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PERING N WS , • 4. _VOL. XIIIe -- .PICKERING• ONT... FRIDAY. AUG .5 : 904. _ rrraYttatstostal OLaraa. ' ROUGE HILL. Auritey. her arm in it sling last week. She _j r" — a injured it by 'being thrown from Spink Mills Ii Harvesting has commenced in 31rs. R. elution ;s quite ill from a her Pon\ this vicinity. colapse of nervous systein• Miss Bertha and Nina YouII , Fxrnl hands arse very scarce in this, medical. Red Wheat - 93c bus. F. G. Lacey, accottlpanied by neighborhood and-a. heat'y.crop,.is to.of Ovid, _-Mich., are spending their ` White Wheat - 93c •• his wife slid lir. Henderson. of betaken off. �holidays }\ith their,aunts,, -1 r;, T. (( Toronto, were guests of Thomas Rey. J. E. 3loore, Ph. B., reaches Poucher and Mrs. A. Allawh of Spring Wheat - 90c P. S WF. EASTWOOD, M.D.. Snr¢Pnn Goo=e IN'll - i 5c avd Mrs.-Lacey till peek. here e\e-y 'M'ednesdr y eveninK. His Picketing, . to Canadian Pseilic Railway: Coroner 0 UQ bbl -Miss Mary Lotton proved a thecae last a—ight t N. F, llechin,-returned to Osh- Ontario County: Issuer of--+Marriage Liceo•es. Manitoba Flour $ Claremont: Oalcebours—BefnreIQ&.tn.. 1 too Famil Fl()(lt' ■ S.00 (( charming hostess at an ice Cl'ea'lIl \'atiOII." flt\fl, On `�OndaS' t(5 resllYlle his' �.m,and tion 7 to 9 p.in. Private telephone y t( party given in honor of leer guests There be no preachingservice. connecticnmith Balsam.Greenwood,Rronahara Pa tII Floflr rJ.G� duties aftAitl after a week's 11011- 7 Ut Zion,A.Johaston'a i7th con), Win Cowie's y Miss Abbey, audol Miss Rodes, of here neat S1lnday. in consequence of days. He \vas-ace otupantpd by Bran $1i.GO ton the religious Quarterly uieeting ;u 9Lhconl,and DPngh'e lath coal 6Iy Toronto, on Thursday evening of his sister, Miss Blanche. Shorts 19.00 Pickering. The S. S. \\'ill he held at �_ last week. after an evening spent rite Greenwood Methodist choir. _$ �1 A. YO17va. MD..C.M..Fellow of Jumbo 5.00 2.311 Pira. neat Sunday. 1 • illelicalCollege, Toronto,.mem- Graham, Whole ZYheatFlours in the usual .JoII� Inanlle.t with furnished the music for .the Tem- Trinity - bar of College of Phvsicisne and Burgeons of Chop of allkiild?.' ganies, ulusic and comic selections _Scarboro perance sermon given by Rev. _ Ontario. office and residence oppO'Learyhotel the guests departed fol, their Tonkin, *to tale Soils of`Telnliel' )Woburn,Ont. omoe hours, morning y W 10' ,Hard and Soft Coal. Ste,hen Cook, one of the rouser eenlaR s to e. homes well pleased and wishing 1 p ante All Sunday evening. AboyepdceaBnbjecttoChange witbont ihelt' 110^tea's ninny such happy residents,of Searhoro township, died SYm. Coak\t'e11 was in Toronto " notice. oil -t•ednesdav at the residence of his cxcas#on=. a fe\r saws last week at rile H it l eq'aL. imited. _ sun. JalD in sed ale,;it the rigs of 80k- V Model Bakery Co,-�a + � ~�~ -, ne== .lixkers convention and while Dunbar:on. years. Deceased way }xu•u in York- lerP took 't the excursion o E, FAREWELL, Q,' 0., BARRIB• -- shire, Eng., And carne to Canada about t - t u It l e t t . TEB.Coanty Crown kt:tormay,and County - Born-On Thursday, July '?tall. 5o)years ago. settling in the to\\nship NixgaYa Falls aticl other-)clots. owsor. Conry HOnae,Whitbv. 10-v ��� the \\•ifs of B.R'uod,of a(luttght(r ''i!out ?i:ilt'a tu;le frons.n•hrrE•he titin-. ]•.-L. Gleeson, \\•;fe, child, and Dunbarton chuiv were, treeted HP %vas a staunch Consez•VatiV-. Fur. also 1115 sister', illus FI'Ullle, took - �OW-A MCCIILLIVRAY BARRIB• _ that tiuie working at his trade•as a its the ex(•ur5ziou to Niagara Falls to ice Ct'eaill ()n SattFrfla} el'elllttg t ' ors.Solicitors,4c. OrBec opposite Post , ,laci:sniith. His E\'ife predeceased which rias run nutter the t►usl)i- nfaoe Wbitby,Oct. Jao.Ball pow,B.A.;Tb•o, last. hiul, four years ago. Ttvu suns aril A.oGillivrav,LL.B. MonevtoLoan. sy n !Irn ae IV. _pileton, of Toronto. sheat ung daughter-,,ur'ivet John and Geo:, �'e'.uf t1te.RouteCircle last -ti`ed° tl i31)4lllT t rite ilr)1i(lay . \l'itil Geo. anti Jlr;. of St it},(,ro. and Mrs. Will. Padlev, of iters iy #'rout Toronto . They re- Yetarirturq/. - Yarkol Parr} iwind. The f.tiieial twill take Port having 11 i;uo(# tithe. _ i Rev. H ref X r - a r ach- v eb a.-k, e / .are t1iiS �1•'r.1+iVt aft(•rn x,n at 2 0'_ y'• P _ 1O1dt "!►. Alxiut one hundred holiday P , H $OP:iI`ls,VETERINARY SCR- s•islt(ws tock the trails for >ale eluek to St. _'iud:ott's cetuet_ery, e,.(1 ill the Christian chru•ell oil - _ - 11• GE;J�, Gradate of the vntarto Vat- Of all materials aid design tce�t r n 3lc,u(lx cleuinK - i sut:'la3 Illortli'Ug. Nr. Huy.. :�(>ln(! ' orinsrw Coi:ega. Toronto, regiatered ciem',er I �• ' Whitby••- •-• jll �'eat'S ago, ltt'E'a('herl tht'Uug1! , er v;•Jntaro Cnterinuy Dtodicu' 3aeoc:at:on, kept: a stock. It will pay YOU tierC?C'Pr laCt' 1)veri C'on(hl('te(i _— ptII;•ac f rea.4oace one andone-quar.er tulies to call at our works and 'inspect our-stock, at Roe, ebank un Stinda _afternoons tl?i- cnmmnr.i^v. HE; is non' �l porch of Green Siyar. office and shoe:c,;;orge and obtain rices. Don't be misled b y All Will \'(r} ntu('ll regret to \'ear- of Ale alis- i, calling on Old '... - IIotirsato It aim„ and i to 4-p.m. erivate P y .sill(•e Ju!y 1st, :End tile, xtt('t;data('" read (if tin aceidelit tri Mr. .ferry - to ie bone in -niy umae P,0. a(idzeas. Ureen age^.te we do not employ thele,consequent- i- st�x ;`1'N ink nt1 the,• itwrease. Tberc - friend1. p C •.'( 1 o n' he Lirk. hl TEltii .lit = t t r lug :>itiver int !y we can, acs do throw off.the agents y Toronto Visitors over the loll- • re,\ice: Et ill be i olltinued closing WK' fr clod at the foot of thestxirr = will ) comtnisaion of 10 r cent, which well t 1 - l •- , \ , (ia\• ivern I••t•a,il: :tad .ilii (:et , v txstitrttiis QLarDs. certain! save b purchasingfrom ns. A the-cttmltiu -r'asnn• in an.ullcoll�cziuus eunditiou. Hi- _ call solicited. y \��(• re}:ir't tr) report the delatli 1)irthrlliy- ear on Thursday, aur- anis 31i-, .'anions at « ut. 31os- • tit hP,• to-i(ia'ucr' at Mount Albert, y gr(>\e'=: �Ii. sari Jlr-. I)aytotl, F. _ •,... WHITBY GRANITE he inten(ied leaving for the west --ins trop anll brothers tit T. C.. f�HoVA.S DUNN,Conveyaneer. Com- CO.,' x former r-idem of tills Pince. $ 3. m,s•i,n•z. tar carica Amd.vits eta., Opp.Post office, W'hitay,Ontario �ir� �� xl,)rn. Her funeral thrit to+�rnill�; to =i,c•url it Reith 1{rib6ar(i: 'iii-- Broiiie w-ih her Clatsmont.0ct. 97 — friends ill ill(- \vest: 3Vhether"11(' rnother: J: 1"(null;sit G. Philip,jr.: tool: plate n Tett-(lay when Iter fell litte, this ni ht be Yore as le wa- BC`TI`G, Issuer of 3farriage r( rualti, were conveyed to Et•rkine 3I1 ver irlg}3(lk Ntad Garivvod at RR �ICSERINQ� LIVERY _mbont to retire, of whether he had L7• L!a•as•e for til•Oonnty Of Ontario. Ot• ceuleter}•-fi)r lnt"errlletld, antJ A. Z'�hltE• ,Vey at the ansa or at hlarssideaob.Piol tag First-class vel,iClea curl ire b d Markham. kltirtt tilt teriv rds Iii ll tLitltlittg _ - --, atllage, and after\sards fell it i3 nut - nkVID BELDAM, auctioneer, Ac., 1 has _ince bui par- or ai bt 'Baa in connection met. tially teethe,ned to consviuusne,a. I!V DLR TWINE , W ouuro ail icits sa:e•finm his awneroa• R Itrtsods Dorn far sad alar. saves of fa res,farts ;nit sll G T-R.truios. Freietit and Thur• was a big ir,th*,,rinz •f til( Jii� Itetici is e(,ntiderably injured. PtZr® �/Za21111er. nttocx enI everytting tna 14,10 t»soi =n1 be express delivered to all parts of the st i,ly . t-manrty frvu) this vn4hilllawe and i tsinilx)��i}tie to say n'hethpr ,. ,« ,rhe• rota nshi i ' ,. �bandled +,y the anbecr:Dc•with ilia tatnwst ear• 1i.aQe. Teamin¢Of all -nude done - -1•- - �• 1 'he \\'l"l 1.!'e(•oVer. • It L� -tilleerely t(i - — _ - - - atsd said w the very beet ad ran:sae, a8 ty on shorten notice. dale and oom• and h .tit-.: !r, ton, at Tillinan Rem• Ag-nt t*t al! Man<!.� riP �Ic•C'ornrirk be hoited that lie will, fur he i- Fariit Ito leutents, ��'Ukinson Plr',tas R.BEATO'I,TOWNSHIPCLERK mission stables in connection, sur'. kx:n ra,sinyr lot 20, r rn.�i. ylark- P tt'�ling>dns afternnor. The ton valuable a citizen to lose. Etc. D• con.evaacer. Commissioner for taking 1 feet, afdavtos. Accountant Eta. tiny- to i�aa W. H. �eQr� lata, a argr hank oris. i?RxlB on farm Property, inner of marriage Lie- with tri 'extension r Dri00K ROAD I f 1'?s.i+! f"., iTrts _ For Sluices fiNnin.gllachtneR, emcee w'rite's a oat. t•v 7 Froprieuw. .,,ten hent-. anti wan mi.wl in tit;O Binder Twine a Specialty; L urs and eight nimutes.. Councillor Geo. Farley has engaged with . OCCHER A PO3TILL,Lieensed Ate• Goo. Wirrison and Jobn Miller wt•ve A. &)yes as thresher for the meet I c t L 1 BAS F:ti, ttoneen!.r tb•Ccaoty of Ortsrio. Anti theraptainv, and A1ilter'3 side finished son. sly Pi 'er ng. We a+.®• of ever'deecriruou 'and acted at . Furniture., gine rafter ahead of 'ttorrtscin'v. Tilt• A;J, Poynter hao pnrehseed a tnod•rs:e ••barge T Poneber Seal Estate� Asset and General va:aator, styles sial _a• s latter side, however, claimed the \sic- Saw mill and \'-'.ill awn be into the Tba , n tc ail orders b mail or telea'rapn. Ad• tory, as the f(+riner left (gut eight as Taos P�ic�rtz. Brougham ons, F. bu:ine_ in earnest. 1 twtrrlLL.Gress aver,Oat. 95.17• brace-, while they had left out three, tlis? Ella Rohm. of TororAo, WESTERN BAR ► of CARADA; A full line of first• in the pltitea. After the raising ap_S \ray the RnePt of lfrs. Hubbard r over the large crowd, numhermw Inewporstedbyact ofParliament l67t ` trEE WELLINGTON Hotel,-Haw _ cissa furniture now , g l last Sunda and Mcutin JL ,n`removed to and thoroashiy overhan: -' on tlxbibltion in tea,about -WI,, pay s of a substantial S• y' _ � tea, temptingly spread and served -Pearl Thum Gon, n•hu has been nek'�aa sraa•a. s A ua the abo•s uoas•,1 am prepared to furunb our nasal room&. p Sabscri ed capital, .. .. 300.0tt0 laeeomodstion to all who desire to patronise - Capital _ .,.. _ Moos tepaataae esmpi•room+ F shall M pl•er - under the treys in front of the looms. llvllig \with her aunt in Toronto Subscribed - MOW .. • Ib. a••all ata caucus whso til• bevy oo• -Prleee right. The bevy of pretty waitr(•sses @Aw for Borne time, is house with her as" ' .. Iso.= nasion to visa IdarttLam. JAB. T�RENCE, that their 'rants were promptly at- Assets Reath-, CuaosrtT, i tEid•970 P P parents a�preitent. Jou CowE�.F. T.H.1icYILtr1• Ew. Iltarkhata.out. Q 7���tt tended to. The young man iYldulgged arts boys are making. good use er went �aahier R• S. Dilagb in N f,witball match After tea. fhe of the new football. Some chat- speofal Lttent,oa given to Farmer's Sale - Methodist Church building of this barn i- of snore than Notes Collections solicited and prompptly mans PielserinR, t j,a>~sinh uresis-t, fur the timber- used, Menges hate already been hent r.rme s Notes disci:aced Lmerieaa and Services as-Follows• sound elm, as dry an(i hard as a twine. out for friendly gait]ea. suedForeign aailaDis on all pan$of tnet woe,Drafts it -- __ all cause out of the old tiaras erected The.butt recently made by our. sued. p _ in I41`L—ninet two years, At All mechanic is in great demand these a+savtas•lank a•Partm•at. 10-30 a.m. Preaching. y 7'00 p m' '°' ., Wagner Co. the timber in the barn wi"cut on the day4. It is a source of great Interest allowed on deposits at highest ear 2:OQ pini. fi ibtiath School. —_ place. The new barn heat. a rnarhle pleasure for the young people. rent rates,and credited haft-yearly to depositors S�_p: atblet-w-ah the irlycrtptton^�Fce R het shall Lhe name be:' - Gam• Serr. Masseur. "' TIZ. ay. Have a full line of fresh and•cur- for Tillman Iieeeur, 19(1 L. by Chas. klj' Prayer on ed meats constantly on hand. Anderson, alas. -Jas. Bishop,.- car.- CLARE�dONT LIVERY Thu y. S iCe Roll, Breakfast Bacon Economist. Violent Attack of D'arrhoea CL by p e Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and ..Rev. J, E. Moore, Ph. B. Ham, Bologna, Weiners, etc. . Diarrhoea Remedy and Perhtaps First-class horses to hire day or Pastor. GRIEIErs Rtvstt. a Life. night. Highest prices paid for •'A short time ago I was taken with Butcher's cattle. , Mm. P• Hoover is in Toronto for N Violent attack of diarrhoea and be- Buss in connection meeting all t a few days. lieve I would have died if I had not trains. Our band played for the boys at ggoft(rt relief,"says John J. Patton,.a Horses clipped,on shortest notice. Rei EstateI Locust Hill last week. leadin¢ citizen of Patton, Ala. A : y �. lire,~. St. John. of Stouffi ille, is friend- recommended Chamherktin's W. d..Thiam$OII, Ce visiting the old home for a few Cutic.Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Proprietor. days, I bought a twenty-five cent bottle and �'icicerlil t �at►�r• A few barrels of No. I sugars on Clarence Forsterleft on Monday atter tatted three doses . ;t was est ��Esf�r�:t�■�t>- g 10• hand which we will sell chem last to visit relatives .in western remealy cured. I consider. it the beet P� remedy ir�the world for liost•el tom- •• n• Full line of D Goods and Gro- towns. plaints. For sale by all druggists. Prese' i }Q��OilFOR SALE Miss -'era Bunyard, of Clare- Ya series. Mont, is visiting her grandmother, Brougham. ,A ood seven roomed dwelling, Rock Salt on hand. Mi-q. Benj. Do-ten. -- e►ood honse attached,Q acres of land. Fred Filson is nearing complet- Miss C. Phillips is here under �{ . ' Splendid for market gardening. Prin Give us a call. ion with the foundation and nese the parental roof. Articles • ztply sandy loam,. good well, good " wing to his barn. Miss M. Littlejohn, of Whitby, blip quite near the statioxi,' Our basket factories are taxed 'Ms home for lsfew,dans. --• . a so their utmost capacity to keep . lss 11101-11 01 VT 111, 'd good dwelling on Main street; one We Make a specie ty o - on Christina street, and a goal •E. -BRYAN, Mgr. -pace with the berry crop. visiting at.lirs. Nlair's. preseistation articles. house to rent-on Church street. _ urns Beer, o : ar a , ���rn to her home afterspending'serer- 'under the parental roof. + ��'iR�1\iVAN al wee s wl Badgernwr of ToroBto. is Solid Gold Watches. �. l�ha2'dS01Y� --- --------_- _ parents. visiting at,J. Hamilton's for afew -cold Headed'Ctalre -- ---- rower s. Tea Sets.' rabi �'3 O©0 COQ° L rich Young, is pushing.up roots B. Stevenson spent a few days ' Capital Paid uoi ( and bids fair for a bunch 'of red last week visiting friends in - Diamond Rings. ' Reserve Fund and $3,474,000 tickets as usual. liVhitby). - Grand father clocks. Undivided Profits . Harry Hari-is carne near having Miss -M. Alger returned to Hali- Expensive -Marble Clocks, his prize Collie destroyed by-a Burton to resume her duties as• etc., ete. _ ;Let -us re2Y11 A you WHITBY BRANCH. Toad of Clay passing over he but teacher. ' will be all right before the dog firs. Wm. Coakwell and chi-- and can quote very close General Banking show- dren visited her father for a few figures on same. Before . oll buy elsewhere exam- _ -You•r correspondent says, t •s last week. y Y . c spored nt y , the da; - " Business Transacted. our gardner. H. Hopkins, a little Miss M. inn, of Brooklin, is ine our stock. or consult Ch that we sell to the north of us, has something visiting with her grandmother, I .us by majl Special atTention given to the Esollec• like a dozen ripe tomatoes on a Mrs. J. Beer. - - tion of tarmer'tj'salo and plot of 500 plants. Howis that J. Seattle's' daughters from First-class Repairing prom- ' other noise. for his season of the year. Kansan and Srlfintforsi are visit- ptly attended to: Cattle Fly Oil, _ The weather has.-fen`for some, 'in with him. A Pure Paris Green $AVIN(3S DEPARTMENT.- time past, and seems to be very Mrs. Meek;'of Saiidford.'is' q�ry IMICAN USSETT. " 'Wilson's ft Pads' unsettled as pet in this locality: ill it the home of her daughter, Tanglefoot ,• _ ' =03pc to remvea a s1. and which has made the haying season Mrs. Wm: Feasby. Chloride of Lime' i a very long' one, but fall wheat J. )i a Fraugh and wife;of Little jeweler and Optician,_former Mltr. upwards. and successor to- Stationery. =at0r0zt allowed at highest and aleike clover is mostly cut, York, Sundayefl with their eon, e-barley d look • current latae• and til - rle an root 1 Y. C.•L�t Frangh i. as though they might be a large Men. T. C. Brown, and dau titer Richardson . & Co s g Ccnm.S>OLznd*d or paid half one. Oats appear�o be up to the Minnie, spent Sundav with the , �GK�RING yearly. average. Should the weather be former's sister, Mrs. Wallace, of Whitby •- Oct. favurable a bountiful harvest is Greenbank, looked or. 1Pe r wise seen ca 1 -edf - � M' B. Alger rryinR. ���tisls��ls�� • 1 f r``,Ii � a� i �/ 1, �� s .��.t•-, ,erg: :, ►• '. f _ �'' w/ -,-,�.I. -,, � . I . . - . I 111 r . . Y -BREI=DING SOWS. era should hear in mind that it does DIAMONDS BY THE TON. 4 `6..` ` I not hurt apples to freeze, so long as ---- {Dib,, 'GIUSEPPE LIPP11T f• Q . 0 I Three things of great importance they are buried deep enough to pry >�2b,000,000 .Worth Taken Ftp ! _-, j in the 1•;:eed'ing of swine are ancestry, vent thawing bei springtime._ !t •- African Minee Annually. . ! individuality and form. In commer- is wise to. put ora mulch of straw P3YSZCZADT TO ?HE POT'S. It is possible for one to gain sour•• PBAIS£S D8. WILLI^�IS r - _ . .. __.:1; >)� cial pork prod�sction,,purity of blood or litter, after the ground is frozen, in the sow is not su essential as to prevent the, fruit from thawing f idea AMeanomit mines from Aho tsC:. i _____ -__PITA PILLS• _ �•I with'the boar, but good performance dunag' a' warm spell. Generally I It st �313,000,t?t10 worth of +i n end: in the ancestry with--reference tb would say a cave is more desirable f h _ FEEDING STEERS. `are taken yearly from-the f,nr ,z- ,in Four Cases of A'-aenzin .Their feeding, breedink and nursing quali- than a cellar. A well-bricked-cav-e I '• Interesting facts about feeding' ties is iniportant. l est urines. The cost. of c u*u n•n� Effects Were so Satisfactorythat: is f€ arched over and nicely cemented will these diamonds amounts yearly. to ' tx� steers in barns and sheds `have been" Among general individual glualities, not cost too much for the average ; He Will Go o•a Using Thein. ` - recently worked out by the PennsyL-'sire, stirength of hone and length of faz.m�t• �'he satisfaction of. such a half their value, so that the annual g11 van'M experiment, station under the'coupling are very,important. The Storage house will full repay the net profit .from Lire `7.50four0 r00. i_,Each lel Lapponi, w'ho'-A_-e skill '1_,re=�rvert ` 'direction of Prof. T. I. Hairs. The--size s+houid be medium to 'large_for g y p timetod at about $S,SI�,UUO. 1'.ach t}t© lil4r of the late Pope Leo XIII tai •- main points coAsidered are corn ara- the breed and the bone medium to 1. raw es and re ease "c!.ir t.hr_ great age of 02, and to whose extra o p f diamonds represents a � p p Good,results are obtained be sub- a�n430,000,000, and up to. th year c alt of I'oprt -,- - • tive gains=in live weight, health anci 'fine: but strong and finer than iii a ;earth ventilators. In caves these'1892 t udu•;•,i t.eu } h esah 1'iut are itis e. preen` • ,vigor of the anituals'as indicated try male. The hodz should be rangy, !are made as deep as the nature of I hese four mines Pr ]is !felt X'., is couPded, tons of diamonds; of an aggre:_;a t.: has vtritten the remarkable letter of the -amount of.:food consumed and but it would not be well to have Lha the ground will permit, preferably so.`v-aloe of $30(Y,OUr!,crtl0. I:: I;'.i,} no:,which the following is a trunsla- i ,,the relative economy of the inethod coupling unduly long. the top of- the ventilator will not be !!,less than 2,433.511 carat.-;,of t so far as it relates to the amount o1 , In breeding sows of the •most de ;above the level of the ground. Tilin,q df tion-:- feed consumed per pound gained. The sirable forin, the head, neck and `should be laid from some point that 14reon, werenobtained. rTo the .1,1'` Williams'rfPink hPills invfourricasesDof' .— -steers were divided into two lots of limbs .are-medium to strong in size, ;is severaf rods from the cave; it jerfbntein -mines hrlongs the' ,list:: c•- the simlple Anaemia of development. 12 each and were- selected from.- a but varying with the -breed; neck 'should enter at th•e bottom of the tion o1 having produced s,'ru� lavg.sr. ' iter a few' rvet_ks of treaUment, the - carload lot bought for fattening pur- broad and deep: varying in length (cave, and be so constructed as to act diamond ever mined in the ,.vorid. It ,re•sult came fully up to my expecta- . poses, and depth with t1he breed, even width : s a drain in case water should seep t' _ wcinhed 6-0 carats, and in Its tin- tons. For that reason I shall not" 1. Iat the shoulders, sides and hams; the ;into the cellar. Tiling should be ,Lr.t state was the sire r,f a h r.'s e� fail in Lire future to extend the-uate Lot 1 was fed in a large pen or g of this laudable preparation not on- top-.and bottom• lines parallel,- 'ex- large enough to allow a good inflow - - . . " box stall in the basement of the col-' I - "`_ _ cept that the Lop line ehou¢d be a :of air,' and 'a good opening should ly in the treatment of other arorbi i I lege barn. Lot 2 was fed in the little arched in some, brea=ds; the !be maintained for the exclusion of I'ItP:SC'Iti�l:\G OUR R'' ;C. I forms of the category -of Anaemia or yard adjoining the barn. A shed hair should be fine, especially - on !foul atmosphere in the cave. By the ! Chlorosis, but also in cases of Neur- 14x10 feet was built across one side "I have strcnuu is y object ni to the neck and withers; the body fuse of this system of ventilation. '�iefar~lteste.n n{r �, rtr+s n-rn;c}iOrt'r'' of this yard to give shelter to. the should be dee and symmetrical in"- animals. It was inclosed at both P outsirie air is cooled and`circulated ! y� DIC. GIC.SI PPF. _L:1PP0 VZ , . ends, while one side toward the form, and the teats should be not lin the care whale-all Jmp�ties gee c piviercjal, "but thus far I don't I — less than 12 in titimber and they !carried off. If a farmer cannot sec seem to have made much of an im- . southeast was opened. This was should be well laced. _ • _; constructed of rough boards. A self-� p !hie way clear to build such a iter- pression on them. I, was, !n a R'y- l -_ , recording thermometeF was placed in The selection of the sows for breed- ,age cave, his cellar should be opened orning town last month, and feeling I i the shed ami one is .the.barn.. Both,ting use should' not be matte unti4 ;in the fall, when. the air is co } v .. AS . some time after the pigs are weaned, 4d aguish I went to the ding sore and ice` lots o1 animals had plenty of fresh p g closed when the weather is yet warm. !fiat some quinine capsids.. An hour f As they frequently chattge Consider- The cellar should be kept tightly latt.r taking them I want-to bed, and -eater. The aim was to treat all as, ably !n form after this time, the ria- • -nearly alike as possible, except the i closed during warm and windy days it was about midnight when I was - . .- ' .shelter, al choice ghouhi be delayed as Long 'of the fail. Nfy experience has been Doused by,-the,landiord,, who asked: i • - as possible. Sows. for bleeding ,that apples stored in a *ell con- I ranger, ore you f-,Iin' all Shredded corn stover and clover'should be chosen from litters of structed cave may be kept with less I right?' _. hay were fed,' The grain ration con- ,sows in full maturity, rather' than average loss than in cold storage. 'yes, pretty well,' I rep!led. _ • .sisted of 12 parts corn and coh (from young and- immature sows or land certainly at a greatly reduced 'No horrible pains nor nothin'?' I -meal and one part cottonseed meat, from those of aged sows whose breed- Cost. _ " '1Vo. But -w• vv do you ask"' - - This was fed to February 11, after!Ing cpialitles have 'begun to wane. - .-— 4 " 'I guess you'd beater come down- � i ' . which, to the close of the experiment.,They should be chosen from, large ! stairs. The druggist says there's' ' :cora meal and cottonseed meal were�spring litters rather than autumn BABY'S DANGER. some mistake about .tm pills, I - :fed to the same proportions. The :-litters, ae they will usually be of i - want'to tell you, tholr.fr, tIzat he's a'1 • steers were weighed on three cone- better development an will be the ,,:he summer menthe are a bad time' - �� . eutive daya at the beginning of the right age for breeding in the au- era anybody good feller, and never pig'; eat and tare averse of this Lunn. for babies, and an anxious time for ens anybody ori purpose. . m g mothers. Fermentation and decom- ; My hair brgan to curl bAfore I _. • . wss taken as the correct weight. !- The age at which to breed sows to position in the stomach and bowels'was out of bed." Continued' the nom- I Die Giuseppe Upponi, Physician to - huring the experiment they were l an important one. Yotusg sows are the cause of- the many- summer mvrcial. "I remembered *hat Lha. the Pope. who Ens written a . weighed two consecutive days every ishoulo not be, bred under the age of. complaints of babies and young child-.!dr,freist seemed to be car,rless in I - • second week, the average of which eight to ten months: to breed them .ren. This-i& the reason why the hot lector in .praise of Dr. Wil- Y RPrvinq me, and, while the capai ee ' !telae' Pink Pills for _ _ was taken. Where there was a vary.,earlier would tend to arrest develop- weather months are more fatal to had thus tar had no bad eH?ct, it . . trreat difference, a- third weighingmeat in the sow and in her brood, ' little ones than any, other season. did not -take me log t,i imagine '- Pale People. • . ,- was made the following day. All anti also tend to weaken the vitality [3aby's Own Tablets should always be,that I had awallnwod ten grain.v af '• - . - materials fed to the animals wire of troth found in every home. where there are "' wr! had had recorded. The foods -in- Sows carrying much flesh:. made young children cuff their prompt use morphine and and teas good for an Px- It would be impossible to exagRee _ _. eaten were removed-and weighed, The while confined in small pens will during hot weather may save a pre- cVrs,on sorriewhere. I male ligh+.- ate the imp�rtaace of this opin:oa. experiment began November 29 and prove 'nt best unsatlstactory breed- cions little life The tablets cure con-!nim; work of -chm,hing tato rnv . Dr Lapponi's high ofScrsl positron closed April 1. tip to December 11, era. In the surnmer, exercise is eas- , strpativn, diarrhoea, and stomach c'otbes and g.•tting ggi.st:as and ;places tr:A' professional r s certain grain wan tee! three times a day, 11 Pec•,ireid tt the use of eture: KU theta I d sit -t ho druggist as calm ..that question, .and !t is certain troubles, and'are arantecd to ton- - - with stover at night and hay in the b rt winter conditions at the, north Lain no opiate or harmful drug. firs. 'as an old shn•, that he pro not write as above wrtn- t>,'alter Rollins, Sissons fridge, ` 8„ I think I phi up morphtno for ,Out weighing his words, or without morning. After that the grain was are sn'adverse to outdoor lite of the r uirine for one of thre3 a full sc.nae of the effect his opinion fel twice a day, with #rev at night pig, r4rat much ingenuity is called for says --Before Osing- Baby s Own I persons he ; p ulon and stover. in the.morning. It was on the rt of the herdsman to at- Tablets my little one cried almost ^Yf laineui, 'end so f called ,rnun4 t , could have continuously with stomach troubles'. �'e tt you were dead Let me look ; The "simple an'em of ccveiop- . thought that more stover would be Lata the desired end Sows wall vain 'F can truthfulTy'say 'I never had any at the box - . !meilt" roferred'to by Dr.,-Lapponi is eaten by this method than the other, 'Pxergiae to winter when the weather . medicine act so promptIN and give "'By John, man,' I yelled at "If course that tired, languid condi- - . . •- ' with a considerable saving of clover is not too cold if turned tato ahel- tion- of young girls whose 'develop". !say tercri yards, where horses and cattle such satisfaction as the-tablets do h�rrt, "but do you make- a r�yular inept to womanhood is tar and At the begianin or the ex rierent ,will not annoy them If litter from T do not think you make any claim th k cat your g somebody once s .whose health, at the "i ;- g Pe trod of that Let 1-averagrd acne pound; les! than the stable !s tiirowa In-the yard. ex- substantiate.'! Tire i tahleta can airs ha�e avl Reociu 4 old- drvpssr-, If you I development,• 1s so often iMperilled. • - Lot 2 At the close of the experi- erose will be q•nt•red while working po 'A girl, bright and merry enough rn 4d languid Frequont . _ pe g 'had from an medicines-dealer or hl Those are quinine. sure enough.' childhood, will in her teens ow by poem the average of Lot l was ten this over is search of saints grains. mill trim The Pr. �t[iiama° Medi-he interrupted, as he opened a cap- ,de see , . , . pounds more than Oto other. Lot 2 .Some exercise can also be forced by cine C¢.,r Brockville, Out. Price 25 sule and tasted "You can go back .headaches. and aa sense of uneamneno -' - - ;'-ate- slightly more grain and stover scatterirm grain@ .of.cora or oats a,fix, , bed,•stranger.' - - - ' 8 i which she cannot underste.ad, makes . - then Lot 1. On the other hand, Lot .very thiniy over the feeding door. � " 'Hut I want to know about. this .;her-- her miserable. Just•when It is time II ate' more Clover hay than Lot' 2. —Z1- thing, Why. do you keep your mor- ,tor her to leave oft beingg a girl and ` 7%.• lot fed in the open shed pro- ,STORE CAVES FOR, FRUIT. ;.'RULES FOR- LONGEVITY phine and quinine side by side?' Why ,become ' a woraam-a chan•Re which - . .duced a slightly smaller gain at the , don't you have your mind—' ' 'comes to different individuals at dif- ' Ji - - expense of a soinewbAt greater I Some years ago- fruit• growers •It is a •Subject That Pu-I-5 „ 'You are, all right and 'have* no ! ferent agbe-her development Iingws- amount of food. It is not clear that 'thought that the introduction of Many a Mian- rause for complaint,' he said, as he why? Because she has too little °` -- • the+ lower temperature to which Lot cold store would rev'ollutionize the - '-.____ A waA exposbd as the cause of the trustiness n d about do away with or- All of us ta•hen in our right minds, �alhar«reliev'edgin h iar n mivnedemw! some 'meati! That here c' k�, tnrtFio ecieo- y differ'Aae'e, &a the word of the tem-'�diasry cellar storage, writes G. A. >want to live as long a5 possible and ".'But who ot. .the wor h ?'• I tific lan n n al to him, f "{he- !� •• .11 peratute for two weeks does not Van -Houton, They believed that if at forty -we say, I doa.t care to g p �• o le � . ...sthow. any particular relationship. be- early apples could be kept in cold live after I am eighty," at the let- sakcLung 9•inq, the Chinaman, prob liams�'_lrink development." TMfortPale People tween temperature and .gains. On storage throughout the fall season, ter age we rub out tho_eighty• and I have' ' the ! insert a hundred; and even the can- ahly, ,and it's all right - It was ei- Power of making new the whole, while the bran-fed lot pp- and thus some into competition with ;they Lunr Sin¢ or old Bill Birdsall, i blood• They cure anacmila fust as •`;pear to Have given slightly better the, winter apples. While great suc- tenarian is quite content to keep on land it don't matter stitch. as Lha iMod cures huugbr,• That is. how results, the dil+erence was not very cess lies been had with...tetrigeration... t&ough he knows his doing so does ovs,are ofir to hen both of 'em they help growing girls, who, for _ ' 11 . ' -. • =aari.ed In view of the wide differ- the average farmer will still have no no... .excite popul$.r epprOval.° But I)o morrow!' "g '•g l want of this new blood, often drift . 4 . since gbservM between individual ani-;cause to change from the old-fashion- what conducts to longevity is the into chronic it!-health, or' "go into -_ ,b finals in each lot, it is not at nit im- ed cellar method tt he-uses common question that ptsazles the average ; • ie decline"-which means consumption , possible that the selection of ani- sense and care in preserving his.ap- man. To attempt to reason from OLD FASHIONED. -and die. 'Dr. Williams' Pills could . ' mala and conriitions=nther than tem-"sizable I know of nothing more dam- apec'ifle'instanc:es involves him to iti gInt, Still in the Fashion. save them, persture wtich surrounded them had "sizable than' first-class t3eaet apples ,maze of glaring contradictions .and The value of'Dr. -Williarai' Ptak ' - "gsrite na much to do with the diger- buried in,the grou$d and kept until loaves. him hopelessly bewihdered Pills as a nerve tonic; referred to sure as the exposure to, Cold. F. Here are Cassius M. Clay and Leo I - It is sit peer now and iateres'ting by Dr. Lnpponi, makse tha+m Yalun- rtperi- spring. fir menta will ,be -conducted by several Ia a properly constructed end ;XIII, dying within a few days of �Ift,rp rte est how one can be itrtu� 'ale to mem as well ns women. They .. ether stations aio made over b !act on the nerves„yhrau the Wood rig the same• lin raged cellar, fruit sad vegi--;each other, :sad each 'in his 94th ly _ y cisangs of logo'. gh f "F'or two ars I was 'troubled sad. thus cuss dtsaasse•like 8t. Vitus .Jo. t more dofmite ia[orms,ti Year, Could there be a stronger Coll- 3e i Be on. - tables should keep all winter, Farm- '• with what my physician paid was the iance., neuralgia, paralysis and loco- - :.,” (treat than,that between the mannrr . r of lite of the rugaod Kentucky fire- old fashioned dyspepsia. }aoLor ataxia. When btiyiag these - ■ - eater acid the friain and abstemious "There was nothing I could cat pills It is important to see that the _ " - scholar of the Vatican?-' A man but 30 oi- 30 mihutes later I w�,uld full name Dr. Williams' Pink -Pills _ - r I d re Mad � , -' . died .in Indiana the other day at be spitting my food up in quantities for Pale People" is printed on the' ' -' ;I the agr of a9, who WRs noted for•has until I wquld Ile,very faint and 1 wrapper around each box. Yever " enormous cansumptinn of tobacco, weak. This went on from day to tela a aubstituts, as it is worse r ,1 }' ■ ■ and Jacob R_. Smith, of Masgachu day until. I was terribly wasted and I than a waste of lneney-lt is a tinea- . + I. `' ' t,-• _j �s setts, carrR, forth to ascribe his good witRrout say prospects of being r ice to health. If you canngE get the - health at. the age of 94"to the tact 4elf`ed• ;canine pills item your. dealer writs -... jmo - in that he never used ,he • Dr. • W1111arris' Medicine Cn-, 3 fadv to try Grape-Nuts and cream Hroekvi;le, .Dart„ and thb pills will :e. life: be sent ou ost aid at 50 cents a - r But 'out of it all we may learn Jlca�"ing off all fatty food. I had no Y Y " p P — _ r - hese mdenitthL4 '-txctA=Thie_human c onfldence that Grape Nuts would�.l_sox or siz boxes for $2 50: • _ u nTI site said for me as I had tried 1 . s. achine is like other machines; soros TO SACRED TO TOUC I..1, `1�R'ps aO SaL—Tbay Would TgaL'-- nd�so' trieay thih$s w#t'hout aey. help• 4 �' .- : ' . . some to the last a long time, and though could give it. a trial, she insisted mperit creel . . . .. _.. . . ,• Flesh—An Extr ocdlnar -Clore b •• • • that to touch .it with a steel or iron y` y } " the working time of the one, may hr .. 7 "fncreaaed by care and' abstinence. I sO: 1. � ,; 'Well T ate some for breakfa sb and 'weapon constitutes lt�h treason. A • ' ��: C1-iASES. O1 NTMEIVT., ' worry, excesses and privations short- jetty-soon _the lady tailed to see Iformer Emperor, scrn+tJai on, en t%e-t'!me Ior which the other` Can-'p ': her at t' s she ca led me an abort he end f the a th - . . ',i - kept ming. even though that be` rn .•_ , ,.. .. , - kedpi'f rInhad triode her advice, d tory,t preferred of die rKn an c II- � - . . - •-• ` I , Period should be cxteniied over more .. 'Glad you did child; do you fcn�l hes, which' could have been easily . • . _'3y. ... _ .. _ ; - _-,. _ than th nu r of y rs gen llv better?"- carei.l by -a slight opsr•atiod rather - , . •• •'. - allotted a to 'the `life 01-main:erTht i AOTnC b e t? - - vo,' I'said, 'I do not lrnow as I than submit his body to sucH a dere- . - r ., 1. . _, -- .-__, _ __ - man who died from the excessive use c - i do, the only difference I c@-n soci is l cration. _ I r� Tob many children are in agony I so I began using Dr. Chase's Oint- or tobacco at R9 was as surely cut I have no sour stomach and come to l . " - S from itching, burning skin diseasi. went. o't7 hernre,_his time ns ane who dd'ed think,of ,it I haven't -spit up your ' The visitor was showing little as- h- Too mai�y..mothors are wore out Yby "Wherever 'it was applied_it did its at 20 from the same cause; •and the ,wald the book of fairy-tales. 'But y I four teaspoons of Grnpe-Nuts vet.' Y a - ,w 1. -• ,t-=smxfety and loss o{ sleep in watching,work well, and has entirely cured frail life of GioaccfiinO Pecci was as withloGrad Nnt9ethcet5v'or env Pother wouldn't you live to rh ,"-been the, ' it r .over their little once who are Lo 1 . r- them of this hoorible disease. They surely prolonged by ,his abstemious Pe- two-headed giant?" a+sked the• nisi- ed by such ailments. suffered so they could not sleep habits until he died as Leo XIII: at + - - 1 - time for t this .food always stays for "He had lots of fun. :fNo J Dr: Chase's Ointment is a pro pt nights, and I think-if-it'had lasted the age o?�94. _ t ti flown and my stomach digests'-.it tndreti." responded Oswald. ."Think sand positive ,cure for every form or much longer I a ould have gone cresy I F itching�skin disease, and bus proven from the anxiety and loss of sleep, I- - •- • - perfectly; I seen got strong and well I hOvv he must have atrrtored when his d o{ cannot ,and words to tivain and bless,that old'lady ektery mamma boxed li.is ears!" , -••its nraito"llbva-pewes 3a,,thousatp � , praise Dr. -TROPICAL. GOLD MINE. _ - - -• - ' ,asses, similar to the one described Chase's Ointment enough for the time I see her. - " below, gond. ft has,done aiy children, alio The" is a-gold mine in Australia "t�iice an invalid- of 98 pourrds I I ��A W CO � Mrs. Lois McKay, Tlvertot6 Di by hope other sufferers will try ft, which #s three thougarrd feet deep, ,norb wetRh 123 pounds and feel , �. 250. - -_-'"'_County, .i`I,S„ wri£es :•="My chi. en Dr. bhe.se's Ointment, 60 cents a anti the various tpriele are so hot strong and well and it is-due entire- CATARRR C�I`�_... ,---- ' ' ' .. ". were taken'.with an itchlrsg, h n` box, at all dealers, -or Ddniapaon, that_cold_water has to be.continuallyf iv and: only tO hfivitia found the h s°a9 d>s.rt ee lye s `' skin disease and tore theilr'tlesh til Bates A Cempapy. Toronto. To pro- sprayed over the miners working the proper food in Drape-Nuts." Namo �r���� - '� it was sore and their shirts- `+w ild Leet yod against imitations, the porgy lode. The temperature is usually- given.by Post Co.r.R•l:V •.Creek, pawMrai I*the t . sometimes be wet with blood. a tjait and signature of Dr. W. A. about 108 degrees, and thE,men have Mich. 0werr _ octor-did not.seem to- know, at OMaao, the famous. receipt 'book au- to Work almost naked in order to Get.,the little book "Tho !toad to fits. drie . -- •"'�lled MMMLtd�•Cos114-*V trro� lel, dsor, ara on every box stand the-heat.' iJI1411er' �#n ego► package. - - sf.d41" - , - sil. i . _ II i ` � a841 I -� 1 . ' - , 'I 1% t . . r r w _ ",' ' „. Ile, ... .,yam.,,'.... 3..,,.:�,.a-..ww ...r.. R I.,4, wlir.e`r.f daakw t'++i' '::' •^ r.6.a:•:aae s,.c'n.ar..•. rn :.....:aa. ...r...,sc. n.ti,•:•,:R...wv...r. . :.ww.a.r..aaP a. , •:.a,....awsa ,rnv�.la ._a:• .i ,.. ,:.s .. ` t • IT TER BISLBT MT139 JUSTIFIED 3R Pure soap I" , You've heard -- Q ([I Q y the words. In S u n l i g h t EXPIRE'S CRACK XAAKSKEN ".",r -WHA -8B - YS FOREGATHER. So a p you have the fact. � - WhereTaro Thousand of the Best WHY J. J. 'PERKINS OWES SIS /-P/Jd �17E"_LIFE TO DODD � Gj Shota'3eet as Patriots, 'S KZDNEY _ I _ �t Not Pot-Hunters. 5UNUGHT Y At no place in the world is ' a 1 greater gathering of sharpshooters , AXDVCJeS ,�,.Qj� . ever toured than at Bisley, writes Doctor Had Given Him rep and heSO" Frederic Walker in The London Mail. Was Hopeless and Destitute Be- - ' On the pine-clad Surrey commons �"gp=211aSti ���/,� there are now assembled the picked fore the Great Canadian Kidney �stir the�a sae - inarka en the empire.eFast. is of a His , P Remedy put Him o $ P y The presence of the men from over- I I SIGNIFICANCE OF PLAY. seas represents a year's patient Tyndall, Man., Aug. 8.-(Special)-- shooting, ,tor numbers attending are I1>ihen a man has had Kidney Disease; I Play distinguishes the higher from vRACG „Arts USE— Iimited and the competition for se-(when the doctor has given.him up; the lower' animals, and it signifies -S - _. _ .. - Iection is keen. when that man takes Dodd's Kidney I.possibility of education. Fishes do Sol CITY" This year the great brigade of i Pills, tegins at once to recover and not play at all; the lower mammals —_-Sharpshooters is again comprehensive its $oon a well man, that man is 'can hardly 'be taught to.._plak.__and_i. ''HOUSE AND FLOOR in its collectivism. ..The sharp drawl•-;sure'.• in a position to say that birds are entirely devoid oi, the in- ' - - . _ __ _ j•of the sons of she pine from,Nortl3-!Ludd'e Kidney Pills saved his life. stinct. But the kitten and the Jamb f PA ' west NTS Canada contrasts Oddly «'ith , 1}Int ;s the experience of Mr. J. J. are essentially playing animals. The-,t he soft tongue of the few Zealand-.I Perkins of this place. Speaking of human young, however.; are the true er; the rifleman from the i,ujab lL; (.isl•„31.• er,;af s says :— I players,. and in reality it is play c Will Cry Illi $ Ho�fS. : rubs shoulders with >he West Indian, For twd y spars I reran troubled with :that develops- them into manhood. IIN- icjdre,,s al.(. at !tst becanle so bad ••Children,". sass a celebrated doe- On sale at aft t!ardware Deo(era Wh;le ligands and the Cepa juatic � ,, ttl,e doctor %%hu was utt.erdiiiR with Parts and Af)erdeen'. o tor, are bo!'n little amorphous bi1r,-' P. na mos & co �1tJlltl'C21 Z'UIO11L0 a11C011�-e Y. - 1:.e c:r'._• up told „t:id I was ill-.rdl,s of possih:lif i(s; ari+tl, at'e playrd q '' c In no assr:n:;-v i9 •tn!• mixture Of. I --- --� _diale:ts so noriconi e, itir into hare." -- — t.:ll• nar�h I w a5 _ - burr of the no tht cc.,,;ti,. jh ` to F n tv(irre. ,, urr.tJ,. tr %cork ar 1 was beers i,t._ A tc•ncher, rI r;r,ning littl: tir,y5 Gae,ic ton ue, an, r! r f 'h :. .( r. fricr.d I Celt miucle vii roc ev and a, , thl i t-t tl I; _ a bt 1 u9 in s u the sir u,,• "1.1t r: pt uvei-whs. a 1`j,.!r s I i 0 1 11`' ir;tcliltt�n c as t<I, SI'n:st cnrq ; 1. ` y��' i Tie h s 11:1, so ui 1 nl %t t... O�t`�'.tge,a t � �.. �]_ tVl � P A it at wi rki;t- l r3 ,'t'"r• ; to !null? 1',liareu}uu u ` o', S. t g:J�. VU t s Lr r, , tl' in.n seri 'S1 - t„.,, 1- t a, w1,o %•:: ir. l thous, fir. iii,.,n oro to-,:cl 1 v'. %c hu i was coir+ � ' ttvc t, r ,t I a t loos d%t:.tt. in'- - • Let us ,have r c r sa::d , rtor u\ T1;�;: cuil•u our %onsf�nment o an-'.- r.”, t►t. r , .l,tt';c : �<',•rl- ail r'Sn,'1„F,:t••r'; "sa: articles and we will r.h,r s: :, , f the aar;h, :n r t :+., . II is u, ! rare th, cif: pet :n, t d o1 !cos. " he.td:a : ` t i nti 1 t, irji t i4 L,e., cut ci Drul -.,% . nr,rl lit % ;:u at rr'S, 11 .; Hann C;. lien; .4 v l 1l" �'' P �1 /` ,��r p�j y ,yam�',1 (� S CO , 6T t4 y�,, il,,,r.l,I, w'ti 1•'h '1'::LS I.. .Y T•' ',t,e''t`r.•1 rI,� ::'shi:t, :111 ..1. - ♦,��a Gr71L`•C'7'• ` 3A i.,00 r'IJ Oil 3�+'1i .':�+-�0� 1.,,,Yr�l�'�'1flQ.d .. _ - ,t,V I - tYr;nf I'2prM:t :.nV_Goi4cfna 8c5 'rORCrI'O, ' CO:In•C• ; ;,rt C I -_ , .. . IlP _ rn :1 lo•L' B.? or, a � l r• :ire 01E - 1I0�' r !' 1 lTll nit flit hl, :t t +1 urtir 1, a fir' �.�y�S.� P..� ti ..1.: ' "c I:.:T.ar I, -- - F 'i� ', ,11 i. r t I „"""„"''o' R� %'�rtt39 a t 8. J - 1 11 Il lit :y 1 I,, rE+ Jr ,w, I, i fir MCC . l" 1 I ..l i ty it :. „_j � ,�yljA1.1'i'Y , . .1aho.�e. .,.•...,._,]..: ..tl..... _,it:. •I'•z,s'{ 1 rl :S -, ►: !ai f ��q , '•� .. �t l It J i . .b 1, ,Rd� ., �' .0 ! 1rn:S - H3' i SSA amt"* 5 W r L- r' Ia ; r><e.- ' r, cf ;Tw sllr,rrtl, k J� OL SS 'A' 4 af'1'� i, „ .t- r S �r . i 1 It 1� yLei �, fa::'.':• lr• Vf,, 7 .,11 �. ! 1 y'.:'..,, . 7+ �_ 1lc Y,1 1';e. I r, ti „ I.n •.e:r•ia r.d a•:M1:f _,.Ci .eGIp-tv it. r .� r' .i'.F. u;. ?.I',. ';1 t r'..r' 'ry• ,t ^i !:Ir. ��. ' '- --_.;. 1_'� t c•• tut,:,; ,r ,r. o y , + t�gy�,1 AQa �Qy�q 1tL� C���"qAN .8E�1MAD ��pfyd��{gl illi g[ /Q (Q�r r Li:'ni,. :� ` o,.� g+....i( h :� �b7•:.� C7 t'a, t th ,t Cr. I Firer ,', I {.. r t. n ,ua , ■ MrV� 14'VY, i7Y7� L/Nl �� Y� M,V a^t. C tr-t t',r, r ,. F1. . 'C•�n .,t ,I' �I r.�•L.,r ,r� , r .. 7.. ,. rn f .. 1•d Y•Fl , ,.. it,., L..- .;t.. tl% to e is t _. t ir,n lu•t`.,':'i. `c ct,11 Ot, 1. a }n• 'C ,'Y!'11 1-L y otr 4 sbi• e'? a^.d }o°*c °r rlFl n.i rh1 Wh:•r rt ,, err , is ,.:-.i'. t I lin ll'a - A„y F:rdt-C:iass Croon►oar, Supply Yoa.. .-. t r;rmp ;l+.d a 1 GiETTlP1lO Ei�DY 8. ' the rTdrlrt".r Trifi;•'l,t- .••i:17 e'• U f it rim '„_.. ,- . T, .t•I.1 r-. Lt t•trrh (, }t..,� f1'. rets,• iter. r - - 1 n rJ ' rtr :dc: f c l+. h 1 c C!1 '.'f,iedu l+ IINSIST Or'd ter., what has hu5r,en•.i—a hull , r>e ,- o• rrtrrr:.t and owlet tit ; ♦ l ,:1\L'' s -;c. e ty. ('r J 1 }, 1 'l,.r 1 E'1' R' t r c . ' 4u,Fnrintnnden' TS- 1 flail's L uinily Tilly Tor. cor.sti- -- — _ -- ^--.-• _ _ n lore, arnnl�,�, hi:ient of London r�ii „ L.VT� 61 AN GA3i�. Ifilrll `.1118 Ste3fl14sI1 e-, a: , i. ( .t, a FLA Pi ti st Do Ips t ` r ry al r)r, i_ est p r lar .'e l s�::Ily ",v'ht'n t,% v,- r-n rjuarrJ t �.tsrae n on tlas ' trs+a,e-for wlndaKa., wri.l off gam+ .car era * •he F+rrrr wAd go'.4 sta•G.{a :t a },�-`tire+ :,Atli in, the. wrtx>$. P AttzaGtiors for Sp_ MONTREAL TO LiYERirOfDl. (.rt:r.• ,-.a ,.•t ch sI i'c v.�,% t„ ti.,L ^ r•. t' :.-�_t ht ttil aft rt7l. .. _ , .... tall w•th a 1.T ' aL•alnst'tbe sandy ' y vary nme of the r Line c the Grana Berate Rate Service. -t p w h s oral ho es Mo " B ilff L4 C c:, ('i'DG n Commence' and .. t. ' t 'T”e t,raradf lrunw 1;a+:.vt�y '• t..ew o +"a:-wn r: .ed +„ IeFe .rwsaeo- - 1. I,bank of t.Ga h- I ani run - 1 r n I. .t ..W Thi o! NQ a ' ' O „aria p,,rt '1�' t4rrm >i d�wlinol - ..ryr;.::a, , lw u nt.un, ILr.eoofi >. N2.yr. •n Lc. ton. 7•btrd oi... a . t7flisei i1luaUa ..Lh ha' �• rye+,L�nao. G a..r . . .. r a hitt .i I:baa eaui:u u Uariarioit:u r .I Lorca '� a;42— vo &1Solt the iar.,r PA y red t p r, tt t a t 11. cArtr,dg.. II 19 .' p Y For.,l Dsrt.v®ra.n�•t 4 'u.a;�aef,a or Il,ar `Irl,,—I have used Ml* AItD'S attrartcitatis : tie wrn> noY,xrov LIVE -+-'' r -tl K let yr E..r:tone,17 as ascr.uo»o.et,9(mtt..i "_ ' dl aria In h16 nit7oi., P dedtll u_s:.:, t7► s ti sal:; t; I C. C. RTCIiA2'DS CO. en,.a' lugs. drill out the centre of the target up 'lien ' .,, a : .ah, of hullet� it 1 F � I ivs tocaiities for sl.ortr+men on-, Li\IMI.\T in my stat la for over a tar :r iibe of ru:iwav Dlaav of Las } -- piecemeal, uaraly hummin¢, .'.red sufficient to tar and cunAlder it the very best 'regions rescbeo by Uw (:rand lruat These are men .Mr. Arnold-Foster ,tor, env derc;5h rush.. Tetra of. thou- i IBUCHANAN S ` lnrep9 to hate—men who can shoot sands of cartridc cs tilts them=elves ir, for horse flesh I can get and strong- `seem to ha r been spoc:alty propaleii 1 recommend it. for the delectation of u:uaWna, and I UNLOADING OUTFIT -an ee?my in a landing-boat half a the h.iwh protect:niz banks every vPar Y w sella from th.c 'shore; and to this end uiLti] the original sand o1 the butte GEO, HOUGH. I hero for . 4rief period the cares of Works wait ►Far w he excuses from attending re imental- ,. j Livery Stables, Quebec. �'busineas are cast aside .acid ,N Ls nmol a to bares R ig be,4 frees a Rear.: c,, lead. I . . !green uli to eel oyment, not only do oaiaads au k1adJ o} _ .,camp9 even volunteer who w:,. put At nightfall i4 the lead-picker s j tba 'IIl ti ndis of unta-rio resent has a" train alta•: in a week at the imperial, wapQnshaw hartrst Tne ay' r•a s = B P too"Ortosh•aras. P" talk the pick• 4inrl\alied laciutiee for both huntinK• + Isendtoreatal ou - on the gorseland between the Hog's et• arxl i!. Quee"-sfill they srrnd a I frshing acrd eau'ip:ng, but the 30,uu0 LT BUCHANAN&CO � rSO140oL hack and Chobham Ridges tai ii, ❑;eht" on the entrenrhmentx, M 1 0 - •• . F ' _ '�lslaada of the Georgian hay, •Thou• 1 PATRIOTS, N,&T POT-Hi?yTFR`+. BLit they rarely r4ude the patrols as sand lalanos and St Lawrenle Hlv• w' This is the final oIncnal act of rec- '� the t.l.l days. :and the busitxss of "Consider the Porous planter: my er, Ride" lilies and Lakes, 1-nke tit. ! CLEANING eat, WG lead rerovery r- no Ion er t O. Isom" remarked the philosopher, ;John and the many attractive lo- LAMES • rieritlore of the value of go iaidua• "and don't et d!scoura ecL Every- , LADIES' SUITS • merit its shooting Year, ago a._maa fitahle game which a!oretime led the j g g W'tirs In 11a,ne anu New Ifuml} ' • . atJ17y - - +ovho made a hobby of shooting was Rom ny to camp un the hinge of the ood ' Luray his back on it, vet It sy„„ L resent eyval op;iortusi lye or O.a be dos.r.►t.00y by our rr.eo•Tr.a.< Try COmmna�. hangs on, and eventually achieves b,'alth, i-deasure and al-ort, All these �wl?isN AM9%j4&P 0"Isia So }Lobbed a pot hant�. Then war iaucces's by close application " . localities are reached Iry the Grand rOit'lasal. sOtOir•ro, O"AVL • QIIsaso knoc&ed the bottom out. bf the fetish w --T— ` - } i Trunk Rodway System: and on volley firing and this was !oilseed by :.CLERGY OF ENGLAND t �{{�. i trains Une,ualled oo the continent. Lord Roberts' 'eulogy of snap-shoot- ��Qa(d _ ��i111iltl � � �Niel�ld .Abstracts of Ontario, Michigan, due- LUXURTOI S FAMILY, Ing. Finally; Pall M+1~1 unbent,- and In the house of firs. Roettm„ of bee, New Hampshire and \iatne fish After 44'pCa.r9 of cotrairlerntion ac-_ The. Pcverty of Some of Them Is ti P ed the hall-mark .of o.!ficial a royal Appalling. omo mcvL get under a cloud for and Hanle laws are incl reed in fife Chicago, who had taught her seven " Pp pP 8• the purpose of swiping the silver I publication for the g'•iidancs of children to simulate overt and b on "the Shooting volunteer." )lining_ gwrtslnen. The Grand 'Trunk nail- 1 poverty so men Way has also issued descriptive assiduous] were found a But the work is not ai'1 on lite The ap>F+trling poverty of clergy I y, pleas, pi- iD poor parishes in }:ngland is one y P anola, rich rugs, uphonograph, and range, In. the ststiraic•al of5ce-is a MF.DICAL CONVENTION. lustrated matter for each district se b i small army of postofice-volunteers, of the saddest phases Of the religious expensive furniture and draperies. Delegates arately, which aro sent free on ap porters- rh the maul, .who tackle'life of to�ny. This poverty is not ( g Les to the Medical Artsocia-l Plication .to the agents o: the Corn- r ' o La.ins of, score tickets whicb the '.east of tht• causes which havu tion at �'ancuuver can return through 6 beingur o CCh � a vi,ion of an{sm" Saa Francisco, by Angeles, Salt pans rend, to Dir. J, D. DicDonald, a1W1�I � � .are raimetl upon thein by motittated as Dag I District R.. r,st the'county Lake City, •llenver and the "World's �•'�s@a,(}((e�r.,Amt. Gam, derlfes galloping from the firing g itlurd, who, as sec- I Fair" St, Louis, purchasingtick- iTaioo Station. 'I`oronto. "$loints. Fifteen hundred tickets for els sold to San Francisco, account — -+ "Do you think he is really in love ., a single big competition take some retary of the Queen Victoria Clergy � with ouT' asked Maud. "I don't 1 -4ortin d there a - over fifty Eunde is An a position to speak with Knights Templar- meeting. -' Ah me acclaimed Harduppe, y g' Ig authority; was interviewed on ilio 'I`ickets on sale from August 15th "It's very hard to be poor." "NQn- know," answered Maime. "Fie says events et er'v day; but, under the cleft tp•September 9th, good for return-.s ice!" lied S ick: "I d'it h" is, but 'his letters don't sound a lingers of the postal volunteers, the subject recently, 9 g �' bit sill ' until October 23rd, with stopover I he easiesE thin U the world." ire sinks, the lowest prize-taker is ' ''Aa long,.' said he, "as the Intel- t B y ' lectutt, and social .standard of the 'privileges in each direction, 'This is - _ 1 �known, and Dir. Caiger's official list an open rate to the public, as tiCk ( � (���,,� 4r�w Use Lever's D Soap tin being telegraphed. to -every 'clergy.a kept as low, as ir, is, so `Miall LIYi kl fy : � I n' P Is powder) y lFaper .long will the churches be empty, els are not sold on the certificate to wash woolens and ijannela,=you'll . -in Britain, ^Flow can a %ler vmnn who has plan' The rate from Toronto will dike it. Nor' does the work' end with the g• I be t7Q•25. Correspondingly low not enough to eat, nor money to buy � o arithmetic of shooting. Afield force rates .from -other pointA. Tickets Said the aeronaut, in his balioa'n :First Guest decent clothes and books of reference, I (at banquet)— "Is this Of regulars are employed man-hand- 'be expected to-do hip 'parish work can be purchased going via tiancuu-' 'I shalt see all the stars very soon." Ia spring chick'eli?" Second Guest— ling the targets; and streets of nun- ver, returning" through above ,cities, He was right, for he dropped, "That's what the caterer calls ." - ,rommfssioned olRcers-to keep the and preach good sermons, torn as he or vice versa. And.he Saw where he stopped t a it _ .. scores at the firing points, sitting is with domestic worries? By writing H. F: Carter, TravelinglThree million's of'stnrs'and a moon! IFirst Guest (tasting it)—"Well, he's r 1 a • revaricaterer!" out all day untila sun ane eir , Agent, Union Pacific. Rail-' — ! P a thinker, and � a politician, and he road, 14 Janes . Buildin faces to %spryer-color„' despite• the ; g, Toronto,' _giant umbrellas whose peaceful shade 'will not attend the church of a cier Ont., he will give you full Wforala-'.Nftiitoow.To tmothS5 9TIRTW itti'na:hfa teething I 1 1� •gyrnan who has lost prestige. tion. 1 es ih, etc, y enjoy. Miaard g ll�isreaf er e the en O R.00thntbachild,WCt�oatbe aume..ltq.y.ia.sura "One of the few remedies for this f - wind colic.milwayo th..tomnch.odhowels•sodi.+he THE RANGE OFFICER. i n i �ar0y'��r {ststihion=�han wih`i world CBi.ori o,i ' leva is the compulsory amalgamation singleton—- what I have Choll Ch rmin widow, isn't' *nd there is the f Mu leirgy - seen o your wi e, am - sae'!—ITlev?3ay- she-ig_-VO 'Heated at each group of targets. tio ,ious to work, but ha-ve no work to 'lievci that she is somewhat of a' i --�- again.” AI I wouldn't want to --pa3z is_toe much for the sweat of do, !to riser " Wedderlev-"You - bet '• He (after ziiarria e)-"I don't his ,daily agony. He answers as "The poverty among the clergy is she is. I' see her temper rise' more know why you arts not as considerate " Yy -w•rdvv 's is an many questions as a porter at 1i'at_ P Cholly-"Well, I:d rather he a wid- q P appalling. I know of one clergyman Ifroquently than I care to." of my comfort as you used to be of ow 's second husband than her first, erloo, and is expected by each cow-;'in the Norwich diocese, the poorest _ _ _ _ your father's." She-"Whv, my - - ' .petitor. to answer queries with the in England, whose ]icing was worth _ dear, I am," He-"Huw do yon 'donciier-know• memory.of a D$tas, and to know, the B under £40, fie lived in a cottage in make that out? 1�hon 1 come into I - "-- family history of every marksman the middle Of ra potato field, and None 'the house T. have-to hunt around for I surrendering a competition ticket to suT,lrl(•rrunterl his income be: :,elfin, Left i my slippers and everything 'else 1 �'i1E71l11eI' him. - rrlrl clothing which had been given !happen to want, but when I used to Whooping Cough Fin; -there is f•ieut.-Col.. C R him. To �court you, azW your fabler would 1. - Crosse, echo its at the hc•ail of the" The children seem to oatch when ingg s' t'EIc row'hoil his bedroom, with his come in from town, you would ria.;h:1 cuughc:Iaily In thu ILumwar that wlien it whole mountain of decentralization; ;bed, %c:,vhstand, find solitary chair. Bother— l ahout gathering up his thing!-.'FVheol isalw'uyesuiuuchha:derLogetriduf. nothing puts him out; his brain is by a Ladder. A varsity friend the his carry-^_hair lip to tho fire, warns Its cool as an icebox wAd `under Y s !lint-n pair of.clivi^ins slid thesh •"h,s You -+ �� his slii,pei,s, and get him -bot11 ; a ' Shil®h'S _ - _-,hartds the gnmt tuecting glides aloe ::secl to .parch up the chancel of,his i head-rest ailc3 •a foot-rest, so that all a like a well Alltel machine to, its ap- churrh- I Ariel' $ he had to do was to drop right ! �.71�5 1Ray 01M pointed conclusion. "With' Ar•(hdoagpri Sinclair's r(-- L�in� down and be conlforta le. ' -- She— 1 The council sits under the ^hair- rpar;<s Pagan Londoners' 1 "nh, that. was only so he'd go to 1,A2s� The Lung tranship of Lord Chelyesmore, ati(1 it Idisagrcc�, 1'hc man itlio, after' a • �1lc sleep sooner." Tonic rompri-es the greybeards of the 1 strenuous Ivicek's work, seeks•a Stn- Wilson's s I will cure them quickly. There is no shooting world, -The Bisley Corn- i day in the c-ountry; is not a Pagan, Teacher--Desteie, prime one bjrd' i ioiu�vs drug in it and it is pleasant to:ttee embraces such, officers 119-land, as n matte[•. of cacti. the rows that is note extinct," Little Bessie At m druggist.,sea,sea sed$t_oo•DetW. Capt. John T3arlotv,' who spends a I of cvcles outside the churches in tho Fly y Peals —"Dick." Teacher—"-Dick: What &mall fortune e�'ery year on ancour- icountry about London will prove sort of a bird is that?" Little Bes-� 1 - aging mark'smRnship; Major the Mon. that so=called•w('ek-enders atttmd cy- Sold Everywbere. l0 oeSts sit—"Our Canary. The cat extineted Fremantle, a famous long-Int services by the hundred,"- ISSUE'NO. iii.-�i45 - - „. a .. — .. ._: -.,. wr.-... ,___.._. .....,._,., ...---.._ _-_...•._ . ..,-. ..., ,. � _ mer, err wealth. But this deliri(xls excite-' rp. ., • -,,J, went about athletics lir athletes' 9 - _� �. Mothers Ear ;apabliela'svepr Ssiday morning at slag its seat iu the city intiltitttde5 I i, ,a $idtartnY ons. zlud doe:: not exteud to the farm. i S y4 Hopeless it -would be to wilivi11Ce A tvoaro IN Mormorot wafts wm Mix ' .•f� ' the C•It}" CUu11C11 that they \\•ere NURISIN0 AN IMPART. ANO /N rMa s � -W. T. DUNBAR fiattet'111g a tl•tlll-it01'}' ITlania and mo,t•rae rMA,r Coma daRoAar re V i 7 T1Ma, _ l setting up a fttl�e standard of merit to) the disparagement.of all SCOTT s srnut_Sfofv ___. that is really- uleritorions and vrtl- euswLlta rMa-grrpAerns1VGrM AND / _._ ____ _ -� th c _ �e� TERMS IIIouR/limmoo lr so MaoassAA,r, RO/e � • O •t.tle pez7•arl 63.00 snail laseeaa.e liable to the cotnl721inity. This rMQ wRAsrx or aOrw MOTNCRwlio j a C �wlng i w RATEB OF ADVERTISING: was (ill amateur race, but expel•- CMlLD. Send b r tree sample O - c P rultiusertioa,per line to cents ience unfortunately 3hOn'5 that +COTT d: BOWNE Chemists, asoh subsequent insertion,per line - 6 " the maliia opens the door to pro- Toronto, Ontario, ;----- —This rate does not include Legal or Foreign ad- Sir_,and Er:oo.;.all drhggists. 'vermsements, feaiouxlislu and betting, the bine special terms given to parties mating can- of noble sport:w. The crazewill Pretty itGSlgnS 5. roots for 3 or 6 months or Ly the year. Half' Iota )l last through our enera- nearly or yearly contracts payable quarterly. p Y g g t . Business cards,ten lines or under, withpapor, tion, and will be •the laughing- NOW? Arit)erfiavmentlt. in Spring Prints !one year,03 OC,payable in advance. Alp ail'Nodeeialocalool„mnaten0»atsper 112•, stock of the uext." Athletics is jlive oentsper line each subsequent insertion, quite the proper thing fur. every- POR SALE Cotta;;e and 2 stores. " y tectal contract r tee made known on applies I5021 .SU illdtl�e 112, e8 _ C1Ally Aoplc c, A B Dowswell. Claremont 41-cf XT W Riot'a ea' - _oo. No-freeadvertising, W- lir L B I.LO Z1 Advertlsemente without writer astrnctioae \when their lives are of a sedentary ARGAIN SALE-Poultry House Willbe inserted until forbidden and charged ao- CharACLeI', There 18 nothing bet- B14z36 abd hou•Piwla edeccs. Abplv on the oordingly. Orders for discontinuing advertise- premises to]~lies Watton.' 43-43 atent•mae%be in writing and meat to =6 Pub- ter for the young man -who i3 Ladies and Misses Ushers. re ria for the sterner duties OR SALE - A first-class fresh L diel r �Jndervesta - oh_Wor1 ptompsly actepded to. a pa g milch cow.rising 4 years. . Apply to A. C. o -- - - of life, to enter int-u--contests of 1 t, _ Courtney,lot X. .cur...1.-Pickering, Daatiartou . SuYTl)�te ---- -__-- - -- _- - physical endurance, with his P O - _ Murkar b, Thexton. Proprietors felrow-student. The field of sport FOR S?a.1sE-The I3ichingt,ottom Black T'1 A not only develops one physically., farm at Balsam,parts of lots and I c',n jJ1tllVk Cottfll] J�OSlery t Our Politica-Stnctindspendenc• but these contests in sports pre- 3, Pickering. can be purchased on favorable Jv V ti l 1 terms Apply .mmediately to Dow 31cGilliv All ►SlZeB and Prices y _ Vu,t• A1tn-A First Local Paper. parQs cue for the greater contests ray, 601'16 Brock at, Whitby, 41-47- !! our Ezjtevtatiotaa-The bear" in later life, when every que is e ypori_41_Ih�Qeovl•of Pickering and vicinity OR SALE-yl) pigs from two to - -- compelled to enter into competi- �'' P R Lion with 1113 fellow-men in their tour m^nths old.h orood tows. 4 cattle suitable for beet rings Drgp a card foz prices 1\TC QP Cashmere celery FRIDAY, AUG 5th. 1904. struggle for existence. Nothing of fat hone Write,phone or apply to John A. will do more towards the devel- opment of those manly' qualities FOR SALE—A h,teton and a net of e b NOTES AND COMMENTS. so necessary lir a successful life as braes moanud etadle harnaes to mat-h- Neck New ck Iii bone. — a wise indulgence in athletic original coat.�lssoo—a. as nw;oyb� _ i CC gun co whoarar comes s Apply . 'By a vote of 339 for, to 74 games. But perfection In any pleeson,Grseawooa. s9•tt - sgainst, the town of Trenton on one sport should not be the"sole $ionday passed a bylaw to pro- ambition of anyone. It should �'TR�iYED—On to the premises of v ,r'1iOt.� �� 8 y the undersigned oa or ascot Wedne2dar. Straw Hats tV p • vide $_0,000 to purebase bonds of be only a means towards an end. June and,a laree white sow. Tha owner mar V Lal r^ -- the Ontario Electric Railway Co. Man • a man's life has been made have tial,sem.by provtne Ditaber cad paying - _ } e:.•ossa. John Yu�hen, Dan bergon. tt This company is malting strep- a failure because, though he at- world efforts to persuade munici- twined fame in the world of sport, C�KATING Rl';K, HOUSE AND — -- - _ .palities along its propo;ed route he neglected to make use of his •or LOT FOR reasonSALE-able ten undersigned casae _ h g for sale at a reasonable nee. hie large skating 7. to assist them in the building of superior physical development in r nk, cad also his honor cad lot ntaased to - thRir road But the do not find accomplishing -omethin higher th0 vtilage of Ar,agham Fir partinalars appy y' p g g g to Frank 8andorson on the promisee or to W r the country so enthusiastic in in this life. Many of the manly laichardeon.PiciOriag 43 tt jn granting b(,nuses and other- sporty lose their value because wise assisting large corporations they are not used as a means to tRNf TO REN The west half of • �p 8['e SU Piot It in con.D.Township of Scarborc. 191 ��o t i c V _. as they were thirty and forty an end and because they airs.,more or 102. 11 m;:ea front Toronto mar ii.. • to Road. most of the land a -. Kia s o I ed with am kit of th• e year, ago. clang men now `told frequently associated g , cls•loam A good bearsg orchard. House. y the clew that It la not a \rl'de bliIlg• buildings and•iac*4 is good rapsir. APVITT Hats I - ._ _ t i . .-thing to prnvide the money to- J H.Richardson west 8,u P.O. 43-40 L Hags Irar(js the building of a railway, Wife—I'm sot to Cee gnu and then hand the thin oyer to I► 3Ryr FOR SALE now TO RE:r'?— We are selling our hat shapemac great reductions to make room g COS]e home in such A state as this, Fla,acre.of good bead,naw tank barn ab•a g large corporation to pocket all the Lharle,. dance of wager.car h,<fot :i zr con. I w for &ir fall stock. Children a leahurns at 40. Ladies hat shapes r/)fits. The experience of the P,esenan :t allies o T the tillage o Dos ij'e ��some nice sassy bonnets still on baud. lJ 1>e Husband—I'koevr you'd b(' sorry garcon and l,l mdse eo.c of Toronto.cocvea,e,» from Sac. up. • •t has roved that many" of the to sicca°ani aarket. Por Particulars &PP4 , p (,Artie. and that'.a why I LOId you -o John Anders,.o, ti,aeare Yawls. Jut. or ao Baker. ' _ Pickering ppaa.. A+l n a•a�ted, ntaerwa. 34-49 C. A. BCL bei +•• _ • _ bc,IIuses hl, _ m l' lase u 1» endimoa Do C s Y o s2 t t, 130 - yield' no return >i.nd wrelling not t Na Substitute Offered I - the pocket bnoltq of the promoters Say what you will about dti.q�ista VOTERS' LIST 19". Too many M.ackvinzi:es and Mantis offering gomething ••)list tie good be- have sprung up in the country in cause it pays a better prn$t. the fact - _ - _ late years, !n that municipalities; brill ecAnds thwt ninety-alae on; of _ N now give these t) tions their a hundred drug$iata recntaamend 1711o4t earnest coaafderatinn before Chambertain'to Colic, i'lsuirrra and municipality of tkr raaRs+ssfsof Pteke.ln$ OT171 ��✓✓ 9Mntiag large +utus of money to- Dixr•rhoea Renwdy when the- beat Gants of Ontario _. ._ . ,wards some neo railway A few remedy for diarrhoea is asked fur,anti Iso'nos to hersbw given%set I Save transmit. do eu because they know it i. the 0+110 ted or delivered,o we persao ne"as,00ed,n j. municipalities ao far have granted remedy that can always be depended sennona a and a of the oatano veeri t,Ast• the requests of the Ontarj Elect- dpo Breve C aag.,ee4.wd by mud c0 ft-bee. eta oo- Read _ + tic requesRailwabut the majority is °p"° even In the mate tsearrre' sad otea rw,and wrod by sola ascof the saw*. was scale Suite, Pants+ and. Oeste at C1oee prices. ous t cites. &)id by au drug- massed or deltvese•l of the ,ase•trtrie Poor r Lalow in answering the appeal. gtstw, wast to slid eat.of 61) person. aPpeaneg by. ,dew Gouts' CapA .lust in, tb0 seat revised bseawmens Ito.it of the mud Mistress-Oidn t the ladim wEo mooicipam,rt EDO,-ttow for memne»of cbw The as;af:sinatiun in St. Peters- collets !sate cards? Letasiaatve "oentalr and ac td'I'WIPel ileo- } burg Russia. of Plehve. and of ttwe.and Wb, ole aleooLis,srwa fust posted of to my int. A. Bunting, ' oe 'the Rusetan Miniet*rs,presumably Maid—They yez had LA 11 t. o oo a►t WbUILIZI loo° the stn of .sinal. -` blit I told 'ens' yet had plenty. Of t7t'4 and o of. Lj to upon o e%aannt 1by a member of one-of the InAny d Ytif any lie 62100!upon w e:amssessud Lisu taIIarChlSL 8o cietle� in that country your own. an better )IIsi, tt)O, and if oar I"*itoasor se, pt 0rrots•we Fouad Cholera inf�lntssri P•'•*••a.to�•'°a1e'i'ag's Vroeeedasw so crus ' - = tier�-es to •how the (le•perate• con too scope none ted we^r•atna a,:a+ This disease has l,,.t it:,t.•rrors siit'R at Wb1Ww,:e. August 4tb '^3,)4. fed in which that'v"t Empire DJ?ALD B 1dErTu`,i5 at the pi'esenL Lime. The a3�8�- ChauO_rlAin's Pale% Cholera ,inti Clarkolth0 Ty.of?Igk.trtoos. Dianh„ea. Pril,.•tly ('Alt>P lntro ach xt .. 4J'41Paa s �..��Pai ants, Oils , ' inated 3tate�nlau, who i- di, ttsP. The uniforul ,tuCcrr,w which at- Wall - ne.wl,sCCibed asa tyrant. and a ulail of the a-e 'of thi., remedy in ail t indomitable rill, nas a mewber c ,-, of t,nw�l complaint, in �hildxn ' of that ala- yt'hu apply the has made it a ,fAvorite \vhet,rver its �iVate?w�tJrkeG ETC• _ thtttub•scten- to the Masse? of value hag beLoine known. For sale Russia, and \rho succeed.in keep- by all druggists. A�arge freshetoekjnow on hand. Prtoes in Wallle&peilmnging1 ing them in ignorance that they Aubrey—Youah daugiitah has — from 3C. up. may be more ea-ily tirade the vic- consented to mawy me, Sinal—er— time of their oppression, and hit I'd like to L-now if thele is an"y in,- ; Wkile some wi)iiaoiopc the sem•• syn- JGhn' par�@Z a sabartOa, tlntimel end at the hands of. the be of waterworLshundreda will not y mnity--iii--youah family? be�t,)u e it. TA) these +'1be reli,t- - assasslan, does not draw from the Old Gentlemou (empllaticallyl_ , rest of the world that measure of There must bel blr PGJide t malts by Emat``i:3 Will a m th that would be the case still pivvide the brat system of water- © �+� .',5y pa y - v►ixite. The'gl,al�yand exe4lenaeof (ilrc'11(`E'�l*lt ,tel (��1 \sere he a Ivan not devoid of lofty thesepumQs will's�lI be- Lelat at the 00 ideals. The inany rever-es in highest point andpntrons vv'll.reeeive their war with Japan, .threatened titer paumptest situation. complications with other nation B. ;7�'. #� c ( ' The SoQereiga Back of Canada• Q -.and the continual unseat -vergingle ers E 1t� SVA `fit on rebellion among her o\\'u people E. Has over 10 00� Clastomers. combine to make the,condition of i Russia. most deplorable. The Q �Zlltb t Lwlicy pursued towards the Jews Doulttry cheap cough mad& $TOCOL St.11 ' � Ail S%rewd, Intelligent, Enterprising Canadians.' and the Finns is such as will pro- Cines. Get the best Ayer's 'duce no other result than that we Cherry Pectoral. What a Pumpmahes'and Plumber find prevailing there today. The record it his, sixty years of MARKHAM BRANJrRN C)3, BLARE ONT BRANCH, Czar, hila-elf, is a lover of peace, s•nas'sasrs_lnekessse&aches e..s.a � a F_ Smith,:11aIn. L. E. Tedd,Agt. and one filled with feelings of ills e r r l T>�N8 Gott 4 EAa7 nos a$roa.Lowe:— © - ` ' •,._deepest s'ympatllr toward- those No g.;g d; U. e C r 1 18` LoeLL . . . . X53 P.Ili, de-er\'iug of sy-n)pathy, }liit 'he 0.10 LooAL.' . 604.P. 1iL, - lacks the gill-po\ver to drive from TttanfConic W14er cos A;P01LOWS:- — uffic e those. whose views are not cures! Ask your doctor if N0.19 LocAL 8:41 A.M. ('piClCerJ=ff . . . . _ in accord with his own. « ere he he doesn't use it for coughs, I'll LOCAL. . � 8:18 P. X. � �' a•a 1'40 - - =et�t I=i t �� ( t ., �.. . igilaace e-. Committe_e'!I s r� a - R'It 1 11111- d�uI1Q-�_nd_811. . :Ii�sIL aeRQni t$l e -' '' co-lds-,-b-reec-h-iasT - — -- - – -- _ surround himself NN nlen who Tousles. --"---_ — Ta C011ld work 121 IIA!I11U11} I have toat,d that Aye ys Chertr Pecs•»1 �•�On�l„S+' k1Udb of vel• self, \\a might exl)ect the j)eople is the beat medicine I can rescribe for Bron �Jii�iisiaia �7EriY lie members and the appre• 1� Star _ - ,of Rll3sia,t0 be ]n R nitlCh happier cb- l�aentn,cnu¢hs.and hard colla•'•' tole m6aufactured by t1]e aiCLaugh�➢ hensioo of the thieves. Q an p m�• X.LODYNA:1•X-D-,Ithaca.:s.T• I .o I]10U11 []]all they` are at present. 6 soc.,itt.oa. J.c:Avssro.• Co'y, oiOehawa. 3lemberehavin¢propertyetoleucommani• O', ;e .»+ a n, $ a' t } 1)ehlilts UThel' All dra¢a•fate. sat. Lo�sell. seats, .Cate immediately with any member' ~ •.rdy tom m 1 Russia i3 a cents I' ' 1 nation..-, find will ativvay- retrain of Executive Committee. o� !e� 'a�. o so t�ehjndnnlessaneniightenedpolic'F B1"'�1ZC�]11S I :• '. _ Membership fee 91.00. — i, persued by.the Ria=sia12 goverli- Arthur 1e • Geo,. _ r _ �` �, q ff-e}, . Leng sZI air', _ � s . I11Clit. Give the people enlight Secretary. President. •�' — IM Correct any tendency to conatl a- _— pp �' d Ment and a fair -hare of freecloltl' tion With small doses of Ayer's PiUs. Esec:.Com.-Geo, Leng, D.E. Pugh, G. S.i=" ? oa o a and they -will gr.lilttajl}' Lecunle x : / Palmer,Pickerin .Out. ►—'" °a s as °� °-m r+ lapl)y nation. 1 kyr IJI)grill R'Rllt ` r 07 iq ' $ $ ;; Mao-sl The Week Sign. in referring NE�'�� Z�'HEEL�7 , ,� I�� House and Lot eJ m� t ob° g oc�o g e ' �., to tile'Scliole- reception ill Toron To Rent' =p o ca a o a H� v z° s to last-week. =peaks \risely- wheel I On your Buggy or Democrat The Empire Medicine Co, of London, l °s s o it -a}'�: "Eighty tliou-atad of tilE Ont„hoe appointed the undersigned sa I ~ o° „• • • tr Se ° a a We have Them. iin _ ,r people of Tot•onto• \\'ith their city' local agent for Pickering,for the most won I The dndersigiu>d has'to rent in 1nt28 t» °oma s 10. �, .r g - c coilticil at their heal. have 1)eetl and are specislli,ts in :,ll that-kind detfai dtareatment tof o theeL.Toseh Th oe{,,hsiton.) all}ytdntgey. 7�romeri�frDdme C $ s°. p o too _o�uj11R_forth to w4)r-Qhip the winner of trork. Don t g�)to st, fr,reign. than For the t of the sculling match ane! present for carriage work.. - NVP can, please Bronchial Tabes and Longa, It enresColda building: to which i;attached 3 acres ON 1? Jinaary 1901-Whitby 9th, Oshawa 10th him with a cabinet of silver. If von, Oltr 'machine department is and al thrust and lung ngcdiseasess..ay Write ofland. staThere Pand drive house. Will Broti, hat, 11th, Port Perry 1816,IIx - ' - tights thoivand._ ot, eight tlfatt� tupning every day. General black for particuleN,a stook of'treatments and rent the whole, or will rent the house bridge lith, Qaaoi't ton 11th,B3averwe stand, farluer� had done the sanle�tmithing. etc. repairs constantly on band at. j seperate. Canning ton olid lot for sale cheap., _ ( 10th. , there might be rea-on to treljlble t=A�e ROBT• H. CA1350N,•Dunbarton suet the sanity of the c•ominon.-I W.-H:JACKSON,.Brock Road. 3reen �14eri _ r r pI.AR;asolri Whitevale , -- - -,. - r_. .... 7 s-. i3-iYnl. fifoa sR Cil is Yleiting ��' Burrell 6have g his buggyI r You, Gando '�Bstter ,Alt,J3ett}v I "`' e ► t' friends in Oriilitt. re-painted. I t 311s..Copenhaver, of Po11o, Ill:,: J. Burkholder sl t t; few days t is visiting f1•iends here. �'iu tQWll lit week.,` Ciaremont. FOV Bedlootli'Suites, Dining room, Mrs. Thows,6u has moved back � J. Birnie, of Myrtle, :spent Siiu- 1 Chairs and all kinds of Furnitult•p ., frury'the city to remain here. day x•ith friends here. ; Sweet, of Battle'I .lir:, Geo. Carter, of Toronto, is Creek, Bich., is visiting friends visiting friends in the vale. " 1 goods. d. vera - �'here. 1 Rev Ji r. Reynolds preached at -.__ _ ,Rubt. Liudsay.and daughter•, of Cherrytvcod last Sunday evening. i _--._ _ - __ _ _ _ : 'deli Free + un- - .�. �'" --Streetsviil'e, are visiting at Hugh' Miss Mina Hawkins spent S _ Gregg's. ! day w1th her aunt, Mrs. J. Me- Capt. Sylvester and rife, of j .Nealy. Willetts and Zttelika ' Toronto, spent Monday with' The Missesa e► 'friends here. 1 Beare and Fred Wilson spent Sun- `; = �� Ge ' ts sir n 1 s John Gerow shipped a cattle, day in-Markham, A Severe CSSe Of oVt11'lali g pulep from Goodwuud to Kirkfield stirs. Tresham is spending her I,lOil�ser- 8 terrible of operation on Tuesday. vacation with her parents, Mr. stvoidele Mrs. Emmons tells 1. _ _.... , We regret to, report that Mrs. and Mrs. Ireson a! osgrove, o s rl io Z- - -Ethel %Wilson and lad From the He d Down friends, of Toronto, visited with �w s� was saved by lite use Iy ill at present. q ' f Wm. and Geo. Gibbons, of To- Mrs. J. Wilson over the holiday. of Lyflia E. Pinkham's Vget" * New' Arrivals . ronto, spent the holiday with Mrs. hiller, who has been vis- Compound. :their parents here. - iting with Mrs. Leary, has re- ,.DF.As Idris. PntrxELAsl:-I am so gine line of spring hate, spring shirts(colored and white). Spring foot- W. J. and Mrs. Graham, oif`To- llloved to Stouffville on account of tca9ed��the results obtained from Tae _ _ }t , wear, etc. A call will conveuce th,ulna..f acti,jint,c that-A.-> . Fesyt 's= aoato, were beta this-week-rine - indisposltion�.—_.-. r ydia E-P nkLam'a v rL)1 C ail eraont, is the place to get the right goods at the right price. ing old acquaintances. The annual moonlight excursion Compound that T feel it a duty and ' a civil to write about it. �p CI.AREMOlr'T A. B. Doersw. is putting a to Rosebank, of the young people, privilege Fr li E Forsyth metal roof on F. 9i: Chapman's �cas held last «'ednesday evening I srifered for more than five years ' STATION. % with ovarian troubles, causing an large barn at Audley, in Nvhi'ch some three dozen partici- unpleasant discharge, a great weak- J. H. Beal and wife. and John pated. Just a little rain made it nese and at times a la4aiaeas would e Hueste[i and w' t Monday necessary to cone off the water, Comm over me which no amount of in the County town. an enter e +�-to- Miss to --�-0� Miss Bessie and firs. Duncan and as there was no danger of correct. Yogis Vegetable Compound Macnab are visiting with W. Ren- drowning there, all had an excel- found the weak spot,however• within lent time. ryh0es (� frac'at Jackson's Point• a iso►weeks-and °wed me from 1,\V r An operation-all my t mables had a Magnus Henderson has the and I totmd, tnyselt sate masons at work putting a stone �y"-well. Words ail'to foundation under his house. Taken with Cramps. descAbetbeseaL true,gratrtdiesiinQ Why? At the Palmer Shoe Store on the corner, where you C. W. heGregory is relieving T. Wm. Kirmse, a member of tie that is is my heart. and i wast Lo t+aai�l get all kinds of good sed reliable goods at close prices B. Hughes at the station, the tat- bridge gong working near Littleport T7 side sad sister• _ dell wi4h medicines you know ter being away on pia holidays. was taken suddenly ill Thursday night Y Repairing neatly and promptly E- E. Pugh purchased the David with cram s And a kind of cholera. m8 � but b"ake LTdbe E. attended to p ham's P table Caenpemas3, and Pugh farm which was offered fur His case wall so severe that he hitd to take for hZ Yon will be a dif- ��/�/T -Sale on Tuesday. The rice id have the members of the crew wait t• e M. Palmer, shoe Merchant, p :eon him and Mr. Gifford was called Savant woman in a Wavle rima«—Mks. was$3000. and consulted. He told them he had LAts� o Wer e' OIIa— Claremont, Out. A sty consisting of D.MAcnab I a medicine in the form of Chamber- e1 ,.,at wt it °j, or$ s1vtoof of� � �"0 D .Upper, Mrs. Hopper, hiss lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Don't hesitate to write to lifts. ` Macnab, C. J. Macnab and airs. I �'t�h��ag _ Rained-* that he thought would help Pinkham � these by �d not Gibson left this morning for him out and accordingiv several doses about yoa! �� yob o not _Niagara were administered with the result avers :(to wogos►a ewer The Rev. air. Park after a 1 that the fellow was able to be around regretted Lice and she Ie S n vacation in the western ; neat day. The incident speaks very bas bel_Ired thwssanda. AAdlresa higghly of .lir. Gifford's medicines,— part of the Province will be home Elkader, Iowa, Argu,i. LJr'�► 'this week and will occupy his ptil- This remedy never fails. Keep it in - R"e are at it. dit iu the Baptist church c Sun-, your home, it may nave your life. For ay next. sale by All druggists. _ alias Annie Johnston, who is t �` R� T?fr u 'Eavetronah1Dg ai-d Roofing is title at present, and has been for some f lJ L.l H time in Emo, New Outarto, is pros Order of .the Day. ' paring fltlancially and expect-3 to _- ,visit leer parents here sometime ' Fruit Bought and Sold or .during the yertr. ��eBS � Handled on Commission. Dowswell, :The Peoples Tinsmith The hay harvest is now finished and the grain harvest has begun; � Must be Delivered at - ..-- ."The sound of the whistle of the ,threshing engine csa now be heard reminding us that winter is again ! Having purchased the harness busi- House Brougham. pally approaching tui. nests lately named on by W. J Cock• eetin a for Bible etude con- well, in Brougham. I am now prepar• all g ed to ive the hest. of satisfaction at 0 , g _ { _._ducted by Brother Harrison. any who wish w purchase anything 19AA_ P��*y1Y1 theAlleghany Bible House, will ' in my ten,. _ r t Tr�egT %X-w (,,�,jjj+t„j be held to-day, at 2 p.m., at the 1 Repair Rork will be neatly ?acs , I T ' 'home of Joseph Gregg, North I promptly attended to. -- _ -Claremont, and in the evening at I Collars a specialty. All kinds of Fruit Trees, Shrubs 7.30 in Bundy's hall, -over A. B I A full line of whips, spreads. stool: E c-foo rale. Dowswell's tin+hap. All welcome ' toted harvpt;rini>te, fly para, acts. a 1 Hi hest prices id for Fall and Windmills• ' at right pricey. Kindly call K pa No collection.o. Winter Apple-*. Albert Traviss, of hgple. has JOHN E. OEV &goat. taken Ix,--se•a,ion of the Clareulunt 1�e ye Bodelly Pickering. We are prersred to do all kinds of work hotal. lir. Traviss comes 'veil I Promptly pertaining to the Pump business. ilreeommended and -we believe he wilt keep w first-class house, We _ �w•elcome hituas a re-ident of our __-lburg. 'Mr. Alex. Wilo n the for � neer occupant, has for the present ,>,R>I FOR'�ALE-Beingq lot 31,9rh j 7 m IBae000sor to ltakeu up resideuee with his ;on, I Et..of k•ickgrit..t.'!Ou" o;oQI aeras,h.!f John Gero•., Gerow a Son, Claremont. until he can Secure a house. ma distant!rcm Claremont 'IT, ago and ra.i• Picken' n W•'V•Richardso , n1, lnkerinway stationgood soil well enlalvated, watered g g• Iby erect,(s well fenced and tborouAhiF draised VV Two dwell ng houses, new bask barn 100%30 FOR SALE—A flffv byre farm, be-! cemented floor$.large p.0 pen, driving house l�she south-enc quarter of Lot N., al, aaA other bneldloQs all to a good sttise of re- 4%b con,Plekenog, situated about 1 1.4 miles Pair- Bondes being a good "run foam it to .,t: _ from the will•yes o[wbeavale and Uborrywooa admirably adapted for stook,and a sitnatai +a Frame hones and barn. oatn dIdia"s, itood, the midst of the celebrated gores and sloe k a raba di.also ar and� plam trees and small Brooders of Ptatonng TOwnsh10 hi% easy. h r Yad fin .alae. b� ^' John Diller, lot 9, rear con 4, For turber pardeulars app:-*to Jo OL L Ju`st be" Apel)W nab,Clwmont.P•O. 30.'!eoarbor0 asst orvv.,P .1 4� Its -like t _ -- All kinde-of rongli and dressed LamMr - Latb.Shingles. Doon, Sash, Souse fin• 1mouth : i l�d e r iehioge sad 'silo material You would not think him to bee very sensible. y • Tom.=N Cistern i"ks-aa3 waist'irodghe mads man who would expend a thousand dollars for-,--,. ` io order a magnificent, pure blooded, thoroughbred The celebrated Gold .asst Brand at close prices. See us'before horse and then try to economize by feeding it tidying. _ ' - _ - V. De GOTdOae on musty hay. foul water and other inferior - $enderson' & Farmer, 'Claremont ''end health destroying foods. EXPERIENCE e1 g- invest his money in a splendid, up-to-date outfit Harvest Machinery; . haC�EELIti$r or other farm machinery and' Do not wli=te tine trying tci run your old'worn out-Binder. then try to economize by using cbe, loci Time is money and we can supply.yon with the best machin cni _ mer • short notice and oil easy tei•uis:-Tile 1ta e�= l al ri Bin TArPs AAwRxs priced and inferior' c�$,�Ns Lubricatin Oils. will do.no more nor )ett er woe a ,tTltry E COPYAIGNfi aC. - binder. .r: _ Anyone send!ng a sketch and deacriptinn mal ,%We also handle the Wo( dstock IN inda> lis.`"e I'lty,_.l)lOR'3 aI1(I �nrontinn is prnbah!�v pnttentable.C,mmunim certAin In Cyiindere Machine and Separator aanything yOu «'.ill' tri the 1Iup'le1lle11L, vei'iicle and putver•line. sent'6e`tOldestdaafFrrrener for secur nlOn ir patents y p Patents taken toroush Munn & co.receive O1lS• TIlIlU'mOTal)18 tests car study . _. G`io. Philip, jr., Brollgham sprrerslnntkr,a-1}hnutchar¢e,in the f _ SC1en�ifiiC .� erican, —and a thorough knowledge of the composition ' A banr!anme!v iiivatrated weekly, l.areest Mr= cniatira of any frtenttdc lourna! Terme.li, hay enabled us to -psa�ti(re�• four omonths,!- sold by all newsdeealetc °f Iubi Ic&Lilly mateI'letl3, ' MUNN a C�.3613rosdwat.MOO' select the 1 . HARDSON S n - .. r' ' A. g g __ very best obtainable quality. lli E'er LAU-NDRY �Ve have made right prices by gallon or barrel. Important showing of finestdesplay of - China. `AA very large assortment of Tlie undersigned has opened up Stationarv. Books,Dolle, Togs, jag' e Bowman- received for the Holiday trade. Call a. laundry r} ,nest door t,) W• T:and see chem. . ._ .. _ Dnnb�teas , ng 11a�I nearly h e R U SSIr ware '. •e>s•o for all .I ( r year s exp.rience in Bowman 1 1 - - I Weekly tai Dailyjil3mspapers• ville. is prepared to do first-class work at usual rates. 126 EAST KING STREET. Toronto. W. J. H. RICHARD�ON. Give me a trial. SOO TONG, �tlOCIC Stt�lgt, Whitby. Proprietor. „' . . . f I _ ,nmr .:.. ^,•.,as•u,.,.-,Ur .-��' 7 ,; �:?e.t:ta^=c:-:_..-.rex+ -� �;c*u: :Au.. ,rr:w..,o ,:,,.:... :yk r�.,r .. .,r.•< t \ �.. J TgBoBL��� �� �� ' ", I, - [ W[ W 11111— ILEP08TS FROM T8E LEA Xt4'G - . 1. ,� ./ _ _. T1 I TRADE CENTRES. . x :. prinoes cfitlzc:attl er Diaixyprodgce se, . _ . . . ,.. at Some and Atr;usa. v _ ___�:_-`Are. Abandoning Wagon'-s and- - Stores : "Tgtanto..Home Atiga d AbV,LLd- Russian Minister of the Interior gill _.I. ; . Wren are quoted at _ . - - _._ .{ flight. , , ,,, Wide and rod winter by a Bomb. y _ .--1 n _. �'.. .' 92c east or west. ti o. 2 Spring . . _ .,. _ .- - :. , .. t a- { wheat' is n4ttlinai ut R.4 to 85c east, _ .. .I - . ; I - r and gotise at 7S to 79c east. Mdai- . y. i toba,wheat is firmer. No.. 1 North- r A despatch .from St. Petersburg,the wounds they had sustained, hal " ' -' r q .. i' ;� x ern is quoted at y7 c, afld ho. 2 USS3A�18 BET1i1:ATIDIGp l'suh in a Russian defeat and •.tetmia- NQrtkzern at b4 r, No. 3 Northern at says: Von Plehwe, Mtnistor of the-not galloped far before they fall, y� ate Lhe canpatgri. I Interior, was assassinated on Thurs- with pools of blood under them. A despatch to the Exchange l Om-• Official details of the fighting show (91 je, Grinding in transit prices are day morningwhile driving to , the, peso-, Loncjo.n, "from Rome states i 6c above thosO duo Led. R OTHERS WERE HURT. that a telegrltm from `Tien-rain has.; that Gen. Oku's array faced a su- l ltultic station to visit the Emperor I The Minister's servant, who also - Oat 11 white is quoted at $2c Ibsen received there giving thio - si.'?icor.' force of Russians',south of at the Peterhof Palace. A bomb ,was on the carries a box, was bad! f 'rior hao. 1'hc Russian artillery I avert; and :;?.,} to 33C low freights to t. g y' y i Stas Lnrowis under the Minister's car- wounded, and two officers who were . that Gen. Kouropatkin is evacuating checking• the advance of the •J'a an- T New Mork, \o.•'l tvhito. "3j:to 8`� triage, conrptetely shattering it. AT. .Liao-Yang and withdrawing north p east and,'*7o. ut Bair oii st, 'driving by in a cab were injured by. ere. it tress_decided to: a stir- Bat]cjr-.ly. j 'rttote¢ at.:41c it�id-.!Von Plehwe was t•:rribly mangled. flying spliatera. The assassin him- . to Mukden. prise attack at night. 1'I•,e entire . - t ,The crime was coriunitted at 10 selif ' Ja ansae ht ,s a5 hurled against idle Ir•eiT!hts. Nc,, 3 u:•<t lit 8qu: and ln'clock, 'rhe assassin -was arrested. too w .0 wounded11ghjin one eye. A20e - - .`• ABd.NDUNED STORES, - ',0 3 , - - ,c. 1 h \ _tit-;37 Lt, :3;'.+.c tnrdtlla:ftetgitt�. took to t:ight._ tie�_accocSing :ta. - _._ —. h^ Russia tv t.11?P lin.-•resflFtine to -f - -iI _ C,Yt�t'ti DASH-`D AiVAY-- 1� �g a�=--t-b-3,.,VFPPiZtg IN 3"s t,�iutnu3 th latest t o vita, was uvea taken, 'A despatch tram London says th. easy Capt rrr of their !first post=: p At,. undated despatch from Naw- tion at Taiising'i!t,. Their second ut W-C `Wi51c t,c,-t oL amt, i Ti:,• cuarh.::.ui ,its killed, and bhe and is now un er arrest. Chtt'att v¢t Cheiuo, to t!r- k:ypre s, iositivn tt.ts tttaekcd rt midnight. Cctyt-.n=t; _4«i:ett-t,n J� l'otv•gisot< }caut•s.'It•u and u�uddene,l.hurses d1;h-' I..ssengrrs by the Peterhof' tram r 1 the tsdnd d ti Ja- I :i f d lit n the Ilussian4' c:cr:• re- 'e1 at ;r�Jlc ,sr: ?•t:i-elr =."C�r unto;. mid '',:u }vildl� nway, lit ith the front n heels 'bean• to .by upon' the scene: .. .. ....' .-. _ :.ti.i ,y ii *• e I sats e a a 2IPr al I.i_:9G,l wt:'S v. '.0 t n<.:ah cult,, w i,n: c„r;•iuge, the olilly” portiun, of 'Among th m were the i)uke a =::rc a'-{h ._... p• 16' "I ,"�;�cr t a ;t; t, i 133, ta'g, who stop pa::ese troops hate l _sod Ireat'nt, fin•. 1':,sluchao. the Ta t,:- tli+ rt.'lr rr::iu!rin/ ' act, Iuuuedi- I)uche=s ui U .._ . th-aT"pI&TLT."TFe i'LM"t,iII1, RllsI7ts•.ec- pure,iCt.-].T,•tn. The TtIkiashart r m; ' 1' �c_• t I _ ne;>'e` ane: :,re r;,iierat •'I'':. at ny II;E !- �.-.:ie cd.,t.••.;e�,cyt.;,'•t, ,,at•.,:;. , t .•!,: e.tsued a tie ui he tYe.r rt,,.•t+lr tai ttithin a couple of are Li•tng hard 1 arm•✓ d,;u j o' l.ri, s t yt�tV' " :4 'f:'c at O ttr ,c,Gr:r, a i:t:r .t . I', tier arid ge:.I- p:::es of ]!. V.on IaleiStvc'i remains, ahattcjottl:'•^ tlwr 'AL4,;a>„.and sta.;o:!, is to 't1:,Y ea:t•,,a ray: 4-Le".. tku,s � - ' ,,trm:^<yl ri i-il frr,rn ,cc•ry dir,;a- ,!n:1 v: re told by a oltcemnn of the ThbAja t.esu,'hold 1 r sic, u•uF. .l. L, p I t ^e' se•:?:erns!�i �i�ti :.o:t+ sttc• /, r+..p '1 ° I' "i•rrible;t:dir. Ti}e wc:ro inuch'afr - the 't dist'•t lj,,I i`2t A.,,_c• ?i; �' 4 -_ a� • F,l;'y -r_? 6' .d,- . F � yt :t . 11 t , ,,c;.s ; :�-e of n; t gs. y b;. . -Chwu aiii - •� w ! •J',,r.11:1) 'r11I; ,r::I,C"i I. 't'• U c'q r„as,L .K. tie- 01 ,T -11.1. =c• t:c ,,,,. n ,c tit s - I incest stint b:,se ,u d rrucal aC `t.^ is .-'I'iue lit%'' ,. e!iu. ps ,:1.� C. �+ ' �.-r-,r 1 c' C>RI::\T CCSti�i : J \ATiOV. J" .�,c Cr . it tt u : '1 `: ,-l'! .t,,.;: k ' 'f c 'i, " ,r .dt `YP,.,�,i tis :tJ �, _:1' 1"i'ts*.ckc .o tit `'1-' :.!r .+.:, 'sf,l:c ,i t .,.at,.., .,.y,' 1-'.'+ l: .'I• , , 't,P' }. ,. nr',.: Of t'h, tr,+.ged,v q,ireaJ• ii3Fo ng Tc)'faI. LOS�i.S �.UC,U.. r.•Ir l:: .rc rn ti:c - _ _ . . .. C: •it. U1.:;. �cn :�'a ` th tl 1t.;1'n�31ka% �c',cr,1! 1,,. !, t ilio o. ti,1rtntr:tra ehi'rrvtt'!.t,re t t'oI cy. u .r . .A d05 iLLC!': 11'U..i 'hU!-iU ST .-- '.tl.... at t.i L.t. ,L v ` y, ,, s'� ;- a �' P y, sal �it..l u' ,l !este,' I..e,xtv�„i1n -4 ).0,• .m, .',t i.t" ,,a r Cr:,, *^.iZJ .-.. k%- it' � i. 'ret wcz-e h,:rri d to the :cane irons tie: . On,i t '�. :l:r ,1 LI:a L, ..L- �I C.t'I } ' " - ( _1 ,•. J = "4.i rui,l':}; R,,. t ,, '!, ,,•s:_lis. !d pari n{�? ttW a :+ I ;'. Tu p'~p% o : cry:p., i ._,y , as , =,rrr t" el t,nrts cf the env, :utd t+,,: various .. t cote ;g �o t1 :• stet is c. I' ,• n i` s + ?.'+fir,•,: ;,.. lt,: r.- ,t; I ! , . ,i'.,,1 t1 , r'+ , 'ityt;'^r :a hzy:ta, s. 7s 1 „i t r,,:ti It :.d t,•:.t_ •.et tz:_ t.ts sett, iust.trt}Iv nuti3., , ! r.` nd t?,v ties Ltr:s t,ere.stit! 'rse:nr. ':1, ! .iii caro Tc .^.v K,xn/:is ;ia:t ,rl.y teY'i ,,t it a 1, ,i':e ,�,,,_ 1',heu 't.°t,,• fY=e:ci"- 1 'e>', c0:: cel„ h::., v rn. jic; :J.tt In t s. t f art h? bu-ti.;t. :1' tr.d ..•t •.•' -i "IIX,cie,i ,r run,, i.-Ail-, cr`-3t:,t a1, ,to ca , u•. h c,,t', .:,.!t lit; L:7t tu: tux, s;'�uudt!IL artitud sit Lt:e t,. ,t;, is A- . ',,R' :n.l i fres,., t..a I'L;c':z�ia, r, c{ t -ar •. .li'.+ ..A�IF/'s. r`iI r --.0a 4i $ ,.. ah'i _,t, !e of v.hi c.:u. !,t;",.on u' p1'o- Coen ..a1:ut atC.r ti t'i`c. iy GN._, r!+ 1 .r: f . :r t, .. \ i ,ii t,r. •e'u :; c' „ ci.r e� •[+,� ,tli tn:'_tf Lelc IJL. . _ _.: tte:v t:;,,.n!,sci. ALA, t1„ ixd it. I . .. ,.•i,,r _+ ,y 1. v s:an c�suait,es ,' ,• :t 2.r.l,r,, A 3.-•3:x: 1 A f ' .-t . .79, ' ` � ti's tc r, orro i"i ar;:rr io i - IC ,•!, d of, Lit:. as- j. Ti, T ',i a:,e"• ! 1} , lit a .rt r •t t tn•auat _ tri t ue t, nv e'- ,dS.,a ., R . , t ,f I tj�' .,, „IrS+J i t . 'Cti "ad t Cl.i .. l ptr ^,rti" Gr+ <,,,n -lie tc, , `a.;- nf, t,,,. n.!.e:: ,,. _ o-y. _. ,-_.: <. i, •s of lit, d •.c! E, c, Z 4I. t ^f !up - . . in ,. a are.,•hn L•[" .►,�'-+,l.0 :,r t t ;.r 1: :, r• r 1,. ,.. "n. 1, t s',•! t f-rl t' f,,tt:i ot'tn., ;u- ,. - r), n r,• „ i;,. 1:.,ct.• " ,,1} 7t:.i ,. l,y• ,,,r ', ,A,f r„•o,.,'it or., "Phi z ;rc,,e -T,- n ,n .�'i•.'tcn.. t l , c y v,iAl '• `” " - i:e.tus--i cy ,u :,r, .r.; r,. ,,• '4:.1 . 1 n, t:•,r lir, a v ,c : r :, l,ir,dtr,;•u !L lard:n r . i•len,itr of taw , us- . . _,... er. ut. i * �' uz t:._,.,ic..,1,s u. ' at r-, t l.- - r l.ai ad ; i1':f:u.-;t„•3,ed'a' !; •ci I It , - c r'...ta ;t : c 'r• ,,: ?ion au! Elwl g f the -ct.voe, tear, etc , , !}Y1, ,• .` ' ,. . «tpF. }' ,,c j'. '•.Fs., 'L.?.4 ;, -'v, ! :r'., ,f t i l 1 i a:a, ,; .1•.v some .i�..s ,,ai':I t r.'.,t the act ,c,•,s . IN b%`i(IN, t). SA. II. .1,il'N; , F? ' j ,.t a'. +h '•: t c ', iol o ,.:ai. A ,hat 01''M. 1•'1 r.. an,l t,y ntuetzr thstE , ' l si .a.amFsaxeU is sax'a<tt1 . . r i t,. ,. , 1'.1,,;.. i. n a. ' tat e -Ir It , }t %'nn t x, th^ rr,1 f,. :- wag ,a.r'i.4trn O fila ,-"Al i� 1 I 1 A -bpat, i' _ t. r,_ _ -- c rt .. ;.: _t at : ,, r, �1 !al•r,5 hr.:,i) o£ i'I �.: rn. eros, th, trtailu::ar ufcttlrrgo • sa�A. -t -:r f ,, c•c;te. • 0:.i: TI. i{l:- i'I'f1: v I I;,','. .. seers i5 :r,'•c,ted .to .lies ,"'rad ' ' I I ,a,htn-n t.Nn r' + i'ac:un of '!`siHlt.. t t,tk1 ,.I• •, i, t ii , r ,�) t.. - Minis , u1 .� ,us'. lotccvx. 4as . ^ a t ttL',1A1 AFL'AIU. t \t \ e t. , r hi u a y, ..• u. L :- �u 1 b,ori d+ Ir.:1c!y yat:tbl!shcd .a? }et. i l•lr 1:113 t" (u,.,...,. yn s, _�,'f Mt. I i +'t c"i ,,r s g 'p h $ '� A c rAFi d 't a .:, 2' R t t h ' I!lir rr: :tI'll,!,:sir t.a thio .: �. ll g. _ Till-, A� LI rt .Alt. . Ok 1. , ,� • O} Y •e ,i .. ! , rir �n n ,iV ►- i" , ., t. ;,r'u.s ct,tl p::s! jr- .• ? u �tl , ;t_w t cora ti', d tf rr r ,.deet }Of }whir, li!:ed .the As:a. 1 ., „a.f :a..,tt.�• � l(.'.-,...1, I l �."c. I',) V + v{II r w,a nt,j e,icbv ih„ tC a to far. i .i facto l roc„uti, , t art'i r f”LJ i t f. 6yr - -btu I, i:,re :s altca} • of the h:avies• l:rnperor;of tt.e_tracedvC:aumedtately ii -i ,•t li.,, , : I d* i i ,.,,s "I ', tt.at•1:e,t :q (into,: taot'e,- and tr„<.ps 1 .t', 1••• •' i•':t ov, nt: to Ill a Liu:sine of tins ,,f u}.oa It.^ o,carrence. Ftie Nrajosty, scald.. d h`r'c5 d rr of .t a" Ii ^: ::L I , t', ! c,tc', with, ,.;!!.c , ; r, .t f-<1. to ItI it, { • t ' the . A F :n !t ab' t? b,: t FA rl,-.;.0. " - I,l ,,.u,q cu;,tin+ lit^�;, cvaa at the `,ilia Aletiandria at .- i:s t,.t E.ey arQ quot,;d , ' . i nt as a;st grd4re f0, ' �' ' ta,t sd i••: cc' .. ,tl cam f- s�u ;' ttuc7c9 $ ` ,• J. •tevil - was greatly atiectcrd h tab , - j , r. :,I tic ntr f.rt.'"I�`,o :er bIT. y - teed t.:,•t F'1e+ c w lis,: ,$ a,t ,h•,i�tce c n,-tz cooling as it did 'Atop of Chs. __ , itc it li%`:. • 'i'a ilio: . ,•n:r 1'o ,lt.•r-•;r ::•,r ch:c^en-, 1:, to F - , hi,;h s- h�,y ,rh titin !y' and. ft,0.•}6c•rier it, cear'Ings, � to 1U,: per attempts upon his lite and used t0 ai tiriings from the reit of wnr, ` __ � � � k Y ° `� _tai s*"-�R� '1"�=?- - t?tf.: Ib.. duck, lu to file per Ib. _ drt'.o a, restidl✓ a poasihir. H frara Y international coinplicatton , n .,g "t4 nays --- - theTl _ ".. rn, h -,.ei ' I _f, 1a �,,: e pro- Wiry' «as t,:!ly-right corks. to'the- TIiF DA}RY S1AR1iFTS: iso gu ,;Iow a! this point, bourl•v ' expectation o! an. went so _ 'the .da. ,vh::, 6 rr.,tunf weer at t'hancituv All dnv �a'.:r- Rutter-finest 1-ID. rolls, 14 to ' The a�`a''sin in laying his plans ,close to the father's heart. The End- Tegam ash. (- t inese ',d, the .J i ,net, d d .a. •:a t.e :evlaict.tiv foresaw this ,ci,v imstance, peror almost 'broke down when he p• �• ': ' a i 1ST;- ordlna.y to choice .large rolLs, are! while chs• Minister's coathmat, was lnforraed of the ][Snister'a mFu•- mountP,i't�•d.t "!turT�i ,t tlieraa$ -'irpt:zel�welj szi£t tSkL ,Rz�t r,i t2 t,, 11c. !4sv n1,,diun, $;ades 9 — - -'a! nbaadh8 }iot2lrtRuPs �.a(m�he Thu'i ;,r: ing kv i'.-i-skin tmueriur, on to lie, creamery prints, 17 to 18c; I lor`tondown, %vaw thre- the bomb.terrific, d practical- ; -Whatev'er raev have been the Ino- exp . h,• htlls Its •, l.. h,:i ln,; rued har• -i<c,lida., III to l.c. 'Kok n. ardti :•e ,Qo:•: sues- ly a1 nih!iated the woodwork of tthe ,Live for the crines, .nothing bu,! the • arse,. the t, unese. - 'Early Surtt'a,v > .-Pave lot, 'are seili❑ at lg oa is 6 galo;4 7t erg.t'r�solute- a c,�ne-t�1 ad -unee be an. and at y Ki t g carnage Tho horses tore oil, drag- uUaiost indignation aa�" condetmas- ¢ t 1 fi to '1t3jc per cozen; secunds, 1R to . . iLCtlon on tae pa,t,%f JapaB. - o'c!ici. the • atj i•c*e occulted a_blu;r I4c firing tho axle and the front wheels tion of the assassin's set is voiced - 1; '—' !acini the R7ss:nn i7,ain .cnIltp a t'keere-The market.,e- quiet, with 'Tho aniranls, though infuriated by leverywhera - . FF.F,LI.A.G rR .PFti513tN IC. !mllo and n 'hnN 4i•dsnt prices .unch•inced at d}. to Sic,: the i �- - ' .. ' ' -- ,A despatch from StI b- . Petersburg Thi controls me;intccule faced a `can- latter for bwius, n . .o Iln1 al .hoint,urxirr,ent, It Was «o 51 t0 5.e �l,tember, 49fc naked. TICg3 R►O THE �1BE i says Since the Rttarlitin retreat front heavy that it 1s ,sfimatcsi a hundred �F1ne; Duluth, August ?.-til�.it-`o. 1 'I`atrheklao and the takir.q of \etc- PRf1Di'CT�. �NArthern, S1 0`.'- Vo, 2 :'Porthern, � - -.� guns stere P np o red Thr ground ' l;acon, long clear, 71 to 71c per ,;)yc; J uly`91.0_j; ,September,.90}c; �ppg�0g g$QIq pay OVF.H - ''1CbLwaag by the Japanese the feeling- was exco,-dimity ,ifilicult, and the ad- - ' epi TC hugs r grown-sati� l snore_ cc,_ ___ , _, c�- panes Iii. v - .. -} . 'mistic. With the Japanese aie- to hP.. t,,r potiit nn '.nt- dunk The. o -t$16; do., short cut $17 to December, ohs. Aug Whrat-July - O� T8E CiLO$E P get around c.en. Kouropatk:n's right -,$I730 99jc, September P.9jc, ilerember Telegraphic Sriets 75tiom Our from New-Chwaiag, with their farces two armies btt'quac:,•d within shout- ' smoked mats-Hems, light to me- `77ir No. 1 hard, 1t1.031c1 No 1 and Other Covatriss of _ - prtcssing is upon.Fiat-Cheng trona thel'nc di�tnnra of each' other. it was diem. 1'' to 11'}c: do., heavy►. 11 to (Northern, $i 011c; No 2 do., 991, ascertatnod that th1 Rusciait tonne 3tecent F}veota. - - . - east, and a Japanese column threat- 71 jr, roll f 9c; shoulders, 8}e; backs, ' Flour=First patents. 85 10 to $5.20, r CANADA. 1 consisted of five divisions aril sixteen 13 -to-''l8}c breakfast bacon, 12} to 'second do.,' SS to $5 lU; first-class, ening the 11ussian communication, batieries: Two divisions attempt- 'An electric light fell on John Sloes above Liao-Yang, the withdrawal of to a �u mov-ement -aloft the llai- 1:1c. FA.SS to $3 6:,: second do., $2.50. ,horse at London and it was electro- tlie e'ntlte. Ruisian army northward� g n`' g Lard-Tierces, 7c; tubs, 7,i- palls, Bran-Ih bulk $14;;horts, $16, ctited: - " may be absolute! necessary. Orders rChenc .road on the west were engag- 7}c• The Beli Telephone Compass- will y y ed and ret,alsod. The ennnaanding CATTLE MARKET. -Issued to the foreign war correspond-1. se�,._rtt fl k, a " 4 `Toronto, Aug. .-Amcmg the cat- be given a t}4e�reor exclusive tines- „_ ti# to e`1e t�atbtrs�; ertd Vieeisv` S�t4, y - n .ihfoatreal, Aug, .q,:-LcTcat d d tle oil-'sig the quality was but mid- Alexieff's going to Vladivostock an, 1 Japanese, right surrounded the Rus- g' John C. Eaton. of Toronto, who i,highly • •signittant, lndicat q hat i idling to fair, no choice cattle being . ..._. j stat left`ani the Past-slol>.taot ai- for oats is steady, and the meu'ket is� is iIt �Pnn7peg, soya that won! on 5 Gen, Mro tkip iiia atrt�a v Jaye firm. Quotations..are still 37c, is !On hand. Business on the whole ,s . P4 S n Hill /fngt"occupied, t idr ht !was very slow, tnuugh mere was no the Eaton building 'in that city will store, toi No. 8, and 38c for No. 2_ rY -. -:,d�1,d+ed ;h!st 1 is press op is further recesei.ott from the low level'begin at once. +.untenable. e`•Tati]e,ekassau/3Cd a ok the .(,Pas'tyre about steady at 70}c; No. second Russian main po. tion nq an 2 ha;le 44 c; No. 3, and 88c for of prices lof the first part of the,,! The Hamilton Council. i • to The temper'uf the soldiers at the em;nr'nce south of Taipin Hill, the y' j Iw '14he rues sheep and lambaimake size propeye¢ giqu 80 to No. 2: Peas are about 62c. Flour ' Trout over *hese continued retrogirade Russians retreating towards Tashi- I-Oificia} quotations are unchanged�w heasiyj fad wezio � little on the,tJtae �viliofv `ot; p�zliceaifn ' o who '+ ,movement8 is shown by the state. Chao. The •Tarwnese casualties,-der- '.at the recent advance,,, acing $4.60 easy side+ `was,killed -while Wa the nctiv� per-. " J ments-of two Rus%nan' correspondents ing the two days •!lighting were 800 'for stron bakers', and $4.75 to ExpQrt-Tho dump in F,ritxe in the' foinianoe iii his duties:°' with General Herschelmann, who re- killed and wounded, ' 1$4.90 for patents.' Winter" 'wheat British markets have adeAed the The Algoma Commercial Com-. - port that. "the soldiers are tired of The commander o! the Taktziian ,Latents, $4.T5 to $4.90; straight Imarkets here very son i+:er�D1y and pany, of Sault'Ste,.,Marie; to adver- t enotRiermRussins comes ondent, who army reports tkat on Friday after- j rollers, $4.60 to $4.70; straight rol- there is not anything 11:,e {he •same t slag to 1,000• mea for the lumber i _ g;" and � the statement of i r p Hoon he 'surrounded three, Rulsinn ;lens in bags, $2.20 to $2.25. feed- confidence which was tc•t .a .t)er: on j camps. The steel pleat will start_ -•- --_ , q says: "Our men retired from Tatche- battalions near the Panliag road, ;Manitoba bran in bags, $15.50 to 'so agog The prices were on the es-',about August 15th. ' kiao witlf heavy hearts:"' .: ' ., The Russians retreated north, leap I.$16.70; shorts. a'17 to $17.50 per canding grade, and prospects were ..owing to- the large number of im- . , �. Still another correspondent says:-'ing 14 killed. Three Russians sere 'ton- 0atarlor brant -in bulk, $15 -to looking very fair. The decline .at a migrants at' Quebec aQested with `' "We are all' wonder-gtnrck at the ;captured. The Japanese casualties t$16; shorts, $16 to $17;'mouillie, Liverpool and London, however, •was I trachoma, the authorities will err- . !• strategy, and genius of C;encral Tin'ro- were 30 i filled'deli wounded. It is !$26 to $28 per ton. Rolled oats- very sudden, and seemed to come 'aa�force' the -law, wkich•forbids tfhe - ,, somewhat of a surprise. ' There is ki, Everyt.hing he plans is executed charged .that the Russians-violated i-.Considerable price-cutting, i4 . going doubt difference in t.l':o quality I landing of passengers from ocean ves- . I tl�ill L111;1--k Teglil ,h esse flftg, tinder whiph they on, and sales - . - - ,---- .of the cattle now arris'ing n e 1te'hac no railroad, but must march iocik a Jtspanese position at the be to $2.20 per bag, ,and $°1.80 per I • ON t, -. his men over mountain roads." ginningof the fight. bbl., this being away below associa- English market, the- grecs-fed cattle .• . _ -•- . 8 . ' i tion price. Provision-Aeavy•Cana- largely taking the place of the stall-I C312EA'T BRITAIN. ' Perhaps, the rain, which again i fed cattle. • Then, again, as prices I Members of the Irish party extend-* . ' seems td have begun thio time in i' THFiFF, hfORE CON);. �dian short ' cut pork, s1? to $18: were high, buyers beg" to Iook in ed a banduet to Hoa. )7dward Blake I light short hut, $l-r to $17.:,0; Am-C g y g - ' earnest, mai save General ICoaropat• A despatch frotu Chefoo says :- i -- kin's position. P.ussian refugees w}io hate. arrived erican tat hacks, $17.50; compound ocher directions, and ax a result the at London, the other day. 'here report ugee the Lieutenant Bur- lard, 64 to 7c;',Canadian lard,. 6t ,South American and Ar mtine trade' The new ' Canadian fishery cruiser ' j iikoH acid 'two otfter Russian torpedo to Tic; • kettle rendered, Sit to 9ic,i would put o.n.more activity. The ar-l attained seventeen knots an hour is ---- - —Zi - •r - • I hams 13 to t 33c• bacon,_13* to rivak of the first shipQtcnts of ranch{her` speed-trials on the.-Clyde. :' destroyers rove �tld-its ca a ro e-NorVi!w3�est-would---_Mr: H. P-W-yatt,--MV0Y-oLtha- ' des,ateh tem Tale}a rt,s a I, '�^ 1^^n7*P`P nn the' night ;14c; fresh-killed abattoir hogs, - $8,. . 7;en-rain tor;espngdent of the Jiji 'of Jury' 2+i. ;live ogs• •76_T0-_$ en effect m the British Navy League, saga the•Australian Shim o report" that Cen. Iiouru a,t- , A Frenchman horn Fort Arthur I ori the cars). Cheese-Ontario, ,$c; market. These reaso• s combined+labor leaders are disloyal and are. P p p ' best Quebec 7; -to i;c. Eggs-Sel- may account for tl+,r s!„ner 'demand separatists. - 1•:in was woun,led in the left sh6lilder ;savq that the Japanese•warships -lire I a While extracting a 'Charge from -a ' -. irJ the Mottle of Tashichao, and that.: in and condition, owing to their long :act, new laid, 18 to 18}c; straight'for the Ut�tariO cattle which has ljtlen ' ane+hrr Ito si;tti ,,nr•ra'I'tvas 'killed, sPry"ice. ]iany•eF thrir hig- guns areigathered candled, 15 to 15}c. But-,a ohasnct,ristic of the local market gum in a shooting gallery Ray An- alt'nost worn oat,' The Russian wnr- ter-Fancy grades, 171 to 18jc; or- this week' The ra-at;e of prices to-�derson, aged 15, of 'Yount Pulaski. ., J'. TI.,� 111-S:an casualt!es are stated to chi s n.i i'Qrt Arthur )!ave completed ! dit>ary, finest, 17c to 17;c; Western day w-as froth $4.75 t:, '$o, the lat- ''Ill.,' accidentally ahot and killed 'Ce- ;a h , ic:n uv•r I I.U,til t is report- p: dairy, 13'to 14c. !ter being about the top•price paid I cil Ryan, aged 10. 1 h,t th,• "1..!'u:•han arm, is 'pr,,�s, IP:c'ir rrpatts• - = for, goocd-ex ort cattle: .. _ . _. " - lin_ !i.ti C:"rn; st1•nn.;:v, cptnp-ll,n., The i'ladtcustOat so-r"t't!rlrthur. et i NITER S✓I:\TES Di:\RKETS. I3utcl:ers-The den,ar:! was slots, ` -' "1, ': !l:•s:,ins t actt..tr, and tl,itt 11ec?crl to arrive I 111iffalo. _\ng. 2:-Flour-Quiet. i there wits no material change in the III d. WilliaaSt Fi. Funk. `` lin• t ur ,,r•• t,,,.i I", ,:i nurt4t. �'�� R'hezlt-Easier; No. 1 'Northern, quotations for nod t� choice: cattle. At Warsaw, FACING: WATER FAMINE. d thief of citypoltce, and J. v- God- y - than c y en'3tneer fivers asphyxiated ' l!,ls tl:c' is L, ::n arm . h:s been bo- e1.U7. Corn-Stronfier; vo. 2 Fel- Ilutchers' mixed catch: ware a little . t' s tc,l - low,'56c; No:•2' corn: 44c._'Oat s.-{easier if anything. by, gas in a sewer which they were -- .. �`� "':--y .J i I u,:r, i 1pturrd a number of Big Puna of Montreal. Water 1\•cakt No, 2 white, 45c; N't. 2 mix- Stockers'-There wi : p little de ''r. n n l u;.:;1, :ioj _ Their losses Works Broken Down. ;ed. Barley-Nominal. Rye-No. 2 'mand, but by .nn 1' �,, - sad,Inspecting, Deputy Sheriff !lfoan' at- t•, •,• -1,•ss '!'i•r , s at. tirFt "upposed, �\ islolntreal desp'nt.ch 'says :-One of in . storg, offered at 73c. Canal prices, on the,w•hole, we easy., I tempted' to" rescue tall and was o not -e•,re:•rlinK 8 1i"__, They-did not the large Ti.),000,I!0l1 gallon pumps freights-Wheat, 2$c; corn, 2}c to 'Sheep an Lambs-The run was �Pulled from the hole halt conscious. 1. : •,'pirtstit+ tie !ttr ,iatts hecause'of a de- 'at the lots'-level pumping station has New• York. - heavy and the market a little lower ". - _ . ri e i c, co-up�rar with the first br4keti down, ttztd unless repairs can Milwaukee; Aug. 2.-Wheat-New for export sheep. a3ENF`�RAL. 11 , G1ITt: in a d-Asive' battle between j be effected within two thrm41days September,- 891c -bid. Rye-No.. 3, Hoge-'Bae market is stead - No The drouth in Germany continues. 1. 1k 11;,i-t'heng hil 1AL(i-Yang, which: t[te city may stand corrifronted with 75c. Barley-No. 2, 61 to 62c; change in the quotations to-day- and a-•large portion of.the crop fa , e',,a Ru-, an otllcers think will re-' n waiter, famine. sample, 88 to 59c. Cora-Ne. 8, selects $bAO, litghts acid ftsla $8.1b. 'rained. P-1 _ - _ ,_ _ • . .. . , � ,. . , , _9 .. J) - ' . , - . . . ' , � . "'. � - I : . I . � � . . . . � ..l� . I . . I . � I. .. .1 - ��.. . . I . .. . .: . . - . .I - - . . - . I . I . . . - . _� I . ., I I I I . I I . � . -, ;. � . . - � .. . 1. . . I . - 1 . -11. .1 , I I .. . . I I I I I . , � . . 1 - 1 ... . I . .. . - �� . 1 . . ..k . . 1 . " . . . .1 � .� I I. .. 1 . � . . . . I .1 � .1 r .. . � .. . .. . 1 . . I., I . I . . �. .. . I . . . I . r I I ... . I . . - . I . 0 1 1 I- , , i � I I . I � , . I I I . . 1 .. , . .' 'v • t .xa ' i °t ,.. . a ' - .: W-� y _ • • . i a• .. ., w r b r•n.a.a:r••4 v. ',c .. .ti ei r. ;.c+ .•,. +•sa - .cu.,r n I' .. - . `, •':rtl"6i`• 1YntRlq Y.Y,.rwt-'.M .'r.YA 10'..V I.*..nNM✓Wil w'd! a.,'-s+(�a`:' ,V.ui •LwiEfM'•,<tt uf.SN+. ...^5�.«°.R .M:.]OC•d r.'t- "" - C . . T. _ -- 'I',. �00�0�� and that to 'renew bis-.acquaintance "Ada might do-worse than • take M d to Q Rand Colonel a d esu �--- u sr ail ' Maynard'; _ _ � with the Magnard was look@¢ upon-� yn .• as a matter of course, and, like a his wifo in a moment of coaddence. ��^�� ` ' man in a dream, followed Ada I"You bee, my dear, if it got wind. O t(�O �. through an orange-grove, and past l that Beelampore business would be A bYING PROMISEbeds of sweet mignonette, while tu- awkward. As you say, -twenty is a I' -- �� ,., •; .. why" and other leastuit flowers, age in India. Ada has I berose" p s e e e 1. . .,. odors Boated- on the balmy i snubbed Ro many'. men; besides', - -- IX - air, and enhanced the magic of Ada's I this young fellow will rise. He has • .. .cite and the glamor of her presence not only talent and character, but ` . f - 4R THE r11 CJSI�-o . I till he reached the veranda, where;has been lucky enough to get him-I THE LUNCH BASKET. - •" - _ Colonel Maynard was lying on a self recognized in the right quarter.JI - w 1 L� `� chair, reading, and Mrs. Maynard's I Lord Blank has taken him up and Packing a lunch basket initiates . frtided graces were reporting on a 'means to make use of him. As for �the domestic routine in thousands of '� � '• . . cane lounge. ,birth, Ada has, that; ,besides, gr'a.nd- !homes every work day •morning of _ Yes, we were talking of xou this, fathers have gone out of fashion." • (the year, and' is coasideled by Lite Nttf fOtt+�000t>M morning," Colonel .Maynard still "•But people at least have fathers majority of housewives one of the --. CHAPTER XXVII. t�eyond cre�ibiiit '.''-"Has not m' still," urged Mrs. Maynard, whose 5 3 when Ada had explained his Pres- $ most irksome duties demanded of It was the day on which the.Wretched beaus brought me ,enough own f$ther was a nineteenth baro- Y g g ence,'aad he had been introduced to them, not on account .ofith,e labor .. Queeiz'e misery? wet it seems against me in net. - . „ proclamation transferring S the widowed dauhter, 11Ir3. Ross, one (involved, for that is iasigsriflcant, the compittty s g6vefinm8nt and army getting employment."-"Poems re- or two children, the young ensign "Not necessarily; with talent .and ibut because.of the ever-present and . turned with .-thanks. Last hope sea, Wilmot, a tame mongoose, and luck the want of a father rather en- to the. crown was read in every sta- g q g 1 g perplexity uestion, "What shall o - tion in India, November 1, 18:58• gone."-"Fear mo Fear my drenching will�a young pet bear rolling about in Nantes n man's personal distinction" }ittto the`basket that, while satisfying. _ rove more ex ensive than talon a "But he has neither famil inter Philip Randal, no longer a mere p g the sunshine. - the desires of the appetite, will at • lieutenant of infantry, now ranked fly• -"Seriously ill, but Nolte for-" "You will show Gossamjee Bhose's est, nor money," sighed Firs. Slay- ' 1. - es captain, while holding a staff This was the last .entry,•and•the un- nard., the same time serve the i>itiivrdual torten, Ada, my dear. "Ada does not j needs "of the Body?" For- the out- flnished sentence and blotched black- forget her'perilous flight," he added: "He has L least no faintly hind- appointment, and had recently ,trio- c when g ranter and Lord Blank's fn2erest 'is door laborer, who is constantly ex- 1. .:ed at the large station of My'sera--ne s" on the otherwise daintily writ= when she was gone for the letter, I Fending large amounts of heat and bad tan and clean 31S, suggested the "though indeed-" he broke oiY l omnipotent. As for money, enough force enern•, requires food contain-'- will come. Besides„ m dear, Ada o_ q 'pen's dropping Yrom . the dying fin- abruptly, in a rc�ater ro He had been wounded at the end of will never mar at ally unless she K g p portion of nitrogen- ge+-a• 1 Philip udderstood• that- he was r5 - the Rohilcunde campaign in May, has her;own way about it.' our that is to say, flesh-forming and - , Amon the a rs not in the deli- thinkin like so many others, that mus•:le-making he - " '^Passed many weeks in hospital andea'te g' P. t-was evld I3he less$''�.�� -a�"4---dans- mere--L "d=ue; and to be an old maid in g pronertas-t�An w- sy �6'fe nfi'"€ e�Fii12-s at �ynee �Iai, Mar Randal's, was one beginning Imembered the better., especially far Iriaia.is too terrible a disgrace," Sedentary habits, who needs rather to recover hie sorely shattered health • Darling Mary" and ending "your I Ada, whom the flight placed in an Mfr's. Maynard sorrowfully agreed, I food rich In phosphoric or'nerve and "' - before he was fit for duty. .He ha,d'own most, loving A. M." It was (awkward position. When' Ada re- Philip knew very well that Lieut- brain-building elements. . received Jeaoie'a letter offering to errant-Colonel the Ron. Lionel Ma . , dated,M.C., April, 1884, and spoke turned with the letter sfie handed Y-{ Cold victuals at best are relisfned release him from their engagement, ,regretfully of the obstacles in the �him a. white rose with it; "to make hard, R. A., was an earl's son and "by few; consequently, when preparing and he had- replied that he had no way of marriage with the writer, up for my rough salute," sloe said, brother, attd he knew all shout the anal packing a.lunch bactket attrac- . desire for the freedom she offered, nineteenth baronet, but he did not I. . but that he hopes! very soon,to be who appeared to be in a higher pox!- (graciously. He looked up at the know how little mon in proportion tiveness should hardly be a second tion than the evidently cfowerless slim atatv�,v $!aim=s and caught the money consideration. In the.Srst plata, _ - able to sand for her. He had e1so;Mary and whose father wished him Iami Is ' of conscious Condescension to his numerous children the colonel iprovtde a dainty basket-one having • had that curious visionary experience had, and what an article of faith to look ' higher." It .counselled ,which seemed so 8t for her sex and a cover is to be preferred-and keep I . which the doctor had ascribed to ..patience for the present" and a '',youth and beauty, and his heart it had become with both parents to I• . _ .... .. iAome-ele-kness acting upon nervous ••stolen match" at the worst in tha taint at the distance between bot their numerous daughters mar- it sweet and clean, a thing next to " ession. - He r �'v iml.o.Bible when leather lunch boxes - de;ar reproached himself , rigid. Fie thought himself too flet- - - • . future. It was evident that poor, them. - or It dinner pails are used Food . 'often for the lack of enthusiasm with brokenhearted Mary, In spite o4 the He had not been five minutes with suitable to, be conskdered dangerous, ,or up in either for several hours which he regarded the pending happy.horror with which abe had come to the Maynards before an indescribable and supposed that the Maynerds 'w.ill have a closr•smell. consummation of his engagement,"I regard her child's father, who seem- somethingin their manner, and se- deemed him as harmless a companion - . . Abut hoped that proper enthusiasm for their daughter an the pet bear; Baskets on the order of the picnic •- ri to have wronged her beyond the pedally in Mrs. bfaynard's told him � 'would be forthcoming on the flttlug common measure of many iniquity, f that he had risen v considerably nor did it ever occur to him that 'hamper on a amnll scale,may be had -. - - -occasion when he -should look once y' I Princess Ada, whose repute in the 'for a =light advance in price, and could not bring herself to part with in the world since his first acquain- - 'snore upon the pretty childiah face, 'this perhaps, her Past love letter, I tante with them; nor did the visit ';station was that of a most high and ;will prove a most satisfactor,. ,n- , ;now so dim in his memory, and of I which, is spite of some duplicity, had end without some slight but well- mighty damsel, would ever conde- 'vestment. 'T1s a mean lunch which ,,the probable changes in which' be, real feeling. timed allusions to the bloody field I acend from her high estate to him, does not boast its napkin or pristine _ ' , 1. 41d not think. Her face had natural- Bid "M. C." mean Mar'well Court? I of Bexeilly, on which he had so even if he dared lay siege to her.freshness each day. For this purpose _ - ly become dimmer in his memory;Was-it. he,then who broke her heart greatly diatinguished himself, and to,i heart, so fax even as to try to carryit is better management to buy the •"_-. •- since her picture was abattered at and crushed her youth? If Matthew his deed of successful daring at the I the outworks of that lofty and Im- small fringed napkins that come six the relief of Lucknow, Ile was In Meade had not died so unexpectedly final siege of Lucknow, Just enough pregnable maiden eitadel. I in a set than to draw upon the regu- no position to marry, even without Philip wouid have known all. If he to deepen the color on his face. In the meantime he did not write lar tables ,rupply. Every well regu- ' - the professional ambition to which:had been well born, would Matthow which had now the true Indian tint to bid Jessie come out; he felt that I lated lunch basket has its own oily- _ his marriage, especially his marriage Meade have asked high to marry and the spare. almost dried appear- !he must first shake off this poetic ,er, that is, knife fork, spoon• salt with Jessie, would be a serious hin-`Jessie? 'Sometimes he was tempted'Race of the Anglo-Indian, but not i fascination. 'That kind of love was :shaker and drinking cup. . of dainti- f drsnca. It had even been hinted v!r 1 ut its indui- ! Fr k ri ht and r ' %o him b some who knew, that he to think It hard that his e°iupted snoop em' arra was not for one so bour-d in . - - "Y !ather should have laid this baxden longer "that wretcheri boy" nd Mrs, �gencearrwpulo iris clean. should, and with his already gained upon him, but his heart -reproached Maynard's apprehena�lon. Setting hor.ctif and duty es wan he lie re-1 A go:rdly supply of oiled paper for disttactioe could, marry into a fe.m- Niru when he remembered the good ,apart his promotion and dlstinctfon, fused to sing love songs, would reth- - P wratping oath article of food gepar•- :' . _ -ily bavtag high military influence. man's courtant love amod kindness to the now looxed older than his age, er not hear them, and disparaged all • But he doubted this, for every dap the nameless sva°f be had rcacuad a eared taller. iteral his '.ors of flesh lr>°e lyrtca and tdefa. Someone had 'atPly should he kept conveniently to the stigma of his unknown origin be- from the workhouse. It was a love and his gra,ve demeanor. The, pro- I lent him "Maud" during his early hand. Thio paper torte's mere trifle. . sash*harder to bear The mysterious, II convalescence, and he could not 'and contributeq untold attractiveneas i r t nt his home- un 17reedir. j 1' _. first thought.Crimea could have Boma waa Ada out manors of wi a p, cb touch. By its uae,'aand- __. - little fon-tune which came to him uY it down. For Maud always had ',w1°hen, chrwRe. chicken, fruit and beyond a!! the ties of kindred, a •vlaclal accent h� so seisms itf- _ loyal and lasting fr ei¢ndstir ; the Gide al to sP g he at, nothing could ever daunt, t man and passage th*ouQh rbc+ ranks, had ' cake are preserve3 intact, sad there . was ever bound to another lriy curb long since disappeared he was ma.de,l g . from the broken-down -Matthew i bands of gratitude as bound him to,of the metal the{ takes a fine polish, satin and glimmer of pearls' to the ;is no cominirling of flavors. "' "" _lfeade, who was unable aben to Pro'-.1 Matthew Meade Fits dying glance his dark gray e}rP glowed with the ;waiting lover in rose garden, poi holding the stewed fruit, boull- vide for his own davgh'er, it must i Ada who was "ma � Maud from . of appeal and trust schen he placed bre of a richer intellect. his eq ( ion, salad, delicate custard and dike k. . ' ' havt come Irvin gr•me kinsman of his her first sweet brrat Ada "made Jeesne'3 hand In his, haunted him forehead had a Rrmer set, a hen eavoriee, which do so much toward . . 11own. - 'Mere must be some thing.I with the biting reproach of a wound- mustache concealed a stronger Amy Maud frith the long lover's 'making the cold lunch palatable, pfo- .. uai7rsualty painful to connection with' ed conscience Jessie was Watthew s'mouth. When he was gone, Colonel kiss." Ada• whose beautiful voice was',,vide small trassea, having -screw -- .- his birth. though, atter all, the most f sole treasure, and it was in strivingI heard "singing _ ',;Maynard pronounced him a soldierly 6 Ag of love and of-honor 'tope painful thing tor. him was the mY¢ i to enrich Philip that he had made looking man. Mrs eters Bald that that cannot die " 5o it was with I _. tery Could he bdkt say, fath- p g ,Romeo and Juliet, Ada came out So much for the accessories; as to r�U' her almost penniless. „ he had an air of distinction. Mrs the lunch proper, advice can only be �►r +gas .t ttafrcher aC aom�di Muti wets A iiia and;( eshd d phrophesied that he would On the bplcony'tnstea.d of Juliet and ' "' lsiltl�,°a'd d►elj 8r?a" rich`,Dut; a3' � feared the lark "The Son of I,Preterred is n gr neral way,. for, to _ with`it that ,strange brit vision of'be asocial succeae. Ada anid Roth- g has beer. already said individual re- . 'rtsomethin firm to tand u denly into which had.ithia to as sod- 1 but looked down at the �' in My Pratt Jane was, y . • .6oit►esR.At .. Le°alodid have n, g 9 n s" expressed his own ethereal , ' 4 upon, ;dents into hin ilia as this terrible re- 'bots of the pet bear at her teat, with Pairs of Yearnin'g's that must be con- quilementa must determine of what ' ' _ _ 1. After the•Rohficu'nde campaign Mr. volt Into that of the nation Philip is -happy quiier about the corners of q '__- y foods it shall consist. --'Cheeseman had seat- b4=-- a-a par -.gave oeo brief. regretful t.h°_g_ht to 'her mouth and a hapPY 61ow deep-�� ��wa-mz-ro-�-s�r>rs-s the "Maid t�g.��s I It would appear that saadwletiea eel which wrr rued and touched him —.. - are the rightful inheritance of the P. that sweet Aoa�oL.posits and ideal !.aaL•sg r *'o a3� - and tales, the brought ht Ada' before''lvmrh basket, for tbey Ara s ta' greatly , It was n bc� xx rea'stiy--df� loves a which'fia.d bToSgomed with such Some weeks of dreamlike enchant- Y 8 lwayv --- .--.- --- ' covered In a disused attic by the beauty upon the dark background of'went flow by. Philip 'met Ada at him and must be renounced, Only 'be found in h. And yet 'tie not ev- . -.•miller. who succeer#d Matt how Meade ,war, amid scenes- of such horror and 'various station gayeties, and also the tranquil affection that cornea of ieryone who ruderstaads the Imao,k of _ _. . .,i at Stillbrooke, add' was .tic tad in' anguish, Tile cruelty and caCrnage'found himself a welcome guest. at the duty and long association could ever 'making a wTolesome and appetizing - the-letter`s peculiar usf" write b� passed, like a bbi�dd dloeat, the I Maynarda'. He was there discover- lie his. So he reasoned until the I sandwich. Oqe often sons thick clic- .... .- ing, .-'Of& Philip VILD4 ! at MY terrible ttgre' was tetiN• ,forgotteb; ed to ba,e a good but untrained gates of Paradise suddenly flashed .eg of* bread dotted with chunks of :death", the sweet. vision, the brief bright !baritone voice, which was too great open and caught him in on that ear- ibutter an:l inclosing tough and scrag- ' _ . It contained the clothing of a child moment snatched from days so dark, I an acquisition to the limited station ly November evening. gy hunks of meat masquerading un- I. .' .. of three, and some faded age-yellow- had passed away with it aril must society not to be brought out and( (To be Continued.) der the natue, but they coin Justly' ed pe►pere, One -packet was 3abelle4, not, be reeallyd." pressed into service by the slaughters ' ley no claim co it. "Philip, aged two yearn." sad en- 'i'he last day of bloodshed, the day of the house. �Vilmot wanted help • ' 'hlosed a soft, abort curt and an when he - tell, severely wounded, In his Hindustanee and Sanskrit stu- MTE PRI TTIEST Gn:tL. - The-_best requisite for the making _ ivory miniature of a plump, laugh-;aeemed 'very far .oft; though rsaily dies; in which Philip had made great of a sandwich is sweet, well baked " ing, baby boy, The papers and re• little ever live months ager the progress during his-long convales• When young M. Blake consented -to ,bread. Cut in thin symmetrical clic- , lies were labelled in Matthew Meade's months were like years. His health cense, and which be.now still further meet as unknown second const, at or rounds and spread with a thin faded nasrdwritiag, "G'ive$ the shad been shattered both by the`Iong prosocutad with Ada sad bar brother. the railway station, itis sister Kate costing of butter before slicing. Ar- _ _I—. late Mary Ramdal•'s property, by her campaign and his final wound. This There was, of course, no allusion toll him that he could not help range the slices its pairs with t eav- _-landlady Mrs. Roberts, � BrbDil Tong illness, knowledge of India to the Sight to Lucknow; that inti- knowing her-us soon•ws be -saw her ory lining between, and you have a - Street, Chichester, 9eptemtier, acquired' dtufY `convalescence, • sad dent, even though It did occur amid because she was so pretty. Thug sandwich that possesses the virtue of 1888." ;the subsequent promotion, all helped so many of a'similar character, and equipped, he went to the station, being am good as it looks. "a SIl• � . -"' - ' They w6re' edntalned partly 'in a''to widen the gap between that time at a time when bare lire at most In the waiting room he saw a .iris! for the 20th century a andwk6 is _ sail• leather desk, partly is a hand-!and this, and threw those romantic could be preserved, was still too young woman in .dark' blue sitting not confined to ham, tongue and . • - - come morocco-bound diary. In the I memories farthe>4 back into the past. compromising to Ada to be a pleas- near the bookstall, and after a lgok, beef, as formerly, but the tangs ex, . - desk was a wedding-ring: .W3tb.� J�,I die he was ,walking along in the ant topic. The Dhese family were or two he approached icer and ask- tends from Sesli to vagetablae, . and • , was a keeper set with brfllia!!ts tiled-�xoolG`g"evsains, ka, 1%ard the marry indeed often discussed.• but always ed:- - includes fish, fow1, fruit and nuts, .\ engraved with tlhe'initials b(.&;A; a oh 'of an Engliah child among the with a tacit reserve touching their "Are you Mise Bradford?" , the IasVriamecl being wceilant as a bne or two Ohabty'booke with,. the tr!ees.'suridtfidfng i a bungalow, and connection with them; a reserve . "No," said the young woman, 'Z substitute for meat. 11 •-name `torn"out, or obliterated so as out from the enclosure darted a lit-, that, being mutual; . constituted a am not." Cooked t*egotablea, as a rule,• are to only leave "Mary," were among .tle sunny-headed boy, while at the secret bond between Philip and Ada, "I hope you will excuse tae,"• he not relisdhed cold, though there. are - the ratites aloe a once'costly house-`same time a rose struck Phili ' in the consciousness, of which when halitened to say. "I am here to . I t exceptions: ' A glass!of cold stewed . , wfm go m5le an i~ score. i the Roe an spr ed him with s e The diary contained no names, on-,crimson leaves, . . lcoen thrill-throuplf Philip, and caused,.I have never seen her. My sister joyod for a change,ft'bze is toted, of ' ..47 faitiela M4)' •lewti:as�i►ad �t Marry, Flarry called a voice Ada's sensitive mouth to quiver so Kato is the only one in our tastily tomatoes. Asked bearia. are' is.good torn out. "flan -" 'T 3 Y who knows her. Kate izltenglled to cold as -hot, and will always receive y people," one pas- . which'thrllled`hirri'to`the heAtt. Then faihtl that he onl saw it. . - nage ran, "would ihtg{r my strong'a lady ran out after,the truant boy - The faecinattoa,.of tile-East had me"t her, but she is ill with a.cold, a hearty approciation from the bean centre for concxaii my darjiirg's why tial cannoned against him, with taken Philip's imagination as it had and the doctor forbade it, so -7 had lover. On ''bean days",cut out,meat - - ` idemttty not n+or�id, over-strained,l her,'dark hfiir •shin In the nun, taken Ada's and more than this to come. She told iiie I world know since f have at present so little and bar face full bf'Tagg hte'r. "You fascination, ,the deep interest which as both are equal is food value. g Jennie because she is so pretty. 'She Salads should be *,prominent tea- ' prospect of finding him bread. ..Dut�Aaughty boy!" she was saying. both had in .those ' dusky, 'graceful p . is the prettiest girl you ,ever aaw,.'; tore of the colo lunch. Well bleach- C3chd..sailLauzely�pitx. -our-misery--.and f- __She stopped at.the Right of Philip people with their ancient civilization d ., protect my. innocent and deeply"(.whose dark•'•face,...thoroughly-brolvn- an�eligiona�tt�t+'I'-vetsertzb titers= sal J„ct pie- ,tit, h _ed-tender--stalks- Qt_Lt►lerY._�__ tiesb girl in the' station, & d . ou'11 clean but Trot dried__, then wrapped fs wronged child--I w-1lT woFkmy fin---7ed by two lnd-i n . e-plcturai;cion--h4stories_aud__c sure to e' S'd`t be a find 'tenni Tia£. oiled— -r -- crisp 3or- _�lra_td.the. barle before.("g ill risk a in.the warm sunshine. toms, bound, them together, and paper_. will remain cr T lits discovarfng 'hi_s'infanions piarm:I beg your pardon;.Oil pterin.Ran- many an earnest conversation did the what: i did. I hope you're'not vex- hours and are always relished. Do ' ttI;... tage, and I am so young and strong dal," she sail(, perceiving. .the rose quartet, Ada, Nor father and brother ed•„ not forget the bit of t+heiese, which t- ,Wat I mwt get work." "'The moa-(leaves with which she had sprinkled And Philip, hold upon Indian history, The young woman binlhed. 'Young is not bnly nutritious, but aids di- sy will soon be gone and no work,". hfin. "I' was thinking of you only tradition,"and, literature, and` upoir Mr. •Blake sighed gestion, when putting up the cold! ' Other paenageg- ran thus: '"hili today:when I had a letter, that you destiny>•and duty of.England in ".Z'm sorry," he said, with 'an- lunch. �' .• ' °terrible isolaticxi would turn my may like ' to see from C2ocsamjee the peninsula during those brief par- other sigh. "I don't know whom to.. ;• ;.brain but for, my: precioup--boyi'- IIhose,'our old friend. This is a adisaic weeks. ask nett. I don't see anybody else • � "t`` ",To-day 'Philip #Lira nW pain,. he Jiitle nephew, Not Willie? oh, no, • "I cannot imagine what'your,tath- who• comes up to the description. ;. . SELT:CTFD`RN IYE • had a look of his father. I would Willie went home to his friends fel; Ar can see in those' horrid naLfven, porhapc (Soushi Jcrcnie didn't come." Tutti Fruit-•Thief is`mede'An•a va ,, „ -Ya'ther nee Lhe Oweet_Iitt1Q rogu f*k tbei spring.' , jt••was a hard parting; '.tilts. Maynard frequently raid"to her A tall girl in, brown set near the r}ety of fruit juices. R est ,neap A• ,;- ' . ' ,..face.:dead ,tharl bearing any trace of when one has been thi'ough_so much daughtlr Mabel; ",especially after girl in blue. She now rose and look- thing available rriay'be'066d;'111*d 0 . that black nevi."-"If my boy is but `for and with a child, you don't know they have 8bgwn themselves such. vd quote over,Mr. Blake's 'head. (number of. iultes miked, sweett°med COQ " I. stn artisan or day hsborer be 'May I how,one's beast cli#gs to Jiiat;.. VRe' liend�_ Ae'ttSrwAda, it.is ptit+icively "yes, she,did," sho said, with much 'tai�r.nd wt.upon ive. Cv'-raats a'dd ' -•- !!. 11 so g}ad ,of-tour p1•dslotion. unwomanly"o" her �o' mix 1fi . such�e}lgnity: - ' mill o be a"gentleman at"he$i t Md Win. �t _ ... .._!rttalitdt'rie�;-make one-of t�most do- . honest man."•--"I fear I•'aznAIC'bot�My tther,,>�(-,*ou;•ltnv sucth•oppor- conversation., She is eekirly,twenty, "Oh," said Mr. Blake, "are a table drinks. Crush the fruit rind ' • not die and leave get beeasureinlone" such hLasman re Heuisoine stns of sad ctRl,riev�r marry rriyboilY-elstN, votes-'• f' g strain, atid.sugar and water,ae do- he veranda, I suppose." By which else Mrs.' ' "yes, am,," said the girl in l --- -"3otA the rulsve dianeal brace and will be so glad to�gre you," Floss underSct�000 .rher • mntlwr to brown, �. '. . g . . Wired. Rhubarb; ivies, may be sac i` ,e Philip scarcely knew *bat he said A{ It fifth Rufidwl, who was at ftl'actCd by cooking,. and this, addexl let."-"F.' sent gib; grumbled at my p ' y t 1 • -tats name i<ntI at Nevins.only P. O. or did in the strange vertigo that least good enough or a-girl who bad I �to.currant )nits, with sugar amd wn tddre,ss, I dare hot trust hist fur- the llht blow,61 the'''row end the i'eaAhed years. so mestere 'without-so i "I wonder why peoples always tis, to taste, Tnulkea a rxio t r'ef'rekbiag her-"-"That love such ea mine botMd' of Adard voice-braw*bt upon, much as an eng a*misrt. "Slee has epcak of earth , as,she?" It'.a nes- d;rinl:, a�ii'fa a�=aflstble earlier ii.the .hould turn tic hate y-scarcely tend- h He_gathered chat ilia _coming ovorstood het•. m tet," ber mother total',. ethouRh., NobodN knows tsar- se°t+on $n the North than svrers otter. _ ihl♦y -buir.t1is vaiwftT glad Ute'lawn►�y� was fhaos}e as ifhw� been e:P+cted, eleilg6ntly.oMerved. - . .Pac_tly what her ago is. ' • Ir It drital . .. .. •' • . .. " . - . .._1. . ... .. _.. • .. '.-A "wF4,. ".,�P:7 .� ,w ,,... ,_ ,,.new ". m ., , .e.�."•, � ... r: r - " . ,;- x ' Cordon Law, of Toronto, wa-s —Frank Sutartspent a couple of • g FOR '' HARVE STIN G: - - �+hlt Xlkl°Etri lig a u•kerin visitor this week. weeks «`ith his brother in the city ~ . +.. --Miss Clara Ham., of Toronto. ••-Xiss 31. Sp✓mule, of Toronto, r: .�.;•; � ,► spent the holiday at the home of is the guest of Miss JessieDavidsof7 ,_. - her narants here. ✓;,Tsui.. -Shoii Shimui and L. Clark, of Peerless 3lachiue Oil, :7c 3 prong Pitch forks, 15c -Ed. Gormley, of the .Masse Turuntu, spent �auiida , at' the- Rakes Irou bow; 1 English Suath. 73d - -• - LOCALISMS. y y y Scythes, 85c American Coal ot1'l5c Harris Co-,Toronto,spent Monday College, Whit Stones 12c -is home here. _ -Earle.Soger, drug clerk of To- ��' nepr,4'Oil 22c� Har hit Stones,h- _ g he buys at the Can. a Richard Moore is on the stick Toronto, spent Sunda with W. parsonage. C Mr. and Mrs. McQt7arr7e, of ✓onto, is 'Visiting t �7► list this week, T. and Mrs Dunbar. y P�John Dale, of Mariposa, is vis- �r . Lodan ' t q -G. W. Harvey, of Toronto, i was i. town on Sunday. -Will. Bradford, of Toronto, iting -with Mre. W, J. Dale and -Geo. Thompson, of Whitby, visited his parents,.Chas.and Mrs: daughters. - - Bradford, on Monday. -Special this week, 5 gallons of - spp�Ut Sunday at hies. Jau7es -Misses Hattie and Nellie Law American Oil at Chapman's Hard- Y 8herd's. - -- Y is. John Ryan, of Toronto, left on Friday last to spend aweek Stare for $1.00. _. was in town Monday, renewing with friends in Toronto. -W. H. Field, of Toronto, vis- -Fred Peak, accompanied b - ited at the home of his father here Plymouth Twold acquaintances hie Rife aa7d family, visited Zi one da last week. -Miss A. Calvert has returned y' - - home after spending•a few weeks and Mrs. Peak this Reek. -The mouth orgap, orch#-stra •.with .Greenwood friends. n -Fred and Mrs. Logan and-child were entertained at B.F. Benetts , spent a few days with the former's last Friday eyenin Gold Medal, ,Silver Sheaf and Plymouth .Special. -Charlie Food returned home y g' The best b tASt. kz on Thursday last after spending a parents during the past week. -Mrs. Katie Will of R hitby, - y w u le of.months in Norwicb. -Fred ISlennett and friend, of is staving }�'itl7 N11-s. Moore at the coup Toronto, spent the holiday with Methodist parsonage. Mina S, or tW t, i week t his arents, B.'F.andMrs. Bennett -Mrg. JI. W. llatchett,of Peter Also a full line of FROST & WOOD Implements ' spent a day or tn'o this Reek at p H. G. Ca1vert'e and Geo. Lenga. -Misses Louie and May Yule, of boro, is visiting'Mrs. (Rev.) J. E. -R. S. D' ham's furniture Whitby, spent a few days, last Moore at the pareo;cage. week Rith R. S. and 3lrs. Dillin -Joseph 3lolison, of Turonto, is- E ' L. CHAPMANf.GENT. ✓store is receivt77g fresh coat of g' p � paint this week, w ick is'-addiiig ham. spending a geek or two -with his - -A number of Toronto sports sister, Mrs. Hollingshead. afoe and _ - spent Monday at t e moat s -Drs. Banks, of To - --John McGuire, o - ronto-D spent a couple of days ing, and .succeeded in making a spent Sunday and .Monday here - }., _ + _ .. . during the past week at the home number of good catches. with his soother and =inter. -,���� } Alph ' be tical Lis Ll• o£his brother, �`'. It:ek Banks. W R Sparks entertained -:t -ce, A. Findlay, of the �5"otld � -Arthur Johnston has just re- number of his friends on .Monday office, Torauto, spent the past afternoon by them a trip week with Pickering friends. turned from his trip to. the Kurth Fest and he reix)rts the crops to Whitby in his 1)lee, yacht. -Dr. Henry will be here a= _ j �Il con need Ice cream Freezers Raz:rs ` -miss Bate Woodtrnf .' of Tu- usual next Tuesday to attend to t 'fair, but a week later than usual. y -Binder Twine July tools Stock food -Miss Aunie Wood left last Tonto, was here oil Saturday last hi- professional duties. * Charcoal .Knives Trowels N eek for Toronto, where she ,.ill attending the funeral of lie✓• -A. 31' Kerr. of the Merchant's Door springs Lamps Universal meat choppers t• bend a sli!�rt tine in the Whole- nephe~c, Master Clayton AIIRway. Bftnk, of Ingersoll, is holidaying Esvetroa¢h :Nschwe oils =' F-arnisbes sale milliuei•N•est,ibli:hment-before -Geo, Kerr, Manager of the at the borne of his parents here. d'tocr Brushes 1'aer X-R casters returning to 3�'iuui peg. 11'e-tern Bank here, and daughter -11i.-'- Laura Andrew entet'- Gasoline tilers $Ray-s Po:,ah - K 1 Hardware Faints . .._Toe Jli-oiuu Band iu cuuuect_ Kate, returned hove on Saturday twined a our ber of her young _ tun with file Methodist church, after !IpendinK a two -,eek vacat-,friends on Tuesda3 afternocti• �'.L RE SIEJIB] R this list saw CaiL ti ion with Pet.erboro relatives. —W. Er N ari-tone �.hiplwd x, held the auniversar� of its birth- One of the Pickering fuctball 'carload"f fat cattle and ogle of - day at the home if�Ure. Broken 8 FI'R\:><CES and RUUFING a SPECIALTY. shire ou'Mundav afternoon. teams Rent to Whitby oil Ion- hog- f:•oin thistAtion ou_lionciay_ - E. 31. H, Ward aa,d -iter, (A May to participate in the un7rna- --NIt-= Y. J. 'Wright'. ✓pent the lT-. -punay Stoves and General 7 meuL. The3e here three entrif-,. hnlida;'s here with her �i_cer .L1 Bund - - - Cohingwoud, are visiting their Balsam Whitby and Picketin Mrs. John Dickie and Jlrs. M. S. ? Harclwat'e. brother. i3% G:, for a few day'. s The former has bee'li eniralre d y" Pickering defeated Balsam in til Chapman. teacher of the. Dumbarton public first frame by the -core of :i '2. In . Mi. Lepler, of Toronto. spent - rehc,c,l, and will take charge whenthe second pante the =cure -toad a fete days 3urini; the past week :3 in favur of �Z'httb� i but the with -his aunt. -Mrs. Head and it m-opens on the 15th inst. • }Ptc'kering bays were much lis-+st- daughters. Pickerings hard gr are Store A number ,f ca llRge front hfled with the decia+ion� of the -The `t est end enjoyed a bril- 1<ioa lank paiel nuc village a vi-it referee. - hant Lire !cork- display on Mon- on TueQday evening %nd played ;� -Miss �j'at-uu. who has been a slay evening from the residence of - - - - -- e%tCi7 YlC1iPCing•playel'P !m «HTTP!• rezl! enL o the ear end - ;1.ugatt beautiful court. This vtl�ge f„r the pact year, baring .-Airs, Sf-o)r: of Torontc. and _ _. ha- . a V' ,private court which was got up greatly improved in health, ha- Mr-. «'t Burk, of (*Teen River, litrge,as-ortment of Harvey Mitts from `25c to $1.25. Rt con-iclerable expense. vs•aQ des ided to re-turn to the city, spent a da.y la=t week n ith D. E. Threshers' Supplies.-Lace Leather, Babbit Metal, Cylinder Oil, Ma- lcreatly admired by all who had where -he ha- secured a situation and Mrs. Pill Oil, Rubber, packing: Hemp Packing. etc. the },lea3tire of, playing a it. a. Atenographer and type-writer. -Rev, G and Mrs. 'McGregor „Pric•es and (duality Right.. _ ,Honors were aboi t-eve ily divided As rhe expects to leave about the will leave un�3ionday neat fora , -between the Rooebank people and beginning of nest tsionth, she i- two week-, vacation in the vicinity she local players. offering for -ale at a, bargain, her of Jackcr,n'� Point. taaultr house and household -The Sacrament of the Lord's -Mss. fRev.l A. E. Wright, of l y Ready fdr LLle�rlll�+ -�e8i�@wH.- F.rtham, Iovra: accompanied by effects. See her slut. in another S!,tl'Eger will be administered in the � her a and two •dam anted byre- column• Methodist church on Sabbath _ turned to her home cm edneaday -The annual Sunday school morning nett, Rev, ?11 r• :lioure, Granite Preserving Kettleg and Sauce Pans. All Sizes; afters spending a couple a months picnic of St. Gporge'a church took officiating Granite Pails, Dish Pane. Fry-Pane, Dippers, etc. p place on Monday afternoon on the -The painting and frescoeing of with relatives in Pickering and beautlfu) ggrounds of Mr. Strick• the Methodift church is progres- - - Coltingwood. Owing to Mr• land:•at ttte Bay. A most pleae;- sing favorably, and will be ready Wright leaving in r health. they He . �Poo antt•time was spent by all in sail• fopthe re-opening about the 1st ofM � I . intend leaving to a month for - rowing and in 'races and September. + p Imperial Talley, Califorman nia, a new ✓parts of variott9 kinds. Many -Mrs, W. G. Ward will be c•on• district lately opened up, and noir being irrigated. His many enjoyed the pleasant breezes of fined to her home for come time . that the Lake Ontario on Mr. StricL-lanci's s?a result of injuries to her ankle Pickering friends hope _ change in climate may aprove that bene s beautiful pleasure yacht, but the received while attending the pie- most exciting -event of the da yy nic at the lake on Wednesday. $Tial to Mr. Wright. a aq the Wren sfoot-cares, in-which —C. S. Palmer has returned - -.On Tuesday. a stmniser passed E. J. Sbirley came off victorious, home after spending a couple of TM - - ” through the village on his way.to being rewarded for his fleetness `weeks With tcienda on Ohio. One I. Toronto, striving a broncho, thirty by a handsome prize.. Rev. Mr. of the pleasant-events of his trip keep. Ahe bBS years of age. attached to a riclety Ferguson, who conducts the ser- was a family re.-union in Cleveland, ��,/ old covered buggy, which carried vices in St. George's-church duringat which about ninety relatives a dilapidated old trunk:-The man the summer was resent and actebesides himself were present. and, turnout Gauze front Chata- as master of ceremonies. -Evangelist G. E.Claus, of Vnl- v -` no6ga, Tenn., where a wager of -Much sympathy is felt for air. dosta, Georgia, will begin a series Granulated for Preser`in ,. $1000 was made that he could not and Mrs. Wm. Allaway on the of meetings in the Fire-hall on drive to Canada with his ontflt. death of their only son, William Sunday, August 7th, Services at - - -He won the wager and has- been Clayton, which took place in To- 11 a.m. and a p m, Sunday, andat ; spending a few-days in Oshawa. routo on Thursday last. The un• 8 o'clock each night during the. • his former home. The managers fortunate boy, who was three and week•.' - - Gem d ars, all B1Z8B. -of the Toronto Exhibition hearing a half years of age, was taken to -Mrs. McGuire, who has been of his exploit, have secured his the city on Wednesday morning spending the , past fen; months YlI1t8, Quarts, Half Gals• presence at the fall fair. in excellent health, to have an with.her sons and daughter in _ -One of the worst storms of operation performed on his tonsils Cleveland,' returned home last the 98ason occurred on Sutnday and to have a small growth at- •week• She was accompanied.by. _ T� ' afternoon last, and though the tached to his tcnsi]A removed. He her daughter, Mrs. R. Latchford, , Wall was a brief one it was fierce was gut under the 'influence of who will spends month 'here be-. le it..laeted., The grain gelds chloroform, and theoperation was fore returning. far Fillers and Rubber Rmga between the village and the lake successfully performed, but he -John Rankin .has purchased Come, and Get the Best• - i suffered considembl and a num- failed to recover from the effects from Messrs Mulholland-: ewe- \.I y ber of trees were blown down. of the anaesthetic, and other corn. combe, Toronto, through their Several young men who were in a plications setting in, he passed manager, Wallace Halle, a-besuiti- and ay on urs ay evening. is u sails to the mouth of the creek funeral which too-place on Sat- ulate.Mr. Rankin-in securing such when they saw the squall ap- urday.afternoon to the Methodist a find instrument for his daughters •.proaching. They left their boat cemetery was largely attended, musical education. ` with the sail up outside the mouth -The annual picnic of the Pick- ---Sale - ' while they sought shelter to Mr. ering Methodist Sunda school Sete Register, - rise -�arr�s Aenc Greenlaw a burn. When they •7•e -was held on Wednesday afternoon — ` z WED\EeDAY. �C6�7l71—, I9d� ets -- - _ -- :-: • � . - turner}they found the yacht up- at the "Balm of Gilead' grove, on sale of horse, cattle, implements, _•-. .., _, -.set with their provisions in the Mr. Squires' farm on 'the lake household furniture etc. on reKr of Ha.ving.taken over the agency business heretofore carried or by zee:-ThEy erred in uot.-sai14ug--;;hors-It was-au__ideaL-daT, and -lot 9, con. B Pictierinir the proert ,�.-Greig,-��are prepared to supply the public with all kinds - the creek which would have an-ideal spat for-the picnic. The . _of w�,, �ravford. Sate_at o'clock - afforded sufficient shelter. young people enjoyed wading, See bills. -Poucher& PostilT,�uc- Farm Implements, Louden Hay Forks,. ` -The Markham EconomistsayA: swimming and boating, while the tioneers. .,This is a year for remarkable older people enjoyed the - "cool growth. Last week one of the spots" in the grove. At •i o'clock iCkerin VOa� 0'g A fall stook of Repairs'on band, also De LaFa1'Bepaxators city dailies gave the length of the sports commenced.. F. H: g All work •promfitly attended to and prieea right. some timothy grown in Scarboro Moore acted as track official, and p . Township` which was considered announced the races and results S'c a><ds �t Spink Mills, ,wonderful growth, but last week through a megaphone. The other Beat uallt of Hard Coal _ ' _ Pugh & Moor-e, Pickering. ` -Joseph --Comiskey; of -Ma�khaui official's were E. -Chapman and L. Q Y Township exhibited a stalk of Ridley. -The needle race, -fatigue FuTweigtlt Guaranteed- timathy grown on his farm which race and the ladies throwing con- measured 5 feet 11 -inches.- - This -test were perhaps the most diffi- " � - � • _ farm some years ago was awarded cult. After the events ._were Stogie aad chestnut Sszes - - :the-silFer .medal in a provincial contested, over 200 sat .down to a e take Ple�sw contest, and the present owner is sumptuouA repast under the trees. . At.Iowest•nlarket keeping it in as good shape as it At 7.80 five loads and pprivate riga ever. was." The above is a.,re- ,left for "Home ScveetHnine". The In o$erin- your our new stock of Papatries, Ereisert:, Bead' ` m$rkable*growth, but it does not drive took the forto of a musicale. ` prises. nee es,.Clothes rutoter ur Lustra Embirotde silk,.Key elaains,_ egual.the stalks which were left Music was rendered by members . u = ' ,in bur office s'few weeks ago, and of our mouth oagan orchestra. We have airs+on hand quantity of Boys •;watch chains, Cuff buttons, Perfumes, Rubber tipped peau which measured fl feet 10 inches:I This added to the singing of the �t Quality smithing Coal,: holders. Po7=tpaidore, side and back cKtmbes, etc. .� - Roth Scxrl-ro apd MA rkham are young ladies in the different loads, Our Coal mates warn?friends,` •p�,, _ fine townships, but they cannot ,made a very good ending to a very Orders left wicn w. Yeas delivered . E: jTVnne, Pie ei n • claim to be superior to Pickering.,saocesaful picnic. prompily. ' n - .