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..... a .. ...., :.. +c ,,...P.. S ,.,. •,, .. 'z":.+. .. ,:'-._ 7.
- --VOL. %XIX. _ - -' PICKERINCI, ONT•, FRIDAY, -UGUST'5, 1910. o. 4 ,
>rt7i�,lfllo3tfil dfsrDs. SUNNY MOUNT _ ATHA 0 ,SPINK
DILLS Joe Wideman spent •Sunday With- Robt. and Mrs. Loyd spent Bator- oaaledtea6 day"at$ing." Wiuu
fkouffville friends. J. Line spent over Sundry at C. G.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, of Toronto, -
@: s an
M __ span a wee -eta wh d-Mrs. �` _ - -
f . IEdiab h, member of the coilege of Miss T. Wideman,'Of Mongolia,'
ielaas aogasgwns of Ontario ISoentrlate Tweedie. ited at A. Carruthers.
8traad college of Snraeonf k inbnrgll. Mr. and Mrs. Tomlin, of Toronto; Has on hand a complete stOt aft"
Mise R. NiRhawander, of Toronto,
attention.to daiesses of women-and _ seat the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. is visiting at J. B. $cover's. ' ha-tpess goods; including lid- R
thildren. Office and residence,Brougham. Wideman.
oes and Mrs.-Carter .and Mr. and spent Sunday at A.if. and M42r. Hoover's 9th line. pads, binder whips, rawhides leaff6S
PICKERING MEDICAL SURG[CAL eat Da s Mrs. Sheath and children' spent Sun- Misses Lena,and Edna Tarr, of the English holly', trunks and »�-
. .and X-RAY INSTITUTE day with their uncle,J. Carter. 5th line, Markham, visited monaay Cases.
PICBPIBING, - - ONT"IO AUDLEY with Bessie MOwder.
We are•now booking'oiders _
Among the visitors over the holiday Repairing promptly attend sw-
A ELGIN TOwLE, 1. B., M. D., C. M.,
W. Guthrie attended council meet< w�re.Arthur and Mrs. Young, of To-
yst an•n c urge ,.
Specialist is Bec:al Dlfeases. Prostatic bis C eo a Lawrence is entertainin I'
iea•s• of Men. Diseases of Women, cancers, at Summer Prioee ,fy
'Tumors,X-Ray examination. Diseases of a e. ri n s rom etroit. Miss 'Kay Earl and Mies Nellie Mullin, ,Call and see me-
ow en Mrs; R. Logan, of Oil City, Pa., is of Toronto, at A. B. Lehmans ; Miss
saute-and-ohronic sea -.:- — -_ - With-her--sister.-Mrs•-N.-d.-Clinpman.--. Rdby Nigh-vv der And gPntlpman-
0 Sao
an_0Sao Hoar 12 to 3 sad 7 to D ]sly - Sermon neat Sunday on -What friend at J. B.Hoover's.
makes a man." There should be' s,
J. L. $PINK, LIMITED, large attendance. 1'sVANSVILLE � .
•W, Meroer is busy now, with his Is
ConkE. FAREWELL, K.C., B�.RRIS- PICKERING, ONT. thresher•. Irving Blake and W. Wil- J. Duesberr•y and W. Day Sundayed
eon are the barn men. at Atha. -
• THS. crownAttoraq,
8ilfitios. c02ftoaw,whitbv. 14v. a arve is on i - .
It will only be a few days before it Linton's.
fir and Mrs. RPadman calhd nn IVB
-a thing of the past
_. Solicitor,Notary Public,Spsoial Ezami- - - Linton recently.
Whitby,BUu Gout of Justice, Brock Street,
y - C$DAR�GROVE James Cochrane, who has been so
�. • seMrs. y ill, is improving. -'
J. G. DOW; B. A,, Barrister,
His, numerous friends here were Mrs. Robt. Dap spent Sunday with I hav8 sufficient`pasttire forte
R• Solicitor,Notary Public,Eco, Money _ shocked on Thursday morning to hear Miss Sadler at Claremont. or Your young cattle and yeses-.
loss. Omce next door to the Standard Bank, 1B )qy of the death of Dr. Robinson. of Mark- Miss Maggie Jones spent Sunday ling Colt. Plenty Of wales �>:•,
'Whitby' ► 'I A ham, he having been found dead in with Miss Beulah Jones, of Balsam.
iND, TELEPHONE NUMBER bed Willie Gibbons has returned the and lots of shade_
Peteitstmry. During the thunderstorm of Wed- city, after holidaying Gere with Har- '
^^^^^^^ ^^ Wednesday night, the large barn be- rison Spears.
- --- -
` ALTER L. HOWDEN, D. V. S.' CLAREMONT - longing w James Dinma was-struck The Misses Sarah and Delaw Hop-
I H tjwoNiEGraduate Ontario vetennary Oollegs_ by lightning and entirely destroyed. lona spent Wednesday•of Iast week
Member Ontario Veterinary Medical society. with 31iwa Sofa Dar.
Successor to Dr.1a,J. Shirley, once Hing at., Short, long and two chart. TherE:was also destroyed WO bushels
Successor 97 of this year's grain, the season's crop A number oT friends called on Brien
_ of hay and a pig as well as a number Linton on Sunday, who we regret to ;
�Lillnti*� �iiZtD*• of small articles. The implements re rt, is very_low,
K that were in 'the barn were saved %%s S. Jones and her cousin,Miss
G. AAM-Issuer of Marriage
if t .L,� through the efforts of-the 'neighbor,, Ada Jones, of Balsam, spent ar few•-
�T R The loss will beheavy. - days with Mrs. J, Graham. S
1 1' . Ltomses in the county of Ontario, Owing to so much wet weather the Is the time to place your order Sias• '
Ptekatngytuage: t4ly for house furnishings, carload AUDLEY farmers here are greatly bindered in it monument. Being a slack ti�
—_ POUGHER. Real Estate Auc _--_-. - t je.Itaz��ttng_.h.erati�l d ot-the yt F is t e,aha$s_lteE¢ts - f
Mrs:Weatoey is vieitiugtn-t the ciL3�. Mrs. o dos has returns home
T• tioaser,'vaivator, oollector sad inner prices. Haying is est and harvest well ad- ducements can be giren.
_. of tawri"g,llcenasa.Bros`ham toy Y B P much improved in-health, after spead• R
vanced• int a few days with her son at Wex. Place our order. now and lloom-
Always open day or night. The, alsike growers report good Pard. y
HOPPER Issuer of Marriage the stones erected the first t
D• L1cea•es in the Oonaty of Oasario, yields and fancy prices. a
Oras at afo:s and-his raaideace.L7arsaloat. F. M. Chapman -has been t petbding iSTOUFFYiLLs res the spt ing,
a few days at his farm here. - k
J. Glendenning, of Scarboro, and Dr. and" Mrs. Smith started Thurs- µL
� $.BEATON,TOWNSHIP=RH, da for two-week's,holidays for Lind-_ C, W- GIBBONS, Clart�tao�t
. poa,naeioo Oomnsisstonerlar George Morgan, of Toronto, sprat
�ops '1 = Drug Store Specials Sunday, with W, H. and Mrs. West- say, eph Mo de Stoney Lake.
amdavite` a°°°°aft`°!. >lata Money f0, loan .�ot+eph 5lowder, who Is, now on T,
WillitinreQn's farm at Atha, has rent• L'S� RECEIti'ELD
ifeae°�9Yb faith, Galt her of liarrl'ags Lin „ - neve hailstorm that passed aver this Kis. Robinson's farm at Altona. ' J, _
P08TILL, Licensed Auctioneer, %fla;lla�lOJt JD1LIi t(pOpk03 i{I'!3 section on Wednesday did little or no After vndergoiag� a surgical-opera•
F• for Daantts• of York and onsarto. Ana damage, but farther south for a strip tion in the hospi in Toronto,Albeft A Carload of Cement and a Carl ,rrc
Regular tiQc, sale price 39c. P �.
(,"false of an kinds ar.an.e to on�or�fesf the hail storm assumed enormous pro- D. Syp' her, of Pefferlww, formerly of British Columbia Shingles_ r
_ Matta. Address Green alvor P:O., Oat, portions. Stoutiville, passed awn on Tuesday.� _ _.' zj
�eK>1oFOaC IOOi� �O�EI' _ LSCARBORO. At+t special hceeting of ourcounri ..,.
Regular 2iic, sale price 19c. All kioda of rov hand dressedltmftror �;
B. POWELL, Licenced Auc- taut week the rate of taxation was, g
• Clower +alnafor sad ootleetor for - Wm Rennie, the well-known seeds- fixed at 171 mills in the dollar for the lath and shingles,as well as latah
_ "assies of ootarto ane! York. All ktads of y year, which is Doe ®Ill ]sae and soft coal always in
Sol"eoaacaged ettborp�,slily or by attach man and a riculturist, died Sunda current - -A
Hale note.ootteeaed. !or date• or Giber par• XW AAR'NW morning at his residence- at-Swanaea: than that of-last year, - r stock:
ftlealafs•pply at rwOosee,11011sabelb St..Ptok- Mantle, kitchen and alarm clocks, He had been in poor health for some During' the heavy electric storm at
FWao orders leis as Warne Does-pick. watches, etc. Our jeweller time t and on Mw 9S last, had a- which passed over this locality Wed. •A ' R E E SQ��. -`
-arty.or Maaaab•s twee, Moroccans, .:ui re price on wellery pas P ' ' - _
estye psmmpt stNattoo- sstteiaction susren. is away down, If you want a watch stroke of paralysis• after which he de- nesday afternoon, the barn on lot 17, a
feed. Mrlobase number isIadepesdem]Sol or a clock this is the place. clined steadily. In humble log cabin con. 10, Whitchurcb, occupied by T. LOCUST HILL `-
KodakA and Supplies always oa ie Scarboro Mr. Rennie was born in Deamer, was struck by•lightning, he
n Pp Y IS%. His father and mother having being away from home at the time. 9'
A �� hand, Take a Kodak with you on emigrated from Scotland a few years The neighbors seeing the flumes rush-
ush- I N
Cof your vacation. previoilely, were in very poor circum- ed to the premises and succeeded in Fbll TERM OPf�S AUGUST
FREE with ever;26c purchase, one stances. An ordinary sugar trough saying the ►igpen, with two sows, a
,Have a full line ut Yeah and Cur box Nature's Tablets an a match box. was his cradle. His early, days were number of pigs and a number of fowl ;
d Thin year the attendance has I>w�:
_ _8d meats Constantly.on hand. _ - - M.
w Ate• spent on the farm, and he carried the but Mr. Dearrter lost all his hay, im- the grxatEst in the history of Lj�t• " -
- T. III. /II cFA DDEN hof hie yyouth throughout his entire plements, harness]vehiclesland some
�}'�8�p1Ce Roll, .Breakfwj 'Bacon, life. The R;uPnie homstead in Scar- of last years grain and a quantity of _�� '
�3im, Bologna, Weiners, etC. DRUGGIST AND.GRADIIATa OPTICIAN boyo is now known Aa tkm gold medal buckwheat.-Tribune. --
farm of Ontario. For years Mr. Ren- ..W -
Ilk ._.__ .-.-.. _ . Highest pricwS paid for PICKERING, ANT. nie farmed near Richmond- Hill, In _ tRbUGHAM -
Butcher's cattle 1883 be married Sarah Glendenning, Miss Bella Brown is in Toronto this '
daughter of the late Jno.Glendenning week. =OROXT0t ONT.
9ickee Pickering Lumber Yatxl a Scarboro farmer. In 1870 he rented Mrs. E. Willson is spending a couple
�s y� er leis farni and.moved.toToronto.where of weeks in Keswick,. There is a reason for it. Ilan-3�'
i"9. s�ro he established the seed business,which R. J. Price, of Toronto, spent the day and year by•year the -` 41
All kinds of building material includ. is to-day one of the largest goncerns with friends here. work of this school is be000lliks boo-
i Ing rough anddr•eaeed-lumber, - in Oanada, having branch stores in Mrs. (Dr,1 M,!Kinnon and Master ter known. Our graduates rea�c, -•
Fint-011188 rigs for hire lath, etc. Montreal, Winipeg and Vanecuver. et choice positions. Catal are a:
In religion Mr. Neal are with city friends. q P og r_�:
g Renaie•. was a•staupch free.
Day O? night - INewbruaawick Shin lee $3.50 '►fee. J. C. Philip's spent•a few dtcys y
per M.. Terme gg Presbyterian and in politica w Liberal. W. J ELL10T, Principal.
('a.eh. with her sister at West Hill. w
lr BUS nleet8 ell trains He was an enthusiastic curler and Mr. and Mrs. McLean •visited J.
W. D. GORDON sit 80N. took part in many important matcbes McLean Sunda and Monde Cor. Ton a Alexander
Teaming promptly attended to. throughout the province. In the y y' _ g 34'i
death. of Mr. Rennie Scarboro loses Mrs. (Dr.) Fish and Mrs. Bundy
Agent for Canada Carriage Uo; spent a day with Mrs.Mechin:
REAL ESTATE.•... another of,her worthy and successful Mr. and Mrs. Ashton, of Uxbridge,
We He Peak, P{akerinp� Two flft acre farms for sale thea sone. spent Sunday with relatives here.
y p• GREENWOOD Miss 1;. Fuller, of Stratford, visited
+ Good buildings, plenty-of water;o - - _-.- over the holiday at C. A. Barclay's,
hal#in cash, balance on mortgage if A: Davie, of Toronto, was here'over Miss Anthony, of Toronto, visited `
JBla�kemithl� y ow is
the Civic Holiday. over the holiday at Mrs. A. Brodie':. ,.
required. George Law, of Toronto, called on Mrs. Geo. Philip had s_ipe tomatoes
i Also a.-good tenement dwelling some of his ,Cjrreenwood friends on of her own growing on the August 1st;
Havin rented the .Dunbarton shop ieldin 1 Monday, Miss Diinnie Hanson, of Toronto, / "s
Halving p _y g. 2q,in the village of Picker- x
and opened the same, I am prepar- in C.A.-Cook was in the village.on visited at her,home here.ocer Sunday.
ed to do all work entrusted to. g` Wednesday .winding up his contract Russell Brodie and fancily, of Pick• �► 'Ct,
me in the above line, on the C. N, R. ening spent Sunday -here with rela-Horseshoeing
a specialty. Miss Chapman; of Uxbridge, is Lives. To send us your name for oar• -
-Cal]_in and see me an time. !pending a week with Gram and Mrs. Alexander and children, of
y' Mrs, Johnston, Missouri., are visiting her father;Jae. -BIG XMA 3
M. To T .TNZ'ENER, � Miss Stella De. LeRee, of Owen Beattie.
S • Sound, is spending her holidays with .Miss Milne, of TorQpto, and cousin, CATALOGUE- I -
-DUNBARTUN her sister, Mr`s. (Rev.)Tucker, Miss Milne of.Winnipeg, are visiting
�+ r . Richards • Levi and Mrs. Mackay returned to at Wm. Cassie'a.
Kinsale on a f spending a Mrs. ieJohnston anddaughter,
K sa Friday, after n Carr Jo a ht
- The. -. few days with F. L. and Mrs. Green.._ Sara, of Toronto,,were here over Sim-
Notary Public; Pickering. Fletcher Gallagher, who has been day with friends. Watches, Clocks
!pen some months with his uncle, Mr. Ireton, of whibvale is improv- 4 -
e e Rev. Mr. Tucker, returned to Bay Ing the interior of the school house Jewelery, Unman
Bead Office, Toronto Y �laeksmithin� City, Mich., on Monday. with
new coat of paint. -
e Rev,Mr. Tucker left' here Monday .,L. Matthewc had the misfortune to , ETC, -'
General Banking Bilsineea for Chicago where he intends remain- run a nail in his
-and was in conte-
transacted. A general blacksmith business done, ing for a month. During this time he quence.off duty a few days. It will be out earl this falx _
r All kinds of repairing neatly and intends taking a course of lectures.
We congratulate Mies Mabel Caseta Y
' '.-Promptly executed. The steel is at fast arrifllng for the and Miss May Barclay on successfully
attention Ve11 to 4 Greenwood bridge on the C. N. R. A passing their recent examination. Send-in your:-narfle naw: - a
-SpecialHorse-shoeing - a - Specialty. number of the men have. been off Rer: W...Percy,..of Stouffville, will o.q.
the collection of g y getting - - -
C+GR�ON • +t Z-AL" r work.caro to the dela in ettin conduct communon .service at the
+ the materia]here. Christian Church on'Sunday, August
sale notes.
PICKERING, ONT, F. Hoar met with a painful iticei-dent T6h:
on Friday last while working for F. - Mrs. J. Poucher,.of Torsnto, Mrs.
_ BAVINGS DEPARTMENT.- L. Green. He was driving one of the B. Myers, of Pitsburg and Mrs. A. E. -
BitB received of 1. aha PLANTS FOR SALE teams on the water tank when his Major,-of Whitevale, visited at Thos. '•'
�OpC foot slipped and be fell in front of the Poucher's. 11%
upwards. ' Tomatoes, Cabbage, Cauliflower, hind wheel which passed over his leg Frank Russell and family, of To _
w t.=11tereat allowed at highest Celery and Garden Flowers. breaking it above the ankle. Medical ionto, came out in their auto on Sun-
K G. N
S aid-was Boob trilled but owing to'the day and spent-the 'day at T. Philip's Opposrrg !fEW POST OPnoZ' ;.
ourrent rates. Wagon will be on the road during fact of an artery being cut and the leg and D. Russell's. m
the season. badly crushed, it was thought advis- W. Lamoreaux, of Hamilton, ac- W H = 1 B -Y- '
ti CHAS. D. GORDON, Manager The a87IlIY1Sf�8 dSrLI$II8r able to burry him away to the hospi- companied by his father, T. W.
The tat in Toronto. Last accounts report Lamoreaux. of Dunbarton, called on
WHITBY BRANCH. BROUGHAM, ONT, him doing nicely. old friendil last Friday. vw■f>ss siniien aiiiiiislwe 4119,1boo,
Krar ��t
,.w„ r, n .'.-A ,y,. e A%^",� �%.:a+'•,+ '- ''; -.:J:w.,,i w,t .:`". '.s.'S2 .:;�.».5,.•'C�:z,:.. T-.i,,,r:an ---,' .,�,.sj� lrs.:...� `res�+e.a.Y„ -
y�•.r • P♦" � .� ...res :,i. ew!;:7:.;>,,:;.,y..
' tr._. •..wry w. ...
'• .< . .. '•t..j. -a-'1.e 1^ ... N 5Y' • '. 't' i.1V �-.f.R ":L '--;I.. ..-.. T',
•*++•++4 4 ++o }};}}}♦i++-*++++++++4+++++ f I can't buy a child's frock even; it
Ar _ all goes in little things, and all m#
` - own money, too; wedding presents, ' ,'tai
- - - - - -- -_ _- christe•ing presents, churches, or- •
♦ phanages, concerts; and it's all
__-..._—. ..`-.._., 4,- nonsense, your grumbling about my a
= - bills to Worth and Elsie and Vi-
♦ rot Boom read me a passage out Contains more •
real body-building natrllment
I P W 9 of his Ovid last Easter, in which ita eggs--CO ata
than meat or eg much leas
y - ♦ describes the quantities of things
A TRI _ ♦ man women had to wear e. _
V1 11 L T EA • 0. an6 make them loc•'t pretty-a great �•,
_61deal more than any of us ever have tables, baked apples, sliced bananas, stewed
= = ► - $ -and their whole life was spent
prunes and other fruits. Heat biscuit in oven ,
+ _ . tlieir and then the 3 ._.
to restore t�apnes
.....+♦ + had tortoise shell steps to get down SWd by all dro=w M.af+rwa•two
CHAPTER I. have been such a fool as to sell it froru their litters, and their dogs
It is an August morning. It is I When he was George Rochefort, ;hard jeweled collars; and liking to
g a boy of much promise, going up to have things nice is 'nothing new,
An old English manor house. There Oxford from Eton, be had a clever though you talk as if it were a trim
.!It a hreakfast-;oom hung with eld rain, a love of classics, and much and we invented it!"
• gi a inclination W scholarly pursue s, Usk
•'Stuarts; it has oak furniture of the but. to the end of her breathless
but he gradually lost all these
ynme period; it has leaded lattices, _
--- - - stained glass in-some of their tastes- little by little-he could not i sentences. `Naso magister oris,". .
very well haKe stud how-and now he remarks, might certainly be in- AL?I)I}:\CE ENTHRALLED. "I went to the edge of the plat-
' {:saes, an tZe m-ofto of the o�usei he never handl opens a book and s�t� over the c ami-mer dorsrs-af�-=- -- -.- _ form.
-in old French, "J'ay bon vouloir,' y p 1 !" A Lecturer's Experience in a Re- a fes an en omen;' ,tic}-L; -
he has drifted into that odd, En tGl Four fronds . P g
ce -•blazoned there with the crest of Eng-
`shall I begin another lecture?'
!i:L habit of only counting time by I know you mean something '•di- decorated Hall. � g
n heron resting in a crown. Taence y G One of my most surprising ex- "Apparently the threat and the
l.. jw.ndows open onto a green, quaint;i the seasons for kil+.ng things. ohs. ) friends are all charmin^ << success ul escape of that one deter-
- z velr garden- which was laid out' There ,is nothing to kill just now Pet Ple __ _ pe riences,' said a lecturer, ' was _
e.�cept rabbits, which he scorns, so 'I'll tell you .what I do mean-;a comparatively small tiring-that nar.ed man inspired the others.
o. Monsieur Beaumont when he he falls foul. of his wife's list of peo- that I don't like the' house made a has left an unforgetable impres- Tl:ere fc ll:awed a succession of re-
_. nf�rrtiptaa -_. -
pie she has invited, which is lying, JLe o to un vn; s i s,irn. t occurre in a sins town
i urt. There are clipped yew-tree, temptingly provocative of course and oabroad if the thin goes on. firing their guns one after another,
balks and arbors and fantastic ' g g Ball, that had just been refurnished x
there are stone terraces and
on the breakfast table, scribbled ia 'Ii a scandals begun in town in the,a,d redecorated. The. seats were anu then the audience was on its
,t :ps like those of Haddon, and j pC':iCil on a sheet of note-paper. I
season it always comes down here of that collapsible w•oucica kind `set and moving toward the en-
r,�re are peacocks which aye an Always' the same thin he ,i> fond_of each_other w'hea__tUe s.ith leather bottoms, and they hal trances. But the expression with.
P _ P g to carry one; if there are two peO-
. i which most o them looked back ab
a,.rch u nn them ; there are beds' soya ash a glances over it. Always , ail--been--freshly a neat-Iy vaF- w -._. f_. . -- -
ip , . .P' ' slit ver worst lot you could et shouldn't be you always ask cm those newlyvarnished chairs was
,p , 41 of all the flowers which bloc-' down here and make pets of em, st,mcth:ng to remember.
i used. in the England of the together, and there isn't one of the ! •So far as I could judge from
husbands or one of the wives!" i As you're taking to quoting Ovid, the le:ture platform, my remarks
^. uarts, and birds dart and butter- _
- _ P <s l -"Of course there isn't-.`--say sa••s(I may as well tell you-_that in his, cent off excellent) _T}te_audience
a- above, them there ate ' time the honest women didn't du _ 4 1Ef%Rf I81E NEEDED.
` I w•a:• attentive, and when I had fin-
's:+ge old trees• cedars, lime, horn- Lady t ski looking up from a suci
�. •._ t1,s. store of thing; they lift it to fshcd there was the usual applause! --• •-
> am; beyond the gardens there are etv newspaper which tuld her that pp.
the light-o -loves under the porti- that sometimes leaves a lecturer,j Physician .lftlrmg it is Unnecessary
-i .A woods and rass• lawns of the ht:- friends were all where theyI
grassy cis' we+n eying w ether-"t}rte audience is for Indoor Toilers. _
+'-ine park. I were, not, and fitted all the caps of;
The lace is called Surrenden scandal on all the. wrong heads, "I really don't know what I've"p"eascd with the lecture_ or is just, A not^d L" ndcn physician, 'Dr.
P i scandal
yet from some .wrong
res- done that I should be called an hon- ex ,Tessin its satisfaction that the
r+ urt, and is one of the houses ert woman . One would think you r 8 :�.c xa a has started a
+ s. r• ave her amusement un account ' intlicti" n is over. I was about to �.or'd-r,: e d .ussiun by asserting
:, orae, ,Earl .of Usk; his fatorite g v:cre speaking to the housemaids' 11..aye the platform, when I was sur ,.that office workers should not take
• use in what pastoral people calljof"a Ta eery blunders• II wish you'd gD and stay in. some- ,aid to rutice that the audience
i�umn.-iind whaE e calls-the rdrrttria}c;" itr ec>rNitttse� - t1 - - -- b -.---.,. E.rc: a after theiF_clad s_work
r - --- b,cl;r eTse`a house; you a8y s spziirri-- , still seater
I nobody on earth eyes had such ab- w&' - --"Tl�p- xut reason i�that though
noting season. __ - I things here «•I stood and looked at them, and
lord Uak.is a well-made man of selutely indecent hoose parties as h«ad work is. not exercise in the
„ fiery sorry. I like my own they sat and tanked at me. It. was
t with a good-looking face. a ht- y"urs. sense that it develops the body, it
g g 'Yrtt always se, these absurd she ut:ng. Three days here, three a small hall, and there were only
I mist decii•uI: i .exercise in that
-' le sp-iled by a permatie"-exp } _ i �' -- -.---._ .: vs- there, three. days t'other .3 d•rzen, or so-rows 4A seats immedi- -
:- 1 things. ;f: qui.k'c .-'Icefag' and pFtvsi-
of irritability and impattenee, i place,.and expected . to leave the ately in front of me. I could see
uich is dire to the state of his "I don't think they re absurd. ; ,roe behind you and to se, cal la sat . Su it is almost path-
You y the faces of all the people, and the eti« fc r a_m ii to expect any good
look at your list; everybody asked r, .
heashouldn t meet P •g y• each face wore almost the same ex- to
the score
.t:er; his a es-are orad-tem red, t:.anks, tf tour hus.t - ryes you a c
y meet Somebody whom ' P P Lo softie from taking more exercise
eta mouth is querulous; nature , . few braces t take away with our w exercise in%olved in the -
4. + + giant him for a very.amiable man, w,t for me if I know tt, while ,,essiun of sur rise, astonishment
"What nonsense' its if they I P day's work has already tired him
•=ou' the dinner-table has interfered) there's a bird in the corers at my arJ indignation. Here and there
w.ilii and in o rncasure`u set thu!d an't all meet everywhere, every o,t
S arid of them wstld start to get up, "One takes it that young people
c,av, and' as tt tt mattered!' ma
{g« d intentions of store'-upset
very has not bcea,a moral mss I thought you were alwa s in th►nk ng g�o ermsThey and
seem-`-re- 'ha,,
cAnablffto develop hetrxfra exercise ea
, own places
• :- _ It dues matter. .
a i eh does. Dorothy' his wife, who I Not. when I m shooting. I ed
Lured at home."
}, o• birth a Fitz-Charles. third ' to be waiting. - es - -- -'
hizr:self, but at 50 he likes to faire - g g fere t:eginning office work. So when
d.ughter Of the Luke of Derry, .s i don't mind havin the house. full, "Then it dawned on me. The - -
I la n+oiale pour lea autres. �ti`ben , g- _�. I ",rce fl:<• hays started in the of-
a Mill pretty woman of 35 or 36, in- we are compelled to relinquish either, only I waeit you to et de- yeses! They had been newly- var
y g y fie* in earnest it is touch better for
c. tie.! 'to an embonpoint which is cakes and' ale ourselves, We begin I c«titer people in it. Whv_ look at niched-and my entire audience i tt em- to realize at once that their
_ _rz despair of herself and her !cnestly to believe them indigo s- your listr they're all paired like was stuck to them. I begari to won physical -
mit-:de; she has small features, a days of hard h sits) strain are
— ga osprey.-iuu, and very intelligent tible -fur everybody; why should ;au-mals in the ark. Here's Lady d"r whether F should.have to call over, and that henceforth they must
c x she does not look at all a l the be sold, or be made, at all? � Arthur•for Hugo Mountjoy; here s'for the janitor and pry them off one confine these efforts to week ends-
'grcat lady, but.she can be one•.whsn "It does matter,'" he repeats. i Ic na, and Mme. de C'aillac.;'here's after another.'
necessary, She prefers thoseI "Your people are too la.rky, much 'Airs. Curzon for Lawrence; here's,' "Fortunately one man• sitting in ''The bc,dv and system easily at- .
Into"rise moments in life in which it t«'o larky. You grow worse every ,I>ick R'outon and Mrs. Fevcrsham;'tl,c front -row,' had the courage to tune themsel
year: You don't care a straw here's the Duke and lady: Dolgelly; meet the situation. He drew him-i even to over civilized and cont;e-
ka not necessary. She and Lord-- ,
:">('sk; then Lvrd Surrenden, were what's said about em so lung as here's old Beaumanion and Olive self together, made a mighty of quently .rather unnatural circum-
greatly in love when they married; they please you, and ,you let 'em Dawlish. I say it's absolutely in 'fort, and rose suddenly to his feet.
carry on till there's the devil to,ecce t when you know bow all'The thing happened just as every-
'stances, and ithat head workers
a a t,en years have gone by since I will soon find,that a good state of
then, arttd now it seems eery odd to I Pay' , these people are talked about," tic dy had expected. There was a h.-alth can be maintained with lit-
tach of them that they should oyer "They pay him; I don't-and they I "If one waiteed for somebody riot.,t.caring sound as he left the varnish, fle or no apparent exercise."
like i•t." talked about one would have an but he was on his feet, and had set
"-have been so. They are- rio* how-(
e:er bad and have even I ''I knew they like it, but I dun t e+ +Pty house or fill it with old fo- an example. that the rest felt they
t e bad-`friends,of their'hearts a last-J.thcose you should give 'cm an op- E•r s. My dear George, haven's-y6u l must fallow or 'remain iherf for- Odd as it may seem, it's the fast
iu r gird for each other. . This' Pcrt:unity for it." ever seen that- advertisoment about ever. ccicr that doesn't run.
'•Not nonsense' at all. 'This their dwn boxes 1 People in lave
is saying much, as times go• When Oh, nonsense. matches which will only light v_i —
they are alone they quarrel consid house -is a kind of :lgapemone, a art like those matches. if you'ask! NA-DRU-CO Headache Wafers
i erably; but 'thea they are so sel- 'scrt of Orleans club."'. the matches without the boxes, or.� -
dc,m alone. They both consider _ „You ought not to be bored in it the boxes without the matches, you atop the meahest, nastiest, most persistent headaches in half an -
this,disputatiousness the inevitable the won't get anything out of.either.''' ' hour or less. We guarantee that they contain no opium,,
reQult of"their respective- relations. I I F. , morphine or oiherpoisonous drugs.25c.abox at our dru s
"One is always bored at one's` Ovid was. born too early; he Y ggi �',
w ;y have three sons, very pretty or by mail from
town place. I tell you I don't like neer knew this admirable illustra
.;°s and great 'pickles, and two +„ National Dear sad C6.mie.(Ce,et Canada. 13mited. '
n"' "and handsome daughters: your. people. You ask everybody tion. IVtaatrwL
wbc wants-to meet somebody else;1 "There's only one thing worse _
j eldest sun, Lord Surrenden, and it's never respectable. It's a I than inviting people •without the A�aeeiia4usedeko�m�ukraaa.r mm���
tej.,ices in the names of Victor, Al- joke at the Clubs. Jack's always people they care about; it is to in- B7 ua�as ,41 a d tad�npt t:.arc :7 - -
1)c:rt Augustus George, and is gen- addruPbow}dae,ad ' iV1
sayin to his Jill, `We'll et LadyIvite them with the people they re 'aseen►r<iee -
_: trrally, known as Boom. g g b.ute -
Usk to ask us together,' and they tired of; I did that once last year. rdAPLEINE reel"beak. �.�� saatda o.
They are now at, breakfast in the -- - - -- --- - - --.._. - -- --- _
garden-chamber; the china is old dO• I say its indecent. I asked Mme. de Saumur and Ger-
' But, my dear, if Jack sulks`vase together, and.then found that
Cbelsea, the silver is Queen Anne's, I
)ilio roses ate' oPd-fashioned= Jac- without his Jill; and if Jill's in bad trey had broken with each other
Y iquE.minots, -and real cabbage ros- form without Jack, one must. ask twrl r}lontha before. That is the sort - ,�
them. together. I want-people to of blunders I do hate to make!" I S
sae There is-a pleasant scent from enjoy themselves." "Well, nothing Happened^". -
Ac'wers, ' coffee, cigarettes, and "Enjoy .themselves 1._That,means "Of'course, nothing happened. _
ntwly-mown grass. There is a lit 11 =all's bine with some- hau=s_anything.__B
y you'd hat ifyou'd
at -
r of many papers"on the floor. btxl ' ' Ncl� v-cr S
y'oud married it looks so stupid in me, one is al-
-There is vet a fortnight before•,h,'r >>
` ways expectedto kno;w—'.'
Iho shooting begins, Lord Usk feels I ""What does that matter so long "" - �
• ' What an tu.,i•ease to .the re-
- tr.-tt the fift•ecn days .will,be intro}-( as-they're amused?" ' sponsibilities of a hostess. She ;
;:• . :-able; he rcP g repents. a fit of fright "What an immoral womanou ` --`--
sJ..eoonom in which-he has sold S nrust know all, the ins and outs of r
` - y are,.Dolly. To hear you—" her acquaintances' unlawful affec
+ ,'" great Scotch moors :and deer I "I only mean that I don't think ti ns as a Prussian officer knows the IMOTOR
['IA I
h rest to an American capitalist;;, : i L'r 1 lJ �/
f' o".t haven his own lands in Scot- y y' g affair i by-roads! I IV a simple an:
y g P P matter• aver-bop s 'always doin Frair itused to be when the Vic-
P it matters• you know it doesn't
L' land any luil er - ride has ' kept =
tcnan reign was -young, and Lord I
__.h;tn •from accepting any of the I "If you'd only ask some of the and Lrdy So-and-So and Mr. and
' litany
invitations of his friends to women's husbands• some of the Mrs, Nobody alI came to stay fora The Dewar.Challenge Trophy is awarded- yearly by the
ggu to them there for-We Twelft4t titcrn's wi�'es=-'' week twos an two nevitab- _.
'hsl.t he has a keen dread of the en- "'I couldn't do that dear. I we in os d s'as i ROYAL AUTOMOBILE CLUB-for the most meritorious per-
: as we buy fancy pigeons in tormance of the year under the general regulations for certi- -
su, g fifteen pars without sport. want neo le to like m _bouse!" y !„ -
_ 1 P y parrs fled trials. . -
r His wife has asked her ow•n'set, "Just as I say-you're• so immor- "You pretend to regret those
.'but he hates her
-set he does not a} " - el "a, but voii know' yOu°d be hor-I The New Daimler engine has now been in the hands of
-- r:nc•h l.iko his xnvn; there-is. only. '"No, I am not. Nobody ever ribly bored if you had always to the public for nearly 19 months, quite long enough to prove its -
Dulcia Waverley whom he does, hays a bill' for me, except you." go out with me'." merit;' owners are sending in te!•.timonials by every post and
I ke, and Lady Waverley will not I "Enviable .distinction! Pay.I I (To be continued.). we should like to forward to aur person or persons interest-
cc+me till the �Oth. ..Re feels bored, tFtink I do pay ! Though why yqUed a complete set of literature frilly explaining this ma.rvef--
i }Tipped, annoyed, He would like to I cannot keep within your pin. ` lona new motor. Send also for our, new illustrated--bookiet,
strarig}e 'the American who has 1 nreney'---'r " - "The Dewar Trophy and how it was 1von," a history of the -
t�r,ught Achnalorrie. Achnalorrie ''Pin-money means money to buy Greatest Engine Test on Record.
s h ving gone irrevocably out of .his pins. I did buy two diamond pins Hank Stubbs-"The ministers are '
+ hnr.ds represents to him for the! vAth it last year, 800 guineas'blamin automobiles cuz folks The Daimler motor Coed (��04� Limited
time be.'.ng the one absolutely to be' each." don't coma to church." -
°f': r desired spot upon earth.` GoM "You ought to buy clothes." I Bige Miller-"Pshaw! Autymo- COVENTRY, ENGLAND.
-- -- }cu n:ng!-l;e tl+iukt+,---how can Clothes! What an expression, ,biles don't preach do they I"
� ^v' C.• 4 A.�:'., q: .. ,, .. 'r. e. ... .,a __ _, •.._ r.. .tr F. r`' ,.r•_ ....y 4� .e,...e-a�-+ +t:�+•+ _
�t; yik'•r.:iw. �Ge,y R . .:•: ." .,... ..wq.]tp _ -,'., .y .u.;... . ..•jpa. u". .2""""`-m--•F" _ ..•/._.0.+.
.•N;i.... , , :. ...r,... .grie -, .• . ,..., •.:...r,.. .;. '.' .:. - .,,, �F.. .•y. .h t,x ..r b 4 y ✓
a.i•+QY.".cs.4. y..." . ...�r -. ,.aF•^a!t.,v` ra.1•,., , ` �a...'••i�r..a.a.r,.c r:C udJ4•>_... .K ..,,.v:. .,JuY:n• =rs::7.�.::..Dir � ti , •-. . �- �i. .i✓..�in•"ro ,... -
S S. LESSON " splendor and world) ver..THE DEAD HAS COME TO UFE" idea of a Messia po lof THEM.
er. ,
"FApli-1-I11ES" f lRAC1.E
Jesus lookingupon them-It
was o penetratinglook' such as
Mak says he gave to heyoung ru-
INTEBNATIOIAL LESSON, er. Perhaps the latter was at that) THE � L` ",,'�`L',`,.".,''r",,,`,,'�•"''.�'N.'+,`,�T,`y"�e'"'m'ajl
moment lingering near, anheardStandard ArtcleSAliG. ?. E - -•.� -�+� __
# he words; with God all things are '
-- '- • ' 7" R possible. _ Was not this man's ZZSAJy for u,e is aay ` E, For Making Soap.
,Leeson VI. Jeans on the Ray to 3•- trouble that he had tried to do him- quantity. �
Jerusalem, Matt. 19+' 1, .� .�, I3-..K. self what only God could do for
Useful for five ForSoftsaingWaur. :
-.. _ h'in? handled purpses, 1 For
Removing Paint.
- Gulden Text, 19. 14. can,equalii WFor Disinfecting �•
-••Verse 1. When Jesus had finished _-
Use only 66e Beet. IIr
-A common method, wit•i Matthew, R `°' Indh -
other (Matt. 7. 5:8; 11. 1; 13. 53; KyF,rF -.--Brier Root Really Heather. toorun ,ro t" ,W
A vast number of incorrect no- '
He departed from CaC'.rec-Ile MRS.JAMES FENWIQ% tions- are acquired by reason of414 not t4�
- ' me rise Ont.,October tst,I908. "nme- ; 4111
9'rsu ere tortured or seven on
nips resurrection. ears from a Water Tumor. I was tt of any particular importance, so
Borders of Judaea be=oa•1. the ' ion as we et what we are after? '='
• J(rdan-A New Testsr.tcnt d('si rrti, Dread to take morphia constantly to g e
- g relieve the awful pains,and I wanted to F't.�r instance, we go into a store �. _ __ __.._�--___ _ +•"�'
: h; Jews reek- dieto etrelief. Thedociors gave me and ask for a Dutch clock. We get ) I sive you my idea of this county
ored as one of their provinces (t a up a ted m kind we were after, so S GANADA
5 Y
i death. Then I was in aced to takeOR c
other two being Judaea and fa•r.t- i„ does not really matter that it is __
lee). It consists mostly of su sic,I "Fruit-a-tives"and this wonderful fruit nob a Dutch clock.at_all but aGer- a brotherly reception at the immi-
medicine hes cn,*+�?etel� cared me- ra o hall and •a comfortable` `°
t yea on the street again inan manufacture. Practically all TWO HAPPY WELSH BOY$ Off g
"•,north and south and mil�s witic, I my frier s ezclaiaied 'TGs dead 3i t w F, Pfac stop at,•free. V'a never'
notoriously cold and
I Plding littlo i come to life.' The Jcure was a positize bi' made
atthe the
village Black of Frey-
Forest. eci fo was. e e work at the ���
--.. -_• t) cultivation. The utat:nn was miracle.' MRS AUES FENWICK. ball, as we went out in the morning _
largely Jewish, as a careful a'i�.y 5°C a box-6 for a2•50'°r trial bo j; is all due to mispronunciation: Letters From ilio Lads in Saskltch- before t opened,d, and the. three
2 c. At dealers or from Frust-a-tives of us got a place right away. Thereof this cha-pter indicates. it !
_ t - is Peraea that Jesus was manifr.it-! Limited,Ottawa. German." ewan�f olh�-in the Old was a Iarge demandor Ie orers to s
ed unto Israel, and thither the s�` the cay, but our object was going ae
Nothing is more natural than to Land.
Ithe secret of eternal life; such char- _ on the land rather than get higher
arty were sent on their mission. -i assume that india ink comes from '
o f atter as is found in him who alone wages in the town. We hired at
Great multitudes followed 1 is
good cane entitle
men to
s sa the h�. India, but it does not, and never The London Standard prints two' -eur--board 3ur-
_ - - t-site lied gone to this -distrkt no' - di4- a-nv-more than slid-indis- rub- letters resolved--itt-males-a-fe�v I _
p btr�. The first originated in and weeks ago from young 1�\elshmen, food it worthy of calling food, no- y
do ubt for retirement, and for re callest thou me good' -None is g - u
cuperation of his forces prepare- ' g comes from China and should be who have emigrated to Canada. thing like the food they give in thee,
U to the final ordeal which wall save one (dark and Luke), called Chinese ink, as it is in The first is from Joseph `Williams, old country on the farms. ,
it was not because of any conscious.- �� "I told the farmer in the start �+
` 'but a few weeks distant. But he; France and the latter comes from he second from Jack Pierce. They
` ness of moral lack, no denial if . that I was not_used to farm work '±
scold not deny an outlet to his tom-I Central 'and South America. are of flys sort that make the best; ,p,.
sinlesaness, but a test of the man's „ • blit I was used to horses and that t
passion for the people, and so Let's have an .,ld style county to mi ration literature, as the writ-'
P P conception of goodness; he had giv• Y g l I was villin to do all I could ec
:healed them and continued also to 'dance"' some one exclaims and yrs are of the sort that make the g
cu Jesus a title which belonged.only cardio to his instructions, and )<
teach (as Mark- expressly states and immediately here jump into the best immigrants for Canada. j g
�tht_ chapter 'and the ntxt clearly ;t Cud-was he ready to stand by I m•.nd visions of red cheeked lasses! J, sAph Williams, w'ritiug from; have been very successful ul) to
show . it i- and stout lads dar,cin a•ly in the !Bangor rt office, ! now; but I have taken good care -
� f' g-3 5 B po Sask., says: g x�a
Keep the commandments-They I that he has not to say the same t
13. Brought - unto him-Better, >;atn. The term, however, is &imp- I I think I ought to write and, Y
�, were 'the best-known summary of; t, tHin more than once to me, and do
offered unto him,' the word be- ly a corruption of "contra dance,' t you know how we are faring in g
the meaning of good character. The.1 the work to the letter, as he had
ltig the same a9 that used of the from the Latin contra, or opposite, this far land-the last Great Testi
m¢e� aH rgtfts ayePe" surprise of the ruler, shown by his at•rl.tarams a dense Ott-,�; tl�el --,the rauark af-the-so>•!d I:old me to the commencement that
Question, iVhichZ (18>, arose g th.• trouble the had as a nzle wit-li
perhaps. from the multi licity 44,p:.rtmere are arranged in opposite trunk the b,eit way fur me would be 5'
Watt. 2. 11 : 5. 23). Itwasa solemn commands other than those of 3I,>s-I lines, and has nothing to do with to start. from-tile time I came here;newcomers .vas that they wa-nted to = b
strayed that the incident
took It may be expected some new - ,-three gears ago, on .\pill at. du everything in the old way.
act• f. dedication. cuuntrv, "I landed at Portland, Maine, l -Well, about the country;
p ( p me have con- commandment.
said-Notice that Camel's herr brusihe are not, f irarfi+ec-I shallgive-it,--ii ilio-Ca3aae
• � the
lace indoors coenare- Mark 10. ' T t made from the hair of tamely but`took train t-6 -Ha.miltun. 0btaritg,
17:, and that the little children�the commandments given are en- from hair% from the tails if RNs-I via Montreal 'and• Toronto.- two ol, the present world
were those of the household, who tirely from the second table,-of tihe,s'an and Siberian squirrel.i The day>'. juurney. Landed at Hamilton) IT-.IS RICH IN E_VERYTHI\G jT
"were brought to him to say good,Decalogue, and deal with love 'nr I hair of camels is, however, used fur cn the Sunday night, and started 1 nature can give it. There is work
right and respire his blessing be - s which may account; s, I to a4)rk on the: 1Wednesdav follow-
` making fine fabrics, st:ctr a3 Shaw,
fore sent to bed." But the disci one's atthew's crh' -• be re for eery man that wants to
les would hard) have remoa%trap(- f' Matthew's a<lditioa (verse IA) r,u$s sad - underclothing, sad -.isir:J at F. 1W. aearman Ix,rk fay•1 w•urk, and he will get Rood nivney µ
Y wiiieh is peculiar to him (compare sco�etimes mixed with silk I tory. wager Sl. per week , worked for hit ;,,rl. The weather ' has
rebuked t he patents bet•suse in such a case, They
I^0. All these things have I ib- I ptFes�nareenothmadere hfromrthe roots thereier roo nhe ra lwa5 fJnr the nummergot a lat i'1c et$fi sinPrvwdahave
�g in �I
Master's strength and time were served-No doubt this could ber,sail (f brier but from t.ho rout of a $.:0 a -month. This dub bnished in, .• t,
already taken up wit's healing the I-white heath +which reaches a con- October, and.'for the winter I .had `hinins;.briitl�', wit�i a nice biosis
honestly by the young man, It ,s; blowing all day - I am our every. 4
.sick, and it was intolerable that at this point that Jesus is said ;u;s:derable sire and is citlticatel lotto be content on keeping the `cove dt.v with four gorse., which is a
children is sound health should behave loved him. At any rate, he the south of France for pipemaking worm.
brought to him.. I I itr ores. The name is derived from l vt ry different thing from shoemak-
: That he should la lily hands (rn
young ruler was evidently not gat• p p ROUE LN BOY CAR.' ,�, Birt if all-. the Horses' to Ca.n-�
y isfied. The scribes had as much to tht French -bruyere, the dialect
them-He often laid his hands upon 'f cI of which is briers meaning4thcri spring came I started a��a arc lily these,'I trnuld not mind t.
� t m
s�v to him. '" . r „ �• d=',.
II� - these he was to heai,'and these par- � ,- ,o�li«.nth. - I v ork on a faint at �?_., n month, i if_I.heel tt~r it} b, f.re. rn... _ _•, - _
What lack I yet Was there I
• sots thought it would be an inesti- , ! We have a firm) • fixed nbtian Then'I went up west by 'jumping 'I will write you again and tell�
stern duty he could perform, to 5 �-
heir children` to - self worthy( Had the ithat a centipede hay 100 feet, and flit •freight train, ah< ut two thu!r= �c�ti how w'i• err gill opt along. We
have him touch them. ti P by the i sr nd miles, with $2 in ray -pcic,cet, r_re Nerd t.ranl cul fur the good in-,
Gcod Teacher not mg mo
14. Jesus -said-According to to the restless heart of this man ranee. Count 'em. There are at,<f 11A,(l , liVe on ,
)Mark, he was moved with iadi na- I i ebcruG thirty feet on the largest ' vater fur ten days,• I arri,ed ut in,�. and +�� � .• ;....,i lung life to
Mark, ,t tan what he already knew, and Y
tion at the rebuke. If the kingdom•what had failed to brim peace I +size. 11 Saltcoats un the night of Jule 10, 1+ell more J,f the-AI'el:�h people abuub. ,
of heaven belonged rightfully to 21. If thbn wouldesrt ba perfect- We remark that such a cite f walked to Yorktun, Sts midis a.ernss ;he wundcra of this country."
such as these, it-was scandalous to!Here, as everywhere, -Jesus teach. "speak% through his nose,"..when.as ' tl"' Prairie. I gut a job at Yt,rktun,
forbid their comm into the res which was a turning tint to stir•-�
g p es, that perfection consists, nut in a matter of fact the gst4� __dis-� g m :
t once of.the Kin This and similar a reeablA tune is roduced ` when cess. 1 may say here that when I r
g• conformity to an external code; but; g P arrived at Yurkton I had the _(,nor HIGHER_PRICLS I\ l.Eii3l
tributes on our Lord's art to the •.. the nasal passage is closed. Hold
1? is purely-a matter of heart and mo• i . - _
sAr,ctity of childhood constitute the five. Jesus does not deny the 5 Dung flit nostrils and prop a it. mous sum of 3 cents.in nth pocket:
best argument for infant baptism. Iman has kept the law. But be ,i, •x months later started P • llnti+e•whea are Askin(; Where It
fii on 1 I husinc�s
(For a wise discussion of this diff%- puts his finger on his one imperfec- ' there, butchering, with inv brother, Will All i nit' t
cult subject see Curtis, The Chris-'tion-his lore of wealth. In saying,! i Arthur as
partner, ani) twelve f The ,rices of the necessities of '
tia , Faith, page 437, and note the months later sold out at a gc.rd I
p g G�, sell and.thou shalt have tree- - i life cnntinuc to ripe in a most a
statement: "II (infant baptism) sore 'ins heaven, Jesus makes no CI old do :ltcmy With .Much Misery ;sum, and to iday, I am pleased to al:,rmin rya in all the targe cities
elands for the sacramental accept- say, I can sit and,look at rn} crop g 5 g {
P )+remise that eternal life Tari be _ in Britain. '
� - - ruwin from which I ho to to re- if Ueru.an}�, tcith Berlin and Ham-
arca by the church of the consecra- gained in this way. - But, -in this - �g g' I '•bit at-theirhead.•• German crouse-t
tiou unto Christ of a babe-by the particular case, there was no pros-i "Women and the fight against.cc terve somewhere her•c from +32.000 to $:I,. g
~ Ao0 next fill, besides 'being tile, wipes are in a :late of growing,
home.") The perfect sincerity of Iect of.a heavenly' life until the (,e titut:un , was the sub}ect .lt> ar:piety, aski'n w hcrc� all this is tot r�
Tao evangelists in admittin such unser of three fine mares and foal., g
g g yyitng man had surrendered his at-lit used at a recent sitting of rh.j arid. ! "�
ane all mei essay farming in le
-incidents, wht�h•were to the discre- tachment to earthly gain. The �Wt Wren's Congress at the Whitt _ 5' P I Another plidse•uf the question is'
dit of the apostles, is manifest. cony a to make the sacrifice was City inLondon. menu. ;
g E nr-w opened up by the attitude of
15. He Iaid .his hands on therm-t toe, medicine which the man's soul Phthisis, said Mrs: S.vdney Webb, -�C.'ri:Y M:1�i C.\\ GET ON. the butchers., who'.a're actively.•Ire-; '
- $Mark says(10.'16); "He took them requ'red.' The hard, self;-denying I accounted for ons se•+ith. ,I ilia I "You can show tills letter to all' titioning the Government to `'do _
1-`n his 81 ms;
blessed them,them, la--fellewer'of-Jesus was the e7:1:enditure 'under the poor law. If ray-old.friends at Abergele, and if I so niething'' if their trade is not to,
it+g his hands upon them." bracing that was needed to make phthisis were dealt with in the(lou like you can se..,Cit to the press.., Stiller seriously. In their petitiuni-
le. One came to him-Commonly a really noble character. Come; 1 s:.me way as consumot� i i ;,ne :ev-I if you think it will benefit any:t}ley Mate that the prohibition fol
1 -known as the rich -young,ruler. t fellow, me 'is-not-so much a com-I enth of the paupericni of the cciin- !young'men or women w•ho'think of� lin ,ort cattle'f rum abroad dries not' .`
Luke alone says that he was a m;nd as it is an invitation. Jesus try might be prevent xl, and much,coming to Canada. I can say with-I l _
"ruler," which may mean nothing yearns to have this man for a• xis- nr.sery, would he iw i ,- away. Pry- enable home farmers to cope with'
g t out the least hesitation that this is ilii, national dcntAnd, fur the pro-( _
More than that he occupied a higlf ciple, but he has named the only ventive measures cuu'tl (lo' tnucii I a much better`country fban the old t chietiun of "national''- pigs,.oxen,:
social r Mat-f on_which this is pos-I _ue-thud._of.,the bli:_lnc;;_uf lite e(,u-ntry,. and there" is no . reason ..
county could be ay.)i�,(i if negle t wliatever.why a young man or wo- 'yep aixl calve_is pr��ticaily ata-
thew is alone in saving he, was sible. y Y g t c nat;!l, and in scinc districts is
" Dun '' The fine character of 22. He veenzt✓away sorrowful- itLitrf itc4v was t�;t3r_l-�Lagainst, man could_not succeed here. There` -
Y g i i even growing less, while_ the do-
this: man, which comes out in his Jest's might have made the terms rZt:.1. the public heal:t and (duce- is plenty of work. for all Mere, and sand increases. They ask, for the-
enthusiastic interest in Jesus, his!ea_ -••and thus have gained a fol- t;on authorities co tic) dos much v)I good places. The servant is looked!aLulitian-of all.frontier,-barriers,to
.eagerness for the truth, and his lower. But what kind of a follow-I prevent destitution. The p�,i;q of l upon as one of the family; no re-, importation of live st(wk, and less
: freedom from immortality, justifies er S The main who, in-a covetous I I• eventio-ti ec�tt-ld-al,�o--r.e_a.pplre:l-to s(.-ration-on what you.do,
dlwhere drastic measures--in dealing --w-it1v --- I-
cur Lords love. for-him (Mark 10. spirit, clings to his possessions and (•lie unemployed.
Vim go; you share the b t 1? cattle supposed t�� be affected with!
t31). is ready to renounce Christ sooner, Mrs. Barnes sal. 1 that '`There. the house with the .boss, and eat- `ti;berciil'usis. This; they ,av, iso
What good thing shall I do?--than them,-has cause for sorrow. I shall be in no human ,life any int- fi•nnr the same table.• No .talk of
I t^ntriecl to absurd lengths.• I
-Mark and Luke, more naturally, However estimable he may be•, in pr:diment to the call .J tilt, oivire ')loft allan' here-nothing is too A curious political coloring is lent' ••
omit the "good." Could any act, other respects, there is a fatal be.,
which I can remove ' w;t,. a c•r+:ed gc od, for the hired man." to this movement of the German`
iextept a good one, win eternal life? in his characterny I. We never get aal ich would carry thea( f:tr in s� Jack Pierce, a shoemaker, who butchers by the threat that if the
!The divergencies, . here, between f happiness out of the thing we chooser< it reform. came out with two other Welsh-
Government declines to remove t`
:Matthew on the one hand, and instead of Jesus. Miss Murby urged ?hat half-time nien, a grocer and a carpbnter, their "grievances they will, as a.
Wa:rk and Luke on the other, are 23. Hard for, a rich man to enter lt.bor should be stu,)p2d. The,•c:un• writes from Haward, Sask., Maybody, join the Social Democratic. >'~
fu!l of interest. What follows sug-I into the kingdom-It is hard for try should be able to support. its(IE 30, 1910: organization. , The,butchers have `
gests'that "Good"Teacher" •is'the anyone to enter, but especially hard h; rueans of its adn't; The scno i . -EAGER TO WORK. hitherto been among the host to;
manner in which the ruler address- Lir those who are -exposed to all age should be raised- to fifteen. , of. Kaiser's subjects. -
;ed Jesus. He went beyond the the fascinations and perils of great Pt rsons under eigittea.r 5ortra f F rI am writing you this letter to 1
usual conrte'sy, which '-would de- riches, -ga ghould not be to w•:•rk
nand only "Teacher," and signified 2¢,, Easier. for A. camel •10'go I mord than thirty )yours per Nreu:c, H
+;s lofty regard for Jesus by the ad- through the eye of a needle - .t and should be` :e.I rti•c::i to tt'tti+nd LE GREASE
di.tion of this unusual adjective. hroverhial saying familiar to the training schools. )snip:•;yment for to the turning•dolnt to economy
17. Why askest thou mt ?-If this Ja ws; not necessarily tobe taken many of those A prusant Vltilcut in wear and tear of wagons. Try
14 the exact form of the Master's re- literal;y, but used to express• an -v,rrk would -also-ire, securrd if the a box. Every dealer everywhere.
s Sponse, it, must have been in the iaimost insuperable difficulty. hours of hose -mp• >;•t;l n loll-! The Imperial Oil Co.,Ltd.
. -
sature of a challenge to look else-1 25. The disciples . . . were aston- ways, 'buses and irnrna whieh were
where than to some good nut for fished-Because they clung to the a; present excess( e, were re l u4•eu. ootarte leafs:'rte 4wm CRY 0:1 co.,us
.���'.. ,°:;,� :,:-1 ,a.,i!'.'v Ar.. �.F.. ",: 'a v, ^ai:'.�'^_ yC.'S j. t. :,m.... + c ,..y.. C ,�.i','••�9 +S!a+.:v'•. .+ 1, .., .. ...'1�.',;—I •l F. :'.1.. Yu• V✓'.+ A ,•ffnY.
„,., > ...: 'l,. ✓. ...,.; sees ... w,. .� ... ... .:. .'._ ..� � sees Yy
y '
i.. sees. .:' .•' .. I,. : — .ti , ..
^ sees
.., .,'.
j the cellar of hit house. But he At the dedication of a new fire
{- BLff ALL 'YOUR x
took the precaution to bury those engine in a little town .on the
remains in quick lime which Massachusetts coast the following 9toab ,
Y would prevent any odor from liket was dear
oldm proposed: "May she be ^ ler - �� � ars
lite the dear old maids of our nil- G
�„ _ - - escaping from decaying flesh and la e : always ready but never cal-
01' ' at,the same time hasten their de-1 led for.,,
cilcl6t�c��cg '� � composition. He also removed FOR DESERVING a '
the bones from the body, as the
mad avae7 Frido morning ai is Omoa, _ +
Gplekering.ons lime would not decompose these, Ari. A derson - AT
111AT1$6 OF ADVNBTISIXG: and these he.could easily carry Tzr rA sow Agree.GIVING yr sops,
° - _a costs away and put them where the ttl� w.» t D of DArrDavas _ THE +G R O O E R Y STORE
4201" m, _70-40 could never be found. He explain- After reading this straightforward It will save you mosey and make you better preserves.
tttrsalid ear=s given to parties making eon- the absence of hie wife b say- statement of Dire.Elizabeth E.Ander-
ed esmErlase a or a asouths or b7 the year. Haary y" son, of Mechanicsburg, Pa., go to T. ,
C ,ot...ai.•t: oont�aatspa,ablegnarmri� g g y M. McFadden's, eta a bottle of P-U-RE !CLOVER, �30N'Ej�
. in that she had one awn for
p ., - a4siseeas tea linea or under,with paper B �Z'g
,; .sa pa able la advaaos. the benefit of her'health,and then Parisian Sage for only 50 cents, and
in oolumas tan cents per lino, f
s� sit�s,�saam per H�ia if it don;do for you what ib did for
aminatzatw mads known on applicaMpg. 'L Uvrouu ILIV Will
,! �>,iee. siatreeadnrfising. again, he had inserted in the money back. Just reaJ this lettei.it's
meats without written instmouclas worth your while
`.r�naeerted until forbidden and charged as Papers a notice of her death, G•I had given u hope of ever"bean TRY A PACKAGE OF
aaast�beiy wtrmlttantind .at w t .eLpab ppo cured of dandruff when I urchased
which wan au Ked to have taken p ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA
promptly m, place in California. In order to a bottle of Parisian Sage. It has en• ,
w... Y g cirel removed the dandruff and has If you like something specially fine in teas. In 1b. aekets only 25e._
prevent he body from being found Y 8 peC y P y
star a owth of new hair, and all
-WAS per year; $1.00 if paid in advance. troubled-fol 1 —Bell or Independent
remains, In fleeing from London rears. I cheer[ully recommend Par- __WE WILL DELIPER THE GOOD
Isian Sage.'
JOHN MURKAR, Proprietor, into
ru , ® � v YGRUCER
1G have done more to cover up his cause it gala right down into the roots
tracks. Hut every precaution of the hair and kills the thousands o!
svOT:Et AND COMMENTS pernicious dandruffSince thA intro germs. -
- sof no
1 Iia nothing else do we see so avail. Justice comes surely and Sage into Canada, i�oas been in de-
mend by thousands o up-to-date eo THE --REASON ilk H Y-
busiaeas,forth'ht or careless- quickly to the a ron •doer. Some -fin.- Parisian-Save
-- -- - -
' saninst s in the making of wills. So few escape, but it is a great risk harsh, lusterless, ill looking hair into
t aviiii eptly it is the case when a to try to be one of that number. bright, luxuriant hair in a few days. D18nev'B Plow(; are the Cheapest
. It is a delightful and invigo ratingg
ills .7
: displays so much business Before one begins a course in dressing, contains no dye or harmlul -
-- "ty is everything else, he crime he should atop and consider ingredients and is not---sucky- or- - --
: .= _+hely neglects this most import- seriously the consequences. Even gr l o The girl with the Auburnsaelti+tuatter, and when he dies his should he be one of those who hair off every puckage. __..; _ ___• We are agents for
t UnsWsees affairs are left in the escape the laws of the land, theNeto datferi4.etlaewt,, 'THE FROST & WOOD- LINE
Mmon to of lawyers,and his property strain of eternal vigilance, the
if 'tielRaposed of in a manner prob- fear of being caught and the re FOR SALE—Co11ie Pupa, at lot 34. - including the \ .
asi�j entirely different from the morse of conscience should be a eonoaasian +, Pfekasias• A. o. aovar-
t SHY.�nerr,w F.o. FAMOUS S �iCRO WN" GANG
+�.. was in which the former owner aufhcient influence to prevent any - -
:bSbseaded and possibly with great one from embarking on a career FOR SALE—Nine good pigs, five
weeks aid. App at lot 28.onnessalon 1,
., Pickering,or address TisD LAORT. Daabar- THE PERR/1V
Mice to the rightful heirs. It of crime. The reports state that son P o which is without a doubt the beat
a, imus ►be that before the property Crippen and his companion were
Iteisliiisally disposed of that one-half in a continual nervous state. FOR SALE-New match cow and a riding plow made
Road strong work 6orss. Applyon lob llt •
s •a wassere has been squandered in They had uo reason for ex eetiD eoa. 3, Ptaksetag, GSOBOS W. HAS I'IIiGa,
q -- _ P g wn>,+e..i+-. -----_ t�.s A180 the D141[. Fl@IlTy.', Wilkinson, Sylvester, Uxbridge, ate..
Y 3tioo, whereas if a will had arrest, but their condition was a
lliseamade everything natural result of their crime. A EED BUCK
WHEAT-For sale at
y Sloa 8,con 1.,Ptakerta quantity of 6,lrar WE HANDLE REPAIRS FOR ALL PLOWS cba-T Buckwbeat. Goo clean seed. DONALD
to the proper heirs with the person cannot commit a wrong YCNHO, Pickenag P.0. esw
+®esvtion of certain incidental ex- deed and have _peace of mind
- OR SALE—Ons good-fresh mllch
.... ......
genlseee Made necessary to insure The only safe course is to-do what F cow s can old. Arply lot 80. Kima.wn
« rd. or P,MARKS- tm°bartoo +++e n
� It3ttlellegalityot the various claims. is right and a person will have a _ • he
o "Ally a sharp business man should contented mind. SEED FOR SALE—The undersigo-
1 .7 ad has for sal*a quantity of amosby and /� a /"� _
- F*=W deferring this important mat. &talk•clover seed•also a quanmty of Siberian �••��T'$�. — ONTARIO
l y
L. .
1�rfiesomething we cannot under-. MARKHAM nous, seed writeApploff nea.R, lea lanonT
1 atesd. There are some roan who mak.nng oewrlMaorphaasa.B,PCGa.alar. _
The Oddfeliows' Band has been en- mons st6t6 MACHINERY�} *�,! 'Q' 1.
q - tllitisir that when they attach their gaged to lay both days of the E. R. W,0;TED—An experienced farm
THE 3p�1 OF GOOD �iiCiili��iR i
p i�
ie�ee to the bottom of their York fall fair o Oct. 5 and 6, hand.middle&gad,m work on tariff by
♦ heavy thun�eratArm panted over year m western Canada. would assist to pew
f curios bomestead for the pwt7 wt111a w"W%
they are signing their death this section Wednesday afternoon. wagw sm.00 per year, Address c. 813 w,
snta, and as a result they The lightning was incessant and!•harp taaltort sank.
and during too minutes there wan a BURLING
biose only a short time to live. deluge of rain which filled the gutters LOST-1?'rom tot 99.coo. 0, Picker- v
12th ere whoa to the.' en'o moat :tad overflowed eavetrou hs. Some Ing an July sa,a oollle pap I months old. tlf •
r. e l y g btaek bosky with whim collar, watt, anpe tip
eafftt�ie most robust health do not damage was done to the telephone face,ten legs,wblte tote on all toes whim
Yp' lines- and lightning also got on the sip on mil• Bewail t�or rano to w DUGS, is still in the old stand where he has a full line of furniture consistis
IgaN I, that their lives may be cut wires of the electric light plant. And Clanmoa& +�+s of wiudow shades, curtain poles, house furnishioge, floor oils tie
+puwt by accident or by some stid- the lights were out in the business OR 9ERviCE-The Holstein-Fri- linoleums, two and four yards wide. Come in and hear the Victor
aiBsa�atal illness and thus prevent section that night.-Economist. F Galan Flan•'"ke'riew seugerveld Tayne." Gramophone. I keep in stock all the latest records and. gramophone
p Geo. Bennett, of Locust Hill, won who has one of the beet known to t>» needles. Call and get a eatalo a of all the latest son and band
r disposal of the mile race a aim at Jackson's Point, Holsteto
family for milk as boost prodacstoa
f g as tot t+,non 1.Piakenng,owned as the Dan- pieces. Eogravin done on silverware of all kinds. Heaving bought
ais,ts>Er property. The making of a - e a rig o one o e es res in Canada-for-the
t hat mi bt ve been a fatal tacolashan.manager. s7•+9
l should be done, Dot when 1 R townships of Pickering and Whitby I am prepared to supply all in
Y shooting accident occurred Saturday MARgI?T t�}ARDEN FOR SALE— need of a good feel.
"irsll><ln bed with the body racked afternoon, On Albert St. It appears to the vulageof Pickering.containing 3
vsWh pain and with a mind cloud- that J. NIcMechin had been shooting arTe of rod lead with 6-roomed house. stable `
sad had for A moment or two left the and driv�as 6^use and pleat,of hard and .aft _ s,�r9e �r Serfin �nument�
_ ,�!ske a result of illness, but when Run leaning against the fence. Young water. O°abe premises are all kinds of large
Me ill started in to carr the Lad a,nall fruit, Apply on the premiaaa
]ss.man is in the best of health and I g y Onurch street, Pickering.or address N DING.
`�` '..;•.:• gun across the street, and some- bow ILAN.Pickering 9981 Call and get prices and see cuts before placing your order,
*Me mind is clear so that he can or other got disputing with Bernard - -
+' - gs�rrrise the soundest judgment. Crowston for its possession. In the -L�OR SALE-100 acres more or less,
p i` lot X can.1, Sewboro. On the premises
a yell should be made just as soon attuggle which followed the gun went are born,cattle stable,bone stable,drive.bed, - CAREFUL ATTENTION TO = -
off, the bullet striking Megill near.the hog pea,hen house,brick house.8 rooms, sum-
- tats a person accnmulates a certain temple. Fortunately it took I%Blanc- mer kitchen,wood&bad,two wells, lots of wat-
P u�lae;nt of property, whether- he Ing direction, and did not pierce the wins tela.orchard well fenced. no broken
p Pe y, land,milk wagon nails m the farm. dye miles
I" married or single, unless he skull The wound was a nasty one, from the city of Toronto,one and a half miles
~.a ini his but not serious, and young Magill is from station• ala« to churches and schools, Phone night or day, Bell or Independent.' ,
property to pass into now around again.—Sun.- dauv mail ill a,m, eollectsd and_delivered. 1
i �hand�'of lawyers. phone to premises
house. For furthe1INRYr ppRsOCKlan apppt
' on the ptemues to HSNBY BSOCS�+=zlo�
Ont. Is k
. :;Britain's Best daitl
- -- --
_ - "�[+irder will out is an old say. "Herbert" 88d R,88pbe1'><'y A ;FeWNeW- i n e 8
_ --
1@10M and was never truer than it The Band of the Grenadier Guards
which is being brought across the .Thin is the hardiest slid largest �• -�
_iRwb!j--day. 'When the sleuths of ocean to play at the Canadian Nation• yielder of all red raspberries. t is "ladies'
e is set upon the trail of one al Exhibition is being widely advertia-, known as the"3 in V berry. It pro- Apron gingham, shirting, towis and towling, ladies hose, Testa 1
- - Awha is endeavoring to et awn as the chief musical attraction at duces 3 -times the quantity of fruit and corsets, gent's'sex, shirts, collars. ties and suspenders, table and
g g y the Japan•Britiah Exhibition. That that other reds-do.- Desirable for
o is further evidence that it is all that home or market, -Write to headquart- floor oilcloth.
;;Fetsle>t the clutches of the .law, is c for it,_viz..:._that it is the ere.fo>`p=ic�or for an,gen rev. --- so rememtlethat w� i lust re for aultar—In)-s- or -
finest military band in England. And
'el:soave is almost impossible. The that means the world, for even the •BROWN BROS. CIO-- -
item by which the wheels of Germans admit that the British Bili- Brown's Nurseries, est' loves.ties, fruit jai•,, machine oil, ,oil cans, wrenches and I�eic-
tary Banda excel all others. g "
- ;� stice are made•.to move is one of 84-47 Welland Do., out. ,
mdksioat absolute perfection. With - Don't forget the tea contest
ANst-advent of the wireless.,systet>a HarrQe3t Weather 1�1reS HaTP@St -� 'Cur groceries are the freshest. - -
9tp3egraphy, the fleeing criminal' Q
^• A. mew factor which makes his We.have a good line of harvest boats, mitts and hats. Call and slip- Ask-for coupons
- much more difficult. For ply yourself. Do you require screen doors and window screens, if so
y all kinds, hoes and sprayers. GEORGE PHILIP, z-BROUGHAM
I world have been following A.word about groceries: We are headtinarters.for campers Slip-
ssikZa.�t a week the eyes of the civil- -we
have a few'left. Forks,
Idne movements of the C. P. R. plies. A fresh line of salmon, sardines, kippered 'herring, haddie,
lC+tamship, Montrose, which had pork and beans, potted ham, veal, Bock an4l tongue. Also all"kinds
hoard the notorious criminal of canned fruits, marmalade, 11einz pickles; 'sweet' and sour cheese, BMK
biscuits of Pvery kind. Fresh bread daily, also bona, cookies, caker �, Ir
A+c. Crippen. The bringing into etc. Our large loaf is only 10c. Vegetables of every'kind. ��JJ
1 t�itve��oils of the law of this notor-
vvm<haracter,.is one'of the are Terms cash. It.atabiralted'1873 OF CANADA Bel -
• • isr3rievements in the annals GEO. A. GILLESPIE Dutb€�rton
cv-lase. It has given to the rid
mei -convincing pr of the = --
vvsgue of the wireless stein of. i ° f' p y +
!, I , I I Yaw
I j [U�N� For sums u to $50 our Bank Mone Orderi are.•**Ne:g•aphy. The case of Dr, Cri j :convenient,and inexpensive: .. For larger amounts we issue
;Lftwwas one which shows the almost - Drafts or Bills of Exchange. Money sent at once to an J
l�Sr impossibility of committing If you are thinking of purchasing come in and look around before t►
ty r and then escaping the buying elsewhere. Men's overalls, work shirts, fine shirts, ties,.socks .. --Daubing point in the world by Telegraphic or tAJiO
p °g and smocks. Boots and shoes for all. Trans6f.
7: , e 9alssaegtlences. He had taken every _
os>mmution to hide his evil-doing. Ice cream (City Dairy)every�8sIturday night. 'Savings Bank Department at Every Branch. I86
We m~dered his v�ife when it is We also handle Samson's well-known spades, shovels, hneg, forks and
awpposed there w)m no eye-, rakes. Always fresh groceries on hand. P I C K E,R I N G BRANCH
Vis. Then he mutilated the
r^ l&ediy and buried rrFF�he remains ln`A. M. GORMLEY' Dunbarton CL.ARENcE T. BATT'�fe 1►"''sllatsge:
c1ltA O AT 'W
hyo x 4w t4'r ✓ _ s. a:x*',:s..: r
'4in=?E sa. ,•<. �6. a i
... ._ _ n: _ .. *,„,. .r!,.•, n'arr. :� .�. u'''v��..+cN➢s `--:�r.._u•. --,p, ^c,. a.n.:� ,d�'ii..«:i �," r.�, ";�!r.:
.Y rM ri Y" wj : ..; .•,.,.,.. .,..qP. g+r W .y f"' C:- w-r b2„{,-„-..,.^>..- - •.Y-,•x'.9-.'. —
cu►RtfMONr Thomas Gregg.-and .his.father, -Wm. Milne, .of Toronto, was
. Randall Birkett spent Sunday �da cess, were in the city on home over Sunday, • �♦ ��
Kith frienC�in Balsam• y David Forsyth, of Toronto, has
Wm. Coates is off duty these Mr. and Mrs. Robb of Toronto, returned home after spending
s at a few days with M.and Mrs- some time at North Claremont Gall and nee our New Spring Livesof .
s -
:_da, $sufferin from a lame back. eat
with his brother, Daniel, who is ' --
]�avid Bnn y, of Toronto, spent KENS, WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S FOOTWEAR
s iew day'.with blends t Clare- Arthur Hurd and Miss Bella gradually recovering from his
,t arrant. Carruthers, of Toronto, spent the recent severe illness. , at reasonable prices.
Mrs Luther Pilke spent There- holiday with friends in town.
day last with Mrs. , of Glen Jno.Thomson,of Toronto,spent --8 Roses Flour and choice pastry flour always on hand. f
Major. over Sunday here with his broth- uxsaioos
ler, Harry and Mrs. Thomson. Repairing neatly and promptly attended to.
iso Ma a Morgan spent the g g The Corner Store. .W. M. PALMER, Proprietor
-- Dr. G. M. Brodie,of Woodstock, _. __. __ - w
h4iiday wi_ heruot, Mrs. Wm. ent-a-few-days-'here-with- his- are coming to
Pickkn Oo.
Svana. . Wa-kec EKennell-is home from e
Richard Johnston, of Toronto, brothers, Dr. R. and C. J. Brodie. west for a visit. He has disposed of s
t Rev. J. A. Grant was is Stouff- his drug business in Ponoka. -
spent Stinday with Fred and Mrs. g
Farmer. villa on Wednesday evening deliv- The-uscertaint of the train service
E. Bring an address in the Baptist ke t a e num awn from Len-
A few of our sports attended p y
- I --,-- drove from--Ee—re. ==Wi__
rile celebrsti on .church. non's picnic at Jackson's Point last RUARD&W rs- Anderson and Mise Me-
f F. Hutchison is off duty these Phail, of Toronto, spent Sunday and say the y was a huge success
days suffering Prom muscular and Monday with Joshua and Mrs. with?,000 people present. M i
rheumatism. Bandy. . The death of Fred Golden the other Important showing of Sneer display of '
Miss Earl , o!Barrie, and Mise Mr. and Mrs. Pooler and Muster day was a great surprise to his many _ Chums. A very �e assortment sof
Elliott, of ort Per are vision Eddie, of Toronto, spent the holi- irienda, although many of them were _ may, Books,Dolls, Toys, jut r :
Perry, 8 aware that he had failed a great deal
.at Wm. Hill's. day with Dc. and Mrs. C. J. during the past year. He had come received toe the Holiday trade, Call
The Musses Walker, of UK. Ramie. u from Whitby to visit his sister,
bridge, spent Sunday with their The C.P.R. painters are now Ire; Prentice,asci passed away at - ,
Y improving thea ranee of prions takga for all Masgasaiaes,
-other in r bus im covin
Mrs. man i ep, k Walton and spent s Mood
with her cousin, Odra. supply of paint. deal of time at those pursuits which-
Thursday' _
Walter`Pard, of Balsam. Miss Thompson and friend, Miss are so lauded by that philosophical old C!
Toronto, is Farquhar, of Toronto, span fisherman. The otd_reeidents_oL
with n rem---ember well the gallant con- v
taking s two wee catioly lit duct of tie decese when st-tbe -
the home of his parents here. in South Claremont. of his own life he rushed repeatedly -
-M-E and Mr alfol'd�o!`P rs-& t�:- -Geed into the abetra[�tguu aaceofnaad�a ----- :--- - r
are spending a few days here wood, is visiting at the home of old hotel. then keep t by a Mr. Arm-
with Tbos. and Mrs. Gibbons. her daughtefr, Mrs. W. A.Hendee- strong, asleeping '
G. H. and Mrs. Samis are taking son., of the 7th concession. unconscious inmates.-Times.
- =a bolo weeks' vacation at the home Mrs. Tamb.lyn and..children, of .
u!the tatter's mother is Brussels. Rochester, N. Y., paid the form- IRL. - --
Misses Ma Morgan and Lillian er's mother, Mrs. W. McKay, a Tl� TdBLing East
station G. �
Mary fit , :. following -
• Mo sa, of Toronto, spent the flying visit over Sunday. No, a 3Lail •.8•�• X. ton,� a; I%X21 r the!10 7. in love
T.R. Tnnns East dee r lolbws- �
holiday with M. and Mrs. Render- Albert Rawson, who has been 12 Local 243 P.M.
eon. s
working in Toronto assisting
the 14 No. i Lo�call ” . fi88 A.M. Floury Noes 12 and ll: L, , 4, 4a, Iii iiekI and Natidnsl Mei. 8 `
W. and Mrs: Walters and Geo. summer, is now assist C. H. ' going 11 Loa►1� .due. 11 t0 .w Gan s-Ontario No. 1, New.Centur Imperial Jr. 7 a 7;
and Mrs. Black, of Toronto, eppeesit Found in his rush of work:
ube holiday with Alex. and 6Lts. R. Bryan and son, Hillyard, and ? t`� e.so p• Wilkinson Noe. 21, 7, 4, an o. gang�g `Waterloo No i
"Wilson. Mr. Waiters, of Toronto, hada . Frost dt Wood Nos. 18 and 20. Henry Allen No. 7, P. Hamilton No,21 i
: Mrs. Brown, of Toronto, who successful day fishing on Monday saada�included. Patterson Noe. 11, 12 and 18. Sylvester Noe. 7 and 8
spent last week at the manse here when they landed 49 fine trout. Uxbridge Noe 4, 6 and 7. Cockshntt Nip, Punch, Judy.
Iretnrued to the city on Monday Mr. Rickabyy, of Bowmanville, Re B R Y A N Gangs-Twin Gang, Kidd, Maple Lea! l '.,
evening. will assist R. Rumohr.in the Stan- _ Percival No. 10. Kangaroo No. S1
Sherman Rumohr was on the dard Bank during the absence of
sick list for a few da And under Mr. Samir, who is off on his vacs- Tobaccos, pipes and smokers' Shares for 42 different kinds of lows at a price ; t
Yt-- . .____,_- _ . . -- .__ �siindrlee� CeIItraa office Bell ...- -._--_ that will hold the trade. is
the doctor's care,-but is now iQi- Lion. Telephone Co., A ncy for - '
proving. Duncan Macnab, Misses Mary Rolston Laundry. CHARLES SARGENT,- - CLAREMONT T �
Geo. T. and Mrs. Lee, of the 7th and -Maggie Macnab and Peter ,f
4coneession, spent Sunday . with Macnab jr. left on Tuesday for a CLAREMONT. - ONTARIO
t.lia tatter's.Wrests+--Jas--._B__and two weeks' holiday
at ,Faclseon's
,Mrs. Madill. Point. f ei + 5 0 • m
Mrs. Shearer, of Toronto, has The rainy weather that we have
,returned home atter spending two been having-of late has hindered
I u .
weeks with Magnus and Mrs. the farmers greatly with their
�' ?
Henderson. r i r •.. ;� m i d t
ha harvest. A large amount is
ti.•s ;,
O .
turned to
re I.. -
Miss Zel1a Michell still standing is the fields.
rda a
bar home to Toronto on Satu y The library Board met on Satin- :-° X amb a 10!4-
• Itat
'evening accompanied by Miss day evening and decided to in- $$ i 0 1 ma
'Blanche Cooper. C I
Pe veetiRats the Dowry Decimal � 'i+ ,a0�
Joseph Morgan and son, of Pet• Spetem of Classification and if A
spent Sunda with Mr, •
- r erboro. p ble ado tit before the new .. °i1
pe of the fifth cones- Psi C s s t: + •.S I • _ - +;
aged Mrs. Hill, p Jan I 4 .� a
ue it _
. ental tt -old matt
°g O.t �'-` The j
. . ''eiOa Of Uxbrid Feb ... *'
. ge.
we --
sew O! our sports
A I a--:
Amon the Civic Holiday visit- a ,. !s sa .. •+ ' ffi taoans good paint„
Green River on Friday event of �
. Y _
-'ors to Claremont were James -
'Wood, Mrs. John Wood and Miss � � ls.. � = y g a .. �.yl� P� bet. i
last week to witness the toot 11 � .° - .a.� �sR
' Marshall, of Toronto. match between the Shamrocks
Mises For ie, Florence, Thom- and the Niagara Falls team in g 9 g O� Andknowsjugwhy
g !! ! s . .. yoiy�
son and Neal were the guests o! which the former won by the I ii
Mite Rhoda Wood at s Lea party score of 2 to 1. The return match �. !! >ls g o • •• Paint is so good.' i
is being Is ad at Niagara Falls o
on the manse lawn onTuesday >~ �' ow.,V' e a ire ase is 70
this Wednesday afternoon. A s '"
evening. Wei O ..
Mr. Dickinson with wife and few of the mere en ue tic �sLL Genuine White ;
child, of Toronto, have arrBrOushAM
ived in sports from this locality went over JM-1:
naaty i91i-wbitby r, Osbr..s, in"on is -
le,Poeb P Y►,UzbeidaRs!7,danaiatfoa!t9 t
_. to witness the game. ss.. 1:Iii IiRu
>ta I,eSd and �% White mac. ,
' town and are now occupying the _ .. -. '
bouse belonging to-the .Macnab - i
estate and formerly occupied by I�' That's wily "ENGLISH" Paint ;
Mr. Ball.
Sale in Dress Goods
easily and covetsso.well� � `
Harry and Mrs.- Thomson re-
tnrned from Buffalo last week. .. -And -be knows its a mi
„ The latter will remain in Clare- p comfortable feeling to hn t that "
Every pleas a REAL BgR(3ALN Look the crass over g y pain
moat for the present. . but Mr• osreft111 a y y y has a guaxantee on the can,.signed by:-
,' Thomson has gone bait to his y - ud see the amount Of mons on nasi save b
work in that city. buying now. _ the maanfacturets". p,
Robert and Mrs. Michell, of To-
ronto. and Mrs. Smith and Bert. pale blue silk. Reg 600 yd Black lustre Reg. <^-
Smith and friend, Miss Staceyof Cinnamon brown silk Pink lueili - -
Black figured silk }For 40o yd Nuns'oeiliang,light blue For '40C�
y Whitby, and Lyman and Mrs. claremonPilkep, of Clacemoat, spent $ua- grown voile ,. � S00 d (keen Panama cloth .fig 5Q0 yd � ' ¢, k
day at Fad. Gibson's.:' Cardinal voile g y Dove lustre -3,,-Yd `
As the present rate of progress Cream'Panama cloth}For 350-Yd.Green Berge }For .
farmers will be well on with their 'Cream lustre reg.We yd for 70c yd. Cardinal cashmere l6e yd. Reduced "
ibarvest by the end of next week. prices in all dress goods not mentioned here.
Fall wheat and barley is already
harvested, and a large amount of La.& � _ -
- :.GROCERIES.--Have you sampled our black or .green• mixed tea �'.
=oats has already been cut: 25c lb:- Others sell thh samb tea-for We lb.- , Buy our tea _you:_save
- --
On Monday. afternoon sa the two to three dollars s year or more You know our coffee stands at fso"iris -
band boys were about to start.for the head for quality and flavor. Our roceries are perfectly sanitary,
'Pickering word was received that nothing exposed to dust or vermin. Avery bin and drawer contains
their services would not be regnir- sanitary covert.
;ed owing to the rain. hstiirally 1 _
During e absence V 021'etml v: D. SIMPSON & Co., - PICBERING
"H.'Duke the pulpit in the Method-
'�ios Mantles Of an makrials'and design
'net church will be occupied by the OtsiaNs kept u stook. It wig pay you r
Rev. kir. Robinson, of Port Perry. �O,�i ���� Card d fie. a at our works aid n't be oar stoat
There will also be a union prayer '"n°s+u"topt"''n desaat$tloauuy, and obtain pripes, Don't be misledD�
[1f asoeetsin our opt"'
w twee so ie we do not employ them,toe nevi
meeting conducted alternately in - in enLlon u=bry nnies. 'e°1 p 9 s9
- e•el•tr aoosaens ESI ,, ly we can, and do throw_off the-
• rea.dSaast es roe commission of 10 r cent.,which YOU WW
the Methodist and Presbyterian r.ianb. aint.we p° y
----churches by the Rey. W. -R. — � *0ti0''w' �O "vO'i" certainly save by purchasing from m.
Wood. a ' call solicited. _
Rev. R. and Mrs. Duke and � WNIT�T GRANITE CB,, �
What "STERLINCI"means on a piece of silver, the name • on � ONM Tr'"°"'is,ma a
"'daughter, Mrs. Paul, will leave on "EMPIRE' means on a cream separator. t c�•y"4#oft a v�L rola byau
-��Oe. Whitby,ontssto
Saturday to attend 'the GeneralNow
„ ,• , -
-Conference of the Methodist chu reb go-called silver can be bought for less than the real article. It � ANS
-which is to be held in Vancouver. "" e �
,' looks like silver and given you satisfaction for a while, perhaps; E. EVANS -
-They will afterwards visit friends but it is for a little while.gnl
"Sterling" means a life o! wear t
y' The Pickering :Pomp Manufacturer
and relatives in San Fransisco and and service. That's the way with
other points on the Pacific Coast. The; ssS.1ltlpire++ i,�p� Oi AetIIal QQB�y Crease S8�'at0li Y•- � �llc6 Committee
They expect to be absent about They are built of the best material by the most skilled,mechanics hop and Residence, Dundas St)
two months.. We wish them a in the most up-to-date factory of the cream separator world. The object of this Association is to - WHITBY,.ONT.
11 pleasant journey.
Our bowlers }o urneyed; to lessen stealing'and rosecute
`.' Stouffviite on Monday (Civic Holi- YEARS OF-'SERVICE- PROVE-THEIR WORTH the lelonap Three doors west of Whitby House.
day) to take part in the tourna- - Members having iroper%stolen oommuni-
'ment but were defeated. Two ; Mr. Farmer,do you want a contraption that looks like a separn- oats immediately with any member We are,prepared to instal wood or iron Y yx
rinks of our bowlers participated, tor,'or A separator of Highest Quality that actually separates for _ of.Executive Committee. pumps on shortaotice,also attend
-there being eighteen rinks alto- vekrs to come? Satisfied ctiewmers everywhere testify to the Mambersbip fes - $1.00, to all kinds of repairing. i
ether Lakin art. R. Besse and l3terling value of the LMPIRL line. If you are particular about
g g p our
money's worth drop a card to I Cream ator Co.Of TieZtata may be bad from the President or; Agent for the Ontario Wind Mill,
Duncan Macnab were the skips of y n�i''e �Pm' see:.Nrr on►DDiie.eioQ• g
the respective rinks and the latter Canada.Toronto,t1�A.,for their 26c book of dairying, free. also gasoline engines afld *,
Exec. Coro.-L. J. Banks, Cleo, Leng,
succeeded in staying with the g0� EXCLUSIVELY BY W. V. Richardson,Picketing, C?at the equre gear ,
e _ play during the primaries bet s MAGNET CREAM SHPARATOR.
ware eventually defeated by Dr. HOWARD E. TURNER Whitevalo J.A. O'Connor, ,Arthur Jeffrey, 4Y ,
Freel's rink, of Stouff ville. r
P •ttut � `;w � .�,..ry O'srfix. residence.e
i..-p'. SP MidlDnd+ •a'�
,T+:. a sy.
-'RIC:if a I
An Insane Man'.s Triok Near The Cholera Is Making Great Ravages
Prices of Cattle. Grain. Cheese &ad
.--on the C: P. R- Line. Other Dairy Pr*duce as Jn St Petersbur'
Rome and Abroad.
he tr;�i in burg t,.ms. ii
A: d6patch from -Ottawa says,: seeding down t advance BAEADSTUFFS � A despatch from St. Pbteri During the week ending July
7U. p faix6d ."3�a-;-� xtent of cho epi- -23-no-t48s-ttW11--1-3- ca, 5 e
tm Li's 1 ag switch :.be& Toronto, Aug. 2.-Ontario Wheat dcmic is revealed in figiires made reported, and of 'these 5,979 ter-
morning"s C. P. R. train from Ma- Burbidge Station open, with planks
-old No.'.9 Winter, $1.09 to 1.10, public by the Goveinnientlanitary nduated fatally. Some time ago
placed on the line, also a twelve-
aiwaki to Ottawa had & narrow ea- f,,ut log and �& twenty-foot ladder. outside; new, nominal at $1 to $I.- Commission on Thursday. The• the scourge made its appearance in
he de _at:7iCkezregion- now Cape from death through the time- Spikes had.Also been -placed on t si w includes 42 tvis city, and for the past fortnight
n I nifaba Wheat-No;ninal. No. provinces and territories of Euro- there has been a-da
.1y discoiery by John Barker-, a,see- rails. Nearby he fou 19; No a nor, ly average of
Miav 4A'4-sinee-the outbMax, furcy cases and twelve deaths in
tiduutan, of an atterapt to wmck who, on being qu6stioned, te-an R14 r I
the train through the placing of a he wanted the train to run along $1.16; No. 3 northern, $1.1 of the disease list May there have!the capital. Wednesday there were
been barricade 'of 'planks,, stakes.- spikes another track., lalre.pqrts for immediate shipment. b< - a total of, 37,652 cases, with,-54 cases and 18 deaths reported
-American No. 2 yellow, 16,651'deaths.
axil a ladder on the tracks along "I have� no use'for' the ballast a the local hospitals there
the deep ravine by Louis Richard, train Which is coming along, and Vu%c to 74c; here. I cts. including
NO. 3 Yqllow. 72%!Q strat- ehnWr., ill
F..Rc, Toronto freights.
a n A 1 1111,13 1 11 an ering in do not want it to come this way, ling invrease in the number of vic-1:3S children.
the'vicinity. -Richard was arrested Sas Richard's naive explanation. - Oats-Canacla, western, -No. e,
44c; No. 3 Canada western, 42%c,
I M. and sent for trial in the Hull Re- He will be examined by thedoctors a, lake rte fox immediate N', 3 white._457%e; No. 4 _hite, 44c.' BIG LAN WINNIPEG.
corder's Court. Barker, while pron for insanity. p_
;Er�,-'Dnft A-0-N-o. w W- , 40c to-Barley
41c, outside; No. 3 white, 38c bulutfi, Aug. 2--Wheat-No. I Lot Adjoining Union Station old_- __1
PTOMAINE POISONING. a revision of the Concordat un-less 39c outside; "c to 45c outrack, hard, cash, $1.27%; No. I 'North-
To for $150,0N.
$1.25y, July, $1.241%-
the imperial decre4i of June lo, ronto. E,r , cash,
AK&Wnneuve Family of Seven N`Llat- 'which authorized non-reli Barley-N -c ptember, A despatch from Winnipeg says:
iL The prbperty adjoining the new
cieties to display the. insigniaextra, 49c to, 50c; No., 3, 4�c to 4746 12%.
for Union Station - on the north .on
public, warship, is withdrawn. The 1 outside; Manitoba,nitoba, No. 4, +6%c on
A despateh from Mentz a! --- LIVE STOCK MARKELas
Baya:'- correspondent add_st1iat Premier tiacic, lair-. it is said, for $1,000 per foot. The
Ptomaine poisoning nearly wiped Canalejas is resolved not to yield Peas.-No..2_69c.to,70c. Torontcoi Aug, 2.-There-'-were, lot or lots included-in.the sale-commsat a family of "van on Friday
thi�, point and will advise King Al- Mani'oba; Flour-Quotations at good butcher cattle, which brought
y feet im-
recall Senor de Oje", the Toronto are patents, $6. aC3 high'. as $3.90 and ", but the mediately north and adjoining the
morning,.when Dr. Cyphiot discov- fc,,,so to Prise one hundred and fift
ered Mr,. and-Mm Champagne. 16pinish amba"ador--t6 the Vaiti- 20-. second patents; $5 70; strong moat of the transactions show fig- Union Station on Main Street south
five children suffering severely at can. and suspend diplomatic rela- bakers'. $5.50; 9no per,cent., Glas- ures- ranging from $4.50 to S5.50-
their home, 228 Vallee lane, Mai- tions with the holy see. go% freights, 25s. Cows for butcher purposes sold at and the price paid is said to be
scIncoure. The poisoning is atm- A despatch from Madrid says Ontario Flour-Winter wheat pat- $4 to $4.50 per-.cwt. for She bigh. $1.00,000 for- the entire property.
The vender of 100 feet of the pro-
f to % tin of "a"d Corn that Diplomatic relations between Spain eat- nominal at $4.30 to $4.50 in grrdes, while common and medium-
a- party was the- Scottish, Manitoba
the family had for supper on Thur and the Vaticanmere�-hrok n-off-an. buyers bags. outside. CO.wa brought from' $3 to 83.60 and & North-West Realty Company and
day. night. - The-4torytold is that Thursday. Mill feed-M anito ba, bran, $20 pefl $n� !!�. Sheep were- fairly steady,
aliartly after 7 o'clock on Thurs- the vendor of the remaining 50 feet,
tea; shorts, 822 per ton, track, To- but lambs are quoted down to $7.•
day evenia"he family complained op ionto. Ontario bran, $20 per ton; Ur per c*t, as the top price. Hogs T. H. -Gilmour, of Winnipeg. The-
of pains. Mrs. Champagne seemed shorts, $22 per ton on track, To- remain 'unchanged at $9.2-5 to $9.- purchaser wilt not be-announced,
the worst. Though her husband BIG STORM AT LONDON, rc,r,to. 70. but the C. N. R. or is said
frit bad effects also, he was able to to be the' interested party.-
,summon Dr. Cyphiot, who lives a Telephone Poles and Trees Were
thort distance away. He immedi- Levelled. COUNTRY PRODUCE. 'E MEN WERE KILLED.
ate administered antidotes. As
Butter-Creamer prints 23C Summer Cottage at Keewatin.
A despAtch - from_ -London, Out.
tre children a- thattime; did nor or t Further Details of the Explosion on I
I 24i
says: A terrific rain and wind storm &a ar p 9, 20c to 21c;
hAtl Beach Destroyed.
Complain, it was not thought t s,%ept ever London and the district;dairy prints (choice), 19c to 20e; the G. T. P.
they were affected. Friday morning, ; tubs, 18c; inferior tubs, lee to ""A-ll -atch -Ticifii-Kenora, says:
west of here an Friday afternoon. d say
owever, another burry call-was by the dozen were blown 17C. Tne bush fires which died away last A despatch from Quebec a.
sent to the doctor, on his ar,.�down about the city, and F4;gs--Ik to 19ye per dozen-in ueek, following the -rains, have, So far as can be ascertained nine
rival he found the whole family laid breaking, lots. been smouldering since, and broke I workmen are dead as a result of
71. UP, Administration of antidotes, tri-Iley wires tied up some of the;case the fearful explosLon on the line of
street railway lines. The top of &I Cheese--ilyc for large and Ilyc i ut with fury on Thursday, threat the
all the lives. fir tree 'blew down on a team of per lb. for twin-s; old cheese, 12%c ening mg the entire.colony of campers the G. T. P. construction ,work, ... ...
I ever one hundred miles west of 1A
to 12%
C. at Keewatin Beach, & resort of Win-;
.horses in a funeral at.WoQdland
PASSED T111 COMMO!C Cemetery, but the driver was able Beans-$2 to $2,10 per bushel for' n,peg society people, who have Tttque. Most of the victims are
Hedaraflon Bill Secured a Lar es and at $2.15 to $2.25- per many costly summer cottages there. foreigners, and the only names so
Lightning struck Pf1m
to control them. far received are Walsh, C.
a house on the Hamilton road said bushel for hand-picked. It is reported that three or four K. LSelo and
Potatoes-New potatoes, $2,43 to outlying cottages were destroyed on Chaloner; P. Clouet,
r• fta}ority. dad $W damage. I
$2.50 P. Green.. Those gravely injured
despatch from London says: 411 per barrel in car lots cc track Thursday afiRrno-on,-and that un-
bill modifying the declaration Tojonto, old Ontarios from 23c to lEs3 the wind dies down several are: H. Knox, J. Charles, John
WILL RISE. 43c per bag.' inure -are, certain- to before'--h F. Hqdgecock'And - Shanai-
on rel'gion required of the King --go before
morning. han. Coroner Vanasse of St. Mau-
acoeasio.n,passed the Howie of 8.pain 0.am rice, in whose jurisdiction the acci-
Ccmmoas upon third reading on More to be 80eae-of `.PROVISIONS. .. . ... -------4P.--. dent took"place. has been notified .
Fi iday by a vote of 20.5 52. In its Civil War. --�WHEAT MOVED FAST.
Wholesale quotations by the Attorney-Gene rat to proceed
final form the bill. not a' el"'n- A despatch from Madr -Sho rt
id says: Pork cut, -50 Little of Oid Crop A renity
$31 to $31 to the scene and investigate the of
ate& the phrases offensive 61^_ __PIN4� are reeeivie4_101- per barrel; mesa, $28 to $28.50. ppa fair. On his way to hold the in-
��ci;ing the publication of the news Lard-Tierces, 15yc; tubs, 15Y94c; ed In West. quest, Coroner Vanasse will. be
-Roman leets 0 is Ma-
jetty, but it also makes it accept-Ithat a rupture between the Span- pails, 15%c; stocks steady. A despatch -from Ottawa. says: c,mpelled to make about thirty,
..able to the Nonconformists by strik Smoked and Dry Salted Meats- Ar.parently little A the Western miles on foot, and it will be a week
of; rah Government and the Vatican
ing out the proposed statement appears imminent. At San Sebas- Lrng clear bacon. tons and cases, wheat crop is stored there, but,.bf-fore he returns.
adherence to the Established t7#.n Don Jaime. the Pretender, has 13 C to 16c 1 backs (p ickly put in transit eastward,,,,
(plain, $21.c t o cq
---Church. King George is nom re- issued a manifesto. in which he says 21%c; backs (pea-meal). 21�jc toThereceipts at the terminal eleva- TWO KILLED IN A RIOT.
-quired to declare merely that he he will lead the Carlists in the bat- S2c; shoulder hams, 14c to I t Fort William and Port Ar-
4y to:t, a
�-is a "faithful Protestant." The tle which he intimates may be com- Rolls, smoked, 15c to I3Y2C; me-�tlaur show this. From Sept. 1st, Stl-lke-lireakers at New York'At.
amendment ,to,_ the declaration lug soon. klium and light hams, 18C to 18y9c; 1909, to May 31, 1910,, 92,715,344 - tacked by Strike Sympathizers.
,caroused considerable feeling in 4 - I . i 11 . .- 11 ....
heavy, 16y9c to 17c; bacon, l9c to bughels of grain were received at
England among the opponents of 20(. these points, of which M,Ill 141 A despatch.from New York says:
-tiip Roman Catholic Church, and - SIR H. TICHBORNE DEAD. Green meats out of pickle, lc-less were wheat, and oats 20,120,488 Twc men were shot and killed, four -
---- - upon
upon the second reading there were
than smoked." bushels. The rest was• barley and !dangerously *wounded, and. a score
street demonstrations outside the Affi a Boy He Was Defendant Ina
flax. mere or less seriously injured in a
.,House of Parliament7 Famous Trial. riot of strike sympathizers
n ' ' - ' BRANTFORD. Thursday at the plant of the Amerir.
A despatch from Londo SMALLPDX IN
RELATIONS BROKEN OFF. Montreali Aug 2.-Cornmeal - can Sugai Refining Company in
Sir Henry Tichborne. who, as $3 20 to $3.30 per barrel. Two More Cases Discovered, Nsk. Williamsburg, where a strike has
child, was deivndnont in Arthur Or- 0'
Spain Recalls--tTu-basitador at the Rolled Oats-$4.85-per barrel and been in progress for a month,
ton's historic -attempt to posses lag a Total of Th[rty-Two.
Vatican. s $2 to '$2.20 per bag. Ciowds ,of - sympathizers threw
himself of the Tichborne estates, is Barley-Car lots, ex-store,. No. 3, , A despatch from Brantford "says: tricks at the strikebreakers, from
A special to-The Temps', 01 Paris, dead. Bir Henry was a' famous big 54c; No. 4, 50c. The recurrence of,- smallpox con- housistops, -and when the non-un-
ficm Madrid says that the Spanish game hunter. He returned from an Corn-American No. 2 yellow, car tinues in this city, and two more ion men started out with their
_-Guvernmebt has now received from expedition to Africa last Saturday, lots ,ex-store, 73!/2c; No. 3 yellow, cases were discovered on Wednes- truckslo'delfver sugar a rush was
al refusal to I
th-o-Vatican a eategeric and on his arrival home had a para-
proceed with the negotiations for lytk stroke, to which he sitecumbed. diy, making a total of 3t., all of a trade for the waggons. The police
Oats--CAr lots, ex-store, No. 2 mild nature. A general vaccination on the trucks returned the fire of,
Canada west, 44Y2c to 45c; No. 3, cider has been asked for from the th.�, crowd` and "fgFo of the rioters,
to 44c, city council by the hea,lth'authori- v,ere shot. It is reported that
-nTTri -.1 12KIFTMTT 4.--Y,c
I "IT I irl ir I IT 11 IT A - -No. !, SM-5- $15, No. ties, but fusied on the grioumd-thal otiders were hort in the miek�6'and.
U -$12 the situation is not serious enough. h rri *a ay by friends.
2 extra, $13.50 ,to $14; Ro. 2, n enO 9 u ed W
'ABADIAII U NO A 11T try $12.50. e provincial authorities may be
Clover-Mixed, $10.50 to $11; ,called in to give advice. The cases
clovel" $0 to $10. are •distributed in several parts of,•
_N Millfeed-Bran, Ontario, $20.50 thn city and the hospital accommo-
Montreal Murderer Passes Alvay at
_ot,_Re lng to $21.
Lers-Are turin' Manitoba, $20; middlings, dation is insufficient.
Ortario, $21. to $22; shores,-M-i-ni- Kingston.
a $22; mouillie, pure grain. MINISTER TO SOUTH AFRICA. A -despatch from Kingston, Ont..
o That -Coun�T� to $34; mixed, $28 to $29,
.."ays: Francois Laurant, of Mont-11
Flour-Manitoba spring patents, Canada Will b Represent it at rval, sent to, prison in ISN for life,
'firsts, $6.30; do., seconds, $5.80; Parliamentary Inaugural, on conviction of murder, died in,
A despatch from Winnipeg "It is purely a-myth and without winter wheat patents, $5.40 to $5.- son here, on Wednesday, where'
nnipeg says:.1 ut
A. despatch from . Ottawa says: Prison
The reports so persistently*eir6u-1-the slightest foundation in fact. On 50-�,Nfanitoba strong bakers',' $5.60, , he spent 21 years. He was to have
A-ated-by the 'papers of the United; Saturday last. I - telegraphed to I ' Tse Brotherhood of the IYominion 7
States about Americans who have eery officer stiaight rollers, 85.20 to $5.25" Beyond the Sea- will be recognized- been hanged, but the-sentence wax
along the' boundary, straight rollers.'in bags, $2.50 •
.to comiputed and he put in five yearsr
by Canada by sending a Minister of
come-to Canada returning in-a dis- line between Winnipeg and the 14-2.60; extras, $1.90 to $2. ;n St. Vincent de Paul Penitenti-'
satisfied spirit is a myth. Here are mountains. Here are -the facts:- , Butter-Best - creamery, 22,YC- the Crown to the opening of the
by 4.- Bruce TL,_ Customs reports indicate the rvamery,!21yc. transferred here..
the facts as setforthfirst Parliament of United cry,, but, becoming insane,- he was
-Walker, Dominion Commissioner of ft 11 owing persona, describing them- Ile- to
C Cheese Afi-ica,in November .. next. - The
Immigration selves as farmers, having- returned -ea--stern; 16Y.0 t6 Ile. rpme of.the Cabinet Minister who A SECOND OUTBREAK
I 'told you,"-•said-he W a news- to the United States since Janu- -Selected stock, 21c dozen. will be deputed to. representCan-
Eggs ai:14 will -not, be announced until-paper representative on Wednes- ary I, viz. sfraight receipts, 17c-to-17Vc-doz� Spread of.'Cattle Plajue-Is B606rtv,
day, "when you enquired on the Sir Wilfrid Laurier's return to the
January en; second grade, 12Y2c to 13c.
ed From Yorkshire.-
subject s; few days ago that, some -capital next month..
February .. ....... 2 A despatch from"'Lonclon says
-nine months.since, I instructed the
officers on KING'S CORONATION DATE. foot-an
6 March .40 UNITED STATES MARKETS. A second -outbreak of fo t-anj
v: the bouridary line to
keep a sharp lookout-and- make a April ...... •..... ......... 78 Buffalo, Aug. 2.-Wheat-Spring 1,ny1,uth disease is reported front
-may 27 i RepQrted Th-it.4nne 23 Next Year
Trete of dia8atis-Ee7d-7Xmeri*an-_ set. June ....... ...... ...... . 11 - -M,heat,steady;--NcF.-1 Ndrthetri, -car." I I Fixed for Ceremony. Yorkshire.
Vers returning to the United " loads, store. $1.28%; Winter firm.
July ...... ...... ...... . 15
This has been done and. I k despatch from Londom. says:1- Mr..A.'E. Favlker of-Mrantford
Cotn l
State "DD -No. 3 yellow, 71c; No. 4 �,I-
"c_e_6_o� the
am now' in possession of the actual "A7 total of 184 Tierson's de'elarin'g'il low, '69c; No. 3 Corn, 696 -N'c, '4,'Tt is reported here that the King's hap secured the contract for th4,
facts regarding the so-called exo- themselves to be farmers returning corn, 66yc, 411 on traak, through coronation will be -on June 21 or neA Collegiate Institute at Duna,
dug. 4 W the United States from Canada." billed. Oats-No.' 2 white, 47 ,e; June 23, 1911. I ville at $35,000.
`.::.:_:,_.. .� = �__' .. - ..�ti ,„. .,,,:`` t: •'"
- .. .�, .,,_ .. -.... , ... -..toss .........o^' :.... .. . .- - v+•.^
;:. ossa ....... ... . .,. .,.-
: :,...� :y P•i'"__`n.r <.....:��•"• _.., ` , r"; ... , » ..' .. ;,�'amu,.
�"< o;,:.,�w,.,>tiy'.:+exp .•- + •.'se*r•�.aem.+iirier...:eu.r.cr�+w.:a:•�..a�;••,<��n.� vlia*�eaimr;nveai+�•euw:rntiw-••-.�.s..tray++��.n. �„rTEA4 MacMr�err m.rice•adW,:.,-�s:!.°unnt�sc.�_nr. �y:v'•dospaoc•K:rae4w:�,C�eLa'�,,?-x+ *-^•f;:af`...,,,D_.n.;«:..1saa-�aa .:.:seat�:case•...:=.>a4•tw�+•�,ti-� ':�-
and Bacon.- CIGARS." "Victoria," said her husband,
A TO IiYAII t3NILOREN Cleanae and separate chicken liv- Whea" you snip the head off your "you will. not'mind it T resulr.e. Aside tram its low cook rowoR PAtIeT
Ti eadeai'tt Itself to the farmer sad others tease
I should hap i to be d ined a work of mlziag.and applytat sea be acne `
ors into four p3ecea, wsa� in a Slice cigar, light yon- match and then d pen eta th
of streak bacon fastening on one downtown late this evening Z" BY h ll.F or 1p o ia:o�tff:r:ori ami~ '
y B leisurely tilt back in your swing ,,
Every•.•mother must know side with a tiny skewer. Roast in. chair, a leasaurable feelia comae I.shall. not mind it, austerely there are .o m.ay places where'or
j , p $. „ ralnt will be of the greatest. 1M we
how fatal the summer munLt�iia a moderate oven till livers are done. w you as even as the match is :tlr answered Mrs. Vick-Senn, be- that it will pay every farmer ha aasmely a
ai�t to small children. Chol- Then remove skewers and serve 1 cause, you will.. not be ..detained ..look a►ouc and study its wee carefully.
plied to the end of the cigar, and'.if In'ao other way can a tevW dollars be invest., Z
erp Infantum, diarrhoea, dy- around,a mound of,tot boiled rice ti.e cigar is a. '!Pharsoh" it will downtown.late this evening or any' ed•o roll ab la apylyiag this,r•matkaWe '
g „ weatherproof, areproo and"saaitary paint
sentery and stomach troubles which has been lightly salted for a continue until you cefuctaniky ctlier. evening. The coat(..only a.trifle,but you will improve
are all common at th18,?time t,'w minutes in bacon. throw awn the bweet end. �1e appearance of your property many
9 fold and aotusliy add hundreds of dolls
' ioua lite is Chicken-- Full r -HIGHER Did it ever-
snuffed out 'after only a few ov hl one chicken. Mince meat catalogue mailed on request to
i y g y tha amount of study and work,net•= -And now flour has-gone up again. i
hours illness. As a safeguard fine. Boil two b'cent packages of es.ary to produce a good coigne. tide This will Make bread rise.. THE P61NN PAINT •CQ.; TORONTO ��?
mothers should keep Baby's spaghetti. twenty-rlre minutes in• wtuld advise you.to visit,a Brum- r
Own Tablets in-the'house: An but chicken broth. Removee ;4. faetery the next time yT7w-
occasion ose o t e a eta seeds from two cans of tomatoes have an opportunity and watch the Impurities of the Bloch Counter- AMENDED.
will prevent stomach and enc the juiceof two onions.
Put "modus operandi." acted.-Impurities in the blood The, Court-"You will swear than
come from.defects in the action of a r
bowel troubles, or if the In baking dish. Layer of spaghetti In the basement you wi11 find the tilt prisoner stole your umbrella 9" 1
the liver. They are revealed by
- trouble comes on suddenly, sail tomatoes, then.-layer of chick- original bales or cases -aa � they I The plaintiff-l'Your honor, I ai
will brio the little one en then.layer of cheese until all pimples and unsightly blotches on
$ y come from foreign countr'is will swear that he stole the=umbrel-.. ,
through safely. Mrs.- R. E. is used. Bake._ thirty minutes. Then they go to the casi�y rorbt the skin. They must be treated in- (
w'a:rdly, and,for this, purpose there la,I was carrying,"
Sanford, Inverary, Ont.,.. Serve hot., wrere the bales are rjpt�ied hud ?site w=s
is no more effective compound to
_ writes y baby was sic lc e r use an acme f tnard's Liniment Cures Colds Etti.
ly for over a week with sto- colo chicken into small pieces to which requires an ek a Pi.ls. They act directly on the liver
mach and bowel troubles Lod make a large cupful. Season with['0
9 P"r rct;d niau, 1 Yg P ^ if too much water is us�o on a _ rive_ er us-
cried ni ht and day, nut.hin.: c en o coo 't rsill nest e h band she at least can make him
helped her till I began giving sultspoon u . o peppe r w i ' ' s have a beneficial effect upon the ,
her Babv's Own-Tablets but ii a cigar the cigar is apt tc pull blood so that impurities are a un-
cat stand for an hour in an earth- 3 -
they helped her right awn j ' hard and o soft while a lokin 11 treated.
i Pe g Y � enware dish with the oleo of one g T•. TART TSA auu•rr. TO-DAY. s&ata
and�oH she__ia_a.bi health lemon s ueezed t,ver it.- Make a 1. postal for eirculrrm or we for samples sad
6 Y q nest enough water is used on :t d1,}' _ V6'ELL LL-KEPT.
- terla,. Alfred Tyler,London,oat.- -
' child 'with fine . rosy cheeks. butter of one cup of milk, a table- type, the tobacco does not (!even,}- � _"The Tablets are certainly a" spoonful of melted butter, two cups ;t, best flavor will breast ca;'J "She keeps her a e well." "TUR FENVE MAN,"HBLL'! IRON a
won er u m kine an re- of flour, an two ea en eggs. it thus causing waste. "Yes, indeed, far better t an s e - s write fur b- kn.. Tad
commend them . to all my thri meat into this, then drop a tea- The class of tobacco that forms keeps hen• children.'' _
_ friends who have little chil- {spoonful at a time into boiling fat. the inside of the cigar is now called - - ---- /ANCER, Tumor•, Ltimps, etc. Ir� rr.al� '
„ _ g `; ind external. cured without r:.:n by
dreg. Sold by medicine Fr. brown, -"fillers"--and-is Hent to the"drying- -t-RIIT-CoUUT'R.1-ES—Painkiller .finds our home trea!mect: Write us before !oo
- dealers of by mail at 28 cents — room where it is laced on clean many asoe. Colic, oramps,-diarrhoea and v
P all such troubles readily Five way to its ICaolli Dr. Bollman Medical Co., Limited. _
a box from The Dr. Williams' HUMOR. f riZwood. Ont.
smooth floors, spreading it about 6 ileo. nose, one teaspoonful. �a hot water,
Medicine` rockville Avoid substltates. there is bot one "Pain.
Co.,' ' "He seems to lack the sense of ir_clrea thick, turning it twice a day killer--Perry Davis'- 2sc, and boo. QRfarioet8rinary Co�leg!
Oat. humor:" takes three to five days. Some _ 7.
Affiliated with the L'ai,erdt of Toruato and i t
•NftMNMM�l�MNN "Why do you think so Z" _ manufacturers dry on screens in unser the contrni of the!'iep utast of l
y SPENDING TSEIR TIME, TOO. Agncukure n!Oousriu.
"I pulled hi3 chair away when he a few hours very dry, and th,;aSick
�.. was about to sit down and he treat- spiBy, dump in a box, and let it. Even though talk is cheap, many •COLL aryfor -OP At�S sE sttheCoftegs
Lordly Diarselha 1
ed me as if I-had been totally un- draw back. pe P e do`ae much of� it ?halt iL COLLEGE RE-OPENS SE�t. SOtA,'tf10
S}srselt-once told a lady that two ` �, seems like rank extravagance. �•B•-�uuIL °r`"Ppi`c"it°" +
possessions which were indtspeasabts f northy of- respect. Payne claims that quick evapora- y__ B Lt A. A. GRANGE, v:��D4
to other people he had always dune t:ca runs away with too much of Pelt E.- - _ d's Liniment Cures Oaraet In Corn.
tl,e'wltbouL "I made." she saA "every solo_ :_ =. flatness to the a and taste,aand nd nifudr ed ces. a TJ1t?MAS Ki�RM t iRS
Minae IMPROVEMENT. Heim rxf Titortiar Kiernan, who ditd In
Ilona of conjecture, brei without t otic- y steam r near fire a smokey" n' ,
N-w York City about s e o d
cess. and on ms risking him to ea - `
_ _ _ _ tea O a 7e � " e bI D a - r t s• a oil o nett a` an
- Jac B fore Miss eTh n
iltgbten me he aotemaly answered that � t:at,te develops, and the cigar is apt Y wnove wife (a Canad'.an lady) with bar
•they were a wale and an umbrella. i 1 bpu ht a_horse with a %UPC ,edly ;n- tv burn the._.Lonsue. _ father made a fortune in pork abe children returned to Canada a'
_ � � Idr re rn r! a soon a ter
y ae, I naked. `it a:th 81r•oo gbone !or tB+o. aced him Eventually' the fillers are given Y ag long an as y. t ii,� de5i6, w;h hear �omeihin¢io t6Tr
arable r;n
"$tet bow do oil mann wonh of kilts 1RD'S LIPiI- Tum—'"Well la she IIOw short' Advantage by writing Cha'rle4 E.Wyman,- - r
th®re happens to be no clock to the SIEhT and sold him for 88g-oo. Profit over cigar
the cigar rakers, and here h lawyer, sx3 t8; LaSalle St., Chicage,
the cigar esti 'be easily spoiled, and fat Z - I nlinoiq .U-S.A.
froom and you want to know the timer ' on Liniment$9.t.00. „
generally by the workman placing Jack- Oh, no; she is divinely
"] ring for a servant., was the magnllo- _ � tit 015E DERtJSCE. tall and graceful."
gttent reply. well,' I continued, 'sad 1 ----- some pieces crosswise, or by roll l3 I$ Your Hearing CoOd ?
Hotel Iieeppr, St. Ph;ihppe, QUO. in too tightly. because the finest
.'what about the umbrella? What de g y
torn da for tnstauce. If you are !n trio i = - _.. _ tc acro ever placed is a cigar will METROD IN HIS MADNESS.. The ssAao•PBovt. .tn gin you ti:
Wit ardd.arecaught in a sadden show- taste flat if the cigar does not pull Perhaps that chap who sdvertis- a•nco of nod beano` seed tea fres
omsiet. gtvrnit partleotars and names
les? '1 tats refuge.' he replied, with - _ est ily epi that he was dead in order to mattered•user. Also _ �^
very u g S f
is smile of excessive galiantry, 'render f - Messrs J: Bruce• Payne, Limited, fr�n his wire home to-him knew she gpeelai Offer ter i wenett'e Mspnf' Trtalf. "
Rhe ambrella of the Brat pretty woman .I - DIFFERENT-. have recentlyintr duced a ve hi^h had alwa s been able to raise Cain, $Mt BRAND ELECTRO O7oM■ LtMtTtt4- y f
a►eet' r'What kind of a fellow is gtltde teal coats straight cigar ung also might be induced to come back' >m spadtna Avenue, Tertiata < �
! der the brand, "Lords of Canada, to do the same for him. �t
IEatiler to+Write It Griggs Z" "He's one of those chs s..
In 1871 Edward Lear was staying w'ba can do anything." "How de- ti at-costa the dealer mare than si /4ORtA7}• DEMAIMD P'Osi i -°
w}tb-the governor of Bombay at Ida- ' Iightful"!" "Yes; but he likes to miler-looking cigars, but the con- The Rtes fust are now in Year PAPER
Ibabaleshwar, the bill statson of the tel[ of it." "Oh 1" ty warrants the price as'any con- hitches sad dialog room were pro-
-: noiseur will admit after having t,ably feasting on csolne indpwrib-
!Bombay presidency. I was there and ; smoked one. WASTE PAPER Of ALL aaADEe.
Roots a.walk with him area des. 8e = Faultless ia'Preparafiofi.-Unlike _`• able nastiness less than an hour Also sage. iron. Metals. Sabbsirs. Ste.
tasked me the name of some trees I shn other stomach' regulator, Par- - - " " ago; and an a ' Aifhgin try carriixr Adel"Ide and Mawr Ste,+ "+
hold him thy were called "3ambat" , SURE!' E, PULLAN, Taconite. set,
melee'll Vegetable Pills are the nt+tny thoagands of 41.4eare cerm� peons for varttonhan, Main �
ib'ees in India. IIB Immediately pro- '.•result of long study x of vegetable It seems quite fit and proper, r
-- iced his sketch book and In his in- P a.tac6cd to Its hairy body, It in the.
compounds calculated to stimulate .•doesn't it, that'aa aeronaut should
tmltable style draw.a bull looking Into - the stomachic functions sad main be highly satisfied with a success- duty or •dsll jj�,
':-a lam pot He said It would help him Iain them at the normal condition. fill SightZ is o�Mrminating-tlliytrorat mein)Ito remember the name.-Loudon S of the human race: Wilvon'm Fly�` Years of use hove proved their - -
Raios: Minard_s Liniment Curtsa Dtphtharta. -- _
thi� excellent,thdr uLatioa thnd _A hlished_.- iiads flit lD Aac�i mtucn.c $
A Merry Heart Claes all the Day. reputation. READY FOR THEM. gtiaoti.lic5 an cannot be approached
have main- cer s the etti•t /alas tm
-• But one cannot have a merry • Y Judge-"Fill you tell the jury all by any other fly killer. . trete se• tar
heart if he has a pain in the back Ito maintaituried for years fort est will
Its tmust !ychiissnJabher ut;the Yes. ifs the can T :� � Oar°arr
- -`,
or-a cold with a racking coir h, To. ;always stand at the bead 'of the list Y 'PERM PARTICUL R y
tarso a., X•a ir"
he t;lerry one must be well and free of standard preparations. spare the time." snatLas. Lam bwx
A number of French soldiers re- pwas in the ala
frcm .aches and. pains. Dr. Tho- fused to shoot a comrade who had sppa•1na or kldaeya
fnfas' Eclectrie Oil will relieve all _ Tour Draatalst Will Ten Two been condemned to death. In fact, Over pte%arithT -i'•
muscular or otherwise and - ;'NATURALLY: -?_ •1Murine-Eye Remedy Relieves sore Eyes,
for the speedy treatment Of cold?! Man Strengthens Weak•Eyes. Doesn't Smart, they-.wouldn't even execute their swdnan�t tee io� sad e
pe y quotes statistics to prove 'Soothes Eye Pain, and Sells for sac. Try officer's commands.. patnsoF ldnie.
lend C011gh9. it l9 a splendid me(fi- women Bre ' better aviators tfi"aD •Murtn• in. Your Eyes and gaby'e - MOWAY'S READY RELIEF.
C1De. rete n. That's because they're g0 Eyes for Scaly Eyelids and , ran ation, " t
flighty. _ _ _ _ Yau T have -Dysenter corrodes the intestines
A FI.NTAtiCIER business' it at away the lining,
�got'to know a R •
Jack—"Wh':did oil give u 011e MO SUBSTITUTE FOR "rhe D. A L.". before you can make ,a succe f and speedily eats a y ng, Robin; arOS
b y g p y iii .. bi iilging -about dangerofis condi- s 1
bachelor quarters I"
menthol Piaster, reoomtneuded b teen tions that may cause death. Dr-'J. ''"
Tom-"Because I'm going to mar
�s 'k Lawrenw toy,.eta adf by - �; Ir, $ellogg's Dysentery Cordial DESIGNERS AND BUILDERS 01 —t
The source of all tntewtinal tech• 1 canals' of the
clears the intestina MOTOR BOATS
GIVEN AWAY. hies le the common house Ay; tits garms that cause the inflammation; w,
?f your children moan and are Not content to give th:e devil his buzz. is'the Ars? sym0tofn of ty- and by protecting the lining from _
,restless during sleep, coupled, when rue, many men.offer themselves to phoid. Wilson's Fly iPada are the frrther ravages restores them to ALL 61ZQi "
&wake, with a loss of appetite,. ale healthy condition. Those subject
P him for the taking. only thins that kill them all
countenlm -- - . . gaen rY sou nor, with- RA_ME S _
cic., you may depend upon it that + ot.t this simple yet powerful rem-
'Three' p6ekets -of Wilsons Fly Sometimes .a.woman keeps on edy. MULLS furnished complete or'if1'
e the,primary cause of the trouble is Pads cost twenty-five cents, and g People how smart her hus- p
worms. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- band is until she actually believes any stake of completion.
tt:rminator effectually removes twenty-Dye it _. Y. A LAME.LAMENT.
will kill more tiies•than
these pests, at once relieving .the dollars' worth of sticky paper. LAUNCHES, with- Engines in-
M re,sounds without the,seething
little sufferers. - What became of those stalled, reams to-run; i stock.'
r' four Nothing looks. more-ugly than to'" sea' Send stamps for catalogue. . '+�
A WISE PRECAUTION: see a person,whose hands are coy- breaks on the ben •
As it oh,
rely of apples that were la the base- Pe alt, grasp the joys of summer, for
The day before mile was to be mar- went this morning " asked Zlf r. teed over with warts. Why Have •.They'll >, F'oOt of Bay Street_
Tied the old negro servant came to these disfigurements on o soon be out of reach. i -
g Outskirts, mystified: I don't f 11 person- The nip of fall ere long will tell HAMILTON, CANADA _
her mistress and entrusted her I•_row," said his wife. "I had' a °hen a sure remover of all W.elrts —
• << ' ' t � That balm days are done;
savings in her keeping. - WhY smiall boy clearing up the cellar to- corns, etc., can be found is Hallo- And even now one seems to feel Files o� Your -
should I keep it I thought you day, if that will explain &ay thing." R'ay a.Corn'Cure.
revere going to get married, said That summer's on the run. -
.. .loos_ -
her mistress, "So I is, Missus, but mnard's Liniment Curtis Distemper. ..RATHER DIM,
e'o oil 'spose I'd keep all die "
Y-011 P A tourist, concluding a visit to Stock
,money in the house wid that strange LOVE. _ 'Ireland, was bidding farewell to-'an - J. y '
L'igger Z I love you,. he declared:- attendant: DECREASE THE MILK YIELD.-
"Oh,-You-only think you•do;" she "::Good-bye> Pati"' �. t�
e a replied. "Good-bye, yer 'onor, and may COOPER'S
No, I have sever.•felt'lika'th]s- -every lii,ir on your head be a candle
before. . J love you.so much-that 'I to light you to glory 'on the last a - - --
J w could find a'hair, from-your swi+?'a 'clay:"
_. " r, FLYINOCKER r
lIi my'hash and newel` gag." Well, Pat, said the tourist, (� .-
t A MODEL HIRED M t�N .- showing a '-bald Hate,-- "when that -
Arverybody now admits ' day comes there won't be much of•a
Zara-Buk 1beA for these, "Missus do oil I ted a'hired torchlight procession,' will kNp eowti free from mea at a coat of
Let. it, !live YOU ease r y __ h Itis titan one cent.r day z
t mnh?
and CO fem
'`'Nell; yes; I'm looking for-a LET'S-HOPE-SO: r moo. �'nt
• Drr.[,ri,ra awd Sfr.n rpa vv&~ , $1.75 GALLON QUART
Tran who can do the chores, swticp," 'On the worlds broad field of bat-
e -clean the rooms. be polite, and nev- tie; __ 28
10 e,- .THE Asll your Hardware Dealer, or
be impudent."
-In of life,
{�' a "Sap, missus, ' youse is .lookin' Oh, will capital and labor -4 COOPER MEPrEwg ��
: =.,• = for a husband." - Ever end their hateful strife? I NII I9SUE N0. $ 16,
„> :s.. .r', .»'c ,-.p.m ... , ".... ,-ossa ,.,,.': .... .;._... .,. ,. .... ... ,.. .��6:' - ,_u.�vwt?` �. ys..1,. 5:x:;41}4i .x'�w..,<^�J•` h35' +o.`
,� „��. •.�.,, ._' ) C....¢ cX� 'y.. " ,.n f•.-M,x„v.,,.'.'..'a'Aa_ "� � e ..,o..r.�'".'Ar ,,� TA.��+�<r. �:,+17w,,. r i32iy",w -„.:'�”.t' ;,v.
UCALISM� _ --Found-A lady's black caps. -M. S. Chapman was is fhb city _
• Loser call at this office. • on Thursday.
-Miss M.-McCausland is spend- -Among those who spent Civic _ '
• -Miss Helen Bucling is visiting in a couple of weeks with friends Holiday with Pick friends ) -
slater in Milton. in Toronto. were: Ed. Gormley,. L. and '
-Miss Mertie Found is spending -Miss Hattie Law Is spending a Mrs. Chapman, A. T. and Mrs. '`
�• a weep with city friends. two weeks' vacation with rola- Boyes and child, Miss P. Wright,
-Ray Wagner event Civic Holl- fives en Toronto. Gordon Thexton, Miss M. Banks,
i .day with his aunt in Uiida. -W. and Mrs. Allaandand and Lorne Law.
-Miss Sneath, of Toronto, is daughter spent Sunday with fri- -There is as impression among -.. ,
visiting with Miss Eva Bunting. ends in the city. many that the celebration of Mon- �NINETI�'- 'POU 0QW' .Ate'
a w = -Rev.J. A. Mt-Camus was able -J. R. Theston and brother, day was under the auspices of the
.--on Tuesday to o out for a drive. Stewart, are here spending a two firemen. That error was Raised AVERY $TEP. 'fH
-Gordon and Mrs. Law spent weeks' vacation. b faUln to read the bills and ---�== - - N Q F Ft;A
Sunday-with hends in----Port =Mere.B.-Bnntingis ving s vts. ottbeathletic association =� _ -
Parr- . new Kelsey furnace installed in who held the picnic. e-1 = :� ":IBEN60' FLOOR PAINT IS
-Jose-irph Latchford, of Tomato her residence this week. -On Saturday as Oliver Ed- �;�;� .:_ '
•�-- _
��IIXAVI "�4V Bgrn At Picketing on Tues. VAd at the 411A
over Su day,day, August 2nd, to W. D. and house at Fairport, was engagedat
-Dr. McOlure,of Toronto, spent Mrs. Rogers, a daughter. fixing some machinery he was
A couple of days last week here -Mise Linton, of Toronto, spent struck on the head by a chain. He O . a BUND
with his parents: Monday with her cousins, the received a large cut which requir-
-Mrs. Robt. Logan, of Oil City, Messrs. and.Miss Gormley. ed seven stiches. As a result of
Par., is visiting her sister,Mrs. N. -Miss Julia O'Leary was here his injury he has been laid o$
G%apman, of Audley. on Tuesday attending the fuueral work for several days.
5,.. -L. A. Findlay, of the Toronto of her cousin, Miss Ellen Long. -The fiercest thunderstorm of
a, World, paid a flying visit to the -The Ladies' Aid of St. An- the season occurred on We
reserving• ---- --- ---
' home of his parents here.— aq a ay nig wen rain fell in tor• _ _
thehemee rents
e at a few days here with her _Wilfred and Miss Minnie Tay- which time the heavens was an
sister, Mrs. J�, J. Morcombe. tor, of Torcnto, spent Monday almost continuous glow from the
-- -- .__ -The tow"fiship Council will with their uncle, Spencer Taylor. the vivid lightning. Very.little
me F on -for - , oeeur-red-in-t-he-i
transaction of general business: accompanied by her children, is vicinity except a few phones that sugar and' frust jars =
' -M. 8. Chapman spent a couple visiting her mother,Mrs. Burrell. were burnt out. A bright light
i --- of days last week with friends in -Miss Marie Bateman, of To- in the northwest proclaimed a fire _ -
rA o i eying a thehome, w is p. ---'
-J. B. acid Mrs. Horn and fam of her grandmother, Mrs. B. Bunt- Dimma, of Cedar Grove. Fresh, clean groceries a t e time
' i1 are visiting at the home of ing. -The thunderstorm on Wed- -
Mrs. Horn's' parents, W. G. and -Mrs. AendersoA and daught- nesday afternoon of last week •�� r •
Mrs.-Ham. era, of Scarboro, and Mr. Walkey, caused more damage than at first - -.0 ure ,-Paris Green for spraying -
-- -Mrs. F. H. Doyle and daugb- of Toronto, spent a day with Wm. thought. Besides levelling a Is,
t ter, Miss Corinne, spent the hoh- Ham tbi4 week. amount of standing-crop, the hail, -
day with the former's parents;G. =George and Mrs. Varty have of which there was a large quan- -
f M. and Mrs. Palmer. • returned to the city, after spend- tity in certain places, shelled a R. A. BUNTING I',ICBERINC-
-Mrs. J. A. McNish and child- ing a couple of weeks here with large amount of oats which were ,
ren -have .returned to the city, the former's mother. nearly ripened. The most serious -
• after spending a couple of weeks - -Wm. and Mrs. Miller and damage was caused to the apple `
with Mrs. R. Found. daughter, of Toronto, spent a crop by the falling hail. Some of
-Mr. and Mrs. Enos returned couple of days this week visiting the best orchards in the townshipBUY u
to Cleveland,. after spending a friends in the village. had the apples completely de- 1 i
E _,-BES
couple of weeks with -tbe latter's -Misses Hazel and Elsie Heard, stroyed for the export trade,
E sister, Mrs. Hartrick. of Dunbarton, have returned to being bruised so badly by the hail.
-Robt. Fitzsimons, of Hamil- their home, after spending a week Several farmers ePtemate their
' ton, spent Civic Holiday with his With Pickering friends. loss at two or three hundred dol- A LIA R IN PRI CES JUST A T
---wife_ a•ac>�_family at-the-bonie_-of =H,-G. Xerr,._of Toronto. was lar@. While the etorm_ce+�a�3.9c�. ---- - __
W. J. and Mrs. Clark home over the holiday. He ex• much damage yet the rein will = THC— R1G+-TS��S�� +
-Mrs. J: N. Richardson left on pacts to leave shortly for England greatly benefit the root crop as T -
::Wednesday. morning to spend s as a member of the Queen's Own well as the later grain. plot t1 a r •• _ [je7�' per doz. -
couple of weeks in Mariposa,Lind- Rifies, and expects to be absent -The first annual Field Day
= -say and other points in that local- about two monthq. and Garden Party under the nutt- II7e �L1art8 -7 per dols. :--
Tlry. -Remember the garden party pices of the Pickering Baseball
and- Mrs. Henderson and to be given on John Dickie'a spa• and Football teams was held on Im $rlal ('warts _855 per doz.
- ,1[seter Irvine, of Torooto, and clops lawn on the evening of the College campus last Monday p `�' n
,� 'Misses Whitney, of Toronto, were Thursday. August 18th, under and was voted by all a great suc- Im Half Gals. 95c per doz.
t 'here'over the- holiday with W. T. the sins ces of-the Ladies' Aid of cess, considering the unsettled p
�f •: and dors.Hartrick. St. Andrew's church: Watch out state of the weather. During the
> . -Fred Balsdon.of the Standard for bills giving.full particulars. morning there .was a baseball
Bank, is taking a two weeks'Vaca- -We congra;elate Misses Coils match between the Columbine and T - _
Trion,which he is spending in Ham- Every and Laura Ridley on their St. Mark's teams, both from To- THE BEST GRANULATED t1SL GAR ON THE
'i Ilton, Niagara Falls and other success in passing their recent ronto, which was won by the 11IARBET STILL X5.40 PER CWT.
t points in Western Ontario. examination whereby they are former after a close and hard
-The Ladies` d of the Meth- entitled won ter the model school. game, the score being 4-8. At two
_ odist church me on Wednesday Mr. Green is also to be congratu- o'clock the fun started in earnest
' afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ed- hated on the su6cess of his pupils. when the winners of the morning J. '
-Baladon on the lake shore= -Among the visitors to Picker- game met the Optical Co's team,
-Ed. and Mrs. Cornell, who ingon'Civie Holiday was Elmore also of Toronto, the latter win- GOODS--TUB DRESSES
have been residing for several Pugh, formerly of Church-street. ning an easy game by the score of
years In the North-west, have ie- Mr. Pugh has completed his sec- 26-4. Harding, the pitcher, for
turned and will reside here in the oud year.in Toronto University the Opticals having the Columbias -WE HAVE THE GOODS
future. and during his vacation is employ- at his mercy. This being the final
-Lost on Monde -on the Col- ed on- the editorial staff of the game the Opticals were awarded
_ lege grounds a gold bracelet.• The Tele m; the medals for baseball. Immedi- Whits and cream vesting, cotton suiting in great variety, plain sky
under willreceive a rewa black_wd-white.dQ-tmuslin organdie and
+leaving. the same at TH>t NEW13s place on ednesday morning at occupied the field. Owing to the fancy muslin@-a choice selection at 10 to 40 cents.
office. ' the home of Frank Maddaford, nob=appearance-of Brougham and See our embroidered and lisle thread hose, corset emby and banding..
=The band of bo a from the when his brother, Albert Agus- Brooklin,the Picxering boys form- lisle, silk and cotton gloves. A good assortment of Dutch collars and
Clinton street Methodist Sabbath tine, passed away at the age of 26 ed a team to meet the Pioneers, of jabots.
New summer Percale corsets at ii0c, good value.
sc1wg1J x returned to the cityy, yea re and 11 months. The deceas- Toronto. The game was close
- after spending a couple of weeL ed, who has been in Toronto since and at times very fast, both goals
camping at the lake. April, has been in the best of being in danger several times. -
-Arrangements are being made health and came home on Satur- Just before full time a splendid
-with the Consolid$ted Optical day ey-ening for. the holiday, shot from the Pioneer's left wing - /�p/j// -
Co's baseball team to play a match although then be complained of scored the only goal of the match, . : EaE I FARMERS ERS Is EE I
here •with the local team next feeling slightly unwell but did not thus gi:vin the Toronto boys the -
Thuraday afternoon. think anything of it. On Sunday cup. The Pickering boys deserve You-are shovelling up the money when you buy'thew=-1} doz. long
-Geo. A. and Mrs. Gordon and he attended church 'in Pickering, great .credit for the game.they handle, round point, socket shovels for each. Nice, strai ht '
two sons, alcor,Mitts Noble,of To- but that night beeame worse. His played. At night Mr. Harvey, grained handles, good strong socket, light eight but very durable.
Tonto, spent a few days here with trouble .ley in his back though comedian, nd Harold, Rich, ac- Don't delay. _. .
the formers father, Robe Gordon, the nature of. the disease was a. cosnpanist, urnished a first-class
and other Pickering relatives., mystery, but towards the end it entertainment which .everybody - - s7 _
-H. A. and Mrs. Mataett, who was diagnosed as spinal menin• en oyed._ _Fmuk_M.-Chapman, of BUY' THE -BEST
s •
Have been spending the -
•• R peat few _gitis.-His funeral wilYtake place Osawa,was chairman. The ladies '
,.months_in Nova Scotia,-are-spend- this (Friday) forenoon when his provided an excellent supper on
---''f =ing a few days with the latter's body will be conveyed to the R. the grounds which all seemed to--parenta, Clea. In. and . " s mer. . cemetery for interment. Weenjb�►. -Ffnancialhy thedayy-The veteran apple-buyer, W. extend our deepest sympathy• to a great success, the proceeds be- �� aTaylor, of Cherrywood, is again the surviving members of the ing over$222.00.
on his rounds buying up ap lee family 'in their sadden -bereave- -
from the farmers in the towms ip. ment. Navel Review at �•�
His -many old customers will be -The many friends of Miss While the air is full of tales of na-
pl_�e�ased to know that he is again Ellen Long will regret to hear of tions adding to their Beets,what could iIVIEN�S FURNISHINGS
- the business as- be has always her death which took lace on make a more appropriate spectacle for
given them satisfaction. Saturday at St. Michael's Hoapi- this year's Canadian National Exhibi-
-The Mission Baud of St. An- tal, Toronto. Her funeral took tion than a grand display of Britain's Z'FF=A1�TCE SRAN�
drew's church held their: annual place on• Tuesday morning from Naval power. elle Naval Review at
:Ipicnic.on Friday afternoon last. the home of her brother, James Spithead"will do this splendidly. It Men's suites from $5.00 up, boys' suite from $2.50 up. We also
"After spending some time at the Long, of Whitby, when her re- 'bows the town with its twinkling. handle odd coats and pants and, light or heavy weight. We have
picnic grounds. an a , machin mains were conveyed to, R. C. lights as a background and the great another shipment of Peabody s overals. They are the overalls that
ppp o y guardians of the sea sail down in col- take the lead in all overalls, giving-eomplete-satisfactia ,,eanno puI
- -thunder stot•ni ebmpelled them to cemetery in Pickering for inter- umns. The Royal Yacht comes down them apart.
leave to spend the rest of the day ment. Miss Long was a native of through the columns and as it comes "
.fat the church where all spent a Pickering and lived here for a the guns of each ship roar out the We also have a lot of leather By nets and fancy nets for horses _
:.• most enjoyable time at games of number of years. she adopted Rosa] Salute. It is as entirely novel
' various kinds, after which re- -music as a profession, in which spectacle and one not•only calculated. .FARMERS' SUPPLY STORE,
' freshments were served to which she became renowned -A number to compel the admiration of every
all did ample justice, of years ago she went to Brooklyn spectator but to rouse the pat2iotiem
-Greatly to the relief of the and New York to follow her pro- of every Britain. E. BRYAN, PROP. PICgERING
whole country the Grand Trunk fessivn, and there became famous ���• -■
strike has eededi chiefly through as a' vocalist.- She -afterwards Thanks very Much • •
the efforts of the Hon. McKenzie went to Europe where her success t z
King and Sir F. Borden.. . The re- continued. _ she later established The Managing Committee of the Red.l�ct��n •
y Civic Holiday s rte desire to heartilyg
.,suit of the strike is satisfactory to herself. in Berlin, Germany, as a thank the ladies who so willingly and
the men as they will be benefitted teacher of singing. About a year- abundantly supplied the provisionsoa
by the settlement. There-were ago her health began-to fail and Monday last, as well as the young - -
' -"
no very serious consequences dur- only a few weeks ago she decided ladies who assisted at the tables
:,ing the two weeks it lasted, but to return-to Ontario. She'arrived on that dste. .
had the strike continued it is hard in Toronto a week ago on Monday, -TEs 06mirrTss• -Now is your chance. A big reduem
to foresee what the results would but her end came suddenly on pICgERINCi MARKETS
have been.. Traine under the con- Satue�day.- The cause of death _ tion in all Trimmed Mill*i•
�• trot, of green men,' a road-bed was cancer, the immediate cause, Old Winter Wheat.•............ $1.06 - _
•. at
gradually becoming worse as the however, being hemorrhage due New •pe nery,
- section-men were employed in to the former. Miss Long was t}oose and Spring Wheat.. ...S. .80 -
patrolling the track, and a come the only daughter in o family Oats ....... ...•................... MRS. LEIGH - �`�- DICKERING
plate the-u".-f fight would have nine. Four of her brothers were re Barley• .......,...•................ 60
resulted in dila r, pall-bearers at her funeral, $vckwheat...:...................• .50 7
� =,•.so �,.�..•�.. w' F. 4,"'v• •-':Y•`=' "a�S- '.S_'n*• :y<^�'' Y ',yrs' w ,�. i'.:" fs• - .� ,•,,/) a"', n'•;.x,,' x' -..'("fir ,;:ya'. �„e,w� .:Hb ,.x.�w•i'
-'�s � ";x, � Oi'M{y k�'•• ••Y4 .� •..�' ,}�• �1t 4lk +'"Y.Y`.+ SQ %^ `•�.J. '•u.Y'i"' ., ��E id �— .N�,' M1k�,