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... :. ..., 1 C,./. ....,' ...' -:,� +:. ..•.:'....'i" ':..... ..,a ,r .l .. ::. .. -.' �ave. .: ..-q, r\� .. VOL. XXIX. PICKERING9 ONTO; FRIDAY, DECEMBER 31 (909 Nom 10raftw*faassal 4tarb*. TOWNSHIP NOMINATIONS and was not a candidate. _ SPINK MILLS Ales clay i n thought there was tooL A D D E R SMtdica6jlr The electors of the township of Pick- much delay in building the base line s3� P2 K'�R=N3` Bring met on Monday in the township bridge as it was now in a dangerous -- hall, Brougham; with D.'R. Beaton, condition. He was urged upon by PICK:BING MEDICAL SURGICAL returning officer presiding. The at- many of the ratepayers to.be a Candi- and X-RAY INSTITUTE TO-DAY'S PRICES tendance was.very small and but1*tle date but would not be one to cause an The ladder season is here again, and White Satin Flour,SOc'for is bbl. interest was manifested. When the elsction: If there was a break in the we are prepared to snake them r PICKERING, - ONTARIO Bon-Bon 77c hour during which nominations were council he would be in the field. of all sizes. Y R. ELGIN TOW LE,, M. B:, M. D., C. M., Cream-Buns " 75c " received had expired the following Ed. 'Willson stated that he was not Blacks Pbysician•in-charge Tea-Buns 74,c " ' had been nominated : I candidate.' Thought thepresentcoun-i All, k rids of general tnithing v° y 1 eo:al Diseases. Proei,atie-Dis- FOR REEVE i cit ,n as doing good work. promptly and neatly dune. Specislit.': r eases of Mer- Dieessee of Women, Cancers, FREE Candidates Proposea by Seconded by`I John Scott ��a�nota candidate for Tumors,X.Ray examination. 'Diseases' of eye. Universal Bread Maker-1000 Coupons W G Barnes R R Mowbray Al ph Hoover a position in the council. W. H. �i:KSON, �t ear.nose,threat and luaris. Fitting glasses and R R Mowbrnp W G Barnes J B't5'ilsou J. B. Nilson also stated that he was all acute a'rd o3+,.)aie diseases. Universal Cake Maker—$00 Coupons A Jcbnston T C McAvoy W G Byrnes Brock'Road OBoa Hrurs 19 to:3 and 7 to 3 491y --- J A White Rev J Trlckeg J B Wilson not'a candidate. _ Bran, Shorts, Jumbo Flour, Feed Rev J Trickey FJ McKay G•Jocustou Juha'A. White, being re-called stat- *� . Legal. Flour, Oat Cho and Maxed.Cho W w Sparks J Murkar W G Barnes ed he was in the field for the reeve- ' P p J MbFarlane -Colin Philip ' W Henderson James White FIRST DEPUTY REEVE shap. ' '.�► T F. FAREWELL, Q. 0., BAFiRIS- "SCRANTON COAL"THE BEST R R Mowbray J B Wilson W G Bartea R R. iiowhray, being re-called, _ s • TES,County'Orown Attorney.and County Stove and Chestnut Coal at $6 50 W G Scott W B Powell G Jobneten stated he was a candidate for the po- 'Wholesale and Retail Butcher.Arlloitor. Court Ron".Whitby. 10.9 Alpb Hoover JBv.ilson '' WG Barnes -itionofde deputy-reeve. Steam COAL 5 7U Jae McFarlane Alex Wilson C W Disney W. P a Pickering, Ont. Smithing Coal 6 00 W W Sparks C Philip W Henderson ��• Spar6 , ��. G. Scot and E. TT � T. BARCLAY,B>rrister-at-Law, T C McAvoy J A white Alph Hoover B. Hoover each asked to be re-elected .L. Solicitor.Notary Public,Special Eaami- 'i nor for Hig:r Court of Justice. successor to FOR COUNCILLOR as Councillor: Best price paid for choice J. L. SPINE, LIMITED, Alex Wilson DrRBrodie RBesse 'When the hour had arrived after 3Sars. Dow h McGillivray, Brock Street, I'd Willson R R Mowbray T 0 Mc. vcy - butcher's cattle.- won ; hitby, 71y E B Hooter John Scott R G Barnes whir.h no resignations could he receiv- PICIiERING, ONT. W G Scott R R Mowbra T.0 McAvoy ed, all the candidates had withdrawn WH. WARKE, SOLICITOR AND f_ T C McAvoy A Johnston.y O M Fo;eyth Choice meat will be found at Ol1C . from the field, with the exception of ••p:: 7 i . NOTARY PvBLIC. (Successor to late John Scott Alex Wilson J B Wileoa the members of the Old COunCil,'all of shop at reasauable,priees. • Davil Ormiston),Whitby. Mr. Sydney North. J B Wilson J A White Alex Wilson ^cote,who is associated witb Mr:Warke,attends whom are thus elected by ac^lamation. Cult and see tt?. Prices right at Pickering on Wednesdays. r On motion of Arthur Johrlstun, The council of 1910 will therefore con- Loans arranged. 411y Merry Christmas seconded by Alex.Nilson;D. R.Beat silt of John A. `:White, ,reeve; R. R. _ oa was elected chairman of ehe meet- Mowbray, 1st deputy-reeve: W. W. �eterilut AND A f meet- ing which followed. ov_ r- p. E. Ion ments . ►7/ _ Sparks, tit'. G..Scutt and 1J. lit Ho ' John A. White, the retiring'reeve, er. councillors. tc WALTER L. 'HOWDE:�, D, 1.`s. NaPpy New Year was called upon. He thanked- allI ._..-. Gradgnte Ontario veterinary College. those who had assisted so mucic in the ATHA 3dember Odtario veterinary Medical Society. work of the year, He then ave a saoces-3or to Dr.E.J. Shirley. Office Sing St., g' Having secured the agency for ss Pickering. 37 TO ALL. clear account of the money collected Ju.Sh and Mii"ce _Mina and Miila, the Ontario Granite.anis blur- and of the manner in which that 'Iivalrer, of Stoutfville, spent Sunday ble Works, Brampton, I ata ------- - er'-.' rna h: ] or� in -4tssintrs* (Zarb*. money had been expended. a at Jos.annual school ineetin was held e nd in 190 .prepared to fat he tax rate was 3.4 mills on the 'dol- The G. HAM-Issuer of 1►iarria a lar, 1905 it was reduced to 3.0 mills on on Wednesday and John Stewart was the granite an marble ins WeIn addition do our .big stock elected trustee, Juhn Z�'hitson'retir- at the Yery lowest prices, and Licenses in the County of Ont o, the dollar, and in 1909-it was. further p gn:iranteed. Pickering village. 271 of new furniture we always in workmunshi _ _ _ y • reduced to 2.8 nulls on the dollar. and gg Gcods shipped w}�pre desired. HOPPER Issuer of 'Harris a have on hand a lot of second- vet.there is a balance of over$3,';(N) to J. Lehman -pent Xmas at Mitchell. R hand furniture, stoves and y p See me before placing your �. Llceases in the County of Ontario, the credit of the township. TheBoard Jos. Mtoavder and farm! seat Xmas order. Lettering done on the , f)mce at store and his residence.Claremont. pipes at atietion.prices. Call, of 'Health was criticized fur their at Ii. Mleyers', Mtarkhurn, it being the * r shortest notice.. write 'or telephone', Bell or heavy bill of over$61X), About$I_xN) annual family gathering. There were m; DT R.BEATON,TOWNSHIP CLERK Independent, we pay the ser- was expended in improving the town forty-two children and grand-children C. W. GIBBONS, - Claremont • Conveyancer, Commiscioner tar taking - hall•and tlae-various items contained pn gent. aMdavits, Accountant. Eta, aloney to lona v ice• 0o term pro art (renes of Marriage Lic- in the amount were fully explained. Among Ctie visitors here over Xrrr pr Count council matters were also were Mr. and firs. Parrington, of To- ^c 0 A �'. � a4 tunas~ Whi v s, Ont. 4-r touched upon by Mr. White. runto at the latter parent's, S. P. ■ ,rte S E A L S Fzaster and daughtet•. POSTILL, Licensed Auctioneer, Mr. Nlowbray, deputy-reeve, being Lapp Mrs. Hard 'tad soft. F• for Counties of York and Ontario. Ano of Toronto, ati ith the former's mother, Man sales of all kinds attenued to on shortest called upon referred to the base• line notice, Address Green giver P.O., out, CLAREb1a'T FvRNITURE STORE bridge, outlining the efforts made to Mlr,. J. !4catt, sr„ at-o James Scott _ ------- yand 1.V.L B. POWF.LL, Licensed Auc- persuade thekcoun�t}' tgassurne it or.At me Cher fly, of Mtnrkhiun, with his. Lath and Shingles. „ • tioneer for Ontario and York Cos. All east part of it. There is hope LhBL N" _ kinds of eater conducted either privately or by --- - Pickering will get justice at the hands ;tarried at Watf6rd,on W ednesday, �-y-�•-� -�7 m Auction. sale notes collected. For dates or of the County Council by their assuin_ Dec. 229th, Miss Ens Cline 'to James 'atbor a ti"lars apply at residence. Elizabeth ing their part. He claimed that the Dunkeld of this place. The bride was Pr;ee-i right ' St., Pickering. Orden left at News Otsce will a Sormer teacher here. They will reeetye pzompt attention 1S1y. council of 19.19 had spent, the money C -- in the most economical manner pos- spend a short hooeppmoon in different C. R E E+70 R� POUCHER, Licensed Auction- sible. In regard to County council parts of Ontario, afte-t• Which they will As' s • To ear. valuator, Collector and issuer of we wish Our many matters he stated that the county rate ,fettle on the Heisey property, recent LOCUST HILL ` marriage licences, All kinds of aneLioa sales was being gradually raised but much ly purchase eonducted and valuations made' at mod. - - g y extend a hearty welcome. A orate charge. Estates and consiganients con- iCIlBtOmerB of the county taxation is not caurirol. Pickering Lunlber'�'Yara sietently managed'and sold by auction or led by the county council but by legis- BROUGHAM private sale: Wortga'ges. route, notes and Iation such as expenditure for educt- fftfeneral accounts promptly aolleated and saws- tion, administration of justice, and lUies Ada Milne. of Claremont, is All kinds of building material inchtd [artery r torMi an guaranteed.culars Phone or A Q A HAPPY �7tY}� also for certain roads and bridges. He visiting Wm, Cassie'a, log,rough and dressed lumber. wdN for termv and partloulars, Bron am, ji, Ajay j�aY R g 8 Out. Dasee ally be fixed by phone-zws also referred to his .successful efforts The Independent Telephone Central lath, etc. Dec*. PROSPEROUS in causing the defeat of the "good closes New Years at 9 a. m. A cart ad of British Columbia shingles .�� roads"tr� law in January last. Wen. Riddell, of Turt,nto,spent the have just arrived and are selling at e Bitable W. W. Sparks, being next called holiday with R. Phillips and family. $1,ob per square in lot of 10 Quartet NEW YEAR upon, explained the large expenditure Frank and Mrs. Gerow, of Toronto, square or over. `"• = of = in his division which Compri ed about spent Christmas here with their par- W. D. GORDON & SON. f f�TOLrFF VILLE one third of the township. Owing to eats. r' Are now prepared to ive a musical the large territory it had not received The '.Misses Borland, of Toronto, program. For particulars apply to more than its just share. Claimed spent Christmas with- Mrs. T. C. Ben MIMA HOOVER, that the present council had done good nett. Best Place itl Canada R Sec.-Tread. work at the least possible expenditure: Eugene Williams. of Norwood, via- He pointed out where the expendi- ited at Mrs. Hubbard's over Christ— T. M. McFA DDEN tare was made. Showed the neces- ma for superior Business or Shorthand -Xi!� sit of expendingmuch on the Kin Miss N. Bennett is s endin a coo- Education is the progressive ss Stella E. 1iameS DRVOGIST AND GRADUATE OPTICIA-14 , ston road owinto the destructive ple of weaks with ,friends in Roches- 4 r Teacher of Plano, P—BRING, 0;�',, work of the automobile, broken stope ter, N, Y. being the most permanent. It is al- S. Bentley, of Qiieensboro,is send- �0 r 'WIII3'`EVALE. (J1 T. most useless to place gravel on this ing a time with his sister, Mrs.Wm. _ °• road as autos soon scattered it into Hubbard. LIG% ftrtXJ ti • the ditches. Born-At Oshawa. on Sunday,-Dec. r W. G. Scott, councillor; did not 28th, the wife of N. F. aiechin, n# a TORONTO, ONT, _W Agner Co Dil�gham s favor lowering the taxes at present daughter. x • but recommended the building of more A number of Young people :were Graduates of this college readily,ob- Undertaking Parlors iron bridges and cement culverts 'in-' entertained at W. E. Holtby's on tain choice positions. The demand stead As the were baill needed :at d' evening. Have a full line of Iresh•and cur- King street, Pickering. . y y aS g for our•graduates'is fully flue times certain oints.-'As the work of ,the A sleigh-load of young people-from the supply. Winter,term opens a „1 ed meats cohstantly on hand. Calls by day'fir night promptly pP - l council ad been very thoroughly dis-' here spent a pleasant time at the rink Jan. 3rd. New'catalogue free. attended to. Telephone g ' cussed he took his seat. at Claremont on Christmas night. "Spice Roll, Breakfast Bacon, (Bell or Independent.) E. B. Hoover, who has been nrd-er A large number tutned out on Sun- bV. J. ELL10T,'I?Fmcipal. r ,. 'Ham, Bologna, Weiners, etc. the docto' r's care for the past ten days day afternoon to hear the Rev. F. C. f Cor. Yon a I Alexander Sts. ! --�-- ' - was unprepared to make any state- Harper, and were pleased to see hien, g Highest prices paid for ment but the reeve kindly explained alis Violet .lar-hall, of Toronto, Sntcher's cattle. - r/� the work in Mi.Hobver's departments and lir: 'Ind Mrs. Aledd, and Mrs. Ed. - —��_—� n S U 1 K n C e -relief of the poor and damages to Holtby, of Toronto, spent Christmas o • a-oud h- -. - dogs. In future there would Holtby. shoe b with E. } R e f"I all kinds--Best always recom Ile'il0 charge•Llade against.the town- air. and Mt-S. Russell, of Dakota, y c Toronto, Vickering veru mended. ship for poor-in the H�,uce of Refuge, and John and MIr_. Linton,of T runt , Select the county bearing all the expense, sppent Sunday with Wen. and Mrs. The amount paid fox-damages to sheep �`'ilson and family. First-class rigs for biro by dogs was$2's.s7, a slight-,lightWin. and air:. Ponbher and datigh- -Conve9anCi1lg Done _` over laut year. He explained the by- ter, Marjorie. of Edmonton, Daniel Your D&g OE nlglxt law passed A�thela..=t meeting of the and Mfrs. Yoilcher, of Belleville,andRents 2nd Notes Cullecfed. 'l " " council where.hy inspectors were ap- N. Y. Poacher, of Toronto, 'sjlent•the Bug 1T2e6t8 >411, trains Charges reasonable, pointed to valtie shcep'killed by, dogs. holiday with Thos. and Mrs. Poucher. Teaming promptly attended to. Some adverse as well as favorable John Gillman,who has been in poor ' * 150 acre Farm for sale. criticism was made in regard to the health for several years, died at his Agent for-Canada Carriage Co. passing of this by-law. home near here on Friday last in hisXm`7 µA�+.7 ' r If you want to buy sell or rent, call W. G. Barnes thought the council 70th Year. His funeral took place on i} Wei3 Peak at my office. Bargains. • • ! Pickeri'ng. for 1909 had done good wont and Com- Monday to Macphelah cemetery and , mended the work on the town hall. was largely attended. He is survived . Y. Richardsons He thought much credit was due to by his widow, one son and one daugh- the deputy-reeve for his work in con- ter. Gif tA.7CC These vection with the good roads by-law. On Sunday evening burglars gain- '� D0�liINION BANK — NGtary'Ptlblic, Pickering. He thought there was much work for ed an entrance to (leo. Philip's store Earl at the council of 1910 in seeing after the from the rear by removing the win- y ,�laeksmithin crossings over the new N,R. He dew sash and took away with them a ' Ilead. Office, Toronto Q : thought the present council should be considerable amount of goods, includ- J elected-by acclamation. art underwear, knives and other ����� General Banking Business A Basial blacksmith business done. Arthur John�ton,'being called upon, articles. There is no clue to the crimi- g stated tbat this was the 41st nomin- nals whatever. transacted. All kinds of repairing neatly and ation winch he has attended,. Had The fowl supper, under the aurpices e promptly executed. nothing further to say. of St. John's Sabbath School on Tues- Special attention given to Horse-shoeing S cialt ' Rev. John Trickey thought there dap evening, was a decided success. as As g - a - pe 3r• was such to thing as false economy and Rev. A. L. Geggie'failed to appear for the collection 'Of thought it was a mistake to lower the some reason and many were disap, taxes when there were needed repairs. pointed, still there was a nod supper —rrote—TaleB.- - B+RIN(x, ONT, He thou ht the present reeve should and'a good r ere well j�♦ 1 — bere-elected. Ile criticised the plac- ppleased. Intheabsence of Mir. Geggie, .hwelrq 4tore SAYINGS DEPARTMENT. ing of coarse gravel or rather large Mr. Tomlinson, of Claremont, Miss H. ite received 0�` BRITISH Term of 1909 stones upon the highways. Was not Law; Pickering Miss M. Brown and �q1�OE31. end CANADIAN Ten per cent cheap• a candidate for municipal honors. Mr. W. C. Willson, of Brougham, upwards. BUSINESS er, ten per cent bet- Jas. McFarlane thought we had willingly responded, And Miss Storry , �it�t�ey'" ,Z`]Zt@=etla3t allowed at hi h6et COLLEGE ter for BUsines, reason to be gratified at the work of was repeatedly called back, which g TORONTO Shorthand and-Mat. the council. He urged the council to made the program all that could be I*HE PICKERING, N E. W Current rates. rim. P have the base line bridge built as soon desired. The proceeds amounted to ' Booklet free. R. A. Farquharson, as possible so as to avoid liability. $74.45. <)ppOSite New Post O{f1CC ICHAs. D. GORDON, Manager B.A., Principal, CdrnerYonge and Alph Hoover was not a candidate Bloor Sts. for a sent in the council. Skating to Mn4ic of Band at Clare- .WHITBY BRANCH. T. C, McAvoy had nothing to say iw;nt Rink,Ne-,yYear-' \iglu. �M�'�s®t0Y0"��'� � c a -a. ,,yy u. S..nC....•: ,- -. • K.., a ... 4 '.. '.:. ::. .. .:- :.. _ .. - .. ... _ `�. i[a;� about the chemical action of acids i and the result they may obtain by .; hints for Busy Housekeepers. the intelligent use of the previsions already in the house! Take,'for in- sta , vinegar. Sure! every one's ace y ' - " I cupboard conceals a bottle of this " useful 'acid,' for the eoak always Recipes and Other Valuable Mtertnatte�-- � of Particular Interest to Women Folks. needs it. But even some cooks do weakness f the not know how useful it is in other ysupplying Views of Religion ways beside :gid for the salad dressing. •FAVORITE RECIPES. ribbon, any desired color, may be When cooking cabbage .or other , 'Walnut Cream Dessert.—Put half tied on each stem. This is an at- vegetables where the odorous steam "I saw a new heaven and a new the heart, that to which we will an a cupful of rice in s double boiler tractive salad, and adds greatly to is likely to permeate the house, a earth."—Rev. xxi., 1. ewer, with•njt conscious process of Ap the back of the ,stove; allow it make up pretty luncheon. ' Do cup of vinegar allowed to simmer One characteristic will certainly reasoning, saying, this is right and to cook slowly, with sufficient milk not prepare this salad until ready on the back of the stove will make invariably mark the religion of the nothing else will satisfy' my soul'. to swell it. While this is cooking to serve, The ingredients may be an aroma which will neutralize the future.. It will have', and, indeed, A new note is coding into modern pick out three-fourths of a cupful kept cold in the icebox until ready other. This is a nice bit of infor- largely it will be, a passion for peo' religion which weetb that need. It of black walnut meats, crush them to prepare. motion to remember. ple, a love of humanity. Its.ulti- is.the result of our social thinking. i* with the rolling rn,, make boiled Fruit Salad.—Five large apples, When pickling do not expect to mate word will be love, not a g p The new faith catches its vision in custard of the yolks of three eggs, two bunches of celery, one-half cup- use jars in which greasy substances mawkish sentimentality but an ear- y gS `a liberated, glorified, perfected hu- one-half cupful of sugar, and one fu! of pecan kernels, juice and pulp have been kept. If you do all .your nest striving after the highest and manity. It turns from disputations unit of milk. When thick enough of one orange, juice of one lemon careful measurements will. have best in condi tion and character for q g over an ancient literature to ask, beat is the rice when soft and the Pare and dice apples, cut celery been taken in vain, for vinegar can atl our fellows. ( ), how can we make our in liv- walnut meats. Let it cool and fla- small, mix with pecans, pour over ferret out the slightest indication Religion will be the poetryand ing what it ought to be It cares vor with-vanilla. Serve as dessert alt the juice of orange and lemon of grease, and your pickles will not idealism of our modern social think- only for the history that is for the with whipped cream, sprinkling wal- mixed. -Line a salad bowl with keep, ing, It will give, to the barren, sake of the humanity that is to be. nut meats generously over the to crisp lettuce. leaves, heap salad in Should you go for the glue pot to dried bones of the science of socio- The new faith is a faith in the fu- It also makes a delicjoue frozen des- center, .and Berve. mend a broken household treasure I logy the quickening breath of s tore. Accepting the doctrines of sert. In case it is.frozenlace can- Lettuce Salad.—First pick' over and find the glue is hardened, use mighty emotion; it will compel it P � on; P our slow development from lowli- - -died cherries in a ring around the all the leaves and cut out the touch a little- vinegar to soften it; it is,.With a sweep c'f passionate feeling I est beginnings, it sees in this the edge of the-cu with nut meats in veins and bad-spots, then wash well far better than water. To remove;and convert if from dead theories p prophecy of our greater growth, the center. in about three or four waters, after hardened glue around the finished!and classified data to a regenerat- 'the hope of the coming man. It Fruit Salad.—One-half dozen Which place in a granite or earth- task. use vinegar, too, otherwise ing saving power. argues, if we have come so far we .oranges cut in small pieces, one can er, dish large enough to have plen- you cannot call your mending neat: The religion that is all emotion; may yet pineapple, cut fitre, one pound ty room to stir, then cutup a small Vinegar.w•°il remove paint stains all feeling, is a paralyzing delusion. Malaga grapes seeded and sliced, onion fine over this and add a tea- from the window glass, and when But the religion that- is without GO MUCH FARTHER. one our nuts, one large bunch cel- spoonful of salt, a cupful and a half boiled with'wormwood it will make i feeling is a. dead, helpless, deaden- It believes in an ideal man and as cry cut in cubes, one battle of of vinegar, and to about two bunch- a sovereign remedy for sprains, ! inthing. It is worthless to us ideal humanity, not in some dist- Marasehino cherries; sweeten the es of lettuce use one-half of a nick- while every child knows that wheal and to our world unless it have in ant star but with- us and of us-here. fruits a short time before serving. el's worth 'of fat bacon 'cut up fine you make taffv.you roust add a tea:- -it those ideals acrd:principles which) When you begin to think of city : Pour alt the juice off before put- and tried out, pour over all last spoonful of acid if you want your'can awaken:ken tri us great tides of feel- streets where no wail of sorrow. ting the .dressing on. For this while still hot and stir well and cut candy to be crisp. 'So don't let the irg, can stir our passions, kindle surges, of homes' where no dwarf- amount use one pint whipped cream up leaves to about- one-half their bottle get empty. our enthusiasms, and claim-our un- ed lives, pinched faces, and befit and into that mix the mayonnaise regular size. Best eaten while still --_ —,l, reserved allegiance. backs may be found; when you re- "that two eggs would make. Mia all warm, and is always well liked by The fact that old forms of faith ligion turns to wipe the tears from together. Serve -very cold.' This those who do not like lettuce fixed DISFIGURING, TOUR- were philosophically absurd, his-!the faces of the chil3ren, to lift the quantity will serve eight or ten. with sugar and vinegar, an old re- torically inaccurate, and even ethi- burdens from the weak, to set the r ground, one-fourth pound of salt cipe like mother used to make. NG �� rD�y n �G S. TROUBLE tally ;upsound• mases little differ- bound free, and ivcs eyes to the pork; season with' .salt, pepper, Potato Salad.—Potato salad for !nee to the p p v g great mass of eo l so blind grid heart to the fainting, sage and paprika: boil a calf's four persons: Cook potatoes with long as these faiths move their you may be sure it will lay hold of tongue tender; put a layer of skins on; use the ones that don't hearts, so lung as they hold out the deep ,places in man. . ground meat in deep oblong pan, burst open; peel and cut up rather Canl!at ba . Cmd by Salves and,hopes'that awaken longing and stir Such an idealism becomes a prae- then the spoked tongue (whole); fine. Three cupfuls of potatoes, ul, the sluggish spirit with tical working creed One man.may then pack in rest of meat, cover top -'two tablespoonfuls -of chopped on- O:IltmaIIts--th$ ]lia0d 14[Ils� VISIO\S OF FELICITIES held its premises in the will of a wir.. oracker crumbs,. and bits of ion, one tablespoonful - chopped — . loving God and another in the tip- butter, aed one-half cupful of boil- green pepper, one level teaspoon- be Purt-fied' to be enjoyed or of present-wro rgT- ward dynamic of humanity. The !� in water esti an with loaf in a fol of salt, one-fourth teaspoonful to be righted. [premise9 are not so important as g p g ground white pepper. •Toss this A blemished skin, irritating sorsa, The weakness of the modern and i the conclusion, die goal.' The ex- roaster is which is enough water of pimples, eczema, salt rheum and rational views of reli to steam;, cook two hours; uncover lightly with a fork until well mix- ginn lies in planations may differ• but the ideal, fifteen asioutes to brown. This dish ed.' Dresain One-half cupful of other akin disorders are all signals the fact that, while they are emin-�the hope, the aim., and the passion . " g of distress, telling that your blood ently satisfactory to many thought ii pretty when sliced. thick sweet cream, one-fourth cup- is im erre oil, weak. You cannot fu' persons, es will be one. lien will gladly give Quick Escalloped Oysters. — For fu of vinegar. Beat vinegar into a cure eczema"and other akin trnu- academic dispositions,ythe those of themselves for the, new heaven and one quart oysters use one quart hot the crearn a little at a time: pour bles with oint•rents slid outward lack in vitl significance eem to to the 'Our new earth As a realizable fact. milk, and one . pint of cracker over pi,tatoes. Toss again Tightly applirations. These things ma ,- ' g I 'Our modern theology springs ,cub y gnie many,; the offer no rests I o f our humanity. We believe is a g appeal.Put a heaping tablespoon- with fork. All ready to serve. temporary relief, but cannot cure, jing programme c f action; they in-I deity with the best attributes con- # ful butter in a hot skillet, into Salad Help.—If.gou run short of b"3nse the trouble is rooted in the'vite neither indignation, aspiration ceivable for ourselves, and .we be- »y_.... put the oysters until plump. 'chicken when making salad takblood and can only be removed by nor endeavor: have three layers of crackers and!pork chops and cook- them m thepurifyicg and enriching the blood. You will nevei Ljeve in a universe that w11I bear two of oysters, pour the hot milk broth. They will absorb the cbick- get a living relig- as its highest fruitage not angels and melted butter over each layer!e� flavor and look the same as the Iii, 'R'illiams Pink Villa speedily ion so long. as ya:u limit it to res- aur harps, but man in his ripe pow- cure skin troubles because they en-Ison alone, for, after all, reasoning ers and a race' living together in of crackers, and season the oysters 'chicken. rich, purify and bnild up the irn-'ie aiinpITAhe .power to record and I lore, Harmony, and growth into with salt and pepper. On top lay- ---' noverished blood that caused the classify, examine, and analyze your;greater glory. And we come to be- e- of crumbs put pieces of .butter, ZITTLE.HELPS. trouble. As they feed and cleanse l impressions. We must keep our'!tete in a law of life in which Rron,g and brown fifteen minutes in a hot When a recipe calls for both fruit the blond the skin grows fair, the feet on the rational, but ou.r eyes °to another is the greatest sin and a�en. and nuts, mix thoroughly before bloom of health returns and new must see• the inspirational, that hrlpful, kindly love the fairest vir. r Glace English Walnuts.—Sift tiro 'assin through the food cho er. I strength 'is Inund. 'No other me di- 1 which will awaken the life of feel- tue; one-eighth p g row h cupfuls of sugar with g PP toaspooi�fnl of cream tartar. AddIThere will be no clogging, as there cine has ever had sneh wonderful ing, .quicken the. pulse, .and nerve HENRY F. COPE. , one cu ul of tonin water, set would be if the, fruit is chopped I reqults in cur:^g all diseases due tol Pf g had blood, l it m Elizabeth Gillis I --- ----- s on " stove and stir un- Add lone. uce o c �, k , r �° rico to the Hene►nRt,r+n, P.L•:L, says.— "Word :lGF. 1S ADYA\C tween the ages o h :oil sugar is dissolved. Boil without Add a few grains of _ E.I g f 23 00'; 30 xacreaa- f salt when filling the shakers' and can hardly express haw grateful I I e�1 by just over 1Q,000: *�+ stirring, carefully wiping away with there will. be no clogged shakers, few} for what Pr. Williams' 'Pink Preseet ('onditiow, in F.eclaad-sad The average or mesa.age o all- s swab wet in cold water the cry- n,7 matter how damp the salt be- Pills have done for me. For seven Those a Few Fears Ago. spinsters who married, in 18ge was stals that form on the sides .of the comes. years before I began their use I' s t e •cand 12S years' and one month. This has an, as these will spall h y was troubled with sal The average age of the commun- or r✓ t rhe �tiHen the syrup begins to discolor Dampen a squire of cheesecloth. nm. lay �advanced to .,,, years and. 6,f aith a furniture polish . made of hands and ar-ns were;nearly always rte is becoming older, it was Point-"months in the lest available returns. Remove and instantly set -thee pan ed out b the resident of the Royal' •in a disk uF cold water to stop the equal parts of sweet oil, vinegar amass of torturing cracks and y P j Widows at their second and third P and kerosene. It will brighten the sores. I tried several doctors and ,Statistical Society recently. It is,marriage: are also older, having � Iing. . Remove at once and set g :interesting to note that the advanced from an average of 40 pan of Hot water during the pro- fi,,est mahogany and makes floors spent a rest deal of money with- marriage glias also the same see g teas of dipping. Take halves of and furniture look like newly. fretting any benefit. Indeed{ yearn 7 months to 40 sears 11, my hands' seemed to be ettin dency, says the London Daily Mail. walnuts on a lou in or steel ske- waded. g g months. g P L•'se an.empty baking powder can worse all the time. Finally my bro-I According to the available returns Thus spinster brides are nearly : !wer and dip in syrup to covei, then to chop cooked potatoes when they thee persuaded me to files Dr. Wil- ,as many as 10,000 girls 'marry in!six months and widow brides four place on oiled .paper or greased are fried or warmed over for sup- liams' Pink Pills a trial and I am 'England in a year under the age.months older than those of a few plate. These candies are inexpen- {of 21, that is in less than one sev Sive and delicious but seldom seen Per. It is more quickly accomplish- happy to say they have completely years ago. _ cured me. I used in all seven-b' l enth of the marriages registered. even at the best confectioners. ed than using a knife. f A bag of tennis flannel cut loosely 'a^d I.wo-uld not be w;thout them in Thirty years, a generation ago, Apple Dumplings.—Two cupfuls I a case o€ this kind if thev cost five!more than one-fifth of the women cf flour, one targe tablespoonful of 'to fit the broom and held in place , To -*-cure a lasting luster to the 1[ara, •pinch of salt, one teaspoon- by a discarded round garter can be dollars a hoz instead of fifty cents. !marrying in a year were minors. g made in two 'or three minutes. Cut I hope my experience will be of: Another -interesting fact that range or cook stove add vinegar to fu, of baking powder. Add milk benefit to some other sufferer from seems to prove this tendency to lat- the stove polish. enough to snake a soft dough and so the selvedge .is at the top and :roll out flat. Pare five or six tart there will be only two seams to sew 'skin trouble.'' er marriase.s is provided by the figChronic Crumbler—"Here, wait., These Pills are sold by all medi- !ures for•the last decade. In 1907 er, what are these eho� s lamb or -apples, slice on dough, roll into a across bottom and at one side. Such p-- cine dealers or v:ill be sent by m:r;l the number of marriages of woriren > > �° you tell ball, and put into a pan. Take one a one costs but two or three cents. « between the ages of,21 and 2i were perk :' ' Waiter—"Can't t and a kalf cupfuls Of sugar, one When boiling longues add two a� 50 cents a box or six hoses for by the taste !' Chronic Grumbler claves for each small or veal tongue, $,2.50 by ,The Dr. Williams' Xedi- just over 6.000 more than in 1898, _.<<Na !'_' W' aiter—"Well, then, and a kalf cupfuls of water, a lit- cine Co. Brockville, Oat. While the marriages of women be- ,. . Ale nutmeg, 'let it cam© to a boil, 411 tLree or four for a larger tongue. what difference does it make 4 pour over the dough dumplings, The flavor will be found most de,- bake three-quarters of an hour in licious: ..,Prot oven, keep covered the' first Glass Water• Bottles.-CUt .up a - fifteen nsinutes1� large potato fine and put it in the .t � � � S1 �� �� some warm water anRNINGS bottle with d SALADS. shake it rapidly until it. is clean. ^i Some use shot and soda, but pots NewSalad.—Arrange eMsp let- to is even more effectual. tests on each salad plate, and upon. Flatiron Help.-When ironinn try IEvery doil,a7 lavested in Taxicab Stoclj will be a working dollar. , this grate a sufficient quantity of I setting the iron on a heated brie Roquefort cheese. Over this instead of a 1)crforated flatiron 'PQran°3's Texieabs, of.er sIX months of oetual workint hater: proven that the stock earl squeeze orange juice. stand. The iron-will keep hot much Tora dlylCend of 1€7% per�nn�int or 2,'�`%.quarteriv• carom tnclpo Januarg,lst, 1910. , Apple Salad.—Secure large red longer, which will save time. o: green apples, with stems on if To Clean Rugs.--hay thein out possible. «'rah and polish them ,straight• and bush with a stiff dry ! il�t2 to bud TaXtcab Sfock is now. up. . Cut off the tops with a sharp scrubbing brushy Yon will he' sur= knife. n.nd scoop out the centras. prised zt'•tl:c amairntaf dirt t:, came �e €d'i9i5e its f;ElfCilc;Se all $G.00 per :hare, par valise $5.00. :{Cut the apple that has been scooped out in'this`wa;�, which is mmch bet- cut in small cubes adcl a stalk or ter"than shaking or beating. two of celery and a handful of largo Celery.--'If you fired y„ur ,••el:ry �tv'. iYtis will be accep'ed up to 100 shares in the order received at this offtt ►. green grapes. Cut all up in small i•, tough, squeeze the: jirire of a le- 'pieces, trr>tl, if rlesjred, fl few' Eng- man over it and let it stand for ten lish walnuts chopped fine. Mix all or fifteen minutes. r �Ar,�elAieio and �3 well with mayonnaise. Fill the, cen- �o .` "moo G_..�Ti� VaCt�ria 3trt�t3 I C `®N'rO tern of the apples and pin.cr, the t,'p I Saud for our L"Ustrated b"Aaet. 0;i on each one. Garnish with HELPS. ; grape leaves or lcttu¢c. A I,-- ;.r 1-J,. tittle Roaaekeepers know ` , : 1 ., .:a. ^ti'•n' ..� .+y I..... , .w?i"'. � a' +:, r''� w„ '..-+•„y, jy_.: a y.' w , ...•,. a �:. .., _ _, .. _. x" -..tar •ter m—•z�..': tea, •`-sir '..... .. '. _ of ...', .. Cur �'!._ TY-',.,.::., £":..� w+•:lf >L•,i..- e".�.'u-,+V•• •Y ;':•py w�.. .Ik,i 1. ..,.��, M. '., ,...,. � •.•�., • ;:.: - �.� ..�.: x.?{ c'•.;-.r•...•' T.a.. `4 _.:?«�,+t♦-•w..-:..;�.>q,,,,�,. ...,_'_b..,�:i-'•.-�i,rfWy.�iiy.���"�:.,e ,•y4,.?2 .. s.. �, �k'�rkc.•x ,'S, �r ''S.'�v4' �t-z. ,.o,• ..ak�•"•.��f .,t .. __—� - .-��._ �� fir. �.�r ..- ,-yam•,,. li'ROPOBE0 'INSURANC•E IM&, The British airship may be ver- YOU NEED FEARISLAND. petted to be ready for its trials in GIRL GOES TO LEPER pett �t� , Opinions of Ftre Insarsace ire. four or live months' time. jT NO LONGER Salvation Army Lass in Englund BRO1R►HITIS - -_. ahem layers •f Canada. -It looks, however, as if Great - _.Illailes Great Self-Saerifllee. 1 Britain w ., :t• Tf Ifgisd_•moi_k._twee twria tin fay_ 0 The following extracts frons a main long in possesion of the larg Among many interesting appoint- gad any Ptw.a Fatal. - booklet recently issued by tl'te ova- lest airship, for from Germany GRAVEL WARDED OFF AND menta anounced at the commission- Mr,aLGavewof 116MiMmtSt.. tmittee of Insurance Premium-'Pay. comes`the inf4mation that Albert CUBED BY DODD'S KIDNEY ing of Salvation Army cadets at Torones,wriketallett"of Septamber �`' Clapton, England, last week the 13.19",-ORO •.r "ssp.roslcon- erR of Caned: will be found inter• Wetzel, an engineer, has camplet:ri P 8 , , t !H'I'S• moat interestin probably,- was traeted a .e.ese sell i the chest,Which 1 eating by all classes of the cam- arrangements for the construction ion $' p y' developed into Ike lchiti.. I took three of a vessel` which will, if his ambi- that of Cadet Annie Beckley, who Ledo of aeJiciao.aJ feted no improve. miunity in view of the propoised In- Pro tious ro ect is realize&, make the ." was promoted to the rank of cap- went. Afrie"of sain.advised me to -' surance Bill now under considera- P j Diaaitsba )Flan Tells Hew His Lrin- try English airshi look like a dwarf. stain, and given marching orders for PSYCI-LNE'andist6rwdaysIfe!tiu"cea tion by the Dominion Government. g P . ary Troubles VaniskeA Before the ;the leper settlement in Java. newmanayain, IJelin toWotheriknow M` The vessel is to have a lentrth n[ P The opinions herein expressed•are l t. Great Canadian Kidney Reefed Captain Beckley is wise enough what a valuable cure you have in PSY- taken verbatim from the literature ,964 feet, with a diameter of 65,v y y' P y C CH1NEforitetuedmehereallodmined• z i # issued by the Committee and we feet. The envelope its to be of rnasl• Hamrlik, Man., Dec., 27• - �to take alevel-headed view of her �e3hadfaited.Iwnwwethasthanidulto nalium alloy, with a capacity �f appointment. It is one of the most z assume no responsibility for them. I , (Special).-Probably there is no die- be wellaga:a,amlforthootkeofotherowho "" ; 13.0'31,216 cubic feet. The bui'der self-sacrificing branches of Salva, h,. ber'1, o The public, however, can draw I.' ease to which man is heir Chit 'tion service. Y y ami pttbliahtaEmtesumoatal." a Intends to fit the airship with mo- Step that CCW or the mults will be their own conclusions as to the car- causes such a general dread as "Nevertheless " 'says p aeRoas. Youeudot6i*6yaaignptha tors of 1,200 horse ower, with ys the captain, rectaess of these views from thewhich lze propostes to attain a speed Gravel, or Stene in the Bladder. 1"1 am going for Iife, if the Army antes,with PSYCt NE. facts at their disposal. The Com- ( The frightful pains it brings end will. let me stay so long, an4, at Farsa4htaRDne�sCt.pe allp•rMule of from 45 to 56 miles an hour. g mittee of Insurance Premium Pay- Acoordin3 to the calculations the the terrible operations it necessi- +any rate, it will be for years. I Dr. T.A. SLOCUM era is composed of business men �vess•1 will nosy e a total liftintr tatea cause a shudder of apprehen- am not afraid of getting the d"% TED, representing all classes of business :power of 1031/, tolls. A vessel of sion whenever it is mentioned. But ease, for I am going on God's .er- TORONTO 'n Canada. Thin Committee came !such dimensions Fnould weigh at there is really no reason why any 'vice. I have counted the cost, and together for the purpose of oraaniz- ilnatst 75, tons, leaving w marein f man or woman should fear Gravel. I quite understand what the risk9 ing definite opposition to certain gg1/ {enc for cargo: Tt is iurh}t-r It is purely and simply a Kidney are. I have to die, and if needs be y w clauses in the ro osed Insurance a disease; and as such can be either I may as well die out there amongst P P 1 tater that a eng r be ross:hle 3' 4 Eil'r which were considered harm- � carry 400 passengers on board. cured or guarded against by the use those stricken souls:," fu. to the beat interests of the busi- —e __ of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Take the i She volunteered to go some years PRONOUNCED SI-KEEN r.ess community, and to offer some WRONGLY DIAGNOSED. case of Mr..'Calrin R. Snyder; well ago. opposition to the full away of what A pompous doctor was goingknown here. He says:- they call the Insurance Combine. "In the spring of 1907 I•was al-'I. A -NEW TORONTO BRANCH round the hospital wards followed LTOCKS. The following extracts from the ' . most laid up from a lame back and BANK. by a crowd of students. O INTESTORS--TOUR OBDEBs TA booklet issued by the Committee are �. was also troubled with excessive T 2 I can tell a man's occupation bei7 or Fell Stocks will reeeive my r interesting in this connection:- i P urination. I got a box of Dodd'a The increase in prosperity and me so attentfnn. S. M. Hathewe. Kroft- from his disease, he said; turning rosrth of business in Ontario Clt or, u Scott tit.. Toros.*. ,t "Because of the combine to which I Kidney Pills and used them with B refernce has been previously made, ,to a patient. "Now, this man is a satisfactory results. Dodd'* Kid- EDUCATIONAL 'ie-, and Towns during 1909 is some- a - musician. Aren't you V' EDUCATiONIAL z fates are excessive; insurance re- „ ney Pills are the beat Kidney medi- thing that deserves more than pass- -- Yes, sir. in comment. EARN THE BARBER TBADF -NEW • coined to reasonably expedite large << cane I ever heard of." S And you play a wind inatrn- , One reads in the Toronto rTJ eT?sem constant practice; earernl business transactions cannot be ob- , If -you -follow Mr. Snyder s ea- pavers , menti instruction; few weeks complete course; _ Cained_ Necessary and very desir- "Yea „ ample and use Dodd's Kidney Pills of the new Branch..of the Traders I��l• h•": graduate, -earn - twelve tat raM able forms of insurance.in the pro- rr g y y Bank being O ��[bteen dollars weekly; ,mite for cats.. for slight striver disorders, you g pened on the corn rr ra per conduct of business are not You see, gentlemen, nothing is will ..ever be troubled with Gravel. of Richmond and Yonge streets this ' East. Toronto. Bober College. szi queen worse for the lungs than the wind week. Another Branch to handle procurable, and on the other hand, instruments. What is our instru- If you have Gravel, Dodd's Kidney conditions are imposed b the Li the increased business of this bank , P y went, my friend;- Pills will cure it. -sensed Companies -which are not re- in Torontri, and within two blocks ; *1 And the man replied, Cancer- - e- of their big fi7teen-store Head we quired by other offices, and the'op- g y ' tins. eration of .which entail additional AT LAST. Office means enormous growth. The ,5 •` � a practical training that wilt •• st burdens upon the Premium Payers - - Traders had already eight branches ! enable you to t.-cure a It is an Elixir of Life.-Since for. As soon as a man really feels that gourd : of Canada. in Toronto, which might seem to ; po,ition. It will take only a ' he can at :.tet .,at aside his hotel- g short time to acquire and the Other insurance. than can be ob- gotten time, men have been seek; the ordinary layman to be more 9 t nese cares be lies down and dies. eo�t i� senalt. I�'ew tern be tna• :4 +tained in Canada is therefore most ing for the .Elixir of Life, which) ,than sufficient to handle any rea. R ,.� tradition says ones $ ' sonable amount of business. The ' tan. 4th. Write for particulars. desirable, and in many cases, aline- Misted. Dr. i ebe.rwt Mtn vee ela*gblws. ver .wets haasa arittab-Antertoaw easfaeSs Cottage. 4 ' lutely essential, and the Premium Thomas Eelectric Oil is an Elixir,+ ",ho,.n with oaew sa:r a wa-P eami of Pant. necessity' of opening- a new branch t/Ler to hot awes*eaed water will prevou nay Y.N.C.A. Bldg., TORONTO. Payers want the Insurance Act to before which psis cannot live. Ib.Ui.=•.,a Avoid aah„tt„ue,, tasrrt is list sae i�l its Own town shows part of the f 'Provide the means whereby the is made up of six essential oils, "raiskWer--Perry Darts•-see.gad His. reason, doubtless, fo'. the very sub- right of private contract outside of carefully blended so that their - stantial growth of this Ir ;otion i FOR SALE. Canada, now an inalienable right curative properties are concentrat UNKIND INTIMATION. this year. 9R~P, rvnF:x ►te/xratfatt. as A''�t . ot. the citizen, may be carried out, ed in one. It has no equal in the "That woman's conversation is Shareholders and Cusiomers of i C tars rramo bnil,li towmb+p,.!f.ln°t,ay "21' aere.eloartii. Onl e'U1n dawn, b talus a� and the co incident requirements treatment of Lumbago, rheumatism, .ig deep as a well." the bank are looking forward Wish five Po{cent. I.waae■�a Company;of t'rnada - . of inspection and adjustment of gad all bodily pains. "Yes; but she never dries,tip." a good deal of interest to the re• Load.n,oat• �osses within Canada not interfer- -- _____ port that will be presented at the ` d' with. TACT. sake Ananal Meeting on. Janis- (rAL VES aafse Them witt"et milk � The Premium Payers de not Algy Sapleigh-Do .play for me, A Mild Pill for Delicstte Women. ary 23th, 1910. j areel•`sriag.s«d ce,L%L.Torosto,loat, • The most delicate woman car •un- vrtsh the Insurance Act to lower then !Mies Rogers; I always envoy your dergo a course of Parmelee'* 1VE OOLEARS a day sure, made relltnt rear J` Kara whereby unlicensed insurance playing so. You know. I don't A REASON. � .hoi-oM11Ts marhisea Ftporienre unneees- woUldLi table Pills witAout lea- of nnplea- i ar. sverthody buts. They aell them,elv*s• s –-,canvas comaoi solicit busiaeseminte`sna I know the first thing about music. sant consequences. Their action, He-"tiVonder wily it is they al. a"ri�us par i�oi:r,ov�6»i:"ad s�,anli�o a aria, while wholly effective, is mild sari (ways s oak of the 'blushin - to-advertiae or open offices in Tyr Marla* Eye Remeey Y F 9 or Bed weak R war Watery Eses agreeable, No violent pains or i bride 1 7ePC FOR TIlk DEAF–IN ACOUSTICOR the count; lint the strongly pro- GG r• i 1 i y+ y fT y P ranolatloa, Pint Ly• and Ere strata. „'- t ova of th« ttuu.eta ar the e'w orical• are,; a' T tar in s folio.. their use, as thou- ;,$he- Not_hin very remarkab.s test against any .legislation which Menne Doe�n't l4martt Soothes Eye Pain. ' P� g g - g III or. thruuPhoue tree world, wrtts.tor cata� ' a C.+mDoaaded by EtDerieneed Pbyeteianet ' sande of women v6 ho have used t�iein ,bout it. considering the kind of ome. Araeral Aorw•tia Co., of Caffein Lid., a. will restrict their right of contract,• cocaine ne Injurious or Prohibited D as. „ ttSB Yunte htrwrt, 'foria*o. i; rp can teetif The are, therefore men most women marry. r-_ .� .'by imposing penalties on- the indi- r7 Marine for Your Eye Troubles. Foa y y I iduals who will perform in Can-! ill Like Murine+ Try ttAn Babi it Eyea, strongly recommended t0 women, gor seal Eyelids. Drugirtatti oil Murine WANTED t who are more prone to disorders o! Are your corns harder to remove 1, aria, the acts example, to that COD- at SW. l s Marine me estng Co., Chl• US RAT tract, se for example, the inapec-: ' aro, wul send You Interesting flys Book, the' digestive organs than" men. Lhan those that others have had 7 tion of a risk or •adjustment of a Le` ___ Have they not had the,same kind I 9 lege." Many people are made giddy by A BAD BIG?\r. Have they not been cured by us- ase, eve, t, ' - the social whirl. „ ing Holloway's Corn Cure I Tr. a Doyou believe that the reall • Canadian Hide and Skin Coal rt 3 comp -any. bottle. s, BIiALST IN BIG AIRSHIPS. 3 =' ', intrude to marry George 9".. _ - _ as Frfae 5L e., Toronto, out. PILES CURED 1N a TO to DAYS "I don't know. . Her lauther and ` :En lead is Building a Filer 50s F i7.A pI'tTStE`T i, �aarantee.t to est . as :WHAT HAPPENED. S y father think so well of him that I'm _ Do you trap or buy Feet Long. e+••sofl*ehiaq Rain. Blomh-%z or Protra•liaS F'urx?'Iamaanada's rile.is Ito 14 days or ta.moy refnnJed. ex afraid there'll be no wedding. When Jack• and Jill went Up the larttr t dt ai.{,I p,ty • Beyond the fact that it is being hill h;6rescprices. your .r '. .. -. -*b'oments solicited, i 'built at Barrow, England, by Mr. Juggins-- A black cats came -oats ono ''Deo vto @tat�lr.e' Both were filled with laughter; I piy.giafl and ea- FU S 'Messrs.. Vickers' $ons and Mazint to our back fence last night. bars. peat to f.AX,%Trva pae.fn Qrtxl�a. IA" When they came down each wore a pr ha remit et for the FinaNre et R R. E;Ae.TL. CTed the promptly. Also larltect dealer in Ree DO details" regarding the new Brit- Juggins- Dld it .bring you $cod .world own t.Can•t ieL is One. Day. g., frown- 0() etc. Quotations andahlpping las been naval en out airship hitherto no It did. Idhit it the very time My hair iy falling out, old I And the pail came tumbling ••ret tree. y ish P „ get " , ' l after. � _ JOHN HALLAM TORONTO �"�►e!r formation collected from unofficial I fired." chap!"-a solicitor confided to a me- ! ESTAaLISHRD lava. ,Soirees the airship will be the big - dical friend. "Can you recommend Ila gotntKtRe for-no D a I Meat►sl Pta,sNr, est et bolt its len h bein over axtnn,hsoseunsernpulaaadeslennayeattbe» �a IA�iA �f0f�}hltta' ,g y gt g W}iile more prevalent lII wlnteT, 6AmeLhiIIg t0 keep it ]n '`(ver- 1i A�mm.cled by dousen, hoepitale, glory FURS is tun r,at.,J2u:ksti, 'iuH 1500 feet against the 446 feet of the when sudden changes in the Brea- tainly !,' was the agreeable reply: astd•••ryb•'ty for pleariny,ssifa••s,•t•• ; largest Zeppelin. A cardboard box. ,Wrive Caps t3aaMlew, ecu g ther try the strongest constitutions, ` I trig for estsloS In construction it will resemble colds and coughs and ailments, of, r - -'+ ENIGMATICAL. ieAw FU R8 we Pay highest prices. write rati the Zeppelins, inasmuch as it will T for price list. 5 the throat may come in any sea- The healthy glow disappearing, "Is that grade-climbing •appli- ,p- H. QAaTKOO a CO.. ' r have a metal frame, and the gas son. At the first sight of derange. from the cheek and moanilig and grecs of yours a bona fide invrn-. 77.King St. B. Toronto. ' bag will be divided into compait- ment use. Sickle's Anii-Consurnp- ,ri,stlessnes!l at night are sure a m tion I" :menta. It will be able to lift some tive Syrup, Instant relief will be toms of worms in children. Do not Honestly; it's on the level." MUNTcIC! THE LEADER SIC HT twenty tons, including the' car, but experienced, and use of the medi- .fail to •get a bottle of Mother the !ill*ion doles whreb ,ln practice It will 'probably not be cine until the cold 'disappears will ' Tlt[i w•A.a winr•sna,t'ne e.ay ; found useful for lifting more than PP Graves Worn Exterminator; it is TO CUfFE A COLD IN ONE DAY CLLtl�itltif •ice dir.ct,,of ch. fast.•.* 4 protect the lungs from attack. For, an effectual medicine. ; �ti• t•tx�rivm Rar\ffl Qnirrre Tablsta, er.tiow.stNyinabifd: rhe about five tons. Prwuist•refund moa-y if it fail. to sure. Z. W. rtht an�nmaVeallp alinwe anyone with throat or chest weak- __ -� r.,r t6a eight P. -int x . y G1tUVa•9.iSiiaturo fa os e.tsh bot. %x. f The two motors will be a very attached mrdet rhe', or, nese it cannot be surpassed. t t heavy burden in themselves. They HER IirOWLEDCE. --" - -- +. neat tiler,+ een to A '�--' 'UNKIND. •,c•rut•ket_Glse make and are understood to be Wolseley en- Father-Well, Carolyn, how do << „a a,,..e of int,. r lee t3fq � When sorfe people do tell the + r•+F+1.i. Foy aa'.u all Bines of eight cylinders, developing My 'dear; did you ,make -this gua•torp-aka fir 200 horse power each. With thiq truth they exaggerate it. you like school Z cake out of the cook book I" LEADER CO., driving force of 400 horse power, Scandal is the tattle cf foots who Carolyn (aged nix}-Oh, so much, Yes, love." judge other people by themselves. Papa! „ azo Market St.. ser, FrenclaFo "the speed of the airship is calculat- «''ell, I thought I tasted one of ted at 45 miles an hour. Zeppelin Father-That's right, daughter. ,> ' A Ra�taE eeaRit art.ee steep and .sieve And now what Have you learned' the covers. III., with two Daimler-1lfercedes away, YOU en.n a„nano; it with Alien's i.adt to-dap 7. 0DINOL motors of 130 horse power each, h4a9 tho che, thigh relieves Kara breathing, pain h 11t+re h M etwA Th1teR as a itarmba aetrgf The famous ner, discovery of the age, tt+s sheet sad irritation of the tttroal, Give 1f Carolyn—I've learned the 'names sty.trnnble Sue,from bad to worse unless obe•k- fi , a calculated sped of 30 miles an in to theohildrea. Allows Lung Balsam •ares tb• wars* of Positively, 4nickly, comp!etely relieves •� of all the little boys. K• flour; �_ I►allays faSatsss*ioa and clean she Or and cures Goitre, Thick Neck, Sciatica, *&*—g•& Swellinrs, Bunion,, Quinsy, eic. $1.00. J1-ST WANTED A SE''RATION. TiaeFi-'.`I suppose, old man, your or 6 or$g.00, mailed en rt::t ipt of Prise by The girl was very Tich'imd the wife still thinks she married a trees- Tourist-"This seems to be a very Lwt_s� Ma=Dlcity¢ CO., Toronto young man was poor but honest, sure V' Benedict--"No; a treas- dangerous pass. I vr ender there is p ' ' Fhe liked him, but that was all, iii-v!” Knot a n•arning board up." Guide 9 kind he knew it. One night he had --"Yes. There wa, one up for two been a little more 'tender than years,."but no one fell over, so it usual. W thea You're're Hoarse Use was taken down I" cs,pkt(St S,pPR:s, "You are very rich," -he ven- f3'�:. [,,Z",C[•7sa,dtoArf�/f!.►t M tared. The' Pill That Brings Relief. - i .t Fort11toup,nivtitherta, e "Yep " elle reiilied frankly. ''IJLi;;;p tit'hen, after one l,as partaken of 1:A11ei>za Cr in a ratsppa papa;i,.11nru�, �atldv, e'' 1► an, worth one millie two hundored a meal he is eppresse&by feelings Aocdenta, Broiaee, and fifty thousand dollars ' g4 Falls,d (Enn•i .ou D �d ilii of fullness and pains in the 5t 0- Founds Poi„otioue "Snd I ani poor.” mach he suffers from' dyspepsia,) I Aiteutgrllayt,ynnkea n� "Yes r, StingaotTn+euta ev:, �11E 3[5T M;.Ot<ikt IMA 3dr�35 , which will persist if it be not dealt! . •' l? • "Will yell nlartj Mel` immediate rem. The fiat with. Parrnelee's Vegetable Pills 'No.' Gives iRadway-S • are the very best medicine that f "I thought you woulthl't " dose relieves �*a1t throat and T9'� can be taken to bring relief. These Beady Then why did you ask me 9' al�ti�athe imi-1 lion• Guaranteed to �� Relict. 3 THE p ,� y venula no fates. �learypalatable. Pills air specially compounded to t Oh, just to sec how a man feels °P deal witb dyspepwja, and their iter when he loses one milliontwo hun- AlDroesio6p.�' }ing qualities in this respeat eats be F:ludl ntcnii•en the nantc of ibis ISSUE NO. 1-10. dred and fifty thousand Mara." 'vouched for b legions of users. y `�, y g � palter in t,ritias t. adt•crtiaers. �,h .,k x, Y $.. :,�.. •:w5`r fi."'• m*��- .r .,c�. �; ;,:;,._::.y, - .•--v..': -p t.:,;,:'..:r ..1 ... cam,* -�.,�:. ., •_,. _ ,.. s ... � �,. -� '� .,�. .:it^.._ r?`...'r. ,�•+�- ---tom;.,,' 's.. �,�,:^..,, �... �. v+!pc:: - - .e• 0 7' �"' -`;'C`"mss .r C ,w ~— TIME rABL�Piokering Bladon G. - � , most eabat�antioal progress,in feet T.1l. Trains going Bast due w follows— RICHARDSONP no other country can compare allo. a Mail 8:06 A M. =� with her in this respect. There " , 19 tocai 5.43 P.M. ' has been a steady inflow of pope- M. 1g Local s,of 11 ws FOR GOOD GROCERIES w. r Trains solos Wast dee as follows— lation of a desirable character. No. 13 Local 8.36 A. M. : The North-vveat, wheat. •• _ll Looal 2.30 P.M. I`ng rapidly taken up and there- •8andav included. 8.36 P.M. - _ lopubli•hedeveryFridaymotningati0s0lIIa•, b increasing the wealth of the OF ADa• AT Y g . .We wish to thank our friends and patrons for Sintla..r�u aSpaOrli eDv]iMTIBING 10 Dents Dominion. Many miles of new Neta Adverttsen"W41. --their generous sapport of THE GROCERY - 1ca�h sub egnent iasewUss.}•r etre- s eenw railway have , been built, thus STORE during the pa4t year. We hope for a Chi. rat•do" a"Include LaW or Foreign showing Qhe rapid expansion ofEIME AND CEMENT always on continuation ofetheir favors and trust to be Mlyrtt•smeats. hand. JOHN MoGLNTY. Pickering Alli Special testae gi'veu to parties making con- the country's wealth. But, we able to give them the same first-class•service ' r roots for 8 or 8 months or by the Tear. Half 7*Wly or yearly oontraots payable quarterly. believe the events of greatest �FRESH MILCH COW FOR SALE we have always done. Business cards,ten linty or under,with paper I have for sale a fresh Pmilchickering. cow. Appnly D LPHI , lot 17,son.4,Pickering,DIINOAN one year,$s W.Savable In advance. moment t0 the world which have We wish you all a t!'Notioein local columns ten cents per line, DOLPHIN,Bronggam 30tf ave oentspar line escasubsequent insertion- -18 nsertion. occurred are those which have - EERY MERRY CHRISTMAS Special contract rates mads known on applies►- passed almost unnoticed. These HOUSE TO RENT—A six-roomed ton. No free advertising. dwelling newly papered and painted Advertisements without written instruetions are discoveries in science, iu all throughout,a st-thea cellar and large garden will be inserted until forbidden cosi charged SO- For further particulars apply to M. 8 CHAP. and a Happy, Prosperous sordinely. Orders for discontinuing sdvert.se- its branches, new discoveries and IIAN, Pickering 9tf meat. most be in writing and sant the pub- Usher. NEW YEAR. ....usher, inventions in medical science OR SALE—A good 8-horse Pitt Job Work promptly attended to. 1� power and about 50 feet of tumblipe rod TERMS which tend to alleviate. sufferili 7 g and geared jack,all in excellent running order. and prolong life. Ill a great many For sale at a reasonable price.Apply to WEST. $1.'2o per year ; $1.00 if pail in.advance. NEY BROS., Audley 19.18 respects the world is moving rap- ---- --- — c i idly" onward and will continue to TRAY HEIFER—Came on Dec. the RI C H AR D S O S JOHN M U R K A R, Proprietor. y S premises a the undersigned the ec3rd, UVJ FJ �J do so. The year which we lire I one heifer. The owner may have the same by proving property and paying eapa¢see. DAV- about to enter has no.doubt many ID ANNAN,lot 17,con,1,Yickettng • 11-13 NOTES AND COMMENTS - - --------- - --- -- '— Buy you Groceries at the-Grocers. good things in store for ts, and-we WANTED—An experienced farm A lar a number of people seem ho a our readers may have their r V hang,middle area,co work on farm by g p 1 P Y year in Westorn Canada. Would assist in pro. f to have little confidence in the re- full share of their enjoyment. curing homestead for the party willing to Cotte W ee 82'25.00 per year. Address O: SHAW, ' ports that the proposed Toronto Meson,Bask, • 1oa W E 'ARE . , HEADQUARTERS Eastern Electric Railway will be HIGHLAND CREEK Tenders for Caretaking built in the near future. The fail- The January meeting of the Worn- � ore of the Toronto and York Rail- day Institute will be held on Thurs- Sealed tenders marked •'Tenders way Co: to continue their line day afternoon, Jan.8th, 1910, at 2.30 for Caretaking" will be received b� Y In. at the home of Hilton B•rumwell. the no ersigned up to 8 p. in. on Frl- OR eastof the West Hill seems to Ladies are cordially invited to attend. day. Dec.31st, for the caretaking of have caused lack of faith in all After a lingering illness extending Pickering public school for the year d electric railways. $pyp_ °ver some time, the death took place 11}10. For full particulnre apply to W. propose Y on monday of Elizabeth Gilmore, wife G. Ham, or to ever, those behind the Toronto of the late Charles white. The tune- WaD. Rooless, _ : Eastern seem to mean, business n►1 took place on Wednesday from her Secretary �iLltter8 Sleighs Robes and late residence to Melville cemetery. > > and it is stated by those who AT ONCE i. Bells A few overcoats with \�` . should know that the work of : 4 buildingwill begin as soon as the STATEMENT A reliable local represent wanted collars to be sold at a to represent Spring opens up. The charter Of Expenditures on Roads and Bridg- , b�rgaln, Horse powers, Cut will be di, by the committee es in the Township of Pickering in �� � �� �' # Iit1t� is the House at Ottawa earl in the several districts of the township - Y under the supervision of the memb (6rr�tttst 11urscrits ting boxes, and pulpers. 'January, and it is raid that it is era of the council in the year 1909. almost certain to gothrotegh. It - in Pickering and adjoining coun- R•EPAIRI\O A�1D iMPROS'IN4 ROADS is expected that the jottt nes be- In charge of Reeve. .....,.. 8$.8 S 59 try.' - 'tween Oshawa and Turo6to will- Deputy-Reeve.• , 575 30 The demand for nursery stock is in coun. Scott. .,.:..'364 79 !i lake about an ninny, but we doubt ,; o e of o yearly, and if you b�•realize stops Hoover._. 108 14 D S EY SO N • ,, _ one of our salesman you will realize with the numerous st�� to be � Sparks—_ 7103 45 there is good looney in' the•business aEs _ made that than speed can be ac- BL;ILDINO JLND REPAIRING BRIDOES for you. charge of ' eom lished. The road when built In chReese.............$ I?7.03 p g Deputy-Reeve .,. 1 0Q Write at once for particulars. Pay Farm Implements, .Harness, Carriages, Binder Twine, will be of immense value to the weekly. Flee outfit. Coun. Scott...,,.. 51 90 Machine Oil and Repairs. farmers anon the touts. Toronto •• Hoover.... s:3 NE & WELLINGTON ° R is now a large city, but it is sure " Sparks....,,..,1680 73, F°onthlll -.4ur$erlesf to be a great deal larger. To have By order of the Council. 000 aie?es WHITBY, — ONTARIO such a city as a market is of-in- DONALD R. BEATON, Clerk. TORONTO ., ONT. -� _calculable benefit to farmers liv- `* XMAS: . PRESENTS ing within tweutjTo thirty miles. If it be built within a year, as is 'W"30 WISH ZO U' For handsome and useful presents call at expected, it will be interesting to watch its.effect upon the terri - •i� _ tory ad jaceut. 1 n h m- 111 S �e A :�Vlerr Christmas D We will to-morrow enter the New Year and, then look back on We go farther' -the events of the seal• now draw- a It is a well known fact that Furniture is the-most acceptable gift one ing to a close. In a general way WELL HELP YOU MASE MERRY can give their friends, so.before making your final the past year has not been mark- selection, call and inspect our stock of . ed for any particularly striking `f p�E have in Mock a very full assortment of Chocolates, Bon Bons, ' _events, when compared with pre- w Creams, Swiss Milk chocolates and Affixed Candies in abundance. encs Bookers, Chairs, Tables for Parlor of'Dining We havn't room to quote prices. Here,ate a f just to show you. ,ceding years, yet it has been a __ Room, Jardinier Stands, Etc. _ year of.remarkable progress. So they are right: u h many historic events have axur- Choice Mix Candies, 3 lbs for 25c. They wi]l be sure to please you. No trouble to s ow goods. ti red in.rceiit years, that nothing , .Chocolate Creams, in•bulk, per Ib. 15c. hili create the surprise and won- m :.Soething new, something nice, Peanut Butter Sinacks, UPhol. term and Picture Fralnl g a specialty { Goods deliveredsanywhere free of char e.n der that remarkable discoveries per lb. 20c. y g ` -and invention's caused some years Very fine assortment of Chocolates, in ib. boxes, per box 25c. Bell and Independent Telephone Connection. i ago. We are uow getting so used --- to remarkable achievements that Xmas Plum Cake, good quality, 20 and 25c per lb 'I they no:longer cause a sensation. Take home a lb. of fresti roasted PellnutE. A 'MERRY' CHRISTMAS Some of the things to be acted inA full line of Layer Cakes. Rolls, Fried Cakes, Cookies, Is the greeting i extend, at this season, to my many customers. If you use t •the year just closing knight be Tarts, etc., etc., can be had at Bakery, or my goods you are sure to have one. If you do not, insure yourself fo>+ ':here referred to. The progress in ordered from wagons. A HAPPY • NEW YEAR aerial navigation is one of the 'Call and•get our Calendar for 1910. J iuost important. Only a fete _ by placing an order now. A good.ball-bearing, easy-running wringer would matte our wife happy. and a Connor or 1900 washer would lessen her labor sesta ago aerial navigation was THE PICKER/NC BAKERY �°�• These are ideal Xmas gifts and a good stock on hand insures immeditite looked upon.as one of the things delivery. Perhaps if she has both an Angle lamp would be much appreciated. _ ilmposaible,' but the inventive N. B.—We have on hand a good supply of-cooking eggs, can spare A life insurance policy is an appropriate gift and within the reach of all: some 50 dozen ; par dozen 30c. Tbese are every bit ae-good as the For yourself. Why not get a Gilson gasoline engine and lessee your :. ;genius of man will look on no ob- :new laid article, and make quite a saving. P. B. labor for 1810. These engines are approved by the National Board of Fire tacle as being insurmountable. - —- -- Underwriters and can be used in any building. or a litter carrier-a great _.• ,� Iabor sayer and money maker. When you make your New Year's resolutions Whether or not the airship Mill write No. 1 thus:-'•I hereby resolve to buy all my implements, twins and •ever become a.thing of utility isother manufactured articles from at present very doubtful. It is , �a oat haze gaur C nobchm nd see our ouhoppmg W tkt laic meek• .��ARID Fes• TUR►NFR, certain that every person will not a' �K' I. O -trust their lives to it, but still it We take pleasure In showing is hard to 4a what. the outcome Our china, biscuits, jars, marmalade pots, .sugar and creams, cake plates, t�Tg=� ,QALE QNZ+A �TQ 3' bread and butter plates, celery dishes, fruit sets, also games, ,books, ' of the investigations in aerial toys, dolls. The "Esquimaux" is a great favorite. flight will be. Another event of Dolls from be up. importance i the discover of the Boots, shoes and rubbers for all kinds-of-wear, also heavy sox. Choice Xmas im li Y groceries, also nuts, confectionery, oranges, lemons, macaroni, • north pule, provided it has actu- finnan Rsddie. Budd Up •.:A 'Reserve Now ally taken place. Oneof the lu,en, •Our post office has a rnoney order department which you' will find most convenient at Xmas time in remitting money to your friends. Now, wh9e your earning power is good,why not convert part of it. Dr. Conk, who claimed to be the TERMS CASH. Phone orders receive prompt attention. into a Cash Reserve that will,later on,yield a competence for old age? first to reach the Coveted pole, llas , �1 TT J - You can easily do it by regularly depositing a part of your been discredited by the scientific GE 0. A• ,GILLES1. IE, Dunb€>Lrtoll intens in. world, including those who were at first the most enthusiastic yin ;THE CHRISTMAS SEASON his supposed acliieveulent. The - r,[ BANK STMD other explorer, Lieut. Peary, has /S NOW HERE enjoyed the, confidence of his fel- Established P Establshed 1873 OFCANADA ;low•men, but his records are yet When in Dunbart'on+call iii and see our displayof Japanese China, to be examined by capable men Cut Glass, Fancy Handkerchiefs and other appropriate Christmas Goods innumerable. One Dollar and upwards opens an account,and will gystenullk - before his claim can be accepted or A complete stock of,pry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Overshoes, aving and Compound Interest, the fund will rapi* Seuimulate. verified. Should his,records proveRubbers, Underwear(fleece-lined and all-wool): ;Begin today. 72, his claim to be a d.onehis goo , Also, a fresh stock of Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery, achievement will be one of the _ P I C K E R I N G BRANCH great events in history. During A MGORMLEY .•Dunbarton CLARENCE To BATTY, Manager � the year our co4iitry has made, , i BRANCH A1,°40• AT W3ltTUT. a' • ,�. - jppff • a " t*' } • , ItUMONT George McClure is spending a R. P. Hopper, of East Toronto, 1 , Winter is Coming-We are Prepared 1 1Kr: 9irzipeon spent Christmas at week at his home in Georgetown. sppeent Monday here with his bro- • his home here, Richard Underhill, of the Eaten ther, David, and also'calling on a Wm. Ward, of Oshawd, ,was in Co,, ie spending a week's vacation number of his.many'friends. To meet your requirements in all kind`s of Footwear. We deal in flralf �• town on Tuesday. at his home here. class Roods and at reasonable prices. "A call solicited." DKidd spent Christmas with Adam and Mrs. Spears and Dr. family spent Christmas with Thos. BLACKSMITH SHOP Flour and Feed +pairing.protaeptly his parents in Peterboro. and Mrs. Gibbons. Miss Olive Powell, of Toronto, constantly on hand, attended to., - "was home over Christmas. George Boliday it of Toronto, Independent Telephone Central 'spent the holiday with his mother, I am prepared to carry on the black- r' Cloeee,New Years at 9 a. m. ;M• Al... Wilgon. smithing business formerly conducted Independent Telephone Central. Mr. and Mrs, Hortop, of Port by Robt. Davidson. General repair Chas. Sargent was laid ftp a few -.•,err , spent the holiday with T. work and horseshoeing a specialty. M. PALMER, Proprietor, The Corner Store. W. r da with a very severe cold. �• Paterson. I have also the agency for the fam- id Scott. of Toronto, sp Davent Warren, our popular baker, oue Oockshutt plows and Adam's •8aturday and Sunday at his home has left town, and has returned to wagons. Call and see'me before mak- hero• his home in Lindsay. ing your purchase of farm imple- ' $ Fred and Mrs. Farmer spent the Wm. and Mrs. Thompson and ansate' 4 s holiday with relatives in Stuuff- with the form- ROSS HADLEY, 0 S c family spent a day We' Js He RICHARDS � :vi)le. er's•mother in Zephyr. CHIMP.RYwooD ONTARIO David S. McFarlane, of Reford, Dr. C. J. and Mrs. Brodie and _ - Sask., is visiting his brothel son, Melville, spent Christmas Blacksmithing Important showing of finese display of James. -with friends in Toronto. China. Avery large ,assortment of µ� William Whittleton, of Good- wood, was calling on friends here bars. Anderson, of Toronto, Stationary. Books,Dolls, Toys, just s spent Saturday and Sunday with 4 ' .0n Sunday. her uncle, Joshua Bundy. Having rented the Dun am pr -shop received.for the Holiday trade. , Cal! :- George Johnston still continues Mr. and Mrs.Combs, of Toronto, and opened the same; I um preens- and see them. �. -very poorly. We hope for his ed to do all work entrusted to spent the hclliday, with the lat-I me in the above line. Subscriptions taken for all Magazines, speeds recovery. ter's mother, bars. McKay. Thos. and hiss. Stephenson vis- ~ffiorsesl�oeinR a specialty. Weekly and Daily Newspapers ited the letter's parents in. biyrtl� Thomas and Mrs. Wilson and Call in and see me any time. s family, of bSyl•tle, spent the boli- rr., x ' over the holiday. day here with their relatives.. �'- �- Z'=N+F� 'F'R' . GTS I-�. R=C��.ARJ�LSO , =' Miss R. Brillinger, vt has kept bliss Ida, Brown, of Toronto, is DUMBARTON house for James McFarlane for home at present, being laid up _ — mrOC3c Street. WYlitb� over three years, has retired and with a severely sprained ankle.1: atone to her home at Richmond, Misses Jennie and Aggie Michell DR. 0. 0. SMITH : Hill., of Deer Park, Toronto, were here DENTIST, sTOUFI-ViLLE,. ' We learn that :tics E. For,ggie, with friends over the holiday. Honor graduate of Toronto University .. to of Sutton, has been seedred t0 fill the vacancy in our public Harry Thomson returned to and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. 1 school staff vacancy caused b Lhe removal Buffalo on Tuesday, after spend- also.,Post-graduxtd of Chicago College. fit inR a few days at his home here. Crown and bridge work a specialty. of Miss Clark to sesiorth. A number from here attended At Claremont 1st Tuesda of month. n ma�Oa New Yeaye' ;7 Ift Day at 1 o'clockthe funeral of the. late John Gill- ; Orae over Sargent's Tipshop. a there will be a eurluiR.lnatch on roan at Brougham on :Monday Independent 'Phbne. the rink here, in which the con- afternoon Now is the time to buy. A full line of testing sides will be led by the Found—A sum of money. The ,president and vice president. loser may have the game by.call- Re BRYAN XIRAS GIFTS AT SARGENT'S We are glad to report that there inR at Thos. Gibbons and Prov- sA>�BER is definite improvement in the con- • Tobaccos, pipes and smokers' Watches, pickle forks, cold meat forks, berry spoons, silver knives ing proporty.. and forks. -Carving sets;harmonica's from Se to 75e, child= p .dition of Mr. John Macnab, who ,Messrs Grant and Wood had sundries. Central office Bel! - has been quite 111 with a bats cold another Local Option trip up into Telephone Co. As ency for renis set%, children's toys with banks included. on the lungs for a week past. Uxbridge, the Pine Grove locality, Rolston Laundry. .r Quite a large crowd attended an Tuesday last. CLAREMONT, ONTARIO' Don t fail to get our Special Pr`iee on allkinds of the rink on Christmas night. The . Heartiest congratulations are in — WALTHAM `HATCHES Ice was in excellent condition Rud order to Frank and Mrs. Janes, all seemed to have a good time, whose Christmas box came in the 7 though the absence. of music was form of a baby boy. Charles 'S-argerit, ' � :' Claremont felt. t+ George Adair, of Barnsdale, Fred. Watson, of Stratford, of Stoves and Furnaces ' ter zta absence of twenty-three - Hardware, Alex. and Mrs. Adair, of Voest years, called absence a number t fel • ; s -' 4 Toronto, and Fred, of Pickering, ends here on Tuesday. 60 YEARS' spent Christmas with their par- EXPt4:R1ENCB _ eats, John and Mrs. Adair, of WANTED N0� - North Claremont. 1` Mrs. John Stevenson and clan- Synopsis of Canadian )' _ ghter, of Alberta, is here at Pres- For Pickeringand surroundingdis- are just as near perfection as 1 ent visiting her.father, Alex Wil triet for fallandwinter months an ranges can be built. Their con- North-west Land -.son,and other friends throughout energeticreliable agent to take orders struction is an absolute guarantee Regulation. : the township. The expect to be for nursery stock. AN4 person who U the sole hand of a family, They pec of fuel economyand cooking com- '�� Mnwas Here about tree months.' GOOD PAY WEEYLY OUTFIT FRHE g p:�y� er any mate over 18 year• old, may how• W. Gibbons, of Toronto, and sxcLusiva TzRRrratY fart. If you want the best range ri,� ra.d a quwee.esouoa of available Domtnaa load to Ilanitoba. Ba.IcaOohawao or d1bae�. -Mrs. Worthy, of Brampton, ac- you'll buy the Souvenir. Our 1c eIV socen aag•+ketch� na The ap licaat mast .peens in paesow at tee SW Acres under cultivation. We guar- free book tells the reasons why. vrob g s Domtn oa I-ads Agency or Bab-si«oy toz me -cofnpanied by her family, spent a antee to deliver stock in good condi- tccmer:w+ ooam«s on &gmy.district. sorry by pecz7onssyb fabe ther.mon Nt few da s hese with their rents, Send a post card for it to-day. @am fres stress,oa certain ooaditi y Pa tion and up to contract grade. We "Us W on,,d�hter,brother or sister of taaedtag 'Thos. and Mrs. Gibbons, and with can show you that there is Rood money GURNEY.TILDEN s CO., LIMITED it sister, Mrs.S.Stephenson, of in representing a well known reliable HAMILTON ,yo. J eataistion of theeland in each three �sad the P easa firm at this time. Established oyer 30 ti[o..rai Wiamper Cattery Ya.00.+ar Iaasesared � A homesteader mal Ii7e withta ams mIIes of KinWe. A� farm of at least so saw his homestead on. A number of our townsmen at- rem Write for particulars. u+on edaot.eo Ioeaaa� Sema for }:, tended the nomination at Bro- PsLHAM NCWME-Y Co., For sate by— ;are. .r«4lM•se paeeaW.' sold fay solely owned oth and occupied by h1m orb his TM 2!? Toronto,On •DICKIE sit CHAPMAN, - -Ptck ie lather,mother,son.dawghter,brother in )co.a•. gy=gm on Monday.--All-seem pleas eTY� In certain pro-Impt to . guarsehomesteader n coa ed with the ides of returning our aaading may pre-,met Price $3.10 par Tsa.w.�eaera., .tae nu hom«Lead. Yrtos also per sae► �Aqt year's legislators for another C Dunes—Mose reside six months in each of six U M AC KI N E SHOP ad cultivate from date o2 homestead entrl (laoWdiag ' term. And yet some are asking T ���� I the time regnlred to earn homestead pa.aai) what will be dusts with them next S 1 aaa omestea cry hos«extra. Year?? A homesteader who has exhausted his home • Lead rttht and cannot obtain a plica A practice that should be dis- =The undersi ned havin tirch- d1:t i ace si end hor .te+ uti certain ..:.- pp ora. Prins �Z1,00 per acre. Doti«—Yw.e , -continued is that of throwing Santa Claus Headquraters ed B. Waguer�s Machinegshop in reside six months to each of three ashes oil the road when there is Kinsale, is prepared to do all awlavatoa�ty acre. sod erect a howls worth K ilea snow upon the, ground. It is not kinds of repair work and general woo,W W W.cosy, •only Unsightly, but it is injurious ANTA wishes to remind the Children not to forget writing to let him blacksmithing. Q "Deputy of the Minister of the Intarier. to the roads. We would direct S-know the things they would like to Ret for Xmas. Address your letters Satisfaction guaranteed. h,p,—pnauthorised publioatiou of this,ad- Co., the attention of the police trustees to Santa Claus,care of D. Simpson do Co., Pickering. Ont. . Prices right. teztieoment whl ooibt'=s'idla; ' Ito this matter and"suggest they We are giving away free a beautiful large Doll,nifty on eztibition Call and see us. % n take action to prevent its continu- inour store. See bills-to explain how. JAMES pEli>LCELLY. Ed I &nee• FA.YCY G_oo_ns exD Toys a grand display. We have the very thing you want Kinsale, Ont. LasdtS 5 C SMgt��0 Send Lass@% James McFarlane, won four 1st, buy here and save money,. Silverware—Knives, forks, spoon. China- ��� China- Glassware— one 2nd and two 3rd prizes,$31.00, ware—Berry Rets, Tea sets, cups and saucers, porridge sets. Glaeaware-- A. PALMER " at Uxbridge, Stouffville, Brook- Lemonade sets, glass sets, cake stands,fruit sets. --lin and Whitby Christmas Fairs Seasonable Fruits—Raisins, Currants, Peels; Nuts,etc..' rock bottom prices. PAINTER ANDj DECORATOR on his matched pair of 3-year-old GRocERiza—Here we excel. 'Everything pure, fresh and clean. All foodstuffs y "F colts. showing them in the single strictly under tight covers. Black and mixed Teas.25 to 50c lb cannot be Contractor for general house repairs. -t classes against all ages. Wallace surpassed. Try a half lb. Empress Coffee•t0c lb. You want it again. Established b years in.Pickering won is on his pony at Stouffville, Village. the only place a prize was given' D. SMI PSON & cost PTCgERIN . . ADDS: PICKERING P.O. � onmen$ for ponies. On Monday evening last at the rj a �. E V A N S$ ri'<gular meeting, of- Brougbatu jJ ly j1j� A7 1 _ 'Union Lodge, A. F. sit;A. M., the ..Wishing you all a : following officers were installed - Pump XSnufaCtlRl'81" of au maNrials asd design for the ensuing year: W. M.;John - e keel in eteok. If will p.1 you ek Forgie; S. W., David Gregg; J. 1VIe Y ry hr s t m a slid and Residence, Dundas St a call la nor works sled a'i hes nets sd bF W., T. C. Brown• Sec., Rev. W. J p and o4taia prios�. Doo t be misled E! �. -R Wood;Tress.,�. Bundy ; I.G., - _ 'WHITBY,ONT.; h we do not employ 16em,000esgaeM- Tse. McFarlane; O. G.', Geo. John- and !� m m can, and do arrow cif tLe ageNir E•' Three doors west of Whitby'House. oot'smiesion of lA per sect.,which son wilt , arca ; S. D., L. Middleton J. D:, " ' oeti(►ialy save by psrobeeing leom v. --'_ Duncan Morgan;S.S:,I. McAvoy; nail sotieited. J. S., Tbos. Birkett ; D. C., Thos. We are prepared to instal wood or iron WHITBY GRANITE CG,r Paterson. NemY�.ar pumps on short notice,also attend _ Osce• Whitby,Ontario The coroner's inquest into the appy to all kinds of repairing: death of Miss Ida May Hazzard r g Agent for the Ontario Wind Mill, which took lace a few weeks ago L OL1rS R8S eclullp also gasoline engine's and e d ►e as I x p p J f ° p M K in Whitby, after exposure while the agues gear e Q 8 r going from Claremont while sick GEOO rn MAGNET CREAM SEPARATOR- a e N from 'scarlet fever, was resumed PHILIP ;Brougham oon Tuesday night. Very little Phone No. 50 at residence. _ 0 s n n i evidence was taken and aft Rd- x"s O= ' journment was made for three - - The Pickering . >Z at, weeks, because the Hazards are d° is still under qurantiue owing to �('� j� (!(�(� (,�' vigilance Committee ��ap xm b� a d o :b � new cases breaking out in the. IT PAYS i V BV 1 A GOOD ��++/ _ - • ° a, a * ° W11 . family. ��.— a M s c o o s �i g ♦oQ W. .e_. p I tw ^ Between thirty and forty rate- The object of this Association is to M E want to tell you about a Good lessen stealing and prosecute m °0� Jan I a payers assembled in the Masonic W , gg w Range--It's called the-- the felons. r Feb M Hall on Monday evening for the b �, N m .o`., .,c Mar y e it purpose of nominating candidates D . Members having property stolen oommuni- _ for the position of police trustee. IMPLRIAL-OXFORDMPBRIAL yh as Apr p' este immediately with any member o In the absence of the returning �XFOptD of Executive Committee. K - S u c a. may s PERSONAL inspection is request- ':--z RANG , officer, F. Hutchison, the chair ed and now is it and time to come, y Membership fes f11.00. o 5 p tw was taken by Fred, Farmer. A Q _ TMi Tickats'mav be bad from the President or, ' �+ " a '�a37 ^ lively discussion took place over New Stock just in—Let's talk is ovt:t. u�` genua on application.IL : ffi : �o o m+ Bap$ ~ Surprisingly moderate prices for sure .� •e- ^� village matters. A large number Exec. Com.—L. D. Banks, Geo, Len were nominated .for the position satisfaction. See us before you buy. W. V. Richardson,Pickering,Ont�� € S y m m o ., �a xo.. m of trustee, but all retired with the D.e szceptlon Of R. W. Ward, G. M. $Oj8 A Silt, f January 1910-w4,Uxbriby It.dge ge 4t,01Lsnington19 x; Forsyth and Ale:. Wilson, who J. H. BUNDY, g PICKERING 1,A, 0 Connor, -•Arthur Jeffrey, t, p°r,FWIVU tervo ps�l•oanaington 90^ •are thus elected by acclamation. Yrssidenl. Siorstary i s«..rte 1 .LTti Roe•le l!o D ✓ <. w +..+ S .......1„-.ossa- A.y}, .. .,y, »-. i r. , � � A`$�y!� ,. -» ..,,., @ .. r�:c p a.. t•- tvo'•R. —.-�- a a» +,, .^ - ,r. "'�.: - a P� ,,.. .3 . .. .,,.1.-,1...- , ..x _ -w.- ..-,., 1. 3,.._ :ac- r ,r.., -. .. r .. f -. - .-. �-.a-->» -sa+c +syn^- 'ut J i i roi r •. 9r. .. s-.:' w 2rs•. x. ...x`�c. x 7. •r. t;. ti.. .v. : n�:••7^ ,.r"' a.Yr - .» y'` .,,R":'-. }•�4,.,,— ,-a,?,,...-F ,,,h i!+p�-* p�Y+F�4P e.(fei'.G. a_ti:'" .. z•��a.�- '.•s- ,� 1_. :^� r .a-�':+'' .aJ'.Y' 'it 'a 9 !.> �:..+" !••�+,s .a+'2..n F .rxrfi , dton.i��. '`vv M. • ......,,; .�h".M1`'+''F°.^a.ar' :-.+�•' ;:.,;..e„�',"'�iiy..=. i.. 2r �.. :.c .. �'- - "Y'� �. '• �+a - ..5 .. ,c ..- . x. ; s . . C.* t ti . ,1111111114 1 9'' 'M ►tore who carried off the accusing M de Carnoel, and that his name GI�RE FOR GO�SOt�1PTIOlI bracelet. The day after the ab- should not be mentioned'in her pre- • • •' '• � rupily-ended supper, he waited all sence. These conditions. .were . the morning for Blue Beard's sec- readily, accepted. ViRnory 'now • -__ _ I onds, but none appeared. In the dines every evening with. U. Dor- MAYBE ONE HAS BEEP lroi u]�D .. -i i afternoon, forgetting the doctor's geres. Mlle. Alice has even begun - . wise counsels, he recruited two to appreciate his good .•qualities VN SnABE POI80NI .1 . H[ A . 9 'brave youths and despatched them and to accord him a welcome. No . . . .to Rue Jouffray. . They found the one can doubt that this state of . , • . . doors closed against them; reiter- affairs will speedily end in a uiar I'hilt lisle-ria Physician )far: Beam ' e ated appeals to 'the bell. , having riage; and this denouement is the Experimenting With It R'itli OR, THE HERITAGE OF MADAME E n g ou fulfilling moiit'h bass M6rh Success. proved unavailing, they were com more probable, as a YALTA. =polled to return without f lfill'ng passed and Robert de Carnoel has' . their mission, given no sign of life. Cul. Boris- , Dr. 'Thomas J. Mays, of Philadel , t. - -• ' The day following.. Maxims went off had had several. conversations.phis, Penn., has been experiment- c*' in person to the house of the ogre, with the banker. and it was agreed ,ing with the poison of rattlesnakes ,but his success was no greater. between, them that the affair of the as a cure for consumption, and with C* I- ,EXPLANATORY PREFACE. but the young man stoutly protest- 'The obliging porter opposite re- theft should be abandoned-. The much success, he says. Dr. Mays. M. Claude Justus Dorgeres ed his innocence. cognised him, and came out for the colonel had accepted the loss of his is a well-known.authority. on con- , v:as a rich banker, living in the Rue In the employ of M. Dorgeres was express purpose of informing him casket, and is interested in the fu- sumption, and as one of the few I.. a boy of thirteen named Georget, that the bear had decamped; that tore happiness of Mlle. Dorgeres. men. who have had successful re- de Suresnes, Paris. ' He was a the protege of the Countess Yalta,. he had not been seen for thirty-six The father is grateful for his good I ults in treating pulmonary tuber- widower, and had a charming I a wealthy and eccentric Russian I hours; that the neighbors, who. de- Conduct arid his friendly senti- culosis with drugs. He is medical daughter, Alice, his only child. In princess. Georget's father was 1-tested (director of the- Philadel hia Clinichis employ were two young men, P him had signified to the com- men+ts. He would even have invit'• pki Jules Vi no the cashier, and taken a prisoner by the Russians missalry of police that some 'crime I ed him to his �1 ednesday soirees I for the Home Treatment of Cheat - g ry+ in the Crimean war; and had saved i must have been committed 'in that but for Alice's opposition. The l and Throat Diseases. ime' Robert de Carnoel, his secretary. the life of the countess' father in !house; and, that the commissary 1 colonel recalls sad memories, and I The use of crotalin, as rattle. Maxims Dorgeres; the bankers ,a bear hunt while in the interior of;had searched it from garret to eel-I she nosit,vely refused to see him. snake poison is cientifically known . Nephew, was an intimate friend of �Russia. Hence:her interest in the lar. The • had not discovered the is not exactly new, but up to this both and spent most of his time at y There is yet another change in • . P lad, whom she placed in Al' . Dor- least skeleton nor anything which th household of th banker. time it has not been used by many his uncle's house. The banker held of the local doctors. It is the d gores establishment. He Iiveri II indicated that it had been a scene � i'Y u soiree on every Wednesday, which with his grandmother, Madame Vof violence: It did not appear that CUcorget's place has been filled by residue of the salivary secretion of, - his most 'intimate friends were in- a little peasant boy whom M. Dor- I the American rattlesnake' and is . Piriac. One evening at the Kink, it had been used even, or that any, . cited to attend. One evening Max- ` gores brow ht from his native town Maxims Dorgeres, who was still in I one had slut in its sumptuous to run errands in his offices. One.t secreted from the poison gland. IL ime and Jules Vignory, when enter , west of the bracelet, meta club i beds. The conclusion of the in- i 1s administered hypodermically ing the gate about 10 o'clock, saw ! q I Ueceniber day. Georset did not ap- wit'h a combination of glycerine and two men waiting within, who rush-I friend, M. Villagos, a Hungarian quest was that the unknown had pear, nor the day following. distilled 'v:ater. The injections are ed past them,into the street as doctor, who did not pract ce his none as he came, no one knew why; aeon as the gate was thrown open. i profescivn, and who was a particu but as the furniture he had left sof CeOna h� tletterird day f from the banker idow given about. lar friend of the C:un'ess Yalta. ,need to pay the rent, there was no Oiv CE A WEEK TO START, - • They descried, as they ascended the M: Villa vs directed his friend's at- cause frrr his oecu vin an further' Piriac saying that her grandson . - g p g Y and, after the treatment' has been steps, alight in the safe-room, and'tention to a beautiful lady, evident- I attention. was dying' used for some time, increased. . on entering, found that the safe ly a forei' ver, who A us skatin M. Dorgeres, who had a kind- • had been tampered,with. A small E g g �iaxime not acknowledging him- Dr. Maya says: "it has long been with exquisite race around. the t heart, repaired immediately to Rue my conviction that the chief and lamp'had been left lighted in file q R ,self beaten went to see the owner, Cardinet, where he .learned that - room, and a pool of blood was on; arena. Maximo watched his op- I tdin told him that having.s gneel a fundamental factor in the istmedi- portunity, and escorted her home, i lease of nine years and aid three the child had been picked up the *• night before ' on the Boulevard ate causation of pulmonary tuber- the floor. The safe was furnished a l(ng distance. through lonesome P P Y g g in advauce, he tiad no reason to i culosis lies in a disturbance of that with an ingenious piece of median i streets. She ate her name as Cuurceiles, his arm broken and :. ism, which would seize by the wrist i g concerned 'at the departure of his j skull mashed; that he was delirious part of the nervous tract which is Ma4me 'Sergent,: and invited her !tenant. The name] of this tenant known as the respiratory centre any one who tampered with the and his life in danger. The shock p escort to ca•11 nn he.r at the exr+ira was composed of so many coz;son. and its outgoing nerves, and that lock without knowing the combing- r h.' had received-had been ao eat ; ,.tion of a fortnight. On taking ants.and so feed vowels, i# gas im Br any agent which pvis'esaes the re- ..---tion. _ In thy.yi&e was a woman s leave of her, Marline was sur ris- 1 f that he. had lost his memory, and t g hand, and it had been cut off by the! p possible for French tongue in quisite ower of influencin this ed.to find little Geor et at his heels wan not in a condition to. recount g i pronounce it, and M. Maxim.e Dor, I nerve area from a central direction. thief herself or her accomplice, 1 to inform him that he was pursued what had hsrpened to him. will, in P ores now found h'mself at his wits' ! properly directed doves, - rather than .be held and caught. I b,� three men with the evident in- 'e Such v6aa the condition of affairs tend to-correct this lesion, and al- - end.. The best informed viveurs, On the Boor was a turquoise brace whoa �iaxime Uvrgrres want out isolate, if not cure, this disease. ' . let that -rad fallen�fr,,m the severed; tention of rubbing hien. He called those' aho had all Yaris on their • . a cab aril escaped. On the .way I fingers' end,. . r one morning, according to his I "'afr own experimental study of . }rand, and was for vt ten in the ex-( g had been unable tv P g home Madame Sergent -felt the l daily habit, to inq:ire for Madame,this substance, undertaken a num- ' citement. The cashier's intention g give him . information concern Yalta. . bracelet on kiaxime's wrist, which 1n this shoo.tin star who had i ber of years ago, led me to believe was to call the banker at once, but. I 3 g To be continued. I be always carried, lest it should' blazed one or .two evenings and I that it profoundly affects the sere- ' Maxime objected, saying that with �. g bre-spinal venous system, and ea- the bracelet as a clue he would dist pass out of.his possession before he disappeared without leaving a Ii cover the thief. He threw,the hand lead found the owner. fine inquir- track. '-"'--'1'-' pecially that part of the spinal cord ,. _ I ed minutely concerning it, but re- whirh cdmprises the reariratory into the -Seine, and it was found,a t Bo Maxime, discouraged; ended ;SWEARI`-C, BOX. centre and other closet allied func- ccived no satisfactory information. b believing that ?Madame Sergent ' y few days after in a fisherman's net, I £ R tions. - ,and sent to the mor ue. The riext!The next morning �14axime called at had never made part of the demi- iia Be Found on '.Han London "The hr odermic injection of cro• s S y S P ) ,' � , a lie • mornin it was stolen, and the m s I the cw sof opened b e a ht ^n whisk- monde; that, in conjunction tivith j' S y' p, y e- ,the Car athian bear she had 1 t ed' filar Counters. talin is one ooe hundredth of a hyo and uipn tent temperofa bearhe s He said t 5 in Lon l,n ` g tory became more involved than: P p 1' twain, althon h it is oft.nn advisable -ever. • M.- Lorgere�; atahed }ue a comedy'of which he had been the i In many public houses at the cor- to begin with one two-hundredth of P tiictim, and that she had supped vers of mean street h' to marry Jules ignr,rr, I no such person lived there, and 'with her too confident admir:r for; there are boxes on the bar ;oun- a grain, or even a smaller amount, his cashier, whom he intended mal: slammed the dour- in '>1i:Lxime's and it is essential to irrerea '3 tIu , ins iiia partner. The girl.loved Ro- the sole purpose of,gutting posses ters which have a peculiar use. dose -to face. Meantime Mile. ' Dorgeres,Sion of the bracelet. ' :she I•a,d sue-! They-are called "swearing boxes • be rt de Carnoel, the secretary, and received surreptitiously a letter ceeded and be should never hear ui and %%-,hen any customer annoyed at O\'E-FIFTIETH OF A'GRAhT, -. : told her father So.' The young man I from her lover, Robert-de Carnoel, the'bad weather for csaruple, or oat tli;eir Io1 fandly that 6 had -aIzl76m a m inR-with lies �o i be was lost the y some remar rum n acquain err, eves-te creed retreat it at fru ' r more. The trail )or eres birdsa-e.re flown..—They ha. gone went in.ter�als in cases wirers quite the. Bois de Boulogne previous to rejoin the thief who could now a•nee, derogatory to his facial fea- q q 0 •did not think he pocfiessed the com his leaving Prance. But as he was sleepltran tranquilly. She had regain-1 tures or to the reputation of his an- :a number of injections have been ' mercial instinct. Hence his vbjcc-snow•impri�or.cd, it was impossible 'e.i rap ion of her hand stolen I testers, gives vent,th an iinparlia- ;made. • ' It tion.- _- ..�for him to kee > his remise, and P mentary expression, he has ttit pay j "The back of. file forearm has One mrrnin Cul. Borisoff, a i Alice could notldivin pthe cause, of from the morgue, and of the jewel, a fine by dropping a penny—or in .been se!ected as the site of the by. g i : „which had , adorned that trip Russian; entered and told - g Y odermic administration of the Id '.4f. Dor- hia rrbaenec. While endenvourin , case of a''very violent expression P g hand. as much as'three nce—into the drag. The immediate effects after gores tivt he wished tv withdraw to find. some means of escape the I Though not 'indifferent to'his de- I � the injection of crotalin are a burn- 7,400,400 francs and a 'casket that first night of his imprisonment, feat, Maximo consoled himself with slit of the box. • 1. " ha had .deposited in hia safe the liobcrt de ; Carnoel discerned, In a certain public house on the ing, stinging pale at the seat of the no great difficulty. ills business:outskirts rf London there is one of injection, with generally tingling next morning. The banker replied through a window, a figiire making of police agent- wns brought to an land darting So' cations toward the end, but he had not had time to ac- these swearing buses, but the pecu- g ithat there.would be no delay, as(signs tc ,attract hie attention. Hac- !shoulder. The.pain ain is not severe, . L}re.c were three millions placed in itis replied by waving a small lamp, liarity of this particular public P quire n_ta_te�ur thin pursy?it c f house is ••that• it . is utmost en- and is of short duration. the safe that morning. .j Thin was the figure disappcarc d. It wag tee' .� criminals upon which !te had enter- tirely'ferquentezl by tivumen. They i The -cough and expectoration, -e . , said in'the presence of Carnoel. �'bo} Gcorge*. One evening.Max- ed so passionately. ArcI then his! },clung tv a factory on the other !the two very harraseing features in - - 'On the departure of dol. Borisoff ime' went to file variety theatre,, 1 mind was elsewhere. Since-he had� Fide of the way, and unfortunately 'every case of phthisis, almost with- Dorgeres offered'a .cummissii,n where he saw the beautiful iia ;known this strange, countess.he hada find that their work tends to con- •out eacepf.iun, yield readily to the in Egypt to M. de Carnoel, in order dame Sergent in a box. She was thought only of her, had thought of staht thirst. Onc wctulJ imagine•`ac•tion of•this drug, whether admin- •tt separate him from his daughter, accompanied by the burly boor who I I her all the more because 'l:e had that among women a swearing box istereil Subcutaneously or internal' '- 'but the young man proniptly refits- had. treated Maxime so uncere not seen her again. He had gorse would be an unnecessary article of ly, or.Loth. - The patient has a de ed, and resigned his Position. That moniously when he called at her every day .to the Avenue de fried-� furniture, but in this case it is in tided increase in strength from the `laight a second attempt was made residence. After a while the magi land mansion to receive a bulletin 1 frequent use. - very beginning ' of the treatment. - ,en the safe, and when Col: .Borisoff left the box and started for home. j of the health, of• the countess, ' 1. . This ha; been so evident and so con. ..retarned next morning his casket 11lfaxime improved this oppurtur>lity The Hungarian seemed now to be, sxant that is seemed almost anoara• . 'was gone. Fifty thoi:tiand francs I to proceed to tine box, where the -`• 1. loos in the absence of an increase were also abstracted, but, as the-'lady remained. He was specially encagraged. biada.me Yalta bac}I „ ' ice It of the millions were untouch anxious to renew her acquaintance, ,entered upon convalescence,, and it F\GUSH SERVA\TS' MF.\i. in f}esh ed, it tons plain that. the th'iFf only as he had just been told by a friend gas no insignificant flattery to the �► wanted the casket and a sufficient that alts saw the r ysterious brace- Young man's vanity to learn that :Mowed So it any Portnda and Ysum of money to take hint across' n she spake of him and expressed a Ounces a Read. ; \reek. LWHEN THF. SLEEPER �'1�AKES. let worn by this lady at'a supper desire to see him. , the French frontier. Robert de' some time befure. Madame Ser- - The (:nglish custom of allowing "John :'' she exclaimed,, jabbing - •Cat uricl to s seen to leave the gent told him the man whom he had Changes have taken 1,lace—many so many pounds and ounces of food her elbow into hiq 'ribs at 2.17 a.m., _ house on the night of the rubbery seen was'not her husband,, and that changes in the household of M. � a week to servants is practically " did you lock the kitchen door?" JW I. st 11.'0 p.m., half an Iihur before she detested him. H-e had a pas Dorgeres. `rig'nury. has been •ole I unknown in -this country.. The Anti .Toho, who is innei guard; and the watchman canis to the 'safe- sign for gambling, and he had gone ted .t'o the dignity .of partner. !Queen contains the following ex- was just then dreaniinq over list soon, t e and •the cashier, Vi.h-�to juin a party. Maxiine, invited 1 and better still, his pairi,n has' elicit figures in regard to servants' evening's, lodge meeting, sprang irury, and M. Uurgeres were the the lady to. supper. Hc, soon no- I given him official authority to pay allowances: I nlr in bed,. made the proper sign, only .persons n'ho knew the combin-I tiecd that it was not her hand that i his addresses to- Mlle. •Alice, Nvho ``The usual allowance for tea is a i and' responded, " Worthy Ruler, action. • T'he coliclusion-was that he had Leen left in AT. Dorgeres' safe. i does not. repel his advances. quarter of a pound a head a week, I our portals are guarded." Oh, he �sas the' thief or was in collusion The question of the. bracelet'was She also is mush changed. _1fter l and as, long as the servants keep I hii the' title right, even if he was With the. thictes. IIs had declared again discussed in mach detail, a few days of ,seclusion following within- this I slwuld not bother asleep that he was going :America or the both parties seeking to extract all her drive to the Bois, she told all much about when.they have their j ':'antipodes, voter t, recuin. Cul. (fess batter, half's Pound .1 heads the infnrmrrtion possible from one to her father. Joseph, the too Iiorisoff inserted nn aciccrtitiement another. The.lady asked to •ex- complaisant valet de chambre hadj "eek for eating Purposes; sugar, % ,x in a Paris journa?, under an arsuin amine it', and admitted that it once nearly •been turned atra�•, but. she! from half a pound to a pound a I . head weekly; cheese from half ti s r•1 name, offering ,grcat induce- •was hers. 1Vliile thus .engaged, succeeded in winn'ne- lis pardon. ;I pound to a pound a beset tteckly; nients to intesiurs alil in some olives in I the ferocious hour who had rtccnm- Cousin Maxim©, on the contrary, ' zrcurding to whether yeti allow ° r� •`�> 'C-lorado. He was visited Ay 11 panied.her to the theatre biirst in- has risen considerably in his uncles ' t meat for supper or not. i \� „ 11 _� 'bert' de Carnoel, «;ho .t,,ld him lie( to the room where the pair were esteem, Who is under infinite o.,li-I "The cocoa you would xeckon sep P¢� f ;f d `bad fifty thc,nsand fr ane r to invve t, i dii Ciig, and in the c xc.t!•ntent that gations for his well-advis^d inter aratcly tram the tea, as ;tan ailuty . •Q i�,/ �- cit . which he rrceit cd a frtr daps b4fnrc 4 cusued, the ]rn�e13 Atac}ame Sergent yention. I it instead• of Leer ; the anicnint of I v��ir' .. froni an .uiun nit us debtor of liis l ai trpr,rared _t-trough the door, To her confr-sinn :Clirc added,it this requiicd depends greatly on ,, i� -. . . . , . —f.:tlter. . ('ol. I; ,.;,,, *R:,. -_N„�s:r ^a r _ yt.,_.�g .'a a" _--a'•-sc' a f. r. wEsT SrE11D8 FREELY. Christmas Trade in All Lines Makes N T All 0 -CENTRAt RISONNINE HUNDRED WERE KILLED A Record. r. A despatch from Winnipeg says: + As is result of the bountiful harvest �`r After _Careful _Consideration _Will Lie in Western Canada and the great Graphic Account of the Recent Battle at prosperity of the people in copse- Located Near Guelph, quence, Christmas was celebrated - - Baha, Nicaragua iiia more lavish manner than ever t'+ before. All points report the sµ, A. despatch from Toronto says•: employment of the prisoners in sup- Christmas trade as unprecend.ented AI despatch from. 'w[rashington Scores.were almost naked. :1t'1 After years of patient enquiry and plying crushed stone for the im- in thq history of the West. The says: A graphic report has°been re- are in a pitiable condition, Es-. the examination of in the neigh- provemen"t of the roads of the prow- large departmental stores in Winni- ceived from Consul Moffatt depict- trada is furnishing them with blip- _ `= ince. The 130 acre property con- peg report an increase of from 20 ins the state of affairs in Bluefields kets clothing, shoes and food its �orhood of 50 sites, the Ontario ( b' to-iris sand and gravel in abundance l to 30 per cent. over any previous �,icaragua. He reported that more best he can. Flour, beans, rice, alt- Government has'at last settled on and an admirable building site. The year. Money was plentiful, and it location for the new Central Pri- other block is good land for farm- was spent with a lavish hand 'the than 900 melt both aides were nary coffee and condensed milk are - 'f B p ' killed in the recent battle at Ra- needed instantly to feed the starv- JC ion. It is to be about three miles ing,•vegetable gardening and dairy purchases. being of a more substan- ma The despatch follows:- I ing Zelaya soldiers. Disease and ast,of Guelph. The properties se- purposes. tial nature than any previous sea- ` Two thousand starved. emaci-j death threaten un4ess they are pro- = cured ane four in number, of 210, The properties purchased are.:- son. The jewelry trade, especially ated prisoners have been brought II perly given best of food and care. 60, 130 and 123 acres respectively, The Walsh farm, 130 acres, with an report a r cry large increase in here from Zelava's surrendered "The great and sudden demand ' making a total area of 513 acres. inexhaustible deposit of rock and business,•while the smaller.traders .army., The sight, of the sick and for proper clothing and food for The government considers that it white and grey limestone, fronting express themselves as being well weary tottering through the streets the suffering is a problem for-the was very fortunate in securing a site on the C. P. R. The balance -A the satisfied with the business done, is horrible. Half are mere boys. provisional Government, whoa' re to x which combines almost everything farm is good agricultural land.-, which, they say, was away beyond The emergency hospital established sources are exhausted•; their own which is required. The transpor- Farr farm, 83 acres; good pasture ar ything they had. ever antic'- b,the Des 'Moines and Tacoma con- men, numbering 3,000, are well fed. Cation facilities are unexcelled. The and agricultural land, suitable for gated. tains ninety wounded and the city and clothed, but they cannot find C. P. R. runs through the primer- dairying. The Matthews farm, 210 -- �— hospital sixty. Few of the surren-,means whereby to care for their in= ty and the G. .T. R. skirts it. There acres, with large deposit of rock ATTACK ED WITH KNIFE. level army had shoes or blankets, creased burden." ' are six trains a day each way to and dolomitic limestone, on the -- -:Toronto. - C P. R. Also a large acreage of Hurderous .Affair in. a Vancouver _ -•-- - ----- ----------------The situation is almost at the cen- farm land and a site for buildings. IIotel. TIIE CANADIAN NAVY. � FATHER AND SON BILLED. tre of the criminal population of The Meyers •farm, 50 acres, with A despatch-from Vancouver says: Ontario, which is placed at about big gravel and sand deposit, con- Engineer Cullity is in jail h �ere Third-Class Cruiser Xppollo Has A Peculiar Coincidence Attends '£L miles west of Toronto. This will tigous to. the-.G. T. R. Also fine � Been Purchased. Their Death. involve a minimum cost of trans- farm land and-a-sitP for buildings. charged with attempting to murder ' Ravhiond Miller in the Manitoba A. des atch'from Victoria, B. C. A despatch from Ottawa 'says. portatiun of prisoners to the prison. The Fleming farm, 130 acres, two- P ro= Hotel early on Saturday morning. says: H. M. S. A ollor a third-class In identical) the same way, in the The River Speed flows through the thirds fine farm land,,with deposit P Y The story is that Miller, with two cruiser of 3,400 tons, has been ur- same lumber cam properV, giving ample water sup- of blue clay suitable-for manufac- , P p, and within 'a , ;ply. turfing bricks. other men, Frank Gates„and W. chased by Canada from Great Bri- few days of the same time cif the 1Y. Poole, were in a room in the tarn, and is being made ready to The 2k0 and 123 acre properties - Two other adjacent properties are g year as ills father met his death hotel, when -Cullity entered and proceed to Esquimali for use as a four years ago, Louis Gauvreau of 'contain limestone, which' will' be under consideration, but the price� P B useful is the construction of the ri so far asked is rester than the attacked Miller with a knife. die training ship and fishery protection Aylmer, aged 18, was by Tuesday P B was arrested in the act of wa;hing cruiser in British Columbia waters, crushed to death by a falling tree son; and will also be utilized for the .Government is ready to pay: Ithe blood off his person: Miller is forming the nucleus-of a. Canadian at Ritchie's lumber camp, near : in the hospital in a serious condi- navy fur the Pacific. H. M. S. 31:attawa. He did not move far • Lard-Tierces, 15%c; tubs, 16c; tion. Hhe two witnesses have been Egeria, an old survey vessel, has enough out of the danger zone when .THE WORLDS MARKE Tspails, 16%c- held to givo evidence. been recommissioned - until' 1911,t the - choppers brought down the °f -- and will continue ' hydrographic tree. work, and H.. M. S. Al erine will BEPOIII'5 F$03i THE LESDIIG BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. COLLISIO\ ON THE LC.R. B 'Montreal, Dec. 28.--Oats - I4o: T ► recommission at Escttiimalt ing EiG1CT WERE KILLED. ' TIi:I11E CENTRES. Canada Western, 42i/ to 431,c; 3laritime Express and English Jlai. March. .Numerous ap 1ication5.,arc P 2 ' Special Clash. being received for place., in the Ati E%plmciou in a Coal )line . al -- .. - 67c, i/ to '41%c. Barley-No. p' Canadian pili'• Herrin. )))incl+. '\c. 3 41, Price_+ of'Cattle, Grain. Cheese and 2, Manitoba feed barley, 52 to A despatch from Quebec says:- 1'3c. ays:- _ -;3c-Flour-Manitoba Spring wheat A head-on collision oceurred on '� 1 despaleb, frccin qt. Louis, Flo., 4 'Other Da1r7 Produce atHE II.1RRIJl.k FORT(: V. "* patents, firsts, $3.70; Manitoba Sunday morning on the I.0C.R.Rat 1,+tis: Eight 'men were killed and 400 Qome and Abroad. Spring wheat paten`y, seconds, 85. St. Anne de la .Pocatiere between -' ' I thers had a narrow "cape in an . �0; 'Ginter wheat patents, P ('onper�ative F;�liuti:lied \oil til ' $3.30 to the Maritime Express No. :,3 and r3 c ,plosion of Rao in rninc .1 of the -BREADSTUFFS. 'R�'O.Ufl4l.trltQ. Chicago and Cartersville Coal • $3.60•. Manitoba strong bakers', the English mail special running . - Torcabo, Dec. 28.—Flour --- On- $5: straight rollers, $5.10 to $3.- east. Eight persons are reported A despatch frutri flew 1'ur6 sa}::�'Covrzpnny at H«•rrint NI:, late on Aario wheat 90.per cent. stents,L25• straight rollers, in bags, $2.40 slightly injured. Both engines are 3-b„r%da1. Open lamps carried by Pe P. B B B y' ' 7 B Edward H. Harriman' w i: really 8.1-30 to $4.35 in buyers' sacks. on to 142..50. Feed—Ontario bran, $21.- badly smashed, but the coaches are worth at the. time of his. death over,c'itltrlucee� cif the arsine art- believed trach, Toronto,'and $4.20 to $4,23 W to $22. Ontario middlings, $23 said to be only slightly damaged,. It. $200,000,000, although. a recent. ap- t t'' have caused the disaster. There eutaide iia buyers' sacks. 3lanito- to $_3.50; Manitoba bran, $21 ; Ma- is not: known here what was .the praisat of his estate r,taced its,ealuc .%lore tbree ,►nen. and a boy iii thi- Y s ba flour, first patents, $5.G0 on nitoba shorts, $22 to f323; pure cause of the accident: The wreck at' $149,000,000, .'The dlixc tY initiry lrari . , and_atl are dr lel, . track, 'Toronto;- seeond- patents, grain mouille, $32 to $33. mixed .e i trains arrived at Levis aL 3 p.m. between the actual and the a1,l,rais j $5.10 to .$5.20, -and sta•ong bakers', mouille, $23 to $27. Cheese-Sep- T_.— ..�-.._ i NOIt!+1'li.1t'h _._ e'J value of t.,e Hat,iuis•t estate, it. X14.90 to $6 on track. Toronto.- tembermake.western, ll% to li%e;' hA\IC AT ('Rl'RCQ Fti\CTION. .was learned ` un trerat�+ .,rth;; ,i,t• ' - Manitobawheat=No. l Northern, October make, 1114 to W,'c, and thurity on Thurad:i}`• is ckie t., tile' '`"•"inlet) �i'in �i'r� on [1sy i•row 61.09, Bay ports, and No. 2 North eastern, 11% to 11'/e. Butter - Fire Broke. Out on the Stage' in fact that shurtly bcf„rt• his cleath Ni►attly Co MA141w.1'. :ern, $1.07, Bay ports. choice!,* creamery, 25,2 to 26c, cur-. Sunbridge ,Town Hall. lr. Harriman 'transferred• to his 1 tins ,at:•;, frc•cu Ottawa, .ave Ontario wheat-No. 2 rnixed, 41.-1 rent receipts, 2.4% to 23c, and dairy wife and his elder *un si'rurities I i south •nattre.d'' (,a.u:mail, a 6.14 06 outside; and No. 2 white and red' 19 to 22c. Eggs—Selected stock, in A despatch from Sanbridge, Ont., ialucd at nice R;;o.ou0,,100. SinrP hauler, was. killer! 'at the llitch;e $1.06 to $1.07 outside. round lots, 2s to 281,c, and in single says: While a Christmas entertain- �lr. Iiarrinian'r death-his a i:i#c li.i c',jn,•�r Mattp�va, LN. ;t, fxl.li:+g $ Barley—No: 2, 60 to fare outside, cases 29c; while No. I candled sold meat under the auspices' of the rufited by a ri-c• in mac1:,•t values., tier. ' }Ie hall st(,pped asi&. but and No. 3 extra, '58 to 59c outside at 2'-12 to 25c,per dozen. Methodish Church was in progress and it is stated that thc� wealth of j 1 [ diel tint m���c• far c•nouRli. :1rcl'cva, Oats-Nu. 2 Ontario shite 35% here on Saturday e=vening, fire Mrs. Harriman may 'he eonscri t••'crushed 1„•t+;,•cn iwil`l..j;�. Thi, t.. 36e outside, and 3812 to 39c ,on broke out on the stage, and the tively . rstimatc:l, at k.'2,tHi+►.t!1)i1 i, rrmar, startcJ i.u9. �+n lr r•;•hsak `. track, Toronto. Canacta West oats UNITED STATES MARKETS. crowded town hall was soon in a which would irtxke tier }riubabl, tlir•',+,;tb ilio .u'uun(Ntd ivart,.to ride t:. *[ 40c for No. 2, and 39c for No. 3, Chicago, Dec. 28.-Cash wheat- state of panic. The windows and richest woman in the world. 1 M:,rta:+a, t,t till i,oal,itgtl, but tilt- forced, {' Bay ports. No. 2 red, $1.0,5 to $1.26i,;,No. 3 doors were soon however, _-- ,�.- vtctuit ;dlic.l, on the. uay... _r Pease to 87c outside: red, $1.18 to $1.24; No. 2 hard, and by the heroic work of the ladies 'TH 1i E:E; V EARS MORE. -•--- 4•- r :. y $F.18 to $].27; No. 3 hard, $1.10 in charge the flames were soon ex __ Rye-No. '2, 70 to 71c outside. OTT 1\1 A I;1.li l,, 10 1,1.1:6 Buckwheat to 52Vc high to gi,16; No. 1 Northern, 81.17 to tinguished: Ni.o injuries were sus . Com)letinn of the National Tram- ,© freights, and 53-to 5.1c low freights.. $,,19; No. 2 Northern, $1.14, to twined, but the -hall 'was ball •continental Road, �Iruci. it 1'rri:;at( •(';cr_tillrih• Cora—View No. 2 yellow 71 'to 81.17; \moo. 3 Spring, 81.10 to $1.15: damaged. Iea:in� Ni r i�lci_1t. 71t/..c, Toronto-, and selected No. C,' -No. 3 white, 61c; No. 3 yet- .i• -A Arspatch frow (htaw.t .,�ayG 3 67% to 68c, Toronto. law, 61`/,c; No. 4, 58'/,c;No. 4 ye4- NAVAL -BASE AT VANCOUI ER. fir.- E. J. (`liamherlin, 'Fier Presi- A clrspat•.•II frolil '-:,tilt Sit,. Marie" Brae-$21 in bags, Toronto, and low, 5812 to 59c. Oita-No. 2 white, dent and General Manager of tli4• ;(\t:t stays: L• piss ]lra�. the ai:- , shorts, $22.50 to�$23 in bags, To- 451/c; I\o. i3 white, •44 to 45c; No: Negotiations in Progress With Int- Grand Trunk Pacific, stahecl on � •ear;�.ld fLtuahter ..f NI rs. ('hs.. rento. 4 white, 43/ to 446; standard, 4a perial Authorities. Thursday in Ottawa that the•road i Lia., ()tta:va, was alnit�,t,instaut- • would be completed to lite P,:icific lc killed at the, \\•ollinett-n 4nd z i to 451/.c. A'despatch from Birmingham, , 60UNTRY PRODUCE. Buffalo, Dec. 28 Spring wheat, coast the end of 1911 it iter J. len streets rr. .�in; at titrrlt i' No. 1 Northern, carloads store, England, says The London corre . ha•p� brfnre.' The nr.a j ,int ter- at 4.30 i.,3 \l',4lni•.-dill••'afteruc♦c:n: Apples—$2 to $3.50 per barrel, t 2 spondent of the Post-says he learns minal� uF lire G. T-. P. and C. -\. ITh child :i as �lriu}cing :till ore according• to quality. $1.17%; Winter, easier; No. red that negotiations are progressing $1.27; No. 2 white. $1.26. Carp— between the Imperial and Domin I'. at �t inuilK i;, he said, :caul, he ,l< irtb becalm. c t u lit file lite-track. Beans--Oar lots outside $1.55 top eom ileied by March. and +ti ill' only I lictu:„ine t-() '9rr it. file ::xs �t,ucl:, ' Steadc. Oats-Easier; No. 2 white ton Governments which may result 1 61.65, avid small lots here,. $1.75 to 48c. NO. 3 white, 47c; No. 4 :cline � • � be edualled'.un this continent l,y- the� L� a freiOhr r,tr. wllitlt. tri, being _ $i'90' 45'%"•to 46y,c. Barle Fecd ao 'n the cstablish,tient of a naval baso Pennsylvania in New. YoT slid the; siitmtcd. , She :c as st.rn,1: I n the Honey-(3ombs, dozeA, $2.25 to { Y of considerable proportions at Wan- depot at Washington. .The vati�in- teml,lc anti li<rd only lccent;v-floc t malting, 62 to vac. couver Island. The present works ° The'girl had been 'in the E3; extracted, 10/„c pet• lb. _ ai Transcontinental Comtnissii�n•`minutes. Hay-No. ) .timothy, $14 to $11, LIVE STOCK M:+,RKETS, will he used in the proposed eaten- era expect to time the Gurernnt4nt1,So about one month, c••rning h^r„ , 'f0, and No. 2 $12.50 to $13 on track, sion. It is understood that'the au- end of the road, froth D'innctoti -to t.., act.as flower girl ''at th • o'cltUng Toronto. Montreal, Dec. 23.-None of the thorities.at Ottawa are prepared to Winnipeg, completed during 1912: (,t her aunt. — Straw -$7.50 to $8 on track, To- sales exceeded 511c per• lb., and I provide $10,000,000 for the purpose Z rcnto. from that down to 4%c per lb. for of constructing docks and other ac- Potatoes-50c pe'r'bag on track, F'ime beeves; ,pretty good cattle commudatiuns. T31/ to 41<�c; common stock, 2 to or Ontarios. -4' W11111LD TENDER-ON BRIDGE i er lb-; cows andspringers,g STRATHC0N-1 IN-COLLISION. Poultry--Chiekens,•dressed, 13 to 3l P 15c per th. ; fowl, 10 to 11c; tur- $55 o $65 each; the others bring l:eys, 19'to 26c per lb. ducks, }b., ing from $30 to $50 'each. Calves i�1otm• Bus �caa Forced on Top of 1,4 to 15c, geese, 12 115-33c. $3' to 1412 each. Sheep, 4'::c per, His Car. 1L, ; lambs, 6 to G12c per lb. Good .1' deapatcli frntu London says: All the Leading” Fil'171� Will be Invited lots of fat hogs, 8;;c per lb. THE DAIRY M:\RKETS B Lord Stratheona, the Canadian $utter—Pound prints, 23 to 2oc;' High Commissioner, had a narrow to compete t 22 to 23c ; in TIKE'S FATAi, FREAK. escape from serious injury nn ubs and large rolls, Thursday ni-slit. He had just driv- _ ---- . !erior, 19 to 20c;-C-MITnery, 1 to i en tip to the Canadian Government ✓ R°+c, and svtid`s, 26 to `_'i;;'c per .lo. lintel Bat ped One. Day. Stables A dee•latch from' Ottawa says: National Transcontinental traffic. Nott, with Loss of 1,}Fc', office on Victoria Street, when an- Eggs-Ciase lots-of fresh gathered, other automobile collided with a The leading bridge firms of the Two or three months will be al.1 $6 to 37c per,dozen, and storage, A despatch from Gloversville; I motor, bas and. forced the latter on world 'are to be asked to compete. lowedthe firms competing to thor+ �• \ Y., says: Following the practi- top of Lord Strathcona's car, which for, the contract for the construe- oughly examine, the plans, owing t4 -- Choese--12/c per ib. for large, cal destruction of the Keystone Ho• pas badly damaged. Lord Strath- tion of the superstructure of--the the elaborate character of the woe t,,3d at 12'-'c for twins. tel late an «ednesday, when there cona'was thro:vn down, but was 'not new Quebec bridge, and their rep- involved, and afterwards anothes sere several narrow escal,es from l hurt, resentatives will be invited to in two months will be necessary to death by occupants jumping from :e• spect alternative plans for suspen- allow them to prepare their eats! HOG PRODT S. j upper storey windows, three. lives� The :Ilot,t 'cal City Council passed sion or cantilever designs at the of- mates. It will therefore be toward s: B con Lr,ng .clear, 14,. to 11„c were lost in a fire �•hich destroyed the second reeding of tho by-law to ffice of the engineers in charge, at the end of Summer or the early A Y' use all barrooms at 10 o'clock, and 3fontreal, on or after Jan. 3. It' tuntn before tenders can be recei� ger tr��Ts�e lots;4�gess pork,tu 9 32 6 day.. Tho�threene fili}Ps late Trerr liad t�tnlittis cl �i�S'aturday-evening. is expected that the work ,:rill ed and the trontraet awarded. r' G- 2 Hants-Liglit to niedium, 15 to up all night guarding the rains of Immigration returns for the last take four years to conipTetc; so tl it The icurTc on the contract for the s }s.; do., heavy, 14 to 11%c; rolls, the hotel, and about noun on. eight ironths show an inc-ease of it c:i}1 be,]Sld hnf,ro the new stti.c-isub;.trnctttre, :which has been ))4 to ]•l{r/c; shoulders, 13 to 13g,/c; Thursday went to the stables to sixty-eight per cont. in the rrni= n r, titre is i1,Prztinn. In thmnw• e ea - aarcled to M. P. ,ini J. Davis for M� Uks, 18 to 20c; breakfast baco�t►, Isleep. At 3.30 the building was in ber of arrivals from the i;11'tee }, d t::t' , it is ,,,p•,acd to ipso ura .� X25 Q,0+0, :;t!1.•{ c try e ' i v;ah �r f:�r: : sc_r:ce to 'deal wi'ai the .a the to 180.: s. The mon were smothered, States. !flame r • 7. ..•a . .. ..: ,.vim'. ; .a.r. ,. ... y.i, .+„ _... , .. 4W —Wesley Balsdon, who has GOODw000 _ LOCALISMS. spent the past few weeks in Scran- Christmas trade in the village was CAPS " ton, Pa., returned on Thursday. good. —We wish all a happy and pros= —D. Simpson & Co extend their Local Option contest is Raining in perous New Year. best wishes to their many friends interest and the vote on Monday will SWEATER COiie TS i —R. Miller spent a few days and customers attd the puplic gen- be awaited with concern. ,with friends in Claremont. orally for a bright, happy and W. G. Sanders, a talented young ` —Fred. Adair spent Christmas prosperous New Year. man whose home is an f3touHville, — preached y this circuit on Sabbath TOQUES with his parent in Claremont. —Miss Edythe and Roy`Vaguer last. They were splendid sermons to —Miss Coils Every is spending were at Raglan on Wednesday at- lar a congregations. L a few days with friends in Lind- tending the wedding of theircous- ?he Baptist entertainment Christ- , in, Mies Stella Purteous, to Mr. mas evenipg was a success in every F —Independent Telephone Cen- Edward Barkey, of Stouffville. way. .trai closes at -9 a. m. on New —The boys of the village are The Methodist,Sabbath School con_ The People's Popular Shopping' 'Place, a Years. talking of organizing a hockey cert was conducted by the orchestra —Ed. LeRoy spent the Christ- team. By all means let u9 Lave of the Uxbridge Business Men's, Class and was a treat. for men's and boys' Wear. mss holidays with his people in one started,aud the villagers are A new high pole was erected to ' 'Toronto. sure to patronize the matches carry Dr. Darling's private phone—Percy spending Wickham, of with relo, when they are announced. wires over the railway on Main street R. A. BUNTING, P/CKER/N is spending a few days with rola- —Lorne Ridley, of Alberta Col- nartb, on Monday. . tti rives here. lege, Edmonton, arrived home, on Nominations on Monday brought —Miss Hilda Grant is spending Thursday last to spend a few days out a full municipal race': For Reeve, Dep- the holidays -with Clarkson and with his parents, Arthur and Mrs. Messrs. Badgerow and Forsyth • Dep- - Mrs. augers, Ridley. He left on tiVednesday uty, Messrs. J. Wags and Madill ; _ (� LEIGH —�V. E. Vsnstone shi ed a car- for New Yurk to attend a lar a Councillors, D. Morgan, A. Yaisiey, `pP g W. Mmalleyand Owen Davies. l►`1J load of hogs from Pickering sta- convention of students. tion on Tuesday. —The Week of Prayer will be - '�' ti + ' —Dr. Henry will be here, as us- observed in the Methodist church woeuaN ual next Tuesday to attend to his all next week, beginning with Scarboro Township nominations, Wishes a}1 those ladies who have Riven Iter their kind patronage a i professional duties. * Monday evening and continuing held here on Monday, brought out a Very^MERRY CHRISTMAL and a bright and —J. H. Bundy wishes his many until the end of the week. A-cor big crowd, Kennedy's hall being filled. HAPPY -NEW YEAR. 7 customers and friends 'a Happy dial invitation is extended to all There was little in the way of excite- ' and Prosperous New Year. to attend i these meetings. ment and Reeve Annisand all the old P members of the council were:v7elected Spring millinery opening will be duly announced. —Russell Carruthers, who has —Capable municipal men are to t been attending college, is home be found in almost every common- will acclamation. The council for 1910 _ for the Christmas vacation., it Sometimes it is 'difficult to will consist of Reeve W. D. Armin y First Deputy Reeve W. H. Paterson !�R North Side " =Miss Shaw, of Toronto, has get them in the public service. and councillors V. Frank Law; Robert MRS: LEIGH, King St., Pickering, Ont. been spending a-few days with This is not always the fault of the Ormerod and William: Green. A. r her sister, Mrs. J. S. Jephsob. capable ones. . The fault frequent- number of others were nominated but — - -A. and Mrs. Howlett spent ly lies with the'people themselves. retired. Ex-Walden Baird, George t - Christmas with the hatter's par- They are not always appreciative Robins and Thos.Pilkey spoke briefly. - COLD WEATHER IS HESE eats, D. W. and bars. Carruthers, of honestq and ability. They ace the latter scoring the automobiles and s, B. and Mrs. Powell and often too indifferent to go out re the drivers thereof, and scoring a big But there is plenty of good .warm clothing at the Farmers' Supply eau brei spent Sunda with H. search of men with, ability to hit. Mr. Pilkey cited a case near Store. Fur coats, fur lined coats, leather coats, pea jackets, g P Y Y Wexford,where,after frightening the ladies' golf jackets, all shades. Big supply all kinds and Mrs. Ellicott, of Brock Road. serve. Sometimes they mistake farrber's horse so as to bause a general of mitts, felt boots, shoes, rubbers, good fresh —Dr. and Mrs. Byron Field, of.the ability to make friends and smash, the owner of the auto said to Toronto, spent the Chrstmas holi- catch votes for capacity for pjib- the farmer: "You saw us coming : groceries always on hand,. Thanking days at the home of the former'S lie service. Attributing i►nproper why did you not drive into the church 9 yoil for past favors, wishing father here. or unworthy motives to a muni- yard P" ,When the farmers quit you all a Merry Xmas . w w o and a Happy • cork that's here 'the all '"said . . y _ —Mrs. W. D. Rogers, who has et al officer has the effectvf cans- g . -. ..been confined to the house with a ing good And capable men to re- Mr. Pilkey, "but we're not going to New severe cold and neuralgia, is im- Fuse to undertake public duties. crawl o before wta. time to nsuitche Yea r. g• P automobile felloa•A." - The incident - - 9 proving nicely'. Do not make haste in flndiug fault created great merriment. EDWARD BRYAN I'ICKER'IN G- -J. H. and Mrs. Wagner spent with members of council'or school _..�.__ , Christmas Day with theii• son, board, unless there are the very Skating on Claremont Rink on --' N Rev. B. N. de Foe Wagner and best reasons for so doing. When Wife, of . Morrish the take kin done gratis, it is hard New Years'Night. . GREATEST "ASSORTMENT —Wes. Morrish and family, of to take kindly to unfair or unjust Berlin, and Mrs. Simons,. of Sag- c•riticisnt. CHERRYWOOD inaw, Mich„ spent the holiday —Among tbose whi) spent William Dizoo's bridge gang has with Mrs. A. Burrell. Christmas Uap• in Pickering were: laid off work until niter the holidays. —W. F. Henderson and niece, Dr. and firs. Bateman and family, Was H. Storey and Miss K. Nlct'rae BEST VALUES OF Miss Minnie Rankin ares were around last week collecting for pending 'of Toronto, with lir B. Bunting: , GOODS New Years with"his brother,John Ed. Gormley, of'T•oronto A. M. Bible Society. SANTA �../LAOS Henderson, of Winona. Cherrywobd people need not want and Afi-s. Kerr and child, of IDger- for bread as no less than three bakers SHOP EARLY —A few from here attended the soll, Allan Kerr, of Chatham, and call here weekly. nomination meeting at Brougham Norman, H..G. and Donald Kerr, •Quite a number from here attended on Monday afternoou and thought of -Toronto, with their mother; the Dumbarton Xmas Tree 'on the i the meeting a very.oldiet affair. David Savage and Arthur Rogers, the evening of the Mrd inst.,and re-. BOYS BABY GIRLS ' —Miss Vera Ridley, teacher in of Toronto.; Thomas Clazie and Port a good time. 4• the Utica public school, is spend- two day hters with John and Mrs. It is,very quiet around Cberrywood g, 8 '4i Hockey boots, A dressed doll. A work hoz or ba in her holidays here with her just now as� r.Baskin,contractor for B y Murkar; C. H. Ham; of Tema- Books, A ball with with a bell, A hand mirror,hatpins rents. A. N. and Mrs. Ridle the C.N.R. has left for a short tithe, Pa Y• ami, w ith hie parents; Miss S. A. Handkerchiefs. A toy wagon, cart and A trinket box, a ring g P but the cam expect.to .resume work —N. J. Morrissey, with his two Dale, matron.of Pickering College, again soon.camp has taken most of the Games, cepa, Ab omplete cook stove AbNpurse or hand bag, children, Master Fred and Mary,' Newmarket; Miss P. J. Wright, teams with him and intends getting Mufflers, in iron, A doll, anew game, Of Bowmanville,visited his mother E. L. and Mrs. Chapman, Misses out ties and telegraph poles at his Mitts, A game, ten pias, ring Anew book or hoz of :and sister here a day last week. Maggie and Josie Moore, Miss Ada. home. Mr. Baskin has his contract —The amount of travel duriog Vanderburgand sister, Fred. B. well under way, having done much Puraea, mouth organs, rose. etc., stationery, of rp Christmas this year was rather A collar and tie box, A picture book. A hoz of hdlifa, a new y Bunting, A. T. and Mrs. Boyes work in s short time. A drawing set, pen or Our Toyland is full of dress, bIore than usdal, and as a result The management are having quite a and W. Dickie, of Toronto ; Bert. pencil, nice,etroa toys. We A air side comb. .' trains were late, in some cases an time deciding where the station will g p Law, of Scranton, Pa.; J. R. and be placed. They bad decided placing A sweater, also have telt boot, A hair ribbon, borir. Mrs Thezton and family, Stewart b Pair cuff Bilks, caps picture puzz e A oat card album, y it on Mr. Roach's property, ut we —The first real cold snap of the and Gordon Thexton, W.and Mrs. understand they have changed their Boz of chocolates. hdkfs etc. A box of ban-boas. season occurred on Wednesday Boyes, of Toronto; J. H. and Mrs. mind. One of the head men from the ,mornin when the mercur 'dro C.N.R. office Toronto, as out to bis ---T .. f Claremont,nt Miss Bella R Y P- Beal, o C o , g - - yyvv f , ped down to 10 degrees below Thexton, Miss Gertie Allaway and a piece of land from Wm. Dixon, but LADIES•. a GENTS rcero. Mise Kate Woodruff of Toronto. we have not heard bow be succeeded. = —Hie many friends in Pickering and John and ,Mrs. Allaway of If the farmers were to decide the Post.card albums, A Linen initial hdkfs regret to hear of the death of Mr. Whitby. statiens would be very close. Jewel box, box hdkfs, _ Q u A fancy tied, gloves, John Gillman, a former resident - 'skates MERRY TMAS A pocket k or coin bead satchel,y Cnn Al air hockey J of Pickering, which took place at DUMBARTON Citizens' Band, Claremont Rink, and boots, A Waterman fountain his homy near Brougham on Fri- New Years' Night A wool toque and mitts pen, a sweater coat, Tast. Married at the Presbyterial church,. -AND A - - �' A hcpnix muffler, - Hockey stick, hockey Fort William, Ont., on Wednesda ppgttle perfume, an skates and boots, —.••-� —We regret to state that Miss y' STouFFviLt.e A b Elma Every has been very'ill with Dec. 226d, by the RRev. W.L. H. Rog•- _-� apron, A smoking set, a new and, Ann Jean, youngest daughter of Tuesda night ht of last week a flee HAPPY NEW YEAR game, an attack of scarlet fever. We the late William Anderson, Dunbar- y g A new book, Bible, Dunbar- are pleased. to know, however, ton, to James Dixon Darlin of Fort occurred in the upper front of the hymn book, TO ALL. Anew hat or cap,, g• Standard Bank hui ing. It is not A box stationer Anew pair cashmere ;that she is recovering though William. The bride's manv friends y' slow] Miss Eve will graduate here wish the young coo I�ever ha now definitely known from what A postcard box full of Bose, Y Every g y g . P F i? source the flames had their origin. bon-bons. Candies raisins and figs in June from St. Luke's Hospital piness. ' The blaze was soon discovered and the , in DnI tb, Minn. The Christmas Tree; on Wednesday appliances were quickly brought into —The annual school meeting eveningof last week, under the aus- requisition. The fire bad• run along I '� picea of the Presbyterian Bahbath. FATHER ran R `. Gd arents MOTHER took place on Wednesday fore- School, was a decided success. The the joists under the floor, but the ap- P noon, when a very small number plication of'plenty'of-water soon ex- church was suitably decorated.and the tin uished it. The damage was not A carving' set, Felt slippers and boots, A damask or chemille assembled, there being only a few the glad Christmas smile adorned the ver great, no insurance.A. Munro, A shavinset, Mitts, scarfs, overshoes tablecover, { !besides the trustees. The flna'n- countenances of those who were in the teller, who was sleeping in an ad- . Cuff buttons, A wool cardigan or A white-bed spread, j gees of the school were reported to attendance. The program, which was joining bedroom had a some Suspenders, ' jacket, P pair nice towels, be in a very healthy condition. a lengthy one, wasprovided by the dangerous experience, being nearly An umbrella A weather thermome A ready-made night W. G. Ham was re-elected trustee children of the school. . The evening suffocated by the smoke before he Slippers, ter, a wool shawl, , robe, a toilet set, 1,r`vd ='for another term. was happily spent by all who attend- realized bia'danger. A moustache cup, A new Xmas book, a A dinner set, Christmas Day passed,off here ed this gathering. Stouffville Christmas Fair was held A suit case, cane, A fancy piece of ebina,. in the usual quiet manner. It was on the '22nd and, there was a large Gloves, A warm dress, Pr..hrass candle sticls, ri day of family re-unions, the _ .GREENWOOD amount of produce ort_-hand.for ex- Mitts, sox, A 'cu and saucer,pen Bissel's carpet sweeper, various trains on Friday and Sat- hibit. The display of poultry, butter, A jack knife knife, z A lamp, a piece of siiv- urea Navin brought borne a Mrs. Lynn is laid up with a severe bread, beef and pork indicated that A set of tools A new purse or pipe, er, a far of honey, 3' g g cold: the judges bad no easy task in giving A fancy alarm clock, A Bible or hymn book, A set of knives &forks, large number to enjoy their �S• Gieesait spent Xma in Toronto their decisions. The attendance was Oranges. A box of mixed nuts, A Pandora range. Christmas dinner. The day was with his son, F. L. Gleeson. fully up to expectations and our mer- inclined to be somewhat stormy Mss. Wesley Gee and children spent chants seemed to do a rushing trade. but the heavy snowfall brought Xmas with friends in Toronto. Prices were as follows: Butter, 25-26c; DIC K E C H A P A N ont the sleighs and cutters with F. W. Gibson was appointed, school eggs, 3K-4Ac ; chickens,'14c ; ducks, the result that the merry sleigh trustee to succeed W. J. Devitt. I3 14c ; geese, 14-16c; turkeys, 24.28c. bells gave the day a Christmas at_ Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, of Toronto, Producers should be satisfied with — I spent a few days with W. Gee. these Prices, although the consumers uioBphe^e. The young peope C who ea ected to ut in a leasant Levi Mackey, of Toronto, called on think a makes their pocket-hooks look r� t a s `.V1 0o d S P P P a few of his friends here on Friday. as if a'elephant train.ped onthem.— dad skating were rather disap- James and Mrs. Gibson entertained Tribune. • _— 'porn ted. about thirty of their friends on Xmas —On Monday evening, a large day. number, of the ratepayers of the alter and Mrs. Wilson spent the REV. A. L. GEGGIE n 'Choicest Lines village assembled in the town-hall holliday with the latter's parents in I to nominate candidates for the Oakwood. On account of,beiog carried past ppoosition of police trustee. W. G: Arch and Mrs. Davis, of Toronto; to Oshawa on G. T. R. on Tuesday Silverwore, Cutlery, Carving Sets, Ham returning pooofficer, 'presided. spent-Xmas with the latter's parents, night, Rev. A. L. Geggie, accom i John and Mrs. Adamson. panied by Mr. Haxeldine, will ap- At times the meeting was quite Nelson and Mrs. Lidgett, of Toron• pear in tine Town Hall, Brougham, Parlor Lamps, Etc. _ 'interesting, and sus is customary to, spent the'holidays with the latter'a next Tuesday .night, January 4th. on such occasions, some criticism another, Mrs. J. Brignall. ee dodgers for articulare.* wa�lndulged ia,-Ant ikrere—svgs Mrs. F. Allen is con nee to the g P neral satisfaction with the work I house with a severe sore throat. We - All kinds of suitable Presents..of year. trustees Most of thotselp�esent the were Tuesday from lsmada Cook, , where they Red Wheate she will soon be out again. ... $1.06 MARKETS 51.08 CAlI and see our. Cine display. nominated for the coveted posit- spent the holiday with Mrs. Cook's White 1.08 You'll find exactly what.you want, ,.lion, but all have withdrawn with parents. Mixed I.OB , the exception of Messrs. R. A. Fanny Sadler and her niece: Miss Goose " ........... wi 13 ntin4, W. Allaway and John Hate Sadler, of Newmarket, spent the Oats .,•.•.. ....................... 35 BUNDYo thils cowstitnte the holtd with the latter's mother, Birley :...... 80 ,bun d fur ;010, 1 Mrs. H M. Seidler. Buckwheat.....,......•....••...,.. t,Ci Jose He. F ^S'• ?.•r..: .. .' _-.. .. ,.r:..-a:f-.,.-_.'vW,...._. .-.. ......, .-..-.. - ...:•.n.-