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by - Ys:... '.'..a.>•. '__ v..c•, .:'•. ,:.+.--: .. . o ..r _ ..'.e%•• .._ `w.'e..� i• h.a ••uu. . -i::✓i'•4. N # ::,', x •. s, - .. . ,.,.. .."': .. - ..,, ,:' - �-arta •f,a;.... .,s.. n 7 PICKERING r nSi VOL.OL. XXIX. Y -PICKERING, ONT., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1.0, 1909 i�To. 10 o CHERRYWOOD WHITEVALE A deep gloom was cast over the com- Owing to the severe storm on Tiles- Medical munity on Tuesday, the 7th inst., day afternoon, the sale of the farm, L A D D E x: VITAL ' when it was learned that one of the farm stock, etc., belonging to then `DICKERING MEDICAL SURGICAL most promising'young men of the estate of the late James White was neighborhood, Herbert, eldest son of postponed until Monday next, Dec. The ladder season is here again,and 5 � and X-RAY INSTITUTE Andrew and Mrs. Courtney had died, the 13th. The Wonderful. we are prepared to make them PICHERING, - - ONTARIO after a brief illness of only one week rhe R hitevale branch of the Wom- of all sizes. i froti; typhoid fever and pneumonia. en's Institute will hold their regular R. ELGIN TOWLE, M. �•, M. D,, C. 13., .' /^r He was onlyin his twenty-fourth monthlymeetingon •Wednesda Physician-in chargo L 1 f e lS ] v e r y I Y• All kinds of general BIacksmithing year and his eath is felt most keenly Dec. 15tb, at the home of lies. George >i Orn ltly and neatly done. 4, Specialist in Reo:al Diseases. Prostatic Dia I I eases of ]sen, Diseases of Women, Cancer's, by his parents and brother and'sister, Pugh, commencing at 3 p. m. Inter- ...Tumors,X-Ray examination. Diseases of eye. for whom the deepest sympathy is estiog papers are being prepared. All W. H. JACKSON. ear.nose,throat end lunge, Fitting glasses and felt. The funeral takes place to-day ladies are cordially invited. f►]1 acute and cbr�nic diseases. Have YOU Tried It .'� Frida when his bud will be —.� . Brock Roadr: OSoe Hours 12 tori and 7 to 9 491y i(Friday). y con- veyed to Erskine cemetery for inter- ASHBURN - - merit. James White Legal. The Presbytery of Whithv, at a Positivelycures diseases due' to special meeting on Dec.2nd,sustaain- •� Bl. FABE�VELL, Q. 0., BAfiRIB• WEST HILL. ed the call' from Ashburn, Utica,stud • TER.County Grown Attorney,and County im are blood. 50c, a box or sig Myrtle congregations, Wholesale and Retail Butcher. A)bstbor. Court House,Whitby. 10-� P In the death of Gea.: Heron, which y to Rev. Wm. Rice,of tilt. Forest. The induction Pickering, Ont. took place on Friday, Dec. $rd, SC$r- K, " LT. B ARCLAY Barrister-at-Law, boxes for$1.00. For sale at Me- boyo loses 'one of her best known, eervice will be bald in the Presbyterian . Solicitor,Notary Public,Special Exami- most highl esteemed grid robust eo- church herh on Tuesday, Dec. 14th, at ser for HiQ:& Court of Justice. Sncceseor.to Fadden's Drug Store, Pickering. mosinenDeceased was in his 67th year 2 o'clock, and the following ministers Best price paid for choice 1[a&era Dow Jc McGillivray, Brock street, and bad only been ill about ten days, were appointed to.take part: Rev. A. butcher's cattle. 'Whitb y S. Kerr, Moderator of Presbterv, to r: suffering from heart diseitse. He is - , w W�T H. WARRE, 'SOLICITOR AND survived by u widow and one, son, preside and induct; Rev. 'Air. Came- Cholee meat. will be found at our . NOTAR7 PDBLIC, (successor to late William, who resides at home. The Tori, of Port Perry, to conduct divine shop at reasonable prices.• '' David Ormiston),Whitby. Mr. syaney north- funeral took la service; Rev. Dr. Abraham, of Whit- cote,who is associated with Dar•Werke,attends place Sunday afternoon at Pickering oil Wednesdays. St. Margaret's cemetery, where the by, to address the minister, and Bev, c XMAS SALE $ y, Call and see a Prices right Loans arranged. 411y interment was made, and was at- J. . Forester, of rid.a Blackstock, the pen- J, tended by a large concourse of pea, le pie. We unto Rev. a reception will Yetert> from all he tendered to Rey, lino ,lire. Rice in —AT= parte of the township. The the Avenin Monuments ^ ^^^^^ sorrowing widow and friends have _evening. ALTER L. HOWDEN, D. V. S. our most sincere sympathy. - „ Graduate Ontario veterinaryCollege. 1 j Member Ontario veterinaty Medi6nciety, BE L'S,S, CLAREMONT MARKHAM. I Pickering. ez ng to Dr,R.J. Shirley. Office King St.. GREENWOOD The flag on the nett post office was Haying secured theagency for + the Ontario Gran and Afar- 'E -- Cutting the price in two. Every- A concert and Christmas tree 'will be flown on. Tuesday in h Wedneonor ofsday daSt. in ble Works, Brampton, I am : t>�tsstttlesif QLar;Qs. drew's day. and on SS ednesday in goes at wholesale." held under the auspices of the Green- prepared it furnish call work e ._,.,._ ,.:......... ... ... .. ......,,.,,,,, honor of Queen Alexandra's birthday. , wood Methodist Sabbath Scllr)ol will the Granite and marble line G', HAM—Issuer of Marria a Archie Alorison has purchased the Licenses in the County of Oat& o, Parlor Spites, Bedroom Stets, he held in the church on Aiuiiday even- semi-detached air of brick residences+ at the veru lowest prices, and r' Pickering village, SYIy Coaches, Dining Chairs, etc. ing, Dec. 20th. An interesting pro- on Robinson street occupied-Tb him workmanship guaranteed. All Granitrware, gram consisting of choruses, dialog- and his brother George, from TV. A. Gcods shipped where desired.' HOPPER Issuer of Marriage c ues, solos and readings will be render- .Robinson. See me before placing your D• Licensm in the County of Ontario. Ttlbs, Palls, Brooru_, Braehes, ed h the pupils of the school, assisted .order. Lettering done on the CMc:at store and his residence,Claremont. window Shades. y p p Many of 011e readers will regret B to _ by bliss Alice Storey, gold medalist hear of the,death of George T. Sant- shortest notice. of Toronto School of Iaocution, A. D•��^^�� R.BEATON,TOWNSHIP(ILERK The people are coming form the bridge, of Toronto, a former well- C. W. GIBBONS, — Claremont o Conveyancer. Commissioner for taking North, South, East and West.. Marshall, violinist had soloist, of To- known-resident of Markham, who for �+ afildavits, Accountant, Etc, Money.to loan ronto, Rev. S. T. Tucker, soloist, man years carried on a general black- on farm p:opsrty, Issuer of Marriage Lia FOLLOW THE CROWD To Greenwood, and the Greenwood mix- h• $ C O A L to a2 ed quartet. Santa Claus has consent- stair sa h,rsinee9 in the rho now oc- mosr'. why . e, ons• t-r copied by.'Mr. Aiassia?. 11 r. Banbridge ■ P08TILL, Licensed Auctioneer J :, B E A L ed to be present and will no doubt be died on-Saturday tarsi,. and .was in his . for Counties of York and Ontario. Alto: in his most genial and generous mood ;gt6 year. An invalid wife, one son Hard -and soft. s tion Wes of all ands acteansa to oil ebortest as this will be his first appearance this sad three daughters survive.-Econ- A.11 n•tace, Addren Green aiver P.O., Oat, $ T T �I•C T� CLAREMONT Try if you Tulse onfist. .1.J1� �7tJ.L�J B. POWELL. Licensed Auc. this one—the best concert.of the .eea9- on Lath and Shingles. season. Feu will be sorry ' in . tfonser for lesconducted rio oftb@r YorkCos. All HIGHLAND CREEK kinds of sales conducted either privately or by ^.. - M asotion. Sale notes collected. For dates or XMAS JOY- R. tole +ues a Turonta visitor on other artical us ap ly at residence. Elizabeth DD pp White's sale postponed to .lion- Price right. S4, Piek•riag. Orden lets at New*OIDce will (toes vpith Lhr ,rulLable well' Monday. R >reodye prompt attention. Y. da , Dec, 18th. - e-d with �Ifi Our story l flit. y Amy Maggie :tile de has gone r. A• C• R E E SO R ed with ]Yte that W1 11 please.. __....� '. Balmy Beach to reside for the winter. �-•i TPOUCHER,_Licensed Auction= Fgere are a few f . eer, Valuator. Colhotor and issuer of ATHA We Are $lad to report that site+, LOCUST HILL � saarnage hosocea• All-kinds of anadon sales Rich cut glass, Gold.filled watches,' John Morrish is recovering from-her a� cooducted and valuations mads at mod Bracelets, Neck chains, Lockets, Isaac and Mrs. Grove, of Ringwood, recent illness. *rat.charge, Fetorss ana ooa.lQnmeat• con. Ringaand , Sash ins. Brooches, visited Sunday at J. Mowde�. Quite a number from here attended pickeriag Luber Yard .latently managed and sold by.&action or p A. H. Ro eP And lady friend, of Al- the Nueral of the late George Heron faero s�iiLlemen aryantelid�. Yprivate sale. wortgag", retits, boa to Tie pLeaf pins-Cuff]Coat of Maple tons,spentSundayat F.�farahman's. on Sunday last. g All kinds of building anterial ine[ud . writs for term, and lipruar"ntars, Phoroune mo Arms- hat pins, Jennie Mowder has returned home Mrs. 11 m. Bennett is spending a oda Dates may be fixed by plioaa�Nswi weld mounted Fine rfumes, after spending a few days in. Stouff- few days with her sister, Mrs. John log rough and dressed lumber, y ofboe. ville. Phili , of Brougham. lath, etc. y fountain pens, arses, pp g A carload of British-Colum biaahiagles Sty' pens, Military Mrs. O. G. Nighswaader. who has Nelson and Mrs. Hawkins spent have uwt arrived and are sell at Hair brushes, Ebony been spending a time in Toronto, has Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. E. ,, Per; The EulaMe Quartet - Toilet seta. Gold bed.. returned home. A nist, of Wbitevale. of 10 .• n $ . r eaynaee in lot = OF = Roon1 clocks, Gold Some from here attended the fuller- D. Stotts is doing a rushing business square or over. 1f•7TOUF+FV ILLS Mantel clocks, Kitchen clocks, til of the late John Ham, of Brough• these days selling stores. A few cold _ti . D. GORDON c� SON. ! Xmas stationery, $odaks and am, on Sunday last. days make the people prepare for Are now prepared to give a musical Gold spectacles, Supplies, Miss E. Nendick, of Toronto, also winter. .program. For particulars apply to Souvenir goods, Xmas Miss N. Nendick, of Stouffville, spent Mrs. Win. and Mra. Marsh Chap- ` ! MIMA HOOVER, Post cards and booklets. Sunday at E. B. Hoover's. man and Mrs. W. F. Cowan spent Inst Best Place is Canada Sec.-Tre". - 'Several from here attended .the FridAyy with the former's daughter, 42 Come. early and often. Prices funeral of the late Asa Millard, of Al- firs. Hulmer, of East Toronto, h!, for superior Biisineaa or Shorthand P to suit everybody." Goma,on Wednesday. He was a mem- Mrs. W. CoTli" and Mrs. R. Mor- Education is the progressige Miss Stella E. games T bee of the A.O.U.W. and Masonic rish visited the Ladies' Aid at Rash- « ,M. MoFA UDEN Lodges. ington-Methodist church last Thiits- Teacher of I'1ari0, LRIIGG:AT AND GRADL'A?H OPTICIAN _ day'and report.& pleasant time. 1AT.T.TQ Rt1IIT£VAL£. PICKERTNG, . = ONT. BROCK ROAD' -- -- Attend White's sale. Mmiday nett 91iss Ella Robson, of Toronto, was ,w - + here a couple of days last Reek on BROUGHAM TORONTO, ONT.Co Dillin hams business in'conr-etion 'with the -woodagner & a g sale. l Mrs. D: Dafue, jr„ spent Friday in Graduates of this college readil ob- Undertake Parlors The Robson n wood sale on Saturday Toronto, y - tain choice ositions. The demand last-was a success. There was a large Afi:�. Mechin• -dent, Friday last In Have a full line of mesh and cur- ring street,' ickering• number present and the prices aver. Toronto, for our graduates is fully five times led meats constantly on hand: :Calls by day or night promptly „ged $50 per acre. Airs. Roht. Phillips returned Tnes- the supply- Winter term opens :attended to. Tele hone Jan. 3rd. New catalogue free. p Reginald Fuller rand :Hiss Bertha dray from Huntsville. B Spice Roll,. Breakfast Bacon,. (Bill vr'Independent.l i;odd, of Greenwood, «erE. united in U. McGregor, of Toronto,visited his ;Ham, Bologna, Weiilers, etc. the holy bonds of matrimonv one dad• brother George on Saturday. SV. J. ELLIOT, Principal. s --- ---' '------ last week. Trip N1•.Nvc wi:hes them Mrs. Harman, of Toronto, is visit- I 'Cor. Yonge& Alexander Sts. Highest prices paid for life-hong happiness and prosperity. ing her daug-hter, Mrs. H. Ranson. x3uteher's cattle. One of the men engaged in the coni- Russel Conner and friend,of Sutton, -- — struction of the C.N.R. uiet with an, visited the former's parents over Sun- nsurance p • accident one day lxat week which oils. 9iC4 eril�� iveru Of,;ill kinds--Best always recon2= might have resulted very seriously, :hiss Ethel Willson is recovering "i y He wa i; engaged unhitching his tenni from .her recent attack of scarlet wended. of horses when one of the animals be fever. came frightened and started kicking Mrs. R' Sele First-class K = g m. Bennett,, of Highland rigs for hire striking the nian on his head. He was Creek, is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. C. ConYe�•a+ncing Done unconscious for-at ti-ine ard•ir.edical Philip this week., Y<' Day or night � aid was summoned. Fortunately the \[sister .Tack Gerow, of Toronto, is y O``�tents and Notes Collected. marl dial not sustain serious injuryvisiting with his grand parents, Win. u +�• Bus meets all tralIIs Charges reasonable, and in a few days was able-to resume and Airs. Mosgrove. j Teaming promptly attended to I- his work, Wm. and Airs. Ham, of Toronto, - - 150 acre Farm for sale. were here over Sunday' attending the Xi#as .;Agent for CanadaCarriage Co• If you.want to buy sell or rent, call GOODWOOD funeral of the former'';father,the late �• H. Peak q John Hay at bey office. Bargains. D. McDonald has quit work on this HarveyLiscomhe was in the cit Peak, Pickering. section of the G.T.R. last week visiting his children, who V. V. Richardson:: The Sunday Schools are preparing are in the Sick Children's Hospital. G&S The for their entertainments. They are rapidly recovering., " 1 he A Local Option public meeting will The regular service next Sunday Notary Public,. Pickering. be held here on the 18th. morning, Dec. 12th; at the Brougham ,DOMINION BAN Mr. Halbut, of Toronto, took Rev. Christian Church will be conducted Early at Mr. Toyes appointment on.Saibbath. by Prof. J. N. Dales, of Drayton. :riead.Office, Toronto Zlacksmithing • Tovtnship Council meets here on the On Thurs y, Dec. 2nd, one of our f 15th to prepare a financial statement. most bight respected residents passed B ���� S General Banking Business A. Storry sold a young team of away at t home of his son-in-laves R. A general blacksmith business done. heavy horses tho other day for nearly J. Cowan, t the age•of 78 years. Ellis transacted. All k'flds of repairing neatly and $400, funeral which took place on Sunday �r ' promptly executed. Railroad carpenters were here last afternoon to St. John's cemetery was attention yen t0` week making repairs to the railway one of the largest that has been held ,Special > Horse-shoeing-a - Specialty. property. here for a long time, Mr. Ham was �19W s the collection ;of CFORaON Z+A'VCT A Bell Telephone gang were work- horn in Beude, Cornwall, England, in • in here on Sunday and the first part 1853, and in 1859 be married Miss Jane g l Elate notes. PICKERINr, ONT, of the week. Cole. of Devonshire, In 1801 Mr. and Rev: Mr. Toye is improv ing rapidly Mrs. Ham emigrated to Canada, set- SAYINGS DEPARTMENT. and is expected to return.from the Cling near Brougham and spending oAitJ3 received Of 1. and BRITISH Term of 1909 hospital this week. the remainder of their 1j,Yes in Bro- •=Bp CANADIAN Ten per cent cbenp- Two burglars, who broke into Jones' ugham and its vicinity, Mrs. Ham upwards. BUSINESS er, ten per cent bet- hardware store in Uxbridge were having died about nine years ago. W�t COLLEGE ter for Busines, tra�Aed to near here by the town police They'had seven of a family, four sons y •:XYlt@=®E3t allowed at highest TORONTO Shorthand and Mat-' and others, but while they were recur- and three daughters. These are Wm. current rates. ric, ing guns to stop them, the burglars of Toronto; Frank,of Claremont,; Ed- Booklet free. R.A. Farquharson, got out of the way. They were well ward and Albert, of Brougham; Mra. O site New Post O{{SCC [CT]As. D. GORDON, Manager B•A-, Principal, Corner Yonge and armed. having stolen guns, revolvers Frank Soden, of Claremont, Mrs. D. , I Floor Sts. and amunition in town. They were Dolphin and Mrs. Robt. J. Cowan,of WHITBY BRANCH. last seen going south, l 1?ro:Sharer, 1 O��I In �e x 'r'P ryZ.J�"' '' ..i' .., :r __.• -« �p3'.''.'.. 0:000 •'.r J ^T-� -.:M2°•' +s• . .lkY�'-.,. `4.1 '..," _;.'.. :::. 1,•" ,.:. 0000.. .'� ' ..::�.. Y,d ..5.. L y,. ' * •'''�'TQIIB BIBT 13.Sur E TH S. S. LESSON ' _;• 1.s p ,� q. ✓�' stir SITZ 1137'8 0�'B TIBLBT8 � The tittle i11a of babyhood and - INTERNATIONAL LESSON ; ldhood should be treated prompt- � lohi � � :• t :` � �, � ' - ty, or they may prove serious. An DEC 12. rte•. ; f occasional dose of Baby's Own - ablets will rerulahe the stomach - 4; 4and bowels an keep your little I:esson ZI. Paul'a Last Wor4s. 2 ' c - vasa well Or they will promptly Tim. 4. 1-18. Golden Test restore health if sicknmos comes un- expectedly. Mrs. Lenora M. Phil. 1. 21. j� q ` :"Thompsor, Oil Springs, Ont., says 1 "I have used Baby's Own Tab- Verses 1-8. Believeing his own end :<• s; �:�',, l , to be not far'off lets for my little rls as occasion , Paul exhorts Tim- l required, and havegifound them si- othy to teach the truth with renew- :.Ways of the greatest help No ed firmness, especially as a period .•taother, in my opinion, should be + of error is fast approaching. � - without the Tablets.„ Bold by mem. 1. I charge the.-A word full of dicine dealers orb mail at 25, solemnity,- emphasized b the fact k "•' p `'» x<. '' 7 , y, P Y cents a box front I'he Dr. Williams that the' adjuration to Timothy is 7 + Idedicine Co., Brookville. Oht. uttered in the sight of an all-seeing �. Clod, and of Christ Jesus, who is un oosin ars Investment FREQIIENTLY. � judge all men, both those dead - and those who will be ,living at An old colored man, who could Christ's appearing, which, together ` O,either read nor write, and who with the final, glorious kingdom, is if you have a few hundred Saved and want your . ..had been found by his master to invoked to impress Timothy with be deficient in his market boot ac- the weight of his responsibility. savings to grow faster than they will by compounding interest counts, blamed the butcher for Q: Preach the word-The perfect, at 4 or 4 1-2 per cent., the selection of a medium for investment tampering with his book. . The authoritative message of the gospel. - =' gentleman of the house remonstrat- Pa has just (2 Tim. 3. 16) declar- Is a serious matter. ed by saying: ed the profitableness of all inspired _ "But, Tom, figures don't lie." Scripture. Some of the accepted investments are these--- "No " answered the old man Be urgent in season, out of sea-' _ Municipal Debentures, paying 8S4 to s r cent. "but liars do figure." son-"The voice - said C Corporation Bonds, paying from 4% to e64-per cent. - -' Bank Shares, paying from 4% to 5% .per cent. _ Preaching must be passionate if it Steam and Electric Railroad Shares. paying from 4% to 5% per cent. R would be potent. And that, whe Jytaanfacttulrig and Industreal Stocks, paying from 7 per gent. up. I809--THE BEsT YEAR YET I ther the opportunity is apparent or - rot. If the door is not open, storm Bonds vs. Industrial Stocks.. Some leecor� Breakers: One of the most remarkable 'it.- - "lthiags about the depression of 1908 R6prove-Convict of error in be Bonds bear only a stated low Industrial Stocks have`always been the Eras the rapidity with which busi-.I lief or conduct. (Compare 2�nTim. biggest money earners. Among the . ess conditions recovered them- ,9. I6). Bishop Ellicott thus enum rate of interest, usually from �seIves. IP0.7 was perhaps the best !erates the uses of Scripture: it 4 to 6 per cent. do not increase big ones ares Standard Oil,Western Union "i ear in the history of Canada as i teaches the ignorant, convicts the .Telegraph, Bell Te!ephone, Singer Sewing ar ss buainess conditions were:con evil and prejudiced corrects the 111 value, and at the end of a Machine and Westinghouse Air Brake. , screed, and 1908 showed every pro- fallen, and trains is righteousness stated number of ears return f Ise of IncrefLned progress and ' all men. In order to make the y You are too late to tea the bene I at the time the Wall Bible serve these you only - the money lri- reap 'the one fit of investing in these " record street panic upset conditions in itbe country to the South of us and must exercise all long-suffering; vested. breakers," but you can participate , that is, patience under all circum- - • P P 11brous;ht about the money string. stances. Industrial Stocks always' yield in Toronto's Taxicabs-a new in- 1eecv thainiq effect. world-wide is its far I Sound doctrine-As opposed to "T er • cent. or over, with. extra duatrial which -after six months' oper- tesoAinq effect. y the false teaching which area then p Reports, as far as tbev ha-re come dividends as the- business prospers, ation has proven that it can pay, be- Rn from Cansda's leading Financi- I was beginning to crystallize into the eat Iostitntes, show progress nn- fables (4) of the Gnostics. increasing value as business ginning January, 1910, a dividend f ly » the e o • Having itching ears-Uaeaa�, grows, and after a-. tern! of yenta can _ 1./ per cent.. per annum, or 21 recedeated in their history. Per- p p be sol tment. nal per cent. quarterly, and is constantly a s !1e most marked of such re- sickly lonRinxs for novelty, induc- sold for more than the orlljl �poits came from the Traders Bank 'tag them to seek teachers who wit] lnerea9inQ in value. bf Canads, wh* hsve made pro- soothe their consciences by pander- Ibe s during extremely gratifying to both ling to their lusts. "A corrupt will tees daring the part scar that will i g y' g ever chooses its own doctrine." A Good Bii v their, customers and shareholders. I .5. Be sober-The verb implies ✓ The Traders Bank is regarded as j both watchfulness and sobrriety. " aim one of the most solid Canadian Fi. ; Do the work of an evangelist - Taxicab Stock is a good buy at x$6.00 per shexe, par value •• nsncial Institntiona, and this year Not the specific work of the office t'J�.00 and We advise its purchase. 'a the progress they have achieved called by that name,, but the pro- � p �cion the lines o[ conservative claiming of the gospel which was Ask for our illustrated booklet on Taxicabs, and full'particular's regarding this stool` Bankina: methods has been great. 'still incumbent upon Timothy, (Their liberal and far-Bighted me- ; though he had attained a loftierL- Adelaide, and Victoriahods in dealing with tneir custom- position. E• • EnklishTORONTO ers ha-e resulted in an enormous Fulfill thy ministry-Give faith- increase in deposits and to accom. I ful heed to every phase of the work. . - 8 _ mt,date their rapidly Brewing busi- � g, Already .being offered-He is __ _ •_` A Iness they have had to increase their thinking of his approaching mar- i number of Branches in Canada to wished him to be really to go (Titus fw DISTEMPER Pink ere.Eotseetie, ty rdom, and describes it is terms o OM -(over one hundred.. In addition, of the-drink offerings of the Jews 3 12) to meet him in Nicopolis. This . P �� iiisolea rover `•, 1 alarrbel rave. lthev Nape recently increased their g pace was in the neighborhood of e Ar Sure care and pmttive' and heathen, poured out upon theirInfectedpr.••eatl•e,no Mat ter how homes at any ate at. MIvidend tn shareholders to 8 per- Dalmatia. (See article, "ritL's," nda. x"e=po.ed" LM aid,S,..a oa tDatmgue acts on the blood and t sacrifices. (Compare Phil. 2, 1 7), r _ JIA ('t+adx•c=ysts tl�p poiaonoue a,rmyfram the body., cures Distem,+er la Do" cent.'and Traders Hank stock to In , HBating 8 Bible Dictionary.) and Stteepand Cholera is Yeoitrr, Larse.e al•Uinglivestock,emedy, Cama I :demand at a verymuch snhanced ' 8. At the close of his life he IP - La Grippe among huaaa be/age and ansa Qac 8idtney rnxaedp. hoc wad>n , 1I. Luke-He BIOaa Of tl1B natial b=ad=13 a doua, Cut thea out. Seep ft. Show to roar drnag1 a Ifigure, looks back upon his career as a traveling companions of Paul re- who wai set it t°r '°° Free Booklet.••Distemper, c aa.ei wad eaten.+ contest similar to those with which �I(•a DISTRIBUTORS-ALL WMOLaaALE DRUG©iSTS �, mained, although other Christian sroniv IyEDicaL CO.csa.iais ass 1kCW,,kahisis,sasses,fps.,a.a.L. ' � • every inhabitant of Rome was fay tniliar. The cod fight is not that disciples were near (verse 21). A omen always insist on servants g 8 _ of battle, but the strife of the writer of the third century declares rolls,.to distinguish them from the 14. Alexander the -coppersmith- bringing letters of reference, al- i that Luke died in' -Bith nia at the g s hou'gn t•iiey know' that there isn't;games. Remembering the words of 3` parchments, which were prepared May yj �r�s " �r age -Of seventy-four. y be the same as the Alexander A w-urd of truth is them. his Lord,."It It is finished, • he comes from the skins, of goats. w hen whose name is coupled with that of y►' �yictoriously to she end of the Mark is useful to me for made from calves' skins, the are Hymenaens, the heretical teacher course, bearing safe the faith which °ministering-This indicates -a re-- y i'se the.cafe, pleasant and effec• had been intrusted as a precious versa] of Paul's judgment implied themes eeciall ill not known;hy Paul (1 Tim. 1. 20; 2-Tim. 2. 17). As such -trtRl norm killer, Mother Graves' sit to his kee in in his refusal to take Mark ' with especially ; per- he was a personal opponent of Paula 7,W , posit p' g (I Tim. 1. 11; haps, because they, were more pre= The Lord will render to him ac. n Exterminator;' nothing equ• 6. 20). Then, resuming the langur i him on the secoad'miasionary tour cious, being parchment and not alv it, Procure a-bottle and take (Acts 15. 37-40 . `The latter made ! cording to his works-Not an ez- ago of the games, he points to the ) paper. It has been variously con- pression of personal bitterness but it home. _ crown which is to be his reward' good, and was -with the apostle is i j ctured that they contained the "zeal for the froth-" f9r righteousness,' just as the vie- Rome ret the time of the writing of i Old Testament in Greek, docu- Many n man's wife prevents him torious athlete wears the crown of the letter to the Colossians (Col. mets to rove Paul's Roman citi -from losing a lot of.money in aper physical supremacy. 4. 10). P Even when a it-omen weighs her A zenship, or even sayings of Jesus' words she culating by not -allowing him any i At that day-.k reiterated word of L Tychictis-Together with Tro- gives good measure. phimus he is in the party with Paul y t(,) speculate with, the Old Testament, connected with on the journey from party with Pedonia ul Juto dgment and the setting up'of the Jerusalem, although he is not men- <� 1lessiaaic kingdom. In the New tioned in Acts 21. 29, and rn "`The Ills of Life" apnea, under ;Testament it gains new meaning by y not r, 1 many guises. M;tnv of the physical i it association with the personal re- have completed the journey. .Again vasa and some of the mental could ;turn of Christ at the sad of the we find him at Rome with Paul dur- ;be prevented or even cured by a World. In the early church, to be, ing the first imprisonment, and course of treatment with the saline able to stand "before our Lord know that he was, sent with the ' avatars of the "St. Catharines Jesus, at his coming" was a great apostle's blessing, bearing the let- -Give the yot;ngster a dish of Relln-g's «'ells" A mild climate and pleas- aspiration and controlling motive. tars to the churches at Ephesus anded Corn Corn Flakes whenever he wishes. IL ant environment aid in the process.!Tu have loved his a g Colosse. Tradition makes him a will put his lllttie atQnlRCh in rime couditiou ppearin was a P P Reached via (.rand Trunk Railway' bishop. - for other foods. touchstone of judgment. 13. The cloak-A loess thick, up- t ' 9-15, • Paul bids Timothy make 1 booklet with full information; per garment, which the approach of ,wail be sent by addressing Manager,I a speedy journey to him, bringing winter (verse 21) would make least - ,"The Welland," $t. Catharines,, certain necessary articles, and grateful Aat. warns him against an enemy, Carpus Nothing further is 10. Demos was with Paul during known of him, but the The r0 per cent. food value in hello . ri'wc, Irish centenarians have just i some of the first imprisonment and passage is , i - 1 figures in the greetings to the'Co_ Part of the proof that Paul had re- Toasted Corn Flakes builds up the tissues, in- flied--a woman of the small farm- I cent'ly beeii east. , Creases the blood-power and general nnt.rit•ion ing.class at Tinnekilla; near �-;lin, lossians (4. 14), and in the letter Limerick; at the age of 103,` and to Philemon (24). Tradition says The books-Probably papyrus .of frac body', and wonderfully aids digestion. Ifrs. C'athr.r;ne IVeary, of C'lonfree, that his shrinking from his duty, Btc,kn.�4oNi n, r1kinty Roscomnibh, at and returning to Thessalonica, K i d n e y s W r o n g ?�� '"tile age of .0.1. which was possibly his home, end- It they are you are in dangrr. when y �nrlei^n transition from a hot to �ese the Crescens is 'known only by this kiarv9,ran t aflter the ess or cimuctritica ed in total apostasy. I reference. from the blood.. trouble.6omes at - T' o- q Toasted Corn Flalmi,is a dalnt- p nkl •temperature, exposure to rain. sittinc in 'a draught; unseal- Titins had prob bey 'gone`fo ]7al 7 once: Backacbe., Rheumatism. sola- ily-crisli, delicious cereal. Prat Kellogg's for ' enable substitutia,n of light for maria', on, the east coast of the A•d- tics, Crave„ liiabetcs. Gall Stones breakfast and supper every da;-it s a� guild a� hoary clnthiuc, are fruitful causes I rintic, on some mission for patiJ, and the deadly Bright's Disease, for grnwn up folks a it is for youngsters. a r t am come of the remits cr neglected Just add milk O r cream• and SCl'�'e: a O: Cn.dS and the resultant cough so He, remained one of the most trust- kidneys, Dr. gorse's Indian Rnot , re.rilous to persons of weak lungs. ed helpers.of the apostle, olio had Pills contain a most effective diur• etic which Pirertgthenv and stim. i Among the many medicines for l him for a companion in a'ju ne I _ mates the kidnrya nn that arty de _ "-bron'cbm) 'disor:lers so arising, tLere through the fast offer file firs thMr work thoroughly and yell. Try i9 none better than T3ick1F 5 .lata I prisoriment. <1t that time Titus I O r - "Morse ' r S!� ' S Cananmptive. SN nt�: Try it and be ass ]eft behind to organize the '' - A PA��esdA=is';. C ome OI convinced. Price 23 cents. church in Crete, ,from which Paul I n d i a n Root P i l I s ; ;AT ALL GROM3. 1€' )0 _. . viipa�`�,ui �'�+ lasr.tew�....w-.°*�tY.•`.:^.s, ..a,a., _ . .. .>,. .••W...LL.., ., .x . . .. .t?:'..•s. .. :.... r•' .•fi-- ,r.*.• w-g* ..T r r y ...rr ,.>z� �'-.r-- -iafi ie .> -en r .r. >,. ^•err - -�a.•a:.nz=i4w y s4 r n� ........-....',"?fr •..; A«�.x .,;, - -:.�.,•.�„x. n -.�.� . ', ,."t.">r,et1.;...ay, .'-w e9Rrs`.«'vnr:�7e'h�-.,.'.:.'+'` •�N�'*ya' ,�.,.••is .r wi:r: .�"ti' �-. ., .,�. w`'ds�'��' - +•a•�'' � se"w: . ,r.*+ir1�;° ,yks?+aw cdbR�xtSr«- s ,7iM�g�xx�+.&�i4•s+�fkan�uw•cW�. use? aw�c+'.a. •� �'_�t YOUNG GIRL HAS LEPROSY. 'GRAND NEWS k a; Got Disease From Wearing Ldwt- ed Hair Switch. FOR WOMEN AN INCOME RETURN a Four weeks ago Mica Mamie Gil- ! lespie was head of the glove depart- HRS. E. P. RICHARDS TELLS OP' � �o IN THE k - ment in one of Pittsburg's (Pena.) HOW DOAD'S KIDNEY FILLS r largest stores, and to-day she is on CURED HER. FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS a little island off the North Carr iDa< rMa lina coast suffering with a malig- nant growth of leprosy caused by' After, SoReriag for Twenty-eight CANAVA CEMENT COMPARV, LIJgi7EV. wearingan infected human Iair r switch. As a result almost ever pears from Pains sad Is Kidney es ,rte I and Sleep iessoees—Dodd s Kidney employer of female labor has t,?- 4 ,► pills the only llediolae SheSECURITY i / sieved that after the first of the Wants. These bonds ars secured a•1i'irsE Mortgage oto ilia "t month, none of the women are to by JF wear false hair of any sort. Cottle's'Cove, Notre Dame Bay% properties, of the Canada Cement Company, Limited. Some three months ago,'Miss 1101- Nfld., Dec. 6.- (Special).—Grand They represent an actual investment in the property of Iespie went to the hair department news for suffering women is that practically 3.times the�amouait a thepresent outstanding <'gg of the store where she was employ- being scattered broadcast by Mrs. bonds. The mills owned or controlled by this Comrany ed, and purchased a handsome Elizabeth P. Richards of this place. are among the beat established and most e,Fciently equip- ' •"For thin weeds 1 netOalb blonde switch. After wearing it For years she suffered from that ped on the continent, with a capacity in excess qj i" to be fled Ws oma %@""a a about two weeks, her body,. from terrible weakness and those agora- ;x,500,000 barrels per annum, 1'70y include baby, becomes my ban& ate! the breast up became covered with iziag pains so man 9' womeln know. } all" wen so ,p g,R{ vft a malignant growth which frighten,- She has found relief in Dodd's The Lakefield Portland Cement Co.,Ltd.,Montreal,P Q g` s ecimm CW VMW i� to, i e ed the young woman. She went to Kidney Pills-and she wants all suf- The Lakefield Portland Cement Co.,Ltd.,Lakefield,Ont, )gorywe auN O Dr. L. M. Golden, who bream:• Tering women to know it. ?he.Owen Sound Portland Cement Co., Ltd.;Shallow 1 80 flaw V. Y�' 4a �iaeo ! alarmed, and consulted several "For twenty-eight years," says Lake, Ortt. i Bta+aly eaatt g{my� aryda; + leading physicians, before he fin• Mrs. Richards, "I suffered from The Alberta Portland Cement Co., Ltd., Calgary, Alta. ' Ysvm thagir *810 oias tib din i ally announced that the disease was Rheumatism, Kidney Trouble and The Belleville Portland Cement Co.,Ltd,,Belleville, Cnt. SamIpma4 ay ADse firs iso leprosy, and that Mies Gillesme Neuralgia. I got so weak I could The International Portland Cement Co.,Lid. hull P.Q. - �4" won would have to be taken away and not do my housework. Sleep was '4e Vulcan Portland Cement Co.,Ltd., Montreal,P• Q. 631-cru �Ili•d�eaaaamtimdNia isolated, where she would not con• out of the question except for a few The Lehigh Portland Cement Co. Lid. Bellerille One. tami minutes at r' _ terror. asi V ops flub omp�am Hate others. a line. y ask ached ;j'� Canadian Portland Cement Co:, Ltd., 3farlbanrlt was di=usncL The girl's horror was pitiable, so I could not sleep. I tried all and Dort Colborne, One. "�-� aisoa a,*d pa stands and she stoutly refused to be tak- kinds.of medicine and had come toand a� � *md� A en away, until the government had the conclusion that there was no Arrangements hares also been made to acquire a con- of tbA °0 investigated' the matter. cure for me, when reading adver- trolling interest in the folloraeng companies:— Jt tsso. '� � *�� I fa- It took several weeks for the U. tisements led me to Dodd's -4 ��t my ham of the try The Western Canada Cemext&Coal Co., Lid.;-Essha ; W furred to my S officials to trace the lock of gol- Kidney Pills. I now sleep well and silts �• den hair, but it was discovered to rise refreshed every morning. y7te j`yarn Canada Portland Cement Ca, Quebec. �' lb eI to have been imported from an island Dodd's Kidney Pills are all the me- y•�� `m" m"• in the Caribean sea, where the Cu- dicine I want." EgRN1NGS p�, Gad ati bd it ban Government sends its worst The woman who has healthy Kid 111 d'iaa.eaa � aa� gsseas cases of leprosy. The hair had been neys will never know the pain and The net earnings in 1908 by seaent of the constituent alb f0 ere�box. orpaA ftw taws sold is one of Pittaburg's moat weakness that make life baldly Companies, representing leas t/�ax fifty per cent, of the p 7{•rai� 3srprins. prominent stores, and this news worth living. Dodd's Kidney Pills capacity of the new Company, amounted to. twice the caused a sensation, but the young.� 'always make healthy.Kidneye. present bond interest charge. woman had to go. Dr. Golden had s• Estimated yearly net earnings, x'1,/100,000, based on 3 warned all of his patients. to stop PICTURESQUE HOLLAND, the sales of the Comtpanies comprised in the .Merger and • / wearing false hair, as this may be — the cost of manufacture under existing catiditions A. it only the first case of the kind. Quaint Country Keeps up, Customs gether with the watoration of normal prices. * of a Century lige. Proper and successful management is assured by an A LITTLE COLD. Holland is brae European eons= e�Fcienl board of directors and cable executive. _ "^ RDUCATIONAL t that looks like her pictures. He caught a little cold— ry Strategic position of the planta of the Canada Cement There is no better use for the word :# MAIM THE BARBRR TRAD31-IFEW That was all. Company enaablea it to serve the trade in all perks of 1 quaint than to apply system-aoartsat ar.afee: ouetnl' Igo the neighbors sadly said, it to Holivnd. Canada, ruction. tow weight e dollars n�� �ates own twelveee�'i WheaAs ethe�aheard that he ethered round lse dead. shoes an h farmers and really eify riswdik a J N CO M E TO I N V E STO R S Gra Queen, d white Holstein cattle Mant, Toronto, _ scally pervade the landscape. a After careful investigation, tae believe this bond issue M �e caught a little cold—. men really wear blue jean shirts do be well secured, and the bonds should form an attract. GOOd That was ail,. (Puck) ,,,,aide their trousers as'they work sm investment at Par and accrued interest "yielding eia Penmanship I _ _ in the fields. On. hundreds of " per ceut in often the ••open door"to a good ppooaaltios. Ne left Of a cow heads of wOln�n la any Crowd the as staughttr thoroughly and.lis A ively A gh Or cold often silver hair baskets, covered with q� � as n. b Write this seaooi•good r..,ia sr• e.r leads to serious trouble. To break iIO IO� ��� �COUO��ox a tale. writ• for pardcalasr lace net, really may be seen. 1-he a rap s cold in twenty-tour hours Gad RITIRM AMERICAN ausiNEsa , girl a and women are read red- LEGE. Y.M.C.A. aYd'a. Toronto. are any cough that in curable, mix y LIMITED .,�. c•heeked without artificial color- ` T. M. WATSON. Principal, wo ounces .of. Glycerine, a half • ' ta[�e. orrlCC TOROfITO - Ile KitaO sT, CAST IDR. The fields really abound as ith ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine com- I wild flowers and windmills really r►rvNT�E.�ts - W/NN/ot:G �t7/vOON. XNQ. WANTED. pound pure and eight ounces of away their gaunt, awkward arms - pure Whisky, Take a teaspoonful In the wind. There is no sham, no NONE NORk.-w• want at aa•• ran:hl• every four hours. ZVI You can' buy Part ON w opo ate oar sew Artomatie Carpet Pomp and splendor, n0 fuss and - a - iwoma at homeJOIN= , waoi• or .pare time ss:os per these at any Rood drug'store and dsi�aasil B..d,. weft. for tali particnlan at feather a the CONntry. One gets Dre sedPoultryly eared ac rg.Cease:stw,orilu,.oat. •easily mix„them in a large bottle. th! impression of a rugged, sham- Q �(s� p f ((���� ����rym� pp'•r - hatin , sim kind-hearted, hope_ �avagos of W�sWlt�t�olli . AGENTS WANTED. f3 ole, - t When _ a woman puts on new. Tui race in going through Holland. ALL HER R!'LATIVES HAD i ; ,ANY QUANTITY. psx�te�r>iwr BePne�filtxrArlvsawtrr• clothes her female neighbor calla i, DIED OF CONSUMVMN z, E a! everywhere ALCO`i0 Nies Aleoheli• d• .avoriag Rstracta save consumers soxx Good Putting on airs. Try Murine Ey R•nieQy la the ser 1590,18 sn Moa G profit to axonts. only thew m•anlag l+uusine" y T° �°. Market Prices Guaranteed j &PPI Park sales Co.,London. Oat, dor Red. Wenk. Weary, Watery Eyes, S.Gesner.of Ufa Is'o. .S..was inaand r. The Pill That Leaas 'Hem All.-- Grauulatlon, Pink Eye and E7 e Strain, conyon• An ba relatives had fed of Murine Doesn't sin rt; soothes Eye Pain. MEMITTANCES DAILY STOCKS. Pills are the meat portable And' a Compounded by Experienced j coyumpunt,andthem was every indication Ya; compact of all mrd+r•inea, and when ontata• no Inlurfoas or Prohibited Drugs. that abs was going the acme Y. Shiptr Ex Ir press and Advise ' ri•O P.COESTORa-TOUR ORDZRS TO y Murine toy Your Eye Troubles. You j At this point herbtsbandanggestedtotry ; buy or sell Stocks will receive my easy to take are the most aCt Prat- Ill Like Murine. Try it in Baby's lyvee, Ps chis•, The doctor who attended acid TN! �ereonal attention. S. Y. Mathews• srok• able of prenarationt. 'But they for Scaly Eyelids. Druggists 8.11 nJurioct y or• 43 Scott St., Toronto. must attest their ower to be no- •t we.. the Hurine. Eye Rem on_ Chi• Pa chins was worth fen. but itelectada P �arro• will send You Interestinc Eye Books I wonderfuletne, Fr'gbteen after in Js A. McLean Pr o€�uce Co. �* s, rMar. As Parmelee's -VegefAblo sue, CAL VES Rah•That wrtawt urs leder besriog date A.s * 4. 1909. Mrs, uMsslsa, - ��VV nook let>►t«. Pills are the mos+ popular of all Caen says, •I am6etyw@ianl6aPebeen - .. steel"Brlggs good Cee L.il•;Tor+awJQp THE FI'TL'RE .STATESM \. 74 to 78 Fru" "'fit. tat'�$r$i s.. pills they must fully meet all re for yeah, My Imp have not troubled we DEFECTIVE HEARING °t•'O°m' by she quirements. Arrurate1v compnu—n 9& `Harold!9' sine-I took your treatment. MyOysidaa Ac•ustleen—one ed and CAIILPh3P.fl of •lRgrPdlPTlta "Yea, Papa." t•Id at•I eesti attakes latlee bsic t)tas '`'•' �`�L� of the marvels of tae electrical age Is nae PSTCNINE,and I recommend it to all who throu;;hout the world, writ• for CAW*I rroven to be effective In regulating . "What's this I hear? You say you are��from LimaTrouble asdGas. $` I n4 ustio Cd.,of Canada,Ltd.,aaa Taage the digestive o-Ran•, there is no wont go to bed'l sat Dcblity." surer medicine to be had anywhere. "Papa," replied the statesman's Rw..t.bsoDr.gsdskailPer tseee.. /yLAtnitll2, Do you trap or bra „ a14t� PnnT I am l a r a i Iittle boy. If you heard anything Dr. T. A. SLOCIIH Lrggeat dealer,I_pay HAD INSIDE LN b'i...MATION. like that, I have been misquoted." Im1TEDr Railways Steady Roe �, ' bigbeatp ices. Your it•ss a hem ams to t ahepmcuts solicited. At a party Sarah's aunt said to TOAONIO y� I pay mail and e:- << C•lenn Stomach. Clean Mind. tweet minutes r c: m FURre charges remit her, Child, you Cat a great'deal For Byeadaeh• 4 promp,ly. Also largest dealer in Be.tbids&, for a little giri of three." Tho ato'mach is the workshop of the twh•fber sick.r �- sent tree. a,etc. 4notatioasand.bipping tag8 Sarah replied, "Oh, 1'se not so vital funetionm and when it .gets nervous), Tooth- sent tree. ash•. •�� I r little on the inside: auntie. ont 'nf order the whole svatem slogs LbenmaLlas weakness JOHN HALLAM TORONTO in lavmpathv. The spirits flag, the �g�, p�1� in cltoon9 and work beco es im- to the book spine or kidneys, Many a tioctar has saved a pati- I PRONOUNCED SI-KEEN .ret<aa the >t'er piourlq ev►dllsg east's life b Got bein in when pos4tl71e:- The first care should be of the Joints, and paiaa Ten kintJa �. y 13 war s Ready Relief will la a !rw iya et• Y R called. to vesture healthful action of the foot a permanent our& -RAW , FUS _ stomach and the be` re ' :: ' t p paratlon Proprietor—"Where Is Jones?'' oonaigam•nts solicited, write for Price-Etat for that nnrpoae is Parmelee's Ve- Office. Boy—"He isn't in. His wife y • It is the Farmer sFriend. — The Kindly mention the name of this farmer will find in Dr. .Thomas' get'Ablp- Pills. General use for sent him word that the •baby was pLper in writing to 5dvert•isers. Canadian Hide Skin Co. tears ham won them a leading-place asleep, and he's gone home to see Be'IRORT &T- ZAST- T*ROATG. ORT Eclectric Oil a potent remedy for in•medicine. A trial will attest -what it looks like." "you have represented Cupid wounds or pains in the body or for their value. B toi•c organs -- -- with a revolver," said an editor to affections of the respira .""Typewriters and for household Ilse enerally. He Have cow tried Aollonrac'e Corn a black and-white artist.- "Isn't it will also find it a convenient friend IN THE WOODS ,Cure? It has no equal for remov- customary to arm the Rented 1)s.00 ' y god of love per Gents ef::oath.sls.so i� treating injured horses, cattle, R'hene'er you go s-hunting, in these. Troublesome excresences with a bow and arrows?" "It has Remington Typewriter Co.. Limited, etc.'., or relieving them when Attack- You're tempted to complain as many have tettified who have been the custom," replied the art- I" Gay at., Toronto, ' ed by calsis, coughs or any kindred About the w a `t ' y you spent your day tried it. wt h but even art must keep up :•'.es Masonio Temple, London, with he times. 2 Mertick at„Hautltoa "'Pts to which they are subject. And tramped about in vale. STRUCK FOR HOME but if you're philosophic HE HAD LEARNT. You'll. own your happy Io.t Courage is believed to be a 'very IRISH PEOPLE'S SAVINGS. If friendly skill forebore to fill necessary quality for the soldier, _ "What's that you've got there,?" your system• full of shot. but a writer tells of a private who During the past twenty years de-. asked Smith's wife sharply. ran at the first shot, and declaredfi jposits and cash balances in Irish ','Er-um, a set of boxing-gloves, himself to be' braver than those ;Joint stock banks have increased by my dear," said Smith: "I bought who faced the battle. x''30.682,000, Irish deposits in the, them for Thomas. I really think -A DOSE OF Pat was unmerciful] laughed at ' !Post Office Savings Bank by he ought to be instructed in theIS for his cowardice' by the whole re- m 813,000, and deposits in Irish Crus 'noble art of self-defence. ' I am go giment, but he was equal to the p : tee savings banks by £438,000. ing to teach.him. Every boy shoul occasion. d, s, know' flow to take care of himself "Run, is it?" he repeated, scorn - in O.R 9 E O 1Y N]t:R !�g In a time of el'iergency. Come, fully, "Faith an' I didn't, nay- 1 - oottaAutT s Thomas, into the garden;'I will not. CUIRE tiler. I just observed the ineral's ' g ,a: hurt you." express orders. He told us, ' CAUSTIC Time ten minutes later; enter t11E+6kSZ 1AE01C311E EOR Cue®SMrCIOS,• 'Strike for home and yer counthry,' . •;�� BALSAM. Smith. "Maria!" he cried. is as safe as it is effective. Guar- and °I sthruck for home. Or"r•''►"4 4j""'••°^� "LChat is it?" he asked. ``Thiiu wflat athruck for their, e, ran a �LraTa anteed to contain no opiates. It it ems ll* a ��►« "Brie me some raw meat and cotinthry ia-.there yet.'.' e.a N....w in so i. ,$ very palatable too—children lilts it. �1��W„Na.�`wa arnica i he demanded, I have •` ��.• _ ,:�• est sustained a little in wu�agt't'•28 Ceab kta>a LAwssso wtLLIAMS GO.,Tore■t•,can. j jury to my Women who' tell everything theyOwen! - eye.' hear manage to hear a lot.. T N U ISSUE N0. 134--N _ _ .} • p r : _ ?v v.• weiW' _ - v� - wt' ' w. :. R.,: - ;. ': - - ,, _ .':..' .. _ d•+' 3, __sea�;� .'_, . I III oil 11 *73 rsc +• r .;N i. .. „r.. 'w 1 -4 ' 77 real ciltor.80.00: E.B. Hoover. councillor, , ` 80.00; W. W.Sparita,councillor.80.00; Riehardson's Tea is Good Tea Geo. Parker Treasurer. 150-00; T.C. The Soaren: sew snraw Heater r Brown. caretaker of hall.80.u0. in a beauty sad looks the art. Its do. On motion+of Cdr. Sparks,chairman, sign is ornamental,vlea.+w and L good ' report was adopted. wt.. Raisins and Currants guaranteed fresh fruits - The standing committee on Ronda The Souvesir:is economical, sea- � veaiest and durable. Ito constructios ' • !CC}}�r.�! pay practically Nimiaatu Icings and Icing Sugar fresh round _-- � and Bridges recommended went repair•and make. g g g as follows: J. C. Bryant, rep road bet for fuel economy. Is published every Friday morning a tits0moa, 'iota 8 and 9 in 3rd con., 1.80; George his*sit-feeding end radiates cry Canned Gooks, Quaker Brand, guaranteed ,Pickering.ons Leng, overseeing abutments Bank's unit of heat generated, Just bu7the �s��••er ti RATES OF ADVERTISING: bridge,8.87; John McGinty, cement, 6ouvenir if yon want the best heater. iladdiC, Smoked Haddie sad Labrador Herrings First insertion 1t's fully guaranteed by the malterc perlina loosata 5.26; Thos. Burns, 8111n in culvert. sabaegnaai insertion.per lire• 6 cents teaming, etc., 18.00; D. GURNEY.TILDEN&Co..Limited Almon, Lemon, Vanilla, Orange, Extracts—five flavors seta does not include Legal or Foreign Every and meats. others, repairing road and putting up HAMILTON S terms given to parties making con- railings at Bank's bridge }Led repxir8 MOa� Winnipeg Calgary R• , recta for' or 6 month$or by the year. Half on station road, 12.00; W. G,. Ham, ` Vancouver lchardso-n s Special 256 Tea, unequalled yearly or yearly contracts payable quarterly. repairingrot Buainaes cards ten linea or under,with paper grader, 8.30; W. Sadler, Dutch Cleanser, Pearline, Gillett's Lye, etc. : 0%Tear.$3 W.payable is advance. rep bridge 6th con., Opp lot 5, 4.95 ; Cr aIlsNotice r local columna lea cents purlins, H• Calvert, W. Peak and others,work Salmon, Anchor and Horseshoe and all best brands Eve oentsperline each subsequent ioaortion. on Palmer'& hill * Spacial contract rates made known on applies- > 33.75: C. Petty, tile ' �+ "tion. No tree nts wi hosts bet lots 14 and 15, con 2,3.10;,( John- Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Dates, Prunes, Figs t edvertLementa without written instructions son, work bet 18 and 17,con.6,(award) will be inserta&until for¢iddeu and charged as 8.50. T. A. Knox moviegraders f Wancordt '" Orders for dooa,ti sent; adve pies- t g and Nuts—Almond's W Alnuts Peanuts Filberts ':menta ruuat beta writingand sent co the nb- grading west townline Markham to e ' 1 � , , , ?Usber. pay heli),8.00; J. R. Madill, drawing Job Work promptlyattanded to. timber and rep bridge on 7th con o Syrups, Baking and Table, in tins and in bulk PP —For sale by— TERMS lot 14,2.00; G. M. Forsyth,rep road DICKIE &CHAPMAN, - Pickering 81.25 per year 3LOA if pail is advance. north of CIaremont, 15.00. John C.Philip, 140 yards gravel for Broughamdivisim 14.60; J. M. Gerow, cshovel- P JOHN !wURKAR, PCOpfi$t0r, ing timber for 1909xbri 0, also shovel, Mis's Kathleen Duke RIC111A IRDSON' S lin,.snow, .4�; Uxbridge Township, 1 work on, townlide, 33.L6 Whitby (Formerly resident pupil.of"The Out. NOTES AND COMMENTS Conservatory of Kus:c," Whitb + Township, work on townline 40.86: y'Doe., — — Bu you Groceries at the Grocers. + rivafe pupil of J.H.Smith,dins•Doc., y ,. -David Russell, for tile crossing 7th ate Director of ••Tbe .vancouver Con There is a 'strong effort on the con at lot 15, he agreeing to keep the aervatory of ituaic," Ysucjuver, B.U.,) _ Part of some who are north ditch open to bridge,2,50; Win. Will accept a limited number o rano a P prominentDixon, grading hill and cleaning out pupils. Pupils prepared for Co]sefva- in pulitieal and nnanricircles to ditch between, lots 30 and 31, conces- tory Examinations. For terms ad- Y�/ Whitby,encourage military training in the Sion 2, 10.00. dress "The' Parsonage," Claremont, ! • • e On Motion of Mr. Mowbray, chair- Ont. &g ----- pit schools.- The training that man, report was adopted. would be thus received, would no Mr. Scott, seconded by Mr. Hoover, Call and see our' 'Show-rooms. T' doubt ,be Most beneficial h sic- moved that that the Reese grant his p y order on the Treasurer in favor of the BEACKSMITH SHOP, - ally, but we think it is a mistake several parties recommended for pay- 'to encourage the spirit of lnilitar• went in the reports of the various I am prepared to carry on the black- +" ,. .: 'ism in the youth of the land. Can- standing committees as presented this smithing business formerly conducted We have the adeney for i day. by Robt. Davidson. General repair ada has no need of a large army It was decided by the Council that work and horseshoeing a specialty. a and the prospect appears very the town hall shall not be used for hot I have also the agency for the.fam- Frost dL Wood Farm Machinery. Wagons, Sleighs, Carriages and distant when the sons of Canada roasts. oyster suppers or teas, ous Cockshutt plows and Adam's Cutters. Wire Fence and Gates. Harness and Harness Sup- % On motion the Council adjourned to wagons. 'Call and see,me befork mak- plies. SewingMachines. Machine and-Separator Oil. will be called upon to rise in arms meet again on_Wednesday, Dec.13th, ing your purchase of farad imple- Paints for all make of Plows. -to defend their -homes and prop- at]0 a. lu.,to prepare a financial•state- meats. ment and for transaction ofeneral perty. Canada is a great country business. B ROSS . HADEEY. Repairs for all Machinery. Plymouth Twine and Rope. Wilkinson, with untold wealth and.Rrelit poli- , m , CHERRYWOOD O:,TARIO- 'Sylvester and Perrin Plows. Fanning Mills. Weigh bili ties and them are many even- Airship Travel in CanadaScales. DeLaval Cream Separators. %es in which the energies of her - Blacksm' ithingOshawa Hay Tools.Dr. G. Sterling Ryerson,of Toronto, _ - ` young men may be directed be- is authority for the statement that - tides the military profesaiuu, tvitbin ten years in Canada it will be Lztansion Ladders. Steel Hog Troughs. 'CVagon Springs: - possible ton travel by airship with com- Stock Racks. Pulpers. Grinders. Ther© are man o tort. speed and reasonable safer (Haring rented the Dunharton "shop _ . y; op peo- P y-ar- aqd opened the same. I am prepar- rising and leaving with much the f ed to do all work entrusted tO j plc whu look forward to the time salve degree of certainty that is now - tire in the above lit}. ■ Ea D -&-SO N .yhen the airship }vill be one of assured by ocean-going ste.aneri. On Lor,e;+hoein a s -the general methods of� loCoinu_ .the basis of 40 miles an hour it would V ill in and see rue any time, he possibletocross front Halifaz to Earn] Implements, g tion. They have abundant faith Liverpool 2,100 miles in about 53 M. T. Z2Nr-.r'E�a�R, p men.ts, Harness Carriages, Binder Twine, in the ability of -our inventors to hours. A trans-atlantic voyage, how. DUNBARTUN i4lachine Oil and Repairs. Xtt'cxluee something tht will su ever, will not likely be undertaken in - aPer- the very near future..according to Cr. cede the railway and steam-boat Rverson, but it is n-3t improbable thatWHITBY. CANTED NOW +ONTARIO — in conveying passengers and fret- aline o[airships will run from Hall- _ fizz to Montreal, via St. John, N.H. )ght from one poiat to another. We from Montreal to Toronto. 'and frnm For.Pickering and surrounding die- +are somewhat of the pessimistic Toronto to Winnipeg and Vancouver, trier for Pall and winter eke o a an T HREE T HIN At x speed of forty miles an hour.nine energetic.reliable agent to take orders -class who believe that the number for nursery stock. hours would be required far the grin 7Z �j bf fatalities among aviators is suf- from Montreal to Toronto, but as the GOOD PAY WEEKLY - OUTFIT FREE WORTH 11N O .1 IN 'flieiently large to deter people distance-is calculated by railway mile- EXCLUSIVE TERRrrORY G from discarding the.present safe age' it to probable that the time would g00 Acres under cultivation. We guar. .. �greatly reduced by a straight flight y xntee to deliver stock in good condi- :. methods of travel to adop t the as the crow flies." Dr. Ryerson gives sod up to contract grade. We liazardotls -experiment of fl 1n his reasons for this prediction in the Y R y 1—We carry a most complete line of Ltp-to date Furniture, at prices Y g December Busy Man's and also de- can show you that there is cod none through the air-in a' machine pro- scribes Count Zeppelins achievements in representing a well known reliable to suit everyone. palled by an engine that may ex. In Germany in most entertaining firm at this time. Established over 30 fashion. years. Write for particulars. 2—Our display of Iron and Wooden Beds, Mattreoses and Springs are - }Mode or go on strike any moment P � � ' and dash all to the PELH.tht NURSERY CO., as up-to-date as you f11 see anywhere. ground in cue 2-17 Toronto. Ont ? shapeless mass. Flying through New advertteernents. Y- S—It is a pleamire for us to show goods. Call and let us Ret better the air is no doubt fascinating to T I tiff AND CEMENT always on ;.AT ONCE a'n L acquainted. some people, but tive believe no hand. JOHN MCGLNTY, Pickering 41st I have for sale a]rash mA reliable local salesman wanted s • � inachiue'will ever- be made so per- FRESH -MILCH COW FOR SALE to represent w 4111111 feet as.to make travellir i u that qu yr mases,lot 17•con4Pickering. cow, Apply l n am- (�J g . , cering.DUNCAN • [\� ` nt6,09§Z8a "ilnC�4 itll_LQj�Cllllyad. DOLPHIN,Brouanant let Lbuad�1�,sa (Oldest and lfaulte� _- OUSE TO RENT-A 'six-roomed r PICICERING COUNCIL H dwelling vewly paper.a and painted irc�tcst pUt'SFC1�� r[pholgtering and Picture Framing a speelalty tba adjournment r MAN, particulars apply toisr end U.S.=HAP., In Pickering and ad oin1D conn- Bell and Goods delivered anywhere free of charge. The above Council met p Dec.ec6tit to g g Independent Telephone Connection. urnrnent on Dionday, Dec.6tb, in _ try. the town ball, Brougham, Members NN TANTED—An experienced farm all present, Reeve White in'the chair. hand,middle agid,to work on farm by The demand for nursery stock is in- Jiinutesof7ast meeting read andaF- ye.riaWearerndforth. wouldassistinpro. creasing yearly, and if you become FEELING OF CECi�RYT� guyed. �anng b ester ad for the party Would &"q to corse p W�ges ■995.00 per year, Address oe SHAW, one of our salesman you will realize � A number of communications were Melton,9aek. Lott there i9 good' money in the:business Of absolute-Reliability and Power is Enloyed by Every.Owner of a read.and accounts presented .and rt- for you. ` ferrel to the various committees. �RJi FOE SALE.—Being lots l0 �I LSON ' ENG/NE F aha 11,con 7,township of picker-.¢,dna Write at once for particulars. Pay Messrs. Duncan and Linton were consisting of 910 acres, This farm is the ops weekly. .Free outfit. "GOES LIKE 31XTY" heard re salary of Mr. Steele while on which the well-known Greenwood bend of ,quarantined In,Markham through the shorthorne ars, been bred and fed during the STONE fit WELLINGTON A mechanical masterpiece of the high- small z scare, peat forty years It is as r es,ae a garden sea est type. with our improved simple moth- whole sen ISO acres, 137 ac`a or the APOnthill Nurseries ods of air cooling, governing and spark- Miss Liscombe was beard re bonus whole$sit, There s timber on ops art of giventt sac &orae g, guaranteed, biggest vii. art wire fence opposite lot 15, con. 2. worth X9000, Terms easy pose«sins in Positive)y :. J. B. Madill was heard re the Sick Aprl 1K I900, Acthar Johnett n,Greenwoodttf oa. TORONTO Olr'T. Ue,all sizes. Ask for catalogue. Children's Hospital. He asked for and - witsO/LSON MANlJFAOTt/R/NQ Co.,r.,granted use of hall for concert. - •r Mow or., srlarer,atwlen F. Hutchison was granted a $10.00 .90 1gOt leave hour Christmas SAOtill tkt last Iveek• •rebate on Hare Bros'taxes. - - - �g Sole agent for Pickering and Markham, HOWARD E.TURN Ft, Whitevale. The standing committee on Sheep 'Come ]]Cost] axilsee our display. Hided by Dogs recommended pay- We take pleasure in showing: Io addition to above line I carry full lines of Peter Hamilton's straw cut anent as follows : Geo. Ricbards, one Our china, biscuits, jars, marmalade pots, sugar and creams, cake pIatee tern, Bissell's disk harrows' arfd rollers, .Dillon's•litter•carriers; washing registered lamb damaged, 3.00; Ar- bread and butter plates; celery dishes, fruit sets. also gainer, books, machines, wringers,etc. Get the'babit of consulting me before buying, thug Graham, rebate on dog tax; he toys, dolls. The "Esquimaux"is a great favorite. S2+ Z,Z PAY �0� -laving been assessed for bitch,instead Dolls from 5c up. of a dog. 1.00. Boots, shoes and rubbers for all kinds of wear, also'heavy sox. Choice Xmas On motion of Mr. Hoover, Chair- groceries, also nuts, confectionery, oranges, lemons, macaroni, HOWARD E. TURNER, — W}IYPEVALZ -mans report was adopted. finnan haddie. Your standing committee on Wire 'Our post office hits a money order department which you will find most `•Fences, Drainage Matters, etc„ re- convenient at Xmas time in remitting money,to your friends. i orted and recoulmeu'ded payment its TERMS CASH. 1`hone orders receive prompt attention. p , B it follows: games Underhill, aU'rods of G E O. A. G IL L E S PIE — h ll d Up A RE'Sel'Ve • Now fence bet lots 'l3 and..") , con. 7, 5.00; unbar*fon John Percy,32 rods fence bet lots Byers, f Now, whrle your eaming power is good,why not convert part of it and 15, in 3rd can.,tan : James 15s, -urn's Cash Reserve that will,]arty on,yield a competence for old age? 76 rods fence bet 13 and 14 and 16 and Graft Pulls 76, con. 8. 7.60; J. E. Jones, 78 rods, You can, easily do it by regularly depositing a part of your eastern boundry tori. 3, on base line, :Right Out I tneome in 4.• . '7.80; (leo. Davidson,60 rods; bet lots :'l7 and '28, con. 3, 9.00: Geo. M: For-. H:1T is one of the syr mo ills Opp lot 17, con.9, 6.00. many bright features TBE BMKOnnmotion of Mr. Scott, chairman, totird in the report was adopted. �, The standing committee on Con- IMPERIAL - tingencies reported and recommended OXFORD RANGE ° ° F.tabCuhed 1873 ^F+ CANADA 1�7 8esacbes1 payment as follows : John Murker, scarlet .fever placards, 1.75, also EASILY CHANGED for No. 10 envelopes, 2.00; Sons of Tem- coal or Wood in short no- .One Dollar and upwards opens an account, and with sydenabN� •pperance, hall for court of-revision,3.00; rice—see our stick be- going and Gompamd Interest, the fund will r acctmirdate. R. S. Phillips,2 days court of revision, fore you buy—you will be to da aptdh/ 10.00; Fred Andrews, error in assess- interested in,ouy fine die- &>� Y• 72 went, 13.25; H. B. Fuller, rebate on play and moderate prices. statute labor. 61c; D. R. Beaton, on account of salary,62.50; J. A. White, D I C K E R I N G BRANCH J. $• BUNDY, Sole Agent, pICBER,ING salary as reeve,85.00; R. R.Mowbray, CLARENCE T. BATTY, Manager 1st deputy. 50.00; W. Ci,,Scott, coon- B RANCH ALJ* AT WBITST. � •u ....y. •. ! :'� '�'.. .. .... sees ...,,+�. .. ..,:. .. *' .w ,�.. ,. x•, n sees -.y — ....... i, ... .. sees H,., ,"Q•�T ' 9 c = aT -John and Kra. Dann, of Picker- ! Jo a Farmer spent Sunday at ing, visited the former's father, The H04*tj for Winter is Couding-We are Prepared his home here. Thomas Dunn, on Tuesday. „ Mrs. (Rev.)Duke is visitingA few from here attended the e • o relatives in Picton. with funeral of the late Asa Milliard at . Sl e� To meet your requirements in all kinds of Footwear. We deal in$rot mum Rev. J. A. Grant made a trip to Stouffville on Wednesday after- class goods and at reasonable prices. "A call solicited." f the city on Friday last. noon. zv Mrs. Hy. Thum n ie movie Quite a few from here attend- Flour and Feed =- Repairing a t g ed the funeral Of the late John constantly on hand, eP+t g Promptly into her north resldenee- THIS APPEAL attended to. Ray Rnmohr spent Sunda Ham, of Brougham, on Sunday with friends in Toronto. y afternoon. Independent Telephone Central. Geo. Johnston is confined to his Mies Sanderson, who was in the hoose with a severe cold. hospital a feq weeks ago under- The Corner Store. W. M. PALMER, Propriet, *; A few from here attended the going a serious operation, is now -'Guelph Winter Fair this week. doing nicely. • Judson Bundy and Thomas Bott Joshua Bundy, who has been ,.-- were in Stouffville on Tuesda confined to his house for a couple �p � lzhild - Walter Thom son moves 3into of weeks, has improved much dur- REMEM8LF1 O _ 1•t his new house one of these days ing the past few days. is Ontario Wlloae par- Mm 'ar JH RICHARDSON'S y Thos. Paterson and Geor a eII Oaanot Afford to Pay for Treat- e ' g Mrs. Anderson, of 's' oven, vis- Morgan-were at Oshawa on Satlr- meat is Treated Free• zted y at.Joshua Bundy's' over 'San- . (JOY for a load of metal siding for + James Underhill returned from Mr. Paterson's new shop. The Hospital for Sick Children had last Important showing of finest display of hiA visit to Chicago on Monday htr. Hiddow, of McMaster tTni- year in its cot, and beds 1,155patients— Ohinri• A Very large assortment of -last. versity, occupied the pulpit in the 383 of these were , Stationary, Books,Dolls,.Toys, jai l Herbrt Leggitt,'who is a'brake- Baptist church on Sunday and from 267 places in �rrnched most acre tabl the Province. Sixty- received for the Holidaytrade. Call than on the L,P.R., is home for a 1 P y = five per cent. were and see ahem. dew days. «"ret: Wilson's daughter, of the poor Sabeoriptioas taken for all children of Miss M. H. Dos las, of.Toronto, 7th concession, who is sufferlu - Magazines, g R people who could �apent Monday and Tuesday at the !rum an attack of scarlet fever, not afford to pay. Weekly and Daily Newepaperi ananse here. 4s progressing nicely towards re- Since its orguniza- W. and :Firs. Allaway, of Pick- covery. tion the Institution �. ering, spent Sunday with J. H. The churches n•ere-opened again TWO 2r P$ sR•cAaza has treated 15,813 on Sunda after being closed children ; 11,550 of and Mrs. Beal. several Sundays R these unable to pay and were treated frog, BSOCIc Etre®t. Mrs. D. Hopper and Miss Gul y owing to the Jf you know of 'b.3,t��' lick were in the city a couple of scarlet fever epidemic, but the at- anchild in your _ days last week. tend3nce was very small. ¢etghborhood who Found—A good housing. from John Read• we are glad to re-' is,etch or has any —single harness. Loser call at R. port, is now improving after be- _deformity .sead the p of --- in confined to his bed for some to the Sec parent -: • - Bryan's barber shop g R• A.Ilaway, of Pickering, is time. He is able to go around but The Hospital for dh y� does not venture outside. �" ag sPendinq a few days with his Sick Children is not assist,,Mrs. J. H. Beal. Robert Ashenhurst has moved a local but a great, tM from Mrs. Linton's residence to Provincial Chant • Miss' Edith Sanderson s ret a y " few days with R. J. an M the 8th conces4ion, and Abijah for the sick child of Now is the time to buy. A full line of Cowan, of Brougham. Forsyth has moved into the house the poor maD in any soma Dora IN A was: Alen. Wilson spent Sunda with vacated by Mr. Ashenhurst. partof Ontario has same claim upon its help Sunday .e the child XMAS GIFTS AT SARG "AI1iT�S the formers son, 'Thomas and Ed. Simpson, blacksmith, who arrived in town about a couple of woo 1'i v.s watches, pickle forks, cold meat forks, berry s family, of North Myrtle. nlunths ago, has P within lbs y pourers, silver knives Miss Graham and Miss Birrell, 8 . gone to Whitby shadow he and forks. Carving sets, harmonica's from 5e to 7'5c, child. _ of the 7th concession. spent t%vo where he has secured a situation its walls in ten's sets, children's toys with banks included. 'weeks in Chicago recently. with Mr: O'Connor, blacksmith of Toronto. , The scarlet fever and measles that town. Th are "Don t fail to et lint Special Price on all kiaa of - g � s` of patients have now nearly all re- Hiss Reta. daughter of Thos. E. WALTHAM WATCHES covered and the quarantine 're- `incl Mrs. Stephenson, who has Club 8 of sloven. been Visiting with her Ri"andmoth- e t treated 1 ° Charles Sargent, �•. , Mrs. Watson, of Stratford, i,; er at Myrtle, has been seriously „AAatxo A P.rta.Yr the Haepl• Claremont ' 'ill u•ith�' netimonia but is now tai laat-year anti 67 had l,erfect correction. spending a few days with George P and Mrs. Cooper. Mrs. Watson is progressing satisfactorily towards - Hardware. Stoves and Furnaces -withfriends in Goodwood and has recovery. been on the sick 'l eft for a few The Women's Institute will 60 YEARtt' —� days. They were former resi- hold their regular monthly meet- gxpRfilrENCg :4dents of Claremont. ing on the afternoon of Wednes- n " r Mr. Smith Sr.. who resides with day, the 15th inst., at 3 o'clock at 3 his son, Thomas,west of the vii- the home of Mrs.•Thos. Gibbons. Synopsis of Gansdian i e All ladies are cordial! invited to BBFOaa. ARaa , 1 g. , is at present on the sick list Y Just think of it—Your money can help North-west Land be present. He was found a few daysago tire- the Hospital to do the good work at RQ$lA1At10II9. conscious on the veranda, but, he All those interested in the ,straightening the c. had llmbs and club - has since rallied and is now con- '•roarin'game"of curling are re- feet of tittle children. ned"help us. 'il nAce dihatllla A14T person who Is the sole head at's t•may, siderabl improved. nested to meet in the rink this Dssetine Of any male over le rears old, may bouw y P Please Dead ConsMbutim s to J.Roes Corvfatoiass!c. Olmd.yu.rt.n.ectlon of avall&ble Domisiise Meetings in the Interests of the t rlday)evening at 8 o clock for Robe,%Oan, CetattrEuuN es+ to Doutlas }eaeesndbag askewh end ss4 land in Manitoba. Saskatchewan or uteri.. re-or DlZatlon for the seasoa. 1.•sesrtata our optnwa wbmier of �e a0��ent must appear is "Lim ty - — posed local option by-law are g"1 14avtdsan, sea.-ids. The 8asp19al Di':.ai•o,saas Dome¢ ¢Lasa•Agency or a¢b•spDe�for the : pro pp The election of officers and other torsLshClb cion. ccasd.a on afa:lat. Entry by p mer a msae being held in Uxbridge township. business will be transacted. — fin' � "' �sB` mom�a"tManna dud on certain condi •a..r The services at Glasgow on the � ,taksa L +s+� er..o¢,aau�tnter,bro�th�.r°o��t.o� bomeste&dar. jest two Sabbaths have dealt with DR. D. 0. SMITH Dumea—st: month. iwldeoo. n theueation, addresses last 3ab- tJXSRIDat DENTIST, STOCFF�'LLLE, ? sultivatioa of the land In each o! tbeesDoa asd ) 'bath being given by Mr.Washing. y Honor graduate of Toronto University • i y Lrsea ew- s homertaaaer may live wisbin nmo mil ton and others, Market Fair, Tuesday. Dec. 91st. g ►d y o.or&•a eetee&tae ler bis homestead on a farm of at least' 90 .area J. A. Richards and wife, after six- and Royal College of Dental Surgeons, is•s.witosaaae vseo&ldt�`eo�s� solely owned and occupied by him or �y W On Thursday last the members teen year of successful business in- also Poat-gradustd of Chicago College. taws,mother,son.daughter,brother ors�etar- �Q,1Mt/IaedsaR� In certain districts . hom.se.aaer lD of. our bowling club enjo ed a Uxbridge, removed this week to To-• Crown and bridge work a special iassa.wasatoieai� a•¢atDg mer pts ampt& earner-sectio„ game on D. Macnab's g some- roam• At Claremont 1st Tuesday of month. n u:i'Y tmcogade six months ewh of rizt thin ver unusual for thi eof James Blanchard informs us that he Sargent's yy p• yeas,from dace of homestead suers Itoolaadd�aft� g y Office over Sa nt's Tinsho MACHINE SHOP ! the time required W earn homestead pate") it a candid,bte for the reeveshi Independent'Phone. the awttime required arty sorer extra. the year. The following we the P of Scott. This leaves the field at resent aides 'D. Macnab(skip), P. Mac- P A homesteader who has exha-tsted bib hamo. p- writing to him and Jas. E. Arnold. 7 JiltL Td13LE—Piokerin steeds t sad cannot obtain a pwoa n nab and J. J. Harvey. W. Lea An Idea of the havoc wrought b g"Station G. The undersigned having urch- i� er(skip), J. Macnab and Charles g y T. R. Train*gulag East og follows— g mry ta(ie a Datab•sed homeste mcertale P the ice storm last week may be got •No, g Mut 8 OS A bt. ed B. Wagner's Machine Shop in diaLriots. Price S&OD per acre. Duties—Mass Florence. D.Macnab on by ,18 front the report that there were 126 reside six months in each of three-years, shots to 8 telephone les of the Bell line down ,. 19. Local $.43 P.M. Kinsale, is prepared to do all Cultivate fifty&arse and erect a house worth x 14 Local 6.04 P. M. kinds of repair work and general saaaw• The Claremont Thistles football between Uxbridge and Blackwater. Trains n West dee as follows— The late John R. Jones whose do- g blacksmithing. W.w.-t708Y, 4 club have entered the Toronto No., 13 Local 8.36 A:bis .. Deputy of the Minister of the Interim. district for the winter season. mise occurred last week, resided with 11' LOW 2.80 P. M. Satisfaction guars6teed.� publioation of this &e.• � N.A.=Un&achor;aed ,- his wife sixty years on the one farm. T Mail 8,36 P. M Prices right. v.rtisomsat.wll]¢ot be -They were to have played the in Uxbridgetownship, having • --' - P, g gone to Sunday included. Call and see us. �r ~Shamrocks but the latter team de- the farm the day after their marriage faulted to Claremont. This leaves —Journal. JAMES PENGELLY. Pe play R. BRYAN ukeb 5 C Swat to -�`- -them open to is in-the semi- • If the neck of a sweater becomes Kinsale, Ont. ` � finals in Toroo'to. The Shamrocks stretched too wide from wearing, do BAFtBMY 01111�llwd are th'e 'team that The Toronto not sew up or cutout any of it; simply 'Tobaccos, pipes and smokers' , PALMER, World says wori3ted the Thistles dip neck part in clear warm water sundries. , Central ofilce Bell ] Batt Atha. wring out lightly and hang up to dry. Telephone Co. Aagency for PAINTER ANDS DECORATOR - ; After being Closed for several The neck will, when dry,have resum- Rolston Laundry. s ed its original shape and size. CL�iREMONT. ONTARIO x: weeks our public school was re- Contractor for general house repairs. ' upend on Monday with a fairly Bretabliahed 5 Vesta in Pickering good attendance. Owing to being Village. closed on two different occasions ADDRASS: -PICKERING P.O. the work in the school has been a S I M.P S 0 N & C o• greatly but unavoidably interfer- W. Tv A 1\TCt ed with. It is hoped that there ,Santa Claus Head uraters a r�' • 1'� [il� t7, , will be no further interruptions Q d dao that, the students may get _ Pump ManufaCtwer Of all materials and aesim ready for their respective examin- kept in stook. It.rill pay you ations. QANTA wishes to reiinind the Children not to forget writing to let him Shop and Residence, Dundas St b edl at our works sed isupeot our shoat Messrs. Graham Bros. return- S know the things they would like to get for Xmas. Address your letter and obtain plow. Dont be misled Dy ed from,Chicago-on Sunday morn- to Santa Claus,care of D. Simpson do Co., Pickering,Oat. _ WHITBY, ONT.', agents we do ant employ them,ooDaslaaM- We are vi ly we oan, and do throw off As '"soft ing where they were successful giving,away free a beautiful large Doll,now on aatbition Three doors west of Whitby House. commission of 10 per osnt.,whiohyou will -beyond measure with.their Cl d- in our store. See bills to explain how. osrMinl says b y Call solicited. y Parohasing from la t esdales, winning six firsts, includ- Pavcz GooDe AvD Toys a gland display. We have the very thing you want. We are prepared to instal wood or iron ing'two championships• The five- buy here and save money. Silverware—Knives, forks, spoons. China- prep MIHIT�T oRANITE CO. year-old Gartley Pride won 'the ware-=Berry sets, Tea sets, cups and saucers, porridge sets. Glassware•— pumps on short notice,also attend onus. Whitby,Ontario championship for imported horses Lemonade sets; glass sere, cake stands, fruit sets. to all kinds of repairing. and their unbeaten two-year-old Seasonable Fruits—Raisins, Currants, Peels, Nuts,etc., rock bottom prices. Agent for the Ontario Wind Mill, won the championship for Ameri- GRocEIiixe—Here we excel. Everytbing pure,fresh and clean. All foodstuffs also gasoline engines and can and Canadian breds. Other strictly under tight covers. Black and mixed Teas 25 to 50c lb cannot be the squre gear a a o ��� a� p prizes won were: Three-year-olds, surpassed. Try a half lb. Empress Cottee lOc lb. You w.arit it again. 'MAGNET CREAM SEPARATOR e e n' hl „ i o5 second • two-year-olds, third;year t B o e '° ; M ' Phone No, 50 at residence. w e 9 old. ld filly, first ; two-year-old D. SIMPSON & Co., • - .DICKERING o ,American or Canadian bred, first x a d P o •� a It Q O E. E. Ball, B.A., son of Edwin The Pickering Z am Ball, pr'incipal,of Claremont pub- ,FOR WE HAVE s d C°go m dgo a: I'ga+e rolled oats, fine BREAKFAST & $ tic school for four years, who has oatmeal, flaked Vigilance, Committee ee o.40 loom"0`6 va as cis b 1 wheat, wheatlets, flaked barley, corn meal Corn Flakes, been teacher of English and Aloc.- y, Orange bleat. ,erns in Clinton Collegiate Insti- Shredded Wheat, Grape Nuts. The object of this Association is to — ea► Lute for the hast two find a half P11LE 'FOR CHRISTMAS YOU WILL WANT lessen stealing and prosecute O •� m M a .. m oe� .. years, has been appointed teacher plttm.pudding, mince DINNER R pies and fruit cake for the felon's. _ M ��• Feb O< of history and English in Hamil- which we can supply the best seedless, seeded and Valencia raisins, raven and b g io a ~ ___ton Collegiate Institute. He has filintra currants, lemons, orange•and citron peels, shelled almonds and wal- Members having property stolen oommabi- m war y'p secured a house at 105 Burris St. nut's, icing sugars, extracts and cake coloring. oate immediately with any member o . Apr b►s and will enter upon his duties in of Executive Commutes. K■ 16 W' o tl a� way pd Q Annt Jemima's pancakes are - Momberhi fee $1,00. the Ambitious City after the p p o J no ss nnsnrpassed for / /PPG R when you have some of Ticliels'ma1 be bad tram the President or s ° :e d a. are July Christmas vacation. Mr. Ball has V .� our Maple Syrup to eat with them. Secretary on application. g � g ,o M ' spent some time in Claremont dur- e m m. debt ing vacations and his wife was ;W$ $ANDLE THE BEST GOODS Exec. Oom.—L. D. Banks, Geo, Len .. ..e, net. � 'formerly Miss Cora Harris, of W. V. Richardson,Pickering,Qntf' a ,o 0 o sea Nov. t0 I V- 7 Atha. The is $1200 per Dec annum with a yearly increase of GES PHILIP Brou barn �'A. O�connor;9 Arthur Jeffrey, January io1rry 14, bx Uxbridge Osbaw&19,Hjitio! k 1!,Port Parry Il,W91`0 Re 9l,Oa¢n1Df11eD: $100 IIp to$1800. s PrNidaat, Ilaoretary` s.aysr+�,a 18,IIpterQrove 194 Y . @56 -P.q a.'r,`e''R ^, ,.. ..�":",•. .+ iL. '.. c .•ih .r"'+?.-. , -t^... -i- ::1'�.•�'S ..{¢� N.,"..•w..�..yg 'h' :G' •'(y. ;'^:�W'. .•'Nl.'�' �.�+ ,.;,.•u w 1•.�• - S ... "Sri '•'.....-.c w. ..r L- w s-:.r,r.: y.a'R.l,•.,. PS,.d•...'u':....y_.+--+.r x--�:s• p -7: ' T,+ ,� •.ver .•. y6 w. - �•' ... ,Y:u•:...:. ."+...��ts:.-:d�'..: �. ,1 -` .rw r+ 'a. , a �.: : .1e.*,..>.� ,�-,�• rev e, 6 Y� +aPe+�-1i'... -. Mgrs.>;.' fve CKs» �s4iaw�a a+uuesw.�: kms:..: z :'' -'v?, r�ca �s ibis.P� =y A`• ,'4. 'y+' .+"" ^+'L'- ......,�..... ..' .. . •,^?�9'.,BFYc!°.c �;+1F 7�.. .... .. " .- �Jr' ;, % t'h=P•' ..,.. ",�'?h' .Yatdt ..a �•:' r How great was her astonishment, last bed'and the last rooms she felt winter much cheaper �tha �the a ;r and how much greater her terror very tired. limed eggs that used to be brought 0 ife at what she beheld. But she went dov;n into the Irtiit- out in the winter season. It also There was a fine fire t Lglowing in then and washed the vegetables helps the producer to Emd a mar- �, ` _ love the great cooking stove and heating 1 and put them on, and set the pies '.ket at a fair rate for his eggs when, ( ' all the large kitchen. On the top on the top of the stove to warm, they are so plenty in the spring. C, the stove a large pot of coffee and then,laid the cloth for diviner. Success in creamery butter mak- I was boiling and filling the roonaDwith Finally, she sprinkled down some ing depends upon the business me-' it fragrance ; two targe saucepans, clothes to iron, and'then she drop-• thods observed both in the man{}- z one filled with rice and one with ped into a , chair to rest while facture of the product and .of dis- �OR,, WAITING THROUGH WEARY I Potatoes, were steaming in com- watching the pot boil. j posing of it when made; and upon t _ Ipany; a great pan if fried bacon The,family all came in to dinner. the quality of the herds which sup- YEARS. and eggs was covered over to keep It was quite ready ,for them; and I ply the milk and-cream. To make warm, and a huge pan of hot rolls Mrs. Berger's good humor continu- fine creamery butter to-day all of completed the bill of fare ready for ed. the conditions and qualities above breakfast. (To be continued.) must. be used intelligently. The CHAPTER IX.—(Cont'd) Of course she grew' worse and Even the table was nearly set in — - farmers who will not co-operate worse. And notwithstanding her the kitehen and not a 'spoon ora wii.i the creamery managers by sup- The Berger people were not very g ' ! ♦+♦ f♦�*♦♦f♦♦�+i 4 )otelli ent not ver much given to best efforts, her work went behind. fork missing. All was quite ready, ♦ plying good cream and milk can kill r g ' Y g I It was now late in December, and and not a soul to be seen! + the business in a short time. Many Ibinking or speaking of any other the Christmas Holida s were at Marie Serafinne sat down in•dis- + lubject than such as related to y + a creamery has simply been crowd- �oney-,m, king or money-saving; hand, when the married daughters, may• Th ed out of localities by the action of evn they, in the veritas of the sons-in-law and the grandchil- The mistress has done it all her- "The C1r1 ! the farmers who promised to supply me, had come to the conclusion dren of the family were coming self, she said, in despair, "she ` i a certain'grade of milk and cream, )hat the whole of Marie Serafinne's'home for a visit. i� tired of talking to me and bear- but who failed to live up to their e, before she arrived amen them I And there was so much extra I ing with me, and,now she means to . agreements. g cleansing and cooking to be done act on her threat, and to turn me X4.4 i 4+ {�♦♦4+ +}4♦+♦ The beat testimony to the value s life of which she never spoke—I that the work was almost doubled. out of doors. Well, I—I cannot say and profit of the farm tele frac a secret that she did not care l It was during this trying week a word! I have nothing to say! If RULES FOR FL'EDING. that when once a. farmer telephone its M tell. preceding Christmas, that I could onl he never willingly abandons it. " Nor did they care to inquire. She' ernearly-a ccumbed to her weak- Her miserable l'mourning was in- cons neExperimenntal Station,f says: Time is money, and the telephone was too useful, indeed, too neves- i nese: terrupted -by the entrance of Mrs. "It is possible to feed a bunch of saves time every day, enabling the ferry to them, to make it politic to I One afternoon when the last batch Berger and several of the men. !cows economically only when they farmers to transact business among 'question too closely into her past. of pies was put into the oven; Marie Marie Serafinne looked up timidly .arc fed as individuals and not as a themselves and with the town with- If there were any secreta in her+dropped exhausted into her chair, to read her fate in her mistress's sherd. A too common practice, out losing hours in driving to the .life that rendered her more help- and nearly fainted. face. even in the otherwise well conduct- neighbor's house or to town. Suc less and timid, more patient in la- Her hard. task-mistress. applied But Mrs. Berger was looking eft herds, is for all' animals to be cess in farming depends on recog- „ �ur and humble is demands, why, the moral spur immediately. around the kitchen' in smiling ap= fed the same amount of grain re- P) e- nizing that it is a business and con- i s much the better for them. She ''I'll tell you iwhat, Marie, if you proval. gardless of the period of lactation ducting it' with approved business . culd work all the harder, and for can't do better than this, you must "Well, Marie," she began, "yon or the quantity of_ milk individual methods, and the use of the tele- 3s money. find another place, and I must find have, got before hand with your cows. are producing. Such feeding phone•is clearly among these me- - 1 Auld so, as years passed, they I another servant!" work this morning. And you did !,always lacks economy, as the highs thods. -. rut more and more work upon her, Marie's thin'cheek, an instant be-'�it by getting-up an hour earlier. I :producing cow does not get enough, and paid her less and leas for it. fore flushed deeply, with the fire of heard you bustling about down here and while,she may milk eery well VALUE OF ROTATION. For lou hectic fever, now grew ale as before daylight. Now if you would for a short time, she soon comes ; g Sears she bore her in- g P One of.the most essential things Pressing burdens bravely. Sne ashes, as she faltered: always be so smart I wouldn't want down to a lower level, while the g ' » a better girl!=-Come! put the lighter producing cow gets too (along the line of improvement even Irose at four o'clock e�cry morn I will try—indeed I will try. „ I�.f as rest importance as thorough. ng two hours before any other And she eta breakfast an the table, she added much and accumulates Eat. g P g staggered to her feet tillage, is proper crop member of the family stirred, and and went to work again. taking up the steaming coffee-pot � The following rules rnarding g P P p rotation. she worked incessant! until ten "Now mind you, Marie! I will and setting it upon the board. the amount to feed cows covers the I In rotating crops the idea is to 3 S Marie Serafinne looked at her,case fairly well: 1 ser vary the, crop that the demands o'rlodz at night, and auiuetimes give you till :Cew'Yesra. If.you mistress in consternation. Was ,I "1. Feed all the roughness they fon the soil will be different, it be- r even until twelve midnight. She (don't do better between this and Mrs. Berger making game of ..err will eat up clean at all times. i ing now fully established that one never got more than six hepta' tb•en, your go, said her mistress. !kind of tenth makes one demand Marie did not know, and.she was 2. Feed one pound of grain per ; g sleep, and often not mora, than. ••I will do my. very best, ma'am, on the soil and another something four.; hitt ao great was % er Fatigue ; indeed I--" began the poor, girl, itoo much frightened to inquire. She day for each pound butter fat pro- !different. It is very interesting an err the end of ever cls 's hg tri ' Iplaced the hot dishes on the table. i duced per week, or one pound rY B Y' S but a violent fit of coughing stop- lead stood silent] waiting white the rain Bail for each three pounds f useful to notice the way the various work, that, as soon as she dropped !ped her words and nearly choked ' Y g o Y P crops ot:cu'py the soil. large family gathered around.it and ,of milk. The ewer of roots deiierves con- instantly list-bed. each night, ,hP fell i her breath. sat down. , "3. Feed all the cows will .take P ' instantly into a profound surf' And she kept her promise so well +`you were up 'so early, Marie, without gaining weight. sideration.-A plant, like clover for dreamless sleep, that, is its deepth, i that it was ne irly twelve 'o clock at and you•have. done so much work "The rule regarding the ariiount !example, has great ability in gath- " was Iike a temporary death. F.ach night when she stopped work, and this morning that you must want 'of grain;to feed per day .for each enng .nitrogen, and another,' like morning she awoke frog, this state crept u to her hard bed in the cold wheat, no ower. N P your breakfast too. !Sit down now ;cow appjies.bent when based upon P with a start and shudder, and a 'attic. with us and take it. When you real- the amount of butter fat produced , The weight of roots also varies ;great dre$d:of the day's burden to ! E chausted as she was, she could ly are.smart I like to reward yau, each week, as this makes it appli- !largely in 'different growths, Clo- 6" e instantly taken - up and borne not sleep. She was too anxious, said Mrs. Berger; still smiling. cable to any breed. The second 'ver has several times as much roots throe""gh eighte,4 c,r twenty hours feverish and restless, and the sea- This was a- very unusual favor, part of the rule in regard to feed. !aq wht•at, and the roots of clover of painful„ profitless. thanklea.]a- 'son was too full of. heart-breaking and Marie, wonderin more and ing one ound of rain to three'are much richer in, nitrogen than. tu,i, -and -she would 'rather.have +associations. g P g �those of wheat. On this account Closed her eyes, and fallen into the more what her mistress could pos- 'Founds of milk would not work out It was now -only two days til] sibly mean, sat down, and took the ;in all cases, since in a heavy- ,wheat fdllo�vs clover advantageous- isleep of death, than have roused •Ch'ri-tmag,. And, on this nigh lv and ended her ti::esry, aehin 6otl cup of coffae that Mrs. B_rgerpass- milting ftoistein cow this gives a g 8 r tnelve wean•yeara before, her.child ed out for her. little too large a quantity of grain,` '`i a have known this to be a fact tt) the agony of new exertion, for had been born and' strangled in , ctrikiii lv that twice the ordinary grt,win;, more• and g " ry "' and with a Jersey, i a' R .'which she .vas Was all this a mocks 4 she giving very (Tiff Cottage: rich milk, it is a little, too low.'„'' 3 it,lil for the neighborhood was so snore unfit and incapable. But the t asked herself. Would Mrs. Berger P That meman alone without fever, produced year after year. Ther© law of necessity :vas upon her, and presently turn on her and send her . P rough and care, was enough to.have are other advantages. 'By a good each day, with's greater-effort, she from the house f Marie did 'not TEST FOR HOG RATIO- kept her awake all night. are of rotating crops the insect •..•rc,nquered her wskness and pain, know: Bhe was thoroughly mysti- The results of a series'of careful and fun' oid enemies that She rolled and tossed from side i g prey up- t•, side, and called on the Lord to fled. But she was very hungry, like 'tests in feeding hogs at one of the :on the articular -114 I P groRths et And took a her burden of life all consumptives. • And so, not- , I g P ,Pity and forgive and help her, P experiment stations are summarized stsvrved out or serionsly interfered again." withstanding her mortification and as follows: with. This is based on the fact that Towards morning a feeling of ut anxiety, she ate a good substantia] 1. That it required Is Did her m'stress t' F ter exhaustion, a faintness unto breakfast, and felt. better and. q l,er cent. each plant has its own particular i no ice her .ailing death, cam$ ot•er-her; het the•hour _ more barley by weight than -corn `enemies. Such is especially tn,c health and strength' stronger for it. to produce the same gain in feeding of the lant. that is above the- br,in cq near davlin ht, she feared p Be sure she did: but onlywith tz After breakfast the men dis era- , to vteid herself to ales lest she c P •pigs schen both grains Were ted in 'ground. , g►s�,Ctfy u rLviPty-'os'<tFie suh}ec.t of.her own fhonld not• make early a Hough to ed to their field work, and the mis- the proportion of four parts of I -We wi1l lie. more impressed with is .aterests, and not at all on that of tress harnessed her pony to her lit- grain to one of shorts b3 weight. , �'ctrc�)ps himportance of the rotation of ous centre, rise and Ret the breakfast ready. the girl's sufferings.. And,whenevPr , tlr. wagon, and.nent off to the til- I. 2. That it' is profitable to feed if,it is remembered how much #ion tit r Rut hattlin with this over owerin `t she would ob"serve Blarie looking g p g ]age of Peakrille to make some pur- barley to hogs if pork is selling at !call each crop, makes upon the soil. dio:r5iness was like bat3ling with P unusually., pale and weary, and chases, leaving-Xarie to do all the an average price. Thus,'while wheat say, takes• onl death There could be but one is- y moving with unn4ua.l languor and ' ' housework 'alone. 3. That the carcasses c f the pigs 1'/, pounds of potash for every ane. She anon fell into a deep and "I shouldn't wonder if she, was fed barley• and shorts shoved a pound of os horic acid, slowness, she would say, hardly: j dreamless sleeplike temporary an- P Ph P potatoes "I'm afraid you ain't strong P going there to get another girl be- greater distribution of lean and I takes 3.14 pounds of enough to do my work. niGilation. fore she sends me away. If she is, firmer flesh than the carcasses of each pound of phosphoric pacid. Posh r ome'hours later she awoke avid- This acted upon the failing and denly, and found the morning sun I wish she would tell me, so I might pigs fed corn and ,shorts: tatoes grown continuously would f, ..fainting woman as it was meant to shining full into,her face. • know what to depend on,'—said the I 4. That pigs ,fed on earn and exhaust the potash of the soil or,of au,t, as a sharp lash to a jaded 4 rest poor woman to herself. And, timid shorts will dress a higher•per cent. that supplied. by manure, long .be- fttare, stinging her to fresh exert- g terror seized her, exalt- as she,was, she braced herself to{tban pigs fed on barley and shorts. fore that of phosphoric acid wouid tions. gusted by her own low nervous condition. fibs heard the familyask the question: 5. That cross bred Yorkshire Bice out.. It conLinued a covert threat, stn- ct i n inn. She knew that they' would "Mrs. \Berger, are"you' going to Ilierkshires made more gain than I The character of the leafage is to •derstood, And meant to be under- : + send me away l" she faintly inquir- the other cross breds or pure breds ;be taken into consideration also. - stood. by ?1Iarie•—a thr"at of dis-'alt be dorcnstairs soon for their ed, as her mistress was about step- used in this trial. IThe leaves varyr in their season o� miR-al, to her old life of homeless;breakfast: :end she had.done no- Ping into the wagon. Another test at feeding other I active growth and are both broad thing! hTct even made ,the fire to << '>Solitary'•wandering about the coon-� No, Marie; not if ,you do as well' food is given as follows: •and nal•robv, ' try. ''Sooner than- brave this 'faze ,boil the kettle. :and she reflected, as ,you, have done this morning, 1 � 'l: We can conclude from the re- The labor eleme-nt- plays a part again'' poor Marie would work un- ' a` she started up, and began to I• ' 1 hurry on her scant clothing: on all shan't send you away; but if you sults of this trial that ground re- in rotation as the system is loess '.til she should drgp and die at her ., g go lazing about the house; on ac- ']ected wheat is savable of prod uc I suited for home consumption of work ;that she had to do, at this late count of sickness, I shall have to do :ing good gains when fed to swine in crops and the return of the fertil- t: i i,our! Bread to make, hot for break- it. becapse I don't keep a hospital, ;connection with shorts. ization to the farm. The practices fa-t, bacon to cut and fry, eggs you know," answered Mrs. Berger. 1 2•• In comparison with corn it re- of thousands of years all point to 'CHAPTER X. ti beat u into omelettes as she took the reins and started iuires 80 per cent. more rejected it? importance.—Maritime Farmer. P potatoes c The end dreg near. When Marie t.+ bake, rice'to boil. All, this, that her pony. `wheat than corn to prc duce the > erafinne had been working out .ns should have been began two hours Marie went back into the kitchen. I same gains, WAS NO SPENDTHRIFT i•.worse thap penal servitude for.' to do now, and the family less frightened but more mystified 3. The quality cf pork produce is more than ten weary years. It hap- ready to come down to the break- s- Among the prisoners brought be- :;...worse than ever. even better than the produce b,, g ' pened that during the elevdnth win- fast that they -apposed to be amok- Who had done her work that; corn, (fore a police magistrate one Mon- q f ing hot and ready for them. day morning was a beggar whose ter, an extremely severe one, she I morning? 4. If pork is selling for reasonable _ ti,ok•a deep cold that fell upon her; Shncldering with sickening fear as That -was the question that per- price, a fairly good price may be face Has by no means-an unfamiliar lungs. i much as with the bitter cold, she plexed her beyond all possibility expected from feeding the rejcctcd one to the court. g of settlement. I am informed that you have Though very'ill, she did not dart is F'nt downstairs. wheat to shine. again been -fciind begging in `the " keep her bed. She knew full well ! Passing down through the middle However, there a-as 'a great deal jl,ublic streets," said his honor, ------- that her hard task-mistress would pnsGage, she heard the young men of work yet to do. There was FARM _TOTES, ; "and and yet you carried in neither tolerate an idle woman, 'nor; :y.alking• about in their rooms, evi: breakfast to clear away, dinner to Farming is trot,ec,nridere d a vei;v your coat pocket over $ty in silver be burdened with a sick one. dently ready to come clown. And pht on to cook, and the beds to desirable occupation by many eco- iA•nd coploer." So every morning, after A night they were always as hungry and as make up. ple, but they are those vbo onlyYes. your honor," proudly re- or coughing, fever and restlessness; cross as famished wolves. And strange to say, site felt al- look at the surface. They do not Itu'rInjed the mendicant, "I may stat followed by a heavy perspiration, ! Ah° for the poor, sick, friendless most strong enough to do it with- realize that one-half the people, in i be ds industrious as some, but, sir, she would rise, weakened.and drip- 'woman! She expected no lighter out fatigue. cities haven't enough to cat, xhilc I 1 am no spendthrift." ping wet, and dress in her cold and punishment than to be sent angrily ' She soon restored the kitchen*to the other half are engaged in a <- fireless attic, and go shivering'awav from the house, to her home- order, put on a ham to boil, and a constant struggle to outshin!, their "— r down stairs to light the kitclien fire less wandering in search of a home, I piece of hr,ef to roast, regulated neighbors. _ A RF.150?\ and cook the breakfast. :and she its thin hitter winter weather: the fire , an went up-stairs to Cotd storage ' for eggs mar he a "1N1'hy do they want to prese r,e would keep at work through her Sn, wishing for death to ilcliTer 'mal;e up eleyen,beds, and clean all good thing for the consumer-, as it the great forests, pal" prostration in the morning send `,er her from the ilia of life, she vent the ror,r,s .—. (enables them to get a fair, if not "So that they cs+n have fu :•ia fever in the afternoon and evenina.into the kitchen. I?ti the tir•,e she had finished the first-rate, quality of eggs in the fires, my-son." , Ge. �, .•:..... .... .:. r .. a .^s .�. 'f5"r�'r'r'r—' RM .g....a:.a'."�,.�.. $�•.. x:u e-.•ad`H.''�-'�Xk ..�,J+d! b, •�°^u^:a.•...F ,••.'l�"•fe.'•^a.,Y+ '�ew�•'.*3i. •w::''.Sw,+n,a.-w '.,'•,ay. .cr '."•»..�t; r+n� 'a.?�.�rf: ..G>;,. `.r. T''ul�. i:1.5.!at "a- ,..r.. '6t. .s+&�. HHE-E THE WORLD'S MARKET F 1STtIlE, OF THE SWITCHMEN ADRIFT • OR REPORTS FROM THE LEADING Not a' wheel Turnip on an Freight Train TR31)E cErTREs. Turning Y g Terrible Experience of Two Nova �.cntla , Pricers of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and between 'St. Paul and Seattle Other Dairy Produce at Fishermen. Home and Aliroad. r A despatch from St. Paul, Minne- disastrous strike that has occurred A despatch from Digby, N. S., the schooner Venus, and brought � ! BREADSTUFFS. sot&, says: The strike of switchmen in the West for 25 years, and the says: One of the most appalling'into Westport in an exhausted con- on on on the Northern transcontinental determination on both sides to fight Toronto, Dec. 7.—Flour-6ntari6 dition lines betw6en St. Paul and the Pa- to a finish promises to prolong the wheat 90 per cent. patents, $4.30 stories of hardship and suffering i . P They had been for Ahree and a cific coast has already involved 65,-• struggle foweeks. P g to $4.35 in buyers' sacks on track, ever experienced by Nova Scotia half days in their open boat, with =i 000 people directly and indirectly, I Telegrams from the northern Min- Toronto, and $4.20 to $4.25 out-• fishermen conies from Westport,.on the machinery broken down, with- ` and before the strike is adjusted it (nesota iron range towns on Wed- side in buyers sacks. Manitoba the Bay of Fundy. Last Monday' out food, helpless, and exposed to is believed that 150,000 persons will f nesda night, which includes apo- flour, first'patents, $5.60 on•track, , <' y g Toronto• morning at three.o'clock, Geo. Re- one of the worst series of storms .: 'have been affected. Not a.wheel is pulation of more than 175,000, say , second patents, '$5.10 to paot, aged 55 years, and his son, in years. They are as yet unable turning on any freight train be- that if the strike continues. for a $5.20. and strong bakers', $4.90 to b g Westport I t give an account of their terrible tween St. Paul and Seattle. In Min- week there will be a food famine in $5 on track, Toronto. Ra aged 20, left West ort in a v small 20-foot gasoline boat for the t experiences. When their engine �teapolis three of the big flour mills all of the towns. One of the of Manitoba Wheat—.No. 1 Northern fishing grouns. They were seen broke down they were compelled to , have closed down for the reason fects of the strike is the suspension $1.04., Bay ports and No. 2 North- , y P + haul their trawls at 10 o'clock lie at anchor throughout the recent that they could not receive grain of the big packing-houses at South ern, $1.02%, Bay ports. the same morningb Capt. Nelson g ' nor ship flour. At St. Cloud, Minn., St. Paul. The can neither receive Mario Wheat—No. 2 mixed, y P galea until Thursday morning,, when f y Thurber, of the schooner Swan, and they broke adrift from their moor- • _.,;u�• the Great Northern has closed its I live stock nor ship their present $1.03 to $1.04 outside, and No. 2. nothing was seen , of them until ings and were carried to sea. The shops, putting 500 men in idleness. supply of produce. white .and red, $1.04 outside: about one o'clock on Thursday af- heavy rains supplied them with ` At Superior, Wis., the Great North- Barley—No. 2, 60 to Glc outside, ternoon, when they were picked up water or they would bare perished. ern has closed down its shops and STRIKE ABOUT OVER. and No: 3 extra, 58 to 59c outside.- off Trinity Ledge, 20 miles from The doctor thinks that, with care, ,locks, crowding out 350. men. At With i, Oats—Nu. 2 Ontario white 36 to y Capt.Cloud in the granite works, 500 X00 men imported to take land, b Ca * A. J. Thurber, of the men will recover. y �,e .outside. Canada West oats, g the places of the striking switchmen �.. 1 li men were thrown out of employ- �7/... to 38c for No. 2, and 36,2 to P y' who are members of the Switch- - ;aa anent because of the uncertainty of , I37c for No. 3, Bay ports. 42iac; No. 8 40s c; No. a white !shed, doors were blown off their mens Union of North America and the future. From St. Cloud, Wil- those.strikers who are members of Peas—S7 'Lo 58c outside. 40% to 41?,c; No. 4 white, 39 to hinges, .the flooring on the main --mar, Fargo, Grand Forks, James- Rw --1o. 2, 72 to 73c outside. 51c'; standard 41% t q1 town, Devil's Lake, Minot, Billings, the Brotherhood of Railway Train- o 4../c. flat of the building was blown up- ` g men .returning to work, managers Buckwheat-53c high freights,. and _-_ ward, and the walls were damaged. Livingston, Butte and Helena 165 f 54c lode, freights . LIVE STOCK MARKETS. The damage will probably amounts a' o, the Great Northern and North- P 3 engine crews were called off. The Corn—Old No. 3 American yet- to at least 64,000. The boiler which , ern Pacific Railroads on Friday 1, Q .Montreal, Dec. 7,—Prime beeves switchmen have allowed'perishable! low71/ to 7.,c Toronto; and new' 1 , burst had been out of order but , freight to be attached to passenger night asserted that the strike was N,).'3 ellow -651/,a on track To 4,? to 5/c per pound; pretty good' g P g about over.. 3 ° animals, 31' to 4;2c; common stock, had been repaired. rains to be taken to terminal ata ronto. The strike leaders, however, de 2 to 3c per lb. ; lean canners, i% �— ol� 'but this only applies to the Bran—$20.50' in bag-s, Toronto, Qt:EBEC BRIDGE CONTRACT next 18 hours. This-- situation is spite the desertion of the trainmen and shorts, $23 to $43.50, iu bags, to 2c per pound; milch cows, from _ practically the same clear to the and the gradual resumption of•traf- Toronto. I$30 to $60 each; calves from 3 to Ottawa Contractor, c fie, asserted that the strike had - 51 a er lb. ; shoe from 3' to 41 c P. Davis' s coast. /s P P % /. The chief of the Brotherhood of only begun. Freight congestion is per Ib. ; lambs at 5;; to 6%c per Will Build Substructure. i Locomotive Firemen on Wednesday not appreciably relieved. After a CQUNTRY PRODUC.'E. 1b.; good Tuts of fat hogs, gi to A despatch from Montreal says: advised the general managers of all conference on Friday afternoon Apples—$2 to 163.30 per barrel 6';c per lb- It is nuderstood that the contract the Western railroads .that if any with President Hawley of the according to quality. �T�ronto, Dec. 7.=A few extra.!f'ur the sub-structure of the new 'attempt is made ' to • replace the +Switchmen's Union and E. W• Beane—Car lots outside,•$1.50 to choice picked steers ,and hrifei•s.I Quebec. bridge has been awarded a striking switchmen by non-union;.Decker of the clearing house., $1.60, and small lots here $1.70 to sold"'up to $5.SQ, and several lots ; t, Mr. M. P Davis, the Ottawa Governor Eberhardt announced realized $5 -to 5.5.25. Butchers' g -. men he will calla strike. The � 81.90. (eontractur, who built the original - situation at present is tris: That that a well-defined movement had Honey—Combs, dozen, $2.25 to'•cow% of the choice class were very pier,work-. The price of the new •��; none of the jobbers of Chicago, the ' been started to effect a settlement. $3; extracted, 101c per Ib. 'much wanted, a few select% selling teork is stated as in the neighbor- Twin Cities or Duluth can ship a�of the strike. I Hay—No. i timothy, $14.50 to $Is 'at $4,R0, whilst *I to .$t.+-,0 were hvod of Rs2.:,o0,000. 'a single article except by express. I President L. W, Hill of.the Great and No. 2 $13 to. $14 on track, Ta- cornmun prices fur wr'1-fin!%bed ani- 1!t Not a farmer in the North-West can f'Northern said there could be no route. seals. Stockers and re-.df r•. are i deliver to the commission houses of truth to as talk of settlement even !still bein hou„ht by farmers, Milk. ' B1(.Nt.�l' I'l•!l'E ECER P:11U y Straw—$7.50 to.$8 on track, To. tR %A the Twin Cities except by a press.. with individual railroads, as the ronto. i,er: and E:prinp;er% were the ooh. Prime %l Per goad at Chicago for That the prospective Christmas bu- General Managers had decided that potatoes-45 to 50c per bag on !stock that showed any signs of l,e-1 Ten cents a Pound. + siness throughout the North-West thev would all stand together. Mr. track for Ontarios. i ing easier. Calves of,the %hare•' va on all lines is paralyzed. Killing Hill said -that the railroads could poultry—Chickens, dressed, i t to 1 riety reached the ts7 marl:. Sh�c}� ; A despatch from ('hicagn says: and manufacturing industries are get enough men in the east to take 12c per lb'. • fowl, 8 to 9c; turkeys, I anti lamhK, dr�t,itA the a-bandant i Prime steGrw on Wednesday reach- 4 sourly being suspended and the loss the strikers' places, but that they j5 to 16c per lb; ducks, Ib., 11 to isupply, were t, r;: lira. If•:r,--fie- ed the highr-t price ever paid on in money runs into the hundreds of did not want to bring them all in 12c; geese, 9 to 10c per lb. lect% quoted at_ *7.',c) f.o.b.. _and.)th,• open market' in Chicago. Nine- 1� ,'thousands of dollars every 24 hours. now, preferring to give the old men p $7.75, fed and wcafeiecl. teem steers, averaging 2;572 pounds, a ,ld.-at 59.:,0 {ler hundred-wei ht, This is the most far-reaching and a chance to return as individuals. —" _._._., .____—:; g i THE DAIRY MARKi:TS. and OAR yearlings, .weighing 1.041 - - _ 1,1,1'10\ J.%N l".1 ltl''�. pF:u„,i�; nisei sold at the same price. - f A'COAL SHORTAGE.' till was ransacked and twenty dol- Butter—Pound prints, 23'til 24c-. ---- A AinLI,. Ileac! sold at ten cents per lars taken. The men then backed tubs and large roils, 21 to 22c; in Dater+ for the Meelio,: to Britain kPaund. Dealers in. the Beat 'Neglected to out and fled in the darkness. The ferior, 1S to 19c'; creamery, 27 to , uitely Fi�e•t. �•� �' $tock Up. robbery was done so quickly that 28c, and solids, 26 to.261�e per .b. !- -.1' -1<l 1.1,t, ,%DJO( RN ON IIT H. Eggs—Case lots, 30 to 32c per i A de%1,atels froiil l.F,r•.1. ll Yat+:I _ the young woman bookkeeper at t . —. `. •A despatch from Regina says work in the office_did not knots it t dozen for fresh, and Q5 to 26c fur The dates e,f rbc chief p,llitival With the sudden dip in tempera storage. 1 Conunon-4 '«'ill 1Ietii+entble On Ni'ss1(s F tent% of the neat rt.'„ n;ol,.tss %rare happened till she was told. g of Next Month. �ture which has occurred come re- ,1, Cheese—1p?.'.c per lb. far large•, t:ua definit«lv kn.,wn, !►iR�c.lntiou j -- f, ppoorts of a dangerous shortage of :A III NTER'S 1ti1ST.1>aF. and at 12';c. for twins. will take• plat(( :) Januar% s, The �A dpQp. mch frosn Ottawa says „ !' asst in some localities. This has - - first borringle v4, 6wv- will be 1 , td i at'liamont will acljottrn for the been careful), investigated by the on Jan . 13; slut. tl,• ' flrvt rc�unty t't'Fui�tma� I,olicl ivs on the 17th- of John Smith Kills W. McCreary. HOG PRODUCTS. -Government, with a view to ascer- y' elections on .I:c7 4er: lf*. Tt,c rler• 'thi� numah. and will resume sittings tsining who fa, responsible for the Taking IIitn for s Deer. Bacon—Long clear, .� 13'/.. to l4c tions will end �•n can. ::t, n+i21 th•'on Jan. 11)0k.. situation. It has been-learned that A despatch from Rathweli, Mani- per Ib. in- case lots: mess IR,rk, ;first sncetin .•f tiic Herr Par}lament -- • - 846 short cut, $29 to 829.50. '11.4) h l 1.f.l I) O N' '1'l{1('h the railways have done everything! toss, says; The first fatalit} of the , , l w il} take 1)ta<c 'on. Feb.I' b possible to facilitate shipments, and I big game shooting season occurred Hatus—Light to medium, 14. to -- �; 'have urged the dealers to la in, near here on Wednesday afternoon, lb'•zc: do., heavy, 13;; to 11c; rolls, or Nan and lVoina si Found g y I y 14 to 14'.'c shoulders; 12', ' to 13c; 1�1'LI'1t Iit1tl.I:R 13l'ti�l. stocks in advance, but the advise when John Smith shot and killed W. st + i, Near Montreal. r, ;leas riot been acted upon. The mines) McCreary :in mistake for a deer. backs, 19 to' 20c; brcakEa�t bacons o :1 ,1,`. 1)'ll�'fl fPcru N!t)ntl•Pal•S8N'R ;hare been able to supply all the or- The bullet hit MdCreary full.in the 17 to I4c, Oliaaa In�lituti••n ilasssa_rd, Sul � t Lard—Tierces, 153•,c: tubs, 16e.; No Innsate•o in surd. hhr• h:;tllc n:, c_le a Ute „f a ders promptly, and therefore it is chest and caused instant death.. His ails 161 c. 1 Aman and �w„ui:Ltl aP�r• fvt,r„'�'�a 7, ” T,-•.--- s P I :'k despr.tch frolu Ott•iw•n says: 'th, (,.T.l,. tracks. %,.oyer !•;►1 t strictly u to the dealers in the sari- two brothers ere in the bush with P ous centres. However, the .situa.I him and at once conveyed the, bode The cxplo,;ic,n of a• boiler in Sr. 7abeth fie r,•e•t incl C44'. fit. Paul "`a. tion is not Set an alarming one, al- to this town, Smith also came in BF SINESS'AT MONTREAL. Patrick's 1%}Ire„, X.aurier At%nuc l lloa<l, .,n Thuradac .niq}a. It i% 1`% —'` though many gowns have only a and gave himself up to the police. Montreal, Dec. 7.—Oats: Nu. 2 +`%'est, on Satur( worniug, hadly I su-pposed•.,the orniple-.were w-tlking hand-to-mouth auppIy. 't Canada Western, 4n', til 41c; bar- �danragrd alvr_ building. hilt injumcl 1.alon.� the track to Tttreot `';Mage POISON 1N GERMAAN IIO>PITAh none uf.. tL :,�0 iun7ate�. Trick when they aver%•rice down by an _ 1 ley, No. 2, 66 to 6�c;.,N1anitoba'feed A D!RING ROBBERY. !barley, 52 to 53c; buckwheat, 5S to ;wall% in file ha,oinent were d'cinot FnginP. � , • .0 Deaths ►1aF Result From Crime ,I,SS, Flour—'_4lanitoba Spring _ of TmploSe. I wheat patents, firsts, $.r.70; Mani 14 Two ')!sated Men Hold up Merchant PROR*OGUE A despatch from, Berlin says: toba•-Spring wheat patents, sec za at Lewisville, N. B. Fire hundred and forty-seven pati- onds, 55.•30; Winter wheat patents; A despatch from Moncton, X. B„ ents in the asylum at Friedrichs- I$5.60: Manitoba strong bakers, 35; l :. says: A hold-up of the wild west berg, near Hamburg, are ill from straight rollers, $5.10 to $5.25; t ` variety. was successfully pulled off file erects of poisoned rice, which straight rollers in bags, $2.•40 to _ —_ at Lewisville, a suburb of Moncton is supposed to have been given tb 1 $2.50. Feed—Ontarieti -bran, x20.- early on Friday night by two mask- them by one of the employes. Two '50 to $31.50; Ontario .. middlings, , ed men, unknown. The despera- patient& have died from eating the $2. to '$23,50; Manitoba bran, $19 The Great. Campaign 'Against file Hol��e _ does entered the store of W. R. poisoned fuel and sixty eight cases to $20; Manitoba shorts, $22 to $23; � Williams just after dark, and with are considered hopeless. Portions f pare: grain, mouille. St32 to, $33; _ of Lords Has Begun 4% cocked revolvers held the. proprio- of the rice which were not eaten j mixed mouille, S25 to f$37. Cheese for and two clerks at bay while the are being chemically analyzed. , --Westerns, 11;; to' 10,'c for late Pall make, and 11%'. to 12c for Sep. { A despatch from London says: concluded: '`T regret that tiro pro — ----_-- — - Itcmher.make, with easteftis illy to On the order of Bing Edward Par- �Ision has proved 'imatailing:'' 'BIGii:1, Butter—Septeplber cream- liament ryas prorogued with the }leveed this' the speech !nude the err, 23 to 25%c, and rttrrent re- usual reference:= to the visits of usual formalities on Friday after ' ceipts at 24 to 241 Vic. Fggs—Select- f'oreiRn Sovereign,, the friendly re- c3 stock, 27 to 28c,•and No.'1 cand noon. The prucecdings were brief latices with foreign powers And theARREST ' IN led at 23 to °Ge per dozen. and the attendance sill It. In fact Ie.gisaation pa�sed during the ses- �er> of Chain- sign. On the matter of foreign re- the private m nut the a Railway Mail Clerk Charged 'VPitli Steal' bets were almost rnitnumbered by I.-tions, the speech continued: `'The ; L'NITET) STATES MARKETS. the Ministers in attendance. �dif3icnities which unfortunately 'Both $oases met at 9 %%'clock, ,aru�e in south eastern 1:4irorie in the ins Money Package. 'Buffalo, Dec. T7.--Wheat—Spring' schen the. Black Rud proceeded im- autumn a year ago have resulted l ' wheat, No. 1 Northern, carloads, $ tore, No. 2' whites $1.22 Corny q f s , o. mediately to the lower House to re- happily in a practical solution for -- --- -- 21 ; quest the attendance of the Com the of peace, while the 1 despatch from 1Cinni pc says: 'eir,ployed a lawyer and w•a% remand- No, 3 yellow, G2%c; No. 4 yellow, moners at the upper House to hear constitutional regime in Turkey 'Che elinins of a $5,000 robk cry oc ed fl,x.une week. His salary is $1.b0 60',jc; No. 3 corn, 60c;,No. 4 corn, the Royal speech. The speech was continues to make satisfactory pro carr%d on Thursdac, when John A. per clay and he has been in tl:c ser- 1 59c; No. 3 white 61c. Oatsy-No. 2 read by Lord High C'hancello' Lore- gross. Parnell, a railway trail clerk, gas `vice •fur one year. The detectives 1 white, 44;�c. burn, who was supported by Vis- `Subject fo certain reservations y w arrest.d charged witic thy, crin7c: it of the. city, the railway and the Chicago, Dec. 7.—Wheat — Cash count Alt1•irop', the Lord Chamber: made by my plenipotentiaries at fix. is the srryuol of th-. disappcnranc; rust-office department are main- No. 2 red. $1.19 to $1.21; No. 3 red lain, Lord 1lacDonnell, Lord Pent.- the ti of signature, T have 'fo cif a paoloige containing 4,), s, from training the. utmost Secrecy about Ql.l. to X1.17; No. 2 hard, 81.67% land, Scerelar`• for Scotland, and ratify the couventu,ns which rgsult- thIt mails on the Uarrr.an-Hartncy the case. They admit,'however, to 31.09; Nn. 3 hard, $1.02 to $1.- Lord Haversham- ed from the conference held.at The branrh of the C•nndian Nnrthcrn i that se1eral persons are involved I of,; No, 1 'Northern, $1.09% to $1,- The only reference to the politi- I Hague in 1907. Agreements with 10ilv.'ciy illi Nov. 1. The police •rn. the robbery and that n number �O� .:zi No. 2 Northern, $1.03'/,, to cal %risk nt the sliecch of prorc a Greenan}, Syvec)cn, Norany. 5w it found ?1.00(? of the stolen leen%} ;of thefts of equal interest have oc- 51.OS; ,No. 3 Spring. 41.03 to' $1.- tion was in the clause addressed zerlancl and .}' :t:: al li):rc been on NVednesdav, but admit the prob- carred recently ill the service which 06. Corn—No. 2 white, old, 627•.; to the House of Con-mons in which I renwxed for n forst c; te7•u1',,f five ` is-n7 of Solving the mysterious affair have not been explained. Th'e sug- to G3%e; No. 3 ne.v, r,,�-.c; \,,. 3 tl7c King tharted tt;e members for ,tear; and oti)or Pw* r("--iw>,ts al>„sit y is puzzling them. gestio,n is that all have, been com- white, neiv, 5G'!c; \•,. ;1 y,,•llu.r t'.1'' art: l,t:�n of tll^ provision. fur't , expire are ill tl,e 1)r,: J I-0 Barnett tock his arrest coolly, mifted by the same gang• new, 57 to 58c: Qats-- 2 t•;a._te, the n tinnal, expenditures. This neral. 9. t.Ma',:.�..4.., ..� E,.,.. .:... ''. :. -.: .:. tom•.^� x�. - . z ��t. Y x 1.?r ' 1.,• P 144+\.• 'LOCALISMS. —Found—A small brooch. Loses —Thos. Moody is again critical- ' a- call at this office. l ill. j z 'News . 0 —Rink open Saturday night, Y By order of the Attorney- vV rc O a V wS 1 ' , —Miss Campbell spent a couple weather permitting. General's department the bodies • 'of days with friends in Toronto. —L. RogerP, of Oshawa, spent a of Mrs. McLaughlin and 'her two —Miss Hattie Hancock, Oshawa, few da,,ys this week with L. D. children, which were in, d at spent Sunday with her Pickering Banks. Wyoming, will be exhumed in •.;rrriends. —Rev. W. C. Washington, M. order that they may be examined 1 Only, Black Beaver Coat, velvet collar, size 3't`. Bargain—at cost -+ —Mrs. Geo. Kerr spent a couple A., of Bowmanville, will occupy for traces of poison. The object of bf days this week with friends in the pulpit in the Methodist church this action is to remove any doubt Fur-lined Coat, German Otter collar, cuffs in sleeves, Melton cloth ?# the city. on Sunday. Mr. McCamus will in regard to the cause of death. Shell, $31.00. —F. M. and Mrs. Chapman are conduct missionary services in St. —Mrs. Armstrong, who died a' wte tnding the Guelph Winter Fair Mary s. few days ago at her home in To- Hair-cloth lined Coat, Otter collar, Beaver cloth Shell, $20.00. this week. —Fred Baleden,of the Standard ron to, left$5,925, of which $3,-000 Heavy'KweedVoats with the Muto colliers, all prices. —Miss Eva Brokenshire, of To- Bank, has been a fe• days in the is in mortgages, $200 in clash, and ( - xonto, spent Sunday here with Whitby office on relief work. It $3,600 in real estate at 169 Vine ,Also samples to choose from and made her parents. is reported that be is likely to be street and 41 Medland street. The ✓ `. —Miss Cora Gordon spent Sun- transferred permanently• to the estate is divided between three to-your order. day with her parents, James and Whitby office. daughters, Elizabeth T. Ham, To- ,Mrs. Gordon. —Norman Kerr, who has been ronto; Rachel E. Johnston, De- p p� —Mrs. Monneypenny, of Toron- spending the past two weeks troit; Jessie Storey, Toronto, and R. A. BUNT/NG, • P/CKER// r V,,,ff ' to, visited last week .with her shooting rabbits near Barrie, has two grandsons, G. A. Harty,TorQn- aunt, Mrs. Brieu, sr. returned to resume his duties on to, and F. C. Ham, Cleveland. r —A number from here attended the G.T.R. He reports great suc- —Ho for Xmas at home, any- 'y► the Robson wood sale on the Brock cess in the shooting business,. inhere, est.Europe, U.S., B.C., Can.- road great Millinel� Barg�li road on Saturday afternoon. --John Gormley is -exhibiting a North-crest. Choice of all ocean ' —Miss Edna S-Idon and Miss number of barred rock fowlat the lines and railway routes. Xmas Annie Calvert, of Oshawa, were Winter Fair at Gnelph this week. tickets to all stations in Canada a here on Sunday with frfa iends. He shipped the birds on Monday good going Dec. 22, 23, 24, 25, re- -John Williams, of Bloomfield,. morning. Thomas Andrew is also turn till end Jan'y 5th at re and $500 Hats for $2.50. $4.00 Hats for $2.00 and so on spent a few days during the past an exhibitor of rocks at Guelph. third, or at single fare going 24th r. week with Geo. H.and Mrs.Jones. -The Township Council will and 25th', good till,end 27th tore• - t egnsid rably m to pro . cos a ore duce —The Dramatic Club purpo'se meet pursuant to Statute on Wed= turn. For all tickets and full in- _ ..This offer lasts only until Saturday the 11th of December. presenting another play this wint- nesday, the 15th, at ten o'clock in formation see Stephenson'(opp. P. ' er and will start practice in a the township hall,-Brougham, for O., Whitby) at your leisure. * Ladies, now is your chance. short time. the transaction of general b,isi- —Those unbreakable iron toys, Miss Vera Johnston, of Gerrie, mess and the preparation of the different kinds of animals, areNo �� rth Side is spending a week or two at the financial statement. just the thing for the children. MRS. LEIGH, King St., Pickering, Ont. home of her grandparents, J. F. —Mrs. Robt. Deverell is spend- Skates, -ankle supports, straps, and Mrs. Rogers. ing a month iii the city owing to sticks etc. for boys and girls. And., —Mrs. W. Cullis has been con- the illness of her niece, Miss Mit- husbands don't forget your wives, T RIr �_D t fined to her bed with a severe at- chell: Miss Mitchell recently und- .see our silverware, carving sets, - 6 tack of sciatica for the past week, erwent a serious operation at the hanging lamps etc. Oh how she F but is now improving. hospital and is now making satis- would appreciate a new Souvenir —D. Brokeushire suety a couple` factory progress towards recov- or Pandora: Call and see all these apman - of days in the city last week. In,.ery. at the hardware department. his absence L. D. Banks was in —A woman went into a news- Dickie & Chapman. charge of Elmdale Mills: paper office and wished to adver- —The Guild of St. George's —Ernest Stephenson returned tise,for her husband who had dis- church will hold a bltzaar in the home on Satarday morning after appeared. When told that they tow u hall on the evening of Thurs- y�r 'Choice ';rmas �roeeries. spending between eight or nine charged two dollars an inch she day, Dec. 16th, at which will be months at Indian Head, Sack. went out saying it would break sold various useful articles suit- -Mrs. Weatae.-T, with son and her up at that rate as her husband able for,Christmas gifts. An in- Aaughter, was at West Hill on was over six feet long. terestiog feature of the evening's We have spent time and money in search of the best eatables for the Sunday attending the funeral of —Jos. T. Clark, of the editorial program will be a fish-pond. Au . her brother,, the late George Herm staff of the Toronto Star, left. a autograph quilt will also be offer- Festive Season. We just mention a few of on. =. the many good things. few days ago for England to act ed for sale by auction. Refresh- -Mrs. R. H. Cronk is in Guelph as staff.correspondent of the Star ments will be given during the New Select Val. Raisins, 4 Ib4 only 25 cents, this week attending the Conveu- during the British election cam- evening'served iu Japanese fash- Also, New Seeded Valencia Raisins tion as delegate from •the Picker- paign. He will be absent until ion. and a program of a musical and nice Seedless Valencia Raisins ing branch of the Women's Insti- the end of January. It is his,in- and literary character will ,be Extra nice new cleaned Currants. 31bs 25c tute. intention to visit Paris and other rendered: . Everybody come and Candied Citron, Orange-and Lemon Peels —W. and Mrs. Allaway were in continental cities before return- have.a social evening. Admission_ Figs, Dates, Walnuts, Almonds, etc. Stouffville a few days last week, ing home. 5cents. ' = - Ora ges; Lemons, Pickles, etc. n owing to the serious illness of a -Great display, of Cnristmas relative, Mr. White, who has since goods now on show at Dickie & . wHrTev died. Chapman's general store, table r —J. S. Jephson left on Wednes- and cushion covers, fancy doylies,, The Queen's hotel, which has been ' SUGAR SUGAR meeting evening for Guelph to attend tray Cloths, fancy collars, ker- conducted for several years by D. W. ` the meetinof the Millers' Assoc!- chiefs, ties, latest books, fancy Megaffln, is now dosed up. When the and also to attend the Wont- boxes, dolls, games ,and to Mr. Megafn left the license commis- 20 and 21 lbs of the best Redpath granulated and nice yellow. Y' ga- sioners were asked to transfer the er Fair. lore, fruits, candies. An immense license to the aprices are coming soon. _`e` •- _' appointee of the liquor _. -.-... Higher —J. R. and Mrs. Thexton and show of fancy china, and glass- .Interests financially concerned in the 'family, of Toronto, spent Sunday scare, and a thousand articles we property. The commissioners were with A. and Mrs. Allaway. Stew- have not room to name. ' Conte convinced that there was insuflgcient ' Monareh Pastry Flour I , art Thexton was also here over and see the greatest display in reasons for making the transfer and Sunday. town, , in consequence the hotel is now closed For choice Pastry, Christmas baking, etc., —Mr. A. Cooper; of Wycliffe —Don't forget the annual meet- to the public. Monarch Flour beats them all and it h Inetxad of the usual banquet given selling at A lower price. Try some College, conducted the services in ing of the Pickering Vigilence by St. Andrews' Society a hall- was St. George's church on Sunday Committee to be field in the Town given this year in the-Music Hall on `last when he preached in an able Hall on Tuesday next, commenc- Tuesday evening of last week. The FANCY �/��/�'1 manner. ing at 7.30. A full attendance of feature of the evening were the goodr'1/ r L/Y' GOODS —Ed. Bryan purposes brick- members is requested as the elec- old Scottish dances to the music of veneering his cottage adjoining tion of officersand other import- the ba •pipes. The evening was ideal Immense assortmont of Fancy China, Glassware, Leather Goode, the store. The north side is being ant business will come before the and a urge number of those to whom Books, Boxes, Calendars, Cards, etc., just opened up for done this fall. J. .McGinty has meeting. A number of changes invitatcons were sent were present. our big Chrstmas trade. Come and see I John Gale, who has been teacher of the contract. in the Committee's regulations are the Dufferin Street School for many —The machinery, of Gordon's proposed and vi" *h^ • T: 1iR clic- �o,� ,as re.iK:,e3, to Lake effect at small goods factory which was cussed the end of the year. Mr. Gale has Hardware specials ! Silverware, Etc. sold to a man. in Toronto, was - 11y anew Provincial law the been a faithful and succesxful teacher "loaded in the cars-for shipment *;, various school inspectorates in the, and his resignation will,be mdch re- Biscuit Jars, Pickle Dishes, Cake Baskets, Bread Plates, _ ,h ;ty-Bel Sa�` Province will be changed so that gretted by all tnose interested in the Cake Pates, Fruit Dishes, Card Receivers, Nut Crackers, 1i S ink's "White Satin" flo r all ins school Pie Trowels, Cold Meat Forks, Berryand Sugar = �- — p u lectors will have about an On Sunday of last week the Sabbath g is made especially for bread bak- equal number of seboolb to in- Spoons, Carving Sets, Child's Sets, etc., etc z irrg and always gives satisfaction, spect. The number of schools in Schools of tiVhichy, 800 atrDng, held a -- g rally in the Music I3a11. The feature Hockey Sticks, Skates, Ankle Supports, t !because we know from lou ex- South Ontario is below ,the aver- of the day was an inspiring temper- Hockey with thebaking trade, age, consequently'Dr. Waugh will ance address b Thos. McGillicuddy, -Straps, etc , etc --bow to make .a a flour that will be y given a number of schools from of Toronto. .The chair was occupied ffieald the greatest number of Durham County. A meeting was by Dr. Hare, of•the O.L.C., and music loves. * held in Bowmanville on Wednes- was supplied'by Calverley's Orchestra —H. G. Nilson, of Audley,.has day by those interested to adjust and Mrs. Walker, soloist. engaged with W: J.'Miller for the the boundaries of the inspector- Died at Whitby, on Monday, Dec. p 8th. Duncan Cameron Mae] onnell, Ickie apmasy ~` :winter ho months and will move into at— in this part of the Province. aged So ; who was held the position of the house now occupied by Gordon —Mr. Oldfield, of the Canadian cle,•k of the first division court, On- Androus. We understand the pat- Kodak Co., as was advertised, tario County,longer possibly than any ter has secured a situation with gave his demonstration on tank otheroclerk in the province, until he the Ice Co. at'Fairport and will developement and Velox paper in wits succeeded by his daughter, Miss Christmas- nnove to the, rat this week. 11cFaddeu s drug store an Friday .'da applie is the only a post in Can- ds=We congratulate Jolsn Gorm-' everting. There were a number ad's a eluted to such u osition. A native of Kingston, Ont., and a son of ley on his success at the Winter who o ar•e interested in amateur Col. Archibald MaeDonnell he attend- Fair at Guelph with his 'poultry photography present .who were Pd college in Toronto with the late iexhibit, he halving secured P third pleased with his work.' Amatenr Chief Justice Sir M. C..Cameron, with In Choicest Lines and a fourth prize in a very large photography is now getting to be whom-he, was out shooting when the - exhibit. His birds are attracting quite a fad and modern methods latter lost a limb, - Sllverwore Cutlery Carving Seta attention and elicitingman are such that a child will soon ---•t f , -favorable comments from poultry learn to become proficient in the SALE REGISTER. ;. .fanciers. Thomas Andrew also art. It is a most pleasant pastime Parlor Lamps, Etc. ,stands well up in the list of prize- and many a delightful hour 'is MONDAY, Ditc. 13TH, 1909—Postponed winners. passed in manipulating a photo- auction sale of 110-acre farm;horses, �[•M- -Wm. Wilson is progressing graphic outfit. cattle, implements, etc., the:proper- nicely with the re-modeling of the —Application has been made at ty of the late James White, at lot All kinds of suitable Presents. Sullivan house recent} purchased Ottawa for the incorporation 28, con. 5,'Pickering(I mile east of Call and see our fine dis la y potation of Whitevale). Sale at one, farm of- p Y• J by him on Elizabeth street. The the company that purposes to fered at 2 o'clock. See dodgers. roof has been raised considerably build the electric railway known Thos. Poucher, Auctioneer: .You'll ll find exactly what you want. and shingled with the Pedlar Peo- as The Toronto Eastern, which TUESDAY. I)EC. 21sT—Auction sale of pple a product. The dwelling will will rnn from Toronto to Cobourg farm stack and implements, hay, be plastered throughout and then with several branch lines. It is grain, etc., the property -of C. W. u neatly painted. When completed expected that the bill, through Weatherilt & Sons, lot 7, con. e, O S• H• B U DY Mr. Wilson will have a neat and the efforts of Mr. Fbwke, will Pickering township. 9 months cred- cosy residence in a very desirable come before parliament in the it. Wm.Maw, Auctioneer. sall locality. Such enterprise in to be 'course of a couple of weeks, and WEDNESDAY, DEc. 22ND, 1909-Auc_ PATENT �1VI ED/C/NES commended. it is said that as soon as favorable tion sale of 8 acres of standing tim- —F. E. Gee has removed the reports-are received fro►n Ottawa ber on lot 17, con. 8, Pickeiring, the Fi fence in' front of his premises surveyors and engineers' wilT`1ie property of 1J. E. Pugh, Bale at , •Dodd's Pills 40c, all cough medicines at 22c,. ocenpied by A. G. Green. Nearly sent out to locate the line which one, See bills for particulars.. T. ALL DOLLAR .'Chase's Pills 22c, Pink Pills 37c, Castoria 80c, all the fences on the,north side of will be rushed towards completionPoucher, Auctioneer. MEDICINES 'Seigle's Syrup 55c, Minard's Liniment 22e, Allan's King street. have now been re- as uickly as possible. The head - AT 75c. Lung Balsam 22c, Butter color 22c, Chase's Nerve inoved. This adds much to the o;#e of the company will be lo- PICKERING MARKETS Food 45c. nod's, gulf jackets, new dress Dods, appearance of the place, Unless cated at Oshawa. The company — y R J g a fence is kept in the best of re- will begin operations Rith'a ca it- Red Wheat.. $1.06 ;men's mitts, gloves suspenders, ties, hose. Good lenders pair, their presence detracts from al of one million dollars most of White 1.08 . '•.•fresh 'groceries always on•haud. the beauty of a lot. When re- which is Oshawa money. . The Mixed ,.••••• ••• "' 1'� SPEC/A L-20 lbs. Redpath granulated sugar, $�, rrroved lawns can be kept much promoters do not expect any diffi- Goose • ..... ............ .90 VV better, and in every rorty the alp- the c in securing an entrance into Buck heat.... .... NEDWARD BRYAN, `' :PICHERING I.cit:auce is improved. the city. F)a.rle