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!1 11112 53 ". ..:rn: • . ',a>�..+.•.i: :m • � - �`�- '-- j -,^. -s�-xrns'-=-+'�,+=:v a" sx :r,++,�:•-7r•r..- •a--- a'.,- .� -r air ,r R' " "•- vt ''�=-;•,« -^+ - i „T,•. .,ay�, - -..L.,. _ ..�+r'-"'. - —T�v e-,e.::- wa �• ' :i:;-'r ti _VOL. XXVIII. PICRIXG�, ONT., FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 190 ' INTO. 38 gE prafsss•tvstal #garb*. I MtARKHAM WHITBY rThe Wellington Hotel, one of the A case in the County Court tried l.a-n- d ..-Plaster . ared"I A Wonderful old landmarks in the , village and last Friday was one of much interest county, is being demolished. The judging by the attendance. The case - Y. BELL, M. D., C. M. hotel was erected in 1816 by the late lasted all day. His Honor Judge Me- k •A. Late House Burgeon of the Kingston Cat Win. Armstrong, and has been Crimmon oecu red the,bench. A Mr. -- General Hospital. 8uoceesor to Dr. M.Bate. Invigorator is I P g+ P man: OMoG hours s to to a m,'1 to s p m•and 6 occupied in turn by Win. Ingles(who Hall, market gardener, of Pickering. A sroall quantity still on hand. soB.p m Pickering,Out, 48-1y ran a stage to Muddy York); William wns•the plaintiff and J. L. Parsons, of Anyone can Petherbridge, Alfred Oxford, John the base-line; defendant. L. T. Bar- get it at the Spink EO. N. FISH, M. D. I TAL Jerman, John TorTP.nce,John Higgins, clay appeared for Hall, Col. Farewell Elevator, price hue per 154 _ PHYSICIAN AND BURand-S !!Henryerman and Jaynes Torrence. for Parsons. It seems that r. Hall Ib. sack. ' - Afember of College o2 Physicians and-Surgeons, � Y �I - Oat, Aerociate Coroner, County of Ontario. During the process of demolition a purchased a horse from Mr. Parsons Office Hours-8 to 10 a.m, and 1 to 3 and 3 to s ,___,_-_, olroto of Capt. Armstrong was found for $120, believing the animal to be W. H. JACKSON, d p.m. Brougham, Ont. a-1y between the,sheeting in a good state I true. He found the animal not on Brock Road It enriches the blood and, of preservation. A fine brick resi- friendly terms with work, especially , t.e9at. dente will be erected on the site. drawing the plow,-harrow or stuffier. E. FAREWELL, Q. 0., BAbRIB- will cure RHEUMATISM Perhaps the horse may have Rot the James' White•I• TER,Oounty crown Attorney,and County - BROUGHAM idea.that his mission in life w•as tp dowhen everything else_ has some more im f3�11oitor. Oonrt Hones,Whitby. 30.►. portant duty thr}n the ' F. C. Mechin is home for the holi- menial work of a farm back. Be that LT. BARCLAY, Barrister-at-Law, failed. 60c. a box; or six days. as it may, he firmly and-politely de- Wholesale and Retail Butcher • Solicitor,Notary Public,Special Ezami- Geo. Philip, sr., was in Uxbridge clined tq do Mr. Hall's work. Result- ' . nor for HiRu Court of Justice, Successor to for $2.60. For sale at Me- over Sunday. Mr, Hall took him bock to his former Pickering, Ont. I hitt. Dow McGillivray. Brock street, Thos, Feasby; of'Scott Township, owner and put him in the stable. Mr. --- Whitby. 7ly-. Fadden's Drug Store., was here last week. i Parsons was absent. The horse re- Best *�^e aid for choice 4 Mrs. W. Feasby is home, after mained in Parsons' possession for p p _ YetertTtctry. spending a couple of weeks at Ux-. months. As Mr.Hall had paid cash butcher's cattle. .S. bridge and Sandford. for the horse; he brought suit to re, - ALTER L. HOWDEN, D. V. S. g �°. (Graduate Ontario veterinary College. A r+umber of our most sporty sports cover the purchase price. Mr. Par- Chr>iee meat will be found at Ottr Member Ontario veterinary Medical Society. went fishing on Friday evening last sons put in a contra claim for$6Q for shop at reasonable prices. A Bucom%or to Dr,E.J. Shirley, Dince King at. I and caught not whales but eels. Sped for- the horse. Judgment was re- Pickering. Call and see ua. M.012umeits , Ed. Willson, Mrs. W. E. Holtbyand served.-Gazette. g -Prieeq right ' HOPKINS,VETERINARY SUR Miss F. E. Phillipa attended the Chris _ 41 - _ H• GEON, AND DENTIST, Eta. and tian Conference held at Keswick last Garden Part Pickering, June Za Graduate of the Ontario vet rinary Col- week. Yr lege, Toronto, 'registered member of the uatarto ve a as esoc on. it.. s represent the largest granitenni ifflonte 1 See and residence one and one-quarter miles - GREENWOOD PICKERING ALLIANCE a�a; company in Canada in above ,f ' worth of(}teen 13ivez. pIDoe and shoeing forge � hours.8 toll a.m.,and 1 to a pm. Private line, it will always Miss Ethel Perchard, of Toronto, is The following R telephone in my once P.O. address, Green g particulars regarding Having secured the agpncv for River. Ont, visiting with Fred and :firs. Seldon• the Ont trio Granite and Mar- ' _ Pa Those Interested Miss Ussher, of Elmvale, is s endin the financing re :,f the late. campaign Mar- Pay P R against the repeal of the Local Option ole �i'or•kR, Brampton, I am - •,� _`' --: - a few days with per .uncle, '%Vm. Mid- By-law are given for the information prepared W furnish all work in �LtStnEss Q�Gafrlrsr to see our styles and prices before dteton. x: .vin our order. We set u of many who in every section of the -the granite and marble line ?" giving y p Mr. Hinnman took his entrance class township had a share in that work. at the ver•v lowest prices, and rj'HOS. POU CHER Issuer of Mar the monument in the cem- to Cla;ernont Wednesday morning.. woi kmaneF.i n -a• riage Licenses.Brougham,Ont. . try without any trouble to 'e wish them success. Balance on band at the opening of p guaranteed. our customers, V. J. Devitt and men are in Stook- the campaign. $2'2.28. Receipts. from Gcods shipped-where desired. YV G. HAM-Issuer of Marriage Clareulont $16.29, Audley $14.60, Al- See me before placing•vrwr•- Licenses in.•tbe County of out o, 1;n this week doing some cement work tona�69,,20.her lBrouyrhamdSons ofuTem shortest oticedone on the Pickering Village, 271y In the Undertakingline we are for the Council there, ' Lettering HOPPER Issuer of Marriage up-til-date. Did you see our new Don't forget the Baptist S.S.-excrir- perance1$5,00, Pickering$3.00,White- y D. - Licenses in the County of Ontario, hearse-the best in the county. sion via C. P. R. and 'eteamabi.pp to C. W GIBBONS. Claremont w Omc°at store and his reaide=ce,Ctaremopt. Hamilton on Wednesday, July 7th, vale$3.00, Balsam $3.00, Kinsale$..00 _ a total of $$9.37. The actual expense ' Miss Kate Sadler, of the General-TORWAY HOUSE NO J• �3. B E A L, of thecampaign amounted to $33.03. ' K y Hospital stab. Toronto, ra home on w The balance, $'rt.34 has been paid into gingstoo Goad. Particular attention giv- well earned holiday of souls two p on tofarmenattending the Toronto markets UNDERTAKER, the funds of the Ontario Branch•of Beat "accommodation under the new manage. weeks. he DominionAlliance hP in mast. Changes moderate. J.J.McGaw, Pro Mrs. Fred Hoar returned from the 1forward :Hard and soft. D mi Lo 1 prietor, » CLAREMONT carrying mon the work in a large h city on Tuesday, after spending a few number of municipalities in which days with her husband. They expect cam i ria will be waged g R.BEATON,TOWNSHIPCLERK to move their household effects to the Pa g ged durin the Lath and Shin le, D• con+eyaaoar, iDonamfaeioaer for taking present year. R �, sMavlts, Accountant. Ete, Money so loan • • city shortly. We have examined the books' and �-�t T �- �Te••n an lasm prop•zty "Inner of ![anlage Lia �i�kerin •• Thos, Oliver, of Coleman, is<spend- vouchers of be treasurer and certify �✓Ey�'�-E.A.V .L ewes•" Whii•valo. Ons. !-y •• ing a week or two among his old ac- t y . u8latanCea here. Sort LO 68 he that the above is an accurate state- .PriCeN right. '�1 POSTILL, Licensed Auctioneer, 9 y y meet of the finances of the Township R E E SO R t .L' • !or Oonatie° of Fmk and Ontario. Ana- bas not been enjoyiug the beat of •• ]/ Alliance to date. tion gal°•of all kinds atteaned to on abortion 1e ,9harmaef� hewltb lately, but expects to be him- J. W. ToTTEN ' nowtos, saws«a Orem Biver P.0., out, i eelf aguin shortly. Signed: W. R. WOOD LOCII ST HILL B. POWELL, Licensed Aue- is the place to buy Drage. - Claremont, June 21st. 1909. r I F . tion•er for Onwio and York Co°. AU WHITBY triad.o!saiw conducted either pries or by W. J. QlOke .C1. FAL ME R kindssumidou. S.l• now ed eit e r ie dot.* or y, who founded the Remember the Garden Party- in owns•ppaarrttsyeulwus apply at residence, Elisabeth We buy in small tluantities and Farmer's Co-operative Harvesting Ma- PAINTER AND DECURA OIC BL, Pickering. Orden left as News Once will chine Co. here, died this week in Pickering, to-night.' reedy prompt attention, 1y�y, therefore have no old stock. ::.. To- ronto. r4 �1 POUCHER. Licensed Auction- Everything is pure and fresh here. The two steeple jacks who did the BALSAM Contractdr for general bougie'repairs. 1 • ear.valuator and OolleeWr for the Ovum 'fou get only the best that perilous job of repairing the cit hall Established 6 years in Pickering r ties of York wed Ontario All kinds of aoottoa deo, Jones visited the Queen Cit sale•eoadnoaed and valuations made as mod- money can buy. tower is Toronto are engaged this Q y . Village. eras•chane. Retaw and censwumaats son- _ _ week in a similar work on All Sainte last week, ADDREW: PICKERING P.O. etesaatly managed and °old by suesion or " - church spire. A. Rogers sold'.a horse to R. Ward �privase sale. Mortgages, rents, now and A special train-load of Toronto milk last week- 3! accounts promptly.collected and sous- Seeds-We are clearing these out pe Mie. D. Pilke who has been ill,is now ssuem•ats Raarante•d. Phone or at 3 pkgs for 6 cents. dealers.epent Wednepdey here on their y+ - L wrfM for term• and peztianlan, Hroaaham, annual picnic. Gaines on the athletic recovering. For High Grade- �Or� 0" Dates mag be nzed by phone ata Eyea tested free. grounds and dancing in the isusic hall Miss Shauntz visited the city one - — y Satisfaction guaranteed. a were the pet diversions. ca - last week. The commencement exercises at the 1 rich Jones was in Oshawa on busi- This college�is in a class. S y b itselL _. nes, on �I da T. 3VI. Me1�ADD$N Ontario Ladies'College ended Monday. • on . • y Dillingham's a with a brilliant flourish, the most sac- IT Jones spent Sunday at Mr. Druggist and Graduate cessful affair of its kind in thirty-five Ger'ow's• Pine Grove. � 0TT Undertaking Parlors Optician, pears of continuoussuccessful growth. Roy Ward attended church at Myr- • PICfiERING, ONT. A narrow escape tie on Sunda evening. King street, Pickering. pe fromamoatseriou� l g •' Calls by day or night promptly, accident was the experience of Messrs. We are pleased to tee Mrs. W. H. : Ai attended to. peTelephone Wagner & 0 John'Thomson and Walter Manuel Jones out again:after her long illness. Is TORONTO, ONT. (Bell or Inde ndent.) V Saturday erer.:ng. They were run The Chalk Lake school team play s iota by an Oshawa rig with yelling the school boys of this place Tuesday p the entire yµar and ad- fellows'racing along Brock- street. Mr. night. mits students at any time. •It Manuel was insensible for some time. Ray Redman attended services at enjoys a widespread patronage fickering 4iver� gave a full line of fresh and'cur the Claremont Methodist church on and he a national reputation- Tuesday night mine Moat Milne, of Owing ed meats oonstanLly on Mind. the R'indsor hotel was before the Sunday. g to their supperior,trainingg beak in the police court on n charge of Mrs. Linemore, of Toronto, is .sit- our students 'read obtain gorxf Spice Roll, Breakfast Bacon, witholding a month's wages preferred ing.act«the horde of leer daughter, Mrs. positions. Beautiful catalogue First.class rigs for hire gam, Bologna, Weiners, etc. by a Miss Sanderson,6f Toronto. She D. Miller. free. Day Or night., had engaged for that per month as a ' Messrs. Coates. and R'ilson shipped t W. J. ELLIOT, Principal. ; Highest prices paid for competent cook. Two day's expert_ a car load of live stock from Daguiar � :'Cor. Yonge& Alexander Sts. Bus meets all ti' Butc'her's cattle. once nearly .emptied the'. hotel-,of this week. Teaming promptly attended to. her incompetence uests. There aand plalorlee fit- 1 HaCe er ting the stoock1 Walter rfor is J. liavidusily son'sd sale Agent for Canada Carriage CO.' dismissed the case with costs agains n July Ist. ��t���s>•� g g Insurance : the plaintiff. John D. McAvoy paid a visit to t}e �• H• Peak volunteer carne at Niagara-on-the- _� Piel:ering. GREEN RIVER Lake Iast week. !' Of all kinds—Best always recom- A large number from here intend Fme - �iGr Y Clarence and Mrs. Foster spent over taking rn the union school picnic at CCCIII�Z��� :131aeksm_ithrng ended: . the Sunday Toronto. • Mr. and-Mrs. Miller, of VSarkham, Atha on Sxtcrrday. -, Miss Blanch,Cooper and Miss Hea- � T 1�'� spent Sundays with E. A. and Mrs.. clip, of Claremont', visited at Walter Jew- e■ ■ ■ A general blacksmith business done. a."Conveyancing Done Lehman. Wards over Sunday. _ All kinds.of repairing neatly and Armour and Mrs. Ellis and children. Daniel Miller has sold his driver to promptly executed. Rents and Notes Collected. of Ashburn, spent Sunday here with Mr, Scott, of Malvern,for a handsome Charges reasonable their parents. ;, figure. Dan is seriously,thinking of Can be purchaser) at - Horse=shoeing'- a - Specialty. Mrs. Doten is having her house re= training'for the marathon. Q��S'+�C7N ;ik ZA�T built and when finished will have a Our football bovs ourrieyed to Ash- 130 acre Farm for sale. j I + fine residence. burn on Friday night{ and played a BASSES S NEW STORE PICKERING, ONT, If you want to buy sell or rent, Sall The Shamrocks are to be cnrigratu- friendly game with the Epsom boys, 1 at my.office. ..Bargains, lated,on their becoming the champion resulting in a victory for Balsam of 2 alit T'BY The - of the league. goals to 0.-,-,We Q. Richardson. Mrs.A. Collins and family, of To- Reserve Wednesday, July 7th,'for at a saving of at least DOMINION SANS ronto, spent a few days at the 'home the Baptist S. S. Excursion to Hamil- of Win. Hooter. ton. This is one of the most enjoy- 'Q per Cent Notary Public, Pickering. Every person in this neighborhood able outings of the year. A number 1Flead Oboe, Toronto are looking forward to Saturday,26tb, from this locality purpose taking it over city prices. 1 TIME TABLE-Pickering Station G Atha picnic. A big day is expected, in and are assured of a good time. T.R. Trains going East due as follows- A number from here are talking of Gideon Vernon received a message L General Banking'Business 'No. 6 Mail 8.19 A M. taking in the Baptist S.S. excursion from the North-west ]est week to the transacted. 12 Local 2.43 P.M. to Hamilton on-Wednesday,July 7th- effect that his father, who had recen- 14 Local 6.04 P.M. A large crowd attended the football tly gone out with A carload of horses, Onr stock is very large and r- Trains going west dues• as follows- match here on Friday night last be- was seriously►�PeClal attention given t0 y ill. We hope ea may w e Can showy you as o No. 13 Local 8.36 A. M. tween Wexford and the Shamrocks. y god the C011eC Of 11 Looal 2.30 P.M. 1--0 in favor of the Shamrocks. soon be restored to fly usual ed erect- . 7' Mail 8.36 F. M, The Shamrocks, accompanied b a Uriah Jones is basil engaged erect- a selection as you Can P ing peeless wire fence, also booking - get anywhere out- Bale notes. `Sunday included. large number of, those interested in large orders for•strawberries for Mr. the game, went to Victoria Square on Gerow, of Pine Grove, who eitpects a- side ilf the n SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Saturday last. Our boys again came bumper crop, notwithstanding the city. BRITISH Term of 19M off victorious. fact that some animals strayed onto �epot3itB received Oil ;�1. and CANADIAN Ten per cent cheap- The Sabbath School rally will take his patch one dark night and seriously upwards. BUSINESS er, ten per cent bet- place next Sunday afternoon, June injured a large number of his most COLLEGE ter for Businea 27th, at 2.30. A good number of promising plants. TT1'terest allowed at highest schools have been invited to attend. P g P R. N. BASSETT, current rates. TORONTO (Shorthand and Mat- 14E PIC ER El. WS- KI tic, Levi Annis, of Toronto, will .address ,� Booklet free. R. A. Farquharson, the children. Special music is being John Lawton, of Appr and R. JEWELLER AND OPTICIAN vHASI D. GORDON, Manager B. A., Principal, .Corner Yonge and prepared for the occasion. All are R'.'Raspberry, of Hamilton, are; WI-IIT']BY c: WHITBY BR�iNCH, Bloor Sts, royrted to come and spend Sunday dead as the result df being kickdd "J. afternoon in Green River. •by Li C.S" is 1me "me ago. i A , • c .O ti:. -� .. .$ MIY--s. i�, �4'_ � .. :f_t•,::..,aL '.'-may—••. ..':.ti gay,, ,. ..M,•'!'C+ `.i+.q. '_ ,•W•• .•.. -v,� .!,•) •...rri.' �n r• ".- i -...tart ^'- ,,�' •TcfiYa�L 'T�''s4J. a!'.h1 .. � �6G. , , . •? — - - -'-=ter`--� �� .• . .—. .. - ----------- --- --•---- _. saved in this way is mdir ur sol to et the girl out ie IIIA, purposely change the current of her d lad better than earned, for saving thoughts, for she had been so ter is more of a gift than irorking, ten ribiy wrought up over the discov- dmea over. s ery of Allison's sad fate she feared -On the Farm TRI the result of such a strain upon u WATCH THE BARN. -THE -MYSTR IOUs -KEY i her feelings if she were allowed an - Take g trip to the barn before opportunity to brood over it. bedtime, and see that everything f �_`• • She realized that her evidence ' is aMann ll right with the stock. would be very valuable to. Gerald's times just a little thing like this cause, and she felt that she must will save a cow or perhaps PLANNING FUR THID - bt calmed, her courage re-info}reed, 1 E�IININE DAIRY Ii'ISDOM. p p a good and her confidence thoroughly If there are no trees in the pas- horse from death. And if you hear gained in order to i e are her for a noise at the barn in the night) Fjj'j`jJ$ji,, g P ' P tore large enough to afford proper better getup. Don't roll over ani the ordeal of a court experience shade for the cows, a well-yentilat- „ and the ' cross-examination she ed shed should be provided. _ say, Guess everything is all . NI be obli ed to uricler o as an right. Go and find out. You have told me to-day," her ladyship g g Whatever causes the cows to may wish you had in the morning, 1 important witness in what was like- suffer will .lessen the milk flow. CHAPTER VII. P if you do not. continued, "and feel sure that, with ly to prove a complicated and Cows suffer from intense heat, and .-.Lady Bromley was astounded by this exposure and,some facts in the. sharply contested case. always seek shade in the middle of ANARCHISM 'AN ENGLAND. ` 'the story told by Ellen Carson, possession of others, the charge of Ellen soon reappeared, prepared the day. which' revealed the plot by which conspiracy can be cleariy proved for her trip downtown, when, Lady The owner of cons must always Very Few Outrages Have Taken John Hubbard had possessed him- against this 'lir. Hubbard, who ca.n. Bromley gave her minute dir -tions Tight flies-6r pocket serious losses. self of the millions of•Adam Brew- be made to.suffer for his crime to regarding the errands she wanted' Keep the stables wild the yards Place. ster, leaving Allison practically the extent of the law. I suppose, her to perform, and then handed clean, so that flies, and insects will The reason that Anarchist crimes penniless. The girl heLself was ig- Ellen, you would be willing to tes her money for, her carfare. have no breeding places. are practically unknown in England norant of the result of the conspir- tify in court what you have told "I can walk," said the rl, with- Lime wash elf the stables: •This is that the Terrorists have agreed acy which she had overheard., me, if it-should become necessary, cut offering 'to take the piece of can he done with a spray pump. to regard England as a sort of "`And did you not read about the for you to do so?" silver. `'I've had to walk miles;: Beep the. milking stable. darken- haven-of refuge, and, theirefore, to -case in the papers?' Lady Brom- "Ali! but it wouldn't do her any day after day, and lug a great ed and screened, and spray the be kept neutral. ley asked, in surprise. good now, she dejectedly re- bundle, besides." ��� cows every day. It will pay in Ona of the few Anarchist out•• "Humph! I had no money to pay turned. "But I do not want you t-c ,, ,ik, dollars and cents. rages which came anyway near her ftsr papers, and no time .to read "No," said her companion, with Ellen," said her companion kindly :�' Stringy or ropy milk' is ca-cued in"o actually carried out, was that them if I had," Ellen returned, in- a sigh; "it is very, very sad; but "the ride back and.forth will Na very often by. drinking stagnant planned by Martial' Bourdin, a we must try .to be reconciled to ,he pleasant for you, you will go and water. Frenchman, who, some thirteen differently. fact. And even if. she were living return mr'.:•h more quickly, and 1 Give one tablespoonful of bicar ears ago, tried to blow u the "You do not even know that your P Y g P Cousin Anna' married Mi Hub- 'she would not be directly benefiteu shall get .uy worsteds and sick so bouate of soda in the feed or water; Greenwich Observatory. His bomb, iby such testimony--=the fortune much the sooner." bard t" queried her ladyship, in I could never be restored to her; for, Ellen studied the fair face smil- milk flow]onet account-ccountgofi short totr. and he was theonly person atorsuf- , surprise. !•strangely enough atioth.r he hs,+' ing so'brightly upon her for a mo- dried astures. for, being killed on the spot. "No; I dont know anything ; l,een discrvered. and i r a u ° 10VI, C1, Ito tape legal steps to reclaim the I.ingly: ' ' I other .kind of work, wash your matured by alien Anarchists to blow as dark a I could, for fear of meet'I property.'.' Well, I 'begin to believe that Ing them—that was one reason why hands, even if they do look clean, up public buildings and as assinate I didn't want to stay' in the store.•; I don't know, said Ellen un• there are some people in the world ; before you touch cream or. butter. certain officials, and bombs were I easily; "I'm afraid of that old fel- who really like to be kind :" Good steno ars are the best of made and filled. But. .the police I thought either Aunt Lu or Anna' low; I'm afraid of :loot Lu, too; "You nor child`." excTairued ( j P anything-to pack butter in. 1f you were kept well informed, . and would come is some day, to do some wild,as len as I eau-t du Miss, AI- Lad Rnimle•, looking excessive) ' shopping, find me there, and hunt! g. y g y I use wooden packages, try to .get pounced upon the gang, most o! lison any good I'd rather zbt be pained, "what a life you must have the beat odic tubs. Have you ,jud whom were sentenced to loo terms me down. I was glad' enough to ` g g get away. ` I wouldn't have gone I maxed tip in it." I led if you have always regarded wooden-ladles for handling butter I of imprisonment. About the saute Lad • Bromley smiled pitir-ulty ab all mankPnd as your . enenues: phe there at all; only Doctor Ashmore -be), are nice. time an Italian 'Anarchist, named said it was a great chance for me, {her a lett fear; it was evident that IThere, run away now, and you l . Doinot let the ,season's work Polti, together with a companion, th-c poor girl'had been. governed by needn't hurry, either, for I am not • and he was anxious to�get me set- , interfere with .the regular milking, was captured in London with as terror all her. fife, and now shr tntc ,gAing to use the things untii,to-mor- ' hour.. uncharged bomb in his possession. tied before he Rent away:" 4 from a repetition of scenes which row mornin g "tiVell, Ellen, then I can tell you` P g --- These two also'Rent into penal had rendered her existence att--rly She took u a book and ra_gttmed P ( PROTECTION FOIL CHICKS• reri itude for len length) .some dews;" said her 'mistreaq. � wretched. � the ,galla which had -been inter- g y periods. '`Mr. Hubbard has'married bliss 1 g Occasionally, too, Anarchists have Still, she knew that she wouA be ru ted b • her loo conversation One of the easiest ways to care Anna Brown, or Brewster, 'As she P y g fallen out amongst themselves while obliged to repeat what she bad just with her maid, while Ellen started i for numerous chitty throughout tem nraril r" -dfin -England, was supposed to be, and has taken told her, and she wishes to per forth to execute her commissions Ow, feo:son 'is to.prof ide coops for P y g and, her to Europe." shade her to do it voluntarily, if with a willies ste but with a face i shelter-in the case of dashing rain's with the result that murder fuss b=es •'Oh! 'I hope. he'll keep her y B P' cumin u dtirin the da and cuiamitteed. typical cage of this ossible. that was stall overcast with sad- ' class of crime occurred a few there," said the girl, with a sigh P ,, 1 prowling varmints orsrr• off year) You saw Sic, Winchester this ness, for her heart was yet. hew: P g y Telief. "Has Aunt Lu gone, tor,?'' imornin did you not?" she is stir y the poultry at night: These can back, when an Anarchist shoe "That I cannot tell• ou—I do not $' 1 with grief orFr' the untimely fate {. 'maker, resident In, Clmkenwell y ec1, after thinking a moment. of her whom she had regarded as easily kir made of barrels with a ' was easassinated b a "comrade" know anything about her Enoye- "The one you call Gerald?" the "good angel" of her'life. I strip.-of tar paper over the top to 1 3' meats." << 8 g kec out rains and a screen may be whom he triol to induce to mor- Yes;- that is .his Christian - It w~as nearly two hours later ; P "How do you know-who told set oxer the-front, der Mr. Joseph Chamberlain. you Anna was married 1" demanded. name. when Lady Bromley's attention' - The wholesale murders o! Armen. coo le' of stakes, one on each , 4 y ,.Yes; I saw ]aim: I� he 'your w•as attracted b • loud talking -in,; ..- coup la abruptly. ,,, side of the barrel will ,event it ns at Peckham, too, in IW3, by the seat' tiro hal.'outside tier suite: I ' P Terrorist Dakrma, may beproperly "`dell, I cannot explain at $11 to "No; he is not' a relatiy4 al- At first she did not pay much i from rolling about. A small stick relegated to tl»s'cat y' you now," Lady Bromley thought- may be )laced to make tie front g egary, for via. 1 though I regard hint.as a ter), dear attention to it, but all at once she I y i fully 'returned; "for it is a lung friend. He was tea have -iia-ri,d started to her feet, with mid led ! set squareiy.on the ground. The tims and assassin ware alike Anar- $tory. The case came before the bliss Brewster, g screens can easiJ • be made of four chiats in everything but name, court,"and was one of peculiar in astonishment and fear, as a sharp y P "Her e'sclairned Ellen, wit is.:t cry, followed by her ow n name, ut- I pieces`of board about an 'inch in .tere4t to New York-" .eople, some of start, and now appearing interest tered in an appealing tone, fe11. !this'kness and two inches_ in width, �'1CPERISM IN LO\DON. whom have been convinced that it ev in'the young man to whom, 'rre- I on her ears. i each twa•-feet lung and -nailed :end 'was a deeply laid plot from the be- �iousiy, she had scarcely g>vc i a She recognized the mice instant• ,,to end to forma square. Tack the Various t'nions Were Malutaining ginning,' thought. I ly, and going swiftly to the outer 'croon over this. .; .1n A'Iiril 123,7!17 Persons. "It was, Ellen positively affirm- "Yes; it was,he'a ho gave me Vils ,dor, she threw it open, to find ICl- We ha`a found that the cheap• , - - :-ed, "find"—after thinking serious- lovely picture of her," said I.a1iy'len Carson stru fin fierce) is the . est methods of raising chicks which A weekly return of pauperism jt' for a moment `you say that she{ gg g y Isere effective were thF most pro- Allison—ought in London shows that on April 1T Bromley, bestowing a wistful l rd's )f an excited but rich) dress P. -Mist' Allison—ought to hese 'had!.upon the beautiful face: "and, 1;:• 'g P y fitabie: Uri roods bows ma • also 1-the various unions were maintain P ed and rather handsome woman. I b y {iu 123,70. persons, of whom SO,- from that money—that, it was stolen I Icn, strange as it may seem, it has' Lady Bromley was a person cif.' he fitted up into nice litti� 'coops 6 • -`from hcr't" I y P I 4&i were in the work houses and been discovered that be is the:real queenly presence, and. possessed a !at very small expense, "The money was 'hers—it was heir to this Brewster fortune, of q y P __ 43,251 outside. The rate of pauper face _which, thou h refined and t W iIled to her'by,blr. Brewster;.but I' g • ism per 1,000 of the population was j the poor child wasr.killed—"' R'hich Mr, Hubbard has so fradu sweet, was full of reserve power. LIVE $TOCK NOTES. 25.8. The numbers on the corns i c )early tomo into possession. ' "Ellen?',' she observed in a r3ye- 1 Killed. Oh, good Lord • that is , I never" s o '. F vauthoritative tone "w hstisit Watering often is far better than pendia Saturdays -in the pre<ed- -too much!" cried the girl in a voice I "Well,. nee I h u.i .ay it h the ; waiting till a burse is almost choked ing the years were--1908, 122,- killed! 22,- .# of agony. •: '`Did' that devil kill was an awfully mixed-ep of or:'• meaning of this disturbance , Why �and then letting ,,am have all he ; 113 paupers (78,416 indoor and 43,- cr-ied -the girl,. with'a puz•,=-e l air. did you call°mel' ' per 1, her I I can. drink, Many horses are spoil- 730 outdoor), 23.1 000 of the "Indeed, it is; but it bid, fair At the sound of the voice-, the. paupers "Ellen,".• said Lady Bromley, cd by the. latter method. population; 1903i 117;9.2_ looking greatly shocked, "you must t' be straightened out pr l.:ty ef-1 woman turned to Look at-the �pcak- ' The sentiment against pampered (75,64 indoor and 42,283 outdoor), riot speak so irreverent) Wherlr , fectually:,'now, if, Mr,- Wino.hester' er, although she did •not release Stallions and am ere.d bulls is in- or 25.2 per 1 000 of the p y. p p popula.tioa did you learn to use such etartlin can gather sufficient .evi&nce to I her hold upon Ellen, lahgage 4 - g prove his suspicions,. Of couise, I [ '!Sha won't let me go, i aid the j m sch eff in I beast no less than father in That he east distrire ct shows ea lower "Oh, I have had chances enough cannot explain it allAo you, out if girl, making another vigorous •ef- mail. If the boli were compelled !total than for the corresponding - to learn a great' maiiy things you;yott would be willing to tell in court fi:rt to free lierself from the grip i to'do light labor to earn his key da of April 1908. There was an - , ' what you have related to me to-day, co her shoulder. Lady BromleyI -�tcouldn t care to hear about,' she! 1 believe the-victory will be assn,•'_hushed slightly.. She saw: at once`there wduld be fewer farm 'trage �int ease f 382 in the Shoreditch :responded bitterly; then continued y_ , , I g : dies. j Union, and the increase in Poplar • excitedly : "Butt tell me, :who killed I ed.' sl ttiat the woman was coarse and ill- Every poultry 'should I fell to one; but in the other 'five bey 4 Did that man do it to et{ "Utd sae love him very much?" I bred. !' g know- that air-slacked .lime thrown east end unions decreases were her rnouey'7 Oh, if I thought. he;ciuestioned Ellen, -an eager light. "biitdam," she said, now• address- , around in. the hennOnSe will free registered. The total for 'the dis- did, I'd. tel► all I know to some! leaping into her eyes. ing her, ."uf what has my seri-antwasfromred 436'indoor and ,fudge, et;en if they ki!led me. for it "1 Gs, indeed," responded her been guilty that you should -wish with a spoon; alw•aysuse -altin can 7,932 outdoor orla�decrease'of 61. the next mordent. $e is a devil— conipauion, with starting t©ars; to.detain her ' ' ? ( "and it she had lived they would I ;`Your servant I" repeated the with its coyer punched full of holes In the west district the seven unions there! I cant bear it: I cant for, a•sieve, The.hens at the time provided for 15,4225 paupers (.12,;- . hear it!` she sobbed,., busing her have been married just as soon as stranger; a peculiar'liwk sd•eepibg aro fed outside, and the doors cloy- 300 indoor•and 3,195 outdoor), or :_' face upon her hands and weeping I fir. `Vinchester could have settled over her face. P P g ., I; �, I•cd. The lime is then*-sifted through an increase of 253. The unions of `afresh, like a grieved,child. I this law business. Yes. �niadaui; have you been an- ! the air around and overhead. Then (Chelsea and St. George's recorded ' "No, Mr. $ebb rel did not o "Then I'll do .it," said Elton, noyed by her in any way'?" queried g a B run,out and Ieave the hens shut out decreased. The Central district had far as that said Lady Bromley(with animation. "I would do any- hpr ladyship, hpr gravely to th- 'a. few minutes. Li a very short 19,427 paupers (6,970 indoor and 2,- 4 ;. gently; "he did not murder his II thing-in the world for tier; nobody ing eyes looking directly into the time the air clears so they can're- 475 outdoor), or a'reduction of 133. ward. She was killed in a railway e�or spoke so kind, or was so good flushed and rather disconcerted face main inside. In the North district there were Accident while on her way from New to mo; so if I tell what I know it before, her. Always try•to jet the combs that 26,623 paupers (16,913 indoor and K :'York to Boston. There is a mys- will be Just what she would wish "No—but—I-- know the girl, and ,have the most eggs and the young- 0 ter,y ,ahout that ourne •—no one me to do for him; onl I,wish she I thought she had nn business to y' g- '10 outdoor), or an increase of j y y.' g, est brood on the outside of the 384. The Hackney-Union registered ..'seems to know just why she under- could know that I wouldn't stop be here," was the rather staintner- brood-nest. It takes 21 days for an a decrease of 161There was a rise took it so secretly .and alone, un- at anything to help her. Oh, Lady I ing reply, accompanied by a dee.id egtr to hi:'tch ,out a perfect bee. of 877 in the south district, where less she was driven to it by her Bromley," she added in a troubled edly' embarrassed manner. i uardian's cruelty, and went .to tine "wh ' do wicked eo le al- Then, abiuptly turning her back I Then it will be about that long be- the total was 47,644 (27,887 indoor g y, r y' P P ,fore much honey can be stored in and 19,937 ntftdoor)♦ In the Ber y Tut herself under the care of some ways seem to get the upper hand'? upon halt' Bromley, she bent her relatiyess.. lint very short) after- Why do level people die in such li to Ellen's ear and whir.eyed the outside combs,. where it is al- mondsey, Vf'snd3worth, and Green- ward Mr. Hubbard presented the -dreadful ways and ugly wretches it few fierce, rapid words to her, ways stored first. By this time the wick unions the figures were lower. eiaims of the newly discovered hlrs, manage to have such good times?" The girl shivored in her grasp harvest should he pretty well be On the night of Friday, April 16, Brewster and bliss :lana Brewster, "Poor child!:' said Lady Brom- a�, she listened, but her captor al- gun, and the, bees aro compelled to ( 1,267 casuals were relieved, as at the same time producing proofs ley:sorrowfully, "that is 'a grub- most immediately-released her hold work in the section, because they against 1,083 on the c��rresponding that Miss Allison had not been Mr. .leni that has puzzled wise men of upon her, and, without deigning i have no other place to pat the brio. I night of last yeas, 1,.1'81' in 1307 Brewster's own child, but one who all ages; but some time, !-am another book 'at the quietly self et': When bees.once begin to 'work and 1,328 in 1906,, The paupers not _ had been informally adopted in her sure, it will be ,solved for us all. possessed woman behind her, walk_ in the bdsrr, they will continue. included in the al,ove figures were lnfanc " Now You must wipe our tears;,and ed swiftly'down the hall,, and en- -Cases of medical relief only t _ Ellen was still weeping, although not cry.. any. more," she added t.ered a suite of rooms which, until HARNESS Akin MACHINERY. (;April 17), 3,117; lunatics (July 1, eAe had listened intently to khat' checrfu11y;--"for I--w&-nt yon to go within a few days, lidd-been empty. ':';fust farmer's are wasteful in-the 1908), 18,721 ; patients it the fever tier companion had been saying. down- to ;Lord d, Taylor's for (To be continue 14, - y---theq treat their farm liar- .a•nd smallpox hospitals of the ser heart was-almost broken over then, when Mr. Winchester comes - '� nesses and machinery. The 'costly Metropolitan Asylums Board, 3,803 , the untimely fate of the beautiful, honie, you must be ready to tell Thimbles made of lava are used harnesses are left out where the 'e - igpirl who had shown her so much him all this wonderful story. Go by.women in Naples. I dust will settle on them; and how Tardy Arrival ae Dinner Party. r kindness, and .whom she had sec- hathe your face,'change your'dress, The vast majority of Mexicans eat rarely hey are oti�d i Same way "I'm afraid I'm boo late, dear Mrs. " Wetly worshipped ever since on ac- 'then come to me for a memorandum no butter of any kind. I w it•h machinery. A few drops of Smith Mrs. Smith (effu�?vely): Xr`' count of it. I which I will make out meanwhile. ' In German}, 3:),000 tons of to- oil at , •e r?lht time will save a lot "Oh, my dear, you ooul�l ewer "I )wive been amazed at what veru Her ladyship made this errand bacco are cousumeu a year. I of grinding in the uearings. Money come too lase I" man +.:.'7jL'., Y @e: 1•"T/+n^T'•t!:'•.., F ,._ 4+K. f`�0" ,•r •+..•w a=,i•,-- �. .:.,,y-., ,,`yi• -" ,';''. ". _ "' :y 3- .'' ''z .-.�•.-„ ,' ca. F•t�r ;_rA-t �r:.-s,,a_r-s i car� v- •z. 1,,•,r(' .. .s•' , 'x."'�,�„�,,� ..II,,R•a'.�,r�y- sure• '�,e f„'.S'. .y..t w -�. .r. _.�•'4�, - rrt : iSHE ULD NOT TSE BUSMAN AND HIf3 BEAST. Ladles Do You Knout MOTHER WAS PRESENT. a TEA EPT >, WOMEN'S HANDS wALISITEAIs.OR&SfT HELD A TEAGUP A ReTetatiou to See the Animals of Tu+'r It was . V first time in three days •,,,,x,ee �,�' •r ... � that Mrs. Very Rich had sear her t,Wt.,,, «►u.• t' Buruta. -� children, so numerous were her , !•t�relea��� ter. Bull D osocial engagements. .herl.a .slelsa "The Burman's motto," sacs Mr. 11 „ °i°'" tewie r Mama,+> asked little Ruth, ae BRAND sit.at& IBUT DODD'S SIDNEY -PILLS H. Fielding in "The Soul .of, a Peo- her mother took h.:r up in her arms 25C.lov.0rt. 'pie," "should be Noblesse Oblige; AMMONIA for a kiss "on what da was I CURET) MRS. JAMES H. he knows the meanie if not the y _ _t 00)idw.w`'. g POWDER D E R born I Aries.TARBOX BROS..274 Dnadas St., Toronto.OM. x ,WIIITE. vords. This is true in regard to „ T the Burmese attribute toward f� .,,Clean* Up On Thursday, dear,„ said the r "1 Everything N ',mother. animals. "Wasn't that fgrunate I” replied FOR 19-A"-37. "There is nothingin their .reli kiimutactared by J. a PAINE Co, Ltd., Tomato. P )They Took Away Her Bxekaehe, ASK YONR aHOOHR,FOR IT. I the little girl, "because that's your ion which compels them to L�kind'. i „ g II Save your coupons,and write us for particulars day home. OP BUGGIES,equal to anything selling Trost Cured Her Urinary Trouble and To him a magi is a far higher being � regarding prize of a i T $75 to Bao,delivered Pasiunr PAID at any Made Her a Well Woman. than an animal. But he ClOe'9 not ES COLD PIECE ora REAL METALIZED ROSc'MATPIIf .Latton in Ontario for sJtit W >i70. Bully gnsran• The Foe of Inds Indigestion.-Inds es- toed. No ouch Talus ever heroes offered i>f Casa- deduce from this that man's super- _ g g da. CatrdoKne free. Other speciel linea—Hara0a ` Prebelle, Gaspe Co., Que., June iority gives him permission to kill ':ASKED AND ANSWERED. tion is a common ailment and few and Groceries.. tl (Special}-After suffering for or ill-treat animals. Quite the con- are free from it. It'is a most dis- me moment Brown Tradingf oo., Toronto cute teary. It is because man is so much Little Willie—"Say pa, what is a tressing complaint and often theour years from ills,•which many a kel tomaniac !” Buffering a Oman knows and heir treated higher than the animal that he can p attending it is most se- WANTED. g and must observe toward animals Pa-`''A kleptomaniac, my son, is vere. The very best remedy is --- - y * doctor who failed to give her the ver r eatest care feel for them a thief seldom worth less than Parmeiee's- Vegetable Pills taken. P"f�alnw, -room liberal Wages age+, and POW guts relief, Mrs. James H. White, a the ver g leates compassion, be $io0,000. according to directions. Theq Tec- m°nth Appy rhe Welland."atthar5i,:. farmers wife living near here, is '( y B' t P awn from`again a well woman. Dc "Corning good to them in Beery way he can. '-'-_ - Itify the irregular fiction of the sto- {r p R(�Q'F ,n pkents n{pPills cured her. Coming from half-starved, over- When going y om home, or mach and restore healthy action• Etre, iIlsU�allcU Wanted y driven India itis a revelation to fit any change of•habitat, he is a For many years they have been a "My' trouble started from a vrise, man who numbers anion his x,r lsttrain " Mrs. White States. I see the, animals of Burma. The g standard remedy for dyspepsia and tkad a�pain always serosa my back village ponies, cats and dogs in In-. belongings a bottle of Dr. J. D. indigestion and are highly esteem- Etehmon I& Drummond Fire Tnauranee cots. and a stead In in the back of m dia' are enough to make the heart Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. ed for their qualities. paay, Head Office.Richmond' unci Ettabli pe, Pa Y Chane of food and water In some sen, Capital Prov Province Fur tario,ee at unreprr bleed for their sordid misery, but in g � � �dented points.Province of Ontario, sddnae neck, and I had urinary trouble Burma they are a delight to the r strange place where there. are no Love without esteem is almost 1 J; H. EWART, Chief Agent, 'that caused me a great deal of an- �Aoyaace. eye. They are all fat; every one of -doctors may bring on an"attack of as capricious as esteem without No.19 wellington St.,Ya.t,Toronto. "For four I suffered in this them-fat, comfortable and imper= dysentery, He then has a Stand- love. ears 3 iinent. and remedy at hand with which to, MSR o6 way and the doctor I consulted did er, with the disorder, and fore- rte' PRE$ANp12 ACENTS sreUL The Burman is full of the most Pe The microscope in the hands of not do me any lasting' good. . In armed he can successfull; fight the CASE Xt a 03&Dsyand,seri the,morning I was dizzy and Ifin- humorously good-natured attitude experts employed by the United lishp,'rtuan.utbuslaea.oa 1 g ailment and subdue it. our oap;tal. Oar hiss ally got so ner}ous I could not hold toward them. Looking at them States Government has revealed a1,,. Roo„ sou on sight - from his manhood, he has no cun- "Ignorance," the fact that a house fly sometimes in every home,are Quickly a cup, remarked -young need ap end repeat order tempt for them, but 'the'. gentile' t, carries thousands of disease erm , "Then I started to. use Dadd's BoFem_"Lhey ;c hlisc_" f)}i. rltoryshen• idne Pills and I of relief right er to-verc littt�' „ attac ll-ed to its air E,od Tha . y, g g that probably we .for it, re Y Y• _94T11kBl•sts SUPPLY Co.. from the start. Three boxes curerd children, who are stupid. and Lcontinuous Use of ,Wilson's Fl `0W CATALOGUE Dept.50.Teri,nto.Oai: me completely. To-do I am .a troublesome often but are- ver • ']oined Miss Cutting, "Accounts }f P y• y' } fur what Z"'queried the youth. "The Pads will prevent all danger of well woman. contented and happy look you I infection from that source by killing , �—�W A R T E D Mrs. White's troubles were Kid- $is ponies. are pictures 'of fat nese, impertinence and go. 'they .usually wear," she'replied. ,both the germs and the flies. If,ou want to.dl properly which you own in the re troubles. So are t'he troubles United state'or t�"`'property or a y can.da such as. FARM b,s ,Xs wrir as of nine out of ten of the suffers never have any vice, because, the atasic.for our newsao.asru,pian .r iellin(d,reot. ' Burman is never cruel to them; Wilson's 'Fly Pads, the best ol; Even if a man's good deeds 11461 qt bout commission, uiveipll descnpticn of proper- position women of Canada to-day. That after him he isn't In 8 t0 I tyand ante lowest price t'ou•out to bur pro• is why Dodd's Kidne Pills always they are never well-trained, be all fly killers, kill both the flies and ' -- pert,or ttad in ioorllty, Weis.of dale y Kidney,Pills Care. what►ad where you *Lab,to bur,and we will sea cause he does not know how to the disease germs. y,uruss our Magazine it choice taraains for sale cute them. g .. 1 train them. But they are willing; - direct iron the cense with no comm s■!oo added , ro United Empiret I BUY American InvestmentA-11ditlon, SELL Visitor: "How d0 you'do, Tom- a,22oth Ar. N., SAuneapolla, Minn. BISHOP'S EPI6COPAL JOKE. WANTED �5o Coal, tern Oil and my? I've. conic to Stay at your Coal,gowallaceburg — --- Dr. Chavasse, the Bishop of Liv- -WHAT YOU NEED FOR THI ! house for a week, and I'm sure you Sugar, 20 bterkrig bank,-20 'Trusts and 11 ?. ;erpool, made an episcopal joke at COUNTRY. can't even guess who I ani." Tom- Guarantee, to Birbeck Loan (fully paid 61 liWooderfuft Marrpfousl Ml�aeu�oaa the banquet of the Liverpool t n- ----- my: "I'll bet you one thing." Visi- per cent.1, So Collingvtood Shipbuilding, b the e:clametioa of everyone who has used ' Jf-inesrin Soviet He saw that Yod need some bandy,balm ready fa I for' "What? " Tommy: "I'll bet 1000 Bad er, soi,o Cobalt Gem,—2000 s �•••a- he engineers had done much to blistered hands. sunburned skin, cuts j you're no'relation of father's." Diamond Pale Coal. COWS INVENTION 0 MA:9_>?��• burns, bruises, stings, and the man f�,t Rheumatism. N.uraigia, I.smbagn, Coastia. 1 B l I - coo Haile bury Sil- p �^ the together four' .remarkable y Y Dtti•sa,indigo+tion and many other pals• rodua g little accidents incidental to open-air life FOR ���E ter,S000C3obaltDe- ingdiecseles, namely, the En lishman, fir irtfoalan to ('con's Dellanel('o., Llmt�q. )P�p $ Zam-Bok is the ideal balm. It is antiseptic, PAIVICILLER IS JUST THE REMEDY velopment, 1000 ► tea. n, who loves the Bible and beer; 1110 soot:...g, sold.healing. Insect stings o1 needed in every household Far cuts, burns! 010 t Town Ltfe Building,Tbronen,Oacariu, and bruises, *trains and Wee p rrirsr dampen St.amrork, Sovb >I tpla Mountain, 1000 pleaoe meatlou,this paper when wrttsng jootsman, who keeps the Sabbath barbed wire scratches cannot become a doth with it, apply to tLe wound and, Agaunic•o, 3000 Cobalt Majestic' 1285 and everything else he lays his I ironed wounds if Zam•Buk is applied..I the pain leaves. Avoid substitutes. there Rothschilds, 2000 Bailey, 2000 Lucky- Ihgnds on;the Welshman, who praya f t s°°tbes sore, aching feet, heals baby's 'is but one "Painkiller"—Perry Davia'— boys. � on' his knees on Sundays and an thafed places, cools patches of sunburn, j z5e. and 50x. Y ALEXANDER WARDSKs 3 is ging at.bloat, Telietae the pain of blisters. Mothers HERON & CO (Late treasurer Ovines Presbyterian his neighbors on weekdays, and the should see that the eou0tr cottage is never I s e Toront a Ceazcb to oas.ra> IlriahmaII, who. never knows what y g , Jones (to Brown, who has been ririthont Zam-Huk, purely herbal, it mayrelating his wonderful advemtures, B01\OS AND STOCKS be wants and is never satisfied un• be regarded as Nature's own healer. Apply, in Russia): "and I suppose You " till he gets it. it to all skin injuries, rashes,eruptions. visited Brown at I should f rather her ' Is TORcQwLOItT ae RTcETbought n TORONTO. CANA9! t # diseasea. All dtuigats and stores. d sold on - ;ST. MARGARET'S CGLLEGE, -fir think so, and walked up every one �� Lona Distance Phoaer—data x70 !(ata teal TORONTO. COULDN'T STOP, HIM. of them on my hands and knees." O y. A very interesting illustrated Blo$-"Newdrop is a'great boast- . ' p� Rt+ES� WARREN GZOWSKI & CO. }; booklet has just been issued by St. e,r." A Sure'Corrective of Flatulency. 0 5-PEE Metabora'1'yrunto,etyck$zchan;;e. 1t rt + Traded il:lnk.BuildinZ, 25 Brna•t Ntreet, .Margaret's College, for girls. Con- Knox- That s what. Why, only —When the undigested taxi lies in t currently -with, or independent 5'caterday he was boasting about the stomach it throws off gases ruaoNro, NtiwYuualt of, an Academic course St. '.liar- hoz loud his baby' can cry. causing pains and oppression in the COQ i STOCKS AND BONDS 'Faret's runs courses in Music, -- stomachic region. . The belchin or Von t ex erirrient with unsatis. eructation othese arcs is offers- a 'tl•e are rWcka Wr.ta sr :Art, and domestic Science. Thd P g j COBALT foriaformatioa. - factory substitutes. Wilson's Fl ive and the only' Way to prevent I spectau:tnY iu 'classes are . made to average Y �`- P g pe them is to restore the stomach to ten each, so as to brio the rsonal Pads kill many times more house influence of the teacher more fully ' flies,than any other known article. proper • action. Parmelee's Vege- to bear upon the pupil. ".Gd table Pills will do this. wimple di- 00 English, like good manners, comes + P aP jl !1N D HIS SAFETY RAZOR. reetions go with each packet, and ` beat through association with those a course of them taken systerriati- a who have it," said an Oxford pro- I -Won't you take a chair, Mr. Cally is certain to effect a cure. #JSED IN lessor. 'The personal influence of Simpson t" said the little girl to __ 4 ' .the teacher cannot be etffective the caller.. "Papa will be down (r Leadiclg Coaaervat �' Colleges, Schools, y as be has finished hoe- A lady writes: I was enabled to and in thousands home where a Piano just as soon Theatres. when the classes ars large. ch a move the corns root and bran TE , ing his face." . ' smart Lady: •"1 want a hat, but by . the use of Holloway's Corn of active meat a sppreclated The is It must be in the latest style.." Cure." Others ,who have tried it �, P� with the, 111imitabie Repeating Acaao. eRlEvous ERAORS made nowadays, have the same experience. ; Fashionable Costumier: Kindly For instarice wben a person buys an ilni- Eake'a chair, madam, and wait a tation or "The D., h L:" menthol Plaster l a few minutes; the fashion i9 just said to be the genuine. Be careful and see Red, *'eel:, Rear 7, R*ater7 Eses a that they are made by Davis d Lawrence Relieved by murine I:ye Remedy. Com- Kan In " pounded by Experienced Physicians. D1u- F g g' Co tnDoesn't Smart; Soothe Eye Pain. " -BRAVERY. write Murine Eye Remedy o. Chicago, for illustrated Eye Book. bruggists. Send for (free Catalogue No. 76. �V orTns derange the whole system. - �Iother Graves' Worm Extermina- Our idea of a hero is a young man e��;,'VLAN0.4tOrAaiq Co.. 13enil d GU!'LPH.ONTARtd� ''- tor, deranges worms and gives rest who attempts to prove that two The following is the reply which to the sufferer. It only costs 25 can live as cheaply as one, because a man sent' to a bill from his book- TolKnts to' try it and be convinced. his best girl.told him they could. seller:-"I Rever ordered the book; ,ANOTHER CASH PRIZE CONTES --- if I did, you didn't- send it; if•you WANTED CREA3i ON IT. Pains Disappear Before It.=I1To sent it, I never got it; if I got it, • RA G E MEAT .. one need suffer pain when they I paid for it; if I didn't, I won't." There had been a railroad accid- have available Dr. Thomas' Eclec- ent, and the absent-minded tourist tele Oil. _If not • rr 1 - renounces 'a �Ne'v Prize Contest awoke to find himself with a mouth- I LAKE DT-BAYS" required it can be procured at the MORI: PRIZES THAN THR•'-AST ° a ful-of splinters. Turning uneasily nearest store, as all merchants A handsome brochure, artistical- _ in his shattered berth, he remark- keep it for sale. Rheumatism and ly illustrated, ,has been issued by The First Prize wilt again be a LIFE ANNUITY of h� ed: "Maria, this breakfast food ali- bodily pains disappear.when it the passenger department of the w n T T R CASH(amu wouldn't be so bad if it.had a Little i3 applied,'and should they at any Grand Trunk Railway Svstem, tell- FIFTY'T 11 O LOI/L�llS VIl►Jll toore cream on it." time return, experience teaches the °ing of the beauties of the Lake of 4 user of the Oil how to deal With gays district, in the "Highlands of Equal to One Dollar per Week Every Week during Liretime A doctor can always relieve' a them.. Ontario., A new feature of this district'is the new hotel-the Wawa A Second Prize of One Hundred Dollars Ca3h patient of his money. -at Norway Point. The hotel it- -_-__- DR ANIMAL. M. D Two Prizes of Fifty Dollars Eaoh self has a page illustration reflect- •Ten,Prizes of Twenty Dollars Each With animals the simple remedies ing the summer glories of wood- 0 Nature generally-suffice for.their land and water, with a brood of Ten Prizes of Ten Dollars Each ,. ailments, and they are guided to seven wild geese soaring skyward Twenty Prizes of Five Dollars.Eaoh ' 1 ' thein by instinct. ,The mongoose beyond the tower-.--The concise- ----one Hindred Prizes of One Dollar Each cures himself,_,when bitten by a co- description embodies the story of a `k ',bra, by eating a certain plant, and charming resort. CONUITIONS are similar to the last Contest, except when a dog has. lost its appetite it A copy can be obtained free on that all Oran>Te Meat Carton Bottoms must be sent in on eats that that species of grass known as application to J. D. ,McDonald, or before November 3oth, 19og. ` g'S glass. Sheep and sows when Union Station, Toronto, Ont. you particulars on private post pard in every pabkage of t i also seek out certain herbs. An Orange Most. If you enter this oonteat,complete a it suffering from chronic rheu- GENEROUS LAD. the blank space below with yearname and ! t atia always keeps, as far as pos- addnit,rout it out and Hall it to yp, "Tommy," Orange Meat,Ringste�n,Snt* p O i jeo�t sible,,in the sun. The warrior ant's - Tommy, demanded his mother, LN �° It will count*gnal,t.,tau A�, K s t••.' have .regularly organized ambu- "why is your little b'rot'her crying?" etartun bottoms, v►� te�+m ,,..••' i • lances. If a chimpanzee be osou.nd- "Because, I drank all the soda af►N°Wit••°"° - ed,g it stops the bleeding by plac- water," confessed Tommy - A t• °Qiw`O •' N in its hand on the woun or dress- 'Drank—all 7 Why, didn't sou t.tro .' E F ins it with leaves or grass; .whilst promise to give him some off the. eeu+'O et <' animals with wounded legs or arms top q" a _. d; sec's•'•,.. i almost Severed complete the ampu- "Yessum,. and I gave him the 1 ►�`� •.••, ;_ rT N U ISSUE NO. 26--0. tation. by, meians of their teeth. I straw." 41 .:r .a -:+S''. ...:s^>. •.:pw,i' x�e nt%•., <,+.. wY^ .'."r�:'a•z„ -:A+. _ 5,.1`J•ni,w -.r`<. m� . 'IJ•"£•+ ...• ^,•.. -- -. -s. -v •4r:s.+. ,",--•�,. :�r-• :Accnr a; •��„"' ,.y•.�.:rr°• vr•�P �;ss;��^ fi -�•.r*'.a-r -.rasa:.^•,�- +s.--sz-^.:-'s+v+. ... ,'t.. .�...:_: i'..,: .+...:. syet""?•.:.,- .,-. N ._ - ,,...., ..'�s4V`a�. - .. _.,� ^':�.._...- -3< ,.,e4," • ...r ".^4{ Lr• n , ftN�!". ,- , ...1^' u ra3 riki'!'S° 'w "+5,...,.,. -?.^ "" v'r,T' •�1. >S^r'y. y .•T ."x+�,.'J3' '�_' 'Xw 'w?•L!.' P-i,•.f Cix.tP'— HORSE REGISTER W PAIN Terrington Bellman (90371-TheQE0, 'A,,. GiLL1ESP1'8 imported hackney stallion, the property of W. H.Pugh, Claremont, will stand D U N B A R O N in I in the head—pain►blood v re.hoe Its cacao Iain iscongestioa,pain Is blood prere,a•e--notbins for mares during the season of 1909 at . . •_ - =- =---- else usually. At least,so wys Dr.Shoop,and w his own stable 2 1/2 miles,cwt of Clare- ----- %be i/�s�i*y� �.N� Drove it he has created a little pink tablet. Tbw moat. lY 4 Fi i}+ tablet—called Dr. Sboop's Headache Tablet— Having bought out Mr. Geo. Parker's general store business, I solicit coaxes blood pressure away from pain centers, Lord Jewett 1.015 C,.H.R-The cele- a continuance of the patronage hitherto extended to hint. xapublishedever 1 ridaymorniagatitsotsee, Itde%ectl;charming,pleasingly delightful.Gently, brsted zoadster stallion,the property of though saltily,it rarely equalizes the blood clrcts Robt.Tome, Liverpool, will make the This week will clear out several odd lines to make room for pew goods Pickering„Oct' Loon. ,RATES OF ADVERTISING; If you have a headache,it's blood pressure. season of 1909 at his own stable,. Liver. Call and'see goods before purehaeing elsewhere. First insettien per Line . - . • 10 cents If it's painful periods with women,same,suss, -- Naoh subsegaeat inaenion.per lire- s cents If you are sleepless,rrsclesa,nervous,it's blood pool, Ont. Terais Cash. Market price paid for butter and eggs. Lag”This,rate does not inelade Legor Foreign eongeadm. ure. That surely is a Boya6 0toice(13165), 13329,7on—blood pre8•ts—the Bell and Independent phone service. advertisements. certainty.for Dr.t3hoop's Headache Tablets stop grand imported champion Clydesdale Special terms given to parties making con- it in 20 minutes,and the tablets simply di3tributt stallion, the property of Graham Bros., -" raoto for 3 or 6 months or by the year. Half the unnatural blood pressure. P Pe y yearn or yearly contracts payable quarterly. Bruise your finger,and doesn't It get red,and Claremont,will stand for mares daring „ , „ Business cards,con lines or under,with paper swan,and Data you'' Of con ss, it dose.Its con the season of 19W at his own stable Richardsons Special Tea 18 Good Tea. one year,#S 00,payable i a advanoe, g istion,blood pressure. You'll find it where pal "Cairnbr0 ie"stock farm. tsrNWiesin local columna ten cents per line; >la'alwa s. IL s simply Cummou Sense. g NEARLY. EVERYBODY five cents Per line earn subsequent impertion. 'we sellyaL 25 cents,and cheerfully rocommsind Seggei man—The celebrated trotting' 8 oontrac,rates made known on applica stallion,the property of Deese Hubbard, _ tiros. No tree advertising. P Pe y Advertisements without written instructions ire .Shop 3 Broagham,will make the season of 1909 buy their Groceries at the drOOery store Will be inserted until foroidden and charasi so at his own stable. Arrangements can oozdtnvly. Orders for writing discontinuing advertise. Headache be made to meet mares at outside points A� mean must tin in writing and seat w the pub- �1 ' Lieber.. Job Work promptly attended to, 9 Bucephalus (11228) (33381 — The Tablets choicely bred imported Clydesdale 3E=3: • TERMS -T. M. McFADDEN. stallion,the property of S C Banker; $1.26 per year ; $l.00 if paid to advance. Pickering,will make the season of I9o9 -Deeause they get better values, the best brands af. at his own stable lot 18 con 2 Pickering JOHN- MURKAR, Proprietor, Now Advert{sentents. Kingston road. everything and fresher groceries. MacRobble 6397; -The para-bred We are selling heaps of fine pineapples thgse days;' . OR SALE--A 'eery milch, cow. Clydesdale stallion,the property of Geo. loads,of beautiful lemons, oranges and bananas NOTES AND COMMENTS Apply to SIhS..JAS. L. PALMEB, lot 20. Davidson dr Sons, Cherrvwood, will con 9 nett make the season of 1909 as follows: Nice fresh biscuits in great variety on hand, the best The action -of tiie resider is 'of Wednesday afternoon proceeds to James currants, raisins, prunes&c at right prices. Claremont in taking united action FIRST-CLASS PASTURE,- well Found's lot 29 b t con Pickering night. R watered,can be had by applying to J, w, Thaisda Tome hotel Livor When your grocery stock runs.low in no matter what: Tea, Cottee, , y, pool noon; • •inthe establishment of a union NEHARRY,Port Petry, 28ti Cocoa, Cheese, Icing, anything in the grocery line Gordon's hotel Pickericg night, Friday , cemetery i8 a step i fie right di- afternoon proceeds to his own stable a T�ASSWOOD. WANTED-A quan- until the followingWednesday.afternoon rection and one iu whir the reSi- L City of good sound basswood for the fan y. -.BUY IT AT THE GROCERY STORE tory in Pickering w It GORDON, Pickering Baron EZeCt 5629 —The im *ted t dente of : the . whole to ship 4 13cf ( Po P—M.-t—Musire (Sreetty ill ton. - UtezesLeU. 13 nU H.Pugh, Claremont, will take the fol- surprising SEED FOR SALE, also lowing route daring the season of 1909: 8urpr18ing that there Should be l aleiko to,Pi w grow gwrite Zy. apppplyy CW 110}.&hr there ? _ • at lot'19,non.f;Pickering,or write E,1�.PUGIi I Hondas, T Smith's lot 27 con 9 noon; a+s fi• tetrrb several *core of cemeteries Claremont. flail John Scott's Aths night. Tuesday, R throughout the tNwnship its they — Tdrr'e Mongolia noon; Wm Coakwell's `7� _ �� 'p T1 Ct O �T c� OR SALE OR TO RENT.-The lot 15 con 10 Markham night. Wednes- .GV 1RO .LJ I►�. "N s have existed ever'dince the colla Logan 100 acre farm,base If no.Pickering, t for sale on reasonable terms, Land is y day,Wm Armstrong's Locust Hill noon; „ „ Ras first orryy -: Buy your Groceries at the Grocers. try opened up and when best clay,stone house etc,vt miles from G.T.GR R Milroy's Cedar Grove night. Thars- will rent if not sold at once. Apply in even. day,Jas MacCrase lot 34 con 2 Picker- 5 r the country Was in an unorganiz- ins$to F.M.CHAPMAN,Pickering. 4atf rag noon; W Te efy's 1 112 miles sect of ,• ed condition. However itis now OUSE TO RENT-Containing Che rywood night. Friday,Thos Knox's • - time that the residents recognized H .even rooms,hard and wet water souse Brock road noon; Gerow's Hotel ( . : , in excetlent condition, good large garden A Brougham night. Saturday, Lather Bugg `,/the fact that something should be number of fruit trees Also a good blacksmith + shop May be renteb separately or together Pilkey's lot 18 con , Pickering noon; done to do away with so 10 13Y F'or further articulazs syply w ,HARBY thence to stable antil following Monday, - - sore ion croon t tof.,the care-less T��HHORTHORN BULLS FOR SLE.are ,an eye- Ga—The champ on mpo re1?1d 3Clydesdale 38-37 i7 Oce roan 9 rt old net, one roan 3 ears stallion. the property of Robert Defoe, y pp ._$uggies . t manner in which-tliPy are looked o:d is epnog. These bul:e are:it for service in Green River, make the season of aftE.'. The to iLlil IRCes Uf Uur teat of stock. Also.everslbofl calves ,row 8 m) viz.- Monday, Brougham night., a` L'I p to 1J aroutne old good enough for any man in ` Tu-asdav, H Sia ors lot 2r; con 5 friendswho have -dsed be'•o11d this eri n or Apply on U(Iii. s Int ib, tXZtf - >� 1 w r � S Pickering or wren E.E.PCGH,C!bramonts^ctt. Pickeriek- cc un;, Raseell Carter's - - - . - the great divide should be looked -- -'� "--- - ---- i Cherrgwood night. 1t'ec�t codas, Y h ? . .AR. FOR ..ALF..-Being lots lUt Reesor'e!at:i con 3 $cargoro noon; IN B � less IlpOn ns sacred gCOtilld and Cared sad tl,con 7, township of Pickering.and( y Hamui's $carbaro and MarBham _ yeas a' ;; of 910 acres, This farm is the one - ' for 111` all appropriate manner. on•wh:cb the, well-known Greenwood herdof towntiue nijht Thursday, T Cox- When we walk leisurely over the short-hdrae have been bred and fed during the worth's Armadale noon; Franklin HOII9e y psat forty year., It ii,as rich as a garden and Markham night. Friday, R Wri ht's You can get all makes at Disney's 'See Aravea of our dead .friends we eleau. would sell 150 acres, 13.3 acres or the lot 19 con 8 5lerkham scan; R ' whole of it. There is timbor on one part of it Eagle- should not do so with shame, but worth #9000. Terms easy. Possession giver soa'a lot 20 con 9 Slarkbam ni.ht. g More you purchase e18e- r Apttl-lss 1:109, Arthur Johnste,e, Greenwood. Saturday,to hie own stable until. Mot,- a certain amount of beauty should 37te day afternoon. surround those sacreshould spots. Tenders Wante'd -Mikado Jr. 853-.•The ezee'lent road where. We Can save Burying Rrouuda should not be horse, the peoperty of Thom.Beyerley lot IL 2 1;2,5th con, Uxbridge*will Cooke the Wildernesaeaa in which all kinds Of EALZD Tl3NDSR8 marked "tenders season of 1909 as follows: Peter Shirk's money Yn e p wild plants and, weeds have full S y .I 1� for sidewalk dor the construe- Mongolia nc+on• Franklin House Mark- - . Away, but rather should have the tion of about 3000 square feet of grano- ham night. Tuesday afternoon Perkins Come In a� time appearance of Well tended dower lithic sidewalk In Pickering Village,' Bros'lot 19 con 4 Markham. Wednesday - C y the carne w be completed by Sept. afternoon, F Cosgrove's hotel Elgin gardens. But this can never.be 15th, 1909, will be received by the Mil's. Thursday afternoon, Wm Ray- done ua.til there is a united and undersigned up to noun on Friday, moo's Gormless Corriere. Friday DISNEYA SON June 95th. �afternoon, Mansion Hoose StouSvilfe. . orgauized effort made- in this The lowest or any tender not neces- Saturday, by, way of Altona to Noah is Es direction. Instead of having so sarily accepted. B'aker's con 3 Uxbridge for noon;thence $ Carriages, Binder Twine, -.bf. S, C'HAP)tAw, to his own stable. D.Sykes, manager. Farm Implements,-- arness, g '.many cemeteries there should be Machine Oil and Repairs. louly two or at least three union 37� See. Police Trustee Board. Boyal Duke 13633 (,023)-The l cemeteries in this tOtYndhi and _ imported Clydesdale stallion, th WHITBY, �/ / pv _ " P property of W G Scott, Claremont, will ;lt►�HI TB / . ONTARIO then it would be possible to makq make the season, of 19M as follows: Monday,along the 8th con Pickering to `them a Credit,to the cumtnunity. Samuel Disney's toan:ine night; Taos- This must be done sooner or later day, 8 Farodale's Kinsale noon; W H Holtb a Aadle night.. Wedaesda ��. Taos- as the Board Of Health in theiriZ (Y�tr�4i Maddaford Bros Kingston road noon; 1aaCLion in closing lip a number of Gordon Souse Pickering night. Thurs.SEALED TENDE138addressed to,the ' day, Thoe Knoz's Brock road noon; bury><ng grounds will Coolie it postmaster General, will be re r► necessary to do soluething ceived at Ottawa until noon, on Fri= W Cow hotel n 7 Pi m night. Friday day, the 16th Jul 1009, for the con- W .Cowie's cow 7 Yickerir,q noon; D ve once of His It est a Mails, ori a Gregg's con 9 night. 8stur3ay, to his =. tyUN6ARTON y 1 y own stable until the following Monday. —TAKE ONE 01- i proposed Contract for four years, Z.uo-in-One 233', 5032-The ahem• • s1x times per week each way, between i t A. M. Gormley will open on Mon- Broaghaat and Markham from the Ptoa breeding Clydesdale stallion the • N day next general store In the Tripp Postmaster General's pleasure. property of Graham Bros, Claremont � , D�l��n ham S olds rid. will snake the Beason of 1909 as follows Printed notices containing further Monde afternoon leaves hie own stable The dust caused by the automobile information as to conditions of pro- y _ is very mach complained of by those posed Contract may be seen and blank and proceeds to Wm Edward's,Balsam, Wicker Chairs or Rockers home with you. It's a sure cure for fatigue. " 'who reside on the frout street. Screen forms of Tender may be obtained at for night., Tuesday to Thos MoAvoy's .-doors prevent the Hy nuisance, but the Post Office of Brotjgham, Mark- lot 8 on 8 Pickering noon; Miller John We are showing some of the nicest designs. the dust niiisance•remalna as yet with- ham and route offices and at the 7th con for night. Wednesday to John 'out an antidote. Patterson'@ lot 94 non 7'noon; Arab. Chill Oc Office of the Post Office Inspector 'at phone and let us quote you prices. They are the lowest. Geo. A. Gillespie, who recently Toronto. Mal lot 27 con 5 night, Tbursday purchased the Parker store, is bus to Goo Bower's con 10 Markham night. ,.ON riCbW � �. Th� �* ''* these days stirs his largely y post,, Office De- Friday to John Turner's con 10 Mark. Y getting R y increas- pa r t m em t, Mail G. C. A-inxRBON, ham moon; .Dankeld Bros'lot 32 con.8 ed supply of goods listed and passed Service Branch Superintendent Pickering night. Saturday to his own Uphol:atering and Picture Framing a specialty -into stock. Call and see the variety Ottawa, June 2nd stable until the following Monday atter- Goo -delivered anywhere free of charge. of linea he brio to show, 1909. 3fF38 Dona. Bell and Independent Telephone Connection. . The council, under ttie direction of - ---- - councillor Sparks, is having a large quantity of atone crushed on the HAY FORKS, SLINGS, ETC. - remisea of Mr.Thom,aria the metal I have completed arrangements with the Oshawa Ha Carrier Co. and am 3s,being placed on the roads as feet as p g 7 crushed. Nothing like broken etc now able to supply the farmers in my vicinity with the most up-to-date line jt for such work. of Hay Carrielfi on the'Canadian market. I also handle -water proof rope. " Mr.McFadyen, the new pastor of If you,need anything in the hay-font line consult:me before buying as I have the church here, is busy these days an interesting proposition to lay before you. I also handle Peter Hamilton's getting' acquainted with the many goods, Dain haying tools, Paris Riding Plows, Success Manure Spreaders and families of his,congregation. May he many other-improved linea. If you need a washer drop me a card. I sell the ����l�D long continue to find life in' Dunbar- 19W machine for cash or on the instalment plan. Coupon worth$1 given with ton congenial to himself and family every.order of 100 or over of twine. Cull and see my exhibits at Wilson's' and his pastorate work one round of Carriage Shop;.Whitevale, Ont. „ successes. HOWARD E. TVRNER, Wtevale E.J. Lintner has rented the black- smith shop here and took possession - y on Monday where he intends to 'parr- - it Lint e cx 1ng t _iiIl-ids liranches. fr. AIRDWARE - -.- - -- -- li ed s y An unlimited uppl - _ Lintner is a young; man with some g g . " years experience both in city and country and should :succeed with his - present venture. We wish ilial every � , -of Chop and Feed success. George Porker is busy renovating Hoes, Rakes, Forks, Scythes, and Snaths, Scythe Stones, $hovels, " 'Of all kinds -his residence on Station Areet;pre- Etc. Poultry Netting, Wire Sicreen, Tacks, Staples and pparxtory to moving there. He and Nails. Hammers, Wrenches, .Files and Oil Cans, Ma. :family are at at present domiciled chine, Separator and Paint Oils and . i' ,with Miss Pizer while the erection of Axle on oil. hand• a spacious verandah and other extens- i los improvelnWe Are being rushed to Pure Paris- Green, 25 cents per 1b. ' completion. We are pleased to nee these signs of activity on Mr. Parker's i art s,9 it assures us that he and Mrs. Sprayers ,and Sprinklers. FEFD part have decided to continue 1 permanent residence with us. A full line of 'Martin-Senotlr Paints. SPINK - , MILLS, ..�_• e e W Remember S. et the Cn to H ttr. BaptistGEO, 'PHILIPS. S. ezcuraion to Hakilton „ Brougham1PYC8ERIN( Wednesday, July 7 _.r .��•• h -S lop WINNAIN lisp--1 ' p v( ? S C Y • �.... W. b"*:' '•T--- - 3`•r' •-a• :'•r. t!'-"+ari t"•4-... '• 6�'en� n. � n CLARLMONT -' The services in the Ba tint y Spring and Summer Goods Thomas Birkett was in the cit church last Sunday were conduct- on Monda ed by Rev. Dr. Norton, who David 'Scott, of Toronto, was Preached two able and impressive A full stock of all kinds of Foot-wear for Men, Women and Childretl. "home over Sunday. - sermons. It will pay you to call and see before purchasing. x -' Mr. Farren s nt a few days- Duncan and Miss Macnab left r•r at his home in Linden on Monday morning foie a month's y' holiday during which they will FLOUR AND FEED. Miss Gertie Morgan, of Toronto, visit Chicago and other points WELLM `'was home over Sunday. across the line. of the best quality always on hand. . Chas. and Mrs. Sargent visited Mrs. W. Lea rand her sister, friends in Unionville on Sunday. Pe - . : Independent Telephone Central. The police trustees are having Mrs. Hubertis, left on ThursdaysT111ING some drains dug at the north and. morning for Seattle, Wash. On The Corner Store. W. M. PALMER, Proprieto,. Wednesday, July 7th, is the ,their return home they will visit friends in Winnipeg. date of the Baptist S.S. excursion The afternoon rvice at Glen By Lydia E. Pmkham' o Hamilton.. S Major last Sunday was conducted Mrs. Martha Brown is .visiting by Rev. W. R. Wood and the Vegetable Ci0II3pOU!]dNIS. : 'her sister, Mrs. W. E. Rise brough, -' of North Myrtle. evening service in the. Preabyteri- Dovedale Sask.-I was a sufferer Wel H RICHARDSO V J. S. Bundy and Dr. Kidd hada an church, Claremont, by Rev. J. from female weakness-monthly • ' business trip to -Chalk Lake and A. Grant. it and a Balsam on Monday. Owing to the fact that the Rev. bad discharge,pf Important showing of finest display of 7 Quite a number from hella at- J. W. Totten will preach his fare- backache and - -' r ells China. A Very s assortment f _ -tended the camp meeting at Dia- scoop on Sunday evening ,;�� wretched head- o •:�; .on's Hill on Sunday. next, the Baptist congregation ache, and had felt Stationary. Books,Dolls, Toys, jubt :i Miss Brillinger has returned, will give up their evening serviceweak ever since the " ` ,received for the Holiday trade. Call ? a� a token of res ec birth of my twins, y after spending a ._month with p t and Rood- `: I tried doctors but and see them. 1 friends in Winnipeg. will that they entertain toward Mrs. P. Macnab and Mrs. .Ren- Lin'. n to take Lydia got no relief. I be- Subscriptions taken for all Magazines, lie -Weeks and Dail Newspapers frew, of Toronto, are visiting ,Miss Mary Scott left on Mon- E. Pinkham's, e y y friends in Hamilton. day for Winnipeg where she will etable Compoun Miss Adelaide Coates and bliss he United in marriage to lir. Geo. % , and after three -W J H R=C�=.A�JDs�N ^� i Edith Howitt, of Altona, spent Di(-k, fromerlyof this place. After weekaIwasfeetin v Monde in Poit Perr remainin much better,and now I am well again. _ y y' g 'a week in Winnipeg -Mrs. BFssiE BILY, Do le, Sack., $_cc3 � ap4st• WhitUr9' The Misses Hamilton have been they will go to their future home Canada• spending a few days with friends in Cupar, where Mr. Dick has an Another Woman Cured. in Toronto and Beaverton. excellent situation. Christiana, Tenn.-"I suffered from i Albert Rawson and Bert Back, In the notice in the last issue the worst form of female trouble soOntsriio gym 1,6astte, , who a4 working in Toronto, spent referring to the presentation that at times I thought I could not _ .Sunday at their homes here. . made to Mrs. Totten a mistake live,and my nerves were in a dreadful Won Lost To play Mrs. Forgie and Miss Florence was made b our correspondent. condition. Lydia E.Pinkham s Vege- left town on Tuesday to spend a y pendent. table Compound cured me and made Claremont....... fi 0 0 bi rs. Totten was made the reci i- po Brooklin.......... 2, 1 2 Synopf3is o C7an� ern -« week with friends at B?ooklin. P me seal like a different woman Lydia North-west Lend.. ant of a very attractive piece of E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is Ashburn........... 2 4 1 • Mrs. Fred Farmer has returned bend-painted china. The great- worth its weight in geld to suffering Myrtle....,....... 0 .4 2 Regulations. home of ter spending a couple of est value attached to it is the women."-Mrs.MARY WOOD,]ELF.D 3. NY person who is the sole bead of a faaeAy. µ' weeks with relatives in Stouff- kindly feeling that it represented: If you belong to that countless army r 60'YZARf' s or any male over 18 years aid• may boo.- ville. of women who suffer from some form stead a qcarter-&sot on of available Dominion Rev. J. W. Totten spent Mon- of female ills, don't hesitate to EXPERIENCE load is Manitoba, 6askatchewsa or Albania. Eyerybody is going to. Atha try The appplicant mast appear in person at the clay at ScuRog on his new cirenitt. L F. Pinkham's Ve table Com- Domfatoa Lands Agenoy or nab-Agency for the ` union picnic to-morrow and to yea district. Entry by pro: may be mane at any Pickering on Thursday(Dominion He attended an anniversary tea pound, made from roots,and herbs. y at one of the churches. There For thirty years this famous remedy j aliens,on.certain coadheoae, by tither, moth- Day). y Y y or.son.daughter,brother or sister of iatendlnd was a large attendance and ad. has been the standard for all forms of homesteader. A record attendance i-4 -expect- female ills,and has cured thousands of Duties.—Su months residence upon sad dresseE were Riven by Mr. Farm- cultivation of the land is each of three ears. ed at the Atha.picnic on,Saturday women who have been troubled with. TMoe Mawts A homesteader may live within ams mfJ'w of of this week. Who's going? Pr, editor, of'Pin t PE rrq, and Rev. such ailments as displacements,fibroid l his homestead on a,f— of at least 90 acres YS J. Snell and tbp retiring pastor, DcaliGm• . :.Everybody. -. � tumors ulceration, irregularities, CoMrausf'rrs da solely owned and occupied by him orb his Rev. W. Wickett. An event Of. father,mother,son•daughter,brother or user. We congratulate our football' baclrache, and nervone prostration. Anyone sending a sketch andde.criq� a 7 In certain districts a homesteader in Rood ` theevening wis an addre4a read puickjy ascertain one opta,on free whether sa boys on their winning e�`ery thing g --"'- ------ In may pre-amps a quarter-section along- In si ht at .the union picnic at RL'ld CePeIItatlOA made t0_bIC. and tarenu^a uprobaClyp� a hla-Compaent side his homestead. jsnc aBA aoz�s .nom g P P n Q jj••�� f� tioos.tnetd comment[ fW8001I on.Pateaq a��'�� bir•S:• IV ickett. I �/• r L/. �./. SMITH sent tree oiaest sacs losaecartn�pwn� DutferMasc reside six Mont i MU39eln1'an'9 Lake Oil .Saturday. _ Passau caflen throe¢h Hnaa Co,receive yeah from date of homestead entry (ineludfn , M►a9 Margaret Gregg, arse-in- Mise M. Totten Smith,, a niece DENTI:±T, aToUFFVII:LE,. without arse. the time required to earn homestead ptiteat� t++' g gR, and cultivate fifty acres extra. training in the General Hospital, of Rev. J. W. Totten, has been A homesteader who has exhausted his,hones. R P i Honor graduate of Toronto University stead right sea cannot obtain a Pre-emption Toronto, is spending her vacation visiting her uncle and family at and Ro al Calle a of Dental fiur eons. Adeoaie'><masu'a� rrsa�If mt anile a Pe 6 Y S g as say sdsnttao IoaraaL Terme or districts Prigs purchased accr m Duft[esc-stint ?; at the home of her parents here. Claremont. She spoke at the 8180 Post-gCadu4tr Of Chicago College. is a 70*4p ""o p'P" 6014 bs Miss Young, of Guelph is visit- league on Mdnday evening of last W � Ott reside viz month. is each of three sante. . g, p Crown and bridge Wort a specialty, onlnisa4 fftty rise• and anent a boors wor16 '" ing her relatives here for a few week, her theme being "China." AC Claremont sat Tuesday of month. 5Et5ti6sflrsa days. Our football boys purpose She has lately graduated at the Office over Sargent's,Tinshop. � � *81 w"°�°a°Awl" am-00. W. W. ooa:, 4 going to Pickering on Dominion Cfeueral Hospital, Toronto, taking Independent 'Phone• Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. pier certificate as nurse. She has Paine of women, head p.lns, or nay x•E.—Qoaatborized pabiicafioa of tris ed. s Day stopped in 20 minute• sure with Dr, vertisament will not be paid for. - A special triotic service will been appointed to go under the stopped in lie minute. P� Pa sure with Dr. shod, y hoop's Pin Pain Tablets. Bee ISA be held in connection with the auspices of the W.M.S. to ChinaCROUP Croup Re uedr 9: formal.on.25a box. Sold by T. bL Ma. If you would have a safe et`certain -Presbyterian Sunday S^hool next where she will engage in mission- test will surely prove. Fadden, cough remedy in the home try Er.eb0000��'6 .,'9unda morning at 10 o'clock, ary work: No vamitiag, no dim -at least once. It,ls thoroughly y- $ t:eaa ♦ease sad p{eesia& yrup--50c.Druggists. The service will be open to rite any other no It preparation. Its lasts ; pe MACHINE -SHOP 1 will be entirety pew b yea—anle116 it is public and it is hoped that a large C C. already your tavorits cough rented No number of the parents find friends I "E PG OPLL S CASH STORE apinm,ahloeoform,ar.ny other spif,ing ' of the children will be present. The undersigned having parch- ,ingredients ars aced, The tender IeaYes a. The.general theme of, the service Highest price In trade for good butter and eggs. ed B, Wagner's Machine Shop in of a harmless, lung-beating mountainous .. - shrub Alive to Dr. Shoop's Covgh Rerae4 will be Our Country for Christ." Kinsale, is prepared to do all its woadertol oarative _ The regular morning service of kinds , is air work and general properties. it to -' g g Just received a shipment of boots and shoed p g traly, a most certain and trustworthy the congregation will. follow as including Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords. _ blacksmithing. prescription . Sold by T.M. XaFaddsn, usual. These shoes are now the style for the warm Satisfaction guaranteed. Oar school board have secured days. Prices right. - { the services of N. F. Tomlinson, PURE. FRESH GROCERIES EVERY WEEK Call and see us. formerly teacher of the Brougham JAMES PENGELLY. public school, as.principal of the To this department we have added "Fives Roses".Manitoba flour Claremont school, and Miss Clark, Kinsale, Out. of Fergus,,as first assistant. Mr. Tr our LO%d:RiA blended teas, 25c, 30a,•40c•50c lb. These, pain soywhere.stopped in 20 minutes � `Tomlinson will take the classes at TEAS Teas must be judged•by .Cup•Quality. Our fresh ground Coffee, 25c, 35c, 40c lb., you drink it once, you will buy it again. sure with one o[wDr, i3he s Pink Pain !!tltl !!lIIIII� ,p present taught by Mr. Hicks, and, Tablets. The formula it �'ii the 25 cent i_- ;Miss Clark the classes taught by box. Ask your doctor or druggist about Mr. Ball. Beth new teachers 'DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATE, CAPS, C'iOLLARs, TIES, UMBRELLAS, &C. this formula 1 Stops womanly pains, come very highly recommended: Our-Values—RIGHT .-Our Prices—ROCK-BOTTOM headache, pains anywhere. Write Dr. 'Mr. Tomlinson is not an entire . Shoop,Racine,Wis.•for tree trial to prove Of all materials and din value. Sold by T. M. McFadden. kept in stook. It w 1 pay you ' stranger as his efficient work in D t Sim son i hoker'in �T j, AA b eau at our weals acd kispeat our sleek Brougham is well kncwn here and g E W. EVANS P • by and obtain noes. D9o't be misled .,his manly qualities will make him �.- agents we do not employ.them,00nsegosot- a desirable citizen. ly we can, and do throw off the ageoM Rev. J. W. Totten, who has PiIMp MiIIIufSCture!' commission of 10 per cent.,which you will been appointed to take charge of : : certainly save by purchasing from an, -y oee4a o the work at Scugog, will preach '."Pur 1 7 Shop and Residence, Dundas St owl solioiw& this farewell sermon here on Sun ';Pyre 'ares kxr een w�ITOY GRANITE COy day next and will move to his new WHITBY, ONT. •.oe►s•. Whitby,0014111116 field about'ruesda_y, the 29th inet - - Rev. R. Duke, of Fitton, has been Three d wasWhitbyease In sickness if a certain hidden a Thr doors t of H ` • WTO g n then the n that this necv6 appointed to take charge of 'the co�trotll also surely organ It shay b6 Claremont circuit and expects to We are prepared to instal wood or iron a stomaob nerve-or it inn have given reach Claremont about June 90th. Cattle Fly Oij Sprinkling CaZU4 pumps on shortnotiae,also attend strength and support to the shear$ or kid. He will preach at Claremont and _ -to all kinds of repairing. asys. It was Dr.Shoop tbat'flrst pointed Glasgow on the first Sunday in - �OBt II t0-date 8 ra ars on the market A ant for the Ontario Wind)dill, to this vital truth. Dr. Shoop's amore- 3 ` Jul Mr. Duke has been highly p y g rive was not made b doss the 11tontaoD July. g Y _ _ aleo$asolina engines and nor to temporarily stimulate the heart or honored by the Conference, hav- Screen Doors. ' Window, Screens, the squre gam' kidneys. .The old-fashioned method is ing at-one time been its president MAGNET CREAM SEPARATOR &11 wrong. Dr,Shoop'i Restorative goes as well as beigg for some years Hammocks. directly to these failing inside nerves, chairman of districts. at residence. „, The remarkable success of this iem p. ,n Phone No 50 r p The meeting held on •Wednes-' " t — tion demonstrates the wisdom of treating day evening of last week to Con- C. Sargent , Tell some deserving rheamatio sufferer the&(Anal cause of these failing organs. aider the advisability week establish- y Claremont that there i11 et one simple way to certain Y P� Y P T And it is indeed easy to prove. A simple relief. Get Dr,Shoop s book on Rheums• live or ten days'test will surely tell. Z�iy •ing a union• cemetery was well Hardware, -Stoves and Furnaces. tism and a free trial test. This book will it once and see. Bold by T. M.McFadden. attended,there being about thirty 6 make it entirely clear how rheumatic ,: residents present, . After discus. paine are quickly killed by Dr. Shoop's 1.11 sing the matter fully and receiv- Remedy-liquid a : M ' m g I arm o Rheumatic Rem or tablets, ing the report of the committee " Send no money, a test is free. Sur x o$ luted to Secure all Ossible a " pries same disheartened sufferer by first v tr �� • P :Budd Up A Reserve N ovv data on the question, it was decid- getting for bio the book from Dr Shoop, d a g m M —ed-to take the first steps towards --T-- ,how, while your is good why not convertpaft of it Ranine, Wis. Sold by T. M,McFadden. V p s i� y a �_ s• 0= the organization of a company Tile Pickering ;d cm m S 8 necessary toe. out the project "W 'into a Cash Reserve that will,later on,yield a competence for old age? „a Qg E e At a kubse ueut' meetingheld on You can easily do it by regularly depositing a part of your m P � m co o°' aP Monday evening of thiweek a income in Vigilance Committee ado°gam 0 8� s o. y•. . joint stock company, to be known _. o o c x roar s axe :ro sd••s se as the Claremont Cemetery Com- The object of this Association ie'to a`o a�' B-' e c a 14 Ow=e pans, was OCganized. Already ', BM K lessen steal' and prosecute 0 n ie M a .". m.. 0.4 Jan O Ing04 lnearly $800 stock has been sub- the felons. d� .�, FsbN scribed and the success of the `s �• m m •� company is now assured, The 14173 SOF CANADA Members having property my oo>lomani• Ap _ Company will at once apply to X77 Beeoeb�� oris immediately wit ny member o i .,,, Apr the government for a charter of Executive mitten. pl ■ o �, e- p o„• Mev l;)O whereby the company will be One Dollar and upwards opefu an account, and with�►Ltematie Momberebip fee 51.00. M ;, Jae 042 ma Incorporated. The shareholders stvmg and Compound Interest, the fund will rapidly accumulate. Tickets may be bad from tae President or r a �. e. a v July • -4 sleeted the following board Of �to•day. secrets" on application. a�• :° d b M o m m ampt directors : President b Joshua Exec. Qom.-I..-r)_J3anks, Cleo, Leng, ° - _ .m ^^t• =, i! Bundy, Vice-President- Geo. p I C K E R I N G BRANCH W. V. Richardson, Pickering, Ont o. m m g m ma Nov, m Johnston, Sec-Trees-Fred Farm- Dee r�' or; John Gregg and G. M. For- CLARENCE T. BATrTTe Manage= �•�' �' nor, A ur leffreyi ,Jan i91rry 14, by 11,Oshawa Own,sra> a kO6 In.�Port Perry 14,Uzbridite 91,Oaasfaittos tet eyth. 353it 81C8 ALSO AIT—W HITST. Secretary Beaverton 19,upsergtove is 7 —W .......... N,7L, 37, At the close of the y9ex the" were 1,047 now. The surplus can b f courts In the Order. represeaLlug a meni. _..LIVING IkINAMIN ORDIR Of 01838 bership of 70,757. There were 490 courts in under at the top or botz0l the Province of Ontario, 178 In Quebec, 58 try it; you will be delighte RESPONSIBILITY .,-OF 7 d iZ rj if in Nova Scotta., 0 in Now Brunswick, 15 carpet wear twice as long and in Prince Edward Island. 121 in kizai_ your AN UAL THE THIRTIETH toba, 63 in baskat�chewan, 36 In Alberta. will not bi-agin to look much w SESSION OF HIGH COURT. WO2 and 16 in British Columbia. Among those in attendance were the fol. till it is about gone, ais it is all use n owing:—J. A. stewart. High Chief Ra cer, alike. ood to Know That Men . May Be Better Perth; Thos. �%r. Gibson. High Viee-Chief Ranger, Toronto Faulkner. Ri h To Clean Matting.—Do not forget 77 7 Secretary, BrantiorGeo" cgh that matting must never b�&,washed d; Robt. Elliot, Hi If he Year 190S Was the Host ProS- Treasurer, Brantford: Dr. U. M. Stanley_ w for Our Having Lived. ith soapy water. A strong sol-u- Chairman Medical Board, Brantford: C. perous In 'the History of the E. Britton. P.H.C.R., Gananoque; L. P. D. tion of salt water cleans matting Tilley, St. John. J. A. A, Brodeur, Mon. and makes it look like new. In lay. For none -of us livetb to himself, 1-e more pleasinj if oui goodness Order—A Large Delegation treal; A. P. VanSomeren, McLeod, Its.; W. M. Couper, Montreal; members nA ing matting place one or two thick- and no man clietb to himself.—Ro- might bless others without our bad- -in Attendance. f the -�,�ans xiv. 7. Executive Committee, W. L. Rogers, High neSties Of old newspaper under- neEs cursing them. But you can- Auditor, Brantford; W. Walker, High Reg- neath it, for matting always let* Nobody*is independent. All not have one side without the other The thirtieth annual session of the High istrar, Montreal; Rev. W. J. West, Ch plain, Bluevale-, W. 0. Strong, SE'gb dust and dirt through it like a sieve, Court of the Canadian Order of For sters' 1.112dent of Organization, Brantford; and when it has to be ..human lives are inseparably joined. any more than you carl have light e uper. :Things we said yesterday will be v;ithout shadow. If it is right til opened in the city of London on Tuesday, Lyman Lee, High Court Solicitor, Hamil. taken up the June 8th. with a large number in attend. ton; J. B. O'llegan, Chief Agent. Province -Piece,, of,dusf covered paper can be rccalled with pleasure or pain by men should be ablci to help one ail- sumoody twenty years from: now. other; it must be right, be ance. including'High Court officers and of Quebec, Quebec; D. E. McKinnon, Dis. carefully lift-ad and burned. Widths a cause dclegates repres'enting, Subrordinate Co s trict High Secretary, Winnipeg; F. H. of matting sewed together with a AN hat we did last week will make is a part of the same arrangement of urt Davidson. D.H.C.R., Winnipeg, and W". D, every Province of the Dominion. It Duubar, P.H.C.R., Napinka. Man. loose stitch, using ca-rpet threard, somebody better or worse when our that they should, be able to hurt 1,1 Just twenty years since the Order last make,the floor covering look neater bodies have turned to dust. one another. ul�pt it, tbis city. and the event is an im- Life is rather solemn business. Sometimes we inientionally in- pqrtant one, not only on that a" and wear better than when staples ount. are used to fasten it down: Nobody is so insignificant a's to be fluence people as when we argue but also owing to the fact that in this Vithout influence. Most of us would with a man to bring him to -our City just thirty years ago the society frbt ceived the "EN. Le filled with -horror if we could views, but perhaps the mightiest 9aw the light of day. Here it re' A13OUT LIN read the record of our lives and-see influence is name of Canadian order,of Foresters. Its founder.s I were fortunate in the choive of When'buyirig material for a white how a word we spoke care'2-s6ly' EXERTED Vi ,INT'C'ONSCIOU SLY, came. at once euphonious and patrio. oft M e linem suit it will ne found more started some one on the way to economical to, get the tmo, yard ruin. And it would fill us with a As the iceberg chills the. air for tie., Since then 'the Order has ateadily TI-1�' R , " -grown in importance, until' itq wide linen sheeting, as it costs less :,bliss that is like heaven itself if miles around it or as the ho"hey- intereFts are now firmly established In ev, and cuts to splendid advantage. wE could see that there are persons sLekle make's the air about it hca,.!Y. Province of the Dominion, and itts record Always buy linen handkerchiefs ry who date all the good there is in with fragrance, so men ra4diate leadid testimony of what can be. ac. and towels and you can keep them their lives to some kindly deed ot helpful or hurtful influences. Our & 6p ours done, charaeter, whatever it-may- be, is co'Plished bY, Canadiang in Canada. SEASONABLE RECIPES. a good, color more easily than if contagious. After tbe usuil opeping, ceremonies and ' Rhubar.b Shortcake.—Make the cotton ones are bought. $IMPLY FROM IMPULSE. It was said by a, man who w' the appointment of the several standi ng doug'h as fo * For a laundry bag buy one-stcl as committee�', the High Court officeyq But;. r strawberry shortcake. a half yards of wide bleached linen However much we may wish at 'dying: ','Oh, that my , influence mitted their reports, which shc;wed the Cook' rhubarb slowly, using no toweling, double it, overeast the times that we could do as we please nEight be gathered tip and -buried Order to be...In the most flouriabing con. water until done. Flavor with le, edges, and put a stout tape draw- without'our 4.eeds afficting the with me." . That cannot b6. llow- dItion. mon or nutmeg and sweeten to string at the top. This bag can be hves'of others, yet a moment's ever much .we :wish ait.-. Oul. 1:iflti- The High (Irlef Panger, J. A. Stewart, taste. Split,cake lengthwise and lau,,d,ied often and so kept sweet e C48 thought will make us glad that -hu— hles-`ng Or --of-Perth- Ont.. after exterding a hearty finish as with ztrawberriesi. tn, I 1�� +111�i and clean. - The word "laundry" p man lives are thus 6-6-nZ-6�toget er. i peo�plef=rever. Of another man welcome to the 'representatives- pr"eat, Strawberry Jelly and Butter. bubmitted his report. which was replete written on one sicie and outlined in There is dignity in life when we feel, it was said- "H;s presence always with facts and figures r`elatinc' to the Cap and wamh two quarts of white would add.to the appearance. that a hundred years from now men made men' better." What a fine growth and extension strawberries. Cut up tbree large inay be better for our having-lived. thing th of.the Order during If -a piece of heavy finen,' .,cut at is—to have such a, char- the last year. stalks Qf rhubarb into small pieces. large�enough to cover the top of And, on the other han4d, there is a4eter that when you meet pei,ple The Year closed' with a Place in-gr&nit-e or porcelain vessel responsibility in living, since afterliou-make them wish to be noblex membership of the dining table and extend two 1 70.757. The increase itx,,,tbe rnsurance Re. with one pint cold water. vc are gone men may 'be worse for! �urer, truer. Place' inches over at each edge, is neatly serve during the Year amounted to $M2.- on fire. When cooked pour in sieve L , hemmed and placed over the large our misdeed&. It doubtless would' FRANK M. GOODCHILP. 249.67. On January.1. 19M. the amount on to drain. Measure juice and place I cloth a part*of each week the table hand in this branch was 82.426.69b.87. and, 'over fire. To-each pint of juice add I ca at the (!Jose of the year.$2',728.-WO.54.. There one e I n be kept neater with less laun- THE DEADLY CROQUET. were 39 pin of sugar. Put sugar in I dry work, and the large table cloth I death claims paid, amounting to jar and place.in oven'to heat. ; wil I not wear out at the edges-so LACK OF BLOOD . Stir �ick often to prevent burning. Innocent Forms or Sport arci I'll. The .1 ad Funeral Benefit depart. When quickly. is also in a flour.`O"ff condition. add sugar to-boiling juice and I Z meat hot, Half a yard o�f y A wide natural known Jn Rn"ia.. . . cook rapidly. until done. Test by Dur�iig the year no less a --um than sis4.- colored linen will make a cool and -"b What 6Wea Reallahes, Lind- - It seems str dr n cold saucer. Put durable I cushion-cover for summer ange that in a coUn- 371.U. covering 5,8Z6-cJaJm8, was paid in . opplli&some I nen and Reah Palpitatioll. try so cold as no rt hern'Russia the this branch. The amount to the credit of in glasses and c6ver. Butter—Mix I use. Cut the linen in two and em- spiri� of sport should'not �be rno�re this fund si'the close of the year was �Arawberries and rhubarb from i broider the top in a dull blue�,, us- -On the blood depends the welfare developed. The tr opies,even,ad pt $142,806.70 4which ielly was' made and rub Ing o any pa"ern desired (large initi- oneiudiic through sieve. To each pint Of &Is are pretty), and finish the edge Of the whole body. Where good football, -haseball* and other, ath- The High Chief Rane6r. in c -blood exists disewei is unknowa letic games, but . the . land of the his address'elpressed the, hope that the fruit add one pint sugar, Place ! with a blue and linen colored cord. meeting would be a pleasant one for.the -Water disease quickly seizes hold ' white bear seems to hibernate un- over fire, coolr until thick, - Stir I y members- and a profitabl of the body—It is then,headaches, , i it . e one for the constantly to prevent burning.. Put KITCHEN TIME SAVERS. ,der ts covering of ice and snow. dizzine 'in Chambers's' Journal �Order. and felt that ver there was, a up the same sia tho jelly. backaebew, ss,, heart palpi- , An article LtellS of time In'the history of the Order when the tation and other se Ous ailments' speaks of this fact and the members should all feel Inspired with Dissolve.copperas in your drain Inake themselves felt, Good blood- suspicion aroused, a num PIE POIN-TERS. pipes oftoen to clean out slijue and ber of hope'Land coi.ibilence in the future of Cana.' grease and to thoroughly di I sinf ect can always be obtained thr-t,ugh the 'yLlars ago. by the introduction Of an than Forestry; that time was the pve-sent. Hol.w to Make Pie� Crust.—One'- them. !u3e'of Dr, Willi&ms', Pink Pills for i innocent form of diversion., In an ineptring-address he urged.upon the half cupful of melted *shortening 1 Five cents' worth of Chineso blu#j Pale People. They actually make� Unfortunately, t be R11c k;ian ropresentitives to do all that in them Jay (butter, beef drippings, or lard, rich blood and thus restore -schoolboylias-no�t the fainte-at know- to make 1909 the banner ye�ar of the Oracr. or -a -mixture of any two, or all), dissolved inil one quart, of water flolotd makes exce ent 'bluing and will strength and banish disease. , edge �1 the practise, even of thZ The report of Geo. Faulkner, High See- '-One-quarter cupful of. cold water, last a fanifly a' year. Herbert Hansow Brewers existence, -of football,- cricket,, retary, covering the-general wori of the �one heaping cupful of flour, a little blills, N, B,, says:—I, cannot fours, g,ilf, hockey. and ':so forth, society was next in order. and showed in Pour sauce axound fish and pud- Most of his tim e-is loafed away. Jap salt. Method: Into'a bowl put firbt angq -not over them. praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills top 1[3 detail the large volume of busine'ss trans- the shortening. Nex"t the --�ater, -A spoonful of vinegar in kettle big Kly was troubled with I bead- , the winter if h acted through the bead office in Brantford. .,.-itb a spoon stir into this the of hot.lara will.prevent doughnuts skates a little in The amount of insurance premiums re- an aches, dizzine,S3 and loss of atrengvb lives near the ice,� but,be v;;ill 6ot celved during'tho -year was $567.273,16. flour and salt. When mix d (which �'frum absorbing fat. e &nd had a hacking cough which j lit, far for it, .'.In summer he walks which. with the large sum of Sloi.s6sm. only tak'es a minute or.two) set in p and down the village street, 'derived from interest earn'ed on invOst- refrige'ratbr to cool. Wht-n feared would lead to consumption. hard A tried a number of medicines with. plays cup and ball ill 'the garden,' ments, made the total receipts in' this enough roll. This is enough fur ut benefit, but was f fishep-a little and lazies away his branch $699,131,49. There wcyle� 391 death both'upp-er and lower'-crust fur ai : inally-persL-ad- �d to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. ti-mo with*ut exertion. Lawn.-ten- claims paid. amounting,to $396,881-82, leav- large pie. Before putting into'the' I -did so and used these Pills,for ros is 'sligWy attempted, b�ut not Inc the-'large sum of $.302.249.67 to carry. oven brush top of the pie-with milk.., everal rVonths, with remerkable re- really liked.- to the Reaebve. Fund. which at the close a This will make" it eL nice brbwn'! Many years ago, when' I was a of the year was $2,7�28.940.54. 4ults, 'Miey helped me so much color. ' I -n schoolboy, I arrived fr m England The lick and Funerar BOnefit brknch When Making Pies.—When tha, *Nv strongly recommend o of the Order lso showed a marked ad. them to all other dufferers." to spend a guinme'r n i Russia. I ance. The ain'lount of fees received dur- I making so'ur pies such as rhubarb The experience oi Mr. Hamson is Lrought with me a box of croquet, inr the year wa $fS,29.61, and'intekest'-!and cranberry, it is well to add a,i a, game at the time unknown by eariied $5,174.49. The total recet ts. there- cupfal of raisins that have beeh 1,hat of iliousands of oithers who the Russians. p ]have Nund health and - strength fore. amounted to $164.314.10. There were previously soaked in water. They When the box-was opened at the ("836 Sick and Funeral Beneat claims will take� away that tart flavor be,- : Food through Dr. Williams, Pink Pills custom7house, the authorities re- i ald,'amounting to $134.371.88, leaving $29,. te? other medicines had fa�iled. treated i- sides absorbing the superfluous !, ro4 u' n horror at its awe-inspir- 942.1-2 to carry to the Rieverve Fund, wbi�h juices- ' t is through their power in mak. in 9 contents. Bombs, mysterious 'at the- close.of the Year amounted to good bl-ood that these Pills weal>ons! It was an awful. b�ox.. Sl.42,BD6.70. TO Bake Pie Crust.*—N'1Vhen "ma�- ure suA troubleA as anaemia, in- ing a pie that re4,Afr' s the crustito Are' AiEWsf I drew forth one -of the b�onibs Therii were 70,757 me.mbers.in good stand. e be baked before putting the filling :� ..14igestion, rheumati-sm, heart pal- and placed it on the floor, to the, Ing at the close of the year, carrying F00- rour Tab* lop, neuralgia, nert,ous, troub- accompaniment of cries Of conster- 871.175,500 a r. - , .. I)Itat*, th of insurance, ind the- niembe in it, tu.rn the pie ps�n upside down to es and . e distressing ills of girl- ship in the� Sick and Funeral Benefit and place tfie dough ov,er the pan nation and terror. I took one of i Beciuse they 'are ood and womanhood. Dr WTI- the malle�ta, and 'to" the iacxp�res- §ranch was 43,654. and bake in thig man.ner. This 0 Thrre were issued from the High,Secre- e i king, iams' Pink Pills for Pale Re Ple sible alarm of all I began a little pr vents the crust, from shr n made. of the choicest ary's office 6,758 insurance certificates. and so that *when it ig removed and 1 mat�rials and guar�n- -ers in medicine exhibition -of the game. As I could 6t,047 membership certiheates*, r a"total of placed inside !lie pan with the fill- re sold by all deal r direct by mail from The Dr. not use the hoops on tbe floor, the. ,805,'and in additift there were endors- ing the pie will prove to be more tee-d to be 'absolutely 'illiams' Medicine Co., Brockville, custom-house officials 'grimly sus- lm2ents made on LZU in'surance certificates. �atiifactory Avlien clut pure-. *m Ont-, at 50 cents a box or-six boxes pected them' to b� bo . erangs of The report of Robt. Elliott, High Tress. . "Never Fail" Pie Crust.—Two for $2.50. n�ovel description. urer, showed the funds of the Order to be 4 1b b yps ve a I tablespoonfuls of lard, -four table- The box was seized'and examin- in a most satisfactory. condition. The spoonfuls of water, eight table- i Leaf makes a delight. GOOD AS CO'.NDUCTOR. ed, I got the croquet set after a receipts in the several funds. were: In- spoonfuls of flour, a,pinch ol salt. while, but it borp., marks of severe surance, 699,131.49; Sick and Funeral Bene. ful dish for Luncheon testing. fit Fund, StS.�14.10-; General, Fupd, $91.. Quantities are easily remembered son, Milt-, ITA. Followed, Les— 94F.27. Total receipts, $955,394.56. The total by "two times four equal eight." a nd you Will find, expenditure in these.funds a Dan-ces of Lightning. amounted to, Libby-Is $625,897.29. The surplus income.over 'ex. Though it is im iossibte to avoid HOT WEATHER MONTHS I " .-"�FLOOR COVERING. p penditure amounted to $329,497-27 'the-danger of being struck by light- - KILL LITTLE-CHILDREN The surplus Insurance funds are lnvc�-ted Ru.gs that curl on c.dges can be Vienna sa,&wage .-ning altogether, th.ese few recom- as follows: made to lie flat bv dampening curled I zaendations may, with advantage, ' If you went to keep your chfl- Corned Beef Municipal and rchool debeh. i edge and pressing with hot'iron. be borne ka mind.— dren rosy, healthy and full of life tures os When Beating Riigs.—Whon beat- Avoid fireplaces. Lightning often Lfuribg the hot weather mc�%tits Dominion of Canada Stock-.. 150,000 00 Park and Beam ing rugs epters by the chimnq, on account give them an occasional do-)se 01 Deposio in chartered bankg... 20,000-00 it is an excellent plan 'to Current accounts in chartered I tie a, handkerchief over' the nose of the internal coating of soot-- )3aby's. Own Table*-3. This medi- batiks 20.77f 49 1 EvaparatedMilk -and mouth. This prevents'the in- one of the bodies for which lightn- cine prevents deadly summer com- Total ......$Z,7Z8,940 54 haiing of the dust. irig ev;nces a preference. For the laints by cleansing the stomach Same reasons, avoid metals, 'gild- End'bowels; or it cures the trouble The total assets of the Order arnounted Cleaning Carpet on,17loor.—Take equally temptmg, for to $2.928.399.39, and its liabilities $38,660.59. COrn'meal, satitrate th6roughly with any meal. --ings,and mirrors, on 'account of P romptly if it comes on un"pect- Assets over liabilities, $2,889,736.80. gasolin;ol sprinkle quite heavily Have ,Aheir quicksilver. The best place edly. The report'61 Dr. U. M. Stanley, who has over carpet, and scrub with a broom. is the midd4e of the room, unless . The mother -who keeps this' mitii- 'been Chairman of the bledical Board since It will remove all dirt and dust, a stipply of I'tere should be a lamp or chande- ne on hand may ft�al-aa safe as the inception of the Order, shows that the making the carpet look like new. Libby-we in thehouse lier hanging from the ceiling. ffi she had a doctor in-the home. death rate during the past year was only Care, however, must be taken as to andyouwill always be The less contact with walls -or Mrs. C. C. Roo Ge6rg�town, Ont., 5.53 in the 'thousand. The average death' lighting matches and windows prepared for an extra and the safest P :—"I can heartil ' floqr., the better, y recommend rate for thirty years in but 5,12 in the should be opened to air the rooms. place—xi-cre it possible to akrange 13aby's Own Tableta as a great help thousand. There were submitted to the guest. —A]- It--woyld'be in a hammock, sus- to baby during the hot summer Medical Board during the year 7,886 ap- Buying Carpet for Stairs. pended by silken cords, in the mid- months, I have used them for sum- plicattons, of which U37 were accepted, Ways buy an extra yard of stair You can buy. AAbyOs and the remaining 649 rejected. carpet. It can be Rhifted tip or dle of ajarge room. In the absence mer troubles, and am much pleased at all grocer$. of- means of suspension, with the ' The report of.W. G. Strong, Superin. down a little every time it is taken the next result." Sold by medicise tendent of Organization, showed that d,,. UP, so that ' it wears evenlv. "boy, MoNew & Libby Aest place is on substances which dmlers or by mad at 25 cents a Inc the year there were'6.597 initiatiota. Otherwise the part over the tre-bids ow� are bad oc�nduetors—such as glass, bpx from the Dr Williams' Medi- Theo- were 37 new courts instituted.with a will be worn completely through, pitch,,or a era] mattresee*. cine Co., Brockville,lont--- membership of 732. while the uprighta are as good aa .... 411 C. a .; t. ,-,. - mow « , s w�.,. qw ' •r. «, i F• v_ a i.77777--; . ... .�.,+ r. ;•r'T��sy,nar:?._�^ssja,+..,•sa...��!ew.s,:,-s--Sr-s• •e:'tn'.,.. „°„-5: nam.4a+ -' •;^,y! ss':.,-;�-",.r,-•v7>� ww•�+,w„'-c�,rv's;sz-r.�.i.:r-��y"'-�•r.Y.. Tea." �iw'�e:,_y.r.'a°tey - ., 8 - ::i''• _ �:jK i' i THE WORLD'S WKETS EACH -_ .. ENGINE JUMPED - -THE TRICK .. REPORTS FROM THE LEADI*NG ,All -Those Twenty dears :WIYlith -� ith TRADE CE TIILS. Plunged `Into River and Engineer and Prices of Cattle, Grain, Cheese and Carpet Company Remembered in Will. Other Dairy Produce at Fireman ' Drown'ed. r IIowe and Abroad. A despatch from Vancouver says: Vancouver the immersion occurred. } A despastch from Yonkers, N.Y., ploy of .the carpet company fora BREADSTUI'FS. =- The engine and. tender of Client 'There the water is deep; and no says:'Three hundred and fifty em- period of twenty years should each g trace of the engine could be seen. ployees of the Smith Carpet Works receive X000 free. from all tax. l Toronto, June 22.-Flour -'On- Northern train No. 274 left the George Zi ,raid$ the en ineer and on Tuesday received checks for Since that time lists have been un- tario wheat, 90 per cent, patents, tracks on the New tii'estmiuster side S S -engineer, $1,000 each, devised to them in the der preparation in the different 55.50 to $5.t;0 to-day in buyers the fireman, who is,an extra man, P p I I of the Fraser bridge about 2.30 just gone on the run, and .whose =S' ''.will of the late Mrs. Eva Smith shops. On, Tuesday Alexander sacks outside for export; on track, Cochran, daughter of the carpet. Smith Cochran announced that the Toronto, $5.75 .to $5.80. Manitoba o'clock on Saturday afternoon, and name was unknown to the train- "•''shop founder. Mrs. Cochran, whose money had -been distributed, but I deur, first patents, $G•`30 to $fl.40 plunged into the tide. A sound of men, were drowned. = son is now the head of the works, the lists were held in strict secrecy, oa track, Turonio'; second patents, seething water was heard as the The train, according to witnesseu died on F'eb'ruary 3 last, leaving an and those receiving the money were $x.80 to $6, and strong bakers , big locomotive went to the bottom. of the accident, was traveling at its ' estate of more than $8,000,000, and Pledgednot to,speak. Itis learned, 4s6•65 to $5.75 on track, Toronto. Though the train was traveling usual rate of speed across the one section of her will provided however, that many of the recipi- Ma-a-itvb,j 1i'hcat-No. 1 North- slowly, the engine failed to take bridge, when she struck the half-' that a!1 persona who at the time eats of the checks are women em-I ern,'$1.35, Georgian Bay ports; the points at the curve, or the open switch. The points of the of her 'death had been 'in the -em- ployees. 10. 2, $1,33, and No. 3 $1.31. I switch had been left open. The switch were broken, and the engine' Y. Ontario Wheat o. 2, $1.35 to locomotive left the tracks and pulled and tender were derailed.' The en- ; o $1.40 outside. (the train along with it for some gineer reversed his engine and ap- ,STATEMENT Barley-Feed, Go to 62c outside. distance, smashing the woodwork plied the air brakes, but the mo-' '= Oats-ho. 2 Ontario white, 60 to and twisting the steel rails. mentum of the .train carried ..A_ -GOOD .'.BANK 61c on track, Toronto, and 56 to At the 'unction oint of the along until the engine plunged down • I 1 P 8 S 7 c outside. No. 2 Western Ca- 1 tr acks to New, Westminster and the open space. .. nada oats, 611•'.c, and No. 3 60` Bay ports. : osits for Peas-l'rices purely nominal. LITE STOCK MARKETS. :IILLLIONS• FOR NORTH-WEST. The Increase in Current De p Rye-'No. 2 74 to 75c outside: --- Buckwheat-No. 2, 70c outside. Montreal, June 22.-Prime beeves May Is $9,877,263 sold at 5's, to 6%,c per pound; pret- J. J. Hill Secs Vast Population x; Corn-No: 2 American yellow, , , Now In Sight. 8� to 83c on track. Toronto; No. , ty good. animals sold at 4/ to 5/c; 3 at B?c on track, Tc,ronto. Cana- grasses. at 2% to 4j:c per pound. A despatch from Montreal says:' A despatch from Ottawa; says: 313,141, an increase over the April _ ('Superior milch cams that sold at $55 .James J. Hill who was in Montreal than yellow, 7.c outside, and 80c I � , The bank statement for May bears showing of $4,144,153. to $6o each„the others sold at $23 for a short while on Saturday, ex ratif w evidence of the c,r. track Toronto. g y g gradual On the other hand, the assist-f Bran-Manitoba, $23,50.to $24 in I to 850 each. Calves sold at $2.50 to pressed himself satisfied with the r; -return of more prosperous fiscal anc•e to speculative investment has shorts, I $10 each, or 3% W 6c per pound. resent aspect of affairs in the sacks, Toronto freights; P p conditions. On�the 31st of May the I been curtailed by nearly half a Q Sheep gold at 4 to 5c per pound• financial and railway world, but L24.30 to $25, Toronto freights. current deposits in the banks were million, by which amount the ac• r_ lambs at from $3.50 to $e each. took an exceedingly optimistic view, ` returned at $216.916,294; an in- t cummodation on call and short Good lots of fat hogs sold est about of the future, both in Canada and - 'COU\TRY PRODUCT. crease of $9,87;,263. The savings t loans has decreased during the; sl/,c per pound;-Old sows at Gc per the United -States. As to his owe deposits increased during the month I month. Call and short loans made ! :Apples--$t to $5 for choice qua- pound. plana, Mr. Hill was not quite so • :by $3,148,393, standing at $433,599;- I I•v Canadian banks abroad show an f lities, and $3 to $3.30 for seconds. Toronto. June 22.- 117* heavy, communicative, but he confirmed s ' 117. Bank notes -in circulation increase of over ten millions, the ! Beans-Prime, $2.:!o *to $2.25. and I well finished exporters' were firm the report that he was definitely, show an increase of $1,226.56. as l amount outstanding in May 31st be- hand-picked, $2.40 to _$2.-t5 per 'at $6 to $6.20; ordinary loads at. committed to the great scheme fore compared with 'April. Current (ins Sta_>>t,877,933, as compared- Ritb bushel. I F ,.7,3 to $e. Prima butcher cat- capturing a carrying trade on '. oans. in Canada amount to $528,- $114,493,570 on April 30th. Maple St-ru 95c to 31 a gallon. Firrit at.$3,25.to $5.65 for the the Pacific between the United ' P I Ha •-No. 1 timothy, $1250 to I tic - 4, - 3 3 bait piked steers and heifers; or- Staten ports and those of the Far -- - $13 a to nn track here, and lower 1 ,na v Ion fir at "Mi 4 4:73 to $3. East, particular) Japan. rt 'bTRAY MAN WITII SMALLPDX. ed an Wednesday, He is authorized 'grades $9 to $10 a ton, stockers and feeders-Fair demand. my words," said Mr, Hill, 'with to. discuss alternatives to the gift Straw-$7.30 to $9 on track. Milkers ,and springers-Steady de-. .much force, "the next quarter of.a round Alongside G. T. P. Trach of a Dreadnought, including the ! Potatoes-Car lots, .85 to 90c per I nand for, good milkers and near century will see packed into it; and Barred From City Limit.. provision of a great naval base for .bag on' track: �': inCalves-Steady and I more activity and progress in the a A despatch .from Fort William the Imperial navy at some A,ustra ? Pouitry - Chickens, yearling.iunehanged. Sheep- and lambs -(Far East than hes been witnessed lian part, and the assumption by dressed; Ie to 17c per Ib. ; fowl, 1: I Firm, and lambs slightly higher.•says: The G. T. P. local,- on -its B Y g in the'last.thousand years." - �the Australian navy of full res.pon- to 14c; turkeys, 16 to 19c per lb. Hos Selects, A'.GO to $;.70 €.e.b. nay,from Lake Superior Junction I sibility for polici;.g the Pacific, and $7'P0, fed and watered. to this city, on Wednesday, came Colonel Foxton will assure the Ad- T"`; DAIRY ;11.1RIiF.TS. ,across a nian lying beside the track, AN EXPLODING LAMP. :.28 miles east of the Junction. Dr: I miralty of the desire of the Com- But:tt : Pound prints, 18 to 19c; Scott, who was on.the train, ap-I monwealth to accept 'British guid• 1 tubs .and large rvl'ls, 16 to 1s; ;t . -A MOTHER'S BRUTALITY. Mrs. Prevost tl'Hs Fatally Burned k' Troaching the man, saw what wase ante in the construction and man i inferior, 1•1 to 15c, Creamery rolls, -` at forth Bay. ,* apparently a case of smallpox. The agement of 'the proposed subsidiary '.1 to 22c, and solids, 18 to 191. Tortures ;end Starves Her 10-Year- man was laced in. a box-car and nav , and to undertake that the A despatch from North Ba says: r. hrou ht to the city. News having C whoa of :'Australia's warlike ma' •&,zea. psi pa0 h Dom Ottawa say Mrs,. David Prevost, widow,thirty- E' s .Case lots 1b,,,to 19c been wired .heady the magistrate chinery will be so organized as to Cheese-Large cheese, old, 1st to A dei s: t two years of age, lost her life here BBecause she resembled a disliked on Sunday as the result of burns re- 4 arrangements for at iwla- be instantly"available for any Im ' 14; c per ib., and twins; 14' t., y g �� ' sister-in-law, Mrs. Nelson Lajoie, tion camp about four miles out of 'penal emergency: He will not, 14iic. ,New,. 121�c.fbr large, apo I > > `calved from an exploding kerosene w ever, b able to romi+se the as, of A%Isuer, with nine children, is 1'lamp, used for heating curling the city limit,- as the city refused ho e e , e p I 1.;, for twins. ,, a!!. to have tortured her daugh- irons. The unfortuna a wo ' to allow the man to enter the lim. enlistment of 'Australians in mili I I tt r of 10 until she almost died. ' its. All passengers on the train i tart'.forces fur other than home de HOG PRODUCTS. preparing for church in the morning The rliild is now in the hospital, at the home of a relative. Moses rare carefully.inspected by the me-. fence. r Bacon, long clear, 13;; to '1 1'-.`o I h4r body a mass of bruises, the head Guinette, when the explosion oc- +` dice) health officers before being al- per. lb, in case lots; mess pork, I being d-iafigi red b five cuts- The '- )bayed to enter the city, and .strict � ,. ,- y burred. The' burning oil ignited 1-Cwewatch, will be kept on incoming 'rAE TERROR IN Rt: SIA. x+23; short cut, $io to 8w 50. i i neiRhbnrs say that 3lrs. Lajoie Mrs. Prevost's garments, and in an trains for some time, as it is sur- - Hams-Light to medium, 15,, to �A the chii,d run .backward and instant she was shrouded in flames, Bandit. Shot . Landowner, His' lac; d,)., heavy, 14 to 11, ,c; rolls, for„ard in front.of. her while she receiving terrible burns, resulting mised tho man may have contract. ,;� ,. , g g i-, to 13c; shoulders, 1.1; to l:c;. struck her n ith a slick also that e<t the disease in a camp and cam- _ Mother and Three Servants. Y _,,. � � . in her death, seven hours after the municated it.to others. !,.backs, Ir,, to 15r; breakfast ba;qn, she Lied iter• hands while shungry.,I y accident. The house was bad) A despatch from Kiev, Russia, 16;.y to 77c, and piacted leer where she could { burned, bili the other inmates es- says: A band of armed men un I Lard-Tierjces,.-14c• tubs, I t%c; watch others, eat. * The child.-Will- ,s 1'ELI. OFF THE ENGI\E, Thdrsday visited the efitate of a pails, 1l;'e. i in 1 ale potato peelings. caped., Mrs. Yrevost's husband " local landowner and deinrinded a g P g kept the Balmoral Hotel, .Ottawa, ' 8 BUSIN ESS AT -10\TR}i A.L 'F for a number of years, and died two "JIr. Paul Brennan, G. T. Yard• 'large sum of money. This was re• 3 •` - i months ago. Five children survive. master at Ottawa' Killed.. fused the bandits, who thereupon DRO11 INA; .-NEAR HESPFLER. ' shot the landowner, his mother,. Montreal, June 22.--Oats•-\o. - A, despatch from Ottawa says: 2 Canadian Western 61' ' t ij; Et- LAMB'S BONE .GRAFTED three peasants, and a servant, and Nelson Dickie, Aged 18, `'ictim of a mfr.` Pau} Brennan; yardmaster of made their escape. tra Aso, 1 •feed„ 61?is ; N' i «: 'the,G. T. R. at the Central depot 1 feed 61(,; -N.:. 3 Canadian Westeru, Canoe Accident. :`here, was killed on Thursday fore- 60'• c. Barley-No. 2, 72?.,: to 74c; j A despatch from Ilespelei, says c Bare Operation Performed in noon in a shunting accident, direct- Manitoba feed barley 67,, to uses ' L drowning incurred at:1 o'clock on _ Chicago. ly- beneath .the '- Laurier avenue r MAY LOSE THEIR LOGS. Buckwheat- GJ,' to 70c. FWur- � 5;,rday aacrn,ion at Piislinoh Lake, A despatch from.Chicago :Says., s< bridge. Mr. Brennan was,riding on Manitoba Spring wheat pateilt,3 two mill; from Hespeler. Nelson A surgical operation that is being the.footboard of the engine, when Lumbermen Fear Rise in Saskat- firsts, '$6.30 to $6.50; do.; seconds, Dickie about 19 years of e,was he fell off, the wheels passing over chewan River. $3.80 to $6; Manitoba strongbak- ' ! watched by the medical world was, I out is, a canoe slung with three performed at the,Frances Willard the-upper part of the body. Death ( ers', $3.60 to $5.50; \Pinter wheat .>)0 r bu s. While the were mak= was instantaneous. A despatch from Edmonton, Al. ! y Y� Hospital on Thursday, when a sec- was says: Lumbermen are•al�rm j patents, $6.73; - straight rollers, i in- for the island about a quarter I tion of bone from the leg of a lamb $6.50 to $G.60; do., in bags, $3.131 of a mile from tht mainland,'and mass grafted into the right leg of ed at the rapid rise of the Saskai- ' when within fifty yards -of the is-,I Pearl, Townsend to replace msec , -A'SUBSIDIARY NAS-1 C}eewan, River. Millions'of dollars i � $3.20• extra, in bags.. $2.G5 to I ; $2.80. Feed-Manitoba, bran, $22 I land flee canoe m as upset. The ,tion of shattered tibia. Surgedus; - Australia Would Undertake to worth of logs have helm lost in to$2,3; do., shorts, $24 to 825; pure 1 canoe rolled over and over. The:c,f Chiba o' assert that this .was the Police the Pacifies the last three yearst Five booms I grain mouillie, $33 to 835; mixed three boys managed to hang on, `'first time this operation ever was now in the river, it is feared, may 1 mouillie; $28 to$30. Cheese-west- + t i I but I)ieL-i�• wen down in twelve attempted in America, and that it, ..r despatch-from Melbourne says. give way.' last year all broke, and erns at 12%' to 1.2'•5c, and easterns feta of •water. Dickie ways the su + j p- -never had been, attempted more', Colonel Porton, ,Australia's. dale a million feet of logs went adrift, at-12 to 12,!"se, Butt_-r--finest cream- I ,)rt aiLii widowed mother. than four or five times before. .,gate to.the Defence Conference sail three-quartrrs--o€ which were lost. cry; 223, to ?3c. Egos, 1S' . ,c; to l tc, p - - -- per duzen. - ---_ ..---- --- Via. I'S:TRADE • AER111 �AVIGATIOX TESTSUNITED STATES 'MA' iF.T�. ' Chien . Jure 22.---Cash wheat- - j ed, $1.45 o 1$1.- t;' No. 2 hard $1.22 to $Lr9; No, 3 hard, $1,15 t•u " Dr. 'Graham ' Bell's Machines to 'Be Brought $127; No. 1 Northern, $1.31 to Impoits for May Increased Over $5,000,000( b $1.:33; No. 2 Northern,- $1,23 to to Pe wawa Camp for Experiment. $1.29; N6. w►iter to°5�°c�l� .and Exports Nearly $2,000,000, -- 2 yellow, 74 to 74'..'c; No. 3 74 t ------ -- A. despatch from Ottawa says: Two of these new airships have 743+c; No. 3 Ni•hite, 730; \o. 3 3cl ;� despatch from Ottawa says: Iincrease of $7,792,625 over the car• The first Cariadian experiments just been constructed on the model 1otic 74;;,to 7]',,,c; \o. 4, 72' to 7tc. Trade fig fila for the month of 31a� responding period of last year. The cf ti:e famous Silver Dart, nndthe Oats--No. 3 white, 53 to 55e No. 1 customs revenue for the month! with airships for military purposes 3 '4 white, 5?'. to 56c. s1w4,ti• n.ust gratifying increases in will be shipped to Petawaw•a under shows an increase of $670,000. -Will -be made at Petawawa, camp an understanding with the �•l i',it.ii; Minneapolis, June 2--h-Wheat- {b,r:th !nir its and exports, and in- P P �{ Ex ort• of domestic produce fo shortly.. Mr. Percy Baldwin, the Department. When Dr. Bell was Jelly, 1.30;gSept. 8109'"y to,31.09,'. ; 1d;cal0 that tf e trade of the Domin- rhe month totalled $15,810,207,..an� University.: of Toronto graduate in Ottawa last spring the Minister llec. it.06,4 to 11.06"1 ; cash No. 1 !ion ,,a, p:'uctically recovered from incl ease of neatly two milliott�, For) mho, has been associated ,with Dr. of Finance and the Minister of Mi- hard, $1.34, v^to $1..3a,� No. 1 ;:he Zlo-Ores>iuu which art in during April and bias the exports totalled) Graham Bell in the s::ccessfnl litia took an active interest in the Northern $1.33 , to $I-.34j ; No. 2 ;the fall . f 1507, and i now almost $•_'7,673,004, an increase of $2,471, flights of the- latter s aerodromes airship experiments at Baddock. l�ortherii, $1.31'+ to $1 " ; No. (,lral in volume to the high record 7C,1. The total trade last month, , at Baddeok, N.S. arrived in Oi- The coming experiments at Peta- 3 Northern, $1.;;0?; to $t ,,^,l',._. ' >Pt iwo ,'cars ago. irclyding coin and bullion, amoun� wawa on WednQa • morning and wawa are an evidence of the p , 1 `' 3 g prat- Flo', patents. ,.t;. :, ,,� $6.G5• Tmp.,rt.y r the nun,th total,er} e•J tow44,911,726, -an increase ol!', Will proceed to Petawawa-to make tical interest the Government is second patents, $5.'::; to X,i.50; FrFt »`_>ti,06,0 076. wi incre.a,.•- of E•'�,ti$,- G',0' H,rti first'- tws-.- aerrangements for conducting trial taking in the important •work Gf clears,, $5.03-to $5.=23; Second elpars, +„'or :'•1;,; of lnst ,onr. For the months of the fiscal year the in- x flights 'at the camp with two new the Canadian pioneers in the $3.63 to 183-S5. 11ran•-:-l:m hulk, tu',i if tl!p fkoal year crease in the total trade 1,,n- been ..:h xcrodromes. science of aviation. $23.50 to $24. j the ;,) aP,•d n - 5512,519, an $11,457,1126. Ali- =, r� �& -f , >xee3s' 3' .leasee ...a, rte:. ---+e' •. r7n. w.3 _ n .. ... '.4' '.a..._ i d.t_ •�u- ''.,P � --.�.. .. .'""^ ".{Y=: �:,'ty..y'.. '{`•..�, -4 .+�F.•y-i.,.,Z�JR"i'"�-""✓rl F. -.A' ``��. :'��✓-o '.. . .' .. ':_. ,.J' .i,K.. .. x '... ..'+.!`•.'.`3", .. ..• ✓ :L�T'K � '�'Y �� :'{i'�+T Ag•.;c' O..".�.{$v n . LOCALISMS. `Five Roses" Manitoba Flour —Found—A lady's belt. Losera�, for Bale at D. Simpson t. Cohn, all at this office. • MILLINERY REDUCTIO ' —Geo. A. Kydd, of Bt. John, N. —W. V. Richardson spent a day '+* —Ed. Gormleyy, of Toronto, was 13., spent a few days 'at Smith or two this week in Uxbridge. home over Sunday. Clark's. —A number from here attended - —Mrs. Jas. Brien was in the —Mr's. Cruess, of Linden Valley, the decoration services at the Mrs. Leigh is now reducing her Summer Millinery ,city one day last week. is spending a week with her sister, union cemetery on Sunday last. —Miss Campbell spent Sunday Mrs. Clark. —Miss S. A. Dale and Mrs. Lew- - to half price. • Only a few left. a ---with friends in the city. —Mrs. Crook•and Brand-daugh- is left on Thursday to attend the —James Prouse had his new ter, Edith, are visiting relatives yearly meeting of Friends at New- IOW 18 the time for ladies Who have not yet barn raised on Friday of last at Wellington. market. week. —Mr., Mrs. and Miss Notter, of —Miss S. A. Bale has been ap obtained their hats. —Mrs. Brien, Sr., is visiting her Whitby, spent Sunday with D. pointed matron of the new college niece, Mrs. Moneypei'iny, of To- and Mrs. Simpson. at Newmarket and will enter uponNorth Side Tonto, for a few weeks. —Mrs. Thos. A. Wilson and her duties about the first of MRS:. LEIGH, ging St., Pickering, Ont. —Miss Cassie Green, of Toronto, child, of Freeman, are visiting her August. r - spent Sunday here with her broth- sister, Mrs. Murdock. ' —Good news ! On and-after Sat- -� - er, A. G. and Mrs. Green. —Fred. W. and Mrs. Disney, of urday morning Dickie & Chap- a _ —R. C. Stork has purchased 'the Greenwood. spent Momday with man will keep a supply-of good (� le (�, r m Andrew farm on the lake shore F. M. and Mrs. Chapman. fresh bread, also choice family D 1 V 1 iJ IJV tJ�h a a ■ ■ consisting of about 130 acres. —The J. L.Spica o. are having flour. . Try some. * an —John Axford, of the Brock the overflow tube of their race on —Albert and Mrs. Boyes and ii• Road, we are sorry to report, is Elizabeth street renewed. child, of East Toronto, were. here very seriously ill at his home. -Mrs. James Anderson, of a few days this week and attend- Always have —Dr. Howden has rented the Seattle, Wash., visited with J. H. ed the wedding of Mrs. Boyes' dwelling recently purchased by and Mrs. Bundy this week. brpther, G. P. O'Leary. ' /W. Logan from Thompson Bros. —Geo.Johnston,of Oshawa, and '—A number from here purpose LLine's1n 'all De +yy�—Walter Logan spent -a few Mr. Dyrie, of Port Hope, FW1 called attending the annual' services in par t1111ens days last week in Walkerton and upon friends in town on Wednes- the "White Church" on Sunday 1' other points in Western Ontario. day. afternoon neat at 2.30 o'clock. —Mrs. W. Wiman and children, —E. C. Bell, teacher in No. 2, Collection in aid of: the cemetery 'of Peterboro,are spending mouth has resigned and after the sum-. fund. ..with her mother, Mrs. A. tBurrill. mer vacation will take charge of a -Several from this Ideality at- ID R Y �.O O D S —Mr. Waddell, of Port Perry, school near his home in$tayner. tended the closing exercises at the ✓ has the cement foundation 'for —D., Mrs. and Miss Simpson, Whitby Ladies' College on Friday W. H. Banka'large new barn com- Mrs. Davis and T. M. McFadden last. They report a very large The Iargest asscrtmeut in town. We're after your trade. We will plated. were in Stouffville on Wednesday number in attendance and an en- do our utmost to merit it. _ —Miss Cora .Gordon and Miss attending the wedding of the joyable time. Mae Young, of Toronto, spent former's niece. —The station road is being grad- The newest in Gent's Ties, Collars, Fancy Shirts, Hats, etc. The Sunday here with the former's • —Miss B. Bunting has, returned ed and somewhat widened this coolest and prettiest in Ladies' Wear—beautiful Lawn Blouses, parents. home after spending a few days week. As there is much loaded New Muslins and Prints galore. —Nine pupils from the -Picker in the city. She was accompanied traffic over this road teamsters ing public.school are at Whitby on her return by Misses Gladys have complained of the narrow- e this week writing on.t'he entrance and Jean Bateman. ness of the road-bed. . R O C G R / S 'examination. —Frank Chappelle, who has —The papers tell of a Rochester —Lieut-Col. Rowe left on- Mon-,been working with J. H. Wagner man who has fasted fur thirty- Our prices are attractive. As we are not confined to the grocery dap for Port Hope to take com- for the past two months, has ter- two days. We cannot'see his ob- trade alone, we can afford' to make them so. 'We buy fwm ..+ mand of the 48th regiment that is mivated his engagement and has. ject in'taking such a course unless and imp ' know in camp in that town. left for his home in Toronto. it is to qualify .for ort through the best wholesale in the trade, the editorial-, --_ —F. Cassie, who has been em- —Mellville Smith who is at ship of some country paper. Toyed in R.-A. Bunting's store present living.with his mother in —The Women's Institute held ° .- SPECIAL• LEADERS p 4 for the past two months has .re- Toronto, . met with an accident their regular monthly meeting on ;, - big Bell't Ceylon Tea, direct import, turned"to his home in Uxbridge, one day last week which has laid Wednesday afternoon at the home y- Y port, 25c. lb. —John Boyes is having his new him off work for a few days. He of-Mrs. W. D. Rogers. The meet- Zest Breakfast Food, 5 cents per package. residence rushed towards comple- with , several other young Yuen ing wax one of the most euccessfnl Best Granulated Sugar, 20 lbs. for"$1.00. _. tion. When finished the house were out wheeling and the one yet held. There was a good at- Nice Light Brown,Sggar, 22 lbs. for$.00. will have an attractive appear- leading fell. Meilville, who was tendance and they were favored ance. following close behind, fell on top with addresses by Dr. .Margaret —J. D. and Mrs. Ross, of Brari- and the others again fell on him. 4 S McAlpine, of Toronto,.and Mrs. J. pOOT C �p SHOES X7/-7 uO�C `7 don, are visiting with Ontario He was .rather badly cut about Brethour,ofBurford. Theseladies GY 1. friends. They spent a week with the head and was unconscious for spoke to a greatly interested audi- - . Thomas Wilson and family on the two hours. He was taken home ence, and many useful and prac- We've got the choice. That's why we are getting the trade. —'- base line. in an ambulance and .was given tical hints were given. The work Ladies'and Children's Tan Shoes with Hose to match.` They're —A. Lynde, of the Standard medical attendance. We are of the Institute is gradually be- the late-5t—get ready for July Ist. Bank staff, is now takis9 a two pleased to sap that .he is getting coming more popular. Men's Fine and Heavy Boots, all sizes. Running Shoes, small, weeks' vacation which lie is spend- around nicely. —The home of Mr. and Mrs. C. medium and large. ing in camp at Port Hope with We wish in this issue to call Smales. Dunbarton, was the scene - "..",the 49th regiment. our readers' attention to the new of an attractive home wedding at —Rev. J. C. Bell will preach his management of what has hitherto four o'clock on Wednesday after- HARDWARE farewell sermon in the Methodist been known as the W. D. Rogers` noon when the marriage took church on Sunday evening. Next bakery. Mr. Hicks, of Dumbarton, place of their daughter, Miss Jean, h h t We're still in the lead—get your hot weather week he will leave for his. new who.has for the past year and a to Mr. George Pirie O'Leary. The goods at t'charge in Odessa. half been catering Toronto ma- ceremony was performed by the right prices. —The members of the Mission chine made bread to his many cies- Rev. Wm. Moore, of Pickering, Band of St. Andrew's church and tomers, will on Monday,June 28th, under an arch of orange blossoms Wick BIAe Flame Oil stOveB, their friends held a picnic on the move into the premises and take and ferns. The house was'decor- sCr@eII DOO?8 and Window Screens, Etc. Sats on Saturday afternoon and charge of the business which for ated with palms, ferns and white report an enjoyable time. the last twenty years has been so roses. Mise Etta rTichOlson play-well eeadae d Tho bride this locality took in the excursion Mr. Hicks'•wishes to inform the who was brought in and given ve your order. Goods delivered promptly. _ to the Guelph Agricultural Farm public that he:will continue to away by her father, was attired on Wednesday, which was held handle machine made bread along in white silk, net and lace with '..Phone No. 100 under the auspices of the Farmers' with the output of his bakery net veil and orange blossoms and :Institute. here and will endeavor to the best carried a bridal boquet of white —There are a number of places of him-ability to cater to the wants roses and lilies of the valley, her - along the sides of our streets of the public with all kinds of only ornament a pearl sunburst, where the grass and weeds are. al- fancy bread, cake and confection- the gift of'the groom. She was �� � lowed to grow unmolested. The ery, also ice cream each and every attended by her sister, -Miss Isa-' police trustees should see that day. To better facilitate the de- bel Smales, bf New York. Miss this is cut down. livery of fresh bread Mr. Hicks Eva Pedrick; of Toronto, niece' of �v r� —Ed. and Mrs. Donigan,.of To- will keep two wagons on the road the bride, made a very pretty DICKERING, .-ON 1 . ronto, and Fred and Gerald Crea- for which he solicits continuance little flower girl and carried a bas- - weer, of New York, spent Sunday of the same courtesy and patron- ket of pink -and white roses. with Harry and Mrs. Moore and age that has been accorded him in Norman Kerr, of East Toronto, / "'family. Mr, Creameer made the the past. He especially calls your acted as groomsman. After con. S T / 'L L r1� / T H . U.S trip in his auto. • attention to the Standard loaf= 'gratulations were extended all sat —Mr. Defries, piano-tuner for Freight 3 lbs., price la'cen'ts. * down to the wedding breakfast POTATO BUGS—Fes, they are here, but one little nobble of our 'the Nordheimer Piano Co. of Tp- —Dominion Day in Pickering with the usual toasts and 'speech- Paris Green turns therm lip. It's A,1 stuff, and our'Screeu Doors ronto, will be in town the remain- will be observed as usual under es at its close. Mr. and Mrs. for$l complete shuts out every fly. der of this week. Anyone wish- the auspices of the Fire Company. O'Leary will take up their resi- ing their piano tuned are request- The committees in charge have dente in Pickering. In Turnip Hoes ours are second to none.. Turnip Seed of the best ed to leave• their, order at THE placed on the program a large quality and defy cometition in price. Scytnes and N>•ws office. number of attractions that wRI Snaths—all new goods. —There is a great mortality tend to make the day Y enjoy- Blalcksmithing Twenty different patterns of Muslims for Blouses to choose fromamong colts this spring, i very able one to ail who ma attend. Fancy Hose that are sure to please. large number having died within Football will be the chief .3port of the past few weeks. For the past the day. A prize of $15 cash or Having rented the Dunbarton shop EDWARD BRYAN, DICKERING { __several years farmers in this lo- its equivalent will be given for and opened the same, I am prepar- - cality have suffered. considerably the winners in the senior contest ed to do all work entrusted to from this source: and $10 cash orits equivalent for me in the above line. —R. A. Bunting has secured the Horseshoein a specialty. the winners m the intermediate g Kee`p services of Albert Crysler, of St. contest. .4 cash prize of $8.00 Call in and see me'any time.George, as clerk.in his store. He Rill be given to the winner in the E. J. Z=NTETER • • • • • • • • CooL.• • • • • •. • _ has had four years experience in •baseball contest, open to 'any DUMBARTON ppoost_office work and thus the work These hot days b getting one of our - here should be farriiliar to him, team. There will be a number of 3 X g g :He-began his duties on Tuesda will e e.gi for which liberal prizes &h.e Tulalile Quartet ��Wick Blue Flame" ' Oil Stoves, Y• will be given. These will include —The regular monthly meeting five-mile race (called at four of the W.F.M. S. of St, Andrew's o'clock) farmers' Sons'• open ��oL-FFgii.i.E The best et produced to burn coal oil. In all sizes. will be held in the church this ' p - y p a race 000 yds): farmers race `(40 Are now prepared to (Friday) afternoon at 3 o'clock. P P give a musical 'Miss Panton, of Oshawa, will be years and over) 100 yds; boys' program. For particulars apply to Screen Doors and Window Screens. -,present to give an, address. All race,(under 14 years) 100 yds ; MIMA HO VER, boys' race (under 10 yrs) 100 yds; -Treas. the ladies of the congregation are young ladies' race; married ladies' invited to to Th cut. race, 60 yds; girls race (under 12 Water• water JOSEPH .•.��-I BUNDY —Owing to Thursday neat be- pears)50 yds; fat mans'race (200 � � ing a public holiday it is our in- lbs. or over) 100 yds; standing The undersigned is " Aention to issue THE NEWS on g prepared to con- broad jump• running broad jump• tract for well-drilling in Pickering or ' Wednesday evening instead of g g • '- .'Thursday, the usual da We running hop, step 'and jump and Scarboro and surrounding districts. • . 3' putting.shot. An entrance fee of Anyone wishing work done may get would ask our correspondents to 10 per cent. of first money will be estimates by writing - send in their budgets of nears one charged in all contests except in' CHAS, B. RICE, a - a �jr� 4 day earlier in .order that it may football, baseball and ladies'races. 37-44 Pickering P. O. r appear the same week. The day's proceedings will be en- —Remember the garden party livened by music by the Clare- Pickering Lumber YardVe. have hundreds of patterns to this (Friday) evening on H, G. mont Citizens' Band, and during 2 Calvert's spacious lawn, . given the evening there will be a prom- under the auspices o)`the' Ladies' enade concert during which there All kinds of building material, in- _elect from, Aid Society of the Methodist will be a display of fireworks. eluding rough and dressed--- chu:mb. J. H. Cameron, the well- _ known entertainer of Toronto There will be refreshment booths lumber, lath, etc. '— ' -- + on-the ground from which will be A car-load of New-Brunswick w:.ite -- —The de6lgns for this year aze ..°heal-of ansthirrg ' " and the Claremont Citizens' Band sold ice cream, Soft dr;iiks, sand- cedar shingles expected on or ! we have ever shown. --• will be present to assist in the wic•lies, cake, frrnit� c tr. Admis- the 22nd lost. ( x program which will be first-class ceut9�nly 15 Ter+ hi]dren 10 JR. All BUNTING, Pickering �, r in every respect. W. D. SORDON & SON. C _