HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1900_12_07.r' .., ,_ Cif .�....s'm:fhy/ t a'1'._•• ,•i � 4 � '.4 c =YT. � 4�a - y .7 " . .. -
Pn• - .. ' �' i'!- • / -� -... •- /•} r-" ', Y ` -ills ..�'�'!. -. •: "µr�?'a- -•N: -.'tF ' yY:4•E•i
LOW A16 «,a►. _
i�tJL• XXe - -_ -- PICK.ERING. ONTO., FRIDAY, DEC. 7, 1900. NO. 8 _
' _ . _
Oslofsfsistisscal QEarise. - OUT AROI�ND U - - - -- S`art'OrO - "agbf an
Misses Williamson and Glendenning The annual eotertafumeukof� S. Sr_
LAT1eT Local, BAPPSx12t.O4 tsrcospsD si are using every effort to make the school ,N`o_• -88• 'rUe01• �k place in the school
., -. —L_� PUS eD-t,,°
i PSUS - "F9- -"?TRD DOWN aT OUW
held &bock Chrisianas• - - -- - m �a was a alas
, ea tin ::a:aw !liken waa on
A. YOUNG. M.D., C.M„ Felfow of O unto OoMMSPOWDYttTe• Quite a few from here attends. the man of aiae crosecati•ve term. lire has:
• 'Prfaf4y X*Atea2 College, Tomato, atria• CLAtIg{IONT - Indaotioa eervipee of the Ea.t Toronto beep but has at last retired. The
use at OoIlaee of Pbrtieiaos and f3nrssoAe of Induction aervim, on tbi Fat well as pCCaa ttr1 taken advantage of to resent
Owbario. OlBos and residence in Dale'aBloek, -'" him a old headed cane ae a token of _
Vile wring. Oat. 015ce bolus: morninc 7 to 10: Allan Vsrooe wit in ibe city !sat -week. the entertainment on Monday evening. the t it which he i. held. An a&
srvetatrtff 8 to B, s trora2 Creek,'Inesday and Mrs. L. Neal, west of here, a some, - - dres .a read and air. Milliken replied
t Tailor afaeiaooas fmm >i to 1. Of all materials and design what indisposed. — FairFort. bne bat in Sttir,q terms. Prreplie !
kept in stock. It will pay you Wm. Graham, of Ceirinbrogie, is now in :. Gear Richardson is to be coogratut -ded
to oall at oar works azd inspect our stock, Chicago attending the #gorse show. A nest house wedding took place at the oe Iccce;,s of the entertainment,
�ENTON, DIItiN 3t BOLLTBEE, and obtain prices. Don't be mieled by R89. Birch occupied ibe Presbytariaa residence of Hezekish Hilts-here on Wed.
agents we do not employ them, consequent- pal it on Sunday In Rev. Findla s ab. nesday afternoon when Mies Minnie Hilts
BwTWera, Boliziton. rte., Temple Build- p y y
Oft, corny Bay andRichtaoad streets. Toronto. ly we can, and do throw o$ the- rgent. Bocce, and Thomas Fenny were united in matri• ` Balsam.
is claramoat Tuesday. Money- to toan on commission of 10 per cent., which you will Nathan TwTA wife presented her line• mop by Rev. Wilson, of Pickering. Miss'
band with a daughter on Monday. All Delia Hilts supported the birds while John ' •'][ortgage. certainly save by pnrchaain$ from us. A re. Hubbard is spending s few days
FIaANH DSNTON. Q C.D.C.L., HERBERT can solicited. y' Fen.ay acted as groomsman. The bride her son hare.
L, DUNN. W. MULOCK BOULTBEE, doing well, was dressed in slate, with trimmings of amael Robinson has been enjoyed by
WHITBY GRANITE CO., •_ Don't forget W. J. Mitchell's sale of white satin and gold beading, The brides- lea S. Disney,.
-- -- Opp, Post oLLce. Whitby, Ontario furniture as well as house and lot 012 maid was dressed in fawn with yellow silk W. P. Jones. of Port Perry *&a here
�$. FAREWELL, Q. C., BARRIS• _ Saturday the 8th inet, and silver beading. The presents were few boars on Ionia
• 418, County Crown attorney, and Cot:nty ~ ` James 0' Boyle shipped a carload of nameroas and cost! which were of that engaged t
. Court Hones. Whittr. ear y, Peter Robinson has with W.
■ � bogs train sera on Monday to due city, aabstsatial unfair that most good bona° Jcaee for the winte months.
They were a choice sot. vivre app :eeiata. The happy coap!e t Bevera2 from were took in the o star
Dowers. d McGILLIVRAY, BARRIS• Between the sawmill in ClabrAge and the even iog train for their home in! Toronto y,
1LJ ers. lio :icitors; ae. OfEcc op oaite Pons ^e Success. upper at Myrtle on Monday evening.
pp . . the chopper is con and foundry were, Mr. J. H. Madill's school concert will take,
,ltiew Pfltitby, Oct. Jao.Ball Dow, B A.; Theo. �also2Y11111Y1g white is constantly place on Dec 21st. Everybody should at-
A:ecfilliTrav,LL,S. 3ioner so Loan, sy � • At N. Barton's on - Monday Dec. 3rd . The Maftkham Hunt Club. good.
ATERSON. RITCHIE &, SWEENY, Mre. Haney, of a daughter. Nick i. now -- _ ,
ppy� y� , , S, Dianev killed a valuable colt the
BLrrisWre, Scliciton, etc.. Temple Bc:ld• -.Pali Vi - hanging • grand father which he smiles over. The Mar, habi -hunt club returned i otter da T
tag Torooco, and claremont every Sat'-rday. One of John Barry's employees had hie Tuesda Noy. 20th from their y• he animal had been anheatl
14. li Paterson,Q.C•. P. H. B:tchie G- R. bw•sny. y - y• genes al; summer, r
shoulder somewhat injured the other day hunt. The pasty consisted of f Quaker Hill, visited
Done on the shortest possible by a kick from a borne, but he is recover. Boyer and eon, Ben and Ed, Dix ! Miss Jamea of t
notice. Leave orders at the ing• key. Brach, of L nionyille, and w I tern for a few days. SLS is 'attending the
Yetersruit'y. PickerinR College.
_ residence of .. Allaway. The weather he,. taken a sudden joined by John M Gerow and Jon► Judson Wary is expected home from
change hereabouts and ;hinge are not is Hudiou. Brouebam. When at t
MHOPZ,1h8,VETERINA) Y SLR• " 'they should be, from a bdainess stand destinet)oD they were joined by J he Vanitoba for limas He and his brother
L. GaoN Gradcate of son on:uio v•t _ ��WBS. point. nation and eon which made a tv' Walser wits condeet fuels father's farm we,
stinar7 Qc :isse. Toronto, fe�tsteted somber rilerltand.
w! sryt Ot:Laroo veter:aary 1lodles' association. The Epwcrlu League ^I the Method' oI nice and on Thursday let started for
flues Lod residence one and one- quarter mars _ dial Church held a sociable at the resi• the hunting grooads and arrived in -
�ah of Green Rive:. Telepraph sddraar, dance ct R. P. and Mrs. Hopper, on Mon• at dark, which was a diatance r.1
ones t P, o. addzea, Grua lawns, day evsaing. There wan plen of amuse• seventeen miles from the vill a K +stale. ,
P,ep air m :'•• meat, and the young people much an. Wabnapitas in the Nipiss)ng d' cr j Abe Lawrence had a plo%ing bee ou
�^ J. SHIRLEY. Veterinary Surgeon• joyed themselves. Friday. they started to bout an'1 ' tca'e Swarday.
. Ron Grada►ta t Uhl' a Ontar.c vreri :• Hav:ze opened up a Ftiepair'.bop Those who ors striving W make the 'the oeasca ended racy killed t la ze I ]ir and Mrs. 2d: Laughlin, of Oshawa,
�ary uo u. a Tor.into , registered mambas of ana visited over 6uaday with R. R. Mowbray.
onearto vo stedlcal associaton Be with Foundry is omosouon. I am Claremont Public Library a eneeees are bull moose, one bear, ten fine de and _
may be Joandd s r�i . H. uapt as rea.aaace• ter prepared so do all kinds of repairing desirocs of more help. One Snndred and the largest specimen of a lynx t ever I Vim Parkrna son oho bad.bis arm brok
bavmg a first class machinist and fifty doLA" have been specs in now books was seen to that part of the iiG;ry ( ee by failimg from a wagQn, is prooresai g -'
machinery. Engine and Boiler• 1 and magaz:oss daring the year and with How is that for hnntrngy farcarsbly
f uetnzes �a =gas' -• trtm=091 kept on hand. abitte wbat book, that were previously upon _ . etertnary Sargeoc Dennis is esception-
Lily bray anti bia services have been -att-
- - for use. - the sbdvN fuse ehoald male a aplendld Woburn,
i $OlLAB DUNN , Conv Der, Cam- _ collection Tbose who desire reading _ -- ceded watt marked success.
� H. Slakes friend. from Aadlq camber•
j anysalonar ter tailaa AAder'lsa ,tr. only
f�tap � $• -�• �ll�E. .'could _ -. _
., C'lare>Dast ' proatare a t,Gkss. 25 Oran and On the Lfteraoon of tioyembe :,8,:: the � {o e Witt Dee his ,slat- _
moat. Oct. 6y that msk it you a member aalil JLa lit residence of John Hirton. .La scene of arts tt pidire i to W a -
- 7 a tmtty wedding. sure on Friday and did him vsluable set
190:, nY. tour. thc,r est due' -
�B. HOOVEf't: - Jaatlsr evllaart"ie + - - - -'- � �!�ghter_ Elitabotb, was__united iL he bonds Rev John W Salton r,&ClLted at the
• Lie n.es owe. st Dui :.n day tom. and 1aC�sma bin matrimoa to Win T Cut ac -TSe-
eA rwulsnce IA ..gat, Grwz 1bv#r Oct, s :y IBrou am T 7ac,r l "I i J ;t' 00 S tide `?6>e Wm -6 ("t
_ �t cersasony toss yp��rrttcrmed by tr• H. G of GIen �(a]ov oo Sacdsv Joha d teat -
C,rccier, of 31 1v de charb, Habland chmbiog to the to what ash sad Goa.
BD:gT2`tp, Issuer of Irfarrta;e Horse .bceiaft and general ;obbinQ tiorman P000heir was home SLsarlay Creek, asr:9iDd by Rev, D B. aia)donL!d hdence will do. p- p
Ltesras•a ror sea ,1„a.4t; -1 ^° ^ ! 1lliaa $entries Paltver is cot improv of Ht. Andrew's church, 8 b,;-,) The
*es as the store or rs u;a rWdeaos, PlcAeribg ra•" -' t a are that we were to error last
rattil tleCOrot a•ta ryas ,r e,
iPtlleis _. 1 f btiggtee always on hand. 'mg' t -use -� P p � t� eo we, rep "sited ibe- te]ephoo "e' maize ...._.. -- -' - --- -
_ Broc,gbaax eid,ir tails bas closed down ' greens and L anon Jacks. the br..'aI party had been broltet, by 3y)ng debris. An eye
kvI D BELDAM, suctloaeer, does. ltgeni for Wassey Harris repairs as for the Aesro stLa&ug in as alcove of eagg . he bred' wi;nsae ta}osme as ;bet it WAS Beverleps
vsotarn .o)tetts westrom a.. Dnmsrona well as all kinds cl low points. A full Geo, Stevenson has returned from the ' wbo was one, of Scarbo a :harming colt trig ir to _nmTnc�.._§hs, - -4id- -the
Donn gar Lnd near Bales of tai me .arm P po iyt lessee tits at:.rea a a gown df
slmaysca- - -.... fir !ilia. ".. u vca improved ]' , fnie�he !
b adkel or tlr. sucscrtber attn esearnoost care aey Barrie repairs and plow points cash. The Messrs Norscn, of Kiewitk. were cream peon de e»el,ai,k t =r)ed with a The Chronicle Cor still continues hsF•
tis:1, a of old 1 ±
with Ed', Wi:•.n Lad wife i weeitler trip to the nude shop. It is ear• ._
cad so'.d to the vary wet advaats, •. • s3 17 paint ace is far! rim mired by slime that he there received the
mugs. Miss -dice Carc fiac acted as
� RICHARD ]i00RE, £ielienag. Mrs. 9cbaadber¢ of Heatless ip with •bridesmaid. and .td1:_bride' =••ter, Slat e. `
her brother, Thos Poaches, 9glt, hnik.A his contribution, flow convenient
! �. R.BEATON , TOWN W\BHIPCLEAFi _ -_ r, as f ower eirl, the groom : ,4 aaaitited ty fcr him as he can, ap rd a pleasant -hour
oanrelazeer Camntlertnaer for taatag - - --r- H. Madill and J. kslill, Lf Bra3,,,r-J R'. H Ki-rton,, the ire r ,t the - bride, with the Inmatea _
a�dartM, accotntant E:c, looney t0. loan _ i thelt uncle H th .a il'ie pr;pezty. vYD.:eca;e,Ont' 4 1 .
_ -- week g d:r: tour Le afteI• sda entertai latot, at Brby 't on Wed-
ire _
risised • ,: °5 9d'e Ir. • -d 5lra Ceraa tsar: ef' on the
--- - p-i ire:: for their wed d after ueaday evening gent, gii'en by the Cho3ea ` 0> CHER, k PQS.TILL• Liceneed Auc- I g Mrs, A. E. 11fs; ?r Lni Sirs, Juba Pcn• their honeymoon will take up t::, :r reii Fzietda ana well repreeealed f:um here
.0 t Leer! .'�" • �a C•�' :• t? 01 Or •xr:0 A'.:C• �jYSii6d '?__.i_ nn•i f.� - -nmi1 g1} dreuce in ".arbor0
awn* cf evert Iwcrintiou conaurted at a -- - - - -._ Sunday, emoaY ruder more uoticabL toes. A. Pros•
"�•" • ce aod�diai II iii- easy.. : ; :itflor Ycoase anr4
. moAerarr •home. T'oncber, Real i;rav .. _
ltaeot and Genera. .C,;SfOr, F:r.a suaat.o Watch M_ a►el and Jeweler, Mrs Faccher and Mrs. MecUrn Pre Stouffr,;;e, Mug F. cable W, Hasbro¢ end 'gins E_
then so sal orders t n1Lil :cr telegratt Ad- ' spending a few days with friends in .the Piilsey,
.m. TAUS_ Pet CHER. fironybs snots. F. Broek Sheets Ti'J1]TB1•. In Whuchnrch, on Firda Nov. 23rd, -
PottTILL, Green lLvtr, Ont. srly Zlip this week. it _.•♦ - ---..
Edward TEcraton was interred :n . the the wile of John Berkey of n Boa,
fTSE WELLINGTON IIotel. -Hay. WLt -hes, Clocks azd JeweIery, Chrisusn Cemesery. Tnef3ay. He was a Rev, J. W. DenaeFS Cooper, .lire _ Wh!evale• -
11 ing sec ovod to e=i ;horcnQhly overbaa;- -man cl 5It3 years and an old resident. Cooper and daughter are spending a few NV. Besse, of Galt, visited hid
ad the above bolter. I IL-1 prepared to ! xrn.ab Repaired restlp and tromp {Iy, The Executive commitee of the Town• days in Toronto. psrenta
l+Ir Bert, Phceniz, of Toronto Junction, here fast week.
etcomaisttca to all wbo deur►,to patrcc-ae tr ship Sabbath School Aiisociation met on John Besse 'has diipcsed of hit fine
roan,. t wnau La pleas . �lI 1 i OIIC GI]araL'teEd. hue slaved into due ill c
,ad to a" &Jl c.d patron$ warn he7 nave or- Tuesday in the Christian Church• Much age and will ,oak }olioe driver for a consideration of 8115.
eaeton to rill arazkhnn . JAS. , iI EVCE• y y routine businera was trLCeacted. The charge of rho Fleur - Foundry, W. S. Major has bouy;ht birrsolf a fancy ,
:atarhbsm, Oat. 3 ; -em +'ieae Pickering �donds and Frida . of • Prof. J< Lewia, o Toronto, brother••in driver that romixa to make a t od oee.
each week, convention will be beld.at Ducbarton on p g
- - -' 6esday any, •_>Pth. good pro- law of Mr J. F, Le' u:s of thin ti nice, died , airs, R. -Moore, Woodville, lately spent a
- - - -- - T Joey, A racy
r •��ll gram is be•ine arranged, The various at his ...n y er a linger.- ave with her parents, .It, an Mrs.
e o �•• da oaf, - d h 't d N[
e _'i`;i, - -- f -,. _,.: t in illness.
T. Hagerman.
tefore t-.at date. R -=
D r : o and
- - , •-•-- short visit last week to their -dau-
-- M z�
- ;- ��, -- 'avwith the beat cf success in placing Paid a'
aaaRtceaM, ordure for due oreytL ocrayleav $ titer, M. W. W. Noble. _
'of Danbatrtot, will visit Pickering on Tues• r. � E iE► a are worry tv+�arti of tnteolod re-
Mrit. T. 13. Reeve is v :aaia friends in eratorL J, D, p aced eight last' week. -L ---
' day. Thursday and Saturday of each . - g 61r Lewin an son Anson are ettin moval to ,Toronto, of S, B. Lynda and-fsar•'-
we�t. and Soarboro on - Jondry. Cl :urcuill, batter
g g ily, They have resided bere -for dverl:3
Mr. cad kiss. Jas. Cosayvell celebrated quite .
Wecfneaday sad Friday. - years: and their depparture will be a dis-
the _r, had na s. Miss 'Fagg aglitee of Isaac WARR boot' loes to the veto. We wish them walk
. W HEAD roary of their wedding Goodwood; w is ill with typhoid at Mr. to their new home.
Jlways a fall sapply. ,of A, 1 . fresh day. Beebe's is get ug better. We regret to learn of the illness of Mies
meats on hand. Mrs, re, Berber, of Toronto has - be @n Jae, Goody at, we are pleased to say, ' Maude Robinson at Lowell, Me"., where s
pave me s tri►L - -- spending the weep with ht r parents Rev, is go fully recovered that he is expected she has been in training as a aurae :firs. `
and Mrs. Blair:' home from Toronto Hospital this week, Robinson left for that place o few days
New V�Tilliania ! W. A. Milne flee sold the'east half of On the eve of his departure for Chicago iface, -and Wiss 'Mande will lik0y return
• I ck mith� ng lot d aoticeaeion 10 liarkh>am to Goo. G. hfr-ISing, accountant of the Standard with her for a much needed root,
c Soott. The price realized was 116,20(). Bank wait banqueted at the Mansion A C. Tresham, of Brantford, a few days
r...; ewin .shine A c upl, o wee so Geo.e aold hereal st House on the 15th inst by , bi* mint' !�w John Iresyong visit to his.
was bibs stay Pat a Having purchased the basfnesa ing 96,500: friends, _ _ that but few of his msny friends. here bad n.
now R. A. Fleming, - ��alkllBYII. - - the pleasure of greeting him. Mr. Tres-
of 11'04 J. Grisham, azd being -� We are sorry to learn of the iiluese of P
on of the shop lately 000ap)ed PICKERiNG-POST OF ~IC-E, our assistant postmistress. Miss Mabel ftffct n RIVER., Sam recently returned from South Africa,
y him we are prepared to do elf -- __._ Pringle, wbo is now Fuffierinq frots an where he was officiating sa bandmaster of
kind. of world entraesea to as, saris- attack of typhoid. Mabel's even temp• W It. Berton was is Toronto Thursday ;tie band of the Royal Canadian Rego.,
Ma ssn're from Torontoe';Da.m. on business. and was given a great reception upon his
laetorih. Close G T 8 7- so i ra erament and painstaking manaer make _Ernest Hutcbioge is laid up with in: return home to Brantford, besides being
cr T E e 20 p m '• Toronto 7 0 p m her a universal favorite.
` $: T$Ol<(PSON do 80N; . flamabiotrof the longs. the reaipielrt of some elegant and caluable _
Claremont, . Ont..Money orders tared on all- parts of the world, H. G. Sarlderson of Toronto has taken Oar basket factory on Doten ave., is re- presents.
�• over the drag business of the South End plenishiog -its stock for spring trade. Died, at the residence of his sistari Sire.
F.S. We bav0 some toots to dxapose at. - sAVINes seat= s>ys331 So. - Pbarm Ley this week and will continue John Gifhnly, bead turner in W• G, Wilkinson, of 8pring6eld, Edward Thorn-
She business in the old stand• He is an Barnes' brush SndiDge factory Is in bin n, lair of wChltaysle; aged 64 years. De- _-
DepEaiy reoesved ana Interest allowed at a active business man with i0 years exper• wonted health and has resumed work Ceased was a native of this township and
ry t par at per annum. Security icdltpntabls sins resided here until Augnst last when his
31ei ienee and comes, well reoomeaded. aR 1. assn. He waxen
- - - -- - •- R. A. Buntinw, C. Coakwell was in Toronto over Sun. Oar merchant millers, Messrs. P. R, daughter, Miss L^_
- roeTausa•art Hoover & Sons, are runmri overtime kindly and was highly respect-
day with hie parents. 11dr. and Mrs g Y
e a - CoLkwell had a re anion on the occasion rePleni.hing their stook '01 all et grade. ed is ihi� place. He had suffered from ill!
tri rl1 The, of their 2Cth year of married life on Sun for Xmas trade. health for some years-
'8 The faa'ersl toad.
° 1t><, I W T r Suss Mary Ferrier, of Toronto, has, on on Tuesday from the residence of his bro-
` - ft E '1 E N ��N �E �� day last• account of illness, been spendiug a few ther, James Thornton, of Otis pier. to the,.
JudgeAforgan bold Court at Union• weeks at the old home on the banks of the Broughath Cemetery,
villa Friday morning, and at black river where the balmy breezes blow. Died at the family residence, Whitevsle•
.24ow is sbs se+aon for "Chapped heads. We orporated by'act of Parliament IB^rs ham in the afternoon to revise she town • It is reported that the mau»gement of on Nov. 29th, Mar$Aret Willicks, beloved
bare s']otton at Sc as canoe w icb cures with 'shi and vintage voters '- lists. About 100 our general store will shortly change Life of Alex. Peebles, aged 69 years, ana-
- one or two ay],nestions. Try it, :. P eketrtns sranclr.. P
•- Ant�orzea Capital . .....................g1,000,00p names were addec�7n the tuwnship and hands. Oar dealer in farm produce, W tiye of Aberdeen, Scotland. Deceased heal'
- Tbie is the seasen fd'r Cold -,. Try oar awn Subscribed Capital, .... ............... ooOA 0 acme, twenty-five in the village also a A. Fuller is said to be the suooessor, been in poor health for edme years, but
preparntfan at 95: a bottle. It is pleasant. it aeK 14f1,000 number struck off. Robert Stevenson, who has been a tong being of a very active and cheerful nature
Bares. Amato Re&MIT Convertible............ 1,242,18f Warden F. R. Ressor wits bsnquetted' vufferer passed away Saturday list and on continned to be about se .snag until the ..
Weatso hsye a preparation for iowrsenese, JOHN COWAN, F.aQ, T. H. MCUMLAN, EsQ and caned by but feHrw members of the Monday the funeral took place from his end, which came without wsrning, The
-_. rte -• which has a great sale among singers and President Csshier q late residence west Green River to Locust interment was made at the I ethodist
*penksrs. They're barks and they .cure the County Council at the Ctyd "e hotel, Tor- Hill cemetery add was followed by s large cemetery on Saturday and was attended by
bark• Special ' attention Rivet; to "armer`e sale onto, on Friday eyenine last. Abort concourse of friends, y a large yconcoarse of sorrowing relative.
Not'ee Collections solicited and ,romptly niade ODe 1)t14drQi], .sere Surrounded the well
_ Farner•s Notes discoubted amariesn ana S Organizer Allan was here in the inter. and friends, . Besides , her busbrnct'•
Exahanga DonRht and .old Draft. is- I sDread tables. - -T- hd -._- presentation of a eats of the United Workman Tuesday last she lef! a eon and two dxuRhtere to
T sued, ayai:abie on all parts of the w id--, beautiful gold headed €bony cane WE$ and if members, keep rolling in as tbey are mourn her loss, namely :- v� fn. of this i
Insect Ponwdar Savings sank Devartment. made by Mr. Reesor's fe'low Councillor now, their'•memb11,rahip will reach a round place ; Mrs. Retching, of Bracebridge ?and -
THE I Tanalefoot Interec£arloved on depa sits at higbest cur- 'from Marlrbam, W. H. Hall. in a neatly hundred by the new year. Young men airs. J. H.. Turner, of Bottineaa, N. P_
'Pertam�a at t0 anal 2.',e each rent rate a A
Heliotro 4achrt Pnwflor a and credited halt•yearly to depositor; -worded address. 1• D• F.yi +De was )slip yourselves, while fuels is Lu opFor• Mr. peablee apd the family have SC the aptu
antic 1! pAcid W sure P:ut ckle
%_ _. Goo. Kerre uaaarE.r, d)airman ana Jan, I%^y Fiet;.tCbairsfia ^, ;unity. 1 p:att'y o' the comnswity.
4 _
All Japan teas are colored. door 0couPatioma and does little read-
Ing. For generations be
has been is the quAlitir Of
Awt the go tralmingbimmi tones longdistance�s,
- - - - - - for biLs.livieliboad depend& on a4liting
his cattle or on tracking down game,
CICI�NGS� . Atkins will never possess such
"_ / L t
alag Mail Never obs'm *0
Db, -mothers in homes that happy, - V 12 UZLIA 1410 0012UALoad OL I Ust alwa ,
ar 'approximate to tiliow of the llr� reinalria the beet.
Where Cbxistlman 001nes. 111 with Boer.
In Lead P41011413 26. 30, 40, and lift
cheer, CEYLON GREEN TEA Like all civilized peoples, his vision
Where the children are drea al- is pure and uncolored. its confined to a limited range- Even
inp tbie-maricleiat-day in at the buits--ha-la-liat. calle�l poi for-
air deliloate that the ircin
in like any very special effort of long, eight
.XlB IOU gather your-darlings, jy � [
and BUtter, Eggs and other PrOduce,
yulul ibittre them, try telethon by Cuilini- aff-d-ihiBlus If you have any corTitispond - with us. tl'r wan -tail
And, tell them the raw ocittoul. Rub the spots off, The fact was Mentioned that sev-
Remember the homes Y Of '0.' changing the oottm often. If the eirial officer, had """ home from the to supply our tr ad,,
t air. d material is sodled or stained in many
Remember the h The Dawson Ion Co... Limited, Toronto.
e war with greatly improved eyesight,
hearts that cornmiss
cold! ; Places waah it im tepid water aiciften.
I ed witb pulviec••zed borax. It can be Some, Who load worn glasses,
'And, thanking the love that has d made to look as good as now. found the-ir s; ht quite cured, aridtifilence that the ship will cut L.-E ACCORDI
erect yon Wit.hot1l; delay straight to the llule'asd
-1triibuted the- -faot to tha of -M
_j With all that is dearest and bee pay the
jGive freely, that from your au ARLNG FOR REMNANTS. the tine clear air of the veldt. wilt return safely In the b.tine seasion. ref,: last mcintil.
I Every precaution ha,; beurt t:L1;:En to I -
danos To the woman who is not complete, "A cle�ar atmosphere," said the au- i Iveii, I
suppose you'll
—some along stay a caw
bare little life may be bless satisfied with-the 1,baig system,, of thiority, "wicimid, be an important fac- ifft her out for a lo
�Cariliag for the pieces that ' l ' I M6 to pour agreement.
so ufiduLy tar in sighting the enemy, of couxse. of ucci.!ent or blockide. Olvner-Agrek�anent -what
0h, . go where th6 stockings ban accumulate, both fair the house an admiral •1 to /agree.. monk empty. -d but the real truth i-5 that those of- ralral 3nkarorr ri-as ref-
Where Christmas is naught but a i 1Lr personal use writes a successful I ficea-a have beuefitted by their exper- I give out dittiils of the Plans or C en Terrint_jvhy, when I rented you
name, 'h'--adekieeper I would lake to suggest ipence in South Africa. It Ls'all a to adiatit Litat the eXP1,ditiOn •-, ill be
And give-for this the love of the 8a"I I roust pay im advance or not at
Christ -child e "box system" instead. Without qu3stion of the ciliary m*tiscle. Here unlertaken, but there is n,; noun! un all
hnv tlioug-lit On m -No inform..:tion is yet
'Twas t;5 seek such as these that He y part, a. number of is the ciliary Muscle on this diagram, this point.
a,zeis Of two sizes came into MY Pos- attached to the chorold coat of the available as to the roitte to be tak-
ss.-.W• They were wet made, and eyeball. The ciliary is an invu:,,, en or how the c,)-il prohl(•Tn 'A be
XRs WTNIi)•vs 01)THQNI�
Tbere will be tiuppfien it one u-d tlJ*,.h.ej1 Ci,,,:,
'me (if itbelbrhad. th.ii covers to fold solve 1. �, X.. . been
ME_ \U FOR CHRISTMAS.� tart' muscle -one of the few muscles i , d W' :11 -1 * di .!he@
-k from the middle. A good slized, we cannot control. Its functions is or Livu.piintS in Arctic itk"iil .1act'.0 c. b,) le.
BREAKFAST. 'irn my room, in which were to adjust -the vtiloa to difft--rent di,-
L Was pru6abty :t c(,)I.er will carry an ad- aglow is b,o h!,,&.,,
Oat-Meal Mushr. i
da ice will
f r sbe: t haa t -h ald , till-scir t s of tanreki, and it act -i something like the ditL•,nal supply as f ir as ti-
Broiled Hamburg Steaks. Potatoes I es :rod left much space, ujauL: ized. of an opera glass. kt 1,;rkg pertlLit.
Hominy Fritters. Vienna RQ113. A r.�,. of the new. boxes showed that ranges there is pr:Irtically no.cal',, on 11AP PL:I'.NU'3 AY
Coffee. i_u uld go on a sh. f, leaving some I the ciliary but wti6n. fur 11111 IN 10 .144'1,. are uItaully ,;Qld in piles •ex- f3u ii-, Apr ?,, $0 that 'you b�iv, to
it which floats ov�,r UrAailn and all her
D1. N k:A. e .:. front for wurk and mending lumple, wh4-n !you want to re,tl. I
culoii.ei, is _,uld in,! * mr--aiiiar? qualit�ty a..4 well as quality
Olives, Celery. Pickles. g. -et and some very sma�l b(,xea 1 gvreA-s tip till the proper focus has "III . 't P 8 EPY tliv an'.! but iiifdl LI, r
tl,'At I I UliiLlll T �Ie I' �_Iii
Baked White k'ish� Tartar _-�auCe. ' were iin a�rmi daily Libe, On been obtained. I L.Ave know-ri :pal,riotie ladis of Canad'i �-an -X_ than by
b^s pasteboard I pr�mted labels rroa,, a 1, u I y i i'a d uce , klad of art if �,!i 11 cmi,l�fy that ada;i;�,, irol lriluig,,i �t W":
lioadit Turkey, ur hoist Beet 1;: 11 t.
them on With Metal en- ir."rt-sLiiri.t. e.is::v rur�;l by mA
putt: he fasten- )w h, of p : r..k, t w eLL,11I••r1t, Lyy b -I in 't
Cranberry --i uce P g!ii:r,h _ h to ir,,io cods-
0d the titles rune s,,rue- ze,t Nye.. NVe. LLe cur %..Lry muski.- too
Nashed Potatwes. Celery Salad.
L ha way; 8:.lick :3,ijk Ci,,,10,_ much -the Boer hirifly at all- ' :-to prolu:de i.!i! pure uL,. ,h:ot-- $100 Reward, 511).
Peas. On �Qos. ma � Uri•on t �a..� vi GeNloa 'tnA India.
Pie iTium Pwidin �..Iie-"I.% Ire- on, ..Xiince is I PwataitiLs, UuLt�'a lien - lot drinkers will f ' aA tae 11111- It "" 'I, � ter te
n-d-a U4 -f�k tun, llon.liopn -in 1 `.tat I-L germ ri �Aa
Z%ridles and Nutia- � , - .,. d. � , -., � 0 ;',Ire
Fru.t. I)a
bun, N iliteral FLDdings, Neck— 1),.e �.id n t change frum. J 13.-', 10-
i .�.. Coffee. . I . .. -, 49w town -,a
Co a -i t.
wear, -r:ai w be (AreaLed, and �o 17; 1.-. r• .r, y
thr"tig �',cang Let. Here all my Woman"s fern! 0 i 4 '. -, r q- ri,�. a ta�, nal
Fnod Ojters.- tre. rirW. llft�; A..Pr, _U
*X •N F, LIC rl(,iS, n " : I :,.• .
'' ElvtaLo Pulfs. ..I P "Ves smotat', mud one glanee RE. F L P, ID'a 1 l.A d
I've got pi � no-pit,yer's cramp. %gid
cb!ckeiii �allad. Finger Rolls. v bs abx%ve me just wnere ir- S Yu. ion t,L_. y
J W&Mr, mur-b t me ir 1�. Zi r! "CV! y
Bak�d k;,p es and Cream, to Lcoak -lilt W%.aknIk;d. .)n C
10 sa ve� I, in Itaulciag attl k epihg No, the girl n••xr door gives it to wuri. "e 4 qll.'rl fa,! n to
Prober. i, Angels kuod. 1
the "h". lean and .,rderly. The A wo0da n'm reproductive Moe. C 04 0'Aidri 1;'r AnV
Tee. f&1!4 to
Send for !,,it -f cure,
boxes ar.• expensive, Made to organs a r • :n Tne most in-
MENU No 2. 1
Atr --- iiljj_,_j�'�,,. jr,,=- - -ten!,e.an. continuous svni� CTT ItLE EYE-IL Sold by irlipi,
Oyster Soup. LT le c"Zi ��Ly iU LUIL.Y t L'i 'i gw 1! 1 hor k!d ' ' Ha1.1'9 rim.iy pill. are, rze beat
grated e-d..r e u n e _Shte qv! t1t C1 d. QrArr int`i�, mrs, fron-what color are y o Ur'
-Celery Crackers, Pirkles. LA aa❑y Y eLLS LLLI Save k!drevi brings at.,tt a
little boy'i eyesT
Laduy warr irtinutcA. c•arrespondinir &-seale it Mrs I?A,binso,i• 1•ack ge.ntrufly, A GOOD GLIFSSER.
Cb4( k o a CrL-iuet ti, Green Pt". the reproduc, yr organs. '-B r irle
Dodd'* K,trey Pills. by He's a terribl,, if.iirhter. liviii-riprilY % wiiow,__0b, g1r•
jia;ait Dtack App:e Sauce "CAi OF CARPET.S. $T1ig1lre k,Jne-,*Tot�eir ry, wb.- wuld I -rfo, if you-sbould diet
Bdai.led Owuns, MaAbe•i potatopal per!_ecii cor:dit;on, prrvent• ILE W RD O1•' NIE*R I r.' i Harry, dtu1)trujly_1 don't know.
Celery an,; A4-p,e Sauce Chee•e atra•s Alimcat Lu%: :...oaly carpets art-s".p"I and cure those fearful dis- dear,
Ne I I lei--G rac iovirt flow do You
but I think I can gieis.
kl;um Pudding. Min" P's, tiT tw.mucib upon Jae liroom girders p#cLhAr " women
Fruits, . Nuts. Ch+aaa, S-metimts _�perator. with h the P-leyoung ji wom-out m1nage" to kaik, bo much in so snort IS 4. to.;3
7 mothers stiferirg es a time,
Coffee. "Okwar4-4.urvard her, wi%
-% Ire,.Lv -3
----the Cha:4e of. •, your y --ti-rarr-1
-Vrfa&** ding, a id aforward tbruii is ' W tun rows -�CAL VEHTS - - ------
9 ven and Lh ibrows the heav:er best friend is I lf,,ve rayamlf a c1lucvLate. crQLLM.
d rt `baj way' �hq the eL.0m. w 12 Age
Ala Ic -t a' batter of four eggs, one the Dodd 's 11 I.%T 1% 1 0116 1, T
ti,gbR part... iiiirt, seat wh-irling.
-Jig>.4ol flour, one pait, m,7k ❑ ant) An pen a bout, cover n t�s ' it mdet t'es. every Ladies of
C;ta;tda -OINTMENT,
�111itz.,00utal of &:41t ; add one -half pint f idne The ban l❑of Union b-tween the tno- For all sk,n all-Mloinfe.
art.,olo of furc� ur,, An�lii tier � wrong y
3f ont Pjund' raisl' t k;iii—r ed-run t r y in
-_'p -a 'ca I per -A 14) move thle ar. Q. Calvert & CO., M&FIC11129ter, Inglamd-
sl t iniii, of rl-resdiii,, the :
su, on,,• p,und.cutrants. 1 bi , oom forward W.Lh aheary, draw- (I,', Ion 61 hit VP Al N i YS tA� I it 1 11 ca-1-nirs d"'t E,,,;
.together, tie C104tIiy is a CoL&on Cloth, ens stroke, by- wbl;�h- the material to P reirt Canalian la iie.4. wtiil� t bt-y P A. - . �n W(,g, t * itint. -
n, ht P, A I BLA K-ii, I :LL (i
put Into a kettle of boil.ng t\ dLer and cannot lie I F a 1 11), in t 1 m -, or war, can
bit- remiuved is preftsed into the c-arpet assist their brother colonists in
bol tit, -a-ii y fuur hcurs. Set ve hot rather than wtyrke�l RU!?�,[A AFTTR THE POLE. a TORONTO CUMNC 1110"Ol. -,!3',,
"ith lemon sauce, or any kin,d of pu - gently along -on t4libmt:1❑tiki wary. Ce)l,,n lint !ndia Jn La d- I pro luce t hp, finc,41: Gr-�vn ter Drink- p t r iie.
drag sauce s-pieferre
the surface . L I' 821VINSCLI'Ment,
A AbIlp That "I 1 4 111 #1Pr Woty Throuith to• Pr.. of -lian i.-ai /try r
A. I.: I ry h
The r4ht way to aweep ie . t-0 in- 1h,,, Frole" Field.. Mowiloon, Salada ptnd Blue Ribbon
cline the handle a liAtle forward. then packeud, kn,jA-ii o PIKE CURE •.'I tral w1r•gi, of Cox a Poldtive
An entirely * me - w departure in Are- i i:ry r r Piled ,rill be 4diat tree to
g ve a• light, d r a N in.� i rolrp, allowing tiff- eViAOTati will be maile' next
l<M y lir 4AMS) NqW01fL, Z
Qido head of cabbage, three bunch 0
e" the bro.Ln to" sir, 'c I It A G I N A TIOL.NL-- Ur. ay sa:-`A I I— X4M UVTCH1_N-C- -TREE.
of celery, ch<),Vpe,l very fine. 'fake fifes-
pet. �kNot one half t %INDILI.sE Co, UnL
• -one teacupful at vinegar, %N6*ht of the sia Will send aorth her wonderful ice Grar&_-CbooU-ha3-a-_W,0,�tuI izin -
ar, lump of but - 4 t o p r _e!�_o n-
Iter size of &n egg • yol ir� 99A* ship, the Yerrmak, with inatructions a gi-na t-irini --S-LATE, TILE and DOUGLAS BROS.,
the carpet an the d.x. s moved 21 A to. aid,, 8:
one teaapooasfu� mustard, one of salt, for- to try to cut her way* .�hrcrngh to • Nell-Howl 7. L ROOFS
ward. Let the dirt moved and the pole.
p;ncbof �ayennepepper, tikci tta�p �n.� ilie Pextarmanice of this Graoi-fle calls that tu2z on his lip
fuls of sugar. Mix these rolled along lightly. cuttiag , and tearing her' a mustache.' T DYEING
If a ireneratiLdt 1111ilt4y- of tea or four miles an b,,)tlr w,tihLh,
the mixture aid L,.L
until it thicken�,, stirring all the time, rounds or MONTRUL ISOM 11111111MOTORT.
e Ilt tbk4l 111py e L L paper can through the 'immense ice fields of the SAIT11ill-I AMERICAN DYEING 00.
cold, add two tablespoonfuls of be spread over car before the Baltic Sea and othe�imk"ian waters TM 19 liallmorial," Free Bus Aa- PI•L Send Wticulara,t-y p�-%t Nn,.i wci are sure L06.LU1J1,,
"A Address Sax 168, Montreal.
_rieh sweet cream; P,�ur over the salad; swep:,Ug is COMM6,171ced, ']I the fine ha.,i•excited amaze.mont- among all who AVENUE HOUSE-Me= 0"I'll" A
If not Moist enough add cold vinegar. dirt will adhere to this N%, t materials, halirie witne&-d'it. She is now being a To Send for our
The broom should be t good one, e'quip'ped and improyed-for the great- Complete coca.
I ;ue Of --Rjloat---
bav1mg`M:1�- aatdc br, Y Z.:t ;D: all t&skz;. _TOOL PROUD TO. BEG. USIC
P_�INT. M Iu.lo acrd acoke
wtcn saat rates
.ftOuchiing the carpet lightly it will - The , A , rmstrongs at ElaNvick 'have No matter how poor a native of the�' f diseaunt
m be kept, looking as bright as scaroe\requi.176 the strength of achild
though freshly 'done by aoak:ng i' I Jmst. completed. a new bow wl�ir.h is Hawaiian I islands may be, he is never Teaehers-
aweeP a large p�rlcir !in's few mLn- ially . (lost, d to encounter the seen- begging. The Only begars there WHALEY, 4,
water for stale, t!m6 a baa f,_i c; azd th - -wz-r k w b e•pec ROYCE4 go.
dona in a the a, which is acv chiefly the im veriished Portia.,
flax seed, and then us�ag*it as &cloth I field-ol ice in impoverished Win n+a d 158 Tongs at.
most rut manner. To take Toronto, 0",
to clean the paint out small - heavier and thicker. t an any which guess reside nits. IFT U1 1 16 WWI
7 grew sPots, a very ,good ood the. Yermak has tacked. The - . --- I -
way is to rnlo them With wb4te flannel able of
TO PREVENT RUSTING. &Pped i- spirits of fur original bow was easily cap. L -1
P 'n I ilae.- if
screws are warineiti and d:,pped in they show again; e
If t I ing %viuh arty, ot th-e. enormous ice
rtpe:).t the pr0ce,,j&._ NN7hicli Produces, •. She -
melted. tallow 4 raw Finseed. -oil, it A-Mm011ia'water is a:.s: i fl - L't
wltll prevent their rusting and they dry process, is tl, good, but the Went to a big-irlatitUie on an ex-
P-ferab:a, -k.-;t summer and ac- This afiro"are Is an every box of the Ton MILLS, MILLS & HALES
_liabl,2' to injure adjacent Imative Bromode 1
can always be unscrewed with ease. imig out L9 Wash- i-mentni trip I e Tom R,in,,,;t"i"
A large quainuty of,wrews can pmit3. coulpli.i;heA all. that could be expect- gis, S%Noso th" Sing"m a owd to eano dmw W i,h,.
be =4 - L.A_ 0 TIT_Inta_
-od of •be.r. in tier assault, the ex-. 8004s, Rosamos, cru.
gre . as in a few minutes and the The oftener carpets are shaken the �red. 111UMAN EXPERIENCE. Catholic Prayer aii,iaa, O'h1pulltm
h 0 urnsmonw
owation is one tvibiell --ViD result in a licinger. they wear, '1116 dirt . that ternal ic�e. - %N7 ich she th,.,n enc unfe
Fduaationml1V(,Xs ""n,
great saving of time and Lab6ur. The nIttknitlorl now being made were The biggest bconn, ddnit always '
r10;1tCt3 111i them grinds out the k� bring tion. D.;&J.3ADLARA o.
threads, IV by -r-hts—ex1Ji,_�ri6nce. Ad-
suW �e
The Gry biggest gains;
breW adarpe' 'I" f POUND CAKES"
t a acted, _Ntakriroff, who is Baperinterid- The little baby' sometimes has
CARE OF LAMPS. aLroing Salt and water, will often re- Tr rat FOR 3E9C)i1[Y29J038C4:)0.Ee3C1S USE •
in g the changes, hats the greatest con- The very biggest pains. ItAundry, Washing Clothr?. I ontrig, Sealing Predierres.
'A frequent cause of the cii,liness. on et 'ore the bright.ne-,43 of the oulors. PARAPIP1NE
wick the outsWe of lamps is that the A An
in kept too high when un:jghted. It 'Im
Irliould be -remembered that the wick . BOER EYPS,GHT, AF U
draws the 41fil to the surface, and if it wily it 19
Snpqrlar 10 Th,tt of the Rrlll,h
projects too far above the burnibr it- _W V ff-A
-W dare. r. X_
ulion accumulate Oil there ,v-b4.rb 'kan QUMXN CITY OIL CO., Limited.
wilu 5 Sir Redivers Butler-PA statement that. Alle" Saxal Rogers, Prext.. Toronto
_ ands will find ,its way slowly over the out- the ordinary Poor, could see a man Ask Fear dealer for W
Miming tiowaTtis him two THE MOST'NUT'RIT1011.118-
Miles before A&e.;
tbia-Man could see the Boer excites
GREASE S . POTS. neither slurprilige nor 30eptiei,;Jin
TO remove grease spot/ from a",' aniong. the spccialHsts.
place some coarse brown paper, the "Rea l•1 E P P S
es Y." saya' a high it ai hority, -if GRATEFUL OOMFOttTING.
soft kind, oin both eider Of the spots; _you apply your common *seJJ,4(,.i to the
then preisis carefully milti]ti, ahat iron. matter yGu will �,Qe it 14A4/
Mu-%t bl' no, The C OC
Change the paper often, am �"bi Roer is, POMp.t r:i I lost 0 A
In .1
to P
;T1h. IV moved
t -at.
sli(-akLng, a
the gr--e. If the goods are so rich-
'A'l`bkr;an- At he -has fe w in.;-
..A '�"'•' :.�.c.�s +.. _. •_ ,./ ' + cr•- "Y+ f 7 ai 75-
oa; "I nerer knew wbal love you look at me with aucb s gleam- and 1,atll�ll>�
meant until I met Dairy- little Daisy lntg light in your eyes. Promise not
k s e Brooks." to interrupt me to the end."
-Ieiress . an ' Wife. "Rex C' cried Plums; starting tc A nameless dzead was clutching at 4:
= her feet, "you know not what you his hen rt airings. 'What could she CAUSED OVER-STUDY AND CloOSS
,fir sap}- •swi,BIp yoga do, oat knows I meant he asked himself, confusedly. INE)1i8 _
- - tul
• wo+i have warned you, but you What did this foul mystery meant
- would not listen. I saw you drifting He must know, or -he would go mad!
OH"TER X. your request, Miss Hurlburst, he 1 toward a yawning chasm; Istreteb- "Yo� may speak out unreservedly, Horn a Pulse ticseol Teacher suffered-
sail, aim bow -ing coldly over the ed out my arms to save you, but you bliss Pluma," he said, hoarsely. "I Ard ad Actinic r. W1 or r Frlerd's Advtea
On the evenin which followed the SIMPLY, y Y• bb° ed Dr, Mllrtam� Ptak Pills sad
omits just described in our last chap- white hand that would cling to his would -not heed tae. - You are a give you my word, as a gentleman, war tared to Hesith and streassm
" ter, PL- ha,r Air t., s,.,, t. ..-- - - atra,t er_ to t e__
_ t_ a_.Hui•,1,___a o.,., �_ Zzeople-- around here�_I shall interrupt you eves though /-
_ tr bitter _M -most the, rou — --
ar'irant boudoir of roans and gold, deep- "Y'o'u -are 'very kind," she said, Rea, or they wound have, warned eon. your words ts+hauld cause me a hotter ' gh and
,ly absorbei is the three letters Sweetly, "to, forget that unpleasant Sin is never ao_alluriag as_in the guise teart- pang," _ _ pope teacher we have ever had
Whia she held in her lap. To one 'little episode that happened at the of a beautiful woman; It ie'not _,a He stood before fiber, his arms: fold- h� fa the opinion expresse"y the
was appended the name of Seprima fete, and come to-night. I believe I late yet. Forget Daisy Brooks; She ed across his breast, yet no pang of pe a of Canaan, NS., of theirpres -,
Brooks, onewas from Rea'e mother, should never have sent for you," she is not a fit companion for noble Rea remorse crept into Plums. Hurlhurat's eiII't oung Lady school teacher, Miss
and the last -and by far the uwc;t im- added, archly, Smiling up into his ,face, Lyob, or pure enough to kiss an -hon- relentless heart for the cruel bltow Ae Outten. biias Cuttezy is posses-
partant one -bore the signature of had it not been at the urgent re- ets man's ILpa." she was about to deal him. tf keen Latelligence and engaging
Le rise otanwick. qu: st of your mother, Rez." "Far God's sake, yliss Hurlhurst, "I must begIS at the time of the a?` rs, an I has been peculiarly suc-
P Jul in her chosen '
• ,Once, twice, thrice, she" perused it, � Plums. hesitated. Rex bit his. Li in what do you mean?" cried Rea, slow- Lawn fete," albs Braid. "That• nvorn- profession. At
each time with growing interest, .the annuyanc• :, Lout be «as too courteous ly ri ing drum his seat and lacing bet, ing a woman begged to see me, sob- ➢ ut she Looks the picture of
- -- -
glittering light deeptcning in her 'it'oOpenly esgrress his thoughts; he p'.ile as death. "In Heaven's name, bitvg so piteously I could not refuse Lth, and aloe observing her good- 1
dark, flashing eyes, and the red lips : merely bowed again. He meant explain the accusations you have just hear an audience. No power of work• and buoyant ' spirits, would
Burling in a scornful smile. ; Pluma should uncderstanS all thoughts uttered, or I shall go rnzd I If a man could portray the aad story of suffer- Per think of associatin,g� her with
"'Phis is capital !" she cri•_d, exult - I of love or tenclernexs ziitzst had uttered those words. I would ing and w'rcng she 'poured into my ttokness It was, however, only last �
forever more be a dead letter be- have -•' ears, of a niece - beautiful young- tuttimn that she was almost hopeless
fungi~ ; "even better than I had plan - passionate, and willful -and of her 'of -1atL
a�"7ds';;, ... 1 ��•rT��Ka :�;yw .,, ,.,� .��, e- �.�� �; • :a . ...r. ^•,.. .'ej`,'ti,' .„,mow ;,i�p.. s'? •A
White. Average attieadaaoe S0, W. !f. 1 RaPISIONB WANTED:
Fiumvielt and E. E. Little, teachers. White s Oc., of ffiou[ham wilt pay 3siah• i ' _ - - _ - _ ti
bet cash price for dressed hogs, drered lam
Report of standing of pupils of S. S. No. vs� and poolay or all kinds. A oW -Lited
11, Pickering, for month of November. at 1196 Qreea St., east, Tssonto. be - •a ;
Names in Drdu of merit. 61h class• -W Buy your....... � ••�� -
Miiaa 4th Clara -A Ellis, N Wilson. Sr.
3rd class•• -A Fuller, R Annie, P Doter. Church or Etogtand.
ItxttK� �� Inter 3rd class -3f Iiooyer, W Gray, F
Booth. _ Jr. Std claw-E Hopkins, W Wil• _, �8t, George's Church. Pickariz&
-r published every Friday morn at its cmbb son. O Bootq. fir. 2nd, class -B Gilhuly, esaVIC81e: -- is
P�k�ua•O�. 8 Hoover, C`L,otL Jr.2nd6lass- ADoter, [vsvar- Koraiag Prayer - lcrosm•
"' TSI�SS A Gray. V Faller. Class 1 -8 Hatchings, Sunday Scho�oll� - • S-V P-1 m ■ ■ I - ;
�1.la yes Tear; •1.001tVald adsan". G Morpa. Present every day -A Ellis. A 1atDar- rlwbs�apd lfs� Ofasa- ._ - - -5m - - •�• �'�+� �.i -
_ _ SATZS OF ADVILET Faller, R_Annie, P D�lea, E - .li -- - " "1
_ 8�pk�a�
- --- �vir" insertion, per line to sense. W149, iisou, G Booth, B (}ifhalp, A
leash snb�gn ntinaeztion,�er itab s Dcteo, V Fuller, R Sherrard, M Wilson, G -
Thisarts loos not iaolada l+saai or- iZa ad-. Hutci:iage. H -
less menu. E. Lehman, teacher. .�' Z'
ttpeoial terms .given to part;es m eon- ; year ^by y R rt of tl d No. 10, S-B Stu, for r` DUNBARg's for 8 or 6 months o: b LDe HaI;• ePo y ...21 o.s la 9 Ip• Nov. 1900. $r div. 4th elate -B Stewart. •
Madness wards,
be liars 'r wader, paper,, W Huntsman, F Stewart, F Everett, E
sae year, tcs o0, payaLle in advanse. Jeavons, A Taylor, R Smith, L Stevens, A -
,tsr9-04ce in local Columns ten oents ii Gibson, A Reith. Sr. 3rd -A Heron, A
a.a cents per line each subasgaent rtion. —
pe ial contract rates made known oe lies- Smith, G Beckett, K Heron, E Rate, T
on: No tree advart,eing . Empriagbam, L Grennan. Jr. 8rd -R
Advertisements' vrithort writes a :ors Dezur, A Stevens, L Henderson, G Dex• OUR wiol'bW7. O d ratio r forbidden
discont and a ac- ' IIA7ITY /\ eordf mu Orders for dLcand seag ad ee- Les, J R Bell, J 8pnrgeon, F 6oni1+, 8 Dan• _ _ VALUE Can't G Gat msntemasthb la wsiriag and aeatto pub- by. Sr. 2-L Vivian, B Heron, N Sparg PASIETY
obey, eon, L !!a Brown, T Taylor, R Trianel, L ,
_ - lob Work promptly attended to. Ashbridge, A Rate, D - Reith, N Macdonald.
"'sNl. J. CLARK PROM Jr. div. Jr. 8 -G South, W Heal, P Patera -
r A eves, Ashbridge. Beckett, pt: 2-H Turves W : g agency Read Over our List
-- Tarvee, Ii Beckett, Ili Dexter, E Allen, L: •.Havin secured the for the
Our Politics -5cne: _ndspea3oaC4 Timbers, E Knight, E Sanderson, W Woes- MclAUGHLIN CARRIAGE CO•, '
Our A.lm -A First -clans Local Paper, Ball, J Heron. Jr. pt. 2 -A Knigbt, L.
Trinnei, L Ryan, Oshawa, we are prepared to quote i
Our Ezpeotations -Thu h y n, C Rate. Sr. 1 -B BLev• prices for ail kinds of vehicles. RAISINS.- Seeded Raisins in balk- CURRANT.q.• -Beat CIeaned Fillia•
iapyort o1 the ceoe:e o1 Picker, and vicini ens, J Bell, E Heron, J Ryan. ''1'i: I -B P Selected Valeaeias -Black Basket ' Table � tras -Free from stems and
„ Vivian, S Ashbridge, H Brown, J Heal, hi See as betors • parchasiag. C(� s, stones.
Gravee. Id Saxton, R Grannon.
FRIDAY, DEC. 7, • 1900. Report of standing of pupils in s. S. No. Duncan Parker, FIGS.-F ne new crop Elerc a Table PEELS-Imparted Le
2. Pickering, fogy November. Names" is pigs Swrlin F' s and Citroa. neon, Orange
i der of merit. nth via.. A Sparks, L 8m ' Higlilaad Creek �- g 'g
xtsuua., E Mansfield. Sr. 3rd -V White, :
NOTES AND COMMENTS. 1%rcombd, O Edwards, J Edwards, Jr. �Weet Oran e8 !
-- - -- rd -A Aunan. W Shepherd, F Westgate, __ g _..-FrB„L DemO�
'�FLat about the Poor Hou3e mat- iiilie, G Salter. E White, c O'Brien, H He E� il sauce, S Sparks, G Coartice, E ter? Is Ontario Ccunt to have sucL ° -W•Sbe herd, A 6 arks. Pt. 1 -W NUT9 -All new crop- Walnaw, Fii DATES -New Crop'
an inatitutioD' s�eid, 3f Keller. Names omitted ct oeru, Almonds, Peanaw, Shelled Al- Bamorth Dales• -Fine
►» attending only a pan of the time. monde. Our own South Ontario Canned Oege-
Li coal --- Califo +ais Praxes sas3 Peaeitea.there are no belles' N otioe bas been given that s p- _ Sale Register.. - _ - -�
�- - meats of breeding cattle to the L'::aed _ -- :. .-.
► a< r,1DEc., bra, 1900 - Anctioa sale of
► -81 rtes must hereafter be tested by an b see, cattle, rigs etc,. at Cisremont the _ Spices, �''l8 VOl�n ZCiI1o$ " "+%ell Powders
�+ hitby "gilt. P , P
" - p :ty of Si'm. L" ell, .Thera will !
+' American veterizary S-:1 aeon.
, - ° a sale of two paresis of land. his --
► at the same time and place.
In ano;ber col'tm we publ:'3h an S s; 1 c'c!ock sharp. Fee , bills. --
1c. t Postill. Auctioneers.
aecouot of the wark of 6ae hog Oita. for y: i, Dec, i:7x, . -Aac :ion sale Of all kinds of -
sick eha3ren in Txr.: -to. We. are all c! I c. stock, implealentd etc, the prep ;
erty Xr3. 91. SlcGoire, at lot 11 cos '
willing to assist a novement that we GRAIN and SEEDS,
S, 1: r . rinst. Sale at i o'clock Sae _
- consider worthy. t y cber 3 P54till ka- ctioaee.-3. Aieo dealers - - _
- - :tic :3're R'Or:.l bale, ea
_. Rouse cold attrazt Qtr a: earon than T:ng t loth -Anon sale. keriod /f 1jj w 1 t
- - 17„^ a: f w rd , P,c kcal DP• ...
■ -� ■��� ■ �y � - —� ����� the ere referred to. the l•• c of rdcard Ca•,,pbeN.- see �`.%) i■ iiJ■ A •.i:t =Isra Poucherd: PostLJ. t t . t
'We should judge fr m tLe frequent lie
G' them a calk
idemands made upor. our stock men to sale t , , .area 'etc. the property of.
A:bert t•e, at Belford. Sala at t o'
.a.iend and act is lu3ge9 at the car- .lock sh -r See bill• for list Terms Prompt gaaialiocs Riven on - --
4ous exhibitions in the Cn.ted Stan's cash " cer ,t Postal Auctioneers _
wac,��,,r. It -x, lioo,- Aoet,or <AZ+S.ig =. • - ' , _ Hari.,, purchased ample sup-
as well as Cat ale. bast Pickering sale of 14 a -rea of stand,ag beech and plies of- Christmas Fruz t3 I ant
possesses an able lit of stock men, W. c•sple at oon. v Csbrtdge: the - . _ at.�13 - - - enabled to quote vo- a_rrraA lv+in, z Qn_ _
property ;eo. Gerow Bee bclld for _ en valves in fine cleaned currants, selectad
.. _ 11r%harn, of Clar not and Arthur m. .,,,; -.uer Cuaditcone, Pouehir Q ��.=.+�r'CT�s�. - valenciss, Falcon teeded raisins, fi • nuts -
Posti:,, An t:•;aeeso -
_ - Johnston, of Greenwood, are at Chic- F1 :4 »s. Day -s. 1900, Eredtt Bale o! ("� •- . _ _ � � alI kinds and asrdies !n great variety.
ago acting in such s capacity. furniture.: to use eta at lot 29 con. �./ Cea..... I Ask for Cross d: Blackwell's turned down '
r _ s Ptckeriug. a property of Wm. Tay. - - Peels. They are the best. Prices as Iow
= :or Sale 12 o,cloak sharp Fit
p - a,rket Buiidiug � for poorer Roods elsewhere.
part:ca'ars belle. Poacher d Poaiili
Acc:i,neere 0ve 20 varieties; of canned ,meat and
_ - -- t r
c Jts:.t,r, Dr. 1 tn- Auction axle '� 1_ 11_� /� aegetables. etc. You can Lave iuocb of t
- Our foratae townruaa, S. C. mi:b, l: � `:��'hit U Vut.
cellaneoas arts 1e��Es4ia mbar and J•
Cone into the aucuoneering and valuaun; y efiorce goods !n s];orf order for little money.
i,naineca with it Mr. Ryott at the corner - timber. at Bro ,tharn, the property of _ - ITrf it.
of Chhrch and Lombard streets, Toronto. James tCillraa a Poacher ct Postill, BOOTS AItiD SHOES- are going feat. I have Iota of the wed mots
Lans!e Blaeman, a son of A Blaeman cctfoaDzC. + ,� g R
y aria,. Dec. 1S: t _ Aactioa sale of a coming in. If I cannot Boot You you are hard w fit, 'Stooks to all
Town'tns or 'Z ibr�e and - 346611 bet pj �-_— - . -c«i = -__ -�• -,<. m,r ..::
m stuck, im meats hoses hold for _ 4- gods. arriving aImQOC A_vory d
, oaSaesdaR_ b,a.,d ot, ao,,..io,e can onI^ touch the fsiet?e of the immense stock 1 carry, Conte
�- re eta.. at t ,'+ 'nth zva; �;.o....a. 4 _
S ti ropertg oflJdrnea Neal. Sale to J
Ding. women he lost three of the Sn ere of „ .
-- - "'-- bis right hand in the cattia box_ _ and see, sxsmire and COIL-pare value?: Place your orders.
g d oci Save at o'clock• See bills for A Mam' s 'Wife Y We do the rest. y
In Ontario's contingent of M. P.'s there pert lens. Poacher A Postill, =Auct. - -- -- - -"' -^ .: -'
-- 'are twenty lawyers, six pbyeici.ans, t•bree ionee _
bankers, six lumbermen. two distillers, :risers Drc., £Qrx 1900.- Credit sale IS the. Head.. '
two sebolsealrtanners, eigl teen farmers, of stanaingtimber, at lot 28. eon 4, °
three newspaper nien, faurteeu merchants P:^keriog a �icLaren'e beak) the'property of the I=amilq
i�ilu H. Sale at I o,olock. See
and seven manufacturers, Kays -
A new gams for the winter evening is o particulars, Poacher d Postal _ when comes to buying a Cook- ` . -$ ,THOMAS HOMAS BE A IR Ei n 111�v�ee
called "onion sociable ', Six young ladies stove. We find that whenever a
take an onion into a room and after one ------- - - - - -- - - - - - - -, - riomaa of experience and good _
judgement opportunity. Fiaa taken a bite Oct of it a young man is' A'tta ddvtrGiae:rue»te. ud ement has an o rtuni of ,
- admitted. If, after kissing them all, be
fails to tell which of them bit the onion, WANTED -At Pickwiag College two thoroughly examining our �
1 the girls are all obliged to kiss Lim. The ^` 1 =fr�s for dining room work. Apply at
1 - -- .glebe` "c #1 &TO-h`lf -&6 ¢arse.,+, well sha+_
they don't Bite. Pnblicat thsabopping�trl et dames L 0.�f
Live n't bites see not nearly so mach JOH\ T. PALMER will attend to ibe
in demand now as they were before the Falmer on the 2nd con. Dome along with your -
eool wogpber set in. In fact they are ttrinding. s
" hardly wanted at all now. u
The rabbit Banters returned from FOR SALE:-New milch cow, five
Soots on Saturday with about a bundred yaats.old. Five you cattle rising three ►.
ears For partiaal'ars apply to lot iD, son.
n rabbits. J. W. Gould topped the sooro DL or Amod'Brigrau, Brougba s
Aj "witb20. The tamp was situated north
-, set of Zspbpr. �vTRATE 1• om the emiese of ibe `
�l W.n: McGill bad an unlucky fall oc .►7 undersigual,1 t IS, con. , Scarboro, on
Friday, He was just finishing a job on or about Aug. let. -006 yearlingAyrahire heifer. -'
a drain for the Methodist Churob when suitsh]s reward foiher r ***very, -J 0slloway, —
1', - Wen ill. t.tt she fers it above ail other* and - •PUMPS OF ALL KINDS . -- -
be slipped and tell, his band coming Pn
down on a rusty nail in a board, the' call when it is sold it always stays stNd _
passing through the hand. 0 RE NT._g viliiabls ' farzii situated; because it gives perfect satisfaction, see �s� ``, Order. talc n b ino, O'Ooaaor wi t
Tin tbs 4th eon. be - + amour Cattle Ptlkm�p O' at the it►eta7%
A. W: Crosby, merchant, of Goodwood ins Hari, of tots Iv and is _ d
has bought the M6Cuilou b etcek and Pickering Township, containing 100 scree. The It is the handsonscsl stove mass- lic,Bizlut� � , 1►asc
g g place is well watered and is s.good stock term, factured and it combines the four �j �O O
moved to the preudsee w long acoupied For patticnlure apply to Wm. Atlaway or at•, v Claresswat, oat.
by the laiii Mr. McCullough there, which $lebsrdsoa, s tf great points which we have always ,
are central acrd eoevenient. kept in view. Perfed cooking, con.
At the Presbyterian oharli on' Sunday- TRAY HEIFER
evening from ibe 'enienee in optralirtg, teoriomy of Friday, OCtOb�>C 4th and 5th, 190
evening Rey. Mr. Fraser preached a vig- �proon a shoal tiers ib isdot 25'rcaod'heifer', 3 ! fuel, durability. Thursday an a --
: 'roroas sermon on the subjects of temper• years old. Suitable reward will be Oven to . " If your dealer cannot show you
anes. license and plebiscite, dealing prin. �y ,viag information as to its wbereabogts._ : the "Perfection" Stove write to :
cipallp with the local phsse"of temperance 4•:res rte, Pickering, oat. 6-A - ,e e • -
problem, and the apathy of business men us direct.
In reference to a mov4,tneut for deereas- � Y -
'/ i;ng the number of liscenses ,'in town:— ' — The lames Smart Mfg Co, , Ltd.
Journal. l� _ -
___ BROCKVIILLE, ONT.- All the newest notions is Hats and Bonnets as well a Trionin". _
SCHOOL REPORT S: .... _ _ ...sr,
-- - - -- -- --- all and.aee our DlepIay. �ViISS- -3AKERa
'Report of Claremont Public School _tor
' - November. Names in order of merit. orb / J �ccar�sdc�adcaicaAa�a� -
•class -J Cister, L Evans, L 8 ffard, A,
- Slack. Sr, 4th cleat -A Banyacd. R i•'1 f' Soiu oe- ai" 3
'i ..Farmer, J Day, M Graham, W Anderson \ / \ of Delight r p ec .
f: Al Gibson. Jr. 4th class -R Brodie, Ea i' m Vf,7
'Burton, E Leggin, 51 Morgan, F Eastwood, -
A charming set of teeth is a constant
- sae -V 'Ban yard .
cl ,
f 3rd g
L Thomson. 8r. Y Hopkins Agent lqr all source of delight to the possessor.,
M Macnab, Farmu3�r,'Ii Co ,per, L Slack, ii tJ I kinds or veh• ADd yet they are easily secured. _ _
74faeon�tF Evans 3r - cl&s ll; Di Ch White, an, 'else manufactured by the McLaughlin Our modern methods make it easy If you eontemplAte purchasing a Corn -Binder, a Large or Small
P Co•'y, of Oshawa• for anyone to become the error - -Gan Plow,• Sin
ha' CStokes. Sr.2nd'elsse -R Anderson, .O - Y P $ gee Plow, Ensilage Cutter,
of a pretty set of teeth. _ Call of tl;e Old
Wilson X .Leggitt. Jr. 2nd class-L ' A special offer of Norway Spruce 4 to The pperatioti ie painless• "
,Wilson, B tlaenab, Z Gibson. Sr. Pt. 2- 7 feet, healthy and right for transplanting Our operators are experts.
��; E Gibson, B Story, M Bryan. Jr. Pt. 2- at 50, each, tole pureliasern to dig their V - Reliable Em �Q a.
fps Ili Mackay, R Story, IF Haywood. Sr. 18t own treep. ,�Tbie ogee will be Qood to end H. A. GALLOWAY, Dentist o - ..: -
class-34 Adams, W Evans, J Linton. Jr, of June 1900, N. H. Corner
_..T oat cuts, (a)- J Mason, G Stokes, H_ - Yoags sad titres eta., Toronto -
' :a 19bite; (b), hl Flumerfell, E Underhill, B C#i00Y3, Ri°CTt•r _ . .
.. t c>x].t, , . , .. , , H, Et ro TITTER, Proprietor. --
/ ' • - - .. - Y - - - __ :.._ . . `A;. r: • i. ..+?rs.• j.,r °•....,p_ r n•,,,- .,f a .'', "i':'•..'a5"+; '. y:' . - �- ,Y,
=i'•w -t. '� i T • a.,`r`t. ��. '�• ' y��l. s -- :�!3'w% :rTM.. w�`w .:+= :,�'',,,•,y7,e�%. '.,• :'fig,' y- w J^ ,�,,� ,�n� a•wr
.¢�,�• _ ' }b;' a• 'nw" �+ L.L. .� ; ,. ,w ��!Slr�h'^`yi• "'��,�,"7" '�;�;
,fir, - i.' _ K �� *" �,:• +. .nwr+•�. ,r'.itt7�. :..
~' B. t • X ' is
„BY LOV -,Butchering T 4.
log I
-� WHITBY, - HaTmg`jtarehared the bu4uhering bad. t
less carifi as for'beasiderabte Mime bT C• I ' r',
'w ,,}} Have at11 taken 'a 'We' a eoaaitameui I. King we 0,re to fresh
' Y'h11 D . of LIV9RPUOL SALT. They are jam sad salt meats PITS kinds Y M sans- l -; d fa!l line of &rt1•
` _ MAINTAINED 3' - CHARITY: _ anloadiag also a mr . of the Dolabra�.a
as al in season. -
- _.
- -- WI
gioe.ne� try og•� d d n�+e -off. * o 4rbi`bition'- in
SAL ! 1i0ea�ol baaF.
speeial Ad.
i El ed• a BravC' Struggle with an Overwhelming. vantages. Call and see as, shipping 00,1104 paichs- oar wars twofsa.. 4
Everybody aektowledgea that they sell ad Y usual. - / i•
Debt the Hospltal for Sick Children is "bin the � TEA for the Motley to to tad A. RUSSM ELL, 'cea right. -
' anywhere. 40-Iy
_ . Sight of Freedom -- Onljr Siq,000
W. B. P. & Co. ; • " - ly . Pickering, Ont
E2 =gctired to Free lt. _ �' _ - _ $' S'• .
- >t Honae'sho'e'hig g. ��: ao the Hospital for I Hoslpital•in a generous maaaer, -Mani
I tstt Children, Toronto, was In a Most, splendid gifts are received from - - -- : a - tASL1- ls�i.arsas ii0,tloa �.>a
preeardous finanew. position. Only a ; friends outside ToronW. - -a1�D - A."
tow sainatirine friends beifered that the f It costs over 430,060 eaek year to 7� t- �OVO NAND OOING EAn ZWS As FPLLOwa:- f
huge debt of over i106,W would ever malntain the hospital. About nob a General BlacksmithiIIg• _ 7:52 A. 1�.
" use Hf'ted from It. A _ o. 6 IIdeIL ,
Prominent li[oat- day in needed to buy food. ige>tdiefae, aye on hand , lg SAL .8,00 P. X.
real financier, when salted to loan surgical appliances and nursing for -- Having pnrehLsed the business recently gaggles, _ I 10 I,00u. 6:18 P. iQ.
mosey and ,hold as gecmftty on morn thin army of little one* -•2!6 patients c?adacted by A. T. Law, I atn�pprepared
',sage the hospital. enquired As to the being In the cots at the end of this to do all kinds of lllacksmithinit in wastons, >ate. -
suitability of the building for "factory , fiscal year, a des%-"Q1"s manner and at lob Work of sal kinds as asasl. a aoixG WsaT Dtf= AS rOLLOWS:
PUM06es-" Perhaps it was his re-) An appeal is being made by the Hoe- -- very low prices, - r t'� $c. 9 Local -- - 8:69 A. M.
"a"lts as much as anything else that I pital Trustees this year for 419.000 -- , ,_'< n nn►i t ♦tu pi 1. n° �• Jackson, "11 Local 2:19 P. M.
IIslnad the bra re ones who stood by the sum required to en mly tree the •� itvQuvi. �n.v a -eri- '7 ad�y 8:17 P. H.
the' h"PitaL The very idea of such, Hospital of its debt. They Issue the i °' ; BrO4 Road.
MONEY TO LOAN FRUIT TREES tl� :•s�`_naabartoa .iastoa
" J - -ox- -- &INS GOING BAST DUN as POLLOV/8 :_ -
1 - MORTGAGE- SECURITY All kinds of No. 6 MAm 7,47 A.M.
r ' FBLIT TBEE3, so. 18 MIaaD 8:58 L.M. (Lowest rates of Interest.)
.6;06 P.H.
From file nursery of�H.3L -B, , " 10 Locer.
i , -- - - B. D. Sictrai Winces -- -
Asi abar of go* terms for sale cheap. All ti'9e6 Bnatailieed tree CO name, THAms GOING Wsat Duz AS tai i owg; -+
Order �. No 9 Lac,t 9:05 A.M,
Agent for Fire, Life Accident P1 0,8 I " 11 MusD . , 2 :28 P.M.
r ++10, t ais - JOHN E. SEE, went, S M
N _ 7 Mail . :22 P.
Class and Steam Boiler Insuranp
Conveysacin6 carefaliy done.
Private and other fund& on hand-
1900 - =19100.
• 9 0,.J
-Farms to heal a . _ - .
• iGood Value,
_`y• ` "� hump & -W, V. RICH AA awq -
, OM-* :n Da e'i.blook Ali IVPF,ttil1RA8t.% MIYYC'IIL`R OT LOTL - - -- - ..__-.- -.--.. ---- - -• BA.
- -
+a possibility stirred the hearty and appeal to their friends throughout the i
spurred the efforts of those to whom province, In a letter to the editor of tbla Elmdale MiRs � We are prepared to reeeive, and :purchase at our ELEVATOR,
'the Hospital work had become •lea -. taper .Mr. J, Ross Robertson.. says that s FRENCHMAN'S
B ::entity of Barl and Oats.
9Y ey
jn Taking
the the lea to-'Od ittty a the ru load tame Hospital has many well aishers We would strongly re =me: d farmers, in their o`t'n interest as well as -
apoa the;r own st ocllder3 the Cru tees among our readers who have given Ar• nsn :arz is fillb :ant acd prepared to do
'Of the Sick Ch;l:lre¢'a Hospitai ap_ practical voice t0,. their sympathy in ebopptag*ad gr.rcwg nc a. Fs sea, Your. ours, to turn She fanning .11 Crank vigorously. 4•vhat s blown over is not
pealed to the generous hearts of a past years. He belwyes that they will work d�ae ww:e 700. +r0,,►, lost, ground, it can be profitably= This advice applys particularly to
--.-rich provlace- Ontario. respond cheeril, and generously thu Flour, Bran, Barley.
Here -is -a F%epitaI -t5er told tt year to the call for help. They want ShorfA Cho - Farmers +riahin$ co . .oce other kinds of grain tan do so there is plenty
through the new3papere - wbtch to enil the century fro# of debt -Thai - P: r,_,,
throws open Its doors to answer 10 UIP on the morning of the first day of the 'Graham !Flour. Corn Mea_ 4. of room. Coal of all kic sale.
- cry of any sick th; ;d. a Hospital that Twentieth Century there shall stand ,golfed Wheat. Boiled Oats,
has nursed and urod thousaad. of ree, a monument to man a genesoeiiy Lf-ars on crcd sad ter •a:eat rwonabte Priced � � � } . MOODY.
. _ tialplee* and crtppted-,t,, 1 -U. a 2faa to- caustieee skit childre r-an .miler Yourchopsroanators.tyou. co.,.sOr..a y • L•�a'+ thews & Co. o 8ggt.
vital equipped as is no other institu- ishiWo gift of to -we from the men and taken m etatta .rfer One
tioo of its kind in the world. Shall a women of the Nineteenth Century to - --"- - -
charity so sweet and deservtag be D. Brokenshire. Ptaksrat, O,n -
00rced to close -its doors by s morn , fit$
itiagee who thinks it might :o for a YyTm. 1. Haney I 6 1 I - DICHARDS014"S
7 101111. That was eight years ago- *lot br a�' .~
fore nor since has a stngte sick child . i y ''�,�'^� 1
been retuawf admission to the Ho* +'� Practical .-Painter.
F piral A st-al of doctors and a corps of ;Important sh wing of finest display of -
: trotted nurses are there during the —__. China. very large sasorttaeat of
W Lad tbe:on; watcher of the night- State v Books, Dolls. Toys, just
Paper Hanging Decoratia
teaderfy and ekl)tolly caring for the !;t , - � g' -. • ') ' , roc ed for rise Holiday trade. Call - -- -- - -
Ve ones given into their ca by fond I lxaleomtniag. Tinting and sae them. _
aazioas parents Little- 41dren are Graining. Glazing. --
brcusbt to the Hospital from the tartb• abscriptiodi taken for ail Magazines.
i -*at •potata or the provt¢cr, Very town 17 All orders promptly executed. Weekly and Daily Newspapers.
and township has b-en represented Traisn rural. P,nsi.'tw- -+lM1ea a Pao" i 6m Taiimaias Qiven. ••�� : -�•. T -��-_ 'p �•�t
during the past Quarter century, The little ones specially confided to our -
- fame of its great hatttng power' has earl - --
been try-' '^ ^ nr�amble Come -- More than.10000 donors contributed
for durtni; twenty BvP years 40.000 sick to the maintenance atQ reducCion of - �SOC� S=uet,
'children ttay. been taken rare of the Hospital debt last year
Same of the little on -e treat.•d in !hose Nearly half of these donations were-
early days sire strong, h,�althy_meu and single dollars Sir, Robertson says the - - - - -- - -
women today - - - - t h
bee of Iii to have the greater tam- /// ���- (( �� 111 l�lte ! .^ 1 0 M 1 i n '
Last yea- the ll. Soil roll numbs her of individual fr -dndar that they 0/0 a -` -
• •' M 5•,T7i patients. Some spent days would prefer Ira flue - dollar bills to one - _. u
` and weeks in the cots at the Hospital. Arty dollar gift, T -
i0th*rs came for a few days, wh+ia -Mr, J. Ross_ Robertson, Mailman of
finally were brought to the doors of the the Hospital Trust• Toronto, publishes Underwear, Blankets, Flannels, Etc.
_ IETospitai in 11te arms of their'rwothers a list of tke donations received daring 11
and received such medicine and Kdvi,•v.
the Chrfstnias month in his paper, The _ We have jest placed in stock a lame out of Boots sad Shoes and claim 16sJ _
so to spoedily effect a In their yveulag Telegram, and coptea of the Discount Sales * t,� r '
-- own homes. Paper are Bent to all donors. -_.t� o� Par�Gs
afore than one -third 0 the little chil- Donations may be sent to Mr. Rob - -
lien admitted to the Hospital warm!' ertson, or to Douglas Da dd4,M leers
eame from places outside the city, The taryTresisurer, Hoipltal'tor •ick Chile n
- -- people is the province have helped the dreg, Toronto. For ten (10) days I will give'an '
-. - __ -- - advaaee Chfistmar - 'Baia of X MAS GOODS
" Watebes, Clocks, Jewellery, Sil- 18:
- - . DOMINION BANK �erware, Rings, Etc. sacs g0o:o _ pare Drags and Patent Medioiaespat cat rate psrioee. inelndiaasYadag
,�. 1 �' S • • • _ :acid purobass 'your Christmas powders. All kinds otci Perfumes articles. �BmhaU boos ot�a tooth , eta. �• Laos
p p presents now.
Gs its) Paid us: $2,000,000 Eoleotrie oil, 2 bottles for 260 dyer's bait vigor 65o
P i All work gaanniBed. Carters pills, 2 bottles for 25c Neadau's sp0,via care 750 "
Persons having apples suitable' for' Reserve Fund lI2,0001000 _ Cbsse's " 9 boxes 230• • .Gil1so Lys 100-3 tins foe 2"
and delivering them at the �' .Catarrh care 15c H•ss' Penury Panama 300
Pickering Evaporator before it olo4ae, Ointment, 400 Maxioaa Egg Prodtwar (makes your beso -
lvovembee lot; will receive hilow, _ T u Chase's syrup Iiessed and turpentine 15a is ) 260
sash prices for anal•. WHITBY BA ~I 0hn Hunt, Piaraes Favorite pracrtppttwionn. 670 - Beef, Icon and Wine 600 4
CH._ Golden Medieal discovery 67a Castoria 25c
•afters! sasi<das sastaess wmam~ Pierces Pshewiso - Niestle's food 400
- R. D. BPNSON, :. ape" atiiestion ven to in •ollsetlon of B�ril'<rd'9 Old '$titid. Whitby. ! Williams Pink pills 35o, 3 boxes' =1.00 Epsom Salts 3c lb--9 The for 16 -
Proprietor. Fssm*es gas o�•r Notes. _ Dodd's kidney pills 30o - Salpbar 3o lb-9 lbs Ma
ia7LlSOit D7P.13T][)ZPT'1', Doon's Sidney Pills Sao , Glauber s0,1ts, 3c 10-10 lb 260 '
Parmelse's Pills 150 1'erfea Eczema Ointment 250
w o t allowed on deposits of 41At1 and nR Milburns heart -sad nerve pills 33c, 3 for $1 Pars Norwsy Cod Liver Oil
: PiC�ERING LIVERY . .o Scott's, Emulsion, large 630, amaU 350 Acid for curing eider - ' ; . • _
i E. J. THO uT�ON, i 01 ' S 31 a e Agnsw's Catarrh Care 400 Condition powders of all !dads
_ iA. I : Heart Care 710 Your, own tecsip4s made up carefully fro" `
,a „ . •
Paine 's Celery Compoond•670 pare dr
Heel= oragw"hiC166 for hire by day, E1QiL't�ra+l District
sd•g ., m ngs
M' -- Hood's i3arsspariUa iio CO3aadian Water white coal oil Ills
or night 'Due in connection West-
ing all (i. T• B. trains. Freight and Of -- p a t rte- A Minificent Cale nder for each Customer.
ezpprose delivered to all parts of the o a c•R ,•• °: ° Wholesale and Retell �f * •� 172 King 81 Eaei,
village. Teatting Of all kinds done rr eSt �nta,rtO. _ :ay ° p DrngResta, V • D. ilauiel & Co. TORONTO.
sale and come .. - `--
oborteetnollics- a � g a $ � a; a i
. Cly de - Hotel.
mission'stables in connetion. . ....... -. qo3
f ate � �
We . H..Peaky rr e
nanFicial Agents _° ,5 -:1
° F' °8°° ' Meat t I hereby give notices that Harvey J. 1- 0,
o - -
LL . AX.e
�p C c Y> E .a. `S - . • -
• • •
- °
a ' ium P $• 0, oGpeQ �o d Vimps. ant Miller, bas been •a o�e�Pu o , ointed Stancial «
agent for Isase'J. I in the recent x ti .0 AW.$e
I Save tUe agents for Pirle's Patnps Dominion • Election-, -and' that lobo- F -- ----
- _ -.
- :-•
.. - ,• � _ _
Lennox, of the Village of Aurora,
_ and parties wishing a good pump will 0,R• bas also - 0e e o
find it to their 'interests to calI nerd been' appointed finaacsal agent for.. Fron• -w ° ° ale w m
get prices before placing theft order. cis J Roche ;A. o I i - A... .. Locks, Bolts, Na11s
None but first -018,88 material used.', Those wbo are interested will govern � _oi °I p ° �'' p ..Forks of all kinds' -
' Wells dug and- -c-lg %reed on shortleet 'themselves accordingly Sp>�desP Sh09elat oes,
0� -
notice. a«n ; hin1t !( ]aesf uttp, Paints and Y$rnishe_s.
- _ - -'- - 'George Gilder$ Given under my band and seal at Pick. Wanted —An idea .Wins to pa•entt
F ering, ibis 1Cih d0,y of November, -4900 p,o,.� t nrin; O0, (Hard/►ara Msto6ne11
W V .- RICHARDSON,, writea6w a/bsa°�t>x`i%co: r:uars .LIieazin
2. 86 6m ' Picker g,_Ontario. Returning Of6cec' i °1t..s°sSO6sa °au°w � tiiw0Da0,, a'rscam �� ~ ,- ,' - - - - -- . • y l iaks;ing, On1.
..ti:f r'N - ...•T,. ^•�•. 5i}r-" - rR'R�R7•`,Y.r a.? �7" - , _ . !"� ,
'•• ,sou, e - , tt ,, ""''-+= •-- _ .
p -'�.•.» , ,.Fir• <- c.�:,. - -F _._ .�..
` -- - - - -- - --- - - - -- -- - - -' - - -/ - -- - -- — - -- '-
and wife -is. silence, until they get - -- - - ��e, and the flapping garmemt�
.... tD tlleir_room. when he criea.out, "Oh, THE -So, S. LES ONO the n� of the good••¢ntuzrA crowd, r� ;
A�V�E�� gray for me!" And they-kneel down, whea'e end wii, balked rt tsltee and
. H E ST R`a �+ Y n n
., m h � A ,n h� r n ,as. �^ .
!say eai.r.b+ 4.. ,. , _lRatidy
THE WORDS WILL NOT COME. , INTERNATIONAL• LESSON, EG. yarward movement of Jesus aid 6•is "`°�
• - - 11ut God doers not want any wprds. r isc ples, *hill the mltrititude about
d• i
=R alnags Discourses on ; •`ft ttnreas Heated.- !lark i . 48'5! him swa _
eV, -Dr• lie looks down and answers sobs, and /:otdeu Trxr. Mark 19, t . Y'� this way and that, in-
groans, and outgusping ,tenderness.- - - PRACTICAL ivOTl +'- - dividnals aum,etimes pushing .before -
:,!�hr tin the Home. -- Tbat night they do not sleep any fur to look backward, sonstiimes lager
talkLng_of a-it the years wasted, and Verse 46. Carne to Jericho. Jericho g� a little behind; the high, shrill ,
of that Saviour who ceased not "to' lies on -the direct route - lrogt the FJase cry of the beggar; and'then the sudden }
calt: Before morning they had laid to Jairuzalem. At the time of the ailen,oe, while the Master stands, and
'A daspatoh from Wash' ton says; bloom, A great company of people to- hiskor it was a place of im- -'•�-
-R>ev. Dr. Talmage preach` from the night sit- swinging themselves on the thee. plans for new life._- Morning gospel S ianmediately the disciples form close
following text ; "This day is salva- eycamors tree of their pride,, and I comas. Father and mot her descend portance. 'Its plains Yemai.n as of old, a'buut hian while • at a somewhat
tion come to this house. "_ a six, 9, cry to you, " Zaccheus, come down !" from the be iro:)m. The children do not sand good clops of wheat here and greater distance, bat yet closely
Z.aeehevs was-' a poldtici and ti Come, down out of your pride, out of know what is the matter. They there attest td the richness the soilf liressed 6y ourlcasity, the larger crowd
Cax- gatherer. He bad a honest yu1UxLn.quisitivenesa, outuf your- spe- never saw father with a -Bible in-his but 4be city has dwindled down to a• c4ircles around. "Our Ford turns the
calling, but the oppoitun' y for culAion. You cannot rileinto the gale .hand before. He says, "Come, -chil- village of shout one hundred low -roof- discouragers into inviters." They {
"stealing "was so large, .the• empta- of heaven, with coach and four, postal -, dren, I' want you all to sit down -ed huts, ugly and dirty, but surround- call -the b1iGd inns -Eager is their
: tion was too touch for hi The lion ahead, and-lackey behind. "Except I while we read -and pray." The chil- ed with fig trees which Sgt apleasamt thaughtlesa, shallow kialdliness to do
Bible says he "was -9' sinner" a, is ye become' as little children, ye can dron luolk at each other, and are al- shade. Its modern naliie is Ribs. As
In the public sense. How mi fills not enter into the kingdom of God." most disposed to laugh ; but the see ha went out of Jeriebo. In this state-` anythcng the Mastery asks. 6€
-. _ men have been - ruined b officio i God has chosen th@ weak things of Y 8• He, casting away tali garment,
y pu< g that their their-parents' are in•deep: earn - I meat Mark agrees cJoeely with Mat- rose a-ad camre- to•Jedtis. The Greek
Lion! It is an awful thing fort any the world to confound the mighty, ", est. It is a short chapter that the they+, but disagrees with Luke, whc w - - --
•ord is imnich stronger than the Eng-
man to seek office tinder govern father reads. He is a d reader at places the miracle, "as the drew nigh i
"Zaccheus. come down! come down !" y g
good , lash "rase;" "leaping, up" better _
unless his principles o[ integci. zrr ' I- notice that this tax- gatherer ac- other times; but now he does not-get unto, Jericho." To one who has a gloss the uaeun his eager-
' -- _ deeply fixed. Many a man, upr h :� c°mpanied his surrender to Christ as much. He sees so much to linger wholesome view of inspiration such '• �'- �°
In an insignificant position,, has' de with the restoration of property that On. 1IL3 voice trembles. Ever thing incidental inconsistencies present no °& is he throws off his outer mantle,' _
shi wreck in a did not belong to him. He says, "If • Y and dashes off to the feet o! Jesus.
p great, one. as r $ u se strangely; new to ,him. They difficulty.' d ,oat very probable ex:-- This incident, as well aa!the woords of
as I can tell, -in the cat of Jeri a I have taken anything by falsg secs- kneel -that is; the father and moth- planation is that theirs were two mir-
J comfort, is given only by Mark.
this Zaccheus bela�ged to wh 'I saiion. I restore fourfold." That is, if or do;_ but the children come down acles, one as the disciples entered, the 51. What wiIt thou that I should
might be called the "Ring." They ha I have tszed any man for ten thou - one by one. They da not know that` other as' they lefi
.r ,�... ''77 °y.- �. ,,�-. ...€n;,�'�,: :ti. :+„x:. -^;x.• ,.e. °„�+g:.,.rp�3 S;i.� 'r ---^., P "1 ^.-.. '+fi;,:y. �.- •,, :'. a.r: 5'414�,e 5i'7 I�R�RC��.3" 'Ja-, *,:,.;,,,:'o- `1
-4r Y _ j v . _ _� :vv. _. g.. r • jk' , r "5 .: �✓ S tea" K fV . Zn
-- - --
.� �OE S OS IEAv ILY. IN Garrison Fought Stubbornly, Los
- C A N A 0 I A N S
. ,
ing 57 Killed and Wounded. {..� -
- A despatch from London, says;- - - His 1 - -,. - - - --
- Otter and s Meil Receive • `a•
the T.he most startling proof than the
_: __,Severe � .,Qi iu cSuuuh -
- vigour is contained in Gen. Roberts' -:.Great Welco e.
East of Pretoria. despatches wrimpuncing that 400
� British troops with two gu, "g have ' -' _-- -• •• • - '- -
A despatch Lroxt�•Pretoria says: -A attacked WilgeriverP which vjia held surrendered -to the Boers at Dewets= �despatoh from London-A New Zeala and Under - Secretary tot
dare, south -west of Bloemfontein. detachment of 260 men, consisting of I the Colotni 's•
i force of Boers attacked Balmoral on . . twp c om�anies of the Royal Fu- Gen. ' Roberts' full despatch fol- Companies, "A," "B, ". and "' h" o� the The rag n *_ Eor wed is parade or.
Tuesday. Colonel Backhoase,� with four sitters. The fighting lasted for eight 'ton - Royal Canadian Regiment, Colonel Ot- der, and, i *,h Colonel Otter in coat
companies, taf the Buffs and one hours. Ultimately, the Boers retired ter commanding, arrived at'South -, Mandl, to shed through the streets to
P "It is reported from Dewetsdorp g• �
Howitzer, defended the place. The f with considerable loss. The British loss that the garrison, consisting of two `ampton on Thursday on the Hawar- j $eosin tarracks, and were ten•
;Boer plan was,tu have four cowman -: was one wounded. guns of the 68th Field Battery and den. Castle. They were welcomed by dered u atiens all along the route,
does make a simultaneous attack on The garrison at Bronkhorst spruit Major- General Robert MacGregor:, w'hicii as crowded with citizens.
zll sides. Fortunately for the Bri - ' sent two guns to relieve the Fusiliers. detachments a the Gloucestershire t In
tish, only three commandoes arrived As the men retired a shell was placed Regiment, the Highland Light in- Stewart. At t barracks Colonel Otter gees
fighting was severe. The howitzer did among the Boers, on a kopje, killing fanary, and Irish Rifles, a total of General Stewart made a brief speech to hib n the Duke o1 Contaau¢ht'a --
B { about 400 men, surrendered at 5,2U • to the Canadians, during which he said letter f welcome. General Trotter al.
_ ligtiag was severe, The howitzer did ' or wounding 13 of them. -- p, -m•, Nov. 23. Englishmen rej. ic•.1pd at their bravery rope fly welcomed the contlrt� eat
splendid work. The commandoes which made these Our losses were 15 killed and 42 and deeds as much as they rejoiced a ie1, tut stirring speech.
The British lost six men killed and attacks were under Ben Viljoea, Tri- wounded. The latter included Maj. over the honours achieved, by the �iia
T Le` -'gip' -fun was most enthusias-
nine wounded. Thirty of the Buffs chard, anti Pretoriue• The - enemy Anson, of the Highlanders, Captain home troops and their kinsmen from! tic. Lar;e crowds at the railroad
.'were captured, but they were subse- I fought at close quarters with the ut- Digby, of the Gloucwterahires, and all the colonies brought toIgethar by eta .peered and reeheered theta,
quently released.-"
eleased. The Boers lost most determination. and the +'hale route from the atation t
Lieut.- Collis, of the Irish Rifles, the war.
heavily. They sent out two burial All the garrisons have been strong- slights The e I to he barracks was lined with sitni.
y, newt' are said to Colonel Otter expressed his thanks
parties after the fighting. The Bri- ty reinforced. have been 2,500 strong. 9 column far the sympathetic utterances, and la F c "rd:al throngs. FlaLm in•
tish took a number of prisoners and The places attacked are all within of 1,400 � mea was despatched from after the reception the- men left for j cl '7 °� manY Canadian emhlema _
brought in many wounded, several of a short distance of each other on the Edenbusg to relieve Dewetsdorp, London, On arrival here they were re :..,played everywhere.'
W hom aubsequatatly died. railway to the east of Pretoria. but did not succeed is reaching met b a deputation herded b Lord I :he :: :.;n marched in splendid order
Simultaneously with this attack a vere railway has been torn ap in g y p y a d igaeared Lo be in perfect condi-
'- 'e,ammand,o of 600 Boers, with one several places; but is now being re- there i�n time to effect the relief. 5trathcuna, the High Commissioner, .
gun pairs' Gen. Chas. Knox joined this force en Among those who accompanied Lordj, While they were drawn a is
November 26, and entered Dewets- Strathcona and weleatued in he3:tp e "'attack r,quare, the Dtilte of
BOERS REPULSED. DELAREY DEFEATED. dory, which was found to have been British style his fellow - countryman, b*•' "rn, chuirman of the Reception
evacuatedr75 sick and wounded be- I who have won the admiration of the u. :i: tee, congratulated theta of
t «, arhieveawat. -
Boers Fiercely Attack Brakpan, But Lng left is the town. Knox pursttsd r Mother Country for their .feeds Of r Canuu :ass will andei's With the anew and Pitcher re Proceed to
Defeated by New Zeal Are.Driven Of. I y• ports from : valour on the battlefield, were th It nr on f•'rldsy morning and whits
` Heavy LOSS. 1 Smithfield that Kwx fought -'
A despatch tram London says: -Lord ght a stn- � Earl of Ons!ow, formerly Governor ' ;: • r. will barc•rierv� by the Quern.
A despatch from Bl.oemfoatein, resaful ea a
9says'- E'urtlaer details have been Rcberts reports several captures of a3' gemrpt yesterday near
stock, and a sk:rm!sh at Dainsfouteln, Vaalbank, with Steyo and De tii'et,
r+ec -;ved regarding the fight near who retired west and southwest j liaA!>K'S p� Tg�n, «r'Oout 14 to tic, and yearlings at 9
PUa ,f �ateLai between the BE�tish un- 1 where the British had one killed. He
says that in this f ight Ca Pt. Wat -, Knoz'a tnasaenger ,failed to get
der Gen. Paget and the Doers uadesr I through, so I dm without details as LIB. STOCK.
son, on seeing s New South aVales °� � � r t, Taranto. Dec. 4, -At the western
. - Ocmma,tuia2a :s �- :ljuen and Erasmus : yet.•• f i'cc_ o' at[ A, t'he9a9 t: -- - "
N1ir,vemrber 28 arid 29 trooper fall, turned back and carried Gen. Roberts also reports a ekirm- In the Leadia 7la : :ia.l, : attle a k•_t tu-da nothing Z y B Patti-
_ the wtici'er out of danger on his Po cular came La. and bearcely anything
Gen. Paget, towards evening orf the - ish on Niov, 27, as Batltlonte :a. Three -- '
uaer,)IA day, ciosed in upun the Boers' own horse under a hot fire hundred Boers were dislodged and
- Lord Roberte aisasays that whale T ronto, Dec 4—Wheat—Out W'ab txwEbr or sold. Second class
puraus„ keing s, viral au a. $ruse ca tie sold k. :._;s, a lofts butter - �,pw: fan ryith the int• atlas of attack- - - - are dull and Mar.aubas ae+> -u __- _ ` .
-log c,ext day at dawn. The Doers, how- General Clements was marctl cn ifamiPC13 has cleared the country be- _ i
l;ettfoatecn be dispersed about bU0' twee +a --the tl'i13� an•i aa! river+, cap- caster. Quu.dtaons ere as tu!l t'aY tar tfie slat,�.k +cat reason that -we _
elver. wyth reiuforeements, in I tul el'ven Boers an a verylarbe Red winter, 0 to f,$ t -2C; FIG-1
had an really �irstcla;s stuff one the -
Buers with three glint', who were un- nunabes of cattle and ghee t marks;, and iycal butehera had to
three gwns. made a desperate attack R Pia o 631 -uc, middle fre'lg ^.'s; g• -e der cxxmmand of General Detarey.i take, not whit the d, but
.. _ a,t:d'servere f :g'h -ang. eael�.nd - wheats G21 -2c tnlddle Ere gL's ` 1 -- •y- }6L�t' -
the Boers, who were repulsed with Three Ruers were killed. 1 �-
Brtk an"was fiercely attacked ate GARRISON RELIEVED. sprlogwhea ?,east,66c; MmLn,rt,t .,,.1 wan; they osuld gat. Mile ti cows
heavy lire+, wethdrew caa north - east -. p 2 hard, uld, ,Q., t., J'3 1 -_c; ant J c at' faederv, bulls. a'.uckere, etc., wele not
arty dueota,m hen Paget having
o'clock on the morning of Nov 4. The, o at all cha-aged, fever' were here, and
sever.tr,a suldlers composing the gar- Has Y.ad the Honour of Being Re- 87 1 -.,c.
CAI', pxaa '.Petal p„i$atlou, neat - mounted - �-- , 1lcw wE re wanteC while prices were
ipf.ntrp as ur-uit nsvn and the tows guard drove thei
naved ;nree :Lmes. iiiii ed- Scarce Tc iota the P
P B•rr's off, killing three of thens. A Ae :patch from Crybtirg, Crape mail door, sell as, fo:tows - 1.1 'generally milt dined,
1b& New Zedlaa.ders'daspinyed great to 1150 and shorts, 41, w 1,; :t.>v, Shek'p and lamue, are steady and.
dint ' L:rd Roberts reports that the cool Cudony, says .-_fhe ga[rla.,n of Sch- i $ '. unchanged -` - - -- - - - - --
va• ry. 1,rrng five out the six (west.
ral a-t Ft.uxville telegr3phat that we,zer fiend ice txa,•t been relteve.t by 3 I The tace.p,s to-day were only about
w aunded officers Laeut lewme er was found brut illy Co ;n- Steady Ao, 1 Au:e. z yet -
y y oolumm of troops swit from here. 30 it,add, lucludinir 1 100 hogs, '21'20 cat-
Lil i CH NER'S RF.PURT. I loan, 4" e, on-track here ; 1 :nixed, .
`'murd+ared on Nov, 21'3 H,• had been I I'he betc.agucring B,,vl resis,e -f, but ale, -400 'sheep and lambs, ad'ezer
Lurd Kxilien,r reports to the 46c. Cana,-gan corn, here, a•
all tLCOUerh the back near 4atskrdal' t,ere driven off. , calves, -and a few m.1kers. -
War Office+,- Peat'- Cunttoue firm. \ sold,'
while on L sway to join the constabu- the ouge or, rather; the lax.P fn-, H -�ga are firm- tai the reeen -t, ad- -- - -
eltle h.us !efeated Hertzag sad mi,ttile freights at,61c, d' ,rat .. at
Lary at Blc.emfontun The command- ve.,tul of .xhcw'e.cer Reneke by the -
oceulrna Luckha.t Paget .engaged er -cn -chief also detatl3 other minor Boers wag one of the odc�t_lackient» IO2c
Vdj -on as i Lrasul tin Nov. 28 and Barley- -Quite -firm, as tt -od en -' it -g.+ to fetch the top prjee muss
oY,.aa�i.�Ley. of tine war. The rkdage, which r3 in I be rf prim,> quality, and scalp not be,
lrik,v. -fJ, snit drove hak enemy back to gusty, Nu. 2, east, 4k 1 -_ u; , middle
Roe ifvutatn,$ Licu_t. -Cul. Liuyi want - -'�-- n ttve Transvaal. thirty- siz•milc•s from ; - l,w 16U our aoova -1200 Iba
L ?.0 KILLED, BO 11 ?JUREQ Vrybtirq, fast attractel the notice. of ' Ere :ghti, 4u 1 -L; Nu. 3 e tta, 40c east,
. y ` Trills• a rn.hrA' 1'�Jt�lhi!• as 3_ awls• Of_ieusha -F -i-in ."6$tc+a�- �fF-!t - -..= a8- _ I g Following l� the [da•ge Of gUOL�-
da nnit,l 'woundi•d, We also twd anti 3oc, uuddte Ere hay a•orters are g
five men ka.1�.1 and fifl,y watLn d. � the enemy at the beginning of Sep- �-- bar -lryT
libe a1 bud ers-o -. heavy l _
Ay, tectua Le co- olx•rataag wilia I-a- vt:._ ..: at .... y y , H c :_her, Uattle
one au not.co ect to coieur.
nuuncet tbiat the girruoa had bren *St s
li A despatch from San Anton o. Tez,, rel!eved b (}uloael r`ettle. Lvith the Flye- 3,'a'y, -New rys, ktac west, and I Pars, per cwt, $ -11 00 $4
47c east. ch,Ace do. 4 UO 450
RUBERTS AT L-ADYSMITH. sacs . -A terrible wrack, to which a I a :epUrture of the relic'viaY force the _ ___ — 1 Bt lssr,_ tm •.i, to good. 3 25 .>3 75 _
— sc „re or l *r;ons ware killed and about inve -tment was resumed, only to be Buckwheat -Firm. Car lots west,are 'Butcher, inf ;rior. 2 25 2 75
60 hurt, occurred on the Mexican Cep- � S, .A'kers, er cwt. _' 29 3 UO
interrupted a month ago by a sec- quoted at 4PC, and east at 4.ic. i P '
Gets an Enthuslast!e We'loome -Vls- tral railruc4d bn 'Ihursds afternooa,� g ”" Exp:,rt bulls, per cwt. 325 400 - ••
ICs Gen. Symons' Grave. y c,nd. vi it from Colonel - ,uttle. IIa Oats - Quite strop Choice new P
be'. wren :ramanarrha and BS -min. 5U g Sheep and Lambs.
y appears to have male an! a ah�rt white oar.,, middle feel has, are sell =;
A demputch, from Pi4•termaritzburg,' miler s� uth of Jutnilieo, This first news stay, and his retirement w-as the ing at 261 -2c, and east at '21x. Light ��� per cwt t 350 400''
Natal. says; -Lcxrd N.ol,erts and his of the disaster reached here on Sun- signal for the Bo ^_rs to return to the .white vats and mixed -oats, east and
Bucks, per cwt. 250' •2175:
_.. _ daughter arrived at Dundee, Natal, day. attack. Late.,t news shows that west, '2ta Milkers. and Oal�es.
on Friday. five commander -in- chief. The place where'the wreck ocurred the town has been agallalrpteved. Flour -Dull. Holders ask $2 65 for 90'� poNS eacL. 2U 00 • 40 OU
_ canr.e i lalana hill battlefield and the is in a valley at tiro L of of two im- per cent, patents, in buyers' bag,, mid - i Calves,' each. 2 00 8 00
grave od Gea. R illiam Pen¢ Symons, tnenae hills. At the titre both. trains PLENTY OF FIGHTIiVG Idle freights;, and exporters bid $2.55 Hn,gs, -
Wh,3 was woun led at the battle of were running 31 irl an bour. One Special brands sell locally from 10 to Ch nice hugs, per cwt.' 550 5 71
Glencoe sbori 1y after the outbreak of of the trains had o❑ board a construe- ' 2Ue above these figures. Light h gs, per cwt. 500 525
— tahe war, and whose body was, interred 't i.. crew ltrunlberi 15ri1 men. T>re outh African War News Promises PROtUCE -- Heavy hogs, per cwt. 590- 525
at Dan lee. Aiterrsard Lord Robl:rts I to be Most Exeititl I -. a 9 %5 4 ir6
ot�aer was a freig(jt train of o5 empty y s Prices about the game. De- Stn gs- 2 50
pruce.,ded to .Ladsstmith. _'"He �va4 en -, cars. The engines. and about 40, Bars. A des fah traM Pretoria, -sa s - _ �g - .275 - :
Prices nominal.
thu ;iastically aecaivei, and the mttni -' were piled up &.I 'feet high. � T.ord Kitcihener paid a• flyitl visit to wand good for fresh stock, b5nt re- _
cipolity presented him an address of Ilarrismkh, amd crarferred with' Gen- ce1Pt�' are light. Prices are 'as fol-
`Tw %).American train eml;luyes were eral Rwnd e. is vasat is said ou be I lows;- Boiling stock, _'3c; fresh gatb-
w•elcome, forced, to flee to avoid being lynched. 'c ered, 17 -to 16c; litl 15c. DE WET'S CALL TO ARMSv
i in .connection with the forthcoming
\DECREASE IN DAIRY PRODUCTS. - masvemeat Co sweep the guerillas out 1'uultry- Receipts tat p,wltry were •� :
CANADIANS' CLEVER WORK. the field.' very heavy, again to -day. Baying Burghers Ordered to Rejoin Their
It Iv t ua -to Falluti _ oar fa the Knte. Recruiting officers hint that there w•aa goo. i, buL the supply was too - CmOmandoes•
or au—ter. Eluded' 'S Boer Ambush and Killed wil -brTleat:X of figlitiag..during the large, and prices were easier, especi- A despatch from Lindley, Oranges - - - --
A desspatW from Montreal, says;- Prlanv Of the Enemy. next .Eery weeks, w heait it iv h ped ? al1y' for turkeys- -and gneaa. Quota- Free State, says : -Melly burghers who
-� Although the returns te'the factory= A 'despatch from Pretoria, sAys;- ! that the embers of the Hoer resis- tiuos are as' follow's;- Chickens, per have laid down their arms are arriv- ;
men for cheese durinng the past season Gen. Smith- Darrien's •cvh mn has re- ta.nce• will -be tin ally stamped out. pair, 85 rto 40c; ducits, per pair, 40 to ing here for projection in copse -
show as increase of $1,862,000 over turned 'to •13rlfast After a five days'' The mmtrvement is likely to be carried 60c,; turkeys, per lb,r7•to 8c; geese, peg' quence of a Boer proclamation order-
t7iose of the previous seasou,'the re- march from Bullstroom, They had out with -all the; determination which lb., 5 to 51 -2c. ing tjtem- all•to assembla-n laager,�on
turns for butter show a decrease of only one casualty.'v marks Lord KLLchenner's actlon. ' i Potatoes Firm Car lots, on track Thursday, failing which the penalty
$3,416,000; making a falling off of On' the return., journey -the -Can - ( Dundee at present presents the ',here, •sold to -day at '30c. " Sales,. out of death will be exacted at the first
$5.44,000 in receipts for dairy pro- adians, while scouting, roda close to! strlkLnrg spectacle of avast camp. !of store, are made rat 3i to 40c. opportunity.
ducts this season as Compared with an ambush prepared by' the B,rers. Irregulars are sent thither as they l
Fie produc�etC.- 'turnip;, out of Da Wet is in constant communica-
ast. -- "Etea'l;iin'g their position they sprang are recruited, and dmtts fr,tm Eng- I store, 3Uc per bag; onions, Goa per 'tiara with the Boer laugers. He in
.. Than -make of cheese in Canada dur- fr(,m their horses, turned there' loo --se, la pd are also jtituirlK this base, bag; carrots, 40e par flag; apples, per form., the m'-,ii tn'�rt Lor,l ILuberts is
lag the past year was the largest in And Bent' them' gallop :ng back to the I bbl', 500 to $1; sweet potatoes, per being prevented from burning farms,
-the history of the, country; the` total 'column. They Chen Fought cover on " bbl, $ -.50. ant that the powers will, interfere•
-sales amouating'to '2,077,000 boxes, or a slight ridge and 'poured a hot and i MINERS T0�2N TO PIECES: Dried fruits -Dried 'apples sell at 3 - shurtly.
180,504 more than those of the previ- accurate
of re in-to the Boers, killing aye }o1�tc F�,rtudl�r, n French .Mute to 3.1 -36; and evaporated at 41 -4 to It is retorted that Hasbroek's cam. :
ous year, and 177,000 more than those They held their posUian until the n'ut► rearrul Ite- ,11114, 5c: mancto with four guns is ten Dlilee
of the season of 1898, which was the column of infantry arrived, and did A despatch- from Pars, says; -A Beans- Ordinary white beans bring'. from hereon the Senekal road. :
next largest on record. The amount not sustain a single casualty. despatch from Andche, Department of $1.20 10 $i,' 5; choice hand - picked Leans
received by the factorymen� for their _ �r na- are quoted at $1.10 to $1.45.
product also far exceeded fife returns - the arth, s,3ys a quantity of dy GERMANS 'WERE DEFEATEL
CZAR'S REC04 E AY ASSURED- maid a at the bottom of env of the coal Honey=Demand fair. Dealers quote '
-for an revious year, being $16,560,- from 9 to 9 1 -2c r
g -.mines there exploded on Thursday, per lb. for 5, 10, or GU-
y P a Obliged to Abandon Their Dead and
,000, or $1,862,000 more than that re- 1nulrmntlon From rrtrmte Kourcae Can Sixteen, lb. tins, according to the size of the
ira,tm__.an unknown reuse. Vibunded..
_ceived in 1899, which. Nvas the next erne the nu1111rtth'' miners were killed and between 30 drder. Comb bcme'p sells at $..�40 to
sad 40 w.7uaided, as many as five bein $1.75 'Per dozen sections, i A despatch' from London, %tur• .
largest year in dint` of "r`oceipt`s, and A despatch from St. Petersburg g , --
`$4,490,000 riaore than the total. - says :._-Information: received tbrough !very seriously :.ipjured. Bu1ed hag - Steady. Choice timothy,. day, says ;- A despatch to the Time4 �•�
elptg in 1898. private sources fully confirms the re- I The disasEar La; r sacred the vil- on track here, $9.50 to $9.75; two ton from Shanghai says it is staters that-
\N-A only were the make and the re- ceri't fali6n•rable' bulletins, referring to I Inge the scene of intense mourni$g, lots, de4ivered, sell at $10.25 to $10.50. the fialgan expedition has met wit)
" turn tn.eaash the largest in the histnrc the Czar's health. Ills. Majesty 'bas' The c�dnditiol3 of ttre resued bodies is B.aleil strati -Car lots of good straw a reverse. It is believed that a party
01 Canada,. but, the price per pound made sych genuine 'hinprovement. that' appalling. 'Most of titsm are rent and are uOte t a ' y Chinese,
exceeded that of all other yearn, no q k k3; to $G.50, on track; of Geimtns were cut off b C
that the factorymen ivcro better re-, his condition seems to promise certain torn in such a wav as to be scArcely and tun lots, delivered, at $8 to $6.50. and obligrsd to abandon their dead
tiiuneriated" than ever before. recover . r nizable:
Hops-Dull. New asap is quoted ,and wounded.
- - _ -: b _.
h•i.' - —
t ..._may :`A .- • ..i,Jra••s - - - _
.. ,'.y ,,i' "d..�'.; •`" ~a.a: n, .. .. V
- ,
r -
To ovBSUBSCBt8ats8: eferrms ASiBrock Road n Tuesday Des, filth old chi . ' I just want Lo ran down and
to tine addrese label on yo P�°r y°a b Mr. ` y 1 "
can always s+oarasin the w whiob rated ]Ire. Geo. Cdwta J ?�, a tell her it doesn't matter if the dinner isn't
7our'enbsorlptson to Tan N a daughter. gh
Bemittaaoss are ibe �e sa nice as venal to•ci t. She's had a S
of data zIa
I& Ian oa abe first' panel ol- -'The fixing rep of fenoea blown gown Piece of bad lack, or ■omeSkiaR, yon know. � 1 \JJ 4 - �, S
reosipi of money at Ibis om always during the recent gale iti no sung chore Aocidente are bound to happen. She takes ««����
- loop tiro dais paid s hen d t hereabouts. these things so hard. You know she's so - - - -- -
I - -The members of the Preebpserita ru °ae to lease me, WZI &�av bihw - ___ - -QtiL e- stoeit of 'Xma! G --
- s:.htl>�b- h�ra�ass eztaadesl a call b rev, ran like a! P I'll go down sad give pheryrts le6 - -- -- - -• '° - - ':
�e Mr. Hall. 1-t-.. -coals �e goo lltg - oo& just ope�in$1
• Retain has been somewhat way she blossoms oat when you tell bar in variety too namesons Go mention. Fiegsg give ns, - -_
indisposed for the She's all right. a call and we will be sure to shit you.
- -
Im pYt few days, but is He turned in the hall and put his head _ 7
- pj0>{SHIii6, Oxz„ Dee. ?, ; now Improving. back inside the door.
-Postmaster Bunting has been some. •,Say,' he said, "I'A tell her yon said She ".
What indisposed for she. past taut days, was a pescb." Half as hoar afterwards We -call part.ietaw stuntion
but is now better, Bob came back. It seems the grate had, {p Out attractive di f DDlla, "4r
LOCALISMS -The evening editions of the Toronto tumbled down in the kitchen stove and put �' 4'
Star and Mail and Empire ncay each day . the fire oat.
Chrlstmae Cards _ and Toy
-The Stotts bare is almost soar be Procured at this office. "It's all right, old shay. We'll have : Booi:s•
-)rte Dickie, ar., continnee in a - Contractor Littlejohn is digging a things ready maids fifteen minutes. By
sae condition. W'Ql at the college just now. He ex ;s Rid, that's a brave little woman. Why I -
pp"syo bad her laughing before I came n What M & 'p -
1 -Reeve Baraeesad Councillor B e to complete hie work in very few tlaya. do yon'tbink of -!hat? 'And she's been M. "" E. BOOne, '�• iekermga _
there bore on Wednesday and called to - Professional men as a rule are of a wrestling with that darn, stays since five -
ns, nervous temperament and consequently
-All persons indebted -io W. H. Ho irritable. Those of the Sonsorial stripe are Peters save that be told Bob it was -
`- -- Sins must ealF-st residence and settle no exception. wonderful, but thought to himself, just the
ones. = This .(Friday) the Ladies' Aid mem- same, with a man like Bob she could afford
= -Mrs. M. McGuire, of Greenwo bens of 68 Andrew's church purpose hold• to laugh, laugh through anything, every. '
t WW sbortly become a rosident of this vil,- ing a social , A good samout is expected thing, at the world, with the world,
lags, om all quarters of the section. through the world. And farther, be save Nice 'Now
- Pickering Township council will -From the report of the local board of he has a good mind to get bitched rep him• ♦�
meet in general session on Friday Dec, ealth we learn %bat the Typhoid Fever self. He's caught the right idea for it, be - Choice
14th, and there conclude the year's bnei• wagion throughout the township was says. May be he bas.. C�ll'1$�1�2aS a IlCy
at altogether dice io the Scarcity of d o 1
-Pickering Township Cotlnoilwillmeet g y Board of Health Christmas
' in general session on Friday Dec 14th •ter. -- - -.' � '•" ...•
when she sceoaeSS for the pear will be' -Work has ceased ca the docks at The Board of Health met at Brougham ~' Goods.
finally adjusted. ea:'uman's Bay harbor She weather on November 31st, Members all present. - �rOCer ;eB•
_- -Goo. Munahaw of Mark3ale and h iag become unfavourable. It wil l be klr Barnes in the chair. Minutes of last
Wm. Munder, of Tilsonburg,have been en' to lied as early as the - spring 4eaeon meeting read and approved. -
gsged as millers in the Spink mills. permit of. A communication was read frem Dr. We have spa=t a lot of time buyinlq and
-We must have money from %base who' ould many people be surprised if Bryce, Pec'v Provincial board, re contain• now have a choice assortment to choose f
owe for subseriptiom. The bills have ..Ih rand Trunk ran a line down to the iostioa of well at Brougham public school, from. We have now in stock a fall line of the
been InSiled and %list is our part previous I Ba elevator? Report has it Ines the; recommending that water -tigLt vaults be very beat for the 'Xmas festive season.
to signing the receipt of payment. s may be accomplished before the Placed under the school closets and the ex- Faaep Chins, something for everyone. Select valeecia, raisins extra choice
-J, E. Slierley, V, e_ bas moved his me ear arrives, cavation and resnc.val of earth from all old Pudding, cheese, batter, fruit and fern
� fruit, also the beat seeded raisins.
family here. He has taken possession of titre was s bee on Monday when privy pits, dishee, Extra good new cleaned currants, the
some `ve care of cinders were laced c On motion of air Richardson, seconded (areas variety of fancy cups, Plates, and are are scarce but we ]eves 8
the reeidental portion of the Dale Block, P P by Mr Dowswell, the school trustees are a lot of odd pieces jags nice for a present Rood anp�
We welcome the family to our village. on th runaway leading co she station ' to be re4cested to carry out Dr. Bryce's P t ply•
e Warri in by the Me& odist pa n. he R d work turned
ho % a assisted
h sin reoommendatioos under the supervision of toilet ae.wLrees all the trays, in Cross dr Blackwells candied lemon,
tag . g. 9 P% Geo Pai;ip. y y ' orange sad citron,
-Dec. 6%h, Simon Adamson and Miss Cora I precis Another communication wss read from other articles. Fine layer t ga, real beauties ; SIa oc3
1Mu;dleton, both of the Township of Pick- I - E Vanstoae received ram of $37 Dr. B.yoe. enclosing a form for aanaal re. Silverware, napkin rings, eake dishes,
:ookiog figs very ohesp.
• eriDg. � in von :ease of an accident "ht occur- port to the Ppovincial Board. card trays, castors, enilde seta, knives and -
-This '',Friday i evening the Ladies' red to driver some time Leo on a cal Mr. Dowswell, Seconded by 31r Philip .. forks, spoons, berry spoons, Bagel apaona, Prepared :ceing Sagan in oboeolaie, -
Aid members of 61. Andrews church ' Vert a H. G. Calvert's place. The moved•-that %be municipal council be re- meat forks, batter knives, not crackers orange, pink, lemon, sad it is so nice.
par" holding a social. A good turn• member cf the oonneil thought" the luestadtopay the several seeoents of the all the beet plate - Jelly Powder, this is something that
oat is expected from all gaanere of the settleme I was a favorable one. members of this board for services such *Very lad should t y
An Sanitary inspectors. Leather goods in Parses, card caeee, ry 7 try. it makes a par
�On' - The Board %ban prepared the anneal re- famev boxes, companions, albnmt, mfr• F?eUy desert and so easily made•
-J. T. Palmer. who has been exigaltsd Artha rCVIM. of Ache, is. recovering port to the Provincial Board and the fo!• sore, folders, .4e• We keep cut loaf and flue berry eugar.
In the Carnegie mills, Port Parry, for nicely fro typhoid. • lowing acaual report for presentation to Fancy scissor oa@ea, combs, hair brush. Pure fluid extracts of all kinds, sprees,
i some time has rataraed and takes charge Special :rorsary ""toes will be bold the ocaac,l, viz -
- -- 04 J. L. Palmer's oho e9. Pocket knives. compasses, marsh boxes - &.c•
ppi a mill dorwg m Brown I Ccraer Presbyterian couch. The Local Board cf Hea,tb bees w pre.
Site present season ! Balboa ii::a on Sunday Dec. 9th. sent the following •avail repert vu - mugs, horns, harmOniets &e. Pun honey, fine syrup, oranges, ;era• _
- Married -By itsv A. C. Wilson ax In the or State Banner, Black 1 To report that the following attmber In fancy dry goods we have also a large ono, erau!�erries
the zeaidenes cf Herskirh Hilts, father o! f cases of iaieotaoas disease were reported stank bat have not o tb ana�+ersue Plcdrles sad canned Roods, and l=and-
l=iver Fa;ia, W W.I. we Douse the death of ' this weak L PLDe sad ass them all . reds of other tbiatts.
' the brute, near Pickering Harbo6, of Dec. Conn% Jud s L $arelap, a nrphew of during the pass roar. viz • - _
6sh, Thomss Proem and lotus Minnie Sculatiiaa 26. deatkse 2
9 _ � U' L. B ;.1�oaL'� on:ios,..lZ _ �
The aaaae of death was �s - - -- -. -
c -The dlter>t em those d s para.yats and pp
md—asi of ilia stomach. Deceased Taberooloeis .00nsnm soe, P
nialoadmal the wrecked -Jamie , a steam Ty bold X14 . 1 JOHN DI'C$IF,I ,& CO. JOHN DICKIE & CO.
' was born as raring it', 1!?dd and went 2 That the vnmDer of cacao o. Dlpihea
barge that suecombed to %fie heavy as" on ; to his We idence in lis6b.- Ttibnne � ft cocaring dame the year hue deem about
Wednesday near Fnachman'r Bay, The %be same as is 1999, bat the deaths result. -- -- - F -
Mom barge was laden wish pig Iron ing, therefrom have been more tban in the
-While delivenng marsh pus at the T e Rosy Hato, I previous year la 18'•9 20 cameo were re.
(station on Moadav afternoon, Oawali -' . -- - ported with i deaths in 1900 23 cases and
1HJW had the misfortune to apses his Thad is a glftl Pbiloeopby Bob Mc, 15 death@ The cash iecared principally -
_ load within a few rods of the ware• hosae. i Arthur bag to ;�t through the world +Pith. is Brougham and Vic ;city, and the disease - - - -
Tee cinders were uaepread hence the rep' 1 t3at it from Brc z ,ng he nays. Maybe he was kept share for some time apparently
;eel. I did. $e belietie t st the idea! lies wader enrcn_h carleesnese on the part o! some of
-A tramp, or ss loses a stranger. spent the real, which -ply "imperfect expres the Inmates of dwellings in wbi -b -it wsa 0 0 � S
Sion cf the ideal �o he looks at every ,present in gairig abr,)sd and mincilog Chea
G 1�.J
t Friday mgbs in the school bonne; and was thing thaw way nazi Bees perfection m with therr neighbors, sad by Some parents
aroused by the caretaker at s late hoar- imperfeci;oo Tt a -"e-of the rose colored neglecti'.g to esil a physician to their
'Those who have charge of Lb e Said pram siremcles fir Bock acd 'tie a pity we doat childr, n when sick w;ih a form of sore Eden$ fieeee liae.l ►harts 45^ Wetr eeece lined drawers 43e
- fees had better multiply there• tae %erlm; &.l own @ pe;r, H* took Peter home to ti.rtsat that @tae probably of a dipthene. Mecm leece lined Fbirts -;0c Vecs fleece lined drawers 50c
i capon the doors- -- -.- di=ner the ctthes..;P�, ?,'a- _bass =t bee:, i eb s.. scter - -- - -ldEnF foci: st�Yrt'SMtsEr$ 1* VY __k Y ..._
Thai-" have e9f r�'birt se —ae i i.6 =�v za -z'ry iSVQ. : $et' see iec ,uK a ..,;> t3 r.3te filet the _ r —end 6nGW "eXC,I] er 6a
' F i b` °• �� - Just arri-red -CW Lrle ea;,. w•,." c .i Kiuce,y wiuluw, eau eii wal �juuCa cuuiiai
progreesiQe merchants there ^Sri =-odeet ::ttle plaee� wa,in-DA=Fbin street. bar deatl:a solo eun@t:-.nptibn in this tC'
r oabt, look at the window �eeorstions : Bob haan�t the a& amount of money ae maaicipalitp. dviing the peat three y@are.
Our dealers have Pver•ytbinR this the .be hsa o', prospects. tcd his wife manages In 139•: there here 13. in 169: 1•; died from -
r -- - -meet fastidious could deers on the soap the honseleeping &"bne. of conree she has this dread disease. In 1�9y only.;. in ! W.-, F"11 ( "�t� t E n � 7.Y - - - .- .. -`��e LQ�jr A Ne' - 7
i 'i a tu-able once in a wh ;le. Danner is late 7• end daring the resent year P. ]t seems
i of Cbrissmae�goode, Call and nee their P 9
displays. :sometimes, and the oo:king only fair. but to be the opinion of medical a :thoritie�
i that scrt of thing, doesn't cat, say iignrp %,hat there is mach to be done by Way o.
-Road commissioner J. Gordon has with Bob. Nioe girl. c'. good family, playa prevention in dealing With this di @ease. "
!made the necessary repairs to our side- ' and singe and all that. ]tie only natural Ibis Board is pleased to commend the i • ' i
walks and crossings dnrigng the plat I she sbonld tali off the track now and again legi lation passed scythe last session of the l
week. The crossing on Fain street Dear when it comes to hoasekee in IIarta Legislative :kasemb: a lhoriziag an two � -
T. A. Grata's residence has been renewe3 her a rich% -mere titan it does him. or -more mutsicipslities to establish a Sani' -
.=now now in splendid condition, while She didn't know Peters was corhiag. toriam fcr the treatment of consumption
similar repairs have been male in other She came running to the door rrcm the and providing for .a bonus from the Pro.
plaees, kitchen meet Bob. She was in her vincial funds of one fdtb of the cost of the �rl� @. _ _L1S _
apron. sad :vas not dressed for dinner; net site, buildings and egaipments. alao an �, �_ _ - -- -
- Aunnal meeting -The anbail ,meet• only that, bat her cheeks were 8astied, her anuaal grant for maintenance. 2hie - --
Ing of the Libersl Conservative 'Assoc' bair loose, an3 „there were cons icc�es enactment soil likely result in counties
p Y
tattoo of South Ontario will ate held is the specks on her face, And the poor little oombiniag for the establishment of those >'.ti _ " �*: �' "va
Council Chamber, io Whitby, on Wed• woman was almost in tears, She stopped. praiseworthy and much needed instita• -
nesday Dec. f3th, at 3 o'clock. On ' the -dead when she saw Peters, tions. The one now is operation at Grav•
eventing of the same day, a grand ban' . Bob didn't torn a hair. He'au looking enharstis doing good work, but the rates
• gnel will be tendered to Wm, Smith- ex• at the ideal. - charged are So high as to prevent any but i
M. P,, at the Royal Hotel. Whitby, at "Well. E t1 e1 dear, how goes it ?" the wealshv from, pwtakiag of the bane-
8.30. Particulars will be given later. And he kiaaed her frankly- Imfore Peters its of its treatment. _ E
without the slightest hesitation. Then be 4. That during the midsummer vacations
-After some months illness Cllarfea J, introduced them, mentioning that this was the Sanitary ivSpectors made an inspection
Steireason died ss .Si. Michael's bospital his wife with a distinct ring of pride in his of, &'l school buildings and premises in the -
Toronto on ' Monday. He was taken voice, She made se good a-',bluff- as ' she municipality and found the greater arm• _ -
_'there on Saturtay morning, it being con- could, and escaped, her of the same in a good state of cleanli• -
*idered- possible that- he_.utight witb "Come on an to r-iv little sn,i,ke hole, old nose and sanitation. Those not in.dood' _
earlfal retiment recover from the effects' man, and have a cigar before diaher ", said order were duly attended to apon notice l = = -
-' of blooc olron from which bs' the sift- Bob, cheerily. ` I guess het e'e been a from the inspectors. The water in a few
Bring. Tie remasne' were 'interred in the hitch; or something, tonight of the school wells wain found to be not
: B. C. Cemetery here on Wednesday. $e Once up in his den, sad Pe ze in a big. very good. and tampion from the,one
left •widow and family; ebair, heJeaned towards him and gripped the good public school well were
him b the knee. S PPS _
The Picker= EgltertaiDment Cam - "B p sent to the Experimental ce, Secretary farm at Ottawa v"
• : - � y gad he said, in •.low tone of (he and to Dr. Bryce, t3ecrebary of the Proyin• - ` - _ .. .. _ •• -
ptny desire as to state they will present _grey tens =t ^that's a great little c=al board, at Toronto, for saalysis and at " " Family Flour; 63,80 r bbl.
p, Cream Baas,
their first program in the Fire hall on woman. Did you notice how she took it? both places were pronounced impure an3 _ "Toronto Patent," Faue Pas Flour, $3.80 r bbl.
Now Years n;gDt, January lit. , The con• never fizzed on her, You know a woman , badly ocntaminated. The ace of the "Bonbon,,, Pure'
ura Man ►b�. Patent Flour, $5.00 per bbl ,
'•Dart will uo doubt be a relisbe7 one and likes to look her beat when you brio an V. water for drinking purposes bee been Stop•
the proceeds will go towards seating the body home. Ob yes I've found that oat. pea, and as thA contamination appears to Bran, $14:00 per Son "Wbeatelene" 25o per package
_ hall for public use, Dow that the Pirie yet here she was caught rigbt off bar card t+e from Sewerage it is hoped the remuval Shorts, $16.00 Ter ton Cora- Meal, 12lbs for 250
hall his been engaged ooaetata;fy for -sad dldn't •turn a hair. By gad She of the cJosd Sail sad' the putting in of Jumbo Flour, 31EL00 per ton ^ - -Oat Weal, 101be for 250 = - -
looked prettigr than ever. Bid you notice water•t'iebtvanits in the school oloaets it Mixed Chop, $16.00 per ton ' ' Balled Oats, 101be for 250
society purposes. In case the manage• bow pretty she looked? Her cheeks and an eat ly-date, will stop sll farther pollution, Oat Chop, $20.00 psr_ton_ --- <- 'AatlOd Wbea;; 8 -Ibi for 2$b — - - -
moot receives expected patronage frogs -. her bairl Wien't that a picture? Say,I'd and rnake the well fit for use. - -- -Gaits per bas 'Graham Flour, 12 lbe for 250
the village and surroaadings, it is the . like to have a painting -of - t sb b -The wa S. That during the past ,winter, Sma� pox Corn boo, r bee -Corn Cho :I9 00 - -
intention So erect a stage to the rear of she stood there, holding-ap'the dignity of 'being again present.in -so_me parts _of�the P +, per ton
iWe hall. Pickering village should hale the family. Against big odds, too, for sbe Province, the board bad the physicians in 'j� �t�
it public hall, and i, the young folks go didn't know how Dfoe she looked. I'll •bet the municipality supplied with vaccine Nava 20th 1500. SPINA MILJIS•
at the. matter with a will we will have it. if von asked her she'd say she felt like s viias,'resvlting in quite a nunkoer of child -
Everybody chase the flees off the wheel, fright. That's the kind of awoman the is, ran and others being vaccinated.
" -For the past few weeks rumor has Doesn't know her own value. Bret game - 6, Tbat daring May and Jane the Sani•
' inn she hotietorsb of soon
Spick game niee to home hereawhen I get every. the Slaughterrhonsesthendin age ors So lx e P P P hivg tined Bat I've got a little woman rimed by bntcbers and bf- riDge, and with Fall Wi.nste r sods We tried our beet to accomplish the task there that could make a home out of a but two exceptions, found all in a good "
of finding out the truth of the statement 1 packing - case." etate of sanitation and cleanliness. The
but those who bad charge of the property 1 Peters says Bob would sever let on it two referred to were objectionable principsi) -
bere would not eoammut:iette, We have soap a packing•oase to start with: Be says ly on account of the bntcbers osipg them Specitil VaIue in Men's BeavE}• 0veraoste $7 f0 $1.0.00. ,
bowever to say now that there has -boon l-he thought :%1rs. Me."bur looked'decidedly kcepinrlpige sdjaetnt,there to. Eventnally Men's and Boy's Suite.
s company formed ia, Toronto tor, she at &loss until Bob stowed him how to look, both of r.,o @e el -h were placed _
pnrpae of coaeentrating the baking bnei• I'at it, And he Spys she was notbing extra. in satlefactory oendition. A total of 5 but. - ,
noes, Goo. iVeston, w120 is now an ex. ordivary W_10091tt until Bob's talk eag- chars and 7 beeirineF were granted per. -�
E C✓ Underwear, Blankets,. Flanuels, Etc• �
- -• tensive baker, has been appointed man. 'Reefed the ideal towards which his wife' ; aita for alsoRbter lioness.
face was strivirg or some ex rest ion of 7. Tbat the Sanifary TnP ctors made
- agar of the new concern, and J. N`$piak that kind, And than Peters sApa he will be s unmbrr cf in rtions of cilplxge and other '
aegiaicut. The latter trill devcte most of hanged if he didn't see her the; same wa re nisee, sass were called �bpon to ab ate We have just plated in st0ek.- �__r$; ' -
his energies to the milk supply Company t y p 1a e•ss..ortment of EOOt9 and SI1029,
`as Bob did. several p*� biic anisancss dt3Tint; the vi sr. claim they are the best value we have ever' offered.
n itl ecarir+np to 8n b ;tettsese as noun„ ` Bob smoked for a while with a sort -of All sob 3 ^h is respectfully submitte*A.
Tv which nne manager. The mill here' fs, -away arrile on his face. Then he Oa mot(; v of SIr. Ri`=hardaom, eel ond>d `
- t
l:p oa Ch 'n_ io ts�at to R_11_lzE_11LEhe Li mrei- ap - - -- -- - .- t t# -- -b„ard ""Q� A *� (Y -
*tatne, - „St ., he said, "exCv I hT air t}r -, -- Ri -.—BUNTING-, I�G. � -
j Y . ae me for a minute, lu:et ts, ail. oiq the call of %he. oha;rman.! 1SiokeriDg, Cot, �, Off . e