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n� x •M w. , „ e • , y rte, PICKE'RING. C. NT., FRIDAY. MAR 95, -1904. - _ d 4 shov snow and breaking road, -- -- �xpf;��{Dn,al aLarD�.f. MillsWhitby. ;• '. I Brougham: road in con 4 ; Geo White coin dies;3 a z Spink Action against the executors 'of Levi Filson, of Oshawa, was a $13.91 ;J H Connor shoe- snoow and - - the late J. H. Long's estate, look-�caller here on Monday. breaking roads$8.40;Jas Ledgett com Medical.- in to the upsetting of the will, is Lyman Gleeson is spending a i div 10 shoe avow and breaking`9ho s eta-R'Lest - 95C bus. g p` g g $3.1.61 ;J H Gorman coin div 1'shoe _ White Wheat - y5c beg•iui:b} L. V. McBtady=, the well few clays at 1\ia ara Falls this snow and breaking roads 118.51 ; T kuotvll Toronto barrister, and week. Madill shov snow and breaking roads Spring Wheat - 90c g F. EaSTW00D, M.D.. Snreaoa Goose Wheat SUc brother bf'Mrs. Long: The trial The Sabbath school in the Christ'ir.div 6 940.91 ; Estate of the late A to Canadian Pi oific Railway: coroner 1S set for the Whitby Spring I inn church twill hold theirQuarte-r-i Buyer for the use of his pile driver for - out&rio County; Issuer •+f Marriage Liceares. Manitoba Flour , .$6.50 bbl. p alsremoct; Office hours-Before 10 a.m., 1 to 3 I 'l`hinll Flour 5,50 t, Assize Court; April 15th next. I ly review next Sunday at 9.30 11.n1 13 drys$3•;J H L'ullnor for delivering p.m•,and bora 7 to 8 p,m. Private telephone Y .g +t .Geo. Filson was tried here last, .Hiss Minty Gerow is at Niagara, +ile-driver to the 7th con. $3 ; Henry connection witb Bslagm.Greenwood.Azong?rarn Pastry Flour - 5.50. r F�111s for fety days this week �ie}ars fr r cedar stlpp the t. P''_>14.24 Mt Zion,A.Johnston's;7.t'h coal, win Cowis"a I Bran $18.0(1 ton week on a charge of in Angus., I 3 p rr (4eLcont,and D Push's 13th coal Orly 2902 breaking into the G. T: R. i taking in the views,of isle icy In re{aid to the.proposed chances Shorts 20.00 ' - I I in 5 Si.Nos 9. 111 and 12 Jas W Hogle ` _ A. YOC*I(}. k1 D.,C.M..Fellow of Jumbo 23.00 " station here and stealing-a -mall' bridge. was heard also Jas B Madill. Trusties T• Trinity Medical College, Toronto, mem- Graham,hWhole ti�'heat Flours sum of money therefrgin. W ilsuu The Rerasen & De�'ere Concert of S No 12 objected to s 1 of lot 14 in Das of Coltege of Phvelctans and sargeone of has spent 18 months in the Genital Cd. arrives} here on Tuesday morn run 8 beirgdetached from their section Ontario. Office and se.iaenceoppO'Leary o 10: :Chop Of all kinds. Prison, Toronto, for a_similar off- ing and are giving coneerts ev-ewy Petition of the trustee-s of 8 S No 9 Woburn 8Onct. . Office hours; morning 7 to io: Hard and Soft Coal. ence cons hutted at Guelph. His evening daring the week. of NS J Devitt and_4)other rate payers _ _ a 8. give prises 6nblect to Change without Honor Judge McCrimnlon thought John Ste-ven.Qon-and wife started a king that north half of Iot 14 in con - Nutic--. that the ends of justice would be for the North-west on I ondtiy. e be detached fr„m;S 5\0 12 and at- - Le0a6. Model Bakery Cat Limited. served by a short sentence in this Harold Stevenson left on Tuescda} ruched to S S lullcand that.the north case, and imposed two nlontlls` having-In charge two carloads of half of lots 10, 11, 12 and 13 in eon 6 E. FAREWELL, Q. C., BARRIS- imprisonment ►settler• effect=. and south half of lots 11 and 1'rin con F) • TER.county Crown Attorney,Sad County .- P r,IX detachw_1 fruru S S No 13 and at- The tnwiit hip council met here txrhe<1 to ; \, ) ; Arthtit Johnston olfdtor, Court Sousa,Whitby. 0v e�� Audtey.' n Monday last and tr%, usacted a and Geer awn le a1-n hr-ar•d in sup- -1 up- ` _ o I. D'1lOW & hfcGILLIVRAY, BARR'IS• Geo. E. Lawrence }s sor" better large awourt of bit:ine=s. A I lwwt of the ptupo F' rhiinges. ers,colic;torso,&c. 01116c opposite Yosn . • large ll tl[n llt.'r of bills f'ur ?':SH'it' 11�'-1.t S?r•t�as FI ,i'�+� tlr•hd xnll finally ' Me* W-aitby,Ont. Jac.Ball Dow,B.A.;Theo. B1a_cksmith-� Lay)hild is lnzv ii' r r,r • rl arpr'' ting shovelling ~vete l,aitl. •n W (i Bxl'nes as tp A.c-Gillivrav,LL,B. Uouev to Loan. By � rn to IN 11}t11}. - Rus=kll Brodi,• while esereising r''1;;7't`er. the firrine! tp ,ngineer Geo JIr, and }Ira. Pl:.oenl ;, cif• To.. Philip -i having re-igne(l, his resig- ., VeteriJt�ry.- ; � ` rOl1iU,-are�•iBitiL1T,,,Fl: T. and .alt•:. � t La'iOn lle;nz. ^r•pt'• . .. .. a'(-olt this n ilr•ning ova.. 'badly cticl _ Love. about the fact.. the cult hitting Un '.nc,tir+i, +.t yfr fie ov ccondeti llv HOP:tI;�S.VETE RINARYSCR. ?I1. Bla?se has lare11, trying tct hi:nttith its fore-feel, re(lttilinK �Iry1�Bra,1::tbr.!,tw was introdutch c.sov, Gr.l:ae of the ons9r;c et. pt all materiels and design ��rttr have Ge,)r �t 'Waiters' lluu�e. reveral stitc•h(•- to seiv the 1volul(L. aid 1,•ml thr 8r•t t;:n(-, to rusks ser- -t•rinar- Cv:egr, 'ror.)n:o, refits:crea mcu.ber U ( . cit`e oatat.o Ye:ennary )talks' Aseo.:.x:ioD, ke ti a stock. It will pay you out :f) far }la`; failed. ��• t rlt t12 itr l i•: the i he c' r 5 5 Nn- P P Y � t 1'1 , P k Lffiae and rerdwnceona anlone-ina..er odds to call at our works at:d inspect our Stock. Earle Lyude hay engaged with the t wan i l- et.rth of Green River, ou3ee act.boei:•:erre and obtain prices. Don't be misled ""' Pickering Council. • ty F. M. diet,1!lnan fns• the :unnner to t trri (o iso( ft t,t lcyt •r ill p0 and .. �onrsetoi!a.u.,, s.nj 1 to s oar.• 1-nva:e -- - t, t t••-ted ill the (aAng.• pEojpo,rd telepboa,e in ICY Omee P.U. a6dre[a, (beer age'lta we do not trnplov them,cousegaect• Avork'vn thF' htmw pht!-e ivilile ,t i,i thAt tlov -Asst!��'•!aw Nvi!1 },e taken hirer, an: !v we cau, and d� tbrow o£ the §s The.e}+r.cc rr in:til met pursnarif to}J!tlMill•' U i.,raticolr art' rein' (ill. t-.. 'n ,v th13 r'o-arw l at comr nissiou c:10 Der cert„ which you will 1 t d tulj+ :trna:,•nr !rn .11ur..l,ty, tt'�21� 'irt•=t «e ul:tt• our t0i� gl'atldationr to it [hr !c•wn lu 1 , n,•xt uleetin� `---A +t view' to Ftias usirsbsfa garb*. certain, save by parchsaing from naw A 1,h.+I1, Firuu6;h;,ul �11e:r:( hc• ;xtne It than dµelried capNrlieut to to rallaolicited. inion Pii •kriu u•lrun hi= uuiuu to rurc ,;I list r::t the rrev� in ncc rhair.i ills- Mary 1'utvlir . of ilio<rrle, a The nlinute� of the lust :11eeQi;; were HU>fAS QfA DUNN,Conve ander. Com WHITBY 8Ri1tIlTE CO., r l b:h it- w:r is readin q a pa.-rin- _ i•�1 y t'c.rutl?; lady of lour.c•��:•ellPtlt hart-+ i'eatd and aa,,p'et4. thra:tih it-t':ri t .t., rradir7•a and r1n- , 1 m.e.ioaar for taking Affidarl%s. ate., Opp•PostO!$he. Wnitby, ont3,r30 Tllcy «iii re�it�ulx+t] thc'Slchjuay A t:ou,ri t r .ation seas I-ml frorri Th 1i.ti r:n:t: d t lch•:rizinK th reet'e ar.rl )Qlaremoas.oat,. c7 - - ; U. V. I' war rsi::n el.1I :<lti to errrr t fi gP __-- f;trio try curt « ..,t. unci `rr all wish treasurer to raise looney by war of a tel.ph mr ir•r• frc:u, Fite ;vbam alnnl; BBC`i'fI',G. Iyauar o!, Marriage �r+� thein t:1Huy years of terenit'p and the Bit ch rt :d to the Brock ruitd P i t'''i'polary lean for the purpos9 of . Lieev•ee for the Canary of Ontario Of AIC�Tsa K N i* LIVERY 1 1 l"Jsilt rity. F providing fi n.l- -defr:av the suer+-nt- jloe as the store or at bis residenoe,Pickering • ra . Al rat.rill r+a fog'the pry it:nu tl'. rxjwncrs of the t�.w sbip for the year grllage 1•y KINSALE en:~;n#e?r vtery read frons «' G Fi.:roc-, 19.1 .. Nb' J Taylor. Jr• R Gorinl.ey. T1lornay 'PIC K- - ERLN- -0 NEWS - lFiret•olaee rebuses for hire by day -• _ -- - , Pr,ucher, ti•' Y. I';<rnr�ld (;L" Port (>n nlntnsr, of 31esra Twui anti tic- 'sr1 kVID BELD.�3f. scctioneer, tc_ or aight. ']ins In conaectico mees• A. sveddinv on Wedue`•day. W i.l , Rta.r!y. Lir Fi.h': :egiw>t for peruriy-. t-1 'rot;•r,t-bei:,+ales If rnn.a ca neraa� Pen•} , NV J Turner and H Michel tzlead.D�tb fa:and rear. Aa,e. tfarms.fR) iaa all a.T. R.traina. F eicht ani gig"r.' part fiext i-Eiie. A rnnl wale t'ead frual.- ubt, Whitson "' to ere t r.ielephone.line along the Stook ao3 ersrytL mr r3 a- tae bean:•sill be *%press delivered to al' arts of Oaei -�(l� `----r -r'''t her"_.aLLenrltrl the Work roars fruru Brougham to the --hurdled b7 the sib.cnbe•with taentmosteare P P - rasps,ling liar sun Pamsly.-vvhc;reclulre Br'• k road P O, tv:tw gr"ted nn er caiaaa- Teamine of all kinds done sale (,t D. Jack wn oil Tue+clay. and sold w the eery beet advantage. 19•ly t i1r1IIIr din s read from thy' 1:,u*l r•;ind�tiona,. - os.ahoneat notice. ea.e and com- Jolin Lawton interida tut}Slug on a coin ts•aa read fruru Fred Wilson, The idrosis now adjourned to meet - J BEATON,TOWNSHIPCLERF mission stables in couneetirn. -his farni abrmt the Fir-t of .April. Ciareuront, claiming $73 dam.t�te to D. Co_revsncez. oommioiouer for takfns _ " John Lyude is woving his eff-CIS borne sustained in itcli•hole on Brock ai ain on Motrlay, April 11th at the amdavt O dovanceaat. Etc. Yoney to roar p burr of 10 a, m.. for the transaction of - tin farm property. lone: of ltney to Lia. W, �e+ to the Se rt is farm uppusite J. L mad, north tit t Iaremnnt, on the Rth general blains Q. paea" n:tern Ont. I.T. 7 Proyrletor• DaviEl:vn, • day' of Fel-, last. Road had been -Our More has been closed for a nr•s;lehteci by road corn. p0CCHEF',,s POSTILL.Licensed Aac• -' dao, caused by the -serious-illness Jaq Davidson. -of the Greenwrx,d l L tioneerti!or the Coanty of Ort " Ana of day. caused llogers, of Diinbarton, r•ad was beard, objected to pAyrnY We, aUa Still i the Inca sales of e•ery desertrtron cooaaosed ►t • Yurniture s 1 s 'a ta8r«r� he w" not argued. 6 H +i w wYiiImoderace ebaras T Poueber. Beal >i+•e datl�,r�ltet of the proprietor. The * r� Aifeat and Genera: valastor. strict atteuuoa s'tUre is now as Usual dolllg Philli lu+setceor, statc+s Lhtlthamist:Pd _ --- ` ei des --- -- iliven to all orders by mail or tslsarapb. Aa n. u as the("n.JyPrws rflos. PevtEa, arouaham. rot, i, business t t w of h - OlITILL,Gress river.Ona• ss-17 inn that-lie had sent him the assess A ins of first• ho trustees of school Qectioy In ctlp mach;o department we wdo ood meat notice all kinris of wood turning and wood rVUE WELLINGTON Hotel.-Hay. - olawt furniturenosr Fv. i3 hive hes rd recenEl that g 3' The com on Indigent f:Ereone re- ',v;+rk. We rip y-our lumber and shape tot removed so rad tlroronr hly overaanl• •'`on a:hibition in Greenwood are trying' to gobble ported and rt thefollowinK everything made of wood, doubletrees ad eo above tiouse,I am prepared to furciat our )rare rooms. np a rtioil of"their section. We evrnents-Jos Burk l month supe of rock'stuff etc, Saw gumming and {� p secomodauon to all who desire to Pat] WoulU advi*e the conneil_ to lave R Gibson 810: They also recommended Olin a s ec:alt , skates und. ms. lyp•�+ten.. le-rwIng. 1•hall bO .ars _ . ad to ssa all old patreas wbou thej ire Dor• - -;-rri"cas-ri this strictly alone its Na 13 'will c -vfthe-reeve-arid -g rn,i�"t in all r brancFiet•. aaason to vtsra lierisham. JAB.roam>iNCB. fight to the end. Mr Geroty be appointed to investitrate Give us x call. %ouse and lot for sale ]rar'lhim.Out. R. C 71 ��, into the condition of the Hanson fara- Chea S. Jr1111I1gh ---Whitevale ibley, and provide any relief that may H. JACKSON,- Brock Road. �ltethodlst Church ... .' ._ Piewring, Ont necessary. p w_ H _ -- Servieesas Follows. The members of the Baptist The coinonc'oritingenllos reported _- choir pur ose giving a- Concert in and recommended the following pay. the chttrclt on Lhe avenin of Era- menta-�It rkar& Theuton for adder- Thu 10:30a-ifi, Preachin = g tisi'ng and printing auditQks repoi - 7OOp.u1.,. ..', a net ter Monday{ ?!p[.il. 4tlr. An eZ- az5<l rod oaerseers plan reperrtN (tT[�j jj--�t g & . CotwinA ` wns 4:0o p.m.,.....Epivorth League, on consisting of choruses, quartettes secsor'c and collector's calls,stationery tc da Have a full line of fresh and cul- duettes and yolos, by members of and other supplies $38.22 ; Dr East- IInc:) porated by aot of Parliament 1874 .:.Weekly -Prayer -an ed meats constantly on hand. the chair, assisted by 'the follow- worn Thursday. Spice Roll, Breakfast Bacon, Beaton on acct of Sala $50 ; Cleo e llaksriai 3... " lug artists from Tt�rc�ltc): D. ��'ill- ''y rR ear:,ortae.lc.�::�1.,...,.....'..........s1,000,0Bp -Rev'J. E. Moore, Ph. B. Ham, Bologna, Weiners, etc. _ lojst, �;. Bowyer. Philip sr.: for. services..as township Subeerbed Capital . . ._...... ....... roa000' . iBamsunb, fenur�o h ,ll cane of the t of Pickeris rest .. .. .............. .............. 130'" YtwtoT. B. A. a 'iton soloist, w Si'1 ni ne and oth rs;230 p g Assets Res311v.Couvertib:e............ l,ctos,s7o a 1 eo e -' Highest prices pard for render tl nuwber of solus and duets M eroan COWAN,Fs T.H.11 cUrLLAN Esq, Butcher's cattle. -" The com on reads and' bridges re- Pr"i Oct daah:eralso M rds, elocutionist, � `%4 a - Mr. C Edwards, {ted and recommended the follow- special cion siren to Farmer'• Bale _ tt.ill give a number" of choice Bel ing pAytrlenfs-W Badgerow shag Notea truer ouasolicited and promptly made ec bulls. One feature of the pro- snow on side line bet Iots]4 anti 15 in Farmer's Notes discounted' American*and General Agent raulrile-,rill be -a dialogue iven '2nd and 3rd cons 18 hrs$1.80; Samuel suedFore,as aSiteble on all pat and hesolDrab*i.• armers Supply Store S a� g sued, available on all parts of the world' by members of the choir. Re- Carlton shov snow and breakincreads llasdasre sass Department. .� Have on hand a quantity of men's -freshments will be served -during on ybe Greenwood road in div 6 13.40 ; _ - and boys'Suits. Boys' sizes from 23 the evening. Mr. Riddiford of J Powell, r3ho� snow and breaking' Tatars•+allowed'os.ae osib at Liirhest ours -to 32. Pricds from 2.00 u Men's g' ' roads in div 2$3.70,Geo Cooper sown. rout rat".mad creditedhalfyewlytodeposiwr 1 p McMaster University, is ezpected ppee Qeo.Serr.+tan Pickerin .Ontario• sizes-from 34 up Prices from 8 50 up. div 16,shoe snow 116.21 ; W J Turner •�. 6� These are No, 1 tweed and serge suits. to be present to•take the chair at 'ehov snow and breaking roads `in div ` r. S o'clock. Adnlislon 25 cegts, 12 •112.24, Jahn Ernersoa- bi�eaki - - - ant of No. l Su b the Bbl. or _ nR - House and lot for sale on Main Highest price paid for all kinds•.of will be made welcome. son com div 5 breaking roads 120.18 street. Farmer's Produce. - W Gibson com div 6 opening roads in _. .. . _ _Old unwashed wool 8?jc Ib. Markham. his div$7.60;A Johnston com div 20 , Insurance of all kinds dDr*.' _ Old washed wool We ib. ' ehov snow in his div$3.8b;Jas Somer We 'SalvePoultry wanted: Delos Reesor,"astationary en villa tnm div 2 shovnnowandbreakin Collections made. E BRYA_Nk & SON gineer. .employed at the Grand roe s 19.84 ;Jas Houle breaking roe s - and shov snow on s 1 between lots 16 Youll Conveyancing of all kinds done. Trunk Railway shop at the foot is and 17 in con 5 11.70; Robt FoundPickering. Spud}ns. avenue, Toronto, had his breaking roads and sbov snow in diva oil - Titles searched,Notfiry Pultlic, etc. left leg amputated above the ankle 2 and.3 11 ; W A Hilts shoe snow and. DOMINION B NB at the Emergent'7 Hospital, Fri- breakingroads in div 7$1.60 : Martin From a to q5 per cconsidnt. of Sour purchase. quality considered; -•.W• V. Richardson• day,night: H�ork about grlrkev breaking roads and shoe.snow ., wben FFou.btly_ - - o clock, when its foot slipped, in div 8$4.28;Frank Sandersiin sbov _JF�i:.ELLE from us. p l d was caught and drawn under snow and breaking roads in div 10 - - - �+ .. --:-- ---EVteaeritave F pa e�a D �3;��0 �� an a fly-�rheel, and he n'a's drawn $7.39;W Ward shoe snow and break- -- -- 1 the A Coming between the wheej ins rondo.in div 13 ><17.14; T Calvert $3,474,000 Why -- Undivided Froflte shov snow and breowbr �i9h in div rocs the$aryl the foot was crushed 8 8,11.70rR.W Mowbray shoe snow - •• - .' to a pulp, and nearly half aii hour and breakin roads in div 9-fl?.45•; W Because we can afford-to. As elapsed. ,before he was extricated. Sadler com div 9 shoe snow and break the buy f`rr cash. sell for cash Plasitets WHITBY BRANCH.` 17:. Riordan, who was called,-l ad ittg roads in his div$35.02; W Feast)' and have very small running Reesortaken two the hospital,wh n div 1 shov snow and breaking i expenses. e General Banking he performed the operation. The roads 8`7.29.' Lacy._ 7 shov A full stock of plasters consiating:of: Injured nian will recover. Reesor snow and breakingroads$2`2-19; John- A13' � �00Business Transacted• iso ears of a P and boards with White•rep eulver,in can 9 bet lots 2S Menthol, Y g , his brotlie'r at 417 ;Euclid'Avtmue and 29 and drawinl� timber for same • StraBellnd ethic ,. - ' and work done in 1902 $1.50, X.Bar_ gg gg Special atTention given to the oo11Qo• Toronto. ;)vote-! We sell heavy weight Bell-Menthol, +• tion of-farmer's sale and- His-wife• resides :at Boxgrove, key shoe snow and breaking roads ed solid 14 k ladies�gold watch, " Scarlioro t 1 Scasiioro to 'be charged works universal) guaranteed Belladonaanc},Capaicum other notes, find Mr. Reesur's nian friends in y B11A Y oneha,lf $10.41, also ehov snow and Capsicum _ 11arkhatn and 9carboto'trill regret breaking roads oEr Markham t 1 Mark- three years for only$25.00. _ Cerntca Agents Waltham watch 15.60 .Arnica and Capsicum :SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. to hear of the serious accidqut that barn 4o-be charged one half 17.71 ; Write for our booklet on watches "'. Kidney,�large special -= has befallen him.---Economist. Applications fdr wire fence .bonuses QQ 'Allcocki Porous �l9poE11t8 received die �i. a> d were reciived from the following-S RICHARD 4N W'CC•, Angio French - upwards., - _ It.is.estimated in railway circles Orvis for 25c per rd on about 130 rds MusEard =31t9=@IBt allowed r at highest that the cost to the Grand Trunk bordering on Audley road in con 4 ; J (= Th6ae are always in stac'i at current rates. and Canadian Pacific Railways $ussell for 23c per rd on about 93 yds from snow, sleet and ice this win- in front of lot 16 1n con 7 i Jno Brown JEWELERS OPTICIA: S, Co=po%iimdsd or paid half for lbs per rd on about 40 rds in front PIC ter, will reach the enormous stttm of lot 7 con 5; B Wetberill for lbs per South Wh:t 1V yearly, of five million dollars. This, of I' Brock Bt., , i l rd os. about SO yds to tmnt of lot 6 con X.J.-THOETON, course, will include loss)in rev- b ; Wm Emerson •for 25c per rd on . )about ss rds bordering on the Audley PHARMACY >�.>r.o„t sous, �e>•1�s����� ^: �.y,.,,; �� ,... .. ' . >. ..-'evv�.�- •},., .y9".;.5. :".� •,ax w+�, - '�7._r`,• �." ..�xY.di..�.,.vbe,a''{.•:e.�a�`"ra:n d,'..^y'•(,�'f .✓t 1P. - .v „_. -,.�..:. :7.. .:,yr.. ..f, _ ',,'„isz•,"d a: :t,^' "4:• it •:..,,i�/.^• ,fit - " ;". >.:+pv: ,iL'• "` c ,•.ry - ., i - I 1 4"r,. r�-...�.wurx'a+...�'.-�. mac.s,.,. • .,..d,^,sm.. r.:,w rri,a.�.-.xms•. _ .�.;•, ,..c'd; ...-w�� M'.. .,s�.x%%'y:-u^:' r. r... a.. . 1 ,' • w ..� ' - i T r . �. , y V _ •. 9 ) - _ _. r a +---- --- -------- - - �_..------- . I ,__ 111: - .y XBDICINE FOR MEN. • ; on is a haphazard way, and the re- h Q Mutual i f o sults ace.. not satisfactory. T L e f Canal `> r' o ti"1i (� � �1..+ Something That Will Banish Wor- - - 4 " (�.i� ��7+lii.....Jiit�-:�+' ries sad Brace up the 5ybtem.• IiOW TO MIX CEMENT. _ = _ 34TH ANNUAL. REPORT I npj�� Cement is tonin generally, Into W i7 . F{ Has it ever occurred to you that g' g Y _- ' .__- - _ p - - use as n substitute for lumber in --' - _ you need a medicine as >�ie'>r-°°t a; the building ef' floors and the erg- Presented to the Annual Meeting of Policyholders. i - t-'-• -T - old men r young men, but as+ men . _ . 11tion of silos and other 1 build-. MLIM IODS OF 'DRAINAGE• .' Are .You never conscious that the ins The value of the cement strut- - Thursday, March 3, 19o4. • _ While special wear and tear of life which g w 1 °nge may be necessary and under cer- wears a men out uicker thea work, on the p1lLroportions in which to m,"te'rit upx ant omen: our irectots reepert u y submit or your con Ifain conditions "the only way;" they but worry is not an accident, it is a cement, Band"-knd• gravel, The their.report of the business.for the year ended December 8I at; 19.0.3,':with • ' ' ' I ;must be considered as. decidedly • ob- symptom-a symptom of nervous ex- amount of cement to use will depend file Financial Statement duly audited. -• . - - -• :Jectionable wher0-tiles can, be used. haustion. Other 9.xmpt,oms axe ner- upon the character of the gravel and We aro pleased to inform you that, is all breaches, the business was oY ) `' The' open ditch obstructs the various vous headache; morning laziness, sand, end therefore, it is difficult to a most j;rntifyinq character, and that rho new business w s largely is ez- fornms of tillage and sll farm opera- that makes it difficult to get out of lay down any hard and fast rule that cess of that of any other year in the history of the Comp ny. The Stu'' 14 tions. Its first cost is expensive' as bed; a weak feeling in the back; in- will exactly serve in all cases. The plus earnings were such as enabled us to continue the same very liberal' ____ ' compared with the.tile because-much digestion; breathlessness after slight following is a test or method recom- scale of distribution to the Policyholders, as in the past. '113c death rata . y •' , - more labor must be expended in the exertion; irritable temper-perhaps mended by,the United States Govern-, was slightly In advance of that of 1902,-but stfli much below the expecte- .� y digging of nn open. ditch, It is lis- some nerve pain as neuralgia, 9,:iati- ment for ascertaining the right pro- tion. The Lapses and Surrenders hp,ve been gradually decreasing for soma i ble to be partially filled in by - the .ca or iaf-ipient paralysis. Dr, Wil- portions to--ase--ami-play be found time, and for the past year, were comparatiNely moderate, _ .. - - tran�inr of stock, it the lend is iliums' Pink fills, ;as a medicine for helpful to those erecting cement NEW and OLD iiUSINESS.-The applications received for new business F ,:.pastured, by the action of frost and men, 'act directly upon the source of structures: - - were 3,518 for $5,173,112, of which 47 for $72,500 were d eline.d: The -... I - . the growth of weeds, so that its use- discomfort. - They restore manly' vi- Take'of gravel a' certain measure Pohcios issued were 3,333 for $5,011,390, and the amount of Insurance • i fulness will be impaired. An olr g°r and energy, improve the appetite and shako it down to compact it; now in force is, $37,587,551.68, under 25,730 policies, beiog.en increase in , ) . strutted channel for the free pas- and tone up the nerves and the whole strike off the top with a straight amount of $3,118,631. - ! rage of water is's. frrst'essential• in systefir. ' Mr. Neil Ii, McDonald, edge; then measure water and pour TNCOME.-The net premium income, less reinsurance. ,was $1,254,- . 1 Estmer•e, N.B., is one of the many into ravel until all voids are filled. 988,47_ Interest and Rents $306,007.48; Profit and Loss $76.08; TOW. ' I_ - - 'farm drainage and this can only be g 1 secured as a permanent improvement men who has proved the value - of The water used will show'the liicome $1,561,070.03. 1 .. in the covered rile drain. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, He says : amount of the mixture of-cement and PAYMENTS TO POLICYHOLDERS.-The payments to Policyholders . i '� .. "I am glad to be able to say that I sand that will be required to make a were: Death Claims $353,586.95; I ____- -_ So whae other materials may serve have, found Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ° �ndowxnenta $112,uA7; Purchased Poli- e tem or purpose osct in drains e, PTOP concrete. cies $31,972.18; Surplus $7?,800.28; Annuities $8,274.90; Total X498,- I temporary P P g all that is claimed for them. I was Repeat the operation, using sand 721.81, Expense Account $`282,728,43; Total Disbursements $776,41-49.774. tiles are so much superior in point of completely run down: my appetite instead of gra- 1, and the amount of Excess of Income.over expenditure $784,620.29; i -, . - cost when durability .and results_arc was poor, and I suffered much from _� • measured; as to hardly admit of de severe headaches. Doctors medicine wafer absorbea'by the sand will The Cash Assets amount to $6,882,953.83; the Total Assets are $7, } voting any space to the discussion of did not give me the needed retlef, so show the amount of cement to add to 298,552.12, an increase over 1902 of $838,772.04. _ u- + t'he sand. But it must be borne in' -I2ABILITIES.-The total Liabilities are $6,676,224.19, including the ' I other methods. I decided to try-il0- Williams' Pint . i .• - The problem of farm drainage is to-�Pills. I used only a few• boxes when wand that the ceFrlent:and sand mix- requisite reserve of $6,617,714.89 for the security of Polic3'liolders, coin- ed with water will not fill the •same puted at 4 r cent., 3 r cent, and 3 r cent. i lower the water table (by which we I my former health returned, and now per Pe > 'warn the bait/ of stagnant water 1 feel fil=e a new man." ' amount,of space as before putting to- SURPLUS.-The Surplus of the Company's standard of valuation h rfound in all•soils at a greater or Weak, nervous, broken down men gather and adding the water. That $616,833.46,. and on Government standard $878,466,00. The inernHs? is _ i less distamce.from the surface), ; so and women, too-wIll find fnaw health fa, one cubic foot of cement and- two Surplus is $117,483.22. - - Ir,y ) that it wi31 not interfere with' "the and happiness in a fair use of Dr, cubic feet of sand will not, hen During the year the demand for money was active, and ,'the tt.uda _ 1 growth of trope: Proper drainage j Williams' Pink Pills. But be sure 'mixed With water, make three cubic were. fully invested, at 'a somewhat better rate of interest, and In a clans _ � ➢eaves the particles of soil full of I that you get the genuine with the feet of mortar. o! securities entirely outside anything of a hazardous or speculative char. � _ moisture but the spaces between the full name "Dr. Williams' Pink -Pills I .• atter. . The payments on Principal and Interest were unus'nally well - met . - particles are free and open for the for Pale People" printed on the WATERING ANIMALS. there being only$u,998 overdue interest at the close of the year most of admission of air. wrapper around every Dox. Sold by There should be a prescribed ,,,•s I. has ainc- been paid. - " ' -. medicine dealers or sent b mail at The Executive Committee examined an the securities, and cow ared -- , The earlier advocates of file dra.n- y tem for the regales' watenng of " all p 50 cents a box, or six boxes for them with the records, all of which ware found correct, and in eccordace Age. favored drains tour or five feet animals on the farm. 1'he belief i9 deep. It is a well established fact ! Medicine by D-:, ro The Dr. t. , Imore common than it should be that with the statement herewith submitted. 3[edicine Ca, Brockville, Ont. The Manager. Officers and StafT continue"to discharge tbclr reepective _ ' - that the draper the drain the farther water at long Intervals is not only duties to the entlsfaet•lo'ik of the Board, ' It will drain the water, so at first -11 sufficient, b>rt that it Is the best 'You will be called upon to elect four Directors, I n the lace of the sight it would xecin econoiniieal to 'way of treating cattle�'ec,t course, P P DRAIN DEEP. * and laying the tiles. A very moder- I�uisfi is a wisatake, and o::c Hurt terpin ioL 2.111, }• Kerr Fi ken and R ry Hon .Mr. Justice Britton Brure, 11.P When, however, we atop to eonsid- ,ate fall tr 11 sn war when the details R i Parent to all who Guo. A, Somerville, whose ce has expired,,but all of whom ora aro attended to Rive the matter any thought. In the eligible for re-election. , er the ostrn cost of dibging'the deep . `4I rst place, a thirsty st-zte is an un- On-Behalf of.the Board. ROBE=RT MF.LVIN, President. - t it s the st IN _- costly It often� eostq asim chmoto 'Waring says toe foot to the hundred IbeIIin randefrom tmotivesf, for eof humanity " `FINA-NCIAL STATEXEN r........ . _ LEDGFn SSETS-Lac 81st, 1902 . ... 9�6 47 ie,^98,888.6+1 . -- dig the last foot in a dijch four feet feet is desirable, while one half that 'it should be reLeved. It is a rnndi - - deep as it did to (fig Oe first three. I amount of fall, or six inches in one tion directly opposed to Rood diger- Premiums (net) ,,. ... ... .. ._, ; ,2 . s{ q latcrest and rents ... .., 3Jo.00. 1R Ot coarse fa any a. ^m of drains as err lust is aila;:ed on, :Front and Lase .......-...... ............ ......... 78.08 ' there will to likely to be places whegre eteecdut on of the work is carefully a- when it When arrived ed at "a stage of . ' $1 ,5 070,0! _ -. - et true �ro>cr tnih but we think the o ,acute suffering, an u�crdose o! wa- 1 . - - ;7,653?,x08.67 ditch m7r-it be best tv, p op(r fall; but we taink t e i Ta de distance apart of the tyle drains iter is taken, and that causes as --- -' PAYME-4TS To Pn?-1 `YH.tILDF.R3. p _ g i i The d - pend un."-tie-kind -orsotY- mut Injury to the ihrst;ve .organs .Death Clafinn .... . 725.4 1Hr. 15 . Ing the average tile drain more than i the depth of the drains.-tan heavy- as the thirsty corditi6n which it s i - -PIf a men ,to A an ,iii .. ... . ']2 ^ :i(t . - two nnfl a half to three tent dee it Payments,to Ann„teats a 4 t/0 . P clays the distance-must be lrss to sr ercedes. Cattle should, when on dr Purchased Policies 31.$7; 08 Musk lands that would be likely to cure good drainage than on soils of feed; et water. y Surplus paid-co Poticyholdcre� ., 77,800 28 . . set t! a and dent after drarnin t3 - i 403.721.8'1 B g i loamy or gravelly character. ho fixed + - would be an exception rules can be given as to distance, T$OIIBSESOI161E BABIES. , K11 other: Payments -. ,._...... ......, ,.., ., 82,.28,43 i 778 410 74 ' --- The size of tiles so that they may !that will auways be safe to follow, - • .. '- • •. have s utlicient ca ncity to carry oR! vary greatly Babies are not natural . *6-482,9:3.t38 , P as softs va atl in texture and 1n trouble- I.FD(SER ASSIC . . '. . :. the water quickly should be carefully (capacity to retrain moisture: some-they should be bright, active Debentures and: Bonds. Account Val"- $2 041 4x1 07 considered- The rule Is. that the ca-. As a rule, it is wise to em lot/ a ]iortgagea i _ . P and a Iry-to your home. .... ....-... b,9s, u"3 of - . -- ' Loans on Polxier ... _. . .w . ..pactty of tiles is to each other as skilled man to lay out and,level the I When bab s troubleson:c you may Loans on s - ,.., : - - ' - the squares of their diameters., That drains This work must be done well de Lions on Policrea pend upon it there is some of theHS , • is a tfle two inches in diameter will or the drains will prove a failure., many minor ailments bothering him. Heal Eefato 46.502 61 caaror forrcr times as much water as The radia well dune, the tiles can Compnnp Asad Office ,..... 40,242 61 _. grading These can all be overcoats by the use All other items, Including lash to Banka dr ctH.O. 6.342.08 _ - p pr; one three inches be lald• by aryyotie careful and pains- of Baby's Own Tablets. Proof ,of Additional As rte „ :..... ............... ..._.... ...T 6 942 953,,$A 69 • _ dais of file drainage. many small 1t At are madr, grades wrong, Falkland Ridge. N. S., who ears'- TOTAL AS=SETS Wane tinea as much. In the earlier g, this is iverr b Mrs. .C. L. Marshall, %� ----- ••_ - - .- . 29 ,5 all . tiles were used which worked very a poor tole or carelessly laid, wq LT.\Ill LiTIF.S I am lensed to state that I have "^e' llthe "er ;ge a=sinfala but must remembor• that, of it -ia Auried_�- Iioserve r Lith "A+e in force 4p c '8}n c. L ap a �i8.gS7s,116b no , u' 8$bY tl otirac---F FaHiFit+es Ea e"o,^11l :9 ' • - werc not able to carry cT an extra-''out of sight the mistake will be a , 8 _ P' children with great success. I think - _ -. ordinary rainfall quick enough to pre- 'parent is the condition of the Lind,the Tablets' the very best medici-ne Surplus Company's Standard 4'•e, $- and 9 a $818,833.4@ _votut injury to the growing c=ons, The about the obstructed tl{e. Our out-Jfor all the ailments of small children o/ o� _ thing to proviso for is the extraor- Iao will be without henerit. - Unless I and would recommend them to mo- gy�lu8 C41f9rnn18nt 8land�l'd 4�i.., and 81j,., $87S,485.87 dfnary amount of water that must (good Mile are well laid In a properly there who have troublesome babies." Aod.ted and round_correct. - be removed if crops are not to suffer. graded ditch, it is n waste of money I Baby's Own Tablets cure consti a- •t' b gCtly. F.C.A. I Auditors. GI?O WE(1F vAgIda rawer, . � ` . ' ' ' La1FRcr the is now the rule. I think and labor. It is ,.pry difrcult to p :_I. 5( rL#.1', tion, iaaagrni.;cil, diarrhoea,' pFen'cuit The tri la th of the-Company darrc,F the past year miay'be seen in "11d ful- most of the tile9 laid now are not locate an abstruetrrd tile, and, exprn- croup, allay Irritation at teething' �7°1ng-. table= --- . 1 02 ' 1903 . inerave. . . less than three inches. ive to repair 's poorly laid drain. .-- 2 6 of 1.390 i a,ro-%1 . - In locating a System of drains "the 1 Tiles should he hard and well worms. In fact there are none of Assurance in force 3-7,40:8.9 ' 'e ontleL demands moot careful atter- burned. Rome if exposed to the frost Income•. ...•,......... .........., 1.301,098 1,541,0?0 169,971 -- the minor ailments of childhood """'`""" "" ._ tion. It should'he ample for the dis- .are sott and crumble and are not Surplus ..:.....:.. p ......... ...... '6,45 499.180 ^,,218,637 888.779` whish the Tablets "will not CUI'C. Sold 9ur•rluq (Company's. SLandardJ 40J,160 616.883 ':I]7,48E •- charge o a• t:l vo ume of w'atef worth laying. -Tliic water does.not by druggists 'or may be had at 23 ti'he record of progress during the past.80 years is, shown in the following , .• i __ ___-,-from the drains and well protected so enter the the through the pores to figures for eacb 5 year period; ' that it will not be 'obstntcted in ntr cents a box 6y writink direct to Dr. :_ .- -._.-.-__- _- � y 'any Sreat extent, as many suppose, Williams Medicine Co., 13rockgille, 'dear fricome.^ Paayyments to Assets * Surplus Assurance �¢(ty. If conditions permit n avlr but through the spaces between the Ont. Polfcyh'd're •. ,,, /stantial wall of- stone through which 'tiles. .Laid as carefully and closely. 0. i 1 2,687 i 3,144 i s,ti24 $ 701,000 _ 1878 18,585 2 1 the discharging file pasGca, with the 'as may be the water,will find its way- 18'79 59,277 12 487' i42,619 .:1,149 1,885;811 � ,' opening covered with wire to JAMAICA NEGROES. ` ?883. 109,182 58,839 589,705 43,761 6,572,719 pre- 'through the Joints dr ends. 1888 8038,075 121,507 1,813.8153 90,387 12,041,914 � vent the i ' 1993 826,208 : 412,272 11,593,+42*► 226,120 17,'751,107 4 . • `.� • ngrrss of small animals, If one is ' thinking of expending Much 'Humor and Philosophy in 1898 ' -933,941 359,9 5 4,188;12>x : 27],106 28,709,979 ( will be found satisfactory: money and labor in drainage it will 1903 1,561,070 .7.298,552 616,638 87,587.561 - \ ; Their,Quaint: Maxims. 493,721 - r i \ The fall required to secure effective.pay to look into and master all de- The various reports Navin been adopted, the retiring directors were unanl drainage will_depend lardy on tFie'Itails a.5.far.as pracficabde- 'Tao often The Jamaica negrocs. have a lingo g - 1 - lnousiy reelected, After a number of able and thoughtful addresses had besa- I _ skill employed in surveying the line such worn('is begun in haste, carried of their own. They laconically ex- made by members of the Board, prominent Policyholders, the 'agents and i ___ - press• thoughts of wisdom which others, the meeting adjourned. ' I � ■ would d° credit to King S-oTomgn, It• The Directors met subsoGuently anti re-elected Mr. Rohert Melvin, President; I t • . i °ssiblo that aptitude for making' Mr: Alfred Hoskin, K.C.,•First Viae-Prestdcnt; and the bion. lir. Justice,Drls. . . free of Disease p P g fou, Second Viae-President o7 the Company for the ensuing year. ..\ __ maxims has been itrherited_ from the ( Booklets containing full report, comprlsing lists of death and endowcreirt ^ - . . - _ i - I .- . Spaniards, who occupied tTie island elsrrns paid, of securities held, and otber interesting and instructive particulars ■ - until the lnid'dlo Of the seventeenth ' are being issued and will in due edurse be distributed among policyholders and . . . . -- t insur _ .. . intending arta.) : .. - - century. Their savings cannot • be .• -- . W. H. RIDDESLL, _. P%46 Emi 46 W %V I. � : .. - . . compared in literary.merit with the ecrota.•7- . i • beautiful proverbs of the Spaniards', 22� . .. . a •' / . . ' but they arc filled with as deep Phil-. ever triviAl, therefor, ..they say, "Hog run'for him life; dog run for ..YOid People Everywhere.Are Being Cured of Chronic, osophy, and, added to this, there gtu- "When Toto want to go to Rio Man- him chnracter." • _ �� Kidney Disease by pears fhereimi'a keen sense of Humor us, little- wind come blow him "Ebery vic=tual ter eat, but ebery . something there." _ "Et oly John Crow•- tank stop no fer�falk." g quite.a.bsent in the lingo y I ; a ' of the American dnrkics. (think) him y y • picl:,anpiny a•hiLe" needs l If arl9,kc bite ov, you see•'lizard, D r. �a ase s K�ci . Pill,I ." .. _, � and humor have come.many quaint p � monkey - .. . - t .. . • '- -- sayings, which.,are as familiar in Ja- our "Every dog ]las his day." How acck." ' - .As `old age conies on at is,usually not try Dr, Chase's Kidney-Liver• maica as our own. Some of thein trite-is 'the saying,"''Ceitful', (deceit- 'Good friends better dao•.money.- '- -' - .the kidneys that first Lail to do their. Pills.. . I got a box 'at once, and t"ook 'arc differently worded versions'of fa- ful) IMe the star apple leaf,'.' the wide pocket." - _ -- i _. ' • '+dut as filters of the 'blood. two Pills, whi gas a rather henry miliar proverbs; still others express said leaf being double-faced, silver on "Nanny goat neber.-scratch him • - ' - + .-.._ Yom. ' - Uric acid poison gets into the sys-. dose; one pill is plenty at a•daso.• I ,most aptly that which we have often one side, a' dull green on the other. back till-liim sce'n•all." - --- .tem and the result is much suffering used them regularly for a month, Uipught in . many words, but which "No call-alligator long moot (mouth) ' One, tief 'no like see noder tier .' _.�" '--frond backache, lumbago, rheumatism and at the end of that timi~e was a they'have condensed.. Have you not till you pass hint by would teach; carry long bag." . ' ,and pains in the sides and legs. changed man. heard some•-one-•say, "Ob. I don't us to beware of calling others harsh "Cusscuss (curses) neber break hole There is no medicine so well ap_ It'is now about live yeari slnce I mind-her paying me a visit, but I ne.mes until out of their power. in your head." -,. _ began-using•this',pi,ll, and since that would not have her live with me for Other r verbs that need no ex Ia- "Greedy', greedy choke puppy." praise's by alis verold people as De- time I have felt as good as I did the , world?" The Jamaica negro P.sZ- P "Buekra (White 'man) work weber � L .Ch se's Kidney-Liver Fills. They re- g Rio nation are as follows: a Y forty years ago._ I am almost eighty sums this up-thus: "Come see Ins is "When cockroach'give' da.nee him done." - . I � . .� prove the cause' of suffering. years old,. and g -Little crab.; holes oil bi _ race - • -- ' Mr. R. J, blcBpin, Niagara Falls, Am free from all dis- one ting (thing), come live with me no invite fowl." Naturally; for horse." - P g ease, except rlieumatiam, and this is is quite another." I . fowl would eat liim. Ont., a man - of eighty years and much better 'than it' used to be be- Whe -you Have '- pot ourself out tg. Well known throughout the Niagara y "Il4augre (poor.) - plantain fetter .. B ag. tore I used.this medicine. I recom- do a kindmis and that Tfndness has �5o much of the milk of harass _•. „; district, writes:. "I believe. if_it had none at all*.' is very like our "half a mend Pr. Chase's. Kidee�r-Lryer been entirety tlnappTeciated,' how loaf is better than none::' . - kindness savors of the pump. ' Bot been for Dr. Chase's Kidney- pills with all m heart to an g y ,fiver Pills I would be in my grave :Quattic ( cents) buy troublo.hun- - - '-' " -'-- - - Y y per- well does this apply: "Do good- you a (3 ) - . son, .man or woman. This is m� do, do tankey (thanks) you get." - t . ,.before this,. I was very bad with opinion of these valuable•pills, and When you hear A, tnan'call another all dyed you can't pay for." ] To Drove to 7ant that Fri r = &Idney disease and suffered with ..She9' Piles ass's Ointment Is'acartal you may use it for the benefit .of sorts of names 4rehind his back, but alone know if stockings got and absolute cure for creel dreadful pains in my kidneys- Being otheri." ' ._ . in his 'presence change his manner hole." and every form of itching ��disappolnted in the* use of many riled Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills one and vocabulary, becoming polite and "Before dog go widout him supper s kir agaad ntepif t. R6u46 ciitee,'T had'.almost•giveri ug 'hopea P :provcrfi n lied b the him cut cockroach." . - the manufacturers have gaarnnte�d it.Soe es ill a dose, 25c a box at all dealers, civil, the 0p y Imonialsin'Ledallyaressandask your nef,th pf ever getting better. a or F,dmanson, Elates d Co., Toronto. negro is "Rebind dog, it Is dog; be- "Parson christrp him own pickinny wrowhattheTthlak ot1r, Yon oar ase it ani11 "One morning, after a-nl t of-ell- To oteet -you• against imitations, foro'do it Is Mr, Do - fe6 qfM-gOrur vbat;F*N.ak if tt"&ciired. tlM*rOt's,a 6h �" TN' !z g, Dog." .first." al3diaiersorF•ntkaxsox.Sa't`tvsRCe..'n'oti'bnte pecially severe suffering, a friend cal}- the portrait gad signature.of.Dr. .A.. When they.desire 'Very much to do I ribry, dny, is fshiag clr,y, but ebry epd tO see..me, and asked why I died, W. Chase, the famous ,receipt hook-something and seek.a ream ow- daY no ter cntcb fsh," Dr.0hasee"Intmer ^ . _ --.. t �` . �� .. $ 1 . .-. , _ .. - -.,_ ,::ate;•-T'? 0. 9 ., _...'.✓ ..- - .'._...c - r - - - :�.a n, °.,:uf m-.. ..,.t.i.5k .eAr'2sri'Rlcm' P, .. . 1. . , ,..�,.'Y. ✓ane;✓.- v+..'- :,.,r.. i.. ;. r-. oL.w, .. :'/- ;r, .2 @ _ ? .•A" '. 'n i I _ _ .. ..__,,. , -. .. • ,. 1� - i - . _. - r. • s - - - - - �' :,r 10 I 1 bran, in bulk, $19 to. $20; shorts, FRANCE AND BRITAM. - ' TER WORLDS MARKETS�S $20.50 to $21.50;. mouille $26 to _ . -AT `SEA. $28.per ton,_ Rolled oats-The mar- Agreement Over Newfoundland -Y - ACTION8Ei'ORTS FRO1>d TSE LE]►DI2Rd kat is firm; dealers aro asking x2.15 Sas Been Concluded. _4 . . It TRADE CENTRES. to $3.30 for bags, and .x.70 . to _ _ -, _. _. _ _-_,____ t10 bbl on track. Provisions despatch ati $4. for s. tri visi ns A Yana despa h says It is io, A _ _ Pnc�rs of Cattle, Grain, Chtep_, -Heavy Canadian short cut pork tserted positively in authorit 1. . - - - - and I Other Dairy Product $18.50 to $19; light short cut, $19: yuarteca that the agreement between - ` at Home and: Abroad. . 2.9; American short cut, clear, $17 to France and Great Britain conrernil � damaged .%ssian_ �lessels Being Toronto, The o 1 d h been concluded._ ._ -compound American tat backs, $l 50; nn 1. March ei.-Wheat.- The compound lard, Sc; Canadian lard, The ofHclals say the negotiations re- lati to Morocco, Egypt and Stam t c o co . J ' ' •• with little doing No. 2 whit¢ and a are. -. progressing in such a sa o- . HaDidlyepaied ccording to equality; bean, 11 to - - 1. . .. red are quoted at 95c )now freights. 13c; bacon, 14c; fresh killed shat- tory miner as to promise early con- , i •. Spring wheat is nominal at 90c east, Coir hogs, $7.60 to $7.T5; country elusions, similar to those in the case of Newfoundland. ', • = = and goose- at 84-to 85c east. Mani* dressed hogs, $';; live hogs, $5.38 to The differences over Newfoundland' toba wheat unchanged, with No. 1 $5.50. E s.-New laid, 23 to 24c. AUTHENTIC NEWS. - London Dally Mail:says that a Rus- Northern quoted at $1.03 at Georgi- gK are of long standing, Great Britain elan staff officer states that although q Butter-Winter creamery, 19# to-20c; claimingthat the French right to oo- ' A despatch to Clio London Times an Bay portw; No. 2 Northern at new made, 20to 21c, full grass, fall g _ from Wei-Hai-VPei gives what is-evi- Gen. Linievitch personally disfavors 99c, and ATO. 3 Northern at 96c. No. g copy a strip of Newfoundland store holding Yin-Kow, the local staff has makes, 187} to 21#c, according to without payment of ts.xes, and with- dentl authentic a 1 bar is nominal at $1.0,. Grind- i y c`ounte of the al- obtained permission to defend the . d quality; to dairy, 15 to 15#c; out being subject to Newfoundland /' . ready lengthy reported bombardments Ing, is transit prices. are Gc above rolls,,16 .to 17c;, creamery, 18 to . Lown.,:''More field guns have arrived. laws, has prevented the proper oxer- of Vladivostock and Port Arthur.,The those quoted, lg: Correspondent Three 'thousand coolies are employed I )•: Cheese-Ontario, 10 to 10;c; else of pro�•ineial .authority. It is - pondent says that Admiral Oats-The markot is firmer, with a Townships, 9 to 10c. understood that the French-territor- nt 30 cents a day in constructing 2 P # Alexieff's re orts that the Ja anese fair demand. No. white quoted tit lal rights are relin utshed, but the P P earthworks. (3 q ;eet was out of range of the forts _ ;324c north.an4 west, and 33c low UNITL`D STATES MARICI✓TS, rights of off-shore fishing are-retain- _ -_ --- '-'was untrue. The forts were really 230,000.RUSSIANS. - - freights,. No. 1 white quoted. - at Milwaukee, Marck 22.--Wheat-No. ed, thus, permitting Newfoundland to' - .. -unable to reply to the-Japanese, ' 34c east,.and No. 2 at 33c east.' p y apanese, be- Gen. Kouropatkin, who is On his 1 Northern, 98c to $1; old July, exercise authority throughout the is- _ 1. . cause the latter took positions be- Barley-Tho market is•quiet with a 921c Rye-No. 1, 72. to T3c. Bar- land. .. _ . .-.. , yond the arc of trainingof the Rus- way to the Far East, telegraphs, ac- moderate demand. No. 2 quoted at Concerning Morocco,'3t is expected - • cording to the St. Petersburg cor- ley-No. n N to 6,8c; sample, 38 to g etas s. In the destroyer engage-, g g 45c middle freights; No. 3 extra at that thea otiations will remelt in Sredpondent of the Echo ds Paris, „ 501 horn-No, 3, 40 to c; Jtlay, meat, on March. 10, all the vessels to 44c, and No. 3 at 4-c middle is France a fres hand in North- that 230,000 Russian troops ate freights. 501 C. _ g _ engaged- were more or less damaged, now concentrated between Harbin gh Buffalo, March 22.-Flour- Steady. West Africa, thus permitting the de- : The Ja ase losses were nix killed Peas-The.market is firm, witJi No. Wheat-Spring, velopment and extension of the and Yorb Arthur. 2 quoted at 65a west and 66c cast. steady; No. 1 North- French colonial empire. westward and eight wounded. 'One Japanese • q ern, Duluth, carloads, $1.12; winter, - - • . destro-er was hit on the water-tine Cora-The market is quiet, with from Algeria- : S nothing done. -Corn-Quiet and easy; - and two of her compartments were CHINESK ATTACK POST. prices firm. No. 3 American yellow Much significance is being attached' . P ._ .. No. 2 yellow,_ 55c;. No. 2 corn,- 53c. :. - •flooded and she sustained other dam- A Yinkow despatch to the London 4uoted'at 5Sc on'track,Toronto, and to the settlement ot'these dit3ereacea p Oats-Weak; No. 2 white, 47ic; No. . age; all of whicg was repaired in Daily Telegraph states that several No. 8 mixed at 52c. Canadian corn 2 mixed, 45ic. Barley-Spot, No. 1, at the present time, as it is consider- . four days. The boatjs quick-firing hundred. hundred Russians arrive is nominal at 384c west for yellow, . ed to be a practical realization of . g . 60 to 65e. -Rye-Dull; No. 1, 85c _ _ and- at-38c for mixed, the friendships established under the ammunition was wetted, The Rus- there daily. Nineteen more gene Minneapolis, March 22,-Wheat - ' etas defeat, , den ite their su rior have been added• to those Ia . the . hiYe--Tho market_in steady, with pale of the French Arbitration Trea- ' "` P No. 2 quoted at 58 to 39c cast and lay 98} to 98{c, July 98i to -99c, t and also as an assurance that` numbers, was due to the superior forts at the mouth of the river, q : September 86ic: on track, No. 1 hard y _ I 11 . shooting of the Japanese, and also I Chinese say that the Russian post iwest• the Russo-Japanese War has not had! _ - to the pact that the Rusaiana had at Chiachau, near Port.Arthur, was Buckwheat-The market is unchang- $1.00}, No. 1 Northern 89}c, No. 2 the effect of disturbing the relations , I Northern 961c. _ Flour-F{rat patents, only tbree-paunders, while the Japan-rattacked by 500 Chunchuses on ed, with demand good. No 2 quot- $5,25 to $5.33; second do., $5.10 to between the allies of the two bells `bso had six-poupders. It ie-added i Thursday, Thirty Russians - were od_at 50 to 51c middle freights gerecits, - that Admiral Makaroff is reported to I killed. The Chunchuses were finally Flour-Ninety per cent•, patents are $5.16; first clears, $3.60 to $3,73; _ . - , be makin nod second do., $2.50 to $2.60.. Bran- •..-.r- g g progress in repairing ' repulsed, losing four meu, unchanged, with buyers at $3.65 mid- se bulk, ;14.50. �- ihla.,damaged voshels. Unless Admir- - die freighter in buyers' sacks, for ex- . . - - a Ad Pogo locks him itx.there may yet 1gLQWDI UP BY AMINE. (Port. Straight rollers of special - TATTLE ,liARx ,T,_ MUST WEAR HAIR PLAITED be a Hirt action at sea, Admiral- _ tbrandy for domestic trade quoted at - Togo has born comparatlrely passive 1I A despatch from Chefoo' says that ',:<•1.40 to $4,R5 in bbls. -Manitoba Toronto, March, 2�, Butcherp' - Regulations for Female Employes recently, ai o'high his cruisers and l the destroyer Skori_was blown up by ;Hours unchanged. No. 1 eatents, Very fair trade, with prices aloof in All Factories. e • torpedo-boat destroyers are'maint.nin-` a submarine mine which had got out 1$5.30; No. 2-patents. $3, and strong i shady, but easier at the close, pr Toronto despatch sats; Che Min- - 'dng a close blockade of Port Arthur, of place. Another despatch from 'bakers', $i.90, on track, Toronto. Sheep end lamDa-The market a ister of-Agriculture, lion. John Dry- • . Chefoq lays the-disaster occurred on �Sfillfeed-Aran steady at $17 to lit t:e dull,.-but prim unchanged. A i den, introduced a bill in the Leglslar . Wednesday. and that the destroyer ,$17.5(3, and . shorts at 318,30 here. few spring lambs are coming in, the Iture to amend the Factories Act, The . - • NO BATTLE YET. struck a mine winch nas not on the IAt outside points bran is ,Dieted at (falces ranking from $5 to $10 each. ^ I. Russian mine chhrt, - The'despatch :gtG, and Shorts at $1- 50. Manitoba A pair of eery fine iambs, the best iProrisions -of ttlQ measure 'iSre some- A report was circulated in London what radical. The first clause enacts . on Saturday of a battle on the Yalta adds that it is probable that the 'bran in sacks, $20, and shorts at on the market this heason, brought that „Y"-fig girls and women _ in , mine was s one of those which Admit- $•31 hero. In by lUr, James Skeane of Pdr and the captnte of 5,800:Japanese: t factories shall during working hours, . A a1 Toseo reported recently that. be ; - --- - _ . Credit, and bought by Wesley Dunn, . despatch from fit Petersburg � wear their hail roiled, or plotted, and _says:- .The reported victory on the had laid across the entrndee of the COUNTRY PRODUCE• br rtlght $-1 Cho pair. 'Yalu River is frankly declared to harbor. .- t#pp(eq-Trade freer is quiet, ccith Feedcrs--There is n good m"aiket �fastc eontaN"With working Iy to their head. hitlea have been impossible at military "-�. (?rices steady at_$3 to $1'. per bbl, !for larders and stockers, but not I . .. roe .shafting. ,or material be,n hand- . many con ng in Receipts are a;- g K headquarters here- It Is pointed out 1RUSSIANS RT•-'TR.CATI:tCG.. for the beat stock, lest, It shall be the duty of mann- ' that to Inflict such a cru h e Dried apples.-The demand is limit- Ipected to be heavier next wocdc, as ! + " �_il4ji drat { gers, superin endenis, foremen, and on the Ja aneee the Russians would The London- Daily- ffia11's Chefoo Qed at 3 �-roads ogee un. __ _ _ i _. _ p ed, 'and priers are or to i lothors'in charge to see that cuTployca_ . correspondent, who`has lust returned , � flogs-The market. 1s weaker, with ' have,-had to have been, numericnliy, to 4ic per fb, Evaporated apples. 8 Icon ly with this wMon " - - enormously su rior to the enc from a steamer trip along the Cereals Ito t3 c r lb. Pro�xcts lote.w� 'though priers to- I'o my, # Pe Another clnune stipulates that the . • Which the Russians la Corea.are n9t. coast, says that the vessel was stop- Beans-an.* is quiet, and pr1ces day ,c;•re unchanged hours of working in any day shall ._ pod by a'`Japaneso gunhoat off -an istead Prime beans aro noted at I`xportcrs. heavy $4 5(1 to$4 95. - _ _ inlet, 12 miles below Chinampho, and Y' AO -q Dulls, heavy, (not be earlier than seven 'o clock to . $1 0 to $1 and hand picked' at fife ularning. and not later than sev i :. - ; - RtTSSIA'S GREAT ARMY, warmed that the place was dangerous '$1 65 to $1 70. cwt 3 75 . 4 00 .-. . . «r An official statement issued. troth, owing to mJnea to the channel. Atter- flops-The market Is unchanged, at do - light 8 ;,U 400 The a in the evening. - ' the o'c '� •' ' ,-. - existing Act is made much h'ridnlussa s tmhtlitary headquarters on orts were creed. The main body r26 to 32.c, according to quality Feeders, 800 IDs. and ainer with rr-ard to ,the sanitary .. the wards a-constant succession of trans-trans- Y 3 at 550,000 men Includ- 'P P y I ITottey-The market• !s firm at 3 -upwards $ 00 I 2. Ip1 g i condition ion of all factories for which .: "_ ._In artillery and, caval of Japanese are loading at Chin- 2 Short keep, 1,100 the employer shall be hold responsible, g y ry, will be Ito Tic per tD for bulk, and at $1 5 n ra e n the'Far East b ➢Ra ampho direct from Japan. Three to 32 for comb, IDs. 4 00 -_ - . Y y landed t Chemui at No overcrowding while at-e6ork is .. - thousand tan a Po Stolb' s, , 400 to 500 . -. ; 95. R{av-The market is utet, with of-• _ _ � a �• ' _ - i � q to be ¢lion'e*d in tiny fee y, no- _ _-, 1 last week had 2000 _ more . . �, - -- s Oon. Kour atkin will make his .end of a term restrteted. 7 No, 1 timoth' las. 2 .,0 3 12} _ P . y ! r•o ehn trill and a standard- headquar'tera at ITarbin. Manchuria were due. The Russians are retreat- (quoted at 89 60 a tan here. do , 900 lbs. .,. .. 2 76 3 5_& i x` ing across the Yalu River before the - Butchers cattle, of-301) c,ibic foet of room space is to The serious land campaign will b6_ Straw-The market is dull, without be allowed each employe. . n In June, b t it will advance of the. Japanese ouu)osta choice .,... ..... . 4 25 .A 4C' I - . " ' -$t u probably he 'Atrong detachments of Jananeso have !offerings, and prices nominal around do odium ., ... 8 �i 4 13 IF - -1 Sv _^. S'_:,0 an trark here, n - : . - fought I.-_. __ w tawh. ---- 1--Potatoes-The market to istaad do Kicked .. Q 2,; 4 40 .'_... Au at before a decisive .battle 18 • American' refugees who arrived at Yr.- do bulla ..... 9 7°S 3,."00 $AND AND FIFE BURNED _. It is admitted officially that thiry I I with' offerings rrtaderate. Choice cars •. _ . -teen Russian- merchantmen have been Chomulpo - Tuesday on board the are quoted at 9Oc per bag on track do rough ... 9 75' 3 25 __-. . cruiser Cincinnati say that thn whole I Light stock belle, Terrible Double Tragedy on Berke captured by the Japanese. hr+rc, nail inferior quality at 80 to ' -- administration in Northern Corea is cwt 2- 2,e_ 2 .5A. le Et., Toronto. In the hands of the Japanese. .This 8''c her bag, Y P Poultry-Receipts are moderate, and h{!!ch cows :... 30 el,l 6g 00 Toronto dos _ - II'ORF.IGN. TROOPS FOR-f.'?.AR. (ntc•h says:-Mrs'- • Is also- the case ire every part of the { r ices as a rule unchanged. Chickens, Tfocs. best ... , ., 5 124 Q _ • - Owin to - the desire of numorous county , Corean independence Is at P ". 5,n0 I.'autuel -blit:chell, wife of Patrol- _ Owing y' Pt 11 to 113c per •ib ; turkeys are•quot- do light 4 .A7i (Set t. Samuel 31itchell, of 1o. 2 Servians to enlist in the Russian-' an end, according to tha rorrospond- �cd at 14 to 18c per TD. for fresh kill- Sh,rp, export, cwt. 3 7S 4 2rS pollee 8tatlon, her mind uishingat bRc, army, the Servs r t n Office ask- ant a IbA ,, 5 2b 6 n0` r, , - - t ll' ion a the recent of her *d Vie zar 1 Icer sorv:ces woe d •-- 1.0ao- _end death L n 12�per. ID,_ _ ' : Bi:cam- ...... •`A-� 5�.�da�,ter. the 5niG ir It , comm e�t-'- • be accepted. "The Czar, through the - CAVALRY DfADE A hASH. Gulfs, each .... ... A 50 - 4 25 I suic•ide'by setting her clothes• on tire . Foreign Office, replied that he was • . Tlip PAIR MARRF:TS. Calves `5 NO 6 50 1 after_louring ,oil upon ti:em frons a - - Willie to-accept t the service of 500 An official despatch• from Seoul to_ . . - . . __ Willing P Tokio ser s that 1,500 Russian cav- Butter-The market to-da wan 1 Paraffin ialnp at her home, 278 Servians and.300 Bulgarians. . S. Y r Berkeley ',treat on 'rhursday. , - . • nlry made a dash betweea•Wiju and quiet', with prices unchanged.- 11'e WELSH REGIMENT MUTINY. i At 10.80 a.•m.. the husband,-who _ _ . . - _ . Ping-Yang. Two hundred of them quote ,as follows: 1-Ib, rolls, - ;:RLiLFS FOR FOREIGNERS. q Was ea 8oute From Pri+toria far- 1Pay ��p' haling been ou night . came as far as the Solsenko River, 18 to 1:44c; -choice-large ralls, and duty, was awakened by hi% wife's ' - Tho Russian - authorities' notified ind'flred of Japanese troops on thn selected dairy tubs, 10 to 17c; medi- Entbarkatiori. 'foreigners -at hew-Chwan on Fri- Other side; The fire was not return- um and low !ter:'tsin s:scams. He ran down y, g grades, 12} to 14c; A despatch to the London I:xprcas stairs in his night ,flirt, and tried to day ,that they are'forbidd'en to pass ed. A despatch, frosa Seoul save i.creamery prints; -.31 to' 22e; solids, *root Johannesburg says that a bat- iextingui.sb the 8arires by throwiwng a - • the city walls or to go to the Russi-1 that-the Corcan Military Council is' 19i t'o .Oc. , . pan ralltcay station err•fort..Forci n- talion of the Welsh Regiulent, num- oar?:ct about tits wile. ' Ills eight B contemplating sending,the Ping-Ya g I I?ggs-The market continuos study, heeling 600 men_waf in opeiv.mutirt�shin•t l.c,;une.ignitec}, and he was . _._ ars are allowed. to visit.only the gain- battalion- to-the north, ae an army with sales of case (pts at-22c Per -on-Saturday at Ifowick, Natal. The very badly burned. Neighbors who T-x boats of their own nations. . of national defence, d'oz�n. Americans quoted at 23c• batt.alion'.were enroute from Pretoria Law,w•ored his shouts found both mon Twenfy thousan8 men are quarter- � ,� ' Cheese-Trade is doll and price un- to- D:Irban for embarkation. Tho and wife, uncons-Awls. . _Vmbulan:ea _ rod 'in the village between Tasi-Chow,. . changed.. ,We quote:-Finest Septein- ,,fficers had vainly tried to.ivaiutain were at once collect, and ;tile, 'were$ : s sad New-Ch-ang, and ten thousand MISSTONARII S� SAI'F... bar's, lid; late" Fall and seconds, IU more are expected. The Russians to 10 c. di'scijiline, but'the aril got rutirely +wlte�een[rs,thRitchQll,Jilerfas"ho{Itll'Ibc�.`• An Ottawa despatch says: The Sec- i out of hand. .They carried their I S . :were entrenching themselves betweerklmt.ary of.State is in.rgceipt. of a - -• arms into Howick, raided drinking fore 2 p. tit. Mr. Mitchell died a few �, the fort .at the mouth of 'the river !cable on Thursday from Lord Strath- - TIOG PROTIUCT9. bars and stores, , and drove the ,minutes before n-,idnlght. , and'the•'!ow'er. cerin in regard to the stens tak 6.-__Dr sed_ho,a'arr steady, with-ntTer- •townsfolk before them. There were ,- -• - . • I r. `- prot6ct thA 'interests of the mission-, Ings moderate, Car lots at SG.40 to wild. scenes of co-'n ct, an51•soon there - '- -_- -- .- -GIi9�1SF.>D THE YAI.U• aries in Corea. It says:- 'Admiral- f,.,+,--^�- - ' '- rLs.- $G75 delivered here. Fn,ed o -- :un_ p despat,ch.to the London Times 4ty has received telegram from Com- are in good demand and prices firm,' tincers spread over a circait of-a RAISE_ R VISITS GIBRALTAR• _ _. from New=Chwang, definitely denies' mander-in-Ch-lef-of China station, re- We quote:- Bacbn, 'l6ng clear, 8f -tb couple of miles, takin,q'poss_saiun,of 1 . . that the Japanese have established ;pori!W that H.M.S. Phoenix arrived iS4c per 1D. in case lots. Mesa pork,- houses, pillaging-:and tcrrorix:nz• A 'Was - Welcomed by the Sero of . themselves' in Southern Manchuria, i at ,Gensan :With Canadian missionarf- 1517; da short cut, $13.:10 to $19. telegram was sent to Pietrrnlaritz_ L.adys:ns,h. It says that rio Jbitntiese'scouts res from Long-Chin, who did not ro- Smoked meats-Hams, light to (burg for help, and the conllnnnder A. Gibraltar despatch-says :-Tile. have been seen there since the- be=' quire further passage. - r -ginning of Mayall, It confirms. file - . nredlunl, 52.,(: $o heavy, 12e; rolls,-ftheca despatchrt3- a battalion - of �.. Norlh German Lloyd stennu•r Koenig lOc•' 'shoulders, Sic; hacks, 18 to (troops, with two Maxim guns, to ria- Albert, with I:ntperor William of - + reports that the Russians have cross- x . tiTDP]SPREAD.IN-EFFECT' „ ' 13,c; brear4fast bacon, 13c. store order. Germany onboard, and under .con-the- Yalu- Tiver and-gone south,. _ _ Ther ted�wy - = I !" --.,, _._M8cr Print Teaving a small force to guard the The-'last bombardment of Port ` e on Fri- river, Df in.ted messeligers pass Arthuz ie declared'to have made ev- 'prices unchanged. VCe quote:-Tierc- information on the subject. hricderich Karl, arrived d hcl , both says` U'ail er ,es, 8c; tubs S}c;_pails. Si-to Sic;_ -4 day. i'he British squncil ten-st align ; y y part of the fortified area unsafe. compound, '7} to 8}c. nd 1 ere saluted the Cerwat sfiip...ate- , . , The Russians are taking new and - - -- - STATIUN AGENT SUICIDES. Ge,raral Sir i;oorgo Stowkirt White, ACTIVITY AT'ITARBIN, special measures to guard the Ixmia __ the Govei�nor'of-Gibrili.u•;' boarded " - i'! BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. ` The London Daily Telegraph prints sula. Found Suffering Extreme Agony in the Koenig Nibert and welcomed his Montreal, March..2�2.-Djemand for His Office. A Chefoo despatch saying that the - ('Majesty. Emperor «'iiliam.. )se- - Oats is quiet just now and trade is uentl landed and lunched-with Sir ' - - launch.Nigger has arrived from Port . TO JOIN BALTIC FLEE'('. = confined to Ana occasional carload. A Lindsay- despatch says :-C. Ii. q y' - orge White. The streets traversed .- . -!Arthur. She took-refuge at an is- Barton,R3artonthe. Grand Trunk -Station It is stated that five vessels of the prices seem firm, however, No. 7 still . land midway between the two pe. _s, ,ggent at HaliburtQh, ended lits life by' his DCuJesty were lined with - vohmteer "bet, now at Sebastopol, realizin 40c in store,and No. 3, 39 _' owing to bad weather, 'and two' Ja- g at that villa e b dritikin blue vi- (Proops quid bluejackets. Tfie Elnf�r- _ _ • have received preliminary -orders. to. tQ'39 c; No._2 pats;-Ontarto ointa, g y g l or was a ordq'j a most hearth Ye=`' paneso -torpedo- boats which were } P triol a few' ays ago. awing to the I $ - there searched_ her thoroughly, but ttroceed to the Baltic two months millers' prices, 35c-for export; 38 to continuous block•=ade tend •the dread-1 caption. f e I:napaar•or :islted • ti:a' --�' '`-found -nothing that was subject to hence. It is understood that they 34c,low_freights west;. No. 2 peas ful state of the roads, particulars new, Admirnit.y dockyard yesterday • aon4scati'op. S�ie frits therefore al- -w� serve as colliers to the Baltfo elsking 65c; No. 2 barley, 46c; No. 3 (afternoon. Ile w-as lookin tale_ but - - , nadroa, which will evil for tfis Far are only now aeailablo. _It appears �: r _. _S L lowed to proceed. One of her ons- extra barley, 45r,'No. 3', 4ic. F1otIP that Barton, who commenced his chrnr. ll, and smiiinel; gre�teti t. tirengors, who came from Barbin, re- East In June, and_that they , .will --Millers -report -a firm market, the _ orfs eat activit at Mukden, �y 80,000 tons of coal in addition dein d bean active; DRanitoba duties only.a short t[uie ago, . was i 12,CAOii c{MO w IZ, 4C i 9pecte oltE p gr y ads g pat- seized witli a feeling of loneliness, i to welcome •blip He inspected ' a _ yfao-Yah .and -Hai-Chen.. Enor- to.their own supplies, Q $ being -away frost his family -and I ser and tRa trnn--ts. -In the 1 g; . atit�w $5.40; str'otr bakers', 5.10; yerw . mous herds of cattle are being drly It Is semi-of5cfally stated-.that the .faltinter rheatr.patents- $5 to $6.25; among etre.ngers• The unfortunate' afternoon the Fnreror, orcumpaiiiery _ . ___..- , can to the Russian camps- from the Admiralty has abandoned the idea of straight rollers, $4.75 to $5; straight Iran was found in-the state of ex- 1 by the Covernor, visited the Moorish - interior. The Chinese are friendly the squadron going to the East by rollers, in bags, $2.25 to $2.35. Feed trema agony, .having drunk a yuan- castla and -the galleries.in the rock.. and are freely furnishing supplies for the north-east passage, it being held •=.Bran and shorts are firm,.arad good `tity of battery mixture. TTe linger- life commented upon the seamnnliko'- ' Abe Russians. to be, unnecessary,- inexpedient and demand; Manitoba bran, in bags, $19 ed •in great -pain' until death ended appearance oft tine bluejackets aid -- 90'" X/R,9,nw aarrospnadnat of the virtually impracticable. to $20; shorts, $21 per ton; Ontario Ihis-swTerir,gs. Atha Ane physique of the -troops. 11 - . . . -1y 4' . - ' - - - . . .1 .. . . _ _ / __ '' .. _ i. .. _ ' . '>r _ A 4 , , C./", 1 •�.r, ... ,• - .- -- .r3.m _ �'^.'••-rte .s2f.NY�Y, F Ott, - �. .•. p'w�•, it•* .h 3 b _ �. �.. i IL i� Ike f irkrriulg � Juo. StEibo is accompanied by his aapc �ll� wife. . L pnblis3ed every Friday morning ay it°otlso •! �., �• t Piokenng out. — TEBXS Highland Creek. i •i-26y,r701163Fi •1.00 tyeidinad>,aae -- •T _ cil at -=, ed tonacce tlttheste cos N Ir ;�SearboriCn. det.i,j f I r----' Tw! 1, k offered by the Scarboro Electric � ------ - - ~ Rail\c re the proposed extension _ to Highland Creek. ruder the g ' .�ou Till be able o `buy at-- a rest sentrati$g 'I IV CL BATES OF ADCERTISL*rCi: is xu be completedto Highland a r line in Creek by ' soh st: ssgasnt iaclude on,per a not • - Council sought to reduce the term Thio rate doe• oL incl ,Leal e gor Foreign ad- tztt.ements. of the franchise from 25 to 20 special termacompany Sate Register. VV J . given to parties =sang con- years and to have the to ' tact°for 9 or 6 months or byy the year. Halt- p y _ yearly or,yearly contracts pagabla quarterly. issue .return tickets front High- Fam.,M 31-XiwH 25th, 190.1 -Combin- - Bnunese cards,tan linea or ander, with paper, land Creek aIld Scarboro at 25 and ation sale at Hubbard's Hotel in the •Oaeyaz,i5 OO,payaLlto advance, Villa a of BI•OL3 hath.' For list of Nice Fresh tsi'Notioeialocal00tea cents per stns, cents respectively. The comp- lamas $ g - . A Ave centsper line each aubsegaent insertion. any refused and the Council was articles see hills. Sale at one. Pou• yeoliel contract r tee made known oa,applica. cher& Postill, Auctioneers. — Ca. 140 free advertising. finals} induced to yield to their _ Adveztisemeau without written netractioae terms of a 25 yea-' franchise and WilThe!assess rash forbidden and charged aa- eordin return fares of $0 and 25 cents. Now Advertts&ntmta. eordinjly, Orders for discontinuing advertise ileenumust be In writing and seat to the pub- Tha fare from Half-way House — l,eher°' will be the same as at resent- 15 FROZEN bTallii�oba. White Fish Job Work promptly attended to. p FOR SALE-1 new milch cow', .also cents return... 11 a heavy draught 3 year old mare at for g8,con 1. John Gilmour, nanbartou,-P o it4 fir! &I111 to.st-clatladepbadanc. Huron Lake Trout. - r0►u! &I 111-A First-class Local-The, h WA -A good fairru hand by ' Oto• Espeotatlonw-Th• hearty !A Btolgl9 t01(�Of an emLrent g support of the 00001•of Piokeria¢and vicinity � the year. Bus¢ work R the winter• _ y 'dew Yoriclawyerreceivinga severe (;cod wages. Apply to F. T.BItIO:tALL, Oz- reie prim from a �i'ltne33 whom dr{tL.NewO¢azio. f4 S�II4KED Fundy 33sddie 0 Murkar & Thexton, Proerietors ° lwas trying to browbeat. It Y FOR SALE-The undersigned --- : was an important issue, and in H h4as for sale a gn.ntity of first class Tim• . L MARCH to gain his case it was DEC- Achy and wised hal at lot 9i,con i, fickeri¢g• or PICKLED Labrador Herring FRIDAY, ARCH 23t11. 19,)4, essary�, if possible, to diminish the ripply to Win Westlake,Whitby,Out. 44-2S k _ ------- - value of the witness' evidence. j� OUSE TO RENT-Situated half NOTES AND COMMENTS. The following was the dialogue H mile weet of Pickering Viliage. Or will that ensued: eagageaman who reut., for the►ummer or � . Boneless .Cod. - "Illfora year. Apply to GEA.STurTh, Pickgr• 'hen Rudyatd Iiiplinrt wrote -How old are you: ins, the famous poem "Out- �•"Out- Lady of "Se\enty two." --Best Canned Salmon Sardines the 4uo\vs" Cauad4t resented it as � "Your memory. of course, is not F; s ARM TO RENT-TRENT-The87 acres of outh west corder of lot ss,coo 3; known ' ' an injustice to our climate. There si brilliant as it \i•&3 twenty }-ears a„the Casesdy tar:;. Applications to be made was A time when thepoeln would I)e ago, is it"' to urs Josept cassady.Guelph, Geo hobiason �• p orJohoDdvidson, Asuburu, 245 b-Ipperd Herrings - quite a tot de•cri tion of a •'I oto nut know but it is. C'altadiau \tinter, but the coin' '`State sowecircum•+taucei\hich tTELW, HELLO-Fitt cattle and � - - paratly-ely milts w:nter.- we have occurred, raj, twelve ybars. ago d� hogs wanted fYtreoyou Lave tat steCc ' t r r , and we shall see." o!any kind ready to Sell drop a card fur prices f Yj Pt'1e11('ec.l Gtlrlll} fhe j)a3 }te 1- Or when you Rant a ruilct cow,beef nr der or eration had led ttq' tri bclicve that -i1•, about t\\'elve years say soung cattle to reed on shares, write or eve had out-lived that -tele of ago yon studied in Judge H--'e place J A white,br;aIIham +s it . .. .- . wit}ter. and that-;?tlletllinL•rlunil,l of(i -, did you nut;.. ! T,te ht\\jeer maid. "Yc [':L\TI:I>-51, .'sill Etr j,tPSc bL l'.t,• be done to 111p11i1:! frn'.Tisl;l)t1;.)'.1, �7 :nthi+ .,'Tu:.ta d i adjoining t,•rr ores. ���s`�^�?''oT,ert ,1„r s,��i�:+'iidG �6��' , rt• ” • - 1,r1.'tll. 1311t the jr,1,C 1\'l,lL'er lilt « ('1 �'=tT;l---1-iT17 n •U21 ' ¢:ey.ee�Lon39 dr�r�e�unn-a'auc�al°°te'rsLn t 11 . - Eir.,tr�•�'Pd alt ch:ulc,t• fur •l sibs; f tcht•r conttng into) n \ lf)tlice an(l ba err ?!1 we-k;r u',A ensauc. -- i �3 a a. :•11it firaho t Lilt' l'.lijll-h j)•'t•t• '1- it11•lll-t ter III, '.NIr. U- -, Illy -oll �f :av.;y r}c'r ;, lir«ct !r s,l-, .artery (f ���5# Y( ire .ince ' ... tlit• 1•lt'�t• tt'ilulltiC�•f --Ilut^,' r i l ,•,I'.t- r• t � }>E' eCalllllled [i�-!a >t'I'U\t'. 111141 tC :see alr'1¢y, poSr'.ton ,ormanant. \t, hiw 1 j u + vorvth'o . Address r.IJLC�Il31 . .Has n&e tial as G-rmral <tat4'rrlE ut. 1�'r in Y ci:erin,• I ;Lia you wmild lend ine tltcuty ecL+.Ho: ,F:.,,.+D-:at' ern st cr.:.,age, L'-c R I,,;iai- t:, 1):1} klita a quit ut' re -Purpose Farm Fence a -' - .. !tr't' tinal)14' Lrl. f•111"V \it•t\in.: tits• -. _—.... - — _ - l-X•allCiflll sno\\••drift= that \\•e !tear ',1{31 FOR S 1LF-Hein.X t t 1.' r• ;ULIU'^.' 1 t'E'liltl111,e2 also. pit', � • :. Te. 1 l•carrtr. u brocr rnan:tor.st nh :: i I! wi:l turn •Stock 7r`*tjon'! 1 .. •( I LII UC}IP!' j,li t'L^? t): Lllr.• r-.)tt n.Irv, 'flat frr 1:;1 tilts: .flit}' tr) thi- the o a.r,•.of go..i „ ram segs at,d :a 1.,c • injure-bestaifv the Far^.l t Kilu ardille and etlwr jmiilt.: \i'N:t ;!1 )ne-s. hi, tieverb`•eu j):litl. NN'ill a_..,s '.: la tri Y'ck 7 ag \:iiarr ou ti a '- • - prt_:•a'•are,fair•.:rl '1't n;, s 'rl fts .Ia,,0,A. • goes 1:7t need eu.nStaul patcilin�t • • llat-e had till! C,CjIPi t'n(e of 1>l'1it�. Ell IL Ill): a_! ',o a,.re+ cf,, './ate orrtard;uat t,ericniuQ �' ar.,l tush rta90 31k tJ1C LGS-iLj;l.• will t. ).oar-" al uc lance of t:,trn %a:or TL:e last a life-tittle. Booklet and uYPt' t11CPP R'E`P!(? \\Itllrrll: a trash 1C chcl. ''-• - - tarn: .•c:wtr tr�-r:, a:l k,nda of wr.aa.sr,l.n s is ter\irP. 11'r.hear of juilE:triHll, ajood+tate of cWutdtioL I(s,)!a, t>,r,oe.,,00 .:�fullpasticalarsgioauoaregzest 'ill We%tern 01ital-10 ..got ng thin wl 1, 1,*Z,rQt st acy u HtNi%Y t.+`It, 0) Pic►ertn,t. ID�3 •� FOAL SAL H BY the Matt• 1)f the i as k,ckin r tllt� 1 E. L. �I f�Pl l ' - -y- -- tE'legrAj,h R t2:Pi A_ih4'y tvenrl thec — IA PTCgERING. - Hca The n i • -. )'- nLer Ln� fttrui�he,lwVv,w+-s„rte.A,+,s!,rt—aya;s,.ay.4,,s,0e_,011,,, •• -ua with watered for !Itories'which i WEEDS the pre-ent l:eneratloll ntay tris, froth ng ,a11d ltl`lElretl fifty years consumption is a human : \uu[d be exceedirrc ly intetc•..ting to hear thf' -itori• weed flourishing best in weak an ed . Hour aA they \trill.Uo iulEl then. 7rt + - - Lungs. Like other weeds it's - has certainly been a record \\•inter 'and very' fjhTrail easily destroyed while eou ria}a will ie�Eewhen old, sometimes im- -- The nudersigned are,prepare to-pay the highei;4 prises for all kinds - _ - per�sible. f c gT . o oars ,c moveinept h, tu)\C on foc)t t� - - it Will be to our advantsge to see,us before dispouarg. ward- It union of the Alethodist. Strengthen the lungs as you We are--sire your all ,.. d Tt --Ab}ter;an and c'uujzr•E'srational would weak land and theWork ' . .clmrchea of Canxia., A fuw da\s weeds will disappear. 7�� . -. ago. , ineeting wn•• 11041 at which The best sun fertilizer is --- - = AN STOiii E -e� PALM IL -- �- 1efiding hien of tho,e ehurche, g - Emulsion. Salt ork ;lrlvucated a . 1,\cr(� j,re,E-sit and `_�COa'� p union. .At one tinie the-E•rhitrcht's is,good too, but it is very hard -. y ' were widely -ej•antt-d. but xs to digest. - -- -- - tiutr p:1,-e- the=e points of 4iiiTrr- ' � .•. :. 1lice is grar111a1L}_ IxinZ 1•errlot'ed. The time t0 treat consump• / T t until ria l the chief difference is i e tion is when }'041 begin tryin o n e y t ���d F -isnot.cul}•. Iu inlitte.c•of .ductriue w.J 1 • _ ^ to hide It from --).Ourself -- ------ -- ==till are ntuelr-ittike. }stat ill, ntattet•s - �--,------of c•hureh lzovernmemt there is a Others see it, you won't. 11 slight differetice,_ bltt_atcute that. UOn't wait until you can't iii l'eedinjz,5tc)ci;, by using a'good Stra-w-Critter and would hinder:i union. If a union goctli Root Pulper. We have the best for stand or z. were hrou ht abort the benefit decei�'e ourself any longer. �.• _ . • - g power. -Also Windmills, Tread and Sweep 1 - - derived would be incalculable. In Begin with the first thought Powers. Steam and Gasoline Engines, many places we ntay find two t0 take Scot=t's Emulsion. If Sa,,vingJaeks, Grain Grinders,Wagons, Sleiglss, Cutters, etc. - churches. which differ only in it isri't reals COI1SUm tion 50 .. t name, struggling for their exit- Y p ..'-dente. Two pastors have to be much the better; you will soon Geo. Philip, i n, Brollgham Himplorted and two church build- forget'it and be better for the iings have to be maintained, when treatment. If it is consume- - -- _ '— ,one pastor alter©ne built{in «-cxrlrl suffice. If these dehoin natious tion you can't expect to be Rvould unite,ninth of the looney cured at once, b;ut if you will pow- devoted t4 kefaping lip sobegin in time and will be Fair : many�cs spreading could be devoted rigidly regular in your treat- - - �he � .. ,.. . .. -to\\-ards �prexdinR the gospel it, g. y $' , } - - heathen lands,mand assisting those merit o -- . '. settle(1 in the never parts , ). Capital Sub. $1,300,000.tkl. cott s, Emtls �, fresh air,, - " )Solute.-eclinty., • - beileflt� 'resulting from having rest all you can, eat all you / w Unexcelled f••iteilitivs, iminero:t:: denominations, as it can, that's the ,treatment and " Modern 'Methods. nr,ly oleate a healthy and frie�ully that's the best treatment. Trices Courteous Treatment. rivnlr}, that would create greater energy and entlinsiasin. Stiller MARhHAM BRANCH, 'CLARE'31 BRANCH, ,G_ ZVe `vtill send you A. P. Smith, Man L. E. Todd, A would .be much better if they gt. :. A �t•olild unite their forces, as thej a little of the .Emus :... .. . , A • Could accutnplisli Lnuch more. `It sion free. :---- nitlY be many y rs before' -tl•.•, .-'_-Be_,.111 _ .. - �---: hgpP}' state of affairs iil,ty 1)e the form of a label is nn the - gUaCalle�( R'i .. pp : reached, but progresP is, being vision you buy. Atte •f - 21atla TSEL ]t'leitesr s bottle �-__ _ _ T ]0- as tatfon a,'!,=. y ill}t(1P. a5 i flown in ula't�} OTT 'BOWNE, MERRY XMAS TO ALL TRAi is GOi\(} EAST EUR AS FOLLOWS-- place's OLLOWS- �Y places in the wc;t )where the No.6 BAIL 8;51 A. 3d. r Chemists, e`'eI' set of horse .. t +'sal:vr congregations voluutariIv - Y Iryou 1'8- LOCAL ', 2:33 P. M. ivo• way to the stron Toronto,: Ort• r9o. : g ��[•. j�-e � - want 1110 Local, 6:04 P.M. believe the'tiu,e i:, .cluing 'wlteu Sod. and$r; fill druggists.. = ,t first TRhIhS 0019G WEST DUE ASV4)LLOWS:- thct•e will be it union 'of all Protes- * No.0 LOCAL . . . 9:45 A.M,, == bills ane, cards r _- _ _ - tu,nt c•}lnrc•ht�. __--- � Class I'll LOCAL 2:11 P. Id, . p L 1 lam _••7 ilI L 5:27 P. b;. Scartoro PiCvc^. 1= - - rr - - ---- — _ — vigilance •-. Come itt'ee ! printed .at' - this t ;i'iid Clock aria r -nac"- :^itolx)' will shortly �r • • into t1:C' 1:()l*c ftil'211('I'l}• HCC'- -_ -_-,_, - - , f`;' Cister Wealth Repairing. - Formed for recovertrip"property-stolen �� c+r nuiE-(1 i)v Xo . P:Ij)e. - __ from it,1 members and the appre• Of '1Ce• Tr ugh — hension of -the thieves. ' of \c.R ��'e�tl,tin-ter. 13. l':. •ire-. -- call. t5LltififtiCtlOn guaranteed- OT ,l C T ( shorn t tt i:t;t:�,la}-last Membera,havi,ue propertystoleucommuni- :l in StrhM e }t !}' -will spendspendott 1P of cafe immediately with any members. - � y _ and money refunded. of Executive Comrfttttea. See t iu Will(lill- up the ct:tatohletnbers:lip fee 51,00. - Any orders ieft \\•ith ZZ_• J. IiVazin tlleiY father, 1=:1ne Stohu, who a J - Ignite pubtj5hed ei-elf• week during Rill-ht,raltetltnr anil will esti lve ' rlicll.\'cr} suddenly a cuuj)le of Arthur Je .rey Ce0. Len. o. . E. 'EVAN S,• j,i mpt attention creek- b0fore. The two brc.thei's Secretary.' Preeidont. the.season-FREP f,--,r every horst) -JAMES FERGUSON, in the ship-bilildil,14 -Exec.Corn.-(deo.Leug, D.E.Pugh,C• S. .:. Stuck 5t ' Whitb 11-17 CHERRYWOk 1•; i+. I;i tjOi C: halts s. Palmer, Pickering, Oct. whore dills art'p:ilited here. 1 9 4 _,�. �S'•^_3•.�L YriY U . +�'•`- ..�,.-. •'-i•..1 •'- ���--`-"k"' - sem.«.a._ - _ 'A- Y :'e••x.-�.2.. •'«' X . ....'-. .. .. ..:, .. .. era'. .... ..• ,. ...- , !.. r OtARLMOHT Sojs,or Ja anese Beans 3 ; - - 9.Three varieties of Huaking Corn - ':3I `' ---- _ -- — 4 L. D. Banks, of Pickering was 10 Throe varieties of Marigolds 3! - - _ _ . — Y1 Two vvari t i of Mariugar beeoldTf for here vn�ttesda - y' - feeding purposes 2 a& -` Nelson «a has rented John ' " HauOu g$ 12 Three varieties of Swedish turnips 3 �'' ^ Mactiab`s farm. 13 Kohl Rab► and two varieties of fall D. Forsyth has purchased the I carni;e 3 - - - John Reid farm. 1i Paraaips and two varieties carrots 9 J• ti _ For anything in the above line u - � J. H. and Mrs. Beal spent Sun- lb f FSil Three varitiei oodder or age -Call On -day with friends }u B ou liam• 1tf T ee varieties of Millet 7 ree varieties o -orR i m miss a ug > sting wrt _ is Grape Peas and two vat.of Vetches 3 - friends in Pickering this week 'til Two varieties of Rape 2 J. - He Beal, Claremont, :firs. Fred Farrier is visiting 20 Three var eties of Clover 3 � friends in S•touffv'lle this week. 21 6sinfoia Lucerne and Barnet s _--- D. Hopper s rentet t e-house 2,2 seven varieties of Urseses _lately accupied by W. J. Graham. 23 Three varieties of Field Beans 3 � m A. B. Doswell is laid up this 24 Three varieties of Sweet Corn s ,t; urni in Ge' • 25 Fertilizers with cosh 6 --_ . , �� [y� week with an attack of rheh 2 � ? 1`J g •g >;ertiliaers with Swedish Tarns 6 �. Grrowieg posswis on the level aad s Ira Bo3•er is having his house is hills 2 thoroughly overhauled, repapered 29 Planting Cut Potatoes which have and painted. , a d which have not bean coated �^ :1 - From the Head Down l nitertained over with land plaster 2 Miss Ane Casper enAnother s number ni young people on slur- 80 Plsnting.corn is rows and in squares club woman, 14M. --_ --- - - day evening. will be u al variety of Early-corn 2 ale, of Edgerton, Wes., tells New Arrivals ! ° F. S•• Badgeroty is spending aThe size of each plot in each of`the �IOw s�iC was cured of Wegularl• - fe days with friends In this first twenty-six experiments is to be ties and uterine trouble:;terrible Fine line of spring hats, spring shirts(colored and white). -Spring footr neighborhood. two rods long by one rod wide; in Nos . wear, etc. •A call will convince the most fastidious; that R. E. Forsyth's, The Stouffville curlers were here 27.23, and 29, one rod square; and in palm and backache, by the -use North Claremont; is the place to get the right goods at the right price. on Monday and defeated our boys IN-o, :1), four rods square (one-tenth of , - by four shots. an acre). of ydia�Pinkham s Vegetable " R. E. Forsyth i""0'n Quite a number of our ladies Each person in Ontario al ho wishes � f STATION. attended the quilting•party at to join to the work may choose any Y : Mrs. F. Soden'8 last week. one of-the experiments for 1904. and DxA$-3IRs. PLS mum.-A while _ Messrs Stevenson, of Brougham, app for, the same.-fie-waterial ago my health began to fair because of loaded ed the}r cars of settler's gheffam,cts will be furnished in the order in which female troubles. The doctor did no _VajUe� t the applications are received until the help me- I remembered that m mother for the North-west this week. suppl is exhausted. It might be had used Lydia F_ Pin's The-- Quality' " Make' s the -- horse and cattle buyers hassle well for each applicant to snake it Vegetable Compound on many pc- 0 in this neighborhood for the second choice for fear the first could cessions for irregularities and uterus past week and have made large not be granted. All material will be troubles, and I felt sure that it could _.. .,Spring Goo-da Arriving Every Day• :rte furnished entirely free of charge to not harm me at any rate to give it a shipments. each applicant, and the produce of the trial. Ed. McElroy, who has been in Goor)s Now n, STOCK.—'liens Heart'baots to.fit all kinds of feet at close - "'the employ of N. Tarr. our baker, Plots will,of course, become; the pro- I was certainly glad to find that rices. Boys goods, ood value and at close rices. Call and see all kinds party of the person who conducts the within a week 1 felt much better, the P g g prices. �1f ,r the past few tnouthsi left on experiment. terrible pains in the back and side of footwear. M1ionday to take a Situation in C. A. •Lavitz, Director were beginning to cease, and at the At the Corner Shoe-Store. • «llillbrook. Ontario Azt•icultural C.Alege, time of menstruation r did not have Repairing neatly and promptly The Remsen bt De:'ere Concert Gnelph, March 19th, 19W. nearly as serious a time as heretofore, attended to. Co. were billed to ShtiM' here in I " so I continued its use for two mouths T Shoe . chant, and at the end of that time I was like _ �. M. Palmer, mer +the hall ilii -week, but owing bu' larem the lac}. r7t strun7ts e left oil Tie:- Hopkin Agent for al new woman. I. really bare never Claremont, Ont. t H felt better in my lite, have not had a — day luurn lig. They will hold H. kinds of yah sick headache since, and weigh 20 - -- furt}i the rem, r of the week ic'ee ulaanfactared hf the hicLaaglil►c po,mds more than I ever did, so I nes= _ ttt Brougham. I Co'y, of Oshawa. nesitatingg�t, recommend our meds- u is the Tillie This sleek Ire -ec evitleuct- of case."- Fip�. JieY Hare Edgerton, R i e, _ 4priiig. the weatllec has been 1Cis,.Pres. Household EconomiceSlub. Tu lcx,k up yv ttr - ---- ucli luilder. we ltsve least Ovvfis-� - poer.lrCa r tares -- m _ _ s59DD for'felt y orty)r drof above a rrooaeo showery, end the - .. -- --- -- -- q Hoot be A►oQa W 1 V L1A h1k # ('ydi-appe,ll'i11�; :1nd t17e wel- � � ���� ���� �song of t1iC robiti ri:ty b� �i�' ,�, NADIAN if C`� heard. _ -We regret to report the end4}en Vii.. � � - P A C I F I ^r deatll on Nfunday night of Mr. Send theni to DUWSWELL. Cl.kREMOXT, and have John Forgie 1., at the ase of 1 Wor'd's Fa'.1'i St. Louis theta repaired ready fr•r pring. We have n full line years: Mr. I'orgie waad attending April 30.h to Deeemner tat, 1904 of hand made tinware we are 3elIing at Factory service to Erskine rlxmrh on Stin- --- - --- - -- • day morning, tth.en he was taken The Empire]isdibins Co, of London. Se l.`IeI+Se iJ e- a� = suddenly ill &L-the cltrse of the Ont„has appointed the undersigned u ` service. H a'- taken home but local agent for Piokenag.for%be most won. {�(� Dc� well, The Peoples' Tinsmith Iderfaldiscovery oftlienineteenth centars. Excursions, la7lJ4, g� _. gradually Sauk until Monday even I For the treatment of the 'some, Throe t, , in when he died. For a number To lloronto sod Kass-�.aa \art lug tet; g Bronchial Tabes and Longs. It Curia Colts tease Toronto ever?TL'krD 11 dos ins March of years. Mr, Forgie lived on a � Cistarrb, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hay fsvtr and April it eultoent bw:LeN 030M farm just north of Claretnout vil- and all thrust and lung dlaeases. Write raeseugers trsre?ling w:ruout Live Stock lage, but some two or three years for particulars,a stock of treatments and s'omald tali° the tum lea, ag Toronto at lA0 p 7 �? ago moved into the village, where repairs constantly on head se. take the train leaving oro rias pt in shoa►d'he has since re4lded• He lenl'edt0 tali•the train leer Toronto at9 p,m� 1904 P •C3•reon. 'River. Cat. t» � each C�tooui files r will b• attact:ed '-- mourn hip siu(Ideu demiise a widow _ _ _ rain. i and a grown-up famU Re wa-i For ! n pa are and a d v of ^Settlers' a ulexibt•r of the ?'resb •terian 'rule Trees -' - ambi.,nappy to any• Caaedtia Fbelde Ageennt, g p t+aide, '1Cestera Caoa a' ao ant y 1 to _ church and lulthiy re`4vc ted, Ili, or to - A. it. �UT�SA�. i une:al to( p ce o> Thursday -"- •»- .. »- a-fterifooll, when hid remain--; were Alltut s O run Trees, lrtl ` 39ltii 1 li:L:S•..£a,et.'rOrOLto, interred in St. John's cemetery tui' Etc. fo. Nile. ,,o_7th.com of I'icl:e ing. __ Highest prices paid for- Fall an -------7-7 Winter Apple-. We are prepared to do all kinds of wok Prom tl pertaining to the pump basioeu. ExperirttenlaI Union Distribution of JOHN E-Off, Agent, ---- s - - Pickering. p — -- - Choice Seed• s t _ — - _ P ke . __- - �C ri - r _ �: .• . . ;TSe ntenitx-rK of stir Ontario .1„ti- __.,, i-- --- - c44turAl and Fxperiutental Union az n '•0K o-s o ,,, s ti c .. . pleased to state that for HU4 they are !p - John Gerow, ' Successor to prepared to distribute into every '% .iaD f (3seow Boa, Claremont. toan�..of Ontario material-foo ex- odder x Lum W.Q.Riohsruisoa, Age>3t„Pickering. periwentd ttith fodder crops boots, itur rains. gr asses,clovers and fertilizers. p j as rb er ar Awards of 1,500 varieties of farm cs ' e a i7' cl + � - crops have been tested in the experi• ids mental -departulent of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, fin• at M a•a .e least five pears in succession. These asr A All kinds of rough and dressed Camber consist of nearly all the Canadian do- a. S `q hath,Shingles, Doors, Saab, House fin. ” _ eorn and several hundred new varie a 5,.t I _^ a aT e a 4shin s and Silo raatarial • C ties, some of which have done exceed r+O o :n om- w B �] O u ll t S 1iglywell in'the carefully conducted t' o= • a moo$ ; a o a as at- ossa experiments at the college and are ,r, oA 8° >�,. now being distributed free of charge O,•t ie i0 = �3 Cistern tanks and water trod hs made ,for co-operative experiments through- s e� i o o� 30" 8a ' border - --- > out Ontario. The following is the '_ o list of co-operative experiments for J c o e t7 . I 0 z - 19u4— a s 14 r? Three varieties of oats 3.P��I M o= a s r a _ o @ = --- Three varieties of barley 3 $o w e °�' e M r o �• Gordon• -Our Roya] Clothes `wtingei represents - 2 3 Two varieties Hullers barley 2' �•a^y a: � " 4 Two varieties Spring 11'hast 9 W i3e a °4 to o '0 ° notch of 'wringer excellence, Two vane Ila 0 n0 G Two varieties Field Peas for North- January-1905-Whitby 9tb, Oshawa 10th, ` arc Ontario _2 Brougham 11th, Port Perry 13th,Ux 1 i Firmer end Spelt 2 bridge 12tb•,Csanington 11th,Beaverton NEW LAUNDRY .-The woodwork, 'clamps and springs 'are Y 8 Cow 1'eai end two varieties of Soy, 10th. The undersigned has opened up ' 'In of the very best materials.. 1] a laundry- next door to "%V. T. - A Dunbar's, and liaving lea-d._nearty The Robber "Rolls on which c'epend the _ t I's -�1 H, • DsoN S - four year's experience in BBwma�- — - ills, is prepared to do stat-class real worth and lasting qualities of a �ciinger. -- — --- - - . work a usualrates. Important showing of finest display of Give tie a trial. = are made from Pura-PBrLLbt3eF, 'W31Ch'36- China. A yery large assortment of Stationary. Books,Dolls, Toys, jnbt p " _ . - eS. SOO TOS G, e r o These • received for the Holiday trade. Call ' . -"' _` ,_ Proprietor. rt',b . the r est the wo •d pr due and see them. �'e ears and will ranteed for fi y Subscriptions taken for all 3fagaztnes,i rO1lS are gt'ia . Weekly and Daily I',Newepapers, wear f0i fifteen Sears. Such a wringer will W. J. H. R=CA.RDSON, a continuous source of comfort anal satin- F�e' ski - e _ 39rocic Street, WlZitby- "•faction. �'by not get''one now from ea Ta ers Paints, Q i l s, + __�a�� � The RUSSILL HARDWARE C'oinstantly ;on ' l' 12G EAST GING STREET', TfJronto: ` - A.large frasll stsck;uojv on 'asn1. P�r;ces in Wall Paper ranging] hand. s -• y from SC. up. JQ 1 b�rrte 73, �Batchert r.ulpbartooa ����1•>•]•��� - . r • :arra,,:.' ,....•,,;, '155•SYE'•' ,"'__••.+•'.4.....'.'.4•+G: ''+IAA - ".w R••n.'41',"'.•^� ..•'-••rt'•...... '�•tm a�-�r�° .. '�., .., .;..:. �. ,, •,y., C,�, 34`7F,'".{.r,.,� .yFr�+AaG:w i,;" ` _ - ..,r,. kT+ `.• {4�,• "'^.'f a �,'',... P.. �$' ;;y-4Y'P•' .w•e c:-.rT•x '%!, ,���n ftrb',.1w'.•�. .:. v ,��J'� ^a. t .. -.+......,..., .�',.a.,.•.., .,...:,.. .',_a -+.. ' al'.� L'a- - .,�",e-.. :t' :,.M 4s=r.:. "'4. ..a.ce•�nr:.l.-,� .,.er z.Y-,a.-i,..+: S..w�aL. .af !'. . •. c...r ... ary s - _ s .__....a.r.-.....,...-...,.::i..:. _..+3 -_,.,".ac�:iz:,.r... +.,E-•qac:?n!.•,• y " Z{• VID Tymny pp e a RILL _ )Y� WILL SOON • S T REPLACE TBE HLD HIS 'CNGSPEER RAFFERTY FOUND nenn)s BID-_ Great Improvements---`wi p� NEY PILLS. B7 ode in Small Arms. " Was Run Down and Laid Up, and All armies are now at work trying There are very few cleans- the Great emed sends ons ID Which !!nils t . Him Strong and Vigorous arm, and it is probable that, sooner Again. a or later the automatic-ri8e�vill re- Soap cannot be used to advant- 6Vinni alas•, afar. 28-(8 eels! place the magazine arm. age. It tuakes the home. bright ) . Peg, P ) The adoption of protective armor �• n -One of tl•e beat kaowa and most shields by the field artillery,has led and cli-an. -- popular locomotive engineersrunning to experiments for the purpose of out of Winnipeg on the O-P.R. is Mr. giving to the projectiles of the in- BETTER Ben Rafferty, who lives at 1 i fi Maple fart arm a greater will also contribute to success in LDS RUSE •Street. Aud Mt. Rafferty gives some g power of pone- g tration. To accomplish this it -has the final assault. adyke to railway mea that in these bees proposed to,use in .the infantry The machine gun detachmerts r.e PRICES' _ _ VALITY ---- _des - _ '----- - i„- wore none can afford to overlook. eta ccritraT--steel tore, or to to be attached to the infantry in ��� - Y slake the ogive (pointed end) of future. The fire qt machine guns is That advice is "use Dodd's Kidney steel, or finally to,make the entire inteneed to contribute only indirect- �� t � Pills." Mr. Rafferty says : ball of steel. Efforts are also being ly to the result, the fire at short "Yeats of long runs on the railway made to obtain a more powerful range by infantry being still the onlyA had brokeb down my constitution. I powder, which will. give a higher direct deciLdve element in battle. The �` aaraaa,�a •ut lea ;My back gave out entirely. Terrible muzzle velocity. None of these pro- main use of the machine guns will • •/mac - - isharp cutting pains would follow -CAN BE HAD IN ' ,one another, till I felt as if I were )stied improvements, hove\•er, ro=il! be to pet•tnft the infantry of the. at- interfere in any way with the early tack to advents more rapidly to the Palls Wash Basins Milk -Pans �C - rbeing sliced away piecemeal, adoption of an automatic gdn. principal -firing position, and from ! ! ! - "I would come in from a run In view of these probab3e Improve- there to attempt to gain the. super- Any pirwt-Class Orooer oan suppir You. .tired to death. sly sole desire would mems in the infantry rifle, the ques- .iarity of fire. This appears to be INSIST Q111 GETTING EDDY'S• 'be to get rest and sleep, and they tion arWes, will the mac'hii,e gun any the latest conclusion of the author!-- !were the verythings 7could not get. n is. .ties on the subject. lFina I, of sb bad I had to la oft - - 8 longer be n eded when every ma _ lTy g Y �provided with -an automatic ,gun —`���-' Kidnoss is born of our sense of WASHINGTON EXCURSION. ' twork. capable of a very high rate of ' fire THE SNIFFER. -1 "Ricer beftlrg--said up ten dad's . I for at least some serands. kinship to all. MARCH 18. started to use Dodd's KidneyPills. Grant.-"Do you know anything The trifling man never attends to A small number of men aimed with ,. g Lackawanna !110,00, tea days, em �'he first night after using•them I automatic rifles can produce in a that's good for a, the reat trifles. alept soundly. In three days I threw given time as great a hail of pro- Grimes.-"Do Know anything? The hypersensitive are apt to be I tea at )p-overit I3lphia sleeper. CheaLI awaytits belt I had worn for years., Why, I know thousands of things wholly selfish. side tr ar Philadelphia sleeper, itch end now I have not the slightest not t a machine gun. wAut it is y particulars 289 Main Street, Buffalo, not Lar this reason that the military that ar i d for a cold, but I There is too merit in sacrifice tie- N Y pain fn the -back. I sleep soundly I world is inclining to an 1 automatic moven _ ound anything that is good void of service. and crake-up joyous and refreshed, infantry gun, In choosing a new for the !low who has the cold." Your criticism of another is your and Dodd's Kidney Pills did it." arm for trice infantry it is a mistake, verdict on youngelf. The Point of View,-Gin llam-Da ' DISTANT wrrH PLATO. g � -"--"f'— according to the best authorities, to - The heart's protest against . death you consider Dr. Seton a skilled phy- ; IIELPZD BY AN ELEPHANT. lay too much stress on "Are you at all familiar with Pla- is the promise or life. sician:+ Butcher--None better in +' The King of Siam, the fiftieth an- to?" asked Mrs, Oldcastle. r The gi+ent !lyes hay,• all loved some- town. Pay's his-bills regular, piversary of whose accession to the RAPIDITY UI' FIRE. "No. that's one thing Josiah al- thing greater than life. throne was recently celebrated at Tho manufacturers of infantry rifles, ways blames tae for. He says I nev- I Sin is always a )!rater wrong to trey's YJL (wins }lead) Iter than Bangkok, is only sixty-five years of like those of automobiles, have fel- .sr make real close friends with any- sinner than to any other, art (cap Powder is better than c for he a"ended the throne at 1 into the error of supposing that bed ' y i J(i;hteousn,•s, is the only recom- 'otherap�vdcra, as !L Is both soap and ag'' pP g y. dis,ntcctunt• fift,7•m. Miss Lcono•,cen, an Angllah an Increase cf rapidity alone is the I imcnd'ation that goes in heaven. ' :govnrnes9, whose pupil he was for six bu.sis of all progress and Improve- f Dlsappointnwnt Is not a sufficient " 1 !kOCI'l-n- iL COOK. ('it'�:n--«het hat'- >ov don in 'vesra- described hien as an apt echo merit. reason for di:c,rrlrag,herr?. haatdsoti affectionate. and gets ! The adoption of an nutomatic gun There Is at present living in Chica- I 'Thor,• is mor•,• in bvinir_tcorthy of that murder case' Vetecuv�well, groes. with lofty ideals. Chulalong- is not engaging the world'+1 attetr g,l a gsil;Stie ycats of age, n•ho-fs'great place than there is winning lt. -a to jumped on to mors wrong clues koru, which happens to be the mon Pow, because of the possibility of xn,d to be one of the best cooks in IfoNnt-us is the reaching aftAr ra- than any other act of detectives this arca. s name, has v,rifled that charao-' thereby, attaining a prolonged rapid ':that city She can make b'oad, ides l ther than the urriving at perfoction I season. ter by pro4rrssive rine, Ile has giv- rate of fire, but because it will fur- land cakeA and conk a steak ns !tell rho inan who is afraid of burning ea •Siatd an cnlighteeed government. nish the means ut delivering rapidly as any paid export, Ifer mother and Iup his 'wick twed not hope to bright-. Help the Overmorke'd Heart lanC ynt Zealously guarded native cus- Ia compai iyely small number of (grandmother have won prizesi for lett the world. -L; the e�•:at a r; ,: %01,-h p mpa ilfil torts and institutions. Ifetice, whilei,.rota without taking the gun from their eulinary skill. I Ahcn a" man af•ts popularity, berore :,.rocSh y,;.r 3yst m bard pressed. over. �buildirig canals, rallways, lighthouses the shoulder. This wail increr%e the j __- hill r-vea hp is likely to lot principle' Vaxed,groZnln;un3cr its load becau9e div — __ lo�rt hnspi[als. he still nerves as a chances _-.01_h,tting-$ cofupftratively MADr OF NATAL out .of his heart ase has c':.zRed it-' Dr. Agnew-Cure foil salntt or a first! target et some ! +aeHeart ismature Alobricatorandeteanser, ost to the Buddhist tetnrle Ile has, The ciTiorta from Natal for 1903 and dei;., demoas:ratrs to heart su8eren - .. ��rrganized his artii on the German diaCar,ce, because the soldier can fare 'show a decrease of 3�.5 r ctat.�he Dr. A ew's Catarrhal Pow- ; aY T'< that it 13 she sa.c t stirAst•and most speedy model but htg bods-guard is-srlt� a .uri.n shots without lowering Imports amounted to 4 13,OG5.4aA. an I def.-Ito.. ��'. ll of+.a, .,t,:r 4 ('11 ' his Truce or chamgmg. his sight, f remedy that medical science knows-67 eompoaved of ameaons--4()0 daucht,'rs increase of 13.1 pe+r cent. The in Baptist Emancel Churco. Billa:o, ai,esJ It is evident, therefore that along strong tc4ttmon for and Is a firm believer of h.s nobles ITB has also abolished - crease in British imports. hove%er, 6 r - with -the automatic lrsfantry arm, in Dr. Agnew s Cat.irrr al Po-der. He has APPI10I'nTA'IF', _ �Lho aw•orul king, who nxercisod one .was only 3,7 per cent , while German ,,- Rr e" can still utilize machine guns ; tried many kindiof etne'. ,wrttlnut ata:, th+rd nP the Royal power. and has' imports Increased h4 9 and American I I for obtaining a continued rapid Lire Atter ustnq Dr Afire r,( ararth.iI pn.d,,, "it noesn t *,em right to call a established instead a legislative conn- - 42.T per cent oT-long diirati'on - I was benefited at cyte, a e h;y words. I man-of-war the ' cil of noble" At these cabinet coun- But there is another difference be- _ iaa+vonder:u!rerr'•. a ,rents.•-63 i "Cnlrss \ou C, apc•aS ins oT the !tut+•• Y. nils ono of the_sacred white elephants tweeR the two arms, in that the au- GALLOWS TRFS SOLD- "a always present / sign then-of-war. They certainly ' tomiatic fsreat'mgof the infante will stood on Leslie Green, Foch Has T hCy Ys��n. to he the weakc'c vessi-IR" -_ Y The historic dere," wh fi11AI.L 0l1,CI.IkItI1S PON Pnot-IT Fnom nACTNG Scotland. for hundreds of year", and I ~ Thr 5 tx•r cenf, o! the gross re- 1 nil. acce,4sotiea, tri ort est s-the time of Jame,4 more rrolaah;e to ow co • feshire, machine sun, becalirwe of its nlerhan- '�;Vile Convince Sceptics. a w s be a affair,r, w l o e I g. �cal farm ' ipty at the eight 1lcentse urs .ar y mere + r loos heat) I VI. for hanging malefactors, has been chops than to engage in fruit grow= , - - era accepted by New York State has In the construe n of the hifantry !cut down and the branches sold atter Ing under such circumstances• the Golds. Catarrh and Oatarrhal _ b yielded upwards of £40.(4)0. The gun the fir%t conddi u-:r to be fulfilled keen biddingfor325. size of the orchard may well be Headache Relieved In IC jprora•ds will he di"tiibuted as prizes is that of accuracy, at. I the ranges I - •.• -limited to the suppiy of fruit use¢ ` r (skirmishers ' kaeel4n or be tntcrvietrmb man doesn`t want to for fainil�' use. If, how,?y,cr,_,_Sruiir t A news And Cured by Dr, eta A new'- OaRArrhal Powder, i sympathyp !put his hands all he has to do is to is grown for tom rrcial pur[,c,ses, it , A " let various ,sgricutt"ora}--s��---" (o Ire con.ldcted are t riri.a lv those R;hens dem at. which 'comparatively •malt tar- � Then you have no sym ath for kg in his pockets. is n MkKake to have a susall or- i the deserving poor?" said the char- lying down, for example) may hard, Nere'n one of a Lhntisand seen testi e•• be still so clearly visible 4 i mc'nioa. Ret- A ll. BtKkley, of Buffa- I itty worker, ''hie. retorted the self-I BraTsos Oxtq��tTr or Totino, i Coder modern methods of -core to, ,eye "1 wl.h nu to know what e l as to ilk tired on with effect. Lv n�c'c�lLnry f as --} blo.eung ilr, Atrr•ow's Catarrhal Powder 'Dut tr1 tri g rbiA arm is therefore iaiaucfecl, above I In acuter icorey ofml� Cath that he 'ch 3i rCT is to ti Cli- ,+:TT fit riinoi`t resit w,ti: this di.eaar ro I was troubled !made tuan; why, air, I have nothing' M the e•x ,rose attrndin a "tnall or- t - _ I• _ _ -_ty its-_a or- (-&%a tel ata_rrl of yens. I'd( tris y „ icll, for comae a i C y short rang. P h 9 m o F J p nr,t time I used this remedy it gave J f --- + - t hut.ey & Vo , doin 'Nabusinto the to the number of freest than for a DOCTOR DID IT, Cit of Toledo. �ount � I most delt,rtitful. rclret 1 now til Bard THE MACNiNF. G1'CS, y y and Staw large .onhartl. O! course the intslli- tn),elf rntircly cured." 22 aforesaid. and that said Arrn will pay gout I'lAll will ingest is market Put on 38 lbs. by Food. the aura of ON4:.HU.tiURFaI pO1,LAtti t)r. Agnew Is Pills or."'elightfol. ed the other hand, aro n construct- for each and eiory case of Catarrh that ronditiofls befUrC setting• large or-� ao d,sea w c ear. ed as to stye a prolonged rapid' cannot be cured 'by the u" of Halt's chards, and will krxlw pretty well ----- . Feed a physician back' to health 1 fire; asxi,their cone of projectiles is Catarrh Cure. FIfA,41k J, CHENE.Y' what may he expocti•d from- his soil, An admirable Food of the and he gains an experience that he sufficient! dense to admit of their tiworn w before mo and suhscrttitd is can use to benefit others. For this Y my preicance, this e3th day of December, -hut when these thin,* .arc well under- reaxon Grape huts food !a dart✓. rt etTective use at comparatively . lung A, D 1886. stood and stem favor•ablo, thea thf.r distances. Accur'a'cy is therefore not ..... A,W.GLEASON, iprofitahie orchard will be the large commended to patients sly hundreds Iso important, end hence Chip arm is - .votary Public FPS' S • -tsar :' �one.. Once 'i�et, then the care must ' E ..... of physicians who have carod 'them- better for long range fire than the ..... (be all requiri�d or 'rho large !orchard � Finest quality and flavour. selves of stotnacti trouble. ()na doc- infantry rifle,wind another advantage hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internal- will he the greater, loss.than the tor say's' lies in the fact that it may be fired ly, and seta directly on the blood and sruall one would have been. I "Although- a physician and trying over our own infantr • advancing to mucout9 surface% or the system. Send ' i r y g for tc4tlmonials fee. to aid and assist my fellow beings to the attack, seen on leve} ground," s F. J.' Cl1KNFY Bi Co., Toledo,-0. DT:fiT 11'ASIIII�c:'1'OK'EXCCnsioN. C 0A enjoy good health it. must be admit- I This tots not exclude the use of the o by ail � ugg sts. _75c, ,fted I formerly did not enjoy the best machine gun at short dktances, it _ 'Puke Hall's Family Pills for coned- I Gees \ia_Lacl gwgnna, h[arch 13th. I Nntiitioua and Ec��aetsiicai. of health myself. In January, 18991 the vitcumstances requite it, at_ potion• �= Ten Deniers, ten days via Water Gap. y 48-21 I only weighei9 119 pounds. At this I though in general the well ,limed fire ,Stop-over at.Philadelphia and Dalti-' - 'I-was IiVhig in the Ohio valley of infautr`y aruiod -,�Ith an automatic mare. : titcepor to Philadelphii}� Rr OLEANINQ NAtQ�1f1! and.began to think I had about'seen gun'is then more effective. T�EN'1'I?NCI;" SFS(�IONfi, . 3TA[T serve accommodations now ' g9 n f OYTINO my est days. (hie day about This distinction between long range Love ' si hied-. ulT lo.. �.ADIES a sY1Ts years ago I had an opportunity to and short range fire is not new. Faith is the, secret of firmness. Trr16 try Grape-Nuts food for my brLak- Indeed, history proves it to Ile ver Pl a\e you asked papa?" "1'cs, I - o re crick fruit. telephoned him. Ile said--he didn't KONTRUJu Tonolwro, o'rr.\we t QV61320 three teaspoonfuls three times a day r the Great light gimp for firing at ' Talents are tools and not morchhn- `know who I was, but it was alland have regular!;: used it up to the longer ranges were attached to the dies. bight, s s " present time, RJId I new weigh un>5, infanUy, and in several armies since- bleakness is simply the silrnco of �I I6 r'd Tables that day specialty trained marlismen might. :or Over Sixty Years p gain At IS pO1111dS and Ct1jCy the Mit-WT"row's SooT"i%-a svFvP has been.used 1t. 11 a�'e beer! utilized h 101 Cl;---rsZ.4 e9.' trillions of mnthen fnr the'r ci ildren while toothm¢. The BNt alt thw Lewoot Prlos , best of health. � g �•he�a nil-vT-lilyc is lo�>�theTove \_t...,l=-F2f;2tTL-jL--ia t;--is-held that the of ain. �' Itsoothes the child,toftra.:th:-¢vms.al,aysi,sin curn� r "Not only' has " GraLc \uts made�- g wird coria rc¢u:atea thr.romsch ant b,ureh an{is illi+ write for TNAst , Illllchine gun.«'ill in future actions be _ th;s_ \vnndrr- C in m.e, but Secret:C is the best soil for the bt.st remedy for Dlarrh,es T ertyfl.e coact a botch . _ .. J charged with chs. fire at long range, sold LaderID BROS., M'fr$ Go.'y ' - worst 511:5. .¢tats Chrw,Khoat the world- Be13e sure aaa throng!{-'it I have hellicd my friends, I _ ask.for•'s1As WivsLow'ssoorarsaSmirr.,^ V-V "relatives and patients. The sustain-i which reccilt cnt5lpnigns hrtiye„ sha\vn. .. •. .,_.sem,., to be so efie;tivc• The clrcunl.stances I Its KknsK W6 - ins power of this food is simply won- in which it will come-into play are Jimpson-The horrors of war are I } 33-31- derful. The thousands of eo le who -- - - - - - - .�. e;;sy LO determine. For example, a ( p certainly unspeakable. �iitvPson- ,•I.J1i4i•e one ['ratietlt whet is n sr•r_w _ i�_ __ ♦,:,, .r„r,,:. i' WrStO t0 me, 6aytIIg that I iy0- _-- -of tho'na` - -iF�-- tion bond on the C. & fl. R. R• who shot l,l force the adversary to giro e ! wanders are equally unnrono;uiceahle. +' eats .n thing' in ills inorning but four utl lits close order formations (which ���®� .Bu�t�r FRUITS La bles ootiiuls oC (:ra a\urs and yet fuilitate his advance) 'Iii early s r' ! i does his very hard work a to lunch • South Arrl0riG3n R11et7m3_Ie , p po thle, and Should break dean the Ouro Curen Rheumatism.-It And Farm Pro- time and enj6ys the best of health a or;lle of the enemy. In both cases ' Consum110t1031 E s y safe,hartiiless ar,d acts quick-Rives almost ! dues generallye k xnd strentith• the ma,'hine'gun will prove effective. i Cure The Lung •nstant relief and an absolute cure in fryty : "I could' name a groat manor crises ';Aforeov6r, it the defender.-lnzcos the '' i 'Tonic cn:to three days—works wonders in mr�,i None consign it to us y ! ae.l we will Izet like this and I still proscriho'(;rape- elleuly to ripen fire ,prematurely acute fords of rheumatism, One .man': . ” cured them of chronic coughs, I�� you good rices, Kitts in my pract icy oyc ry d ay." i he ag;Ah gains an: cannot all be mistaken. There testimony: "I spent 6 weeks in hed'bcfu c Y B P Nallle given - by Fosttnn Co., Battle commencing its use-4 botties curd me '_I P I 1BIPOR T_\til ADVANTAGE.AGE. trust be some truth in it. Creek. Tftich. h Try a bottle for that cough of yours. ••� _ TMIf£ ' Ask any physician' about th@ scion- Here egnin" mac•lune silos wrnild be ((11 tific principles on which C:rape-Ntrts !of use. in •t•he attack, on the. other Prices. S.C.WEtLs&Co. 3i0 �SW�Ofl Comm t3S�Ot1 t/�a - 25c.50c.$1. LeRoy,N.Y.;Toronto,Can. Three 'months after marriR a a wo- . fond I4 lllclde• Hn'H toll You the (hnnal, firing at long range finny at- man tries_ to swap Iyer romantic nor- - - t3'�RWNTO. umiTj 'principles are perfect. tract the fire froth our own troops I 15--04 els for a cookbook. Then a Iii days' trial provers that advancing in front, "t'bich will be an I ,._ -- — the prir.ciplfs are carried out in the advdntrlge for the attacker" since the --_ : - = rocwl f"nit the good of the grains so advancing frool s can thus - more treated that anyone can digest it readily reach their. positign -for de- all"). Shown in renewed physical cl?lye' action nithnut too Brent loss. �trrl?Lh soft (train cnmgy. 1'hc cooperatlon of 'several flying • "'Fhc�r'e's a reason."' line:<, mads porsit�ly by the use of PAG �k F�ENCES Look In each ,packpgr,' for the fain- mac'hlno Mins for lire nt lung range I It is the fence that has stood the feet of time-stands the-bear atrair.-noror . • 20I ons little "book; The Rond tri Well- - ----- wp-the standard rho wcrld over. Ordor through our local agent or direct from us. !lc " Issue ITo. •13-04. THE PAOIfc WIRS FENCE OO.&041--ED.Ela. Ti'niircrTille,ont- irontrcth Qn` &L Jahn,W-Z6 .winulnes„Nils- 7 . T 4 L ' l „�. - 1. - - - % .: .. . - . -.. _ - 11 .-. ^ f{ ---- - . / . C r .-- _...- .. __._,__...__ o , .. -.. . Sgy,. _ __ _______ __ _ _ __ -- lustre-on 3fatthew Meade'e ancon- WgE&E SLAVERY REIGNS In little or no demand; but the aua �"d`` _ . scious fe*,tures, J.4siale's tumbled_gold tioneors will persist. . ,; hair and tearful trace, -Philip's look 1_ Outside the market-place one coast+ of agony, and the two young livigg gCENE AT A M080CCAN SLAVE Moor of the middle class >la !a ,',. • bends clasped !n the Rtige ag S $_ *•' en. Then it sank and loft Yhn jggET, charge of Lour young Doy eleven, and y ,- _ _.. -- --.- -- g to telling a frietad what he paid fog _, ; . _... __. the-bed---fn shadow------_-_ _ _ - - - - - liTouF bS' - -=-._.,__. them. I learned that their prloe , . ... „ (To be Continued.) Proceedings Begun With Prayer- averaged eleven pounds- apiece I ;� ♦ 'Showing OS the English currency-two hundred and •4 - . - Slaves. eighty dollars ]n Moorish mona•�. ' OR, THE fIISSIiYEi - - - aa--they' w@re 01 red in M&rrac- A crowd of penniless idlers, to ash, by a dealer who keeps e: large ra ..�1, . -' whom admittance is denied, clamor es WILL �"\ -- Notes of Interest About Some o establishment • of slaves as one !n outside the heavy door, while, the England might keep a thud-tarrli, esti • - . Prominent People. city "rata" fight for then privilege of sells the children as they grow up.- ,�,`' )966666 iO6MMO� �flllOi®�O0"O" Robert.Casper, of Neu-Ruppin, Gert holding the mules of wealthy citizens �xarpar's•' ^ who axe arriving in large numbers in many, who is totally blind, makes a res g CHAPTER VI. .. Philip bad laid bis strong pink ponce to the report that the house hand on the brown i�issQlo-�eined one living as a newspaper reporter. His hold of a great we.zeer, recent) die- OIL FUEL FOB. WARSHIPS. . 'The bright late-winter sunshine ver t is such that he can romem- y' Some New British Vessels Wit) lying on the coPerlet, and ie his graced, will be offered for sale. Port- i continued, but its soY2fiess worn father's. ebbing lifo-beats more her the exact words of any speech. ly Moore from the city, country gave Such Provision. sway, there was a cold fierce ante- His acetfracy is marvellous. Moore, who boast less costly ex- _ _ _ _ ' lentir-g brilliance in the blank strongly beneath the welcome touch, It has long, been known.that the meats, but rice-mutt ea�essy pace The Davea ort representative of . readth-of h ed gaze with dumb appeal"Into Czar possessed a very pretty musical and heavy price; one or two highExpress. p . .- " y g it, and Iiia Majesty has recently officials-all classes of the wealthy, new bantdtleshi Y Hibernia, just laid cloudless sky, it was that treacher- P' g.learns that the --__' -__oue radiance through which the east his. P 1 ., _ essayed his power as a composer of to De brief, are airivi rapidly, for '' rirind stings with unsuspected sharp- Dear father, do you went any- � nB' P Y. down is the dockyard, is to be epee- i -- . .-- ttzsa; icicles made fine filigree work thing?" be asked. "Jessie is here, music to his own verses. In these the market will open in a quarter of tally fitted for the storage of- oil round the mill-pound and depended asleep in the chair." verses the predominant nota s one an hour, and bidding will be brink. fuel ]n very large quantities, and !' from the bri of religion. They extol the glories We' pass arches sad the mil]- "Money," the sick man murmured pass the portals unchallenged, that her sister Whips, the Britanafa of the Orthodox Church and its saints and the market stands revealed-an and Africa, will undoubted) be ad- wheel, the roads were like iron, the faintly. "All for you. Speculations y • - and exalt the virtue of Christian self- . - � great willow on the bank shuddered -losses-sell the mill." open place of bare, dry ground, hem- opted in the same fashion. -,g - —in the keen wind, and complained au- "I understand," Philip replied, in sacrifice and renunciation of worldly med around with tapia walls, dust, In the course of a chat with .one _ . dibly as if against some conscious a soothing voice; "but you will, be goods and prosperity. colored, crumbling, ruinous. Some- of the principal officials of the Navy. 4 _ cruelty; all the little eager buds,J well again soon and set the mill go- Mr. Briton Rivtere, R.A., is de- thing like an arcade stretches across Construction Department at Devoa- which had been pushing too hastily Ing. Listen; it is going now." But servedly proud of the remarkable the centre of the ground from one port Dockyard, the'�Expresa repre- forward in the geneial air, stopped ,Oven' as Philip spoke the familiar feat of having had a picture hung side to the other of the market, roof- sentatAve gathered some interesting - . - in their aheltering cases, rebuked throb, throb of the mill ceased, the at the British Gallery while stili a less now and broken down, just as expert opinions upon the question of ..- . _ and silent, and many little birds wheel stood still and the men went Cheltenham schoolboy. At seventeen the outer wall itself, or the sheds, oil fuel for warships. whose tour had already made home•for their Sunday rest. two of�aintings were accepted like cattle-pens that- are built all The ITlbernia is to have the whole ,�! 1. •. .. considerable progress, were obliged In the meantime the Duller spoke Iby the Royal Academy. And yet, around it.— of her false bottom apace fitted with. - .: m ' -sorrowfully to postpone the wedding brokenly- of mortgages, of his will, IIn spite of his early success, he was storage tanks, and suggestion has HUMAN CATTL>lPENS. day, and drooped, disappointed and I of which Phillp was joint executor for some years compelled to main- l i lawn raised as to whether"coal firi ' '� g --- w"iii-not be e_Ti nee er a o Bon leen htinchnw of. lcrtthare upon ,.with Mr, Gheeseman„pf, Je�slr.-a' -himaelt"-b3r - a st1-e -ground by the side of tare the latest additions. to the Kin Edi -- -the dry, crackling-boughs. 1 was to be under their guardianship zines and books before he could to- human cattle-pens the wealthy pa- g ward itII: cla_Ss. 1 . This keen cruel wird raved exult- and 'that of Mrs, Plummer; he seem sumo the "luxury" of his beloved trons of the market seat themselves , In•1 over the open and exposed cem- I od to g 1. arrange themselves to A naly-construction official gave it - �;j,: 6 y gather strength as tie spoke, brush, at their ease, err sis his opinion that oil fuel would ete:y; it lifted the pall from Mrs, and, having taken some restorative That wonderful woman, the Dow- leisurely fashion, and start to chat long rer2tein merely supplementary to Meade's coffin and tossed the clergy- !and asked Philip to raise him to a ager Empress of China (who, by-the- as though the place were a smoking-. {r' , 'man's surplice irreverently about sitting posture, recovered his facut Ibye, is not of the low origin qhs' is room of a club. Water-carriers (lean cord n tart in warships. He admitted him and Buttered the leaves of his 'ties 1n a brief flam-up .of his flicker- ,popularly credited with(, has the half-naked men from the Sus) sprin- that the'p method o! employing !t+ -- - ..,..•! book; it played with Philip Randal's Ing life. great distinction of being able to kle the tall ground, that ' the would vefy' soon be developed to • _ f; ." 'thick curl hair, and whistled. de- Tho precious moments Sew; but stage at which it would prove, quite ><, Y bead and write, which makes -her tramp of slaves and auctioneers may �M q g gray thin locks Phil! could not brie himself to Rs effective a means of generating rlslvel through the P g unique among Chinese women of hes not raise too much dust. As they �!`I,". ,on Dir Dfeade's uncovered head. But rouse Jessie from the sleep so long motifs.power as coal. generation. She looks extraordinar go about their work with the apathy • )neither Philip nor his father heeded denied her. ' He had so much to This, aotwith4tanding, the coat ly young for her age, her hair is 'sad indifference bora of to exper- - , the cold wind In the bitter blast of hear in that gleam o! consciousness lstfll dark and luxuriant, her skin �tence, ] have a curious rem 1, der of bunker was not likely, to become e !bereaval that beat upon them, as for Jessie's sake and must still keep.i firm and unwrinkled, though she (the Spanish bullring, to which the thing of the past is warships for a .. . .. I . ,thev stood by the yatcnin,g grave, back the burning long-represe�ed ds- � slave market bears some remote re- long time to come. )hood and (burled Matthew Meade'e whi.b Wold otherwise die his birth rouges to a considerable extent. Her ( One point which, in the expert Aro:. owed up P.lilp's a !chief recreation is card-playing with semblance; the gathering o' anotia- P =..... --- i with Mat- tors, the water! of the round, the .viow, seriously militates against ' ~`. ----- �the ladies of her Court, and large rib g youth and early manhood,.the strug- thew Meade. Ile %fished that on his i Bence of excitement, all strpression- Iengthen the general "option of the oil fuel + sums of cion are often staked, for gt Kies of life's noun and the sort n- 'return lropem the Crimea I,ls father I at heart s heo s a bmf bier,v of the th9Clthln the sheds the eleven are l for py 11ida pvrpaga lei Its danger IT y' . lbeama of doclinia ears, making a -ha,d not persuaded him to wait a I oue, irifiammabie uali. Aa er " ;Q1 -dead silence o1 more than half his little and consider whether It was am le of this was citta! by Ito Con. - memorlee He shivered while .the iworth while to know a secret his �Diahop of Lincoln (Dr. King), who lehrinking, huddled together, They �Vtructioa Department oMclal. Some- I.= Y , was seventy-four the other da is k'wIll not face the light until the mar drove 6lowly home• and scarcely !young mother bad t^ken such pro- y, ,little while ago_. when the Ccerraas 0.r - --took a v'notice when JesAe told him I cautions to keep and whieh,a curious ?told 'tlse following pretty story> A It et opens. The crowd at the en-'p battleship Kaf et tYilhctrn IT was r -to an arm-chair b the blazing fire chance alone reveifled to-his his adopted couple of years o the Bishop at- trance parts to the right and left _ _ t y g I a8 p )carrying out steaming trials, she .. she lead ma('e asri�•gave him some father. (tended a conPrmation at Boston. to adnflt Steve men wearing' white I toshed a rock with s-ifllctent force hot sliced drink. 7Hs contra sed to In the stirring days of the rota England There. ice heard of a poor ti*traas and jellablas. They are the Ito perforate her bilge, g _ ng lge, platin araid- delals or atactloneere, and the.sale-is ishr�er, and refused food; 1t was Loo the question o! his birth had troubl- 'crippled girl who had been prepared 'ships --`. about to begin • ievl�ient that the blLior wind had '�ed him little, but t*a long months of ;for confirmation. but could not be I Aa inrush of watps fvllnwrd, and' struck home. Couslu Jane, in !garrison life at home had brought ',brought to the service• Without Slowly Lad Impressively Lhe deiala .the oil stored In the fuel tank9 cams - 14 •who%o hands he was now the gentlest it strongly -before hIna and he Siad more ado; despite- his three-score and advance In line to the oeatre of floating to the suttees. Find this ' of lambs, had him put Into a warm lately decided that he must know fin ,'twelve years end a driving rain. and I the slave market almost up to the i reached the level of the tvtnacr . . ---_ t dusk and dosed him with at the first opportunity And now !blustering wind. to set out and wnllr- t alt side where the wealthy boyars all !doors- both holler and engine rooms - various homey reme es - ti wed the two miles that separated the expectant. Thea the head quo- would have flaabed with a blue sheer _ _ ' owe away frith every beat of-the ebbing 'cottage o- f t ii ,giiT—nom-tSe-chmt -ut-t� - u ms voice rnQ�h of un uenchable flame Lurktly thA "Dear heart," she eratd nicer her : nl� is his,hand. The service in her bedroom lost no- hideous mockery at it an prays. pumps were set o wor - n-. me, en last a1.1t to m that night, "I "Poor little esP o her father thing of its beauty or solemnity hands he plays fervent) Fla recites under. neer thought to feel that loving to sighed "It's hard leaving her. And cause of its Wrenn sunotmdinga Y : •U-&!t bteade, many a spar we've had I no mother, But you'll. be good to The Ccts Prsurro of 6wedsa, the glory of Allah the One, who i While this danger might fie mint ,together, to be sure. But to see hist her. It troubles me that I was not who is v ttv and made the Heaven above sad the ttttmized distributing ttic ell In u - cry pre Popular. goes b� g lying there, .poor lamb. and taken' the husband I Weight hate been. I by_the as me of "The Colonel's Wife earth beneath, and the sea and all many hermetically sealed tanks as whatever you give ea. as meek as a I didn't constder how she was set an that is therein; his brethren, and the possible, it could never be quite eit- , The Crown Prince, unlike his poet buyers silty amen. babe, 'ti9 enough to nielt the heart having things clean and straight, father, is a trllitary enthusiast• and minntt+d, and a bursting shell •woulf --- - . of a stone_ And I'm sure I freely poor soul. - I was rough at Hymen-- is honor Prayers are over, the last amen is doubtless cause havoc_ . - _. , cry colonel of esYeral r9sg!- farglva him ail-not that I didn't ,yes; I ass rough." -Sia eyes cloned i said, the delals separate. each .one _�� . merits, When he was first married he I - fgft•e him as good as he sent. Dear, 'and Philip feared that the" golden 1 going to the pens he presideo- over - {took his young brideIntothe bead- - i ,dear, I do think I never done your I bands were run out. but the. faint { and calling upon their tenants to XOUN?AIN MUSIC. I ,quarters of tho regiment of which he - poor father justice, Jessie. it isn't I pulse beat on and suddenly quickened Como forth. Obedient to the auris- every man would take on tike that when Matthew Meade opened his ekes Irons thin acting colonel, and said: mons the-slaves face the light-.. the Strange Fotzrratiori - o Musics - .,Gentlemen, the colonel in -command - for a wife, and it's. of a many I with a wide appoaling gaze. "'She I sheds are emptied, and there are a Rocks in Nevada. ' of the regiment desires to introduce J - seen took so bad with a chill all of �,ot her heart on it, poor soul,"' he g taw noisy mgments .bewildering to r ' s► sudden,',.` hero.Dlrs, Plummer Paas- icontinued, "though alio never thought pia stile to the 'regiment," The,-the novice, in which the auctioneers From the shores of Pyramid Lake, - _'' ed to cry with a cheerful sense of ,vol+ was to be left alone and not (charming young wife was received. place their goods 1p line, rearrange near the Truckee liner, evade, rim . S`- the valine of bar: physic and nursing, relations enough to live together, with rounds of applause, and the dresses, give children to the -charge the rock-covered slopes of -a ttlUSIC&I _ __ . and of Mr. Meade's double virtue Many a time coo talked o! it. .Philip name has stuck to her ever since, of adults, sort Qut mea and women mountain ' It Is little ki;own tQ , - bnth in falling ill and In apprednt- (you must_ marry Jessie," he con- The Crown Princess ie a notable according to their age and :value, man of the present age, for It has Ing it• chided, in tensa io sir ng end ur cook, stud this gift, which she has and p p no mines, and the country about Its g prepare for the - romenade. �`he base to barren 'and unfit for citltiva- "I cover yet could be called a I goat as almost to exhausil his ebbing 'taken great care to perfect• made her slaves will match round and -found c ,croaker,.". she added, "but I've'seen breath, which came ga�trglyr- favorite with the old.Emper- the circle of buyers, led by the auo- tion, while -the absence of a railway that is Matthew Mesrde's face today then seemed to stop At the word or William of Germany:. tioneers, who will' proclaim the'lat- or coaching converience puts it out is nal seen once." mart which o cued n entire Many good stories are told of Sir est bid offered, and hand over anyof the beaten track_of,tl>e tourists. "Mrs. Plummer," _ cried Philip, new world of thought and feeling Eo Walter Parrott, the Master of the one of his xtiargea to as intending. In 18(33 it ryas first discocEieid by . "don't talk nonsenae: Is this a h11��nn Philip started so;vtdlently and King's Music. Here Is one illustra- purchaser, that he may make his ex- a Party,of 'white settlors, w ho had id, roper way to.speak before Jessie?" stikldenl that he almost dropped the live of his extra:ordina g 'p come prospecting from Comstock p Y y ry memory. aminationa before raisin the- rice. irid .abo pitched-aheir camp sloeig- ^IL ahnn't be said that i didn't hand clinging to his, shook a table Some eight dr-ten men were,essrmb gltp�rINa THEIR POINT'S.'_ side ja waterhole at the foot of the s - prepare life family before band," by the 'bodslde so .that the bottles led one evpaing !n ono, of the.lodg- -- - - ' i continued Mrs. Plummer, dolorously. open it rattled and a glass fell ings attached to St.,Michael a Col- In the Procession now' gathering -1 . "I shall go for Maul at once," against.them with a faint craft that lege, Tenbury. Sir Walter Parrett for the first parade, five if not six of When the sun had gone clown, and _ ___said Philip, fTseing Jeseie'e elighi',reealied the intelllgencq'to the dying �d Herr v Holat 1 od in turn the seven ages,aro represented. There the myriads of" lase-is had ceased and drooping form from Lhe d p a5 Their hummin and'!ho animals had g asp in (eyes fixed on 1 hilio,s face. The u on the piano such music as was are old men a.nd *otnen who cannot g. . which -he had taken it when he saw crystalline tirikle, broke t.hrau h Jes- P walk upright, however the delal may sought their kora, , s low sweet _ g asked for. This went on for some sound of u usic seemed to;emanate her stagger uwder her cousin's words. ste's light Flumber, she started up urge, others of middle age,' with t "M o p just eta Philip, time, until at last the chess-board` yenta of active service before them; •from the mountain Fit. Ueglnning �`": . y p or Kitten, Father iso u set, and cameo forward waa brought out.. Sir (Palter thea like the tinkling of millions of Cai. -'but there is nothing to fear.' with a half ' dazed look, replied in young men full of vigor and youth, h Y ' proposed to play two men at these fit for the fieidef; young women-moo- bells; gradually swelling 1pt-o a -roil , --was, nothing either to fear or hope 'Wy maid," said-lir, Meade, tak- in consu a 11g o � harmom and thea, stopping the piano and playing from memory almost abruptly.for Dir. Meade; the cold had struck !ng her tremulous hand as she touch- before'the faces of men-and children «_ ,to his vitals and broken down as he ed-his-in lrendi to kiss him •alt what was demanded, 'either from of eve a e-from baUies,-•wh In'a short time 'the operation was ng every g. o' will , . was by the:shock of his sudden sor-1 some broken words of joy that' acli, Beethoven, ,Diozart, Chopin, or be sold with their mothers, tb girls repeated, and the' 'eiveete t sounrls : y--row he had not strength to throw it was himself again: "I am, got Mendelssohn. Without-,)Oven a glance and boys or} the threshold of man- that ever tell on human ear-rase .in �' I•. '-:-"' off, but,succumbed, at once. fast. But Philip will care,for you.• at the chess-board�be won the game hood and womanliood. ,All are dres- the calm evening _cdr. ' Theories.- - - +:' Four days-after Mrs. Meade's fun- Look to him now-Josie-you must in an hour. sed in bright colors; and displayed wild and improbable trete propound- 14- . The Philip and.Jeanie were watch- marry Fhilip." Tha Marquis Ito, ills Primo Min- to the best advantage, that •the ed by thie prospertors, but no satis- ing by his ,bed in silence, as the She could-oat speak, but she cut- ister of Japan, had a narrow, escape hearts of bidders may be moved and factory reason was forthenming,•-and :g, evening was.ciosing 'in: ' • . -fared her hand to be placed 'In In the adventurous days of his youth..'their- purses.opened.widely. , the sounds continued at ' intervals, ,, Mr, Meade had passes from delir- Philip's, ,which closed warmly upon He and his friend Inouye incurred ob- ',It will be a fine- sale," says , my t1woughout the night, becornii•g--Its; -. _ • I "turn to stupor, and had lain ancon- it. Her father held the Joined bands loquy by their advocacy of the.Euro- neighbor, • a handsome, dignified audible at sunrise. - y_` scious for many hours; but now it in his tremulous clasp with• silent peanizing of Japan, and their• pout!- Moor, from one of the Atlas villages, After a tirve it'rtas. discover bi . , . seemed to Phifip, as the firelight content awhile, then he whispered cal cypponento resolved uppil their who had chosen his place before' I. those men who dc.eloped a greater; :• _ 'pl Played on the sick man's features; "Promise,, • • assassination. Ito was traced to had reached the ninrket•. "There' interest in the. nipsical p%enamenon ata g t of intelligence was also They prom se ; t e o ma a- n- a house o a lady o w oFn fie-eves mus ewe -n g o-Coy s a� ves,T I ' Ng t t#te trhr'ls , .' . .playing fitfully•upon the5n,. and that ra ti htened on' the two . your attached, but the tad hid.him so se- Now each delal, has hia of the mountain aide was covered � ge g g Y people sort- a ith thin Hakes of cr ,t. the eyes gazed wistfully .with a hands; his eyes grew hary; they naw cutely,that he could not be found, ed out, and the processlen" -begins. S' titins rock, ,, gleam of recognition and showed a nothing earthly in their blank saying that he 1Fhd left bar some Followed by his bargains, hei'march- lying in large Uedv, which were ever . • mental struggle passing within. gam, hours before, ,and that she would be as . round and round „the market. moving slowly, like an avalanche, ... . t11 "Do you know ma father?" he "Father i" cried Philip, -"who am glaQ if the strangers would leave her Some of the slaves ar•e absolutely tvwarda the toot. Ra,in;q their . asked, bending- down and speaking I 7 Tell me before our ga." , also,. They departed, and Ito man- tree' from emotion of any sort. Oth- theoi fes on this discocer�, ti,oy ars s , softly. The•haze of death once more clear• aged to get on board a vessel bound ere feel their position.' rived at the conc•lusiiut that. the .�.,, "Philip," he replied, with a faint e>d away, the eyes�ace more bright- for E land, concealed in a bale of I learn that the •8e1a1's coaunission. strains of music arose from itis _ smile; the effort of speaking over- friction of 'these 'plates one against .. ng erred •with lnblligencp and rested silk,, He rams ned in that bail for to 2,l per cent on the purchase price, 1.1. { ears.him and for a moment or two lovingly on the young man's face. thirty-six"hours without either food and there is a government tax of b ;.he other; and ,that the soi4nds of. the world drowned the music by day 'e . . . Fie relapsed into his stupor. Philip's "Philip," Mr. Meade replied *Ith as or drink, Thea lie introduced hien- per cent. Slaves axe sold under ,a i, Ibeart throUbed;,he made a sign to effort. "Philip t" warrant end etre returned It'' which accounted for its only bean; self to the skipper, stud war owed y' eY audible,at night. Jessie, but she did not heed it. She The voice tailed, the eyes clouded to work his pass&** t ooI as have not been properly described by :I f ro '' 'was reclining in an arm-chair on the anis remained fted, "the hand ell000d the auctioneer. Bids must not be ad- - •—} - :. a steward. - r side o1 the hearth, ber head drooped convulsively over those et the two vaaiced by loss then a Moorish -dol- • - ' ' ' ' � Fher shoulder end her eyes closed. young people. .., Jost talion the Aeor_ lar-that is about three ahillfngo-�at Some lawyers confider It a crimt . could not bear to break her slum- opened softly and Mrs..Plummer a time, and when a sale is�oncluded- to confess a crime. ber, even with words of hope. So stole notsleaaly in, followed by Dr. PECULIARITY OF THE BER. a deposit•is paid at once, and •the Some candidates feel veer large be the silence throbbed on ntfully, Maule. Th♦p stood-still arrested- by- Jayson-"It is strained. isn't It?" balance on or after the following tore an -election--and-very ' small sharked by the light, thin crackling the sight. Mrs. Plummer wf'Ltt up- Jimpson-"Er-what is strange?" day.• afterward. - a of Hanaos, the foifit fall of little cin- lltted hands and startled ga.zei, • the Jayson-"Why; that the oldest- in- The attractive women. and -strong If some girls who think they caw • . gers, and the tapping of,a rose- doctor -hastily taking a pinch of habitant is always a man-never a men.have been Fold, and have reallz- sing would not try to prove ti as _ • ►*ray on Cro window-pane. snulL The fire blazed up with sudden Iwoman." r ed s:cc'. l!-Ices; the old people are imightr be forgiven, , - , .. 1. ..i ,. - ;1 . _ - _ .. . . . .. . . . '� , • . +iIt,M rrr - S )r, tee: a _ is :w ti Vis: tri +. Hoy , » w+ w a • ' _ •R ew NO• n� , , , ki -Fred Buntingg of Toronto, l cue day last reek. Pneuthonia T �j' T�� (] 1 "iut 1414 slug 4=9• �in town this Week. was the probable cau�eof itsd nick c� � .LJ Ll � �J.JiStL/� i —Harry Stewart, of Toronto, Robins and mauyother soul hJ op • oo • was in town Last week. birds are now 'with u�. Surely ow ONT., IIl�xcx ?Sth, 1KC _ —M,.Sn,C.hapman had a business they at least are eapee,•ing spring. __ _ _ trip to Tuvoutu on Monday. lits and Mrs. Axford and fam�"Ykl Ilacing opened up a*,how ra m UII ling st east, apporiie �Z T. Dun- -�i'.. `'. Richardson is offering entertained a number of young bars we are placing in a full line of implements as follows:—Di C-uitiva- AN _-- - - - evening, S. D. Harrow, , p F s, Land Rollers, Turnip Friday.. v et i_o Drrliwawe�'R,s c Haz +Qwrs Plows,'�c Q- tvr D' 1 uf8e' n i —litzFsell _Barton, of Whitby, report a nioet pIZ'aSaIlt tztsFe• — -Act-forGeo,� SCtnc FngineF aTu.1L�'e6hiDx Outfits, tVagOIIS. . spent Sunday with Pickering Our public school which has Buggies, Cartsrand C:tte.�. �'"'• -Mrs. Joseph Bundy was in the friends. been closed for some time, owing �. '.,.city on Wednesday. -B. F. Bennett is on a business to the large amount of sickness in ML Ps.-Frank E. Gee.is spending trip to Ottawa this week. The the section, re-opened oil lionday �ra St � Yood a few days in Toronto. firm is making a large shipment with a- �ery -small: attendance. - -M. S. Chapman had s business to Barrie this week. Whooping-cough and measles are rtrip to Toronto on Monday. -W, Sparks and Pirie O'Leary still at work in this neighborhood iC -Geo. M. Palmer�.had a business have entered the employ of the, E. L. ;,HAPMAN- AGENT. --trip to Part Perry this week. Bennett M'fg. Co. They began _ -Mrs. W. Peak spent .a ,few their duties on Monday morning. �GREEN RIVER. 'days in the.cit during' t•he past -There are about fifty bushels — - ---- �' -- --- ---- We-a -p sorry to report that.Eli _ week. of goon-hardwood-ashes -at--the �ighswander is suffering from a - -Norman Davis, of Toronto, public school., Those desiring the ' very attack asthma. o Offer o our Guso�mer spent Sunday with Pickering same apply'to the caretaker;D. F. The weather is mild here; some -friends. r Every. thunder Tuesday morning last, and Mrs. Peak entertained -Andrew Bell, Thomasand i�l,Yo cad breaking p some. a number of friends on Tuesday Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Mver•s and Miss and roads b ki a om t A year ago Tuesday last the p p' , Side and Back Comb , Silkine, . evening, Myrtle Myers, of Port Hope, 'wee - hChea bone Bair zns� s p roads were muddy wit bog-holes Born-�Ou Friday, March 18th, visiting R. A. and Mrs.Bell durl yBlack and white Toilet Pins, Easter and Birthday l _ . the wife of .H, J. Marquis of a -tue ast week. Find just froze enough that worn- 'cards, Pompoms, Tooth Brushes, Hat Pins, Nail p ing to carry 'a horse and rig. Toilet dao hter. -Dickie'a are showing ing .a fine Brushes, Wire Hair--$rushes. Hair Wire, - - gg A little to the north.of here the -H. J. Marquis at L. Banks' range of silk. and' fancy blouse Combs, Perfume, Allies, Marbles and Skipping rope � crows are cleaning out their old - _• - - sale last week purchased his thoro lengths, made up bip}rsts, and a nests andrepairiuRthemforspring - bred stallion. nice assortment of ladle's fancy which encourages us that spring c --W. . D. Rogers and Fred Nighs- new collars. * g p g Also a nice .tock of mouth organ.. wander spent Sunday with friend; -Shoji Shimni, the - Japanese is near _ in Green Riser, student who spent several years Miss Mary Doten has been quite c` -Dr, F. L. Henry �siii be- here at the callege until last July, ill for the past few weeks. At �,� p • r time of writing is somewhat im- 1�1. l� E: Boone; Pickering. as usual nest Tuesday to attend has returned for another term. p ; pr v ed. " k 0 is -- , dmie?. - . fits e:ae33- —J. S. and > r Jephaun -gave a see his retul'u as he is very pop Pc' i! — arty to a number o their- young alar with all, conccr't . takes place this Friday ---friends on on Monii.ty evening. —'•C)h for Manitc,ba, California, ening, Silver collectivii at the —Richard 11u,,re is arxiii at England, Ireland. 5cutlatid, any- "`"'l All come and put your � • e work after beim laid off duty for %•here. everywhere", (one way, 'h`nilder t , the wheel. / 7 t - wi i to illnP round tri or ue aid.i C'huice IU Tho: Foreatt,rs and their wive r1n 1� 1. V.. : sp, several weeks r g p F p had iui oy=ter upper Tuesday E! - -Tlip two new =tables that of be-t ocean S. S. lines and all H? ,earnin la.-t, the last c,l''t1Fe -exsun J• H. Wagner and at the lletho- routes. See 5tephvn-,Al oppos9 ite I deli.fart=.t t �•ilast o her sis=ter. � (dist c•hnrc'h are being completed. I P. 0., Whitby for throtwh ticket= Mr=. J, :1 «kite, of hruttg heui• On fiat Saturday Aptil _nd ice w ill ilicp.':iy c,ur re'�c ac cl: of Sprinsz Millin- ;j —lits. Andreir Forsythe sl.,ent a::cl all required travelling cry. Ali the fadicy (if the �illaKe ax.d vicinity arcin�ited tucutre and in- Sundayin- witli her sister, lira. Jao, formation. ` * spect our nen' spring goods: I[endersen. of ;e-arboro Junction. --A new geogrlphy for u e in -W. E. N anstone shipped a the public- +c•hool- t,l Ontario, i� in � C. A. Baker, •:- Pickering carload if cattle from thi; station c ;ttr�P c,f l,rel aratiun and %vill be, a _ on iunflFi;, alsoaearlrmFl_of hugs pub1i-hid at an ea-fly date. It-i era -- on Thursday. -aid that the boFik Nviil depute -1Ir�. W. Luh an,after spending aecial attention toC'anada. where -- ___.- " " k -- - ' P -, several weeks iu Turantawith her .t a developments of recent years, Sol]. Fred awl wife, returned have added many places of im- P q , an a to the .ma but at the For hard CO}dS, bronchitis, For "', � '✓ >. home on Tuesday evening. pf rt c p, ( � _ • f -F. H. Muurr, of Bruck;ille, is :ame time it will not cut off Great asthma, and coughs of all at name with ills parents at the Britain and the United State kinds, you cannot take any- We will give frf-e with '•very five gallon lot of coal parsonage. He has been on the ith such ,cant treatuteut as its thing better than Aye.r's oil. apatrof • -a�hBalanced" ivortliat least It list for a few weeks. given Canadian geugmphiee in eenU4. Besides this our prices are the cheapest. Gimme _ —At the Tueeting of the town- these countries. ! Cherry �ca catl. sh, councilon Mondap last —The- Harbord at Cullegiate l " G �arnes, c,f Green River. was Institute Lawn Tenni, Club hay Duplex Wash Boards a pointed township engineer in challenged the Pickering TenuiaPectoraly the place of Geo. Philip Sr. who Club.to a match to be held on-the Have you seen them. ti�a have only four left• Gains awaytetow cost. has resigned. courts here on May 24th,the teams Cherry pectoral. Ask your Marked price$l su. - Selling price 75c. —Lost—Either in Presbyterian to consist or foie 'play evil each: own dotter if this is not so. ,church, or between Faid church and the match to consist of four He uses it- He understands $erbageuffi -- - - _ . an eco _ = veil. Finder lease leave 4a me at si c p challenge has been accepted and .i,,iie,terrible tough tor.«a. rb.nt Anew stock just arrived. Its A seller. The proper thing for stock and the :�16 ` tort ♦ ers c6.rrs°Peeto i Ina Owy oer (toultry. --. -lktt•s. R. A. Bell, who has been a°mv _.. condition. the club will begin Ysa. a a ♦asosae`eiaoeepb,tlt4eb. if you want of a of an kind, tarred. building per, hen leather halters -��w seriously ill- during the past practice. We understand there •• +• ee +•c sass«,. shovelat. forks, pruning saws, pruning knives, biuesttone, willoed ' _ Week. 19. we are l?aped LO 83 teo•17. MASS F Y are other Toronto teams who in• for buggy baskets, market baskets, whips etc., just go to Pickering - - somewhat improved. Her man Hardware Store, x y tend a arrange matches with the C o u g h s' C o l a s -•'',,.'friends are anxiously looking for- oil age club. The outlook fora �,( • - ' - - - ' -.. ward is her recovery. a at pear's sport is promising ry r ���(�� � • �hApplan . -�Siss Sadie Moore, of Miami, at present. The Blab will meet Yw voile hasten noovs b tak• G Man., and Harry Moore, of Lind; shortly for re-organization. Ing one of Ayer's Pttls at bedtt�nse _ say, brother and sister, and Her- -The Remsen&Del'ere Concert Bert Thompson, of Sandford, niece Co. drew large crowds at the 6o YEARS and nephows of Mrs. (Rev.)Moore town hall. The programs seemed ` ....have been visiting at the parson- to please their audience. An in- EXPERIENCE _ age for a few days. teresting feature of their enter- C. A. Goodfellow, editor of the tainment was the prize offered for Oux Williame Boots - t "Keystone", Wihtb , will give his the most popular baby in the , + tis.- T-y BOa are the-kind forthe we,t popular lecture 'Ralph Connor village, under six years of age.Wand his books', iii .the 'Methodist The voting towards the end of theSeason ! rhureb, Pickering, on Tuesday week became rather excztiug. TRAoe f ARKS _: evening, April 5th, at 8 o'clock. After A keen contest, the prize Ocsfcns Admission only lOc. p "See. our Berlin Rubbers Y was awarded to H. G. and Mrs. b and de oMas A c• / 7 Anyone aendfnR a atetob and deec4lDD Ion mar and Rubber Boots. " -That harbinger of.spring the Wilson's child, A prize, a boy's quickly aa<xrtatn our opfnton free whtetber an Rubber" Ver best ualit Ip vention to probably tenLble- Commuatca- y quality. robin has made its appea••ance, watch, yeas also'given to the boy %ionsstrictt eputidental. Handbook on Patent' an and everymorning now its wel. who would-sell the largest number sent free d1°°'t t°gB1CT for securing Citatr N.. Buntings R g y Patents taken rod�b Mnnn h p —. ,come song reminds us_ that the of tickets for the Saturda mati- .verwtrwuer.wltboet°°jrharaaInth: , Re !'A, _ -winter is drawing to a close, and -nee,, This was won by John �`1f��C ����`��• _ _-- instead of snow and ice meeting O'Connor who sold 06. . R. Shirley w handsomely Illustrated weeny, r.arcest eir- - our gaze eatery enorging as we who sold 65 was generously. givep, ion or any.otentmo�nrnal Terms.to a leave our homes, we will soon a dollar. The company also gave ear'four nrontba,tl_ eel6 d bran eew.a•.Ies. .,.,again be enjoying resting onr eyes $17 for the use of the hall, being U� (!o.74tsrssa•a•New Y _ upon thO green fields and trees $1 more than their Bargain. F tag.Raa�sston,n ^ - _ -adorned with foliage and bloom. ._._.- NT pThe balmy zephyrs now usurp the ' V w -�O a t - place which so long has been dom= Cherrpwood. • - iC]erigg�. 081 �0 y --�--'i V - iaeered by the coli of doctor's - winter. care at present: - -R. A. Bell, ng lin left`on Tuesday - ' station agent at Pickering for the. last for Manitoba, $est_QIIahty Of Hard Coal {� - past four years, has been asked by The;wood-bee at Mrs. Gourlie's FIIII W81ght QrIIalarit8@d• V the Grand Trunk authorities' to on Friday last was a very success- " take charge of the station at ful affair. -Brighton, Mr. Bell is acknowl- Miss B. Teefy "has returned. to Stove and-Chestnut Sizes - "- edged to be one of the most ca the cit after s ' p. y pending a couple of _ able agents between Toronto and weeks with her arents here. At ]Qwest market - p _-- ��"e dust-ope out a nice assort- r • . • • -Montt'83i1, and his services are ' George and. firs. Robbins, 'of �e v - highly valued by the G. T. R., Malvern, were the Guests of _T. --'_who are-ttnx' im•• in -an rs. RoTbins on Wednesday rl a ment and can show splendid valves �a charge of one of their most diffi- la•st'. � - new and the latest styles, Cottle and ' •ctrlt,situations. 'The residents of Mrs. 'T. P, Robbins,. we are @ aie.alsSo.on hand quantity of our new Spring Dry �. Pickering, `who appreciate Mr. -pleased to report- is iinproving. at ua lire mit mg nal. a hem' Be t Bell's services to the public, are We's'incerely haps that the `im- Our Coal makes warm friends. nOOdB are beginning. t0 arrive. petitioning the Grand, Trunk to provement may continue. -Orders left wits w. Yeak delivered I - r `leave him in charge of the Picker- James Todd was-'summoned to promptly. Come and see what we can d0 f0? . ` ing station. the city oil Saturday la-stowing to —As soon4 as the frost -is out `of the serious illness of his mother.. . the ground, all those residing on He returnod on Monday morning. For : . »lohn' Dickie & Co. the front street should take steps. We are pleased -to hear that, his towards makingipore perfect their in e.i is somewhat better. l jo - fire protection. Since we have ... . • to get access to the water pipe betiveea aROOK ROAD. - the Bennett factory and the creek -- Pure Local News a number-of tanks should be Iai Miss Amelia Ellicott is` home to Fore The Lenton' Season idown, so that sbould a fire brei► remain for a time „•,,'9P �y e _ . out, the firemen would not be L-tsi Boone, of Pickering, visited Su bscribe Boneless Cod Fish. r handicapped for want of water. friends west of Here ofi-Shnd'ay. We nuderstand that some put- Rob rt Davis has en ged for Finan Haddie Qe loin this ae soon as it can the se twin with Colin Philip, oP for Y Salmon Trout ppoo g - _.. .- . . _ . be done, but all those w ho� Brougham. - ' within a reasonable dis a of `-Qurr weenanic, W. H. Jackson, The Pickering -- Full titock of Cough medicine always on hand. the pipe, should take %dvadtave is dow into his- spring rush in �y T O &� n# it, m Mr. Bennett has gener- earnest. _ [c 'Newt » 11 a L iQiy given that priyl',Sa to all, ' G.! Stotts lost a valliable heifer r „_,•�^.r,+�",( :�. !,;,•�.�. •.,-. .,.r?«..�a. ;,.,5 TC ?,'Wc,,.v.,. �.�..' a•rr' ^.�'...'-�. +.wh6...::�!l 3 r_..,:.¢rws,...:�;,' •fit...,•• i, _...�.+, __.s-;aaim°+;.' x�.:,s.::.a •'S,.i�.• _ •y�`,�."I:,�,•h�^1r ..W r�.Y�..¢�+��....''•r...:-4�.'"i _. -..., ,e.4�"F:^''.Saa':�I:�' •�'':+',+q.,�a`e�C:�i"•.�ui e, ser .,rr .4tY.;+S`- y _ Mli r: N