HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1909_12_17 �. ' ,,._�, ,_� w ,- ', � 'i.�•' .+. \ Y'j.Y f•'�2_ _y „I. , .,,Ry b^S ,,, L.yv S. ._. _ .. .., ....... . .:. . , .. : xr^ , '.• : � : a� . -r.s..-. , v. .a.V,•±-aazr. '>'�*ca• THE 15, 1. '�. KER N z? "�:'• n•,.v*'�' ^t`' r VOL. XXIX. PICgERING�, ON1.9 FRIDAY, DECEMBER l7, 1909 No. I1 Ail, VTtt�f;fflt�itQ1 �iQ!•Df. I CHERRY WOOD ,. OSHAWA Medical The sympathy of the community is The people of this town.were'rudely D 1 extended to Wm. J. Taylor on the shocked Friday morning, 10th inst:, L A D VITAL- - death of their infant: daughter, which Von hearing of the tragic death of PIGKERING MEDICAL SURGICAL took place on Sunday, Dec. 12th,at Mrs. John Dorsey. As far as it is -- i the a of two weeks. known at resent it seems to have and X-RAY INSTITUTE g been the intpention of bar. Dorsevto o The ladder season, is here again, and The Wonderful we are prepared to make them PICKERIN(}, - ONTARIO I XMY to Toronto that morning and she got! P• fall sizes. upp early, chatting while dressing, and l 1 :Itt. )eLGIN TorLK,.M. B„ M. D., C. x„ I C. Vickery spent Sunday in Port wl]en ready going down stairs to re j Physician•in-charge g g P All kinds of general Blacksmithing L f e G<-1 V e T I Perry. pare breakfast.' Fie followed a little promptly and neatly done. ' Specialist in Reo:e] Diseases. Prostatic Dir Miss Eva Pilke i visiting with her later, and on reaching the kitchen was gree of Men. Diseases of women, Cancers, y g Tumors,X-Asy examination. Diseases of eye. sister, Mrs. Parkins, of Kinsale. horrified to find'his wife on the floor, ear,nose,throat end lungs. Fitting glasses and I Rev. Wasbington, of Bownanvi )e. in a pool of blood, dead, tivith a wound W- H. JACKSON, ; �llacnte gad chrgaic mesaxon. Have YOU Tried .�t ? occupied the. .ilpit here last Sabbath• in her throat. Coroner Hoag was sent Brock Road Of14¢'.8onra 18 to 3 and T to d l91y I P P .i- The meeting of the Ladies'-Aid this for and visited the scene of the tragic ; [.efltti. month is postponed on aceount of the f evez,t. !Xmas Tree. • R; James White' r- ' a� E. FAREWELL, Q. C., BARRIS• Positively cures diseases due' to Preparation for the Xmas Tree in : t xsRtoGE @ TDR,Coen Crown Attorney,and Count ,the church on the evening of the 22nd, a Awtor. Court House,Whitby. let p impure blood. 50c. a box or six are progressing favorably and all who Frank and Albert Hale, aged 14 and Wholesale and Retail Butcher. attend are assured of an enjoyable I6, who claim to live near London, Pickering Ont. LT. BARCLAY, Barrister-at-Law, boxes for$1.00. For sale at Mc- evening. Ont., weie arrested near Claremont " . Soliolzor,Notary Public,Special Exami• The Bell Telephone Co. have instal- Friday afternoon after a three-days' Q ter for ]riga Court of Justices Sucees•or to Fadden`s Drug Store, Pickering. led a phone in the residence of John chase-by constables for breaking into B°zt nt•iee paid for elloice i[*srrs. Dow & McGillivray, Brock Street, &merlon, but as Whitby, fly - � yet have made no Jones' hardware and grocery stores butcher's cattle. ' start to run the line through Audley,t here on Monday night. They ware. �- H. WARKE, SOLICITOR A'_r'D — -- -- as proposed. brought here and arraigned before IV. Ciiuiee meat will be found at our A VOTARY PoBL:a, (Successor to '],to Hamilton, J. P., and arraigned You David Ormiston),Whitby. Mr. Sydney Nortb- Shop At.reasonable prices, 1 ,0096,who is associated with Mr.Warke,attends ATHA .trial. A number of revolvers and at Pickering on.Wednesdays. knives were found on them when ar- Call and see ti,;. Priees right y Loans arranged. Ally XMAS SALE Wm. Scott spent a few- days Iast rested. They were taken to Whitby week-with friends in Zephyr. on Saturday. They are said to have �etersftary, .-.. We are glad to report that Peter escaped fror>�Mimico Industrial School i i —AT— Stewart,Sr., is much better.at time of one of them having been seen in that Monuments WALTER L. HOWDEN, D. ` S. writing. institution about three weeks ago. WALTER Graduate Ontario Veterinary College. ��e f �S CLARE�dONT :�1iss liana Hoover; Of Stota$ville, Succemr Ontario Veterinary, Medics] Society. AL ! spent a-fek days last week at Joseph g : 8ucces9or to Dr,E.J. Shirley, Office King St.', liowder'e. Pugh's wood sale on Wednesday, Having secured theagency for Pickering. 3f Dec. 22nd. ..the Onbrrio Granite and Mar- Cuttin the rice ir;two. Ever H. Byer. who 'huts Leen spending a qu*tnef�s Garbe. g P y- time with friends in Michigan, has re- ble Works, Brampton, I am goer at wholesale. MARKHAM prepared tcifurnishall work in .•r......>,:. _ ... . - -�,:•,.r turned borne. _. ." the granite and tr:.Zrble line ' G. HAM—issuer of .Harris e a F. liar hman has finished his sea 'Born—At Markham, on Wednes- at the veru lowest prices. and $ Parlor Sttite., Bedroom Set=, son's threshing with Mr. Whittletoo; P Lioeares in the Conary o! Ontanc, g - ; @ring Village, gDy COtiC}1e8, Lining Chairs, etc: of Goodwood. days Dec. Sth,'19t,1P. to 31 r..and Mrs.R. -workmanship gitaranteed. All Granitrivare, _ M.Stewart, adivighter. "Goods shipped where desired HOPPER Issuer of Marriage Dun,.eld B-os.',sale was avery-saris a!~e Tnbzz, Pails, Broom Brtv�he,, factory one. Everything was mold at The three congregations conctitut- See me before placing your tls Lirens6s is the County of Ontario. ing the Bradford Presbyterian church order. Lettering done on •,he at st:or*and his resideaee,Claiemont. �y indow Shade4. S,tisfactorg prices. Mrs. T.-Bayles and ion. Walter; of have emtend;.d a call to the Rev. .Mr. Fhortest notice. A.BEATON,TOWNI SHIP CLERK people irkholder, of Unionyille. , The eo le are- caminf, farm.the, Greenwood.Greenworzd. spent over Sunday w•ich C. R. GIBBONfi, - Grlaretnbnt Ocpvepaa6er, Oommiseioner for taking North,South, East and West. Jahn and Mrs. Scott. The new business block being erect- affidavlte, Aeoouatant. Etc. 'fogey to loan ed by Wideman Bros. is nearingcorn- 4 , •,issuer of Idem Gt.(,). (ow:e and f�+mtly.ared David �m p p rty •se Tia FOLLOW THIS CROWD and Miss Fanny Tran, of Mon ulia, 8letion.'dThe plastering has been fln- , ossa)" Whit6evali, Oat. T.t _. •. - y $ la . spent Shturduy at J. Mowder'e. bed an the ying o the floors is C 0 A LA POSTILL, Licensed Auctioneer, J", �'. B A �+ now going atctively forward. They - .1' . for.Connsiea of FOrk.sad Ontario. A.o- expec.• to he in possession by the mid- HaH and soft. h tion galea of all kinds attenasd to on sbortest Pugli's timber sale CB the 22nd' die of the ennui ��T z,vwsBER � ao9rce. Address Green Rives Y.o., out. "CLAREMON�" =--+---- Manager H. SpFight. of the W-�Y B. POWELL, Licensed Ani_ WHITEVAlE Speight Wagon Company, has taken - a I.ttt1 and Shingles. tioneer for ontario and York Cor. Au — Put a patent for' an improved witgon r kinds of*Was conducted,either r.vatolyorb / The Chtistmas entertttinment and g gear now used on : 'k,J..Cr1Y-L.E�.V f1. t p y � , - - m any new ofesu super orit9 over the Price= right. atseaio0. este notes collected. For aster or XMAS LD1/ anniversary-tif the Sia hite'vale Baptist t p g wagons,, and has other pparticulars apply at rsrideac*.. Wlzabe:h Sabbath School will be held on 5+zy ur- "o ve promptring. &rdction.ers at N*wr Oitiee Wil] G:Oe+s wltlr th. .•ultnt�te• vs ell. y n y g a*c@iye prompt ayteatiaa. 2np.• cho":en ift f.Pur store 1.a 1111 day and Sunday, Dec. 2atn and$6th, old style Par, The cam _ is y g pang are now ect With•�c1fts that will teAfiC On Sunday, at 2.3'9 the pastor will ad- 8 y_ R � C. j� ��C O� t , h turnip out seventy-five wagons a 1 t U POUCHER, Licensed Auction- Ileus care a few dress a ur.1ss meetingand at 7,'clock i week for the north est.trade alone,— .. T. Ger, Valuator, Colleoto: and )woke of Rev. A. B. Hames,pastor the Meth- ^ ' marriag6licences' All kinds of auction ease@ Rich cut lass. Gold filled watches P Economist. I..00DOST HILL odisL Church; will conduct' service. conducted sad valuations aria made as modonsisaments . Bracelets. Neck*cbain,+, Lockets night 1114UD:.rale. Elfortgagee,zenbyti. sores sad' Rs.e pin CuffL'nlia iNa,Ie ment will hee beldn Chz­tmas A odentertain- Ingr sTOui FV!t_LE' PickeringLumber Yard drt*atl managed and sold b auction orP / ­Privat P to horns prepared. See b,11F. J. J. Rae is installing gasoline li bts general accounts promDl3y collected and rads- Leaf ins; Coat of S factory settlements guareate*d, Phone or P The «hit.evale Methodist Sabbath in his store and rPsidenre. All kinds of buildingmaterial includ writ* for terms and va--sicuta:., Bron�� Arms hat pins, School will.hold their annual anniver• Dr. Smith dentist. has installed the in roughand dessed [umber Out. Dater mar he ns*d by phos*:�swi Gold mounted Fine ppeerfumes' and Tuesday. 16th and 21st. On Independent phone in bis residence A carload oBritish Culumbiashin 1 y fountain pens. Purses,'• Y y Sunday g Stylogr-tphic pens. Military Sunday at 2.&)a mass meeting of the W. Woods and family moved ibis have just arrived and are-selling at Q The Eulahle Quartet _ Hair brushes. ) bony children will be addressed try Mr. week to Toronto, where they intend 2.56 per square in lot of 10 Toilet sets. Gold bed- : = ar = Rooni clocks, Gold ��est 'oo Toronto, who ill also fur re a a e Westwood.of oro , a w to reside for the u •� sq i re or over.. preach at 7 p. m. Brougham ChriAtian After an iIlneaia of about four ears g icaJT`OLTFF'YILLE Mantel clocks, Suchen clocks, Church Choir will sing in the evening. Phil) Pearson, .Uxbridge township, • D. t'iORDO.\' SON Xmas stationery, Kodak.6 and Are now prepared to ggive a musical - . On Tuesday evening, Dec. 21st, a good died �ednesday,Sth inst, in his-59;;h -program. For particulare apply to Gold spectacles, Supplies, program has been arranged !or in- ear. Souvenir goods, Xmas y MIMA HOOVER, eluding a Cantata and a Christmas Ambrose Raymer, of`!4lintp, Man„ �. Post cards and booklets. y Best Placa in Canada Sec.-Treas., Tree. All are invited. General ad- i visiting his parents, P. a-nd Mrs. _ Come early and.often. Prices mission 16 cents. Raymer.and other relatives, after an 2 to suit everybody. The weather was'so unfavorable on absence of 16 ye:arer. for superior B'isiness or,Shorthand ldiss Stella E: Hames Monday that the auction sale of the The' hall is being decorated with Education is thepi•ogressiye •, T. M. McPA DD:EA/ arm'and sock and implements of the evergreens in preparation for the :ate Jaynes White had to be again Stuuffville Market Fair to he .held.on � r�IOtirrlr Teacher Of P1an0, DRU(R;1t'T AND-GRADt'ATE OFTtC11:; postponed. Thtr exec u tors bave:made W,•dnesday. December 2''nd. WIIIITEVALE, p�Z-, PICKERING. = ONT. arrangement.to hold the sale on the After an illness of about a year from � s • -"- 18th; Smurday. of, this week. The Liver trouble, lir.`A'sa Millard passed .� t✓ @ Farm cuntxins l I0 acres of good land away at his home near Altana, on —z- er . Co .rid the stock is all ties.-cisco, while Monday last; in his fifty-ni..th pear. TORONTO, OTi'r. i Dr112nghalm s tl:e impleinen.s are m good condition. The funeral took place Wednesday s Don t' forget the date, to-morrow (Sat- afternoon to Stoiiffvillecernet'erv, 'lig Graduate of this, college readily ob- Undertaking Parlors "day). The place is situated three- Millard took an active part in muni- titin choice positions. a demand `Have a full line of fresh and cur- King street, Pickering. ;-garters of a mile east of this village, ui ,iI matters .in Uxbridge township. for our graduates is full}five times ed meats Constantly on hand. Calls l:y day or-'night promptly ;s this is the second t'.me the sale bac —1 tabu ie. the supply. Winter term opens =� .'tended w.. h:id to be postponed, a g(o.] turnout is Telephone, Jan.3rd. New rAttalogue free. Spice Roll, Breakfast Bacon, 1Bell or' Independent.) :o�ked for on•Saturday. 'BROUGHAM Ham, Bologna, Weiners, etc. * George Philip, Jr„ s ent.last Friday W. J.-ELLIOT, Principal. t� ----.-- -•---_-- �ti'llite�sale postponed to sa rte- P' P - o.. F ,n a& Alexander Sts. ---- - Aig]lest prises paid for Dec ISth ,nJ Cronin. diiy, as. «,Jlliams, of Toronto,.is spend_ ` --=--C— Butcher's cattle: I irg a t:u:e wttli friends here. Insurance DUM1tBARTON - 1'Iic. laky Linton,orf Toronto, spent zt; • * @ Our Anxii;n;v his decided to open a Sunday at,the home of her parents r, errng Of all ..Inds—Best always recom• co-operative society. here. i g Miss FIlacoo L)))ion and 3frs. J. Linton Selec' ' Mended. ' Z�e.-are p-eased to see that.George spent a couple of drays in the city last Parker is at�le b a again. P P to e bout a n week. The annual Sabbath School enter- Fir> i-class rigs fQr hire MrF. Wir,. Cat:ie *,•turned last week Conveancin Done t:,inirentand Cbrisiinas Tree will be _ ')ay or nlgl t �' g held in the basement of the-church on frez_: Winnipeg. .after spending six Rents andmotes Collected. Wednesday evening, the :22!id ins' weeks with relatives afid friends in :your ...- -. .. y f-'• that City. B118 IT166t8 811 trains Charges reasonable, when ,�good time is.expected. '.firs, Walker's address, Remeriiber the fowl su� er and Rev, Thursday I P, ,. __Teaming promptly attended to. last, on Mission Work in Western A. L. Geggie's lecture entitled, "The _ o' 350acre Farrn,for sale. Canada, was much enjoyed.' Owin Rose Shamrock and Thistle" to be Agent for Canada Carriage Co. B i Qn under the auspices of St. John's If you want to buy sell or rent, call to the stormy weather the attenda.nge g P �a+ H. Pea at my office. Bargains. was not large, but those who heard S. S. on the evening of Tuesday, Dec. ! Fie her felt that their interest in missions 28th. Full particulars next week, ` 4 ' was deepened. Wm: H.Abbott, who has been ea- / s We 1 . Richardson• One by one the old settlers,who pass- gaged with- L.. Middleton the past �� The ed through the hardships of pioneer summer, has taken .trip to London, , Notarq Public, Pickering. life, are easing away to their reward. England, w visit Lia parents and tela- J >r One of tpe last to ass away was Mrs. tives. He sailed from St. John by .-."Early at DOMINION BANK , h C.P.R. boat, Lake Manitoba. y r Thomson, relict o the late Jno.Thom- The annual oyster supperand enter- head Office, Toronto 2laeksmithing son, who died at her,home on lltbeinst. tairiment of the BroughUhion Sab i • end concession.on Saturday, bath School will be held on the even- at the advanced aged of ninety years. in of Wednesda ; Dec. 22nd. A first. Bassett General Banking Business A general blacksmith business done: Mrs Thomson was a native of Tyrone g y . . �" Gnunty, Ireland. She emigrated to class program is being prepared by the transacted. _ All kinds of repairing neatly and Canada with her parents in earlySchool and outside talent, consisting "' rl• promptly e3ecuted. P of choruses, recitations, good dialog- -childhood, settling in Scarboro town- " penial attention given to "Horse-shoeing - a- specialty. ship. About sixty years ago she mov- ues and fancy drills. Music will be .� � furnisbed during the evening by the r ed into Pickering township where she k the collection tog S.iAW pre. Brou ham Male Quartette ; Miss M. has ever since resided. ' She was g 8816 nOt6l3. PICRERIN(i, ON T. s deceased by her husband thirteen LaFrau h, soloist, Stouffville; Miss z _ years. She had a family of five, three Marie Willson, Warren C• Willson, �ew' elr Store sone and-two daugters of whom two Master Roy' McGregor, and others. "- BAQINaS,DEPARTMENT, are dead' Those surviving are Wm.' Thesupper will commence at 5 o'clock BRITISH Term of 1909 g and con*.,nLe t:L.il all are served. Sup- 3DepOsitz received Of $1, Bud CANADIAN Ten per cent chew and Isabella at home and Robert in "all, + - : upwards. P p' New Ontario. She was a member of Per served in the Sons' "all, after P gBUSINF.88 er, ten per cent bet- g which the rogram will hrenderedWhii � COLLEGE: ter for Businea the Presbyterian church, Dumbarton, +' in the TowrrFiall. Admission 26 cis„ later@et allowed at hi heat and was held in high esteem. Her 'children 16c. TORONTO Shorthand and Mat• children took ] y after- current rates. tic. place on Tuesday a noon, when her bodywas laid to rest Booklet free. R. A. Farqquharson . ICIIAB. D. GORDON, Manager B.A., Principal* CornerYonge and in Erskine cemetery. Three lepers are are large at Opposite New Post Office Bloor Sts. Calumet, Mich., the State law pro- r __'@i�HITBY BRANCH. Attend White's sale to-nlorro�i' vir;irg no means of isolRting them. ��3was;Mmesow�<!e = s vv e n� '..., .^- r .'....L- - • ... .! .". „- .... .v.,. •1 tic 0. idid. She had tested the matter by her nerves were unusually Weak, ` searching the room and then lock. or her mind unusually morbid, I if L. e ' - o ing herself in it alone, on more da not know; but she lay and wept �] o oye than one occasion, when she had for pitx(.,111,ck � fallen asleep, slept an hour or more Then a strange thing happened B _ -9 and waked up to find her work all light hand, soft and The' ' ' Q rm her—a oft,] h h fore- head g as se touched her e- done. light aro oaf to d or No; it was no member of the fam- head and passed down' over her i r, ily• face. The touch stilled and awed, Who was it then but did not frighte`bi her. ���♦�♦����♦ ' AOR, WAITING THROUGH WEARY know.he would have given her life to 1•"Who is it?" she whispered faint- SUBSTANCES IN HAY. J Yj�ARs, The Christmas holidays passed; SThere was no answer, but the The nutritive substances in hay ' the married daughters, with their light hand passed softly to and fro or feed may be divided into two juveniles, left their father's house over her face., classes—flesh-formers and fuel or "Who „ energy ro �for their own. And "Witch Elms" Rho is it?" she asked again in gy P . ducing substances. CHAPTER, X.—(Cont'd) I in the glass corner cupboard. Th-e• returned to its former compara- a voice faint with fear. 11'hen the proper amount of theso r kitchen floor and dresser were live quiet. A soft face bent down to her and classes of substances is fed the After dinner, the men went oti`", ration is said to be balanced. If t, their work again, and airs. tier- scoured white. And every copper ' And still, though now there was touched her. g and tin on the dresser shone bright- not so much occasion for help, Ma- "Who is it?" she gasped in al- an unbalanced ration is fed, as one ;ger prepared to go into her sitting- 1 as old and silver; and ever rie Serafinne found it. And she _ eontaining more fuel or energy- room and sew, to complete a new y g y I most dying tones ' P shirt was ironed and hu upon i rew better'and younger and ha producing substances than are ng P g Y g P� Then answered a'low tender al- dress for herself, ,to be worn at needed- and less flesh-forming ma- the clothes-horse to air. pier every day. But one thing most inaudible voice: Christmas. terial the ration is partially wast- „ „ Marie Serafinne pressed -her troubled her—auxiety to solve the "Wake up. Rake up." ed, and such unwise feeding will Marie, she said, as soon as ,� hands before her eyes, and then re- supernatural mystery of her life. I am awake. Who is it Is it you have washed . up the dinner ,moved them and looked again. The winter amassed away. �„ not bring as good results as the, dishes, I want you to make some K y• you, my Helper she breathed as feeding of the same amount of •• The work was done, and done And t1is spring came, bringing a if she were breathing her last. balanced ration. Each class of sub- doughnuts and jumbles for sup we}1! Thi was no dream or vis- strange sense of rengvated life to Then came the mysterious voice stance .has different offices to per- - per; and you must have some hg,. 'ion. It was a stubborn fact. Marie the poor servant at Witch Elms. again. low tender, infinite! biscuits and rice Taffies, and had , , y com- form in the body. If not enough Z. Serafinne had nothing to do but to Every one noticed now, how very passionate. flesh-forming substance is fed, the some of that cold beef and ham to put out the lamp and go to bed! pretty she was " ' p p y growing. "What is the matter Z Rake body suflers, because it is absolute- ? pother for a relish. And mind be "What does it all mean?" she Will Berger, the youngest of the 1 " ae smart as you were this morn g uR ly necessary to keep the. body in �- fug. Do you hear?" . said to -herself. boys, just growing up into man- G She tried to speak again; but good condition. 'Thousands of hors- "Who does m work for me?" hood, and ten years younger than her bresth 'was almost one; her ea are fed'.all the can eat, r „ y 8 yyet are Ye$, ma ain, answered tha hfarie-fierafinne, took the fancy to heart had almost ceased to beat. poorly nourished, because the food (poor woman. In great bewilderment she fall in love with her, and he did it. With a supernatural effort she whis contains little except fuel sub- tinguiahed the light and went up pored her last question : stances. And as soon as her mistress had to.her attic to pray end go to rest. But. instead of askingMarie for. q left the kitchen, Marie Serafinv3 She felt so greatly refreshed by herself, he asked his 'mother .for "Who are you I Who are you i" The flesh-forming substances are recommenced her endless task. her. Then came.the final answer, low, used to replace the waste that goes her long, deep sleep in the kitchen, This none She had felt, stronger this,day that she scarcely•felt the need of , proposal did not strike the sweet, sad, as the softest not of on in all living.tissue. Energy-pro- 9 any day for the last twety, any more sleep that night. Yet, 1 German woman as it does us. True, the Aelian harp: ducing substances are used to fur- months; but as it drew near night as soon as she touched her pillow, �Marie Serafinne was only a ser- "The child you bore in Pine nish the energy required for tae her strength began to fail, and 13, va.nt, and ten years older than her Cliffs,.s dozen ears ago." nervous and muscular activities of she .slept again; and slept well. y the time she placed the :well-c-)4e.l (suitor, and without a dollar in the s « , . the bod--, and when fed in excess supper on -the- table she •felt- al- As on the previous morning,.she ,world. But they, she was very tl�ev may to a certain extent be PP was .waked up by the first beams ; r (To be continued.) stored up in the form of fat for use most ready to faint. �p etty.sad lady-like, and had a Mrs. Berger praised the cooking of the rising swi shining on her pusver of work in her -that would later, 'when needed for .either en- face. As before, she started up in b!• money in the packet of a labor- FOi TIIFL'L COCIIAGE. ..ergs or heat. but did not notice the pallor std I. One .of the most important sub- a panic on fiadirrg that she had in farmer. And besides, if Ma- • weakness of the cook, I K � i overslept herself. She hurried rie was ever to be married, as such In-idents In the Life o! �•iseount !stances in any foodstuffs is protein. As she. arose from the supper down stairs, and into the kitchen. i AF nutritive substances which con- table, she said: !zi fair woman was apt 'tn be, it llardiuge. Wonder upon'wonders" would be better for them that she I �•tain nitrogen are classed under the "-I am going t0 fipish my alpaca Visce-unt'Hardinge, who did good I general term of protein. Pro- dress, Marie, so you r;:ust get til,n As on the morning_rrevious; all should marry one of their uwr► lads, ,service in advancing the British do- loin is composed )f nitrogen car= y n the work was dc,ac. The kitchen .and remain at home to work for.'service iii•to the Punjab possessed � oxygen, sulphur .the b;st-way. you can -without- :re the table was seL, ttte.I them, than that she shouIil marry ' + P �bon, hydrogen, of this evening. After was clean; undaunted courage. As a lad, he and p g. you bf�d breakfast was cooked and smokinga stranger and' o away, takin all ' K phosphorus. Protein is the sub= washed tip the dishes, and scou-P-1 g 8 showed his advecturoua s crit by ;stance which btiilds' up the body. the kitchen .floor and the dres3er• oro. the stove,, ready to be dished. . her usefulness with her. • climbing the but of Durham The ymuscles, tendons, ligataments, li want you to 'iron those thi .,s Marie Serafinne sank clown in her' So the Gerinan mother told. tier Cathedral, in search of birds' eggs. connective,tissues, skin, hair,-boofs, 7. you sprinkled down. it will t•,.k'e chair, so overwhelmed with per- eon that he was welcome to marry � Ag,.amusing story of his early boo- ;part of the bone, and in fact every you till late, but you know tl:e wr,rl plexity, that she felt as if slie would Marie Sera finne, on condition that-,hood is told. by G. D. Oswell, in ipart of the body-but fat are made must be done• and if lose her reason. they should beth -remain on the Sketches of the Rulers of India. up of protein, together with min- , you want to g stay here,. you.must do it. Who had done her Rork? farm and..wark for the 'family as His aunts, with whom he was stay- I.eral matter and water. _ before. Ing, thinking he Was too short fox I The next'im ortant class of sub- "Yest ma'am," meekly _replied The unanswerable .question 'al- his age, tried to increase his height P the o Roman.' most .crazed her brain'. She had The boy coneentAd to this poli- stances is the carbohydrates, which p b?. making-him hang by his arms And as her riiistrnss left the room, heard of household spirits, called :.ppsai, and went off in a strikingly f;'m' the tap of a dot;r: contain carbon, hydrogen and osy- `-: Marie attetnpted to rise and �o "Brownies,`' wbo were said to make iforward, practical way in search of I His school career was not a long igen, but no. nitrogen, sulphur, ar ! about her work: But she was m'��e Ithenisel,•es 'very 'useful' in'domestic iMar.e. He found b-37-"'in the a'c:ap- one. At t•:_!'a a of fourteen he was }•hosphorus; they inelude' starch, g sugar, etc. These are used for i,rac- prostrated than bhe knew, As, she Ilabc,r; but these she hu'.' consider- suds," busy with the faniil� wash- gazetted ensign in a small corps g tically the same purpose for wGic3 -tried once more to stand- tip,' an e I as the creations of i,uagination lag, and he asked ,her plainly to Lnovcn as The ,.Queen's Rangers, coal or .woad is used in' the steam overpowering,faintness 'anti Trow- e.nly. • Now•she caught herself in marry bim. ;c:hich was in Canada, where he pro- ,engine, namely' to furnish energy siness came upon her, and relaxed quiring: I She stared in mute 'astonishment .seeded to join it. . He very early ':and heat. her limbs and weighed don n Iter "E an it be a `Browniei that helps .a full minute, and 'then flatly re- I displayed that courage which was to i The third important constituent eyelids, .so that she sank back in one?" Ifused. be so marked a feature of his char- Io1 ha A its oils- Small aster .throughout his career. y quantities • -her chair; and fell into a deep and And immediately, iu alarm, -she He Rent off with his stem of dis- 13e was returning from mesa one !o` oil are present in all kinds of dreamless sleep of some hours' dor- exclaimed: appointment to his mother. night in Montrehl, when he saw I hay. These oils genre the same pun. ation. I am going crazy,. or I never And she told him not to despair, ;thtee ruffians attacking and robbing 'pose as the carbohydrates. A g! ' but to have patience, and he might a man who was lying on the ground. ;pound of these, however, will fur. - .�.'he was awakened at length by should think of such a -thin g , I the loud voice of her mistress, call- I The entrance of the-family recall- vein bis 'sxceethea rt after all. He,ai once drew his sword and Wish two and one-fourth times as a ing from the next room— • ed her to practical duties. She Meantime summer waned into au-.�rushed to the rescue. The three 'much energy or heat as the Rama "Marie! Marie!haven't you of I tumn, and autumn faded into win- quantity of carbohyt'ratea: It.^a� y g gut the breakfast on the table, and ruffians after a short show of re through there' .yeti It's after ,prepared to wait on those'who sat.:ter. Christmas.holida s were again siatance, fled before his vigorous readily b� seen when the chemicalIN twelve o'clock, and I have just fin- down. But again she was' invited approaching, and• allthemarried onset. Mlle man whose life he thus analysis of hzv. is considered, why iahed my. dress, and I'm- fining to with unusual kindness to sit ,down daughters, with their families, saved, Mr. Edward Ellice, after- I the price .of the different grades or kinds of 'hay should de'• nd brat bed! and you ought to be through and partake of the meal with them. were coming to pay ^their• annual I ward became a cabinet minister pe + " with yolta• w•�,rk, too, by this time. And with : silent gratitude she l visit to their, areata at "Witch and secretary for war, both distinc- i upon the. amount of digestible nu- owth�thaD�ow hurry: bccause'vou know ycu availed herself. of the privilege. ]Elms P tions which young Hardinge himself ;trtents contained, and second, upon I+fowth t have got to bc'up very. early in the This was Christmas eve. And 'Was also destined to attain. At the purpose, for which the hay is morning." Again tha work at the farm-house se1•etiteen he was fed. If the concentrated feed—i.e. upon this day all -the . married promoted ]looters- 1" „ utas doubled, and quadrupled as ; the grain in the ration—lacks pro- :.. —Yes, m$ aur, mechanically an- daughters, with their husbands`and 9 P ant, and two years later. became s,' , .'swered the ' poor woman slowly I Christmas day drew ,near. captain. I tein, then the hay that is high in. children, were exepcted to arri}•e. � P this substance is more Qaluablo waking up from her profound sleep Ind is the- coarse of the day they But this. additional labor made fter the Battle of Vimiera, than one which contains little but t,� the alarming consciousness that .came, one party after another. no -difference to Marie Serafinne, where Hardinge had been severely'carbohydrates, and vice-vera she had 'slept ever since supper time ,,and' the work for that da was, 1. who received mysterions help ac- ,wounded, the quartermaster-gen- Y and had dune none of the work that' y cording 'to her need. She had no 1 eral wrote, i There is quite a rade in the quadrupled. g I grieve to tell you amount .othe different classes of. had been given her to dp! Twelve, trouble but the constant longing that our friend Captain Hardin r g I •But Marie Serafinne found g g was wounded in the hottest art of nutrients in the various kinds )f y� midnight, and.she had not washed strength to do all that was found desire to.know who her secret.lieip= P hay the dishes, nor scoured the kitchen, est of her; or if. her strength flag- eT could be.' attack. It is his custom to be'fore- nor ironed the clothes that had I g t On an averse in 100 pounds of most in every a.tack, where an un- g p ged when she happened to be at There was -rife night, in every 4affected gallantry alfalfa hay the digestive protein, been sprinkled down. She had not I work in a room by. '_herself, .she year, that was very terrible to the g y of spirit irresis- amounts to 10.118 ounda; 1cow- I tib] carries him. Here he was P even lighted the kitchen lamp! would be overpowered by drowsi- I poor woman This was the night Icons ionone where all were Pea hav, 10.79 pounds; in alsike It was sunset when she had been I ness, and after a restful sleep cf i of Christmas Eve., the anniversary brave." clever 1.38 pounds; in redtop hay, overtaken by sleep,and now it was f Several .hours, she would Rake :.-) of the birth and death of her child. + The same officer, on notingthe •1,50 pounds; and in timothy has, midnight, and, the kitchen was as I find her work-all done! It was on the eleventh anniversary fortitude with which Hardingbore 83 pounds. dark as pitch; but for,the-' glowing. , By degrees she reconciled herself of this • ras:ed�• -..-t her mysteri- �his sufferings, added to his despatch In 100 pounds of redtop .hay the =oi• the fire through the cry vices of I to this most nlyster.ious help; an] our helpem had first come. these words: `'Highly as I thought I digestible carbohydrates . synount the stove, her 1,•calth and strength visibly ;m- A Near had rolled around since o` him before, it remained for me I to 47 pounds, in timothy hay, 43.72 �! _ "Marie, are y o11- through]" 'proved, and consequently, to her;then, and,h$r helper had never Ito see him in his pounds, in alsike clover hay; 41.70 P present state to - icalled tier mistress again. 'Mistre.ss's- gieat� approbation, uer failed her. She had grown ascus- be aware of all the excellencies of Pounds, in alfalfa hay, 37.33 " usefulness increased: tamed• to the secret supernatural his nature." pounds; in ecwpea hay, 38.40 No, ma'am ; but 1 a'ilI gets Ithrough as quick as ever I can,", "She only wanted rotieing! If 'I aid, but had not become reconcil_ pounds; in red clover hay, 36.1E answered the girl, groping about in I had indulged that girl's laziness. eco to her Ignorance• of the identity pounds. "c the dark t-rn the boli of matches to i clic would have moped herself int.) i of the agent. - When fed for protein, timothy 'light the lamp, and trembling lest consumption, sure enough. Now I 'Who does''my" work, when my hay ranks last, but when fed for her mistress should come id and find I see how 1vell she is!" said firs. oa n arm fails?" she asked herself _ carbohydrates it stands next to redtop, -which heads the list..If the the evening work not even begun. l Berger to her'oldest married daugh- many times, and asked in vain. � ' '. - well, then, hurry. I'm going I total nutrients are considered there ] fi g ter, as they 'eat at their sewing one, "If I could, only see, hear, feel,' are a number of different kinds of ur now ! -'.So t r u must mind and lnui. 'afternoon early'in Januhry. �or even dimly perceive, my help- hay which are equal, if not super nut all the lights, ar:rl cover up tlic But •little did either mother '•)r er!" she would sip'h, and sigh to , <. _• i<ir, to timothy hay for feeding fire, and fasten up the kitchen, he- I daughter suspect but that Marie n-) purpose. Purposes.- fure on cmuc' u , to bed. Do you a. , r. c ' that vast a i1n � Tllc car ht:d ]1 5 I cr ,finnc Ind all a m� t ro ed around , hear?" ans:ecrec] .Baric_ of labor with her own hands! ]again. The twelfth anniversary of i - }es• pia x111 'l.iarie Serafinne, since the clays of Ithe birth. and death of her child, A DIEDICIN,Y. I4iARb.T]g0\. a� at lenntll :>he sit^cccll��d in find- her darkest--misfurt-une, had al- land the second anniversary of the Irate ,Doctor (finding bottle ea ing the box of match,,s. ways been a ' very Silent woman. coming, of her Supernatural helper 1/ quack medicine)—"Why didn't you She li�te:r{ci '';,r a rui�lutc, 1mti1'I N„w, she was'even more silent than �,as at hand. r %'J tell me you were taking this caret she heard Mr:. Berger going uP- 1 ever before. She brooded over the 11larie.' Serafinne, the last one ohed stuff?” stairs, anti then 1,c1 Truck the I inexplicable mystery of her life. ]about the hoose to retire, crept up ' 1, Patient—"Well, it was my, mis- niatcn .:;:�� ligiltcii•t]ic Ltirip, curl Who olid her ;cnTk?°1 to hei attic snot went to bed. y <<�L!!l,!! � sus, sir. . She says, I'll does you lof)ked s},�t,t. , tt' o� iiei• unfinished task dropped But un this night site could not +, witli. this, and doctor he'll try his v «, took sl :, �'- f , , .mea: and cartli : ,'11'hat. .:'as • from her fainting hands, w1' l On this anniVersary she y I �' 2v stuff, and we ll• so* which 11 cure this? .it up and completed it for her? never could. She lay 'thinking of "�*�r � ' a�.++ you first. ,, + The au pile,r.-table. as .if by magic, She could not even surmise. She the piteous fate of her little babe, T was cleared, off and set a.Aide. The .had ascertained; bevc-nd all quer- born' and dead in one night, twelve Proorastinatien is Qw . tri-4 '.t ,dishes were bashed and hut, away, tion, that no mm. bcr of the family ycara before! . Whether it was that Baiting for the Late male.•—Life. I many a good Elim•. ' - :.. -..... •-.,r_a...,. .c.. ..,... ,....' ..... .. '... ... fry,.;. 15, M 7 7 -7-7— VW'�5rlw W— ­r� A zl. -A M, Our mill, with a capacity of 100 barrels per day 'and wi6 flour sel:ing at from $2.50 to $3.25 per hundred, and middlings at 745 V Do You Wish' to Share in, the cents per hundred, will, with' wheat selling at 80 cents per bush- THE SUNDAY SCHOOL 01, giverevenue of $63.00 per day; from which deduct $19.- per day for operating expenses and we have a net income of *44.00 per day, or over $14,000 per year. perity of ..-Goldc I.NTERNATIONALLESSON, Pros Our total net earnings will enable us, after setting aside a sum for sinking fund,to pay a 25 per cent. dividend on the capital. DEC. 19. J We will always be able to kedp our mill running at its full ca- Western -.Cana.da ? pacity; the mills in Lethbridge are running day and night full c a- -pacity and are behind with their orders. There is Lesson XII. ,Fourth Quarterly Rfle Don't forget that we have NO COMPETITION. THEN HERE IS YOUR OPPOfiTUNITY not an elevator or a mill in the territory we are operating in,and view. Golden Text, 13 7 -.. ;,_" with the majority of the farmers giving us their support-through 2 Tim. 4. 7. being shareholders our unqualified success is assured. With elevators and mills earning such enormous dividends, is THIS it any wonder that shareA in companies only two years old, for SIMPLE PLANS FOR REVIEW. which 75c. was paid at formation, are now selling for $1-.N1 Elevator and millmig shares are as safe as a bank and pay Our task to-day is to review ih- -Elevator&011ing C wU0much greater returns.Western Farmers0 an instructive manner the eleven Limited h lessons of the Fourth Quarter of REMEMBER have been given , FREE SITES at every place where we are erecting. These sites are valuable now and a 1909. We can hardly do this, how- -41 M ead Offices. LEVIBRIDGE, ALBERTA, CANADA few years hence will be a considerable 'asset. The town of Bow ever, without recalling their rela- tion to the lessons of the-First, Sec- Island has exempted us from taxation for a period of five years • .,.Cooltal.$100.000, divided Into 100.0*0 Sharea of•$1.4011 emah. and and Third Quarters. You need have no hesitation in investing your money in this ..4DIrectors.-J.Graham,C.A. Nielson., Secretary:—O.G. Sell. enterprise, as the Directors are landowners here, and are large Our Frst Quarter's lessons 7 -This Company now offers the remaining 50,00,shares of th�ir shareholders', they are determined to manage the Company in a Our to our attention most of C84pital Stock to the public on tht same terms as the first issue; most economical and businesslike manner. the pivotal facts of the history of i the infant church before the con- viz., price 50c. per share, payabl3 20c. on application, 20c. an Another point for your.consider—' ;A that there are 'no ion of Saul, and his ordination con- May 1st, 1910, and 20c. on August 1st, 1910. !* vers -dead-head, or promoter's, shares in thi xAl�npany. Not a share as Paul the apostle to the Gentiles, 'has been given away or sold for less than 60c. had opened the way for general 01�tr first issue was for the purpose of obtaining money to erect a three grain elevators of about 30,006 bushels capacity, each at If you have any friends in this locality write and ask them obedience to our Lord's command, the following places: Bow Island, Winnifred, and Seven Persons.' their opinion of this Company, and its prospects, or write any ."Go ye into all the world, and 'Aa shares were all subscribed for within 11 days of the issue of bank here or Secretary Board of Trade. preach the gospel to every ere&- 'the prospectus.' *T DELAY. ture." The Gol,'en Text of this Our subscription lists close in a few days, so DON, The issue of the- remaining 50,000 shares is for the purpose Fill out form BELOW'and MAIL TO-DAY. THIS 'AD. WILL First Quarter, "They that were of obtaining money to erect two additional elevators, one at Bur- NOT APPEAR AGAIN. 0 scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word," is well illus- dett and one at Chin, thus giving us a chain oiLelevators at towns Refer, by permission, Canadian 'Bank of Commerce,7 Leth- 'for a distance of 80 miles along the Canadian Pacific Railway; bridge. Application may be handed any branch' Canadian Bank -trated by the descent of the Holy -to which is tributaly OVER THREE MILLION ACRES OF THE of Commerce for transmission. Spirit, the imprisonment . of the Steph FINEST WHEAT LAND IN THE WORLD, and to erect a mill , apostles, the martyrdom of S Make chequesi money order-, etc*..' payable to Western Farm- en. th6 introduction of the , nspel *f about 100 barrels capacity per day at Bow Island. Y % ors Elevator and Milling Co., Limited. We have selected Bow Island as the most suitable place to into Samaria, the stories of Philip For fu n as trech our mill for two reasons: First. NATURAL GAS has been further information address, the Secretary. and the Ethiopian and of Ae cr end Dorcas. The teacher cannot, ------- discovered near the place in enormous quantities. One well is the, . , APPLICATION FOR SHARE: S se largest in the world and.has a flow sufficient to produce on -ttiis Sunday, well afford much 35 rie power constantly. time to the First Quarter, but if its general course can be quickly re- t for to secure a supply sufficient to produce 100 THE WESTERN FARMERS ELEVATOR & MILLINC CO., it bora a a 0 called to the minds of the pupils, III or $1.05 per day of 10 hours. Consider this for a LIMITED I .1 : Vvill be of advantage as a founds- 'moment. Compare this with mills at Lethbridge and other-places.' P. 0, Box 1839, Lethbridge, Alberta, (�an -day. tion for our lesson to where fuel costa from $153.00 -t' 100 horse power per Rpeall'the Golden Text for the 0 $20.00 per day—it means a clear SAVING TO THE SHAREHOLDERS of at- Please 'allott me... shares in the Western Second Quarter. "With great pow- gi least $17.00 PER DAY. Farmers Elevator& Mill in-Co., Limited, price 60c. per et gai(, the apostles witness of the Another reason for selecting Bow Island that it is in the resurrection of thZ-'I.r)rd Jesus"- centre of our chain of elevators and is the largest*grain producing share, par value $t.00, fully aid, non.a.­se;;��ahle. a statement which is well illustrat- centre between Taber,and Medicine Hat -by building the mill Pel b,. the stcyries of Peter's-activi. Joining our elevator we will be able to handle the grain into the ties.*r,f­tho convero4ion of Saul of agree to accept tbo above, of any less* in mill in the most economical manner. -be Paul's first wis-tionary,journey and ich may allotted me.. the eouncil at Jerusalem.- E: S T I M A T pol. I '' :' '. . . . �41, E'D PRO FIT $ I enclose $...............bein, at rate 0 f 20c.' . "So mightily grew the word of God and pre vailed" is the text Sham, and agree to pay 20c. per Share oil -31av To those who arer not familiar with the Elevator and Milling st, i hich nnit(­t-in one of the series of busiDess, let us give a few conservative figures: A 30,000 bushel 19101 and the final 20c. per,share on Ati-l'ist 1-;t, 1-91.0. Ille Third Quarter, Paul is th�ti elevator will easily handle 150,000 bushels of grain during a sea- ern all.. We com- ti son. The usual charge for handling the grain and loading into chief-1%4�ro of them NAME ....... . .................. ............. hi-i second mi"ionary Journey ears, including storage for 15 days is 2 cents, per bushel, which infi,.fne h—ons rtnd bis third Iris- _77 viii produce a revenue of $3,000 for each elevator, or $15,000 for the five. The charge for elevator a torage is three-fourths of a ADDRESS �-ivwary jnprnny into four. cent per bushel per month and as many farmers hold their grain Our Fourth Quarter's lev%onq. ........ ....... .............. Nvhich.we re it-r- to-dRy, begin withi. -until the following STring the elevators are always full all Winter. i lie arrpqt i,' Pa al (L", I and Figuring three mo a' stu age, that will produce a further riv- ,ontpris,- thi' ch*'f evv.j,� of his ini- n OCCUPATION entie of at least $3,000, which brings the total earnings-Lo $16,00 0 -orit !ent th(, plot. to kill him DATE , The annual operating expenses cannot by any possible combin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Les 1 Il.), his defriise before ation of circumstances exceed $4,750.60 for the five elevators, lear- overni-r Felix (Lesson 11`1,), and ing as a net balance of $13.750,00. lefore Fe!zt ii, and A�.-rippa (Le'sstin IVA all_sWdi-il ill Ovtober: tile. to 84,- % thc' ship * r' -k C. N. R'.S. GREAT RECORD. of land'sales, amounting (1,4­as -n V.) w rt 3092,637 and in addition the com- Vlj, Pail'- arrival' ' in I,; mvii story In 8"en 'Years Has Increased Its pang owns 1,398,013 acres of unsold (H f his life V Mileage IX or cent., Gross Ian da in-the provinces of.Manito- G 0 D I L L S V E by and Saskatchewan. :nx, On self-d"Ilial. 'I Le-!Zoll IX.) Earnings M per-eent., and _N et r Nnvembor; and twtv all lie(I i In view of the company's rapid growth in mileage in recent I6­;tPn.s stitdi(d :ill nt yedrs, Cananites Youu 815 per cent. Conquer the Meet 'All 'ivinq (r.e.aooij X.) Few railroads can 'point to a it is interesting to note that, every �Ti the 6rave*(,f G i +,. s� e. ill's Last Words (Le­Son has recorded arr increase in an,[ Pa greater record of expansion and year Around ' You, 1­'(,%-jgr­1:1,knd-� as growth than can the Canadian the gross earnings, mile of line I lle$i-6 an.; Lr-.z;st)n ifl, Northern.' while*, in the item of net earnings, V • . o I a -iilfraction,� a- The report for. the the year 1908 shove a slight,set- And the Canaanite was then in cipline and pen ft' s f'r Chri"tni-­ irs.on. year ended the 1".-Gen'. xii. G. -Canaanitcs' The youth looks olit As vm- 1.-I- bae.k over ill(, olc'Ven Jane 30th, last, just issued, ws back which has been more-than re- This text is taken -from the story to manhood as the. goai (d froedoin. sh:died 6h-ows that this record has -continued lu covered in the- fiscal year ju.net re- of the "call" of Abraham. God and,self-governnien't. Oh. the lira-, the Lill iial.ilralk- intt, threH abated. While in the fiscal ye, ported., which hover' -ro"awt. id si,ven and two and tw, and s called" him from his humble raises ble.,-ing -ID08, when United States railroads lv�sun,: rc,�Iwvtivelv: as fnilows: los- a As, "of age But. bode to journey toward, a great over the voids, were experiencing tremendous SECRET OF ANCIENTS L-I'll.,-Pani a prisoner; land of promise, the Land of alas' when they arrive liespon-! I.N. and N.. Paul's doe- sea, this road showed an increase Ancient Method of Tempering Cop. Canaan. sibilitv, care, earning a liVing, the of $1,350,WO in gr n 0 trines on self-denial anti the graee 0!s earnings, r But alas! when he arrived at the world'., ' vxactio6s, governing a 15 per cent., it has in the a per a Lost Art. year 1909 F g;Nill-: and Vill. and border of this land of promise he character, amkill- a repittatitin V. y occupied! "The Canaanite', e-y-orym-livre and riRlit further improved this showing with What was the combination of me- found it almid i X L, his own stfo:% of 11:S 1; u .i ..alut an additional increase of $872,305, tals from which the Egyptians, his last word,;.• was then in the land." difficult to uvervowo . Evory n,,Nvi method is --)rd*t'hat Will call ;, or 8.98 per cent., in gross and Aztecs, and inhabitants of Peru Who were they? Well, they were position ur .advance from laborcri' 4533,675, or 17.60 per cent., in net. manufactured their tools and arms? , 111) WIth (1ktinr.-tnes the �eeiie,, of a formidable part of that �nicient to foreman, from c1�-rk to (INAllel. I I Operating expenses this year rep- Though each of these nations - I tht,,,(, lessons. tint ino surt, that tlie, people called Hittites, a great war- it is tfic same-the land of onii,,e f are tied together in the minds 4) resented 06.30 per cent. of gross reached a high state.of civilization, like band, quick to resent invasion. has its `Canaanites. I)r earnings against 68.70 per cent last none of them ever discovered iron 1 the pupils by the thought our 7, rear. The"y were already there and had Culture is 'acquired by hour of� Golden Text: "I haN`e F:otght a in spite of the fact that the soil of which was all three countries Since June 30th, 1903, A *4Ts largely Co be reckoned *with, in spite of the patient Christian study in a ciini-llgooll fight. i -hr.: ffiiNli_4 Illy. 'in- fact that Goa had called Abraham bat with ignorance ; character the first year in which the Canadi- pregnated with it. But they substi- is-lcourse, I have kept thr, faith." and promised him the land with Nv.on by bravely doing one's humble. A survey of t1le'dates. and orpeci- an Northern issued aji annual re- taf6d for it a combination of metals blessing,'promised unity and privi- best for what is true and right and of tbe geography of t the company's -mileage has that had tbe temper of steol, 'and survey lcgc,. fighting what is fla"e're'asc-d from 1,2f7G' to 3,013 on the secret of the combination is the lessons, is necossary fi, an in-, ,Tune 30, 1"9, or equivalent to. 1043 'Iost to mankind. I wonder if emu have ever thought FALSE A-Nr) W.Ro ,.\ 'JuIligent review. '., should .not be, 7 of it. Every better desire of your .(lifficult for any teacher to interest 1 per cent. In the same time I do not know yull gross Humboldt tried to discov'�r the e heart, every user thought. of your .you or what hi3 class in trac-ing 010 jOUNIC% Of as increased from $2,449-579 per: lost art by analyzing a chisel found are trying' to make of yourself, but mind, every i Paul as. a prisoner from Jentalcisr deeper. yearning of 1 4nnum to $10,581,768, or 332 per in an ancient Inca silver riiino, but if� you believe that Character is tll(- your soul aher sonie"hing greater t.-) R(-)rn(,. cent., and net earnings from $SCO,- 'all lie could•make of it was that it greatest �jll('(!6ss in this �Nvorld and and ninre Promising' 1.9 God's call Show bow Oie tcaehi-ngs of Le 28.5 to' S3,566,362, or 315 per cent. appeared to. be a cdmbinatiun of a tJ you Every prol-notion before work bard fur it you will not be a. ,,ns IX.. X.. �1;1(1 X1. are espoel- Passengers carried have increased small portion of 'tin with copper. fAilure. There may be an iinlovel disposition in your home or at the I)ec,-, suggested elsewhere, •an in- from 2,151,8(h to 1,02S, 1l, c1levy opportunity confronting d y alk- characteristic of Paul. As has 7S7, passen- No present known "7a� of combinis •- y yoii,� every chanco to better your- gers carried one inile'froin l6,%3,- iii- these two metals will give flie (dice, there may be some vicious profit from, $OS to 78,044,255, tons of revenue hardness must self is terested class will derive ardness of §tccl, so there . . . . .. 1 desire in your own heart, some, a iabnlar review• made, out in part frieight fl:am 001,605 to. 2,93R,W2, have, been in the chiscl something A CALL OF GOD. TO YOU. harniful trait in your natim, son-in, the session. Let a' wide and,tons carried one mile fr,_111 else which Humboldt nii:scd. But alas! iklien you make the'of- overirown habit in your behavior, sheet of paper be given to Each pit- 251,342,113 to 1,000,S73,33G.. And these ancient raccs were 'able fort yQu find instead of the glowing and yc-t lou feel at tinics, the long- pil, and memoranda of the,lessons Total capital, including I)-,,pary pure copper so that it pictures you have framed, instead ing and the. impulse of the best and b-. niadc (hiring the lesson hour. tore stock and car trust ob'i-a- e,,'1i<h1Jcd the temppr of flic, finest 6f the ease and 'tranquility you highest. On- the other haind, we should nev- tions, ha; �ncreased itiCdh,�. 11-ve-n stcel produced at the prc.,�,,,nt (1*.11,), imagined, tlir,,rc arc, serious draw- Take a serious view of life. and forgt that a-successful review ,Years from $39,668' 11 Y, or R2 1.OM by the 111ust'sciciltific.procogs. With backs, obstacles, hindrances,, biir- 1QIicvc God. is calling voit to 'bet- ,nest aM-a g be begiin beforehandt 1�, be given fu the pupils, 'per mile of line to or the'r br6nko and' copper imsti�ii-' dens, care,; and limitations. *Your ter 'things, to make, the iiwt, of Slips ni $40,640 prr iviile_ 1he Canadian meats they were able to quarry and land of bri;ilant prornise is already yourself, to take by conquest the ne v)usfal cards -sent them. with G'overnme'nt, has guiininteed �KO,­ shape the hardest stone, sue'll as occupied, fL,; ;the Canaanites are prorniso and blessing- 'Whieh are blanks, for them to fill in. 727,183 of Cbl.c; iCompnny's bonds and granite and 'porphyry. and ('�cii cut there. your!-, 'when yon earn them. Yes, debenture' stock. emeralds. The ancient people must Th*0 bob' starts for boarding earn them by a str(:)n,-,,. brave fight Wheii hi,i •satnnic majesty tempts Additional safety can be found in have indepcndeutly discovered the school f,,r-Ily believing ho has for- with yuiir hindcring, - annoying, son- P-)PIC they want hint to get the company's land grant account, axt of tempering copper, and yet o:zcaped parental contr,,I, 1, ,� wli•,tever they n2ny be, behind t1ioni-and push. which on June SO, showed a it is a secret that lharftcz modern father's wcarying pr­cer,-L.i, c-1 : calls you and that isi V,here there's a-will there'-4 A�l RAXI S D_V__M ati- balance of $7,273,221) dt,-; 'on lard scientists of the 'whole civilized mother's constant ovcrsi'gllt'. amt i e ro It V;avi an licir and s. `,-w li­­ry sales and cash on depose: account world. -n, V. RARL Rl-_'ILA"_\D �la.�ycrs1 P 0.% when he arrives he f, J.; r;q,,! cl�,, RE se. 1"';k +' t 1Ft'n1' - -.�1! F„.:, ... dy O „.. dine '';' i 'h -..•s=. al+�a-T+:•k,.. F'�aa•' +., xr ::t ♦ : ._' ,... - •.;.-rev. �.+iay.. `.'""..+ w 1` '. .:...: - sy.v. ,'^ -"qrv, F R',;?,et�'ti-�ev.!�s-�.r^ p ,:-i'',oa:u E'n �:.ir.: ..: ..+.••: ,: a ,. : .,. ., ;.. ..-.., . -.,,. .-y,,, M'r. - %'��a-r5"'�'�a. 01 r:.:°-.. -n - • S j foe may be sent out In good time for A sowing. Applicxnte should mention BLACKSMITH SHOP Richardsons Tea is Good Tea - the variety they prefer, with a second sort as an alternative, Applications I am prepared to carry on the black- will be Sled in the order in which they smithing business formerly conducted ' Raisins and Currants guaranteed feQeh finite : are received so long as the supply of by Robt. Davidson. General repair seed lasts. Farmers are advised to ap- work and horsag a a1?eC y Icings salt T e ply early, to avoid possible disappoin cings and Icing Sugar fresh ground aient. Those appl ing for. Indian I have also the agency for the fam- , ispubliahedavery Friday ma y ous Cuckshutt plows and Adam's Canned Gooks, rningatitsomoe, corn or:potatoes should bear in mind wagons. Call and see me before mak- Quaker Brand, guaranteed „Pickering.oat, that the corn is not uouall distribut- i B41E8 OF ADVERTISMO: until April, and that potatoes cannot •ng your purchase of farm imple- Haddie, Smoked Haddie and Labrador Herrings L'intinaestion per"e Io mate be mailed until danger from frost in menta. - Patch subsequent insertion.per tare - s cente transit is over. No postage is uir- ROSS HAULEY, Almon Lemon Vanilla Orange, Extracts-five flavors 'Chis rate dos.sot ine;aele Legal or Foreign p g , , , g , -advertisements. ed on mail matter addressed to the CHRRRy.oOD ONTARIO special terms given to parties malting con- Central Experimental Farm. Ottawa. R' lar n rants for 3 or 6 months or by the year. Half ichardson's Special c Tea, unequalled YMFIV or yesri contracts payable quarterly. WK. SAUNDERS, ' Ba Year. $6 00. ,tan lint or under,with paper -Director of Experimental Farms. Bla' oksmithing' •.VutchCleanser,'Pearline, Gillett's Lye, etc. rneyine gb r sayable in advance, IlNoticeis local columns tea oen14 per line, s db s E . nye cents per line .act subsequent iascrttoa. :' Salmon, Anchor and Horseshoe and all best brands >. 6peoi.l contract rates mad*know a on appiioa- Thirty-one hunters were,killed paving rented the Dunbartoa shop tion..No free advertising. in the New England'States and + r. edvertisemeate without written lastruetions g and opened the same,I um prepar• Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Dates, Prunes, Figs ail Lwill be inserted until foroidden and cbaree3 me- the Provinces of Nova Scotia and „ ed to do all work entrusted to aordiavly. Orders for discontinuing advertise- New Brunswick in the hunting • uta--Almond's Walnuts, Pea 'lberta ]cents maim be iu writing and seat to the pub- B me in the above line. , , , f usher. season this year. HorseshoeinR a specialty. Job work promptly attended co. Call in and see me any time. Syrups;Baking and Table,,in tins tad:in bulk T&EALB r� ,- New Adverttsevnenta. - $3._a per year ; $l.i�it pai3 is advance. - DUNBARTUN RICHARDSON rT IME AND CE iNrY, always on MURKARI-Propria.or, ' L hand. roaN �IoG�Nri, PtcYering �Itf �q��jTED NO@v PESH MILCH CONN' FOR SALC COMMENTS F — . i have for sate a fresh wiich cow. ApDIT NOTES AND For Pickering and surrounding dis- ':'Buy you Groceries at the Grocers. 4 on or :vires,lot 17,con !,Pickericg,.DL•',NCAN trict for fall and winter months an DOLPHIN,Brougham tl lo We are now into zhe Christmas _ _ -_ energetic reliable agent to take orders season and the fair sex are busy TTOUSE TO RENT-A six-roomed for nursery stock. re aria 11 dwelling r'ewly pypercd and Ipainted, GOOD PAY WEEKLY OUTFIT FREEWE p' p g gifts to _ diatlibute throughout,nrat.classcellar andlargegarden E3CLGeIVETERRITO�RY ARE f3n10tllT, !hell'fS'leTiCIS, and the vrri 'Fo=further ing oars sppPy.to S.8.CHAP. 5 .� EADQUARTERS atAN, Pickering 8tf 600 Acres under cultivation. We guar= - •,'ous stores are busy selling articles HEIFER-Came on to the antee to deliver stock in good condi- appropllate for this season of the STRAYtion and up to contract grade: We premises of the anderalgned on Dec. 3rd, year. This custom of distributing one heifer. The owner may have the same by can show you that there is Rood money. _ VrovingQ property and payingg expenses. DAV- in representing a well known reliable -FOR Christmas gifts l9 an admirable ID eNt.a.N,lct 17,con.1,a ickeria� 11-13 firm at this time. $stablished oyer 30 one and is according to. the spirityears. Write for particulars. j' TANTED-Aa experienced farm of the great founder of the Chris- T V hand•middle aged,to work on fans by RELEEAK NMIARRY Co., year is western Canada. would assist in pro- •J,-1?- Toronto. Ont tlan religion. TI18 Value of the caring homestead for the party wiliiaq to eotas l wag« $2" per year, Address o. SHAW. _ gift to both the giver and the re'- Meuoru,gask. uxf coiver depends to a AT ONCE ! Cutters Sleighs Robes and pe great extent TRAY CALVES.—Strayed from �e � • on the s.pjrit in which it is given. chs premises or the anaersigned. lot Qs. A reliable,local salesman wanted, Bells. �i few overcoats with If a person tends it with the ex- °el a,Pickenag.on or abort irfgzr eve spring to represent p collars to be sold at a r*' calves. Reward ofrared for informetloa that a�w+ V GYi V pecta,tion that ilei will receive will :end to their whereabouts. Address A_ f� f _ COWLING. Dunbaztaa P.O, I1•it `' ur �ZCSt 1113 • Horse Owers cut— value, )methiug else of equal or greater —- -- �ARM FOR SALE:-Beim lots 10 t� a f, w argain• powers, • 'ValaE', or if he :;ends it sinlpiy be- aa4 It:con T, towasbio of Pick�ensc and �x.f tf5t j'u1t�r ;! hoses Wild mml ars - :- eutu5e it is a c'ustt�m which he oonststiaq cf 930 acres, Thia farm !s the one p p �u wbic'a the well-known Greenwood berd of I in Pickering and adioining noun- " deplores, he will receive very little dnorc toms have been bred aa:f fel during the Past'orty Tears. It is as tach as a garden and try. Satisfaction from lila itC-tlorl. But circa. Would sal! 350 acres, 3S3-acres or the _ If it is sent fieri! a deep feeling'of °Cole or it. There to ti F er on one pargofetat The demand for nursery stun: is in- , worth a%XM. Terms easy. Passeeeton Apr'•,:lat 1". Arthar,13-1=..n,Greecwood. crew-sing yearly, and if Cne1 •become friendship or to bring ivy and _ 37tf- ,one of our salesman you realizejp happiness to rine ,tv}rn through TI�t<lE T<iSf,E-Picker ng Station G. there is good money in the busineaa . ,� . DI S N EY & SO poverty ill unable to snrruutld T, R. Train going Eaat'.3ae as fcir0,,va- foe yott- himself with- the. 1ii3 cries of life ��O' .g, Mail g 05 A S#. Write at'once for particu.Lars. Pay 12 Lccal 'a 3: M ; P, , weekly. Free outfit. the giver will receive ,axtisfaction' •1st' Local 6104 P. M. Farm Implements, Harness, Carriages,'Binder Twine, from the fart that he has brought z=sins going ve est' sue as follows—;STONE & WELLINGTON Machine Oil And Repairs. No. 13 Loral' 836 A, if[. Z-onthlllt happiness to another, one, who, 11 Loral : `11ar>,erl�w .30 P. M. {4 Sao acres he knows, will appreciate the gift. 7. laall 8.35 P. M, FRONTO ONT. iM/H/TBY, -- ONTARIO 'aoasav included. ll` There s no other kind of happi- mesa that brings the joy that comes *„ - , from performing a kindly act to - - •- * XMAS {oma ui need. When distributing wE w=sem �-ov C/ your gifts do not furet thyotie she `' . tt r' or handsome an se to .are less fortunate than _ ._ F ,had d useful pisses call at • • yourself. If yon are expecting -A , rL7 • something in return, you are Iia Y illln harms S ble to be disappointed, and your ifs will thea We go farther ,g give you pain instead HE'LL HELP YOU ]BABE ME ens r of •o But if ` , �� •' :: .� joy. your giving light- the burden of some heavy _. It is a well knowu fact that Furniture is the most acceptable gift one heart you will experience 'true �T can give their friends, so before making your final t W h have in'yLcick a very full assortment of Chocolates, Bon Bons, seleotion, call and inspect our stock of a}tapp3ness. Creams, Swiss Milk chocolates and Mixed Candies in abundance. We havu't room to quote prices. Here ate a few just to show you ,Fancy' Rockers, Chairs, Tables for Parlor or Dining -DISTRIBUTION OF SEED GRAIN. they are right.: — te _ , By instruction of.the Icon. Minisr •'. Choice.Mix Candies, 3 ills ft)r 25c. Room, Jardinier Stands, Etc. Of Agriculture a diatampl s of is sttperT- beim made this of samples Chocolate Ci-eams, in bulk, per Ib. lac. They will be sure to please you. No trouble to show Roods. . or sort gran Lan_ Something new,, something nice, Peanut Butter SmAks, +� n grain for.the imprucement of per lb. 20c.. =Upholstering and Picture Framing a speeialty _!,;_ seed. The stuck for distribution has � been secured mainly from the expert- rY ,Goods delivered anywhere free of charge. . Pe =:Ve fine assortment of Chocolates, In-lb boxes, per box 25c : • ' ulenfxl farms at Indian Head. Sask., Bell l;ad Independent Telephone Connection. Braddon,Mam,and Ottawa,Ont. The Xma6 Plum Cake, good.quality,20 and 2a"c per lb. samples consist df oats, spring.wheat, barley, peas, Indian corn (fur ensilage of Take home a lb. of fresh roasted Pef}note. FEELING OFSECURITY 'only),And potatoes. The quantity.of '_ ' oats sent is 4 the and of'wheat or A full line of Layer Cakee. Rolls Fried Caked, Cookies, barley 5 lbs., sufficient in each case Tarte, etc', etc:, can be had at Bakery, or Of absolute Reliabilityr is n very Owner of a •.: - to sew one twentieth of an acre. . The ordered from wagons. C simples of Indian corn, peak and PO- toes Power E G N and V tawe 3 lbs. each. A quantity Call and get our Calendar fon 1!110. GINE "GOES LIKE S/XTy•• of each of the following varieties has A mechanical masterpiece of the hi BOAT%eh secured Banner, Abundance, Danish THE P/CK�14/NG BAl�C�14Y est type,with our improved simple meth- oda of air cooling, governing and spark- I hoes Wide)Awake. v kite Giant, ,ing, PositivelT guaranteed, biggest vai- Thousand Dollar, Improved Lguwo- N. B.• Ws have,on hand a good supply of cooking.eggs,pan spare are, all sizes. Alk for catalogue. all whits varieties. some 50 dozen ; per down 31k. These are every bit as good as the N WHEAT-Red varieties.—Red. Fife new Wd article, and make quite a saving. P. B. p'ILSON MAi UFACrUNIN0 00., (beardless), 'Marquis, Stanley. and _ ar reRR or., •Uscr.rw, oagr,.on i Chelsea (early beardless), Preston, - + - Sole agent for Pickering and Markham, HOWARD E. TuRNBR, Whitevsle. 43uron and Pringle's Champlain(early - bearded), White varieties-White In addition to above line I carry full lines of Peter HamiIton's straw out Fifa(beardless),Bobs(early beardless). So not leave gear chrMlaas Moppingtill tkt last Wed tern, Biseeirs dish harrows and rollers, Dillon's litter carriers; washing BARLaY-Six-rowed. - M e n a u r y, 'dame 1011 W d sae our displalf. machines, wringers, etc, Get the Itabit of consulting me before buying, Odessr and Mansfield. Two-rowed- ,Iuvincible, Standwell and Canadian Ib We take pleasure in showing: =TZT.t PAY -�Q•�- Thorpe. • Our chtaa biscuits, jars, marmalade pots, sugar and creams, cake plates, FIRLD PRAS.-Arthur and Golden- bread and butter plates, celery disbes, fruit sets..also games, books, HOWa1�.D $, TURNERP WNrT�V�.$ Vine, ya, dolls. The '•Esquirpaux"is a•great favorite. INDIAN CORN lfor ensilage).-EarlyDolls from Sic up. sorts-Angel of Midnight, Compton's Boots, shoes and rubbers for all kinds of wear, also heHvy sox. Choice Xmas groceries, also nuts, confectioner Early trod Longfellow. Later vane- g y: oranges, lemons, macaroni, ties-Selected Lenminl;, Early Masto-,' fiunan haddie. don,and White C;ap fellow Dent. Our post office has a cn,oney order department which you will find most The 'Morley You Save Saves Yau POTATOES—Eavly vaireties.—loch- ennvenient at Xmas time in.remiifing money to your friends.. ester Rose and Irish Cobbler, Medium TERJIS C'ASH.• Phone orders receive prompt attention. from worry -debt-humiliation: A comfortable Bank Account to late varieties-,Gild Coin, Cm in, !!y { T Cl } Tro. 1 and 3loney Maker. The hitea 1��O. A. G I L LJ�J►� PI �,, - �Lin bar hon � IIs � easy mind, self-confidence, ar-d the power to take gives o varieties are as a rule more product- -advantage of eve o • 1 ------- --.'-- --.-----_---._-—-•- -_-- r1'opportunity that coir-es to better one's position. • ive than the earlier kinds. Only one sample can be sent to each THE CHRISTMAS SEASON THE li appcant, hence if an .individual re- ceives asample of oats he cannot alsoSTAID BMK receive one of wheat, barley, peas, In- /S NOW HERE than primed r,or potatoes. Applications CANADA 1873 O� CN��A �77 Bt'anb" on printed tarda or sheet-Q, or list of `�-11eu In Utmbarton call ill and plap of Japanese China, o names from one individual,or applica- see emir dis Cut Glass, baht -•tions far more than one sAmple can y Handkerchiefs and other-appropriate ves Savin D not be entertained. The samples will Christmas Goods innumerable. gs Depositors, whether their accounts be large or sfaall. be sent free of charge through the lthe most courteous service. mail. A complete stock of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Overshoes, Make a beginning at once with a Deposit of One DoOar or Applications should be addressed to Rubbers, Underwel<r(fleece-lined and all-wool). .Mlk , in_our Savings Department. the Director of Experimental Fat ms, 73 Ottawa, and may he sent in any time Also, a fresh stock of Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery. �p I C K E R I N G BRANCH ` from the 1st of December to the 13th •• of February,after which the lists will A. ,M .GORMLE Y, CLARENCE T BATTY Manager • be closed so that the samples asked a •• � • Dunbar s URANCH AWO AT WIlITUT, i" f z , f C�.ARU MONT Ed. Wilson has been engaged W. M. Palmer was is Brooklin { b John Gerow• ora Tuesday. 'Pinter is Coming-We are Prepared y r� • John�casb was in the city on y .f Year. on T sada Tuesday. Lyman Pilkey, who has been in W. G. Bingham was in Stouff- Randall Birkett was in the cit the employ of John Gerow for the villa on Tuesday. on Tuesday. y Past year, has gone to the cit To meet your requirements in all kinds of Footwear. We deal in first y The Juvenile hockey boys are class goods and at reasonable prices. "A call solicited." £`� - Mrs. Simpson and child are vis- • James McFarlane intends show itiog relatives in Uxbridge. ing a team of drivers at the vari- ous oR•ganizinq for the winter: f. Walter Thomson moved into his oua winter fairs in this Dart of the M� Nicholls, of Toronto, is Flour and Feed Repairing promptly new residence on Monday. province. visiting at Thomas Graham's. constantly on hand. attended to. Caleb Forsyth h'aa sold one of Herb. Forsyth, of Eaton's, de- John Gerow and Frank Ham his teams for p good figure. partmental store in. Winnipeg, is wePe in Whitby on Tuesday sere- Independeatt Telephone Central. J. H Beal spent last week with vlsitltag his grandparents, D. and ing on the jury. `. 4- j his daughters in Michigan. Mrs. Forsyth. Remember White's postponed The Corner Store. W. M. PALMER, Proprietor Miss Margaret Macnab is visit- Remember E. E. Pugh'a wood sale near Whitevale to-morrow - ing with friends in Toronto. sale on lot 17, con. 8, on Wednes- (Saturday). See bills for full par- Mrs. Duke has returned from° day next, the sale to begin at one tienlars. F ` her visit R.ith friends in Piston. o'clock. Now Is your chance to The Claremont Thistles football a Messrs. Gregg and Coates made lay in s stock of wood. team will play the Broadways, of a'shi meat of cattle oil Tuesday. On the development of one case we J H R H A R DSO N .S ► P Y of scarlet fever on the 7th conces- Toronto, to-morrow (Saturday) Graham Bros. shipped a carload cion the school was closed as a afternoon for the intermediate of horses to the West on Tuesday. championship of Toronto. Miss Rub Farmer is visiting p.eeautionary measure during r Important display Y g Sherman Rumohr had the'mis- po g of finest dis 4 of 'relatives in Stouffville for a felt►• last Reek. We understand there fortune to lose his broncho one China. Avery 1 e assortment of , 7w days. have been no further cages. ug da last week. The animal drop-Mrs. Bingllam, of Newmarket, The A.O.U.W. will hold their Y p- Stationary. Books,Dolls, To is visiting her son, ,William G. fur regular meeting on Tuesday niizht ped dead as he was being driven Toys, jai;l 8 from the slaughter house. received for the Holiday trade. Call I" As there n ill.be the elee- q a few days. • . and see them. Wm. Jones, who has been work- tiaa of officers and other import David Taylor, who has 'been ing for hilt. Brignall in Dryden, slat busiuess to transact a full at• ' spending.the past few weeks here 13nbsoriptions takes for all .Magazines, . has returned home for a visit. teu+.lance of members is requested. at the home of his mother, Mrs. Weekly and Daily Newspapers Sam. and Mrs. Stephenson, of A meeting in the interests of McKay, has returned.to Cobalt to "Kinsale, spent Sunday with the i.+Mal Option was held on the 4th I resume his duties as cook fora latter's parents, Thomas and Mrs. concession of Uxbridge on wed- firm of capitalists. w. LT. Gibbons. ne-day evening of this week at $rpC]gr St=@4t. which addresses were given by I Whivb7. Some of our townsmen attend- g 'DF? D Ci SMITH Re'v_J. A. Grant and Rev. W. R. ed the induction of the rev:- Pres- j � - byterian pastor at Ashburn on Wow DENTIST STOI.TFFVILLE, Tuesday last. The merry sleigh-bells R ere'Honor graduate of Toronto University Drs. R. and C. J. Brodie were heard here the first time this and Royal College of Dental Surgeons, 1 in Whitby on Friday last attend- winter on Monday. The previous also Post-gradustr of Chicago College. ing the inquest into the death of day was one of incessant rain and Crown and bridge work a specialty. � �� Miss Hazzard. this was followed during the night At Claremont let Tuesday of month., W. M. Palmer has installed a by it good fall of snow, two or : Office over Sargent's Tinshop. new furnace to heat his dwellingthree inches having fallen, suffici Independent 'Phoae. 'and shop. The work was done eat to make the sleighs run well. " Now is the time to buy.' A full line of , by Chas. Sargent. On Wednesday evening of last Chas. wagg, who is in the em- week a pleasant gathering in the R. BRYAN XMAS GIFTS AT SARGENT9S ploy of Pat. Maher, the Toronto nature of a surprise party assem- BARBER s •liveryman and horse-dealer, was bled at -the home of N. and Mrs. Tobaccos, PC ipes and smokers' Watches, pickle forks, cold meat forks, berry spoons, sitver kni*oa houle for a few days. Burton. The party which n as. sundries. Central office Bell and forks. Carling sets, harmonica's from 5c to 75c, child- Thomas of over .fort members 'Telephone Co, Aaggency for ren's sets, children's toys with banks included. '. Thomas Bott, who has served'n composed y Rolston Laundr year with Wm. Edwards. of Bal of the Methodist Church and Sab- y• Sam, has been engaged for a year bath School, desired to give ,to CLAREMONT. - ONTARIO Don't fail to get oar ectal price on 811 kinds of by James Evans, of the 5th eon. of their daughter, 1ltisa Minnie Aur- ---- ��T$A_M WATCHES Uxbridge.. tw]. on the eve of her departure s Miss Jennie ForRie is at her frow Claremont. it token of their thorns here recuperating fur, a heart-felt apprec•iatiun of her ser- Charles Sargent} Claremont week or two, having scalded her Viae= in the choir. ,the church anal -: i:i tl;e Sabbath school during the . Hardware, Stoves and Furnaces r ' , baud rather severely in Toronto g i two weeks ago. pa.;lt number of years. An appro- Miss Clark, of the public school priate address was read by Mr. A Souvenir Ran _ staff here, has secured a position Robbins in which the valuable '.makes cooking a 60 YEARSO a �' g EXPERIENCE services of Miss Burton were re- • in the Seaforth high school and pleasure. The drafts-ire right, will begin her duties there after ferred.to in 'a most appreciative It's easy to keep a uniform g i the Christmas vacation: manner. During the' reading of fire. The grates work evenly , t Synopsis of Canadian the address Mr. George Cooper .are machine'fitted and can- , North-west Land •. .i .' Chas. Neal, who has had the Pe skating rink for the past two seas- handed Minis Burton a beautiful 10119, has rented it again for the case of silverware. -Miss Burton, not waste fuel. If you want � Regulations. •&)ming winter. We hope he may who was taken completely by stir- the hest range you'll buy a Tltutns MAM01 ANY person who is the sole head of• :saws, 1sjg have a successful season. prase,thanked them for their words Souvenir. Have you read our Demos or any Maio over Is rears old mar hosna- stead a quartsweeamon of aveiLbie DoaeleNe ' ' One good self-feeding parlor of appreciation ,and encourage- book entitled "Cooking with the An7ewsmdfmsasketeltand �.n, lana m Manitoba, aaekatcaewea or a11mr6s. cook stove and six ossa heaters mens and for the handsome gift. Bother heft Out"? A post cud e�aa��alt��.eeerram cr m �•p *ic.st must appear in :arson 61 Etas Q will brie it b return mail.' m•�dOd I.I. i1 n Domi�m Lands Agency or aub-A�eos�for the ` and box stoves at about one- f�ia8 Burton was also made the g y Mamma res doo0a.m as district, Entry by pro may be made.t say quarter the original price at Beat's recipient of a beautiful oil paint- ovtttvstr.TfLDari a co.:Limited 0aatpatsea'ss t.lt.d e�"°`ab°o3i�,se,e •wa+a ° � booms ti�otutator sister ofIIer, - y isitseaft furniture store, Claremont. * log from Mrs. D. Hopper. Short HAMILTON g9A �*�.w+__yb �� home.tsader. A The annual business -meeting and appropriate speeches were Mourwi wisaioer caipre veamsever 1 Dames.-su months' residence upon sad ealetvatbm or the Lod is each of tbr" -c and roll call of the Baptist church made by Rev. R. Duke and otherl, -For sale b •"4-07�u•a'•r•dweatty �++�O r- A bome.teaaer mar u.o within ams mid«a after wblch A most pleasant social y wo. a yssaiostsw°r°aas•s.taueota a �ohomestead on a term of at Is in es .... Will be held on the evening of i a aV". y owned and occupied by him or his y p DICKIE CHAPMAN. - Pickering all tatIIer,mother,son,d Wednesday. Dec. '29th. -All mem• time was spent by all. In certarn districts s. b m brother:or slow. in hers are respectfully requested to e� �1 w.was�,t standing may pre-empt a uarter secu n donM. a.. :attend this meeting. � his homeetesd. Frio. sago pas aesv. Dutue—Mast reside six mouths in each of sat Tuesday being the y th of ne- SIMPSON C years r date of to h emery tide*u�a� the time required to earn homestead cember and the last dap on which a e MACHINE SHOP I sad cultivate fifty acres extra. Pel fazes could be paid without being I i steed homestesdarcwaaoo obtainusW hL yti°w`e. Ja. assessed percentage, a large num- The undersigned having purch• IDey ; • purchased homester1 n°do.r�. ber of,ratepayers called npoa the !Santa Claus Headquraters ea B. Wagner's Machine Shop in n fta $3.00 per acre. Domes—Ku bank i6d the collector, Mr. Hute- reside six moatIIs is each of thew rws, Kinsale is prepared to do all cultivate arty ears, snd erect a house worth . -bison, that day and settled with kinds of repair work and general saoo.os, the township for the year. ANTA wishes to remind the Children.not to forget writing to let him w w CORY, P Y blackamithing. Miss Merle Stephenson has re- know the things they would like to'get for Xmas. Address your letters Deputy of she Minister of the Interior. to Santa Claus,care of D. Simpson do Co., Pickering, Ont. Satisfaction guaranteed N.B.-pnauehorised ' turned home after spending a few publication of this ad- week at the home of her grand- We are giving away free a beautiful large Doll, now on extibition Prices right. �eetieomeat will not be said for. paret9 in Myrtle. She has quite =` in our store. See bills to explain how. Call and see us. - recovered srom her recent illness. F•AvcY Gooks AND Toys a grand display. We have the very thing you want. JAMES"PENGELLY. Her sister, 'Miss Veta, is also im- buy here and save money. Silverware-Knives, forks, spoonq. China- Kinsale, Out. 5 C S rites proving rapidly and will' be able ware-Berry sets, Tea sets,cups and saucers, porridge sets. Glassware-- A. ACm I" PALMER lases - to return home in a few days. Lemonade sets, glass sets, cake stands,fruit sets. 'Mrs. Graham had the tnisfur- Seasonable,Fruits-Raisins, Currants, Peels, Nuts,etc.,rock bottom prices: PAINTER ANDj DECORATOR. tune to .fracture her thigh on GtsoczRtas-Here we excel. Everything pure, freak and clean. All foodstuffs . '.Tuesday of last week. We are strictly under tight covers. Black and mixed Teas 25 to 50c lb cannot be + .-..glad to learn that she is progres- surpaaeed, Try a half lb. $mpress Coffee 40c ib. You want it again. Contractor for general house repairs. sing as well as can be. expected. Betablished 5 ears in PickeringV7 , Miss Graham, who had been D. SIMPSON & Co., - -:DICKERING Village. spending A few days in Chicago ADDREM: PICKERING P.-O. came at once to wait on her, ar- riving lt- E. F VANS ri Our home a Thursday night. FOR BREAKFAST WE HAVE ' Our town was all alive for two rolled Data, Etas oatmeal, flaked • f days last week while the pursuit wheat, wheatlete, flaked barley, corn meal, Corn Flakes, Orange Meat, . .of the Uxbridge b�irglars was in Shredded Wheat, drape Nuts. Pump Manufacturer Of all materials and desry a Ma in stent. It will pay you progress. ' On the day of their FOB CHRT,TMAS YOU WILL WANT to eaU a our works acd our e6wo Capture the are reported to have DINNER - slap 'sad Residence, Dundas St P y plum pudding, mince pini and fruit cake for and oDtaL paMees. Dont be sided 11�� had dinner at a farm house just which we can supply the best seedless, seeded and Valencia raisins, raven and WHITBY, ONT.; Wiswe do not employ them,000aeq>issiii• .north of the village, and they dliatra currants,lemons, oran$e and citron peels, shelled almonds and wal- ly we eon, and do throw off the •fes were taken a short distance north- nuts,icing sugars, extracts and cake coloring. Three doors west of Whitby House. odmmiseion of 10 par enal.,whiobyoa will ° west of our town. We take. no osrtainly save by parohasing from am special pride in the occurrence Sunt Jemima'a pancakes are ofill soliolted. and wish no closer connection', unsurpassed for / when yotr'have some of We are prepared to instal wood or iron MIIIIT/T GRANITE CO.t with such characters. our Maple Syrup SUPPER to eat with them. pumps on short notice,also attend Omae. Whitby,Ontario Some years ago the village went WE HANDLE THE BEST G O.ODS to all kinds of repairing. to the expense•of sectiring damp Agent for the Ontario Wind Mill, w ` posts and lamps for the purpose also gasoline engines and o m c b b m Q8� I O of lighting the streets. For Bonze r.� T T « Brough m the.gore gear a = S a g gEobreason orother these are unused �1 EO a PH.LLIP ai ' ;MAGNET CREAM, SEPARATOR L a * o b � '� ag � and several of oar ublic �irited j i to o ' o- M p 1 Phone No. 50 at residence. e d tr t .. 0 . residents have gone to the expense _ 4 Oi _ a . oflacin lights on the streets in x,� d P ° ' " is p g The Pickering : a`alt a tro*it of their dwellings. It is g Pg eb o" err about time that. the expense of c ao m°8 g" a eL• o� r' �, Vigilance Committee ;. �a�oY p pQ�o ...this work was borne b; the �•il- ' � e, tuber a n v •� - y ,,` .ro tape and not by private individu- a e o a a Pe als• The object of this Association is to IN e The annual meeting of the sural- lessen stealing and prosecute o m w Jan t °4 ' ing chub was held on Friday even- the felons. .,, O_ ing last in the rink with a good b a M'a Fab y'M attendance. The following offic- Members having property stoleu eommuni- 10 m Mer 45 , ers were elected for the ensuing ® cafe iof Executivyedistelye with any member o M g y p: �" h� 4, of Exeontive Commitlee. M year : President-James ItiicFar- Mombersbip-foe 51.00, o� n. Jne I'@ i lane, Vice-President-4. J. Harv- ,. .. .. Oo ; e Secreta: Treasurer— Alex. Tickets'mav be bed from the President or c' m w .. a nor July Y+ Y- aecretsry onappliestlon. o n alt p•pt Wilson, Skips—W. Leaper, Chas. I I �� � � � M ' Neal. R. Bess .. C. J. Brodie, D. Exec. Com.-L. D. Banks, Geo, Len ..a net. .Hopperand J. Harvey, Manag- W. V. Richardson,Pickering, Ont�� ' o ,; e „ ma Ito•. Ing committee-James McFarlane, J. H. BU Dy dole A en PIC'HERING ► 'aI n.e J. J. Harv, Chas Neal and R f J.A, 0 Cannorr 'Arthur Jeffrey, Jaonary t910-whitby,I, o.baw.t9,ltroasharr y, 3a,Pose Perry Cs,Usbridira 9t,oanataR9ob.914 Besse. s_ Yresidenl, Secretary EeatK►' I9,uptergrole to ,. �. �^A' .f' t bw.•T.•¢ �•.,. X.,y,� .. Y �' a::. vi.,r,. .rY-• hM.f n. o .9r .`.•.«.d�+.afF+.. IC 'ei�'�yt� '.hair.:r _ ,,. -..;,5 .'', 'c T. 77 .. ._. ry :,."' �" - :. g,z. :A1Rk'te•? w1''.,'.•.'vsr�•' , rx• , '=..-- , :_.. ,. .. ... . .• . .. � .. ,.. 't , .'Y9�hte>3•p ,'y5`.&rti -w��i�O"'S4+'i•r •,.d'L�tl+.K�1�t*• 'w.'.4.*+cZ4#.o« 9k . •• 7. i+++TTTTTTTT+'TTTTTTTTT'� _ _. - -_ •: hristmas ' binncr ..., : . :tom � � ORISTMiks On Christmas day, of all days, should be killed at least two days Although no day is looked for- the menu should show discrimina- before being roasted. Garnish the ward to with such joy'and happiness tion instead of sir rabundaace. The as Christmas, few of its know any- Pe goose with tips of choice celery, al- thing more about the day than that agraeteristie of ancient cookery ternating with jellied apples. we keep it in memory. of the birth was profusion; of modern, is deli- These latter will be found delict of Christ, and have a Christmas # ' factsate and refinement. The capacity sus. Pare and core whole apples, tree, or hang up our stockings, for ' digestion is limited seat large and firm ones being prefer the exchange of gifts Lt act afforded any special dispen- able. Fill the holes with red cur- '=1' of g B f s which. good, - sationa on feast days. rant, el // d, lolly Santa Claus, or Sainb Certain. traditions must be ob- .lemon l a sprinkle all over with Nick, of course, brings along with Nee and dust with granu- him from his snowy home at the served in'considering our Christ- lated sugar. - Place a little water z was menu. We desire the general- in the pan around the apples, and North Pole. ly accepted goose or turkey and the I bake them until candied but not SANTA CLAUS O;v THE WAY. Consequently it won't do,us any historic plum pudding. These a•-e broken. Preserved harm to.know`a little of the history ginger may be •— __ ' our foundation stones. - The fo,a used instead of the jelly. --�— of the day.The -institution of Christmas, value of these two, with their ac Spiced Gravy—Zany this nevelt spoon salt, one teaspoon ginger, CHRISTMAS DON'TS. I{riamas, Christ Mass, or as it is ' cessories, is high, consequently we in makinggra y one-half teaspoon cinnamon, one- B vY, and it will be quarter teaspoon of nutmeg. This Dont leave the cost mark on pre- spelled in Old English, Cbriste- ,center the nourishment on these found appetizing. Boil the giblets septa. Masse, can be authenticated as far two courses, adding to them others'in three makes one pie. Bake 40 minutes. Don't let money dominate pinta water an hour with a While it is well to have a nodi your back as the time of Emperor Com- of esthetic value which will not !few cloves and 'allspice, one table- goodly Christmas giving. modus in 180-192. In the reign of Com- Multiply our dietetic sins suffice-!s con supply of fruit cake and other va- p grated lemon peel, one-half rieties prepared, in.advance for the Dont let Christmas giving de- Diocletian, 284-305, while the ruler early to impair health. With this onion,chopped, one red pepper and teriorate into a trade. .vas keeping his court hi Ni he ruler wad is view the followg menu hat' one-half teaspoon salt. When the holidays, for the Christmas dinner, Don'L embarrass yo-urself,b ' ".been arranged- especially if there are children it 3' gIv- ho learned that a multitude of giblets are tender, remove them ing more than you can afford. Christians was assembled in the Clear Soup Toast Fingers mince, season with:.a dash o! t far better to serve small fanc pep- Pickled cakes sim ly , made and tacking Don't try to pay debts or return cry to celebrate the birthday of Pickled Peaches Salted Peanuts and a saltapooa of salt, keep- richness. They mays be made veto obligations in your Christmas giv- Jesus. The Churches were filled, Green Goose, Roasted ing them hot in the gravy boats. y ing be ordered the doors barred and Potato Stuffing To the gravy add one tables attractive by the various she ea y g y then set fire to the buildings and tablespoon and by the icing, which can be ela- Don't give trash things. Man (Garnish of Jellied Apples and ' butter and two tablespoons hot an attic could tell strange stories per perished in the Celery Tips browned flour, stirring until borated with citron, nuts, red can- about Christmas B every,worshiper dies or candied cherries, if desired. Presents. flames. Spiced Gravy smooth. .Strain and add one-half Don't make presents which your There was. no. special uniformity Steamed Sweet Potatoes glass hot water or wine if too Mrs' Rorer gives the follolling, friends will not know what to do which can be. made at slight ex- in the day set aside fur the cele- Turnips a la Creme thick. Let simmer a few minutes B with, and which' would mere en- Cele pence, and which invariably 13' oration of the Nativity among the Up-to-date Salad and pour 'in the gravy boats. Y pleas- cumber the home. early Christians, some put it in ea the little folk : p-to-date Plum Pudding Steamed Sweet Potatoes—These "Beat one cup nutter to a cream Dont give because others expect May, others in April, and still Foaming Sauce are better than boiled. Pare, and add, gradually, one and one- I°a to. Give because others in January, but finally De- Foaming Pumpkin Pia steam until tender, put a ` you love with pinch of I half cups auaar with the yolks of you cannot send your heart with cember 23th was established arbi- Kris Kringle Cakes Black G{of€e3 butter on;each and set in the oven the gift keep the gift. , It�> d two eggs. Beat until ver light trarily, though; as a matter of fact, i dry and brown a trine. I y ( Dont give too bulky articles to Christ was Have the soup clear and delicate i Turnips a la Creme-Cut . Sig two and one-half cup& flour I probably not born al peeled with two teas people who live t small quarters, that season of the year, in Judea. : fy flavored* floating a thin -lice of i turnips into half-inch-dice, boil'in poops baking powder. unless-you know that they need the " The.fact that had most to do with - Beat the whites of the, two eggs to - -. lemon. In serving a holiday din- salted water until tender, drain; a stiff froth, add one- uarte� particular things you 'send them_ fixin ner, the soup should merely ref t" each quart of turnips add one I q pint Don t wait until the last minute 25th, the celebration on December Sol- land stimulate the appetite an a ant tablespoon sugar, little salt, and first mixture and beat thoroughly. to buy time to make proper s, for was that almost all-'heathen • o water and- half the flour to the p your presents, and then, for nations regarded the Winter bol- render it indifferent to the co trsas lastly three tablespoons cream in- 1iv to which a beaten a Add one-quarter pint water, the P P stice (the time of the year when the that follow. In this menu, the soup egg is stirred. e � tions, give what your better judg- sun is at its greatest declination rmay be omitted; as also th3 wdod. Serve very hot. egg whites and the flour, When meat condemns. g )� With as abundance of Cele smooth and light, turn into two ar the beginning of renewed life and good cheer 1Y and Orange. Salad—Crisp Dont decide to abstain from v- . B• aged, the sin- allow buttered baking pans. Bake F• g' activity of the powers of nature tremainia As arra the white stalks of cele in ice in just because , 1Y B j you cannot afford i and of their ods, who ori per is to be served in courar-R, but' water, to which lemon slices have �a a quick oven for 15 minutes expensive presents. The thought- B originally it may be modified to lessen the ]a- been added. Wipe'the stalks dr Turn out carefully and cut into fulness of B were merely symbolical of these na- bor of serving. Arrange the des--cut, is y fanc she your gift, the interest diamonds tune powers. On this account the �tiFiy`�iecea and dress with y Peso• stare, you take in those to whom you eve _ squares, etc. y B Celts and Germans, from oldest sett on the sideboard or aids tah:e, French dressing. Add this just be- are the.principal things. The in- tames celebrated the season with - .with the exception of the pudding, fore it is to be served. Turn into DECORATIONS. trinsic value of your gift counta' Yule- which should be Served Piping hot a serving dish and very little. great festivities, holding their Yule- p p g garnish with The dinner table itself ahould Don't give things because the }feast in commemoration of the re. + oa heated pietas, secompa�i td by slices of sour orange, cut length- proclaim the season by its artistic y turn of the fiery sun-wheel. the sauce is a separate dish. Cof• wise of the orange, then in halves and seasonable decoration. Each are cheap and make a big show I Many of the customs and feasts of fee is preferably served at ►A,3 close lengthwise. Wafers should accom- hostess may, exerciee her.in enuit the :money. As a rule it is'a B 9 for these old German and Roman hea Of the meal, but ma ace ,rapany pang it. in using the materials at hand. dangerous thing to pick up a 1°t of 'then y, puri- �* when desired. Taken cleat, it' THE CHRISTMAS PUDDING. whether they be holly and mistletoe, all sorts of things at bargain sales Passed.into Christianity, alds digestion, and cream and su• la,irel or other greens. Do not fos'Christmas presents.. If you.do fied and adapted• by the Church for And now comes the plum B there is always the tem !the celebration of ' the Nativity. ar should be omitted when such.a; P Pud' crowd the table and strap a the y temptation to _ fountiful -dinner is partaken of, ding without which, and holly and g make ins Manger-songs and Christmas carols ` p mistletoe, Christmas handl' seems programme of cooking and serving there is usual inappropriate gifts. Besides 'sprang up. . Later the Christ-trees, oven if indulged is on other a;:a Y as far as possible in.advance. ! Y some defect in bar- or Christmas trees, adorned n ith cions. real. Only once a year can the In the menu suggested nothing I they -are out of gain articles, or th The dressing,of s genuine Christmas pudding, deck- g lights and gifts; the custom of giv- 'M' goose regntre; P 8 complicated, .expensive or .out of, Style, out of date,'or there is some ed with holt and wreathed with r-other reason w the ing and receiving gifts; Qpecial -: tonne time and attention than that y season is chosen. Cheese, nuts ex- by y are sold un- ' of s turkey, the oil akin neerlia ; flames, make its picturesque en- meats and dishes, such as Christ- y R; cept in small quantities, and aero- der .Price. maa cakes puddings, _ is good scrubbing. Rinse outside� trance to the festive board. Ro fusion of rich dishes _have been � P ga, etc., came ia. many rich indigestible concoctio+ts —�` to vogue, s`nd in. The goose should be con- ' omitted intentionally. FAMOUS CHRISTMAS-TREES..dderably leas than a year clef a l have been served under this head,'( _ _ .,. g' By the Episcopal and'Roman Ca. �c with their train of horrors neat The biggest private Christmas- tWic Church, and by the Lutheran green' goose, four months old be.I FREE DINNER FOR BEGGARS tree ever. seen in England was one Ing the choicest, and it should be ' day, that it %s with both pride .and Chu-rch, Christmas is celebrated by well fatted. pleasure we present the following For nearly Soo years now Nancy, which the Duke of Norfolk had cut special services, and gradually the A d by Mrs: Kretschmar: Three.-fourths in France, has aent out its officials.' from his own estate-and conveyed, i Protestant Churches are beginnin dry-plucked fowl is preferable, cup New wit g but if it is Scalded, remember it! P Orleans molasses, one cup at Christmastide w?,b ,instructions h much trouble, to Arundel Cas tc look upon it as a church day, and :'4 takes rni�4 longer for the'avatar to i brawn sugar, one cup finely chop � bring back fifty-.four beggars to' tie. It stood 10 feet hig}i, sceighed : not altogether as a social holiday` -, pe.g, .ate to the roots of the fes-' ped suet from the region of. the. a sumptuous feast. For the dining_I nearly four tons, and bore on its.as they once did. Wl"thers of a goose than those of a t kidneys; three cups bread crumbs, hall an 'enormous barrel is speci-I branches. presents to the value oy! At one Lime the celebration last- -chicken'. Draw and truss the.gonse, two cups flour, one cup sweet milk, ally built, as being emblematical' 1320,200. The Christmas-tree which ed until Candlemas,. but because of the same as a turkey, remembetin °IIS cup mixed raisins, citron and of the town's depen encs u Queen Victoria gave soon after her ,the increasing realization that it is, to remote the,tough ' leg-tendons i currants, chopped, -one teaspoon viae, and in this the mayor bids the marriage to the Prince Consort was lit Eommemoration of the birth of Cut throu; h the skin very gingerly' soda. Sift the sugar into the mo- beggars welcome, and invites them' 40 feet high, and its crop of gifts I the Christ Child, it has become about ., inches below the le lasses and add the milk and suet. to partake of the banquet. All the, was valued at something like $45, more and more the children's day, bend ° cut g joint, Mix ,the soda evenly through the expenses are paid �by the ,town. 000• one continuous round of shrieking the and fibre ke the bones thea I flour and add the fruit to it toss- - '� happiness from first break of day To those who may have become , until the tired little heads snuggle .withdraw the tendons. .If cut, they;coated.it aTh nu insure 'its'being CHRISTMAS DAY IN MARCH. tired. of the old-fashioned Cannot be removed. P t into the wet mix- games 'down into the pillows to dream of tore, adding last n all the bread During the earliest times the fav_ usual at Christmas, the follonin r what Santa Claus brought them. One of the most toothsome goose' crumbs. Boil or steam in molds j orite date` for Christmas was in!may be found suitable: Hunt u a Let's first gather at the church stuffinfis is made of potatoes and three hours. • Cook beforehand add January. It was held in England !Qt of poor people that have not Pot I to offer up the thanks that should par:,i•aed onions cooked together in that month at the time of the any Christmas dinner, and B °o gladly pour from full.hearts and Until tender, mashed and seasoned ire heat. corning of the Anglo-Saxon con uer- go and : , highly with No demon of dyspepsia 'luxks in q give them ,one. N.$.—This game then the whole day will be so much B Y pepper,, salt, butter ors. March )las also had its Christ- may be layed b• an number of and sage. The latter, and the on. its luscious depths, and partakers Was Days. P• y y more satisfying. ion, may be.omitted, or the 'inside! *ill rise up and call you blessed persons, I Perhaps this brief sketch may not of the y Serve with-foaming sauce, or any _ add to your pleasure in keeping goose ma be rubbed with y Christmas but it has.been a s�ttis- other preferred. Foami4tg sauce is , a cut onion Another Idress(pgeis made thus.: Two-thirds cup tine ,•,r faction to tell it. And now to din- ed a 'of chopped tart apples white•sugar creamed with one third Ler, for after all that's what we ed and cored), bread crumbs and • boiled onions. But a more up-to-i cup butter; to this add three table- - ` -�, s s` look furward to, next to the tree date serve spoons thick cream, the white of Apples asha, arnish or irf accacooked efui-,'one egg ;i���/ w • k i , and one-half teaspoon:va- Qa kj! ,;ALAS!.TOO L:1TL•'. g nilla', beating them in with an chg � 1 e`. 13 prepared Baur-e. pples in some \'�' !t was Christmas Ere. ' 'form arc.the invariable accompani- beater. Set the bowl of sauce in a �� �.'� Statin at the, d 'n embers of anent of toast goose. vessel' of hot water, and use the eg8' ` g �' g beater steadily until the mass be , ;�\�.�, ' fin �{r u` \� the fire was a beautiful woman. Her IiO�V TO ROAST. /,rL, face was. worried' and she clasped eome.s light and smooth. Serve im- �a ' ",h '' �� 1 �_ and unclas ed her hands in nervous Roast as a rack in the dripping(mediately. It should be a foam > p pans. Lay- slices of fat pork over throughout, with no settling on the I �'- •: �' �!i f _.• l 6 I exrite>Ztcnt, s 1' "Christmns Evc," she murmured, the goose, as it aids in drawing out bottom. if it 'is allowed to stand r �- "and no money .to buy baby'a Christmas.: . .the excess of oil: After J three-quay- or too much cooked, it will not �e e- Chrgiftl" ters of an hour, remove the pork, perfection. , :T g )_ / . ') Mechanically her eyes wandered dra,,r all oil from the pan, 'and= re In, serving the pudding decorate r I ' i ` around the. ronin' until, with a turn goose'to the oxen, well dredged'it, with springs of holly. Pour a c 1 ,l' J/� . 'With flour sen.soned with salt and' t.ablesnoonfnl of brand•: ar and tn^ '� ,' ' : �€ t +t guilty start, they rested on some• eppr.r. Affcr the fluor has brown- ; base just before r,'Arvinq and fi let. t thing standing on the mantelpi'cce nJ, , It erns baby's money box.. ed, begin bas:ing, and continue this; �n ftlle n(f'd FCrlipl^ ty list' tltij, C r( ��'+ "' :� S %• � � ' "-: i. ( ,, :every 13 rnint.tes. hurmerl ii; was'ale:olinl: 'It era r. If I only dared,": she thought, y p raf.r,ti:in frit_.(1•,!,ic. ( ��` ;�% Y t`� 1 7c "but, what would John say,7" the custom to add some water to :lnothe'r v:aN is to dip astir ret, of Tor a fair mo;rents site stood de- ' the pang bttt good a'uthoritica omit' loaf sugar in brandr and ni, tOQ it, nd do not begin to balite.until arntin7l the /' rK� '� ating the ,awful question in her a . (jig h,., then serf, it mire' � ' � �' b the fat has been drawn off. Cuulc' and carry the dint tc, the tthio ,� �`s? ' /,; ?,. mind• and then reached the box. ' / � until the joint's separate easily, fron, 'chile it is wrent.hal in trcirc "John need never know," she 1; to 3 hours. Aft cighC dntnd Priscilla', aid With trentblin ] s Punipkin Pie.-- Tn one ^^ "• ��, t -:� 4 hands she gcx,se requires about tFro hours. Ia- int con. �'"�" �-' '''• br: :e , �,cnat ce 11 ct and emu ie on p pumpkin ^dd one cqg,' �--' :-' E� I d N„� - aufftcientt ".cooked; a goose is ver one ll f `- t — I It!•^ r. n ion of bi,ttonq, y y fit ,molasses, but„cr Size of an 4,ndipestible, and unpalatable. it egg, one gill milk, ons •scant tea- �' !nails, and sc on. .�,\:�T':1 t:'T,.t L S :1 P,P,i V,11 John had been there fir :t:a .. '..'' •' as a a,r A. -. ...,,.<.r-.., vall.'@1•T.i L. .vN.�"i.-..."w.aai ,..'_.:� rwe..S. - ..", �, w.a• .z 'VNEBMAH J i01�IGIN OF THE ROD. Used la Driving Oxen, It STATEMENT Calfs „ .,� } Heady is Measuring Land. t i� i The origin of the rod, pole pr (FELLS HER SUFFERING BIS- perch &a a lineal and superficial .TEs$ TO USE DODD'8 measure has been traced to the rod, KIDNEY PILLS. >- pole or goad used to--urge and di- rect a team of oxen pulling s plough. So it came about it was 1'They Proved a Blessing to Her, used as a convenient and handy land measure in feudal tim::s by When Her Pains and Weakness; the lords in alloting plots of land Were Ailment Noris Than She, for, agricultural purposes to the Could Bear. villeins and others, says the Build- ~' , era' Journal. St. George, Man., 'Dec. 13.—; One rod- wide and forty long (i. >i4 Special). tHoping to save her aIs e., one furrow long, deep) built.up r women in the West iromi • ;;1< a IM•nn, a quarter of an acre. The furlong, pad aches which come" at the anti or four poles wide and same depth aJ times in & .woman's life, Mrs. i.e., forty poles, one acre—was a rsene Vinet of this place has given, he followingstatement.for ublioa be- g plough. < St . � convenient length for a furrow P fore turnip the lou h. ©f course � these lengths somewhat varied in ������"• '• n � �;. � "I have brought up a large fain, different parts of the country where Py and have always enjoyed good soils and agriculture varied, but Sir WIrfrid Laurier Seeping His Social Engagements with a Taxicab ~ �► isalth until the last two years. t gradually the slight variations grew — ipm lift -four years of ago and at they less and finally the present accepted rntica time of life that cones �i staututory acre was evolved: • v4@ woman, I had pains is »y, TAXICABS._ : S 1 IPV SES T' 1 NT Ivory Gunter s chain of 66 feet (ten' right hip and shoulder. I could noir square chains to the acre) was in- : ie down two minutes at a time vented by the Rev. Edmund Gun- + ithout suffering the greatest ter (1581-1626). He was a professor n Sometimes I awakened with, � A sysQess, which can boast of being the only Ie:eaSs of rapid transit in a quick Y• of astronomy at Gresham College, ,feeling as if some one had laic a London, and ingeniously adapted grow Coesma>gt], is an ideal lnvestrnent,because k is a big money earner. tete of ice on my head. Anotheli it to facilitate decimal calculations ,Toronto'sTaxicabs have demonstrated lheirvalue as the rapid transit service of the city. line it would be a burning pain is land measurements. The use of - - • l�pader the left shoulder: Toronto's Taxicabs have proven their big earning powers, and can, Hader present r the rod in, superficial measuri- . tentibi pay a dsviaead of 10'i, per anna>o, or 2/'/.. quarterly, beginnilig Jannary, 1910. "I took many medicines-but could menta of brick work and lineally ff et no relief, till reading of curea in hedges, ditches and fences- fol- We advise the purchase per shoe,par value $$.l1®, and f similar cases to ray own by lowed as a conventient existing of Taxicab Stock at $60,00 the time to buy is now. odd's Kidney Pills, led me to try measure. -; ',' hem. They did wonders for me. ZnbsCriptitns will. be accepted up to 100 shares in the order received at this offices 1 "I want all women to know what l odd's Kidney Pills did for me," REVL•'LATION. Dodd'@ Kidney Pills curs the „ Adelaide and ]�]'�` i Ifidneys. The woman who has -"Ah, sir, we do enjoy your ser + a A. •ENGLISH Victoria Streets � ��O Y l s hound Kidneys is safeguarded tj mons, remarked an old lady to a seas for oa: tllsortaae•d b�oldee. ,C►a ainst nine-tenths of the sufferin i new curate. They are so in' - twg ;structive. We never knew, ,hat sin goat makes life a burden to tit "Win" of Canada. was until-you came to the parish. ` To diseern'ai deetl immediately LA IPP PHABIfiEFS.' SIN. _. 'tb causes and _overcome them I �.��1 I The Law Union A Crewn Insurance Company having acquired ttse ;� s• rather than to battle with effects ad.@"Cmiaim-ptka Cc-ad Rock I.Ve Office, -the name of the Co+n'pary has been altered to What was the sig of the Phari• !`1r,G.D.Coi,+elt,ef Wa-�-r, ,e.�. THE-!AW UNION & RCCK INSURANCE COMPANYLIMITED chez of asked bri ht little rl, after Rhe di=ease has secured a a:. =.pxaonr Sunday . +vasetr..1<et+d.+rsv.tlL;. �l�flS e Eatin amethe e e' w little gi prompt lodgement, is the chief aim 'of Llte and;e left lig�a very badce.. 'en. l;e s+ g g h P p medical man, and Bickle's Anti- sa781 I Was slLuisAenaand Bomarugoa � AfiaFTS EXCEED - - $d5.000,Q80.00 :reply. (Consumptive Syrup Is the result of Cxouo�n Isoa;d"I96ep ata�►es, .i0ti'ER 35,009.00& INVESTED IN CAINADA z e had read that the 'Pharitiees ;tient study along this particular} bad awl $we^sell so l wariq tea CLr IN-8- PAID - OVER $125,900.004.00 WW4 texas. •11i is how I Was w'keo 1. ""'strained at gnats and swallowed ;tae. At the first appearance of a k+sgant•ta�ls liyeboe,inalow servo= irfRE AND ACCIDCNT RISKS ACC6PTE:D: +� cold the Syrup will be found a Ca■adlaa n.ad ofss.: camels. y P stat•: Lutirea 16 fust beige 1 bgtaa to o ost efficient remedy, arresting de- uprose. It did 1.rr.•bfor Cie and 6t nght 112 St. James Street, corner Placed,Armes, Montreal. lopments and speedily . healing M l.•'s Lack to 4aato no eau,Malr•aZa sew Agents wanted In unreppressntsd ,/. D/CKlON, Canadian Manager ILES CURB-Dat HUMS by eaffected the acted parts, so that the ail. oda of ase. It I"fias t!.4 body yaarl Towns in C►aa to Anent disappears. t6 artaelis al LA Grippe and Accident Department, _ _ vastatise. I always tabs Psycba4@ st 1 fee] Atex _. Matthew, Mannrsr W. D. A11r•n, ah•uansger, Ace! 4@w Absorption ' Method _._ � .,__-. ,DIF1.0?,1ACl-". _ eek mid oa sad it pitta ase fight m so bleedin itch- Blobbs-"HFnpeckke thinks you NV%" Sftp13LD �E THE RIGHT , SAY Y If you suffer fr0 om g� area the finest i'Pllow in the world. VT tsY tet' blind or protruding Piles send ica'sawyaYrnsw*.,,,a Deals U&a$1 : g, P ng How did you n:a nage to make.such ear Was. In an ease.+ot y � Pas, your address, and I will tell an impression 2" Dr. T. A. SLOCtJ1l. � DISTE,NpeR. PINKIETIE,IfNrtUENZA, �ou how to cure yourself at home Slobbs—"Oh, I pretended to be UNITED. COLDS,ETC. y the new absorption treatment; surprised when he told me be was Toiti I Cc kit borsea, brooamares, edits, stalfions, to e.1* And will also send some of this homea +i married man. " " ;treatment fres for trial, with rofer- j SPOHN N THE M aces from f our own locality if re on their rattat:es or in the feed put Sr ha'a Lip aid I A Medicine 0Fseet in Itself. c°moound. Give the remedy to all of than. It e quested. mmediata relief and i I seta oa the blood and glands Itats the Qtseaae Only the well-to-do can afford' to «. ermanent cure assured. Bend no by expellins the disease ser•t1s wards of the chIld oases@ a medicine chest, but Dr.' S oney but tell others of this offer I , trouble no matter Mow flan are ezpaa�d." Ab- ' llh 'w utrtg'tree from aa7tMtn iaiurwua. A 11.0 omae Eclectric Oil, ,which is a� PRONOUNCED SF f rite to-day to Mrs. M. Bummers, can rawly take i>^ sec dnai. N.So dna fti.tq I o: P 719 Windsor, Ont. edicine chest in Itself being a re- tae dam. Sold by drutauts a e barge aaalus. ally for rheumatism,—lumbago, I lstribn ora, oz P 740 Windsor Ont. ' t j � tore throat co ds coughs, catarrh r � + g + STOCKS. All Wboleaale Drnti=fat■ • 0 • @thins and a patent healer fo!j Tobuy —YOiJ-R ORDF?i TO SPOHN MEDiCi[ CO., �., r r. STRANGE FRANKNESS �ounds,,outs, bruises, sprains,.etc.,� b„ or .ell storita will. rpeeive my � ;� s within the reach of the poorest, personal attention. M. �iathewa, Broke C6emiafs sine! Dacterleloatafa s, N +"Than wealtky old fellow is a 4@r, 4e. Scott Rt., Toroaeo. I GOSHEN, IND., U.S. A. Apwing to its cheapness. It should • queer chap." lea is rtlf►i2 house. -- — .. _+ _ I aDU ATIONAL F It takes a r How ao_4 good rainfall now and 1 CALVES Ray Them wets "Never claims he was ha then or some of us wouldn't know V B°°�l•srr" --• happier The 'Grand Duchess 'E1,zabeth, j EARN TiTRE PARSER TRADE—NEA @teele,;Briggn8eed Co%Ltd.,Tof•ato,tOne. when he .was poor. Always says widow of the murdered Grand Duke r'J '"t"m ••onstant praetire. careful that we were going al3ng with holes linettnction: frw weeks complete course; in our shoes. he's happier now." $ergius and sister of the Czarina, ,i�l• tree; grsduateq earn tw•lse to, has formally founded in Moscow an eighteen dollars weekly: write for ratai h logue. b1oler Barber •oiler•. sit Queen, 'Try Murine Eye R4met<y �' r '!1 Sate Pill, foifluffering Women: order of w ite nuns and accepted East,Toronto. For Red, weak, weary, Watery Eyes, r-The secluded life of women which the dignity of abbess of the con- Murine Pint Eye and Eye strain, piermits of little healthful exercise vent. Everything connected with Murine Doesn't smart: soothes Eye Pain, gfPs a7i� 1M6rg/ACLttl.`PAW, %r + g e Compounded by Experienced Physicians t ps a fruitful cause of derangements the • convent--buildings, furniture, Winter Term . cuisine no In.turious cr Prohibited Dtwae, _. ry Mur7ne for Your Eye Troubles. Yon wb °'p �aitiiLd £'s. t f the stomach and liver and is ac- and the dress of the inmates—is AT ill Like Murine. Ti in Baby's Eyes oa�Ia onntable for the pains and lanai- pure white. Ror Scaly Eyelids.. Druggists 84@11 Muria e sNttsh•Am•rlean vastness C•Itei•.. I tt 500. The Murine Ey Romody Co., Chi g Lu�a�lsar,e.ude that so many of them expert — YALC.A. rites., TORONTO. ago, will send Zon Interesting iyp Books }titevaonis ' e ace. Parmelee'g Vegetable Pills 'These two desirable tyual:fica BEGINS JANUARY 4th lives s&tl.[atta=nma�ie' aoa 'ill correct irregularities of the tions, plea@ant; to the' taste and ate p course at this old established I "Is she making him a good ysq��biai � Dow - ,ill organs and restore health Jhe same time effectual,, are to be school produces the best results. wife l". "Well, not exactly; but sore MII " nd vigor. The most delicate wo- bund in Mother Graves' Norm Ex or Pallas of am tvxlra tuft PARTICULAR& she's making him a good husband. kind, aman can use them with safety, be- terminator. Children like it. i Itadlwaf'' _' Buse tr .action, while effective, T. M- WAT80`r, Principal. hsi 1. kearq s mild and soothing. All the,disagree able people don't A Pit] That ,Lightens Life. —= To se► V live on cross streets DEFECT E NEARIIts °••r°°'•• b! the the man who in a victim of indiges- In order to facilitate the work of UF As000no by one Ition the transaction of business be of the we. els of the eiectrioal as.. Ie. ase I•comes an addedApery. He cannot BRIDGET'S BON MOT. 'Post Office servants the Belgian When all other corn preparations throughout the world. write for caulogve. ,post authorities propose that cor- !fail,, try Holloway's Corn Cure: No g nTo: uscto Co.,•t Canada veld.,sea longe ,concentrate his d upon his tasks Mistress (to new servant)—"Why ' ,p P P i • and loss and vexation attend him. !'respondents shall in future use red pain whatever, and no inconveni To such a man Parmelee's Vege- Bridget, this is the third time I've envelopes for all letters to Brud- ones in using it. A R+Ie.Ji`T�" >� itable Pills offer relief. A course of had to tell you about the finger- eels. yellow for the country, and — — " bowls. Didn't the lady you last; T Hair Promoter treatment, according to directions, Peen for abroad. . ;iOLIVES IN SPAIN worked for have them on the will convince him of their great ex- About '3,200,000 acres are given . GROWS HAiR ON ANY HEAD tableI ce.11ence.. They are confidently re-- up e= „ . up to the cultivation of olives in eec.andsi.0o. onamntes with everyboti Eridget— leo, mtilii: her friends ' t{ Spain. Eating olives are delivered EOT sale at nrug slurp dna Barber Shop., or commended because they will do all g that'ie claimed for them. always washed their hands before dry to the factories, where the MARL�Tr HAIR PROMOT/NQ Co., y 93 Bathurst St., Toronto. they Came. are soaked-in large' rats with a so- KNEW THEIR VALUE. lution of caustic soda until the soQUICKEST WITH SAFETY` lution has penetrated to the stones. "Sir," yelled the first mate, After a washing in fresh water the above the howling of the 'storm, olives are put into hogsheads of `° i- is like] to sink at any Y a P S t ship y ..;: RAW -FURS brine for two months of fermenta- Consignmetas solisite,l, write for Price List, minute." 1 trop. Whense they are bottled new "I know"' replied the, terror- • Canadian Hide & Skin Co. brine is used,• but the output from stricken ,passenger; "there is no -- + f the factories is U811ally in hogs- of FRONT ST. EAST, TQRONTO, ONT hope for Us." r heads holding 160 gallons. no yon trap or bay "Then why don't you put .on a Slit' iST AtMalt E4R�loo�aS0�es Fuggrs? IamCanadFaa life-preserver;" • IN THE SWEET BYE AND BYE. h;ahestpr clew IY'on� "I'm the r manufacturer of For the baby often means red for e Sunday school teacher shipments solicited. them." ' :�_ both mother and child. Little ones I (Sadly - FU I pay mail at,a ex- like it too-it's so palatable to take. that I'll never press char remit s [i,p I m afraid, Johnny, romptl els°largest dealer in Beefhidea, 3 THE pp Shee k as,etc. but what Free from opiates. -meet--you in heaven. P• Quotations and shipping tags �i9ery loves company, -A,• f PP , AU Dkvaaiata. `2b sash. Johnny—Why 4 What have you sent res. B we d„n t like is the kind of come iSSCF. \0. 51-09 been doing now JOHN HALLAM, TORONTO pany that makes us miserable. Z - .^.vas,.. [ ......Y:.... '..n-`•P...::.a..:int.... :.:_ .... n'-v .L.. ....•: .."..` _ -u. .4@,r. .,e....+-'-._ti .•'r!.:.ti_a •.......✓.R.". C .'Z .. _ .. ^r r : i� 3" , 4 LOCALISMS. —The new books for ,the ublic —Fred Balsden, of the Standard library have been receiv and Bank, who has been relieving in GREATEST SSORTMENT will be placed on the shelves I a Whitby, has returned to resume —Found—A lady's woollen mitt. few days. his duties in the bank here. .'Loser call at this office. —Walter Crook, who has been _ —F, Franklin, who has charge —Mrs. John Latchford is in very employed by John Stephenson for othe east G.T.R. section, here, --BEST VALUES OP door health at present. the past summer, has been engag- moved his household effects from ' —w. G. Ham was in the city on ed by F. Hurst and has entered Bowman.vile on Wednesday and lbasiness on Wednesday.' upon his new dutiesr now resides in the house recently SANTA CLAUS GOODS �- —Mr.-and Mrs. Batty entertain- —Our merchants are exhibiting vacated by P. O'Connor and fam- ed a few friends on Thursday ev- a choice stock of Christmas goods, fly. -. ' SHOP EARLY !. ening. and crush good taste is shown in —Mrs. McClure, of Woodbvidge, the window displays. Do your For Xmas week, 500 lbs. good �. 5e visiting her daughter, Mrs.' E. Christmas sho in now and do mixed candies at 5c r lb. Also, g 1' g £stars boxes bon-bon chocolates, BOYS BABY GIRLS N. Hicks. not wait until a last day before humbugs fruit drops, satinettes, —W. E.Vanstone shipped a car- Christmas when there will be a i Hockey boots, A dressed doll. A work hoz or bag loved of Battle to Toronto on Wed- great rush and when you.will not oranges, emOns, cranberries,figs, Books. A ball with with a bell, A band mirror,hat pins podgy, have so extensive a stock to select grapes, nuts, etc. and everything Handkerchiefs A toy wagon, cart and A trinket box, a ring the best for the holiday trade. Games, horse, box, —Mrs. 1. John Boyes is spending a from. Dickie& Chapman. * Skating caps, A complete cook stove A purse or hand bag, week with her sons and daughter —Owing to fin unprecedented The township council met on Muffiers, in iron, A doll, a new game, in Toronto. shortage in the supply of broom F, Mitts, A game, ten pins, ring A new book or box of —Miss Smales, of Dnnbarton, corn and that controlled b• two Wednesday and Thursday fore- , .� Purees, mouth organs, toss, etc., 1 stationery spent Sunday here tivith her sister, factories in Indiana, the price of. noon when they wound up the A collar and tie box, ' A picture book, A box of hdkfs, a new Mrs. G. P. O'Leary. brooms will go up immensely. It business of the year. Owing to A drawing set,•peri or Our Toy land is full of dress, —John Henderson, of Winona, is predicted that a dollar Apiece the length of the report and late pencil, nice,strong toys. We A pair side combs, ; called upon his numerdlus Picker- will be paid for them before the ness at which it has been received A sweater, also have felt boots, A hair ribbon, fug friends this week. end of-next year. Now would be we are compelled to hold it over Pair cuff links, cepa, picture puzzle A post card album, —Dr. Henry will be here as a good time for housewives to lay •un til next week.. Box of chocolates, hdkfs etc. A box of bonbons. usual next Tuesday to attend to in a good supply. —At the Grocery Store—Christ- I - his professional duties. —During the snow stoorm abort mss Oranges, ' Bananas, Date'., LADIES - FRIEND GENTS —Rev. W. Moore was in Ash- half-past eleven on Sunday night Figs, Table Raisins, Cranberries, c' burn on Tuesday attending the an auto containing a party of lad- Winter grapes, Celery. Cabbage, ordination and induction of Rev. ies and gentlemen passed through Spanish Onions and the finest dis- Post card albums. A leather bound bock Linen initial hdkfs, Jewel box, box bdkfe, of poems, -A fancy tie, gloves. Mr. Rice. the village with Toronto as their play of Chri-stmas Candies in town. A bead satchel, P A pocket book or coin " —A. N.•Mullet has had installed destination. When they reached Fresh Select Oysters. Buy all A pair hockey skates A fancy piece of china, purse, In his residence a new Kelsey Logan's corner they turned north your groceries at the. Grocery and boots. A Waterman fountain furnace, A ria box in old cel i the work being complet- and did not stop till they got Store. * A wool toque and mitts g g pen, a sweater coat, _ ed last week. stuck in W. B. Powell's yard. On —A question that is heard quite A phcxnix muffler, luloid, or glass, Hockey stick, hockey —W. F. Hendorson,after spend- being 'appealed to, Mr. Powell frequently lately is ."Are we to A bottle perfume, at! A fancy boa of station- skates and boots. ing the suuimer and fall in Scar- kindly enlightened them regard- have an election this year?" We Aapron k erv, Agame ing set, a iv new boo Bible, ne boro, returned home on Saturday, ing the route to Toronto. After Are not in a position just now to hymn book, •A musical clock, •A new hat or cap, and will remain for the winter. manipulating their machine for answer that question with an •de- Anew air cashmere —The Methodist Sabbath Schaul about half an hour, the departed q y A boa stationery, �• Tthernreisner; P . Y F gree of certainty, but from present A`post card-box full of Northern Liithte; hose, purpose holding an entertainment and have no doubt reached.the appearances there will be a con- bonbons. Old Rose&S:Icer 64c.' SOo$° i �Candies raisins and figs for the children of the sch"some city by this time. test. The nomination will be held time during the month of Febru-, —The regular monthly meeting tit Brougham on Monday, the 27th ary. of the Ladies' Aid of-S-. Andrew's Inst. FATHER Grandparents MOTHER —While engaged. in lifting a church was held in the S. S. room —Since snow is again with us heavy weight on Saturday,Thom- ori Tuesday afternoon when the ever} resident should feel that it A carving set, Felt slippers and boots, -,A damask or chemiile as Stevenson injured his foot and following ofhcer;; were elected for is hi; duty to keep the,•side-walk A shaving set, Mitts,scarfs, overshoes 1 tabl,ecover, in consequence was laid off work the ensuing year : President, Mrs. Cuff buttons, A wool cardigan or A white bed spread, : for a few days. Deverell ; 1st Vice-President, firs-, in front of his property clear of Suspenders, jacket: P pair nice towels, Remember the bazaar in the Simpson , 3nd Vice, Mrs. Murkar: ,now. 'Most of our i e•ldent5 at- An umbrella; A weather therinome- A ready-made night tend to this matter in the moi t' Slippers, ter,a wool shawl, robe, a toilet set. -town hall this (Th ttrsday)-even ing Treasurer;Mrs. Kerr: . Secretary, faithful manner possible bitt there A moustache cup. A new Xmas book, a A dinner'set, under the auspice, of the Guild of Miss Jean Gordon. Arrangements are others who are somewhat care- A suit case, cane. A fancy piece of china,- _ St. George's church. A-most en- were also made for the concert, less' in- the pe_-forrnauee of thi Gloves, t' A warm dress. Pre, brass candle sticks, jo able time is assured to all. Ad' and tea to be held under their pe Bisael's carpet sweeper, �' healthful exercise that they need Dii-tts, sox, i' A cup and saucer, n ; - mission 5 cents. auspices on Tcieda January 18th, f P Y+ Y to be reminded of it ucca-iunally, A jack knife, + kni e. A Iarkip,.a piece of sily- . School Trustees may secure 1910, -when Rev, A Logan Geggie, A set of tools. A new purse or pipe.- ; er, a jar of honey, at this office blank forms for not- of Pa:kdale Presby.e church, A ixncp alaren clock, ..F A Bible or hymn book. ; A set of knives&forks, fees of the iinnilal meeting held, Toronto, and :sir. Ernest Hazel- LETTERS TO TME EDITOR Oranges. I A box of mixed nute, A Pandora range.on the last Wednesday of the dine, tenor soloist, will furnish Fickering, Dec. 18th, 1909. year. These printed forms save the program. Mr. Geggie and lis'. gIR,-An act of true heroism was D 1 K E H P touch work and can be secured at Hazeldine were heard with. great performed on Saturday last on Spink's a nominal cost. d'eligbt 'by a Inrge audience un will pond. half ruile-north of this vil ' - MAN —The first real snow storm of .their former visit, and the return, rage where a non-jber of the'boys had - the season oocurred on Sunday of these popular entertainers will gena for-a-sk. been 'night when about two inches fell be gladly anticipated. (Fuller ha�'ing a.spin around and werehaving in-this neighborhood. The rain notice will be,given.later.) a rest when Clarence Rogers went for (if"� i� 1� pvlJ(Lfollowing immediately after caul- - —A receipt for money paid in a a skatelawny from the rest. As he ;_ Oveat , V ._ e ed much of it to disappear. transaction is a small piece of came vera where the pond empties into the rase, owing probably to the F. G. Inwood, of Toronto, the paper that many people consider increasing current,the ice was thinifer C Grand Treasurer, paid a fraternal a useless document and the result than in other places and he dropped h visit to Pickering Lodge, No. 105, of a useless formality in a business through into ten or twelve feet of 1 Only, Black Beaver Coat, velvet collar, site 37. ' Bargain' ab cost A. O. U. W., on Tuesday evening. transaction. Still it is of great water. The'other, boys soon noticed The visit, although unexpected, importance and it is a n ise precau- that he was not in sight and fearing Fur-lined Coat, German Utter collar, cuff's in.sleeves, Melton cloth •seas heartily enjoyed by the mem- tion for every person who pays a that he bad broken through,immedi- Shell, $31.00. — -bore at the meeting. sum of money to demand a receipt atel.y rushed in the direction be had —Acv. W. and Mrs. Moore are for the carne. When a person taken and arrived as-he was almost Heir-cloth lined Coat, Otter collar, Seaver cloth Shell, $20.00. spending a couple of weeks With who receives mone • from another benumbed with being in the icy water. s Pe P 3 Some of the more timid ones were Heavy Tweed Coats with the Muto collars, all prices. `V relatives in Kingston and eastern is disposed to be dishonest, the afraid to venture near enough to offer .points. During Mr. Moore's ab- person who pays should not tie- any assistance, _buf' Willie Murkar, Also*samples to choose from and made f :sante the pulpit in St. Andrew's gleet this little formality of ask- with that• 'ret of true heroism-which - to our order. ' church will be occupfed by the ing for a receipt. But the most.. 'r not stop to think of personal Y former pastor, Rev. F. C. Harper. honest man may make a mistimedanger,"secured a hockey stick. from —Members of the township in his book-keeping and mend one of the boys and'.•approached near ,� A. BUNT�NG P/CKER/N� council are now .making their sea- payment of an oth when a enough for.Clarence to reach it. but � sonable visits and shakinghands .ment may � F Y be was so henumbed that he could not Y -Aileady have been hold to the stick. However,he finally with their friends. This is one of made. ''`person who makes a succeeded in getting the 6tic•k under the surest signs that the New s _ , Year .is -close at hand. Itis ' � • er of tr•an actiuna every clay his arra and. told him to. hold his - ­ , deed pl the cannot trust to his memory when aria tightly down, which he did, Vi nere ments have' been made. Re• and after sereral ineffectual at- ;� Great Millineryargln n t Pay ? '_orne people in. this wor d who ceipts should be Riven and recciv- tempts, owing' to the breaking ice _ which endangered those Attempting : calve.an interest in the state of ed for every money transaction g _ the rescue as well, the young heroes our health and of that of each in- and these receipts,should be rare- succeeded in drawin him frons the 00 and SO On dividual member of our family. . fully filed away and wept for a water and saving him from.a watery 'a .$at8 forZ.50. X4.00 Hate for —The construction gang on the number of years before being de- grave. After getting him out they cost considerably more to produce. ti C. N R. just west of the Brock stroyed, as a protection against helped him to his feet and succeeded -road had rather an unpleasant ex- error. in keeping him in inofion either nkat- This offer lasts only until Saturday,the 11th of-December. ciente during the gales of the —The annual meeting of the In or Walking until they helped him pe to his home, where prompt treatment - Ladies, now is your chance. latter part of last week. Their Pickering Vigilance Committee was applied, and-weare thankful to = f large tent .on two different ossa- was held on Tuesday evening in say. at time of writing ,that no serious North Side slurs was blown down, which at the town hall. The attendance, results are likely to follow. MRS LEIGH, King St., Pickering, C1I1t. this time of the year is decidedly as is visual at this meeting, was Mrs. Rogers and myself wish to offer 4� unpleasant. Tbey have sincs mO'v- not very large, but the interest the boys who so bravely belped in the ' ed their tents further west to the manifested by those present shows rescue our heartfelt thanks, but mere hollow where they may have the that the entbusiasm, in the work words cannot express the gratitude wty protection of the surrounding hills of the.Associatiau.has not dimin- feel toward them for their noble be- and where -they expect to work ishe In the least. The chair was haviour, and we hope they will all Chris*t as Goods • during the cold winter months. occupied by the president. John live to grow into men as noble as they —Mrs. James Gordon met with have proved themselves to be as boys. A. O Connor, while A. Jeffrey Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for space III CilO1�;eS� 1�ilner� a painful accident on Saturday acted as secretary. The, secre- in your valuable paper, morning which will confine her to tary's and auditors' reports were We remain. . bed for some time. She was coal- read'showing a membership of 193 W. D. AND hills. Roc$Rs. SjlverwOre, Cutlery, CarVing Sete, ing down stairs and w hen a few and a balance in the hands of the steps from the bottom she made a treasurer$87.08. Considerable dis- ''SALE REGISTER. 'mis-step and fell, having thought cession took place regarding the I'arlOr Lamps, Etc. she bad reached the floor, owing best action to take immediately :.to making a miscalculation due to on receiving notice that a horse or SATURDAY, DsC. 1Srli—Posponed sale =the darkness. She walked around of 110-acre farm, horses, cattle, iur- any other animal or article had plaments, etc., the property of the All kinds of suitable Presents: for'about a minute, but the pain been stolen. Prompt action is late James White,at lot 88, con. 5, : In one of her feet becozning so in- always necessary, but the steps to Pickering(1 mile east of ti7hitevale). Call and see our fine display. 'tense she returned to her bed. Dr. be taken was left inneh to the dis- Sale at 1, farm offered at 2 o'clock, 4. Towle was summoned and upon cretion of the Committee. On mo- See posters. Thos. Poucher, auct. You'll find exactly what you want. •examination found that A smelt tion it was decided Lo hold the TuEAnev, Dltc, 21sr—Auction sale of bone in the foot was fractured usual oyster supper, on an evening farm stock and implements, hay, :• p' and also a small joint dislocated. to be decided upon by the cow- grain, etc., the property of C. NV. BUNDY Mr. McFadden has had fitted naittee in charge. This committee Weatherill & Sons, lot 7, con. 8, JOs• a up for the exclusive use of the lib- is composed of Messrs. H. E. Web Pickering township. 9 months tied- rary one of the rooms he recently ster, L. D. Banks, C. S. Palmer, it. Wm. Maw, Auctioneer. erected adjoining the drugstore. WEDNESDAY, Dlrc. 22ND, 1909—Aiic- G S. Chapman, James Gordon. T -MEDIOI NES ` • ` The library board have also placed George Leng and the pies}dent. tion Bale of S acres of standing-t' -_PATEN therein a table on which are the The election of officers then took ber on lot 17, con. 8, Pickering, the current magazines. Members of place as follows: President, J. A. property of E. E. Pugh. Sale at Dodd's Pills 40c, all cough medicines at 2$c, the library have now the o or- one, See bills for particulars. T. ALL DOLLAR Chase's Pills 22c, Pink Pills 37c, Castovia 80c, y FP O'Connor; Vice-Pres., Leng ; Poucher,Auctioneer. MEDICINES Seigle's Syrup 55c, Minard's Liniment 22c, Allan's lenity of spending a pleasant and Treasurer, H. E. Webster ; Secre- Butter color 2tc Chase's Nerve profitable hour in this reading. AT 75c. "Lung Balsam 22c, , p g lacy, Alez. Jeffrey. Committee room where they can peruse the Men—E: Remme,r,T. Poncher,Jas. PICKERISG MARKETS Food rbc. -most recent magazines. The ques- Todd, W. H,Westney, R. R. Mow- — Dry goods, gulf jackets, new dress goods, Red•Wheat..:. .......... ... $1.08 men's mitts, gloves, suspenders, ties, hose. Good tical of establishing a reading- bray, Win. Cowan, H: Pugh, M. White • 1•06 - '. fresh groceries always on hb.nd. 'roots iq one which has been dis- Gleeson and James McFarlane. Mixed ..................... 1.06 >h cense for mals seat's by the lib- Executive Committee—Geo. Leng, Goose .90 SPE(,/AL—`?0 lbs. Redpath granulated sugar, rary L— oa here, and it is Only L. D. Banks and W. V. -Richard- Oats .............. ................'.. new lli .t;lins become All Actual son. Anditors—Win. oke and T. Harley.. . .... � EDWARD BRYAN PICKERI-NCw fact. kC, Osborne. Buckwheat— LOl 7 `i as • „