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��'+t�iaftal �arDs. } HIGHLAND CREEK o
Hortie Blankets ATHA
The Highland Creek branch of the Ml$8 Lizzi 3 Dunkeld spent a few HeM
JlCed{ea{. You want the )find of Blankets your Women's institute will hold their neat days last week in Toronto. Stength
hObwa cannot get off and this is meeting on Thursday afternoon, Nov. Mre.,Otto Nighswander spent --few -'
M. BELL, M. D., C. M. 6th, at 2.30 . m, at the home of Mrs, days of last week at Whitevale.,
Late Souse e ° of tb where you can. get them.
s access" to te- a have a good assortment and the • -John and Mrs. Scott os. un- &Eren>:th, or . erve w °iffi8E' meamsil=
Offiae7sus a to t0 s m, 1 t° 8 p m sad 8 prices are eo eve person addressed by Mrs. Gra Plice, more. Pos.
ry, pe 9 of To- keld-and' family, spent Sunda fuvely, not one weak heart in a bun re in
m•' Piekerfag. out. 4s.1 - "onto, A cod time is ex y at Rte' •ell. actually dlgeated. It u almost always a
y can, get them. ' g pected. Davidson's, Chair wood. 1i
Every one is welcome. Mrs. Cecil Bell, of 8 Tin field, Masts., hidden tiny the nerve that really is at Lnit
O. N. FISH, M. D. Ceasdae Saskatchewan Robes. p This obscure nerve --the
PHYSICIAN AND SIIRQEON the beet in the land. • • and Mrs. (Trey Wood, of Loudenville, �"Dly °��• �d must have, nor $� Nerve
' ' New York, is s ttabil+t more contro more DOti°V'• more
o! College o! Physicians and Burgeons. Don't forget Disney s sale, pending a time at S. P. f'a . ' without that the 'esrt met "
Aesooisa 0oeoner, county of Ontario, Single Harness, Team Harness. Lapp's, to and the stomach and Hoare —e to 30 a. m, and 1 to 8 and 8 to 9 ,$chars, Sweat Pods, Curry Combs, • same controlling nerves. kidneys also 11s'y+
Brougham, One. 11 -1y . ” Brushes, Metal Polish, Gal, Cure, AUDLEY This clearly explains why as a medicfne, Dr, Y
HERBERT KIDD, M. D., C. M. Axle Grease, Hoof Ointment, - UXBRIDGE shoop's Restorative bag inthepast done so mach
Member Oolioge o! Physicians and Bar- Harness Oil and Dressing. � Lunde and Jas. Pardon- have for weak and ailing Hearts• Dr, shoo tirstaoutht
o! ontrario. rate scare Surgeon of pea- Team Whi a. Bu g' " returned from the 'North-west. Chas. E:. Gould is sow using an the cause of all thispainful. palpttat, s,xg g, i
mereencsy and Burnside Lyin• -in Hospi- P $BY Whips. The Ladies" Aid are going to hold engine as an . auxiliary for. his flour Poopular riynon y�ajone directed the Res
It-fOffioe in Alexander Morgan's THOMPSON BROS., - Pickering an. At Home on Nov. 4th at M•rs. 'Pill Owing to the dry, season, water /°e8k and wasting nerve centers It bands, _
-T.-ji60-p6to. Ou posia llLethodist church, Clara. moll Puckrin's. A prolTr•amds being is getting scarce, ngthens • it offers realui re heart help.
On. 961y prepared and a fish pond is one of the i as,t Monday evening Mr. Charles section ass uenigdchen8 °0th °°gam e�' 8
The Belt chief features,.. All who attend are Jackson,• of the" 7th concession, and men as needed, with
Leyai. assured of a pleasant evening. his granddaughter, Ella Jackson, were
FAREWELL 0., HARRIS j Much sympathy is extended to the burned to death in the former's home. Dr. Sl"�O H
Q• ,Blood Medicines friends and relatives of the late John The girl, who was a little over three
$x. panty Crown Aitbrney, and oonaty Bell, "who died October 25th at the years, was out of the burning building
come Bona., Whitby. �, Restorative op
' At this season many people have advanced -Age of 72 gears. He was a once and ran .back to be with her " ` ' ' -
BARCLAY, Barrister -at -Law, poor blood, pimples, boils, itching of native of Yorkshire, England, and grandfather; who ,apparently had.
orioitor, Notary Pablie. Special Exsmi- the skin, etc. A bottle of our Blood emit ,tted to -this country when,& boy. been overcame by the smoke and met T • M. McFADDEN.
Hiss court of Jwttioe, 8gcceasor to Purifier will remedy He was an old and respected resident with the same fate. It is a sad event
Dow d: ffiopillivrap, Brock` Street, y this and prepare ;
by 7Ty the system for the cold weather there- of this place, and touched the hearts of the citizens. For Good 3leat try.. .
by preventing seve -re sickness. • +• generally. " The cause of the' fire is a
Large bottle I dos Going to GreBn Rival, 1►lond'a ? myster The'remains were interr
u y guaranteed.' - ... afternoot4.- Times. ray V e
ate of the Ontario vet -tansy col- McFadden's S ru � Ti1e'corres ondent's re Family Butchers, DUNBAF?TON
Toronto, registered member of the y P- Lindseed licorice P port of the DUNBaRTON
to veterinary Medical Association. �f- and chlorodyne. winning Of prizes . at the Markham
ad residence one and one •gaartar miles of Geor a Davidson & Sons was some- 'R Wood leave-- to -day for a two" Fresh Meats of the finest quality at
h of Gress aver. I to and sh. P torte McFadden's $yrgp White -pine and what in�ore ect. Following is the cor- ,weeks' hunting trip in Northern On- the lowest possible _prices 3.
e a to r1 a m„and 1 to s pm. Private tar• rest list : Draft -let and- 8rd on three- tario, 31 r. Nicholson will take his always on haand.
41006 to my office P.O. address, pz•sn McFadden's Emulsion with.Hvpophos- year -olds and over, let on brood mare, snicked Ham "and B con a specialt3*,
out. ph #tee. base
lat on foal, lst on mare and two on i'i Isis r, l . Allen,. we- are. -A. trial given, satisfaction
route the :� r
�u tziEisa �ti>C7?Er• If you want the purest we have it. her progeny.' Road .horses -ist on pleased o say,- is rapidly. recovering = uxriinteeti
bood mare:" 1st on horse foal, let on from his-recent illness.. �Sisa Gi v' r' blotto: , $
09. POUCEIER Issuer of Mar - T two= year -old filly. Poneys -2nd on of Whitby,'is acting as substitute dir Our Mott Health by Good I;iving,"
riaJZe Licenses. Brougham oat. T. M. c Fadden, brocul -sliu•e. Ist on foai, fat on one- mg -h }a absence`
Cbernist and Optician, year -old colt. The same firm won the Do not forget, the grand concert to ���• -Bank
HQPPER IastlCo of MxrriA96. followingg prizes at the. Toronto Exhi- be given in' the`•Pre®bvteriAn,church 1Fy es ter IQf
• yiceases to the ooanty of outario. PICKERRING, ONTARIO, bition : graft -1st an 4-year-old etxl- here next Tuesday eveniii under t*te
e at s?ora and bin reaideace.OlarsmoaE. lion; 3rd on 3.• year -old: stallion, 1st on auspices of the Ladies' Aid Society. A
BUNTING, Issuer of Disrtiag brood mare, let on foal, let on mere cb`jiee program is being provided Canada--
Lio•ns•s fortb• County of Ontario, , of �aG iner Ga and two of her progeny, 2nd on 1- year - which -will be one of the beet ever
the afore prat htsresiance,Pickeelas v old filly. `Carriage -3rd on-2-year-old given in Dunbarton, Mrs. Merry, the -
'' 1•y filly, well- knocan contralto, of Toronto, and P16k @Z'ing Branch.'
Have a full line of tresh andf-u- Miss Grace Merry the
RWAY HOL'8E.- Norwayy " = popular elocu-
Hingstoa Road. Particular attention giv- ed �nleats constantly on hand. Dr, SO*erby at'Green Riser, ttoniat, of Toronto, have been seta ed TIIOO�°i+by "see of Parli.aient 1899
farmers attending th +Toronto. markets. - lkionday. Nov. 2nd, .. for the occasion. The. Georgina Male
accommodation tans" the sew manage- Spice loll, Breakfast „ • • Quartette.who rendered such valuable
Chaster modssaie. J. J. •feO�an, 'Pro- aCOn, services here last summer and who Authorized Capital N.000,000,OG
r• 9e Ham, Bologna, Weiners, etc. WHiTEVALE made themselves so popular. will be Pad ntbed ""ac
B.HEATON, TOWNSHIP l7LERS Highest prices The "death' of James . Thornton," a great drawing car3 on this rsccaeio8.t account WO''�'
eonveyanow, oommiaioner in taking paid for ' life- long resident of Pickerin Town- Do not fail to attend as a great treat
Butcher's cattle:'
via. A°ooaatant. Eta won" 'to Man chi took 1 nn F ' t3 }s assured" to a11:— Assets _ � d
trm Issas" o! 3[arslags Lie
oat. SAL _E S�'A,I,E 23. - eased was 88 years of age 7osY OowLr, >r ' s :8. i[oNmyus,Ese, -
and about three months ago was Disney's sale -Nov. 2Dd ORol.r
stricken with y�O °t
M• MAW, Licensed Auctioneer, paral eie since which -
All kinds l uNea pzomptly attended to, time he had been confined'to his room, Special attention given to Farmer'. gale a'
M reasonab'e. 1'eiePhone residence otr - He is survived by -a widow, one Son ' . - .9ROCK `ROA(i Motes Coll eotionssolidtsdsadprom�tiymadrr
e, Greenwood. •Oat. O y, InBIIrance and and three dau hters. FaraaseD Notes atacount•d Ain Icon and
g The son, .E. A. Election is over. All are not well Foreign Bachang• boagbt and cola Drafts fe
P09T is a member of the Thornton & Fraser pleased, stied, sysilable ou iii parts of the world
hies f Licensed Auctioneer, - Conveyancing Done. Medicine Co., of Quebec, and the � Libby Tool is "visiting with her par.
10 Counties ki of Yolk and Oo on s AUG. daughters are Mrs. WPllwood and. Savings
Bank Department.
sales of all ilads'attanasd to on shortest • • eats here. - ,
ice. Address preen Bdn" P. O., one, Mrs. Rev. Br. Igett, of Quebec, and Miss Annie, Farley is in the city for
Mrs: Frank Weir, of Whitevale.. a few days.
a H• POWELL, Licensed Auc- House and Lot for; sale or to rent, Deceased was a Libernl and a member Several young men hereabouts bar eat aurren�rntea, and
credited high.
t1000" eith for Ontario, AU kinds at wles of the Methodist Church. He was rented farms and are rusrlin the f
ot•d •fiber p�rrII♦ately or by aaoti l�arei Also Planing Mill for Bale. He associated with the inceptio>a plowing. bra® yor3r own conclthe f *I. paidqua terly, to depositors, .
collected. V. dater or other
stresidene•, Elisabeth 8t., Pickering, f the Standard Fire Insurance Co., About 1290 o'clock" on
Monday last
may, 160 acre Farm for sale and for many years oa, the board of smoke was seen escaping through the Chas. A. MCClellaln, Mar' -
POUCHER, Licensed Auction - if You want to buy sell or rent, call directors, and was also a charter root of Wm. Bradgerow's house, which •
ear• valuator and - llaetos. for the porn at my "office. Bargains. Member of Whitevale Lodge, was occupied by Byron Crittinden. CO d/ OIL
/ `
>t York and Ontario All kinds bt anation A.O,U. W. A pioneer of, Pickering Thefire was be and captrol before be /�L V/ L�
conducted and tdnattoas made .at mod - Township and one who through thrift log discovered. Mr. Cr}ttanden'a
, charge. Estates and consignments con- • 4 - had acquired competence. .:
ally man.g.d and sold 'by sactioa
or " " ! • Township
quired a con tense. Mr. effects were soon hurried to a lace of Est American "20 cents. '
Yte sale. Kor•egages, rents, notes and Thornton had merited and possessed p x
cat accounts promptly collected and antic- .;Kota Public, Pickering. g po safety, with the exception of a large . Best Canadian le center
ry settlements guaranteed, phone o:
:;Notary in a marked degree the, respect of a cooking stove and someminor articles, Axle Grease,' 'Beat Innterna," ;
for termv Lad pa,- ticuism, Brougham, — ____ -- very wide circle of friends' and neigh- He will
Dates maybe IIz•d by phone Naws • e bors. -The - funeral took g consequently T building move is other Castor Oil" in bulk
ywelr place to quarters. The buitdtn was insured is
lekerrn Whitevale cemetery on Monday after - The Maple Leaf. Cause of fire a de- "—
„ noon d. 2oflock and we. largely -at- festive chimney: A good stock of horse blankets, whips,
L A D D E RS tended. •.
First -class rigs for hire ' • ' currycombs; tie ropes,
Nor thoronghbr6d "stock, go to
P3' AM, of Toron.
1 kinds Manufactured to Order. '1,1a or ni 1'it• BROUGH
Write or phone us. - y " Dian s sale. ed Cowie acrd-- }?..Bu E '
76us meets all
• . • . •• - � ,, spent Sunday here. • - _ r, Brougham
snaps, ec
trains . ` tO _ . 7. Wht C. and Mrs. Brown visited in G check ma cold
PHILIP. Grocer, �
ksmithing and Woodworking Teaming promptly attended. to, cevale, on Sunday. To quickly draQRteta a><'
Of all kends. bliss•Dixon visited friends iii To- '.bliss Slack, of Cedar •Creek,. visited diepeneing everywhere a n ever Candy
Agent for Canada Carriage Co, ronto last week. the iss iatnn on Sunday. _ Pro,
Loll Cnra Tablet called Preveatics.
tihop .close_ edn sdays N%9ll , erne" has a a windmill hlrs: Johnston, of . West Toronto, tics�Y�aleo fine for leverig o r
and Saturdays. �, Peak erected on his premises, spent a few days this week with h'er bead off alleoolde: at Boz of. 48.- Z25otaggola ..
P {cker {ref/, Miss Lily Morgan, Pf Claremont, is brother, Hugh Meebin. by T. M.• McFadden.
H Jackson Brock Road,
-- 6sfe,t!' Q`S� visiting at Wm. Booth's. John ;and Mrs. Milroy. of Cedar
Jackson, Ontario ii s�SjR�i Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stark was the Grove, visited with the latter's sister,
guest of W. G. and Mrs. B .last- Mrs, Brodie,, on Wednesday.._ ' 3
ice to the �'ublic �' First Step wee Miss Grace White, of Pickering, hair
. Wm. Barnes' mill is- shut down for returned home, after sppending a. week \. x
are a stock of Verity plow points v� a few days while repairs are being with Joseph and Mrs. `litchell. \•
ale shoes on hand, and •not wish - Often means, so much.' It has
made. Misa.Edith Brodie, who has-been in ''°°
carry them over until another meant ,success to thousands of Come to Green River Monday night the General Hospital, Toronto, for
I will sell them" out- at reduced young people who wrote for 'our Nov. 2: to hear Dr. 8owerby lecture on six months, has returned, .much im- �—
Catalogue as the first toward a the' lobster. proved.
"erity and Wilkinson�oints -good salaried position. Take Mr. and Mrs. Ernest •Hutchings has J. T. and I11rs:' Doble die visiting the r"-
rle shoes of same number will fit
plows, the step to -day Address Cen- got nicely settled in their, new home former's sister, 'Mrs. G. D. Linton, on +
tral Business College, 395 Yonge on the 7th con. their .return from Spokane Red = =�
ROBT. S.- PHILLIPS, '� Street, Toronto. A gang of men are employed put- other western cities. Their trip occu-
Brougham, Ont. B SHAW tinig to the cement work in Mr. Stew- pied some five months.
arts new barn. Mrs. J. O. Philip left ,Tuesday for
MINION BANK President A number of our young people at- the city, where on Wednesday she
tended the Baptist convention held in intended taking the train for Michigan,
iced Offioe, Toronto Stouffville last week. where she will be visiting two sisters,
A number from here attendedAhe' Mrs; D. Stoner, of Sandusky, and Mrs'
Al paid u s 3 g00 006 funeral on Monday of the late James Thos.. Kerry, of Yale. ' Mrs. Philips t
rue fund and undi- BRITISH Thornton, Whitavale. intends returning home after Thanks- 'Skilled Labor, "]
ed profits CANADIAN Best Business The twenty -first anniversary of the giving. - i
P 5,30Q000 r 1Histr- ira!�tle�Materlals .
sited b the BUSINESS Trai in at reason- Baptist Church There will he held on The anniversar services of the' V
y public ,,35 000 000 n g Sunda and "Monads Nov, lst and 2nd. o enin of the Bpr Brougham Christian
assets 47,000,000 COLLEGE able prices. y y+ g r apt.
TORONTO Start any time. On Sunday services at 10,30 a, m. and Church will be held on Sunday and
at 7 p. in by'the Rev. C. V. Loney; B. Monday, Nov.' 8th and 9th. On Sun- That tells the whole story
QHIM •BRANCH• Address R. A. Far�qquharson, B.. A., A . Stoufiville, and at 1.30' m., by day services will be held in the church. '
Teueral Banking Business Principal, Corner Yu and Bloor Rev. A B. $amen, Witevale: At 11 o'clock. --, m, Rev, J. `V. DAnnen; to reliability the
ncn nri . Sts: ' The service of- praise in the morning of Keswick, is expected to reach, QINA WATCH,
— - will be led by the home choir; in the music , y the hrlme choir, In the
_ Y the IR
afternoon by the Wb.itevafe Baptist evening at7 o'clock Rev. S. T, Tucker, a. reliabliiky
d atxention given to the collse. Choir, and in the evening by the Zion of Greenwood, will preach and the
Lion or•f8- 0's sale and e Presbytetia;n Cboir.• 8 ecial offerings -service of song will be led by the vvliieh hail
other Horse. ZlacksmithlKg a t each service, On Monday evening � bitevale Baptist choir. On Monday earned for k
1 R, v. A, T. 8owerby, Ph. D., L.L ,, evening an English - Thanksgiving ' •, `_
Toronto, will deliver his popular lac- Dinner will be served in the Town-
AVIN(38 DEPARTMENT. The undersigned having bought out tare, entitled : "Only wLobster." The. ship Hall from 7 o'clock until all are i �p the treputation
�Ooits reverved off .$1. "a • 'the b1A.cksmithing business of G; Revar C: J. Loney A. B: Homes and J. served. Roast beef and plum ' ud- 71' " TRU$ A3
pwards. Law, i:4 prepared to do black- Tricksy, and others will give short ad- dingy will be served hot. A cod ro- THE SUN. "'
emithin to all its lines. dresses, special .music by t -0lare- ram will be rendered b igStas �Iptea' : `
BI @At allowed at, highest g. want Male - Quartette and Mrs. Ed. Phillips, Whitby, soprano soloist • a
lrrent rates. Horse-shoeing Willson, soloist, P y' p r _ `
$ - a - Specialty t. of Brougham. Miss Miss Annie Carruthers, elocutionist,
��A'r :n
11 olin$$@Ci or :tid uar Marie WillaOD, accompanist. Doors y N�s�irihi\ B14a 1� �I
p q p graduate Whitby Ladies' College, and
rly, G ORLON =,A�T� open at 7 p, m., lecture beons at 8 othertalent. short'addresses will be Jeweler and Optician,
PICKIi}RINrr o clock sharp. All come and have an given by resident ministers., Every. ;.
CHAS. D. GORDON, Manager , ONT, enjoyable time. body come and have a good time, WHITBY, ONTARIO
.,;;CS_.. =:3 :. > .^ - +- r»�:c ?: ,. �..i: .:,:- .. -' .:.._. - ,M,,: ".... - - - • - - �.z_.�.- ��— •1•, -•.•,� _...�. - S..^4w'si5'Fxa- _ _ � •....,. ,"h'.�,.... .J �Yi
.�- ,. ,.,
V !y�?... v...txF.'•:'.•'T�^'-^: .,ui' F .,P - 3 'aF° °"•'",-,� ,";. s. ....
^•,�i,., ..tips. ._'l-. 'rrsrn - -', 't. :ni: : -' -`.b - _.•tk
�'�' x, "k �a s ' 4 y..�`'�°3"� r'�t •.., � ve'„"�"'�'',"L .may � : "r. .i'•� i �?• sd•• "'Y
- Champlain, Blondin ... �....... Proyencher, Milloy ...: .:.....: 150 $6.75: Cheese-
7" Western, 12% to
Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan. 12% . Butte - c round .,lots ;
tnibclia, Sac ff t
26% to 27c in jobbing lots. Eggs-
Cape Breton North and Victoria,
Aas' .
y MacCormaek Humbolt, Dr. Neel The market is weak and sales of
- __
a- Ca Breton South, Maddin• izaaclierme, • • • • • • • • new laid were. made at 27c; select-
. ..
Moose Jaw, Knowles i
Majority of 39 Seat&
Colchester, Stanfield .... .... 04 • • • • • • • • • ed stock, 24/c ; No. 1, 200, and No.
.•Cumberland, Rhodes .......... Regina, Martin .. at 171/
Jameson Saskatchewan, McCrans+y ... ,c per
2 dozen.
r Halifax I), Borden ............ 1� Alberta.
ltfi Zi I Constituencies Reported ,g�ax (2 , Crosby ............. Edmonton, Hon. F. , Oliver ....
Grits Have 125 and Conservatives New Brunswick. Macleod, McDonald ............ Duluth, 7- heat. -No.' I
v Du th Oct. 2 W
Bt John City, Dr. Daniel ...... Red Deer, Dr. Clark ........,:: 113 Kurd, $1.04%; No. I Northern,
8lF- Ontario. Showed Total Gain of York, Crockett' Strathcona, McIntyre : : : : : : + : :: /; 3 Mky' $I n $1.01°
•t Two Ridings-Now Brunswick, • • • • • • • • • Victoria White Y $1.045 No. 2 Norther ,5 ;
- Mantoba. pMnce,�ince r48 Doc,, $1,01 /, 05/; Oct.,
Frinea Edward island and Wed- Dauphin, Campbell Prince Edward Island: $lain
u`acdonn... Sta le b s - - a6'. CO3$ .
+- brrl rev Dees re. ueprisea: p s ..... 250 i : -O 27- -Wheat -
> Mar uette, Roche Queens, Warburton ......... i a
4 ,. 300 Dec., $1,01/; May, $1.05 to $1.-
Queen s, Prowse . • - /
Tomato, Oct: 27. -It is four more Portage la Prairie, Meighen .... 150 • • • • 05's ; No. , 1 hard, $1.041 No. 1
ears of Laurier. Probably in the Selkirk, Bradbury 250 British Columbia. Northern, $1.031 No. 2 Northern,
Nanaimo, Smith ...... , / ,
s general result the • public were not Souris, Schaffner .............. 471 I� r '
isurprised, but the good guessers 'in Winnipeg, Haggart
t ..... 1,800 Kootena -AD L. Goodeye, Smith ( $1 3ctot$I. $1.02, No. -F rstipatents,
y I9(i t
tarnving at their total _figures were a Saskatchewan. Curtis, deferred. $5.20 to $5.40; second patents, $5
)lino way out in M-ri orrison , Comox- Atlin -Dr, Quinan,' William t+, $5.20 first clears, $3:90 to $4.-
�.; At midnight there were 125 Liberals Qu'Appelle, Lake ............... ne, deferred.
20; second c ears, 2.90 to $3:20.
laud 86 Conservatives elected. Seven Salt Coats, Miller .. .......... 45 Yale- Cariboo - Martin- Burrell, Dun Bran -In bulk, s, *2. to •$18 .
icor_stitueneies will vote later. P :- -:nee Albert, • McXay (election later). can Rosa, deferred.
Tb8 surprises were Ontario, New Buffa1Q, N, X., Oct. 27 -Wheat
!6runswick, Prince Edward Island Calgary, McCarthy :.. 66 - Spring stronger ; No. I Northern,
an the west. Medicine Hat, AMagrath �........ 200 A carloads, $1-06%; Winter.. firm,
�Oiitu , ass expected to give a : British Columbia. LEADING 11 ETS Corn - Lower; No. 3 yellow, 79c;
a uch larpr majority .to the Conserve- Vancoaver, Cowan 1 No. 4 yellow, 78c ; No. 3 corn, 77%
jtave, pasi#. The majority in the old Vctoria, Barnard ..... , 5 to 78c ; No. 4 core, 76 to 77c ; No.
inonsik. was eight: and the Conserva- New Westmnster, Taylor ....... 500 '- white, 74 %c. Oats-Easier; No. 3
9tivq► Confidently ex 3 wh
petted it would Prince Edward island. BREADSTUFFS. white, 50.to 50 %c;,No,.4 white, to : . c Barley-Feed in
oun's •k n�Ot_ Fldnt 59 to 6 5c Re, No 2on tra4c8� g
LIBERALS ELECTED, wheat, P atent, q uot 801 /2c. ,
Ontario. ec7 at $3.55 in buyers' sacks, oat
A1Coma East
, Dyment 123 side, for export. Manitoba flour,
New Line-up in Mouse Sh
,`Many Strange Face&
None of the Cabinet Are ' Def
But Severai Other -Strong
Site the Dust in Various Pai
the Country-Adam Zirnmirm,
Among the Slain - Consery
Gains Include Liberal Strongl-
'Toronto, Oct. 27, -The summa
the results in yesterday's elec
shows 'some' radical changes in
makeup of the new House of
Mons. Many a man has falea on
sides of the fight.
' Among the Liberals who went 4
and six others. Eight old Conse
tives lost their seats. This is
outline of the, changes: .
Minister Beaten.
Hon. William Templeman.
Conservative ex- Members Defeat
A. E. -Kemp. -
R. A. Pringle.
Peter Christie.
G, 0. Alcorn. -
W. H. Bennett:
W. F. Cockshutt,
M. Avery.
A. F. Maclaren.
raAitford, Harris 194 rento second + r, P•, D. McLean.
• patents, $5.30; and' Toronto, Oct. 27. -The best load
Brockville, Graham ..... ..... 250 u1 cattle on the market was one- of W G. D., Grant.
strong bakers', $5.10. fair) W. P. Telford.
North Bruce, Tolmie ... ..... 325 Wheat- Manitoba _ wheat $1.04 y good exporters' that sold at $., J. Watson.
North Essex, Sutherland . for No. 1- Northern, and at $1.C2% $4.50 per cwt.- - Selected butchers' P. H. McKenzie, i
" South Ear-ex. Clarke ............ 900 s
South Grey, Miller ... 100 for No. 2 Northern, Georgian Bay cattle, $4.b0 to $4.68,; good loads, C. A. McCool.
South Huron. M., Y. McLean... 25 .Ports. $3.90 to $4.35 medium, $3.35 to Conservative Gains.
P Fast Kent, Gordon ....... ... 400 Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white 90 $3.75; common, which °were. most Bence South- Dannelly.
West Kent, McCoig ............ 200 to 90 %c outside; No. -2 red. Winter, abundant, _$2.5a to $3:25:; choice � Battieford= Morrison.
Kingston, Harty ................. 345 90C; and Nd. 2 mined, 8£�% to 80c �a'a+ $3 to $3,75; common cows, Cumberland, N.S.- Rhoden,
'West Lambton,�Pardee ......... outside. *1.50 to $2.75 per cwt. The offer - Cap,.
lain- Blonrlin.
West Middlesex, Calvert ... ... Breton South- Maddon. '1
Cape B
North Middlesex, Smith .. „ lap Oats - Ontario No. 2 wbite 37 s to ings of canners were large and 7i5c Cape, Breton- North- McCorniac_t.
'8c outside, and.- at-_44 !-4a -4ie on -t'� $1 per cwt- was paid for the Di b ,
West'Nortbum�eriand, McColl. -. 200 g y N.9.- Jameson. ,
: South Oatkrio, -1 owke- '.-......... 380 tmc Toronto, No=, 2 Western (,an- bulk of -theta. Prices for milch
t ` Ottawa, McGiyerin ............. 423 ada oats'quoted at 42 %o, Goderich. cows ranged from $25 to $.0 each
T " Sir W. Laurier -.. :....... b19 Rye-No. 2• quoted at 783/,c out- for common to choice cows. Export
_ North Oxford, Nesbitt ... ..... 13G side. owes ', ere quoted at $3.25 to $3.50 •
South Oxford, Schell .......... 98 Buckwheat -58 to 60c outside. - per cwt; bucks.and culls sold at $2
North Perth, Dr. Rankin .. 96 peas -No, , 2 quoted at 85,1/2 to to $2.50, and' lambs at. $4 to $4.30
South Perth, McIntyre ......... 60 06c outside. - er cwt. Hogs. continued too sell at "
P West Peterboro, Stratton :...::. 300 (;+ern --No 2 American yellow E,25 per- cwt. for selects. r
Prescott. Proulz 327
HE FOUGHT A GOOD !'I(iI37. Prince Edward, Currie ......'... 100 nominal at 86c on tracks,_ Toronto,
_ reed 20, some even prediutino as South Renfrew, Thos. Law ... .600. and No." 3 at -85 %c.
many as 40 "to the good. Bat Mr. I Russell, Hon. C: Murphy ....... 375 Barley -No, barley' quoted at, STE.I�IER IROQI QI8 Bl O.N.
_ rden's followers from Qntario has East Stindoe, Chew .....•.. 286. 58c,' and No. 3 'efttra at 54 "to 54 %c
been iucreaaed by two only. Stormont. Major Smith ..., ....., outside. Ran on u Rock ":NCaepan i !+-
Among the Conservative gains in. i Thunder. Bay, Jas. Conmee•..:... - B'riui- C'ai�s sire quoted at $19 in iu'a •Fos. ,
Ontario were Centre York. North ; North Waterloo, 'Sing .......... 386 L•ulk outside.' Shorts - quoted at - k
c Grey, Parry. Sound, North Ontario, Welland, German ... 700 q A despatch from Little Current
,� $28 to $X2.50 -in � bulk outside. • _
'West Hamilton, South Bruca. .East !North Wellingt�r Martin - says : The _tail steamer Iroquois, j
Peterboro, but they made lo in 1 South Wellington, Guthrie ..... 5b0 COLNTI�Y- YRODU.�E from Little Current to Cutler; went I
North. Waterloo, Brantford, Stormont,, t. Wentworth; Seeley ... ...... 200 on a rock on Saturday morning near 1 <�
Prinee Edward, South 'Ontario, .East i North 'York, Aylesworth ..r ... 380 App }es - Winter stock,, ' $•3.00 to Spanish Milts while Winning near -'
n coe •and North Perth. No one had -Q Quebec. $2.50 per barrel for the best, and ly full speed in the fog :rid smoke.
any idea that Alex, Maclaren would i Beauharnols. Pnpineau :. 26 at $1.50 to $1.75 for cookirgg apples. She listed over until the. promen-
ose his cent for North Perth. The Beance,. Beland .. 2,000 Beans - 'Prune, $1,80 to $1.85, and ode deck was under water. The
Perths were.to be "solid for Borden, Bellechasse, Talbot ... 1,100 hand - picked, $1,w to 'ti,1,95 per cook stove'arid lanterns were upset r
but both went Liberal, and the aim - Berthier, Lecrement . 3+35 bushel. and set-fire-to the boat. J. S.
a cues were likewise is the Borden Brorsie, Fishes ..... ••� . Honey- Combs, I$2,25 to $2,75 per Charlton's tug Fraser, working on
WI until the returns began to- Begot, Marcel ....... ......... 800 dozen and strained 10 to 101 c per a boom near by, heard the signals'
come in, when Mr. Bennett, the Chateaugay, Brown :.......... / P.
"stormy petrel," wan found to have Compton, hunt 800 Pound, �- of distress and came. and picked up'( SIR WII.kItTD LACRI1rIi, _
lost his place in the House. P Hay -1\o. 1'. timothy at $11 the. passengers And crew, who ..had I}suphiti- Campbell.
Dorchester, Roy .. . 150 . B
The Conservative leader has two 1, Arthabaska, Lavergne, maj.notgiven. tc, $111.50 a ton on track •here, and taken to the' lifeboats. - 'T�nree`bags ,Grey Nortl:- Middlebm.
_ cents to sit in, for he was also elected Rochelaga, Rivet ....... 70 fie.- _ at $ i r00 to $8.00. of mail was all that was saved, The ! Halifax (1) --R, L. Borden.
lin Carleton. As Carleton is a Con. I Huntingdon. Robb ............ 200 Straw -$6 to $7 on 4track. g baggage Halifax _(2) =A. B. ,('roaby.
Iscuvative 3nive, he will liken decide g passengers lost their ba ga a and' .
"^'to sit tier Halifax. - y Joliette; Dut�an' :...:........, 200 Potatoes- Ontarios, 50 to 55c per the crew eveiytfiitig they had on' Hamilton Rest Stewart.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier has also too Samouraska, Lapointe ,.. 600 t;ag. Delawares ate 63 to 70c per board. The steamer was a strong, •King, P.E.I.- Fraser.' i
many coats, having b--en elected for ' Laprairie Napiervikle, Laaclot 394 bag on track. Peaworthy boat and -belonged to -T. Lanark North- Thoburn. -
taws as well as Quebec East L'Assomption, Seguia, -maj: notgiven. Poultry- Chickens; Spring, dress- C•. Simms Little'C'urrCnt. Montreal, St. Anne's- Doberty.
The folio Laval, Wilson ................. 70 ed 10 to lLc per pound fowl 7 to ipissing- Gordon.
am8 are the latest returns; Labelle, Major ..........:.:... 400 Inc 1 duck-s, 9c r pound; fowl, * . _ New ,WestMjnster- Taylor
a, CONSERVATIVES ELECTED. Levis; Carrier . :...: ..... 6W d r Ontario North - Sharpe
Pe P young
turkeys, 14 to 15c' per noun 11 HEEhS rRl F311ED HIS A...1D.. +
<; l Ontario. Lotbiniere, Fortier ..:.,....... 300 Y ' Peterboro East --Sex , g
i )Algoma Wiest, Boyce biaissoneuve, Verville ... :.�..: 2,000 Portage la Prairie- Mergh ^w
It r South Bruca, Donnelly 200• Maskinonge, Mayrand ...... 300 THE, DAIRY MARKETS. Ilerrickciil0 ?Ilan 'Killed iii Ta :dcat Parry Sound- Arthur.
; iCarleton, Borden 800 I Megantic, Savoie ............. 500 Butter -Pound prints, 23 to •24c ; s -
IDufferin, Dr. Barr ......... :.. :. j Mtssisgiioi, Meigs ............... 37 tubs, 22 to 23c; inferior, 19 to 200. A despatc - from. Smith's Falls II Simcok North- Currie.
4)undas, Drod-er ..'...... :.. :. b-00 ; liiontcalm; Dugan ............ 300 Creamery rolls, 26 to 26 %c, and says: Richmond Ambrose Geraldi, 4 - ry'
he IDDuurham- T-hornton Montma n Ro :._ _ .. 175 I sr }ids 24',/ to _5 c. aged 20 was instant) killed is the Soulan es Lortie.
g y. Y K,.-
I fl3ast Elgin, Marshall ............ Montmortil s g y Terrebonne- :';antel
nr1 Vcs .E bin, G.t,thcps c•.:.' I Montreal, SE Jame Parent :. 1,b93 'Eggs -Case. tats, 22 to 23e per doz- C. E. R. yards here on Friday .• Victoria- Snrnard :-
r 'rontenac, Dr. Edward9 ........ 115 i Montreal, St. Lawrence; Sicker en. night. It is supposed he stepped I Winnipeg- Haggart.
dr - • Glengarry, McGregor dike 800 Cheese -Large cheese, 13r..' per Loff the •8.25 train before it stopped. York Centre - Wallace.
`C Grenville, Reid ....'........, 700• Montreal, St. Mary's, Martin .. 900 dozen and twins 13 '' /.,c. and striking a switch Liberal Gains.
he _ y, y:,,,, .:...... ,n0 hurled back -,on the past, was -
East Grey, Dr. Sproule .. Nicolet, -�urco!te � � k the T,rantford- Harris.
'1�lorth Gre • -A 1 e oro ....... 100 t Pontiac, Hudgins 100 HOG,PRODUCTS wheels passing over kits head. He B - Papineau.
t MAIdimand, Lalor , , ....... Port Neuf, Deli_ sle oauhe ter y-
Bacon -Long clear, 121 to 1Q'. l=ad been `on •visit to'his rand- D rch to Ro
Mallon, Henderson ..........:. • 221 / /sc B Huntingdon-Robb.
i Quebec Centre, i achance ., ..... 800
fIs'ast Hamilton, Barker , 2 Fer' pound in case lots ; mess pork, trother in Almonte and was return- Kent West- McCoig
Nest Hamilton, Mayor Stewart Quebec East, Laurier . , ....... ' ,000 $19.00 to $19.50 ; short cut, $23.50. tng to Mertickville, ewhere he n as I Laval, Que.- Wilson
Y Quebec. County, Tureotte - ...... 150 -
West Hastings, Northrup .. .. 200 Richelieu, Lanclot :. .. ,„ 1,100 Hams - Light to.'mediuni. 14 to employed- in '.Watbhorn s- woollen � Ontario Soutll -Fowke
West Hastings, E. Guss Porter Richmond and Wolfe, Tobin „ 1,000 •14; •c ; do., heavy, , I2 to 13c ; rolls, mill. Prince Edward -Currie :.
%Aut Huron, Dr. Chisholm 75 l 1 to 11' c • shoulders 10 to 10 .,e - d' Per No - Rankin: ,
Rimocishi, Rose 450 , /�
,West' Huron, Lewis 28 1 l'ot that Hodgina.
Rouviile, Brodeur (acct.) I backs, 16/„ to 17c ; breakfast bacon, 3[OTHF.R AND SON. PERISH. Prinve, , P.F. -L- Richards.
it �1ast Lambton, Armstrong ...... ' 300 St. Hyacinthe, Beauparlant ....: 520 -15 to. 15� c. ueen's, P.F.I.- Proiyse.
North -Lanark, Thoburn v Shefford, Allan 270 Lard - Tierces' 'I3c • tubs 131 Q
South Lanark,. Haggart' ...'..... 800 Stanstead, Lovell, ma not i ' ' ' �c -� Shocking Piro :1eclticnt a$ ��'in- j Stormont- Smit }i,
- 7• given. arils 13 c. -
Leeds, Ta Ior pails,, - - Simcoe East -Chew.
Taylor g' Temiscouta: Gapvreau 500 - ni }ie� On Saturday. Waterloo North -Bing.
:Lennox and-Addin ton, Wilson 11� . Ades atch from Wi.nni a says:I New Faces In the House.
i Three Rivers, Bureau ....... .. '001 BU-Sj\ESS AT MONTREAL. P p g
;Lincoln, Lancaster ....... 340 T1c0 Mountains; Ethier .,,,,,,, A5 ! A terrible accident which resulted., T. W. Crothers.
London, Major Beattie ........ 1 Y600'' Audreuile, Bopc: ..: .... grJO I Montreal, Oct. 27- Ontario No. its two deaths I C. J. Thorn €oar
East Middlesex, Jason ......., ; 67 , 1ti ri ht, Devlin, ma not j 2 white oats quoted at 43/., to 44c; occurred on Satur- ; Lloyd .Harris.
�'� liiuskpka, Wright 450 g j• given. t o,. o day morning, when. Mrs. I. Holmes ;'• -
" " "' : Yamaskn, Gladu S0 No. 3• at •1..,_ tat. 43e No. 4_at 42 to J. J. Donnell
ti Nipissing, Gordon ....:.. St: Johns; lbervilIe, Demers to 42j,:c; Manitoba No. 2 white, 45, attempted. to light a -fire lvith coal
iNorfolk, McCall 200 (acct.) Dr. Edwards. y
.:. • • • • • • • • • oil. The-can exploded igniting her
(East Northumberland, Owen 150 Nova Scotia. a 45 %c ; 'No. 3; .t4 to 44%c, and re- g g W. S. Middleboro.
t t; clothing. Her only son a lad
North Ontario, Sharpe ......... 200 Annapolt:, Pickup. 250 Jetted,; 43 -to 43,:c per bushel ex g' Y J Mayor Stewart,
••••• about twelve ,years of age, rushed
e1 JPartq.Sound_ Arthurs -139. Antigonish; Chisholm :...,..., store:' Flour -- Manitoba Spring g , Ales:" Smith;
+•o "Peel, Blain ..................... to -her' assistance and in an heroic- George Gordon.
... ... ]50 C :uysboro: Sinclair ............. wheat patents, firsts, $6, seconds, g
+ attempt to save his mother. was ,fat- Alex. McCall.
'East Peterboro, Sexsmith ... 396 Fl,znts, Black' ............. . .... 248 -$5.50 ; "Winter wheat patents, $5 to ally burned himself. Batk died tat - •Sam Sharpe.
Worth 'Renfrew, White .......:. 650 Inverness— Dr,, Chisholm........ $5.25; straight rollers, $4.50 to $4.- F. L. Fow�ke.
Si " 'jhorth Simcoe, Currie ......:.... . - -56 King's, Sir F. Borden 450-160; da., in bags, -$2.10 to $2.20; es- er in the hospital., _ _
Lunenbur¢; McLean �� _ Hal SScGiverin•
:South Simcoe, Lennox 700 37l - --
Centre Toronto, Bristol) Pictou, Macdonald tras, $1.r5 to $1.50. Feed-Mani- T. W. Nesbitt.
Richmond, K to ' w�i0 tcba bran 621 to $22;-shorts, $25; •SHOKE -POISON \[ \G James Arthurs. -
kEast Toronto, Jos. Russell ...... Y 223. 0'-
"!North Toronto, G. E. Foster Shelburne- Queen's, Fielding Ontario. bran, $+21.50 to $'Lo ; midd- _-= - Dr. J., P. nankin.
" uut`h�'0ranii5,' Ia`��vne 1'aianouth;`Lnw - 1I'0 jinfs, $26 to $27; shorts, $25 to 1) ash cif Nr�. '1'. 1i. SCOtt itt Port J. A. ,Sexsmith,
West- Toronto, Osler ...•........ t New Brunswick. @2_ p : bags; Hon. J. R,.Strattoa.
i � 0.50 per ton including ba s • ,f, t• hnr goyltita}: y '[• Currie. _
_ .. Iyictorig tend #ialiburton, Hughes Carleton, Chrvil ..............: pu're grata .• moualle; w3b to $35;. �Ir. Chew.
I ,..
• South Waterloo, Clare ......... 39J Charlotte, Todd ......, milled grades $25 to $28 per ton. -1 despatch from Port Arthur )
' -Major - Currie.
'Centre York, Wallace_... :...,.. _Ill. Gloucester, Turgean - Provisions- Barrels short cut mess sags: Tile -ierri'ble forest fires fn
15outh, York, Maclean ...... ... ace. n ' this vicinity have been responsible Major R. Smith.
• Kent, Leblanc .................. $tZ.. 50; hfllf- 1 ?arrcla do., $1'L.50; b ponsible Jose h Russell.
Quebec. King's- Albert, IIfc.Allister ..... clear fat backs, ',416; dry salt' ion for.at least one death, though it W. L., Mackenzie, King.',
1prgenteuil, Perley .:..... .. 200 Northutfll>Frland;' Loggie ....... clear backs, 11c ; barrels plate beefs occurred tinder c6inewliat' remark- W. O. Seeley.
ues 'artier, Monk 700 Resttlouche, Reid ., $17,50; half- barrols clo., $9;- -cam- able circumstances. The victim is Captain T. G. Wallace. '
Jaeq 4 a bl . Ziii- • Cit and ' Count, 'Hon. -- , 1
._ •I,'Istet, Paquet , .. _... , .... , . , . l,,ci Y pound lard, 8;:; try 9/c ; pure lard, Mrs. T. M. Scutt.,_ iclio -died itt the _A -.. McCoig. -
Sherbrooke,_ Worthington • .:.... )Off Pugsley ,• • • • • • • 425 ��i to 13c ; kettle rendered, 13 to- 1ospital on Friday, from smoke-poi- Ron -Charles MdrpFly.
Montreal, St. Antoine, Ames ... 900 Victoria, Michaud ,,, _
Sunbury- 13 %c; hams, 12'/., to 14c; breakfast coning as the result of her system A. B. Crosby.
Montreal, St. Armes,. Doherty :. 10 Westmoreland Qn, Emerson p ...... 1,000 bacon, 14 to 15c; Windsqr, bacon, becoming _saturated• with srnoke at' - -- �• _, - ;
Quebec eT orti'e CQ.......•..... 12O�e� rrandon, Hon. C. 214 c)ressed' hogs,. $9.50• live, $6.50 to ed 6 fire. for several weeks, nand- 'Daly at 1t nnipeg ens bu T. rned.
5 to • 16c ; fresh killed abattoir her home where she was surro
� "` �,y�. � y �vct� .,,„ s �r - � se- -c � ., ,�cq�,rri�� "��rw•��i
1 4.' Y�"'�,Rm': s!�+"a. -w•r u.r.�a'=av .r Al'v`- 3L tt-
-.• .__ ,w
a a
"Wby, upon my word, this sees
- machine cabinet work. y
' THE HOME- Crth,
a family party," spluttered Mr.
wondering_ what was the
aning$ �of this' extraordinary meet-
bye, all of YOU."
Miss Holmes in a corner, cry-
said George, in an undertone.
"These Colonial chaps have no man-
. br' ou here ?"
d enriched and "purified. It i
use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
ing softly. $e approached the girl,
e were as a to cal at eleven,"
the Sharp ?tinges and Tor-
e new, red blood that they have
lied Arthur ' and Mabel in A
up, growled
"here he comes."
Tres of Bheumsiism- --Dr.
"And, meantifne," thundered Mr.
Confidegces followed slowly. it
Williams Pink PHIS :
Barth, "'remember that it . is my
semeed that George had secretery
and that your place is on 'the
written the )'Billionaire asking for a
�8Pta1Il �rd
other side of the door. Be off !,I
Position as secretary; -that Arthur
thrown._him.out _" muttered Arthur,.
never want to see you again. You
had begged him to find him an ap-
twinges and the tortures of
went away a beggar and you have
pointment- as. something ti• • City;
natiam are not due to cold,
come home a beggar. Be off ! And
and• that Miss Mabel had actually
weather as ag many people
if you ever attempt to cross the
been .bold enough to inquire wheth-
ne. Rheumatism comes from
threshold again I'll have you turned
er he desired &.lady typist. Each
nous acid in the blood. The
out by the servants." "
had kept the application secret from
may be started by cold wea-
Cecil laughed. His uncle's bru-
the other, but now concealment was
damp_ weather or by keen
tality did riot seem to affect him
futile, and they all looked remark -
i. There is only one way to
nearly so much as little Mis&
ably foolish —all except Mr. Barth,
rheumatism_ It must -be, treat-
Holmes's kindness had done, and
I who preserved his august manner
LS and rnbtring; Ana so- cailea
trical treatment in the world
"It' looks as though Mcllwraith
- machine cabinet work. y
not. cure rheumatism: The acid
'disease be
were going to make fools of us,"
Only the finest woods procurable are used' '°
causes the must
en out of the blood and the
bye, all of YOU."
Miss Holmes in a corner, cry-
said George, in an undertone.
"These Colonial chaps have no man-
To 'insure the - ro er selection of these
p p
d enriched and "purified. It i
use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
ing softly. $e approached the girl,
<< ��
Shut his brother;
cods, a corps of expert wood rangers is r
e new, red blood that they have
patted her gently on the shoulder
P g Y
and then went from the-room.
up, growled
"here he comes."
110. The Difference Between Poor and Good Cabinet Worb
"A ood, riddance," said Geor e:
g g
It is a fact not generally knowii' that veryy
individual trees, the grain and growth of •
few sewing machine manufacturers pro-'
duce their own cabinet work. , This is a
which entitle them to use in Singer cabinet
distinct industry in itself.
<< Another moment and I'd have
AJ The Singer Company owns and operatei
• ..
work. `•,;
the largest and; best equipped factory in
thrown._him.out _" muttered Arthur,.
the world, exclusively devoted to the
� _
.production of the highest grade sewing —
LS and rnbtring; Ana so- cailea
trical treatment in the world
feet. -
``I'm going, uncle," he 'said
"It' looks as though Mcllwraith
- machine cabinet work. y
not. cure rheumatism: The acid
'disease be
"don't lose your temper. Good -
were going to make fools of us,"
Only the finest woods procurable are used' '°
causes the must
en out of the blood and the
bye, all of YOU."
Miss Holmes in a corner, cry-
said George, in an undertone.
"These Colonial chaps have no man-
To 'insure the - ro er selection of these
p p
d enriched and "purified. It i
use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
ing softly. $e approached the girl,
<< ��
Shut his brother;
cods, a corps of expert wood rangers is r
e new, red blood that they have
patted her gently on the shoulder
P g Y
and then went from the-room.
up, growled
"here he comes."
employed, whose du it is t0 purchase
d thousands of cases of rheu
sin after - all other treatment
"A ood, riddance," said Geor e:
g g
As he spoke the footsteps' on the
threshold approached the door,
individual trees, the grain and growth of •
failed. Asa roof of what Dr.
`'He's positively hateful," com-
mented Mabel.
it swung open slowly. Then, once
which entitle them to use in Singer cabinet
isms Pink Pills will do even
he oat severe eases rheuma-
<< Another moment and I'd have
a sin, amazement was imaged
8, . ged in
• ..
work. `•,;
_ _ _
thrown._him.out _" muttered Arthur,.
the � faces of them, all, for the
� _
a wee nown furniture dealer
Picto N. S. maybe cited. -Mr..
a' Y
w o was ways ve
w-ien 'there was nobod to fight.
y. t3
perfect 'garb and looking the very
„ ,
being the most durable, is also the most
roll saja .— I have been a most
re safferer from rheumatism,
bir.' Barth, however, was silent:
Obviously he was considering a
picture of health and
P prosperity,
stand the prodigal, Cecil Clive.
beautiful ,—the
, the Singer process brings out all '
in -the hope that some other
weighty matter, and the 'outcome of
' `Good morning," he said. "Glad
° the richness and natural beau of the wood:
sufferer may find relief from
his - deliberations proved rather un-
to see you
Y all so punctual:
- -. -
xperience I gladly write you
pleasant for Miss Holmes. Clear-
Mr. Barth rose and faced hill
.• a r • +' s w y
e benefit I have - received from ing his throat, he said in a loud, nervously.
Williams' Pink Pills. The judicial tone:— "Look here-;"my fine fellow!" he
ble settled in my shoulders and - "Miss. Holmes, be good enough to exclaimed; `how you have wormed
my sides and at times I was attend to me." your way into this house I don't
Be tenable to raise my arm. I The girl, rose, and stood with -her know, but I suppose, with your
attended by-a doctor, but at 1 small' hands elasped- tightly to- usual cunning, you have contrived
not appear to be getting any gether. - to get around Mr. Mcllwraith. But
• �a
er sent tor a so- called elec- "
"For „ w
we have come to see him, and not
ed9m o t he trouble had diaap- m
minds, and so, Miss Holmes, I will e
everythigg that is in the Hall is
sined passed I have had no re -. a
�� .mined m
mean that Cecil Clive, the
— -
o other medicine- equal to 'Dr. m
much. t
tine Mcllwraith; the millionaire, has ,
el,rrsetsT rltost 0
lams' Pink Pills for curing this "
"'I will go-this very day,' she said t
taken his place. I mean that when l
lam a woman.
it painful tro`able; and I have b
bravely. C
Cecil= Clive was adopted by old Met I
I knows woman s sulleri4%.
mmended the- Pills to others "
"That is as you lease," replied l
llwraith and took his name his luck
have found a care.
have been benefitted by their M
Mr. , Barth, magnanimously, and c
changed, and he won the gold for m
meot with full instructions to any sufferer from
" f
feeling vaguely that he was doing a w
which he •sought. I mean that he w
women's ailments. I want to tell all women i
Williams' Pink Pills not only v
very noble action; "but c
came back home dressed in r a
about the cure— f
e rheumatism, but all the other w
wihl be bette -k." t
test you, to- behold whether or -not y
your daughter, your mother, or your sister. !f
aces sue tt) 'poor watery blood, .
.• a r • +' s w y
ou would w
want to tell you how to cure yourself at home,
as anaemia, indigestion, nerv- .
., e
er— whether you were made of de- d
of a d
.St. V
the neighborhood," observed Mr• c
mean _ all this, uncle, and I mean- f
, , k
k:rlhood sad womanhood, with s
; t
something else. - I mesa to give you
is a safe and sure cure for all female . weals -
es and attendatrt miseries. Only a
p a
and if ever any of -you, except Mabel -
I want to send
genuine Pills can do _ f
--who, because she is .
;. _ y prove t
full a
family the news that had just reach- m
.a w
yourself at h
, a
Constantine Mcllwraith had pur- y
show your faces here again, I'll har9 a
and i
h box. '
chased the Hall and intended settl- s
,my s
send me our name and address, tell the how you suffer, if you wish, ar.d I will send
,lers or by mail at I50 cents d box i
ing down there for some months. .
., y
you the treatment for your case, entire! free in lain wrapper,
_- 1w•
six s
"The man is enormously rich 'x g
a w
will also' '
s' M f
went on hLr Barth. "
"Yes; I have a good memory, .
themselves at home. Every woman should have it, and learn to thMk for herself.
t • h
he will be correspondingly generous. s
. a
Then when the doctor says —" You must have an operation," you can decide for
- I
If I can interest him in that scheme y
lot of you here this morning so that
yourself Thousands of women have cured themselves with my home remedy, It
PRIDE, _ o
of.mine for adding new plant to the -
I might reveal to y
-cures all, ofd or young. To Mothers of Daughters, I will explain a simple, home
tic Man at the •
Works, it '
you t
treatment wbirtt speedity avid effectual! cures Painful and Irregular Menstruation
ma'am ieked u a sho in' t
thousands per annum tome. '
He "went to the door and held it w
wherever you live I can refer you to ladies of your own locality who know an
hich she says she seen an old N
Now, Mr. Barth did not believe in o
open w
will gladly tell -any sufferer that this Natno Treatment really curs* all woman's dis- -
- J
drop—an' I thought maybe =it l
letting .the .grass grow ,under his g
g blaek- clothed figure-came e
eases and makes women strong, plump and robust. Just send me year awreas,
;urs; ma'am "
feet,-and that very day he sat down F
towards them. Lo, it was Miss n
.nd the f
h P Lady in the Ball (haughtily} a
and wrote to Mr. McIlwraith, beg: t
Holmes, the little g
not see this offer again. Address: MRS, IL 11VENUS, Pox tO3, Windsor, OaL
There are no old ladies here. It i
in for an interview. H
governess, and
: mine." g
` T
ed crimson. F
for p for the American 'product for.the t
t w
you," he concluded. "And I believe b
! I can understand now why i
ban Council has
THEIR. PRIyILEGE., .. "' —
part, he s!" s
awarded the contract for installin
e n we h
propose to you would rove mutual- p
shouted n
n ,
wonde.r bow the dare; p
11%' advantageous. o
ou dare 'to 'insinuate one' word L
to an English firm.
-.ause they rent the air. a
communication froth the great mans „
against her, I may forget that you y
„ . ,''"s .�• s
camel can carry three times' as H
secretary, asking him to call at the e
send you out quicker than you came I
Ifappenings In tke Eroecahl Islo of
injuries received by,being knocked
A load as a horse is capable e
eleven o'clock. g
in. She knew, ,indeed!. !, She knew d
. Interest to Irish. A
An invitation has been extended
1)ehghted by this speedy reply, n
beggar that you also thought 'me to w
w then•
to Lord Pirrie- to return to` Belfast
rtunate' is the man with a M
Mr. B
be, but she stood by_ me, like. the
Corporation and take an active part
idin he doesn't c
morning he buttoned himself up in t
brick that sheds. And when I heard T
The sea and inland fisheries of i
The Local Government Board
3 y
his most, dignified frock -coat and c
once sought her out, told her the Y
clinks. h
have sanctioned the proposed wet w
M � good man did bu s
sallied forth to the. Hall. e
truth, and asked her to' co=ne here M
Miss. Mary'Beirne recently died g
erworks for Westport, and have
ati !'" Tramp—"N,),-.mum.. I e
ered him itito th "e great oaken lib- M
each day to aid me with my corres- a
at Lisheen, County Roscommon, c
cut the scheme.
er n:,ok anjthing bigger than a p
Vary and asked him to. sit down. M
pondence." a
aged 104 years.
Mrs. Crowe, V•ho died recent! i
or tenput." V
A', momen. later the door opened g
Mr. Barth snorted. ," '
A farm containing about'G5 Irish h
her 99th year, was Y
i„ you know- that it is p
and another 'visitor entered. Mr, "
"Your secretary, eh `i" he mutter- a
acres, in Ramstown, Co. Wexford, l
last surviving child of a .member of =
= � v
pour e
Barth jumped up in amazement. p
ed. w
was scold '
the old Irish Parliament, '
the expense of heavy loss of feed H
"What on earth are —
—my wife that is t.n be.' c
circumstances, is claimant for an T
The Russian Bailin vessel Orient
fis ? Do you know that the hay y
here's' g
Not another word was spoken. In e
,• 4
with a car g6 of salt for Limerick
rk - wintered out-•doors loses in h
"I was just going to ask yo the g
grim silence the little family party L
Last year's 1,40D entries for Old- f
from Gloucester; became a total
, .tany t
same question, dad;" replied c
descended the steps of the big house (
(yo. Meath) went .up w
wreck at Ballydavid Head, outside
wilding suitable to house '
George, sulkily. `
Mr. Barth was the first to break the C
Coleman Sullivan and John Me- w
were drowned.
yourself_ u
old McIlwraith here at eleven. t
solemn hush, but his words lacked l
were drowned- in the wreck of -
- Messrs. Harland & Wolff have se -'
me 'successful dairymen believe "
"H'm ,' That's queer!" ommented "
their .usual dignity.' a
a trading boat on Galway Bay. c
cured an order from the Belgian
a mistake to yard the cows at B
Barth. He told me to be at file "
"I'm hanged t"--London Tit -Bits. l
, o
.which i
•in t
- Once again the door opened, and T
Star line, were laid in Bel- f
for a 15,000.ton liner for the Ant-
were -New fork service.
F. r.. '`fi•^?d."- 'rF °;sQ : q� .. ,JlYM. ' c. .. F..d, �, - --s --�. y: r' auS a: r^^ i:..s,• ^sue' •..r
^x -.. nGA_ ^.'" .: •m '. "' " u.:'•.<,� '? wA.=.. a'q.a1".+",::�'� '.•seas L .,.a F '•v.,,. ,y rs ,.t ••.�'•"
,3' . w M ^m ,3+cw ..'s ,.� ..�,�ac:!�••?'$..r".a,. v ? :.'. are r7• ';;W .e:..y;: ,.
�,4 w�4�, 1'.. ;�3� 't: q, .L 5:1'x. +�'..�.�,f.. .4 5• i'� `� V 7l
11' .Idr '. :� .J'S..�^, .r M•,i'y.y =� r,+L1.. ! .tl L�. I ..rµ v.vG+1 .'•..� �n:✓
, .' .,!^., ,'•b.. .spy .. 4� v5. � -✓,a-i �.. _�;,c.•• w;.! n� � a
t'"„, "� 3. X - 2..i� � � . •. m ,. 1' AST'•
New Advert34sein6e0ts-
•� r''' �.� ' The followip are the returns of
ANTE 50 to 75 acres Good land Do
Monday s vote in the South Riding of W with buildin8s on, between Pickering
Ontario. These were received just be- and west gill. Q 0. WALHER, Dnn n,
fare Roipg— prrss� "but- are -not -quite
A.Ty1Tw -MV' -,,FF
. ; `:,.'.� �' r, . ., , •'y ry »r % Vie.
F �
i i i 1 1
!�Y� �riY��iiLt�,e1v¢ DICKERING -- - •
Fowke Christie Have had long arts euoceeeinl ezperiaace.
All wort .guaranteed. CHARLES DANDY,
z '' LpnblLhod every Friday morning at its Oros, l�{range Hall a 48 4? Oherrywood.
Pickering. out. 2— Pickering BAR GAIN S
RATES OF ADVERTISING: 3— Livergool 70 47 BULLS FOR SALE. —I have a num-
First insettioa pQune 18 cents bar of shorthorn bulls for sale at Price.
'.;each i nbsugtisat iaaertton. per lire . ll Dents 4 —Rouge Hill ,20 . 18 acoordiog to the times APP17 at lot 18, con T,
This rat. don not include I.eQat at Foreign 5— Cherrywood 44 89 Pickering B. S. PUGH. Claremont. tstf_ f8s Caa6 Peas 25 centt3 LADIES' BLg SATEEN $H
,•'ad.ersisameats' 8—Kan a CEMENT FOR SALE. under• All fresh beautifully flounced and
special terms given to parties making con.
:acts for 8 or a month. or by the Yeas- Hatt ?— Brougham 77 signed has for sale a carload of cement asked Cans Corn 25 cents oocdian pleated, regular
r jearlr or yearly contracts payable guattesly. 8— Whitevale b7 81 which ma be had by •pplying at the 8 ink
B.udnaa cards, tea lines or under, with paper 9--Orange Hall 29 51 Hi11s, JOgN MoG1NTY, Pickering. lerp this season 80c, o0C and $1.00,
one Tear, is tlo payable in advance. 10— Claremont 83 '74 ' Cans Tomatoes 25c
esrNotree in local columns ten cants per use. U UCg W HEAT WANTED.—The
• ' ' five seats per line eson anbsagnenl iasoreioo. rl— AItODa 87 1� aaderdaned is Prepared to pay the high -.
8 ar contract sates made known on apPUoa- — — Psi primes for Good, sound buckwheat deuresed
lion. No free adTortising• 886 .574 at aplIX- eleTator. w.9 VANSTOND. 94
Aavertieemena without written instructions ajori;ty for Fowke 9l - A full line of Men's and Womeds fine warm wool Underclot
'oorainely. Orden tog discontinuing advertise- !'CATTLE FOR BALE. —The under - Turnbull make —rare value for the money. "
will be inserted until forbidden and charged so- l.J
manta isust. be in waiting and sent to the pub. East ' geed has for sale • number of cows and y''
701121 attle- -good Dorhams. Appi7 oa the these before buying.
Usher. Work promptly attended to, Whitby. maj 138 - mites lot 9, con, 5 Pickering. tYY. PARS
sMe Whitby Township 139 112 'IrtDEB, Gree ° ■°°� P• o' 1tt Tailor -made Clothing to order. Fine Black Suits $13,1$14i
1.25 per year ; 11.00 if pad in advance. Reach Township ;243 815 T OST— Between East Toronto, and
Suits-#12 to to Overcoats, fine black guaranteed t and Melton
Scugog 51 75 L the Brook road on the Kingston road, a $14 to 118. Splendid value, all guaranteed Scat - claw.
Port Perry — -135 1$d 01 of cutter ebafts. Minder please notify R.
J 0 H N M U RKA R Proprietor. _ 0 ND, Ptokerinc 1 Boots and Shoes, Hats and, Gaps, Ready- to-wear Clothing. A full lin
t Whitby Town 180 167 Men's Furnishings, all at rock bottom prices.
897 5" F OR SALE. —A 100 acre farm, being
Oshawa Town
lot 10 in Fth con,. Township of Pickering. GROCERIES —We only buy the best Pure Food Products in the mar
NOTES AND COMMENTS Total Majority for Fowke -257 This is a first -ethos stock and grain farm, Everything the beat and prices a little less.
Good buildings. Ap 1 to the undersigned,
rt Experiments which may prove ones. PROCTOR, caiPeaonia one. isct
of incalculable benefit to, the License reduction will likely be ARM TO RENT— Consiating of 100 De Simpson & Co., Pickeri
world have lately been eotiducted the issue in Toronto in January F aces. there being s6 •axes. in lee r9, con•
by the chemists of the United Hon. R. W. Scott is likely to and e5 acres m lot 12
con. • In the township o
i! y Pickering. For further lniormation ap iy to
State' Department of Agriculture. be chosen Speaker of the Senate JAmms w. Hies, Watford, ono , or to T. Kluca-
and Charles Marcil, Speaker of the 'a$• Brouga`m. a' u "Richardeon's Special Tea is Good Tea."
rested towards the manufacture Church sheds, rmiekertnQ on the evening
i of r from cornstalks. The Robert B. •Otis, arrested at sundwv. Oct, 18th, a heavy woollen 1sp
paper Bn$alo for obtaining money and- cheek, and aesrly new. An7 intortasuoa= Buy% you Groceries'-,..,.*'
I►nlpp suppply in America has been er false pretences, told the police $ BALSDON. Pickering.
suitably nwaraded. J
glratdnall diminishing with A that he had found plenty of easy --
constantly increasing demand so money in Toronto. STRAYED—From pasture in Bailey the'G rocers
that the future supply has become ►7 Farm south of Greenwood during the latter
` a seri0U8 matt r, The vast
per"' 8a 1te and, two t1er dark heifan,oa-
TI/KE TABLE—Pickering Station G red and wgita and the other dark red, sad ia-
amount of cornstalks that yearly T. R. Trains Eatdnes u follows— formation tending to their recovery will' be
` 'went to waste turned the atten- . ONO. 6 bla 8.18 A. ii. Vale. ou rewasded sosT. Norvi.A r, White. .
lion of chemists towards -the util- " 12 Local 2.43 P. M. v`i._ out. — - - &4 We keep a full line of Pure Groceries. - - -
t Izing of this waste matter. - The " ' 14 Looal 6.04 P. M. ARM -FOR SALE: —Being lots 10 Fresh Stock every �freek.
experiments, the Scientific Ameri- Trains going West aneaL u follows— V and 11, can 7, townabio•of.eiakerisa, and Also, a fine assortment of Fancy Biscuits at all_ prices.
have proved BUCCe89fu1 No. 13 La al. 8.36 A. M. ooadstlaR of 910 scree, This farm is the ace . Cream of Wheat IN -BULK 5 cents per
can says, on which the well -known Greenwood herd of
rp " 11 Local 2.80 P. 1d. bo born• have b bred d fed during the
and paper of a high Rt-ads can be q Mail 8.36 P. K. ' zs been .o d
manufactured at 4 cost fifty per •g�day iaoluded. - past ro :ev Jeers. Ic L as rich h, a'a crdea, the
clean. Wcul,l roil 15u acres ley acres or tho \
cent. less than that manufactured whoiootrc. Tbrreistieber000auphrtcllt ]BEST AMERICAN COAL `OIL
A womb- a:arrr. Term. .^ -Y; Posseabi 'la given
_ from wood- pulp. If the expert- The Agricultural �ffiCe Aprl l.t iir.o, ar11 arJehnet�n, c�reetaod, you will be•using•,more Coal Oil durinsr the winter months and it
ments rove successful. as they are — pay you: to buy from us.
claimed to be, and as these ex- which has been newly established.in T ..t m � c
periments are only in their first Whitby, is at the service of the BIOTIC ♦ C j; '��j ;ofd 1� Gi,A =,,,=,CNS. FOR
l,tages, the diecovery is one-o€ the farmers of the County.
most important - in rbeent years. Assistance in surveying, planning and Pursuant lcytbt• R.9.0 , IS97, chapt- We have in a new "Perfect" self - measuring oil tank. No waitin
It will add millions of dollars to other matter pertaining to farm er 13'J sad•= ...j, notice is Lei el'y ,given your oil. No spilling, -err dirt In oil. Government
•a and will . •;r- a e lad) re leered tl::rr. as r�•e•u•i'.'r`r•ti ir.lt•:�r� rl +�irva ~ . inspected measure. -
rednce the drain On the forests ..of on app 1cajlon. ; :;,r - -r tc,' «•:1.. «• e.;....r7 �r� n e, /� ''� /� ��-��tt �•p T
1. the county. Besides cornstalks Irate of the t %vrsnlp of .i'ickeru,,9, in tT.CS..LV.1. 1�7 R =CHA�JJ O
Y J. H.' HARE, the 4'Ouhty of O:itario, veoulair, who
y is an ann- WA product. which will Representative Dept:
".. be of great advantage. 4-e of .Agriculture. died inn or abort the 'Tenth�day.of -
Wtv;, is the ypar-nf our. Lot NAK are
The Dominion elections are now Go to the blood if you are to drive out regiiestxd to send to Mrs. E. White.
-� �,�,C i�lo
rheumatism. A Wisconsin physician, Dr. J. A. White or -D. S. Turuer, execu- ,/ (,`
over and the Laurier governittent Shoop, does this with his Rheumatic tbrs, Whltevate, or to the undersign- • • • • -
des 'been returned to power with Remedy and with seeming success, Rub. ed. NVhitby, on or before December-
-a majority variously estimated on's,'says the doctor, never did core Rhea= let, 1908, full particulars of their That piece of furniture Ott were wanting Now is the tim
matiew. Isis more -than akin- deep —it IS Claims with their nalues and »ddresses. et i e of beadle nothing but the beget and at a price tilts
L from forty-five to fifty. It will oonstitational, always. Because of this And further t.•rke notice that after g
' the above entiuned dime the execu. will surprise you.
thus bad Seen --that. he will be principle, Dr. Shoop 's Rheumatic Remedy p
practically as strong as he was in u perhaps the most popular in existence. tors of the said deceased will distri- Our line of Parlor Tables can't be beat. _ Or something nice in .a R
It Roes by word of mooch lrom one to an - bate the -assets of the estate among
-:the last - parliament as he will otber everywbere. Grateful patients Gladly the persons entitled thereto, hravia er. We have just received a lot of up -to -date Rocket's, in
have a strong working majority. spread results. It is so sot of humanity respect epiy to those claims they bha beautiful designs. Just the chair you want to
The result has been .niilch of a to tell the siek of a way to health. Tell have •had proF er notice. be comfortable in during winter nights.
some sick one. Sold by T. U. McFadden. ' Dated Oct. 11th, I x. —
surprise, as, while he was epect- D. OR1fISTOti. We have them at prises to suit everybody.
ed to be returned. his majority _ 2_t Scrlicitnr f rr eYPrnrnra,
W expected eo be greatly re-,
We have a complete line of Picture Mouldings. Orders for framing
diced. This result is due no a executed promptly And satisfaction guaranteed.
"doubt to the fact that there wag .
no great issue at stake. The op- �= " "' In our Undertaking Department, you will find everything Sret•clasa
a' position based their bane on their unteer Bounty Act nd up -to -date.
Vol a . .
char es of , graft and slander. 1fl08.
R Furniture delivered anywhere Come and see u:l, no fro
There was clod foundation for ? without charge. to chow goods:
those charges but no administra-
tion Warning to Purchasers g
ever existed in Ottawa free ' •
g r front` graft and scandal. . While �.. 1 =1',. / y •
e -the Liberal Arty was guilty of e. `ERY.assigiiment of the right °� • • • • 11
these char ea the electorate did G a South African Volunteer entit s•
,e e g ,
ngi not expect any better .things if led to a land grant must be by of r t ±t4
rte tl FQet*r.,,+tnd Fowler- were: ca .be appointment of a substitute-and must
rs. R,. -'elected, Ju ging by. the results
be in the form provided by the Act. M. _ FALL MILLIY ,O PENIN
sing these charges fell flat. While section 3 of Section 5 of�the Volunteer "
Special attention is called � to Sub- n .
'.'apparently the. people -did not Bounty Act.. 1908, which provides that
�, consider these charges seriously, no assignment. of the right of a volun- Mrs. L•eigh'6 F 'pinery O ning -ill take place —ea- !Wednlea
s• Laurier would do well to rid him- teer by the appointment of a subst?tute Sept. 23rd -and ' the tb.' Ladies and their friends
rself entirely of those luen against shall be accepted or recognized by the are specially iuvited to ca and view her new stock,
whom serious charges have been Department of the Interior which rs l which will consist of ore of the very newest
_A– A. .,.....1..,_..1.,1,1.,. ., NOTEXECUTEDANDDATEDAFTERTHE _-,.1 �.,,,,.. +eet•.daoio a in l.o *.0 anA hnnnaty'_- -
men have been .elected to ar11A-
c p
GRANT issued by the Minister of Mili- 9 Seml�riady Tailoring is an evolution
meut, and to these Laurier should
turn his eyes. R.. L. Borden also
tia and Degenee in favor of the Volun-
of rystefn. Tkla habits and customs
.could, with profit to himself and
of former years hive•bow conquered,
' his party, indulge in the same
Commissioner of Dominion
and the best dressed men are today
�T �.Vxirg 1ng operation and thus • re-
10 store confidence.
Lands, Ottawa.
buying " Semi- ready " Clothes.
28th September, 1908.
<16 -
Q The finest imported woollen fabrics
.easy tomb tbis.
Stomach troubles would more quickly
if the idea of treating the cause,
at8 tailored into Suits of varying sizes
What, will appear very interesting
rather than the effect, would come into
and physique types, so that the Coats
to many people here is the article tak-
en from a New York daily paper, giv-
practice. A tiny, inside, hidden nerve,
says Dr. Shoop, governs and gives strength '
are properly balanced for men of
. P Pe Y
ing a simple.1preacription, 'which is
to the stomach. A branch also goes to
,certain height, weight and proportiom
baid to be a positive remedy for back-
the heart and one to the kidneys. When
ache or kidney or bladder ' eange-
thsse''"inaide nerves" fail, tgeu the orgtans
► Q A man can "try on" and judge for
rent, if taken 'before the of
°Bright'• dta ken :
must falter. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is
directed specifically to these failing nerves.
himself how the suit becomes his
, Fluid Extract Dandelion, one -half
Within 48 boars hoar, after starting the
style and individuality, how it meets
ounce;- Compound Kargon, one ounce;
- Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
Restorative treatment patients say they
realize a gain. Sold by T. M. McFadden.
his view of fancy. Should any little
ounces. Shake well in a bottle and
alteration be necessary,, the simplicity
take in teaspoonful doses after each
meal and again at bedtime.
The PICkeT121 g
of the Semi -read ste :makes this
Y sY
A well - known druggist here at
possible in two houts.
,F home, when asked regarding this pre-
scription, stated that the ingredients
Vigil= Committee
Seati -tend two -piece Suits at
- Are all harmless, and can be obtained
. $15 and [$18 —have the right
8t a small cost from any good pre-
tcription pbarmacy; or the mixture
The object of this Association is to -
"hang" and hold their shapes _
_'Would be put up if asked to do so. He
lessen stealing and prosecute
the felons.
further stated that while this pre-
"scription Is often in rhea-
c c • F
S r'6 a d ..
' prescribed
matic afflictions with splendid results,
Members having property stolen communi-
e m"' 1—
be could see no reason vbhy it would
eats immediately with any member
of Executive mmittee.
ii 1
1 r
o r i n
not be a splendid remedy for kidney
troubles and backache as
Membership fee •. $1.00.
;. , 1
a urinary
- a a peculiar action upon the kid -
T,iekets may be had frorfitne President or
John- Diekie .% Co., exclusive agents
statfon and tructer, cleansing these most im-
Secretary on application.
for the Semi -ready Speclal Orders, will
have Semi-
Ho t organs and helping them to
Western filter from the blood the foul
Exec. Com. —L, D. Banks, Gen, Leng,
W V. Richardson, Pickering, Ont.
take your measure and a
ready Suit or Overcoat made to fit
ere he lies in nd waste matter which cause
n. Herbert Leg Those
your exact physique type and deliver-
n within six days of receipt of your
and suffering. of our
t, was the otherho suffer can make no mis-
�' A. 0 Connor, Arthur Jeffrey,
train. McDermo sing it a trial.
l President. Secretary.;
,Suits ruade to a:1er in six elays.
two children livin
_Correct in style, qua]
y of material and workmanship.
;fling Side Pickering, 4
Our Fall Stock of Knitted Underwear, Heavy Flannelettes,
_- Wmpperettes, Hosiery, now complete
"See our ent's.Underwear, '
• , �, - special at one - dollar. ,•
George .Pa key, Dunbart(
Better Positions are the Result of E. W. F VANS,
Better Education. Attend the
)lj:)Z IOTT OO_ I PAP Menu actal
and prepare for the good ppoositions.
Some must get them, Whv not
you? Scores of 1 usiness Colleges
have applied to us for teachers.
Does not this show the class of
work we do ? Get the best. It is
the only kind to et. It is the kind
that pays. Hundreds of our stud-
enta go out to good positions each
year. Now is the time to enter.
batalogue free.
W. J. ELLIOT, Principal.
Cor. Yonge do Alexander Ste.
Shop and Residence, Dundas
Three doors -west of Whitby Ho,
We are prepared to instal wood or i
pumps on short notice, also atten
to all kinds of repairing,
- Cisterns made to order.
Agent for the Ontario Wind Mill
also gasoline engines.
Phone No. 50 at residence.
(Note removal from old standlonlBr
Street.) ,
71 �, 7R�
-V,. 14D
Thos. E. Stepheneon has put 1Q Act re Stray Aminda.
Birkett -visited friends in metal shingles on his blaeksmith
;he on 8 inday. shop. The laws. of Ontario regard m*g es-
Ci Erskine Church pulpit Will be ay cattle are definite. In cWes For Men, Women and Children.
Gregg & C lates shipped a car- Sovereign Boots for Melt eve
occu where cattle are at large and wander ry pair
oad of stock on Mohday. pied on Suuday,'Noi. Ist, ' guaranteed) Prices reasonable- C411-and-see-thern
Y on -to,the -of onewhe-is- Land-
Edwa,rd-Ai—Earehm*ni---0f Koo --in
Mrso Bryan Sundayed their owne�r le
lu J;1g College. the are two cours" to
0 gim and Mrs. Pugh.
L)uroue- As soon-as the animal is —77-77FLOUR AND FEED. %
Wise Fostina, Hutchison his re. Mrs. Holliday and two daught- discovered on a man's remis�m he
ers, I
ed her music class at Toronto. A Toronto, spent a few days MAY drive it to the pounX and notify 'Bread and Pastry.
the Choice Flour for.
11�;ubeu Besse spent a few last week with F. and Mrs. Hnt- clerk of the municipality who
s this week with friends in the chison.' will attend to its release or dispositiou; __.______Feed constantly o' hand.
The Citizens' Band went to or he may secure it on his own premi- Repairing done. Independent Telephone Central.
ames McFarlane was in the city Myrtle on Tuesday evening to am and retain it while he is complying
aoc- with statutor
Friday last' with a load of company the Liberal processio wyhVuiremeuts for its The Corner Store. W. M. PAXNER, P
11 to disposition, are these:—He
lee. Port Perry. must first publish a notice of the pres-
Linton, of Toronto, ape' -The farmers in this ViCinitY are ence of such beast on his p
nt roperty In a
day here with his mother, Mrs, busy harvesting their turnips newqnper published In his - locality
ph Linton. these days. 'This crop is almost a for three, consecutive weeks. If the
os. and Mrs. Wilaon�' of coniplete failure in these,parts.- owner fails to claim the animal its
e, spent Sunday with their Robert Ashenhurst and W. custodian must keep it for two months
and if its value exceeds $20 it must be viols
Readman have both returned to am a u a
atives in to 0
IND. cold d after all expenses of harbor.
pe was quite in eviden*e'e on from the North-west where they in 'ard sale, which must not exceed
number, of doors in town on have been for the 1�ast two months. $4 have been deducted, the balance
Wm. Russell, of Dak We sell three of the beat makes of stoves
esday morning. Ota, is visit- must be handed to the treasurer of
r. Totten, of Lindsay, spebt a Ing w1th his brother, John Russell, the municipality in -case the lawful
"days here with his parenta,
of Stouffville, and with friends owner of the animal has mot been Happy thought'
V. J. W. and Mrs. Tott6n. and relatives in Pickering town. found. If the value of the ILMIMAI is
vid Ho per attended ;h' below $20 it becomes the property of Pandoras and
p the a the man onto whose property it� has
eral of the late James Thorn- Bingham, of Newmarket, -
strayWaftm-r-be--h-ad I- adver-
Of Whitevale, on Mouday. was here for a few days during tised its ]presence. lngr y Imperial OxfordS.
an animal
re. 3. H. Beal spent a few days the week and accompanied the is claimed and expenses of pasture or
is week with her parents A. band to Port Perry"on Tuesday feedini; are determined. the law makes. Prices ranging for Cooking Stoves from $15 to $50.
way, iii evening.
d Mrs. Allai Pickering. provision against exorbitant charges.
he Rev. J. W. Totten prewhed At a congregational meeting Any person harboriar animals which A good stock of Parlor Cookie and Heating Stoves always on haudL
the Mennonite Church in held in Erskine Church, Clar are not his own and does not advertise
Wedn their presence, is liable to rosecution,
uffvMe last Sunday afternoon. moot, on the evening of hen a heavy fine may be"Imposed by A first-class 75 cent cold blast lantern for sale on Oct. 22nd
of the day. t. 28th, was a w
A number of members which well' and 29th for 50 cents.
'kesbyterian Chursh are erecti the incleme any justice of the peace.
tend d considering ney
small ffiddit-ion.." Miss wher- a ns Q---- Fall line of Hardware alymxs on hand.
elling. WOUS call was extended to Rev. Mooday next.
usehold W. R. Wood. formerly of the
estate of Dunbarton Presbyterian Church,
member the Sale of ho Charles* Sargent
ects bel 1png to the aremoni
late Mrs. Patterson, which will to become their pastor. mw- DR. D. 0. SMITH
e place In this village to-mor. Wood is likely to accept. DENMT, 9r0UFFV11.T.1a,
(Saturday.) For f@l partica-
see bills. Flonor graduate of Toronto University
and Royal College of Dental Ru
number of the enthusiastie also Post-gradustv of Chicago 4-71eZea:
rals from here jolood in the H*,: RICHARDSON.
Crown and bridge work a specialty.
ter from Oshawa
rt Ep=rye"40h AtClaremout Ist Tuesdayof mouth.
ey report great
cing over their recent victory Office over Sargenes TIn2hop. Important showing of finest display of
Independent 'Phone. very Iwg* assortmeal of
nth Ontario. Ohmis. A
v. J. A. Grant and daughter,
lBooks, Dolls, Toys4 juki
a7s HVItm, are in Orrawafora 'Wo %Mfg
p of weeks where Mr. GrFlut for the Holiday trade. Call
le M 100 111260111 *9 IL
ttending a Baptist convention, 'A& ss-ppv and "a them.
0.".1 a - U11142 11=1111 all
ich coin Babierip'tions taken fox all Magazines,
.prises delegates' from 'I" no ANUU
e Provinces of Onta io and Q
r ue IV Did cula "911"OUT 211112 401104 WLL
Weekly and Daily Newcpaps"
,Election returns were given out
'11"n 113SS11 Ni
the hall an Monday evening, 33
it the service wag note 9. pitm MAO
0 US- aq P—ilaed a 3;9= 3
02 go 1,arocic street. 177-13.1t7b
etory as could be desired, ing IAOJNIO Joqqimla 1102"t
cc) --., r7
i e i.n t Is r f e r e i i ca! te, 7PI w ! rh ItIZZ i-r- r-,e g
This woman says, Lydia F.
he Methodist people will hold
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Aft
eir QuArterly'weeting at Olas. cured her. MACHINE SHOP
Read her letter. VAR
ow next Sunday at 2.80 p. M. .. -Mrs. J. A.
i is service will not interfe 'AL4berte f
re ivith SL. Cjoabec� writes to'Mo .34 Artillorie For eade by Howard E. Turner, The undersigned having rch
pinlbam. PU
�e services in the Claremont Whitevale, Local Agent. ed B. Wagner's Machine S
For six Yom I have been doctoring
�urch. The Official Board will for feu*le weakness, hewt and nerves, Prepared to dor all
repair, work and general
Pet some day soon &a, WiU'be d
an- liver and �idney kinds �f
troublo, but in Lydia Fat Hogs Wante
ounced ITP-rt Sabbath. IL Pin'rham's Vegetable Compound .1 blacksmithing.
Graham Bros. have parchased can safely say I have found a curs.
Dm Graham& Renfrew, Toron. -as continua,11y bothered with the 'A' have the mutract with Wight Satisfaction guarafiteed.
their celebrated clydesdale most dist2"Ming ba&schas, headaches, & Co., Pork Packers, Toronto. to. Prices right.
Olion, Sir Mar-luis.. d bc&rWg,-dovrn pains, and I kap% Supply that firm with all the live Can and a" us. t:
The f
price 0 All materials and design .5
�id W reported to' be the highest gro-ing more and more nervous, hogs they require, and wotild like 4AMES PRNGELLY.' kept In stack. Is will pay you
LIdia, EL Plukham's Vegetable Com- 60
ice ever paid , in Canada rl to have your hogs. I will pa Kinsale. Out. call at out works acd inspect our asock
rdesdale stallion. for a poun relieved me of &H than distres& within 15c. of Toronto price untrl and obtain prices. Don't be midedby
By the. ad- ing symptoms and made me a well agents Iwo do not employ them, consequent.
tion of this animal to their stud@ woman. I would advise all sufferine-q further notice. lY we can, and do,throw, off the agent@
,ah&ML Bros. will be well 117cruen, young or old. to use L E. Write, phone or apply to Farmer's Truck commission of 10 per cook, which you will W.
prepar Idle,
certainly save by purchasing from a&
ow at Chicago. John A. White Bri i your old wagon and ger
for the International Stock Pinkham's Vegetable Compoun
FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. the 'wnfe'enls cut down.. -Make. good WHITBY GRANITE Cc"
rhe Rev. K. Swinerton, B. A.. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- BROUGHAM farm trucks.
Victoria College, Toronto, ham's Vegetable Compound, made. omas. WhUby. Ontario
eaahed at the morning service buggies and other vehicles repainted
from roots and herbs, has been the A pain prescription h printed a
the Methodist Ch at reasonable rateb.
urch. ' Inthe standArd remedy for female ills The wbolesom"o, harmless green leaves each 250. box of- Dr. Shoop's Pink OF=
ening a yery interesting mee I t- and has positively cured thousands ol and tender stems of a long healing moun- Tablets., Ask your dootor or draggint if
� -as held under the auspices of women who have been troubled with saloons shrub give to Dr.- Shoop's Cough -Thomas Patterson., thisfornals, is not complete. Head pains,
E, Women's Missionary Society. displacements, inftmmatioh,ulcera- Remedy its curative properties. Tickling REMONT (Dowswell's old a' d womanIK pains, pains anywhere 1186 in-
�e Mission Band aided - in the tion, fibroid tumors, imguLuities, or dry bronchial coughs quickly and safely CLA tan stant re e from a Pink Pain Tablet. 8014
vield to this highly effective conah medi.
ging and by their presence. periodic backache, that bear- cine; Dr. Shoop "an . res mothers that by T. M. McFadden.
feeling, flatulency, indijr*es-
trea§urer's report, given by ing-do, they can with safety give it to even very A Reliable
-P. Robbins. was very encourage- tion, ess or nervF0ua prostraflon, yo-dk babes 14o -opium, no oblorofor -a so
r and the Mission Hand also did Why on,t ou try it? absolutely nothina harsh or harmful. 1
m7i Local alesman Wanted 3'
ry well. Mrs. Pierce, of Port Dir ham invites all sick calms the distressing cough and beals the
-t ad- Women,to write her for advice. 'oull"LT" membranes.. Accept no othe". For Pickering and adjoining 441
country to --
rry, gave'a v6ry dxdelleii
�Slq. She- is a fluent, easy and She has cuided thousawft to Demand Dr, -Shoop's. Sold by T., M. Mc. represent 0
-cible speaker. - A good eo-llec. k4ellth- Addr084 LY=4 X"& C it
n was taken. Canidas oldest, greatest Nurseries I a a M
-in some lines
p as
t is expected 'that a un. While business may be ! 01
ion r.
farmers were never more encour- 149 ff
anksgivirtir servic e "T awed as Mards fruit U9wing than a - Ir
e will be h Id I
Claremont, proba the
bly in the present geasou. High, prices for
�byterian Church, all clams of fruit have beefi o
on Monday, btained
the past season, a
in the nd there is as a cbn.
9th, at 10r. a. in.
day in theM—etE6ff-- seq an M 9 !3 is.
�ing of that uenee, an increased dem d for
hu"wiry MAMM. -
,Church a h%ppy Thanksgiving �7, 9
Our stock is complete in every de-
It will be
war 4 J,
cert will be held.
partment including a new list of speci-
er th of the Ladies alties' which we alone bandle. -4a APr
I a Ispicee The right man will obtain a
-nd Epworth League of the ND permau.
i rN. Rev. S. T. Tucker will - - ent situation with. territory reserXed
e an address and will'ali6 Sing.' for him. Pay weekly. Free sample rr U17
�sic will also be furniehed by outfit, etc., write for particulars. Sepik
Get. Pd
Claremont orchestra and by P�.
cboir of the church and others
-7 Fonthill Nurseries, :D.
I aid in this service. All are
Jsuu"Y ION-Whitby 7, Oshawa 8, Brovitham
(860 acres)
leorne. J
TORONTO, - ONT. 1 t, Port Ferry 10, UxbrldRs 15. canninst, pm it, -
Beaverton Is, uptergrove it
� sad accident occurred on Sun An unlimited suppl
� night on the C.P.R. at Myrtle
ereby Jofin McDermott, of
b4-tween the-knees and ankles.
,-9t Toronto hid both legs cut Of Chop and Fe d
P night being very dark and rAave your orders at ther
�gy, be proceeded along the t9p
bhe care to distinguish the sig- all -kinds'
for Ontario and New Brunswick
s and when about four, oi five
8 from the front, fell t the As I am going out of the bugg white cedar shingles.
business I have some snaps. Bug-'
ck, when the rest of the train Patent Roofing and all ki�ds of
building material.
After the I min
ised over him. on hand, gies selling at cost.'
!passed he WIled himself to W. D. GORDbN & SON.
bank and taking off his boot,
ioved a lace which he tied
ies, reg. $80 no $70.
Bugg" w
und his leg as tightly as he
Id, and when working at the b
Road Wagons, reg. $65 now $60, First-class bread constantly on an 44
er he was discovered by search-
at the shop. Wagon op the road
party. He was removed to
All other rigs cut on the same rate.' every day in the week.-
�d :e
P p
station and subsequently to,
Western Hospital, Torc Cakes of all kind' made to order
t notice.
3re he lies in a critical eondi- R. J. Cowan, 'Brougham. shorgs
i. Herbert Leggitt, of Clare- fee-Cream Parlor in connection.
it, was the other brakeman on
train. McDermott has a wife Sweet to Eat OA. Thomson,
two children living in Fergus. PI C117 RING La-ets 5 AC004 SMI LVAtive, C4aremont,. Ord,
•le. • - ,.,., t>.2. .,:.,. -rr :pp...
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bust figure, he carried lightly his
yc:ur life. I cannot put my feelings
seventy odd years, but his face did
i[ito words, but I love you, worship
;...:. �
+ .: • ..... .�.'. .:..
•.- .,, -:... ...
we," •✓. y ": -
ing upon the agricultural, conditio
r e a d w to a din
last he rose n eat the -
iug.•room, but he had only just.ta^k-
perf t , o , h won my
perfect you, as n heart
-Her pale face flushed,'and:she
as he found them in his recent tri
.:n his seat at a - table, when he was
placed her .hand in his.
to Europe, says. . In the countrie
where the most milk is used, the
r MNNM�MNNN *eased"
jc,ined by his son.
I think you would be very unr
h:rgiving," he
is the. most civilization. In_ Spai
' CHAPTER I. •: .- .- the end of his resources. But it
A bitter smile apps
/ 'royd' a face,' but only for a moment, ment to negotiate a
and he • turned to the other with with • Russia. He e
1'C- _ - ''A- promise that was not to fruc-
`i a tiff, as happens in so many cases,"
�� .. -:hi: said quietly. "-But what can I
`. do for vad ,p,
"Lam the -literary executor of the
-;late Prime Minister. ,Those three
boxes contain a quantity of- miscel-
•larieous' correspondence. I want
them to be carefully read, " and the
important ones' set on one side.
a--- - --You will understand that. it is some-
t what delicate- as the ' private cor-
1 respondence is included, but of l
; -` -lceurse I trust you, Ackroyd."
'Thank you. When do you wish
;',vne to begin V'
"The sooner the better. As for
the financial part of it- perhaps we
bad better settle , that when the
-Work is finished."
He sat. down at his desk and
filled' in a cheque.
"This will do to go along with,
ch 1" he remarked with a smile, as
►- ;" -lie handed him the slip of paper.
You are more than generous."
"Nonsense, nonsense. Come along
-,With me. There is a room that 1
can place at your disposal, and you
an -commence as soon as you like.''
Julian Ackroyd was alone with
khe papers. There was no smile of
gratification on his face, although
this employment had cone to him
i.t the moment that he had reached
e treaty sire..- He was not one
+ha nh_ [risks friendchin• a*+d !'�
Minister and was, given plenary
powers. It appears that the worthy
Earl was contemplating marriage,
but that his affairs were heavily. in-
volved. The negotiations were con-
cluded, and very successfully -
from the' Russian point of view. As
a reward for his complacency, and
for, the sale of his country's intef-
ests, the Earl. received -a heavy
bribe. And here's the evidence of
it," Ackroyd cried triumphantly.
He gathered from the papers
that the receipt of this bribe' had
come to the knowledge of the Prime
Minister. A scandal would have
been very' inadvisable, go the -affair
had been hushed up, and the Earl
had been permitted to retire. And_
now every one that knew of his
ti eachery was dead, and these let-
ters contained the only evidence of
his perfidy.
The Earl enjoyed universal re-
spect, and was amongst the gayest,
the wittiest, and most popular of
the social leaders of the world.
Here in the hands of an unscrupu-
lous man rested a weapon that
could hurl him from his proud po-
Ackroyd went to a small club of
which he was a member, and busied
himself with works of reference.
He found that the Earl had long
been a lonely one. A cold aloof
manner covered great shyness, as
is so often the case. His life had
been untouched by love•-until he
met Ethel Fetherston, but in her
i?e: met his heart's desire. Many
found fault with her pride, but to
him it was attraction, for he had no
E,ympathy for. the gush and lack of
reserve which 'is so characteristic
of the woman of the present day.
He' was convinced that she loved,
him deeply, and it pleased him to
think that 'in her his father would
find ti daughter after his own heart.
She met him quietly and calmly,
but her face flushed hotly as he
pressed her lips to his. .
"I've brought you this," 'he said
_$imply, as he produced a ring, from
his pocket, and slipped it on to her
"How sweet'." she answered with
a smile of quiet happiness.
"I can hardly realize my good
luck, dearest.,'"'hat is there in me
to command your love?" he asked
"Do you really wish me to tell
you, or are you asking for a com-
plimentary speech's"
"Tell me," he said eranestly. ' I
know very little of your sex. My
Me has been lived very much alone.
What do you women love in men 4"
"That depends upon the wrnnan,
amount of feeds used in that ii
were 381 pounds of whole milk, 2.
M8 pounds of skim- milk,. 1,
pounds of silage, 219 pounds o
beet pulp, 1,254 pounds of hay, 1,
2.17 pounds of grain, 147 pounds o
roots, 14 pound's of alfalfa meal a
bo pounds of green corn. Thy
grain ration. consisted of three part
each of corn and oats and one pa
of bran and ail meal. At the en
of the year the calf weighed
pounds at a cost of $28.56 or fee
the calf was a Holstein..
Fxtended Colonial Possesslons A
solutely N eeem ary.
'Herr • Rohrba;ch, the well know
writer -on political questions. hs
i;ust published a book on Germany'
position in the world, which is the
occasion of- a-r'emarkable article i
Dire post
According to the Post, "German
at the present moment is in th.
Isame state of ferment which• chac
acterized her in the years from 188
to I884, those years, namely, who
she acquired, her extensive' colonia
possessions. From the German na
tion rises- a voice that the peopl
are. not satisfied with things as the
are, This voice says that German
are too many on a too limited area
and cries out for opportunitiep o
expansion-; more elbow room.
Germany is' different from other
r,uropean Powers., says this article.)
It is not satisfied to take up a seeJt
ondary position like Italy and Au=
stria-Hungary; it is not rotten fia-
ancially like Russia; its population
does not remain dangerously ate,
tronary like -that of France. -
"°Fhe sun of the future smiles o
the three great Germanic nation
Great Britain, the United State
and Germany, but to secure ou
promising. position -w,e must have
strong fleet. As,Germany's fleet ii
only fit. the 'building, and will ref
quire ten years before, it s of ust
it is, of course, only p
avoid every conflict with other 1>0 ers. It ward b"108" appear
though in recent years Germa
had become a sort of Cinderell
among the other nations, or, lik
Schiller's poet, lfad arrived too la
on the scene. ,
the •amount of vegetable matter, to
be turned under; but,. except -in
such a case, it is a great mistake.
It is penny wise -and pound foolish.
It is saving feed , now; at- the ex-
pense of a much greater amount in
grass- growth later. This is espeei-
•ally true of. fields newly seeded.. The.,
little' bit of forage such fields af-
ford is taken at the expense, of a
third 'or more- of the following hay
crop. In an article on this subject,
some years ago, the writer said'it
Ras, like taking-off a barn door to
Slop .a knot -hole.
But even if no 'account be taken
of the effect on 'grass fields, .late
Pasturing of stock on short grass is
mistaken policy, because it is_ much
cheaper.to keep an,animal'in thrif-
ty condition than to restore, the
flesh and vigor once they are lost.
Our best stock and dairy men un-
derstand this, but it is a lesson that
the average farmer is. slow to
learn: We are not 'removed far
nough from the days of the pion-
. eers and the forests; when cows
marched regularly to the v oods
with their masters, and kept fat and
sleek on the twigs of tha trees that
were felled. Browse, they called it',
:'end it is hard for us to get over the
idea that stock should get the most
of their living by browsing or graz-
ing. Conditions are changing fas-
1.1r. nonrusun, -
possessions will oily be able to su
port a white population of 100,u
but Anatolia, Mesopotamia a
Suuthern America still offer num
ous possibilities. Something•m
be 'done if Germany's populatio
which will shortly reach 80,000,
is to be adequately cared for,
Let 'us, however, be' patient,
vises the' Post. Who thought -'
Schleswig- Holstein and Alsace -L
raine in 1860; who of African p
sessions embracing over 2,000,0
square kilometres in 1884? A n
tion with a history of 21000 yea
with an upward tendency, can wa'
until ,the ripe grapes fall at h
feet. Everything is ready. It
prily necessary that German lea
ers keep their eyes open and miss
opportunity of seizing the chap
when the time comes. ;1
Mrs. Naggs - "Oh, I'm not afrai
of your leaving me. Even if yo
do, like ,Enoch Arden, you'll corn
Naggs - "And. 'like Enoch, I'
pvr,bably wait till I was sure vo
bad married again' before -I shoved
The population of Norway, ov
which King Haakon rules, is rout
ly 2,300,000.
been a widower, and that there was
issue of the marriage, namely 'one
son, _Lord HarecastleLwho was ap --
proaching his thirtieth birthday.
At the time that Ackroyd was
this inform-ition the Earl
But for myself- honor, clean liv-
ing ; a man who keeps his word ; one
t; -on whom._we _can rely_,. not for g
moment, but for a lifetime. And
I believe I have found oae•," she
said. softly.
ter than we are. We are alogro
learn that forage is scarcer t n of
yore,_.in.. prnpur.Lion �o. re somber
of animals kept, and thst we should
either keep less stook. per acre o
arable land, or do more atabl
-- --
- Most-- ends
Emc lcals- c
was his club, impatient await -
My darling, he -- replied pas- -feeding.-
Farmer_'s Adyocate.
ing his son's arrival. Tall, of ro-
sionately. "You may trust me with
bust figure, he carried lightly his
yc:ur life. I cannot put my feelings
He li.stlesRly began to turn over
seventy odd years, but his face did
i[ito words, but I love you, worship
professor Oscar' Erf in comment
A Tale of Love and Disappointment
not wear its customary genial smile.
you. Your beauty, your purity, the
ing upon the agricultural, conditio
r e a d w to a din
last he rose n eat the -
iug.•room, but he had only just.ta^k-
perf t , o , h won my
perfect you, as n heart
-Her pale face flushed,'and:she
as he found them in his recent tri
.:n his seat at a - table, when he was
placed her .hand in his.
to Europe, says. . In the countrie
where the most milk is used, the
r MNNM�MNNN *eased"
jc,ined by his son.
I think you would be very unr
h:rgiving," he
is the. most civilization. In_ Spai
' CHAPTER I. •: .- .- the end of his resources. But it
evening - father, an unex-
said bcould
"Not. unforgiving, but I could he
Italy and Roumanis and other cou
n as not the first time that he had
The late Prime Minister could. .faced starvation.
"Yes, Cyril, and an unpleasant
relentless, if I found that my trust
tries where dairy cows. are scare
l found that land was extremel
' have chosen no one more - competent A man of . consummate ability,
ne. But sit down. We will dine:-
-was misplaced; but I have no
cheap and civilization not very fa
A than the Right Hon. Felix Shelby
8 tut from the outset he had been
to be his literary executor- A great cursed with the propensity of spend-
i have not much time to s are for
P �'
I.am_going to the Castle to- night.
He' smiled gravely. :..
advanced while in Holland, Den
,friendship had existed between m more mono than he earned.
g Y
"To-night?" Harecastle repeated
"I am trying to understand you,
mark, Switzerland and the islan
cf Jersey, where, dairying is the
ahem that had never been marred Had he been content to live quiet-
by those disagreements
in surprise. '
�, P
Yes. The house � is full, you
Ethel. You must temili me."
An affectionate smile was her re-
rinci al occupation, land was of
p P P.
political 1 upon the fair income that he de-
which are so apt to be fierce, and rived from his writing, he would
know. And why aren't you down
ten worth several hundred dollar
Per acre and in some cases ' $8,00
estrange the closest relationships: t'oubtless have made his mark. The
i `But the task, a difficult and respo,i need of move drove him to the
there?" he asked irritably.
`'`f have been rather busy," Hare-
am going to Wolverholme Cas-
tle in. the morning. • I want to tell
per acre. Upon inquiry, the peo
sible one, was proving a great con - City, where he engaged in "wild-
castle replied with a slight flush:
the Earl the news. He was in town
Ple told me the dairy cows were re
s onsible and I find the same thin
-, aumer of time to a busy man ; for cat"' financial schemes. Upon oc-
"Rubbish! You had better come
to -de, but was rather upset, so I
Y, P �
to be true in this country. ��
Mr. Shelbv was a member of the casions there had been every pros-
down to-night."
thought it better t� wait until to-
present Cabinet.. He, too, was an poet of success, and wealth, but
"Sorry, but I cannot. - To -mor-
morrow. He will be delighted at
emipent man of letters;. and it was some imp of bad luck had pursued
row, if 'you like: Who is there at
my choice. Have 'you, told any one
` felt by the public that Providence him through life, and. he was forced
the Castle V
of our engagement 4"
In an experiment to ascertain th
Y 'had, designated him as the only Poe- back to literature for a bare living:
"Josephs and his daughter. And
"Only Cicely Stanton. .We are
coat of raising a calf, Professo
aible person who could fitly write He had set out in life with a char-
the sister, Mrs. Goldberg. Lady
such old friends, you know. You
Shaw, of Michigau Station, took
the biography for which the 4orld acter of average 'morality, but con-
Hesty, and two or three others."
don't mind, do you-I"
dairy calf and kept 'an accurate ad-
Vas waiting impatiently. tact 'With people of shady principles
Why'did not you let me know
(To be Continued.)
c(•unt of the expenses of feeding for
- --
very little. growth of grass. Stock
nnw vear . from its birth. The
A bitter smile apps
/ 'royd' a face,' but only for a moment, ment to negotiate a
and he • turned to the other with with • Russia. He e
1'C- _ - ''A- promise that was not to fruc-
`i a tiff, as happens in so many cases,"
�� .. -:hi: said quietly. "-But what can I
`. do for vad ,p,
"Lam the -literary executor of the
-;late Prime Minister. ,Those three
boxes contain a quantity of- miscel-
•larieous' correspondence. I want
them to be carefully read, " and the
important ones' set on one side.
a--- - --You will understand that. it is some-
t what delicate- as the ' private cor-
1 respondence is included, but of l
; -` -lceurse I trust you, Ackroyd."
'Thank you. When do you wish
;',vne to begin V'
"The sooner the better. As for
the financial part of it- perhaps we
bad better settle , that when the
-Work is finished."
He sat. down at his desk and
filled' in a cheque.
"This will do to go along with,
ch 1" he remarked with a smile, as
►- ;" -lie handed him the slip of paper.
You are more than generous."
"Nonsense, nonsense. Come along
-,With me. There is a room that 1
can place at your disposal, and you
an -commence as soon as you like.''
Julian Ackroyd was alone with
khe papers. There was no smile of
gratification on his face, although
this employment had cone to him
i.t the moment that he had reached
e treaty sire..- He was not one
+ha nh_ [risks friendchin• a*+d !'�
Minister and was, given plenary
powers. It appears that the worthy
Earl was contemplating marriage,
but that his affairs were heavily. in-
volved. The negotiations were con-
cluded, and very successfully -
from the' Russian point of view. As
a reward for his complacency, and
for, the sale of his country's intef-
ests, the Earl. received -a heavy
bribe. And here's the evidence of
it," Ackroyd cried triumphantly.
He gathered from the papers
that the receipt of this bribe' had
come to the knowledge of the Prime
Minister. A scandal would have
been very' inadvisable, go the -affair
had been hushed up, and the Earl
had been permitted to retire. And_
now every one that knew of his
ti eachery was dead, and these let-
ters contained the only evidence of
his perfidy.
The Earl enjoyed universal re-
spect, and was amongst the gayest,
the wittiest, and most popular of
the social leaders of the world.
Here in the hands of an unscrupu-
lous man rested a weapon that
could hurl him from his proud po-
Ackroyd went to a small club of
which he was a member, and busied
himself with works of reference.
He found that the Earl had long
been a lonely one. A cold aloof
manner covered great shyness, as
is so often the case. His life had
been untouched by love•-until he
met Ethel Fetherston, but in her
i?e: met his heart's desire. Many
found fault with her pride, but to
him it was attraction, for he had no
E,ympathy for. the gush and lack of
reserve which 'is so characteristic
of the woman of the present day.
He' was convinced that she loved,
him deeply, and it pleased him to
think that 'in her his father would
find ti daughter after his own heart.
She met him quietly and calmly,
but her face flushed hotly as he
pressed her lips to his. .
"I've brought you this," 'he said
_$imply, as he produced a ring, from
his pocket, and slipped it on to her
"How sweet'." she answered with
a smile of quiet happiness.
"I can hardly realize my good
luck, dearest.,'"'hat is there in me
to command your love?" he asked
"Do you really wish me to tell
you, or are you asking for a com-
plimentary speech's"
"Tell me," he said eranestly. ' I
know very little of your sex. My
Me has been lived very much alone.
What do you women love in men 4"
"That depends upon the wrnnan,
amount of feeds used in that ii
were 381 pounds of whole milk, 2.
M8 pounds of skim- milk,. 1,
pounds of silage, 219 pounds o
beet pulp, 1,254 pounds of hay, 1,
2.17 pounds of grain, 147 pounds o
roots, 14 pound's of alfalfa meal a
bo pounds of green corn. Thy
grain ration. consisted of three part
each of corn and oats and one pa
of bran and ail meal. At the en
of the year the calf weighed
pounds at a cost of $28.56 or fee
the calf was a Holstein..
Fxtended Colonial Possesslons A
solutely N eeem ary.
'Herr • Rohrba;ch, the well know
writer -on political questions. hs
i;ust published a book on Germany'
position in the world, which is the
occasion of- a-r'emarkable article i
Dire post
According to the Post, "German
at the present moment is in th.
Isame state of ferment which• chac
acterized her in the years from 188
to I884, those years, namely, who
she acquired, her extensive' colonia
possessions. From the German na
tion rises- a voice that the peopl
are. not satisfied with things as the
are, This voice says that German
are too many on a too limited area
and cries out for opportunitiep o
expansion-; more elbow room.
Germany is' different from other
r,uropean Powers., says this article.)
It is not satisfied to take up a seeJt
ondary position like Italy and Au=
stria-Hungary; it is not rotten fia-
ancially like Russia; its population
does not remain dangerously ate,
tronary like -that of France. -
"°Fhe sun of the future smiles o
the three great Germanic nation
Great Britain, the United State
and Germany, but to secure ou
promising. position -w,e must have
strong fleet. As,Germany's fleet ii
only fit. the 'building, and will ref
quire ten years before, it s of ust
it is, of course, only p
avoid every conflict with other 1>0 ers. It ward b"108" appear
though in recent years Germa
had become a sort of Cinderell
among the other nations, or, lik
Schiller's poet, lfad arrived too la
on the scene. ,
the •amount of vegetable matter, to
be turned under; but,. except -in
such a case, it is a great mistake.
It is penny wise -and pound foolish.
It is saving feed , now; at- the ex-
pense of a much greater amount in
grass- growth later. This is espeei-
•ally true of. fields newly seeded.. The.,
little' bit of forage such fields af-
ford is taken at the expense, of a
third 'or more- of the following hay
crop. In an article on this subject,
some years ago, the writer said'it
Ras, like taking-off a barn door to
Slop .a knot -hole.
But even if no 'account be taken
of the effect on 'grass fields, .late
Pasturing of stock on short grass is
mistaken policy, because it is_ much
cheaper.to keep an,animal'in thrif-
ty condition than to restore, the
flesh and vigor once they are lost.
Our best stock and dairy men un-
derstand this, but it is a lesson that
the average farmer is. slow to
learn: We are not 'removed far
nough from the days of the pion-
. eers and the forests; when cows
marched regularly to the v oods
with their masters, and kept fat and
sleek on the twigs of tha trees that
were felled. Browse, they called it',
:'end it is hard for us to get over the
idea that stock should get the most
of their living by browsing or graz-
ing. Conditions are changing fas-
1.1r. nonrusun, -
possessions will oily be able to su
port a white population of 100,u
but Anatolia, Mesopotamia a
Suuthern America still offer num
ous possibilities. Something•m
be 'done if Germany's populatio
which will shortly reach 80,000,
is to be adequately cared for,
Let 'us, however, be' patient,
vises the' Post. Who thought -'
Schleswig- Holstein and Alsace -L
raine in 1860; who of African p
sessions embracing over 2,000,0
square kilometres in 1884? A n
tion with a history of 21000 yea
with an upward tendency, can wa'
until ,the ripe grapes fall at h
feet. Everything is ready. It
prily necessary that German lea
ers keep their eyes open and miss
opportunity of seizing the chap
when the time comes. ;1
Mrs. Naggs - "Oh, I'm not afrai
of your leaving me. Even if yo
do, like ,Enoch Arden, you'll corn
Naggs - "And. 'like Enoch, I'
pvr,bably wait till I was sure vo
bad married again' before -I shoved
The population of Norway, ov
which King Haakon rules, is rout
ly 2,300,000.
n Won
deed boxes, which were, filled with
he had resolved to make money in
t 'An f"
letters and documents. Now and
any way possible whether
`°'MY decision was 'sudden. I have
again he would take up a paper-
or otherwise. '
been to see Lockyer."
"Sir Lockyer, the ape
gglance through it-and throw it
He li.stlesRly began to turn over
:0; ;'. back with the others.
tbe. papers. The work was not con-
alist l Surely there's nothing
"An endless task," he muttered
genial, for he had no admiration
matter with you, father 2
Cyril 'leaned over the, table and
to hilziselt,. "I must have some as-
for the late Prime Minister, but
aeon his interest was arousel.
lcoked anxiously at him.
He threw himself back into ah
`' Rather indiscreet, some of these
"I am sorry to say there is, but
arm- chair - crossed his legs, and
letters," be muttered to himself. "I
I want you to keep it quiet.
hi* bead seemed to sink into his
wonder Shelby trusted me . with
them• "
describes it as temporary
failure, 11-have had one or two
"shoulders; a pose that had been im-
mortalized by Poach.
At last he came to a bundle Con-
beuta- lately, and 'I was getting
On many farms pastures are ov-
He was interrupted by the en
slating of half a dozen letters.
"Written in cipher, This ought
"Is it serious?"
erstocked all summer long. Stock
are necessary for the conserving of
:trance of a servant.
., .,
to be something important. Some
The Esrl, smiled whimsically.
soil fertility, but when .pastures are
A, air. Ackroyd to see you sir,
Foreign Office business, I expect, ��
"He does not say that I am going
eaten bare by the, end' of July, ae
.'`he said in that sauvo, smooth voice
be said to himself, -
to die at. once; but I must take care.
.n too many cases they are, and for
*o affected b the well- trained air-
The deciphering of codes was a
Lead a quiet kind' of life and all
the rest of the season grass is kept
"Ackroyd= Ackroyd," Mr. - Sally
hobby of Ackroyd'e, and it was not
long he discovered the key,
that kind of. thing. It will be a
wi etched existence.."
nipped dawn to, the .roots, and
flesh and milk tail steadily, thin is
---- =- repeated to himself. Recollecti. n
.ere . •
which was a simple one. He read
<< I am deeply sorry, fattier, but
having too much of a good thing-
appeared to come to him, for he
two or three lines, and drew a deep
'You will take care of yourself9
But many who have roughage .
)rose briskly from his chair. .--breath.-
A re, id lance at the
Yes. I still' find life pleasant, enough in the fields until the first
n ersa3te a srmrlar snrstake
y'ou to worry about it, Cyril; but J ! by pasturing too late in- the fall.
''f he door. opened, and there ap •
door, an a hurriedly placed e
letters in his breast pocket.' He
geared r tall, clean - shaven man „f
cnce more b,)g•.n' his work, and
thought it better. that you should
During October there'. is .usually
quiet appearance. He was wail
kept steadily on until Mr. Shelby
very little. growth of grass. Stock
groomed, and his clothes were neat
made his' appearance.'
,. I am Pery glad that you told
graerally thrive well, but they are
- 1y pressed, but there was, a tell
tale the seams that
•'Rather tedious, isn't it ? "'he re-
me, "- Cyril replied with a. look of
cieaning4ip .what is left 'of the
marked kindly. :.
affection. ..:
growth of previous months.. By ttie
betokened much wear.
How do do, AckroydI i±
"Yes, theca is a tremendous lot
"I will drive yod to the station,
end of the month there is little' left.
you :1t
w.xi long. time I have seen you.
f twaddle here, but I think theses
he 'continued. have the car
But for one reason or another, be-
there is
'Yes, Mr. Shelby, but I ham,,,t
is a good deal of material for your
They reached the station in good
cause work presses, and
1 little time, •and lesa inclination, 'to
peered to worms you with my
"That is excellent. :gut I -think
time, and he stood at the window
begin winter chores so early, or to
"Troublest I am sorry to kear
you have ' done enough to -day.
of the carriage till the train moved
sass feed, or from simple lack of
fiber. Let me see -you are writing,
Needless to sayxh'e work is not very
pressing, and so you may take your
' I will be.dawn to- morrow after-
thought, the housing ,and morning
and evening feeding of stock are de -•
Are you. not?" _
"Yes, and •I hay of found it
own -time for. it, This room is al=
coon•. certain. I may have some
news for you. Good -bye, and take
laved.. Meanwhile, the animals
I roam the fields, poaching the new -
lery profitable. Bu ur time i
I know, so at "nee
ti+aye at your
Thanks once mare, Shelby. I
_care of yourself," he called after
ly- seeded fields,.if wet weather pre-
come to the object of my visit. Can
am very grateful to ou."
, y' g Y
` "Nonsense. It's the other way
his father.
He returned to his car, and direc-
'ails, appetite impelling them to
er the
bite still short few remaining
-Cu find me a billet of any kind I To
frank, I am `brake.' I, thought
about. Good -bye for the present.*.'
I fed the driver to go to an address
blades of grass, and almost dig for
�eprhaps in memory of our "Yar-
Ackro d's first move was to o to
Y g
the bank to cash the cheque which'
in Eaton Square. He was on his
way to the house of Ethel Fether -
their living. Now and again there
i3 a snowstorm, which quickens,ap-
days, you might—
"Quite right, Ackroyd; I am glad
fie had received; and the jingle of
etch, to whom-he had been engaged
petite,, without adding to the com
_ you came to me. in' fact you are
gold in• his pockets- immediately
raised his spirits. Then he took a
I. for the last three days. en-
bs ement lied not been announced.
fort. The condition of things the
and of November, or -, in too
` the very man for whom I am seek
will really be doing
cab to the Temple, where he char J
arA it had been his intention to tell
many cases, well on into December,
. ing, and you
work off
a Tjfmidential chambers with a baiF-
his father at the club, but the news
is, unhappily, -too well known -
t _, mo a favor by taking some
,, .
sister frie d,,,,,.._-, _.-%
of his illness upset him, and he
pasture and meadow fields bare,
p °�
aC at once -started work to de
.thought it better to' defer the tel
and ttie flesh - necessary to thrift
fist, ^• - t is very "°
i cipher the letters, and his expres-
ling until the morrow.
and .growth of the stock wasted, its
in that way -ii you only knew what
it means to me at the present time,"
Sion brightened as he mastered the
Much against his will,
Harecastle had led a. life of idle-
absence being hidden, to. some ex-
tent,. as cattle - buyers well know, by
• i aid Ackroyd.
' `We have 'ups and downs.'.
"A old : mine, "' he muttered
ness. It had been his wish to en-
extra growth of hair.
all our
hoarsely. "Let me recapitulate ' -the
ter the Diplomatic Service, but fo'r
Such a course works min two
But I am . surgriae a •you are
.mot at the top of the tree, , We all
,facts, and I shall know what cards
I hold.'
some reason which he could-not
understand, the wish had met with
directions. The vigor of a grass
field for the following season'is tor-
.ptophesied.af groat future -for you
"Some thirty years ago the Earl
stout opposition from his, father,
dinarily in direct proportion to the
f were the man of promise
of Wolverholme was sent to St.
There' was deep affection between
'amount. of roughage left on it in the
..; +;a►, r- r,.,e.,._
+hem. and he had forgone his de-
fall. If a field is to be plowed up
A bitter smile apps
/ 'royd' a face,' but only for a moment, ment to negotiate a
and he • turned to the other with with • Russia. He e
1'C- _ - ''A- promise that was not to fruc-
`i a tiff, as happens in so many cases,"
�� .. -:hi: said quietly. "-But what can I
`. do for vad ,p,
"Lam the -literary executor of the
-;late Prime Minister. ,Those three
boxes contain a quantity of- miscel-
•larieous' correspondence. I want
them to be carefully read, " and the
important ones' set on one side.
a--- - --You will understand that. it is some-
t what delicate- as the ' private cor-
1 respondence is included, but of l
; -` -lceurse I trust you, Ackroyd."
'Thank you. When do you wish
;',vne to begin V'
"The sooner the better. As for
the financial part of it- perhaps we
bad better settle , that when the
-Work is finished."
He sat. down at his desk and
filled' in a cheque.
"This will do to go along with,
ch 1" he remarked with a smile, as
►- ;" -lie handed him the slip of paper.
You are more than generous."
"Nonsense, nonsense. Come along
-,With me. There is a room that 1
can place at your disposal, and you
an -commence as soon as you like.''
Julian Ackroyd was alone with
khe papers. There was no smile of
gratification on his face, although
this employment had cone to him
i.t the moment that he had reached
e treaty sire..- He was not one
+ha nh_ [risks friendchin• a*+d !'�
Minister and was, given plenary
powers. It appears that the worthy
Earl was contemplating marriage,
but that his affairs were heavily. in-
volved. The negotiations were con-
cluded, and very successfully -
from the' Russian point of view. As
a reward for his complacency, and
for, the sale of his country's intef-
ests, the Earl. received -a heavy
bribe. And here's the evidence of
it," Ackroyd cried triumphantly.
He gathered from the papers
that the receipt of this bribe' had
come to the knowledge of the Prime
Minister. A scandal would have
been very' inadvisable, go the -affair
had been hushed up, and the Earl
had been permitted to retire. And_
now every one that knew of his
ti eachery was dead, and these let-
ters contained the only evidence of
his perfidy.
The Earl enjoyed universal re-
spect, and was amongst the gayest,
the wittiest, and most popular of
the social leaders of the world.
Here in the hands of an unscrupu-
lous man rested a weapon that
could hurl him from his proud po-
Ackroyd went to a small club of
which he was a member, and busied
himself with works of reference.
He found that the Earl had long
been a lonely one. A cold aloof
manner covered great shyness, as
is so often the case. His life had
been untouched by love•-until he
met Ethel Fetherston, but in her
i?e: met his heart's desire. Many
found fault with her pride, but to
him it was attraction, for he had no
E,ympathy for. the gush and lack of
reserve which 'is so characteristic
of the woman of the present day.
He' was convinced that she loved,
him deeply, and it pleased him to
think that 'in her his father would
find ti daughter after his own heart.
She met him quietly and calmly,
but her face flushed hotly as he
pressed her lips to his. .
"I've brought you this," 'he said
_$imply, as he produced a ring, from
his pocket, and slipped it on to her
"How sweet'." she answered with
a smile of quiet happiness.
"I can hardly realize my good
luck, dearest.,'"'hat is there in me
to command your love?" he asked
"Do you really wish me to tell
you, or are you asking for a com-
plimentary speech's"
"Tell me," he said eranestly. ' I
know very little of your sex. My
Me has been lived very much alone.
What do you women love in men 4"
"That depends upon the wrnnan,
amount of feeds used in that ii
were 381 pounds of whole milk, 2.
M8 pounds of skim- milk,. 1,
pounds of silage, 219 pounds o
beet pulp, 1,254 pounds of hay, 1,
2.17 pounds of grain, 147 pounds o
roots, 14 pound's of alfalfa meal a
bo pounds of green corn. Thy
grain ration. consisted of three part
each of corn and oats and one pa
of bran and ail meal. At the en
of the year the calf weighed
pounds at a cost of $28.56 or fee
the calf was a Holstein..
Fxtended Colonial Possesslons A
solutely N eeem ary.
'Herr • Rohrba;ch, the well know
writer -on political questions. hs
i;ust published a book on Germany'
position in the world, which is the
occasion of- a-r'emarkable article i
Dire post
According to the Post, "German
at the present moment is in th.
Isame state of ferment which• chac
acterized her in the years from 188
to I884, those years, namely, who
she acquired, her extensive' colonia
possessions. From the German na
tion rises- a voice that the peopl
are. not satisfied with things as the
are, This voice says that German
are too many on a too limited area
and cries out for opportunitiep o
expansion-; more elbow room.
Germany is' different from other
r,uropean Powers., says this article.)
It is not satisfied to take up a seeJt
ondary position like Italy and Au=
stria-Hungary; it is not rotten fia-
ancially like Russia; its population
does not remain dangerously ate,
tronary like -that of France. -
"°Fhe sun of the future smiles o
the three great Germanic nation
Great Britain, the United State
and Germany, but to secure ou
promising. position -w,e must have
strong fleet. As,Germany's fleet ii
only fit. the 'building, and will ref
quire ten years before, it s of ust
it is, of course, only p
avoid every conflict with other 1>0 ers. It ward b"108" appear
though in recent years Germa
had become a sort of Cinderell
among the other nations, or, lik
Schiller's poet, lfad arrived too la
on the scene. ,
the •amount of vegetable matter, to
be turned under; but,. except -in
such a case, it is a great mistake.
It is penny wise -and pound foolish.
It is saving feed , now; at- the ex-
pense of a much greater amount in
grass- growth later. This is espeei-
•ally true of. fields newly seeded.. The.,
little' bit of forage such fields af-
ford is taken at the expense, of a
third 'or more- of the following hay
crop. In an article on this subject,
some years ago, the writer said'it
Ras, like taking-off a barn door to
Slop .a knot -hole.
But even if no 'account be taken
of the effect on 'grass fields, .late
Pasturing of stock on short grass is
mistaken policy, because it is_ much
cheaper.to keep an,animal'in thrif-
ty condition than to restore, the
flesh and vigor once they are lost.
Our best stock and dairy men un-
derstand this, but it is a lesson that
the average farmer is. slow to
learn: We are not 'removed far
nough from the days of the pion-
. eers and the forests; when cows
marched regularly to the v oods
with their masters, and kept fat and
sleek on the twigs of tha trees that
were felled. Browse, they called it',
:'end it is hard for us to get over the
idea that stock should get the most
of their living by browsing or graz-
ing. Conditions are changing fas-
1.1r. nonrusun, -
possessions will oily be able to su
port a white population of 100,u
but Anatolia, Mesopotamia a
Suuthern America still offer num
ous possibilities. Something•m
be 'done if Germany's populatio
which will shortly reach 80,000,
is to be adequately cared for,
Let 'us, however, be' patient,
vises the' Post. Who thought -'
Schleswig- Holstein and Alsace -L
raine in 1860; who of African p
sessions embracing over 2,000,0
square kilometres in 1884? A n
tion with a history of 21000 yea
with an upward tendency, can wa'
until ,the ripe grapes fall at h
feet. Everything is ready. It
prily necessary that German lea
ers keep their eyes open and miss
opportunity of seizing the chap
when the time comes. ;1
Mrs. Naggs - "Oh, I'm not afrai
of your leaving me. Even if yo
do, like ,Enoch Arden, you'll corn
Naggs - "And. 'like Enoch, I'
pvr,bably wait till I was sure vo
bad married again' before -I shoved
The population of Norway, ov
which King Haakon rules, is rout
ly 2,300,000.
c.- A,
Want Ham e Life as It Obtains In
6 let"r
this, provided the change is !w
—Breaking the Animals.
a Healer and
Does More Than Is Claimed
For It.
One of the most difficult quistions
of the aboriginal name for a wild
No household remedy in existence
which will have to be solved by new
horse or a corruption of "unbrand-
has won such glowing tributes from
Turkey is that of the future of Tur-
1kish women. It has already
How did that fellow fare when
fie started to fish for complifhent-9 ?'I
people in high places as'has Zam-
Buk. Mr. Roger F. Perry, Justice
rise to considerable discujision, and
barriers, and in less time than it
ut brumby hunting is still a favor-'-,�,f
the Peace for Br tish.Columbia,
will sooner or later become a na-
VaTorite Sport In 'New South Wales
says It Is' Wonderful
Want Ham e Life as It Obtains In
6 let"r
this, provided the change is !w
—Breaking the Animals.
a Healer and
Other Countries,
Whether "brumby" is a survival
Does More Than Is Claimed
For It.
One of the most difficult quistions
of the aboriginal name for a wild
No household remedy in existence
which will have to be solved by new
horse or a corruption of "unbrand-
has won such glowing tributes from
Turkey is that of the future of Tur-
1kish women. It has already
How did that fellow fare when
fie started to fish for complifhent-9 ?'I
ed" appears to bo a question which
philologists 'have left. undecided.,
people in high places as'has Zam-
Buk. Mr. Roger F. Perry, Justice
rise to considerable discujision, and
barriers, and in less time than it
ut brumby hunting is still a favor-'-,�,f
the Peace for Br tish.Columbia,
will sooner or later become a na-
)odd's Kidney Pills started at
ien He Used Dodd's Rid.ney Pills
ite sport in New South Wales, says,
the London Standard.
tested this famous balm, and this
. is what he says of it:
tl:()nal- question.
For many -years among the better
tail-Betame a %Veil Man -- His
Districts like the Clarence 'and
"The Pavilion,
c lasses there has been a steady
ager Hotel Victoria, Queb ec Can.,—
Experience a Lesson for You.
Stephens and Manning River water*
Goldfields, B. C.
movement toward emancipanon,
derstand it, and can'nevei imagine
Athabasca Landing, Alta., Oct.
shed are still the home of numer-
"To the Zam-Buk Co.,
And the old Turkish life ha ' a prac-
hiding-place of pain, and �, like a
�(Special).—That Kidney Disease,
ous droves.of brumbies, and hunt-,
ing them is declared to be a very
"Gentlemen,—After -a very fair
trial I have proved Zam-Buk emin_
tically disappeared in aill the houses
of the educated people. The change
and after that they can be broken
1-i without much -difficulty.
lected in its earlier stages, leads
11 if
I the� most terrible suffering,
exhilarating -pastime. The first
ently satisfactory. In my case it
came with education, as the daugh-
dd's Kidney Pills you will never
re Lumbago, Rheumll Heart
t death itself, and that the 011e
E-tep taken is to stake out a corral
and make all secure except a nar-
cured a skin rash of five years
standing which no doctor had b6en
ters of the house were trained
foreign governesses. They began
re eure for it in all stages is
t dd's Kidney Pills, is the expert-
row entrance, which can subse-
cluently be gated. On either side
able to do any good for.
"I would certainly encoull an Y
to read foreign IiLerature and pap,
ers, I and brought -up their children
to get better. I have used ton bot-
tles up till now, and arfi to aa'
fme of Mr. James E.'Brant, a
er residing near here.
A the entrance and projecting from
it funnelwis'e a.. "booby fence" is
person to keep Zam-Buk in their
home. It does
better than themselves, with the re-
6 ult that no family of any conse-
&,,ways declared that one of the' first
Sir. Brant bontracted Kidney Dis-
truly even more than
yon claim for it. For my own part
quence keeps up the old Turkish
se, when a young man, from a
'ain' and like hosts -'of others,
To the simple.minded �rumby it
presumably looks like &' stockade,
I would -not now bi without it in
the house; Yours very truly, -' .
customs in their- entirety. Thus
very few, modern Turks have,more
chicken is determined I
glected it, expecting it to go
-ay itself.
and pieces of fluttering cottonmake
(Signed) "Roger F. Perry,
than one wife, the life ita their�
3el Annam Emperor Condemned
3ut it kept gradually growing
it look impreguabl e. When this is
ready the young 07 a',, well mount-
"'Justice of the Peace for B. C."
Zam-Buk differs from ordinary
�ouses, is-quite -European, includ-
ing their dress, mode. of living,
,rse, till after thirty years of in-
suffering the climax came,
ed, gallop out and round up'the
salves*and embrocations, for while
food, etc. Only our,-of-doors do they
bably no other physician in the
he found' himself so crippled
wild' horses, driving them with
h�houts and much loud snapping of
these mostly contain animal oils
and fats, Zam-Buk is purely herbal.
wear the -veil as �before.
But the women want more;'they
A't Meaina, where the stivation was
saved by the arriva I of a number of
t At times he could pot turn in
d, and for two weeks at a time
stoc'k whips'-toward Op mouth of
the funnel.
It soothes and heals cuts, sores, ul-
want to institute home life, And
rhany have done �o already. They
b I ties badly."
was impossible for him to rise
In group of brumbies.tbere .
cers, eruptions. boils, eczema P
chafing sores, etc'. All druggists
also desire-to receive visitoxs with-
a chair without putting
nfla nn hist Irn
wa a leader, and when once t
a) ys he
and stores sell at 50 cents; a box,
out restriction, and adopt more be:-
-2 L rnl_ A
iarch of modern times, has, been.
demned to perpetual - exile in
L. A. Cote, Assivaid W.
le could not ruZton his clothes.
'12-at a namak gnt f.139A JgAQPr jar tnA
coTral they are pretty certain ofthe
I— 7,arn-plik Co �' Tnronto.
for price, a boxes for ft 50,..
com ng ress pu I c., a e u-
was troubled with Lumbago,
Lvel and Back b aad tried
rest of the drove. The fluttering
this, provided the change is !w
rotton rags of, the sham fence are
quick, as they also have mixe d in
Piic�nes for eachlaclig'all of them
out getting relief, till good
,k turned him to Dodd's Kidney
sufficient to deter the brumbies-
from breaking through the fli mly
How did that fellow fare when
fie started to fish for complifhent-9 ?'I
foreign society and feel the want
qf ladies in Turkish society. If it
barriers, and in less time than it
itemaiue.d with this class alone the-
)odd's Kidney Pills started at
takes. t o tell the wild horses are
"Helgot the hook." 7
change would come. rapidly, but
' Mr. L. A. Cote, Assistant Man-
cause of his trouble& and cured
safely corralled and" the' big gate
sbut-on them. -
It is an Officer of the Law of
there are the common classes and
the country people, who cannot un-.
ager Hotel Victoria, Queb ec Can.,—
Kidneys. With. cured Kidneys
other troubles speedily. dis&p-
Then they are left for four and
Health.—When called in to attend
a disturbance it searches out the
derstand it, and can'nevei imagine
"I sufferied with eatarrh for
kred, and � to-day he is a well
twenty hours- without food and
'water to reflect':on the situation,
hiding-place of pain, and �, like a
any . change by which their women
folk should -be- anythinj else than
about eight Years, and have tried
many physicians or -s-p7eii—iaNaCs-f6r_
f you cure your Kidneys-with
and after that they can be broken
1-i without much -difficulty.
guardian of the peace, lays hana"s
upon it and. sayi, "I arrest You.`
what they-have been for centuries.
And A is noteworthy that in the
this sickness, and never obtained
any relief. 1 t was only after using
dd's Kidney Pills you will never
re Lumbago, Rheumll Heart
Eesistance is u3eless, as the law of
health imposes a sentence of per-
provinces that whenever reaction-.
your Peruna medicine that I began
mast, Dropsy or Bright's Dis-
plitual lianishm4lit on pain, And
aries have tried to start a'movement
against the constitution they have
to get better. I have used ton bot-
tles up till now, and arfi to aa'
R_ . � I -
Teacher—Johnny, can You inform
. Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric Oil was ori-
ginated to enforce that sentence.
&,,ways declared that one of the' first
that I arn'completely cured. I y
the Class as to how the age of a
cll,jects of the comstitution would-
glad to let the public know it. -A-
chicken is determined I
"Depres-sing sort, of day, this,'
be the,complete emancipation of.the
good thi�g is never too dear.
3el Annam Emperor Condemned
jehnny—Yes'm. Bythe teeth.
Teacher—Why, Johhny,. chickens
said the guest at the small hotel,
breakfast. "Yes,
womeri and their going about un-
veiled, and this has never Wled to'
We have an file many testimoni-a.
als like the one given here, P
to P&petual ExLle.
have-no teeth.
sitting down to -
sir," said the waiter. - "Even the
excite the people, as was. the case
bably no other physician in the
�an' Thai,l King, or, as be is
;ohnny—No'm... Butwe have..
milk, you will notice, has got, the
A't Meaina, where the stivation was
saved by the arriva I of a number of
world has received such a v olullie
of enthusiastic letters
.times ca edl, Emperor of An-
b I ties badly."
troops-and the arrest of the agita-
of thanks aa
Dr. Hartman for Peruna,
the most -fa tastically cruel
tdrsi.' --This is the reAson' Prince
iarch of modern times, has, been.
demned to perpetual - exile in
"I. am satisfied thai Baby's Own
S;. IMULANT 0 the mtornacb� thereby
Ridinc digon4tion. An a tonic for:
Sabah ed Din in his speech last
week,. sper'lall3F spoke to' Women,
Ast for particulars.
eria b thi French Governmeut.
T brets are indispensible to moth.
patients reco,�eriing from feverq and all
di-ea-mles lowering the viwity, it is
counseling prudecce and modera-
about my natural
re—ilel- 'aure curls to every ca". %uylaard'os-
han ;U murdered t_*enty of
e ra
s,'! says Mrs. Abraham Boucher
without a rival. At all drug awk gen-
tensile* in Oerma n, 1-he
a" =. KnElsed and Can&d:
abdor Cbsr*i Works. 193 flea*oa street.
pretty little wives with tortures
-Pierreville Mills, Que., and SK;
era.1 btorst..
Berlin, Ontario.
inconceivable cruelty and her-:
adds:="Before using the Tablets
my -by wa's cross., peevish and
Most of t'he* stone marbels used
t-y- bays made Art Germany,
In the Autumn Rheumatism is so
that an-0-ur readers so.suf-
* 'is
nam a large country of
h-eastern Asia which is under
thriving but the Tablets have
'worked great change and my-lit-
where the refuse of the marble
is-11-tilized for this
fering will be' lad to hear that a
letter addressel to The, Dr. Wil-
UVI; it ruR 1101AMUFACTU111111811111 137&
rench protectorate. France per-
tle one I well and happy." This is
agate quarries-
liams� Medicine Co., Brockville,
Zrerything in Ladies' anit Men's Vurs. Special
prieds to dealers Write for mtsJog
the native Emperor to*rule
(-ountr absolutely. in internal
. Y
the verdict of all mothers who have
�used tfiese Ta6lets. And 'better
' It will be noticed in 'the Singer
Ont., will be to their advantage -
Write t07d&y,.
%V for list,
rs ' except where F-rench. inter-
are specially concernbd. Thus
still, mothers have this guarantee of
Sewing Machine. Company's, aidver-
rite priels
It N. BASTROO A GO.. 77 King GL RU& Tereaft
a government analyst that Baby's
tisement that there-ar6 three ad-
The chance of one fin'ger-print
iappered.that, the Emperor was
Own Tablets. are absolutely safe —
dresses at the bottom of the an,
Leing exactly like her i a I.-in
1!berty to carry on murder an43
t lire in his harem for many
that they contain not one particle
nouncement. Any oLne writing.will
beforp anybody ventured to
of opiate or poisonous soothing
stuff. Sold by all. medicine dealers
please address thernat the nearest
one'of the'thilee places to his post
Do Not Delay.—When, through
Par"l W Ow F"eimb P1 $a Try ilk
Ily the Fretich 'nuth orities
o b
_y mail it 25 cents a box from
Medicine Co -
'The Dr. Williams' .1.
-debilitated -digestive organs, poison
finds its way into the blood, the
into. the Emperdi's palacC
had-turned into a morass
Brockville, Out.
As a pleasAnt-faced woman pass.:
ecl the corner.-Harris touched his
Prime consideration is to get the
out as rapidly and as tbor-
GOOd NOUSekeepr' Wanted
-od, and -sc ized the crazy mon-.
That. was nearly 'two years
hat to her ' And remarked t6 his
bugly as possible. Delay may mean
-In comfortable home in Toroa-
Since,th*en the Emperor h as
Here's to the flea
compa lon:— my.boy, I owe
a grbat deal to -that woman."
disaster. Parmelee'�s Vegeta_-e
Pills will be found a. most valuable
to; must be thor6ughly-cleari'and
systematic about her, work,
�1 'Kept under restraint and Be
A Yillain is -he
I'Your'ffoth'eil wi' Ahe quiery.
�nd effectivo m to assail 61e
and tin-
derstand good plain cooking. Small
r- i'', ation..
And swfully hard t�l catch.
No; my landlady.".
intruder with. They never fail.
-family; good wages. HopRe IMAL
He nips away
ey- g6 4t. cucl_� -Lt.� - th�c sent of th-
Tb 4.
.-1.- Adelressi, sta4-4g-e_xperienee--
fiaing bo6ts 4nd shoes cause,
Both night and day,
--Regarded as one of the most 'o-
trouble and work a t,
.-permanen cure.,
and give references. Mrs. Wilson, 5
Holloway's Corn Curl is
And raises the old
tent compounds ever introduced
Dale Avenue,, Rosedale* Toronto.
l.! �de to'use. Get a bottle at
with 'hich to' combat all summer
-Owing to the"growing demand for
cu ra your corns.
If your children are troubled with-
ompiaillum and influmad
C jon of the
F� i le essellut; of-ruses�; many French
ani 's- C1,060mb inha-'
F Rotim' a
Worms, give them Mother Graves',
Wdrm- -Exterminator; safe, gure
�owels, Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dysen-,
tery Cordial- has' won for itself a re-
vineyards, are likely to be turned
into. rose-gardens.
only one in three can read
and effectuall.. Try it, and mall
th-t-no other cordial for
impiovenient in yoni child-
can Aspire
th, purpose to. - For
One Fact is Retter the" Te"
ksk Dr. Burcess-supt. Hospital for Insane, Man-
young an old sufferitig from these
$real, for his opiniork of "The D th L" P4euthot
A lt� r, Pr A 1,L leN- 317ND that whL%
di ine'
complaints ii is the' best me, c
Kas4r. :Fard-rolls $1. else 25c. Uns.
a �4W�n ass, M ay U. ou
of -had blo4A. In that case
Ccratc. exLern&liy applied'
Forema I n—"If you please, air, I
that can be procured.
if tnere's one tning.a boy enjoys
A a
he supplerneuted with Weaver-i
taken daily,.
would like to get a raise- in my pay,
I just married'.."'
"Ah, m fr' d
Good Man— y ten I
-4 ceing . more than a circ'us, it is a
Boss—"Sorry, my man, but we.'
can't be responsible' for' Accidents
mppose'you'vd never had any edu-
cational _advantagesl" 'Loafer"—
dog fight.
Prevent Diso'rder.—At, the first
Alto Evicayl
1(nows IT rJ
1. i's Government has rpeently
that occur outside the factory.""
"Not as I knows on. air; but I've
-symptoms of internal disorder, Par-
rlze.d the employment of wo-
had smallpox, whooping -cough, ery-
r�clee`a Vegetable Pills should be
..'egraph operators. The can-
be between
W1.11 A&F, ALL FAMILIArt with the
deep, INLrse bar glinly called , -a
sip las down the leg, an' a,
'A' the brain.
resorted *to immediately. Two or
-6r mur Fe
Send to.
Send f
inust 18 a-id- 30
age 'and:they naust be un-
c-yW1 CL,ugh. ake Allen'i Lung
K 11 a remedy for pulmonary trou-
three-of these salutary pellets, tak-
en liefore going to bed, followed bi
*a. 75.
I or w"idows. They must Un-
ble ghly Y,,ohirnended even ia
earheIrlistaipits of Consumption. 'the
Law �er-"I. must �now the whole
doses of one or two pills for two or
Me Bell P1000 organ Co., Ill. GNP, 1
a training of twelve mo nths
truth befo re I can successfully' de-
three nights' in. succession, will
Makers of Sell Plerivs,'11*11 Organs and
telegraph tr I aining . classes,
fend you. Have you told me-,ev-
serve as a preventive of- attacks of
Autonola Pawer Plan"
�% eive
-hich time they will roe
Being sensitive is easier thah'be-
erything?" Prisoner — "Except
I hid the money. I want that
�ispcpsia and all the discomforts
-i month, the same allowance
- ible,
Ing sens
f(,r myself."
which follow in the traiw of that
lv� drawn by rtiale learners.
Trouble soon fades a way and dies
fell disorder. The means are simple
wb'en the_*ay is known'.
-l"Do-you. know your orders, sen-
-1a(:e of horses, -bullocks-or
He who' sees no good in, others
til ask�d art �Irish officer of the'
,i r e generally e . mployed on the
in Bolivia.
has no good in himself.
"Yes, sor," was the prompt re-
Money may buy a house, but It
"It's wonderful," said Dubl ey,
cannot p.urchase a
Even if you are short, it's, no
"how wide awake the Japanese
Kno-w thd of the c om-
:1,1.� 'U41
good makin'g'a- 16ng-face over it.�
have become-in recent years.
"Oh, 'wonderful,
pass]" contihaed the o'ffieer.
41 -1.
Aim high, if you would succeect,
but be sure your gqh is loaded.
it's not so ke-
pli�q the observant man,, "when you
that they -have an'
"If yon -face thb rising Eftin; your
feft*.'hand would be on the north of
We for
How often is "conscience" merely
consid�r earth-
6iir hand
another name for "cowardice"?
quake exery- night. or. so in.. their
you, and y right to the
scuth of �on. What would be be-
In a world full of roses, why be
hind you
atch, nd-
ccilptinually looking out for the
"The kPapsitc.1c, sq'r.
A' fooTish' girl -may inak6'a lover
Why�is a gun like-a, ca-t7" askcd
Me big black
a. husband, but."only a wise, woman
husband lover.
the conundrum fiend.
"I dunno," -replied the
Any person who -drinks 2Sc tea
tasteD 306
-1� :!gggy
av or.-
can keep her a
rt 1U. use re
and once ."Salada" w'ill
lug chewing tobacco.
U only
"Because they both go off," ste'
"But there's iL difference."
that it is not only finer in fl a_
bitt tba-t
The best time-to eat drfapoei for
vor, as one pound makes
rrl�dicinal purposes is' just befora
-What is it?"
many more cups, it is economical
going to bed.
ISSUE NN 0. 44-09.
"The cat comes back."'
to use.
—David Graham has leased for meeting'of the township council
—Found—A small key. Loser --Owing to the illnej�s of D. R. 'd i n't er" .,�-,6o
.`.....LOCALISM- S. call at THE NEWS OffiCO3 Beston, the township clerk, the
Fall 4
�rsJehn Diekie was—in—tlow- term of years Mrs Jobason's hn s been. poatpuned from Monday,
QIty on Thursday. farm on the rear of the 7th con- Nov. 2nd to Wednesday, 'Nov.
—Ed. Gormley, of Toronto, was cession. 11th. -at J. Dickie & Co's.
in town over Sunday. —"Soap Bargains"—New line
—J. H. Beal, of Claremont, was 20 per cent. off regular prices. See DEATH OF JOHN MITCHELL.
:1n town on Thursday last. the new post cards too at McFad- Mr. John Mitchell, for thirty years Nine varieties of Floor Oilcloth 1, li and 2 yards wide. Also, I a
—D. and Mrs.. Simpson spent den's Drug Store. a resident of this locality, died at his I
yard Art Squares in Floor Oilcloth beauties.
—Rev. W. Moore was in Clare- home on 'Tuesday, the 27th inst, aged
Sunday with friends in the city.
—David .Savage, of Toronto, niont an Wednesday evening pro- 78 yeairs. The deceased. who - was New Flannelette and Union Blankets just arrived.
"nt 'Monday with his mother siding at iL congregational meet- highly ;'respected, -respected, was a native of
7 ing in Erskine Church, at which a Exeter,'- Devonshire, England, and Oreat values in all lines of Wool.Hose. See our Wool Hot
- ber6. Ladies' size 2 pair for 40 cents.
extended - to �emlgrated to Canada over. forty years
—Born.—In Pickering on Mon- unanimous call was ago. He settled in Darlington town- Men's sell -wool Socks at 15 cents.
day Oct. 19th, to John and hire. Rev. W. R' Wood, formerly
I O� ship where he remained for a few in Men's Winter Underwear we have a big stock, ranging fron
McGinty, a Bon. Dunbarton. years. subsequently moving to Picker- up to $1.25 in price.
pent —The house-keepers of —Mr. Seale, of Montreal, s the town ing township. We was a member of
a few days with his daughter, should not forget that Sherwin- the Anglican Church. He bad a We have those'sizes in Boy's Underwear that are hard to get, a]
Mrs. (Dr.) Bell.. Williams' I'Marnot" just doubles. family of nine, 'six sons and three choice lot of Children's Underwear at job prices.
eths, linoleums daughters. one son, Sydney; having W
the lifetime of oilel - Vests and Drawers fo'r w
Dr. Henry will be here as usu. died sixteen years ago. The surviv- e have sixteen lines in Ladies' Wool Ir W,
'al next Tuesday to attend to his &c. , Sherwin-Williams' stovepipe
K members of the family are Win. wear. Come and see them.
:professional duties. enamel is also the leader. - Just Ini
and James. of Dunbarton. Joseph, of Gloves at Se, 106
in very poor health and is no
-r-Miss Harriet Rogers continues one place to get them—"Thats See our Bargain Sale of Wool and Cashmere
Brougham. Samuel, of Billings, Mon- I I
Lan&, and es.
iconflned w Chap'ma )stly red shad
to her house. —Mrs. Alex Findla y. sent to, our Thompson', of Toronto, Mrs. James
—Geo. and. Mrs. Sadler, of To- office on Thursday a stalk Of White, of the base line. and Miss Come and see our stock in all kinds of Fancy Wool Goods and
-routo, are here this week visiting sweet as measuring eleven and Emma at home. He is also survived Dress Goods in the latest styles. Our prices 'are right and
s ye our goods.
ng W
A By
F Bryan an and family. a feet long. On the stalk by his widow. To the surviving e will be pleased to show
—W. F. Henderson, of Scarboro, were a number of ripenec . I pods members of the family the sympathv
Isin Webave the latest and n cest in Fancy C Hars.
of community, is extended. Th7e
was here on Monday exerc g as well as fresh bloom. This is
funeral will take place this (Friday)
his franchise in freedom's cause. ve unusual for 'the latter part� afternoon to'Erskine cemetery. �1C�le e &
—Miss Watson, of m's cause. of October. Joh
'has been spending a few —The town of Matheson, form-
Toronto, MARKHAM
days with her friend, Miss Field. erly known as'McDougall'i Chute§,
Frank Dillingham, of Toronto, was destroyed by fire on Thurs- A mate race between Hopper. the
Markbam, kpilriter, and Boyd, of West
spent a few days during the past dap.. night o last week.*. R.. A. Toronto, was decided last week, and
formerly of Pickering, resulted in an easy victory for Boyd.
week with. his sister, Mrs. Claude f Orm
Field. who has a drug business in Maths - The distanep, wks 100 yards. Time-
—Harold Reazin returned home son, was reported to have been 11 seconds flat.
being in q on the
on Monday, after' spending a few burnt out.-but a telegrain sent to Good P
1, , =i�
1D: 1 Wing
—Miss. Ida Bunting returned
home on Friday evening after
ending..,& week- with"friends1n
—Bert Shepherd, of Belleville,
accompanied his mother, paid
a flying visit to Pickering friends
on Sunday.
—A number from here purpose
- .,_attending the cancemin the Dun.
barton Presbyterian Church next
'T u esd evening.
1�. Richardson left for Ma ri-
P988 on Wednesday, where he
will spend a few days looking
-after his property. there. -
—The Soulb, Ontario Teachers'
Association is meeting yesterday
'and to-day at Brooklin, and -as a
consequence the public schools in
the district are closed.
—Owing to the long continued
dry weather many wells and cis-
71 terns went dry and many farmers
had to draw water for their stock.
The rain which fill on -Saturday
and -since then has done much to
*eBove the situation. 0
—On Tuesday, Nov.' 8rd, the
:farm, farm stock, implements,
household furniture etc. lbelong-
ing to the estate of the late W. J.
Reazin will be sold by public auc-
This farm consisting of 150
is one of the best in the,
township and should attract many
—John reenlaw lost a valuable
:mare one day last week. The
animal, which was becoming quite
*ld, had: got into the creek and
and was unable to get out. She
'had been- in the water for some
"hours it is supposed before she
was noticed. She was extricated
,from her dangerous position but
!lived about three days afterwards.
loss is .& heavy one.
=Rev. A. L. Geggie, of Toron-
.to, one of the most popular. plat -
- -form lecturers in Canada, will de-
liver his lecture "Wit and. Humor"
..�,An-Su Andrew's 'Church: on Ttipi;-
day evening, Jan. 5th.' ' He will be
,-...'sLecompanied by Mr. Hazoldine,
she tenor soloist in Parkdaler Pres-
byterian Church, and one of the
best singFr—sm Toronto- -great
treat is in store for those who may
—W. D.. Gordon, who has -been
on his farm in. North-western,
Manitoba for the past two months,
returned home on Saturday. He
his store and goods were saved al-
work is now about completed and the
we Have the goods you want.
though the latter was dariiaged in
drain -will be completed about- the
middle of next week. Mr. Trick, the
movingthenatua lace of safety.
--NOt for A numcIr of years has
contractor, ex ve;c tLa to have the brick
work finished by the ,5th of next month
Stove Cement,
there been so much • excitement- in
and the'- middle of- November should
Pickering over election matters
see the roof on; The building will be
-Fire Cla3,
as was displayed on Monday last.
a aredit to Markham and promises to
Both parties. entered the contest'
with every energy .and
be by all odds the most, substantial
andrarefully'ere6ted structuxe. in the
enthusiasm. Both were. equally
Stove Bru hes,
confident of success-, and- a great
de-a-l—,of-6io—neyis s-a-i&-to—lieve eKEa-n--
ged hands as a result of the ver-
We are pleased to -pay that Dr. D. C.
Ash Sifter'
diet of the electors.' "In the-Pick-
-Smith. who has 1;een so ill",'is'now im-
ering polling-subdivision nearly
Proving nicely.
Jacob McMullen was married lasL
-Stove Pipes.. and
every vote was polled.
While so much enthusiasm was
displaed, beat hum5or
week in Toronto to Miss Bertha Bar-
key. d4ughter of late H. G; Bar-
galb w.
y the of good
was maintained throughout.
While tightening a binder pole on
When the result was made-public
a load of hay -on Tuesday morning
the Liberals! could not conceal
Robert Harman. of the 7th concession
their gratification while the Con=
of Whiichurch, met with An unfo.rtu-
Ala o, Sherw"in Williams' Stove-pipe- Enamel. IsIt,
servatives took their' defeat with
nate accident. The binding pole broke
the best possible grace and ho pi '
and he fell to the ground, fracturing
g ot the rest trimmed."
for better luck next time.
the bone of one cif his legs.
One' of the most persistent questions
It is with regret that we re-
at present is; "When are we going to.
-Hardware and Stove Emporium
port the death of Mrs. E. Bryan,
get some rain ?" Farmers in this local-
which took place at her residence
ity are wbollyuDable to do much fall
on Monday in her 6263 year. The
deceased has been in poor -he
plowing as the ground has become
esperztelv=F in most places.
for a. number of d at
pears and
When rain comes there will be a
different titnes d t i Z n the past
bustle to turn over mother earth as
rapidly a s p ossible. before 'Jack Frost'
• 'S ...CHAPMA�
few months her condition was
tightens it up for winter.—Tribune.
critical. On Saturday last she
appeared to be in her usual health
but on Sunday and Monday she
Wbat we yolor boys mW Gkis re~
WIN imperial rd and,
gradually became worse until
They are bound to read something.
Monday evening when death re-
lieved her sufferings. Her funeral
They will read trash unless you give
them somethin4 better that is equally
app �h�U0 d Range!
Wedn6sda f ,
interesting. Try TUB YOUTH's Com-
took place on after-
held in
PA-Iqloaw. There is plenty of adventure
whqu service was the
Methodist Chureb,..eoxiducted by
in - the stories, and the ,heroes and
heroines are of the real- kind, finding
Proven ssuccess and v
the pastor, Rev. J. C. Bell, after
which her remains were conveyed
in the line of duty opportunity for
courage and unselfishness. More than
name and place in 'thous
to the Baptist cemetery, Brooklin,
2r,0 such stories wiff be publishe'd in
of Canadian Homes w
for interment. She ,is survived
the, 62 issues of the new volume for
by A sorrowing husband and three
I909. There will be fully as many
he last five years.
sons and one daughter.
articles, sketches And.reminiscences to
—The tald of John Gilpin and
impart useful information in the most
his wonderful ride is an old one,
but they say. that "history re
agreeable way. familiariiing THE
COMPAN'zoi's readers with the best
Xplsiey' Furnaces,
peats,itself." Such being the case
that is- known and thought in the
Parlor Cooks,
he will appear periodically in dif -
Full illustrated announcement of
fAreut.rw-t.-!es illAe wedd, and last
THE COMPANION for 1909 will be sent
week was the date of his ap ear.
to any address free with sample copies
ance in- Pickering. • John Eas &
of the Paper,
beautiful black driver in which he
: The new,subscribe.r living in Canada
who at once -sends "00 for 19M will
All A styles and '811 si
takes great pride. The anima
Abedien t
recpi-6 free al . I the rpiziAit�ing is-QUesof
lowest -
as a'rule,' most an" very
1"• besides the gift of Tax COMPA14-
at prices.
speedy. The other day John was
ioN's caldrider for 1909, entitled •In
going totake a friend for-a drive
Grand motber's'Gttrden," lithographed
Going to the stable, accom anted
4 n 13 colors.
by his friend, he commanded his
pet to come forth. The animal
came coforth4. but refused to stop -at
Berkeley Streit, BOSTON, MASS.
re naz muen aepression ex-
ists in that lzart of. in north-
west. Frost two years n gueces-
Sion will go bard with many faim-
i3re. While-the frost has affected
great areas of wheat, still there
are large quantities of first-class
grain. Experience goes to show
that if a man does not go out pre-
pared to stand two or three bad
at the start lie. is, assuming
considerable risk.
—The electicns are now over
and our subscribers will have, time
"now to think of other things be-
.-sides, politics' Being the fall of
-' -Ahe year they will be settling up
their outstanding accounts and
'While they are thus' engaged we
'would ask them not to forget
'their local paper. No person in
the country is harder -up tban'tbe
editor of the country weekly, He
has hundreds of outstanding debts
which he finds difficult. to collect.
W I il P
h labor, the price of paper,
.the. cost of
t -living,. postage etc. has
risen in price from 25 to 75 per
cent. the subscription price of 'his
his rates for advertising
_'and _job_ wArkreplains the .same.
The changing conditions in the
country makes his position a more
difficult one than it was E; few
t'eat's ago. We Nvould ask all
who owes for subscription
or otherwise to settle at1he earli-
es.t passible moment.
tne proper peace, ana 1coox To tine SALE REGISTER. w JLJL • A. 1 JL--F 1 road at its usual railroad speed
with John,following. - Not till it FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30TH, 1908. 'Auc-
b�ad gone' aihil6 or two did it stop tion sale of household furniture etc.
* . Two Important Reasons''t
and submit to capture. John was in the .village of Brougham, the
�t ven-son., Sale
wringing we with pesperation property of S. H.* Ste
and in a different frame of mind at one, Oclock. See bills for full
from what he had been a short p4rticulars. Thos. Poucher, Auc- '.There are two essuc.,al reasons why soli should buy' from
time before. tionee . r. J�Z.mer'.sgupply Store.'
SATURDAY-, OCT. 31ST.—Auction sale sareTHELOWEST..:
—Scarcerelya week saes but of household furniture the property 1st— Because our prices
our goods are THE BEST.
the value of THE NEWS as an ad- of Thos. Paterson in the village of 2nd--.
vertising medium is made evident. Claremont. 11 months credit, sale See our Blankets, Ladies' Blouses, Cashmere Hose, Hose Suspenders, St
Two weeks ago a gentleman in at one. Thos. Poucher, Auctioneer. Laces, etc. Men's Hoots, waterproof. Groceries. Every departm(
Scarboro, lost a pocket-book con- Mo,;DAY, Nov. 2ND, 1908,—Important full of.the I best the market can supply.
.taining over twenty dollars. He auction sale of pure bred and grade
advertised in THE News and on cattle, horses and pigs, also seed
Tuesday of this week Mrs. Thos, grain, bay and roots, the property Farmers' Supply Co,, "'Pickering.,
Burns,,of Dunbarton, brought the of John E. Disney, to be held at
lost article into our '6ffic'6 where Hillview Stock Farm, lot 9; rear of
con. 5, Pickering; (near Greenwood.)
it awaits the owner. In our last Six months credit on approved joint'
issue an advt-, appeared -for 'a lost notes; 6% per annum off for cash.
was suppose ave On Account of Mr.. Disney selling his
been stolen fram,'a buggy In the farm everything will be sold' with—
robe; which d to h'
Methodist.. church sheds. This a tit reser .7 e. George Jackson, Auc
article was found . by -a gam.g of - tioneer—L
apple packers beside the • horse TUESDAY, Nov. ftD.—Auction- vale-of. We just arrived
block in. the Methodist •yards, farm, farm stock,- implements and have alwrie assortment j
while on their way to work -on' . household furniture helomging to for the fall trade.
the estate of the late W; J. Reazin,
Monday, morning. WearB,p] eased at lot '9, -can. l-,-(Kingston road). The Celebrated -Wilhams.' Make
to say that this article was not Sale at,12.30 sharp. See bills. Geo.
stolen as was supposed. About Jackson; Auctioneer. (No better gocds made in, Canada)
two weeks ago, a stray horse was TriCSDAY, NOV. 10TH — Credit sale of
advertised from Xltona, rind 'in 'horses, cattle. implemertts,: furni- We have also a few pairs of Boys' and Youths' Boots, odc
t' o days ihe'owner,'w`ho' * lives in ture, etc., the property 'of John and ends,we are clearing at half price.
Whitby Township, recovered his Crei ghtnn, at lot 25, con. 1, Picker- Call and see them
animal flirofigh Ibis advt. We ing (near Dunbarton.) Sale At onel
•coiild cite many other similar cas- o'clock, sharp. See bills, Thomas JR. A• BUNTING2 Picked
03 that have occurred, Poucher, auctioneer. . I