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WIT ,,,,, r+. ir"'3g'-'y-"' -:r,`. :tiT`•f?. .a;adv+.+.,z zse-'.zx--y."- r-..r:fie,:,. :.-..•., -�," t.:.s4 '"i_ '-�-¢< ,.. x.».:k.,--rr" ,?•?'r'% =.�... '?' �.a�.1. '- 'v.. ,. R nyw :ter a' .'..,:.C '-' .'+,::- �.,.:.-V -� ,.• r 11-1 „i l r -'�v �-," }. `Yy -S'. • J nX EWS E - j• , - - .. .1 -N 1 VOL. XXV. _ PICKERING. ,ONT., FRIDAY, APR. —27, -1906 J INT0. 29. �;' lCafifafliiE,afftett �ar>s ������` _ 8touffvilta oal�AwA• His funeraliternoon hic ook.place Oa r , ' Thursday a to Quaker We are sorry to report that Mrs. Sad' Death.-A very sad circum-i Hill cemetery was largely attend- r - David Meyer, of Atha, had to go to stance occurred here to Bethune Gol-i ed. Des►ta><. PICKERINGi- Toronto Hospital on Tuesday. lege, on Tuesday last, resulting in the , We re et to learn that Heather each of Slater Ada, of the Anglican I DR. R. M. STEWART, Markham, Red Wbeat 76-ns,. Lennox gr J. SV. Seymour Coyle was a ` had to undergo an operation Eder of St;John. It ap are that. Y Y $- DENTIST. White Wheat' 76 bas. pointed Crown Attorney of To. - '+ ' flout:Graduate of Toronto University for appendicitis last,week, but we are she was alone in the kite en, when I PO Y Gradnste R9yW Cwllegs of Dental 8argeov*, spring Wheat 66 bas. pleased to hear that she is progressing. her' clothing was ignited from the TOD t0. OFFI�-OPPOSIT1t THE POSTOFFICE: (loose Wheat 70 bas. favorably at present.-Pilot. stove,and she rushed upstairs envelop-I 'Mr. Andrew Carnegie has offer- r - " ion-Toa. Hanitobs Flour, $4.60 ed in flames. The fire was quickly Open daily 9 a to to 8 P.W. Cream inns, Bees Family, 4.26 q y ed Victoria College$50,000 on coil- Reddeace,rain St,North. :'• extinguished, but she was so severe! - T•a-iuns,.Fanoy Pastry, 4,9a g y}dition that they raise .a_.similar AT IINIONVILLE'EDLrBg FRIDAY. asaior+Family Flour, 4.00 Whitby. burned that she diedittfter eight hoer-Qum a.m.to p. m. once over 6nmmerfeldt d' Cotton, Jute or Paper Bags included, -- _..__ of suffering. The victim, who was a^i`` A freight train betvreen Inge}- . silvers Store. 17tf Bran$19 00 Ton At half past five yesterday after- Miss Ford, was a sister-in-law of Mr.II } : Shorts, $20.00 Ton noon a quiet wedding was solemnized Stewart Strathy, Manager of the sol}and Port Burwell was'cancell- . 71R.E. S.BARBER,L. D.S..D.D S.. ' :Jumbo,$25.00 Ton at the residence on Dufferin St., of Traders'Rink in Hamilton.-Reform- ed yesterday owing to a strike of .!J Dentist,stouffviue. Honor graduate of Cracked Corn $1.15 per 100 lbs Harbormaster and Mrs." Galbraith, er. - the ei•eiv. the Royal Collage of Dental surgeons and of Whole Corn, $1.10 per 100 lbs." when their youngest daughter, Miss .:� - London insurance men estimate - - the university of Toronto. Hours-9 to 19 s.m.. •to 6 p.m. Office in Grubin's Block,over Jew- Corn Chop 8-x.50 per ton. Georgina, wits married to Rev. Her- - Whltevale. British fire insurance companies' elet!y store. Local telephone No.2!. Appoint. Wholesale prices an application, beet Edison Abraham, pastor of First -- nionte maybe made for evening*. Residence P' liabilities in Stan Francisco at$65,-. f O'Brien ave. HAREHAM every Monday an ' Graham, J- holervhent ' Presbyterian church, Port Hope The Dirs. A. E. Major and s.)n,Lawrence, 000,000. All legally proven claims Tuesday. Office over white's store. 2719 furs ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr.' are visiting Toronto and?Hespeler will be aid. Cho of all kind:f, Abraham, pastor of St. Andrew's friends. •"? p - �iedLaah C1rolprpinf/ acne! GrEating. church, and father of the groom. The Among the recent yisitoi-mlo to'the Hon. Mr. Matheson introduced bride was unattended,and wore a sim- vale,were the following : Miss E. Wil- his railway tax•bill in the Legis- lace coY- son, of Toronto, with her parents; 1Rtttre,-under which the pre5eut - �T F. EASTWooD, M.D.. Sar¢eoa PICKERING COAL onation veil and orange blossoms, and Misses .Frances, Alice and Beatrice tax on railways over 150 miles' �Y to CanadianPacifto Railway: coroner C'to''�,' carried x 9bower bouquet of white Liddell, of Toronto, with their par- long is doubled. Ontario County; Ismer of Marriage S.iceuees. roses.—Gazette• ent; Amos Thornton, of •Torgnto, at Claremont; Office hours—Before 10 a.m„ 1 to a Yards Rt Spink :Mills, -' his oma here; Misses Len of b- p.M.,and tiota 7 to 8 p.m- Private telephone - — g+ eonnectlonwith Balsam,Greenwood.Brougham _. Audle _ ront0, with their grandmother, Mrs. Mt Zion,A.Johnston',lith con), wm Cowle's Stove Coal - 86 25 ton. �Y• Thos. Carter; Mr. and Mrs. Madill, of ' Tthcon),and Dpngh's(9thcon) 61y Chestnut Coal 6 23 ton. Seeding is in full swing this week. .' TiisQnburg, with Airs. James White; •Pea Coal 5.`-Ston. Mr.'Tyndall hits moved into the Car- Mrs. iii. Dixon, of Toronto. with 'herFor Th tfi ],eyai, select Lump Coal,55.35 ton. parsley house. - parents, John and Mrs. Kirton ; Dir. s., Blacksmith Coal, 85,"5 ton. Several large' hauls-of suckers 'have Geo Burton and Win. of E. FAREWELL, 0., BA1tiRI8- Fu per ton Iiscoudiem t for oaeh., been secured., Toronto, with t�m. Burton Mrs. Poor— AbovelT Q Fnll rs for al 141%with Coad, of Woodville with G.' H:t er- OQ�+�J a TER.Ooanty Crows Attorney,andCounty Orders for coal Pett wish W.Peak will Dlis3 L1ura MCCatthy yislted home + g ushusitor. Oourt socia.Whitby• 10-v be delivered promptly. over the holiday. _._ mon ; 3lasters Chambers and Claude prices sub#ecttopbange-without _ Rev. Mr,Totted is expected to lee. Walker,of Toronto, with their sister, Notice. Mrs. G. Lamont; Mr,and Mrs. Pher '.'TOW & Mc(3ILLIVRSY, BARRIB• cure here on May Atli. - _ 11JJ na,Solicitor*,&a. office opposite Pour r �+ �T�r Mrs.-NI . J. Cba man spent'Sunday rill, of Windsor, with Mrs. Burk- mmee Whitby;Out Jao.BanDow,8a.7Th•o. J. L. t7PIi\Jt1. l holder., You can trust a medicine with Pickering relatives. As.eGilliyray,LL.R, Monet to Loan. 87 nzltnTfan The catalogue of new books for the .'_ tested 60 years•! Sixt 'years ■-----� —' J.L.spink,' D..Id.Spink S. S. library show a large and choice Brock Road. -� lPeter�nary. ![anagen selection. -- :' experience, think o that l President Of ieII ... � The annual meeting of the E. L. of Miss Bertha Rodd, of Pickering,vis- Experience with Ayer's Sar-' SOPKINB.VETERINARY SUR- - _ C. E. was held on Wednesday evening, ited'with Miss Farley on Sunday last. Se *rills• the original Sarsa- the actor reaidin Before the bus bliss Axford, of Brighton, is here at P S. LEON, Graduate of the Ontario vet- P P g• ' ssivary Oon•{s, Toronto, regfit•rad m•mb•t pICRERII�G" LIPER"Y' iness was transacted, R. Pilkey took at present waiting on her mother,who -partlla• the strongest Sersaps- et thrOatano 9et•rinary 314dica' Association: the topic: -The Lord's Day and How has been cern ill lately. ' Once and residence one and onsgnarar miles y -rills• the Sarsaparilla the doc awfib of Green Riva- 096ce and shoeing tors• _ to b cep it." Harvey Edwards-and Mr, Hubbafd's horses ran awi?<y on + !hours a to 11 a.m., and Iso pm. Private bliss Ida Brownlee also read papers on Thursday mornif3g, brit fortunately tors endorse for-thin blood, basphone in my ome*P-O. sddreu, Os«m EplrSt-C]♦a88 Z1gB•{t)2}lire b� at3y the subject, after which the years not much damage was done. weak nerves general debility. !Bine, Out an e election Farmers ere are now busily + work was zeciewed, d th lect'on F mef•s h bus enRag- "" or night.. officers-took place_"follows:.. ed with theirs ring work. A-few but even this Brand old medidne cannot do - 1nauTa►3e'e•- g ofElon. Pres.-The Pastor days more and many will have-fin - its best work of the liver is enactive a.a the _ ....,.,•........d..r•• bowl"eonstipated. For the bpi possible m -"" Pres.=bliss flay Rodd ed. snits, oq should take lasattve do*"of L s 'Bus ineets all trains. Pills while taking the sarsaparilla, The o IRE-4NISUls�CCE• _ Ist Vice Pres.-Miss M. Pardon. James Kayes, we regret to report, .rtnymckly raagoad,and so sow fib•hove". - sxsviaaon Company. Teaming don@, 2nd Vice Pres.-Miss M. Guthrie' bas beFn confined to his bed a few days 3rd.Vice-Pres.-A. B.Edwards, during the past week. It would ap- ]kiss•by a am Co..zaweu.msec. D: M. SPINE,aaavT 4th Vice Pres.-W. V1%estney pear that he will have to go back to • saaafMnnrr•of HPeak, Organist-Miss M. Pardon the West again, where he enjoyed ne� HAIR Yom• $ust3t>I 00 4 sXV06. +diePic -- 1 ' kering. Asst -Or anist .Hies Pi key good health. Treas.-W. J. Bell On Saturday last, John Percy re- AYIIB WlE. Cr'�!!Y PBC101AL Se'c.-Lorne Puckeria. - salved a telegram from Stratfor'� f•r- BBUNTING, Issuer of, Marriage Din. Rep.-W. Guthrie porting the' death of.�ldfs. Press, a j _ e Lleea*a cox th•Oonnty of Ontazfo. Of The meetingvoted $1 to the general former resident of this locality. He Seeders -:Cultivators Onet d the et6z, or at his reeideae•,Pl6kadng s••s • taovemen d, and 110 to the forward to k the t fine immediate) nd Ye •»• Fumiture' g y , F ral which took plac � R,BEATON,TOWNBHIPCLERH - on Sunday. About thirty years ago ,. ( .DragS. .. C"veyonow, Oommisdoner-for.taking - - araanwood. her people resided Where W, R: Jack- - _ :,.ttldaeies, Aoeonntaae. Eta, t[oa•y eo toss A full line of first• - son now lives, and where they bad a tam ��oopp��tt�� -leaner of Marriage•Lit• eiasa furniture now. saw-will. She a daughter of the• 11a•s�" Whisetsli: Ont. t-r. M-1711: J.. Cause spent several daysea mi 1. a was d ugh on exhibition inl An d. and sister ofWilkinson Plows And..Repairs _ with city friends. ate drew Hubbar iVilki POSTILL, Licensed Auctioneer, Qw wase rooms. Ca the late W. W. Hubbard, She was ` _ M. Zenon was in Tomato this ver highly reRpected and her death -'Neto R'illiam;'Sewing 4 F. for counties of York and Ontario. And. week on business. ' tion isles of all kinds attenned to oa.shoxtest Prit)es right. T. Proctor spent a few days with fegretted'by.-her many friends 1101360, Address Green siva P.0., Oat, _ friend's in Toronto. in the township. �1 POUCHER, Licensed Auction• �• S• Dillingham• School re-opened here on Monday, -' Brougham L, P. Banka, 'Tiekerillg ,1 . ser,values=and oonrbtor for the Oona - after a week's holidays. -- a "Id"of York and Ontario All Linde of anetion, Pickering. Ont, Arthur Johnston was in Guelph on sales conducted and valuations Mods enat =04- ts oo: Thut sda last on business. J. Haigen spent Monday in the The naliansigloldste.ntty managed and sold y' auction or _ t Ar .. ` private.•ale• Yortgases veno, notes and Sundaged with,the Moore fatpily.. W. Burk_has. engaged with W. ` e ggesnneral accounts um"ttly llected hone-iMs Gagner & COe W. and Mrs. Gentle t: fit a few J. Devitt. �, � facWry settlements, gnaraawed. Phone or y Incorporated by act of Parliament lad : write for term, and Particulars, Bron am, dais with the Bentley family here. J. M. GBCOW F nt a few days Out. Dates may be fixed' • by phone .awe J.E. and Mrs. Devitt,of Brougham, J. L. Cowie is vlsitin ' riends Pickering 3 ranoh. ---omo• - Sundayed"with the latter's parents. t1zE cit 8untb torized Oa ital..... it -- -$f�Qe a full line. fre..lt and cur- F L:E�'lees©n. of Br hxo�L at week - scribed ospital..::. a'°0°aoaoo ed meats constantly ofi hand._ suadav•with Di. and M leesot ,las wHee In the city. - Assets Heli.. ......—. �OII6y tin, Lo Spice Roll, Breakfast Bacgn, Miss'G. Vanvalkenbur h s ent her s ek It Jo" CowA:,EQ'vi�iT 1H.MoRmLass,EsQ, _ g nson. spent a few on days last to the cit Ham".Bologna' Weiners, etc.._ Easter vacation with friends 111 Wood- Y Y• Pze*ideat Cashier - 5 pe>`cent.-- stock. Miss Wilson., of Clare'mont;.�pent sp•clal sitentfoa given-to Firmer's sale M_ Highest prices pitied for J. and Mrs. Cause intend moving a few days at A. Hamilton's. Foarmer'\otesadiscountedand Amencaa and Butchers cattle. : __ shortl to' the' house' just' vacated by "We are sorry to say. Mrs. Foreign Exchange boualat and sold- Draft*-is- A.of all kinds A. Tremble. Wilson is in a critical cond�itioli: suets',--aysilable on alt parts-of the world a Miss Fronep Gleeson returned to Dr. G. N. Fish and-F. L. Gleeac n asvian isak a0partat.as. -Just Arri,Ped of !dors sum el •were city visitors on Wednesday. rest r a deposits the lore Toronto On day to re a }] Interest allowed t ighest attended to ollege s. h 7 7 d•1 _ C dude aces,an credited R and hiss I Phillips s nt A quaritity of rock salt, and also our A. and Mrs. Tremble-are moving pe Geo. Serr. Manager. supply of all kinds of oil's. their household effects in Ed. Jack- Sunday in,Whitby with •J.•. Phil- - son's house this week. lips, ® Real Estate handled-Conceyanc- Come and see our wallpaper pat- J. and Mrs. Tucker spent Wednes- T. C. and Mrs. Hubbard spent a Oei•!■��ss1►�I��B Ing-doue on short notice. terns.' There are some.pretty colors in day last with their daughter, Mrs. C. few.days last,week.in Toronto and, thein this year. We are giveng 5 per W. McKenzie at Ashburn. Hamilton. W G bent.off on wall-papers, for cash, James Plaskett has commenced re- W. Willson attended E. W. fr pairing the Sadler house on the farm dell''s weddin s Farms to rent-slime particularly A_ quantity of Uxbridge potato-s, , which he Uou ht recently. g at . Eddys tone e _ adapted for pasture. sdlitable for seed. Charles-and Lon. Leda ett, of the "�°t week. a n�r Highest rice lid for kinds of Davies farm, Todmofcclen, visited Wm. Burk and Miss'Winson, ►[ I d P p of C)shawn and E. Willson, of . farm produce. under the parental roof recently., , - • Q. Richardson• _ Word has been received from Kinsale, spent Sunday with-Jos. K]/t in FARRIERS' SUPPLY-STORE, Adamson stating that he and his t%:ife and Mrs. Burk. _ ___ '} E. Bryan, Rlanager. and children had safely arrived at G. Conner has lnirchased' the �otary, Public, Pickering.. Moo Jaw,.Sack. _ property from I�. C. ]JaFtaugh. _ that.is'bou�ht iii a jeweIery I OMINIO ` BASH in JI. Dusba left on , in to The place Rill be ocettpied by R. store and many other things juin her husband, tvh� is in Swift Conner, who has moved' therein, that are bought in other stoves trren.t, Sask. They intend 'faking and wha-will-make it his head- If others cannot 'repair your 001 . up farming and residing in the west. R[r. Ixtne, of Oshawa, has liolight quarters for the purchase Df pro- broken articles bring them to Capital Authorized $4,000.000 from Geo.Jackson the. Tait resilience. dace. See his advt. in another ' us and we will repair them if L IGHTED Capital Paid - $3,000,QOO on the hill-top, the one occupied by cohtnin, it is possible to od so. The Reserve Fund and 9 Ed. Gleeson.' Rlr, Lane intends luo7- It is'with regret that we report • charges will be moderate e undivided Profits - ,7 J;249,000 ing into same directly, the death oil Tuesday, the 24th } hen Foci see our new line of Th'c Greenwood foot-ball boys held inst., in his sixtieth year, of lir. Toilet Soaps. A very successful-meeting on 1Vednes- `D-in.'Feasby,' at his 'home 'Just, -We buy old Gold WHITBY BRANCH, day evening last• The following offi- , -est of-the village. The deceased' Ntrsery brand is richly and deli- cats were elected: Hon. Pres,, J. E.- has been a resident•of this town- cately perfumed with'pure flower General Banking Disney; Pres., John Pallister; 1st and Silva- odors and is•tuiexcelled for Litdies Vice,John Cowie ; •lnd `'ice, Walter ship for the past sic years. . Pee- _ - and Children. Business Transacted. H.-Wilson;-Chpfain,Levi M. Gleeson'; vious to-that time he-was••a resi n _ Sec.-Treas., F. W. Disney; Com- dent of Scott t'own:4iip, where for and pay the highest marke Y c p g Gleeson, N. NV. P. Willson, -W. B. price""for it. If you-kl:ue Levity for illecha'nics And,.othei'c mittee, J. an several years he was a member o£ Special atTention- even to the collec• you vyould like made a into will quickly remove .all stain,. damson. the.council board. He *vas a mem- p tion of farmer's sale and RVhttt mi ht h:tre ro�=ed'to be'a new jewelery we will be pleas- from the hands. g P ber of the Presbyterian Chtireb, ed to.give ive ou an estimate, ti,-•• -• other notes. very severe accident occured on Green- g 3' , Let us have the pleasure of show- - wood!hill onlfonday evening. While slid was very highly respected, and guarantee that neve`but ing these and other - SA'VINGS'DERARTX[ENT. - F: L. and Mrs, Green and. Irene'were He had been lll'for One'llnd a half your old gold will he used. lines to you. returning from Kinsale their horse Years from heart rind stomach ' =epCsits-received of 1. and became unmansgetsble and roceeded trouble, blit seemed to be recover.- . $. p Norman Bassett - upwards. to run away do*n the hill: The hold- ing cicely until several weeks ago back strilps broke making matters when ,}fie contracted a severe cold Jeweler •and Optician Interest allowed at. highest worse; At the bottom of the hill - r eurren't'rates. the animal tried to turn for home but while from w ing Robe. h e diseass S.744 • Cox=poiandee or paid half collided with M. Gleeson's store gale, from which time the disease • Brock St. daouth I'ICKERI NG throwing-the occupants against the became more acute. He had a yearly building. They each received bruises family-of eight children, of whom Whitby, Ont. PI-3 A R M ACY X.J.TAORTON, and cuts, but nothing serious. The three sono and three daughbars as; _.. b,,,,,, and ut:: MANAGN31 ;b -v was considerably damaged, well as his widow survive him..,4e10B■is■v���®s'�• f man sle�, • r uo- :w . m ., SL..:u,.'�['vw ...x.• .'...E_".�.: 'a.,..,_,. ,.!'..,. '1t'•., ',t.. 13_...b_:_::e.. ".:Rv' ..Yt 0."` �' i .$)'.;y ....,; ... W;w,•, :4. ,.: x. ,- »+ -.. :-«.,. � •...w,._ t '.:. ','A ,�+C'C•4- .a l'... }i..Z-4'eY.a '4'.. ..5 - A �.f+'-. �:0.5'.`• .Sri-'••P' }�...A 4•elt: 111 ,s:..::'''.r." -? %'v�•'rx-as;,'�-tnsk'r �.^,c .,c•ye•.,,+,.r,- R .1. f '0. .. [, .v,_ .'fir.. ,+r., qtr, ,t,,. ..,..• �..`��T e^`c� .''tlS-s' ✓. !R,".^'- ':'r'''`r ��. 1. R e -,> f0,:-.-: 9, �:, ......•,«._, t., -R' 6, ^• •'�' �. ,Y� ., .fir..,_ �:_ :'.�.,'• a- 6, 't...I _ _ , I ,I.'Y'.; .y, �,.... .�. a- e 11 � a. .* y , . .4,.... ... ..- . , ' -, - - .. .. . . - v ....�.` t -._. , .. 1. 1, _ _ _ i:1� ....y� .__ ...-. .. J _ -. - .. •. call /� } ♦ � tore thoroughly cold webers the seas ' _ _ - . are to remain during the summer. It - _ - j is important not to break the coverings :" . of fat overhanging the meat. I have `ti�� "' 1 ♦ irequerstly kept it over front one year V N LIGHT - - About the douse - -- __ _ it• the next. The last season.out._ cf �'. N r;veral_dozen .cans [ did not have ane , ;. . , which did not keep perfectly _ BREAKFAST BREADS. �rJ.� �, pad w nay . 1 +.+.++++++ , +lyyy SOAP }sewn who proves that 1/ a TTTTT TTTTTT i-"' Sponge Rolls: — Take one pint 4I' Sunlight Soap contains any iaiuriow drernreals' tx any 8 _ , • MY WAY OF CANNING MEAT. Pour, one-half pint of warin water, one to. ofaduttaration, ^- I Having fiuccessfully canned all kinds teaspoonful of sugar, one-half teaspoon. " -' '�.: r fill of salt, one tablespoonful_of butler, ` ;of fresh meat for a number of years I oneei-eighth cupful of yeast. Sift the � 15 egtlatlly �OOd with'hard Or soft water. - - ' . efier my method in detail hoping that Pour into bowl; then add the salt and "" - . • . ether Partners' wives may be induced sugar. Melt the butter in the warm ` If you use Sunlight Soaplin the Sunlight way (Follow directions) � - �__ . . ' to provide in this way fresh meat for hater and add the yeast. Put this nux- =-__ �I st.nnmer use, writes Mrs. Millie -Hoa- tura with the flour and beat thoroughly You need not boil nor'rub.your.clothes, and yet you Will gen biose _= __ - ' .'aker. All kinds.,of meat may be canned, With" a strong spoon: Cover tate bowl results than k with boiling and hard rubbing in the old-fashioned way. _ - ' ! ' t • -- - including mutton and veal. and let the dough rise overnight. !n , _. . I like,to can as soon after butchering ,,- the morning butter a French roll pan As Sunlight SoaFcontains no injttrious.chemicals and is . . ,- fly UOT money refunded as possible, although in cults weather 'and halt fill sash'compartment with - 0iea meat may be k,ipt frozen there the sponge, being careful not to break pure,'the most delicate fabTt�S-aRtl-.d�ttnty SY} aEid- -- - - — by the dealer from Whom you i�. - � recd be no particular hurry. But re it down unnecessarily. Let the rolls Siisili✓ �O71p ' r'�81yr F,Eated freezing and thawing is injurious rise for an hour, and bake them in a washed without the slightest injury. : _ cause for complaint. . ' to quality so it is not well to wait until moderately' hot.oven for halt an hour.• the. last-thing In the spring befare put- London Crumpets. — 'One pint of + - t.w.r Brothers ut,+ited, Toronto. a¢ ' ting. down that intended for summer . , . Hour, one pint of warm water, one- t.:se. I use common Mason fruit jars eighth cupfulof yeast,one-half teaspoon• -.------- of bolts the one and two-quart size. For 'fill of salt, one-half teaspoonful of, su- . .. . a small family, especially 'where a lit= gar, two,,tablespoontuls o('butter. Put FRENCH ARMY CONSCRIIPTS. -- tie help is employed, the smaller size the Hour, salt, and sugar to a bowl. _ ' Is better, but fora [amity of Live or ova} add the water and yeast. and beat vig- S L ..* * .. ' . , "[ would prefer the larger. Both..jnrs Never Take Good Clothes 'or Po§sessions _ K . --- = artd covers should be thoroughly stern- crousky for fifteen mitnttes. Cover the into the Barracks. . . . i+zed by boiling in water for n time. fowl and set in a �catYrt place over- _ I usually boil the covers separate grid rigs t. In the morning"beat in the melt- "They are a curious crowd," says a L'ut a initis comriioia baking sods iii the ed..butter .and pour.the•batler into blit- writer Ap%crihing the conscripts of the -: 'vat a It is especially important to tered muffin pans. Let the crumpets French army, "these boys of twenty and have the covers free from all germs and rise for an hour and bake .in.a trot of •.tivpnty.twenty-one. .!n various sL•tt;cs of, ST.EE, _ 'fl s_: .. the porcelain lining adds.somewhat to oven, sobriety,, ns thea throng onto the pl�t .'-CE1L1' NG.S . * � - fhe difficulty. But by selecting only Salty Lunn — One pint of flour. .one- forms of the• rnflu•ay' nations and,j sod covers and boiling thoroughly I half pint o{ milk, one tablespoonful rt under the:..nre elf gent!, mid superior- - �rtever have any trouble, although I sugar, one-half teaspoonful o[ salt; one sarcasm Lntn the }Pang men in uni- use them over and over again. rind one-half teaspoonfuls of butter. one form who.,have already done a. year or 'Tao thousand deli ns suitable to all classes oI .work sudh as . FILLING THE JARS. Quarter cake o{ compressed yeast, -r two, climb into the third-class cattle R ' onequarter cupful of liquid yeast, one pens which are to flake them :{o the Churches, Schools. Stores, Halls. Also apectal designs for IIousea, Kit- Cut tip raw meat without washing fEg, Sift the flour and 'mix with it the ,ebens, Dining-Rooms, etc. Nothing has ever_been devised to equal Pel- _ threshold of thr.Ir nines in barracks, 9 t _ into rather small pieces and pack in sugar and salt. heat the milk to abou The sons of wealthy men elbow the; lar's• Strel .Ceilings.lor-Farm Houses. Cheap 'as Inth and'plastEr ntid tivtll the ars. Pack closet but do. not at- g scnurings of the street. : ; never crack or fat! off. r j y. cue hundred degrees and dissolve the w tempt to jam down. Use considerable !utter ip it. Dissolve the compressed "All wear their worst clothes: except' • /, T t tat. and exclude all,bones, gristle and yEas�L In two tablespoonfuls bf tt3pid'wa= ttio_ce who: do .not possess a second ••Avoid Accidents by Using,� f undesirable .portions. To etch two ter, and stir in the milk and butter, s+til. The chief. pecullarily about the r quart- jar put in one'levet tablespoon reparate the pnrtc of the egg. and bent whale of them is an entire 'absence of - a .0{ salt, No water is needed. Put 0n the white until light; then beat the yolk luggage. A young friend of my own : .Pedlar's Steel �C 'ilings. I a rubber and screw down the cover as well. Add the milk mixture and the egg was one of them. Hi-; luggage for th,: ' __ � 'tightly as Can.readily be done. No at- to the flour and beat well. Pour this two days of his .first visit to Paris con- Made. t0 nt any size room and can be nailed on by any-m-�haalc. - .. tempt, however, is made to seal at this better into,,a' well buttered cake Pour. sisted of a _ comb and an exlrernrly Shipped from our warehouses ,Dain led all ready to apply. - t - ttjme. Cover and IeL it rise in a warm place aged tooth brush, and before leaving OUR CATALOGUE, NO. dA C, DF�CRIRFc MkNy Dg glC-Nq - i •- .-To cook, put-a thick layer of hay in for two hours. Bake for'hal[ an-hour Paris he asked me to keep his overcoat. -WRLTE FOR-iT:--IT CDSTS YOt :NOTHING. WRITE TO-DAY. I the bottom of a wash boiler, set the in,a moderately hot oven, and serve on for him till he returned. 'They will only - - 'I n : . Jars on this, place over the Pre and a hot.dish. spoil it, and it is a new one,' was his' _ _ -cover .to within a couple of inches of Raised Wheat Itirtffirls. — One gen- plea. THE i L.I P E D LA PO P L _ +cps of jars with cold water. Tops t,f f rous pint of flour, one-hair pint e f -.1�,unteil.tine Vali ses of a whole Irain isrs sttoutd not at-any time be sub- milk, tablespoonful of butter, one- load of ccnsrrlpts who arcompnnicd my. - • _ ,;mrged, but water shnutd be kept while hal! tablespoonful of sugar,. one-halt friend, and they numbered exactly four. . OWTUAL. pots ftTasn, OUT: ( Team" fi1T, r.aaoos, attrT, Lelhhng as near to them as possible iEasportlul o[ salt, one egg, one-eighth h 7rgarfrt as I sag swum s�. to o.m«.v ft +M or,.�.ata Bring slowly to the boiling point,and(.nr cu Lul of'yeast or one eighth of a 'Thos$ four unit have their +ices teased nirrarraa. I yafeav,t;R lswo, - - - . the two watt size linin from three to P out of them to-morrow,' was the verdict .TO LOWAM"at< _ Wurm Uoea.NUAMT OsnCi au PawNr. Q yeast cake. Put the flour, Galt and su- n[ a private tinder arms upon the plat-,I a Oshawa. Out., Canada three and a half hours; for the one quart gar tri a deep earthen bowl. Roil the ,. tietad Ofltca and Works, size'about half art hour Iess. Something milk and add the butter it, Lent t#lis form._ .''_.-depends upon the quality of the meat, mtxture stand until only tepid: then add1. • It u1 no +natter how tender.to begin olith the'milk, biitter. and. yeast to the flour -':S1'E�1`NG ADVICE. song conking is .necessary to insure and,beat,well. Cover the bawl and let -- AFRiC.A�i WU\-+' TOLL. The man tool: hi., di+m+sal lvilln a li .. M - Food keoping. Keep the boiler 'closely it stand in a-cool part of the ktitchrn, Dt, hot Dose %Nllh i-it"aiivep and d Laborers-on-nail- l You seem leased; observed ting, . aunt ate that was rather net wnY_Line "You- tett Iifr, I ccvPtrd 'teem be nn(n to' end. When t.nless rhe weather' he very cold', in [lave Killed Hundred cooked,-lift the cans. one at a times,' which case it will be necessary to ko «'eakening ltedielrtes — What People in Uganda, C---, !!h a lunch ilf sarcasm. from the belling water' and screw down- the bowl In a-warm place. When morn. Need at This Season W a Tonic. "Oh, 1 ain't worrying:' was Li,e re 9'. - rovers just as tightly as possible. ►f Ing comes the batter will be found to At Simba, on Ute new Ugftnda rail- sponse. "F'shan't starf�," k _ thn lid or .cover_proves defective et- have riaan to a light sponge. Beat the Not exactly sick -•• but not feeling way, to Africa, lions killed 1+itl lalK,ret•y "{pdeed! I am not so sure about 1, change for another, but set can hack egg until light and add to this sponge quite well. That's the spring tecling.. .while Lite road •was. being {tut t1+rGitf h that. L'crhaps_ you w'on't mind mei- . tv' . ., . info Etre-►»icer again for a,time before !:eating in well. .Half tit vrdl !uttered lou are easily -tired; appei.de'variable, Ci+pt: Chatu+cey t+Eegand, of the Brit1:;N -tioning N%hat you.expeeC to i!'o'' . .{ :- (seating. Keep water boiling and boiler rt�uffln paha with the-batter, cover, and Snmelimes headaches and a feeling of ariny..lcillecl three lions niece one night( ••yo. ohjeclio4s," answered the •ocher. It. n +Deer eerwl antli fast:calm is our. If t the muffins rice In a warm place for depression. Or. perhaps pimples 'and last August, shooting from a platform ensily1 ('tine wJtSt COrnCS to tile' worst t Three drizen two-quart cans is a gen- ser hour. Bake for hall an hour in a'.i,ruptions appear on tho tare, or•yuu under the water tank, for !he- lions had i Shu.#. Lata up book-writing.. I've dna u ItR(1rLc supply for a family. .of six and tnnderafPly.quick oven. have twinges of rheumatism or neural-- a hobo o�coming there to drink the CO�Crr'd that it doesn't re�gtihr such nit •,.._. r. ~trill' tato ahoitt lwo good-sized gturfer, Pin Wheel%. -Make the do+ip r gin, Any of these fndicaCe-11-19 _draping„ :The aW#itlnI cures;.- nyr,fully�s Bart-than as-T-(ffougli. i. -1f beef. of course every farmer puts milk rolls, 'and when it has' risen rr;ll t lood is out of order, that the -indoor "Nothing occurred up l0 10 o`clock'. dirt. J�_ _ - ,rlown more or less pork so that it is it as thin as pc/csible. Cpread' it with bre of winter has left Rs mark upon Then the watcher heard n beast coming ` - •• -- clot necessary to depand s{toRc+ttier up- sari butter and sprinkler over this half you and may easily develops into mons behind him, which proved to be, a lion CROIYr LIFE .LVCItE,1cF5 C1i'IT.1L - or.. the canned Gnpoly of meat. Pork I a cupful of sugar and one tablespoon- serious trouble. Don't dose yourself paused under the I1 L- •' - , o r t n tier! topPther. F eH u acs. She came up, p with purgative medicines in the hope ia"tiorrn, and -she captain heard, that Progressive and -Prosperous Canadian o ' - ' - • ally we fry down the hasps and ghoul- tjlce a jelly roll and cut in o c ces a u .that you can put the blood right, •Pur•. P ` ".dors fresh, and the trimmings, Irre t Ya1F an Inch thick. Place these slices y tapping of water.." beneath.him. He _--Company—Low Premium Rakes and ,. i " � � �, �- gatires gallop through the systam, earl l�`,� to get a sight of her and merle n --lar pieces and portions next the bones tit,a well fluttered part and let thetn weaken instead-of giving strength.What I The-lioness made a . _ Liberal Policies. Y ::,.are canned along with the de-ndrrloin rise 0 double their size.' Bake ln..n you do need is a tonic medicine that+nnlse in Lurning. y' side jump of about Live yards and antelt Steady and substantia! progress is ..' Sometimes It is ground as for sausage moderately boli oven for twenty-five will make new. rich, red blood, build the sound and lis!<ned. +hoc 'thus ex stolen b the Annus! Report of •the stn} then canned- A. little 'bean beef minutes.. . _^T,:_ ttp_the weakened nPrees. and . thus her sloe,'and the aalllain nred Crown` L I __�_ mmd- with the rest is thenI. .an ad- J _ - ' ' t"r tW — wive you.. new health and strength. Postel first shopto hher in ihp. I _ ,.vantage. l'i'e do not, season.:sausage .. •PROVT:D FAfTS. And the one inedic'ine to 1io thio s>iacd ...nt�,h second in .l a earl,, ;she Tt sl' now nea-�ry�$1,000,6W f)flf ht d _ 4. _ intended for canning• except to salt it. fly .and surety ,is 1)r. WLilinms' fink -Lifee vV:1YS OF �GRVINIi. ,' Naptha snap 'cleans paint tar, better {•ills. ' F.very. itockt:cr#f :'this medicine gathered herself up tike a horse nboul class insurance in force upon its hooks •� Canned beef, mutfotY and veal may and more quickly than any other scour. makes new, rich blclad which makes to buck and then bolted blindly toward nnd the total surplus to policyholders. •be served cold; or pieces fried in fat ing material. v.eak. easily tired and ailing men and the track,,ran on it for about ten yard incli:ding the insurance reserve 'fun,+ ' until slightly browned, or used is pies. -if you boil. potato. parings in a,dish women feel bright. active and strong. and fell. Then the calYlain heard the maintained in accordance with the Gov- ;. The liquor, which is simply.the extract in which onions or fish have been cook- {[ you need a medicine. this spring try noise of two lions crashing through tin,.{eminent Standard, amounted, oq I)e- ed juieec, Is very rich and makes the P,!-no odor ajl! cling to it. rr, Williams' Pink Pills end.you will high grass• One came out first'and went ern+bar 31st last, to $8,2,b .tir1. hest, of soups and gravies. Pork should Water limits away very rnpidlp just reeler regret it. This medicine ' has up t0 the dead lioness and smelt the The financial position of ttte Crown . _.hE heated before serving. As a role we t.efore•' a storm. ' Then is the time yoii cilred thousands and thousands in every body and scrtitched at it. In a minute .Life is now being further strengthened less the .canned 'sausage for breakfast must watch for kettles Co boil dey. r•art of the world, and what it has done or two the other lion came out of the by the introduction of a large amount: _with griddle cake, or. retied potatoes, Ii you don't.'want to stand in a draft {ni elfhPrs it can easily do for you: grass. Both together scratched the or additional cash' c ental, which: will All caroted meats should be set be to peel onions -it answers the purpose Ale dicine dealers everywhere sell these body, when they realized shat she was enable the management to materially eren'hetter to 'stand over ti good Pres, rips lnr"•,r'mt can get them direct. from dead, 'nnd both ' lay dorm for some improve the Company'.; business with - I( drinking water gats wiiij•in and no Elie Dr., WilHaunG M4Pdieirre Co., Brock time by the body, and then'(=nl up and` Frofit to all concerned. The object.,of ire is at hand,;it seems many degrees olle. Ont.,.at 50 cents a box or.six-boxes roared: then lay down again, and again, line Directors from the nest. ltas been to - { ~ gr , fly performing I rrake the Company a success fropn the, _•_ Squeezed into each lass. . ----�---_ a kind;of wake or hulciral service, with policyholders' standpoint,- and this to . rb djo/I►� rod/�^�(� cooler .with •a few drops ot__letnon 3uicP -for V 5tt. � _ rose and roared, evidently ` 11 GGLL lA tiles��,✓✓✓J - � �p y II ydu spill_ irtk , on:• any fabric-vrti-r TI11\iBhE COI,LGCI'1\C,. dirge. crease in cath capital will specially pto- 1A tick�in ..in.the throat' can get it oat by washing immedint,eiv "The, captain fired at one acrd sfttsrtl; wrote the'interests of the policyholders g ' it sweet milk. India ink has beer+ One of the queerest fads nmong the up- his jnw• and lhe'hilllet glanced-off his r'f• the. Couiparry. hoarseness attimes;adeep scrubbed oat of a carpet, with "Pinsk, as is,is,the. collecting .M the chotilder. Ire ttrmhted over on itis head. The, Crown Life policies are indisput- breath irritates it•—these . ithout.taking tip the carpet. cleaning Ihlmhlec of women calahriliec. One ft The captain fired a sorrnui shot and hit' ahlrt from dale of issue and incluilo, . • t the grrnse nett by the rnilk with. soap Ili, finest or-these collections is than-,'f' him just-behind the heart. The beast.gual:nnteed loan, cash surrender- and _ are features of a throat and water._ a London society mnn, wino has 'a cab spun round like n teetotiun,'then rushed paid-up'values. Thcce are" no res5tr#c- COU h. The 're ve de-' _ inet full. of the, dainty anger-shields ,{ }oto the ,tall grass out o[ Sin ht: The, hems in regard to residence, travel cr g -They're ry the maidens hp has loved and lost; while Second•lion Capt. Stegnnd shot lhrougti cceitpation. The rrc.mipm rates of the CABG OF \[f\i'c CLOTHES.ceptive and a cough Infix- Mrs: Vanderbilt rejoices in the posses- Crown. Life.Pre lower ihnn those chnrg- the heart. ed,by most othar cam amiss. + '. sion of a veritable thimble -or that ex- "Cat Ste and waited on-the plat- P ture ''won. Cure then!.• If the elbows or knees of a man',c p • g clothes qct out b[shape lay n damp cloth, crllenl neediewoman Queen Elizabeth. form, liearutg the wounded lien.breath. The officers of the Crown _Life ora: Yost want something that This'is -the gem- of her poller.tion; at. and monning in the high grass. c:ol. Tho llon.' D. Tisdale, P. C., K.C., _ oar them, fold them up, and leave their ing though the ln[ter.contain, 'a solid siker . Will heal the .inflamed far a couple of-hours. Theon lay: the 11e Abotit 'two o'clock the people of Iiia I `i e-Presklent: -If.. NI.tnMohglrli'�R. �t _ - branes enrich the gartnenk,on the ironing board, smooth. t'nmrbi[efo{�eenvorn b stndta A bstantirle"fln- station came out. The enplain �nvc his,2nd Vice-Prosident: Randnl;h Mardon- 3nP,IT1 ' out, with the palms of the hands, tend girl orderly his spare rifle and -them walked I t A blood and tone up the . pull genUv in even' direr,tieln till the ,F:rr.-shoe of no,less a�yerson than the ftp in the edge of the tall grass, when i old, Chairman Executive Committee; -IN .of our,Kinn Charles. Hughes. A.A.S., \[aha n Di SyStCiTI •'. • . Sfretched part lies flat: Cover with a the aninnnl bolted out wilh.a roar and i i ga g • i rector nnd Ac ttyry`; It. T. \hnchell: M. cloth and press with an iron. but, take • - . sprang at Ihe'cnptain, wbo shot..him .tn• D:: L R f:.P.,'Edki.. Medical `Direr'tor; w care to hove fl piece or mm,rin•1 between 1ClllLDNOOTi'S PER�ILs '_ = the air. Tlie benst fell upon ilio and A. i1. S,ohv •n Afark-R. Sce"Otary -nnd • . Scott s- EmulSlon , Ilse iron ,nn,t-the cloth or n shiny mark ' seized his lett 'Arm in his teeth: Thol . will be ]eft. which w ift ho 'as disfl�ur- The,so-rolled shnthing medicines con- ^ to turn and strilie the line T-ndeurer: 1A•illinm-«Pilose, Sullerisi• roan-m�tnnL,d tendet3t of::1: osuies. ., IS ].ust SUCK a remedy. ing as the former.bagginess. tr;iin poisnneuc opiates that deaden and w-ifh hes clinchrtd,'rigilt 'fist in the neck. fIF:1D (1FF1Cr, TORO,'To. ' It has wonderful healin - ' stiipFfy. 'bht'riever eln•e,the, little :ail-'The orderlyyepe_d, The Iron let go,his :Un ngenev for tho Crohn Life'in this `� g` rnents of childhood. Y,al,y''S Ow'n Tali- l disappeared in the grass, ly PRI C-1tiTION�,��'ITti AfEDIt.(N[S Hold rind district nth t:c rt"splendid opportunity and nouns}iing power. , lr tc 'ars gunrnntead to chntain nn.npinte inr;-i.ltcre-till•ni lrt. ..Ue was drspatcherl f nn t11an Vever gL}e riiediciiiefi aitlrout first I►.ry Pct sn the slonl4r.h and hovel: in the morning' i energetic and reliable =Removes the Cause of rcndfnr_r the direetilin,, cnrt.r1,11V, 11 mht- +'rid Iriri r mr,ce the,' cAu,e It nearh-all _ + : "firs.- -1'nt�flnbri la, (,•rhbmgi: 'r.N•nd' _ the,cough and the whole to how well you think you !:now them. the` 'ills that nnlict tittle ntm•s.' 1n this .---` .. \ever give a lar cr dose than diroctcd way they I,wing natural, heattlly sl�cp, = ills Nr,x,r .sTCP, nd, he.cfde all thnl.r e file tiefor kept st.3tem is given new, f.n the hope of more quickly Pili cirig incl the •child WRI,Fes tip- hri iitt an,I lh. {irentisr, yotI macje �ne ... I.e we , , . strength and vt gr .' symptoms; you may thereby- kill the n= dell. \fr,c.'A. Reeks. Ver on F. On the recommendation of n chart- p ore t esfial.' hie. 1•.: hndeed'.';.Y. g g. I stmt. Never T;eep the indi,ins for tin= °' C�: "f-lnnve n.c,'rl -Rahy's Ower^`rfiirle-1,q Aablo- ou'ganization .a tvc,ll-lino"I novel- promises liitve i 'mol. keel?" hies. Y.: 3ewd for fres rsrwplr Item. use beside any for asternal " i ut7rJ can cheerfully sny tint I halm Nund ist recontly gave a mnn employmenL in 'Why--why, before wt, here married plfait e'o, Do-not glance hastily at then them nit unit c)nirn for them." Vie 4, hi: parden.• Mr. G--feared that he'w'n, yotr 'said ymt'd lav fhn world nt my SCOTT & BOWNE, Cbemi;tl I*,nt, andcing all is'righl; virbQric. a'r.i?i Tn'bleta nrag,and for rhflelrr•n'or nil n�•;s wifit. for the.wol'k rind sours found that mfr+t." Mr. 1' : "�t'ell whai, in, 'pi)c Ih,•; mndtt5iiy be mistaken for cnrbr,lic: from birth omvnrd. Sold sly nil medioirr he was hopek�nG. The rnTh linings in gridin�r al-lit Isn't iY t#tere"' . • nrerrtn, Ont. sbo, -nne, r1v er tithe .,cvoral :Xindia ,.f rlenlers rn' cent by tnafl at 25e a N s %\,ii#eh he gainr,:. ',;•,•re Iniine•�s and self- . _ . ewd$r-oc, �V drurrittt and another �,i,,;nitin n Anel t; t•:,._tvrfling ;rhe Pr. Williams' '1lfedicirte s't4faclion. •, • , R's easy 10 furrow an. tijnb.. . it -. .. ,or. > I elfish t ed him, fair weathOr. \ 1knocked down i,,..flu,, result. C'o., Bvoakville, OM. Pally the a4t(� ,f j ,atrg Ie :.e Y• , . �� �; „,.,.,,•,.. .'�+'^ �3"'.'a'wR�•I"• -.A':.'...'nT r.q.`.'- ,1 '<' .�P r,'1aC R' 7.4' ar;: ^� vb ..`: . till Syne .. :.: S.c..,.. -,:. ..$.._ '+' ....,: - .o.,--�. t -:'"i'.'fid "...ie."+• '`+: ,..r J. • y : .•. y.: a ...; :.... .- • 7, � J+ S � A AUNT ForAbsolute Pu' rity - Adventurous Expedition to Tierra del Fuego. 1 r r An expedition is starling from Eng- - ”' land -on an adventurous' quest for gold _ in -the wild and little-known region of — -. 14erra del Fuego, near Cape Horn. Pros- `actors discovered alluvial -gold as 'ar tact: as 1880, but hitherto the gold 7. mining industry has been of small ac orunt. The .purpose .of the expedition - - 1 t^ to dredge for gold, the sands of cer- tain rivers being said to be full of par- s; titles 'of the 'precious, metal, washed �1e Own The latjM StecTt!food lecleq la The 1►ot1d.' CEYLON NATURAL GRAEN TEA IS .SUPER dcvvn from the nigher country. Iteo.esseveracitybl°ck'tontainfOl23acres OfAG rspace"east IOR TO THE FINEST JAPAN TEA 't3R©W'N The vessel to be used in the.expedi- - >D°00a°• s'itO'Oattterkt i&Aldeoo c"p°°'e'. °`'�"eour and we nee sets our office letter hra�e and envelop" sear. A ear- tion is a shallow steam barge of metal, baa avers so lose Our chemical taboretww•��to one of fife bteae: Oes capable of carrying' (IVa'tons of ' the office is one of the tsightsoithebufioeseworld. Han} •aril - Lead-packets only. 4oc, Soc and hoc.per Ib. _, At all Urocers +, ""It concerns aa.ertlse large bnildissm We iarits son to silt Orf _ golden sand,' drawing only two feet factors sad see that we have e•errthias wedalto. AiGIiEST AWARD ST. LOUIS, 1884• of water -with a full load. She can asannfactured and Guase-Jecol ba tate:■sdand Steck het C46 steam five knots an hour, and will act "BBeraatkaal stack Fad" "[■esraaiiaaat isuhr as tender to the dredger, carrying•the 'talaraYia■atbantw' , «latar■atieaallLaaw r - LONDON'S TOLL OF FIRES. They .Drive Pimples Away- - A face sand to the headquarters of„the pros- Mt'c""""dw'�lwMt" t '�«tntn.awrrlr..hsbi�'Cs>sr' _ lataraalNn■1 fall Cm _ covered with pimplei is ilnsighlly. -'It pectors to have the gold'extracted.extracted. Oyu er Mose .oat Yu" wiawrstlo..1 C•N° li,fOf,tlOf Gallons of Water Used to tells o1 internal irregularities which Great secrecy is being preserved Ps "lat.rn.ewl Camaro■!Alaselsat's 'T°t••"asrf si••t ''� - Put Them Out.. "ta4,nedowlPhea Wan" `e'[nlaraatleaalasalfi■imsar• should long since have been cot rQcted., to the expedition, as naturally the dis- "eau Jsick$Mkt4 aiainkelsraC' Iaurwlaal 4ra«e sw �; The liner and the-kidneys,are not per. coverers of the "golden rivers" do riot Ass"J"l Isegboull MA aftel&I team Wok n1 Ilii I" �. One .hundred Bensons lost their lives forming -their functions in the healthy ,desire competition. l las D FREE. and 269 were injured by fires In the way they should, and (hese pimples are It .has long been known.;-that gold - DAN PATCH �� E - County of London, England, last year, We have�i beautiful 6 Color Picture of our ftampioa Pacer, baa tc let you know that the blood protests. crisL in considerable quantity in Pnta- Patch I W%.size 16=21. Free of advertising,fine picture for trussing. according to to the annual report of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will drive gonia, and, at various times discoveries gives an the reooras sada b1 sear ptdtsg wonder. We wnlman you _ the London FIre,Brigade"tor -1903. them away., and, wiN leave the skin of the precious metal have been made One free.postage preoaie,it swi win'write n. bow ttinaeb�toeltsoa, OG triose who lost their lives, 46 were clan- and clean. Try them,. and there on the islands to the south of the main- Own ane nave elft.vareT• Fite at osl a to r : under* eight years of age,-and fourteen -will-be another-'witness to their excel- lands - iNTERItAt10NAt,iTOCK FOOD CO., 1HateyNb,tFiwl.,U.S.L i ver 60. No fewer than 67 persons were lents: glad or•had .been removed .before the For Inflammation of the Eyes.-Among + - - b:;sada was called. biolily-"Ilave you seen Mabel's en- the many good qualities which Par•me- Excluding chSmney fires, the total g3gement-ring'.'" Dolly-"S een it? Why, Ire's Vegetable Pills possess, besides umber of fires reported 'to-the brigade 1 wore it all last Whiter."` regulating the digestive organs, is their was 3,311, or 105 less in the. previous efficacy in reducing inflammation of the - +� 1=r.-,,, ar. The number classified as. serious For "Run-down". People.there's no- eyes. It has called forth many letter's MAKE the FARM. PAY. as_B4, or only 1.82 per cent, of the tMng known- in medical treaCment to- of recommendation from those who we"" - tai - nay so effective and ,certain of a cure afflicted with this complaint and fou-0 = Thirty-eight lives endangered by fire and so magical In its building up pow•- a cure fn the pills. They affect tit A Fsilrbanks-Morse H.t". " ere saved by the efforts of the fire- cr a South American Nervine, because nerve centres and the blood in a surpr.•` ,iaeR-of-atFTritdes - ten.' The number of accidents to fire- it strikes-at the root of all:nervous nit• ingly active way, and the result is as- ' erten due to service was 194. mems, the digestive organs, makes rich must-Immediately seen. .. :GASOLINE ENGINE The quantityof water use¢ for ex- red blood, drives away emaciation, puts .tit saw wood as'fast se two men tan hasiAllih 1ir,guishing fires In the-County of Lon- on nesli' and makes over . physical A coqu:tie is a rosg frpm which every tt. It afar-pumps water• nail•cors,Rrinds buil idon during the year was fourteen mil- wrecks generally,-148 lover plucks a leaf-the thorns are re- mi.hs.. r1�nnelra..m s,epp.rat4r, afew!!laaaelf• - power ton gallons, or x.500 tons. O[ this . -, -' served for the husband. auf� 3varr farmer a7 a�4td 1►ar sea [quantity more than one-third was tak- YOU DON'T WANT "ENGINE EYES. - out eat this,oamPiite advertlaeeeat and mend It to en from the river; canals end, docks, "Some people are apt to eut�Tge upon Go[ a Constant -IleaftelrtI - Ten ' 444 8T. JAMES BTRtE7, and -the remainder .Gram the street the difficulties of driving- a railway lo- chances to one the sacret of your suffer• '� � � f,�� ��)�,�,dTa; 1l�ON'MES RIE PiPeS• a-motive in the dark, or Burins heavy Ing Is that "whit man's burden." Ca'! k efyt sraa«Enetaa for farm am ` s "but more rr en s evFdence tr,r ,Dr. A from one Teaaa axed>w iwithoa4 aharal.•.rsia.i.re.Dost a k fain," says .nn engine driver; b ore's a sentence _ rtel4''Li Cntnr- I ma waste vasa_,-.,.-„.�.�.......b.P. Name. �- GAMPBELLT4WN my part, rii,thing ever gave me ' F 7 _. Prixiety and- trouble than contmuota -hal Powder "One nppli(llion ga>'c Address ...... _............._.___ .- . Flaring sunshine. Color-blindnesti s tile hfstant relief, cleared tlw nn�stil pas- �_—_ said to-be tr•equctitly nothing twice than.'St'be's and stopped the paint in my head.” BUILDER SPEAKS i;+ten4e pain in the eyes can_ced tryw•alch-,JI't -a quick, -sate and.sure treatinenl, a� T"" ns,be ob :• ing obfecis which reflect the light, and tont!• it never fails to cure. W cerits.-- 1s■ ®�t��n Cann a ad lands.a cads is 1111✓ FOUND NOTHING TO EQUAL i' n which .the sun Is shining. In Ih�•_. tr • an,per y a rte.from two runway+,C.FS O.S.P. s ketch w ! +■ n rim of several hours the fare 7rnm the '' y tits;sort,w von cant. pt•,u b lead spdno�� .rant. ■o afoe;ha S .. Ab,at w miles N,t. of Indian mead. Prue slab0 Par sere, iDODD'S KI'DN'EY PiIJLA. FOR rails which strkiK the eyes while watch- iclla: So you.are really. gin to LANDS w C � going map"d inn partteuia;ra p Ing for track obstructions, and. morn- ifL r:w old Millyuns?. f hrTd 'no_idfa you It pA OKs, ys w411491 y strew, Tarenn, Cauda. f •TUF.Y-CL'RED Ulm OF pnt•ticirlarly fnr raiLs which h6vp been wcpu sat mercenary I" Mantle: "1 am - w _ UIS: TROUBLE, Il out of..line by the heat, Is very ril I am going to marry him to refurt -`QLD VIRGINIA FARM _ _ trying, and often when 1 have lef.l'the hi-fi." -Stella : "llpform hind. I ilia"'I t NOR%VAI 'SI,T)AN SYS'1Ga, N hrrornntive, after such a rim 1 have i know he had-any bad habits." Maude: To gLquragu w -king people to is i n.toeTSATte CATALeiree teat- Mr. W. B. Wallace Is a Well 11an To- fnund 'the .greatest comfort in wI;ting Yes, hr�ltas one. His tri' - own, Norwa i' tOtl lA�E IN TNf STAT[ - n a main where .complete darkness nits h,u founded a bank for work-itit mt4i. - o.pttefA-4 ago.. _ !flirt Mil! SALADA .day, But Ue Was Pretty Bad Before prevniled. A-man. Is ' afraid to wear _ 1�-lens money at .3'/, end 4 per caul"i FEATHER DYEING !k Got Cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills• smrrked- glasses, lest he should be sus. wv voLv FAMILY of siftsrd Et ssl i one i,irl veyllii• ]u,rrower 42 yet rs m ltenerally de+eribed by the word 1 eiHt in al i , per-ted of triton-blindness, 'and lose 'his Ica i<,rmy is reaves unlh+ary ere►tmet+s but is, w•urti to ldt r,he. loan. The total cost Clsaalpsaeoerrieessi ara'tuw. dile, +. sww Cambelltown, N.B., -Apr. Sia ISpeCiall pr5#+i�tt.'' But s6ine protection .of -this tom facet cared by weaveesCerat.wa�In costs, f f the house in-ust riot exceed-$SAl 1, and� ma M seat bs NaR Is Mr as. dw t*t llaa to It `was a cold started my trouble, infill w otr c7 fireritly prolong !hp career n� �n w�wearer'ay^'p the are r of lali�sptist riot be niure then Say 41r: 1Valiace, Of this-place "1 am et many,an enphiver and fireman." acres. ' WZ1SN 11YENtCAN DYElNC five res - a contractor and builder and my, work -- -- She - "Emma; Prettiest, ronsaLr. causes me in be out .and exposed to ;ail I " Lena is the. smartest. Naw, which. It is 1 necessary to read the tee- - is Mr. Scadcis n mon caf_scientific dis- onlyTHL weathers so' I suppose it.was in that linetiort,., "Yes.- -indeed.".• answer<d vvuuld you ratty r, marry, •beau! c*r y i r y Y ,• y' y Y . V ay,s alfi I hs, cnnvlleolli that 17.rllii- trn�ODo.1j� ' nay I got cold. ,lnyvvny it settled to 1fi5s Cayenne, fie has so man cul ,,',,nT' rte Iver far gone) - "Neither; wn s Corn lure tri unto uall(d for the Lh+K R U fay-kidney:g.and made.me pretty sick. Inge desires Ihat, when he sends.in hi4 I''.rather marry you.' _ reulavat.ot corns-,- vvurts,' etc. it is a � CO. { ' 1 sol Lumbago in the back, cramp in the, complete extinguisher: res• `�NOE `• enr,l vriu c'an't be sure wbelher it is p ,, _ .` sr<,..+.•,eur, �.r. 'shortness Apoplexy. - Dr. A i w . Cure'forth ins .. FSP 5 6'r - m,lr etas, .pains. in._ Clic so. •_. ri breattl; a dragging lirrfn at the loins I his name or a.pibbiecn_en algebra. R 1l,was-the first time iit,le Be=S had _ _ lieart rs efftcUae ill;ripo3ml�•clic sytr� '•end my urine was thick with dark sed- Ft i•.pys a• Ski-!ling (land on Pain.- toms. If you ha_vc -u"nplen�t- seen :ate:- '" ,-a she .Ir>;ent. Then- I knew the kidneys w'c re r_i3ss; Ifi;htness or sudden rush of hl Tod e�clairnpd, -"hrrt s a Lig lizard c � For urns m the hints and lieubs an l "'tJ blame so I took Dodds Kidney Pitts tot haumnlic pains, neuratsia find to the head; lake precautions against valise shirron? _.,and they soon. put in shape and j lumbago.. Di,.' Thomas'. Eclectric Oil s a recurrence.. This great remedy w:II � DDi aa C)uaravteet to � cured me so that I have had no'-trouble without a peer. Well rubbed in, the. rtinore the cause. The '•press of the The {centaurs '1'roubiec.-•"\ly i+usi• S CARR S MAGIC. c,++w Shea■ta• r Y Y kin absorbs it nrtd it quulib and t;he .land has daily a. list of sudricn deaths nese," sa s .oho 0'a irP, -leder, of u+m,Aeil In r ith-m kidne s since." y y• n mmaw or ahronte ' In relieves the affected port. Its which nouki not have been chrirnlcipd \�inghnur,•OnL, "!, one of the most RHEUMATIC 1%, i9etacioa -r--- it Dr, Agnew-'s Cure for the Heart-were u•oveur A tabic lies' in its magic prnperty of re fertile fields under Iho stilt for sowing wisibago, and all Kid • `alt's strange that y'ou should alwoys moving_ main_ frnt the body, and fur used.-1•t7 the .seeds frir rbeuntt,tie, suffering. -Fru'' CURE nay trouble-i; remote! t'rte Axid t tn,m the sy+tem, `Iva+ immediate be so gaunt,' remarked the bear-to the that good quality-it is. prized, ears i was-a great mvrnd, words.- »list, rkutnuffer,but send for a _ litre y " 1, you''see,' replied the wolf, ... Fdv,Sn -"And• you'll- always be true cannot convey-tile fuinti-t idea of my bottle at ..nee. '•o+bo,roe Hosmwly.:14x, rza wolf. �V'el to. me, Angelina?" ,1n elina: "%Vh • and constant pts int wage fit.,Tur,mt6.Canada. 41.00 per bottle. all because of the part I'm comb tL'ith the exception o[ tine S.tntihs, Y rntense suffcrint - - -- dn__}aii_.draltt�cic>_Edwin?' `tci play m iSfr: You see f'nr alt ;fines find 1 rowns, there ore few tam- .. _F���f?: i.encltu txi�S-bntlles:nL ctutlt-American iways obliged to keep from the door until flit$ as old as the Hills, O#, You're loo good to be, True.' Rheumatic Cure . permanently cured FOR BOYS- -w GRAND OFFER theresn'ot anything.tell in ttte•hduse to - RHEUMATISM IIUD PARALY8i9. me."-116 ePflt.•' -�� If Toa will decoke only your gg //�,R! T1M� A cough- is often the forerunner of , ,ending us names of farmersanJ�seders a>dbsip - serious pulmonary alilictions, yet there Tracker: Tommy, what are house- idt,,„i,tce "What has diecorne of the big man who s i simple cure within the reach of dll' Their complete borne cure. Post' hold words'?" Pupil: "'Toutrrty; if yntl' exASiAN ITCOX AND POULTSY taco TAsttTs to Bickle's•Anti-Antitive Syrup. an p p yourst•If I'll skin ,you!' i,common-venae stock Harr at a Common-SOWS •• used to beaL'the.bass drum?" "ked the .free to readers of this 'paper. rion't behave _ rivalry'of.the drum-major: "He left us + p rrtee of oxit csK'r w Not7xn z�.+•r1t ` p c,d-tilne and wddely recognized. remedy' For'limited period ozlly, 'They're the'words I hear,the most when r,00 Par 100 Prepaid and;ruranteed., tfa�a�d.ue a ` " e �rial order and ask for booklet No. 19vtnj tun itbout three months ago.: • Good drum- «hich,-_if resorted to at th£ inception A handa;orr.o +iiustrnted irel1t. e, Iv. 1'rn,in.the house: •red frier, too,wa'sn't he"" "'Yes,•ver fid. t plrticntars abqut 100 Prue Pniniams Y Sts c f a etitd, will invariably sive relief, tug full rit,cr.lotion r r Jthcumatis,n 'and THE'BES 'W OHEMIOAL O0., .Burt he got so fat that when he marched and by overcoming the trouble,' gourd plate, o e cu .,descr.,ons for a.cum- Mother Graves' Worm r.terminator - he couldn't hit the drttrli ip.the middle," plett home cure, desctilel!ig the 'roost l seHor11sLD sLna CLE�RE.ARD, A thi system firm any serious copse- surcer.eru► uent+nent in too world; ,re-_ has ihe:larsost salmi of any similar pre-I _. - cuences. Price 25 Cent&, al 8d1 dCalers. commended by tau Minim tr,v Lord sudors- grfrilOn.sOld 1n l'.arlada, It alwa:S m�Awnf urn. '.,itis h -Ina t, l "1 wish they'd invent a new expres- -- rittcn b W. r. gives satisfaction by restoring health STAMMERERS ori by ptruetive oak was w Sion occasionally," said Top; as he per- TF•�:Tlli DRAWN BY MAD DENTIST. feu.,, a gm,uemn+i who III" areae ■ to the little folks. study or these di.ca.•+es. T1,e I,rerace is --wed the aCC011mt Of a recent wedding. by a. Frartnate of the University of ft's always 'Cha b]'ushing. bride!"' Deputy's' Secretary' Forced• to Submit tourtz»ung. sena postai .to-day and The Arnett .MB(thDel is tl>lO , you will receive the book free, by re- Hewitt: \What are 'you 'raisimf; a ".t1'ell_' rep'lled -Illrs. Top, "when you to'lhe Ordeal. turns Addre s. The.•ve+,o Drug-Co- 34 brar-i, for?"- Jowitt: '"'Nell, I dcul't only logical rnetbod foyr the tears consider what sort of'husbands most t�i+eg 5t. west, 'rc•onw A terrible adventure befell t.he- scene• mind telling you; Ful wcasing a.necktie. of Stammering. It. trebttt tM ' girls have to marry, -you Can't wonder 'Cary of'u* well-knows French deputy 'ys it tate Blanclie Poorlate h is 'grim^ my wile gave nip; at their-blushing!" while visiting 'tis deutist recently, and to be married?" "Yes, to Niajor ltich� CAUSE,not merely the H AEi{T, 1 bt. details have rant become public at the- man, he' lost his arm in an.engage 1.SxRov7!�, wIiAT Is TT? -It is the natiie of a insures natural speech. . Pam Clara, Aged four, suddenly burst onl trial at .Paris. „ r and in u es•. - pry:Ing at the dinner fable. ""Why, relent,.You know. fAtm.pii. He's cel'- the beat tonic. It builds l; the sntam sur hlet, particulars and references He had Been strfferin� front;tnolTiiiclie, new life..makes pie wall tad ctmng. Be sure I lost tiffs.head id this one." new get the genuine"1•.rrovi.m" p Clara, what is the matter?"`asked tier find went to have the troublesome tooth y s - Sent on 'regvost. Address my t pp y h i p- 1 THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE mother. "Oh." sobbed the little miss, c-,+racted. Ile sat down in a chair, ant a t-teeth stepped on m ion ic."' t:iid list 'bel,nin. to ec lam his trouble - jj�QQ((ttjj��� ��jjII'(('�� Wisttor fin farmer's boy in the field): t when the dentist shouted,•."All right, WMDQ� D17UUlY l'IL "Digging Potatoes-eb r" Farmer's Boy: Henry returned 'in triumph' from an 1,11 have. them all out for you in a min, >t ttOa Man tells boa bSuffered axil "ties•""'Visitor:.' "And what do you girt BERLIN, ONTARIO. Zxnmination. "flow did you get. along, ute." for di ging the potatoes?" hnrnter's fay son?" his doting parent inquired_, The secretary attempted to state that >�ov►hewafF-Re BoY_ -Nothing. P,ut.I ge't sontethin' "Yeir couldn't select anything 'nicer w:. .••First rate;' answered Henry, "i an. 'hp. merely-wanted,one tooth' taken out, r'horyears 6martyr;" for not diggin' 'ami than this bracelet," said the salesman. r 5wered all the queslinnc," "(-,nod ! llnw not he stopped Short when he saw the, ;a how Chas, H. Powell "I guess I'll lake it," said Mrs. Nurich " uent.ist, produce-,a revolver. Pointin Ole �► • _ iid.yon answer them ." I said 1 didla•t p b of 10.5 1ta$lnn Street, bvrtlight 8esp is belles igen other soapo, "Are you sure it's made of refined y " % capon nt the secretary's-head, the den- � Kingston, begins bis but fs beat when need fa the Bntslight way. gold?" "Oh,y'es;" "Because 1 do•detest•- tnow. tint exclaitlied: "if you move,.a muscle _ . ♦ atony. "A martyr to' $fly BiinTight soap tad follow direetioas. anything that ain't r armed l" 3 vhilt I'm Initing out your teeth yogi dire chronic constipation, a 1e at1 innn." '. but now I wit free from Tw socrotary saw that ho.was fit,!lir c'' it and &IL through the A. father recently received the follow ri t tt y•al- a ni:;ehnan, nn�J remained per- Ase of Dr. Leonharrd't's ins note from a young man :-"Dear :1_ash or Cum ' Gear :•°11 while't•he dentist put the re- .Anti-Pill." fir Ward like groin doter Jessic's !fend - ve,lt'rr h,li•I: in his pocl:et:.and proctNde•1 Cans.H. Po*-aLL Many who are naw in•niarapo, She-and I-are in)uv and I U Shiloh's Conftltn ti Carve fat.to cur. r" N, t i^r i out the tenth: (3tie by' fine'they eu$orin from this tomptaint will be glad think I nede a wife.-Yures, Henry." 70 COid y0'O fief all you p your or Cain back IAIT.T 'piilli it ottl,' the nttidnlan drawing to learn from Mr. Powell's s'toty diet there The fdlher replied by letter, saying:- Ca�ahit You are Ntse of a Cure_ar +Lr •rovoly tir whenever the patient cx-I is hope for the most stubborn case., lie ".Friend_-I1Gpry,_-l'qn don't heed_ a wife,.. ;- a hibited any signs of protest, ,continues: "I w is induced to try Anti: you need a spelling-book. Get one and lE it wasn't a sure-cu this Ofer would v Wbon-ei};'it:'fccth find Cr""rn 'vivrenchpd�pill by.rearling the testimony of srnno one I,;tlyly A for a,year. Then write me siotbe made• _ ---- 1 roti flip nindman said: "That. will do,'who bad been cured-of const+prtion bv-it ngliit." Cananyt}nn66e rift fairer) I had suffered for eighteen,yoare and had - _ 1l-you have a Cold.C-al or say disease _ hnv�� hp+•-n very quiet. Three francs 8 • ynn-plea." 'taken toes o€ etufl'recommended•as cures ;y��� of the Throat.I-n W oe Air.Passagn,try, 1 Thp ser•rillary paid nt once, staggered but which made me worse rather than "flow r411f, is It going to take t0 set 1 ctht or tho room, and went tq the nearest better.,;Doctors told me Chore lras no cure throuF}. wily. this erre s iejo 11tH SHILO H forme. client, who was under sus icion of R�iice,.station. ,A force of police wa•s Dr.Leonhirdt'e Anti-Pill is for sato b all r- hou�hreaking, Well•,' replied the ,,. .+ ,tnt. and when they enterers the"room yy - : • �'•> the madninn opemed flre on them. tic Drn gt"t' °r by The Wilaon•Fyle Co, yoking laviycr, thongIitflll]Y,' "it'll take - IL Limeted,Niagara Falls.Ont. • '4A��p'r'r°'i' nu is shot nfla fir, tabs constnbles in ItTe arm 141-. pOareil will vgrity eveq word of me about two weeks to get through 25c.pet Thew iftliffb and another in the leg before, he was 603 with it, but I'm afraid it's going to-take rat S.said Only Weare tstatemeuts you about four years," , ]SSIlE 1V0.-17-41 knocked-down and handcuffed. Y . . rr . . ... - .. .,'. .: _cavae, ... ,,.... ' c.... s._s:vyylaaGy--� •+'. ..:�.'.,...: : ',.: `•as :• ..'ton„ -x .a-7.u,: i� :�,•': .- � '�`` •'-oe r� .-- nr�••Y'=� •`r _ ..•-� to as,;.r�'*±.�q 1 '"�'s" r � ••Y TIN•..� '' ¢,� -.•:.e r•�.;J d _ ,�...:.:: 'e..,,9.4.'.•x• ,�C'�.. �`y�• ''•i.;.' ^, '.2"d�+ '._�'w. �,y: �.. i"F'F :•,,, ., ,Y•'v. ' 'Ss..T-^„P '. �i-'," l_"v..._-..A..R Tf... '�✓.. .'.1. .,... -..:5".M_w..- �'.✓,-=H - LAS!'+. ...� •.,'ti.ys I J � A, '' ? posso8sed by some Countries, but Eat a Lax-et at bed time and feel q �� Q ��� � a �' we.are spared many of the draw bright next day. Sold by the Picker- in Pharmac -: - lis Published•ver Friday morning at its Oftae backs, such as mosquitos, g y•-• � - � .. ,.. _ _ • x- l�tt�rtng Qat. poisonous reptiles, fevers, and so - -'. TERMS - : on, that are common in milder �Vauverttaranne,ata. impO� F -- -61-=ev"70"l *I.00 ryatdtsaasa•• climates. We may envy the fruit of the topical countries, but what �`OR SALE.—Two movable hen- ' -- -' fruit is more desirable, or service- a bo h.aa lam R ' ne L use■, A plumber of M. Ru ctln • able than the Canadiau appie, or Ptokeringna lumber. 9DrtiY P Cash St - even our smaller fruits. Eztreme .'The ec►ple'8Ore. OR SALE—The unnersi ed has __ poverty is almost unknown in r( gn - - for seas two young shorthorn Belle and one Canada, wealth is more evenly springer, J,w.TOOL,loo 9s,con r,Pickering, "Our TERMS are et -I,-cti cash -BATES of ADMUTIMNG i distributed than to any other whi'evale P O. W-30 P brat tneersidn,per line - 10 teats country. . It is true that we are -iaahsnb■egnentinsertion,pez line - 6 •• �T ANTED.-A Roods rt bo to _ This rate oe•not inolnd*.-=•or Foreign aa. all struggling after the coin, and Y V � Y ce work and eking con- $ will be need w-keepi gbl ine".ffi0 M.(iLEEsox, _..._ _., _ immsemeat.. that some are making much mOPB general store-gee in bnsinese• Z'he zuthtrboy � • _ speoisl.°ern°' re, id progress but Apply q ' We are offering bargains in Gra Flannel for the next two weeks : zaotsfor$ or 8 months or pardon the year. Hal!- 1J p g esu thaII other,, (}reaawood, 97tf $ $ 3r yearly or yearly contracts payable quarterly we have not yet reached that Regular 40c for 25c ; 18c for 13C; lt3c for Ile—these goods can't be put Business 5 rds,00,p sable it%on lines0:1 1 withpapa, int when wealth is centred in. TIMBER FOR SAL1,-A quantity into stock at the above rices. All goods have advanced in rice the Ons year,iii 00,payable ie,' sdvancs. PO prices. $ p ,.. of timber consisting of agasse timber la z tl�Notipeta loos oplwnn•sen ceat■per line, the hands Of the few a8 we see it 19 beams 30 ft and pcats 1e, ft long and platop last seat, Don't wait, come to-day and, buy they may not be here five oentaper line each subsequent insertion, in other countries. Law is 8 z 10, the frame of a barn, on lot 19 con, 5, Pedal contract r tea made known on applies. Pickering. For particulars apply to S. to-morrow. on. .No free advertisinq, respected and our criminals are lips,Brougham• 9a3o New coda for Easter—Lady's Collars, Ties etc., Men's Shirts, Collars, - Advertisements without written ustruotions R 1 Willbe inserted until forbidden and charged so- Comparatively few. Education _ Neckties, Scarf Pins, Cuff Button,, Collar.Buttons. + •D 81y• Orae:•for discontinuing, advanlse- is free to• all and illiteracy is SHORT-HORNS &c. FOR SALE.- 16=1e`mn■t be is writing and sent to tun pub. almost Unknown. Freedom Bulls and heifers,all the way from b•to it Ushers• - . • months old. Also timotby and Alaike clover Household.Goods-Carpets, Rugs, Linole$ms, Oilcloths, Carpet Linings, 4 Job work promptly attended to, which other countries gained only seed. also toagaee for implements, wsgor7■ et this and save your carpet, Wall-papers, Window Curtains, Men's read r b the spilling' of blood has come etc. Au will be sold cheap for quick axle. g PP Y a Y E.E.Poaa,Cisrem�.nc. 28tf - to-wear Clothing trom i45 to$10 a suit., �� - • Mw gar �t T�lexton.r Proprietors to -tis without a struggle. Cer- First-class Tailor-made Suits to order,frord $10 to 020 a suit. _ tainly we have much to beLOST.-A note,.of the face value of thankful for.' The.' progress of about 00.00 in favor of Wm, meKay BOOM'S AND SHOES.—This line is. up-to-date, and at the very P $ signed bi Robt.Hardy sad Cheater VanLt=y. P- NOTES AND COMMENTS. Canada during the past few years Warning ie hereby given that payment has lowest prices. We can offer you scans real bargains in this "depart• "has surpassed that of an other been stopped and parties are forbidden,to Deg- -has meat as in all other departments. rpa y otiate, the aame. Wm. McKay, t: y a �+�, g';�y'�' :""fig M1.'' "''.. ...:•. ,. .: -.i' ..-.'�•a. -'w ., N•x' ,�s. -..g: ",tl.�zy .-.,r': '_..+• R_ J� --•'1"°�s' a" a.,.•�......•w�`rir•.. i v y. - ` _ ,. - ,ra,;,Y :' '• �. �f-� • i �� _ o%wesrowT. Mrs,W. Hoover and Master How- .'.- • ,_ — and spent a day with friends in the Notice yo Creditors P. Macnab sr. watt in Toronto on cito Inst week. OF- _ N S U R A N - ' - - . - '.. Monde - - Miss vera Banyard has secured a T ,. Nelson Wagg has rented Joshua position in Toronto and left for that �TOHN MIZtZ�ER, _ ;. I place last week. , - - "y _ _Bunely's stable: nECEASED.) - , � Anthony Berkey is making a few --� -- -ThA very best kind of Insurance-i. e,. Mrs. Barry still continues in a improvements on his farm bn the 7th " provision fdr the FUTURE as well as,the PREs- ' critical condition. con. this week. NOTICE is herebygiven pursuant Hay fling has resumed work on Wm.B.Turner,who had a serious to the Revised Staus of pOntario, ENT, is a Savings Account in _ Q his new residence. attack of paralysis, is improving but 1887, Chapter 129, that all persons ' J. H. Beal had a business trip to 11'ttle at present. having claims against the estate of r T Miss Iva Fraser and Master Milton John Miller, late of"Thistle Ha"' in �e' JoveretyugaA of Vanda. J. H. Baal is installing a one acksom of Saratoga,returned--home. -the--.township -of Pickering in the ` in his office this Week. last week, a lengthy visit here. County of Ontario,Yeoman, deceased, W. E. Pisebrou h spent Sunda We are so to report that one or who died on or about 'the 29th day of Interest id Fo&ft TIME$ A YEAR. g �' y two young em sorry last Sunda even- August, 1804, are required on or be- vvith frien$s in Pickering. y fore the 12th dap of May, 1908, to send $1.00 will open an.account. Ing's service, seemed unable to behave Put our mons in a lace where- you ' Mr. Curry is 8recting a new res- g' by poet prepaid or deliver to John . ' Y y P Y themselves. We hope they take no idenee at the rear of his foundry. Miller of the said Township of Picker- -can get it when sot want it. offense at being spoken to, but will Geo. and Mrs. Farley, of the come again and act manfully. ing,farmer, one of the executors of the Brock Road, were in town on Will of the said John Miller, deceased, Monday. Our foot-ball boys had their first adrdessed to "Brougham Post office' Lt ,�. Todd, daaager, Claromoat• Mrs: Joseph Brown spent a few opening practice Saturday evening full partienlars of their claims and of 'days recently with friends in and between fifteen and twenty were the securities, if any, held by them y present. There was an absence.of .and Notice is further given that after, Toronto• oldplayers however, but it is to be the said 12th day of May, 1906 the \' Born.-Ou.Monday, April 23rd, hoped that there.will be a full turnout executors of-the Will of the said de- the wife of Mack Forsyth, of, a of both old and new men on Tuesday ceased will proceed to distribute .the '-daughter. and Saturday evenings. If there be assets of the said deceased among the t t +' "Stamping."-Designs for em- any new-comers tot this vicinity, the persons entitled to retclaims having re- SCR Nbroidery. Leave your order with boys give'them a hearty invitation to Bard only to the claims. of which K ( , come out on practice nights. notice shall thep have.been received, Mrs. Beal• and that the said executors will not Quite ai number from here are W. Hoover has Just received word be liable forr the said asserts or any attending the horse show in To from his brother, P. who has for pat thereof to any person or persons " Tonto this week: ' over five years been Passenger gent of whose claims they shall not then - Miss Laura Dowswell is visiting for the Southern Pacific in Ban Fran- have had notice. ciscothatDated his house was shattered and D 0 OR. '. •: � . .'. friends in the vicinity of Ring- his furniture lost in'the'recent cats- this 10th day of April, 1906. - .�.-.=-; -_..' - - - . wood this week. strophe. His office also was complete- John Miller, Walter Renfrew and7.7 " Mr. Todd expects to leave town ly demolished. Both Mr. and Mrs. David Burns; Executors. �F some day this week for his new Hoover, however, escaped:with their Dow do McGillivray,Whitby, position in Toronto. lives. The news is a source of great 27-29 Sol'rs for Executors. DOW SWELL'S the People's Tinsmith Heuson Thomson has purchased relief to their relatives here. - - a fine new driver from- George Methodist Church . Wagg,of Goodwood. Services as FoRoWs• Dr. D. C. Smith will be here as TWO- OPEN LETTERS -- Gold . Medal . . . : . usual next Tuesday to attend to 10:30 a.m.......Preaching. his professional duties. ' Mrs. Reynolds, of Brechin, vis- IMPORTANT TO MARRIED W®Mfl11 7:W p.m....... -- _ e w 2:00 p.m.......Sabbath Schoollie fe dams during Orth Claremont a 5:00 m.......E Sabbath League, on e w g the past week. Mrs. Mary Dimmick of Washington P Tuesday. v • ' y Tells How Lydia E. Wnkham's Ve- Fifteen new volumes, including yd 6:00 p.m.......weekly . Prayer on - getable Compound Made Her W eLL Thursda the latest fletion,have been piaeo y` - - Call on on the shelves of the public Rev. J. E. Moore, Ph.-B. It to •a-lt}l great pleasni��ve-pubheh - , library this week. the-following' letters, as they oonvine- Pastor. - ClVts. Cooper and daughter, of ingiy prose the claim we hate so many - pp Richn�culd Hi11, spentSunday times male in our columns that 31re. The best place to oily — '- :$enderson- lXr Fa-rYrier., Claremont. with- the the former's nephew, F. ` 7 M. Cooper and ,vife W. H. Pugh sold three-veal -is .tT = - old AK- -filly to J. Miller. of Ashburn, ' I LIFT, - FORCE AND last week and- purcha;ed another `"' t = �lDcshams- PUMPS � t-> from Mr. Pearson, of Glatagow. I " and SECTION Miss ForRie returned to her L ?; Over 200 samples to choose from at - k 4c. per roll up: : C onatantl on Hand. Prices Right. duties as teacher in Chesley public Y w school after spending her Easter ,; �, � Mouldings to match all papers. Also, K vacation zrith her relatives' here. ;.: ` &full line-of the beat. - Wind-DliHs erected' and Repaired, The Ladies' Aid of the Erskine i �v`a '^ t; a ^..church held their regular month- }�y • � stock at lowest possible prices.eaints,Oils and Varnishes, always in_ Direct telephone communication with all parte of Pickering, 1 meeting in the basemont of the , Don't forget the place. Markham, Searboro, Whitchureh, Uxbridge and Vaughan townships, c�nrch on Wednesday afternoon. also Stouffville, Markham and Pickering villages, over Independent We are pleased to see Mr. DuWW. G. BINGHAM, ' system. cern Macnab around again after North ClaremoaL. Orders promptly attended to. being confined to his dousethe N.X Id �lMMfC� - Repairing done. moot of the winter with rheum&- - _'firm. Pinkham,of L,�n. Moa, �: Produce John Gerow �000«sor b George and Mrs. Gerow, of Port fled to ve helpful advice to sick vcomea Cieeow Boa, Olareaooai. : Perry, left last week for ari ex- Read Mas. Dimmick'rlett4rs ' tended trip to Manitoba: and the, Her first letter North-West Provinces. We wish Dear Mrs.Pinkhaai - I am now prepared to. pay the them a pleasant journey. "I have been a sufferer for the past eight , R I A R D So N S Missies Bessie and'Mary Macnab pears with a trouble which first ortgtaated highest price for butter, eggs om painful periods-the pains wereexcra- _ ,1 nn,.lr.•v Me who spent their Easter- dating, with 1a8amraston and aloeri6oa -�T-wagon--' 8 8 at their home here returned to To. of the female organa. The doctor su s I is on the road steady. jmportao1 showing of finest display of ronto on Monday to resume their must have an operation or I cannot Live. Clain, A Very large assortment -of - I do not want to submit to as operation if ,Bron ham• Statiaaary. Books,Dolle, Toys. sal studies in the Jarvis Street Col I can blt svoidit-- Pleasehel ma R. Conner, - ` g Y • j aegiate Institute. Dire. Dimmick.Washivaton,T.0. received for the Holiday trade. Call , ---Jahn Gerow got a carload of Her second letter: p = an epi them. ppnm,p. material this week. This Dear Itis.Pinkham:- Butter E S .;l8gbsoriptions taken for all. N agazinse, Eli been one of the best seasons in "You will remember my condition when t. �� f• Weekly and Dsalyl;Newspapers. .. ..the pump businers that Mr. Gerow I Inst wrote you,and that the doctor said I Ghiekens. has ever experienced. It takes ri t have an operation or I could not live. �• I received your kind letter and followed \�. iJ'. H. RICHA.RADSOW ' him all his time to keep up with your advice very carefully and am now en- _ his orders. = tireiy well As my race was en- so serious it them to Ularemont Market.The Citizen's band are.still -in- seems a miracle that I am cured. I know Str00t. �tb�'w creasiu in members. Three new that I owe not only m health but my lite -Wednesda ,market da 8 to Lydia.E.Piz*ham's etableCompound y y' members have lately been added to and to your advice. I can walk miles .-FROST WOOD " —their—number, making a total now without an ache or s pain and I wish every ' E EMERSON, �m� of shirt The are now prepar-. suffering woman would read thio letter and ] �I}� �lfRllli �� w�f�(S y Y P Pa realize what you can do for them. "-Mrs. Farm Implements I (` m p J ed to fill orders for engagerneDts Mary Dimmick 5M and East Capitol Sts., Mon Mongolia. t - for picnics. garden-parties, 8rc. Washington,D.C. Buyer, R Farmers are now engaged busily How eery it was for Mrs. Dimmick to - write to Mrs. Plnkham at Lynn, Mas•, L Disc harrows, Scotch harrows. A at their spring work. The spring cad how little it cost hers-s two-cent prod�ce ��riket large assortment of plows,riding and has been a backward one, but the stain Yet how valuable was the rept I walkingg Drills,Cultivators, ScuMers, last ten days has been an that As Mn. Dimmick says-it saved her life. Hay Tedders and ,Loaders, Binders, could be desired.so far as seeding is ' Mm Pinkham has on Elle thousands W. C. LaFraugh, of Stoutivtlle, Mowers, Rakes,. Hay'Forks. W ons, will be at Mechfn do Poacher's Bug 'ee, Wire Fence... Everything concerned. If the present fine of just such letters as the above. aad h' B weather continue for another store, Brougham, every Tuesday g1 offers ailing woman tieipid advice. the farmers need. week, the majority of the farmers morning prepared to pay the hig>d J y est price In cadsh for Butter and L. CpgN 'In this locality will have finished No w E go. He has also arranged with ' their eeedin o ration& a m. c a w aqs I )� y $ Pe e : C w e � a0� p Mechin to'bu scours for him GENT, PIOHERIN-t3. _ His many friends through this 9 _ - a: during the week for either trade part of the country will regret to 0 � � E Y : � 3� w 0 � ee or cash, as desired. ' hear of the death of W. J.Mitchell p I_t -� "OCT. C. Z�26F=A.1.1gY1. do Y O --� 4;;EXPERIENCE traveller for W. R. Brock & Co., . o a .. It d o A- Toronto, which took place Inst ;a=' a 8 8 ° K a" q« Claremont Foundry - eek at his residence 501 Manning b om�P morn _ " �•� a e•c1' o a• •�O ve. His death is particulary sad _ 8 ;xo m;°fie v e s; !y+r - r .sit took place on the same day �a � nab; a �e :V w=. aad Machine Shop` ! Wood, rnf made to erron,Lift g °°p° f'9_6_ that on whicTi h'is' first child y a o a 9 8 �• o I•_ a c e a ••a O E• W. EVANS, lyes born. Mr. Mitchell took sick o} o C in g„I i Aja All kinds of repair work done on TRDcaMA KS c-v. cati ons se in which roto t m FebO� engines, boilers and machinery. COPYRIGHTS�G. iams early in the winter with. typhoid Jan p9 - - --� 10" �i e� __ �oaeeenAloq&sketch and.descri er ay _ -_ p �' " °' '°" y o Lumber planing,shingle sawing and •qutekiT asoertain our o, kta tree w mux a. n U probablypa testable Commnelca• s-- . -ed in his death.' m a syr•11.= band sawing done on short notice, i�on I etror W conndentlar sandbook ou Patents —Sp ir71i7fi - = ■ tent free• deet cr for securins ateum p g Werk t agqeesn . ., • �' ." p " o a sae May E7 Wanted—Ever im lement a ent, Patents taken trey Munn a GPo.noetve r °a Mr o y P B syettol 1l M",witbout ct,arge,to the - - -' GREEN RIVER. °. m wv 7 ne p err and others who hardware merchant, �e handlineueral Pe klow Get yyour implement in good ' a ru Ja1y • =4 $ P �11"fic 11MMON, shape for the,spring work. it r E ints and re airs to comes n with t ors. Alf. Hoover spent Sunday whh'-h .. b e same R� d' me in regardto pricesa atlon of any denting jjot Taal er s Or y and prompbw family here. .,• Oot. N ear:four gold'�brallaewedealers it W. A Fuller was in Toronto .on : E .; lg o m� Nov.,C the trade. ly and at moderate prices. business last-week. Parties Reeding castings made �JUNN &Cc 3618ros*ny,New-York ,•o, Dso Q cP 'b F 8t tvaahtns:ton. L. MurrayFuller spent Sunday with should leave the orders now.. _ araagb o� 1 - .- Janus"1907-Whitby 9, Oshawa IO. 1lronghsm � ■ �■- - s"ie'Hdai--i8 -- 11,Port Perry x3,Uxbridge 90,Oamniaa0on l9; se Stanlay Hoover spent-a few-day's ' Beaveitoo Is. Rt YY . CURRY '' I Thomson's;old'starid. in the cit last.week. Dr. Taber s. Family Remedies. y_V10,'rr 'Win. Pennock and Oscar Madill --= 37 CLAREMONT, ONT. were Toronto visitors this week. These remedies are becooring .more Ed. Lehusitn,'school teacher here, Furniture '' popular with the public each day,' - - 4r �cvaa.a Toronto visitor last week are sold b all dealers under a positive s S C ar e m O n t - y :sass lash-illelurs3:s statlea s.w.� f Z �Jeeding operations are scrag on Stores - guarantee. Tkkms 0010 EasT Do11&s FOLIAws•— 'f: briskly this week in this locality. Little Liver Pills, for constipation No.b May $:33A,M; `` W.Gi. Barnes is buildingconsider- and torpid liver,15c. 2 for 25c. Head= able new fence on his farm hisa rin Is the place for Parlor Suites, Bedroom Suites, Diuin room Suites ache tablets, relief in one minute, 25c. " 12 Local. ..-6:04 P.ffi. p g �. 8�4 P.)ff. Benson and Mrs. Wilson spent a See our Couches, Extension tables, Sideboards and Iron Bedsteads Gild per box. Peruvian Tonic for catarrah 10 LooaL, 'few days in Toronto during-'the holi- the prices they are the Lowest.. i and that tired feeling 75c. For that ossa. o e deliver the goods anywhere. Distance no object, jumping toothache ask for Taber's TaAmg aonta WasT Gas as rorzows:- Levi and Mr's. Turner, of St"L,4ts- WATCH UJ GROW 'Toothache.drops 10c. For that hack- No.9 Loaar. 8:41 A.M. ville, are at present with relsit,bes ing congh there is nothing like Taber's "11 LOCAL 2:18 P.M. here. J. The son x,"Ex"4T, .ne and Tar Mau. 1f�. t ., '::. ..t'..��:..:..-.:c.--;-n ...:;•:,'-.a=.•.-•••+r•••-`�.'- :_•�-' � .. ,� R. BEAL, 3e u W e� v White WWI Nrx .. n- :o-+>i �•.-w.s.. ^,-oma�w-,"•-r erase•-. �.--z�It. . .: .. •- "!` 4 r _4_ .is•;' :..�E}`'°'T'�'.,.,,,.,.."'J,-,•,'it9 awl _ i I .•P'"�u•.: n .rr'* ,.p• .. ,-y... .r,a� ;.nsr «-c..- :., .n:. •9•-+^l. -`a.; t R .. -,__ ,, , c i at'�s xlFsmr� »a,w ;-. ' C e`d " .. . .. :'.: . - +: __ r "r .'."• .sirs. .tee.• .:,' . . t a _ I 0AP 4 • :t .. / V. is an unconfirmed report that inTerall to rob' m. E 3 vo ' LIFORN11 :._ /�ffn b - then \suits were kot�lhe- inti wtwhile &ilcta hold r _ 'tW.000 000 fn_ _ ' _ - - t' several other instances,tot shooting lo! - .- _ z__ .. la k robbery. ---- ``•�•. • � Mayor Schmitz,-Gen. Funston and the • _ ' , operators of the telegraph companies �y� Scene O� DeSOlatlOn a11C1 RUIn 111 . - . . - au agree fn saying that the fire, d no r ' • `h still burning, will probably spread na �,iGi� �_���" t l DOin n / rdAtk� tar her, but will itself out COWNIONS ES $100,1106. : . _ . .58n Francisco. atm ���0,,, Ottawa A + April 20: - A vote of $too,- - ,. - , - _ r'� (40 was passed in the Commons today N1 }lir ;e,fterarc in Can . A despatch from San Francisco says: drivers of express wagons'and trucks, 1l� �- Francisco. lion. lir. Fielding, klinistes OI the scenes that marked the traits- hired at enormous prices, began carting ,,,�..r 1 gpwTA i, ct Finance, in announcing the Govern-, • formation dt this, the gayest, the•.most away from the lower city the valuables Ft0$�,� tr.ent's intention; said: "1 tlnve o mat- , careless city on 'the continent, into a ri the hotels which snw their doom [n ► ; i ler of urgency to bring up, \vfLh refer-. . ` wreck and •a :hell, it is' hard to write. the ares which were breaking out every- -" ease to the disaster which has corse up- , ` ' nn one of the test cities of the neigh-1 hal,the day started with a blind gen- where, and the spurts of the gas mains. •1. I ' harms Republic. I think the infornia eraJ panic goes without• saying: Peo- Even the banks began to take out their g ale woke up with n start to find them -bullion and securities, and, under guard tion which has now reached us through selves floundering on the Door. In such a( half dressed clerks. sent them to the the press is sutlicient to give assurance • an earthquake as this it is human in- hills, whence came to-day the salvation ` E p.KL 14 D that the disaster is of a very widespread r stint to gel out of doors, away from o! San Francisco, One old nighthawk . �f(;glt[I aracter, and there will be need of mien- tolling walls. They `stumbled across cab driven by a cabman mad with ter- cions assistance irom the liberal-mind- - the floors of their heaving houses to roe curried more tins ffi�,o00,(i00 in cur• �'. lMi To 1 . ed people of the United States aril other . -� : >Ilnd that even the food earth upon rfncy and securities. �.i harts of the world. At all events, I am - -r. which they placed their reliance was - Men, pulling corpses or broken peo � LRMEbe: sure that this Parliament, representing swaying and rising and falling, so that ole from fallen buildings stopped t ,'t �-"�' ' tic people who inhabit the northern n the sidewalks cracked and great rents curse these,processions as they pas ed _ LO gt-TO'$AM Jp$ half of the_continent, will be glad to opened in the ground: The three min-I Time and again a line of wagons and _.....� 1 s th in the opportunity of ow-men ,.n' saes which followed were an Qternity I o the assi�lunce et our -fellow-men :n cabs would run on to an impassable \'` `�... San Francisco. 1propose, therefore to of terror. We learn here of at least barrier of debris, where some buill:ng & • ,.. two people who died of pure fright in had fallen into the street; and wotir•t - .l� .V41-- TSS --' - Present a message from his EticeIIency • that three minutes when there seemed ale.0 -- - : nd(nj a grant of ffi1fA1,000 as a p p till the guards cleared a way e, r,'camme no" help on earth or Heaven. "Thera _ _ -•. contributi,,I>_ from the people of Canadao - was a roar like a great burst of'thun• through the streets.' I . � ��� fir, the afflicted people of San Francis- - . . der, and from all about.came the crash , SHOT DOWN THIEVES. •,r% .'r-iMOLLI T cu." . (Applause.) • ted falling walls. It died down at last, And then the vandals formed"and tt""► - 15Ay o F - Mr. Bord,rt, on behalf.of the Opposd- - dens along' ,wharves. 'the rats f els not think ll,tern are any leaving the earth quaking and quiver- � MMITER Ilan, said: "1 ward, ht be p eat any moment seemed - - " proposal.the Hritise who will not went to work. Routed out from the _ rn like" ell Men would run for- LIN S members of. ward, stop as another shock, which g { cr t•diall support the' Government 1n g greater y the San Francisco water front, the _ 0 . R 51__ this 1. The dfsastet• to the f'ity, to take the earth from under' their feet, drifters who have reached the back- - i or San Franc(sco � one which alnnost Eddy of European civilization, crawled - • - 'end throw themselves face,downward P staggers rur belief-rine which we rue " rip. the ground in a perfect agony oI cut and began to plunder. .Early in i % i 1•arrlly able io understand. We have fear., the day a policeman caught one of these t y _ t,rd suhs(an!iul proofs in the past r.f FOUND TtIEiJ; VOICES. . roan dropping through the windo\v ,,f • - the svrapathy of the people of ttuo Unit- }t seemed to be two or three minutes s small bank on Montgomery street, M6 N T CR� est Suites iti tiffe, of disaster W fans-. atter the great shcek wns"over betorro and shot him dead. But the policewero d,an citizens. 1 wish merely to add people found their voices, 'there follow- keeping_Sire lines, beating back over- j�8 Cf tE1e Sttiek217 Di3trlGt ShOR7fII 'I'OVVn$ Badly Wrecked ft;at, in ilio presence of an appealing e1i the screaming of . women. -besid+ zealous rescuers from the fallen lofts.s y disaster such As this. stmt .for t71,: our- .ihernselves caith terror, and the cries and the burring blocks, and for a time . _ by the Earthquake. - - pose of rend.,ring. Aid on such oferiti,ms ct men. With onterro , a peohe c res tr,ese men plundered at will. News '.d t ,,; this, the tw,o'nations are ono" tAp- - . for the. arks as tar as passible from this development was ,carried early to stores and handed out b the soldiers,!Jotause.) - P Mayor Schmitz, and it was -(Ris as across the, been dra nd aout fin arm. Y The. ntessage. was receise(I and re•. - 'falling \rolls. There speedily-- became much as n.n •thin which determined him 'I'itese tend been dragged out it mien the�Iljeir rut the wholesale houses are gasp write ppb.racked with .people in their night yS iciest to itis CION I O of ll&fid.Gen. Funston cam: over front ilii ruins o[ their house, nn the water front. stores of provisions and slar\a- _ clothes, who screamed and moaners n' (ion !s imminent. - RECO\r"Tfil.(:1'lU\ NO`r1' THi�. RiORI} - 1Re lithe shocks which followed eve Ftesfdio on the double quick with the ." the day ware on, and _the wind�• " • c;,n Frn_nci cn April 21.-The r5' whole garrison of United States troops changed• the fire al„ng .the wat'c•r front; There.is plenty fit money in sight for P great ' few minutes. The dawn was lust break• `; lit. the ell ur..l'er. martial.'taws Ur• l ir3ried itself out, and ran _on further!relief. The Gnverdment. has appmpriat-:f rc: is nf, lringor a menace. Ike ashes * ` - 'ing, but- thrive was no other ltbht, as P Y t ee.+ •a million•dollars and at ]cost half a ewiU snr<,ulder for weeks. but as an ac-,- <,ers were issued trf the troops to shoot r,r,w'n South Market street. Except The gas and electric mains were gone, million i.• awaiting limiter in New York. five fur,o it ended on Saturday 'tuotn- and the street lamps were all out: But anyone caught in the act -of looting, and for the fire the city is in darkness. •Fhe - 'before the dawn was•white there cam+ the same orders were issuer! to the rrfupPes Doming ever late report that The' problem, however, is not Fo murh ing. The Inst: stroke \vas the desfrtrc- First Regiment, National Guard fit Call• the Parks u tilled with people sleep- one of money as of ways and ttfeans c,f hon cit friday bight of almrAl, a mile - n light from the'east, the, burning war., eftin sit !' -house district. The braver men, with taenia,.when they were mustered an,, Ing out of doors, under. guard •of the C g pP res through quickly: f etex;ks and w'hnrtage warelloirnes on w. no families to watch over, struck nut called out later in the day. And all this troops. -Tins .is absolutely the greatest distil ttw t;orthea,tcrn waterfront, a t'me, and cline 'up until noon. the SAN FIiA:yC1SC0 IS GONE. ter that ever overenme an. American It is known-thr,t the loss of Ilk will "'to help.' They-were do the early vtorn- earth was shaking with little tremors, city, and one of the great firfw of his- bc• heavier and that of property sorrte ing light able to see the business' de - g Unless all information is reativ ex- fur Beside it the Chico o, Boston, and \''hat loss 'find 'in the hast estinraG•s trict of the cit• burning befor• them:. many of which brought -down \units" !~ Y• g Y - y g and chimneys. At each of these the res- ng, there remains •nothmq left Baltimore tires are- almost unirnport- sent out while Itrri fire raged. The Klatt- . _ •From every direction came the ars- en- y of the city except- oullyin suburbs a ant. itary arh,ac now systi�matically arerch- mi,s, called from the outlying iAIKr t- cuers,." even the firemen, would slop fenv blocks on the water front cern]. a THE FIRE IS CIfECK D. S for a moment, paralyzed. The I g ing the ruin., er,me acr,%s scores (I . s?y the general ialnr•rrr run>; in oyr (h,' as P Y 4 t ,,.,,,,,_e-' r,.'clock,. the 'heaviest--after the ' P finer - =class rest. Gan Francisco, April 2t:The firr -is londiea, in uiysuspeet:ed. places. TDs: ti�tants eta, ��icf denees lying along (',olden Gate.Park. chief 1p of life sec'rns t4, have been ' drove even floss who• hod delermfnpd probably checked.., A•turn of the wind. CHINESE IN 'A FRIGHT to".stay by the stricl<Pn"city to look for Nr American city was ever sc, Hearty which came tale Friday night, blew tt in 'the. large bocuding hrurses and cheap . "the spur of the gtxaka'ran up' the hill means of escape by writer: ' d,slroy(+d •as. this, and outsi,.e Of ,he I trick from .the residence district, atter F.olel; lying Knuth of 1t,trl<e°t strict, In . . .. •.".'en which Chinatown is situated, and _A SAFETY CO\!\1CTTEE.. (rurihquake- the fdhe is - probably'-the, it had leaped the pap which the soldiers ''' sir�gle recti in of the city adjacent Ch m i eatest in American history. The.city th.«;•I,nirin Irota Works 00 bodies have shook down 'part. of the crazy little - ' " had mAdr+ with dynamite to saws That tilhdings on the southern edge._ [t There was nn .open park opposite the htib a,Population of more than 4ti0,rtfk) fart of the town.: The stFady ryesterit teen cremated by the officials -tar :,nni- , , . Cit Hall. Here, in default -of a build. -people. Not more than one-fourth "f1 .fury reacFr� -IIuria] parties fits work-- tot�+ du\\n, foo, come of the ltatian:tern- Y I t'tid,+ wind ha,t set in. Tedep'taph, limit ements. The rush to Portsmouth Square ing, the Board of Supervisors met semi tt,ese can have escaped lo: Oakland 'C and Che territory ahottt it, a' region rf int crta,lii�. nn:l it seems ilke� that . went.on a1mcist uricherked. b the.. o- _ic,rmed, together with 50 'substantiut the peninsula, and tit least 300.000 people I' our dwellings, had been the d,ath lest will be far above este fig- Y P citizens- whom the had mist -be homeless in the arks or the I' passed by flee fire of °:>tj set fly fife ncttn';t chtAf of the Lee, who had more business elsewhere. - Y gathered', n P 1rr,nin (arc. -'Fits shaft cit the wind hlrW - *The Chinese came out of their-under committee of safety. They also set Fresidio rpilitary. reset•vation. All' !i,e' ttw finrnes in that direction, tend•Tele tree brigade, May. indeed be tw•lec• lhaf ground.burrows lidte rats, aneJ-tumbled the{Plv'� - -Prrn o{ pre}' ala—except�.iDe_trce__Ctty-F[oapit tt r .apt ihirurnrtt-rrtr dra`f Frii3a� fc*.• iL- l - tr.tn the square, beating such gongs r,"rrnrters For the dying and- tend. 11c- Pave been deshoyexl,t, and they have c;mi Hill'fs also burned over. tsx,i7a fur, Tlie prnpert�"loss is-atilt mtei.'lr' -- of ;Playing Stich.noisy'instruments <,^s 'chanics Pavilion. across from the City been dram,grnm theinjured, sick and ly. Itis crrinll area on the sen �! ,pe; but it 12`r w,�teaL Rias:�swork, figures ranging S,. (fall; had escaper], ant] it."was presser! ir,R from place to {dare of safety nil • , (torn $S W,00tl,rwk ,a,",-'is ininttnrrIin to$r4O. 4 h they Gas! snatched up. TliPy were met i . + day Thursday. A lite report b tRr' tt,tde wind cnnlinues strnnt as ,t ;,r Z : on the other-side.by .the refergees of the into service nt once The police and the Y P Y a t�'ent' probably will, the fire will b.� turned C'M,,(k10 as n 'maxtrnuur. The j�reat I, -..�6 , . I troops, working admirably togother, r•rn Union wire direct from. Sen Frnn- 0o wn:lown buddings, 'wliiie injured Lock entirely en"the arca alrendv burn- bail by tfrn, c,,-ttt to have SGwd th8 r The panje bi-ime,a madlness. At t u*sr' re wror a e ea an in X - lcass need shouts ! , brow,+ht there, since t'unslon sent to the__11,'ar Deparlurcrtt , ,•ar iqua.0 •,'r - ^-a Chinamtm were; taken to Biel r rr,irts will Ite.cnnlin� to n nay or tw,), morgue dead' of knife wounds, given t the hospitals find mwgvr+s had bhrome early 'on Thursday eteninr<. Ile said Reports`ahnul the actual'ama of rlam- frant4 sky�crApers 'can be repnfnxl and choked, and toward ihtat omni, izt the t!.en that the• nnmtic tied crossed . Van filled for use. in a wok or tw+,r, and 11Or no other reason, tt seems, than the P age ant rontlicting. Ft is prtib:ibli; how'- ".' madness'of the panic. .'Fhcre aro _ t.en� early forenoon,thedray's. express wi•ag• Ness Avenue, the dividing line between ever, that. ahntrl lhr4c-rluartr•r5' u{ {(1e tt,itrls tike the Vit. Franc-'k-and'Falrt,roiit - . _ .thousand Chinese in the. quarter, and ens,-find hacks impressed,as lempor- Ihe..better -residence di,trictnd. the rest ifnprovinl,irls on real estate, is dcs(rr�y_ Are, in It,e sanw jxsilioil_- 'The utter there are thousands of ftaldans, S fins- my ambulances, --tools their course. Or, the city, and that thetown w^is lc" hat; bren in the ease of niniFy brick There \airs erten cif. The-fringes fringes of the city, scnl!er,r l 'aids and Atex•'icans ort the other.side. P ps 4()0 injured people: rnrimed. As a matter* of tact; even- t-itilding, nned of wooded ntFueture`—. It seemed ac fhou;iti eve fine of these; many of them terribly• man pled laid thing worth merit ion except this re- suburban nsidennes, stand: f)uttiide Lf j . ry y g that no con'stdernt+lc area ic• snvedr ex- \\belt' wife ,t�ept exit of exislerrre In tom;elher with riff-raft of the Qa-ladry'cut on the tloor•before noon. -• sidence district was burned mer or cn chat the better residence. of'the fh„usands. The plans for rebuilefcng I're by the afternoon: "The navies tin- \�1'c•;tern addition and Pacini H�i its. Ylready under ce�nsieferati„ti irxak to. I coast, made for that one IaWk of open •DEAD AND INJURED. g muarding against both earthquake And . ished with the district down-town, ran ' tat cefitre of thead, The ts�uare ndnpiled lit nn Every physidan'in the city volunteer• st uth through what remained of the Except for a few mansions of the Lich, fire h sfi*Ci'comtructioti, and it is es- • - 'the edges., There fought all the ed, and thoy, got together enough district, out Ihrou;_h sr,me churches,'and probably sonic �r Y c_ g y g g Li:rban hospitals, every building in Son LBnatrcd that �.,O,rkltl tons of steel lames n',nrninm; 'unfit the troops restore+) or- trained nurses to do the work.. There the mission, a .region t of cheap rf s- Francisco .is .gone. \rill bxs put intra Ilse down-town sects�n, .' - - �ter1\illy the(r bayonets--. . w ore an peop a slept last fie\v .- tri tctncisco. G�rc•;s� of order in stopping the conifa-. stand the great mansions of the early- n! ght in the concentration cams of the ' There will be privation, but no star- j BANKS REMOVE GOLD. •• tion find caring+ for the: living to day Cahfornia millionaires. Before that >r p' vstton in the desh•oyed city. Train- gm. b g F res ieliO; 'Goldcli Gate Part( and Fort t : -,_ Then, as. the dawn broke and the. care for the dead. The first wagons time the water supply had been wholly Mason. There was a shortage of wah+r, ;1t,ads of •frnid supr,lics fire arriving from :r l::wer city began to be overhung with brought a whole family-father, mother a>hausted.. Ewen•, the sewers ,were food was scarce t+fid poorly distri)stet north, south anis east, and Gon' Fun- .. _ the 'sritokc of burning buildin c, there And three children-all dead except sucked dry: At two o'clock the moss y hungry find thirsty, `ton and the Mayor are organizing effect g 1 and man • 'went hun :tomo n bask-eddy. -Cabmen, Hnckmen,- the baby, who had a- terrible cut drought to the volunteer helpers the 7 he city a,ulttoTities hate )x:en. able to Ihee ngencic.;.for•2lfstribution. There will _ news that there w•as no more dvnn• iv ll nn lael: cif 'money-for this.work. "et tit the'water water mains, and hone to i _ lr mite. It, passed from month to mouth. Alr,,nd•y 811.W'000 have been contri- i... have drinking water by this morning. DEL MONTE HOTEL AT MONTEREY. ."NO'NIORE Dl'NANHTEI" • I'he troops are preparing another ion- ruled, a stern large• enough to fr-cd the `ccntration camp in the hills of Ilse Po-`icinlhim,. virtire pcmnl.aiop .tor at ]oast two - This cry was the doom of San Fran•: trcro, south of the city, where there isn"'nt(i`• \sidle thnusnnds of tr,ns of food, `r -? 1 r3. ti'r - "++L._ cisco. tents and medical ,supplies are '•< "�� 4. . t �-� '� access to 'a ndtnrnl,water supply. IL :ct As a last resort, Gen. Funston em Laing sent fr,r;;nrd. President Rr7.n --�- • b/r • now possible to. reach the terry build- • tied the• artillery magazines of the Per.- in b a route rennin \c•It lac intfmatct] in very caurteon� Ing, y g.around the edge i .. - ilii sidio, and .the .troops and firemen tried V-7.-n1:,.-kit r(uite -firmly that tAe-ii3n' -d of the hnv. Overthis-sou1e'therc vvns ti I I - t to ,make a last sfand fit Van Ness Av gin,rat exodus to the f^rimes yesterday.i cl"dv-; can take, care of the problem :n . - enue,' \west of which lie the homes of `;an Fraraicro and, \rill not nen,! nit] • . ' ' ssrr,,1, ' the rich well-to-do. a ston's tete_ 1 he refiigee�s went to Onkland, where II m Uro •l t is probable t ! aj \` _ �. is Andr Ci lherP was least a anter supply. But;fr o, iK - i� n n � i pr that q Ah : 0 gram At 8 o'clock on Thursday night mtintallon w;ns made on Saturday rites showed That,they had,failed, and the in. Oakland, too, there aliP,•nrs to•be`n ilii Driminion Fm linment took action I O - chrirtagc of provisions. �l'hile soon toward granting 'Sf00,0(t0 the Canadian z !,rte news over the direct-wire confirm- suppl:es must have reached the cit 311 VVII. ' " ii 1 ih'is. vesterdny, and the United Slates ctuvern donation will be accepted. h.,, � Many must have died in the fire. At ment is doing everything to rmill in. - / _ -- fist four mep. were shot (luring the . .. i' da for ]n sting. The unburied dead, ons, (;en. Funston has told the Nz'hr ' Y 1' Dt- artment that there is innninent ••• SA'�TA ROSA'S DISASTFL2 "' •♦ - many of them half burned in the ruins, P . '``J f �'` ArE becoming a problem. it may he- clnnger of famine. This stands to res- S, IT6m•hnto, Cnl., April 23. - Santo. .•' . ' - .. ,, rome necessary to sink many bndias son, S Frar. isco has never kept;Tin=o. in proportion to its siz, , has suf- for an c `r ` r in the bay or ocean. Owing to the tire, 11,1011'e than three days sheat. with,its j f reit \vnnse than San Frnnciseo. The \. - Which caught. many structures before pmvisii,n supply, find muni of that nnist'1',! fir (lend numbt^.•s nT:4aF sixty, hut. ' '-i• - the dr cos 1 e 1 l:rn out of them..b vo been destroyed in the fire. .. I r'.:ut� prrons. nrr. miscin and ra ,9101. =w = ___._ tht� realamorlthlity \will never be known.' Oakland is chat' with rcfugrres• who ei cnior miuihen serious . wni�nded. _ r ,y Y is fire o es im • `°! J _ ev. It may be said that practically All buildings, or being accommodated by e,luipped \Sill appni-iritis, are working improvements on real estate and a private citizens. - i whits volunlci�r aid has been unstinted.; ' c �(j ;,eat part of the personal property ,are Admiral Goodrich landed .,all his c;nfn -Rosa fins -.suffered the (greatest:' r . tai r fine. The.loss will certainly he more n�•Ailable forces ,yesterday, and they \rill I disaster in.her history, but the lntlomit-! - -• ;moi . ,, itinn $2000,(MOW. • The last assessnietlL help. Out the• exhausted. troops. Fhe al le.spirit of leer people has been shown' ' .. ti j roll giwus tin raise of land snit improve- �u've�(ty-Ot-1 eahfrrrnin,-wtdch-is-tr'. -. - mcnts in San Francisco at ffi.102,10M.I(1n. Pnrarily closed, has sant over its ea- .n• . - 'I'hn insurnnce held in"San Francisco det` battalion. The Committee of Snf. ' ^-•----4 '• '. ,� is estimated in New Yory,aE from $350,- sty has tnken .up the'work of supplying • • 3 " 4s.-' ((x,,(m to ffi`f00,(100,(M,. This estimate is I fond atnt,ions. Mayor Schmitz has re- Benjamin F. Eshenshnde, of l.nncpster, . . . • lased on the, payment -of premiums. peated his proclnmallon, ordering citi- Pa_, nged sixty years, n civil war vet, -' The housing of the"homeless people who zens not tri build fires in houses, And erne, has just ended a, forty days' fact -- are sleeping* in the parks and the milt- croking is still done in the public made with the design of curing stomach . 1. ..:., ;•` ...-- - tary reservation is going to be a •great squares. Ch'mneys are so unsafe that troubles. A Pint of water daily fuss all K. . . problem. So, indeed, is their feeding.i house fires would certainly make trbu that.passed his lips. From 164 pounds I. Whim fleas chlmns tell through this root, killing a bridal couple and No supplies•can come Into the town ble. his weight dropped to 1(A Winds, ant] • f[a h W servant, and hi InJ rinp eworaf4 otMr psriMlit. 0 at present. The people have been lav-I The troops, tired and iri•ltated, have he is weak as a child, but i,,, believes .••�,.,,..,.,..�t,w,-- lurig on the supplies Taken from groce�q bad many conflicts with looters There himself sliest. i .... j, , tiY y.t arty; .. ,.-. qwa_, .-V .�.' ..w^�;= .+,- r -ie* :•-':ct'•.. ,•- a..'t:.a�-r.,.•nx•."T•r. ,,.•',..s� ,, .;mei s. i "'-,,'' iY"•,u',3': 'e£• !;-,'..4'`? r:'w 1, - n!.., n ,. .s-. :.i' `,,y;. `+ i.°,�",.%-C•,_ R`:. "."� H':"Ct' x._. 9 r• `- ..'J••'.'t.. +•In' �. 1 .: .rte^: wu a .., ... ...`. �r•' r r-'• ' - �r: - •.'k -u. .., .k :,a ,,. , is k' �`. r "—� } 1. -'...,. - r • *......♦♦4l,+t♦...k.. Continue to feed both lambs and ewes 1. _ . + + grain as tong as they are retained in' .Jill I ` � - __ ♦ the sheds. II a regular and reasonalM:vt � - ♦ supply o[ roots can be•given the e+ves� .- llhlluuaaa Ill_ help them to give a largeR - -A �. Y the Farm amount at milk and Consequently posh ,�_ elan11 a - , ____._ - - %; l�- _- -. tie,lambs along faster. After the shee r 1 a N _ � a i` sj . , _ are lur�nem out-t�6*rnss-md--arta-l>Peugl3i. __ '- ----� _ \ _ in at night itis a good plan to keep up 1� ,: . - . - _ - . �Q� s- ♦++♦ ♦♦+♦♦ ♦♦♦♦+}}+} the grain feeding, leaving out the mid- 1.11 I . . ♦ lings, it necessary and feed Rhe bran 'moi , 'BROOD SOWS AND PIGS. and oats. ,; �Or, The Strange Disappearance J - aclytlh desirable to nl a bg Irable arket the 1 m . . . i i,�s��� Feed the sow lightly for s few day+J e n be crowded right along . .r before and after .farrowing. A purely. ' g until they have attained the weights ' f grain-ted hog is never comfortable. that the market requires. To one who . 1) . 1. The stomach and,bowels'roust be rea- has not. followed this practice the re- CHAPTGR Xa!i\'I. return they had frequen y + solabl distended b bulk food, given sails will be surprising. T know in- ' Tho da of the trial came. It +vasa Prisoner, with, the treachery that v L.i along with a nutritious ra ion. stances w i 1 would soon be proved to be. a part of • ,,gip SAID "RATS"? - or roots of any kind are a valuable fool pound per day, after--the first month to bright.spring day, and from an early his nature, ,had, grown weary of his . for the. sow during the winter. They the time of marketing. -hour in the morning the village vvas wife, and transferred his attentions to - produce an active 'condition and this is crowded to oven ilo+,[ttg with people another and more fortunelavored ltidy remained in ilie village all night-those esuecially important for[the brood sow. � , collected from all purls of the county. -and finally. that upon the evening of nearer returned home to como Hack in Do nut kee•, heron a corn diet. -Corn FINISHING STEERS. - `The court-room was tilled to suffuca- pp. . 1. "'21on. It was wit 7 '�: greatest difficulty the murder he had decoyed the unhappy the morning. should forth only a very small part, at - - 3 bn young lady to the fatal spot, and then The second day of the trial, the vil- the most, of her ration. Asmall autount After being fed all winter on dry,' L. - tha4 order could ue mainitzined when and there effected his purpose, The lage was more crowded than before. can be fed in conjunction with mid- foods, which to a certain extent become, the prisoner, in the custod of the high \ Y prosecuting attorney made .this slate At. len o'clock the court opened, the dlings-or bran to supply heat. monotonous to the fattening animal:' .•sheriff, ,w'as brought iiilo court. nlent, not with the brevity with which prsoner.was shortly afterward brought The sow about to [arrow must have steers will frequently eat but little.else . 1'tre 'venerable presiding judge was it (s here, reported, but with a minute- in :an-{ho prosecution renewed its ex- a shallow bed of finely cut stra\i• or when. turned•suddenly upon fresh pas . supposed to' be unfriendly to the ac RPes o[ detail and warmth 'of coloring amjltati�n of witnesses. The next .wit- chuff. Pigs are often caught in the hot- lure. Unless they are kept off the " cused, and tine State's Attorney was that harrowed up the hearts of--all who Bess that took Ahe si3nd was A most I low of's deep bed or become tangled In grass for all but brief•periods during the . . .known to be personally, as well as heard it.' tie finished by saying that he important one. Jolin.Miles, captain of the straw and. are crushed by the first, weeks, there will be a checking of •:N_ , ',officially, hostile to Infs interests. So should call the witnesses in the order of the schooner Plover. He. deposed that 'moth&. it is well to place a fender in growth due to the fact that the succu- strongly were the minds of the people time'corresponding with the ,facts-they in the month of April 16;-. he'w•.as trate the,sow's.Stall so that she cannot crush B prejudiced upon one side ar the other lent grass has disordered the di estionl that it was w;lth much trouble that came to prove. in-the schooner Blanch, of which his the pigs against the wall. Care should o[ the animals. At the same time they twolve mer[ :,could be found who Eiad "Oliver•Afurray will take he stand." father was the captain. That in said be. taken _that the sow is not placed will cotrsume more of.the fresh palatable xwo mtnde n their o inions as to the This, the first witness called. after the month the prisoner at 'the bar had hired inhere thele is much noise or excite- grass, and will not eat enough of strong p p usual. oath, deposed that he had first his father's vessel to carry off a lady anent or she is liable to kill the pigs in nitrogenous or fat producing foods. prisoner's innocence • or. guilt. At seen the p+isoner and tho deceased to whom the prisoner decinred to be his trying to protect thorn. ,This calls for careful regulation of .length, however; a jury was empaneled,I rtlher in the Library of Congress; had own wife; that. they were to take her to _ and tlMt foist commenced. \Then the b' and sus- Do not keep the little pigs confined the,diet of xhe growing steer when first S . pt'fsorter was--placed at t#t?-1�8t_�iRd_ overheard their conversation, art of the Aermudas. That to effect their ab- on a board floor. They will beeome Put upon green pasture. They should - ttskcd the usual question, "Guilty or not peeling som-a unfairness on the p ject, his faille and himself had landed crooked legged and deformed if thus I be allowed enough nalalable mixed feed the prisoner, had followed the_ parties near fine Bluff; the night was dark, _ I ' guilty T" some of the old haughtiness treated. Let them run out of doors on ih take the.enoldge from their appetites, he curled Lhe lip and flashed loofa the eye teethe navy yard. where he had ++'ii- yet he soon discerned the lady walking pleasant days. Get them out of the nest Witt not feed heavily. Iupon the .' s necs_e{1 their marriage ceremony. atone upon the beach., They were and make hem run about, for if they grass when turned out. ll has been of. Thurston Willcoxen, as though he ,.,:yheI. n v�a_A-the next--occasion upon bound to lvait for the arrival of the pri- found.that a good feed of mixed grain; �= dlsdalned to answer 'e char a 'so base; which you saw th? risoner T" do not et exercise tit will become too• ' and he replied In a low, .scornful tone. P Sorer, and a signal from him before fat g ea,r1Y in file morning, followed by sans I. "Nat guilty,your donor." .On the night o[ the Rth of April, approachsng, Ilio lady. They waited dr rou*ha*e will setwe ,this purpose tS�-; on the coast, near Pill.Bluff. ! When feeding have a trough 'that Is Y 6 b 'lite opening charge of lire States some time, watching from their cover low enough for them to get their noses best. It the steers are then turned upon g b had landed from a boat, grid was going the lady,-as she paced impatiently up the pasture Willy will-not overfeed on Attorney had been c�rrfully prepared. Inland when 1 passed him. 1 did not see in and drink with the so+y: [or in this the green.forage. At this time the,con- _ Mr. Thomson [rad never in tits life had and dawn the sands: At length they way they will soon learn to get their so important n case upon his hands,and his face distinctly, but recognized him saw the prisoner approaching. 1 fe +vim own living. Do not place'their corn in centrated meats and ground grains are by his size and form, and peculiar air clusely wrapped up in his cloak, z?n3 g not as good as j)ruperly mixed whole o he was resolved to make the most of it. and gall., He was hurrying away, with his hat w•as ulled over his• eyos, a trough. for ifiey-well-eel too fast an'1 ,mins, for the reason that it these are NLs speech wfls well. reasoned, logianl, agitation."- p t.ii[li not chew it. it is better to scatter 6 el' uent_ To,osteo in tate minds of the every mark of terror an8 agt' but they'iectnized him'.wetl_byiis art the grain ncound on the floor where fed in addition to the already exlre[na>. aq ) ft and qft. They drew-nearer still,.keep- t the animals will Jury every favorable hnpression tett by This portion of Mr. Murt y's test'- q i'hp %%411 have to pick it up and thus !y laxative fresh Mass, the [ate blameless and beneficent life of mony was so new to all as to excite ing;..in the shadow, waiting for the sig- abe checked In growth. the realest degree of surprise, and in lake more time. - Mr. Willcoxen, he did hot fail to adduce, R n.al: The lady and thbetwee nor rnet-"a, if pigs are ted in this fray, they are I A balanced ration'early- s be-said to 3rorn aider history, end from •ltRer I no bosom did it arouse more astonish- fes. wards passed. between tticm-ot eftin�atx)ul aero-Ihirds of their living b' furnished by early' Spring grace meat'than, in that of Thurston: The which tie, the deponent. only heard g alone. Tttis early. gen%th is largely.. times..every signal inAance. of deprav-, y {1 "Thurston T "Yes, Thurilon!`' and then from the feed trough by the time they succulent grass containing practically, tty, cloaked with. hypocrisy. in high witness was. strictly cross-questioned b the counsel dor the prisoner, but the the risoner ralged. his aloof and struck,I are old enough to wean, and instead oC no nitrogen or any tat prnd}tr-ing mat- places; he enlarged upon wolves in y P t weaning being a [evolution lE will he an t srieeps' clolhine-.ratan rn. an'angel's Cross-examination failed bo weaken h and th© lady fell, His t'ather_was a i g K ter. For , d reason considerable corn testimony, or to elicit anything more cautious man,- and %'holt he. saw the evolution. • I with some, dry alfalfa hay or some of garb, curd dolefully' pointed out how pigs when eight or ten A the sme in . stiould-form a part of favorable to the accused.- Oliver Murray ti�'ean ttte 'many times the indignant question of- prisoner rush- up the cliff told diw s weeks.old-. Place in.a pen that ix not, � fi s • "fs thy servant a(tog, that he shoo], do was then directed to stand aside. pear, when he saw�that the lady vv 8 Close to the saw. for they will LorRet her Lthe. morning ration: The well mixed - thLs thin "'-had 6c en answered by ' 'The witness was Mlr9arrr fihielcls• dead, and that the storm ivaa.bPgtnntn goner if, cannot hear her »queaI-, [?eci composod of grain, such .as oats. ..16 -'resrrlAs inbtile atilrrnatfve. . fie raked u Deeply veiled and half fainting the poor to rage violently-.and "the tide'vas Cam •tnq (Tire exfrn care go ns to nvotd an,�'barley.rye and corn. is. a.t-this time, to p: n Colonel and sides, that he be preferred above one formed_ chiefly of David's sin from the ashes of ages. girl was 'led in between ing in, and fearing, be - - _-_ _ Miss Thornton, and allowed to sit while st�vald set into trouble, he hurried Into check in growth. Give.skim skim milk and. corn. Where was the scene of that crime, and giving evidence. When told 'to Coals at mkktlingZS- a little at'a time. find nfL ri, _� W was fts perpertrator-in the Court 6 g the boat and put aft and boatde>d Flea ,.,s have been used to taking of kraal. by rhe.icing of Israel-u rnnn -the prisoner at the bar, she raised het schooner, and'as soon as possible set ng 'Ile j 'f Pi3F,f'-ABING TEAMS-'O8 WORK, _ _ - - after God's own heart. Gould the gentle- death-like Lace, -and a deep, 9" R cal] for Bermudh. They hail kept allay lhnor fro ti recd he sow ,rfeh [and until ilorses just taken up after a tong rest . M sob broke - from her bosom. [3ut . • men of the jury be surpli.5ed at the al)- from this coast for years, that is to say. 'the milk flow.hoc Neon clerked.• It _, d grain at first. t e Thurston (lied his Ayes kfndty.and'em icing as.the father, lived. o not heal much flr t bu -Yh paling discovery so recently ninde; as coura,fn [ upon hpr-his took. said ulvv s best-to let her depend.. on Pas danfit should. he increased, little by, . -.if great crimes to-high places were dirt-: f g_Y Pa , John Miles ,was, cross-examined by titre Mid .w•atcr'ulnae.for tone#: And it y 1. . lain! "Fear nothing, dear Miriam fir. Runiford'. but without effect. little: ars tone advances and amount er Possible or new thin+s under the sun'' plainly nen gnthi pasfure 'nnd plenty of fresh _ He did not tail tp dra td a toLching pie Be courageous 1 Do your stern duty, TtU: tesItinony bore fatally upon Ilio lobar increases. �ti a should nein remember - ind trust iq,God." water she will soon regain tier lost that this system is not in 's rAnditiort tci ' ture oft- the`•victim. the-beautiful, young ASriiim then idenHRed the prisoner sts priscato is cause-the silence of con- flesh and Will.need no extra food. _ dl st and assimilate much_feed at first, atran��r-girl, whom they all remembered, strrnalion reigned through the,crowd. _ : .load gored-who had.eome, re angel of the man she had twice seen alone with Thtrntun t�'illcoxen, ,when he heard L,1tt that •the -•capabilities will incrausa, , merry; on n mission of mercy, to the-r Marian at night. She further testified t; PC[. liING'EARLY_.LAMBS. gradually, as the system requfreg, ,lo - that upon the night of April Alh, tf3: tit's astonishing evidence, (lest• thought maintain it under the .increased effort whores, Was not her tleauty, her gen• Marion had lett her home Irate in tht• that the witness was perjured; bulwhen P required to perform the extra. atnouni luso her goodness--by eauth all flees oirrtrrste. infrom he looked closely upon his oppn,�honest It is .an excellent tan to have some of labor increase in capabilities in . _ had at ,some time 'been blessed-au[TI• a+�tng to keep'nn app [ace, and It: eye and free bearing, srriail pens in or near the stied. As. re.test r which she had never returned. That in leeding. .and .cnpabilitfes [or labor can tient to save her from (lie knife of-the the pocket o[ the dress she hnri laid o. Ile saw that no consciousness of false' as e_w.. with th mo.ther. to these pens, be developed slowly at 1tie.,same time . nassasin L No! tis he should shortly P� trtmct he•e-wP R c° hill.-grant under judicious management, bol:a- w'a•, . found the note appointin the prove. Yet all these 10ars her innocent meptinq upon the beach for thc.ni�ht in that the witnes , untwally deceived h>' reIhan�ifeco p'compelled to with -horse that •tuts been idle any g'r•eat blood had cried to HeavciIin vain; her "foregone cunclusious:'. had ineyitably' length of time cannot be transformed bio was u rigid t ext, her manes 'unapr question, [ter(, tile. note was produced. tnfsLagl.tn the real: murderer tui• him [the flock.. An old-fashioned teapot, with pease, Miriam identified the handwriting as self _ around spout .on which cone can put a suddenly from' the soft, flabby condi- . .. All the . ornery, and all the simple- that of Air. Willcoxen. Darker and dnt•lcer lowered lite-pall .ttbber - nipple. 0--cotiv laveent to carry tion.to a ttnrdened condition capable of C atti Duu ]ass lyes next called to the u[ [ate over trim-the awful sltlln�ss of milk -from cows that have recently sustained efinet and endurance^ Ntearted and unworldly antonq lite men, Mand; and required to give his ,testi- ressfve, w•as suffncn- froshened, and feed the little Iambs, ns The man who really fres n love for his - •were moiled into fears. very unprupi• , Tile court waw• opp seem eq horses rind leek's to give them a chance _ tions toile fate of ars.vcr tone, not mony in regard to the handwritinti' ting, a deathly tniulness came upon 3hey_:.em lu r. titre more than they.are him, for now,.for the first_time, he gelling.from the`mother. The teapot i5 to perturn their part without injury to called up.by'the eloquence of Lite .prose- Paul looked at. the piece of paper that fully -re�atized :tire nii[ut doom that also ver) convenient to set on the stove, themseles• as licit as to a manner Ihat_ was acs before him, and he was frill be profil'to hinged[,' frill stilly. . culing attorney so much as by tlnc�mere pi 'd . _ aliuslon to the fate of Marian, once . �sorely tempted. Llo-%_could he swear to , nature or bold in hot to heat nit mil - �Fte handvvrng tnles&_he dad rectuallp_ teat�;rted trim. l�ol li,nR his their neeeis under varying, _ ;bcinved, an s► -sn-trt-1lrin the-mterr• - Liar burden spirit � tittle details alio �r {'Ppohaindi<i> Cha uric pirf for immediate use. n. orios of all. Se"ll the hand wrtle It? lie asked -him- rise'to thfow it,off, and once nnore ,. sit- L Thurston heard all (his-`not in the �e lf: lie looker, at his lbro'Ihers trout fate hero] was proudly raised, nor did Fix a little creep hat ilei Iambs, can dual hot sn as.ln..be able In ntcet the socond-!rand style will •which I 'herr I Ttutr,ton saw Jlie slfugt.l ill his n it once slate again, The last witness for go. through. is fast as, they are lacg;e different requirements qs they present _ ❑nd• his countenance was itern and themselves. Such a Alan Is aler'l, never summed 1t up-but to the first vital tit fi and his lnol: authoritative and lite prosecution wets hair called and enough to take nut of the pens and put allowing the harne s iii gall. or'four lack freshness, when it pa., spoken with n' b file 'stand, and deposed that he with the.flock with their mo. R(iini ire, _ `-logia force, and, fire that carriLd con• cont uanding-it said, "Paul! do not tOOI` 's • ' U w9isolated, obscure :place; that on the first pen; or room. where they can be fed worry one borer or put him to s disad- viction to. many a nand. . Tlwi:;tun dare. to .decatve You You, know caniage beside the other. it i% too often - _ tooked.upon tttc judge-iii: face was flu handwriting. Speak the truth if it of �iay, 18�-. fire body of a woman hal surae grain. Sean and fine' ruiddtingts, that has been sweetened a little with the case that the owner at3t1 defy. of siert and grave. tic, looked upon the kills m0." And Paul did so. beeir found lit low' Made upon the beach gcarsulated stigar, ora excellent. tlta't.. it--had the appearance of having the horses need educating and training 11 , ilwy--they were all strangoni, from dis 1'ite next witness Thal took the 'stand first.• �VhPn fnilurcg and lns;e4 are met • tent part; of the county, drawn by idle. wa; Ur. Briglttivell-the guild old ply- been very long in the water-Chi cloth- As soon'as they 'hegtrr to eat, weave ing liths respcitable, the dress was dark out the sugar find add oats to the.' other' with, many- find th-_. - behind the 10 burinsity to•tile scene r,f trial, and ar- ician gave his evidence'ier,t reluctant team is responsible. riving; quilt unprejud'uitxt. They ivera ly-it event to prose.the trcct of the pro blue stuff, 'but was faded in spots- feeds. Ceti-only,as'much as they, will. riot his "peers, but, m 1hF conlrary,1 soner's absence front the de,�thbod -)f there was a ring on the finger, but the oat each hnlCait} and clean Hie trough twelve,h as stolid-looking brothers contrary, cvy,I,erl - grandfather upon 'the. night of lite hand was so swollen 'that it could not each time before putting in n new sup- �^ fled Abe [ate of a g=ittlrmhn and ro'ptrtm murder, and his distracted ap lo, oft utf... itis `poor neight,ors nt the ply. L.amLs are very.fxshdious and,will t dee r nranee when returning late jn ih,, t; scholar. Thence he cost his eji over P' coast assembled,* Thry made an'effort [tat•cal if-there is the least ilii of dirt In . The Gtigle-I have one Brent.elven• . the crowd in 'the court-round. - I morning. � to vet-the corti6ner, but.he.could not be or near the feed. Put some clover ha; lege over y`ou. 7 don't need to keep were his )nrishi ut0rs i. ht,ary_'� ��fly do you say reputed murder " found. and_the stifle o[ the Body de-- where they cart ,.ick-it o}er: f Mtnge dodging nutomnbi!ea all the time.' Thd There tich. hat, nalrftirctt and gra)'-haired nrulrtins, "ilecauer, pit. I never cbttsidir the ntandtid immediate bunny, \�'h�ndCr the trtesth�supply often been picked .over for n`thnes`aiQshipgttgoingl. ii'81i till they get - sldtaby men and ldvoly R•nrtirn, ++•hn,�[nc! of i .rniuctet established un tl tit- questioned by Lawyer Romf - leach week .tn,' week. fur uuuty' years. bo�,ly of flu: victim has been, found." w;iUtcs soft, that they had hat then had still bun^ delf rliVed cal his ; ,tFs �s .cs`.y, .' +,•- 'w+ �'„ sS,,.' a "� ,r cv .,., .!o..+t -x+ra .r:.+y c- r?.7';r •*rrT a•'..v v�y... �,•' I ... mai -'i - c v - F"M • ._a -,, • �- YiJ- � '1 '..:.`!' .'1@ .t+ :�, .yA.. .'Y. `,'.+.r+...,t.H •� %11+ L+u �'. �'.�� y� •",''. .. .. '.,... •*f: .wl•.� .!. 1v �'.-rY ,.� ', .rv.fi•-. .`•.: ..,.. .; :,...,4 -.:i...R .^ �y _ 'a.'r.'m 1. '1 ''Y4 'M. .j... _>d' •.3+,^ :,,, a,.rt: :. .0 :... '... .. ., ..,.-:.]' ,.'i ..-.r�' '1 I. 1. -.r,'.. .. •..hi '.... W , -J.R. Winter was in city -Joseph ors), bett A. - , .. the cx Jos G Crawf _ _ „ -Rev. F. C. Harper Was in the �'in W hitt gaol week before last. X' '}� �, City on Monday. p i ate of the ��,�'V V� • �� �1 -Mie. F. E. Gee spent last week Y 3• I He' had been an , nm < with friends in the City. I -Miss Nellie Malone was in the House of Refuge but did not find _ -Mrs. S. Herks was in the city city on Tuesday. his surroundings congenial, and - on Monde on business. -Mrs. L. D. Banks was in To- took- frequent' excursions to Mie- W. Lo is spending a routs Wednesday. Brougam and .other parts of the r�limOti- and `1lOV$r. week w3#�friendsui the_city. . .. _ -�Peral from here.are attend- township. He was committed for - ity V - - -W.. Logan expecte a chi of ing the horse showin-Toronto-this vagrancy- to- the-eotmt;Fgaol - 'y Windsor barrel salt next week. •. week. where he has been for the past - -Miss Nellie Bradford is spend- -M� Alex. Wilson scud child, 'six.months. In the absence of - - C a week with her parents here. o! Whitby, are visiting with any claim made by relatives his LUGA.1\T. - Pickering, Ont, -The road planerwas put on the Misses Bunting. body was handed over to John' - f the roads last week with excellent -A big new assortment of lace Nott, Port Perry.- .. M - net and curtains have just arrived ITS PAINTING TIME � - Miss Taylor spent a couple of at Dickie da Co's, ranging in price Markham, from 25c.25c. to-$8:50. Also, carpets, - days last week with friends in r'Pe — 'the city oilcloths and window shades. The followf ,,nk their depar. • Here's some taste Fred Herka. of Osliswa, spent - er the •. Friiday o! last week with. his nor, G. T. R. morning Messrs foremen, have . Frank Battle, Wm L mother. changed sections under inatruc- Carrol Cass Pringle, and Mr.and Mrs. - tions from the road-master. The D. E. Patterson. -Mrs. week , sr., spent a few The sad news was received on Tues• days last week with relatives in change took place on Monday last. day morning of the sudden death of �, Oshawa. The rest of the gang remain the Mrs. Andrew MdCreigh, at the home EVERY . ' -B. Doyle left on Saturda for same as heretofore. of her daughter,.Mrs. Harrington_at an extended visit to friends in -J. A• Hilts, who has secured a Dauphin, Man., on Monday, April Other remunerative-position in the city, 16th. -Mre 8 omen, of Toronto, is moved his household effects there Mr. Jno. Smith,of Mt. Joy, hac re- 'I�Ilil� visiting at the home of her-father, on Wednesday. Mr. Hilts wa® moved to 1:deley, and last week he C+. Geor a Douglas. here the two previous days pack- disposed of his residence in the form. JDR O P' . gg in his furniture re ator to er place to Mr. Adam Scott for $11U0. N - -T. A. Greig is'in town-a few g' pi 3F lir. Scott will take possession this fall days this-week in .the interests of moving, renting it in the meantime to Mr. Jno. OF the Massey-Harris Co. -Ho ! for Manitoba, Sask.,.Al. Monk-house. THE SHERW/N-i�V/LLIAMS PANT -Mrs. Seldon,„ of Whitby, 'is berta, B. C., England, Ireland, Mr. Gordon Reesor, sonof Mr. F S. din a fes days here with her Scotland,.anywhere, everywhere. Reesor, wbo has been residing in Cali- t- span g y gives satisfaction. No paint can give' more. ?�o in son, Geo. and Mrs.5eldon. Choice 10 best ocean S.S. lines and. fornia for nearly a year past with-his -Born.-At Swan- Lake, Mau., all railway routes, single, return- sister, Mrs. Jno. Young, of Riverside, can expect more. . S. W. P. is a.satisfaction-giving paint, ; On Thursday, April 12th, the wife iilg.oi'prepaid. See or write E. left foe home on Monday, as he found - -:of W. H. Bunting, of a son. Stephenson (opposite P. O., Whit- tics climate did'nut agree with his 'The materials that enter into it, the cafe with which it is * health. It is ver'v possible he may _ -P, J. Hilts, of Kingston, .by) before travelling. have been in San Francisco at the made, the men who make it, everything connected with 1� spent a few days during the past -John Topper,- who has been tine_ of the Earth-gine-.: ha'fatler -� -aseof-the-satisfaction-giving- . -kindIt_never dila •"week with Pickering friends. employed as packer in Spink's mill 'telegraphed Mrs. Young to-day to as- p. - -Miss Louisa Rorke, of Thorn• for some time has been engaged certain if she had heard any.news. points. Always does the work it is expected to do. Costs b ;spent a da last week with as section hand on the Grand Sun. Trunk in the section east of the, Mr. R. Carson, for the past year as- least. Does most. Color cards free. ' W�. and Mrs. Richardson. y M& e: On Tuesda he moved sistant manager of the Toronto Mark- Miss Ida Earl, of Toronto is Y 'visitingher randfatherand aunt his ousehold -effects to South et branch gf the.Sovereign Bank,has SOLD By g resigned to accept the managership of Mr. and Miss Ta for otChurch St. Whitby where he will reside in _ Taylor-, anew branch to be opined by the Mem �� -Mrs. Alex. Falconer, and son, future.. Lel ropolitan Bank in•the western part of • S. C.HAPMAN,-, Pickering. ` Clarence, spent a couple of, daps -An exchange says :-Several the city. With friends in Toronto last week yeurwago the present King --The Cbristain .Workers', as-the fol- �'' • • -W. Logan leaves to-day ,for a of England, why was then lowers of Rev. Mr. Sharp term them. few days visit with his daughter, Prince of Wales, was so unfortun- selves,have purchased a lot from Mr: _ ;Mrs. R. M. Stewart, of Markham, ate as to have a boil under his A. C. Reesor on Washington street - i on which they are re ing to errect -Howard Wise, of: Toronto, right arm. As a result of this, p par h a neat cement block church and J nt a duple of da Ye with Pick- wen he shook hands with his probably a new " p y parsonage, - •yin$ hien a ducting-the past friends, he was compelled to raise mist. - a Reel✓. his right ht%nd sad elbow.' to the r -Mrs. Walter -Richardson, of level of his chin. This set in vogue Get Dr, ShOop's Free Book on Rheu- Is a new Flaked Wheat Philadelphia• is spending a few a style that has since become quite matism. Dr. Sloop's Rheumatic Tab-' - 6, day a with W. V. and Mrs. Rich- common amon soviet lets are sold b Pickeri Pharmacy, �d issdaon. g Y peopl y = Breakfast Food, -On Tuesday afternoon, Bert The minister felt annoyed that • -F. B. Bunting, of Toronto, is Branton, wbo had taken a load a certain one of his flock always � din a few days at the home went to Sl open g y of household furniture, ate., to cep shortly after 1te eom- �^n^�� O /� S Gir f O! his parents, --Squire and Mrs. Whitby, tied his team in the hotel menced his-sermon. ••Look here,". GJG U an Bunting stables-f4za:.fetiv__.mome said the minister tothe-little boy } W. M. Flumerfelt attended .his absence they broke a bridle, who always sat next to the old of- ` the meeting of the Ontario Teach- sad,started off ,for home. - The fender, If you keep your grand- Gnats oasts only 100. 'It is good. Free prize - er's Association held in- Toronto lost`ao time beta sea Whitt and father from Sleeping during -xhe Come and et x.100. acl[- Y _ in eve package. --amt w�• Pickering, and only Stopped when sermon,_I will give you a penny ry p A p =Mre. W, Peart returned home they reached the- livery stabler every Monday." "Well, I'll try it," ,age and see the list of nice prizes. an Thursday after spending sever- The tongue of the wagon went said'the_boy. The following Sun- There are kazoos, bird whistles, pencils, puzzles,.paint al months zith het daughter -iu nearly its full length through the day Tommy kept his, grandfather -There ea, funny mirrors, harmonicas,pencils, p tops, base Ist_ Thomas. wall of the office. Fortunate) no awake by poking his ribs in no books,boxes and Fortunately balls, checkers.dominos,scissors, x The.. memk2ers- of the tennis one was in .the office at the time, gentle fashion. A week later the -- a hundred other nice-things you may get idab have begun practice and the and in some-miraculous wayboth minister was surprised to see the outlook is bright for a large horses escaped injury, and ther- old man drop into his former hab- A Free with. a 10 cent package of GRUMP* --- Igtembershi it, while the bo _p wise very-little damage was done. y seemed to pay no i -Mies Ethel Hessen, of Port attention to his erring grandfath- -• _ -On Tuesdayy morning-the Mise- �Rope' visited with and es McCanehttnd, of the baseline, er. "Why did you let your grand- We also have the.best in all other Meals, and choice - [ss. Cornell s few days during drove into town, and the horse be-- pa -o to sleep yesterday,.Tommy? Family F�pttr. lake t week. - pis came frightened at an aatomobile Did I not•give -vou a penny to -The thanks of the tennis club standing in front of J. H. Bundy'a keep him awake?"- "Ay. a' .ken _ •is dna to Peter Christie" M. R for h that, but, man, grandpa sled me Johill � D1 kiehardware store. Breaking t e� -.$he donation of$5.00 for the bene- g tuppence to let him sleep." C �o• t At of the chub• hold-back, the fri htened animal tQ� -B, residence The fame has - �. i diacha es from the •asks and _ _ . ... . Do Is has started off at a rapid run and for era t on the a few momenta there was cons>td- To et rid of bad breath the.sicke exciteme When opposite nGord Gordon's street such inIn- --Mrs. ' �►=9 fly ng rg d now taken up rooms to Mrs. throat, the loss of smell and taste, etc. 'Wri ht's residence. - gredients as Thymol, Wild In- Mrs. J. R. ,Bundy -and Mrs, where two rigs were standing. a :digo, Oil.of Eucalyptus, etc. must be number of men succeeded in turning used. , Di; Q U e-se_c l�an_l n_ "Geo. Beldon were in Whitby on g Shoop's Catarrh Cure-de __ y last-visiting-their _ rents xhe=satanal to-fiche stylet to tie pends n Il'vida g - -- pon such liealin aggents as north, where it carne to -a sitand.. these in combination with other anti= - 'l�r. and Mrs. Bateman. still. Fortunately no damage was septic specifics. These are then incor- --John Annan dost a valuable done, though the ladies were bad- porated into a loft soothing and heal- - n3teer on Fnclayy-last, cau-sed by a ly frightened. ing importtlnt petroleum Jelly secured - i•' . AAT straw-stack fallin u _ urope.. �'V hen applied to __ a iat S • emot eriagg him to death.'- - - e con ingen , that e t 'sk- mucous membranes it acts like a m;tg• - - - -- -Mrs. N. J. Morrissey and child ering several weeks ago, are if all ic,clearing up these revolting diseases Vwt the Faster -holidays with reports be true, having.a very ex ProMptly-and with a marked sensation The house-cleaning season is again upon us and it is up.to' tiles in Whitby and Picker= citing time. In the first: place of comfort. Sold by Pickering Phar. �hreturning .to their hbme in dame rumor stated that they-mere Macy. uta to make some little improvement in the on Saturday last. in a destasterous railway wreck, appearance of our home. after this we hear of them' beim .SEED PEAS . -Mr. Elwood Moore,'of the Col- g - drowned, and the latest re t lingwoodColl.lnst.staff, and form- reports stated that they-:were being char- " ,erl�of the Pickering. CAllege staff . - , -pail-a flying-visit_muds here ver the - - - - -- _ _ _ oy's We have the Cankda'Paint C on Thursday,of last week. being unarmed, they did i)p s ep. We have a flue stock hand picked j pure Linseed`Oil Paints. -W. A. Ham and-Geo. A. Gor- argue.with thei' ptiisuers• We,,peas for seed, Prices range from -don -ha•ve both* secured em to are not in a position to verify or - -' • p Y deny, these rumors, as-they have .90 to $2.00; straw ? to 3 feet. complete stock in all shades. ment in Regina. They,did not go not communicated with 'us.' We to Saskatoon• as they intended " when they left Pickering. can overlook this neglect, as 'we We can guarantee fair and` "•Every can guaranteed. ' -Choice varieties of •butter•- can realize that being chased factory dealing. ~Seed can be FAINT BRUSHES-?III sizes from 3c. up to$1.30. - beans, garden pegs, onion seed, by 'wolves is tint a'propitious shipped to Pickering, Port Perry, -lawn grass, sweet peas, nastur- time, to indulge,-•in'the innocent JELLSTO\E-Best Kalsomine make ; Have you used itt tfums, &c. in bUft. Package amnsenieut of, meriting letters. Oshawa or your clearest railway ds 2 far 3 cenbs'at.Chapman's, We, however, consider.-them safe station. ' Arrangements to ship : Enamels, Varnishes,.Ttirpentine,'Vartiisli Stains, Linseed Oil,• ' ack and Wm. Bradford re- and sound and expect them to ap- reed 'to Niagara Falls,•Ont., on pear on the horizon at any,wom- from any Railway Station in '.Carpet Whips, Scriib and K�tlsvt>rine Brushes, etc. PTuesday morning, after spending ent on their return trip.. County. a week with their parents, Chas. -The annual meeting for the ` etal Ceilings and Roofing a- Specialty, �tnd Mrs. Bradford, and other i election of officers of the Epworth OJ. H. DOWNEY & Co•, - friends. League R.zis held on Tuesda3-even- -Mr. J.-A. Hllts has disposed ing, April 24th, when the follow- _i -`J I , VIIITBY, O\T. J . H . •.BU N D YIs ofhisis i estdence opposite the school ing officers were elected: ' to Mr. Love of Toronto. Mr. Hilts H.0.-Pt es.-Rev. J. E. Moore. Let Others Help YOU purchased a dwelling in To- Pres.-Mr.-Fliinierfelt - - ionto whe he..purposes residing 1st Vice Pres,-Mr. A Boothy' To recove4 your stojenliroperty. - in uture. 2nd Viae Pyea.=hiss B. Bunting - -We extend our sympathy to 3rd `'ice Pres.-Jliss A. -Marquis The - - _ Albert W. 'arid :firs. Gee on the Boots andSh 4th Vice Pres.-Miss \. ).ar e S* • death of their✓ young son, which Secretary- rano Hayti ey �t�k¢rlhg �lgilQn�e "��mmltta¢ hook place on- the 15thtinst.'at - Treasurer—�arvey l�ttrret� wilt do this-; their home 629 Spadina Ave., To- Organist-Hiss Edith Lan - ° Our Spring Stock has jest arrived and we offer a fine ronto, at the age of.7 months alid Dig Rep.-Miss N-. Laiv Members hadioa property stolen commnni= (choice in all lines of heavy or fine wear. ' $dp g• cafe irrLmediately with any member!, _ _ - -P. Taylor, the watchmaker of Executive Committee. --o--- -Miss Minnie Jones; of Torouto from,Whitliy, will be in Pickei•in ` -• -- - - ever �Vednesda $ Membership fee spent two weeks visiting her uncle Yr. y for the benefit Tickets may be had ffiom tie President or OTTIV `W'A:EJT P�iR $$nd alint, H. A. and Mrs: Haight. of his many enstotners ' who secretary on application. her return -trip she will be ac- want their watches, clocks and Arthur'Jeflrey, J.A. O'Connor, Are sure to suit you. Call and see oiir satiiples. icomphnied -by the-Misses Hal ht ' Je%velery repaired. Kindly leave _ pend a few days vlait- g , Secretary. President: ' z who will s them at Dr. Batsman's dru store. s` ing relatives, All work warranted, �-- * Exec.Com.-Geo. Leng, D.E.Pogb,C. B.] R. A. BUNTING'S, Piekerina. '` - • -- �� Palmer,Pickering,Oct. Lab I a " ^='S�s�;k.,9 p Ttk7'l'�. ..� ,.ry.�+t .y. _ •u�', :.0 9:•4-,+•�t+H-•-...c.'"�- -