31&
_ rates, and, where-possible, higher Medicine Co., Brockville, Out,
Creamery, 28 to 29c per ]b. for rolls, and Buttal*, Oct. %-S9r1ng whe Lt -.`7.,, 1
Britain Pesfeetiag Arrangements passenger rates, -''� 25 to 26c for aollde,
xorthera, cart.ads store, ilia 3a; 1Putler
aiINEDS STRIKE SETTLED. Eggs-Strictly new-laid 28c, and fresh at
With Mareonl Company. �- 24c per dozen In case lots. -steady Cora-No.. 3 yellow, Fw h �
-_ TAT ON THE UNMARRIED. 4 yellow, 7l 1-4c,�on track, through billed.
A despatch from London says: Basis of Agreement is Signed, by cbeese-Large• 143.40 per lbs, and twin. Oat*-No R. white, 5034c; No. 3 white,
i1n earls announcement may be ex- Diet of German State Lays It On Bath Sides. at I.W. 5014c; No. 4 white, 49-14c. Barley-Malt-
pected that negotiations have been Up to 10 Per Cent. A despatch from Winnipeg-7aays-: ins, 11.is to 812x.
ooncluded between the Post-office The Miners' strike of Alberta and 1100 PRODUCTS.
t Department and the Marconi Cum- A despatch' from Berlin says: British Columbia, after continuing Bacon, long clear, l2 to 13I-tc pe.r lb..
ipauy for the erection of a chain of The Diet of Reuss, -elder branch, eight months, and almost paralyzing in case lots. Pork, short eat. 022.se; do., Montreal, Oct. 3L.=Nortb-West sterrs,
. ' wireless- telegraph stations round has sanctioned a surtax on unmar- the southern part of 'those two pro- mess, 819.M to $eor Hams, medium to
linking u' the British ried men and women over'30 of 5 light, a to 161.2c; do., heavy, 65 to 5559 to is s0; Eastern bulls,, gave,
;the world, g p viace�, was ended Friday night. The y, 14 to 141-tc; '
_ 'Dominions and giving Great Bii- per cent. on incomes of from $750 agreement signed is to cover a rolls, 1034 to 11e; breakfast bacon, la to j.is t0 $5.7x; fair, $5.25'to is.50; bath, heavy,
Main an independent system of tele- to $1,500, and 10 per cent. on period of threo and a halt years, 17c; backs, 19 to We. to lbs.. 83.40 co 13.50; light.'Boo lbs., i3
-graphic communication with any amounts above those stated. Lard-The market is quiet and firm. to $3.20; North-West cows and heifers, L5
gpart vt the globe. Connection with rt now to be submitted to a referendum to 95.15; Eastern cows, good, 84 to i+.zs:
vote of the Miners' Union, but the Tierces, iia: tube. ill4c: pails, i11.2c.
poor to medium, $3.25 to i3.75; cannery,
the Weetern hemisphere will-be ef- 'Hamilton hears that the C. N. R. settlement will be satisfactory to
BUSINESS AT MONTREAL, i2se to 9175. Hogs-6elects, 96.25 to ib• J
fected by means of a station already may put up a two million dollar all. The basis of settlement is said 54; underweiebts, 05; sows, $4.50; stags,
existing at Glace Bay, and it i hotel there. to be an increase of 10 per cent. in Montreal, Oct. 3t.-Onts-Canadian west- 1 i3.50: and rough etaQv, 83 Grass talose,
wages, the recognition of the check ern. No, 2, 491.2 to SOc, car lots, ex-store: 5tJ to 53-4e by the pound, and suckers,
off system, and slight changes in extra No. 1 teed, 49 to 491.2c; No. 3 C.w., 314 to -31.20•by the pound.
•- `J' •r ».k. ' ' the wages schedule, articularly 4ai:to 49c; xo. z local white, 4a t* w1.2c;
- :•;- \� ' regarding contract work., No. 3 do., 471.2 to 48c; No. 4 do., 47 to
471.20. Flour-Manitoba Spring C1IIl\ESE GE\E:R.+I. BLOWN 1.P
p IIg wheat
' k J ..... ••re rte» REBELS CAPTURE WAR CHEST. patents, firsts, $5,50; second*, $5.00: Win. Newly Appointed Fang Sea Assas-
w b �w ..,, -c -►+� ter wheat patents, $4.75 to 15.00; strong
i y, Sinatcd at Canton.
" -1 'qi'h;• tr
Imperial,Soldiers are Left. tiVithont bakers, $4.80; straight rollers, $4.25 co _
44.40. in bags. 11.95 to $2.05. Rolled oats A despatch from- Canton, China,
a Dollar. -Per barrel, $5.25: bag of 90 lbs., $2.s0. Y ply
_ •• ,. x 1 ri �' A des etch from Pekin, � says:: The newly-appointed Tartar
p China, Corn-American, No. 3 yellow, ell-z to General, Fung Sen, was assassinat-
I says: It is reported that the rebels 813-4,: Millfeed-..Bran, Ontario, 123 to upon his arrival to assume his .
have outflanked -the Imperialists $24; Manitoba, $23; middlings, Ontario, duties on Wednesday. The Gener-
al(about 1H0 miles north of Hankow,, , accom anied by his wife and a
.'} 927 to $28: shorts, Manitoba, $25; moult- P
and have captured a scar chest con- lie, $26 to i3z. E¢¢a-selected, 261-z to large escort of scldiers, was coming
tainin 1,500,000• taels ($750.'000), ashore when a bomb thrown from
' g ZBc; do., fresh. 32 to 34c; No. i stock,
leavingthe Government army with- the roof of a building dropped into
out money. The fighting at Seven the warty,- The explosion that four
W 'ar 'm Bathroom Mile Creek on Tuesday is not told I lowed killed Fung Sen.and twenty-
,in detail here, and apparently it was one other persons, and wounded
cRFE�►lO not very important. Fire thousand _ • _ eigh aro
�J aM0ILCLZ - snore troops have left Pekin for Sin jere�S t�i0 biggest burned to the ground. The bomb
v - Yang Chow. Nanchang, Sukow, thrower, a native of the Sunning
,�ti-•moo ` and Kui Lin have joined the rebel- ran of easy-shining district, was mortally injured.
'Every mother should be eare{ul ,lion. stove Polish on the Troops have been sent to the Shop= .
�i ''' ka -Statiorr to guard the Canton-
:. that the children take their baths r SHOWED BIG GAIN, Iriail�et• Kowloon 4,ailway. 1►fiany Chinese.
In a warm room. The chill of a „. —' are 'leaving for Hong Kung.
Yewfoundl;ana s Trade Exceeded � 1
cold froom Is dangerous after Con]- Record .by Over a Million. TWO MILLIONS OFFERED.
ing cit of the hot water. Pj - A despatch from St. John's, Nfld., St. James' llethodist Chinch Board
A Per,ec5ori Smokeless Ofi Heater brings bathroom or bedroom says: Exceeding last year's recordt Receives Actual Bid.
` to ust the degree of warmth you want in five or ten minutes. AN you by $eoo,000,:the trade of Newfound. l
have to do is to touch *match. land for the fiscal year ending in A despatch from Montreal` says:
-. � '�--_�* ^'- -" June, set a new high mark, accord- Major John T. McBride on Wed-
The Perfection Heater bions male holm oma one filling and is ing to an announcement made here nesday made a written offer of 82,-'
always ready for use. You can move it anywhere it is needed. on Thursday. For the fiscal year 000,000 for the St. James' Metbodist'
71we is no waste of fuel and heat warming unoccupied room,% the colony's trade arpouilted to Church, and it seems to be the gen-
Just the heat you want,when and where you want it. $25,400,000, against $24,500;000 for It's a penia—Sas applied—s►d cral belief that the church will lie,
The Perfection is fitted with an automadc4mking flame spreader „• +the previous year, The total imr Fires a britliantly black polish that sold. It is stated that it is the only
is not affected by Lbe heat. $qtr*
flat prevent>i the wick being turned high enough to smoke and u I ports showed an .increase of $300,- a.cd for nacres, I offer,in view., Mr. McBride is act
s pas, grate* an
easy to remove and drop batt[when leaning 000, being $13,400,000. The exports Iran work. ing for J. T. McGreevy of ,Winn;-"
Drums ftmsW either is tsablue enainel or If your dealer doe* not carry
_ tarquo plain steel; light and oma totalled nearly $12,000,000, showing •glaclt snight••.store Polish,bend us. peg.
The church authorities are
a yet stroui and dtaab)r-s ok for am t°°s many lt°ws 4 "`J a slight increase. The exports to fullni a els b�1T�ia'm m.1i'nsG°34 now. making out a report on the
Desk"Q7°'yw6re1 ar write 10 nay`amts of Great Britain amounted to 82,300,• TH6!.F.DAt1EY CO.,I�twrrsD, manner in which the . $2,000,000
TheQme mpays H.mu,oa,o.,. would be s p
3 CO 1.imltefl 000, an increase of nearly half a nvil- a.,,,;norueftmo b ymt s>>ars.n pent for presentation to
lion dollars. This was due Iargely tho Montreal Conference. when, tho
to the output of,the new pulp mille. approval of that body is requested..
bc`�' c'»,vq •», .ti.;.ra.p..::..��..�,'..dr. .•.�\ «-.-5 -•r,.w•.-w. v -►•�- -�"- �xf�' �'c.
m, ..: �' �a �; •,� .._. ._-.• -e- C'ti.'...,"�
u[ Y
r LR 1 PLACE O� ~; _ - Most people have some super-
uper- ' �u
i Old-Time Shellbaek Placed Faith in Well, Well! stition, although they are not a1- - .,BONDS
rw THE WIDE PRAIRIES Long List of Omens. ways eager to admit it. Here are
No one believes in luck or omens, THIS is+� NOME DYE a few of the. most. popular: To ,
stumble on going upstairs is consid- A NONSPECUZ.ATIVE z,
�+ ( good or bad more whole-heartedly i that gNYONE, ered a sure sign of a wedding; — _ INSTESTMENI' - Y'"
MADE $1' than the sailor. A batch cover up- can use whilat two spoons in one saucer at v:
side down, or the loss of a swab,,or the same time denotes a similar h'
' DODD'S KIDNEY PILL bucket overboard, fill him with �a eau[ JQ There iq no element f Bond.
, _S'�. , � happy event. If you put on your Ration in the purchase of a Bond.
foreboding. He is aghast at the •; 1R sock or stocking the wrong side 'Thisdoes not mean that the value
accidental tearing of •'flag, and I , out, it is.lucky; b.ut if you change ofyotuholdings cailaotincrease.
Thos. CrifHn, of Peace River er Land- knows that if sails be sewn or mend- it to the right side nothing will It means that the element of risk
l ed on the quarter-deck ill-luck will and the chance of loss are pra�-
n tells how he of rid' o1 his re_ Dome of the promised good fortune. 'ticallyeliminated. l
i e sown to
B� g result. He has been k If a black' cat follows you, good
Rheumatism — honestly earned fuse to go to sea'without salt in his luck will follow also; but shoulda Many,infactmost,oftheStxid �
pocket, or to. put his left foot i dyed/ltLL these feline leave the house which has testees we have offered oto cue-
Popularity. �` tourers in the past de nd fo_
first in a boat or on shore. Rice is DIFFERENT KINDS been its home, look out for misfor- dated in value. The demand for
rPeace River Land- known by the unattractive name of L-% of Goods tune. If, when unfolding clean a certain bond,paying goo'drate
(;old S i,
P gs 1 strike me blind as its continual with the Due. of interest and of unquestionable .
ins, Alta., Oct. 30 (Special).—Just .use is thought to result in loss of f-- SAME Y linen, you find adiamond-shaped
I-- security, forces the price up in'
why Dodd's Kidney Pills retain sight. He is a firm believer in odd USeCI crease, it is a sign of death within the same maiulesasaniacreasitig '
tuei.r wonderful popularity is easily a year. And if a child looks into demand forces up the price of P P y numbers, as naval salutes will amirror before it is a year old, ill- arty commodity.
1Shown by a trip across the prairies. testify, minute guns excepted. H,3 PONEMPKINI luck will follow it through life. To g Wenvould like to send liters.
towla, village and pust-office an um re a in a ouse is a Lure foany one interesT6 -m thist least one man or woman who favor. Some of the officers beariw is ready to tell of pains relieved with him an evil reputation, both Saf� portent of misfortune; to drop one safe and profiitable form' of
and health restored by the great for luck and the weather they a disappointrment; but if anyone
Canadian Kidne Remedy. Let brio' Commodore Byron was al- CLEAN and SIMPLE to Use. else picks it up the disappointment -
i B Y S,.
' NO chance of d►laY the wRO`dG Dy.for tL.coos. pasties On flim Or her. These sup-
Thos. Griffin of this--place add his ways Foul-Weather-Jack be- one has to color.Al colors from your Druggist or ROYAL but a
p Dealer. FREE Color Cardand STORY 13co ntr ti. little erstitlons are all common-sense will explode the }
' `ata,temeat to the hosts already. pub- cause storm and tempest seemed to •rnr ioiuuoa-Rlcwra.n■ co.,Ltmitad.Montreal, a".
fished. follow him wherever he went. lot. SECURITIES
C E1 R i T 1 E S
j 'When I came to this part of the Spinning wheels and pigs he would GENEROUS. CORPORATION
mays: country," says ,fir. Griffin, "I was rather be without, and certain days
Itroubled with a bad back and, he knows to be unlucky. An old ,"Giddings willingly gives his wife In making cranberry jelly YONGE AND QUEEN STS.
lRheumatism in my shoulders and chronicler puts the number of days full credit for what he is." jam, much less sugar will be requir- IJ`
-hips. I sent for six boxes of Dodd's upon wJI
hich it is undesirable to put „What is he 7" ed if the-sugar is not added until -
Kidney Pilus and they gave me relief to sea at 83; but since he wrote the „Bankrupt." the fruit has been well cooked. N a L BEC-HA ,iA Lono K M
R M WHITE Mattes ; -
-- - - - - - YO TR A -oU8 L %• O it OI
iat once. I also recommended them number has'-been considerably re- ;y
'to my eldest son, who was confined(doted. Among *lase days of ill- The Real Liver Pill torpid
Ito his bed from Rheumatism. repute ,were Cain's birthday, and liver mens a disordered system,
Now I know that Dodd's Kid- the anniversaries of the destruction mental depression, lassitude and I"'low
� + J
t►ey Pills are the best medicine for of Soddom and Gomorrah, and t1e in the end,-if care be not taken, 'a "VV.dMZ'�=i
Rheumatism and the Kidneys. I suicide of Judas. The fact that chronic state of debility. The very WRITE FOR PRICE LIST I v
Columbus both galled and discov-
recommend them W every person I best medicine to arouse the liver to W C. Goffatt, OrlHla. Ont. :
Bred land on . a Friday has no - -
bear complaining of not feeling . healthy action is lee's Vege
well." weight with tim—the day remains table Pills. They are.compounded MIS
' �''
unlucky. of purely vegetable substances of Tate Heart of a Piano Is the
Dodd's Kidney Pills made their- s _
POP by curing sick Kidneys. _ careful selection and no other Spills �• Action. ns on - LLEota
F Insist the
Thr keep their popularity b keep have their fine qualities. The do h /� * s+
y y y A wise mIIn ie. merely- less of 3 "OT HIVFjit CANADA BUSINl88 CO }'
�ing on curing sick kidneys. fool than the average. not gripe or -pain and they are CHATHAM, ONT.
agreeable to the most sensitive sio- ptiRrtO ACtlon ONE OF AMhgl`-'"'» OSEATL6T ��gF
mach. -BttSINZf$O SCHOOLS a;
TIMELY LULLABY, - - -- -- - _ Otlrr 2,i1N ohotfiff Fo'porltionsears. filled In past
Shy � � Four Years.
VRome Abor. vast filled ! K ISA tat, tray
- f'8ye O Baby BlrntlD'�� + `ovtu•tndiana, pieced with Sault. tl 11=% On
- - �� poate, Jew, ar4:,, I H kar •Atl'Pil I keno, - -
Daddy a gone a hunting: ttiCilaykr tNnr. co■`Ys. esres toldev bed. Pes4,d!O,srali t o wiatL.ur L l BU Ht\yUr}
t�•flows..�iskalt 26 c..a.. The man who is looking for tlOu- Bkkpr.• with Hell Fu-u+iure Cn. South— Son.
If he
t shoot his guile, for this it
;bio generally finds lt, and the one is-fe- oat rws:rrx A\Dlrtt�lov dtaao aad Vim,
r, �•,
deermeat stewed and LO:tG LIVED kIU.SICIANS. 1 who expects defeat usually gets a Zan WAverin.Co _hath*= MILDRSD A.�D- -
' fried. 1 whipping. ?V V teaa. y, De es le withor Cs,
y g PLIIIft t
--A Dr. Roggers,has been studying PP B --- - College .wart,V lrlae salaries ,:ftttleDhrse m!
the effeCL Of tv1Dd instruments Oa
ahown Aot wwak •versa• vr• R0: per unana
. 'Do It Now.—Disorders of the di. a ILr, .oft itis ere an wa r ra a 910"
�gestire apparatus should be dealt the life, of musicians, says the Lon- LaeCO our audant•hereV r. red loran+ ma rr
l 'don Globe. The average life of the - lttune-w her•tale till pa.P► offered it PAY
i -
ith at once before complications ;wind 3nsLrument artist is 83, while rh+. onrTt\D Tarr H ,t Cataw . n Lelia
-` of
ar1S9 that m8 be-difficult to c0 14��1%be �'ho Werk -4 t'nadhatn t atd • b� tel.0 k oar
I y that of other is 84. Thirty-four per ear home o.a•ewa. Addr+w►. D YirLACHLA\ d CO,
-with The surest remedy to this t+ad far wt. a,ea wca d aa•e ! t:.8.t'clfs:♦ ,'hatham. flat � F
cent. .of the former, category attain we belieae I[INARD'S LLvIBENT is the to Yar+a. .sra� "flow' - -
mid and one that is within reach , met, s tr ears w+dr ►, taobr
70 years. Performers On the flute loa.,,a sii eol■n .ttpwttuwa I FARMS FOR RENT AND SALE. •� '
of all is Parmelee'a Vegetable ssrtbois ►t leartntttetdo sae s ',
in Dr. Roggers a ecbelle.de long-'.Mathias Foley: Oil.clt,, Oat Ince tnA cart•selflr Bead as ASK OAW30N, HE .KNOWS.
pills, the best laxative and serfs- .ty Int t aiwiloor •1.e•opros•
.Fite' reach On the average the JorrDh ;Dow, \or:tay; ]t e. tn•er ■ot t.Wrstlr•¢ tPeoftwr I j F you want to sell a (arta, coasut► -
t irFe On the ffi&rkeL. DO.not'dglay, t'ha'rle6 Whootrh, ]1lulgravC, fi B. r•n e■ ertr I we- kaa a"- me.' -
' but try them now One trial will age of fit, .While the hautbois ex- I Rev 1t, o. Armetroat, uuierave. N. 8. r ++,tn■, •q�
%.&A ae■••or mall ernr•wor,aener t' you want Co buy a farm. nonsnli "
ecutant lives two years longer, Pierre Landers, sear,. I'uaemouche, N. B. erdrr Lesse.err chat your wonv,w„ no:s i
"OOnvince anyone that they are the Thomas Wasson, KhelDe.d. :I. B. - tvaiettrt►ertataetaaoteatfr•tr.et,atarwt7. i me.'
best stomach regi-lator that can. be Buglers go two -years better,' and htfYorkaistncsrealbetChi.kA a,.151,141S
the clarinet player lives till he is - aAr l: some of Lhe twms k'ru/t.-BODY, {lg
tlrato- o! 4atry !'arae ka Ontario. a..
F� got 85. He Of the cornet only fails the r', ritbl.
• -. - � .•_.. .�' .._. _. acid p lrtl
allotted ,span by .one year. The t. I i t�. DAA AUN: Ninety cutworn•
All thinks the hustler doesn't o htcleide artist beats them s1Y. 10ROWNS
'- -•- f 1�. atre+a , root uta
! g P D[i�Tf a
?-cant comes to him who wAits, His.time of life is from 75 to 80. � �' ^t:aNis wANILU. �
Mike (in bed. w alarm clock as I i ! TREES +�ttk''��lty w~aNTrD. tite<•klr aa:arr
AInard's Liniment Cures Corset In Cows fainard's Llnh•ient twos Distemper. t Sato', a,:rrd a' Ly'Irr, i•ruu.n,, out. 17.,
it sues off)—I,fooled yez that time.
` If a man hasn't any sense some Even with a 98 cent watch the I was not aslape at all. 1 1;• .umm:sr:uu fur ,,eat ray •+�+rta• "
tlreman is sure to think he is eenti- (leader of an orchestra may be able. 1! i ,u=m,,t.rely,.
+ to keep good time Many people have receding gam's. a:Nrt.eu,e uuue:•arary; rapid r.:aura• `
meatal. Rub Hamlins Wizard Oil on gums tueu„ •Yore taut nsuiii rd,
g Ltutl:rd, rubl:aaer►, avlutato.
'All mothers can put away anxi_ Do not let a cold settle on your and atop the decay; chase the die ut vrS WANTED. - A LVIE YOU _
i lungs. Resort t0 Bickle's Anti .ease .germs with a iilOuth wash Of every hotnr.. ..�'.,L ¢tl lUr our Luu.uu 'd
11ets regarding their suffering chi! g e
letyn when they have Mother' Consumptive Syrup' at the first in- a few drops to-a spoonful of water. L.,,tt b,pu•=tee• m� .
'Itiew est;ldredtt l•,.�y yat}twutl tun :u Laaadd, ,�..
timatiun of irritation in the throat Lu-uay, Nu, Uu.lay ntvioeaiy. AVp,i �•
Graves' Worm Exterminator to and prevent di'sea'se from lodging It's ea ler to make a break than L. ,, w, r_s ,+:Deft �t.. ut,a.wa,
give relief. Its effects are 'afire in the pulmonary.organs. Neglect it is to mend it: - WR[TE WRITE - y
and lasting. FOR. - -- —
ed colds are the cause of untold FOR E0�4' ,_ •uta e _
Mlnards Liniment Cures Diphth+ria. C Al and ii"SUrl at
The reason most girls want to suffering -throughout -the-country,' - C,tTJ1 MUE AGENY 1� .�a1e Yr�r e�, s L.i.r.l dde,
yoThe is because they don't know all of-which could have been 'pre- you tail forma pretty good idea - t +''VRML ]JACHINLR '. rOlLJLI:14o
vented by the application Of this - P , `►�: or t.oavy Latin sin=s, .+hl<L
what they want. simple but powerful medicine: The of what a man hash t,done by the. y i L e;u:tl aua Botivre, '.)tt:L a,.y„•.1•. iud '
rice, 23 cents; biings it within the things he is going to do. _ - . r. k.uut tlanulatturtuK Lu., mow.. 11 car•
Hinard's Liniment Corsa Colds, •o. P -- �trcet, ynfuu;tJllt ir.u. s
reach of all. Cou'hin is ( /.. d�Li i., 'rLuuit�, Loa ra, etc tu. �
:. Stop the COIi$l1• — g g i V icrLdt aua eaLeru,.i, ,UIVV 11atone
Blobbs—Scribbler says he can't caused by irritation in the respire SR WN5 NURSERIES, uy our uumto tic: 1ue,.L. i'•1',Le.-u•
compose a poem unless he.is amok- "I'envy the man who believes that wry passages and is the effort to i ELLM.COUNTY,ONT., i,etore trio late., Dr. Beilulau �teuwul Co. a'•.
ing. Slobbs—Isn't there some superstition •about Friday, said dislodge ubstruetiotis that come Ltm3tgd, ....Coll..>;wood out
` 6cheme ire Can getup to make him Mr. Groucher.
"I 'consider it de fools inflammation of the mucous LARGES GROWERS OP Lu;�� ;,t,tt� } LAl1.+..t1.1•.il, all, otlr W.
stop amoking7 pressing.” Not at alis A man ecltle u'crks, .9 l i}lauade,�luronto.
membrane. Treatment with Dr. NURS Y 5'TOG�K IN
_j ought to .be` mighty comfortable i ONCE ME
10 Lt:11tr 6.tL'BGK �I"
Thomars Eclectric Oil will allay C NADA. A tract:, eAi„r't tt,1.t ...• ,,; 1 u.
The most obstinate corns a-il who can feel' sure there's only one inflammation and inconsequence r,,,,uce; tooi9 ,tri: IRtI.:Ja .,u•e ,W,, y-
iwarts fail” to ;resist Holloway'd -unlucky day in the week: (((''1��
the cough will cease: Try it, and ALEXANDOX -
� tuuul fur a oar ot•, \,rltr tut LalawRuCorn Cure. Try it,.: you will use no other preparationlcelwi .fuss's MURINs� EYE REMEDYuto.Watery Eyes for a cold. t,ENTS W,INTED, - A STUDY Or' ^t
HASTY. IAS Red, Weak, VReary,
wdGranulatedEyelids.Murine Doesn't �� Utnor A;e;t�x r rup r!ttu{,e•J willurs '
"Have ver 'got de price of s kart—IBoothea Eye Pain: Divaaitts HAD HIM ALL WAYS. -- 'FUR
ua .sat none .dl; ttival o,lr . Y:a will a.•
wnyc regret it It Suit am,t amity 1',r pure
shave I" asks the beggar. stall Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, / tiuulars :u Pracc,iers' i el.iL., l:_4 :tawrt
"What do you want of a shave 7" 60c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in "��hen are S'e soli to pay me Ottawa
exclaims the victirri, inereduously. /meptt-c Tubes, 25c, 31.00. Eye Books that,dollar 7'.' _ _ In t�ealint with ns you are dealing with :
,t ' and Eye Advice Free by Mail "HOW'S that 7" • firm 'of ,wholesale manufacturing fir• t„l'us to 'regard
to an d iselas t.eo es)
I I don't want no shave. I didn't IJ u9 to 'regard to any dtaI as , Lowes,
MCitae lE7s RtllmedJ Co.. Chlcato. "T say, it's time ye paid me,that riers. We make oily toots that are ab- =aces iu urng9 of al, lcvula
Task for no shave. I ast e'er for de „ solutely dependable add.that we calk fully rusLes fttted by mail, Send mrdeure
price Of one—ten cents. Dere's
dollar." „ fent,anassesything'
fitted by nl'e. �Yrite to-dal,
FACTS AND FANCY. "Can't hear a word ye say. guarantee. We have a nunthcr of for, anything' sold . first= woo Brut
Other flings I li1D ,Tit ler dot money, , C�a stores to Pr, Rellmnu, Colling,coe-ch Oynt
i' `ain't dere 2" If only there were not so many
"'Wait a minit an I'll write it LA®ICgsat
--- banana peel's on the• pathway of down. G*� �n i grrg•%Ar 3VIUM ,ay
success! " 'Tain't no use. Can't see with- MUSKRAT 5V ppa
Y F�
• Coliect'•r;un•I'h• + will u,rl It ., ,•1- , - t
Your skeleton will be air inch-and- out,my spec" JACKETS "'ant:,^e tti het thea ntmc• an int mu.i 1;
a half shorter than yourself. --.,�1 ne ni in�nrp�tl�nttt:�ltiat`l,'��b.,
Ii+t. •11=19 i'iisil
i tativn3 al„i
Vainty- is .wounded,, but never rule tab,ut rho t.�ah.f \,iu she Yat i n
killed. s1i'%p of foto surf 1-I,tl tte1a reGr ;f -
' made in lengths from 44 to 50 inches lc+tq. sl„py1,nrc,llectiwt:t.,Wagaa;fir is:rte' ”
Hope is the railway, ticket to sue- Lined with the best of satin and Silk. ) as Front St.East,Toro its,Ott.
Cess. 139nd.-us 'your bust measurement -and 1
e The world annually scratches �r the length of cods desired, and we will ■ v �w 71��+ '
r�r�� �k send same C.O.D. to any part in Canaia, YO
®��y coaw•`� Z
• e of 5150,000,-. FOP TM - allowln
matches t0 the value qd your
t.woatd w-direct r tv•,n 'f_I-ernS. �1
j ' . . - a 'privll>ete of e:aminisf'and re-. -
` turniatt, if not satisfaetory, at our ex- sante,eurtowo,writ-dtrecetolll••ntrea, tott5k
iE a man tells you his opinion of �N sense. WRITE TO US TO-DAY. •rlttsh Art+�rsoatn �yelrkg Co.
i -his neighbors, you know his neigh WHOLESALE DEPT.
boils opinion of him-. u
Flirtation might be defined 'is' n He He NIGHTINGALE �
' attention without intention. V� ! sToosS eR N1W1la
r In Japaneze factories the average • MamberStanU.lyd Sr CA arol-?tiningl:�:OIN _. .
day is sixteen hours long. ; iAanufaeturins Furriers, I (utroapondenae in;It•cl. r
p Many a lovely thougt, having' '$�-SOS St• pgtil St., t1101ttrtasl t3 A7ELiNDA S?.. TORONTO r ' ,
been embalmed in verse, is buried �t,d for tis ssTkpte to Dept w. L. is
11. 7 ISSUE 44-11 in a waste-basket.
IlAtlonal Drus and Chemloal Co.,Toronto Costs made t• order. lwlt• D
�: ..1•.n. J.S3:EA,:eS ,. •.'.�.. _ L.A...1,.{....-. -., t. ..';'�... '..ry -tht„ • ^' ��,' .hilt / ,�.A't�.,
- •�'. <, .. <... .-...,. - �n h cr �-+:+, - „ya_'',�*" '.'t..•e�..t"'.'.'e 4 -"-.,, �sa:f.:� .".'.tt..:
-.^�1.,� .. ..- .•. sees...- •��� y -"4• rrSs•+� .. - _
•." 'Qll ..,,y: TIM: .'W.. +
sees - -
ing,that person will be fortified 100 Girls Wanted -' '.,.. .THANKSGIVING ,DAY • _
against 'these other evils, and In
few cases will a person become a ,
victim The etre f these nation also es. �• girls Aeigp teen and over.with
_n th of a at _ 00 for CA R O c ER I E s
• ;. g at once,
- ;•_ ide upon the strength au! the
D. S. PERRIN & Co., Ltd. . PURE AND FRESH�hc XEril *R1fmilt' ta-where the is -no -
_. bPublished e,eryFrtd.ymorniaQatlt.O�oa, LONDON, ONTARIO.
Pickering,pat Icve existing in the members of
l tlltsa iaeetcioa per tins io cents patriotism. - 'The hand that rocks CIDER ILL NEW FIGS DATES
tach subsequent insertion,pper lire- a cents , ,
This rate dos. not iaelad6 Legit or Foreign the cradle sways the Empire' is r .
advsa•►ia6msats. -.
' 8pscial terms Riven to parties makiyg eon- -a saying that is true in all ages. ,
taotsior s or 6 months oby the year. Halt y' R g The uederaigned is prepared to slinks FRESH NUTS FOR HALLOWS EN
itrrlT or peer! ooatrsatfpayable quarterly.. It was the m6thers of Greece tat •
Boaine"sarda,ten lines or under,with paper built u that nation, and it 'W_ill Clder each'week day'ez>rept ALMONDS, WALNUTS, PEANUTS,
-4"year, $3 W,payable taadvaa-Ee. pSaturday.
awsotice in local columns ten cents per line, be the mothers.of -Canada upon FILBERTS PECANS.
Anve 061198 per line earn subsequent insertion. - ,
= rel contract races mals known oa applies- whom will devolve the duty of Grinding will also be done every dap
Una. lo ,
o tree advertising. except Saturdays.
Advertisements without written instructions building tip a mighty nation: do PURE CLOVER HONEY. - - COOKED.HAM
Will be inserted until for�l den and charged ao-
eordinrly- Order*for diRoutinuicg advertise- the republic to -.the- eolith ofus, John F. Bayles, Greenwood
_-.200111sinter moat b6 in writing and sent to the pub. NEW CANNED GOODS
< Isb.r there is growing an element that
Job work promptly attended to, is sure to .wotk ultimate disaster
f - AL QOAL - _ -
TESMB__ t.�..
-to the Dation, that is the tender _ - . •y - — ' ,riving now
•11:25 per year; 01.00 it paid in advance. towards divorce. It is a terribly-
6absoriptiow nlad United States,$150 sad thing for the young, when Th ,�BEST
nd9NT�RACITE C=RN Can guaranteed thisTaOr's�PaATO {:
the,parents aro divorced from one 8 to aYd Fuel Co.; very a
' Limited
' JOHN- MURKAR, Proprietor. another. It would be far betterx'
- for such a child were he never c N. R. R IC I1�
NOTES AND COMMENTS born. It is hoped -that Canadian
} •Ca t Larsen who made a tri courts will never be scandalized �. H, Gibaon, - Agent, -
by the proceedings that,have be, Ind. Phone, Bro.706.
through. the whirlpool rapids at
come so familiar in the American
- ;iiagara last year when he nearlyZ
courts of•justice, or rather courts 2n2rt9- '�qCT. ..A.. 5317.tles, -
lost his life, again successfully Y,
_ performed the feat on Sunday of injustice. WHITEY pre
Announces-that she is prepared-to do
f . last. Such a person as he is look• all kinds of plain sewing, including
ad upon by some as a hero, but 'Ned Adroerttieentents. men's shirts andvRnts.
these daring performances does OR BALE-House and sot situated T
M` not entitle biro to that honor, but F on crock et„ Olrr:wont, aypas'te the Voters List Court, 1911 :Y : _Se c-eral Buggies and 1 Dem
O� :
Methodist church. For particular+ appl? to
x tizinplp places him with that class w,s,oaEaa,forth etasemonc alit TOW 'SHIP OF PICKERiNO #.
of people _who are usually found OW FOR SALE-The undersi Ped . : �crat will be sold cheap -to'
+s C g NoTicz is hereby given that a Court -
r Within the four walls of au insane has for aal6 a fresh rallied cow,Cyst rinse. ;t
A Ply at lot 45.con 1. Pickering, or address will be held, pursuant to the Ontario '
f assylnm. No useful purpose is c ®ti S51ALES,Duabarton.Ont, Voters' List Act, by His Hoi.our the make room for the 'Cutters. .
Judge of the County Court of the
nerved by these foolhardy per- L,HROPSHIRE SHEEP-Tke under- County of Ontario, at the Town Hall, = _ _ _ `
,fOrt�ifnCeB. It satia$es those n'ho S signed has for sales cut-ber of'sbropsb,re in the Village of Pickering. w Satu 1,
- Domn sheerliDg rams. extra Good nailty. sot g
" ,long for thrilling scenes, but the la con.7.Pickering, or pho0e. E, . PC GH, day, the 12th day of Nnsember, 1911,
Eeadquarters dor :Fur-lined
E� Claremont. 4a-tf at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, to bear
C Oman who takes his life in his band - and determine complaints of errors
' in this manner should be laced in tDLAIN SEWJN'U-The nndersipned
f - ' p prepared P g ,and ratfitasiana in the tiotess' List for and tither Coats,
u eared to do al.k:ads of plain uwln ?;
ache care of 6he police. for ladies or children,also a6aclemsn* under.
Polling Sttb-Dt.ctst4we Nituiber5 1. 2, 8, - t
y ' wear. Sfits. JOSEPH SUITS, King St.East, 4 and 6of the Municipality of the
Pickering. a .
Tuwnrh ip of Pickering.
It is remarkable the change of - - Dated at Whitevale, this 27th da l
```TRAY ED on to the premises of the y Aldo two good d2 ivera i'or sale.
attitude u1 the nlAas of the people i,11nderaltlned,lot 17 eon 4. Pickering,on or of October.'1912•
A about sept.9lst,a Cotavoid lamb, �3he owner ~
� well as that of the authorities may have ,rovtastpropero7aadP��iaQ DOVALD R. BE:ATON. ' 7 ;
'r -'towards the Salvation Army dur- expenses. A. w_8' &CK,Clartmcne. _ 67 Clerk of the Municipality of the - 4 and 7 years Old
4og the past twenty-five years, -"TRAYEI)OR STOLEN-From lot 4-8 Township of Pickering ". . _ c
A ►J l3. t3 F', cos, Ptekartag. oa of shoot tb. _ respectively..
'This noble body of workers are n0 lot4 a on fear 1111 aged mare whawrecover?
w Any t. Become Independent _
a - s
formation laadt11q to her recovery will M ansa
y- - IOnger looked upon 99 a Knoll Of abiyrewaried H tvADE. Fiekeriag s.tf
Unatirs, but as a body of self. �.TRa1'EI1-On to the remises of
_ ;ttseri$ring philanthropists who ►' the nadcC 149ed,lot a con !"twoldaa,nes Up Graduates i and hold Rood J10 "hacurdsy ort.lath,a sberrltoe i'otrwotd lamb positiocs ow ing to their superior
are doing work that cannot be Ibeowner may have too samab, pzo.iaa pro- training. The
done by any outer organization. L,b�sad pa;Ing espcoxa JOS�i sco�TT
„They are now receiving the beady -- _ - -.
ANTED-Ladies to do plain and
I iDADcial and 'moral support of llal+t eewtao at lidos, whole or spam
time. good pay.. work seat any distance. a 1' ont
/('��� (/��:Ithe AuthoCitles ae well 118 the befit a aid Bead atVu fcr full � ' - — '�^r��`+
"people in the country. When aootreal.0 AL Y�NUEaCrGEi:ali C4YPANY. TOROOa O .
tet rese+ntative of the Salvation OR BALE-First class 8 room Is doing the highest grade of work -
Korn hi ant a d to Business and Shorthand Educa- =
Army calls at our door, O not rams¢we(taag,stunned is the vi-lags of t , l + -
Claremont, 1 acre of gardeo with good quan• ion. Students of this year are •'
Gl ywith' Sneer, Or ttty of fruit,also . eood frame .'able with ti..
plenty of hard and t water. Tereus reason- now In positions worth from S50 to .i
sigh of pity, but ant your hand able. apply to TROD, PEili803N. Claremont 8100 per month. Enter now. Cates. � r j ��r -.
adown into yoO pocket mud show use at if logue free.
- lhialt in a tangs a wap that you CLEANING AND PRESSING-Tile - - -
undersigned is Prepared to close a11d press 'R'' J. Elliott, Principal .
an in sympathy with his noble gsnaleaten'sonits,asd also ladie's snits, se- Cor. Yong a and Alexander Sia.
. paislug also duos. Chargee moderate, APP►7
'world, for they are a body of most os premise., church at.. Ptekutag, op a I
_.;in selfish Chris"n workers, who Srs, p�Ooire's r6aldeaee Pets. Ca a• ___-_ — ;We hQl`a A Gni ChOlce Selection O $eTf _
TROM SON, 11.8 -- - ..-
Is most deserving of yoni support. EAR•
OR :SALE-A good rough-cast !f0 YEAR41'
F bousseontaining8 room* besides closeta .4atest in ��jj
.L' urniture and ttt prices
During the past-week we have and stood cement cellar. Hard and soft water _
inside house. Oae-IIftti of an acre of Rood card.
!experienced one of the most joy- on et.ntainiag five apale trace besides other that will surprise you.
w trait Also taiperlsl Oxtozd atova in Cot cissa y
u�OB seasons of the year, a season repair with warming oven attached. For forth-
` Jin which the spirit of thanks Borolr el om atpply to THOS. E.STEPHEN- T ILA
T ;
Iglying seems to -'— ti .
• pervade the � /� •-' - - - Doc ro�+c• Just Call and see our stock.
_;.-atmosphere. To fnany-the spirit
of thank sglvlD$ may nut sees Al Anions Beading a sketch and description m87
gnicicl aacertal11 onr opinion free whether as I _
eYldent, neVBCthele59 Che Cilit012]9 tavenctnalecoulden sr_%ANDl montes -H URL NG
jtionsuve aton if conadentf�alai. HANDBOOK oa Parents C
that arelollovt eel during this sea- sent fres Oldest eaenc7 foreecurl ata. • •
� �n Patoata torten through NIMM!"=16
son are most commend-tble. It i5 Jpcda(suttc0.wlthouteharge Paths
a tune of the
year *hen familyPICKE R IN G, Ont. :
ireunions are the order of the day. 1 Adu;�o �a7n7�.ci6°"'nu�Journal. x io '
!There is nothing that is more Give the young folks io a boost. Let Caads,g3uers.rear. Sold by �[.TBBiri' QCT R.U�3BERS�' RUBBERS
them pace an education•of the right all neYwedealerpe y a. i1 7
'pleasabt to see than these family kind-no waste time, no useleaa ex- MUN C �' 1'H@W 1
,gatherings. When-familv•ties are pense-g30.-3 months. IrW_WaahtaRtoa>x� For Men,K'omen, Boys and Girls. Call and get&tied and beprepar
not strung, when there is no love for the mud. Rubbers are cheaper, which will
existing between the various-!nem :; new v
__ .. _. _ be good s to erybody.
hers of s familyi it is a sad thing Fine-and Coarse Boots in every style, See*our patent leather, with 4
for that family, and it is a sad cloth top buttoned, for ladies, patent Oxford, patent pumps. eta
thing;for any nation if the jatpi -- .- _,• Peabody Overalls and Smocks, in black,,blue and striped, and a'guar- -
lies-eomprisin-g that nation•do not - i antes garment, and a Peabody doll given
" with each p
to each customer that buys the goods.
possess that love fiir one another •
'!that is natural to a family where _ "Dome and Secure one, the children all like them."
:hike social atmosphere is o G. A. GILLESPIE : :DUNBARTON
•.- . ..
healthy.character. If we werere-to - � ► 0 � � , .
ask ruen who have attained prom- v
inence in the public life•of the _ -_
cotlDtry, or whd have reached ex-
positions in any other 'JIrL J.J..i BANK ' w
walks of life, ' for' the influence "
:.•wbich has enabled them to make ► OF CANADA
Established 1873 'e0 gy,oclies
a success In life, the answer would'
._lie, in nearly all cases, the itis(]. - -MONEY ORDERS FOR SMALL SUMS
�ence of home training in early life.
'On the -other•hand a-visit to-the - Safety, convenience and"-low colt unite to make
: 'prisons of the country, one would _ _ Money Orders issued by this Bank a ,most satisfactory
-learn that most of"the wrecks in HOUSE Way of sending small sums to any part of Canada. !
life ea Dae to those who were un-
OF Under $5 . . . 3c. $10 to $30 . . IOC. k'• -
..fortunate in their early home "pHoeBiERi.tN $5 to$10 . . . 6e. $30 to $50 . ISc.
__ —_ _
r " training. Some might say that :. ._ .1JMITED _ .._. _ _
-Drafts issued for larger arhounh.
the downfall of most of the Oecu•
Vents of prison cells is due to bad About 400 samples to choose from. Come and leave your order for a Savings Bank Department-at Every Branch: 37'
� .
companions or to strong drink. - Fall or Winter Stilt- or overcoat. p I C K E R I N G Z R A N C H
That may be, but where a person
:.Las received a healthy home trair.- GEORGE PHILIP,P, BROUGHAM CLARENCE T. BATTT, Mastager ¢�.
..' .1- .nes s,"-'• ..5". '.s- '.,�.. S _..:^. .' .. ...., sew.-..r•. :,C: Y +0??rak"E�,• q.d'` P"""'• ,
'.-Q.' ° :..,....•�2f.'k�:.,.*154' '•".!�"1i,� 1: _.n°"Z
..w.`r-: .' .. r.._.-..' .. .' .... ::.ro. -' ;., 'e 3 W.. ., vyr=t'+a. +.+''.• 's. .�} d5.:w+; 'M?:...'. -t� d.
:. ,� ":: . ':;;. ., .;'''.�•..' , - ".. .'.. _ r _. - e .-_. a "•' d'
T CLARiMONT Mr. and Mr. Elder and Miss Lau- Thanksgiving Day was observ, ,P. Macri jr., Was in Ithe cityl T "Roberta, of with Chas.
an Spent ed very pie quietly here. BowlingHo
R��HARQSO� S;•, n Tuesday Thanksgiving with Chae. and Mrs. occupied the atteutioa of a sum- gg
Hillyard Bryan uses'in Toronto Middleton. ber, others left town, wl;ile-mazy
over the holiday. Graham Bros., has purchased' spent the day visiting. Imporlanl rhowit9t of flaest disvlsy of -
Gregg&Coates shipped acarload the famous hackney team former- Our football boys journeyed to ohina. A-very large wertmeat of - -
- -of hogs on Monde ly owned by Hon. J. R. Statton, Uxbridge oa Thanksgiving Day may, gook,Dolls, Toys, jart -
Monday. of Peterboro. when they entered the football
J. C. Macnab, of Uxbridge, was Rev. Mr. Mann, of Listowel, has competition. They defeated the - received for she Holiday trade. Call --
xn town on Tuesday. rented Walter Thomson's resi- Uxbridge team by the score of ? - and ra >ihem. M
G. H. Semis spent the holiday 9�.
_ with friends in Toronto. deuce and moved his household to 1, than winning the Scat prize Subsoiivdons taken for all Magazin",.
The Misses Dowswell, of Alton, effects therein on Tuesday. Robert Bowes had the misfor- - as - '
repent the holiday with Claremont John Gerow has sold to David tune to fall•and break his- right - Weskl y d Dail y_X*wg&pwiC
Gregg a four•horse power gasoline arm near the shoulder. on Wed
friends' engine for use in pumping water, nesda of last week. He was at •7� J'� H� R=CE3AR�80MT9
Mrs. Algia. Wiisoti spent a few
g . P P $ y
* •heti with her son and daughter cutting feed, grinding etc. once removed to the home of his
city. ,- The Oddfellows pukpose,holding daughter, Mrs. George Morgan, BZOChC a set. Whitby'
Thomas Brown, of the 3th of a church rade here on the 1`5th and while necessarily suffering r'
rust., to the Baptist church when some pain he is doing as well as -
Uxbridge, is wearing a broad p _
Rev. J. A. Grant will'preaeh. ' can be expected.
smile. It's a girl. Mrs. T. E. Stephenson accum- The erection ,of the rest-roam
Thos. Paterson and Jae. B. >_
pauied by her sister and mothelr, and the improvement of the rem. N0W is the ';Tim6 for Stoves
:Madill had a,business trip to the e
• - firs. Pearson, visited the letter's ant work of the steps and walk at
i ist'-ter,-lUrs:-min:PZFves; of- yr- t e Ulan Cemeter .1s a out com-
v. Frederic=and Mrs.' Cdtiai'ns tle plete. When furnished in ac
left for their home at Stratton, The Claremont Baptist Sabbath cordance with the plans adopted
--Ont., on Tuesday.
''ar! Mies Morrison, of Toronto; as school purpose holding a Christ- the�appearance will kir distinctly >' Have you seen our display
the guest of Miss Sadie on Dec-mas tree and entertainment on creditable to. shecommittee and -
Thanksgiving Dap. the evening of Thursday, to the community. `Q;
Dr. C.J. Brodie spent the poli- 21=t. The usual union Thanksgiving Stoves and Ranges of all Sizes `
Frank, Charles, and Arthur Service was held on Monday fore-
day with his. brother, Dr, G. M. to suit our pocket book. f
Brodie, of Woodstock Derusha and Wm. Hardy left .on noon in the Baptist church the y p
Alex. Waddell, of Flocidtt, 1s in Tuesday for Parry Sound where sermon being preached by Rev. Dr.
• Claremont visiting his brother, they will spend a couple of weeks Marvin, of the Methodist church, Coal and wood steel Range,
hunting deer. who took for his test the words
William, for a few.days; Mrs. E. Gleeson, who has been "Things present-all are yours." with high shelf, 20 inch
Allowing that the small boy's seriously ill with an attack of The collection amuunting to $3.11 OY6n = $35.00
! = •tbili of fare' was elaborate, did
pleurisy and pneumonia, is we are was donated to the work of the
you consider it digestible. leased to say somewhat,improv Lord's Day Alliance.
Mrs. G. H. Samis has returned 41
at the time of writing.
home after spending a few weeks you rein no risk. We guar-
You u;'
with her parents in Brussels. Mrs. Fred Farmer has gone to s 4
Farmers in.this locality are now West Toronto, .to spend -a few g0 W TO LIVE LONG
'rite wNDo A entre them all ��,
busy harvesting their turnips, the days with her daughter. ,,Sirs.
finishing np of their fall work. Richard, Johnston, who.has not With healthy kidneys Doe Lea a Rood
Luther Bowes, of Peterboro, is fully recovered from her recent chance to live long,but weak kidn.vs affiict CHARLES SARGENT, CLAREM4NT
holida in at the home of his illness. old age with great discomforts. The back HARDWARE, STOVES AND TINWARE :
_gg become+ beat and lame, rheamatism is
imother, Mrs. Josepb Readman. On Sunday last Rev. F. Cousins
, chronic. e y e-
Sherman Rumohr-wa9.summon- preached in the Presbyterian eight fails and
ed to the city, on Mondry owing to church in the Forenoon and in the too l a nest or -GASOLINE ENGINES
:_ the serious illness of his mother, Baptist church in the evening, his iavol o n a a r e GILSONof tme •
R. E. Leggin, who has served miui3trations being highly appre- passages,
Lis time elite Jas:-Pengelly, of ciated by both congregations. °nue causeam.
barraasment by 1
Kitlsale, has returned to Clare- - as and lose of - _ x
imont sleep at night. �0 ���� TO ������
Thomas Paterson is busy, these
Booth's Kid.
nay Pills bring ,fir Cooled, Style E �:.
days erecting an external stair- J 1 d
wayand entrance to the Oddfel- new strength ® GOES
to old back@. _ LIK1's r
4ow'a-Ball. 1 1+� 2J 3J di 5 H. P.- sizes _
Sol- quick nick relief to weakened kidneys, SIXTY • + z:
The Misses Edna .and Fanny. They banish backache and rheumatic painIrBILSON G'�� q
Workman and Mrs. John Wood. egubate the bladder sad urine. _
of Toronto, spent the holiday at Booth's Kidney Pills are for sick kid-
the manse. rays to old or yoaag and are auarsateed .. . Other styles from 1 to 50 H. P.
On Saturday evening as a teani by iter proprietors,VAUGH"ER The A. T Booth Co - -
belonging to b1 r. Willison, of the C11 EDI Ltd., Fort Ecia, Oct. sod everywbere Our style G, made especially for stationary work, is a model of all a
4th of Corbridge, was tied at !I id a�ud guaranteed Free
m Piek�D r b OeT' GasnIioe Engine should be: It includes all the latest iaprovemente,
-Gregg's elevator at North Clare- t3 y is of the highest grade of construction in material, workmanshipand
incur. they became frightened at +f• MoFaddeu, design, is unsurpassed in economy of operation and is above all thor- 3i
. a
passing locomottve and broke —-- -_w1u _..- --..- -.-.._..- oughly reliable. �
loose. They dashed down the _. Our.style 0 Engine is a powerful-motor adjusted to all power purposes, more
Brock road througb Claremont y y tt INOTHER LIFE especially where close regulation,smoothness and reliability,are required. It jus
and were caught by Frank Hxm, 'Lydia E. Pinkham s is ver economical and steady and almost noiseless in o ration.
..before the reached the 8th con- Vegetable CoUf*und ( It.is a favorite with Farmers because it can be relied upon. It is easily open- °
cession. Fortunately .no damage , SAVED, - - ated and understood. It la just the engine for hard service.was done. Baltimore. Md-• I trend you heres Monde eveain next the with the icture of my fifteen ear old It has many improvements that are not found on others. S Catalogue
g Write(lilsots Mf Co.,Ltd.
Monday $ ;, �:•• „ • daughter Alice,who 'Wfak Lan:@ Ratipred by describing chem rear on ceq��st,.. 6 `
annual Thank-offering meeting ; was restored to �. �. Guelph, Ontario, or
.of.the Presbyterian W. F. M. S., ,,, health by Lydia E. ,Moffiscy 8 No. l$. v
will be held. Appropriate '$tusk 1'lnkham e vegeta. Howard E. Turner, gent, - W hitev�le
� Nov 1! lslab. f C _
40 is being prepared and several ole Compound She 9a Pieur, N. B., ,
bymns will be tendered in -panto- '� was pale. with dark -I had Pt city Hoxp fa, sea was Y rr -
. mime b a class of girls. The �„ irctes under her taken to chs city Hospitat to here �T
Y 8 rF., yes, weak and frrl• my tunas tspped. Atter this was tone Re B R V A N -
er OP the evening will be ''' table. Two different 1 seemed co get worse, ' and newer ,;? BiFiBF.]Ei '
speak n f I
v w I
-'- )El.ev. S. B. Rohold of the Jewish ; ,n; odors treated her a:pecced to walx erste. I act. � _ � e�
lmi>,eioa. A collection will be tak d called 1t Green given up and wamted to be tares home � / � � � »i a � Tobaccos, pipes and smokers'
„i from the hospital. I was in a terribly 'i C
em in aid of the Society's work. 0 . -, ickness, but she rundown condition and felt tact I was 3 +�t�l sundries. Central aogflenc Hell s..
Eptly2+Ody come 0 0 w worse all the coins right into Consumption, sad for g --s er t t I�� _Teleph tstoa•LaaYtdry� y f� K
Among the holiday visitors me. Lydia EPink- six months was just a shadow. I tried � d a � ,
ham's Veg�e to le Com and was roC- every means to get well: but there was a 0 R N CLAREMONT. - ONTJILRiO
-were: Mise Olive Powell-and Miss ended, a ° 1 s 9 0 , ►�
Bnimby. R. P. And Mrs. Hopper, emm and after Latin three bot- no cure for me uattt I began takin3f ! • Q a a" o Cl
W. and tetra. Walworth. David ties she has regained her health,thanks your xo 1-0 Lung Teak. •ot which I 9 °• a og
to your medicine. I Can recommend it ossa Sa'bottles in all. It was not lone +�° a ° ;a y ;" ;
Bundy, Mise Rachel Walker and for all female troubles."-Mrs. L. A. after returning home that I surprises r $ � - cs .c ►�q= READY ROOFING ,
My neighbors by gaining in strength c 0
lady friend, Herbert Forsyth, Cottaxsx 11% Rutland Street, Bald- e o°
' and health, and now I am in good O — --
John Farmer, bliss Alice Pearson, mare, Md• health, and feel It my duty to jmbltsh, g „ I • y,14
• all of Toronto; R. Worthy and Hundreds o!each letters from moth. It everywhere,'as I am living to-day,-- s{ o °° Zvi Jan O Brantford Patent Roofing used almost
:SOS, of Brampton, Ra Rumohr era expressing their tirade!0!what Raved from the grave by your wonder- °0I Feb'�i S esi'Iueitreiy by some of the
lageet cos- .
p Y P Pitltha , gm ;;'. N cerns in Canada. Price 2.16 a 8b sad
-and lady friend of Bradford, and, Lydia E ms Vegetable Com- tut preacriptloa. .You tray pubitati thee b g $ 58 a �+• Har y� '
L.-and Mrs. Todd, of $touffville, pound has accomplished for them have letter• if you -nett, for I 'am willinx. to ►I aC Asir 1a.a 2.90 per square.
been received by the Lydia E.Pinkham let the world know what this medicine c o m C wm� May', _ Also,a quantity of No. 1 apple
and Wilmott Storr , of Norwood. ata for me, and I cannot praise it too � r�ss barrels on hand.
g Medicine Company, Lynn, Mass. "higtilp: m� Jbe 45 '
On Saturday a body of Boy Terme etriotly Cash
Mrs. John' S. Bartter. g 3 o I C -
Scouts to the number of about ten . Young Girls, Heed This Advice. �.r s a 4m Sep,, n W, D. GORDON &SON, - '
from Toronto took the electric Girls who are troubled with painful The above prescripttori to nota "cure- a p m fl s M
..'car to Nest Hill, and from that or irregular rinds, backache, air', se so-o».tad patent fo mrd ears Dr.
pe head- All". or preaiial it for 4♦ years; and b 4�� Oct. w. Pickering,Ontd
point they tramped to Claremont; ache, dragging-down sensations;faint- Lt cured thousands after other doctors I : 5 e, m� Nov �
a distance'of about 18 miles draw- in spells or indigestion, should take .neo, ,,
g pe failed.- m+
Ing a cart cotitainin•g their camp- immediate action and be restored to c, per s bottle
size, 2oc.: IaTge size, Jknnwy 1919:wbitb 15, osbawa ta,Browtha
in material and provisions. The health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vega- SOc, per bottle--at your sealers or 17,Port Petry 19,hibrifte 1J,Canatngt°n 11,
g P y table Compound. Thousands have been Father MOrriecy Medicine Co., Limited. Beaverton 10,uptargrove 9 '
erected their tent in Graham's restored to health by its use. Montreal. 406
Rats south of the village, and on Write to Dors.p,iukbpmt Lynn, ISold and guaranteed iri Pickering k
Monday 'returned to the city tak- Mass..for advic%free { by T. M:McFadden New Blacksmith Shop I oaim a#
Ang the same route as they came.
t The annual public meeting of
' - the Claremont Branch ..of the
Bible Society will be held in •the SIMPSON &
Having leased the blackomith
Methodist church on Sunday even- O shop formerly run by Hy. Thom- Opf 0 xhaterials and design
ink next Fit 8 o'clock sharp. This ason, I Am.p pa, g to oalltat our w�ks amid nispeoot otnu �
..meeting will.be of special sigtli- re red to do @neral oso�[
$cance as it is the local celebra- Dry Goods, MillinAry,' Boots and Shoe! Hata blacksmithing in all tines, and obtain prior., Don't be mislei bs
Lion of the Ter-ren tenni of the '1 agents we do not employ them,000segn
Y HomE8HOEING A SPECIALTY ly we own; -and- do throw off the agents
translation of the Authorized _ and CSps, Clothing, . CTOOkery,, oommission of lepre�enhichyou win �$
emersion of the Bible. 1t is hoped Ind.'phone,No. 302, Claremont osstwinly save by.
parohwdng from bs. ,
there will be a record attendance - Groceries. t oall solicited. "=
and a record collection in aid of _ s�QHN' 11�cGRATH WHITGT GRANITE On
the work of the society. The ad- - - bans, whttby, onIM43 -
- dress of the occasion will be given MILLIri"ERY-Stylish Dress Hata, a MEN'S Top Shirts, fleece-lined, very CLAItEMONT, UNT.,
by Rev, W. R. Wood. collection of strictly new models, heavy,,85c.- " Very heavy fleece lin-
We are all good citizens loyal embracing every
-new shape and ed shirt and drawers,sell quick, per Ee w. EVANS
to the'flag and the' government; color, trimmed with feathers, flow- suit 1.00.' Large Men', under sui4, The Pickering y
faithful to the church, but ine or- ers, ribbons and silk, special-values, ruixed and, all wool;- per'suit 1.20, r
p at 3.50 to 5.50, 1,50, 2.00. Tl• Pump Manufacturer
tent duties, much regretted of Vigilance Committee
•course, kept -us . from.. honoring VELVET Shapes, trimmed with the A Full Ling of Ladies Underclothes,. SFiop'and Residence,Dundas Sty
newest and most effective touches, er suit bOc to 2:00-just.the tiling
►i _ e}ther the :government b
sup. pp The object of L1ris Association is to
Y P' at 4.25 to 5,00. for'winter.
porting the Thanksgiving institu- lessen stealing and prosecute ;WHITBY, ONT. -T
tion or the Lord by publicly offer- AVERY Stylish collection of ready COMPLETE stock of Boots and Shoes the felons. =�
-ing thanks to him. We are hope- to-wear Hats-black,'Brown, Navy,' • for :men, women; girls and,. boys. Three doors west of•Whitby 1 ctlee'
at 2.50 and 3.50. - Y
Jul, however, that when the ,new Rubbers and overshoes. Always Members having property stolen oommnai- tom•
-department of power Rets to work The 'above hats are great value for some specials in these lines. Call oats immediately with any taembe_r We are prepared to instal wood or iron
that we will be able to hitch tip the money. Come to-day. and see them: of Rxeoutive-committee. pumps on short notice,alao attend
A Niagara to do the chores as well Momberthip fee to all kinds of repairing.
as to light all the side roads. and GROCERIES-We always sell the best at close- prices. Teas_ have "*k ts'mav beb.d from aha President or Agent for the Ontario Wind Mill ^�
'then if the preacher will set the one a with lex and bounds, still-we can give you black Tea at e:o:dt.r7 en•ppttoation. �
hour of the Thanksgiving service R p also.gthe ine engines and l
Ell 20c lb. Blended black Find mixed Tea 25c lb-in the lead packages Exec. Com.—L.-D. Banks, the aqure gear -
in the evening, after a rates you pay 85c and 40c lb for the same Tea. W.V. Richardson,Pickering,�Oat)
.close, possibly we might think J.A. O'Copftot ,Arthur Jeffrey' 1KA(3NBT CREAM1;9EPARATOS
about tacking in the church meet- Da SIMPSON & Co., PIC�ERIzN.G Te«Wray. 8eorelary Phone No.60 at residence,
' � , •'a.• � •;`;'' ti..k.,.R,;, -, ,a. �','"' _.. ..,,,,_ A„ .;fry �.. ..e:..._. :..� - ,;.�"�',��':
... ., .-. .. '. k - ax ,..,'. �,-.:� -,A.k .'_`P°�,•' - .a:<»;.�.sa4s��Y�,"'`a _ .•..r ,4'v'+ ;°af�.;'.q....
a -
rn a.,•. ,
p :
.,•in �
C - 'Vlhy kt that headache spoil your day's work or pleasure T Take x memory I will give you a remind-He opened his card-case and
Olin u� V K ADA !+ �a'� wrote on the back of a card:
G Grand Hotel. Breakfast 11:30.
No more at resent."
25c.a Boz at your'druggist's. P � ��
The quick-witted King's messen- 7-
to _
-' - - -Guarantexd contain no morphine, opium or other poisonous drugs, by the 90 ger read and understood. -
- ifaWeei Dins and CJa»muml.Copoans of Cama.Lloolt.L tiloatroaL _ _.
"It seems to me,," he went"on, Are you satisfied with the quality o�
_ - -
"that he is the very man for your � stearal
purpose. Though he is not in favor y in which your maney is 1
at Court just now he has lent •of a �,
plenty, nom invested? Have you some Bands
7 -friends in the various departments,
r and he would give you letters which (secured by first mottgctge as well as
T R�
would be certain to secure you some -
.- _-- _ -.preferred d and common stocks
excellent orders. I suppose you are pr e ?
going to the East as the result of And is your average of income art thew
-OR,- THE HORSE •IN THE -- the rumored intention of the Tur- ; ! _ -
RUE BACZBE"hTE kiss hGovern to reconstitute the ' investments O i should
Government inro t t as god as 't h ld be?
�. -
Brett made a haphazard guess at Of the Government. Municipal, Coati
6lattltierrrmeaning.—: ! poraton and Industrial Bond issues of
£$ASR-irh:'�Cont'd) bier had there been such, a rush "Yes," he said, "we ought to -
"No, no," interrupted the other. to the South. By the exercise of place a good many thousand tons fered by this organization'--safety of
"I rather had a good look at his moat profound care he had secured with them."
principal is the fundamental considera- '
ooat—ana the lady. �Vlio ever the thew two .seats-in a compartment, -Gaultier leant forward to strike
man was, he appeared to be wrap- but the third had already takel2 it-
match and glanced at their com- (' lfion—while we endeavor always to
y self. He was sorry for it; he had
fed u iq. both of thou!, and he I done his best, panion. For some indescribable _ select of-aid in the selection of a secur-
certainly did not court observation. reason he,shared Brett's views con
,I natural! thought that the temin- ' When they entered their cam- cernin this _- it best ads ted to
Y 8 g gentleman, and ammo- ( y P special needs and
int attachment accounted for this, age the third occupant was in pas- diate-ly started a conversation of I giving the best obtainable income return.
and for-the same reason, I did not session. He was French, aggres- general significance. They soon
sive,ly so. The poor man had been discovered that the had several Ask us to submit a list of Bonds for -
even seek to scrutinize hilg too y i
ti closely. To put the thing in a nut- wretchedly ill from the moment he mutual acquaintances, and in this ! j _ your approval. _
iefiell, I saw a man whom I believed left' Hover until the vessel was tied way-thdy passed the drekry�journey
to be Jack Tal}sot—and who car to her berth in the harbor at Cal- to Paris pleasantly enough.
ais. He paid-not the least atte;i- ._9t the Gare du Nord, the French- {{
Mainly resembled him in face and' tion to the newcomers being-appar- -man, who seemed to be thoroughly
rr figure—attired in Talbot's clothes, ently absorbed,in oon�templabion of revived by the air of his beloved
and wearing a coat -s to b had not=°I mils own misery. The two English- Paris, hurried out aimultauoously �'�Ta0� * V1UVr
ed so particularly as to be able to men, though experienced travellers with themselves: mifts
He had-no diff.- A— 1 _L A Jud -
�4owribe. it to .my tailor when or- w
:- a sufficiently i
f . t insular t
a resent
1. 5 cul i
t n hearing Bredirections ,
: daring a similar one. Add to that the presence of the stranger, whom to a cabman. Gaultier entetZ an. T05L01YT0.xM0J4TR1r-A1 L.ONDOI'l.Itpl'lC3.
the 4ppearadce of ahs attractive Brett resolvgd__to put' to the langu- 'other vehicle.
,lady, young and unknown, and you a age test forthwith: Brett was the first awav from the
` have my soul laid bare to you in "It is ver cold in here,"-be-said. station.: - He fancied lie saw his
the matter." "Shall_I turn on the-lot ais 7" French travellingoomoanion hat
` "Thank you," said Brett. "I am herein the 'barrister thought he re
The Frenchman seemed to under- ily whisper soniething fo a lounger oolmized the man to whom the the Rue Lafayette. Not until the
Imueh"obliged." stand that he was addreesed.. He near the exit, so he suddenly pulled three cabs had crossed the Place
He would have up g p gave the driver a Frenchman in the train had spoken. 1 de 1'Opera and
quitted the sa' looked with a shivering smile and u his vuiturP, B)• this time many other cabs were p� the Ma.de-
-boon, but Captain Gaultier laugh explained that he only- booked-one two-franc piece awd told him to o I!eine could Brett be certain that
B. dashing out o! the station-yard so '
ed— {seat. The remainder of the oom- to the Grand Rotel and there await Brett took the chance that be might I the occupant of the second was fol-
'Hold on a bit; it is my turn fi partment was at their- disposal. He his arrival The cab had haulted be hopelessly wrong. Mowing his friend Gaultier. Then
4 mow. Suppose I try to pump you. J was evidently guiltless of acquaint for the mvaveut in the Rue Lafay- g♦ hailed a third vehicle and told 1 he chuckled to himself, for this was
i . lance with the English tongue, but este, at the-ccrnes'oE the Place Va- the driver to follow the other two, ` sure=ly a rare stroke of luck.
' - A giant clave took hold "of the� I �..
vessel'and shook her violently, and i Brett did ttat like his appearance. Iencienue�y and the cabman, rec:og- which were now some distance down (To be continued ) t
Brett, though an average amateur Though well-dressed and well- nizing that_ his fare was an Eng-
iaailor, felt that the saloon was no spoken he was a nondescript indi- lirahman ax:d consequently mad, M ;
vidual, and the Rash of his dark dro-e off ilnmetl:ately is obedience
place for him. eyes was not reassuring. Yet the to orders t
'Between you and the ship, Cap man was ao ail that Brett forthwith Though nearly six o'clock in the HEALTH l�/T PURE SUGAR
Main Gaultier," be said. ''the sue- dismissed him from his thou htA; morning, it was
cess o[ the operation would be ver-I B quite dsrk, but as
though he took care to occupy the Brett walked rap;dl`y back towards Sugar is one of the clot• and most widely resod foods. Would yon
-iiia I have secured a quiet cor centre seat himself, thus , placing the -stat he had -no difficulty in rt.k your health for the sake of a few cents on a hundred D-nods
ner of ..the deck. If you wish for i Captain Gaultier on the other.side picking out Gaultier, w.ho"uccupied of sugar? Buy oats
further talk we must adj.oura,of the carriage. After a -visit .from an open vehicle. Some little dis
there• the ticket examiner, .the
French-Lance behind came ancxther, and
ti The transit was effected without man disposed himself for a nap and
incident, much to Brett's relief 'the train started. ,
Ofter a minute or two he felt that Captain Gaultier by ,this tithe,had
Is cigar was possible. 'He"turned to I made up big mind as to, infer- AGAINST ALUM IN -
t rnia companion with a quiet obser- mation he felt he could give his new Fool) _ _ - ,EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR
1 wa�otr- acquaintance. Thousands !lave no doubt read the
The vessel.has failed: -You .ditrr �It is eery odd," be said, "that _ Its Purity and .,Quality Cannot be Questioned coszpare It_:ith
start Dow." commendab,o art:eres recently a()- any other and note the difference In eolor.
"Well,!' said Gau)tieF, tell me those diamonds should disappear pearing in some of the ' leading
lust at the' moment when. there ie American and_ Canadian papers on PARIS LUMPS
what is the mystery attaching to'jevery sign of unrest in Turkey. Yuu r -
Talbot's movements. I only heard .know.-of course, the manner of the the use u� alum in baking, L'nti;
When- buying- Loaf sugar ask for Redpath Paris Lumps sold La
the vaguest of rumors in the lye. last Sultan's death?" the bominion Go%ernmont follow, RED BEAL dust Drool cartons; sad by the Donnd.
the lead of England. France -and
:partmentr but something very ter- Brett nodded, the plant _and rrohibi. the use ...,`
_ rible, appears to have happened, "And you baNl- heard, no doubt, alum in'foods. there is but o:1e sof+ They Canada Sugar Refining Co.,
- and, indeed, I heartily wished 1 something of tLWVrecautions taken, guard agaZist. alum, a-id t-ilat i-, t' M4NT32EAL, CANADA. Llaou.d
diad kept my mouth shut concerning I by the present ti aitan to safeguard buy. only ea.btt.t,w to tsby john R.dpsett
y a baking•]x>vt'_der whic..
-- ,my supposed meeting with him last his Iife against the attacks•o! pox has the ingredients plainly states
Tuesday, As the affair weirs no busi- sible assassins 1" on the label,
ziess of mine. Moreover, you have Ycssaid Brett. - '
6ltiow eoallewhat shaken toy belief in "1Ve11, these have been rodeo•
Iii identity, although I can hardly bled of late, and the man never ,
tell you why that should bo•ae,'•' f goes out.that he is-nut in the most
Brett paused ,to make sure that abject state of fear. He is a piti- � -
' ho one• would overbear him, and I fol sight, I assure you. I saw him
in the fewest possible words, he less than a fortnight ago,"driving to
- poured the tale. into the other's 9 the. Mosque on l:ridgy, and his
: wondering ear. When he had fin-!coachman evidently had orders to to r• e ..r ";i'7 _
_ i�hed, Gaultier •remained silent a Bo at a gallop through the streets,
few minutes. -whilst not-only waa the entire.read
protected by soldiers, but every
.Already the clear-radiance-of the hou$e*W'As examined previously by
:.-1magni6cent light at Calais was
stadia intermittent. flashes oaf police agents. There is something
: bright
over the deck, and the j in the wind of more than usual im
long shoulder of Cape Grisnez•w•as;portaxice in, the neighborhood of
thrusting the force of the gale back Yildiz Kiosk just now, I am ter
into mid-Channel, tain. I suppose you did not chance Pr -
"I think," said Gauthier, speak-�to see any' mention of the fact that :
ing slowly and thoughtfully, "that Hu�sien-ul-Mulk, the Sultan's ne- ► _ ,(,� ,��Q _
your thew 'is" the right one, Mr.hat phew, has 'recently' fltd Froin Tur- iV �s1 a
Brett. You are kec, and is flow under the rotec O�
\ _ ' going on to'Paris,.lon of,the French Government i" i-
` 'you said 4 '`Yes."
"Then we can travel'together. All Iti
- Yes, I noticed thati >, CEMENT
that you have said is You don't seem to miss much, C#N� $3,604 in Quill prizes ,for Farmers
y quite new to
!was Gaultier's sharp remark,'p'aus-
'me. Curiously enough, I have just 1.
lag.in his narrative to light a ci ar. FUD the conditions. you •would have. little
returned from Constantinople,.,and ! a of the Prize Con- chance against your
' ••• I may be able to assist you." � "Una of my few virtues is that I :
. Brett silently thanked- his stars;_
read the newspapers." test we are con- neighbor. For remem- ,
ducting for the farm- ber, Prizes •'C'• and
for the gratnitotis circumstance The train was slowing down-'as it ere of Canada. ZL memo
$SC0.00 '�D" have do bearing
..which threw him into the company i neared the town station in Calais, in prizetx will tie award- whatever upon the quantity of cement used.
of Captain Gaultier. He loco niz= and GaultieT's voice could be''mo-
g mentaril ed to each Province. These prizes will be divided As a matter of fac:,'your success In this con-
_ 'ed that,the King's messenger. with y heard above its diminish-
,1n rattle. Into four irroupl, ,conalsting of:..- _ test will depend t great extent on your careful
the precaution that might -be ex- g f
"Well," a< PRIZE "A'•—{100.00 to.be ewes to the farmer in each reading of our 160-page book, "What the Farmer
petted from one whose daily life Nell, he said, I happen to - Province who will use during 1911, the trestest number of Can Do With Concrete." In this book—sent tree I
-demanded extreme prudence, dc- know Hussein-til-Muik,' and,-.if we barrels of "MXADA" Cement: PRIZE "B"—=100.00 to be
sired to mentally review the strange'find out here he lives in Paris I. i vvn to the farmer In each Pronto wkd uses "CANADA" on request to any farmer, full instructions sirs
ant for the greatest number of Purposes. PRIZE '•C••—
facts made known to him before he will introduce. you_to him:" 100.00 to be [even to the farmer iu each Prnv3aee,who given as ,to the: uses of concrete, and plans
_ rnishes us wip the photosraph showing the best of any for every kind of farm buildings and farm
committed himself further, - With Brett looked at the slumbering - kind of work done on bis tarn duriu4'10i1 utility. You'll see the need bf this book;
rQady tact. barrister changed Frenchman out Of the corner Of hi9 -with. "QA,$ADA" Cemec<. PRIZE 'D
the conversBtipLj to matters [vf the!eye. •Tile man-appeared to-be doz- - $P o. i e be glen to the farmer in each whether you are going to try for a prize _
Province who subui is fix batt and Host or not. If You have-not
3 PF a got your
mer+ untjh reached the ler 11n eacefuiJ anon h but the alert a!� oomplete description of how any par
Q- `*" r P , g g , �a ttcdar phi of work (stows by copy yet, welts for if to-night
- ,ai Wais, when both men, not. en- ,barrister h& an liuprossioti -the - �+► fi, pbotogrop) sent ia) was dune. Simply cut off the attached cou_-
cumbered with much luggage, were!his !lints were not slt$'xc:ently re- ♦ Every farmer In Canada is Don—or a postcard will do— - ptesw
` + - tend Cir
'among the first flight_ of .#taesen- �laxed ander th0 influence of slum- ♦!asitia. Therefore, do not` alga 'yo'u'r naiize and ad= -
Kers to reach the station buffet. _ i.ber. Indeed,. he :alt sure_that the be -deterred from enter- dress thereto and -,mail cular and
On their way they captured a rail ?F renchman was wine awake and en- ° . ins,by any feeling that it to-night. 13ook. - w
rvli<y official and told him to reser-•e �deavoriztg to Catch the drift of their r � -
;a coupe lit compartment... In- the l convern tiga. Limitedy
midst of., their hasty meal' the� "I will be most pleased to meet d 9e Add.
Cil1 t� II'fBIIt COlRtC....
" Frenchman arrived, voluble, apolo- your friend, Captain Gai'l ier.' he Moto rttJEni. ••••••••••••••••
iletic. T1-e train was"crowded. said,. "and lest it should slip'your
."«'r.. ak,ti:y. ... a. -« ! "rt .a f ..r:. - rfb.,i 'd. t--..— _1.,, s.*''Poe`_ „,•,-- _ •:w
.;. f -._iy, .. .tR.ty.a,µ:Y2n�i... '.. . '':<.'.: ... • .. !^'..e',<. .. __. •h
ny•.. YY
, .°ti"$,.'^?` •`:n`s"' F ,. _ c �T;, °^N 1�"�`^• '� a ;tea N;,. .an,
. J 7
-',A+: '•d,JC 'YF C'''z :** wT..^' n •..r:U..,., . a;t3i•. r .. 'ka,
a.�. �44hrsaM,. :", '3.. •.il' a 4.,T. � •,i,
�,. fi
,Ai f rubbed off, leaving the blush ad- `d
kering to the pulp. Remove the
pita and cut the fruit into slices.
p Place between the hot cakes apd q `
,prickling generously with sugar.
Graham Bolls.—Peel two large
potatoes and cover with sufficient �®rWMII
_ I boiling water to cook them ten-
en LOOi{ IrOR, _._
der; then mash them very smooth-
!y, add two cupfuls of scalded milk TML�OI:UE PACKAG To t" r5Tu '
and rub through a sieve. Add to f ' '� 'C�R ���"�"��
he mixture half a teaspoonful of r ♦ ® a `.
salt, one tablespoonful of sugar and SEE THAT LASELOJN
enough sifted graham and white PACK AGE A S S Lu i s
flour to make a stiff batter, using l-i ,r.A.
half of each kind' of flour. When nV rrVw� USED ON
using warm add half a cupful of t�OYAt�'1�'EAS"�"
yeast or half a cake of compressed ^y
t yeast, softening the latter in a lit- REMEMgElt-THEVbtAR SLUE.
tie cold water. Cover and stand in E � �.TQ
a warm place until very spongy and i i
light. At this point mix in half a _ T0001i1T10--+na•ONT.\ TORora t+c r:''
_ - cupful of softened butter and half
_ THE E TH �}��RiO a teaspoonful of baking soda wet
ANNUlAL with a tablespoonful of cold water.
,. • a a Mix in enough white and graham ease on some town property is paynenti
flours, sifted together, to make the MAKING SAFE INVESTMENTS of a bad debt. of tried to on the mart u
ultural Eh�b�tion dough elastic and smooth, being sage. He was informed by one campaHortic _
careful to use as little as possible,
—' that they might buy it if the race wet
th i
to accomplish this. Cover and let 'CITY MORTGAGES SAFE, BUT TNIB right. This they placed at no lees the ,
�O Nov. to alt 0,
rise again, then knead and'roll out NOT 80 IN,TOWNS AND VILLAGES. ten per cent. Tv rate was made Lea, cf
TO RO No1 l,= lY suggested, but even then rho manager a' 1
and cut into biscuits; let rise again, the company would not
touch it-nor
QNTARW'S BEST FRUIT, FLOVYIElRB, VEGETABLES, FfONEY, then bal4e about twenty minutes in would anyone else. Then the insurance s
FARE RATE a quick oven, If eons are reason- vulagas ane Towns titles Stagnant - rate was also ten per cent., and,
as the
SINGLE able the white of one beaten stiff l
may be added to the dough after Small or No Demand for Property in
security, without the insurance, wee.very'
FROM ALL POINTS IN ONTARIO the soda is mixed into it. tinseo}re," this ten per teat. was prat-
Case of Foreclosure--A Recent Example' ictally a first charge oa the income of `Y j
ASK route LOCAL RAILWAY AGENT FOR PAteTICULARS —d' the unfortunate moz-Magee. And this,' ?.I
THE TEA PENALTY.' -Guaranteed Mortgages. ','
mind You, in a growing town. The wort-
gage was only for a short term and will'
- -- --
:•t Strong Man's Experience. be payable in a few months; but the
The articles contributed by "Investor"
Writing from a busy railroad are for the sole purpose of guiding Prov chances that it will be paid o8 are very, i,
pectwe tavaeturs, and, it passible of envy very slight. And here comes in the per-
town the wife of an employe of one fps them from losing money Li r�nRh '.
r of the great roads says: yylaciag it is "wildcat" uterprises. Tor sonal element. The two parties to the
w ! "M '
husband i5 a railroad m8n tar•artlLl and reliable character of the mortgage are friends. The holder of the ',
} iuformauon may be relied upon. 1 •
"' �►� '.. who has assn sa much benefited by wrtLer of these articles a°d the publisher mortgage would be moot unlikely, under'
the use of Postum that he wishes °t this paper have no interests to serve I any circumstances, to foreclose. and even k
\., in connection with this matter other than 1`
me to express his thanks to you for those of the reuderr tt this were done, them would be no
the trd it has done him. His ready market for the place. Altogether,;
wake, hours are taken up with it is a very nasty situation, and one that*
his wi rk, and he has no time t o what has been said about farm mort•, an investor would da well to avoid. xd�
write himself. gages is to a geueral way true of Mort- whoa one turns to city properly there
_ "He has been a great tea drinker ¢sora ge❑scally. Bat, of course, there is a very different consideration to=be
KEEP YOUR STOCK WELL AND all his life and has always liked it are several differences which are
IT born in mind. In the first plots, the 1
T11iVil�\7•ALL WINTER aEaf strung. -' noting. cities of this province have been growing
"Tea has, of late years, acted while mortgages on farm land, when of a groat rate duriat. the past decades $
With "t1STElitlVATIOYAL STOCItC FOOfr- Rete is what one SuKk And as a natural result at this growth �a±
on him like morphine does UpUn carefully chvsea, are sate as regards
The besituowoanl so-ost re,,able t.,ck Poac onebemn•ket, iRafters most people. At first It SUOtlled the values of land of varAa$ QLa99re has
Parmets, s�oekmru and Breeders all use it and praise Thein•-rwcioturtuxa p p prtnclDal, the same cannot be said with•
a because it gives meualn sew strength and endurance- rood.o.T,,a tc,Unt. j,him, but only fu r an hou r of so, I o-ut attatt8cetiou with respect•to t=Mage, ulna.increased.
pwises the blood-improves their appearance-and at ttu a..ur..- - hen it began to affect his nerves-tis( This leaves s oezp subs:antral equity
ume case,woes cora and oats,and only costs you z+•+. •n• •m'irat r.txt t B and toxo property The creat danger of 7
em e.^,r 1r'�' ta"""""'0 ' an extent flint he could not� t,,..t,,,g in mortgages on property situ• behind the security on which the Mort-
such a.
errr.tinvtator in such'
••t roe..:.... i m -
. S FEEDS Fes 03118 'CE,'�l'r BU.IL F..t 'steep at nigh!. and he would oto, t
Por raie by Dellen everywhere, and the price will be ",*Ione foe,or hoe.n.amt g ated to a town is that there ls.-Ss a rola„ gaga is bsRed• and ao the
refunded if to doa't says yw,tnaaey, oleos W P.- l� �� has work in tete morning wretched no very pressing demand for land of thea mortgages has not sand to lose anything 7 e
p•.a me...ry..n•r,•-i,.a,• during the past few years. The increase -
wrtte for copy of our"f9.ro)stock Book"-the most ane feast-nor w-i,••c null miserable fl um the leas Of rest tins•. For ezamDlr. It it' became neoes-
helpful Book ever puDteshed for The Farmer and Stockman. µ •a ane.A-
,z Mot y sacs to foreclose such a mortgage is would tui Populations
have also resulted not,
,. ea,.c,•rz I wan This etsitdltion - grew constantly r
went tree. aenJ i msih-r araer. only to a steady demand for
worse, until tics friends persuaded
aiTS�T10� llUt></4+Pp Ca„StJYl1l0. • Totwne. tyy,,,w� �,y,ryTTK P not be at all an easy matter c find a
him, some four months ago, t0 sett but also as a result of the increasing _
!o g 4 purchaser. nor would.tt 6o much easier number of people to the necessity for •:
tea and use Postum. I to Sad someone,Lo rent the place. Then,
kt first he used Postum Only agate, Lhere u always dsngez that a more shops. and, consequently, a demand 1`
et►rs+�N.�rv►'elrv�tN► Pare and slice lengthwise, having' for breakfast, but as he liked the
for property to the shopping districts.
small tows will decrease In alae. ,►ayoae _
- the slices an eighth of an inch thick. taste of it, and. it somehow seemed who has glanced over the census returns The result of this is. d comp, that any
he added it to his property secured under d foreclosed
Dust with pepper and salt, then tip to do hem gu+id, published last week cannot tall to Dora D D
i I mortgage could De readily sold.
- :n beaten egg yolk diluted with a evening meal. Then, as he grew that the rural and village population of
OME began to drink it for his Therefore, as mortgages go, those based
tablespoonful of milk; cot er witit better, he eRa many parts of this pronnce hu matert- 1 ;
1)ur and fry Until tender and!noon meal, and now he. will drink ally decreased in 0umher during the de- -on well located property la a growing
t table. o an investor tonsil be, city are perfectly safe. They do not, Be -.
brown. nothing elm a tulle. The result t
NN N�N a rule, bear as high a rate of interest
.. 1' ver a:
n i a
_ is so w nderfu re would be s
tLt n £he
d o y at
n th
i� co rse
H of coo which ,3
Pa r
f but there is a �
Short cake —Rub one cupful o I , tarn mortgages. greater
Id IS ,ELLANEOUB RECIPES, (butter into three'cupfuls of bread ; improved that . be could not be �� chance that, the property on whit certainty than the interest will bo paid. slat
-Creamy Scrambled
Eggs. flour, three teaspoonfuls of baking hired to Bice up Postum and go his held a mortgage wooed be one of the
gg pobe-
A' very great drawback to-the a•erage t
`` ba,ck to tea, His nerves Have be- many. that one may see to almost any
one egg for each person berved and I powder and one-half teaspoonful of cvms stead and reliable once more, maw who dr.trea chis form of mortgage l
y Ontario village, that has lain vacant for
two extra for every four ersogs salt. When the flour is the.con- I t
- at the meal, Separate the yolks and sistenc• of cornmeal add enough and his sleep is easy, natural and rears. The very tact that the loan and BhAhph�
es p 5 refreshing. mortgage companies wi11dnot accept A4
hese with a half teaspoonful of salt sweet milk to make a dough soft i He owes all this to Postum, for
recurtty mortgages based on such pro- i
until broken. Whip the whites un- enough to lift on a floured.baard,•�
til stiff; then pour the latter in a and form into two la ers to fit a!he has taken no medicine and made- petty ie . conclusi.e proof that t>>rFo wields as.gs e.a h•. rsrea•eeles, heat. l a i
hot fryer and add a tablespoonful biscuit-tin greased with drippings. no other chane in his diet. s�• ettuo.t ..d tw■�• 14 oeots.
• g mast be something wrong with that sort
I Pour h yolks There layers should be half an loch "His brother, who was very nervi- of security. is that those on really desirable property
of melted butter, the y 3 uses from coffee-drtakln was r•
" on the whites and add four table- thick. Pat the lower one to fit the g, Of course. It one could be Bare that the are nanaltJ, require ao great an amaant
spoonfuls of cold water to each si,, .tin, having the center much lower suaded by us to give up the coffee town or village in which the house-or of money that it is quite out of tho ques-
" eggs used. As soon as the bottom than the sides, as the tendency of and use Postum, and he, also, has whatever itis security may be-is situated iron for him to ta.esi therein. ea a re-,
begins to conk lift it carefully with dough is to rise higher in the ten- recovered his'health and strength.'.' is in a fair way to grow, there would suit• they usually.fall to the lot of 8nan
a fork, allowing. the yolks to run ter. Spread well with softened but- Lame given b� Postum Co., Battle not then be the same risk. Even at that,. tial and mortgage institutions, and only,
_ down: Continue this lifting pro= ter; then pat the other Layer on Creek, I4lich, there is, however. nothing is this form the, less desirable are open to.the small',
- Ever read the above letter! A new one nveetor, a
ces8 until the' eggs are a creamy it. Bake twenty minutes in a quick appears tram time to time. They are of investing to attract any careful' in- i
mass of white and yellow. The cold oven; then split and bake the dough 'genuine, true and full, of human Interest. ventor. Nor should it be forgotten that there is.
-. water, being concertcx# into sisals, side five minutes to prevent its be- 3• - only a ahort.time age a friend of rho. as much necessity for a careful valuatioai .
Will make the eggs puffy. As soon ing underdone. The • crust thus Fruit Float.—Cut fresh fruit into writer found it necessary to take a wort• and eornptilous attention to fnburancP,'
is they are done serve on a warts formed on both cakes will prevent small' pieces. Whip the whites of titles, etc., in.city, as there le to tete case
dish. soaking when the fruit is put in. p p of tarn mortgagee. J,
Santcd ('itcuiirbers.—Large green �l'hen,the dough is baking pare the two eggs until stiff, then add two j Before leaving the subtest or mortgages,
! c �/}QQn the "guaranteed mortgage" should, or, '
vie ctablca must be used, As soon peaches by clipping them a second tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar Try This Pinez "V�Alia�ll
as they tura the lc est bit }yellow in bailing water, then plunging into';and whip again until it will keep its �eJJ cour?e, be mentioned: although it has not
they become tough and will not da. cold water, when the skins may be shape when dropped from the spoon. !1 Y z;
Sprinkle the fruit with lemon juice OURC93 Of Cough SyrUp yet reached hero tiro same popularity of 1
in the blares. This mortgage is cue o[ r ��
and place in a dish, alternately with the .usual kind issued in the ordinarr
the meringue. A F'amlly Supply for t30c,Ssvinp $2. Ths
g f Surest, Quickest Remedy You Ever manner,
buil bearing on its race, in some ,
Boiled Rice.—Wash one cup ul of form. the guarantee of a company that
e : ,fir- -� , ,�, l; •M Used or Morley Refunded.
- rice in several cold watees to re
the interest and principal would be paid
i • w. ... move the flour, then add it to s k�a. A cough remedy that Bares you$2,and 'full who du There
n u n c. are many ad
is guaranteed to give quicker, better re- i `•
f* . "` .; t,;, r •: tle with two quarts of water abso- sults than anything else,is surely worth vantages in this form' of mortgage. In
b' '''r;'•`"""''�'"" �"` '- ' - lutely boiling, and one, level tea- trying.• And one trial will show you why the first. place, it obviates the usual war
r spoonful of salt. I�eQ the water and Cis used in more homes in the a S.
1� ItNeve'rFUers p ries over the small, but important, de-
replenished as it evaporates, and and Canada alas anyothe surprised
p You will be pleasantly surprised by the tails of insurance, ,valuation, collection
~��� o• cook until the grains can be easily'• way it takes right hold of is cough ggiving of interest, etc. On the other hand, for
The Ion winter even- crushed between the fingers. Drain almost inotatnt relief. It will usna�ly stop their trouble and the guarantee, the tom
h ;+ $ it
into a sieve and dash co?d mater the roost obstinate,deep seated cough in
i3 tugs give awoman asplen- 84 hours, and is nnequallecl.for prompt pany charges a certain part of the in
over it to remove the gelatiOlta sub- results in whooping cough. terest, usually about a quarter. As a
i did chance for servin or r
• then return the rice to the A 60 cent bottle of Pines, sen mined
g tanee; result, therefore the mortgage returns
embroidery; but her eyes kettle, which set in boiling water. with home-made sugar syntp, makes six-
g teen ounces of the best cough remedy ever you scarcely more' than the avcrngAn
e in
Cover the kettle. This method will • Eer,ity prepared in Ave minutes- du=trial bond without, however, its itis r
_ suffer from the strain nneaa
give a dish of rice absolutely free directions package.pnt—ahildron take it
she has a nod h ht. is tinct advantage in being readily saleab]P
g g _, from mushiness and stickiness: w}win 1 . Stimulates thea petite and is
The Rayo is the best Vanilla Wafers.—Beat one cupful sught�yylaitative—both excellent features. '
lamp made. t� of butter to a cream; add one cup- Splendid for croup, hoarseness, asthma, Cornrileal bluffing.—Sift together a ;I
bronchitis and other throat troubles,and
ful of sugar and cream again; then a highly successful remedy for incipient one cupful of cornmeal, one-half
It g;ves a strong,diffused light that is remarkably easy to the eyieg. beat one egg and add with three lungtroubles. tablespootiful of s.pgar, one cupful
There is no ale to it; ria flicker. It his nex is a e fel and highly concen- of bread flour, two teaspoonfuls of
glare , lig ftp a whole room. tablespoonfuls of milk and two tea- P p� g i'O
j t'r'aced compound of Norway White Plus 'baking wder, one teaspoonful of
w Tlie Rayo is an economical lamp;too. spoonfuls of vanilla too the butter extract,rich in gualacoland other natural g p° 1
You get the most possible light-vclue for the oil burned; and the Rayo itself is a mixture. Sift two teaspoonfuls of.. healing pine elements. Simply mix with 'salt Beat one egg thoroughly and
low-priced lamp. Yet it is a handsome lainp—an ornament to any room m the house. baking powder .with two cupfuls of sugar syrup or strained honey,in a 16-oz. mix with. one and one-half quphd
' The Ra o lai�np is ea■1 lighted,without removing shade or chi g bottle,and it!e ready for use. of milk add this to the rneal )nix
Y y coney;.any to flour and stir.into the wet mix pine••�has often n Imitated,but never i
clean find reyvisic. Nlsde of solid�rass, tuclfel-plated; also is numerous other styles ture, stirrin well to ether." Stir
and fimsha. •. ._.- tura; form into a smooth dough, ttuCOe ley,for not ing elite Tvlllproduce g g
addin more flour if rieceasaity to the same res alta. The genuine is goaran- in half a tablespoonful of butter, r*
AA roar dealer to Blow you Gia Iine of Rayo Lmtu; of dnawn t ltatlaf_ . g teed to give absolute satisfaction or money -
--' " to aur•seats of '~ roll' out to a wafer-like thinness. refunded:' Certificate of guarantee Is
melted 'after measuring, and best;'
Cut into the size of. a silver 'dollar, wrapped in eeohpao Your druggist to a smooth hatter. Fill hot muffin mac,
- The Queen City Oil Company, fed�r s place on greased tins and bake a luta Pfnex or wi it g y .get
It for,you. pans two-thirds full and bake thirty
i pale golden yellowIf. OnCot,send to The Pinez Co., Toronto, +19
minutes hot oven.
m• lie a
" •„.., ,.( .. p ,•b1r '�-T4� TNR+'iM-+-•c Sfi P.,.y mT•7r 'R •`W% - � •.r, . - S,' i
1 y J: ,,L^ ,•ur...."$ ? r _.. ;:u ...:.v-. `,.c ..d'. 4rn� .,�'•• t - _ -
ae y
LOCALISMS.17. —Mrs. J. L. Palmer end da h- —Those wishing Iain sewing : "r' H E $ ("'� Y �^ O 'T s
u�gg p
ter, Miss Nellie, are visiting with done see Mrs. Jos. Smiths advt. >
friends in St. Mary's. in another column. * „ --
r --Mrs. M. S.
i ChPman was ;in —Mrs.- Kai ht, of Mariposa, —Dr. Johnston, Niagara Falls,he city on Tuesday.
spent a few days with her parents @__ppent a few days with R.and Mrs. We have now a larger and better range of Boys' Boots than '
—Mies McGill A nt the holiday Smith and Mrs. Clark. Gutbrie, of Audley. ever before. The heavy working boot, the medium school
+with friends in Warwick. —W. T. and Mrs. Wilson, of —A. J. and Mrs. McLean and
of Manilla, are visiting boot.that stands all the wear and tear that he can give them.
—E. Cryaler spent Thanksgiving Brougham, spent Wednesday family,
may at his home in St.George. with H. G. and Mrs. Calvert. Also, fine boots for fine wear. Don't neglect the boy's feet. 1..
' with L. and Mrs. Squires, of the Give him good fitting, well made boots and they will last
=' —Fred. Balsdon spent the holi• —Mrs. F. H. HaII, we arij leas- lake shore, and with James and
_ -_day with friends in Woodstock. ed to report, is still making favor- Mrs Richardson. :.longer and give better satisfaction than a poor pair at the _
—Fred Adair spent the holiday progress towards recovery.� y able p g rens t'y —F. W. Weeks took possession same money. - -
,;at the home of his parents in Agin- —Mrs. Henry Coates and child, on Wednesday of the mill he ro- - -
y raurt. of Toronto, spent the holiday centlp purchased from Mr. Bro- Now is the timetoget your Fall Boots for wet weather, while
—W. Dickie, of Toronto, is with the former's mother, Mrs, kenshire, and is now prepared to the stock
,is eempleta
sppeending a few days with his rola- Holt. carry on the business so success- -
fives here. —Mr. and Mrs. Clap,of Toronto
r —A. J. Rogere spent Thanksgiv- were the guests of Mrs. W. Har- fully conducted by his.predecessorgive
Ing Day at the home of his par- ve and Mre. J. H. Bund during and will endeavor to give the R. A. BZ7NTING, P:ICKERING
Y y� B trade the beet service possible. �
Gents here. the holiday.
—Dr. F. L. Henry will be here —The Women's Institute held a REGISTER. '
4 as usual nest Tuesday to attend very interesting meeting home
......to his professional duties. * day afternoon at the home of Mrs. TtTEBDAY 7th Credit sale' of f
x —Mrs. J. H. Wagner spent the George Lena. farm bto Nov.N implements, hap, grain,
_holiday with her son, Rev. B. N. —Mrs. Varty, who has been »
,- po ultry, etc., at lots 12'and 18, con. `It ALL TH
de Foe Wagner, of Deseronto. spending the past seven weeks 8, Pickering, (Greenwood TWE
.wood road.) the . f'
—The township council . will with her son, George, in -Toronto, roperty of Mrs. Thomas Hicks. ,
' meet on Monday next for the has returned home. Sale at 1 o'clock, sharp. See bills.
w transaction of general business. —Mrs. A.Lundy,of Newmarket, W. ti. Powell; auctioneer.
Wm. Spence, of the Standard and Miss Tunke1y, of Toronto, SATT;RDAY; Nov: 11—Credit sale of Breakfast Specials
- 13ank, Bowmanville, sppeent the sent Thanksgiving with their feeding steers, milch cows. brood
boliday.with friends in Piekering. sister, Mrs. W. Harvey. sows and 60 young pigs at lot 26, Rolled Wheat in bulk Rolled Oats in bulk Shredded Wheat
—John and Mrs. Goodwin enter- —Miss Minnie Rogers, of Frank- con. e, Pickering, (Ij miles west of
tained a number of their friends ford. returned home on Tuesday, Brouglaam), the property of Chas. Corn Flakes, Post Tosties, Orange Meat,
t lone,
d Winton e. Sale a
Ito a dance on Thanksgiving nigh£. after spending a couple of weeks anQuaker Wheat Berries,
rain or snow, See bills. F. Postill
—Mrs. J. B. Horn and family, with A. G. and Mrs. Green. auctioneer Quaker Puffed Rice, Saxon Wheat Food, 'Grape Nuts,
of Bradford, spent over Sunday —Thomas and Mrs. Richardson, WEDN$sDAY, Nov. 16TH,—Extensive Wheatlets, Corn Meal, Etc., Etc.
with her parents, W. G. and Mre. of.Harriston, spent Thanksgiving credit sale of farm stock, imple•
01 Ham. Day with their daughter, Mrs. R. ments, bay, straw, corn, roots and -� e 1 -
-Mr. and Mrs. Ninon, of hemia,Toron- W. Gordon. of Elizabeth to household furniture, at lot 11, con. ;�RG SS C�C.IDS
to, and Miss Leng, of Euphemia, —Mrs. Flett, of Kingston, who 8, Pickering (2 miles east of Clare-
c �sppeent Sunday with Chad. S. and was here attending the wedding mont), the property of James Coch-
} Mrs• Palmer. of her eon, will spend a month rane. Sale at 12 o'clock, sharp and Don't forget,about our Clearing Sale. We-are now displaying
—Mrs B. Bunting and Miss Ida with W. D. and Mrs. Gordon. lunch at 11. See bills for full par- a number of short ends at
Bunting, visited over the holiday —Wrn. Gilchrist, who has been ticulars. W. B. Powell, auctioneer.
in Toronto, the guests of Dr. and spending the summer in Picker- SATUREAP, Nov. 25TH—Auction sale REMINTAN'T PR=CE
Mrs. Bateman. ing, has gone to Cherrywood to of standing timber, on lot 19, con, 4,
y —Mise Mabel Wright, of the reside with his sister, Mrs. John Pickering (Brock road), the pro- It Means clear money to you. Some epecials in the lot
petty of:►Sias Ella Roht+on. Sale at fur Cbildren's wear.
Lindsay public school teaching Somerville. 1 o'clock. See bills. W. B. Powell,
staff, spent Thanksgiving at the —Miss Kate McQuay: who is auctioneer.
C. home of her mother here. keeping house for her brothers, y
—A. N. Ridley, of Toronto, was who are attending Queen's L ni-
,' •in town on Wednesday. He has versity, Kingetou, is spending a Shorthand Made Easy
t7 sold his residence on,King street .few days with relatives here.
east to Misses S. A. Dale and P. J.' —Mrs. (Capt.) Clement, of Mil If such evidence as the following ex-
Wri ht. tracts from letters and other equally
R ton, returned home on Tuesday,
strong testimony contained in our
it —The regular meeting of' the after spending several months 44bookle �?
T]Mission Band of Sr- Andrew's will with her parents, C. H. and Mrs. personc, is not sofflearncent to satisfy any
person desirous of learning shorthand, and�°�
be held nest Saturday afternoon, Burling. Slee was accompanied then there can Fre no merit in any buss- r+
s. Nov. 4th, at 2.80 o'clock, at the b Capt. Clettieist, who
' y p . spent near under the sun
home of Mrs. Peak. Tbankslrixing vf1th her in Picker- DEAR MR. CLARxE—"Tt is a plea.
a —I want a large quantity of ing• sure to write a testimonial endorsing �
' buckwheat and will pa the high- Amonx theThanksgiviog via- anything so much superior to other s --
�"` eat price for it. It will pay you itors to Pickering were: George things used for the same purpose as Pickerin
i=, - = to see we before selling elsewhere. A. and Mr%. Gordon and two sons, your system of Eclectic Shorthand is
i'6;_ F. L. Green. Greenwood. ` Mise Ada Vauderbu to others I have examined. I shall
rg and friend. be pleased to reply w any commtlni- 'le
—The C. N. R. officials are treat- Miss Cora Cafordon, George and cation chat may be rent me 7vith re-
i'- ing the members of the various Mrs. IAw, Miss Gladys Bateman, f �
y scenes to the system, or to have asy p
' councils and township officials F. G-•and Mrs. Logan and daugh- one interested call to see me."—L. K•
- .along their-line, to a free excur- ter. FALLta. 477 Parhament$t„ iteacher.l
sion to Trenton today.(Thursday.) —A mass-meeting of the Liberal Our Fall and Winter Term corn-
-Robin Gordon, who has been Association of South Ontario will menced September 5th, but students a
bon®with an injured foot fora be held in Whitby. at 2.80 p. m.,
may enroll, nay day, as instruction is A few, ' T •�►• W N. ;
fortnight, returned to the city on on Tuesday, Nov. lib, to recon- Strictly personal.
q Write or call for free booklet. of the a�ecial features : The triple triangular grates. Semi
Tuesday, where he has resumed eider the selection of a candidate steel fire box linings, which put to shame all other kind@. The oven
his situation at. the -plumbing for the Local House, A large Clarkes. Shorthand College flue canstrnetiun, causing heat to circle oven twice. Burnished sur.
_ trade. representation of Liberals is re- 565 College St., Cor: Manning Aye. face, smooth as #�lass, but not ground. Enamel steel reservoir. The
-Leonard. McQuay, of Foawar- quested. . G. D. Conant, Seere-
ren, Manitoba, was the guest of tary. * TORONTO. emory rod, for a orpentng knives, etc. -Many other features. Call
.,his uncle, W. D. Gordon, last Sat- —The Ontario Government ,has n et us show y
filly guaranteed.
F ll u ed
Voters List Court 1911
and hw ou
-. tarday,- ed route for Kingston, fixed upon Dec. lith as the Bate � - -• • - r '
where be intends entering the Of the general elections and both TOwreHIP OF PICKERIN • •
Arts course in Queen's University. parties Are now bray preparing _
—Lost—On or about Oct. 12th, for the fray. At s meeting of the �;„TirE is hereby,siren that a Court I
� L
” 14 qZh
- between Dickie & Chapman's and Ontario Hwfornl Association. held will be held pursuant co the Ontariooust apmam
D. Simpson's a brooch, star-ehap- in Toronto on Tuesday. the Hon. Voters' List Art. by His Honour the
ed, with glass in centre, and scold- A. G. McKay tendered his resiuna- Judge of the County Court of the
mounted ; valued as a'"keep-sake. 'tion as leader of the opposition in County of Ontario, at the Town Hall,
Finder please leave at the NEWS 'the local house and N. W. Rowell, in the Tillage of Brougham, on satur- _ :GURNEY OXFORD
office. * K, C., of Toron-to, was appointed day the 18th day of November, 1911, :
—Murray Barrett, who was re- his successor. Mr, Rowell is a at 10 o'clock, in t-be forenoon, to hear
' coveringnice! from his recent ill- and determine complaints of errors - r
y prominent barrister.aad 1"s a very and o ns to the Voters' List for STOVES AND RANGES
nese, suffered a relapse the other active worker in the Methodist poltinEriviaians Number e. T, 8. '
day and for a time was in rather church. He is held in high esteem 9,'10 and 11 of the Municipality of the
a critical condition, but we are' by all parties-, being a"man of un- Township of Pickering. '
pleased to learn that he is again impeachable character, and of Dated at Wbitevale, this 2 th day -.'The only Stoves � J
improving. ability. of October. 1911.-
-Richard Gormley brought in- —A Young People's Rally and - - � With the
_ to our office on Saturday last a Conference will be held on the --Clerk of the Municipality of the -"Economizer,t +f j'
- turnip which weighed twenty evening of Tuesday nest, Nov. 7th, 4 8 ' Township of Pickering E COHOIn 1Z eTf
pounds. In some places the turnip in the Presbyterian church; Osb•
crop is somewhat of a failure, but awa, when Mr. Karl Lehman, of A one-lever device for fuel=
evidently on the lake shore there Boston, Interstate Field Secretary NORTHERN GROWN TREES
Is no ground for complaint. . of Christian Endeavor, will ad- Apple,'Pear,Plum,ch Beach, Grapes, saving and fire control.
—Remember Mrs. Thos. Hicks' dress the meeting. The meeting sm'u Fruits, ornamen '., Evergreens, y
Rota. Flowering Shrubs, Climbers. Etc, a
sale of "farm stock; implements, is to be interdenominational, and Everything In the our""line, catalogue See them in all sizes at
etc., on their remises on the is part of six- weeks campaign to Free, sena List of our want for Prise.,
p Agents wrath;apply for terms,
Greenwood road .neat Taeisday_ be conducted throughout they pro- -
t' Owing to the serious illness of Mr. vines of Optario. :Mr. Lehman is , J. H' �p Elgin,Ontario JoSEPH H• ��N
Hicks, everything advertised will one of the great leaders 'of the
. • .be sold' without the slightest re- Christian endeavor movement, NOW READY FOR FALL •
serve, and all that possibly can should Blacksmithing—St. Andrew's• Mission Band make as effort to hear him. S •' `
purpose having a sale of fancy cial music will be given by the
and useful articles, suitable for Oshawa Presbyterian choir. An With our Grey or White Flannelette Blankets, Sweater Coats and
"Christmas.or•birthday gifts,about invitation has been extended to Having rented the Dumbarton shop Buggy Lap Rugs; also, our
the end of November. A number the various churches of the vil• and opened the same, I am prepar- _ _
of quilts will also be offered for ]age. ed to do all work entrusted to Y the beat, by teat,
"le. Further particulars will be —At 11 o'clock on Monde me in the above line. Peabodd Overalls and Coats, a:
Monday, Horseahoeinq a specialty. in the market. .
given later. Thanksgiving Day, a' very quiet Call in and see me any time,
—W. L. Courtice, of the Lake lint pretty wedding took place at
Shore, who has been confined to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. 'Fj ARMERS' SUPPLY STORE,
bis home for some weeks through Gordon, "Craigie Lea,"when their DUMBARTON
a' illness, is now able to be about only daughter, Miss Jean Gordon, Et BRYAN, PROP. -PICKERINGf 0
:and was in the village the other was united in marriage to Mr.
a, day, altbough compelled to use a Alexander Grinton Flett, of King- WEST HILL
cane when walking. His improv- eton: The eererriony was perform- SLACBS�dITH SHOP
ed condition is a source of plea- ed by Rev. W. Moore, of St.
�,yM ►' ' :sure to all his friends, Andrew which
in the drawing . �jpME AND . SEE .ME
—On Wednesday evening last a room, which was decorated with --
r number of the young lady friends palms and white flowers. The "
of•Miss Jean Gordon assembled at musical part of the 'service was Horseshoeing. Repairing of im- For Double Harness, Single Harness,
her home and treated her to a beautifully rendered by Miss H. elements, -vehicles and auto- Collars, HsIters, Etc.;.
.handkerchief and kitchen shower. Law. The bride, who was unat- mobiles neatly and quickly _
„Also, on Friday evening at the tended, was given away by her all my own make. (,F
}� . _'regular practice of St. Andrew's father and' was attired in pearl done. -,
-- Qboic at the Manse, Miss'Gordon .grey.silk. She carried a bou uet .Plush. Rugs, Whips, and all Horse Furnishings,' , I
�. was made the recipient of an ad- of white chrysanthemums. Num@ in stock,.
dress and a beautiful hymn-book rous and costly were the gifts re- A trial respectfully' solicited.
always '
k ;by the members of the Choir, of ceived by the bride. The happy
which sbe has been a member for couple left on the afternoon train I,ICHERINa HARNESS EMPORIUM
EL good many years. Mies Gordon for their home, 74 Colborne street,
replied briefly, but appropriately, Kingston, the bride travelling in !Successor to Wm. Lav son,) Phone Ind. 301, W. J. CORK W ELL
- thanking the donors for their navy blue,.with hat to match,and 1 Q]st
: bandscme gift. Persian lamb furs, Welllrti]
.- ' .. ..
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