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N. _. _ - .. .. ti .. ,\ ✓^ --,�, •�� f. Zen Y . ' NE -� VOL. XX - - - ,- - --PICERIN(Ia ONT., FRIDAY. -DEC 9 I9O4. -- - EL 1�0 'GREEN RIVER. Pt 2-M Bell, F Bolton, M Davidson. Brock Road. xoftssfnstal Q�LnrDag. ' I Jr 2nd-M Meade, M Heal;H Beckett Spink Mills • Mies Lilly Dozen, of Toronto, visit-i L. M. Lundy, teacher. I J. H. Lawrence is expected home is.; ed friends here a few days last week.! Sr. div.-No. on roll 32. Average a few days. y R y Medical. Artie Doten, of Buffalo, visited rel-'attendance :«5, Sr 2nd O Munro, H{ 3liss Cvakwell is to remain for Red Wheat - - 1.00 bus, ativea and friends here for a few days'Brown, E Dexter. Jr. 3rd-W Craig, I another year. �t n White Wheat 1.00 {. Mrs. Rndderford, of Markham spent J Bell, B Vivian and J Heal(equal). � Miss A. Farley contemplates going �T F. EASTWOOD, M.D.. 8ar¢I>on Spring Wheat - - .90 ,f Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wil-:Sen. 3rd-J Meade,.A Knight. r 4th I to the north west. rV to Canadian Pacific tinitwoy; coroner Goose Wheat - 85: son. I-L 'Trinnel, K Beckett, F �t"siren. I Flinch parties are the order of the zR Ontario County; Issuer of Marr{. Licanees. Manitoba Fiottr $13.00 bbl. 3Ir. and Mrs. W. King visited Mr.�Int. 4th-.F Herron, �V Redman, JI evening hereabouts. Qtaiamont omoe hours-Before to a.m., 1 to a Family Flour 0'.50 `• and airy. A. Al. Ellis, of Ashburn, on Dexter. Jr. 4th-L Trinnell, K Beck- R. Davis is borne at resent his p.m.,and hora Ito 8 p,m. Private telephone Y e „ Sunder. !ett, E �Varr•en, Sr. 4th-R Meade, time Navin ex 11ed. P connection with Balsam,Grsaawood.Brougham Pastry Flour - •5.50 b P`' Mt Zion,A.Johdaton's;rth eon), Wm Cowie'e Bran S1�.G0 ton Quite a number from here attended`J Leslie, B Herron. R. E. Alexand- Geo, Lee, of Oshawa is under the 7th coo),and D Pur,h'e;9th cont s-ly the anr,iversal} at Cherry n Cud last'er TeucLer' parental roof at present. Shorts 20.00 Sunday. Frank Colby of Bruoklin, visiteX To �• YOUNG, N1.D.,0.M.,Fellow of Jumbo 35.00 " XV. G. Barnes sale of standing tim- Full troupe at Claremont 31r. and -Mrs. Lee last 1 . Trinity MedieAl College, Toronto, mem- I bei will take lace next Monday. See p Sunday, lber of oollage of Physicians and Burgeons of Graham, Whole.Wheat Flours P y• — A. Pet C. arrived home last weep Ontario. ofnee and residence oppO Learyhotel Ghop of all kinds. bills. Sale at 1 p.m. Dunba,ion. from Lindsay and reports a good time s; Woburn,Cote,,,Office boars; morning 7 W lo: Look in at the post office and see A number of the farmers are mark- slventnit a to e. Hard and Soft Coal. the nice 'Nina: 1�resents at figures SrhooI report will appearnext week. sting their produce at .Toronto thin, Above'prices subject:o Change withont• that will astonish you. No trouble week, _Notice. y The Sunday School anniversary of 4 „�. to show them. the church here will be held on the Jars. J. H. Kays was in the city '�Qdl• Model Bakery Co., Limited. Mrs- P. R. Hoover has returned evening of Thursday, 22nd Inst. Full last week attending the funeral of Z. from her northern trip and re Orta particulars will be ten in our next the infant child of Mr. and firs. Ex- "~ E. FARE WELL, Q. C., BARRIS• _ P given TIiB.00t:nty Oroa►n Attorney, County h�rrn�z a pleasant Liars and mut rm- issue. g - 8 roved in health, in otfoitor. court Rau".Whitby lav P ss. We are commenting on the condi- OW 8; McGILLIVRAY, BARRIS• tion of the roads and weather as Canadian Jubilee Singers. Claremont concert next Tuesday era,Bolioiton,dice Offioo opposite Post. something we seldom have the privi- �iAudrey. The Peo le's Slarket ever Tuesd r'Irma• Whitby,oat. Jno.Ball Dow,$.A.;Tbso. lege of seeing at this season of the Ben. Wellings s 1s boors from P y L*GtlHvrsv.LL.B. Monev to Lona. By year. _ ���.�� g the at Claremont. , The treat of our life at Claremont. states and is down with typhoid fever Pet6rt,��7q/. y at T. Puckrin's. Dr, Bateman is in SE QUICK. attendance. ''gy�pp iiopK o,VETERINARY SUR- Attend Claremont Market Tuesday. R. Puckrin has recovered from his Not a minute should be lost when a ,i 3. IAON, Graduate of the Ontario vas- recent serious illness, child shows symptons of oroup. y Wiaary College, Toronto, registered member - Of all materials and design Cherrywood. A large congregation heard Rer, Chamberla'in's Cough Remedy given or sbe oatarlo Veterinary D[edica' Aasocsation, kepti a stook. It will pay you as soon as the child becomes hoarse. Osetw and residence one and on"narter muss to ball at our works and inspect our stook, Mr. Shank is not improving as fast Mr' Moore last Sunday on "Burden or even after the croupy cou h a aorsh of Green Giver. 0000 and shoeing forge Arid obtain P� P B Bearing," PY. g pp- Iboaras to 11 a.m.. and 1 to a P.M. Private prices. Don't be misled by as his friends would desire, pears. will prevent the attack, It Ibeiephone in my 0000 P,O. address, Green agents we do not employ them,oomegaent• Robt, Davidson has been treating Jubilee Singers at Claremont. never fails, and is pleasant and safe to 1siyar, out ly we can, and do throw of the agents himself to a new driver. He's a take. For sale by all druggists, commission of 10 per cent., which you will hustler. —'•' Sufferers from sciatica should not usinvoo G;tLvb i. certainlysave D Greenwood. / y purchasing from as. d 'We are pleased to know that the .hesitate to` use Charnberlain's Pais _ call solicited. diphtheria patients of this place are Balm. The prompt relief from pain A. MooreJr. Is working is Green's Com- WHITBY GRANITE oing nicely, j g which it affords is alone worth man f�$OliAB DIINN,Conveyancer, CO.,'+ - The aanlversar services of the mill' times its coat. Sold by all druggists misaioaer for taking AOdsviss ass., Opp,p00t O000 _ Whitby,Ontario y Miss G. Vanvalkenb has boen on czaremoaa.Ont. b7 Methodist church were a success in every particular. The Sunday servi- the sick hat. - � BUNTING, Issuer of Marl•isge ces were well attended and very able Wm. Pengelly has finished thresh- . Idsonsestorthe0omay of Ontario- Of- discourses weredelivered by the Rev. ingA for this year. lckerla Oar 0� gwo as the mors or as hurod"nee,Pickering PICALAil LIVERY ! Pigeon and Rev, Emory who were hvmre P r Bert Gilbuly has returned � � � � 7 _ ably assisted in song by the Picker- Yards at Spink hilar$ " Fires•elass vehicles for hire d Ing Methodist choir. On Monday r, and 11ifr P. Dozen, of Green Ri- 'lr' Wob BELDAM, from haeer, leo-, or ni h ay evening the house was well filled with ver, visited friends here. Best Quality of Hard Coal _ V wobarn.soLais.sales from his namarona ti t 13ag in oonnectien meet- g Arthur Parrinder has returned expectant listenem and they were not ttmds bosh far sad near. Bales of Loma,farm lag all G.T.R.trains. Freight and home from the \forth-west. a ►oak sad 0varytbing %be Is to be sold u-01 be delivered ie disappointed. The addre.ms by the hundred by the subferiber wt%b the nimoas care 1 ¢ s. Rei'. J J. Redditt on ihi Holy-Fend: - M�E'Ste-art-ha'-r tum'ed- boo - -=FLM weight Gu$Santee • "sold to she very baso advantage, 4ttry village. Teaming of all kinds done after c islting c-ity friends. on sbortest notice. Gals and eom• and ether places of interest . which L. Ledgett has been laid off work a Stove land Chestnut Sizes tourists called on their rouse, iaclud- few da - ' D��'11,�� B.BEATON,TOWNSHIP CLERK suasion stables in eonnsetion. inn Italy, Greece, Egypt and the Is days with Job's comforters. . clonvsyanow. Oammisaioner for asking lands of the Seas,was full up to the Quite a number from here attended It,akdavfu, Aawanaaas Rte 190807 so loan Peak p A t lowest m ark et - ow ssrus I suer of laarrtage Lt- higbest expectations of the roost en- the C'on rvative convention at Oahe- wa on Tuesday, noes' i e. Ons 9•v f Propr•ieter, thusiastic student of Oriental history. y' Mr. Redditt is not only a keen obser• to a%eel, who is home recruiting ._.,paces ,ILID0CHER A POSTI LL,Licensed Ace- ver and a thorough student of what after a severe attack of typhoid fever,is Y ' 11 Bassein for the Oonaty of Organo. Ane-' ever takes his no;foe, but he possesses considerably improce�l We have auto on hand uantit %las galea of ewer-dese"v%ion coeasoted u a the wee of ma':.nR his hearer nee L, V Disney left on:.Friday morn- q Y - imoderate ebaras T. Poaeher, Baal Estate ing for Montreal where he has securedBest Quality 9mithing Coal.&gscs and General valuator, stria attention Furniture what he saw asci feel what he felt •fast a Ixasitioa in an express office Our Coat makes warm friends. I vs,s to all orders by mut or tatsgr.pa, fid- during his interesting visit to the land °d.. �T90a, PJIIOH'B Broegbam, Cas F. of our Saviour's nativity. As N1 r. Wing to the Methodist church here Orders left wits w, 11iml delivered 11'WTILL,6tesa Si►K,ens. 1617 being overhauled, service was held in rom tiv. � A fall line of fleet• Redditt was pastor oa.Scartloro civ• P P - • suit fifteen year," ago, his many the school house on Sunday last. _ HFi WELLINGTON Hotel.-Hao. class furniture now friends were lad to look into his face Peter Perry moved the balance of Is.g removes to and thoroughly overbaa7 on exhibition is 'his hrausehoi effects to W'bitby on ahs above bonne. I am prepared to furnieb : once more. a Locust Bill quartette I'I aaomodauoa to all who desire to patronise our ware rooms. - Tuesday. He has tabu ht a house in _ and Rev. and Mrs. Reynolds also eon• $ sea apaafoua�ample rooms. t*Lan be plear -ed to the evenings en o Whitby-where be will live in future. L L. L Moore, holder of valor Xeft so w all old pasroaa wbsa the?7 Rove oo Prices right. - and their services were heartily eaapt- W. B. Gleeson drove to Whitby nn mltycliDiPloma of London Conservatory "khNson a.t visit I[arkbam. JAL TOliBSNCE. $ Tuesday last and while there trig horse of Music, will receive pupils for in- f - 11[aetbam,Gas. teem - pre^.sated. We are pleased to see was taken sick, He had to ata in S. S. Dillin ham. that the people of this and surround y struction on Piano and In Theory, at - Wbitbv over ni ht. The horse is'now ing neighborhoods are being educated improving. g the rectory,Pickering, f-ly Methodist Church PiokerinR, Out up to the appreciation of an enter. - t` ervlces as Follows- tainment for the information derived sweet music at Claremont The, and not for the buns and jam con 10M a.m. ... .Preaching. sumed. The total proceeds amounted Brougham.•' r D� - ?-W m., ,.. •' - Wagner to aixrut eighty dollars. WESTERN BASK OF AN P• 2:00 p.m. .. .Sabbath School. & Cot .�.. -— 3..00 p.m.......Epworth League, on Tske your Produce to Claremont on R. J. Price is overhauling his Inoorponted by act of Par neat 1891 ♦ Tursdxv. Have a full line of frei;h and cur Tuesday. house. - Pickering stases. - AotlIorisod Cs petal .... ....... ......gl,(1u = 18:00 p.m.... ,.Weekly Prayer an ed meats constantly on hand. T. C. Brown R'R9 home from the -Subscribed Capital.... . aoo,aW Thursday, Jubilee Singers at Claremont. city over Sunday. neat:, .. . . Imp Spice Roll, WeRkfaat. Bacon, _ -E. W. Bodell was in the cit on A"-to ""ally con.erable....,,,...:. I.aws! '- Rev. J. E. Moore, Ph. B. Ham, Bologna, Weiners, etc. -- 3 Joan Cow.•,ESQ. T.$,MC�irr.r,Av Es p,stor. = SCHOOL REPORTS. Munday on btlsine:•s. iieerdeas �aatiec T. Beer }las severed his connec- Special attention glen to Farmer's sale Highest prices paid for Repin•t of S. S. No. 13, Pickeritlg tion with R.Wright, of Markhaw Notod Collections solicited and promptly made Butc•lier'�cattle. for month of Nuvt-`,r. 4;h-�f, ,Buri Farmer's :votes discounted AmeriFan and A Rtis,, Jr. 4th-3I Cacsie, D lie F shy Ica .Ii-Ss E. Norton Foreign Erchaagalaouahcand sola Dzutbta- 1� l3nrtc li, J P,u„ell, :� I3at•>. 3rd-A viGitrd friendslin Seott-on Sunday, sue available on all parte of the world Grar,y,-N 'W"llyon, 5 Pilk;e. C' Pilkpv, Boru—On Sunday, lee. Ith, the ssavinggsanknepartmeat. Insurance Real Estate, S U GIl•'S 1nd,i,on. �:, 2nd—N Grar, «' rife of D. Ste 1henSOn. ofa da.tt h- Interest showed on de Celts at.bigheat cur, 1 g rent rates,and credited half- ear! to,de sits Uuncun,-��' Ilurt��n, C Pilkie. J-r'2rld ter. - Geo. Seer. Manager, -L Ward, H Gray, _Y Ward. ��' �It. 1 ork and' fancily, of t s- to -- Hai 1.1 c>y. - Pt 2- 1f Dimpan._. Pt 1- - 'money try Lona T A few barrel, of No. I sutrarc on bridge visited R. Beattie's on Stri- a H Hv cell. 31 ffntrhial,on, L ��'illscm, day- hand •+■ls�at�a�s��e�` \ 'which%ye ��,ill sell cheap.' N Saiidt-i-rul, T 'iav, . - Sandr.rson, L Sanderson. M Barutn, F Gosuck. J 81i-3c La Fraiigll, of. Searboro, , Full line of Dry Goods and Gro- Duncan, C, visited last vveek,with her broth- eeries. Grape L Pilkie, E �,'aad. THE Nothing but first-class 1n=ur- Present overy day.-1%N' Burton, L er, F. C'. ance ColnpRnies-both Fire, Lifc Rock Salt nn hand. Ward, H Ru cell, •3I Il•ltchison, L Dr, G. N. Fish returned hoineon tianderson,'31 Sanderson.• L. Harper,'•Sa•tttrclay night looping hale and i{'f P�O�1Pim and Plate Glass. Give its a call. teacher. hearty after his tiyeek's vacation. as+ Farms to Rent. Report of S. S. N,�. 1:—lth -H �Irs. Stuart and daughter, of Real Estate in Tillage and `tlrintun, I) JoneF, II Richard-on, F British Columbia. are yisitin Farmers Supply Sucreg fi SOLVED Country for Sale. 1,a15dun,-A Richardson, N Stephen- with the formeCs brother. Dr: z Conveyancing of all kinds done , BRYAN, \S r, "n. G Sty Gulliver, F G. N. Fish. -- -- —_._ - $ Bunker. Sr. 3rd=C•Phil_p.-. Wray, ;rd-J fiuvvland, PStanley, ApnStan- auction ale of his anlctock_Rnri _. _. L Hallett. E Wilson, H Phil Jr. purposes f g an 4 • V. Richard DOMINION BANK ley, G Richardson_•. Rultrlc3ra- _nd=-1mTnlents about the end of Jan lc fir s, Wray, R Powell. Pt 2 nary. Notary u le, lc silos. -. - -J Howland. E Rich rdson, C Bals W. Hamilton R as laid off work 1 don, R Bunker, C Richardson, Archie a few days last eek o�rilig to a l ,.;,,,-,,Y,-,.may_:• Capital Paidua $3,000,000 Bunker. Pt 2-V' Richardson DI '- Reserve Fund dna $3,474,000 Hallett;' A Howland. `1I.' Ro°stns; stick of timber failing on his foot o e Undivided Profits and injt , .._ ,..-_ .rd. ' _ teacher. There will be service Report of Cher•rywood public school PICKERING for the month of November;-Form Christian chtirh on Sunday morn - -WHITBY BRANCH. V-Olive MacRae, Form IV—Roy Ing at 10.30, to be conducted by =; Carter, H Henderson, N Laughlin. Mr. Black, of Oshawa. ys PHARMACY G6neral BaIIk1IIg Form III-Frank Henderson, L Mon- Messrs. R. J. Price, B. Burk, S. 1�.7 e nev, J Alexander, S Laughlin, E H, Stevenson and T. Poucher IJ lJ �. Business Transacted. Petty, Jas. Alexander, W Dixon, 0 were in Oshawa on Tuesday at- The following placei in 'Pickering Pettty, ;, Gates. Form II-Eaaa 1 nding the Conservative "conven- Villaagge have to ephones and are con- Burkholder. E Roach, M Smith. D tion-. rected with the central oiljce in Pick- SPeola, attention given to the eollee- Timbers R Somerville H flourlie 1 eringg-Spink Hills,Pickering College tion of farmer's sale and R Oslind, A Chapman. Part II- Mr. and Mrs. G. Philip, Messrs. �e�pl er - G.T.R. station, Benne tt Mfg Co., W. other notes. Wesley Petty, G Todd. S Laughlin, Walter and Fred Stevenson are in lJ LVJ H.Peak,livery, W, E. Vanatone, res- - -•• �— - •. C Carter, R Henderson, L Stover, the city this week attending the ideate; The W. D. Matthews Co., SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, L Chapman, Part I-Bertie White, Grand4Lodge of the Sons of Tem- Frencbmad's Bay; The W. D: Mat- Reggie Dixon, Russell Da;vidaon,�Ber- perahce. thews Co., Liverpool Market; Dr. • tie Ra.eman, Lena Shank, Sammie Married-Atthe manse, �epoBltig received of $1. sad Fenelon Bateman's surgery. Re'aman, Leila Stover. Iva C Doyle, Falls By using the Bell Tel. Co. the pub- upwards. teacher.. , on Wednesday, Nov. 30th, WHITBY. lie may speak,st once with an of the =�•tarmBt allowed at highest by the Rev, Mr. Sinclair, Diana _ y Scarboro. Junction Public School. Alfaretta eldest dao h above laces. We also have connec- current rates. g ter of J. p Honor Roll for Irovember-Junior tionwith Altona• Balsam,Brougham, W• Hogle, of Brougham, to Mr. -” Com80u�atied or laid half Division-Number on roll-4S, Average � L Hrooklin,Cedar Groye, Che Cod, Wm. A. Cameron, of Hahburton. Brock ��•f �oltt�l. fir' i Olaremon Green ><iiter, yearly attendance 3b. 1r 1st class-J Her 4 nraeale, ron, I Leslie, R ''Walton. Int Int.-W We Join the friends of the young Whitevale, Highland Creek, Green-. X.J.THORTON, ]lar, M Davidson, V'•Everest, Sr couple in extending our best wish- PICKER -wood south, Greenwood north. w i11 >tt.1i>8�as1R► is F Trinnei, P.Ashbridge, M West,es for their future hapiness. - - — � : ,— � .. hN+-^-'%�•x.•.a,i.«yes �: .w.cp,'�v�-�-.y^:r ,rias-�a.:f+•++:_._..eerie_,,.cT"-__._ __.._.....-Y�•i..-.—. -.T.f.� •-:^s:'r-"••^^••v-.; -.._. ._. _.. _ '." +r.. r. Z... ................i a JPr r �El t i4l4EEEf�t�FtEEtt�� the prunes, chopped into small bits. .add half a pound of onions, previous- Stir well and pour out to cool. IY boiled and chopped finely. Let MAKING CONVERTS. by LEAPS AND QUNDS - Inters' Pudding.—Ono cup o1 all cook together for a quarter of e, r suet, chopped P -" -_ -AbOut fns; one.cu of ranine- as hour, add a good seasoning of _ bL yy@@ee, one cup of milk, three cups of Pepper and salt and serve very hot. ^ -- -" -- =- I ft3three level teaspoonfuls of bak- For simple Scotch haggis take a " any worth of liver, some of suet, — !ing powder, one-half teaspoon each of Pe y one small onion, oatmeal, pepper u Mose c,(.vemace ace and allspice, one tea- and salt. Parboil the liver for hall «••• spoonful of cinnamon, one-half our. of raisins, chopped fine; one-half c ai an hour; when cold grate it down: ,� of citron, chopped fine. Mix in order add the suet shreded fine, also the - given. Steam three hours. Eat with onion; pour in a teacupful,of the wa- ter In which the liver was boiled, er::on sauce. SELECTED RECIPES. add pepper and salt and as much Sliest Cakez—One egg, one cup of "Old Reliable" Cake Micturi Two oatmeal as will make it nice and , eggs, one cup of sugar, two•thir::s of firm; mix all well together, tie in a Ceylon Natural Green tea by its absolute purity and delicious Sa sugar, two cups of button or lard one half cup of milk, two cuts of a cu; of milk, butter the size of an floured cloth, plunge into boiling wa- egg, two teaspoonfuls of cream of ter and boil for an hour and a halt von is displacing Japan tea just as "SALADA" black is displace 7. Sour, twoteaspoonfuls of baxiug ttwtar, one teaspoonful of soda, one powder. Create sugar, butter and egg or more. This with a dish of mash- ing all other black teas. Sealed lead packets only. 25o and tettepoonful o1 flavoring, silt, flow', ed potatoes, makes a nice dinner for miring is milk and flour altetnately 'to ruake stiff batter. Cream impar the bairns. 40e per lb. B all grocers. _ until used up; beat in the balot;g l and butter together, add eggs (which -- y ' powder, Bake in shallow an. Hht1t meet Have been well beaten), then cold divide into two sheets by cut file milk; sift is cream tartar, soda THE DANGER OF ANAEMIA. IN THE NEGRO REPUGLIG native speech, song and music. Fie !ting through with a long, sha:'p knifeflavor- mind ._ has completed studies by him in 188& mind fill with the following 1'11;n$: and salt,' with Sour, and add flavor- I ing. ,This mixture may be, in turn, is Victims Are Defenceless When of the principal languages spoken in L ud, constantly stirring until spongy, Liberia. marbi chocolate, currant, harlequin Disease" Strikes— The Blood LIBERIA'IS STEADILY FORG- • nae cup of sugar, two cups of butter, I or layer cake, accordin as ou color, ccording to rain, the most pope. yolks of tww eggs, grated rinds and $ y Should Be8e Kept Rich and ING AHEAD. lar article of trade on the Liberian. $nice of two lemons. When cold (flavor and divide it. Pure. coast at the present time is the, Cabbage a Ia Creole—Chop tine one Sir Harry Johnston Is SatisSed spread on lower sheet, replace upper Anaemic people with wit- granopssesshone. Every well!-to-do one fiend of cabbage, two onions, two P With Its People and ' and ice with the two whites l.+e'itcn � cry blood—are without defense when P five possesses one or is expecting nae green peppers, one buncrh of celery, still, four tablespoonfuls of sugar disease threatens: The strongest Prospects. to arrive, and one a the first en- Leave in salt water over night. Then added, flavored to taste. ('lace in weapon against disease is a plentiful qui made as to each fresh steam - - drain. Boil enough vinegar to cover, Sir Harry Johnston. has lust re- , io�•en a moment to harden. supply of rich, red blood. A robust turned to England from a visit to er'a arrival e ' s?" she brought add a little sugar, put into jars and B FrieC Bread—Slice stale broad in person may catch cold, but quickly Liberia, where n says British trade out any new records?" _ !rather thick slices. Beat up two eggs seal' throws it oil. But a cold lingers interests are considerable. At the beginning of the present with three tablespoonfuls of sugar and with the anaemic one,' goes to the Dealing with the influence of the Year the Liberian Republic, having H1NT6 FOP HOME LIFE. g -one pint of milk and lay the broad chest and the first signs of consump- Americo-Liberians in the country, settled the frontier s to with Save fat from soup, as when melt- tion appear. It is the anaemic one England, was anxious to have Ota in until well soaked. Then fry is Sir Henry said fiat lard. ed down into dripping it fs useful for Iwho suffers from headaches and diz- "Liberia was first conceived of 4a northern and eastern boundary fixed Moiled Icdng for Cakes.—Two cups basting meat or frying vegetables. ziness, wAmerica as a solution of the prob-who cannot climb a stair by accord with France on the terms f' bt granulated s^igar, one of water. Bnishing makes the hair shine and without resting, whose heart flutters of the 1892 treaty. But a hitch dem where to repatriate freed slaves. y; ;'Whites of two eggs. Boil in a sa+ice- borax taths make it fluffy. Do not and palpitates wildly at the least I "The settlers originally came main- has occurred owing to the desire of pan until the syrup Barden* when use borax too often or it will bleach exertion. Such people can only be ly from the United States, but after- the colonial party in France to ma r. dro ea in ice water. Begat the and rot the hair. saved by a new supply of rich, red wards there set in a certain stream rise of this local delimitation of the nhttes of the eggs to a stiff !roth and When peeling lerrnns for Savoring blood, and Dr, :iilliams Pink Pills of West Indian immigration, which frontier for the diminution o1 Liber- be careful never to cut any of the is the only medicine that actually l has- resulted in the establishment of inn territory. Idron a little at a time of the hot --- - syrup in, beating steadily all the time. white akin, as it has a very bit- l makes rich, red blood with every a good many families of West Indian •- A!ten all'the syrup has beets poured ter taste -do se. Ordinary medicines only touch negro descent in this country, and !j HAUNTED gECTOBY. _ in beat a few drops of ✓anllla in. Lemon rind steepcxl in the water the symptoms of disease-Dr, Wil- from this rather superior negro _ Spread on the cake at once. Car In which you bathe is not only re- 'liams' Pink Pills go right straight ;stock have arisen not a few notable Ghost Has Frequented a Cheshire, must be taken that the syrup is boil- b to the root of the trouble and drive House for 400 Yeare. tresliin* but of actual benefit to the men, such a the Hon. Arthur Bar- ' Re- ed to est the a ht int. 1f it !skin, as It forms a splendid tonic, it out. That is why these pills have clay, the actual President of the Re- j Y T� I a larger sale than any other medi- public, who was born.in the British cool.* too long the icingwill to stilt f Salt !s an old-fashioned disinfects P For several centuries there has been cine in the world, and that,is why and dry: if not 1 enou h it will ant- Popular is our grandmother's island of Barbadoea, a tradition in Cheadle, a village In ong. $ thousands and thousands of people ' seek into the take. dad. It has the, advantage of being l TWO AMERICAN :�EGROFS. f Cheshire. England, that the rectory Sponge Drops.—Beat to a froth (non-odorous, It is qApital' for Praise them so highly, M.as Florence U. �farryeti, Chester, `:_ sIIys "From an informal census which I is haunted, itnd, according to the three eggs and one cup of sugar. Stir !sprinkling about drains I ••I have used Dr. Williams' Pink have been compiling rut of all the Rev, F. A. M-tedona, the preseat ree- into this one heaping cup of sifted Few things are more soothing for l Pills for several months and I am information I can collect, I do not tor, weird r,oi..es Ha•�e been heard Sour, in which two teaspoonfuls of burns or scalds than the white of i happy to say they.have restored me think that the actual number of from time to time, for which there is baking powder have been mixed But-Ian erg poured over the Injured pine$. to health after all other means had ( emerico-Liberians in this republic no possible exl'13IIatiire except be _ g It is more cooling than sweet oil and much exceeds 12.000; but their influ-'the admission of the Dresence of the tar tin sheets wivh washed butter failed, I was suft�.ing from anaemia - lfree from salt) and drop in tea- cotton J in its most severe form, 'Phe least ence over the tribes of the interior supernatural eponntula three inches apart.__,_Bake L mag skirts prove more becoming exertion would leave me breathless is steadily increasing, and is being Accord:r� to the It etxi which fife is a gtilrJc oven. Flavor with vanil- t as ort saes to IfitTe women. This and worn out. I had no appetite and continually directed towards the—rector believes to be true, the ' (fig- In 'steads to reason, for anything like e,Xored greatly with nervous head- ',opening up of trade and the main- quited spirit Isi that of the Abbess of Soup finds from Turkey Bones —'a trailed dress gi•'es dignity to its aches. I was pale and seemed to be teenage of peace. Godktow, who, whin exleelled from Put the hones is a boiler with about wearer, going-Into a decline. I had medical: "On the other hand, the indigenous her o innery n ar Oxford by Henry two quarts bo of water and bolt until Oil mark° on wall-paner-rrsay be rte attendance but it did Inc no Wind, negro population of the republic can- VIM, went with her mins to Cheadle all the substance is out of them, and moved by applying a pante made Then a friend advised me to try Dr rot be much less than two milhoas Rectory She male many umsuccess there ta'e them out. Aid to the soup of pipcciay and cold ranter Leave Williams' Pink Pills atA in a f,.w Some estimates place It at 2,150,- ful attempts to obtain p-rmsasioo to one tablespoonful o , rice, one a two los ail might and brush off in the weeks I found they were helping inn. 000; others. however, reduce It as return, psi a letter written by her ' stalks of celery (chopped rice fine). then- imoming,• A second application may t continued their use for Several ; low as 1,800,000 About 300.000 to Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Esarx. ped otrron and peprier to Laine This�be necessary months, and ant again enjoying good i Out of this total belong to the fine is still extant Fier appeals were to makes a delicious ri li coup out of a To, remote red ink stains, moisten I health I think Dr. Williams Pink; . andingo type, who are remarkable vain, and in 1;59 she diad ata brok- part that la us,talli thrown away. the spots with strong alcohol acidu- , Pills will make evetl a eak and ail-1 fur their sobriety, intelligence, and en heart, and waa buried fp the .chan- Pratse+i Beef—Me toughest. cheap-��ated with nitric acid. It is always ' in girl strop and r''rlth�, stalwart physical development. r $ $ $ col 0- fire church, which tdhc had built. est steak can be made into a most desirable- to snake a blank experi• You can get these ptlis from _an- IS A IUCII COh�1tiTRY. (three years prevdo+rsly, ! _.... ._appetizing dish if Drained. halt I merit first, as all materials will not dealer in medicine but you should "For myself, I can only repeat The rector, during his twenty-one take the same treatment. be, careful to see that the full name with emphasis that I found the Am years' incumbency, has not himself and pepper it, and put it is a little How do the persons who so fear "Pr. Williams' rink Pilin for Pale I erico-Liberians a people most ear to -bolter lust covering it with water, P y' bMn favored ed with' a visitation,hi,- but + And net on the back o{ the stove, let- night air that they sleep to rooms People" is on the wrapper around'get on with—polite, quiet, and to menihers of his family and his dw i with tightly closed windows expect eachobox 'If in doubt write the Dr, some instances well 'educated, ami mestic4 have hoard the rustling of a ting it simmer slowly for two or to live should there be an escape of , Williams' Ifedicine Co., Ifrockville, well- acquainted with all that - was three hours, nv that time the thick, gas while they slumber? They do 1 Ont.,.and the pills will he vent at going on in the great world beyond, .silk-gown earl other sounds consist- three -- tough steak will be cooked into the not gyve themselves one chance out 50c a boxor six boxes for $2,50. "With regard to commercial pros- ent with the dignity and gentleness ` tenderest of meat, and the water DI a hundred for their lives. pects, there is a great future before of as abbess. nI enc:yPr the spectre Cooked down into a thiel. gravy, Vory few people know of the ef9- _T has been seen it has usually been on Prune Cornstarch Soak the tainns the rubber trade of Liberia. as the the eve of All hallows' Day. p P cagy of starch for toilet use. This ,ARE MORAL LUNATICS. whole country is one great rubber- ` cs not $esti over night, and boil there until just is especially useful for sore feet, producing fdrest. Coffee, palm, oil, The story, however, do tender. Then make cornstarch of First wash the toes with tepid wa-'New Method Suggested for Treat- cocoa, at:d cotton are -becoming sta- on wick slender e•,.ilence alone. Iinr- two eggs, three tablespoonfuls of Ler, but. do not soak them; wipe f meat o1 Criminals. ple products. Gold hasi`6eca dis- ing the time that the living was held i , ` I covered and some iron, by the ;resent rc:tor's brother, the cornytarch. Put the milk on in a quite dry, and then-dust with starch I (double boiler and bring to a boil. crushed to a powder. Of the two greatest criminals I "The climate is distinctly pleasan-�rnaid of a lady visitor from London Beat Lhe eggs tend sugar and add to Scrub the inside of the teapot -ever knew, said Sir Robert Anderson, ter than that o1 the regions immed- saw the apparition several times. In _ (them the cornstarch thinned with a with fine salt and then rinse it with lecturing on the British criminal sys- iately to the north and south. It,form it was that of a lady attimd In r ',little milk. Then add to the milk, boiling water. Tea will not be good tem at the London Institiac, .one was "also.seems to be a healthier country black, and the frit occasion she saw s (stir until it thickens, and take from unless the inside of the pot is kept (the son of a cler n, a great ]in- y gyms for. Europeans than other parts of It was while waiting for her mistress the fire, adding a little vanilla And bright"and clean. After use theguist, in every way a most accorh- Rest Africa, One point I should to come +upstairs to bead. The door leaves should be taken out immed- plished and remarkable man. His en- like to lay stress o.n is the remark-'of the morn was open anti the light. - ately and the pat wiped quite dry. t.erprise and address alone would have able absence of insect pests. There revealed n figure standini; on the A Stabborn Cold �''o ways of removing iron mould made his fortune in Honest pursuits. are practically no mosquitoes, and landing nbirh`, however; •vanished on from linen—Rub the spot with a lit- then 3tme Patti first went to Ant-. the white ant is absent or very,the maid, wh'o thought it another. tie powdered oxalic acid and warm erica this man boarded the ship with scarce." servant. openinq a conversation. water. Let this remain.to soak -for the Customs officials, and persuaded DEMAND FOR GRAMOPHOINES. On another occasion, while in her e bet of Italian that it Harry has brought bac mistress's bedroom, the spirit of a a few moments and then rinse id ,Mme Patti in the s S gh k with .mi t Or O� Q clean water. Wash the spots in. a he had been deputed to welcome her. flim many photographs of native,man in his shirt sleeves roamed Into strong solution of cream of tartar a When the reception committee . ,ar- types,. of forest sector-, and vege-li the apartments, and having adjusted and water. Repeat if necessary and rived he made the introductions. tation; a number of sketches-in col- his necktie before the looking-glass, 'dry in. the sun. THe man who stole the famous plc- or; and thirtyphonograph records Of To clean piano keys—Dissolve half retired without parley.yields more readily to SCOtt'S an ounce of line white wax, shredded ture of the Duchess of Devonshire - y y small, with turpentine by heat, till from Agnew's was the other great ' criminal to whom Sir Robert referred. :.Emulsion of cod-liver oil than it become' of the coasiatency of n �ctOn cream. Apply a small quantity of Se'tv�s a familiar flfiure in PiccadillyThorough to anything you can take. this to'the keys with a flannel, and and west end drawing toom5, .drove polish by rubbing well with soft a pair and kept a steam pacht.in the "When you awake in the rags' Leave the piano open for Me3iteuanean. He stole .�9f?,�0 ,On the ,Digestive and Excretory y several hours each week and the,keys worth of .diamonds in South Africa, night choked u and cough- will not turn yellow, and sold them ' to their owners in systems. g p g Lemon. juice and sugar, thickly'Hatton Garden. mixed, will remove hoarseness case-of stteh men ers th' Inghard, take a dose of the cure sore throats, Lemons may be ' y professional criminals, men ' with C Emulsion, and OU Will et kept fresh for weeks by covering brains, who practised crime because Drs* Chase .iii Kidney-Liver Pills y g them daily with fresh water. A lit- it paid, Sir Robert urged that our t 1m�ledlate-1'el• tie lemon juice in a spoon, then a system of punishment was stiipid and Are Lastingly Beneflolal—Removing the Cause of .Disease. And a little more [utile. ilo--"sentence a professional -cough medicine will help lemon juice over the oil, wit mss •i' e crimina o a fa: bilious- tion, and none which can possibly p the disagreeable taste. Had the effect not of reforming or of StOI]. It has a soothing and SOS -S A temperance ginger wine is made deterring him, ,but of making him ness, liver complaint, kidney disease rear r suc tl--cc Ing water on to two pounds of boil- ..more careful next tints," At the and rheumatism point to the re Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. as follows :—Pour five quarts p Q�l;ng-effect_u:pon..the throat of loaf P " sence of poisonous matter in the " sugar and three-quarters of an ounce resew moment, whilst ordinary" Mr. C. F. ICatha nes,shoemaker, Rest: , or "accidental" crime is on the de- *-stem. ern Hill, St. Catharines, Ont., states: .and bronchial tubes. Most of tartaric acid. When cold, add crease,'"professional" crime is on the The first thing Dr.'Chase's Kidney- "I have usual Dr. Chase's,'Kidney- tv% drachms of essence of ginger, Liver Pills do is to' 'tNorovghly !Liver Pills rt nularly for some, time .. 'people know two drachms of essence of capsicum; increase. cleanse the system of this waste - color with a little burnt sugar and Sir Robert's -proposal is that the and consider tHtit then are unsurpnss ter b causirl free action of the kid-' - •, man who sets himself to ill's b ed for torpid' Byer, detective 'cingula- - s The nervous hovsuwife,.who lives a moral This result itijjs not Drought about in tion, indigestion, headache aril con• strain through muslin and bottle. crime' should be trentexl as neys, liver nrid bowels. in constant dread -of fire.may, with Innatic. He should be liable to a stip in as these teens my troubles.` Scott's Emulsion harsh snail itri tutu; way, but is very little trouble, make an extin_ ScseIiarntc charge of being a profes- I used many remedies, but got no natural! 11td thoroughly accomplish- that will put out a blaze if sional .criminal, and if the charge od Y relief until I tried 'Dr. Chase's Kid --- — ----- --- used at once. All she needs to do wern�na' it sh ld sentenced to nr.v- ver rills, and a few 0>,e of . de 0t •oft, be q, i a tin flow of bila from file liver aids L h ' as a great body builder, but is to put three pounds of salt in a be detained during his Majesty's Plea- di estion and ensures contitnied regu- this preharati0n trove entirety cured -'� gallon of water, and to this add one sure. After serving a'term of im- lar action of the bowels; the free ac- pie• I ani not in the habit, of se, - 9t is equally good to allay in- and a half pounds of sal anuvoniac. prisonment, he should be removed to tion of the kidney's removes,the•uric dot stn any medicine, but in this case This liquid should be bottled, and a criminal lunatic asplum, and there acid, which would otherwise 'cause I cannot speak too highly in praise f animation and Cure colds when the fire is discovered-it -should made to work for his Hying, 0f Dr. Chase's Pills for what'they *�� be poured on it° rhennial sin or stone in the bladder. + `! The 1:hithe ,11el murderer, known Have done for ,pie.' Digestion, assittiilatidn anis the r°e- and �iolelit coughing.' .. Cut one,pound of dressed tripe into as ".Tack the I2iltper," was, said Sir movat of waste matter are carried Dr..Chase's Tii leen-Liver Pills, one square pieces and simmer very gently Robert, nn]oubte'dly tn5ane, and tuns out without pain or 'discomfort, and pill a close, 25 cents a box; nt all for two hours in one pint oto milk ultimately confined within an asylum• fliers is no foothold'for contagions qr Ideal$$*, or •rklmanson, 'Mates R Co . : Sent!for Free Sample. and half a pint of water. Take out + Toronto. The portrait,and sl` tune S60TT ik BOWNE,Chemists,Toronto,Out. the tripe and place on a hot dish, other disease. thicken the milk with flour, stir Strawberries come and strawber- There Is no other preparation pos- iof Dr. A. N. liluise, *hn famous re r° while it boils for a few momenta, ries go,,but prunes go on forever, sensing this unique and combined ac- celpt book author. aro un every bow ..r.- •'• ARMER TELLS OF XAY BE RIZZIO DAGGER. _ K Weapon That Nary of Scotland Gave Her Husband. TWO YEARS _ No little interest has been roused - in Wellington, New Zealand, by the 2HEN DODD'S 'SIDNEY PILLS news that a certain ancient dagger, T / DROVE AWAY ALL HIS Alleged to have been the self-same - one with which Rizzo was fatally � Grp PAINS. stabbed in the presence of Mary Queen +' A� 0W.-_ _ of Scots, is at present in possession w of the public trustee in that city. !Was Bent Over th Pain and The weapon carne into this official Sunlight Soap will not injure $e possession through a man of 63 your blankets or harden them. It Hardly Able to Work' Till years of age, named Donald Stuart, g will make them soft, white and Used the Great Canadian Sid- dying Intestate at Auckland Oil - March 13 of t1 js year. fleecy. • 7B We can beadle your poultry eitheti r aey Remedy. _ LTRY Trio dagger baut 12 in la ' pRI'dCIPLE ABANDONED. 0 !alive or dressed to beet advantages h. Consecon, Ont., Dec. 12.-(Special) length. is broken at the point, and Also your butter, eggs, honey and ---Mr. David Rowe, a well-known end is inscribed: A Scotch minister in need of funds !highly respected farmer, living about Tae H.S L.D. recently conveyed'his- intentions to other produce. three miles from here, is telling his .7 gregatioa :. ' THE DAWSON COMMISSION CO., a B Frae M.S.Q.S. his con Limited friends of his remarkaple recovery 1565. "Weel, friends, the kirk L urgently Cor, west Market and Colborne eta,, TORONTO, .'from a long period of suffering by The interpretation of which may be to need of silleh, and as we have the usa of Docid's Kidney Pills. read: "To henry Stuart, Lord Darn- failed to get money honestly, we "I had verysevere pains in my Scots, m (That was the year have t a bazar can do for �'Do you think long hair makes s A field of ice looks tropical com- icy, from Mary Stuart, Queen o1 have to see who back more or less for upwards of r r man look intellectual?" "Not when pared to a face with a cast iron two years," Mr, Rowe says. "These in which the cousins were married.? his wife finds it on his coat. IL smile. _ pains seemed to concentrate 'their It is said that Donald Stuart was Lever's Y-Z (Wise Bead) Disinfect- makes him look foolish!" full force in the small of my back offered £250 for the relic by Lord ant Soap Powder is a boon to any - ANTED-RELIABLE PARTIES TO and the pain was almost unbearable. Galloway. home. It disinfects and cleans at eo Specialists'on th.! Case.-In the w do machine knitting at home; good It made made me go bent over and I.could Another relic left by Stuart is the the same time. ordinar run of medical tactics 'a y8�; everyrhtnq found. For Lull par6icnlars not straighten up to save my life. reputed to greaterynumlitr than this have treated address Box 338, orillia, Out, ' "When I went to urinate it gave carved bowl of a pipe, P me great pain and you may imagine have been the property. of Sir Walter A man always feels most liberal cases of thronic but dyspepsia and have ` ARPET DYEING Raleigh. when he lies forgotten to bring his foiled to cure-but Dr. Von Stan's Pins- G I was not able to do much work. g apple Tablets (60 in a box at 35 cents T consulted a doctor but his pre In accordance with legal procedure cash- -`— cost) have made the cure, giving relief and CSLains. This to a speocalty.trip ra. : isrsconsuiption did me no good. the relics will be sold,,and the money in one day. These little "specialists" BRITISH AMERMAN DYEING Oa "Then f started to use Dodd's Kid- klatrdtd over the Treasury, who C. C. RICHARDS & CO. have proven their real merit-72 s"dpertImlanu hryostandweweaarotonlsfs' ney Pills and I Felt better- by the will ketDear Sirs,-A few days ago I was attarsss sox sSs, Montreal 'P it if no claimant is forth-- Lime I had used the first box. Ten coming within ten years. taken with a severe pnin and con- Atter listening to a poor young _ �— traction .of the cords of my leg, and man s tale of woe it's up to the boxes cured me completely. had to he taken.home in a rig. I heiress to give him a helping hand. t "*art Sick People-Dr, Agnew's?1110 : for the fIeart is a heart tonic that could not sleep for pain, and was un- THE FREEMASON, Toronto, 50c. a a fs NOAH'S GREAT ARK. never tails to cure—is swift, in its et- `al:le to �'ut my foot o Life door 1 � year, Cowan dt Co,, rub's- Toronto. fects—goes closer to the "border land" friend told me of your SIINARD'S 1) Its Builder Must Have Been A Man and snatches from death's grip more LINIMENT, and one hour from the If boys are boisterous it is up to of Millions. kJaerers than any other remedy for any first application, I was able to walk, _ tatnily of diseases and ailments in the girls to b0 girlsterous. and th': pain entirely disappeared. , Is L category of human sutTorinye. Gives p y pWIFFAN M. V. Millard, a well-known archae- relief in 30 minutes-W75 freely as 5 You can use my name ologist, now a resident in Iridian- you like, as I consider it- the best Minard's Lieimeut Cures 0andruft CONTAINS ti &polls, doclares that he has discover- Rural Adorer (bashfully)-You reme y I lift's everused. 000 NEW WOAD',25, StC. ed the dace where Noah's ark was didn't go to Solite shadow's party. CIIIUsTOPHER GLAtRY. Newt Gazetteer of the World built. He has been engaged in mak- Don't you like ki-,sin' games' Pretty Ingersoll, Ont. The price of nearly everything is Now Biotraphieal Dictionary ins; excavations to ninny places on 6laid-No, I .don't. Itural Adorer - -- ---- high-unless you want to sell 0880 quarto Paseo (weakly)-1Vhy don't you) Pretty --- -- - Ne+r+�+• sawu:useado.x the Nile and especlaily at Gizeh. ` y We are Judged not by the poetry -.- - - should be is Every Maid (encouragingly)-'Cause there's Dg.we W. 10HASE'S U01 "I Have discovered during the last' Iso man lookin' on. we apPiai+d but by the plain prose !three years," 'he Bald, "Just where i 3 I we apply. CATARRH URE Some, 9ehool, and Office Noah iived. where the ark wasi built. p 1 CA ARRH URE ase i3ev.Lyman Abbott,D.D.,Editor of _ and that Noah built they great pyra- MinardlS liniment Cures Bur�sl et4l Have You eo=synay - have yen any b sent d:tee: to the discard Tho0ue.rotj uou Webster ha. drayemu by ey the fmprv.ed b1live L teen the�aoorsb is our hoaseltold,and 1 have void of Khufu, know{i as the pyramid sk:h disease or vru,tions'! Are you V" ,h„ a/arrs,years t,,aatlt seen ao reawntotratufumyallegiance to of 011/eh -subject to chann or 'ecaldin Dr, r � P. 7 � t nail rnmpet,cnra �y "Noah was a millionaire, The bibli It is difRcuit to give a long-headed Agnew's Ointment prvvent4._�d cures throes and FI F� *`o FAsa`.'arass""Firo 'aaazto'•• Catarrh Lad a ewer .laver -:---cal-acr0uat -a2 the-flood gives no mea the short end of a deal. any and all o! these, and cures Itching, aalenbmtaia, .aa,nut:auawmFe,eta Mice r acid Blind I'tles besides One (ren AL dealers•ar A Chane a G.6 C. M)ERRIAM CO.;* clew gs to where i,�,atth lived or where 41 g - itedli Co..Taronto'sad 8-4.1- Inls ship carpenters were +it work for 20 Years of vile Catarrh r-Cbm. O, aDVncation brings rclieF In ten minutes ( Publishers. 9palaifiasld, Mars. !L 20 years constructing the ark. Noah Browa. lourcalist, of D.:ath, Minn., and cases cured in three to sax aighta. -- _ i 35 cents.- amma-Fighting again, tiViitie? - twas 600 years oId when the flood writes "I have been n suRerer from I 71 3f Didn't I tell you to stop and taunt „ Came It is evident that he musrt. Throat and Nasal Catarrh for over 20 �� R'ht•ri faith and.love go to work to- one hundred whenever you were an- 1have been a millionaire anti a man of years during which time my hegd has r o ICiUie--But it did't too an heen stopped up and my condition truly [;ether they never stop to th7nk of l g y' y prat authortty, He built .the ark miserable, with m. 15 minutes' atter u. rthe wouther, good, ma, Look what, the Jones boy lat his own expen-, Ing Dr, Agnew'i• Catarrhal Powder I did while I counted ' "Sudh a. boat in these times would obtained r•eiief. Three bottles have &I-, !!tY � Coat raters than half a million dol- most. if not cnttrely, cured me." 50c, M�aaid�3 L1nimeat for safe eYeryx`ie a Rhetil"Attsan wilt succumb to South Luta He must have been in a post- 11 Aaier;:an Rheumatic Cure because it jtioa to force vast multitt multitudes to work Mrs. Yovnghusbat i-"Wcan't F goes .right to the seat of the trouble for blm regsardles" of their Interest in you stay at home this evening, Greener-I reckon Brown ie a very and removes the cause. i+lanq so-called him 'or in pts work or of.their own ! George? Your employer can gt'ronsetenLlsuis loan. He tells me he cures but deaden pat, temporarily only, personal Inclinlitiona along without you." George---"I always votes as he prays. Rhitc- Eo Time tc return wgatrr -war+---daubiad Fea; to my knowledge he hasn't vote violence. rot sit with this greaf re- -Noah bailt the great pyramid dur- know it, btrt I don't want him to ed at all for the last five years .. • medy, It eradicates from the system ✓` sag the earlier part of the fourth ead.it out." the last vocrtuiitago of the d,settao and its .� _'F*vptien.dynasty and not more than It it weren't.for their tninevers a totes aro perivanent-T3 � 1,200 years after God had expelled t i I great many mea would never be l - Adam and lye front the garden of Miaard s Unimeat Rellem Neafalea heard of. The steed without bones of dlfIicul- ty is usually of the jellyfish order. _) [SFNTF.NCE SERMONS, a� Visitor-Your overness Seems very - err river siiv veer. � Lode cures many.of of our likings, Neglect a_cough and contract ' Ns+.w�..'ow.Soorstt+o 9rRra h.,sees ret.e ' gotA-natured. Lady of the House- consumption. e,tim—of moths,for t1i•:nddreo wbile tner hint Th.' gretdy o church cannot grow. 1, ,be.th.<b.:d,.orton-w•QQ r..a..ti.yap•oo, Yes. poor thin ant }ti. pec father lost a lot w,odoolia,rsguiates theaomach sod bowels,ands. br of money, so I took her as governess .Emil•, always puts its fret on fact%, �1 a t,ac,eu,edyt.r utarrhoti rwenLy at.oeat,a notal. for the children. Visitor-Poor, We con keen only what wo give Sh1�0� s has hydrusatat,tbrouthout ens world. 8%ours and _ poor thing! Isn't tt terrible how un- Away I a�s►a+"Ya.wix,ttoe ..ioornt�oscacr.' tt-0+ fortunate some people are? Terminology is apt to terminate Consumption RE OF INDIA rUTU The+ t:•ltti, 1 You cEnoot keep ha ipiness to yo'.:' Cure Tonic ung Must Do nd Laz 1 on the Work "HAPPY CHILDHOOD. sett, pe gee y 1. Y.'o cannot measure worsla,) by cures consumption, brit don't of Civil Engineers, - Hight Food. Makes. Happy Child- t','I elocrc. leave it too long. Try it now. - tea Because The are Healthy. Thor" ltd no uplift in the. hal4up Your moneyback it 1t doesn't Sir Guilford aIolesworth, the new - y y' church. benefit you. „ president of the Institution of Civil $ometiatee milk does not agree with I. children or adults. The same thing of lifts. professional if- j results in -Doverty Prices: S.C.Wsu A Co. Dill Engineers.of Great_ Britain. ' having Me 50c.fl. LeRoy,N.Y.,Toronto,Can. spent more than thirty .years of his - professional carter in Ind- ia and There is no liberty like the sla%-err is true ofother articles of food Ceylon, made.theae great realms the ' ' "Pinto" - hat agrees with one sometimes noes cd line. �ijp $reAkfABt Table subject of his inaugural address. « � » .. .. jmot agree with othdl•s. Living true is making sure of dy- But food can be so prepared that int; triumphant. . Complete Without Dealing maiwith railways and rly - Fir�to - - The man- wire is willing to face works of irrigation, Sir Guilford t will agree With the weakest atom- fail finds success. �.EPPSshowed how much has been done,-and t3cti. As as illustration-anyone, no 1'ortuno--flood or bad-only ivtrts how much Snore remains to be a.c- matter relish weak the stomach, can when it touches the heart, swung shed. Public works policy has S e l at. rellsli and digest a nice bot cup We all hold the doctrine of total de- swung between private and State en- ; of Postum cotiee with a spoonful or rat'it all h applied to our neighbors terprise, the author of the .raper K' !two of Grape Nuts poured in, and P P. g An Admirable food, With All showing a decided preference for The M re good is done-by dispensing its natural Qualities intact, latter. In Ceylon, with which Gir __'tgticli s combination contains Hour 9 g good cheer than b giving away dol- fitted to build up And In Guilford was long associated, the Cordovan* ' 3shment to carry one a number of Q y g g 1liovrs, for almost every particle of it lays. robust health; and to resist profits of the railway have already z i will be digested and taken up by the Winter's extreme cold. It ie more than covered the capital,of- f LIGHTNING HOLES, 8 valuable diQt.,for •children. !system and be made Lyse'of. lay. A lady writes from the land oL.tlie. It is generally knG,--h that lightning The future of India must .depend, fWagnolia' and the mocking bird' way striking the grount.'sometimes forms said the president, mainly on works Used in H.B.K. Mitts, Gloves --- - ma and od w Carried-out b members of that in- and Moccasins—tough a!viha1 - led to drink 'Postuin because coffee comparativel,Y few Persons have over stitution. Its ua true op r borne, exl ,s0 ,pliab e,sc - igave me sour stomach and made me seen- these ,phenomena: In Anril last, aA are immense. Indian coal fields 'titervous_ Again Postum was recom- during a thunder-stoxm in Essex, The Most Nutritious. cover,35,000'square miles, some of proof, wind-proof, boil-proof, lmeaded by two well-known physici- England, a ball of fire, which seemed And Economical. the seams being 70 feet to 100 feet crack-proof, tear-proof, rip-proof, nns for.my children, and I feel especi- to,cast darts in all directions, was thick, acrd of high quality. The sup- -• : city grateful• for,the benefit derived. seen to descend' from the clouds. ply of iron ore is on a sea of un- cold-proof,.almost wearyproof-. "Milk. does not agree with either There was n crash'in rexplo{ion,, hod N A N D S fl M E � paralleled magnitude, "whole hills r inly the greatest. leather, g ce to tuUd -o ttztb eidrst_god four and ward, in an-0.nt n_ tite,i hematites he re of the purest ' -(_-Ver UWd in mitts-2nd _ and ranee-, of it -pne_lialf years, I give Postum with tinct sets of Boles, ranging from nine 10 RING alld = 11 the reserves or mag- a I peat, petroleum, Like buckskin it is tanned pIcnty of sweet cream: It agrees inches down to one inch In diameter,, t� old, silver, aluminum, lead,' tin, with her srilendidl,y, regulating' her were found in the ground. They GOLD WATCH g without oil unlike buckskin it is pow(-1.i perfectly nithotigh site is oY a were. Perfectly- circular,, dimini.�hing + t, , copper, plumbago, mica and gypsum ' t are immense, and only await the en- not porous, it is wind proof-will core;tirated habit. in'size as they went deeper, and were Sneer, peace, and a wise policy for outwear three buckskins, "For the youngest, ngod two and cut tlirougk the yellow clay as clean �` Hrmdrsdy nr menNrnl g pne-half years I use ow-half Postum as auger holes. Ptatn sad w.tcbea Free their devacipment. g to es,oae "Pinto" Mitts and Gloves ,and one-half skimmed milk, I Have sendusyourrameand of Sven any medicine'since Life ch{1- address and Lo sell DEEDS TELL. never crack or harden, never get 1 pi g LABOR I)IS'rnESS' IN I'7NGLANb. •120Wii¢eso our ramous Mn washing Blue at He was a man, dren began using Postum, anis they o y as a pa,Ji We sodden, are always warm,pliable, l According to the English Labor trmtyou end send biu- And he did what he could; yenjoy every drop of it. Ing b matt atrallL soft and comfortable. "A neifghbor of'mine is givin, Pos- Gazette for this month, a compari- iT sv,ryTady nca�anuami. Sometimes it was bad- rs u son with n year ago shows a gbiiera1 ✓' and atom 51 a arks(te Sometime it was good. - - Sold at alldeale -fum to her baby lately weaned, with roummse�t tee Lvnck• s but r with- �splenriid results, Tile little fellow .is decline in employment, though there Qa m a pew host. lie was often discouraged is im rovement in the cotton, woollen wbrn toed gond as tb, _ out this brand ithri -ing famously." Name Ovon by P sim and wa win send When things wouldn't go right, and in tin plate industries. From ou thn bandnnroe i+� , But as he wouldq't give UP $'ostum Co., Bottle Crock, Bich. dad Fintsbed Rung,.,c 0 the trade union returns it aPPous with ere}[ant1ar¢e Mar- Ifo continued his fight. Postum agrees perfectly with chi!- %vette Pearn rvrgnnot• -- (dren and,supplies adults with the liot that Life Percentage of unemployed .ea Hubtes, .na ia' _•, nvigorating beternge in place of sof- whicli for lust. year was 5.8 ner cent., mons.-bandaoma dna years Passed and he died one day. ceaily Ring. Ir you,trrl4• i cry, Literally thousands .of of cof- is this year 6.8 per cent. All over s�tmv os at T tau.nrcbe Rl»irgwitr• 'Sbmo people were sad. ' the coi:ntr and in London special onceaaywe'Inc(v. it Some. people were a ' ag Have been helped out of stomach y' P optx rtunu ea.eenre one of adz m.gnino,nt •°oic' P- P g 3- �tWd nervous Xacdiseases by leaving oft preparations nrti being misde by local �as1=litiontothe ittna.Addre=41 to��? But he'd been a man,: . HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO. n, authorities either to meet Life die- sCo" U 290 And had done what lie could, flee and using Pestum Food Coffee. Anel whin he was judged Mbntreal Wlnnipe$ )Dawson 2 _ C flee in package for t1he little book, tress whic-h already prevails or which "Tire Road' to Wellvills'+ is anticipated ns the winter advandes. ISSUE N0. 50-04. The Mester said `rGo a I r i ,. .' .. - ,,. .,,n.N '. ,, ....ri ...-' .:d - yy. .,!!•!ie++ w;.�'.'Tr' �.'.-.'"�'e•,7a2 . . a, �e' u?',.i•��='fit.>. i;✓,,:�., „8.a._re;. ,., - . - a .....at.+,•.. - - - -- _ _ '�.Fl"w.•+ w- , 1 L ... -L _ _ W. 1'. White,ofi�l iu�lil�eg. died l Beet Remedy for Constipation. G F seiddenly at his house Titesda3• 'The finest remedy for constipation - - morning. He leaves a Rife and I ever used is Chamberlain's Stomach one Son, Alliin. Also six sisters}and Liver Tablets,"saes fir. Eli But- .r Ic , _ snit his mother.. But- His sisters are ler, of Fraukviile, N. Y. '•They act ~t` t L5. Jas. 1redale, Toronto; 11r geutlyt, and without any unpleasant ---T ---- John Stonehouse, Sault3te Marie; effect,and leave the bowels in a per- fectlyF. Mrs. natural condition." Sold by _ 90poDllahed soar h 1:day mornlag a!is Office all druggists. 0 ]ickerinp ons Geo. F. Stiver, Unionville; Mos. x TERYS NV. 11. Stiver, Unionville,and lire X-. A. Elliott, Buttonville. w f 121.26 per Year; 01.040 fpala Inadvans» About noon on Tuesday,a hoe Neto Advertisements. k RATES OF ADVERTLS1N0: M+ rs ■irstinsertion,par line 10 cents beluuging to Alex Boyd,of Locust t "Binh e0 sent insertion,per lime - a Hill was Standing on Main St., be- Offers this Week - " This race does not include Laga1 or Foreign ad- , FOR $ALE-1 two year old colt, - " - ren,r,ments, fore lir. - Crosby's store. The hoary,and soma young cattle. Apply to A.N, } V special terms given to parties making Con- animal became restive and despite Ridley'Set 11,con's;Pickering P 0 ' •7-t : e - - trance for 3 or 8 months or Dy the year. H•u- the efforts of the hired 'bo who 11•ariy or react contracts paiable quarterly y' l Xmas Basta,•5 OC,pcanons.or under, with pap►*, was holding it, it backed the.8449- �TOODAOR $ALE-L. y, Pugh, �� 4 �ew � IP/oyear," nlocaable is advance. to which it was attached thru Claremont,will eon, p Pickering. standing isfrNotles is tonal eolanme c•n nests per Itne, gy Lieges,cII lots gaud 9, non, Pickering,to any -• � ,(�>r;- ' ._,:•, _.• - Itve oaacrper line each snbeegnsns laesrtloa, the large plate glass w1ntlU\V OII one requirin.t wood. 0. c t 'laeial oontracs r tee made known os.applioa- the south side of the store. Dam _ - - - on. No free advertising. _ Advertisements witbout written tistructlarA ages.will amount to $20,' III-luck' L OR SALE-A quantity of pine lei]Ibe insersed anal forbidden and ohsaged ao- seems to attend this v :i,rlo<v. The L root wood,neatly spht and piled,cut in!-rt _ 7asediag]y. Orders for dLooutiaying advertise lenQQthe.$3.00 per cord on premises,lot 18,eon S Bona zoom be is taiifn■ and sent to tae pub- pane On this aide has 1,+(ra broken Piekaripg• Apply w J w 840646, I9roa�ham• Bap •now and avoid the rush. Ushers. tp:ompflya/4ee<d.aio. three times in little �,[,ra than a - 9c ra year.-Sun. STRAYE t+- Stawffvil le. undersiga.dDlot l son 9.P-On to the premises cnuq. a rosfd rad du?P olitlOs/-■trier ladaptndeaoa whit•Dei i Owner mat here same b rov amu=,lm-A First-class Local?&Per• y P _ " Qi) 3Ej - ivta,t ions-'rhe beastt Mrs. Windsor has ,, l.t return- inq property and paying expenses.. Was.Wad. " - 6c Max*of the People of R'icksrin't and vicinity ed from two weeks' vi-it to her sail Claremont, 1-9 New Crop California Raisins all ready seeded for the pudding. P tip inadat pound packages ensuring cleanness and freshness. brothers in Lucknow. We regret KATLNG RINK, HOUSE AND to learn that neither of them are 15 LOT FOR 6ALE•Tha nnd•rsigned oaers THE BEST VALUE THIS YEAR. _ _Murkar & Thexton, Proprietors at all well. for sale at a reasonable price. his large skailag _ rink.and also his house and lot sitaated in L The many friends. of George the village of Bmugham For partioulars appsy Flint jr. will very much regret to to Frank.Sanderson on the premises or to Richardson,Pickering !9 tt FRIDAY, DEL'. 97h: 1904. learn of his death which took N8W 'Cleaned Currants. place at his late residence'3.333 - - Valencia Raisins. " llarkhamSCreet,Toronto,on R'ed- FAR-N'1 FOR S ALE--Tenders will be Season b1v laga Raisins. - received by the undnrsiRsed lip to Dec. 94th. Persian Dates, NOTES AND COMMENTS. nesday morning. The funeral will 1904, for the purchaes of part of tot 14,000.8, in 1904' Smyrna Figs. - -- take place On Saturday at 1.So the Townabip of Picken0g,consisting of 33 so y g _ At the International Live Stock from the residence of his reg,more ar tees. On the premises are s frame brother house slid barn and small orchard, we l water• g ed,the s•ai!sa niay icam and is seeded down Nuts Oe1nOIIS - - - Show at C-hicagq, Canada has Mat. Flint, Juin St., Stouffville With a,eike: ranges Lemons The hiabast or any tecder not - r eome off with flying c•ulors. In A short service in the Methodist neceesartiy•^cepte1.' For Particulars aopiy to _ . -the oheep exhibit clearly every Church after the interment. Frank E Gee or W.V.h:ebarcaon, executors Ready for - [�10 prize was awarded to C'anacliau brie register. _of the John E.Use L'rtate. TheFinest Mince Meat the Pie.breeders. In otlie r ela�ees.aswel, _.- - Can,'t(liaml have matte zt '4r•illiaint TuRSD.\v, nPC. 13th. 1994._:1,iction D15$GiLltiOn Of PL,rtners�llp• Will .be showing. Baron Ster.lirrg. owuPd �a.le of farul ;tock, til: 'eluents: / Pjea6eC1 t0 have fOIIr order. b • Grtham hro (Al Clari.-mont, roots cto. on lot 7, con. 4, Piekerin 5g• A'+1 the aArePrnent iwttcean Thomas' was dea'lare(i the cllauthion Clyde's the l.r,,perty of G,�,,. E. L,t\\rence. pouchel.Arai Fre(}ei'icic P.)St!I1 as lic-i drtle -talliun of any age. Saar at „rie. See bilis. Toucher d: eased aw'tiune'r'� hasexi'.ired,th,• part - _ _ P' +ti:1, R tcti,m,�t�, ner�iyil, forrixerk exinitr. betWet-11 p -- Judging froru the ta'k- on the MI„gin\% L,t, . 12th.-Alwti•Yn sale of then La- rrawd sort in ft,:u:e ear'h sttcet t}tt re 18 r♦ 1 r�,; ai,;;ity Uf jai to .ii,hletthc, un i 't �', +,.u, Y. party \dill [untluc t xu+•tion sales in hi.,! �2 Red 'there heir, a li\cl e.(cUuu 1n K, prop(rty r f tiin• vat:uau.e. \��...JJ1'��� eai� it a 1 •, the RR 5 ll `Ale at 1..30. Sec bills. ThnmaR I'u :'nor. #hip toscurh'it) "thi+ -winter. _ , r i o it;(+hk9, iictlnn,(r. i'-.,Iel is , I'ustill. �+ nctrn.,Pr of a cmey hxsa bran tt1 n- .tint i1:-;c•. 1'_th. -t;;• : n •air•of 7 - t, - ;j Datec., De . .,L . 1st;4. tinned a3 nr't,bAl)l C"111[lt(lRtea. .at.,,w .i aer"of-tan[ inz t niGrr, it In Felt 1'1.iLy :,>f11 ilOR' Tltltll. �rnArY - AnionK.thut;e for the C•,utttM k-outl- 1,•t 33. rear(A t o!l � P;- f ri:r*:- - -_-- _ �";j-- --- Call a?A from our hats and I l G 1 ,1e � - v - __.. ell tire the naL'1?� ,.,t t.l'; ;,I'2je ^, ,rrtr ut «-. ;:,.., members and also «'. C iTarr,e=. I E , qt. l: Sale i'::LI� t.1CG ,. „JPT`1F• tllir llFv l�.:i�l.+c:N;L. , I,:� tfrf e � � rli'-I`rIt'p� �: t 4' Tbos. fhPate and Sylvest(:r Mack- r 1. , �• - f'}•. For the rPd\-e.-hip v(.e l2e'►r s -F_kll �--_- ; _.- - -. ,C. A. Baker, •':- _ 1C g,. IieY'1D : the nsn,pa of the p�eseut recut'. You Help ,. >;• _:.L F Ja rues-Mi.,Brady. 1'i 1l;:nre an(1 It?jafnes Ric•hardt-. 1}le. member �s:c�i,, �`-r --- - ' - - ------ - ___--- of the pee,ent c•ounvil t.ill .,tand 'p� .� 's�. _ -. for re eleC�ion, w1t>i rhe( c��pti,tn I�;E HOSPITAL FOR �` ' :' Massey*-Harris ��ency, Qf Mr. . J.(Bm(ly wl u i+ 1u 111. �` g'r or SICK CHILDREN field f„r the reeve+hi Bosille� t• -_ . tho-< J. D._.31adill, W. G. Svott.• �! `.'-` Havint;r takoo over the a .enc • but-inPaa heretc;fore carried on b dd rr1, �t'liitq, C S. P+i!IVPr. _11rz. rr "' 31 r. T. A. Gres we.are prepared to su , t' the public with all kin s,•' ts•, / 3 g, p pa f 1•i 1► 1VIl-on, AV. A' I4iohht-6011, Jas. tr ,� g� of 'sic}rl��lu1. (us�an v'.,1,(Yr, L 11211 Folnitt�i riot is o+e� c1 iiiild �� C 1 - Farm Implements, 'Luticle€� may corks, Cannot Afford to Y.1y - -_.-- The otic bat„cen 1414.,12 nn(� Fur Treatment. �`' �' A "full Fto(k of riepalrs �4 I:aud,.alao Pe Laval Separatats Jamin till c•or[tinlies. .an(l liuul:tn ky :LU All �iOrll p G p tt L(l La L t ti LIo„d till-vuntirrrle; to be -hilt :>l y ---; i LL1 tl ' a P C� Is u �tI.CA3 right. . _ bnrh [;tlantitiv-� Esti ni:xke.i' til(• R•nr,d, Iron, Lift and I'•or-•P Pun�pc[, ... _ ` . ?whole Nvol Irl siin[drier. It is c•er- The 1f4,;vtil for Sick CnAdr,n,-Cullcge :11>o i i..trrnf a ,t.1, t„„1,ir:. 1I I tainly the ln,rt hl',•,[1� sat' of .tree, Tu1.:are, ah;,auis to tlic fatlun and lltd.�l - n,ot,rrs'cf 07tano for fun•lr to nu„ntain _. P �'- �u�re, Pickering, modern times. slid M rt tht• curl 1� l i,-k NV! r, 1 the thou.--wi rick children that it trayse� - -- - - -- - = xu,t ill sight. J il,an l:ea 1,: up lit'l, within rte to ails u%a; ye:.n -_ A07 N • r, `�nQt _._. n'i urlt,ti� tuartli, 1)ut.iLl- n tri'- TheHn,r.itai ,. not dt�e� 1661.17 one, rind 1411-r 1:1's ht:- a Intal in-t,tse,cn e lyp f Imillation inert-w-es every [lay. bbers The only brei zlit spot from a Rus- r':• k c'[i!I-fr;.nt a:• • • • �'lf•, • _ ixu l.ce u, Out 2412 a L, : Sian's statnc}N(rint is._tllr brave and � , � ;' ;i n' And �'h11dre ) ',• q,- Can't afrool t0 • ._ ._ &ti,- mine:l defenc,.> of-I ort .firth- Inas a,c came 1rt1,•i - � } .. • tir by Get). Sti>Ps•i i amt 1,1i,;-P1llc,cy Our ut(;had o, tr:a: In steno- Men S, oyS v YouthiS . Ifg+es as t h o child F _ gart•ison. The fail of this fortress �;,' fivin, To-,-,r and Rt'a1'hers represcnls tb,:result of J. D. King's �frn.+and Boss Stith Fmof Ruliben. tun .e„r srlltirl fol , rfecti.,n, g ' . - Is-unto an a3StICer1 fact, -nod it - in trextc:i free, g I - • � --' • seems a pity the s11uu1r11tU:d The,Hos,i'al had The.e hate bP(•n ten yoars of a,}- 3 M i stay longer whc>l they cannot Inge year m it, bed- vancenent. This lrturo.sive- Henderson & Farmer, Clare-moot. Ii�s�has a moneta.r slue to aur ACC011mli9h tbeir object, and the y and cot. sill 4e yr t.l, y _ 2G7 of these .ce'r•e st[ta3e71[s. (),lr XlA;IUACe5 ai'P rg- m_an- only 1,4en e.r loss cilli place c[, n.zPd uq the rery best. The tuntihucd d .fencc of t r from 194 E'la�ev out g y - y f lift- - side of Toronto. a1•e sought for by employers vino property. If there is nuclCa thing The cast is 93cer.ts dc•�,ire ea(•eptior,ally skfifnl[+den- as glory in trate, they certai0y : per patient per dxy• o4r•riphers. They coaltnand LhP -••' have \voll-it; and-surrender nott, curt there were lir[ highest salaries. ROST 0O D would not mean the loss of any of _ sick little ones a day If yoti qualify with us there is 1 �w.•�ivvv that glary-. . .The Baltic fleet toll- "Goon n.[s,Twrron," in the Hospital. no uncehtrinty about employ- that its-coyage, we are-sxfe in Since its founds- nient-it is waiting. Write for ,We have now in stock a shipment of Pulpers; Side-wheel .and saying, to inevitable destruction. tion the Hospital for pat•ticulars audenter Jan.3rd Cylinder. See Our anti-choke attachment, Its out-of-date warships with in- has treated 10,371 ex rienced officers, will be 'no children-a b au t - ALSO 1?e ',Silo of these were � snatch for the veteran Togo, who 'unable to pay and 6 a 0 -Perfection Fanning Mills. is now preparing to meet them. titre treated tree. � • • • • _ • � Oxford Cream Separators With the destruction of its whole Every dollar may and a fnll line of Implements. A call solicited. Prices Right navy, Russia will have a hopeless be the tmasIAtor of ---task before her. Japan has sur- Youi•kind thougbta - --- - - - , - ;iii d_tne whole world with the into the FIospitsl. 50 YEARS, E L. CHAPMAN AGT work she has acc•omp is a , and krEver bort s dol-rid deeds. EXPERIENCE •. f '..Inose,who, at the beginning of the lar rpv I?e, t be war san: Japan's final defeat, are Friend in Need to WAaeAGM - 6 - now beginning a admit that Rus- Somebody's child. , Wall , .-...Papers', Pa nt�; 01s,' equal 111 the Let the moneS of the strong be olereyy to !ta has met her he weak. The Hospital pays out divi•■etence of warfare. - •'dend9of health and -. - _--- --- -.-__-_TRaos MARK'i. _ _. .. I happiness to suffer- D[stGns - Markham, I ing childhood or. COPYWOMTS&C,. every dollar that i- Anyone sendtng a sketch and desertotion may .. .. _'�-- .-.. ... quickly ascertain our opinion free whotber w Miss Milne gave a most enjoy- i paid by the Jrionrl- invention is probably patentable. Cotmm�aica A largo fresh stock:now on haat. Prices in Wa11�Paperjranging abfearty 011 Tllill'Ed,ay evetllll r L ofiittle childr,n, 'tionsstrictlyconfdential.Handbook on•Patent$ - p 3, sent free.oldest agency for eecurm¢Patents.- from Sc-'up. _ t0 11.812114 fifty of her friends iii If you know o: Patents taken t roronigh Mann e:Co.rev ave ' I•ony sick Chilci-in special Aofice,witbout c arca,tattle honor of her niece, lliss Brown, of s. our neigThborhood Q Torolito and lier nephely R. R. j c Sdo tic Americane _ . . . . . . ... . , , '� ,,p R'h013 sick or rrip� • • (iOraUtl, of.11rn�trell. i 'ed or Ita9 Cl[tl, Ahanrtsomeiytlinstrated weekly, rareeat err. -" _ .' ` - p' c„lartnn of any tclenttcc journal Terme,P s By the -will of the lath .,Ir feet send the par yo„r: four mn,.ths,El..Bold by all newsdw lets. (�TRAl RD-On to fhe premises of wrium T"I.W-Inekarint station 60ril s ' out's hams LO ell � tt t C� ��� J the undersigned,lot 19, ocn 8, Fi.ker:ng, .Jane «'alInee Loveless, t,f.Scnr- 1 vU 3S1BF�ad+ray ri Tlc+l r;GGIrO EasT lice as ror.Lgws:- - _----_ IIOS ituh i� ' " -1 i�, on or about Octubot 45th, a lamp r,+an eu+rr. ro•_d 'MAIL 8:43 A.11�, -••lmro.Toww hip, the Eastern troll p �" The owner c,my have t[.e same by proving srTea t;vrrrtsa" See the erarnplc 12 Loc" M. ference of the'Metliodist clnirch propsrtB ant pari0g' ecp0neea. " 6ylca0ve 6.04 r. M of what can tib dobe fir"c1,ib•toiit children: ' All d';af,c -ria _ Madill,Brougham, "10 GAL, ,. ,•- , ., � iii Cttnadnk i)ecoines tliv bgncficiar3'. There were 1.4 like cases last year and hu[1 k d ar ge LO 8.04 P ill. tcork dune in first G_y of the Meth Ii:=t clim,ch building dreds in-28 years - cls s order. �SAWS GOING WZST DUR Ls roLLOws:- .. ._. .. and property tit 5carboro Jnnc' - - - _�- - - = - - Builders _ No.9 •Loc4,L _.. _ 8:41A,'X. . "Von, valued at $406. .11rs. Love- ... 1 - � - �'. . l � - • 4.11 LOCAL . ,, ,1 r X. whole estate'is aurin �iR.:,99. Har��-sL'oein a $pQ�r1CLI1+ 2:18 P.M The following interesting item - Any person. requiring building "T �dAu 8:09 P. M. • "~ appeared in Saturdays' Globe- I adders on hand a.nd material for house ac burn, may - '. Tile e!iggj c*melit is ann6itnced of .madr to-r,rder: Ile have saale delivered.at Claremont T OAT-•-A boy's black Persian Lamb - R. S. Jenkin; NI. A, and Hiss .per round. Pickering, Markham, Whitby or I-A cap, between Village and MCDermaNt's �. + ssrote: s.1 r" sora^r, Fiudet please leave same-,t this oi�es Diary Mints, Markham. The wed- please send contributions to J. Ros- cheap.,Brooklin at any time after Jnn. -din \vil} take laee next month, A ousel breaking cart fir sate 1st, 14305;at reasonable rices. R P ILobertsao,Chait•man,or to Douglas House and lot for sale. p iJi'4 .gALF.-d house and two lifter .Which• the tyewly-married son, 9•o.•Treaa-, of Tho'Hospital for Sick L. jV.h.ite, am s.!1 stores in Pickering v,llaae. Apple. flullplc! will sail for Italy. Children,College street, Tgconto, W, H. JACKSON, Brock Road. 51-3m Greenwood: to A B Dowswetl,Olaresaoat, bit r • _ , • ti, .f M J ;. CLAREMONT to the professional class, .entered LINGERING COLO, - - - the store of Messrs. J. & P. Mac- u T1 Isaacs HAlnilton spent a nab and after blowiu the safe Withstood Other Treatment But t say few c last week in Toronto. ° u, succeeded itt g are�n�.o�t Iarklot : pe getting the Quickly. Cured by Chamberlain a _ bra urs. Cooper andmagnificent stun of $10.80 tax- Cough Remedy. son spent, Aay in Ashburn. mouey,which had been in Last winter I caught a very severe Rev. M. and blrs. Tait"-are the safe for safe-l,eepeng, 6esi es T weeks," says A Great Success. Patronize it. Talk it tip. Help it in every -spending ttis week. in Montreal- J. Urquhart, of Zephyr, Ontario. •'MV, wayyou can, and buy our FURNITURE, y Fauc Chairs and $2 in shall change out of the till. cou h was very dry and harsh. The y y y - )t Mrs. B. Banks and Mrs. R'. H. An entrance was effected b tak- g �i4tAS Goods at Banks of Pickering were in town Y local dealer recommended Chamber- _ , $ ing out a pane of glass from above .lain's_Cough Remedy and guaranteed Beals, p o1.n Tuesday. the shutters of the window on the it,so I gave it a trial. One 20 cent J. �. Bead Claremont We are sorry to learn that west side of the store, and al- bottle of it cured me. I believe Chant -- y Heuston and bars. Thomson's ,in- though the window was full of berlain's Cough Remedy to be the best "' -- ;'44 fant child is seriously ill. glassware, only two small articles I have ever used." This is one of the The rink was opened on Satur- were broken. Some of the tools most staple medicines in use. Thous- day and about one hundred en- were taken from H. Thomson's ands have testified to its excellence. a Oy ed the first skate of the season It not only cures a cough quickly and J • wblacksmith shop and the work at effectually,but counteracts any tend- m. - W Graham sailed on Wednea- the safe showed that it was done encs towards pneumonia. ;tis equal. hildd day for Scotland to purchase an- by no novice at the business. The ly.valuable for. children anmay be other lot of Hackneys and Clydes- door of the safe was badly shat even to them with implicit confidence - dales. tered and will cost considerable t always cures and is pleasant to take - xe very busy three days _ - At market this week fresh eggs to be repaired. - None of the goods There is no danger in giving it to O �� bat if OII Want anything il>s u brought from 80 to 83 ets. a dozen of the store was taken nor any of children for it contains no opium or y g - 1 and butter fro 18• to 21 ata• a• other harmful drug, Bold by all Stoves or Tinware call stamps or pa rs belonging to the druggists, t pound. post=er. There is no clue what - .on him at his store in Claremont. His prices Rev. and M Wilkinron and ever as to the guilty parties. Miss Burton were at Bloomington ---_.�____ CLAREMONT LIVERY are right and goods the best of quality. on Monday attending the hot Good Pdw rsaliz a i at Claremont roast. •eery Tuesday. Mrs. Harold, of Manitoba, ac- - First-class horses to hire day or companied by her children, is vis- -Next Tuesday for good music. night. - _ - iting her parents here J. D. and Buse in connection, meeting all Mrs. McAvoy. trains. We understand that most of the Horses clipped on shortest notice.chuf 7stasrtreee Enter rt�,alnment in the the - �Jn © ©a @ �.J`a�C/�✓1�/�✓� W. g. Thomson, near future. W. M. Palmer is.showing s good - Proprietor. n1}� line of boots for winter wear. A i he Sovereign ;Bank of Canada• - _ 'specialty made in men's and wo- men's line. Call and see them * • • • g y - sag a Has over Customers. Walter Ward has of tticel GI►1 settled in his new house at Bal- .G. 22 000 - sam. use vacated by hitt `yard.Thomson will occupy house v `�✓ ;All Shrewd, Intelligent, Enterprising-Canadians. - -' `-' � ' Mr. Johnson of Toronto Univer- The undersigned is prepared to Sit), occupied the pulpit in the do all kinfls of carriage and wagon MARKHAM' BRANCH Methodist Church on Monday parotin at ilia shop over J. J. CLAREMONT BRANCH, . y A. P. Smith, Man. L. E. Todd, Agt. • Wight. Rev. Wilkinson being-at Harvey a Blackatuith-Shop, Clare- � - Glen Major, f ,/ wont, as reasoable rates. ` Do not forget the knife and `' w f J' : � ' Also prepared to dei all kirida of �00 �(a0 fork-tea andChristrua.-i tree, given "' t, � ' paper hanging and hmise paint- by the cougrel-ntiou aml 5utid.ty >►`"" iug, W. J. Bingham. - ischool of-F:t-kine church oil the The letter of .Miss. Merkley, _ _ -, North Claremont. evening of Weduesda -, Dec. '_'1=t. Wu)SC picture 1S Qri;lted t?�'t)t'J - J. & P. Mac•uab leave a gr*..•Rt display of Chri3trnas good= thi, proves 13.:y'Otltl quC5ti0t] t:3 at PSC1?;0ring . . . . "' ear., Their stock of gla-�tvare tilo;IS•1II�S Of CS S Of s�flalll>sla- � � � `~ es (ir Vigilance -. Committee . 1904 Pumps - - ,K-A _ gcxi(i;. etc..:is camptete.- C - iGn of- t1te Ovaries and womb >;ee them. ' Formed for rf—veriai? property sto en .— are annual! cured b the use of Levi Linton and fill+s Atime y y from rte t.en.bers and :he spurs• ' 5aepherdron were niarri-a by the Lydia E_ Pinkham's Vegetal,.`. hensiov of the thieves. Members havina prop.>rc st9leu 'rnmani• W'ndmifflsger. iL C'. Tart at the. Jlans:r on y�o7TIQOiIIId. cats immedistely with a(qv membeelWc41na;dny Eveuillg . We extend _. -- - --- _ _ of Yxeodii�a Uammeetee. ._. • '^ tote-t'-+ttu�-mapiff it1I1 $cart} 'Trz.ta ala P:vsaay —rrsda:l : cou ratulations.: as of strength and nerve farce tt:.J Membership rue 1100. g S� We are prepared to do all studs ofcork Merchants are cornKlxining that ;;e wmeth!ng was radical t•. wrote Arthur Jeffrey, Geo. Leng Promptly pertaining to thevamp bastners. itkie freight shed at the tRtton t t5 `Tith me. 'e pelvic orQtin.s I had serer" sh:xwtlrrg ra.oa cramps aad ppeeretary President. 3rocgt: t.i tom 4tn X11 to aceontmnd~tte the ^ztreme irrt=ica eocm ..7•. ......_.. ... _ � ' 'zue—o.-.�rs^.!:v�+'.. 'T:�.: .... `�"sr'R".'r"d"V,T^-"tµ�{:�Tn -�s�� .. p,�i�µ.�.. _ ,- •a a ,• .. .. ... - '�• �,�ands' ., ti a LEADING �I�B��TS, (day,ra at the were m Market to- PRINCIPAL CAVEI�i DEAD. _ day, and peltas were maintained. _ The supply of exporters' cattle kept Noted. Theologian �>d Head of limited, but the enquiry for them % :.'SITUITIOX AT PORTARyers _ ' • The Rulinglimited, In Live Stockwas e. Knox Collage Pty ,ale Away. d Breadstuffs; were content to cease poperations,r and A Toronto , f says :—Canada, _ _ l an deaf f trading 1 and ind �' i fol reli - were not desirous o ra ng genera- e!' wi a gleans • BREADSTUFFS. ly in this class of cattle, which are world, wit"✓l��*ieved to learn of the _ - `Tl�e Japanese May- Carry the Main Toronto, Dec. B.-Wheat-The mar- being offered at this season. The nth of•,a,&Lncipal Caven, which oc- quotations were nominal at $3.80 to carred at 8 o'clock on Thursday ket is weaker for Ontario grades, evening, On Friday of last week he with sales reported of No. 2 white $4.62 per cwt, Y. _ p Trade was brisk in sheep and lambs was at Knox College, and attended _ Forts by Assault _ _ and reit winter at $1.01 outside, ?�o. and although the deliveries were larg- to his various duties, apparently is 2 goose quoted at 89 to 90c east, his usual health. On Saturday he - er than usuala ., prices advanced 10 ani! No. 2 Spring at 95c east. Mani- was attacked with a complication of cents, mainly through the quality - ♦B(!RT ARTHUR SIEGE• imams quiet liars. The weather is fobs wheat is steady. No. 1 North- grippe and pneumonia and huh to II showing an improvement over that A' despatch from St. Petersburg warmer and more agreeable. ern, $1.01j; No. 2 Northern, 96jc, g take to his bed. From that date Chinese report that in consequence, and No. 3 Northern at 91 c. eleor*i of Previous markets. he grew gradually weaker until the ' hiof the general P Milch cows. continue in active de .Bays :—Agh officer, sisal', who is intimately fax witli of the•fnabf;ity of the Russian Iced an Bay posts, Grinding in transit wand, and prices were firm at $30 to end came. He passed peacefully the fortifications of Port Arthur, in- Cross Society to obtain supplies of- prices are 6c above those quoted. away at his late residence, 78 Spa- the that the importance of the fared In fife United States and China,. Oats-No. 2 white is quoted at $50 each. �� dina Road, surrounded by all the r The following were the quotations members of his family, with the ex- capture of 203-Metro Hill has been 'those supplies would be handed over 32,c low freights, and at 32e north Y I given for butchers' cattle:-Best ception of his daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) - J ever•-estin9eked. He' eicplains' that to the Japanese for the benefit of an anis west, No. 1 white is steady at g this hill, which the Russians call international hospital at Yinkow. 33c east, butchers', s of, to $4.40; good but- "ikon, who is in Indra with her hus- Visokaia. is situated west of the' A decidedly hot skirmish took place Uarley-No. 2 quoted at 45 to 46c chars', loads of, $3. to $4.10; Lair band. I to good, $3.50 to 83.70; cows, b2.50 Had Prfa:)pal Caven lived unfit - �:• _ railroad and belongs to the outer on Tuesday on the Russian right, be- middle freights; No. 3 extra, 43c, and to $3.f2•i; coinmon and rough, $1.25 the 26th of this month he would -stud not to the inner line of &4ences, tween- the Yillas:es of Chjantan and Nu.-3 at 41c middle freights, y- seals of age. to $2. have been seventy-four which are composed of permanent'gyaokchen, the latter place being cc- Pens-The market is firm, with The following was the range of About the end of last year he was ' forts on Canonia Hill, or Sungshu,cupied by Russian troops. Several prices unchanged at 67 to 68c -out- Mountain; Hawk Hill. or \'antas companies of Japanese, with cavalry, side. prices prevailing o stockers and fend- critically ill for a time, but his woe, Hill, and Woodcock Hill. taking advantage of night, tried to Cern--Tlie market is quiet, with ars75Feeders, s0- to keeps,, dens, to dental vitality came as his rescue, The Japanese are- now only - ablo'cat the 'Russian communication in new Canadian 42 to 43c west. New 1,275 TDs., $3.50 to $4; feeders, 1,- and in June last he was so tar rt- " Ito attack the main line, just as hap- this •direction, but, border scouts- en- Anmericau' allow, 55c on track, To- 050 to 2,175 tbs., $3.25 to $'3.60: stored to health and vigor as to at- Y feeders; 800 to 1,025 lb., $3 to $3.- tend the great conference in the Old peaed in _the case of Dragon Hill, closed the Japanese on two sides and ront6. and new mixed, 54c, Toronto. 35; stocl.ers, 600 to 800 IDs., $2.25 Country, taking a very prominent after the capture of Wolf Hills. The routed them, capturing ten rifles and Old American No,. 3 yellow, 66c, and to2.75; stockers, 400 to 600 Part in the deliberations of that as- Japanese took Wolf Hills July 30, several horses., The Russian loss was old No. 3 mixed. 64c, Toronto. $ sembl lint it was not uhtil four months lbs., $1.40 to $2; bulls, 900 to 1,200 Y• five killed or wounded. The Japanese Hyo-The market is quiet, with Na. 1,75 to-$3:lbs., On his return to Toronto Principal -" - - later, Nov.-30,' that they were able loss to supposed to }have been hiudh 2 gi;oted at 75 to 76c outside. $ Caven was comp limented on, all Ito reach the permanent forts on the The prices of sheep and lambs were P heavier. IIi.Ckwheat-The market is nominal hands on his improved physical con- north and northeast of Port Arthur, as foilows:-Export ewes at 55 to 56c at outside fats. dition, and applied himself to his "How long the permanent defences , $3.75 to$3.8;3; export bucks, $2.50 to $2.75 CAPTURED.TSI'O FORTS. h�loi�r-Ninety per cent, patents are many duties with renewed energy will hold out after the loss of the per cwt; cull sheep, $2 to $3 each; . quilted at @4.35 to $4.40 in buyers and vigor. Ria sudden death will } - - others I do not venture to predict," A despatch from St. Petersburg lambs, S4.50 to $8.10 per cwt. ►9 sacks, east or wast. Straight rollers Como [n the nature of a shock to his continued the informant, "but it is says :-The Russian Consul at Chefoo Calves sold at 3 to 51c per ID, and of s"ecial brands for domestic trade, host of friends, who were of the v not unfair to ccimpare the situation telegraphs. that the Japanese captor- $2 to $10 each. w _ with what occurred at Sebastopol-1,ed. two forts in the stor=e opera- 'in bbls„ $'i. ,i to $5, Manitoba opinion that he was only suffering P 8 , Flogs were uach:anged at $4.80 for The last outer defence at Sebastopol tions against fort Arthur on Nov, ;flour. uncbanq,,d, No. 1 patents, $5 - elects, 160 to 200 TDs., of prime be- from a slight ind;aposition. wascarried in .June, but the capture 29, but the- news " is not confirmed 70; No. 2 patents; $3.40, and strong cos qualitv,' off cars Toronto; $4.80 Principal Cave- parried Margaret, of the Malakoff Tower did not follow from any other• quarter. The Consul batters', $5.30 oh track, Toronto. for fats and lights. daughter of the Iate John Goldie, of Udlfced--At outside points bran is g Ayr, the distinguished naturalist, in till three months later. 'Sebastopol says the Japanese Josses were enor- P votccf,at $14 30 to 51,-,, and shorts July, 1856. His widow, three sons, had the advantage of never: having mous• and that 3,000 men were saC-iiDr. John Caven, Dr. James G. been.conip[etoly inveytcKl, and con- ,rlficed in two hours faat $27.50 to $19.,. 14far.itoha bran TWO MEN ASPHYXICATED _ tinued throughout the siege to re- fin sada. $19• and shorts at $21. Caven, and Dr. IV. V. Caven, practis- - ceive reinforcements an-d sapplies. J'APS FALLING BACK. Turned on the Gas in a Dundas 1 Ing physicians. Toronto, and three -"Oa the other hand, the natural COUNTRY PRODUCE. Hotel.. daughters, Mrs. (Rev.) W. A. Wilson, strength of the positions at Sebas- A despatch from St. Petersburg i a missionary in India, and the' says -Official and private rlespatciics i Buttce-'fhe.. market. is unc7ianged. A d"spatch from Hamilton says: Misses Caven, at home, survive• topoI was inferior to those-of Port received hero on xesday right All l.nev but creamery prints are Two men, William Macdonald anti! { - Arthur, -203-Metre #gild is 25 metres .indicate that the Japaiues are fall- ;corrin, forward fairly well, Quota^ 2i'ifberL Lawrence, farm hand-4 who higher than the permanent farts on ink back below Sintsintin, where'tioa_-r ahe unchanged. royided In East Flamboro', were as- ( NAVAL MILITIA. the northern side, but it is 2,000 for several days they had apparently Crea^fors,-prinEs 21c Le 22c phvaiated in a'roem on the top floor metres distant from them, whereas' been attempting a turning movoaiv nt. I do tw.s 19c to 20c Io' the Melbourne hotel, Dua-da,;, Le- Will Serve for Three Years and the distance between the Italakot'l A;ter-four days of -severe but u::suc- bale tul s, g and the outer defences of Sekastopol .esaful fighting they are now retiring y good to choice 1St to IF?. �ttvecsr rnirini ht and noon on Satur- Go Into Reserve. - was only_ 500 metros. I believe the -.do m(•di,iin .. 13C to IIc day, The two applied at the Mel- A despatch from Ottawa says :- ,r< p the Russians in pursuit. 1t is I , 10c to l2c Japanese will t to car the main) do ir.frrior grades . . boinne f)r a room at midnight and Mr. Prefonta ne_s, scheme-, for the try carry �imQ4 kle,_as.. yet_ La._ _tell .shat cr Ddi ry 7b i ells,' -6c d to_ - iv©i a assTc ii�d-1 o connT�rCabie tf iters t - - fartsr- by assautt;-arid;YsifrtTa''in g q creation of a naval reserve la sa#d to this• that they will revert to sapping either movement Ifas real strategte choice 16c to 17c on the third Coor. They aid in ad- - eY PP �I significance. j " " "' P include the acquisition of three train- - land mining." _ I do rredfiim .. .... .. 14c to 15c vance and did not register. Saturday Ing vessels from the British Govern- MANY here is steady morning they did not put -in-an ap- menti one to be located in the !lr>ar- MANY 1{OLJNDED• ani noted unchan e . at 10ic to FOII-Li-Bf'-l2Ti•. -1_ .0 �' caraacc n. breakfast time, but, ow- films Provinces, the second an the • ~ A despatch from Tokio says ;-It! A desphtch from St. Petersburg leigc for Targe an e c to c ins; to t e at •-hour at�c� Py pQer �� es, an t e t rr !n W is the.grneral opinion here that the!says :--Gen. Kour-opatkin, under date;twins in Job lots• dere. retired th-ir non-ap;rarance did not tish Columbia waters. There will ;Port Arthur fleet will attempt to of Thursday, reports that--tier Jap- LI,-17r-Racoip1.9 of new l fid me al- lead anyone to suppose that there be eight instructors to 'each vessel, :make a aortia when the harbor be- anese force which evacuated Tsink- mist nil, and they are quoted uranin- was anything wmnq. obtained presumably from the Brit- Tomes untenable or when the Rua hetchen (near Da Pass; took a frosh'al at 22c to 23c per dozen. Fresh About noon Richard Corrigan, the ish Royal Navy • . Irian pians for escape mature It is position near the Village of Swdun. ,are unchanged at 20c_to 21c and day clerk, , had reason to go up to The naval militia will be trained about seven and a half miles south-',timed at 20c the third floor, lie detected-an odor ' for three seasons and then go into )evident that most of the ships are I - _ !badly damaged and unfit for sarvrre easi of that place. ;They carred-ofr Poultry-There is a ¢ood demand 1 of gwq, and at once investigated to the reserve. At the and of about S !but some have,fighting' power The ma. v wouirxled The. Russian infan-- for frt'sh, dry p1'icleed, but compara- ascertain where the leak was, On eight years it is expected to have a tussians continuo mineclearing op- try in the morning of Thursday re- Lively little of this kind is coming o?ening the door of the, room in reserve of 10,000 trained men. The- erations, manifestly for the purpose sumed the offensive, advancing !a the forward, .Quot.itions are unchinged . which the two men were supposed to permanent naval militia will num- Of Preserving an avenue of`escape, direction of Suidun,-under cover of ITurrl.eys are quoted at 13C to.14c for be steenin.c, he was almost overoome ber 800. of whom 300 will be on the - artillery tire, Elsewhere all is young nd loc to 11c for old, Ducks ; R w of as. liehurried down- Atlantic Coast. 200 on the takes RUSSIANS REPULSED. . and geese at Ric to 9c, Chickens at stairs and secured assistance. Tho and on -Erie n o um A despatch- from ' Tokio says ;- I 5ic to 9c, and hens at •5c to 6c. gas was turned of`' and the room win- Coast, SANK-TORPEDO BOAT. Potaloe.9=The market As unchanged dow oVenexl-. One man war found ly-r Wan7hurian headquarters, reporting _ �F'rida ru ht. say A despot h received in London from with a rather firm tone: Ontario. Ing on the bed and the other unier- _ Y g Y MORE BUTTER LESS CHEESE "On Thursday at ten in the even- Scowl states""that in rho ml'ctdle 'of stock .ilunte3 at C,3c to 70c on track neatH t}re bc>ci. Both were de`ad,' and _ Ing tho enemy's infante attacked I October a Russian torpedo boat left and 7 5 to SOC out of store. I•;astern the doctors; who were promptly ifum- R Y' Y Shipments From Montreal Port blachuanantzu Mountain, but were l'ladivostock to make a recoanais- at 73C to g0c on track ,and 90c to conned, could do nothing for them. -During Past Season. Immeditaely repulsed. On Friday sante, Tho garrison in ' the fort.9-95c o,it of store. At that time it was not known who morning fife enemy's Infantry-and thought ahe was @ Japanese v ssul DresF+si Ifogs-Are quotdd steady at Life men were,.'but later on.the police A despatch from Montreal says: cavalry apptoeched Hungtipicnatitzu, and fired upon and sank her. $6.25 to $6 30 per cwt. for selected got information which led to the 1•e- The total value of the exports of h 'but were driven oQ." weights on track here. lief that their names were Macdonald butter And cheese shipped during the MAY REST U` TIT, SPRING. Baled IFa,y-The movement is fairly and Lawrence. season of n tvigation just closed is ea- BOMBARDED RAILWAY. A despatch from 3fukdeti says heavy. Quotations are unchanged at timated at $19,167,304.30 to the fac- A despatch from Mukden Bayo The exodus of correspondents and-$R ler ton for No. 1 timothy on TRAGEDY AT GALT. tory-men in the country, or at $19,- - ,'Phe Russian 91ege artillery began a military attaches continues. Lieut,- track here and 57 to $7.50 for No. 672,983.00 laid down Here. Of the dbombardment at noon on Sunday in Col.. Schuyler and Capt. Reichmann, 2 aarl mixed clorer. Aged Woman ' and -Son Found latter amount $1,4,284,399 Is .on ac- the region of the.railway Pelow Sch- of the United States army, and Col. Bated Straw-Ts scarce and-the inar- Dead by Police Chief, count of cheese, the remainder, $5,- Iatun, a station near ghakhe. i'he waters, -of the British army, have set is firm in,tone at $6 to $630!'0: 8®8,583.$0; being on account of but- > (bombardment was continuing heavily 'left. Only six foreign correspondents ton for car lots on track here. A Galt despatch says :-The cot- Ler. 'finis results in a falling off on " `7throughout the afternoon. A largo remain• and. some .of these contem- _ _ _ ag James Barber, the part of cheese this season, as •t a of Mrs Ba er, on ,train of sick and wounded, part of -plate going home. MON AIARFCFTS. Spruce Street, was broken tato at 9 compared with last, of about $6,715,. - whom inion is dtvided as to the o'clock on Saturday night by Chief 600, and..an increase on the pf whom' were wounded in a recent p Pros Montreal, Dec. 6.-Oats-40c'to 40$c of Police Gorman, and he made' a Part small fight on the east flank, went Pacts of another big battle being for No. 2 and 'at 39c to 39ic for butter, of about $1,R8S,583, making morth friday indicating •th$t the Ki' ping. the report ghastly discovery. In the only bed (ought before s r po a total rtccregse of $+),327,017. These - 7ttissiane were preparing for imuii- was -ircutated here last week that if�INo• 3 per bushel ex-store_,. in . the house .the aged woman lay figures do not represent the total - hent onsualties. the Japanese made 'no•attack by a I Flour-Jfanitoha spring wheat pat- dead; her head being drawn under kc for the season, but merely the -' Certain date Gen. Kouropatkin would lents, $5.80; strong bakers', $3.50; her body. On rthe floor and partly estimated value of the shipments for BEFORE PORT ARTHUR. take the offensive. This data has winter wheat patents, $5.70 to g5,- under the bed was George Cathrae, the Benson o[ navigation. passed, and still there is no signs Ifs: straight rollers, 55.40 to $5.50, her song rigid in death, Mrs, Barbar A despatch -from St.' Petersburg and in 1 s, $2.55 ao 82.60. was dressed in her night clothes, her' - - part of the says: Tho War Office hero is not yet of a movement on the l IW s, who are establishing,tliem-f Food Manitoba bran in bags, $17 son had on ah Pridersbirt and a pair es preparto accept the,report•that the Relves in quarters that would answer Ito_$18; shorts, $21 per ton; Ontario of drawers. He lay flat on his back SCENTS,INDUCE ASTHMA i Japanese before Port Arthur have for the -winter and- adcumulatin bran-in bulk, $15.50 to $16.:10; shorts with his arms extended upwards and "T taken 203-Motro Hill, but if it is'I large supplies of forage and provi-- $19 .to $20, and moAlle,'$24 to $28 his hands clenched. In the living Sulphur Matches, Pigeons and aubsegAently ofticially confirmed' the aiona, " per tdn, as to quality. room adjoining the Itedroom their Cats Provoke ffialady. -iWar Office admits that it will be a Meal-The' demand is steady• and clothing was strewn about on the 4esperate WSW for the gallant de- -- sales were made at $2.124 per bag. floor, chairs and table. A London despatch says :-Some fenders of the fortress. The"position 'TO LICENSE FACTORIES. Coroner Vardon condueted an ex-' astonishing details as to the causes - - A fair business was done in cornmeal police. of asthma are _ commands the harbor, and it the Ja- at 51.35 to $1.2b 'per bail. amination with the chief'of of given in the December panose can moupt siege .guns on its In Order to Secure 'Uniform Ex- He states that he is of the belief number of the Practitioner. In. one cellence in Cheese Out ut. FIny-No. 1, $9 to 59.25; No. 2. that death was due_either_te-stiffoea= ma.was nought on by con- summit they can force out the Rus- p $3 to 38.25: clover mixed, $7 to $7.- - ti nit t sian squadron or destroy it at its 1- flea-€nom on, or to poison. The g Y o cut flowets, in another by A despatch from .'Toronto says:- ,, and pure. clover -$.6.25--te--$ft75 former then seems more tenable, the smell. of thea scents, and in a.. anchorage. Those familiar with tfie -t}i Iper on{n car lots. but strangelyyenou h neither of the third b that of sulphur matches, _�. _ _..... .. �snpporting--plauXT a forts .think Ontario - Department of Agriculture I Bears)--Choice primes, -51,40 to $1.- bodies has ' he appearance that us- In another case a medical man al- __ t is by no means certain that; -even will repviro' every cheese factory in 45 per bushel, '$1.35 to $1.37} in - though the Russians are forced to re- the Province to Secure a license; IIs scar lots. nails follows suffocation. The coal ways found_himi if attacked• by er t Itiie from 203-Metre Hill,.the Japan- this means the Government would bol I'rcvisions-Heavy Canadine rho-+, stove situated at the door between thma-When he visited a house where cse can place in position heavy guns enabled to control the factories, Ad cut pork, $16.50 to $17.50; light the two rooms had all the. drafts there r a.cat,. and did not finally against the fire which trio other forts if a facto ,was turning out an. in.'shurt cut; $16.50 to $17; A•merioan open. It was out, but all the fuel recover until the cat died. Other, + tan bringto bear on it. ' Still- the -ferioi tt�� y clear fat backs, $20; com oorel t d, had been burned. instances are given a which pigeons, piod'RCt, not •onl to its own p 1. " Cathrae was last seen-on Thursday .anarie9, and thrushes caused asthma ...War_.Ofnce officials reluctantly' agree disadvantage, but to the dlsadvan-�6�, to 7c; Canadian lard, 61c tai night., He was down town and was to the owners, and one in which the that such a breach in tlie chain rerr- tage of the whole Province, the .Gov- j7lje: kettle rendered, 8;c to 91c ac- very drunk. Neighbors seeing no one malady was always brought on by tiers the position extremely critical, ernment would have authority to cording to quality; hares, 12c to 13c; about the Barber home on Friday or the smell of horses. and_ though the garrison might be find out,the reason why a o 1' c o- 3c re, killed at- :Saturday became alarmed, and on " able to. hold out in the Golden Hill, _ - --= 2 1 , %h a c e c n, t " f b S y arms toir hosts, $7 to $7.25; heavy -fat Saturday night notified the police, V.— 'tiger's Tail, and flail forts for some hogs, $4.50; mixed lots, '$4.50 to $5; The doors-sere found locked on the PEAT AREAS IN CANADA. —"--..__ time It may mark the beginning -of 4i800'r.RAILS SATISFACTORY. select, $5 to $5.1.01 off cars. inside. The outside windows were -- LHe end, The War Office is convinced Cheese-Ontario_fall white, 10c to all closed but the inside bedroom' Geological Survey Gives Then' at that with the approach of the Russian .20,000 Tons: for Federal Govern- in'c colored," 10ic to 10ic; Quebec, window.was up two inches. No odor 87,000 Square Miles. second Pacific squadron the .Japanese _. ment-Inspected: ' - 9'c to 10c. of gas was perceptible.' The house considered that the elimination of " A despatch from Ottawa says :—An Butter-Finest grades, 20}c to is comfortably furnished and-well �i Jibe Port Arthur squadron as a fight- An Ottawa despatch says :-The n admirable bullef.in on the great rot 9ng tatter was absolutely vital; thus `10,000•tbnrt of stets r-ails "ma-16 11;r ma c' ordinary finest, ]9,c.to- 20c;. Stocked with fuel ;nd provisions. sources of Canada, by'Dr. Chalmers._. madi,,m grades, 19c to 191c, and o[ the Geological Survey, was issued _• accounting for the reckless sacrifice of the Canadian Government in the r POZSODTED..BRANDY. og . y.- AI oma works have been ins c;estor Selydflrlift tl 1, 2. on Friday. It nes the total known '"'Mfrs is order to 'secure a position di= g petted, y' ..._ gives rectly commit.nding the harbor, 'ct r-Select new inlet, 2.ic tn- 24c` Twenty rankbIt Are of Ki ff Who �0 sq the Dominion at 87,- . � and.oyer half _of them shipped _.to- 1 R L.areas of s•trnivht gathered enndled. _f iu y 00 square miles,'but Dr. Chalmers Montreal. They are of the 80=pound D HOT SKIRMTSH, class, and aro to replace soclio 67-121c, No. 2, 15fe to 16r: considers that future explorations pound rails, on the Intercolonial A despatch from 'Berlin says: A will show a.much greater area. The h despatch from Mukden says: Railway, - 'Phe rails wed inspected - 'C4\l'TLE, ATARNT.'r, despatch to the Lokal Anzeiger from bulletin dZscribes the different There wag another erti1a11_skirmish on as to shape, Strength, and weight, Toronto, Dec ri-The buyers all Kie(1 Russia, announces that 20 per ufacturing promRses which are fief.; Gen.' Eennenkampf's front on Wod- and were found to be up to the re- said that trade; was ar•tive for the sons habe lora their lives there used in the Dominion, and the best nasday, brut otherwise everything re- quiroments. best kinds of butchers' cattle and 'tnrougii arinmrg polsonod brandy. known deposits, . _ _. ,,: :. _ .. . :.. - — . . . - ' . -- - - -- - ___... . . . . _ ._ ,, _ - __ _ . .. ... .. Y .. • r.. _ • •. •_ .,, .. �.. S, " ! `I"f"�'f"M' �.j.>j. tall, erect figure o1 the elder woman, "Yes," he replied, forcing a smile. , L s • , and clinging to her arm moaned : "I have a little-enough." t-,. a . I . i . "Spero him, madam! Oh, indeed, "Oh, not enough, she said quickly, " . . k. T you do not know what you say i" and she put her hand up to a chain st� . ' I r�IY n The countess looked down at her around her neck. "My hand Arem- K - ," G /�op � U V with tiny, burning eyes, and put her hien so that I can't unfasten it. Un- .-:. -__,_.__ uV I I' aside as if she were a lay figure, do 1t, Royce!" -_"-,. and yet not roughly or unkindly. He unfastened the snap, and she __ . "Do I not?" she said passionately. took the chain off swiftly, and press- 1'OR DUCTION K YRO - "It is you who do not understand. ed it into his hand. Our experiments extended over tat �. I , - It is only I who know what this "I haven't any money with me, period of two years, writes Prof. 'A. . y - thing that he has done weans. You Roy^.e, but I will send you some if M• Soule, of the Tennessee Experi- ,• i QR plead fo% him, girl?" she laughed a you will let me, and you will, won't !mental Station, The first test was I laugh, terrible iu its misery and hu- you? You won't be too proud to made with 24 hogs divided into eight - " - A SECRET REVEALED miliation. "You would not if ycllu take it from }'our-sister, Royce!" g, I.sot three each, and continued P ' knew what I'have been dreaming 1 "You are not my sister, Renie," he for 60 days. A duplicate experi• ' « ,�. ,�, , 4.141„rk4.J+jr these years. You would not if you replied, "but if you were 1 should meat was made in 1903, and contin- ued for 77 days.knew that I had hoped—" She be too proud, as you say to take Y The repetition of - CHAPTER. III. , till-but I had to drink or go mad, stopped, and looked from one to the money from you." the experiment was deemed advisable AAs Royce Landon, drawing himself and at last-he'd thrown a glass o1 other, and though the .girl did not "Oh, Royce! But the chain! You to eliminate the influence of individ- i 'UP, exclaimed "I'll face it," the wine in my face. He said it was understand the broken sentence and will take that? You can sell it. uality as much as possible by secur- door opened and a lady entered: an accident; but it was meant. It the glance, Royce did, and his face He shook his head; then as her lag a record from a larger number w -- She was of middle age,. and still was meant- and I"-headrew a long flamed. eager face clouded over with disap- of animals. These trials were under- singularly beautiful, but the beaus breath-"I struck him!" "But that is all over now,"- ex- pointlnent he unfastened a small taken largely for studying the va- - Y lue of corn meal alone and of corn Of her face was marred by an expres-I The countess had eat with her claimed the countess. "If I was locket from the chain. - Bion of pride which-would have been eyes hidden by her hand. She now ambitious for him, my son-and God "Not the chain, dear Renie,' he meal when fed is combination with -• too rose, white to the lips, and trembl- alone knows how ambitious I was, said; "but I'll take the locket, that varying amounts o1 skim milk for Pronounced and vivid even for production. _ furan. She was tall, upright as a ing with fury, and how much I hoped for!-I owe I may always, have something with Pork ,. - Five t o th e h a dot o to-others"-she had near] I a used in the first dart; there was not a speck o1 I struck him.' he went on, his Y y_ me to remind me of you, not that ( r i experiment were Chester 14hite g'r'ay in the dark hair, and on look- nostrils expanded, his eyes blazing, said you"-"and I will not .forget I shall need it. And now good-bye� •• In g at her one saw at once 'where „I would have killed him it I could it! He has sacrified his name and once more, dear Renie! There, trades bred on the university farm; Boyce had got his but-but the tore us apart. There his honor—" don't cry! I'm not worth a tear or the remainder' were purchnsed and - g graceful bearing; Y P b I for this was his mother, the Coun- was a mark across his face--'L "Enough, mother," broke from a sigh, as the song says. There- were said to be Cheater White and ,_ -cess of Landon. She was dressed in "They all as. I should be court- Royce hoarsely: I have sinned, I ad- there!" Berkshire cross. The 32 hogs used in ,. � ay, satin trimmed with white lace- martialed and unished. I was plat- mit it; I have been a fool, I know Her. hand dropped from his arm, the experiment of 1903 were purr. P chased is an adjoining coon " he Min of the.picture-and ed under arrest-" He stopped again. it. But my honor—" and she put it in his hand, and j 8 t=Y % These were grade Berkshires, but ' though there was no company at t Trace knew he couldn't face "A man's honor is lost when his twined it around his fingers lovingly b'r Monk Towers, wore dfamonda at her thequt ]3e had t a better name is besmir:hed and strained as approvingly. In the innocent eyes they were inferior in quality to those . I �' g° yours is!" came the 'passionate re- there was a look that said lain .used in the previous experiment, as � IQthroat and on her fingers, c than that, mother, and he play- plainly: gray eyes rested on t e tort. • "Take me in your arms, Royce; is evident from the smaller and less As her ed It. He meant to drive me out ••You go too far," he said, and kiss me, for I love you," uniform gains made. The hogs were handsome face of her son they melt= of the service. He sent me' word I his voice was almost inaudible, "but Perhaps he understood the look for confined in pens and fed twice a days _ ed into softness fora moment, .but that if I would send in my reaigaa- you believe what you Slay—" his color came and went. But, not- The rations fed per animal are li It was for a moment only, and it tion the matter, should drop." "I do!" she exclaimed fiercely. withstanding what his mother had shown, together with the initial and gave place to an expression of proud Once more he paused. The sweat I ' Then this is no place for me," he said, Royce Landon had not lost all final weights and the total pounds .and Passionate anger, only kept in stood in big drops on his forehead, said sternly, "If I am dishonored, honor, and he resisted the temple- of gain in the following table : - teheek by an iron will. his hands clinched tightly. I I am still too proud to herd: with tion--the great temptation-and in- Hogs fed In the ratio of one pound " . I '' Royce came forward and kissed her.I "I thought it all out as clearly grooms and potboys; too proud to stead, he raised her hand to his lips !pounds to three, six, nine and 12 _ _ "Well, mother?" he said, as I could. I knew that if it came I loaf about my mother's house; an I and kissed it tenderly, reverently. I pounds skimmilk made the largest She endured the kiss, but did not, to a court-martial I should be, object for the scorn of her friends "God-by, Renie!" he said in a gains on frum nine to 19 pounds! - return it, and as she took in the skimmilk.- The consumption -.- torn and dust condition of his cashiered aril disgraced. I'd struck and acquaintances. You asked me very law voice, 'And-don't think mpt,on of Y my superior officer, you see; that's I w-hat I was going to do, I do not I worse of me than yon can help!" (skimmilk reduced the consumption of . clothes her eyes Sashed, unpardonable!-and I-resigned!" know; but this I know, that, outcast Thea he turned and strode off, but concentrates considerably, though • Why have you come home7" she i = as I am, I would rather die in a !as he entered the avenue he looked the cost of a pound of gain was low. asked. The countess stood speechless for a + - Fie drew forward a chair for her, moment, her bosom heaving; then 1 ditch than eat the bread tainted back and waned his hand. She was est with a consumption of one pound she raised her hand with an action: with scorn and contempt. , I shall standing white, lily_-like in her thin, Brain to three pounds skimsiilk. This ' . 1. but she atilt stood, regarding him almost tregic !n its intensity. !not stay here to shame )ou, mother I white dress, her hands before her shows' that animals will often con- ' 1fli"Wod ly -1 will god" eyes, and be knew that she wds cry- surae larger quantities of foot! than Won't you sit down, mother7" bel "You base disgraced yourself-you ,•. I Ith can digest and easimiiate with have dishonored the name you -Yes, go she cried. 'The son I Ing and for hint. She waved her i they g said. "I'm afraid you are not glad i Y bear' loved and prayed for is as dead to hand, her lips formed his name, and ilii THE, GREATEST ECONOMY, t. to see me; that-that you didn't ex-, Look there She pointed to the per- me as if he lay in his co Hint" then he wa,% gore. The largest gain per head per day . )poet me again so soon." ; trait of the earl in his general's uni- ' Oh, madame, madame!" moaned (To be Continued.) was made by Groups. 8 and 4, 1.4 . ' I didn't expect to come, back m ! form. 'Your father won in the fl"ld ounels, followed close] y-; Irene piteously, and she glided to P y bt Groups . ]self - he -went on. "But the fact is, 1 a coronet for his race; his name was' Royce's side and caught his hand. . 1 and 6, with a gain of 1:35 pounds. P BB "Come away from him"' said the 3'OISOhi3 SQiCIETY USES. The other groups a]! gained 2 3 scrape. was s ken. �'ou have dens ed that ands with the secs tl ]mother, I've-well, I've got into a honored wherever and whenever it He sto _ name-in.the- ==c have- �1,elp countess. commarxiingly "Come D on of the _ Pa piled, but still t31ie wonId not-'- away- Ife m-nat a &t'-a*:eia.te•.for &„Drugs Now :Such in Demand_ by ' lot fed cora areal and water. T'he Help him. This second son of hers'ed from, service of which he was so 'pure-hearted girl who bear- an hon- I English Women, - tare-t lams -we e- maw-by-��— was the child of her heart• the a Proud-and which was so prow. of , mu s receivin p I ored m6me. ere IS disgraced-•-an ` I groups g corn meal and ple of her eye. She would have him-by striking your superior o r i outcast!" . `-1 A London chemist has assured me wheat meal, mixed to the ratio' of 2 ' I,, - laid down her life for him wilitn Iv, I in a drunken squabble. And you , that he sells on the average 100 bot- i to 1, with skimmilk I -g "Yes Go." Irene." he said in a '[*'-- else'CWF-lois. >$II,1<.��+••••natoR h ht..rt an' are m non and his!" sad voice ''Srivht ' ti-s of ctilurud •ere a week and knows-1 The valve of ski.mmilk as an ad- iceberg of pride and ambition. ]fust No words can describe the passion- what the world say's-and will at t t per cent of his customers are !Junc in ug c•.•c ing is a c,wn y a Maothers would have sunk into the ate bitterness of her tone; it made I ways -r addicted to the.habit says a writer I fact that Group 4 consumed 4 1 chair and probably be to c ay say Go, Irene!t e put y pounds corn . meal for one pound p Iy gun cry; Koyce start as a thoroughbred starts her from him, and she stood almost }n the Landon Chronicle, (P - but she reulaisied motionless and a at the cruet scut of the lash. 1 .. . ._. P-I between the two weeping After all, chlorocfv sin. whereas Groups� e .ping bitterly, -rte is merely a B pe 8. 7 and 8 pareritly unmoved, I ."My, son, for whom I had hoped I a, . . III, l� And now, mother," aliiative not con._lured -on 1, 17 _ 1 m the he said, "be- �P a'curr, as some• vain- i3' 8 pounds concen- t "1L hat have you done?" she asked, iso much! It was for you to carry fore I go will you not say one kind ' ly trnagine• and to fly to it for so- I trates with approximately 19 pounds as he lace Upon skimmilk per pound of paused, and, with knitted i on the traditions o1 the house, to word one word of torgtveaess? 1: Po the leant ache or pain !s P P gain, In oth- . I "4h brown, gazed at the carpet, 1 nev- raise the name ut Landon still high-j7cnaw tient is your. 'anger you have �like fraternizing with a vampire er words, 12 pouni!s sk'tirmilk eased1. I or see you, hear from.you, but I;er; or at any rate to keep its lustre uttered words tliat mean more than I Among the society women arsenic I2} Pounds corn meal, - . - �- expect bad news. -This occasion, I f bnght. You have dragged .it'in the! you think or realize. Do not fear j is in great vogue, largely uu ac^ount The experiment indicates that a presume, is to prove no excopttoa I mend, tra9led it in the dust Do you that I shall hen upon ou a burden , of its "beautify in H I bushel of corn ,,enri i.a un rs W$ ar ou in thi- stela?" vert i R p _y _ _6-e Pets. Those _flint•. , lL �' Q-1 she think thin the-aei 1d-va+l} eat-lcarrsra2ld -entero raitce am gulag, as!Who tare more concerned with brit- Pork, which at 8 cents would give looked nine over severely the truth-that it willnot consider his voice broke ancy ice refers it a feeding value of €11 cents a - I. you bid ale, but,"- ileacs of conversation than of tom- B "Ivo walkedo a long way,"- be that you have been ex lied from the I altogether; "gay just one word that P g preference to sal vola-' bushel; at 5 cents, 6,1 cents a bush- said; then he added candidly, •tor, service? It knew it before I dldt I can retriemk�er, that' will soften the tile and ether. Ether drinking as a I el;. and at 7 cents, a. feeding value - . one of the few virtues this young It will never forget it! Never' When I others! I am sorry for .what has secret drug habit is especially popu- Of 9!S cents. A farmer often sells . man could boast was truthfulness, they speak of the Earl of Landon 1 happened, and yet•'•-a look, the ex- lar in London, 'and during the season I his corn at 40 to 50 cents, when " "and--and I had a bit of an adven- they will add with a sneer that it act reflection of her own, tame into large quantities of the mixture are fat hogs worild'bring hien 5 to 7 . tura on the way, a tussal with a was a son of his who disgraced him- his eyes, 'Wand yet if it' were all to 'wid The rapid exhilaration produc- cents per pound, under the mistaken man at the fair, mother,': self, and barely escaped punishment come over again I should do the I ed by ether compounds-and the tran- idea that he. cannot afford to feed it. ` �` , . "You come home in disgrace--••-" and dismissal.!" same. If he had teen a king I should aparen't complexion of the arsenic Corn has been purchased at 80 cents "In disgrace, and you stop on the She paused for a second or two have struck him! I could not hold I taker are paid for dearly by the a bushel and fed at a profit at the ..;_4-••`""_•wr. way to indulge in a vulgar brawl to gain breath, then went on as my .hand and live. To have set f Physical ailments that ensue. station. at a fair passionately as before : - there and borne his insults meekly Some women fancy various aroma- The manure frcim antmahs const]. "Not a brawl, mother-but no "And, now you come home, what is would indeed have seemed dishonor tic extracts, such as eau de cologne, tutes a part of the legitimate profile ' ;matter-" is it-you intend to do? Do you in- to me. But it is all past. As you lavender water, etc. As these ex- from any feeding experiment, as it "No, it does not matter. You tend to loaf round the place, drag- say, I am disgraced, and I will carry tracts are often made with the takes, the place of purchased com• .. have, I suppose, sunk too low to ging your burden of shame with you my disgrace away and hide it and :Oarseat.spirit, the result of this tip- mercal fertilizers. . When 75. p.c: • care for the dignity of a gentle for every one to point at? What myself, if I can. Anyhow, I will no pling may easily be imagined: of the fertilizer va?ue of the food- man—" de you mean to do, I ask? To longer bear the name you say I Another addiction- is the ginger' stuffs consumed was credited to the '• .-• ` "Motherl" burst from him, but lounge about the stables or the vil- have stained and dragged In the habit.. Essence of ginger ie.a . for- animal, the average cost of a pound " ' ' ' he stopped with the exclamation and ]ago alehouse, to consort with dirt. I am going, mother; will you midable preparation; almost double of gain for all groups was 3.7 cents; shut his lips tightly. grooms and potboys? You cannot, not say one word--one word--for for- the a1mbolic. strength of ordinarywhen no allowance was made for the "What is it you have done now?" dare not, otter any gentleman your giveness?" brandy or whiskey. Many whose manure, 5 'cents. These experiments . ..she asked. "Have you been gambl- society; you, disgraced, cashiered, an "No!" she responded. "There is digestions have been already iva- clearly demonstrate the importance - ing again, and lost more money?" out':ast— no forgiveness in my heart; there paired by alcohol find the effect of of skimmilk as -an adjunct food 'for _ ' - It, is not money-this time," he "Mother," said Royce, " " y panting, al- shall be none, no lie, on my lips." this fiery mixture curiously soothing, hogs, The beat ratio is one pound ` ' said in . a low voice "It's-it's a most Inarticularly, do you know "There is money there," she said Yet while it dgadeiis the gnawing grain to three to eight pounds skim "Ibad business, the worst scrape I've what you are saying?" coldly, and yet with icy passion pain and promises relief, it is all milk. _ lever got in, and-and I'm afraid "Do you know what you liave' ringing in the tones of her voice. "I the time aggravating the morbid •• - .there is no way out of it." done?' she retorted fiercely. "Do do not wish you to-starve. When gondition. The ginger habit is more FEEDS THAT MAY TAINT. � w, "Then go back and live it down, you realize it? You have ruined you have gambled that away; my common in, America than in Eng- There are few vegetables grown _ �, -said the countess sternly. "Go back yourself! Yes, ruined! You might lawyers will supply you with more land, but the sale of ginger essence on the farm which may be fed to lto your r egimeat.' have played and played and lost and it waste of p'rofilgacy and vice. Take in this country is growing, cows,witllout inivey and without -. "I can't," he said doggedly. "I lost, and I could have paled your it an taint to the milk, if the were a'' j stave-left the arm d--go!" A comparatively new drug habit y Pro- I •fir y•" debts again and again, until all was She Bung the•purse on the table. which is becoming frequent among Perly 'fed. In feeding roots like ,'ai "You have left the army?' What lost but honor, But with that re- He took it up, looked at it meehan-' harassed brain workers is chlorotor- carrots and turnips, which are likely. . ' _. " U it you say? Are .you mad." maining there would still have been ically, and then quietly laid it down mism. The drug is slowly inhaled, to taint•the milk;, we feed fn. two ' �'I was obliged to," he said. "I some ho �" Ways B "" g pe; but now!"--and 'she again. and the dreamy forgetfulness, the Y y themselves in small quan- was compelled. There •was nothing laughed a terrible raugh-"you-my "Good-by, mother," he said, but sense of .pleasant languor begotten, tities just before the grain .feed,•and. -else' but that. 11 I hadn't left I son!--ere like a man-who with his even as he turned he hesitated and followed by complete oblivion, has cut' in small pieces and mixed with .14 should have been-cashiered." wonderful fascination for those bran or middlings, the whole being '" a ave' you done?" she de self for life1 I , past hope, past curing. Irene, standing breathless with al-: suffering from insomnia o - Cabba a may be fed cut ' ' ""` `- ✓Daended. What is there left for you to do ? ternate hope and fear, started tor- Sickness and depression are the im- up in piece§ the size of an apple-a-5-a—,- - --- .It was .just this," he said fn a What? Tell me! You Cannot! You ward after him, mediate penalties exacted, and if the the cows will got much good from " low voice. "You have heard me do not know! You have cast awn "Irene, come back." said the habit be persisted in an inflamma- g anything that �. �J Y t them. In feeding = i speak o1 Colonel Trace. You know the chance of your life. At the tom- countess sternly. • tory condition will supervene which will impart a taint. to the milk, it ]what I have told you about him. A mencement of the race you hate Oh, Royce, Royce! Are you real- ends in death. Indeed chloroform- must be, fed after'milking, for any . drunken bully, who is no more fit to flung yourself down to wallow in the ly going?" she murmured, ' . ism is ,one of the most subtle and member of the turnip family, for ex- _ be an officer in her majesty's ser- mire, and left the prize oP life to "Yes, Renie,_I am going,,, :.Fow dangerous .habits, perhaps mors so ainple, which a cow consumes even j vice than.ls, a ahoeblack. Most de others t. And you aro my son! And could I stay?"' than the better known chloral habit two hours before milking, will dhow - cent shoeblacka would make a bot- his! Look at that picture, and "But where, where, Royce?" she which is not so popular as formerly itself in the odor and taste of the ter officer! He has had a spite think of yourself and your ruined asked, her face turned up to him among sufferers from sleeplessness. milk, The . quantity of roots or . against: me ever since I joined, It life'. And I was proud of you! I with pity and sympathy in her lovely Of late there has been a great de- cabbage to be fed at a time depends •! he colored, but his eyes did net was ambitious for gout I have lain eyes, mend for certain coal tar ,derivatives Somewhat on the cow, but under quail beaeatTz her stern gate-"it awake at night; I have spent hours "I don't 'know yet, Renie," he such as antipyrin, phenacetin and no circumstance should she have avas about a young girl he had treat- and hours in the day planning-a fel- said. "It doesn't much matter; as sulphohal to combat headaches or more than she can consume . am ,9 ed badly, sail-$nd I stood. up for lure for you! God gate me but two Par as I can from Monk Towers. insomnia. Although valuable in hour, and it should be fed directly ... . ,ber. He has borne me a grudge ever -sons, and , he has punished me for Why did you come after me, Renie? small quantities and on occasion, after milking. Vince then, and has lost no oppor- loving the last better than the first! You heard what she said,? Go back! these drugs are too frequently,made -, ••- imity of dropping down on me. Fie Yes, I am Punished. The one for You must not make her Angry with crutches of, The taker should take --FEED FOR BROOD SOW. . has made my life a burden! But I'd whom I prayed and hoped great you." in mind that, taken heedlessly, they The feed for the sow before far- _lmade up my mind to bear it intil things has disgraced the name _ he "If I -only knew where you were produce distressing vert ous syrup- rowing should be nutritious, but not be or I exchanged and left ,the regi- bears, and rendered it a byword and going and what would become of togas. Phenacetin, for Instance, is concentrated.. Some corn may. be Y: t» *1111 !tient, and things were going better a scorn!" you Royce! Aon't you write to me, by no means the harmless remedy foci, but'menls•rich in protein, oats,' , Amtil three days ago. fled been . Royce uttered a cry, not loud, but and tell me here you are, and 'some people imagine. Indeed, at Peas, middlings and heels;;, should - " -" inking heavily, and seemed as if he terrible in its intensity, a.nd it was whether are well or ill?" its best, the drug habit is a misfor- supply most of the nutriment. As lilouldn't lot me alone. Mother, you echoed by the girl who had stood ;+I won't promise, Renie," he said tune; zit its worst, a tragedjr,• - farrowing.,time_approaches, let ' the 1. • 4lon't know how man in hiq post- motionless and turned to stone by g> avely. "I'm bad at writing, and feed be sloppy and of limited quan- (Lion can torture The lite out of a the awful --denunciation. With her if things !sent wrong with -me I ry' —"�� tits. For two or three days niter iinan in mine. And lie lost.'rio op- Iovely�face�whitc as death, her eyes should be too proud to tell you. gar -I hear Tom is'going to farrowing time, supply only a limit'- ' portuniZy. Well, the 'night tepees dilated with horror, she flung her: Goo&b;, dear Renie! Don't fret leave off drinking and marry a heir- ited quantity of feed. A thin, wane ;1 ' Asst we wore aL me s. He was self in front o1 i;este" as if to pro- about me, I'm not worth it." ess. Dick- ,That's just Lhe way slop, of micidlRigs, ogtmeaI wiCh a - - half drunk-I'll nary that for him- tett him from con actual blocv; then, "Tell me, Royce," she murmured, facts get twisted. He is going to Iters little oil meal, poured into the sand he amused himself by making a with a kind or sob, she dropped al- and her eyes dropped, "have you- keep on drinking and marry a snake feeding trough a little at a time, will butt of me, I stood it like a lamb most on her knees at the feet of the have you any money?'• charmer. answer all requirements. , - - . . .... . . - . il . ,. ' ; ... . . . , . i1. _ • --..- . r� h r+.f i- 'rry ,.,;�K. .�'�' ;t.'�`�`•"';a':;V,. ca:�,l^ `�• .�.'" a.."",�°r �; `- ,+` ,.r,"' �"•,�lrr,s k-,^y rr.= �.',i �sr:-�.',- -- -° - .. ... :y'. i I. a. y _ • 7 r y 777 ••' - —A J and Mrs.Howlett,were in —W. Ham has returned home Its 1114sdus 1;tV4 the City on Tuesbayy. from Scarboro. .�* —Percy Hilts, of Bowmanville, —John Leslie is under the wea- • spent Sunday with friends. in theratpresent, , -gym aS is near : g Y -liai LOCALISMS A. Mullett, of Hartne Mau. ar- io will hold a convention In the j Pickerin —The Liberals of South On • the � 7kn��_ r ived at home here to spend the town-hall, Whitby, on Tuesday—Mrs. D. Smith spent a day in winter months. Dec. 20th. —L. Boone, who has been in —When you start out looking Toronto last week. .'VPe invite all to call on n - Manitoba for the past few months for Xmas gifts just damp into M. �r. a —Wm. and Mrs. Allaway were has returned home. S. Chapman's our hardware mer- $n Toronto on Friday. —We are sorry to report that chant, who is showing a splendid before purchasing your Xmas , —Mr..Bell, of Kingston, spent _> Wm. Gilchrist has been confined assortment of skates, hockey - lganday with A. Margach. gifts as we will be to show g 'to his bed for some time. sticks,&c. &c. They are selling —Mrs. Geo. M. Palmer was in —Mrs. J. E. Moore is at Zephyr, rapidly. ' tr last week visiting her daugh- her sister, Mrs. T. Hall being dan- —A party to the number about you something this year which —Walter Peak is reported as gerously ill with typhoid fever. fifty assembled on Monday` even- recovering nicely from his attack The roof of the Dale block is ing at _t'he residence of John is a little out of the ordinary. of typhoid fever. being repaired, the work being Spephenson of the base line, to —Found- 0n side-road, one done by Dir. Deverell, of Whitby. bid farewell to H. G. and Mrs. Watch this Space neat week mile east of the village, a lady's -The Bennett Mfg Co. has ��'ilsoii who have moved to belt. ' Loser please call at this been awarded a bronze medal for Whitby. ;,for,an 1tEmlZell list Of office. the exhibit made at the Toronto —The Rev. Joseph Ward, B. A., : —Walter Wood,,who has been Fair. B. D., of Courtice, will preach, ill of typhoid fever at the home of —Enos McCausland, of Essex, morning and evening, in the-lleth- xmas' Gifts. his sister in Winnipeg, is recover- paid a flying visit to the home of odist church, and.-the Rev. Mr. ing rapidl his parents here on Thursday Moore will preach anniversary : y —hiss Luke, of Oshawa, has last. sermons on the Courtice circuit been engaged to teach in S. S. No. —Frank Allaway has entered neat Sabbath. � � 4, east, as successor to Miss Cronk the employ of the Bennett Mfg —The annual meeting of the Cha ' n� who has resigned. Co. having begun his dutie's on Bible Society was held in the —We regret to hear that Miss Monday last. Metbodiet Church on Wednesday Lottie Trull, of the Kingston road —Frank Gorman•who has been evening, when the Rev. W. Friz- working on a dredge in Toronto zel,of Toronto, gave a most iuter- �`. is confined to her bed suffering Burin the ' from scarlet fever, g past summer is home esting address. A fuller report for the winter, will be given next week. —The township board of health g met in Brougham on Friday last —H G. Wilson and.family, .of —Miss Ridley read a very nice BwUowN#aDwYw'swS y� to prepare the annual report and Church st. moved this week to paper on "Christ's and Ours' at to transact other business. Whitby, where Mr. Wilson has the E. L. of C. E. last Tuesday ev- rr - "` —The Siche Gas Co.,of Toronto, purchased a dwellixg. ening. M. S. Chapman also read u .01 'Yes i - .0 t Yez i : have installed an acetylene gas —Rev. G. McGregor was in Tor- a splendid essay on "Prayer". A plant In Mr. W.' M. Platt's resi- onto on Monday, and attended large number of new members dance on the base line last week. the funeral of the late Principal were received. The league is in a N We have a full stock of �! —E. Holt, who has been in the Caven, of Knox college. flourishing condition with Mr.1E. Model,Mio-Mac,victor,Perfect Hockey,Hockey Club,Model —The Methodist choir were at L. Chapman as President. Skates telegraphing business at the ata- p • Sock®?and all kinds of spring aicatea. An prices. Cherrywood on Sunday assisting —A deep gloom was cast over D r tion here, has been given a situor in the anniversary services in the the community on Wednesday b H Sticks xPrexti•��soak aim•xegniatioa, ' tion at Grafton, as night operator Y Y y OC� Practice,The Lifter. .. -. —Secretaries of school sections Methodist church of that place. the report that Miss Lottie Trull y can secure blank forms of Notice —Miss Kate Kerr spent a few had died that day after a few PU� dation sad Juvenile. of Annual Meeting at this office. days last week with her brother, days illness from scarlet fever. Do not write out these notices A. hi., of Ingersoll. She reports She had contracted the disease S Skate strap 8IId SC3'BWS. when you can secure printed FOod sleighing in that locality from waiting on her sisters who a forms at small cost. —Wm. Westlake will hold an had the disease in a very mild 1, —During the latter part of Oe- .auction sale of his farm imple- form. The funeral took place on - tober, four barrels of potatoes menta on Monday neat at his Thursday to the Union Cemetery. were shipped from Sydney, Man., farm in the 'second concession Miss Trull was very popular a- to W. G. Ham. They arrived at west, mong a wide circle of friends. The —Mrs.(Dr.)Jackson of New Fork deepest sympathy is ez expressed for _ 'their destination only last week, �� p havingbeen and W. B. Doyle of Brandon, the bereave family, especiallyas _ on the journey thir- Man.. are visiting their parents, it is only about two years go h se en days, during which they Mr. and Mrs. Ben Doyle of since Mrs. Trull met a horrible - - had become frozen hard. This )• y - . Street East. - -. death b buruin - - shoves than there waa�-avid-entIy y g, ,�•� _ne lectsomewhere,.as the jou —A large number of young peo- _ iffie new Cheese g j y le as well as Qome older ones ma Uxbridge. can be made in two and a half � y - • days p seen these evenings thoroughly A Pretty siding__Waa _solem- eepeying-themsefivea skating on d16th, --—fie dlectoi s tto ttt$ township- g ntze at Der villa on Nov. - are called u the ice on the creek, g parties bele Spanish Onion s upon to meet in the —agr AicKa third year s'tu• the contracting township hall at Brougham on y' y Albert L. Widdifiald, of Uzbrid e dent, of Knox college, Toronto, gg r6ih Monday, the 19th lost., for the g, and Mi9s Ethel A , second daugh occupied the pulpit is 9t. An- �t �-t n ppnrthee of nominating candidates ter of Chea. E. Edwards. Rev. Ca Cod Cranber- ior the positions of count coup drew's church on Sunday and John Garbutt, of Cannington, P preached in a most acceptable --berries. - cillor, and also again on Monday, officiated. the 28th inst., for the manner. q p __'--� -- - - purpose of A islet wedding took lace at — nominating candidates for the —Miss Betha Palmer, of To the home of the bridea parents. II r,t,ou of reeve and councillors to, sustained injuries to the wrist lir, and Mrs'R. Jas r, Burlin Oranges Lemons thetThe election of her right hand by falling on ton, on Thanksgiving Day at both will take place on Mon- the icy sidewalk one day last eleven o'clock, when their third day, Jan. 2nd. week. As a result, she will be daughter, Miss Annie Florence. Several big loads of new dry- -Many ry —Many of the residents in the laid off duty for some time. was united in marriage to J. C. - —We have failed to hear from G� goods just opened up this week. village complain that owing. to Ferguson, engineer at the piano M the protracted dry weather, cis- a large number of our subscribers and organ factor here. to whom we sent accounts. Kind- Come and see them. ' terns are beginning to get dry. While James yd and Owen In the County of York, the con- ly look at the label on your paper Davies were returning home from _ dition seems to be worse, as com- and if you find yourself in arrears town on Wedneada evening of - plaints are being made that the remit at your earliest conven- last week, the colt :lir. Boyd was - JOHN D1CKM CO. ,!wells and creeks also arebecoming ience. driving became unmanageable ' dry. The prospects are not very —The township council- will coming along Church street and bright for improvemant, as the meet on Saturday, the 10th inst.. ran aR ay. .lir. Boyd was thrown at Brougham, for the transaction the ground is now frozen, and out at the Journal corner, but i of general business acid again onunless rain comes soon there will wasunhurt beyond a cut on the be a water famine: Some fs►rmeis' Thursday next, to wind up the back of the head. 'lir. Davies did are talkie of sellin their stock business, of the year and to pre- w W n ds*or'' S • g g pare the financial statement not fare so well. He stayed with ;owing to the lack of wafer. Deal- the flying rift until it struck a cul- 'ers in milk in the city find it im-, •-At the Liberal Conservative vert in the west end, when he was A car load received this week. convention held at Oshawa on ' ••• possible to secure. a sufficient thrown ti-iolentiy- to the ground. ., '- ...; uantit of milk to supply the Tuesday, Mr. Chas. Calder 'was ' Q Y PP Y Despite his injuries, be made his :demand. nominated _to• oppose the Hot'-' way back to the doctor's, to dis ]�.' Logan. —The Annual Meeting of the John Dryden, at the approaching cover that a collar bone and hand - Pickering Vigilance .Committee general election, This will be were brokeii.—Journal. the fourth contest between these " •will be held in the town- hall here __ _ . . .. .. •, �.' - . - on the evening of Tuesday'next,. 'two gentlemen for parliamentary the'l3th inst. for the election of honors. ' officers for the ensuing year and • 31tich sympathy is expressed i> - the transaction C' any other` the in this Hollinger, for the-family- A erew may lo'nese that may come before the Geo. Ilolliuger, 'of Cherrywooci, meeting. All the members of,the. In 'otrr last issue, the death of' ' - Association are ,requested to be Mrs. Hollinger, from diphtheria, present. The public also are eor- was reported, and Holy two child- Are now on exhibition. Please call and examine before buying elsewhere- present..' p� For hard colds bronchitis _ - dially invited to attend, that they ren in.the family are down with You will find them attractive aud cheap. There are too.many to. ' may learn the object of the asso- the sauce disease. The eldest " asthma, Snd Coughs Of 811 enumerate, kinds, you cannot take any- ciation and its method of opera- child, whose condition o few days T tion. Farmers,: especially; who ago was very critical, is now thing better than Ayer's M. & E. Boone, ''Pickering. own stock of any kind, should at- somewhat improved through the :'tend this meeting, and have their 'careful attention of_Hiss Thorp,a C h e r r y i nati?esenrolled as members, in frofessionalnurse, echo has the ��^' � ��ma receiv e1=-baro a�loot_ __ __ VY Y � - paL-protection the 'society gives its taking and able y oung lady, She - - - - -a a__. n______ an a a • members, So far, there is a. has now char a of the two a- � p Cherry Aectoral. . Ask your membership of one hundred and tients as well as of the household Giving preference to machines made in Canada when they are as--good .. ten: own doctor if this is not so. as forei n importations is practical patriotism. There are, however, man _ work. At' Board of Health g P P P Y —Report.for the month of No- meeting on Friday last, W. V. He uses it. He understands Canadian firms manufacturing better farm implements than foreign made vember of the junior department Richardson was instructed,-to do why it soothes and heals. machine, and the Massey-Harris Co. stands at the head; therefore buying of the Pickering public school` : - whatever was necessary' to be ^I had a terrible cough for week. Then I Massey-Harris goods is displaying common sense. A peculiarity of Massey- took Ayer, Cherry Pectoral and,only one Harris machines is that, while being of Can4dian manufacture, they are un- $r. 2nd—C Palmer, A Burch, T done on the premises. He has bottle completely cured roe,- deniably.the highest quality, best workmanshi and give longest service. We Annan, M Allaway, M Scott, L been most active in looking after M� J.$ DArrroRTB,fit Joseph Mich, have a full line of straw cutters, root ul ers, slei hs 'wheelbarrows, esp., for - Bennett, E Moore, V Vanstone, 0° '4well, CO., 1? P g the welfare of the afflicted family Ane ter for Lowen M•... this season. F Brien, F Smith, 1,111 E Woodruff. having visited them every day Geo. Philip r. Brougham _;•_,� -'�Jr. 2nd—A Every, A Winter, `V since the meeting, and has enc- r �- . :., -' . . p>t 7 •. •'Murkar, E Rogers, B Moore, G ceeded in getting large donations v o u gb Sf Cold s ..Allaway, E Gordon, L Moore, of clothing and bedding from r A O'Connor, T O'Connor. Part dents of the village, and in hav- You will hasten recovery by tak- In Flannels and Flannellettee, 2—T Burch, C Rogers, •F•Bunt-. ing the house which was in a filthy trtg one of oyer•• Pill*at bedtirrise GOOD• VALUE nts'Underwear and r� Ing and R Brokenshire, (equal), condition, owing to the circum- BINDER 1 �.Y NE ••� "''s�Ladies'Vesta, etc.. E Bennett. Sr.. Part 1—I Russ- stances of the past few weeks, • eel?, R Banks, R Rankin, W thoroughly renovated. Then eigh- P' '0- aY3111Q,. 'Liscombe; R Shirley, J Clark, r- also have been ea heirnglyy kind Yew ��� ��1' Vall. �JYe�>�a . .: ;Gordon, C Sanderson, L Sander- to the family in their affliction, Agent for all kinds of-McCormick � 'son. Jr. Part, 2—G Found, A and the attending physician, Dr. Farm Implements, Wilkinson Plows r - _ Bundy, C Liseombe, D Davidson, Dales, of Dunbarton, has been Etc. R Woodruff, E Stewar . Class most untirizig in his efforts in be- —also- -A—M Clark, I Murkar, 6'Gordon h#f-pf the family. ItAs hoped --For Singer Sewing Machines. - Capp and see our Stock of Overcoats, and G Winter, (equal), S Rossiter that the work now being- done Binder Twine a Specialty. and Read -made Suits. Odd+ V Moore, J Moore. R. Doyle, will result in restoring the family L: D. BANKS, Pan Vesta. Sank- tCeacher. j to perfect health. ,Pickering. �an Buffalo Robes, etc., etc. i I _