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P1CKER1NG.._NEWS6 R NO 4. XX BICKERING, ONT.,-FRIDAY, -JULY 17, -1908 —TOL Vile _—PIC.E1_"1 SPRUCE UP I BROUGHAM a club. He slapped his horse with the j. Madle Dobson, of Beaverton. lines and dodT,*,ng back, fell partly Miss 1 0 wearing has returned �,.>te through the r of, the buggy, the Don't "roil a nice driver by i�.afth%r,spendinf a, club truck and bent bow in 'the Medical old dull Inking harness. few_w_e� b R".t.. air 41 gitAggy v the "bunpud BELL, M. D., C. M. Our handmade single harness not George Philip. harm, I., A* M. horse ran and h te House Burgeon of the in a only looks the best,. but wears the best. Ann Almira. Chrysler, relict of the Dr. M. &to. General Hospital. Successor to We have also a full btock of factory -QVNBA�RTON _Wfin. officehom"s toloam.Ito8pm wad 6 single harnees, all at very reasonable late Elijah Vanluvan, who died in Ux- 1 0 .43. a. Fallin 4 to 8 p m. Pickering, Oat* . y The friends of Miss Mary Fdston bridge township on Monday. July 6th, rates. Our team harness p3ade tipjuSt in her 78th year, had lived on lot 24; GEON. FISH, M. D. the kind that suits . you. Spring and highly congratulate her on her snc6ss - PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON fall knee wraps, Summer knee dusters at the recent entrance examination. con, 6, -for 57 years. Deceased was Ayer's Hair Nigor, new fm- Member of College of Physicians and Burgeons. Oiled and rubber dash rugs, harness Rey. Mr,. Perrin. of Wroxeter, occu- born in Rochester. In. her tei�z;ls she Ont. Asbociate 0ozoner, county of Ontario' was married to Elijah Vanluven in proved formula, will Certainly OMce.Hours--8 to 10 a. in, and I W 3 and 6 to 8 oils'and dressings, Metal polish, Sweat pied the pulpit in the church here Lo*borougb' tp., near Kingston and stop falling of the hair, IndeccL, 111., Brougham, Oat. 11�-Iy pads, Interfering pads, Gallcu�,a, Hoof during the last two -Sundays to large -Uxbridge thev came almost at once to 01; tment and grease, Curry combi�aud -and appreciative congi-pgations. .7 we believe It will always do this JHERBERT KIDK M.. D. C. M. tp.. when Liiis town had only one store I I and was a very small niess there Is some disturb- a Member College of Physicians and Sur- brushes. Repairing done. reasonable. I settlement. Mr. u ;J • goons of Ontario. Late House surgeon of Gen- Call and see our goods. SCARB . ORO.BEACH. Vatiluven died eighteen years ago. ante- of the general health. *ral. Emergency and Burnside Lying-in. Hospi- Mrs. Vanluveh wntinfied to reside on -.*We of Toronto. office in Alexander MoTqsn's TIHOMPSON BROS., Pickering Scarboro Beach, Toronto. is said to the homestead which they had both Then, a, constitutional medicine residence. opposite Methodist church. Clare- be the only large amusement moat, Out. 251y ntipark n worked so hard to make. Eight child- may be necessary. Consult America from which -liquor ren survive. your physic lutelv barred. Although the direct.: GREEN RtVER physician about this. ors of the park niaihtain it beautiful D06 not change the color of die hair. 1 XARE WELL, Q. C., BARRIS- Lah-e �A� k summer hotel, Searboru Inn, it is a 2% 1 i s s N. Wilson visited at Moniolia Pcr=uU with each bottle 11iR, County Crown Attorney, and County strictly. temperance- institution, and- last-wee�k. show is to your olialt". Court Home. Whitby. 10-T - r — ATN D — ad d its bio piazzas are dailv fllled with Miss Allis Fuller, of Toronto, spent qTL%LV throngs of children. The hotel balcon- Sunday at home. Avers Aikht=.bousts. LT. BARCLAY, B:Lrrister•at-Law, les � Oyer_hnng it beautiful stretch of - Master Stanley . Dafoe is' spending Men do ".be may :."t" . Solicitor. Notary Public, Special Exami- ney-Cure beach which furnishes unlimited op- his holidays in Toronto. :t', ner for Higli Court of Justice.• Successor to poXtunities foi- innocent ainuseruent in The reason why Ayer's Hair Vigor sto • Messrs. Dory & McGillivray, Brock Street, Some from here attended the barn failing hair is because it first destroys =0 Whitby, Tly the way of bathing, wading and boat- party at Cedar Glove last week. germs which cause t4is trouble. After The following prescription is ing. To yo6ng'people who have been Miss Martha Ferrier held a party this is done, nature soon bring J the best yet tight. tip. in Rzi inland tu,.i:n a.visit for -the children on Monday afternoon. a about a VetemnaerV. full recovery, restoring the hair and to the lake is an unalloyed jot,, and Don't forget the ice cream parlor scalp 1 ounce tom oundcarpesW 1p to a perfectly healthy c*ndfdo;t, ARYGUR- iTektract beArberr Searboro Beach is tlia scene sociaL -at. Greexx.__Rii.PX,. Saatwvja� HOPKIN.S,VETERIN 2' (1 rams flu -OX -r -T I AT 'tin '5:eh itVf&ff 69-Tlfa—in ion OP A.'Za T) M z- e S uM -ev -Graduate Of V110 Ontario Vat rizary Col - loge, Gther,.z;pot'in' Canada. Ev6ry day _Nel'i's'nstillie Wilson ba"s� been elected logo, Add enough p sarsaparilla to concerts ate given by the famous R Toronto, rag-isterod member of , the ugh spru av- orgsiMst for the Whitevale Methodist Ontario Veterinary Medical Association ' 'If- make a four ounce mixture. en band of foiltv musicietm, and oh the church; file and residence one andoze•quarter mi;eo -Qorcb of Green R!varr. Office sad shoeing forge Dose-One tea,4o6tifid after meals and brQad stage ;n, the centre of : the Mr. Banyard, of Hamilton, spent a FOR .,SALE hours 8 to it a.m., and I to 4 p.m. Private at bedtime. grounds terobRtic, aerial a*nd animal few days with his daughter Miss. Vera, A limit6d quantity of mortar . for pl . as. telephone in my oMoe P', 0. address,, Green erformawr., are givpil fr( I-verr of this place. teeing, or fox- stoce.work. River, Oat. It has belpt�d_oth fare. aj.e over 0110) m (Ings -ers.- Ko"Y Tb Quite a numbee of our old folks"' See us about your patch plastering. V74stne*# Q;arbo. Why not you ? 16 the park including sued ijuveltieb took in the garden party at Claremont w; the chute-rhe-chute�,. scenic rail- on Wednesfav evening. A good beet- i4'ger for sale. ;WRy, the tickler. and rtiainy other We congratulate Mr. Lehman on the y rrHOS. POU-CHER Issuer of _liar - T M' McFadc' -,iiiiou aii, ti-iftitientdevices. - .Ltiidders on hand. JL ri"e Licenses. Brougham. Oct. leii, f, success his two pupils at-the recent 4 Chernist.and Optitian, entrance examinatLonar. Shop closed Wednesday and- riag, Miss Aggie McEwen has returned to, HOPPER Issuer of Mai ' . plCKE -TA F GREEN r;� E -4 R Lv E Ft Satursday. Do Licenses in the County of Ontario. RIN ON 10. Lemonville after spendilig a week oiticeas store and. his -residence, Claremont. Srvice as uAurtl next -Sunday even; with her sister, Airs. A. Heisev. in n the , Baptisit church. C6ngratulati6ng are extended tended to tV. 1i JACKSOX, Brock Ro&L BUNTING, loaner of ' Marriage �Viln Turner attended the funeral Miss Nellie Wilson on the success -6f A-P • Licenses for the County of Ontario. of= Wagner Co. of his uncle in Pal-is. on Saturday. her two pupils at -the ,flea at the store or at his residenow, Pickering e examinations '71, J.•and MA. Michell and family spent held at 'Whitby, Western Bank of 'Have C1 cui, a couple of days in Toronto last week. A doiebr of our young ladiis Walked afrill line of-rresh.aui 7. Kingston Road. Particular attention giv- meate constantly an hand. NORWAY 'HOUSE. -Norway, ed airs. P. R. Hoover returned hotne to Whiterale to church on Sunday t 14st week. after spending Canada. an to farmers attending the Toronto w4rkets. :g some ngontbs evening as Rev...Mr. Trickeywas un Beat accommodation under the new ms in Toronto. able to take the service here `on ac- Spice in Ba4con, Mr. Dixon and family spent Sunday count of ill health. pri•%or, N Ham. Bologna, Weiners, etc.- last with James Todd and family at Pickering Branch. Cberrywood; R. BEATON, TO WN$HI P OLE RE BROUGHAM Incorporated by act of Parliament im A.-F • COCIVeTanow, .Commissioner fort Eighest prices paid for Wm. Hoover has his dam re lilted 46 A w &&davits. Accountant. Etc. Money to Joao Rgaiq and. has everything running. in Btacher's cattle. R. S. Phillips spent Saturday is the first-class order. on ta!p= lager of Marriage IAC- city Albert Mrs.- Clery. of Locust Authorized Capital 41.0601000601. 4 am vale, . Out. The t -and D. Linton spent Tuesday in the� Subscribed 555,000100 Hill, were the guests of Win. and Mrs. ci 5KOOO REAL ESTATE Paid up ;!MV11L, TjeomqPd A l4nnx-ar Sunday last. ;.]I vvhp%Lt harv�-st hits be4glin in .0o time of York sad Oamno. Age: Rest -kccount bou,661*8 of al kinds attenued to on shortest Mrs. C. Forster is at WhiteTalst,at- this locality. -7 Douce, Address Green aivsrP.O., ()at, tending her mother, Mrs.' Thomas . Giorge Philip had a business' trip to Assets -0,000,000.01) Insurance and Burton, .who is very ill. Uxbridge last week,. Joxx Coma-•, En I . zi 1 MCMUJ.06!�� B. POWELL, Licerised Auc- Miss H. Woodhouse returned home James Williams is engaged with W. Prow anili Wo tiouser for Ontario. All kinds et sales to Toronto this week, after spending Emerson, of Audley. • eanducted either pr.vately or by auction, Sale Conveyancing DoRe,, rwo- weeks with 31rar. G. Ferrier. J. L; Cowie spent a couple of days notes collected. For dates or other particulars Spodal attention given to Farmer's Ewe apply at residence, Elizabeth St., Pickering. Fred and Mrs. Hornshaw and family last week in Toronto. Noted Collections solicited and p!rjtly Mae" 151T. -- . spent- Sunday -with- the latter's- par�- :�_Mfiss Little'joliii-,-6f-T6iib-n-t-o,-2—a *Iilt- F-02'0 Notes discounted_- American and House a Foreign Exchange bounlat and sold Dratu it POUCHER. Licensed Auction- and Lot for sale or to rent. eats, Mr. and Mrs.,Boyd, of Markham. ing with her _parents here. sued, ayailsble on all parts of the world Mrs. Hirst has -moved to here and Rev. S. R. Tucker preached his first 'To ear, Valuszor and Collector for the Conn Also Planing Mili -for sale'. has taken rooms with her' dftufhter;. sermon here on Sunday evening. 'ties of York &*4 Ontario All kinds of suction Savings Bank Department.- tales eon4ucted mad valuations made at mod- Mrs. George- Ferrier. con- " The Brougham post office ha" again orate charge, Estates sad consignments con- 150 acre Farm for sale. tinue to practice her-profession, that been made a money order office. sistautly managed and "d by lRuction or priTIL116 sale. Mortgages, rents, notes and If you went to buy sell -or rent, call of nurse. miss B. Brown, of Toronto, is visit- Interest allowed on deposits at bLigb- a ral accounts promptly collected and satio, est current rates, and credited or Ise= settlements. guaranteed. ? at office. Bargains. -inw. with her sister, Mrs. Mosgroye bons or MAR write for tartar and particulars, Brougham, KHAM and Mrs. Brodie attendedi t6 pffld quarterly to depositors. Out. Dates may be Axed by phQno Ng"re barn party at Cedar Grove on Friday once. The engagement is announced of night. 'Chas. A. -McClell.anii Mgr. M. V. Richarason. Miss Ida Vaud Todd, ddughtet of W. s. Miss Dobson, of Beaverton, is visit H. and Mrs. Todd, of Stouffville, to grg i her grand-mother. Mrs. Hr. F. Lorne Button, Barrister, of the Notary Public,. Pickering. ie, t h -.-Furniture,,,,, Seasonable Specials firm of-'Lennox. Lennox & Button, of Miss ENie*Braid, of Tot-onto, has re the same place. The marriage will turned home after spending two weeks Fruit Jars. Jai A fall line of take piece thi,4 month. Rings. first. with R S. Phillips..- :fiverq W. J. SitliLh. G. T. R. agent here, S. R.'and Mrs. Sargent. of Cobouig, class furniture wow hasyeeeived notice to goto'Huntsville, u-e visiting with their daughter.. Mrs. I -..-,.Best Grantilated -Sugar. A* ion exhibition in Musknka, to take charge of the station E. NV. Beidell. gtix ware rooms. First•c 'H( J. PhilliPS'Lof Whitby, and. sister, lass rigs for hire- t hepe. expects * ts to go this week. %IrL . Smith is a most obliging and cap- Tina, are visiting with -their Afull stock of Fancy Biscuits. Miss 3 Prices right. 1 Day or night able agent. He and his estintal)le wife relatives hei-e- Also, Shredded Wheat, Corn Flakes. earl -;sed will he gi _v ini, here, in. Grace, -,Nlis %I. Alger, of Duluth, i4' spend-' Bus meets all trains Ora,lige3leat, Wheat Berries, B church vv botfi -took 'an a*ctive in' ing a month with her grandmother, Mr,. eaming protrill d to-. teres Mrs Win.Hubbard. R. S".Dillingham. T' fly-attende tand in the choir of which Etc.. Etc. ng ger; the ' C,�o. Philip, sr., has gone Pickering, Oat, Smith was-a leadi Agent for Canada Carriage Co. Sahbath school, and in social circles. m- wh r� he willspend fh 1396. PHILIP. Grocer, Brougham Mrs. Anian -tin )n, wile ts da -31ack with his,dangbter, M - Ashton. -Fat Hogs Wanted W. H- Peak of Rev. R.- A. Bolton, sof John and airs. Irs. Poucher, of Toronto, i Pickeirtry. Nlisl�ouj,i a I.;th hi. has —enT a �co u �eo clays this week with has ari4v. ar"ved -ber anii y to the former's brother, Poucber. T bave the oentpftet wi V to ,end r 7% spend the summer at Toronto, to "Forest Home_ Mi s. Bolton and her Missionary Society rpet CO.,: Pork Packers: T - 91=41142- WSW 99912 St. John's E L upply.that firm with all the live - - - - - - - - - - ------ husband I J have beerrprominent in evati- on Wednesday afierrioon at the home and church work in the States of Mrs. (Rev.) Moore, at Pickering. re wire find Would e - A) �h ilt, in the ho "s the rL like fur over r twelve vears. J. and M-rs. Everest and falnily, of Sc 001.. AG have your hogs. I -will pay 4ummer dehool south -141r. Bolto*n had the,honorary Scarboro, are visiting Mrs. Everest's 'Within 15c. of Toronto price until IM degree D.'c(fnferred r him of L.L. by parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. GRnmiaidge. further notice. 'June, July' and august leads in the National College of U Nv, , Nash- pa ' i Mrs 11'aiXameron and fautily, of 1 'without -'Since firs. Road, are visiting with the Write, phone'or apply to ,k..to our flalljerr i it anv rille, - Tennessee. - that time he Victor e, break. Enter any time. New has has ta-kerr. the, degree of D, O. in f,rmeVs parents, James W. and 'Mrs. �r�e�t�arteS- a Write for it the American College of Osteopatlly. Hogle. ite '0' uc. 'r" al regularly or. Miss Lillian Hogle has returned Z. .-John A. Who d y, Central Business Col- With these he is so a to- BROUGHAM leg Toronto. The largest, dained minister of the Presbyterian home after -,pending the summer with After-'a much most reliable of its kind. W. 4�hurch-. h nee6d 'rest li,r sister, NIrs. Camerons, of Victoria H. Shaw. Principal, Young Mr. and Mrs. Bolton expect to con- Road. Perhaps s . o I in , e one has :. p 1 r . om- DOMINION BANK Gerrard Sts,, Toronto. tinue their church work in a new field. The -Callithumpfans hfid a very tin- Illen4a Offlee, 9Uoronto Mrs. Bolton will be it home' to her pressive parade on Wednesday even- iced you a watch or 'other piece many friends- during her vaca�tion in g last, their 'motto being "never 0 '917 Economist. f jewelry on your , adnati6fi. Capital'authdrized judge a man by his looks." If such be the case we will be • •Capital paid tip $ 3,800,000 Afr. Arid Me,. John Miller have re If fund and undi- BRITISH UXBRIDGE turned home from their wedding tour pleased to have you come in C ANADIAN Best Business' through the North-west and British and look over out large assort- vided profits 4,900,000 Work on the Uxbridge S(-ottTe.le- Columbia. They report a most pleas- ment of de8ireable gifts so that BUSINESS Tarining. at reason- by the public,,35 500:000 hone Co's line is pr-ogressing nicely. ant time, having visited all the leading biett 49:000,0 COLLEGE able prices. �he� poles Ate All in from Uxbridge to , you may get a. er idea of Total. assets..;;; 00 TORONTO Start.any time. a point north of Sandford. The line pl�ce� of interest in those parts as well. what �dn want. enjoying a pleasant.t h rip on.t e Pacific p the 7th to Wm. Thorripson's Address R., A. Farquharson, B. A.. runs u Ocean. It will be no trouble for us to .,WHITBY BRANCH. corner them west to Sandford, Ttwill - N F Tomlinson, who has taught so Prin-cipal; Corner Yonge and floor -the Brougham public General Banking Business 'Sts. have branch lines tip the nth. 6th and successfully' in show you our stock and we will 7tli'und-will connect west of SandfolA school for the I)ast two 4nd a half not cve�xx,suggest a purchase. transacted. with the :Niotinit Albert line giviiik a years, has severed his connection 1vith service to Markham, StoutTrille and tfle section ' in order to fur'ther prose- - ----- Special atTen6on given to the c6llec• other points - south'. The- whole line elite his studies in the teaching pro,- tion of farmer's sale and . fessio-n, an(T is�-novV "holida.ving at the Ziacksm�thing! should be strung and in operadon in two months. home of his parents irT Willpwdale: other notes. The ' %love tougli charaeters spent to be � Besitips being a successful teacher, Mr. e iin(l6rsigned having bought ont go X. dett 110;111)11-ik tlic country ffits sur'nu-icrilian Tomlinson h; SAVINGS btaq),,stnithing husines 0 usual. On '.Nl()ndiy morning of this in the social lifp of flie community G the f G is been a' seat favorite =)ejpcaJt1s received of $1. and 'Law , is prepared to doNack- about half past three-, c(mtract- and his b6st of, friends exceedingly upwards. smith-ing ill all its lines.. il"kii,. who is. putting in the, polcs' regret his depAl-t1ire*. fixieler and *ticiqn, • H, for. W. ,�xxg 11 Uxiwi'clge and Scott. Telephone t highest Horse- shoeing eciait�" t "z=terest allowed a lig - a - §J) cpInpany, was attacked by two ipen Itev. Canon Arthur Baldwin Onto current rates, on the' Dick bick sideroad in Scott (north Whitby, GOON c:crxipciandecl or paid quar wd 0, hiq residence, tiT. rern- "erl, ('NT Jke St_ Tot-oiitt)• Q 7 : J. -:_,� :,� � ... - _': - 7-w �tz-:�ri!��-` ���;W, , — �,F .� ,._� -, ,� . , , -�. ` -z -, � �'7; � -,�,-�:. :. 11-e-I `_,�" W"T�r _,1:_1111 I �� �� , � �. -11 1= - --- - I . - i---. - - _ . � � _ r � , '. - , , , . g I 1;�� 'i- �1� . , . I . - - - � , ,.,-. . Ell'-, . " 7777777�777777�`ww" . - - - 10 "I . - t-7 . ,, . " ,�, ' . OUR FEATHERED FREENDS. I 0.�. � ,* ............ 4-4+4-+++++ ++44-4 . . . . . . . . . ♦. . 4 # 0 ♦0 0 robe, with her hair' simply arranged. -M the back staircase, opened a glass ;; . . + and only a few jet ornaments rel',eving door leading out into the garden, and � . * ,.r .". . al sparingly wLt-1 condition .Pea --- - I + her soinibre-oostuine: unmindful of wind and rain, sallied i De . ... 'I � I I �,. He looked angrily at h-?r style of lot- forth in the darkness, and• ran on till 'de's. They will not help a hen to , '11 I • + �iettei.'but, sh? anceiied him down. ',A'ith slie was fairly out of breath. . something out of nothing. , 0 1.1 ,." .. . ♦ her pale face and commanding presence 'She felt no fear of night-site did not Be0er pay five dollars foe 0;7 � % 0 . r 1, . ...- 4 and wonderful beauty, she had the ad- care f4)r the pit,liciss pelting *4 Lhe storin that will lay eggs than one dollar, , ., 1: V ' , A "SHADOWED PATH P five that do nothing but eat th,Ar heads — . "a, 7, � vantage over him then, and strong .'n that wet her through and through,; she . . � .. �..... ' . I 1. !. . . in I eased q 71, 11 . . . . I . � . . . ' wild , A.." herself and bet- det,etimination. she t"Jok wds'licav' 'g all she haled and citread o ff. . 11 I I i . . - I . - , � I . � , * . I Spray - . :.4 _ , , . . . . . .... . I .1. I her seat with a feeling almost of joy cin. earth behind her, and in the N% Lice breed in hot weather. ._ . . 4, I . , . some � . : � . . . . . . I '. �. I . ." . I � . throbbing a -it every t IN. houscis, every few days with � I . . . � ' - , her heart. I At Itist she had &.1,irious joy of escape, forg -y thing that will skttle with the less.. It a, . " .. � , �1. , - . .. .1 - . � , ` � . . . . . . mind�-and she was Trice! dung-or. every risk. Crossing the drive . 4. , � , - � -.,7: , ... . 00000000 I made tip her you have nothing -better, kcrisene oil I �', A genti(iman, on her right, hoped she she entered the plantations, ittiI.J. puivsu• . ,�.�- �' I . . . ... . I . . . . f, , , " '. 1. . . . . . . . I . . - . • %vill do it. Doe it right -on, and don't io ., , � . . . I . .. - . , . . �L�_. . . - .� . . . . . I � 1; - , C was lettitr. J P �, a iiia. I With. the vvindijigs *. of- -the roosts. . .. _... ..... . I . . . . . . � .. . W . 1. . . . . I : . . . . ��� 71'hanti out she affil, in, 67-cl—car 10! NVniClNMM1iULI acquaint,eid she ' . ..., 7; ,� .. . : 11 . .. .. I . is F�_,_ I, ' If you havF, a vian to do the work for i; ,� 11 though qdi-�t tone, "I have never bey at last reached a stile that conducted , I . . W, - - . .. .. . . . . Ir . .. The Curse Of The Family . . . ,... absented - into the churchy�ird of Wavotil... you, see to it that that man does his . .1 t. Th-eveasion I z ed mys,Af from h.-i t- . ill. .�. � , . work. to notch the man than it is to do . � .. t your circ'e Was, that this is the anni- -among the lung Nvot grass and , .. . .. I I I . . 1 -77 - -_ . . . . . . . : . ♦ 3 . Theie,, %vicrk to watch tfic-man-thani it is W de , . ... A I . I %-4�rsary of the death of my only ., inter, mi,juldering headstone;, she stopped for . . . I . 1.�� 75i. even. stnike of work yourself. I . . . �1 % &++++++++++++4 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . .. 4, who died under peculiarly melancho'Y at, iws%bunt to th,ink, and, a,�� site did .so, - 'I - " IF. - . A ben that is in poor flesh cannot do . . �. .. " 1. .. Circumstances." th-L rumbling of diistant whio-els ind.ls I . , I I * , ,. . . _,:a I ' iiu�-h 11-or, you. . She is too busy doing � . � ". , i; - . . . damp off the long, fair tress. S,li(� was a im-cyliel wife and a model t,n,.Ilv h-ouid dining th,t,'pauskis .�,f t 1 I .. .� . CHAPTER XXI. . . . � wiped Vie dan 0 . 'lie btLsj�ziess for hersielf; you will have, to � �,- . � - . and ck:ssed the leaves of the rose she hest s-; that ri'gM, until all the rut.44de tem., e -t. re4ch-d ter. rar. . . .. .., . ..4. - as & way of improving AvaA till she gels up in gir-od• flash. Then -.. *_ . . - - Time, whiic4, b I-Ad Vj" off bet- ts",r's breast, when . -,--it - I . n vsi�ors had. driv-en off, and all th, in- "That:s the night mail," she mutt-tn-ci; , =: ,, - sh.f. can afford too think of y6u. _ � -_ -:--,. , . .� 11 hi- fortiun,s of some people. of ,be lay shiu)uded in her coffin--oi-ri,ld side ones rehired to rest: then. cli)s:ng "I will go in its' and groping bet- way . .- _-�. . , 0 .. A I i_� � Inak'ng matters worse with o!bii:,.rs, had .iie old Bible and read ALL the passages ' Bright red combs are a sure sign of 1. .. - . ,. I � ' - tlw- door of the dray,%'rigtoam, contain- 4ver- the graves and mounds to the fowls. -1 been kind enough to perform the fatter health in f,oA% Shun a hen with a I ..... - " I.- , I. .. i . marked in pencil -held the much-worn in 9 the quaint cha�rs. ad dai-4 tables, chi:rchytird g4ife, she t�-)k bl:�r 4'ajid by pt,U�, ,drooping comb. ... . . ". .: -. .�_,ope- allon ' ,'at- Judith Mazing"ord ' dui;'ng Prayer -look in her hand, and rained sth said to Mr. Muz'aigtord:. .. I tho road-oA.e. and as the ligh6� came I . � I . . � I . .D,� nut kit cny one f<),,jl you InVi, buy - death. , - - - ie . *he time which succeeded her sisters batter tears over all. ; . "I -want to speak to you." . -� blinking up c1cise, .tn thos, spot si OCCU_ Ing a hen that is old just by saying: 11 � . ' . . "hut she lays all right." Shy vilay do .death. -ig " "And I have much to say to YOU, ma- ',,<I. called out for the coachman to ,' , .. ' Lillian herself wasinever absent from . p ,,. 'q. . Wheiii, after a year of dismal travel, heir ithioughtisr; but she did not dare to dam," he retort,:d-"but I am too angry sit ".p. I [ Glowever, she retw to England, with trust herself often with a sigh of these to say it tans ht; .you had better got, "N-Vhero do you I that a few weeks and then some ino:u-- - . . . want to goo. to?" he, de, ;ng you WEE and her "laying under the I . : , k � .1 !. " :,.fher IoJy invigoraW, and mind re-st r- lia,ng:ble miemientot,d of the dead. . away, and not commence talking to me maj�d-d, pulling up. I . . . I . . roost. � . . . .. . . :� , 11 .:ed to most of its former powers, Iu,.' "They would unfit me for the ordin- now." "Londo,.n."' 'Avas the. reply. I . it. . � � . I . - :. . _..i! "Ali Keep hens that lay and these that do . I . 1. .- ... '. -ditb put out her canvas an another ary duties of lite,' she said, m . ent . ally; "I had tietter.not go away-arid I will All right," said; the guard. "Now. not -. parate houses as far as . .i and she was right; - . . talk to you," she replied. "I can put ma in r? . . _? in possible, - - . 1.1Ty ri;etg 0111f;Prent itioding, and iftia . . . .,. . - . .� .; It 6ecirKid as impossible for wile arid In the morning Judith sent d-.)wn a ii�hat I want, to say into a single sen- "Hajig it]*' excla'm.�d the �oa. � . T . chr'larr, you it;ann-ot give them it they are run.. lbusband, to agree, as for a cat.and dog rnessage,43 her guests that she should tir,nci�. We are wretched together', we "don't bring a %vorn-an outside a night 'ning in thc, carne house. . 1. . . � 1. .. � * meet without a spar-but she usually be unable to leave her own apartments shall never agree. In Heaven's name, Tliw this." " . 0 . I � - 19,r-t,the be tot for if phys:cil strength during the course of the day-brad in then. let us. separate." � . . . tTo tie Continued.), .- . Th-cTe is not much fat in roots, exuI , ... I land worldly advantages w�.,ra on his the bu,st:e of driving, riding,'laugh%trig. "You have been ,driving at this for I . . . - . still they form an -important, rart, of a I - ' . well-I alancied ration.' They help W keep . ., . I -ill never agree tio any ' � , -imoral courage and,mental super- --enGe was .I!tV,e no- two years; but I AN I . . Vde rind talkiiag. ter ab- . the hienis healthy. So plan to have some ' . �i_,A 40 ,jilin -n her vacant- arrangement of th-p- kind. Make up your (*,-+_+_++++. I - ... - , .*riV were. on hers. . I . dinner- time, Avh i+ �++_+++++_++++_+ f4:1• use next. •-winter. . f _ U -I- I - _4%.-�1ii__1fLh-0 .$,I- _m1r_dJ,a._lbat_"___.-.. _ _ __+ __ . , _ , - _.._.._.___.,______._._.____ ------ -------------- ____.__ � -_ - T. sit skimniza, millc for your � ,- ,iiinnce ' exclaimed; "I do not. c Mr.' MazLngford'3 attention, and turn- 'But is not the 1V we are 14,ading-a + .. . . I . . . + hem? if riot perhaps yo buy isQrnff, ...''. a I care what � . . .. tl. . I . I . . well talk - ins to a servant he demanded where sort of bell upon earth" she askii:id. put- * . , , .+ I ' It will pay you well it if You Can, . , " , " : , of hurt - , . Ung a force of constr�int upon . . . + . "Lr a oarp-so as of touching me. You his mistiess was. ' - I h,�r ut- . .. ��. .:. 6 - "Mrs. Mazingf,)rd has. riot been down , - , bera.noe, which gaye -It a thrilling + - * � . &ave destrk�.,yied my vulnerable point,, Iling in- + .. . ' - . � _.. f . Mr. Mazingford tofng;ty. "Are we not 7nore wretched + About the Farm +- - - - I ' . . . -, .- -find another if you stairs to-day, I believe, 6!x,". w" Me + + - OLD AGE AND THE AhTERIES., . . . .�_ I � • , , . . . . I. " � .� .. .1. . � '� . 1�. reply. - ; � . than man and wortian ever were before + , . . + — � - . . - � . .� � I �* . . . . . -t , . . I " - + French Physician Seeks' to t!pset a. I And he did try, but he muf4 ri,oli- "is she vir - *+ . - - -would. not an) .hing . ,be better than 4 I. 1. I , . . I I . I - " . The had last the only hold over *h4w he "'I do rot ljrio,��,* tilr," answered the th ti?` - � r�' I i g . "Iever possessed, and she, laughed his man. . � .. . . "if you l.'k,i to make your own life' W4.4 0 # ++ . .. Theory Commonly Held.* ., * T I anger to soorn. All at ancall. flashed upon the mint- -roll,hed is�'nolhing to n4,," he itin- EFFECF- OF SPRAYING POTATOE - , ,For a ! it g, , b,-j-L,k-j have - . ` . � Abreats and ange . it . � 1. � I --o . time. now tare .. ' . . . 1. ,(wn.aiteri>-scIc.ri:sis, or hardonmi I "I will never do axVthing again that ter,g ra,emory that t" was a day his Sw -red, "D) what I d(slre, Ln,a psoper Pruliessor Winter of the University Put- ck 7•ou wish, if, it be possible for me to w,.fp' loved 'to set apart as a sacred and riarmier. arid %A--c shall •get _,on.-w4ttl - . . .. of th- %A-a!6-'of the arteries, &,; a 'ilia'ady * , - � - - -'Iavo'd it," she declared-"nit.,yer, so help she enough. If you would iemPmb,e,r. once -6-11rgi�North Wales has b(,..,n con- o I .old age. i nd4 ed I t ,. - r*cullar season, and indignant that dwiling a number of experimentsio for �e ma'gi,dy of old � � Ime Heaven." Arid she d4d not.. should dare to permit her ,)%Yn private for all, that I am master, and will be the pm, foO years to dek,rmine, it ros-' age., A Ixok publish -I only the ether He hi house in tiuiwa, an 4.fer�e with his public in- obeyed, you would make yourself,' .sible. the effiect. of spraying 1.•otat•)e_1. (lay by a physician tA long- stand zil; on via up is - d &*Lng3 to Int,c . - . 611111iXit's, hie&i-quarters to Waleisi. a berests, as, he calle-I her appooear4nop.on ever} .oneels,�, a vast (!.&-,it more,,omf: v- y. indicotc� that 'hi to attain .old age contained the , . � i I � 11C the case at prosien t. Put C i a ' , - biume which seemed to Juditn, a degreoi,l all occasions, in all po&,4b'e tFib'e than is U unsder bLo 1:A_,nicflL has bean derived same llam:har &ClAralk.)nS. It has '. . ap,;Io.;y to the . . I , - . :. --zn6re unendurable than L-indon; for. in ip.Aoes, he mutt-ii,rod a hasty � I idea o f , separation 1,y -spraying. with ' sulpliale, of o.,pper I . - 4i.)n out of )-out- mind -�-Yen teen sail that hardening of the - - . -' I � :'_.4h itirtropoL3, there was .,ornelb,ing to hii friends, and I-caving the dinar- table, I El.top-ther. recol!ie:t I have ,iliaW� it shall s.-,'u1ion. The dress.ing used. tirtoer'es is wliat causes o'd ag-, and . � I . . cic'nsil.-sted :, , I idistrazi her mind from the subject ,.;f j,, azoertain. 9) he sad, !f Mrs. Nititz'zig- , TI-Ver b? --and, abovt, all, never dilro• ff,e) cf 24.jo,un(Is siulpha:e cif copper, 1 30 tha" 'ho-arlerien; (,ould be prevented , I � ter own misfortunes, but at Waviour ford were ill, b_. hurried to .her own croscs, me again as you hav,� crossed. me - I - gdl I . . I . rX.1urd ii:4. pure washing soda, 120 - from hardening. old -age could be bat.- . fl•-d, deferred. put off indefinitely. . -, - _?fall, r t spirit sank under trie, es��iecjal sitting -room, where. flnidingthe this day; for if you do, I will bring yi,lu iron-; (,f wts'er. , " . 7 1. . � I . . I of its to your senses by rougher mean.. than -.vw , N I . I%*. utter Vnelin-es--her heart door loi-1c.Al'be demanded ad1mrtta.ncE_ n Summajizing thA res'uIts.,,tt is ie �n N, I I. Lanc,preawx - has toll the I . Preyed Qn. itself-she thought 'till she - %A . hat (!,o ,you want?" asked Judith, any I have hitherto rmp'oyed." • . , French Academy of Medicime, that this ' . - � Fool.' sa;d Mrs. Mazingliu ' ' that the �avei-ug.�- weight per acre from 1, niot so. He finds nrter1,oii,,soc,'cr, a's ra. . . . -. .. . was weary, and she cried un 6 rd. and sh6 . . � he was 'opi.nmg it for him.. . - ' . ntatkeit�ng piota,tot-s - sprayed on bAh. " . � I I I - yout" he answered; "COMA down Iiiii &-(�pped the . 6r) , then in yiitung !hen In the old. and - . � - sick,,, .. � . word out friorn I*lw,en her i6i&-� o . cwt%. : . . ' I 1h., I.-'af was .8 IA,ns 3 1 . knd fesldes, once arrived in �Valt*,' limber, at once.- . lips with an" accent of such ino-Ifible p-r-bitid,ow. sprayed on the upper s & only, sh-ys thait it is It-3 h"Armful in the old ' . � . 4 41e, -i;�sbend managed too pr&ldi- a new ,% i t "a y "'. aih4 pl,lided; " yow can do cii.ntempt. that Mr. Mazingford's blood 7 tens 15 owls. 2 p,ounds,. and unsprinviii 1han in the )<)ungk,r, and that the way , . I n to cure it is to bog�n -early with young . "I source of irritation for her-a. a:ght, of very Ai,All without M-0: and I lik,l) to be boi!itiid, within -him. "I'itiu think I at eil. 5 trims 16 Cwts. W4 pic,unds. There . 11 b4.r brother'Stephon. with whom there alone with her memory." . . afraid of violence-that I am afraid of is -thus an average increase favorab'e -to P"'I's'ns predis:o.,,ed to lt,'through here. - . ..,- � ..- - taid been no interco,urse, for years iprevi- "Aron with t!1a deviI!-respr..nd••d lii-r ycu-that• 1, am afraid of ,anything on spraying o� both sides of the leaf_.,uvCr dity. much- ss.onie sbnu2 do4c, cure ' , ' ,t I "Put away triis trash,' point- earth. I shcjwed,y-Qu cin.e l0bre," she - y(unz girls inclined to hysler.a_ . . .- �-� �usly, in con_%quance of. Mr. - Nfazing rusbanil. -.4n lb,g, unsL)rdyed pliaLs of 0 b -'r 11 ' � . . - gOtlen II3 Tulft his ing to ttw relleis pr-MastY mt-Ited t.. , 6ttleld. sti-iry veihrilrtalfl-�.--AvirTat 6iiiii pi,)ufids. - C-titrast ng the flg,�ivs . "Arter.a-soclerosis is rot a di&,asie of i promis;6 and.rie=pove the mortgage de,,,ed 11or,.bettior still, put Vie 'AhAe lotin t" Ct,uld do wtien I would. I %Narned'you ever the last throe years 1h a favorable <,!d op.i* said NI. Lanceireaux, i1bitt or - ' - -_ . . . , Ill: ' itiff the firs, and weed&-and brantules, fire, aril dream as fast -as you can. Do,n't then not . to. refuse me the money, and rk�ult, .is, still .further ,-ipriphasaM. .on middl,i,, rigo. It . does not appe-ar after -' I .. . . .- . . - . � . land ruins, of Llandyl Hall., . hmtaie, flu; I te,l you .1 am not I warn you now act lo refus-o me a i rich occasion th•,re being an increase, the: sixtieth loth or sixty -fifth yoar, icir allwy _.. . ..... ' � . -S&Iphen never . f,irga-ve the membeir, W Wand any more of y1ur cured .- n- so�pnirstiori; I want no annua I 61'owiince ,varying from 16 CWLS. % p)und.ii,,i .W 2 rate unflergoi� a �erod ,�•f abV(-;t_n4mt '.-.-- '' 1. SL,ji,ja. I am out. of pati- -1 want no, a - 7Ai-b`-;M— 3� �A d .- . . , . .,. bW he ,proved cleverer than Mr. ,Mbz- t:rrv-nta'4 nori annuity, no sum In hand ff,;f�q .6 - - — V;eif N rit n I .. -t r - -ez-;,, - a n, g , - . _. . . .� . .� -t�w o:tihUs, ffiml is ti,i, -ay. ,"The &&,.ase � . ... . I 01U.S. . - . I Inglard.-had ever jlv,en--h ` ' r,--biAb-wtth-y.)u-amd-wTth-a.---t-&m-t-iTc-anytTij7h-g--r-o-nly--w—ant-Ft,a—ve o go in . illt favor 61 spraying on -both sides of is nut rare among : :dolts, being-and *as thoroughly " baulked his jr.toeiA to have you sitting here for days poaoe.- Wiil you grant, it?" . the leaf. 'In 6mall. po,ta'o•.,s thane, .'a ra: -e,ven te0AN. oien 20 and 30.•- It is more . .- ' I � "if you ever ask for it again----" he th,er, m Ire- ' i,�fit on thei, 'iin- riqed -6 - - . . .� � . brother -in -taw rot 'the pr6pe ty he want- .s you have done readLng and serifs- We P f�it,qwnt am,ng thow. I> -ve<,n 30 and I .. •ed to secure, as though he Vk,wso hat b!in1g, evamm:ng your head wilt, poetry tx•gan- , . . . . . . p!iiits tlr=,on the sjitay%3d,' while the 40 But it is botweciiki 50 'and 60 that i.1 �... . . ' . - been born and bred a. ;pettifogging at� and a 'parcel of such damned f-011Y.. T "Well," she, demanded. I . . . wimbt,r 44 disea.,ii;e tub, rs i1s; rather le:�, 1z most provittent, and in. - siuTh cas;es. 4criii-ey. . I . . • � .swear by—" . . °f will make ycu wish vu had never than- aft,c,-. the bm1phato of ompper &,Iu- most ofteni brings . dMth between 50 and .0 H-? bo'rr'WW money, to pay Mr. %faz-" "(.owes; I wish y-ou would not swear been torn." he said, flerct.Ay. . I -en -d. - S5. . . • ' ' I - . • __ ti4jn.has-.k ,us, It �%q take the av . . � .. . I- - . . � I "Its df;vel;dpM-Mt is more rapid am-oing' . I illngtird, !mint at capitalist, who - %, hit-ire," int-crpi%sed Itt-dikk, niorivioui,ily. . "That %W1uI4 bt, Mlh:ng new," 'sh,i, d,ragir, over tht, list .-iie,v�,n yearn 61 the the young man's belief. ihait'if- l he menu- 'It makes me feel-foel--" .1�h,e retorleJ; then she add-41, as it ,2e� ating - I ri ci-ea pars -ins dip �_ I . I je due to spraying it is -oA:4-rif: }rung a in the agod, and .1 ; . ber had mot thought 64•re were coal on '1:.ok4,d hurriedly aj%�un-1 ve room, arid, thic qu-t-stan with hers-If, "I wonder, that this ,,p'eirati-on has a very Nvhm --r,rcurnng in the aged it Is the i . herieflOal lesis form sable," � the estate. he never w)u'd have advanc- Ity way of a flniiiiob, burst into tears. LeAvLa Mazingford,. I have never killed ctliciet up-on Ilii! growth. Irdoed that ... . . �4'...,�; . I I . - . - . . . I . - M. Lancereaux RtlaAced gnither thi� � : e(fTrian,@y on it to Mr. RimeII.&_i,ii..em_pjoy-- I ."(�irAne, no mot., of this internal win- y,.., u. - � I se:onii.toi N,ii quite as ma.rked a feature -, � ed a lawyer to take toth principal and sens -," he exclaimed. "I th irk it-) man "And I wonder I have niciAivir killoj nf the result of using the scInV0,6 as.lthe' oryF'%A-hen he. decler,d that, contrary to , �� I . ; I . � :,' ' ' doctors, . I � 4 Ab,i,, general bolief :im.dog 4to Intereot 4o The estimable p��pr.'eWr of, .evol, -a.q ,,�o tormented as-I ' am. Ca %cu` ho, rc+urncd. .-rowing absolutely 'd-ecricase in 1h,,i number of d-,s;pa,�p tub- � - .. ' .* Mazi I r,:-Vr oi*Cli-ro<is wag nut Commonly due 0 Waviour. 11jill got. thi6r%o�,Zhly practical find dress y,ours,elf ,sjr�, ngfirid,"'he i'ale At the idea that posiiiiiiblv,at soorne ers. No doubt this suggesW a com-' rnien down from 1,ondon, abandoned the ffiddiiild, angr ly, "and, come down as I future time she. might t-,dk,, A into her par,,on with'sl,ray.,,d old' 11,me. %vn 0 prolong -4. 1n in alooh,�Ijc . ... . _ . gm I . itihaft.�- his father had sunk at' anthers quickly a-, pots b:e. You had bAle•r not head to end mat ers; i•A- suelli R prod's. tubers used for ',eed * with the . tutx-rs drinks. no more VV• it 111.111'� t') abu-44-,of, .. . ,. ...I .Z.. ... . . .. �- -, prompt ng-bore'd .�." he' said, '06r I will -make you "I.dare ay you w,ufd..l,)ng ligo," was 'drawn. from an(ilh,E-1, !..calif * lacoo'.., The rro.,fs attired -that it camel - . - . in - mor,� promi-iio;ng 'refur - Y. The ofdT t" . .. and likely- situations: and finely, to h-a rep.,,nE. A." . . bvr reAy-"had you not tern afra'd of .,�e,iiid, b�w,,ver. although sh.j%,,-:ng - -V ern thi.,se cau-;es. 114, ' . . � an in- , said. were w1lolly ... .7.. .."! . .. Infinite trium.Dli, canto on thp bla,,* tit.a- - "Yo u could not." sh.:, answer. d. ,,`bt,ing b.ung-for you tire a c,i,,ward iti's crease on all the: sqi•ay"w plitit.4 ,jvir l,h4,. irisufll�iiient. It either, wAs poisoning. . - . grionds, and commenced coining . them . in. 11 - �'imsprfiJi(Zi- LIM. kri;-;kwi, ,).Qio-n4J1,:-, AL---Qz 4kip, L .- he w,-Qrdis haid bar.4y 1:as6� hen- lips- %;,i ill u� -a I �Tattlt. Dolt Arikle ine�- -s1h " -wzn�rftmuclv�lnere�- Ui1A71-14.1C-_ __ I lz-zko * . -,k,--,-, - ---- __. - ___ - - - - - - - - t< . . I . . . . rit'01-f4ir (h., . ,aid * - - - b,if-)rc every one of the r,cl:osi4Aexe toss� .ex,,Irdmed, cjs he ra.i&,d his hand thn,ali- ,in the producticrt of :heavy Crops than Co 11 ' aff-Vion, n r was ali- I ment-try exm-;i%, Thiib Mr. Xlazingfo-d ma.de overtim 6 re'ienfliessly_ into. the fire.• \V! th a min.gly. "Dion'l, do it-for I'wJI ar,iu.:�e new so ed. either sprayed ,ip.- unsprayo.d, . -of friendship to h'ni. which .Stiepheri. �6. shriek Judit,h *sprank fiorwarii to rescue the housoohi!d With my shrieks -and in- L. the ext.nit in some cases ('lif rather Acoordingilo M; LnitmirTleflux goufy in. . . � t. , � � - - , . , he,, to thre"t1arte:'s t" flammat:on is Most ,jf&,n .the eia� of �-.._, .. , ., J:�-;t� Ceot�,d i4i the end thlit-he might vex his iii�mri`one.artcle��:irnc s:fig!.d in mmto form societv. that Mr. Mazifi,,ford, of ovc�r. a le - . . ' - , , � ;.,� , t tTobhcr-in-'a%v_I,y ta'k'ng of the mines, --and plu.ng!ng her hand abs-ildt,iialy AX'ay.6ur Hall, is in the habit of beating Avoight. of crop. . The %ve;glit. of.distas,� ilh.t� malady. -'Iii tricatnif,rit it %,%-a,3 ,nee_ • -the wealth Iik�!y to accrue fro through the. , plucked out, a -lit& -wife." � . . - . . !LZ13k.,13 AN-tir, in all Casts T -i:ih le;�s where fssiry to attack th., ihit;al jahenjIll.ena .,.. . .-... �.-.�:-�;, end in flamt,, ,shL nii c . .1 � . I - . * - ' as shown.-in iaer ' . .. � . them, and Judith, whom the oonverma- ViC 111file, and,: quick as thought. ext.hgllii With a coarse o-alh he sprang towards 1hir ,pray n,,,, was cari-ird through. Wits vo" disorder'. . _ - � � , I ,._J ton betweim' the two made heart-&.6_1 e, .5y wrapping 14 in Me 1%^T; and W:tn onp. hand otivitiring net- 7r,ri("Iu4l.,iU, tIltr['el,le.. lntlt'jft.�C 1).Si; 1'0• . . , _%--7-- r A lurn-od, with perfect- 1•(,,aLh*rng., fr,-= the skirt of her t•hi(•k black dress. mouth be wr,dnd, th., other through bet,. - ' 'ults axe'to be obtained by' g . ni%vin, a T,: RESTAURANT. .- --. . . . 1-: memories. 6.n<l the miser.esi her brotohaa!s "r . - ILyp me that,' he cried: ' ,� - * hair. and sh,oi0k hlpl�by_ it till he IN-as cl .01) lityini new seed and afberw;-11�1 - ' - . �- - .... #-I. .. - _ - d ". 'W he . n - , a t .4prityi - lim it. .. Be I, D w i - - .. . _. - - ' p!e,,,2nce conjure up before her. . "I will - not ;" , " A.nd as th-.sm,11-61i the perfectly .eki�aLvs Iii-si. he - . � . we give dir,�(ions New York is :fio havo.,thei llkrzta�t iiFsiii, , 'IS .0•pheiii. I bate you"* she said at 1--umt, luck of -hair, arid Writ porfuni%;., ul tilting her from him, his hand was full f,j r sp ray I n g:- . taurant in the world, seal rig S.LWD p. 0. . - -.�."_.71:z -� '- .S " lluilt on l3vt advvay, and - , - * �h-i r6s,�, and bright glare, of the fire ,of dark hair, torn literally out by tho The f�A!,t)w:n- drezis;ng is sufric'ent Vi". I', ; V bi- '. � - � Last, "find I wi�sh bou would' go." � 0 , . I - - -- ��g ' "I never asked you to •Wve me," he Vld'her all els..:i had perished., she gNisp- roots-anj thoroughly unnerved. b%. tho I('-,- one acre. 61.MO.000 .11,08 already le,eli sub-'cribed ,. *1 ....,.",.. - � '. - ... -. ' 11 r4--plied, "and I won't ,g) till it su is my c-d thiti boo!: with a lighter hold, and pain tie had' ififlicted, . Judith sank by a* 24 pounds sulphate of copilwar 1,98 per by the sArfid'ost,ei. The tint gard-en. w1h ' ; * . I N Convenience;- and accordingly he n-_ tstrov.i�. bo save ift from h'.1ii4 • • skla. conquered, for.once, in her life; by .,c*nt.-pttrp). � real triF4E;, and turf• a founta'n. and a 50. � , , . Mr. kinzingford • In va;n-'h,a wrenched it from hi�,r with I>odAy suffering. . ... ' 130 pounds washing soda. :� I � ,foot lake, AvAl le n i.eiproducti-oh in I I.. . � .�,�:1�2% imained, until he and � .. . . -, . , A . . qimrrelled. again, when he 'wont, away I-,.;s strong hand, and Ming it anoc, again , "There," .ho. said., as he rolled the 120-allons ('f water. . . I min ature of the fanit us bard ns e f tare . b q.. I I ' I � Vels'ailles. Thee � -.* 1-ack to his m-in-es, leaving matters at into the flam�,. at the'swinic time forcibly trophy of his manly ennquest W, and %Vashings-c-da is recommended in p4_ Trian."m at . ricstaurant - - ' Waviodr Ila - 11 a-&gf& 'worst, than he prevenUng hor from rescuing . uing it.' flung it on th:� flre-"ncAtr anger ante 1!4�-,ncie to little. - , . proper will c:ccupy the entire -riund 1. _d -h6d found Ih,,rn. After (h& first struggle she reinainc.4- Again; for I Will net be browbeaten by As in practice it will usually be dif• Vk�iori of the building. it AN-ill be 2'00 feet , . `You know .1 w'shed you joy of your TlIct, AM. she -saw it was all consu-m- any Awyman trader heaven. much 1,elsi; fic^ulit to dissiolvic,lbe above quanti',L�- at •Iring, 'and will scat comfortably 4,000 1 - . _.:.,:�,� bargain," Were h' .farewell voords to ea Then she hissed out th-i words:- li�_ one ,whom I raised .from a slation cne aperation, we Would sug that , �go.st pe--pl4t%, While th,:? roof aaTd&n is to '�, 1. . brother-in-law, arid, with a-"Gity,,di, You have burned a Bible, and I am. little 'Vetter than of a.b,�ggtir, Name tiro mixture. should be Prepared in a commodate a similar nv'mb-�r. . . , . •LN . e Judith-[ am glad -you are so hap- gad, for I wild inform ajainst. you-I seratatrc)n agn�n to rne if you dtirv." wooden vessel -Which Will hold g5 gal- � . . � . . . . . .::.* . .! J i- married I-, li,ni depa�rt,:id, laughing- I'ke will, so sure as I am Judith Ma7lhgford." "I dare do anything, I-,ut I will mc-Aror lions of .water. ; - .iON5 ON THE D4XTI.ST.' It . . a .fl nid over his is'stev's; m'sfortums.' "For which very reason, pretty (Me, nam,� it again," sire answered, in a low . First, wish out finis vez4zel itiorotipgh- "Ouch!" bilurf-d the bu;9V dentist, at. T ild be Perfectly husky von e: "Still; renieurber,, :y and pour into it 1 -15 gallons ,if Cean I i hen came tilk, drc,ary.Nove,.riLer days, your testimony ,woi' - ,Mr. be injur, d,. his hand with <)no of his in- . 1. I vvAli the rain streaming down, apd the . Yhlueless, A wife cannot be a wAriess, Mazingford-and these are .my Idst .-,vater; li take 4 pounds of sluphato- is ti 11 n loll Is. . . , ,.. ... . . . , , sky dark, and fh4- earth damp, and the false or true, aga:nst her hu9band. So wori,1,; cri the subject to 'you-that any cif ci:,.ppeir hn -lien to a fine Tx,m•der: pla& "Ila, 'ha!'; 1,iughed'the old farmer 'in prospect gloomy -then came in'ense much far that!" 'hie.. flnishiM, ,with a evil.citiii.-�4qiiences Which may ensue focit it in a canvas Lox* and stir it about in the chair "That's ro-Al" Vie- The . ..� . -kneline-sis, perfoc,t iso!ation arid yet; is I'; f-Or, . ' And now dress and c;)me down' Arclur refu,;A will rest on yourself." And, the water until the sulphate Of CoPPei` T , idirn*t;s�- Was furious. . ' . . . iny,rit-and, alminst in despair.' Judith W dinner, , I . . � !.. th er, for -1 won't st�nd, any more with4jut, waitirt'g for a reply, she pick- 4s di��-olved, -Next. diss ilvie, 5 , - of dcn't s,,'io o'nything to laui,h at," . i pounds "I flew to her pert find worked, for airs or nonsense. -nnb, Which had. fallen on � � -a!,: 7 . - me. I should advise you e I up h4l,r'cq x�ashing s/.Aa in five cations of vk -ir lie snapped. "I am in pain." v-.?c,ks 6:nd weeks together, at a novel, 'lot to cir,ciss me again." the fl4*ior,% and walked out' of the' room hi a separate tub. then pour the NN•ash- "kil I that's Lwhy I aiin 1•augh'ng. . I , , . I . -4-1 ' ' _t.` _71_ - I 2 and out of the fu!.,ness of sorrow can • "Very. well," she ansAM,el, 441L.nly. away to.-her �:iAA'R. desolate chanib,('Lr i.ng:s_,da-.sc,lut;,,_)n- into the sulphat,L of Th,' uht A � .. 1. ..�. N, . _ . L) I .0�4 X:va� orie'nif the--#-, hore � "Only rid Tn.(% of your pre:�nci�, and I Tfiat.ni�ht her hoitti.never rested on a solution d . painf.P-sii' I I .. � .. the iiponess of genius-and at leng:, I , . . cot%per &o 0 and stir well ' �(-AliA.s,� mister.' the hand felt its power; aind tho'ha - wJI do as Y4)U dr-,,re;" andiish,� wa',kt.,d, pillow. o -1 I The MiXtUr,0 Should filv,n be 1,t-stod . . . . .-..- ., z-.., ;is 'she Spoke; <)% ,; i rds, - dres,�ng with .ui) lllmu.�; pa),cr, if th,c,, litrnu� i,4 - _ -- c Y. drtation its intimsity, and the, taboo ; her - , It did not t,,ik(, h,�,r an hour to pull the bl . .. A TOD F,�;T . . Aimposlt'on cea.�,od to be a told, and t r<i'tim, and, ringing for her mail, w,.,nt f1camees off a black dress, to pul, ai piece •turn-o1 rcd rnoie vvil.,:ihing q(-48 shou!d lie - .. ' sighed L . I - - - - - _M, ....... I I I .. hrough the dut'o5 of - her L toilette -as . ..�Vb�! 1 •11 w,)rds, �,)Aved ca4ili, from tht, pen. . -1 of Hhlo,)n pin!bly,9crosi;;'an'q-Jld JL"nrden 1V1:,-,S1ol,6cd arid steadily added until. fresh . nay love:' - a ardent I -�, -� - - ..- ' ' - . . I.. I . U.-ough, noih;ng, tiad nappenei. L " &o she- whileid ow-ay the �lronry Winter , . cnn.O�t o'ci-,l ],Pct, all 1h, jit�w(-Is N,,.,hich I till"s paper put into ,the soluiion rem. lnwr. ",f yfaii only ikni�w how b�autfful days-and, at lcngfh.thL, lie had rnisod a devil In. her again- Ll',4 ,ntli:ns blue. � :. I . . .. I -inniversary of - ,.d hecit gib -on Iii her by her various . you ari.�r' .- ' is; - . . �!7, Lidian's. death ci;iwt� roulid. ri devil jr.�.ne tho loss dango.n'ous b, C; i 114- f1i;Z::1 on M, o(,ca&lon of her riot The quantity of n),if,-r:al thus propar. ' "Yeia rnusln'ti speak of it.` pro"ted .11. �... �, , . . I I .. *:_� ". ' i � , . � �. , - - , , '( d I is .1 . 11 it wR.T a silent on*,�; and hav�ng iiia&, tip I ill-a 0:14'd n1l1iir:a."e; I') . Silllj��;J nt rii�:11" ():J��'-�;.Xt'l ''f ,)n wl'�,',t'. the III-odest ,irl; "I don't want too know." I I , � � - ie;)V sac- C- �� .1 - - . It NN.qs day JiAAh always 1, wrap jt�JSLJJ . .- .� I - - "WhAr not,?", . . .. ml, whi nrith,, intrusion ,)f vis:tie)rs se,m- hor mind to adopt a certain course ul- is it thick iiiinvoli:ijig �lm,N,l, w L'7e Ilp-rer , A.,; lh4�4 ri�'s;ls ,if zpr;ivina mlict�n,,x I � : ., .�� ... V , " , , , * , I '�- ill $ 1 �Qr I .1 - I I I � .1 � I ` � I , 1� - I I � ' 'Fn r baulked "" ' .. _ t %,, it :9, 'arid , 1, 7Yka b ftiif� , - h t_ , g a a , � ..v ,_ � "_ "A , " �4__'- Z, - 1 � I , - site shut herself timat,ly, :she Could affilrd '.1,,i, bit., quiet, ri_,os'.. im, orfanL n)anus,-r::)t-;, rind biiiin ,rire cosily. �h,)k,l,d; lho'. iiiixtNuto Av�ultl "Wca'us-e," sho said, "it would make �.v�.'- a prof-inti-in: wh(m, If ti mat . . . up ,911 alione witfi God and It r io and,01boy him In fl:c"int.�ri:n. .' th, res.f. With a wild jn1F,6t2e11,,-;y-Th,7--4r-e -p�mfiod inti� the- inichin c t,�� txinwib-d." wit , . • I . e tbr6ugh a .ni ,- Vioughti, and tioked over the relics . A,m.)ist b, f,)I* cianva- c'.nt!r. . . I I . `'. ' -a Mr. Xfoz',ngf<jrd Could huir'od- ein the 1'reparati-ms for doliar- . . I � sh<: still pt c, sed �f 1h4,.,dorid; luined have imaginod ft po&s4blo for her.to Ju!,t---Iii,,rtk,n-I by wf'ltigi�,iigo snvo one, •S,.rny,n,_, .*,haiti:d he don-P al-iout the 11 takes a lawyer to dr�w, a will' 84 , , I - ' - din- L.0 t,J14&i. -,N-; I h curls brusl i. d "i, ;,ut, and . hair t,n,l ,,f Juije ,,r 1,,ogin_n�ng of July, and Vial; h�, can get, something out of the f q ., cif Lhp cunt n s of a 41 i Rwitn- wh:a,r she change her dross, sh<i,entcred the I I A � ,never cpanW at *Aj vILL.'r• Viiw. -and I iLj;-r4)orn,. arrayed in . a deep mourning, plainly bra;&d, sht, caut:ously . d c_ c,., ni, I - ap4iin in ab!,ul. thleo. .w,,Cks-. . fight over it later. I . I . '%. . . . - I I • 11 - I. . I � , , . . . -1 I . I ,�,,, , " 4,_,,wz—�,�,�j, . i. . — - _�. %-.i(leii__"_-�s,i4 _. _': oh- . f - q, I e�'. .- , , �1 -, " , , , , - I ;i! -1 . 1* �� 1 . , , , - _11, "� -11 - ,).��..4!�i,�I,i�z�w, A ,�� , , V � - , , " , -� ,0 - rkl:A-Pti-A.� t�,.A�4_-.,,i,1,r' 4., - �� ,� __ ., - - ! , ,t , *�--. �If�-!� I z�--jz�_rz !,Zl�-..:�Irt��-..I:t��'---.�-.� *i _:._4�4i�-�._I�,,�_ 2L� _,_,_,_.__.__ - I I . � - � � . 1.1 _� ::��'. �;;��T__-1;7'� ��.r'-��V'.�-.,�.�-�,7,"�.-.-:: - -_:L� ... ,�_'_ '1�rl'4�7,7, .-. .1r,.' %,,� I t,14 � I ��"`-,A"7-'�'.`.. ,,� .7,;- .. � 4. ,.14N i, ,�� . - 4T. �- , I .1. . I . . . ...", . , i '. � - - , , _ , ` , 1�. ,-,-."-- -- - -*77,��-,-"��-� vii"' - - , � --VT�L ' - ' '� �: •- ,� ._ - , '11'4% t-ii,- _-�F�,� .;M - " .. . I , . f,. �,'�F � -, .1. . 1 . - I 1 .. ;�'_-;��.-7`-�.-, . -�� 7. _-, .*'� - -, I ,.:, - I � . .. � , � .�, ^ ,, - - :V- : , . .. .. .:::: I -1 -,�t.,I,, ,Zy-w .� 1 ,4 , - "�, � . .. : 4. _zj�1,;,WX3Xi1! �9__'F_ ` W .., ,' ,��,� � 11 ��..-� ....�-, 77 r�-- . VVIC .� - .- . - '. . __ __ I --_". . ... .. I .1 . -5, - - 't ., . . I . . _�i' r*_� -1. - I .;. � , , .. .:., p.�.�,�.,.,..�,�...�-�'.. � ,r �_ . . . .�i.� -,. ."; ,.. I .11.,.Z, % ., .. - ii, ,r , �� - , . . ,, . z 7 r , - , . . � , . - , - . , . . � �. ��, * , — , , , - . , :*�,� , � I . , �,-��_11 : � * , '; - 1 , -1 71� .1 �. �; , , � " , -, �:. :,�,�: I ` . 7 _17 , . - , 1�, - - . , � I - ,�- 1, � . "I - I �:I,---'��` .. :: � :�: I , , ".4, , .- - , .1 _ ., - �.. , .� - �- , : , -. .,,-,��: ." _ ".11 .. . " .. � .4 1 s�, lik::. . . . . 1 1. � . , � � _� . .1 I , I - - - 11 1, ; . I _. � , , I :, � I , . .�, . . . , . L�1� � - � .- - ,:,i�.--t-4 . , � ;' t,''.., In, " , ,, _ � . � _�. . .. . . I �� .'i - . I . � _ LEADING MARKETS _ GRE Rl FIR IN EIST BOST01 BREADSTUFFS. 11 I I I . I . . � . � .. ., Tomnto, July iA.-.Ontari,o wheat - . . t::,. . . . . 1, . .- . '. ..., . . I . .. .K , . . . �� . J . . I 1., - � , . . . :. :�� 1I . ,, -e I . . . � . . '. ,� � . . � No. 2 white, i ci or mixed, 78c, to 79c. - I Mtin toba NVheat-Market qu�'tatlons n , ' * at Go-,rginn Bay Nrts, No. I Dorther Los s a' Million' and a -Half, Mostly Upon Twto Passenger Trains Met 'Head-on "Neu ,,.,7,,; No. 2 ivjrthern, $1-CAY2; No. 3 � , -n. $1.013/2. . uvrthei --- 4� - : .: I --- . . ; _ . higher a - �.. . . (% t r,-Ne. 2 _11_., : 0 .. . Medicine—Hat. - .- Boston and A a!"!" Railroad . . ZLI UcbLLJ - JLI, I .1 . I - . . .. I . , � I . __. 82,: outsi&. . � � -_ __ � . . . , , I I I � , . I I ..-.� c .*., . . . O:it.sOntar:-o, No..-2 whit'�, 42C to 43c, S , � I . -. ; . . I .. . . . , . .. '.. . . 1w<-, lu �. , , Asid,e; N,i). 2, mix, d. 42c; Man;tooba No. . I . : .. .,� - . . I � , - . . . : , . . .. oL .. . � .. " . 1 , . . Z 42c lake ports, ro ,4e P t � , 1. jeqt�, 37c Luk -01' s-, . ,-1 ,�� :iiining Into ' -y-N6.'2. .53,�- to 55c% . -A despatch from \Iadici6a Hat says: . rWge. Th passenger was ru Bari, -sp Seven k i Ved and many injured is the that town. when, %vitho,at EL m0ment's N,as-.No. 2 qu:4.1t, noml=Uy qutoted A dk &'.ch frorft Boston, Masai., says: many loaded freight cars, had, bem (to , ' . im flyer! appeared . Fanned by a br:sk north wind, a fire, stroyed. -' W,rible result-of a hcad-on ,collLsion be- vvarn ,,,, the -Sr-oliune. a't. 90'. .. . I el-evod to haw been (Mu&ed by sp,-)n- S;.vexal vossels and. lighters. nanowly ' . , -upt curve and in an ill e ens Lan'--�ous combu,iztl(�n jur a l000rnotive escaped desfruction. Tht� big Leyland tv.eew the Sly.kane flyer and the Cr,ow's around an gbi tale of R� -.Ni). 2. ri<6� -offering; quotati � ,�� Nest passenger train, which cciaurred sLant a clioudof steard told the. tibout M,�. . i s,-ark. &wept nearly a quarter c,f a mile Line steamer Dt.vonian was mogred a,t __ � crios�___tbc a-w-fut-&-o—jiu.. , I ilisi,.)n. The injured were .. - -Thursday mornin-g at -tbe _ , 6 Bu*.-kwhi - No. 2 nomindll �0 - . _:F� pital, WF. -Eni ,— _.. - ---. .- ___!y qu `t�� 1.-t,h,e--harboi-ii,ori�-.��East-Bc-si,jT�-I.nte one'of -th-e-piers-which -was des'royed, The hu%riod to the h-os " e, I . . . . - - here. . orl. Wednesday, caus,ng a property 1.0813- but, the craft was warped'out the at Prultt's� brickyard. nit-at fe.w bi�ourj lat�er. 65C (0 6se. fnW dead are:�-Jas. `15ich,�Ison, eng'neer; eei,'T�vohey d 1,ed a Bian-Quo!ci a I $15 Vy $16 in bulk , is t I m, ted at near!yi $1.500,OW. Much sor%am vv:thoul gusta%ning any d a .1 . . am ge .- HoNvard Gray., flt-Vman; A:chambalt, Brakesman Black is in a .,Precarious out_�W.e, shol-ts. $20 t,) .,,;21, qu.Aation's ,f the „).:. 6 falls up-on th,�.B,-�stc,n & Al- Lt�ss fort�nate ,.vas !,le li BehimiA 4 I . baggageman; Duncan McEacbe.n, I.as ill probably die. The f,-).- d I;very in bt,gs $2 rn�te. L,any Railroad. Daniel Sullivan, a of Yurni-outh, N. S. The BelmonL was - condit'on and w] I fillitely - senger ficni.Bow Island; James Shnw. (fluse of the oolli<ion L-L not d,k' Fl; ur - Nlanit,ba patent,�, spfCial wafchman at the Canard LizIer pier, is ii by the pler wheici the fire start- I A ,ei-n and Irran Link- . . v I - knfjwn. Pa�sengers .NI_-Eacb , 11Tlg missing, and U is Leared lihat he per- ed. An } ,PW�s nger froln Bow. Island, Siir:ou.�ly d-:, $6: seconds. $5.10�, ,,�tzvng d 'by the time the t-sise was , burt--Robert Tw,hey, engincer; G,nduc- Black, tv�o well_kn,�k-wn .men, -IN-ri, sit- - $5.30;- wiliter wlicat pa.enfs -h1d in the flame�. . . I � (rs . lc� -L moved to a place -of safety her suPef- 0 Aor 'Mallatte, Leonarl BLack, brak,is- Ing tcg4ther in the p8sseflge-.ii. a,h at $3.10. - . . � . . I a W(�Jnesday's fire -,vis the mc,st d,�- si and rigging had been p'racti . . � riiey . . - ;nan. when.the tra*ns, came Ogethe, . - — 1 . . I ititru�tive that has .uc,?urr,-d altyng t�.e caUy ,destrdye,!. Trie'firc-ma�ted schoonThe ord Iis;on occurred wh�,n .the trains w,c-re found dying later and only lived .. COU-,`TRY PRODUCE.' I . , Were g<7,:n�, at a. high rate ,nf qppM ,rh� a short, tme. B�gg.4gcm,in Alchirribalt - . bi;lrbor fii many y4.ars. Th-P flam,cs ee Paul PaImcr and the fi.lur-maited ' `1''di d I r.'Fey)-no-ir 0. H. Bi<nvn were s�d> . �� IC"al passenger pulled r,u' if the vards was klEod w-PTI. Uie Calls I '1' gnred. C t4- -carn -�, 22c to'2,3c-,Jairy prints, by the tim.c. the fli-st flne-fighling ap- ly damavd. ALL 8 -o'rlk;ek and ttie conduct-)r h�d or- Several paisedger�s- had miracU:4ouS es- Ct -cry, sGI:d. . . choic,e.'2tc to . v.c, dialry nt5. ord�n- paratus arrived the f1re Nivas bep�nd The fire. started at 4.15 p.m. in a ware� � pr _; del's to meet the Sipokarte -fly-er. at G)le-.1 camPQis- I 1. ' - . . -,r%. 20,_� to 21�-'; dairy tubs, 1%; tP 20c; c/�ntriol and Le-aping from pier .to p� r. house on pi.-r No- I filkd with combus- , . 'e 2 - in[4.rior. 16L: 'to 17C. ” Wi fh! n a, belf'hd-ur 51ter the fIrst burst Vble material -such as Egypliah botttia I 11 S' 4jilco . -ed latorers were at .1 :Eg e%V-laid . are quoted at 16c to 0! fl m-fK- wn _1 vpred four p'evs, and oil. A. bund� ' - - 41EMMED ll.� BY FIRE. I THE DAIRV INDUSTRY. .96--N' . I three warel-,,ou I wilb 7- . . � I I 20c �er dozim in case loe.&. - �- s. a WTa.'n elevator can- w,prk on the pier at the time, an( . � , . . — � — e--L��cal \\h,,1esa1,u detti,ers' qu<)- laln:ng, 30,(M b.u,,h4els ,ul grain and 1 all -of them it was a race for life . � .- .i, Cii� e-. I � . . . --)A'-- -- *4Qft=;Q&_4he=__ ug.d.�a_--majua�_Lsed- . . - _________ _. _. ____ ___________________ -,-.--.,- _, at- - . -M, I . -a 7_tridc. L-A, "'"i,%; alrer �=k. - - __ . . . . Sun at Owen Sound. . . noine-Big Figures. 1wills. - . . . - I ___ . . _� . . . . ' A RING IN THE CHEESE. WILL NEED -31UCII TWINE. A / A d4spa!r.�h fr.-,m Owen &-und sa vs - ,- - . .1 . A'd(,s,1alcfi'from .Ottawa �ays: Mr. J. H,,beN-New titrained is 10c Per - - . . — . , . A fi:e, whi(h might c&gily liave b-*.n at- A. Ruddick, Donlili'6n Datry Corti pcund. . I ' - ' ' I Vnde-1 with fatal reiu!ts, br)keejut i7l a s;onev. ja,e-rv-'dvn0e bef4-,r4D IhQ'C,01nmlt- Bean%--�-Pr:mes. $-a 0 so..,10;., handpick- 'Wontan Gets One W.orth $1,060 for"gupply forr Western H&vest Likely to Ti4 - . I dw.-Ihng-house in Errockh&m' in the U,., on Agrieilltu're on Wodn'sday r-2- e,,j, $2.10 k) S-21.15. . Eleven Cents. , . . Ran Short. � , ' oAh $I.- . - . - . - e [ rogt,4-s R,a& b� t!ie dairy- - Potmt e--Ol.d'OnIarios are w isubarban. sec!lon of Owen S�Tund� ab,,ut _gmd!og-1h I .. A dc,spalch frrm Bloomfield, N. J., A 6Ps,'>atrh from Wmn'peg says: Bas- - 2 (j'c!*ck -on Saturday rnoi,nng. --� jyig; Vdi%s�ry -of tfi,T r)-niniii Ile ex- 10.t,o $1.20 ptr Lag, ,.nd now Ani4wlCanki - Fritz Weber, a jroc4r; at N,o. 25 In th ays Ing the (stimate on a crop area -of nine boule which 6 cccu :ed b -ge I S ion -ti ibf M -a:k b.L,r.,. �. .fi I - 'i!n*et. Ul-ornfield, bdd si.x- hundrej. th-)usand acres in J P y Mr. C4.or PlainJ thatLb,- reduc n en I $S I . car ots on ti Wasngt n , mi!ion 13rtwn and ramily, a lamp, ,,% hich ha,l ditAry pri-,ducp was atr.tutabU� t� the . . I .. - I .- ' ' . P!even c--nts' %wrlh of chfese �lo a wo- western Canada, of Wht h six milUon . � I :.. -PROVLSONS - . - - beein ko - by I he b, dsxle ,, f his large y increased hnriw cdnsurnpt;,ttm . .- . . ' � man custon:er -ch -Tues&y. A few figured -out. by .pt bum n. . ' . hl--� tinder *irprlt. it is . It" . � , Irck. b,,y, Sui!<Ienly expl dr,,1, and ' Mr. Rudd:ck gave fi&u:cs furnished by -' 50 per bar- 'the woman return t%vPn1ytJVur mil-' I I M 'Pork---S1!iA-rt cu�, $23 to -S-13. 4 urs, later ed td the dealirs. that at loust . . - t Le cen ent to show !hit b& tel; jixs-i, $I,S.5 . store and asked Mr. Webr I -o had hon Tounds -of IwLn-e will be required Ies- I ban a mmutc the rc,� d wz S 'tn ;us departm 0, t� 's r). ,r.'f flames. Mr. Bro%,n man -s tweeri IOW and 1q07 the vituic of cream- -; I' . ksl a diamond ring. -11�� said "Nn," for l..y th,, farme this Fetison. Con,�ider- aged o get hi Lard�Tierce-j,. 12-2; ,tubs, 12Y,c ,a'14i, rs 16C,r, cut of the ro-trin, but %vas -unable Pry buAer.:che4D.5, rnll",nd condensed ,- . . . . 1. I . en the we- ' -- 12�/� . . - . I-e .had n4,ver owned z.ne. Th, able difficulty i.,- ex IAI re'ach tho--front door as the sta!r- rn:lk prciduard �;'n ro'nada �mxv�from . pecLA in filing or , --In If .- ',-I,,,ng rii�nn "produced a- r:ng. set with three dpirsi. Lut I ric, s nt pres.-nt 'are about a ' " �Jik kod anI Pry -A.Nfelt, ' - . .Cale was burning flqrc(qy. He ,N as f,o,r,:� -�:Z9.29W()06 t,m'$35.450.cK)O. The ann'111al C,ear batori, I Ic to- I ly,(,, t,:n, and'ca&- gLalemng stones, which she t-4d N%,'ebe� &nt and'n qiiarler undpr th a--.4of last I ' 0-1 .W JL=P fr`0m thes,mend story win- vaiu,'� ,to V-e COuntry of all Cenadiall .,e,. hams. medluon' r,nd'I ght.. 14y2c to 's6 , f<,und In the cheese h.) had. „old her. ye,ar. D�,aletsz-fiad be.n. fligur:nJg'on a-1 .. do-, and after pr,curing a ia<16'r was dP-irY pndiucls v%m, about -891AWOW. 15r, )�.ams, large. 123/2e to 13c: 1 ack:�, 117c The vv;)mnn wa's very happy and L�ild nornial crop. and n,cw find lh zwwlvea �' A I - arld-so:!. Tlie Ten years agi th,re, svas n4) c-crick-ri,led . her .able to rie,-cue h�s- wife , i-i 17yvc* sh-,U d, .Is'. 10c to V1%, ",' rolls. Ahe grocer hor fthd *wciuld enable fully. a qu.Rrt,r,r -short of -the reiqulremcuta. . Onein Souird fire brjgad,e� appear�d .on Till, prorlucM in C.Anade, n:;;iiir there are , , c. broikfast baucn. 15r., to tn. take a needed- '11�e ring - . I . Seve < lor tu 10% , vachtlon.' 0 - I h i� S4011C - frn d b Lit for -the i r ,Nrvices the ral faA)ii�s w.W.an output-yal, umixl l'/%c;.gr-,en meaLs,.,outof pickle, IC-1t:Ss iq_%Vor1h-$I,000.. . . - . 1. . _. � I _7 .� . .* � -- firit ” wo u A d<-. -�yed o-very house &I near�y one m i Ilion' dollars. � 1, . � . . . . . . . . . . I . I GREAT UNION STOCK YARDS. bfive Ar, . _ than smok, J. 6 * I . I - . . - .. : . - I. . — . cti the 6"Wif. As ,t was, .%I!-. B7-own4s, . + � . - . . . . . - . . . . relkdcnc,_w&,,s 0011r)let'ly �'enrolishe.!. . BIG COAL PROPERTY SALE. ' . - ,NIONTR&kL MAnKFTS. 1 - . IKILLED BY HAYFORK. - . .. -, lbrec 1310 Rallrl6ads' will Units at Win. . �1. and , all his b)u�ehold efV;cts were , . . . . I n1pea. %I.-.nt,ica%' J,.:Iv I4.-Fl%r-Nlin1toba — . . I . .burned. Tte_Wtal damj)ge ajnv�unts to �, 'e -iUsh Little .Q;on ,of Mr. Oliver Btirton of A despritch'-fi-e-m - N),'Innipeg -says, 4 c.,,Ow. I % goliations, for Purch.me of B, s;ring wh-�at pal,viiits. 8G.10 to..$&.210, W:C- . . . 11 . han St4bed in Breast— . . M. nvoinent hag bcen on Itiot here- for A - ' yaug . Columbia Areas. ,,nd pal,11114* .5,50 I, S'),,O: winter . wh-'a � , - A d4i -ri- - t pal4L�qjt�, ,k.�) to $5.50; st.;aghl r. I , il) �i I. h om Wi41br4;ge -a�s: A s rin., tim-e pait.tc e.-tablish a municipal . .�Vnteh from- V;ctoria ... S.1 y.;: 11 0LADE I,N HIS BREti . ' , R, r in 'Lag� $I.TJ s � <#-- k -yaTd, bec,k,,d by the U% a S ock . . 'ST. .� - A d I, f z, '$4.23 1� i * ,.:50, to -fa tii hecde: i I ,occ'arrcd 4 n Thur-ylo'y c, n - I — L i; learned on (:cA4Ient atithc,'r,tv 'hat ", . tht fart Stlippor,' As.scc,at'on. It was given d als $2.1()-. oxfr!i, .., . % - Burtua. n nth zt .1.50 -t,� $1.70. 11 of \It Oijvei ".. alit" J. pen- )`.�Igot ' ;aV,ns for ,,�rle of the .'arpc�. . .. I , . AVIndbOr Bay Named NY ,: Vift F4A Rkfildg�� af� N;�i`leetiV'ei. ;_M_� A RC414,& Oat"2..73, A. ba�s -of 90 . J_j N." t v,rl�: )� 1 ,, . ... . , . ii!llc s-,n. .six n,�unceniciit.o - �. . . . ninglun ,Killed. a -%� -,rc e-;%. t`c c��rnl-�eh� n of is� , I . N\hIe lelading ht,y his I .\It-. Whyte 4-4, trie C. P . 1 A r.- n in I 9 No. 2. J,)c, 14o'W,, No., 3. Uc to 6 to 4h.p effect that' his. cnp, t- . � . dcsNlt�h fr m K ng.,v Ie imays., Wa'- 11,:iXh %vill m.-au,the,t�a-ittsng ir,f th, cx- 1 Oats voars (,IJ-, was-f;n the wagon.. Tt�.t ,, .R. and G.- T. P., �rcs' '-Nu-. 4. SS�2. to M%c,; rej,cttd,, 41je, hErse- started suddenly.- - verbalancii!g �- •, thor w th the C. N. . trn, vi! v yvars c.'d, Iv,e ,,,�al- inte .s cm-introllisd by flon. ,2. � , t r Jose h Penning r 46%0 . . the - SO n 10 I Jzlnle� Sprin ng' �Q � I w�s D �mi'rtilM.. the htond,,; of J,hn . litnit)bii y.J'7;�V,d. 46, 1.6 40%. , the hi�red nion. As he tell the f. rk r,,ie:c- %,,e-e pre,parkrig t�o buid slid. mainwh -on. Mv,anutssor, . .aft I I) .LP!!r ag, Of tho, 4�111141s br&ast. He d" shortly gmat cn ydrds Ps"i6cm the pro. met-death-iff-a-pecti-Lar- manner at his I okibiilhna% 1-xz\tay4-r'<J1 \Vnnipeg.. and G iivn�� - -J,cCzutl-��. cut'-m-"Ich- ' 0 . . NIJII�el,d-Ontario Ir-in. fin hng, . .,-,. fLthe'Js sumWir hoine, Gedar a ni=ber of N -w Y,,rrk' millijinatroti. c,f , $2()-- aft-er. ' - Bcaeb. on ,;4 -2J.:;0 at I-;$2.3 � 10. 824. .Nlan.'O- . 1. � - + I - - 1. �... ..� - small .,�hippers would have th-ir intor. � . Saturday, T. he 1 ad L w I I.,; M t .1 n_J �. -1 A - - .j t. A o: . . .. � I the , _ fro n wh,ni Luki& :)Alishzirt is ��nk. Th( I � a trmn. in , La gT, 1422 t-j. M, :�h, . is; $24 ' WEAPbNS WERE EMPOUNDED. s v i.mrdd e r i h0uzoe %viLh a .smi,l', 1,ro,%er an I 8.57 armijunt in-volved i's upward 1:1 S5.0(jO,- I - . rg��S. r t ' � . . I t4 1Q5. - �, cha 'This is regarded. as one of ' ter, While whititling ,I ,lt:,..k ho rn_tult� (". Mr. Dansmuir lids 6' gn'flcd h4s I - -k, - - . ihe in-cst tmportan'c announ-ementa al. "I ' -- ed a slippery 1.(,g to get S.jzlle L . ,.rr�es. lie willmgm,ss I.) Sell andonly the ilueit4t,iin P:.Iv,�;,onsir-Sh!, short cift mr.4; pot Italian Laborers in New Brunswick.6is. , , half. L,arr,,I�, $11.50; clear lat . fecting the live &tock indw-t-tylost his balance, swun, his arm VLgo,r' . I tenn,; remains to be sktt!-�d. -Thp S23.50, . .amed of, Guns and Kni%es. . . - . . is 0 c; $23: dry sa;t14^, clearl:ibcks. Ile; . cusly t.0 re"ain h IVIVt6in,N-rit rc,111 1�,r, ,i%,'h'.,-h Du,;smuiri t I 1:,equilibirluib. and � -eT " I barrcl�;, platt, be-f, $17.56; half La-rre'js . A 41-esPlItch, from St. Jahn; N'. 13;, .i:ays: KILLED CHILD WITH SCISSORS. - 1-4 Vuli tho'bla,de in mnrils. 4mbrace larga &hlpp�ng mines � - to h-s -uwn heart. a do., $9,. 'c.,)ml%icuiid - la.�,d. 8%c to -1AV; in- convquence of recont murd. rA. New — . . - As he fell to -thie ground -Lh(, kn.,�i.i , rear L�J) 4mith.'and Cumberland, where jaire lard, 12%c lo l3c;,keftle rend,nd, Brunswick authoritics d<-c:,.ie,,i to di*-arm Waitrdss In %loose Jaw Hotel commin ' - . _ . u - V11m9ed d<,eP&r into his Lreast, al- the mai.rity of, ve.%els plying -on the I& to 13y,f'; liarn%. 12y,c to 14,,, ia,�c,;vd- ail Italians coming to. �work on the I CrIvne '%Vbile Insane. . 4)i he had alrendy receiv,.d a fatal .c,.asL 113 1I.e:r bunkers. I . . , breakfist "con. 14c to 15c; Grand Trunk Pacific. On Tu,isday a . �._.-'w,r,und. Dea.th was. instantau,,I,u.�. 11..s . . .. ink, to sze, -patch, from NR�ose Jaw-, Sask, . 4 ` WP.(Is.",r b,ic,n,-15c t> 16,;-Irrabi k-11-ed party, of sixty -were searched and- the A & - . . I it(�rrlflo I brother and sister- v�Itnesscd . STABBED A JUDGE. ,: al.-atto.r-dres-i-ed hogs, $9.75;-Live, $7 to e(mslables -secured enough knives and says: In a irmrcrary fit 'Of-insanity., on ItLe ai�:cZcnt and Lr;,ed in ., - . . .— ... . . . y te,�riy Git, . . ygln zo aid . - - . $11.125. , . . . revolvefis to equip an infantry company. a I _ Jbim. � r ,cted, but wai.�reiss in the Gommi,rcial H,jtel, too Rus,dan's Attempt to As"ssinate Pres - ch ese-W4-ter"I'Lis qu-Ard at 11%c to The IWians &trenueusliy obje I , I 40 - 1. .. ��, V. � the life -of her new b6Y-h' child with a . .. _. : I dent. of Appeal Court. 12 were overor - c. Qr),d cast�ims at IIY2q to 11%t ime, - . I I I - I . - . .. . - :.- waall pair of embroidery 'k ss-irs. The -SIRS. PITT'S SUICIDE. -.r: , * Butter-Finest- croamery. 23c t-P 23%c . . I. — 1 A Ibe,�patch from St. Pelvr,burg says: in round lots and 2ic to gir..c--��r.�; , - . ... .. yi�ung womman. :s a * daugbte:r of Andrew NJ.' Dwokracimink-ufl. Pri�,i-deat of the . -_ ' A RICH GOLD STRIKE. - -, ' Galbraith, a farmer of this district, and -Knmiin RrAd . . . __ c Of a Well C,.urt of xppc�,l aiSt. Bo!ersburg. who . fcrmerly of Seaforth. Ontario. - Miss, Vvd, ent of Tyen- Eggs,_Sal,ps -ut selected st-ock were , m-ade at .n(z: No. 1 at 19c and No. 2 at - ..dkitaigni Hangs Herself. , - . - .W&S pqAing thrcuch the Petrozavosdsk, . Up untry Now Enjoys Galbraith ii� now in the"hospital, and I 16c. per dozen. . I.. .. . .. . I . . 1. I-X 4eqw,ch - 1-1�M peple-)ri�ipe --say's, .,Mr..- Was. ths-,t;rn of t teni __ -- a lRulithas been 11brinaby placed under- arrie;94. A 366, Pitt a rnarr;ed worman, fIft3,j,,o ,snation... on. Wen'�Aziay.. Ile was se,ri- � . - . 4. . I ' q e -on Sat- Ously. wounded 'by a kn,ife stab - . Vancouver, B. C., _. . . --w yt-ana c,f age, in- & `- - 1UNrrED -STATES MARKETS. A despat,ch . from c"Immilt d %u;cid' here of a 'DROP LETTER Iumurday - by hanging hers,,If ch,est. His riss.-i'lant 4s a ievoluVonary ' Biiffalo, Jilly 14 - Wheat " Spring �snys: ReNrts bave reached , , at the I m:ly i , Irbs'klenee in the tif th oont�ession of ,ry0:l_ . w;orl,man. Triai of the pe,,ple accused stronger; - No. I N-cwthern carkads, rich jold strikp on the upper, reaches 'on .11 . brigLriial WRI. Pr6bably gd IntW Effect, Md --dinage, , f�w - er Stx)!ypin's house sl%ro, S1.15Y,; NVintor flr.m; No. -2; red, ck Riv r. T _' of blovv.ng up Premi c f the Chillf%N a e he . � , CL nlil'es east'"of Llis city' on In Aplekanski s, �o ver ,, n, :Is reportt-d . of Next Month. ;Szturday the N nman vznplained of gpt . -�,a�ii; :N.�. 3, yellow, 78Y,c sw a Seattle rm .- I f -and nr�bbLnff 4he 94c. - Corn-v, to have tak,, . - . - A , StaL, Bank o' � i� , . n �out $12.000 in -a few da�'S, ,.' .11cling %vo,1I.wh,czl -her hu-sband went c,-,,t. . .f 4W4W roubk�s b,-g,,in -on No. 3, corn: 76 t) 761�,Ic; No. '3, wh� A despatch from Ottawa says: y-,Fe�,vo Wodni;sda ArnQn the !Grt lou pri 1� nts-ca��er- N7,) 9 3A'hif 58o Severa �Llays ago the pn ctor oame - . islel)-dailghters: hanging fr)m the , ba N iti, -sc.n,,rs -,vcre fIve young,girls ti-elorti No. 3...wbite, 50�s,c . Barley-F(e I .to dc.w.n 1-he ri'ver, bringing a handfuli owi III probably go intn 4 ff, ot. in the cillies - . , , wed . Z !o familia'r and high functionaries the mlii 68 to 72o, * Rye--No. 2 on It ack, nug�ets. .k rush -foll-j . -The pla�e of"Can-ada on August first. tnaile of. th,estairs-in the f rOnt heil. with Prjr:,`�,ss Michetzka andMiles, Klimolf., 80c; Canal freights, wh�_,* Lew has, I.-mg. fIgi4rQd In � L at 5c to -N 0 the strike ------- .1. I She war, dcmd . � . 1)und by the hight,rn'ird'' " . 'Markriff, Souh�noff and Enifflanciff. The York. stoHeA -of Hch plarer groundcs. Early . . 'A wh�n g�r6 and'i . - a rop-i around her n�-ck, Cut down. .\Irs.. pit,t had bewit acting trial is-cxi:ect,,d to last-ten days, ,M,nnen:,--,oI;s, -July 14--\Vheat-Jul�, 'pjoneen, - fcund it inace-essi.ble, as bos7 The G. T. P will carry grn:n fi om Ed . $1.10%; Se,,xt-mlber, 92Y,c; N,).. 1 hard, 'the gpolind.as nienton to Winnipeg this fall. . . . . 44— 1 . 1. . We Indians lookcd upon . I istrang,NY at times, rc"ntl�,. 41 The bo,ly',if Frederick A. Po,,hlc of, $ ,% 1 11,kirthern, 81.1.2%, No, 2 sucl-ed 'to the spirits 'Of tho 6apark,.d. - The Ci.- P.-B. are beginning their cam- ' . . 1.14%; N, T,-�rrjnto was. found at -F -Northern, $1. , west. � Ningara alLs, on Northern, $1.16%; N�). 3 - � ., . .� ,I.-- .. .. p,aign for 25,000 harvesters for the I 1 A Tevolution. has brc ' ken ofit in tbe 1-iib,!-ay,' with 'a' bul,c:t 'iWouni,d In tfie (ky.. F:otir-Finst patonts, $5,"'O I) $5--' A. fcurl-r<�,omM addition, is, t-o be bu;lt - The Huds<)n*s Bay Railway will be , repubiio of .Honduras. . r 45; flrst -uilt withq�t delay, says Hom G. P. �kad, . . so� seceind patenli, $�-30 0 $5. at Orillia C,ollegiat& InsLitute as a e3st. I; ' plears. $4.35 to $1.45; �ec-nnd cleats. $3.- C., $10,060. � . Grahani. - . -� to ,�i.&). Bra'.n-In Bulk, $18.5o. .- . I - - I � . . . . _ - ___ - - .. _ � Nfilwaukep, W�s_ July 14.-Wheat- -p— . . . . No. 1 Norfhern. .51-15 to $1.16;. No 2 Nclithern, $1.12 to $1.14; Sep I;e ' i . . qsy, to RSY�c b�d. Rye--No. In75) tro , .. .'. = �. I t Y, By-86 , - � , � .. ... - - .7, 1 -- ..... ,::. t., * , t � - tu 67 ' I . .. �.. 1. .1.. : � :. - - .. . � ., . c. Corn-No. 3 cash, 71 to 72c; _� . . .. w �. - �,: ; � - - �: - . . ; - . . I � . . . . I I ..., . . . . . .� .. � "eiptembey, 72%c bid. , � . .. ... , -1. - . . ... . . ... I I . . .. ., , � �- . . - r .. I � . �, ? Duluth, July 14.-Wh(,a1-No. I hard, - .- � - I . .- . . , �?, . . .....-1 . . I $113%:.No. 1 N,irth<rn. $1.12M No. 2 : - . , 1. : ,.: �, , . !,� --.1 . . .. .. . ,�,t ' ' .4 . . I .. er, . I , .. :,Russian Murderer Captured by Moullted �iort-liern, $1.09; Ju!y. $1.09; Septemb Sp' 6_by Suspe"iAed �# . . 92Y,C. * . . . ew York, July 14.--qpnt fIrm; lo. 2 Cooped in Narrow ac - I , . ,police and Convicted in Short Order. ... ". red,.97c to 13,9c elevatoor; No. 2 re-J, 990 to itirrive. f.o.b. aflcat: No. I northern,- . .. !, - Horse--Climbed Out Just in Time. . '- ' ' . Duluth. $1.19y, Lb.b. afloat; No. 2 hard " 1 _ _ - . :1 .- . . I- . . - - .; , .... . , ., , . � I 1 . , . ! w!nter, $1.04Y, f.o.b' afloat. . .. . . 1-iOMW _- .1 sw . -th�'Ir�-&n+-Ihe sent encie wast- ,I CATTLE NNIAlIKET. � --Vs--"-rh-( _K despai;c�66.,f a say . , P1 . [�i-n i rg ge'llUr. ithn. one m�nth -of the 'Toronto. July 14.-, Thers, is sti 11 n A (i a tn�n', SnsR., ttoin,,t; rif th4% hrtrnr-,.,; and ry .. 4hus effected w .f1_qpn1Cb. fl'�)Tn , Sa.,* ,Tloyal Northwest%fo)in ted Police exepute . _ I . d . I 'speedy justi-m '. . . sl C1,:1111!. * gcod demand 'for good bu't�cher cattle N os Hearing his brother's. shouts above, an , in the Yukon. On June . y Haii Bt,iiscoc, of , ten; had a artled *by the' sud&D obst.ruction of s But, though the %I,-.ilntcd Police in The at, prices rangini from $4.75 to $5.35, . -Ilth last word was received in DaN,.,s<)n Yukon are doing nx)4 effcctiv,� work, Choice wws' tire 'still high ',at $3.75 t,o sewational escape from a�pparently in, I ' be light, the man at the bottom of the . - -fng his. that a Russian named Elfors shot and. C:,mmisslcner Wood writes that in view s1_50, but common cows are slow and evitable denth at 4hie IY)tt-om of a 15 foot well looked. up quickly.. Realiz I . . ,ing, <).n *' il, p�d his plok on end and Ikilled a dornprinion named Bergman cif 'the influx of hundreds of gamblers, heavy. Not inany stockers are oil The well, which he was digg on the crouched un-der it, hoping to ward off . - I I .. . twe3ve mlles below Selkirk, and also dis-olaw women, professional lobor agi- ma . rket.ririd.the range of prices is wide, nesday. Hf,s bnAher Jim worked He tben managed Lot , I �v-cunded another c-ompanion.nameJ An- tribors and foreigriors of the lowest rind, foorn $2.!!5 for light up to as high as surfEice, and drove the horse� which the falling horse. �,, J - - �. . ' -,st -a n,t - a 3.7 heavy. . ,w -P the buckets of earth. The catch the bucket, which 'swung about C cersion Pol�ceman Thompsm pmmT)Iiy rrx. i gn,o i type. from Ala:zk and $ 5 for die -.-- - - ': wtarWd in a canoe in pursuit of Elfors, other United Sl.fites points, the forc-,�� lit Sbeop �nhd lambs are sleady. .Calves' home Pix)ved hard to manage, and en- eight, feet fmm the well bottom and' Jftnd caMured him tho followingday. On his disposal- is alt,ogether too. small to are perhapsla little fIrmer. . tangIrd itscIf in t-he runn'ng gear', climbed up thi, pope, at ,the rt,* of being A 7 9V E __ 1 !1 I I- I. " , I iptroller White received a meet the demands mode up-,n it. The in spit,; .r,f the large run of hogs, the whereupon it bricked towards the mouth crushed by a 'sudden mottos of tha' . . op ''. - �,Tues&y Con four FOCIt in di- horse. He just reached the top when � - � wire from Commissioner W,c-rAs of whole police force; of the Yukon Terri- price of ft-m was up to $6.8.5, fed and nr the well, an opening f-ur I � . . . &meter. .Tim clung ,to thq, animal's head, the, harness and gear holding the horse r . Vaws�).n stating that Ellors had been [<,ry now cons.'s of only 75. of r%-b<•,m N�alc,r,ed riff cars. Toronto. in in. �1 ,convicted and sentenced to be hanged tut 44 are ava.ilable for actual po;ico �Ktnnceq, higher prices than NTI�1_1 were I but it slipped over the 1,r nk far half its gave way, and the animal fell to law : . I � an ()ca.ober 6th. The, capture of the work. . - priA for hogs of extra choice quaLlty. I length, where it hung suspended by por- bottom of Me well. I I . , . . I . . ... . � . . CS .. I ., - . ... I . � . , * , * , . , , 1 �N._: ". -, - 1.�_ � -1 . � - I � I . _'� �__ �, - . - ,.� _-, � -L... - , � '_ -L. , - �- �. . -,V�_ . � � , - - - ... - .1.. i 1. 1. . �� _ _ �z __ , ., _ ". - - � � , . I., _1 1.1-1 ___.."1__' _�_%�,_ ,.;!-N., - __�i%,� .�.�-..�--.i,-,��-�-.,.a,.-"-r�A..,.L-,.L'y. "r'Pe,•�4A . a�,s i .. ..,' ... .- �.. .Yn +yR^•. ?•�ti. �,. ;e !e4•I..%:,e,roC . >... .. �ti... «., ...:. -- ...�_ .. .:.• :. -.. ......tea ---^ar :r«.. -;-z �' "b : ��°"" 'r�:�: "r- '�.°_*'.�'s7- r'�z' -°.` .- °`s'w+c"� -�' MINES , ;,,t, r "... e... ,.. l,..N•'�"'raAF :r .'`J.'. .. •+«r. .J'.'�•';'tr.�.,',;o.. .r3. -- .W+ •..E- .vT.�"..'a- +,r .rb s -.. a., 4"'+.ar,`:E .-,,r, ar •n.. H. -.r. "•`s ac .,t•;d' �,�'�,'i ^ka -. ,, ': ::.': I. ... ... -. }- .. ,.,.,••k•. .. A': ..5 .:� �.:. `. fit` 5 M' V�l -'••,` S•S:. •, l•, , y . Y t- �, Pt. 1. to Sr. Pt. I.- Marjory Mansfield, years upon said loan until the same a y (trace O'Brien, Jeana Stork. The fu1= has been fully paid off, commencin g I lowing is the standing of those who at the cud of one year from the said Do S O did not write on examinations. Sr. First day of November A. D. 19US,aud j�,J (J IV.- Walter White. Jr. III. -Clif- thereafter in each year throughout ilk �: ford Salter, Elva White; Harry Suit- said term, the amount set opposite r er, C,ra White. Sr. Pt. II.- Nelson said year iil said Schedule A. hereunder Alston. Jr. Pt. II. -Irene Brown, written in the third column thereofon ,_'The People' -s Cash Store, Edith Alston: Part I. -Pearl Stork, account of the principal, and the ' 3spnbliabedervery -Frlday morning at its Omce, Elsie White, Myrtle Salter, Berta amount set opposite the said year in I _ - ,Pickering. out. Law, Stella Prouae, 111ar•y Gordon, the said schedule in the,fourthcolumn ' RATES OF ADVERTISING: Omar Sleep Douglas Alston. Mabel thereof for interest. s 41rss lusettfou., per line to cents C. Brock, Teacher. 3. ' Separate debentures shall be issu - ► z Mach subsequent insertion, per lire - s cents ed for the amount 90 payable for 1 in- rhfs rate does no; Include Legal or Foreign Following is the report of the pro- P y P ' A - y • ns held - t3peotu fermi given to parties making eon- wood public school on June 28th and bear a, in each of maid interest at four yea.-s. er -cent. per _ saute toe 9 or 0 months or by the year. Hall P annum as aforesaid, and shall hate dearly or yearl contracts payable quarterly. 30th, names in order of •merit : Jr. IV attached to them coupons the a e Business; cars, ten lines or under, with paper to Sr. IV- Kenneth Devitt, Wesley Po pay X5,000 worth of Dry Goods 5 . +tu as oo, payable in advance. meut of the said interest. oNoein local columns ten cents per line, Sadler. Pearl Gibson. Sr. III to Jr. 4 For the purpose of .yin off said - eve esats per line esoh subsequent insertion. IV -Clive Proctor, Willis Brown, hP P paying 'Hats and Caps, Boots and $hose, CfE cry, Ready -t0 -wear `- 6 contract rates made known on applioa- debentures there shall be raised annu- �� Gladys Trimble, Lyle Willson (0n Clothing, Etc., f Man. No free advertising. ail during the said period. commenc- <dverlLementa without whiten instructions trial), Stanley • Byers (on trial). Jr. Y P 1 Will be Inserted until forbidden and charges ac- III to Sr. III - Archie Pa:rrinder, Carl i.ng with the year A: D. 1909, until the To be slaughtered and sold for less than cost of manufacture. x e•ardinvl7. Orders for discontinuing advertise- Devitt, ' Gladys Carlton. R. B. Hin- said loan is paid oft, upon all the rate- 8 manta asust bein writing and seat to the pub- man,- Teacher. able property in the said Police Village of Pickering the amount of interest Sale begins next Friday Jul 10th Work promptly attended lo, and of principal payable in each said _ ' 7' special z !' T>ZRlI[ti � Mr. Mackenzie King has started ear as set out in Schedule A. hereto - - of nth. 41.25 per year ; 11.00 it paid in lZaace. an inquiry into the cotton Indus which sum shall be levied b try of Quebec. rate upon the whole of the rateable and continues to end property in the said police village. s JOHN MURKAR, Proprietor, New Advertisements., All debentures required to raise Our space here will not allow us to give pricea. We, therefore, invite said loan shall be issued and disposed all to come and see what we can do. A dollar saved by Of by the Reeve and Treasurer of this close buying is that much extra profit. We DEBENTURE BY -LAW. ! IRL WANTED -For general Corporation, and shall be payable at can save you that dollar. } G housework. Good wages. Apply to Kiss the branch of the Western Bank at Adelaide Field. Pickering. !1•!9 - Th�property -o -owners of the vii- _ Pickerin Village. Q • lags ere Called upon to decide to- ULLS FOR SALE. -I have a num- a sere xn i' _ ,1111PS61� , • •• tkeTiiiig• morrow a question of the utmost ber of shorthorn bulls for tale at prices Corporation shall sign each of, said 1 B rdiag to the times. Apply at lot 18, con 7, debentures and coupons• and the Clerk Importance to the vallage, that of Pickering W D Pugh, Olaremont. EBtt of this Corporation shall affix the cor- raising the sum of three thousand rate seal of this corporation to each dollars by the issue of debentures EIFER ASTRAY,-Strayed, from Po IJO « (f H the promises of the undersigned on or of said debentures. . r�jiCt�a0K�3 dpEtlQl VCQ til �OOd' /ea. -; - ' for the purpose of building cement about June 13th, a red and whits 9-year -old 7. All moneys raised by the issue of _ i�,,i �a���ealks._�nd _ _thus_ma�kin .the telter. information as to •bar whereabouts �� debentures shall be retained in X�°`•° more at tractive an adding HrockBoad, — 97 IN an a o e - -- - --- - - - - - -- greatly to the comfort Of every -- - poration and he shall pay thereout STRAYED-About the 6th of July an order given b the Ina etin resident of the village, y y g - from lot 9!, cog, 7. Pickering. one ewe, one Trustees or an two Trustees of the , The by-law is meeting with a shearlfng ewe and one lamb. Shropshire breed. 1 = t deal of oppositiou, , though awe g their each ec ear. Any to revarded, said, of any village of ckering, in Richardson s ,; Grocet 1%J%3 • gnc�a quiet way, te.dln` to ,hr efr r.aova� wet be sa ■aided, favor of ao racm or persons, such f q y but we believe =be, H. spofrard• Brougham. Ind order being for work previously act, much of this opposition is due to ually performed, or in payment ofsome - BEST' + a great extent to a lack of a thor- FARM FOR SALE. —Being lots 20 other executed contract for Orinconnec- ARE THE and 11, eon 7, towoahiii of Pickerin¢, and au h knowledge of . the uestion., lion with the construction of . rmaa Y¢ g q. consisting of 910 acres, This farm !s the one 1� -1t Is a question than should have on which the well -known dreaawood hard of ent sidewalks and crossings on the been more full discussed in pub- 6hosthorne have been brad and fed during the streetaln the said police village, and Y P past forty years It is an rich as a garden and —' lie meetings and otherwise so that �•�• would "It lac acres, lea acres or the gold moneys shall not he used or die- -when the electors fro to the polls whole of !t. These 1■ timber on one part of it burled for any other purpose than to - -Every article fresh and, clean and the best market affords Po worth l9Wlr. Terms 8667, Possession given defray the expense of suet permanent ;,Ithey can vote intelligently on the April let -1969, • Arthur Johnston, Graeutfoa, yidewulka and crossings in said police subject. _ e Cane granulated Sugar .Only $5.00 a hundred One claim made by the oppon- 8. The votes of the ratepayers of the No beet root sugar in Stock. gents of the by -law ill tbis; That By-Law NO. », !;aid Police Village .of Pickering. who the general rate in the village will — are entitlexl'to cute on this .by -law. Seas4pable Fruits always on hand. Fine Lemons, Oranges, Bananas, "1 lnot be raised, but the special de- To provide for borrowing the- sum of shall be takc•a on this by -law, at the - Pine Apples, Prunes,• benture rate will be in excess of "M)(Y by the issue of Debentures, town hall in the said police village on k the present general rate (a rate secured by a special rate on the race- S. +turdar, thy— it�rlr -they of July, A. U. Fru�Preserving' Jars Cheap. - Cooked Ham, Freakfast Bacon, able+ property in the Police Village 19104, hetween the hours of nine o'clock Bologna, Picnic Hams. f similar to the township rate). g ' This statement i3 entirely erro- o; Yirkering, for the p+irpose of de- in the f+�renonn send fist• o'clock in the This s. The dice trustees el rrco- fraying•lbe cast of constructing ce. afternoon, duvirig which interval the went, concrete. brick or, other perm- 0011 shall he and remain open at the ,�•,A,M�� RICHAR���N that the general rate in the village anent sidewalks and crossings bn the Grid polling irlacP, and -%V. G. Ham r. end the special debenture Cate to- streets in'the said Police ViUuge, shrill be deputy returning trfticer for :BUY YOUR GROCERIES AT THE GROCERS. gethe.r will not exceed the town. �WxExEas the Trustees of the Police same:. ai-d on Saturd4v. the llth day " ishi mte. The amount received Village; of Pickering•_ under and by �f Jniv, A. D. 1911+3, utthe residence of - - -- -- - -- - -- - - -- 1 4 of The Con• the Reeve of. this c_w oration on the T, , or village improvements and in ci• Con- solidated Municipal Act, 18tr3, as - dental expenses amended h section 3,i of The Aiunici• 1P`sion ofthe "! said Township of Pick- . ` _ penses .varies from $b00 y 'ring. at the hour of ten o'clock in the _ __: _ .NOW lei Our 0}18IICe. pat Amendment Act. I90I, has made - y tto $800 a year, according to the forenoon, the said Reeve shall appoint application to the Municipal Council township rate. Letat year it vise of the Township of Pickering (0f which persons to attend mt the skid polling P R of 600, w lace and- at the .final summing u - • lnearl�. $ Those who � have township the said police village conati- P • Mrs. Leigh' has decided to clear the�•emaloder of her present stock of . . :read the by-law- ._ will - see- that-the tes -a Part)-for-the-borrowing of tit the -votes for and against the by-law at 150 some cost much more untrimmed. to pa S colored- colored- trimmed, $ , special debeature tax will be sum of Three thousand dollars by the by the Clerk, respects ely —on behalf _ of the• persona interested in the promo- 4W.87 each year. - Deducting this issue of debentures, in the manner pro - Ladled requiring harts should view as soon as possible on Monday to sided h the said Consolidated mursi- tion or opposing the said by-law re- amount from the total received, it y secuee a very great bargain. _ will be seen that there will be a pal Act, a ectively. _ 1903, and amendments there. P _ • 9. That Donald R. Beaton, Clerk of !balance of $130 to $1:30 each year, to, and for the submission under this corporation, shall be returning R c' rE%$ide J which should be amply suicient authority of the said Acts by the said officer and ahnll "sum u the number MRS•. LEIGH, gang $t„ lelieringl Ont. P Y Council to the ratepayers ot.said police of votes given for and against thin b " to pay for keeping the roach in village entitled to vote on money by- g g by- proper condition as well as paying laws of a by law for the purpose of law, and shall declare the result there - �^i for the necessary repairs to. the authorizing the issue of such deben- of at the ,hour of twelve o'clock noon FRESH GOODS �•R1R.I 1� EL. sidewalks which should not be Lures for a period" of ten years, and for on Monday, the 20th day of July, A. !much as the building of so much levying a special rate for repayment D. 1908, at.the town hall in the Village _ cement walk would die nee with thereo., upon the taxable property in of Brougham. ' Pe 10. This by -law shall take effect send Gentlemen's Ladies' + ;a great amount of the re lrin said police village. come into operation from 'and after ' S P�, 8 pe Bummer Underwear, And Whereas the said TJiiateeshave Bummer Shirts, isa now done. the final in thereof. A. . requested that by the terms of the by- passing Summer Underwear, Sateen Underskirts, IYUb. Another objection raised by, law to be submitted as aforesaid, the Ptl°s� ' principle principal of the debt to be created Reeve.. Clerk. Hats and Caps, CorsWrappers. Cover =some is that it is a bad to borrow money. f that is a bad tbereb be made repayable. . in earl Ties. , Y• y Pay yearly � ' ^ ', :,�3cHEDII1.E A. .. principle, then nine- tenths of all payments of such amounts that the -.the business done in the. country aggregate amount payable in any year $hewrn the amounts to be raised shall be as nearl as ible ual to yearly ongthe rateable property in the George Parker, - •- - Dumbarton 'is conducted on wrong principles. y Police Village of. Pickering and to be If Toronto had never borrowed the amount so ppayab "III each of the id earl for principal and interest other years of the said term, and that pa yearly P p money for public improvements, under this by-law, pursuant, to the' interest on the said debt be flied at paragraphs , p A L M E R she would still be a small fishin second and fourth of said ♦ � ♦*Tn 8 the rate of fot#r per cent. per annum. 9 i�iiNij`11T village or an, insignificent little And Whereas it is expedient and by- law... , town, How many farmers. or necessary that the said application of 1, 2, $, ;; b Fainter - 1'aper`Hanger. j business mien have thought it the Tt•ustees of the said police village Number For Amount Amount''' Total " Haring purchased the Bennett factory ' I of the f of for i ned is re red to . should be com with, and a by-law a pun pa nteres •etc year - do. all. kinds of Planing tally every city, town,. village and yu mic o the -vote the said 1 1909 1'�fA 87 6120 00 5369 87 on shortest notice and satin- and Sawing. g ' township in the country borrow olicevilla a entitled to-vote thetsnn. -1f+10 —`2.59 86 11001 36987. - faction guaranteed. g� 7 money for various purposes, to raise by way of loan -the sum of Chart moderate. y p poses, and Three thousand dollars for the afore- 3. 1911 270 26 99 61 369 87 Call on me for estimates before s the all consider it a proper thin 4 1912 281 07 88 80 369 87 $atisfactlon guaranteed , P P R said purposes. o going elsewhere. -to �o• And Whereas the amounts required b 1913 292 3I 77 36 369 87 8 8 If something is not done at a to he raised annually during the said 6 1914 304 00 65 87 3r1) 87 iVddress very early date to itnprove our period of ten years upon all the rate- 7 1913 T28 18 b3 71 369 87 011t. PJCKERING, sidewalks, they will be in a most property g 8 ]A16 328 81 41 Ot3 369 87 P.iC7:t:eriri�, able ro sits i❑ the said Police Z ills e , of Pickering to meet the annual a 9 1917 341 96 27 91 369 8i ,wretched condition and a disgrace pay. l0 1918 355 70 1-4 23 %9.93 ' to our village. At the rapid fate meats of principal and interest of sA id _— _ _ -. I Be,�tween Hay and, Grass loan are respectively set forth opposite at which they are going to ruin y pp .0.3000 00 $698 7fi $'� W -76 New Blacksmith Shop.. — - - a said years in the schedule hereunder they will soon be a positive danger written marked "A."', -- -- to every one who may walk over And `Whereas the amount of the PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given The undersigned has just open- is as good a time as any other to do them. Should an accident occur whole rateable property in the said that the above is a true copy of it pro- 'ed his new blacksmith ,hop west ,outside painting. If good judgment and any limbs be broken,.the vil- Police Village of Pickering, according posed 13 • -law, which has men taken of the iron liridge and is prepared is used, the Hottest sun does not blis- lage will be liable for damages. to the last revised assessment roll of into consideration and read x first and ter Luse wsh paint if we do the work, to do blackstvithiug in all its lines. because we. put ex erieuce into our The lice trustees have the the said Township of Pickering, is the second tinie by the Dlnnidipul Council p P ,_ Also c irrlage n ork. paint ors, Prices reasonable.. power of raising the rate to tell sum of $140, 417.:x. of the Corporation of the Township of ' P And wWherens,there is no debenture Pickering at a meeting held on the Jonathan Lisccumb tmllls in the duller, but this is a 22 y W. B. KE STER, wer the have nn intention of debt ezisfin ainfst the said Police 22nd day of June, A. D. 19(18• and po Y Village of-Pi eying, anti whereas the which will he read a "third time and PiC3 Ozit. Painter ar)d Decorator, ? exercising. The believe the Ares- existing debenture debt of the said pissed by the said Council. in the event �+ ent.rate sufficient for all pu ;po yes. Township of Pickering (of wilioh the of the assent of the ratepayers of the Pickering, - „Ontario The promise was made by those Grid police village constitnt"- A part) Police Village of. Pickering qualified most active in fortnipg Pickering is the sum of $:3&1'32.11, and no snni is in to vote thereon being obtained thore'- - into a police village that the rate •i:r-rears either for principal or interest. to, after -one wonth froui the first pub- 80 YEAR i would not exceed that of the for or on account of the said township lication of the same in the Pickering EXPERIENCE E. �. E V l�! ►7, debenture debt: News; the elate of said first phblication Township, and they have' scrlipti- lI A. Tum Manufacturer - loilsl ka t_t.hat )t•atnise ,now, for The Municipal Council of the C.r�rp0- beingg Friday, the '226th clay of June, �. �] Y P l ration of the Township of Pickering D. 19t)8; And that tlic vrrtt:s of the 1 .about nine years. The by -la>v therefore enaetG a, f,illovFSr - - -- . -- -_ duLy- Q.udi avers of the said. Shop and Residence, Dundas Stj can'"be passed, and yet that prom- 1. T't shall be lawful for this Corpo- Police Village of Pickering wi ie Ise not be io'ated. ration to borrow upon its debentures taken on the said proposed By-law at .W HIMElY, ONT.. 3 the suns of Three thousand dollars, the Town HAiL in the yard 'Police Vil- iot ARK• and this Corporation shall issue its l"rrge on Saturdav, the 18th day of July, OescNS Three doors west of Whitby House. SCHOOL REPORTS COPYRtciHTS dtC. N - debentures for raising said sum for the A. D. I", where and when a poll nyonesendtneaakotebandaeme "gtonmq Promotion resul cs of- S. S. No.' 2, purlxOse of defraying the cost of con- will be opened at nine o'clock in the qr ckt ascertain our opti,�nnion free Cwheteer as We are re .red to instal wood or iron Pickering. Names in order of merit. strutting .cement, �•oncrete, bri�or forenoon and continued until flue intention is proeaety�al HAND6 %01( on Pa eiai pumps or) notice, also attend f other ermanetrt sidewalks and cross o'clock in the afternoon of the same sentItrtotty Oldest aunt Honor standing, 75% of total; pass, P e•nttree utaest a ency for securing nts to all kinds of repairing. ings on the streets in the Police Village day. Patents taken tbronqb Mann ,t: t recelh P g' 170 %. Jr. TV, to Sr. IV.-Clarence g y gyeelelnotlee. wu6oucnLSrge tarns Cisterns made to order. " Iialsdon, Lorna EdwArdq (equal). of Pickering, and the said debentures Dated at the said Township 0f Pick- Scientiii� •%�me �a Sr. 1I1, to Jr. IV.-Frank Mercer, shall be payable within ten years from 1•ering, in the County of Ontario, this `■ .I■ Agent for the Ontario Wind Mill, Gladys lTutch, lfny O'Brien. Jr. Iii. the First day of Noveuiher, A. 1), If$kS, :28th ryas of June, A. 1). lei i3. Ahandsomoy wnetrateaweeiitr� Larrseet atr also gasoline engines. to 5r. III,-Warren Liscrnitutre (hoe and Khali McAr interest at the rate of ptfaat1stioo or any ectencmo fonrns Terms for Canada, i.,5 a year.poetege ptepatd, Sold by, Phone Nn. 50 at residence. ,. - ;....« . !�rp1, F vA Ranker, T?dna Prn11Ne; Ruh- four per cent. per annum it pon the ntt- ,,�+,'+ T)rl �T.�t.n TZ• Ti F: \To N' W newsdeal -m y (TjfrtP re niovfal from old stand on Brock art IRE , Riin er, rk, Nellie Lee. Jr. PAid pni -tion thereof, payable yeArly, i Perk of the Municipality of the ri N Q c© 8818madvay. New York - -Street.) PI. Ii to S Pt. II.- I;:�ic I,+iw. Jr:, 2' iThn to --hnil be p::r� in vachcf paid 38 -to Township of Pickering. "'Lcti 6,rst„FVa.bington,AG �. �... '.:..; .. '... ` "n.�' .' . ... . , ., .. '.., a,.,w,.�•.,.:.�k." -..,,, .;,.i= .�+.YS•.',•.* d2'�.�n- +....:n ._.� .- .... .. -. .d6+. r,r..: -. +.. -... .... .... .m.;1.nR: : ,- .- -.- .. .:.:,. -_1. .+�- rest;. -:- .,.tt- c;..'.us�da�:++1'- ins.: -,.s 3. _.,err.:- ,•.i+uw_"3.v.,. i..-- .�:,ua :.,.ae:&o..43,"v° 'A Y- CLAREMONT Forsyth, who will spend a few evening service next Sunday. s. Gibbons is in the city thi days visiting friends in that city. A number from here attended -.RELIABLE. Sri s, wee We congratulate Mr. Ball and the funeral of the late S. A. Flum- For Men, Women and Children. Sovereign Boots for Men (every pair �7Thomson .is re•shingling his entrance class on their success erfelt which took place at his at the resent examinations. Eight I . . guaranteed) and prices reasonable. Call and see them. his n. home in Goodwood on Monday. Mrs. Chas. Sargeut is visiting pupils wrote all of whom were Mr. Flumerfelt died on Friday at friends in the city. successful and one of whom, Har- at St. Catharines after some weeks' 'FLOUR AND FEED. Mr. Readinan is erecting an Iron old Dickinson, took a scholarship, illness from heart trouble. By ..roof on his-verauda, and Jean Bennet and Jennie Raw. Mr. Flumerfelt's death a promin. .'.,..Choice Flour for Bread and Pastry. Miss Ma. ant figure in the municipal life of 188 rgaret Macnab was in son a scholarship standing. 'This I . Feed constantly on hand. -township has been removed. Toronto on Tuesday. is • a record surpassed by few the Repairing done. Independent Telephone Central. Mrs. J. Patterson still continues schools. For a number of years he has been the efficient clerk Of the -The -Corner Store. pia a wary -01-lous condition. --One-night-Te6enti ome boys W M,-PALMER; Proprietor township aind his 170;tZr and Mrs. Hutchison are entered the small WId owned by cult to fill. .visiting friends in Valentia. Mr. Macnab, but used by M. Hend- ,.7 Jai. Church,- of Oshawa, was in ersou as an oat field, and taking A few days ago we heard some s n town on business on Tuesday. the heavy cement lawn mower pass some very visitor ry Ira Powell and R. Bryan had a drew it over the oats, a large uncom p limenta in tow remarks on the amount of which was completely very untidy mannerin which our Y OUR'A business trip to Oshawa on Mon destroyed. streets are kept. On Walking d Such conduct is most sick disgraceful and the boys are ask. along the sidewalks, especially on M. Henderson is on the oil- ed to call on Mr. Henderson -list with a severe attack of ton to the station road, we came to the Machine .Oita Fork .-IRIakes Itis. save further trouble. conclusion that there was cood foundation for the remarks. Bur- n n ThiE Ed. Millage is visiting friends I i Masonic garden party 41 d Hoes Peterboro and at his home in Wednesday evening of last week weed-s of all descriptions meet the On clocks- of vast dimensions' and Lakefield. was well attended by peopI6 from gaze everywhere, and the imp" - Ves Born.—On Thil"Y, July 9th, the surrounding country. The sion made on the winds of strang- the wife of Frank Cooper, Of R program was greatly enjoyed by ers" is not a favorable one. It is so, Preserving xetties and all kinds of Granitewar "damliter. all as the different artists fall the duty of ever resident to see and everything necessary for the Mum Eva Gibbons has returned sustained their high reputation as that the street in front of his I . j.. Preserving -Seas home from her visit to friends in entertainers. A special train was Premises _iqkept_dear__c&weedr,_ - run--a - romA-be-ic trat-reduced--The--character of the residents of A few from here Attended the rates but this 'service was very, a town is usually jud ed by the Toronto -on Orange celebration at T Poo I as the farft col- way a the premises are tept. We Also, Amatite Roofing Saturday. lectU reli far short of the guava would like to see greater care ex- Miss Maud Roberts, of Bobcay- tee. ercised-in keeping. our village neat geong is visiting friends in, this The Claremont and A Z when the residents The beat ready Roofing made under the sun, 8 urn and tidy and wh .,neighborhood. Telephone Co. have poles neg ect... ciuMtkLe- -yaqlaw prioa� -at= - Mrs. J. H. Beal was. , in Pickerinx -this- on Tuesday visiting her mother, between am tees 3houla see that the.work is Mrs. A. Allaway. to the C. P.' U. Some done and the cost charged to the Charles Sargent, Claremont Mrs. George Pound and son, of trouble has arisen 'between this proper parties. company and the Altona, 11136 in Toronto, are visiting her sister, regard to theterritoryoee Mrs. John Morgan. occupied. The matter was referred to the Mrs. Dolphin returned on Satur' Executive of the Independent day after visiting for a ti- -2e with her son in Dundalk. sister of at•Stouffville on Tuesday and who We Je -'-.-He R I C H A R MO S Telephone Association which met Mrs. Orr, of California, 8L. "poured oil on the troubled witt- the late Win. Birkett, is visiting ers. friends here at present. The Citize' Important showing of Asset display of 'Messrs. John and Duncan- Mae- as' Band, twenty-four Dr. nab and Miss Mary, Macnabwere-,strong. were in Cannington on ;1 China. Avery large assortment of 'in the city. on Monday. Monday assisting'the' residents of that town in celebrating •`t he Books, Dolls, Toys. Jum Charles Michell, of Deer Park, he :�l spent a week with friends in Clare- -gloriQns- ___twelftV. There were• received for the Holiday trade. call bborhood. maotit and neig three other bands present, but the and "a them. Farmers in this locality are now Claremont band was acknowledg- Sabscriptions taken for all M by Jar the most agazin", biisy with their"'ha ed by all to be Weekly and Daily Ni. The crop as a whoTetis fair. proficient band in attendance. wapapers Dr. Galbraith preached act excel. Claremont has good reason to, feel - lent lent sermon in the Methodist proud-.pf their -wn-sicalorganiza- Church on Snnday evening.- tion which is deserving of the The tennis club. have their' hearty support of its residents. SMOCK Street. grounds now tnexcellent condition While George Cooper was draw- and are daily enjoying the sport. ing luiube�r from Siloam- for hist Mrs. Geo.,Wagg and Mrs. B. S. new house. one day recently; his beca me f tightened at A buu Picks ation Palmer were both on the sicL list -team ci TIME TABLF� eng 3t G , Ail T R. Trains going Eat dues as follows— roving. 0 a *-No. 6, . Mait last week but are now iq!p f shingles which fell off the wag. 41 Mothe Wives and Daughters are -_ Th -09. o7C--*ben'-' going down the hill. .819 A. M. ed relatives in Myrtle on Sunday They 'started off at a rapid rate indirectly interested in Semi-ready V- 12 Local 2 43 P. M. 14 Local 6.04 P. M. and with friends in Oshawa on and: 'were soon beyond control. Aside from the -saving - " Trains going West does as foll 8 F. M. Monday. The' wagon upset and Mr. Coo= which the Men of the House can -no. 11 Local- 8.41 A. M. George Cooper received a car. was buried beneath part, of 1 11 Local 2.1 make in the Semi-ready store.. there . 0., -load of brick from Peterboroon load. He soon got free and we 7 M&116 8.35 P.M. SAW lay for -the —building style in *Sunday included. of his are glad to say that no re- is a bitter s d suitability in the mishap: Simi new house. suits followed the * ha Sarni- ready. Suit Leap year girls are very active Rev. J. W. Totten returned on Q Perfect physique types are designed; MACHINE -SHOP I of IL11 Mawals and deden but they compain that the young onday from the-Chemong Park he 9 in afoot. 14 WW pay y" nion successfully dodge them where he had been In attendance and the suit is finished to -that stage 11 Our woo Its a =d inspect our scoot The under ed having parch- and obtain pricea, Don•t be mialed 01rerywhere. at the Bay, of Qntnte' Summer Nathan Tarr has purchased a School. The attendance was good where the right suit is expressive and ed B. Wagderfsm.Macbine Shop in agents we do not employ show, "."q= on the ninth concession of and the interest that was taken suitable•when tried on. Kinsale, is prepared to do all I? Ira can, and do $brow off the aeozift .The Epworth YOU wm _�nly save by parobasing tm Markham and will take possession was encou kinds of repair work and general commission of 10 per amt., whiab 7_` in the spring. League trit Be X_ q Look closely I To the Power 01 blacksmithing. .7 le J=prle have made an e 16'as. n gen ra ffects J. S. Bundy, John Farmer and celltnt selection in• the place se. Producing e Ic there is also Satisfaction guaranteed. Mra. Fred Farmer were in Stouff - cured for the School. They hope found the more observant eye for Prices right WNITBT GRANITE Ones. Whitby. Ones" ..,-irille on Monday on business as next year to have another session. min'uteand important detai I& Even thm Call End aft us. well as visiting friends. It would be difficult to imagine a The Misses Hamilton left on more pleasant spot and surround-' Semi-ready button hole is more evenly JAMES PENGELLY. Tuesday morning to spend a couple lugs. The young people of the sewn than -made coat. Kinsale. Out.. ri the custom -made .2 a of weeks with Rev. M. C. and league who can sure a few days in rmer .Mrs. Tait at Wallaceburg. should bear in this confer Fa s Trucks I I Joshua and Mrs.. Bundy, who Price. school and if possible visit: ii. Serail -ready Tailoring Bring in your old wagon and get 9 enjoy the school.. Rev. W. 11 ��have been holidaying in Muskoka and e J I for several weeks, are now visit- G. Clark, the pastor of Port Pope John Dickie & Co., exclusive agents the wheels cut down. Make good Olt 1.4 1111 farm trucks. O.W Church, is the president for the for the Semi-ready Special Orders, will !Cola. w Ang friends in Parry Sound VMNT�j !! 44.0 _74§ young take your and have a Semi- Buggi vehicles re ID 4 •% Our carpenter, E. H. Back, has ensuing year. A great many yo es and other M the contract for,building A. B. people of the �,�arious*"guesat- read Suitor Overcoat, made to fit at reasonable rates. your exact physique type and deli4er- Fisher's house at Ashburn. He tended and took colpions no ed within six days of receipt of your --- -- - --- y r order. -began the, work yesterday. night's which they will utilize in their 1patfA 0 Dr.,Kidd is taking a fort rue-tings- Re;--. 3fi�_ Tecton CLARZMOZ�owswell's old-stand. vacation with friends in Toronto give a report of the school at the Suits made tp order in six days. Veb As and Peterboro and other points. Apr He has secured a substitute to, The - Pickerilag look after hi practice in his ab sence. JT me va The Oshawa bowlers *came up in Vigilance Commit e their automobiles on Thursday Sept last and played a friendly.. game The object of this Association is to :cb - X" with the devotees of the sport in lessen stealing prosecute u'! . ::I our village. Claremont won by' the: fealons, go , .- one shot. anuary 1909-Wbitby 7, Oshawa 8• B In Mrs. Abram Bundy, who lifts Members - hpvinirprolpertyetoleucommuni- it, Port Perry it, UxbridRe 15, Cannington 14, AND oats immediately with. any member Beaverton Is, Uptergrove 12 •.been living with'her son in Parry of Executive Coirmittee. Sound'. is confined to the hospital . . ..... Membership fee .61-00. with an attack of blood pois6ning. Tickets mav belied from the President or For a time. her condition was very secretary on application. critical but at last reports she was improving. 4 Exec.Dom. —L. D. Banks, Geo, Leng, I -W. V. Richardson, Pickerilig,"Ont.' S PPI Leave your ordare at the Miss Adelaide Coates, dangliter An un unlimited 'ited U of Geo. W. Coates, pupil of Miss y RING LUMBER YARD E. Howitt, Altona, has success- J.A. O'Connor, .Arthur Jeffrey, PICK-9 .fully passed her first examination President. Secretary. for Ontario and New Brunswick �0 whitecedarshingles. z4A in piano with 'd Feed Donors, which were f Chop an held recently by the Toronto Con- 7 Patent Roofing and all kinds of lmi Id iniz rnterial, servatory of Music. A I 1 0 4 The Standard Bank premises is -W D. GORDON.& SON. 0 :';now assuming a very attractive f all'kinds ��/nu n The pretty, flowers 7 and the freshly painted exterior is pleasing to the eye. Those in n ,charge deserve credit for the man- ba' I on i of the buggy As I am going ou e ne'r tb y keep the premises. _— ,.BAKING I 4 e snaps. Bug- business I have some Attie recent examinations in .96h� .. flie Fort NVilliam high school, Miss pies selling at cost. First-class bread constantly gn'lij. -Iona Dowswell passed successfully at the shop. Wagon on the road r in arithmetic, :A, COTUPOSiti011, steno every day in the week. n raphy, book-keeping, type-writ- Buggies,, rag. $80 now $7 . 0. g and all-other commercial sub- 7", Cakes �f aft kinds ninae to order Pi ,mont and As urn Aes avo .1 .work o U. the Some rgedrwt Make notes ;A�l F Road Wtigons, reg. $65 now" $ s. shortest notice. extend congratulation, jects. We exte R. E. Forqytli,'of North Clare- SPINK' MILLS Cut Ice-Cream Parlor in connection. All other rigs on fliegiChie rate,. 41.41 mont.w is at NiAgara Falls this W. A. Thomson, week attending the Crand Lodge der. He is Fke- C)f the •1n.9onic Ov Claremont, Out. PICKE11INCT JZ, J C. Bro'lgh9,M' companied by his mother, Mrs. D. l. 'ply 7 77 7$111T,=�4!1n*%VR rr 5;v 7=4 R7 .7 77W W fe TT 77 -4- 1 -7 A time; but I met him, Shuter, later on at n't have both. After careful considera a City Banquet, and he froze on to me, tion I decided that, as I had gone with- and, as I recognized him, I accepted his out anything to eat for only twenty-four invitation to dinner next evening. And hours, I would stand it for another nine, -THE £50 GHEQUE we became great pals. He didn't remem- But I had W get out of the wind, I was ter me, though. No, by Jove, he didn't always a luxurious dog, Sl uter, and love remember met tc sleep warm and'scft. "He stood, as I say, looking down at " It don't matter much where I spent Try a Seasonable Diet and Give me as if I were some new Least, and I thc. night. It %,,-as somewhere in the V V V V VVV V V V "%Vell?" asked Borlase, as the door stared up at him defiantly, for, although niighborhood of King's Cross Station, Your Stomach a Chance. cload behind the clerk. I'd been In the gutter some time then, I and my bed was as good as my circum- Shredded Wheat with -Strawberries will be ..- found Shuter remained standing. His terror hadn't of used to the insolence of the stances permitted. What with the trains Was too great to-r him too pretend he was rich. He took !He--weed out of his mouth, and-offer things I didn't sleep very wholesorpe, appetizing and much more nutritious than Z I * ease He was down where a man , and said, in a silky voice: much; 'I simply lay warm, and told my- meat.; -also with raspberries, peaches and other, fresh esn't care any longer, and he looked "'My friend, yquseern. to be down on sell what I was going to do with that fruits. 1; But in his eyes, bright with the fear your Iazk.'. money. First of all I devised a little it Will Tong Up Yqur Liver "& Stomach. of anxilety which was eating him up, "I thought he might i• some men- menu for the breaktast'to which I"w6uld there came a little hope as they rested cy if I ,vas civil to him, so I said I was. sit down about ten-fifteen a.m., in a lit- Sold by all grocers. on the big,, confident man behind the I even called hrm 'Sir.' tie 'Swiss restaurant not five minutes' 'Y�ju don't look as if you'd much of, walk from., the. bank.. There -was an ome- table. Borlase and he had been good I 1 6 these three years. The shock a balance at Coutt's.' he rofmirked, rien lette in it and some hot coffee' and -W-F "I could havc•striwk-him to the ground. French bread and good butter. I knev% wbrc ad couldn'thaverif -Jetted Borlase very seriously. Borlase But I said 'No, I have not.' Siiuter, when 'just IbI6 -kind- . of cigar I :should buy In would see him through... But be. must IN. hunger fiend h" you in his grip tb�- tobacconist's opposite the 13arik, and know. you'll tcke a gnod- deal from a man who I •knew just how I should, lean back in V6!e!l?" Borlase ask--,d again, and Shut- smokes cigars that smell like that one that little ve$taurant and smoke it. I tt plunged in. did. even anticipated the tTouble I should have "Old man," he said, "this7 Deep- Mine "'You haven't been making out. many ;if Erst with the little fat man; %,�ho 'kept .1usiness. has hit me hard." - cheques lately?' says he, --w4tlia- simper: thr- plaue, about -going in- aL LI__ ail and__�L "I've dropped thirly-seven. thousand I began fo on earth he was smiled to niv-Self as I sa.w._his_.b&ck UnnFor Neuralgia, sad-ache, p-Gurids myself," said Borlase. "Won't 4. riving, at, with his Coutts's,and h is di uhle'n-licri I Isi,ould. pull �,11 A flist AA]- I'goes. 1 i f g4*1 tb <'�ow him. Then I tho Ill 61 "No," said Shuter. He swayed a little "You haven't -got• such a thing as that tbc- best place to go and' et a declug decent 'it Rheumatism, Paiq, �Etc. and caught the edge of the table. fifty-pound cheque &P.9ee?* 'of reach-medovvrs and some fresh linen & "Better sit down, " said Borlase; and hl asked, and then suddenly flashed and a weatherproof hat and boots; an obeyed the suggestion.' He' W." reckoned that when .1 had got all I so CENTS. ALL DRUGGISTS, OR Shuter o1I gbt uron me what be. wanted." I reek a sort of comfort In being told to do: even "Let me go!" said Shuter suddenly. wanted I should have about forty-five Z.: nTo Tor &j small a matter as that. for his mind Borlase held up his hand. pounds to start life auin. The_--pa with trbub my way Paralysed w. le, like t1__ N' t to hPa I is long as age inaf can on -y said. I could and then went right off to Oxford WHOLVISALIC s. ring aimlessly, from side to side, too And Shuter sank back in his chair and Street and mouthed up and down the -Bn . os. CO,. Toronto. and Montreal• LYMAN KNOX A LYMAN much frightened, to.o Inu h ravaged to glaiiii. hatred at him for- tIW rest of. the s! rec-'s near * tile bank till it should be understand the futility of what it is do- late. CLXRESON, Toronto; NATIONAL DRUG CO., London. "A cigar?" LinI to get illy m4mey.' I believe I act - ing. said Borlase. , "NQw, "You remember, -Shuter, just about that uelly blessed that t-cheque man f4or-only , wade ahead.', time 'one -of the magaziMls- hrid Aevis�ed g!ving rile 4enough for a bed. I told in "Twenty thousand' pounds would- pull a rather clever scheme of advertising. It, s ?lf that I should have spoiled my appe- r mi. through, " sa�l Shuter, watching the sent out a lot of men with ten -pound iite with slodgy bread at a obffee-stall match- other's face over the flume of.the benknoites and mentioned- the fact. Any- thr highl, before.• But that omelette be- -He read-nothing there. one who hit. on'. one of these j,.,hnnies. Can to seem. -active.* A. J. PATTI-SON & CO prodigiowiry attractive: 4e "Old man'," be said, as he threw the and. asked him. 'Hav you got that ten- "Ten 0 clock caine'roli�d somehow, and Into the fender and took the Yet 'pcund note?' got It gi N en �him in exchange 'the bank 'with a bursting Wllg clgar:from between his teeth, "it's for his signed "ce;pt. The,,- the.magn I went into -'Main- 13il Ibis way. if I can't get- twenty thousand zine pub]L;hed, the lucky -man's nntt;e heart. Among other sential=s I wass .33 Scott St., TORONTO. Phone pounds I'm finished." and address. London went a little road iasharned ol that cut In the knee of my Tile cashier, looked at me "You should be worth more than that." over it, and everyone was asking every � INVESTMENT BONDe. dcub(fully, as u can rmagine, and to! I am. But I'm sixty thousand pounds b< dy else. if they had got that ten-pound A me to clear out: He'd nothing for me, down, - I can on�y meet. forty thousand zkte,. and was saying. whal a clever-r -Stocks bought and, sold on all exchan-es he said, �J PI of stick. dcdgp tt was- Wrtl, wh�n -N'% he k am I to do?" • one of these Magazine publishers goes 1,huber, I was 'so happi'that I l4ted I rivals simply 2., Borlase whistled 'a little French air a:-. good a one a,, that, hii i with him. y . ._ through his teeth, and sat 'regarding have 'to go one better; so in a very few Oh, yes.; you have,* sc.ys 1, *balt orders executed for cash. - ..Shuter far ialfaminutv. Pound'; days this dAily was, giving mvny • gold • 1 901 Ufty "What � unity. can y .11 ivo me?" lie watches, irrd that monthly %�,vq"proni(;t-] "I k,,ok out the chi u(, -and endorsed at CORRESPONDEWEt INVITED. 7 wked ing its circulation by the gratuitous offer; it'vvith Q hand which trembled most ridi- culo-tisly. "glen I threw it 'across' the I �: . ...... SI-u (I out loud. of diamond•rings, and at last 'liere'" was 7 "So tie sad. 0 weekly plunging heavily- with fifty- counter to the 'That's all right; �Yc-;, security," rtaid-_Bcrlase� p<-und cheqtles. I had'hoard of these I Wink.' I saki: and I winked at the fel- "Sly mother's incom-,;,s in it," said things, of course, Djwn in the rn' -e pure good riaturp, low, out of pu % - glutei.* mud %% * ____ \Iy nieces marriage SettlelLltll�- had tallked the matter over, and some fle,pickc(l it tAp_,an,d , glanced at it. lily lodge's funds are in it. Securityl had tried (It-Aperate-ly tor-'the prizes. but AI all this?' he asked, !"Why,' I said, `it's the !iffy -pound lou're my last straw." JI-Itev all seemed to be won bypeop;e.,,&ho. 6 Borhise:prek-rved 'silence. liviidin. Brixton and Hampstead and eque, competition. Haven't they sent in my name yet ?' My heart sank a Nitle, "P*r'aps you think me mad." Shuter had pPonly of in-oney already.. M A N UFACTURERS Went on. "P'r'eps I am. I ought to be,• '"This last pa-per, though, tied been very for I thought my breakfast, was. going to .1 know.' It's hard enough for me to come -tricky, putting Its cheqte,-, in thecusit,,I Lv.put off for rt� few minutes.' INTENDIII TO LOCATE IN TORONTO WILL PIND .\Vhat's your game asked the cash- tn You like this. But I think Yqur my of all sorts. of unlikelyAcoking poopie- te . T. ask 'N'Ve'vc no one of that -name on, our friend aqd-and, you put. me on the women dresswil up like old bodies up for r Ideal Manufacturing - Premises p fine4 books and no account of that name the Clahs. or down-at-IiIing fellow& Ile colored slowly under Borlase*s eye. like myself, Th either.' IN TRUTH BUILE)INQ is chap in the,lirmbtirg", ...Oh,,n<)ns . . en 'I QQUMe. I ly�now you've •dropped a hat, I iht)ifght,'was trying me. By Hetiv. ` ger. - cried. The fifty- a pound cheque lot yourself, old man," hr., said, in exten- en. he had ci,m competition in "Wather-. e V t Ife %% -�ho . • _�e_ i6ld �'-J could. have killed him ftir his mis- * untion of his offence., "But, I'd lia VVeekiy," jou,-know. "'t t., Flats 2, 000 to 10.000 So �re Fe Cut In time. if I hadn't had confidence In tak,• any of your tricks on with me-' but I thought he might give me ik._ LOWEST RENTALS, M;LUDINU the thing. - I didn't think Y`0u'c0uId' 90 pence -If r could kiep him talking I a nI 'You'd better come as an see the Manager: he said. -bottom simply' out. -One day. "A I I rig . ht,' said 1, quite pleased. -Light -wrong. You know. box%, It came down. uI4. or two, s,(). I iimply saki, with agrin, Steam-- Powor, Heat- Electric 'J, The It '!lave you got it y�,urselrl shlil,,Y and the riextrit was scrap." "He laughcd Merrily, and dived Into know alf atout it.' It'sieme'd- Vi me rea• Fire Sprinkler System., Lowest Insurance. Borlase, puffed his -ci . 91r. his breast-pocliet srnable that a cheitit, like this stwuldn't "It's not ruin I-funk," continued Shut- - "'Yes,' • says h*' 'I bav"e. 'Wou Id you b,! cash�,d'vvithout ,Aime saNguards. Most Central Location., Four Large er,� "but this Means gsc,]. And the boy's like itT e, "Ile let! the -way into the room of the manage Freight Elevators. �.,Juzit g(Ine to Trinity." llis'vo�ce broke. "I nearly fainted where I'sat. Fifty prise r. who. II up in-sorne sur- P" • The big man lay back in his chair, pc-!ir�ds--he. was, at seeing a* seedy trampjif,6; me istaring at _going'�-o give he fifty lAccming in. q. Frank Wilsoq Sons t3-:81 Adelaide St., West Sliuter, smbkfng slowly, drum-- ixunds. bI you iinJerstand. Shuter? lie "'DeaZ me, Pullet,' be- cried, ""what's - ming.cri she. rzfh7 his' flinger -naiM. was going to give ine new clulEes and this,,what's Ibis?' 31 ere was not litl•:r sound in the room. food, and a hot -bath and a clean shirt dP 'This perstin's got some story about. The hope died out of Shujer:s.cyes. "F(5F God's sake' borlase—. and tobacco, and a chance to make some a fifty -pound cheque competition, sir,' money again. I hid made my Itirst pile replied the ca.,hier, 'I don't know what "Let me tell -you a. story,-" said Borlase, cn a smaller beginning. .-andShUterhadtolisteri. '"I said 'Y,�-d're jesting :' loess talking aJx)ut. tie seems perfectly THE honest.. Ile'd have bolted if it had been "About ten igo," Borlase said, Not Wbi��'says be, flshing out an ca - was, as :you may or may W, 'Here it s.'. -And And liepul led it out, - not krk-6 elope. a plant.' et the 4 F171 fj�y ' but . 'N.'hat's your tale, said the manager. "I hild I im the whr,�e st,;p. ry V doesn't matter how I gat there any 's, asked me for it... Thovht 'it'd nc one cashier showcd•him lire cheque, Tnore than, it matters how I go t -01;t be more handy to'ylou than 10 in-risl, ch?, i. y 'k h in a have t e u and .0 ne I dt I t I fort} -five 'e L Z as ,f, "d I he Lie 'I'Very sorry,' said the manager, 'but I -again But. there I •as.. .,My entire "I was very. nearly crying with haiI wardrobe, Shuter, consisted of the dark n4ess. % I tried. 'to ' master 'My Voice to :you've been lod. It's a hoax, do y<ji, af ci III out green -once cotton understand? NVatherspoon doesn't bank en---once black-jacket, thank but me short.. account of any -ous him 61111i, III,: tvecd h ers, tile, here, and we'vi§ no ac sort, a ais You may receipt and put down }oar address, LIM 1-1 E&D tb+, hat in which I 'stood up. this r i I M, !have seen a hat just like that, And I re- if you've•got one.' a poor devil like you.' That7s, what the (No Irers0inall Liability) brink manager (h('iu."ht. of --it. You c mernber that my.back haI used-to work can "I took the piece of *paper be held out I 46-inc how I looked at it; cis he finished 0 through theplace where the brim and to-, Tne. .. It.-was -a type-,v or - I . . I - � i- f lince ever see the flesh of tour ' ' through -a hole in you ' r bags? . I thought not. I did... I saw it every time I looked down-, wards, and it made me ashamed, as if I'd- been -stark -naked on, the isfr&' \ - ly Jacket was of a rather eNpensive alpaca. I' may. have been , made originally for :t�c summer wear of a business man. If you have evei:.'vorn such a garment, you will rec,,,, p ize that at its kI it 'iii -1fl-fitted for keeping out tile. wind.• • Mine -was well,ventilated. too. . I "I was sitting, thus clail. about t,,vo o'clock df a fresh winter morning on one -of the 'benches by the railings of the Green Park. It was my purpose, with 4hr kind permission of 1he p<iI!^M to snatch a fe%v hours' refreshing sleep. The wind was strong from. the north-east, but ym not the man to complain of a little fresh air, and there had been no rain for over an hour. Jn spite of 411 these mer- cies I was in a: thoroughly naughty tem- •per, and, if yo4,•ill credit it, as I sat on that damp bench,lqwas ready to'6irse and swear with vexation. There are -some people, Shu ter., - whia.are never sat- L-Asiled. man came out of one o• the clubs opposite me and cross*d over to where' I was sitting. He walked past me quick_ ly and glanced, for a moment in nI iectjoTf•• Then he.stopped and came Nick to my side 'and stied looking nt me. lie wcire-a osofl, Homburg hat and n gu)d ser- viceable overcoat•. His htrn(Is were thrust &,cp in his pccl%r-ts rind he had n fat, ctgrir t•c-tween his W!of those very cigars are the fist in his club, a never smokes w that at the, any I didn't %1 . --- 11 1 been gained under the conditions men- 'Watherspoon's, 111" MLAC. 4-rhey put some brafidy down my ti-�nt�d in Weekly., Ile gave me. a.. pocket-pen, and'I signed my throat, and I came round, and then they name. writing on the top of the bench. 'dildress -were, I'musrsay, very kind. -The ninn- ager , r -pid he hridnever heard of a cruelle T I heri !said, 'Dq'you want my thin,,," The cashipr said that the man I in full?, "Ile said he did, so I xvmfe 'London was a rufrian. The commissionnire, who �d.'sdfd be'wds owed.. I 15cen. c� M under my fiam'e. He read it,'and laughed' "vvas Wterly knocked -out, and I r@nijb o- again. '''`Like a' club 'guest's en bered I'd no business there, Lind. I go , t up to clear. Here's t " he, boodle.' '"I'hen [he manager divbd into his "it-was rin. cirder•ebequefor -11V v X. unds -pock- -I 'forketl out ten shillings. 'Look e,r the Oxford Street branch of the Great here.' &iys ]lie, il believe your story, and Northern Bank, :signed William Wather I'm - thundering' sorry Mir you-. Pullet, srcon, and at the top was typewritten, hand me: my hat.' 'Acoount of the Fifty-pound•Clieque Con'S Ile put the ten' shillings into it and petition.' lt,NN74s dated two days. pre - handed it to the cashier. 'Take that viously. He Oiled fri.my-nanie on it, and ' round lhe� hank. Pull6t,' tie said, 'and tell then -he said: em nbcUt this' poor chap. I've no doubt " 'Piese ' nt it to-morrow morning. after thevill ndd something to it.' ten. They won't• have notice of your • "Pullet put in a shilling and event name till then. Goodnightl' round among the- •othLr clerics.: Some of .1.1 beg pou• pardon,' I cried, 'but could -them ' -told 'Will to go to the'detice. bill -you .ndvance me a toupl�, of shillings: I *others forked out like men, and 1T:ust'coiffess I could eat _%inething, and .between them they made tip the manager's ten could do wtih a bed to night, . sbillffigs'16 seveni-een shillings -and four. .N he said. T'Il see you hanged fIrstl pence. There was a young chap paying Haven't you got your cheque. Ilere's n some cash at the counter, and he asked fcurpcnce for y,,u, though. By Jove, your v,•hat the liat'Nvas going rourid'for. Th6 face just now was worth Itf. I other crishier told him, and be sired he'd "Ile dehIt out fO ' ur- Pennies into MY rnaae 'a good thing out-of the National., palm. I longed to throw them in his mid he'd-contribute! And he did; a whole . . teeth, but I had-strofiger longings than sc,N Preign! So thht I got my b a kfast,4 �e 11,&t. I thanked him instead.' attar all.• You Set',." . . _ . . 'GcI0J-ni&,kt,' he said again; 'sleep P,)rinso to<.,% ,, fresh cigar, for t . he first 16e11!' Nnd gone'nut during 4ho, tale. "Thor� he walked nvvny . rjijickly,'nnd I. "And I kept the cheque," be said, -10 him laughing in himSelf, as r(,Tiflnd nic, of thrir kindness, and of other 1:k, "vent, %•.st along Piccadilly. t h i n gs. "I weighed in my mind the resrective TIv-,n ho i�pcno,-d a driwt• in iho labio advrI of food and shelter. I could- mid tout, out an cnvelcp•. From it he DIRE CTons. Arthur Mrinis, ConlrRet,;r, President. `'A. S. WignI Mg.•. Holm-,,s E!cctr:c and Pr-I Co., VIaIenii. FnLd. Armsb-ong, Contractor, Sec: Trcwuror. F,• H.' II. -r&,rf' Archtcct. J. C. Holtby, Contractor. George Duthie, Sr., Contract-or. J. R. Tighe, Min•, BANKERS. The Crown Bank, Toronto. 76. AUDIT Oft. Henry Barber, Toro.nV3. The pr4(5perty •_)nSiSts of 28 40-acre Claims immed%tely adjoining the now famous HARRIS MAXWELL, and upon the same 'amount of develop. mcmt should prave equally as Food. 100.000 shares &nii now off,rea• to the' ubilc at 15 1 cents per share. Do not lose this G0LD&N,OPP0R,rUNITY of investing in one of the most prom. icing pr6pertes in the distri.t. ' For full pait:culars apply to HENRY -F. DARRELL, :FISCAL AGENT, N, o - -.8 O.olborne. Street, Toronto. ., ...... .... L drew a crumpled chequ6. lie lenned over rxatids.(and signed "John Borlase.* and-spread it out c6refully in front of 'Nj,_"1 said, .1zhuter• as he' dropped It . . . . . . . Shliter, on the table, ")'oil sha'n't get any more "Do you recognize it?" be asked. fun out'of nee. ' Ni)t that way." t 40Shiiter-m-ult,fred'on innud1ble reply ns 'It's all right," said Borlase. Vick'lt he reached blindly for his hat. np. I'm not plagiarlsing." "Stop cc minute, ".-said - Borlase. "I'vo, "Ix) )-oir 6"wrar -bFgnnShut6r,- as- FAmnething else to show you." He took ho II at the thing." out a seconel envelope and laid it, un- "You're a cod and n beast, Shi ter" said-k)rlast; "but your bo e y's-A nic opened on the table. -"lx)(jk inside," be,. B il said. Then be rang the be)], and sald• to the Shuter unfastened it nv(•brinically, and clerk who answered it: round in it a second cheque. It was "Show Mr Shuier out.—London Aii* made ect to U4 order for forty thousand wers. ..... S'•.P1.�9'.. -tt ,.zr,�— ._�'�Fi J•L�. ._ iy0 .- - 'r,I$''M4�_,� .4. ..r.' s'iY.r. :G�.a �•C'4 1. -. S' .i1*r.+y. _ _ - Y,. - ti `, ` .. .. , _ .' ` : „t, .sT;+s . x .• 'e'-s, d y� ''-* v,.�i',.'', y:, x' 'fig ' , ` ,•-' "'�'' -�. >� , - - .. .'_x. y�yy:ryer+,PJ' +J.preirl:...t'' .. .Y•�,.;,:, ^Y -.v �f.A _r q'..+ro•'T- "h .. se5, .. :. .._. a _. 4.. J x Vim .J* i `• "O�''N AND GIRLS .FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND 'Bus AND SON CURED. PIRACY uv 19118 -•,A (Mother's Praise of Zam -Buk. Piracy IS Not so Nearly Extinct as 1s Q D BY ANAEMIA — y Y .� Generally Assumed. NOTES OF INTEREST FROM IIER Oakwood, Victoria. Dear Sirs. -I have great pl'a5ure IT). ' The seizure of the Neuvre Tigre in BANKS AND BRAES. tie South Pacific, as reported from Syd- Eafs"" from alit 8 e N stating that Zam -Buk cured my husband aey recently, might have happened in �f r u e Nanroa6e o. barber's r with twice rubbin It the days of Captain Kidd, The master ut �nisee the Blood 18 Made Bich and a5� g. g tom« onld write tb also cured my 7AI boy of a dreadfully, Lis a CO- opaita Bed Health Cannot be Restored. What Is Going On in the Highlands had arm after vaccination. I know or and ma!e were made to `talk the plank foratrwbo' .o�f�et:Ytt several other cures it has affected and 'n the bad old style, /ftter which the and Lowlands of Auld name of the stolen v4 c1 was altered - _;- Throughout Canada 4here are thou- _ _ I cannot speak too highly of it, I am , -sands of growing .o the White Rose an 1 her course set gr g girls and women held Scotia. sure it people on43a try it they will al- ti r the coral islands, on one of which fit the deadly - Clutches of anaemia. Slow- ways use it. Yours•truly, R. �PiVILLF.: she ultimately went ashore. —3j but surely, a_ deathly, pallor, settles on A.man has been fi X50 for street Gam -Buk is healing, Booth ng and an- 'lheir cheeks; their eye-- row dull; their g � Then' there ine the case of the y ' g betting In Parti,ck. . hseptii;. It quickly heals wounds apd- •+� BPPetite fickle; their steps languid. French ship Ba ;eineen, which was loot- a Govan Schcol Board this year ie- stein , troubles. - ,Cctrtain' cure ,for piles. a baily they are being robbed of all vt- Sic b all' dru Ists and stores, 50c. by 5toorish pirates off Cape ruby lest quires $397,500 raised by rates. Y gg February, and whose crew of lneteen tality and brightness, Their. sufferings a box, 3 for• $1,25. y' A} grow more acute if neglected, until the a p to .date Govan has spent over .. men w•cm -only saved from imminent Cdr signs of early consumption become ap- $625,930 -on its electricity scheme. death by the opportune arrival of Lord , arent. !t p PROGRESS iN TR:INSVAAL. Mountmorres. who Fot them by a. ruse W I L S O N Q your wife or daughter or It has been decided to im rove Colin- On board rtes. a -bhirt ton ' 8'ster, complains of weakness pains in tca vAlage roads at a oast of S1200. y yacht he was the side, headaches or backac es; if her IIopeful Spirit! of Progress Working in navigating.; Govan parish council is considering a One packet &pPeLite 'and temper are uncertain and '�hod' at collecting 'the taxes by 'n- Rural Dis,t+n' -cis. Somewhat earlier in- the year, a little FLY she is often low spirited anaemia has stalmtmts. General Smuts, speakin *• at a ierent Lather to the southward, a horde of has su tuafly Iler in Its deadly Bold. What she needs , ° black pirates attacked and looted . the killed a bushel Js crew, rich, red 'bloody Give lieu Dr,. The shipyard dispute cause3 a loss to rnecting at Claremont, said that great German steamer, Angell �'oermann' PADS ] �� t VVitiiems' pink Pills for Pale People Dundee amen- - for eraorced Illness of pr4•gr� had been made in the Titans- Near Shan hat during- �t about $_5.000. ,vaal-duein the past five ears. Land g °the same, week ss wiChout loss of fling for the actually 6 )' two launches were attacked by several 4't Make new, red blood. The make girls" Ratepayers to Edinburgh are to re- that vvas once bare 'veldt now had hundred pirates while s!eaming down _ SOLD Sly Y g ceiva their permits to fish in the Talla large flocks of sheep and droves of the river, three passengers being killed DRUGGISTS, MCERN AND GENERAL BTGREIt cattle on it. Mealfe fields were ris] g toes per peak Asa `appetite and stcadil grin tacit the' • - r, • ng and cargo valued at $13,000 carried off; a s Paeltete for Zsa Y g r'the country, houses were ap- n,hi'e only the of Will I charm and brightness of pef fEct, regu- The outlook of the tr•uit flelds an or- pearin * ever w geld. ! lar health. chards of Clydesdale indigates a large Y emP was made by , nomad Arab better in many rest acts s age the war: tritesmen to c capture Miss Carrie, McGrath, 26 Fenwvk St., crop of trait, - There was a spirit working in the rural e a Britsh steamer Halifax, N. S., sa s:= � "1 believe Dr. P g plying on the Euphrates, several of her Y At Motherwell trade fn all the public, ,dfsjsicts of . -the Transvaal which was passengers and crew be ins Williams' Pink Pills saved my life- works has not been so low for •the past one od the bust and most hopeful signs killed or NOT AFRAID. Three ears a o I suffered from larvae= B wounded b rifle fire. "Pa, i_ wish we were'Chris"Caa`•Sciea• ?'_ _ S thirty years. to the country. P4u le were co :ngw -• Nor .do the above' ;instances by any tl.ts." - - --..n y- small, their' difl'rculties, and work ng harder means exhaust the list cf outrages of the "Why?" down and as ale as a sheet. I could - - - _ g y.' P end day flea LGn o area merit c c s o are, an, he ?I�a�Ct� scarcely. eat anything, and what I did rrf the co!ony was under cultivation, y Y y year, for between January 1st and aunt afraid to eat green apples." take did not, seem to nourish me. My and the work w:as being done by the March 1st, acdordin lands and feet were much swollen and Forgt1d ,£5 nct�s, purporting to bes Is= farmers' own hands and iiy the savcat c g to an American 1be least exertbon -would 'leave me sued by the l:lydasda.le 'Bank; are in Ccri urar report, no fewer than eleven r circulation in Gras ow, of their brows, and not by KafGis. This craft of t alters sorts rind sties have END OF THE SEASON. ] breathless and, my heaf°t beating vie- g was one of the mast. encouraging things been- ca tared b ` Ite�trtly. I seemed to have pains and ' The unemplo •cd relief "fund (36., :� P y .pirates in -and about Guest P y is tlas Transvasi to -day. the Philippine Islands. (;n resOurant) --"i fay, nrattet, _ aches all over, . [ -kids so weak I could o! Glas)ow, is exhawfed. 3n all there have you any oysters ?" -not -even sweep a floor. At different were 7.341 applications. - DISTRIBL'Ti \G THE REVE \LE. - Waiter - "Vo, soh. We el 'ain't bit tunes I was under the care of three. doe- li+)lyropd Palace Gardens ogre �,;w, - 'WORKED. 'ceptin' eggs, tors, but did not get any better. One end' until the end of Reptemtler,opeR (IOW IT _ • n,c shell fisfi 4'octor said I had dropsy and that my to the pub'.ic on Mondays, T1,4 reporls_ef the variptl, deport- "Are you still trying to kin those cats blood had all 'turned to water. My Motherwell Town Coune:l have sot- memo of a great Rail%vay sYs.teln.; Whfi,h .were eat:ng your chicken?" friends thought I was in a decline and r'if -SIZ to the Silver Band to conduct would, if made i iibdl :, often surprise "Nape; ttrey d,n't boner Ind any X Its BICKERSTAFF & COe, tha3 I had but a short °tirrie.to live. 1' the readrrs.af curieAt news. I•li-has 'mare." Stooks, Bonds and Debentures, niuisdc in the public park. born gathered that the Grand 3 rank y g your chick- Cobalt and alt Mining and 0!1 Stooks of 'was Completely discouraged my_elt, b -"Iluve the ceased CaLn when one day-'a lady friend called � to A slaughter „t.tats Wok place re ^ent- ilailivay. .System_. has spent- within the ens?,, lv at the Bawls of - Craig farm, near -a-st few years, not less fhan fifteen Canada and United states. 4S' c me, and told me Dr. Williams' ['ink $ I Yep,' _ order. executed with promptness. corror. Vills badge A[ontro�e. Over 1,_000 were killed. million in double tracking the "Ifut+s�tlutt ?„ pondenewsolicited., Tn%a and urged me to try them. F de- The firm 9t James ti�'ishart do Sons, rnara tine. and 'that the pioneer Cnn• "Go p, but yo•ure inqu4sitlr•e' if you Tar _Cub_ ci6ed to try them, and in the_ general merchants, Queen $treet, Leith, hdian Railway now operates the long- insist' kri-I I' tr :ed to roison the cats Phone Maio ir:D - --- m le- weeks felt somewhat better. i i' f. exfst cot stretch o; doglale track. under one and the chickens got the po�in.'" *Trot the - doctor one day and he remark• ence, r _ ; In adda.rn to fh 'they have -spent RpC�f Sp : a' how mush better - I was looking. -I Ifiirkintillach's -new gas -works were r AN INCOME - �VEllllOATt7 _ :hold him it was not •his medlcin but frrrrrall o other mAlkma in stations, -shops rind � y paned- two weeks ogre, in the D ". Williams' 'Pink Pill, Ebel wereitelp- presrnce of a %sure and .rcpsrsenletfve otbor improvements, thus increasing of FIFTY -T\ \'O DOLLARS a tear as long w edge SWU .� took beet« a .d. If no .s.� Ing me, and he told me I had better comps ny. the carrying capacity of , the Woad con- .'is you live, ur SEVEN HUVDRED DOL- u gun ra four town, Vito dfrest Ko- areal, Iles Ly keep on taking them, 'I'continued to Loch Leven trout'. fishing has 'been- trfbuting t3 the upbuilding of theCoun= LABS CASH, is the First Prize in the aRITION AMSRIOASI alyaflf0'po. do so unf[l I bad taken ano:trer halr phenornenally su vrsatul the seas.�n, .A try, and at the same time ifPirdingfld- Caron contest nnw -being advert'sed by dozen boxes, when m health was red security to the lives and property the ORANGE :t1E.tT role. Thore are Y per- recent catch was 681 Trout, weighing F P - . fectly restored, i am more than grate - 4M bounds 12 ounces: ct its patrons which the installation of a great number of other larg.i Cash tul for , black- si ais on a single' tracked line what these pills have done for Ar:dr��w Ferrger, pool - runner, between � b Prizes, and gat. that is rrquirai of your Zrw and strongly recommend them to Mw-thly .end Roha!li gin, .was found 1 •• could never secure. By the eupendi- to enter flits Contest is to send your all weak girls,•' inb dead on the roadside,.with two let. ture of a!1 thaYe•mill'ons in Canada, they name and a4ldmss to "ORANGE Xi }:AT. «. - n w m Are 8s.rlbul.n ;, the R(•venue. or a-good Kingston,' and commence saving the Knell and stroll s re a i, among. e o g, Praise Dr. Williams' A Dvndez minister asserts that the hoc 1 mink Pills for having cured ana nia, \ �1'.mill girl only requ.'ws th^ rtflne- '1 (fake a start TO- D.t�'. THE ,4neral weakness,, indigestion, rheuma- ment of the Pvt%ing school to become . OUT OF SJGI1T.. , ORANGE MEAT and 4I lk supplies the NAME OF =alt; nenrglgls, nervous disc d-", pare- fit tor .a. draw: Mi4ress- "What. you igwirantiy term most perfect, and evenly balanced rood CANADA'S BEST ysls and t10`eilments of irlh d and A l.opular figure in the vil'age We of Ire mail's horns,. Bridget, are really its g �''� + the human subject can secure ��A O 'womanhood. 'These Pills do •thus by Glassfor�4 has passed into ,pnva`,e- life eyes.„ ._ rttak'ng new, led blood, which &adds the t`Y 4he'supernnuntion of Senior Con- Bridget- "GbrY>IPhwat an. litigant �'O - ogee for rule oatatoe. starved nerves, drives out disease and stable D-,ra'd• \i alsrn. R THE BAT. strengthens -evi,ry. organ n e y. I -death-r�c':urred- at-Sa;*.at -r re fSold by all medicine dealers or by mail 9 of Air. William Gordon, AuchaliatPr, l'o1C cha�tlge,I in 2.000 yrrtrrs. For that art- at 50 re*sttt a brix or six . :boxy§ for $?.50 - frrrresulel. ono qr the b, -st known sheep To Pr, :�rnt 1s Reiter Than to R,�pFn ve.th�,r have the fish. _ : _ k'r', .. • Re ii d tnnri n,� tmaih, An ram The Dr. Wtlllarns' Medicine Go., •farmers' in -A1wrde�nshi•re. t pyiI p �QQnd OryuD co., IIU tCu.; uu�,ll►i►. Vtti i0rockville, OnL Edinburgh Town Couricit rreentty ap- -•4 i the medlicinc in the shape nt. th,� \'try many persons die a.nn, rally frrun Ecrntd Dr. A. Maxwell %%,illiamson, - ,rcndoniul pellets which are knon -n as .Cholera. and kin'drRi summer coin• s r 4 sunitary inspector for tb� city,, 4,o be Parmelec's Vegetable Pills, administer- plaints. who might have been saved if li4me Employment for. Ladies - M"dical olTicer in. room of Sir henry �'t at .khe proper time and with fire di- proper remedies had .been u�d. it at -. "WHAT HE WANTED. LltlLrjahn.'- rf•.aions edhered to oftkni prevent a sari• lack <i,I do nest delay in getting a hot - _nI s del;," said -the fancier, "is a pet+ Wirth over fifty years' a-xrerirnCc, on r;us attack :cif sickness and have m•nne)' t4r of Dr. J. D. Nelloggs Dysentery Cor- feet type of a sett,�r," !h? road, Mr._ James Wi's?n, Drum• which n•rufd go 't,o .the d�cthe. In all cd +al, the medicine that '(lever rails. w , EASY. PLEASANT LICHT "Well, perhaps, ate is," rojo!ne�d the 4'chly H "floe Fly'dropath ;c, ldethven, ran rrref;ularfGcs or the digr tive organs efrect a cum. Those who have used it prospe^tive cusl7er, "but what I want otaim to b.� Scotland's oldest commer_ they are an invaluab,e corrective and tcriy it. ,acts promptly.,' ands thoroughly .' Such as any lady can do and enjoy. is a huntin 4io ci.rl trav'el!er. v .. cleansing the blood they clear the subdues the pain end disease. Ant lady who wishes, and -ssees : -h s adt 8 �, not a type setter," skin of im rfecliona, Three vt <rl;ing wens wives appeared verbemrnt mav, if .shr writ soon, 4he otb'r day.in the J. P. Small Debt btagtstrate'(riho. t6 commit far trial) secuie •this upp(atunity to •b3 inde ;endF k Are your corns harder to remove than Cvur¢, Gla gnw, in resprm:© to sum- -- ADDLtiG I�Flii.T TO I \JL'R1. _ :'Y.� rtaigly cif (t the r.,bb n irr er,t, earn,in4 a gv)od. 'living in a very those that others have halt? IFavq' they monses. fir Lhe balance of the price of "Now•, - Won't, deny lt, .Rose, You a remarkably• ingen'ous way -n fan, ebsy mann•:T. Work any lady can:'do, not had the same kind? Have thr not ft,mily Bibles, each. costing - $13.550, wn're my shoes. ". wilh quite excePlionat cunaiing :" Pris- For partcu!ars address x* beeg cured by using Flolloway's Corn "Only onck -my feet hurt mew and, oner (d,rprecatingly) -- " \o flattiI yer - piRS, N, SL'1t\tERS, - Uure? Try a bottle. ,` I n nL,_d m,y fir cvrmAtr'�h'a" honr,r -no flat /cry; I b,`gs on •yrr,' mi time3TrrTlkes a girl bh sir to ,-" g l7 nk ltoa' II CFrGiln poling man alight - Success In Lite is dependent upon roar health.. 'The a no more obttlnateg tin freebie than _ \ \fudsOr, '�O{. Shc !t fs said that cats lave a rrat nt era rut of dart +, ill or. feeble, take $alt' therm. It sometimes till entoryears,.but dread of. watrr," He - "Oh I d rn't t,F :te •kisntd ter, lxrt diwlrilt,� "Ferrovim." It's the best tonic, it bottles. wearer's Cerate makes+ short work of it Also, >: now!• Our'cat s :gems to dtihk- that milk all mediciaf dealers, field weaver's syrup to insure Permanent oars. ' C th:; milkman brings usr, _ It Has Many Ofllces.- Before the Ger• , — "i can't decide," oho' said, "w hr thcr in c Ste pn�s.unatcly') - u eV r a. I -ohs his fret ,I la]'low, for his firs! 'E'v` nm', r, uear4sE He (wear "' take the'hat or not. Bit is is just `Mr. Brown is a u ' "ti�,.nevcr, if I 'el out of the affair: V;e dearest thing I havc, seen this sea• Ever his feet in fioo�l conili- b ,•, I � . r ever hE d arest. n ed J noUG• a sh the � us cl • d ' t h ban I I. f rein r- lion. 1f he knew that Dr. Thames`' Ec- with a sard:.mic laugh. ` °Then it's car '' sy ails says nothing." "Yd's; but he sayer ]ectrfe Oit woad be of much better ser- -A Tonic fiir the- T)iebilitaled,-ParmeL g It so bcautifullyl" krs }'Pg, !able Pills by ar- -ling niikfl fain thpt you'll take it,'' vice' he would-throw away is taltrw Y farmer and pack a taw fettles of the Oil .in his but thorudghly on the secretions of the 1 - ": l;na ack. There is nothin 7:rd� -are a valuable-.Aonic, stimulating Tha'healthv row disappearing from "Truth " rimarked •t he mornl`zer, . s. 1s. g like'it, b the check and munning ontii restic•ssnc,s ' estranger than action.' "Yes," reoinr,i the lagging organs to a healthful. ac IN, den:oealizZr, "and the 'majority •,r A WIDE• NVAY. lion and ies!oring ahem to full vigor: at rirght fire Sure sy'mploms of worms Knew 1 - They can be taken ill graduated doses in children. Do not. fail 1.0 let a bet- r� wren seem to be shy of a oc:ating with Aferry ��'idmv 'R'enrer- "Can you t, ll t' -e of Mother Graves! Worm F.xdermin- "how much ,mono? he enald sale by. Hato a strangers." ' and so used that they can be discon- atcr; ft is an effectual medfc:ne, Fairbanks -Morse Jack- of•aiwrrades Gasoline ai+n• r,c if I can g;:t' through t.jg6_gate tj the Lnued at any- tfine:without relurn of stns t., sew wood. amp water, grind.reea, Ao., P "rli? I I'r? ailments which they }ere uSC(I 10 .1e would not be able to supply the demand, "Johnny, you must comb •your hair Air :rc \inn - "I gross sal A load of 'hay allay, MILK IN BRICI:S: cut thi, ad> out and send to us ):D-day, and we " u through." will send ou dzr free catalo t-fore you come to sch��l."' f n!n't just event thmuah•' Sumrmfr milk by the'brick can now Y' �~ got no comb." "Borrow.your fntt:er's," \\'HERE; P,ABIFS ARE Nuf BURIED. b, bought in born Denmark and Bel- Name "Pa ain't got no comb either, "Deena t _ um. The Belgian over7lment has he co* his •hair? ". "He ain't ° no. Am hx, Ih� Chin.sc• in the the Straits g- g hair," `t Si ttk m n ;a, and in their lawn country, Aiven .a ye lr'y subsidy of pb0ut 4;K7,. Address ll is n thing uncommon f,rr• the corpses 1 1 to increase he fund In f'op'e�n -- CEYLON rc o[ infrrnhs do be etist an-ny, tasted of hagm a fling Pngagod in this l+it,iness ThsDaaadianFairbaw aCo., Limited, Toronto III \V�'fe— "Fanny has van notice, be;ir buri -d. The charitabl•' expinna- (wakes a w,x9ay del:vcty <f .00.000 ' g' g 1 I — hfantrDal, Wiuni e�ancouver. tlublcy- ")Vhy ?" \'t'if - h,� =ay; }uu Publ.icily makes a product noted, t "an is that this is done to save jnirinl rcuritis ter « eh. and a rre,at deal or p¢ -eke in a brutal manner 'o her on the quirlity bangs fame, "Salads" Tea eepenses., The "Echo de Chine'' .gives this goo to diy'ant c•,unt telephone yesterday." Ilub!ry= "Yttcr- yes bath noted and tarirous, the flue real n'ns fain, the deep-.-,,.-_ -__ VICTOR - BERLINER tiny? 1 thou "M.I was speaking to y•ou!,, _ _ si;perst.t.ous Ixl!of ; ig them that the GER \(:1\ fl -_D TAPE, death of a•briby tu•L:,us ilut of nunishm- • nient to its shut for skis committed in 1. The w.du)y of a German o[Tfcer pre - a previous state of ex:stonc^.. 'It is an seutel' hersolf at the olrrce in Berlin for acrurscd creature, whose enffln no one th+i puFpo' , wf dr- ,n>,•ing the pension due will fnil,�w. It is, lion `e, a conunon to her. Sh, Uriiided in the necs nato std 41Inr'bnbies- lai, .certirl. ate drum. the .maYor of the vil- d' wn by the r•oa4dsl6o t) breathe their lage i.11 which 511-0 lived, tag the effect Inst. Th,� par,nts will 'Trot aT,w fh!m ' -!hat she Eons, stilt ,alive. "This_.certili. t,; d'e in the house. the lr'i. f awing ca!e is nit correct," said the olTic,r in that infant;. after tiic :r drat!r, laconic charge. "'II is the matt ^r w• th it "." w•ickecl spillitz.' Tea- nl!nw dh 'in t; 'die asked 0,e lady. ' "It beats the date cif urd, r thr linriinls'•'iv"ot will brlirg "rio- DcceTnb'.r :l,'' was the stern reply, "and thing in but evil upon lho fa ly. y„w• pemq <M was due on Dee, nmb.'r Ili. ' "What kind of a certificate do you nirt"hPr - "I nP,'d a 1:•:;y tih art your w;sh ?' nsk,,d the disap�po'nt-ed appli- cizr, anti will g:vo }•rrr fl ;r'r 41 Alois a cant. "We must have a cert flcate ;tat- w,'rk. ". B• �' -- "Shat( I htn4' ;: r hence to ing that you Rat-- -alive on Do,emb,r ris"'' F-111 her- "1',�. inr 1 al. ti nt ' ir.^ said the officer, • with great firm I vroi 'o I- h rP at fruF e'c: ,cA' in f1 5 Hess. m rn'n , '.. ,. .� .. �.ns-d.'.Vi.:`„�,> "'= .,,�'.w"'_,.•d.- :+..:sr .,.4n -a .. -" vS4 .:..�d....:- �.,h.,,,:".�.G..; �.'..;. All prices and styles frem $r2.4o to $2.40, Write for free catalogue. r' DEPT. D� •TdUNN, G19MI011 H 0 N I COMP 264 Yonge Street, TordnYo. Agents wanted in every town. iSSIT N0. as"--lls. - wY. . �. ,,. - •.. ..'�r4 K,. Ji•Y '•• .,1. Yc. �„ •��' �c Y_....� 1 ". y I T• s —The- vote on the debenture by- STOUFFVILLE SPTCIAL TO FARMERS kg : law R•i zi e k ac - — el many visa sin ou } d = Donald Kerr is spending the vicinity will verb �ucia regret to T s ` Russel W oodrnff; of Toronto, holidays �� itit his bruther in In- learn. of the- death of Alwa Alberta Just received ONE TON Granulated Sttgar. Will sell by the r is holidaying with friends in Pick- Bersoll. ~' Jones• beloved t� ifs of Major J. R. at Rock Bottom'priee. ering. " i Airs. (Dr.) Fish, of Broughiim, Button, which occtu•red at the family is s ndin a�week with Mrs. J. residence"on Church St., on 'Tuesday, Fine line Ladies' Blonses just received into stock from fifty cents up — Found. —A ladies waist belt. B, July 7th, she being in her 32nd year, --- Loser call at Mrs. Leigh's millinery undY• Deceased had not been enjoying good -to one fifty. Come and see them if you don't buy. Very tasty store. * —Dr. Henry will be here as usu' health for some time, but recently her —ldra. John Field has been con- al neat Tuesday to attend to his condition became serious and termin• paterns. Also, Ladies' Wash Skirts one twenty-five up. - •-fined to her bed for the past few professional duties. * ated fatally on Tuesday forenoon. The — + -• —Miss Jennie Gordon Miss Sun- funeral took lace on Thursday after- as a f y Farmers Supply Co. Pickerin ant. YJ. A. Sweet, of Toronto, spent day with her cousin, Misa Edith noon to ng c vil=e Cemetery. the hors pp y f ! °a day this week with John and Guthrie, of Audley. vice 'being conducted in the Mcthod- Airs. Field. —Miss Johanna Reddin, of To ist church. 'Mies Olive Leslie, -of Toronto, rontO, spent a few days last week :Mil to spending a few Jaya with Pick- calling upon Pickering friends. 'LETTERS To THE EDil OR • • ering friends. —Mrs. H. Savage returned home Its". p� —John Patterson, of Edinburgh, on Monday after spending a few On behalf of the Society 'of Friends reserving Scotland, spent Sunday with Mrs.. months with relatives in Hamilton whose Meeting the House was destroyed W. T. Hai trick. and Toronto. by fire on the morning of the 24th tilt., —Miss Jose hire Connors, of I .desire to ret.urp our since,thanks to —The Logan brick cottage, late- p the Pickering Fire Brigade.' No com'- Our stock of Graniteware is complete. ly purchased by W. V. Richard - Whitby, is spending her holidayys pany could possibly have overcome eon, is being repainted. at the home of her parents, J. H. the fire when first discovered but our p Found: —A small parse, con and,Mrs. Connors. men are as brave and efficient as any : Preserving Kettles 20c to $1 4 taming some small change. Loser —Miss Irene Rogers.- of. Mt. had they the means at their disposal• k' F call at D. Simpson k Co's. * Wolf, Pa., "is spending her holi- The village needs h steam or' gasoline , Sauce Pans - I0e to 500 —W. H. Field and J. J. Field, days at the home of her parents, fire engine and water mains for an _ of Toronto, spent the week end C. and Mrs. Rogers. ample supply of Rater. What is de. ce " Boilers 50C to $1 � with John and Mrs. Field. —Miss Mabel . Wright left on =scored by fire for the lack of these, Frida for A lmer, Que.,: where 'Intl lost by extra prelninma aft insur- Dish Pans, . Tea Settles, Pails, —Miss Mitchell, of Toronto, has �' Y anpe, would, in a short time. recoup d a few seeks with i- the cos;. Steps are being taken to re- a P�tc., & very Wth she --vill F; -- her aunt, ?firs. R. Deverel}. Rev. G. and Alrs:'1cGregor. build before winter. —sirs. Wm. G.. Scott; of Clare- —Miss Emma Counurs has re- Yours Resppectfully, low prices. wont, is spending -a few -days with turned home after spending some B. w AVOIOD: _ her sister,, firs. W. J. 'Miller. time wfth her slater, M'rs. S. C: ° —Miss Nellie Clelland, of Brock- Burrell, of Niagara Fall., N. Y. •Also at full stock of Forks Hoes, Snaths and Scythes, - -Tlie Ladies' Aid of St. John's Tcc o t sand buss running in �_. . Ville, is spending a couple of we vela 5 of hriIf a 1111 each, will m' _. suet at St. y •. 141iss Edith �Yagner, of Toron Andrew's manse ere on -e Wes- of 7-N w York to the ltayo'r of i✓hi to, spent .Sunday and Monday at day afternoon. A pleasant time ca{zu. _ the home of her parents here. was spent by all. Don't forget to bring your can along for some —Miss Corinne Doyle, of Toroh- —Rev. J. C. and Airs, Bell have James Aic'Mananey, .�saiktr, of "Machine Oil." It's the pure stuff. - to, is visiting at the home of hen Bove to tIA lake where they will 'Montreal, had a desperate struggle ggrandparents, G. M. and :tiMrt upend a couple of months cane nag. tviCh au, iiitesicatecl w•uu-ian whuitl _ " Palmer; Their daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Gibson, he was rrs trying to save from drown - Albert S. Pollard, of Toronto, of Linden, is expected to -day to ins and lead � to strike her in the - - JOS.- • is spending the summer months visit them for a short time. face to effect isle purpose. _ with his uncle, R. Pollard, of the '•-•A- Lynde. teller in the 't e.t A• certain.. Joint Simmons lied ern Bank here,• is faking a too ., -but Fell - Brock road. been a _0 -yeat ab- tnirter. - —The township council will weeks' vacation during which he p front the catty- of grace and �vur• meet in Brougham on Monday will visit Quebec and other east _ y - jaiplJeci the •viuyu -. bucl tcith.ttll • next for the trar>sactiaii of ever- .ern pointa. Jduring his ab- anceS• • B the ft a c7I33et't. �� '���'res�.ults T,. Gorrpley will per•turin.the.dtlt �► -a1 business. )reeling the need of reeul�eratiuu f — :!Liss Alma Cionk. teacher in ie3 of teller.. he -ent hiz b «,y to ail adjfweut _ the Bright public school, is spend- — Clarkson Rogers„ w•hu has li(stelry for a bottle of whi key. ing her vazatiou at. the home of -been confined to his house since ' - ' mother here. p g g re- her cord the 1r+jtEl }nopiiet seasonable. Goods always in stock.. - last s Min throw h. injuries ..w_} it €Far ?' — Gordon Johnston, princlpa o • - ot my at trr, ail( utt y' Pine Apples, Bananas, Oranges, Limons the barrow public school, and his while removing ctorut wiitdotn ••Nunaeu •e. • Yalu• (tither .is it YY bride are s nding a fortnight ht is recovering slowly. At present abstainer and has been, to 'S Pe 8 total ab, t he is saffering fmtn an attack of } _ y F esh Strawberries, etc. with Sgaire and Mrs. Bunting: m •- l.uotvledge, fur Iouge: ears r Hite a 'number' from here inflammatory rheumatism in the - —@ than you've lived." right knee. y went to 1}unbarton on Sunday " "Nell, at all events, he vent' - evening to hear Rev. Mr. Perrin, —J. H. Wagner returned home me for it." Pure Maple Syrup,- Prime New Cheese. a former pastor of-6t. Andrew's on Tuesday morning after spend- "What does tie want it for ?'` Church. - ing 'a few days in . Shannonville "To let you into a secret," said Try some of our pure Lemon Powder and Lemon Squash. nothing going icer for a cool summer drink,. pure and cheap, •_the Misses Redman, of Bircheliffe, Wa Her. 'Her its the hay cro "he's fishing and always-ready. —Miss Prest, of Norway, and with his son. Rev. B. N. de Foe the boy, ashamed to tell the truth n B y , P he's fi bins and he wants - Fesetu ed home after spend -. in that locality as being very light k to use for a float -_ing -a most - ,enjoyable time with owing to the lack o rain . a delphia Enquirer. Customers - Mr. and Airs. Hartrick: pastnre fields -also are all parched best seasonable goods especially selected —J. S. and Mrs. Jephson rind -owing to the- heat. and drought. children are spending a couple of East of Shanuonville the condi- _ _ .for the hot westher.. weeks with friends and relatives .tions are entirely different, there -, in Seaforth, Clinton and other being, plenty of rain,' and ronse- parts of Huron tawnship. quently the hay crop is good. ;Remember, that in Fancy Dry Goods, Fancy Collars, Gloves Geo. -A. and -Mrs: Gorden €peed —iV —A: and -Mrs. RZmnmer -ails - .,. �. - N�S- M - -- elts,— lances: Ribbons,�aner-- Hose, - Shoes,,- etc., - e _ Sunday here at the home of the children, of Brockville, are spend- have the finest stack to select from.in all lines. _ ` ..former's father, -Robt.- Gordon. ing their vacation with 1%Irg. J. Masters Ewart and- Carmen are ;gilts, at' Pickering Harbor. For `See our new Picture post Cards— beauties and cheap. also here spending a week with the pas 1 mer ACKACHE °. relatives. has been principal of Victoria — Raspberries promise to bean school in the -above town but this Dick' abundRn t crop this year unless the week he had the hood f i ' - of _ Q T ezceedingly dry weather destroy being appointed supervising grin v 'them before they all reach, matur. cipal of the five schools in that sty. A good 'rain just now is town. The non position involves -.!bad needed. _ no teaching and with tile, inereas- M • y 1y p y ponsibity comes a consider- ' — Siinda was tabs hottest' da - ed res� I - __ _ „I •_ _ � _ of the summer. The .therinomet- able increase of salary. ZZ a ex- i m e :...registered 93 degrees in .the shade. tend our congratulations to -fr. _� LJ • The.inteiise_heat had the effect of Remmer on- his promotion. causing a -small attendance at the se- different - B Owning to the difficulty in churches.. -curing gravel, no. tenders were ' —E.- Bryan is raising the old received b the commissioner, W. - - - -- blacksmith shop for the purpose W. Sparks, on Tuesday last for ',.If you want genuine pure Paris Green, sure death to the of putting -underneath a cement the "gravelling of the; station road. - 'foundation. This will give him It has been suggested that the brigs, "you will buy ample • stable room as well as a rock crusher be ;utilized to put the -store house for his rigs. station road in goad order, and it The back is the mainspring of — Stephen Thompson is in Pal- is hoped that the suggestion be - woman's organism. It quickly calls _' BERGER S - - ENGLISH grave this week. He expects to acted upon. There is r1n other t$,e'nti0n to• rouble by whin �t - p/ — come home' •to -day and 'will be road in' the tots nship that has+ �th•ot�r• s3'm}5toms, sc;h as — G E E �/ accompanied by his wife and more trnfil^ than this road. Farm- nervousness, headache, pains in. the child, who have been spending a ere from alhparts of the toavnship loins, weight' in the lower part.•of few weeks with 'relatives iii that at drive over it to reach Pickering the body, that a woman s feminme` locality. station and as so mrtch ilettvy.trat- organism needs immediate attention. The Masonic Grand Lodge is In such cases the one sure remedy fic passes over-it especially in the meeting this week in LTiagara fall of the year, the road should which speedily removes the cause, Have you seen the -Falls. Anions those froru'Doitc be pat iu proper shape, . and restores the feminine organism $Lodge' who- are atte=nding, are to a- healthy, normal condition is Messrs. John Gormley, Geo. TV:'P. —Not for many years has. -those , -. 'Eureka Compressed Air Sprayer, Every, M. S. Chapman and R. A. been so many tramps on the road L IA L PIN KHAM S as there has been the past fen the Newest and best. Bunting p G BLE COMPOUND "• —We • 'congratulate ..:ALaster weeks.' .Reports from different -•'-' . - - a barrel of water to your potato patch Frank Bundy on his success at the , — y. 1 Pap of the Province tell of robber- . :Mrs. J. A. Laliberte, of 34 Anil- Won't carr ies, hold -ups and other illegal acts lerie Street, Quebec, writes to Mrs. recent examinations. at •the East by that class of individuals. Pinliliam, when a pailful will do the work equally as well Toronto High school: He stood Many of these persons are honest- " For sin years I have been doctoring" fourth in a class of thirty -five in '_�Ve have a fnll,stock of Hand'Sprayers, Sprinklers, the first corm, winning ascholar- ly but ineffectually seeking for for female weakness,- heALt• &ud nerves, ship which entitles him to a' re. work.'' Aisny are in. hard luck and .liver and kidney trouble,, but in Lydia Etc. Call ani see them. g� p are deserving of oar deepest gym- E. Pinkham's. Vegetable Compound I duction of four dollars in the fees can safely say I have found a cure. pathy and assistance, bat there .'for next gear. ', I was continually bothered with the are also many who" belong to the —Mrs:- George Hoff and Master most distressing backaches, headaches, criminal class whose only safe and bearita down sins: and I kept ^� Harold, of Ait.'Wolf, Pa.; are vis-• abode is. behind . prison bars. As 8 pains.* tin for a" "Few weeks with her p growing more and, more nervous. m • •- CHAPMAN _ _-_ g a usual thing glance at their. �• Lydia E• Pinkham's Vegetable Com- -' _ _ _ _ aunt and uncle, C. and Mrs. Rcg countenances is. sufficient to place .pound relieved me of all these distiess- ers• Mrs. Hoff was n former reel them in the class to which file in dent of Greenwood. Mr. Hoff is Y g. symptoms .and ,made me -.a well belong, but -there are many cases woman. I would advise all suffering' " one of the managers of the- Penn: where appearances belie the real women, young or old, to use Lydia t E. 1008 L PAPERS ! -1908 isvlvania wire cloth factory loea't character of the real mate and it is Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. +ed .at Mt. Wolf, Pa, difficult to" know how to treat a FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. M —Miss Hilda Grant, oe Jamaica,. stranger when he conies to one's For' thirty years Lydia E• Pink- we are showing a very large assortment of the latest a former student' of Pickering door. Aiany a worthlesG char- beam's VegetabTe Compound, made - pattern8 and COIOrs, at all prices, from 50 up. College and liolding•a second "class acter -receives- sympathy and as- from roots and herbs, has been the - ` ° non- ltrofessiQnal certificate, and sistauce, when the lash would be standard remedy for female ills Mouldings to match.. Call and see our having taught successfully the the snore appropriate trea4ment• dhaspoyitivelycni�dthousandso haIIdsOm'e samples.- $i WMA _ required time in '10 nt Pleasant while. many an houest'man; willing women who have been troubled kith - ,school, i'xbrid�ge tc tnship, will and anxions to receive work, re pl ments,inflanimation,ulceta /- attenri the normal -bool at To- ceives only Rbuse at the hands of tion, fibroid tumors, irmgilaritiea, NOTE— Grmnlated Fellow Sugar, 20 Ibs for �Ll7t). Granulated, ronto the comin t•var. Mi s people who wonid gladly render perkylic pains, backache, that bear—t, _ g�.'•'!) P �I' liN) lbs, ,;. (.runt fit lire sent i staying with Rs-istauce to all those worthy of ing-downfeeling,fi:ttulencv,indiges- AS:. anti .11r C'. lloge help. I tion ,dizziae`•a,ornervausprostra•tio - 111. A, BU 11NTG; "' pick rill 5 .:_�. c�.:�:.._._,,._'a ....,.,. ..,�.:<ds..- �.,..u.a't"a,t+sv.. �. ;..,:.u. ;�`..i .: ,., -...`, .,,,::a, ,., ,. .. .,,....•.....a: _...._......,...W:w...w•., _..L.,, .,,.. ... n ., ... .. .,, ,_,. .. ..,. ...-. -.... _ ... .. .,, _.. .. �... .... _,. .. ._ -_,.. .. __.�„_ .. - .. _„_:,,.,+5,,,.. ,.... a... �..,...... �... ._.x.- ._.,..rad�l,k,c...aa:.i'E o:.:.&?zs�.ii:�`r�r'.