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7._ l •w , 77 +L .lam .... r.. •..+r. - S - - -.4, • , 1 VOL. X•XIX, PICKERING9 ONT., 'FRIDAY, DECEMBER �?4, 1909 No. 12 k L'FI�t##ilif►tcttiL #tri#. AUDLEY WHITEVALE LADDERS SpINKMILLS Albert Bell is renewing old acquaint- Our teacher, Alis* McKay, complet- �[ed4caL antes in the locality. ed her duties here on Wednesday. Guy Brownlee has returned home, The Baptist Sunday School will hold PI'CKERING MEDICAL SURGICAL after spending the summer in Western their entertainment on Saturday even- Canada. 1IIg + The ladder season is here again,and and X-RAY INSTITUTE TO-DAY'S PRICES Webtnev Bros., with their accost-I Airs, E. L. Beare is spending Christ- _ White Satin Flour, 80c for s bbl. we are prepared to make them t DICKERING, ONTARiO Bon-Bon " r7c •• omed enterprise, have installed an at her parents' in Mount of all sizes.' Olds gasoline engine in their herrn for Forest. R. ELGIN TO�I'LE, X. B., Al. D., C: Af., ► Cream-Buns 75C " the purpose of cutting feed and as a Miss E. R. Wfiite, of Rochester, N. ,All kinds of general Blacksmithing Phpaieian-in=charge Tea Buns 74c general farm power. York., who hit been with her mother prorntutly and neatly done. Specialist in Rectal Dlaeasee. Prostatic Dia- The Christu;as Trce of -the $,-':bath!expects to return to Rochester Mon- eases of Men, Diaeaaes of Women, Cancers, FREE School On �i'ednesda evenin • tvas a'day next. Tumors,X.Ray examination. Diseases of eye. p b W. H. JACKSON, ear.noee,throatBnd:nngs, Fi::ingg!assaennd Universal Bread Maker-10(X) coupons s;:ccess in every particular. Giiis� The entertainment t;,id Inst Tees-, all scute an$chr>oic diseases. Universal Cake Maker-800 coupons were d'is�ensed *to the tetieher s and ria:: everting under ties :.spices oft hr i Brock Road Olice Houra 1'L to 3 Cad 7 to 9 991y _-- '. ------- --- - — Bran, Shorts. Jumbo Flour, Feed officers as well as to the pupils. i ne I 1%lethedist 5untlay 5chr>ul ti'aa a decid- weather was ideal and the Chrietniar rJ snocesa, James Tblte y. Legal. Flour, Oat Cbop and Mixed Chop feeling seemed to pervade tine entire Freci Mfr-Iiay ur,h:ised tl'1e White gathering. property three-gti:irters of a stile east E. FAREWELL, Q. C., BASBr_S. "SCRANTON COAL"THE BEST Uf the village on Saturday, the 'price Zi'huIesal? and Retail Butcher. • TER.County Crown Attorney,and County Stove and-Chestnut Coal at $6 50GREENWOOD being$6300 for 110 acres. SAWtgr. oo.1•t Hoose,Wh•tby. lar Steam Coal 5 70 • Messrs. Lloyd'White and Will. Bea- Pic•ke'ring, Out.' LT. BARCLAY, Byrrister-At-Law, : Sinithing Coal 6 00 Miss Myria Willson returned from ton and Misses Ada Turner, Alice Tor- �r . Solicitor.Notary Publi,,9pocial Exami- --- Minden on Thursday. rser and Florence Meek, all of whom Be<t, price »id for choice ` nee for Rigtr Oourt of Justice, Sucoeesor to R. B. Hinnman is spending his holi- are attending college in Toronto, are 1 aaeaera. Dow at McGillivray. Brock street. J• L• SPINgr I,IPItI t ssD, days at hip home in Jklicklon; hotue for their Christmas vacation. bttt,cher'3 cattle. rpYhitby. 71y PICKERING,-ONT. J. E. Disney, of Whitby, called dna . H. WARKE, SOLICITOR A-111'3 --- few of the villagers on Wednsday. Choice neat will be found at our NOTARY PVBL;C, (successor to i i J. Starring is vacating the Trefv SCAR90R0 ,.I "shop at reasonable prices. "David Ormiston),Whitby. 14r. Sydney ?forth- huuse and moving down to the 4th Scarboro readers wish the.News cote who is associated with Mr.Warko,attends 1 cPP Its. Prices right at Piokenngon Wednesdays: r concession. man a Merry Christina,. Cal. and see 'Loans arranged, lily Merry 'Christmas W. J. and•_Mrs. Devitt intend visit- Our genial auctioneer, D. Beldam, �= ing the latter'* parents in Calling has been kept very busy this fall. Petertl AND A wood township for the Ghristma Monuments e.wry. _ Pe1cy Henderson, of the Bank of bolid, Ottawa, at Ottawa, is spending his 1 WALTER L. HOWDEN, D. V. S. The Misses Russell, of Dakota, are is t7 Graduate Ontdrio veterinary College. Happy New Year s ending a couple of months with holidays with his here..., Jas. and .,F. 'Member Ontario Veterinary Medical Society. t eir uncles David Russell 'rind L. Mrs. Henderson ,+n the Kingston'road. _ � �izvin¢socttred the agency for Saaeee.•tor to Dr,En J. Shirley. Office King St., TO ALL. he Washifi ton Mlet hodist Sunda Pickering. 31 Johnston.Jobns'.onSchool hre mal,•:ng preparations for the hot trio Ur+finite and Mar- Pickering. Rev. Harris. c+f Port'Perry,oc,upied ble" l3 orks, Bampton �9ustriP## CbctY�s. the il it here on Sunda morning their anni�Qrsar} in January and are re ared to furnish all work in p' p p' g looking forward to tL•eir usual good P P _ And evening, and gave two very in- the granite and marble line G. HAM-Issuer of Mxrria e' *tractive addresses. time. at fte very IowvQt prices;and g In addition to our big stock , Jilinicipal.matters are- very quiet tivorkinan,hi guaranteed. _ Licenses in the County of Ontario, The entertainment in connection p g vi�lage• 27Iy of new fiirniture we always with tire Sunday S-hool here was a in the townshipTtt present and we can- :Pickering C,rods shipped sheep desires?. have on hand a lot of second- not tell who will be in the field until i .decided succeg. The children aid ':wee m•! before pl:ccing pO+xr �r HOPPER Issuer of '%Iarr•i.>Qe after nomination day. but it i3 expect hand farnittlre, stoves and t ema:kabl well, each and ever- one order. Letterin. done on .the Licenses in the County of.Ontario. y ed theft' Reeve Anniti will be in the g (moe at store end bis residence,Claremont. pipes at auction pt irt?4. Call, �ti b0 took pa:'., nhile MI i.�-1 Storey is an t shorter! notice. r'' - write or telephone, Bell or entertainer of rare atrilit , Should 3e•d ag`'t°`` 'ill tamer". R.EEATON TOWNSHIP P y Af!xr_ number of surveys and a C. 1�'. GIBBONS" — Claremont hidependent, bre a the ser- she ever, appear here again she will no: D• Oonv p pay , i }food deal of unto- rf---minty as to where eyaacer. Commleeiocer for taking duu„t !nett•t iv:th a Crowded houa'e. Awarits, Accoaatant. Etc, Money to loan vice. the C. N. R. would crass the township, on farm pro rt . Iss.er of Masriago Lic- the ro erty owner, here are feeling ppee g , woes' oPhites, Out. 4-7 p ATHA jubilant that their, farms telll not be a _ PO9TII.L, Licensed Auctioneer, O A L. S We Are sore t0. report that E:B. cut t0 pieces, as it is nolo decided to Y P Hard and Soft. F• for Counties of York and Ontario. Auc- Hnuver is on the sick lint. cro4r through-the northern part of th-e r ifon sales of all kinds attenued to on shortest Jnhn and Miran Scott spent Sunday township. �TT� Jt—� G7 T? notice. AddressGreensinge P.0., Ont, . CLARE1kfONT I''l'R:*11TCAE STORE a.John^Fo:rgie's,Clart. P Our Lheaeast'endr where ^;.It*11 and S11'in lP�. --. _ y _-___ _ ... ..- ....- The talafe have engaged our res g P Py •p �CEIV�EN'T t ��T B. POWELL, Licensed .Auc- .� Y Conner for Ontario and York Cos. All eat teacher, . iss Bowers, for another a number of fine resrdences have lately MH;— kinds of sales conducted either privately or y One n and it is ert stied that others aaetrour Sale notes collected. For dates or XMAS V O 1 seer 11 t �S, Leathers, of Bet esda.and D. will hw built in the spring as several Ptire� right. ' other pparticulars apply at residence, Rliaabetb g r' HL, Pickering. orders left at Npws OIDce will Goer. writ') the P ultatrle well Sts.rk, of Mich., spent Sunday at Jos. b,tilding lots brave been sold at good reeeiye prompt attention. 151y. : ehos+eri- sift Our store i•. till. MC, -'s. price:;. This shows that the street A. C. R E E SO R --_ ed wit3i qiris• that will pictuee railway increases the value of pro- , . ! t I�1 POl1CH£R. Licensed Auction- !Floe are a rew• bliss A. .CoateR, of Claremont. is y C 1 . eer. Valsstor. Collector and issuer of spending a tiute, with her aunt, bars. Pert3'• LOCUST HILL _IDaarriige lieaaces All kinds of auction sales Rich cut glass, Gold filled watches,' A. Carruthers. conducted and valuations made at mod Bracelets,Neck chains, Lockets, A number from here a!tended the - BROUGHAM Pickering Lumber Yard *rate charge, £states and consignments oon= Rin s, Sash pins. Brooches, Xmas tree held at Mongulia School atetentlt manaised and sola by auction or ie pins. Cuff links, Maple- on Tuesday afternoon and report a R. Brodie w:ts in Toronto on Mon- private private sal5n Kortga4ee, rents, notes and aaeral aoconnts promptly collected and satin Leaf pins, Coat of Rood time, da All kinds of buildingmaterial inched sabry settlements guaranteed. Phone or Acme hat ens, Several from here attended the y , ing rough and desed lumber, wrier for ter ma and pc-ttenlara, Brongham, p The Mises Russell o[`yo.th Dakota, Dot. Dates masse tlsed by phone Nsws Gold mounted Fine perfumes, funeral of the late 'airs. Geo. Carter, are visiting at D. Russell's. lath, etc. +' olnca. y fountain pens, Purses, of Mineaiog, on Saturday last which Remember the annual school meet- A carload of British Columbia shingles Stplographic pens, Military took place at the Stouffvelle cemeierp• ting on Wednesday neat at l0 a. m. have just arrived and are selling at - The EulaMe Quartet Hair brushes, Ebonv- She was the eldest daughter of Philip Mise Carrie Phillips, who has been $..Z%5 per square in lot of 10 ti Toilet sets,Gold bed- ` •Davis, who at one time lived on lot 31. teaching in Egypt,has returned home, square or over. $ oP = Room clocksi Gold rear Stb con., Pickering. She leaves s{ Thos. Beare and Albert Mrttthewe W. D. GORDON 8• SON. :iyTOLTFFVILLE Mantel clocks, Kitchen clocks, to mourn her loss a loving husband, were at Stouffville Fair on Wednes- Xmas stationety, Kodaks and one boy three years old and an infant da Are now prepared to give a musical I Supplies, of three months. Much sympathy ath is program. For particulars apply to Gold spectacles, pp y P p E. Wardell, of Victoria Harbor, MIMA HOOVER. Souvenir goods, Xmas , expressed for the sorrowing husband spenta, few days at Mrs: Win. H'ulr Best Place in Canada Sec.-Tress. bard's. ._ - superiorX.r Post cards and booklets. and family. Come early and often. Prices -Mr. and Mrs.. Cluhb, of Saskatch- for Business or Shorthand. to suit everybody. MARKHAM ewan, are visiting Mr. and :►ins. W• Ecation is the progressive �t13S Stella E HaIIleS Jack, tYe Svc pear old son of.Regi- Mercer. 'Miss Blain and friend, Of Oshawa, T. M. McFA DDEN r:ald Speight had the misfortune to spent Sunday with Roht. J. and bi>s. EIaLIOTT reacher of Plano,' DRUG0liT AN-:4 611:& l:.iTE uPTit•:1iv fall on the sidewalk on Friday'last and s Cowan. _ break his arm. The.bone was so'b:uily fVaaITEVAI.E. pvT, PIC'KERING, - ONT. 2 The township nominations will.take ----- - -- -- -altered thea it was thought advi,- place in the township h$II her on -- ;able to remove him to the General Mondav next. ... - tioapit l fd'r treatmer}t: Miss Vaud Alger, of Park Avenue .TORONTO. ONT. amer Cos I ' G. Ii. Reed has accepted the poli- Dr D 11'ngham s I3,+Seita!, Chicago, is here with her b Linn of princ:p:x1 of the new Cuntinn- sitter and grandmother. Graduates his college readily ob- Undertaking Parlor I at ion School shout to be estnh]ished• ` The schoul'trustees are advertising tain ee`positions. The demand c ; at North Toronto. Lzct night bath for tenders for twenty cords of wood for our graduates is.fully five times Have a full line of Iresh and cur- Bing :;*rest, Pickering. the cvi.nril strd the board of e'&ication for the use of the sch;aol. the supply. Winter term opens ed meats constantly on hand Calls by clay nr night.promptly F;; -e their ,in:anirxiotis cr,nsent to the Gra> Philip has removed t•he Parti- Jao. 3rd. New catalogue free. tittended to. Telephone proposal. The schrul .'ill he opened tion at the rear of his stare in order to t 'Spice Roll, Breakfast. Bacon; !Bell or Independent.) Wsth'two masters, L;:t'with the expan• make room for ills increasing bust- W. J. ELLIOT, Principal Ham Boru a �'f einem etc. stet of the cit can Fcarcely fail soup res:• j gn , t, { :Cor. Fonge R Alexander Sts. n y —_— tc: become :a Collegian -- -- - The Telephone Central office will be Highest prices paid for Charles. Mottle, elde� in (if. «'tri. closed at 9 a. ni. to-innrrow (Christ- -- -- Mi ne, of li ,:ic,C' t ra town- Bu'tcher's cattle. Monday was Day) rid remain closed for the InsuranCe :rip died on �.or.c,:ty a: 1ixu;ilDe remainder of the day. front p1E1iI',Qt f.iP.uwing typhoid. De- The oyster supper. and eotertain- -r^ ,��77f�'e • * ceased'was vPe:i krown in tha section, meht given Here on Wednesday even- --Best n)s�yr lj�ny� Of all kinds- �3est always recUru having been a graduate of Miaiklialu S Selec I� iVG/ mended. Ni hc'toul and of the School cf Prac- tnR titiiler the auspices of the Union g School Ras one of the most succecsfnl Q tical Science, Tororit( He was a in its hisfpry.•-_The night bring bright' Firs:,-class rigs for hire - brilliant voungmanana at the time Of and clear there :�as,a very large num- J bo his demise h9d been rmnntec to the C031Ye�21]C1IIg Dane her in attendance. I:verything.on the Day or night nar,agrnier.t of the IamistOn Bridge program Y 0 � o ) - Rents and i\utes Cc,llec ed.' Company. Ile is survived isy «wife tt'tis cal tried out to the hest of 1 satisfaction and the..excellent supper Bus meets all trains Charges reasonable. and three children, served put else}body in the best of ^:.a Teaming promptly attended to.' — — humor. Those in charge are to be C IM acre Farm for sale. CHERRYWOOD congratulated, on the success of their ie��111aS Agent for Canadii Carriage Co. efforts. •� If you want to buy sell or rent, call On Monday evening, Dec. 20th, the The annual fowl supper and enter- F rr • H• Peaky Pickering. at cry ,of lee. Bargains: farmers in the vicinity of Cherrywood tainment, under the auspices of St. �r held a meeting for the purpose of John's Sabbath School, will be held on + ` • r e Richardson•' Organizing a Farmers' Club. The the evening of Tuesday, Dec. 28th. {►s , gathering was indeed an encouraging Stepper, consisting of cold roast fowl Y - The one, and gave evidence of an intense the part of the farmers in and other palatable viands, will he f Notary Public, Pickering. desire on served in the Sons' Hall from 6 o'clock DOMINION BAND the district to better qualify them Sally at until all are satisfied. In the Town . selves for their work. The s frit of Hall the Rev. A. L. Geggie, of Toron- a3eaal 01tHoe, Toronto 21ach-smithi�athe meeting was markedly in favor of to, will deliver his humorous lecture: ? d • organization, and there is every possi- ,.The Rose, the Shamrock and the Bassett s General Ba Business bility of an excellent work being done Thistle,' interspersed with apprOprinte 's A general blacksmith business done. by this Club during the coming win- songs by the well-known Air. Ernest transacted. All kinds of repairing nestle and ter, The following officers were ap- gazeldine, tenor soloist, of ToroPto - promptly executed. pointed : President,Noah Burkholder; and selections by Miss Alice Storry, Is Special attention nen to Vice Pres., Hugh Pugh ; sec.-Tress., gold medalist elocutionist, of Toronto. e t p Horse-shoeing - a - Specialty: A. E. Armstrong; Directors, B. H. Two rare treats in one. Everybody -• r W, J. Roach;Joseph should attend. Admission to supper the Collection sof Reeser, J. Todd, Or(==01 0 S.�A.W, Cowan, W. J. Taylor• Auditors, A. and 'entertainment, Adults 25 cents; Bale notes. PICKERING, ONT. Roach, A. Davidson. .The first meet children, 15 cents. The lecture alone �ewe�l•]/ More ` _ ing will be held in the hall hereon is well worth the admission fee while ''SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Tuesday evening, Janugry 4th, at 8 Mr. Hazeldine's dialect' solos are sure o'clock. Farmers are rapidly begin receio6d 0>fe Land BRITISH Term of 19M min to realize that there is much need to please. Miss Storry is a grand elo- THE MC. KERING NEWS �E'poCANADIAN Ten per cent cheap g cutionist. ��tb upwards. _ BUSINESS er, ten per cent bet- for organization on their dart,and the COLLEGE ter for Busines, future holds great possibilities for ad- s. ==tES®Bt allowed at. highest TORONTO Shorthand and Mat- vancement in this direction. Any Much interest is being taken in current rates.. Tic, person or persons desiring informs- the despatches of J. T. Clark in a Booklet, free. R. A. Farquharson, tion, relative to, such organizations the Toronto Star, which sent Mr. opposite New Post O{iiCe (Cr1As. D. GORDON,'Manager B. A., principal, Corner Yonge and may secure same by corresponding � p ' ii with J. H. Hare, office of Agriculture, Clark to Britain to re rt the r0-I BlOor Stan Whits g Rees° :^ el' matters +�esemmmmw �r WHITBY BRANCH. y { ."....eS...,�,e.:•....new_ i.!R.'y-.''-,ya[[...:.,..:n...-e_-......n.._.,,....,,.1......_-_-_y...� ...' -. '. ... _ 771" ., ..-1. P..•f .. ... .. .,, ':.� fik}•'.,'r:_y'�1.,.•-.,. 'sit t..s,- R _ _ t..'., .n .. ♦� J :a : a C, r ^ . ... raw . . ! _T HE - -AND RUE SOD TAXICAB STOCK EA RININC,� ,A Good Man Never Knows Now Good Do not underestimate the earning power of the Taxicab. He is Nor Stops to Learn The Taxicab habit grows, and where there is one Ilffer to-day there wi}1 be t" oto-morrow. . "Inasmuch as ye did it,-unto one there are for doing good; and the To the Taxicab patron' all other methods cf .city travel 3:em common-place and of the least of these ye did it unto world grows weary-of institutions or&ary. : me."-Matt. xxv. 40. professing to save, but standing ' If religion is wholly or essential- helpless before its real reeds. we advise per abate, par v3ilt!$5.8fl, becai2ao IF a matter of holding certain views But there are many who lack ei- the pnrehase of $6 it .has a big future, and is now � or performing c i rural s eci- flier the energy or the vision to ��� p g erta n formal, p g, TaL, Cab Stock at a big money earner, fie acts there can be no serious dif make their religious life,one of nor- ficulty in the way of determining mal activity, and who therefore at- Subscriptions wit be aecep`ed ftp to 181J abates is the order received at this office. ' the number of religious persons in tempt to'-judge the piety of others any community. But if religion. is by the'testa.which they find most A� _ e an attitude of the soul and a trend convenient for themselves, who in- + l f<GLIS Adeleaide and O�®R1 TO Pj of fife it'eludes all-,statistical en- sist that they only are•religious Oho e A. Victoria Strewta _ ,(L�r L LJ- deavors. pass through certain types of emo- gena :o: afar Illustrated bootJrt. ai When you have before you certain tional feeling o$ who speak of a set prescribed tasks you can go certain shippoleth. .' About them deliberately, eonsci- No man needs to allow these self -— - -- - -- cc, ously; you may know when they are constituted autkorities to give' him free paraphrase put in popular KING EDKARD''S HOUSES. • begun and when completed. But any concern even though they be ,t.m I � ,� � fi� if you are developing ideals and many in number and 7. Exactly what time the star ap- Has So .liany'That He Lends Them reeking character it is likely to MIGHTY IN LUNG.POWER,- peared-In order that he might COt1£GE ST., et v happen that the finest, fairest know how old the child was. , The h bare 'Expense oY Upkeep. 7URWR,o. i • P He can be sure that if there be any There is a, nod deal of s C� "���e� =growth will take plane when y'ou advantage an enriching or growth wee men appeared in Jerusalem ' g specula- ' are thinldng nothing about its pro- from religion, it will be found not about two years after setting out. tion.in England as to who will have ceases. by -such flimsy tricks and devices 8.. Exactly-Not the. repetition, E the offer of ',Yliite Lodge from ging i A child in the home becomes indicating the olel kin [ 'Edwars if, ars is expected Mrs. THIS � truthful, not by means of set peri- but through earnest seeking after g g's solicitude , the good and true. lest any oversight should rub him Hartman resigns her tenancy ow- . .truthful, AL ods daily in which it is exercised There is a tremendous 'amount of of his prey. ing to financial difficulties. It is an ideals t for a residence,. only to veracity, but by the steady, un- untabulated unreported, and often That I also may come and wor- p° y Just conscious acquisition of the habit I? ski him-A- thinly die uised a few miles out of London, et-per- conscious IS TO unrecognized religion in the world. P Y 8 pre- y P - of.truth telling, until the truth be fectly rural in all ice Furroundin;s. comes the only normal aim. So Men are doing the deeds and liv- text. which shows that Herod s The drawback to White Lodge is You a in the life of religion who mi passion had dulled`the far scerng t R t3 ? that the place,,though not large s - • would it be with the acquisition of well be unwillingto wear any of wisdom displayed by him in the ear- aa affectionate character. It could its formal labels. Whenever a man lie; part of 'hie reign. very, expensive to .keep up, end it TIS.itt Svex;Bich Child not possibly come with observation, -ails-Wert, to the beat in himself' al- •r9• The star . . . went before thein was for this reason that se•reral la fisiwirsio Whose Par. .'.,nor by d_ireet' endeavor toward it- firmatively, wheiever he seeks the, !� poetical way of saying that the people refused the Kinq s otter af- ante Caaaat Afford to'Pay for Tieat- SO GROWS RELIGION cod of others, Ice is turning toward ise men were ,guided in their�ter the death of th was s of Teck- sent is ?rxated Free. g ng including, so it. was said at the in the soul of man, not by ei3wrts the ultisate good; he is 'religious. c by the position of the star. time, at least ant member of the r to beeente religious, but by steady A-act the life that lives for these 11. They came into the house-It ro;;al family. The Hear" for 8ict Chfidren had last living toward the best, always and! thin;a, the man or woman who must Le remembered that Jei3na year is its cote and beds t,lasps tient.-- at length habitually allowing the throws the weight of personality in- had been taken u to Jerusalem These extra residences arras," ata of �fieae wets P• �.London prove rather an embarrass- f— se; laces in -fife to answer to all of life's sti. to the tide for better' things-for when six weeks of age, for the puri-1 nwnt of richcs to the Ring, who OwPruvince. Sibty- muli by mets and thoughts and feel. nobler ideals, for truth and right, fication (Luke 2. 22) was over and ;does not need them himself. Bu•,k- 0.s per cent. were lags that tend upwars;, One be- for the relief, of needless sufferings a sacrifice must be offered. Then;inglrarh Palaep, Windsor Castle.. ohtldt•sn of p o o r g y p ppression and- the farnil - pteplo who could. comae nod not b the attana 't to be and the removal of o y .returned to P,cthlel;em, Balmoral and Sandrinaham are till not,„�,:d to se • good, but by.always yielding to the(degradation, that life fights on and, the crowds of the enrollment', the pierces the King and Que,n Since it&orgayniza temptation to do good, by throw- with the Eternal, that one walks (I.uke 2. 1-7) having departed, it need in 'the course of a year, Yet ties the Iastitation Ing the life into. the stream of the with God and belongs to the kin would be easy to get accommoda-. if not lived in these empty hoirses ' j B B 8• two cr.ca rear raaxa bas! crested Ib,Bti good, by service for the good, and dam of heaven. tion. They.eeem' to have intended .would be a drain on the privy pzr�e r"r''�"` chtildren ; It,fiSe of the true and worthy. He who serves in love 'finds fel- to settle there permanently. The •in 'the matter of upkeep. I It you ht a pay and wete treated free, enforced.'M ht into E you irs.w of Character grows best when we towahip with the infinite and all 8 Egypt prevent- Almost all these superfiuoJs ; any child is roar are least conscious of it. Health is embracing love. He who stoops to ed, houses have ,fin at the King's 'eatgbltarhoed w h o Fell down and worshipped- a matter acct of physical ir,apection wipe a child's tear stained face hal peed him- disposal since he came to the th!cae la sick or bis say +.•. ibut of normal activity, whether it worshipped bettevthan if he had The usual method of paying hom- 70us, ear% The Gentlewoman, we I �formiey sssd the -- �.. be health of body or of mind and sun ad an Pl4 can. The sacred sup- age to a ruler, The worship of have the Prince and Princes4 f mane of t6s na [� 1. g• g P P I to the awn obr rrv. spirit. A raze religion turns from per is the common meal we share these• men, however, must , have{Wales at Frogmore, Georgina, Lady The 111MAJ for , _ the .cant phrases about feeling good)in our need. bad something of religious. levo- 1 Dudley at Pembroke Lodge, Ri^h- Sick W.eir•n not -to consider what opportunities HENRY F. COPE. tion in it, in view',of the fact that mond; Colonel and Ladv' Sarah a local bog's g � before them was God's g�iaran,teelKilson at the Stud House, Hemp_ Pro.incial Cha:!t%y - _ c,f the fulfillment of his work. ton Court.; Sir Stanley and.L.Jy for ' •siek eb:;,l of Sa (�. ��((`O#j thaaar. But this is unfounded. .Y' O$ered unto him gifts-In the I C3arke at 'the Ranger's Lo�Ige, part .or*%auin �."y oosxcao,..Iq Awasa J J LESSON j� Came to Jerusalem-:latarall r the custom still is not to ap- 1Ide Park, and so on. p°tt°t(•eta' sls's:r<meektmUpon its help as it was the capital. proach a monarch without some _ as the child .y. I wbolives .2. Born King of the Jews - The gift. It is fitting that Christ should within the appearance of the strange star have the rarest gifts. The ancient •Tr%SI'ER TO 1�I:UOTfATE shadow of I1 'TERN"AT10\AI. LESSON, would betoken a royal hirth, and intcrpreters saw in these particu- «You look down in the mouth. E its walla is DL•'C. 28. }hes must have known of the widely f lar present-3,. symbols-the gold, of Now. don't be borrowing trouble. °' wish expectation, and royalty; frankincense, of Deity; " Will you lend me 8` t'' ' .. •cxiahed Jc TT bt ere '— tit ould learn from 'the prophecies myrrh of his Passion Jc n 19. a;9). were 6 0 _ - P P ( h " Er-well, on -second thought, cases of -�T.e%sen XIII. Th'e Birch of C4rist. that the hope of a Messiah center- 12. In a dream-Tbe Magi ' were perhaps you'd better go ahead and, Club Fest ed in.Judaea. versed in the understanding of bor'ruw .the trouble." ' treated ,i n Hiatt. `'. 1-1'3. Golden Text, To worship him-See.' , note on dreams. no � the Hospi lltatt. 1. 21.' c-ersc ]l. Should 'not return to Herod- r 3. Herod . a as troubled-He Who, thereupon, sought to carry NOVELTY. >saeBa • -til la,:t year an 6 h perfect correction : O \Oti ELT'k. 'Parse I. Bethlehem of Judaea - a-as now an old man in his dotage. cut his brutal schemes' regardless. •� The hnnte of favid, five miles south He had pained his throne by craft, A temperance lecturer has A,s 'Xerusalern. ,dso. calFed F.phra- through the favor of'Rome; and had �— proved that' beer contains so inuch _ thah-('Mic, 3. °). "Now a, small kept it by, bloody cruelty. From alcohol that it'may'be used as an ,'' r� - white town on a spur running ottt the beginning of los reign he had M- ISFOn'r NL:.DOGGED H.I1i. illuminant: I east from the watershed." The 'been pursued by a dread of being Ll lady who 'pi•ic?cs herself on be'- Nothing new in that, I can't nasusa - .tress - supposed site- of the nativity is deposed, and only shortly before ing an ideal hostess, received• ,a 1 cli'n'k three•glas tis of it w-ititout Just-think of it--Yourmorisy Can help marked by what is probably, the. this a plot for his overthrow grew nasty set back at. her last asty being all lit up." the 1lospiial to do lbs.good work of `'oldest church in the world, 'the ail- �+ P straightening the crooked limbs and club Z cut of a prediction that the Iles- 1. °'I'm so glad you %•e come,'' site' ` feet of little children. Please help its. tars being those of the'ancient•Bas- sigh u-as to drive him from the said to a young man who arive�l ilica erected by the motti�er cf Con- throne. Herod had put down this:late. "Has your brother c>nie Pleseasend Contriapfonswi.Ro1ao stantine the Great., about A. D. rcvylt with blood. too Z" What Signifies a Naine� Robed-aim. chap tnaen. or to Dotaslas >, Davidson. M -TrMa., Tho Haeplts 230, Beneath is the Cave of the A'll' Jerusalem wish 'him The I. He sent his apologies, s.Zid tl a for Sink Cht]droa.CtoBopgt,,Tta�, -Nativity. This is hewn in rhe rocks people knew what was likely to late arrival. "Tau se© we have �o and measures 38 by 11 feet. An in� ha many engagements just now, so we happen when Herod was seized with i seription reads: "Here was born tossed up to see who should have z fit of jealousy. ,kiready he had Jesus Christ of the Virgin Afary•" shed },loud in his own Mame on ac- the pleasure of coming to-night." - Rock-cut caves for cattle'are cum- count of his suspicions, and he had Very. good of you, said the I K .~ , A C'A\.DID DOCTOR. croon in the l:iebron hills. hosfess, who felt quite flattered, ! Physician and lawyers are some begun his reign by killing off the rWhat a brilliant' idea too! :1r.d �. Herod the king-The Fie rods stere entire Sanhedrin, whose members ,,, ' ' t"nies charged', with protracting of course you wen a - profitable ''cases" through months .Tdumcans, but the father of this were hostile to him. His malig• T ,, ' g , 'Ao, answered the y�ntri� man I } that could have Herod (the Great) had embraced nttncy would know no bounds when t. and paaraa ps years,_ unthinkingly, I lest.' the Jewish religion, and by Julius he heard of a nen king of the Jews " ' :� -_ been dislx,sed of in a few day's or. Caesar had' been made procarator being born. , 1 -' weeks. One medical man, who of Jiisea in B. C. 47. Hence 4. Gathering'. BABY'S S 8�� TABL 'TS c( g'. chief priests. Strong—The Diacksmitb arecb—The DrugOcrk had I?O tem;)tatlOn t0 that kind of Herod the Great was brought up a and scribes=Herod had reconsti- A LITTLE LIF$ S�YEP practise, wa: frank enough to take -Jew. He was made king of Judaea toted this august body, bitt' in a - 'advantage of the impeachment, and at the coati anon of ?rntony in B. -way Therc' is. no other medicine fo g ` y pleasing to himself. But they �' put' the blame where it belonged. C. 40. He began his rule with great wt.re the chief theologians of the I little ones as safe as Baby's C1w,, ' y_ ' A lady was very solicitous about rigor and cruelty, and to the end nation., and the recognized author- Tablets, or so sure, in its beneficial j►'i' � her health. Every trifle made her was vengeful and implacable, His ity an such questions a. to' where effects. These Tablet's specdil - uneasy, ar.d the doctor was calird :.thirst for blood led to the mor- the. Christ sliould be born. cure stomach and bowel troubles, �� •� immediately. der of his wife and two sons. His • clQstroy worms break tip colds, - The Christ-The word has atwo- ' I The doctor was a skilful roan, chief distinction was the building fold meaning. First, Jesus is Ding, th"s preycnting, deadly croup, ai- and 'consequently had a large Prac- of the temple. He died in B. C. lay .simple fevers ' and bring the fixe: ''It was very disagreeable to P gifting on the throne as Gods 4• aui'inted. Secondly, He is blie little teeth through hainle;sl�; ✓;G • him to be so often called away from Wise-men-Same word found in Person through whom Uod's king- Mrs• C. A. Weaver. Saahgtche,tan hip other crises for nothing, and ire Acts 13. G, 8. But here used in a dom comes and God's promises are Landing, flask., says:- 1 ' have tea..lrt-The Dareer Groa�h-The rta,r r�,T+r plan resolved to take an opportunity■ p , pportunity of ' good sense for a sacerdotal class fulfilled Denner in Jesus and the used Baby's Own Tablets for-my lettingthe lady see thio. One tiny among the Persian, Babylonian, ( little-one in cases of colds. Stomach and other Oriental Gcspel). the: lady obs•e:ved a red rtpot c,>a talions, who 5 The prophet-Aficah. and bowel troubles, and other min-, S her hand, and at once sent for We "read men's destines on the face F;• Bethlehem was the birthplace or ailments, and have never known doctor. He came, looked at her _ of the skies," and were in great of 'David and his home in the she them to fail in speedily restoring hand, and said : favor '-in' an when religion , ,xd days; and as such was dear the child's health. I think there7. "You' did well to send for me was dead and s,u erstition had is no medicine for babies like the -y r` P to the peasant heart, for it linked earl•.'' usurped its place."'" These astrolo- ,1,.-i coming Mcgsiah with the life Tablets." Suld 'by medicine dea- The lady looked alarritr•d and gers had large influence, not only of the lowly. Their governor �i�as ]era or by mail at 25 cents a box A t asked: •with the common, people, but with 'to be a shepherd, not such a one from The Dr. Williams' Medicine "Is 'it dangeroiis, then?" statesmen and kings (Lan. 2. 48). as the.tyrant nohles who oppressed Co_ Brockville, Ont'. h'iG"`f^ "C'ertain'ly not," replied the cis•- r Tradition says there were three of ti:em at Jerusalem. The quotation -- - -tor. "To-morrow the spot voiild: ^s1• these wizards, and their names i, not an accurate translation of 1 •It takes'a genius to invent a tale rr:Pr•-rh< naort,4.r �,e.a.-r-- ��.�a have disappeared, and I should -- jwere. Caspar, Melchior, and Bal- either the Hebrew or Grcek, but f that his wife will believe. -•Circ. have let .nT fie !or awls ria." t • J(is- ,.... .. ,, •...4. _�::.�:>r.�a:r.a... via:-an'�a,�.•n.,a.aasR;.w-• ° +'^�n'�•+;_trrr,. a.....�a::;. .>s,.v - -- - - - 1. � .T. •�,,�^� a ., a r � i, s.....a .-.5:..:,� ..: ,:. - - Th T ., '.�.. ..: .. ... . - ..1 F 11: ., .-rS:. tivi'•ftL %�'4�: '.�.F;,"'MA3<,p,�Y' '` w1 _• .. .41 %r `. ..;,it " r.•+i, -..<a13F, i7c;.,;:.:� ;,:e , w:_...ep;•,,,h._,� tR• .: �* t. _ xi. - . �*: . � % _ . r. ._, ... in conclusion—"If you blame me you know you will be marriedseances, `exFtibiting signs ani' won- ";r.." , without measure, for all the woe soon? Ido.' " ders, and calling themselves Mod- -.' _ , __t*fe �"d — my carelessness has caused, you "So you are to be married, Ma-ern Spiritualists. - �" , 9 will do right. But, if you think me rie 'It must be to me, then, for ' THE END. lB�� ��V now remorseless, look at my hair. I am'the only young man who Over * v I am t�+enty-three years old. .c nen comes to see you. Are you going BLOODY MILK. I came back from the old country to marry me, Marie?" inquired the .. A air y gray g o loo m escape with the • now. h She looked .at him in grave sur.N�h ri the udder has been injured by . I had not in m head. 1. Look at it His hair was, indeed, half gray, prise for a minute, and then an-blows, also when it is congested or . and his 'face was that of a care- swered, gently. inflamed, 'when the circulation OR, WADING THROUGH WEARY worn, grief-bowed, middle-aged "I'ro, Dr. Abbott; of course not.through it has been suddenly in- :•. - - man! There is only one in the world Icreased by richer and more abund- YEARS. % "I pity you from the bottom of can possibly- marry, and' that oneant'food, or when the cow is under �i Imy heart.. But we must not lose our is not you." the excitement of heat. The froth- ' time in idle regrets. \i'e must try "I am very sorry," said the younging up and assuming a pink tinge 4 to find your wife," said Ishmael man, laughing good-htrmoredly asi� often the first sign of red-water, ♦- CHAPTER X.—(Cont'd) abnormal condition and that she y� \5'orth earnestly, he .arose to attend me from theand it may result from the eating ,, They called her mad. Her mania required special medical treatment. And the• - room. of acid or irritalin plants. Deposits . He would recommend her removal -3 did try to find her. , g P P was harmless enough, but they were H the would Samaritan As rem for They ' advertised widely, offering In the corridor outside we metof tubercle or tumor s in the udder z.:- afraid of her. Mad people were large rewards for any information, Dr. Hamilton, who was•hurryingor induration (hardness) of the veryuncertain.' Sometimes the the Insane, and would himself toward us in considerable a ita-gland, may be efficient causes the Y respecting her. But' Marie Sera- $- Y , broke out ver dangerously, or undertake to persuade her .to go tion. irritation caused 'b milking con- '1' y g I finne, buried in the lonely farm Y $ there, where also, he would cheer- house among the- mountains of the g fatally, and cut throats, and set "Hare -you seen Marie Serafinnetributin to draw the blood. Final- houses on fire. And so the cast fully defray all the expenses of uer this mornin ? he hastil in uired.l there may be a reddish tine or • Y northwest corner of Virginia where g Y q 3' S. about for some means of securing treatment. no traveller ever called and no "\`�a have just left her," answer.sediment when madder or dogwood . this woman who told them that she And thus it was arranged through newspaper eller came,-could not be ed Dr. Abbott. . • has been eaten. • . the benevolence of Ishmael Worth, P P' "Prow is she,?," In 'milk which.becomes red after : F to was helped every day in her work found by advertism ent. . . that poor Marie Serafinne entered "Not quite so well this mornin it is drawn it may be due to the �+y her spirit child. as a first class At length, i1Ir. Talbot started on q g• • patient the famous A little excited. Thinks she haspresence in it of the micrdeocus They dared not turn her out of a tour of search in person. He Asylum of the Good Samaritan. had a fresh communication fromprodi iousus. This also tows on doors now. 'She might come back be an at Pine Cliffs and traced her g g' „ There was however, a secret 'to Wendover, but there he lost the her child." - bread, and is the explanation of the some night, and burn down the known to Ishmael Worth, regard- � "Ah'! all I stn sorry to hearsupposed miracle of the `bleedin house over their heads. clue, and never found it again. . g ing his poor protegee, that he did that' especially eciall just now. The facthost'. • Nor could they send her to pri not care to confide either to the At the end of three years lie re- P- 3' 1. lappeared at is, Mr. Worth is down-stairs, and The treatment will vary with' It son, for she had committed no of- ,Berger family or to Marie Serafin- '1Ir. •11'orth's office in with him a stranger, who has comethe cause. In congester�'tlands give -eF fence. ns herself. For he could not `ell Richmond. He lead given up the •, to see Marie Serafinne." one po-ind of Epsom salts, and daily _ So they cast about for some legal i the Berger family without bringing search in despair, and was .going `,Sto ' said I, breathlessly•- "athereafter one-half, ounce salt- -, '' method of reatrainin her, and i t.a Italy to try and divert his p' •'. B t.i Light and exposing all .Marie.tic:r- stranger- to see Marie Serafinne?r.etre; with a dram of chlorate of mesa time they watched her very afinne's early sorrows and humili- thoughts from remorse that was You don't mean to say that he ispotash; bathe the bag with hot or -. . closely.. atiuns; and he could not to?i bra- deranging his mind, by studying the . different schools of art at Hoc e• —he is— cold water; and rub with camphor- , They detected nothing in her, un- rie herself without inflicting upon "Her . missing husband? Yes,ated lard. If the food is .too rich - usual, except a tendency to sleep her bitter grief and regret. The He took leave of Mc. Worth. and that is just exactly who he is. Butor abundant it must be reduced. If • walking. They found ,that she of- secret was this—that her husband embarked by the next outward . 1 must see 31arie Serafinne myselffrom-acid plants; these must be re- - A ten arose in the night and accom- had turned up, six, months after bound steamer. Since that, eleven before-I can permit her to be'-ex-mored from pasture or fodder. In- J s plished great feats of labor while in her departure from Pine Cliffs. .•ears had passed, during which i'cited by such a•visit," answered theduration of the udder may be met --: . 1. a state of somnarnbulency, but where he heard with horror` and Ishmael \'�orth had heard nnthingt doctor, as he went past us, and en-b3 rubbing with a combination of I 14 - when taxed in the'morning with her amazement of her -trial - for.the further from Talbot. He did n<,t t, red ;liaric's room: iodine nintmeat one part, soft soap nightly performances, she would murder of her own infant child. He even know if the artist was then We waited anxiously in. the eorri-two.pasta, or mercurial ointment firmly deny that she Nerd ever stir- Iearned farther that though she living: and in fact, from Talbot's dc:r for his ,return.. , and scrap mar be used. Careful . ,red out of her bed, .and as firmly 'liad been acquitted by the -jury, long silence, Mr. Worth rather in-- • At the end of ten minutes he ca,memilk:ng is imperative.' il �` maintain 'that her spirit child had she. had been actually driven from clined to the . belief that he was ,,,it ,ith a look of astonl.illmeUt on It -, sometimes .recommended to . done the work. her native village by the force of ,dead. his face. milk ±ho- cow before the udder be- :`;y On this ground they charged her ,public reprobation! He then sought 6uch was the explanation that ` Wwild eoii beliere it ST.:,�. wascomes nu;ch diQteaded. Milk sever- , with insanity, and lived in constant far and wide for news of his lost Ishmael Worth gave to the. physi- prepared for this ,in t:' She. receiv•at tunes a day if necessary. It is & [ear of her doing them some fatal wife, but found none. . cian in charge of, the asylum, at ed ire smilingly,"told ioc Ate kncwal.<n recommended `,o g give internal- •• injury, and they watched her day ' He at length went'to Richmond the:time of his placing Mari, Cera,- what I hr.:l comp t<, announce. that], n •tablespoor,rnl if a mixture of .and night, and studied how they to confer with the noble and hu- ;finne under his care: but which he. her chil-d had t„ld brr About it Ct l�,�rai•;rcd sulphate' of iron,.€our - • �' should rid .themselves of her with crane counsel who had gratuitously'withheld from Marie Herself, lest it lou gee 1 had nothing to do but tominces: of granulated sugar, ' ono _ safety. defended her. . Ishould only bring her sorrow and Ask her when she would recewepound: lmix these well together and _ . • At length it occurred to Carl Brit Ishmael Worth was as much ;regret; until he would. by writing Mr. .Tal>„ t. ' Cl:r. .an-'sered-. writ}igive one.tabl.espnein of the mixture -`Nl Berger to write to the only person' smocked as was Talbot himself at �o our consuls abroad, seek and find delight, that she would roceii a h; _onfe--n da;t. . If the udder seems to - `u' Marie Serafinne had. ever referred I hearing of Marie's flight from Pine j some definite news of Talbot's fate. now!” r be 'mach inNamed bathe it wits . Ito as a friend—named; Mr. Ismael Cliffs. He could give no informs- "And are you going-to take hintwarm w.'tter for a few minutes at . . Korth, of Richmond. 1 . tion of the .fugitive; but Lie ER CHAPTER XI. up to her room"'m rather anxruu^,Iv<a time evert time you milk. 1. , Mr. Berger wrote a letter and every assistance in h?a power to- .If this is all l" I inquired, as inquired Dc. Ab!,•.tt: 't'— ,-" - posted it himself. wards •tracing her. "Yes. irrmed:ateIy," . answ•�d (sIAP,C:O.tI1. . FOlI pOU;i,TRY 1 . . the dodtur..finished his story. . In the presence of the main strick- the elder' hv.Ycia:n, as he The letter was answered by Is. Yes; 'for she remains precisely- P pret�rd- en with grief and remorse, Ishmael e<l us'dnwn rta.rv. Pure chart al, or . the -charred . The letter was answered .b} Ish- I in the same state in which she was - 1\'orth forbore to express the de «'e 'all ,went into the drztitina-t-c.od frnin the 'stoves, when fresh He came down to the farm and heart• when she entered, the institution; o is an e:i cilt-nt aid in arresting - '••� rx reseed mu less des hi had felt for the i and her circumstances and cos= room trig :h r, where we found I r. ch interest in the p P less descrtian which had plunged l,owet complaint and is beth siruple - 1 g Wor•tli an the stranger Marie Serafinne whom he had nev-I beets are the same.. 1 grin c rover- , er, forgotten, but whom he always the poo= young ~rife into such .un- and liarmlesa. \\here the bans i "ilir. \Porth has ,written, sa•tiun with my cnas:n, Elrannr. I. be utterable horrors. 3i r. \i ar.th I Karl seen.tmfore,liavc' not ha a variety, parched remembered as the most interest lievc, to eve American minister And soon he felt glad of his fn.r and so I };reeked brio s an �,ld -ac- partly burnt affords an a3rco- -l"." ing client he had ever•been called beara,nce; when Talbot 'in a voice and every. consul in Europe, Asia, • able,charge snd serves•nearly the . 1 p • brgken down by sorrow, ex plained and Africa, without obtaining* an gctaititanrc. Ho intrt�ducea kt?gsasie purpose ss charcoal. C?sts, i u cn to defend. e y , He told the Ber ere nothin of l news of the present whereabouts of companion, MI r. Tsl}x>t. : g g the reason of his apparent abandon And I curtsied t a tall are corn, wheat or even bran, will be- lter trial at Pine Cliffs, but he the artist Talbot. He, is still par- P went of his wife. ruin his inv.esti atioris � brit' with grey-haired man rcall-. hilt thirty-rearlily:eaten- by - liens when they called himself a friend, and asked g g have been regularly 'fed on a same- R to see her. He had left her, he. said, in a fit ,little hone of success. The last seven years of age, but looking fif-nes of diet and such food .will % ` of boyish anger, b-cause she •tefus-. heard of Talbot was, that he had to-•, and very unlike the' raven- She was sent in to him. cd to leave her selfish and graspinj; haired, dark o-3 ed }Dung arlvnis ufgreatly std in arresting .diarrhoea . The meeting between Marie and spent a winter, eleven years ago, l.�,w el dii;,,rders. In e:- " $ old grandam, to go with him to his fourteen years sari, who had fascin-c= Delo i 1 the benefactor who had saved her -own home in the city. i:i Rome, and had Left in'the spring .aced the little b ai:ty �,f Cliff ('ot 1•eriments made to determine tho �,; life, was very affecting, for a tour in Switzerland. There , benefits o.f cliarcual feeding, if a,�. . But when he reached his:home all trace of-him was lost. fafie. nearly to h r ue,trueiivn.. Marie Serafinne wept and'kissed Eour tnri:ecs were confined'i a pen a his short lived anger was succeed- "But—he is ha� I.said with \\e had scatcel;: exchans:ad the i ± .{ r , his hands and would have kissed ed b compunctions and rirf, and pp3' usual \40i ds r° grrettng when.l)r.and f.:, un mea . .jtt*4 pr,tat, the soles of hie shoes . if he would 3 P g a sigh of relief. and oats and four others of the �- ' he• .wrote An affectionate letter to �'es; he•r. hallucination makes Flamilton invrte�l JIr� Tstbot to � + .: hate permitted it. Marie. But he never got an answer liar happy,'; he answered. v,alk tip stairs with him, and theysnmc brood wrre a. file same limo He asked her about herself, and to that letter, which of course N'as I It wtis after ten• o'clock. a-rid I left the room tc,gether. . confined iiianother pen and fed r� Rhe told him of her long wander-I never received by Marie Serafinne. I got up and thanked Dr. Abbot for tlr. .\\'orth remainecl•aitli us. : Ggitc on t-he tame articles, bat .with , Ings and of her finding'a home at After waiting a week, he wrote a one .pint, of finely piilverized �u:r- -'. hi,•story, and bade him good-night. Su none of us saw• the meeting coal mixed with their foo�.i. These length at Witch Elms, of the hard second letter; but before there was I I looked in at the nursery, on between the long-severed husband work that had worn her almost to time to hope for an answer to that had also a plentiful supply of bro- my tva} to my rodm, .to .see what and wife. But we afterwards heardken charcoal in their pen. The death until the list year, when her he received a letter from Leeds, in had kept it m • cousin Nellie 'away' something about it. We heard that t spirit child had lre-lped her, adding England; summoning hint to the'from the drawing-room all the ev- Dr. Hair,ilion• had left Mr. Talbotcj���,rene�e kfllednr pand''iorc half in relation to this astounding infor- death bed of his father, who - was ening.. I found her still engaged .a„ the dour of his wife's room, and ; . lioimcis Brach in fa,yr of those sup .- mation—"I know you' will think I sinking to the grade with a linger- with her 'teething baby, to whom thax the artist had entci'..cl that lied�itli charcoal. They were the "s wn crazy, Mr. Worth, for indeed I I ing disease. He wrote a third let- the doctor was just administering. roQrn alone. fat'est, and the meat was superior ! should have thought so, two' years ter, apprising his wife of the rie-' sonic simple medicine: I bade them She w-as expt.sting him, and she• . ago, of any one who should have cessity of his sudden voyage, and gooil:night also, and went on to. my received him with calm delight. in Point of tenderness, and ,laver. , tol•i me such a thing of themselves,' -promising to return and claim her muni to go to bed and dream of But he was rliiite overcome b; file I{�\\ A B 1\h l:lal«�. but indeed I am not crazy, Mfr. as soon as lie possibly could get Jiaric Serafinne. sight of her, 'and b3 the rem^ni _ Worth. And I know that my child .aa'a3' - — The next morning every trace.of brance of the terrible suffering he t�ppro};ns iif the rceetit ar.^,nay r is now a maiden h.eantiful• and ' He went to England' and to the � + the night-storm had disappeared, had brought'ttpon her. And whrnmcnt in the I)ailc ltal,�r= that tl'ie atr��ng, who lives in the spirit. city of Leeds, where his father Nvas The sky was perfectly'clear; the .ho- would ha've'hunibled himself atTraders hank of Canada .ha.s iust11 %, world, but comes daily to help,rne a wealthy manufac'turer.. „ air keen and cold. her feet, and implored her pardc:n,,p6icd a Branch in Montreal,- ref r �' with my hard work in this:" He was detained .these many . It was good Christmas weather ; for the great•;wrongs he had do:ievrence to Banking rccrirds show' Have you ever ser,n her^" in a+'ceks in attendance on the dearth 'and Christmas was drawing near. her, and besought her to -listen t• l,al this euterprisiri„ Iasiituti::}'n . squired Mr. Worth. hitmoring her bed of his only surviving l,arent, ! I joined the family at breakfast; his explanation of his alipar�•:::iias ripened oyer tacntti nrw fancy. and even after having closed his 1:tnd after l,rcakfa,t 'at m - own re- abandonment, she prevented hinigranches this year in Canada. ` 1. 3 by gently replyingthat she was well , ' No. never seen her: but I hate' father's eyes µrid laid his hotly in gncst, I a a.5' permitted to make a g Hi,hecto the efforts of the Trad heard her sweet voice and felt her,the grave, ,he. was detained mans• visit to 3larie Serafinne, attended assured he had never been in fa'ult,ers Bank have been directed niainly &Dft hand, and more than alt, I hay•e l weeks longer in settling rip the vast be youtA • Doctor :Abbott. and that she needed to liear no de-t;, extending in Ontario and th•e ' :perceived her prescnrr. through 11 estate to which he was the cute 1\'o found Maric sitting by the fence from his lips. West. Their recently openrtl some sense that I d<, riot myself I heir. winch,« • ..f her room, looking out The next day' Mr. Talbot remov-Branch in Vancouver vias in line - RP understand and cannot the-efore He had, no taste for the business aver the rwintr%' sea. ec. his beautiful wife from the asy-w•itli their general polio-;: of vI-. ` daseribe, ' she answered firmly. a� which his father had mactc a fr)r- She .silently', extended her hands lum- .lir. Worth-accompanied themsicm, but the Montreal 11raw•ii row �� Ishamel Korth olid not dispute tune, so,lie sold it• out to a good to us; and her face was so' radi- as far as New York, when they em-„ period tinder 'the al>lc llanaga- �. der word`s. He fell into deep company, and with the proceeds of. ant with happiness, that the young barked for Liverpool, because •�dr.roent of Mr. Fred. V'. Main, f,::r• • ..1 thought. He was sufficiently inter- the sale hc.returncd to this cniir.try doctor, exclaimed: Talbot had determined to fix their,nerly Manager lit,Irgcrscll, On egE•ed in this case to consent to is a cert' wealthy pian, to.invest his "Why, Marie, you look as if you future residence in England, wheretario, is an evidenco that the stain twenty-four hours in the farm I lrione�- and to claim his wife. were delighted to see us.” o the terrible story .of Marie Sera-Traders Bank intend, invading, blouse to attend to it. I The'dread ful news of her trial for "I am. I have had much good finne's early life was unknown. (1nel.�ec And the Eastern Prr,ciucci, Later on the same evening, while infanticide met and nearh' killed news." * :* * * * ' and they will soon be rine of the X.trie_ Serafinne was in the kitchen him. In leaving her, lie had not ":1h: indeed' What news have Sortie years' have passed sincele,rgest outstanding"fcafaTi�cs iSUT�.ur __ - • preparing slipper, he hat! an into;•- had the faintest suspicion that she you had, Marie, and who brought their settlement in London. I havelarge Financial Institutions r, . claw with Mr. and IT,,,. ller ,e.r, ,was likely to become a motlier. How it to you I" inquired the doctor, heard of Mfrs. Talbot recently as a ,i.--- - iis their coinraon sitting-rurnn. lieioverwhclming then was r horrible humgi�ing her, as it she had bben a spirit medium of great power. She A fire is soon canted by the 1,v r- v-` ,told them that-their yuufifi friend information that she had nc a baby, shows no signs of mental derange-turning rninR of a' coal oil lou l>, which , ; l . , %," probably a somnambulist Who child, and had been tried for its Marie Serafinne'¢ voice sank to ment, unless it be her persistetttwater has no power to extinguish. •r Aid not understand her own case, niiirder, and that she had fled from a low tone, as she answered: • belief that she is in constant com-In every house w-her* t-al oil is . a condition which wnµld acgI. cunt her native village, pursued by-the "My hild brought me the news. municatfon with her spirit-child.burnt a bucket of sand shr-ul l 1:(- .' ' rotioilally for everything that 'W-'as�rp.probation of the whole corn- Before i was well awalte this morn- But i! that beliif is a proof of in-kept in a place accessible tri a}1 tlic Cerwise inexplicable in her case;-minty ! ins, I heard er sweet voice close sanity, there are about halt a mil-inmates, for it wilt' instantly cx• I . t her mind was certainly, in awl "Sec here, sir. Forth," he said, t) mg *&r. the said to me, 'Do lion of lunatics at • large, holdingtinguish burning oil. . S • I . .: .1.1 e.-.v— ..S'.1 _ e•• v t two mea and their ree#pective sup- TIME TABLE–Pinherins Station G. ' j T.�. Trains going E..,tine follows— portersRICHARDSON S porters in regard to the rightful 'No. g Mail 8.03 A M. owner of the honor. Cook's ap- la Local 2.a3 P.M. parent modesty and his calmness 14 Local Seca M. FOR GOOD GROCERIES_ ` Trains 'going Voest due as follows— •. - Yvon for him the sympathy of No. 13 Local 8.36 A.M.6. � ay and Peary's outspoken li Local many 2.30 P. M. 7 Mail 8.35 P.M. words of indignation caused a toss •Bundav included. _ f: is f►ubliabea every Friday morning at its once. .Pickering.out. of many friends. To settle the RAT$s OF AD VEBTISING: dispute, Cook's `,'indisputable Now Advertfsesnents. We wish to thank our friends and patrons for < Useeb subsequent insertion.per lire- enerous lb cents Proofs" were referred o s.commit- STORRY their E during he past year. We hope rt of THE for a This rate does nag incl ado Legal or Foreign tee of scientific men from the LIME AND CEMENT always on continuation of their favors and trust to be advertisements. hand. JOHN McGINTY, Pickering AMspecial. terms Riven to parties making con- University of Denmark. These — able to give them the,same first-class service ' rants for 8 or B months or by the year. Half T,�RESH MILCH COW FOR SALE • we have always done. t jearly or yearly coatrscts payable quarterly. were hisfriends who would give r I have for Bale afresh tuilch cow,• Apoly Businea cards,ten lines or under,with paper on pr-mimes,tot 17,cone s,Pickering.DUNOIN . *no year, 6600,payable in advance. hint Credit for everything to g• We wish you all a FwNoticein local columoe ten cents per line, DOLPHIN,Broilgham lOL! V"is contract linectr eacaeubeegoent insertion. which he hada rightful claim, HOUSE TO R VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS - ► B l.•1 contract zetas made known os.a Wica• OUSE TO RENT—A six-roomed on. No free advertising.. halt On investigating his claims dwelling newly paper-d sad painted Advertisements withous written instruetione they find that Cook fails to make throughout,first-class cellar and, it will be inserted until forbidden and charmed ao- For further particulars apply to K.S.CHAP- and a Happy, Prosperous cordiavly. Orders for dN discontinuing advertise- good. The.explorer'fails to pre- I*A , Pickering 9t; meats must be in writing and sent to the pub_ NEW YEAR. limber. sent proofs >}ecessxry, to establish �OR SALE—A good 8-horse Pitt- Job Work prouiptly attended to, power and about 50 feet of tumbline rod his claim and he is now a discred- and geared lack,all in excellent running order. " TERMS - For rale,at a reasonable price.Apply to ~FEST- - iced man. He is denounced every NEY BROS.. Audley 1:43$1.23 per year ; $1.00 i!psi l in advance. whereas a•fakir and one of the --- --- -- -- N biggest humbugs the world has STRAY HEIFER–Came Came on to the I H AR l , ' S J 0 H N !U R K A R Pro ri i;to r, premises o1 the undersigned on Dec.o3rd, RP one heifer. 1'he owner may have the Name by ever `seen. P. T. Barnu►u, the Proving proverty and paying expenses. DAV- weli-known show Ulan, used to LD A�NAr',lctiT,con.i,ricltetinF 11-13,. Bu you Groceries at the Grocers. NOTES AND COMMfENTS _ - - - ---- - - Y say that the people like to be fool- jTArTI•:D–An, experienced farm 'The Christmas season i, again ed. Cook is,evidently a believer r� hand,middle aged,to work on farm by g year in western Ccceda Would assist in pro- in that theor . It be the caring liornestead:or the part willing to cor ie ' lvith us and with it is the uuxl }' may in wages $M.00 per year. Address C. SHAW, spirit of good cheer and merry- showbusiness that the people eu- ueuort,sa&k. LOU WE� E EADQUARTERS asking. When the Founder of joy a joke at their own expense, Tenders fQI' WOOC� ' the ChAitian religion came into but in the scieutific world it is the the world the angels snug "Peace truth that is wanted and ever cEALED TENDE1W, marked `tenders y' �7 for wood'will.be received by the 4' on earth, good-will toward men," thing else is rejected with scorn. undersigned up to 10 o'clock a. m. on. FOR �,1 *. and everywhere where the Chris- Cook is said to be a sick man and Wednesday, Dec. 29th, for 20 cords , un is found we find that on the verge of a .nervous break- b inch,green beech and maple, all than religion body wood, delivered to Brougham spirit pervading to a down. Is it because he failed in school not later than March let, 1910. P Pe g greater or lees extent. We see nations build- his efforts to fool the people Y If G. D. LINTON, �ry ing immense navies and maintain- that is the cause he is deserving of Secretary, Brougham; VIItterS, Sleighs, Robes and ing large armies, but outwith- no sympathy. There is a slight. • ' standing this there is a growing possibility that he may have AT ONCE . Bells& A few overcoats With A reliable local salesman wanted Z_�__–_Y 1 ?s sentiment in,favor of peace. It reached the pule.but through ig- .ltdr collars to be sold, at a - P to,represent required a great deal more now to noranre or neglect failed to bring bargain. gorse powers, cut- - provoke war between two nations with biro incontrovertibleevidence Canada's �IdC�# iillt� than it slid a century ago. Dis- of has claim. If such is the case he tire�te5tlur�ezies ting boxes. and pulpers. is to itied, bnt there are few G putea, which are now settled in err be P men now who have any confi- in Pickering and adjoining coup- " , - amuable manner by arbitration, -• would have been the ca.u.,e of dence in him and* he will hence- try. most disastrous roars a Ventut forth be known as one of the _ Y caThe derri.and•fur nursery crick is in- ago. n- " greatest fakirs the world has ever •., ago. -One:uf the aurin 'beliutifnl �' crexsins, pearly, -and if <<*ik t}rcotne features of the Christian religion seen. care of our salesrrian you wilt rvalixe • �there is good money in ,J the t.i:�iaess • E • - DISNEY & SON is that whichthe rom is giving P P g' h — _.. --- _..-� _— ------ for you. RM FOR SALE Being lots-lo of presents during the Christmas �'- and 1l,eon T,township of Pickenae,and Write at once for particulars. Puy Farm Implements, Haruess, Carriages, Binder.Tn•ine, AaeUn to thU9P..who are in need. eousistiag of 910 acres, This farm is the one weekly. Freeoutfit. on which the well-known Greenwood herd of ,Machine Oil and Repairs. Such giving .tends to make life abort-horn&bave been bred and fed during the STONE & WELLINGTON peat foav years. It is as rich as a Barden iod -much more pleasant. To want' clean, would sell 150 acres, 133 acres or the Fonthill IN urocrlest wH/TBY ONTARIO whole of it. There is timber on ons part of tt ti30 scree • life is one coutiunal grind -of suf- wortb 6.3000. Terms easy. Possession given ;I Yerfng and misery and want. It apr:l lst IM, Arthar Johnown,Greenwood. TORONTO ONT. _ o a pleasant custom to Christmas ` MAS PRESENTS our friends during the Christmas season. It temente friendships 'W'Ft' "W^=t��3 �Ov For handsome and useful presents call at and hightens the joys of life., But (giving to those who are in need y! • • s - ` -'and who swill-find our gifts of real - �A� a value is the the kind of giving "A el 1 Cfiristiiias : � lf iham Sg that helps to drive suffering out tnf the world. The organized Sys- We go farther 1M hent of giving to the poor that isIt is a well known fact that Furniture is the most acceptable gift one `adopted in the large cities brings ,_WELL HELP YOU MASE MERRY can give their friends, 'so before making your final eanshine into many a home and sekmtion, call and inspect our stock of �gladdeiw many a depressed spirit. �E have in stock a very full assortment of Chocolates, Bons, Bon. Fancy Rockers, Chairs, Tables for Parlor or Dining �i'e hope the spirit may grow tin- Creams, S.wiss.Milk chocolates and Mixed Candies in abundance. We havn't room to quote prices. Here ate a few just to show you Ail the words of the song .of the BOOM, Jardinier stands, Etc '. they are right: angels become a realized tact , !throughout the world. 'Choice Mix Candies, lbs for 5c - Thep wt sure to please you. o trouble to show goods be Chocolate Creams, in bulk, per Ib. 15c. 11 -4Nearly four months ago a cable- -.Something new, something nice, Peanut Butter Smacks, Upholstering and Picture Framing a Apecial t ter. gram was flashed all oyer the civ per lb. 20c. Goods delivered anywhere free of charge. ilized world from the Shetland =Vet•y fine assortment.of Chucoiates, in Ib. boxes,`per box 25c. Bell and Independent Telephone Connection. Islands containing the informs- Xmas Plum Cake, good quality, 20 and 25c per lb. tion that'Dr. Cook, the Arctic ex- plorer, had reached the North - Take home a lb. of fresh roasted Peanut. A MERRY CHRISTMAS Pole and was then returning to A-full..line of Layer Cakes. Rolls, Fried Cakes, Cookies, Is the greeting I extend, at this season, to my many customers. If you use civilizaotion. Cook immediately Tart?, etc., etc., can be had at Bakery, or my goods you are sure to have one. If you do not. insure yourself for sprang from obscurity into re- ordered from wagons. A HAPPY NEW YEAR mown and was raised upon a ped Call and get our Calendar for 1910. natal of fame. He beams the as- make placing an order now. A good ball-bearing, easy-running wringer would sociate of royalty and dined with make our wife happy. and a Connor or 1900 washer would lessen her la'bsr y Y THE. P/CKERI NG BAKERY 50�• These are ideal Xmas gifts and a good stock on hand insurea immediate e kings and princes. He was.hailed delivery. Perhaps if she has both an Angle lamp would be much appreoiated, --as a conqueror and all kinds of N. B.–We have on hand a good supply of cooking eggs,can spare Y, A life insurance policy is an appraperate gift and within the reach of all, some 50 dozen ; per dozen 30c. These are ever yy brt.ae good as the For yourself. Why not get a Gilson gasoline engine and lessen your i -- --''honors were heaped upon him. new laid article,and make quite a`savink. P. B. labor for 1910. These engines are approved by the National Board of Firs --He was decorated, was giveu aUnderwriters and can be used in any building. or a litter carrier-a great 'gold medal-by a prince of the labor sayer and money ma-ker. when you make your New Year's resolutioae i em ' writeNo. 1 thus:—"I herebyresolve to bop all my d :royal'blood, and was given a de- . other manufactured article 'mpl eats, twine ae from 'gree by the University of 'Den- po not kace pour Cbnstmas Shopping till tke last week. mark. In his own country, the Vrome itow and see our dtsplag. +. 'United States, the. people were We take pleasure in showing: claworin to da him honor and to Our china, biscuits, jars, marmalade pots, sugar and creams, cake plates, 'VCT�3=TEVAZ,+E (�^NZ+Ar=� 8 bread and buttei•plates, celery dishes, fruit sets, also, games, books, Iisten to the story of his wonder- , `toys, dolls: The"Esquimaus" is agreat favorite. fnl achievement, for he had ac- Dolls from 5c up. Baots, shoes and rubbers for all kinds of wear,also heavy sox. 'Choice Xmas complisbed something that brave groceries, also nuts, confectionery, oranges, lemons, macaroni, finnan hassle. Hv- SMD BMK '*'.,*:' men for centuries had endeavored. But there tons one man' who di Our post office has a money order department which you will find most co�ivenient at ltnas'time in remitting money to your friends. V "patted` the clAhn. Commander TL'RdIS CASH. Phone orders receive prompt attention Peary, who had h1ready become Edabliskied 1873 OF CANADA 97 BtandKa ( famous as an Arctic explorer, de GEO•. A. GILLES PIE, - Dunbarto>n Glared that Cook was handing out A joint ACCOunt I to the world a gala brick. The T H E C H R I S T M A S _EASO 1V :-.'.".statement was '°°ken "p°n xeJS NOW HERE is a gt•eat convenience in handling the family funds., it is opened m n 'coming-froni a jealous than, but the names of two members of the family,and both may.make deposits resent investigations show thator draw checks over their own individual signatures. he knew what he was talking When in Dunbarton call V ill and see oar display of Japanese China., This form of account is Cut Glass, Fancy Handkerchiefs and other appropriate Pa dY convenient for those who t .about. In about a week after. Eve some distance from town. Christmas Goods innumerable. i Cook's message was sent, Peary ,A complete stock of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Overshoes, You can open a Savings Account with One Doluw Why not also appears upon the horizon and Rubbers, Underwear.(fleece-lined and all-wool). do so at once? 71 declares that the honor of discov- Also, a fresh stock of Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery. ering the north pole belongs to P I C K E R I N G BRANCH him. A fierce and disgraceful con-I A. Me GORIVILEY Dumbarton C"R,ENCE Ta BATTY' Manager troversy was wAged between the 1 DA"CH ALSO AT WBITSY* s.'1 r. - • ANIL - _ Cu►REMONT Miss Mildred Forsyth, of Moul- The new Central Prison will bek ' Mrs. Joseph Readman is on the ton College,is home for her Christ- near Guelph. This is the decision Winter is Coming-WB are Prepared mss vacation. of the Government after much q sick list. Mur an Henderson is confined consideration. class cods tared'et reasonable rices. of call James Coates a ret a few days To meet your requirements in all kinds of Footwear: We deal in first -• in the city y to his house with a lame back and - R p solicited." Dr. Kidd had a business trip to a severe cold. the city on Monday. Misses Lillie Thomson and Mary BLACKSMITH SHOP Flour and Feed Repairing promptly Mac.nab spent Friday with friends - attended to John Wa$q has been spending constantly on hand, in Stouffville. a a few days in the city. I am prepared to carry on the black Duncan Olive Solms, of- Picton, is Duncan Macnab is at present smithing business formerly.conducted Inde Independent Tele hone Central. s k'` under the doctor's care. a guest of Rev. R. and Mrs. by Robt. Davidson. General repair p Dmi, at the parsonage. Thomas Bray, of Toronto, visit- work and horaeahoeing a specialty. The Corner Store. W. M. PALMER, Proprietor ' There is a sarong impression ed his parents last week. I have also the agency for the fam- -. here that there will be a contest George Johnston is confined to ous Cockshutt plows and Adam's for municipa1 honors this year. w ons. Call and see me before mak- his house through illness. B' Lorne Puckrin, of Audley,spent Randall trkett left for Toron- ing pour purchase 'of farm imple- _Sunda with Thomas Birkett. to on Monday to learn the barber- meats. ' y « business. We wish.him sur. .W J fle RICHARDSON S,Mr. Bray is much improved in ROSS HADLEY.health and able to move around. Earl Leggin, C.P.R. telegraphCl•�gRRYwoop •• OrrrARio � � H home is Christmas of Buffalo, is operator at Sharbot Lake. spent t, . hams for his Christmas vacation. P Blacksrnithing � few day's at-his home here this Important showing of finest display of � Mr. and Mrs. McKay are spend- Pak Y - ' ing a few days with friends in Tu- .° China. d very large assortment of ronto. Miss Ruby Farmer has returned , r' home afters spending a'cou le of Stationary. Books,Dolls, Toys, j'ubt Miss Delmar Found is. now .im- p g p Having rented the Dunbarton shop weeks in Stouffville'visiting rely- endo opened the same,I ata prepar- received for the Holiday trade. Cell provig nicely after her lung sege i P P P of illness. tives. ed to do all work entrusted to, and see them. Thos. Paterson', new shop i5 Thomas Rirkett and R. Leggitt, I me in the above line. Subsoriptions taken for all Magazines, - ut - a:crnnpanied by L. Pucbtin, of $orseshoeing a specialty. copied or him. Audley, were in-the city on Sat-I Call.in and see me any time. :Weekly and Daily Newspapers uearly ciipleted aud is now oc Miss Bessie Ma'cnab, of Toronto, lit-day. Clist Revs. J. A. Grant and R . R. has returned home for her `�(r� tT, ��: R=CHAR�►SO , has vacation. . Wood spent Tuesday evening in I DUNBARTON Quite a number from here at- Ashburn in the interests of Local ', 33=OC7c Street. WhitY1"p' ' SMITH tended the Christmas Fair at Ux option. fridge on Tuesday. They report Lyman and Mrs Pilkey left on DENTIST, STOUFFVILLE, Saturday for their home in East a large attendance and a good y Honor graduate of Toronto University show. Toronto after spending the sum-'and Royal College of Dental Surgeons, We are glad to note that Mrs. mer here. also Post-gradust,i of Chicago College. IN • :� „ Graham, who was severely injnr- Percy Lynn has returned home Crown and bridge work a specialty. after spending the past 'few ed by a fall two weeks ago, is .months�n Uxbridge painting with At Claremont lot Tuesday of month. ' _ making good progress toward re- Mr. Middleton. Office over Sargent's Tinshop. +covery. :41iss 1V!?sale Bray returned last :Independent 'Phone. _ j p�Der. gb, pnbiic school in- wok to her home here after some Now is tine time to buy. .A frill line of the school herpaid e on Tliel vi and weeks spent in visiting friends at R., ]BRYAN _ .found everything in a satisfactory the front of the township. BARBER XMAS GIFTS AT SARGEI�TT�S Graham Bros.' horses ar_•ived 'Tobaccos, pi es and smokers' Watches. pickle forks, cold meat forks, berry spoons, silver knives ' condition. p _ The annual meeting of the Bap- home on Friday night after win- sundries, centraloffice Bell rand forks. Carving sets, harmonica's from 5e to 73c, child- tist-Sunday School was held on Hing high honors at the Interna Telephone. Co. Asgency for ren's sets, children's toys with banks included: T .•. evening of last week tit�nal Stock Show a•t Chicago. Rolston Laun ry. Wednesday eO'v when all the forum teachers and R. Bryan and Joseph Hodgson. CLAREMONT. - TARIO Don't fail to get our Special Price on all kinds of officers were re-elected. of.310unt Zion, were at Goodwood T Thomas and Mrs. Stephenson on Monday night attending a WALTHAM WATCHES p nteetitt of the Knights of Maca and familywere in the city on on g g oaTites(lay• During Mr. Stephen- bP�`'eregret'toheRrthatourt�eni- i �� f o Charles Sargent, - .Claremont « ` son s absencethe blacksmith aliop eras in charge of J J. Harve al pustrnaster, John Macnab is Htirdssare. _ } Stoves and Furuac.esa � confined to the house with a e- A The central office of the Inde- �'ailloUS Far Goad Baking pendent Telephone will be elo�eci were cold and is under the doctor's e n re, 60 YEARS' on Christmas Day after nine -(1;EXPEftlEf+tC.. O'clock after which hour there - - - is V. will be no service whatever. WANTED NOW Prices were good at the market — i here on Tuesday. Turkeys were For Pickering and surrounding dis- THE AERATED OVEN practically Synopsis of,Canadian t v trtcL for fall and winter months an laces the Souvenir in a class by I North-west LandG selling at 20-ceuts a pound, egg. P energetic reliable agent to take orders itself.ritio laeovens the nu-. A t �,is ears old may home " soared at 95 cents and butter at for aurae stock. Ordinary � Regulations. ?.a. Farmers should smile at these l3' _ thefres elements of u food; but stead any t availatile 1)amiaton 'm,r (300D PAY WETtI[LY OUTFIT FR the flee CtzCulalio0 of are aiT in the TRAD[ MAMA hY pecans who is the sole bead of a tamit �' # prices. ILXCLOtitvE TERRITORY oven of Tke Famil Souventrassures t Sleighing has been ezcel'lent T- sanitary and wholesome eookint. Anon sending a sketch and lead is Manitoba, Saskatchewan or A1A *0 here during the past week and d00 Acres under cultivation. We guar Our free bpok, giving.the facts you 4woa,l•&certain our opinion a.e a• 'roe sippkoaat must appear is t>ersoa a1 the the sound of the merry sleiRhbells xntee to deliver stock in cod condi- ou he to know, mailed on r nest. m.•a ixobabll nota.. Dominica Lade Agency or sob eseeu�for ttu $ $ tical. eonaa•nts•l.NAMO6 eamr.e•ota district. Hairy by pros ma! W m.;Ae a.W �itiakes ever ing seetu cheerful. tion and up, to contract grade. We .eat free. la..c oa to�r�aar .ac.. agony,on certain can try by faucet, so�ehh ry nth can show you that there is cod mode GUANSY.Tfi,D$N lit CO..LflIfTBD �6 b m wo.tr• he son,daughter,brother or slate{of iateoalag We have been enjoying ideal y R y HAMILTON 19*3frag" Christmas weather. in representing$ well known reliable Moaaial wiaoives Cda�'Yaaewrwmi � ativamoDuties,—Siz monilia' residence anon sad firm at this time. Established oyer 80 ealcivatioa of the rand to anon of ems• �aea ;. The Annual business tneetinq 'of year, Write for particulars. A lIIaeas.tedweetda i..1,..c aur A homesteader may live wichla ams e.il•s of the Baptist church will be held a.t For sale by - �� .a autise loar°•L Tema for his homestead on• farm or•t least es n.rat two o'clock next Wednesday,Dec. PaLHAM NUMRRY Co., •a+wpar w ps.ipMa sold e7 solely owned and occupied by him of b 1!e 2-17 Toronto.Out DICK &CHAPMAN, Pickering as tseber,mother,pia,daughter,beotberor s� , ?Ath, and the roll call at seven �NN (!- of«e�.� rn °°rt•i° arena • b°me.c°ader ln�eO.a "-iit+:ooi "`+�6 standing msy pee-imps a qvaster-eeotwa nag- ' O Cluck. A full ;attendance of T St.,Y/aetilytae. side his bomostead. Prloe ib.t0 per aan. members and adherents is request Duttoo-x°et reside six moatbo in each of al: g SIMPSON_ 'C�O MACHINE SHOP years from date of homestead catty (laoluddllssgg p 1 the time required to Sara homestead - to" The annual school meeting will and cultivate fifty e.oree extra. be held in the school house next A homesteads=who has obtainexhau. V bis !toms• Wednesday forenoon at 10 o'clock stead t dna named homos.a nein certain The undersigned having parch- mty takei a purcbaeed bome.ts+d In oettaf° when it is hoped there will be a Sesta Claus Headquraters B. Wagner's Machine Shop in district•. Price sa•oo per acre. Duties—Haat e six months is each of three yearn. gr Rood turnotit of ratepayers to Kinsale, is prepared to. do all cultivate Atty acres and ereot a boom worth show their interest in school mat- kinds of repair work and general aso'oo, ANTA wishes to remind the Children not to forPlet wrilinR to let him blacksmithing. V6 w'OORY, tars. S know the things they would like to Ret for Xmas. Address your letters Deputy of the III-i otabe Inteed.r. The school children were, again w Santa Claus,care of D. Simpson& Co., Pickering, Ont. Satisfaction guacanteed.J h,s,-IIa.uthoriaed publication of tbt. .d= q.- eet free on Wednesday afternoon - Prices right. vertisoment will not bq ved'far. and are busily engage i to the We are giving away free a beautiful large Doll,now on extibition Call and see us. usual speenlations as to the make- in our store. See bills to explain how. - ., of that particular part of F.+rcY GOODS AND ToYs a grand display. We have the very thing you want. JAMES PEI�GELLY. ch 5 C SN�Ltt t0 8anta's pack which will be drop- buy here and save money. Silverware-Knives, forks, spoon,;. China- Kinsale. Ont. &ti* Md La" � ped down .their partictilar shim- ware-Berry sets,Tea sets, cups and saucers, porridge sets. Glassware- PALMER Heys. •Lemonade sets,glass seta, cake stands,fruit sets. A. The skating rink was opened for Seasonable Fruits-Raisins, Currants, Peels, Nuts, etc., rock bottom prices. T the first time this season on Satur- GROCERm-Here we excel. Everything pure, fresh and clean. All foodstuffs PAINTER ANDJ DECORATOR _•'' day night when a goodly number strictly under tight covers. Black and mixed Teas 25 to 50c lb cannot be7o of patrons were present. There ;surpassed. Try a half lb. Empreas Coffee 30c lb. You want it again. Contractor for general house repairs. was skating again on Tuesday ` �� R Co., ICKERING Eatabliahed 5 years in Pickering �V 1. night. There will be thusual D. SI?1dPSON lXi Village, J ADDRI383: PICKERING P.O. - Christmas and New Year's skat- e E. W EVANS, The proclamation notices are you all a W. .now tifor the nomination meet- Wishing. � ing to be held in the Masonic Hall. ,,,���yyy • Pomp Manufacturer Of all materials sad 410own next Monday evening at 7.30 ^�s� / ' k tin.stook. Ii will pay YOU •o'clock for the purpose of nomin- �V1 Shop and Residencgt Dundas St' tO °� ` our works sed isslieot our stook ating three persons as police trus- Y and obtain 't be .� W HI agefite we do not mp�D hs", oaseequentt•- tees. From the present 'outlook dna a - WHITBY, ONT.' ly we "a. and do w o the tomb we will have an election. Three doors west of Whitby,$oust. oommiasion of 10 per oent.,wbiohyon will Our football boys on. Friday oertainly save by puthbasing from as. evening last Were bnsily at work Call solioited. •preparing for.their visit to Toron- T We are prepared to instal wood or iron' WHITBY GRANITE COy to to lay the Broadways for the Ha Ne ear pumps on short notice,also attend Odoe• wbttby,ontarla p pp intermediate championship of On- to all kinds of repairing. 'tario.' At nine o'clock a message Agent for the Ontario Wind Mill, N ro -seas received stating that the 'To- Yours ReBpectfully, also gasoline engines and q a, a a ro Tonto team had defaulted to Clare the squre gear e ; ; t The boys were in ch dis- bi SEPARATOR • " o b 1'r ;$ 6• �# �► Mont. Y GE& THILIP Brougham ;MAGNET CREA it of „ appointed as they were exceeding- • " I °° ly.anxious to play, win or lose, On Phone No. 50 at residence. C s o v i 0 i a" n: Saturday -it few of the boys went x ai d " Q i to the city to see .another match The Pickering : il!d� g $ � � � g �R 0log 0 but they were again disappointed TZ1C Imperial- d � e v 8�do°ai ta" a as tliat game was also declared oft. Vi ilance Committee ~�a o is �t I s So fal:�trr-sclraol t[tigtees-'have _ S °m °9 •,roar °a° o :ro b= Xw°�R a o n° been unable to secure a teacher as 07[fOrd Range-�� ---- - - —�- -- _ M e °°°°e 9 a = O�* :successor to Bias Clark i•n the in- The object of this AssocTa�ion is to- 0 a-r-.. m ®y v termediate department. The S A PERFECT BAKER lessen stealing and prosecute 1•a O s t • salary offered, p the felons. If Feb t t m, $550 per annum, is _note the litile arrows e b EA ':, �. a as -all enticing one; but notwithstand from fire—the divided flue Members having propertyatoleuaomtnutu. aO l[ar y= ing this very few applications ..a. Apra on oven top—that means - cats immediately with any member o have been received. Several were of Executive Committee. w tttltltl p o w :• o „� Ray �o accepted but before they could be that the front of oven is Mamber.bip lee 11,00. �' n.. J ne O reached by phone or letter they heated as well asback—call anfy d Tickets be bad from the President or had accepts other positions. The in and we'll show you many ��•at�� 8ecretery o°application. ro >$ !S g - n co same scarcity of teachers prevails more features. Exec. Com.-L. D. Banks, Geo, Len Ch Oat. k• r. .. all over the provtnce and and as a W. V. Richardson,Pickering, Ont a .� o m o m ma Nov. m + resalt ninny schools have been I closed. The low salaries paid a ,.J, �. $UNI?Y, Sole Agent, PICKERING i J.A. O'Connor, Arthur Jeffrey, aattaaz7 two-Whitby"• o.h.w.ia,sroa,tbetn 9 few years ago has certainly thin- t is,Port Perry U vxbridue oi,oaaoiaitoa.itq, tied out tha teaching profession. . PrNldeat. Secretary' sev.r►� is,IIpMrgeon to • - _ • ., .. .. ' : ..,....., .4'._.'.. .l' -.,. __. ,_- -.,. r.- _._..._....n.-,�.Y.Na,_.r_a�..._...,....._...AR.w...-._...uvd.e'rr.�sfr3+.ti,L.-�...,.._ ........� ....,va.,. .,,._�,._.�,.-�..... x ._•. '.? -i .,:,rte. ': �' F< 'a'r"• :..�: 4: '-r•v ^s .-art: .. .:,,..,- J.r...,._;- :.;-.,•ten.._�... -i;_.,.'.,', .,.:. ..,.:im-.er - - . . ... .,. ....::wM4• .�..:.•N..-r• ,.., w". _r.;�,:±.� �...:^ ".f.,Y`:, ,+3n :3w. •�� -F9 ,xy,,,,,qu ,�.•� `br s^ '�.c k. q xi2T� •t,.+ ':�n "M '✓:. r • ;,. I-W-i - - - - --11-'W-1-hf' she moved from the little suburban ,. bowed and stricken, was silent for ing regularity from publisher after house to the flat in town, where some moments, and then, in a low publisher. �c • - she was known only ae Mrs. Lay-, li ! -� � �4J ��� � w voice, he asked:- "My story 1" he cried. "Publish- mond. Publiah- _ m Presently she went out to 1 ! . PIIS CHRISTMAS "And my little girl; w1at would ed!" y post t�''� �� - � � -;L 'become of her? She has no one but "Yes,, your story," replied•Dlari- .. �II'T her story, for which the editor of a on, adding, "I did not alter s 1 _ _ Y, 11 �' �r �l • me g great weekly periodical was imps- �' '�` „ single word dear." "She,shall stay here, Marion ' ticatly waiting, and, having done I "'� „ Like a man in a dream he learn- cried, eagerly. I swear to you that this, she stood for a indent regard- est how his brave wife had earned ' 1 she shall take the placo of'my own ing the scene around her. It was , ! fame for him while he was suffer- ,, lost baby, and-she shall. never In the .cosily-furnished sitting- not yet late, and the street wasin infamy, and though, 'he said room of a flat, situated near a buggy thronged with vehicles -and pedes- � ;!!� know the truth," little. the love in his eyes made up •`-.Lond'on thoroughfare, a woman sat trians, many of the latter,obviously J I 1i astern looked up, and Marion her full reward. , of a typewriter. Yosng as she wag engaged in Christmas shopping: She I: knew that she had Fon. there was << I' rind as you won't need to go in`years--not et tllirt -her silver- heard cheery greetings and _ _ :'!I ap expression o£ fixed resolve on y y y g good into the City again,'perhaps air. g wishes on all sides, and the b ___ his face whic#i teemed to wipe out Corder will give—" Marion , streaked has: and the ravel beauty right- ` p life in which by-lighted windows were crammed i, I the marks of weakness and dissipa s her face told of a with festive wares. Even the very ° ti°a• ,'� paused. "He shall," -Jahr, said; heartily. 'sorrow played no small part. And, I will do it, he said. I will Indeed, Marion Dane's story was a street lamps seemed to be infected ' "He can't refuse me that. What and winked with a knowing sir of � 1: I' '' � � I. ;give myself up to the police and sad one. good humor. Upon Marion the of- { I -«..�. ' clear your husband's name." do you say, Western? You've had Scarcely more than two years bep _ _ :: a hard lesson, and I, dont this# ![ore she had counted herself the feet was depressing; ' everybody .,,;.•.._ - The words had but left his lips you'll fail again." seemed so ha when a rin came at the door. A Robert Western stood up a man happiest woman in the world, with PPY, save she alone. cry' of surprise from ''.iartha follow- ' a husband who was still her lover A moment later she reproached A COLD CHRISTMAS. «P once more-the slough of his old herself for the thou ed, ant? n, ti, door of the sitting- and $ child whom they united in thought, as her gaze Girl (reading}-``Cold feet are ,rnom flung .open and a weakness cast for ever. encountered a too-evident case of grey_ No. he said ,spoiling. Thea came the first blow usually caused -by indigestion, h&fired man entered. « � I'll not fail again, - -the loss of the little girl-and it wretchedness. Standing before.a „ A o man can fail who has such S brought on by over-eating. There, Marion I hp, cried; and in an ' And seemed to Marion that life Provision shop, glaring into the Jimm , now we know wet's the friends. window with almost ravenous e Y instant she was in her husband'a_ lould have no greater grief,Ao gide. yes, matter of us! arms• - He looked round, and Marion,di- ll too soon came the bitter realiz- was a thin, shabby-dressed man, „ „ wining his thought, said, softly, and b And you are really free John?" stion of her mistake, when, 'but a Y his side a golden-haired ,She is in the nest room." mite of about five Marion asked for the twentieth few months later, her husband was , , with a pretty He went out, and some time lat- but sadly-pinched senior-and he got five years for em- time; it was so difficult to realize arrested on a charge of embezzling y pinched face. The child bezzlement." ' er, through the half-open door, she -clad even with his strong arms about _ to moneys of his employer. That I was warmly though poorly ,.ge was innocent!" Marion I her saw him kneeling by the bedside, r was innocent she never doubted, but the man's threadbare frock- „ his lips upon the hand of the sleep- i cried, almost harshly. Yes;�the real culprit has confess-the circumstantial evidence was teat offered little resistance to the The astonishing change'and the �ed at last." P ss ing child. apparently conclusive, and he was• keen, frosty air, and he shivered I Outside, the busy life of, the ' visib deep conviction in her voice start- + But I don t understand, Mari- but it had a chang- jentenced to five years penal seryl- lY led Western,, who-looked up and on said, and her wondering. eves i street went on, 'bud Stuidenly an empty, gaily-decor- flushed as he met her scrutinizing turned to the figure in the chair, I e I note for Marion now. Each _ Five years! And little more than ated cigarette' box-dropped from !gaze. whom her husband now noticed for boisterous greeting found an echo P Ithe to g "I have always thought so my- the first time. in her own heart, ng everything one had eased, spent in unremit- P a passim bus-attract- ythin ting toil and strenuous but unavail- ed the child's attention and she ran i self," he muttered, awkwardly. `''Western 1" he cried. "How seemed to be crying aloud, "A .ing endeavor to find the real cul- into the road to secure it, heedless Marion's eves never left his face. came you here Z" Merry Christmas!"-London Tit ' pRit, for that her husband was 1- of an oncoming motor-car. Marion ; Bits. ty nothingbut, his word would have I saw the danger, and, conscious!de the sight of d confusion a sud- It was his wife who answered the _ convinced her, and John Dane had i only of the little one's peril, rush- !mind suspicion sThis had been b tcui inher of thequestevening, and fly acoincglud ng with ---� protested his innocence..to the end. �Pd forward. Snatching up the,child,; 'man-easily P g t with CHRISTMAS TAFFIES. P had been on the downward path at Western's.determination to at once For ease of preparation,she turned and jumped for the pave- j p p , and car- ► The click of the typewriter ceased,. the time the crime was committed. nght the wrong done to his fellow- taint of success, nothing excels taf- :for she-had written a word which Ment again. She was barely in I She remembered his name now, and clerk. . Dane's features tot- on a ; Y g time, for the car whirled past just that at the aria! rt had keen shown sin alar ex session as he listened. fv, and the variations are so num- called up a crowd of'memone3 p 1 $ p emus as to be all-sufficient in the "Christmas." It was very near now 1 as she fell heavily over the. sorb, that he was one of the two others ; "Western," he said, "do you.rein- ! c•_-_ and for her it meant not ing u �but, Ah her precious hutrclan tafe vrhio-had access to her husband's fal- l' o i e means o-�an+°?eking up-of-a.-gift- box.-� -r jos -- lain vanilla tall nearly all the_ iP her arms.. P Y Y to added poignancy to her. grief. sjfied books. What i€ in has rack educated man? Have you though other varieties may be made. It Save for the old servant, Martha, ,• It was the rescued mite's eompan- less despair he had taken the money of the ph-sical discomfort, of the 1 working alone it is best not to boil �. "who lived with bar, she was quite ion who helped her to rise, his face I and skilfully fixed the theft upon grinding ignominy of being herded too much at once, owing, to the dif- H --alone in the world, and Christmas ;deathly white; and with trembling his fellow-clerk Z His increasing in-j like cattle, in pens with the very I ficulty of pulling it before it cools. h _- �i the time when loneliness comes ;hands.. Marion was unhurt, but the 1 quietude intensified her suspicion; I dregs of humanity, of the awful moat home to those who -tread a 'child's forehead was cut and bleed- and she resolved to stake boldly. mental starvation? Were yon re- Stir half teaspoon cream o€ tartar P through.one and a half pounds cof solitary path in life. ling. Seeing that the inevitable "You know that he is innocent," pared to face all this Zz: fee A sugar; add half pint water, She thought of the last wretched {crowd'waa gathering, Marion gush- ;she said, sternly. ' Even as I, who les. ' The speakers voice was ,and set over a brisk fire. Stir un- with a shiver, and then led her way through,. still holding wife, know it. firm, and his eyes met those of his :pictures of bygone,joyous ones came the little one. Robert -Western sprang to his questioner, steadily. til dissolved, but do not stir, after Ito torture her. How happy they had I "Come with,me," she said to the J feet.. "I-1- you-you are his , "Knowing it-begins to boil. When the bubbles �� i g yourself to be an inno- )rise large and thick, drop a little been, poor as they ' water, for her man, -who was trying to stammer Fife, he cried, and you saved my cent man? persisted Dane. lin cold water; if it breaks with a h' husband was only a clerk... "Her �his gratitude. "I live close by., and little girl's life r" He paused sud- � "Innocent?" It was Marion-who ! ' 's' den] as though an idea had ar- :spoke.oke. crack when taken between the fin P mind•travelled to the gloomy prTspri the child must be seen to at once, Y. g P where-herded with commop psunthough I do not think she is much rested his words, and, sinking into "Certainly," said her husband- Ige,s it is done. Pour at once into {large platters or pans that have finals-he would spend the gre.t'.f�s=� hurt." the chair again, hid his face in his ! "He is no more guilty than I am. been greased. Pour half teaspoon -' lival, -and, with .an angry IitLle %his proved to be the,case. The hands. The thief was old $olmay, the cash- ;vanilla over the surface, and throw Shake of rebuke to herself, she re- ,injury was a there scratch, but- Marion watched him with misery ie r, who confessed to it just before the edges of the candy toward the sumed her task. Warion would not.leave her little l and triumph battling in her.heart. he died. Mr. Corder at once �' She felt sure of his u..- now, and brou ht centre as,fast as it cools, until all It was soon cosi leted, and after guest until she had. been fed and t3 , g pressure to bear on the au- . . P if only she could persuade him to thorities and secured m immedi- 't cool enough to handle. Grease tending and correcting the. sheets .was quietly sleeping. Then she re- Y the hands with a very Little butter, the fastened them together and 'joined the father-for such he was play the man, John Daae would re- ate release." and all until white. If one has a j , gain both liberty and fair fame. Marion.'s eyes turned wondering- signed them-after'a moments he- 1-whose wants had been attended P ! Threats, she recognized, were use- I1 largo hook to.throw it over for pal` Citation-'`John I,aymond," her Ito by Martha. The poor fellow was ! g , y to Western, and he smiled sadly ling when it begins to pull hard 'it leas, since she had no proof. Her as he said : ft - -husband's Christian names. She (profuse in his gratitude, and her twill be much easier on the arms one hope lay in appealing .to- his Yea I acted a lie to you: I saw .had done this scores of times in j sympathy soon drew his story out. honor, his gratitude, and, 'perhaps 'that you believed me guilty, and.in 'out hen too hard to pull longer draw I similar circumstances, but never "It is the common tale of a weak -well, he had been a "gentleman a $osis it came to me that here was !out to a uniform thickness and lay ;_without the momentary pause and I man c?ushed by misfortune," he on slightly greased pans to harden, once.• She waited until he .looked. m chance to-easure my little girl's a passing doubt in her mind. l began, bitterly. "'My name is Y g. when it is, easily broken with a ,,, out and then he r_eagcr'appeal rang happiness and make her some re- �shar rap of a knife. ' Surely it cannot be wrongV' Robert Western, and it is' not yet P P •. •' the murmured. ' "I have learned out. re- paration. With you she would have Lemon.-Cook the same as canis two years since I had all that a man „ „ all from him; "Mr. Western!" she cried. You every comfort and being young, Ila tall Pour ever.it while cooling the thoughts are his, needs-a position by which I could have told me of your sufferings, and would soon cease.to miss me;' and Y P g half teas oda lemon extract and a E the words.wre'those he'would use, live, an angel for a wife, and my I now'I ask you to-think of what my well, I yielded to temptation once like amount of strong saffron tea and,..�tritil lately, even the plots little girl. Then my ,wife was taken !husband has endured, and must en- I more. It was to have been my ;to`color a light .--R�`c his own. Besides, it is the away, and I think all that was good !dare for years unless you set right ! Christmas gift to her-my last and. h t yellow. name that sells.the work now, and in me:died with her. Perhaps you this terrible wrong. Deprived of all best," Strawberry.-Flavor the plain ! -;his stories gained that." cannot realize what it means to h taffy with half teaspoon strawberry �� ha loves,'branded with shame, and He rose to go, but John Dane extract,' ' John Dane, like many others .lose— forced to herd with felons-he, an � and color pink with a few doome•_1 to ignoble. drudgery, had ,pushed him back into his seat drops of fruit color or cochineal. He paused awkwardly, and Mari- inrioceiit Mari. I do not know how 'a ain. etwe've not finished with > possessed ambition, and, partly to o.t said; in a low voice, "I think ou.were tem ted when ' ou tom- g Chocolate.-As soon as the plain y P 3 !'you yet, 14 astern, he said. And satisfy it pnd partly to augment'a J taffy is poured into,the pan to cool, I.can; I have lost both. You have mitted•the crime, -but to let another ; I've not told all my news, Marion. ;somewhat scanty ' salary, he had „ turn over it one and a half squares still your child. suffer for it is infamous-cow , ]igr C;roder has offered fine m old employed his evenings in literary "Forgive „ Y chocolate that has been melted oyer me, the man murmur- You ask that I 'have saved your oat in, the firm, at an increased work, only. t$ disbever that., though P hot water. It will be well work- ..a few authorsa i�d:born, most ed, brokenly. "I should have daughter's life. I ask you for my salary, and-why, what's this?" ' e'l f hem have to be made, and that known that such pity as you have husband's liberty and'honor "in re- For his wife hard taken a neatly- va i l in the cooling. Flavor with o t vanilla. � . e manuscri is 'accumulate shofi•n' me, an outcast', could only turn,'and if you have one spark of bound volume from the bookshelf t' t d Ili r. ec P 1 be begotten of grief. Yes, it is manhood remaining you cannot - and placed it in his hands. ..On the ;with astounding rapidity: g -' E tautly. . scoathless true I had my. little girl, but, dare not-refuse." title-pAge he read the name of the THE CHILDREN AT THE GATP -Of these apps wretch that I was I still' rebelled. She was standing before him now; story-a name lie had grown to Behold t'he children'at the gate; roductioiis, scarce ar•barc-liaif,•doz- _ _ an novo remain0 ; for ildarion-who I sought the weak man's console= lie hands outstretched, and a worlds hate the sight of in the past as the All patient for your loves they wait; :had unbounded fait7i' in her has- tion, and trod the road to ruin of passion-in her voice. Western, 'manuscript came back with unfa,il- The cold winds toss their tresses band--'s•atiility<-ha(11 tir 'ned to them recklessly. In.a few months I had __.. sweet, '€€ in the 'hour.af• her, need. Neatly been warned again and again, and - The snows are spread before.tbeit 1, ,.typed out; they had, one *by one, then the, inevitable end came-I was feet. f' :found resting places in various pa- dismissed. I had been with the firm Have.ye no kindly words or arts ten 'ears, but I cannot blame them; 'y _.., To win, and-�itrm them in your Pers or magazine's, until with the 3 publication.'in book form, of a story I had every latitude. Since then I hearts? = ..: which caught the public fancy, have had chances, only to throw "John Laymond" achieved a mod- them away, and now-I'am a beF- '' S `� �f There, where each face espectaab orate popularity, which was not de- gal*." i ✓ . ' is, creased by the fact that no one Marion listened to the sordid con- /%{�`«' Are lips that keep for thea thy kiss, knew anything of him, and that he fessiou with moist eyes, and, so tar ...^J Are lips that in the afterwhile resolutely declined to be inter- from exciting her contempt, it - - Shall light thy pathway with, At j viewed. His wife transacted all his strengthened her resolve to aid him. a, stride. _ jr The night is cold; shalt these &bids business. She measured his misery by her own ,y f Safa at thy heart's warm firesides To Marion the thought that her and knew its despairing dr.pth. 'husband would come out of prison "What is your work?" she asked. % Behold the children at thy gate, a ruined man, disgraced for all time "I was a clerk in the 'ol$ces of And hasten! for they weep and 1n the eyes of the world, and imme- M.essrs.'•..Corder, and Wayne, the wait cliately, by the mere sinking of his City-:merchants," he replied; �. ._ J The wind its icy vengeance wreaks. J real na ne, become a person of Had be been looking at her he The blind snows pelt their pallid 1a home cc)nsideration, gave profound must have noticed the sudden start ,_, , // cheeks. Joy. It seemed something of 'a fit- and the deadly pallor •this reply ti Q -•fasten-for one'day they shall rest ' ting revengo upon a social system produced is Marion. With an ef= i 1 Folded unto the Christ, His breast 1' "; •which could condemn an innocent fort the controlled her emotion, AL inan to infamy; and now that what and said, quietly :- Abe uietly:- THE ONLY WAY OUT. Abe had striven for since the ac- "The name seems farailiar. Was Mrs. Casey-"I don't know what we'll put in little Patsv's stockin', "What shall you do at Christ- ceptance of the first story triad be- there not a prosecution by that "Mike. He writ a letther t' Santy :'lads axin'' f'r a ralo auttymobile, "ma"`-time?" asked tke soone_ "What cotnt an accomplished fact, she firm acme time,ago t" nr, liss." the rest of th' world ai#? be d� .,�► guarded her Kecret like a miser his "Yea," replied Wootern: "One Mr. Casey-"Shure, we'll drop a few dropsAv g"syline in it an' ing-gobble!" said the birs� r„f goad. Directly her tnea.nr 0,--,,r1 of their clerks. named Dane - mr I'I1 bet he'll be thankful he didn't git th' .riot iv the machine.” he didn't. �• -_ . I r i - • . , ' >it .�, :K ,n ••.,'.+: / r`.ffi±,. hell' •:4 4.. .. . .. .,y ,. ,,..,,�, /y?'S' .. <, .� .. v ."'ILL,•{R y�T. _ u.] • 3'11 , - :, - .: .. :.. ... . ..•... loll.. ,:,�, ...,. .. .,, M w - or bite itself to death. This is a KING, THE GLOBE TEATTEB• HIRED BRIDESMAID, $5.25. NOT FOR MONEY physiologieal impoeiiLility. Left Montreal Oct. 23rd, at 1 p.m. C�V�ilh7 & COLDS 1 SAYC — s to walk to Vancouver, 2,W miles [latest. Enterprtse of London De- LDS .. MRS. QUIRK MR.. GRAYTOP's WISH. , What Hind et 1flelassea to Mis With C " _��?�_ _ aria? Dartmeiet E3tore,_ —i.LAD TO C91a11MtCI011 CATSPAW RUBBER.HEELS. The latest enterprise of a depart- Cold• are tM oast danaeroslt of all "�` Mina nasserl Port Arthur, 991 P foist o!sinew. Aaegt etttpdeold 'WOULD HE DE WITHOUT agent store in London is A provide the Sands of Time. miles, Dec. 14th. P to Bronchitis. t:�, Pseaatwi�. ,DODWS SIDNEY PILLS. bridesmaids. They'are not kept as hs••w4�e, ofkricaad rt t When will be reach Vancouver, � -. Well, say! Do you know what a special department. Said tho Aialtnhes. "PSYcli[W"whoa strikes me this morning?" said Mr. 113 prizes offered nearest guess- luaus er: Gra to "It's the,flight of time. era. g i» removing the irtits ag parSeim and ii'ht, Cured His Lumbago of Twen- Graytop. g Contest free to all. "We are only asked for them 644.>i•t6 inAsned aaeal�faae• It is a `s "Now there's a flying machine two or three times a year. When ger�'we and destroys the tubercle gum.` ty Years Standing, and Made Each guess given a number in or- y that never gets out of order, never an order comes we send one of our Itir atonic tka! stresgdsemtbeluagar Ultt ;'•HIm Feel Twenty Years To der received, and prize list mai,cd liver,and tones up the system. h makes t anything the matter with it at all; Priies mailed to winners. onus? wos men clerks or some other forbetterheaMinalleou"on.ofhama . Fortune Harbor, Nfld., Dec. 20.— never breaks a wing or drops a Guess on a postal.Rard. feminine employe. We charge iry.Getstre aadthecougltwilldisappear, k ;Special).-Sixty years of age, but Propeller or gets out of gasoline, Write plain. $5.25 a bridesmaid if the parents "PSYCHINE" makes weak PC 10 bale and hearty and with all the vi- just keeps a-plugging and a-plug- of Dept. B, of the bride provide outfit and car- strong. itearesecitgbs of the mostobda. ;1 or of a ,young man, Mr. Richard ging and 'a-plugging and a-plug- WALPOLE RUBBER CO. +LTD. hinge. If as �enerall ha race kind and breaks up a Cold is a saw f 'ruirk well known and highly• res• ging. Its the only real perpetual n y ppens' hours. r g 3 Y P P MONTREAL. it is a runaway marriage and the cted here, gives all the credit motion, and it never so much as __ bride has felt, the need of some wo- Write for free saawle, y 'for his good health to Dodd's gid- heats a bearing, though it keeps all n NATURAL RESULT. Mau to stand by � a� her at the last mo.. For '1WD`�i.N �` Dollarsa31 '-bey Pills. the time steadily speeding up. meat, we charge for all expenses, Dr. T.A.SLOCUM F _ '`I suffered for over twenty years "And•�� you know that that's a "Why..did you et out of that suck as cirriadditions g y ;' g vacuum company?g to ooatu>�e that care asses LTi19ITEgDo from Lumbago and Kidney Dis- ver cur as thin about time—its �+ base," Mr. Quirk says, "and after KTO apparent variations of speed? To "There was nothing in it." When asked' the reason for the ponsulting doctors and taking their different people it may seem to existence of the professional brides- ,medicines, made up my mind I was have different rates of speed, and A Sure Co--.etive of Flatulene maid, the manager said: "It is incurable. . I was unable to work to different people, according to '• ,attl • •when' I was persuaded to.'buy a Lox their age or to circurdstnees, it may When ti.e una.gested food lies in' F. y due to the superstition that tr be a bridesmaid three times is Cts of Dodd's Kidney Pills. To my have many different rates of speed i the stomach it throws off gases cane- unlucky. great and happy surprise I had not all at the same time or it may even ing pains and oppression in the y• Some brides. cannot se- PR NOUNC£D SI•KEE14 ' taken half a box wlipn I exneri- y atoma.chid,,.salon. The belching or cure among their-friends a girl who seem to have different rates of eructation of these g see is Offen- timehas not served twice before in this enced-great relief. Sx even -boes speed to one. person at the same cured me. That was in 1900, and I sive and the only-way to prevent capacity. They want a convention- 9TOCKs. . al weddin am still cured. I would not be with- „ them is to restore the stomach (h* wedding;'so they Bend for a To'me it is galloping, fairly gal- , T o Pt4E9Tp88—YOUR ORDERS 20 r out Dodd's Kidney Pills for any loping, and t1�e sound of its hoof- Proper action. Parmelee's Vege- bridesmaid who will be,a good buv or sell Secks will receive ,a> r- looking, well mannered doittooil attention. S. M. Mathews, Broke money: I am twenty years youngertable Pills will do this. Sim le di g+ girl sure 4 beats coming to me louder and � to be dressed tastefully 'r• '3 scall St., Toron.e. tbnn before I took them." rections go with each packet and y and able louder this morning with thoughts t} do gracefully sA Dodd's KidneyPills,cure the kid- a course of them systematically tet g y all that r uired EDUCATIONA6 of the decliningyear. Here I've y - � +� Y o. her. . Olega. Healthy kidneys stra;n all certain to effect a cure: t .b -tile impurities' out of the blood: hardly got used to venting 1909 yet, __.._.__ EARN. THS BARBER TBenn-prWi but before I know it Ill•have to The Foe of Indigestion.—Indi st'teII'-`on'cant Practice; careful That's why they cure Rheumatism, begin writing 1910. Humph! I RACY METAPHOR. Res- ,tooisalree: ¢ sill a mDiete ooa:..si >µ7 f3ciatica; and other diseases caused tion is a common ailment and few am twalseto� ` b the wish I could do-something to slow . + I eighteen dollars weekly: write for cats,y presence of uric acid in the The Archbishop of Can,erbury is are free from it. It is a most diff- rogue, Moler Barber college get Qaeea! :ibiood• time down. It 'reminds, me of a a- great example of a ready wit. treseing complaint and often the Past. Toronto, story. He was going with a number of eu>fFerinq attendingit is most x- i " Years ago, a good many years, clergymen to a luncheon New Term BEICIDE OF RATTLESNAKES. there was a loan in our.town who gy , after vere. The very best remedy is some . ecclesiastical function one Parmelee's Vegetable Pilh taken advertised a sure for' something I da when 'ftame-di nits Why the'Scorpion Cannot Sting It- y, g ry observ- according to directions. They ree- Our winter Term booms on isnvary ath, don't remember what, but it ase(]: of the irPE alar action of the sto- Our ogafpmont cjnrsoe and*111 fasillt;ee ,Kelf to Death, some common afflietloa of man- y s aro anoxcelled, ud so can do bettor NOw to put a bridle.on our ap- mash and restore healthy action. work than ever before. write tot eater s The venoms of serpents, fishes, kind, and this cure he had discov- petites."' For many years they have been a letlee' 'g 'Scorpions.centipedes, spidera,�bees, =Ted somewhere a8 in some far- as._lightning.the-arehbisbop stantlard remedy for dyspepsia and still v.0 c i►�sie�,TORONTOIt ~ N *er ■4 es the blood of the eel, nd n wase retorted: ; highly esteem-: —� to communicate this to the world 3ndi eatioa_sad are owe their virulence to the presence "Say, rather, now to put a bit ed for their qualities. ' at large for the benefit of his fel- „ ata.Thea.without rue■ wcretthe Mina are those specific ecifie which.are g between our teeth. �.AL yam$ R ftfcreted b bacteria. In both lo.wmen and he' adertised it and "" �/ is•9«e Co. . T udouL SUCCESS. st«;..!fir+ eases p pro- h3 used to start off his advertise There is nothing equal to Mothe= ducts of the activity of living cells. meat like phi - B q FIVE SOLEARs a da supe,m&A*0#11%,ear p: Just t before a m'an succeeds in ijsh,,r•arin�t taachfain. fi Groves Korm Exterminator for de- xperioneo.anoc.s They are very poisonous, non-cryfr A retired physician whose sande stro getting all he toasts in this world aa,Y Floryhody buy,. Thay sen tbo.selhee, yang worms. NO 8Tt3C16 Of tta Atoats wanted orae}whore A .postal to day ' 'tallizable colloid,,;, of unknown che- of life have nearly run ant— the undertaker gets busy with his, brania particulars, cYarlee Adarat.9arala, Oak and• then he used to go ahead and kind has gives such satisfaction. person. micaI constitution. The venom tell about his' wonderful discovery � rt volt Tw[ DEAF-1R ACOUST2oft_ toxins are Very sensitive to the �' "Nature plana well for man one of the marhols of the o:oetrl acw and about how now he wanted t0 , „ {. Afb►a 0•ht.apltn doe't'fan to take a tea•aoeer use tkmualiout the world welts fur Data. action of heat and light, are easily kinds needs. I should say so! gal of Painkiller.tied with a glass of hot water Awns o. General Aeott+tfe ea., of Canada Ltd, + destroyed b digestive ferments and °lake it known to all; and a man and saiar. Is surely prehear..htila Atoll sus 4"Yonao Stroot.Toronto, b y $ out West who read this advertise- What could be more convenient outatea there 1. ha! on.' Dalakuiar-_pa _ consequently are innocuous when D..i.'—sso..ad see ": than ears to hook a e i' .� • meat and wh�•se sympathies had P ctac.es over t" swallowed. There is a great A�L YOUR iliT[R CtEA+tED IB variety• of Chese toxins. Snake evidently been aroused try it for the fNtRUTE: No oaourep,A01go i D,N�A 3' The�aM Old It. Tho ■u sed the hfent\et; SURELY. ins,Jun of In warm waberceutslMsa fit t-„s• P old physician hiincelf wrote to him y ng Ana pe oa i,wel. P.rfsatl. halm:.eser,o„t Oi90n atone contains half a dozen foan,l in ' be D•L'• %fact of Plater, wbfd When�e think of Ireland's woes as oe^t- 7. to say that if he'd mix' & little mol teilo�oo instantIr b—Itae.be,headache, ueural f^r PAck&Le, !'ectal bn,u,ohu4f actio'• .';dlatlnCt toxins, each Of which , theumatiam ao sciatlea �'”r ilr heztTLS O It Pat 1. i sent`REit for a few minutes of hoar time and P eases with his sands they wouldn't _ __ g pity. "tae e,, Rcongisfe 8appiy Company, exerts a.specific action on the nerv- rathartnes,untar,a S0. t run out so fa t. •bus system, the red or the white Each Dreadnought has a bakery, I wish I knew just the. right a barber's she a tailor's shop, a f It Will Prolong Life.—De Sots, ;9blood corpuscles, etc: sort of molasses to mix with tilt p' the Spaniard; lost his life in the A GREAT DEMAND FOR i It is .possible to produce in any boot repairers, a canteen, and all sands of time.' LwiJds of Florida,'whither be went PAPER w • ''animal aa.artificial condition of im- �_ _ -_ hospital holding about 60-pa,trnts, c.r se of discovering the STOCK :munity to the effects of any animal with two- surgeons. „ } xenon. This is accomplished by Kindly mention the name of this ; legendary Fountain of perpetual paper In writing to advertisers.. `'Try Murine Ilya-Remedy -'uitth," said to exist in that then I WA-0TE PAPElt OF ALL GRADES. �lthe repeated injection of the venom . u>Vknown country. While Dr. Tho-1 also Rae . Iron. Metals, Rubbam. Eta pn doses, ach of which is too small ,{ Cor Red, weak, Weary, Watery Eyed, 'There are no broken engage- rannlatthn, Pink Eye and Fre strain, . nias' Electric Oil will not perpetu- E. PULLAN, Adofall ro n Maui sta" to cause death. After a larger or I)lnriue Doesn't Amart.: Soothes Fye Pain. etc oath, it will remove the basil menta in China, and the groom!to ('ompounded by Experienced PItysiclansa y y Phone for Darticulart. Yale 1645. .smaller number of injections .the does not see the bride until he fear- I t'ontatn• no Ini lona or Prohibited Drnq•. sins which make the vans aid . acquires W Mn no Torgr p g animalac es the power to resist , I y Your Eye Troubles, Yr, q y • u P nes her. . I understand:- Then r q ill Like tftrrino. Try it in Baby's Eyca before their time and harass the ' •the action of many times the quan-. it is too late." for Scaly Eyelids. Dr•ngrista Sell Muria' !' y 1 aged into untimely graves. WANTED tit Of venom that would -suffice to t 5oc, the Marine Eye Reuitdy Co., Chi - +- - tBiro, will send You Itiereeiing Eye Books ������ cause death if it were injected into Tearing sown Blgnals docs not delay storMIL Free. —-- ihc veins of a'non-immunized ani ooism ladoa 'm«feitnse' may check ooutrhdai TOO CLEAR. but tae cold staysa. Do not trifle;when you begin • mal. The blood of the immunized b cough take Auea's Lang Balsam: ft« from " Since Mand's en a e "" ♦ao� a- `- ,animal now contains a new sub- spas,fall of b"Una►owor. I B 8 meat how I hope you came out of that _ d bright and happy she -- looks!". horse• trade with a clear . con- Canadian Nlde and Sktn Cont '" Yes a match lights u ' a ++ stance, an antitoxin which has the� - property of neutralizing the toxin Over 0200;000 seamen: of whom face > 8 P girl's science. s Front se [-• Tepoace, ant a of the venom, apd this blood (or 129,000 are British and, the remain-` '' Yes," answered Si Simfing, ' rather .the watery. part,, or serum) der ]ascars and foreigners, are em- ; but it hind o' worries me. my FARM FOR SALE loved iri British merchant..vessels. The greater the irrita on in 1'e ,conscience is• so unusuallyclear e luny bo employed to combat the 'P throat the 'more Aistressi the ; + , , toxic action of the venom in a non- .7.1 that I can't he'p feelin` I must o 140 acres, a0 acres cleared, close cough becomes, C.onghin- is the I , „ niaed animal. Holloway s Corn Cure is the mod- a effort of 'Nature to dispel this feel- got the wort o. the trade. to Bothwell,•Kent County. wood The ichneumon, the hedgehog, kine to remove all kinds of c•.)r•ns taEing substance from tZe air na s-I' house slid farm building,,;,. geed. g ! and some other animals which de- 1 and warns, and only costs the small I ages. . Bickle's Anti-Consumptive 1 roads. Terms easy. Apply t- ti a your .venomous serpents exhibit an sum of tlienty five cents. Syrn will heal the inflammed arts � I Gibbons, Harper Et Gibbons, Lon- sum P dun. Canada. extraordinary resistance to the 'ef which exclude mucous, and restore feet of their bites. The natural LoTe your 'neighbor—brit keep them to a healthy state, the coufrh immunity is explained by the pre- your line fence well kiraced. disappearing under the curative of- CHRiSTMAS STAMPS sense of antitoxine in the blood of -`- — Ifets of the medicine. It i8 nleasant a +wtt�+tcvs.a�Ac these animals. Serpents are also "A little sold,You grow." will beoose a great to the taste, and the rice 25 cents � m'cI"° °t i dila er lilt bo allowed to reach down the throat price, t Kidneys,of the little affected by their own venom. to the Innis. tiip the perti in the bad with di within the reach Wall. Bi adder, of the Allen's Lung salsas, . ioro resod .total" 8 o w e 1 s, a f t h. _ HELP CANADA.'S In general it is almost impossible ,M oDisa.i y aht[ La13 Sore Throe _ AIMERICAN .ROBIN-S. rBouh _ to kill Ii venomous anima] by inocu -- -- chitiaDithing' Cronp�Cs- NEEDY lzting it with the venom of its own , In the s ills of 1909, 17 Ameri- tarrb,InIlnenza,Fiend- ERAT XMAS t A CELL-SUPPLIED PULPIT. spring ache. Toothache, Nea- NAP"X " species, of which it can s>tpport can robin redbreasts, male and fe- Rhenmatioin cola NEwYEAs very larges doses, with impunity. There are various morals to this male, after-being confined for a time c Ague chlus,'Chill 1909.10 CONSUMPTIVES These facts demonstrate the ab- story of Doctor Clifford, the emir. in a,large aviary near Guildford, c r•odd by17Ya•tbites gtlickl! A r surdity of the stories of rattle- est English clergyman. One is is -Surrey, England, were set at p Wit (snakes and scorpions committing that it is wis-c for Public speakers liberty. They built nests' in the suicide by means of their own not to put off their appearance at Tmc. net proceed sfrnmstamps i4old nrrouncling trees, and, in a short 1 venom. It is asserted that a scar the meetings they are .to address )Jo}oil trap or bu} will be used for thn extension o! y tints the were some 30 young sural IamCan dg's the work of the Muskoka Free ion or a rattlesnake imprisoned till the last moment. A writer in 'robins added to the colony, EffortsFUR h ghestpr cl 3.'Your I a circle of red h�,t coals viii itis Woman's Life tells the story. - g p HoapitalforConsumpiives. Theavail- g are to be made to retain them in Fhtpmen,s tioltetted. able bedi were trebled as the result of Doctor Clifford was once conduct- I pay mail and ex- last year's Stamp Campaign. p the neighborhood during the win- press chargeg:remit ing a series ..f services in Birming- ter, and it is hoped that thus the si°m ptl1% also largest dealer in Beefhides, - ham. Arriving a few minutes he- P as,etc. Quotations and sbippingtag BUY TIIE:II. USE TIiE31. g \rnerican redbreast may become a bent eves a HELP TIIF, GOOD R'ORB ALO'�T(} fere'the recommencement, the doe- permanent addition to the bird po- JOHN HALLAM. TORONTO t ' for was refused adiiiission by the pulation of England. Tim, BEST INVESTMEI\-r policeman at,the BOOT. ESTABLISHED 111-8. YOU EVER MADE. O I want to go in, said Doctor We Make Everything <; s Clifford. F � ' OWI: EE\'T EACA. Sin F'ai t,.Coatt,Jacks a, bf uHa, " Are Sou a,seat-holder?" (',i(iren LikeR fitule+, (ape,(3aunttata, etc. "hTo I am not. Write for c�.alog. Not a single patient hn.y ever been "Then + „ ' RAW FURS Re pay highest price,. Write refused admission to the Muskoka Free ` I yogi cant go in. ear rice list. •r' s ► c, , I p Hospital for Consumptives because of I think,' remarked the famous I --'D. H. RASTEDO a oo.. his or her inability to pay, passive resister, " that there will ii King St. E:, Toronto. 1 be room for me in the pulliiC." EVERZ STAMP SOT.D I9 A ~ " I am not so sure of it," retort- e CURE 3W,v.R.=a.AL T W tf3 >QULT.rT IN THE t'VARFARE . ell the officer. �14t ZU-1-xEt1L u toll Cu"los p� AGAINST TLTBERC-ULOSIS. But I ain Doctor Clifford, and Hair Promoter 'Z , I am due to preach in another min- It is fa plea11ant to tette—atop• the GROWS, HAIR ON ANY HEAD If not on sato in your town, writs .3 'THE d J. 8. ROniTn"o:v, Sec.-Treas. Ntttional lite and a half. cough so quirky. Abeolul y safe 50c,and 91.0°. (fnarantes wltborery.bottle, 8rrnitarium Association, 3t7 Rin St. '`Oh, are you?" said the inered- too and contains no opiates. For sale at Dnig atoros and Barber Ahops, or R U101ib policeman, "' MARLArr 14AIR PROMormfa co., «+ Toronto. All information turn- p I have let in Al fit'• cw' os Bathurst St,. nti Toronto. !shed anstamps mailed promptly on $. "Z ISSUE NO. W-09 two Doctot CliffordB already." J receipt of order. O _ •rte - 7. .. ..:.... ., _ .•. ,. ..;.,..... .: ......_ter.. '. :..T -L:t ..- ;..... .... .. ,. '•.• ... S.:y..,-.:,, .,fin, .. ,'., ._.. _ ��" a.; =LOCALISMS —Mrs. Horsely and son, Earl,(er. an evidence of the severity ofCAPS• were in C e city on Wednesday. the severity of storm, thirty-nine new—Edward Boone and son, of To- poles were required between Saint- —We wish all our readers a Tonto, visited the former's sisters field and Blackwater,—Journal. erry Christmas. here this week. Gordon is getting —P:, T. and Mrs. Batty are PICKERIN�„ couNcit. -COATS —Mrs. James g g SWEATER -(( along nicely after her recent ac- spending they Christmas with The above council met pursuant to .cident. their friends in Whitby. Statute on Wednesday, the 16th last., j — —Mie. Carty is spending a,few —Mies Campbell is spending the in the Township Hall, Brougham. 10QUES weeks with her son, George, in Christruas vacation at the home of Members all present, the reeve in the - . Toronto. her grandmother in Strathroy. chair. Minutes of last meeting read —Miss Mamie and John McGam- —Chas, Clark • and wife, of and approved, us are home for their Christmas Swarthmore, Sask., visited his Several accounts were presented vacation. brother, Smith ChVk, this week. and referred to the various commit —Mia. Clarkson �ogera, who —Dr. F. G. and Mrs. Logan, of tees. ` The Peoples Popular' Shopping 'lace has been quite ill, is now,recover- Detroit, are spending their Christ- Mr, Poucher was heard as to sending ing nicely. Mrs. Matthews to hospital. f mas here with the former's r- . Pa Luther Pilkey was heard, said that - ,Lor men's and �O�S' wear. —W. Deadman, of Toronto Un%- ents. the family of Robt Titus, wife and 4 varsity spent a few days with A. —F. H. Hall, of Church St. children ranging from 7 year's to 6 "! 6. G. and Mrs. Green. south, has on hand a quantity of months, were in destitute circumstan. _R q —The rink opened for the first choice flotvers and lettuce for sea. Titus has farm stock and works BUNTING, PICKER/NG time this season on Monday night Christmas. and boards away from home and is - and was pationi:ed'by a` large =Mrs. H. Savage, who has been supposed to have money. -- number. spenm ding the past few onths Fred Pugh was heard in reference. —A. G.and Mrs. Green and fam- with friends in Naperville, Ill., sh Qatchiug three dogs worrying his MRS * LEIGH ily are spending their Christmas has returned home. Mr.. Hoover reported that the Han- ' vacation with their, relatives in Owing to Saturday- being a son family were in destitute circum- .Toronto. , holiday the .central office of the stances and asked for gr•a'nt of $5 f —H. Larkin left on We Independent Telephone line will wood. Wishes all those- ladies-who.have given her their kind patronage a for Chicago. He is going to spend be closed after 9 a. m. A requisition was read from $insr�e very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a bright and Christmas with his brothers .in —Mrs. Findlay is in the city this asking for a change in deputy-return- that city. week having been called there ing officer; HAPPT NEW YEAR. —quite a large number from on account of the illness of-Mrs. L. The com:uittee' on Con�,ngenci�s recommended payment as follows: To Spring Millinery opening.will be duly announced. 'Pickering and vicinity purpose at- A. Findlay and Miss Nina. Bennett Bros., st:mute labor° rebate, tending the Whitby Christmas —Geo. W. P. Every, of Berlin, 2 5O; J Murkar, printing, 3 00, Geo — Fair to-day. is spending his Christmas holiday Philip, pipes for hall, 185: ft Simpson —The public schools closed on at the home'of his father here and & hades for hall, 0) 02; R A$ell, AIRS.' North Side 'Wednesday for the Christmas with relatives in Lindsay, Asa Co.,Hubbard, Jas Wilson and George LEIGH, King St., Piekering,. Ont. all 'vacation and will re-open on the —Miss Mildred Jephson,.who has Hastings, $1 each, rebate of dog tax 3rd of January. been spending the past fete Reeks- C Sargent, iron and stove boards for —Wm. Ham left on Thursday with relatives in Seaforth, return- hill, 3 3S-D R Betton, postage, 10 00; COLD .WEATHER IS HERE - - inornin to spend a _Yew months ed home on Wednesday evening. B Kerr, error ins labor, 1 Ott ; J H _ _ g Pe Y g• Bundy,tel acct,.$1 ; H 9iechin,do 50c: Btzt there is plenty of good warm clothing at the Farmers' Supply •: with his son, Harvey, station —The annual school meeting A Mantle, work at hall, 12 67. The 5'tore. Fur coats, fur lined coats, leather coats, pea jacket°, agent hi Fergus. -will be held at 10 a.. tri. on Wed- following re board of health : W V —The police trustees were in nesday next at thesehool. A good Richardson, inspector,38 50; G Philip ladies' golf jackets, all shades. Big supply.all kir)da Whitevale on Wednesday strai-,attendance of ratepayers is re- do, 42 40: C J Brodie, du; 92 10: Ly- of mitts, felt boots, shoes, rubbers, good fresh htenenin u their accounts quested. man Bros, supplies, 17 50 . M Hender- groceries always on hand. Thanking $ g P son, constable, 5 00; Dr Kidd, 5 00: you for past favors, wishing ;Z with the townshi fa; —.Fresh • cranberries.' orangds, •J A White, member, 20 W D R Bed- you all a Merry Xmas —Mr. Angns McKay, manager finnan haddie, mixed nuts, dater:, ton, sec'y. 25 00; Dr R Brodie, 23 00. and a Happy - of the Experimental Farm, of In- fig-, mixed candies, 5c•per lb. Buy The cornmitteeon Damage-to Sheep New than Head, Sask.,is spending a;few the' best, clean, :fresh Christmas by Dogs, recommended payment as Year. days with Pickering friends. groceries at Diekie &'Chapman's.* as follow: : W Hxtley,. i res{ lxrnb —A number of friends were —The regular meeting. of the killed, 5 tea; J B Madill, l h;,Inb killed, T �' w entertained to an oyster supper on A.U.tT.W. will be held on Tues- 4 00: F. Pugh, bonus. !or killing dog. ED �V ARD BRYA� , YIKEI1�1TU Wednesdayevening at the'home 5 00- --- day evening Tres -.�—foil attend- ---..of Arthur and Mrs. Boyer. . Race of membeta is regnested as The committee on Bonuses on Wire —Mr. Bell, who had charge of Fences, recommended payment as fat- the election of officers -will take lows: W Hamilton. 40 rads at lot 2'2, St. Georges church during the place. GREATESTASSORTMENT 'Summer months, occupied the pul con e, 4 l '; Miss 1 Liscamhe, 60 rods pit in that church on Sunday Inst- — r`s Vera Jobnston, of Gorrie, at lot 18. con 2. 12 00; F Remmer, 215 —Rev. Z. Ono, a Japanese tuffs- who hal been.visiting here fora rods bet 9 and 10 in con 6,3 90. sionar now attending Victoria fens' weeks at the borne of her The committee on Roads and Brid- 3' g grand-parents, J. H. and-Mrs. Ro- get recommended payment as follows: BEST .VALUES OF College, will conduct wissionary 5 n eervices in the Methodist church ger-, returned home on Wednes O Spang 2a yds. ravel yr t 1, . 50:-J ,. Powell, rep bridge.base line.1 50; JW SANTA CLAUS GOODS - -.:-.,on Sunda next. day, aecotnpanied by her brother,. Powell, 118 yds gravel div 2,.9 44.- W yp Stanley. —Mrs Hewlett, sr., has been ill Fawcett, rep road to-pit and B3 yds with a severe attack of pneumonia —A. E. Cook, the C.N.R. con- gravel div 2: 10 04 -.Geo Downing,run- SHOP EARLY his eon. ning crusher 85 hcurs, 32 50; W D pleurisy ill be des- Matthews&Co, 26W lbs of coal,7 41 : and earls at the home of her tractor, has completed • 'son-in-law-, A. T. Ackford. We tract and his camp w BOYS BABY ` GIRLS are leased to state that she is banded. His contract called for Wm Edward•and others for work on S the fillip in of the deep in Kinsale rd div 34, 40 69: Wm Max y -now improving. g ee p rane well, rep hill opp lot 35, con 1. also Hockey boots, A dressed doll. A work box or bag —An occasional sleigh and cut- the White property, but in a P P p Books, -A ball with w th a bell, A hand mirror,hatpins: 8 oats, ales and spikes, 19 15; C Field, ter has been seen on our Streets change of plans this will be span- 19 ods gravel range -line. k-90;,Wm Handkerchiefs A toy'wagon, cart.and A trinket box, a ring during the past week, but it can- reed by trestle work instead, Mos rove, rias and .stn les for.hall, pa R g P Games, horse, hoz, not be said that we have had --A very interesting event took 80c: T Merton, teaming timber.from Skating caps, A complete cook stove Arse or hand bag, sleighing, although there is good lace onThnrsdRy at,the borne of Dixie's bridge, 2 50: J J Goodwin, Mufflers, in iron, A doll, a new game, sleighing on all sides of us. Geo. H. and Mrs. Jones when their rep 3rd con opp lot 15, 3 75; W Peeb- Mitts, A game, tenpins, ring A new book or box of Stanley Johnson, of Gorrie, eldest daughter, Miss Ethel, was lex, trough and pipes for watering Purses, mouth organs, toss,etc., stationery, place on con 5. opp lot 27. 12 00: H A collar and tie-box,_ A picture book. A box of hdkfs,a new,• who is attending Albert College at united in marriage to Mr. John Johnson. work on w t 1 049*rkham, A drawing set,-pen or I Our Toyland is full of dress, Belleville, spent a few days at the Williams, of Bloomfield, the sere- to ay haIfl 30 00, W B Ireson, grav-. pencil, nice,strong toys. We A pair side combo, home of his grandparents, J. H. monsy being performed by Rev. el for w t 1 (Markham to pay half)• A sweater, also have felt boots, A hair ribbon. rand Mrs. Bogert;, while on his road W. R. Wood, of Claremont, in. 490. Pair cuff links, caps, picture .puzzle A post card album, home to spend his Christmas va the presence' of the immediate On motion the reeve was instructed Box of chocolates. hd,kfa etc. A box of bon-bone. cation. relatives. THE'News extends its to grant his order on the treasurer in - vended for •'c v he artier recomn - - _ favor of t . • —Geo, S. Cowan has notified the best wishes to'Mr. and Mrs. Wil- f - pp in th F trustees of the town hall that he ]rams. payment e various reports as pre LADIES GENTS will not be able to ring the town —In a letter`from a subscriber sen ted this day. be after New Years. Those st ish- in Dublin, Perth County, w.e are The treasurer presented the Finan- post card albums, -.— A — Linen'initixl hdkfs, log to take the, contract are re- jnforrne� that the have ,now sial statement, which on motion, was Jewel bot, bot hdkfs, A fancy tie, loves. Y AriA ted and ordered to be printed g quested to send their.applications there two feet deepun the level, p P A bead satchel, A pocLet book or,coin. . forthwith in pamphleL.form. A air hocks skates M6RY CNRISTM�S I purse, Wim:�`• Ham• while here it is doubtful whether P Y p —The ratepayers of the. village are leave two inches. It is rather A by-law passed through its various and boots. l A Waterman fountain - will meet in the town hall' on c readings and f realty carr red appointing A wool toque and mitts ANDA pen, a sweater coat, strange that in Pickering, the places for holding the municipal elec- , A pbeenix rnuflEiEr � � 'Hockey stick, hockey' Mondayevening next to nomin- amount of snow is always much tions, and the persons to act thereat A bottle perfume,,an I skates and hoots, Y Pe position of o and ll Y R 'n a w ate candidates for the p less than it is in the north, east as deputy-returning ffrcers apron, HAPPY NEW YEAR A smoking set, ne police trustee. We do not hear of and west. There is no daubt some clerks, as follows : No. 1, H. E. Web- A new book, Bible, game, Any new, aspirants-for this covet- cause for .this, but what.it is the ster, A. Carruthers,2, W. V.Richard- hymn book, •.A new hat or cap ed honor, but no doubt will make son, W. J. Clark : 3, E. W. Slee A. TO 'ALL cannot say. Some have advanced R - A boa stationery, new pair cashmere themselves known on the night of Allison : 4, G. Toyre, W. Pearce; 5, A post card box full of bole. g the theory that it is due to the in- G. Davidson, A Roach; d, C. L. Mae- fluence of the vapor from,Niagar'a kev, W. Gee: C. Philip, S. H. Ste- bon-bons. Candies Tarsitis And Cgs F. nomination. i —The Women's Institute will Falls, but we do not see much venson S. W. Miller, H. E. Turner hold their regular monthly meet- weight in this .as we are too far Q. C. W. Linney, R. W. Mowbray : 10, ->Jnt� at'three o'clock on Tuesday distant to be influenced-by it. T. Dunn, T Birkett ; 11. A. Reesor, G. FATHER Grandparents MOTHER next at the home of Mrs. W. J. , —The bazaar held last Friday C..Coakwell. In the latter division " Dale instead of at Mrs. C. Rogers; evening in the toren hall under the the booth will be held in W. J. Monk- A carving set Felt slippers and boots,, .. A damask or chemille owing to the illness of the latter. ens ices of the Women's Guild of house's house. Iu the other divisions A shaving set, Mitts, scarfs, overshoes tablecover, P the usual laces will be used. Cuff buttons, A wool cardigan or A white bed spread, A number of interesting papers St. Geor George's church was a decided places Suspenders, select, P' air nice towels, will be read and a pleasant and success, The ladies had gone to A bylaw was introduced and passed An pirmbrellx, Al weather thermome- A pair night rofitable time assured to all. ' All through its various readings and fin- P much trouble but they were amp- ally carried appointing inspectors of Slippers, • ter, a wool shawl, robe,"a toilet set, ladies are - �y rewarded for their work. The sheep worried:end killed by dogs, the A uroust-ache cup, Anew luras book;a A dinner set, ' —At 20 to 22 cents per pound, night was fine and there was a same to hold office during the balance A suit case, cane, A fancy piece of china, >-the demand for turkeys for the large turnout, Imueh larger than of 19W and thereafter until their suc- Gloves, A warm dress, Pr. brass candle sticks, .:,Christmas dinner has not been so anticipated, There were a numb_ ressors a:•e :appointed, that is to say :. Mitts, sox, A cup and saucer, pen Bistel's carpet sweeper, brisk this year as usual:, As a re- Pollen sub-div. No. 1 H. Rammer . 2, A jack knife, knife, A lamp, a piece of silv- Y er of stalls which were well pat- A set of tools, Anew purse or pi e, er, ajar of honey, salt provision dealers are not]ay- ionized, and an attractive feature W. J. Miller; 3, A. Annan ; 4, ti. p ing in a large stock for. fear the Thom: 6, James Todd: 8, J. Pallister: A fancy alarm clock, A Bible or hymn book, I A set of knives&forks, y' was the fish-pond in which the 7, Boyd Burk : 8, Art. Milne : 9, Wm, Oranges. A box of mixed nuts, A Pandora range, be left on their hands. We hear catch was very large. An auW- Ward; 10, Joseph Evans: 11, John _ near Pickering who .of a farmer ne g wilt w t iuecrketed 40 turkeys for which he graph g as auctioned .:ff at Scot. Y $7.00 and a number of other DICKIE .& CHAPNIAN was aid $120. A resolution was adopted'eallingatp articles were disposed cif by atte tention of the promoters of the Toron- c� —Our local baker hasadded a tion, the hammer being wielded to and Eastern railway to the fact bread prover to his establishment by Mr. Powell The proceeds will that the central portion of this town- thereby improving the 'bread Atnet over $60. The ladies wish to ship was devoid of railway accommo- least 50 per cent. The ptstor : thank` through o h NEMS the through and agiham t from,Markham Chr' istmas'.' Goodsserved from the following stores : many.friends who helped to make throw h Brou ham to Brooklin thence Pickering bakery, E. Bryan, Jas. the affair a success. to Port Perry, would pass through a Richardson, D. Simpson & Co., rich and well settled portion of the , Gillespie, Dunbarton, Mansfleld, county and would be A. nod financial po UXBRIDGE : undertaking, and also asking the pr•o. In Choicest Lines Fair rt, Davidson,, Cherryvvood, moters to take 't.he matter into►t sir Beare, Whitevale, Mechin & Dr. Whitecloud has been arrested at serious consideration. Also,a copy of Poucher, Brougham, and M. Glee- Sudbury for fatally shooting a boy. the resolution be forwarded to F. L. Silverwore, Cutlery, Carving Sets, w son, Greenwood. * This worthy gent spent a week or so 'Fowke, M. P. for-South Ontario. —Hiram Leavens, son of Mrs. in Sutton last summer.—He is prob- On mations the usual votes of thanks Parlor Lamps Etc. "'W. T. Hamrick, who resides in Ably the Indian Doctor who visited were tendered the Reeve,Clerk,Treas- f Uxbridge a few years ago. urer, Caretaker and Pickering News. - southern British Columbia, hada The staff at the Uxbridge Piano & The Council now adjourned sine die. narrow escape from drowning o Organ factory are working overtime, -tray during the early part of this endeavoring to catch up with orders. All kinds of suitable Presents. month. He and another man any are having a good de- PIGKERING MARKETS' a an see our n i y The comp Call d fi e d'spla . ' virerP crossing Coitus Lake and in mand for' their three new Kaufman - somP way the boat upset. His styles, of which they recently issued a Red Wheat... $1.06 cornpaniou, through exhaustion neat cAtalogue. White 1.08 You'll find exactly what you want. +wb sank Old acquaintances in town were Mined 1.08 — after struggling fora time, pleased to meet W. J, Brown, of the and was drowned, bnt Dtr. Leav- Goose RTT ' Bell Telephone Co., e r week. Mr. • .iJ �.JJose Leav- en- manAgFd to reach shore In a RrOWn'A men made the repairs to the Birley. 80� eu,d aucl exliatisVd Condition. i ne between Uxbridge and Blackwat•,Eu.kwheat...................... f10 _