HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1909_04_16 n. :.,. . >• :.. -. �� ,�, }. .. . c. .- 'r•�-:'lei:.
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t�frafsftfeFfoscal �iQritlf. •* SCAR8oR0 LOCUST HILL,. LAND PLASTER f is
`G ]Ng is Here Now Anthony Ionson, a retired farmer of A. C. Reesor, in addition to his.coal
this townshi , who died in the cit oa putting w
Medical p Y i business, is alliin in a stock of T -
_ We have a full stock of harness, both March P.6th, left Ln estate of$11,U 37 in lumber, lath, shingles and cement. ..AND D SALT 1
single and double, all hand made, mortgages and $409 in cash. Ar.cnrd-: Those w•Lu are doing anything in the
AM. BELL, M. D., C. M. g
• Late House Surgeon of the )aiageWn R16U horse collars and swe�t ins to the will, the widens, receives '1n:ildin- line should in sped his sloe}: _ ..
-General Hospital. Successor-to Dr. 1d.Date-, pads of all sizes, etc. the furniture and the lega•.y of WifJO, and secure prices. Ill?sF;ipmentcrfLand Plasterand9x"}i
A man Office hours 8 to to s m,1 to 3 p m and G while two daughter;. AE(re \lti ud haF arrived and those subscribingfor
W 8 p m. Pickering;Oat ♦y 1p Harner>s oil and ire=sing,.axle grease, Bradford. Ktu genn Falls, :?nd Annie
hoof vintrnent, gall cut
horse ALTONA it w;1I ple3:se call foJ same as soon as �u
EO. N. FISH, M. D. brushes, carr ern:rbs, metol Louisa Ley.'Purt Arthnt; e3tch rPcrive
y $1500. The inc•o:ne from dw tt- 'liter p` ih? st the E!c,ator, Pickering..
P13YS[o2AJtAiD BURGEON polFsh, spring trod fall ) Ro;, Soden .and Fri,} 'I :an�, of ` ! ` t ,
'Vember of Collage.of Physicians end Bargeone. knee ru*s halters goes to the wid:nv.;toil on !'ler tit :;.,i Claremont, accornranied'by 1irs4l'h,�s• P•} a,'l,)e .:Iu231•:'J.il!office. ,.
Out. Asbociats crones, County of OntYrio. �_' to the twu da+:gh'.•.'_s. Sp ng and Miss Maggie H,.od, visited
Office Hours-It to 10 a.m, and 1:'a 3 and 6.to b and p'. lily of .. o. :tithe•howP of Ric i and sad Mrs. I?au i '%V, II. JACKSON. '
P'44 ,m. Brougham, Out, 1t—ly ) all kinds. . HIGHLAND CREEK, :Jn Tuesday of Tast week. when :t very Brock Road
-g '- -- -'---- --- Repairing done promptly. .nj:,ytl})le tune wa spent. and
tF.r y( --
[.e at. Call ands" •js. Our gn:-deners :Ire b•!w ueran inn I"!111ned to thus- hr)Ines in the W0.
Fdi3r\glrLrL t7. I3AFiRI3- _ g t.trir iiut ',rd�. �- s:::•ti soot's. James
. , Q. , THO.riPSJ.+ ;3ROfi.,. Pi kr:is White
4 Miss i1 tt c 1 Ha :Py f
. T$B.Ocnn'ty'C:own Attorney,and Oo,,nty has beEri'S.I,1:fiends} ;ora :,t•'i:
8>;loitcr. Court Hcuea.Whttby•, 24r, i SCAREORO ;,jNCT1ON
cr two. I 1`,7411 and Retail: Butcher,
LT. BARCLAY, Bu.rtister-at-Law, Born-A: Highland Creek on (food Farill property in Scarbnry TuSvn- s
. Soricitot,Notary Public.Special Exam- CLARE MONT Friday to Harry -Sind M.�s. J3 rsil, 4,i,�tsir) never sold better than it i.•selling Pickering, Orit.
nor for Hig:3 Court of Justics. Suacesaor to t.
dausrht.r. o-c a5 •is shown by the sale of Jatnes
Messrs. pow dr Mcrii1hyray, Erock street, The f•tf•rnc.r,c hereabo:3t- + bis} Hurons fai'!u containing about fifty �
wh;tby, ,ly , 1)(•> price paitl for choice u
FURNITURE STORE with,zpting 'work and s�)rnrl :, 7i:1• n.cre9, lot 29, coneessi6n 1, un the Ker.- s.
hien-ed pee ling. 3edv-road, for $D5W. or $ISO an acre.' butcher's cattle. ?
petertrtttry. -- The f:trtn is con)panaively ',niinprov-
erytliing in
ed and his keen brought })y Mr. I'm-l Cl,:,:c•e meat will be found at ottC. �+r
HOPKINS,VETERINARY SUR - .. sr n•of Ncn'th'1'oronto. �
GEON, A'.D DENTIA^N .-.:c a a BedY00Yn allE� sol:,e time during~ter:d'ay ,,� ,; or lr)p at t•ea_onable prices.
TJ Gradaate of the Ontario oat -insry (lot- bat',Itday ivorn:nl, Some p„r•"ti 6r' fiCARBOPU \'ILL:'LG1: Unll tori aFe'u Pricey rl ht t
lege, Toronto, registered meni of :i,.a t, I ' s g
Aniar)o Veierinar blodicar Associatloti, f- person-s entered tl. 1� P, 'iia d - —
Diningrocm h'urnitHl e stole hi; driver o lw rand liar-
f1�e sad residence one andane•qua;ter miles p bay, 4:f A largely attended and veryentli-ii
sorlh of Green H:►er. Office and sLoerngforge cess. Thr hr'•rA? was bicy, teen ':nil I
son-veto l2a.m.,and 2 to >ti p.m. Pzisa:e also, Pir?+,r 5 ::es a:psi ec half hani3513i,h. Ke:riF:� aln-1,st 1'i Jt) �tP, tiles inn, of milk-ptoclucery cats
Biepbo a In my office P.O. sddress, Green the .very Io:cc for gvucl••. poundh tn'n hind and nn�i frr)n t„ut held no S;0tir•clay.last at the 1lbi >n
fci�yds, \Vindutic Shades tins white, star on face,cola n,.atPs. Hotel, Toronto. . the object !,clog
----------._---. ---,_-._. - IJartain Poled. t, yen:� aid, n2w1 cli ) ed, bat tv I i-in a .joint stock company with
f ulaingto* ELGaras. , , 1 Ksl5trr3 i3e:t i -r.,t mi}F:ted!r Ar::- `•1)'! p:3rpoap of dist!-:Fluting nli?k . H).vin,y sp••srpd che.ji for
.i c deliver o,Sr F.• n:'. :'re througho,it the city direct witho+lt the: tIw.tn.'trio Gr:lnitr• and alar-
'*`,.? •a'3^R'3-:e2'!• fi eP Uf�'Flai•`•P ,sL:U:1�: f, } .SL'�Y, r•o,lnd dont t,n ::'gn, , - a.-
HOS. POUCHE:, Iss.ier of slat:- s � I ride r t dy. -rally on ax?Ps;+l•+)dr ntpil.. intPrc�nlion of thPatt)iddle•tnen.' It is bNe \\';rks. Br;ttnpt�r., I aro
1 tl> ,,sed to ca i-ali•r-p the cam nnv r_r, •c tired it:-.-; all work in
riage Licenses.lsroasha,:-,Oat. 'Call and.see us. I )t> L�: F)rPa repaired : n";c• ))rid'*-, p p p ` F p p +,
` r7•),IV I divided intim 1'rN)shares of$50 the granite: and marble IInP,
G. 11AM-•'ladies of Rt'3:"to,^,• - hook rn 1,:c +b?i:•i t55') tt+'t, '• ] Ss, n
I ) 't•'}i: The rme`.inaa, iN the n•e�Itlt nI an a` t}1. yp!"w lot>:pst 1't'3r`E's,and
• Licenjes in,tl.e Ccznty of Ontanc I. '�► /� -•� katcb,e'n' n ) J3uKs c•),.t.: )er?
ickeringVillage.' 27ly J- IT ri-&-r J tial£ lru, ho'l a' i, t an,' P.tw rd np%v a�a tt:),:t c:)rr:ed• on for sonre.tinlp.. vnrkrn;•rn�hip guaranteed.
--- — hoots. On'di: c i :ins• tii� kiss. Mi.
toll a chitter will be applied for im• Gcrils shil)ped 5vhere desire i.
DHOPPER issuer of tis t•r:wgp F.irnit:ire D4aier. e'=. .- - };eco it::rnP,li t,.lt n „i'e i the Pir ken- tot's` ate}v. T?:- ninvement has heen I:p rn^ 1�4o:e pLccing your ;
. Licensee i�the 0osoty, of onsario, ','.ii:urCo•.t'�rau:atPe of whi h Fre h•t�,ened b5 ..r- fi•irtion with Zhe:re- oi-tIor. Lettering dorre on_ the
IIffice at starsaud a3crai2ancs Olaramca:.-- - -=�AM.y2zy�7� i`'.i r ) � til f cie;t7er:+.It fire city. It is clAiared Sl:�rtec". nvticf!. -
3. ,.r!+ent.x•I ar)d tiles h 5'a aflerPcl >,. hat whfin all 'ins am rfected and -
_,XTUR\VAY . 110usi:. -'r,Jra,t}, ewst l <,i $4,1 f')r.th•: a.pE,rehru•;•>n p'. C. W. GIBBONS. Claremont
fiiagacon r5aa,i. Partic;:ar o:teoti�n i:. -- And-.art:.�ir,n , fill a crimincl and-re.-put-'Into oiler they will form a —
on to farmers an*=dinc the Toror:to m•rke:a. —: --- —_._, _._....._..... f t,t)cid ble ri operation.
e 0-xi-tint,tom_
]be•t'accommodation :oder the new man rr: f tine stolen•goods. �
see ),u•ec and that a Au erinr rade of
msot. Chasge�moderate. J.J.1izCa�n, Pro ,A GOOD DRD'G STORE it !k and c ream C.w*Il b Laced on the
'A L
prietcr. 28 GREEN )?!vER i ■ L
T R.BEATON,TOWNSHIPCLERH r'�e Trade A.. �drs. P. R. H':•,%er spec: ;11e F,%->'•r '-"'~ Fiord,and soft.
• Cooseyaacer, OYuerf o!Marriage loan ' pt Thr Ear ter visitnrs`E `u
i to �i InGord nr 1 _ ►t!rsA
aatdavits• rty,tant. Etc. aMaft g /ora = c 3n• tb ]s �P busy these
_ act rrm icy. .., � are drily taking �•�•- TTT /�•
•mss" hitevale. Ont. t•r days givisig ;die h6rsea ire"" spring ,heir de artttrP. Shingles-
t ' ��
14I.FaddPn's Drag _ to .is A. Lath and Shingle - _
POSTILL, Licensed Auctioneer, gii plate and enjoy, -he p;,t- sort`' Jc)}in awrence has returner) home
�j Max. J: D: Wilson entertained after a elndin a week with bis city.
.1' . tot Oonntis of York and Oataria. An ti)nage OS Ve^y paritCt:,3r pea- p R �E1Y1LjNT
•Uonsalesotall kindsaneaae::tooashortew �ple-ineverysectrun. number of Ltdiea Thursday after- fitPnd•andacyuaintancPc. , o as
notice. Address Green giver P.O• Ont. _ Janney Pegs Pengelly has found, it e9i e: right. _
--`-- WhySlionidri t it = Miss Tomllna:nn batq returned' home. tial to en¢.I gan assistant, Owing to
I�j B. POWELL, Licensed Au .:flet a endin �evrral"weeks in Belie-
VY a tioa•er fir natario and York Cos A;1 . t p g` the incren in(t trade in,his line. . ,
Oar stock is comple`.e. be vi11P, hisses Annip,ard Eva'Rodd visited LOCUST HILL
kinds of sales conducted either privately or by '
aLeuoo. Bate notes collected. For dates or yuulitiea xte the highest and Mr. tri+1 Ire, Philip.of Brough3urn• their sister, Mrs. L. L. RogerQ. o
osber particulars apply a.residence, Elizabe:n the prices absolutely the low- sppeent Sandxy' the guests of W. and Hamilton. for a few .days arriving
rlty• ye proinp Ordera loft at vows Office wi/ est consistent wish the cjualit'y hits. Fuller. hurr:P on Sato 1 P
raeerfs prompt a::enLioo, 151y. sold. A nuu3ber fr)m'bore attended the A. PALMER
We notice • Peve White last mar-
funeral cm T uesdav afternoon of Mrs- kit list among the crowd on Broad- r
TPOL'CHEY.. Licenses Auction- _ =• � y' R PAINTER AND DECURAT(JP,•
s ear.valamer and Collector for the Conti Israel Barton,hf�iitevale. way. -He was masking his vii to the
1.flee of Tort and Octans All kinds of anccion. - low about your eyes? Have Mrs. Booth, of SilvPrd:tlP, iP spend• •stock exchange on Wall street.
ale•conducted and vLtaatroas made at mad us examine them cad Reit an io the Eiit;ter with her.brother, V4, l Contractor_for general house repairs.
ewe charge, Estates and coasiiramena oca g , air. Greenwood, of 9a pm, we regret
611411 M6110i d and sold by a•action or exact correction. F. Hoover, and other friends. to„ay is serionslq ill with an atrcPss Ea;ybli�bed 6 pears in Pickering :
private sale. Worsemes, roots, notes and Miss Atlee Fuller, of Toronto, and on the brain and only slight hopes are Village.
g�eennera]accounts promptly colleczail and aatds• hl lss Nellie Wils-on of Brnoklin sen'
i.= settlements guaranteed. Phone or T' M. McFADDIEN, ' r p entertained of his recovery by the at- AutlREss: PICKERING P.O.
wrise for terms, Lad pa-hectare. BronRham, the Easter with their parents here. tending physician.
.'Ost, Dates may be L:ed ty phone _14ii Druggist and Wacluate A large nur:lber front here attended A-few from bene attended the box
ores. y Optician, the funeral service of kiiAs Beare, of social at Audlev achoot house on Wed-
ed- tom'
PICKERING,. - ' •ONT. WhiteralP. on .Sunday of;eroi;on at nesdny night of last week. The night For High Grade Work f�
Loci:s: Hill cetnrtery. was Black and the wind was high, so
Dillingham$ '+. that the time was inopportune for one 'This college is hy-a class
g o GREEtiwOCD ,� Inxe n black hat. l)ne of oar.ron- by it�e}fUndertaken ParlorsWagnerR. B. Hinnn)an a L,didav ng .,. lits :indent intends wearing so'inethinR
white next :lose• SLY.IGTT
King sneer, P:':icr:,ng. horne in Wa o:kt)5v• -�»; i
Calls by d.3p ,ir night promptly Aa:e a full lane ai 7re,h:anti:u2- ].. Lidgett lilts engaged w':ttn Fr soca SRO..G"AM
attended ter. Telephone ed rr�d'r t)r;;n menti; On hand. Harrison for :he smianer• e
(Bell or lndependerlt.i _ t
ai c• '�? Ii;)a. P.i•eakfa 3 n<,)n, . w::}i P,rc,+,i.lir fri_•nd . -t: ,. TORONTO. O_
A. .:• ,? �f:e. '.tl Yhor,:nn,c,f Ti) ruin. lt.'J. J i i-, ;•f- -rown._ tens.here
Haig!. iii:!� n W� ,illEr�' ESS'. I;h >en the entire year.acid ad- t. -
' ' ' v. ,;,•d 55:tF t, ) .nd \Ars. Nl,),.c. v.•: S.tna}t�•• + I
• s • A•?•: I?.lil. of i _oat ,. called ,)r, t i (+ec . :Noel a1: P}u' �5;vi'e:I in Pi,k- utit� students at any time. 'It
ll j4 y Fi:':n�- :i!>P. bald far ?.,,• S; ! t enjoys a wid, ,[)read 'pelt ,age
err � ive irw .f _ . :ri4 rnd he:-p on 1 ord,:' i Ing i;tit car,tc. qq��'
.2 c� r• :old hw; :n national 're iit3Ct.ion.
:Z: :' 1Lt n:r :.nil G: •,ciy, Trt-m6le :', ! t11, :rnd �1t r :.:,1::P:, F,f, Inrontl,, p
'� •'' -- -------•---• b� .,..per'FW:1 r:.+r.r t' il„l:.i•tf8 ::: ;•73P :i:':. }:,•3*-Witt, :r;P•);1., Owing'tr,thei.r 5'llper'IOr training ..
;First-C1ass rigs for hire ,. Ju"•lrilanrl �1::. i,• : :e. .,fT„ronto. unr�t,lrlents.readily obtain gond
l r, ? _ llnsitions. $e•urtifttl catalogue
Day or nigi.t -- - aI P... cf 1 ��} .� J.I:Fn: for h, a ; ). N --: F.
- _ ur"n W' F: Ri+rc -•,t t o c!}i i;�l'rrnt'tlir F" O
I3�a mee s a rains - W. J. hLLIOT: Principli.
i 5 w �+;�_y 1 rc' inn• + Cor. I"urge$.A1PxnnderSts.
Teaming promptly attended to. Of all k:i:a9�- s��" n, ,:�. re sri 5. 5t k, i_ ?:;:5:,,g •r .. �d l 3 ry, r .: ( ;
illi 1>>n . of Tut'unt„
Agent for Canada Carriage Co. �`t' ''.i� c :� h ., � m
f =er. t T s t ,i iy. '.
'iiiT. H. Peak : ,rR t ner Fe.ut11 .. J::u:rJ i1 ,. 1,:tl r I �h.:nrlfr cello£�t„t:fT- �!l������
Peak, Pir'l:eriit�. Cenveyalit'>Ilg ULi3 t,lbsnr., c.i',i:: ,,?:'.''e. ill r i iPrF rn 11 t nttl hest'.
D k i Nva,:
D. •tr'l :' •� `I •)• ,. �•: T_ :',?, Miss 1<•)1 lit ] ro:5'in, "l cn cru o, c
?e _ -s f'c.?:. 1. , s f };. l k .5.: h frill ?.
'thing !
ild '.-.cn:is t li> R••p oc .
�Q��sl`ttithir C Sari :.as„naFli, ,e:+S, ua tr.ca� l,i '.. r _tifi�- T.. Zlrn� :r. ui KesSvi•k, spent :t matches ♦, `
tr _ _ e �;r; \i .;er 117;41,,:.;,cf. Jn.o, iew clavi W:ti3 :1:1 tt:5 p- here. Y
l'- 1:Fe,i d: :1 IUt'S•,?P. :Ili' }::J t4 7a 5y' ;h 1 _< �.\ til. ::!?,} `1:=. of:'.:i,�, of Cl.irPnlOn t, I ;
,) \\ r•h are guaranteed tori Itlsa ,
A genera] 1)lac;:zmith business deme. fi:::nc?-p:cent A'ex. •roil :All's. Souse. anent \Cednes-:lay :t: NViin. C'arie's. ,,+In)>ana�•, cl !•
I% t z,r,t Frty s•;1 •.r 1-• nt 'c.;ll ':1 Te`e 'i'I au1L'.� e:;trr:!:tied t;r. ,ire le, ti a'?lei, i� )endin'<�'the e, tiuu keepiug tc;th
All kinds of rvpaa•ing neatly c,nd p• y , 1 duraHlity and, a . )eatance ate.
r,rc nil ly esecu'ed, at :' L�•3 sits- - --- ' nit:r:)bc r of•her vrn3nsr friend-on T hors- holidays with his parents in alark' Pi
: 5t?nat y nu want..
day evening. hen's very enjoyah:e hails.
Hoi`se shoeing- a =8geeialt3'. S R, i :nP tvns N.per,t in gamee,'znrci*-:etc, John (;ochra'ne and Fred Meellin We handle only Such t
Lire tt�onie from•\4 hitby for the hol'i-
C+CR��N' ik ZiAW, GOODWOOD dais.
PICKERING, ONT, Notar;; P:lbhe, Pickering. Frank and 'Mrs. Gerow :eitd sack. of ,;,-.i� r
John Wigg psoughed nine acres]est Toronto, spent a few days with their .o •t
- Th- week. people here.
e - A local phone was installed in' th Jopeph Colter, of Cobalt, spent
F - ` Victoria House last week. Easter with his uncle, A. Albright
DOMINION BANH WINTER SESSION Mrs Haynes, relict of the late Daniel and family.
Haynes, died oar Friday. The funeral Mrs. Frgie and daughter, ;Hiss to ~`�
Bend Ottfce, Toronto Opens January 4th in all de took place on Monday to the Village Florence, are spending a week with
partments of•the CENTRAL cemeterv• Service was conducted by relatives here.
----- BUSINESS COLLEGE, Yonge Revs.,Oke and Toye. The Misses Foster, of Thornbury,
.,Generfi] Banking Btlsine�s g and Gerrard Streets, Toronto. The funeral of the late�Vm.Kelling- are visiting their sister, hIIa. �V. .L.
transacted. Our Catalogue explains our au- ton, who died at Jos. Hodgins, near Levitt, for a time. :
periority m Equipment, Staff, Balsam, on Monday, took place to tine, Bond, of Cedar Grove, and
pp y y, Miss Robson, of Green River, spent �' ”} wa�
Rfethods and Results. You are Goodwood cemeter on Wedesda � HSpec'lal attentl0n giveII t0 invited to write for it�if inter- service being conduClted in the Meth- Sunday +tt Dlrs. Brodie s. �� t
ested in the kind of school work odist church here. Misses Carrie, of Egt, and Katie,the• collection Of which brio s bestsuccesa. Ad- The followin are some of the' ho]i- YP `
g R of Toronto,'are spending the holidays s. ,
dress W. H. SHAW, President day visitors: Miss Lee, John Tay]or, with their parents, Robert And Mrs.
t3ale in tee. Mr. and Mrs. Sintzer, Miss H. Whit- Phillips. See our special values in Ladies'
tleton, S. Fields, F. Fields, !lir. Toye, gym. Duncan bas completed his
p soled gold and gold filled,
• • hiss McLean and sister, Mrs. Craw- term with John Miller and has gone
ford, Mrs. E. Davis. Miss Hakne A Gentleman s?0 year old fill-
�ANINGS DEPARTMENT. y, to work on Robt. Miller's farm near g
BRITISH Term of IWO Mrs. A. Storry, Mrs. G. Lee and Miss !Moose Jaw, Sask. ed Case with guaranteed move-
�ep08ito received Of 41. And CANADIAN' Ten per cent thea V. Lavender. ment for$7,75. We have a beauty
P A The W. F. M. S. of St. John's con- t
BUSINESS er, ten per cent bet.
The Board of Health met on Tues- gregation will hold its regular month- solid 14 k, for$(35,00.
=,a„teS®Bt allowed at higlleet COLLEGE tier for Businea, day and the Council on Saturday last.. lv meeting in the church, on Wednes- • your moneyback.
TORONTO Shorthand and Mat- At both meeting>3 a settlement was day, April 21st, at'E o'clock. .
correct rates. p�--,r-c� tic, tried to be reached in reference to Dr, (Ieorge Philip has secured the sole R. N. BASSETTr
Booklet free. R. A. Farqquharson, Darling's bill for the alleged small-pox agency for the sale of Martin-Senour
ii D. EIORDON, Manager B.A., Principal,CornerYonge and epitdemic last year, but it was in vain. paints and is prepared to supply the Jeweler, Etc., WHITBY ` <�
Bloor Sts. The Council's offer was away below public with paints that are superior to
WHITBY BRANCH. the doctor's bill of over$700, 13;11 others. �xa�='�" !•
... ,,,...,..:.�^•, :.,
r .
iAl -♦ IF-+ 1^^I'�.'Sy1 fr�„7' ''la -y a!u " - V•{ Y.�`' ~
::Y•{`415 •.. ... -�` , ,'•5S i. {Y . .
«74.a - ^' r�.'•' 'k. .: ,' r;^.•' �• , y'Y :y c'^q .�.''-3. sz•;� t a.• '-•� '-r" w - -a` gt f•' a r'--
f, •.^x'•'+tt. :•t .'71"• •••�-p :}ab4,"'. :'w`�. r G'�i ,,� ..� ♦ .:F y :h�.'. `b �'i'. %?.Y' x?': J9 J vL�'. � ^'C:. �iT'CI•
.- 3: is.;, ar..•r- .I -„;,y:, ."^i"Y-un,._,,y,. •:;.,•.w. .. '., �-+•w�'..p:Y J /' :�' � .,. �S”" ,7•
: _.;... ', •e-'.:,' ., `'s.a �...,va....! ,. ..,.. .' .:•...,,,:,'n.n.s-,... .,k- - s - -
-- �� occurred was- fifteen miles from ^- — — f7.1
rom the strong-room, snd con-
occurred ROBBERIES
camp. The nearest doctor was die- tained many valuable documents. Jb R
t ant I0� and- thirty biz--mites — The box was aeeempaaied--b-y &.n —"I hays deft Scott's
there on the desert veld, a shat- in which the writer stated that he .Emulsion .for 'six weeks
THEST�HALM i_eturn'ed it because he was an hon- and have found it a won-
na 11-----------
ed, rt s broken, an many est m Mu that if the directets
minor BERS OF STEEL. ore
injuries, lay the hunter, exposed would meet him alone at midnight derful remedy. ;
+ to the fierce equatorial sun. It in the strong-room he would ex- tools the Em
ulSiOn I liaG n0
was hours before his men found plain the mystery to them. appetite; was weak; had "
" Mogi Best 't0 Get New Healt]! Built of the Same Material as is Ver uneasy in their minds, they
him, and midnight ere they could Y Y lost nearly fifty pounds of
lmd Strengm In spring. carry him into camp. It was not Used in the Construction made their way to the vault at the
until eight days after the accident. appointed time. Sud4enly they ��. and now I eat well
The winter months are trying to .that the dxtor arrived, and the of A Battleship. heard a voice which they could not slid sill gaining every day.
the health of even the most robust- necessary operations could be per- locate. It stipulated that lights I find Scotts Emulsion to
formed. Although attacks on safes are must be put out, and when this be very easilydigested and
Confinement in-doors in over-heat
henti more or less of dell occurrence, was'done a man entered the room S
ed and nearly always badly The man lost his right arm, but y' a good food for all weak
Y it is rare indeed that one hears
lated rooms—in the home, the office, otherwise bears no trace of his ter- with a dark lantern in his hand.
' the shop and ties school—taxes the rible experience. of a successful onslaught by. burg- He explained how he was connect-I people."—FLORENCE
the s of even the •strongest. The tars upon a strong-room. The ed with the: sewers, and how he BLEEKF.R, NO. 1 Myrtle
t� m•ost recent case was that which N. J.
blood becomes thin and watery or - ,p--- had discovered that, by removing Avenue, Bridgeton, = '
clogged P A DESPERATE STRUGQLE. occurred in the West-end of Lou- he could gain ac-
clo with im unities. Sometimes oertain stones,
you get up in t e morning just as don, when burglars succeeded 'in cess to the treasury. The directors Xhia is only one of ehousaads of
tired as when you event to bed. Es Experience of a Crew `Vreeked in gaining access to the strong-room voted him a pension of £100 a year . cases where
some pe 1e have
headaches- p of Messrs. Debenham and Free- for life. '
Others are low spirited; some have the Polar Regions. body Quad stonestoffthe ealue of A FRENCH DODGE. "
::^'pimples and skin eruptions. These The story of the crew of a what- p &Ott
are all spring symptoms that the ing-vessel Wrecked off Cape Parry nearly• £10,000, says London Tit- Within quite recent times the
blood is out of order. You can't in a drifting fog is given in Mr. A. Bits. Bank of France resorted to a very 0
cure these troubles with purgative H. Harrison's book, "In Search of SAFE V. S%]I ONG-ROOM- odd but ingenious-method for pro- Emulsion
medicines, which merely gallop, a Polar Continent. The Alexan- testis their, bullion. This consist- ;
through the system, leaving you der at the time was steamingat Indeed, there a a great differ- g
still weaker. What you need to encs between a safe and astrong- � in engagng masons to wall up�
j full speed, and when firFt it struck, room. , The latter, being much i the doors of the vaults in the cel- has given an appetite. It's so
give you health and strength in the the crew, not seeing anything in tar with hydraulic mortar as soon I easily digested that it doesn't tax
sprin is a'tonic medicine, and urger? are invariably built of S ,
g front of them, thought they had col- as the,money was deposited each the digeetire organsaad they rest;'
one always reliable tonic and blood Tided with a piece of driftingice; thicker material, posses3 very
e heavy doors and, consequently, day in these receptacles. Then et the body is wonderfully scion
builder is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. but on striking again, the vessel more powerful bolts and locks, and water was turned on and kept run-
aadbutlt up. The digestion
These Pills not only banish spring immediately filled with water, so P is linproved—then ordinary food
sin until the whole cellar was �snfficieat.
i lila but and you against the the hardly had time to rush to the to open them is at once a task that g
snore serious ailmenta that follow, y demands all the skill and ingenu- floe _ Growing boys and girls,who need
boats, which they had great diffi- it of the modern scientific bur
such ss anaemia, nervous debility, culty in lowering. y g- so much food to keep theca well
rheumatism, indigestion and kidney It was then that Captain Tilton lar. Then, again, it is only in the _ 'SENTENCE SERMONS. and strong, and also growing.
trouble. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills nearly Post his life. He was the last banks, the large corporations, the shouldlo,4 eerabottleofSe. It
' make new, rich blood 'which � rest business institutions, and the Friendship is often a'ser-ere test Eecvision every few weeks. It
man to leave the ship, and just as
P -strengthens every nerve, every or- the 'boats were being pushed off, safe deposits where we find strong- of love. does wonders for them. It pre-
gan and every part of the body• he jumped from the r easel but rooms. We ge't some idea of the No man can' buy peace by selling vents ehcir�g�tiny rue down and .
gI enormous strength of these chem- principle. spindly. -Nothing does them so _
Try this medicine this spring and. missed the stern of the boat, and
;you will have strength and energy !fell into the sea. Luckily, however, C bers by a description of the ones Right pride keeps a man 'from g
to resist the torrid heat of the he managed to catch a rope that!recently completed for the Carne- .being.proud. ,Dxucciers
' coming summer. Mr. J. R. John;'was thrown to him, but it was not'gie Trust Company in New York. done come oa happiness by
eon, Loch Broom, .Users-
N. B., says:-'without difficulty that ho was pulled' The atroag-rooms here are all hunting. it. t a on t4j ra•4110 tst.ee. wa WiUff
2. built of armor late the same ma• The way to kill love is to count as env°"�"4 n s�area. st.t=s
"Some two years ago I began to • _boat_when he had been P r -- L �az ww�sa ur.a.m. psi.v.+.f.
1Ete1 that my constitution was weals- dragged alongside. terial as is used in -the --its-profits--ening. I could not stand any ex- 1 tion of a modern battleship. It is No man gets to be a star by re- sco•rr s sowriE
The mist was so dense that they ,
poauor knocking about. I finally had no idea of their locality, buL i 5 inches thick, and • this shell in. hearsing as a gaud, szs weniftet"si-
re w. r�•a
sought the aid of s doctor who on reaching sbore they-..saw tye f turn is protected.by a 'wall of con- He who loves a cave is always
said my system Wag very much run rocky headland of Cape Parry i crate 12 inches i•i thickness. The sure.as to the sun.
down, and that the trouble might looming over them, and th-5n they doors, which are circular in shape, Many a tailored suit covers slot -
end is nervous prostration. As his'knew that they had at least four are 18 inches thick and weigh 25 of hand-me-dovtrh sins. the natives than` to surprise' the
medicine did not help me I decided, hundred miles to travel before re- tons apiece. Twenty tons of this No man.ever spoke truth with- enemy.
` on the advice of a friend, to give sleds Herschel Island, this; too, weight is in one solid mass of ma- out hearing its echo in heaven. `�•e can 'do nothing better than _..
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial. j
a barren and deserted coast-I terial, 7% feet in diameter, while Repentance is always lame with an
the problem of poverty and
I had used less than a half dozen line in open boats,,and probably in the remaining 5 tuns are accounted.out.restitution and reformation. nothing worse than' to stop with
'bc'zea when my health was fully re- a raging sea. for in the bolt work, and me-I The church does not lead folks analysis.
i m operating the'lock. There heaven b -lookit, like a funeral.
n other medi- than s op g to hese y g stored, and I think o Q This wreck occurred on August -
a kine can equal these Pills when one' 16th; yet oq August 26th they ar- are twenty-four bolts is each doom . A man's religion goes no deeper
is run down and out of. health. .rived at Hon Au Island, every one each weighing 100 pounds. than the big potatoes in nix bushel. -HIS, MEASURE.
Eo1d by all medicine dealers o:i of them strong and well, and ao A IyLARVLLLOU$ SAFE: Religion is alvt,sys 'a bad bargain The man with the red face and
by mail at 50 cents a box or six whit the worse for his adventure. to the man who tries to get it im 1 nose fell fainting to tue
hexes for 82.50 from The Dr. Wil-I A little time ago a strong room thea P P Y
They made the whole journey. Was erected in thb basement of-an p• floor.
liams 'Medicine, Co., -Brockville, through rough seas and through The man who brags of his humili- 'Whiskey'." requestAd the g g S doe-
office-building in London for a.
Oct. gales of wind. Every-stitch on theirty is equally proud of his �consis- torr, "I'll
ben him to,
' well-knowq South ' African synth- t g �'" feebly
----+1�--`--` backs was constantly drenched: I tency. "Better make it three,
Of supplies they carried only that nate which is probably as strong I It's hard 1n go on singing "Take remarked the-i•xumbent one'.
jL TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. as that just mentioned.. ' In this „
beauty portion which &'whale-boat my. silver sial my gold after you
case the armor-plate chamber is I Do be a grouch generator 1
always has on hand for an ewer- ; et some.
8portsmon at the Mercy of a envy ear are the emergencies cos 'Protected by a lining of solid con-I g �4
ge Citizenship' in heaven will not ,grouches have no market value.
•Wounded.Rhinocerous. ttemplated of such duration. I Crete into which are laid iron rails, 1eiempt you from either taxes or
A few years ago a terrible ac- Every now and then thny had to i mange to flange., and several services•here. A single man is,doubly attractive F
cid rat befell an English sportsman Put ashore to find fresh water and feet thick. This. material is
so hard that it is almost im-I When you get after the profits of --tors spinster.
in pursuit of the rhinocerous. It to snatch a few winks of sleep, and oppression you will hear a lot
I can answer for it that possible' to drill or chip it away. PP
is given in a book entitled "On putting'; about the principles of liberty. Brazilian cocoanut palms live
Safari," ashore here is no easy matter, for !
At a test it took two men four'days The bigot is the mgrs who thinks from 600 to 700 years.
by Mr. Abel Chapman, is . kers are man miles of coast-line 'to work away two declass of the ma-I g -
whom the storywas related b the S y { that all souls o to heaven only
y aloe which it is almost impossible tenial after spoiling £80 worth of g y
unfortunate man. The sportsman g 1 through his priests knothole. It often happens that after put-
to find a place for landing in a to
was in pursuit of eland, and had. I Yet,' with all these scientific pre- A plate of soup may way ag much ting up a big bluff a man falls over
passed a "rhino," which he resol- strong wind: the burglar does ossa- in the universe as many a song or
These men doggedly held-ou their f cautions, ,n brotherhood.
wed.ta go brck and endeavor to se, course crossing two large bays, sionally break through. The, mod- sermon
fool has two extremely diffi- Parson—'Yes, on one occasion I
cure felts the ran 'in _ga- ern Bill Sikes is a clever fellow,
"The rhino was one hundred until at last they, reached the Mac-.I w o un ors an s the value of she-*Dolt-�k9,--to know-.-'him and married four couples, in a quarter .j
snd twenty ' yards away, with•its until a Dolts, and keeping well to micals, explosives and electricity, keep others from doing the same. of an hour. uick' work, wasn
.back towards me. I sat down in seaward of this, they arrived l a all of which he calla to his aid. With The reformler wito blows a trum it?" Nautical,Young Lady—"Yes,
and a drop of .nitro-glycerine, worked pet is�ztore anxious to astonish rather. Sixteen knots an hour i''
the grass, eighteen inches high, storm which prevented ships from P•
awaited. After ten minutes the putting to-sea. into a joint or crevice, he will blow -
rhino turned round and walked The had made &',fine heroic ef- a steel chamber apart, or burn a
slowly toward me, grazing. fort.They
had been a case of do or hale into it.with chemicals. But
"The man I had with me became die with every one of them, and this takes time; and that is the _
frightened, and after creeping they had carried on a desperate Principal reason why the strong- r
some distance through the grass, and unceasing s rugg e, an attacked. :lgain,
jumped to his feet and ran. ' This accomblished an average daily jour- too, buildings cgn'taining them are '..5�' 4
aroused the beast, for it lifted its nay of forty miles in an open boat: •inv'ariably•guarded by watchmen. ..
head and looked after the man, _---,t, THE BURGLAR'S SKILL. < t� •.
giving me the chance I wanted. ,HARD TO PLEASE_ yet it was only two years ago
"I put a solid bullet in the centre "No man on earth is good enough that burglars succeeded in break- �.i�' es
of its chest, and 'it went down " positively. ing into the strong-ropm of a bank
heavily. There seemed to be not for a woman, she said ositivel'
"That's right, I guess, he re- in St. James's Street, in the West-
-Bak,the slightest breath of 'We in it, „ I V Mothers who have used 'Zam know. how it cares
lied. I never yet heard of a end of London, and carrying'off a
so I walked towers it P » r '— Skin-Troubles in Ch1lQren or Adults. Mothers
"W$en I' was less than twenty, man being:able to please one. large quantity of gold coin. The Spdag
yards away the huge baa t_ gave a - d- bank had only been opened a few who have nail yet,tried it should note these tactst—
roll and got ori its feet. My rifle �o+O�+ weeks, and the appointed caretaker Zatn-Bok was unknown ten years ago, yet each to its
was up at once, and I put a bullet rate ala of stsrHoou had not taken up his reside.ice ' merit that to-day it has become the standard salve in
into the shoulder; but before I ,xn Qtr csstcnsEN. there. This gate the burglars thN:r the homes of tow continental Zam-Bak la ped by h actin g
could get in a second shot the brute opportunity. They worked tha'r 1 contains no poisonous,colouring matter; is ulsed by Leading
was charging. straight. The ills of childhood are
way into the basement of the bui{J- �v medical men; used is the British Army and Navy; used �. 1
<< man and may rove seri- ing from the adjoining house. -Their by all best Htted to know the needs of the skin. Maks
I commenced to run, but the yl y P task was a difficult one, because be R' it your family balm L
first step I took I'tripped and fell, ous if not promptly attended
'land before I' could regain my feet to. In all homes where Baby's fore they co ill reach' the strong " !
room proper they had to cut their Dir. C. Bates: of Burks Falls (Ont.}, says:— Zah an
cured tnT
Own Tablets are kept there three children, who were all broken out in sores to such an extent that R
�t was•on top-of me: w a thr6u h two walls, one two
wa hit me first w.-,i its nose, is a prompt cure at hand for 3 g was pitiable to see them. These sores had defied all remedies previously
dropped with both knees on me, b feet thick and the other nearly four liod,but I arm lad to say Zam Bok healed them."
such troubles as indigestion, •PP [ y
feet thick. Then,by the use of che-
then drawls back for the blow' colic, diarrhoea, constipation, •� Miss Sr G. Hamilton,. of Alliston (Ont.), says:—"hfy face and hands
g r micals, explosives, and iron bars, were one mass of pimples rnd blotches. These would itch• snd when
threw• me clean over its back. The worins, and teetning trou-
the forced a way into the chain- rubbed, broke out into sores. Whenever I Fut water near the affected
In horn entered the back of my left bles. And the mother has Y
the guarantee of a govern- 4 her and secured the booty. The parts it caused a stinking.sensation and much pain—just as if I had
thigh, 'and I saw the animal well T thieves had evidently worked with been scalded. Nothing that I applied seemed to'do few
any gond until
m'ent analyst that this meth- I tried Zam-Buk, That gave, me relief, and a few weeks of the
underneath me as I was flying cine contains no opiate or Y glossa on, for they left'not a single Zam-Buk treatment resulted in a perfect cure."
k_ through the air. trace of finger-prints behind them.poisonous drug. Mrs. R.
"It throw me the second time, p T Xam.Buh cures timtlss, rkin fru}`flans, c+tls, t",ros, braias+r ,
Hammond; Copotown, Ont., BANK OF ENGLAND SCARE. -, piks,tesierivg,sores. ulcers• blooQ- so"li9•ecee"ls,rif"'O!vN
s but I cannot r collect the throw baa t�t,� aisfhscd a"'Wes, snot all Skin tfsssasRs snot iyurrsa
says:— I,have used Baby s r •� Rub'bsd ucR into the tarts ahactsd, it cures "evr4l0s
clearly; and then me a third time. Then the great National Banks + rh.u/"atisln, and sciatica. all IkuRNists'
Own Tablets and think no- have certainly attracted the atten- rh ,RI
I was lying on m back when the thing can equal them for ,,;j , stores sell at SOc. hoz, three Inn $t.S3, or ho+t df
great black snout was pushed I small children. I would not tion of the could-be robber. Some �� frtd rrom zar».Luk carr zoro,ato,for pries.
t`, against me. Thei, 1 found myself ♦ may recall hour the directors of the -
'on my feet, how, I du not know, t be without them in the house, Bank of En,glaiid once received a�
stud staggered rff. for they saved my little girl s fetter�fFom a man saying how he]' -
�` "After Qin about fort ands, life." Sold by medicine deal- had discovered a secret way into �_
t going y y ere, or by mail at 25 cents a
expecting every moment to be box from The Dr. Williams' their strong-room. as first the ou �t �y
charged again, I felt that I might Medicine Co., Brockville, trials regarded s lie juke, but
as well lie down and let the beast Ont: -when a box was delivered at the
finish ::s work, so I lay down," Bank a few days later they thought
The spot where the catastrophe I +o•♦o♦n•+o+o+o*o♦o♦o- o otherwise.: It had been reziovad �I► �' �`�
.,. �, .'6-n�.,l` l+r',rr. ...Fy... 'c4n, �., a��T - "'�`;� a:•, „} tc.,,. _:'< �'�+•�-�.
:.:.r.c,,.•..;.. :- .. .,, ,.r '-•,•,S• 1 :;•.. ei ..r.,K. :-- ... _. r. ` �'� x', a,.•.. 'r e' •.i.. ;C ,-a a .tt`>. ".�..
wwrr _
, Y
Advertiser W111 8e11 •
In $askatc6ettan They 'Are In- A writer in Mature caIis atter
tion to the peculiar weather which i 5-20 Farmers Bahk,$60
astrious and Prosperous. accompanied and followed -the
Mott Min 5
The Indian of the great prairie great Ict Ian ea que e. err o e oa o wo;
— province of Saskatchewan are die- sudden fog which settled upon the , Years' Standing. sox ", THE WILSON mess, Toronto.
proving the theory that an Indian strait of Messina was paralleled by •.l was afflicted for two years with
AND DODD'$ kiDNEy PILLS a h ist. accompanying the catarrh of the tht'eat, At first it was
won't work unless he has to. They �aty III
Mexican earthquake of January; atdHTEENTH r1iTMROW Touw.
BOON CURED HIS BACK- are becoming industrious and pros- very slight, but every cold f took made � OR
1899, and the writer adds that rain
p-roue, !t worse.
ACHE. fall is so frequenbly reported as 1 Spa Mlles CoaoMn}. tt severs tskee'
There are nearly 8,000 Indians in the immediate successor of an. "1 followed your directions and in a i our most oompreheasire tour.. Riviera, .ill,
the province and last year they earthquake that "we can no long- very short time 1 began to improve. I Routs Carlo and tlouanC utdtttonat inclad.a.
had about.9,000 acres under crops. Full illustrated Program free. 444 Jarda a&%
Row Maicolm- McRinnon Foun.i They raised 150,572 bushels of er reject the hypothesis of real took one bottle, and am now taking Toroetu
connection between the two." Prof: my second. 1 can safely say that my i
Complete and Permanent Relief grain and roots and 30;000 tons of Milne has suggested that the dis- throat and head are cleared from ca- � i oviL eooas wsD
hay, worth $136023. AGENTS . MONF.YMAKEN9
From HW Kidney and Stomach ' ' turbance' of the ground when tarrh at the present time, but I still Jl'aad:e our bllth grade Ye,rfumes, Tod:st
The Departm•gnt of Indian At
Troubles.. fades reports that the Indians are transmitted to the overlying air continue to take m usual dose for a Te's Coffee.,, Lrto.,and .efun d if good rsanr
may determine precipitation, thUa y fled CusWmars. 1lfouay refunded if Coda not u
turning more and more to the soil y P P ' spring tonic,and I find there is neth. repreaenced The Home specialties C-..Dept.A,
6hunacadie, Cape, Breton xplai lin the apparent of sociatiorl. Toronto,Canada. _
P Co.,' for a living. The agent of the As- g PP Ing better.' -iVI'rs. W. Pray, 260 .
N. S., April 19 (bpecial).-Sutler- of severe earthquakes with'mist a,P Twelfth St. Brooklyn,N. Y. I -�
siniboine agency, which may be re ' y 'ALEXAN'!rl►ER-WARDENv Y
=ng with Backache so much that be rain•
could not work Malcolm McKinnon garded as typical, writes: : (hate trea.urer Presbyterian
a well known resident of this place `�I was greatly pleased to find � -HIS JOB. church to Canada)
that the area under crop was al- A Woman s Sympathy r
took a friend's advice 'and used most double what it was the year Are You discouraged? is your doctor'• He-"Mil views on bringing up a BONDS AND STOCKS
Dodds Kidney Pills. The result is y but a heavy financial load? is your pain family—"
he i$ back at work, and his before. The band tied about 600 a heavy phpstcal burden? I know .that she-"Never mind your views. � Cubsltstocksbought and sold oncommission
. �
Backache is gone. acres_ of wheat and 200 acres of these.mean to delicate women-I have Is TORi%TO STREET, TORONTO.OAKADA
been discouraged. too; but learned how to "I'll bring up the family. You
"Yea," he says, in. speaking of oats. The Indians of this agency cure myself. I want til relieve your bur- g p „ Long Dlatance Phones—Main 2770.Main 2a71�
<< are beginning to farm on s large den•• hy not and the pain and stop the go'and brie u the coal.
bis case, I was troubled with g g doctor's bi�1? I can do this for you and
Backache, due to wet feet and hard scale, and if they continue to do Will if you wilt assist me. A Pill for All Seasons.-Winter WARREN GZOVIfisKl A. QOe
as well as they-have in the last two sn you seed do is to write for a tree
work. It got so severe at last 1 box: of the remedy which has been placed and summer, in any latitude, w b9-I Afembe»'rorunto stock Exchange-
quite unable to,do my work. years there will be some good sized this one vox Will cureVYou-it hes done soo ther in torpid zone or Arctic tern•; mere ink Jsuildina, as Broad atr..iti,
"It was through a friend's ad farms among them. One man has 'for others. if so I shall be happy and perature, Parmelee's Vegetable! TosoNTo. Ni;wYoss
vice I started to use Dodd's kidney 153 acres in crop sad another 125 ypoOiage�st amp).your letters held Ctc°�ii Pills can be depended. upon to do ������ AND BONDS
Pills, and I was soon aware that acres, and several had seventy dentwa i Write to-day for my free trent- thrix_work. The dyspeptic will find
they were doing me good. My back t acres each. There was 'a decided meat.l FIB.�•ID CURR4,1;, �trlaclsor.oat thea,, A friend always And should we are now stocks. write w a ..
..:was easier. and I had less pain in limprovement in the way.the land carry them with 'him--everywhere.' 'p'Oi'lf:tng Cd$'ALT farinform:tion.
: erinating. had ben farmed." It is far easier to mend a broken They are ' made . to withstand any'
"As Dodd's Kidney Pills had ,e heart than a broken rib. climate and are warranted to keep EUROPEAN TC?UR•
done me so-much good I thought their freshness and strength. 'They All expenses paid including tips and ,dmf„sionq
I would tr Dodd's'Dyspepsia Tab- TIIE CULLIN �N. DI:IMOND. Repeat it:-lab.11ob'sCure,willslvrs" do not row stale a unlit not every"'hare• England,Ire,and,Bootland,waI�,, w
try' cure my coughs and colds.' g . quality Ho"nd, de �tany, y.ritaerlaad, Austria [lata
lets and I did so with marvellous -- possessed in many pills now on the, and lfrance to?tsso.al, ri.itiag each country b}
effect. Two bozee'iset my stomach Queen 1i ill Wear it Separate From market, c„aching,banninngg and railway, from July 2nd to
sight. o Crown On State Occasions. .All-men are born free and equal + klept. 22nd. Lima rssd by all tateamdhlp OWil.aaA -.
-and remain that way until they 1 Abe @neat tri for Lha money crossing the Atlaatfy
With Dodd's Kidney Pills to keep g get married. Y "Humph I Him_4� He'd run be-' I`iy�1x`y siKpal�t'c” 4"rsJarri.sa.Te.osta
The Kin and Queen, anxious Hum b e
my Kidneys well and the blood to make the fullest possible practi- fore he'd fight me 1 I guess he'd --
pure and Dodd's Dyspepsia Tab- cable use of the--Trawivaal's mAg- Some persons ares more suscep- have to:" `
lets to .put' the.. stomach in shape _ ! wrour
nificient gift, the Cullinan dia- tible to colds `than others, ,con-
-- so that the body receives the nour monde-fie c�sulted-__ the court Repeattt:,,%%iloh'scurowillalwa" exrsa xt"
?.acting derangements of the pul- cure Joy cotghd and colds.'• i N1p"
ishment it needs you are assured psroy
the two first ess4qntials of Jewelers, Messrs. Gerrard, of Lon mora o sh hteae
health. .•Any doctor will tell you don, air.to whether it can be ar- causes. Thcsp should- always ave -. q:
.. •. , � It's"easier for .the average man [.L cAltTt R s GO,
ranged that the splendid geita shall �at hand a bottle of Bickle's Anti-
that. to quit drinking if he wants to than ILS wont at East,
be so set in the Imperial Crown as I Consume rile Syrup, the resent
i Pt P' P it la for him t0 Want t0. ' TOROYTO, OMT.
to be detachable for wear by her II stay. sovereign rercedy for coughs,
GROWTH OF GRAN, TRUNK Majesty on great state occasions, as i catarrh &rid inflammation of the _ --
N e•2ew•hlne after a storm to the relle T r O O O
IL was Lt the'recent Opening of Par-. 'lungs. It w1I1 effect 8 Cure IIO mat- wb,,a b•tinate ppa, g •i �a®. For Sale Bulletin o<
gas cough has been Prutlt•payla• i
Marvelous Progress Glade Under 'liament. The feasibility of the ter how severe the cold may• be. a.ra oy Allen's Lu R.al4am. Nor+p um fa f0. 1',arn,+h,barcare. eiezout
Manager Hays. plan having been demonstrated You Sarno? afford to be without a youTlao g•,oa effade Isats take •bonnie]tome .vtcb :y 1, y
r Jou Chi+.day. ltoal ifarg.trnn. �r;fi;ra;y {iittatr.aLe t.ms.11•d free.
Since January, 2898, the Grand the Jewelers have been honored remedy like Bickle's, for it is the - -- ►ie pay y.,trrR.tc, free, a iiti atooitTCO,yogic
with 'his Majesty's commands to best. o •. Warl,i• i�rs.te sarin fl"I rd, University �a
Trunk Railway System has increas- Sir Robert Anderson, the emin- >,laz., syracuia, M.Y.
ed the operating mileage by 11-per carry out the• work. . Thus. the << ent police authority, says the Eng .
cent., through the 'acquisition of. Cullinan, while retaining a status Uncle--"Even though you are my fish are, in tact, with ail ,th'P6r1'
the C. A. Railway. The' tonnage of a crown jewel,' will be available brother's eon I am obliged to dig- faults, the most law-abiding people 1 U G S 4
r - for 1901-the last complete yebr's For wear by the Queen on Cees- charge you. But sakq am sorry; for in the world. `
report of the company-was 111.9 not siongn actual use.ob - Crown itself is °Nephew-"Oh,°t thatSe a 1 ��ht,, airy Corns rause intolerable sin. y byy Oriental- 11rtvess. Wean
__ 7� 1 and Rrpat
it er cent. ,greater than the ruin= . - °?her says she don't see bow I've
ppP the only pec Lists to Canada.
her of tons moved is 1896. '1' „ Holloway a Corn Cure removes' ORIENTAL R h'.0 CO.,
s Fut up with you as long as. I have.
Gross earnings for 1907 topped They Soothe Excited,Nerves. the trouble. Try it, and see what SiruunAlijajian. I•n,o,
.'those for 1896 by an even 99 per Nervous affections are- Usually at- . A sudden Chin often means sudden Illness. amount of pain is saved. Telephone Main ate 1"King at.,west-
ed toward it off,
.cent. over'tho eoent.-net earnl for 1896. 85.7 per the stomia h dominates t�hen nerve ribs t te,Ostia is b lone on as Pal"I'AlOr i% all that Is tlY:irili:s-Y:oto I - Raise Tb-as Warhol Milk.
Moles.are so numerous in man '
" Fixed charges and - rentals for centres, - A course of Parmelee's' �•�' y CALVES. -&", "
1907 were but 3.2 per.cent. above -Vegetable Pills will still all distur- ;, Perishes in North Devon , that err.i.arlicefia•tl a_J atm..gyrus
those for 1896. New Year's day, bancea of this character, and b Fred-"Yes, the old
gentleman farmers are reverting to the old -
y will soon have another wife to sup-t pr4ctice of giving a cants for each 0HENrL.LE O1JRTAINS
1896, showed a deficit of approxi- 'restoring the stomach to normal ac-,port.". Hen ry-"11•hat? You don't'mole killed. MW.41 k'`de of YOe""'•"'a"also
mately $1,500 000 December-31 tiun relieve the nerves from irrita- • Qj CB���i��+ ergo an ci.e�wse
' 1. ' mean to tell me he is going to mar• c wa wow,
1907, was passed with the payment tion. There is •no sedative like Repoac it,—•Shuoh•sOure will alwaTr Wr to w US 04Mt.aura '
ry anuther wife while your mother
of $4,100,139 in dividends as the them and in the correction of irre- it alive?" "No; i am going to 'get care my coughs and golds.• BaiTwt�esieJ►s gross a..sex yea,Mentred
result of a years work-. gularities' of the digestive pro- „ _ -
The first six months of.1908 pro- eesses, no preparation has done so married. _ Nottingham medical and other p p p } �w�/9(�t
duced $928,110 dividends on te 4 effective work as can be testified charities will- receive $20,00 under Fire InsulenCe lgenfs tlan'd
el cent.. guaranteed stock of the to b thou$Qs.' Ire mY o;1Z 3bJio�a•e+iare wul alwa7s
p y Cure mY oot�ghs as oe is" the will of the Into Mr. A. Kelsall,
company. __— a prominent rasing man. Rich-Ann.I d rframmond Fire Insurance Cos.
These figures, few as they are, Love seems to have a mania for M rney makes the mare go-but, ""- pany, Bead office.10cbmund' ue. Establish•r1 {
8 v, Ca 1 tsl tt l,Q b. For a oneies at unreprr
speak volumes for the brilliant,ad- laugbi g-at-locksmiths and.' t_-al.w-ayfi�$ke .ht_ m8.._.wa Moen nis zinpttatso satem"t erne 'rhe soAz•d paint. ...,.ince of 9nt.rto, address
4 — _'minis ra ion of the trust reposed in smiths. n s I " McLuc*uttmwl Y^ek, lumwillbago
au tare to zittes-
p under the wire first. aeuraleia, Lune back, lumbago aa:i _kir,•tred I .• J. H. EW:►lIT, Chief agent, .:.
Charles Melville Hays when he was Mother-"J ane, you must choose troobles than any other plaster: We tins Sad>]1 Y
elected second vice-president,and between the two. Will you marry yd� �dmggtetc Na 18 wellington St.,lta.t,Toronto
_ .. p y The � superiority of Mother :-
general manager of the Grand the than .who,loves you or the man Graves'- Worm .Exterminator 'is -- -- - - *�
• Trunk system. Nor did it take a vilho can dress you?" Daughter- shown by its good effectvs on the
_ -= -:dozen,years to demonstrate the "Mamma, as an up-to-date girl; I, children. Purchase •a bottle and
wisdom of giving him absolute sway' must reply to your question that, give it a trial.
over this transportation system, although love,is,_a very desirable
which prior to his-appointment had thing, clothes are an absolute Dec- It's a good thing that some peo-
been largely managed from.London, essi'ty." pie are self satisfied, for ?trey never 3
England. could satisfy anyone else. S LIQUID LIFE.
'•BhUoh't Cute Wil ads
cu y coughs sad colds."
:FOLLOWING ORDERS. ey ermWg the Nerves
with opium you may
stops cou:h,hut-the in8aromxtion goes from bad '
"Now,"' said the magistrate, A man can''see more beauty in opitnimngo•st•)the root ofthecontaining
BOVRIL is pure) rc.,ntratcd Beef and to ensure supplies of prime
you must testify only to what yt5u the face of a homely heiress than dNp seated affection of throat and braes. $ref roe our needs vve�iave just recently acquired 43S,o8s acres of,the ,
know, no hearsay evidence. Un- s woman can with the ad of a pow- - finest grazing land in the world,in the Argentine Republic,and,g,obo,000 a
=derstand 7" erful microscope. If it wasn't for their famous Rcres in Norr h West Australia
"Yes, sir," replied the female wives many 'men would never be . Over soo,000 head of horned cattle are on these estates at present,
witness. A Merry'Heart Goes all the Day.- heard .of. -
"Your name is Mary Bright, I -But one cannot have , a merry and this number will be.much increased. XV•e are therefore in a better1
- - believe: N.ow what's your a e?" heart if he has a pain in the back position than ever toguarantee the purity and high character of BOVRIL. :z
g Repeat 'Shilob's cure will alwayo
"I won't tell you. I have only or a cold with a racking cough. To -0 my coughsand•colds." BOVRIL LTD., 27 St. Peter St.c'Montreal.
M hearsay evidence on that point." be merry,one must be well and —
free from aches and pains. Dr.' THE PRUDENT PIPER.
Thomas' Eclectric O.1 will relieve Andrew .Carnegie is fond,of the
"Bliggins says he owes every- all pains, muscular or otherwise, Scot's' national instrument ' the
thing to his wife." " Yell," an- and for the, speedy treatment of� bagpipe, and when he is at�home � MB� -�
isaered the man who never says a colds and coughs it is a splendid at si o Castle usually has Ills Ink Pencil or fountain
kind word, "I don't know of any- medicine. ( piper to play for .him at din- Pen! lust what you
ner. Particularl is the musician want'for doing w
one else who would take a chance --- y , g You.an l�rr your Choke rrtrt of et tD.rof Wee ralv:.6le and o.atal artkt
iof being his creditor." BY ONE SENSE. tlomewor,c! - orad. tom.,•ry tat or•terl,tt. Fountain Pen It oeta.sandod).for"Iti f y
in attendance ' when the great only.nso.r,rtn ofnur ver,"bie and Fier Seeds 6.rtl.,re w•.rrted to rlarl
--'-- 'r
philanthropist hyo i5t has nests: Is be,Itmill!and r�a.rt.r tel yry rss�a+ sndare awy w•Uers. Slue--.o-day-yoot arunusod Wdrea4 P.Wnly.rrlttea
"An autt•ymobile just went by, P P g A,atcaMwWdo. Thrl ori li Premium Ca Met, YO tcrloe.ort
remarked the oldest inhabitant.of On one occasion a big company
Podunk Corners. of men sat down to table, and the
' "How did he now t1-at?" de- piper prate- ed up`and dowii the
manded the stra ger. "I thought room as he playea.
he was both" blind and deaf." The whole thing was new to a
' "He is," replied the village French literary man, who, politely
oracle, "but I guess he,kin-smell." asked the•guest oil his right, `'�'!,y USED IN"
_ does he walk up and down when he
does this thing?
Does It add to
BLAMF. PLACED. Leading Conservatories, CoBe es, Sch
it 1 the Volume of the sound, or does 8
T heatres and in thousands of homes where a piano
'Why don't yez grace our dances it .make a cadence 7" '
t avid yer presence any more?" .'No," said the -other.' "I don't of diftinctive• merit is appreciated. The Bei is the
• `Sure, •it's . me mistress' fault. think it's that. I fancy it's to pre- _ only. piano with the. Wimitable Repeating Action.
She- is that -dowdy and old-fash- rent the listeners getting his range
1, , toned that not a, single dress of hers with a knife or a water-bottle."
kin I wear at all, at all l"
i >Do Torts�iTa;sat Mossy? �_n i- -
23 THE Every loan on the job thinks he 8,t;,i{su +edkly.,,,t f . N e:• T "'\
knows more than the boss. erience. work partly dune •,n yycrur oa•n farm. Send for free -b
One way to get out of a tight Vnmething ab+al,tteiy now', "'or- secretly or u ) t ata ague 0. 7Q.
agent. I,omense proflta, writequick. tnjW 15r_L - PIANO ZI Q rn i fed G U G LP H.0 N
ISSUE Nd 16-09. place is to sober up. pA1;HsTvcH vRT9UINLSY Co., Toronto .pan Co., � TARFD.
., ,.� `+f.W ', .. if•-'$¢v. . +,'.P '`.rn .i.!. 1,''fi. A"1.2 —f. .,,� 'qT! � ',,�'• '^PS�"'11V�
,a• �vptiM.c•'� ,S
-,�r.. ;;,,,•-: '. _; �, .r.. .., ., .
P"ii.• .. S `:- . n.
' ,- - � '" "�i• y� w- �-
•' r
w 7`
r �
IspublishedeveryFridaymorningatitsCfLc•, • -. in�ps+an O•
- .
au iueartioq.per lire- 5 cents
This rate does not include Legal or Foreign
special terms given to parties making eon- Highest price pard in Trade for good Butter and Eggs r
riCLe for 8 or 6 months or by the year. Ha12 ., '-
yearly or yearly contracts payable quarterly. -
Business wards,ten lines or under,with paper
ea•T7ear, SS u0,payable rq advance. Our New Goods for Spring are here. A new supply in every deniart-
i�Noticein local columns ten cents per line, h
nve eentsperline each subsequent insertion. men.t. Our flue of Wall'Papers largest ever s own in Pickering
Is pecial cownAt rates made known on applies-
,'. 'tion. No free advertising.
Advertisements withous written instructions
s_ Win be inserted until forbidden and charged ao- .SOOTS andt9HOES--R'e call special attention to anew brand called the
por'dimly. orders for discontinuing advertise- Quaker Brand. We control-this.[cake of boots and shoes. They are ez-
ltuent• must be in writing and sent to the pub. cellent duality, stylish and well made. Come and see then]apd try a pair:
s Usher. You will Hod pace - Y
` Job Work promptly attended to, •
Y the i' right
TER318 _ _
' 11.25 per year; 41.00 if pais is advance.
First-class Tailor-made Suits-and Overcoats to Order `►�►
UENTLEMEN-Wake-_up__it-is Spring. You want a well made, stylish snit
JOHN MURKAR,' Proprietor. for Easter. Leave your order with D. Simpson & Co. and you will get -
it, (and bank on it'it*will be no hand-down ready-made suit that every-
body knows when they see it as it loses its shape and style in one week),
- but h suit that will hold its shape until worn out. Goods, style and the
There is quite au agitation at wolklilanship all guaranteed. Black Worsted Suits $13, $14, $15 and$11.
the present til,it to intt't,(111ce We know of no other medicine which.has been so 'suc- Scotch Tweed Suits $12, $I3, $14 and $15. You save $3 to$5 on above +
military (it•ill ileal I'de. practice �cessful in relieving the suffering of women, or,secured so El:it d. Clown Tailoring gives the best value in the Dominion.
ul:u our pgblic z- ,LU IS. The pro man Zenuine testimonials, .as has .L d-ia E. Pinkham's
posal i:. not, int'eting m its, tluI- y b y GROCERIES-Always fresl, and up-to-(late. Try our blended Black Tea 25c
viersal fayur as' tlwie a:e Many `Vegetable �:OIIlpOtilld. Ib:,also our Empress fresh ground Coffee 25c and 40c Ib.
•people lu ihis country who have In almost every community you «•ill find women who
llo tleslre to wake l au�rtitt a tniti- have been restored to health.•by.Lydia E.. Pinkham's Veg- D. SIMPSON & CO. - - Pickering
Lary nation such its Nv a see ill ruany
of the European couutr•ies. They etable Compound. Almost every woman you meet has
third[ that the interests uf,Canada either been benefited by it; or knows-some one who has,
and the ;Uuited States are too In the 1'inkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass.,are files con- "Richardsons Special Tea is Good Tea."
much intertivuven anti that Catiildlt
is not likely t(i be embroiled in war taining over one million one hundred-thousand letters from MAPLE S' R LI P `�}►
h any foreign nation. women seeking healthi in which many openly state over
their own signatures that they have regained their health
Hoo. Wm. Pugsley, the Mini.+ter Guaranteed this spring's make Guaranteed pare Muskoks
b taking Lydia E. Vinkham s Ve Vegetable C_om Compound'.1 tIf Public Works, at Ottawa, has y g } g p iyrnp—full Imperial measure 8 pints to a gallon—$i.86
had a serions, charge preferred Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound has saved a gallon. Eastern Township pure maple syrup, wine
against hien, that of misappropri many women from surgical operations. measure, $1.20 a gallon, also in 8 lb. tins and -
sting a large sum of money, at r - quart bottles.
LydiaE. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound is made-ex-
least a sum of money alLuuntiog SEEDS—No. 1 Timothy and Clor-er. Intermediate and White
to about. $134,000 is. 1[naccuuuted elusively from roots`and herbs, and is perfectly harmless.; - 3'
for according to a finding of a The reason whyit is so successful is because it Contains' Sugar Beet Mengel, Defiance Turnip, and a full
�7eR Brunswick Commission. Our � assortment of Simmer's Garden and Flower Seeds. .
ingredients which _act directly upon-the female organism,
. ' country cannot' afford to allow a g FRUITS—Fresh lemons, oranges, bananas, dried apples, peach-
..char a of chat kind w � ea y an nortYl t es and prunes, finest raisins, currants and peels.
any of her pi[blic men. They Thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonials such
should be givru a client. to clear T p 5 p y. VEGETABLES—Cabbage, Lettuce and Celery.
themselves of au sn- ielo,I, and as the follo�tiia rote the efficiency of this simple remedy.
y P - a BISCUITS — 35 varieties Christie's Perrin's best.biscuits. Patter-
if they cannot du that they shoithl Belleriver, Que. Withrmt Lydia E. Pinkisam's Vegetable son's Full Dinner Pail Sodas, 3 lbs..net, 30c a il..
'belcast iguotimlipli4y fl.,u11 their Compound l would not be al=ive. For f[vt~-moilths I had painful
'i "'positions of tru>.t and iw`Aaeuc•e. and irregular periods and inflammation of the uterus. I Auf- GROCERIES—The best and freshest of everything in the grocery-
fered like a martyr and thought often of death. i consulted line. Fresh,goods arrive daily.
Turks •, tonin _ two doctors+ wi[o could do nothing'for me. I went to a hospital,
y` h F•[s be'en ki,uu n t srnl>rttit to an operation,because FLOUR—Spink's and Green's at mill prices.
y and the best doctors said I nett, ".,.
for many years tri the."Sick Man" I l[ad'a]tumor. I event bavi; Koine much dissrouraged. One of CHICKEN . A iuixttife or yonn�chick e. Contains wheat, corn,
of Europe, i:+again in the throes my cousins a(ivised me to take your Compound,as it had cured FGOD round, bone, fie%seed—i lbs. f r 23c.
of a revolutiuu. While Turkey her. l dict so aril .van coln[a[en(ed to feel better, end my apps- Ile .=R 4
clay be "sick;' she is [Waking pro- tite came back with the tirsit bottle. :tion I feet no pain and am JAMES
p /�/
Kress in certain.directions. Por. cured. Your remedy is deserving of praise.. Mrs. Emma U A M E S 11-T I C H A R D S O/r
yes she has bee peoen ple
under a rule of distressing ills "Buy your Groceries at the Grocer.,'
Chatel, V alleyfleld, Belleriver, Quebec.
tyranny and the ole have bceD Women tabu .are sufferingfrom those dia � ,
kept in ignorance, but there is a peculiar to their sex should not lose shght- of these facts
better day dawning, and the peo- g
pie aro determined to have a con- or doubt the ability of Lydia E. ,I t3ham's Vegetable •
atttutional government similar to Compound to restore their health. - 3EM !
that enjoyed by other European _
t,•ounrtieg. Those in authority
are resisting with all the power
! xt their command this onward - Save you visited �. ('. Disney BOn's litFge -Macbi:nerp,
movement, they might as well
try to keep back the waves of the +- � � 41111"Rary ta't Plo� � • Carriage and Harness Warerooms, Whitb: 0- y
'ricean as to try to keep back the ..If not, you had better do so at once.
-frays of enlightenment that are :
penetrating the darkness of that -
country. Some time ago, in ans- We are agents for the famous line of Frost & Wood Farm Machinery,
ager to the demands of the people, Our oW.n artists ave constantly producing new ' Carriages,
DilcLaughlin's and Canada Carriage Cos
AW "constitutional", guvernnlent creations. HATS that N.vill .charm you at Courtice& Jeffrey's Harness.
- was Riven t•hern liut this proved = ..
to be a farce', and now we see Woodstock, !]dams and, Speight Wagons, Peerless Fanning Mills and
'them claniorfi fur ac•ousitutioual THE MISSES POWELL. Seed Separators, Delaval Cream Separators. A full line of
�goverunlenL tllirt .will be so '►n.re- Collars, Whips and all harness supplies. ' Axle Grease
ality as well as in imine. 33rcc3c t9treet g3autll, -- Whitby. sand Machine Oil. Repairs for all Implements. -+-
:• -A feature bf the Provanc'ial Par. We are hanaI'iug large quantities o the above lines, gn we can
:'Iiament just brought to A 'close - --- — promise you the best goods at the best prices. Be sure and see lis be-
'was the large subsidies isi cash fore buying. It is to your interest.
land and tirube. ]nate to %%-under
� E N .� � S T _
: in the Province. It is no Wunder Our Showrooms are open day and evening, and we wish it to be j
that'men like JIc•li-enzie and.:Mann known to all,,that you are welcome any time. I
can become millionaires in a fen Or are they just keeping oat of the way until spring
,years, when they can hypnotize house-cleaning is done:' ME I AND E OUR D L —
' "D S E ISP AY.
' the gocel'nment lnt0 n1Aking Such
heavy subsidies.
'When The coon- Six bars Sunlight soap for 25c.
try cowl th and settlers coming Comfort 'Z�c'• j En DISNEY � 'SON ,
in growls thesre was solne nstifi- - Richard',; ` 25c. •
catiou in snaking such grauts; but A
i. now there is no possible excuse. Gillet's lye, Sal soda, Pearline, Ammonia, Boras, Whiting WHITBY, 'ONTARIO
If McKenzie andMannoranyuther Glue, Paints, Whitewash, Stoves, Scrub and Shoe brushes.
railway promoter wish to bui'd a See our line of brooms, wire and Cotten clothes lines, wash-
a railway let them use their own boards etc, and don't forget that we sell sugar and other
money, or if they wish to borrow groceries cheaper than any other house in this part of the. Now 13 the Time and • • •
money from the government let country. Highest price paid for first class Butter and
Freab Eggs. • • t
thens do so. These men are said
to be great• financier's. • In other m •
words the have' the f � � • Dif liu -�a a ■ Sy cuity of gcompellin the county to hand pn r. Rover to then] its wealth If CaD- V V Phi I' ;'.V�O ; .'
p Is the'place to'get JUST WHAT YOU WANT in
•ada wishes tr, briiit)-zlp an oristo- ti Furniture of any Description. •
cracy, before whon) they can bon -
down and worship, it will Wall New ddvert4tre►nentar. TT�,�OR SALE-Ttso fresh cows, also We have-no special bargain days. Every day is bargain dap r
right to make 'these. immense — r one coming in in a few days,at lot 30,eon those who buy from its. ' The difference in material, .
'f grants, but we do not think' tlitit ANTED-1010 bushels of rrlangolds 3.Pickering.or address GEORGE DAVIDSON, makes a material difference in the price.
`�T Cherrywood. 87.28
UADadiADS have -.ny desire to d0 state,price. Apply box 37,Pickering, . .Thi-.- a%plalri9 the Blll'galn5 1n the daily papers.
tllntsort of, thin - -` - TcIRST•CLASS PASTURE, well
g ►i'I'MOTHY SEED FOR SALE. also r
1 watered,can be iiac7 by ni:ptying to J. W.
1. E MFHARRI, Perc Peiry 28tr See our display of Window Blinds—au color or style. ,
sls:ke to rain to grow goo i hag. �r Iv P y y y
at:ot is,con.7,kicker:ng,or write E.E.PliGH __- ___— _. ._.- ---_ 1 TphOhtering and Picture Framing a speeialtir
'SCA-4EORO J'UNC•TICV Carr;nut.,, v5t! OR SAL ' .
E -The undersigned has.
F two extra good mol'h .owe, fresh, and one Goo& delivered anywhere free of charge.
(ane i,f the linear htrl:.a in S,arhoro OR S:1Lh; OR. TO PE\1'.-•The 1 S `
h� beau dicta mare. : ORN L. GILLMAN. 118 -
Tutt nsbip,beloriging t And. Yonn;;, Logan 1Ct;acre farnS.I a a line.Pickering I aiile weet of Brougham. S8 �
a,Short distant:e t:ast uF t1a' 1{.blf-N a} for ea,e on ranaonsLlu to:nnp. Land is very _
hFst cit. stone wens.et-, ';ri::cs from tr.T.R y
Hoose on the Kin�at,r.•tu:ul, h+1.a'brell wil:rooiit notsa;'l.at nnre, tpl,ly in t:en• 1�`AR�I FOR 3L+E-LG acte�, L'f�t[L `�'c are sole agents ft I the Central Granite and i�farbel Works
saki to Ruhert a1 Ct-wan. Ail thy luso to F.\I n11APMAN,1':akering, i5d1 1 p%rt of rot 2:, con I'icker,sg tow::ehip. -Monuments of e�,ery kincT: Call and see Us,before
stuck,.firm impleluent�, ciao.-quality or soil all in Frass, splendid pas-
�.1i.Ji 'i r)l: SA L1 -iit'1nR labs Its Lure, small barn, price modelrate on terms buylrig. Prices the lowest.
have also heed hough`' by Jit'. 1,11 �� and 11, inn 7, t'oairi 7biv of Mieris¢,and favorable, PHILP&BEATO'N wb:tevale-28.9
Cow•:an. T1 e Urit t' i, ):elicaetl u, he c<he:4t tag nf•210 ares, Fbis tarn, is the ono Sell and Independ'er►t Telephone Connection.
considerably over$li')'nu .acre. The on Rhi,.b the well-kncwn Greenwood herd of �TEN'i MILOH COW FO�t SALE--
property extends to the lake frt,nt and short-h�rne Have been bred and fed during the I The undersigned has for sale s freeb
),asl tort•;}ears, it is as ricb as a garden and. Lich cow.,cis.years old, part, Holstein. first
Is -one the, biglre�t aloLg the 11orth tires, SVbitld sail ]5,0 screw, 133 scree or the 'class miiker. Apply on nreu:.es lot 18 ;F eon
chore, 'Other faf Galea are being i,nt whole of it.
There is timber on one part of it Pcokering, or write JAkEs WHITE, Picker-
t-hrou h. A good faun in Searboro is worth glLbrl. Terms easy. Poeaeesion given ;ng - �__-. XMAS GOODS
g g Apra let lf.w, Artliur Jobustarn, Oreenwobd. -= - w;
a fine asset,' -- --- 37tf FOR `i kLE—A barn XxX situated - a'
Fon lot 9,rear of 4th con, Pickering, The _ *� �a i.
topped in 20 minutes trstne and other parte of building is good 111 8$ Received
SALE REi1L9TER. sure with Dr. Shoo 9 shape. For particulars orgp to wM.MORE-
CROUP "Croup Remedy. = OOKRE-Pickering, or THOS, MORF.00MBE,
test will surely prom Whttbp 97-9A
Fresh Raisins, Currants, Peels, etC., etc.
'rUE3DdY,'APRIL 21)11x, ifi(�.-.1UCtIon No womitin , no dia T
T sale of store goods and till age iota area A sate and plesaingsyrup-5Qc.Drn#(sta. /�1O LET-Pickering College proper-
—..---.----. --.---- _-_ I ty, about three sores under cultivation. Best quality at lowest prices. 1� j
in the village of whltevale, the large Quantity of plum trees, oto., five or stat
property of 1'Ir+. Tastes Tayhr. � e Sweet to Eat motes of paster., dwellfog. stab:ui etc. Will
�;lle at one :end at <even.thirty. Ser. J rept at ver? moderate rate to suitable party.
George Parker, o
A wady Bowel LnAtift Por particulars s, is
I empty to JOHN nio1�IE P lc - - - Dun art n.
L Fred P•�at;ll auctioneer. l oc:a 97 28 H°,)
1 Am
./ .a, ►..'���.:-i L."!- 'F ' ',',' �. "R�+tR.. ".. . 's•- l5q•ts_ �'u^.riT Z4' elj,°a' LG•tRrw" a � r'7'�MV M:
n .•�. .+,r.r .:.;...,,.,.. ....s+ Yi-a,-..: F.. ...;^l:S.,. :.,•,.. "_'T'!],:1. yy. C,-'. .'-Q!rTr. 7..{..-.: 'r`;,M1 .Y�.�%-s Z.-•y-
.._. 1:
.i@... .._ R.
CLAREMONT Robt. Sadler left this week for A number from here attended a
.Spring and_ Summex
T-Clark Ft$vrs-on spentttre holiday-Tw .a_
orto where he has.secured a hall at_Markham on Tuesday_ .- p
in Aurora. position as book-keeper. . night. "
Mr. and Mrs. Hicks are visitin g Bert Mantle we regret to report George and Mrs. Gerow, of Port A full stock of all kinds of Foot-wear for Men, Women and Children.
is. confined to his house with a Perry, s days during It will pay you to call and see before ptlrchasing. -.
_ y pellet a few
Miss Mabel Bryan is visiting mild attack of pneumonia. the past week with Duncan Mac. `
Ernest Forsyth who is attending nab. FLOUR AND FEED. '
friends in Toronto. Y
Fred Machin, of Brougham, was school in Toronto is the guest of Miss A. M. Proctor, of Toronto, '
Ray Rumohr for a few days. is very ill with t phoid fever at
town on MondRy. ..of the best quality always on hand
J. J. Harvey spent a few days Mr. and Mrs. Worthy, of Tu- the home of her,sister MrsR James
with friends in the city. ronto, will move this week to Carr, Alliston. - Independent Telephone Central. ;(
their new home in Brampton. Quite a number from here
Frank Cooper is in Barrie shoe- Mr94 Tobias Caster, of North attended-the funeral of the late The Corner Store. W. M. PALMER, Proprietor
ung horses for Mi. Boyd. Claremont, is slowly improving Mrs. Dolphin at Brougham on
Chas. Sargent'spent a couple of after her recent severe illness. Friday last. !t,
days in Toronto last week. Wm. Hellin ton died at the
D. P. McFarlane spent the boli- Ira Boyer lias entered quite ei- $
_ day at his home in Caledon. teusively into the -sheep-raising home of his son-in-law James
A. W. McKay,of Trenton,spent bn�iness. We wish him success. Hodgson, of Mount Zion, on Mon- , -ja
the holiday here with his wife. Thos. Birkett was. in Columbus 'day aged 82 years. His funeral
Y took place on Wednesday to
The infant child of A. and Mrs. on Monday attending a. meeting Goodwood. wti -
Cleland died on Sunday night. of the Maple Leaf.Fire Insurance
Rev. W. R. Wood is to assist Co. —"-"-- 'Important showing of finest display'of
Rev. J. W. Totten next Sabbath.
Rev. J. W. Totten made an Ohmaiongry.e Bookee ol`ertmone.of
One roan 2 yre old peat, on.e roan 9 pante �g
Miss Morrison, of Toronto, visit- appeal last Sabbath in behalf of -old in spriog. These bulls are at for service to
ed friends here dtirin the past the fluid for educational ur os- test of stock. Also several buil any from 8 Stat D Toys. j
g p P P to 19 zrlonth9 old good enough for any man in received for the Holida trade. Call
week. E8. rhis eouutry. A ply on premises lot lA,con.7, y
* Pickering or write .E.FCGH,Cl&remont•27tf and see them.
Mrs. J. Pilkev; of Niagara] hall,, _ a,
is at present visiting with her -' T�UU5E FOR SALE-Situated on 13absoriptions taken for all Magazines,
1nOthe,C. ii Centre street in the village of Claremont `'.
John Caster, of the Pet Heart
' Frame, nine rooms, goon resists f 1144cre Weekly sad Daily Newepapee!
' hard and soft water. Lot conaiete of YJ4 4creectrical ��ork was hUllle UPeI' of land. A quantity of large and small fruit.
House in good re air.-'For furth r Pert cplars
y apply to MRS, €oe,iPH Hxow
Sunday. MRS, x�.Claremont. W. LT. H. R=CHARDtSOl�T,
Messrs.- tiieairs;- of 'IToronto, -Heart Suength.orHeart Weakne3s,means Nem -
Strergth,or Serve Weakness—nothing more, Fos
-.'spe+nt the,holiday with Jtimes Me- itively,not one weak heart in a hundred I%ki it- ��• D• ^ TH
FRrlane. self, actuals diaeascd. It is almost always a V I
hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault
Walter -and -Mrs. Thompson This ob.cure nerve—the Cardiac,or Heart Nerve DENT19T, 9TOUFFVILI.E, a
Spent Sunday at George ,Turn's of need,.and must have,more power,more
�pll tstre'nXth. Without that the Heart must�cont�inuue and Royal College a oforonto Dental a Surgeons.
E. , YE r �lr l7
ngolMalcolm Forsyth sold A ba to 1,and the stomach and kidneys also bays also Po9G radnagtd Of C g
Y y these sameooatro111nQservT. gg Blacksm"ithin
•goldl'ng toW. Ward, of Oshawa, This clearly e=pwns wh ss•medicine,Dr. Crown and bridge work a specialty.
on Monday. Snoop's Restorative has in tie past done so much
Y• tar weak and ailing Hearts.-Dr.shoop first sought At Claremont let Tuesday of month. P p LLBIILLt8CtII1"@I" '
;p�`Mine Heaslip is s nding the the cause of•v thispalnfut,palpitating.sdeocab Office over Sargent's nehop. In all its branches.
.a.sra9teC raCatlOII at her home 1fl Ins bean discrete. Shoop',Restorative-this
popuLr pre�ripilon-ii.lone airecs w rhos. Independent'Phone. Shop and Residence, Dundas St
,,fiat Cookstown. weak and wasting nerve denten. It bullas: _ - Orders promptly at- i
ar, W arenethens;it offers real.onutrie heffiA li . TIME TABLE-Piakerisg-Station �G "WHITBY,ONT. tend to. `
Bev. J. A. Grant and Rev.J. W. If Toa-would have .trona l,..arrs g�raonagsdl.
Totten will exchange pulpits.nett stsenstlsen ;hese ;nerves—reastabilps T.R. 'Teains.going East duet's follows--
ollovrs— .
l9atten avenin "•"needed. "ilii No. 6 flail . 8.19 A M. Three doors weet of Whitby House. Light horses a specialty.
$- 12 1.0061 2 43 P.M.
Ray Rumohr and sister Miss gQ �• 14 Local 6.04 P.M. �-t .
Lela spent the holiday with Dr. Shoop S Trains going >•test dues as follows- `Vearepheparedtoinstalwoodo iron. ... �.eX. Cleland,
friends in the city. No. 13 Local 836 A.M. primps oo short notice,also attend
Thos. Paterson teas-confined'to �• 11 'Local 2.30 P.M. to all kinds of repairing,.-
Restorative +:
11i+� horse on Tuesday with as 7 -Mail 8.36 P. M. C1AS®1�023.t
attack of la grippe. T. M. the Ontario Wind;fill,
McFADDEK 'sandav included. Agent for
Mrs. W. Leaper lens severely _. .__--_. also gasoline tengenaers and Prevention-inose Candy Cold 'Cats
injured b - a fall last week verand is he e9 g Tablets-will safely and-quickly check all
11 confined to bed. - MAGNET. CREAM SEPARATOR os
tst told.and the. Try chem duand
Chas. Lee, of Victoria $arbor,
see! 48-256. Bold by T.M. tloFsdden. `t
PhKone No. ii0 at residence.
and brother. of .Guodw ood, were ,VESIANDARD. BANyin town on Tuesda} MACHINE -ioS. 110-John Farmer, ofthe ,F'armerA '
Bank, Stouffville.spent.the holi- ,
day at his home here. 183 OF CANADA 77 a"'adbO' The undersigned having pelich-
Herb Fora+yth, of Cleveland. is ed B. Wagner's Machine Shop in
sato a few days the home with which has'beta ama� ablated the Kinsale, is prepared to do. all
_ B- F., $ _ kinds of repair work and general
of his grand-paretnto in North
Claremont. 1 WESTERN BANK OF LANA A blaatisf cti n
Earl Dowewelt.has returned to Satisfaction guaranteed. - -
C!Laremont after spending a fewPrices right.
dsiys at the home of his grand - Call'and see as. _ atV �design
mother in St. (;songs. . '1 he eon b66ad fins offer an except oral pay YOU
Meseta W. A. Henderson and thro'�{,wut Ontario. •The• Branches of the Banks are so JAMB'S PB►IeF49LLY avt s�works-, . acd Don't
bInspect our steep
E. B&H were in Toronto this week "�'N ainsale, Out. and .lista gelds.. Dw't be nseq ig
distributed that togdha thy` -•Aver the best *swkts of l t�:w;206 �o. ea ti. .ga.b
attending the Provincial Tee►ehers � Provineae. , 7.0 Farmers .Trucks l
Association meetings.
aorssaiastm of lA pas asst..whio6 YOU
— wave [colas ss,
.. �7 by peelaastag
J. W. Totten is at t
Mrs. J present - _
• i n dear old w on and-get salt adiaMad.
visiting her daughter Mrs. A. C. P I C K E R I N G- BRANCH
Mix, of Warkworth. She expeetet th�heeta cut down. Make cocoa �� GRANITE W '
to remain with her for some time :: CLARXNCs 1rltwttldtt►s farm Croaks. . ones Whitby.ossaet6
SAAMCM AS^" ATVMr=T. Buggies and other vehicles repainted
The Misses and Andrew Hamil- . - - - at reasonable rateb. The old fashioned way of dosing a weak
ton who have been confined to the ` stomach,or stimalatinR the heart or kid-
house by Grip for a week past are - -Thomas Fa tterSOSI uses is all wrong. Dr.Shoop first point-
611 recovering their wonted . . . HEAD-QUARTERS FOR ed oat this error. This is why his pre.
health.lre CLAREMONT t DowswelI's old stand ' soription-Dr. Shoop's Restorative-LE
The "sugaring oT' in McF`ar- O O �'
directedmenti entirely to the sorsa of rheas
lane's bush ori Monday last was GARDEN read the para formals on--the bo: of silmenta--the weak inside or aontroU r.
enjoyed by a large Dumber as Pink Pain'rablets.• Then ask your doctor nerves. It isn't so difficult, says Dr.
it there is a better one. Pain means eon- Shoop, to strengthen a weak stomach,
neighbom and friends from .the Restion, blood pressure somewhere. Dr. heart,or kidneys,if one goes at it correct.
$ Garden Trowels, _Garden Forks, ,Garden Hoes, ,
village. - Shoop's Piok lain Tablets check head ly. Each inside organ has its controlling _ r'
- Mrs..Watford;ofTofmay
on q, span Gar en Rakes, Garden Spades. 1
a few days with her parents Thos. Try one, and see. 20 foe 2Sc. Sw are— nr ina:A4% naryn. When these nerres fail
o d by then those organs mast sorely falter.
and Mrs'. Gibbons and with. her Also Draiiiin Spades, ,Post Hole Di era. T M.McFadden. These vital troths are leading druggists
$ p $$ — everywhere to dispease and recommend
-.sister Mrs. R. Stephenson, of No. 13 �Yire the most liable and soft black fence wire. D Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Test it a-few
'Audley. P C U T TE•iihs days and s"I Improvement-will prompt.
John and.Mre. Graham spent a _: ,_At the very lowest possible prices at ly fallow. sold by T. M.McFadden,
few dfiys visiting in 'Forontd re- - CU.TpE
cent•ly, . returning on Monday .Charles Sargent, - ._ Claremont
"..±evening last to their home in +CUTTERS ° e M m�
Claremont. 1 -
Wilbur Gleeson has -returned' -.Hardware, Stoves, Faints and Oils. ��� � � � � "° � '�$ w� so
home from Turouto where-he has -
been for the past few weeks as I have a frill range of Cutters, all
sessional clerk in the Parliament - e s styles at prices that o i = p K E R O�
the latest R a o
buildings. M ��s pK ov
K o �wae
Thos. and Mrs. Stephenson andCHOP ,st►re sure to suit you. c M g 8$ $S
family spent Easter with relatives - is
in M rile. Mrs. Ste henson is Call and seta them as I am-sure I gtl� �_
still there at the home of her can please you in every W s: a
Mother suffering from an attack Jan Os
-of Is grippe. - ._ -- - way. it y y .. Feb �M
The many friends of Rev. M. C. _. ♦ �` J. CiO�IPl lr scar .4
Tait, late pastor of the Presby- �ron�h o it syr p►
terian church -here, congratulate .
him,and Mrs. Tait ort the birth of Coaahe that are tiabt, or distressing R t° o w a. ► May e
j. tiokiinR coughs gel quick and certain help d i'o-2 J no
"A daughter on the 7th inst. - from Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy On this o w •;
Those desiring to purchase a p g Y s r m n e. a� July'
comfortable house should see Mrs. Dr. Shu p e Cougeverywhere
R medPLe�Thero �tnde y r �� Sept rv~
Brown's advertisement in another i.. lesvee of a harm•ess lung-healing Mons• $
column. This dwelling is sittult a tainoae shrub give to Dr. Bhoop'e Coach 7i °' m m ma Nov.ji
•ed three doors east' of Macnab s An 'unlimited SUP ly Remedy its curative properties, .Those mm Deo,
leaves have the power to calm the most January 2910-Whitby I1,Oshawa 19,13roughaat
store. 13,Port Perry 14,Uxbridgs 91,Can oington 20
A number from the 4th citnces distressing couQb,ani to soothe and, heal Beaverton 19,Uptergrove 18
of Cho and Feed the most sensitive bronchial membrane.
Sion of U xl�ridge passed through Teat it once yourself and see i Sold by T. Rheumatic po son. are quickly and sate ~yy
here on Monday.oft their way to M.McFadden. ly driven out of the olood with Dr.Shoop's y
Pickering to spend some time r as - Rheumatic Remedy-liquid or tablet form
sticker•fishing. They returned on
of all kinds
p1CkGI'lIIg Dr. Shoop's booklet on Iihedmat em plain
Tuesday after having caught - ly and interestingly tells just bow t'hie ie
i' _ T done.. Tell some sufferer of this book, or
nearly five�7rntthed:
Rusting those 'frons outside Vlgllmce Committee better still,write Dr Shoop, Racine, Wis.,
1 points tivhi) apettt the hulid'sy with for the book and free teat samples. bend Y
ilf Claremont'friends were: Harry - 0� haired' The oh'ect of this Association i9 to no money. Jost join with Dr.Shoop and T '
1 give some sufferer a pleasant surprise
Astridge and wife and mother lessen stealing and prosecute Sold b�T. B1. McFadden.
< ` Caster, Miss _ the eons. "- ---
- Miss Ida Broiav, Airs.
Gibson, Miss Gertie Morgan, Miss Members having property stolen coml
' Lillie Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- mberer
o6te immediately with any meVV
lace, Miss Maud Roberta and of Ezecative Oommittee. -
'; friend, Mr. and Mrs. Midgeley-, R. Membership fee - 11.00. Leave your orders at the
Pr Hopper, William Green, Miss - Tickets may be bed from the Preeident:or PICKERING LUMBER YARD
btacnab, bliss Mildred For- secretary onapplication-
syth, all of Toronto, bliss Cowie. �� $sec. Com.-L. D. Banka, Geo, I,eng, for Ontario and New Brunswick .
t' of Markham, R. E. and Mrs. Ball, ' W. V. Richardson,Pickering, Ont. white cedor shingles. 4r
of Clinton, Thos. and blrq. Nilson Patent Rcxi ing maAnd all kinds of '
and fitmil and W. E. and Wrg. JA. O'Connor, ArthurlJeffrey, building material.
Risebrou h, of Myrtle, and Lew " President. Secretary W. D. GORDON & SOFT.
And Airs, I(Ad, of �itotllTvilie'
d5 :TC ^m ri
` a n ^i7i: 'q ,a.•y„ 7 w- 'S,,'*'•``'�''.'.. .-.^a: , 'ro s-f.�"""�`'�"'` "'�,"w ',? "sem"" �`.v ''' ? „
'..� "j.' skCN-. _•",^'x•,f^�' .a% +F- y.�,.
V'y"4!Alli w.. • ._ `'.i'- i- "�• _
.,.,TR'i1X9__t0Lt1H -AT :IWEED DN'ITE "TO
-F - --
Uperator at galadar Reported That the British and Germans Fight Shoulder to
Westbound Train Ead Not Passed. ""s of Cattle, Crain, Cheese and ,.Shoulder in Northern Nioeria.,
Other Dairy Produce,at
Shortl after 5 o'clock on Frida hour. The other train was not go- BREADSTUFFS.-
y �A despatch from London' says: offered a .splendid target ° for the
;morning the second sections of!ing faster than ten miles an hour. Toronto, April 13.-Flour-On- Remarkable details of the un- ,Maxim, but'the gun jammed, and
•trains numbers five and six came home of the cars on the- east- tario wheat; 90 per cent. patents; Taught of a thousand cannibal' Was out of• action for some time.
p together one mile east of Tw•ecd., bound train were derailed or dam- *4:50 to $4.55 to-day in bu)•ers',,natives upon the Anglo German •At this moment the rattling of the
Apparently'the accident was due to, aged and were lied afterwards to sacks .outside for export.
night operator at Kaladar hav- take passengers west. None of the I toba our, first patents, D-v EQB!'"n�a*3 commission in a ex Tor- Germans' itlaxim could be heard on
he west- ,$3:90,0P track, Toronto; second ed. country in Northern Nigeria the other side of the hills.
-ing fallen asleep and accepted or-;passenger coaches on t
ders for a train that had passed his 1 bound train Fere damaged, except ,patents, $5.40 to $5.80, and strong hve reached London. A feature Capt. Heathcote, having burned
station while he was asleep. The:that a pair of steps was knocked off aakers', $3 to $5.20. ' of the action was that British and some houses to indicate his where-
:station troo s fought together to abouts to the German column,, de-
only persons injured were engin- one. An empty' baggage car was Wheat-No. 1 \orthern, $1.26/, P g g
tier Williams of Havelock and ba telescoped b the partially loaded and No. 2 Northern $1.23%, Geor- repel the native attack. soended to the enemy in the.open.
gageman Emery O. Winters of g4 express vary Both engines are gian Bay ports. No. 1 hurthern� At 5 o'clock on Christmas Day There a brisk running fight was
Alma avenue, Toronto. Both were damaged, but not beyond re air• til.-33%, 2 the combined An lo-German force maintained, and the enemy were
g � y p /, all rail, and No. North-� B
on the weal bound train, which was I1'atl3 remained upright, but one was ern, $1.30%, all rail. `marched out from Sonkwalla, an finally driven off. Meantime - a
travailing at a rate of 25 miles an l slightly off the track. Oats-Ontario No, 2 white, 47% unmapped place on the frontier, third force, under Lieut. Homan,
,to 48c on track, Toronto, and 45%c and subsequently divided into two which had ben despatched #rem
s- -------- -- - outside. No. 2 Western Canada columns, the German commissioner, Sonkwalla, b-ecame'engaged.
6I% BURNED TO DEATH. PULLED TRIGGER WITH-TOE. oats, 47%c, Collingwood, and Nu. i Lieut. von Stephani (Reuter's News cf the German column was
_ 3, 46%c, Bay ports; No. 2 West-1Agency states) being in command only received on „ne return to
Gudden Fire in Business Section ot, Italian Committed Suicide-Could ern Canada, all -rail, 51;,c, of one, and Capt. Heat'acote of camp. Lieut, von Stephani report-
Peas-No. 2 quoted at 95%c out- the .other. ed that at noon a very large force
Lennos, ifiasa. Not Get Work. q
side Both forces soon became lost in surrounded the German column ir.
A despatch from Lennox, Mass:, A despatch from Montreal. says: Corn-No. 2 American yellow, 74 the dense undergrowth and high 1 the bush and op�e„ed a heavy kt-
" Lays: bix people lost their lives, Anotaer tragedy in the Italian col- to 741/c on track, Toronto, and No. elephant: grass. The British heard ;tack, in which Lieut, von Stephani
(three others were badly burned, ony
was revealed on Thursday 2 73 to 73%c on track, Toronto. Llie enemy hooting and calling is I was 'wounded in two places, one of
and a property loss of between morning when the detective office!Canadian corn,,71%to 72c on track, the distance. They encountered !his non-commifisioned officers being
;200,000 and *340,000 was caused %as notified that there had been a(Toronto. the greatest difficulty, the-track- be- also hit on -the wrist,,and two men
by a fire in the heart of the busi- shooting affray on Bisson street, aI Bran-Cars, 823.50 in bulk out- I ing completely b.ocked with trees, i being killed. For over. an hour the
ness section of this town early on side street running north from bt. i aide. Shorts, $L3.50 to $24 in bulk, while the natives had also dug pits i column was desperately engaged.
Gonda}_ Four. business blocks, two Antoine street, just west of Wind- outside. sometimes as much as a hundred A second German non-commission-
dwellings and two other structures!sor. Detectives hurried to the yards long, and plentifully be- i ed officer was shot through , the
were destroyed. The dead are c house and found the body of An- COUNTRY PRODUCE. strewn the route with dangerous ,sleeve while serving his Maxim. As
Edweard C. Ventress, electrician; ioni Lalli, a lady about 16 }'ears of spikes,**which
Mrs. Ldward C. Ventres, Miss Les_ age, lying across a bed, with a` App1eF-$4.50 to $5,50. for choice, P pierced the soldiers the column , retired, the natives
lie Ventress Miss Alice French 'age, lying
shotgun beide him-qualities, and $d.50 to $3 for see-l feet. Eventually the column came made many attempts to rush it.
and"s. to open ground,.by which time two Although dangerously woundedx
bookkeeper; Miss Isabel Cook,'a<nd a wound over his heart, One o of the soldiers had been spiked g
bookkeeper; Miss Mary .'Sparksbarrel had been discharged, and Beans-Prime, $1. 0 to $2, and p ked Lieut. von Steph._ni brought the
school teacher. The death of Miss there were mark's on the wa'1 as!hand-picked, $2.10 to $2.15 per;through the feet. The enemy at column ottt of ac-o' with great
bu�hel, i once opened fire, but were repulsed. gallantry, bei:;; assisted by Capt.
French was one of the pitiful tra- though the shot had gone, thruugh 1
tidies of the morning. While the the body. . The boy had been,unabl'e Honey--Combs, $2 to $2.'r5 per The column then marc'�d to an el-• Moore, R;E., ticito was attached to
B gg tdozen, and strained, 10 to ilc per'ecated position. . The enemy nom alae force.- _ .
fire was at its height, a woman t, get work since last fall, and it
was sees' to.climb out of a tiamo- is supposed he became despondent P"und. T
and shot himself b ullia the tri Hay-No. 1 timothy, $i10,b0 to
• - .: 611cd roam onto verandah on t_.e, yF g g-I � NINE MEN DROWNED. „There is a switch at the corner-
second story, with her night.cloth- ger of the gun with his foot-from, $11 per. ton on track here, and
which the boot had'been-taken; lower grades $s to $9 a ton. where the cars are turned, and sod-
ing and hair ablaze. Staggering to Btraw-87 to $8 on track. All Hope for Safely of the George denly the car hacked .ug to takes the.-
the, railing she leaped to the side- 44 Potatoes-67% to 70c per bag oa Floss is Abandoned, switch, knocking the two'hoys down
walk, landing in a heap within fi-.e k r4 des ch om Win and running over them. The acci-
trac Ont.,
or six feet of, the blazing walls. AN AERIAL CRUISER. pat fr dsor, dent was'not neticed until the car .
Bo-me of the horrified onlookers at- ' Poultry,-Chickens, dressed, 15 to says: All hope has now been &ban=
78c per pound, fowl, 11 to 12c, tui- passed, when their mangled healer
P B keys. 40.to 22c ger pound. duurd for the .tug George ('loss,
tempted to ,nail in to drag her out French Minister of ti�'ar Offers f were found. Both were terribly
but` the intense heat drove them Prize' for Best Design. ` _ which was reported on Thursday as cut up, one-boy's head being com l
back and not until several hours missing' from Cleveland, and the I
A despatch from Paris says:: Gen- THE DAIRY MARKETS. i ple-tely severed from his shoulders,
later, was the body recovered. P 5 ozcnera ua Friday night gave 'cull's [off.while the older lad.'s legs were cut,
Picquart, Minister of «lar, has of- Butter-Pound prints, 20 to 21c; statement to this effect.. Wreck-
- - lies t•h in each case must have -
fered a prize of $1,000 for the best. tubs and`large rolls, 15 to 17c; in-`a a in considerable quantity has
BILL TO ENTER Il'I\MPEG. g g q y been insetantaneous.
design of an aerial cruiser. The ferior, 13 to 1•!c; creamery rolls, been'comm ashore in tho vicinity
condition provides for a steerable +e B
Crest Northern Will btTLcro by 5c, ar_d solicjs, 20 to 21c: of Belly's island and Put-in-Bay,
September, He Says. l ship, which must be able to main- Eggs-Case lots 1S to 19c per doz.]much-of it bearing easy - marks of LOST IN. THE WOODS.
taiii a speed of at Least 31 miles an , t
_ P Cheese-La..gei 14 .to 14/c per I identification. The ill-fated vessel,
A despatch from Winnipeg says: hour for 1,5 hours, with six pas- ''pound, and twims, 14%- to 143/2c; with nine on beoard, six of a crew Cardinal and King, Given Up Last
The Great Northern Railway filed stingers... Its.-total volume is not to I new cheese,. 131;c. .. and three passengers, were un- ..- Winter, May be Alive.
plans for its entry into this city, exceed 6,500 cubic, meters; its to- doubtedly engulfed in the terrific p despatch from Fort William
and President Hill on• Thursday tal length 90 •meters, height 20 HOG PRODUCTS storm of Wednefday. The names says: 'There Seems to bs3 ''a strong
'made a positive
Ee that metres and diameter, through ,
t h th _
Pe 1,:
a n misan are. William Berr•
- f the !� `ai•dinal and King,
o , 'I't a C
_ •Bacon-Lon clear, 1� to 1_ c B J robabi i t t
his road would run into W ilial re metres. Bacon-Long P
cent 20 et es
'rederick Gilbee en in- given u
n• I• were e
.. r pound i a Iota• mess pork, ca tat -, h shant�•men � -ho e e .
e u n case t o vt B P
_ P , P
b September 1 n-ext. i
tart. e
3 P '
of the most important commercial, 1020.50 to $'-'1 ; short cut, $23 to $24. i tier: John Dailey, sailor, Peck �as lost during the winter, are still
.,incidents that could well be imag- KING ALFONSO'S AUTO. Hams-Light to medium,' 14 to McKenzie, sailor; Henry Andecson, alive: They lost their way coining
lined, if the new line affords comps- _ - - 14,',c;do., heavy, 13 to 13�zc; rolls,IFailar; John O'Donnelh, a.pas_en¢- Lro_m_Smith's camp, but now the
tition, which aova is lacking under Collided With That of Ills Queen j l l Ito Ili+c; shoulders, 103-c; backs, er, of Cleveland; Joseph' Martin, report comes in tlFat sines tliiey-Tc Tis-_
the joint freight arrangements. - -'_10 One- Injured. 16/ to I.7c; breakfast bacon, 15/.a passenger of Wiarton, Ont., appeared two men answering their
G :
tc 1Gc: age 16. description applied t+o'a..house out
Many big firms will save thousands
A despatch iron. Madrid .says: Lard_Tierces, 13c; tubs, 13%c; there for a meal,saying, they had
of dollars, provided the Great ging Alfonso and Queen Victoria pails', 13,1,-c. ' heeii lost, in the bush for. a time,
Ihorthern will give through rates recently had a narrow escape from ---� KILLED BY A STREET CAR.
`iltom the east on the same basis as y p but were making their way to' an-
lnow prevails to St. Pa 1. injury. ane King was leaving the BUSINESS AT.MONTREAL. other camp.
palace courtyi_rd and the Queen Montreal, April 13..-Peas-No. Two Boys Run Over at Montreal,
= 3'- heir automobiles. 1.04. Oats-Canadian One Beheaded. ~
-- IN 111C C77Al�i:
]ELEPHANT RAN AMUCK. when the-machines came into col- Western, No. 2', 51 to 511'
_ T 1 �-g; extra, p despatch from Montreal says:
lisipn in the narrow passage. Both No: 1 feed, 50/,t to 51c; - 1 feed,i A terrible double fatality occured-
C. J. �iorr.ia Fouud Dead•-_Near
Allied Keeper at Des Moines-^#0 automobiles were badly, damaged, 50 to 5oYc; Untariu No. 2, 50 to ; a
but.their Majesties were not hurt. 5011/0; , i• here. Friday evening, in which two i
Bullets Shot Into Him. ] Ontario No. 3 49' to •49/c f Milestone, Sask.
_ Ontario No. 4 48 to 48%c. Baric young boys returning from ,church
A despatch from Des Moines, --Nu. 2, 66 to 67c. Feed-591/ to;were' crushed to death by a street A despatch from Milestone, Sask.,
''::Iowa, says: "Tom," an elephant in MOUNT ETNA ACTIVE. 60c. Buckwheat-691/ to 70c. Flour car. The two lads, Joseph Mac- says: The shack of C. J. Morris on
'Oe winter giiartera of the Yankee I donald, nine years old, and Joseph Lis claim, fifteen miles south, was. . ;
"Robinson circus, ran' amuck on -Manitoba Spring wheat patents, rLinner, foutteesi years, were stand- burned on ilfonday ni ht, and Moir-
ants Fear Another Destrue• firsts $5.80 to $6; Manitoba S rin
j Thursday night, and, seizing his tive Eruption. wheat patents, seconds, $5.0 to ing on the tracks at the corner of I ris perished in the amen. The {
keeper, Charles Bellow, hurled him $5.50; Manitoba strong bakers', Papineau Road and Mount Royal tragedy was discovered by, the
high into the air and then trampled . A despatch ..from. Rome says Avenue, immediately behind a' car. I neighbors next morning.
.him to death. The excited beast Mount Etna was again in active en'�0 to $5.30; 5.65; s wheat pat- - _
g ,tints, 85.50 to $5.G5; straight roll-
then ran through the animal park,, eruption on Sunday morning, the'ars, $5.10 to $5.25; straight,rollers
uprooted small trees, deatrciyed crater belching great clouds of;in bags, $2.50 to $2.55; ex in
three circus waggons and demolish- smoke and cinders. The cinders ;bags, $2.10 to $2.20. Feed--Mani-
ed a bridge across a lagoon. Forty descended in a fiery hail upon thAN ' �AMICABLE' : -A-
e i toba bran, $22 to $23; Manitoba
.bullets were shot into the elephant mountain side. The inhabitants ;•shorts, $24 to $25; Ontario bran
before he was subdued, fear another destructive eruption. $23 to $24; Ontario shorts, $24.50
-' - -------.-.-- to-$*25; Ontario middlings, 25 to
- - ---- ^- - - $23.5o; pure grain mouille, $33 to The"C, P. R. and Mechanical. Unions
33; mixed mouille, $28 ta_ $3
I'LLE TEN 'Cheese-12'/1 to 13e. Butter-20/ Their �.1ffiCulties.
-Atc 21c 'and fresh receipts at 190. _
Eggs-20 to 21c per dozen. '
- A despatch from Winnipeg says: augur,ated. The schedules and ag
LIVE STOCK MARKETS. The question at issue between the I reements have not 'yet been signed
Case of Cannibalism in the Province of Montreal, April -`13. - Prime!'C. P, R. and the Federated Mech- actually, but there is no doubt.they
beeves sold at 5,12 to a•little over`;anical ' Unions of the company, will be immediately upon the re-
tlebee Investigated. Ge per pound; pretty good animals i-%'hick have been a subject of ccn- I turn of Grant Hall:, superiniendent
o at 4�, to 5/c; common stock, 3 to !ference, have been amicably set- of motive poser for the company in
4c per pound. Milell cows sold at'tled and a schedule and working the West. Only cumpWtive minor
A'despatch froin Roberval, Que., of Lemieux part o fthe body,Beinard i $25 to $55 each. Calces' sold at agreement eminently' satisfactory matters of detail rCrmain to be
-says: The Coroner's jury which has ing of the part of the body Bernard 82.50 to $25'edr�h, or 3 to 61,,;c per !will be the result. A matter- of I settled.
.'been investigating the extraordin- lost his way in the wilds and either pound. Sheep sold at about 5?,c;:prime importance to the older men The company has been success
ary mystery surrounding the death ,starved to death or was 'drowned. lambs at 6',/ to 7c per you d. Good!especially is their reinstatement I ful in its 'contention for separate
bl Auguste Lemieux in the wilds of Grasset stated that lie -had gone lots of fat hogs sold at nom 7%c to,the pension roll, from which they and distinct schedules'for'the East
.northern Quebec ion Friday after-' north with the two 'men hired to Ito` near Sc per pound. were removed ' after the' strike. ern and Western . lines, but- the
coon brought in a verdict complete- help him on a,four months'' hunt- Toronto, April. '13.'-Export trade This has been conceded by the com- actual oomposition of the schedule
„Ply exonerating Joseph Grasset, the ing trip.. They had hard luck, and was fairly active and prices firm for !pany. , It has also been agreed that committee to conduct the Eastern
only man alive apparently who running short of provisions-, he choice well-finished • cattle. But- Cany of the mechanics who struck negotiations has not yet been de-
'knows anything at allabout tho i sent tho two hack to where .so.me .cher's cattle cf the better grade last Summer on the N extern lines, I finitely settled. The Western lines
Affair. At game time the jury.i food was cachcul and went on alone- were in good demand, and sold at sand who have not yet been taken desire representation thereon, buj _, _--
found that the eSre_um§tnnces point- 1 That; h0 stated, wag the last he I$4.90. to $5: Medium and corn- Back, shall. be at once,re-engaged it is not likely that this will be `
-' ed to the third member of the party, ever saw of either of them, Later mon grades were easier. Stockers if they desire. A number of men at agreed to. A Jointcommittee to ,
e Frenchman named' Bernard; as 'I-emieux's body was found by sonic and feeders-demand good and Medicine Hat and sei_ rtt
el Western meet in Winnipeg and Montreal,
the guil,ty man, and it was ordered Indians, he havii.g evidently been supply limited. hfilch cows and points will be benefited by tiffs. however, is by no means an im- r
1' •that he should be arrested if he murdered and part of his botl'y:-eat- springers-Quiet. Calves- Steady f As a result of the conference and possibility. The Western unions
ever turned- up. It is not, how- en, the fleshy portions of the 6-6 y at last quotations. Sheep and the conciliatory spirit in which_,both have secured the closed shop and
ever, Cio ught that Bernard will !hung gone, while the linitis were himbs - Unchanged- Hogs- se- sides approached the consideration, the integrityof their organizations,
ever be seen -again, the general hacked off and showed that much tented at $R.90 f.o.b., and $7.15, fed it is expected that a long period of which was somewhat impaired l.r
opinion being that after the death of the fleah had been cut away. and watcre.d. 'harmonious relations has been in- the result of the btrike.
- --- -
q ,',r."?. - ✓•, < .�,v�"� " rr�� arc,g6.-^:-�,YR- -++r '-'�- ";a•- r •� +w.,.. r.'s-.. '+ f;
.-7rr!. 1' ��e•:.^3 r�:�`n'^.r -!dpi i �is,�a•. ',�' '3'` r.::"i-`L .r_�•""5;+�,'+i� 't�°'"�pe.",-r .a...j: ,n,,. s.�''.•rT` `.!'�xF�Ef}. *1. .a='�•i S+.'�.
+'.5T7n:. '+-:" E'z •'er.^.ri:.+,^.. „a-n• .l t Pa c,'^r >5:;: r r-" }' •:�'` .'Y Srti '?a �'.
..... •. .r�+`.^ ::_ ;:..:sts, ,. ..a$:...¢". •_. <• t $ .roc— »r ;:31,^' .,�*,a.. •y °� �,.
y .... :: �;.. : v Tar• a;. w r.
--p-NN she said hurriedly. We fear the ♦p -table manure is made, and' good {,n
Earl is dying and he wants to see Judder-free seed, usually sown ;r
you. - You will s be
after weed seeds have put
� r
without a nurse oro and ..
• — "But why does 116 `want to BCA
me? I thought-he hated me." .,ut of soil. In most cases, the use
� .mC ucal� Most WOU" 'n' ' ds "No. You are mistaken. D•i On the farm of half a ton to a ton of lime to _
UV %juLlus. UK We shall be tvu lauv, he acre, an o you *
Rebekah said impaitently, for ,he o the acre of soil from a success-
was consumed with an anxiety tc cul alfalfa field, ivill, prove profit-
be back in time. -� able, and
one or the otheroften
A Tale of Love and Disappointment they
time was lost on the road, far changes. a failure to a success.
they raced along as fast as the car KEEPING MILK RECORDS. -�
could travel.. Ethel remembered In Great Britain, leading dairy- AS BEFORE THE WAR.
= her last journey and the painFui men do not hesitate to punt ou. _ x
�M aNNON� M�Q�MMM interview that followed it, and she the advantages of keeping regufa„ Reduction of the South African
CHAPTER XXIV. ,1 was possessed with the ,ust for wondered what fate now had in milk records. At a larniers' Cl-ti
store for her. The passage of tine Garr,aon.
The Earl was ' greatly fatigued my owls way, which is the most ter- Pa 8 meeting, a short time ago, H. M.
after his 'long interview, and Lord rible of vices, and I swore that my had given her mind the chance c.f E,,erard, of Terling, Essex, dealt The strength of the regular v '
arecas a was"very concerned at will should prevail, be the evil what viewing her conduct more en li. _with the report fully A report i4 Troops in South Africa will be con-
on - •=
but it had not brought
his weakness. it may. .I seemed to have lost all g t her comfort., the Agricultural .Gazette state: ,�iderabiy reduced for the Govern-
"I am afraid I was not too kind consideration for you. In my mad She still blamed herself severe,y, that, after referring to the import hent year 1909-1910, which cons.-
tc'that young woman," he remark- Passion L could have coldly watch- and without mercy, but the t•hougli•. ante of good breeding, and parts nonce on April 1. The strength "
ed you o to. the altar, even if I of once more seeing Cyril was not
ed to his son, "but tell her not to Y S cularly the use of a sire of un• s to return to the number station-
had known that it would entail u so terrifying as it had been.
mind. It was myself I was-punish- P- doubted milking strain; h6 spok_ �d at the Cape prior to the war—
mind. It
My Tad, I have about reached on you a life of 'misery.'' At last Leighton Manor came in a; follows regarding his .herd, about 9,000-=although the Trans- _ =
the end of my tether. I shan't be He stopped and looked at her sight, and Rebekah gave a cry of composed largely of grade Short sal and Orange liver Colony aro
sorry, Cyril." anxiously. soy, when she saw that tho flag was horns .dditional territories. Since 1901 ".
"Try .to rest, fatb�r. You will "This kind of man is your fa- still flying at the masthead. S,. "Our object is to. provide, as' jetwen five -and six thousand men
soon be strong again," Lord Hare- ther," he wound up nervously. they were to be ir, time. But the large a quantity of good-qualltj ?ave been brought away. The cow-
"Was—father dear, for you are house seemed strangely hushed, as P �larative figures of strength by
castle said with.a cheerfulness that Y milk as ossible 'and when we have
ho wes little feeling. sorry?" she said tenderly, and her though it were already touched by obtilined it, to ha.v6 a record " ' ;snits are user:— a
Reb6kah had spoken to him for eyes filled with compassion at this the, hand of death. whence it came. I fear a large
a moment and had delivered Ethel's confession of human weakness. They made their way to the be 1- majorit• of the dairyfarmers u, -
message. It was curious, but it "I don't know, dear.' I am truly side, and Rebekah looked at the this countr• do not whirl - . . 19 1
sore for what has ha ned. I re- figure of the Earl lying there:. but y Cavalry .. 6 4
ares a relief that he fled not seen Y• Ppe cows are paying. their .way ane Royal Horse Artillery • 4 S
her before her departure. The in- gret it deeply, but the thing .that his , eyes were glazed, and t,is which are not. They have to de
terview with the. Earl must have terrifies rine is that if the same posi- breath came in pants. The doctor Royal Field Artillery. 6 B <
motioned her awe pond on their head co wins- ri foi
shocked her, and it would be bet- tion were to occur again, I do not, Y. and she drew what answers are .given to thcii Royal Garrison Artil-
ter that time should have an op- know that I bhould not again act hack for the end was-near. What questions, and it is not a very sat lery ..... .... ... .. 2 S
in the same we, These last few we're the words falling brokeil� Royal I:ngineerb .. .. 6 8
portunity of spp!yang its salve. y lsf.aetory position. for any mastPi �:.
days I have -been bit with my from his lips? Infantry,...... .. .. 10 6
In the morning he received her busy- to have to depend entirely on what •
letter, and he was wounded to the thoughts. You, dear, have taught "Christine—my beloved. I am is told him by his servants, wicu Mounted Infantry .... •.3 9
me a lesson. And I am jealous, for coming to you." And thea he was
quick as he read her words of self- g Y out being able to verify it in ane
` abaaemernt� and his 'first im •ul e t have begrudged the time that silent, but only for a moment. we, himself. ) have heard man;. The A.S.C., R.A.M.C., A.V.C.
was to rush to her. But his fa- You have spent by the bedside of Yes, I am—guilty. Treason— farmers say that they quite agree 1.O.C. detachments are additional
ther's condition kept him prisoner, that dy=ing old man. I feared-that-I and I have—suffered. But I am i in keeping milk records, but tha: and proportionate.
for there was no question, but that You were beginning to love trim forgiven. Cyri, forgiver,—and you: they are-rather reluctant to start. The reduced allotment will place f
bis -life was hanging-by a thread. more than your father." I-L'hristine. You will understand.' owing to the labor which it pu- -two garrison artillery companies. -
,He telegraphed for Sir Francis "I do love the Earl, father,-and They stood around and watched l tails. I think they,i4oiild 6e grea.; ane fortress company, and one bat,-
' Lockyer, who told them that there f pity him. But I am so glad you i his feeble struggle for life.• Their;
have. spoken to, me. I have been Jeyes were wet with tears. Ethel!ly surprised'at the. little time and talion in the Cape district; one
was no hope of the Earl's 'recov- ver miserable, and I cannot look'found herself by.Cyril's side, and trouble it involves, and that the., Meld battery, Middleburg. C.'.C.;
ery. Y wouid be amply repaid by the plea ane battalion at' Martizburg,
forward to a li;o of love. Fate has.she placed her hand in his.
"He may linger on for a week or i sure they would obtain is look' ig katal; one cavalry regiment, three
two,• but—" not granted nae that happiness. Rebekah looked at them with i through their book when the coxa ;geld batteries and two _battalions
He stopped expressively, and But after all love is not all that.life shining eyes and then at the Earl.. &Ye dein well; and Rhen they a y
Lord Hstopped gathered the si d contains. There is the pleasure of "Christine,-;-my beloved--Chris-' g it Bloemfontein, O. R. C. ; one
g knowing that one is dein one's I tine." are not duingPwellr to be able tc field battery and -one mounted in-
ficance of his meaning-. His man- g g point .out the individual cow to the 'antry battalion at Harrismith; one
ner to his father became even more duty. Self-sacrifice is not all bit And with his dead Rife's name on responsible man, and obtain his
and the old Ear! smiled his ter pain." - his li a the seventh Earl orf `v1'ol P -avalry regiment, one horse artil-
tender, reason for the difference. For any le•r , ane field battery, one R. E.
grateful thanks. He, too, knew Her eyes filled with tears and she verho mo passed away.. E Y
8 threw her arms round her lather's The left Cyril to his grief. and;ordinary farmer, I think measuring ^ompany, and two battalions at u'
that the end was near, but he did Y the cow's milk one day in theweek -
not flinch, for he no longer hada neck. 'the two girls went from the, Cham would be quite s:ifficient. Of course, Pretoria; and two cavalry regi-
=: desirei to live. His affection for 1, too, want comfort. Let us go her 'of death. this.would nc,t do where pedigree menta and -one horse battery at
Rebekah seamed to increase, and back to the old days. Noy, let us Good-bye, dear. '-I am goi iQ herds are kept, and Where an ac- Potehefstrogm..
he was unhappy when she was ab- look forward to better days, for we.1 back. I shall be ever grateful tea;I P , Four of the battalions,. most of
are beginning to understand one you brought me to him, It will i,e curate record is essential. On the the batteries and the transport are `
sent. another. We know our weaknesses a comfort to know that he wanted estate aiLh which I am connected' to
be detailed for service outside
Joel looked on at the approach- upwards of 1,000 cows are kept, and
ing end of the man hen had tortur- an'd clan fight against them. You to see me. Good-bye." p of South Africa as first troops for
and I will go away 'by our two "But 5,ou must not go," i their milk is all measured and re.Rebekah. ;r:rvice, so that in time of war the
A, ed so cruelly. I corded one day in the week. At
The Earl now and then asked for selves. Wa will . travel and see,04.•aded. ! the end of the year this is multi- Cape will be still further denuded
strange lands, Be sure that bap But Ethel shoots her head ani ` of regular trQa s The units nam
his presence, and he arrays went g p r Lied b seven, and the result is g P '
ao see him. but his manner was con- pmess will come to us. went downstairs. A car was so,m P Y ed are to be included in the new
„ I near enough for our purpose. Bc?me
,strained and he was ill at ease. You put me to s3ame, dear. ready and she started on the return other farmers I' know of measure Seventh Division, which is to be
It was atone of these interviews, And so we will start afresh,•• and journey. their milk (or weigh it} fortnightly, supplementary to the six divisions
whein Rebekah was present, that You are once more my dear little She was clutched}by 'a horrible but I consider the weekly system of the Fepeditivnary Army main-
girl," he said quickly, but his voice fear that Cyril did noi. need h,r. tained at home for service abroad.
the Earl soddenly blurted out— the best. The Sime it would take r'
1 his Jove? find a
oiler h
„ forgivewas ex reasive of rest content. Had she turf .) - t and Malta will each E
P g q
t n ou d c,f fift• cows) to YP
Aron you of to r (say for a her ) • ' �-'�
Y goingY ( y
iiather, dear 1" Rebekah, too, could see that the (To be continued.) measure and enter u in the milk- brigade of four battalions as well
Father and daughter looked .at clouds were beginning to disperse. + record• book -would not: be•more as. South Africa.
one soother; s>ad Rebekah stretch- 'That holy joy which comes to one t
ed forth her hand. The Earl
who gives up.treasures to .enrich INDIANS GOOD F.<,R1lERS: than three hours at t .e most, so ----�.-
the question 6Vthe time it takes
another possessed her, and her eyes I THE CUL1,0AN DIA .31-OND.
'chuckled softly-- beamed forth a serenity that told In Saskatchewan 'They Are. In, ought not.to be considered. I think
"And so I am to be a peacemak- of the battle bravely fought and j dustrious and, Pro%perous. the best way is fur the farmer, his Queen Mill Wear it IS
4cr, at the end. Treasure this child, son, or the•bailitf, to-be present
won. The Indian of the great rairie.i
,Joel. She is one in a, thousand. - - B P fbr the entire time of milks-ug one ('rov+•n on State Oecai+ionrA.'
1f I had her I shouldn't be anxious But she was not given much time pros ince of Saskatchewan are dis ! morning and „ne ecenin ever}
ao marc her off." ifur self-communion, -for the Earl rovin the theory that an Indian g g The 'Bing an'd. Queen, anxiutis
y proving Y reek, with. a list of every cows to make the fullest possible practi-
The left him together, and Joel required her constant presence. He'won't ,vork tLnless lie has to. They name, &nd; as the milk frorii each
beckoned to her to follow him to war rapidly growing weaker; and I are becoming industrious and rus- cable use of.the Transv eel's mag
a g P animal is measured, to record the Mficient ih. the Cullinan dia-
a- she sat with Harecastle watch i g
the library. Elis manner was dif- ing his life slo*ly passing from her,�p'rous _ quantity givei5: also a. note. taken mend, have consulted ,the court
lident, and he xas evidently labor- There are nearly,8.000 Indians in . at' the time whether any animal Gerrard ' -
she felt that she was usurping an- iewclers, Messrs, of l.an-
ing under great emotion. I•the province and la-5t year they has been bulled during the, week. don, as to whether• it can be ar-
other's lace. l
• I must have it out with you, P had about 9,000 acres under crops. It can also- be. seen at, same
Rebekah," he began nei�vousl•• bars. Goldbergquickly noticed P ranged that the splendid gem shall
g y the-.improved regat -)n between' her,
raised, 130,572 bushels of.! time if any annual is off its fetid, he sit oet in the Imperial Crown as .
`°I am going to try* to explain , grain anti roots and '30,000 tons of I and a reason can be asked' for and
myself to you. I�gn't think. I am brother and his•daughter. ` to be detachable for wear by her
y Y ,, hay, worth $136,0_3. ... l a.note: made, of .it. This list. can
making excuses. That's im ossible. I -am so glad,- my. -dear. that 'Majesty on great state occasion9, as
g P you and your father ate friends; The I)epartnr'.it'-of Indian aft• i be copied into a milk-record book.
But I want you to understand me, fairs reports that the Indians are and; at the same time an• useful it we,» at the recent opening of Par`
with all my fault. These last' few again.' I' never ' thought that he, P y liament. The feasibility of the
weeks you have become a woman
would ave in she remarked one turning mitre and more,t�� fisc sell , information i:especting the indi Plan having been demonstrated,
y evening for a living. ' The agent of the As- ;dividui l :cow noted.
and you possess a womaq s .un- the-jewelers have, been honored
derstanding. You should have -`'He has told Tie a lot about him-;siniboine age_nc3•, which may be re i `'The average quantify of rank. with his Majesty's commands to. _
known me in the days -of my strug- self, and I. understand him better garded as typical, writes: , given by the cows' here is about carry out -the' Nvork. Thus
I was really lc sed' to find t�50 gallons per annum. 1 suppose
]es when I was fighting m we, in now Rebekah replied. 'I am, B P .� Cullinan, while retaining a status t '*
g g g b y lad' to see that he and the Earl that the area under crop was al- the quantity given by the cows of
Africa. Every man's hand was are better friends. It is a great most double what it was the year 't.he country generally would be of a crown jewel, will be available
against me. It is true that I was something under 600. When we for wear by the Queen on occa-
not a pauper, but I -was'dealing dealin relief to me. . What is it, •Janies'?' befcire. The band Bari about 600 '�
P. P g ire the possibility of this bein cions on which the Crown itself is
with men with millions. My God, she asked as a servant entered. acres of' wheat and L00 acres of f?O y g L
"The Earl is taken very bad and oats. 'fine Indians of tnis•agency �increased, by judici'ous_management not in actual use,
how I fought. It was the joy of he wants to see Miss Rebekah.'' ' are beginning to farm on a large and breeding, to 500 and 800. N�e
my life,"and I grew to love it. A sae the immerise importuace of this
Gradually it 'became part of my She. hastened iipstairs:• aur] li.. scale, aril if then continue to do sabje-ct; and- even when we have EAR.THQU kKES AXI) WEATHER
nature, and if our mother had quickly' saw.that Lord Wolverhulme as well as they have in the last two
Y attained the 800 niininlum, we must A writer in Nature calls atten-
been different I believe •I should had but little lunger to live. "years there will be some good sized I not stop there, as we know it is tion to the peculiar weather. which
have fought her. It is not guar-I You will stay with ane to the fauns a.m�mg them. One man has ossible'fur cows to give 1,400 and accompanied and followed the
ronin that I mean.' Not vulgar last, Cyril," he • asked,. and his' 1,-,g acres irr crop and another. 125 p
8 g � 1,60.0 gallons in the year. The ]erg- great Sicilian earthquake,. .The •. a
nagging. But a right down, naked i voice was becoming weaker. I acres., an(] several had] seventy est uautit• 'of milk we have ever
to the waist fight. It is the ''o wanted to see y'au once more, he- acres each: There was a decided q y sudden fog which settled upon the
g 1 y had from a cow in one year was Strait of Aiessina, was paralleled by.
of overcoiuin difficulties that, ani- bekah, and to thank you for your,improvement in the way the ,land F
g kindness to an old man. You have „ from a Shorthorn cow, which calved a heavy mist accompanying the
mated me. It obsessed me." had ben farmed.. an October 28th, was bulled on De '
made my last days less, bitter, and! blexica.n earthquake. of January,
He paused for :breath and she '----- cember 17th, 'and dried off on Sep- 1899 and the writer adds that rain
T at him with won<Ierin eyes. T am almost :happy. D) ins; givesi •TOLLOWING ORDERS '
g Y one curious ideas, for I. should like i tembe'r 14t•h, durin which eriod q y p
I. w•as wealthy, but I 'w•as not • g P fall is so fee uentl reported 'an
y to see that girl Ethel. llo you think! "Now," said the: magistrate, she gave •1,67.4 gallons, anis aver •the immediate successor of an
content. I longed for more and II aged, ,far 30 weeks no less than "
she would come? 'I did treat her� ',you must testify only to what you, g � � earthquake that we can 'no long-
obtained it, b.y, fighting. `I lunged i 24'` quarts daily." r
for more and I obtained it, by fifiht rather roughly, and I don't want know, no hearsay. evidence. Un- = q y er reject the hypothesis of a real
her to have. too bad an opinion of elerytand?" connection between the two." Prof..
ing. But this pastime.became trio I the man who will be grandfather "Yes, sir;" -replied the female ALFALFA-POINTERS. Milne has suggested 'that the- -dis-
easy a.nd lost its interest. My „
hands were idle and the decd to her children. ( witness.. Among things to be avoided, if turbance of the ground when
will go spa fetch her, ' Re- "Your name is Mary Bright„ I one expects to succeed with alfalfa, transmitted to the overlying' air
found something to occupy them. bekah said eagerly. •"I and sure i believe. \Tow' wb•aVs your age'?" says Bulletin No. 305, of the Ge- may determine precipitation, thus r tq
At first, dear,, it was the thought I _ "� •R
she' will regret it if shed es not <`I won't.;tell yoii. I have only neva, N. T., Experiment Station, .expla•ining the apparent association
of you that. moved me to work for „ „
'this marriage. For a long time see Sou. hearsay evidence on that Point.< 'are wet soil; sour soil, shallow of severe earthquakes with mist and
no other. idea tva§ in mj' niird 1_es,, Go, child. Rut du not be _ *—_�__. adulterated seed, dodder-in- rain.
ton-long. ..Give me a'kiss first. Tested 'seed, seed df Poor vitality;
There were marry difficulties in the .--.-----BLAME PLACED. �-
.way, and I overcame them all. Not It seemed a long and wearisome seed from warmer irn sled lands T �" `•
journey to l3.chekah, but she "«h don't ez race our dances 8 • >E nese— Even though you are m7y fair means, 'I know, but that. has y y' g anti weed seeds in the soil. Factors brother's son I am obliged to dis-
grasped at the chance that migl-it wid yer presence any more?' that ails ill securing-good yields are charge you. But I am sorry, for
beim my way.- I always told my- to ether C •ril and the wo- "Sure, it's me mistress' fault. thnrcti h rc aration of the soil,self that it was for you. But a time g y 4 preparation �aur m:,ther's asks." O{fice-boy - •
came when I cold not make that man he loved. To her joy she found She is that dowdy and old-lash-I usually hest begun the year be-, tiePhew="Oh, that's all right, sir.
(that Ethel was at home. ioned that not a single dress of hers fnc by planting a cultivated crop Mother sa.vs she cl:ri,'t see h•,:• I've 'Y
excns•:, fur I was sti iving with you. rr� want you to come at once," kin I wear at all, at all :" to w li:ch• a liberal application of put tip with y-ou as long 5 "
'Ci^ti. ..•.bl,L.a...} •-e. 'n7 ::a.rn •.r:n .'... J-.w. .... .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... .....may-`--=—�.
_ - n• . '.w amu+.'..•txs•.ah. .+ .,..
,e Kra. !p�'��rr s ._ ^c m#rs Q ,L z r>.n n x it 7j ws F: y v �r ro_ rr 7.: to
.'r"• :. ,., ,',5`►, ,•k:.G.. dr' ...", r'- ', ..r. •7i�• ,r i'�
4.4 •.
LOCALISMS.�( -Dr. F. L. Henry will be here the lose of their dear child. She will
t' w OCALISMS. as usual next Tuesday
to attend missed not only in.the home but in
L - 'a
to his professional duties. * community, in the Sunday School / The
-Bert. Hester spent Sunday at -Mrs. S. Andrew has moved and choir of the Methodist Church
and in the church itself she will be- her-into - - --�- -
-T. M. •McFadden was in the which what recentl vacated b °1"ec�aiso;fol zn each she been
^y Y Y doing her part and doing it well. ;L♦eua�e Qi
city on Monday. W. E. Gordon. On Saturdav morning the valeK
-Mrs. F. E. Gee is spending a -Mr. Cunningham and Miss again experienced a shock on the an- _ '
few nays wi ci y rien s. a are, o aeon •, spenta nouncemen o e sudden ea a O er
-David Harper, of Harriston, holiday with the former's aunt, morning of Mrs. Israel Buiton. De-
spent Sunday with Pickering Mrs. J. S. Jephson. ceased had been troubled some during
;..friends. -W. R. Brown who left about the past year with a heart affection leads all others .
but recently appeared to be in fair ,_ a �
-Miss Campbell is visitingher. a month ago for Alberta has re- in Stylish t
relatives in St athroy durinthe turned his impression of the health. On Saturday morning she Y
P unexpectedly passed away without a _ 3
`. vacation.' North-west having been unfavor- struggle. Caroline Sleigh (her maid- 3 a
-Mrs. P. Sullivan left a few able. en name) was a daughter of the late GENTS Z
days ago to reside with a relative -D. Simpson spent several days William Sleigh, and was born on the
% in Detroit. during the past woek with friends old homestead one mile east of her &UITS "
late home. She had almost reached• `
-Fred Balsdou on Tuesday in the city. Mrs. Simpson also 2 d ,
the age of 8., years, and during that F?ser arineut
entered the employ of the Stan- spent Good Friday- with Toronto long perlod had resided continuously y g' ' 3a
dard Bank here. friends. 1
within a couple of miles of her birth- -
�, -Miss Edith Wagner left on -W.T. and MrF. Hartrick spent place. In 1844 she. was united in -Correct
s Monday to spend a couple of the holiday with the latter's marriage to Israel .Burton so th:Lt _
-weeks in the city. -daughter Mrs. Bttrrner, of Col- they had travelled on life's journey -
-Miss Ada Vanderburg;of To- bordre, and Mrs. Farnsworth, of together for the long period of F,4 i.;ti-fartiun
ionto, is speudiug a few .days Smithfield, years. Deceased leaves to mourn her ° g I' tinteed
with Mrs. Waring. -T}1e mon -friends of Ilev. F. loss her husband and two daughters,
g' y Truman and Frank and Mesdames J. a
-John McGutte, of Toronto, is C..Harper, Niagara Falls, regret ( :tit and
Yatton and W. G. Wilkinson, all of 1
spending a week here with .-his to hear of his serious illness from Chicago. Mr, and Mrs. Burton were examine goods
mother on Chureli St. erysipelas. We hope . for his the oldest members in the Methodist :�' and
-Mrs. (Rev.) Citrumer, of Kin- speedy recovery.a Church,, grid Mrs. Burton ts•ill be,
het prices frutli
j c , ,- C r V,_ Pi �sw
mount, is speudiug n few days -hire. Elson and Air,. Sis.rrith ruis;(•d i : the t_::n.]ay Sunil •of +
with R. dud Deverell. of Tor•.)nty, and Airs. Holt, 4 w}li(-'h she e.nd her husband ha v z1-m-eri
-Miss Allegra Cronk entertain- Darlillgtuu, spent the -holiday regularata):darts. The funeral`on
ed the members of the Swastika !with their` mother Airs. W. J. Tuesday was attended by a large con-
Club on Monday evet>iug. Clark,'of Church St. course. of mourning relatives and f riends �1C�18 ¢
-Miss Mary Baldson. and Lila -'schools will re-open again- on.
. J� Qfi Coy
r t- ur ed from visit- Monday next and for the remaind-
Hallett t u
,• Ha et
ing friends in Newmarket. er of the term it )vill be at grind
- ra
-Any person requiring a. first in preparation for the entrance NOTICE TO CREDITORS
class horse apply to E. Bryan. He and promotion examinations.
has a first class one fur sale. * -In the Ni..ws issued laFt week Estate of !nary Garland, Deceased.
-Miss Grant, late of the Norn1- an errorwas; make in dating the -- EVERY
al School. Toronto, is spending a paper the 16th, instead of the 90. No-zsE is he geby 'given pursuant to
few (lays with C. and.Mrs. Roger,. The paper this week will have the R. S. 0.. lgw7, Chapter 129, S-ction 38
and amending Acts, that-all persons
-Mrs. Chester, formerly of.,Sarno date as that of last tiveek. -
baving Cl'aim.; against the estate of .
Winnipeg, is at present' visiting -Dr. A. M. Bell spent Sunday }lary Galland, late of the TownshipN
'her brothers, Geo. and L.` Gordon, with his parents in Musc•ow, andt•f ,ickerin �, widow, deceased. who
James and 31t-s. McHardy aitd- ;irQ. H':11 accornpainled` by Mi.s-'Ld}ed on or agout the-25th day of .3' ! ��` �• ",
:daughter, •sof Toronto, spent the Dolly Herr is bpending a fen. D,rst, 1Nus, are required to send by p,.-
` .%iii `
holidays with F. E. and Mra. Gee.:�weeks with her }iarents in Aion.- prepaid or deliver to either of tilt- t:n-
-Founts-In :tiethudist Church treat. dersigned executors of the VV i:l of the Rt-
1� ( } - * surd decease-Gill addressed tr: Cht-r:J-
yard.. some- tirue ago, a good _ -.'lir. qnd -ire. Goodwin. enter- �_ , ,-
rubber, mari's -ize. Ln-er call at tamed about forty of their frtend�. wood Pus. U]ice; Untar3 n THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT
+ fare the 81st day of May. lfd fl %eir
thisofUce. on Aiouday evening. A ,noct Christian +ndsurnamesanda1d: r:,es ;a:.,�-tt: : . No, taint can gine tw9:2. -NO ;nal
-Farmers are nosy busy with pletu ant Lime was spent by all in with full particulars of t}ze,r t:siu,s
'their spring Rork. A,conbiderable Glancing, games and scala!- inter-
•id -the.,nature Of the sQt tr<1.iQs. `.f Ca 2 CK'at•f c i @rC. - -�'�- n_ i�ii_.9a i�''ds t:12t1-1 Y L r r..
,amount of =owing' has already course. aay. bold by them. fe materials that eater into it, the care xah >tihietr. it is
been done. -T. M. McFadden i-t rnakir,R And take notico that after the said ,
-A carload of salt arrived here preparation -fol• toe ereeti,�o col 3i.: dap of May. 1'L+'4), the said exec,
r P 1" made, the then who retake it, ever.'tiiing co:necttGi'v:its
on Monday and was distributed an ad,litiwl to his drug store. The tors W it] proceed to distribute the
amongthe farmers who will use audit;,in gill be in two pa rts. onE assets of the said drrceaG+a-d among tz,e ::, a:- cf the satisfaction-giOng kind. It sev-er disap- '
parties entitled thereto,h:Gvine regi.rd
'it as a fertilizer, for ti,e I'a of the public library only to.the claims of,which said notice hoists: Always doe3 the work it is. expected to t1-o. _Costs, .
-=The Ladies' Aid of St. An. and the other as a dispensary. . shall have been given as above re.l,:ir- -
drew's Church met at the home of -Buttet-inakers, sec:ire your est, and that the said*ext tutors will leas:. L'ocs most. . Color!ca:ds free. ;
Mrs. W. J. Miller on Tnesday t batt(-,-"wrappers, with a neatly not be liable for said assets or any par! "
afternoon. There was a good onto I label at-the News office. thereof to .any'person or persons of SOLD e•+
attendance and an enjoyable � a k'ovp constantly on hand a Whose cla}sirs notice shalt nut Have
stock of the best been received at•the time cf Eich dis-
time spent by all. parchment, and tribution.
-A great many of our 'subscriZr- ink s1,<<iatlly prepared for butter-
ere are still in arrears. We would wral•;,e r-s, at the. lowest possible A Ir
Dated.Lhe-16th day of April, 14><4+. = ` ,CHAPMAN
S-like all those who are behind in price Jox'. GLherrywood P 0., Ontario a a
their subscriptions to remit us as -ten- Friday : afternootr lath • JoesrH P. GARLAMi. Executor, - --- -'-- —' /
'soon as poaai le as we have many passenger train No. 12 going east 2&1% Cheri wood P. U., Ontario ��/�/ SPRING `'GC�t�DS
( uses for the money. met n'itli an accident just nest Y `.
--Roy, son of J. S. and Mrs. of Pickering station which fortun- AD.1lINISTRATOR'S
Jephson met with a painful asci- ate had no serious results. One - 'ifOLSECLEA'N 1S NOW ON.
"dent on Monday by having a fork of the axles of the locomotive NOTICE TO CREDITORS F
body requires Mixed Puiota Oils. Liaoleuma. Floor flints. Ruga, Lace _
pose nearly through his foot. The broke causing both wheels to leave In the Estate of Robert Ale Yande_ Curtains, Toilet Covera,Table Covers, Carpets.Toweling,i. Prieto,
wound bled profusely and it. is the track. The engine was a new late of the Township of Pick- Factory Cottons, White Cottons, Collars for Ladies and
:causing him great pain. one having ,left the shop only a •-ering.in the County of Gentlemen, Ties, Ladies'and Gentlemen's Rose.
-The Women's Missionary Soci- few day's befure. The train was Ontario, Farmer,
ety of the Methodist chnreh held detained about two hour having deceAsed. Grsniteware, Files, Saws, Nails %It sizes, Spades. Forks. Shovels. Garden
a social on Thursday evening of to await the arrival of another Rakes, Handles all sizes. Full tine Groceries always on band.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to
Last week. There sae a good at- engine. the Revised Statutes of Ontario lite!;, Piicee as tow,as consistent with first-class good&. Produce in exchange.
tendance and an interesting pro= -Ho for "the 'rortll•west and Chapter 123, Section ss and A'meneirn6 EDWARD BRYAN, DICKERING
gramme was rendered. Earolle." Special :ronre-seekers Acts that all c reditore and others has-
-Mrs. Leigh's ruillinery this exenrsions (tickets good for two ing claims against the estate of the
season is really. worth making a nionths)'twice ruonthly till end of said decesiced who died'on or about
journey for. Best materials are Septa(via Chicago, Nur th Bay or the Fifth day of December, 13(18. are -
. sed ad wc,rkma:nsbip,
-tyles unci Sudbury to Aianitcrbu, Sas . and .rt-.,.194 , or before tI oat prepaid
say of I N O o �
qualitycainnot lie equalled for tl,e Alberta oints >I lis IL�+B, to v-i the end r post prepaid or _SPR 1 GVJ''
Alla rhes tick-
in the whole county. et.. to England, Ireland, deliver
t.4?info�i3er�r nod, 4n�:citorF
r 4ctrt}aud for i-trator, he Christian ..
--St. Andrew"?choir will repeat etc.,to, round trip ",,r pre- eamcS a:,d o,rnanies, addresses ar,d
their Easter music next Sunda}.-: )aid' all ]as e.-. "Choice all S.S. amount andfuil par• -Arerri�'11� Daily.
morning anthems, '•Chri t Arose hnp1 ,' (Allan, Dolninion, C.P.K., tictilar•s 6f theit C'li.inis, the statenlBr,t
and "Juyfill Easter-tide." Even; 7Atlantic,and all Arnn_ !nes). `Cos' of their accounts and the nature of.t.he Hoe-, Rakes. Spade S21uve1=, Etc.
ing anthem. "Rail, Prince of is the time t) have berth reserva- set-prides, if any, held by them atilt' A good floe or.Rake for only 'L; Gout
:.. Light" and solo The Palni-trees;" tions made for summer sailings to veriffed by statut•n:•y declaration.
by Miss C. B. Sim1) oat. secure Choice lucatiotl�;.. An ocean Sind furthei folks notice that o: et- R1✓\'�LE'S SEEDS Two;large'packages fur ) cents
:-.' attracting trip after :'.:ch last rn-e,ntioned date the
-Sue'er-fishing •p "the uiost' economu•al and '�a1] administrator will mceed to dist Seeds in package-.or by bull
tiuite a number o-f, )or. from the bene. , 11.(••)nl arative] •.•. For.all l P y t:•ihute the assets of ti,esard deceased f
northern parts' of the township tickEt- anti 'infurn,aii,+n see or among the paella. entitled 'her,tc, Fisnine t.rckle in iii lilies.
'find frown Uxbridge and e,thex ter- !trite Stepirenscin 7„hi,osite P.O.'; haws^;.* :'eg:rd only. to t? e'rlait7s Of Ba=e Balls and Bat Etc., Etc
rounding liuiut-. They fire coos; Whitby. which l.e s`a'.i then },awe hzd not'..'e,
- ting with,good Sarno large and that the said ad,ninistrator shrill :'6 U DY
Ca IeE being reported. h'itITEVALE J OSEPH
�, '
tc•1 :lot be liable for the assets of :he said
-Tire public library hoard Have Ml,- ! �`.e Tt.:t is vii t�rg T(:.-on-
Soil�s:a:e any part there(,f toany ;)et-• a
engaged the Old S,nithlatl(1 Sex- t:, r '� (} or f t sons of whose da.izn notice - —
�I } rift-! �t'ilsun, of (.r��r.t0, slia'-1 n,,t a been received -hy hili)
tette to appear under their nut-r tinretof sorb (]late?))':tion.
Spon. } :,iter w:t}i her ]azent� Joseph �a
pices Gln lire evening of Afonda} SMITH. RAE &GREE?. � � _
Mid �Szs. Wiison. Ae �as7h�Gries of the 6easo
May 3rd: This r(,lore(1 troupe i= • F. `. Burton and Mvsdarr Juba `:,.]:citui,s for Robert Stuart
_.-. -.fneetin with great fav'u1• twher- %N', G. Wil"nson, r.i Anderson. Admiu:stratur.
n - —_
.eve: they appear and in tlu,er• Chir.agn, .,re renmining for �a time Dated r.t Toronto this °rd �,y
ous cases they are asked to with their father I.=_rae] Burton. of Ap.i], 13K1. gg.3j Mrs. r•eiSli= 'spring Millinery Opening will take place 021
.appear the second time. J(ghn Besse, late of Severn, has tak- Tuesday and '��'eduesday Mar. �U 31
-Complaints have been made en possession of the Earn) of Dlrs. A. The ark�1861T2 8C PICkeI' ng y
toug that the•P1uK1-Rist: %E«'s Besse, west of the village, and last
i addressed to BrouRhant, �Vlrite- week brought his family down. Mrs, Telephone Co., Ltd.' The display on these days will out-class any similair event yet held in
Besse will also reside here in future, Pickering. Novelties in hats to snit all ages: Ladies be sure t
vale, CherryRoOd,Greenwood and -- g• _
firs. W. W. Noble, Miss 'Jennie \(,T10E iS hereb iv�n Cha:3 s e-
other poilIts in the central )art of. Blair, J. W. and Mrs. Geddes, Miss } S P and call to view my hats before going or purchasing °
the towvtlshi did not react their Babel Leary and Gia] general!hooting.of the P;cke old- o y
P Mabel Geddes, !lits, ers of the Markham and Picketing �' elsewhere. Asp}endid assortment of read wears. �•`
destination until Monday. All Miss Plant, all of Toronto, and H. J. Telephone Company, Limited, will }fie �'1 ' Norah Sid, Piekerin Oft
papers were trailed from this office Hoidge, of Orono, were in attendance held at the Oddfellow� Hall, in the TRS. 1JELGH� g, g, •
•tin Thursday night. We attribute at the funentl of Miss Berrie Beare. Village of R hitevale, on Saturday, ]h-in St.,
the neglect to the mail clerks oat The community was shocked on the ?ACh day of April, I”, at two
Good Friday to learn that Miss Bertie o'clock in the nfternoon, for the ur..
the train, 1v110 were probably P
`ahw t-handed daring holiday Lime. Rea�re, daughter of Thomas and Mrs. pose of considering:end (if.deemed ad-
-The Easter Solids brou lit Beare, had suddenly passes] away. wisable)confirming two By-laws which
Y R She had been quite ill fora couple of have been passed b the Directors of
the usual number of visitors to !weeks with inflammatory rheumatism the Com'pAny, that s to sav, By-law a `9apCr3
Mown. Among others were the but a fatal termination was not ex- No. 9, to provide for the calling in ant]
following: F. Bunting, Geo. A. petted, but her heart becoming affect- payment of the present bond indebb
and Mrs. Gordon and family, J. ed caused her death. B.ertie was in edness of the Company, and By law �',' "
R. and Mee. Thezton and family, .her 17th year, and for 3 or 4 years paid No. 4, to authorize the issue of bonds We liar-e 1]undreds of �}atterns to
Norman Kerr, Miss P. J. Wright, assisted her father in rhe store and of the Company to the extent of $25, _
v - Miss Cora Gordon, Misses Maggie Post office, and by her kindness, ppp, to provide fends for the retire-
aod Josie Moore, F. and Mea, courtesy and attention had become a meni of the present bond indebted-
Lo an and daughter, Lloyd and favorite with every one in the vale, ness and any other indebtedness of the select from.
g g Y, and tbev one and all deplore her nn- Company, and to extend, ecyt,ip,and
1NiPseaa Marie, Gladys and Jean timely demise. The interment was otherwise improve the telphone plana
Bateman, Ras"sell Shirley,. Abe made at Locust Hill on Tnesday and and system of the Company, and for The C�e87g118 for this year are ahead Of anything
And .Nbn Law, Arthur Rogers, was attended by many sorrowing other lawful purposes of the Company. . .. i. °
f+:(i. Go coley, Miss Shaw, MISS relatives and friends. The casket was By order of the Board of Directors. We h6�e ever BhOwli. �
(halal Hart, George and Mt•s "Overed with floral trihutes from
friends. Mr, and Afro. Beare and At_Pa. HOOCER. President. D
V++rt.v. elf Toronto, Liu}'(1 Shirley' family have the heartfelt sympathy DuNet_n R. BEATON, Secretary BUNTING, ,,, a• iekeiimg
of Powaspan. f every person in this community in Whitevale, April 9th, 19M. Z-291 • i • lx
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