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q, N pew,,:. f AN N J� 7 I IR XXV1116 -FRIDAY DEC. 4 1908 PICKERING9 ONT., , , NO i0rafts*WnaL f9awbo. WHITEVALE residents of the" parts, passed away, an Horse kets oll Friday, Nov. 27th. She was highly D. Solomon, a native of EOZEA4-AL Rangoon, reipected by all and great sympathy XedicaS Burma. will address the Ladies Mis- is ell, You want the kind of Blankets your CASES TREATED WrTI31 horses cannot get off and this is sion,Circle in the Baptist church here towards the bereaved relati,7es M BELL and friends. The funeral which took J-16-o Late House an M. D., -0. M. where you can ketpthem. on Friday evening of this week. Mr. place on Monday, Nov. 30th to the Burgeon of %be t`on We have a good assortment and the 8olomon' kill be dressed in his native A15moral Hospital. successor to Dr: lllin: costume. His M. late. Vigbl,nd, Creek Ii. C. cemetery. was Mean osce hours 8 to 10 a m. I to 3 p in *ad 6 prices are so every person subject will be - -India's largely attended. to s • P m. Pickering, out- can get them. Greatest Problem;" Come and bear his talk with us. Only a silver collet- in Remember the anniversary services GHO. N. FISH, M. D. ,,e1IIliifie �a�wm 11W� tion. the Methodist Church on Sunday outs *or PHYSIOIAN AND SURGEON ON PUNI AAv the beat in the land. next and also this entertainment oL .wCoNa. oal Momber of College of Physicians , ad Surgeons. Single Harness, Team Harness. Tuesday evening. Revs. R. B. Be n- 11,14INAL far Out. Asbooisto 0ozoadr, DUNBARTON CMOs HOW`58 to 10 C m, sonodulltZ 30lanodntstdois Holters, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, 013, of Scarboro, and J. Trickey, of ham. ont- ii -ly .Brushes, Metal Polish, Gal Cure,- wing in this vicinity is about Whitevale, 11 preach. A%ropriate !,e slowing lisle _t aj) sNrease. Jdoof WH—tment.- rn T.- e P. Un Tues- -T HERBERT KIDD, M. D., C. M. Rev. W. R. Wood;" former pastor dt y evening tea will be served from :U a Member College of Physicians A6nl Sur- Harness Oil and Dressing. owns of Ontario. Late House Surgeon of Gen- Team Whips. Buggy Whips. moved his household goods to Clare' 6 to 8 o'clock after which an excelflent ftW. Emergency and Burnside Lying-in Hoop' mont on blonday. program will be rendered. Rev. C. 0• We of Toronto. office in Alexander Morgan's THOMPSON BROS., Pickering The choir are busy practicing for Johnston, of Toronto will deliver his vuldsuee. opposite Methodist church, Blare- POW ALI, $KIM ABO&SIONS. -aise, in. PO 4CZ moat, Out. the leading of the service of pi mular lecture: "Seven People f suolks. CUTS. CNAPPCD NAJID rx Sunday Whom You are One." 0 W PILKS, the Cherrywood church 'on The White-. aleA.1 = Alt PSI ki I S Preparing for Xmas next. vale Male Quartette and W. W, & "gal. at the The annual public meeting of the Sparks will be present to assist in the � - At Z. FAREWELL, Q, C., BARRIS- D.ribarton branch Bible Society met --program. ltv • TBB, County Crown Attorney, and County Dr'ug Store on Monday evening, and totwith- Are co�hnted cutred froin the start, as it is so Itf6ftOr. - Court House, Whitby. 1D.7 Active upon any diseased skin or sores. standing the showery afternoon. the SCHOOL REPORTS : Come here for your Xmas. Goods; attendance was good and-the meeting DR. SPARK'S 0 T. BARCLAY, Barrister-at-Law ' 'we can save you money. roved a success. Rev.-McDonald, of Claremont public school, senior div., VEGETABLE OINTMENT J • Solicitor. Notary Publiq, Specisi Ex%mi for Higa Court of, justice. -k this year consists of occupied the pulpit on November. IV.-Beryl when once glied to a case of. Eczema, wilt Ou.'r stoc Toronto, who o honor roll for Successor Toilet sets Sunday, sears. Dow -McGillivray, Brock street, ilitary brushes. smokers' acted as chairman in a very Knight, Clarke Rawson, Minnie Glee- take away a redo bitbry, set, son. Victor Hayward. III , . bkin •tissue sad amd= all disesiled 71y pets. S In boxes, eased foun- able manner. Rev. Jesse Gibson'. of Sr.= d put the skin into a _smnath wat, gave a very instructive and powerful Rktta too, 3�, lifforj T cEqha�ns, pendants, fancy clucks, Tarr, Magg,"- All r.oneral slid Drug Stores. Margeboxos- goId'and-silver watches.' eye glasses, address on the society, aided by the Morgan. III Jr.�Uecil -Milne, Annie 25c. Ask for samples, lantern views. SpnfTard. Vel 7 HOPKINS. VETERINARY SUR- calendars, calendar Pads, post cards, nia Hayward. Melissa The WARRE-N-McDoi;ALi) Co., mallorytown, Out. GEON, AND DENTr4T, Etc. and XmRs seals, Xmas toys, booklets, sou- Morgan, Dora DroOie, 1�aura Morgan. art -Or"cate of the Ontario volt Inicry Col- venires, -mouth organs. fine perfumes RIVER Junior diviAod. Sr. II—Alex Toronto, registered 'mexbber of the razors. pursies, tie Morgan. Robin Storry. lay Florence. For Good Ontario Veterinary bledicai- Association, pins, holly aper. 31eat try.... A ,a and residoacil -ouNiland one -quarter miles fa�ucy writing paper. etc. We. Eavn't Mrs. Joe. Doten spent a few diiya Jx. 11-Charlie Slack, Marjorie N-eal, imoribot Green River. office and shoeing forge, 1,00ul *to tell you about :dl these nice lest week in the city. Archie .Stol-l-v. 4,r. Pt. 11 -31ary Tarr, boursstw�lla.m_and I t,� t p.m. Private things, but come and see there for Mrs- Cowie visited with' 31 - VeLi St-:!phen -;6h, -Vera Wilson. Jr. ht Selophone in my 0 rs. • address. Green lias Bice Wednesday last. Iuver. .,)u►. Mee P. O. E Pt. ll-Willie Forgytli. George Morg- Gould & ee — ------ Wiffiam and Iloov(-r" t-pent il, an, Ivan Benson. Allie'vieli-raught here iswarrant�_ aggie Sheph- 0 couple of days in Toronto,thiN week. erdson. . Ina Mantle. Family Butchers, DUNBARTOIN d by P. W. Ellis & Co. Ask to, see Willie Benson. ca The telephone -P 'busy C-Viblot Sargent, Beetha Milne. their catalogue of f company ar etc. wi! have their agenry. week installing phunes -in several Merle Stephenson. D--Georgp. Gia, Fre.-h 31e;tts of the PO'. OUGHER of Mar- this wt finest quality at Clierrywood homes. to _THr`ia'ga- Licenses. BrouZharn, Out. oi:a(-r Y'01`11'cutfloweri front us. Hol- . haw, Stewart Graham, Clifford Elbe h -' the lowest possible prices' ly* and mistletoe for sale at X 0, P. Ferrier had th-E-rhisfortune to erdson. al"ys on listrid. D HOPPER Issuer - of Marriage. T. Af;�McFADDEN loiebae of bis horses Tuesday. While Smoked Hain and Bac on a Specialty. Licenses in the County of �ssisting to draw the tank of.a thresh� Ontario- Chemist and UpLitian, i'lekel Atrial given. satisfaction W.g n :Ofilco at store and bis reoidocce, Claremont. "rig iog outbt up a gi-ade, the animal dipp- -ASHBURN' _7: - - - I '. — - . :. guaritntee& aul,ri.,4G, Issuer of ed dead. Marriage Frank h had his "head injured An annNersary under the aus Our Motto - "Health Good Livial o Licenses for tbe-coclaty or, Ontario. of.- ices • W as the store Or at his r9sid0noe. Pinkert g last week by one of the barn door of tYe Presbyterian -birch will be rdlaRe & Go$ fallingonbitn. Frankissti!lcon _B Wagner B6ot held on Sunday and Wednesday next lined a un r -&TORW*AY HOUSE.-Norw conducted in the of to the house. but expects to thatowas On Sunday, Dec. Oth. services will.. b ; Westem MY. Have a fl a few day gi church at I I a. rbLI HingsZon Road, PsAcalar,attentl e ot iresh and cur- 7 p. m. by Rev. Dr. Abrabam, of One of the best sermons ' day, ec hand. ever listened to was prekched by the cold fowl su on to fmein t- o 'in - rks emeats constantly on Whitbv. On Wednesday, best accommodation under the no 9th, a in Rpv .1 'rriArgag yver will b,- QPrvPd In Cajiada. �Jj W ea s Hal esor. 2A ql2last, Bacon, ties. A number of members of the 1 from 5 tog p- m. When Ham,. Bologna, Weiners, etc. different -lodges were e present and en all have been served all will repair to, Pickering Branch. DI R-BBATON, TOWNSHIP CLERK joyed the sermon _immbnsely. Such the church *here a first -class concert • Conveyancer, Commissioner for taking "a2davilig, Acsounjsnt. Eta. ffuney blows Highest prices paid for sermons should do a great deal of good will be -rendered by the following lacovorsted by act of Parliament an form 1000•x of Marriage Llc� Butcher's cattle. In,the community... Went : Mrs. Whitney, soloist, of IMIP-01M. oul. Knox Church. Toronto-, O'Brien. M.E.L. Ontario Ladies' Co!- Authorized Capita' 1l.W0,000.0L GRIEENWOOD. M _WM Auctioneer, REAL-ESTATE ,i1,MA W. Licensed Aucti ee legs, Whitb iss Jessie Fisher, Subscribed 556.000.00 kludsofeales —Ptly attended to, ret:vb( - yhas engaged witbF.J.8e,. voQist,of �or?Vo: and Mr. John Paid up Obargoo reasonable. Telephone residence or S. Ma W3,000.00 -:write, Greenwood. Ons. 2-y 7 don for the winter. Balfour, Scottish song'ster, of Toron- Rest Account 350000.00 to. F. L. Fowke. of Oshawa, member Assets, t Mrs. Stilwell. of Buffalo, 6,000,000-0QW POSTILL., Licensed Auctioneer, InSUrLUce and 'a Visiting elect for South Ontario, will be ptes- .Y. for 0ouation Ot York and.Ont&Ao, A,o. her sister, Mrs. J. E. Disney. ent to give a short addresq. A good Jowl Cow'm 944. T. H. Man Sales Of all kinds attenus Li to on shortest Alice Johnston is N the city this time is assured to all. Admission, =0zo•. Address Green River P. o.,, out, week, the guests of Mrs. Lane. to President COnveYancing Done, tea and concert 26 cents. children und- Miss Maud Foster is here an a visit er twelve years of age 16 cents. Special Attention given to Farmses We B. POWELL, Licensed Auc. .: . 1. we tioneer for Ontario. Ali kinds of sales with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Devitt. Notes onllectioas solicited sad promp�ttlly mails eouducted either jork,rataly or -by auction House and Lot for sale or to rem Mrs. Gilhul and Fred spent a few Farmer: Notes discounted , American and partlicalars 7 .;4 note. oollocted. For datao or tuber days la'st e visiting friends in the apply As residence Elizabeth SL� . sale e BROUGHAM P09918 Exchange bought and sold Draft I& OrOwe left all NewW *Megi will reow Pickering. Also Planing Kill for sale. Sued. arallabl• on all Yang of the, world prompt albonlimr. tit Sued. and family have moved Win. and Mrs. Mosgrove spent over into the house lately vacated by T. Sunday in the city. 150 acre Farm for sale'. Savings Bank Department. POUCHER, Licensed A Wilson. Auction- Miss Walker, of Toronto, is spend- 'To oer, Valuator and Collector for the Coma If You want to buy sell or rent, call Miss. Stewart is at Warkworth this i k with Mrs. R. J. Linton. Interest allowed on deposits at high- UNis at York and Ontario is irif a wee All kinds of auction at nif office. Bar sins. week on a visit with her sister, Mr Miss Florence Bunker is spending a est current rates, and credited or sales conducted and valuations made at mod- a. *rose charge, gatiat I - and SixmneE to cots= H. Robeson. couple of weeks with friends in Brook- Paid quarterlyL to depositors. siff"utly monaged and sold by auction or Our Male Quartette sang at Brook- lin. Ont- rrivst6 W-- IffortgaRes, rents, plows and .-,We V. Richardsoll.''"'. lin at the Laymen'b banquet on Friday Those wishing to buy horses should -general Accounts promptly collected and @&de- Chas. A. McClellan, Mgr. 'factory. settlements guaranteed. Phone Or evening last. see John Gillman's advit. in another' write for some an Prrticalare Brou h . . . . . . Id am. Notary* Public, Pickering Mrs. A. Tremble and 'Ernie column. Call. Daises MOT bl. tied by phone'i'431's Master - . . ... Miss M. Hutchison 'and f �pent a few days last week with Mrs. friend, of A FEW UORE SNAPS Kerripthornat Whitby. Uxbridge, visifed. G. and Mrs. Philip. 'Wednesday. S. H. Stevenson and F. L. Green "on Rev, Tucker. of Oshawa, will occupy Brooklin on Friday evening. he pulpit in the Methodist church on 10c pkg. ADDER S Vickerma !fiverq attended the Laymen's bouquet in 2,5e Pkg. Quaker Oat;; .23 Manufactur 9. of all kinds I Win. Wilson and family spent Sun- Sunday evening. -ed to'Ordgr. First-class rigs for hire' 3 lbs mixed biscuits - -.25 Write or phone us. day in New. Liskeard with their Fred Thos. Feasby of'Uxbridge, :3 lbs ginger .25 daughter, Mrs. D. Lockwood. were here on 'Da 'or night Wednesday assisting at DBE Mrs. Renfrew, of Toronto, and Mrs. ' their late brother's sale. Gloss Starch, per lb Blacksmitlifrig and Woodworking 1 -.8 Pe Bus meets all trains J- Miller, of "Thistle Ha" were the Practice is the order of the day for Icing sugar, per lb -8 %bf all kinds. guests of F. L. and•Mrs. Green on Fri- the two Sunday S. entertainments to Corn Flakes, per pkg. 6-- Teaming promptly attended to. dap 'last.. be held in the near fiture. Shofp close Wednesdays .1 . Agent for Cannida.Carriage Co. s rented the house Orange Me-at 9 Sandy Moore ha Rev. L, C.'Kerr, of Ohi6,,and*W. P. ;-7 and Sajturdf . i:ys. ]&te],r vacated by George Little. We Kerr, of Buffalo, N. Y., are visiting GEO. PHILIP, Grocer, Brougham- will look for a house warming soon their sister, Mrs. J. C. Philip. Brock Road,' W. He Peak, Sandy. Mrs. C. and-?Mss o no on 0- ww�wwa.!v qJntario P titrile& _f6uto Junction, are spending 0 Fe ding e week home., after an absence of some three with friends in Brougham and ici'n- 1,Toticis to the -Z"'a'bli weeks in Toronto, being •called there -ity; No -ving to the. illuess of her daughter, Th'ere will be an open meeting in the For have I a I stock of Verity plow ow points CENTRAL BUSINESS; Mrs. (3. -West. Son's hall. on the evening -of Friday, A nmnher of the youths of the vil- Dec. 11th, All are invited especially and'sole�shoes on band, and not wish- COLLEGE ing to carry them over:- until another Inge wended their way -to W. Clark's the voters. -year, I will sell them out at reduced of Toronto has• started thous- bush on Saturday evening for the pur- George Philip, sanitary irispectbr,' prices.' Verity and Wilkinson points ands of voting mEn and women pose of getting a good Jeed of 'honey, was in NVIlitevale on Fridav Iasi die- - a-large. infecting a house. in which 10 and sole shoes of same number will fit Orr the easy way to inde�pend- which they did after felling h'therewas X ,,same plows. ence and success. Let us give tree and killing the bees. They were a supposed case-of small-pox.— the rig 'ROBT. S. PHILLIPS you it start. Write W amply repaid for their trouble.. John A. White's �.ftl f Cattle on toga r10 s o Friday hist wrrs-quft- end e a success. Tbere p Ont. n 1, the next -9 with was a large number present, prices Enter CHERRYWOQ0 'r any time. were good and nearly all' the cattle Address W. H. Shaw, Pribci- oft Brougham ix us. t4 -Gi S DOMINIONB Ben Stover spent Thursday of -last advertised were sold. ti BA NH e and Gerrard Sts., week in the city. I Yong to P-A I Quite a number from here went fiend Office, 'Xoron Toronto. to. Miss Verna Gates. visited Miss E. Cla' t remont on Tuesday afternoon 0 Jones on Sunday, -attend the services in Erskine church Rev. W. R. Wool] was formally in- Capital paid up $ 34 1000 Albert Cbii��an visited .visit ff"M%" friends on Sunday. Pickering Reserve fund and undi- ducted as pastor -of that church, vided profits 5,300,000 Ross Hadley is assisting our black- A temperance'meeting, open to all, Deposited by the public 35,000,000 smitb. R. Davidson. will be held in the teynperance ball on BRITISH R. Alexander, we regret to report.. Triday evening,, Dec. I fth, at 8 o clop Total assets 47,000000 CANADIAN -Best Business 1� is very ill at present. All those in the township interested BUSINESS tra ining a reason-' ��Ay eft s COLLEG-E able prices. es ev Roach had two sheep w6r. in temperance work are requested' to --WHITBY BRANCH. TORONTO .-Start any-timp ried recent] by_ dogs. Hogg Henderson arrived home from The sale of the effects of the late W. C GULIULtd ftffl luis sime" the Weston Friday last. Feasby which took place on Wednes- Sa tran "ete Address R. A. Farquharson, B. A., Walter. and Mrs. Hollinger visited day was", most successful' affair:. AI- '00 ylffl�_ me- .... . Principal, Corner Yonge and Bloor Mrs. G. Gates on Sunday, though the day was cold there was a SPGCi&l StTention given to the 601180. Chas, Lintner bad the misfostune large crowd present and prices were tion of farmer's sale and to have a runaway it few days ago. good. The - proceed's amounted to The Independent Telephone - Corn. about $IWO. a other notes, ne. y are extending their through On Sunday, Nov. 20tb; in the Ma- • an nee of a large congregation, Irch. SAVIqGS DEPARTMENT. zlacksmithing 1: the village. e Whitb' Miss Sadie Sparks has returned to Malcolm and Geo. Duncan were or- HE PICKERING NEW-S nor M W th w nd v =)0P093,Jt95 received of $I. and A general blacksmith business done' her home in Fairport after visiting dained into the position of ruling eld- All kinds of repairing neatly and her sister. Mrs. T. Law, er in St. John's Church. The service promptly executed. L. Chapman, of Pickering, gave was characterized by simplicity but allowed at hi hest address on "Missionary work" in the also by a quiet impressiveness. cnrre Opposite the M Horse- shoeing - a - Specialty. Epworth Leiize at their 1A.0, rr-fing 11 - 14 - n A Afte eNr ImAl r7"Qr hort addrPRsep were also given I-N Berl Taylor and M. Roach. There wars an Wholesale grocers - report ire - New Post Office gtrl extra good attendance prov6ment inbusiness and en- ii�n� D. GORDO. Man& _",r -1.2.L - 9&" Z� �.r - .s' W 1.7. 7 % 7 s6808800 6660666M N NW9660664mwer 44"M064"M t the two men returned to the hall. " "They indeed make a fine couple." l lections. This air'of ease and! con- Joel was not satisfied with the re- Hello Here come the Earl's tentmeat is not apparent in the cult of the conversation, but he was visitor. Who is the man? I am methods and manners of: the corn- glad that Harecastle should know convinced that I know him," Joel mercial interest alone; the farm- ' 0, c,f the Earl's difficulties, and he cried with animation.' era carry that all right, ready to Loped that- the-MIrIt-that, he let fall "' "How da'you 'do,t" -he 's_aCid_,pd--rne6f efriergenci-e-s- "d--expression7 might bear, fruit. He was anxious litely, as Ackroyd approachedthem. and confidence seems to prevail on to know if the Earl had already "I feel sure that I have the plea- loth side,,. On the whole there is broached to his soil the subject of sure of your acquaintance." a marked improvement in the buss '- bis marriage with Rebekah, and "Indeed"" 'Ackroyd said coldly. ne4s situation over last year.• The would have at once gone to'see him '.'Then I am afraid that you have thoughts of farmers have been turn . had he not ascertained that he, was the advantage of me, for I can't ed to tide. lines, especially dairy still engaged with his visitor. say that I know,you. , ing, and. althoillih this departure T L I I$ They found that tea was sing Aky name a ooep a. T has taken place since last spring in the hall, and to Joel's'de- "What the�. Joel Josephs," Ack- --the served and volume..,of dairy business seat royd said with a well- feigned' start i' out his lighL, Harecastle at once took 'a .:CHAPTER V.-(Cont'd). "Do you know anything about a not yet great, it is a little, 'and beside Rebekah. .Every little sign of admiration. viffairs-I mejan'financially?" he- Iles that little has been of almost incre- The Earl quaked as he heard the that pointed to the consummation Joel bowed slightly, but he was dible relief-to the system of meeting scathing words, and all his courage asked ng III can't say that I do. He makes of his hope 'caused him keen plea- not taken in' all expenses after threshing." - --left him. "I am indeed pleased to make M y not the same thing be said. me an allowance, �which is suffici sure. The feeling which pr�Aomin _YOU must moderate your de- a ent for my needs. "He has* al�ivays ated with him was his love for his �ibtir acquaintance," . -Ackroyd said of localitie's in , Canada 'where wands. I realize that I am in your daughter, but there had been added effusively. -a to Obtain kept his affairs to himself, but from d creameries and cheese factorie' are power, but if you wish to i� another motive which was well "You might tell •-me your name. I . Ati ey supply ready i� a remark made recentiv. I think he .-in--oper on. Za J__ --at be meret t 1`1 e tore of bat- he answered prompt- cash to the farmer at a reason of is now going to permit me to help nign iii �6i,6,61"_ I ful., As it is, I am advised that I him. tle which had animated him when ly, for he had no wish to- help Joel the year when ready money from have not Icing to live, and is it wise, o-ns at Kim- 'out of his difficulty. When he had "That is excellent irom. every he fought for his milli other sources is not available. to drive me to despe-ra- oint of view. Your father wants berlpy was part of his nature. It once cashed the cheque which he -tion1 Think! � ._.1.:1" n of sound common - sense. to had lain dormant, but the mere sug- held, it would not matter, but in -STORING SEED CORN. Ackroyd felt that the battle was a ma --areful. "he had asked considerably be continually at his elbow. In fact gestion of their being a difficulty the meantime lip rn�,;,;b be won) off this marriage pro- "Sinclair-Sinclair," Seed corn should be stored.in a he needs. a, -reArairiing inillrexice," ir bringing o Joel said more than he finally intended to ac- Icantly. ject had revivified it. He was con- re mutt be MIS Joel said signif flectively. Then I dry.place, and in such a way as to vept. allow of free circulation of air be- "I have explained my position ."What do you meanl" Harecas- winced that Harecastle must have taken, but I don't often. fore A chamber con- e love. 'to' Rebekah. He reason- face." tween the,ears. icitly, You must increase your tll,, asked rigidly. -expl offence at, ed that she would notillave centred Hareirastle came up with a smile. taining any considerable quanti y offer very considerably. I will ."Please do not take at her affyctions upon him, uriles's she "I should like to - should be ventilated.. Until fairly I Say, I -a--sure you that return your ho�- abate my demand a little, but we anything I speak entirely for your good, and, had met with encouragement. This pitality. • You were a fri,3nd in dry the corn should not be exposed • must-meet one' another," - r I easoning was bad, but he' need.' You won't have a 'chance of to hard frost, and it is safer not to "Heaven only knows how I shall Of course, your father s, Joel ad- take to dry it out rapidly by he thoroughly understood his i6 �-hiaky and scittlai, till you reach under tan thou- ded hastily. et it, b�! I will give. you I I T ff ended, Mr.�' da-L',ght"lr, and that her pride was town." artificial beat. A good way to store A is to tie the husks -woul -Teff- - -Tnrow eara--tu- Ct 4 -a 314utit4 n - Josephs but I wis;Yyou To-g-eth-er _WnJd-__ Zfer.a Binary things, but • whtire love is hiseshment was ordered. Ac It that is so, I am sorry for you. me at w 0 a n hat y u are hinting," rued, pride does not hold a gulped down th3 liquor and rose to pairs over fence -wire ce- ire or wire Things will have to, take' their "I have not your father's per- conee suspended between two of - mi$sion to. discuss the matter with lace with such nature as Re- go, clothes - line,. si or- ..-,course. certainly thiilk you ought 9ekah's. He felt Zhat his only wea- (To lie `Continued.) Posts or from joists. This will, "The Earl turned to his desk and you, but I ce his. wealth a -Earl's pretty good protec- took up the Statement that he had to know that -he speculates a good Pon was and the dinarily, afford nice unless the, moiletary difficulties.,. tion from iatsandY -orepared for Joel'. deal." he joists over- III Joel did' not make the mistake of corn hangs close to t "Look at this he said, hand* ing as not aware of that," Harq: which case the rodents w quickly. 1. thought., thinking that Money was allepower- head, in the paper over. "You will see that �astle said * lit drop down on it and do more followed your advice upon ful. The great majority of men mig ..J am .not lying to. you. I am beav- that he� y less damage. :.`14 in debt and don't know which, financial matters." have their price, and .it may g, or "y to turn for money." "He has done so, and with great ally be addu'ced to pounds, shil ings, -himself, but 1. bave'dis- and pence, but he recognized that I THE rhal� TWO OPINIONS. 2 Ackroyd looked 'at the figures* benefit to I covered to-day that he has been Ifarecastle was one of the minor-! and his face fell as he' realized their -- - - - - - - - Lawyer Smart-"Good morning* :Sneaning.'-For a moment he thought -plunging on his own initiative, and ity. it .11 Mr. -Gull. What can I do far you is &*atrbus results:" III 'I z6hat his hope was doomed to disap- with rather, d He watched them carefully as VITALITY OF WEED SEEDS IN to-day pointmeirt, and fury filled his This inforrns*' an gaver Harecastle they - 'ceiiversed. - Rebikah was MANURE. "I want t* get your. opinion ou I bright and animate .7 and he at once A, and, Joel could -heart. food fdr thought, a matter .of law. that herel, eyes. Not. It is well known that there is -n the love-light in her . . I I 1 can't help,your troubles` he jumped to the conclusio Yea.." said fiercely I "I've my own to con- Jay the reason of the:opposition to this was not merely a young maid's considerable risk' of introducing "My he This pap . er may contain a his marriage. He decided that upon fancy, but a woman's . passion. new weeds by'the purchase of ma- hens got into my neighbor rider: Brown's yard and-. he poisoned true statement of your affairs, but opportunity L he go Harecastle bore -his'share of the, pure and• hay and other feeding What I want to know is, the first opportun them. is i conversation,- but his mar ' damages that doesn't affect me. It you "have thoroughly into the matter with h' manner was � staffs. E. I. Oswald, of the Mary- F) undertook to obtain can I recover YI n was rich,: listless, and it could be readily seen; land-'Station, u "Certainly. malicious _gntit, you can borrow, it easil 11atiler. Ethel Fethersio' this 'Ceritainly. - It wars - -1 3 vlealt�y *v'$�;. fhotightItt we=far away.. -1mVrc definite information on Q40. besides beinic enough. Your Jerwist Tnweud-ioel tiqt.was Dy no i "'Allus- - T rapidly coming tote poitit, espFcIaly as regards h_ would lend it you for the asking. ii his fathe'r's affairs were se Joel' was r a destruction of.3-oui'property." 'Ia conclusion c. I stated -1 suppote that is the .cal reason 11 embarrassed it would de yy their lusion that Harecastle did not semination through manure, by ,Thanks'. 13ut hold! for studying the effect of the fermen re so friendly with. him. The mar a long period. love Rebekah. e that wrong. It was Brown's hen you. a r!"a Mina- tation of'manur handled in differ- Joel Josephs of this world are not If this was the cause Of his � OP- This only added to his deter Bet into my yard and it was I who his-op- usually ion -there was, a hope t ent wayj3 and passing through the F, 'clait I digestive systems of animals tally received by people like that it tion that the marriage' should take. ini' ered'the paison.",- puts rself unless there IP t be overcome, 1.r of all ills place, Not for a moment did h 191 h is something 1 -night on the adni kh, at yet; I see. That :b'tna it.- - - - - 1 a e 1 vitality of various weed seeds„ in- lack of 'money, is the one that is consider whether it would be for different rotor upon the-transactiOn t leaves. his-, daughter's happiness.-to - marry 'eluding seeds of about fifty the The L Earl looked at the drawer easiest overcome and that 'y in the per- it. at Wecds f6undi"In Maxyla and it is Clear that he, which contained Joel's! cheque. the least traces behind a man who -did nut care fur her. i worst of his hens, was the trespasser, thould he * sacrifice that 7 'iia qui63 In experiments in which the ma- son leaving -the poison What'' ,, 'au.fait;He assumed that Rebekah I'viedl on on I thiokLthat I a whereas would ure remained for sir Months in wh 'eas in leav w - quite kin- with your father's affair If be�him wanted him. Accordingly she were Id happen if he were to refuse a. a a to a man anything? The at him, -if he could bring a. barnyard heap, and (2)'for a short your premises you were to die he present moment, should have h 'A n is pow- dent, a 'a ; whits in piles as when shipped in aware that his fowls would eat it. h had obtained that e a considerable lia-' so far Me the a he would leav ii bout by any means in. h !oarload lots from, cities it was It was purely an ,accident, g Eh at t f r g, he had p by bility behirld-him. sllV-�er - would. -Ter that- it should rned morning, he elt. aid for You would He pf, were conce a his interview with his son. No.! and of r6u.�134� be done quietly and:- that. -there 'fourld-that in the first case there as you much He must pay. AAroyd meant busi- reed to the estates, would be n6 need for th"L - �vas no danger and in the second "Thanks. How the property would be free from any remuval of "Fire dollars. that p m,. and anything better than claim by your father's creditors. Ilia gloves in the handling of the'eme little danger �r�f distributing- 1IWI nec. In' -the . experi- "What, that's just twice what Yet tv he other hie act- of treachery. should become But, perhaps, as a matter of han. matter. I: e weed seeds. Seeds lo t -lever. Vn-�M 5- nown eating in.whieh the weed A askecl. for a legal opinion or. you would consider yourself The Earl. mug't,be the fed'to carlitig steers Y Name your minimum. he said were a and the da, obliged to settle h4 liabilities; doubtedIv Harecastle held his Ea know it b - 1. lit, you see, I have anure-barrelled various ways it He had made p his mind "I should naturally Pay e%er great iffection, but Joel 1 m niong,to-day.' 9 u 9 H& r Alier in was found thit_'7-. given YOU two opinions • to the sacrifice, and he .wi8hed- to thing 'that my fat-her owed,' conclusion that there on as possible. mptly rejoin came to the - (i) Where the manure was hauled ed. would be a limit to his Obedience, iget it over as so at castle prc wo directly from. the .'stable as a t P -SHOWi.-IT. "Tell me the most you can Pay. ouid look l`t*1 e was now inclined to think that Ol THE CHART DIDN'T I thought you w H . I . dressing an average of only 12.8 iince," Ackroyd. asked eagerly. rom that point of view,"_1 1,40 be soine,tru h in the I I . here ib no oceSS16 n whieh "Twenty -five thousand pounds. -or the seer us LeU 1-0 ALIL- A "W"'engagement reported to Ethel- per cent Ackroyd's -heart beat wildly. at P led with q6ckly concealed tits- mals, germinated. cents 'such terrible advantage. to umph. "It is only what one would -a Fetherston." manure was h' the practical joker as that of sea . the. amount. It would do. 4c- -14 'so-, i must be broken (2) Where ni n a hauled di which "It is a bargain," he cried past- ' expect from a man of your char if it is �t reetly from the'stable upon the [arid voyage, and there is none oil. W to himself. cosities become more tifibear- ter. I am very sorry to have to be off, he said grimly and Plowed under,..,2.3 per. cent. of his the bearer Oi news that must n` Lord' . Harecastle rose lazily arid� wing incident em. "ay The Earl produced Joel's cheque the'sredsi fed to animals came up. able. The f olly up, his Aurally cause you a deal of worry. sit sated a stroll'. on the terrace. (3) Where the- droppings remained bodies one of his most ambitious e. em- :from the drawer, and taking I have known ),!ell for some ltimel -ed up expectantly, but -c;n the pasture fields unadulterated .-Eea slowly wrote his name on the permitted to say Rebekah lool and if. I may be t no one moved. as they fell an average of -only 3.1 . When we 'were in the middle of r ack, I have a great liking for you.- "You go, Rebekah," -Wa. Gold-,I seeds . fed to animals the Gulf of St. Lawrence., and the er cent of the see e 'Give me the papers, " he said L'Ol"That i� very, kind, Mr. Jo- berg said -kindly, and the girl ac_ I was 200 "Miles away,, weakly, -fo'r his strength was••leav-- I germinated. nearest coast sephs," Harecastfe said heartily. companied Hareca.stle with a plea- 1• -stilts indicate that in- gen- iJ6 Yankee- quietly, remarked:- The re gang him. *dent e are quite c clutched at the eheque ','Your future ought to be a b that wa§ very evident, to assume' that the "Wal, I guess w, lose Thp. nnlv thing you rack I Joel Josephs and his. sister were cral, it is safe Ackroyd clutc T+ and r 113. h the name of the drawer. is -money." allone. love 7 strayed in well- rotted man-ure, but quarters of a mi away, .noh ow. " r'holme seized the let- "A Brost important •thing," Hare- '� Rebekah is very much in e- that marly pass unharmed through Personally we took no interest in Lord Wolve Mrs. Goldberg ature, ters in his hands, carefully examin- castle Said. dberg said with dol - and; were- con � the digestive tracts of animals and facts of this them, and placed them in his "Yes, I blit one that.can be ac- sigh•. I marry him," Joel., may be carried to the land if the tent to sit and believe, but many ex Joel broke in quickly. "And she shall I not well 'rotted before cited tray lit. of the ex- pocket for Subsequent destruction.. quired manure is n travellers -clashed 0 He lought it was tima- to 'come said fiercely. to have a look at the to close. quarters, 9'he shook -bet head'. use. smoking continent. They long-hoped-for' TER VI. oil have never mar- 94T do not. thinl, that be is in lovell, preseritt came bank in the worst "I wonder-Y I1'y'J-aAT-A,-7e ffiAMERY WILL DO. F Joel Josephs had confidence in his quietly. "I with h r," she replied decisively.. of tempers, saying -that the charts e tied," he continued e u would never mar- That makes no 7 own ability -to bring this marriage "am sure that yU` uld neN difference. I T!ie following published by a lo- and all other authorities declared -44 -But if you- hiN 'N�otth Dakota attests the land to be at least 200 miles -to-a successful termination, and he. 13 for wealth -alone. -e inade lip my mind that they cal paper in in "determined • to tackle Lord Hare: could fix your affections upon one shall -marry, and I get my way in to the Altic of a, new e'reamel•y built' away, and that there was certa -castle. 11.'No time like the present," where riches 1p,-Y; it would be a hap- the .king run.!' in the localtity where the paper ly none -in sight.. teas the nloitit); and he soon fulldifficulty." "You art' a wonderful man, Joel, 12 published:• 1,Wal, I didn't gay the sho e ad �ci,;- pc solution of.the d Harecastle to hii•ioom. "One cannot always order one'-9! but it will be. difficult. Lord Hare- 11 "At the rresent time the busi- returned the champion joker. -asile said coldly. castle is not a puppet of thfs community is very-satis- guegs there a land right tinder us, .1 w a I hope I am n of a mi e ot bothering you," affections," Harec d7ance to my factory In act, no business de-, not three quarters y he remarked', and' took an armchair, Quite true,,, quite true," Joel But lie- shall ?a A firmly: pression without waiting for -an invitation. said hastily. L Understand that., sti-jag," he repli his p'revuiled in this com- ad Loped that you had f-,,irin- "Be certain Jiliat-you do not make, murfity so far this year, because it.. T.A V "Perhaps you know that your fa-, but I h MADI�, HIS DIAGNOSI 7 of resources. ther confides in me to a great d an att'schtneft that would be in, a hash of natters.. it is generally is a country at ex- 'ki -of, thing cry has better to lease this i-rd ''The cream brought in "What diagnosis did the octerr every way suitable. wn.. salvation. dy e illne some ren money has been make of your wife's illne Ha.rec9stle looked Up not wish to be rildc, -Mr. to work out its o s - quickly, do current expenses suffering from and wondered, if by, any chance jDs-cphs, but you iaiist please tin, 1.havc a dread presentiment. that' t.tsed• to defray c enses of,' -"Said-she- was all 1 -00` -- - hat you MC.0 i.c) jer?,qmCKY " -- Joel was awa-re of the.reason of tile derstan.d. flat t1iis, is a sllFJ�ec trouble, w7f comer . 11111.1 b counts for necessities -are novice "Is that SOT' '.',Earl7s, opposition to his 'marriage. T do not,'ar6.to discuss at the Pi�e- Jeel.'� -c* c' 9, ably lea- an a year ago It is he looked it her ongu with Ethel Fatherstom : Although sent moment.." I have nt intention. of meddling, t1i. wished to be 'alone, lie "As for any financial difficulty, I as j-, -)u call .it. That is if matters tiow the -bcgi:7ninq.Qf.'6e, bush sea - and reached that decision i medi- had w go as I wish -their to," split n account of marketing new atoly. it wise., to hear what his say —" • "Please sa.� nothing. Perriap�' "I'Sifick lo line.t You ervopq, but there seems to be a . lack j, in hope that visitor had to sa d more do nit a, d al flurry 0 -OF' THE than never will. understand of tile iisu. am' hk Iiiisiness CITARGE LIGE BRI. he might throw some lig.U--an Cho _yolti have said subject, that was -troubling . . . him. What yom, lifi've already told- nid has w o i nte n . per,ple, vd-to usually at this season GADE, n is wilint to have the first !*neonie 'of d So I have understood," he an- given much food for thought. In �'An understanding of women "You give- me a pane, pt& id the necessity in this case. It is the' farmer for liquidation of Iiis 9 �olitel:v, and I am sll�d -a day or Ewo I way perhaps he able not a ne.c swered prevailing window sash to -the glazier� must be of t,, gi , y•m nit confi'de n'ce.- Indeed, with incn that T inns deal, and I 4.4c)(Ac account. There is a pi 0 a q that your 1,1881.4tance VC * -kt T' -n 1:1 (' S C md t all t�c "That's all right," rej(1, ed the --cry. glad of your flatter 1,1�.p riv� heir belief fl-oit ffirvi r an c mt, Service -to -hall then be knife' g) e ji-iinly and tlii-,ilght' " lie -woa weal, hc;s ti�t denixndq vprin them and f,ir man I Joel smiled as S i I, ta nd tip with a .9 i d rimy. with the putty 'but it rice, at tA I .,T tl,,at roa!�,in merchants are not put hf! charged lip to'y( r b,3S3, that he had drawn smile. I )4,r the cheque id with a glance' to t an that morning. Harocastle rose as he spoke, and said 11 tc�� y great n;sli 611 their col. They found that tea was sing Aky name a ooep a. T has taken place since last spring in the hall, and to Joel's'de- "What the�. Joel Josephs," Ack- --the served and volume..,of dairy business seat royd said with a well- feigned' start i' out his lighL, Harecastle at once took 'a .:CHAPTER V.-(Cont'd). "Do you know anything about a not yet great, it is a little, 'and beside Rebekah. .Every little sign of admiration. viffairs-I mejan'financially?" he- Iles that little has been of almost incre- The Earl quaked as he heard the that pointed to the consummation Joel bowed slightly, but he was dible relief-to the system of meeting scathing words, and all his courage asked ng III can't say that I do. He makes of his hope 'caused him keen plea- not taken in' all expenses after threshing." - --left him. "I am indeed pleased to make M y not the same thing be said. me an allowance, �which is suffici sure. The feeling which pr�Aomin _YOU must moderate your de- a ent for my needs. "He has* al�ivays ated with him was his love for his �ibtir acquaintance," . -Ackroyd said of localitie's in , Canada 'where wands. I realize that I am in your daughter, but there had been added effusively. -a to Obtain kept his affairs to himself, but from d creameries and cheese factorie' are power, but if you wish to i� another motive which was well "You might tell •-me your name. I . Ati ey supply ready i� a remark made recentiv. I think he .-in--oper on. Za J__ --at be meret t 1`1 e tore of bat- he answered prompt- cash to the farmer at a reason of is now going to permit me to help nign iii �6i,6,61"_ I ful., As it is, I am advised that I him. tle which had animated him when ly, for he had no wish to- help Joel the year when ready money from have not Icing to live, and is it wise, o-ns at Kim- 'out of his difficulty. When he had "That is excellent irom. every he fought for his milli other sources is not available. to drive me to despe-ra- oint of view. Your father wants berlpy was part of his nature. It once cashed the cheque which he -tion1 Think! � ._.1.:1" n of sound common - sense. to had lain dormant, but the mere sug- held, it would not matter, but in -STORING SEED CORN. Ackroyd felt that the battle was a ma --areful. "he had asked considerably be continually at his elbow. In fact gestion of their being a difficulty the meantime lip rn�,;,;b be won) off this marriage pro- "Sinclair-Sinclair," Seed corn should be stored.in a he needs. a, -reArairiing inillrexice," ir bringing o Joel said more than he finally intended to ac- Icantly. ject had revivified it. He was con- re mutt be MIS Joel said signif flectively. Then I dry.place, and in such a way as to vept. allow of free circulation of air be- "I have explained my position ."What do you meanl" Harecas- winced that Harecastle must have taken, but I don't often. fore A chamber con- e love. 'to' Rebekah. He reason- face." tween the,ears. icitly, You must increase your tll,, asked rigidly. -expl offence at, ed that she would notillave centred Hareirastle came up with a smile. taining any considerable quanti y offer very considerably. I will ."Please do not take at her affyctions upon him, uriles's she "I should like to - should be ventilated.. Until fairly I Say, I -a--sure you that return your ho�- abate my demand a little, but we anything I speak entirely for your good, and, had met with encouragement. This pitality. • You were a fri,3nd in dry the corn should not be exposed • must-meet one' another," - r I easoning was bad, but he' need.' You won't have a 'chance of to hard frost, and it is safer not to "Heaven only knows how I shall Of course, your father s, Joel ad- take to dry it out rapidly by he thoroughly understood his i6 �-hiaky and scittlai, till you reach under tan thou- ded hastily. et it, b�! I will give. you I I T ff ended, Mr.�' da-L',ght"lr, and that her pride was town." artificial beat. A good way to store A is to tie the husks -woul -Teff- - -Tnrow eara--tu- Ct 4 -a 314utit4 n - Josephs but I wis;Yyou To-g-eth-er _WnJd-__ Zfer.a Binary things, but • whtire love is hiseshment was ordered. Ac It that is so, I am sorry for you. me at w 0 a n hat y u are hinting," rued, pride does not hold a gulped down th3 liquor and rose to pairs over fence -wire ce- ire or wire Things will have to, take' their "I have not your father's per- conee suspended between two of - mi$sion to. discuss the matter with lace with such nature as Re- go, clothes - line,. si or- ..-,course. certainly thiilk you ought 9ekah's. He felt Zhat his only wea- (To lie `Continued.) Posts or from joists. This will, "The Earl turned to his desk and you, but I ce his. wealth a -Earl's pretty good protec- took up the Statement that he had to know that -he speculates a good Pon was and the dinarily, afford nice unless the, moiletary difficulties.,. tion from iatsandY -orepared for Joel'. deal." he joists over- III Joel did' not make the mistake of corn hangs close to t "Look at this he said, hand* ing as not aware of that," Harq: which case the rodents w quickly. 1. thought., thinking that Money was allepower- head, in the paper over. "You will see that �astle said * lit drop down on it and do more followed your advice upon ful. The great majority of men mig ..J am .not lying to. you. I am beav- that he� y less damage. :.`14 in debt and don't know which, financial matters." have their price, and .it may g, or "y to turn for money." "He has done so, and with great ally be addu'ced to pounds, shil ings, -himself, but 1. bave'dis- and pence, but he recognized that I THE rhal� TWO OPINIONS. 2 Ackroyd looked 'at the figures* benefit to I covered to-day that he has been Ifarecastle was one of the minor-! and his face fell as he' realized their -- - - - - - - - Lawyer Smart-"Good morning* :Sneaning.'-For a moment he thought -plunging on his own initiative, and ity. it .11 Mr. -Gull. What can I do far you is &*atrbus results:" III 'I z6hat his hope was doomed to disap- with rather, d He watched them carefully as VITALITY OF WEED SEEDS IN to-day pointmeirt, and fury filled his This inforrns*' an gaver Harecastle they - 'ceiiversed. - Rebikah was MANURE. "I want t* get your. opinion ou I bright and animate .7 and he at once A, and, Joel could -heart. food fdr thought, a matter .of law. that herel, eyes. Not. It is well known that there is -n the love-light in her . . I I 1 can't help,your troubles` he jumped to the conclusio Yea.." said fiercely I "I've my own to con- Jay the reason of the:opposition to this was not merely a young maid's considerable risk' of introducing "My he This pap . er may contain a his marriage. He decided that upon fancy, but a woman's . passion. new weeds by'the purchase of ma- hens got into my neighbor rider: Brown's yard and-. he poisoned true statement of your affairs, but opportunity L he go Harecastle bore -his'share of the, pure and• hay and other feeding What I want to know is, the first opportun them. is i conversation,- but his mar ' damages that doesn't affect me. It you "have thoroughly into the matter with h' manner was � staffs. E. I. Oswald, of the Mary- F) undertook to obtain can I recover YI n was rich,: listless, and it could be readily seen; land-'Station, u "Certainly. malicious _gntit, you can borrow, it easil 11atiler. Ethel Fethersio' this 'Ceritainly. - It wars - -1 3 vlealt�y *v'$�;. fhotightItt we=far away.. -1mVrc definite information on Q40. besides beinic enough. Your Jerwist Tnweud-ioel tiqt.was Dy no i "'Allus- - T rapidly coming tote poitit, espFcIaly as regards h_ would lend it you for the asking. ii his fathe'r's affairs were se Joel' was r a destruction of.3-oui'property." 'Ia conclusion c. I stated -1 suppote that is the .cal reason 11 embarrassed it would de yy their lusion that Harecastle did not semination through manure, by ,Thanks'. 13ut hold! for studying the effect of the fermen re so friendly with. him. The mar a long period. love Rebekah. e that wrong. It was Brown's hen you. a r!"a Mina- tation of'manur handled in differ- Joel Josephs of this world are not If this was the cause Of his � OP- This only added to his deter Bet into my yard and it was I who his-op- usually ion -there was, a hope t ent wayj3 and passing through the F, 'clait I digestive systems of animals tally received by people like that it tion that the marriage' should take. ini' ered'the paison.",- puts rself unless there IP t be overcome, 1.r of all ills place, Not for a moment did h 191 h is something 1 -night on the adni kh, at yet; I see. That :b'tna it.- - - - - 1 a e 1 vitality of various weed seeds„ in- lack of 'money, is the one that is consider whether it would be for different rotor upon the-transactiOn t leaves. his-, daughter's happiness.-to - marry 'eluding seeds of about fifty the The L Earl looked at the drawer easiest overcome and that 'y in the per- it. at Wecds f6undi"In Maxyla and it is Clear that he, which contained Joel's! cheque. the least traces behind a man who -did nut care fur her. i worst of his hens, was the trespasser, thould he * sacrifice that 7 'iia qui63 In experiments in which the ma- son leaving -the poison What'' ,, 'au.fait;He assumed that Rebekah I'viedl on on I thiokLthat I a whereas would ure remained for sir Months in wh 'eas in leav w - quite kin- with your father's affair If be�him wanted him. Accordingly she were Id happen if he were to refuse a. a a to a man anything? The at him, -if he could bring a. barnyard heap, and (2)'for a short your premises you were to die he present moment, should have h 'A n is pow- dent, a 'a ; whits in piles as when shipped in aware that his fowls would eat it. h had obtained that e a considerable lia-' so far Me the a he would leav ii bout by any means in. h !oarload lots from, cities it was It was purely an ,accident, g Eh at t f r g, he had p by bility behirld-him. sllV-�er - would. -Ter that- it should rned morning, he elt. aid for You would He pf, were conce a his interview with his son. No.! and of r6u.�134� be done quietly and:- that. -there 'fourld-that in the first case there as you much He must pay. AAroyd meant busi- reed to the estates, would be n6 need for th"L - �vas no danger and in the second "Thanks. How the property would be free from any remuval of "Fire dollars. that p m,. and anything better than claim by your father's creditors. Ilia gloves in the handling of the'eme little danger �r�f distributing- 1IWI nec. In' -the . experi- "What, that's just twice what Yet tv he other hie act- of treachery. should become But, perhaps, as a matter of han. matter. I: e weed seeds. Seeds lo t -lever. Vn-�M 5- nown eating in.whieh the weed A askecl. for a legal opinion or. you would consider yourself The Earl. mug't,be the fed'to carlitig steers Y Name your minimum. he said were a and the da, obliged to settle h4 liabilities; doubtedIv Harecastle held his Ea know it b - 1. lit, you see, I have anure-barrelled various ways it He had made p his mind "I should naturally Pay e%er great iffection, but Joel 1 m niong,to-day.' 9 u 9 H& r Alier in was found thit_'7-. given YOU two opinions • to the sacrifice, and he .wi8hed- to thing 'that my fat-her owed,' conclusion that there on as possible. mptly rejoin came to the - (i) Where the manure was hauled ed. would be a limit to his Obedience, iget it over as so at castle prc wo directly from. the .'stable as a t P -SHOWi.-IT. "Tell me the most you can Pay. ouid look l`t*1 e was now inclined to think that Ol THE CHART DIDN'T I thought you w H . I . dressing an average of only 12.8 iince," Ackroyd. asked eagerly. rom that point of view,"_1 1,40 be soine,tru h in the I I . here ib no oceSS16 n whieh "Twenty -five thousand pounds. -or the seer us LeU 1-0 ALIL- A "W"'engagement reported to Ethel- per cent Ackroyd's -heart beat wildly. at P led with q6ckly concealed tits- mals, germinated. cents 'such terrible advantage. to umph. "It is only what one would -a Fetherston." manure was h' the practical joker as that of sea . the. amount. It would do. 4c- -14 'so-, i must be broken (2) Where ni n a hauled di which "It is a bargain," he cried past- ' expect from a man of your char if it is �t reetly from the'stable upon the [arid voyage, and there is none oil. W to himself. cosities become more tifibear- ter. I am very sorry to have to be off, he said grimly and Plowed under,..,2.3 per. cent. of his the bearer Oi news that must n` Lord' . Harecastle rose lazily arid� wing incident em. "ay The Earl produced Joel's cheque the'sredsi fed to animals came up. able. The f olly up, his Aurally cause you a deal of worry. sit sated a stroll'. on the terrace. (3) Where the- droppings remained bodies one of his most ambitious e. em- :from the drawer, and taking I have known ),!ell for some ltimel -ed up expectantly, but -c;n the pasture fields unadulterated .-Eea slowly wrote his name on the permitted to say Rebekah lool and if. I may be t no one moved. as they fell an average of -only 3.1 . When we 'were in the middle of r ack, I have a great liking for you.- "You go, Rebekah," -Wa. Gold-,I seeds . fed to animals the Gulf of St. Lawrence., and the er cent of the see e 'Give me the papers, " he said L'Ol"That i� very, kind, Mr. Jo- berg said -kindly, and the girl ac_ I was 200 "Miles away,, weakly, -fo'r his strength was••leav-- I germinated. nearest coast sephs," Harecastfe said heartily. companied Hareca.stle with a plea- 1• -stilts indicate that in- gen- iJ6 Yankee- quietly, remarked:- The re gang him. *dent e are quite c clutched at the eheque ','Your future ought to be a b that wa§ very evident, to assume' that the "Wal, I guess w, lose Thp. nnlv thing you rack I Joel Josephs and his. sister were cral, it is safe Ackroyd clutc T+ and r 113. h the name of the drawer. is -money." allone. love 7 strayed in well- rotted man-ure, but quarters of a mi away, .noh ow. " r'holme seized the let- "A Brost important •thing," Hare- '� Rebekah is very much in e- that marly pass unharmed through Personally we took no interest in Lord Wolve Mrs. Goldberg ature, ters in his hands, carefully examin- castle Said. dberg said with dol - and; were- con � the digestive tracts of animals and facts of this them, and placed them in his "Yes, I blit one that.can be ac- sigh•. I marry him," Joel., may be carried to the land if the tent to sit and believe, but many ex Joel broke in quickly. "And she shall I not well 'rotted before cited tray lit. of the ex- pocket for Subsequent destruction.. quired manure is n travellers -clashed 0 He lought it was tima- to 'come said fiercely. to have a look at the to close. quarters, 9'he shook -bet head'. use. smoking continent. They long-hoped-for' TER VI. oil have never mar- 94T do not. thinl, that be is in lovell, preseritt came bank in the worst "I wonder-Y I1'y'J-aAT-A,-7e ffiAMERY WILL DO. F Joel Josephs had confidence in his quietly. "I with h r," she replied decisively.. of tempers, saying -that the charts e tied," he continued e u would never mar- That makes no 7 own ability -to bring this marriage "am sure that yU` uld neN difference. I T!ie following published by a lo- and all other authorities declared -44 -But if you- hiN 'N�otth Dakota attests the land to be at least 200 miles -to-a successful termination, and he. 13 for wealth -alone. -e inade lip my mind that they cal paper in in "determined • to tackle Lord Hare: could fix your affections upon one shall -marry, and I get my way in to the Altic of a, new e'reamel•y built' away, and that there was certa -castle. 11.'No time like the present," where riches 1p,-Y; it would be a hap- the .king run.!' in the localtity where the paper ly none -in sight.. teas the nloitit); and he soon fulldifficulty." "You art' a wonderful man, Joel, 12 published:• 1,Wal, I didn't gay the sho e ad �ci,;- pc solution of.the d Harecastle to hii•ioom. "One cannot always order one'-9! but it will be. difficult. Lord Hare- 11 "At the rresent time the busi- returned the champion joker. -asile said coldly. castle is not a puppet of thfs community is very-satis- guegs there a land right tinder us, .1 w a I hope I am n of a mi e ot bothering you," affections," Harec d7ance to my factory In act, no business de-, not three quarters y he remarked', and' took an armchair, Quite true,,, quite true," Joel But lie- shall ?a A firmly: pression without waiting for -an invitation. said hastily. L Understand that., sti-jag," he repli his p'revuiled in this com- ad Loped that you had f-,,irin- "Be certain Jiliat-you do not make, murfity so far this year, because it.. T.A V "Perhaps you know that your fa-, but I h MADI�, HIS DIAGNOSI 7 of resources. ther confides in me to a great d an att'schtneft that would be in, a hash of natters.. it is generally is a country at ex- 'ki -of, thing cry has better to lease this i-rd ''The cream brought in "What diagnosis did the octerr every way suitable. wn.. salvation. dy e illne some ren money has been make of your wife's illne Ha.rec9stle looked Up not wish to be rildc, -Mr. to work out its o s - quickly, do current expenses suffering from and wondered, if by, any chance jDs-cphs, but you iaiist please tin, 1.havc a dread presentiment. that' t.tsed• to defray c enses of,' -"Said-she- was all 1 -00` -- - hat you MC.0 i.c) jer?,qmCKY " -- Joel was awa-re of the.reason of tile derstan.d. flat t1iis, is a sllFJ�ec trouble, w7f comer . 11111.1 b counts for necessities -are novice "Is that SOT' '.',Earl7s, opposition to his 'marriage. T do not,'ar6.to discuss at the Pi�e- Jeel.'� -c* c' 9, ably lea- an a year ago It is he looked it her ongu with Ethel Fatherstom : Although sent moment.." I have nt intention. of meddling, t1i. wished to be 'alone, lie "As for any financial difficulty, I as j-, -)u call .it. That is if matters tiow the -bcgi:7ninq.Qf.'6e, bush sea - and reached that decision i medi- had w go as I wish -their to," split n account of marketing new atoly. it wise., to hear what his say —" • "Please sa.� nothing. Perriap�' "I'Sifick lo line.t You ervopq, but there seems to be a . lack j, in hope that visitor had to sa d more do nit a, d al flurry 0 -OF' THE than never will. understand of tile iisu. am' hk Iiiisiness CITARGE LIGE BRI. he might throw some lig.U--an Cho _yolti have said subject, that was -troubling . . . him. What yom, lifi've already told- nid has w o i nte n . per,ple, vd-to usually at this season GADE, n is wilint to have the first !*neonie 'of d So I have understood," he an- given much food for thought. In �'An understanding of women "You give- me a pane, pt& id the necessity in this case. It is the' farmer for liquidation of Iiis 9 �olitel:v, and I am sll�d -a day or Ewo I way perhaps he able not a ne.c swered prevailing window sash to -the glazier� must be of t,, gi , y•m nit confi'de n'ce.- Indeed, with incn that T inns deal, and I 4.4c)(Ac account. There is a pi 0 a q that your 1,1881.4tance VC * -kt T' -n 1:1 (' S C md t all t�c "That's all right," rej(1, ed the --cry. glad of your flatter 1,1�.p riv� heir belief fl-oit ffirvi r an c mt, Service -to -hall then be knife' g) e ji-iinly and tlii-,ilght' " lie -woa weal, hc;s ti�t denixndq vprin them and f,ir man I Joel smiled as S i I, ta nd tip with a .9 i d rimy. with the putty 'but it rice, at tA I .,T tl,,at roa!�,in merchants are not put hf! charged lip to'y( r b,3S3, that he had drawn smile. I )4,r the cheque id with a glance' to t an that morning. Harocastle rose as he spoke, and said 11 tc�� y great n;sli 611 their col. "�.s °:.�_' 'i :3'x,y:7 5�:.'C+•,i:'-.!"��="r•'" .�7 �•Y, �?c. �: .✓�&"`''�',s+ ° - .��.:�'' ;r. , .%. !�?C••r�' •" �i �..,- �',+pFy+&, ,?'.�;. ° -�., ..� a•:'A -! .ii'•.., -' -.. :.. �'S' -". •. .. ,c•.s ;,.Z .L. K. r i� ,.� >'.. ,w.�'- �'.%•7�. a+••y^a• �:. "i'�& „< `=l �^.. ,,�`. x5Y':.'•: �i�K+c!;,`.. .ys `T'a'.:- ..+. i'. • •�++ �. ,� ."'+"'' .. ,... � *+ . ,:,. r. bG+. .: :.. ... s•. I_�.Y}i %•-yy� _ .i. t syx ry . "� i.;' - e :r • A n✓ Ah _ •,.: THE WORLD'S MARKETS _ - IkGREASI , E£0 IN ff BTS FROM THE LEADING _.. TRADE CENTRES.: ,Splendid . -Record =Being -Made - -By the — Attempt on -the Lives -of Englishmen -- .Year, _ - Price s c_e. s of Cattle, Grain, Cheese Railways- "This an- d _ Almost o ail . cciirrence. other Daley.Produee -at .. .11nme and abroad. Ades F A despatch- front Winnipeg says': ratlier than - lower. Taking the av ' pate�om Calcutta says : Agutpara. There were three other r4+ Up to date there has passed inspee- erage of wheat passed inspection BREADSTUFI S The it iii India has not European's in 'the carriage at the tion at Winnipeg 40,400,000 , { � shown such a menace of serious up- same time. None was injured. Last v p g_. !lush- at 85 cents to the farmer the a has Y ele -of -wheat of the crop of 1905 or been risings as it does to-day p paid to them on the -wheat. Toronto Dec. 1.- Ontario Wheat g. y for essay Monday night District Supt. of Po- nearly. 9,000;000 bushels-more than crop of 1503,' $34,340,000. It is in- - No-. 2 white or red,, outside, 93e years past. Attacks and attempts lice.Clough was murdered by a na- had been inspected u to the end terestin to note the record of the to 94c No. 2 mixed We to 931 :c. • on the lives of Englishmen officials' tine at L alt er. The n tive a P P' B � i_ � Y P` a P _ of December last year. Putting the .arious roads, in the movement of Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 northern, and civilians are of almost daily oc- proached the superintendent whaler exportable surplus of crop at 60, -` the crop. Of the 43,973 cars inspec- 51.07;•i to $1.08-; .No. 2 northern, currents. Lord Minto, the Vice- -he was asleep and cut open his 00,000 bushels,. more than half of ted the C. P. R,, handled 2 .7,846, the $1 to $1.05 lake ports.. roy of India, 'returned here on Wed- head i ith a- spade. that surplus has already been in- C. N. R. 12,821, and the new G. '1'. Oats- Ontario No. 2 white, 39c nesday from the north,. cutting The native, named Chownh.ury, r-pected, and before navigation clos- I P. made the splendid record of 924, to 40,',,c- •outside ; 'No. 2 mixed; 37c short his excursion in this territory who art November 7 made an at- ' ea o-i the 5th of December the and 2,383 went over the Great to 36c, outside, 43//c on track, lake for the purpose. of considering men- tempt here upon the life of Sir An= amount will have run over 45,000, -` Nortbern to Duluth. ports; extra No. 1 feed,: 41%c; No. sures to cope with the native' dis- drew Henderson Fraser, the Lieut 000' bushe`.s. in spite- of th'e kicks The Canadian -Pacific holds the 1 feed' 41c• on track lake orts. affection, which the authorities have Governor of Bengal, on Wednesda tl' P 1� P been forced to recognize g d that continue to come from the ,palm for the largest number of cars Harley -No. 2,�95;�c to 56c; No. gnize as alarm- pleaded guilty and was sentenced country as to car shortage, the west mover on such.. long hauls in the g extra, 54c to 55c; No. 3, 53c to ingly on the increase. to imprisonment for life. has already got out mere wheat, I i,eriod of two and a half months, 5!c. ' On Wednesday night s Bengali The police are taking remark considering the distance it has to and evidence of the advzritage of Corn -Old, 14 %c to 75c,'Toronto made an unsuccessful attempt to able precautions to safeguard�Lord `.travel, than any country has ever 6ouble tracking is fairly thrust in ;reights, for No. 2 or a yellow; new kill Public Prosecutor Hume with MintDr -i�rid this is regarded as most _ inoved in the same period before. the face of every dealer, of wheat. No. 3 yellow, 71c to 71 %c, Toronto a bomb in a railroad carriage, near significant. Up to the end of September the The record of the G. T. P. fur a freights. MT average price to the farmer had new load is magnificent, for it must Rye -No. 2, 75c to 70th outside. UNITED STATES MARKETS. ed in the mine the death list.. will r. -run just abort 85 cents per bushel be remembered that not a car mot- Peas- No. 2, 85c to 86c outside. - • exceed the company's estiitzate by r" for all grades. The average has ed on that road.in September. The Buckv,heat -No. 2, 55c- to 56o, out - Milwaukee, Dec. 1- Wheat -No. 1 T , r at least 50. ” rot been made up since that time, record of nearly a. thousand care side. . ' _ . Northern, $1:OS,� ; ho. 2 Northern, but ii has certainly been' -higher, is for October and November alone. Flour - Manitoba, first patents, $1.0.1 to - $1,0$; May, $1.08 asked. 6T. JEROIiE'S DAMAGED. 45.50; seconds,_ $3.30; strong bak- Rye -No. 1, 75c. Corn -May, 62%c _ era'', $a.c0; Cmtariu a:utcr wheat i id. Barley- Standard, 64c; sam- HAMONIC: LA£ �iCHED meat's Licensing Bill at the secord Berlin Stu3ents Work Hard to {patents, for export, $3.70 to $3.75, ekes, 57 u� -G4c ; No,• 3, 57 to 61c ; . I reading by 272 to 96 votes. The cutside� N,Sv., 57c. Save 1e�r Buildings. .? . _ - - _ _ - -- — — _ _ e _ ..._ _ A t 1i - from - Berlin: - -- - - - - - -- _ - ShIpbuilding.• months regarded this as the,.inevit- ton in Lags, outside s:rorts, -$2Y, to 'Dec., $1.04x, ,� May, 81.09'9, , Fire did 833 000 damageto St. e � S / ' Y / • sa4h able fate of the bill,- They will, $23, ;n bags, outside. - N).'1 hard, $1.09'/, to $1,08'.; No. A despatch • from iollingwood however during the next genera , rome's - College early on Sunday. says: Shortly after 2 o'clock on g g -- - 1 Northern, $1.07 / to $1.07/,; No. morning, destroying the oldest of �# .� election campaign, use this as. one r - ; - 1 a Thursday afternoon the•rope's hold - COLI TRY .PRODL•CE. -2 Northern, '81.08/, to 81.05 / ;. No. the college building-,, which was Lof .their many reasons fvr ending 9•.Nurthern 81.01' to $1.04. Bran g g ing the splendid steel steamer Ha- I A 1 used as a notiviate 1 dormi the House Df Lords. They set t,,rth, PP ea- '.S'inter,� $3 to $t per bard -$18.23 to $18.50. Flour - First tory and society hall�"eral oil monio were severed simultaneous- i furthermore, that: the bill, being .a eel . for good quri.i�ies, and at- p ^,tents, $5.40 -to 85.65; aecond•pa- Bard' tables, a tench an organ and •ly and the tremendous tonnage of to $2.30 for cuukin a lea. P g steel slid racef +ail down the revenue .measure, is autsi,ie the g ' iiP tents $5.25 'to $5.50• first clears g y says jurisdiction of the House of Lords. Beans - Prime, J$1,80 to X1.85,, and I. ' '..other valuable furniture were de- into the water and another addi- hand- icked $1".90 to $1.'J5 81'00 -t° $4.30; aecondTcleara, $3.00 practically • -fion was made to- the'fieet of the -- ' per I to $ 3o-. the cl d, ng well as ets ho All P � - :...chef. _ 3 the cIoth:n of 12 students who slept Buffalo, Dec. 1.- Wheat- Spring, there. The volunteer brigade of '- Northern NavigatiogCompsny. The iiohzey= Combs, $2 to �!il2,,75 pe* g initial dip • of the. $anionic was W.A. MORTON STABBED. dozen and strained io to lie per steady; Not 1 Northern, - carloads, students bad streams playing on the • �Ftore,' $1 .0'9/ Winter hi her• No. greeted by the tua,altuous cheering pound. �' ' higher; flames before the arrival of the city of full 10,000 Italian Laborer Thrusts ]f►n'te Into' - - 2 red, $1.08%; ' No. :3 sates red, whistles of the several steamers in l Aiw Breast. Iiay =loo. 1 ti othy quoted at 811 $1,D7iz f No. 2 - whi;,e„ $1.04; No. brigade. ay io $11.50 a ton on track. here, and the harbor added their welcome to '�o. 2 at 47 _ mixed $1.07. Corn - Easier No. ` A despatch--.from Niagara' Falls to $3• 3 yellow 67c; No. 4 yellaw,'68 %c; sIC 1fE�1 St'FF ©GATED. ++�, the new recruit. The customary says: , Following, ` a dispute u.er St r~ w- $;1.50 to d5 or track. No. 4 corn 65' c o 66e • bottle of wine was brokers .upon the Potatoes- Delawares, +o - to 60c ' �. t No. 3 wages; Joe Fread, an Ualian la,.. white 67c. Oats -Stead Were Working in Salt !tine on Out - prow of the boat by.- Mrs. H, H.. borer, committed a murderuu: as per -bag on track. - . i R i a y;_.. No. $ skirts of Detroit. Gildersleeve, .wife of the eneral!. white, 3/ to 53yc; No. 2� _ g Fault on: W. E. Morton at Stag- Poul, ry --Chi: kens, dressed, 9 to ' manager of the company, who per - 10ts r cunt f rack, 81c. A despatch from Detroit says . formed her task just as the steamer ford on Thursday afternoon. Mor- 9 c per p owl, 7 to 8c Sc; ; ducks, P ton is foreman of a gang of kabob : - . , geese, 8 to Sc per aiourid; Six men were Nuffocated to death - started on the way for her first sub- €rs•who work on�the rosda in Stain- turkeys, 13 to 12•i_c a,er around.• IIF.R LIRE FOR A DCG. on Saturday afternoon in the Vil- mersion. men off on the.conclus: °n of the job. 1 TfIE' I >_1IiiY MARKETS. Mrs. Tony Ververan,_of Hainilton, outskirts of Detroit. They were at i PARDON CAME T00 LATE. Freed demanded more than had i Butter -Pound riots, gI to 2Ec Killed by a Car work,;300 feet down in .a shaft' be _ r P in sunk'for a salt aline, when the _ been agreed upon, and 'Jlorton re tubs, ,23 to 24cy; irieltor. ° 20 to 21c. A deli °tch from iiamilton: says: canvas tube which supplied them )Qeath of Cept. N. F..$nrliottle fused to' pay him F'rearl ,walked I-Creafnery rolls; :27/ to 28c, and j In an attempt to save her dog from with air became clogged, and the From Cancer. away, but in a_few minutes came sol'ds, 25?2 to 26c. � injury by a Radial car on Sunday shaft filled with gas. bodies �° back, and without warning, - stab - -Eg s -•Cage lots of storage, 23 to-; eveuin about b o'clock Mrs. Ton u; A despatch from .Edmonton says: 4 g B y have been recovered. , 6', bed Morton twice in the t yeast near 24e- par dozen, =zvl ale new laid are. Veryeranan, • Whideld avenue, lost _ •L a Captain N. F_ HarboLtle, the-de- „ -..n: her own life. She:and -her husband o I the heart with a dirk knife, and ern quoted, 'at 30 to 33c per; d , fa,ultigg collector of inland revenu4 A I)ItNDRED DROWNED. cff into the woods. The pc l' af- Cheese -f a ;e cheese, l3; jc per were v. alkiag along the tracks near — here, who was serving a two-year' ter a loo chase, ca Lured Lim. 13, %c. , Iro.ndale; and he -ring a car a r g p pound, and twins, { •. sentence, died suddenly in the pent- k g P- r C ?a9 ;ing Steamer Went Down" off •: roach, the s Morton is in a very critical coati• stepped aside out, of i ientiary, on- Friday morning from I P Y the Philippines. cancer of the' stomach. IIe had tion. aL PL`)V1Si0 \8,d:•rnger. The dog remained on.'the - been operated upon and aeser ral- Pork -Short cut,, ,✓'22.50 to $ -3 g A despatch from Manila says track and as it was in den er of : p. lied. A peculiarly sad feature of IIC�501'6 B.tT R:�ILw.1F., per barrel ; ruess, $19 to 319.30• being struck, Mrs. Ververanan rank The - oastrng steamer Pouting, car ,, on the track to save it. As she bent eying a large, number of laborers the case waste fact that one hour —_ Lard -it ;ces: 12f'c ; tubs, I .;;c; from Narvaian to the ricefields in u P Rapid Pro re§s is Being Slade With I�ai!s: I3c:- I forward to pick it up the corner after his Beat a pardon arrived , I Pan asinan province, struck a rock s from Ottawa,' which had been g 1; f3uhuk+d and Dry' Sated Meats— f_ the car struck her on the. head g p =�. tho' 5tirvep. 1, , I -knocking- her senseless. • The car and sank on Thursday night during granted b* order in Council after Long clear bacon, lle. to Ilse, g � a storm, off the town of $an• Fer- ' -,the precarious -condition of his A despatch from Ottawa 'says:' tons aad oases hams large 1 °? %c; seas stopped, :.and she was taken ;. health was made known to-the Gov-' Reports received by the Railway to 13c, small 14c to _1.1,1,,,c; back;;, to the „City -H, _ pital,_wher,e the nando, in Union province. It is Departpient are.that rapid j 2 i' , estimated that a hundred of the ern-ment. Capt. Hnrbottle leaves pad pLOgresa 17c to 171 %c; shoulders, 1oc to la', c doctors operated on her. Her skull a wife and four children. it being made with the survey of i rolls, Ile to 11' /,c ; breakfa t bacon, + was too- badly fractured for surgi- passengers and • crew of the Pont the proposed route of the Hudcoa 15c tp 16c ; green c eats Qut °f pickle cal aid to be of any benefit, and ing were drowned. The steamer 1 Bay Railway. There are ct present 1 smoked. she died Lbout an hour later. �iscaya rescued 55. A patrol of u e coasts in constabulary, ' c_ . LICENSING BILL REJECTED s _ ' DEAD immediately after the accident, s` in all of from seventy, to ores !run -. BLTSIX tSS :�T- DfOtiTRF:1I:. 139' HIKERS DEAD: - picked u fifte ^n bodies and rran x l�cw British Measure Buried b dred men.engaged in surveying al- F P . ' y y Montreal Dec. 1:- Grain -Cana- sere comic ashore. It is not ternat3 routes. It is anticipated Explosion in Pittsburg - Buffalo Coal ry .272 to 96 Votes. than Western 1o. 2 white oats are known whether any Americans or that the engineers, will be in 'a P°- selling at 46 %c ; No. '3, 45;zc ; extra Mine. Europeans were aboard the wreck- -A despatch from" London says` Fitton' to make a report, on which I No. 1 feed oats at 45%0; No. -1 feed -' A des atch Irom Pittsbue Pa. ed steamer. ' The House of Lords on Friday re- a practically definite ' conclusion p g + i� jetted; in accordance with their re- may be based, by the end of Febru- at h 45c Ontario No., 2 - white, •45� to l says : Twenty -five . bodies, all -but solution of Nov. 24, _the Govern- wry, for presentation to Parliament. 45;;c ; No, 3, 44 to 44;'c.; No. 4, two of them horribly mutilated, and Ontario, British . Columbia and 432 to 44c per bushel ex store. s,vera] dismembered, were.take_i on Nova Scotia were awarded gold me= ---- - Flour - Manitoba Spring wheat pat- Sunday from the mina - ow i _ - -- -•- ents, firsts, $6 u• g- u a o oa Co., at Marian- London., in er a" eat patents, $3 to $5.25;; na, -where an explosion occurred on Mr. Birrell' has introduced a bill straight ro!lnrs, $•1.60 to $4.70; do., I Saturday: Officials of the company into the British House of Commons <<. -- _- y n ags, $ ;.15 to a9 krab $1_:, -said aturda night -that to-- facilitate _the- purchase •-of land 1, -..Feed -Ontario ran, over 125 had been killed,"on Sun- for' the tenants in Ireland. b to 8� -O u 4,21.50 to $22; iniddlin�s,' $25 to day night admit that 138 men went The army budget for Prussia, The$26 ; shorts, $•24:50 to $25 per ton, I down the shaft to work on Satur- Saxony and Wurtemburg estimates 1h Trouble Is Tow Believed to Have iasluding bags; pure grain n:oui' e, 1 day, morning: According to min- the expenditure for 1909. at $180, -, 830 to' $32; millets' grades; $2T5 to ,era and others familiar with the 500,000, or $6,500,000 less than in C , - —' 42g per on. Cheese -12% to 12 %c,,� number of men generally employ- and ''Head, easterns at 11' to 12c. Butter =27c-in round lots, a.nd.27% to 28c -- - A sespatch , from • London says"f kish "boycott caused declines at the in a jobbing war. , Eggs -New laid, Friday has been a day -of uneasi bourses of Vienna and Budapest, 29 to 30c ; selected stock, 25 to 95,yc; •tress and even alarm. ' Various re- which were partly . cc,hecked by a 'No. 1 stock; 22 to 23c, and No. 2 arts all seemin to harmonize hasty official announdement den �+ ' s, F , g Y Y stock, 17 /c per dozen. OPIUM IN THEPENITENTIARY with each other, created. a b3lief, ing same of the rumors, especially _ that the Balkan trouble had come the fight, between. Austrians and + to a head, a that war pwas very Serv�a." Dec. 1. -A scarcity of 1`C�,Ilo j J p `y -LIVE STOCK MARKET. r Instructor Has BeAn -S'ua ended near. The general interpretation The position was in no wise bet- Toronto, of the withdrawal. of Marquis Pal- tered when it was learned that the choice cottle . was reported. A lavicinni, the Austrian•Ambassador. Governmentirad confiscated four buyer said that he was willing, to - Pending Investigation. :r at Constantinople, as a disguised Vienna newspapers for reporting Fay $5 for a load of extra choice ultimatum to Turkey, Russia's un- the mo.vem-ents of troops particular - butchers' cattle, but he could not favorable reply to the Austrian note ly at Semlin. - find them. The best prices ruled A despatch from Kingston says: material was coming from. Two. _ ;'concerning a conference, the. re- It is impossible to say how far around $4.40 per cwt. Straight The tailor instructor of the peni prisoners under the instructor were orted definite conclusion of an �al- the day's alarm was - justified, but loads of good cattle were- sold at tentiary is under suspicion pending using the drug, and one of them is x, Turkey, . Montene -.. nothing can be definitely ascertain- '$4 to $4.25 per cwt. The prices an investigation into the finding in new in the prison . hospital. How gro and Servia,• the allege c as I ea o s..ow • • o . m W _ - cf an Austrian column with a Ser- really worse than it has been for to $4 per cwt. Choice cows were a quantity of opium, tobacco, one can tell. Some years ago a vi ri guerilla band,' the rumored in the last few days. Nevertheless the enlrl ivp'io-$3.7r- cw•t^ -= crease of troops in Bosnia, and a uneasiness is general, and the out- and medium. cows brbnght $2 to $3 at Eaton's in Toronto. The s ie- found under• the floor of the archi k 1f esh eoueernatiQn at Semin, oppo- look is very~ obscure. It is stated per cwt. Few heavy feeders of good pended official denies all knowledge I feet's room at the prison, bait he )E to Belgrade, where it.was assert - in diplomatic quarters 'that' the quality were offered. A demand as to how these rrraterials found knew frothing about the matter.; - c I . plot to murder 'an Austrian p.ravest difficulties lie in the direr- from t':e country persisted for. them their gray into his department. The - SSome prisoners were suspected of _ ter had been discovered, were tion of an Austrian - Russian, dis- at current prices. Sheep and lambs discovery was made by the prison hiding the stuff, and there is no �r tl�rincipal' causes of the excite- "agreement, and' the probability'of Were in better demand. Select hogs, authorities that opium and tobacco doubt the resent case is a piece, Mk _'ek Those; added to the univer- an alliance bet ., --s4 - prisons •f convict e'a _ 7 ht_af.han work _. saRperatu>a caused by the Tur- tenegro and Servia: fed and watered, Toronto. gave information as to where theTcpectot Dawson will. inveatig>itca e e AA ,� ,. b.. ,, ,: .yF�� �+ R..r, .:•r:. -,=a s .. �_ —. __..,.- ....ub- .�,,�•., ...�...,..,y.- ......,. ,o-.. ..__ _ -_.... '......_ .,. -..., _ _.,e. ........,. _ ..,,_..........� ...•r+..�:�.t xr'.•k x;� i aF + die �c�tex ug puts Zadd Option. Column MAIL¢ YOUR BALLOT Taus. '4 r Simpson , }Is published ev • Puttering, Oat. • , ezyFrlJaymorttf�ngatiteO�a., Drat Cold RATES OF ADVERTISING: One of the ameadmente to the Local ?.. Ito Birgit in•ettioa pe:line - to cents Option clauses of the Liquor License p- - -- "People's Esah wbeegaens insertion, pper )ire . b vests d`. Tbi• rate does not Lnclade Legal ar Foreign A, t; Contained in the bill passed at Leis The Cash Store. k : adyeztisemenw, recent session of the Legislature, pre- To check earlycoldsorGrippe -1!h an Spoci•1 terms giveu to parties making eon- scribes the form of ballot to be used in means surd Beira for Pneumonia. To atop s cold _ _ l.•• zaaw for 3 or 8 menthe or by the year. p tt �1 Local Option contest whether for obLied o care u afterwards. To b Pte. —Highest - be yearly or pearly contracts payable quarterly. P ' ■ i 11 - - -- Bu•iawo 0. •cutlet will care even a deeply eeatad cold. but Price ln• trade for Rood Butter 1 eae ear, ab 00 'linos or under, with the by -law or for repeal. The form taken early —at the sneeze a ge— y . or Year. Astable to advance. preecrlbed is as given below. The head oil areas early colds. That's street better. r'Not[ce m lease columns tan cent. per line, ballot here ven 1s marked am ever TLai a why they are called Preventica and fresh laid E 3 �) '..Are osatr per 7iae -es oh sntrepgamt insartioa. y 1?reventtaare little Qtndt Cold Caress Nn Quin. gave tsir•wal eontroot rates made knowa on applies- citizen 8h0 d mark it who wants to oe i O°- No tree advertising: "Banish the Bar- Room." no physin, hough aleafe to. Nice for the OuR sTORE is filled from cellar to garret with the vet thine you K children --and thoroughly sale too. It you feel ' advestilsemenw withous written lnstrnotioas 8 very y `Una be inserted GAW fOAAddenand + hllly, l[ you sneeze, if you ache all over, think of aordinvlg. Orders for diaeoaLt was ad•aztisr� ire•entice. Promptness may also save half your want. Dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, overshoes for mom. >aitist been writing and sent to the pub- �Or' LOOa! ware Is fever. And don't orgy your thud. it women and children, men and women's furnishings, crockery, Japau- �,s,�� Y there m !e•erlehness, night or day. Herein prof} � Job Work promptly attended to, B _Ll Di� Ira Prevaattos greatest e�cfency. sold to 181 and l°I11na Ware. We Want poll t0 Come t0 011r store. Hr111 !W bores to: the pocket sleo.in 2bc boxes of +a your want book along. We can supply you ,with all you want, q+gg�i Bseventtca InsUt oa your ,dzuggLta glvinY you IN not in stock we can have it for you within eight or ten hours. --31 28 per year 11.00 if paid in advance. -- - - • Remember by trading with D. Simpson & Co.. you- save money. A. 'Local p - dollar saved is a dollar earned. We will save you that dollar. NOTES AND COMMENTS eventics ' SANTA CLALrs is bringing as lots of .beautiful things for Xmas, r, n, That Canada is not suffering fine -toys for the children. Drums, cornets, guns, watches, automo- greatly from the prevalent hard T. M. MCFADDEM. biles, steamboats - times is evidenced bg the fact that The following is the vote polled for ,trains on :track, teddy bears, &e. For the Brown during the year ending march 31st and against Local Option when it was up people - toilet cases, albums, post card albums, glove and handker- ILLY. COLTS FOR SALE, -The li�r ex adopted three years ago: andelNgned hoe for sale two ally clyaes- chief boxes, jewel cases, work beget, gents' collar and Buff bores, port trade was the greatest Polling For Against a le colts, a pl on the remises, lot ie, teas shaving cases, hair brushes, etc. etc. We cannot mention every in her history. This is encourag- BnD Div. b, Pickering, Joann FARTING, Brougham, 90 thing here our space is limited. ' ing to Canadians, especially as - 1. • ••. • • .b2 30' STRAYED- o the remises of the other countries are greatly affect- a 11U S7 undersigned,.% red and white hatter. Come'and'see wbat we bave. . S d eae '- ". ed by the trade depression. While 8 ... .36 71 9 years old in the first week of November. ! the future of many countries is. 4 • • • • •18 11 6waermry have same by yroving property and _ payta6e:peasea, Wtd. GSAY, Greeariyer. D. Simpson & Co., Pickering• very gloomy just now, that of g• • , , , b6 : 19 QTRAYED to the premises of the Canada has a very rosy appear- 1......113 08 t7 „ader ea, a red aqd white st.er. rislnR ante. 8, , , , , , .71 46 two years ok7, on or sbont ibLh Oatob u. Prof. Colman, T 9........50 2g •r onay have same by rovin proper sad pay. of Toronto Lai- 10.......87 74 �� weL$E$ fit, wsR BTQaam -"Riehardson's Special Tea is Good Tea. ` f verefty, who is familiar with all rte of Canada, in a recent ad- 11.......63 27 TOLEN -Frain bugggg in Gordon's r ' said --that We have merely j _ S shed on t3atnrdav, 3�ov, 96th, • good e s e • . AT • • . • 'a touched the fringe of Canada and Majority for Local Option 20L robe n his °p robe. sloiTn'hhis requested to to has we have within the Domin- the come at once to L D BANKS, ace of exec° - ion wealth untold to develop and Oayl:erlol+fe To LocAL OPTIOlr Ups of vigilance Committee elf p AND Tin ANBWlHA TO TTH];a 11[f. " When we consider the ARM TO RENT- Conaistin of 100 possess WOO is HURT? vast extent of the Dominion, and Faces, spare being bg sees• in lot 14 can. . portion eon a Piokeris . For f information ayph to that is occupied we tray gain some an economic standpoint. JAM" W. Hicz, Watford, ono. Or to T. Povca• O idle of the undeveloped resources. Yes and no. It Is detrimental from se,, BrottRaam, cats Her wealth of minerals, forest, the economic standpoint of the men FARM FOR SALE -40 acres, town- fisheries, fertile soils and immense Who now sell liquor. ship of Pickering, 9 miles from waits It is beneficial from the standpoint vats; fig class land and in a good state of water -polder awaiting develop- P oultivatioa; good orabard• substantiol stone of the people who now s nd their bows, frame barn, ties veil fenced and water. Cream of Wheat, in bulk, -3c. lb. Finnan Haddie -lots lb. mgnt, Pnayrea us simply amazed at y ate y, pint sealer -25c., .10 lb. pail -$1.20. P y motley for liquor, and of the trades= ed. Apply w POMP et FBHATOx, waieeysle. White Clover Hone the great future of the country. men, who will get this money, and of Peanuts. Fresh ;,• , KS r the employers, who will get .better Fresh Datee, Prunes, Figs, Walnuts, AlmonQt3, O LE. -The undersigned has STO1'K ',NOTES. work from, their employees, and of the Fresh Lemons. SA Naval Oranges, � !or aeJe a camber of valuable horses. g r wage- earners, who Will have .their Any age from 1906 colt to mares in foal. Meat a and Ho Shoe rands Sal - 11 Maple Leaf Horse B men, this season's catch. f" The Department of Agiculture at working power increased, find of the sell. w ls,ck of stable room. Terms and Tomatoes, Corn and Peas, this season's No. 1 ck, Ottawa has just issued a directory of community at large, because of the yrice to Butt purchaser. App? .O remises Aa 3 half mile, west or Brouabam. >�oB... GILL- Anvhor Brand -3 for 25c. j the breeders of pure -bred stock in the reduction in the expense now entailed .MAX, Broa3bam,0 Dominion of Canada. by crime and pauperism and lunacy -" ' - -- -- - r - 'Fresh' Raisins and Currants. Fresh 'Peels, Baking Powders, tiGC. This directory has been compiled and sickness and .death. STRAYED- From lot 22, con. 2 Fresh c3a a in the leaf. - SUGARS -ARE CHEAPER, - - ' and issued as z result of . actual con es- Pickering: oa Woaday, Nov. 30th, a red g r The question is: Whose economic, „heifor• rit,iug 3 cars, a pig•sriag in. ter right Brij' yUUr Oil from us. 1\10 waiting. No dirt ill oil. ppoondence between the Live Stock interests are to be considered • -the ear and the tip of Lts horns cut o8. 'i he animal :'� Commis.9ioner and the breeders whose interests of the few men who now bas a 1,ttle strsin of Jersey. Any information names are given throughout the more make more h selling liquor. or leading to bar retorery will be rewarded 5 GA?.rZ+CN,S FOR•' $2.00 �.� y s' lr 4 JAMES WHITE. Pukerte= 9tt ai than one hundred p ea of -which the those of the great mesa of the tom- - •7� T�+t�T 'p C� r directory consists. While the direc munity who" are -hurt by the liquor STRAY RAM -Caine to the premix- f A�.vl -�t S R1.V.L�A.LVD�70N . Lory does not represent M complete traffic % as of the under ad, lot 18', con. e, pick• tabulation of tIilt pure bred live stock snug, about Nov..20eh, a Cotsaotd ram with _ Of the Dominion, it does indicate the GOOD AND B 10 FEELIXO. Lag in ear with J. and A. Hoover upon it. own• or will please prove proper c , pay ex noes, • • annual produce of the most of the lar- Local Option will create bad feeling and take the animal away. •�ATHA?: I Aka, x12c�.s- cd_the in this town._ ._ _ Claremont. 3•tt _ p er herd suds a %� th V i venous ens m each of the Pro - Let us look at objection closely. FOR .SALE. -A driving outfit, v e evinces. What creates the bad feeling? •L. thorougb -bred Indian pony 13 )Y hands The dimc improve sit not the bar -room and the at- blab, to year. old; sound and kind to haroesa. P boggy sad harness to match, or would sk. Furniture 18 the most appropriate alft you E for desiring. the to rp and increase their binpto of bas-room votaries to. evade oha°es for a larger horse. Ap on the totry been published I purpose g _b _ _�_ _- !aW after le have said that the saPlc g, Gress 1t1••r, 0.19 y peep rrmisee, t} miles °nrta of t}seea vets Da, CB�II BE'IId to Cllr friends. herds to ascertain where, in their own bar -room be abolished P LN or other districts, pure bred males or The law against usury creates 'bad FARM FOR SALE--W acres, town- �. females mAp be purchased. It will be :feeling among money - lenders. 1 ship of Pickering, t ur miles from whits Our Christmaa Special is the latest in Morris Chairs of great service to individuals and The law againeL dishonesty creates 'ale, asst class Land and in a good state of ` Associations desiring to collect Car cultivation, good orchard, commodious brick. g had felling amongst thieves. The law hoa.e frame barn and basement st able. goon Solid oak frame- iuphol9teredin leather =with automatic action, no loads An..distriets where pure bred against perjury is disliked b liars. w+us and never•fatliag spring. Appy to •adjusting of roda. Takes tip no more room- than a commoln animals are plentiful for distribution y PHILP & BEATON, whtteval•. - 1e,_ P Every law creates bad feeling rocker. Always in upright position when unoccupied, without 6 In others where they are needed. amongst those who are prevented by ARMS TO RENT. -Lot No. 6„ in _ A large edition of the directory has that law from following the bent of the Bch concession of Pickering, coutaln. ;'any bother. i _ tieea published. Copies will be sent their own inclinations or from ing ieo sores, all good workable land and well pper' watered and fenced; We 75 acres of lot No, 11, We want you to see It, whether you buy or not. Order ahead and ltree to those who 1 for them to a upon the weakness of their fellow- rear of nth concession of Pickering with 99 ' Pp y i g po acres or good pa.eur• land close by if desued, have one delivered Xmas morning. Prices the lowest. :Ithe Live Stock Commissioner, Ottawa. men. - _. The reined however, is not a r- Pos•essioa can be had at aoTT time. For par- . y+ P� tiouiars appifto E. S. Pr: GH, Claremont. stf Furniture delivered anywhere" Come and see us, no trouble : ;BALE REGISTER. er law, but better people. Local Op- without charge. to show goods. Lion will bring this about, for the mot -F{ ARM FOR SALE. -Being lots 10 : Tlavl3sDei, DEC. 10TH.. - Auction sale al u lift and educational im rovement and 1t, cos v, township of Platens¢, and Telephone-Bell or Independent will find LIs. - of 8 acres of standing timber. con- will work such a change in the indi- on which the�weli ksaown Greenwood a rd of p p tbeingo of rte Ec E. Pu hkl Tim vidual and public mind as ago bring oN.n � wo ds,sel t is o ic i5d garden r he M • • o lot 1% rear 9th con. of Pic erin about a better understanding and a N ' P Pe y g better sentiment and more cordial all whole of.-it. There is timber on.one part of it Re . ., . 1 11 �T h a m bey to be sold in about quarter -acre round: worth $W130. Terms easy. Posesesion given g lots. Sale to commence ati o'clock. ��• April tat 1908, Arthur Johasa,a, Greenwood, T. Poucher, Auctioneer. PAY FOR 'WHAT YOGI GET, s7tt Aactrorr _ , w. - -- - ---- - - — OPENING -- sale of standingg timber (pine and raise rates on board and lodging in -T. R. Trains going Eatdaes as follows- cedar) on lot 21, con. 2, Pickering, order to meet current and necessary 'No. 6 Mail 8.19 A. M. - I the property of Gascoyne Bros. expenses, thug causing the traveller 12 Local .' 2:43 P. M. d Sale atone. For further particulars an moderate :drinker an unneces- +� ' .l4 Local 6.04 P. M. Mrs. Leigh's Fall Millinery Opening will take place on Wednesday, ` ties bills. Thos. Poucher, Auction - sary expense. Trains gviag Vi'est daee as follows- Sept. 23rd and Thursda the 24th. Ladies and thrir friends ear. This objection may appeal to ails - lro. 13 -Local 8 36 A. M', y TuzsDAT, DEC. 15TH, 1".- Auctioll honest men, but will not appeal very " 11 Local '2.30 P. M. are specially invited to call and view her new' stock; _ sale of farm stock and implements strongly .to those who wish. to pay 7 Mail 8.35 P. lei, which will consist of some of the very newest - an Kingston road, 3 miles east of their own we, y included. and smartest designs in hats and bonnets. y o is o as rig F y constituted mentally and The old fashioned way of dosing a, west Correct in style, quality of material and workmanship. C. Brown. See ills and advt- in morally; will take little satisfaction atomaoh, or atiaznlatiog the heart or kid- aaother column. James Bishop, out of the fact that they are securing ne s is all wrong. Dr. Shoo first point �/j North Side • Auctioneer. their meals and lodgings cheaper be- out this error. This is why hie prescrip• MRS. LEIGH, King St., Pickering, brit• WsDNESDAY, DEC. 16TH, 1908. -auc- cause some poor fellow . is being ruined tion -Dr. Shoop's Restorative -is direct• tion sale of dairy cows, heifers, at a barroom., Most Canadian citizens ed entirely o the cause of these ailments,- ^ -- young- eattle and -- sonde - tourer} are independent enough to watt to y -, - - - -- - -- - - - -._ _ on lot 27, con. 2, Pickering, t what the a for and to a for -the weak loci a or oontr� ling nerves. the property of John Somerville. what they get. y pay It ion '% so difficult, .aye Dr, Shoop, to � O O D Bale at'1.30 o'clock shay See bills. The business of hotel keeping will kid- strengthen r weak stomach, heart or kid- P neye, if one goes at it correatlp. Esah in- i Thos. Poucher, Auctioneer. be put upon a solid, sane business basis side organ has its controlling or inside t FRIDAY, DEC. 18TH- Auction sale of by bar -room abolition. It will then ter e. When these new s fail then those Our Fall Stack of Knitted Underwear, Heavy Flannelettes real estate and household furniture he re an organs must enrely falter. Theee vital Wrapperettes, Hosiery, now complete. C pro- emand,the same as other businesses. ,truths are leading drngRisto everywhere to pertyy of the estate of the fate Han- One difference, however, will' he the dispense and recommend Dr. Shoop'. See our Gent's Underwear,, • , nth 1Miaaewaeaalestate offered at hotels fe and �ropertyars will be safer'fbi lmerovemant Test it promptly ayaad eorel1 Special at one dollar. PP y George 8.3(1. For particulars a I tow. Experience throughout the Province [veleta: Sold by T. ti: J?;aden. Y V. Richardson or Wm. Allaway, of Ontario and elsewhere has proven 'Pickering, See bills. W. B. Pow -' the fallacy of the cry that Local Op- rge Parker � - ."Dumbarton � - ___ 611, auctioneers. tion will injure the hotel. It bas SHC�RTHA /V D benefited the hotels. It does not.nlean the raising of rates above a fair busi- 60 YEARS• Get Our Catalogue ness level , These the should he an A\ D y y' EXPERIENCE JEQ W• ■'r �` Air Sf way. TYPaWRITING , Pump Manufacnrer ' Read it from cover to cover. It is 1Yew Advertiyemetzta. jn. typewriting R e' h. z e very iuteiesting and attractive.. WANTED-50 to T5 acres good land loon te championship of � Shop+ and Residence, Dun as 84 j I011llr `` with buildings on, between Pickering Canada, of America, and �_ and West Hill. GEO, WALKER, Dunbarton, • out. atf of the world- the,la•st• in TRADC MARKS Si�ti1TBY, QNT. -' eleven successive DesioNs e OST -On the evening of the 5th contests. COPYRIGHTS its: T 8 pt Three doors west of Whitby House. TORONTORONTO. ONT• iJ last, a Masonic apron betreeen Pickering �at�avaenriin� oar pinianafree wfietherraan TO. village and scarboro Tp. Finder will confer a y .—lug tlon•strlati oonndent oa This is the College that is known same at this ;face, 6ti just how' good a school sent We are re ared to instal•woo or iron oiaen a$enay to ssoarta� patents. prepared " other for its high -class work. OUR GuADIDATIPl8 ALWAYS SUCCEHD. We pi'ace many students in excellent positions: W. J. ELLIOT, Principal. ` vor. Yonge ak Alexander Sts. �—t 1298- �_': ALE. -A 100 acre farm, being - - -- Patents t•s•a t ro b stnan 3 'Y- 1 s On short notice also attend--_ - io a FOR lot 10 in first-claw Township of Pickering. This is a ereanla stock and grain term. Good buildings. Apply to the nadersianed, The Kennedy Schoolp $*Ram rsaM ♦ dsomely f11n•ctatisQw•akb Larsest oir. Cisterns made to order. f CHAS.. PROCTOR, Caledonia, Out. 4abt ation say satentl90 �oaroa�. Teems for Agent for the Ontario Win MITI, HORSE AND RIG FOR SALE. - Horse is to excellent driver and is flue Adelaide St. East a a 7wLpastage piwpat4 Sold by au rn Cks M New Yo x190 ga9011ne engine Phone No. 5o at residence. years old. Will sell horse and rig, together or Toronto. F. Wsbinsw°, A R (Note removal from old eland n(Brock, separatel . A ¢cod barRaia for those who want trrt+ay, - - Street.) AL. -0 - ,-„ .. Ye, 1•' �. ioo - .,ki0: ':ti."iC.+�cA < ?i":+.:d2, p'•' -. n�, g( •.-s•- .z�^►�r,•!" -.1 "iza' .+, .� s•r�- .r "`^'i'Y. . T:, •�: •. _,y- °"r..e_ - �. •�?n - r.: r•• �.;r': ;��. "' •w� "1+ir. �.•*lifi ..^�4;'�: -My-;. +�^•-'!r?z..fi �.u.., •?+"•�s5' '5�:'— ,.3 wi,.. '�- '.�C'��fa �°'•�' ka.; .r ..,:..,.r- Y� ='a;�- •- ^�i.'*i'�fr -^"' .a•.:. .F., {�:�t- „,'{4"'a, `, `.,�', y ',: 1 .Sl.++,5.m �Ci-� �rr"Y ,. �V.. ','''N''' �.i:i ..+•+w5. -' • • s"i'`�. r�'• 1 qr CLAR6MONT Mtss Blauche Mechtn, o! Brbugh- ��- •� i n =�. Gleason, of Greenwood. Iwas am, spent a few days with friends F =1lABLLj GOODS! r here 9n Sunday. here., Jandes Underhill is attending At a special meeting of Presbp- For Men„ Women and Children. Sovereign Boots for Men (every ..,the Chicago fair this week. tery, held at Claremont on Tues. guaranteed):and prices reasonable. Call and see them. Thos. -Wilson and family, of day; Dec, Ist•at 2 m., Rev. W. t t r Myrtle, were here over Sunday. R. wood was inducted into the FLOUR-AND FEED. Thomas Stephenson % -as in Pastoral charge of Erskine. Rev. - ` '�itby on Saturday on business. W. H. McInnes, B.D., of Port �- � -- Choice Flour for, and Pastry. - ' Mr. McFarlane, of the Standard Perry, who conducted divine sec- e, delivered an inspiring and Feed constantly on hand. Bank, was in the city on Satur- vic des - appropriate sermon. After the ` Repairing done ' Independent Telephone Central illism a•ad Thomas Graham narration of the various steps - The Corner Stores. W. M. PALMER, are attendin the Chi lea•din u E' Proprietor 8 sago Stock g P to the indnc 1oa service , dhow. of the day, Rev. Mr Borland, J. H. Beal moved Moderator of Presbytery, - �.. part of his induct- ,;. furuitttre stock to Pickering -on ed Mr. Wood into the position of _ .•� ` ;Tuesday. minister of Erskine congregation. ' 7. The minister was addressed b hour with friends spent a sa;iabie p y Mrs. Farmer Rev. Mr. Crozier, of Ashburn, .�� h Fred and on Monde evening while Rev. W. Moore, of Picker- �`, The temperance forces are now ing, the interim - moderator, spoke CLOW hard at work and are striving for to the people. A large congrega- a big majority in January. , tion was pesdnt and all enjoyed a 'We. sell three of the best makes of stoves, Dill Risebruugh, of Bracebridge, social hour after the service; par- _ f x, was here on Thursday visiting his taking of the refreshments, Happy -Though t brother, W. E: Risebrough, bountifully soliptied by the ladies Row many American women in W. Bingham, of Newmarket, and availing themselves of the lonely homes to -dap long for this Pandoras and A. and Fred Adair, of Pickering, Privilege of meeting Mrs. Wood. blessing to come intotheir lives, and I were with Claremont friends, over -Mr. Wood begins his work under to be able to utter these words, bust Imperial Oxfords. , Sunday. the most happy auspices, and the because of some organic derange- M. S. and Mrs. Chapman, of church, under his leadership, an- went this happiness is denied them. A good stock of Parlor Cooks and Heating Stoves always onjtsnd. Pickering, visited the various Sun- tic an era of successful ]Every w'omim interested in this day Schools of the village on Sab- work. subject should know that A second -hand Range, coal or wood, nearly new, price $17.o0. bath last. tion for healthy mate Traffic over the C. P. R. was ,istelke ih s >toltfe. a000mpi�hed by the nee at One second -hand Parlor Cook, as, good a new, price $18.00. tech delayed on Tuesday Y ing — ` � �M is _ One second -hand Parlor. Cook, pri+e� a)Id,OA, to the collision at Bethany on Now is the time when the doctor = -: Monday James night. gets busy, and the tent medicine - VULTABLE COMMO Pall line of Hardware always on hand. James McFarlane, John For is, manufacturers reap t harvest, un- g lase great care is taken to dress warm- �• ffiaggm Gilmer, of West and George Scott were in 'Picker ly and keep the feet dry. This is the UnJOC�,S. C.,writes to Mrs• Plaicbsm: Charles - Sargent Claremont IDS on Monday moving .the furni- adviee of an old eminent authority, "I was greatly raft -down in beaith Lore of A,ev: W. R. Wood to this who says that Rheumatism and Bid - from a weakweir to my se:. few of our sports 'attended tells witat to do in case of an attack. was reeommeoeled to uses It the shooting match at Altona on Get from any good §treecri lion not only we to parbct bss►tth, ra Wednesday. R. E. Forsyth seeur. pharmacy one -half ounce Fluid Ex- but to m1 delight I am a mother,” , _ ed third prize. The ljurnout was trace Dandelion, one ounce Com- Mrs- j°eephine Hall, Bs�town� He immense and the da was much p °und KarRon. three ounces Com - writes g ,, g _ Sod S r pound Syrup 8+►tsaparilla Mix by �I great easerer enjoyed by all. shaking in a bottle and take a tea- female t— blee. seam from Miss Maggie .Gregg, who some spoonful after meals and at bedtime, to help• Lydia B,yPm Impoetantehowiag of Boost display o[ ' weeks ago went to the city to Just try thiseimple home -made mix- table Compound not only restored me phi. A very lir" assortment of take. up a course in one of the lure at the first sign of Rheumatism to perfect ealth, but I am nova proud -hospitals as nurse -in- training, is or if your back aches or, you feel that another" Books, Dolls Toys, joN home owing to the illness of her the kidneys are not acting uI right. Stationary. brother, David: This is said to be a splendid kidney FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. received for the Holiday trade, Call regulator, and, almost certain remedy gave a Rheumatism, • For- thirty ears Lydia R Pink- and see them. D: Miller, of Balsam, g for all forms oRheumatism, which -is ham's VegetSle Compound, made Subscriptions takes for all Magasiass, ;helpful address at the Epworth caused by uric acid in the blood, from roots and herbs, has been the League meeting on Monday even which the kidneys tail to filter out. 'standard remedy for female tills, Weakly and Daily Newspapers ing. The League is doing good Anyone can e"ily prepare this at and has positively cured thousands of work, the attendance is cod and home and at .small cost. tT. H. R =CHAR�S0�7`, g women who have been tmnbled with % the interest increasing. Drugggists in this town and. vicinity, displacements, inflammation,uicera- when shawls the prescription. stated _ The public meeting on Satnrdrty that they can�ithpr suppl these in- tion, fibroid tumors, irregtilarides, SZ'OC7� °�.+tS ®8t.' �3CThitby' to consider tbe'organizing of a flee p rio' aredients, or• if our. readers prefer, �+ backache, that bear- her was poorly attended., they will compound the mixture Por mg•down feeling, flatulency, in -After some discussion an adjourn- them. tion, dizzinessornervonspmstra _ anent was made to Friday night. ... Why isn't you try it? MACHINE S$Qp <~ 'when. J. X. Harvey ll reside. Mrs. Pinkham lDTI all sick 3' Geo. E. Foster's suit against The A marked change in the weath- Globe is being otaen to Fite her for advice,. -- . g pushed. per took place on Tuesday when _ She has =dad thousands to The undersi ned having porch- _ { the mercury took quite a drop. She Address, LJ>star ed B. Wagner a. Machine Shop in 'Eery seldom have we had such a Fat Hogs Wanted - gee autumn, and a period of cold Kinsale, is prepared to d° all �R, �. 0. SMJTH kinds of repRir work and general weather now is quite seasonable. I have the rontraet with Wight blacksmithing. The independent Telephones dz Co., Pork Packers, Toronto, to DENTIST, 9TOCPFV[LLE, have installed a new switchboard supply that firm with all the live Honor graduate of Toronto University Satisfaction guaranteed. In the central at W. M. Palmer'tr. ho s Lhe r and Royal College of Dental Surgeons. 'Prices right. - R p squire, and would Like rg :•:, _ This switch -board is a fine piece to have your hogs. I will pa also Post- graduate of Chicago College. Call and 't us.' 0[ al! materials and design ' of work and is right up-to -date within 16c. of Toronto price until ICrown and bridge work a specialty. -JAMES NGELLY.* kept in stock. It will pay you Auld cost $190. It will accommo- further notice. At Claremont list Tuesday= of mouth. to call at oar works acd t oar stook .Kinsale°i Out. insPeo and obtain rim. Don't be misled Ir) Ante 100 lines:' �i't'ite hone or 1 to Office over Sargent's Tinshop. p We are sorry o report that ' p apply Independent aaenN we do not em p Po pendent 'Phone. ly ws ores,. and doplbiow off The agents iDa�*id Greggas seriously ail. Last John A. White „ u..o,,,9T11AVO ;41 Farmers Tnc�ks t �aNion st to per em,t„ which you well lmost his cam was considered w- BROUGHAM •AlRGAIN mainly save by purobasing [row sr.1 tzrost hopeless. He is, now, how Brangg in your old wagon and get c� �oi�' ever, somewhat improved and his Coughs that are tight, Of distressing w the wheeis cut down. -Make good wRJTfT lRANITE CY., numerous friends hope for his tickling coughs, get Vick and certain be p farm trucks. Otaee. vrhttb IL, from Dr. Shoo s Go y. needy recovery. ugh Remedy. On. DiB� ,. Thos. Stephenson represented this a000ant -druggists eveeywere are „sue »Cw H ��w Boggles and other vehicles repainted o stop anyy pain in 20 m notes, _,k favoring Dr. Shoo s Cough Remedy. And „a .,,,. ,a..,e „Q t „ �. a,• at reasonable rates,, one of Dr. Shoop'e Pink Pais Tablets. cop the Claremont church at the it is, entirely tree from am, oh`oroform, r.�,.. a me �-4mm'" ta.ouabo•, o•ano opium, w Soo formula on the box. Ask your doctor `- ,missionary banquet held at Brook- or an other stupefying dru god `� °�« �°"°°r + ' �` mo.•r'm.W.[ 'Thomas PatilGrsoa. y g. The tender e� eooi reexa, ,ei..e.a r.o,.,� or druggist about this formula. It bawl fin last itridap evening. It is ea- leaves of harmless 1131, healing mount. 'LO K d9 "d r°°• ra.n.a' Lust d•h• so °�+ 1 be battered. Womanly pains, head paim. led that he will !vs, a re p> "ej°` M aMM' °o°" iDio1Ke p� g port ainoas shrub give to Dr.. Shoo s C;�ugh ud .. m nme. se.•,LL .ow eu CLAREMONT (Dowswe�!'s old eland ` say f to instant relict. 13oz e! �Df that important meeting in • the Remedy. its curative properties, Those„ p°;°adr,, kh';'�' - twen y Pick Pain Tablets, 250. Bold by %_11,aremont.yurch at an ea Raj date• distressing oou , and to soothe and heal Tablets, are said by druggists to have four tr a nwro*.roe.b. me.,. wa r It is expected that Mr. Miller, the most sensitive bronchial membrane. a cials , to Mothers should, for safety's salve alone, r's' e•>W• pe peo' o advantaees over all other C °D M o g0 Cl "of Toronto, will assist Mr. Totten always demand Dr. Shoop'e. It can with remedies for a cold. First —They contain _ • Y i °• �o " in the serviees in the Methodist perfect freedom be no Quinine, nothing taut oe sickening. qq 6 w u- As, given to eves the Seoend —They give almost instant relief: S =s� Church on Sunday. The services youngest babes. Test it once yourself and For sale by Howard. E. Turner, Third — pleasant to the taste, 'like windy. $ ° a l i Will be of.an evangelistic charact- ere 1 Sold by T. M. McFadden. Whitevale, Local Agent. Fourth —A large box-48 Preventios —at yt p o Q •+ er. They will begin-with a prayer 25 cents. Also fine for feverish children. i p o + O s ` 'se'wice at 9.45 a. m. to which all Sold by T. bf. McFadden. ;, ;'a �� . is w 54s are invited who are interested in : .. a, . O evangelistic' work. I a G1 a M : o y+°. g°° CHOP, , , .°� e a The Claremout Curling Club ! ' ; r� aes g ' b b g y . Attention ��• • � � �o � held it* annual meeting on Friday evening or the election of officers - `i'..• - - - - -- - -' ;, a w 30 s. —for a ensuing year with the fol- - - r n .. •d ' 'lowing result: President -James . - '- . - -.. � iq v is m ffi + , o, �n Feb wb Underhill, Vice-Pres.-N. Burton, : As am going out of the buggy 9 �„ spr (►_ Treasurer -Alex Wilson,' Skips- R w a m y a� Way �e Ax W. Palmer, R. Besse, Chas. Neal, business I have some snaps. Bug. .r j. Brodie, a _ran - gies .selling at cost. a is m e.d July • s! Henderson, Committee of Manage- !t �+ sisal -P. J. McFarlane, • R. Besse, "' �• eipY e d b• o W. Palmer, and the President and Buggies, reg. $SO.now $70 ..a Oct. w Vice- President. - o .�...9 o m wa Nov. 0 After having everything ready l' _ /� Road Wagons, reg. $65 now_ $60. ioa tD•o oe • • January 1909- Whitby 7, Oshawa 8, Brougham " for shipping their of horses An `unlimited su It, Port Perry 19, Uxbridge 15, Caaninstoa le, p p Beaverton 19, Uptergrove 19 to the Chicago Live Stuck Show, pp •f All other rigs cut on the same_ rate. the foot and mouth quarantine ,regulations prevented Graham `of Chop and Feed! Bros. from sending any horses R.. d. Cowan, Brougham. 7. L =` there for exhibition. They could Leave your orders at the have gone, but a;3 they were com- r The Piekerin PICKERING LUMBER YARD yelled to pass through the brand - Ql all kjjjd$� g' ' ed States and could not be assured «. �. .� ,� -for Ontario and New Brunswick ' by the Ottawa authorities of' re- white cedar shingles. i i ance Committee es, g > .turn home for some time, they de- Patent Roofing and all kinds of ' elded not to ship the animals. on haired. Y building material. " Two men were here on Satur- - The object of thiigs Association is to W. D. GORDON & 90N. day with the intention of starting a lessen stealing felons. prosequte.' a billiard room. When they found - - KAKI out t at a owns 1p - Members having property stolen commani. 3• - _._ c a. �e f $50 f�' -one table - _ ly�t .h say member - - And .for enc subsequent. e M - -- Ex�� z�:a� :---- es�•�r� itbey 1 t with the intention of _ Membership fee $1.00. a shop. Wagon on the road t the taking a matter into their most Tickets may be had trom the President or every day in the week. V M. FEED serious dv sideration. A billiard secretary on application. Cakes of all kinds made to order room' ti an urgent necessity in pIKIL Exec. Corn.—L. D. Banks, Geo; Leng, shortest notice. our v a the resent time t p ' W. Y. Richardson, Pickering, Ont. Ice -Cream Parlor in connection. 'nn stment of of this kind, we, iie�tlieve- ' a` - -� J. A. O'Connor, - ,Arthur Jeffrey, ' - yi��iBtt Poor dividend. _ - -- C 1CRERIt� [7f - - - y �•. A. Thomson, { President. Secretary. Claremont,, Ono '` �k ,.y",,. i. 1 ,.• ' : w :... '�4+i4;v ro `aR i .,r . < t d. w ~' x. t "!� ;•i 3ea^a c 5•'",« ",�` 't.?= - .^'"-` , -g.; ?:.. ''� R. , w ' ^!ar'.` ,s, f r. .'Y, .a.� "e' Y•; "'� - n `� ns ,F•: .,off • ^� r :w -A' . r - ? : - r5°'<y', :it . .,,V. :.-^? "!+- 'P'C�.,y ,:}...: a.. .....'t,•: , lie. "r�' _ _ Q111 I'-#"— r..r, -�r .+:C..., '.`ytr�'" '>#c.y,;.,,• .�,a,•. ,,��•• '•'t�+• .a .. +•, 1a - :.' .. l —'.. q i•. ., •. •y . r ... f.. y'T !l ^r•% v + , SI..' �rt -"•Na• a,. - .: \'...:�,}, ... M •:... f L,. �ifl•'Y! -... ..... F': ol'.rt'�i Y V.tl4 r� Y �. .,,.i. ; -,: 7p .,.. ."'!3'i .., o �,w, ..:., r_"+: -..� rii`. g�r.. •.+':" :Y• ..lyu:^r.,"•`�" y' 'fW'._ d:.' a. w. q�J'. 11 W ,'. r, .., nrod+ . .s x, a.,,., f. s, F �% s., i e " _ 4 ~� THE PANGS OF SG�ATIGA GERMAN DOti DETECTIVES. CHRONIC CATAR N - . „ System Employed With Success in { :E sn Tracking Evildoers. 11. �_: .. � R11.11110 BY Fl- IRS -NRt _�r I EN OER - I OUT1 HIS- FLED ' . . - . . - - . , �ig' to PlliB Q i "poi "police dogs" in Germany and Aug- Can sa Curad a Fair Us 0 E • ..:Preacher Outlines the Coerce of Uneon= .1 L Dr, Williams Plug t trig, where man hunting dogs are L trained and bred for police pur- Fierce darting pains. Pains like red poses and where dogs have become row, - :SClolls Deterioration, hot needles !icing driven ,through a branch of the police organization, 1. the flesh —in the thigh, perhaps writes a correspondent of the Lon- w _ _ -- :`_ --. _.:_ ` . - . . down the legs to the ankles —that a don Telegraph. In Germany there Gray hairs are here and there u_p "With great price, "Y said the offi- sciatica. None but the victim can is a society called the Association - = on him aid he knoweth it neat: —cer to Paul, "I purchased this free- realize the torture of this trouble. for Furthering the Breeding and Hosea viii., 9. dom." With great price, , indeed•, But the sufferer need not grow Employment of Police -_Dogs, and i ,�. we delivered ours ideas -from .the discouraged for there is a cure in ideas on the subject are exchanged, a.. I— . . ' The comic paragraphists— gentle- cramping littleness and debasing Dr. tiYilliam's Pink Pills. These all experiments with' dogs being 11 11. "•teen• whose elevating trade is to pleasures of other days. And' now Pins enrich the blood, feed the carefully reported. �� y take all the dignity out of sentiment are we to sacrifice the freedom starred sciatic nerve and thus Years of •thorough and painstak- 1 and all nobility out of life —are in which cost us dear to open our fin- drives out the pain. ,bins. Joseph ing stud were devoted to this sub - �x bF • the habit of making fun over the stns in mere summer wantonness L. Brown, Wilmot, N. S., was a ct before suitable - _breeds of dogs ; < z - k Y and let,' it sli froui us while the victim of sciatica and found a eure lee �- discover of the first gray hair. p a ere obtained and proper methods _- - There is nothing funny about it. years bind us again,in the old bond- in Dr. -Williams' �Pink Pills. She of �rerkin the dos were discov- . When some poignant exrerience age to folly or sin, while strangers says : Nor a year I 'was laid up tree: Or mall Brunswick loss ' r y � ,, fforces upon lie the realization of devour our strength, though we with sciatica from my side to my Y ' Z . that' for which the gray hair con- know it not, and gray hairs are foot. �k'hat I suffered was at times the headquarters of the •German wentionally stands; when we realize here and, there sprinkled upon uc awful. I could not touch• my foot police doggy men and when canine with a shock that our youth has fled and we cannot see them4 tc, the floor' .and 'had to hobT,le assistance was re uired one 'of the forever and that age is creeping on, about with a cane. lily right leg officers at once set out with a dqg. gh �' motions ma ens- MORAL DETERIORATIG_4 . was drawn up, and I never expect - These officers and dogs often tray - ; ' '""`. . :: ,,,r • the flood of new e Y , sly carry ud off our feet. Tt:e poet tells us of hair growing ed to have the fuse of it again. I tiled long journeys, going as fns as A ; Yf this is not true for you and white In a single night from sud- Was attended by our family doctor, Paris and Constantinople on two � w ,�' "`` has not been, then you are either +occasions. den fears. It may be so. Hut this and ,tried several other remedies w +�« �t atnclx better or worse than the av- moral deterioration is slow, gradu- i ut with no 'benefit, and I felt .cry The German trainers soon came r , Y to the conclusion that not even the . ''�%�« "'.. I image of humanity. Either you have a1, - silent: No man becomes desper- much discouraged. One da I read 1. - already grown unthoughtful, steal- ately wicked all at once. When of the erne of a similar 'sufferer most Ferf� ;ct dog would carry.a ^> y' , thoou h Dr. illiams Pink Pi is .I f "' t low end callous, or else you have discovery, scandal and ,prosecution g line three or four days old v;hen ru 't'.,< . �. � "A strong, close- grip upon the un- .at,the hands of the law present to and I decided to try them: I gC7t,he' was not in a perfect working MRS. F. CARR. . ' aeon, but everlasting realities of six boxes, and by the time I had RS. F. CARR, Vineland; Ont., g you a spectacle of grit who has held condition, as he would not be after Rr, life. And it would be good for us an honored position, a betrayer, an taken them i was ,,un,ple•tely cured, a long train journey. Before any - M auk 'have not , had the sl: l,test , 1TJ- Can. writes • here were apmc physical sign, outlaw and a castaway, the renal g thin else the "mind" of a do ' - corresponding ing to a rage y , u_n you see ; ' - must a quite fresh because a as flicted with catarr3, which made ' . gray hairs, which might warn us of therefore a ver enthusiastic friend life a burden. The Coughing and �g y g and the very tears are for the Ion-!, Y to do far more mental than phy- moral deterioration and awaken ue y of Dr. Williams' Piok Pills, 9 id re- I't".il g g hacking which accompanied the ills- slow process which no eyes but s! work. Further, ado brought t t God's have seen. How the hi ': re- commend then to all who 2 a simi- a cou ntr in which the conditions 'to the necessity of g Y ease• was terrible. RENEWING OUR YOUTH. [solves must have dropped and died, larly troubled. are different from those of his home ''The complaint finally extended There is no my �tcr •about the ;cannot sett a do' to the worn at waiting upon the Lord b tak ,and how the man fins jugged with ills ; to the, stomach -and I was in a t by g P Y r ends, played `fast and loose with I cl.rea 'I)r. Williams' ' yPiuk once wits his mind quite fresh for wretched condition. R ing in great re- inforcements of made. - They act upon ;he blood, ; „ moral enemy to repair that waste honor, tampered with 'the' sacred enriching and puri:ying at, and in ; the tank. Artificial'means to "re- I' tried different remedies and realities of con�ciPnce. 1)o you think ( �iye the scent" are not always the best professional treatment all 7 and decay of moral tissue. this way feed the nerves ari +l rc >ach : . he has deliberately lied to his own hand a-ld event then will fail if the in vain. . The shock, in the nature of things, the root of the disease. That is why. Y „ l� I - soul, lied in church' lied to bis God 4 could not be pleasant. The awak n- the cure'sueh common ailments as doh is not. in perfect working con- 'Finally, as a,last resort, I tried Indeed, but you are wrong. He has q . Peruna upon the recommendation itig might be rude and painf ut 1 anaemia,- pimples and eczema, in- dition. P It would be salutary. It would be hetoollnesO °teahani h hardeGo brazen dige,tion, rheumatig,n, neuralgia, Quite a revolution, however, set of4niy sister is Hamilton. .�R tehaatenin And if for the moment St. Vitus dance, paralysis, and the ; in when the association referred to I could see steady improvement ;. . g' checked deliberate lying. � _ , ft was humbling in the providence irregularities is health of - growing above began to distribute dogs and after using four bottles of .that First, the minin , then the ex- girls and .women: - Sold'b olicemen and watchmen. precious mediclne`I was feelingwell .. j tjIZod.it night �be permanently up- g y all me- i among p fting. If we could really see this plosion! First the • moral muscle i divine dealt -rs or. by mail at 50 cents' These animals got so r+ecustomed again, my old trouble being com- oil destroying process at work, grown • flabby, then . the helpless, a box, or Rix boxes for g2,5o, fmin t� their masters and the rural con- �letety a thing of the past. Z. Deeding downward to something'; weakness before temptation.. First, the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,' dition% of their districts that the To -day I •would not take one w worse ihaa a second childhood'I the gray hairs hero .and there I Brockville, Ont.." slightest change "from 'the normal thousand dollars for what this + , ' Deadin, to a second slothfulness, I sprinkled upon him and he knows state provoked their suspicion while grand��ediClne has done for me." nnreasonablen•sa, barbarism, it not; finally the spiritual senilit + "•— Perbna is a universally recoRniz -. back.' P b on their daily patrol,,, and any ed catarrh reined It will relieve . -to the. old- unspiritual, unaspiring and swift oblivion. This is the Zj,t 0\ GER1I.1 \, >it:hR. - amount 6T-cases are puotished ev- y Life from which we hare• eulerged, course of unconscious-deterioration. . — cry, week where such well- 'trained catarrh in its most obstinate form. I 1. ,, . `: Mould .not that be good for usil Rev. Charles F.� Aked, D. D. To Be Reined .to Tito. Shill.ings on dugs led their masters to places of Twenty -four Gallons. . outrares which up to that moment ,AIRSHIPS IN WAR. Nellie— "That Clara Sharpe is II08D.E9 OF SI)gDB. The bills to be submitted to the were sLilt•unknvwn, Suicides were — German . Rcich$talg for, the, reform I found in time to bring - such poor Objeettves Will -Not le Armies, ' ust the meanest, most utterly set - I } creaturea back to rfe, murders were Aut Dockyards, Arsals, tie. . 'sit girl I. ever saw. She never Flocks 5o Great That Farm;ry of the imps sal financial, system - . i' �thiakti of anyone but herself," Dora; base Not Plaited.. : ipro�ide tile_t the wholesale buying Idisc°vor'ed while the corpses .sere Of the use of airships in War a ��-+ — "Tell me about it." Nellie — "I and selling of spin -its shall be tole, n still warm; and so of course was the writer say %: '`Ldrgp vessels of ran in there .the other -evening. for The eastern countries of England over:_by. the empire. The selling scent, The criminate were at once from bW;000 to 1,000,000 cubic feet' 5 • few moments, and while I was• are suffering am the rest of tl:e price wii't be regulated as to bring hunted and stopped not many miles capacity, ca able of trarellin at a - s E: there Mr. Spooner called. It wasn't country will suffer, from such 'a in a net revenue of •9.11;000,000 to i o'f, waiting for a chance to escape. P Y+ P g . r. la ue of starlings as has nerve Y g seed of fort miles an hour In s Long before he requested her to P g g tl,e. imperial treasury. Tra hiding themselves in thick calm-and of carrying considerable - ' - s: play. . He's passionately fond of been known, says the.London Daily The tax on'beer will be raised by ets could note enjoy a �qulet hour, quantities of hi h es losives,• can' '1-1I : music, you know. Weil, • what do Mail. . - shout too shillings per hectolitr© and many a wanted . • was des set out. and with a •favorable wind, :xw ou think that girl did 1 She asked The 'long and steady east wind (22 allons) on a;ll beers read for covered by the help of these dogs. �' 6 can coves t ant' distances in s few k , him to come to the piano and turn which.,has brought unusual hosts of consumption. 3The win© tax bill � It is an infrequent occurrence hours. �` hen they will come and the music for her, so that I couldn't migrants safe across the North Sea ' provides for a tax on still wines Ithat an out rage is not discovered what their objective will be cannot '-talk to him." has especially favored the short bottled in, the country or-imported j within twenty' -four hours after the 1 .. , . .- winged starling. In places in the in bottle from abroad in the psh-a a commifs,on of the crime. The next P sibly Le known the enemy, oa k to e Y ' -t ' `' '-' neighborhood of King's Lynn farm- of a ;;eneral bottle tax and a grad- "`station d:ig" is at once called; and who cannot always be looking" with ens are refrainin from sowing �: unless.he hits not already. stopped a guns ready pointed into the air, g 8 uated surtax. T. a wine tax will while the will pa over the coun- their corn because they say it is •aclosnt to five pfennings -(yd,) per I s „specious indi� :dual during one of Y P � I r « useless before the' onset of these bottle, and the rates of, the surtax, 1 h:s patrols h ^• .will pick up at once tFy so quickly as to b. out of range u 1. 1 purcharsed a bottle of almost as Soon• as seen.' Scotts, Emulsion and im- hordes. which will cnl be imposed. upon �'.he line of the criminal after hav Shootin them' is useless. -The ti'n more- then one shill- ing - :n case of fatal outrage = been "Their objecvivea would not be - _ mediately commenced to g trines -con = .the enemy's armies, but his dock-., ,= flock-at which you fire awing around 'penny per bottle:, , will vary from one brought to the corpse. arsenals, store- houses, .rail- improve. In all, I think I and settle close behind you, and penny to th.rec• shillings. l , Since police dogs were introduced yards, va took 1>1 bottles, gild my however many are killed the loss For tokic.cco' an ad alorem tax. in' Brunswick there have 'been coma, way centres and so tenth, where the ”' weight increased from 133 makes no apparent a in the num arativcl few a anions of justice maximum of damage can be caused PP gap on the manufactured article will be I P Y �' pounds t0 184 pounds in bars, and the birds are almost :introduced, according to the scaled i in case,; of violence. The certainty at a minimum of cost. Possibly without the instinct of self - preset- hand system. The rates of taxation of detection -has had a good result; they might even attack the enemy's less than six months. I ration. for cigars will be from four to I and the criminal statistics • of that navy if he has one, but possibly • know from personal results Starlings are not the only birds in ninety -six shillings per thousand ; ;town show that during the last,two tilt same effect would be produced the efficacy of Scotts exceptional force. The wild geese, ;or cighrettes eighteenpence to years not a single murder was com-. in „a more humemid manner by ` Emulsion." —FRED. R.' � whose persistent affection for. Lore twenty -four shillings per thousand; mitted there or within. twenty miles merely destroying the dc_ks. STRONGMAN, 417 Bath- Leicester's estate. is one of the and for fine -cut tobacco eightpence around this municipality. "Keeping high up in the daytime 1 strap eat henomena in local mi- �a 8d. er kilo ramme (2% lb.) �r and descending at night, they can urst St., London, ont. B P • , to 1. p g keep their direction with practical Z; I __ }gzation, having. arrived in thous- + • _P GUF nF LOCUSTS_ _ I. 11. Let us send you a co of ands. Their wild chattering can be y copy Algeria and Tunis have this year any desired ,:•pot may launch explo- , Mr. Strongman's letter. He heard from �a great distance, and p " suffered from an. extraordinary in- sixes with' vela action fuses which 1. had a trying experience, had `now and again they' can be seen in DELICATE CH?LDR �N. y Y s .:'> a great ,;'loud in the air at several �t,xD WALL AfiD STRONG vasion of locusts. The locusts ar- will enable them to retire to a safe got run down i rive from the ,direction of •the des- distance before the' explosion oc I ;miles distance: The voracity of this S 'The little ones are frail: Their Arts in swarms so thick as to hide curs ; or they may even risk de- ruin some of the beet grazing• "bold upon life is s the sun. ey cover : _.. some-notable ' ��� vet first symptoms of .trouble p , _ marshes in the district, quite stripp- Y , with a yellow car et and some- ploit S . 'ing it of young grass before ,they go Baby s Own Tablets should be giv- times render the railways so slip - There would appear to be' but back across the seas: en. This medicine cures colic, pdry that trains can hardly run. At little difficulty ,in 'lodging the ex- Nowhere in England is to be seen sour stomach, indigestion, elan- this 'stage they are not voracious, plosives with great accuracy if good �mulsion rhoea,' constipation, teething trou- being engaged principally in ]ayin� plans are available to Work by, a spectacle quite so strange as this tiles and other minor ailments. It n. -; noisy host of great birds, which are their eggs • But 40 days later the while the expense, even, if airah%ps v _:_ built him up, as it has thous- is equally good for the new born gong locusts, not yet winged, be- ,be lost, would be insignificant. 1 regarded as almost sacred and left babe as the well grown child. Mo- Y sites of others, unmolested for the rest art of In to run about, devouring every - ---'i' , y g P they have the giia'rantee of a goo- g g g y A woman can always tell from The strengthening and flesh their stay. eminent analyst that this medicine green thin including not only - producing properties of The east winds which have saved contains no opiate or poisonous leaves, but even the bark and tend- the way her husband shakes down C; �' Scoz-t's EMULSION, are un these and other birds from all the Roothinq stuff. Mra. Cressman, er shoots of trees. The hordes, ad the furnace whether or not he's in yy,__ _ f> vancing in a body, sometimes cover good _humor, _� T i equalled by any other preps- perils of the journey, across the clew Hamburg,' °Out:, says I an area of several, square miles, _ ration, and it's lust as good North Sea have rather diminished have used Baby's Own Tablets for ` for the thin, delicate child as f the usual number of snipe and stomach trouble and constipation Barricades of cloth';' surmounted , IV- .. , sure o et { woodcock, which' seem .to have with marked success. I feel that with' waxed strips, erected in thei 11 for the adult. Be s e t g Scort's: It's been the stand- i flown' straight across to Ireland and my little.ones are safe when I have line of march, arrest the progress and of the world for 3g years, the nest coAt. But nearly all-other a box of Tablets in the house." of the insects, which are unable to and is worth many times the I birds are exceptionally numerous, Sold by medicine dealers or by crawl up the smooth surface. Pass - ; though none in nearly such aquan- mail at 25 cents a box from The ins along the line of the barricades, 1 cost of the numerous imita- tity as the starlings, which have no Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- they fall into ditches dug for the �Ihe Namq It ' __ tions and substitutes. f nd left in the rn countries_ villa Ont. purpose, where they are killed with ` 1 L . r - F t,! , �._; , AI,L DRV6d131%°'�`a'— Let as send you a tall bopy of sir. atraaamaa's letter and � mw other Blurs- __._lure on the sabfect, Jast mention this "per" . SCOTT At DOWNS 126 Wdiiesten st-, W- Toronto T,Fa er me o sgipp cer 34 NERTr. TI1�E` SHE'LL CARE' tO smooth descending paths, end- , T ing in pbiloned ditches. The in- OD s Tag on Plug of ,She — "Just look at that man on He—"Will you have 'some oy- sects follow the descents, and thus Cfetwi>: .r�� the bicycle. Why on earth does he stern I" It go to their death: _ k stoop so 1" He— "He must be try- She — "'I 'don't `care:" '1`� &Ulds br, ing to put his shoulder to the Ile— "All right; we won't have Real charity doesn't employ a wheel." any." publicity promoter. r : _ _ \ 4, Rwa ax. � :a. ., . r? :t . _ .. _. _,...,.. ,. te..� �r%: _ .. 'I" -. . _ ., . . _ /a... r --' .' .,., . ....v k,M _... ;&".t.,l",2 K Al. I.Vl kll. '.: M -.'..V ':.rl "^ 'F .. •i ++:_ -•... -. ±.� 1HC.4_.� "'•[T .•'t+f'W?S hf!'; . ^sY M-'wR ey +�q,"Y« IFS . +$ {M•F dJt Y ' f N.. .••A,. 5-fi••a_ . fi " �,' { . , . .5..• F'F.:r �: � ';.,. , +s• � , •: H'.. ;:. , ' �..... `_ : s: t, +•. .. ... : . • • . - , , L-�. . ^ a..ena•,e;,v.i'. . . : .',". : .' b �, .'•�k •.! .... .:�.,, . ;`3 , ,: .. �.. �.�. .- i'.:w.'..,n ...�L� ..or ,.'.„ - ,� .•..- !;. .t. .- ',i ..<.y'; . .�;'�.,±. C" 5f `��t.Ja^, . Y.:.,.. . ; . •. . .:-..: ... .'t;• ' `.'.:. "''M�.+. i •.: •' .. 6. ^y_-• i rT. A r - '*�i- ';. t �.^••.,3Y., � e:' , . :Y 'Y -r 1.° � ti '��: •'•- Ca' .:3?..5�.`..y. : " � <@"� -d :,•-• t:�. ' , 4. » ,. v' .•'o�� . ' .-."�.� L!, '' . +r� a�.,.,•+ r � � " _9�s�-..a. . . .:,,..r'� ,� ., . ,'s ?!� 4. t : a,,: ., . :j` e' � �.+ -.. Jd <:St: ' C 0,. 4.., Po.fi...'?. 'Y< '.C' i tii3i 'av,,, � .� .t; s �y+,?• �� s ri;'�• �- +>n.w.;.,•y,..•. ' • - y `S' .•._, ...•..A � ' -...,: .. ..._.. ;,: +�ya^r„ �.ty.. ".. , .a -...__ ..,' : :. o"� i'y` �..a.. ,: w� �..,r.-, '. _, �G, of .:.: ,�,.',;:2$iS . �: 3°4, .:.: ,'runs^ . ....,: ,... .. .. :. s -. ."c. - .+"+3:; .. na .:.0.:.. " .. lY• ,r� i,,,.. j ` . �n ,R-' •rt.', i - �''.•;t, +`r ^y' - aw .R ; ^,.,r''^ r ;v ,{y Z" t- •s ^,:. -t,, g.. ,., �... 7 .'^n"Y :-a.. ,':F''- s.. ,,,, t�. t_ .,"'vd, .� .�• t:; .r ,.T;h.i...,, .:Lf� .. ,a: 'r. .�,,. ... 4 .. ..a.. r.. '' ,:' .. :..: ,. "x.St.. �' .• <!°'3., _'.�C;,••. +�, .�.a :v .. �,,�- • -y`t�. 'z, :>.... w. . ,,..,. ..., �+& ', -J . ;s. � .:. ,.. `y,•. F. x�• y� a�a.. .'4� ..2.,d ;.`rr�'r '•.. F ,. '.i %" a;'f -'• �,Y . ,;.a'h � '. Vii. • �' � ' .: • . `"f t '�. , .. . `. ' .r:.,..,- .:: �.... + ,,, 4'� `l - .r�,,, , .. � w- <. .�-'> •r, tie r.... s r • - - :'..STOPS AND POINTS. , ;THE CHAB,TDIDN'T'SHOW•'IT.i YOU NEED FEAR BIG MONEY - = Thera is no occasion• which pre- Punetuatlon Originated in the Third � NO sants such terrible advantage to for agents selling our toll"t aoapa Century. I -� LONGER the practical joker as that of a sea Lam- making $5.00 a day. Write at voyage, ,and there is none on which, o +6e for ful I particulars to the PunctuaLlon by means_ of 'stops his jocosities become more unbear- SOAP SUPPLY CO. Box 332, Toronto and points, so as to indicate the able. The following incident em- moaning of sentences i:._d assist the RAVEL WkRDED -OFF AND bodies one' of his most ambitious _ __ ( reader to a. proper enunciation, is p Cti$ED BY,DOD D'S , efforts. QMENfLLE CURTAINS ascribed originally to Aristophanes, -.HID NEY PILLS. When we were in the middle of acs all rind, of bones Hangings, also I a grammarian of AIexandria Egypt, , the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and the LL01' CUBTlIBS ts,ra`tKi NL�yip who lived in the third century B.C. nearest coast was 200 miles away, to ,sa�tsouK Whatever his system ma`s have w•Manitoba - Man Tells How His Uri- a - Yankee quietly rem anmmaAstsadomevstas ca. sox as. menu-ad been it was subsequently neglect- x nary Troubles Va e " ass we are quite close ' ed and forgotten but was reintro -; ' to land now. It ain't more'n three - WA `t°�aa�'na duced b Charleinange; the. various ' the Great Canadian Kidney Re- >> Erg s y mad quarters of a mile away, nohow. to aarertiw cur goods ra�r< up stops and symbols being designed y Personally we took no interest in she -cards in a cooap.cuou. Places end - <r. a -sn .arssc,in� msrser. com.l. sic. or ..la by Warnefriecrand Alcuin. $amrlik facts of this nature, and were con - wens -�h and .;psu ae s..srr da,. need, .07 ` ► it , Man., Nov. 30 (Special) tent to sit and believe, but many ea- vita a'psrei<vlars "v a`- �`° ` °° "p"LO°" rg ird' The present system of punctuation � k Probably there is no disease to was introduced in the latter art of cited travellers- da -shed' out --o�ih - W4' t -Y- �'�U RM co.. Lwea. oat.. coats. P -which man is heir that causes such smokin room to have ,a look at the the fifteenth century - by Aldus - a general dread as Gravel or- Stone g - - - -- - -- D1 nutius a �enettan ' in the Bladder. The frightful sins long- hoped -for continent. They CHARGE OF 'THE EIGHT BRI grin er, w g p presently came back in the worst yeas responsible for our full: stop, it brings and the terrible operations GADE. colon semicolon comma marks of __ft necessitates causes a shudder of of tempers, saying that the charts > a and all other authorities declared You give r_Re a pane," said the' interrogation and exclamation, par- .....'apprehension whenever it is men- For three weeks I actually ° the land to be at least 200 miles window scsh to the glazier. enthis and dash, hyphen, •epos- ' y Honed. But there is renlly no rea- "That's all right," had to be led like one feeds a away, and that there was certain- get, , re'pined the teepee and quotation marks. son why an man or woman should ly none in sight. man with the putty knife, "but it These were subsequently copied by baby, because my hands and ,:fear: Gravel. It is purely and tt I didn't say' shore " will be charged u to other' rioters until their use be- arms were so covered with a simply a Kidney disease, ,and as Wal, y << just �r P your, boss, P eczema that they had to be returned the cham ion joker. I ju the same. came universal. ` such can be either cured or guard- P 1 bound up all, the time." ed against by the use of Dodd's guess therets land right under us, T Most ancient languages were in- not three - quarters of a mile away. REN'W YOUR YOUTH nocent of any system of punctua- That is the experience of Miss Kidney Pills. Take the` case. of Lion. In many early manuscripts' Violet M. McSorley, of yg, Gore Street, Mr. Calvin R. Snyder, well known TITTLE- TATTLE. Never before has the struggle for the letters arc placed at equal dis- Sault Ste Marie. She adds : I ?:hare. He says:- social and commercial success been could not hold spoon nor fork. From tt lances apart, with no connecting' Ia the spring of 1907 I was al= Hope is the --mother of disappoint- -so keen as in our own day, and to finger bps to elbows the dreaded disease link between even in the matter of ` .:most laid up from a lame back and merit. the victor and the vanquished alike spread, my finger nails came off and my ". was also troubled with excessive Some' people- would rather follow comes a time when nerves and. body pacing, an arrangement which flesh sou one raw mass The itching Y trust have rendered r an b urination. somew a 1 cu t. t tee months of this torture and 1 ney i s, and used them witth - Forgetting a favor.is easier than have combined to produce an envir -' i- at one time amputation was discussed," aj satisfactory results. Dodd's - Kid- forgiving an injury. onment where tired men and wo- _ '-'I' „Zam•gak alone saved m� land: ney Pills are the beat Kidney me- Marriage sometimes converts a men may renew their youth. On A'Cure for Costiveness ,.- Costive- and arras- I perse.ered with it and in divine I ever heard .." courtship into a battleship. the main line of the Grand Trunk ness comes from the refusal of the the end had my reward. To -day, I am .t If yon follow Mr. Snyder 's Px- An empty head may contain' a lot Railway .:System, at St. Catharines, excretory organs to perform their I cured t.ompletely of every trace of the .ample and use Dodd's Kidney. Pills of useless information. Ontario, is situated "'The Wei- duties regularly from contributing ( dreaded eczema, and I fervently hope . for slight. , urinar disc;rde're An ounce of help is worth several land," where the ills of life area causes.usually disordered digestion. that sufferers ' from skin disease marr g y , you t_ g know of . m case and the valence will never be troubled with Gravel. pounds of talk about it. le -fated by bathing in the Saline I armelee's Vegetable Pills " re ar- Zam -Buk has worked•" 'x If you have Gravel, Dodd's Kid- The 'heyday of youth is not in it Springs of the ".St. Catharines j ed on scicntifis ' P P' *„ Principles,- are so Zara- Buk is without• equal for e ney Pills will cure it: with the pa' day of manhood, 1j el 1, under proper medical su- l compounded that certain in redi eel ta`n'•. r ; pervisinn and atiendanCe. A I g ringworm, .ulcers,abscesses.piles.cracked • ' It takes a woman to drive a bar• Apply f ants in them pa-83 through -the sto- E hands, cold sores, chapped places, and ida.in; and a man to drive nails. to J. D.ScDonald, District Pas-, mach anQ.act upon the bowels 13o as ail skis injuries and diseases• Dnrpgi,ts $e- "Miss Kitty, . I've heaid it senger AidInt, Toronto. to remove their torpor and arouse and ' stores at So cents a box, or post sand that a kiss without a mows- M ©,1,gEKg1 - ahem -to proper action., 14lany thou- - free froze Zam -Buk Co., Toronto, for eases is like an egg without salt: sands are prepared to bear tests- same, price. You are warned against. Is that sods She-- iVell, really,` GlTe the Children it Chance. The Parson- Ah, Pat, wasting moo . to their dangerous substitutes sometimes offered :I don't know -I can't tell --for ial Spanking does not cure children of bed• ; your- money in there again !• You Y Power in this respect- a jests good.' a all my life I never—" He- "Now, wetting. There is a constitutional cause !,ught to put b for n. rai„y 'stow, Miss Kitty !" ,Sce- "Never ;for this troubles Mrs. M. Sumriier9,_ Boa Pat-- ".Sure, then Oi'd nee or spend l She - "'This dress doesn% become r 'te sn egg without salt." god; Windsor; OrI will send free to any Lit et all. It's laid- up wid rheuma- I my complexion. I mus. change it," mother her successful 'hems treatment. t -ism Oi, am whera the weather's wet, He--- "More expense I I can't stand ! • 0 with full instructions. Send no mone but , � Salmon, pike; and goldfish are: write her to-day f our children trouble I and can't. go out a. the house." it ; yoq'll ruin me!" She - "You iluppgsed never to sleep. you in this. way. Y Don't blame the child, !;illy ! I .don`t mean the dress .= I the chances are iE Can't . belp it. This In N ahi re's Stor�housa There are mean the complexion. "• treatment also cures adults and' aged Cures. - Medical experiments have - It is easier for most people to people troubled with urine difficulties -by ; shown conclusively that 'there are g y LI BOR A1VD TOBACCO R4BIT�.I Aa J. PATTI8014 , CO. ~:}ICave t1 sigh than to raise a laugh.. or mg6f. medicinal virtues in even ordinar S3 -3b SCOTT STREET, TORONTO, plants growing up around us which. A. McTAGOART AI. U; C.f1 "Yea " remarked Mrs. Malaprop -- give them- a value. that cannot be StOak SrokOr3 dt Financial A 8Ot! On a big oak -tree there are.Riiare ,. 7s Yoage Siraat, Toronto, Gnada. g - -than 7,000,000 000 leave's. Partingten, we had a lovely time estimated. It is held by some that tQOB�LT - r r Reerent,,, as to Dr. 6icTair art's rote+,loaa = rat in Venice. There are no cabs Lhere, -Nature provides a cure for every stindingdadpnr6onAilo / s ri ;y parm�tted r: you know, because the streets are disease which neglect and ignorance *'Ir W. n, 1lieredich, chief Justice. and other deuces invited. t .rid void on oommiesiab' t c C •urreapondeno• tasiL•d. Orders may be. wired as tf• ttlss•t d e change heaved rooms to the °°it.: all full of water.- One hires a Chan - have visited upon roan. However 1 ° ti- .w, •Boas es- of Ontario, i .,u expond•• ter air, and the otiaage sets us eonghies ;. Car RII N. Burvash, U.,D.,' President Yictorla ` a winter colds !. not bard if oe take Anen's delier and he raws ycu about in a this may be, it is well known that i c'uneae. an salaam. A neglected told is troublesome. (iOagOIa." Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, di9ti11- CHie , Fm moons esfy'Prsaldent of stn afichaers ed from roots and he t Rev, w 4weetman, Bishop of Toroate, is herbs, are a soy- RG'�' A Requisite for the Rancher - even n remedy. -in curio all disor- III win, atadl.aren, Rb D,i oPr!nelpal lCaos - >?rofessor' (e::aminR' medical q ff g -' on e..innco student viers of. the digestion. - 11q NICT ggstrt's we On the Cattle range;! of the .«asst, g . h n.Ir s.nd- t'rbacco h,bits lareehealthfnl.� safe, }-- "If you were. called. out a to a patient, what is t`e. first nest where men and st.,ck are far from - inexpensive h.,me treatments. No hl ndsrmld q F.ver tlrlle a man TCfUROa to hear fn; ac ti,°i, no publicity, no Loss of time from doctors and apothecaries, .Ur. Tho- S' Lu+inee�, and a certain cum, ^lion you would ask ?" Medical Stu- what we have to sa dent-"Where he.lived." _ mss Eclectric Oil is kept on hand y, we, are usu- Cunsuitati.)n corriapendoncelnwited. - . by the intelligent as a ready-made ally conceited ' enough to- declare _ - medicine, not only for many bum-an that he `f won't listen to reason," There can be a difference. .of opin- ills, but as a horse and cattle medi- -T P G� n ETI S I G ion' on most subjects, but there is .vine of surpassing merit. A horse no spscm!318 Man expects to care a ne ^leltea II Ln ►d.ty. bait t :mo ,,.rid ilea's Lung Balsam AND •Only one 'O opinion as to the •relic- and. cattle rancher will find . matters will orstr, -me the cold- and•etase off auniumptiun. bility, of Mother. Graves' Worm Ex- j greatly simplified by using this Oil.. amour "iii ce�e .ad luugi be sound Y • °•" terminator. It is safe, sure' and NUTRITIOUS effectual. Amanda' "I wish I. knew how I ""— could make Our idea of a sane man; is one you very, rery, •happy, who can be. 1n- love- s;4hou4 acting ' (I fl rN Colonel 'Fizzletop was under the dear Jack?" Jack-'Well, write foolish. painful necessity -of administering to your father and ask him to'dou- I , . is what every lady desires •to serve A severe castigation. to his son ble your dowry.. Often ochat' appear to be the most et her table. "Johnny. -After be had completed PIAN his labors, he said sternly to ,the , M sae+ you Ret the klnd,you bave always bads , tr-ivial occurrences -of life prove to '- i 'Phi D & L" dReathnl Paster, For rheomatian� }.e the most momentous.. Many are 'ARC ' suffering victim:-"N ow,' tell me , neuralgia. ate., nothing is better. !fads only hl ' uisposed to regard's cold as a slight why I punished you? "That's it" I?avis3fAwrenoe o°mp•°y t.,tning, deserving of little consider - is the concentrated nourishment CANADA'a sobbed Johnny; you nearly pound) Country Doctor's Coachman - ation, and this neglect often re- of beef.'` the life out of me,' and now you Y (to . don't know why you• did it." '-horse that has stopped at house of "nits in'Tnost serious ailments en- = - BEST _ tailing years of suffcrin.g A little added to any kind of soup Ano nresrrozy former patient)-"Go .on, you fool, g ,• h�rire �� He's dead." out colds - and .'coughs with Bickle's makes it more tasty and' greatly Katsina tT►ATS TO iafrd c tin tenet A testpeentul of Pain Anti- Coristnmptive Syrup,- the re- increases it-s value as a food. GUY __ _RllrrFra a cu of het water sweetened will war '-- cognized remedy for all aff ections do° and .wert a cold• Avoid snbatitute,, there Are you a auflerer R nth corns ? If THE oo• °!'ain.ill•r ~ —p• Da.ts- 35oandson. ��$R , o utra� g -of- the throat and lungs. -A lit - a _ ties -gr vp�s - -�iST— Corn' Cure. It has ne'•er Teen ° sin improvement with roasts of all aeon for our Free "That large man thinks himself known to fail.' The difference between fame. and kinds. _ catalogue pro. 73 ; a pretty important personage in l notoriety is that in the case •of no- I Be BO�I P�O�O g UfpO� CO. �.. this place, doesn't he 1 asked the I Australia's only beast of re� -is tarie,ty they usnslly, get your name ' i - stfanger. "Important?" exclaimed P b spelled correctly. 1 BOYBIL iS LIQUID LIFE Makers of Bell Pianos, sell Ortsn•ar0 , the dingo, ; a wild dog• n,,,•nola Payer Piano•.; the 'native'.. Why, if you tell` him I _ : we're having fine -wen 1- ner- Tiere, mhi Every time some people sac smart swells up as if he thought he ade things they•.make -others .smart.. The tea you buy may be good, ' 1 Guest- "Waiter, take back this but you maybe quite sure it is 3EI beef- steak. It isn't cooked enou h.`,•`: Waiter = "I thouglA you paid gl oil' 1 L is "Salads." It is in I o ` wanted it underdone, sir "Guest more delis ions and decidedly noels, C-obAfts'' il ' O - "Underdone ! `i',•hy, it's so raw, economical goes i faar her. otber teas because I you cal}. hear it bellow. ! ' Before M1; RECOG : :iZT D Hr.-,r. Before buying stooks consult me and ,1 will send blinks, after inviting his frlen) Jinks, who has' lust returned froru you FREE 6 complete list . of ten or twelve of the ?., abroad, •to dinner, is telling hire' do trliat a fine memoiy his little, sun Pest' uulistad propositions on the market, ranging In `• `� ��•' � Bobby has: , ncl dt. you sui�pnse he wi11 re. V. >�� '��+'���� �+,� Is member me ?" said Jinks. i 1� a y With u t „ j Remember yew? �Vhy> he � as t� _.,� g� o buy them to make money.. a r�7 M every f e e� or _ p i 1n hour Intern thep .eia. ere the! Write ��i�u f.` �" plan, iitb r wLI1 doll.: s ' hanb a w1tt11�l :Zr4.•JB11Ak91AShe17Calls i F I� i' F Bobby over to _him... "And do you remember me, 'i:1y j g MATH [34 WS little man? • o _ by ,fT u' cei c may b "Course I do. You're the same I ,> ,d only feller that pa brought horn 11.,t ST :� I. ? :'�;�;�' STC}Ch' F— NCHANCI BIAL.J. 'Ctt St., TO2pN'IC e slimmer, and ma was so wild about .. �w ISS t it that she didn't speak to pa fc,r r- e d9 -09. a whole week." -�7 V ,y . l ...._ _'� �" . ct..� "..: - .,- :�'rw.ww ��.dw'�..Sx�*..;=^.� -c.. $.��!?ax•:,r; r...,, -. 5ah,'_ - a.x.. ��- .-a_.. •!. -' -'.. r '- �`._-` ; "fir .J— - - - .... . _ , .. .. ..... .......... s.:,.. - - -.,. ,.. ._ - - _, __ _ , .. _. _.....�.. _ ._ _ �_ _ __ .. ..... . _ . _ .,_ ..._ ;. ae,.c ' . _.0 �...... . ' ,.s. �xSoc .. .. "`•.G . � r � •.. v.. ..,... � .: • .. ; . - ,,, ..fig 2mr•. r . j,. ,.,'- .,• : :: a'. .•'�+* ', ,,� ,y a,:•.�s °:fi x' :''.'f: ..'.•' L:'II F„N. '.a., ,. •ze ?'. '.'L. :"-T` :.r+a^.;k r. ".^�.. ✓E1 "'. .,.,,,,: •y y:.p""�� ._:. .. ...: '... , :r YF ..:t: '..... .. . .++ - ..'v. ..'il -... . 1 ,.,. ,,.- ....:'? .> .� f•�,e :, 7'T.P :d.. Y�' w LOCALISMS -A number from here attended ( -H obert Miller Went a few days __ ' • " . the Methodist missionary banquet with Glaretnont friends this week. r ' at Brookliu ou Friday evening -Mrs. Merritt and child, of ___.- Gordon Law spent Sunday last. Oslaaw :a, spent a week with the C Ji cuna* _ : --4 --With his parents in West Toronto. - lkirs. Leigh is now reducing farmer's sister; Mrs. J. H. I3nnciy. =� -- -T. M. McFadden had a busi- her trimmed and untrimmed hats -As we go to puss we learn of . ..mess trip to the city on Wednes- to half price until further notice. the death of Wm. R. • Alexander, - day. Ladies will do well by calling as of Cherrywood. Funeral on Sat- of Sit up and take notic6. M � Y- rs. R. S. Dillingham is on soon as possible. * urday at 2 p. m. �w the sick list at present, with a -Rev. Mr. Rodwell, Evangelist, -J, H. Beal, of Claremont, has throat trouble. of Toronto, will occupy the pulpit leased. Mrs. Hartrick's property at -Mrs. Murkar, of Port Elgin, is in the Methodist Church next Sun- the : corner of King and Church -here at present and will spend the day and for some time thereafter streets. where he will shortly open - winter' with her eon. will conduct revival services. up a furniture and undertaking We can sell you a -first -class ? - Found -On Saturday,, a good -Among those who attended business. x handkerchief L with lace border. the funeral of the late R. S. Dil- -Alph. Hoover, of the Mark- Loser tail . at this office. lingham on Saturday were J. A. ham and Pickering Telephone Co., .new =Rev. W. Moore was in Clare - Huts, H. G. Kerr, Ed. Gormley has a gang of men at work erect- :. mont on Tuesday attending the and C. Dillingham, of Toronto. ing the line to the G.T.R. station. " induction of the' Rev. W. R. -M. S. Chapman, as one of the They will also install a number of C O .0 ,K / N G S T .0 V E Wood. Sunday school = inspectors, paid phones in the village. This' work k " -M. Burns, after touring• the an official vieit'to the Baptist and will require several days to con , United States for 21 years, is vi.si- Methodist Sunday Schools -of pled_..._ -- - '-- �LiaRfriends- mrPiekerini3 aremoQt- and-th Four 'holes- with reservair for Barton. Sunday School on Sunday. -Miss B. Bunting returned Gascoyne Bros. will hold an'NLY ~.17 50 .:home, on Saturday after spending auction sale of standing timber on . a few weeks with relatives in lot 21, con. 2. Qn Saturday, Dec. ° r Strathroy. 12th. This timber consists of pine �T st The township council will and cedar and ..will'be a good _ 1r o exellse for y017 nO�P meet at Brougham on Monday Chance for intending purchasers. s ? sext for the transaction of gener- -W, `E. Gordon's musical - in - ,' al business. strument factory is now being i • _ ' CHAPM AN Mrs. Harry Moore 's numerous worked to its full capacity.. They - - friends are pleased to see her able are now busy tilling orders . for _ to drive out again after her long violin cases, and have also started -= Hardware Stoves and Tinware - - siege of illness, on a large order for cornet cases. F� -Miss K. L. Banner was in To- They have now sufficient orders y ronto on Thurgday last attending ahead to keep them busy all wint- ' 1 WORKING ':ITEM E. - "At Home" iven b he em- lilS of IIIt r t — n ridiiy morn ng- 3ast-P. J. _ outfit will 'do well to call at Dic ie's —Mrs. Geo. Kerr and daughter, Morecombe discovered in his' coal This year Christmas Day comes on where a heavy stock is always to be ry Miss Dolly, have been spending bin two empty grain bags. He - the 25th. found. Cheap and heavy underwear few days with the former's. -son, has left them at the NF s office G DISPLAY - in aH sizes, special -'values in^ heavy 'A. M., of Ingersoll. where the owner can' get them �� A BI wool sox, lined mitts and gloves, car- t If yo:i would see an elegant display! digans, shirts, smocks; overalls, tweed -Miss Nellie A. Palmer has re -, by proving property, paying ex ass• !, ants, or anything. req uired in line of new F�'ancv Crockery. China. Glass. _ 'turned- home after spending, very penses and explaining how they O _ • ;rare and everything in thk line you ! clothing. 1 t ZeleasanL holiday with relatives in happened to be left. at: that par ®�e the Shelf could ibink of fur Christmas gifts, call l -BOOTS: ROBBERS. Etc. phyr and Toronto.. ticul"ar spot. Dickies. - ' 1 �' � It s not often that a tillage store Albert and Will Boyes, of —The Ontario Provincial Wint• } CliE :1P RAIfiINfi cari.slidw theglarge and well assorted E€rst Toronto, were here on Satur- er Fair will be held at, Guelph it's the Oven Door'. Fine off stock exti ^r select cal..raia ' lines of tine and heavy footwear that day attending the funeral of .the nett week beginning with Monday , arc serried by John Dickie 8: Co. Here ins 4 lbs for only ' ;.w., alsochoice select elate R. S. Dillingham.' ' and ending with Nruiay: This seedless VillPntiR raisins. These ore you w;ll And rubbers of, all kinds, all " —Mee. (Ur.) Bateman and con, fair, is increasing hi popularity IV'hat a convenience wid the choicest fruit sou ass rsrad ire "ices, from' infants` up to' t1:e largest Lloyd, of.,Tc�ronto, -spent Sunday each succeeding year, and it will what a -•eaf rd against dune up in neat scaxil boxes+, or sold'by , made, felt :hoots, wool -lined rubbers, egg (. i buttoned and buckled overshoes and here with the formers parents; be to the advantage of those inter- he pound at Dick ie's store. Squire and Mrs. Bunting. - ested in Agriculture to attend. horned fingers and, .scorched most any size you wish in this line. �. r , BUY THE BEST _.. ROBES, ETC. - -The numerous friends, of Lectures are arranged for the Tout faces when you're basting or At Christmas tints the best is cone For a warm winter robe, fine plush T ,; �r Squire Bunting will regret to cons of the fair, and this ge;ir a checking a roast. or a. fowl. tcw Road.. robes, carriage rugs, travelling .rugs, 'learn that he is now confined to special feature will b? lectitre4 on horse tiIanketa, heavy wool and cotton his bed�with the infirmities of old the cause The steaming hot dish can, be CHFUSTMAS GR, OCERIES , . fleeced k prevention and treat- blankets, you will .find a good { -age. ment of c•ommou ailments of brought out to you instead of Ae usual J. Dirk;e & Co. have been supply at Dickie's. —Kook! Xmas hat sale. Trim- horses cattle and sheep. Other snaking special preparations for the SPECIAL YRIGE9' p' your reaching in to it. holiday trade, Customers will find r �, ; used hats, formerly $3.00 to $8.00, lectures of much interest to agri- — John Dickie & Co. will offer a lot of on sale Prides and Saturday, only ctrlttrralists will also be - there an ample supply of good things. i y, y given. That's the Fresh fruits, nuts, figs, fine oranges" Foods weeks special prices r for the next -• $1,00. —The Misses Powell, Whit- We nudersta.nd that a number ew oveeks to make ream for their tt " - candied citron, orange and tenon, pure large stock of Fancy Goods. by' * from this locality purpose attend honed, prime cheese, fancy biscuits. - -Eggs are at, resent a very ing Round trip tickets will be SOUVENIR RANGE. candies, etc, KRISMUS AND KOMIC KARloB y' "-scarce article on he market. In sold to Guelph from Dec. 5th to An immense variety of prettyy plc- FOR 25 CENTS ture post cardrf are on -sale at Diekfe'a town SO cents per dozen is being -Dec. '10th, inclusive. You can - buy at Dickie's store the store. Landscape, pets, local views. ° paid, and in Toronto it is said 50 -The furniture and undertak- THE GURNEY, TILDEN CO., very finest large bottle of mixed pick- comic cards, birthday cards and air - .; _ ter dozen is -being paid ing businessi formerly carried on uar,rMD, les or_ chow -chow ever o!!eAd for sale. elegant lot cf _Christmas and Floral M .here the eggs are guarauteect to by R: S Dillingham,. will, be con. NAMILTON, ONT. _ Also c _&tsup, sauces etc., etc. catty, cheap. be fresh laid. tinned by Mrs. Dillingham, who eanNG/p AT MOaTM, wtNNtrco, -The funeral of the late R. S. has secured the services of her vrwcOUML toe = Dillingham took place on Satur• nephew, Pin's O'Leary. Mr. For sale b `; - XMAS GOODS GALORE - -- _ - _. day afternoon and was very large- O Leary is pgpular with all these y _ _...: 4, 1 attended, The funeral was with whom he is acquainted cquaiated and M. S. CHAPMAN _ conducted by the Masonic Order we have not the least doubt that _ 3 of which the deceased was an he will make a success of the honored member. business. He is one and ener- Opr Stock is now very complete. Goods of the very beat quality. -Owls to ill- health John Sam- y ' S NN1AA Prices as low as consistent for good goods. Valencia - g getie and he has had considerable Raisins 31 lbs for 25c. Clean Curlrants 4 lbs ' erville, of the second concession, experience in the undertaking CREDIT AUCTION BALE ���� for 25c. Peels of all kinds. will sell by public auction on business, not only with the late Wednesday, Dec. teth, a number Mr. Dillingham, but also with Implements ,Holiday goods during the season, in endless variety. _ -` pf first -class dairy cows, heifers, well-known undertakers of To- Farm Stock, r young cattle and sheep. For full ronto. This is an experience that Kindly give us a call, see, our goods and get quotataon8 - - -'The property of particulars see bills. should make him well qualified to ' - -The Pickering Township Tem -, carry on the business. He has NiohOla�el Q. �rewn Farmers Supply -Co.; ' ' ::Pickering, t%Ilt. jperanee Alliance have engaged "a also had several years experience _Kingston Road, 3 miles west column of THE NEWS in order to in business in• the best which will of Whitby, on �present their arguments why prove of great advantage to him - - :Loeal Option should be sustained now. Tuesday; Dec. 15th, 19(18 _ ;HaVe ' You 'Seen in Pickering township and - this ' =As the cold, frosty weather 'Mee will be used by them during approaches, every boy and girl HURSEi3., s - - —Our fine display of the.campaigii: As the columns of turns his or her thoughts towards I'rinceee Edna, b.m., 8 yeare old, by At. .THE NEws are open to the fair skating, and a general search is Mark, etc., in foal to 13alfling ; dam _ -S T. O - V E S .� discussion of all public questions made for skates and hockey sticky. Mabel, by Faster. the same privilege will be given -But there is one thing that Picker- Milirnark, b R., 3 ra , by Millbrook, etc, _-io the opposite. pa- rty -on' the name ing needs very badly and that is a dam' P.rinoeee Edna. by St. Mark, eta kind -in all harness, good driver, beauti• ~. . conditions. skating -rink. These is hardly a - 1,1 a-ddle horse —After an illness of several village of the same size in the M ;Iledna, b. m., 2 yrs, fall ei tei to Mill .- Parlor Cooks - months,. Mrs. Geo. S. Cowan whole province that can not boast mark, nicely broken, has shown 1/2 mile _ passed away on Saturday 'morn - of this luxury if not a necessity. in 52 sea g „ 'f;' iind E[U-17-fanelal R 9 Speedy 964a -re 9A), rs Mond, afternoon when her re- not require a y, Canadian track races. Monday q great antis and if Prozee, n f, 1 yr, by Prooeesion,' dam' s k In All Sizes. y y ,_ . mains were conveyed to Erskine someone who has the. would Priuceee Edna, bto. Cemetery for interment. Mrs. undertake the work we feel colas• gall s dare, br, c, of 1908, b Halfi;n 7 Cowan' was a member of St. dent that he would make the ven- dam ,Prinoesa Edna. -Andrew's Church and was .a won)- tare a profitable one. There are bfaud, d m, aged, Rifleman', in foal to t' , an of , quiet disposition, She is a number in the village who would James Hal, standard bred: - ,Rapp •Thought, w fdv ly, br h 2 yea !d, by Glitter, b Re- survived by a sorrowing hiusbanci gladly 'contribute a dollar or two y ' and one daughter whoa have the to assist in, establishing a ri Hector, dam Maud, nicelp bro en in all •:;.Pandora Z sympathy of the community in If this were done many a parent hssy, s ,good , fp er; ter to oily Glossy, �r f, 1 yr, fall :,ter to Molly •�'� 'their bereavement. would -be relieved'' of .many an Garvey, bl c, of 1908, by James _Hal, star-- - ''Imperial Oxfords, -The annual meeting- of the honr of anxiety. dard bred, dam Maud, Pickering Vigilance ,Committee :. JA-h cur sa(I duty this week Skipper,•b e. 2 yre old, by Glitter, by Re- � will be held in the town hall, Pick- to chronicle the death of one of Hector, dam Mag, by L H Daniels, gr. Only one place t0; -06 'Tuesday on Tuesday evening next, the oldest residents of Pickering dam by Af cars Chiei. This is a secs 8t these-from beginning at 7.30 o'clock. In township, Mr. Win. Powell,'Iwhi ch - strong, and cheese remarkable speed, J� nicely broken. •• _ • - former years postcards were. sent took place on Friday,' Nov. ,27tb, Laura, br m,.5 yrs, by Laura by the Great.. - -- --moo ''•members noti€yiii -g there of at-the hom'eofhis -son, `Waiter, vF dam by Ackland, kind ' in. all harness, this meeting, but this year no• this village, Mr. Powell -was born can show g 30 clip, _ B TT ;notice will be given except through in Pickering township on the base Brown mar , l0 yrs, soaad, good black. J O S e � e V the 'local papers. All members line, four milew south -east .of the Brawn mare, 9 yrs, g p; iir fos" sound. - Brown filly, 2 yre; Ca ringsan, Foal of are requested, to attend,, and' all village, ' seventy -eight years ago, 190% sire Sir Arthur. ti whose who purpose joining the .and during his long life bas Basco l 'n 2 s b d by ran' c nnous .rest en .o a town- Bay gelding, 3 yre,-h d. to become acquainted with . its ship, in which be has been- active- Bay-ge ding, 3 yre, b d, 1500. _ f :aims and objects are specially in- ly.engaged as a farmer. His wife, These light horses are nicely bred and vited to attend. Every farmer whole maiden name was Susannah sound and Kell brokers, sad ebould meet and every person who- has mov- Dillingham, pre - deceased him desiring purchasers. able property. should become fourteen years, 13e was a meta- CATTLE. j•rrembers. The fee rr��only one her ofr 'ihe Disciple Church, and 10 miloh oowa in lull fimv or coming in We have R large assortment of Boots just arrived, dollar to join, and it✓is possib 'L" rai•ge attendance at his funer- .before Jan. 1st. for the fall .trade. 'that no further levy will be Ina al, which took place on Sunday 15 head feedinq•a4ttls� - - - - - -• -• - = B s afternoon, tegti8ed to the hi h 15 2- vear•olds. -on the members. afore th g 10 young stock. The Celebrated Williams' M _ -SOClati011 wag formed horse teal- esteem in nhich he oyes held. He 16 pigs, - (tin' better goods made itt'Canada)' ing was quite prevalen 5n this is survived by his family of four 85 sheep, locality, but since it na rfianiz daughters and one son. These are A large somber of farming implements, We hate ..-lso a few pairs of Boys' and Youths' Poo odd,,- -_' ed seven years ago, no r ember Mrs. H. Ellicott, Bruck road, Mrs, also household farnitore, hay and turnips, gad ends; we are clearing at half price. has suffered in this nay'. The i W, (eke and Mr:;. D. Smith, To -- -= -- Call and see them. e of the s( )eiation ronto. Mrs. L. D. Banks Picker- TERms : -Ten months credit, with the to have a be icial fn- ing, and Walter Powell, k ..seeming ' of Pic .usual discount for cash. Lin . �>� «.. a.., r,: er. Q �.i}dl. • + r � Vrl