HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1903_11_20_ - r A 1K Now V VOL. XIII.. PICKE-RIItiI G. O N T.. -FRIDAY. NOV. . 20,1903. Ovdfatimtottcai Warb;. Searboro _. , Highland Creek. }ers who never think o, readirrg- Spink. MU3 Ni'm. Chester, accompanied b Jno, the adds miss these good things • air Geo. Everest and :Kiss Elsie Cowan and W. J. 3iurprish, returned and by not keeping in touch with �ledttcal. Odell, of this place, were married on Friday last f -mm their two -weeks', advertisements hardly know Red Wheat - "I6c bus. at Toronto on Wednesday,. \ov. hunting expedition in Muskoka. They I where to go when they want an _ White Wheat Px 11th. We extend to thein our best had a most successful time, each bring- article;` Thl're vas a time When f Spring Wheat - i4c, wishes. It is'their intention to ing hack with him two -flee specimen' nobody thought of reading ads., F. E69TWOOD, V. -D.. 9nriaean _ ,, � I YY to Canadian Pacific Railwey ; Coroner Goose Wheat 74c re_ide'at Woburn. of deer. I'he partly consisted of eight, I that was -•heti they were not - '- Ontario County; Issuer of Marriage Licensee, Manitoba Flour $5.50 bbl. A great many from the Wash- the other five being residents of 'very interesting reading. Now, Claremont: office hoop -Before iteatelephtoo Famil Flour 4.50 " in ton Methodist church attended- Huntsville. v•m . and from 7 to s y g I they teem with valuable iufartua- e�nne icawith Balesm.Greeawood,Rroogham pastry Flour - 4.50 " services at Scarboro Junction on John Graham has ]list a valuable 1[s Zion, n J tb Bal n's . Gr cont, Wm Cotrie'e , heifer. In another column he is offer- ; as to pprocess and price. Nowa- Bran $1S.50 ton _ Sundliy evening. The:er-vice was days the -reader w -'ho misses the (!th con), and D Pnab's tach oon) 6-17 ing a suitable reward for information Shorts 28.50 1c conducted by lir. ]]elfin, of T(1- that �t ill lead to it., recon cry. ads misses Many a fhouey saving ��A. Y0UNG. 3i D., 0.U., Fellow of Jumbo •'23.00 ront-o, and being an old res}dent chance. • Trinity 9feitcal College, Tomato, mem- WholeWheat Flours of Searboro, he met many old bar of Coll sae of Pbvelciane sad soreeoas of Graham, friends who reeiated his efforts Whitby. - Some sixteen eArg Rio 'its, Ontario. O>Hce and residence oppO Leery Lotel Rolled. Oa pP y e tlPoburn,Oac. 0ffi00 bora. morning s to lo: tiers Ml ch. Gold, wife of Rev. -Matthew Gold, - e+gtaisig a to g.,. Hard and Soft Coal. Salt. C The roadway at Pringle's creek, in retired Ba Whitby, The Misses Mer•ten, of Toronto, I post minister, Above prices 6ablect to Change withont µ the eastern part of the town, lies been i is stud to have a inherited some - _ Notice. visited th'-ir grandparents, Mr. the scene of two or three accidents - Legal. Co,nd firs. D. Beldam, over Sunday, lately, owing to the proximity ,to the 5.38,000, and till it few days since Model Bakery toLimited. road of the fence placed both sides to was. silpposed to be well off. But By RIg, prevent rigs goingdown the embauk- I it is now commonl • reported that r T FAREWELL, Q. 0 , I; Chi rrywood- went. Ouly a week ago the Rev. Dr. she is some al7,OWyin debt ancdhas t/ • T13S Goanty Orown Attorney, and County � ` ' otioftor. 10cuit House. whitbT. ]a. The re -opening of the C'herrywood flare, principal of the U. L, C., was I trade an assignment. Among her church will take place on thrown fl his carriage ase resu'.t of creditors `are menti of the prom - Methodist 1ricQILLIVRAY, BaRRI3• Sunday, Nov. 29th and Tuesday, Dec. a collision with the fence, ane- on ineat r-itizens of Whitby' and the •ate en, sollcitore,ac. O�oo opposite Post- Ist. On Sunday there twill be three Tuesday night about i:3U, while Dr. ! amotltits' }Jartew'ecl range from :twits t4brby, Ont. Jno.8a11 Dow, P.A.; Tbeo. ntg Iservices. In the lnurnin•� tt 14 o'clock War^, inn was twenty home from Osh- I Sl(� up to $$,(100. A: oCiL111TraT,LL,s. Moaev to Loan. ey - and in the evening at 7 o'clock, Ret'. aww a he ra in' the fence and was � � J. B. NN'ilson, B. A.. L. L. D., of East .s :Fu etrfl� to the gro,ind.' HisRIF At the las 1 4R AdV- Yeterturttf`y. houl le: lade was broken and he was; t. Holt ite, owein no . Toronto,wwill o£Flc•iare, audRev. Judson R - 3lcIutosh, of Wttite%ale, Rill plearh badly shaken up.' Ile;viil be co,lflned doubt to international matters HOP.iI\S VETERINARY SUR- f , :isx,n.ul ;1- to his house fr)I• some time a - _ n -Eyauov, arvloace of cue Ontario set• music In the rluruing %will be slip lie o t e acr.%dent._• htbttu)n of-Crinacltan litre -tuck. illy ------ erinare Coileg+, Tomato, reiiatered member Of all matt7rials and design - C's ani a a sr,o Veterinary ![slice' Aaaociation. _ keptt n e oes, a al paq yon I;art'.n :'ht..ir u • tL, aftrtt+ oa etre] a :chicly a })i' Q�ltloll, and over lof breeders dt eon r,•a 'lenci one and oae•gaarter miles to call at our works and inspect our stock, GREEN RIVER. g' north of irevu River, Office and shoeiugtorge � �-vE-nin^ On T4esdac evening the I c Inoue a to 11 arm„ and 1 to. -s p m. Private and obtain prices. Don't be misled by i 3 was held in Tr)tnntn on �Z'etlne=- tetephuoe is my omoe P, O. audres•, Green age*te We donot employ them,coosegaeot• `Rev. J, J. Rar�, of Cslin' R, wa•illdrlic.rr� A nunlhar �fl,onl here attended day niltnt, R. P,eith'• tleciil-d not kiver, ,n% ly we can, and do tbrbw off the ggente j h!s pt pupa-ir enure, entitled: •J,uk the-cot,cert in Zi'hitevale'Saturclay tr> eshihit this year at the New commission of 10 per cent„ which you and Jil ." T'r.is 1<•r.ture is very' higli:c -- P ((:vr•ninlz IA?i. 1"hrk ' HUr•�r. show as 'inteucled. -- > tttef! iTLetrbs, certainly save by purchasingfrom ea. 8 spoken of Anil shrtuld draw a Irtrge $ _ crowd. ThN- Pickering -ylr thodist Monday Last ww e hail a deet anti �� r hole the L. S. and Cnnada _ call solicited. K choir wi:1 ivrlder (luring the evenirg a rain storn1, and in a short tine will .scion have better reeipt'oc•al �H0:J&S DCNN, Conveyancer, Com- _ WHITBY GRANITE CO,, nun,l,r-r p s chalve :Hlectitm of inu3ic, ever}•thing tta5 c')ateci with it e. relation.; in th!s respect.- States-' _ m,rsioner for taking Affidavits, *to.. Opp. Post oMce, Whitby, ontaria. The q 4,v tt1�5 and proceeds are to he Jle=, 11, llul,l 111.= ; 1pent SV wlnes- man. Clarem.nt.Unc, Qy dewolc•rl t,iit•ftayingthe cost of -thy (lay aur.] Thursday la -:t at C'herty- esten.,lwr int rurrnirr.s wwhiri7 liri%e hood, the pros t of 1jr Jas. Lett- �BU.`TING3 Issuer of Marriage !✓ . ._ _.jam � i:era 1 :a e �i '•e t• .4�. IL7. Lueo+ra for tbo Connty of Ontanc. Of- I 1 d t i h hutch, Achuis.4on The -See rt the store or at bis residence', Piokering FICK44" , Ii RY i t'i tlw lecture, 3 r.• tit -wj t :, P. R. Ijr)over attowled the r((�\�t �l l�JJ (ry�j1 ( (� (l 4:lla;e.- I -y •••-- Latlie•�' Union Att\IIilit•y' in(Ttitlr IST f� L ,r f (� �1)�i ' First class vehicles for hire b da + Green Need. 0. �t-ed:,coda at the bolus Let' VV ! ttlllll�ft1 1: tit111,i 1 CA 0 3V ID BELDAM, auctioneer, Ac., y y y a•�tiy, ry,q•,i is iia nal ea from b:n osraerons or night 'Ens in connection meet. X11 �. Re(•-r)t . Inc r. ratocl b act of Parismen:lei/ i f - �1l''�1.l.'-R 1: i�.r �t a+ i•i )a t,.t :11^a.•tl y - -' tzlania.:•,.•, rsc anan�.r 3&!cac: a, me,tarai ing a!I G� T. R.traina Fre and I{,•gay. \;;,*1,-:%wnn'lPr Lt'n,�.tx1;E•n ., •' . ban't;e. �••.,neub.criborw;ththe utrsoetcare c:il9 ` 11 1;;T9- -.d ^Lt•ltltlrly ill 1;1;'.111 :<tl't'Irthiy" LIi i1t o • zees att.<s ;a1 ¢c,rv1yt!a Lha tstobenoii will bn elpre8s uPliverrd i0 tali 3I t' Ti 1c Y -n6 Branch. a,ts of the 1, vt-iting T-)- tl �c,oao lest so,d -o the vory.bee: advantage, i9 -!y. - ¢e• Teaming of all k1cls..dome ) r _ lri:•C. .'�4 t ;,.yltlt'r. R1� i� �eaid to tie ,Seo crit d Cs]'i a: , „.................. ............. y�,rga as shortest active. Gale and colt:] w\ 2. 1 - I the t: ritttr�e Irl r ,r•• a (' Ptis:.,l t;, se(• a y ver. rile Bute iztrl:iu\'c- sea: 1'.0.r,lo -. .. -'R.Bc-�TO`,TOWN SHIP CLERK m:_s.�ion ambles in connection, 1 e , : - t IPLtt..•N' wwriti;:i', Asset* He'r••ilw• C�nv zttb,e ,...,.,, 1,G1:f67d` uj ar:rt:lPt tr i,'i, . • Joa.ecavtlts Cornaaiaeton ti for Line n 1 r'I'i Stilly ' Jcsx Caw,":. eid T. H. tSltzte� ash .aCR.a�ttt ErCOJtltbat Etc, wfr+ony t0 lnao Id•t'1 M. tr r, tl'-lL,t � Illrl'P!,• 1.1111"I', tthtl 11•'i� 1/PE`ll '[�� ���� ttt1ree:dcot Cash .• an farm vrooer. •�I3saer of �Iazzl•5e Lir- r. � � ' - t'11i,t�;.• „in i!r>i r1.iC.. _ _ '_ . Ct)ittint'tl Ir> flip hU:l-?C` %t1t11 <i �t'tPt'E• � _ •--- - pp • . special attro•:on Cf van t Farmer's bale •atoa' 'to H. Out. I.v ! Yroyt-leZor. I r1, 'maid Jli (,:c.. •n �.t::tlay'.t•d -with (ul,l C'vntl:!r tr>tl, l= 1'esilntetl l.o es Collt'r: �a ;atielaad lror'pt:o made ------ - Whitt! lr ° irtt l� �wrr.:•r'+ :.otvy ' .cr,antcl twenc" and ,�Ol"C'.IER S P,)�TIL-L. Licensed Sae' fl uutn� C a 1p. -r oo l . i-' Clung to iic•� at yt lay !fill r-re.gn E:oaao.;e hon.chr sad eoi;i Drsfts is- - Tilt- lathe, Ler the if i-sit)n (,irt,le •t.td- a)&.1%bio -n all pests wt tLo world '+lt, - r rie•,-e !?r rue County of Ort'crto A.c• - • - - O�ii tt d (, 1"1': kir: t hr %t•;utt r. .. tion n..e• of tor- leacrivtioa coonucted ac s 1.. I i t ^ inrti-lto.<•dthi %%hither, flit•- it ills hon,,o Of }lt�.'Rt,h •ri Savings Sark nopart -ant. n, o4era'v eh fie ca. f•oucher, Real Severe 1 �i i r,�jNea s a,, H I, htt•1 u t tt it}1 la Slit a ,:c:t t .e. Dal*',e Bret. ettek Rnt,j, viii] s oa;c y tt tact Cia-ed rn de -it. at Ct (•7teat cars Agan° a d Gc sora! w n1 u;;or, a:ri^c arcs rt+co („� 4 J j, _ ` rent rstre. and credited h ►r i given -r %IT order• by m+:T or talegrrph dei• -�Sr'b int` 2r•ttL•nrel h��lu.• rat h'riUe illi-�:o:1 w\ Ut'h i,y` �e\tl:lg Male ait•yeatlytodeyxie for - - drab. TYiia. Pal'UHErt, Brangaam, '�1-in,lati :,ifFt tl�ii;n�t T :ruff: p lrtf nti•, tt I lr�r fAtuli} \\'tTe1t' �Irbilt3 11i1.� Geo. I�err. Sraaage:, ^ Poo r[•.L.Groom IL cer.Ont, 3s-ty _ 8 fele line of first. 3It'`• J. Heil, 1,f ylillik'et: Crirners, i.; bevel ill the -hr,u=e fur' Koine HE WELLINdTO`} Flowelr-Ilev• • class furniture now ti•luuQ n ith J. P. rind y1r�. Ulsney. pea, Zt.e.cuurruPnel file lathe; for _ _ Tt oma. Rit hutt;;iili lost a vall:at,I a;Tera:,ved to sad t-berauxbly oeert3-,1' on 62I11b1i10a 1D , t tht LI' kind act t and Cllristiftn s )frit. � ad she ab•,ve hoaae• 1 a,n prepared to f,uol,h h tn•c -in M,mdav, The xnittla, died �IC�ering \�jo 0 y our ware rooms, _ r '+- JAA� ? 'VYV a,coomnlstio to all who dentre to 174rrotlfie Yrp•u1 infiutnlnnLlun. _ tea. Spacious oamp'a r,on;a. I ab all Ga pieaa• Giahaitl and 31rY. Jobll4ton attended Dunba••:on Cd to nae ala o1i patrons . ban the?7 have oc-, prices ri ht: the funeral of the latter's father at _ Y agds at Spink 11111^3. • Oaelon to %talc MestJam.JAB, TORRB\CE� - .. ' karlcbma.Out. a m Uxbridge on -Th IIr•sday. � It- is with ragrt-C that' v:e A -gain Best Quality _ Of 'Hard {,'cal - R. S. Dillingham • The re-, int ice Storm inured the chronicle the death of one of our old - Methodist Church Pitel, phone wire, around abq'ut. 31any c•st residents in the per -+,a of Mr, John Full weight Guaranteed• Pickering, Oat ta Cf theheir rz broen:` Kerr, at the advanced age of 84 yt•an t+ Services as Follows. S%'• J. Devitt ere tori a cement con- and 5 wontha lingering s, after illness Stove and Chestnut sizes cre:e culvert iiiMethodistfront of the Methodist fro.11 the infixtnities of u!d Age.' 31r, 10:30 a.m.. , .. , Preaching. - W Whurch here on �•�'et;nes,'11w. Kerr was a native of Oshawa, his 7 1. n �r i]brant Eluyer IeturnEtl fr<rm- the fzth.Nr at one time owningart of the �j 1:1:04 p. m..:.'.:.Sabbath School. g ,L WWW CoV s happy' huntinfi ground.- on Tuesdac, sire of that town when itwasa wild- 46.40 at the i�ll�• &0U p.m........E worth League, on He brought with hint two fine deer. erness, :Fir. Kerr's father was a cap - p Secure' -lour Christmas numbFr of Lain of the -Militia during the war of pea Size $5.40 at the 101. Tue9day. Haze a full line of fresh and cur- g 8 OJ p.m.. ;Weekly Prayer on ,nests con'stxntly on hand'. the.Daily filobe he€ore they are all ex- 151: and he, himself, ww•as a volunteer ` haunted. On sale at the post.o"fice, dluilig.Lhe rebellion of .1'337. For a _..__. --- Thursday.Spice Roll, Breakfast Bacon, Levi 31. Gieesou, agent. nuruher of years after his marriage W e have also on hand quantity of _ -Rev.-J.--E. -Moore, Ph. B. Haul, Bologna; Weiners, etc. Zlany from here atiended the oyster 31r. Kerr was engaged in the lumber Best Quality Smithing Coal. Pastor• supper and concert at Glen ylajor on business, havink run a saw -mill, at . Our Cord makes warm'' friends. Highest prieea paid for- -Monday evening: T -he Greenwood Highland Creek. Later he purchased Orders left wire w. Peak delivered Butcher's cattle. chpir sang on Sunday and 3fonday. a farm Just north of Oshawa on which promptly, - - he remained for a number of years. _ Bron nam. In the year 1870, he purchased the FA f {,1,� r g faTtn on- which he died and on which -+- + wLateT IS �ioia c he jived up to the fires of tiis death. ;�•���•������� - A. Brooke,, of Dolltir, spent Still He was a man who was well and few- ` and you will need something to keep day with A. Jacksinl. orably known throughout the south- aWe Salle' FO'FAR SALE7 vdu -erre: You wcill 6nd'it at the T. C•. Bro w'n, of Toronto, visited ern part of the counts, as well as • �artrli'r's Supply Store. his home here on Sumlay.,, Yurk county \f r. Kerr was pre- - Just Look : F indoo Robes, Coon- E. Haw, of Oshaiwa, spent Sun• deceased by his wife about seventeen. 'Being composed of the south east corner skin and AlasLan Bear ,Fur Coats. day. under tine parental roof, years, but is survived by four ions and "of lot No 18, in the 4th goo o[ the tonna ,@ Over -coats and underwear' of -all- of T: Beer of Kinsale spent Sun. four daughters; one son and one of Pickering, consisting of 65 acres more kinds, -Nater-proof suits fully lined, daughter having died a ntimber of or lees. , On the premises are a Qood house Horse blankets . and •also wcoolIen day under the put'ental roof. • YOU' o off 1 r fair nulhaildings end watered by a never l)Iaal.et§. 'These ace LIi to date H. Phillius of Markhatrt Visi°tecl years ago, His funeral which took ^� fiwiliukepriug. This farm is well adapted (roods and -prices are right. 'J.:Phillips for a fe,%v days last nmuber flace on �SyrupiLFlvsvingas �friendsd who `for either 6tOCIL or grain. Call and nee fur yourself -'eek. followed his remains to their last rest- From 10 to 23 per cent. of Mrs. Fi=ll, of Tnronto, i, spend- in, lace in Erskine' cemetery. your purchase'. quality- con- Terme-to suit purchaser. E, BRYAN, & SON, p further irticalare apply to Robert Lot I1. Cor ?, ; int a fleww•Idays -with ilei• soil,• Dr. t 1s %with regret that we report the sidered ,-.-lien you by _ bleBrady, jPicB ting, P. 0. Po 9 ;. \Let. 1;3thr of one of • _ . death on Friday, Pickering. A fewv from here attended the the -oldest residents of this place•, -Mr. _ T _ Ad:;t..Lutou cailctrrt at Whitevale John C'.eighton, sr,, in his lith year. •eJ owelry from Lee, DOMINION vitt Satltrrla37 etelling ani report The deceased' hied been in failing' .W• Vs. Richardson,..BANKa- splendid programme. health for sometime, but was able to �rotti go around perfortning his usual labor We are si�rr to rt' :ort the ill; y 3 1 until Monday, ^�vious to his der%th - r Public, Pickerin , , • •, • p' - ::,.. a _ iv _ ... Capi#a1 Pa.id eo �3 pde 000 dol of -writing she is soulewthut -of the throat, which gradually extend- - i better. ..«-e .all : hope for Fier ed to his brain, causingbisdeath.,- Reserve Fund 13,350,000 i)cedy recovery, Creighton wwasa native of Aberdeen- Becanse we -call afford to. r Gere- returned home on shire, Scotland, and emigrated. with We, buy- for cash, sell for- - - -- I.S his wife and faniily to Canaria in the ea•.:h .and have very small 10.0 o iturda�: from the nortFi -['here y wear ISiU, ,catling shortly after on the mi nniu expenses. �'PAITBF BRA TC . J Ile,llis been -spending the last two ft 1:• irili on which he diet], His funeral �'Phat does it st`&rid for ? - „'eek: hunting. He brought back took place' on Monday when a large General Banking:" -ilii] Ilim the regulation nuluber 11111116(11 - of svmpathisinn friends fol - Why for Ontario Chemists, ='Busing, s Transacted, r)r•rlet's': lowed }iia body to its last, resting place F (�nmanufacturers of some• of the luny-- a fban gets drunk a -Led in Erskine cemetery. lir. Creighton As a l rV Vf wvants to paint the town teed but is survived by his widow and one son, 'best preparations is the, drug 'Special atTentioti_.g'iven !_o the collet • IV. J. Coak,w'ell -i.> satisfieid wtitr, John Creighton, Jr., who li*•es nn the • '' line. tion t:ou oEfarmer's sale and. _ .: pailiti•ng h+s oww'n t)laceof business. homestead, and 'Mrs. Win. -Food, of Note ! We offer a sample � - other no.tas, He has laude an A 1 job and man 3fonmouth, Illinois, all of whom have lnewy -weight solid 14 k lyd- J - y the sympathy , of , the community in ies Try O. C. Com Cure. .. , •_ ; c,f the resideii is wi?ll lie would con- gold watch. -•orks -nil- - U. C. Cough D ---R:`,- their bereavement. iversally guaranteed three O. C. Headache afere. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. tinue with the rest of the village. 4 - _-On Thiii-dry evening of last "-•"'--' years for only $25.00 O. C. Toothache. Gum. =e faits received of 1. and 0. C. Talcum Powder. p" � week--Ijiss Miria .-Phillips, -'of T -6r- It paps the people, of these go- a a - - 0-C. Liniment. - upwards. unto, sae RIS _for our booklet. on - gat thesocial held under aheari days to read the advertise - watches. U. C. Cough Syrup. I=terest allowed ai highest the fiuspices of the Christian En- idents in their paper.. Some mer - O. C. Sarsaparilla. current kates. deavor of the Christian= Church. chants keen for business are mak- , mak- -'And-others always to be had..at the Comapoldnded or pad half The social was a great srccess in ing strong bids for custom through The Richardson 00'y ,yearly, esery way. �7er man- Brougham their advertisements. The shrewd Jewelers and Opticians. ' KEI IN N8 PFCKERING friends congratulate ]hiss Phillips Iand careful buyers are quick to • Brock st., south, Whitby. - PHARMACY X. J. THORTON, on the success she is achieving 1n take advanta a of the bargains KANAGRZI the art of music. i and iipeciii offers but those read- !..•.�.�f.��fQ p R.: m. r 't is ge rn f 1 .. ,i~c, -.t •... r -�.... -:!sm �;. .. ,ria rt ' 1 •,: rm:��.. +a 'tL., i a_ , m: :' ....,w?, „iur.'r.2,r... ••• �.._"...c- ��:$.` m...�::k...b •. - - .. "t'' �tG���kr_�'",.-.a+ttz,..�°•a-!rya'�,___.f�.'--�' ___ t�a•a"�?ga;--- �..wr..._;n� ..,=�`.,�'.�'Suti.•c•?:�?... � _. -z�:A :•wr+-�s=.'.•=>� _? ��. ..=3 .: ,,:.......- ,•�'S`_�a�.." �.-.-....3,.::.r.�..'•r�":a,+,..�'!'.•-a•-�--wiz:,'r_•,s`�,il�`wtit�ax"t�+�.�u::•",��t'+r•• _.- - . �.,,. .. 17 .,F ., ,v - - I. .a•, :+. .:, r —: _ d.w ..•w ;t-ve ` ay .. ' C . - .. . ._. w err ..., .... , n.. l. 1,. :. r\... - ..{',;�, :;pi T t a *hor Anger pointing to the simpl. (` - a , C TANI words "Conic untoIlL-- lahor and • are heavy la.rlen, and I ive you : - u ,o gtuu ihisrwitile !t>♦italiuni wish n is • ' ' its glorlo4s prondse. -Christ bids rec0 mend its• u . to nervou d 8 t i fn Se 5 a dy pep .. -fit is the -Only Mearis of S"ecuring the r• � a� rn� safely assume �� >� Ali ,r> �. t'uu coinv with all your burdens aild 1e� y y , trials, and ho will beets them fur of .1 , -. 11 1. }' R Cc• Y'v' Ile -Mills you rest in this life, Greatest 06 1J�e.7.7�ng5 real in death and eterntl rest b� :; . gond the grave. "Come unto him . _ _ - - - -- " all ye tw}no labor and tire heavy lad- ' gigolared according to Let of the Peer make up the heavy deficit. It is bo- 'en, and he will gine you rest. llantent of Canada, In the vear One I cause these churches in looking nf: ei• - - Thousand Nine Hundred sae! ?hr�s, F —T ppyy Win. :dally, of Toronto, at the the temporal life of their members in- --���-� 1Qepartntent of Agr►cuisntro, Ottawa.) j stead of the spttitual are not doitq A ZIODEL RA]; AY. _ . • ; their ditty. The best tray to get a . ,., -.. - • A despatch from Chicago says:-:full church treasury is not, as some What Our Travelling Representa- CEYLON tea is delicious and economical. $lack Rev. Frank Ile Witt Talmage preactr people Suppose, K, to have a bazaar, or live Sags of the G. T. R. - eat froth the fullowiug text : Matthew tin oyster supper, or an evening's _ - Mixed Or NSturai Green. 28. "Come unto lite all ye that entertainment of Airs. Jai-le�''s (wax- A recent trip to "The States" Sold only In ceased lead aaoheb. My no &onnn , . habur and are heavy laden, and I works, or concert. The true way Drought "Truth" in contact, atuvng will give you rest.," , to get a full chtu•ch treasury is to other things, with the Grand Trunk Thea•e old Promises of the Bible, of have a full prayer meeting. If the Railhuy, esti its incomparable din t,•'•4..e-" ,� ^� +F••• •••=til+..► the field and give then fr•sv yuurt� _-: •-....-.:----jW1ng rest arid pease to those who! rich Bien of a church, the leading ! t a tints. - , uig car service. A brighter, cleaner, u ' :care troubled and la pain cued sin, men officially, would set the right � FARMERS � � 7 It wail not pay the dairyman any niece efficient plan of eating tvhilc •have a far different_meaaiting to us example to the avera.ge church mem- iourucyinl rives not exist u❑ any � t better to swuar 'at the; cute and . f4ftet we have been compelled to lift bers and come to the weekday meet- _- abuse her, than it .would to treat - che cup cif sorrow to our lips mild ings and take a `Sunda • school class railway anyswherc, and "Truth" has .* his wire and fainily the same wa . ' ' .'drink its ootitents to the bitter dregs• land practice prayer ill public•as well travelled on niost of the leading'lillea t Sassonable and Profitablo f It does not improve the quarrtiy ' • SALADA .When your men and out. volaris' • cif the world, anti is therefor«> in a g >' K as in private tlietr there would he no 'ilials for the (3usyTillers ! uttd quality of the milk in the vise, posittou to know. The "Club" f nor the tent , .. hrst open the Bible Lhe go.-pel Arum- clitiiculty in nteetitlg the ftnanclnl ob- of the Soll. rci and happiness of the lireft-R irlrts are all excellent feature, other. • . isos in rrfercnac to surruw�s octal lihntlotts of the boards of trustees. - heat} burdens du not appeal wetly if ter, the u1ollA c•rs of a church, hoit- Which a'ppeRls to many travellors. r:WE-#-+-,K-+---*--+--�G.-*--�.a•� In newel,- as cases the best lime istrenijzly to thein. '1'aa•ir ho:ira,us rstly Bud fin(thhlly do the work of Th,• attendants are courteous' and a sell stuck is tvhau it i3 ready for ' • ' are ultwa,cs rcunbuired. Their [till- our church in a spiritual tcuv t:oci obliging, and don't appear to De al- - ]!L'TTLIt AIILK. . (trtarket. By holciug for better - -- eddies arv.itlways I:ariging t;ardeues and will s,r, to it that tae shall he able ways looking [or. a "tit•.'' tcrraard wirryauds, l', err bo, ,les to easily carry its tiuuncial burdvus The fine, heavy double track of Tt cn•aui or uiilk is apparently all Arises, ihrre are three chances for tewracs �te,Ii to :air the -ar21i, rich rails between Toronto le rias oaf right to taste all(] eam.11 when trees,, 'lots. Orta is the extra feed: another Ill .a temporal waw. P trot becomes hitter and utherwire i± the interests on the murey, uttd ' blva,d of I'rrp.-teal youth coursing _ ' Sion ltridKe makes it possible to the,- third urso-il,ility of lower ,ri, es AlA`i' AUIi[7'TOti 3, tainted upon standing tar sr,inr tithe, p } _ Lhro 't their reins. ' Al hysicialls run that distance without delays of cwt se there is oWy one chance fin - •� rest r,tion is not sou-i t1 after b i The Heavenly Father ofTera rest al' tilt kind, Bud you are landed at it is pretty safe to conclude tt,at the u It F 3 so in refcrcncr to the'suhation of y' undr•st':able• rlar•ge is due to bov.-tet- gala: - ` ...__ lir x21 t:a,r an sartiltst b. these t:aa- your destiuuttou right on time to Gaud tillage_does not for<fst in is that sr 'p >b2rc, ivayir_ad ac- - - -- - - ' - cirri to fF ; tulTk after it is drawn he �• enun'g - fid" Ler•:, at•:: i,�•C,. to taLke u 1)ng e'cry h.•althv uoru:ul mail fins two Tho gr,•att impros•ements cqt the 1 cot•±� in the "s:t:uc•1 et ai.itr;si-} n;nhitions. The our is to litei loos. tonin line east, Active n 'I'uronto.anti I. the udderr. yJ'his corttainW.Araon to keep uieliusv and in a (rite ti tit; . not litres• uentl} rutues from ru,lk- twhethcr there be any veered. to kill - ` • - ' aha! tfien T•ostgrndua:P course aster if I had zu}• own tvay and could still Moiltreed, have been very costly, and q or uot. Thu better rule v he-n it crit • K>�' -,adua'c seas.,•, r:., t, , boss• Irsr in hrnith and strep tin and liver i'aiha or carts ,,hilt are t;bt thorough-' t, g Ila c in suute easels awarit the al- be done, is ileser to allow the weeds n - i}• ct,tanarl nrsri scald,•d or btee2tud. ,atiffere•nt Cud's %a%vvt pro m:scq ai..- nutid the anrroundinas I tun has'inrr most entire recunstri,ctivn of the , to make their appearance .ni>ove tl:( - r• to us d- to�iav as tar ns I can make orit I 1 j ,a good c e al of the[ ti::nsarc used f,,r' . d'� t (,, creed. Th­ ling has been straighten- milk hsb nIr•ti eatit:u and )t:iut5 from [tro,trtrl. _. - AN 1)x11' 111'-HFTATION,'--:'w,,u-d tike to live on earth at least ed, the grades, les:;ened, and ''Truth" which it ib practi-ally impusrO,ly to The cuniorma!ion of tl:e dairy Tv-day I no-ld i.:A tz t, cue t\'''o1I,I 775%'ears. 11'ht•n I think of till the• Iis tend that wcry .shortly u train will f cots: 1•s- of slrtif itnpor'tanc•e. Thr ' . •Dawe tw�nc;-III k:-,x aivej, and chits 9lor:ot,s opportunities of working un I+ little • all the n'ilk and [at, ur.rt the. R he put on between Toronto and little that rcivaius In, it tau}' be, type ,f tt.e caw is more issetrtie: 11 de-v- in tic q'u-.k>., cis of t•'uub:e. I earth. for my Lord and Afastrr I }lontreal that will snake the- dis, ,,tnc pail, .a(Tcvrd% plenty of ye,il for than the hrr.•.,d as i;rdicatirg the abil , . , wo, ( tri t•:) iuLt•:l%ret t;.r'you shat wo.,'d.not vohir.tarily change, placesltance. in very witch less Litho than the growth rt bacteria enough to ity in Isrc,d„ce•lr.ilk aur[-bent-:r• i•cur>• -. 't ii•• c -i el •cls: c,[ u:_+ • xt 11,eant. I u:'`ii the hright-est rohed" denizen of I e,'rn 'ahe interuatiotial Limited duesl itnc:t it large qu-amity of n:irk. 'trtttca�it'Most r+•curds snow thaiI+ 'w�o 11 i:.ler alt it r,ct e ! f.;f• th ,.e ail the ceder:ucd intmurtai!s in heav- hove, ( nil inra.s e*f et., ,;,all • and angular . wither had tttuet fir•alscel t ctsu5a• e w c t. •e t.ouz,d th.s ret blit alp en "Truth" sr,lricm trncrls on railway bar:te.lel coutatuinntiun nre h. r`f'' resr,nn, i r T;rd ee•rvfce [.r a _.. fvr '.h.,a- te'':u nut, ire 1".:s,:1_r.rd to The ...•r,,nd ambition 'zehtch nrarh' Ira-s,,s th above stat,.znenty can lou,o huirs at;d tit;e partiek's e,f i,lrt nwch 1,u't•r T, ••i ,r! th.Ru eo.rrs that erg•'• r: cs •i c;c,d C7,ci, Ates-i•r at every hPalthv• nornitsl nian has 4a itherr ever l'e considered peri:•(tly "u n- and scurf tfat full into t':u Trail i have the te„der:ay ,to lay on Aa-sh: ti• f,e,: , t •r e• croIt-% Khat i, s ,ur rot Orly to live long in an earthly bias-,41, anrl aro made puroly bO' i v.-hili- u11'.isi • 1': r v tuay to 1.arnt- i ..- . Ir, •'-•-,. lits b 4'.' er ? Tr lial,q it i- sense. but "nein clay to onvn a large' l arse of th,• excellent facilities af- ! lees if ti eut�ekta ,. but I x'1 are •ro: - � P'I•:1•'shim(: 111E -I'IG�:• s.;r,, rbrr('- common to the trnoie honk, in which tin can irnther all his ,,,,rded the s;t•neral irr,vollin puhlic.'i,lc` sur carrtirt;,a t,w (,art:lla ir: Afar. farnio,q he'tieve in roukinfi I,r,;:,'n •u e It is %cry 1.,-01} .:t:.: childr(•n -anti grandchildren and and- because of the pr'ido "Truth' Ti to th m•ilk,-twi'-,•rr, ttu+•.' gr i0.' oral Io4Yl for pig=. roil..' elven q'.li•g ec - Me I c thait oti,•:s erf itis and loved ones about him. Tres in one clic ,,ut (rear nationalImulti;ly with aln,ust inae,un;:r''Icmi- tar Rs to rook SII ticlic food. �'h,r 'ito ir,g::te+r :,oi.t tKr i,.:t- ye•:n rise it ieaif. I'\•rhnits Ane! if at- Titan lollgq to have an htah,wwvq, I)> ial:iditiiThe remvilti .Is to res-;1t4 of n+rrneroarrs exlrr{memts . it s s, rice uoitbr, ;a •Le ia-r:-til • o'lr- earthly home, -h,-re he can collect. 'The (:rand Trunk llat!wny Com brush th. ud,!rry ai,d Punk* of tr.o sltew•'that,as a rale. .:trawirg or .. a.elr t`..it rocs rant;ot (;oar ir, de,* rthe 1•.;c :nca`d. ollos, how much m„rr moist n r e•sc•n to a t [err-c±=�:a•e•,'v F,e,it .any certainly maalo no tnistakelcuus hel<ne t:aI',ii•p'. nr•,d if uc`•r+�sut;t' roo1.t„tf te,atzl, eRl,r•rrail}-.coarse trod I` 'kna•.,rt}, its_uwtt i;ttotnes�; hut, the Christian long that in his h.•ns- wh,n they h,rndcd over the rcfns ofleltunlwn tt^�e i-aits, It les it cute- f„r rntt'e, adds nothi'g to Its va!',e. •. +' only %0111c he tttay hr ahie to collect control to lir. Charles M. Iluys, for i anon exp-,,i, Iorce that bitirr milk i4 P1,1 Litneq,- bow• sr+r, tariwr t,e fed to vvt... ••ser t tu.ay bi-, the invitation ;all his dear ones ht,6 children and a . more capable, ail-round ritilivnyImore comuton in v4&i than i,t swarm •,ri"r in env girnncity without cool:- - l' r'i t sdi.rs is leer you' hrothors,nnd siat,•rs and lzarents and man does r,ot exist to-day. i tieathe•r, nrnl' bucterit>I•rgists hese .ing. at•d other r;rains n•hirh nre in- • IT,, w±e;b;o'l le-t from t'.e oyer- friends-the"•• who are hound tee him Th.) Panr'nger Vilpartment is most! Bund that the cautiT of this !I•s in jilredor (latrralzod is sone tray - . 'aI (wing I,1ardt•n. of i,; n, "1'i,is was - t1. r.cu•.y Ira(.: %•Alec, neaTly crushed by tics .of [owe as well us of hlbod, efiicir alio dire.tcd by C, T. i3,•i7, IV, ! th,e fart that the beuteria p.-a duairg clictnld Arai he cookee] tic ore Pre::i W. the+ ii del pilr;tlns !r. Ilunyun'v gt'rat-Ther„'iq rot a true t'hristian man �F..-Dads-and. Ii, G Elliott in Mont-i this hiltrr condition (-an rt-4I ;t it Warming tcc-d must nut...be cor,it',c,d . _ -' I - allcvo .It :s._the hvaiIy burtieti or woman who has not felt at heart real, (%eo, n, Vii-ax in ChicttiRo, and f ereutrr' d r;rre of cold than ocher .kith cookie t; . it, *rt vera i,' al tl:R'- r:a;rs tee l.enrts and bratrq n runto.: st,t.'`•tvq. In ea”. iI tun e+ tb-oak, w:' feed of r•tx)red food will hi• relie'lted . __- -- __ - Add rx• r.+-lather aW�frr.-rtsi. cul. hat J ttiee br•spea�rrat thini;s for - the 1 '''.ild s iegr, •, thitt aampiest e•r miLk by alae of var•it•iti'. Warmi ig or - and a }i s aria fret a, d li !Id .and Ehr "'' - - . _ . bac' , t all te: ideally -ache-durii,g i`+ it fioas,v -harden to hear! If I Grand Trt:nk Pacific itntlwav• on ittr i '' •± seeder lie` taker, irut:n rifle ,Tit ..,akir>; .t',e ! er.Q uiiiw. tnaX'e iL mare _ the 'u,1 jv':ruey cti Aio. w'ouid throw ttris ineetinq open te) completion,: ,,rile, and Ill ilieut stand, r:<ch Iry ce•nif'.vrteil,li: or. a¢rrrnhlo to [Fe A IiF.:1C1' 1]E'H11FIA, ;"k'for ir•rtucsts for prayers from- - --moi - iia,lt, . It ,a ill th.•n be 1•n-xlhlo lo'Ialrtc. and,, t'ti'hitpt, ntakr it [nose lorato siouive, it uut the caturc of the•reasiv divest0-lo. tit t1 to wav, - -'1•Le Ities•eni; Yather offers rest risa•inanai t s houF ash for ntv hua� SOW GORILLAS FIGHT, ubli•, incl this will be u 'long sup., warmi,,g the. tiled may be axle antag- ireku financial distress I'hc alder I: band ' Prov t,.r' cry child," "Prov The Depend Entire[ iT o-n Their' towards itr 1iva1 ernalication. It nous, f.,- t,:arra\:ed comfort twill a!d i gritty tie nloie 1 rvuliie that the 9 P q P haTspened that in <y•nnt re.w=, as ser- in econrvrniri+rg tTo food, or lnrroei - f .-' ,g- _test struggle onrarrh is after' t•ation r - Tor my brother, _ ­Pray for my Teeth. _ , y dull, h;rad, Most a le.-die not .roommate "Pray for itis wT"ter p oror,ln, aUaonnal coniztt.,rs i±tt tine• galiis._ -- p P Thr prevailing belief that. gorillas, aT. roar in tho nzilk that deVrlup I'r- i --+- - - i.: But. friend, why do you ask this 1 • figh'rnq :or tl:e luxuries, but for the_, shim anises or Oran Outan s, uslcu}iarly otirnsiwe;'hut not character- BRAINS AT FINGER-TIPS. . ” melee r,x•ce-ria:-les. IT a man.gets SZ4,1 pulpit to pray for your lowed one? tirC}rpare tariusisl�' called_ use clubs istica.il} bitter, tatgtrs. Una• drubs for SILK) ahead in the bank thee, 11-hY do.sort,not bring that .hurdrn — that heir burden of the salvation when they attack each other or their cow in a herd Il, sufl}cient to tati,rt Blind People Are Almost. Able to • ' tcouurs ae•iLLC ,'nangeraus sl-kness in j y enemies is alt entirely erroneous the twholr .ruduct. i••arrow row's . . the family. Elis daughter is tr)rca't- -of your child or husband, to Christ? I gee and Think With Them. -• . lend with bltl.alness, and sbc „as Does not .Jesus want you to do this one, says .a naturalist. "They do are not al'Gncted in this way, and ( The wonderful sensibility assessed nothing of .the sort, and how such Oil' leads to tate conclusion that it c Y •p - ,to go to the best oculist and have today, If Christ will •earry. then an imrtreseiou ever came to exist, or is 1nUt prolonged lautntient, but s•om(- by the finger tips of blind people has the, in6st expensise gltt--6Cs, or his heavy burden of financial distress chits conna•cted wish gastntimt, that ' long horn a matter of remark, many : .. 'wrife breaks down, -and ahe must go sur,rly he will bear the heavier hur- how oldtime African 'explorers ever q ' orsons thus, afflicted being, as it off for rest, nstd extra servants are den of t_he saltation of your chil- came to formulate such a theory, is tikes Prutn or adds to the milk arntte,P �i• .• h1red, anal- the whole sum of money is dren. beyond my comprehensiorf, . During 'property sect that prolinea tidy taint. were, able to f sale and almost to think - _ soon swept aws3'• >; FI'ICACY OF PRAY! R. a 4onR sa}ovrn in that 'country E had •t test of rive milk of each cover may ;with their fngrrs: The reason for Said a young man of abdut thirty- - ' ample opportunities to *learn the �e . to des: ricer t},e o, n Or' marc this is thus c[;,lained Uy a doctor. Vivo cars of age to me a short time ' Ohr that we might, one and.ali, truth about them', and (what I dis- anim,uls that may be cauPi•ng Trouble. 1It you examine the inside of your 11 �' g anger-tips with a magnifying'-glass o[ . , , ago "LhaVc no s3-mpathydor_peop. .here- and now, enter ittdo a holy run cowered there vena Subsequently con- _ f Who financially do not et ahead, It spiracy of prayer for the salvation flrmcd durin a rotracted huntin 'even moderate power sett will [inti g r q P g ISLiE,T.p tiOT ,S. the akin to be in narrow ridges. . [they would sy�tematizc tbeir •buairness of our loved ones. This was the trip in Borneo. The tact is that in Keep the du at iwme. The will - , Standing point up beneath all these - - end work regAa: ly they. -would have way a great revival wave was sty`: fighting each, other, or in attacking g `plenty o1 money.” ,"Vas,” I solilo- ed in ono cit my old churches. Tt or d, fending thrmseivcs from other fed dog will remaala at home ui,less :ridges are the so-called "corpuscles I. -- quised as I looked at him,,.'•that is was by Christian people, irirmbers of cne i They 'depend entirely upon coaxed away, of Pacini." Each "Pacinian coo- all will enough for you to sny. You that church, getting together week their teeth, which aro abnorvially lie should be kept in the hour or i puscie" contains a nerve-trunk, an have a mother who has supported after week and praying for distinct strong and ;,[tarp• 'and cut like a" barn at night unless chained in the artery, and a vein. It is chiefly in . ou all your life, You have nes'er individuals. It was in this way (but' razor, .making a wound as smooth yard. ' 'these localities that it performs its mown what it is to pay a dollar my grandmother and grandfather and clean as the scalrw'l of a surgeon. 'rh;; wolf is his ancestor and he is i function of touch. or, rather, of re- -ilor rent. , Only a few'' C16thes have were, converted, Some or you tads liable to rolant at night, the old in- jceivinq those impressions of exterior _ Tl}ey are cluntsv on their feet, but laver come out v! your salary, /I'Uat have heard the wonderful story writ- the enormous strcngt}= of their porn stitxt harF.drg bad:. objects which, when carried by the -;would you have done if you And Pour ten by the pen or spoken by the Pips ectal arms marc than makes a for eke young d%g taot:l.l he.taught idifAerent nerves, produce the perctp- " oil five children and had'to 10*e upon P to respect sheep and other alttimals. ,tion of touch. Not long since I had - P of my father. Its was by a company this; drfi'cioncy. In fi Alin thew 1- i - , i - your sinlary and perhaps support not earnest and tearful mothers ash- fighting will never ct:ase and A most invarinbly attack the faces br `Stroh dOga the onporLnnity of examining under . (widowed mother or au orphan sis- ening together at. a certain time of. Worry sheep unless they gut in bad ; a microscope portions taken •frozA , - ter, as' many', aye, most inen have the day in the barns to res for, the limbs of their adversaries, grasp- company. the inner, surface of the index and :, _. opponents with their hatrnds It tvi.l not pay to build a fence middle fingers of the right hand of a to do ?" Life for the most of us is the salvation of their children urttil ing their o arounai a stubble field for the sake .. at ceaseless struggle for a bare plWs- scores and hundreds stood up.in the and .Arawing them' close ennusth to j hUrid nian whose sense of touch had lct>l existence, ilittle village church of Somerville to sink their teeth in their flesh. �t•t1s „P eradicating the field of weeds by b+�rm abnormally develo{,a d. On. be- - . . -' The financial burden is the heavy confess Christ, and the whole region hr a of hthc�nionk v,tr bean beings' or � the ther nor 1- iueanivin-s of the"flock. Much 1e,s peas- holdinir the highly magnified "Pabin- . one to bear. Alost of us are read y B tical would it be to turn ill the i n roc uscle" I. tress astonished • to to grant tYtat. Tytnt burden, _too, Ghost. It is b power conspiracy oly ]ae favorite point of attack. is__th -if-the tlrlrl alzouneis_in suckle. a P - "" ""' was moved b the tower of the Ti observe, instead, of a single nerve .. ' Christ will bear its ou comurit it to y P y Of hand and especially the flngcr. Catch- arrd 6titer"weeds-that tc^i11 get itr,trtmk•, artery, and vent, an•4n9nIto his hands. _Your anxiety, your tics- prayer that a revival can always be i•ng thein the wrist, the creature, nivel, tress, your foreboding, he wt!1 co- started and our' lowed ones swept in- with almost, irresistible power, draws R. there is a good fence an, 110 ttumMr of dainty and minute nerve- , clove, and :. he -will give you rest. to the kingdom by a tidal wave of the hand within ra!ach of his fangs, tsvi *s branchia off from the main - oma, "Lha preach-,mercy. &• Dnrs turn the flock in and let .tltetn �' g and cit the twinkling of Rn eve o T dostrop the svee9s. stem. P:xtreme and constant em- is' talking simple nonsense I II ; Thus. my dear friends, tired and comes one or ' more fingers. This .`arrange fhe feeld troughs' and rads the blind nt of this andsense to touch in I do not get oil£ asci hustle • and ; hravv hearted, tramping along the mode of warfare is n very effective so that tl:c food does lint become the blind man, and greater use of his I • work And worry and get the money : higtitway of life, .I want to lift the g finger-ti ps cause blood to tend to- 1i to reed and 'clothe: and educate my heavy burdens off your beasts.• It is sol q, for the aranafingers them- fouled. Give each ewe eighteen inch- I •.' i selves, for with fingers and toes gone. es of rack room. wards the latter in unusual quanti- .- .- _:'children .God will never do it for me. !these burdens that are crushing you, e til ties. Blood means t the animal is not only out of the Put a board bier' th feed too h •, growth. FTenco' I do not believe in expecting that the journey. Many of the older - God will relieve me of my financial men have read an essay which soda fight. but is powerless to .clim}n, so that the shcop suit get in it.wtth.I in the blind there is an extraottt'tnarp tiers, to their feet. develoinilent of the. "corpuscle of Pa- dtstress an chore than I would ex- : Pttrtious many Protect himself or to peer Y yertra ago. It was TI:c inen who docs not love she cini"-its nrrve-triink; artery, ' and _ vide himself with food, and soon sac-' - poet the water to buillin the kettle written by the "County Parson',' and cnmhs" to starvation or fall" an ensu' nt,ighC better cell his flock aiid go (cin-itnd this more perfect growth ,Y; - if I did not have a fire in the stove called- "Concerning People Who Car- i;Ao sontettilig he does like. Slit-op •moans morn perfect performance of or my.-cupboard be full of food un-: Weights In Life." The author tictim to sone other animal.j' - l�se T could order it at tine g kitrnv who loves than2 and ss ho docs tunction. .`Chis corpuscle is Lhe blind -- -- grocer's II went on to ' show that it teas the ) - I - --+ not, as id they -ill do bettor for the man's finger-tip brain. „, -_ i', or. the butcher's. When you begin ,extra Weights .sonic had to carry- ;: ream whose heart is with' them than , / . . - to talk about God carrying the bur- f tTt Uo�• doesn't seem to Have. got o : g I that made them lose the race or life, for ar.e who merely tolerates t}.em. TTP; QUIT WTNNFR. _..,don of financial distress then sou along hrr9 ter} swell.'` sn.id the ottlran And it is these extra burdens which Are there as (nam' sheep in your -- - • are s kit t talking about somethia bo}•'s father. "Well. to he herfe„y ly I ho o,- sit ,'.' .maid ,the ion .. P Y g g I-we can' cast at the foot of the cross '', frank with ycM.” replied the-employ- loca,li-ty as- -thero -'ere a toss'•- years P Y gAtail eA . you know nothing shout." that make us Rncl heavy lad-•_ a n'? If not, it is a go'txl time passenger, that you do not gam- - I ec, "T must say he ties not. "Ah i B A HINT TO:CHT'RCH 1lTF,11BERS• len. Will ,you not accept the fnvita- What's the trouble?" "He hasn't .toll y-vu to buy a few and. work i.a.o b}e," • -. And,-my dear Christian friends, Otis, tion or my text?' Will you not lisle juny tram,,•; it's LLe rest of us who the '1)1":'.ass. "I never Rambled but once," err . - ilea to roll lite financial distress of- ?n the faith of that blessed promise has( had- that !" sw'ill the prosperous-looking trnvo. ; 'your 11Pe upon Christ brings up a :nnd die in the hope, as dkl the bcaai- —� ler, . . _ . -verypertinent lesson which ought to itirul Princess Elizabeth, the dao h- +PARR( TOPICA. "And ,you lost?" quertrd the I.h {t, its q Ascom : "!Toto are tarsi; plans for _ _ !tie practiced by` ail our churches. Do ter of Charles T. of E`hgland9 U-Tion 'mitt nrxwy house coming along?" When you stop the teani at the Not exnatly,". rapilod thr party n! - you krnnw .why the average Christian'' her marble monument 1n Newport ! Snhhuhs : ",. plencil1y. ;,Tv ts•ife itra.rgin of the f`,cld, rind refrer•h your- the second part • "I sworn, a wire . . church is having such hard .work to church, erected by llueen Victoria, is'has finally- laid rant all;the cu.l:boards �clf .with a drink ' eater, ares it worth half a mi±liotn in the tttntri• . - ' [get along financially ? At the end ri:corded the fact- that all(- was one• c:he ' w'ants, and now all t}ir arch!- 'rover occur to }lot that the hot. ; "--'-+- - .. cot t'hn frees a few rich men have - to morning found dead, with her head ItEMtIs gnt to do is to build t`-e house elan .need a drill:A,' •Trust try it. I bfRn. poor actors are welt peace! . --'- ,jut %bein hands in their pockets and iuillowed upon t.4a onian Bible site i,aund them." (•.a,`rti• n 1,otr rt w tc,• wIt,h you to -thanks to the bill-titictwrs. - -. _ _ .. , h _ . 4tr i4y "',�rPrd�zri `„t a 'a ysir "'' y't .. ,. , _.. " ..... -- " .,r :say.t s,: n�td-.. - "`fk�.,'Zt".i+a.. ..,. .,Y'.J �' C"�e ••..ii.,. '��,. a� r,,hs Y`n«-'s !.t, ,,,,�f.,ypS C'?..:i Pa°' - ., • - _ '"�t;,9,. A."`'i..a'kt.7:°,., ...,?'�,.•-.•. "tr`�,'*•r y�yw4,•s2'. -11 xr1_r*g,`,o. •'��..�'+,•:_..i:.'.::.; :�„•Ya._ ... _.. ...�__.... _.sr...........,. ..,.,.�r!is�.e:...'<..aiy..�.. ....<..�- a ..i!'.� 'w'c'�if'd''i'ti ..�a�.,.�a�1'..w"�Mt!4irlll,aim'�E'_'.°a;-.,d'rs�S"e"d��-`;ji,.�'%'r,-rs?':x, ': . , . t, .. - '.,F' ... s: v ..-. 7'l C I. " n.. 11 ,•1•1. - f :`1. � ..'fir- — 5 .. "i ...� -. ..� -, .... M. F. 4. .. I .1 . i'. , - - - .. .ray Y ......... ,, - • M , 4 v I - . ti . .. • � ,. , .• ' w. .... - H . _ _ , . - Come now, tell me whet .7 we met and `faces, as easily read as a clock's, `T -- ---- .-- wh - ' "Well, I will tell you a little "W then,' the change of name!" y "WhGUMy, _ story, and if you like to apply it-•- . He changed his position at that: . C ' tve11, turned his back to the light. He THE RE1lLABKdBLE ERPEBL well and good I1 you don't, let bygones be bygpnes, and we will had to go from truth .to romance, ENN�F__4�A-N�YAfJTIA -.--.. - rc ' ---- or - .gay-sa�4ty that -_I-. hiEb'e- made a mta=1-aad-Ile u�fier---sbiIity to rein s take, and bid each other good-bye." face. MAN. o on.,' . ..I a Into tit! th I had .,._ : _ .. . ., a a a ex - .. ' G out three years a o I was peel dtto come into Just `about as He Had Suffered for Years aaQ - Ab Qr, Z'1ie Sign Oil t�18 knocking about town. I got into much ae I might ezpect to be Lord Often had to $it Night After! \ one of the night -houses, partly Mayor of London. An entire fain- Night at an Open Window Gasg j4t'j'Or,� gambling -hell, partly club; anyway, lily, yachting, were drowned. AL one a swell place. I am afraid I had- swoop eight lives between me and Ing for Breath•. !had enough to drink, but there was the title were swept away. Then the I - r1N a young fellow there who had had disgrace on the family name had to Mr• Thomas Johnson is well known i atom -more than enough. He got be erased. French Influence was in the vicinity of Hemford, N.S., Ha . CHAPTER XXII, .remembered now that he had seen into some quarrel• and was turned brought to bear on perfidious Albion, has taught school in Lunenbttrg 'The Count Oscar de Verement was him home, intending to hes u the out. I took his count for snore than thirteen ears. p p part, and was The Hpme Secretary was made to Y Y as shrewd and keen a man as a sue. I intimacy with a man who had ap- thrown out too. In the road I Fee that there had been a miscarri a and his reputation 'as a teacher ii cessl i liver -by -his -wits needs to be. Pea•red to have well -lined pockets. found that three roughs were setting of Justice, that I was Innocent, and rdeservedly high. It is known that He bad absorbed the information But about that time the police ar- about the first man who had been I was liberated." Mr. Johnson has ' been a severe sures which chance had thrown in his .way rested him. He did not suppose for thrown out, and were looting him. "Ia-iL -possible T" ferer from asthma, a.nd as he has .11 -the knowled a of the whereabouts a moment that Ashley would remem- I was sober enough to la about me "Behold me . I am here. S y r found a cure for the trouble; n re. of the woman who was sentenced ber where he met him, or have any with my stick , snatched the watch She .had thought to have the whip port•�the'ught the facts of his case . with him at the Central Criminal I recollection of the police Incident. and chain they had taken, and help- hand 'of him. She had to recognise would prove interesting to similar, ' . .Court. The Post Office Directory, Debrett, ed the man to his feet, A.s he re- that she was in no better position sufferers. "Ono evenin l g," said Mrs Miriam had spoken so confidently and the Blue Book did the rest. Ho • Placed his Jewellery he swore eternal than he was. He seemed to read Johnson, "while lighting my pipe I •' " -that he did not for a moment doubt got the name of Ashley's Club. He gratitude. He gave me his address; her thoughts, for he said : inhaled the sulphur from the matcbe 1. the accuracy of her information. The Inquired there how often lilt. Ashley eve got into a hansom and I saw , "Whereas I am a free man, with Tho fumes appeared to penetrate woman who was to marry Sir Grayne camel and the haH-porter in- Ihiim to hits rooms in safety, and left sympathy from every soul who every portion of my lungs, and near. . Oeorge Grayne +was the woman wbo � formed him -regularly on mondays im protesting unending gratitude knows of my wrongful conviction. IY strangled me. It was more thaw and Wednesdays. Whilst talking to and friendship. Since that time I an hour before I recovered from the He laughed as he the .ght o1 f you are— . the servant, a man passed in, and have not seen him until=" paused. She realised what he effects of this mishap, and I believe -.' t►:at woman's past, and how, -if she � He . 'wars marrying a rich man, itat' rich f seemed to recognise him, and they "Until to -day," and Ashley grasp- Meant. If the Graynes knew they that that was the starting point of man's pocket would bleed; for the both nodded. The 'man was a club- led the count's hand and shook it were harboring a woman who bad Ithe trouble that has made my life Cauat had et ecru les; a was b no' lounger, and, with nothing on hand heartily. "What a confounded out- filled n sentence of two p Y but to kill time, stretched out his elder you must Have thou ht me 3 Tabor` - Well, she threw rap hher all ard so (seats flay fmw�dayse later` I had- means above a little blackmailing. I g hand, saying : But no,' you would know I bad for- hand. The danger to himself he set at • I k�w you -your face -quite well, Gotten. Tho recollection of the in- ^lt was no accident brou ht my first attack of asthma. Follow - naught. The woman could not af- i but, hang me if I can remiember yout cident had escaped ',me. Believe me here ?' g Y°U ing this the att�eka became mora ford to betray him; and a the worst risme Y' that— What will you drink ?" He smiled. and more frequent, sometimes Con- ef1 came. to 'the worst, he Possessed the' They eachtinged car da. The title :. It commenced that way, and the "Then I suppose -blackmail ? -Is tinuing for a week or more at a certificate of his own demise. that Impressed the lounger. friendship continued sad rlper_.ed- that_ St T"__ !Rime, Who h se attache came on would need a'deei 4e gezt_-it—Feur- --•,JV 9=-e—W e, _r su 1 t F� - ---- -- -- dere nota lice down, and man ppa�e. -�t3T renrtran 1oolCed to that. He Is'there any need to use such-" Y a - men at the inquest had avcom to hls'You Join me in e- whiskey and "pot- flayed his cards well. and,ultimaiely "Oh, we .need -not lie {long, cold winter night I have pass• _ death. One woman would hei an particular ed at an o en wir•dow uphill task in upsetting the Rep,istrnr J (•Beastly hot weather, bol =won -won what he had bein playing 'about words." P gasping for (for, an imitation to Grayne Halt. lie ' shrugged his $boulders• breath. I was treated by two o1 General's return. The Count s°tzed the o .the best doctors in the: couutev, but sationnity. Fprt ins favours the Drava, and can- "You teatrt money, I cul>pose ?:' I3e went to London and bought�He was a brllllant com'eroatlona!ist, summate che>elt helps along consum- He gmi!ed again, deprecailrgiy dCT1�� no benefit. Then I began . twO Pounds' worth of private cfc•tcc-'i They spent some hours together, and inatlon of the cheekiest scheme. .. this time. Itrying the ri-medias usuaiiy advertis.- ` 11vo-that is to say, he dict -not Se'ultimately dined at the Holborn. I "I ha%'en't anv—" ed as a cure for this trouble, but the ordinary way to work, and } ar ,When they parted at might they ar- r - - ` He looked at her, with no better results. I - was con. tso mtuh a da�yr for "inqulri +a." Ile ranged a meeting for the next day. 1 Ci�1PTF:Il :iYlIf. - '.Yet.'• . . - tinuall g y growin worse and cite wa shad once had a share 1n a prtvat3 In- ; Th Count did not think he would! "I understand that." . - . beeominw a burden. About a yeas quirt' agency; and be knew ad% those stop in London long; and his new I When l celyn fainted, the newly in- . "But 1t will come. Do you know ago my wile was using Dr. Williams, things were worked. An adtertlso-'trlend desired to see as much of him' that I am to mar Sir Geor iPrnk Pills, end Was deriving so I i troduced guest showed sympathy on- ry gc 7" Went in the Daily ],fail for "a n:an as Possible whilst he did stay. ! Iv -no surprise. H'e was prepared "It I allow you to, yes. " ,much .benefit from them that ons Used to making inquirfce" iuought The Count knew his man wdl icor the meeting, the advartnge was He was ahoeving his keeth at last jday she`aaid to me, 'R'hy don't yov him a scot® of replies. ilo inter 'enough he was one of the 1 eons She turned on him with : ( ry these pills, they might -do y'ou fiiewed one man, and said ' ! he had helped to pluck In the g vl i I on his bide. Salts brought her (k s _ "I can't oiler you a por•mareni; dans; he was glad his new friend's I round. She stared wildly at the "R hat dv you meati ?" jgoOd, and they certainly can't da job, but I can' offer you a couple of (memory was not as keen as his own. 'Frenchman, and then dropped f rte "Sir Ceorge 1s wealthy, I am 1yo,r harm.' To please -my wife 1 , sovereigns for what you can do in a So they met each afternoon at life ,the situation --she saw: 110 alga vt re- Poor, heed I say more:?" !began taking the pills, but only oc- _ . 'couple o[ hours. once you get on rhe d b., and the Count walked in aridlcogr.irion to his eye, . That meant •Your terms ?" Icasionally at first, but Inside o{ a - sa:et -foe the time bcin an •w "Hall your marriage settlement Ifew weeks I felt that I was im roti` spot. I am Ln the tine myself, alai 'nut of tt with the ease of a mem ber. i y g' y P • j She apologized fur her- 'foolishnea9, money. ' °!ng in malty trays. Thea I br I am ttpotting some one fn *.he bovse; Ile had ascertained that Ashley paid talked of the heat, whir cred to Sir "Yell. -thio{ r use the gen to . but I can't show t>zy face there vstth- a morning call on Itfondays and P He smi!ed and shru Pills in earnest, and soon - out spelling the thin ace T" I I4edsiesdae t:eOrge that Joy had a lot to do gged hla should- (found that breathin Ras becoming g• t 'A�tetched .his letters, end with !t, and the dinner woe served. ars e4 he said : easier the spasms came leas fro _ "Yes." Idled away an hour or two In the The Count shone at most dinners, be "How very fond you ire of plain �gvently, and'I could . "It's down in Sueaex I Just want reading -room: So on the following wag• excrilert company, and• he Scor- language ! (,'O about o ti the full names of the people ltring Monday morning the Count teas En "No date is fixed for our marria lof doors without dander o! brtnsr - . there, all of tbema-who th ed at this one. Sir Goora`e liked ng the trouble on as was {ormerl 'what th sY are. the reading -room, wal'ing 6*e 1 _ . . ey are, and how long tt,ey I He watched Ashl c0ii In, reco him, Vere liked him, Ashley Does ytt• the case . I took twelve boxic+s of - - have been s 1 g- proud of him, Eve n -well, she ' Then you must hurry' !t on." - fay ng there. I could go nfsed him in a moment, and Brayed Dr, Williams' Ptnk Pilin fn 411, and knew him, '!'here was Just that "Iliust ?" after the Im _<1 is se iny-mrg and by laying hold of ,kind Heaven that Ashler' would not ng gtiawtn at her hemi "Moat. I need . asoney quick Prnvement began testi . a servant get the intormatloo 1 recognf=e him. PreFentty: he sawn feed of fear g iY box added to it until -all signs of !wanted easily," 'tered over, and stretchil out which made the dinner one of the D n't misunderstan tints thelth O d me, h "Of. courses you could." - g is:most uncomfor-table she bad.avtr ant marriage on before I make the mar a trvuDh had ,disappeared. an•f - 1 •; hand, said have not since had an recurrence of -' - Job They shook h oda, but .1sh1eY fie thick, the bother o to know cfSheieawathalt C ' Dr; SVilflama' Pi k l'11is hats is the down W. Doubtful clouds are ever good. enatigh- for yott, i ~hit AshIev Qra ne" I beUeve �" � he meant what he ; --- -- --.- -- •- R3tetr s. is thice . the. tibothen the overhead sky saved me from a life of mtser Paid. And for her own sake, too, Y and "Yea. I am dotn nothing " good-humoured]y said whether It wi!1 blow away or rain; must hurry 1t- on. d oke this public ac- I am gla to m 'Ills Count gave pini the address of "You have. the advant a o[ me.'.' "There Es nothi 'Iknowledgment." Grayne Halt, showed him the wom- "Reall •, E�'clyn did not ezpect her' deed to ng more you have . sn'■ photo y Yeti -perhaps I did w`ang succumb to the wind, she was wait- to say to me?" The above strong -etvidence prover gra-Pb to ldentit-v, ifpossi-IYou did not want to know me?:' ;ing Mr the rain. "NothlnQ, ff yov quiet. under-Ithat Dr, ti�illiams' fink' pills aro file, gave him his railway care, and 4 "If you wore not tan,a.tlq as you ! After dinner the French=;ln was a stand me-" not an ordinary medicine and that lin]{ a eovereigti on accotmt, and, said that. I should not take it In " "I do," they cure when other medicines {all. vatted patiently for the' report, very good part. You know me eti- , success agalr, He sang well. It _ It came. The Information was of happened that . In that old. twe- He turned to the door, and turned Il7very pill makes riew, -rich, red - course easily obtained. The ulnafloored house the music -room Dens on the key in the lock, The hard he Ittlood, and theta enables the system •had bad Identified the photograph, the upper floor in a line with the held out she disregarded. He Fanfled to resist the inroads of disease and . Had seen the woman walking in the D A. wL CRASE'S �� I bedreioms. That Ives why in n orhis- "Then we- are -to be enemlos ?-is works a euro, • Only the •gen,illte grourda; the servants had told him I At. CUR .., tis !Per, as he bent over to turn the it wipe 7 W'e worked so melt togeth- ,Pills can do this, however, and the 4 .ber name-lfiss Evelyn Weecar. Was b ..nt tinct eo Lt. dt,,--.i 'music, he said to Evelyn : er before. Even again you May Gini jPurcliuscr should set- that the full . f. i "Be here in this room as midnl ht me useful-," - ,name , "Dr, Williams' Pink Pilla'fot supposed to bt playing up to Slr � � � tm3Ke+ed Bbwwt � $ i �• the •kw clear• tb. sit strikeq-do not (ail." -Blit to blackmail me !" Pale Peo , [eorge, the owner o{ the place. Had ' 1 Ile." is printed on the P'i"�• "*i io the And Rbc did `not fail, Slie foul i � •'As,•' -he answered softly, -'•as we l wrapper around every box, field !been there about, three years. There ebro.:.re perra•name r cur e. hntie sn often lilnckmalled others, z was a stepdaughter, Vere, and two Cu�rrhandH■ �.ev.8bwet him there when she entered. He 'by all medicine dealers or .Qent post nephews, named Ashle and inald f`°` �cl" 'ce 'Lw.CLa.s Iturned the key in the door and came The gin did not seem so.veig great Paid at Sn cents a box or sii bores Y B�'g LladWine Co- Tormto Lad aafato then. We shared and shared alike ! for $Z.5Cr •Grayne, living there, barristeca, K-1th � over to' her tido. The light ct the by writinfi direct tQQ��-- the - - - - ' --- chambers Ea King's Bench Walk, . - - moon carie IuII an her face through !n the ofd days; why this differenca,'Dr. [i'illiaai's Medicine Co., 1f% - :- Temple. - I the shutterless window, and he did noes'?"- . �vAle, ,Ont. - . . dent!}, but I can't rer�ril>er you." + Whilst he was talkln an idea flash - That was eneugh:,_The man de -i "Wel!, It is soaiewhcr•e about, three i.n°t lite the way she looked at him. ed -throu h her brnirr,g it Prompted �' " 'parted with the t?alancc of his two Ile had intended to be all slTection g years ago sinr.e Inst wv met.. I have and h:clney-why not ? Ile was cloy- her to take his hand and say : RAIN SUPPLIED TO ORDER, Pounds, leaving the 'Count ,deep in been travelling abroad. and no "Ye %yell then : friends as of Ahought•. He waa thinking o[ theidoubt you. have fotgotten-me; per- ' with Miriam> and would fain re- old• rSr _ —IDame ot-Ashley Grayne; he had it to hope." he waa smiling, again, do turn to his old lot e. But he saw Storms Are. Now Produced by Air ' (that sweetness would be thrown "rood little woman• That's much of Cheruicals.- Me wind somewhere but he could !not want to be reminded of our last better," not connect it. And then it sudden -'meeting." away, that no softness would- Pre- „Good -i i , " I wail, that he must put down his ght•„ „ Dr, McCarthy, a Melbourne (Vie +` ly flashed on him. At one of the But Ashle was i ued now. In !foot, and, if need -be, show his teeth. " 'h g bvDr, meal°°• . introuted 'a mo__ >caidni ht o Y P q GOod-r i ht.". g igies in the old Jaya, some way the man had the adt`aia-` a turned the handle of the thod of producing ''na l of rain• Ashley Grange had been a .prom.irent I tage of him. He said : I "You do not seem overjoyed to - - snd very drunken guest. The Count I "Please -do not talk so. Sit down, See, me ? door a figure rose .from its knees The doctor says' "I claim to pro flow did you escape ?" - on the outside and glided away sit- I duce rain by sending up continuous- . - "Escape ? What do you mean ?" eptly to the `darkness. The figure ly from. three centres a column o1 y Standard C u r�' _ "Frain prison," . had -not been at :its devotions, but gas, made by certain' chemicals. Ths - • ' "16hy talk O[ such things ?-they had had one of its .ears to the key- gas, if sent up for a maximum of are best forgotten," hole• thirty-two hour's, will - • ' Not if (To be Continued.) produce' rain fa r 1 tc h' n ' " i I gg "Must I ti:en remind y oil, too, of over a range of 90 miles at any, alti• - f prison,' the prison you were in ? Are —� lode,' wit h any sky, and With tht,' ! THE FIRST BABY. wind from any quarter. such dead• memories waked up with ~ , "I do not need to wait tintil the Jany advantage ?'.' wind is from the usual! rain When Qoctors a11 nd Sur�eoni9, Medicines and Oper- But I served my time. I nm R'ltat Joy tfiere is•in the home when ter. In the experiment I made the atlOns Fail, YOIu Oan be Cured by free. You the first baby comes, and yet to the barometric conditions . leers w - "\ot so fast, mi�s�--er-let, ale -_e Dung -.and- irlexireriercod mother who uni`avbratbYle, quite- - - Dr Chase's Ointment• 1. whnf is the last alias?" yet I produced rain.• •- Shc shivered. has to care for it there is no other The gas, you see, causes in the dif- ._ - : Period --of her.life so trying. In the ferent strata of the statosphere • _ "R'e are both flee. I,hope ire shall little ills ti3at arc certain to come vacuum. This vacuum is the centre remain so. You say you are free, as �s There is always -some standard by'I tried several salves and ointments, the inexperienced mother scarcely of a heat storm, and is filled by which the merits of the article arc !' <clYicii only c:ffot'ded me teih or ar re- rf that were a t1 crmp card to play. knows what' to d'o, " To the i P y \kill' it' make any difference, think ! young dense clotnds Lhat contain rain. These measured. Among ointments the li°f. , Sometimes I would be laid otI you, whether the imprisonment is or lnotlter-to all mother -Baby's Own Iclouds come down with the gravity standard is Dr. Chase's. If a dealer 'from work for weeks. One day last I was past, present, or future, if it 1Tablets arc a real blessing. They of ,the earth, , when .the rain des- „ 'tries to sell you any other kind lie 1 winter one of your books came Into : 1 promptl,v cure such troubles as eon- cends. tries to clinch his ar comes to the. ears of Sir George gutnent by say-. my hands, and after reading the les- l stipation, colic, sour stomach, diar- ing "This' is as good a Dr. Grayne.?" "The rain is differnnt from ordin-• iintonials of Mr. Donald MacLean of rhoea and aim ]e fevers. They break ary rain found in districts in which ;Chase's." She shivered again. She felt the P - Tarbot Vale, N.S.,' and Rev. S. A. I up colds, destro worms, ails the • mail had her in his power, but she Y y ex . Don't be satisfied with substitutes 'Duprau o[ Belle�-lile, Unt., I decided 1 uas not going to give in without a irritation accompanying the cuttin perimenta havQ been made. It is r„ to give Dr, Chase's Ointment a trial. o'f teeth and S a tropical rain, coming from. very a or imitations, for Dr. Chase's Oint After uafn two bones of this Dint. ! struggle. She said : ills. These Tablets are sold u serious lofty regions . being slight at first,d. ' . went is the only positive and guar- g ' A word from me to the police and then later descendin anteed cure for ever form of ,f!es.. mEnt I found myself couidtletely cur- gin heavy . • • 3 l that tree baro an escaped convict fn guarantee to contain no opiate, nor showers and bucketsful." , Rev. Wm. Thomas, Brownsville, I ell' What I suffered from that awful the house--" - any other of the harmful drugs ad- _ E disease aouId fill' a bi book. You v I Ont., wiites : "As a inan of seventy g •"WBuld mean the shattering of all ways found in the so-called "soci ' are tet liberty to publish thfm, as it ppvse you have g" medicines. They are good _for "Rhnt's the matter, �91fAc ?" said earn I am grateful to Go,[ and to a that little fabric I su in yy may be the moans of convincing been erecta r' Ur• Chase's Ointment for a cure of some poor sufferer, such as I was, s' a police would not all ohlldre l from the new born babe Mrs, Drown to her small son, who piles which has caused me endless Ithat . there is a cure for piles• TO find an escaped convict. The lest to the wall grown child. If you, do was crying. "My kite won't fly,', '' .- • •annoyance and much misery . The all suf7erere from Iles r i {� time I left prison, I did so, shown not find the Tablets at your medi- mobbed Willie, "and I mado it out o1 y _ ' ..itching and bumirig was almost De- I would recoiianezid Dr.-Cbaae4s Oirm ! to the gate by the governor and cine dealers send 25 cents to The flypaper, too." - yond endurance• but Dr. Chase's I chlec warder: both r5liotxk hands telth Dr. Williams Medicine. Co., Hrook- Ointment brought quick re'.ief, and as ment as the only cure." j me, wishod me ood-b'e, and Usual! g y eaprese- villa, Ont., and a box will be walled y the , cheerfulness of tht Lhe trouble has not returned, I have Dr. Chase's Ointment, 60 cents a ed the grealest sympathy for who I ' ou "s l box at all sealers, Or Etlmrneoit, had un or one." Y P°int Paid' bride's father would stem to indicarf reason to believe' that the cure is Bates .a Company, Toronto• ' aL d g T that he is the best Dian nt- khe wed• - c- 3 -'fastirrg:" .. Pro- She. stared at him in amazement, ding• i tact You against Imitations the )?or- but the look in his face told her that :►n eminent painter was naked what - )At'. t,uncan MacVicar, Caledonia . trait and signature of Dr. A, W - p rrry time ore seer s he yes speaking the truth. She he mac�ixed his colors with to JKinea, 1�T. S., writes :-"For a num- Chase, the fant'ous receipt hook an- I knew him well . enough to know when so axiTfsorBinary an effect. P I dmix n uce Ivcll�ireaseiie woman heir dr ]titin +leadin anal rotrudin me- I ' g' �t=ed ' ber of years i littpr,ve been troubled Idles, are on every t�ox of his re 1 e rr� 1 n Even the greatest them with brains, air," `vas . the an- doze n the e,treet at the end of s "b 6 protruding piles. I dies. I ic.011kA eels•' sometimes have tall -tale I ewer, "• ., letting Ly rZ dog. 't ._ , . . - . .. . ` t. - . _ .. . .. .. . . _ t _ . " .. �YM ," _ • y m r � S 4 f " yYs1Sa r.Yr -.z1Y ': :n + � „ - w - %. - t_ .. • K i sdllandered, and to re-ilnburse her lost wealth, lead borrowed from :. et' r she were in her right hind, must haws 'UN- - kuo�wn that she could not relay. ers�, � , ARM, By mis-represeutation -she has �� r � � _. �xtZz� U$15,000,. with apparently no ' - -- _ ... spine _ .. _ assets to repay such loans. Some you can depend on'Ayer g-EveryTERMS one needs it now " I of her victims had lent her their Hair Vigor to restore color to 11.it8psizTOW ; OIL.** toadeanee • all and are now in extreme po-- your gray halt, every time. -. erty., It has been stated that mellow directions and it never 83TD$ OF ADVEiiTI$ING : much Of this money was scluand- f first sertion, per line. . 30 coats ered on her relatives. But it does , fails to do this work. It stops acb baegnentinserti0"'P line - b not matter where the money went. ���� O ^ � V � •/ This to does not inolnde Leg -1 or Foreign ad- crime has been committed andHa ir �� �� /�, J! ii. r ♦arsine nts. f 6pec terms given to pasties making con- the punishment should follow. Z" a for or 8 months or by the veer, half- We believe that the person who' _. - i T $ lz or esrde ten Unee of abl ei vita ly.papn113-speIlds the looney intrusted t0 , ens yaw, $5 OC, payable in r tiudee. falliII ofthehair also. There S ie: otioein,payabl In etea cents per tine, his of her care is a hlnndred-fold g r �% more guilty than the woman. who great satisfaction in knowing - �' fire cents per line each euLsequent inserttoL. g y � S �J t./ r p p , you are not going to be disap- pscialaoauact rates made mown on applies- steals tl loaf of bread to .save her, __ on. No tree sdvertieing . ( children from starvation. In the; i Advertisements withoat written netractioas i pointed. Isn't that s9� -- " willbe inserted until forbidden and charged so- former case not Only ].S a theft' oordingly, orders for discoctinuing advertise- • My ,air Ended '- h was shoat whits It Slants mats be in writing and seat to the pub- cont misted hitt a trust has been took 7c+t Sloe bottle of ri Half vigpr to • betrayed, and nutold sufferings I H•iV it w ii, illy d aa:�°:<<n ecce. your ji, 9s Job Work prom PUT attended to. g Hair &. certalaly do" iw you elaC. for Duhob ` Is pabllahed ova:y Friday morning a7.ta pimp ha`'e been inflicted uu the victims. � if -'-a m ��• � � o Ushers. Y iclserina Ont. In the latter case comparatively on oo a bots,.. J. a ll. Moo., - t - All ties etc. ripe Low. Mus.. . 1 little injury has been inflicted ex- i Murkar & Thexton, Proprietors cept to the character and reputa- tion of the one who steals. - Fading U a a ine Stoc. It is too often the case that a i 1 Our .Polxtf or-8tnet Independenoa Ul Our AAM—AFtnt-clasilLocalPspar. an US25 religiOntas a;means of ac - Our Ezpeotatlone — The hest► quiring wealth, and as a cloak to Support of ane aeopis of Piolterinstand vioinity cover h15 crimes. By Caking An Neta ddvertiaemertta. _ Of H@SDS, warm, Il@8ial�y-trimmed, knitted - •.: active part in church affairs succeeds in blinding people as to T QST -On Church street, near the FRIDAY, NOV, 20th, 1903 q7 their real character. It is not re- k. C. ch i,cb a light biudicg ch�%ain. Fincer Hygenie Vests s CL�t d Drawers • ligion that prodpees such men but P *ave :cavo at this once, C — _ the lack of it. '' Collier's Weekly li - - �_ -- - RESPECTABLE THEM - in its last i«l:e in spea�iiig - b?3 ool Hose@r New Ringwood nc•' 9 ar ;cies, faclndlag new lornita,e, Ap- _ Rockfellers says : " 'The Ulan -who , The person -%vho, in the clark�tess charges too much for groceries,' y1j `°'a�sr:8 aL..A�ti Al. Pi<kera;. a and Cashmere Gloves. of the night, will enter the c]-wel- says John o much for roc `,rill etas r r iC IIlrts all rawera. Heavy Knitted wool y �TFtA�' C.�Lr-_� rwl 171a -white Socks• Cards ans Sweaters `1'op Shirts Lined Ung or premises of another, and not succeed very long. Just A ,l,pttwl spriu4.cait camp to the rremiene 1 , unseen appropriate to his own use what would be too much toll oil he pt •rues, Mu.•Far(,:pt 11, spa. 4, brisur� n. o Smocks, Mitts,: .� ,118 property belonging to son.le omitted to say. ' i elan tell- tool on or a7out o^t lac. Uwuer ten Lasa nam ! 17 y payina e:pensse. yO�l't miss these GpUEI� pile e'sa, c•ulowit; a criwe f:)r the people sometimes,' he Contin- which the laws oi' our cutultry ued, but he can never foul Al- (a,,� TRA fiTEFR-C•(rne to the ----.-- __---- pt•ovlde a -evere llcimlty. Tile mighty God' -and he reCUlniUPtt(1- �' 11rrc ;r . �,_ �retu,ae. c' .he uc3ern qn- yeung clerk, who in a inonlent (if ed the Golden Rule, an .111111sinr ed, ou cr 41 cut 00, smith a to 1 es.rr ag.: t uL ut weakue- ll!aee7 his handl in file rule to bear in luind --'hen y1'unged • `Na:• lits"I F� LLEI. :c t il. oa aT <ring. 13roelt It cad Y: U. w 7 I tilt of hi- employer, i- (It•trcte(l, in the hi-tory of Standard Oil. -------••--- Graiii'_.ante• found guilty, and i+ c(,nil)elicd to 'Tile requirement of a aucrc. sfill c?T'I TO LET -114- h -,urs and {� • laugr,lh in prljOn for a period Of h�l ziness career are really fight In ,ot n,; ( L..rcl, en' +t :'T:.: c l the 7a +�" + ti me. lie enter es front prison an line t,'lCh the req uiremenu; of a 1i,crvsta_le the i•rop••r:, sirs i., d G>at . outcast t'rrnu µ(xgiety. R(-l)ectit},1P Christian life.' i this sacrilege. oha;ct=:utx -Psis zr-.4 E. o'c$s :�c1� • The undcraigned aro prepared to pay aIle Lighees prieea for all kinds � - . people refit a to a-zl sccizte with or is it Jest ? Probably young Jir. _ - _._ —._ .- of vaise grain. 11m. For till time to dime lie is Roc•kfeller thinks it -ober truth. ,t. t '��' pr• ARD. "Fiw mider- It will be to four, advantage to see na before disposing. brauded asa thief. The fruits of his He probably believes that C hri-ti- '.'j�, 4 .,_ami :pet on ora • it -Nov .th a �;e are c1_o handling all kinds of Fat dela. :Crime are terribl • bitter, bot they anis has nothing to (lo with lift'. 'Any p4ors rwdbairer, ,r,t: a -l: * (tar a f%^ll d y Y g Any persoo FIL,aZ.-soon �cf.tmwi>u as ,.;II _ : intust be eaten. The -woman, whc, it ij a doctrine, comforting and ieai to her rrtovery K.11 rece.re n. shote to p ^� through no fault of her own, has consoling. `The personal comfort w,rj Jo„` u..ttip M. Lot ss, li. p ►saner. �7r A TT C �' O ' Y E 3r A L G f a rented the Iu�iest de thi of xlv- y ing.li:ghlaaiCieea . U - �e_ Y lit J P I that religwn has been w n1e,' sa y erty, and to save her young child- John D., senior, 'hits be -ell ailc'h T [T'-AN'TFD 9A ren from starvatian wander- ont that I sotnetilnes feel that I WOUld 1, It m..n or lady ,a as<a conu-v to rma.da she la not bein watched, take_ a orm and tell the ole about it.' d d'�rr,bt It.han Lact of eo,ui - - on the street and --hen she thiuka like to o upon the lecture plat- business for an old ost•.o br a f pep Lia►ac(aisi&ndtog Astruges. uoasflat %.es• 17 salary of '! i” L p J .secs ea<a Stondav _ - loaf of bread without giving in re- Tell theta, for instance, how rais- ..stn all s:pdnn fr•,ta tea-igqo..+er. turn bumething equal in value. ing the price of oil,, almost as lie ]done- advanced fir cxoer, b llcom ee ad - ti d�+ru.d envelope. �t►nsgor,teU Caston ril3i.. 'She is detected, and the policeman spoke, tits into his consolation. oLi<agp, si 1s. , lays his hand upon her shoulder Tell there how his metho(i� against and informs her that =he is his competitors illustrate the Golden - -- pri?onerand ma:rehes Vier off to Rule. Tell them how becoming They' are Neat -- "' _.. ..the�xllice station, She is charged ,fabulously rich through illegal r•e- witi tLe crime of theft, and in bates is -in line with the rrqui7e- Convenient sppite of her heart rt•n(linRal,peaIs. menta of a Christian life.' Lx- fin!' j, ea' w. t� he is found fails ,, and ptuli,hed lain how natural is the accurnl- - ll Cheap. rs ►a' :�, b } p P 34- , e c it . _ her crime. It 1s trl.e that nation of so much bold ill a disciple .. h fur - :. these, cases of theft have lies., 1n- of the Teacher who com711ai1(1ed u.. If you don't believe it boy one and " ttigniticaut, and the o-�'wnr ! �,f the to Rive the very cloak front our try it.-�\ a mean r ( .,property _,toles -would probably backs tc; the neetly. Talk allout � �;r. e1 e� nF+�� �T�• never have missed the arti('lcs, ways and ineaw, of makins =to<k� - _ tots a ciitue has been cominittetl go i11, At1(lclo--•n and soothe-.,. of Evans' C limps ! ' _ and the l;unishnlent 111u�c fullu-v, influiliviug the ini'nd,t of legi=l;t, "Dealer flnPenstOn aii(1 Portland t 2nttant. t esnle:ii al 'A nys on and the culprit dew:uec(�tu ever- tors. 1:xi,l.tin the snl.eriotity ut The bc�t -Ritts for your money. and Tkis Utment is bought in carioatl iot.,ali,l -wilt be'ol(i to. ' la -ting d:-l;rlce. titaudartI Oil victories to tilo-e of utlstumers vt very hitt price-. E;teenwt,cxl Ont. Ritt wo* are continlially hearing :014.1 -time buccaneers, . 1- _lir. Rock Cisterns a>ld troughs made : of utllc,rr]x-se-+(>� theft•,-v'here the fo*41er an ornament to true religion --- -_-:crituinftl'tiiaitlta ins hi -4 lx,eitiotl in .or is lie a most c•n0r1►luu, but _ :to Order. . s0ciet,C. lie is not luc,kc>d ltlxlu as thereof'.' It . -vuuld seven to u� - - - - ' one n' ho hitµ col:iitte(i a great more reGpcetf ul t all inspired 7t T A CJ' a mime, but as one -who has simply to ichor alo his veli ion of onto- Y Y Y �-i 1 Save d! w" ]net -vith financial reverses. It ness And love, if the conductor of 11 IIIV •. may be he has been, the manager an enterprise, with a -bake so full • Whitby�J of some loan society or other cor- of wreci;s and a power so -pint Brock $t t poration. He has succeeded in lessly used against the lett, should 6o YEAR8' persuading ruin} to inti est• their leave Christianity. altogether out o ENCE In Fending Stock, by using awgwud Straw -carer and wealth LO his, care. He is seized of the question Alul preach some good Root Pulper: We hmve silo lest for 113tud or - with the prevailing gambling acerbated version of the gospel power. A1�-WindmiU*,. Tr~l and Sweep mania. Ile buys stock on margin, according to Plntus. ' ® Powers. Steam aiv',4 GasoUne Enlrisles, and if the venture terns out sltc� 1 Sassing -)tacks, Grain Grinders,, Wa.goloa, Sleighs. Critters, etc. cess1 L 111-1116—A fully, he is so much the - wealthier. If the transaction is a ` p o Philip, 1 Brougham ' - � MARKS �' - _Geo. • � • L.� losing one, the depositor is the - - HT11 •loser, and must suffer the cause- Th COPVRIGMn 3c. . quences. _ It ,may be the savings / Anyone sending a sketch and deWTeEt.'ob m I - V quickly aseertnin our opinion free srhethgt- _,_- of a life -time, and all ,lint he had — inceatMn is probably patentable. Cnmmun!<a- sent f ee. ( Meat deatiaL MunnHandbookos paten" a"T (9000000 0 ::. to.briilg sunshine to his "olcl age, 1.. -blit it snakes no difference, lie ` ' • : n�ren �Yntente taken throv�rhoMu�nn b oatemte. � © © © © © © © { NeWS,p«ial swans, withoot Cbsrae, in the must bear the loss and the pow- ' Q,�en d!(7.*'¢Can•inn . _ Pwus manager will strut around .� J�l�,` Not O ` •t}-1�-lieatl as -high as ever and _ A handsomely iliTt red weiernal Del— y :. the lav of the land will allow him ``� tnu moncba"r sal`eo'd by h to search for more victiws. A setetcedway, New Y�f� $Sy121gg 51 $k gCC011IIt 141,11 the few years -ago a financial institu- , IUNN Co. ` :zed in Toronto _ . Drsach otflca F °t -i aahlaswa A tion was organ Sovereig� �a k of Canda - with ,branches in various. small �0 r to-vlla 1n the surrounding collutrY- ? People -were invited • u]ts�ilplan t - theirmoue 101 their v a Y t .? 3 �IC�Cer '. ., did so. The institution stopped m y paynlleut, -with the result that - �' ,�`-, Interest allowed f wtti dale of deposit on small sums as n ell as la>tge �'�Ff�'ti many old people Lac] their --hole � Q +VMI`.,( g(�„Q•'� fortunes ut' a few Ilululrecl dollarsJalana i1 �='takenfrom tlle'w. The head of 1a sa -the i stitlltion, (or Ave*fway YYard - - ::.the iiistitntion itself) is now an - • . .Lu be''r* - S Honorable (?) member of the Can- adian Senate. Many n•onld •like O 5 r /u� -. to k110-$ how hili ft21al1C1R] 9ttllld- .. .. Alolson"Pa' d ■ ,aner ing now -compares toat'it was S ' % ruin h sad dressed Lumber4/� V V a'+v before his institution was organ- All kinds or B ized, and many would like to kno-v as Silo ma sal Ouse "fin. . Lath BhiuRles, Doors, Sagh, H •_ .. . ,. :: - vi lint beeline of the money they _ iehinge d 9' tar F eningwindows, Irrars For Cle .. _ hafi invested. y To New Subseri - - Witl-:�r the past few (lays the - _- and Silverware. aesidente of a neighboring town cistern tau e d water two s ma ae k an ugh de have .been greatly excited by the bers, - to order Eureka_Fly Diller, : fact that a lady -who -vas consider- ` ' ed -wealthy. had been: deeply is -' Binder Twine Eto. volved. She had Ueeu left a leg-. D•Grd�n• - : acs of 1'pRIr�OU he. -ides other l>ru • V O to - �•• ^p 8ardivsre Nefohsnl perty c.n the death of her faThi-, f o we- d • Reazin t 14on P fifteen year- ngO f PiokariaQ,;Ont. we th by some means. She had 1 n�'&��na'fc-... >arr�r.. ii ...s,a.ti:s _m.aus A. �`Fra�'�k".��_s s�.zwr:�a. •a�,.r.na�fi�.',��°a"rta�::+ &•a-„�?'.r.'tY`T; ,3'°'& �'3:::•�.t.'.�?'-, , .. :a' r, rS„” • • • r. r 71 t _ T w ' CLAREMONT l $5,000 hackney. **Saxon"; their If tit•st-prize, aged Clyde, "Bsren -All- Roads D. Forsyt s residence. I land Agrieult it•alt Show in Scut- Big Ftwuiture;Store On for The cheer mesial is now in the land; '•Ca}ru Hill," w'iniler of the .Ypo:-session of NV. Cooper. three year-old class and chaulpion S ativrr a crit Hu"Criterion-,"'wini — '-ed-I�oora Setts;>l — g gfres __ of all ages;ner in n�7henfie -buffer won t - on a three -weeks holiday. a class of seventeen two -year-olds Mrs. Taylor, of. Bracebridge is and "Gay MacGregor." first and come put a penny in. the Parlor.Suites, Dining-roomfSetts, Fancy Rockers in:Great Variety. .here visiting friends this week. champion as the best Dominion- " p' churn, is an old time dairy r pj number of young people spent bred Clydesdale. This group re= See'olir:Furnitttre before you buy. - - Fritlay evening with Mr. and presents probably the greatest proverb. It often seems to Remember our prices are the Lowest. Mrs. F. Cooper. value in hcrseflesh ever exhibitedFork thouWe deliver all our goods free to your home. - Rev. i1. Tait exchanged pulpits by one owner at any show' on the though no one has ever with Rev. R. M. Phalen, of Black- continent and Graham Bros have told why. John H -Beal Claremont tock, last Sunday. reason to cougrat'ulate themselves When mothers are �corrie'd � � e y The C. P. R. has their bridge on the selection of their importa- " gall, at -work in this vicinity re- tions. Mr. Thomas Graham, one because the children do not pairing their bridges. of the firm, brought over from sin strength and flesh we s� All the diphtheria patients have Scotland this summer fifteen g g �'] c r ;a ecovered and �t'he placards re- choice -bred ones and good individ- say give them Scott's Emul• R_ Torsy LL IJ moved from the houses. uals, and it was the pick of this 9 • 4 E• • • Mr. Astridge, who has been laid last importation which won the Sion. al up -with a sore foot is, we are individual classes and pfa.ced the 'It is like the penny in the North IU pleased to state, around again. ten horses ahead of everything Claremont. Joshua and firs. Bund have re- milk because it works and Head Quarters ,for Y else in the showing. - . turned home from vi ting the because there is something - former's niece in wester Ontario. Lap Rugs, Oil cloth,. Spreads, Robes, Horse blankets of all -kinds Roy Rumohr, while on his wa33 The Ottawa Free Press, Liberal astonishing about it. Whips away down' in prce, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. Fall and - ...to Ashburn upset, causing cons id organ, says: -c`The v•rit for the Scott's Emulsion is simply Winter Underwear for men, women and children. :liens English and - -----erable damage to his harness and North Renfrew election will be Canadian Rubber Coats at prices that.rill amaze you. Shaker, 1 yd rig. issued next week, and the election a milk ofd liver ure cover oil p wide, extra heavy, at lOc. per yd: rapperetts at lOc and up. Gro - W. A. Thomson and wife were � itself will take place within six with some hypophosphites ceries, Drugs, WR' Watches and Hardn are always on hand at lowest 1 • • at Mongolia last week attending weeks. This information comes prices. —the wedding of Afrs. Thomson's from the best source, and of its especially prepared for delicate ;Call get prices before purchasing elsewhere. - - - sister. reliability there can be no doubt." Air. Badge"row•, of Unionville, stomachs. has taken a position in the Sover- Children take to it naturallyin'the eign bank in the place of Nrr. SAW-MILP - -Ind Threshing Outfit �e Stitch For bale- : undersigned has . �.�• because -they like the Last ry Rightbullet', elves L, D, S.. 17 b. p. en¢ine and saw -will eom- beingshl d Out from north Ing traction engine and Monarch cleaner, and �y /'� ppe auk sad pump_ _iii in good ruatiag order. j),� ;� - _. a Aov person desfrane'o1-secures all t0 the Children be- W V - —_ Claremont and S1nCC the rail coil ac lot 9+, "a. 9, Pickering. ALFRED HAY• plowing has been stopped, Conde- wehD, uraremont P.O. 6.0 cause it is so perfectly adapted Winter Footgear for Ladies and gttentiy grain is being brought in -- Gents arriving every day. more rapidly.to their wants. Women's felt boots froui $1 up. '_lien's R-aterproo a loots at clo a price. - In souther column, Alfred IIay-''T111t• TT@8S For all weak andale 2nd Call at the Corner store before you purchase. �. .uvard is offering his saw -mill and ---- p - threshiig outfit for ,ale. He is' All kinds of Fruit Trees, Shrubs thin children Scott's Emulsion "Re siren neat) cad coin t1 attended to. now working at Joseph Pilke}•'-, , Etc. fus sale. -Repairing y P P y is the most stisfactor treat- - sunth of Claremont and the saw- Ili?hest prices )laid for Fall and _ ,,will outfit may be peen there. i a met T •��• Shoe Merchant F y Winter Apples. W . M. Falmer A tweeting will be heli in the ( 'We will send you f Claremont, Ont. clubroom of the rink at K o'cloc•k, Ij JOHN E. OEEr agent. 5� - on Friday evening for the liur Pickering, the penny, 1. e., e organizinghockey -, sample free. — _... t�etiri ; gfor the the CUILln�iS a Uurll L11Use Ea .v.e t'ua ,-e ore is interelsted are cordially invited tU ` the corm of a :a c: a >o tM - ' d evert batt:. of attLast Saturday's Globe coutniued ( Erw•L.oa you buy, - - ' P, very fine cut of. Graham Bros' a'dies SCQTT & BOWNE, � _ W, e . ha -'e them, ` ruup of horsey;, of which the Chemists, 111... � �� i And rices are ries Globe says :-- "The magnificent Toronto, Oatario. � � pholtugraphs of. Grahain Bros.' PC and$:cc; al:arargtari prize -winners which appears on 1 / How about _ . t the third page represents the f Hats, TF•RSEl COW FOP. SALE—Thet finest group Of horses that ever • !J 4 odersia{ned ha. for sale a"trph much cow. o �1 IrC�S �' asked for show honors in a i.'an- � enaa trees, Bold Bark. L c 91 Can. tt Pick. � � � S adian show ring. The Uomioion The 58a80II 8 F'ea- St Call on Dow'Swell Lxhibition offered the handsome Prize y of 4200 for -the best eollec- tares, all New, AttxaCtive tion of ten Lwrses of an breed Ice Crea-im and Graham Bros. were therefore and Becoming. .__-_— compelled to compete against , tthoroughbreds, hackneys and Ready -for -wear Fruit istandard-bredd, and the fart thatRead -to-Trim(, they were able to Rin speaks 1 x1rues for the value and class ofI their exhibit, Four judges were Would like to have god inspect _ 1903 Pu1.11 s appointed to determine the %i -in- thein. Glad to have yoti. tiere of the class. It. B. Ogilvie, Parlors 1 of Chicago, represented the bl. Gerow, . Brougham Clydesdale interests; Saruuel. Bell, C 6 WMm"11 �ofWooster, Ohio, shires; Wm• All kliid$ �l ve�Z lra�e$ _ n'estt of 5helbunie, Vermont, ?' hackneys and thoroughbreds and IF YOU WANT. .. r SV. J. Stark, -of Stouti'ville, liar- A gaao'line engine Store will be opened in .Brougham We are prepared to do all kinds cf wo: k 'tress and saddle horses. The class Brentford windmill, Deering macbicery Rink on or about May 16th, 1903. Promptly perttliricg to the Pomp businera- 7 included ninety hopes are re,pre- binders, mowers, corn harvesters, corn dented according to conservative I abredders, Pam wire fence, binding twine, F. SANDERSO:v, Brougham. - -- Wggy or atoao boat: flee or striae — —-- __ - estiralates, horses to the extent of S230,(x)U in value: Graham Bros w. F': rt..7orxes. -- included in their group their il-i; I3eieurzl, Agent for all $ucceseor io . _ _ He Hopkins, kinds of vel. John Gerow, Gsrow & Soo, Claremont. i• a idles manufactured by the HoLanghhn w, V. Richardson, 11.gent,lPickering, Co'y, of OsLaws. - — t less on hand than at this time a year ago is the re- ` � ` S►�� s Eitht .port of the • situation as !E i Mo given out by those who are ?i 7 The Empire Medicinene Co, o! London, supposed to know. f Oat„ has iappointed the undereigned ae iMill Iton — ` ` local agent for Pickering, for the most won . . ' VCREAR���9`� derful discover of the nineteenth century. d1 • For the treatment of the Nose, Throsi, Nct�sthstan tlg < To.A. GREIG, Agent Pickering Bronchial Tabes and Lungs. IL cares 9!es - - 7 Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchitis, Bay fever arrel � - chis immense shortage k ' - for particalere, ti stock of -treatments) aand all thruat and nd. and � 'Cousequeut substau- i repairs constantly on band at. C+reeas River. ante - ,Coal oil tial advances, in the cost W g ,) H, RiCHARDSON'S' h of Coal Oil, we are able . II a a Q'0 c to quote oil per 'gtillou Important allowing of finest display.oi 1 o. q._ ao ; o o. China. A tery large assortment of . r m g o �fl ; ; a o , in s gallon lots 'as follows :--CANADIAN, 20c ; CA\ Siationarv. Books, Dolls, Toys, jabs a i; ; o ' ° °-' =c ADIA\' NATER �S'HITE, 22c. ;' AlIERICA\ WATER reoeived for the Holiday trade. Call O m ° n t g -4 s' and see them, a' a o m o ° WHITE, 2�c. ; G L LI H1, 20 . nbsonptions taken for. all Magazines, c9 0 o o O O DES G c Weekly and Dailyl;Newspapers, = . _g'9L, m ��� oP � o r _ �d o °e �o m w y •.t Golden Light Oil, while costing the most money, is like W J H R=CHAR3�i�ON 1�,,�meE�� _o rb �� • • • e y m c o co c B r y p C ni all good things—the in eCUI10n11Ca1 t0 Ilse, beC&Ilse It g08S _ W111tby_ c ;, m ��I Jan I farthest, having nearly 30- per cent'. greater illunihiatiug $rOC3s Str�Ot, . r m «�I, Sear'' a power and having the added great ads anfage of )icing eu- ' .t Feb . • ,l• .. oil ! gym! epr,l _ tirel3 cissoid of smoke or smell. We guarantee it will please ; �€ Vall Papers,Paints.oilsM.o ��. _ . _ -: ►. you. IT iS SOLD ONLY BY— Tre o Jaiy I • ,..1 ' r : a m m sept « The Russell Hardware Cot .+�t t f .. --�' - , ,� 1 1.% •. . y .a e,�, Oct. Mr .,yam t 'fir;e fre3h stock now on hsna. _Prides in Stall Paper1rang`mg � � . Dae c, _ from sC. up. ianna y 1Qf?l—�i'bitbv sib, Osha 170n1261EAST BINE STREET, Toronto. ,.. Brolngharn th 9.h, Port Perry 11, IIx• bridire 14th. Canniogton 13th, Beaverton Hohn Parker, 12tb. 7, • .. ... .M.. .yam, .: ,.,. , .: .; •. ,., .. ,., .. �.. Y F _ - ROTHSCHILD'S WAXrUS, Ioty 1 ' � personal treasures which may be In the hands of the Dutch would be The follawin twelve m"Ime form ___Madly and C-hristian ac w o a or believed that this side of the matter • ^' Rethschil1, the founder of the gee T a _ viii soon be placed before the Dutch bankinghouse at -Frankfurt. The ministers in the two leading colonies. �- r ?aro now attracting attention in Eur- ! ops and are recommended. tb __ ofse -- FOUND 'i'AP: BUIIGLAR. who desire to succeed in life : - - !!! 1. Seriously pander over and thor- A Quaker had his house broken In- - �oughly- examine any project to which to by a burglar a Yew monti,s ago. ;you intend to re and several' valuables stolen. 'Fie y gi your attention. _ 2. Reflect a long time, -then decide "More than half the battle in did not inform the police, however, promptly. but kept the affair to himself. Cleaning greasy dishes is in the _The followin evening a neighbor 3. G o ahead. g S 4. Endure annoyances y soap you use. If it's Sunlight Soap romaskecl to hdnt : .1 ` �_ y patiently "I am sort to hear of our- house l and fight bravely against obstacles, 3' Y Z.- Consider honor. as 4 . sacred Its the 'best; ta' being burgled, Mr. Fry. - I hope your - � 'I duty. t -f loss is ubt }Leavy ?" '•Frierd," said the Quaker, "thou 6. Never lie about a business af- r •G tui r. - - - — "-J . - _ must know the extent of my loss -as -SOME PRIVATE "RED TAPE. well ifs I can do, -since thou art the �' 7. Pay your debts prompl3•, --, 8. Learn nom to . sect itice money butglar. I spoke not to a soul. of Ibbon ' is "par excellence" t .8. eaxnnecesho Russians Not Industrial Managers what had happened, 'slid thou art Blue i- .reylon Tea p r excellen he quality tea 9. Do not trust too much to luck. --Call in English, the first to mention it ,to me -hence Of Canada ! 10. Spend your time I know thou art the burglar, and &Lade • from the most delicate leaves of the 'tea last—cured profitably. The question of the British versus p I 11. Do not pretend to be more im- the Russian manager and ot'ers- will trouble thee •tor. my prolferty." g by strictly scientific processes. portant than you really are. has long been interesting the' Russi- He got it. The taste is always the same—rich and almost thick—the 12. Never become discouraged, an Government, and has occasionally xvork zealously and you will surely found occupation for the British Am- $100 Reward, $100' bouquet odorous and aromatic—a tea for the most exclusive fungi- sueceed. bassador in Russia, too, writes the tion at a moderafe' price: r ' --"� Moscow correspondent of the Lon- There is more Catarrh to this rection - - - t P of the country than all other diseases GRIND 'WORK �� don Standard'. The Rtlsstati, Iv fia put together, and until the last few each a pont. is required to have a 7enire was supposed to ct incurable. For Ri*bbo," a great many years doctors pronounced--- - _-_t�IWFUUNDL�ND thorough technical education, which It a local tt}senso and prescribed local _ in this country ranks -with a univer- remedies, and by conFtantly failing to city education, and the recipients of a uvit a lo�chrneotreatment. pronounced - cur i 1t !nc b has e c -- 4 such training --are gentleiuen They to be a constituLlonal disease and there- DODD'S KINDEY PILLS ARE are not, however, practical, and ,tore - requires' constitutional marl treat©int. - - - CLTARING OUT KIDNEY y Hall's hel*,e rh Cure, m redo. Ohioured by auger fr m the Russian fault, aver -' t F. J. Cheney tit Co., Toledo, Ohio. is 10 DISEASE: Oriental trait, of never accepting-wnythe only. consti't0ional cure on the mar- _ P • - poet without Immediatelyenhag°ng Ices. ]t .ts taken internally to doses two or t.hrce asaistants to do the from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts shell[, Mixed j�.�� Sliould be AsU for the 3lichard Quirk One of a Score diroctly on the blood and mucous sur- on Cneea • bel Quirk, work. The British workman is the fnces of a system. ',hey over one huh= Cell t'ty lied l..e 6l3iEd i$. 0$e §b6F>}A9d do ry fpr ,any _pram 1t ._tom to �= Send far Pipe Pe Tells Sow Pains of Twenty is earning thirty to fifty shillings a ale, core' Address, Standing Vanished Beiari week, Out here he becomes a xulcr F..J. C1.11-NEY & CO., Toledo, O. __ t Sold b Drug - men, ,fie, the Great Kidney Bemed of men, ard, 11 strati and ads t- t3atll's Family Yifia are the best. When you buy a see that it bean the name y y. y p WASHBOARD able, generally dies wealthy. But ° Fortune Harbour, Nfld.,. Nov. -18,- a great many are not steady in a X "Household t No CIZUEI°TY. ` SPECIAL (Special). -There arc a score.of. p ,- fend tt°hien- teeuia with cheap lirlifor, Tera: eler-3'es I was captured by " 1 - - --- pie in this neighborhood who sutler- and still more of them are not adapt- FaYOP'ItBe • W from Lame Back and other syntp-� able, obltct to learning Russiun, and the savages, stili' sentettred to marry toms of Kidney Disease and who are srwak F.rglish- of a kind net intel!i- a squaw, GLOBE. ,LOB C rr i� Ribl: to t tic.. unirtltlated.. , But they lioetoss-llorriblo ! M'waY>trt .10 « now strong and healthy, thanks to Travelers --Yes, -but -they had some Oodd's Kidney Pills, Onc of the tie the work out of the "hand4• ' fnercy. Thep did not in�lst on, a ztost serious cases cured is that of d their labors mean money for fashionable tceuding. I, INSIST ON GETTING ONF. OF THE ABOVE WELL-KNOWN BRANDS ' 4 Ur. Richard Quirk, and in an inter- til' IF rmployrrs, whereas the "put The 503t That Oe►n be tired, -- rw-.v he says: niotic" owner wks? inus-uson hav;ng . Take One cf Dr. Agnew'sLiver Pills I a "I suRcred for mote than twenty his: own coar,trymd-n as uten6ecre and u.iBE E QDY S FA1L3 8c 'r'�JBS, tnunn tis too niton fads hi4 innocent sitar dieser, it will promote digestion and rears from Lumbago and Kidney, t;' IUSE EDDY�S IMATCHES- �is. to . I_ alinost always had a -sem ,cotton -sib fining milt converlod Ott+,o overcome Coy evil effects of too hearty p - $'or f/sal� tsar �afeaissa� 1'9vaa,rywLLo�sr• ,ere pain to my back so severe that a chancellery on the model of a Latino. Safe, Fromt,t, active, painless and ' Governuient of9ce, with myriads of { t This effective little pill is su ' - 9urinA Intervals for ytars I lyse to- Pl�s� • . Pi' +�'------ ,ally unable to work Rcribec And every post o1 irnp• it planting all the old school aaumotw purgs. A[aat women suspect there is some } s.�s-M3a=ia0 ac CIC - 2)ortors aril ti:rdicf-rrs gnvr' ineIanrc eatrvtaq Leto or throct "asc,st• tivm aodoses,tounb.-t; little rel' p Y ants"; the natural result is that banderfsmileef on tap et cry tick their hue 77 Xing 1tt and after ten de twclte, ��•��. MAre T had almost made u t.: '',profitsr run out in cxlrrnRra, and cthe t'IIOK1\U IiI31 OFF. JACREiS,CaPERINSq STOLE+, Ruirrs. ousel that my troub4e was incurable. i frcrl+tontly �t trot c�rtplet„F the - trouble, the• it a nsi IPg "assist "There tr no use talking," began �rID!•V4Sririofi..il�rrzpeDwla, lnrt' ' III as AND 14a rot •cues Ihetr reading of c,rrrs., by therm l.d ants" not always weighing old man Grotsellq rs he sat o ! sAel t1A1 aDls ostttr>t0 rraated, dead los - • ' S , d nl mends take i to the Pporttc •�#14sn and k!nclrP - ae tc, jry IPodd's Kidney Pills. I • y K hire. Grow•ells the second at the Grin- Trings t,efore the haling qua:it;cs rf price filar, A -EI ' - nail not taken half a box before I balance bertrcvn their own comfort rer table, my first wife's cook- attl'tcrirncPd relief and niter using act +fid. the contplairif of the wrnkrrs i,1g—•• South American Nervine, Thomas . YOUR T r Hoskins. of Durham,- Ont,, took his Q ,Sy iberr• was ?ft:e-milt'wh^re the high'-.",- - l OIA OVERCOATS n or eight i etre I was n perfect r rlalll!t•d Russian manager r introduc, "Ti at will be about all from ! prearlter's advice, followed diroetiona, tun- and a new. man. The cure was I s' you, Vr, Growells,". interrupted IA, � and was cured permancn,ly of the had nt.d gulta .oulA :oolt►ect•rg.,t If n ireM t MY a �.y'stcm of corrnspendnnae by of aaa ,o r«tr c,... its rpt oocrcal, Bei ler -pertnliticr;t " present other half. •"r_�cver let me 'Worst Corm of Nevous Prostration Cure our Backache with Podd's h.�cmo»totrijla3k�circutmatanc.aild noterorc hear bus ak disses, full of the BRITI8H ems+-^'^+� ovatNa' Oo. y' I'at y and DyspPl,sfa, He has rt•cotrfniend-' MONTREAL. b _ - Kidney PDI and you will never hav11 workman's eon, tlalnt , against fon his im ,} ed it to others with gratifying re `- _ z u,cdiatc qu slier egged as many faaref S Liniment S ��QU (�S sults. It's a great nertc builder. -I2 i Sri rhf-s Di�srasc. _- 1 f� -- p Fwp I { y 1x•r Yornr:_ Ftncl N (� Lint t � � ®ot�iin40n 11r��e '$'t6aial$�t1,p� - Ir' -pt Litt a r ter. 4 _ � -- = i n b �h�sici� t , 1 - A GOOD DOQ, instancoq'' -as a . Goct raiment She-" Who rocks the cradle rules areatreat to Llvsrpeet " project, the reply. in writing, reach- Visitor -"You haven' -t Rot halt as Ithe world- Remember that?" 11' Ise•toet to Liverpool . - -41+e man wrxtted to ne;i the deg. nlee-a cemetery' hero ws w have In •• t .votn,Oa ant»r•or eeramIng the-lilrklt•saco-nplatnfint i -n about ThOn-ah,You come Iii and ruleig!E e�re br,t the prosl',ectite buyer tens sus- F.lmt'flle." Froniineut C; tizen- (of tnal three months after date, duly nom- the world. I'm tired."pistons and -finally decided no3 to iilaw f:le.)-"oto. I'to a[tt.ays+ .heardrnrrd- :lrtiy. The man ellen told l,lrn .tvl, brrcd and iotintcr nicncdlike 'a llTn �. ab ythat the cemetery is the onl he was so a:txious to stIl. _ 1s;rrial irtlfx•r. That partictblltrly, y part ifebuoy nap--suectnziT` to'ss USX orri of- your town that linids our -any in- POYL7f10Df LtaS OR/iCi3: "You see," he said, 1 bon ht•'tie „I'tglily quistlified, Russian matinger.tpr- strongly recaml?tendcKl by the midi - 8 minaterl hisi,- at the mill in dtieements for pc,rmat;rnt r,•sidents.' teal profession as a safeguardaga-inst tetsuss.ssatr t4 tattlserar•st8t.tftstotes11 Hirtdog o I trained titin m.rrc- I Rot ,rr tion. With- two isaMnlions of In- - tnicctimsi diseases, ' - - hlrn so I�'d'bark If a {•cif n stepped 9 C. C. RJCIIAIli'fi & CO.- �1l Inside the ate, and thought.. of'.fnntry anti a amnia of t'nsaarkq "ip P©UItry AL1 x1104 Of course, I was saf.• from brirglars, �thr millyard, Thev stoprwod th, re rt Pear Sirs, -A few days ago I was p, city man never secs the sights at � `"''• ��! Then -tray %% I,(- waisted me'to- trail)+morfth. aztd when they had gone tho taken with a set'ere pain and con- Ihomc until..his rural. Trlatives Como Hutter, FRUITS hien to f airy bnndle�'-and I 't:id. 711 ptupl<•Tiealat• d upon ha�'ing an En,, traction of the cords o1 my les, and la{ong and point them out. M E i - "you of an •thiri into -1•.is rho+-.:ttr it-�'IiShll,an _ to., rl.1e. :over them once had to be'takon hams in a rig. I y p y s ` And Farm Pro- wfmild stay there till someorie took C. could not sltwp for pain; antl was I!•rr Over stray vesrr C' ,g�f duce oneTall _ It awby� Well. one night I wake up + unable to .prat my foot to the Iloor. { sin, wrveLotr•s aoo•rutuo STIm: hiss been noted too R 5► S atxl heard srrmeone in tl;c nest room_ I t A friend told me of -your IMINARD'S I �f�o.aa aothen for tragi+r la.e .al►. ta«n,ns Honey consign it to us .. _ .. 7 got Up, F; -ebbed ifl �- (;"Cltt, and Ft+:trr-,. , i eoor3tw f.be thud. .ertee. Incau sea .fur Walvis out« I J . ask fa( Mhardls ands: take fie iIther LTNIULN`3','and- one hoar from the 'vtadcoil f*ueeth.econ,.e71a•d►o.els."distns. as we WiIL get Wt real for Dfarrnw 'Mateire eenY . leottio 1•d to in%psti atc, Tlx • were there, _ fust np{+lication, I was able to walk, told todnuld n thtmghow tae wo,1d. Be an. and ! ��( you Dodd rices. thaPe of tl.cu and the clog. -:R LI , and the pain entirely disappeared...sttor•'MttaiPgaoa'ssooisaKasranr.' 23.14 1e $ p _ "I)ddn't he 'bark-?" interrupted- the You can use my varus as freely as n An inch of rain seems to be about men•• Good Work off the English Society YOU like, as,.r consider it the.. best iF1E e l "Not a bark: I•c was ton busy." rctrcedy• I- have ever used, a foot long to the man who is ' Dawson Commission Co, of Friends. t is it with u 'Busy ! lFttat doicg ?" CIiRIS'TOF'HF:R. GI:RRY. caughto t an umbrella. Lord Itegi!t -request that heir- Fti TOPtC>WTO., blYtrytl -' "• "Cat'ttitrg the lantern for the bur • Tngersoll,'Ont. " glare. It you, know anybody who looms looted front Boor farms during , { the late war bc. rt•Lurru-d by: tl^e Bi it- 9 s, rd's Linimeot Lumberman's Friend wants a good dog send them Mine E around." P4 �csaors hfa islet with quick C 3Ir. Vtlls," said the shokrsirm of IRCITEST LINE - FASTEST TIME i and wil!ir,{; respol se. 1'hc London I the • working-mei committee, tvt ♦ -Prisoner, why did you•strike this TO i:xpress saps that tnotc thnii f.irf}='hate setae to Leib you, sty, that we Elsie : "Fou know, Toroth Dob-' 13iblvs taken ' iroin vel+l l:omesteafls ratan?" "if you please, your honor, ay is aur .first c'rnlsin,'. Darotbp i batt been returi:ed to t -1,c .5uciety of ±want shorter hours and—" "<<l'y the came to me suddenly and said. well, Interrupted the busy nianufac- ~ ,on whcon Dobhy has made an im.-: h't'ionds. - 'rl..c sot•iety has co"til:rletl p �'Hoty aid is Ann?' "Well,. what I 'lavorable'imTd•�.s.ion) : "Is he'? Well, lthe tri>rk by cataluguit.g the �cti1 fine-�,•;tursr. "we'll begin right ;off with hw't diA that do?" "Why, you sec, CALI FORNIA E shorter dinner hours." E C hope he's. Inst, ;hat's alb" I with all flutes a? cl 1, ar!.s nl,ich it's I .your honor Ann is my wife." a hint of the names :.rad addr6sos of I Curate : "And how did you like, the owners, ttho :tri nlready tieing.l Or. Affn*WaOurefortmeHOAr1 t r XIA ply harittA sermon,' Mr. Wurzel -?" ��ought through the agetrty of pl.ilan- , acts directly and quickly, Keep Min ard s� Liniment is the Ne lse, - - - heart's action, stops moot acute pain, digpsla 'Not bad, sir; not hax} at all, cot:- ithrulic pvrsons in ouAt Afic.l. �} sighs of,weakness flutterin , strati UNION PACIFIC - siderin' .y'cr• total; ignorarrc cf the Four or fie.+• of- tifem "IT(: nzagr,ifi K ' B �' Charpe-.` Yes, Parker invented the "i ib}ect." g amotkeria 1n 1 itition. Tiiis trrrieond a { . cent hooks, ural must ho of teat g' p ` sateRt air -ship ever heard of." $love ! I cure is the stardy ship which carries the i -„gut it refused to fly. You I teal :c. ]lotir,d in s:.lid ctnbossed heartsick patient into the haven of radiant EVERY DAY _ A_scicrit.ist _claims. that -he of ler n ' leather, her, with },sat y brass t lctsPs, atAcl ,Aad ^erf�c Pl:ealth t.iYEsrelieiis t; to I cnuldu L Ro uP in it.,, Sharpe- i -- — Ulan ro;vs.tl:e smaller l;Is bruin i,r> contitlt,irg malty niAps and steel en T' - - • g Eortas oY heart disease in 3o minutes, -it "That's, • of course, why I say it was ` carnes. This may (;kpinin why •4:) - urathcbh - the, u a •t ia'•rs nodi deaths 1 •• _ UNTIL NOV. 3Ut1 COLONIST the 5a fest l., T ` etghteer.-year-old ..boy' kr-nus more ; m CAT'GI-TT ON '1'111•: 131, -BOT -NI). ItA'1'1:';' TO ALL PRINCIPAL - (,f the,fninilies to which i}tv bclor I POIVTS •IN CALIFORNIA s father. �' g. said the s s than ni \u, h., fair proluietnr of I 8uc}i I ihle teas rettnnrd rr int-I'iiOti[ .'1fIssounI ' ItI%');R ---- -- -_�-. lye by' Lord CY.e<i :r rat, tth„ t,. •fat r- t1:e ref •igerator i:eni•t, "I cannot be',�I-11Iard '.-Tables i TD:HJIINAL:�-Council BlulTs ly-kee lti. the book until 1 Should t�o+11' tvif,•, but .1'dL:,be a :Lister tet MM . R� s to Kansas City inclusive- Wom, won't cure a cough. l:a,,e a chance to restore , ' ; i t o`�„ 7rhe Best wt the Lowest Price u:vns!'. this U u Py 1 , i Ile L,ad atci•tt]}, re vir,crl the'"rite for Terms When you find a cough holdifig on _ l��5otOQ Lir when ice lin else has ' tell : o.:th . wlto teas left rat,. the. Post.. "1f *� ry'� $ :''Phis ]3ih1e was iuund,off t!e tcld t]sre i one thing 7 need more than=REND' BROS., M'f'g CO.'y -failed-try . &t hiohentfontein Farm, Orange h'raL: another t is :,n elderly sister to i 7116 Kting St. W. From '"Chico o and St. Luis ,. i c si r �• I F ., t g o proportionately lot, rates Are St at n, �nut11 Africa, on, til I - . hook after me an<l prevent me from --�' in effect by lines connecting i • f ma?.ing a .foo] of n,y self.'1 N AL1. Shilo p s April 8, 1960, and rc•sctiod ff uin a ' � - - � with the UNION • PACIFIC.. . atilt t:,. ni4•, tq be taken ca)'s Of -- _-_ _ATENTS 1 Consumption •sa��rw ♦1• D1�aL ;ntiI tlainiod by the proper ovvncr, iC®n54,.i�Yi� 7,Jtr..P n who is nota on c•onunaudu <:ome miles The Suff � � :��1RIE�sEB7HR0lJOH TRAINS D.MLY au ay. eh� s AT NTIQN -- Cure The Luno Tonic � Otl,+r flibks arc beat} folio solum- �' �®�� TO PATENT,; ToutlSt Stoepot8 A 8paolaRy es prii,ted -in- the.. .soiciitconth -amd, •of _ LI'r G�TfON,' I early et;hteonth century, BUC there of�®m Colds'i AYBEE 11eMlerNanstbee11 Fortatllnturmstioncall onoraddren _ ".1t is guaranteed to cure. are ma::y cheap pocket. oditjrn,q. One JOS Sate et.TORpNTO- On PatLrKa, so _j Try a bottle- of the smaller onestnow in -pi jf,scs. ion am numbered bT Millions, not including ; H. F. -CA 'Jane Builth cY tl.e society has n•, :lt:s..rl ticsn I thvao -whose annoyance b a§socit tion fgpM 14 Janes Building, if it doestt t cure you I r P I. amounts almost to Rnfterin q I Newsp�p�rs THE 01 Toronto, Country i Toronto, Canada. } tt•hich-hcr%vs that it was a prercnt •,oto,., we'll refund your money. - I as - _ from a. }'ofufg• Boer. to his it: bad aft, At,d' yet iL f F,i tactor blern altarrhal dispatched to S, PE ibOBIC ` (, BOOKS. 'mails' b r. I3, CHOATE, G. A., t�ho had pt'Idcnfly giieit if back 'to I' de try. int t 1) an l,mblcm In rrGai and Itched to su P8ibers- " E stmaietc,, Prices 26c., 60c. and 51.00 1, mctry, that 1) pa y y 126--`1'ctodward - ALC •.• -• her hero when he went forth to 1'owcic�• Ilex, Pons, Rill Cure Catarrh WM. DAWSON & SONS, ilmitefl Cannon' Detroit, 3lich. fight. antl t'ol'dx. what aro tics Catarrhal Iieusr, Ureatn's Buildings, London, England, I ' s. C. WELLS !h CO. It has been �uf;gestect in. the col 1 Millions going to do shout it? 4 I} a largest Subscription Agency in the world, l - Tomere, Carr LeRoy, N.Y. 1 Limns of the Loudon 1'iuteR atxl else Send for our list. Free on appltcaiion. Est - - - Dr. Agnew's Mrs rt Cur_ relle.•ae heart 47-03 where that the return to the ilritis?l dlaaaze to 3o mtmttes: 1lilKJ. Prompt and reliable. �"�f':'r_,1,..,,?nY.�,..,:... .-., ., •. ..,. d. �...>,.�-. `.:., ... _ - .- .... .. .. ..... �.._. _ . ...-_ .. _ ... ..,..-. _....-. -. .. __... _. .... - _. _r_. .._ .. ...-.�i..driiuexm,�.i=:'.: vsy�`su., �S._..-• ..'f%.a'L� t s�A+'rv-•i'we+•MWNurltr'aYM•,::. ,,.I. , . . . . _. ,. - .. .' .:. . .. .' :. i t . i:- - ,.. ;� .: . ...+ _ • u "' - .•� r- __ 4Z,.r a _ .. 1 No. 2 yell' *, �o��; rte. 2 serif, - isiORY WHAZ�N_ MURDbff. j��tjj - . • �1L!'11„ __ TH WORLDS MARKETS. 48�c. Oats -Weak; No. 2 mixed, _ _ _ ' -- --. �„ """ 37 {e. Barley -5t, to 61c. Rye -No. Man in Manchester Confesses the Terrific Explosion of Acetylene KEEP THEIR DIGESTIVE OR- •t- ._BEPQ$TS__ FROM, THE LEADING 1,- 60tc. Cignal freights -Steady- . - =. Crime. Gas at Ridgetovrn. .._1. `_. . _ TIW CENTl3�ES. . Minneapolis,--Nova-IT.=-Wheat Do-" __ -_ - Q�N 8r - - -- _ _ _. � S R7 A Toronto despatch says: Aman A Ridgetown, Ont., despatch sayer - - .t. comber, 78tc; Slay, 78f to 76;c; on , 2rices Cattle, Grain, Cheese track. No. 1 hard, 781c; No. 1 who claims to be the murderer of Tonic Used b One of the Most -At ten minutes after fico o'clock on _ y - - ..of and Other Dairy Produce Northern, , 71c; No. 2 Northern, Glory lihalen has turned' u at Man - �' p . .(Successful. Fee$ers in -the Wednesday evening the acetylene gas cheater, England, but there is little. machine in the basement of the Loz- - at Home and Abroad.. 75}c; No. 8 Northern, 691 to 72}c. United States. known at present to connect him ax House. Stain Street, exploded . Flour -First patents, .$4.50 to $4.60; Toronto, Nov, 17 -"heat-The $4.50 to $4.75; first with the crime. . . -. Hogs that are closet confined and with 'a ten•ific noise, • wrecking the y' - second patents, r' market ie quiet, with little change clears. $3.50 to $3.60; second clears, Attorney -General Gibson on Friday hdghly Yid, require a •corrective of entire building and tearing a wide cable from the Manches- some kind to maintain the digestive gap in the front facing. on the street, = ' In prices.. No. 2 white and red Win- 82.40 to $2.50. Bran -In bulk $13: to 77}c low received, a ter police conveying, the information system fa a normal condition of The fire alarm,+vas sounded and fire- ;!,ter quoted at 77 28 ' freights; ted 2 Spring is quoted at . that a man giving the name of Wil- healtb, 'and the fat -ter the pig the men and citizens were promptly at -says 'Live - „ ,78c east, and No. 2 goose at 70 to LIVE STOCK MARKET. liam Joseph Carey Sparks, who was g'r'eater the necessity, work rescvirg the injured and carry - Stock Commissioner, F. W. Hodson. !ng them into neighboring sSores -, ".-• - ;,71c cast. 3Ianitoba wheat' is steady. froronto, Nov. 17. -There was a " in jail there on a charge of commit- ting an unnatural offence, has ' con -When the ,digestive.. organs I, ecomo. where physicians rendered all assist- _'� .'At upper lake ports No. 1 Northern noticeably increased activity to the No. 2 North-' fessed that he murdered Glory Wha- clogged with fat their ability to ante possible. Fido men who were ___ _: •\ls quoted at 85#c, and cattle trade at the city market to- ,..No, 1 hard nominal at k digest and assimilate is Rea oned• in the hotel office were carried out. len near Collingwood last June. _ - large, he .. earn at 82c. day, and a better feeling seems " to The despatch When a; frog running at THE DEAD. p gave no particulars from i ..._ : '90}c lake ports. prevail all round than has been the Oats -The market is _quiet qt un- three weeks. t as to 'whether S arks was white or does not root up the pasture W Atkinson, a representative o1 lidoes he do. Pure Ione of a e, nor changed prices. No. 2 whit is case the past two or There was a good run of stock, a colored: It tdili be remembered that the London Advertiser, who was cussedness'. it because of innate cussedness. He innate tramp canvassing- the town, only lined a quoted at 28 to 29}c west, at 29}c fair to active demand in most lines, suspicion fell u o P p on a negro' roots to obtain, for which who had been in the district, g short time; Alex. Wcir, boarder at low ,fr%ighis to New York. No: 1 and,a slightly upward tendency is = Ween his system craves, It is this craw - with a white companion and who Ing that causes a confined sig to tie hotel, leg crushed and d'thecwtst white, 301jc exi t. Sae, 30 The demand is moderate, prices. The run •comprised 89 loads, . with 1,069 head of cattle, 2,343 vanished immediate) after the, crime Injures] died , at 10 .pari. y gnaw .and tear at the •trough and r - THE INJURED. - with offerings fair. No. 2 quoted at sheep and lambs, 2,500 hogs, and was committed. Numerous arrests sides of the pen; and hogs have - 48 to 49c middle freights. No. 8 of suspicious characters were made, been know to tear apart brick walls William Barclay, auctioneer, and a _ ' - 64 calves. • extra at 42c, and No. 3 „at 39 to Exporters -There were a few loads but in spite of the utmost vigilance in order to get at the mortar. The boarder at the hotel• bad wound in , Ex. - . ' -:40c middle freights. offering, but more of the pollee this is the first 'suspic- cause of this unnatural craving is the head, and injured internally; P g y' .- - . ' • Rye -The market is quiet: with of export cattle Cars at were wanted, Seyeral lots of un - ion of a clue that has been, discover- not well understood. It may be Mayor- T: P. Watson, two baC ed' ' " due in part to a'lack df ash 11t the wounds in the head and injured in .. 1. ,prices steady. axe quoted gnished'short-keep-steers were boughC Immediately upon receipt of the food : for, as has already been , ternally; J. W. rSluckenzie, faimer, of - - •" . .' 50i to 51c outside.. for export, as being the best avail- Peas -Trade is dull, sad, prices un- cablegram, Attorney-Gencral-Gibson stated, a hog may be getting all the Howard, seriously injured in the11 " _.. able. changed. No. 2 white quoted at 61 These were a little too light and east. a side, arm, and ieg. gave orders that the necessary ex- gr in he can eat and yet be partial- ; ly starved, because certain require- The force of the explosion brttkt tradition proceedings should tP - • to 82c high freights• and at 63e unfin, .20 to $4. unfinished, but sold at $4 - en, and should the fecEs ouutt menta of the system are Insufficiently the plate glass R-t?tdoRe In several 01 Corn -The market is quiet, with 25 for the top. No. 2 American' mericanto; .bearr supplied. It has been attributed by the stores in the Union Block, across Sparks' confeasion� he will certainly P . prices easy. yellow IIuu ars.'-There was a little tetter v3 c on track, h } be brought to Canada for trial, An some to the presence of intestinal Main Street from the hotel, and also form • �" , - q noted at demand for good butchers' cattle, No 3 v�-Pli^°°-ar. 5�><�a�ta-t�o.._a and t>-rcadfness investi %tion will •be ordered to find worms: and by others to some tho glass in the stores immediately -g - - - - - - of in •,hate..,.r may be the -„_. - hotel- Severe.! diget3t4an'. - -- ----- •�- -- liuckcchcaL-The market is unchang-lur las ITuesday's me kat was fully recox':aar- to make it apparent that he was -- -- terse-'-si.+ t rices, one thhno-_._ - y-} gymg_lirirk, '=rt\a,r_---- of Glory � ed with quotations 42 to 48c • at ed to -day. Choice butchers' sold nnected-with-fhe murder clear, -that, when they are supplied. � and glass, The noise ct the expl.o- I.- :, outside points. �, at $4.10 to $4.-�, ordinary run of �co Whalen, it is thought extremely un- hogs are healthier, eat better, throve I cion %vas heard several miles away is likely that the British authorities -, Flout -'vinery pec cent. patents arci fair butchers' cattle at- $3.7.5 to $4, freights,. in l {Letter, and, consequently , ., the country, and many fartttera decal would insist upon holding. him fair' a learn dozer1. IFro . e�r•ady at $1.10 middle Q common and-rolagh butchers' were a , Straight I . the cause. a lesser crime in - England. They PAY DLT'IER. lin to in bar hoc ; ' bu_:urs' sacks, for export. .. . rollers of special brands for domes- I sl slower sale, and !etches from 81.75 (would 5• probably turn -him .over to men who aa'ere the -room P y I Charcoal is probably one of the narrow escapes. as the bar was shat, 8e tic trade quoted at 88.40 to- $3..60 I Feeders -The features of to -days Ithe Canadian authorities for trial on Ibest correctives; and, when it . can tered, blit they got out by u side . in .l:ble. Manitoba flours are steady; I market was the active demand for i the more serious charge, and have, l be readily obtained, it will pay to I door. There was a stove burning in . •- . . ' : No 1 patents, $4.58 to 84.60: SO ;short -keep [ceders. �3ne buyer da;d him rearrested should he be acqu[t keep a supply 1n some place where the otrice at the time, but the prompt hogs it whenever they lefforts the . 2 paWnts, $4.25 to $4.30; and the could have taken 20 loads of, the $4.20 on '- ,ted. w the can get at of the flremen prevented 11 >• '----i---- acing preparation is ; arhjji2!o';al horror of tire. like a folly t - , .' strong right Bort izad they "been a4a,lae'�' track, Toronto. $4.15 to Good ualit short-kee sold at $4 q Y p _ that u by- Mr adore I�ufa, ; t o r Landlord Patten, f the hotel hog t.uld',a}s .., . N[Mfeed-!Scan steady at $16, turd 2� to DRAfsO!+iiROFF DISMIS�E D >rs n to most iStatef�l that his atten:lon was cnlieC I pea to the T'i;ited States, and should' b his bartender to the fact that the ` �' she?ts ' at $39 here. ' At cairn{eta gtockers-Ther© was a tittle better � to _' l;ran to at $14.b0, and y Czar Summarily Dismisses ez- he an excellc-.t Ionce : iiRhts were going out, and that ht y I g S .\ points quoted demand for light stockers shorts at 917, Manitoba bran, in 'iho<p and Lairtbs-The sheep trade Governor oY Kia@. _ "Ta6e six busi.ea of Corncob rhnr- started to go down into the base ;mor - sacks, $18: and shorts at $^-n here. _ ._l,$dq r•uU, lambs firm, and calves dull, - - coal, er tires bu-'heN of common t, and had Just pia•rsd H- harie p Moscow de+rp.atch says, Gen. Dra- Icharronl, eigt.t pounds of salt, two*on the door in the brill .ee,dirg there : _ I ergs --The• market to weak, but tie, Ron:,rn?, the retired Gaivernor-Gi n••r- I quarts of airslnked lime, cue b':s!-ei •o when the explo-ion occurred. Mr -- - - '• than c In the quotation to -day q y' r a• of I{IeII, has lett here for h!s cs avoud ases. Break the char:oal,l'trs. l was knocked uoavn and ser __ -, CnLT`+TRY PRODUCE. :` Pros;ccts, howrn'er, .for lower prices io! tater., the Czar having no furtb.\r :.se I%veli down, a:'i'h shovel or other. im- 1,wsiy injured about _the head. . ptl f+l•>a-'[ha market quiet, with l the end of the week, For his services The circums',vicrs . f,;,•tnc•nt, and thoroughly nttx. Z'lien l 'I ho huildirrg, which is owned bl pri.:ea 'st:. ady. ►ViiiLor frust quoted .'sport, henry Est I O to 8•i =5 of the siunmary dtstnlstaal of t.he. I take orae an¢ a quarter pounds of ,Janus AndelFwn, V,S,. of Galt. is a - � I. • at $2 to $2.50 per bbl. in car lots, Export. light ......... 4 00 4 10 General have - just leaked out. 'rid !copperas and'cti-s(dl a in hot Ovate:'; thtvir ctorr.y balloon brick. ar.d tat P.. , export,y, - and at. $1,54) to $8 In small quare-; Bulc�theat strikingty illustrate the. humanitnrinin l and whit. as orr'inary Ratcwh,g l+ut loss will be a treavy one. - _ tlt •s. .,,. .... 3 75 4' 5 ideas of the Russian ruler, Dra-;sprinkle oxer the while mass and 4 .' • Reano-There is n quiet trade, with I do light, ' .... ....... , fl' 00 3 50 gomirotT, who enjoyed uribeundr.-d ter then again mix thatot 9111. 1''t t' -'s H. W. i� ED. - SOUTHA�� KILL - ' -- "• prises steady Primo beans are quo- I Feeders, ROO Ibe, and - vor .at ,court, and was the_ most I•o-_ Tuixtury into the self feeding boxes, ted at 8l lit to $1 75 per bush, l upwards ,. ... 3 00 • 8 60 FDried- pular man In -the Russian Arin -, lo%t I. and place where Bogs .of all fines rail A Well -Known Londoner Falls Un . Apples -The demand is fair, (Short keep," 900 to favor and his office because he did lent of their conte++ts at pleaslao." Tl:e fttrntshs•s rife res{ lied der a Troia. - _�., With prices unchanged, at 4} to Gc ltir0 lbs 3 75 !t 00 , ('Stockers, 400 -to 800 -- ' -per not Whew moderation to gql.•Cllill�>, tlx�. rharconl _ repent strike riots at artii(h I mil:a+a] matter avl.ich may have L^sen A London, Out., despatch says'- lt+ IFonty-The market' is quiet at 6 It , ,. __ , 2 50 3 1.2} „Iftet!- practically involved, all- the warkiuig lacking in the f• oil, and is alwo' an iA terrible death ut'ertook Harold W f_�i- igestt%'e coutham in the Grand Trunk ynrt - . - to !Sjc per TD. `for bulk, and at $i - { do 9(10 IDs, 2 ?v 3 50 Butchers' � peopIo of the town, Flearirtg that oxcelient' con'ert(ve c the troubles, the cion -ass is a here shortly before 8 o'clock or ` " . 25 'to $1.50 for comb. Choice clov- cattle, choice 8 7.i 4 10 strikers might cause a repetition anile '� of the IilshindR scotiea," Ihs^omiroQ aal':abl° tar.lc and atozrachl:. It Thurs%,ay eased He tntcndtfa -' '- .er Money, 7 t4 i +e 1>er • Ib. - ... • - H Demand to fair, with receipts do medium ,.. .... 8 30 3 50 called out the artillery' and caused n tNrcharcoal is at all hard to Set, its !ea%frig for.Detroft on business,' bm" is taken almost ns wal by Et9 he missed 1 is train he decided tr .. " p3tly moderate No 1 timothy quo- do " pinked .., .• 4 bO 4.30 00 -wholesale slaughter o[ the rioters. It Plato sods r,r earth rich 1n aria +a_ It to telco the 8a+':aa, train and go by ova} ; ked at $9,50 to $10 on track. To- do burl:; 2 75 :4 !s said that several hundred' of them ro que�tinnable, indeed, it !bore is any- of the tur,nei. This Latter !calf -1. r Tonto, and mixed at $7 to V. 50. do rough , ... - 2 r0 2 80 wero killed. When the Czar heard , thittlt getter than sods or vegetable ,was .just pul irg out of the statin , Straw -The market is quiet at $5:- Light stock bulls. •- the facts he at once dismissed Dra- motet taken from the woodlot. If a; when he ran to hoard it, and in at - ..... cwt ., :.. 2 2$ d 50 •:.{60 r ton for. carr lots on track. I .; gomtrofT with the words:- �,\mall quantity, be thrown into each ;tempting to do sa he misseel his foot - q RfiIch.icowa . -w'10 00 ii,2 00 - Fioi?s-Tire market is ulet, with ''I cane{ot -have ,that. man at Kiv!l pen tinily,. it 19 a,gtordrt.ing to seeing and fc!1 under the v.heels. FL lions, hest 5 10 ltricrs firm at 22 to ribs. "••• ••�•• any longer. Nis hands are stained how much cf it toe' hogs will sun- nese carried about LO verde_ before . • -. do ligftt ,,. 5 15 Potatoes=The offerings are mr>der- .t'_••• ®lth human blood." Improved h a A the train was•stopped, aril his bod _ _ - \ ate: and the t fpr health 7 _ rate, with prices unchanged, Cars on Shp,il export, cwt. 3 25 3 40 ` thrift of the animals will be a revel-Ihorribl mangled, portions boin y l . "" R ria lambs ...... . 8 75 4 12 track arc quoted at 5.5 to I- per p G } -"T _ ation to the frvaler that has scattered nll'oaer that .distance. Tie 'eldest _ _ _ • for ood qualit Ducks " 2 fin .2 75 bag g quality'. - "' - �� Cvlis '...... 2 2t, • 2' a NF"�'E Bi'I I3 - 'ceased .was rite son o! Air - GERMAN LOCO!tiiOTIVEB. It Uit .TRIED 1, Southern of the 9outhan ar . Lt. -- ...:.. .... , . Poultry -The demand is fair, with Calves, each 2 00 30 00 offerings moderate. Turkeys aro "' (.round beep, wood a hes, sett IPrihard Company, of R bleb be w at . . - -.quote& at 9 to lOc per 1D., sad goose -----♦•---- n Eight More Ordered by C. P. R. coal, old mortar, rotten woos, etc., : a morn � a .I mbar, arnl a Wilton of Wm -Boston. ' ---• - , - - • . . at re per Ib.; ducks. $ L, per CANADA WO0 1` EXHIBIT. ^or Have Reached . are also ttnwng the substances tTfied South -van of the- Hamilton Spectator \ -1b., 75 to 90 per pair. Chickens, A Montreal despatch says :--Eight ,and t•ecommended for this purpose. � He,wa's abdut 30 years of age ant locomoti+es, 'Pi of. Ilenry reports Tome interest ing; most }copular, .particularly in atlia _- t3 to lOC per tb., or t,0 to 75c Ver Live Stock at the 5t. Zonis more of the German experiments to teat the arsine of tic sir :las. A wife and two child ndir; old hens, '90 to 50c per 'pair. World's Fair: several of wt 1ch have already Leon j I deivered to -the Canadian Pa.riflc j boxes meal and hard wood ashes, , ren suraive. -him. _ . A Toronto despatch says :-Unless - 'THE DAIRY MARJiETJ. I the present restrictions as applied to I,ilway shops in this city from when given as a supplement to an 4 - : Caneutlan steamers, arilved In Bca- (exclusive corn ration. None of the FINGER PRINTS ON CANDLI • ' • -'Butter-The market is stea.dv, with the lmportatione•'ot pure bred 'ani- mals Into the United States can be- ton on Thurada}•. They will be iMgs showbd an anti sly sati�fa^tory s7,ilrped by to Montreal. Each growth, but the difference in favor of . receipts edual to the demand. 7'no greatly modified, and the St. Louis rail locomotico weighs' he' 40 tons. The those gutting bone meal or n5hes'wa How London Police Caught t=i. g Jewel Thieves. - aiemaad continues good for choice Exhiblition authorities, charge cots- g whole order of twenty locomotives very marked. . The pigs fed eX•hr' , _ qualities. We quote:- i'mo•rt 1 1b. Q q slderably, the regulations pertainirg lar rolls, Flared with the German will' lively on. corn were moot pl 1 I}' p London despatch sa}'s :-Porn ., 1 rolls. 18 to 19c; choice o g to Canadian live stock, the Canadittn dwarfed.. When Blau hterNd the stv- is g men were arrested simultatteoual iT in the hairdo of the company in this yr any '-16 to 17c; fresh dairyalba, 16 to breeders recede from their unanimous -13 city by the middle of December. Two era] lots showed no ditTerenro is the different parts o[ London on Sunda• . 17e; secondary grades, to 14c; stand, the Dominion will not be T'e- or three of CI e: a Carman engines are ; proportion ot• fat or lean, nor was {n connection 'with the great robber] - creams prints, 22 to 23c; solids, c ry pressnted in that departmgnt of, t e already in ar rive 'operation, and are theca any difTerence in the t;ize or {fest End jewelers two monthi 19 to 20c• World's Fair. A thoroughly repro- �-,fo. giving satisfaction, character of the various' internal, or- wfien fl-ey g-ot'a:%va5r avith 560,^- : Eggs -Market 'firth. W@ quote:- sontatia'e meeting cf breeders at tee .. galls. The, bones, however, were a 0(X) worth cf valuables. The.thieva Strictly new laid, 23 to 24c; ordin- Rossin House on Wednesday night most interesting study. The table j-ceemed to have left no clue, '• bur . �- • tart' store gathered, 20 t o 21c; Ittned' disfuesed =the matter; And concluded ' .. given'below shows 'clearly the mors, the de.tectii ei_found' finger prints bi I. BUY LESS PRO, GERMANY `gains the' 'l . and cold storage, 17 to 18c. that the' Government might better Cheese ---Market steady. We employ the $100,000.grant.for the. economical and greatera piece of candle. These were phot strength of bones in the case of the oEtiaphid and then compared wttl . .. quote: --Flnost, it}c: seponds, 10# to 11c. purpose of erabling. Canadians to Commissioner Says Many Lines animals furnished with•ashes or bone the polire'rccrorH=. The priTrts'wert -, make a creditable show in holding a Suffer by,Surtax. meal. , It in quite evident 'that corn found to resemble those of a well . stock exhibition on this side of the ;" $OG PRODUCTS. weal, salt ar.d water do not supply .known. thief, and he and his confed•' An Ottawa despatch says: The the essential to building he , . border. I)rgssed _h_oge aro unchanged, with _ cat lots quoted at $6.T5 to 67 here. ANOTfiER TREATY. aU elements rates were tea r watt d Tho• surtax of erre third, applied to all a e; traced a •d a normal •fra'mework• of bone and ; etiTrn'ed to'. their London haunt✓ t- mem-muscle. -- - some -days ago with plenty of money - - Cured meats steady, with a fair de- will undoubtEdly result in a decrease Result with pigs living on corn .All were caught in their beds of We -Bacon, long of Canadian purchases from that meal with or without bore meal � . ' Sunthty morning by "de.ectivesr- dis -' - mand.. quote: clear, Dqa Be Necessa to Settle Alas- Necessary 10 to 10}c, in ton and case lots. country. • The Commissioner of and hard -wood ashes in adAtiou: milkmen. Part et tlu gidsed as. ka Case.: ' .Mesa .por'k, $17; do,,,short cut, 819.- Customs thinks that it will hit es-' Wisconsin Station. I stoiei jewelry R'a9 recoaered, I hard the trade Ger-� t,0 to $20. <1n Ottawa despatch goys ,.-It will require another treaty be- pecially, which --when When When b,ne aabc. nr>ith= �• Irmanfirms did in sugar and cement Qorn meal required to w • ' Smoked Meats-Haus, light to me- probably tween Britain and the States to com- moat ...e a .L. with this, country, also in woollens. produce 100 lbs, of a .rci fed .ref -RIOTERS FINED. •.- :. ;'ilium, ell to 14c; do., heavy, 13 to Plot' t. -.e delimitation of the dir,put- 18}c; tolls, llc; ahouldera, 10 to ( He is satisfied that a Inrge share of gain, lbs ...... .........487 , 491 629 - 1. . _- _.. _ • ed boundary befar'een Canada and '10}c; backs, 15c; breakfast bacon, There imports in will come Average breakin g _. C Act t r' N' 1 Strike at is - . -_ in he S't strength of thigh Closing A ' .. .. AIast,a. was something : be-�instend 14}c. from other-countyies. - lb. ................:680 581 301 gars. Falls. I tureen 10O axd 150 miles of the line Lard -The market is quiet, with that the Commissioners did not that -•, . .bones, ---- T Average ash in thigh A Niagara, Falls, Ont., eespatcl a r ' unchanged. We qucite:-Tierc- 8}c; tubs, S c; ails, 9c; com- think thea had data sufficient to ex- P bone, grana... .....16ti , 1s0 107 says :-The trial of the 15 - men- ar BARS GERMAN TROOPS., - ,, os, actly locate. _, Canada would rather last ,• , ♦ rested citiring the strike _riots last A' , pound, 8 to 9c. ' have -seen the whole • matter clearers ' t " Lord Alverstone - Britain Refuses to Pass Them SURVEYING THE RAILWAY aaegk took -place of Wednesday )Magistrate Cntik, _ _ up while and the . Ing before Police . • UNITED STATES MARKETS, other reProsontati�'es here about it: Over Her Territory. shank, and Mr, Alex. Gray, J. P, for Work. the •bd • . __.. Perhaps, though, a joint commission St. Louis, Nov: 17. -Wheat closed of surveyors may be able to -present Preparations on- ' yinconzd - Ciriosta, char witl A Berlin de'.spate? says: Seeing' the G. T. Pacific. g^ • • Joseph.•Iiasniltort, was com ... ._. • ' .. I—— ._ .recember, 86}c; Dlsy, 78}c. - - an unanimous report, and- In that - great pains the Germans took in -' - - .stabbing annoying. the English in ever7. way -An Ottawa despatch says: Prepara-. mitred for trial. Kine, men were fin - -' Duluth, Nov. 17. -Close:- Wheat- event the outlay .would not be'need- ' .. No. bard; 78}c; No. during the late war, ,the extraordin- tions are being made for the com- l ed $10 for rioting and four $15 each One o arrlse; 1 '1 ed for another e7tper5ive tirbitration. iorthern, 77}c; No. 2 Northern, '_ Y_ ary bitterness now shown at rho mencement of the surveys of. the 4t iii= as loaders of the rioters. was }lr{tfsh refusal. to let Getman troops aipeg- Moncton section of the Nation- I dischtu•gal. Tho costs Ift each cael 1►6�e; December, 74}c� May,•r8}_ .to T4#�. 'LIVERPOOL- AKOUSED. are very head mall rho banal! throe h their territory scarcel moms al 'Trans'contincatal Railway, some ry y'• V Y severe. All lite men,are forcigcreraf ..-I- Mllwaukce, Nov. 17. -Wheat -Weak; - reasonable. The staid `oaeiche Zei- of the survey parties now being in objects to floods Made by 'United- iso. I Northern 81 c; No. S Northern, j tun ' w4th �acriniony, says:- � Gw- the field. It is stated that the work , S - _ , • f to 79c; December, 76 to 76}e. States Convict Labor. 9-5toady;'No. 1,'56}'c. 'Bhrtey- p Ldtidon despatch says : -Liner- many does not need to land her can be Proceeded with in Winter adith c troops at Port Nolloth. Friendly almost .as much facility asAn Slim-. A -Berlin eorres;.onde t say9 it t! The Government is s%imply rumored that Count L sdorti, Rus . No. 2, 84c; 39 to is aroused by-eargc,es of goods and spontaneous assistance from the mer. Affairs, hat 'pull; sample, Dool Cape Government no man in the overwhelmed with applications for elan Minister or Ibreign -"fe. Corn -Steady:. No. 2, 46}e; made in the United States by con, expects. Who knows orbs! fobs it connection with the crock, resigned owing to his dEssatisfactioit mheT, 42}c. Dicta and sold in England because Nov. 17.--Flour-Stn+edy.• they arra tt�i aliened in rho home country diflit ulties England' is preparing for from engineers, assistant surveyors, I with the Czar's policy in the Fax • jBuftato. .. ,Vheat•-No clawirigs. Corn -Lower'; m+mket• rte fa our colonial territory?" rodmen, and ordinary (laboron: - ... .... - . . .. s :... . ,, pa �P t:. P'.. a teAV ' w .,. .... .. ...' ..:,, ., '•'. e., w ,.:e ,+.Li :a.,r..1•. i - . ;nets.,,.....,, <:.s"..:..a,.w, ..:;g TY "' ia",ror+m;�aw'r eLti}�F�'u'� .. xi - e P , .: ., IN ?ootras>zssosisass:HY .ierting -W• Peak purchased a flue new -R. M. Stewart, of Toronto, to the addrew label, on Your paper Yon Aillawav S:Pent Acl-ering. jib C-1 d­% V-% _ oar slnaYa eaoertein iho date towhich�,rivek last week. s ut Sunday with friends in emlltswosa az. Seim leagad a -Mr. Goodfellow, editor of the _ *hangs of date on lst»1 on rhe asst paver dol- a 'couple of days in Toronto this. owl aoeips or money at Vaca oma . alar. week. _ _.. _ . Keystone, «'hitby, spent Fl Fri ay -aatenata ahead t -:firs. W. T. Drubar is spend last in town. ---- - -- -istg %few-clays-cissa-.week. in _ TQt-E. M. Whitney, of Mont- - _ - r. pp { - ��� onto. real, is spending a fecv weeks wit _ - .. a,� Ouii28 lui0O8 i Spencer Taylor has leased the Pickering friends O'LeQ r property for a levies of spent le of days last Please call Au y -McGregor- - Plc>KxnM,-lO'�.'NOV; 20th, 1903. d examine our stock -The reviva services in. the in Torontro, attending the Sunday �f fine and coarse Knitting Yarns, AA •� T�•-•t Methodist church Babe been' coin School Cur-vention: - also Velvets and Silks for Dress Trim- LQitiL117� �• timed this week with good sue- •� mings, Silkine, Lamp Shades, Impres-' cess.. Sale- Register. - ; cion paper, Crepe paper, Side combs, -The township council will "- Tennis balls, and a good stock of toys - "' =-W. J. Reazin and song CIar- meet in the township hall, Bro- and fancy goods ' ence, returned home on Monday ugham, on Monday next' for the '--after spending' tete days -in Mus- transaction of general business. M,. & E. Boone, Pickering. _ k oka. -The -sale of timber on the - --- - -Captain Porter, of. the S. A., Tool estate an Tuesday of last - - - - of -Newmarket, sister of the late week was a success. Sixteen acres- Mrs. Jas. Allaway is in the hospi- were disposed of at an average of tal, Toronto, snfPering from a se- $40 ger acre. - vere attack of typhoid' fever. Her -Miss 11 labelSowei•by: daughter _ iEL '•mother- is also suffering frons the of Rev.' Dr. A. T. Som ere,p of theA r- t i . p Li �7�� e disease. College St. Ba fist Chilrch; Torun- � ' , - same interesting meeting of'the -to, has been pending a few days - _ teachers, officers and others, con- with friends in Pickering. Flannelettes at Wholesale price. T - - neeted.with St. Andrew's Sunday- . -Thomas B. Marquis left in our See our'Dry Goods Window for prices. ' - school was held at the manse on office on Saturday a Greening ap- WEDNESDAY, DEC. 2-ND-Auction sale I' will sell regardless of profit whiie they last. - 'Tuesday evening. Rev. Mr. Me- ple }which treasured thirteen and of fai-in stock, itnplements, etc., the Gregor gave an instructive ad- 'a quarter inches in circumference property of Geo. T, Lee, at lot 19, :810,000.00 dollars to let on first mortgage. _ .dress on the work of the Provin- and weighed seventeen ounces. con. 7, Pickering, on the Brock road. _tial S. S. Convention at Tor ='Rhe Bible Society Committee • Sale at 1 o'clock. sharp:. See bilis. __ _ _ T • < -W. Logan - -- ,- _-- onto last week and many useful met at the '_Methodist Parsonage Pouches fi.Postilt, auctioneers. e of hints were given regarding Sun- on :Monday evening, with Rev. G. VONDALY, Nov. 3ftH-Credit sal day work:' farm stock, implements, household y McGregor in the chair, to arrange p , furniture, etc., the property of li'1n. L.,Banks has just received the for the annual meeting of the O'Lefiry, at his premises, Pickering . ? - statement from the Berliu Sugar Pickering branch. Village. Sale at 12 o'clock. - See the results of-his. -e�n - _ _ _ } s' ZT2}{-- Its--Rid--Al1CLlOri__Sa e O 1. ?_� ?d81.�—PtoYesias atailon a.?.1 a. / ^ — _had one acre of beets which yield- farm stock, implements and furnt- T1s+Lvs aoDsir-EAB? 1:174 AS FOLLOWS:— Q �� a -Have k ed the sum of 8;41.09. The freight tore un'4lunda},_ Nov. 130th. As No. a itlerL" 8:51 A. M, V - chargey we 813.77, leaving a net :11r, O'Leary' leas lensed his farm 11 12 Loces `2:58 P. M.' y phot of 863.3'2. �lr. Banks cOrr- fur a term of year e� erythiug 10 LOCAL, 6:04 P. W. siders this his best pa crop twill be solei ii-ithunt reserve. `TsAlas OODH3 'il DUB AS FOLLOWS:- T ' and }ie intends .to coptiutie._the. -Rev. Mr• Moore`: ;object next II ;�o, a LocAL 8:4:� A.M. - l E' BOO + a �; is g and Shoes venture next year. Sunday evening will be "The "11 LOCAL- -Tile foltttet-ing, clipped frc)ul yeti eu C:ospt l C' . or the tree guide •'7 � 41L 8:1; -p f the\iagart..alleR.eviewwillbeof to heaven. The rules of the -- - For 131 and Little Folk interest to luau y•• of uur rewiers: c.hnrc•h -,Fill be read, a `receptiolfi - IO_N SALE OF - . A L CT • •• .On the',-2nd ult. at-tlle residence : meld. an "tit'lli tonne to a of the bride's uncle, Dr. A. L. �� i]- reg i�al held, and it i� libel the r + �� �O �'i r _ _ - _ y 1 `1 _ .7 l� .i1 , von. Philadelphia, uncle, I'D A. Sadie close. .Our prices are riblZt- Borland. _grains-dao titer of �Jrg Iu1,1 iuellt=. J 1lruit�u'e, Etc. $. -The college Rugby team went . 1 EdevareL cif the C'entr'e, tinct to Toronto on Saturday- last to I l Mr. Charley V. Bradford were join- ay a friendly - gziliye with the ! Th-, unc.er=iguc:I hay retest F�1 in- ed in the hely bonds of matri- Techniettl School team. The) .truc•tiuny froth «'y1. U'LI:_AR1' money. It ti%ds a-very. wttyaud �cere clefeatetl by file (.ore of 1S to to -ell by 14tll)li<• .kw.t4iott, at hi.•; > ' pleasttnt affair. The 1'MR* l)sir 41. _The _xted by of til r. Hainan, l)reu,1 Pickering Z'illag(., on :filen S god B©�' S e;h-eap Vti 0i•kivg. mitts - _ it their _honey nlocin ill Phila: the bc: t plan in the ten Ill.' t� a ac I. �*Tn h v and Gto eS. dellthia and \etw Z"ork. returning cuuntabie for the defeat. he, brine MONDAY, ++ii + s NOV.♦`I 3V�rht _ .. -horse on Mc,udfry, 2nd Inst. The coufineil tE., lii.,• Leel un .lteccrunt ut•1 Tile i'>liuwt in � y,ciak�lr l,d';,l;t'1't} _ T Tis Re%.ew Ix-gs to tender Charley the fracture t.f l:i: hteayt bone I vtr:-.JOHN D Y C L'�I E l'�, o. - and h19 bode it eongrituilatiou,, ,bt the last Rut: w match. n btrsee' 1 red cow, y'rs" ofd, dad Jan: with a fervent trust that (vily �1t.ot-in,ti tet the St,ttth 011 let let: 1 ipl)ttei cow, s yrs old, due -Jan. t prosperity audI Itpinc" IllaV Faritbl [ i13Etr'i+llat'.1%ill l��lt1lc;baud'- he er ' ,�', -fall ala u,s is ca:".. 3 -_ ---- -- 1 a ra oidui f 1 in - ' u1Ark their .voyage of life to- y s, a io c gether." _ at C'vlullibils, Sntnvilay. Dcv. »th. heifers, 2 }ri old, dae in Marc) ; 1 tat —Tile .�dra Luton Ct�Uc'e1s a. S.ro shire rem ofd- : r!eete "Co-. 1e�,iou� till 1;t• llel(1 aft;'t•11OU11cattle; 1 Durham bull. yearwhich a geared In the tou-n hall and evenulK Tie iutifu af'2.'?'+ incl ca res; iwices. 3 -ttra old; 11 L :Eei14 t' 1 ®�p 0 fat Wi - V e a �✓` y here on t• ricla evening last. were i.,3t1 o tint k. Ftp c/ 'ut t llc tlhle� t e s 1 h p F • • • - _ - 6 3" fi pipe. IO "abs old; 1G pipe, ? weeks ^Id: Ia � • - - hstened to by a large and appreci- iu-titrate=penkei Tr• (i. Rat -nUr I pile .,weeks old; 3 sows Yorkshire white, afive audience. Although . too ftrz.d_\ii-s _Acne Stnith will be het, � a`,ryed xov. 2' 1 sow. Bsek�hire, urvrd _ other entPrtAinmentS Fere given rut nt sat in of - tlI_ . i? _' meetiug-: I COQ ;; 1 enter Yorkshire white. ,sewed LATEST HT1"LF:S in Geu�.� Overeats and Pea Jneket?. in the Imll ivithin the pr6vious ten Meeting- of the Wonlall',i Insti- f Nov lu; Yorkshire white boar: Ample. S 1.,«• THI-MiS it, Ready and Tailor Made Clothing. days the hall on this oeca�ion tvna tuts kill be held during each aft !meats=l 5fasaey-Harris h;t*der, 1 Braac. well filled. Seldom has it been the ernoun. ford mower: 1 %jassey•Sarris horse rake. :SY)✓e'I.>.L VALUE E in Fleeced Sh and h Wool Underwear t b-b duel vicine e of the residents elf Pick - a ilultlber 'from the village � I Fleary scnfer dew, I sec iron harrows. and Tap Shirts which cannot be beaten. I1 g . 1 )1 H `o. 7 single plow, 1 ¢sag plow,'1 erinct to listen to an eutertaiu- vent to,Whitby-an Tue:;clayert-n- A farm wagon, 1 detnocrac wattoo. 1 sec -,full line of Boots and Shoes always ill stock. _ ment of such a high-class cliarae- inn; to attend the re-openingof the heavy dble harness, 1 set light double, bar. ter as was given on this occasion. Baptist Church. The chief feature "Sol 1 -set shale• harness. t seta whiffle• ; Miss Luton-besides possessing a of the Frening was a, lecture en- trees, .1 neckyoke, about 20, tous._m,:ed R. A. B-unti.nge r charming _stage presence has a titled '•The Adventures of the Pil- bay. scythes, rakes. forks. household fora: - itare dad other articles. wonderfully sweet voice, of great grim John", by the Rev. A. T: Si le bale a; 'I2 spar _ �uwer.and range• and which. she Sowerby, of Tor6nto. This was p ' has under perfect control. While a most instructive and interesting As Mr O'Leary bad leased his' farm, - P' pular melodlesare more suitable address, brimful of sound sense ever'W ything will be sold witboat reserve. r fur a creed] audience, her render- and gi' u ins lilimorous and plea- TER1ds:-Fes cattle, fat hors, hay and ear + - in of clic Italian aria " La Trevi- sing style. Dr. Sowerby is well- -Ila o! alo and under cash: over lJ 1 • •" tA" exhibited the beauties of her known b • the older residents in that amount r race credit ro be. elven • • JReady. ay to parties fataiahiog ,approce,d joint . _ voice, 'and Meas much appreciated. this locality, having, taught in the notes 5 per cent. Per anuam allowed " - Miss Irene Hitchcox-Bertlett, pian- Pickering public school some teres- far ush. - We have on ha-tid a nice line of Ready-t<,-Near Hats in 1st and eloctuionist, did. her part ty years ago, and being a brother L. FAIRBA*1ii8; •Acct. Camels Hair Felt. We will open up our stock of ­well' atld delighted everybody. of the late firs. Robt. Gordon. trimmed hats on the 7th and lith oi�ctober and In her bird-note and humorous se- Besides the lecture, an interesting For Sale. and followi g days. We would like-to have lections, she showed her-abilitsy to rogramme Meas reudered in which you inspect our �robds. _ - ..please an audience. Mr. Black- a number of solos and readings - t + well Smith has a fine baritone. were given and which were well A Baker, - Pickeringe. .:voice and sang exceedingly well. received. Among those taking , The numerous encores following part were Miss :Mabel Sc werby, I have asiumbet of Pigg, 6 weeks old, - ."all 'the numbers as .well, as the daughter of the lecturer of the to dispose of. = good order that tea's maintained evening, Miss Senior, of Toronto, _ _. _ throughout showed that the Audi- and local talent. ` ence appreciated a whole . pi o- -owing to the difficulty in get- Jackson) gram. ting nater iu the vicinity of their AIP M exc-itement ii-as factory; the Bennett Manufactur- BROCK ROAD; ONT. caused in the village ori Sunday ing Cu. have decided to erecta evening by the appearance of two wind-mill to -force the water up - _ ` suspicious look_ ing characters who from the creek. The site chosen _ a le g answered the descri tion of the for'the mill is on the Logan pro- pp 150,000B encu eo erected with t11e Brgiighanl_ �iert�- Bear the iron bridge. `lir. ke �s- . usbels .' .'. .--biirgl'ti•ry of last week. 'Ther had Bennett as made Amos g oars-- _-- a cast of countenance which be- offer to the villtige, whereby- lee _ tukened a life of vice' and crime. has agreed to riul the:pipe, up the - • t» _ They came from the east along the main street, or in any part of t13e �� " = Kingston road and After pa�sitTg village -%yhere tilt residents may _ PORT _._PERRY FAIR GROU1�►TD through the village.were joined by desire, to farnisli thein with tea- , tl 'third party. High Constable ter for fire protection Tanks will __ . „- _ _ ._ Saving been purchased for .the erection of.a large. Evaporator,. (Largest sn - _ �(.'a veriv of Whitby-, n fls tom- be placed «'here desired, and the _ Canada 1 are m the Market -for 2,500 Bushels of Apples per day lnullicated with, who immediately'privilege wilt be- givelr of-talppilig _ _ 1St - - ' -- answered the surilmons. ..He erns file pipe to pat in hydrants, if ,onStantly ' on ' -• `- --- bees joined by two of Oar •re-i- such are desirable. In ease Of a - - - QI1- a4d after September -`dents and started in pursuit, but fire, _iii. Bennett agrees' tti call_ all�� _ . . -when near -Dumbarton lost trace eentra•te. tlle. whole ftit•cc of the - We pay'25 ceut-s per-cwt. C.-, S=3, for good, sound, Hard .Apples - a of their men. It-afterwards tran- mill at the point where the tire g••H, CARSON'i- size large enough to peel On paring machines, free oil board cars in�g'�j -.. spired that the men had struck may be. .i «ritteu' agreement bulk, Durburwil, Rosebank, Whitby, Claremont. - - siortll duel �veie lui-kiiiL:, in the -11as-been sighed by 'sir. Bennett $ntcher, Ducbartca All inferior sizes are to rate as-Chops-fornhich Tr"e will pay. 12 cents - neighborhood of the 2nd conces- and and the police trustees and _ Kindly dot peretst.; de&rered as above cion, where they were seen to l the work-will lie begmi At once. 'r'All loads coming to the Fac�ory must be of one 'quality•- dl e - - - v iter it vacant; house 'ori M(inday. ( Mr. Bennett will furnish all pipe _ �T E� �AL'�I DAY' and save future-trouble.or all will-rate as Chop Stcck,ovly. Constable. .Calverly ` was again for the froth street. And give the ly 1 Drop us a line when you have anything to offer.' _ communicated with and after his free use of the mill, while those — ar•rital here a posse again started receiving benefit have agreed to in pursuit. However, no trace of do the d:ggiug for Mlle lupe. In .The undersigned has- opened_t�lz' d e - cl fisc c4tse Mi.. I3"eniiett shotild' leave `rhea laundry• next door to � . T. The Retial Packing Co. bi d •.Pert Perry. -the men could be found, an chase was given ftp. Whether village, the mill will become the Danbar's, Anel having had nearly ar they were connected with the propert� of the village; but, there four years experience. in Bowman- i.srt•ugtiam burglary or not- it is .is little likelihood of this occurring ville, is prepared, to- do first-class t1ifF`clilt to say, but they are ter-`Should the residents of J,1iny other work at usual rates. ELLO, HELLO-Fat cattle arldl To PATE a TdQfg thinly a claQsof men who should street desire the Beanie" rivilege, Give me a trial. hogs +wanted tt'henToa have fat stcet �rbesecured br p of an kind ready to sell drop a ear for air I our std. A111csR be looked after and should be giv Mr. Bennett -will grant the tame, SOO TO\ G, or When yon want a mileh cow. beet rieRte or en a rh&We--�1--1?Yplain their ar- provide.l they furnish and -lay • any aonnq cattle to feed on %hares, write or THE PATEAT REC•R0. D • e in this neighborhood: down the necessary pipe. Proprietor. pbone J A white, Itrougham f9•tf � • „, .,.,,i rvs : , `.. .. .... ... .. Zea d, r ' ' ..'v^.� • , .r:.;..�.+r..,..., n �.✓'o.; -, •Y• a .; _ „ ; .w•. ,� y.'. '- ,, '"Si - r n h,-a:?z=`cte'ld"! �,.-,.�,,�^,�, t' _ ':k ';•z-': .. f : i•.+,�.' -.�. Ve�'si'Sii: ..:' .. y. w.Y� � �._.,..• _... .. � , i.':. L '�x•.•v 5�:=:3.;••„• r,>:ya,�> a�':+p...,.y�"'��„�^�•� -