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_ a'r s Evidence Now in the hands of :.
d .fir President.
ip4afew itmai SarD41r. HIGHLAND CREEK otic Club Pres e
The October meeting of the W om- T ;
Mediieat en's Institute will be held at the home of Dr.Despatch from Portland stat is also a lawyer of high stand- K
VITAL of Mrs. Geo. McIntosh, Port Union, town, in and Pear
0. N. FISH,. M. D. on Thursday. October 7th, at 2.80 p. farm.adjoiningKc Commander Robert g, y's personal ootimseL
PHYSICIAN AND sII$Gsox m. Ladies are cordially invited to killed while helpitr all of his evi-
Membter of Ooll"e of Physician e sad sargeoa•. •
.Out `Aaociate Coroner, County of Ontario. The Wonderful !attend• bursting of the euE 'ONLY WAY TO REACH POLE.
Hours--e to 10 a.m, and 1 W s and d to s cause. parte of it etrikir Dr. Cook did
Brougham,out. 11-17 ATHA thigh and also in the Tet3�gle, as he A despatch from New York p
PICKERING MEDICAL SURGICAL heart, Medical aid was of nc f Gen, says: Twelve hundred persons st-
L 1 f e — G 1 v e r Mrs. J. B. Hoover is on the sick list. Blair leaves three sons and one k, tend`�d the banquet given on
and X-RAY INSTITUTE rtrs. O. G. Nighswander is spending ghter to bear the loss. But a fe � Thursday 'night in the grand ball-
a time in Toronto. months ago his brother died as the re- of the Waldorf and ad'acenft ?s
Have YOU Tried it Mr. Carrettie, of Toronto, is spend- sult of an accident.
t. W GIN TOWLE. M. B., M. D., C. M.� lIl honor Of Dr. Frederick
ingg a time at J. Mowder'e. • �• by the Arctic Club, of
- Physician-in-charge T. Reesor and family, Cedar Grove, Thompson'9 sale,October 2nd.
Specialist in Bec:sl Diseases Prostatic Dis spent Sunday at J. Mowder's. The doctor made &
a hof Ater. Dieeasee of Women, Csaoara, Mrs, H. Roper and Mitis Florence, of JamesQ4d nothing to wbaf
Tumors,X-Ray examination. Diseases of eye, positives Cures diseases due to 'Altona, a ant Mbnda 'at J. Scott's. DUNBARTON ,
ear.nose,throat and lunge. Pitting glasses and y P y about his dib- 7
"all aonseand chronic diseases. T. Dunkeld and family spent Sun- W. Dunbar and F. Dales have re SVhole9ale and Re
he should
Qsee Hours 18 to 9 and I to 9 4917 impure blood. We. a box or.six day at Levi Burkholder's, Markham. turned to Toronto to resume their for a ti
William Scott and '.Mrs. John Scott, Pickering, Ont.
Leyai. boxes for$1.00., For sale at Mc- Sr., spent Sunday_ at James Scott's, work at College. od-
Markham. R. H. Carson has purchased the e•
Mowbray property on the 7th conces- Best rice paid for choice
�• H. FAREWELL, Q. 0., BAFiRi$- Fadden's Drug Store,Pickering. Fred. Marshman, of 9th line, Pick-. p 1
a) a TZ.B.County Grown Attorney,and County ering, is moving this week into Thos. cion and will move•theeeon in March butcher's cattle.
Aakttor. court House.Whitby. 10-v next. We -will be sorry to lose Mr.
house. and Mrs.Carson and family.John Scott spent Tuesday at N. y Choice melt will be found at our
LT. BARCLAY,Barrister-at-Law, The Shredded'Wheat banquet given
• BoHcitor,Notary Public,Special Eaami- BostwiCk's, near Newmarket,and Pur- in the church here on Tuesday even- ' shop at reasonable prices. "
nor for Riga Court of Justice, 8necewor to chased some fine Cotswolds. a,
!(agars Dow d McGillivray. Brock street, ing under the auspices of the Ladies'
wsaitb7 y n Call and see 119. Prices right
y CLAREi4IONT Aid Society was a decided success.
SCHOOL, REPORTS The Sbedded Wheat Co. spares no i
'�y-�yT H.-WARKE, SOLICITOR AND Monthly. report for S. S. No. 10, Paine in making their part of the pro-
7• . NOTARY PUBLIC. (anoCMsor to- liSe FURNITURE STORE Pickering. Sr. IV.—Maggie Duncan, gram a success. The supper is an I Al
-David Ormiston).Whitby. Mr. Sydney North- gg unique one'and is thoroughly enjoyed Monuments .1 '�'
00160,who is anociated with Kr,Warke,attends Libbie Farthing, Archie Mechin, Jeg- q g Y
at"iekering on Wednesdays. in the place to get the best" sie Hanson absent. Sr. III.—Jennie' by every one who site down to the
Loans arranged. 4117 tables, Mr. Hewitt has charge of the
Furniture at the lowest Duncan, Roy MacGregor. Russel g Having secured thea ens for
�' Philip,
'Marion Philip. Jr. III.—Fred work and in H short address during R a y
>� the program told of the advanta es of the Ontario Granite and Mar
Qe�'et�'1">r• :Middleton, Eva Hanson, Sarah Nort-- P g K, • .ole Works, Brampton, I am
v- prices, also on, Hilda Middleton, Gladys Bogle. "natural food." The supper was fol- p
WALTEWALTER L. HOWDEN, D, V. S• lowed b an excellent program, con- - prepared to furnish alk work in
Ontario veteanary Colleze: Sr. 11.—Frank Stevenson, Gladys y p R .the granite and marble linea
Member aduatOntario nt&rio erinar l Collet PICTURE' FRAMING, Brodie, Charlie Hanson and Alice Lis- tributed by the Whitevale Methodist g
Memo r to Di. Va iii say o2coMedical
Bing sit T Combe absent. Sr, Pt.• IL—Hai:el Choir, Misses White and McBrien, of at the veru lowest prices.and
)Ptokariag. sT CURTAIN POLES, Middleton, Wilmot Shea. Cecil 'Phil- Whitevale, Mr. Lynda, of Pickering, workmanship guaranteed.
lips, Lorne Brodie. Sr. I—David and the popular elocutionist, Miss Gcods shipped where desired.
HOFHINs,VETERINARY 8IIR- and kinds of repairing. ps Merry. of Toronto, who always de- See me before placing your
GBON, A2ND DENTIST, Etc, and p g Hanson, Pearl Phillips. Jr. L—Aad- lights her audiences. That the ro order. Lettering-done on the
Graduate of the On16ario Yet -Inary ooi_ rey Phillips. Charlie Liscombe. No g P' - shortest notice.
bp, Toronto, registered member of the tarn wag a recanted was Shown b
report for tablet classes. M. Estella R pP y
Oawia veterinary Medical Association. 'f• Welsh Teacher. the fact that every number was most C, W. GIBBONS ChLretnont
See and,residence .one and one quarter miles T '
ooreb of Green Bdver. omc.and shoeins forge L N D E.RT A Pi I N G heartily encored which brought forth
ttoan s to 11 a.m.,and 1 to 4 p.m. Private ready responses. The chair was ably s
telephone in my 621ce P.Q. address, (Preen lII connection. Attend Hewson Thompson', sale filled b the actor, Rev. Mr. �1ic- ' Y
y P . 00AL
Stv.r, Slat, Fadyen, Hard and soft. 4
J- �' � T'7 e T , bTOUFFYILLE E K
�u4ftsgss� QtiarDs. Sal .ca. .i.r.
Don't forget Thom sons stock
As Dr. Smith contemplates taking 8 p -
WQ. HAM=Issuer of Harris e a residence down town he has decided and implement sale.
��� t (CLAREMONT =.iTT3�2BR
a lJo.nss in the Oona of onto, to digpc� a of his residence on Rupert
Tlakeringvillage_ 47ly ave.. West End. GREEN RIVER Lath and Shingles.
HOPPER Issuer of Macri a Ob Saturday last N. Forsyth met �TT
aR yy Frank Turner was a Toronto visitor CE��EZV .L
D. Lloetrses in the Conary of Oatarlo, with a painful accident. His cow
Otos at Stora and his residence.Claremont. swung its head round and the point of this week. Prices right.
- SAVE TRIS PRESCRIPTION her born enhered his mouth, tearing Miss Lowrie was a Toronto visitor •p 7
]NORWAY HOUSE.—Norwa his cheek, the wound requiring five this week. -,C R E E SO161
Hi�R " Road. Particular attention y. stitches. , t is w nicely.. The Harvest Home was well attend- s !
attending thw Toronto m+Stets improvinged on Sunday Isar.
lr..t accommodation under the new manage Por 8rdaey Troubles Messrs. Berkey Bros. have complet- y LOCUST HILL
saan16, Cbarpo moderate. J.J.itM7aon, Pro- aid their fine new brick foundry build-
friends E. Doter, of Markham, visited
tsar., _.- lastnda in (been River on Monaay Pickering Lumber Yard
l�� ing and they are now moving their
R.BEATON,TOWNSHIPOLERH' and Rheumatisme machinery into it. The newstructure Mr. and Mie. Buckindale, o! Mon
Conveyancer, Commissioner far t.ksag is ani up-to-date one, and the firm have 011e. Visited their son, Frank, this
amdavlts, Aceoantant. Eta Kessy b Loan eve ,scalar for doin Seat-clans g All kinds of building material 'inciad
ea!sans "Issa•s of Marriage Lie 1 os. Componad Carpesia; oz.Fluid work. y 8 week• ing rough and dressed lumber,.
toss- hi . . Ont• 1-v Extract Dandelion, and enough Syrup One of our most esteemed residents, Misses Maggie and Mary Boyd visit lath. etc.
POSTILL, Licensed Auctioneer, Sarsa ills, to make a four ounce ed with their sister, Mrs. Hornshaw, Car B. C.shingles in transit expected `
��1 Pte' (isorge Robinson, died on Friday mor- f3 P'� -
L� . foe Ooaaties of York and Ontario. Aae- mixture. Take a teas oonful after nin last from hemorrhage in tyy hold �t ro°eek• to arrive on or about Oct. .1st. :at
eros sales of all kinds attenaed to on abortion P [ever. Deceased was in his 8bth year. Some of our young people attended $2,56 per square in lot of 10
oat.oe. Adores Green giver P.o., Out, meals and at bedtime.
He was born in Markham Township the melon party Riven by the Beare square or over. x
B: POWELL, Licensed Auc- Prepared only.at McFadden's )rru Bros.. Whitevale.
�. tiles co for Ontario either
York COL All P Y' 6 and was a successful Farmer for many Mrs. Eli Nigbswander has returned W. D. GORDON c$ SON.
at sales aoaanated dthet pslvattly or by 'Se- years near Altona, removing here home after spending a week with her
agollon. sale sots collected. Par dates or about four years ago.—Tribune. daughter, Mrr�. Ellis. of Ashburn. M
oWw autan apply at rwrdeaoe, slizabetb g
Mvaarrttii Have your eyes examined by us. We G3Ef= the BEST
/l, Plsksring. Orden lett at hews O>soe will A number of our people intend 6nk- s
rwai7a prompt attention. 1517, guarantee satisfaction. GREENWOOD ing in Markham Farr next.week, also IT PAYS
POUCHER, Licensed Auction. the Ladies'Aid at David Annie's on %
To ear, valuator, Collector and issuer of - .Mrs. Bruce, of Toronto,and a lady .. One school that stands at the-hean -
��{ .Wednesday+nest.
asarriage liceoca An kinds of sacs. anise T. M. C FADDEr friend are spending a week with Rich- At time of writingwe hear that our in Thoroughness, Popularity and
eaadnoted arra vrla•ttoas made at mod- i and and Mrs. Wilson. 'football boys have play Brussels at G}emmne Merit is.the
MOM dhsage, $states and consignments con. Dru ist and Optician, The Ladies' Aid held a very success- �
swntly managed and sold by auction or -Druggist P Galt on Thursday afternoon. As that
private we. Mortgages, rents• notes and ful ice cream social in the parsonage is too late to send word to rens, weZQJ�
socoants PICKERING, ONT. P
a1 promvtly collected arra satin Tuesday evening. The house wasfull. •
factory setlemeots guaranteed- phone or The program given chiefly by friends will give results next week.
write for termv and vs,--titulars, Bro�� Alph. and ,Mrs.'Hoover and Miss a �"
Ost. .Do$" maybe axed by pbon:dzwe from Brougham was of a high order. Lily Wilson,' -in company with the
0114010. y lie people seemed Lo enjoy them-
, Whitevale Methodist choir. attended .TORONTO. ONT.
Dillin hams selves and good older revailed all
g p the banquet at .Dunhartnn on Tues- It enjoys a lar a iitro°a a because i
Undertaking Parlors through the program. the proceeds time. g P g
Wagner � Cos �a day et•eaing last and report a good its superior work is so well known. '
were$...,.00. P
Died at Greenwood on Tuesday, t:he Get yourtraining hereand you will
King street; Pickering. Miss Maggie Wilson, who has been be satisfied. All
'48th of September, Wm. Pengelly, graduates easily
Have a full line of trash and sur- Calls b da or ni ht prom tl g Y ill for some time, was taken to Toron- e
y y niglit P Y aged 77 ears. Deceased• tine been a get positions. Catalogue free.Enter:
attended to. Te ephone fainiliar figure on our'streets for some to General Hospital last week to und- now. '
ed meats constantly on hand. S ergo an operation for appendicitis. At ' :.. .
(Bell or Independent.) forty years, having run .the tannery present she is doing as well a§ .can be :`W. J. ELLIOT, Principal.
s iuth-of the villalre. In politics he �.
Spice Roll, Breakfast BaCop, was a conservative and in religion a expected. H . i Cor. Yor_ge& Alexander Sts. a
Ham, Bologna, Weiners, etc. Methodist. Besides a widow he leaves i
lI n s n n n e e three children : Miss Georgie, a nurse, Reiuember Hewson Thompson's
Highest prices paid for i a of Scranton. Pen., who gave.up her sale to iuor•row (SR'tueday) { r��
Butcher's cattle. position and came home to comfort .�..
o Of all kinds—Beet always recons- and adilrinister to the wants and the BROUGHAM PRESENTATIONS
3' wishes of her aged father: James, of
9ickeping ,Avera ended. Kicsale, and William, at home. The .'
;,� ,., '.Hiss M. Feasby has returned from y
remains were interred at Salem on the city. and Gifts
Thursday afternoon, when the Rev. Robr, J. Cowan spent a few days in
First•olass rigs for.hire Conveyancmg Done. Robeson, a forwer pmtor of this cir- Toronto last week-.
cuit, assisted Rev. Tucker with the Miss E. Gile, of Toronto, is visiting
Day Or nigLt - ?:gots and Notes Collected. service.' The family have the sympa- Miss Marie Wilt-son.
Bus meets all tT&lII8 Charges reasonable, thy of the community. Quite a number from here attended
. • . the social at Greenwood. We make a specialty of presen•
Teaming promptly attended to 150 acre'Farm for sale. PRINCE ALBERT Miss F.11a Linton is spending a few tations, gifts, and can quote you
-- days with friends in Toronto. a right price on anything in this
Agent for Canada Carriage Co. - If you want to buy sell or rent, call James MacBrien, inspector of public Born—On Friday, Sept. 24th, to H. line:
�• H• PPi�t� at my office. Bargains. schools for Northern Ontario,'died on and Mrs. Liscombe, a daughter. -
P{ckETing. Sunday at his residence here, at the Miss Olive Wilson, of Waterville, GOLD or SILVER HEADED
'W• V. Richards• ' ripe age of 77 years. The funeral took Ban., is visiting at R. S. Phillips, CANES
L place on Tuesday afternoon to Pine '0. McGregor and friend,of Toronto, SOLID GOLD WATCHES,
The Neta Public, Pickerin Grove Cemetery. With the passing visited his brother George Sunday. SILVERWARE CABINETS, .a
Notary R• of Inspector McBrien one of the fore- Miss Minnie Brown has returned
DOMINION BANG most educationists goes. For over from a pleasant visit at Greenbank. GRAND FATHER CLOCKS,
• • 1 halfa, century he had put hismark Fred. Cowie, of Toronto, visited TEA SETS
, laeksmithin� upon education in Ontario County and under--the parental roof over Sunday. MARBLE CLOCKS,
]Fiend Ofsoe, Toronto • had large influence on the progress of John and Mrs. Hamilton. visited
e�� educational ideals in the province: In friends at Myrtle Sunday and Mon- ELEGANT SILVERWARE
`General Banking Business' A general blacksmith busin6as done. his methods be was or
and aimed dayy PIECES, ,r
All kinds of repairing neatly and at the beat results. I was the per- T'V. R. Alger, of Windsor, and' E. :1iEDALS and PRIZE CUPS. �
_ promptly executed. sonification of good nature, bubbling Wardell, of Midhurst, visited over Gold Mounted Pens andbun-
At att8IIt10II giVfiII 160 Horse-shoeing a-Specialty-
over with keen Irish wit. At all Sunday with Mrs. W. Hubbard: dreds of ocher small things.
B ' 1 y• public gatherings he was a welcome Mrs. Cowan and daugtiter, Aggie,
the C011eCt10II ;of Q-ORLON # LA,�Tf, and honored guest. He made no small spent last week with her brother, We invite your inspection. ` -
reputation as an orator, possessing as Frank and Mia. Hash,of Claremont. No trouble to show goods.
sale notes. PICKERING, ONT. he did a wide vocabulary,a command- Wm. Dolphin's sale on Tuesday
_ ing presence and a voice that lent afternoon was largely attended. The
pAVIN(I8 DEPARTMENT. itself to changes of feeling. As a prices were good and everything pass-
Term of 1909 friend he was steadfast. Many a man ed off most satisfactorily.
�epCBlt® received Of ,$1, and CANADIAN Ten per cent cheap now successful in the great cities of Mrs. Beane and son. who have been R. N $ASSETT
upwards. BUSINESS er, ten per.-cent bet- Canada owes his first start on the road spending a few weeks with George D.
COLLEGE ter for Mines, to prosperity to the kind encourage- and Mrs. Linton, left on Tuesday for JaWELL$x Aa-D OPTi IAN
�tere&t allow@$ at higbest TORONTO Shorthand and Mat- ment and help of Inspector McBrien. their home in Capac, Minn. -
alirreht rates, tic, With his death, the oldest P. S. in- All Sons of Temperance are request- opposite new post office)
Booklet free. R. A. Farquharson, Spector dies. His like will never be ed to meet in the Temperance Hall on .
CHAS. D. GORDON, Manager B.A., Principal, Corner Yonge and seen again. Others will come, but Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. This W'1FX1r33Y o v7t•
B'.00r Ste. none better or more worthy to inspire is imperative as important business
the our . will be transacted. Dg- saw�
''W'HITBY. BRANCH. e y g idea. i
�g3. .,w
g the _...
ra. . Notre, 4 A --- r ..;FROM THE BLOOD � x
e up of
the a d 1H.ALLEY'8 COMET -SHOWt3
upon them" (38). EVERY r8 YEARS.
- A Remedy Which Assists Uaturel
uteri-Luke is the only _ -
estament writer who uses -
Makes a Cure Which is Perm&- z
is word. Both here and in Luke First Mentioned in. History in U aellt as This Case Prates.
23. 21, it describes the din of i. B. C.-Hae Slice Returned
stead tr,ultitude. Every sufferer from rheumatisra
midst of 35. The stairs-Leading from the <24 Times. Wants to ba cured and to ata
temple area to the castle, and tin- cured. •The prospect of the fre=
ream to turn Astronomers are often asked if quent return of the, trouble is nob
covered,. as is shown .by the fact
into one great that Paul was able to address the they are not •soon expecting a fine
ord. comet. They always answer no, be attractive to anybody who has gone �.
crowd. through one siege. Most treat- ,fit
asy ms ter to criticize 36., Away with him-The '-same cause,..with one exception, all the ments aim simply to "keep down., k•, 4 ?
re for her failure to go fine comets i,eln.ig to the,unexpectr
cry raised by the Jews against the rheumatic poisons in.the blood. r,
t doing goad, for being so ea- Jesus. eii class. - This one exception is The tonic treatment by Dr. Wil-
rossed in her burdens that she has 37, 38. Dost thou know Greek i Halley s comet. Its period is 76 liams' Pink Pill's has proved by
o nu strength for those of the world. Art thou not then the Egyptian 1- years and it is due.in 19x0. its first hundreds of cures that it builds up
rea- ,But criticism isnot cure.• And'all recorded appearance was in 11 B. I i
Evidently the captain knew that wire blood-to a point tl�.at enables
eat lead- our criticism is.but self-aecusati'on. Q. when it was said to have been �
this Egyptian who for some reason i„ to cast out these poisons through
A congregation c6n posed of indi- suspended over Rome like a fiery
hF suspected 'Paul of being, was the regular channels of excretion-�• <
station is to ex- vidtials who have been silencing useable to speak Greek. .The ban- sword for several week prior to the bowels, the kidneys and theiq
azareth instead of conscience dpminant all the week the death of Agrippa. It has $ince
rill leader of the 'Assassins (or skin. When this is done the rhea= .
m, to Donut ourselves.,will be likely to want it soothed by Sicarii),. according to Josephus, in- returned 24 times. matism is permanently .cured, a
tory if we take what we'soporific s7llogisms on Sunday. sl fired his men to murder tnfluen- ��a have a drawing as it.appear- as long as the blood is kept par
e right attitude toward him, I Often the'most logical arguments tial Jews who were friendly to eel in 684 in the Nuremburg Chron- and rich the patient will be treel
ow our faith in, his attributes ai, the divinity of the Lord come. Rome. Thirty thousand of these icle, and another representation of from rheumatism. . Mr. Thomas(
and authority, and stand ready to 'from the lips of tl-ose who lead the men tried to break into Jerusalem its appearance in 1066. The latter McNeil, Richibucto, N. B., says:•-i
defend him with syllogism against' most diabolical lures. t y force from the Mount of Olives, is by Queen Matilda in the Bayeux "Permit me to bear tbstimony to'
all the assaults of his critics. But THE CONSTANT DANGER hnt were dispersed, and the Egyp- Tapestry. At this latter appear- the worth of Dr. Williams' Piahf
i teacher's worth depends not o_ fence it was a very ,plendid object
r the ability of le to analyze him is that we shall substitute the logic flan escaped. Pills as a cure for acute rheums-,
y people of a theory for the living of rte 39. I am a Jew, of Tarsus • ,'.. a and`sprea,d dismay throughout Eu= tism. My son, Frederick; was sub-1
r bnt'on then catching his vision and principle. It is of no value to this citizen of:no mean city-Tarsus was rope. It was generally conceded �iect to this 'painful trouble for s
power. pu orldto rove that a man once.was a city of rare'culture, devoted to st the'time that it foretold the con- rind of eight ht or ten years, and
The contemplation of Christ is P iz g g p
P divine if men are not to-day actu- Philosophic studies, and as citizen- quest'of William the Conqueror. duels this time eriodical attacks'
continually being substituted for ship there was confined to a se- +Similarly-in 1123 it foretold the would re ulari occur. His last at.•
the character of Christ. Men wor- ally becoming more divine. g y
., Living' is religion's mostconvinc- lect.few, its possession was a marl- death of Philip Augustus of France. tack was a most, severe one, andi
ship him by admiring terms, they in logic. In the field of met - of rank. WAS 6UPERB OBJECT. the pains were excruciati in the,
are judged by their theories as to 8 g 40. Beckoned with the hand unto extreme, shootingthrough the vari.
bis divinity, and seldom or never sics mast minds wander as in a In 1456 it was a superb abject g
the eo le.-The captain must have P
try their likeness to his divineness. l=aze; in the field of character ar-d released one of the chains for the aFPearing about the time the Turks ons parts of the body p such of i
conduct seen a child finds the way. extent that seen the approach o!
They mock his character by analyz- � time being. This, with the gesture sacked Constantinople. In 1682 it an person would cause him to cr
In it instead of making it their They who love do not need to argue g' vcas observed b the Astronomer y Y,
3nspiration to ,leek about erne; they who live its faith
made by Paul, would really gain Y cut with fear, and he had rest nei-
can let it speak for itself. No one the great silenoe among Orientals. Edmund Halley, who computed its Ther day or night. Our family docs
THE SAME PATH OF LIFE. Chapter 22, verse 1. The defense orbit on the Plan suggested by tor, a-man of skill and experiencQ,'
makes anv mistake who reads the P :Newton. He showed that it was,
Lay our lives beside his.and how religion of a life. -T.sal made four points in his own applied many remedies without
' do they look i Compare the church Both those who are seeking to a behalf: (1) that he was. a Jew by
identical with the great comets of avail, and could give ne encourage-`
With her master, or, better,_ test force_a "shibboleth" on the world birth and. training, and had been �1531 and 1607, and predicted its re- stent other than that the warmer
'it by the community in onion it and those who are, criticizing the zealous for the law to the point of turn in 1758. This was the first weather then approaching might
stands. Do the needy, flee sad, the church 'for her wain pretenses are Perst€eating the Christians; (.) that time the return of a comet had prove beneficial. Just at this tim4i,.-
disconsolate, the erring, the-per- wasting time. 'The day is so short bis conversion eame through a di ever been preaicted. we noticed where some person aim
1 vine intervention,' and was con
plexed, seek it out i Is it to them and human need so great;the night HALLEY 'W ANTED CREDIT., ilarly afflicted had been cured d-
an asylum, a refuge, a living toeing comes soon frtien we can no.longer Soloed by a later revelation to Ana- Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and deci
nias; (3) that -after his conversion Halley-knew that he would not ed to try .them. He kept on using
'irriend Z .This is the test of Chris Pliow the right life and the true he continued to worship in the tem- live to see the verification of his
tianity. 1\o matter how ornate its. lova for one another.. Why, waste' l? the Pills, each succeeding' boa
le, and received a vision there; Prediction-he was born in 1633 -
"building, how elegant its services, our hours debating over history, p showing improvement, until be had
(4) that because cf the,unbelief of 'but h,: Left a somewhat plaintive,
how orthodox its doctrines, the seeking agreement on words 4 t4-,e .Jews,-God had sent him to the as well as patriotic appeal, behind taken ten . bones, when all pains
uahurch is worthy only as it moves If, we really' desire the best- and Gentiles. him: "Wherefore if it should re- and aches had completely die. o
amongst men as their burden bear= holiest things, if we seek the heav- Fathers-Members of fhb 6anhe- turn according to our prediction geared, and although his mode o!
i ger• enly life for all, must we not lay drin and rabbis. about the year of 1759, impartial life is that x a fisherman, and an
iNhat need is there to remind aside the weapons of mutual con-
3. Gamaliel-The realest schol- posterity gill not refuse to acknow- sequently'e posed to both wet and
ourselves how unlike to this many' $ict and take up the tools of hu- g cold, he has had no return of say
.,churches are? Often the stained alias service? Th•g`' better day for ar of his age among the Jews, and ledge that this was first discover-
„ of the symptoms whatever. Thi
EIasa serves but to hide the sight .%shich all long;will not come by any still .referred to by thcm� as a mss bd by an Englishman. The comet
y cure is complete, and .is entirely
of exceptional ability: Be was reappeared 'Christmas night, 17158• due to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills."
tf squalor and the peal of the or- agreement on words,'but it will be cabled "the beauty of the law." At its last return in 1835 it was
an to drown the wail of woe. It hastened by honest, helpful kind- y You can get these Pills from any
6 b. The estate of the elders.-The x fine object. with a tail 30 degrees medicine dealer or they will-be sent
seems a thing apart, set to save ness, right and love. to which all Sanhedrin. in length. Nevertheless it was dis-
itself, or to serve as an oasis for worthy leaders have called us. 8. Jesus of Nazareth-The other a intro and by no means equal by mail at 30 cent a box or six
dal accredited travelers in the HL'\RY F. COPE. FPO• g bones for 82.30 by The D. Williams'
y counts. of Paul's • conversion in brilliancy to its earlier appear-
Medicine Co., Brockville, Out.
(Act_. -- --.
THE SUNDAY SCHOOL against him. Jess i and 26) do not refer to antes:
g �` Jesus in this way.
Thou teachest . . to forsake 11. Could nit ace for the tory of,
Moses as we do, from the that light-This is the on glory
acts and words 'of Paul, how per- where this explana#ion of his blind
.I\TER\ATIOr:1L LESSON, rertee was this accusation, we can ness is given. As Article for Mothers. ' One That t'ses Fin as Sail-
understand the ferocity of his de- 14. The God of our fathers-No- the Dorado is Caught.
OCT. 3. aunciations of these malicious Ju rice that in the mind of Ananias
When the children "break out" with
erupucns and atm diressea so common in the One of the InOBt interestingof
there was no thought of rupture f,,,, don't run to uselco and aauseaun fish of Japanese waters is the ri-
23-26. The JerusslPmelders. while .filth the Jews. medicines, Zam•Bukis what is seeded it ental sa:l fish (Histiophorus orien,
Lesson 1.. Paul a Prisonee the recognizing and confirming the Yb- 15. All men-A stupid ,avoidance is&'akin food as well as a healing balm; talis).' The general name, given by,
erty of the Gentiles, as guaranteed' of the hated ward "Gentiles." Airs. Chas. 1,evere, of 1're>c it, North Dr. Gunther, means the sail bear-
Arrest. Coldfn Teat, Channel; .Uot-, tells how Z..'o lick cured
to them by the great council, urge 1;. `When I had returned to Je her batty. the say.:-"hey uaoy's bead cr and refers to the huge dorsal fin
2 Tim. '_': 3. upon Paul-a course which may dis- rusalem. -the visit referred to in . and face was one complete mess:of sores. possessed by the species.
- arm his accusers of their preju� Acts 9. 26. Paul had -been%mean- 'the itching and irriiaaon were ferrtnl, and The -fin stands higher than the .
Verse 18 James-It seems to,be dices: In, shirt, he is to ally him time in Arabia, the little one's pii ht was so tearful that at, body abov3 it and is used as a sail
established beyond doubt that this. self 'with some humble Naairites While 1 prayed in the temple -= oue time we feared er ears would txeatea oti' before the wind. It is a large fish
is one of the brothers of our Lord. ,(see Num. 6. •1-21) and complete Such a man would not be likely to "we had to keep her hangs tied for days to
feet in length and weighing 164
Ve was the acknowledged head of with them the final urifica 0.11 disesteem Jewish observances. , for
o prevent her rubbing and scratching the 1 B g g
P , lures. Doctor after actor treated her to pounds. T1ey swim about usually
Abe church at Jerusalem. ceremonies of a vow which they Fell into 'a trance-Paul had vain, until we had had five doctors. They ire pairs in rough and windy wea-
All the, elders °were present - had assumed. As. an evidence of many of these experiences. all agreed it teas a frightful a+se of eczema, , ther with the huge fins above the
These men eonstituted the govern- good faith, he is to 'pay for ail.the 18. Get tliec quickly out' of 'Je- but note of them did any permaaeut good. water.
Brent of the church-, together with sacrifices, and remain in the tens- rusalem-•His stay' lasted only fif- •� "As a last resource we were advised to try It is a favorite food fish and the
James. ple until the full ordinance is ob- teen days_ Zam•Buk, The first bo:didso much good
that we felt sure we were at last working in annual catch i8 nearly 2,000,000
19. He rehearsed one by one - served. In this .way -the disaffected .21, 22. Unto the Gentiles. -'And the right direction. we persevered with the pounds. The Sail fish is caught by
Luke was present, blit omits the de- will see'he does not neglect the.law, they gave him audience unto this treatment until we had used tnirteeo•bo:e:, ,means of a' Harpoon..
Itails of Paul's narrative, as •the and he himself will contradict none word-They restrained themselves and at the end of that time I a:u glad to say Another ff,,A fish known as a1'
round has already been covered.so cf his'own teaching Or practice,,as until Paul reached the-point..where Zatn•Bukeffected acurt." dolpin or dorado. is sometimes
fully. he has already. "declared himself 1-c could no longer keep back the [lira Holl. Guise Street Hamil-
g P caught in a curious.way.., The fish-'
20• Thou asset how many willing to become all,things to• all 'hated word, then their violent pas- ton,is quire as'eloquent is her praisei, she
es congregate under a deco bush'
says:-••Zam-t.uk cured my boy of boilsy
thousands'-there are among the Yuen, 'for the,sake of-the gospel, to 'sign broke.forth. and eruptions when be was so bad.that he and raft made of bamboos, and
Jews of them that have` believed- the Jews becoming as a Jew, that 23. Tied •him it with the thongs had been unable to raiz moth other children. are then caught by hooks bait A
It was the feast.of Pentecost, about he might gain them. =•Stretching the prisoner forward Prior io the boils breaking out ne had had a with squids. Or the decoy bush is
twenty-seven years'after the rnira- 27. Seven days-The appointed by means of straps, so that lie will bad eruption, but 'Lam-Buk cleared this sinr.rounded by a seine.net and the
culous gift of the Hol • Spirit. The time for the fulfilment of the vow he in position for the scourging. sway too, and. made his skin clear and
g y P P g g' smooth. It is a wonderful preparation, and dolplits are driven by. beating the
greatest problem which• Mad arisen in the seclusion of the temple. �.- mothers throughout the land should always surface of the water with sticks.
siuring that- time must have been 28, Against the people,. and 'the BABY'S TEETHING TIME keep it handy" a This fish is eaten both fresh and salt
the one here me,-itioned, that the-e law, and -this place-A threefold Foreczema, eruptions,-rashes, teiter, itch, and is as great a favorite in west.
Jewish 'Christians were all zealous charge, namely hostility to the IS A TROUBL•OUS UYE ringworm,and similar skin di.eases,Zam-Buk ern Japan as -the salmon is in the,
for the .law. To them Christianity Jews themselves, contempt for their is without equal It also cures cuts,burns, Northeast.
ties one an improved Judaism and P When baby is teething the whole ae.Id., piles,abscesus, chronic sore•, blood•
y p law deseeration.of the temple. household is upset. The tender lit- poisoning, etc. All dru,gists and stores at
they clung tenaciously to all the This last, charge was,supported by tie gums.are swollen and infla cd, so cents a box, or post free for poke.from
,Mosaic ceremonials in •which they declaration that he. brought and the poor child often cries day Lam-Bnk Co„1'oroisto. -had been trained. The destruc- Greeks also into the temple. This and night, wearing the mother out ^'I' A POINTER ON MAKING SHOES
tion of Jerusalem was,necessary in reference to Trophimus (verse 29), and keeping the rest of the family 'ZONES AND GENDERS.' WEAR LONGER.
,order to make the complete break one of Paul's companions, a Gen- or. edge. In the homes where While inspecting examination- in this age there are many different
'Ibetween the old ,and new. tile from Ephesus, was, of course, Baby's Own Tablets are used there -papers recently, a teacher found forms of insuranre ngsinst lose from
21. They have been informed con- unfounded. The "Court of Israel" i� no such worry. The Tablets al- various humorous answers to ques- &lmost every conceyfable cause and it is
�terning thee-The' verb indicates was distinct from the outer court, lay the inflammation, soothe the ir- tions. A class of boys, averaging remarkable to note that we have now
that at Jerusalem : a systematic known as the "Court of the Gen- ritation 'and bring th-e' teeth ::bout twelve years of age, had been arrived at a point where it is possible
teaching had been going on in op- tiles;" and separated from it by'a throe h painlessly. Mrs. Jean to insure your new clothes against be-'
iposition to Paul, and as a result high wall with inscriptions threat g P y • examined in geography, the prev�i- coming prematurely worn -out, and no'
P Boutin, St. Marguerite, Que., says: ous da haven been devoted to
eat hostility had been' aroused ening death to all Gentile intrud "When I sent for Baby's Own Tab- day-having doubt when people are aware or this
�' Y y grammar. Among the geographical tact thousands will take advantage of it.
eves. Though Paul was not actual- lets my nine months' old baby was questions was the followinj: Shoe insurance in 'the form of ^Nugget"
-- - ly a subverter of the Mosaic law, stifferin greatly from teething „
' i h� had preached that a man was g g Y g Name•the zones." One ,promising Waterproof Shoo Polish is tete best kind
0011 t Grow ��d. laced by faith' in Christ and not troubles and I hardly got any rest. youth of eleven , years, who had of an investment, for it will double the
l+ words of the law. In the end A few doses of the Tablets reliev- mixed the two subjects, wrote, life of yonr shoes,.becanse it keeps les-
gy going around with gray hair when.Dr y' eel her, and the teeth seemed to "There era two zones, masculine ,'her 6ofL and pliable and prevents crack-
-!h'remain's Natural Hair Restorative wtti this would lead to a disregard of (come through painlessly." Sold and feminine. The masculine is lug
`'bring it bark to its natural color, even wile law even among the Jews.
'though it has been gray for year"..Two by medicine dealers or by mail at either temperate or intemperate; your dealer kreps' ^Nugget"-wh.v not
Persons might use from the same bottle 3o. Dragged him out of the tem- 25 cents a box from The Dr. Cil- the feminine is either torrid or inarre yonr shoes. it costs but loo
and the bair of one become blaoic and ple: and . . . the doors were shut Hams' Medicine CO: Bre;kVllle, „ Black or Tan.
tits other blonde, lust as thi y
-.,-ere in frigid.
Phis precaution was, doubtless, in- The "Nugget" is a Waterproof prepare.,
Ponth. ;t3o 1t is not a hair-dye; it wig not P Ont,
ure the scalp, and is o trouble to rip- tended to prevent a profanation of '-"- tion which in wet weather retains its
�pty. We guarantee �a�i�fcoon or mons the temple b the murder which --` The average man is a willing shine, and the pouch itself will not rub
(returned. Price one dotlaf, (Postage patd p y
THE TBF.MAIN SUPPLY CO., they were contemplating. He's a poor dentist who is un- worker-when he meets another off and soil t_.,o clothaj under any condi.
%:13 Wood St., Toronto. sidings came up to the chief able to make a good impression. man who'is willing to be worked. tions.
�j..�;r, "� ,.�,.+. ., .-. ,�s^rs' -a. .rw'...-.:fA-.'ice;:•.a."„ -.. �5b'x"„y'x.:'.,:•cam::,.. r'. '.� "^" '..r".> •-.x�.^r �:.'.- ':� s.. eR- -::" - rvw - •c-:i^gin
; ••`- ,.'.. ,5'.,r. ,... *'•-.*.y..,i.. .:'. >•..+o•r t',f, -v.-. •-asY'": �. ,``•,'..,�{.,',' 3• :a: ,.,�:.f •v:'✓°'w&C..: •w 5:."` i' +.'� _
.;. ,7.:.. ': .: ......� '...,... .�:Y•?:•?", r•.: -. ,r:.�. ,,..`,•.,.�. .,v. r., +q �k e:4�'•o�4.t`s„r„ .a�' ;�..: t,a 5a2�"� .+.,. yy, a h•;. '''s i.x.'
h69is+*�=w •c+`� ��,^^ "-"� r ,.r.r. `t, :a.' „ � �,7++..� - -h :v _.i ,r,"!`�'' `�»'. ✓° t ,.•t.�^"' w•; �.•- w ��, ,:�'ti:.
r. i.,, .a•..�.�.. , ,.r.:.. :: :: :. Y::3 r ::.•. -M t .dk ..a wv r'.L'�, .•v' '..•�'... .c,.n'y;q :.i..
h ":.,.• ...iX•,;t r.._.'�•h'I-.. k wa-.,,ar �'.,•% !i. �..,,.� ,,.1 rn .. ..• .J >+,,c^4� t 'vy. f•,
...- ,.. . .... ,,. ra�.Sl+..�ier.��„t,,.•..,�a ro.-+rr,.;.:... ,. a;�si• - ... .�.. ��^�n wwa,�. 'v'�;:'r',� axv'�a.c •+e+-e�+ k s.a ;3„� :�; <,:• s. .�:
Thirty Are`Dead and One Hundred and Fifth -- Peary's `Evidence Now in the Hands of �`
Seriousl4 It' red at Kiev, Russia. i'�°� Qt Cattle, Grain, cheese sect Arctic Club President,
J J. ;.Other Dairy Produce at
~' A despatch from Berlin says: several of whicdr have darkened xHome and Abroad. A despatch from Portland, ers, is also a lawyer of high stand-
Another mea'ssaere'of the Jews by Kiev's history in the last few years, 'BREADSTUFFS. Maine, nays: Commander Robert ing, and Peary's personal counsel.
the• Russians has taken place at .Hundreds of peasants were hired E. Peary has placed all of his evi-
giev, acoardin to information re by the reactionary party and they Toronto, Sept. 28•-Flour - On .dente to ONLY SPAY TO REACH POLE. q
:ceived on Wednesday by promin lea in the attack on the Jews. ,At tario flour 90 per cent. patents, $4 Prove that Dr. Cook did, T
P P not reach .the North Pole as he Ades etch from New York, `
' ' 'e& Jewe of this city. the height of'the mob's frenzy 100 to $4.05 in buyers' sacks on track, says he did, in the hands of Gen. says: Twelve hundred persons Me ;
The latest outrage began on last Jewish women and girls were seizca Toronto, and at $3.90 to $3.95 out- Thomas Hubbard of : New York tended ,the banquet 'given' on
Thursday the Jewish New Yea^'s by the drunken rioters, stripped of aide in buyer's sacks. Manitoba the president of the Peary Arctic Thursday night in the grand ball-
Day, anU lasted for three days, their 'clothes, chained together in flcur, first patents' $5.80 on tray
'aurin which time 18 Jews were a long line and paraded naked Toronto; second ateats, $5;30r, Club. He will not make any fur- roam of the Waldorf and adjacent
Pher move in the Controversy until'• rooms in honor of Dr. Frederick
killedoutright, 12 so severely in= through the streets,' while the and strong bakers, $5.10 to $5.20 on en. Hubbard has 'gone over all A. Cook, by the Arctic Club, of '
Jured that they subsequently die(', crowds of Russians jeered, reviled track, Toronto. • the documents he received on America. The doctor made a
and 150. seriously injured. Ther. and spat upon them. Two Jewish Manitoba Wheat-New No. 1 Thursday, and the two have con- speech, but added nothing to what -
were a thousand lesser casualti-m. boys-who sought to defend the wo- Northern, $1.04%: Bay ports,'and sulted tether. ho has ahead said about his die-
:besides the destruction of several men against this outrage were No.,2 Northern at $1.02% spot, Bay Peary announced from the Lab- covery. Hp did not think he should
hundred thousand dollars' worth of seized by the`leaders and thrown ports. . No. 1 Northern, $1.02, .Bay rad-or haven that he was bringing have appealed to anybody for a It- I
"Jewish property. The Jews had into a nearby bonfire that had been means -of
October shipment, and No. with him indisputable evidence to cense to look for the Pole, and ad-
but scant eans of defending built of the plunder of sacked, Jew= 2 $1.00, October shipment. cut the ground from under Dr. dad:-``A big ship is no advantage. j
' themselves, and succeeded in kiil i ish houses,"and roasted alive, while Ontario Wheat-No. 2, 93 to 99C Cook's claim to Polar achieve- An army of white men who at best
!ing but three of their Russian as. the mob danced about the flames. at outside points. mems. He would not accept any are novices are a' distinct h!in•
"ilants and injuria a ecore. One of the first acts of the mob, Barley For future delivery h,o.
injuring icvitabion•s or ovations, he said Int- drance, while a cumbersome luxury, `�,;"•�;
The reactionary party is respon- which had been made drunk before 2 55 to; 56c, and No. 3 extra 53 to er, at Sydney, until the matter of of equipment is fatal to progress.
Bible for the latest anti-Jewi.:h being turned loose for the murder- 544." outside. Cook's pretensions had been "final- We chose to live a life as simple as
.outbreak. It became earaged at ous work, was to rush to the sync- Oats-No. 2 Ontario white, new, ly settled. On Thursday
he turned that of Adam, and we forced the
the Jews for their support of tas gogue, where the rabbi was butch- 37% to 38%c outside. New Can- ever to the head of tha� associati u strands of human, endurance to r
reform movement, and decided to!erect and the congregation driven ads West oats, 39c, bay ports. which had financed his recent Po- scientific limits. If you ;will reach -
inaugurate the Jewish New ' Year,from the building. The edifice was Peas-No. 2 new, 77 to 80c out- lar expeditions, and which shares the Pole there is no other way. Ws
with another attack on the Jew-j, then demolished. side. with him the burden of present dis- were not overburdened with the
Rye-No. 2, 73 to 75c outside. ccmfurt 'the
' Proof on which his aids to pleasure. and comfort, but
Buckwheat-55 to b6c outside.
+s+ h!<88: 80BIN$ON SENTENCED guttered b fire, which broke out claim to being the sole discoverer I did .not start for that purpose.
Corn-No. Q American yellow, 77 T
bout 6.30 on Thursdaynight. The r• of the North Pc:le rests. Gen. Hu.b- The expenditure of a million doI- •
g to 77%,e on track,'Toronto. Cana
To be Hanged for the Murder of damage is estimated at from $50,• than 75e on track, Toronto. bard, besides being the president Lars would not have given us"a
' Two Grandchildren. �c10 to 573,000. Several neighbor Bran-519 outside in bulk for On- ct the association as- Peary's back- greater advantage."
A despatch from Sudbury says: ing stores and offices also suffered'. tario bran, and $21 to $21.50 for
s P The fire was discovered at 6.30 by shorts in bulk: Manitoba bran, No, .3 white, 71%c. Oats-Firm. Lying across the grave of his young
At 11.30 on Friday night Mr. Jus- men working in the job room, but ,
;:...''tire Magee eased sentence on 82:1.50 in sacks. Toronto freights; Cabal freights-1Yheat, .4/c to wife in Beechwood Cemetery, with
g P how it originated is a mystery. The shorts, $24, Toronto freights. New York• a bullet hole through his brain, E.
" Mrs. Annie Robinson, that she be 1
hanged on the 24th bf November, tames began their work on-the top B. Hamilton, $ former resident' o�
floor, and in an incredibly short COUNTRY-PRODUCE. Ottawa and latterly employed in
for the murder of the infants of time the whole u per flat was LIVE STOP MA]dKET. y
her two daughters, Jessie and El- wrecked The roof then fell in Apples-Cooking apples, $1,75 to New York by a boot and shoe Com-
len. Mr. Justice Magee e, ceased Montreal, Sept. 28-Prime$2 per barrel, and eating apples at �r piny, was found dead on Thurs-
g P and added'to the damage. Flames ipl Q5 to $2.73, - beeves' sold at 5 to 5,�c per lb. ; day afternoort by the caretaker of
his extreme sorrow for the pitiful ate their waydown •through the pretty good animals 3' to 4• c,
position of Mrs. Robinson, a wo- Beans-Prime, $8,Q5, and hand- F 3 e 3y, ,to � the cemetery. A revolver lying bo-
po other floors to the press room in picked, $3.40 to $2,45 per bushel. and the common stock, 2y to 3%c sive him on the`grave told the
man of forty-five, he said, broken the basement. In addition to the P p o et lb. • milch cows from $30 to
!a mind and body argd facing the dams a by fire, the lona b water Honey-Combs, dozen, $2.25 tb. p ,,, ,� story of the su'cide• Hamilton's
g y $55 each. Sheep 3,,' to 3;*c, and wife died a feu months ago, after
most serious of all ee9atences. He will be considerable. Arran e- $3; extracted, l0c per lb. ,� , B
oke of the f all ,&tendons of g Ray-No. I timot-hy, $13„30 to lambs 5,j to 51c per lb- Good the had been-married less than a
sp menta -have been made with The i$16 a ton on track here, aizd- No.. lots of fat hogs sold at 9-to 9%c ye r. On Wednesday he came from
ate ury for mercy, but did not Gazette to, publish the paper for per lb, dew York to look at h`er Brava ig
builu the prisoner's hopes for 2 at $14 'to $14.50.
P P P the present. There was an incur- ' Toronto, Sept. Q8. - Straight the cemetery Here. At -noon on
,executive clement Mrs. Robin- Straw-89 to $9.50. Y
Y ante of 5150,000 on the building end potatoes-GO to 65e per bag on loads of prime to medium butch- Thursday he called on the clerk at
Ron stood in the corner of the dock, contents.' P, ers' sold at from $4.93 to $3.50,but
her elbows resting on the rail, and track for Ontarios, and.73c for New all other grades were. from 15 to-' too cemetery 'of asked for the bill .
with bowed head buried her face , Brunswick. Q_ g for the care of the plot•• A. few
in her handkerchief. Her tears and TO BUILD iiIEN•OF-I`:AB• Poultry-Chickens, dressed,'14 to ?c lower. Very few exporters' moments •later.a pistol shot was
sobs were those of a broken.heart. 15c per lb. ; fowl, 9 to 10c; turkeys, ;ere on the market,and these were lceard near the grave of Mrs. Ham-
Tbere is no doubt that every effort A Montreal Company 'Will Estab-; 17 to 1'8c per lb.; ducks, Ib., 12 to slightly easier in price. Stockers ilton, and the lifeless body of the
lish a Plant. and feeders of the better class were despondent hushanS was found a
*ill be made to have the sentence 13c, much wanted, but the rougher sort P
commuted. Feelinghere is very .A despatch from Montreal. says: 8 few minutes later prone over. the
mere hard to -s-611. Choice cows rave. . The deceased was 35 years
,strong' for her. It is stated here that a number of THE DAIRY MARKETS. 8
were equally•strong, as was the de- of age, and was formed a mem- '
prominent shipping men are form- Butter-Pound• prints, 20 to 22c; mand for ood milkers and ria g i
ing a big ship-building company. p g spring-, ,ter of the Ottawa police force.
-LOST IN FROZEN NORTH.• tubs and large rolls, 18 to' 19c; in- ers. Sheep.were steady,:but lambs Chief Count Constable Hamilton
They are planning to build a plant o 3'
_ ferior, 17 to 18c; creamery, 4 to were fully 20c lower. Calves steady. ifi as uncle.. �•
capable of turning out men-0f-war, 25c, and separator, 20to Qac per Hugs receded 2`.,c,' .and • are now
Ottawa 0®elal Left on Trip-Three and in fact every kind of steam-
Ib'.' quoted at $9,13 f•o.b. and $3.40 fed
Years Ago. ship. Sir Montagu Allan, inter-. A GREAT I\FLl'X.
viewed on Wednesday, admitted Eggs-Ca-,e lots, 25c•dozen. and watired.
A despatch from Ottawa says. Cheese-1 , .,c per lb, for Large, --q. Settle
It is now almost certain that that many prominent Canadians, ,,, 113,000 peeled. to Cross
had been. discussing the project and at 13.%c for twins. KING'S POLICE MEDAL. - �
George Caldwell; an official of the p _ Border -Next Vear.
Marine Department, of Ottawa, has quietly for some time, and had
perished in the Canadian North Promised to unite in financing the _.,HOG PRODUCTS. _ New Empire Decoration Par -\ctaot A despatch from Winnipeg Qayg: r�
scheme. "There has been nothing r Exceptional Courage. "Immigrate<in from the Carted r
with two natives, who set out with „ Bacon-Long clear, 15 to 15/c P States to C'a'nada., has increased p
definite done yet, he said, but i
him three years ago to cross Can pet lb. in case lots; mess pork, despatch from Ottawa says: fully thirty per cent. this year, and
acts from Hudson Bay to the Great hcpe very shortly to see the cont- '8,5 tb •825.50'; , short cut, $27 to His Majesty King Edward VII. has
Slave Lake= and down to Edmon- pany well under way. Sir Mon- ,- next year. there will be about 115,-
50. been leased according-to to a circu-
$=! P. g• . OUO :�mericaus .come to Canada.""
Ston and civilization. When last tagu said that 'as yet no °decision Hams-Light 'to. medium, 16 to tar issued by the Colonial Ofce, This was the statement of Mr. W.
heard of, a white man, supposed to �-° the site of a' shiphailding 16';jc;do•, heavy, 14!3.to•15c; rolls, to.authorize the issue of a medal, i s
plant had been determined on; but 14 to 14%c; shoulders, 13 to 13%c; << J. White, superintenuent of the Do.
be Caldwell, was .reported to be tip be known as the King's Police minion Immigration Agencies' in j
with two natives on Baker Lake, admitted that a large one would hacks, 19 to 19c; breakfast bacon, Medal," to be awarded to mem- the United States, on -Saturday.
uedoubtedly be -established. 1� to 17 e. bers'of aut'lorized police or aniza-
and making their way to the North- g Mr. White said that it was surpr%e-
West Mounted Police post at Ful- Lard=Tierces, ;15c; tubs, I5%c; tions and fire firigades throughout ing how popular Canadian lands
-It was hoped that they •`WALKED UNDER C,LGE. pails, ly%c. r the Empire who have . performed I were bpcoming in the United
had spent the Winter at the post, acts of exceptional courage and States. Farirters - were selling off
IS. Rindell. a Young Swede. Has
and despatches from Pullerton.were His Neck Broken at Cobalt. BUSI\ESS AT MONTRE 1L. skill or, have exhibited couspicu- their good farms, which bring pos-
anxiously awaited. Word has now 2 ous devotion to duty. The award sibly 9143 an 'acre, and were tom-
Montreal, Sept. 8.-Oats-\o. Q
been received by 'the department A despatch from Cobalt says: 3 , will be made on the recommenda- ing over to Canada to take up hind.
that neither Caldwell nor his tom- S% Rindell, ,a young Swede, aged Canadian'Western, 43/ to 44/c; ,
Ko. 3.Canadian Western, .42'� to tion of the Home Secretary, and
unions have been seen or heard 23. who had only been a short time , �* the names of those upon whom it is - s�
43/e; barley,,No. 2, 66 to 6,c; Ma
of at Fullerton. in the country and had just start- conferred rill be publ4shed in the Lieutenant-Governor Gibson for- ,
r,,;: nitoba feed barley, 64 to 65c; buck- mally opened the new waterworks
L-4 work in •the Cobalt Central , London Gazette.
mine, met instant death on Wed- wheat, 55 to 53/c. Flour-Mani _� at Guelph, on Thursday.
WITNESS BURNED OUT. tote Spring wheat' patents, firsts, A number of sheep belonging
_ nesday afternoon about 2 -o'clock. DIED ON WIFE'S GRAVE.
15.90; Manitoba Spring ,wheat pat- Mr. ,C-ecil Langford of •Lor_don
Montreal Newspaper Suffered Rindell had been watching the Cage `
gc.ing up and down and finally ents, seconds, $5.40; Winter wheat Suicide of E. B. Hamilton in Beach- township were poisoned:
Heavy Loss• walked under it as it was descend Patents; 55.50;, Manitoba, strong There is no. truth in the storj,
A despatch from Montreal says: erg. His neck was broken,and his bakers', $5.20; straight rollers, $5 wood Cemetery,. Ottawa. that the; C.P.R. .will at once buoi ?
to $$.25; straight rollers, in bags, Ades etch from Ottawa says: a lakefront line east'of Toronto.
The Montreal Witness office was head badly crushed P _ __.
35 to $2,50. Feed-Ontario
- - loran, $22 to $23; Ontario, mid-
to $24.50; Manitoba
than, v22; pure grain mouille, $33TY
THE t ) $34; mixed mouille, $25 to 827.
0 1%, -
Cheese-Westerns, •k 11yC,
and easterns at 11% t 1 /c But-
ter-Finest creamery, 24% to 25c.
It Is Remarkably Bright, Sas Commis- N I candled, 22'2k•° 25% to 2 o. irLr� F. W
• L gs selectee `; T hompson's View'. of .the, -=
' � �]' T a to 23c, and No. .
• a
✓ 2 at 16 to 19c per dozen.
stoner J. Ruddick. UNITED STATES MARKETS. CO1lditiOnS in Canada,
Minneapolis, Sept. 28.-Wheat- '
despatch from Ottawa says: Canada which is not satisfied be- Sept., 98c; Dec., 97%c; May, $1.- A despatch from Fort William Mr--Holt indicated that the inter
cause it is not put on the market o1' Cash No. 1 hard $1.011 to says:: "Canada from east to west ests represented by them\will malt z;
The annual report of the Da;ry an41 '6 ' Northern, y extensive investments in`the west,
*Cold Storage Commissioner Mr* in convenient form of the. right $1.01/; No. 1 k orthern, $1.00�/} to is undergoing a wave of prosperity
' , properly $1.o0%; No. 2 Northern 98% to The twogentlemenithci were is here,character, andmatured.
J. E. Ruddick, issued on Friday, << i ' ei that gives every indication of soli- all forenoon with nit officials hors
With a rapidly growing home g��c; No. 3 Northern 96/ to 97/c. „ yy + ,
ahows that the exports of Canadian market," s^ya the Commissioner, Flour-First patents, $5.10 to $5:- dity from the ground up, said Mr. with a view to reaclriag an agree j'•;
butter for the last fiscal year show "a steady demand in Great Britain 20; se^ond patents, $4.90 to $5; h. W. Thompson, Vice-President meat for establishing a wire sad ;.'.
au increase of about one .and one- and the constantly increasing im- first clears, $4.35 to $4.55; second and General Manager of the Ogilvie rolling mill, to cost approximate- fi
-half million pounds over the ex- portation of dairy produce b Ger- Company, who has come iy one-third of a million dollars.
pv y clears, $3.10 to $3.30• Bran - In Flour MillsMiIla Com an
porta of cheese were about 170,000,- many, the outlook for Canada's 100-1b, sacks, $19.50. west for the purpose of deciding Should the city grant them exmp.
Ale• under four million pounds. Ex dairying is as good asif not bet- Buffalo, Sept. 28-Wheat--Spring upon a'site for a new flour mill of tion for a short period, construe-
ports of chose were about 170,000,- ter than, it has ever been in the wheat stronger; No. 1 Northern, at least 3,000 barrels a day cepa tion will begin ,this fall. Mr.
000 Bounds. Two-thirds of the to- past. The export dairy trade ap- carloads, store, $1.05%; Winter, city. Mr. Thompson arrived in Thompson states that easy money'
tal dairy production of Canada, pears to be threatened only in one higher; No. 2 red, $1.11 ; No.',2 fort William on Thursday morning and bumper grain crops cannot
says Mr. Ruddick, is consumed by quarter-namely, by the increas- white, $1.12. Corn-Easier; N . with Mr. H. S. Holt, President of help but work wonders for the
the homemarket, and there is. an ing exports of cheese from New 3 yellow, 72i*c; No. 4 yellow, 71' e the Montreal Heat, Light & Power whole country, and espe,ially the
anormous demand for cheese in Zealand to Great Britain."' ND. '3 corn, 71c;'No. 4 corn. 70'. Camoanv. l#rith Mr. Thomuson and west.
,...rI y - ,
•: .� ,.•';., .,._._..-. •. : :, - .• .�. - - tet.,
� sass• ,,. n �v, {y
.. - tea.
x r . given to them that they-may um 1880, S. Mackeeyy. >' *d �T y tt
It to the beet tedvsntage, not for 1801 Georgel�rker" " �'���� CO V �r <-• T ', "i
themselves. but for mankind in 1892, •• '• St506.51 L?
f general. One of the last to some 247 .oE G Y .
1M, R.Fit Gerowg. " . p ach 5. . 'e ch s t
'• `; ;'. into public notice is Dr. Goldwin �6�43eorge(iemw, ',81727.65
jam'„ Smith, who has recently made 1898, •' " , .$1814.98 -
' � WUI % known his intention 0 bequeath 1�� R. R. Mowbray, " "I"- - —
nbltahedsvezyFsids moraingatttsr4mes. "Grange" '• " �-
p .PitkaioR Oat the Grange' one of the beet Igqq' W. o.Barnes. " X70• r-
RATES OF ADVRAT,ISING: known residences, Dot only of To- 1900. ;; 18' The Crawfords are here, gore District.
+lrini�...uto• Per
- 10 cents 1991, Thos. Poucher, 26106.18 direct from the Nits
';!•dlaaab..9•.+tilnssrumi. lire- 5centa rondo, but of Ontario, as well as 19M ,. "" 26907.76
'Chis stAdow
'not include Legal azYoreJan the surrounding park to the,citi- 1908, Thbmae Beare, " 47 - They are cheap too. this year.
h••iO °t�egiven to parties making con- zens of Toronto. Dr. Goldwin 1904, Jam.Underhill, - Don't fail to Ret a Basket.
a 'viols for 8 or 6 months or by the year. Hall 1905, Jae. McBrady, -
r»rls or 7esar17 aonttaota payable gaarRarty. Smith has been a prominent figure 1907, James Todd. ", 94606.bS The
w'13a�_cat+dsp,.+blt� under, psrer in Toronto for nearly half a tea- 1906, J. A. White, �" 54141.21 Quality is Excellent—Two shipments weekly d
av�t»o pe�tin. :in:aes�a. �nt lnpwerum�' tury, and his fame as a scholar is 1�� " " ~x.96 until season ends.
special contract rates made known on aPPUO& Yours truly,
lion. soiree advertising world-wide. No writer of the pies- POST=HUTCHISON,
Advertisemeatswltbous written instructions ent time has contributed to liters- Sept. 29,I". Collector. THE GROCERY STORE
x will be inserted until forbidden and charged se-
cordinaly. Orders for discontinuing adverties- tore more highly prized works.
r taents most be iv writing and seat to the Dub-
`nober. than he. His views on many nub- Seventeen automobile owners in iie ' » OF COURSE
.rob work promptly attended to, jests are not always accepted by Toronto were fined for exceeding Graham Flour. Wheatleta. Cream of Wheat.
111.2b;per year; a 001if paid in advance. the general public,but he com- the speed limit.
wands the respect of all for his
JOHN MURKAR, Proprietor. courage in expressing those views. Xesa ddryttrrLlaemesitg. RICIFIARDSON'S ,Both he and his late, wife have
t been known for pears for their FO U N D — An automobile lamp.
NOTES AND COMMENTS Loser call a:this office for particulars "Buy your Groceries.at the Grocers."
most liberal donations to ch.arit- — -- ---- ---
The Toronto World thus cow- able objects, so that his most roc- Lhand. JOHN McCIME AND CEMENT always on —
1WTY,Pickering 41tf
' -ments on the "barbarous hotne. ent bequest will, not cause any IRST-CLASS PA$TURE, well in
•work" that prevails in nearly all .great surprise to those who have wh�tb
watered,can be had by applying to J. W.
public schools• "Some day tliera. been familiar with his life while KNEARRY, Port Perry, _ sett • • • • f
will be a written law that child- beiug a resident of the city of To- IVEW MILCH COW FOR,SALE—
` ronto. It is only hoped that other Pickering�Add�resBOYl3 Bi7HK B onob
ren shall not be given home work. n. (Call and see our Show rooms.
Home work is cruelty to children men of fortune will recognize the Po as
and an indication that the teacher responsibility resting .upon them TIMOTHY SEED FOR SALE, also _
alslke to mi:to grow good hay App 1y
who Rives it is incompetent. That so that when the time comes when at lot 3s,eon.7,P,okering,or write E.E.PIIGH we have the agency for
the must depart from this world,
Claremont. reef
�.vks like a wide statement, but y im --- ' -- —
oar efgerience is that the facts `that' it cannot be said of them MILCH COWS FOR SALE—The
1�1 at;dervigaed has for We three good Frost & Wood Farm Machinery. Wagons, Sleighs,
bear it out. No first-class teacher that they lived in vain. r:,all milob tows Apply on crawls" I.t ss, y R $ Carriages and
con.t,rickering;or write M.SHAPIRO.Picker- Cutters. Wire Fence and Gates. Harness and Harness Sup- '
needs to give home work. No hag °s 1 plies. Sewing Machines. Machine and Separator Oil.
first-rate school principal will . LETTERS TO THE EDITOR sero RENT—A farm containing 180 Points for all make of Plows.
tolerate the abomination of home SIR, --There is an impression with L curs being lots 13 and 14.con.s,towoa On '
p of Pickering. For loll yarticnlars ap 7 on
work. No educational system many of the ratepayers of this mon[- the premises or sadrees THoe. E.prill Repairs for all Machinery. Plymouth Twine and Rope. Wilkinson,
nipality thitt there is a large adrount 801am.P0 sett . Sylvester and Perrin Plows. Fanning Mills. Weigh
F .that includes home work as part of money .collected from ratepayers
of its impedimenta is of the.first every year, callpercentage. of which OR RENT—Dairy farm. 200 acres. Scales. Delaval Cream Separators.
pe y yF lot 34,let concession Pickering. New brick Oshawa Hay'.Tools.
"Order. No School board that n0 aecount is given—in fact I have bouse,uplendid barn and out buildings, abund- _
bern told�o repeatedly. Now in order encs of good water sad pasture, two coal or-
stands for home work knows its to settle.this matter an ratepayer chards. Apply to kuxe: JAMES 2gArLOR
ywhite.&/e ata Eatension''Ladders. Steel Hog Troughs. Wagon Springs.
business. Toronto should have can gv to D. R. Bensons oftice and he Stock Racks. PuIpere. Grinders. -
best schools in Canada. So Iona will show them a list of the natnes of FARX TO RUNT- Consisting o;? 74
all parties who have. paid percentage L• acres on lot ls,coa D,acarboro,+hit,cston
as home work is allowed, her each year since it Was first imposed, Road! it 13 miles from Toronto soil a sandy
for I have made out a list ever year loam and to a gi apply ate of cultivation For -
aehools will be medicare.- Trus- y y I full particrlare apply to JAMES LElrNo%,
giving the news of each. party, the Scarbor.i 4s-tt. J[4,1E .' D1,SNEY ..&
tees, inspectors, principals, teaCll- amount of his taxes and the Amount-of
ers, how ion will you ersilit in percentage aid. That list is handed �j ARM TO RENT he acres, parts +�,
$ y P � p 1' of Joke 1:and t1 on the skit coocesetoa of Farad Implements, Harness; CRrFIAgea, Binder Tr'i7ie,
this barbarious home work? to the Council and when exiLniined it Pickering TO acres cleared, good soil, well -
-stared,to roomed hou■e now nearly eomplet- Machine Oil and Repairs.
is given to bits Seaton with the Col-
lector's.roll and tiled away for future bank barn Poasesetoa eo tow at ogee
One of the most remarkable &polytoWILLIAMEDWARDS,Haleam inti -
'things that come under our notice reference, and the money te' pard over NA/H�TBY -- — ONTARIO
to the Treasurer at the time the Col- OR SALE OR TO RENT.—The
' its the credulity of so 'many peo- lector retut ns his roll with the balance F Lagan ILO acre farm,base line,Pickering.
file. In all ages and in all coon-
of taxes and by him credited' to the for sate on ns reasonable o terms. a aro is.cry
Township Just the same as the taxes. b»s play,stone house stn, . miles from CbV"-
� bL
will mat t!not sold at Cao•. Apply in even- - it
tries we Can find people to believe The percentage for 1908 amounted to Ings to F.M.CHAPMAN.Pickering. gbt!the most= outlandish statements $n•� The total amount on the roll ,HORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE. �l�r n ll Y�e S
pec- c�,l�
ima nable. It is hard to conceive was$308,38.40 and with the percentage S one roan 2 n old t, one roans »n
y made a total of $90890.96, which was old is spring. These bulls are fit for serv1ce is
that so much ignorance exists paid the Treasurer,less the amount of beet of stook. Also several ball oalves from b
. ' ao is mantas old good enough for any man in '
the uncollectible taxes. Many wonder
lespeei>ally In thiy.enlighta>ned age. this country. Ap p.lv on premises lot lit,coo.7,
A taco can claim to be one of how it is that all the taxes are not col-1 Pickering or write r..3.PUG a.Claremont.27st
pe lected. There are several reasons : For the next 10 days only we are giving la per cent: off on all our
the propheGi returned to t)lis First, I was instructed by the Council ARM' FOR SALE OR RENT.—
not to collect from three ttiett whose F Consisting of 1O0•acrea, being rear Cf lot ,Springs and-Mattresses. You will be needing them later on
-loris of sin, and be will at once n,con a.Pickering. soil a rich sandy loam in if not nolo', so now iff the time to save money.
Circumstances were nuc that the ,goodstat•of altivatdon. On the pts oases
find himself an object of worship, Council gave them off; second. a Mr. are two barns,stable and good frame dwelling. ,
(3odfiey, station agent at Pt. Union, Possession to plow give 00 Oct lar, roll Pposaea- Also Verandah Chairs, r e are giving great bargains in this line
and will hardly be able io mfrve non April let, 010 For further Parttealars to.tnakC room for new geode.
on account of the number of fol- wbo was assessed on income, removed appiy to NEWRICK WILSON.Greenwood 48-tiil
to Kingston ([ think) shortly atter bC- Call'And see these goods at once as the will not last ion
lowers surrounding him. A few ing assessed.so$5.61 was lost. Then. 4.RM FOR SALE.—Being'lots 10 g y $
by error four parties were assessed for F- and 11,con township of Pickerina.and
at our very low prices.
days ago, down in the'State of dogs that did not have them,so$4.00 concsung of 230' sores, This farm is the one
-Massachusetts, R g on which the well-known Greenwood herd of
soave half denient- more was one and $1.31}was return- short-horne have been bred and fed during the Diiii
ed individual made the 'announce- against land, where. nothing could past forty years. It is as rich as a garden and
' clean. would Beit iso acres. lex acres or the
be got. aed one doubleassessment
R whole of it. There is tit ber on one part of it n g s
;went that the world would come of$2.13 was struck off. Then there worth SXW, Terms easy. Possession given •
to an end'at a certain hour on a wits road work by error returned by April tet Bice, Arthur Jobnst.n, Greenwood4.
one athinaster amounting. to$28.00, 37tf
certain day. At the, appointed p g. Upholstering and Picture Fralni-ng a specialty
Lime several hundred believers but which had been performed and ARM FOR SALE—Beiralot 4
the different amounts had to be allow- F con 4.Pickering,convenient to school and Goods delivered anywhere free of charge.
assembled to await the great flour. ed,to the parties out of their taxes. poetolste,eoosiating of 100 acres. Soil goof Bell and Independent Telephone Connection.
$ clap loam,clean and is a high state of cults- P P
But the said hourassed and Now all these make a total of $47.64 vation. well rostered having a never-failing
p returned as uncollectible, which spring creek ruamin a through the form. -wells —
several days gassed into history, makes the total taxes for I"collect at barn and house, hard and soft wsur, On
ed and aid over to the T : Treasurer tie premises are • first-oleo frame dwelling �t1fe b t eeng c tee, s+•esng
land yet there were- among the p house,good cellar,large frame barn with stone Wf1Y. ewe gi b tease sboag aad durable to stand any msis. steel drums..Ica ngll pranged weed
$30883.31. • stabling and good outbuildings. Large orcliard TH1E heads.-dankest axle od 2-la.mid steel.tram•of dufdwoodre+atotced web double wow
number quite a few who remained Fallowing are the years I have COI- in full bearing with best winter fruit. Posses- - ad steel angles make it rigid sed stout- Oesdsp are coed .+t
faithful and thought that 'there cion will be given immediately steer harvest 8T!!g uNO d"gei fttoat°u- e"weke's`
lected »rid who was Reeve and the gKngaa dn�estrromaoaia• daw>as•'•
$ g For farther FpHY O'lar appy on,dl praO 4 ur BISSELL
�,� w y=
avdount of Lases on the Roll for each write TIMOTHY O'LSAh Audlev Po 45-se �iou
wAs on] a Sli ht tui,-calculation R� ahs
y ear:. ew d,aR falter e. butt.Notblsg g about It 1'►iae
In the''hour. Evidently in out- 18M, J. Monkhouse,' Reeve, $22383.65 so.kdetENib why yousbosddbuy . wfttaaa.,
civilized country there are to be 1885, " " TAM4,93 miss Stella E. Hames T.L$IWLL oa • OMT. ,•
found intellects that have not 1887, 23M.68 Teacher of Plano,
- �• -risen far above the savage state
1x88, John Miller, t' 23U13.88 WI3ITEPALE. ONT. I also handle the following Goods :
,in which we expect to find super-
atition of the most marked type. NOW IS THE TIME Paris Wheelbarrows, Canada Carriage Co. Buggies and Cutters, 1$00
""" Washers and Wringers, Angle Lamp, Sunlight Waihers, Momen.-
Our educationists have still great gran Washers, Dowswell Wringers, Oshawa 'Hay Carriers,.
opportunities to engage in their To Ret ready for cold weather. We are ready with a full line of Ladies' Vesta
plyat 26c,3ac:sl nd 50c; Ladies' Drawers,35c and 50c; Ladies Corset Covers, _ Oshawa Litter Carr.iers,_Dain Haying Tools, etc., etc. ,
work of spreading light in our white,25c. Children's Vests and Drawers in merino,fleece-lined and I aril giving a coupon worth $1.00.with eve order of 100 lbs. or over
land,.and we.hope they tray sue- wool from 50c to$1. Men's Sox in all colors And weights;20c up. $ $ IAC �
Beed as it is rather sad to think dies'plain and ribbed cashmere hose, 25c to 50c, Flannelettes, Sheetings, of Twine. Call and see my exhibit at Wilson's Carriage,
Flannelette Blankets in 10-4, 11.4 and 12-4, from $1 up. A splendid .bar- shop, Whitevale,'Out.
that we have people so credulous gain in Ribbons, 3 inch for 12c, all colors. Back Combs, Side Combs, �) :
as those mentioned. Barettes, Hdkfe, lace and embroidery. A few mattresses left. Howard E. Turner, 3'!' bltevale
~ Stove Pipes and Elbows. Boots and Shoes for men; women and children. :
•.If there is any one thing that
_•.tends to inspire-in ns a confidence ,Highest price for butter and eggs. Terms Cash.
inhnlnanity, it g the sight
iches for
GEO. A. GILLESPIE Dunbarton BMK of wealth using Lheir riches for riHE SPM a
the good of mankind. This is an -
-:age in which the accumulation of
j gold seems to-be the must.peoiniu- The Imperial- Edfa6liched 1873 �F CANADA �' ` '� Bratedtoa
eut feature. bleu and women are l.
-tumbling over each other in their ;,':Oxford Range ..'Jost ACCOu?lt
mad rush for the almighty dollar. `
Maty are stricken dawn by the qS A PERFECT BAKER
hand of death, ryheu the coveted A —note the little arrows is a great convenience in handling the family funds. It is opened in
a the names of two members of the Family,and both may anrike deposits
object is almost within their from fire—the divided flue or draw checks over their own individual signatures.
, while others are more sue- on oven top—that means
R p, that the front of oven is 'I•lris form of account a particdarly convenient for diose who
+eessful and manage to scrape to- Eve some distance from town.
"gather heaps of the glittering heated as well as back—call
in and we'll show you many You can open a Savings Account with One Dollar. Why not
metal, which they worship night , more features. do so at once? 71
and day. It is inspiring to see
"among the successful ones a lar
number who feel that the wealth J. H. BUNDY, Stile Agent, PICgEBIN(I CLARENCE T. BATTY, Manager
they have in their &sessiou is i SRAAICH A"O AT WUIITXT-
• a
•.•K`;•,-• ,r r=;r•-• ' area � _ •.6:.. ,+ ° r'° 5C-
� .., -.'-.r � ,a'a p �ir�v :'veva, c'=- - ,.a*rS r - -,,.•—c :Y ,+.."ta °".'y�' 'R,t�,..,�..y.S—`�•+"=rth.•: ;,. '
fie.: M1,•f.
: '•, ./ ..;; ''..'+*C-..::r-sees : .. :;"�'k^
Ct./1REMONT I,, Todd, Of $touffville,t s t Assessor Anthon Forster, of Mark-
Miss Annie $ ffard is the
Sunday Amwith ber�ffriends in-to ro9to ff ills, Townshi�, hod a narrow escape �5�}rlYEg and Summer Goods '
Poar- m beim killed last Thursday
"sFek list. Whitevale and'P'ort Perry attend I" • ,He was teaming a load of hs A!fttll stock of all kinds of Foot-wear for Men. Women aad Childrei
J. H. Beed was in the city on from hisfarm on the 6th out Churg
>ldsmdap. ed the Baptist anniversary here street towavda Markham Village and It well pap you to call and see before.purebaeing ;
on -Monday evening. toff the road, the load upsetting
Mr. Skill. of Toronto, is vit4ting go � F
R. E.and Moa Forsyth. Mrs. Brown spent a few days and throwing i}im-with ea8s durable 1°IAWR AHED FIBFD
1Mies Minnie Bray is visiting this week at Brougham with ner force to the roadside-cin his head. Mr.
friends in Pickering this week. brother, Wm. Dolphin, who held Forster thea unconscious for fourteen
r . of the beet unlit always
R. B n and Mr. Gordner wgre hie sale on Tuesday. hours and serious results were appre- quality ys on hand
bended for a time but his friends will a
orppss The Misses Mark of Stratford Independent Telephone Central.
3n Brooklin on Tuesday on bust- be lad to hear that hohss now Mite P '
after spending a week with Clara- •• ,
t>teee. recovered.-Economist. 1i ER, Proprietor i
ffira. John Wood, of Tornnto, wont fnends returned to their The Corner Store. W. M. PALM
home on Friday last. '
spent Friday last visiting at the The quarterly Observance of the TIME TABiB�-Pickering Station f3
massae. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper T.B. Trains going Eaddw se follows—
Miss Turner, of Green River, is Ply •No. 6 Hain 8.06 A H. .
visitingher sister,"Mrs. Goo.Rich= in the Presbyterian church will
�• 19 Local 2.43 P.M.
ardeon. be held on Sunday next. 14 Local 6.04 P.K. �
Mrs. John Forgle, who has 'been g � g • .. , .'R I C H.A R DSO N S
Born-On Friday, Sept Trains o Waf dues as follow*--
i4th, to Fred and Mrs. Cowie, a ill for some time, is now some- No. 13 Local 8.36'A.M.
what better. We hope her pro- 11 Local 2.30 P.M.
s guess toward recovery may con- 7 Mail . ' 8.36 P.X. fmportaat ehowin of finest,
display Sargent is in Brooklin g display of
tinue. SandWinoluded. >9. assortment of -
this week installing a furnace. ill . F. Hutchison, township collect- Ohina, A ys 1
she Sebert Hotel. or, has started to make his annual 8tatfonary. Books,
Mrs. Wm. Lee, of the 8th
con- Dolle, Toys, jut,* s«:
tour. This is the twenty-fifth DR. D. C. SMITH cession, ace regret to report, is received for the Holiday trade. Qatf
year in which Mr. Hutchison has DENTIST, STOUFFVILLE. i
very poorly at present. and see'them.
For Sale-Three cords of 16- engaged in this work. Honor graduate of Toronto University s
inch wood, beech and maple, at `'Pe are glad to report that John and Rpyal College of Dental Surgeons. Babseriptious taken for all Magazines.
the Claremont pump factory. Read, whose recovery from a late also Poet-graduate of Chicago College. :Weekly and Daily Newspapers
Mr. and Miss Lewis,of.Brooklitl, attack of sciatica has been very Crown and bridge work a specialty.
spent a couple of days this week tedious, is feelingbetter and At Claremont 1st Tuesday of month. T
p g stronger than for sme time. Office over Sargent's Tinshop. • LT. 13• R=CH.ARL[SO.L� e
with Foster and Mrs. Hutchison.
Miss Besie Macnab left for the uxBrtloclE Independent 'Phone. �pp3c Street. fv►,y
.city on Tuesday morning to be- : . WhS
gin her course at the University. A hay rack party of about thirty AT ONCE !
Mrs. George White and Miss young people enjoyed a drive Friday A reliable local salesman wanted
Glad a, of Dunbti,rton, s spent Mon- night and a corn roast at S. H. Crox-
y all's in Reach. to represent '
day afternoon at the manse here. Mrs John Merrick, of the Brock i
Mr. Simpson, of Sudbury, has road,fell through a tri doorway in CAUAAA 0 Oldt$.# RUA
rented F. Hutchison's dwelling, the barn on Monday an had some of
having moved therein on Tues- her ribs broken. Q�xl� ��# Itx$ � We have.Sares for the following Plows: J ",
Christopher Nicholls, who had an ,
Gordon L. Gulleek, of the Im- operation a few days ago in a Toron- in Pickering and adjoining coun- verity Shares' No. 16, E I X L, 21. 4, 4a,'10, 7.
Aerial Bank, Ottawa, was the to hospital for some internal trouble, try. Gangs-Ontario No. 2, New.Century, Imperial Jr., :
eat of bis uncle, D..Ho r, last is iu►proving nicely.
Su PI?e Fleury Nos. 12, lE and 21. Imperial and National No. 8.
week. Mr.Broddy has decided to remove The demand for nursery stock is in- Pe Lyman Reynolds has returned to Toronto and has disposed of his creasing: yearly, and if you become Wilkinson Nos. 21, 7. 4, 10 and No. 2 gang. Waterloo No. 7.
y residence on Brock street east to Mr. one of our salesman you will realize Frost dt Wood No. 18 and 20. Henry Allen No. 7..P. Hamilton 1& 21,
from his trip to Gow Ganda, and W. Howard. of Toronto. there is good money in the business Patterson Nos. 11, 12 and 13. Sylvester Nos. 7 and 8.
he and Mrs. Reynolds have gone The call from Quaker Hill to Rev. for you. Uxbridge Nos. 4. 5 and 7. Cockshutt Nip, Punch, Judy. �.
to Buffalo. T. O. Miller.,B.A., was sustained at a Write at once for particulars. Pay Gangs, Twin Gang, Kidd, Mayle Leaf.
The Dominion Feather Co. -have meeting of Lindsay Presbytery on weekly. Free outfit. Percival No. 10. Kangaroo No.IL
moved their outfit to Brooklio, Tuesday. Induction will take place `
which is now the central point of on Oct. 14th at 2.30 p.m.-Journal. STONE & W$�•l•►UVGTO'lV Shares for 42 different kinds of Ploughs, at a price that
-their operations. Fonth111 Nurseries will hold the trade.
James McFarlane o busy these For the first dime^in nearly two TORONTO ONT. Charles Sargent,SAO noree
' ' days cutting corn for, the neigh- Y -„ ., �� .,Claremont
boring farmers who Are now busy years the G. T. R_ran a freight train -
ng their silos. north through Markham. Hardware. Stoves and Furnaces.
The sympathy of the communi- There was a big crowd at the station BLACKSMITH SHOP
ty is extended to Reuben and Mrs. the other nigbt to witness the unload-
Besse on the death of their twin ing of T. H. Hassard's string-of 30 I am prepared to carry on the black- '�7 a'
children. one of whom died on `horses just arrived from Scotland. emithing business formerly conducted The �lilahle Qu et` -
Wednesday and the other ou. C. Rushbrook purchased the Sulli- by Robt. Davidson. General repair = OF =
van property on Vinegar Hill for SM. work and horseshoeing a specialty. 1S'TOL*FFYILLE
Thursday of�tast week, their ages -'.`s
He has also purchased two adjacent Are now re red to. five a muait:al Synopsis of Clanl;ticlilirn 0 ;.
being 7 months and 18 daps. lots from Samuel Rich. I have also the agency for the Tam- P
A large number attended the Messrs.T. A G. Morgan have sold !v a Cockshutt plows and Adam's Program. or particulars apply to North-west Laced g
wagons• Call and see me before mak- MTMA HOOVER;_-' -- . Regulations.
services in the Bei tist church on their Cashel farm, being its of lots Bu
Sunda Rev. pp ps ing your purchpse, of farm iaiple- Sec.-Treat.
Sunday. W. T. Graham, of =4 and 7th, iGtrkham, la3 acres. to menta. AIS t►•rwn who is the sole heed of a[•out..
or any male over is tears old, may hoes.
Toronto, preached two most els- bieam. H. and D.9torry of Markham - sleds•gnash=11on of available DeolNwo
queut sermons. The male shots, for a good price. The farm is a good ROSS HADLEY• [ OO YEARS' 1•°a la ilanitoba astatohswda oe Ates+ ,
one with excellent buildings. CssaRTWOOD _--. •ONTARIO [XrtRftNOt �
The applicant mast appear to Person o ,- ..
which bed charge of the music, Dominion Lads Amway or ants.Aeese�tor.*. '
witted themselves with credit. distrtes. Noisy by pro�s�7mar be mads W "'
We are leased to report that aminy,an certain•oodtttons. by lather, mesh.
P Po , or am.datuhter,brother or slater of inrssd[sd
Mr. Rawson is gradually recover. DSIMPSONCo. , Dutiteeeedali months• rssldene. aeon bading from the attack of typhoid s cultivation of the land In scab of tbne eae�.
fever which has confined him to A homesteader may uv within ams, muss of
his bed for the • hie homestead on a farm of at least es seer
past few weeks. T11AD[ Manan solely owned and occupied by him or by his
We regret to state that his Before'buying elsewhere see our large tette l th.r,mother.son.daughter,brotbwcc0~. ` 'a
daughter, Miss Jennie, has now Cap""""*&a In certain di•triots a47-F,
omeswdee in good
8 sending a etsub and desertpp�tfiop��naN standing may pro-empt 7-F, A. a•laws.
contracted the disease and is quite stock of Fail Goods. .�°ya aaswrtafa o�r opinion ne whsthsr s side his homestead. a iS10 per .are.
inv n u prohrb y Duties—Moet reside sir months is each of str
ill. We hope.that she may soon tb.ss�telattrooagd 1 ts�'i�f$�
DRY GOODS-Prints.Flannelettes, Linnen and Emb. Handkerchiefs,Sc. 10c •seg ossa gest es for+•ce1an. . hart loom ante of to earn h .wary claol�ap�
recover. - Patents taxes � i itt°na fsi""'ascetic the time regnlred to earth homesaead p•Mrt►
Remember Hewson Thom n's and I3's Here's a bargsic, Cashmere and wool hose l t pairs np�N�A � and cultivate arty oozes sacra.
�° Men's wool pacts, $i.23.to ff2,darn gray stripe,well tailored and strong- s homesteads:who her•s1i•a.t•d hta home.
extensive sale of farm stock, im- 1 made, only thin thea about them ., the rice. stead rpt and cannot obtain • pao-emphos
y y R P P % tali• • purchased homestead is asrbsia
lements, etc., to-morrow (Satur- Boys Suits,dark gray and brown• made in never rip style. • et+dwmely maser.tedweetty towel cit` di.triota. Price et00 per acre. Duties
p A= 76810
d sdeotJao loaraal Terme ror reside six months in each of three yeas%
day). As Mr. Thompson is giving Cottonodes and Denims-These goods we cut free in odd vise Overalls. isan.a., a year.poeMp Prop" sold h cultivate cilli acres and asset • boas. worth 4
up farminir to eater the huckster Men's Fancy Shirts for every day and Sundays, 50c,75c. cultivo• Tr"
business in Stouffville, every- . Shirts and Drawers-A large assortment aC rock bottom prices. iira4asaN W.W.OogY,. -
xhing will be sold without reeer•ve. BOOTS and SHOES—We will sell you a patent leather for igen at,$3.li0 that r e6wehraeta.. Deputy of the Minfeter of the Interior. K"
Mr. Thompson has % lot of first knocks the shine off anything you ever saw for the money.- N.B.—tTaauthorised pabttcation of this ad.
class stock and new implements GROCERIES—Always fresh and pure, at lowest prices. MACHINE SHOP S vsrtisom na wi71 not tAyaid for.
that intending purchasers should Teas 20c and 25c lb. These you can't-buy elsewhere for the money. se
inspect. t The undersigned having. purch-
Mrs. Reesor, of whitevale, and D. SINNIPS0N & Co., - PICKERING ed B. Wagner's Machine Shop in
Miss Morgan, of Markham, will Kinsale, is prepared to do all
sing at the W. F.M.S. Thank-of-
Tering meeting in the Presbyteri- blacksm thi repair caulk an general
• d en 1 . ., •
as church on Friday evening of Satisfaction guaranteed _ mm II
this week. Rev. Dr. R. P. Mac- f� _
key,of Toronto,is the speaker of . N O Prices right.
theevening. Admission free. All •.. eves 1 Call and see us.
are invited. Thank-offering col- = JAMES PENGELLY.
lection in aid of the work of the i 'Kinsale, Ont. Of all materials and design
W.F.M.S. IS kept in stook. It will pay you
The Dominion Feather bed Co.,
to sell at oar works acd t our stook
that have been o rating their +ra " �� �• EVANS Don't
pe f and obtain prions. Don'/ M >eislsi by a
business here for the past two ors agsnN we do not employ thea ooassgt+sat_
three weeks, have been doing a the' " "Time
7pllIIlp, Mannfaetnrer ly wa eco, and do throw o� Itsrushing business. In fact It is oommiaion of le per ani:,w>efo6 you will ,-
said tbat to keep up with their S d Reside NT �so�� by paroltasiag fees w.
�i� hop an ace, Dundas St
orders they have worked seven i BsNY - - - WHITBY, Oh T.
days in the week in place of the to slut sIId otDee. whitbv,enteric
legal six, days. This, of course, DRIP
P Three doors west of Whitby House.
does not commend.itself to the
residents of our village. _..:.� •d - _
The anniversary festival in, the 10KPURE brlgh ten up your We are prepared to instal wood or iron C Swtd to ed I
Baptist church on Monday even- pumps on short notice,also attend Ch �b*�L=fff�
ing was a splendid success. The After a tboamgh investigation of do all kinds of repairing.
.attendance taxed the tittuost ca- various broads of paint. e[artlee. homes. Agent for the Ontario.Wind Mill,
crit, of the church and school- e�soar proved to tw the pleb also gasoline engines and C m e o b m I sap
P Y we could riot oar r.patatton on. the aquae gear a e w e 2 • Q afro O :
room. The proceedings opened .
Reith a first-class tea which was Martin-Senour MAGNET CREAM SEPARATOR tl o 151
o e M
thoroughly enjoyed by all.. Short ���4 Pum, P► t ' Phone No.50 at residence. _ Is
•1y after eight o'clock the literary '7n -Secure the best
sod musical program began. fit' white Le guarantee f in Pare The P1Ckering a� = o .8 Q g
1� g �, White Lead,Pare Oxide of Zinc,and
address of the evening was giPCII Pare Linseed Oil,with'or course the "' � 9" ll:bby Q-- air �I ee
necessary coloring 1 eats and g
b Rev. W. T. Graham Of Toron•
dryers. xowto b.eneelit:ath Paints t€ mM B g $a °e e
to wAo had remained over, hav- they do mete . taw dark . Vigilance Committee cS�o 111V;9, w e o .' y�
that cannot be.produced from lead ° g ° b kl=
ding conducted the services On Smi- and sine. Come In the stori and we Pi
day. His earnest and eloquent' will show them to you—but every on the market The object of this Association is to e� ' o a tr o $ Orth
tb sal for active personal service other color V positively and abao• j
pp p Inters loo per cent Pure P.laf, lessen stealing and prosecute 0 e w a ..�. o my
in the service of the Kingdom of end not a drop of adulteration or the felons. M Jan
God was worth going far to hear, 'IIb'tit°i1O°a ml:ad to. �°' Fab
&nd, the people of Claremont are v'• recommend thlrs:oeue� ,.from Members having propert stolen oommnni• Mbr y o,
p P brand to all our friends and oossom-
glad to understand that he may ere. Another good point I.that two Cate immediately with any member ..,, Apr b►_
katloas oiehl.palet Doren neon _ of.Executive Committee. see ? So '� g �, a. May o
be expected a ain in Claremont , rr C
g tipint ��.gallaaa of ansa GEO. PHILIPbefore long Three duets b Mrs. pante. Momberobip fee 11.00.: o 2., Jae Reesor and Mr. Pugh, Of hite• We.have color orrds showing en Ticksts:marbebed from the President or.' Zw es + s tie July ' �
vale, were among the choice the oolors, and •node' made• Yee• eearetsry on application. - !4 t8 N
'►° o o m a Sept . t
things of the program. The male for the Y'd"g' The GFrocer, Exec. Com.-L. D. Banks, Geo, Leng, �° oma• i.t
quartet was also much enjoyed f W,V, Richardson.Pickering, Ontl V m g ., ma Nov. Op
in several numbers. The financial - o„ D.o CS
result of the gathering is estimot- Bro
� �f]m �•A. O'Connor, Arthur JefFrey, January x010-Wh,Uxitby lri ge R,Can aro°ad s'6 izearlY$�. y.. (r{r j�.i la,Bort lt,Uxbridge I aannfn;tonlsPa
�: President. Secretary i Iieav l0,IIpterprpvs teas;
� .,,y ' '-�5 ..:. o ,:;: " vu �2,rs". .�- :. Y3.,,.'... .:�,}'�; s , �v .i.;•t. i:„w.� �j ��!r-' '..a Vic':• ":id.;r,M1 �
„� :.',. ”^,— w t**_.•;... ....,r. .. „ n .. -3..-.i-. .. a+' :-N � -�a..d-' 3c»'�-'o. 'ray.
,PFFrIp..,, .. ...r. »,t... .. ..,,... *x'ra...�,.... _;,,• ?d:-�,,�,,. ....,n.. ,r... n,. w'� - '..n �.'kxi "�✓'.`:. +J i ,tn�r. .,. r:.'. ,��vf i t',
. _. -0.•.'..... c'.3,;'.{... ,....,"1,',Y-". .. .'s,..N" :. '-r -e �.'y: tV1 :a.i .,ri sr,:.v;., k L.
.,.:--a,. < ..z l,...;. . :x.G M r k r m�-..•F 'a- :y-,+ads : .:t-i:�. Ji .a a •,. Ra' t?^*rr`�..- �''`c'•,!.>,: R
I. . .. .v. s.. K"' 'i:..- x, ..y.x,�` „F- ^'," '•'!y ,�,` m q. .•y' .ap,ta•. „r+,�yr•
.......,ns '.2.: y "t: ,n,re,, b.,i,..r,. - - u c,. 4, ,, ,k i,:.-_.: .` "-1h.'v.c:. raT" a.: '. w •-I+,y-
•W, yn F.?+!. : r ...r. ..•� ...•r. -s :a ...n' �' :_#.Mr.x her, €- y?'.'"a• :r' s. ''�`�"'h. ++-•• -S j'+
,:1. . ..ti .;..- ;.... :. .>','� :rs sl`• ^a�s - r; .c", ..,y., ''^ ,r. r •y5,:f�4 • -„y:... yf
.-,7'.< •. '_.t.•r-s,. .,>• .. .....,.r,��,,' r44' < X,.r.c.�Nlo_ : .!M,». �,+5:'=..a kh,..•r,(.w .,.r.. -wd. ..��•.:�r�` --K- l+m i1F'14 '"S :.e Ks,:�- W*.,**I.,;,;'^-�wlFe 4.. .ak a-r-r.r”. -2
`......`a`!'ws "i. "; z° -'"'"rw-. r',r'-., '.'•,•aF`s`�x. 3 ,., .r•'�„' 3 '{C, ,�y.- w r, .fa d^x'� ,. ?•a�' +n, e. .r;:
n:,: :',
.: , rc;
. -y 4t
to attract as little attention.-ab pox-..- W some to.me in the Transcript, +++++!+�*t+�+t♦}♦++�}♦
s' le, I started out to, consign her and this appealed to'comfort hEr a
. to the ten a ie a c ttle. S ply sa with a gen- ., 't,
der m rc. sof ertaiu. li he>atm id, w •
`. `homey• in the city. I enveloped tle aigh�: `If tho.poor little waif has -,ax'-
11 EY * myself•in Mar,;y'e ample Waterproof; found a,•,good .home; and call -be r "'
.�-* ;� : ;,l 7 .
E 'XYSTERIOUS Hand wore. thick veili hopiug :thus reared in happy ignorance of .her e l `-`"�
1 .. id, ",L , ., o,- ;,��. � -T - Th
to esc; recognition whil$1I lap
h ragin, o
r.' Y 'trip Tu t4ie a sirL-. a €�tl: suppose a s.
y, .
�. + ,
, ."
ped to m$ke I ought to be
g n, -my experienced.whand.about ten -days *++#+#++4#4♦++44++�},
a est possible time. But w]i11 ut.wfio
rived' at the station in to +
T a - �. . •unaccusf•omed burdea.had-.;become afterward, :Sir.'.Charles walked in .
y; O$, PLANNING FOR THE _. ./ V- heavy I was obpil li�ed"to rest:be-, .upon us, well :and hearty and full : BEEF TYPE OF CATTL�
��/ req'g to�he p farther. di
wa ting-room, tura bright..anticipations
greatly:shocked fat T e, 'enc a ;
h g cal ppearance `of tht
r �:. .t. ., UTUKE, beef'ammal, when of correct typt
'` where I laid tt,e.anild•upon. .great the change ia:his wife, but when he shows a distinctly meat=pi-o�li�can ` �
table, which stands. there.to this learned the truth, about his child form. The'animal is compact an� . `,
day.' - he' was.horror-stricken, and for a broad of back from shouldergoiuta . �,e-
CHAPTER XXIII. a c f this tragedy, together with the "'I had not been there .five min. few days we were a most wretched tp hips; has a wide,` deep body l
"The explanation will not be a names of those supposed to be lost utes when two girl's whom I knew household. He declared that the short and 1pmewhat thick neck 1
—Charlie's among them—the shock entered the room. I recognized little one should be.found—he would pride dee W.
+eaaant task," sighed' Lady Brom- p full bosom,rather broad,
p nearly killed me, and my baby was them by their vcioes, and though I rake the country over to recover thick flesh quarters; and a
1. ley, with a sorrowful glance at Mrs. y hind
as born a few hours afterward. was in a corner where I could not her. For weeks he inserted adver- enerali
:. Bryant. It will evolve the bitter generally deep, wide body. Viewed
"I should have said that a few see them, or they me, I was in mor- tisements in the Transcript and from one side
secret of a lifetime, which has been , the top'and bottom
weeks after the departure of 'the tel fear lest they should espy me. other papers. He searched through- line of hod
'shared alone by:my husband and y run rather parallel
housekeeper, Helen and I decided They passed directly into one of out Bost-n and 'spent' money un- with the back quite level: From
4. •my dearest friend, Helen. to take the lodgekeeper's wife into the adjoining rooms, however, and sparingly, but all to no purpose. front or• rear the out-Iine should.-ba I .
"Of course, to make the situation
nnderstaod by all our friends," her aur confidence, and it was well that then, to make sure of not being No response ever came—no clue to rather full and broad. Cattle of
ladyship began, with a sigh, "I we did so, for the woman s syn- discovered when they came out, I the little one was ever obtained, this type are referred to at
dst make the humiliating confea- pathies were immediately enlisted slipped stealthily into the other .and finally the sorrowing couple "blocky" indicating compa,etre,st
'` Bion that I was secretly married in my behalf, and my own mother room, and concealed myself behind, were compelled to abandon all and neatness of form: .If the bod3
while I was at a boarding-school could not have been kinder to me. a door, to wait for them.to leave hope. iE inclined to be long, it may be
near Boston. It was a raeh act, Thus, in the hour of that terrible the glace. I was confident. that As soon as Mabel was strop¢ termed "rangy," while aniniah
and one that I afterward repent- emergency; she proved a tower of the baby would not wake, and so enough to travel, th'ev left me and long of leg, showing too little.deptb
ed in dust and ashes, although I strength and comfort to us both, felt safe to leave it for a few min- went to her 'home in Illinois: 'Sir and fullness of body, may be, term•
loved my husband.most fondly, and and promised to guard our secret Utes. But 'I was very tired. I Charles tried to be kind, but I ed "leggy.".
r•' our life was a very happy one, the as sacredly as' if it had. been her had been broken of my rest for know, in his heart, he never for- The head should have a. broad, .
k own. But after the coming of my many nights, and was almost worn ave me .for the last act that rob-
s � . gAmly cloud upon our otherwise se- g straps muzzle, indicating superior
re-ne sky being the fact that we had little,daughter there arose the,ap- out with anxiety and excitement, had him of his child," Mrs. $ry= grazing and.feeding capacity. Tha
no -children. Sir Charles was on palling question: `tifihat is to be- and before I was aware that I was ant concluded, with a regretful nostrils, when somewhat pronin- -
avisit to this country.when we be-' come of us l' Charlie had taken even drowsy I had fallen soundly sigh. ent and large, with a wide nose
carne acquainted, a strong and abid -the proofs of our marriage into his asleep. I awoke, at length, with "Helen. dear, why did roti per- &how ample nasal capacity to sup-
ing affection springing up,between possession for safe-keeping, and .a terrible start, and, glancing at sist in tormenting yourself with ply the lungs with- air. A'Iioman
a ua almost immediately. When he thus, not knowing the justice who the clock, found, to my dismay, that that old thought Z" said Lady nose sometimes,occurs with cattle,
'was suddenly recalled to England had performed the ceremony, it I had slept fully half an hour: In- Bromley reproachfully. '`I am sure but it is neither attractive nor de-
by his father, he pleaded with all .was out of my power to substanti= stoutly remembering my charge Charlie was very grateful to you sirable. The, distan^.e from -the • ..
.• tbe.eloquence of which he was rx ate any statement which`I might and my errand, I hurried trem --;Tor all your devotion and self-sac- muzzle to the point immediately .
tar that, I would became his wife make regarding our union. I actu- lingly into the other room, to find rifice for me. It is you who have between thn eyes is preferably .
` .ibefore he sailed. 1. I ally dared not face my father — I the y gene t" never forgiven yourself, but-now I short, with some curve or "dials," _,
` 'LL - '' "He asserted that he must make feared his bitter anger and repudi- . hope you will forget it all and re- a, it is termed, just below the Ayes
sure of me before leaving me, but ation. True, Helen might have joice with me in the recovery of which should be wide apart, large
_ as soon as my school'-days were over: helped me-out, but she also dread- . CHAPTER XXIV, my lost one: and indicate a gentle temperament.
' `he would come'immediately to claim. ed the consequences of such a dis- - "I was appallel, amazed, fright- "I do, believe me,." said Mrs.' A quiet eye means an easy feeder,
me from my father. I knew I was closure. - I. . aped!" Mrs: Bryant resumed, after'• Bryant, bending a fond kook upon while a nervous, restless eye-shows
,` not doing right, but I yielded to "The lodgekeeper's wife advised pausing' a moment to recover from both .mother and daughter,-and an animal-uusatiafa�ctory t0 handle
. his entreaties, and we were quietly ue to send the ;hild to some insti- a nervous trembling that seized then her fortitude forsook her and and care for. The forehead, as
startled, Helen alone being admit- tution in the city, claiming that we :her as she recalled the terrible ex she.burst into tears of rylingled gra- indicating mental capacity, should
P perieaeea of that hour. "I felt titude and regret. be.. broad and reasonably
-ted to our confidence. Our mar- could easilykeep track of it, and y full. T
ria a occurred during the Christ- find a good home for it "Well, this is the most thrilling face and cheeks, in a superior h
g ag perhaps almost like a murderess; with my
Inas holidays, which my family be- later on. At first I was wild over crime brand ad upon my brow. I story of iia land that has ever come are full and deep, connected wi
lieved I was spending at the home such a proposition. I wanted my Rank into the nearest seat, weak within �eraonal experience, and a"rather broad, strong .lower ja
' Qf my friend, while in reality Char- darling. She was mine, honorably and very nearly unconscious, won- 1 have helped to ferret.out some If on the horned type; the her
, 'he and I passed them very happily mine. She had my lost Charlie's ,dering what I abould do. how I ever very curious f ,cta regarding the his- should not be. coarse at the he
' 'in Boston, making our home in one beautiful: blue eyes, fair hair, and could face Mahel if she recovered tory of various individuals. Mr• but should alyocr plenty of fine to
--of the Bach Bay hotels. He sailed, complexion, and the mother-love and confess what had happened. Lvttleton here interposed, to draw tura and quality, and by gra,cef
i about the first, of January, and I within me revolted-against such an Then a comforting thought came to attention from the weeping woman and of harmonious proportion
returned to school, happy in the unnatural act. , But, on the other me. It was that no one would have and give .her time to recover her An abundance of rather long ha
-'prospect of his return., when in a hand, there was the fear of the con- taken the child from the station aelgf. should crown the poll or top of t
I -'few months I should graduate. Then sure of and ostracism•from all my with1ut first making inquiries and It was a terrible'experience. No head. It is very desirable that i
we were gorng'to my home'in I1= friends, and the Worse fact that creating an eacitemPnt in searching one will ever know what Charlie ear should be :neatly attached
' linois together to eo, Mersa our sec my child would be doomed all her for the n�o.ther, unless that one had and I endured during the few weeks the head, without coarseness, a
ret, make a little visit, after which life,to the suspicion of shameful really wante4l it. That no disturb- following.his return to me," ob- that is should be of superior qual'
served Lady ' Bromley, with emo ty and neatly pointed and cove .
my husband would take ms to Eng- birth.' once had been made I was very tion. "I do not like to dwell upon' with silky hair, with long hair. a
''land. For a week I fought with my sure from the placid appearance
"I exerted myself to the utmost it. If my mother had only been the edges o'r tips. ,
own heart and the arguments of �f the few peoplE about, and 'the alive we need never have lost our
I. to make a good ahowin in my class, .Helen and the woman who cared woman in charge of the waiting- The neck of the beef , anima
for I believed that Charlie Would for me, until, weak, despairing, room• child, for I would have flown to tends to be short, thick and mus
_ -,%'; ,ho present at commencement, and;and-almost on the verge of insan- her in my trouble but,:as I have cular,. of medium depth,'.and shoul
1. rty, I was utterly incompetent to Do'utblesa, some traveller, on y be neatly attached to the head an
":1 was ambitions for his asks,- as' •' said, I feared m father. You.
going into the inner room, had ob- know how austere—how relentless
G well as for my own,. _But, alas. a think or reason lucidly.•. I was in smoothly blended to the shoulder
S screed the sus icious-lookin bun-
: short time previous to the close of a very critical condition." P 8 he was, Richard. You remember The bull at maturity show a pec
dle, and, upon• examining it, had that it was with great reluctance
the tWri he wrote me, that,his fa- Lady Bromley , became' greatly found the appoa]Lng nota pinned to. g cl,Lf more length, with heavier mu
Cher wa, very ill, and he could not that he dor�ave me, even when cies, some arch and a heavy coat
agitated at this point in her story, the blanket, and• so, yearning for
.,lea�•e, bu, be charged me to be of g Charlib and I appeared before him hair. The female will have a shot
,k whereupon Dirs. Bryant exclaiuted, just su:h a child, had taken'her to and confessed our marriage. N a<
good cheer—to go home as usual, g er,.lighter neck, with leas thickne
although she was scarcely less some home where she would be ten-
-.' and he would follow me the moment moved:. oerly cared for. At least; I tried 1°t my husband 'been a wealthy and less depth. The steer shot'
he was free to leave his father. But ,, baronet; I believe he never would have a shorter, thicker, fulle
.r I found that I could not go, home Mabel, dear, let me tell the to solace my aching heart and Buil- have overlooked my rash act. Be smoother fleshed pact• than the cow
rest. I alone am.to blame for what try conscience by such reasoning as, g ' When in perfect pose, with be
:without bringing great reproach fore leaving Boston, Helen', Char
followed and I will not shrink weary, and almost -ill, I hastened tip the top line of the'neck'shoul
• upon.both' myRelf and family, and lie, and. I pledged ourselves never
.ill this extremity Helen proved her- from my•share of reproach. Then home, where I awaited with the te, reveal .the secret about-our little be slightly, raised above the beigh
addressing their friends, she con- .most harrowing impatience for the one. It was to-remain locked for-
self to 'lie my good angel• g of the withers. .
tinued: next days Transcoipt, hoping y The shoulders ' should exten
Her father and mother were 'up- ever awn in our own hearts."
or the eve of going abroad, to be "When I realized Mabel's den against hope to find some response "How about the woman 1�Iary µell into the bask, lying smobthl
'' ,absent a ncmbtr of months, and at ger I was terribl• frightened. I to the appeal 'in my note. . and'her husband I" uestioned her
g y g q covered with. flesh, blending� neat
her -earnest solicitation they invit- knew;that Mary—tire lodgekeeper's ."The paper came, but there was brother. • • I . ;y with the body: A high type
ed me to remain wi * :" , .. - .. ith her during wife—was afraid she was going to nor comfort in Lit for me: The "Her husband never knew any- shoulder is uniformly co ered'wit
,. "'their absence, as otherwise she I die, and I was appalled at the second day. however, greatly to my thin; of what occu'sred:" her lady- Pesh from shoulder point to top o
,;.a�ro.uld have to pass the_time kith thought of having 'the.babe disoov- jny;• I read the welcome words I ship replied. "He was away at withers. Rough angular shoulders
n- companion save the.housekeeper ered in the h',)use in that event,. was looking for, and'a great bur- work ,on a farm belonging to Mr. unevenly covered, are among th.
' and one servant; who was the wife when the truth would all have to den roiled off my heart. I was re- Atwood,during almost the whole irjost common defects of cattle
' of the lodgekeeper and gardener. come out and the fair fame of my sieved in'one way, and yet I was of,my illness; the coachman , was A prominent shoulder also emph
i I. My father cheerfully accorded me dearest friend be forever tarnished. filled with-apprehei:cion in another. attending to ,his duties about the saes the development behind it.
• ' th'e 'desired 'permission, to my in Se I 'resolved to act upon my own I hal} no longer any fear regarding residen€e,.and as they did not live The breast and. chest are mos
tease relief, and then I tried' to responsibility in s�coordance with the welfare of the child, but I upon the place, they never came important. The former should b
:� possess my soul in patience while Mary's advice. . trembled to confess to Mabel, .if into: the house. Mary we paid carried well forward and be bro
- .awaiting the coming of my hus- "One terribly stormy day I dress- she recovered, that it was irretrie- handsomely. and swore her to sec- and full in the bosom. As on
band.' ed the child nicely, but with the vably.lost^-that instead 'of being recy, and Helen thinks she was true -siands and views a beef.bull i
"I was very-unhappy in som-e re- keenest heartacho ever -experi- Placed in-an institution, as we had as long as she lived; she died three. show form, a -great breadth o
.aspects, for I realized that h had enced in my life, determined to send suggested, where we could see it years afterward. Now you can un breast and strength of briske
done very wrong to deceive my 1^er'adrift into the world. Ido not at any moment, or trace it, if giv- eerstand, Richard, why', in spite of meet-s 'the eye. Sometime
friends. If my mother had been know what inspired me..to the act, en away, we could never hope; be- our strong affection for each other, the breast and chest have grea
>'''living, I think I should have coli- but I went to Mabel's jewel-box, .cause of carelessness and neglect, Charlie and I were sometimes so depth and the brisket comes with
-fessed all 1.to her -and thrown, my- took from it a little golden key to know aught of its future. depressed during those .weeks we ih fifteen inches of the 'level of th
,_/ 'self upon her love and mercy, for which I had often seen lying in it, "The third night afterward we spent at home- You used to rally, foot. Viewed from one side it ma
I was sorely in need of comfort and and pinned it upon the baby's believed that my poor friend would tis about it occasionally, you know. curve forward like the prow of
motherly advice. But I 'had always dress. Then I wrote a brief note never know the truth, for it seem- Before Bailing for England we went •ship• With the cow, considerabl
stood in awe of my father, who was containing these words: `Will some ed likely to be her last, and though on +•o Bos'Gon once more, to make bosom may show, but not in
:'rather austere and very strict with kind woman take this child, or see my heart was almost broken at tho a last attempt to recover the child. great a degree, and with lea
:his children; and thus I was con- that it finds a good home where it thought of losing her, I tried to feel But it was a useless journey, and breadth and feminine outline. Th
.'strained to keep up my deception will be well reared-4 Nothing but that everything would be rightly Ke fi{ Ily gave up our search and chest which lies between the.shoo?
• r and preserve my secret until Char direst necessity comrpels her aban- adjusted in 'the unknown -realm went ]'come. Our loss seemed a pe dors and just back of them ghoul
lie came, when I trusted to him to donment. She is well and honoiab- whither I believed she was going, culiarly trying one, in view of the 'ie full at the crops, showing muc
smooth everything for me. iy born, and yet a relentless fate and her own grief-stricken heart at fact that no other children ever spring of rib and, also well fill
'`A fortnight or three weeks after makes her an outcast from her own rest. It proved to be the crisis, came to us. It was the one dark cut in the• front flanks. The mo
the departure of Mr. and Mrs. At- kindred.. A peculiar-shaped golden for when the long night of watch- cloud upon the otherwise clear sky beautiful front on the beef anim
wood, the housekeeper was taken key is fastened to her clothing—it ing,was over, she began to rally. of our exiatence, and though we no matter whether bull, cow
violently ill, and was obliged to is her only heritage. Will who- A few days more and'she was out seldom talked about it, yet each steer, is a smoothly laid, well flesh
8t, to a' hospital in Boston. The ever responds to this appeal insert of danger, when I could endure my knew that the other grieved in sec eel shoulder, with a strong arch o
,, summer passed; and September in the early issue of the Boston burden.no longer, and confessed ret over the fact. rib behind, leaving littl9 or no de
.: ,came, Toward .the last of the Transcript, under the head of per- what I bad done; „(To he continued.) pression. Much deptesaion behin
s v_month I received a letter from sonals, the following: "X• Y. Z.— "I shall.never forget the lock of the shoulders ora marrow, con
:,Charlie saying his father had died, The golden key has unlocked a re- hopeless despair that swept over ' tracted, low cheat indicates lack o
.:,and that he should sail for Ameri aponsive heart," -and relieve the her face as she realized the truth; constitution.--Plumb's Types-an
ca within a week. Then there fol- writer of this of a.beau burden Z' but she never uttered one word of Breeds of Farm Animals.
lowed a cable despatch, stating "I'pinned this also to the blan- reproach.or condemnation. It was Country Doctor=-`.`Well, Silas, '' -
1 .--
�,;he would leave Liverpool the nrrt kat in which the poor little waif was as if she recognized that a cruel you! wife has gastric fever." Solas Husband—"Did you hear to
-- =qday-on the. Catalonia. The vessel wrapped, Mary administered an fate had set its iron heel upon her, (much concerned}—"Don't see how storm when it broke this morning"
_ ""'` was that ill-fated steamer which effective potion of soothing syrup, and she had nothing to Bout sub- that can be, air, seeing as how Wife—"That wasn't •tho storm. I
was wrecked when only two days and then, vrith the child wrapped mit to it in patient ailence• I told we've never bua•ned gasi but always Rea the now girl washi:,; t-
from port.ikiii
a soft gray shawl and is a ?Quay 1 her, of course, of the response that used lamps•" treakfast.diahes "
• rr 1�-;wf r ''. 's.' • I.. r E' a j,,, a '„ r .Z I
a+�K:- r ,a x ,. .� :w,,.a d. .N six..' ;�:,aiiy ,iii' r';- ' x 2.' *Ta 'R'' a!•'f°'' „gs a; i rn .y r q ,,i, , s !"r a Trd7... ,«rR cvvr Vit'. •�•' .
VANZAKT a 1111141111011
.Zan"This' an in An Irishman, who had just come
M te�esting Gos4p - About sonte OCIP"IN
from Dublin to Glasgow, to seek
AWI9d on
Notable Peo0le.
employment, was informed that he
Your had a poor chance of getting & job
It is &'somewhat curious' fact, i*mAu 19AC
perhaim', that as a boy Ms. Marconi, e The ret erbear 11111111011100
because h was displaying marks
elf 04M.
r is"i
consistent with pugilism. TitToros:
showed little signs of -cleverness.
ind%r• of the "You mane that I've a blabk
One of his teachers, in fact, once Dowele. of the
The rich, poor, exalted and said Of him that he could never I- T ase, Sir,.eh I"
Brou a.D!Mcul WANTED.
na= "Exactly."
bumble wk his adviee on Busi- learn anythipg:..by -beart.. 'Never-
tress, -Marriage, Friends, Enemies, the ;i ea8d, "Ehure, that's only a birth-mark ROY WArvrli; .-TO ACT AS AG
less, he was only twenty-one t&rrk,.ToothMA-be. Non- J P for "TORONTO SATURDAY AM
Changes,' ipeculatlien Love when he began to startle the world which I h-mve. You see, air, I was in by
9 Rhouniausm.Cold time. Good money. circa.
e C-1: Ague Chillik Chtl� cowirig from Dublin on the boat, latiou Manages, Toronto.
Affairs, Journeys."and &U vents with his demonstrations of'wireleas
bra tup, rkwtW- Quickly
of.Life. tele an' by a mistake I went into the
grapby. In spite`-of his fame, cured oy ANTASSERS WANTED. Oth
rs 0
wrong berth, and the who
Marconi is one of the most unas- lWais Will Rdd twentl dollars weekly. Avoley A=
was there e, this.
zF su ng e
mi of men, -and hates demon-_ gave m Tyler, London. Out.
strations. He was once rwogniz- O'XS A13.D GIRLS WISHING TO EAR$
qQ While walking in Rome.. Im- A Pleasafit. Purgative.—P rme- money or premiums send your nkme,
1`1ANY SAY.HE REVEALS go �LVfn and address for our juvenile fit I of
intdiately a cheering crowd ke's Vegetable' Pills are c
for FALL TERM - no better time. easy selling household spectaitIN.
bled, Marconi bolted into what he Thorough, a, courses, individu.
I instruction
n g�t tic pounded as to operate on both th1J adult Airents 69' Page, catalowns is
thb�ught was an - empty carriage. a ;!g IV.r.%.d every up-to-date fa- etomach and the bowels, so that ready, free on request Canada Silver.
AMAZING ACCURACY cloth Co., Toronto, Out.
reliable school.
But-it contained a lady who was ellity provided by our oldest and most they act along the whole alimen-
too frightened to expostulate. Tue tritlah-Amerlosin Business Conega, tary and excretory passage. T.01 AGENTS WANTED.-I have Secured thil.
are not drastic in their work, of Ontario for the sale of
1,iit Fenerul agency
inventor quickly made his apolo- Y.U.C.AL BUILDING,TORONTOBlender." a machine which
gies, and the lady allowed him to mildly purgative, and the pleasure makes two pounds of putter out of one a1
yres test headings will be sent for a short Write for catalogue.
remain until they were free of the T. M. WATSON.Principal of taking them is Only equalled by an additional cost of three cents. No
me to all our 8&"4tm chemicals used, stands pure food inspeo- ......
crowd. the gratifying effect they prod-ice tion. Write for Particufara for exclusive
It is not ;Dften that a P Co egetable territory, to 'low Butter Blonder;" Boom Prince is pounded only of T
IN il,115. 202 Confederation Life Building, Toronto.
su6stanc-es the curative qual;Lies
snubbed, but this happened opce,
61 which were,fully tested, they af- FOR SALE.
at least, to IEF. R. H. the Prince "Mother may-,1,go aviate 71
c Wales. During his first visit "Yes, my darling daughter;
ford relied without chance of litOMTC RECITATION BOOK-Best Colo
C lection Published in Erelish league
with Princess to Australia he See you Steer the airship jury. Ten cents. Arthur Rice. oreaby, Quo.
i is -was
out walking one- Sunday after- straight_
0 noon with his host, an important
4. And don't land in the water." RIGHT.
official. They happened to a Fewer V 8_2 PrO116"If-Ift ft.d people would have saes MAKING ing sealloa. sick.D"son
Sunday-school just as the schulars 114UNTINO FOR BIG CARIE. V) grind if,they bad to furnish the LITTLr- -"4- UA7 F-Ts"als. WNW
were coming Out, and, naturally, 240kiaL LMTsrtlls Q&Tm LANa
Thelo of Ontario is an ideal
the children followed the distingu- apot for the sportsman during motive power to revolve the.grind- rARM_%
bunting season for big frame.thei-o"the stone.
'fished pedestrians. At last the.host Temacemi a region mood are,Plentiful and
asked' tbe!m to run away,. and all Iniy be killed du the period from Incorpomrtd IS
a,grrOctober 16th to during
15th. This After mi1li:if- -most earefful
14,44-1 except one little girl did so. territory is a forest ureserve of vast ex•
tiny tot continued to gaze with in- plane, and to Lddl4ion to being the hunt• study of the matter, U. S. Govern•
en's par"foe, Its water. ,bound with '
1,accent awe at the Prince., At last came flab of many suecles. The home of meat scientists state definitely
the latter-took her'' hand, walked the red deer is located somewhat to the
h of Temacanti. Particularly in the that the cordmon house By is the
."Now you have Bay.." "Maganotawan River. principal ' nicans of distributing
some little distance, and then said. d"lauttricts known ks •"Muskoka Lekes.::
had a walk with
rre, run away and.play." InMe4i7 "Lake pissing." ana, "Kawarths, Lakes" typhoid fever, diphtheria and
iately came the quairitly-severe re- Write to J. D. keDonald. District smallpox. Wilson's Fly Pads kill
Passenger Agent. ToWnt(�,.,fora copy of
itort: "Please, air. we don't play Baunts,of Fish a hd &me issued by the the files and the disease germs,
�,on Sunday!` Grand Trunk Railway System which.
fully describes the bunting territories .00. IN UATION b,'ITM LIPOYFPSITY or TMMTO.
I Queen Wilhelmina, Europe only reached-by this line. giving gainis laws
12 and 14 PEMBROKE 97.
female ruler, is twenty-eight years maps and all information.
'WHAT HE FOUND. F. N. Torrington, Mus. Din
�of age. Until her birth, the Salic
-11sel.1le T6f2 of myrKey tbac-SAB so"Tbrx I Law,
- "Good morning, Sir," said the 69H ANNUAL CONCERT. MASSEY HALL,
shrouded the ancient sciences been raised L by which no woman could e went into the country to. NOVEMBER Ist.
of last P Can it be that a system ban been 'reign, had been in force, but'ihis lady, entering the studio to the find zolitude."
Tickets way be had at the,Collogew
perfected that reveals, with reasonable inals-fa- famous portrait-painter. - "I wish "Did he find it I's
accuracy the character and disposition of I was put aside 6y Wilhelm
a individual, and so outlines the life as 'Ther in hii daughter's interest. t4> engage you - to paint my por- 'No, quite the opposite-, he sat
to assist in avoiding error*and taking ad. a an A FEW CENTS
vantage of opportunities? This applies also to the little Prin- trait. "I shall be delighted, ma, downo, a ilt�hil i 1. • will change your windn
Roxipy. a man who has for twenty cess'Juliana' It is said that, al- 'dam." "I want it painted with rich stained glass, ell
years been delving into the'mysterit@ ,I NANIB, basatifull at red
the occult making a scientific study of the though Princess Wilbelmins.was her my new hat-on." "Pardon me, INFORMATION WANTED about the man ,Ind transparent it
various methods of reading the lives of father•8 constant -companion, she madam, but I am not a landscape who has never heard of Painkiller. Sold Special deftVier"Tulaboa.
people, gems to have reached a for over 60 years. Is Lba, boot remedy for 14&mplss free. ASMAS WaSt'
round in the ladder 61 fame than bhJss`iD1'r'*er did not realize her Royal position ;Lrtist." colic and dysentery, and un. od. Wdto we now
d*cessori. Letters are. Pouring into his until the lAtter's' seventieth birth- =M% as- a liniment for auto and H. r. 8ILLIVA19
cince tr*m all=f the world telling of wounds. Avoid substitutes• there is but
the ' benefits from his advice. day. As she Stood 'at the window
A Thorou4b Pill.-to clear the one "Painkiller"--Perry Davis'-Wo., and
Many of his patrons look upon him a,.q a listening to the,erowds that cheer- stomach' and-bowels of impurities 600-
man Lifted with some strange. M te.,one ed the King, she turned to her gov-
pQwer. bui, he modestly asserts t9:t- hat and irritAntsis 'necessary when
De accomp,tabies is due alone to an under- Ill UN 8
standing e,(natural laws. erness,- and said, with an air Of. their action is irregular. The pills AID CLE ILAS:
He is a man of kindly feeling toward '4awning ibtelligence: , "Why, the that will do this work thoroughly "When a feller.has a job in
humanity, and his manner and tone imme. King is my lather Hei Majesty are Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, fcundry he tells about the place- �� � ntm
diately impress huge
his sinctrebellef
In his work. A huge stack of grateful SUCceded to the throne as the first which are mild inaction but mighty' where he works, but if he's in a
letters from people who have received read. Queen of the Netherlands when ten i in results. They purge painlessly bank he speaks about.the concern
Ings from him adds to other. convincing.
ptoof'��ss to his abilit,?. Even Astrologers years- of age. Sineib then she has and effectively, and work aper- by which he is employed."
and Palmists admit that his system sur- been, the idoj of her people, who Investments
passes anythl manent- cure. They can be use4
t introduced.
Paul's Fvanselical Lutheran Church. In a
The Rev.-G. 9, Hajokarl. Pb.D 0 SL have, with simple earnestness, witho.ut fear by;.the most delicate!,, Attacks of cholera, and dysentery LIST MAILED ON REQUEST.
shared'in her sorrows and in her constituted, as there are no pain come quickly, there seldom, being
letter to c
specialist d mast- -rejoicings. ul effects preceding their gentle any warning-of the visit, Remedial
certainly the itreateet
Prof, Rostroy. saysi "You are
or of your profession. Everyone condultina be For individuals with funds ti
you will marvel at the correctness of action taken just. as quick
roar' detailed personal reading* and ad- JUDGED.BY APPEARANCE. ly if the patient is to be spared Ar investment at the present
vice. The most oceptical will consult you
stain and stain after corresponding with Kin t Alfonso is fond of min gl.lin "I want you children to go to my great suffering and permanent in- tin-, whether of largre amount
rou okcture-to-night," remarked a pro-' jury to the lining membranes of or small, tre harp compiler] a"
It you wish to take advantage 01 1,ox. with is people. 'Som,6 time back
soy's generous offer and obtain ,a Ir,e • he visited a small town outside fessor to the younger members of the bowels. The readiest ,prepare extenmire list of IfIrNICIP.1L,
mactifit,Asud.yo family. ' "couldn't you whip us tion for the purpose is Dr. J. D. PUBLIC 8XR VICE and COR-
,:r 4tte, =oath and
hoLb Mr., Mrs or Miss fils fa
at bin . state r year Madrid, and, somewhat disgusted,
and also copy the following.Terse ad just this Once, father Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. It can PORATIUIV bonds.• instead The go-
own handwriting:- be got at small cost at- any drug. curities o
he street 'in order to catch & said of them. fered will receive the
I have heard 61 Your power
limpr -of himself. store•Or g neral dealers, and it approral ofthe most co1wrradt,
To-reattletore's lives. g ,e Suddenly word
And woul as what for me If allowed to rohmover your
will afford relief before a-doctor inve,tors.
assed thalt "the King was coming.
You have to advise 7 P can be called.
A -thrill female, house those- few inhocent-looking
Pe sure.to ride your eorrert name and -voice at his back
address and write plainly. Head vour let-.exclaimed, "Let nie get in front house flies may cause a-real trag-.
ter to ROXROY. Dept. 37. No. 177a. Ken- .-,UNCLE EZIL-k SAYS: Ontario Vic nicipal debentures
sington High-street. London. W.. England. of you, will you? Tve walked,all edy -any day, as they are
If To yonmayenclose 10 cents it-he way and spoilt my new black ".Som'atimes the takin' hold uv to Yield 4% to 41710. Other
Ics'nZ wish.
kn stamps to pay Postage. cleri.
cal wo etc. Do not enclose corns or dices. Get 6tit, of my way; I will to he the. principal agents for the the bull by the• horns ain't the let- Canadian, Nunicipals - pro •
silver in'letters. see what the King is like." Turn- spread of those deadly diseases, tild, go a�g'in." rine, Co-u itty, City and T(n
ing roundwith a, smile to thepush- typhoid fever, diphtheria and I to yield 4', to 6/f/40,/
Ever.y time a married woman' i
be- ing, ere inn damL-,. his Majesty' Smallpox. No other fly killer com., IFted, Wink, W-�airy, Winery ICTeg-
Relieved By Murine Lye Remedy. Try RAILROAD & PUBLIC SERVICE
gins to talk about her rigbt.s'it's wbispero�d: "Here is the King." loares with Wilson*s Fly Pads. Murton For Your. Eye Troubles. You
'en.umerate' a The woman looked' at him scofti- Will Like- Murine. It Soothes. 60c At
her husband's cue to Your Druggists. Write For Eye Books. Me offer a select lint 0J,ba?tds
few of his v-ropgs., fully. "King, indeed"" she ex- 'She-"Someti Free. murine Eye Remedy Co., Toronto. 'nd Public Ser
"You're more like Imes Y40U appear of Railroads a 1-ice
claimed' likely really manly and sometimes you Corporations o 'demonstrated
Where. can I get some" Q- �omebody who has. come to blow Kindly menti(�n th6 name of this
I - earning
are quite effeminate. How do you, power at prices to yield
I was e-tirely the poor boy up.` �L, paper in writing to advertisers.
way's Corn Curet account far it?" He—"It's 60'
heredl- the investor 471 to
cured of my corns by this remcd.�, T tary, I suppose. 'o
One half o
and i wish some more Of it fo: M I" FACES. f ray The Lady—"Look here, you said Canadian Northern Rahway co.
ancestors were men and the other EQUIPMerlts 4 1-2 per cont's,
friends.- So writes Mi. J.* W. .When :you see.a man making all half women." that if I'd -give you your dinner Duluth, Rainy Lake &
Brown, Chicago. sorts of faces'at himself in's mir- you'd mow the lawn for me." Railway Company 6 per Winnipeg
Toronto and York Radial owl[-
ror it's a safe bet that he's either T-,amp-"I'd like to do it, .ma'am, way Compa% 4 per cent's. (Cuar-
'DER. crazy or. shjaving_ SEE THAT YOU GET THE REAL THING. the Toronto Railway tea
HIS TACTFUL REMUN -Unscrupulous makersare putties, up a �,ut I've got to "ch you a Tes'so n anted by
counterfeit of "The L." Men'tbol Never trust the word of a total
Two guests came to spe.nd the ev- Plaster. The genuine is made by Davie stranger. suburban Rapid Transit corn.
Parents buy Mother G.-aves' & Lawrence Co. rte
s per oint's. (Guaranteed by
ening, and didn't know when.to y Winnipeg Electric C,n
Worm Exterminator becau.4e 'thcy
depart.. The host and hostess were
know''it is a.safe medicine for their If a man's wife cuts his hair'be Something that Should be Rub- BONDS OF ESTABLISHED im•
patient with them,- very patient; DU3TRIES.
children and an,effectual expeller is entitled to a lot more sympathy 1'ed In.-Whenever pain is felt in
but when eleven twelve, and finally worms. the limbs or b'aick, take Dr. Tho- Bonds of long established
ene o'clock struck, the husband of w than he gets.
realized that something flatist now mas' Eclectric Oil ; pour a little in continuously proeperovs. indus
the hand, and applying it to the tries to yield 6.; to 6y.
be done. He was an original chap, . NO,TIME FOR FIREWORKS. Watch any man-long enough and
surface beneath which the pain is,
ill see bim dn something he Western Canada Flour Mills Co.
and, in' his droll way. he looked The brave ship was wallowing in You u w rub briskly. If the first applies-- 0 per cent's.
'ever at his wife.and said, mildly the waves that threatened to en- ought to be ashamed of. tion does not afford relief, which Burns and Company, Ltd., I
"My dear, hadn't we better get per cervi.
gulf her at any moment. is not usually the case, keep rub-' Long-Bell Lumber company I
up to bed 7 Our friends may want Hastily the captain ordered a per corit's.
bing. The, Oil will gradually pone V
i to be going?" Dominion Iran & Steel.Co. con-
t,.,Dx of rockets and flares to be trate to the affected part and re- solidatod 5 per cant's.
brought to the rail, and with his 'llefwill come.
own hands iglu"ted a number of
m, in the l;6$e, that they would It is a pleasure to select from
,.the Lady Roberts was once visiting
our -ini; a suitable bond
be seen and the passengers and the hospitals at the base of mili- offe i y
crew rescued. tary operations in , India, and so vwfigation othe security.
and to assist to a thorough in-
Amid the glare, of the rocketts, a a pleased was she with the untiring f
tall, thin, austere-looking individu- and their de
a 1r,bor of the nu-nes a
OQ al found his way to the skipper. notion to the sick that she said
'Captain," said he, "I must pro- -1 really think that the sisters,de- DOMINIO N
testagainst this foolhardiness. We 'a medal for this campaign
facing ea ; s s no serve
are 'now Its much as anyone, and I hope they SECURIT
ideath this iIES
time for fireworks!" will get one." "I don't know about
a medal,"' said a gallant colonel CORPORATION. LIMITED
enga standing by. ."but thAy are sure,
# at all events,. to get plenty of meAn orric�, TORONTO :26 KING ST. 9.
meat," Dick-"What did Harry. i -3 HE
do T" Toni-"He sent her a bill for. BRANCHES!
Tom—"She broke the engage
0-d for fires ssr"1310 to Dept. W. L., Na-, the use of the engagement ring f6r lin4ily niftiltiolliPthe naillif; of this,
)rug & Chemical CO., Toronto. I the time they were engaged." T. N U ISSUE INO. 40-09 per in writing to advertisers.
k W-1
W 7- - -7
—Donald Kerr, of Toronto, was George Long to building a ce
L0CALISXS- - :' home over Sunday. ment foundation beneath. his HE STOVE
—Miss Sarah Law visited friends stable and making other mprove-
Fred. Baladvn was in the"city in Oshawa this week. meats to his eta is and driving
eduesday. —Wm. 'Martin. of Toronto, house.,
is vie- !pent Sunday with James and —The Ladie4'Aid Society of St.
of--Zephyr EMPORIUM
Wagner.. Bars. Gordon. Andrew's church are making )
1 g her an" Mrs.J--H : Ing
—Mrs. J.. Dickie and Mrs. M. S. —Mr. Mabee, of Odessa, is visit- preparations to hold a rainbow. .......
Chapman spent Wednesday in ing for a few days at the home of social on the.evening of Friday, The hope of the
the city. Mrs. Decker. Oct. 29th.
—Born—On Tuesday,Sept.28th, —Miss Clara Ham, of Toronto, —Mrs. R. Pollard will hold an Happ
the wife:of Theodore Annan. of a is home at present to take a much auction We of horses, cattle,&S, Oxford."
da 'ht". and'
ng needed rest. oplements, etc-, on her-prowls",
r& W. D. Rogers is at G —Dr. Henry will be here is INS- lot:18, con. 1, Pickering, on Tues-
M Green
River visiting her mother, Mrs, ual next Tuesday to attend•to his day, Oct. 12th. Call and see these in &U
professional duties. styles and sizes.
Forster. who is very W. --A. E. Bell, who has had
—J. McCamus returned to To. —Mr. and Mrs. Storey and child, charge of,St. George's church bur-
RaVetrou ace
hing and furnace
Tonto this week to resume his of Bloomington,-spent Sunday ing the summer mouths, has re- worka specialty.
with D. and Mrs. Simpson. turned to resume his studies in
studies at the university.
—Everett Bryant, who has been e. Sincl coming
home after spending a few to Pickering r. Bell has made
In the North-west during the past ed M
..few weeks, has returned home. days with friends in Mariposa. many friends who regret his de-
-W. V. Richardson has return. Wycliffe College. . . "K . -Bund
—Hughof Halleck, —Richard Burt is having his parture.
Minn.,is viCameron,siting his sister, Miss residence now occupied by Mr. —Our local baker wishes to in-
Ann Cameron, at the residence of Teefy, given a fresh coat of paint. form his customersAhat owing to
Hobert Miller. —Mrs. Clarence T. Batty will changing on to the new, wheat,
t4the standard, but this week ' M �" ALKS '
—W. Wood, of Oshawa, is receive for the first.time Thursday flour the bread last week was not ONEY
spending a few days' vacation ion at afternoon, Oct. 7th, from 3 to 6 up o
k the bome of his parents, James O'clock. everything is working satisfactor-
.. and Mrs. Wood. —Enos McCausland, of Essex, ily and the usual high quality isOUR
Mr. Waddell, with his gang was here on Friday attending the forthcoming.
of men, are here at present Jay. funeral of his aunt, the late Mrs. —The peach social given in the
ing down the cewent floor iny evening
W. Harper. town hall last Tbursda
H. Banks' new stables. —Miss Robertson, of Toronto, by the Guild of St. George's
—A large number from Picker- has been spending a few days this church was quite a success. There PRICES OLLER
ing attended the Shredded Wheat week with her cousin, Miss M, was a good attendance and every
banquet given in Dunbarton on Campbell. one had an enjoyable time. The
on Tuesday evening and report a —The township council will guild had a handsome surplus aft GROCERIES DOOMS SEOES
good time. meet on Monday next at Brough- er defraying expenses.
Gusto Breakfast Food, reg. loc.
—Mrs. J. H. Beal, of Claremont, am for the transactionof general —Mr. Postilthwaite, of Toronto, 2 for 15c. Young men I ! We've a snap-for yor-
7 accompanied by her daughter, business. Inspector of Prisons, was in. town 4&D�abuyll Holland Rask, reg. 16c.,
—Dan Gormley left on Monday e pickedug'on'Tuesd 2 for 25c. an exhibition bargain w
Mrs. Hatton, spent Wednesday than We understand be
h with parents, A. and for Cheeley where he has secured was in is locality in connection
ere I Cam Starck fresh and good,2 for 15c. —Gent's Patent Leather boot.,reg.
Mrs Alla*ay. & position as engineer in a furni- with Central Prison business. The Canned Tomatoes, good,4 for 2&.
Jaq. O'Connor, of Orillia, 'tura factory. government are now getting vela-
$4.W for$8.50. Newest style. good
returned'. home on Saturday after —Thos. H, Bain, organizer for ations on the different proposed
Mo bell CA*40n Tea. There's nothing
to compare with.it for 26 cents. quality. Call in and get shod. Our
spending a few weeks here visit- the A.O. U.W., is here at present Central Prison sites. Leave your order. We're especially
Ing at the home of her brother, working 'in the interests of the shoes are like a wet carpet, --Hard
Henry I.Arkin. Pickering Lodge. busy delivering sugar and gem jars at
resent, ' to
."A meeting of the Board of —The sacrament of the Lord's pptlbeat."
butwe'll get yours there
Management of the public library Supper will be dispensed in St. prom
will beheld this (Friday) evening Andrew's church onSunday next
At the library room in the drug- at the morning service.
h IL
i9itOre. All members are requested —Mrs. Thos. Jac�son, of Mic
g&D. has return
'L -''tobe,present.- ed home last week, "BARGAIN 00UNTER
—Mr. Reid*s sale of cattle on after visiting her aunt, Mrs. Wm.
Monday was not very largely at- Varty, and other friends.
20 Pairs Ladies heavy cotton Drawers and Vests, regular 35 cents,
tended, but those who were pros- —Wm. Logan is having the in- for 25 cents.
terior of the residence occupied
ent had gone to buy and as a re I n
cult rices were- satisfactory and by Dr. W. L. Howden re-painted 16 more pairs of Corses, small sizes and large dizes, rangi g in price
F, I I re Id. and otherwise renovated. from $1 to 75 cents, for 50 cents.
pearly a we so
—Mrs. Clinch, of St. Catharines. —The numerous friends of Jas. t-2 pairs for
and her aunt, of Grand Rapids, McBrieu, of Prince Albert, will 16 pairs of those All-wool Sox left—the biggest snap on
Mich.John Greenlaw. This is are visiting the latter's bro- regret to hear of his death which only 25 cents•
the took place on Sunday, Sept. 26th. SALE REGISTER.
12 pairs Men's Overallp going for 45 cents, worth 15 Gents. Also,
first.time in forty-five years that —Rev. J. George Miller, who on SA7VS1IA.T, Oct. 2nd, 1909--Auction Apple Pickers' Gloves, 10 cents. Come and get them.
yq`rMr. Greenlaw and his sister ha
ve different occasions occupied the sale of farm stock and implements
i $t. Andrew's church on lot 22. con. 7, Pickering,met pulpit in ring, the
—The contract for building the here during& recent vacancy, has property of Hewson Thom 808.
C.N. R. line between Toronto and been ordaiued as Resistant pastor Ewe at one. See bills. 904.
• Trisuton has been awarded to in Knox elibreh, Toronto. Mr. Poucher, Auctioner. it will do you good to drop in and
Angus Sinclair, of Toronto. Mr. Miller is one of the see our
rIAIng Young TURISDAT. OCT. &rR—Auction sale
19inclair has had considerable ex- men in the Presbyterian church. farm stock, implements and house- GOODS Now don't catch cold. :net get one
in building railways. n AVEW our "Coal Oil Heaters" for these,
grtence lways. —The sixth annual Ontario bold furniture, on lot 30,rear con. :of
a work ig to be completed with- Horticultural Exhibition will be Pickering.,the property of Chas. E. Sb^kem flannelett4w galore, ladies' cool evenings. Unive p ()hop-
o rwd Food
Laughlin. Sale at I o'clock. See underwear, !nightrobes, drawers and
n!year and the length of this held in the St. Lawrence Arens, sateen blouses PO". Now is the time for them. Don't.
section is 104 miles. Toronto, Nov. 9th to 18th. This �ills. W. B. Powell, Auctioneer. waists,blankets, black
andabugestock of ladies' cashmere bake a substitute.
—Chas. 11. Gordon, manager of exhibition is each year, becoming. Tv=DAr, OcT. 12Tu. 19094uction hose. You'll put your foot in it when
the Dominion Bank, Whitby, has more popular and is attracting sale of horses. cattle, pigs, imple- you am our 90c stocking. our Hardware Stands Hard Wear.
been secured to address the Rally great numbers. Good prizes are wants,etc., an I!pt Wcon. 1. Picker-
Day meeting of the Methodist being offered for fruit,vegetables,
1g, the property of Mro. Pollard.
Sunday School here on Sunday honey and flowers, and intendingSale at one. See bills. W. B. Pow-
auorning, October 11th, at 10.80 a. exhibitors should send to P. W. ell,Auctioneer.
201 Special music and singing. Hodgetts, Parliament Bldge., To-
' Everybody welcome. No session routo, for a prize list.
Auction Sale Lew �� �
school in the afternoon. Each —The aurora borealis or north=
requested to ern lights on Saturday
class of the school is n Friday and
iattend in a body at the morning last were of such a character as to
Valuable Farm Property
aervice. interfere greatly with the tele- P ICKERING, 'ONTG
—On Friday afternoon last graph syetems , throughout the Under and by virtue of a
_power of
-while the funeral procession of world.- These natural phenomena sale contained in a certain Mortgage
-the late Mrs. Harperwas proceed- are at present a mystery to scien- which will be produced at the time of
sale there will be offered for We by
mg along the Kingston road just tists, although they are known to TALL MILLINERY OPE 5ING
east of the village on its way to be electro-magnetic in character. public auction at Gordon's Hotel in `11 take PlaealAil a .
the Village of Pickering on . .-My Fall Millinery Opening will the Friends' cemetery, an auto; The last time.in wf!' they inter-
Monday,the I ath day o(Oclolmw. 1909 a" we&es&
with number 7500, came tip be- fered with the wo ding of the at 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon the fol- Tuwvimsy Y. SepUmber 28th and 29th
'hind and passed thr6ugh the pro- telegraph was about six years Ito.
r IL lowing.valuable farm property. Parts
cession. As this is contrary to —On Thursday morning of last dies.are invited to call and view the most complete exhibition of
of Lots Number Twelve in the second In armniingL-this opening my
she law, Mr. O'Leary, the •under- week, at about a quarter patit one, and third ranges of the Broken Front the. latest styles and fashions.
-taker, has laid an information J. Harsell was awakened by a Concession of the Township of Picker- efforts have been to avoid those very extreme fashions
".against the owner cf-the auto. noise on the roof of R. A. Bunt- ing, in the County of Ontario,contain- which almost before the season ofens have had
—On Wednesday evening Thos. ing's store. On making an exam- ing 120 acres more or less. There are their day. If you are unable to get suited call and see Lrqe and I have
B. and Mrs. Marquis receiveda ination he discovered that some a frame house in fair repair and a good every confidence in giving you every satisfactiouboth in
surprise when their home was n- person or person bad endeavored, bank barn' on the premises and style, workmanship and comfort. prices moderate. 7
'waded by a number of their rela- to gainmoney to be paid at the trance to the store soil is said to be good clay.
the skylight and had us-en .SALE—Ten per cent. of NorthSide ng
tives and friends, who had come thr the purchase LEIGH, King St., Picke'r -0i 9 nt.
.,,.'to remind them in a pleasing man- ed a ladder to reach the roof. On time of sale. sufficient within 30 day
ner that they had that day com- finding that they were being dis- thereafter to make 40 per cent. of. the
9�leted fifty years of married life. 'covered they made a hasty depar- purchase and for the balance terms
r. and Mrs. Marquis, who had ture. easy and to be made known at time of
received-no inkling of the party, —A delightful afternoon was side. EVERYTHING
were made the recipient of appro- spent at the home of Mrs William For further particulars apply to dew XQ.f
priate gifts, among which was Rogers, where the regular month- J. F. GRIERSON, Oshawa,
fifty dollars in gold. ly meeting of the Women's Insti- Vendors Solicitor. TO THE
—On Tuesday evening of last Lute was held. A -large number Dated at Oshawa, Sept. 21,'09, 51-1 W V 'M INUTE-
week Rev. F. C. Harper, for the, from Whitby Institute visited the
past two years minister of Drum- Pickering Inetittite and gave the A. PALMER
-woudhill Presbyterian church, following excellent program : PAINTER AND DECORATOR* �'STYLE
wits waited upon by a large num- Chorus "Maple Leaf"; Recitation
nQ,]� elkirt.1
her of members and adherents of by Miss Seldon; Paper "Hints Contractor for general house repairs.
his congregation and resented from the Women's Congress", by
with an illuminated adgress,. ex- Mrs. Starr;' Song by Miss Evans; Established 5 years in Pickering
presi by XEN9
iivI6 of appreciation of his Paper "Trip to the Bermudas", dim vied
.pastorate and and of good wish- Mrs. Fletcher, Mrs. Fletcher also
ee for his usesuluess and welfare showed a collection of curios from
Iu the ministry. The address was Bermuda. R. A. BUNTING I Pickering
tably-inscribed in gold' upon —The annual harvest home fes-
-%+ith the gresby- tival of the Methodist church will terian Blf�IeksiJllthing
white lambskin
crest on top. be held on Tuesday evening next,
—On Sunday last at her home Oct. 5th, under the auspices of Having rented the Dunbarton shop
in Whitby, and opened the same,I am prepar-
itby, Mrs. George MacGilli- the Ladies' Aid Society. Supper ed to do all work entrusted to
vray, one of the earliest residents will be served from 6 to 8 o'clock, JUST ARRIVED
me in the above line.
of this township, died at the ad- the leading feature of which will me specialty.
oemp;a sped
vanced age of 88 years. She was be an address by Rev. C. O. John- Call in and see me&auiily time.
a woman of sterling character, ston, the popular lecturer, of To- M. T. -r .-rMq=rM2g=:R, Fall and Winter Goods, such, as Shaker Flannels, Shirting,' Men's
and -raised a large family, the ronto. The musical part of the Heavy Shirts, Socks and Underwear in all lines. Also
R-g�*members of whom have won, PICKERING MARKETS Another lot Of high program will be given by Misses DUNBARTON
ns. in the various rious rofes- lenore Wright and Grace Ayles- fast and stand
O. 1. -
alone. She was well tnown worth, of the 0 , C., Wh�tbv, PeabOdY'S Overalls which are selling
ing the test—cannot rip them. Come along and
. .throughout this township and and A. W. Lynde. The ch b Red Wheat.............. ...... $1.00 get a pair of them at the Farmer's.
-her many friends will regret to will be appropriately decors d White " 1.00 Supply Store.
bear of her death. Fer funeral for the occasion. On Sunda Mixed ....................... .98
took place oil Tuesdo&to the Un- Oct. 8rd, Rev. J. M. Shaver Oats .............
e, e an of the Toronto, will,preach at both gd Barley- ........ 00