HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1910_09_09 .'ww:-�. :s' ','{„''"S' ">,, a •�..ti»swib•x�'zw. ':y^h.:
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- -- —
al gLarb�. 0H'<RRYWOOD LASE SHORE y"
frf�tf�f;.il SPINK _MILLS �P, . Coakwello :
John Coffins, Cedar(}rove,returned Mr. Ward, of Toronto, (pent 8ua- •'
YedUaL home Saturday night, after a month's day at the lake.
visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ridley, The diptheria patients have now re- a
S.FORSYTH. D. of O. Regis- mom= a of the Queen-s Hotel,Erin."He speaks covered and the quarantine, will be „i`�ft/' sat and lailar•leaksrrr >�
R. eared member of she optrrmeseieai ease _ well the people of that village and Iifted in a few days.
we of
sieYon of oseatlo. Specials talion given �— vicinity. Our school re-opened on Monday Has on hand a comple stoeft- rift r
-• tisunaitotglw.a >eyw weed teenr#a The e m th •of the communityis morning with Miss May iri cliarge and harneew --M- i- g kdm.
September will be your last Chance extend to an rs. i ne. on with a good attendance. dusters, rings, $y nate, srves
p - the death of their child, Hector R., Mr, and Mrs. Farquharson and son, binder whips, rawhide aad
C. McKINNON,M.D.,L.R.C.B., to book coal at summer prices. which took lace on Wednesday. q ads, p
N. BdinD member of the OoDege of Df Toronto, have returned home after
m�eoar ugust st, at a age o, . camp nt—Here tor-the-past-few-�.eeks- �nRVtsL holly, trunks and tai
of Bo al Colles of Surgeon., Edinburgh. months and.22 days, after an illness of g Linton, Joseph
cases. --
SWa1tI attention to dsiewes of women and. �kinds of will feed at right about a week. The funeral„took face J. R. . Thos. Andrew, and • 5 `
esbdidrsn office and residence,Brougham. . e p and Mrs. Gormley,naretaFrank Proust and
on Friday to Erskine cemetery. Jas. Gibson are taking in the Toronto Repairing ptbtripLly attendedlto.
and _ L SURGICAL •� • Fair, Binder canvas
.Ir of oil r Y Miss Stella
visiting Miss Shepherd and her booth- ing attention also. ,
rics>=tRtNG, ONTARIO be convinced that it has A big addition tW he buckle factory �� Charles. They all attended the Call and see me.
ua .. -
• 21 IN TOWLFH M. B., M. D., C. x„ The new public building is-shout Mrs. Thos. Squires, of Cannington,
Phnidaa•in charge
read J for occupancy. and Mr. Minty,of the T. Eaton Co.,of
Bpenialist in Rectal Diseases. Proetatic Dis C.P.R.. agent Blow is building a new Y
se., of Men. Diseases of women, cancers, office on Dundas street. Winnipeg, with wits and daughter,” c.
amore Sega,esaminatien.- :Diseases of eye. J• L• 3PIN8 LIMITED are visaing with L.'and Mrs. 8quirels.ear,Hole,throatandmasa ihtting glasses sad f The preliminary trial of the six prig-all aonte and ebroaie diseases. ousts chs ed with item emokin in e Coakwel
O!aoe Scare ig to s and 7 to i 4�r PICKERING. ONT. � op WHITBY
the chink laundry here took ace
that lacked n thi
1 ��• Harper. enjoyable features was held on cn- - +"
E. FAREWELL, K.C., BARRI$- John Rice has sold to Chas. Harris day now rant the residence bomor of the fiftieth. 9 Mrs
ttJ . 'l7B.00aa crown ttozaq,aadooaaV — -- for �9. the hundred-acre farm bust y of theme wedsiie -eH Augun 3-lt#I. OF ALLSINDS iver-
WOO TvAM2"e,
si .� , -Jobebus-Heardand"the latter _
has bougghtxhe bus and team ng the celebration having been delayed
nese of Wm. Newport for SC2W.
T T. BA.RCLAY,Barrister-at-Law, Po a few dayg to meet the convenience of
.RJ. Solicitor.Hassey .Public,special Exami- •�• many relatives who desired to attend. HA-ND. ,
•,.'bar for Siab Court of Justice, Brock Street. `-._.. - _. _- - GReENWOOD - - So quiet had the rep��ations been
whteby nJ - IS MY kepCthat many guests had arrived be- Shop closed every Saturday dug- "
Mrs. S. Stewart is spending a week fore the bride and bridegroom of half Ing August and September.
-D J. G. DOW, B. A., Ba rrister, 11(11 T��"Hoff JUMBO in Toronto. a century understood the meaning of �
-- _ .a••a Solioliar.p door totPublic.Ess none=.to # { Jlj 1jg1 tt. uieesom spent Tuesday an_d Wed-- the unusual stir. The day was rpent } Bplp
lbaa. O ici nest door w the Standard Sank, N Ili1
Wntebr. fish nesday in the city. pleasantly in a reunion of-.relatives, i , i
CLAREMONT Miss Haney, of Bluevale, is visiting some of whom had not seen one lv
Peiteee•erJbvry/. another for yearn, and the exchange
Short, len and two short. with Alex. and.Hire. Moore.deserted
g The village has been deserted this of happy, thought, oftentimes humorJALTER L HOWDEN, D. V. S. week, owing to the exhibition. ous reminiscences. with Mr. and airs.
•►► Graduate onoaric vet.nnar, Coney, Mrs. May and child, of Hronte, are t t.
ilia ,,., n.,• v ,,,_,, _ Y Brant In the afternoon between
Sareaeeoa to Dr,B.J.shute Ome. Hing 8L.' spending-&-mouth-with John and Mrs-.
e�awerii a you roto was taken
al Hocias,.
Pickerins' r ser W , He . BE
AL Seldom. g �p y
the Iowa ands only after five o'clock '
Mrs. Frank Smith and fs n of the,quests were escorted to the°lulu Is the time to place your order ter n
Toronto, are with L. and Mrs. White g
o�sisssss oath;• for house furnishings,carload the steak., room where 7 tables dressed in gold a monument. Being a slack slants y
- and white resented a tempting re- "5
G. HAM—lasuer of Marriage or single article at bottom Sandy Moore was in Orillia this P, p g of the year in the Shope better lo
��T g $ past which inclux+ed the regulation
MY I.ieeaa00 In the count, Qt Ontario, week. owing to the illness of his sis- weddin cake. But the uests must ducemente can be given.
i+9ekarias viers• fell, prices' _ ter. Mess Lena Moore. e W D. McPherson. order now and harj
- Robert Burt�opn. wife and child, of w us Place your o ail
OUC - - weeks with his father, J Burton. MaP�P ao hTiulatrd iM naffed IM f
e tionser vatvrruar eolleasar and Issuer epee ,g__ the etanee erec4ed_the first thiea_
iCHeEes.Brcuosm slat`Auc• Alb g da Qr night. Brant on the attainment of the olden in the spring s:
� ol�n- y Detroit, Are R-r�Ple-� tom r, a
17— Rev. S. T: Tucker arrived home on event, expressed the unanimousdesire `
HOPPER Issuer of Marriage Wedeesdsty evening, after spending of A wide circle of relatives to honor
• Lo•ae•s to the County of On some five weeks is Chicago and Ha C. W. GIBBONS, — Clareulr
02"as aw"and has residence Claremont. g y the agent in a truly anal way,and �e..
Cit noted with pleasure the pest in
B,BItli�O TOTOWP7l3HIPOLEBH Real live bar amus at y
& Huseum, of Freeman, and which the were held b t ommum- �
-D. Oosv�ir•aeer. Oommtmioner for taking Baroid O'Brien. of Buffalo.are spend ity Joba W. Brant, then oo behalf JUST �tECE�ED
;%didavies. Because na. ate, Yeaae, b loan a iniC a few days with John and Mrs, o! the athering. presented his par- 5"
fiirsn �ope� Issuer of Kerrie" z McFadden, Lyng Store graham. t
esteest' whitevali. oma, ter The greenwood bridge on the C. N. encs wit a purse-well filled with gold A Carload of Cement and a Carload 41 .� .
A. 'C Batten added a few words of British Columbia Shingles.
POSTILL, Licensed Auctioneer, Our Gan Emulsion with Hy phos R• was the centre o!attraction all last congratulation and reverted to boy
Our toe oonou« of lark and oasano, AMC. bites. Regular 60c. sale rice 38c, week, some days as many as a bun
• hood days when many of those present
tam erlw of all kinds atWan•d on sh�s..d gg — -were-lddr.erterseSfiT�u P b. ons. ew�ottIes left. tI's a great t•Vjoysad thaE+" -hospinote which kihnde of ro"It-and dressed lams
builder.-. .. bridge itself is now across the gully. bad always been s keynote of the lath sod shin les, as well as bald
B. POWELL, Licensed Auc. but the work will pot be oompleted Brant home. . This interesting part and soft coal always
ir'f . saons.r .aivasor and eotloesor for �t°z°ne Tooth Powder the beat. on .for a couple of wash yet. of the program having been passed. in stock.
Incests•• of Ontario and York. All minds of the market tells What i!is et. Rego• l bo _
"t the guests settled down to the bound
by ath.a �ei•atel, or by auction, lar 26c.. Get i now at 19c.- WH►T)EVALt fol lnacheon which bad been prepared ��pp
Eat rotes collected. Nor date. or other pae Little Liver Pills and for eve hod A C " R E E SO R
t _.. _ :sleatree r�pIy K awAd..ansab.eh se,,i'Sck , B everybody-7- by the ladies. Among those present A.
• f
ems. Phoo•
an leis as 3tawe oases,Pick. Regular 36c. nate price life a hoz or Mss W: S. Major is on the sick list. tette Mr. and Mre. John W. Brant
•ms or �faanab's .bei.: Waremont, win re. It for 26c. Donald Beaton is iodL this LOCUST HILL -
w.e p amppts attention, sauefactioa guaraa- POeed and children, Ottawa: ill r, aad Mrs. u
feed is'phonennmDvleia�lepasdwtilsol Kadake and Sup liea—the Eastman week, Thos. Osborne and Miss Olive, Bow-
make. always fresh and reliable. Miss Stella Hames is teacbing at manville: Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Dryden �
Mongolia. and children.Toronto . Mr. and lifts,
Watches, clocks jewelry of all he important at
kinds, prices lower here. Mine Tool, Newmarket, is visitieg at C, Batty Pickering; Mr: and Mrs. g,
Wamer & Coe Eyes tested free. 8atistaction. arae- Joseph Leary s, AIlin, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. is to decide to get a busloeas rdura.
Have a full line of ireah and city- teed• R Blake Beaton has been spending a
g McPherson. Toronto:Mr. and airs. A. tion. and the next is where to get
sew days in Toronto. C. Batten,Toronto; Mrs. Richard and it Those who are acquainted with
yid meats constantly on hand. T - Miss Troyer. of Toronto, and Miss Miss Busy Bailey, Dowmanville; Mr. the work done in popular
To M. .MoFA DDE'N' teary are visiting at Joseph L.eary'a. John Piper, Toronto; Mr. and Mr-s. H.
JSpie s Roll, Breakfast Bacon, Blake Annie,, Charlie White and Piper, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. RLLI0'1 z �.
E*W, Dolognat Weiners, etc., DRUGGIOT AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN Frank Booth are visiting at Buffalo, gotten, Buffalo, and Mrs.G. Paterson,
William Miller has been stems tom wmanville. The jovial part broke r
Hi heat rices PICKERING, ONT. aria lin hill
building across the river• y g- `
g pard for B • g 8 up early in the evening with the Sia
_•_ Butcher a cattle Lloyd White has accepted a school ing of' Auld Lang Syme." _ ORON jt0, ONT.,
at West Lorne. We wish him-cue- �a
• r e Pickering Lumber- Tara coal BROUGHAM know that our facilities are able- faj,
of Rthitevale, byte been lutely first-class and that those who . w
,���kertn� lverr� Miss Money, attend are sure to he highly satin- x
entxrtaining company from Saginaw, Ed. Willson spent over Sunday at g y w :
Pine-dotiritrg; Manitoba siding drop Mich, Keswick. _ Sed. They also know our grade-
eidin matched, rough dressed Fade Tool, of Guelph College, was L. Matthews spent' a-few days at ates easils get po=rtions because
= First-class rigs for hire = g' g a -thoroughly ghly competent.'
Day ,g pine and hemlock. •'New Bruns--- " a very welcome guest of Jus. Leary's the Exhibition. Write eatao ne. Enter an
D8 or ni Lt wick white cedar shingles and on Sunday. Winton White is spending a few g s -
_ time.
apple barrels. Mise Alice Rice, of Tyrone,and Miss days in Ta�onto:-_
BII8 Il]eet8 Sir tTaing May Rice, of London, are visiting Dr. M-cKihnorispent a few days in -W J�LLIOT, PriacipaL +
D. LIORDON dt SON, their brother, C. B. Rice. Torouto this week. Cor. Yong r�lezander Sts: _
!Teaming promptly attended to. _ ` The pupils of Whitevale schiuol are Win. Brown spent Sunday and
Q getting along famously under the in- Monday in Toronto.
Agent for Canada Carriage Lo: REAL E S'I`gTE••••• structions of Will Beaton. J. Cowie, of Toronto open the boli-
W. H. Peak >� ;.. .�
Mr, and-Mrs. Moore, of Hampton,. day with friends here. ��''11
7 Pdcke;'r•it+ly.' " Two fifty-Acre farms for sale cheap. have been spending a few days with Colin Philip is visiting his daught• BASSETT's7
Good buildiDgs, plenty of water, one- .their daughter, Mrs. C.B.Rice,' ers Keswick tufa week.
• • a n b balance'on 'mor a if Sheldon Rice our prominent well R. J. Cowan and Duncan Dolphin n �4�'1
a- spent8atur�a; in Ochawa._ WATCRifS
Wo -required - ------ '27th;but is rapidly drying-out again. Geo. $tSlith, of Hamilton, spent the - -
Thos. Beare hese returned from Lhe holiday with Hugh and Mrs. Mechin. are not like sell other 'watebea
Also a goad •tenement dwelling becau-e each and every time
_ . North-wens . He brings some very. R..and Mrs. Collins, of Toronto, vis- }ace is thoroughly, examined -
Having rented the Dumbarton shop yielding 129% in the.village of,Picker- favorable reports• of the "progress of ited C. A. and Mrs. Barclay this week. p
and opened the same,I am prepay- in that region., Wrri. Mosgrove is spending a few and thned before it is ha: -y
g g ; over the counter to you.
ed to dry all•work' entrusted to T Rev. Mr.Daniel,of,Toronto, preacb• days with his daughter.Mrs. Gerow,
4 me in the above line. ed a ver interestin sermon in the of Toronto.
Horseshoein a specialty. onsipw 1�>Q! � � y g '
R pe y. Baptist church an Sunday to a large Geo, and Mrs. Feasby and daughter, ,
Call in and see me any time. �i��> 5 smift��"s congregation. of Uxbridge, visited Mrs. W. Feasby
The Whitevale basket ball team are over the holiday.•
r , t ♦ still quite in evidence and are becom- Mrs.. Baunbaeur and` daughter: of " a
DUNBARTVN ing expert at the game. . They have Bancroft, sppeent last week-with her
e V.
R�haraSe challenged Kinsale to play them next sister, Mrs.,R, J. Linton. '
•rise week. R, Burton and, wife-and family, of
The Epworth League meets every Chicago, are spending a few weeks _ *.
T t rotary Public, Pickering. Friday evening at'8 o'clock. Every- with the.former's people; 1CigfttA .
DOMINDO�T ,�o� � � body.welcome. A numberof the lead- Mrs. Kerry and daughter, Rachel,
ION n e ing members were absent from the of Yale, Mich., are visiting the form-
-Seaad O>moe, Toronto . �a�kSlfilthili last meeting. er's sister, Mrs, J. C. Phiii ' ?
'i There was no service in the Method- Leslie Devitt, Archie Mechin a: d
General Banking Bttsinese — ist church ,on Sunday on account of Frank,ll alcolm left Tuesday- morning`
A general blacksmith business done. the pastor enjoying a well-deserved to attend Markham High School.
= transacted+ `Aill binds of repairing neatly and vacation. Some earnest efforts were Dr. and Mrs. Moore, of Brooklin,
promptly a=scute°. made to secure Will Beaton to fill the and Miss Southworth of Bu$alo,•spent
aacini attention van to pulpit for that occasion, but to no Sunday with W. J. and Mrs.Devitt. Also every watch is sold with an
g gi Horse-shoeivlg-a -SpeciAlty. purpose. We "are sure, everybody Miss .N. C. Bennett,of Claremont,: iron clad guarantee to .give sat- '
the OQ118t3t10n Of would have enjoyed an
one of and Mre,. Antwerp, of Rochester,via- ;afaction; further, the designs
- t Q , N • Z.A.'w•, his interesting and arousitsg sermons. ited with Bennett Bros.on Tuesday.• of their cases are both beautifat w.
- B81e 1110t6fi• PICRERING. ONT. Mr. Thornton, of Montreal, who is Raymond Morton, of Beswick, vie- and capable of preserving your r
_ visiting his -mother in this village iced relatives here last weep. He pvr- watch for a life time. Call and "
PUNTS, FOR SALE declares that his house aad barn will chased s Sue youog'driver from J. H. see anti. We do not press any
receive another coat of paint and Madill, one to buy. p
>9Vcsssite received of $1. find _ other improvements shall be' added Miss Maud Barclay is attending the
upwards. to the lawn. garden, yards, etc. We Conservator of Music and Miss Mary 1 k ,
P Tomatoes, Cabbage,_ Cauliflower, g both in Bassett s Big Store
Celery and Garden Flowers. don't wonder at him taking so much the Harbord 8t, Collegiate,
=Z3 iet=mlltt a110wed at highest y ride in his farm, after Rice Bros. Toronto. y.
-`- Current rat". Wagon will be on the road during have been so successful in drilling him The Ladies' Aid of the Chriatisn oPPOSITE NEW POST OFFIC'S
the season. such a satisfactory well on it, church will bold its regular meeting ,
MCRA,& D. CORDON, Manager •+.• at the borne of Mrs. SINN Wi}leon on W T-3:.a r_V -:B 'y +
The Gammage Gardena, Reefember Audley Garden Party Wednesday, l
�` y CH.
,.: BROUaH.AM ONT. ." Friday Ev®Hing, so Ilk Sept.
apt 14th All are
•7s".x ns 19
..v.... ... b... ...":e,,... li.. '., "A Ji Ai
.. r,. . ..
r 77
wy, .u,, ' a'• r .. n ,.(:: ,' :. e_ -..' ,, A ,'try- h'4, 'n6' ,r.-. t �. .� -„x
..• 'a ., :� , w 9y,� ...YT r� •d 'eye. ,c•+` `C•/.'�t�
.ti .. �`,✓
5:- »*yy1.y.•., , +...,y� r .roY.e _ •-,.:j J. :w•�' ..• .",i -{ "-',
♦}}♦. _. { ♦- _ ee,i w allRussians not arindle
}}+ pr that
_ _.. P
► F e,, { 4 much as in the esrrliy years of the Tea Scroll RC�30IIS V�ligr You B410
, .
century his grandsi a had been
♦ positive that all Frenchmen were
assassins when they wire,not Banc- i
ow ing-masters. The white czar has
replaced the petit-caporal, and the
fur cap the -cocked hat, in the eyes
E 1• of t ILII•
p y objectof nread and detestation Heed! • DROO-KA .
ur, A TRUTH N EYER OLD. would never be in the least surpris- eQaC111a1,and Toilet Ptf'eparat><a►las
ed if it turned out that the real JF
°` object of Mme. Sabaroff's visit to " Because They ave _
SuArenden were to :have pessiblie
♦++++-+++ +++4-++++++i+++++++.+6 4 4+♦♦♦�♦ opportunities to examine the facili- � We will furd�to
nt'd us is onl brought out b eatin " tic3 of.Weymouth as a landing place • b the largest N say plpraidaa pr
Y B Y g'yettrfur Cossacks out of the Muscovite holea.ale �' h• drugrist, ca re-
+ -Dorothy Usk does not favor the ths
n � _ corvettes.
- , "Russians are tremendous swells ea in eelteats to sap
- g re ays o Cher, that too much'eating has de- the NsAonal Dru N yCo
„guests for two days or-.three.days;• strayed all. esprit. Do.n't we- eat at pa,,laver," he saya,-. with--mue - - and Chemical µwars"KKAM arias. Ask your ,
she think$ it • makes• a country all day long everywhere, or at least contempt; "gammon you no end�i-f ompany of
a e
j>touse too like a hotel. She wishes ou like to believe 'em; they've, al- Canada, Llmitdd. 7. A {:omtphte
are expected to do ao I You lament Y
her people to be perfectly well as your ruined digestion. It is impar- ways some political dodge- or other LX Mat�D prat e' Trade-uf�sked Lim '
so- andic" VISA
s' is_ 1 behind it all. dimts To lei oInclud�L ng practica117 e
least a week, even two weeks or counted by what our beloved Yan- don't say She iso an agree-
kees call square meals (why square " every ounce of which has passed you ever
• - � -•=hree weeks.. People do not often t able woman, he continues now. ��teats for strength and purity. � Made��a
object Orme, Denton, and $urren- I fail to fathom); and for women His admiration of Mme. Sa'baroff is by Caaaeflaaa-�lor Canadhwl
_.__• den are all' popular places, and, it i- worse than for us, because they much mitigated by his sense that 3. Co�poimded by Apert benefit.
Buiren en is per ops'mos populareat suchquantities o sweet
't a she isn't an 1 a! qualified to disyense
"An ideal house," says Blanford, they go in for caviare bread and I agreeable woman, but she gives me lX n9 if your druggW hasn't elks
'uvre would not stay a day where he butter and anchovy.sandwiches and tl-e idea of artificiality-insincerity , Mad t can 4 e according a you a can gotuwi�
_-_ +res not as flee as air. {wl kinds of rich cakes and- deux 'mystery." - Pte= n —
Formulae � e
"It's- too much like a hotel,",do's de Ma.dere or glasses of kum- Just because sbe s a Russian. neap for years for;safety and 10. A �`141outsy y E�iO+
' Isles the master of it, "and a I mel at the tea hour-it is frightful:- cries his wife, with disdain. etiicisacp,
otel where the table d' hate bell I wonder they have ,any complex- "My dear George," observes S. "Gyre-Alla" f say Na-Drv-Co pot ;
sings to deaf ears. Lord!'I remem-i ion at all left, even with tris as- Blanford, "there are preconceived, butspecif:c prescriptions for par -W'uasstisfactorr we rttFilidl�
be:in my poor mother's days every-.�si-t.ance of all the `secrets de-Ve-edeas about all nationalities. As a I titular ailments. refund your meney.
�rule, they are Completely false. The
!body had to be down to breakfast nus ' ;, p
at 9 o'clock every-uwTn=g--as re- ,Y'ou'-wont- alter 'erre;--rny dear rreceived continental idea is that an '
ularly as if they were charity fellow,'_' replies. Usk,. if you put 3 ngli hman is a bluff, blunt, un-11I Ne..l3s'tf:C4 Hesda&e Wafen Na-t?sth-Co -l.azati�q�
1B pleasant, o ionionated person; I stop a headache in 30 minutes. Act wnthout any diecomtort.
!children, and the whole lot of 'em yourself out about it ever so much. ;P P
were marched off to ehu;ch on Sun- IF you were to marry a savage out I very cross, very clean, too, it is t;ontsta no harmful drug. llncreaaed doses trot needed.
r true; but on the, strength of his tub I Na-Dru-Cci Dys Tablets Na-Dru-Co Bab?Tabs
qday whether they liked 'it'or nut, o, Formosa, or an Esquimau, she'd; g
-.,Tbe villagers used to line the path take., kindly to the caviare and the !ar:;l his constitution, despising all I Cure-tudge3tion Bch-heart ern siatilenae Valuable
Ba>Ya ills. rig. atiy
- siv+erosa the 5elds -to sea the gieat•.kummel before a week was out if
the rest of -rriankiricC•, Now, how tndteestioo-chronic dyspepsia vaivaWas dwtne teetldnt• _
eem lets! absu-rd a"- -an o on
!folk pass. Now its as much as ever •„u brought her Europe. Why p 3 �
1 ' y Dfril as►at Gee Co a' oda,Lalu.r
;Dolly can do to get a woman or two nook at dogs-you may'keep 'em ou-is± Yaur yourself, era an example I $ P
qp in time .to go with her. How i biFcuit if they live in the kennels, I of the suaviter in modo, fortiter in Wlsolesa�e Bnac[aa,s ata
re. 'of which the true=blue Briton !le .r- T.:..a.-
fhinga are changed, by Jove: And but if they once come to the dining- ' = .a......r— 111
.ei�wtr,+R. -C�tr�r- V ..
-'It isn't so very long ago, either.'-' :zoom they'll turn their noses up at'always g ver so admirable an ez
"The march of intellect, my dear a beefsteak if ib isn't truffled.” 'arriPlr•„
' � ,., r_ IIak laughs, but sulkily; he has
/Gear e, ' says Blanford ; neither llaga, at least,o ethchortbeoghte e l tic imTres«inn that Ted KIND. g_ ,�T]11r6 ,___
' le bon dieu nor we are-great o urnmei,-says .01an'°ru• �'-> friend is making !un �,f him but be -M -' & M_g
_ any longer," yo{i were to put together rs Carns -was- a young house-
Well, I thins it's a pity," sighs' ry. the dry champagne the'liquors;is sot quite sure. He himself be I kreper and . naturally aenaitive The Old Afghan was Net Partleu.
L Usk "Everybody was happier! at tea, the brand in the cheese at lieves that he is an ideal English �
y about her cooking. One evening - lar Who Woe..
t'vhen a d jollier, too, though weidinner which a fashionable woman :man. Blanford to only half or ai _
she-'put the bread to rise, but with ,
' do tear about so to try and sere takes in the eclipse of the day (not quarter of one; he does not shoot, unreasonable perversity it !ailed Tbe Dew-caught, spikes peo-
countin an irk•me-u that she wears furs in winter, only drinks i Y les," ex when menaced by mi
amused.- B T P P to do any such thing. Early is the P except
"There is still nothing to prevent; may require in her .room), the'; Nf:ry light Rhenish wale, never morning she slipped out into the litary power, see no reason to pre-
Y Pt g h^ hair ver fixedrt politicalopinion.!pasture and dug a hole She placed fer one breed of white mail to sn-
it pleases you ' replies Bls�. Ord nus-incredible 1'ou would not be-'hies to any church:.and never cuts
fan going to site in the big pew i! amount would be something enorm-
{ ! y- the stubborn dough in it, and care- other. Dr: T. L. Pennell, in his
- _ •'sad Lawrence Hamilton always; Neve the number of women who h, has so p y covered i and
full t with earth
- sae. that he Mrs Cur-I have cured me of an unhappy pas- except
sept 'a general impression that 1 dead'leaves. book, "Among the Wild Tribes of
sone profile as she sings, she is, sion- for them by letting me see ..ngland and the world in general i Later in the day, when she slant the Afghan Frontier," tells a story
*call saint! then. I think Sun- what a lot they could drink.' g they I ed from the windo*, she saw a bo to illustrate their indifference. A
Y Y a•�c going down-hill as fast as y
day service is to English women! 'You will adore the 8sharoff, cat., "tobogganing,'' as they say in !near the spot, peering curiously British officer in the $uzam valley 1
what confession is to catholic! then. She sever touches anything;Canadlt, at the rate of fifty miles a st 'the groped. I'inalty he took a
ladies; it sweeps all the blots off the!that I see, except tea." minute, to land in the slough of i stick and began poking and digging save asked as old A people
where the
week's tablets. It is convenient iff "Admirable person-" I am ready socialism and be picked out. of it about. sympathies of his people were as k
�llog:cal." to adore her. Tel•!'me more about b, some military despot; democracy Soon some one else came along between England me and Bussu. t
"You are vety irreligious," says her. By the rvay. who is 'she?". invariably ending in absolutism. rand stopped to look. In time quite
"Now tell me " said the ower,
his host, who is invariably Ortho- "Oh, yoy must go to Folly for ''What ridiculous nibiah"' Bays a little crowd gathered. They all "d there were to . be war-which
dna when orthodoxy doesn't inter- bicgraphies-of her .foreigners. I h•3 wife_ "You Wight .as well say!seemed; so interested, and were God forbid-between $oasis and
`�erc with anything. van't keep even their names in my that the dernoiselle�s-monnequins at talking matters over so earnestly, England, what part would you and
"Not more ao than most people+{" head."
Worth's or litadr+:gtie'a are eonapir- .that Mrs. Carus, .unable to restrain Your people take t Whom would you
- out
says Blanford. "I have ev«ti felt "Foreigners' What an oxpres= ing for the Orleaaists when they Qa,tyy longer; w t aide with t"
her curl went
he lot see for herself.
religious when I have, r�'een alone sion .. cries .Dorothy LTsk, m lis- .try on my clothes' : you wish me to tell ou w
into t to
Do a i J hat
in the savannahs or in the jungle. I Bain. Since steam effaced iron-I They are conspiring for the rum What was her surprise to find a Would please you or to tell you the
don't feel
SQ--U],a.400den box cov-1 tiers,' nobody but, insular people of your-family," says Usk, -with.a+high, rounded, puffy mass sprink. real truth?" was the naive reply.
+e red wjth red velvet, with a curate like ourselves ever use such a term:'grean. "Whose purse can stand;led over with earth and dead "I adjure you to tell me what is i
a-.._r.,.. bawling in my ears about the hew- Nationalities are obliterated.'.' a these Paris prices t" leaves. She did not stop--long to the `white.word.'
ani in pieces of Agag." She is -very fond of Xenia Bab- "What an. irrelevant remark!" h _ "Then," said the old raybeard,
wonder, for a e recognized her un g
-- "That a nothing to do with it-, aroff she has a great many warm cries Lady Usk. You are always fortunate loaf, risen at last; but -"we-would just sit up bare on.our
says Usk, "we're bound to set-an' attachments to women who help to dragging money questions into ev- this, is the remark she heard one mountain tope watching you both
!example." make her house attractive. erything..." man making to another: fight, until we saw one or the other
"That's why you doze `in public- "Nationalities are still discern- "Those faiseurs as you call 'em," ."Ob, that's nothing. I have defeated. Then we would come
_-__sn<l hat' Curzon wears her 'big isle in different tobaccos," mar- continues Usk. unneeding, "are'at heard of places in the West wherq down and loot the vanquished till
Mrspearls, to lead the school children'mars Blanford. The Havana the loot of half the misery of loci- mushrooms grow much larger than I the last mule. God is great! What
" „ won't acknowledge -
I the way they should go. • ge an equal in the�etj�. 'Women, get into debt up to that. - a time that would be for u6!"
That's nothing to do with it," Cavour. I their a es for ttoilets, and they don't • -
repeats Lord Usk, somewhat cross- "Dolly • don't know $nythiag care what abomination they do if
' ly He has a comfortable, if indis- about her," continues Usk,. cling- thES_6et enough out of it to go on s s ..gr�3asad
tinct idea that he does something ing to the,subject. plunging. ' Hundred-guinea gowns apps ,
patriarchal, and highly Oh, my dear!' cried his wife, soon Make up a pretty total when
patriotic, patr our ou.change AnEINE
'em three times a day. "dam -
praiseworthy in getting up an h shocked; when she is the• niece of Y
earlier than usual one Sunday, out the great chancellor and her mother the men if women furious?"Bre asked hisawifet
of three, and putting on a.tall hat; wt,•s a Princess Dourtza.
a frock $oat,-a pai�of-new gloves,I ",You don't about "Even if they try to ecoripmize, '
. - to attend the village church for her," repeats Usk; with that un- aren't they always taunwith -Canadian Appreciation
^_'mcrning service when he is at pleasant obstinacy characteristic of being dowdier 4,' You Done of you
Orme, Denton;or Surrenden in fine men,when they talk,to their wives.. know anything about the cost of -
weather. "You met her in Vienna, and took thing's, and you expect everybody -
- , one of your crazes for her, and she t-) be bien mise on a half-penny a 'Langhans Hotel, London.
may, have sent a score of lovers to day. When •Boom 'saw me± at As- gentlemen,—I wish to express my appreciation of the 38 `
Siberia, or deserve to go there tier- crt this year he stared at ins and h. Daimler �¢hid3 you. have delivered to me. Before ship-
' - 'A few new people have come by sell for anything you can tell. Ona whispered to me; `Oh; I say, mo- P•
in the car to Canada I. made'a three weeks' trial of it, coo
fel c brake, and make their appear- can peter be sure of anything about they! you ve got the same bonnet tris some 1,200 miles. The cat ran perfectly, and I never
ante at luncheon. More come, b3' foreigners." on you had at the Oaks: Ido hope g
o'clock_ train, and are visible "How absurd you are, and bow the-other fellows won't nokticeo his uppto the many claims you make for'it. The s a ce,u emooth-
twti ti o'clock tea, which is'Alwa ss to insular, cries Dorothy Usk again.. That is how he- speak
nese of popple , sad power of acceleration on hills is really
3 at had in the library any time be- " 'Foreigners!' As if there were wife some. day, and yet I dare say, g
arty foreigners in these days, when like our, he will expect her to get reaarksble.
iorat 7; dinner at all the Usk houses g Y' > y M petrol consumption was 10 miles to the gallon, incttid-
jta always atS Blanford's do'ct'rines Europe-is like qne family!" • he.r bonnets from Virot at l0 francs Y P
"A family which like most Earn- apiece!" ing a great deal of driving in traffic. The tyres allow 'no &P-
do not prevail with any of, his ac- Y pfeciable'signs:of.weAr, and.I think it will prove light el 3yreti.
yuaintances, although `he, unlike ilies squabbles and, scratches pretty (T0 be 'continued,) .-'Yours' sincerely,
o#ten then,"' says-Usk which seems �, - deli I am really d 1 hied with the car y `
_ !nest professors,uemp-Gastze's them to his wife a reply too-vulgar to be - ONE MAN'-S WISDO11f• (Signed) C. A.. $OONl ; of Toronto. Canals•
by example. worth of contradiction. He is „ -
Among the people the
come by Y Newel- I inserted an advertise-
-tb#b latter train-are the famous'Mi. conscious that Xenia Sabaroff is a meet `for` a" plain: cook last week The �Ost
W,wtton, s man. very famous at very great lady, and that her guar, and there wasn't,$ single applicant - '
" terings; backed-by-descent and' al- showed up." !
London dinner parties, and Lady fiance, are wholly irreproachable << SI>ICtessftlt
--G' ndrede Vankittart, whose din. Y P Oldwed- How did you word it 4"
peps are the best in London. indeed,.-written in that libro d'oro, : 'Newed- -=" " `-Wanted'- A plain
!tWhgie would those two people the Almanac de Gotha, for all who cook.'
Car' of the
;f you brought ;$r+'�laasiid the: chose to read. Oldwed--"Huts-I No woader,.youy, _
' rice you recommend into lash- Her descent and her diamonds advertisement didn't pull. Try year1909rr
iso a" says their.host to Blanford. &r alike immaculate, but her-char- something like this: Wanted •- A y -
"Take 'em away from .the--table skier! he is too old-fashioned a refined you-ng lady to do plain -
ahey'd be good for nothing. He I Briton not to think it-very probab- cooking,' and you'll have a bun-. n
wouldn't say 'Bo' to a goose, and lc that there is something Touche dred applicants for the job."' The Daimler Motor Dorf (1904) LIMIt@d) '
wouldn't B worth leaving a� there. ` iCOVENTRV, ENGLAND.
• earl upon. Believe me, my dear I Usk is a Ruasophobist, as becomes It's always a case of the survival
Guy, such esprit as there is ]eft ,n a true tory. He has a rooted im- of the fittest. Are you 9
Mr. .�, .,i. '... :.�.•;.: .,. ', ,: .. ;..,_- .. ,. ,. .' S.n- �n ie�; ,S✓. ';r dyk^r.:ns.-:m"� :-oa. ."�`�••.w. �,.. k�
o-•x• n•�x - "�� Wry .7;,y"e#,., �X .r ,f+' '�.Ia�i !�, '•i y,.r ,.1"• �F,i+`�"" �as�� x?'{`'•,
,, i �}. •i, Y ", '1f: r4 F3 ay .v, '. _ - �v »74'x'• ] eY+
y! -
a_' $
,c ,. .a
� •,: wx t2�ri':, J,.:ai.�„a -,:`fi_ ..u'. :'•Y., -�l .:�... - - r .r `f+" ..
�' ':. •.� . •. " .: - '- �•T .'q'r 'A.' rxw. tee =.tl�Sc64,..y: .'„y,...v:.>n,rw.uw�agsu.^aaz.+,Mn¢ar,,.....ura3.rYYe••sw<.° ., ... ,:rrj-' _myye.w i�, '.: .,s'.
V- i
�''-.rias,:wC.c':f�A-,KA'" ., w-4Pn+°�rnn:,viuv•�1..c:..a. .,.,;r+sw�x�s'-•«�;•t*fa•,.sret'ic v, .- ..r+<.Ke'..a.' :+fvryADox*.a.,Y:nt�tC:aY�Mane p:'�,4F'�nd1'G.a ',.,-..• _ .. - _ — - - -WINN EG� WR - CRIPP10 -GOOD _ • .
' -- he _ NINONWestern _Gr�iin. s TTurnin Chid Better
Now Occupies -the Premier Position on t
C ntluent. Battered Tortures IIntII '�Frntt,�►•t1ve."
Than Expected.
.Took Away The
_ fin' A despatch from Winnipeg says: Crow's Neat Pass district have not'
A despatch from Winnipeg says: only 81,111,420. Buffalo, Duluth,
Winnipeg has at last outdistanced Kansas City and. Montreal follow Tbs C. P. R. weekly crop report Permanently injured the atanduig
Minneapolis in the actualstance-amount in order. Winnipeg 1s "second to "P'ruif__i_ives," the famous fruit crops. Straw was flattened, but.
allows that-73 per cent. of the crop ,
of rain iaarketed, arid, ms now i Chicago in'the total of oats hand- medicine, 1e the greatest sod "gloat with favorable- weather, is rapidh
g y scientific remedy ever discovered for on branch lines north'of the main recovering. With the exception of ti;
la claim to beingthe biggest ac-I led during the past year- The fig- Rh8ua2atiem. line has been cut and that, in the half a dozen scattered districts,
tual wheat market on the North uses To ls�kea from "Fruit-a-rives," by its marvellous
main, harvest weather is airy fav- where heavy rains have retarded
American continent. Comparative the Dominion Grain Inspector a of- action on -the bowels, kidneys and i?
atria, prevents the_ accumulation of brable. I°n the northern` parts of harvestidg 'and thrashing, the ra-
figures, made public on Thursday ficial' report, and do not include Uric Acid, which causes Rtieurnatism all the 'tihrea wealiern Provinces port is decidedly'satisfactory. -
�' e shi ments"made direct from south- and thereby keeps the blood pure and the thrashed crops show a larger A despatch from Arcola, Bask..
show that for the year ending Aug- ern ani heavy rain and hail storm
•ust 31, -1910, Winnipeg wheat re- United States, nor shipments made Mrs. Walter Frooper, of Hillview, is better than ex ec + . fternoon ruin a
cel is were 88,269,330 bushels, while' west from Calgary, .neither do they Ont„ says: "I suffered- from severe P
p .Rheumatism. lost the use of my right •In southern Manitoba thrashing standing crops left uncut, but as _ - �"
Minneapolis, for •the• calendar include local shipments nor any arm and could not do my work. Noth• is practically finished, Recent 90 per cent, of wheat and 80 per
year 1909, could show 0 total of wheat inspected at Calgary. Ing helped me until I took "Fruit-a- :r-
uvea" and this medicine cured me. snows in Alberta, in xhe Edmonton, cent. of oats are in stook the,dam-
-- — district, and along,branches in the- age isnot very great.
If you are subfect to Rheumatism,
GHER—$I DOWN STAIRS. don't wait until a severe attack comes
—__ hetero_-cryt ..
British Settlers in West This Year. Kingston Woman Killed oa-a �'islt Take these fruit tablets now and thus $21; Ontario middlings, 22; ani- _ ,
prevent the attacks. toba bran,' $20; Manitoba shorts,
the Best Yet. -to Daughter. "Fruit-a-tiver•^ is sol$ by all dealers '
-at "c a"box:6 for-1"O. or-triat-bas, nlouill@,:$3 to-$34; ear-, at+s.a-Lade-lucEeaao -
A des etch from Winnipeg says: A despatch from London, Cent,+ 25c, or may be obtained from Fruit-a- mixe mouillie, $26 to $29. Uheese in the 'Number.
During a pesio iron +
to August 1 of this year, when 41,- ston, was almost; instantly killed - and eastern, 105-8 to 103-4c. But- A despatch from ttawa says: T
452 men, women and children from here on Friday night by falling THE WORLD'S1�RKE TS ter-Choicest creamery, 231-2 to Homestead entries for the six _ • ;
England, Ireland and Scotland down stairs at the home of her 233--4c. -Eggs-Selected stock, 22c:, months ending duly 31, .1910, show t
came into h estern Canada by way daughter, the wife of. Rev_-James_ ..__ - _. -_. . No. l .stock, 19c; straight receipts, as increase of 11,852 over the simi `
of Winnipeg; 20,000 more than Rollins,. where she has been visit _ _ -1 Sc, and No., 2 Stock at 19 to 13c lar period of 1909, the entries'
passed through this; city during ing. With her daughter and son- iiEf'a12T3 Z'i:QY THE LE tDING Per dozen. - numbering 33,4t8. For July alone, .r
the same time last year, During in-law, she returned• about " 21 _. - there were 4,260 entries, of which!
the same period this year, 15,918 o'clock from King Street Presby-. iI11DE CE1TBE►: UNITED STATES M.__.KETS. 1,248 were made by Canadians re-
immigrants from Europe passed terian Church, where Mr. Rollins Pricer of aisle Grata: ff� 'Sept. a.-Wheat-Sp ring,959-by
i ng from
StatesaUited S road y�r
sidingis Canada, Canadians
Bu o, Wh rt n f he United Eta
through the-Winnipeg--4 had been tendered a receptlori by C-- geese asl wheat- -AFo. 1 carloads -store, $1.- -
office. "I can say of the British- the congregation on returnin from - -_ _ -
8 183-4 to ''1.19 3-4; W inter, Na 2 With the ex., tion of 34 entries, the r
era who came this year," said that his vacation,: In the fall Mrs. Other Dairy Produce at '' -
Dominion Inspector, J, Bruce Wal- I Smith'-a neck was fractured and white, $1.00. Corn-?vo. 3 yellow. R.hole.of :he remaia.rei were made
Rome and Abroad.
66c; No:-4 yellow, 65c; No. 3 corn, by persons frr•m the Tir'tish Isles
ker, "that they have been of a' she died is a few minutes. 841-2c; No_ 4 corn, 821-2c, .all on and northern Eurrpean countries.;
higher type than any that we ever �RE..DSTUFFe._ track, throu h billed. Qata-No. e
handled before. "In what re- g- ia•Wllich.tli_ Gavetriment is carry-i
A DESPERADO SHOT. 4 white,. 35c. Barley-Malting, 73 � on immi 36,n ui rk, Of the'
aped 1" was asked. "Physically, Toronto, Sept. e.-Ontario'Wheal• „_ g B'
mentadty, morally and financially:" - --- - - 43rd Na: S mrinter•nominal at__$1. c. -R a '�o. a on track. rile trued States
liounted Pollee-Put Baste!..-Mato •�Mi ne oro4is,_ Sept.September, over- - y pe
02 outside; new, 95C to 98C outside, f Were crude b o- ,
Emeapins Indian.. - according to location. - P t31 le comm [r iu+ Nr,th Dakota .
SECOND LARGEST VITT. 107-8; December, 911.133--f. and Minneurt..,. Patentti were la-'
h -• _ A despatch from Prince Albert, Manitoba Wheat-No. J northern _
New York liar Now a Populstiou Sask., says: Peter Blackhantd, an i$1.13,; No, 2 northern, $1 111.2; sued is July, 1;+:C. for &+8,223 acres +
Indian desperado, who sacs d LIVE STOCK MARKETS. of land, as"a 5iust j;':013 far the
No. 3 northern, $1.09 at lake ports F i _
bf t 7�s -_ dram the4ttbt ,.r immediate mit• - th Of 1909:
p o1 of the ahio ---- - - �ontreal. Btt: 6.—Caives eorceapoadina m in _
A despatch from Wa$liington Mounted Police after being sen- (•'ora'—American; No: 2 Yellow,-4815. line hogs, $9:23 to 639.50 per -
says . Greater New York has a po- teaced,to a year, in jail for horse- 69 1-2C_to 70c;. No. 3 ellow, 68 1.2c KING WILL VISIT COLONIES ,
86,883 under the stealin had to be shot b ur• y 1(i0 lbs; sheep, 33 4 to 4c a Ib
pulation of 4,7 g• y P to 69: -c, Toronto freights. I lambs, 5 1 2 to" ec a Ib : steels
suin officers. during his second at. Oats-Canada. western, No. 2, 0 6 l 4c' cod 53-4c to The London Time-, • Says gleans
cordec t
thirteen decennial census, accord- suing. g choice, B -
ores issued on Thursday tempt at escape before he would `401.2c; No. 3 t'aus," western, 39c 1ec. middle,, 51-4c to s 1-2c; fair, 11'ill be Fouad.
is to figures y P .. _
g g ,
night by Director of the Census surrender ]de was witbia a few at lake ports, for immediate ship' 4 3-4c to iSc: common, 4 1 4c to
Durand . This makes' N.e.w York yards of his rifle when "wiaaed," ment; Ontario No 2 white, We to 4 1.2c, Dressed h6gs active, 813 to A• despatch from London e b
the second' large5at city in the ,his arm being broken lie is a 38c outside; No. 3 white, 38c to Tic 813,23 per 100 tbs. The Times says: 'Though we be
world, and as large as say two for- noted rifle shot, and had boasted outside, 40c'to 41c on track, To, Toronto, Sept. 6.-Several lots of many sovereign peoples, our soy -
sign Cities except London: Since that if he got free he would never rontu, neIw oats, nomiatilly, 34C to I e�cporters sold at $6.23 to $.3 eo ereign mugs be one He mast hold
1900 the population of the metro'• be caught alive He is now in Vic- 35c outside. ti Butchers were very firm, selected his cuurt not only�'in these islands; +
polis has increased by 1,329,681, or loris Hospital here, closely guard ;as--No, q, ,8c to 78c steers selling up to $6 10, orcin- but, as opportunity permits, in all
38,7 per cent., as compared with 3,- ed night and day. Manitoba Flour—Quotations at i ary good loads at $3 50 to $3 90, the chief dominions of the Crown.
pa medium-at $4.90`to $5'40,-:cows and $iY most distant peoples m feel
437,205 under the last census. -- Toronto are =First tents; $620i'a - _
SHOT THROUGH Tfljw HE RT. second patents, $5.70; strong bak- �bulls were steady and rangrd-f%oro assured that means will be enol
ors' $5.5G; 90 r cent. Glasgow for the fulfilment of his- wi",b to• s
i - A�D.0-SLE DROWNING; PC s6 $3.30 to $5: Notwithstagding the revisit them as King.
Montreal Xan Put Gun
in 'Boat {reight4, 256. heart' run, sheep and lambs were -�_
No a6if Dau=liter Lost Their With :Muzzle Towards Divi. Ontario Flour--"New winter firm and alightly - dearer.-• Hugs STILL 'C91'I_=G FOR -s1EN.
lidves In the. Otosiabee, wheat flour, for future delivery,.Iwere quoted at 0,+0 Lo.b. and.$a —
A_despatch from Montreal says $3.73 to $3.85, at the mills. fed and watered.
A despatch from Peterborough The shooting season opened on Milifeed-Manitoba bran, $20 per — _ ,M Nearly Ten Thousand More Haas. _ d
says: About 11- o'clock on Friday_ Thursday with a fatal accident, a I tor, ; .shorts, $32 per ton,. track, To ( ONTARIO GOT l$St.&;S; vexters-Needed.
a double drowning Happened in the blacksmith in the Point St. Charles ronto• ,Ontario bran , $20 r ton; - _ - s
River Otonab", at a point called 'Grand Trunk sbo's named John A despatch from hary ipeg says-
P shorts, $� per tun oa track, To- Amount Collected in fiueeew:+ioa The ten thousand harvesters whcx-. ;
Daagerfield, the victims beingI Bennett being shot through the conte. have come west this year to work
Mrs. �Vm. E. Lang and her seven 4 heart While on the river near Nun's Duties Last Nonlh. in the harvest fields are-oast much z•
year-old daugbter. The • were is Island% Bebnett put the gun in the .COUNTRY PRODUCE. A despatch from To.routo. says: more than half._ of the n
a gasoline launch with ti three bottom of the Twat with the muz- •Sirccession duties netted the _pro- npeded, according to C. P. R. of-
other members of the family, in- ale pointing towards him. •T•he Butter—Local wholesale quota orrice $51,973.24 in August, as finials,. who announce that rebs-
eluding the father. The Paunch inevitable happened. trona are :—Creamery prints, 23c to coni aced with, $15,4802.54 during -=
g 241-:3c; separator prints, 21•c to P g grams are'still pouring in froln all
was running close alongside- the '� qac dairy prints (choice), 20c to the same month lase year. Last directions asking for men, „.
excursion steamer'Otonabee, when PROVIYCES ALL IN LINE. qlc; do., tuba, 19c to 20c; inferior month $20,184wefe collected from -+-- °
something went wrong - with- the tubs, 18c to 19c. York Cosinty estates. -The larg- CONTRACTOR MURDERED.-
steering gear, the launch colliding Escry Province is Exhibiting at the eat payment was that of $13,432.93
with the steamer .and turning tu.r- Eggs-20c per dozen in case lots• by the executors of the late Philip Struck With Bottle by Employs
All were rescued xcept the
C. N. E. This Year. Cheese-11.1-2c' per tb. ;for large -
/. Ever province in the Dominion cheese and at 11 3-4c per 16. for Jamieson, of'Ternnto. Who Had Beinaaded Puj'.
mother and daughter, ems- y P
is exhibiting"at this year's Canadi- twins. A despatch from NN;inuipeg'says s � ;
an National Exhibition and the re. Beans-$2 to $2.io per bushel for FIVE C. N. B. CARS BtiRNED. Hector Murray, 'a railvray contrac
CUSTOM RECtIPTS LP., r .. cult is the greatest display of the primes and $2.15 for hapd-picked. '-" tor, was -murdered on Wednesday
. �
An Increase of Nearly Six Billions, national resources of Canada.ever
Honey-'Strained honey is quoted Company Blames Winnipeg Strik• at Alix, Alberta, by a disgruntled ,
placed on exhibition. It is a great 'I 9b to' l0c 'per db. is �0-pound . ors for Fire. _ employee, named Woods. Woods
in the Last VITe Months. chance for: Canadians as well as tins; 5 to 10 pound tins at a l-2c A despatch from Winnipeg says. demanded his pay and Murray re-.
A despatch from Ottawa says: visitors from other countries to see to ]01-2c; No.' 1 comb honey at Five box cars in the_ Canadian ferrel him to the office, wherer
The growth of .Canada's revenue just what each corner of the great $1.75 to $2'per dozen; No. 2 at,$I.-° Northern yards were dest,aoyed by upon Woods hit; him on the'temple -
at the customs houses con Dominion depends on for future Per dozen. fire early on It mSnorning, with a whiskey bottle three quar-
tinuea. For the fi�e'montha of the greatness. And the net result dan- Potertoes-70c to 90c per bag. and the company again claims that tars full. 'Murray died shortly of
fiscal year ending on Wednesday not fail to 'be a pleasant surprise pROVISIONB. the fire was incendiary, and that tetwards. The mounted police are ,
customs.revenue had totalled $29,=
to Ganadiaas -as.well"as outsiders. the striking carmen, who are still on the frail of Woods, who is. still,
091,605, a betterment of $5;747,994 '�`-- �Vliolesale quotations: - out, are the guilty persons. The alt large:'
over the" same period last year. The lockout of masons at Winni- Rolls-Smoked, lbc tb 151 2c: union men renew their denials,and -
During :'August alone collections to- peg has-been settled by-arbitration medium, 'arid light., hams, 1:9c to there seems little prospect of proof � Hon. George P. Graham has tak- '
taled $6,4'79,795; a• betterment of and the me have returned to 191-2c; heavy, 171-2c to 18c; ba- either way,. en up. the claims of the Grand•_
$1,139,338. work. "" con, 10c to 20c! ,er-- -` Trunk men, recently 'oa strike, in,
-Pork—Short cut, $30 to $30.50 Hector Fabre, Canadian Com correspondence with President,
`per barrel; iaess, $27.50 tq $28. inissioner is France, is' dead. Hays.-
Lard—Tierces, - 141-de; tubs, ,
GOOD steady; Pails, 143-4c; stocks
Dry Salted eats- -bR11"VE.SY..WEITHER -.IS
acon,, tons and cases, _ .
.$rooked an
: Long clear nOCKED - ,
"- -• lain 21e
15c to 15 1-2c; backs (plain),.- :.flt000... - - -- •^.` -
:75 I'er Cent, .of Crap North of the C. P. R, to
to 211-2c; backs (pea-mal>, 21 l_2c
less smoked tit of pickle lc B m k hi
in the- West is Cut, viler a ors at- British Shipyard
That "They- Need dot ep r
A -despatch. from Winnipeg..say9:�is practically _ finished. "Recent
The C. P_ R. weekly crop report I snows in Alberta, in the Edmonton 'Montreal, Sept. 6:-Oats-No. 2 g despatch from London says: shipyard at NewcaatIe-o6-Tyne.
shows that 75 p.et.cent of rhe crop district, and along branches in the Canadian Western, 41 3-4 to 42c t pa I,
h branch lines north of the main Crow's Nest Pass district have not No. 3, 403-8 to 401-2. Barley- Lock-out notices were- posted at .The employers claim that this con-1 r ,.
Il the Federal shipyards at noon atituted a breach"of_the agreement,
line has bee3n.cnt, and thaf, in the ipermanently injured the standing No. 1, 53 to 54c; No- 2, 50c. Flour pt'
'main, harvest weather is fairly-fav- `crops: Straw was flattened. but, -Manitoba tipring wheat patents, on..Friday-advi4ing.the members of• between the owners and workmen - y
orable. In the northern parts -of !with favorable weather, is rapidly firsts, $6.30; do., sec^nds, $5.80; the boilermakers' society that and declare that those locked out _
!!!! their services would be dispensed will not be allowed• to resume work
all the three Western Provinces the recovering. With the exception of Winter wheat patents, $5.-50; Ma r
with. Fifty thousand men are until the boilermakers' society, '
threshed crops-show a larger. yield i.half a dozer} scattered districts, nitoba strong - bakers', $5.80 directly affected. The trouble 5s narantees a fulfilment of the terms
than. eilttimated, -and the grade is i where heavy rains have retarded straight rollers, $5.25; do., in bags, due to a strike on Thursday of'the of the national agreement for the r
;.eater than expected. ;harvesting and threshing, the re- $2.b0 to $2.80; extras, $2,15 to $2, i f
In-`8outhera Manitoba threshing port is decidedly. satisfactory. 2b• Feed—Ontario bran, $20.50 to riveters employed at the Walker -prevention of strikes gild lo.k-outs
, .. .. sn .. ,. w .: ,.. F ....,:,,� w.i�.;; .-,,.• /,.°r..Y;^-r'rrf' '+•�"a ..^r» .s:'-Y, ':�?^5•.a� �;;;• .
ya/ t'"``4;!, ''�S•��1'l'l '''
r stl
.: .' ^ 'v� „ 44'C y.L r'F, •!:'! r.. "�*'d". .r l l�' 4:u
;,4• q•.,c£�,°"r a,,;K'6..,�a: d'w..,�♦w aY .r7's•,.,yr -�' :!�:, gx.
y: fY '.»r NF .•`5, ...'"! 'K--.'.v,••rn...,.- >S"s :i.. d' •.�+*a<' >,r;,.nrn - a:e
number ase up all they earn in Devitt, Ethel Willson. Jr.Tablet— -
- — order that the be in fashion and Vernice Datoe,eAs
at a Cowan.Tommy
_. y Phillipe. Present every day—Roy
own an auto. At one time the McGregor, Hilda Middleton, Earle 9
bicycle was used for pleasure, but f-
McLean, Eva McLean, Hazel Middle=
ton, Ethel Wilson, Gladys Middleton, O C ERY
itis now used almost exclusively Harman]!tercet, BessiessieMercer. Lloyd
. •
0 R
for business, and that is likely to Johnston, Aggie Cowan, Vernice De-
�'� >tiarf be the future of the auto. toe• Elptia lRuLean. Average attend- _
sacs L. Rogerson. teacher.
' L .wi�aea..esrs�iia.�naosnios�iy Students of finance in the Uait-
'�O ed States are expressing alarm at Now data. A fresh full line of
�je assion paha• - - Io sena the growing tendency towards
," a..ir sabswnm saw:von. -sirs• s a•nms 10c a box. The are delicious,
ant include L W m pmpa, recklessness in the expenditure of FARM
TO RENT-70 acres ad•an- y
�. 9byr A� atasmtia, F. Soonest sans. —Nothing so nice for breakfast
' ti>sedri Berms given to parslas magas eon- money. Many of the people !a: Whitby. 4 tf f3
�.fcr 8 or 6 months of by the 7N=• Rall that count are neglecting to WHEAT OS !fie a sank
>ww or
early ocausa"payable gasa•udy. FOR SALE-3 slick oows or Bale
k w arrdf,tea liars os ander,with pap,= save up fok times of adversity, so s%ones one,seek. JOKK:.L. Q QM".
able is ad1 VINEGARS Axl SPICES
asr ear.Sb pa vaaw. Brough—
lama.ten ossa Pse line, that when hard times come, 84
a..e.a4parlta. eaoaaa ey un U(1(3IJ3S FOR BALE—There are Our stock is complete and fresh. -
�1 ooaar of Ra�m« myg", a known on apvlio.- t ey are a ,
P2 •its imaa�savwishoui writtsa inessuounus themselves in difficulty. The -boggI-at she IaiiD:mas7, bartoa. Oom•ai —
+ ,dabs inaarNd nn132 tarbiiden sad ohatged 60-
and gem a borjaia. L.Y.GaANT. Mill SUGARS—I�DPATH GRANIJ(, Tt&_18 lbs.for$L00
automobile craze is Riven as the
Gaaiiarly. Orders for disoontlantas ae..rtise- ELDERS FOR SALE—The under LONG CLEAR-
�.sena be writing-and "am to the Fab- chief cause of this danger. It is F �O$FD$A BMEAL$D BACB6ACON 8MOKED FANCY PICNIC HALL
„ signed has for pU thirty kids of te•3saa.
x ompuratteaded mo, stated that a great many of the wsilthta°ga p= m°ia ° ,�can �wm BOLOGN COOKED HAG[
TZ wed a J.WARD,salaam,Out.
f� g].25 per yew; 11.00 if paid in advknae. money, a very unwise thing to do, LTEIFER
especially when,the are rchaa-. 1Z P=e�ss of the undersigned lot a non, TT Y V ;
z spat' y y Pu s,*boas the A M Me" !n Aagass, a ren two- �J L
JOHN MURKAR Proprietor, ed for pleasure. Some-bankers, lea=-old heifer with white sant on r°=she`°•
�U , p Iafonuatlon thankfully received b7 ALit%• AT THE GROCERS
(r recognizing the danger, are refus- "DLR isoos>t.Greenwood 01-49
,iotas AND coMntttrmTaing to loan money to.parties in- STRAYED—From lot 2, concession
1, L'tbridge, about August 164, one Cots
FOP that Pur- Wold ewe and one sones lamb.with
- 3iErs. Longworth, formerly liilas
pose. The tendency towards informationAn W y 4
ng t�.trzeooverr-w#1L
KZ HOwITT,AlinasHE --
�" ss-president of the United States, F.o'' ` �
r we should avoid. When aper_ Disney's Plows are the Cheapest
_ Bag aroused the righteous ilidig• son's property is burdened with a FOR SERVICE—The Holetein-Fri-
wtaa Sail"Lakeview Haagwvsld Fayns,"
a :" motion of the Women Societies of who has one or the best p•d!g=ee*known to th• -
x mortgage, his first duty should be Holstsia family for milk sad batter yrodaotios _
Mast country by her persistent towards lifting that mortgage and at.lot s4,oon 1.Pickering,owned at the Dua-
practice of smoking cigarettes, in laying up something fur.the inevi- staGlashan,manager• w w we are age—-- for
baryon Farm. Terms♦!or rpt oows ag. Thos
tote of their earnest protests. At _
table "rainy day." This tendency ARKET GAADEN FOR, SALE--
s finis she was quits a favorite 1VI Ia the at eiek.:ia eont.lnia a - THE FROST & WOOD LINE
y w tnotOn lana with a=e*i} kinds ofa�efs � the
� -. � may not be so ma Canadians
_ .' g '
in society in WsehioRtua and in a� -
as Americana are proverbially free and drivtalt house and pl•nsy of hard sad soft
other American cities: but she be- spenders. - , eluding
but and small t. Appl7 ea the
R name a spoiled child, and her gradually getting into American �street. s�°a°!*°�O" n "CROWN"desire to be in the lime-ligbt hae ways and running into the same jFAM-OUS CROWN GANG
c ' net met with favor by the people. AAM 1rOR SALE OR TO RENT— -
- Tlmat trait seems to be character. dangers as they. The same warn- F 1a � goad clay loam. clean Viae•,a which is without a doubt the begirt
ing that the Americans are recei9- �ood well.,a running spring about 10 rods from THE PERR/N
fustic ai the family to which she Ga=m good brick dwelling. barns 164 teat is din low made
ing are as aplieable to the Caaadi- length am awn•stabling ander all,good oreb- <.. g p
I longs. The women's associa- ard.only two or tbr••miles from roar cinereas
aaa, - ratlway stations being los s4 oou,g.Whitby 1-_ L�.
' 11i�aa are wasting much energy in .beat Yhrws mi1a..•st iso®Brookliaaloaa"ire Also idle Dick, Fleury, Wilkin on, Sylvester, IIzblidge, eta..
�+ 3�ote8LiBg against her coDd�gCl, as ATMA �• Gy0 H JONae.riekarfng 8 O s96f -
A nee gloom wan cant over--i:h-5_ WE. HANDLE REPAIRS FOR ALL PLOWS
$will be useless and besides her FARM FOR SALT—One of the
very Ih pscaee�ns
oomduct, if all stories be true con- community on Wednesday wbeo it conwininissl54;a
le *li�O a o�e,�good bna� -- -
• was learnt that Mite Mary Stewart boars large orchards. onmbasidlagr now, e Solni ,coo-
warningGer. 3e such that !t will over 4 h 4 Dank bras t war. .cahlias for
li&d died suddealp thaE marsiag She c.br W baari at cattle. wick as, soa=r: nog --3ave little influence la the eoun- had been ill for,about a week with a pea bo too loag visa brick flobt sad,•meat
visited her aroopbrborne stable docred with paving J• •
Bold and the doctor had hriek al-a drpnon and sad man bog", Io
the previous night when she seemed all buildings dressed ,nobs=is Gerd,all palat /_
The Methodist Conference at to be recovering nicely from her in- ad on%be oumd* Address all oommaaioa- WHITBY. � _ ' ONTARIO
U01111111 so w.A. KMNZ. Sre"'a Corners P.Q, WHITBY.r fir/
'Vancouver has declared very disposition The deceased. who was oat. tea.
25 years of age. was most highly re. _
utroagly in favor of anion, much meted by tee community Her fun- sa * /1
is more so than did the Presbyterian teal will talcs place erlys afternoon w b of I M ! H 1 QOU'i OF GOOD CEINI 1Y - y
alialttembly at Halifax: Hoch hod- time Markham resets service will i _ ii
be held at the house at 2 o'clock.
',be are drifting gradually but sure- -� '
'+ ;Ibr is this direction. The Presby- _ scHoot. acpowta e l ! -
,;. - o a .. R e j.
lleriap body, while in favor of Brougham school report for August. S lg o j R .l O� c HIS- ,
..,- B U RL IN
t &uses in order of merit:Sr Ill—Roy
d �� C
_ nataioa, believe in going slow whale a 7 + �e� ae e. �ss _ -
iiesilinA with great gaestioas. I4 Yc(�regor, Carl Devitt~ Jr. III—Esu- } +' i Q Rae 2 i:y�
ra Baumbauer, Fred Middleton, Bra g is still in the old stand where 118 has a lull line of furniture conaistiag
:Shan always been characteristic of Hanson. sr II—Freak Stevenson, 3 g ='O b'+ of window shades, enrtain lea, house furnishings, floor oils and
r Alice Liscombe, Earl McLean. Jr. II i s � r 14 Po i
*is body to act with great dellb- p ` w linoleums, two and four yards wide. Coarse in and bear the Victor
8ration. The want to run no —Cecll Phillips, 'Basel Middletna. li a a 2 it t tis Gramophons. I keep in stock all the latest records and gramophone _
They Wilmot Shea. t. I—David Liscombe, Jaa
Ask in this matter. They wish to Pearl Phillips, David Hanson. Sr. 114 ••i nab It, needles. Cali and get$catalogue of all the latest Snags and band
aToid taking a step that they will Tablet---(Hadys Middleton,Gwendolyn �s � g !1 g • •.' M,y�s
pieces. LaRraving done on silverware of all kinds. Having boat
a the patent right of one of the best clothes reels in.Canada for the
sdterwarda regret. While they T - sw '�a townships of Pickering and Whitby I am prepared to supply all in
sea apparently making glow oro- lfo HAIR LRESSERB �) a g ' "•� Mali es need of a good reel.
a PPa y g
� �It does IIOL I;idlca.t8$ fdeling A BPt.lNDID BAiA TO-CIC THAT YAlzss � � + s ss . a :- Ja�7+°� ,� e� fir` serlin ,�olrume -
against union. .. Emucb iiucceding sHAv7TP'CL HAIR >S l! a g + .. g.pf ,
..p ass. ,.. a '
year sees the frw'a-aeUs becoming Every hair dresser should know v
mare-alike in many respects. It
about Parisian Sags. the quick-acting g e s. s o •a ge•• m,, 'Call and got prices and see cuts before placing your order.
—.. �..r hair dressing, that does just what this ea+ Dna
m ay be many years before a union ps r tells you it will do. January tri -Whitby t, oabawa f,, ssooffham
lie effected, but it cannot same too Parisian Sage is a most delightful 1s,Po=sP•erytT,v: 1s,Osaaiogsoa is :aCAREFL�L ATTENTION TO
and different hair dressing,a fact that B'av«sOn 1l,IUU
sono. Throughout the whole will be recognized the moment is is EMBALMING ,AND FUNERAL WORK
country there is a great waste of applied to the scalp. There is not a TIME TABLZ—Piokwiag akaden d.
ak6ne and ever in'maintaining particle of stickiness in it; it is not T.R. Trains going cad doe es follows—
Y energy g arta No, 6 Mail 8.0 A M. Phone might or da Bell or Independent.
g y; it has A delicate and refined 19 Lpoa! 2.43 P.M.
R y' !�
two, churches.. Every town odor,and is&truly invigorating tonic --
and villa a can give an illustration that will make hair ow, if the hair 14 hoosl 16.04 P.M•
8 g1 Trains going wed Ons ao follows—
rout still the o the east sign . life.
-of this fully. Particularly in the No. 13 Local 9.56 A.M. -�
- --r Try a bottle of Parisian gage. It will ,. il' Local 2.50 P.M.
'West where the population is brt'�hten up the hair in two days. ... 7 Mail Lao P.M.
store sparse do we nee the work of Parisian Sage is guaranteed by T. .Sunda.included. AND
tike two churches aper-lapping. M. McFadden to cure dandruff, stop _
falling hair any scalp itch in two . BRYAN
Two thatches exist when one weeks,or none back. It is articu-
would be quite adequate for the larly in demand by womeq of p rein Bd1i,BER,
ment who desire soft, luxuriant hair, ,
Ae%U of the-people. that compels admiration. Price 50 Tobaccos+ pi and smokers -
cents a large bottle by T. K, McFad sundries. Central office Hell Genuine chillies for whole pickles:
;.;''Very few people are at the pry den or direct, all charges prepaid, Telephone Co. easy for
ant time making• fortunes faster from the the Canadian makers, the Rolston Lain• Whole pepper, cloves, allspice, celery seed, mustard seed and sized
- Giroux Mfg. Co.,-Fort Brie,Ont. CLAREMONT. - , ONTARIO' picling spice. Ground per, cloves, allspice, cinnamon, turmeric.
that the manufactarete of auto- curry powder, ginger and cayenne pepper. -
sogliiles. It is -claimed by those
- who are familiar with the .busi Pickle crocks with white
'w =Z'E $E� aPREA.Z7F3 Beet white wine and fruit vinegar
am that to turn out a$2000 auto-
Salt in abundance.
mobile costa the manufacturer not We are showing a new line of white bed spreads_ at 41.00 and . - Our groceries are freshest ,
snore than$fico. It may be claim- $1.25, good value. White and grey flannelette blankets 10/4, 11/4 and Ask for coupons g
ed by some that the manufacturer `— \
1214 at$1.15, 1.40, 1.85 and 1.7a'. New shakers and skirtings, also Roz, GEO.pUI"r L� PHILIP, BROU�gA1Xl
ae robbing,the purchaser when he shirts, overalls, smocks, etc. We have an up-to-date stock of boots ll�lCCllrrl7rA'J
charges $9000 for a•$500 article. skid shoes for the fall trade—Hamilton and McLaren & Dallas makes.
.-3ht we all know that the price of Vinegars—white wine, malt and cider.. All kinds of spices, whole
anything is regulated by the sup• and ground. Pint, quart and half gallon sealers. Try oiir Red Rose BANK .
-ply and demand. The demand Tea and you will want no other.
-for automobiles is far in excess of
-She supply. Factories . every- ;_. Highest price for butter and eggs
�cpere are running to their fall 1973 -OF CANADA so '+—_,--
Y l3ra.chaa
sapacity, but notwithstanding GEO. A. GILLESPIE, - Dunbarton . MONEY ORDERS FOR SMALL SUMS
this they are far from keeping up I "
with the demand' with' the-result - safety, convenience and low Coit unite to make
, prices remain at the top 102%
Money Orders-issued by thin Bank a .tpost satisfactoryt► tch, sad the manufacturer ® 191019611111 way of sending small sums to any part of Canada.
would be foolish to sell below If you are thinking of purchasing come in and look around before Under $5 : . . 3c. 410 to $30 . . . .IOC.
*bat the urchaser is villin to � shirts, ttea, socks _ ' ' $ , , to = 0 . 15t» � f
P g buying elsewhere. Men a overalls, wtsrlc shirts, fine 5 to$10 . 6c. 334 S
_ spay.' The craze for autos is not sad smocks. Boots and shoes for all. - a �
aliminishing in the least but seems _
Drafts issued for larger m
u Ice cream (City Dairy)every Saturday night. Savings Bank Dgwtme>nt:at Evelry Bllusc,�t.^ p
4 - -to be on the increase. We believe
- i3:will prove ruinous to many as a We also handle Samson's well-known epodes, shovels, hoes, forks and �t
rakes. Always fresh groceries on hand. P I C K E R I N G ]BR A N C H
;neat sang are mortgaging their -- •
x d property in order that they slayc I.,&RENCK T. BATTT. Amager
F. }� Bulge in this luxury. A large A. M e 'G O R M LE Y, � '.D•u,nbarton SJLANCls �® AT CTBT. _
"„Si ... .v1. ': n S:S . v :: .. -,.l ..:.. ..,.x.::r.w .Y..b",. M... ," •f:-•�.'+. .\ 1. 'A4:ar tN {p ,.Y.y. �..' f.�'. ,, ;N, •�i••e �(•.:[:, 4'1t ..�'••�.r y;�
✓;1;.,. ;c �''•'+ vb 'Y s ', .:� '�^" +e a, ^�'"�"�< fs '.a.:.SaU m.,-• p... ,'y,g ,r. .-.y � R4• wS. ',syn •,nk.;
„,r,KR,=, 5"en,.",•rs�+.•... I PF
MW 77
,... .. +a •, rw. "'.SC.,
•.'.' . -nom X',..-L.;�..5 ...:. „' :.:+.'•. �+*G_ ,.h'.: :,r,w.�p.♦.. . .-,-v '.:'. ,, .r<- ':P
-. ..
yyam�,, .. •- . _ ♦ ..
j♦ v
&MONT - e0. Stokes and eon, Clarence, Graham Bros. as usual aro tak
F •'
were in the city on Tuesday
Ing a lar number of prizes for
G. H. auris sass in Toronto on ge "
Mrs. George Aatridoe, 01 Toron- their Clydesdale and hackney • • AT r.
Labor Day. to, returned home on SaturdAy horses at the Toronto Exhibition ball and see our New Spring Lines o1
Mr. and Mrs. Stranwerare visit-
after spendinga pleasant two
months with Phomas and b[ra. -=—,� of�. iia' , KRIU16- WOD EWE &nd CHILDREN'S F00�'�Fib� .
aben and Mrs. Besse were in Gibbons•
the city on Labor Day.. . {;,.M• Forsyth has enplaged Rus- i. 'Immersion in Diluted Formalin. at reasonable prices.
Mrs.Ales Wilson visited reh►-
eell Taylor to assist hits at his -Pour one-half pint of formalin (for-
_._ __ ..__�___.. . __.__
e live in Die city on Taesda�. ' farm work. Mr.Taylor is a.broth- mAldshyde) into twenty-one gallons ii R,� Flour and choice pastry flour always on
R. Bryan took i>a• the eights at of water. Immerse the grain in this
had In a man Mr.Forsyth reeeatly '
the Toronto •Exhibition on Tues- his employ. !or Iweaty mites- -- Rspsyiring neatly sad promptly attended to.
day h 8 !ding with Diluted Forma- „
)lits: M. Hesdereon' is apenditaA . An'interesting bowling match �;- se one plat of tormaiin to five The Corner Store. W. M. PAL ER Proprl+stQt' -
-. a few days with lrieads in th. �k place on the bowling green gallons of water; sprinkle over.the ”
ai sandbank on Labor Day. . The grain and stir till all the seed'is thor-
diliss hl moistened.
Tedder, of Denfield, is via- risk skipped by C. J. Brodie won o" Tmmeraioa in Bluestone Solution
;tang Mas. LeRgitt
for few ds." b five shote.' The following is ,Immerse the grain for twelve hours
e aCOre in a solution of bluestooe-one pound 1 y
this week. O.Florencel, , H. _ ICHARDSON'S
: George Lewis, of California, is _...W,Les r to twenty•Qve gallons of water.
a _;al Ing fri^nds nasi here fora . - All of these treatmeate have been _
:... few da". M.Henderson(Iskip)-14 lural Representative,of Whitby, will -
Mise Walks and Mies Rose, of George C,so t Sasst
per to pleased to give lurcher iaiorma>;ion t.abowmg o display of
Brooklin, visitedMrs. Dow one fist•Brodie on the matter it regneeted. f3hiaa. Avery Witsassortment st '
as last week. P.Maenab jr. - ��. Dolts, Toys, juN
Thomas and Mrh. <Stephenson J. Brodie(skip)-19 t
8tatwnary. Books �
spent Sunday' with friends on The 89th anniversary of fork in Chicago has reached the received for
We Holiday trade. 17a1!
l3cn og Islan •- the Claremont Baptist church will highest price ever touched in the and see them. �,•'.
aer-ow in h- . a cement -an Sunda sad Monday: Packing industry. -` - 9nheerinfion� Jarm fo• alt_ - _ _
platform laid down in cont o Sept. 18th•an t n - Weekly and Davy Newspapees --
_ -pump factory. Rev. H. Nobles, B.A., B. D., of _
Misses Flossie and Ma gie Morg- Toronto,will preach at 10.30 a. m. "
4 �7CT'. S. H. RIC�XA-MMSO.W,
an are spending a few ya with and 7 p.m. special music will be
Friends in Toronto• rendered by the choir, assisted by
Joseph and Mrs: Readman are NEAPIrs witha male quartet. On Monday even- � StTMt'
feieticlTe in Elm .nounle Of
-torm meating—Tee-will-be-ser - -
Brian Linton. we are sorry to from s.30 to 8 o'clock which will
report is seriously ill. We hope be followed si a choice literary
_for his speedy recovery. Ey
consisting of addresses .. _ ,
G. M. and Mrs. Forsyth spent a by neo. H. Nobles. of Toronto,
few days in the city this week at" Rev. Owen Gray, B•A., of Ux Plows .
EARS -We have shares for the following pl
tending the Exhibition. bridge. Rev. C. J. Loney, of --
' Rev. M. C. Tait and Miss Helen, stou-ffvnle, and the resident - Veru shame No. 15, 3 I%L, 21, 4, 4a, 10, 7. �}
Wallaceburg, spent Monday ministers. The musical part of Gangs-Ontario No. 2, New Century. Imperial Jr.
with Claremoiat friends. the program will be given by the Cared by Lydia L Pink- Fleury Noe. 12 and 21. Imperial and National Na 8
Miss Lillie Thomson and Mrs. UxbridgeBaptist cboir and will Wilkinson Noe. 21, 7, ¢, 10 and No. 2 gang. . Waterloo No. 7
Ciudge and son, of Buffalo, are consist f anthems, solos. guar- baffi'SVCgC161eCtl1l3pOtind Frost sit Wood Noe. 18 and 20. Henry Allen No, 7.. P. Hamilton No.!I
V sting their relatives bare. lets etc. Recitations will be giv- _ Patterson Noe. 11:12 and 18. Sylvester Nos. 7 and 8
Thomas Gibbons spent a couple en by Miss Maud Gregg, of tTz- Fox ensk. N•B.-',`I ba ve always «
pe ns fIi the loins and a weak. Uxbridge Nos. 4, 5 and 7. Cockahatt Nip, Punch, Jody.
hof days in the city visiting friends bridge. Come and have an enjoy had P� 101 a and Gangs--Twin Gang, Kidd, Maple Leaf
-Mand also attending the Exhibition. able evening. Admission 25 cents. often altar Percival No. 10. Kangaroo No. 8I
W. A and Mrs, Wallace, of meals my food
Kars, is the Ottawa Valley, spent would distress me Shares for 42 different kinds of plover at a prigs ,.
'Sunday with G. M. and Mrs. For- �OT°L+'Q � � 9�4 and cause sore- that will hold the trade.
nees. Lydia 2.
geGarnep and Mrs. Bandy, of To- bele k�mpound has CHARLES SARGENT)'SARGE N T �cLA:�EMoNT
3 ronto. spent Sunda here with the
Yormer's pare-101, Wm. and Mrs. - done I a mach =- -
• _ '; good I am strop
-_ --Bundy.
't e r.digestion>s be�
miseee Ra Sharrsrd and-Ruby_ �itv of t�rvmaIhs� Pukersse sadl_can walk-
rs. Fred Cowie visit- County ojOetarro. with atabition 1 AMN
ed friends in Green•River 'on Fri- Notice is hereby given that I have have encouraged
last, transmitted or delivered to the per-
many mothers of
�amee Gregg. of Pittsburg'. Ps.. sons mentioned in Sections 6 and a of families to take it,as it it the beat ream•• »� *M•gnu" �•�"
is the guest of John and Mrs. the Ontario Voters' List Act, 180,and edy In the world. You can publish this
seta amending the same, the copies in the papera" -Mra WILLIAf[ ; -
Gregg, of North Claremont fora required b said sections, to be so BoLrmq . Foz Creek. I _H Csa t y
flew das. trammitted, or delivered of the Lisa one�'b1 the than.
- The Misses -Hamilton returned made pursuant to said Act, of all per. The above is only t
on Friday event o last from s �,na appearing by the last revised As- sands of grateful tetter t
gg °7L
1pleasant visit to frieads in Wroz- sessment Boll of the said Municipality constantl9 being
eter and Chealey. entitled to vote at Elections-for mem- pinkham medicine ey�ay o! yrm,
Mira Ruby Sherrard,of Toronto, bets of the Legislative Amembl and Mass.,which prh& beyond•doubt that - I i .•
- returned home on Thursday atter ac 9Luateipal 6leetions,and mid List Lyda H Pink
m's Vegetable Com-
nasi• caade from Too*A and herbs.
was first n in my office at actual does care these obstinate die.
ssppeennding a couple of weeks with whitavai.opn t�et day of 8eptem-
,..18iss Ruby Farmer. bar. 19M sad remains there for in- asses of"amen atter all other such sa! � _ +�C 'Paint W�t�
Rey Baaiohr, of the Stuade►rd spection. have fatted, sad that every , .
i Bask, Newtosville, was home ow tering woman owes it w herself to a f� ,
Blectore are called upon to examine leastLydias Vegeta- The Vuar,ant�
er Snaday He ezpnwm himself said Lists and it any omissions or nth• eve L E.trial
-.. ble Compound s trial Dafors submit
site well pleased with his now sign- or errors are found therein, to take _
\ • anon. immediate prrx•.eeding to have said-
--Tto an operation, or givllig np - --
hope o!recover7. whute base
gesbe consists of __ R
Heavy rains fell here on Mon- errors corrected rcocdiag to taw. Mrs.pinkham, of Lynn.]! ass.,
day sad Tuesday Which was wel- Dated at Whitevale.
Sept.4 1910. invites all sick women i o write --
' cowed by the farmers• Water _ DONALD R BRATO1Y, �, for advfe& She Mks her
R mm's 8. IL G11u
has$owed is the drains for the clot of the Tp. of Pickering, thousands to health a�
Whitevals, Ont.
Stet time since early Iasi spring. 49-b1 advice b free. D G*VL StaIIdald White Ltad ,
>E''low' g ay now be proceeded �' - . -
rogith leve-t d has had s Q r '
thorough soaking. �& 4 . 3 p -
Josbus and Mrs. Bundy left one. Do '
-'slay Iasi; week to spend a month
: ed b the Cost on the cM
:_•or two at o th it summer cot- . . :B�,(�Ajrjg �i'QR THIS WEEK -f�j�� guarantee—riga y parry—goes .. -
tages at Hamiloint, Muskoka. '
They spent the early part of the Just a minute spent to read this ad. will save you some dollars yo sales, in addition to black and white.
there, but having rented See the things we are selling for
their cottages carne home for the "2 cant pink salmon . 6 lbs. white benne a�
mouths of July and August.
7 lbs. rolled oats C 8 lbs. pearl barley •
We congratulate J. G. Borland 8 lbs pure rice ,�!� -4 lbs. Pearl tapioca- _ - ei
on his success at the Toronto Fair. $lbs. split peas •••/ 3 lbs, currants t � C�arem
011t � •�
Chas. sa' rgenHe took first on his brood mare, i first on her foal, third on a year- pickling spices, the best, all fresh.
Ung filly, first on two-year-old Preserving jars 65c, 75c, 95c. w
Allies and also first and third on Vinegare-white wine and cider xzz y
mare and two of her progeny very strong. ouaranteed to keep your pickles S1Nltt Is
' 'bis is a record of.which he may ve on sampled our teas, Rood black or mixed tea 6 lbs. am*kud Vf�
feel proud. TEAS-Ha y. p _
The well-known stock men. for$1.00, also oar black.and mixed 26c lb:; others Bell it at 80c .lb.,
Messrs. Miller Bros., have loon, also 40e and 50e teas, Our coffees are the best, fresh ground while ��liNOe Q��sa� � z-
=:: r t prize.on their bull for which you wait. Our groceries are perfectly sanitary, nothing exposed to _
-they paid*2000 about six -weeks dust. Every bin and drawer contains sanitary covers. ,
Ago to Mr. Leask, of Greenbank. 1 s
' to whom they sold it for some he*260 I). -SI M PSON & Co., - PIC gE RING4•
a year ago last winter. Thy Of all materials and design
been offered a very high figure forBUY THE HARROW WITH THE GREATEST CAPACITY Ta oe MAWS kept in stook. It will pay you ,
!this animal since the opening of AND LIGHTEST DRAFT C lm 10 call at our works and 1pspeof Our alost
the Toronto Fair. Besides occur- - �
,.. -. and
. sonatas a otabeb sa�p�R10MTs� obtain prices. Don't be mteledby
'Ing first prize this bull also won �' ,kr aaaaeeatn o@ oWnlon - 6ethw•n seers/s we do not employ them,sonsequais
the grand championship. -�- EBISSELL . oa"°0n°diOr °a " 17 we can, and do throw off the agssb
Mr. McGinty, who this year had osasic oommiaionai 19 per oent.,whiohyon wig.
charge of laying new cement side- P'i°°`o�" �LOiinaa ~
„ serol noNo..wltLoase,ra the oa11 solicited.
by >t�b �from aa. `
char in Claremont, finished his Thousands of Canadian farmers have tested the "BISSELL
Disk Harrow �{�
contract last ween• Being laid in the same field with other makes and found that the "BIs"LL" has the Wof 1C WHITBY OItANITE CON
with a slight face outward-=one- greatest capacity and lightest draft. Because of the special shape of "Bis- A nanaaoo r mIU' ='"s"t"h` 'Whitby.onarla
with inch in the four feet-it dif- saLL"plates they cut into the ground easier. They turn all the soil, whereas on or seloageo 100 - geoid Cmao+
other Disks only scrape it or set it on edge. The "BISSELL"does clean work Au ��tt;T
r`Viers slightly in appearance from where others make a ragpgedlac.wsnrrnsros.> E. W. 131 V ANsf
Chat laid during the last two seas ob of it. Steel scrapers _ 11
ons. The work was done in a - -• ' •- - . _ Ih bion"ani emlo
_... _very thorough manner,looks well, _ ble"ce
m the t-
ea el lash The Pickering . pip 1�aIIilfactUr -
.nod will, we have no doubt, be, a d irons keep the ab.
chine free from dirt or trash.
Asnbatantial and permanent. - The "BIs$XLL" stays right v1 186IICe (rjommlttee shop and'Residence, Dundas std
One of the ladies of the -village down to its work. It won't
-has strong reasons for complain- bind,buckle or hump up in
rust the cowardly actions the centre no •matter how The object of this-Aasociation is to WHITBY, ONT.,�,
Ing against lessen stealing and prosecute-
,of some party or parties in the stiff or hard the sail may be. the felons. Three doors loser o! Whitby Sansei.
village. Some time ago she was Itis built to withstand the e
badly frightened by a stone fill _ .<. hardest usage. A simple lfemberhawing props ety stoleu oommant• . r
tag t' - method o!=shoring the dnv- �immediately wi�t�h any member We are prepared to instal wood or lima
- througli one of her windows, antier's- weight removes neck of E:ecative demmitfee. pumps on short notice,also atteni- - `
.'the same cowardly act was repeat %W110 weight. Itis the harrow you 1[ombeeship foe 1~1.60• to all kinds of repairing. k
Ad on Monday evening of this should know more about. So
Trokele way be bad Qom the preotdaat•or;
week. Actions of this kind are write Dept: 21 for catalogue seemisri on appuoauan• 'Agent for the Ontario Wind Milt,
cowardly and uol
particular) so
nmanly at any or nee your local dealer, also gasine engines and v
time but are in a T,' E. BISSELL CCS. Exec. Com.-I.• J. Banks, Cleo, Lens, the squre gear ,
cage of this kind when the offend- LIMITED, iLORA• ONT. W. V. Richardson,Pickering, Ont wti
ed party is a woman. Should it J,A, OtCORttOt't Arthur J6 eyt MA(INET CREAM0atre SEPARATOR
be continued steps will be taken ( preeidsa0. Secretary phone N 60 residence.
brie the enlprig to justice �i SOId by HOS Ea -TURNER, Whitevalei..A11t. °
o a des
.. to g - •� x ry..,: eMr z°:.t F,. w,"�' s.'�'` ...���'
.. ...:, , _ ,.." r. ;,.^ 'si a. s,y rt ',., n-. - Y - � ,Oi,�..!'!t«. ,.•.ifs ,,,d.'�yv. ,..,,. y..Rn ;, ... ..{...
^ -. :.x....o
,.x.5 ,l%p` v:,.•, a�,} ,fi1A.,;Yr 5-.. rte:-
.'sT. < .w !^' y,•
ts7s't...ptv.. , w -,•,+;Sad v .. s k, .w •... +,
r .. Lfr "[ �— '' ��_ ' •. „� .— � .. nT.�ffd/.K•"9.Y,'.e-A,'4s'^'u'A�EC'�}+•{`17�rs 1+.. . N .ell
�G75'?Z-.'�aArvfe^::,K vti»,t-e:.� „eW,v I e.H.5.9y,Y.W.. •z'
-- ----- - � ' ,
: .
_REGA IRM.HEALTH Ha,been canaaWs favoritt3
INTERNATIONAL LESSON, g Yeast over a quarter of a
UVIY Seiplees and Friends Did — _
- Not hpat Her t9 het B9EG er. ._. ` century.' Enough for 5 eta
'; ";'The � ,, ,
a The great fame of Dr. Williams Lesson ZI. Hing s Marriage to produce 50 la,><'ge Iosies� � '• '
Pink Pills is due to the fact that Feast, Matt. 22. 1-14. Golden of fines Wholesome, nOur-
they have restored to active health
and strength hundreds of people Text, Matt. 22. 0 bread.4.
all other treatment had fail- '' d� DO not eZpei`inient--therQ j '
ed to cure, and who had come to Verse 1. Jesus answered-His re-
believe themselves hopeless, •chro- sponsNaga
e to their attempt to lay hold i9 nothing ",just as gam:'
nic invalids. The case of Mrs. on him was to give the third of the )
Henry Britton, 1884 Alexander parables on judgment. IL W. CILLETT CO.LT-God -Othe 0.
X1117,anotheZLvCUUCr'strikin roof to the truth passages may be com &red with °O •
of .thin
as giopn. Mr.. Britton profiti�(Blatt�8. 11; 85. p10; 8 Cor. a Axl hOO°p a
A all CrnWan
writes as follows concerning his 11. 8; Rev. 18. 7; 81. 8). The mar- " 'i """�• '
wife's long illness and ultimate riage feast was' the most,import- ,
rough-ths-use- of Hr-i'4'.ik int-a ta-t evlt in the life of a ..
Hama' Pink Pills. "It is a simple family, and where wealth permit-
thing to recommend Dr. Williams ted waa a most elaborate affair. -
s, and-yet-it is difficult-to- According to New Testament re called: but only a few N f� pound "culverins," firing a 17 1-4
ea rens full oar's heartfelt grafi- holism, this would be the marriage
hough of the former, and not all of thea LIONS OF BRITISH NAVYpound
shot; fourteen "demi-cul-
tubatter, were chosen." It is God verins," 3,400 pounds in weight and
de for such-s, marvellous remedy, of Christ and the church, 't
las they have restored my wife to the bride is not mentioned, and who both calls and finally chooses. firing a e pound shot, and nine 1.-
and strength after the beat the s8n is introduced, apparently But every man has his destiny-in WAR VESSELS THAT HAVE 400 pound "sakers" with a b pound
efforts of the medical fraternity had only to emphasize the lavish splen- his own keeping. BORNE THE NAME. shot: These constituted the "beau) _
failed, or ears Prior to our dor of the feast. armament." In addition there were ,
" ,l
__coum ng.. Q�sn since- re Bidden-ThechambFeis, and ons-- _ - f -The _
ime up to about three years ago, Jews would not come to the feast, The New Lion Could Defeat Whole longest ranging gun wag the demi-
y wife had been subject to severe even though participation is its WESTERN IDEAS IN CHINA.
- illnesses from what the doctors said generous bounty was the sum of all -- __ Fleets of the Old calvaria, which was effective at
was chronic anaemia• 'She was ut- Spread Timers. twenty score paces.
good. This is the amazing feature Pend of Militarism and Modern TheGoldenLion is often referred-
erly and entirely helpless, and so o! the parable, that men should re- Education. , to without the gilding adjective.efer.
eek that she had to be lifted in fuse what God has graciously done The name of Devo>z;.ort a new
and out- of bed for weeks ata Dr. Gell, the American traveller, and when she was rebuilt in 1609 it
for their highest we-.-being. There who has already crossed China five cruiser is not one of the happiest was officially discarded. She sailed
atretch. The trouble was aggra- is a climax in their refusal. First,_ in our naval annals although there
vated by recurrent rheumatism and the are unwilling; then, they treat j times, has completed a twelve with Draake to Cadiz in 1587 to singe
y. y p are few indeed that can rival it in the Kin of $ ain's beard much
y g months' tour of all the provincial
` - heart trouble. She had no appetite the invitation disdainful) finally, capitals of the Empire, says. the point of antiquity, says the Lon --
or•strength for anything. I em- Iagainst.the-inc lination of her skip-
y g' some stoop to abuse and murder. London Standard. During a long,l Globe. Four hundred years ago-!per, one William Borough, '`a dia-
- played the best medical attendance 4 - Other servants-The first overland journey to Cheng-tu, in in ,1511, to be exact-English ship-, tinguished navigator and hydrogra.
and nurses procurable. The doe- in 'in the North Sea suftered much
for gave her tonics and ordered
group (3), possibly representing the I Szechuan, he passed through parts P g pher, but no warrior. Drake's
simply summoned those annoyance at the hands of one An-
r beef tea and wine. The tonics and prophets, p y of Kwangsi and Kwanohau, where drew who with Andrew plans struck him as pure madness
medicine would relieve her fora
who were already invited. These the people had never before seen a I and he did little to further the op-
tiaie, and then she would slip back later servants are, perhaps, the white. Here he visited a tribe, wood was one of the commanders stations.
' apostles. The patience and genet of the fleet of James IV. of Scot-
once more into the old state-but p whose women wear a dress resemb- The result was that Bor ugh was
worse it anything. Then to began osity of the king are in keeping ling Scotch kilts. Dr. Geil says:-, land. These men voyaged under tried on board the Elizabeth Bona-
with the character of God as re- letters of marque and were remark- venture b
-One of the things that remain y a primitive court-mar-
giving her advertised remedies,but vealed in his dealings with Israel. uppermost in my mind is the gener- ably impartial in their attention&. tial, and sentenced to "abidt the
all seemed of no avail. One even Until men have finally and deliber- apapirit of revolution which I met However, the Government of the pains of death, but he outlived
F ing while reading a newspaper I be con day took no notice.of their depreda- both the sentence and his quarrel
ately spurned his favors, with. By this I do not mean an
happened to see an advertisement ; tions and at last the Earl of Sur
- _f- - . 1<tnues to.__sea _them out, saTtnE, ,_anti dynastic or anti-fote?gn feel- with brake and commended this
Br---Wrllisms' -P�k Prli-s-'- _it Come. rcy- took _iaatters tato _.his---own- &�navoiia against .
told the case of a noun woman ing so much as what I would call gainst rhe. t�inia a
g All thin are read There is no heads, fitted out two ships at his that fight
who had been a great sufferer from y- an 'anti-baby' movement. Particu- ght the Lion was -
g human need for which God has not larly among the ecnolars and °we, expense and net ills own Bona
`aaaeimia. and who testified to bsv: �� rich and fitting provision, thinking-men men the opinion prevails
-Lord Edward and Lord Thomas SECOND FLAGSHIP.
* ;lag been cured through the use of g: P P Howard-in command of them
s - - S. They made light of it - The that China is passing through a having Lord Thomas Howard as liar .
i these Pills: The case. seemed to _ p g g Barton had two ships with him, but
- gdescribe ve closely the symptoms tragedy of human life is, 'that it can critical period of her history, and p commander.
� become so absorbed is the farm � they were scattered by a storm, � It was a new Lion. that fought
f m wife, and although I had there is a feeling of resentment that
_ y g and merchandise as to become un- C The same thing happened to the the battle off the North Foreland
jopretty nearly lost all hope of her a bah should be on the throne at Howards' ships, but in the end is 1853. Twenty ears later tier
g again, concerned with mattert: of highs such a uncture. p y y
_. ever being well I decided top Lord Thomas fel[ in with Barton
'eget a supply of the Pills and_ur p p other Scottish ship. •• bat-
v B�Tres ed h f the who be- himself and his brother with the Captain Jolla To play she tack�8r
I have attended provincial par-
'her to.. use. _them. My wife was Iy- Laments, I have visited schools and tie t the STorple she t arta
ithoroughly disheartened, and said characteristic.o I am surprised at the reality of the
she expected it was only another gins by 'ignoring with an air of su- desire to bring China up to date. Stout fighters as the Scots were is the action with the..French p o!!
- the result of the actions was to add
erior indifference the claims of re- In Kwan Beachy head in 1890 which brought
Lease of money thrown away. How- p gsi the great copper can- two.ships to the navy of 1511, one so much contumely upon Torring _
r . ever, she began taking, the Pills, ligion that he ends by'treating the tre, I found a large school and a Barton's own ship, the Lion, o! 120 ton, but the ship had the satisfao-
s land I thank God she did, for after messenger of religion
with sulleg widespread desire on file part of f tone, and the other the Jenny Pea'- tion of sharing in Russel's great t=
' she had used them for a-time, she anger. Having refused Gods the young men to take the full mod- win, of seventytons, Barton him-
victor ati $arflear two era--later.
felt they "were, helping her. -From grace, it hurts his pride and stirs era curriculum. There I found the self was killed and the affair led to y 3
--. 'that time on her appetite came his will into rebellion-,to have the !youngest Governor of China him- war and It is not until 1745 that we again
(back, her color began to return, invitation pressed. +self attending classes on interna- find a Lion in action. This time,
commanded by Capt. Piercy Brett, -
and she who had been looked upon 7. The king was wrath-An evi- tional law. His private secretary THE BATTLE OF FLODDEN.
she endeavored to prevent the flight
y _ as a helpless invalid began to take deuce that in the love of God is a s a graduate of Cambridge. In the
a new interest in life, She -con. fire which blazes forth at last remote province of Kwachau I I"ng Henry's answer to James of the Young Pretender from Scot
tinued taking the Pill&, and agaigst persistent, unchangeable found that the prefect was erecting 1V's complaints of the attack on land to France, but the Lion came
? them her health continued refusal to have the gracious bene- a great block of almshouses capable I Barton was to the effect that "pun- off decidedly second best in the en-
throughishia pirates was never held to be counter and retired with 5& killed
to improve, until at last we gere fits of that love, The armies-It of accommodating hundreds of per- a breach of the we.-smon rine- and 107 wounded, of whom seven
r- able to heartily congratulate her may be the Romans whtf buri"e�i sons, and he--find --established 8 g
upon be complete restoration to their city, are called his because school for the study of silkworms," es," died-later.
health. Dome three years have providentially used by him to bring Referring t& the spread of mili- Curiously enough another Lion In 3;59 the Lion was present at
was taken from the Scots in 1547, the taking of Guadeloupe, where
sf�6 passed, and in that time she an end to the murderous rulers of tarism in China, Dr. Geil says that g p
has never been bothered in the Jerusalem. `everywhere he saw evidences of a but 'she received such,severe pun- her captain, William Trelawneyr�
slightest degree with the old tr_ou- 8. His servants-The first Chris- general plan for"the preparation of ishment at the hands of the Pansy was wounded. Twenty yearn later,
1,11e. Her cure has astonished ev- tian preachers, who went forth to an enormous army. Not only in the that she sank off Harwich before fighting under Byron off Grenada.
rryone %ho knew how ill she had the partings of the highways (9), provincial capitals, but in the amal- she could be carried into port. she had a narrow escape.from cap-
The first Lion actually built for ture. Byron conducted the battle
been, and we acknowledge with where the roads from the Gentile ler towns, drilling was in constant y
the navy dates from 1536. She was in anything but a capable manner
heartfelt thanks our gratitude to country led into the city, and there progress. l-
- a vessel of 140-tons, but carried no although the ineptitude of the _ t�
Dr. Williams Pink Pills which lit- found both bad and good (TO), sag- fewer than'fifty guns; two of brass French prevented it frombeing the r
i, Orally brought her back to health reifyithat, in the matter iit- g'
„ ng er onv
and forly-eight of iron, but it is crushing defeat it ought to, have
from the brink of the grave. ing, there is to be no discrimias-
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure tion. AEW WAR APPLI i\CES. doubtfi of -any of them fired a been. The Lion and two other ships
such cases as this in just one way it. The kin came in to behold .� shot or more than twelve pounds were cut off from . the Wain' body- R
y the guests-This is a scene of Novelties Which Have Recently weight.. The heaviest naval gun in and Byron in his official report ex-
use setas)) make new blood, use fifty years later fired a shot pressed his "great, surprise", that
which fills the depleted veins and solemn judgment. It is not enough Been Invented. ,l
brings new strength to every nerve to have been invited and to have of only sixty-six pounds and the no ship of the enemy was detach-
bri everyorgan in the ever :Year- An illuminating shell, which ,Ark. Royal, of 800 tons, flagship is ed after the Lion.
ga m)lde formal acceptance. There i
b all the everyday ailments of life bursts into (tame in the air and the armada''campaign, mounted
Y y y still remains the inescapable ecru-
9r as a temporary searchlight, is only four of these: During the -"9r
come from poor or watery blood, tin of the Kia The question of
and it is because Dr. Williams' Pink fitness is not finally settleby mem- amongst the latest ideas of war in- next two centuries we find all sorts
Pills make new blood that they bershi in the- visible church. ventors. This shell, which has of varieties on the name which AN ARMY OF TURKEYS.
;1 , to severs teat-. would er- VircountelliS Clifdsa gavil +_ n---ure'anaemia, indigestion, - A man who had not on a wed- , s `
aches, sideaches and backaches, able an Admiral, for instance, to onport s cruiser. arrival of the turkey seIlers in
ding garment-This was a violation see the vessels of an enemy's fleet- There were "Red Lions," "."White
rheumatism, neuralgia, general of the regulations of the feast, slid Madrid, Spain. Each one conducts
at a distance of seveial miles, the Lions," "Golden Lions," a numerous arm i
weakness and the ailments that was a serious offense. To be in na- „ ROS y of well-fed f u
rowing girls and women do not light burning long enough for the Lions, Two Lions and whole keys, and half the town turns out• L
seemly attire at a "festive occasion gunners to et the range. It is a broods of "Lion's Whelps,"" these to see the procession. The way
ike to talk about, even to their of such importance was disres ct g g g p '
p Pe French invention and not unlike last frequently built in batches and
octors. If you are weak, sick or q y one-man, with only a long slender
to the king. The man w e i uminatin shell which has numbered, like the torpedo boats
riling, no other medicine will cure less c sa there -was,no g p rod, can marshal some hundreds
on .so quickly as Dr. William ' been adopted by-the German Gov- of to-day. Among these, however, of noisy birds through the traffic
K . excuse for coming unprepared. 'As ernmeat. .The latter is a projectile, one rticular "Golden Lion''
ink Pills, Sold kine p 1 and past other troops is astound-
is the parable of the virgins, £ime filled with,calcium carbide, which
dealers or y mail at 50 cents a hoz Was allowed t°' provide oil so here STANDS PRE-EMINENT. ing. Not only has he to keep his
boxes for 8.80 from the Dr. p breaks into game as it falls into subjects under the closest surveil-
, there must have been ample oppor- the sea, where it floats. 1
,Williams Medicine Co., Broc)<- tunity to dress properly. The She was built'in 1582, had & ton- lance, but iia must be prepared for
Ville, Ont. Another novelty.in war. applianc- nage of 500 and was manned with a the attacks of starving vagabonds
'.' ment, then, refers to the char-
gar es has just been secured by the
anter which.a man bears, whether l crew of 250 soldiers and 160 maria- who wish to obtain a turkey lunch-
rest' firm of Krupp. It is an air
f RESPONSIBILITY. good or bad. To be disobedient to g pp' OTs v, eon for nothing.
• '_" ITER RE g torpedo w ich is reported to be ... • 'i '`
the King's will in this matter is to p° Her armament consisted of sixty
"Susannah," asked the preacher g one of the liest instruments of pieces of what in those days passed -
'When it came her turn to answer
put oneself on the aide of those who warfare yet devised. It is to be for ordinance. These were four
• the usual question in such cases lightly or violently refused the in- introduced into the German army. "demi-cannon," the weight of the The old_ cow has the milkman
y'- "do you take this man to be; our vltatiob. and navy. Other recent inventions
y y- y• gun being 4,000 pounds and. of its beaten,to a frazzle when it comes -•
1 ,wedded husband for.better or. for A. There"shall be the weeping- are the anti-airship gun, a shrap- shot 30 1-4 pounds; eight 4,500 to giving real milk.
Iwor0-7" This is said, not-by the king to the nel grenade ' adapted for use with `
`. 'J es, as. he is, parson," she in- servants (in this case the angels), the service rifle, and a new auto-
iterrupted! "Jes as be.is. Ef he but by Christ to his hearers by way uratic gun ' mounted on a motor AXLE GREASE {
Bits any bettah ah'll know de goold of explanation; is the outer dark- truck, said to be capable of con- I _
Ladd's gwine to take 'im;ah' of-he nese there will be remorse marked veying a supply of ammunition and
b gnashing of teeth, 'an evidence is the turning-point to economy
= its any wnaser, w'y ah'll tend to y $ g a'crew of ten men twenty-five-miles in wear and tear of wagons. Try
ati ;
•myself:" of the rebelliousness which makes an hour along ordinary roads, and trbe:e-£vcrpdealer everywhere. ---
+,• the doom fitting. to fire 31b. shells a distance of
Don't look for trouble. You'll 14. Many are called, but few three and a half miles at the rate I CA The Imperial Oil Co.rl.
4` bump up against M coon enolichosen-"All the Jews and all the of 250 shots a minute. &,.tut.�`�''m` °CRY OU�'M
�f�i`i �"�"` a.p. 1e,wYe.,. ,.. .� ,:• ,. . _:. .. .,s. _- .> .L: .,.. ..k .O Y•Y LY•^.... •tib.y � "+a
f r,,,..,p .. i .,.� } •.',.r., •;.. .. r- . .i' .M.,.-::-r S'K..- ^•...+a,;. >,, :. ,,.,,,' ':a ^,. r''+K. .n.r..�...q• '.'4',b
'fi,,.rv. , s S< ..�.- .ar �, ,,.. •C; h.-.•,(,e4�,•.. +-'!-.6.-. .. -:�.�, ;+'�. ..e:. .x r,, .•;;=,ter' rz+,,.�•,- t a
e�t^ • � r..y?...,,y... :�% a,•. �: ^"+t',c.'-"•-'�'.• - .. w.
- y
l -
._. • ., y ..., ;:� ..►+iMla.cw• ..yPliyAr/,TtYsr .,.,r. .a,. .
aNurFt-xs,a+ .Y
.. --- —.-;+ -•... ..-.eH:r*.uKx;,.ai4�:orw�•.�:.o...woof-+^'s..<vr�-,;:•,riaae+r�.as:rtr:•no�me�am,rwrar..'+�nw�•ra;•u.sd^•`••wr.+^+ka�w�an6�r�+�"",••^ew ��.+snu�a,:x�ar�.a`,.eosc4rr...ua.�.�:,erm. • -a,•5r»'�• •ywrarae.� �_:,.sx�'
Henry the Third believed in plea- <Fascinating at First, but the Crsv. r
Five Doctors Failed to Believe,tial ty of food at the Festive Beason. ---stop the meanest,nasdest,most persistent headaches in he; as
- Zam-Buis Worked s Ctue. ing Causes Intense Agony. In 1247 he celebrated Christmas at
hour or less. •We .guarantee that they contain no optima ,T
Mrs. Chas. Levers, of Prescott, "There is no drug so fascinating Wjncheater Castle, and the dainties morphine or other poisonous drugs.tic.abox at your-:Uggists', z
24orth Channel, Ont., tells how in its perfect relief of discomfort, for the Royal table included or by mail from 2e,
e Zam-Buk cured her bas She osye: fatigue, mental worriment and boars, 1,906-fowls, b00 partridges, tt uoaa secs..d � � 'e v e- a °--. ,
"My baby's head and face was one sense of exhaustion as cocaine;" 41 swans, 48 peacocks, 260 hares,
complete mass of sores. The itch- says the Medical Record. "The im- 24,E eggs, and 300 gallons of oy- VERY BTIN(#ING.
ing and irritation were fearful,.and 'pression which follows from its use stere. The cost of the bread was
the little one's plight was so serious is that of renewed vigor and un- 287 lOs. at four loaves a penny. Considering the number of repu- The IUtiOnel Life requires z
that one time we feared her ears usual capacity, as if some new force talions that are mauled around
would be eaten o8 by the disease. ' has been added. The souree of all intestinal trou- around during its session, a quilt- AGENTS atallunrepre-
"We had to keep her hands tied "The first after effects, following bles is the common-shouse 11y; his ing bee seems to have. about as seated points
for days to prevent her rubbing and the withdrawn are of short dura- buzz is the first symptom 'of ty- many stings as any other member to sell Insurance. Ours is ? }
scratching the sores. Diictor after tion and not especially painful. of ,the family, — -
- doctor treated. her in vain, un ' p1;o[d: Wilson's Fly Pads are the of the highest grade only, r
we had had five doctors. They all The pain takes on a mental acti- only age a so t at we can engage
p The Real Liver Pill.-A torpid
agreed it was a frightful case of ec- vity, a species of irritative melan- TAKES IT SERIOUSLY. liver means a disordered system, '
zema, but none of them did any cholic and profound exhaustion „ mental depression, lassitude and in
permanent good. which seeks relief at all times and "i suppose you know Borem, the end, if care be not taken, $ tr
1 As a last resource we were adHIGH GRADEMEN
- under any circumstances. remarked Wiseman. chronic state of debility. The .
vised to try Zam-Buk. The first box "Nature seems to protest "Only just well enough to say, very beat medicine to-.arouse the
did so much good that we felt sure against the physical and psychic 'How are you?' " replied Markley. liver to healthy action is Parme- only. „Gentlemanly, persis-
we were, at last working in the injury done in the most alarming "Well, don't_do it.'_' __ -
ri ht direction. We persevered way. This is seen in the facial a "Don't do what?" tent, enthusiastic, laugh
g p. y. g- �� compounded of purely vegetable eat mea- command high
I with the treatment until we had ony of the cocaine taker when de- Dont say How are you?' for if substances of careful selection and g S ;
used thirteen boxes, and at the end prived of.the drug. His sufferings you do he'll hold you up for .a no other pills have their fine qua- salaries. :,.'
of that time I am glad to say Zam- are internal and not seen in mus- quarter of an hour or so.and tell lities. They do not gripe or pain This territory may be open.
Buk hitd effected a complete cure." cular excitement. The profound you." and they are agreeable to the most
-- - For eczema, eruptions, rashes, change that follows its use in the - - sensitive stomach. -- - -- - - Write to-day to - ---- ��
tetter, itch ringworm and similar uiet faceserene satisfaction and Pale. sickly _ -- ="
skin dise 'r on erfe re i s evi ensue of-its e - Mother Graves' Worm Extermina'
equal. It also cures cuts, burns, seta. tor. Worms are one of the prin. "What is it do i ou suppose, that Assurance Company
scalds, piles, abscesses, chronic "There appears to be amore cipal causes of suffering in chis• keeps the moon n place and pre-
sores, blood poisoning, etc. All pronounced susceptibility to. this dren and should be expelled from vents it from falling?" asked Ara- HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO
dtuggists and stores at SO cents a drug than to alcohol or opium. the system. minta. - 4
box, or post free for price from very few cases are found in which _ !'1 think it must be the beams," ,y
1:am-Buk Co., Toronto. Refuse im- the effects are unpleasant. Many. =.ESKIMO CANDY. - replied Uharlie, softly. Look a man in the eye when you
ations, persons become alarmed when , have anythin to say to him-like- T' l
,K they discover its tremendous fas- Tallow is the.Eskimo s candy. It that a now in I g — y - _
cinating effects and make great el- is put up in bright red packages a et; t ar wrs mu c.--
s-tu-escape. In-their-efforts-tc ads 4-water .fuwl_,kitsACn and dining.room were pro
Fred-"I made-the mistake of my accomplish this they turn to mor- The women eut off the red feet of baba feastin on some inde%nib- ffolletray'8 Cora Cure is s aped- —f•
'life two years ago. I turned down phine spirits and other drugs. this bird which is called the dove- y S 9c for the removal o! corse dna ';
able nastiness less than an hour,
warts. _We have sever heard of its
�a leap-year proposal because the "A great many cocaine takers in kie, draw out the bones and blow ago, and as a single fly carries
4p' I couldn't crook." this.country are poisoned by spirits up the skin so as to make.pouches g eve even' the worst
r many thousands; of disease germs
Joe-"Where did the mistake and drugs and are exhausted- be- which they fill with the reindeer �d -- t
failing to rem
somein S" fore cocaine is taken, and the re- tallow for their little folk. attaebed to its hairy body, it is the =
Fred-"Later I discovered that I lief which this brings them is a neer - fluty of every lwui%ekeeper to assist Don't jump at conclusions unless
she had movie enough to cassis experience, increasing the degener. Minaird•e Liniment Cum !tuna, eta In exterminating this worst enemy You are in traiiiirg.
us to board.- cation. Cocaine oncealed. for. some time,addiction can be PROPER TERM, of the human race. Wilson's Fly -t
R, Tumors, Lmmps, eta Internal -
, hence its DANCE '
the bank Pis kill Ales in such immense ; C and �urnal, oared �stthont Dain b:
Cheapest of All Medicines -Con- peculiar danger. Tellit-"Chinkley, $ -- - - `
sidenng the curative, qualities Qf_;. '•Druggists, physicians acrd pat- cashier, was arrested this morning quantities as cannot be approached � �' � seumsa Ysdical Co.. rim►tad. i
home treetwent. Write as before Iso
ent hectic nes-are-respons�le for for enibez,6=ignt: — any ofl►er fip Biller. ons ingwoo '
d Oat.
_ . Dir Thomas Eelectpi _Oil. it is the
cheapest medicine now offered to thiiuew�urge_of h 41-irmien "Ah, another good-man
- - -
remedy is to stop its sale, except gone wrong," CREATIVE GENIUS. fUhw% bclyi ym_, Plam
the public The done required in ifor some specific purpose, to be Tellit-"No, another bad man ,.pa• what's creative geniuel" �t '
say ulmeat is small and a bottle,noted on a public_book, and where lust found out." "It's the ability. to get up some insist on �havi" aft, - _ K
contains essay doses, If it were a doctor uses it" frees there must " •a
Y ued at the P eaefit it confers iyt' be some accountin so as to pre- g B new scheme for letting other people 1
y could
the rice asked or et r man g' Throw hindiscretion -ice eatin the work while you.rake in ttihe �T '��� s
p but in. vent rte banger. green fruit in -summer many chil- Profits-" _ P tano AC t t oT%
created-Consumption has simplified Drinks served frum the soda dren become subject to cholera _
Arad cheapened its manufacture Eouataia containing cocaine are at- morbus caused by irritating. acids air
"I should like," ea.d a book can-
sudden popularity and enormous ',heatinLestines nt Pa ns on tandbdangecf I 1L O1 E
trach increased attention b the „
sale is certain sections. When the t.a, i
-asset to a merchant, whose sane- ous-purgings ensue and the delicate Kinard's Lialment Co., timfted as allsassoas h °` -.
fact is ascertained that their chief system of the child suffers under +` i s you besy�'� y '
tum he has invaded, to ea)a your y Dear Sir°.-I has a glerdtag rumor oa ceepp
voue consists in cocaine is mall the In Ice such cases the-safest my race for a leas tithe sad trued a era flag taim out, write b star arts .�
attention to a little work which I b� of remedies without any good result. [n a bo, to aety tatro�ace
have here" "''And I will call your quS°lilies efforts to suppress them and surest medicine is Dr. J. D.. i was advised to try WINARD'S 1.INI• Apace w.atad Mfohesaa salt y
are both difficult and doubtful TheI ENT, and attar aatng several bottles n ce„pen to Q►,re Nerew,tllea.
attention to a mighty mass of work Kellogg's Dysentery CoCrdial. It made a complete, care. .ad tt healed all d E
whic!i I have here;” replied the Proprietors by merely changing
sill check the inflammation and ay and disappeared altogether Ontario Veterinar tOlie
the names can continue the line, DAVID HBNDET"N. v '
man at the leak. save the child's fife.
soda fountain dealers uo , kings l.a H• Sept. Adulated w�tb tits L•ul sits �! Torun/ sad 5
ane if the "
Belleide via n N.
i _ _... .. 17, 1901. teriar the Coatroi the rteoesf -
I refuse to dispense them they are _ Asricultan of Oataria
Three packets of Wiisoa's Fl frequently sold direct to the cue- Salesman-Here's a shoe, sir, _
Il y q y Infirmary for Sick Animals at the CollegeN.-
Pads rest twenty-five cents, and tomera " that will fit YOU like a glove. - .COLLEGE RE-OPENS_SEAT, BOW lotO _
Buyer-Gloves dun't fit my feet.
will kill more flies than twenty-five N.D.—Calendar on application.
Have you one that will fit me like x A a asAtiaz, v
"CL�kSD'S AGED PEERS. "I see ONSERV TIOe one.. chair
,dollare worth of sticky paper. s sheet _ a.rt. B. htlneiyaL "'•'
A teacher was trying to explain Sfxteen' Bora in George Iv.'s Red, weals, weary, watery Eyes. in the kitchen, Mary, I must get �` q
the dangers of overwork to one of
Relieved By Murine Eye Rcrnedy, Try another one for you."
C0t0�� Ox�"S , b
Reign-Touthdll Sovereigns. Murine For Your Eye Troubiee. You
her smaller pupils. "Now, Tem- AVill bite Murine. It Soothes. hoc At "You needn't mind, ma'am. I F0� SVHOOL
my," she pursued, "if'your father Lord Strathcona who celebrated rl �i�e��ye Remedy ForEyehave none but gentlemen callers,"
were busy all�day and said he -would his ninetieth birthday :iedently by _ tall r is van w ca .tt
., _. _ Ask your dealer or rlEsdinea Ls
have to go back to the office at working all day at hie desk in his IMITATIONS AaOUNO, but insist apes Artla►ts '$apps CO.
„ -- READY RELIEF. sulfas the Rennins,"The D. A L"Menthol
night, what would he be doing I office, as High Commissioner for , 77 work street, T�RoiTs
„ Mater, which has stood the Leet D. years ,
"That's what ma waste to know." Canada in London, is not the grand Physician- Hage you any aches It care.; imitations don't. "The D. a L'
old man of the peerage despite his, or pains this morning?" is made by Davis A Lawrence 0*.
Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuratgla.. 'robust old -.age. The Earl of We- Patient="Yes, doctor; it hurts _
my$s is older and is as spry at 94 me to breathe; in fact; the only If Sour iiwutli is full or year head s .
The Druggist-What was the most as Lord Starthcona is at 90. Lord trouble now seems to be with my empty, don't attempt to talk:
remarkable case you ever encoun- Wemyss-he pronounces, his name breath." �drivif�Otaeifd, a
tered in your practice? ,The Dec- as if spelled Weems-holds another Physician--"All right, .I'll give Minard's Liniment Cures .Danttrat[.
for-That of a messenger boy who record: he has been a member of you something that will stop that." -` or Croup,Diph�pda.
died of hasty consumption. the House.of Commons nninterrup- Why will a woman try to put a 3pavuws Bul'Cnar,a8 s[ds.
No. a foot in a No. 4 shoe,. then' Ace debt., Brut s e.,' ' >d
tedly for more than sixty-nine Irillaro's 41n1tttent tar sale ereryi�hetaGunshot
Do It Now.-Disorders of the di- years. - proceed to .decorate the.other ez- woti e, Taieo7
Restive apparatus should be dealt The peerage, Pike the poorhouse, tremity •o# her person with a hat Blue of snap.,, -
EARLY ENGLISH SMOKERS. the size of a cart wheel 1 Rungs of lnesoL,eta.
with at once before complications seems conducive to old age. -Lord
arise.that may be' difficult to cope Gwydyr.died. last year at the fine It.seems very probable that there
with. The surest remedy to this old age of 98. There are furteen were smokers in England los g braises, barns be- pA1NItsurns cares an aorta of eats, ltadwa�'s
and strains. Takla intera�•
sad and one that is within reach of, peers besides Lord Strsthcona and fore the Introduction of tobacco, ally it cures diarrhoea -and dysentery. Beady _
al], is ParmeIee's. Vegetable, Pills, Lord Wemyss who were alive when according to the London Chronicle. ceroid eabatitniss, there is but on* ^Bain• Rolla.
the best laxative and sedative on George IV. was oil'the throne, and' Pipes have been discovered imbed- kiu°''-perry Ds�ts'-s5o and, nos,
the market. Do not delay, but try George IV. died in 1830. They are ded in the mortar of churches built
diem now. One trial will convince Lord Nelson,, Lord dross, Lord before Europe's first acquaintance A VERY POLITE BIRD -,
anyone that they are the beat-sto- Sydrnouth, Lord $nutsford, Lord with tobacco, and it seems only-tea- Among the`many results of Lieu-
mach regulator that can be got. Hafabury, Lord Abergavenny; Lord sonable to suppose that the people tenant Bhackleton's antarctic ex-
PAPA'S OPINION. Lister, Lord Aahcombe,Lord Mount of that day smoked herbs of some pedition is a most interesting study
He--"You know tha-t it isn't your Stephen, Lord Peel, Loral Stan- sort, either medicinally or for plea- of the life of one of the most sin-. --
In and Lord Feversham. sure. Colts-foot was inhaled for
money. I want to marry'for, cion't gassy of all birds, the penguin. The
dear?" Contrasted with the rest though whether a pipewas
g age of asthma, explorer goes so far as to ascribe
She--"Yes; that's what I told theati members of the House of used in the process remains a mat- to these birds a kind of "civiliza- we"".oit.
Lords is the comparative youth of ter for conjecture. tion." At any fate, they seem to r _
Pap „ et,.lith. „N
He-"And what did be-'say?" nearly all the sovereigns of Europe. have cultivated politeness to a high "I had a horse that
Sbe-"He said if that was true Geeorge-V. is a comparatively young degree. When the emperor-pen- has a 6Aavia fors '
yyou didn't have as much -sense as man. His cousins the King-of of Nor- guin encounters his fellows, there ions tlme and I had ,
ht�thought you had." way and the Czar of Russia, are t ' ensues a display of extraordinary tried nearly every kind of mededne
also our while another cousin, ceremonies and salutations the ef- w ' • �* rola ma w vee
young, seaaaa's spavin Cdre, which I dist
the-Germ-an Kai'ser, is still in the feet of which is heighteiWJ by the and It a"we•daftill,."
C O-TT.s t 1-pat 10 n' prime of life, having barely turned , strange resemblance of the birds to M. IeoasrtTAl►>L.
r baa enemy within the camp. It will 60, the human form. - They .bow and -leendlaWs ttpevIls Cum-is ae
aadermine the strongest constitution . The King of Spain and the Ring is speeches. aatrlede=D
bow, and make long ertmeat,aalbtaewerid'a
sad rutin the most vigorous health. of Portugal are mere boys, "while They- greet the approach of men or standard remedy for su ewetihp.
A leads to indi 2stion, biliousne", sett Enscheraad Z•ameaes la none tit
s the Queen of Holland is only 30. 1 of dogs.in a similar ceremo>zioua aaa�a .K,
Impure-blood, bad coenptexion, sick The Ein eror Francis .Jose h. .of way. Sometimes one bird after
p p IIaed the world over for 4e years
headaches, and is one of the most 1 another will ravel come forward
fregaeot causes of appendicitis. To Austria is the oldest 6oVereign in gravely „ Ifiery briner, stockman,ezpres•
neglect it is slow suicide. Dr.Morse's Enrope and celebrated his eighti- a and repeat the bowing and speech- teen, every proprietor-and book
Indican Root Pllls positivt kl cure eth birthday o1i August 18• He ie. ifying, as if determined to make a�.W geaenily sbeda keep it
Constipate a.•, They are,�'e"ntirely in sound health and-bids fair to live- • their pol3te,intentions.understood. alwys as a:ad
vegetable in c tui and do not man more eBI s: a h" to• a bottle-6 for ice. Ask your
tickers, weakery or' pt, Preserve T dealer kr ixa coyr of our took"A -
your health by takin __ _ 3 THE pR - If a man amounts to anything is re..t:.s On she ao,ee••-erwrtec fro 'la
a small town he soon begins to tea-ISL a Imi 1111AL.Mea i
D r. �/M o r s t9 s think he would amount to more is ameassiorg per• - merw*ssaL
1 n d i A r1 R O Ot But every man is not a hero even T N U I$$ �X
Pills from his own point of view.
ISSUE N4. 8r-10 a big town,
y : ... ;, � a�^ 4 yy�,_acx..w,,•S.�r4. '.es,2S.+•J t ,,Ni3 '•C aw`n i�� ,�:.'.0 'c."a�'ti .zv-oy. .,r .,5•t r ^.raiw.,,���."`�,r,�Y �.
^� .+:otn-Lm.s.�p.n�.-tS, ;dq�,p ^�,,., , -`g,�:C+�', �f-y p, 5544'�� •"4f;t. �'" s�„v .S,�'u: :�''B'•".'�'7'°p;{'d,};•..
.• .. - x t
.. �• a .';,•,o �e;•y^tr}'y; .,.- r. .,, Rum—
A'4i- .i+.0 w.'?Y', �'�. ;a-0",,;.ty:.��.'�•°a ...1•.-t s.,e�F J< r '.r..
. 4'_ $h �!.A � J .4'f.yY�A ✓kv e�y' •'U;'':-.. .4M l:C ' .e .. r .'d:w.•u' .... _ ,
— 9
_ f
7 —Barrett Sone ire erecting a —wedding be'1e can be heard _ Y
LOCALISES. Dew silo. in.town. • •
—D. and Mrs. Simpson spent a —Miss Gertie Allaway, of To-
`. —.C, $. Crys}er i4 spending a relatives`in the oto, was here over Labor Day. it
few days Zith rela
.week at his home is St. George. city. -There will be a guessing cos-
-Mrs. Parrish, of New York, is --John Stephenson intends hav- test until October 81st for a quilt
aotsiting her aunt, Mrs. S. Snell.
Ing a sale of farm stock etc. at an on exhibition at Simppsson's store
— -Mrs. H. G. Calvert is spendiag farl�btteMiller spent s few days for the benefit .-of St, George's BUY THE BEST FOR WASHDAY
week with friends in Claremont. church. _
c --$ev.' F. C. Harper, of Hills. during the past week 'with Clare- --Sisals Johnston, of Gorrie,
dale, tilled upon friends here thus moat friends. a nt Bunds here with hie grand- Fun-t+Q� • "' • •• •_ p ��
-Mise Maggie, Moore, of Toron• pe dd
a week to,ie spending her vacation with rents, 'J. and Mrs.. Rogere. Bull-dog AminOnia • . • OC• pkg.
Joe Clark is spending.. a vRas on his oray to Belleville, 1
v►ith his brother, Allan,'in the heir parents hare. di cc d
-C. H. Hani, of Temagami, to resume his ata .es m Albert Handy • •' pk9.
QC .
- ' ordon and Mrs: Law spent spent a few days at,the home of t�lege• L1Qtlld c
_Lostr-Qn Wednesday; Sept. c • .. '. �C. 1
ower Sunday.with friends in the his rents here. _ l bottle
Exhibition_Zbe Toronto t- 7th, in Pickering village or on _4`, bar
--Mia. W. J. Clark is s nding tracting large numbers of our church son , a - - -•
a week with her relatives in Ham- citizene.this week. ]sine containing three dollars in
iltoD• -Ray Brokenshire, who .has. bills and some silver. Finder pease " -1RE5i FRUITS
-D. Simpson and T. M. McFaid- been in Toronto assisting his bra leave at NEws of@ce. T
:den had a business trip to the city ther, Wm., for the t few weeks -Master Clifford and Miss Wil- $E3•rTANA-8, 200• CIO=.
r '` returned home on aturday even- helmina Farnsworth, who have
on Saturday. 40C• ciOZ_
---W. J. and Mrs. Coakweli vie- Ing. r grandmother?.,
ORAN'GfEF' ,'PeY"9'.�•�•®,
Ate3d Toronto friends on un ay —Remember n ey a ga en Mrs• W. T. artrick, for the pas _,,$�20N8 1AXWe,,
and Monday.- party on the 18th of September. few weeks, are now visiting their
—•C. T. and Mrs. Batty returned A good .time promised. Fred„J. aunt, Mrs. Branton, of Toronto.,
on Thursday last from their two Perrin, entertainer,r'of Toibnto, —After three days buying at p
will be there. special Exhibition prices Dickie& A11�
weeks' vacation ill ARDW Af?E SN S
—James Cornell; of Lindsay,; —Mfse Winnie Chapman return- Chapman are showing an immense
_- visited his parents, Ed. and Mrs. ed to Toronto on Monday to display of new goods, ready-made
— _-- -�Corneil, on Monday. reunme her duties as teacher, after flannelettes, dress goods, wrap- SUMMER GOODS-A�UBT-f'sQ -- -
_ - -- -- -
llover _
iltcm, spent a few days with J. N. her home in Andley• nets and dress trimmings, hosiery 1 only awn mower, ne ea ,
-' and Mss: Richardson. —Thos. McCormack, of Detroit, and wool goods. ' 1 only 18 inch cut, 9 inch wheel, 'reg. $4.75, fur re
—Frank Hurlbut, of Muskoka, spent Labor Day with his mother 1 only.W. & B.,mower, 14 inch cut, 9 inch wheel, reg. 58.50, for $8.00
ispent a couple of days with his on Elizabeth street. also her son- ourieiApTor� I only W. & B. mower, 16 inch cut, 9 inch wheel, reg. $8.75, for$8.25'
friends in Pickering. in-law, Mr. Wilson, of Whitby, .'
—Fred Bunting left an Monday spent the day with her. The Misses Allison, of Winnipeg, Come in and get a bargain on a
for Toronto to attend High School. —The regular meeting of the Man., and, Mica Petheram, of Dallas,
Texas, have returned home, after — screen door. "Now is fly time.” _--
We wish him success. Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's con- spending the summer with their aunt, _
gregation will be held next Tues• Mins Allison, of"Pleaaantfield Farm."
—Stewart and Gordon Tlfextoa, - '
�. Fonto,- apent the holiday day afternoon, Sept. 18th, at 8with Pickering friend:a. _ _ -- 'clock at the a home of Miss Hattie OSHAWA.-FAIR - HOSIERY
—Henry and Mrs. Cost's and Law. _ Remember the dates, Sept. lE and
.,child, of Toronto, apeut over Sun- —The numerous friends of Rev. 14. make your entries by Saturday
"day with Mrs: Geo. Holt. J. A. McCamae are pldaaed to see nigbt, Sept. 10th. We have just received a shipment of "Pen-Angle." We sever save
—E. L, and Mrs. Chai)wan, of the gradual improvement in his Oshawa Fair stands No. 19 among better values for the money in cashmere hosiery. Ladies' sizes 4U
Toronto were here with relatives health. He is able to take hila 82p Agricultural Societies in the Prov- and 50e. per pair, guaranteed to fit perfectly, not to shrink or stretch
.over Sunday and Monday. daily walk through the village• ince in the matter of prize money .and absolutely fast dyes. .A trial pair will convince you, -
_ _.
—Rev. H. N.-de Foe Wagner We hope the improvement may paid in 1909. This shows wby people
occupied the pulpit-in the Angli- continue. exhibit at the Fair and why the whole
can march, of Stouffville, on Sun- —Mr.and Mrs. Perry, of Virden. countrT, aide is there. In the four
Man., are the guests of F. and Years �t has been at Oshawa the �� SELL 1857 THE BEST _
y Mrs. Huret.. Mr. Perry, alto has growth is wonderful. Last year bout
—S1velter..Maeksy, of Kinsale, wa8
pal is pprizes. This year about --
was in the village on Saturday just come from the west, states is offered. That i+ a lot of J
iind gave T�_Nswa a pleasant that the croin Manitoba are in
firs;-class Han rainy money to distribute. These flgurp are
• •
pe, Heavy taken from Government reports
—Allan Kerr, of the Bank of came just in time to save the crops The management of the Fair under Dickie Ap" inan
Commerce, Preston, spent the which were at one time suffering the capable President John Bright.
holidday tat the home of his mother greatly from they drought. the aortia¢ Secretary o Di• S. N. 9�n•
here,. —Miss Sate Kennedy left on lair and a live board of Directors,bpeopan ---
-Harold Courtice is taking a Wednesday morning for Buffalo, got out a great show for the last
- week's vacation, w)sitsh he is to attend the funeral of her niece this y The Directors met last Fri /"t 7jre
ALY_and..appointed judges and trans• wear
spending in Toronto and other Miss Maty Kennedy.-e�estdas3 ,,cted a great amount otdemil business
_ points• ter of Martin and Mrs. Kennedy. to be ready for Sept. 18th and 14th
—Miss Annan, of Fairport, left who died on Tuesday at the age when Alexandra Park in Oehawa•will
ion Monday for Seagrave to resume of 16 years. The deceased had no doubt hold the largest crowd it has Quality and satisfaction go- �Vlth eVel'�
;her work as teacher in the public been in poor health for quite a ever bad within its gator. `�i
VC long time, but for the past three A look at the program, the primo
--Mise Cora Gordon returned to months has suffered from para]- list and the pretty lithographs all over pair of boots or hoes that W8 8011. ='A
the cit on Monday,, after enjoy- sis. the country that may fu seen. h n®w l� o and complete stock to Choose
y y ] y' y main building 106x4b full of exhibits. d �7
in}t a two weeks' vacation at her —R. A. Bell, recently G. T, R A big card of races with SM to go t5
home here. agent at Pickering. has been en- after. Attractions from New Yurk, ,from .always on hand. -
_ — the C. P. R. to fill a very the beat that motley can get. AS
r 11[iss Annie O'LesJ of Toros- gaged ant position on the Toron- many weddings on the 18th as tbere �.
spent a few ds s ,ringg the important
poet week at the home,
oms of her to-1�Torth'Bay district. M r. BeII are cooples offering. A merry Nothing pleases �313�+ter than �+4
mother Here. will leave bore in about a week to round for the young folks—Every-
_ —W. J. Miller is erecting a new assume his new duties. We con- thingR w please. A circus and fair show goods. _
- _
silo on his farm, formerly oeeupi- mtalate him on his appointment. combined, so you can'ti miw it if you
gg keep your chersge and make the Fair
l' ed by Wm. Collis. Wm. Wilson Mr, Bell hoe proved himself a very your outing. R . . 'BUNTING PICKERING
his the contract. obliging official and has been most Wben you read these fair notes do .
r' :-_--- —Miss S. Leavens has returned active in the discharge of his not think you have seen it all before.
r home, after spending three weeks duties while 4• T. R. agent at You can meet more people in two
yx _ bows,on with her 5ieter and.other Pickering and his departure will day's that you know than at any other _
' 'friends in Toronto be deeply.regretted by those do- place• The train arrangements are
—The tii3l31p ,Council will ing business with that company. gam• The train to Port Perry will t
bout start from Oshawa on the 14th at 6.10,
..y. '.iQteStin the township hall, Bre- —On Friday evening last a You are expected in. Osba-, at the
ugham, on Monday next, for the twenty-five farmers residing along fair next week. Your friends expect wrarywani Y.
..:transaction of general business. the Kingston road met in the you and you cannot afford to disap-• an � way through t>:maQh Wa inow
—E. Bladon-shipped four hogs Grange hall for the purpose of point them. , 'It is going to be a great e u p°!O �ttear of Contra-,
half 'old -whic'h ascertaining the wishes of the show, enough about t se say without
--six moathg and s g ��, that seldom Clad 0101 all pare paint. --
weighed ten hundred pounds and farmers in regardto the site to be -•� • or to
. � pat in for balk cheapen.
for which he received eighty-five selected for'.the electric railway. BALE REGISTER. Some g t &to tOf ,
' dollars. With the ez c'.-ption of two it was W�bought a lot ot— ,�_w�
Harold Bradford,of.Graham's, the unanimous opinion that the WaDNssDAY, $si'•r. 21st-19xEenaive $ ` 1. �iil�h
and ,tpe Misses K. Carmichael and line should' run alongside the auction sale of pure-bred shorthorn asset of oar friends Andcuetomera ten'a
M. B.Me$iainon;of Braeside,were Kingston road and not behind the cattle, horses, implements. house- tabd we
puss,whits Lead,Pare Oxide d
pitieste of Mrs. W. Moore at the barns or dwellings. A resolution hold furniture, etc.,on lot 6, rear of pam Linseed Oil oath an used with,of 0001210,the t.
axansel was adopted favoring, a route con.8, Pickering,thepropertyofJ.D. bsadd2y�r. p
this paint
—Misses Beatrice and Bertha alongside and adjoining to .the McAvoy. No reserve. Sale at I. X00 me���dam the diHaen In
,Armstrong, of Brussels, visited Kingston road from Whitby to Lunch at,19. See bills for full par- with other brands. Two gallonsOfX&Tdn-Seso01r-
y titulars. (leo, Jackson, auctioneer. / paint will Dom as much apace as three gallons d
e • with Miss Miss Maggie .Gormley Pickering, a copy of the resolutiou w.
and brothers for a 'few days last to be forwarded to the company. Tt1ssDAY, Oce. 4za-Auction sale of other maks.
vq�g, The chair was occupied by Wm. thoroughbred and grade cattle,hors- ^
—The W. F. M. S., of St. An- Oke and Arthur Jeff re acted as -es, dig', implements. roots, corn, ,
3' furniture, etc., on lot 11,Kingston
diew's; will most at-the masse an secretary. road, Pickering, the property of /N H. BUNDY
the afternoon on Friday, Sept. —Oa Thursday afternoon of James Richards. No reserve. Sale �+
16tb, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Strekland, last week the members of the at 1 o'clock, sharp. See.bills. W.
A Al" ' of Dunbarton; as r6presetitative Methodist Sunday School held B. Powell, auctioneer.
.: '. ..�f the Presbyter*1 will be present their annual pienie at- Green]aw's ' MEN'S FURNlSH/NGS
to address the meeting. All ladies• park on the lake,abore. Prompt- j
k are cordial] invited. ly at o'clock the pupils and SiaQe �CQ �OtS of water ? �,=aNC� $Ra m _
y Yq
—John McGinty- baving corn- older tnembvre 'of"'the school ZE
•t $2.50 e
_, •'. -•- - - s' nits from lea
- _ leted his contract in Claremont, assembled at the church and were BROS., OF VPHl7`EVALL Men's,suites from $8.00 up, y
p bo su f. up a
:.has began the •work of laying soon on the way to the beach are re to furnish you anythinghandle odd coats and_pants and, light or heavy weight.' We hhat
down the new cement walk in the in wagons provided by friends of • prepared y aaotber shipment of Peabodys overall. They,etre the overalls that -:
village. Apart of the new walk the school. Having arrived at the in the line of water supply such as take the lead in all overalls, giving complete satisfaction, cannot pull F
will be laid from Simpson's corner park all set out for to have a good pumps, windmills, hydraulic rams, them apart. i
to Gervas Cornell's lot opposite time'and it is safe to say no. one plumbing,e o expert well drillers We also have ' lot of leather fly seta and fancy.nets for.horsee. _
d the school. The. rest will be.laid was in the least disappointed. ,
on Church street. • Games, races, etc,, were partici They are also
and respectfully.solicit your patron-
The heavy rains at the be. gpated in by the junior pupils and 1 FARMERS' SUPPLY STORL�',
ginning of this week were heartily in some events even the •teachers age for the Suture. Ind. phone 662].'
welcomed by the farmers. Har- and officers took a prominent part. N E."'Mr E. BRYAN, PROP. _ �'ICKERIN(�
veting is practically finished,and The entertainment committee pro-
'i plowing can be .proceeded with videcf boots and•canoes for those -PARLOR !
without spy delay. The rains are who desired them. Supper was. ••'• e Parlors of the .X.JL 0
_..in th Oalso causing thepaatare fields to served by the 1 dies in t epavil•so that the -ion and was t oroughly enjoyed Lfi•grow most rapidly � GhORS>O� �0LTSE w-ti
been all that b eve bod as the afternoon's
- weather. so_far has be a y ,everybody - - • •
t Sat-
could be desired. exertions 'had tended to, create Ice-Cream Wednesdays and gat-
-Considerable interest is being most hearty appetites,bnt there nrdays'and bricks on the -
' taken by the residents of the vii- was enough to -setief - all. Con latter days_
l over one undred sat due- _
IGsge in regard to the opening of a aiderab yHgI, GORDON,
new street. Itis claimed by some dawn to tea._ After tea games re- - .Pickering ,Now is your Chance• A big re
r that the registered plan of the commenced and the time came all- - PIORHRI G' MARKHTS ' tion in all Trimmed Milli-
- village calls for a street running too soon when it was necessary to —
west from the schc.ol known as start for home. Those having the Old Winter Wbeat......•....... $1:% eery at
Nora street" Those through whose picnic in charge desire to thank New " •
property the alleged street runs, those who so kindly provided,the Goose and Spring Wheat ... .80 1
� "Claim.. that it cannot be opened. conveyances and also Mr. Green- Oats . ..............•....,.....,•... 37 �^ 4,P •g� „i
At4willbe of fntarest now to watch law fo .,the use of the'park, which Barley.. •50 MRS•- gJ � M �- `�, !R ,.• ,r
lace fa picnic.,
w - a
Buckwheat .fro
•xf• ''IRt'^,"'_ ,.,34'",,•'"r n es�'..c^Mg4,.5°"nom`,.