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- �. i PICKERING. ONTO, FRIDAY; FEB 3 -�90�. NO 17 VOL. XXIY. - --- i72g .franihise, with proper restric- Brock Road. _ t _ __ � tions, to the Toronto and-Yor a - - —vlrinftflEumal 4taf, b�. Spink Mills ial Railway Company, for an electric There are rumors of a wedding • Mr. A. White has spenta -reek railway over the Kingston road In in our.hamlet. - i — in Thorold. this township,-Carried. Ho! for the carnival at the rink - E —• - Miss,Chamltion is visiting her _ —.*-- Red .* --- iKedileal. 1.05 bus. T ursda evenin All are oin Red Wheat' ' ,. sister,. Mrs. -(Rev.)J. McIntosh. Cherrywood. g h }• g. g. White Wheat - 1.00 Mr. James Pearce. of Cdora; — - Sunda-=Sehoul -was not as well ^" ''>� Y ~ • VrSn Spring BVheat - - - 90 silent Sunday attended as usual Sunday last. F. EASTWOOD, 46 M.D,. Surtfeon Goose 'heat �; spent Sunday With friends in,the 5tiss'►iav Pilke} I Coakwell s entSunda un- OD, e. at the hollow, hiss p y P v�' • to Canadian Panicle Railwcy ; Coroner Manitoba Flour $15,fK1 bbl. g „- Ontario County; Issuer of Marriage Liceoves, „ Bir, A. J. Poynter is busy these - :Hiss L.• Carter spent Suuday dot• the parental roof in Whitby. ,. It7saromoat; omcebours—Before to a.m., 1 toe Family Flour. A x•50' << s Miss M. Fitz att i% has Cta and hoot 7 to 9 p,m. ' Frrvate telephone } 6.50 days silppl}'ltlg his CL7StU;lle1' with ails D. Gates. 1 { .1oJ%ect1cnwithBalssm,Grreenwood•Brongham Pastry - with wood. We are pleased to see the Hull- bPct,l spending a furtnigltt with 111t Sion,A.Johnston'e;7ih con., tom Coweee Bran slS.00 ton yliss Minnie Reateln spent n fe«' ingot' fitmil} out again. fl ieuels elsetchere returned home Ishoon),andDPngh's!9tbcon' 621 `" Shorts �.�� " - ' - Jumbo 20.00 " days last week -with friends iu Siiss Jessie Mainland Nva- oil tills week. Brougham,. Sunda}- last the gue=tuf Mrs,IJ. _ I.egat. Graham, Whole W1 4eatFlours BI r. James Thntutl?n has been Bl Kiley. `Lady Texeher; '`Children, }roti Chop of all kinds. seriously ill for the pa=t few days We are sorry to say, that Blr. shou]dalRays respect }'our teach- all ��T $, FAREWELL, Q. C., BARRIB- Hard and Soft Coal. but at the time of -writing bay re-• U lar..d i= not recosering as ftlst as er. Now, Willie, tell the-vhy you Y s TgI3,CouncyCrownAttorney,aadConntyhrluld rel jest rue." ellettor, ConrtBonae,-WhttbT. lo-t AhovepricesSubjecttoChangewithont e erPel•C011sldet'Ably. illi t[ietld,`--'uillil de ire. t lretice. Incidental to the mnrriage of . A -week ago I'Vednesday niklit « illi e; "Oil account of your • Model Bakery Co., 1 J•p-w+�rth age, colas." _ TOW .t McGILLIORAY, BARRIB• Limited. B1 r, lti'm. Peelle «'llic}i has been the Ladies' �ici and DOro.solieltora,d+o. omco opposite Poet• anuouneed, the lx,,-- gave hiul 1 League pre•?ented B'ir. and Mrs. When You Have a Cold. _ eslbe Whitby.Oct. Jn,, I3a11Dow,B.A„Tteo: lively serenai7e, Iu rcturil �lr. '31. Roach with a hanging-:lamp. e a A:cGinivral.LL.B. Money to Loan. 6y • Peebles entertained the bin-; In a Then t be ,n when N'mi have � , cold shy, ld be to reli+ry+• the• lungs. Peteruutry. right loyal that ne r -1'hicli two- Re,,. sock sold`on the 8th. s be .t 1 ,onlpl, e.d 6v the free This i c .h • PICKERIN .0 NEWS I HE touch appreciated Ly the lattee. t "• of(ht t.lhetlatn 5(; )ugh I{t.uledy. , �- -^ V7, The Sons of Teu,lteralice have Base Line East, ThisI'enie'dyltciuifies the tough 11112-vHO PS IN S,VETEP.INAKY SCR• -- • 6EQ 1, t}raduace of the pataric Vet- organized a lodk� it, tllis village, cu= and ca!tses its expul1i„n fruru the The folio-wing istl/e standing air',.eils of the lu ,s produces a free kiss=y col;ege, Toronto, registered member with a inernber=hip of • eighteen, of the a Ifi; of S. S. \u. 1, Yiek• t'%''' 1 A oatbaJntaric v cerinary Medica' Associa ion. The following fl'cets have Leen p p exlwetoration, and open.,, the :eere- = Omoeand sicresidence"terin eandons-quarter miles g s't'ing, for February-4th clasp-Il ti ,ns. A complete Cart Noon follows. 1 aorch o!Green River. Office end shoeing forge elected for the ensuing to-rill: 1 Jaoarao to 11 a.m„River. 1 to 4 psh Private "' P _13 (;, Iiuidge, Staiute�ti, F. Bal dots, II.Hie hard- This Remedy- will cure a severe ccdd telephone in my offics P,O. sddreae, Green seal.,'1k. Richardson, D. Junes, G. in Lass times than any Lt eatuletlt soil Siler. Ont' W. A.— leaves the s3-stern in a natural and Of all materials and design Stephenson, D. -Gulliver, �, Ste- aointao Uarb;. kepti n stook. It will pay You R, S.--Hit' White, phenson, F. Bunker. Sr. 3rd-L. healthy- condition. It counteracts i - to calf a our works and ill Pay our stock, A. R. 5.-Mies Z. Beare, Hallett;.C. Phili >, 'A. �`'ra B, any tendency toward pneumonia. Fur p s c... I and obtain rices. Don't be misled by F. S. Robinson, z• ti••t_ ale by ALL Dltt cu'HTe. Tress,- Jiiss TN•, Beare,_, I TEjoUig DUNK,Conveyancer, Com- agents we do not employ them,oonsequent• P. Stanley, G: Richardson, L. Tmiaetoner for ta"rinp Amdariee, e;o., ly we can, and do throw off the agents C�12 —Gee,: Ferrier, - Balsdon, J. Howland, G. j� ray. i! cla Mout.out. commiaeioa of 10 per cent., which you will COD.--F. Beare, } g (V �y certainly save by parohaatag from as. A A. Stanley. Sr,Sr :Ind—I. R"ra •. R. 1Cker1D Oal 0 BU 3•Ti:3(1, Issuer of Marriage call eoliaited. A. C.-Mi,s M. Beaton, Powell,W. Richards,B. Richards _ B. Ltoenseaforthe0ouaty of Oatar,o. of I. s.-L. Meek, Jr.2nd—R. Bunker, C. Balsdon, Yards at Spink Mills. A"at the store or ss hlsresideaoe,PloLertns MiMtT�Y GRANITE CO., O, S.-h, Symonds, J. Uerwlaud, E, I ttuase• l.7 __ C. Richardsuu, �• d Opp Post Oisoa Whlsby,Or Orgauist-Miss M. Beaton. BBS Quality Of Hard Coal _ Richardson. Pt. 2ud-W. Rich- Q DkVID BELDSM, auctioneer, &a., Don't fail to attend files s sale.. ardson, A. Bowland, M. Hallett. .Full-weight Guaranteed. Wobin ar s.ndeteWeetromhisasmeroaa PICBERING LS�TE�eY ! __ p - til, RUgers., Teacher. t rieoda boob far and sear. Seise a said w farm .-�---- Stove and Chestnut Sizes -b baL aad eTerytLive aha tato be will be Another C,se of Rh umatism Cured - b"dled by the subeertlter with the utmods ease Sleep's sale for Registered Is k. g�edsoldta%bevery beesadTsntags� 44.17 by Chamberlains -Pain Balm Firer class vebioles for hire by day The efficacy of Cbamherla.-n's Pain - At lowest market B.BEATON,TO WNSHIP CLERH or aig6t Btu is oonoeetioa most. Balm in the relief of rheumatism ]ti. oaFen sive a. D. 002+e7anaw. Oommiedoosrfor 961=11 ing all G T.R.trains. Freighi and being demonstrated daily Parker Frank Booth is laid a witb a ge- _ iamaa.ae, Acaoun"as tate. 111100.1 to soca ” ren delivered to all arts of the Triplett, of Grib+ V a., sa s that n [. en farm Issuer of Marrtage Lio P p F• 5 p” prices.- an v lags. Teaming of all ltiade done Chatuberiain's Pain Ba1rs1 gave him vers cold - tie. :• out. Stanley Hnuvel.haa recovered from on shortest notice. Bale and eom• Perrnaneot relief from rheumatism his recent illness. We have also on hand qua lit o _ Coal. y POSTILI_ Incensed Auctigneer, mission stablee in eonneetion. in the back when everything else Miss Carlton. of Toronto, is visiting Best Quality Smithing for Cocotte+ of'sort aad Ontario• sac- failed. and he would not be without her uncle, W H Burk. Our Ce?al makes warm friends.. - 'Itoaealae of ell hada attena+d to oa shorts»c . H. Pea, ..: - it. For sale by ALI. DRC©o11a'i'�. _ . roues, Address(Ireeo 8+•er P O.. Ont. 1iry, Geo. Kirby is improving slow- Orders left w:cn w. t'esiit delicered -..___.._ ._ 7 Proprietor. •��' y r te+cent illness. • 1 ' frurn be pmnlptly. •_, POL'CHEiL. Licensed Auction•, STREET HAILWAY Nli.,d Ethel Mrk has returned home $ . ser, valuator and collector for the.'oan ___ after visiting friends in Tur'ontu fol jAtes of York an'i- &I . All t+ode of auct,on The - i wise ooadacted and valuations made at mod• The meeting of the ratP•pavera of rnrtle.R erka ill evss•charm Estates ad sold bynment. eon. Furniture.... the Te,wnship of tiircl y w failed, aby .'tire;. FS'm. Turner spent a meek Iu WESTERN O�N� Of � k0�t • 6Ws%Otll maaaQ sa aci eoM Dy aact,oe or I,i D<I�d Nlth her bri•Zher-In•Itiw, Mi. •. private W's seortgbaes. rents noted and e the Council f•,r `3n[urday R'A x attend- F i �+yera3 aroounts protnntty -otlected an sato- ed by about e4ghty from difierrnt Jackson whu i.very 111. SF secclementa guaranteed. Dacus ar +ectionaof the tuwaxhip. Reeve 3fc- Archie B. Hopkin,; t:sited last creek Iaeoryorstedbyact of Partameatl674 vntiti. for term• aad varctnulsrs. Srougham, ted .with fir• and Mrti. `ighswiLnder and IDOL Dates may be axed at Nrewe office. y A full line of fMet• Brady occrtpied the chair and stx tl"lattarta�tasaaea. ca sfurniture etlh bitsoanoia the adcsabi! ability of thetPRuncd grant-to con8ider 51r. and Mrs, l.e•system Aata=bedCapiat stAooaoc object ant- Our telephone i+pstein is giving cArF BLbacnbed Capital .. ...........: 10�O.tl'�OD -`Methodist Church F f in a franchise to-.th and fair satisfaction under the superin- Aper Services as Follows• con ware rooms. R AJcz ftaa A.; Cooverubie .. „ t,eos.eer York Radial Railway Cu. fur an Alec- tendency of A. R. r, wife poste cow.• agent T.8 111on=rr eta h.ar t over the stun road. Rev. Ezra Turner, wife and family = PY1L'eB Ilght. etc entad a f the ad. AL R e c n•on Farm s e _ . . .. •�p.,9p a.m, •p'rn-aching, - "". 'I as pecial eeartion of the council held left R'ednesday for their home is ?.30 p m ! on the isth ult. the council•net re-pre- Pennsylvania after visiting with his ho D Coj>eccucce awlettr aaand prom puy�e yip p,m,,,,,,,Sabbath School. - S. Dillingham• eentative6 cf the company to learn parents for a month. Parmeze voter ateooaated Ama:ican aad gip p m, ,,.l pwo L4&gue, on what was expected the company in Rev. Judson McIntosh bas arrived 81164Pioreg T10abl co pans 0 rota DsafMtr ''Thin - :PiokerinR.•Oat1 Pe by Pa F card, arai7abie ca an pence of the world in connection with the franchise ask- home from visiting his aunt who is savinss saute Department. &W p WeeklytF, rd for, and the. terms= and conditions very i11, and will be with his congrer [atQest allowed oz deposits at htghmi ons i a( d upon which the company were pre- ]zatlou as usual on Sunday evening at rent rates•aad aredned b t-pearly to epoattbry m,.•,...Weekly ager on -- r Rev. J E. Moore, B. Nagne1 / Co. Pasted to extend their line through the usurtl hour,.?p.m. Deo. Herr. ltetnastis. Pastor.- the township, Mr. 3lcBrad explain- We have very good sleighing in ed t.hosc terms and conditions as this locality as those who have the . reported in our last issue and added looking after the roads keep them in Have ti lull line of fresh and eve that in view of the great importance very, good shape for the travelling - ed meats constantly on hand. of the matter the council deemed it public. Spice Roll, Breakfast Baoou, expedient to consult the. ratepayers, __. *_- Haut, Bol a, Weiner•, etc. betree this meeting. The meeting Send for cattle catalogue. ia�Ce11 , Real EState, � though not large was a representative _ : gathering. He hoped the matter ----••• $ighest pries paid for of an electric line over the Kingston Brougham. Moue t0 Igan _Butcher's cattle. road would be thorough] diocussed, - -- and some concTuyion ae to the adviga- -Mit Mines -Phi t 11,46 --visiting bility of Riving a franchise arrived at. friends in Pickering. _. 111 a reeve that the members tN etsttt Th stated t m rs Mr. F. Stevenson 'visiting Wallpapers !� ' of the council bad not yet discuewd friends in Brooklin• ' g Be wive and you will be happy If with each other the mutter of . the -. Kothia hitt $ret-elai3e It�ar- ' franchise in question, having t�touglit Mr. A. and T. Beer Were in was a deice- .:•apse Com both Fire, Life wise you will deoorate your homes it right to first consult the rate-pay- Stouffville on Saturday. sive very I" Platem= with paper from Canada's largest ers before.coming to any decision re- A Fisb, of Toronto, •was here sharp but the � % Bhrms to Rent _ wail paper house, the Eropire S all specting it. .Personally he believed with his brother Dr. G. N. Fish. cutlery which Real Estate in Village eLnd Paper Co, Papers and borders at the a radial line would be of greAt benefit llliss M. Beaton, of Whitevale, is handle same rice-from 5c a single roll 'up spent last week• with-Miss M.. Ge- s sharper Qpttntry for Sale. p to the.people of this township but to ape � - still and-has - $ Conveyancing of all kinds done to 55c per roll of 8 yards. 254 pat- giving a franchise over the Kingston row. terns to choose from. They are road we should hive a fair And proper` 1 made greater : beautiful in designs and colors. reement one in which the interests Thos. Poacher was in Whitby fame even Q. Richardson. Great values-Quality the best. the township will be duly safe- last week attending the- County than he u 4 Come and see my samples before guarded. Some think the franchise Council• Want purchasing elsewhere. should be granted,. while others,re Airs. P. Mathsws is iconic again : Notary Public, Pickering. of the opinion that the . Company after,spending a, couple of.weeks knives; forks to purchase a 'n Toronto, or spoons, ail L rigllt of way. The latter won nu L. J. Glasson an Miss crow Call on . _ be very couvenientfor the public. lie spent Sunday with Mr. D. Beaton DOMINION SANS thought the public road the proper of W11itevale.; _ H es' �i place for on electric line. The coin Rev. Hainer,of Stouffville -will NO1C1u8I1 �SSSBt�r pally is asking for a renewable 35 reach in. the Christain Church years franchise, which he supposed p . - :-.- * * , Capital Paid'uo $3,000,000 meant about the same thing as a per- next Sunday at the hour of•10,30. Jeweller&Opti-cion, p t petual frariehise: The township can- Monday night was dead here Whitby, Ont.l /� itseerve Fund and �3 634 000 not give the con rmy running rights as a number from here were in I Brock at, South. StockYo ' d0 �' -Undivided Fronts t t over the Rouge bridge and approach• Whitby at the celebration of Mr. es,the same being owned and control- C. Calder's and a few took iii.the co ------. led by the nosy. The company hockey match at Markham. Look at-the price of feed;-Dr. - WHITBY BRANCH: " would likely have to buy aright of Joaln A. White -viii dispose of r iHess' Stock.Food saves feed. It way at this point, also west of Dun- alar e. _ is eudort3ed by every farm paper, General Banking barton,where the road is very oar- g amount of his horses and r' roR eaatle by public auction, on Mon- Mr. T. L. Willbray,"of Tremont BIlainesa -Transacted. Among those who spoke on the day Feb. 131ih. Everything ad- Ill., who won-seventeen premiums matter were Messrs. N. L Stevenson, verti ed must be bold. Bee btl]@. at the, World's Fair, is-•s very C. S. Palmer, Geo.Parker,Geo. Leng The' `Sone•of Temperance will strong advocate'of;Dr Hees'stock gpeoial atrenSion given to the collso• Uriah Percy.W. B. Iiagerinan;W. J. hold a box social on the evening , r � tivu of farmer'e•sala and Devitt, J. A. White, F. M. Chapman, of Friday' Feb: 17tb. The object - -Note, --the price-of eggs.- Dr. other notes. C. a on,F.yI l eo xogle, S. H of-this social is to secure funds BINDER -TWINE � Heals' Poultry Panacea -ts the - ._ Stevenson,F. I. (lleeeon, ', a Major to assist in paying for the-new =,9 James Todd, Wm.Hoover,(leo. Law, ��a,Yyi� • arapteecl_eRg producer. aAVIN(18 DEPART]IENT. D. R. Pu b,Thomas organ lately purchased. A choice gtt W. H. Jackson, g .. Hess' instant Louse Kilter dials Beare,Geo.Philip•jr.,-R.S. -Phillips,. programme is being prepared _ .. ffi imitations. Use the original �ep^l�itls retoet�esd °if =1. and George Tool, some of whom bas some and a pleasant time assured to Agent for 11111 kinds of McCormick 4m your.cattle.- - upwards. objections to the franchise being all who.may attend•._ .Farm implensente+ Wilkinson Plows For sale at T tereet allowed at highest granted but a large majority were Btii:- .. ._ current rates.. Fn_ favor of greating -the franchisee Mise K Ltbleen Flood, of Paisley "' ICKERING CompouadecS or aid half provided ssattiafactory -bargain could ppm g _ T1 p be Ont. disappeared from New ''For S'rrigei•Bewi�e >Nachinee. made. York while visiting friends there Binder Twines 8pectalty. year y, Thos. Beare,seconded by Mr.-Park .. D sa the police are searching fbr L. D. B&N . : •_.J.THOS 2� er.rhoved that this meetin upprove kms, : + PHARMACY cf the council of this township grant- her. 01 �5 :.-s"a'•a fir. " ".:1'• A,_i�-a"x'�•"'"""7"" �:u-. s•S�' ,:ca.:. fn ri; -• - •- r. - - light at the city_Cattle Market this f if QT'S SUCCESS " morning, and the butchers' cattle w offerings were well taken at prices no romance but simply an evidence of what incomparable quality \ �T showing an advance of 10 to- 15 per- Is Over in leas de- will do.1 meats e WITnt. Small inand. Hogs unchanged. - - - --to---H - - Butcher cattle.-Therer b eves. ex- cellent d -sILA Bu i e an Russians_Ve�re able toJHbid t e fe there were not enough cattle of- as to go arodnd "prices advanced, - V�ll age of Sandepas- one_ aging 1 a picked`lot o1 steers. averaging 1,050 lbs. each, being re- ported at $4.60 per cwt. -- ' Export cattle—There were very few I saulting the main position. An- shipping cattle offered, but the do HUN ALONG FIL'N RIVER. re- TheJ Other detachment, dislodged a mane} ti<'as.gogd, and a couple of odd A despatch from Tokie sa. iment.of infantry, a brigade of cav- lots were purchased by "Mr. Dean at I '' f.g'htitrg aluu the- Hun River has glr arid 12 guns, occupying 1-faer- "5e. per cwt. Ceylon-Tea is the purest and sweetest nature can-yield. Sold oaly rcach.•d the proportions of a battle. :I haft, live utiles south of Heikoutai, Stockers and Feeders—Trade-was in sealed lead.packets. Black, Mixed or GREEN. By a]1 grocers, "A Ir,adv 1,x100 Russian woundecp,P Tlie Russians strength opposing , rather slow, and prices are unehang- Given the gold medal and highest award at St. Louis. - ltavr at-rived at ]inLden, and the'. at Barbin have been placed j tale Jaganesu lett coup. is roughly ed. - - estimuted at Eight corps, consisting A HUMAN PATCHWORK: commercial and prvG'.�hl uiethud. _ ._in-rca•iiu ss_fur thuuyands more. The of the 11th and 15th infantry dt- 11IU\'.11'1 AL MARKETS. _ I{usvi;;n5 n,lw!t that their capture] The process, which is clescr'h«rn as tiandopas cost visions, the 2nd and 5th brigades of hlont•cal, Jan. 31.—Crain—The W. Finlayson, Sample Citizen of II resembling that used in the rtes of, of the t i.lale of I l:uropvan Rifle: , the 9th infantry di- strength in oats still continues to Port Simpson. the- Witwatersrand, was subtuitted t1),nt 4.1 Y,11ic,r+s aril 1,01)0 men kill-i vision of the 10th Corps, pati o1 the be the most prominent feature, a4si II at o•n•.1 wounded. 1st Siberian Corps, and the 1st and Prices to-day scored a further ad- A despatch from S ancouver, B.C., to Prof. Ramsay, ,who has. Sunt rnQ e-' C)'.ii.i•al Japattes.,- despatches de- I yth brigades of Rifles. Vance of one cent. per bushel. De- say's;-14', Finlayson h Port as o perfect on it in forms that leave n tkin hex*an, son is.ab.le to boast that he has on'roo¢n for doubt of its success. One, cl„t•e that. Gen, l�wrropa _ " . _ mand continues good for car lots, 1 him a piece of the skin of nearly I result, of the report i. that the r the battle. C!}arra the reports that Ii o,u'Optle. attacked wit more ' RIGHT'1}'1!vG. CRUSHED. and sales of Co. 2 white were male I ever resident of the coming Pacific shares of the syndicate owning $5 at 43c and o. :3.at 43c per bushel'I terminus of the Grand Trunk Pacific l patent, lately of lite value of $5, th:)n .an •aru?S' carps (60.000 men)• I London, Jan. u0,—A despatch to ex-store. Railway; Finlayson came down from!are now changing hands at $350'. I'h,r •t:t; :rift•` a f'',c'ld-eo,t'cital assei`ts the Ohronicle fran St. Petersburg Flour—Manitoba spring wheat pa- } the north On 'Tuesday night, being= that he relnitsud a division of the 1 says it is vaguely reported that a tents, $3.80; strong bakers', $5:50; convalescent sllter the Iaunch exglo-I FLOCKING 'J �IT1ES. r„t,ia(v. (•�,t,nt,0 then) at Chent!ako, great disaster has befallezi Gen. I winter reheat patents, S5."0 to $ft•- sion in which one man was killed, he "an.]-thnt the Rte+ inns retreated. Kouropatkin's right wing. 80; straight rollers, $3.:30 to $�•4U. ,•being'•.fright fully.scalded. To - save An.Alarming State of Affairs in a TliiFs:.,u d•spatchos indicate tt Ja i and.in bags, `2•GO to $2.fi9' his lite he itad to have 375 pieces _ England. l,anr” r(lculs, in nn atteaupt to cap- DISSATISFACTION AT Mtil{DI N' Feed—Manitoba bran in bags, $17;I of skin grafted on him. :1t first the i A despatch from Ottawa MMS -• ].one ll,e Fill. It this is true A despatch from Load on sa-.s: lie- shorts, $19 to $20 per ton; Ontario I male residents of fort Simpson were, Lord Strathcctna hag notified the De o s t hat the .battle no longer I to„ring to a rumored ntystcrious lis- winter wheat bran in bulk, '$17 to III backward in giving up pieces of their 1 partmenf of Agricult,cre that an ex- is c nnl'in c} to ti,c• left flank, but that a to in 'tlanchurin; the St. Peters- ,$181 shorts, $19 to $2C,; rilo'iille, epidermis, but the ladies catrte gal- ', hibition of cheap cottages �s being - ih,. ,iIii,oni,s( l•:t acid centre are en- 1 bug cos'respondetit of the London $24 to $28 per ton, as to quality. - Ilantly fiirward and endured the pain; held at J.e-tchwOTth, F•nglanJ, ]route C:,e.ral '! Fx n',•ss in a despatch, trailed from Steal—No change in rolled.. Oats, ! lose arable from the sacrifice on. in- 8, 1 Ifor which the demand is still limited( P July to .cpUmber next. The otlicial Te•1•r,r i+l i(' ucivice� received here tho frontier, says that a disquieting t umcmt. Of course all the men'' circular announcing lite tact states frW,! the Japanese ]Ian m�.esage from Gen: liouropatkln was at 52 05 to $2.U-} Per bag; cord= r meat quiet, $$2. 1 per 4;; per bag. quickly followed suit until practical- that there 1s an alarming tendency "Our received nt the R'ui' OQ3ice, and led q 1 ever white resident had contri-, towards depopulation in ,the rural ,c( u a—hz:rried—f a' F}l---eft--_war liay—No. 1, $cJ to $9,;,0; I . 2• buted to this unique piece of livl,:g .districts Of Lngland. Ore of the res was twice counter- party'. I( is known that Gen. Kuu- I {P;2i to$ .'., c c7vcr :rrx(E --±-_t nt rWori.:.- i?la1=s(3n—ia nn his ,. tltg .act That.-when $7.G0, and pure clover, $c;•-,0 to $6:- '-�-z,s fo, t". per•inr Mice of me I ropi(tkin's softly is short .of. fOutf, I way east to his sis?er, Mrs E. St. old cottages fall into decay new bait the despatch indicates events 7• per ton in car lots. Laurent, of Saskatuon, at whose ones are nut built to take their rlt:i; , ie'hr, w'c entirely re- Deans—Choice primes, $1 10 to, 1 „!. ,I ih, ,t',• r '. Our other de of a much rester character, , hwue-he .will recuperajo after his pin tis. A cotuinittee Of yrotiiiue„t r;,,i,;:,•r, t ,levan n ';unday at-I The St. Petersburg correspondentI $1 4. pet' bushel, $l.a.; to $l.'S', marvellous experience._ men have gut t:,Ecther, in the hope ,.;irked {t,•, ,•p•uty in the neighbor-I of the London Tele•ra>h says'. rr, car lots. + of finding a reniedY, and f-he oxhlbi- b ( „A short I'rOv'i,ions-•-Ttravy .Canadian- JulyIPED FBQW TEAIPF• [lecti4 flan is b!•ing hchl in the hupo Of"" of 1'e.;, �aihnt:u, ;bo+it two ' mn st important piece of abaollael I cut pork, 81G 30 to $17.5! light _ - ont,. •'i ftrikoutai, and -occu-I tt,atwoithv information,reached the j short cut, $Lc;..',,) to $1; Auiericaai - v!!s and Es-' topes ut cheap dwellings. on friday. Ger• iCouropatkin has rlrar cut int hack., 1 Prisoner_Slips-Haa4 that Will sua th, d�vcllers in rural The enemy tierce $:” ' eon, ,n mill capes From--Constable. pax ts. Yrtzea al-,! „fYe,ed In the tom- 1: r,'•'' vtt^,,ked our force which 1 forwanied to the F%trrpernr a tel.- I lard, sac to Tc, Caua,lian lard, 6,e.' petition, and Canadians are invited ' z,-.ait•••1 Ilrik.,uani Gat,trday night, i gram, settinj4 forth that hss ofTer,siv'e tcs ;ac; kcttlr rend(4vil, 4;e. to 9;r, A drspntch from Brandon, Mane to compete Tie Department of Ac - .,,,,, ,v,<; „l,•ils,•cl entirely. S'inday I puwrr is .seriously hainpered by the I according to qualty, hams, 12c to says an spite of the fact that he f i,, nearpi„l. the neighborhood obstinate reluctance of the soldiers eves handculTed to a ccrnstahie of the riculture vv ill furnish particulars ,.rr iRc, bacon, l Vic, to lar; fresh kitTe l' it _�._h,. Jamoo Petter, just sen- application. from the European provinces of Rus- `abattoir hogs. $x.70 heavy fat g hogs 34 -; to $, n)ited lots, $G to I fenced to two }ears in the- Lieniterr I . 1ue r .ni in the direction of isin to advance against the enemy t,nty for breakfng into the Post-I FRAIL LITHE C,vF`F. vas-tt,7 h•ont the I $-, 15; st•lects, $ 25 to $5 50 oft' T1.•iknutai has entirely i lic'cin they di!Ter' caw cour.ry rlre c!I. ` afTtce at (11ds, ,N w',I, and stealing ' t,ar,at.,t t,• 'hw r'cht bank Of the <<ihcrian and Cossack r merit':. . s a,; To $r To i gt,,,, worth of 4tamps, made a suc-, The littie ones me trail. I'h•it Bfi:n !o'l I ii,;, !, rcr isnow pursu- which. are full of dash. The Euro- Chre-ic--Ontario fall whit v, 1_ ac to i � rbld upon life is •+light. NO symp- pear., soldiers argue that Port: Ar 10;c; colored, act;c to 10jc, Quebec. I cess.ul break for lt,erty on Wednes li, ih� ^rtiau of Chem'hipao 4 surrenderwi, there is - + the east-board train on t t irtdicutca any ut the'httte day from oin that i ,. I th it havtn lac to loic. Q a the C.P.R , between Griswold and aflmentq of childhOOd should be 'ah aloi I ka;•lit In the enemy rt,aJc sev- Ino object in continuing the war,” Bi'vteT—Finr%t' gradaa, 1 c fol _,I, on his % y from --F 213c, ordmo—y' "Ines, 2nc to 21 c; Call n, Fie y Pawed to phis for n moment without Ovral n uks c)n tiattir"lav nicht but I ,nodiurn grades, 193e to 2,';e.,• and C'nitary to Stoney Mountain, and p atter,+.inn. Ehc little ne, raper eiremy- attack- 1 �Ll��i I the constat)le had taken the Pre im-au- menti tray soon beromo :i ate t r lav LEADING MARKETS ,'stern rlafrs, 17�c tc, 175 ! tion to handcuff the priwner W him soil then it may be ten lots to save ,ut +1„�,• pc„nts txlunged to the 8th Fggx—Straight cold stnraFe stock, ; ani'! 1,tth ,�io�Ttc. In the direction self The policeman felt asleep and n pr(,•c'rous little hie. It }luhy'H Avon lAc to 2oc No. 2, 161c to 171c: I tetter obtained the key, unlocked Tablets are kept' in -the house, the s i of Il••iko .tai the enemy is eompbsed I t Montreal 'limed, 19c: g danger of se:i„,is t,E,uble car, be t of. th' r st and. mixed corps of in- .The Ruling Prices In Live St0a the handcutis, and flun himself OiT ]alai+: t'n'gethor,with a cavalry di- and-Bread4tuffs. _ ♦ '—' the train. proa%cmptly and jhe r ccaZ alPle- J rte inn order Gen Mistchenko. We .STOMACH TROUBLE. { promptly cared. An occasion+tl Tab ' ca pt uric! :(><1 offlcrrs acrd men. The IIREADSTL'.F'I'g, _ CHAMPION DIAMONTl. I lot' to the wca chef:! ci ill (,absolt ill i ness =rhe 'Tablets are abeot it.?ly 1 casiiallir•, on both sides are uT*Icr Toronto, Jan. 31.—wheat—Oni,ario g, P at(!- and cuntuiu na pr>is.)nuuti KO'tth' ;`ZnvrstiCsaton.'° firm at $1 O4 to '61,Od for red and The Agonies of Indigestion Can be r:srgest One .Ever Found Du UTen Thr d>,u:<inn� are massnttg about white, aprtre, 9t3c to '37c, goose, 88c. Cured By Dr, Williams' Ptak at-Johaaaesburg tog .:tutT—they give. cihw, 'bani hl the - deep, simj1t t,e(.t ise the., %�,3,Oiut tr,>•,ps on the Japanese Telt Manitoba steady; No, 1 ncthern $1 - - Pills. - -•- t• A dt-,spatch from .lohanneeburg rouse o! Flceplessnesc• S1rs, F H, ,- neer] b�,inhnrding the left flank and 09; No, *2 northern, $1,05; NO, 3 All Over the land thore are Swople snN s The larg•rst diamond ever , Irish .p, -Lawrencetwvct: '�+ S enYs - cr-rrtre Sniall farces of Russians f northern, 99c to $1, Georgian Bay whose lives had been trade mi"k-rahte i found has been dug out cf' the Preur- „I have.found Baby*s 0”, Ilabfrtn pre attnrk'rng all along the linea ports; ec fetors eroding in transit. through- the` hangs of indigestion, fifer 'Marl'' here. It weighs 3.034) just qs you repr(+srnt them—the very' �fat,cl„trian he,adquar•ters of the Flour—Dull; 90 per cent, patents, who hate b,'(^t restorr,f to, the en-1kiiI t25 ouncesj. Nothing i8 rtid ' best of mc(li(lne for vr, rag children Jnpat:.ce .n}•my report that on Sat- $4.20 to $4.135, 'bu)ers' sacks, east jovriiient of health through the use no can it be known of what tete 1'ou can' g,t the, Tali]•ts cenfrots box. ur'lav, the Russians occasionally i and west: 155 to 2t)c higher for, of Lr, 11'tlliants' fink Pills One of (size or value of the diaincrrnd really i Gists or by mail at 2', cents a boy. - hO,uhnccl•cl the "right and centre i choice. Manitoba, $5.40 to,# ' RO these, is hit, II'rri, Moore, of I'lelland, , is until it has: been cut, but as a nv. writing the I)r..N't!liarns .13(:licine rirmi.s, tc,lloair,g up the bombeIrd- for first patents, $3 to $5,30 for -,.s- Ont, hlr. Sfu•,re is the inanager of diamond in ,the rough it is. easily 10.0, l,ruckcillc, O�it ,r,�nt with- Cit,tnck•, which the Je,- and patents, and $5 to $5 ^_0 for the electric light plant in that town. champion. The lart,•esf rough din �- r - paneR immediately repulsed. In bakers'. and stands'high in the e�titnation of mond hitherto found was in Brazil. A WOODLAND GRAVE. the riirrrtinn' of fhe left wing a Ja- Millfeod—$14 for bran in bulk, $16 jhe citirarts, lie s ,3 s: "It is really in the eighteenth- century- IC T* -- panrar d,•farhnient were victors at to $16,50 for shorts east and west; a pleasure to Speak rift fgvor of Dr. weighed 1,6SO karats. or 14 ounces, Trapper Finds ie Dead i]il ” (h.nrhicphoto 'and occupied Liutiako Manitoba, $,19 for short�, .$18 for ��'illiams' fink Pills. For tour years was sent to the court of Portugal, Backwoods Shanty. St anal Lichiawopeng dr Saturday. the bran, exports. prior to 1909 1 sutiere(1 graeit for-Ito which nation Brazil they belon(�- A 'despauat front Sault Ste. Mitr,c,. Itossinn4 rntrrnting north and west. Barley—}5e. for '�o. 2, 43c for `o. ture from ,indigestion and stomach ed, and was variously valued by rx nnC., sins —II'hile her husband Ova's 3 extra and 41c for No. 3 malting.- troub)e• r- could not eat'solid food perks away up in the millions. i3nt rouse hunting Sirs. John Johnson Th•*'•Japanese. ccnupied with infan- outside, Toronto freights: s taken ;Uddenly ill, and•dfild in without ex erfenci great agony, try positions south east of Haikou- Rye-75c to 7fic for leo. 2. P 0 t�rmd out to be worth'only $2,- Ova. ' - - • - _ !ai on Saturday and are now as- and for over two years t-had to re-. 000,000, a& it was •not brilliant. their hitt in the woods a [rw mikes Corn--New Canadian yellow. Alec, sort to a milk diet. I had grown beyond the end of the Algoma Cen- mixed, 41c ,f.o.b. Chatham freights; emaciated and was almost unfYt for tral Railroad. No doctor was with-1 I' new American No. 3 yellow,. file to doc- GOLD FROM TER• ere miles. '.The husband active work. 1.was treated by 51ic, mixed, 51c on track Toronto: tors and took ryaivertised medicines, found her dead with the c ren - Oats—Scarce, with-prices at.a wide but without any lasting benefit. One.Long-Sought Solution of the Prob-i gro,,p(d around her, Ile brought the range. Quotations are 35c to 38c day a friend urged me to try • Dr, lem Found. - chil(firn here on ']'uosday,:and placed for No. 1 white east, 94c•to 85c R I'Ninms' 1'inla fills. I began their According to the London Daily them in the tihinwauk home. He ScRof U LA middle freights; No. 2, 341c to 36ic, a but I mist confess that it was. News, the long sought solution has started back at Once alone, and willi low freights; and 34ac to Svc north w'ilhotrt muc hope that they would . and west. •• cure me. After takiMg a-couple of been found of the problem of ex- � bury his wife in a woodland' 'grave , t Scrofula may be described Rolled Oats—Easier, $:3.90 Tor cars boxes I could sec an improvement, tracting gold-from sea water by a by the side of the hue in which they f - of bags and $4.15 for barrels on and this gave me encouragement, .I as "scattered consumption:" track Toronto; 25c more for broken You Must Look to the Liver. continued using the pills until I had ti , lots here, and .40c for broken Totts {aken eight boxes, when I was corn- "To cure-it take Scott's Emul• outside, pletel�' cured ,and able to,eat any Peas :Pull, 68c to 67c for No. 2 kind of food I desired. I shall ' al- If You' Would'Have' Mood Digestion and Good Sion. west and east. ways praise Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, HOalth. It IS Kept ACttNe by Buckwheat-53c.east and west as•they saved me• from such misery Scrofula is consumption' Of eoTJSTRr PI20DC'CF, as only a dyspeptic knows: I might OR: CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS.' ; e� small add that my wife has also used the ^ Butter—The Supp y trovt)les that afflict her sex, I.,- and has ]leen Dison, There is-no liver tv itutor So iI.,-" skin, and these break out into is Lair and the demand good.. to 24c t e �„ ,;nick-tc relieve, Creamery prints .•.... .. heaith," Dile. in the intestines ft} nece . sores. Scott's Emulsion heals do solids .......... ..... .22c 23c� Bact blood,- •'itse 'bleed, watery ail stion and the healthful ac- so-iastin�;l. benefGri . '+ y. do tuba ............ .'..:•. .....19c Oc blood, is the cruse of nearly every to ge - 2 flies James Uriltitbs, C:unrva - these-sore. ailment that afflicts mankind. I is Bari of the bowls. rit ec tvr `s' ' Dairy tubs, good to choice 16c tic, loos- Street south, tit. C atha t it( t do medium 14c lfic because every (lose of Dr. R'illiams' Bilein he blood cans bilious- r t es 1 ....... + •Pink--Pills.make new•, rich, re(1, blood ness,, hehdache, jaundice, tnvchly corn- "It gives ire g cat. p'eneure o ti But' there's more to the do inferior grades:....: ..:12c - 13c• Cnase,is Kidney-Livor 'frilly,, For .. _ ,. Dairy Ib. rolls, good to that they hA�'e such wonderful power plezion and is the source of •innum- speak in commendation of l Story. The loss of flesh and ehO1Ce 17c ise t( cine such- ailments ns indigestion, erable Pains and aches. do large rolls ...... .........16c. .18c nn lc.inia, rheumatism, neuralgia, St. The lack of bile in the intestines -some Fears prior d the spring „ rest weakness that come do meditnn :.... ......14c lac Vitus d'anzt-heart t oubles. kidney brings on indigesticm, constipation, 1900 I was aftf til with serious da- ` q and . liver troubles• ;nnd 'the spatial 'kidncu__d re. S_��ne5t�� e excretory- ttcns than 1S logg litter tantl kaid:m,y ctisotvl with Scrofula is a regular Part Cheese—Ts fairli steady and noted unchanged nt ll;c to 11 c. per 11) I ailments of women., yOtttt4'au'1 Old. of the whole d digestive ers. I tried many raill,xlit� wrth- for.,large and 17�c to 12c for tv ihs. g p sy"tems. of the disease—the same as in A lint von must get the elinins ills Eggs=Fresh ore quoted at 20c and with the full name "Dr. Williams' The liver separates bile from .the ot.t the desired results, unr.rt F tx+- consum tion of the�kln 5. For _.._ t�Jot>d, where it is PO 'pills.pours gsn the•esu of Pr. Chases ICirl ley P 1i,, ed•,at igc to 19e. pink Pills for Pale. Veople," on the COttDS Poultry==Turkchs: 12c to lac;' wrapper around each box. Sold by`it into the intestines. where it is 1xt) o�s �tthis rn,iicintaT iw•as .t;Lc+tli' this aS for the sores,- S (gttcla, 13c to 14c; geese, 11c to loc;I all medicine-,dealers or by 'niat•T at I of inestimable worth. Emulsion Is rust the remedy. _ For this reason the health of the en iuyulg all my fat nmr .h,alt h rave) EmU just chickens,, choice, 12c to 14c; old, Se ,0 cents a box six boxes for $2•- tioriy is depentittrt on health and Ivigor,- and, in fact, f'•('lirtg hol.IcT to lOc. �o ivy' wilting The Dr: Williams' than for tree veal,. Clthrr nn'p,thers -•Potatoes—Ontario at fi:ic to 70c on Tifedicine Co., Brockville, Ont• activity of the liver. . •_ �. 'Flesh ' and strength ' are I the. liver active, when �of our 1'.Uuily h:tvr al"; roryice,] the track, kgrd-7 5e. to 80c ort of Store. { By lnaki-ng . Eastern, circ to 8Oc oil truck; -and , it becomes torpid and sluggi�'h, Ito, Itiist results hoot the n:,• of th;a gained by the use of Scott's y0c to 95c out of strnr. Chase's Iiidncy-Livor Pills insure It mrrfic.i»,•, ttnd . T. lastshallala'•til a hcalthtul flow of biie into-the in- Stdrr ut}'self underlasting hl�s done Emulsion quicker than in any IvBsell ;;ancl theo ma ketng t 1"saguoterl let ;nac)ellt legacy tocity ctheir succe�seois te�'tines and the cure of all • ail-, to Ur. Chmsr Sot. _ Other way. - _. steady-at $8 P� ton f r"No. 1 tine- 'oY 'this year of $13,059• In arising from "bile poix�n-" I for Ili(, ]nolotthidnoc-].iv,r I 13' t othy and $6.50 to $0 'S for IKO. 2 'I•hr, Winnipeg• Council passed a fn'tligestion and constipation. - t Scrofulous children 1tYiprdVe mined clover. resolution nn ._.-llonday_tay. ring a Set the liver right by using Tyr ceT,t.s 'ti ,tit or Fh1- Baled 'Straw—Car lots on frock intinicipal telepho'nc system. - Chase's ICidncy-Liver Pill anti ,you tnar_son, Bolt l f"orttiP:tn`', Torun- ' IA in every way on Scott's Emul- here are quote(] unchanged at $6 to 4 - Fe- $6.50 o- $6.60 per ton. ,The;Tlpt`�1(o roCityw dr Ithat ino more and ach�s,cof the toying synttp-I Ito, '=Ah IF� allthi) , a sinrn l lire of :. SIOq. le t arc do bo• • enol. at _ ) , on every. P fiendfor Free Srm,pte. Ca'1'TT,F 1GUt1<i:I', diphtheria can be admitted. turTts,� 1 L ccfpt tthc r ar� of Irritable emper `{ Toronto, .Tan. $1.—Receipts were 'Ihe Ttominion Goverin"'ent Ithve Press 1 spite SCOTT R[DO chemists,Toronto,Out. I r . _ . . . i ',--�I i i ,� ,V .�.;.� his veins as it had never done at full treys are the ones that make anything before excepting baccarat.' fruit gra«ing profitable awd unlessI'll 4 . He had valued her hitherto for her 0 {tl tlx fertility i9 maintained exhaus money, but to-night he realized ,her 0 tior: will follow, and the result will ....'.�` - in escribable beauty, and it made be unproductive and unprofitable or- : '„`p�' s sSa' ��1 C� - hie pulse quicken. M chords. Live to the 9oil,sudt ,plant, -� The young officer who had taken _ ,f,iod as is required for the develop- Irene in, and was more than half nient o1 the tree, or fruit and the .. afraid of her celestial beauty, fell MONEY IN FALL PIGS. feed ink question is solved. Ilut a • . . . .. ' - head over heels in love with her be, soil rich in all the elements of plant -- fore the third course, and, though he Many farmers claim there is no food, but deficient in hiwurs or ng .-� . . , . . . wag-x-sttent--man-a3-u rule, I believe _I._can I nl tiorl will ttot A� ' QR� .. - . . . himself trying to amuse and interest make as much growth for the setae !In ng the tdesiz od' results. '1'o sup- ' • • her. feed with a fall pig as I can with ply humus and fertility nothing ex- . ,A SECRET REVEALED He did not know who she was, and a springy pig,,writs Colon C. Little. cels the• leguminous plants. 1. . • +had no idea that she was the coup- Of course, a man mast provide suit- MERITS OP' DhY FEEDItiG. , toss' ward, and living in the house; able feed and shelter and know how but regarded her as a guest of the to take care of fall pigs or he will The,dry feeding system is +netting - CHAPTER XIII. restlessly close by, a camp fire shot i evening like himself. Lot be satisfied. The fall pig can- with increasing favor. Breeders cubo �, up luridly- in the darkness• It was He told her some anecdotes of bar- not hustle for himself around the have tried one season of it. says the +S Women adore strength when it is a fitting scene for Madge's betroth- rack life, which delighted her because irsrn yard, eat out in the snow, Poultry Sews, claim tbab the cg'g a11LeII to courage, and men respect at, and one that she would not for-I Roy ce had been a soldier; .but pre Y _ .,- s=leep in a cold nest, and thrive very Production is increasted and the it. I get until the hour comes when death I,eptly he made her start and turn well. A pig several months old I have more uniform growth with the 1, From the hour Roy co had forced'I wipes away with one sweep of his pale. may do this iY he has plenty of corn Yc'ung stuck. The' feed boxes are the knife from Stove, the gypsies fleshless hand all earthly scenes, sad "I had hoped to see the earl's kept tilled with a variety of grains. :; �oukod up to hint, not only as their or joyous. brother, Dir, Royce Landon, to- and a little slop. But the young pig, farrowed say in October, must the grit box is full and also a box g superior in social rank, but as their; He put his arms around her, lov- night," he said. have special care and feed in order of charcoal. From these tate few-ls _.._ :superior.in pluck; for though there', Ingly, prQLec ingly', and unconscious- He is not here," said Irene in a to make a reasonable growth. take their choice, balancing• - their were not many cowards in the camp., ly they wandered away. I low voice. owe rations as the do in the sum- few would have cared to tackle the, lie could feel her heart throbbing l "No, I am sorry for that for I Minore i a winter dairy. I have Y , ou p wild! against his side, her breath wanted to see him ver much. A more skim milk to dispose of during suet t as u i free range. y ns gylisy, • especially when he! y g s Y It trot been ver lot since was in etre of his savage moods. 1 stirred his hair, and.as he bent to I young brother oY mine is in the same the cold months than during the' Y �:,,i They learned, too, that their new, kiss her now and again and mor- r iment, and he is.quite mad about warm ones. During September asci the farmer was censured for latsting + -comrade could not only fight but i I q i s his' poultry have the rang,- o1 the ymured-"I love you, Madge, my darl-I him, and .will talk about him by October a large number of my p g :`", work, i Ing, my dearest!'• he knew that 1 the hour together."' are. farrowed. I must have them fee(' lards, where was always a sup- lie proved himaelt to be useful in though the lips were silent her heart "Mr. Landon has-left the army," tc. utilize this by-product of the.1 Ply of corn, and of the barn, wit`+h' r ' ntan ways,' but diiefl in horse case, I its wheat and oat bins. It tuns a it Y Y gave back the, retrain. said poor Irons. dairy profitably. In my li trading, he being an excellent judge' All unconsciously', rapt in the "I know, and I suppose he's in a proved that necessity is the mother Fo111'cd of wonder to the town bored- .„ of horseflesh.' Iie.knew 'a superiur, dream which is the sweetest to us sort of-disgrace. His people have of invention. I will admit that I er that under snub conditions the ;, intimal, and was, therefore, a shrewd' all, they drew near the care fire and sent him to Covent isn't that farm r s flock laid an egg. Y'-t they :s p I '. Coventry,' had to solve the problem of grow- S' •• '. • 7 purchaser. lie knew, also, how to' Madge, waking with a start, .stop- so?" ing tail pigs. continued ,, pay the faiiL,;. Where display a valuable animal to the ped shrinkingly. "Yes," faltered Irene. For mature hogs, the temporary, I there is a variety of grairia it is not beat advantage before a prospective He had' turned to lead her away, "Well, I think it's rather too hard outdoor ho house works very well, veep diff rent from the Ary ie id sYs- I . buyer, and, therefore, managed to and was drawing the shaw'1 around; on him, and not fair." but it is not the lace for the fall- tem if chickens arc s'ippliod with 1, di:�pose of him at a fair profit. i her with the newly-born, protecting I "Why do you say that? Tell me," farrowed i He needs a gear! litre water, housed warmly in dry _ it The gypsies learned to respect and! tenderness of possession, when her l said Irene, roomy penpthat is warm and dry. rivarters and really have ac ca.as to admire "Mr. Jack," as he was call- name struck on their cars. Well, I fancy the whole truth of Fot weeks at a time be ought not fr'•'d bins If they aro supplied with �, ed by those ,.tiho liked him; but, Mechanically they stopped and ris- the business isn't generally known. l to o out of doors. Every plea Brit acrd charcoal th,•y will dutit,tless ..11 J sag Itill slid Steve could not con-i tened, • I've got the rights of it teen, my duygthe doors of our pen are open- 1. aS wall nv the fanciers fuwla on . . `r teal their, dislike wlfen anything was !either of them at 8rnt recognized' brother, and I'm convinced that "fled to give the hog house an airing dim feed and free range, Said in . theut _ a was, :<teve realized that "Gypsy that it was stew's. knew he would not have hard co resign. ,""., c, a � I + _ Jack," as some of the tribe named dour exercise if they choose, yet FLOW FROM THE SEA. "It must be .put AR end to, ' he, bfy brother sa}'s that the colonel the prefer to rettyain in the pert him, was daily winning the love of was saying. ''D'ye hear, all of you? was and is a perfect brute, and that Y e y Y - fi .Madge, the girl on whom he himself I say it must be put an end to! It's he exasperated Landon beyond mor must o! the time. Some days the, Course of Two Streams That Feed Iliad aet lits heart. It is not wonder-' Maige's fault as «ell as his, but tal endurance. The colonel had a 9 out in their ye'n's for a short An African Lake. L fui, then, that Stere viewed his civ- he's the worst. ' \Shu's he that he� grudge against him, and lost ❑o op-'time, lint they act rias It they were t, aal's pret••renee by Ma•ige with eyes' ahuvld bring +liscrace upon us?" - portunity of rounding on him-I beg pleased when the doors are shut salt ivaAs_,Ml ,n is a4eclen'luallorcaciryl len ea' ti that !erect with dead! haired. and the en sin a9sulYara its norm- 6 it S Y � "1isgrace, cried mother Katie's your pardon, that's barrack slang." . p ° I inland fr•,ni the flay of Tadjoura. onoy A ;deme to injure him, by inddc-t voice. "Who's going to bring din [ understand, I know: Go on"' �eI temperature. of the Frcnrh possessions 1n East ,Ing ciyp.sy .lack to act as wrestler I grace on us, I should like to know?'I murmured Irene, breathlessly'. Thr tall pig should have a hatancecf I ' against all comers, 'at the Markham µ}nn?" he retorted with an oath. "tint a day passed but Landon had''rnticn lie should not be allow.•d \#rico. ]t comprises only abotrt . g fi'air. way frustrated by the firth "The fine gentleman that's sneaked to endure some open or covert ipso- to eat too muen corn or tn,, large �sixt.•n sy'iare mitts. i 'comrnan,i ,rf Madge. who readily, in among us; this Sir. Jack, las you lence, and he bore it wonderfull • un- a proportion of skim milk. xy rx- ; It is surrounded hy'a wpnderlul, t urxxed that the lost! at ors had a y i conf,naion of n, wi mountains, de-i t g call him' I'm not blind, if the rest til the night when the other man,per,ence is that the milk yhnu!d he scendtng r+p thvgg.tter's t•c1g? so that! " ' strong huge that in one of the con- of you are' I tell you she's clean' threw the wine in his face Why, in In about the ratio of three pout►ds ' . newts he ori ht be maimed, or other-' ,t iv it. -its aterti [ re to traveli 4 X gone on him' µ'sin L some of y'.ou', the old times such an insult would!Ln core pound of corn. i n^e'er fecal , arurind it. -Its waters aro sale to� " vote+ injured. I there when she wouldn't let him go, have been wiped out with blood. All i the skim inilk calor but make a n It was at oris same fair at Mark on the wrestling platform? Wasn t' the sympathy was with Landon," he glop of it by tn;zing wh••at inid- I the suint of sawratiotc, and its aak harms that a groom from cion+ 'Tow-: that c-non h o show you what was' event on. "He was the favorite of dlin a and dried beet pulp. The i la level there ip ergo upon its bank' -ery had r••cog+.i7ed Royce, although'. ha g b g' ri laver o! netin ly purr �nit over a foot . Wo latter did not sec nue hem, as, ppentng7 I tell you if it alnt't the regiment, and the colonel was former is splendid lama for ,r+,a'tnK i tliick 06 stopped that Madge will bring ..rural detested According to my brother young' pigs It contatnx the• pen , For %ears na4ody kivn whence ltj pr ass hastening to another part of on herself and disgrace on all of us."I Landon was just what an officer tefr.-and the carbohydrates in just', d•:rii'ed it, water, The few men who _ - We fair to attend 'to a matter otI Madge drew herself upright, a"d sbould be. Kind and con9xierate to &tout the right ro orttrnr 'There ' sorsa Import - 1 P p %",I-,4I it could not ascertain that) I her eyes turned with a flash toward the men, and as full of pluck and I, I Ise this time cadge had ceased to the are: then sudden! the passionate' ner•owlt as-as this lain ,s full of •is nothing that n youn_ peg, liken any stream flows 'tato it 1r was 1. ,' . y P 6r Y 6 belles than a slop mode in rhiy way' th,,,ight that the lake prob-ably had - eli,m Roy Ce, end often In the even indignation seemed to flicker nut, 1 wine( My brother took . I.andon.s 1 lyse a teed of charcoal, which arc sill cb'vrant-an affluent, but this .. In• wben the labor of the da • was Atr a cnce o week the tri +, !, y rind she sank on Royce's breast, resignation so much to heart that he h h,.lpa - Ionc.. they wandered hand- in handl - 'K thmry was not demonstrated. _ punting hard. - � �called upon the earl, Lord Landon- I keel, the drgea•,ive organ,; lei rirxl •'� beyond the light of the camp fire, toMadge,". , • R E: Thr . mystery of Lake Assaf war - ,, "I{urh, hush, he Bald "Called upon the earl' said Irene. condition noel sweetens the stuinach. ,s„it.~I in IS;. by the 1'reuch ex- +9 ladulge In the sweet converse which! through lila clinclli4d teeth. "what; "Yes, rather a cool thing to do, !.very little while also, wood avhes - denotes the highest esteem On 000l does it chatter what they say' They) but he has plenty o! cheek He went f plover, Fleury Audou Fie cnrelully; pt thaws occaalons he laid bare fits! are put into their trauRhs I'hi� t4cninitied the , shorts. though 'he, 1 don't know any better. We'll show , to-him and laid the whole case be r bmwt - before her in impassioned them lie stopped, thought al fore him, gave him the full particu-falba helps to kron the andi i .or_ i found is tery +IiRlewa Isis hard' words, and asked her to b.•como at,. in Food condition and : d;trr,ia • «oil: wa: at lust rewarded by thu . his wife. moment, then bent. till hes- lips tars, and begged hiin to use his g watertali. - - touched her hair, and whispered long I serest at the War Office, and get ILr, I.ag%,r1st intrat ina.l wormy+ a,wru,ur of a "Yrnrr wile' Via, no she faltered, and hurriedly. y (:urtied b th,� sound, he approach- Landon back again', and m brother CHOOSING A BROOD S(t\�. y. the agony cf rrnounctiig her exquis- She started, her breath seemed to I is convinced that thero wouldn't! µ'hen selecting the brood vow. o i � the spot, a.nd Llie sol a ion of the rte bliss trembling in her voice, eni*inn wu.a helots him 1{e found s cease"as she- listened, but though have been any difltculty in reinstal- to a pen where a n,imbar ui gilts I ~ •'''You-you forget' You forget what-w,th a kinid' of shivr'r she panted, ' rag Mr, Landon.” !are kept and the fattest and hest large h;u„k ar tnsta!liar water you are, and what I amt A-a coin- .,So no"' and' hirl her tare still "And did he, the earl, try I developed ones will alwai'c cc•mr< to f,,anling over the <ton ti and throw- Anon gypsy. a vagabond; while you- more completely, she still clung t� and do what he could?" she asked I ing itseff iniprt14ou.t-y into the lake Ah. I must not let you forget," the trough h first from these se hips -tn laving surrender. breathlessl g He sus t the water and tu.and it as y - lett a brood sow, 1T,, gt!! crli^ct,�d ' - "iI forget nothing," he said, his - anti as the ocean, uC which indecai it "I don't know," repinad the officer should come !coin a tar'_ later amt .face flushing, his eyes hent with pas-I T- I had- hewn a part. . . - a,tonate love upon.her upturned fan.; , CliAt'TFR XIV. . with some hesitation. ''But I think from a sow that is a :;r.ad fo.-der, Two nights after Royce had told not. I suppose he thought that (t. Lake .\seal lies cunaid,It h below bar eyes meltitig with mingled love' g 1 y - cantle and easy to handle. Tut' Lhc, curfarr of the. sea. It has been land pain, hu Had a Lee, the s was of no use We-should have been . pe, trust, and-�'as, des-. F gypsy, that he loved I yore to have heard o[ it if he had',li she is gentle and kited and ,, :;ocr<f a,rr,rtained • that, the, soler that err "'I know all you mean, but it tit's, and had waked her to lie his- feeder, she will usually be a ;Good poiif8' ititu it co:aes fmim three xmounts to nothing. It I were aI Wife• there was a dinner party at applied at the War Office; these irtilker, a very essential point in a brook, which [low froin the Gulpbet the Monk Powers, - things always leak out, you know," king upon a throne, instead of being_ ,. "lie you think it. is too late now broad sow. One cannot, fridge ac- I el Kilt-ab, a littl,; bdy at the ex- what I.am-an outcast, disowned by, A dinner party at the Towers was Y curately of the tilill.ing qun-litios Ln uetne a-a,t,•r:, -enil :if the flay of - -• - . - an event. 1 was theprincipal house restore Roy—Mr. Landon," . bin own people-I should say the L !'S-o, I don't think so. The earl a gilt, but a chunky, heavy boned, 'Tadjoura. • some. You see, I can't help it! A in the country; the countess was, ad- short legged sow !s not a� good a' !'h, watery of the Indian cicean • mitt the fir,A lad in. the dls_ I believe has, a great deal of infiu- can't help loving,, Mndge; and y'• Y milker as one with a lonFgcr body I art rarritirl itrland to tilt this dr orb° P g I trio and the function was one at On with the Government, and could I --. the man who loves as I lave your brio tremendous pressure to bear at:and legs, and less noundrtC s}des. pression in the intrrinr, and when • . ,and doesn't speak out is a cur and I which every person of standing in g I Under all circum9tances avoid lin,: they mach lake Art-sal they are • .. .. a toward, and doe.n;t deserve to the piece was proud to.assist. the War Ofltce. Ilut I don't think The nests numbered twenty, and he himself is very hopeful. Perhaps that is wild, or nervous, or has a about kls'i' feet lrcluw the level of $et what ho wants. Sec. dearest ' g ! he fancies that it would only make'logy back, The legs must be •strung the sea. i>ton't hold off from me, Madge, un- were representative. The Earl and I y. _. . Countess of Balfarras, a net hborin the unfortunate.affair more public and straight, The saw h ust staYnil ' i-- 0"a his face paled suddenly,, than it is. I'm afraid I've borod I entirely on her toes and should situs ' runless you don't care for me.' baronet, his wife, and two Baugh TIII: (:LF,ltK'4 TI?ST11fOX[AL. Her breath camp and tent, and I Lers; Sour or five squires and their facu to t is death, my brother lis salwa always drum-i ut the teThe age atawhich to. brood depend.. I s. 7`hu L.earer, .Tabu Jam-,s, has been -- she drooped her head, that he might Wives; a couple of oticera from the a Y y • not read in her eyes the love-the garrison tu,wn; the rector and his ming the businessinto my ears, and on the maturity been than the age. I in sur caupluy for the pall erred all alaworbing, passionate, love, that wife and son; and a celebratred ati- I've caught something of his enthus- ,� gilt that has been prohcrly hand- ItuoUprinc that slr;,rt periodfilled her heart to over&owing. ,thele'w•ho was staying with them. iasm." > led will weigh ^00 pounds of nturc he has httd tliu most thiol lunate w. '"Tn that case, Madge," he said,I Exactly ut eight o'clock the coon- "I am not .horcd in the' least," at eight months, atTd ought to raise Periencra ui uuyune flint wd know.i - ' and his voice grew husky, ."I'll-I'll•�e entered the drawing-room .in said Irene so sweetly that her voice a good litter of pigs it hrc,d then, vii, he has trotted no favor than say good by, and cleats out of your'readiness' to receive her guests. rang like music in the young fellow's ,µ.en a.-young 9uw has only ;t few t hese grandmothers dm in„ his short w ay, for I 'iaouldn't stop in.the camp She' was dressed -in black satin, ears, and kept hilt< silent for n orth. Wigs, or is a pour milker or a oars clay bore. a you are t ort nn we end see you, perhapstperhaps taampg wore priceless lace, and a part of ute or two. less mother, she should be Sant iv �pnongh to secure his :.ervices we the Landon diamonds. Every now and then Seymour the .meat Barrel at once. ' But if i senile! Strongly adrjsr '.'011 to iiisert In to,a with-some one else! I i Her handaome lace was.almost Blance'd.across at the two keonly, He,`shy is a good milk,-r, and attentive the . ;;randtnoth•er rIau"c in any _ couldn't do that! Tell me, 3ladge;; saw the sensation Irene had pro-' moment. you stay nmko witlt him.', . speak to me, dearest, dcarest!", without a wrinkle, and the dark to her vo ing,. she g$rntld ,bd trial 'a8' . "What shall I do? What shall I,eyes shone clear and moonlike, and, doted, and it net him th.itikin5 that again, for th,; seco,nd litter will esu_ I mist' s:neular to -Su}. !) lune atwayr do?" broke from her quivering lips.11 like the moon, impassive and emo- he had better .not postpone his at-tally be larger than the first• If Iter the first to ,he attac'X'�(l with anti !'Let me got Ah, .let me go! It is twnless. - tack, unless he wanted to see herlsriond litter shows increased nom-1P1'evailing' epidemic in his n,ri;hhart- wren , all wrong! Must I speak,I Seymour appeared on the scene t!orne off by some other mail. tiers, an'd the first one developod in- rhood., Another ntottor 'worthy oY moat a —"i next and'event about with.. a smile,.„ . (To be Continued.) to good hags, she inight be rotainod notice is t91at .we could never ge _' She Paused ax if on the verge of a sleek and benevolent,. upon is air ora c im o a r ro with our otftc clock 'verge nt a great eBort, then raistxYI face. He was dressed with the ex- ' „ . � - -- .. . . Ills tvr:tch was g,nvrally about ter Ile ehtainorl, her eyes to his, "I--do not-love care and yet had contrived Rj1Sg'IAS RAILWAY RETURNS. "minutes huhiml it, capecially on re . you;" she lettered. i to give to his appearance the air of -- , Sumin, his work in the morning. I'I:I:1)71G O12CIIART) TI.1.i.S. Thu. next moment,she was n hi a man who cares nothing for his In the Russian Railway Budget for Tndi,+stion was soinowhat severe I. 1,901 the groo9 revenue from, the While this. is done hy.-Sonne in u on hire its on �iondayt mornings his breast, her faze hidden, her Rwholo clothes. g frame shaking with sobs. I As the heft rang ror'dinfrer,' Irene I State railways is 'estimated at 5:47,-I systematic way, the great nra�ti iif' hnd occasion to stay away froquent- . She had tried to do her duty and entered the drawing-roost. She came ;300,000 and expenditure on them,,fruid 'trees • tut receiving arty 'ly• indeed, so had was be,one day . , . -tailed., in quietly and noiselessly enough, including working expenses, improve-;ape,c.ial attonn s to feeding. Often !when we sent down for him that he ... . . .. Royce uttered a tow.cry an press- hut, nevertheless, her appearance! ments and purchase of rolling stock, the orcthardl hn�/tn produce crops in had !teen compelled to hurry away ed her to rim, took her face in his!created !that i. ! sit newslriper is esCimaLed at -5 4Fi.400,OQ0, .show the farm potation with only about to th(• doctor 'hi+itself', unit our 'ores- . bands and raised it, and ,kissed th'e! parlance a -Sens Ing a net revenue of £900.000. But os much 1}!ant fold as the rest of I sen er did not get to see him. lovely oyes anis trembling lilts. The lil}' nra'id w`a_ vssod entirely as the payment of interest on Gov k the farm ) received. Thee As bettr;r ' ~,1'e never knew him to he absent ¢ "Madge! Madge," he. murmured) in white. tier frock was of soft ('rnntent railway bonds absorbs an- than no .feetling for the trees will on Saturday morning• ollr pay-day. •• _. brokenly. - My darling! •div darling I white silk, which, colorless as it was, nually a 'further sain of nearly L14,- appropriate to themselves at least which', of coarse, is another instancy 'And you said you did heft-It ce .n-)-c.? did not (link thy-glorious. ivory- oP Oru),000, the total deficit on State a p(prtion: Tao often or•,chards get of hie devotion to duty. rWtiiolt is fru-? Whisper den_rest. \o,I her neck apd anus'. She wore no� railways alone would appear to be about the, name attention as forest TIe «'rites shorthand, but he is so, ,' give me ong kiss-one kiss frr)in you;' Ica',fry, but n «bite rose nestled in.t.hirtcen millions sterling (£14;00A,- trees, ?ITany state crop correspond- quick at the art that he often gets, ' heist, and then I 5rult !chow': .... I ire silken coils of her gulden hair,' 000-5:9(10,0001, exclu ive of ad- ' ' rota say that atablc tninut'e Lias ire arTtxance of the dictubor, and hat - With her face hidden she. slowly and another rested on the bosom of varices of guaranteed interest, 'etc., r . , pn;t her arms arouncL his and I her dress:- • -• "-• .. '• - - to private companies,-London En- proven the most satisfactorv. This wishing to waste his time we deci�d- drew his hears down, nnxl then with The .officers, all the young men, . gincx•r. .. may be due to the fact that by the ell thi., he.shauld -take out- .corm•.. that surrender of self, of which only' fact., opened their eyes, and found nae of it, both humus arra plant toad spondc'nce in lomrh:irrd. a girl 9n the throes-of MOP first pas-I their hearts heating at this vision of are 'given to the sail. There, may he Yours tri.ily, - - .11 , si+ n Can lie capaL,le, she put her lips) lovo!ines4, anit even 4eyinotlr was - "lire treat our cook just like one -soil9 so rich in plant food.that. far- I}LAN;h R CO.',., to b•is, .- stitrt.led. of the family;" Raid Mrs. ,c.ilfoyle, tilii_ini;; would lir `wasteful, blit tht;V _ Itc•hind their, were the glare and lie had never 'seen Irene her "W�'•don't," added Mrs. Poindexter, are imiltFl,`stlol'iiirly' t'al'e, Heavy crops -People can be murh'more asveeti ;, sry+•re drain 1111011 the din of the fair, at the,rr the "w'ar paint, and to-night she was "We don't dare. We are polite to of unit ,tr+• fife to all d after a fist-fight than an starry ttightt the horrQa neighed a revelation. The blood quickened in our cook!"; fo tllity of, tit•_- soil argument with their tongues. . - , . , . . . . . . ., -.� . . _ . . - . .- . .. i , . 1. . . .- . - - . . . , I•.+cr u" .•, - s "-:w r.,'g;•' .:.;.,� y,«.'-- �7'.r.„"'_` - - --� :<:" : . .. y,., r . ,. u ._.__. i J Audsey. _ Chamberlain's Stomach and ulµer r • Radteu. Unequalled for Cun- _ The loads did not go to :Myrtle supation. ! -U Published•very Friday mora:cg K IN OiMce ` Pickering sac On l''riday evening last o�fug to Mr. A. R. Bane,a prominent drug- - the tt•eather. gqi.,t of Baster`springs, Kansas, says: ' 'hamberlain's Stomach' and Soveral from here attended the CLiver ' Calder demonstration at Whitby Tablets are, in rep judgment; the ~ 9unbar + ---= un Monday. most superior preparation of any- thia in use to-day for con9tipation.H. T. 'Love is >,tt.=y looking for Thearesure in action and with no • • _ ement work for 1905. He already tendency to nauseate or gripe. For � Ai"" has booked several good jobb. s 8 TERI[9 sale by ALL DRUIGGtwr •s.ss p• Tilsit',__GV i�t>3 a Robt. MC- RATES OF ADVIST ING: Brady and family from our midst spa: uur other tells me ou haven't been a verybo Vkm lns•rlton,p•r line is e•4ts Bob has been a good neighbor yy 4 Back subsequent tnwrtioa,ptr ltro• - ° and citizen. to-dap, Johnny. - shi•r as not taolad• aVgwBoc•t��- Reeve McBtady is kept busy Johnny: "Between us, pa, I do Q SEASON*a 'su ms elven to r•-111" Maki" tea- these days lookingafter the town• think she's r little prejudiced a- FAY' FISH I►7��h7�N• a•Na!••2f or ° mO•fbs or b� the yea. Sat!' ~ yntiTdtrydtar1y eoatn•t.ta+sbl+s9hjP interests. We know he is gt►inst me. It aaa only the - - amen•..ealQ•.lon base x anada,�on carat. taking all possible means to insure day she told Aunt Sate I was just el.. ,N 00,payable is aeraaa•. interests beim con• like you.'. erie•is I sea3 set morns tea aeats� the people'sg 19" •�e� line ••eb sabsega•nt served. peow bonuses r t•• maa•kwma as wWMb• The government has turned Neto d Preebb Trouts al Its!tire sAverltal, ae.eu,esn el- ir"boat writtaa a•trwtttw over and we who fought for it rosea FrolmFMh $04 Herring. fWaltl•Iwo""anon f¢)ablddan sad •harp"aa- ruseesasty. Osdtrs dis•oa"ItinQ •dr timo- rejoice, while we, who sought-to �T008 FOR 9AL$—All classes of ttasfb•!a •trtrist a•a Mal to therab• elect the Icon. Jno. Dryden, wko WOOD ready fo:.,.at.. I'rtos ltsn•s•: abent the gone, as lam )ear. L J Poyn1•r, Job Work prots<piy atraaa dto. all must admit to have been a wbiuvoi•, loft clean capable adtniuistrator of Finnan Haddis the department, accept with res- 1WOR gALR-A quantity of pine , ed - re i ation the people's in;�ndate and ?o` '0` •mostly sp";&ad piled out is t tt � Herrings our Politle• itriet Indendene• goo Pe P lengsha.6s.00 par cord co pzem tae• lot]6 con.6 ` Our dim—A Butt atass LooalPap•r• edam. our EzDeotxatioxxa-Th• bear" will Rork for the country's ad- Piekdtring. Apply w W Hogie, s a ! ,• rcpyort of the veopl•of Pickering and riointty Dance. Mrs. Jno. Bell is somewhat impro- �ARM TO REIN-T,-A splendid farm ///���, ]]] Proprietors ved lately. �1 being oomposed of the Wath halt of lot s9 `�'J� 1/�� Labrador Herripge. Murkar' & Thexton, Mrs. Yellowlees called on some of 2nd Raoft 5 F con, consisting. of 164 acres sit- _ � ` Cr���ff her old friends lately. ull *!thin three miles of Pickering Village Chan. Lpnde h(td the misfortune to For full particulars apply to W Y Hichardeoc, FRIDAY, FEB, 3rd, 1905, Pickering - -50•tt--- lose One of his horses last ,week. - - -- Jerome Scott has secured the con- C KATI`(G RINK. H(1CfiF. AND t NOTES AND COMMENTS. tract of carrying the mail between r� LOT rOk 'ALE-71ne auiers.r❑wl 2<ra N;A ] Aoneles? Fish, P ��`hitby and 13rUll haIn, fur tlu'ee fOr sale at a 1'FalOnati}e price, i a ILLrye sliat:LG I ie (''•"1 `'•''xk, f r p f' rck. and diso Lis house aci lac: ?.tuatrl t❑ . }'e8l'3 at 4StJ).r `.)(•r )'silt. tLe 1':!!1 a of}t1. ugl:am I-:r Fart:c.i,.rs 1;•{:y -. _ ._ Hon. John Dryden. Wlu� wa- 1 tt,al) , tree. tlz:tt has stdx)d to Fr ink naudcreon on the prrL:sea:: :n v` �' - one of tlt(' five tneinber- Of the the jtorin-of year;andafforri ,Isha,le kicL6z s n Pl vertrs +-_: Russ Cabilhet t,) fail of te-ele('ti,)Ih jurin_ Hurn} hoot afttrnoou• has (,I �F .1`:j) LoYI' I OIt BATA: 1 �a'n) n F•trdines uu «"Otluc-clay, hit- intiuutte(I 111- fit!l n tIll&rtlie ,w,,)oduian•, axil.- It � a Lr K L, .-e, eta'•: :,_ s r),.a,s 7_r1Hi1A� AIll pertA E{•,rring :ntCution 0f 1'e:lttlt9 fl'(itlt I)llbIle ha- ht en a latnlulark• ca.: .r. Lu:;i tram w, I •cwt a to uxi, VKIi/ifr►►ii t' { I,y I3,•w. L•.t cuu:at.+ 1 -ac es act!iu erual, -.r t1. li d_L,. . - life -�' 11t'all'Of Ili(' DCIIn Cl l:1('Iht 1'hi' })111p1t R',l; , foil},ie, are dr ,l ht a'' ... _ - _ •• _ - - f,I I lt'lllllll'r•, nl- l',.rif�-t L.t I I , " ti i,tr' Yttrt• ,El:ar. (-o❑'tweut c , l; L`, l{ t h t•. '• t, :n t lis lt• 1't'-►el- e ) .lu�[ittut; ti).1).' ll4'-tt'Ptl. 1'.,�Lh ui r stat. to !, \t t , t,tl.t•u f, ul K,.',. 1 t 1.i, II., } t �.1 I.: l •,:nl, —A ----- ._--• _. — - --- - - w 111 cc t,ct d („t this: t l,_ ;i1. it n,.� w'.t; \t i y ill ('tlj •�etl I -- ' _. iU" i- di\'Pt, th,1i }tf' ,\it= lt'II)It1I l 1'_ r;,,,.; .•lt:. 1 ❑.t hial• S err �„ ,,� ail a.'t Fla t. ! c � �Itit' 'l:) 1),•-t ylluirtet Ot .>; t. t11- \Ir. .11 ni+, h:ltt,trdfn thdy new i •. ta. eto ,. 1ae 1.c , a Utaer J. • . - •till's•. 1'l',)wltt('I,tl UI' 1'cdl"'til, t1h:.lT .,fent „i t.t,t 1'.,1.. of ('.1•'.. cundrl�.t,• 1.-ar:e: es r. !•. e ,s' v Jatrl oc taeGreat '��AU ���('Rnndn ha- e,Er had, 110 itttrl til, islet tnlz ,,t: «r5in.sd,lyt'ceniu� ,:n coo rr; -i T t•nLo,.e o®l• a rose the i/ the practicai hat -ruse Of the !a,t. g - 1'!:,rt will be no pea.••ltiu .ert,r,' read i �ml.ne t1.;.:: Le<us, H.', a.a..c❑ C. InR11 \t'11U hx� t11Hde a -llc'cea, act l fi P. H Terns etsv. dpP'• oa t 7 tremases - - Y .- - . y .1 ,d tt "'und:ay in cnil,w" uen!•r ,)f co l:a❑C. lSell,ii:o zam P 0 or t.)firs & hi; ou n farm, roit-(pled %\'lth the In Felt at- froth )c' t,•;is us diunrtl'rly nicht fug being tsaik.atarkham P o _11'y7_-_ _ breadth of vie,v \vhiCll Fontes to held at Y:ckerit)g, F ft now until �tvas x - one \rh(r ktlu\\- hum• to Al)III) the Tht. oiln ),le ,.f the ne; hb,,r• '�In rn- Iy t Csil su,i nee our hat-; and les sou; taught by uliugling \with Ilcx)d underRh people of the l ague ' hl�by Steam' tt1 ofkS get uttr priced. Wren of affairs. R'h,ile tits f,)uu' will have an oyser supper At the re-i- t - -_ -. (iAttotl..of part of our system of. dol of \ll- UPo. Lawrrn�e on the _ �y _ A •t'tiak�� - �•� _. Pickering. agricit{tural Education \veto laid evening of Friday, Feb. 10th. , - by others, the tlper•t.VlletLire is There i;quite i large attendance at school this winter and the teacher, , the nork of 11Er Dryden. When t he became Minister of Agrictll- M1gv Ferguson, Is highly esteemed. �'. H _}tl wa.•t visiting at John 4_ + tare, the agricultural College was Puckrin'9 last week. �1 r 4 roreak in e(Iuipmeut, none too perfect Confidence Mas '✓ ��ar+ encV letrong in its -tAff, it had not the p confidence of the mass of farmers Where there used to be a feeling of ~ '• • - , ta,nd p-a-•s the subject of jibeq and uneasiness and worry in the hoose- `-" HAvinR taken over the agena buainews heretofore Carried oe hold when a child showed svm trims y imeers by the politicians. The of croup, thete is now confidence Xr. T. A. Greig, we are prepared to supply the public with fall ktnda - ,college to-day is strong in. bath This is owing to the uniform succefls of '\ :staff RIM eclatpwent; it hay the of Chambellsto s Cough RcmdPdy in Far 'Implenlenta, Loud n Hay Fork, confidence of the people it is in. the treatm,-nt of that disease, Mor. tended to serve; it is no longer N1 1 B.usiorrt, ni pc)oleAYi11P, NII in - +neered at on the Political plat- .peaking of her experience in the ore full stock of Repairs on hands also De Laval Separators fornl. alid it iy recognized not only of that rernedy says: "I have a w•I)rld A ' - - of ronHdf•nce in Ch'atnberlain''+c.),l,;h All work promptly attended to and prices right. ,,.,,....... in America, but in Africa. in AIL,- Wood, Iron, Lift xnd F,rrcr Piui,prs: Remedy for I have used it with pEr. 1� - [ralia, and in argentine a the fect•aucceav, My child Garland I- Ahocisternfrradetoorder. - Pugh ' 1r104re, Pickering. best in-titrltioli of it kind un the ^Ihj,ct to vevere attacks of croup and E. ii- !:`v'A\S, • - continent. The E'arnler-' lusti- it altwa\'• };it'r, hon I)rr-nll,t eclief. ).- h R-_.' R r 1.k •t ��' i t11te. a,� n:'eanir,'ttiuu \vftich hot, gor�alt 1,}` .fir r. Uitrc(.IST+. . 60 YEARS' done ty.oly fur the uplift d,f agri- EXPERIENCE t �����' ��t�a�p Cnlnncth:m ail) utherolie•ll;rrlry MIS i= wholly thecreationofinvildil'r('- C .� 4ZOT ted b)' \i1.. I)ry'dett• 1L'h,'ulie ],,,. y/head of the Iepattluttttd,fan►d Cl'til&M-Agricnitilre farnlet's C,Cl \vhc I'e nEre d?- anulEnt, an,l everything- ... ' YOitt�1S'. I RAOC MARKS st DYS;� a\a ap,I)arcntlzy going ft uln bwi D[sicna : ` '• - to n-(,Ise. {n' the last fe%% yenrs --.i -. . . COPYRIGHT$AC •J. D• Kiug'a St•'r.s .in,i B,y=Stith Froof RuhhPrs.. - -� Ir ntal'lO hn= CilJUyed ll jret'lud of /- An!one vert nx s. epi oni descwb i•mman ,• -_ •J .qulnt!T a-•oe•rt 1.+n uur opinion free whhether an progpf-l'ity.withcrllt patallcl in,the /\ Inrentioa Is probablypat4glable• r'„nimne,c� •$Anderson &_Farmer. Claremont -, Cions strict ty cona dent taL Handbcwaon Paten --- r history of the Petr\=it3ee. art Of _ - E' thl_ i- clue t4) the high [)tic's= -- - -- - - - ... .----- -- sent free. doe*t wren t•7 tilt secnnttR p��V• ^� Pstenta taien thornggh ILnnn Co.CT•c•1 • spu't•t not Kt,without chat•se hII Life Which have. taking the tiO rRgE - ' Of tlie.la.=t fire \-crit•. hre\•tliled -' _ Sciettt c HOMO. for baron and <lair) iro,luc•e• n Sale Register. Ahaadaofc n 11mmentted weekly tartest,yr- 1/'� O�D] + suintinn„t onsnentldc}�nrnal Tensa,eu• ROST rl );refit 'dlval Inore of It 1-t({ne t(l the :. ser, runtmonths.ll• sopdbT all newadd sldltet • ' . I:xtezt• �NN &C0,36 1Broadwat,NOW Yank - fact that pruductioii per :tete hay ti�'su�syn.�r, Fl;o. St h, 1fI0.� , ver) Lirgely ilwrea-ed. The Val. sive auction sale of registered bill-- Rrypr,„R •, tc,.i,+r�u_,�n c ace of the fictl(1 (.1-ops of .1lN)'L- sE3 and cattle, equal ti) any in the - cnunty, farm ill,pplenients, etc., bit We havt'now ill stuck a shipment of Pul[)tar�. Side-wheel aa� To'ithdiilt any inc•rewt e in the aver' Int 22, con, 1, YickPsing, near Di n. price of grant, find \\itll nI- button station, the property of fir. j �'ylinder• See coir anti choke attachment. mc,st no i1lCrellre in acreane--\\•as Frank Sleep. East rood west ,nnrn- A1.50 1 $34,000.(”)in excess of the ai-el' ing trail';,rill-be met :ht Dumbarton • s • • • - age \'slue of. the snipe cruZ)s for siatio n on day of sale. kVvittl for Perfection 'Fannin}; lull:. - the 1)reviun twenty scar=. This catalogue of cattle. -Pedigrees of Oxford Cream 5el,aratot'.; tva= not rill the rGsilit Of _lir. -Dry- horses prod-(toed on day of ;alP• (;ive n,a ynnng man or n'onlan sn(1 a foil line of linplelnents• � callsolicited. Price�-Rightt df'n= work. hitt it Nva.- the I'L' S:tlr at ]1 o'clock, Sec bili:. Geo. ,'f good r lenid'lit.ary edncati„n, lat'k�on. an( inneer. AGT. cif the cdnrtitioittll \\irk of hi, ,1ci.lt.;1', 1't:n, 13th. 1905.- Auction :too(] we ran in,inunthsprodttdre E. �. CHAPMAN, rlepartulent,' corllbilied \\ith the „til of hn,se , cat(le, faro\, iiuple• a skillful str no t a Iter able 'or indn-tr) of 0111. fxru}er� allot their earn a, :too initial salary S•40 or -- -- -- -- tuelitec• etc., the property 1) John —ierulilir,� L0 make use of inful-lim- 2,,�y`hite, 'it'hia {,remises, lot 23, gift a tnotith. NN'e ave-Been doing this for 10 tion f11rllisherl• As Minktor of coil. 0 Pickcring. (onf• and a half Fear h \we ore dein;:it nog•, het- ' 1gt'icnitnse �'ir. {h')do n cite look miles west of Brrnlgll:iul). Sale at • 1 o'clock. See hiils, T. PbncheI tl r than Ever 1,efore. :md better auctitmeer, - d nv nne else. Bnsine:s men cause flet• regl•et. Fe\v uwu lla\E \rant our prod acct:.We \wHu �CEDXF.ADAY, Fim. 15th. - Auction 1 hurl t)ic good fortune to see itc•11 sale (if horses• grade cattle. new material. 5y'rite fur full panic- aft abundant httr\'CSt frunl their }farness and implements, on lot 8, mints. all A. M. Kennedy, E. R. 5haiv, I . Giving preference to nlarhin(•s made in Canada \when they are as good ('on. i.. Pickering, the property of priariptlt, Soctslaty• : foreign importatinn� is practical patriotisin, -There are, however, many John Disney. .,Eight months rred- v, ' Dunbarton. �. it. Sale to commence at I ci cloork Canadian arms manufacturing better farm implements than foreign glade -- p. In. Thos: Poacher. Auctioner. machine, and the *lla is diy•Harris Co.common stands at the head, therefore buying Y)lr•.D.--On Wednesda)-. Fcb. 14 Till-RISDAY, FEB. 'L'3rd,190.i-Auction 1 • 9 • 3faysey-HRrris gads is displaying common sense. n peculiarity of YAaaey- at the 1ponl(1 of his parents, Chas. sale of farm stock, implements, Harris machines is that, white being of Canadian manufacture, they are tt O • • • deniably the highest anality, best workmanship and give longest ties. et. Tar anti \Ir-.Smales, Robert S. Sulale hottsehold•furultilre etc., the pro- have a full line of straw cutters, root pill)-wTs, sleighs, wheelbarmwt, etc.,for R R 1 i.year and 5 months- The petty of the estate of the late F. E. s season. SViddifield, on lot'L•L,non. 3, Picker- _ this Tiecea•sed hai. been a long suffer•- fug. See bills for particulars, T. MIISIC h r Brougham er. being an invalid since he was poacher, auctioneer. ! Geo. Pllllip, •, . ;�years old. His ftlnerai Will take -- r 3disa L. L. Moore, holder of ,Accede - place thin afternoon to Erskine j;s�e'ber . cemetery, epic Diploma of London Conservatory _ of Music, will teceive pupils far in- d Lt.-Col. McGillivimy'it Ali tion st. ction on Piano and In TheE3ry, at � , Dont fail to attend S. J.1 Bea- $ale of Sixty head of well bred Scotch -the rectory,Pickering — -1T _ 1.S Pay nt�, Oso t nocka ilnpoiant auction sale a _ Wa'� :Pae , or Scotch To ed •9hort Horns, also autism*.VA p . . .• 'MS•rtle Station (�Ic'I*aggart farm) PP- sltsss sas>rs—ttss • _ '` on Tneeday. Feb. 14th. The list registered Clydesdales, Dorset Sheep TaAo. 60INGMA-i, ctri is 58:48 As is an extensive one and embraces and Yorkshire Pigs, tv be held at No44 . Moc r. 2:58 P.M, 4 - ' 'j, number of Cly'd'esdale mares, Uxbridge on. 1. to 10 IL,oaAt, , - 8�4 P.Y. � " 006 4 high Cinss drivers, 40 Choice dairy` urs ' Feb 23, 1905 ,/fi g• &°�°tockjnow on hand• Prises in W p y cow9, &c. 4t r. $wtcncL is al>ont' e Taafxs•once WRIST nos ai"L1,411W bpm Be.rip• J No. LooAt. 8:41 A.M. leave for Toronto: all must be I 3.18 P. 11[, Pas+�,u �'+snbart�sz. id:• - Mr:� .lark:on will be" the For caUtlogue apply.to, Lt.-Cul. Mc- "11 La at . , '`. E1' Gillivray, Temple Building, Toronto.t 7 KAM �B:OP•P, 1i. r _ all"t io6 err .�'"',. .'-sz��" 1 'r^.�•,t.,:c�- -•1. s"..---_'yam^'^^_!"'a-1.�-�..,, ^ra-.7 .:rrr±r�.r.:.:,c-.-'•"`=g'.1. ?r'�t,,R..�""•�3fi=-,�.._ '.,,,,,; - — -- „�------ ---- - _ _ ,, ±;iC gr,::s...m,,:. -5l- - ot_nereatoteT the Erskine church, Tuesday and!Admission: gents, 15c:.; ladiees and y . Wednesdo eveniu s, and in the spectators, 10c. Miss Annie Leaper is visiting y g For Furniture that.is p 8 M1iethodist church, Thursday and GOOSE WHEAT do IRISH WHITE ;Pup-to-date call on Tort Perry friends. Friday evenings. Short sermon, OATS FOR BALE—The undersigned has John Gormley, of Pickering, good singing: Everyone made for sale a qusn ity of wild goose wh.•t of 9001 1 spent Tuesday in town. welcome. gnalic and White aii y pure Also•qu•n- r . , �eal,�larernQnt Mr. Porter and friend,of Torun- sty ot�Insh WLlte oats which surp•tled b6 —- - Report of junior chvision Of our otLar lhnds at the Kodet Farm, Guelph Lapp,Cedar Grove. la-le to, spent Tuesday in town. public school:—Sr. 2nd — Robin ' John Gerow is in Port Perry Thompson, Mary Shepherdson, Price away down. Remember we deliver,our goods free. Is,.the this week visiting his parents. So hie Anderson, Jennie Mason, ,All kinds of carriage - Frank Cooper and Richard Willie Evans, Clifford Soden, --_-work done in first _-- Undertaking li at any prepared to Gaits charge Ward spent Sunday in Oshawa. Jr. 2nd.—Russell Wilkinson, B. class order. --- y day or night. i K. Evan's sale on Monday last Mantle, C. Rawson, N. McKay, J. _ r was well attended and good prices Hayward, E. White. Pt. 2—M. $QT$6.SiQeing" a $PeCl' f realized. Morgan, Rets Story, Cliff. Tarr, '�6 } Dr. Smith, who visits here 1st gp�sa, A. Flamerfelt. Clave A.—Minnie Ladders on hand and %%Losday of every month will be Shepherdsop, B. 8hep1ier&on, M. made to order. Ile here on Tuesday next. Adair. Claw B.—Kathleen Raw- Pe' round. )!dies Alice Pearson, of Ashburn, Pelma Hayward, Robert is ®pending a low s with her White, W. NeFarlane. A good breaking cart for sale cheap. �0�3S 1r '' WhiOe, } sister, Yrs. Thos. 9'te n• House and lot for sale. Jas. Tboraton, and daughter, Next Sabbath(D.Y.) quarterly Pre. Weir, of' WhieeVale, spent meeting services will be held is W. H.JACKSON, Brock Read. } Mrs. Beal the MothbUlst church, common Monday with J. H.and We extend our sympathies I lag with s prayer tneetin¢in the Mrs. Root. Hryan on the death of basement at 10 o'clock; preaching CLARUO" Ii RY 89118 the �y� (�tQAI Od ker sister, Pis. miller, of L'x- service at 10.30 a.m., altar which the Love-feast and Sacramental - - bridge. services will be held.,- eld., A cordial First-class horses to hire day or Sleighing was never better in invitation is extended to every night. i� this locality than it is at present, one to attend an or all of these T~ ry and many are making the best Y Buss in connection meeting all y use of it. services. At 2 o'clock the Sunday trains. Rev. James Hodges, of Oshawa, 'school will meet as usual. At 7 Horses clipped on shortest notice. will occupy the pulpit of Erskine o'clock there will be a service of church next Sabbath morning and song; short sermon by,the pastor, W. A. Thomson, evening. subject : "Welcome In Christ.' Wm. Dowswell has di..,posed of Special music by the choir and Proprietor. his beautiful e!k head w Mich hast others. — —. to-n admired by many of ours On Saturday afternoon, Nfr p The Sovereign Bank of ,Canada. � real let ts. I Jlatthev.- Beelby shed very tad- e Jolts and fir Stephentc n. of deals at lite hr,me of her clauglit � '� tinting Ha acct �`_ X00 Ctu=tomer.s. Piekering, and Mr=. and Welling- el'. lI 1•:d. G"hilaut. at the age '-=� -- , tin Peat-cin, of _>,�hl,ttrn. �l,rut ', Of !;:3 gear Nli-, Beelbv had w _ S:utday -.6th Thu a and Mi-. eaten a hearty dilter an -d Avain -- All S't:rewrl, Intelligent, Enterprising Canadians. _Stel,heu�utt, her a-ual -�tatr „t health. lint at Tliv under-int:«•,.i i- propared tr> lieurge �� ilkinwu left fur Tut- '' o'clock -lir• wa- a c•wp e, silk.. kind-kind- „f .utriageztrui ��:rz,n: onto la-t Tue-da} and i,a- .rct;t Ir-a, - n =nrrr,R'n r h+;=hand urns! a painting at hi- -ltul, ovk-r �i'ur• li_�RfiliA1i RR.��Cfi, C'LAREMONT BRANCH, e s u-; i„ , ., .,. . ' ,• - d one (1.411- I>���-«ell'- �,syr n -Vir,l' � ' A. P. Stuith. fan. Z. E. Todd. Agt. sr� H, P. 1:ckhae,I. ct 'l'u.. w rule rhtc r, N,l:n L,t�'�. the -yntlntliy of 1i.o prel,aro,i t4 d,� ai kittcl.: of � � - sale grocer E'rout st. the cumtuuuity ill their -u,ldett paler hanging and h„use paint, (A-1 The song service in the j!c the,• j l,erra�a meat. Ti,rr funeral t!•„k itt�. W. J, Bintrliaut. �' Wer V � � � � � � O di,t l'}tumh la.•t et'ening Hca, place c,n NEr+trday h'hen her, to Claremont. beautifully and inspiring and main, v.ere interred in the cecne- lar,zely attended. The lea.-tar's , tery in the tit conces,iun. P1�1�E7Z'�11 -- subject was "The Mi,:-iun of: A C;rand fancy Uresz and Rac• g • . . . ., - _ Christ.” ing Carnival will be held on the Vigilance Committee Robt. Crammer anH d ife, of Caledonian Rink, Claremont on 4r` Manitoba, spent the rno-t of last the ecening of ednesday, Feb• gormed for recovering property atolaa P ��'1i ..: week with Foster and lits. Hut- Sth, when the following prize.- Lrom its member •ad the appre- ++ w �` ' chi-40u, Both have the appear- will be given: Lady in coeturoe, henaion of the thieves. .5 � &ace that the Country was agree- accompanied by gentleman, lit, !lye,sber•shaving property stolenoomm°ni• 1. ' jog with them. $2.04: 2nd, $1.00. The most com- case immediately with any members Our brass band accompanied by ical clown will receive $1.00 for of Executive Commistrs. a load of our citizen,, drove to his trouble. The 2nd seder of the Membership tag IIAo• Wind Ist '94 +t� hitb - On Monday evening to gold watch competition vv ill be Arthur Jeffrey, Ge0, l eng the ce?ebrstion of the conserva• ' run at 9.30. This race promises secretary Proudest. . Give victory in South Onta.iio, ! to be a most exciting one as all - Wear+pret,!•ed to ds all t,ndeol wort —Cleo Lm . D.E. Pn . C.S. prom so the acmp baesaaaa Exec Com gb 'eel time, competitors expect to win. Ex g p+jy p+n�a+wi rt a It she m - They repo Y 1� 1?� n Oct. • i Palmer.PwAert g, The union meetings between The judging of the ladies. race Tic' may be obtined from A the Preabyterian and Methodist will take place at 9 o'clock. Come Jeffrey, sec., or J A O'Conner, vice- congregation are still in progress. all and enjoy yourselves. Doors l pres. 'John' __. services thi3 week ss follows: in i open at 7.30, curtain risen at 8. 8oasassor w - �'r'a rC1 W� !#stow .a Bon. OL+rsasos>•. # Market at W,O Rich. &V as.Aus, Ptnkstin;. , T`HE DISCOVERERBrongham LydiaOf E. Pinicham's Vegetable Compound, the Tuesday Afternoon, W1 -J1 RICHARDSON'S Great Woman's Remedy for Woman's Ills, At Lafraugh's House, Important showing of$nest 3ieplay of IIiFheet Cash Prices paid for China. A ver large assortment of produce. Stationary, Books, Dolls. Toys. jars Q - F, LAFRAL'GU. received for the Holiday trade Call and see them. Bmughatn. igalsseriptions taken for all MaRaziner. A - . —. . .. .. - -. Weekly and DailyHNewepapers. - Our' . Stock 8.rocls Street. Whitby_ Now Is, N P Com lete. -- ii• ky ''.%''/ -inalkinds of building material includita gh and drebsed lumber, lath, cedarour, etc. _ �S Our stock of Shingles k also roin- ,Eves Year piste in British Columbia, New Brun swick and Ontario Cedar, 1 All !rinds of the usual Di'uuldingF, - i / $Base. Casing. V 94teeting and Floor - month,11 ewer 3 week and every day l 1�/ Every ing always. in stock, rliows the growing pupttlarity of our /i Cistern tanks silt! a-aterti•intghs _ nt.tde to otaei' . .. Golden L.iOt Oil evidenced by the substantial increases of our yo. n. Gordon. :ales of it. �- — It is ab.?olutel5, the Bess illuminating OiT very great il•luminat•ing pouters, entirely free from smell and positively will not smoke or dim`tht lamp or lantern chimney. When you No other female medicine in the vc oris has received such widespread and tise this splendid Oil, Once a week will be suffi .. tenqualified-endorsement. tient! frequent to clean your lamp chimneys. medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles or such 1 Y cl No other , 'hosts of grateful friends as has � - .. Lydia E.• PinkLlam's. Vegetable Compound. e It is very econontic+l cit to use,as on account ' of its superior illuminity properties i goes it will entirely cure the worst forme of Female complaints, all Ovarian a much farther than the ordinary grades of oils. Troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration. Falling and Displacement of the This is the place for the farm •womb, and consequent spinal H'eakneae, and is. peculiarly adapted er's to first call and see a full line prance of Life. ��.Li,,�. �' it has cured more oases of Backaebe and Leuoornccea than any other rem of first-class blankets and mitts T}>� 0�1tY at ��'aa �ro, WGell edy the world has ever known. It is almost infallible in suet caeca. It at reasonable prices, also collars can be obtained is at our afoe direct ditwat*es and expels tremors iri,sn the Uterus in an, early stage of de- made and old ones re-bodied, to the 'consumer only, we do aot.sell to ped- F_ rise. t gttaranteeing a first-class job. A cilers,agents or dealers. Atrial will convince n las, idppre�td or Painful Momtrustion, weakness of the 9totasch, full line of harness grease. bells, you of its superiority. Z�, Bloatfag, imooding, Nervous Prostration,Headache, Qeneral Debil robes, stock food, combs' and gn�ylald to lt. Womb troubles.canning pain, weigLt and backsebe,ii► _ • ' l- ;, lataatiy re ved avid pertnsaeatly cured by its use. Under sil oirensaataaeee it brushes al.vays,on hand. - the female a stem, and is as harmless,sa water. invr�es y Repairing neatly and promptly *rhe Russ Hardware Co. Zt gaiokly removes that Rearing-down Bceling. extreme laaeituds. '3ea't pa' eam- and `want>to-be-left-alone” feeling, excitability, irritability, nervosa attended to. rs ' 'i ,E,!, gess. Diaainesa, Paintaeea, Acepleseness, flatulency,melancholy or the blues One call will pay you. P` std headache, These are euro.indications of Female weaimeaa, or mom ds- res p ' " rs�earant of the vistas,which this medicine always oaten. Kidney Complsiata BOdell 186 �U51G s` XT. Torrd by ` ata Backache.of siVier sex, the Vegetable Compound always tures. �! . Thome women who retuse to lsompt anything else are rewstded a hnadred ate• �• f L _•,�, ,ri• - fitotuatd tLenea. for they set what they want--a care, Sold by DragBlet's etre. Rofase all sabWtutes A_ s ,.i' :;.A-A."�'.F,:, :i3"' -- ,Tap c,•^- - ,� -- '--- - - - -"—'r` ,.... ... .,., � .nm '... .. —. _... _ sees.. sees•-... •ate. SURGEON'S TAKE GHANG: _OPERATIONS PERFORXED -- CURIOUS PLACES. _ I 'Chiidresl's Legs Amputated in the Street—Saving a Life is a _.n►- Restaurant. ' Many.a mall's life has been saved -. •. _ _ by the quick use of the surgeon's The only place in the United States thrusting what it has to sell (labor) pertty and steady employment to the this city ousts ind'.istrial peace non h- i knife, and so it is not very astons • that guarantees freedom from strikes, upon pis whether or no. People of Battle Creek. with cheap coal and good water Ing to learn that serious operations lockouts and labor warfare is Battle Suppose an American in a foreign Second—To energetically assist in f+:'st-class railroad facilities and tlu are sometimes conducted in queer Creek, Mich.. city should be. chased by a mob,, maintaining law, and order at all best grade of fair, capable anu places. In the streets of New York, caught and beaten unconscious, then times and under all conditions. peacrahlo. wech'anics known. for instance, where statistics go to The story? The work people, mer- his mouth tied open and carbolio lwtai's given upon inquiry of the _ prove that a serious accident occurs chants, lawyers, doctors and other acid poured dew❑ his throat; then Third—To protect its members la ••Sexy'. of the Citizens' Ass'n." every ten minutes, operations in citizens became aroused and indig- their. rights is manage their prolabor i- his ribs kicked in and his face well public. thoroughfares and in the pre- Rant at the efforts of the labor pin- a and to dispose o[ their labor i- stamped with iron nailed.shoes, mur- a legal, lawful manner without re- nence of Lrov.ds of onlookers have Ions throughout the country to des- tiered because he tried to earn becxxne so frequent as to cease to be troy the business of one of our larg-1 straint or interference. identification, est indtistrios— he Postum Cereal' bread for his children. By the Eter- •.l'he public should reulember that look•d upon as remarkable. nal, sir, a fleet of American Men of Fourth—To insure and permanently F Co., Lt'd, and at the open threats !n maintain fair, just treatment, oaelthcro are a few Labor Unions con- A curious coincidence occurred a War would assemble there, clear for with an��aer in all the relations of uuct(:,A on peaceful lines and ire pro- couple of months ago, when Ambit- the official union papers, that the action and blow something off the face ' couple 9urg mo .Joseph Swh enfeld, of entire power of the National and of the earth, it reparation wore not life. i palance :t.iau as they are worthy, they t St. Catherine's hospital, Brooklyn, state Federations o[ Labor was be I made for the blood of one of our Fifth—To preserve the existing,have won a rtclw, for we, as a peo- i aispcntatad the legs of two, children Ing brought to bear to "punish" th'e' citizens. right of any capable person to ob-'file, ere strongly in syncpathy with [ whc+ had been caught under different itxlustries of Battle Creek, and par-I tain employment and sell his labor.'any any' right act that. has for its prur- [i ticular2 the Postum Co. And what answer 'do we make to cse better curelitio!us for wa ( trotley-cars. The first case was the y I without being obliged to join any p 6'• of tittie four-year-old Isaac R'illi.n- This sprung from the refusal of C. the appeals of the hundreds of rl- particular church, secret society, wurkerx. 'But the do not forger. P g , dews, and orphans of those'Ameri- that the st•xk the nod of all and skie, who lives ut 36G BrunswiOk W. I'o�t to obey the "orders" of the cans murdered by labor unions? How labor union or any other organiza- g Avrnue, and who fell in front of a unions .to take the Postum ad do we try to protect the thousands tion, and to support all such per- 'tot those alone who belong to sonic LrollcyCar. Dr. Samenfeld arrived ing away from various papers that of intelligent citizens who, with rea- sous in their efforts to resist compul- url;atttzation, whereas Cron the len s the+ railroad employes were jack- refused to purchase labor of the la- son, prefer not to join any labor spry methods on the part of any abiding unions stow undeniable rvi- ing t s car up, but they said it bor trust—the unions.' I union andbe subject to the tyranny organized botfy whatsoever. dcn-iiclno of tre st .p and ugh. s iont twenty; minutes before theySixth—To promote anion en to whit' they are Strong rbor a whit• could get the buy out, �' Post was ordered to join the of the heavily paid rulers of the la- P g employ- tr,c,r;y of the unions harbor and on- unions in their conspiracy to "ruin"1 bor trusts? ers a spirit of fairness, friendship p cY I ccui ge cr;nlinals in their ctl'orts t, On hearing this Dr. samelafold and desire for the beat interests ut ; threw oft his coat aril, crawling un- and "put out of business" these pub- Upon a firm refusal by Mr. Peat farce a coke of slavery upon rhe fishers who had worked faithfully' to join this criminal conspiracy a� their employe$, and to promote der the car, crude an operation for pini for years, and helped build general boycott ;s as ordered' on among workmen the spirit of indvs- American peuplr, As a puWi of the atri*t, and in a few minutes up his business. They had done no Grape-Nuts and Postum all over the try, 'thrift, faithfulness to their eat- speaker Tata±y said: "The erroaanc, amoared xith the unconscious boy. wron but had found it inconven- count which set the good red PIoyers and good citizenship, of the ltiiglish Kiel; that roused ro having amputated the leg and left g' country, g fiery^ elaluonce o[ r)tis, that inspire l i it still pinned to the rail by the car, lent and against their best judgment blood of our ancestors in motion, Seventh—To so amalgamate Lhe CHH Caned t &the r 9U y the c to buy labor of the labor trust. ItI bringing forth the reply that has public sentiment of all the best cit!- Ithe i'upnurtat drelaratiuti of aetlrr- seem_a a rule of the unions to conspire; now g s, n, that IaPt R'arrrn d}iuq •fin th,• wast busy making out his report at passed into history: "�'e refuse zees of Battle Creek, that a uaran- to ruin anyone who does not pur- to join any conspiracyoforganlzed i tee can be given to the world of a !sloP"s of liva-lccr Bill wit; not 'iuu•• ththe hospital when a similar call � outruc,:ous than the ctwditions that , r from Ltx,nard freer, saying chase from them upon their own labor to ruin p'pblishers, nor will! Continuance of peaceful conditions, terms. we discharge any of our trusted em-1 and that under such guarantee and a c:os• .s shop w°t'lrl f•p'•ce, upon tit"Ae that rtha Siignusse, of 109 John- resu to on the orders of an labor protection' manufacturers and cap!-'crniiwinity. Th(-se 'i,••u burst into ear .\vents.+, had been run over in, An ink maker or paper maker who P Y P y' attu 1st the same manner as the Wil tailed to sell ink or paper would I union. It they can make their boy-; talista can be induced to locate their) r+•r,e•Ilinn when the• kin, dial t+n+ cott etlecti-ve and sink our ship, wel business enterprises in Battle Creek• touch thrrr p„ck,•!;.' IuntGinn 'f yt.+n lin,kie boy, lir, 'Samenfeld rushed I have the same reason to artier Post will o down with the captain on 4 I can their imligiwnt prat,,w! had h off and cut off the child's le leav-, to hew ruin these publishers. So the g Then rollow's articles relating to g' p P the bridge and in command.” sough« to rohihit or restrict their sag the limb will under the wheel,I peddler in the street might at, you g membership, officers, duties, etc.,i P ig i t I°c^_u[•ativu or 4N.rrnlin• thn condi. an•I took the Girl to the hospital. it you refused to buy his apples; the This set the writers in labor papers etc., etc. tions im&t ibhich r.hcc should earn Both children recovered, though had' cabman to run over you if you rr crazy and-they redoubled their abuse. I This constitution has been signed then' livebhowl," and to assault. they been permitted to lie under the� (used to ride with him; the grocer i Finally one of their official organs by the great majorit of repreaenta- Car a f+.-w uiiuutes longer they would'' ord,•r the manufact•'rer to discharge, came out ivith a large double eoleimn, tive c itizena including our work- !pear and nmrrb r films, blow of undoubtedly have died. I certain people because the did riot! denunciation of Battle Creek, calling I th•ir hunt:•,s and po,son their fool pe p Y 1 people, i!i t.r,c•: did nut submit,. In one at tit© most to hionable, res I patronize him, and so on to the ri-1 it "a running sore on the face of i A number of manufacturers from' taorants fa Paris, last spring, ai dicelous and villianous limit of all Michigan," because it would not be- other cities, where they have been 1'hc p*i`,lic ah,rulc± ileo rrmearfYr man's life was saved through the, this boycott nonsense, iia trying to come "organized" and pay in dues ', suffering all sorts of indi nities. in tali ,rid i true unions ur cit izrns b"V g 5 s G g N. ;aurid-in the unions and that thi•t pk i i I a,,d quickncwa of one o[ the force people to buy what they 'do! to their labor leaders. The usual convenience and losses from the gen-I r r g,c_-,t.. It appears that a gentle- not want, coarse, villianous epithets common 1rprPcat, the criminal acts of th,hi p man, with three friends, was dining If a man has labor to sell let him to labor, union writers were to oral hell of labor union ate ik•y fellrev menu)t rs, hat tn(ti are nit u picketing, aaults and other' inter In Karl �ornpanr, i rot ane of the small tables, when ai sell it at the best price he can geq, d',Iged in, i frrence, proposed to mole, providlrig );piece of m,-st lodged in his throat lust as he would sell wheat but he has The result was t.o weld public sen- the could be uaranteei protection.' Salt. only burst .sire• c t1rio at trio ice round It Impossible to get rid no right to even Intimate that he timent in Battle Creek far pcotec- y g is honest. wawa+,. tiro; rrni.rn tear, ' of it His trt,•nds to alarm slapped, g I The subject grew in Importance un- is not hart wh• n the crinunala ar - - will obstruct the businer•s, or at-1 tion A citizen s association was, til -'t has reached a plate where at> him on the back, but the unfortun-i tempt its ruin because the+ owner started and mass meetings held 6.nnutice.l, but when y�tr h, it o nt. tate urau bMama black in the faces The unions have become so tyres-1 o bel solute protection can Battle guaranteed inn mar. "holler" I,eie ba rh,+ fact- II will not purchase of him. Good citaaeaa who happened t the citizens of Battle ('reek un. and tell to the floor. P members of. local unions, in some the following broad .and evenly b-al-,a''c' made puhlrr, nx has ".. l«•ct A rwrgeon from the German Hospi- nous and arrogant with thctir despo-F cases quit the unions entirely for, anal . terns which guarantees tu; h nt elf as either ohs• of th• - lot+ tel. who happened to be dining to� there is small need of them there l g brrakera or a gyrnl+athiz?r. en"t the cafe, joshed his way - through; tism that s common citizen who heal the aorkmaq and to the tuantifac Ithir-efore with the trunci or the las _ the crowd s saw at once that ugly, some time to spare and innocently) The wurkinz people of Bat,tle,Creek I turer fairness, justice, .steady wurki br.•ak�l and tlfieh to man was .1•• trig, and if proafpt meas- thiala, he has a right to put a little, are of the highest order- of at-- can and regulartty of output: 'whrtc opportunity off,ts. That i• tires wrro Rcpt taken he wuuld quickly paitit on his own house Ands ke must's mechanics Phe majority err not The new coming manufacturer 1 nnr' r,-ricin empl.ovcra clecline to him• - _succtiimD Ifs or one of the have that paint taken oil and put on; union members, for practically all of agrees to maintain the standard rate _ again by "the urion' or all sorts) the manufacturers have fur years such nirn: waiters to hrin him a small tunnel Of wage paid elsewhere f,,r like cer- t g of dire th'nga happen to him, his I doclined to employ union men .be- Vice under similar conditions. -the-� such as is ised in bottlrrig wine, and employer Is ordered to discharge cause of disturbances about 11 years then, withwit a moment's hesitation rate to, be determined from time to took out a sharp knife, him, his grocer is boycotted if be G ago, aril the union mem now in the time from well withenricated reports A hurt trine ayo iuc[ulry can CUT TEiF. MAN'S 'IFfFt(i.tT; turnishos biro suppliva, his famrty fol- cyty are among the best citizens, from c•ornpettnK titles. The tabulati•cl frou, !hv union forcos t,` !,lio%v luksed and insulted road his wile made) do city in the state of Michigan wage reports issued wry the Govern-IMc PO.t w,.u1d •"k•.c•1t Mill" if th•;, removed the pioce of mt•at, and—the inure miserable than that of a black? pays as f i h averse w Ps as fiat f waiter ha*,inb returned-quickly in- g S meat list+hrtrnent of 'C'ohlinorce an,tjw,iuld call off the boc'cott un I'„�• wrted the funnt•i -in the opening. The Dave before the war. If he drives a tie Creek, no city of its size is as- Labor can also be used to show the)tuni and Grape-.flits. - 1 man was then hastily conveyed to nail to repair the house or barn the' prosperous, and no city has so largo •ytandan[ rate, and it is. expec!M 1 - This is the re+ply .''Th,- tab,,r n•o,r _ f the hospital, when a silver tube was carpenter's "union” hounds him: Ho a proportion of the best grade of later on Shat this go,.ernrnrnt billetlu his s••en lit. to try to iiiin o•ur hu. - k takes a pipe wrench to stop a leak mechanics who own their own homes. .II'li furnish wc%- ly report~ of rhe inserted in the place of the tunnel, in [ and prevent d,1ma.a to his I n, bel co we wnnld int. juin ii> and a few hours later he was pro- g I tit P Su the work people massed togcor labor t the from dpi -when curers. , a property and the plumbers "union"' ,criminal Cuns[pirncy. 11'e err fila+:� nounced o it of danger. does things to him. He cannot put or with the other citizens in the or- so that rise workman when ha i'I knierican citi,.tnis all,[ ,hf or stun: Last July Oliver Ilolrnos, while at fan with the tthe Citizens' %ss and re.t(iy to sell his labor and the ern-j � P •antration Of the Citizens' Associa-; Elite labia union flan 'in that w''• +work nn the Postal lluilding !n New g p plover when he is ready to buy, irtay�d a Lttle mortar to a loose brick on 1, 1 his' chimney or the brick ers, las- o .not i°ice i Pork, one of the modern skyscrap-I terers or hod carriers "union" is UPI constitution: I each have r-suable information as to people to strike, tic;- the market or riling prier, rt, hilycott, assn+ill, hl. w up pr,-- York. was crushed by a mass of nteeli In arms and it he carelessly eats a� Hhereas from 1891 to 1894 the+ perty' ov commit murder. (falling from a derrick. His fellow loaf of bread that has no "union" I strikes instigated by Labor Unions The new' coming manufacturer also - NN"; ,lu not pap thugs S^_ir to hr a',. workmen shouters a Warnini{ to -him label on it the bakers "union" pro-' in ltaStle Crock resulted fn the de aFrce9 to maintain the sanitary and in the ribs of any rnnn who tries but it was too late and he was : ' nil and large sums of r money in wages es that, t[iststatoclRwdgts°ns provided for. by i - �tiplinrt his family nor $ati is - struck down: They laid him on the cm-cis to make lite miserable for him.I struction of Property and lcxs of and to-fefrain frown t" root and sent for the ambulance. so the white slave is tied ha g an oyo•knocked out. ' foot unable to"lift a hand to -better would have poen expended here; and,,anv loc!:outs to reduce wages below I tti•, tip to show our,plain. hipiic•�' When the surgeon arrived he save a Whereas, these acts caused serious',tht• standard; reserving to himself 1 L;t ti for sturdy and iNdeprrxirrtt once that the only chance ot.savin, himsplf or (lo the needful things, damage to the cit and in a marked', rho right to 'discharge any eruPloycu i w„rktilrn by pay'in^ the. high.: ;the man's life was by a speedy oper-I tt'ilhout first obtaining perraisstnd way delayed its progress ro ress at that',tot cause. C Rages in tips state, arson: With the assistance of sever- from some haughty, ignorant and time; and, P g I The Citizens' Association on its t�•c. '[ia�'x. a st,•.Idy, unvarying re- al of the workmen, who brought Lbusivo tyrant of some labor pinion `areas, since. the year 1894 they pert agrees”to furnish, ib such-nuns- I sl,ect for the lath ahiiling peacca'hl,• " dishes of water, etc., Holmes's leg It. would all seem rather like a union inan and a host rarrx t do,i+, was quickly severed, and he was comic opera, if it did not rob people citizens h� been enabled, by public bees as it is possrhle to ol?tain, first then gently carried down to the of their R°edanl; that kind of work sentiment, to prevent the recurrence)class workmen who Will contract to 1 to see him grain *power enough tc street, pub !n an ambulapee, and will not be permitted long in Amer- of strikes and Labor Union distur-I seal their labor at the standard I t,rtrbe the unions of their criminal driven to the hospital. In this in- ica, banes which have - been prevalent price for such peri6d as may be-lie- practices that h•at:Ai .brought. - dowi% , stance however, the operation did Some smooth manat;erg have built elsewhere: and, ed upon, agreeing not to strike, upon thtim the rig•htcons denuncia- sta save the man's o e, as he dyed up the laborh maiist in the last few ., Whereas, the employcro of this city picket,'assault' other worknirn, de- tion of a long'-suffering; and outrage(! nothave steadfastly refused to place the,stray property,.or do any Of fisc. public, ' hut we will not fawn before the journey was over, year§, to'bring themselves money and orkmen, management of their business under;criminal acts common to labor un- truckle, bend the knee, wear • the, power' and by managing ar DO NOT MARRY THE GIRL. have succeeded'in making it possible the control of Labor Unions, but 1 fonism. F.ach workman reserviul; hated enlist of white slavery, the '.Who nags. for them to lay dawn the-law in have maintained the highest stand- himcrlf,.,the right to quit work for union,. la'wl, nor prostitute out some cities and force workmen and and of wages paid under like condi- cinise, and the Citizens' Associatiori American citii.rnwhip vndir "orders" 'Who is Lazy, w further pledg. of any latter trust. Who Is a flirt. citizens do "obey" implioitly, strip- tions any here in the-United States, es its mru11-1 to Ilse. Who cannot control her temper. ping tbem right and left of their find hereby unanimously declared its •ass6ciated power to onfor•erp the you offer to remove the restriction their intent to continue such policy'; coinracts between et�.lployer and em- on our biisiness and with "union" Who is not neat and fpidy in her liberties. and the em love9 of this :Ity', a largos t - P gold c•lioke. `the throat and still 'the p , . p uyee and to act er,uinsse to a.hold :dressy, They have used boycotting, picket- Percents a of whom Ow•n homes and!thr'law at all times. voice raisxd in st,rn denunciation ' Who is deceitful, dd not,true to assaults, dynamiting of proper- 1 g ucated her friends. ty and murder .o a under conditions of peace and the Who fusses, fumes, and fidgets dors and tui° the people. They have Itattle t'rrek will not. start under neath an :run Atod heel, the freddom gone fat enough to order the. Presi= w'ek]esrRed pre�s[x+city cpf steady cin- any 'so!'t of laiior nnieti drimination of our brother's. about everything, loyment, have steadfasfly maintain- Whose highest aspiration has never dent to reiitove certain citizens from s(1 their right as tree American esti- whatso ever, but will maks irnin'ic{tt- You would gag' us with .a silver soared above self. office because the "Unions" weren't ven5 to work without the dictation at cnntrncts tvitli each rnitlluy're: bar and inutile the appeal 'to ' the Who is amiable to suitors and -Pleased, and tyranny of I,nhor Union leaden, th(se nn(I guts brio fair anal odes. American people to harken to the "horrid" to her family. ThaL means they propose to make the bitter experience of - the past tahlr. and g'uur,;:ufxrd on both sides. trios •for bread °f the little children Whose chief interests in life are •the law of the uniows, replace the ofterini; sufficient reason for a deter- Tbiis from the abuses of labor ur1- t�hoee ;aithiul fathers were heateii :dress and amusements. law a[ this government and.the un- mined stand for irecciom; and, if�n aryl their in=nn,, efforts to ruin to death pepsic striping to earn foot) Who lacks thrift', and has no idea ion-loaders dominate even the chief of the'value of money. Eaecutivct, Whcoil the a)jt-ct h Of the ctite evrryonc who docs not ''onlay" hits flu t r b - ' vers on this subject hci.9 brru the e�'nipvc] this plan •.which rrpl:u'ry the Your boycott uiiap perhaps sec Who cannot bear to hear but her- This is a government of and for self rained or admired. 1 and no or anicatfon or means . of [nv,r r}in peacrfnl condi- olrl conditions of iniusticx, leo):outs, wo l- in t.h-di our people out of P the people g tions and cipiitinuous prosper—t.y in sl,rikes, violane"'; less Of 1`011m' and wr>rk and di icing us from•business. Wh'o never thinks that her mother trust shall displace it. But the un- nds an outing, 'amusement, or a marl,d contrast to the Conditions. property,. nr,d gvm•rul. int.±pretrial hut, y-Ou a„nnot wrench from us that ions try it every now and then, led existing in vUu•r ritirs suffrning from tcrtrf3re: and itl;%iq urates an era ui Pricrle�fi ,icRrl 'our fathers fought change. [,y desperate men as shown in their the dict atiun of '1'rntlos L ninnicn): it pelfect .irn)nnc;• arltl fairn•rs be- fur and whirb every true son' guards Who humiliates servants by snap- defiance of law and silPport, of inn' i9 then, tWcco employer and cmplovel% . a with, his life. Thrtretore, speaking ping at them or criticising them be- breakers. fore gilests. Resr,lvetl, that t.ke Continuance ,rf,st,irdy cimtiuuance of rn ill, and for nnr work people and ourselves - r Who dresses in the height ,of fash- The "union" record of assaults, liar of men and even womrli' Peace caul pro-prrii.y in itat.tle Crock rgilsvi{irr.nt 111'oslwrity'. )lir entire the inrollirms ufier is dcclinvd." !on when going out; but does not cripP g , (-an bo Illaitrtat1)rc1, and t.hc (losiruC-'eonlmunit.p plcvitrd by publii scuts- - FOSTU3f CI-RhAL CQ., LTD. Carcihow she looks at home. and children, destruction of property tic.i work (,f oillAdx intrrfrren r'Runt. And gpriv:rt" :lct tO- re.;t,ur- t.ip Who always comes to the-breakfast and murder of American citi?ens der av-oi(lorl under the r.onhinr(C effort rRclr ulrn1 his m), ixnj. right to i Kahle late and eros in.an old wrap- ing the past 2 years is perhaps 1(1 nn(d action of all our.people. by fit(-. "[„•act, a •crinin an,t iho pursuit "ui formation of a Citi>clls Associali.tlll,: 11;>l�P9n,ss.." -; oer or dressing-jacket, with her hair times the volume ofecown snddiii-ing The I'ostulll Core an have is curl papers, and who grumbles 'perpetrated by it cprh,ll Citi iv will fv. rlrivrn 10 [n•o- Company sigttts}j; ('ti\i;"1'1'1't1'PIO\, ' �,nrlp contract icer spa-cc in this scOld§'at everything chid every any two years Pret'ions t•o the rips)' �trr•. !heir a;orh Ire,+pjr, ui••rchtinlsi , anunonit�, war. We are in a horrible period of _ fol Wlrirh they have a I ht to under the cleft 'un f; cil'iv ins 1a' ai ll ns .Ihr r inlns- i:ri !' everything she can on her lethargy, which permits us to stnnrl " ariirlc 1.—\nu r. ; t cit: frt,ui Ili• hl;, ,.i .�'ri!.r;, pie-1 u;, for :uuiounerntent..s of i;icts surf - then: opor htk l,at she may make a good idly by while our ,lmerPan riti�e, s ArtirL+ '_,.-f)hirr!s +r:liri >lrs; Such user-cloys nut• nrxrw he hear ) jrri l nrr nlr;j tLr ) .so-,•.; hrilil Irt',ni by 1 I. w'nrm hip -,.•ince, whilst her mother is are abused, crippled nnr[ murderer) tri' -il ed to etch an•d do app for her- do•rens nnr) hundr-Is Iii an on,;i;aniva-' First.—'I'u insnr,•, s•t fur as i,r+s•ihl.•, 1nho1• uninn�;;u1 inn nninrlc, Iii, ;±�lupl;, `;crus°1l•u•',v ipith it any editorial lure. . q p tion nr trust, hai'ing for iIs purpose,, a perwancnl condition of'prarr, prus- int: Ili., "tlatllr C'rri•k pinnT," but u1. scif.old cloaks, gowns and hornets. EARLY CLOSING.` - CURE WAS QUICK Aules of the Recently-passed Act ^. iA Scotland. AND PERMANENT ' 4 w .. _ -- — ---_If amen living in Glasgow or Ed- ti , inburgh wishes to obtain alcoholic refreshment after ten o'clock at DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS SOON night he trust either purchase a rail- way ticket or a scat at a theatre. DROVE AWAY RHEUXA- TO :•. - UP till last May the closing time for TISX AND DROPSY. 1, Public houses in those cities wasShirt waists and daintyi w �` !�G eleven o'clock, but since then a re- � Gently-passed .act has made it com- -Case of a .Windsor Dylan Who Suf- linen are made delightfully Ptllsory for them to shut up at ten. fered Two Yearn Before he Dis- "When the new rule was first es- clean and fresh with Sun- tablisfled,"' said a police official, covered the Right Remedy. ' the regular di•itrkurs resented it, light Soap. la6B We can handle your poultry •lthae 4nd out of sheor bravado they drank Windsor,. Ont., Feb. 6.-(Special). 6B or •-mere than ever, with the result: that Row' quickly Rheumatism- and OULT dressed. to best• advantage. we got an increased number of Dropsy can be cured when the right Nu Breakfast Table PY Also your butter, eggs, honey alb charges, medicine is used.is shown in the'ease Complete Without other produce, a. "Sonic of them would sin' bring of Mr. Jno. McDonald, a retired EPPS)S THE DAWSON COMMISSION .CO.._ Limited. - the 'police a whiskey round in'front o, farmer living at 130 Langlois Oot: Weirt Market and Colborne !O TORONTO. the police office, drink their contents, Avenue here. Mr. McDonald- says: and then srna_sh the bottles on the l "For- two years I was troubled s pavement in defiance. The natural with Dropsy. My legs were terribly .. eflee't of the ten o'clock closing, how- swollen, and though I•tried many ever, is now Showing itself, and in medicines nothingave me any re- admirable food, With all _the last three months we have had a lgf•evfJtill I boxes ried.D hdns[..Ku y red Pills, fitted to health,build and tural s m intact,ream steady �liminutio❑ of charges. P and maintain A R e, "In 1903, ;or October, November, completely' N ' N p etcIy that I have had no re- - and the first three weeks of Decem- winter's extreme cold. It is ber, the number of cases were re tarn of the diseases in years," a valuable diet for Children' Rheumatism and Dropsy are caul- O ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN • We are the COC spective2y 311, 274 and 212. For ed b the T the eurrespending period in 1904 the y poisons disordered kid- . eys fail to strain out of the blood. figures were 291, 231 and 167..These H . sole- owners and licensees of all patents and figures speak themselves. The effect`Cure the Kidneys with Dodd's on the condition of the streets at Kidney Pills, and the cured OArights on. niglt'ts, too, is most satisfactory." Kidneys will remove tate cause. . seriourallus o1 the publi ans not unnat- of Life Rheumatism or I Topsy. The Most Nutritious Mary o - � • W' thout cause there can be no dis and Economical. t 'Thea plain. They point out the ori Ieasy, 7 v d Famous ' inconvenience and discom-J _.__..._ _ - • fort occasioned to visitors. In some - f _ .. - 'of the establishments takings have "?`fate is money, they say," re- TUBULAR, * r��� ` A sunk Z20 to 1:80 a week, HEROIC DEED RECALLED. marked the chronic loafer. "Nell, � CREAM 5 E PAATO R "'Ther are only two instances - maybe it is," reioiued the village U Death of Captain Castle, of the publican, "but it it's all the samewhere one can get drink here now, after ten," said a Scotsman at Glas- Sa2'ah Sands. to you I wish you would spend a ;gow. ."-They are the railway stations There has Just died in England little more money hero and a little In violation- of our Canadian Patents, an imitating cream it yo,,l are a trawler, and the thea- Captain John Squier• Castle, the less tiuPe." separator called the "Uneeda" has in sorn,e localities been oft fres, wh?re, if you have taken a i heroic messier of the Sarah 'lands, - _ fered for aale and suite at law are now pending ac,Pfst tho - seat, you can get several till the cur-(at the'age of eighty-two years, In IPileTo prone wton mat, tie munWaeturers thereat. Under the law a USI•JR of these in- tain falls. Mary of us, hard driven an hour of ave peril, when hun- t C�aa■Ointment Is acertals 1by necessity,after ter: o'clock, have dreds of lives dept•uded on his Cour- y► and every ce core for eacY fringing machines is also liable for all damages resulting to th,- tmd every Term of StchilP< patentee throe Ibr•eu compelh•tt To tYPtnrSa some per- at e, ce;olness ar.d resourcefulneea he hleedinitandprocrndiay piles Arh his use thereof We hereby inform yoil that tion of London melo4franias." played his part manfully. lie was in the mennfactar•s»have ruaramteedil• uter I in buying ,si ImootalsInthe dally press andask your neljh or taR one of these so-called "UNLT1tA"charge of of the transport Sarah Sands l tore whatt6ey think ofrL You can use st and tore you not only get a very fair riot separator, inra{ral;lt of WOULD PROVE A HINDRANCE bound from.Portsmouth for Calcut- rot our mono]hack rt roc cured roc a hex.at tai when she caught fire in ti°vem-�J]�ealeraor yai+sox,BaTtsaCO-Toronto :'giving you such results as you phould have, but you bu`• a last TO FA:tDQ IMPROVEMENT. ' Dr's C1'lase's Qintrhanf suit with all its expensive attendance and with a practical car. b<-.r, 1857, when about 4r n miles � _ If th cirorts of certain parties art from Mauritius. There .tete on tatnty of the early loss of tae machine and a verdict of heety successful, the farmers of Canada board about 300 rank and file of the tyuuld W01 huve to lace a very unjust and 1 54th regiment, under Iae'Pt -col. you oulige me," swirl the damages against you, turdea.,orne lax. A movement is on Moffatt, and a number of ^-omen reporter, who gets novel interviews, lout to have fence wire, which has? an 1.children, and the ship aleto coir- „b,yt telling me what book has help for a number of years been admitteri tied large quantities of Governmen;!ed you most in your life?" After TFl$t you may be fully Informed on the pnto-the country duty free, put on I stores. I a thoughtful pause the great man - th- dutiahle list. 'The On November 11th, in the early answered: "My bank book," subject before becor �inin Involved write to grades sought to b,, affe(tcd th are galvanized botirs of e afternoon, the cargo In w• I i the after huld as found to be on - Pros .r lly Aire No a 12 a -d are, and all e8'or£s to get at the; The Sharples Separator Co., wa3$t Ghent@f't Pan V.$.A.' 1!rartically trove of these are made seat of the trouble stere in vain. when j in t'auada, and since enormous fft+ar:titir_t .arc used-eacti year m re- all efforts had proved unavailing some one onboard asked what would �. tp�: _ , - j . ': --Inquiries may also be made} from our seises-tors. p.a,ung tho primitive rad structures be their fate if the powder, in ,the an,; vixclostng prairie faruts, the in- magazine 'were affeced Volunteers M -- ` Nary that a duty would Impose, upon came forward, and amid the dense - ��t�si' -- �]>�lI�!^,` T+�POt1t0, �1n. - he rural community could not be smoke and flames they managed to P Spence ■ ■ n can. reatirly estimated. clear away all the powder except - __ Since the adaPissron of wire duty ttto barrels, which- could not be tree. Canadians have enjoyed the reached. btrtt'fivE of cheap fencing of a very The boats full bf women and chi)and Macistrate =iatrat's this � many T;OR yaLF:-LAND �UITr►F31,r: i 0R - charged with? Officer-Av ye mane) trust and da,ry farming a, the d :rahle I itrrl. This has not only dren ,were lowered by the troops and c h I:,•t edify, .a, to C'Ana,tn, ❑o easily improved the .aprpr.araace and sailors who reuPained on board P waL s he loaded with, yer }Soars,I Apply to J, c:, liar;ollum, alu.r n %Muni of hiirwre,ly of farm houses, fighting the Gre. (lne o! the barrels t 'Of think 'tis moshtly whiskey an' Arw. A L. her it has a,hh•tt immensely to tho of- .powder explodtd tearing a hole t the desks o' thot. __._.._ m wforiv of winter tra-vellin>; over in the hull and spreading the flames .... 1AN1T(l,B4 ISt 1'ii 0V F:P k'A fi Af - fu;Kls that .were formerly very often 'throughrrr O•er%rrty veer. lands for sal, all located ,n h� ' the stern. After twenty- Wit- A,v+ er•f3o cru oda 5ra:rnr n. tri: , N tw41r •.t �I r:c't I}n- w,ui.% in,pasyi!,le tin accoutPt of snow block- four ho4Prs' work they were success- r i.•.of moon,r,nor tnei-eeaamn .or° t 111•; \ ,s the r,.,n ,:f Star iiul,n anrt dries. To put a check upon this I ful in extinguishing the flames, lean- iaoo n.•tia n.:a,.orr.o,w<rrftuww.l:ar•v+.� a,. l the t nrou,e• Sz •t^nes ,r th. dander, of w.edaollc,rereJw e„tna•toaweh•oa o�.rab,.,,., , �, Cha lourrM inrpr•ovvine-nt by a tax that ing -the vessel a mere shel'1. A storm t.ar•meerwr L.rrt.-& r..otr a,.a•., ,,, gal<: at rc�s antis,: Tb,,,,c aar�:gon re�.r,i IoW ,1rty,suu,Awu lite," F :•ould work ,niv injury to the rural added to the difficulties, but the pr snow: fire wdrld basata.,1 termtl, all local+d near marwetr, Rchoois rider lda.WUaLe+•ehOOrdipuOY,t11P.' J1 .rLand church,", for bats 411141 fur-x,{,un iutiowithout brtP yefit to any boats were picked up and the cos9el - th r , arrived safely at Mauritius, r particulars to Lha 5ou,;n vullca iithet class of the people would be. "I don't see how you cam stand Land Company, Watactr,nsa, Nlantcoba lnafe:•d a svi iou's matter. Tietsides _ ♦ the horrible fickleness of your c.lim- - Wt.rkinq-an injury to the -farmer, OVERLAND TFIA,;Cl2AP11. ate." '''Sir, what you call fickleness FEATHER DYEING - the i,mee_Pnnnufacturinq industry It is not generally knotrn that there :I• we admire as versatility." el••uln &ado i wool(l be demoralized. To increase las•a4 pe, a %be cr,&pla rnae Is. a. telegraph ecru's the southern 1�� ��•ret blr•e•4 Is e•y sa w M•P ptses y the rot of wire, both fence, prod-tic.- 'desert' lands of the Anstralian con- Iftiard's Liniment Corea Diphtheria, oily trot tend cocsumption would be re- tiaent of ?.,000 miles in length, and - VVE11110-OIL tloaiaLL - -lit;,cti1, arr(l farmers everywhere which runs partially through an un- Butcher--What can I do for you, tth o'.rg•hout Canacia would be hin- inhabited country and long tracts of mum?" Young wife-(trying to give1�EF:P SOIL (-RAIN :1ND GRASS deed in making'improvements upon a waterless desert, While it was herself the. , air of a veteran)' "One farms for sale; near Yorktrpn, their farms. being 'construct ed over-2,000 tons of ) --- pound of beef sausages, but without Assiniboia; on crop.payments. Jacor: materials had to be carried far into bone, please," Armstrong, 4 ]tic2,aond street omni, First •Tlrtrglar—Did you make a the interior, and many of- the iron . "Toronto. big haul last night?" Second Burg-I and wooden'piles were conveyed 400 « f� Lover's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- Ilar- Pidn't .get a thing; somebody miles. --A-recent report- says that P*nt0 ant Soap Powder Is better than "I wend,r wh had been t here befgre me." First the wear and tear of this telegraph other powders, as it Is both-soap and y people always R'urt`lar-' That.'s just it; competi- construction has been n incosiderable, disinfectant., speak of the P:arth as ehe?" "It'y - 'tion 'is killing our business." but diere'is-great dilPPculty found in natural enoi)gh. Nol,orly kn•,w� ex- supplying the stations across the Duster-Don't you ' believe , {h,, actly what her age is '- Vinard's Liniment Cures Colds, kC desert with operators. �� �� world owes you a living? Rustler- ' • fres, but the trouble is it won't pay Mioard'sLiuimeal Cures Gorget in Cows •jt DRE:IDED LUXURY.' POR'F,R CjIpIGFIT, up, and I have to work to collect � - - _ the money. - •., , Pul,lic schools in England fifty The extraordinary . resuscitating r'entloman in Cyr (]-"Now Sir, l.cars ago were not adapted to lux- power of light recently received a Cordov"a' ' lwhat are you doing, with your hand 111"... or even to daily comfort. Orfs curious, illustration in the silver in my pocket'?- ,old"old hey," Nth, writes about Up l lnims at Laurium.� A mine had been Person-"I3eg pardin sir, tilhnr•r Pingliani, which-teas founded in •thei abandoned 2,o0Q yefsrs, aftd the seed' The publisher of the best Farmer's ltebsence of mind, sir. Von set T time of Queen Elizabeth; and had I of some poppies funs , ghd tipeneath Used in H.B.K. Mitts, Gloves paper in.the Maritime'provinces in risen fairy crlebrit} under th'e master- life slab of a refer «hich had dis- writing to us states: Yours " p. and Dioccasins—lou h as wllaie- of Eduard Thring, say=s that appeared. for twe'uty 'centuries. The. g "I would say-that I do not know �inard's Liniment 11�$S Bistemper the doruritorics there had concrete slab being removed, ,in a short time bone,flexible,soft,pliable,scorch- of a medicine that has stood the M U ...,floors and were delightfully cool in the entire spate was covered with proof, wind-proof, boil-proof, test 'of time like MTNARD"S LTNI - —•- -- surniner. •'In winter, however, they the mosE gorgeous show of!poppies. MENT.. It has.been an unfailing ro- AIi�I:N'P-\TTN7.},E�, were of. an arctic temperature, for Alter their twenty centuries" rest crack-proof, tear_proof, rip-proof, inedy;.in,our household ever since I can remember, and has outlived Mr•s, Schoppi•lr - "I Tow]! five ;here were no fires, they, had.bloomed as vigorously as -cold-proof, almost wear-proof pounds of st:gar, r*l,:asc,' - One i•cr nt of,the week' was sure to j sten without air or nater, down of would-be competitors and !quse in the boys a wave, of indig-I certainly the greatest leather imitations.'' ( nor-er-"Yos'm; anyt'hinc r•lse�" Cant hi,rrur. This %las the appear- ever used in mitts and gloves. htrs, Schoppcn—No, t.hn:'s all; true of clean sheets, which, being of i Japan has a history extonding I'll take it with me it it isn't. too ctrcr, �,,:,un years• Like buckskin 1t is tanned darn, always telt like ice. heavy a-pnckatge:' " o one who was at Uppinghatn at without-oil, hi buckskin it is. Grocery-"O1r, it'll only W,•igh three `thgt rieriod- Gari ever h&ve, forgotten not porous, it is wind proof-will ENTERPRISING JAWS, or four pounds, ma'am.'• •,he accents u4th which the first boy "tradesmen to get into bed would announce, outwear three buckskins, Some of the Japanese - - "Chsan Sheets!" in the smaller towns of Nippon hate• - ' "Pinto" Mitts. 'and Gloves la curious.way, of-advertising.. theli' La grippe, pneumonia, and ivtlu "r1lP: I say, yon fellows,'^ he' was business. On their right f°rc-arn.s enza.o€teu leave a nasty cough- . :•moor: likely to call, 'look at'this!" never crack or harden, never get g - :'R'hy, what's up')" ' sodden are always warm liabl' th,,v tattoo fignres>-;> shocmakre, _ when.tlwy'ro.gone. "(:lean straw, by all .that's horri-I ' 3. ',p e, a shoe; the'woodcutter,-an axe; t h.: It is a dangerous thing to mcgiect. ole! a nly! flow cold it is!" soft and comfortableliutcher, ar• cleaver. - Undern,la,th. Cure it with - "('lean st'raiv! Yoii d'on'e meati-it., . Sold at all dealers but never with- these emblems are such itiscriptinl,s ���!`t • p �. "It i�1, tlroogli! as, "I d0 my wol'k modest)y :trod- Shiloh s out-this s brandgood .at n,y e +'t gh, , _: _/ cheaply," or, .,I am fellows.- �.®I�aSIAmptio-1 -- 'i'hrre was nothing to do but fP�r trade as most of my fellows." S4h,�n nth boy to sit. on his pillow, wrap ' they are looking fpr w.corlc t)3ty Dare- bis feet, carchrlty in the tail of his I g • their arms, and walk about the Cure 'The umG , nightshirt, wi(1 so, cm:lerl_up like, an. trect.__ ynrnrgnite, to ,cll'p clown graduallyh u>• _ �_ .. _ - The cut'e that is uarantccd b Ander the clot hes. Then, drawing 1'ay y • e r� r g y t rtco p�,•• Bell (romantic)--WOUITI you mar- your druggist. thent 6vo, Fois head, he would soon 9rtt n nu Buse r< ss d ry a man bpcausq h{ yeas_rich?' Prices: S.C_wsr. c L- , hra•rl •nl:1341 a r 9s, CnaY HUD �C.n. _. br t R n 1 blmvinq long, rn.it'�he pu Ira h, SOR BAY KNITTING CO. N,,Il (cynical -"No, T woul(In't; hut• 25c•50c $1 LeRov.N.Y.Toronto.CAn. d tont,sold o8U ) 44 -norm bre,rths to raise the tempera- _ Montreal - Winnipeg Dawson g T might refuse to mtarry a man be- lure. cause he wasn't rich." ISSUE NO 6-05 „ay'.'.:?'^,. Y 'S Ary�i.. �. .a1 -�`:,f,e,, .�,y,:•-y,�`%L-,� k P ,,rc,s�tffi.'t34. 'P _ - rZ^.'-i,:.,�. Yi.Y.fS 1am•r— - y TT, �A -J. H. Bundy was_ in the -John Field has purchased e r b a g e u In , cit on Tuesday. from J. H. Wagner his black H . -Miss Annie V('ard is on a vie,it horse "Darks.' till(! - - to;her former ' school-mates in -The Rei'. C. Smith, of Mark Brougham. W_ ham,sustained his reputation on - -The official Board of theMeth- Sunday last in the Methodist ' H _. �^t H LOCALISMS. " odist churobb evening ill meext at 8 o'clock arly preacher.logtHistdiscousrse,in ++• :The (old Reliable the evening, -The Gospel , on e e in the basement. was in the city Wings", was es especially good. Mr. -W. All -Those delivering - Rood. toPe y np- town are making the best use of Smith is a nephew of one of the ' ' •on. Tuesday the excellent sleighing which celebrated authors of England, Y` JSto C' k ,' FO O b Mre. R. A:• Bell was in the we have at present. viz.,the Rev. J. Jackson V6 ray. b ' ,city on Saturday last, Jan, -A meeting of the RKblic Li- ti -The Sacrament of the Lord's a BORN.-On Saturday, 7 ar Makes your stock thrive and your. 28th, the wife•of R. C. Stork of a evening r till b she d on n Fri- the Methodistbeh r cch11nexteSun- hens.lay. g a son. Batsman's office. A full 'erten- day morning at the close of the g ..-Miss Mina Philips, of Brough- Only one place to get it. a '. am, is visiting with Mrs. W. G. dance is required to close up the re Rev. service. Moore, The pastor, e - Ward. , year's business. i� -We regret to report that Mr. - Mr.- R:' Tabor, of Condie, preach from the words, "It is fin- u M Chapman John Leslie still continues in very And., was vlr foga few�ayG' ishe'-�ajor�CCoopereRnd Lawyer m 1T1T - poor health. - -'_ m. Geo. Corbin was in the 'Mr. success of has a in chis vis tedcQue ne.Victtoria Court,tNo• city visiting hes husband who ed g Western hone. He, inten us in the hospital• ds re- 314, and installed the newly elect- is -Dr. Henry will be hitiated one new ere asusu- turning about Holl ntsh adt who has membeed r. Afterrs and whichthe ladies - al next Tuesday to attend to his g. H e r b a'g e u m. ' reuted professional duces. * been in the employ of the Bennett served a splendid su}r vi !n Dale's - _W. E. Vanstone shipped a orf g�ednesdayfor 1efci=t�Vinnipeg. Hall, pretuithe s-0. F. the ihold ng of carload of cattle from Pic�ket'inn others lie secured a good" situp their meetangs in the -future. •A Station on Monday' ei,_ tion, having charge of the it lot of nen blood ha gone into the Woolens Reduced 1•T -A number of our young 1,. -2 Prises O ply .took in the skating carnival cry in a large wood-working es- Foresters' ranks here I+telt' at Brongham-last nig tatbii.-hrnent. fir„ .Guernsey'6 15c, SQc,90c, fur 85c. —8G. Andreas'=Sunl3ay Schr4o] —A meeting o2 Li1e members of Greenwood. Me ; 1>rawci >'. ?�'�r• ir!r'• for'65c, Reduction on Patent \iedicrnes will hold their -annual social on the toRnul,ip council and the pu- 25 per bottle. the evening of friday the 1"th. lice trustees of Pickering village P. Oi 6s has a horse,very si k with �1en's uuernsk•y's 41.c, fN-,o � u far 4- P' ' ;nHamination, Ladies Underwear 60c. �'�, fur 4Cc. was held here on .Monday after-i Miss Katie `itewa,t '., bolidaving _ Inst. _ Sze, complete for ,Sc•. —.Mrs. Geo. Rorke, of Thorn- noon, for the purpose of'meeting under the po*-ntal loaf, bury. spent a few days daring Jlessr Beaton c� Evans. the re Ir'_ Hardware 11i�s hate�Urile.r, of Pickering Cul• 1 } i�r gallon can full AmFrican oil$LZA the past week with friends ip presentatives of the Toronto and le e . ,nq Sunday with bar parents' ���, Logan Pickering. f=ork Radial Electric Railway Co. �;, �eelby attended the Funeral of —Mr. and Mrs. Chas: Doan. of to discs,=s the Various clauses of h- mother at Claremont on �1�•❑day. r;ewmarket, were the guests over the prop were spent t n discub About «wine day on business. Toronto ,Tn Sunday o£ W. V. and Mrs. Rich- P Nir. li,j'den. of c(.4umbur. visited _ u - See > ardson. and other Pickering the rartuitu details, but these• F L. Greene rerently, QU • S these friends. i_ practically` no new develop- k i p y P A number .,f our citizens visited (,-.J - meets since our last issue. The R hicby on Monday night to attend - —Clarence Reazin, of the T. ' t Specials ! Eaton Co., returned to the city on Company . axe asking for a ten Chas, Calder's procession. They all i Wednesday, after -spending a y'ear's exemption from taxes, but re tt having had a glorious time. _ q per. and firs. W. ;4damson. of Bal- week with his parents, W. J. this clause the council is opposed' M _ p - and Mrs. Reazin. to granting, So far this clause is sam are visiting fllend9 here. lOup Loss+ i our Gain The harp eating of ice has common• -Sleighing on our public road about the'only one, wherein the ced in this vicinity, was never better than at present, two parties cannot agree, Mise Calvert has returned to her „ 1 String(only; belle, reg $1,50 for $1.00, there being sufficient snow for -The magistrate's court to in- home in Pickering after visiting 1 String (only` bells, reg $1.25 for-85c. _ good sleighing and none too much quire into the conspiracy and -friends here. - - 2 Arctic Buffalo'Robes, reg. $8.00 for$7.00, to impede traffic. perjury charges against Messrs. M Greeson was in Brougham on 2 Horse Blankets, reg. $1.25 for 90c. -While Mr John Axford was Stanley, Law, Squires and Van- Mnaday and Tuesday, auditing the I Coaster Sleigh, reg. $1.25 for 90c. stone, was resumed on Monday towaah,p books• '1 Sleigh, re L5c for 18c. - driving some cattle to the station Mid Tonkln. of Toronto, has been g g' _ lfor shipment oa Monday, a valu afternoon. T. C. Robinette, C• C• hoiida in under the parentalroof. able steer became wild and subse- Robinson, of Toronto, and Col. y gg p 5dm Waddell has been visiting .....at J. $. Bun(1y+s.....— quently had to be shot. Farewell, of Whitby, were pies- friends here. -As no one has yet taken up sant and spoke in behalf of.. their Miss Campbell, of Enfield, n nt a the milk business in the village. respective clients, the last named fen daps wltb Rev. E. A. and MrR' Mr. Stotts, for the convenience of conducting the prosecution, Mag- •Tonkin his former customers, will contin- istate Parker. in summing np the Miss Edith Plaakitt, of Whitby, ve on the route every second day evidence, stated that in bis opin s rt .ti few days with her uncle here, for a short time• ion, there was not sufficient evi rpiakitt s Gerrie SeTddn and Mira Brien, - - ' —Mr. ,Frank Smart leaves Bence in support 'of the larges of «Kirby. spent Friday with Mr. f bhortly for the North-West. We to warrant a committal, and as and Mrs. J. Seldon. + will be sorry to loose him for a sm ssed, a the charges thi vicetr P.ext Sunday, Feb. bth, is sacra• Mince coming to the village he has dismissed. Whether this dro msec Sunday here in the Met htxiiec .IL.� g[J■ iv✓;G - - Take ®ads many friends who will re the matter or not remains to church. A' IxrRe number Is expected , ti ;gret his departure. seen from the different congregations: -The Friends held their quar- ---The following is the report Mr. Footer, of Myrtle, vraa here terly meeting in their Meeting- of the junior department of the buM,n b r"w M LocustondaHill, was House here on Sunday last, when Pickering public school, for the here buying hogs on Tuesday. - School Supplies. _ a large number were present month of January—Sr. 2nd-F. Mrs Geo Bone was in Hampton on Burlins, from Norwich, Newmarket, Mar- Woodruff and A. Brrch (even7MW,rdneeday on business. Zephers, - iposa and other pointe. L Allaway, V. Vanatone, T. Annan. J. Seldon has received his farm vAndilusioas, _ --We regret to report that Geo. E. Moore. M. Scott, L. Bennett, back from Harry Tucker, He intends ` he C. Palmer.-Intermediate 2nd.- running it himself. Harry has rent - ]Embroidery Sflks, Corbin was compelled to go to t General Hospital, Toronto, last g;Winter. E. Gordon, E. Rogers, ed a farm in Reach. 15i}kenes week to undergo" an operation W. Murkar, A. Every. B. Moore, and New Rug Patterns for appendicitis. We under- L. Moore,F. Bennett, G.Allaway, to be bad at stand that his condition has been G. Haney, C. ftnssnel), A. n - [ very serious. no r T. O'Connor.-Pt. tad-F. - " •-Claude and Mrs. Field, enter- Bunting sad C. Rogers(even)R. i.tncl a large number of friends Brokenshire,T.Rurch,X.Bennett. � . • - at the I•esidenoe--cf e a .-2st=--�Rtlenell,-�_ Lis-- - e7-r-s °- Pickerin- . .. Parents, C.' and Mrs. Dillingham coumb, L.Stotts and R. Shirley, - '' BUUYle,_ - �' on Fridy evening last. A most {even) J.Clark, R. Rankin and R. plesmant evening was spent in Banks (egen) C. Sanderson. Doctors first prescribed " ting and games. -Jr. lat--A. Bundy, R. Wood- Ayer's Cherry Pectoral over - -Quite a number of the ardent ruff, C. Usoombe, G. Found. D. eo Pun �• They use it � Conseratives of the village went Davidson, B. Stewart.---Class A- "ay mon than ever. se - - io Whitby an Monday evening to C. Gordon, M. Clark, G. Winter, 'Ch � ca p"cipate in the celebration of I. Murkar,-J. Moore, S.Rossiter, Vere their reoent.victory. A number V. Moore.—R. Doyle Teacher. f �a - also from Claremont and Brough- -The annual business meeting pectoral am passed"lilzrough the village on of St. Andrew's Congregation Keld a similar missiob. in the lecture roomofthe Church rely upon {t for colds,Coughs, ' We have on hand'a good variety to sell•at reasonable prices' -Mr. Frank Sleep will hold an on Thursday evens the.24th ult. auction sale of his farm stock and was very well attended. The fl- bronchitis, consumption. Our Saskatchewan Robe is the only one that has the weight, which Implements on Wednesday next. uncial report for 1904 showed a fa- They will tell soil how it. necessary to keep out frost. i Mr. Sleep has a fine herd of regia- yorable balance after all engage-. hells inflamed limos. ; ' -IN•- 'tered horses and cattle, equal to ments'were met. The snm raised •'I ball a vary bad�y Tor three yearn, any in the county, which he will by the congregation for the mss- ��t..•"e'°.oApses.loe°a°aoc� h my sore R. 'A, BUNTING. dispose of. ; Intending purchas- Sion schemes of the Church wasd'"i ��revue.autade centre.Tz ere should write Mr.• Sleep- for a the largest in ite history. The ,•c ,�„ 0-: catalogue of his registered cattle, Women's Foreign' MiiAcinary So- !d6ru"�.0 r--- .11. arc'• As Mr.Sleep leaves shortly for ciety, The Ladies' Aid Soliety, �Or '* the North West, where hehas and' the Sunday School, all pre Old Co 4ghs purchased' Mr. W. Miller's outfit, rented excellent rcp�rts. The - - everything must be sold without retiring managers Mr. J. Murkar the slighest reserve. and Mr.Deverell•- were re-elected ono Ayer' acttaafa nextoming. —On Friday last as Mr. Bennett for another term. After the bus __—_. ___----_— 'was driving on Eliiabeth Street. iness meeting a social hour was ' to -a a� near his}rouse,his cutter upset in spent, 'the ladies hgving provicb Q soH Nm ', � •N ,� iA' � Slan'ket� one of the snow-banks. The horse ed tea and refreshments which V. aao "° - • succeeded in getting away; and were much.enjoyed by all. •i adep °� C m after'runAiug up -the street, turn- -At the meeting of the county stor S a :- ed up Linton Ave. where it was .council last week our representa- 0 0, ear m� d0 pairs of double blankets. ° cantered, The cutter was corns- tive, Mr. Poucher, ,was elected 0 ells m -' w Extra large, heavy cotton fleeced. what damaged, but after spend- warden by the-vote of 8 to 6. 1t s y sdv �'° Special price to clear them out.. inn a few days in the care of Mr. was then noticed that tbrough o F ,•n a» „ b M 1 Ham, is able to be out again. The inadvertanee, the motion electing w 41 qeg w `t horse wsa elightly-scratched, and Mr. Poucher was not in order 'of s O a•r „� C a r - the harness needed some ivpaira. his nominRtion,`and' as a cone- o =0n Tuesda evening, a tare "'� 7° ` y g, fi quence,the chairman decided that O O .a number from the different-con. hierelection hxd not been'°proper- -;4 a;; o"a Aa co'� °D°e�". �otw¢d regatione o!the Village-asa�m- ly made. Although 'ii r. Poucher o� 9� c,po� x�.; a g - bled in St. Georges Church to was fairly elected, he refused to N a a� $� -- - - • bear the the lecture given by Can. u sept the position. Aa a result s b ' o o s S 2 ad t_ be Dixon on "The Passion of of this clerical error. 1!!r. Gibbs =p o a x ^_^__° ° '� • z - I�esvy felt lineal boo te• Heavy Raahbe • ti Christ,"illustrated by-about ane was elected; he being the nonninee FE i� ° q g Felt and Blizrard Socks Conte r hundred and fifty limelight of Mr. Poueber who oonsequeo'tly w 'r Sli ,ti. and see what neleave. - - -views.taken from the most oele- voted for him. We hope tbat •braced intro s of the world Mr. Poucher may have better a o � to - - - pa g y dealing with Chia subject., These 'uok next time. Mr. Gibbs wbu ,,, s views are exeoellQnt raproduc `acid the ward,enahip rieversl scare J„vary 1908—wh�thV 9+h. oabawa SOA+. - T tions of the gresat ma0em worlrt • o might have given way to gid„®11th. Porn Perry ls<b.IIs• _VI O cos j - om + were t •Pntly }•ni+nyed by thrt h4onse one who onor before never had held the Sstb.Ow•i•tgtoe lith.Bea.erto•� Dickie Up” number pregsat. _. . ,