HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1911_01_20 a `.r• `' ..: : '^, -'•.:a ,:.�:iG a=Y°e.^ ':.., ...,+i• EP �v�'`s,+ w .� u '✓' a „ .xr,SCs�� tai ,.:Jo. � ..�..s'. .•� �� S. J '� v., ...,.'- t'• C;.. 0. PICKERI VOL. XXX. : �- PICKERING, ONT., FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1911. 1�To 10 .,� _ s W. ffssewna!Riafabl. KINSALE WHITRVALt Established-75 years Medal The deepest eymp&thy of the com• Miss Money has been indisposed for SPINS MILLS"munit"y is expressed for Fred�►nd Mrs. several days. We wish for her bpeedy__ GREENWOOD a ' _ Rogers. Weston,formerly of insale, recovery. X.FORt3YTH. D. of O. - r 1= land member of the OplomateioatA.�io- _ nesday Last. The body was co veyed vale attended the oppeeningg of new rink . of O■tasio. Special atteatioa given to to Pickering on Friday, when inter- at Locust Hill last Saturda MILLS } ti.sttingof glasses. Tgye. t :d"lsea North Best grades of D. L. dt W. genu- yy - Otlanmont. 49tf meht took place in "the family plot in The Whitevale Baptist Chuldh will ins Scranton coal. Our coal makes the Friends burying ground. hold their anniverear services on '. y C. McKINNON, M.D., L,R.C.S., warm friends. Sunday next, Jan. 22nd. Rev. E. E. ' �Pbyetciaa.and nrgeou. of oniahrio,licentiate Have you tried our new blend at 10.30 a. m. and 7.00 an at 2.30 p.m.Bayles, B. A. will occup f' o! Royal college of Sunalon., Edinburgh. of Cream Buns? If not try it On Tuesday evening D. D. G. M. by Rev. A. L. Macfadyen. The home of flour "BAKERS' JOY" are 8paolaJ atteaLlon-to d.ieasea of women and VanValkenbur h ' ehNdrea, O!>lee sad residence.Brougham. now. several other members accompanied b y choir will lead the singing in the highly leased. PICKERING MEDICAL SURGICAL p y lod a of this lace and also to instal the a ening.laremont Baptist choir in Try it. Tea Buns for sett cannot be aid a fraternal visit to the A.0.U.W. afternoon and the Locust Hill choir in excelled. g p and X-RAY INSTITUTE the offieers for the ensuing year. Death again visited our town on - 1` _ PICKERING, - - ONTARIO White Satin for bread stands After the installation ceremonies were Saturday last when Joseph Wortski There is no bene_bread flour a without a peer. over, refreshments were served and passed away,after a few months ill- wade. R. ELGIN TOWLE, M. B., Id. D., C. M., an enjoyable times ent by all. ness. Deceased was born in Russia - „ Phydciaa-la charge a All kinds li mile feed,- bran, The Locust Hill satin rink will be about.00 pears ago and spent moat of For pastry there is rIa_other--fiaur Specialist M n B]D se es of ea Prostatic Dim shorts Jamlio feed flour oat o n for skatin on Wgednesda and hi-5 life in Canada at the fur business -- ^ _ansae o! Men, ]Diseases of Women, Csaoen, + � � Pe B Y Ttmora,X-Ray esaminatioa, Diseases of eye. chop, barley chop, pea meal, buck- Saturday evenings of each week. A in Toronto, coming to otrr village equal to Kissimi. ear..no" throatendluoa& Fittiaggiaasetand wheat and screenings. fine new covered rink has been erect- some three years ago. The funeral all conte and oluoaia diseases. ed and there is as well lent of took lace on Monde at a m. to Get a sack of. Bakers Jo and O So.Hours 12 to 9 and 7 to 8 491y P y y try Chopping Tnesdays; Thursdays accommodation-for horses. Warm' the Whitevale cemetery. He leaves a Leval. and- Saturdays daring winter waiting rooms are also at the disposal widow, two daughters and one son. seek of Kissimi for your Christ- months. _ of the patrons of the rink. We are A very enjoyable time was spent man baking. t� E. FAREWELL, K.C., BARRIS- Give us a call. pleased to know that it is being well on the evening of Monday last when a . 2sB4Ooaa CiavuAttorn".andCounty patronized by the young people of the sleigh ride party of about fifty-five � Z- aaemz .T ` 8>ttlallor- Oonrt Hosea.Whitby. 18'v - surrounding country. Epworth Leagers from Markham vis- ited our League and received a most ..- * LT. BARCLAY, Barrister-at-Law, SCARBORO hearty welcome from the local mem- . Solicitor,Notary Pabllo,8peoial Ezami• hers. -A rand from ram was rendered W for Sig;a Court of Jn.tia., Br°eft street. J. L. SPINK, LIMITED, Rev Beynon conducted anniversary i program EVANSVILLE di WLitbv• 71y services at Locust Hill and Box Grove by the visiting League, after which : PICKERING, ONT. last Supdav, lui7ch was served by the Whitevale J. G. DOW, B. A., Barrister, - League. Every person hada very MILLS s solicitor.so Arthur Martin, wife and child of , terry Public,Etc, Money to Winnipeg, former residents bete, are pleasant time. I . O>soe next door to the Standard Bank, . Aloud voice of warning was heard 9aty now visiting with Harvey Dia. from a sleigh-ride rt of five nun MERRY 'CHRISTMAS TQ ALL The farmers It r Porcupine don't have g y young B A Z S A M Yater»wiry. to go to Cobalt or Porcupine to get ladies and two gentlemen, who were " ^^ rich as they has gold mines in their coasting down through our vale on a --- -- , . r j>R. E. J. SHIRLEY. Veterinary farm property which is selling all the moonlight night last week, when very Having put this Mill and water- : ' D surgeon. Honorary graduate of the on• Hee my ora from 8260 to ffi540 per acre. suddenly and much to their surprise. i0.rio Veterinary C,2letRte,Toronto,Caaaia. All they were overturned and only, one power in first-class shape, I ° diseases ao3 in}artss of domestic animal.treat. . he anniversary services in connee- ipaitaoithe n'o®oe�:i aozp�ved and anieaciec �1 1 ��••11 tion with Washin ton Methodist Sab t t"Ped without injury The pitiful -. . corner of sing and Lint +� arlor A71i1t88 cries and moans echoed from one aide has installed a as Ave.. Pickering.Ontario hath School were held on Sunday and s 1y Monday last. On Sunda the service of the vale to the other all in the dark 'NewAttrition Mill, for Peed. - I have cut the price } off for and dreary. mirini ht. One young i�ustnV** garbs. was conducted by Rev, &cold Toye, Xmas trade. lady* wit a loud voice that We can also do wheat gristing for of Lampton Mills. OnMonday even- B_ successful p she was killed and that Rhe was sure Pickering.7 . aLicen shin the Oona 7 of Onix a Now Is your ebance for to iment waged el the procof eds of thetyo ingshmantill hadutoivbe d wneu� you out of haviog ptttOur own everythiiugiut' u�•. r"y BARGAINS p the hill on it hand-sleuth because his i -� POIICHER. Real Estate Aue- WHITe� y—'' lip was scratched. Henceforth the order for doing this. 1 . tioneer: wnator, eolleoWC and suns whole party prefer skating. + of Marriage license Brougham. 4" 1 Alwa s pay the freight to your' ' - _ Also-buckwheat Swir, rye flour,',- Orris _._�_ ,Abram B aa, one of our oldest � _ oma and save you residents, died thio week at the a of Graham $our, etc. Ver best R + D HOPPER Issuer of Marriageo, y 90 earca. Wbitevale Baptist Church Anni• Y Lfoen.ea in the County of On money, t00. y Oslw as store and his re.lasac..Claremont. President Hoover and his,board of versary Services on Sunday. attention given to all work.. —�- directors of the Independent Tele- Give tis a call. B.BEATON,TO WNSHrP OLEBE phone Co are to meet the-Council oil �. conveyancer. Etc.Commissioner lot taking -•H BE g 4londay. Jan. 90th. OROUGtiAM •� TTa�'�Ct'L^tT,T, iadldavlsa, A000aataat. ESO. honey to loan Js t .iV V w SMS an soParty Marriage The lioatd of Education have engag• Geo. Philip bad a business trip to taemWhlie Eli, out, o! +. CLAREMONT ed an architect to examine the Henry Toronto lavt week. �V�f - POSTILL, Licensed Auctioneer, street school. This is the first stip Mri. G, W, Philip spent- Friday in (� - Ind. Tel. 824, day or night towards the.Erectioa o! a new build• Ehe my with friends. - %' Fe for Counties of York and Ontario. Ano- bloasalosof all kiod.r#tteno.d to on abortesa in James Williams. of Toronto, is vie- Egg,.Salve, Nut and Pea sites Notion, Addreas aeeeta giver P.O., Out. The H. W. Wilcox forret of 190 acres iting in this vicinity. in hard coal. on the Kingston road east, bus been Miss•--M. Ba'dgerow• of"Toronto. Is .Best ! lump steam coal. All c"I B. PO WELL, Licensed Auc- sold to Mr. McKay,of Woodbridge, visiting at J. Hamilton's. tinder sliver, full weight and ¢ '�. tioneer. valuator and collo wr for For Colds and la Grippe y' sonatise of Ontario and York An kinds of for$13.000. This arm was sold two - Miss Edith Brodie, of Toronto;. is prompt service. _ "tameonduated saber Dr'.vateiy or by auction. years ago for SILOW. sisiting of her home here. _ rr 1W4 nose.collected. Yor dates or other ar• Prescription prescription No. 999, The agricultural classes in connec- Cecil Bates; of Stratford. is visiting _�v �E�T luealara apply at reeideaee, tnas.ti.m so.•Ifi°s- tion With the Collegiate institute will with hie sant. Miss Bates. � . t■e1ag. t?hon.orders left at Nxws Oisoe,Pick. .•SR(1•Di0 L.►ZI'NE•• firing, or tfaanab•s store, Claremont, will ra beheld in Mr. Hare's office, owing to S, S. 'Phillips, of Minden, spent a Good stock of rough and matched ,wve Promppt attention• sersfactioa gaatan- the lack of room in the school build- few dayswith his brothers here, hemlock, also matched and - t «� bud. HyphonenumbesisIadepmdeati001 It goes right after the cold.. The _ ing. The classes will begin work on David and Mrs, )vice, sr„ visited dressed spruce and pine. dose is taken every half hour. The Monday next. their eon, Robert, of Green River. No. 1 hemlock lath. JOHN PHILIP price � �teats. - H. Herrick, of Toronto, spent over . '2z, 8i and 4z Ontario cedar Come nos an a' and hear the aald Sunday with James and Mrs. Bogle. -shingles, 8z and 4z British -----$ave a full live u2 fresh and evr, Scotch g9• George McGregor, of Toronto, sons g " _fed meats constantly on hAnd. _. _ _.. __ .,- - ___ DUNaARTON home C. O.itand,s family over.Mrs.n Bennett of Clare- Let me quote ote yotumbia hprices•on amp � y FOR THE KIDNEYS We are sensed to re mbnt, spent Monday with Bennett uild ng material you may Spice Roll, Breakfast, Bacon, p port that Mrs. Bros, req uire. Ham, 13010 (Rev.) A. L. Macfadyen, who was - b gnu, Weiners, etc. premium Prescription, Kidney serieuyly ill with neumonia, le now Don't forget -tile carnival on the Bill stuff a specialty. _ Brou bam'rink on Tuesday, Januar • -Ind. hone IN4. somewhat improved. g y+ y P $ Highest prices paid for Pills. Atrial will convince you The organ recital on Thursday night 24th. nn -- - ^ Butcher's cattle of their superior merits. Price 50 last was quite a success. The icy Miers Badgerow, of Toronto, is visit- Butcher's C. REE$O R cents roads prevented a number from i.t- in bet usin, Miss Alma Hamilton, • • f. • e lo tisweek'.tending, but nevertheless the attend. .-.LOCUST HILL �. `\, e/ InQ j ]�]� ante was gond. The receipts of the Mr. Weir, of Sask., is visiting-at J. e7 - iUe" '$ evening amounted to some W. L. Gillman's end is buying a carload T. M. McPA DDEN Ac the meetio of Preeb to held of horses. TIME TdBLE-Pickering Station G. , g v Geo. Stevenson, of Fernie. B.C., is T•R• Trains going East due as follows-- ; here on Wednesday 'there was a full No. 6. Mail . `. 8.05 A M. �'lrst-018s8 ?1g8 for hire - DIiIIG(iI6T AND GRADIIATs OPTICIAN visiting with S. i. Stevenson and 12 Looa1 8.48 P.M. attendance of members. The chief other - ,Day Or night PICKERING, �. feature of the meeting was the die- relatives.S8 M sNT gN. Stevenson, Jno. Mclean, Geo. 14 Local - 04 P. cussion on church union,the addressee Philip and Albert Matthews have 'Trains going West dire &a follows--.' ,Bus meets all trains P being of&very high order. Ttie vote each put in a supply of ice. No: 13 Local 8.86 A.M. # 'Teaming promptly attended to. REAL ESTATE....: stood 13 to 6 in favor of union. 11 Loeal 2.89 P.X. p y Robert Phillips sold his farm Satur• , The ,Wbitby Presbyterial wbidh 7 Mail 8.50 P. IL Agent for Canada Carriage Co. met here in the church on Wednes• day to Walter Bayles, who will take *Sunday included. ;� z Two fifty-acre farms for sale cheap. day was well attended. The various possession April 1st, 1912. We He Peak Good buildings, plenty of water, one- reports were of a very encouiapring Master Ralph Cameron, who has ti . y P4ck�Lnp, half is cash, balance on mortgage if character and the addressee by Mrs. been seriously ill at the home of his Mitchell, of`Honan,China,and of Rev. grand rents. ie improving. ' a • required.' D. J. Davidson, of Central I The Cris of Temperance will meet x. BiLYVksmlthl� were eat] appreciated. in their hall c Saturday eventing, 21st /� _ Also. a -good ,tenement dwelling greatly aPP imst. This is centennial year. (�, yielding 12%in the village of Picker- Miss Isabella Brown, Toronto is ' ing. Don't forget Burns' anniversary here with her sister, Mrs. Mosgrove, * Having rented the Dumbarton shop Tuesday evening.• who is recovering from a silvere attack and opened the same,I am prepar- ltiifit>ri�lt�e > t♦t(. MONGOLIA of la grippe. 'CI�IC10 " ed to do all work entrusted to Miss With Linton returned from a lao,lice in the above Sine. �Y>t j Mrs. Thomas Hodson is seriously ill visit with friends in Uxbridge. ' She Horseshoein a specialty. , � - .-. ., with pneumonia. was accompanied by Mrs. Rowntree, Call in an see me any time. ' • Misss Degeer visited with Claremont who is visiting Mrs. G. D. Linton. friends last week. The Home Circle will meet in the ° 7. ZINGER These dark mornings you fend We 9e ardsoa• Joe Betz spent Sunday in Stouff• Sona' hall on Tuesday evening. 24th >� p. - - DUNBARTON villa with his parents. inst. Important business is to be it'hard to'get up on time. You Ar< Notary Public, 'ckering. Mrs. G. Tran visited her son at transacted and a good turnout,is re- will have.no more worries if yo, The _ Whitevale last week. quested. buy dCHSMITHIIVC3, Ston-Morden,of_8touftgille._v¢ Eli-.Willson's_sale�raa_a—decid u our g. —DOMINION BANK with W. C. Lafraugh over Sunday. success the attendance being oved Alam 2,,50 Clock 'WOOD W ORKINGi and George Cowie purchased a two-year• and the prices good. He has moved old imported fitly from Geo. Brodie, here• having taken possession of the Sure to 0 0@, sure to wake, And -. Bead Oiwe, Toronto WOODTURN.IN-Gi Bethesda, last week. Sargent house. g ---- �— George Bowes has purchased the Our enterprising rink manager has a sure timepiece. It is the King General Banking Business. house and lot known as the John F. had the Pitner lighting system of Alarms and goes intermit- transacted, Saw gumming,,and filling. Burkholder Estate. installed in the rink wbich is a great tautly for' about twenty min- Pine wood for kindlingdelivered li1,75 J. B. Turner was in Columbus lapt improvement. The lights were in- y it kites, and with it we give a er cord 18 in,fon week attending. the annual meeting eta ed by Geo. Philip,agent for same Special attention given t0 P g' of the Maple Leaf Fire Insurance Co. J. 0. Philip moved his household guarantee. _ Miss May Bopers bad a position as .effects to Pickering on Friday last. We also guarantee our $1.25, the collection of W u I r pop ` teacber of•Thessalon school,but had We are sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. ; Ili H I ACKSON - BROU ROAD to return home on account of poor Philip from our•village. Their many $1.75 and$2.00 clocks. ' sale .notes.. 1 health. friends wish them every success in the ' - Mrs. E. Vanzant and Mrs. .David business recently purchased. When buying first couault . SAVI14GS DEPARTMENT. PLANTS FOR SALE Myers are visiting their father, John Following is a report of Brougham " =i�IpOlsit® received of #1. and — Lewis, of Stouffville, who is veryill Union Sabbath School for 1910: No. Norman`Bassett -upwards. Tomatoes Cabbage Cauliflower, with heart trouble. of teachers and officers on roll 16, Mongolia is looking.up. Alex. Law average attendance 12, scholars on the THE Celery and Garden Flowers. rie came within two points of winnin roll 76, aver a attendance 58, cradle-=fit®Y®et allowed at highest p g erg JfiWELfiTt AND OPTICIAN Current rates. Wagon will be on the road during the championship of Ontario at check• roll 21, visitors during year 108, verses the season. ere playing last week in Toronto. learned by boys 4887, by girls3380, rI-r07VJr- TBy CHAS. D. GORDON, Manager --+- collections $27.18, receipts for year 0 k The Gammage Gardens, Sunday Jan. 22nd, Baptist Ann'*. $199.02, ezpenAes for year $119.78, , WHITBY BRANCH. BROUGHAM, ONT. versary Services at Whitevale. heaving a balance of$79,29• ; fi 4�. r ... yF !..,'r :+r «. .,. '.. :_•r +i . . -...- �,.. .... .. '. .. , .:i.,. •• r ,+r'�Ya ,d. .a,;,.• - .r`r^; i,.., wkc,c 'h. . .�_ r � , r!: .,. .. •. »e.. x. .: ,... .,so, 3 .... '"' ., ';+C -y ,',to- �. .i 2 '-'f,'i'�,r � `a:,.-i ro.F�+ .r4,.. »,iy, "1.°'�• r.,, �kyar "'i-"t ...'., . �^�' -.�. � � „ a.. 4�. '-r-„ ';, .... ,.. -y. 7sn"'�'' '".:'--. -' to `ft'�A�^s>•�.�+ ,•.� K',Y'.�-`R "" •-.•' '• r».; " .' :�'`.;: .� .. ,r'i..� d`', �yw. .0 .•,..i qk :yn_ y. t ,v. h�,r�"o ,r,�.To' a• 9 i" o� .,�'. •��� �" a• w.,a•-s. -•-'• .r' .�w,-- :... az.�r.:i.,-:... ➢a* «S-;x. w.c�-r' s ... _4. R' r, ,,.....rr .. a" '.i': ;. .. .'.: t�.. q..• >+ — . ;s :r .. ,� -y. + .'t�+'►#♦ + } repe'rit year promise to 9 If you to�j St ` ase haPP9?„. Lia Be "Happy 7 I >ieter knew the. real _. . ' 4 meaning of the wort', till no*; my S staivin urself—st suffer! the "hof. �P 8 Yo oP s.8 pa �P life is so beautiful!" vorryfng about what you dare and dare not,eat. „I am so lad 1" x a gEat hearty meals of wholesome food, take Then hgAe.was to slight pause. � "And you forgive nie --for those - - disgraceful word's-I said to More field before I--" � a ` i•w - -: "I have forgotten all, aliouf<'11 Oji A tem, s 1 ' a`v " gern this time., Mr. Darnley had eri' was another pause, and a iron and you'll feel like a new person. Sour ptnmach=heartburn_ 'f5 _ \ away his cigarette, in — — _ �' arette, and occasional g �f' ,e,�,r�,�;�,♦ ,,♦ old qwq ♦,,,�,•,�,,♦,.�.— }.«}...}...}..� Pushed himself on his elbow; acs a NA-DRU-CO Dyspepsia Tablets. The properly digested fool!. he could see into •the` girl •s face. „ restores your strength, your. stomach regains its tone, and soon. CHAPTER IV.—continued. Once upon a time, , he 'began, "I have thought about you so fin' the . most approved fashion, he said requires no further aid. often," after a while. 50r.•a boat. . If your druggist has riot stocked them yet sand Derrick Darnley had been abroad "there was a publican in the East "Of me!'- Nancy exclaimed, just )ver Since* March. INeither Doro- rnarried a lifting these blue eyes of 50C. and we will mail them. 37 r� by, Lord Merefield nor Sir ump • wife; in due course of 'time-flour- then dropping them again. "How NAMNAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL Co.of CANADA LIMITED. MONTR[AL. ' ley had the smallest idea where, ished, bought another public —how funny 1" ►ut by long custom they were never• house, still another, and then an- 'Wasn't'it 4" very dryly. "I " surprised at anything he did; and other; in fact, developed into a wonder if you have ever bestowed When they were all out on the lawn purveying publican, if I-can use a single thought on meY" Ait avis tea in t e afternoon, and such a word; then he died leavin < LEINL 13 h g Dorothy is always talking of e omnibus from Ripstone dis- his widow childless, and worth at cou," Nancy ; replied, evasively;orged the guests, no one—except least twent five to thirty thousand P' �- _..' y- and, of course, I— _ Q11'.- . -Nancy—was at all astonished to see a year. This widow happened' to The broken sentence was most _ EBEIMR Nr. Darnley's tall,_well-built form ;h& had a sister, lou sincedead i if he Wogt_ ;,_ He looked�as POHfFOR -' �aunter across the lawn, chatting and it was to the soif df this'sister checked would savor ore, and then he �y ,yX cw FEVER aghtl to Mrs. Fairfax also newly v m wets wLr. rrosE Y t that Mrs. Crawshaw resolved to be- PINK EYE arrived. queatli all her fortune. She plac- "I met 'some relations of yours r > Lh AND, era. Li DISEASES Dorothywas supremely deli hied ` • Cures the sick and acts as a Preveatattve for others Llgatd gives on P y g .ed the matter in the hands of a in Paris the other day, he said, in- ! tit,= � the toggue. Safe for brood mares and all others. Beat kidney remedy Lt his coming, and showed it. I good-firm of solicitors; her nephew stead. . do cent. a bottle;"Distributors.—ALL the dozen. Ecoid E all deal[ to and harness art to- Nancy, t00, Was strangely pleased, I was sought for. was found, and be- 'vancy turned a puzzled face M hooses. Dlatributors—ALL w80LE9ALE�AIIGGiTB. -though why, she hardly knew her- hold him now the temporary owner ward him. _ , et'oar, MEDICAL Co., C6pstista,Goslras,z:dt„u.6.Al Re but her face wore nothing but !of the manor, and the friend of that "Sir John Hamilton and his faro- j < -,lhe ordinary smile and expression most delightful being, Lady Lorri- ily '>> Ito the tennis court by the misseslNEW EPOCH OF SURGERY 't )f everyday greeting. mer:" - She grew a shade paler. -' I Chester. - Lord Merefield looked rather There was a supreme touch •of "You have made a mistake they "Won't ,you come, Darnley 4" he tlam; lovers' seises are keen, and sarcasm' in Mr. Darnley's voice at are not my relations, Mr. Darnley; cried, feebly, as he:went; but his ~. o knew that Dorothy -Leicester f the last; but Lady Burton did not nor do I desire to claim them as invitation was drowned in a chorus PRE1•E�TiZ'E TREATMENT FOR a+ Thought far more of Darnley than seem to notice it. +such." of '`Oh, Capt. Fairfax_is going to ?a --she did of himself. "Ah she said, blandly; "brew- 4ie you so proud and unfor- join us; come along;",-and so, like _ I' _ 0- ITIS. P 'IiIT ti � Sir Humphrey was loud -in his ere are `c;uite the rage just now. giving,ing, Nancy 1" •a lamb to .the slaughter, he was " demonstrations of pleasure at Wel- Look at Sir Mulberry Hopkin&! No "I &n't know. But I cannot borne, Dr. D. Wilkie, of Edinburgh, Uses ` coming his sister's son back to the kni kited before awsha r is out.be forget that they disowned both my (To be continued:) - - 8.11 - y " mother and myself. You_ did not ! 'aeeine avith Success on "Here is some one yea know, Darnley's eyes met Nancy's, and (tell them I $a$blts. Derry, he said, turning to Nancy. ;they bcfuh $ � ; both, far some•I "Do you think I—I mesa we— I USE HANDS TO IiELP BRAIN. ,How d'ye dol" 'inquired Mr. j indefinite reason, felt pleased the are in such a hurry to Luse you i" A series of inoculation experi- r Darnley, leisurely. !next moment; but they had nos She. looked at him questioning 'Manual Skill Aids Mentality, Says rnents which may mark an Epoch. And after he had shaken Miss ', a London Physician. - Hamilton's .hand he dropped into �chance of becoming more friendly ly, i lin the history of abdominal surgery then, for the-dressing--{tong sound- "Of course'they Would want you I, Business men and women-should soon will be made the basis of a 11 a chair and commenced talking 'and there was -a general dis= to leave us." use their hands in every possible new preventive treatment for peri- S,' busily to Dorothy- persing of the party- to the house. And you think I would go?'' she way if .they want to increase the tou't's at untie of the great London Ak ' - - "A cup of tea for Derry, Nancy, _. asked, With quiet reproach. ;quickness as ads to it y of 'r:(England) hospitals. darling," cried Dolly. - - - - �.�- � • - CHAPTER V. _ I>arnley drew a- shade closer. brains, according to theilatest idea; Original experiments which have 24ancy bent over the tray. " r u a the I .tor- e - I don't know what I think. i of a well-known London doctor. He been curried out t abor $tie felt disappointed and angry. On the fallowing day the Hon. -only know what I wish, Nancy." ,;says. - lies of the Royal College of Physlci- Disappointed at Mr. Darnley s C ecoid manner, and angry with her- Zola and Maude (hester, daughters Here comes Dolly:"- Nancy "Tie knots, se,v, do fretwork, !anb at Edinburgh by Dr. D. Wilkie fc l for nein disappointed. of the Lady Burton, arribed at the cried• hnniedly: learn to .make some of your ow.n under grant from the Carnegie Ise B PP titi'ith deeply flushed cheeks she clothes, prepare and cook all your I trust consisted of inoculating rab- T1 What did it matter to her what Halt. - ��; be said or how he looked? They were two good-natured, ,rose to her feet, accidentally kick- food, repair your boots and shoes, ; bits with vaccines and other sub- Dorothy'a eyes were glowing, her t Plain girls, with any amount of l ing he r basket over as she did so- dig andptant your garden—in fact, 'stances as preliminary to abdominal telly cheeks es flushed with de- freckles, lung power slid healthy � With the two <abs," ,Darnley do anything and everything that operations to lessen or remove the � -vigor They had a reckless habit of observed, lazily, pulling himself in -calls fol man>yal skill if you wan' danger of peritonitis light, and she hung on hei cousin a pouncing un their unwary friends, to a sitting position, so as to pick to have an actiie3, resourceful and - : a r' 'every word; while he in bis turn king-versatile brain. ONE CASE IN FIVE FATAL. was feasting his eyes on that girl- and submitting them to a rough and up the scattered roles,.-and wis l - lith form by the tea table. hearty embrace. Ivaguelp that he could banish every- , The- business- man whose work Dr—Wilkie paints our in the re- - "Sue is magnificent," he said to Nancy w'as in the-garden, culling body and everything from the world 'depends on a keen, quick-working cord of his experiments published ;r !himself; s she eclipses Dorothy with flowers, when they arrived,-so she except this girl, atth her-wondrous'brain must use his fingers constant- in, the Medical. Chronicle that in missed_the, eight of Dorothy being 'eves and splendid face. It was a ly if he wants to have these -assets spite of the great advances in re- ' all her dainty loveliness.. 'T would enveloped ed iii this bearlike hug. face to di-e fur, he too-himself in 'in frill: He -must, speaking liter- 'cent years in intestinal surgery one + fns sooner look at that irregular oily, tirrn his hand to eventhing. of every five cases in which an lutes- , She was humming to herself a lit that moment, he had ne: � face with those wonderful eyes, that tle-French- song shq had just ]earn- I equal. fan be capable of constructing a!• .tine has to be cut and joined to- 11w colored hair, than at the most per- ed, and was sauntering away from I "Please don't bother, Mr, Darn, must anything with his fingers. I Qether again terminates fatally. : feet feautrea possible. How these the house, when she came upon 'ley,': Nancy said, hurriedly, her .' The truth of this statement lies Aciae inflammation, resulting from -,,few months have changed her'" - Derrick Darpley,. in a cool and con 'cheeks still glowing, like the inner- !in the fact that in every manual the action of germs attacking the His -admiration -was utrivers$lly amokin like a fur- she was engaged in replacing in brain. y d(.-men either during of the ab- .shared—more, perhaps, by the men ,fortable array, lying frill length on 'rtrost heart of the exquisite !lowers._&�-�� )�nd iia.. directed by back �opning of eration unihe on a fling or after say - a grass plot, g i is he op- guests " aceta than the women. jaricolored sled h-sitated; but ,their basket; "you look so comfor Again, y P- =-g There was a da roux a€traction nye table, and I can ' 4nanage quite crating surgeon's tchief dread. r HUMPh- that his eyes`were closed, l easil " then, with -a ski nervous:u n the sin s e th -the a d; i nui experiments were —- _ po brain, t-r ng a ing n 6 about this protegee of SiT Hum hr- � g y; y• ,stimulating it, which is 'the only � The ar 8'i P rey's, the fair sex d^claret' at once, g sure method of keeping that organ carried out to discover if possible she resolved to steal past and leave laugh, a if she were ea ager to get same means of preparing the pati- ' and with great determination. him undisturbed. I on to another topic-, "Why do you in keen,. efficient Working order. ap` As the conversation became gen m she put this resolve into ac scall them cubs'f `It is 'very rude', '-'That our fingers are gradually ;ent before the 'abdominal operation I eral, the name of Mr. Crawshaw, tion, howei•er, the handsome gray they •look ver• nice from here." so as to make him better able to y becoming less skilled is due to the " the new tenant of the manor, arose. eyes opened to their fullest. "Yes, " numerous mechanical .appliances withstand.Peritonitis should it re= l•i. l from -here, Mr. Darnley "Can you tell us anything about Ma I not have a rose,, Miss !agreed, langur-;- the'h he shiver= which now carry out the various s'uft. Rabbit:., previously inoculat- "' him, Mrs. Fairfax asked DQIO- y processes :ed with small dose& of vaccines \enc 1 ed with mock dismay. "Heavens: proves formerly dgne by hand. ! with thy, still sitting by Darnley's side. She turned. �� do listen `to their voices.. What "Phis state of affairs, since -it "maall does of bacteria nuceleinmbwere sub- - "I met'him only the•other day_ "Twenty; if wu• will. lungs.`what-chest tiotes! \ancy i stunts the powers of the fingers, al- _ g i.. The man is a boor." . She threw him a cluster as she you are not going t'' so stunts-the brain. The worker )acted to the same abdominal opera- k "But we must make allowances .peke• "I must set the flowers, and- "• does•-]ris • work • mechanically, un- tion as uninocukated rabbits, the for him," interposed-Lady Burton. �.,kh!" sighed Mr. -Darnley,' in- Bud before she got any further a endix nein removed in each thinkingly, a gradually his brain PP- !3 d ' fine had two Utrmarrieit.daughters, + king the .sweet perfume: "Hew Dorothy came round the corner'grows torpid, and_impaired.'?_ • case under ether. anesthesia:who were to follow next day, and ;delicious! Oh, by Jove!" with a Miss Chester hanging _af- _ •�__ PREPARED �A IMALS LIVED. eo she spoke diploinatically. "Dear "What is it l" asked.-Nancy. fectionately ,on either arm.' PESTS. Immediately after the operation ` JLady Lorrimer met'him in Paris ',Only 'a thorn:—a very Spiteful Miss Leicester's Lovely face flush 30;000,000 lite and violelit bacteria, 1' the other day and thaught,hiur_most one;" ed as she beheld her cousin,._and Thengi-rl w}ro tells you how popu- such' as ordinarily ere found in ,fa- original." 'Let me look," she said, drop- then she smiled ii. response to ,his lar she is.with the men.• tel poses of human peritonitis, wera Darnley's lip curled, and Doro- ping her basket, and kneeling down comical glance.,, - The.man who tells you ho_w.popu= in)ected'ihto the peritoneal cavi- ' itby noticed,this at once. ' beside him. "Remember I am a "Don't go, Nancy," she said, of lar he is with the women. ties of both sets of animals, result.- "Do you know him,-Derry f" she I nurse, and know all about these fectionately; and then, after Darn The man who used to hold you on ing in 'the deaths of the unprepared asked. _ �, things." ley had . greeted Lady Burtons his knee when-you were a-baby. animals in a few hours from acute "Yes," he replied, quietly. . I The young man relinquished his daughters, •Miss Leicester introduc- The woman who•calls on you to peritonitis. The absence of ill ef- =•lknow him. . I, too, had the misfor- well shaped hand to her soft fin- ed her new friend and companion see what kind of a housekeeper you'fects in the prepared--animals have tune to.meet him in Paris: -The era, and .Fancy, examined it care- to 'them with an air oL-pride and are; ger, - lent,great encoui•agemeht to hopes -fellow is a 10>fr, vulgar brine lis fully. love,.- . - The person who calls you to the that similar preparatory injections ....comes from the gutter. 'Even his "Where does it hurt you I" she The'Hon. Ella and Maude were 'p.hone, and-says, Do you know in human-beings will.be of good ef- r thousands—and he has many thou- asked, by'no means jealous girls, yet they who this is?" (feet. ...Already apparently success ; sands, my pretty cousin—will nevcx "Nowhere, now," was his an- could not prevent"a distinct feel- People who send postcards from ful results are being obtained in a be able to gild him, `or make, his ewer, given quietly. ing of. depression and disappoint- outlandish places without signing few cases in:man.. It is hoped that society palatable for an hour." Nancy blushed,' but still bent her ment from stealing into their names or initials to the flippant on these or similar lines the key "He made his money with patent head over the hand. breasts as they realized the full messages. to the successful treatment of whati V l ` pills, didn't he 4" "I don't see any scratch." strength of Miss Hamilton's fascia 't' — present is the`most fatal of all" - This froii.'1l_Lord Merefield, in a 'And I don't feel one," confess ation. . MUST GO TO SCHOOL UNTIL 18. I s irgical c6mplications -will be gloomy tone: ed Mr. Darnley, coolly.. -It was Dorothy Leicester, Bingle handed, n >: (fou d ,No; varnish," from Capt.-Fair- an artifice to lure you to sit here. was a formidable rival enough,`but Munich is said to be the,cleanest, fax. I knew I had only to rouse your these two faces together would best-governed city in Europe, to all ` heard, from dear' T;ady Lor womanly ®ympdthy, and I should make things a hundredfold worse. appearances. It has women street SAFETY APPLIA'�T;'F, - rimer, that it was not in trade at get my way." However, they shook Nancy's cleaners, and they lfee,p•the .asp The Tailor---".Married or Finglc`' ' all a Nancy dropped' "his hand, aizd sin 1 hand in their vigorous. man- balt.as clean as a ballroom floor. The Customer—"Married. Why?" "Quite right, Lady Burton; trade would have risen;r but his fingers er; and as Lord Merefield came But it is in its conduct of education The Tailor ' "That' let me.rcco�n- " •:Iiad nothing to do with it. Ciaw- closed on her wrist, and he drew up attired in tennis garments, t4ey that-Munich excgllq. Education is mend my patent safety dep.i9it puck- . .haw has only just come into his her gently on to. the grass again. forgob 'their momentary discomfi- compulsory until 18 years of age. et. It contains a most ingcrl:� 1s - ~ by the merest fluke; he has. Lure in the.prospects of an exciting The pupil.may attend half time money, "Don't go 1" he said, pleadingly. little contrivance that feels Pxactly >{jterally had no h:;nd in amassing "I want to talk to you. I want and immediate game. s t after a certain age, but attendance like a live mouse." -e Y to know all about yourself. If you Nancy cold not resist a hearty ntil ,tile age of 18 is _compelled. "Oh! tell us all about it,.Darn- fit of laughter at poor Merefield's. Technics]training is given in school ' fey,,, miserable face, as he saw his dainty in almost any vocation you.can cot- the � �ure lady-love comfortably ensconced on bath If you have decoded to be a • 'M r. Darnley .smile'' ;;,t Dorothy, D but his eyes still lingerer! on rckrr .lova cos(b.. cues cot b. 6es►e the grass with Mr. Darnley while bath •attendant,-you can take a arolcrY stove roe/hay ozree cnida, h•alr'Nancy at t tea table. ort Iva • .• _ Qents• he himself was forcibly carried away course in that or in barbering, ii �.earo.t sad tuna as c..ta. . .. Y .. .. _ •, � _, :�.,.,,, .M.ii;'"� ` ,;(^:l5fd ��Tt^" .sem' `'�."4Lsy�-rL�. a��.a�.'�w • .. ,r...� a. „ ++xk`�' ga,'S.:!'. - .x �:m"+tl.o-: .ri •:u• .,a.,i.a .,�'', `" :•,.,•.te. •^t° ,�:.:_ �.. F•'• .L,".!E^'� , i�.^ ✓x+ib .r�+t. «.�� ,.T .:y. r. "r.y,:; •cR.". .r. 5 v ' v f',r.,... AQP:+ -' .a4i' .?s'-•W � ,,,, _:•°" ¢"mw..•>a -L"•' x• ..v ,:c. ..r. wi°y.; .,,ern °"r cF m.,s ,. I!. • M a,:r # . e .d.v, .. - .,.. :r'r,", ""fs• _ ` -^s'?�r".m'. '+`i ,P�- r.. 1` xst. b <'3u"'' .7 .,... '_.+'VTV I►' •'+ttG„�My„��r.•••,yi.,!� .••"5.+ori+,+,1.R�°Y''„.rs;r++, t•�!@3t+4:9atJNft`+n•1`*�ie4B'ilkt 'OY. 'lh"unDMer. "s,•alc' wACgS�liaeS, me !atrx�]lC.a.+«s3Y�!Ws,h�6 ttxx�,rieevae m4.z9iw"+w..suw.•ns;av4•s.x..ry x:or•wao+r^" a.Mi^'4S'+1'+,aP.w' s e H•I.SYRYiA •Mu, vu r :• , -. .. _.. .t ..... ., .. Ate.: AN OPEN LETT THP SUNDAY SCHOOL gave his people, political ascendency '` /.. and is the first Jewish kin whose &— . name is recalled by the Assyrian - macriptions. _. ' —...-- ._ JAN Gi. -__ . unsparinglyh �• _ _ ... & $apj, __C g�jt _.'�e11�g _ r�►rnsuws`mrnvar riceanN 26. Walked in all the was of Jero- •� „ am—The prophfL”Micah speaks —'�E - - -- Sd� •' �,.. V' Cures- Thought by Dr, of the statutes of Standard Article _ _EYE1UriNHM ..... Williema► Dinh - -. .. . • ;. • „ _ r e o t e people had been Ready for use is any ;� I �' For Making Slap. Che Dr. ,; nu' and Ahab Lead particularly pernirions. quantity. - • Brockville, 3o-33. Ahab of Omri—His ForSofuainyWsur. ., Out. Israel.into Greater Sin i•Kin Useful for five dor Removing Paas. reign is studied in detail in the les- hundred u 1 Gentlemen,—It has been my in- 16. 15133.• Golden Text, sons'for Februarh: The pariieulai p �` " leation to write to you. for some A can equal 20 16.. 1 For Di,iof lime, but being busy I have nee- Prov• II. 34• offensiveness of is acts, -recorded SAL SODA. Y F � � scsmQ itcted to do so until now. in this lesson, consisted in his mar' 'Siniu.closots, - I am, a Baptist minister. Was Verse 15. Zimri . . : seven•days it riage with the heathen princess Use only the BesR Draine•et_c. )rdained June- 14th 1887, in Cra- Tirzah—He had slain not only the Jezebel, and, through this-alliance, mahe Baptist Church, ~`ortum er- : , ._. - land Co., Ont. I want to tell you Mow male members of the"house of Baa- together with the sins of Jeroboam. _ _ In as few words as possible wl}at. I sha, according to the word of Jehu The alliance was probably a-popu- know about, Dr. Williams' Pink the prophet. His crime and ter= lar-one, inasmuch as it strengthen- - { Pills. I was pastor of the-Dales- I rible fate became a byword in af- ed Israel and brought wealth to the ; villa Que. Ba tial Church in 1891- ter years (2 Kings 9. 31). crown and a certain prestige.- But ' ' p Gibbethon—See above.' : There it was mo&ery of the true religion. n . and''again in 18"-a. While pastor In 18D1, the Rev. John King, a for- had been an intermittent siege of Jezebel's father, besides bearing the name of Baal and giving u mer pastor, aged 74; Ras stricken this place for twenty-seven years, g g his LENGTH OF PARLIAMENTS q ante he and Mr. Waalley o! - with paralysis so that he could not with no apparent success. daughter the same name, had been Peterborough, as tellers for the mo- µti help himself. He had to, ;oi'did, 26. Made Omri • king The the high priest of the great temple _. _ . _ tion, .would.have no one to count - take a tablespoonful of rhubarb army, which had not been taken of.Ashtoreth in Tyre, and was not if Major.O'Gorman had not him- ' satisfied until Baal-worship was.es THE LO GEST AND SOME .- OF self taken pity on them, 'and the every day to keep his bowels regu- into the counsels of the headstrong P •� lar. I thought of Dr. Williams' Zimri, refused to accept the new tablished in Israel. THE SHORTEST. noes were 433. Pink Pills. He began taking them order of things, and hailed. the 31. Baal—The supreme deity of - THE LONG PARLIAMENT a ri and it was not long before_he could more powerful military rival of the Phoenicians; in this case, Mel- walk again and his-bowels were re- Zimri• as their, king. - - kart, the Baal of Tyre. ' .Rlght Hoh. Lord George Havgilton made a,—point of•meeting on,,Christ. ' suras. The paralysis never return- 18, The castle—A fortified strong -- * mas_Day itself• On the Christmas ped-and`his bowels remained active. hold attached to the palace. 'Was Meiaber of Parliament _ Day of 1647 a resolution was•adopt- He died a few years agq practical- 19. His sins—The words used to BABY'S SPLENDID for Two Hours. ed deciding "that power be given w 19 from old age. describe the misdoings of Zimri are the -Committee. of Plunderedi'' I went from Dalesville, Que., to the customs words, which came IIEALTH: cord that-which inbcr the MinistersOrdinances for Abolishing Groton Vermont,' as actor'of the ,to be a kind of formula for the mill :- __Bapti$t,Church in tfiatpplace. There conduct of the kings of Israel who Mrs. R- Yates,- Montreal, 30, 1399, deposed Rieliaru hI,.- The Observation of Holy Days"8 and lived'a man about two and one-half-did that-which-was evil-in the sight , Que., writes:—``Baby's splen very act of deposition dissolved the on.that of 1646 the House read for miles fi',m Groton by the name of!of Jehovah. In a short regency of did - health was obtained Parliament,- and six days dater the first time "A Bill for the Abol- Neil McCrea, a.Canadian. I heard one week it is hardly probabieehe. through the use of Baby's Henry called.together without the ishing and Taking Away of Festiv- be was ill, and being a Canadian, would be able to promote to any. Own Tablets. They are a formality of an election all the old al Days commonly called . .Holy _ )< went to-see him. I found him ly- extent the • calf-worship of Jero_ grandmedicine for constipa- members, says the London Globe. Days." On the Christmas Day of Ing in bed. He said he had no pain, boom. _ -- tion, as their action is easy He-stately styled it a..new Pallia- 1648 the Commons passed a re%olu- but was too weak to sit up. His 20. The rest of the acts of Zimri— and dues not give baby pain. Ment, The fourth Parliament of tion ordering for the same after. lips were bloodless, in fact.he was i This is also y stereotyped expres- I I would recommend them to 1 Charles 1. sat only'for three weeks, noon a meeting of the committee ± as white as chalk. I recommended Bion. His acts must have been few. I all mothers; no one should be and this after the country had been appointed "to consider how to pro- �Dr. Williams' Pink -Pills and gave �The book of the chronicles of course. without them who'have young !.without the -bl'esaings of re - teed:in a way of justice against the him some. He began taking them is not our First and~Second Chroni- childn¢n in the house.' This tative government for eleven years. King and other capital .offenders.' and in a short time c�,uld see blood cles, which were written much later, tes�tiruuny is similar.to thou- But his fifth Pariiamnt atoned for At the only "Christmas Day efiiv In the veins of his hands and in and whose author had-no interest sande of others sent us by the=brevity of the previous one: It ision of which there is any record � T' the course of a few weeks he was e=l+ecially . in apostate northern grateful mothers. . Every. mo- sat off and on for nineteen years; over two hundred members t)ok out watching men building a new kings of Israel, but was one of the ther who has ever used the . "a Parliament 'Which many, before part a very large number connder- F` barn for him, and shortly after sources, now lost, from which the i, tablets for her little ones will hat time, thought would never cng the troubtous times and the -that he came to Groton to church. Iauthoi gained his information. tell ,you they are the very best hi%f had a beginning, and after- email bize of the House.. But after 1E« Now,. I ought to tell you that the! 21. The people divided - medicine in the world, They card would sever have an end." �the Commons had been "cisirYd doctor of Groton had given him up. I Omri'a immediate suppression of the { not only cure the ills of the Opini,hi, as we know, differed as'to f out" by the aiuiy in the autumn •,f ',The Ryegate doctor (a doctor in an ; revolt under Zimri did not save-the little ones, but they-make the charaeter of. this renown 1653 they - never again met, on, -� adjoining village) could not help kingdom from civil strife. Though them grow happy acid strong. Long Parliament. Macauley de-i Christmas Day, Though in recent him and said so. The beat doctor i first with the army, Omri seems to The Tablets- can: be given to clared,.it to be entitled to our years there has been no-instance of s ' - ,..an the hospital of Burlington, Vt,. have lacked full popular support, even the youngest babe with ''gratitude and reverence;" whirs a Christmas Day or Boxing Dai Came and saw Mr. McCrea, but said !A certain Tibni, whose brother absolute safety as they are. Corbett dssrribed'it as the sating, on two occasions the mem- _ . 3 he could not het him. He did not ,Joram exercised a strong influence, sold under the guarantee of bers of the House of Commons have _ _ " et any help until Dr.! Williams'- backed by a large following• sue- a government-analyst to--:con- "SCOURGE OF THE NATION," 'sat on Christmas Eve. The firal i' ink , Px11e put him on his feet;cessfully disputed the right of tam no oFiate or other harm- One of the.shortest lived. of ad- was in 1652 and the otheg is ISM. Again. I Omri for four years, at-the-end of ful drug. They cannot pos- ministrations `was the "Ministry of The 1852 instance is the c my one • Later I returned to Dalesville„ which time the two broth•�s were Bibi do harm—they always during Que, as pastor. A-young lady who'"killed, and 'Omri reigned. . . y y all the Talents; which on.Felted g the last hundred years on do goad. Baby'sORn Tablets thirteen months It vvae on.Febru• �-which members of Parliament. have -hived about six miles west of Dales-1 23. Six years reigned he in Tir- are sold by-medicine dealers ar 3 1808 that Grevi!!e formed only been allowed a three days holt- villa at a place called Edina, sent j zah—The palace had been burned, or at 25 cents a :box"from The 1 � his Cabinet, which had to incluu e i day at Christmas, l -;or. me .to come to.see,her, as she ;and Omri must have been impress- Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Charles James Fox. King George Y . Brockville, Ont, _ art been a' member of my tonere ed with the weakness of a cit which --- v - � i ; III• is reported io have said to that _ gation in my,former pastorate. I could be taken so easily. This fact unwelcome Minister: ­Air. Fox, I .i. MODERN MIRACLE! I<'; event to see her and found a.similar I made him look, about for a capital _ little thought that-you arts I should }' '" i"`•' Casa' to that of Mr. McCrae, of,more central and impregnable, f EBRIA'f E ACT, ever meet again in this place; but IIs Had Ei zema 25 Years and Doe- Groton, Vt. This girl was so weak'with-the result that Israel was .giv• — — I have no desire to look pack upon-. tars Said "lo Cure." Bhe- could not sit up. She appear-�en a great and permanent centre of The Institution:; in Scotland are of old grievances,- and you may _rest , ed to be bloodless. I said to her: government. - assured that I. $hall never remimid I let Zan'-Buk Iles 11'orked Com- , Great Value -It will coat you 48.00 to get a doc• 24. Samaria—Besides the natural _ _ " you of them.. Fox died.in the fol- plete Cure.. _. 'tor to come out, from Lachine. to beauty of its position,.which made In a report to the Secretary of owing autumn. When the- King . This. is -the experience of a man -' Bee you, whereas you can get six Isaiah refer to it as Epliraim's Scotland the Inspector for Scotland demanded an assurance•, that , the +of high reputation, widely known in hoses of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills "crown of pride," Samaria nos- under the Inebriates' Art says that Premier would initiate no meas- Montreal, and whose case can read- F. ` dor $2.50.^ She followed my advice, sessed a great advantage from its during the year ended Dec. 31, 1909, urea for the relief. of the Catholics, ily be investigated, Mr. T. M. ' 4 took Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and, natural strength. As its name sig- there were in oil nine institutions Greville resigned. This action Marsh,.'tie gentleman referred to, when some time later I saw her in�nifies ("watchtower"), it stood on under inspection, including three prompted Sheridan to re-mark:-.".1 lives at , 101 Delorimier Avenue, d' Lachute, she was as well as ever, a lofty hill, and was sufficiently licensed retreats, five certified in- have known many men knock their Montreal; and has lived there for and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did' it isolated to make strong outworks ebriate • reformatories, and one heads'against a wall, but I never years. For-twenty-five years he ' • fall, I possible, so that it was able to hold State Reformatory. The total num- before heard 4;f a 'man collecting had eczema on ills Bands and' k, I have given yon the facts of out •for three .years against the I ber.of persons dealt with during the bricks and building a wall for the- wrists. The disease first started in these three cal^-s which came to my powerful armies of the Assyrians year was 239,'of whom 121 were re- express purpose of knocking' but 'red blotches, which itched, and personal notice and I think only just under Sargon and Shalmaneser. Its :treat patients and 118 reformatory his-own brains.against it.'.' when. scratched became painful. to other sufferers that these cures fall in B. C. 721 involved the en- inmates. Compared with the re• The shortest period that a merii- Bad sores-followed, which discharg- .ah uld be given the widest publi- tire kingdom in disaster. Nebu- turns of the previous year the insti- ber of Parliament has represented ed, and the discharge spread the d cify. If you wish me to go before chadnezzar, in B.C:•554, required 'ttitions numbered one more, a new a constituency is two .hours, this disease until his hands •were one h magistrate and take oath to the thirteen years to capture it. under. •retreat hav=ing during.the year. re- remarkable•record•being achieved. ;raw, painful masa of sores. trntbfulness of the things mention- the name. given, it by Herod the ceived a license, but the' patients by the Right Hon. Lord George 1 ~'our eminent medical men tried ed above, I am prepared t'o do so. Great, who rebuilt it, it still ex- dealt with are 24 fewer, retreat pa- Hamilton. Having been re'-elected to cure him, and each gave up this I am,at present engaged in ev4nge- ists. tints•being one less and reforma- -for the Ealing division of Middle- case as hopeless in the end. Natur- ;listig work, and have therefore.not 2�. Omri—Though he dealt wick- tory inmates 33 fewer. These fig- sex on his .having .been appointed ally, ,Dir. Marsh tried remedies'of • :: -at the present time a permanents eoJy-abuse all that were before him, ures, says the report,. sh.0,% ,that li- Secretary of State for India'in 1893, all kinds, but he, also, at last gave. -� address. I can, however, refer you' he vcas, nevertheless, `:a sQvereign, tensed retreats continue to be, pat- the Parliament to which he had up. For two sears he had-to wear to the editor of the.Caaadian Bap- o€•faT greater eminence,and import- ronized by those seeking treatment been elected was dissolved. gloves day and night so terrible was tist. ante than we might suppose fromu in them to about the.same extent as the pain and itching when the air I (Signed), > T. C. Sowterr- the mea8ernesss df his annals here- but that the reformatory WITHIN TWO HOURb= got to.the sores. 40 -' preserved."' 'He was unsuccessful treatment of the Police Court of his election. S,i'r,Mattbew White . Then.came Zani-Buk.l He:tried in his wars.with Sy-r'ia, ,but-was vic- drunkard 'is:'now being less seldom Ridley, • o had been ' appointed I it, just.as he. had tried hundreds of Rh torious over. the Moabites to the 'used, the new Home Secretary, ran him remedies before. But he• soon . G•It takes an awfully small man to southeast, the record being found "The report goes on co remark: 'very close, for he was elected in the i found out that Zam-Buk was dif- ook down oa his. neighbor's. on the famous Moabite stone. He Experience gained in Scotla:rd has old Parliament and agaib to • the ferent. lt�ithin a few weeks there y ��-- shown that these institutions for new Parliament for the Blackpool'!were distinct signs of bene$t, and 'the care and treatment of inebri- division of Lancashire in the same a little perseverance with this great ates can fulfil useful functions. Re- week, in both cases unopposed, Mr. herbal balm , resulted in what, he W. treats have been found'to:be of Val- C. T. Ritchie was returned.on July 'had given up all hope of—a com- ue as curative institutions for the 5 unopposed for Croydon, his re- plate cure; And the cure was per- • ' y �� treatment' of 'habitual inebriety, election having been necessitated manent. He was'cured. nearly throe ; J. For' Tea You' an t Beat Lipton s and reformatories have been found by his appointment to the post of 'years ago. Interviewed' tho' other' � to be of value as places for the se- President of the Board of Trade. 'day, Mr. Marsh said:` "The cure gregation end 'cont'roI of drunken Parliament"was dissolved on July Iwliich' Zam-Buk worked has been �� pe s, and to some extent as curs- 8, so that-Mr. Ritchie only repre- absolutely permanent. From the r „`-•• 7-The -dIIly rhl'1g •Jus &s Good r tic -institutions :.The ' 'recovery sented h-it -constituency for a whole 'day that I was cured to the present e' inwell-conductedrets ata n m men' a had n trace of ea �g AAotel18C Cup...Of:_ r e is week-end.d. o I hav h o e , P to a proach 50- r cent., and The shortest lived "party" that •zema, and I feel sure it will-never, g pe reformatories to be about.7 eve-r-ohta�ined-a 'footing. in Rarlix- return.- Having suffered for twee• - - -- per cent. This-former,figure - is •a- ment was the-'Tichborne claimamt''s ty-five years, I regard my-cure as ♦ ' satisfactory one, and sufficiently counsel, Dr. Kenealy, who was el- l modern miracle." good to enable aA 'jAebFiate,to en ectedor. St4k�e on-Trent.� Febru If you.suffer from any skin trona ! ; FP�0 N ter such an institution with a seas- dry, 1878, solely on tie Tichborne ole, cut out this article, wiii4 } w, '•• 'L -- •• ,-• - - - • ' • • ' ' onable hope of recovery, butthelat- _issue, polling.0,110 votes to the.Lib- across it the name of this pa>,e ter figure is small. ' It could not eral candidate's 4,168, and the Con- and mail it, with one oe�i . ` Sold Only fit �1TthlA Parckage�• - - well be otherwise because the coni- servative's 3,901. lie lost no time to pay return ostage to �11m• .. p ditiona required_ or conviction un- in carrying out his mandate, mov- Cp,, Toronto. We o►ili forward po ebriates' Act are so Bev- ing on April 23 for the re-opening by return a free trial boa es' Zam der the Zn NM - ere that the more hopeful class of of the case before a royal cotirmis: Bulk. 'All druggists and 640tu ! , ' l inmate is excluded." sion. But in.spite of all his elo- this famous remedy, 500. hos. _ - . '>w. o,s»r: • ..- _ '`f:.: '.,_.,.. _:: ...:_. ._r. ..:. -.: ,c.. , .'.'_ s,w.-._:._„.. ....-:� -_ .'ei,. ... :'.;' ii ,rl "w ..�r,.....:. .tiiP'.`,...�, ^�d'a... • �'�*, e: -.� erixiv,. `a,,.�..,,.. ,i.:,. +*e .rp•r"r+<T k�',F..'3 r y ..�;rr• ,. t ,a , K,,d'�,•: :aS+, .. � F }I . ,[, r •fhb' r uvr'y:;""^Af 5' „Ap eiwh�a t e- sr*�;` -} .'1Y!,.. � *rte,. �. ;xr, •�•,,��,. ,u-.,."fr .. ��,'� l,�yr,:. ,kti r• .a �,�; °,., .•a,•_ np, �..,:.i.a; +�°a::-sir 2�qi w:+i,p�cr..: ':r >sa. .F � vCTa�41a7•' 5;. k' R .e• �,•_ � t! � .�s. ..ry ra••.Cr, r:� t^';� ;,q-.—„"�,,, :'W'•,�vs.��:.l.i•” ��'`C.•i ♦-.....�J*�•f- .moi.{•. � 'a .r °7 :�;yg a i'n".'.,. F �"s�"`... $'. •;,,: .. ate. ...w,,..�. .a. _ ,:dC.. 'Cb"i?:.. ., :.r - •,.+ tel. ^�' - - . Y 9 y _ a new series b Dr.Ieabock. "Novels N '�. v in Nutshells,'he calls them. They are Lon in number, and one is-.bei - a c" each week. Everybody loges ANTED—A quantity of clover �� ry ~g"""' r� bay. lipply-W i?EOJ* B. LITTLZ, ChristmasGroue"Aclean humor, Everybod is attracted Brown's ooruere 13-16 r r by it, for the zeal humorist is a raise s bird,and it is rarer still that ore is APPRENTICE WANTED.—A boy est Lured on the neat right here In .boat 16 years o!ase to learn the Arias. ' "Ls +4iY •iia � p - ung btidnon, Must be soave,with a fair edaaa• _ .`• .. :. .- _ "-• �;. Canada. tion, Apply at Nzwe 0004 -- " Srlday Dr. #,eacoek's-series on Practical .. - --- -- Oar entire..Bioclr..is gu�rst,nteed new_,;cods. No old stock. �° tDg•oDi• -Political Economy are also published OR SALE-House and lot situated —— — t RATRB OF ADY>dBTIBINO: weekly In Toronto Saturday Night. •+' on Brook et., clar moat, opposite the �n't bu your Xmas eared until you tree our display. --All the best a Methodist obttroh. -For particulars w pPl to _ y y 1Blmineetsion pauuaa- ---seceats unmics-are-things that make the J aRiiaa xcithol.remont T>ois rate Goes not inalo a Legal or Foreign civilized world move on. In-the daye - - -advertisements. when the science was not slnderstood FOR BALE—Roach farm, 125 acres FRY'S PACKAGE CHOCOLATES „., 4p••i+1 tezmts given to partial making con acid appreciated by at least a fair pro- oiors oz.few, ons arnoiOn.loath of i raoL for 90:6 months or by the year. Half Piakarin villain. Good baiildina.. sDlaiadia �•� f!'QIK-.s 1~4 254. Q jlrix portion of the•world'sinhabitants, we iAR A1�D BUN-13ONS yearly or yearly eoatzacts payable gnazteriv. wore skins, carried clubs and traded Baratleter,o!Port W.H MI6, Salines cards.tan lines or under,with paper. .7 +aa Tear,$6 go,payable in advance. $o ate. Now we do better.than that. _ -- - New*Naval Oran)res-30c., 40c., and 504.,a..doz. , lNoticeta local columns ten cents per line, Every man, and ever woman for that FOR SALE-85--cords of wood all Figs, Datee, Nuts, Table Ruisins and Xmas Grapes :. -live cents per lisp earn subsequent insertion. y First-class maple and beech.out this win- g' ' Spepal contract rates made known on applies- Lilxtter, shduld understand soBlethinq- Also 40-cords of stove wood. at lot ss.con. Our stock of Currants, Raisins, Peels, Shelled Nuts, 'Spices and Bi- t& 3o- f; tloa. No fres advertising. of practical political economystructions ,and this 3, Pickering. or address JOHN McOBIBKIN, - traCtB cannotti be beaten. ` `witi Advertisements e inserted until forbidden written.ad charged fie- knowledge can be gained in It .better Cherrywood P.o. lti le ootdiaaly. Orders for diseontinuinR advertise• wa thaf y re ing Dr, Leacock's mat- P POSTS FOR SALE _ .', \.We are offering as a special Christmas'bargain ro— The c _ labor.. ter of fact, they are not half as dry. Rs undersigned has for sole 1000 cedar fence pkp•• last now.St)3tp s . ,IOD Work promptly attended to, ports.all tint ciW timber. Apply on premis-they sound; and as the Professors es lot Is, con, v, Pickering; or write Jas, t3. TERMS style is always clear and concise, and gO'NEY.Cherrywood 1&19 $�� your Xmas Groceries at the Grocery Store a; gl r5 per year; 81 00 if pail in advance. xs.eprightly as the subject will permit, Subscriptions to the L*aited state, the of a well worth the perusal, even O(1 STRAYED=Strhyed from the . in advance if,cos don't expect to become' a bank Smith Farm,.Danbsrwn,stoat Janaary Phones-13411 or indepegdept. president. let,s yellow Collie dog acawering to'ths nems or"Fido:' Information u s his caber"eabouts RICHARDSON ' S - • ►• _ thankfully received on the premises, or ad. - _ - -- JOHN MURKAR, Proprietor. -- -- aft;,UG AM a:eaeolco, McxoH. Danbarton. 18:17 - - ' = ND COMMENTS Owing to the holiday festivities tFie RUIT.and Ornamental Trees own- ���. _. Iva► Ladies'Aid of, the Christian -Church F+ ed be E. D. Smith, Winona. Out, have a ` held their Dec. meeting on Jan. 4tb, :•cord of producing the oboicest hinds of fruit Mord trees and shrub?,and true toWinter' /^�.. Cost Canadians have always taken at the home of 3ird. Asx fiubbard: A' Hama. Their agent for Li VER.g and o n tins, Goods Going W much pride in the belief that they pleasant afternoon and evening were inn con ry 1s J.R.of LLIVES, rut town tine, spent, being made more. so by having who will be glad to call upon anyone who will had the best banking system in. a number of their honorary members -dropbim 343:3 addseasd w Whitby._ -11-18 ' the world. They believed that a (the gentlemen) present. The Janu- OR SALE—A Rood rough-cast u. dry meeting will be held on the `Mth Fi how�,wning a rooms besides closets - depositor was perfectly secure in inst, at the bome-of--Mrs, George,hic- and good oemeat cenar. Bard and .oft wets: having his fund: deposited in any Gregor, when a dinner (at noon) will insidehoase. one-fifth of as acreorgoodgard. As the season 1& far advanced we are selling off our winter goods at on coatainiag five • pia trees besides Other - ' be served instead of a tea in'the even- p Of the Chartered bapks of the ins The ladies Ot the other societies irait• Also Imperil Vfora dove is first-class cosh rather than cal rp them ovei. — repair with warming oven astsebed. For furth- --- country. They believed that and village are invited to come and as p.rttonlars apply�o TxoB.S sTEPIHEN- _ .. SO Claremont - • revery banking institution in Cana- bring their busbandi to dinner, thne . rellevinx them, for once, of that daily da was so hedged about with safe- duty. The usual Aid price only l0e. Pass FOR SALE,Ont acres in it mitte;•gloves and gauntliats.going at prices which. sell them. East 9Yhitby'Townrbip, Ontarto Connty, E�� ` ;guards of one kind Or another, clay loam,brick house• banked born,rtabitag that it was the next thing to all Come Jock and Jean and brie for to oattl..na 10 t,ot+«. wae.rod bI spring •50 horse blankets, all kinds, shapes and sense, going`at cost. -► g and 4 wells, fenced in go sore Aside with ceder impossibility for a trusted em- the bairns to the kirk on Jan. 24. rails. One of the beat Northern spy olehards- to the County on tpe fat•tu. within 5 todee of 2 imith%on robes, reg. $10.00, reduced to $8-00.- ' " sdLs ploys$to misappropriate the funds ` e 'M Q �j t rs,,road eunoias an P B and o T R at M�rt►e. I ���r88$Sll HeaiClaChes t}T B at Brook and the m Schon Northern. entrusted to his care. But the g Tiu.aa••rt s+of&t mule from of Osb. a. For 1 only Galloway robe, reg. $22.00, on sate $17.00. Distressing T miles of tba CoOttwhlaa town of Oshawa• For e events of recent years has proved farther part:toalats apply w HCAH HOWDZN. I the falsity of theca harbored be Headaches are largely the result of Brookitn,Out. 16.9o•As 8 far and imitation lined coats, reg. $20.00, now $17.00_ Y disordered kidneys. lieefs. First one and then another Mrs. Ball,84 Flora Street,St.Thom-� V ARM F`OR SALE—Being iota l2 1 only doeskin coat, reg. $22.00, now $18.00. - r as. Ont., ease: "I suffered- for years, r and 10 to con,t,Pick•rtog,beteg 9 mile* - Bank has gone to the will. acconi- with headuchea Ota must dtetreaeiuR north of Ptckartast villogs.and ooaatatiag of e0 panted by RreatdLstress.mon the a.r.e,mer.or uses o! goon clay loam. Thera 1 only duck working smock. ren. $8.50, now $'L 50i _ - - g nature.- They would come on me sud- I are 8 acres of scat-Asan fan wbe.e. The farm tlloucands of stork-holders and deals, gad would last for saps at d sprinag�tng. innat etlaabboue acres for of time. These were usually aCCOmpai)• bay meadow and t9 or l3 acres of good pasture Come and Ret some bargains whilethey last at 1 depositors who became-the delud- led by spells of dizziness that would s Nevw.eautay rreek pauses through We farm. ` ed victims of a mil} laced confl- Q n - p issue me unable Co attend CO any bona: t3cnd fracas barn and tram. Donw to good �• Z. ���„e��8 �! Implement Irltore, duties.t i e 4. sE;Ps Sm.11 apple orehvd o!aood frost,f.rm Ji 19 back was weak is fairly well faced. For tartar pssttealars tS awakened to this fact that . rod,- appiy to L 1tL►B JOf+tsA.Pickering WIT dance. The country has now y and caused me r _ �tb - cal change in the banking laws of muchsaffering � I R. B R Y A' N through the onrcouutry.is_aii aboglute.neves- g - night. I had s��ssEs A full line of machinery, harness and carriaRee, also. everything.else nits. Banks have become one of doctored for '1'ohAccos, piQes and smokers' the farther needs always in, Stuck. _ --- the essential features of the busi- years, but all sundries. Central office Bell to 00 avail. Telepbo0e Co.- Aagen cy for r Hess life of the country, but in Nothing bene- Rolston Laundry. _.._order to be indispensable they fited tae, and unmet merit the full confidence-of my condition OLAREMONT. ONTARIO C UIRLIN " wale gradually the business .community. They becomingworse. Ilearned ofBooth's COUNTY COUNCIL ! Iniust-be of a stable character, Kidney Pills. One box gave mea `"'�U sell that the that �t a have Complete and lasting cure. 1 have 0 linty of Ontario _ 9 not had a beadaphe or dizzy spell since FOR HOUSE FURNISHINGS _ witnessed in recent years would and I feel like anew person." The first meeting -of the.Council of Become an utter imposeibLlity. Booth's Kidney Pil}s are Bold by all I the Corporation of the County of Oa- -Inspection b most capable men, druggists. line. box, under a gsaran• tario for the year 1911,-will he held Don't forget that C. H. Burling has a stock of seasonable goods consisting of p� 5r Pa- tee to refund your money if they fail! pursuant 69 the Statutes in that be- _ g fa halt, at the Court House,in.Elie Town arm cbairs, Knrris chairs. Morris rockers. early English rockers upboletered. ' -appoin ted by' the government, to relieve any disease bavin its bri int in leather, nurse and children s rocter6, high'chairs, centre tables, esti!uoios 1 in the kidneys and bladder. Post td of Whitt -on Tuesday the 24th day tables. iron beds, couches.•dressers and stands, secretaries, music cabinets. should be of a most rigid chars ter. pa I y� from The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort of January, instant, at the hour of springs and mattresses. window shades, brass and wood curtain poles, sewing The actual standing of a bank Erie. One— Sold and guaranteed by T. Two o'cteck in the afternoon. - machines, also belts. oil and needles,children's toy sets, now gramophone should be known by the govern- X. McFadden. Ail.accounts to be laid before the and the latest records. meat at any moment that might Council must be forwarded properly - ?de demanded. In the st bank WANTED certified, to chs, Clerk, at least three a i pa days before the meeting of the said agent for erh �nremeriM Inspection has been a farce. Tenders for house to be built -in Council. Batik returner to the- government Scarboro• stop 410. Kingston road. JNO. E. FAREWELL, • Plans, 33 Cecil St., Toronto. County Clerk Caul and,get prices and gee cats before placing your order. in many. cases meant nothing. z -..:.They were doctored in -such a --- - . CAR,EFUL ATTENTION TO � manner that enabled the banks to TANVA'h'Y - 1 MBALMING AND FUNERAL WORK �ntinue business and to rope in the month of cold weather, and you still require some warm clothing. _ more victims before the final crash We are still ready to fill all demands in that line. We will clear all Phone niptht or day., Bell or Indepe4deat. name. During the present season winter underwear at 10 per-cent- off. A few sweaters that mast go.—the government has preraised a A special white sweater, worth $4.00, for $2.90. Grey, with navy trimmlog, $1.25, for$1.00. . White and.grey flannelette bllinkets from f revlslon of the,banking act. It is 2 and 8 buckle overshoes that FLOUR �� $1 per pair-ftp. Steil a few pairs of 1, AT=j� :'hoped that it will receive every we will clear.. Also heavy, rubbers and sol. - Tyr-the gravers dept. conaideratioa'possible. It should we can give you'tea to snit all—Red Rose,'Salada, or choice bulk In black or green. Now is the.tinge to seemed a 100 lb.'sack of best (Red- make provision for the most path's)su'fir at lowest price. Have you tried soap chips to save lab- 3 severe punishment of those who or on wash dsy-? Once used, always-used. 4 Lbe. for 25c. Choice Rolled.Oat@, Flaked Wheitt and Baf:ley pail up and shipped.La 136&610, criminally meddle with funds en- old cheese. Try it and be convinced. Terms,eash. Phone and rush no sack5,� T11at's why t original flavor is retained. t he trusted to their care. Those who orders receive prompt attention. have. been criminally negligent •. Have you tried the new floor "BAS8R9' JOY"? Makes better '^ should not be spared. A bank GEO. A. GILLESPIE Di�nbattoD b and more of it than lay.other flour. Pastry and of lr , f Rrtlidee always in stock.. • president, who draws a large Also granalated *ate and wheat, corn meal, Gintham sad salary, should be in*de to earn his buckwheat. y• - y ;a money. His position should not KEEP �'HEr' .BOYS • _ _ be an, honorary one but out of N T�� FARM :fork and beanei, flaoan hassle and Florida onions. , �c responsibility. If s ligan,accepts O Our groceries are the freshest. •a salary as president or of any bF showing your interest in-them. 1t1on 1a the bank, he One wayis to make them a present of-one of ulu to'aate, perfect- (�T other poi fitting ses of driving harness for their driver. It will be a better in- GEORGE PHILIP, BROUGHAM GHAM i should perform the duties pertain- vestment than bank stocks and thet will appreclate it more. j' Price-range from$15 to$30,end better value and wearing qualities r ins to that offlee, or take the cots- cannot be Rivep anywhere. - ' nencea. Complete stock of blankets, cheat protectors and farmer's supplies -' on hand at reasonable prices. _ F � � - . Leacock"Hataorlst It will pay you to see my lines before baying. SlWNDa. - It is a far cry from lecturing pICKERLYG HARNESS EMPORIUM OF CANADA economics and political science in Mc- FAoWalad 1873 - y +Gill Udidersity, Montreal, to writing Phone Ind. 301'. W. J. COAKWELL ,humorous(ketches for Toronto Satur- TR�►NS1ViITTING MONEY +day night. However.Lthis is the dual occupation of Stephen Leacock at the - - anoment: - For alms up to $50 our-lank Moviey Orders are , Educated at Upper Canada Collage, r ;'Dr.Leacock was on -the-staff of this �� :: � Convenient and jpCZ�GaeivC. -•FOC�argd ainOuli�f WQ.1 — educational institution from 1801 to to anv - 1-899, and is consequently well known OU flraks of B of E',ltchange. Money r C.ab10 „.in Ontario. In the ears 1901 and 1906 If you are thinking of purchasing come 1n and look around before point 1R the woad by T « -be toured the British Empire, lectur- buying elsewhere. Men's overalls, work shirts, fine shirts, ties, socks Lng on Imperial problems under the and Smocks. Boots and shoes for all: - auspices of the Rhodes Trust. It was _ tangs �k Department at-Avory - 7 ., after his return from this mission that ' Ice cream(City Dairy)suers 9atut't3ay night. !Dt sat-'Et• . Bas • �► . '•: J eacook began to be known as a writ- `- au' of humorous sketches, some of We also handle Samson's well-known spades, shovels, hoes, forks fkild I N BR A N C'H .. ..' which appeared in Canadian journals, rakes. Always fresh groceries in stock. PICKER 7. F Bnela ing Toronto Saturday Might, as _ _ K ) - afar - as-las. R, A BELL--'— - Dunbarton �n�rr�s �r. n�►rr�r. r� !� T o Saturday Night has begun A. I tfi,.,,. '. .. .. • n w. ': -, . .. ,' • '^- ..,i•ir ..�. w.'•.:.•.. .... .K 'fit P ��� u,y7". Y.' • .._ {�.:. ,. ....'_..•...,y..s. _ ..... »�. '..; . c,.- ., M.,. :. �. .•,+ _a. ,,, w,_ '. '.•,.;nr lv:,. �' ,w, �.. ,•,• "<`:iF •f.: ,e,. ';;' 'b+ .1. �'<r?ae �tF.`� ,:«4•'...0 Vii �''. ,;+6atw. .'C,�: r�•v- ,�l,. ::ar.�t"'«w..,n'� y„�,,,�,-m,., Mw. tr, :.».5'....tvaanr� v��*^. xr .,xYs ,n....+y"�,' ,., -,'ar;,�t�?'.�'.a�"ju''",»;r^.F..�t'. 'c•�`.,,' s m �" -3 fi?G'. yq3.gw.�4:.`3�';.• ;f�i,."ry"��'C^"" ''gW' _ '.ytik,�v ^�^ �''' '^�:+4%nvx - "`,.c,' �Lw: ".� •r.°.�'S;`�'.�•.-'t�,;".. y. v , ,;:' l• �.:.. r' - �,, •;a:. .o-. St• .'cam: - ;,,i? i.,, ,. .....-, .,, ^ ..r;7..1 .;• L . ':i -:¢,' +s.� wa:;, rw,. .r. �..,;�,.,, I' vx:+"'"'!� ..,i;'w•,.- w.,.r .<. J .ry.iT�, vv�•� , 'moi•. '. ..:.:.. .,r.. _ ... _:. :. "•^,..,' � :i�• ::i.K, c -. .rte . .. '. .:. _:..•• c.wa .. ".:rye. ,f', .y. 7. �,■ CL.AMUMONT pu - Messrs. Greg do Goatee chi Pose g large vection, The Several curlers from here r who attended the CQ Ding to Pin th ro on the nisi lace is not very .but the people � � for Sale f + a carload of hogs on Monday.Ply to rticipate is the bonaplel W �uve lame hearer and tett trotliiag FI I Robt.-Le gitt Ia..oft duty these held in that city on that date. undone w Ich would add to the com- gg The Ba ist choir purpose fort and convenience of the delegates. ,, -..� days sufferit►g from Ia grippe. Pt P Poee going Hot dinner and au was served ia, Mrs. David Roar is visiting her to Whitevale on $unsay to assist the hall directly ad�ingg��the church. One heater either for wood or COa1 sister at Sharbot Lake this week. in the anniversary services in.the The next conventiop•witt be held in h. - Mrs. Wm. Leaser is visiting her BLU, church. Pickering Village. vee single 88t Of On harIIesa t�i aiaughtei, Mrs. L. _ �E. .Stephenson-hsa-be __ .— r > >e superintendent nearly new. B Y oat=cakes and short-braid ori' e, perLntendent of the Thomas Pearson and son, W e'. Methodist Sabbath School in the Come along and hae some scones, lin ton, were in Myrtle on Tues. Place of F. Hutchison who is may - —Will sell at.reasonable prices. ' -day uiR from town. Tuesday nicht. Two children,in the family of Ross Richardson, who has been The Corner Store. W. M. PAT, ER, Proprietor l Stephen Wright are very ill at confined to the house for the past :.glreaent. six weeks with throat trouble, is John Linton, of Uxbridge, was able to be out again though not in town on Sunday calling 'upon tulip recovered. - ! 1friends. David Gregg, who resides one mile east of Claremont has been -- R I C H A R DSO N S UER Mise Ruby Farmer is spending , t t e s seriousl ill with nem �. ;otos villa. pleurisy. At time of writing he Reuben Besse has purchased the was somewhat improved. Tmportang showing of finest display of Mrs. F. Hutchison, Mrs. Read- China. A Very lar 4< -Dolphin residence,nearly opposite large osaottmeal of the liver stable. man and W. Thompson are all g _ _ -- -. .. Books,Dolle, Toys, jubt Mr. Sisson, piano-tuner, of Port gradually recovering from their = �� Perry, funds his usual rounds in illness. Mrs. Hutchison, however, or e o �zads. Call is still confined to her bed. - sanely T and see chem. sx this bent locality last week. Mr. Blackburn, of Uxbridge, 13abscriptione!taken for all M ' - - UVISED Albert Rawson has returned to g _ _ agasiags, passed through the village on -.- - Toroato where he has a large Tuesday with a boa bell � i • ' -Weekly and Daily Newspapers '-contract of plastering. Taking Lydia E. Plnkham s �r Charles Proctor iron thesick list which he has set up in Pickering -at present suffering from a severe village. We wish him success. Vegetable Compound W. I.T. H. attack of rheumatism. ,_ Columbus, Obio•-"I have taken Mrs. Sherman Rumor spent a Sabbath School Convention L dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- $_�� Street- W�1 ;y` w = few" days during the past week — poun d u r i n g change of life. My with facade in Toronto. The annual Convention of the Pick- x erin Township Sabbath School Assn- doctor told me it John Wa g has returned 'home $ P good, and since after spending a few days with ciation was held in the Methodist was It Ifeeeo �8 W18y0u all a ; Church, Sineale,-onpp Friday, the 18th .`?' muchtagbIttsr that I t ` Friends in Mount Forest. Steven-son,, with ch president, Walter A number from here attendedcan do all my work -•. the funeral of the late Robert Mil- It to conceded to be one of the again. I t h i n k , - ler at Pickeringon.Moods L di$E.Pink m's ; T• brightest and most helpful conven Npoegetaf le MERRY CHRISTMAS ;:} James McFarlane, we believe, tions in the history of the township or s t 1 woman s tl - intends to return to the Peace Two very stirring addressee by Rev. aIId a diver District at an early date. Mr. Halpenny, the secretary of the troubles, and I - ;and will he a hocks match Provincial Association, were sal T never forget to tell features of the da He s.Qt tort the -ase the rink here between the y' m friends what it has done for me." aims and needs of the S.S. Aasocia- yy - - v y . Claremont and Brooklin teams on cion for 1911 in a very lain and cow- -mss' R �BOz• 3%East Long St`' SAPPY NEW YEAR L'" Monday night next. prehensive i nave Gender his direr- Columbus? Ohio' _ Another Woman Helped. Mr. Young, of the International tion several new departments are to .. Harvester Co., Hamilton, was be added. to the township work for arenitsville, Vt. - I was pasainfr a _ through the Changeof Life and sufferreedd here this week assisting the local 1911, which if properly carried out. ; agent, Alex. Wilson. will make Pickering a banner town- from nervousness and other annoying f£ Several from this localit at- sfiT symptoms Lydia E Pinkbam's ego. a Y table Compound restored myhealthand telided the aunual meeting of the The teachingg o3 the primary class strength,and proved worth mountains �} r�1 this le Leaf Fire Inaurance-Co. by Mina Georgina Tool was very inter- of gold to me. For the sake of other �jg�R E►7 S GAU 1 + .CLAREMONT +� p e•+ting. Miss TTool is a born teacher ggoo , f lheid at Columbaii on Friday last. and a bright future awaits her in this suffering women I stn er-m g you should pubueh my letter 138.9 aARDWARB, STOVES AND IFURNACM A number of ladies scuta the uncle. CeAaaera BARjmAY, S.F.D.. Granite- Presbyterian Presbyterian church attended the Rev. Mes+rs. A. L Macfadyen and ville, VL �. . annual meeting of the Whitby John Trickey both gave very stirring Women who are passing through this Presbyterial held at Duabarton addresses which created considerable critical period or wbo are savertne a eothu�iasm. I - . . on Wednesday. from as of those dist Ills John Farmr, who has been em. R. McAvoy was elected president eallar toythetram should notmloose �t � �� -`� U p������for the ensuing year. A very hearty of the fact that for thirtyLSs 1ploped In the Farmers' Bank at vote of thanks was tendered to the Z. Plukhsm's y�yayears Compound. -- 99 StdisHville for the t two ears, 1'� y Kinsale people-far the vary hind and whish is made from roots and herbs, is now at home; the bank having f e irteous treatment extended to all had been the standard remedy for At this season our tboughtm naturally 1 , cloned its dcaors. famaw ills. In almost every commu- turn to gifts. What would please your Monday morning was about the pity you will And women wbo have wife more than and la lamp T This ep- 4, coldest of the season, the mercury been restored to health by Lydia B. to-date light, burns oil. gives as tnaeh _ - having dropped to 14 degrees be. THE sT A C � Pinkb,m+s VegetableCogaponlod. _ cioght&q four ofstw no more to sun thantwo,�® scans J i g low zero. Some report it to have L that es its Weakest Link Father turned high or low and one or two burn'' bee.J. Ha v 18 tis see below. y go. zo Fours It Anew, ere used as desired. Requires little care. - J. l Harvey ey has returned to Wicks trimmed once at,month. No odor, lHaselaeJlt after beim laid up for -- _ no awoke, little beat. The beet for coon- . _ couple of weeks with Is grippe. ( r try use. A` batter tight for loading or - .. . He is now engaged erecting a large The chain of the pliyvical system is iorking by thaw gas or electricity. Be-warehouse on the C.P.R. at Have- °sty a,str�i+g as its weakG+t:ink W'hea ciallfor tht hone. For halls. stores, that link breaks, the chain brraks, sad urches. etc., I rasa supply lock J eaeoliae or _ Hee the evening of the 14th �Om illness followed by death often acetyline plants that will meet your requirements, rices right and Dods P g results. The weak link *ith many peo- i guaranteed. P g - i g of February open for the tea and ple is the throat and longs. In fact, sta• y entertainment to be given byy the Ustics show that over twenty-five per A 1900 washer makeis a acceptable Rift to your wife, one that she can use Ladies' Aid of the Metiodist cent of all deaths can be directly traced Of all maaerials and design and appreciate the whole year through, and in fact, for several years, ten to n church. Full particulars will be to diseases of these most important res-" -- - kept in stoak. It will payym fifteen. If you are willing to pay$1.00 per year to save her from the drudg- , at ns. V�sakness here is v ery of washing get my catalogue. - given later. P �'•<Ya QT b call at our works at d titrpeot our Hook , Graham Bros. have not sentdan °us'his 1oa an successful a and obtain pri°°a' Dont be misled by FOR YOURSI;LP, A.Rsao(iae engine is a most useful and nowadays at- -'their consignment of horses_ t9 g 1� aganiswe do not employ them.sonsequeni• most essential part of farm Pquipmeot. 1 have them in all sizes and styles tire, Farber Morriscy, the learned priest- l we can, and do throw ode and can meet eve need. Phone or dro a card for catalogue. For a month the Ottawa winter Fair as they physician, was often called upon to treat I commission of le per om$.,which you will I can sell a 3 h.p. engine for$128.00. P } ' had intended owing to their fail- bronchial and puimmury affections. He eartainly save by purobadt" tsom ter. -acre to secure satisfactory stabling soon found that it was not enough to nail solioitad. .. accommodation. make temporary repairs on the "link,• Q • but that ft had to be forged anew, in WMIT MOM 6e., HOWard E. Turner Whitevale � ab Owing_to the good roads much but permanently to strengthen the wbtwy, ontaei i.. teaming has been done here'sur- chain._ ,r I have gasoline engines, straw cutters, washing machines, wringers a d Ang the past week-or two. Milton w al td after much study, he succeeded is ! _ other seasonable goods on hand for immediate delivery. wu . Benson has had a number of teams devising a prescription that would secure C $ C •s Qpt �, t ,employed hauling gravel for the this result, by not only giving prompt : ! G�; g}� ►. .9 building of a cement silo next relief but also by rebuilding and strength. a + 14 �S s_s ' ' L�� Come lads and bring your leases Tues- , season. ening the delicate cells and membranes r1 i w.. Pickering Lnsaber Yard sad hue a jolly time on'htes- Phil. Forsyth, of Toronto, ar- of the throat and lungs. ■ i day nicht. ;, rived in town on Saturday with This prescription, Father Morriscy's • d e o ss Lung Tonic. or No. 10, has cored thou- g • sg s O �; ���CLZtOZ'•ts _ two horses he bought in Sutton. u• bM Pine flooring, Manitoba siding� drop - Mr. Forsyth intends of into sands. It u absolutely free from any C K qiR si r ton n8 p t g dangerous drug,being compounded from ? .� ' ~ I �; aiding, iaaichea. rough sad dressed NOTICE TO CREDITORS the ga ening business in the Nateire's own roots,herbs sad bet>samr. ti . y pine end hemlock. New Bruaa- ' (spring, having purchased thirty No. 10 stops the cough, relieves the i � Bruns- :10 O= wick white cedar sbinglee`ana Notice is hereby ve w nosh near Toronto. soreness and strengthens and fortifies wt apple bacrola. � n that all per- � Two rinks of,our curlers journ- the system against future attach. Even i it d $ i �. sons having claims against Samuel aeyed to Stouffville'on Friday ]est in the early stages of coautaiptiion it has � r• �u O s Bell phone Tet!ms dish Bray,late of the Township of Picker- ed l,el ful but the wise is to vN 14ng in the died on or of Ontario,deems- •wliea Liber styes two gatbee with � . P + t e 'i! W. D. GORDONflORDON .BUI+T. take it in time,sad avoid seriittts shears. >s s .tT + - rr >ifar M about the 19th"y - Abe curlers of that town but were L • of Jul 1910 at the said Township of In our diesels it is well to have a cella- ,.,,.- Ars ► T. p dt+ieated flue chola. They are �i y blie and tested'remedy lt'ke No. 10 always o m ;, - ••� Ltd! s Pickering, are required to Bead by new eagerly awaiting the recurs on hand. Take it at the first appearance ' •� J N 401 Wanted 11 ow . t or anti .. '<ti snatch when they expect to even of a cold,and,keep the dtaia of fife strong •• $ g = O s Pot-Piokering and surrounding coup- V�utor of the Lost Will aod� `hie p tip. and capable of resistance. ,. • !< ?; �� >>a� s try for fall and winter months, a roll- meat o! the said Samuel Bra , theft• " The rLak of curlers that went Trial-size 25c..perbottle. Regular size r $ s a w •• able agesb'to take orders for names and addcedoes with full parts- to Fenlon Falls on Wednesday We. At your drug is or from Father .. " «r 0M• b•• osiers in writitijt of.their claims duly - ' lent returned home on Saltnessorthern Grown Muse Stock Y+ bforrbdy ;Diedicine Co.,o., Ltd., Chathea� a • o o r. Nev,nw verifkd ntsder pith. N.B. s6 0-4 D k Pay weekly. Use o! beautiful outfit And take notice that on the lot day . each member with a brand new January ittt9-watch ta,Odmwa IA Brosttnam free. We guarantee strictly Bret-clan of February, 1911, the undersigned � umbrella under his arm. This was Sohl apd guaranteed in Pickering 11!,eon r a,v'sbrid ge La,Canasaglon LL, stock, delivered in prime condition. will proceed to distribute the asests the second prize in the consolation by T. M. McFadden Beav rion t0,vpsergimm 9 We grow fast-selling Specialties, sold of the said deceased having Bard ; Renes. They were only one shot - only by ourselves, on which there is only to the claims,of which then behind in,winniag the Brat prize no competition. It psga W sell fora shall have had notice and p oo, and reliable firm. Established 90 years. that the said Thomas*L. Bray will not in that touff. y D • SIMPSON & �C 0 0 proof. The Stouflville hocks team ar- Write for particulars. be liable foil the said assets to as :companied by a number of sup- WISMER'S NIIRSERY not ha of whose clotic he then aha 1 porters cattle here on Wednesday _ IN, ONT. n Dated a Toronto ave had such this $rdice and day of - evening last to play a friend] PORT ELG( January, 1911. gm� y me with the Claremont .Whirl• Edge fit. vn _� g• _ Taox9As4 E�arBob Y' OUR BIG MID-WINTER SALE Thee Pickeria . . winds" but were defeated b 18 to : . . 1. The game was '•fast and furl=- nus" from first to last but was free vigilance Committee 14:18 Toronto 6 _ from roughness. begins January 16th and continues to Feb- rets 5 - c eo �3. The annual meeting of the pub- _. The object of this Aatsocfation is to $Ct 6senei 4tgYw, _ - stealing and prosecute -i �A Lc libra was held on' Tuesday lessen a e�eniag,.�Ts►n. loth at the real- r'uary 15th Watch for our bills and see the felons. --.Have yon lots o Water? -deuce of the librarian, Judson Bund There was a attend- 1[smbaiy.haviraR abisa oommaal- y oals immediaNl- -with an member �oc�d sacs• The officers sod eomrnittees the bargains. Every article sad puce Inst' . of E:aonHn Qoma�M�. �� ��� � �� presented their reports. The fol- Membership iaa - `lam an prepared to punish you anything +�o>ving were elected' a Board'of _ _ _ in the line of wateg supply such as ,as... - - ' TieksN may be bad teem the Presldest or pumps. windmills. hydraulic roma, Movagement for the year: J. S. s Stated.-•• s.er.r rt onappliesdoo. now Farmer, President; Rev. Jas. _ plumbing. etc. Grant, Secretary; C. H• Found, �R(cbardsonPfckering, Out) . They are also expert well drillers �^ Exec. Treasurer; -Rev. W. A. Wood. J. W.V C. Brodie, Pried Farmer, P. Mac- p *,� Q J.A: O'Connor, Arthur Jeffrey, and respeottully solicit your pat:rael - t arab Sr., Joshua Bandy. _ D. plat.PSON � Co., PICSERIA�G , age for the future. Ind, phone 6fi a ryr- .r ,. < ..•i '§ .ser. nG'.a +.•. 1•�,' ems. r_ :y,^6 +..•mS .a`:�.,: .�sa+tC�t -,d•' e',�rt' y"} •. h.,1`N`.��. •T,a."4 ." ,.;4„£5a. 'F: .. b`•• r'^�' { _k: :�*: -„•yCr. ,`1 -,',A3. '6.-• Y`/f �.T, S 'S. e�,y� � xT=fri 3.^,+�a• '.', ,.. » :l' ' S .7.: ” 3: .. fir" .,..... 1`C^-:ei;� �s'�%45r '� ,.a �m'w•. "^ +f°o°�%�"�.�.a '�:�• �'� •..�•'• ,`a.�'' fl a' liall ^G,...,. . r+R>*+,- ..:., a s `w, e ,:.•;., ,f .,.r ..e..„Y•a+rr ,$a,. .v' ,..,'-'.: ., . .:+•". .•y., s. s, e. Cu..,+... ., .. .. ....,,,\. .._„ .., T•, .. .:.a... ,. . . .. .ri'- ._.: ... .X. ,,. f � - ,.: ,• .. d' . .. '`.:.. ....:: t' -.... .... --_. ..,.. �,.,.,4a-y,,-Jtt'a•'F'xaOMe!,�+r.a�.d•.+'ir:va,+�"��. y,n�, t +;.'h"¢#'.:,Wn"` «.«:N7G•� .,. y"of�Fx+v^a.aw•,ar^M9xsJ!',•:S•-fi'R�F'D.y.:•.t,i.,.,..-�{kx:'..e,+�ct"."RY44'T-.rY..Y+un rrar'.•hLfEd'0n.,y,�,.�yAc 7.�'8in 4•'>y'z'R;@.n ' '' ,p.,A"+�i. '�ia.•:r:.Ye2'OpJstY17ML'�`i4 .. p, o .. : iR • r • RULING PRICES OF R RY :` FARM PRO'_'UCTSFULPINDUSTRY "A OK - REPORTS FORK THE •LESDING -tt^1 �, • • ` TRADE CENTRES OF _ --` - s npt on Is Steadily Increasing - AMERICA. Production. Pr uc _ - k A despatch from Stratford says: 064 gallons. It is believed that the A despatch,- from Ottawa says:'spruce and balsam, furnished nine: Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese facts were value of our exports of dairy pro- According to statistics collected by !ty-nine per cent. of the wood used _ 71 s a. Blame very encouraging the Forest Branch of the Depart- 'in the making of pulp. Poplar, laid before the Western Dairy- ducts to the United States for the and Other Produce at Home mane of the Interior, there were hen lock and jack pine were also' Itnen s Convention, held here last year ending March next will be and Abroad: 622,129 cords of pulpwood used in used. Three-fifths of the pulpwood. week'b Mr. J. C. Ruddick, Dairy $3,000,000- as against less than a •• Canada during the year 1909. Of cut in Ctied Ianada during 1909 was ex- ;y t L`ommrasioner, in regailliear be-rd r v a he 1111i VV A, tout%ook for the industry. For-,the fore, and practically'nothing prior Toronto, Jan. 17.—Flour—Win- $3,464,080. In spite of a decline in !manufacture. Nearly •all this wood kcal year ending with March next to the change in the American duty. ter wheat 90r cent. patents, the price of pulpwood the value of j went from Quebec. The average vuz dairy exports are estimated at'The total value of.the milk produc- $3.60 at seabord Manitoba flours the wood consumed increased more!price received for it was only forty• tonls $25,250,000, as compared with(tion of Canada was placed at $100,- —First patents, $5.40; second pat- than $550,000 over that used in five cents more than was paid at - in Me , 000,-and it was said that an ad- $31,667,561— ants, - pulpwood .. ; however, the home consumption is clition of 500 lbs. of milk per cow $4.90, and strong bakers, IgOg—the qu - the Quebec mills. The : believed to have increased by $25,- to the average production, some- $4:70, on track, Toronto. than thirty per cent.' in advance shipped from Canada in 1809 fur- ' .. Manitoba wheat—No. 1 North- of that used in the previous years. niched 464-10 r cent. of the 'raw -- �p00,000, so that the production for thing easily possible, would add ern, $1.04 to $1.04%, Bay ports; There are some sixty pulp mills material used by the ninety pulp ` the year about ending will really $10,000,000 to this. No. 2 Northern, $1.02, Bay ports, in the Dominion, and of these, re- mills of the State of New York, be $8,582,439 greater than in 1903. The prediction was made that and No. 3 at 98%c, Bay ports. porta were received from fifty. Half and an appreciable portion of that For the year ending with March much more than this will be done; Ontario wheat-86 and 87c out- of these mills are in Quebec, one- used by the mills of New England inert the production seems to have I that in a few years a larger pro- aide for No. 2 red and white re- fifth in Oxitario, and the rest are I and Pennsylvania. The manufac- Increased more rapidly than in the portion of the two million odd cows spectively.. located in New Brunswick, Nova tura of the pulpwood exported in ear immediately preceding, be- in the Dominion will be made to Barley—Malting qualities,, 56 to Scotia and British Columbia. The 1909 kept 69 of the 251 pulp mills ' f cause, wfiiTe the ho their milk flow by fifty Me outside, and feed 48 to 50c out- Pince of Quebc T ate�_runninu a0 is still growing, our exports of per cent. Even with this increase, aide. half the pulpwood, Ontario gave full capacity for the year. Had Il . dairy products for the current fiscal Mr. Ruddick contended, there need Oats—No. 2 white,--35c, on track, one-third, while the rest• was ob- it been manufactured in Quebec �� year will be $2,000,000 ahead ofbe no fear of over-production. If Toronto, and 33c outside; No. 2 tained from New Brunswick, Nova it would have kept running 71 mills (these of 1910. For the expansion the production remains stationary, W, C• oats, 38%c, Bay ports, and 'Scotia and British Columbia. of the same size as those running that has taken place in the year the home market, if the expansion No. 3'at 37c, Bay porta. Two species of timber, namely, in Quebec. near closing the partial opening of continues at the present rate, will I Corn--iew No. 3 American, y the American market to our dairy absorb the entire output of the I N% to 53c, prompt shipment, To-products is is lar el responsible. dairy industry ten years hence. In , p largely p ( roto freights. - In the month.of August, 1909, as addition to thi there is the Am Peas—No.! markef� Although the Pe —h° 2 chipping lots Bo to _ of the reduction of the erican 81c outside. i... .a result . •` United States duty on cream from[United States is the largest pro- Rye—No. 2 at 61 to 62c outside. ` '. ;•five cents per pound to five cents ;ler'ducer in dairy lines in the world, Buckwheat—No- 1 at 47 to 48c - gallon, we exported 1,650 gallons that country imported nearly $7,' i outside. �p of cream to the. American market, 000,000 worth of butter and cheese : Bran—Manitobas, $20, in bags, 1+� White, vide-President of C.P. Lh•, Sp-yaks In November of the same year this lin the calendar year of 1909, and Toronto, and shorts, $21 increased to 70,000 gallons. For will import larger , in bags, { quantities in fu- Toronto. Ontario bran, $20.50; in of the Prosperity of the Voest. -'.October last the amount- was 327,-ture. sacks, Toronto, and shorts, $22• iSt00,000 FIRE AT WINNIPEG. putated, and the dead body of a A despatch from Montreal says :1 to various parts of the United —_ woman, who died southwest of Lake COUNTRY PRODUCE Mr. William-Whyte, Vice-Presidcnb', States .thea"Amen':an farmers who ' Firemen Worked All _light With!Johnston and was being brought to Apples—Spvs, a1 50 to $6; Bald- of the C. P. R. a� Winnipeg. �,ho, sere remo%ing to Cana 3b In t+p �e Sir ThUinas of'this cam a: n by interested pee Thermometer at 30 Below Zero. the city by her husband. He had wins, $4 to $3; Greenings, $4 to is here conferring a i,h p B made but slow progress on his Mel- l$4,50; No. 9 assorted, $3.5o to $4 Shaughnessy, is enthusiastic �'cz p e 3n a ui a m''ve ry A despatch from Winnipeg says:l ancholy trip, it having taken him per barrel. the prospects of the nest. [n shank-i into of farmers h,�m that c,�uciev = "-- -'G�inaipeg has had .another midnight:five days to travel thirty-two miles, Beans—Car lots, 1,60 to 51,70, ing of the buildi ig of the'new 1Lnc= into Canada in 13]0 was' ta.ger ✓midwinter fire which will cost the when he was picked up by-the partyand small lots, $1 e0 -to 81 S3. 'he said:-"During-tha sumrner there'tharr ever. The iner as W in im'ui Insurance companies about 8100,-',The men report much hardship Honey—Extracted, in tins, t01; to :hare been constru^.tea 603 miles r $ration from Europe has also teen �0, the building destroyed being I among the settlers owing' to the ter- lIc per lb. \'o, 1 comb, wholesale, i railway, including 56 miles of dcru-i considerable, and thare has been v the Kelly block on Bannantyne. rible cold and storms. One man is !82 to $2 50 per dozen; No. 2 comb, ,ble track- We are now erg steady increase in the anaun o9 iavenue east, in the very heart of said to have carried a sack of flatly, wholesale; $1 "5 to '$2 per dozen. on fere programme for this year, land under cultivation. Capital has ' •the wholesale district. The firma six miles because he could not get Ba T Baled bay—No. 1 at $12.60 to and 3t is probaole tint a3 much come into the west in large vc�l- "s suffering are , The Winnipeg Fur a horse through. The party will .$13.50 on track, and No. 2 at $10 I construMion work will be done. in i ume.. There nerer`waEn year,when Company, $200,000, insured for take back with them four team to $11, 1911 as was done in 1910. Labor there were se many Englishman is ;fir 8190,000; John E,�rager, tobacco- loads of supplies: Baled_ straw—$6.50 -'to 87 on 'for railway building -was never ao the country seeking .renumerativa - nist, .$80,000, insured to 90 per " �tracl�, '1�'oroato.' scarce as in 1910, and wants were investment for "their capital, aud- . cent.; Kilgour Bros., paper deal- Potatoes—Car lots, 75 to soc per !never so high. there never was a year when therd- . eFB,-�5��,. insured oto the. full FIGHT WITH HIGHWAYMEN. Poultr Wholesale prices oE_r " During the-vt•ar a derprmMed was so much money actually invest- the Wingold $cove Company, .X2 , —' t — bag effort was cou i* ed•to turn back ed." Det Fatally Wounded �' — o 000, insured to 81u,000. The origin in British Columbia.' dressed poultry:—Chto loe 1_ . S 80 of the fire is still unsolved, but-it 121,c per lb. ; fowl, 9 to lOc per Ib.; 49c, , is supposed to have started from A despatch from Victoria, B. C-r ducks, 13 to 14c per lb. ; turkeys, yellow,Oats—No. o. track, through. orb . sold in.the neighborhood si 83.b- ed• !Oats—No. 2 white, 36�4c ; No. to $3.90. Lambs were considerab- - ,; an electric light in:the fur company says: G. C. Sayers, said to be. a 17 to 19e per"Ib, and geese, 12 to 3 white, 36%c; No. 4 white, 33%c, ly higher. Sheep were steady to • offices. It started about 11.30 on detective was brought' here on 12 c per lb. Lire, 1 to Sc less. Barley—Malting,-96c to $1.- Rye— firm. One dealer paid as )sigh as --Saturday night, and the firemen Wsdne%.'-:v in a. dying condition �N� g, on track, 85c. $3.80 per cwt. Hogs show indi- +were not through till 7 Sunday from Als;.rni, where he on Tuesday THE DAIRY MARKETS. a/ - � Opp easing off. with the mercury 30 be- night had a desperate fight with Minneapolis, Jaa 17.—Wheat — cations of - lmorning, g 22 to 24c; 'May, $1,09% to 81.09 3-S; July, --* Row aero. There were many cases I two men ,wanted in Saskatchewan Butter—Dairy prints,- 31AN MURDERED. fns highwa robbery there and for choice dairy solids, 21 to 22c; in- $1.09„, :vol 1 hard, $1.10;4, No. ! frost bites, some. the firemen• -- _ having to retire for treatment. The!breaking open box-cars on the ferior, 18 to 19c; choice large rolls, 1 Northern 81.09 to 81.108;; NNo.o. Terrible Clime Committed Meat thigh-pressure service was in good Grand Trunk at Yorkton, Bask. 21.to 22c. Creamery, of to 38c per 2 !Northern, 81,06/ $1 $1.08%1'4', :Bran workin order, but the,depth of the The is that he.tzailed the two Ilb. f ro11s, 25c for solids, and 24 3 wheat, 81.01% to $1.07'x. Bran— Wellesley Village. g - Y P A despatch _.from Berlin, , !building-100 feet—rendeied- the men from the latter place and to 2:,: .or separator prints. $-1 to. ,8.1.50. Flour—First at Ont. ' streams ineffectual, whether from caught up with them in a camp I TEggs—Cane lots of-pickled bring ents, $4.95 to $5.35; second patents, says: :' terrible murder was reveal• ` k; front or rear, on the fire in the near Alberni. He posted one of 2,c; cold storage, 27 to 28c;-select- $4.95 to $5.23; first clears, 83.33 to ed on Friday morning by the find- eentre r the building. his men outside, while he himself ed, 30c, and strictly new-laid, 33 $3.75; second clears,'$2.33 to $2.98. ing of the blood-covered body, fro. - entered the camp to make the ar- to 38o per dozen. ren stiff, at an aged Pole named, --� rest. A desperate fight ensued, in • Cheese—Large.are quoted at 12%c LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Franz Tobinski, tied to -a post a SETTLTR'S' HARDSHIPS, which Sayers was shot in three and twins at.12%,c. few, feet from the kitchen door of Montreal, Jana 17. = Choice his house, two miles west of Wel. - places, but with what strength he steers sold at e% 'to 6;;c, good at Lesley village, near Berlin. Rob- HOG = _ Roads Blocked by HeaTy Snow is had left he backed up against` a PRODUCTS. r I '� ' i Saskatchewan. wall and.there fought till' he fell e to 6f c, fairly good at 5/, to 5,4c, bery was the motive lad the crime, , from loss 'of blood. The comrades Bacon—Long clear,, 12 to 12fc and the lower-grrules at'4 to 4%c,. and it is known that the murderers despatch from Moose Jaw; he had posted outside, however, per lb. in case lots; mesa pork, $24; per lb. The demand for hogs was got away with-$130 in gold, which .-A;ask., says: The first teams since succeedetT in arresting the'men, who short cut, $26. active, with sales of selected lots Tobinski -had kept in a little tin. Chri!Mhos'to, ;eaek the city from ,are held at Alberni. Sayers re- Hams—Light . to medium, - 16c; at $825 to $8.60 per 100 lbs., weigh .box This box,was found lying out- heevie and D'esdrop, 6`3 miles 12%c;, shoul- ed off ears. Supplies of sheep c - ode in-'brie snow. Fifty yards away —southwest„-arrived on'Friday even- Gently made several arrests single- do.; heavy, 15c; rolls; handed in Edson. ,• dais, 11%c; breakfast bacon, 18c; ing forward are small, for which�from where the'boay'lay was found ing. •The.six members of the party backs (pea' meal), 18%c. the demand is Good and sales were a blood=stained hammer of medium gold►a story of mueh hardship and Lard—Tierces, 12'/,c; tubs,'12%c; made at 4% to 4%c per lb. Lambs size of a kind used by blaekamiths. suffe?ins.,; `Fhey•had made the The transfer of ,the Ontario Steel ails-130. were firm under a good demand at There were tracks of two men is - jourA$g h,.t`hree 'days: which, con- plant at.Welland to the Montreal F 6� to 6%c per lb. A fairly good the snow and also of a•,team o€ eider}gg,the.fact the they had to Car &-Foundry Company•has been trade was done 'in calves, at prices horses, but the police have no clew w break'lwhraugh.•bad.._drifts• in the..completed. BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. .ranging from $3 to $12 each, as to as to the identity of the murderers. 'bills, •was•,fairly good- time. They Sir Wilfrid Laurier has given no- Montreal, Jan. 17.—Oats--Cana- quality. ---w — / brought in two men who are badly tice of a resolution for the renew- than.Western, No. 2, 40 to ,40%c, Toronto, Jan. 17.—Some of the -It is' that 300;000 immi- + ,. "frozen]; ©ae.so badly that it is al of the Pacific steamship subsidies car lots ex'store; extra'No. 1 feed, cHoicest butcher heifers and steers grants arrived in Canada last year. + ^thoup�lit lis;feet may have to be am- of £25,000 annually. 39 to 39jc; No, 3 C. W,, 38% to ago; No. 2 local white, 38c; No. 3 ` local white, 37c; No. 4 local white, s 36c, Flour—Manitoba Spring wheat _ G*GS, .patents, firsts, $5,60; do., seconds, -TO' SELL$5.10; Winter wheat patents, $4.- NI- T 9 75 to $5; strong bakers, $4.90; straight rollers, $4.35 to 84.50; d° ; :Boards of Trade of MoYltreal and Toronto in bags, $2 to $2.10. Rolled oats— Elaborate Per bbl., $4.45; do., bag of 90 lbs., Tentative Arrangements Have to Ask Legislation. : .•, $2.10. Barley 'Feed, car lots, -ex - , stole, 49 to 50c. Corn—American Been Completed . :•. ;_ - - -' - -- = �'• _' � _' 3 .yellow,. b7% to 58c. Millfeed No. —Bran, Ontario, $19 to $20; Maui A despatch from Montreal says: showed that during last year ad ,. , '.; "• '= , _ - • s in Canada + fobs, $18 to $20 Outaria middlings Aa the result 'of united efforts on 000,000. dozen o. egg _ :A asgpatc nti.London says: mony, which was postponed in Ell were.rendered unfit, for consump• - lThe. ive committee ha-ing ill ward's time, owing to the King's $22 $22. 0, Manetoba aborts, $21 the art,o the Montreal Produce marketing: The loss - charge the plans'in.'cbnnection with delicate health; will occur on Sune l cledm��r9; $fie 1:� 453to'50g; Merchants' Association,;'the Mont- bon is 'was -estimated 3,400,- P t a erchay this s at $ w -Alcoronation of King CeoFge;'met 23:. •Still aHother royal procession — : - on Thursday arid completed t<nta- to the guild halt'for the coronation No. 1 stock, '37�; o• 2, 2;1 to 25c. real Board of Trade and the Toron- U00. Out o€ a total production.of� arras menta, which will; if entertainment -has-been-,been. arranged Cheese-Western, 1-2 to '1•l 1 Sc; to Board of Trade, an attempt will 1120,000,000.dozes of eggs a year in :. Live arrange eastern, T1 to ll%c. • Rutte:-•Choi- be made to -secure legislation mak- Canada, it was estimated that fully anything, be on a more cxtengive for a subsequen�-day. ing it criminal to offer-for'ss:le bad' seventeen:per cent. -was spoilt b _ •-'.scale than at the time of ring Ed- . 'The coronation festivities will ex- teat, 25%c; do. sea�ndi, 2�to 25c. ' ion. tend from June 19 to June 30, and t eggs. delay in marketing. Presiden ward's coronation. UNITED -STATES.MAlilrETS. At a meeting of the Montreal Gunn announced that efforts .weral The route of the, pl•ocesaton to will include a naval review at: ' _ Prodiice! Merchants' Association on !being made to secure a system of King Buffalo, Jan. 17. — Whelt w 'Westminster Abbey on June.`.'2 ails Spithead, at which the Kin will'be Spring, No. 1 Northern, cserioada Wedncsday, the matter wa brought !standardizing eggs and also to have 'be the same as on the last lacca present, probably a military review p g�1.191 ' winter,,nu niferin.s. lip and President Gunn stated,that it made a criminal offence .to sell 6;,,g, and tho royal progress I and a royal reception in honor of store, % , I (Corn—No. 3 allow, 50%c; loop 4 figures prepared by the association I bad eggs through th� capital after the cera the colonial and foreign envoys. y t ... - I' -, o .. ,.., .. '. '... -.'. .,': '” � -tar fY..gy 8rvo`•i' ,,,� .,,p,,;'�' ' ;.'. ,,, a,,' .� ;.,,,,- ',';.:., .. ,"-. : . .5-.:-„ •,t• � „e+.,,�:�. .,.r �:..+ , '� ,,� r, a ,. w�. ; ".»' ,�{..: 4,m c.a:, .7: .. .q;,;-' y. .�,kyv...y,retudp a' ^`'f +s o•» ��-.,.;', d• ,�.. .. ...r^�C �,s "5`°-gym='' .e,s.� ,,,rax..��,.�'ta r ,.. ,x ..,,.• .< •w.:.n>..:x .r« •ciao• J'f• st `�,..r." .� tL' 3 Q.#,.:.°3,,. 's. .i; ,,,,,, a Ka :,,; _- „•'•,;,�.r•' "'� t .d ° :e'%`rttiv _ a..,�=”` ,. tet, ME •}`' t, i � r www 1 .�. STARTS THE NEW • CHRISTMA8 FARE IS BEST. .;:XAMEs IN SAMOA, DID HE GET IT! - oast Beef or Turk. Arid Plum Travellers visiting Samoa are puz- Train Passen et (to B ( porter who YEAR-A NEW MAN Pudding Ideal Food, zled at first by thv fact that many is wielding'whiak) -Much dust on boys bear feminine names, mobile me, porter 1 HC BEST MEDIq • According to the London Lancet, girls as frequentlry have mluculine Porter-'Bout ao cents' mouth, for GouaHs 8 Christmas dinners are to be wed- names. The visitor learns after air. 4UEBEC FARMER TELLS WHAT corned, not feared. Not only is it a a while,- however, that tFtis con- ACENTs WANT-ED -` >knoon's KIDNEY Pjj__ e o names ins e 0 e- 01t8 WORIL —WE WA T BBLIABLII DID FOR.HIM, lugubrious food faddists say, it is, ing due to ;gnirancs ii in roalit• families to 3 operate our hag -rpeed wWma• Y -� according to the Lancet, comprised the result of a native custom which a sitting Machines at home; whole or spars barn.k ttiag forth.trsie;scod we;ee gor hu -- _._.__T _.,,_ _ 11-0f. exactly the right foods to eat. is highly poetic. Thus if a girl is MINARD'a L cut addres The Gtina�dian Wlholseals In fact, if we had Christmas fare born soon after the death-of a tart- INIMBNT Co,LIMITaD, nt co., pt.,W.0dil Ontario. � a .They fixed up file Kidneys, mode alI the year round the nation would ther the letter's name i9 giver) +A Gf24Ti.sxs'x,=Let winter I received y his blood pure, and made him be better. Turkey, roast beef and her in the belief taa: his spirit and in LINI4MEYT ifit n ateeve eoatt�ack oRf La sexN TUX BARBt:B zaAaa-xsts r ._ feel young all over. Christmas pudding are the moat all his good qualities have been Grippe,and I havo frequently roved it e7eteO—constantp ra,at ke—o■ret,l lnXZV' y; digestible things in the world. transferred to her. On the other to be ve oa-few w.eks oomplece con tools tr.b Franklin, Centre, Que., Jan 18 'KWh do humorists cry effective is cases of ntlamma- Oraduates earn twelve to teen dollen weep ,, Y persistently hand, if a boy is born after the uOa• ogee, ole, B■aber o (special).-The only way to start represent the opposite view l" asks death of a sister hp .takes the iat- Yours, i9i Qn«a f9"tTo onto. the New Ye eat right, and Mr. 1Villiam s name an-I. as I: a.uuu,n sae- TCIIINSON. - "Roast beef or turkey and plum lieu., all her lovable traits become ANCRR, Tumors, Lamps, etc, Internal Gamble a well known farmer liv- pudding represent, in plain terms, his. and eztdrnal, cared without pain by a ` ing near here is telling his ,neigh- the constituents of what is, from a ^-' oar home treatment- Write ns before toe sate. T>r. Bellenan Medical Co., Limited bora how he got his health right. CnIltngwood. Ont. g psychological point of view, acorn- An Always Ready pill.-To those "I ami a farmer sixty-seven years plete diet, presenting all classes of of regular habit medicine is of little A GOOD SCHEME. of age, Dir. Gamble says, "And nutrition. It contains the things concern, but the great majority of "I see the sheriff is advertising'' A I I suffered with $ weak back and which go to make up healthy tissue. men are not of regular habit. The your stock for sale." operauo�f 1nOA• D stoppage of water off and on for The only risk of the Christmas worry and cares o1 business pre- "Yes; and he's •do fine chances far you is � '.` iten years. I used several boxes of meal is taking an excess of the vent it, and out of the irregular• run of business. I w wish I had tried We teaoh'r41.�&phsaadtai; t� Load's Kidne3z Pills, and the +gent+war completsafndj !best '-- -- — o y good things which it provides. ity of life comes dyspepsia, indiges- advertising myself." time. Particularstree, writ! made a new man of me. Dodd's "There is not a single item in tion, liver and kidney troubles as c:encral Telegraph and Ra Writ Kidney Pills are the best medicine, Christmas cheer which need be ta- a M• School, Yoage and Gerrard protest. The run-down s stege Toronto, w,H.shy,,,, heeideal $ have ever taken." booed,"'and any extra demand on demands a corrective and there is Externally or InternaTly, it is Dodd's Kidney Pills will make a the digestive organs will be balanc- none better than Parmelee's Ve e- Good When applied externally by new man of you because they make ed by the "fact that the cheerful- table Pills. The are earn le gin brisk rubbing, Dr. Thomas' Eclec- T' the Kidneys strong and healthy and nese of the occasion lightens this their composition and can be tak- tric Oil opens the pores and pene. HAVE YOU DECIDED TO 'able to do their work of straining "It is difficult to -select anything en by the most delicate) con trate. the tissue as few liniinenta MAKE BIGGER PAY IN 19111 x, all the impurities out of the blood, more digestible than turkey, roast ed. Y do, touching the seat of the- trou- Pure-blood means new life. It beef or Christmas bee and immediate) affording re• , pudding, eaten Y THEN R E E�I RLQ R ±means good circulation and renew- in balanced quantities." lief. Administered internally, it IX1 strength and energy all over the "Without going into technical THEY SAY THESE THINGS. will still the irritation in the throat body terms," Saye a London doctor, Oae Girl-"Why do you insist on which induces coughing and will cure I That Life Insurance work offers Dodd's Kidney Pills cure all "the Christmas dinner is composed- marrying Lighter 1 He isn't to be affections of.the bronchial tubes I ter return, than a other. ` L gra oy Y 6 --- - - — �9-organ ry-it-and That ran- capita your - _forma of Kidney Disease from of exact) the thins _one__shout trusted." ,and respirato - ---Backache to Bright's Disease, and- eat, and if you can get the joyous The Other Girl-"Wby, I'd trust be convinced, personality and give it an actual ^' -they are also doinga , great work fool of the family to come and eat him with my life." cast value. A, b 1 by giving renewed health and en- it with you, so much the better, for "But I mean that he is not to THE DEEDS THAT COU.'�1T. That if you are a worker and ergy to'thousands of Canadians who whether you laugh at him or with be trusted with anything valuable will represent the National Life are run-down, tired and generally him, the fact that you laugn will -that is-er--er." Maud-"W by don't you prefer your success can be almost uar- r )feeling no good for anything. Start het g flh y g. p your digestion. Barry to Will? Harry is capable aneeed. p e new year by toning up th '-Kid- "A reasonable balance of Christ- TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY of big deeds." D0 NOT FORGET treys with Dcdd's Kidney Pil , It mas foods would be for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes Glad•s- Yes, but Will owns `r 9v 111 pay you. Turkey ...............4 to 6 ounces and Granulated Eyelids, Murine Doesn't some," Write for the Agency Terme to-day I ! - Vegetables ..4 ounces Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Plum pudding .,,,,,,,4 ounces Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, ' "A en..yw eeNSA" to ba• � of tonere. NAMING THE BABY IN JAPAN. 50c. =1.00. Murtne Eye Salve In j longs for m. Give thea.mero, a the format The Nuts and fruit .......4 OUIICeB Al;en'a Lana Raiaam, which to sod with ascb National ( 8 Aseptic Tubes, 25c. ;1.00. Eye Books i�nos easet even Im soasiamption'e a■rly sugeal � Such lovers of picturesque cere- and Eye Advice Flee by Mali. Meer sogleos■goes& monies as the Japanese do not let Total 16 to 18 ounces Murine Eye Rem Co., Chi an important event like the nam _ moo' Assurance C6mpany �R 'ing of the -baby pass without pro- t HE HAD FOUND HER OU'i ; P New HE 'How's the tare of Canada I observance.' The infant's birth ! Husband-"You never kiss me here 1" Old Boarder-"We have lis Immediately announced` to the �chicken every morning." except when you want money , Head OfficiR • TOrcii "That's Wife-- Well, isn't that often relatiyea,and friends, who hasten .tmttr means cos h.. ewe.• roles, first rate '. How is it served 11, "In r, ,to send con ratulatioas and S"�"'s'•+�"�' e••v the shell.;' enough?" "t . t g pre e �seats. Viaitmo used n insist upon itlnard's Liniment Ctares Caret In, Cora eeing the mother and child,' b"ut People write a lot of things in a i rmre,•w.e to A*t..es are friends ot.pals, 'the spread of medical knowledge letter they would."t sa to our 'mer Hundreds or i.car, ta♦t,fy to the feel Y Y far aootdents and sudden .mer en Nes, such ■r JL;ST-gradually chasgin.g this. On the face, i< ABOUT NORMAL. tprwas,cute and braises_they dad it Invalu tble ''seventh day 8fter birth the child is 1+ard esba,suies there is but one ' Painkiller; e<_ i. B named. The. first born eon is ire- "P'�Davis—Bioa•dWe. Hew.'s your father . getting i A Boon for the Bilious.-The ]iv- alp ng Bam quently -¢ailed "Ichiro," vcliich,, er is a very sensitive organ and Aad "Oh,.he's much better this morn- .means "First." Others,,as in La- easily deranged, When the occurs be so yet htof aichar charger as he chat mg• He's btgun to' find fault Roo tin, are named "Second," "Third" there is undue secretion of bile and who runs the stable. P again. and so on.. Girls are ..more lucky, the acrid liquid flows into-the sto- f receiving pietureaque, names like mach and,sours it. It is a most dis- _ (I Fb`e L d r Mlnard s Liniment Cures Dutsn+ptir. So popular is Bickle's Anti-Con- • 1 11ta1II " $now." " Chrysanthemum, " treeaing ailment, and man are a>tlst 8IId Storm I'ipof "Glory" and the like. y sumptive Syrup as a medicine in prone to it. In this condition a man And it sometimes happens• that s he treatment of colds and coughss finds the best' remedy in Parme= man 'likes to have hie wife get so i or ailments of the throat, due to DIIl81111e and r STORMS AND THE RAILWAYS. lee's Vegetable Pills, which are Siad she won't speak to him-thea k' she will not ask .him for money. exposure, to draughts, or sudden Ornamental The barometer plays an import- warranted to spe„di1v correct the changes of temperature, that drug- !ant part in the operation of Lon- disorder, There is so,beater meth- + gists and all dealers in patent me- Let D' know the size of � don's underground railways. Ir cine in the entire list of ill For over fifty ears Rheumatism, the tr c-controller's office close P pre Y dicines keep supplies on hand to _ a l Darstions. {Neuralgia, and other painful ail- i meet the demand, It is pleasant _ you are thinking of ooYerint and mos uvatch ba kept u - -- - meats have been cured by Hamlin's #o take, and the use of it guaran- will maize you an Intsredbe aft 1 . . p poi the glass, and � when it indicates the coming of bad Wizard Oil. It is a good honest tees freedom from throat and lung . eon the train good seldom realize what a I remedy and ,van will not regret;Aveather, the effect n Metallic Roofin Coo ± god time they are having until"it's ' g t hay- diseases. bervice is immediate. When it tains Int: a bottle resew for use. - on the surface, there is an in Over. EXPERT MOUNTAINEERS. uw.et a Frush of Londoners to the under- It is better -to get right at the "'.MANUFAGTUHERS A., ,ground lines, and if such crowding Worms cause fretfulness and rob start than' to back up and start "Do went all through Europe." ; TORONTO and is not foreseen in time to provide the infant of sleep, the great Hour- again. "Do much climbing 1" esA MrII7NL>E'E(i } for it, there is great congestion at fisher: Mother Graves' Worm Ea- - "Considerable. At every cus- + ., stations. Therefore train service terminatorl'will clear the stomach only ions ^snouo QUIXINE'• tom-house we had to hunt our _ 1' and intestines and restore health That to LAxATrvE a13oAlo t'IVINF, Loe><' trunks." PRICE OF EGGS ROSE: ;is regulated with constant reference for the signature of It w, alovlL vwd theHewitt—"How fulness, werM o.er to Cors a Cold is U. V _ she —+ lto the. barometer, more trains be- - did he make his ing placed on the pchedule for the Mlnardiff--unimMt Cures DiphthsKa. fortune 1" • _ t" hours of storm, and fewer when.sun- A dentist m5y not be a 'society '_LESSER OF TWO EVILS. - Jewitt-"He Legt a hen." . THAT SOUP SONATA. "r -chine promises again. . . man, but he is right at home in a ",Sir,'.', said the tramp, `-'I have drawing room. not tasted food for seven days; 'an- The. Egotist-"Waiter, take` this No surgical operation -is necea-. f ! — other half an' hour of fastin and gentleman's soup away. I can't nary in removing corns ,if HOIIO a" A loan's 'shortcomings are the I must die." g' bear the band!" way's Corn Cure be used. aa��y ,taM fie. a a'�r.• aolee, A things his neighbors first take pains "Then," exclaimed ' the philan- -- iiw tisst•t a•i --- t•• .' . . as Ona` to become cognizant of. thropist, "you shall live! Take this Nat holly in Monur th at, Are aware the Too many men mistake conspicu- ticket. It .will admit oven■aabborn and long negleoNd cold b oared oneness for greatness. Man a man is kept bu p ' stead to a sum You, in my with Allen'.Lang Balsm t g Y p sy acquir- till'3. WI)OSIOW 3 $OOnl�n$ $3TQp = sumptuous banquet, Ntnaro s Liniment Cures Colds, alta' ing the things he doesn't want. Irns bora tura for o.er eIZTY:rlva YEARS by course after course-meats, wines, A SOI'ORIFII; MEASURE. Y]LL(ONHof NOTHEft9 for iheirCaIILDRF.N wxlLs and dessert-ii,. feast three hours Better ave awe = .TEETI[INO.wltb PERYECT HUCC£89, It HOOTHta g y your time thAD ' To turn the hem in napkins, pl1t the CHILD,ROrTENH the OUND.AM ATH ail PAIN; long. Glorious company: Mr. .Ef- .'."Doctor, I've tried everything . t CURES KHNVA D�C�Od br Drnnd to teat the best 't",ameo i iw forts Mr. Spoutoffen, yMr. Long- ad I can't get to sleep," com- spend`it foolishly. i pn the narrow hemmer and IUA the ,toed se care and set.tor"Nra Rlnalow a eoothin£ ' napkin through the machine with- H,rap^ane utc.no othrr ktnd Twort}•si..ee■te■ yarn, and other eminent men." plained the voice at the other gad bottle 6 tareateed ander the Food and Dray a� of the, telephone. "CaII't you d0 All denten Know what sale to baveviotent pate. +out using any thread. This makes ua e.rtalnamb.rtou "Will there be any after-dinner !icor.tateonotbinaand,osoe.n�tr.r. onr.d• an even and narrow hem that can 4�l OND WELL T8I]m 88>SYDY. speeches Z" asked the starving one something- for me 9" vice is to'place '•The D s L•' Menthol Plaster ibe turned by .hand_ "Columns of 'em," said the phi)- "Yes," said the doctor, kindly over the seat of abs pain;it will do more w gime ` HELPS FOR THE HOG RAISER. anthropist. And the tramp handed "just hold the wire and I'll sing you 14D comfort than any:bing. If grease 'is spilled on a wooden Breeding animals that have weak back the ticket and crawled wear- a lullaby." HE WAS WISE. -able pour cold water over it at ily away into a silent timber yard ace. The cold water will harden constitutions and organic weakness- to die. PILES CURED IN d TO t. DAYS Ross-"What was your hurry ;:es- egrease and !event its Banka. es wilt transmit these defects...to Yourdraggaatst will refund money it PAZO DINT- terd8 1" P 'f'$ MBNTtsil.to curs any vase of Itching, Blind, Y f Into the wood.•. It can then be easily their progeny, and they will be- - Bleeding or Protruding Pile.to o to itesys face Penrose- 'I juEt bought my wife .moved with a knifes come easy prey to about all'the ail- ,/ a new hat and had to hurry home � menta that the hug is heir to. + i 1 FACT AND FANCY.' before the style.changed." Never' got the idea h your head Lobsters .,ravel i-i reigimcnt'i Soni Have-a Blind One I that drugs and health are insep- r It is hard to lice w4ihin one's in- arable,arable, for in m„at cases t will 8 ! come and harder still to live witb- sio" be found t'iat what we must keep out it: out of the pigs' stomach has more • A Chinese soman is never Fhe,to- AnAbselDte Cuts for to do with their health than what . ' graphed. Mon Blindness I we put in.: 1 Sunlight, crude oil, lime crude No man has a might to'reFuse' toplop T. ` C carbolic acid, pure'air, clean hous-' t support his wife because she is in- '* Shying tion"all"a. es and yards, are 'cheaper than supportable. �Q N for ti+eesdGeswde,e.. l s The Belgian" Government con- _ �drugs. and cope. . A tTtat win ceavince aav bone owner that tbb � ducts penny banks t11,et at'A attQe:l,- =��ecremedy abeMutely ouree detecte or the e,♦,,rte When the hogs are' watered with • „r ed to ,all the public.schools. _ f• 11*efir theunrrct,or maeth.an,m,i sae t».n stent waterers both the drinking' s- ar0,eted. No nutter Lew man!doctors hn,etri 1 P• t f Speculation is a wird tl]At• et{LEn ant h,ted,as♦ RiS10n ander our QVARANTEE, art and the barrel should sew relunsosNana. 1 P old be v .e natlen i kept j st,oeper botn.,e•etn,eanree:vill e".r' clean and sweet. ;1 lamp of quick- 23 THE p" 1 begins with the second letter. ,t , r Chili has woman car cu-n4uctors ttsiots,a.tyrtms,Dort.s,tsatxaheahrtr.,cbrratn,lu lime dropped into the barrel occa- who are never x- .awn to :,n';ck sionally will keep it pure. , T N U ISSUE r0. 5-11 down, O'b" ror rree sample to Dept, W. L., » aw►u Drua a Cnetnloat Ce.. Terence. } , -. .:'...- .r ... .,. -;, •. .� „. .. ,. .a r.: e- - M ..,�: •..•. N. :j,. k,t, x:.�;."" e '.a."'�3 "..'�{ ¢+ 4._ 'n:+." .'x s. ,.,•'^ ,:; ,Mr, . ;..=,Q.,arw.n. ,. ham.. �. ,• fiK'-.., ...r.. _... .:..rt..' ..r.. u^,. :t+,. w�• „S.'r:w^.1. "�+� .eee�,.n,. + �-�, yi.;.:vu,n�✓-,..:,•e:,�.t,s..�:5' 'i,.. :♦•t�� b`3,�,• -gs'S .at� ,.a,"h�',�ir rar��i s �..� �<.•��.N 'im: F.u.� teen, ,,. '`Y l,•`",��' r?^::..rr :ca..a-:Z"' $.La:,:,"r.�.t"e�' F: _ ,.t'S tr _ .., . .• .'�'' ,. ;" .kis+ a° ;n: .moi ,,�- „c. ;.•n. �`' a °"�+:��.-. . '•w'v,. •;rE w�. •1?�;'�K•t' ;�h •a`. ,r. .r Z7. -• LC v^ ..,•• ,S-:.c. ,.-�s-,?�' Y y.k_.:zca•' t' .h;-i Y-'v" ,+. ,.e. �, .".'u�. r } t .+,�,�; s":• w �• , ._ a : ��^^tt ,k T IQ�►�. -Fred and Mrs. Rogers, of -Found-A watch fob, also a _a �.IOV 1�7 Mariposa, epenta couple of days silk handkerchief. Losers call at �� �TTnrcOa s i this week with the former's grand• this office. a cut �l �j ' •. -Mise Rogers ht�pn the parents, C. and Mrs. Rogers. -Mr. Cryeler was off duty for , Buck List at resent. -Rev$. T. Tucker, H.A., B.D., couple of days sa the result of as pp of Greenwood. will ocenp the t -Fred. Bantus of Toronto, attack of lagrippe. : In order to reduce our stock we are. Riving big re ethodiet cutch -Remeasber the social in the ..ductions on those heavy tweed overcoats. It it youra Alan -Mise Minnie Rankin 'spent a next Sunday both mor h next Tues- , few days With relatives in Scar- evening and will speak in behalf day evening. Tea will aero c �► _ 'born of the Educational Fund of the from.6 o'clock until 8 in the base- -)!ties Phyllis .Clark entertain- church. meet Oat'gakes,scones,and nth- t friends on Tues- -Job Carr, accompanied by his m•delivacies that tickle the Scotch pa "ed a few young son and daughter. Root. and Mica late will be served. Tea will be _:::.day evening. k -Arthur Rogers, of Toronto, Mara,of Areola, Sask., .are visit-. followed by a program.-which_will .__ _ �P a haveourwall paper samples_in.for_sprinR- Come is a 'spent Sunday at the home of-his Ing friends and relatives in Picker- be Scottish in character, Scottish and look them over. _ ix -parents here. Ing. On their return they will be readings will be given in broad - -Wm. Wilson sae been on the accompanied by the former's son- Such dialect. Don't mise it. sick list for the 'p9et week and in-law and daughter, Mr. andMra: Admission cents, children 16R. A• BUNTING, P:ICKERINGI �. under a cents. -James and Mrs. enderson, of -A very interesting time sone -Arrangements have en corn- nt on y yy pleted for a convention of. minist- —' k3carboro, event Thursday last members of Ontario Lodge, -0.0. ere and Christian workers to be } s . +avith Pickering relatives. held in Toronto on Tuesday, Several from here attended F., in their lodge room. It R'� Wednesday and Thursday of nest hapmatt the $r�bbath School Convention the occasion of the installation of week. At these meetings Dr. !held at Hinsala on Friday last. officers for the ensuing year. The Chapman and Mr. Alexander and le j,�i -Mrs. (Dr.)Bateman, of Toron- installation ceremony _was con- y their staff of v;orkers will speak. to, spent Sunday here at the home of c�VhitbyDwith a full staff Hallett, Those wishing to attend should - of her mother, Mrs. Buntin . g y get single tickets and procure --Ed. Boone and son, of Toron- officers of Whitby lodge of which r to, were here on Monday attend- about twenty were present. At Standard Certificate from the loc- al station agent. If 800 attend CASH FOR PRODUCE Ing the funeral of the late Mr. R. the conclusion of the business re return tickets will be issued free, Miller. the evening refreshments were _ .-- Mynd,�,_�I._Hicks_being_the cater R-isa-one third fares i�.eta 3 -Mrs H. Savage, who has been 7 good going from Jan. 19-81 and re- confined to her bed for a couple of erer., When all had done 'unfits CHOICE DAISY $IITTER — c• ' - weeks with pneumonia, is gradu- to the inner man an interesting tnrn up to Feb. 8. program of impromptu -speeches -.Rev. Wm. Forrstet;- late of NICE NEW LAID EGGS -- -- 800• ally recovering. was given. The following is a list Toronto, • and until a few years -John Williams, of Bloomfield, of offlcerq for the ensuing year : ago one of Pickeriog's be known was here for a few days owing P.G.-John Clark, N. G.-Gordon the death of of his mother-in-law, residents, ,was buried in the Dis- Law, V. G.-H. W. Lindstrom, R- ciples cemetery on Monday after- 'Geo.Geo. H. Jones. S,-gyp• G., Ham, F.S.-Jno. Stepp- noon, he having died on Saturday Rolled Oats-8 Ibs. for 25c. W.heugar 18 lbs. for 2.00 _ -John W. Cowie, of Markham, enson, Treas.-W• D. Rogers, from paralysis. Deceased was a Rolled Wheat-7 lbs. for 25c., Gran. Sugar-16 lbs. for $1.00 was in fawn on Tuesday in search pa GGolden.Yellow Sugar-20 lbs: for$1.00 When in town he gave War.-J. Richardson, R. S. N. G. native of Fifeshire, Scotland, and _ _co _me o_o_r Yellow Denver Onions, California Naroel Oranges, --of-horses. �ws a'p Basan c g mi Toa, R. g V. G.-F. Allen, L. eros agto o eYs-ndicon trmotit of that Boneless a 'etc— ' -James Denny, our local cattle V. y g - '• buyer, splays S. v• G•-D. Gormley, O. G.-Jno. time farGnin Mr. Forrester fill- _ d two cars of fat Clark, 1. G.-J. S. Jephson, Chap- ed the office of 1st Deputy Reeve stock to Toronto on Tuesday, one Rev. W Moorein Pickering for six years and its FRESH GOODS Ail' RIGHT PRICES F4 of cattle and the other of cattle - - `'' and hogs. -On Friday afternoon Mr. Robt such was a member of Ontario -Miss Hate O'Connor, Church Miller, who for the past nine County .Council. He was • tniu- Q d/�/�� F�� MEN 'Qus• 0 '„•5{�JPtad� street, who has been confined to PANTS t weeks had been in bed in a help ister in the•Church of the Dlscip- last bed for several weeks buffer. leas condition following a para les of Christ. He was a man of ,Great value for the money=`Bought S►irect from Ing from pneumonia, is now some lytic stroke, past peacefully sunny .row worth and much esterr�aed in manufacturer-Cleaned. out dais special line- ` _ what improved• in his 79th year. His ffuneral, the community. Mr. Forrester .:Hence the price. Beautiful piece of worsted in -During the pant week or two which took place on Monday after- was in his eighty-third year'. -fashionable shades and stripes: ..__ .. ,f type roads have been Doe large noon to the Union Cemetery, was -«-- sheet of ice. The roads, however, one of the largest seen in Picker- BALE REGISTER. Just received a shipment of "Sheldrake's Railroad Special" overalls. are in good condition for either ung for a long time, there being a smocks, etc. 10c guaranteed for every button which comes off and large somber present from all TrBPDAY, Jw'r.�4TH-Auction sale of g5c for everrip in seam within 80 days from date of purchase. Insist _ -wheels or sleighs. y - - -A number of the ladies of the parts of the township and sur- horses, cattle, pigs. implements,. 'on having this make.. 4 rain-ha et-,-on lot B,con,5,Pick- rounding country as well as a e , y• " W F.M.S•, of 3t Andrew's church Dumber from a distance. Mr. Mil- ening. the roperty of Bailey p ' attended the annual meeting of Weatherill. Sale atone. dee bills. - E ler was a native of Annan, Dnm- 'Whitby Presbgterittl held at Dun- Wm. Maw, auctioneer. * HARDWARE1SNAPS * �barton on Wednesda frieehlre, Scotland, and a eats i- SAT171 AY. JAN. 2:rs-Auction sate 7� y ed to Canada with his teats in i - —The funeral of the late Mrs. � of household effects at Pickering r; 'Geo. H. Jones which took place oa 1888 settling in. Pickering town• village. the:property-of W. J.-Gord- Sunday waQ very largely attend- ship where he has ever since on. sale ar two. See bills. W. B. 1 only 1 hole range, second hand, first-class repair, worth X16.00, for resided. He took a deep interest p well, auctioneer, . 812 60. _ ed, thus showing the high respect 4 _ in which she was held, in agriculture and engaged quite 1 only Sunlight washer, worth.Si,00, for 88.00. I2oA t delay. exten9ivel in the impartation of � - -A. Gormleywas confined to yp , ' cheep and cattle. being one of the MOTHERS O�HERS ! 1 only Globe heater, reg. $8.t?0, fur 88.60. � •-_' .-� '- P' his bed for a few days suffering first in this township to eugnge in -- -... from pneumonia, but we are preserve your daildraa s � 1 only Souvenir 8 hole range with warming closet, fur 885.00. Beet :'Pleased to say that he is making tlu+t business. He also took s snap on dee interest in ublie affairs rcoO - s raped progress towards recovery P P Every mother should "see that her -The annual meeting of St. tided to accept publih he could cofiicver beeeKept Sage; the wonderful baa ed reatoin dress riw and .. Andrew's Presbyterian Church being chairman of Lhe school- germicide. A 13tt1P neglect on your HERBAGEC'M keeps the stock thriving will be held on the evening of Fri- board for a cumber of years. In part now may mean much lose of 23c and.50c bags. ?: day, Jan. 27th. At the conclusion beauty when your girl grows up- Yarmers , ` of the bneines of the evening, re- politics he was an ardent Conner- oreehmeate will be served evening, and a vative and in religion a staunch lreveatl"Bette'than�+ ZENOLELTM keeps the stock free of lice. 50e, 90c and 81.50. ' social hour spent. Presbyterian, being a member as Parisian sage is a rigidly guaranteed -We are used to report that well as a liberal supporter of St- hair restorer and cures all scalp din- a Mise El ma every, of Duluth. who Andrew's church. He was nlso eases, presents hair from falling out has been ill for some time due to for nearly thirty years a menber and creates a rich luxuriant growth of e a of Pickering Lodge of the A. O. hair, a glory to woman and the wide overwork, is now making rapid U•.W, . He was married to Jane of man. s lekle ma towards recovery, and A leaaant hair dressing-ladies like D progress Asn Thom n, who re=deceared p r expects. to resume shortly her po P it, and your druggist, T. M. McFad- - work se nurse• him only about six weeks. He den.guarantees every bottle that be -John C.°Philip took possession had tw6 of a family-, Jen�nue who sella at 5oc. and stands ready to re- on Monday of the butchering buei- 'died at the re- age bf 25, fibout 22 fund your money if it fails to do its _ - s�ra ago, and Wm. J. who is now work. By mail tpaid from Giroux ness,he urchased last week from y 8 ` dos - residing on the homestead. Mr. ManufacturingCo.. Fort Tyrie, Ont. J. H. Wagner. Mr._Philip has _ - ' - - '•rented rooms in the Logan rest- Miller sons a man of sterling char- see that the girl with the auburn hair _ 4 is on each package. Sold and guar- THS Nswe office atter, kind heart and sound jadg- ante by T. M. McFadden. - e wish a�� oClr Gig 4er� Bence oppositemeat, and his death is a decided and will reside there for the ares- loss to the community. E �. EVANS, . ...' . _. ._. -.. exit. - -On the evening of Thursday, =The thanks of the residents of • t� a Friends Jan. 26th, a carnival will be held the village'and surrounding coon Pump monufactllrer nd Fr' $ a Yp� _ - on the Pickering rink when prizes try is due to Court Queen Victoria wily be awarded- forks wore -Of-the-F.O.F. for-the-treat,they re- Shop and Residence, Dundas.,St - — - - dressed lady, the worft .dressed ceived from them on Monday, ev- ' �► tint, boys' race(under 15), and an ening in the form of a free con- WHITBY, ONT. -and Prosperous New Year open race. See bills for further cert. Not for a long time have the „ particulars. residents.of the village listened to Three doors west%f.-Whitby House, ' - -The open.rmk here has been a better entertainment than that _ - . c well patronized since it was open- of Monday evening.Harvey Lloyd, or ed as the ice has been in flrst=ciass of Toronto, was without ezchps w umpeprepared stnot ce Ialsooattend a - ieonditioa. A number of the young tion the'beet comedian who has ' p all kinds of repairing. le are also taking much en- visited the village in many ears• UNDY >lP rhe age was A int for the Ontario Wind Mill, �T O` r • 'n to the lake Ever numbs g g V =• � Joymeat from skating y and back, the ice to the lake be- it encored and sone entirely free also gasoline engines and; ::ing in excellent condition. of that vulgarity that is common the squre gear -The annual meeting of the to so many comic singers and re-, MAGNET- CREAM SEPARATOR _ Pickering public library was held titers Mies Bigwood; soprano, y ' `- on Tuesday night with a very captured the audience by her se Phone No.5o at residence. Dont forget the $15.00 plume. Yon may small number in attendance. The lections. In the. child characters business of the evening was of a she was particularly good. ' She �r�N-z,ED be the very ore to get the number -routine character, including the Cs a sweet voice which she -. election of the Board of Manage- rasa under perfect control. Musa young Men and Women to pre- ' M went and the receiving and adop- Dillon, pianist and contralto,'was are for positions of Trust and Mrs. Leigh is now reducing the price of all her remaing stock of tram. .� tion of the auditors' report. also heartily encored after each p . -A number . from Pickering number-to which she graciously Responsibility worth from i40 med hate to half price; $6.00 for 88.09, 85.00 for 82.50, and so on. i,_ towaehip attended the annual responded. The 'chair sone occu- 5100 per month. .The famous __ Now is your chance to'get the beat bargain ever offered. - meeting of the Liberal-Conserva- pied by Mr. Doig, organizer for ZQ They all cost more to produce. _ tive Association of South Ontario the 1.0.F. who has been in this tiG held at Whitby on Tuesday after- locality for the past week solicit- ' MRS. LRIGH, PICKERING� y noon of last week and the ban- ing members for the,order. The . . .'; quet in the evening. They re= concert, however, was of an ad- T* port much enthusiasm and a good vertising character for during the �o l�ro, ate. .. . . .. time generally. J. S. Jepeon course of the program Geo. A. stands far above the average busi- - n. w 7wae appointed luted chairman for South Mitchell, Superintendent Of `R- r,eae college of this country. Its Winter' l Soon be here b� _ ppo record for lacing in positions is +► Plckerinq and W. G. Scott, of anization„ gave an excellent ad- remarkable one. Claremont,for North Pickering. dress on=Fraternity and,of cour", Large caxalogue free. .. _ -The present winter is report- pointing out the admirable feat- ed to be one of the coldest on urea of the order which he repre• W,J, RLLIOT, Principal. Then Oh for the North-west black Galloway robes and coats that are ` record. Reports from the Toros- eented. Mr: Mitchell is quite a Oor. Yonge Alexander ata. warranted not to Ret hard from use or age', �►nd the German-buggy to observatory state that Decem- fluent speaker, and his efforts on lap rug that will not fade• Men'e and boys' suits of all sizes at pric- » ter' 'ber has been the coldest on record behalf of the order will no doubt - and from Nova Scotia reports bear fruit. While the evening's pICgERING M1lRHETS es to suite everyone. All kinds of mitts and gloves'st the a state that it is the coldest in entertainment was of an advertis- _ > °'`';r• thirty-five years. The North- ing character the people of the white Winter Wheat..... 8 8$ FARMERS' SUPPLY STORE, west Provinces also complain of village would not object if there l� the severity of the winter, there were more of that kind of adver- 3lixed " PICHERII, G R y Goose and Spring Wheat.. ... • ' g ,,s E BRY AN I PRO Ype y Oats .s being storms of thebolizzardb fre- lisuof a pith orderm waster n- - aY :�.ya..y-..-..... •' '. .a:. •.". ,;�,.._r. r r•W. .7y-.' r.:. s a,r -.,ji=� ,a.- .,n.' r .. -.A .. ...,+,; '...:, ". . .' '1^, qm. ,.,("'...nit,, .'..'..,. .. _ 1.�.•.,d^t•. t''•' n'.a'- Mt" ii•'irLi•"'•Y. +,4... .G .?Ff.. .f1. •�'�•. .,,.4�". d �'Y,^ .. ., e, 'it" q , • r f '^• F.�< wN; .. P',,,. '�' - � `.; '" r,':�'i".`i' � 'y]'t,, �[ .'r.w '• _ i'P. _ �N