HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1900_11_23r.• �� �w'•c°"` x»� .r. -:s +•'.,,''�i rr'�. - °".4:a ^'`'' �'•'rK� `G,• °+rr.;^�2! .., . -y .; .. ""'•" .+;ni1:c, r•,�1
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PICKERING. ONT., - FRIDAY. NOY. -23. 1900. - NO. f
V'1�xiar�. 'tie.
�OU D US- _ —� -
The report of the death of sirs, F', LsR The lowing match which was ga-
came as a sal onrprise to her zany friendf scan so be bold on the farm of DIr.
At•edical. LAT7tsT LOCAL ZAPrfernxae ascoaDU By in the district on Saturday morntmR• John abber, near this village, on Thurs-
Tam PBTba A" JOTTSD DOWX Bi OM deceased was oat driving am Thoreday day, Nov. 15, has been dafinitely settled
�N^^ �- -' -• ��v�
apparently in the best of health. -tea -or .Thursday, Nov. 22, on the same
rp A. YOUNG, M D:, C.M., Fellow of � � Coli:RUPOYDR111 s. _ Friday evening about 6 o'oloek breat - groundaL Mr. Webber's farm is admirably
l . Trinity Kedieai College, Toronto, mom- her last. Heart diaesse was the trots adapte9 for the parpose in view, being
bar of Oolleas of Physicians and Burgeons of • CLAREMONT _ The deceased was a danghter of
Hunter. She leaves three children and centrally located, and will doubtless be -
Oktsrio• DlDoe and residence is Dng 7Block. -- large! attended, e.nd =the several events
1Pleias•ina. Oat. Olsoe boars: musing � to to: _ Robert Bryant viaiWd Stoafiville husband to rooara her lose The fan Y �.
went" S to 9. Highland Creek. 'Tuesday and , rem a will no doubt. be keenly contested. Am-
. friends on Tuesday. ,ace on Dionda when rise _._
took y
aSteroonns from 0 w 4. o
_ v Of e11 m8terials and desi.� P i
• • kept in stock. It will pay you �
Miss Kate �ichel3, of Toronto is the Were iinterred in 8t Jade's cemetery,
a pia necommodation will be provided at -
Legal. - -� to doll at oar worlse ecd inspect act stock, R=aet of the Bdissaa Doarsweil and other cortege was large one, many f I the Queen's Hotel for partic:panta and
and obtain pricer. Don't be misled by friends hertz. attending from all parts of the dis t„ spectators, and it weather conditions are
DENTON, DUNN ct 'BOl LTBEE, agents we do not emploT them, c0asequeut• A little stranger, M.; sy.Katbleer. Luke The bereaved have the sympath; of �' favorable the prospects fora Eaccesefut
Barristers, Solicitors, etc,. Temple Build- • �+-- -- i match are pretty bright.
' tag,
corner Bay and Ric mood s:xeets, Toronto. ly we can, and do thrrow off the agents came on Irov. ]4th to the home of And. Fairport. -
1►s t5aramont T- sesday. ilioney :o roan on c mission Of 10 per oeLt.. Rbich ?on a>ii rosy Story, Hawthorn, Hill. She received F - East Toronto. '
i[ortsage, certainly save by purchasing Isom no. A a glad welcome. -•. =
PA,ANH DE:iTON, Q.C.D.C.L., HERBERT /call solicited. W. J, Graham's eai6 on Saturday wall Master Irving Hilt& has been ill n
L. DON14, W.MULOCa BOL'LTBEE. WHITBY GRANITE CO., - a great succeea; everTthing selling wel-F, week. — Among the hunters of the north who _ -
tii•Tr - The attendance was as well good. Do you Edwward Stoner, of Toronto, is it• hove returned are the East Toronto cornP-
- — - -- Poet Office. ^ — K�h+�y, Ontario any numbering 11, as follows. A. Dlenzte.
OPp know we will miss each citizens as W,: J. in(t friends here. r Dr, Walters. E. M. Cook, W. H. Blaylock,
T E. FAREWELL, Q. C., BARRIS• Graham and wife. W. Sparks hoe laid aside Lie
eJ • T$B, Calms} Crotrn A wrmey, amd Ccr-nty A meeting of the curlers was held on boat for the season. W. Edwards. G. Walters, G. Cheater. D.
sollaitm. soars Horse, Whittt• •ar -. Loyd. W. Pstersou W. Cheater and W.
Fr n � p Monde evening in she club rocnl of the Charles Mansfi:el3, who has bat ser•
7,7 p J3>inma. They tirouRht 17 deer with them.
OW dt 94cf3ILLIi'RAY, BAP.$Il3•. rink when the fnl. officers were elected. -- iouzly ill is rrtch :wpr°ved• I also a large quantity of game. They . :qui
DM. Sol d:c T A op BAR IS- = PresiJent, D. mscnai; Mire Pres r J. D. Miss lfrnnie Hitts, of Toronto a a•1' ed the eessoa the moat unfavorable for
nose Whitby, Oct. Jno.Ha ] I�w,H.e.; Theo• g Sts �jg t kicAvo }; Sec.:reas., Dr. G, M. L'rodir; ing a few days with her rareau a as years,
A :eoiiliT :ar,i= ,H• )Jocev to Lean. ty _ .Comm of Management, D. Maenab, pres ; >3resent• The preparaticnv for a game supper to
W. J, Gregg and W. M. Palmer. Tbos, Mai jr„ who has a in be heiI 'a the Y. �d, C. A, tomorrow even -
ATERSO`i, RITCHIE bt SPLEENY, paper- hanging s hea9s in Deer Park Toronto for Some time is vieitinR Far lag are ezteasive,as a large crowd is expect. Y
Earn ateua, Sd :roze, etc„ Temple S:.ld are nearly completed as the painters are eats.
tiag. Toronto. and C'r ► re=nt ever? Sairidsv, now commencing their work. The hoes. Wedding bells arer:nginRbere rat m• TheEaat TeiOato new electric light pinr,t
>a(. F, Paterscn;.Q.C" P. E, Ritchie 6. R. Sweo=y, W
Done on the shortest poss,b.e es have been pashed to completion very ore are that one of our-fair itn�coi nesdaP in yarning nrteratioa abanc ad_
-, i eterinary. notice, Leave orders at the rapidly, as thorn was nut a stone laid nn• to leave us. C�ag�rftylatione, aesday.
residence of A. Allawsy. til September. It is a common express. Scarboro Bowmanville.
_ ion there to hear it said that they are Ito
HOPSItiS,VETEP.I gABY~5EE• - neatest pair in the neighborhood. Mr, Wx, Rabt, Beith, e= M.P., has gone to
A 11$�a� bits W. LaFrangh ear- day'ed th cif
1111 bd;cbeli Intends LaviaR a sale in- about } New York to set sa judge at the National
- �• G$ON, tir►d =ate c! t =e Ontsr:o vet, i friends Me Shoc, --
atrsoar7 Oel':cge. fcrraw. rer•- atersd met: bar �a two weeks to dispose of ills house sad lot Tar ^.:p harvest is again with the snow
at Nis• ontano Veterinary fission' Aaeo; and also his cows, baggie, router etc., af• having vanished J. Toronto. sad Mrs Sere. R arid eon, Ronald
cdbw oat-'- reudenc• ore a 1one•;aarter m:: a• �r arL +II he iiiwads moving to Doer The death o! the late Jona 6sr Baird Toroota offended sirs. Rogers Galbrsith's
orrsh of Green River Te;epra9h a.:dzs•a. tuners) Tuesday.
t Hi;l, Oat,. P.O. iiddress, Green utter, Fork• has aigoidesl to his many f ir=ds here- R. Jarvis, Cl:eifof Police, retarned hotaa
,epaini g..... The Hockey Cltb have re organized obonL se for years he conduct a hotel in Saturday from a deer bent in the North-
`((,,• J. SHIRLEY,'reterinsry i3nrReoa, Willi favoraLle prospects for a Rood win the premises now oocupied y George arc Counties bringing with him two deal
1�. SHIRLEY, E ,s tree itisry mrgeoL• Hav;ng opened :P a Repair•ebop ter's eport7 a following c" cer , were Cbeetep He was a man much resppeecctee deer
al Uoueq,a. Toro =w , raclatuedw4c" ter of sire with Foundry ineoaneetion, I am elected•. -Len. Pres_ I. J Goild &L P.'. The bac.;cet Will 1>'a one of the biRaeat ; Another Weat Dcrhari boy heard
pawn `etarinar Medico: AAsociatrou. He Hon. Vice Pros, Hon, JoLa Dryden; things 6carbora has ever seen Whtn the from. -if hi Honor Jodge Ctiapple and Mrs
may ba loans a: rt! fir Hoptint rtrtdeaca• 6tt rrepared to do all kinds of ropairtag boys return they will be given ate of the
bavrnq a hrst class mschtnist and Presi3sLC, D, bdhietab: `ice President, C best ,welcomes thAt was extended to the Chappla hate been spppointed patron ♦ad -
nnaehmetp. Engine and
Boiler. J. B. Crod:e' See. Tress. R. Bessie returned so!dien in say put o! the country. patio °ens o! the Rat Portage Cariirrg Club
° fusingss Qictsas• sna:•nings aept on hand. Shingles John Gere,of managetaect, J C. 3darnab John Maynard, Jeweller, is Complishford.
John (leraw T A 0rtham. It u the The teaehen and offices of Wasbtngtan formerly of this loon, had �s stook spa : ;5
-for sate. Sabbath School held a meeting otter this damaged by Are sad water. on Friday.
�'�^tSObiAB DCNti . Conveyaaeer,
COW, intent:oa to form a losil this Joni cam regnlar session on 8nnday and discussed The are originated in the upper story tLe
,L ■taaronar tar , C01 14ldar r etc„ Doaad of bderanam, Richmond Hr�• the advisability of holding an anniversary
07 Ctarwssra't E. W. White. $tonffville and Claremont, and join' the and -&a a reev!t romraitteae were appotatad���IIOtharoaeotenar >s «!ot CSsrltevtoReah,p
- Qlarsmoat.0nt. _- ____ ___. -.-- - -• -- O. H A A E. Vxreoe and Thos, Gra to mays arrangements and the data will be
_- _ _ -- . v_ _ ham were appointed rr esettativee fin 0 annoanosd later, tt le, pa Hd a a, who resides at lase &R a-
B. HOOVER. Iasaer of marriage ytlk, posed away Nev 12th at the aqe of
P. lraensay. Omee at,z;.l .n day t:rr -o and - Blaekgmithin�: $. A• A mdee.co War beldoa Friday night at y3 yas-e Deceased had been an aqe win --
st eaa►dence at r Ant Olean ticrer,Ont, 4 '7 �. •. the residence of L Beldam Scabore to at" :! many of the stirnne events of the
- matte arrangements for the reception Of the eloeing century and had takeo so ssrtivo
�B1;ldTI`lO, Issuer of Marriale Horse akcetsg atsd gnio-91. jabbing Norway feary000abcarbcro met, who wentwSouth l is the rebeAron tf 191' The {aaer�!
�, L,eaa•es fns tea Canny of Ontar.c Or prom attended w. wa¢ons and - kfrica. -It waa decided that when tbaT took lace frog, the residence of Et -De tv
tna p;cre or at hrarowd•nea.i'rek"" P The i =dnc :on of too lieu. W L, Bayne aL get home s baagaet wood be given at Reeve Jones —statesman
btigglot always on hand. Rood to the rectcr eip of Norway and Mal%era It was also decried to make a
Cheater wi.) take place at ':it J"hn'. . . AVID BELDAM. BELDAM. auctioneer, kc. ARent for Massey Harris rrpaire as Cbnr�h• Norway. an frinraday at a p, m present to each t them. 1Ciret form it' CtrgEN reivER. _ _y
well as a) kinds of plow pacts A fall wz[I take } as not vet been determined
tvchcrn ec : :cis•eaerrt :mn :•nnaeroaa -
trisood�. 3i z� �en ` cd w` lea "t t•. ma term y Nr slat- _ - -- _� - _ eq fs<. 3
irsend+ ooth !ax sad aver qr _ The LC G Bar^ 'O. ntog
�.. :.. eto be wry ...1 ree $toci alws a on hood. .Terms _
- - - r Lc•a :>:c•t-r"s say Elarr.a repa,rs and plow pcintticash.. - - ero_ga - - North Tero*+to- nigght sad day.
tasutso'd yo �e.ery cws advaa.&to. 4b-+J U. Iiot vet is tealirR hit new threshing
— LICHALD k +RE....Fickenrg. Oh rev' how bat car f' lks feel. Ssrnael.Had3er of E,tl.aton•sveoue has' seperater sad repert9 it perfect
R.EE.ATON -TOWNSHIP CLERE M:•s B. Stepl•tcscn is il:gtaly cn the been st:mmot :e3 by Chief Lawrence
for nor read coatract7r W, Jiich «!l i� shoat
rr:end. keeping a ti :tons dog finishinggh :scontrsct for the scason.
�. voav•yaacer. Cca misaioaerior taY:ag - " , ' SC. c'cakv<E11 wall, the city tyro days It is rsmored that the York Township I'. Ycung. who has been eondned to ttte
siadara iccovatu E:c. Yoaey to .can loot Beets,
oa farm property'. �- •ter. e.Ont y e� Connell i� contempiarci :be prrt nee ^! a horse fr•r some tune, has so far recovered — -
7b :e ac.:t weatr,rt a Leepiug oar cider lot st the corner:of Young street ac3 Farr.- si to be on datT agate
i10L:CHEA i P05T(LL.Licensed Aar g- } - ' trill bes+ly e`$sgEd- horn eve°ac I%er Park. They parpo9e. erect At wri:tr.R plows are acing agora and
LL .aB.rs t r the Co.nty i•[ Or'+r. t.tc 11T Eark fire cctr.pleted hiv-- bMIl dirip ing a hall tbtre, The block was recently f►rmers are geuiaG, out the reme :.cderaf
ssoa as er evrrf ie•cnp ::ua . ooa.:ctri et • srd a :t kris stock ir, it. purchased by S_W. Armstrong, treaaorer- tcrr.,pe that were frozen in the ground,
Imotleratr ;tars" T PO•:cher. °Rea; Estate Watchmaker aIIr Jeweler- �1r68 TE a Wi :ire. of Scarboro, esient of the mania slit}•, We are very goad to report that W. A.
�AgenL aa'.'a °'r e' a:❑ +nor. Str,et attecuoa last 6nrea}' Lrub her stater irEre.3Irr, Jon � r lintod has lost two Faller Gertie is recoverin rapids
ggttwen to a:i orders ty• ail ur telegrarc Ad pit J. 3. Ii 'act o_ Eg g }
iireea THON. PJL'CAES P.raugha::: Oat. F Br•ork Sit-ert.. W1111•Ei•. Blander, doge bycontectwith the Metropolitan cars. from the effects of an operation performei -
jPprtT :: L 3,rroa ki+er Ont. _ We are very sorry to hear that Jlrs, He sent in a bill of $11 for compensation, oa her throat lately,
Joseph Young has been laid up with rhea• and threatened a snit if the account was Fred Poatill, wbo had his knee sprained
TF Vv 'ELLItGTON Hotel. -Hav Watches, Clocks ecd Jewelery, rea :ism. She went to the city, not paid. The Council was not disposed to Berne lrttls time nRo has been on the limp
i isg re - ye�i to a =d tnor0l, c'eroa °' Re sired mostly and om {7 Quite a bit of agsiety prevails ae to v►� entertain each a novel proposifion, and since, but we are pleases- to report he is
aw! the above hoaae. [ ani prepay c., tnrn;ab p P y' will b.- the rest council- Perhaps kir. opemiv expressed a wish that nomeroat nearly down to his usual gait again.
aceomodarioa to ►]I who desire to patronize �11' i�Totk Guaranteed. Editor yLn might enlighten as.
- nrs. Bpaeycna •aarp!e rooms. I shall tie plow other cosines would share the same late, W. H. Bark, of Burn Brae hoc bz^� '/ •
eta so weal; old natraas w =en Lh•y have oa Last weak we et►ted that Christam The wife of Mr. Thomas ,9rllieme 'of somewhat indisposed all along this fall
eaaroa to ar.s kfarkhaat• JAB TORRENCE, church intended holding a Christmas tree ERlinton died early yesterday morning lie h►e to consult his health oarefally be- _
ltfaskham On t. 31.Qm Yu:u Pickering Monday and Friday of on Christmas eve. It ehoald have read
each week. from the effort of s stroke received on fore exposing himself to the viaiasitades of
Brougham Cr,ioa S. S. Monday afternoon. Deaeased was highly the weather.
' tUbt• Carson-, respected, and blr. Williams and his family We were very sorry that the weather
East Toronto. . ,have the sympathy of the town in Their was so that more could not get out to bear
iii "vement, The late Mrs. Wtlllama was the Rev. W. P. Reekes' discourse on Ban• `
The dame rnppar under the direction 64 year's of after and leaves, a family of four day evenings u it was imprewivo and very
ioI Danbarton, will visit Pickering on Tiles• -J nF �i►
of the Ladies' An:ili►tT to the Brother• some and two Ridges; Fr daughters. The scan are instructive, ields.s it being bin tire! discourse ow
ds,y, Tharaday lad Saturday °! such ' bood of Railroad Trainmen in Y. Jl. C, A. Edward, Oke Ridges: Frank, Lesaide; 1a, the fields. He was billeted on his journey,' -
y, Tio
and y sxd S om Jloof e a hail Tuesday night was, in splty of the Toronto. and Arthur, Davisville. The at W. J. Tutvaes
Wednesday o Sw and Frid►p. _ inclement weather an unpJecedented roc• danRittere are Mn. Wilson, Davisville and - -` Kinsale,
'��� s _ teas. The tab:m were well supplied with. Alice at home
HEAD game furnished by the East Toronto +++- -- Another son at the residence o! Abyolenz
Always e, fall supply of 3 ] fresh ti banters, who rettuned f;om life chsse lea! Aud(ey. Lawrence.
i meets on hood. -weak, and the attendance was . so Rre>at Mieq Carrie Harrieom is in Brooklin -- '
that sating room was at premium. Miss Guthrie is recovering, - though learning telegraphing. Latent reports are
+(five, we s trial, : After the supper Reeve Davidson Proposed slowly,
N Williams t the toast, of 'Tire Qatar," which was s y• the! she is getting along well. ;
l • loyally re need a by all rising sad sing• Freeman Brown spent Sauday with, Joseph Bandy, of Pickering delivered two ,
ml fin iaQ the Nat onal anthem. Other toasts Iris T�arents. fine stoves here lest 'week cslled the IertF-
�1 k5 9 i • • Sewin d `d a(,hine were given, including "Electrio Light," will McMillan has ' it-rented the ' erial Oxford Range, the purchasers being
which shone in the village- for the first btoCann farm here. B. Wagner and C. J, Stevenson.
Having ➢urchseed' the business R. A. Fleming. - 'Markham, Ume tonight. Rev. Mr. Rogers responded hits. MaddiU loos returned from a vis• Thomas lfieol, s resident here for s ran}-
bar h cars, bat an of •Claremont: is ser•
of W. J. (ir purcy and being novl w --- --'- -" ' __ to this toast, and spoke to the progress the it with relatives elsewhere. s
Who said tbete wwe going to be a Boo. mast ill with typhoid. As be is atdou t-
Occupied village, has made daritrg the past year, and R R of the shop 4ttely P PiCKERiNG POST OFrfCE. th-o-brightoutlook for the torture. ..Mr. ialhold in Audley shortly? in years his ree verq is some al
♦ Aim Tye are p,•epered to do all _._ __ atoutignani Rave a recitation, entitled. One. would think some "big gam' was 1u1. The family have the sympathy of all -
Hails an: re from TotontA a :o a.m. "Tha Skoolbord," which, being Riven with is our vicinity on Sunda but on examen• the old elephboara in ng their affliction. gu
1[iads of work entrusted to US, saris• The tale hone saeiag through our tows:
Close C T F. z so • m t► Rood Scotch brogue, cangbt'the audience instion it is only a thou Sunday, boy with P
r [acWril; . • = G T E e 40 p m • 'Taroac. 4 ,o p m to a nicely. 4Ie. Z.lonti nani also contridut- y R y is a great convenience M a camber tm this -
u H. THO•MPSONN .A SO-NI stoney orders issued on all parts of the world, eb to the eyening's enjoyment by singing a shot gas in the local ewemp. locality. Thanks to Dr Moore. Dr. In the Dear
Cletttnarzt, Ont. the latest war eomg, The Empty Sleeve, From reports we see that the turnip fur•ture we understand that De, Brodie in-
i u►vzxtals Bs>lez aQax�a�s. the flstriotic sentiment of which was crop all over the province is a purr sae, tends pushing a line from Claremont fare
p.8: We bsve acme t0oli to dispose at. mach appreciated. Mr. Pierev contributed while potatoes are s big yield though by way of Balsam, we will then be in direct
j Deposits received and interest allobred it s the recitation "Rubenstein," i,nd fir, Bray inclined to rot in some parts. This will catnmanication with alLthe more impor- ,
par ant per annum. Security indisputa¢]a sAaR ••Father O'Flvad. "IL was s late hour !Hake potatoes a feeding value this year. tact commercial centres.
3R. ,t; 131111 ingX, when the well - satisfied assemblage dis• G, H. A ;tnatrotSR, of Patin' 'who was Our Machine shop a always hamming.
POBTY�aTS! pereed. a tesebei in our school some years ago A number of Asada nee constantly employes
The first flash o! the electric tight in bas just retired from the High School in repairing all kinds of machines, Also L
this villa a•ae trsnRatitted this eyeminR• staff of that town, bich osition he has new work, wagons, sleighs, wheel•barany.
e e - and other.artictes. Parties wanting say•,
� M Thu I $even are lights have been in operation held since 1874, His first wife was a
WE��EDN B�N� �E C���DA since 7 o'clock and the wools populace Mies IdeQuay, thing in this line o would -t to their ad-
vantage to rail on- the -- the �eiiatle B.
M, seems pleased with them. To -night being William Elliot, eon of Frank, was Wagner shop.
a veep dark nightt they were _the more married in .Toronto last week and is Itrreadia the Pickering News of last
fed handq Kra orporated by act of Pa�rliszueut I 4 appreciated. By to- morrow night ail the aoniin to occupy the old Elliot home - creek we noticed some items from Kinssle.
Hots is the season for Ohapt • ' Pickering Branch• lights in the village Gilt be in, opetaterg R �Y
-Tame a lotion at Sc an canoe Whtch ores with : - Dog thievta have been operating here stead which is sing prepared for him Ouo is particular drew our attention, and
one or two applicaLiona. Try it, Ant..,orize8 capard ..... ................EI , i1t1 pm for several wcelss peat. 2'ho owners of three W-e extend our congratulations and beat that was reference to bhe Council {or 1.+OI,
fox teniere and two collies have reported wishes, Thomas Elliot -has msped to Yoar Cor. speaks about the new Statute
This is the season far Colds. Try oar own subscribed Capital ..... .. .. ............ Soo.000 Lsbour system and says the fault finders
preparation.at 2•,_ a bottle. It is pleasant. It rust ................... ... . 1 x,ow are those who do little or no statute labour
Axons Reaiily Convertible......... •,. he43,484 to the pollee the lose of theiy caminea, tlie'� EronRham.
{ Corns, owners of some others small doge have al• John McQua9, aged 7f, passed away on
y Wea:eo have a preparatioq for Uoaneness, Jon" CowaN, FeQ, T. H. \1CMrLLAV,F.rQ, and sdovcntes •the re-election o{ the pies•
xis and racy cure the County Constable Bruns to brougijat Aebbnru, and was interred in the Friends' eqt council, now we hate heard the connnil
,ate„ which hue n Rfeat eels among sincere' and Spacial attention Biter to ^armor's Cashier
Bde eo ]odge ys complaint, Friday last at hie daughter's re9iden -e+ oonderoaed in very strong tarns by stone•- -
apookera, They re to Votes Collectiona•olicitedand tromptlyrudde before Police Niagiattate Ellirat- Stouff- burtial t;roaade, P[CI[eriDR, on Monday. Who have always performed there road
_ _ Farmer's Notes disu,ueted American and villa Howard `Malloy, Blake Sanders, Deceased was nearly ' life -Ion risident
roreiga Exc]range bo.r,tht and Bald Drafts is- Flafry Perr Robert Feerter and Freak y g work faithfully and' we thin`'& 0.ey are - •--=''
• Suet Received• 4- Oiled, arailnble on all nits of the world �' here and 1799 witnessed the growth of justified in ea doing take, for tmettsrce s
E Niadick, on a charge of stealing a • tent Ontario from nearly primeval' forests.
Lavtns:s Bank Department. - valued at S ^0, the pr ert of J. Stork y p road 3iviaion that has alwn }s had i£a -
Tnt•rcet olio sal on da oats at htchrgt emir vale met?520, th- ice vei 'hip decision, He was a brother of the lave James work well done under the old'_=_yscm an-1 -
in�act Pcader pn
TanRlefoot rent rates, andcroulLedhalf- egos} to dapoeiLOra which will be Rif en at the Court House ce NfcQ�isy s large properly cwtior' here- at under the new regulation not one dcllar .tae
p {amen at to Ind v'.h•ei}eh 5 me t =e, l con ospeutf^d )a ;aid dic'i :ioa.
.. ft. i,ntrOpe Fa` -'het PaF•fer GCO. Iricrr, uleircger. '1't.teda }' next.
i r
'ao��YCYIic_�ci :o cure Jvu
lj� X
_�nAt 7. z t.�
d blood cod works. Taum was. mA
pattem of g
h'is cabin and cultivate his ftrm. The and hearts would be stout, &A
sea wh" raved and foamed -upon -the would be fr - I and his teaching Would be ads sir ess. and the right of meq [we have seekno; hian elf a yotiamg man,
race has become a crystal pathway •It) worship God according to the die
IT' .-GREAT GOO NES,3* F fox comImexce to march coon. The tateJ%Pf their consciences sciences would be 'oept he lived up tv It or tiy
tried so to do. Doetrines m Aazz teach-
tradex-,Gloud di al opt la Fly above tested at the pjiut oft bayonet,
d flowing up to the bits 'imig, as betcures. Uncorruptnessis, grar-
_Ehe Mquataiiia is maids to come down aud with bloo -ity, aii-erity. Untainted �pourity-,-dig.'
Dwells- on God's and carry mail-bags. bT&n, eissatis- of the as' bridles.
ties wan ilia slowness of advance- Praise ye the Lord! Let everything iLified sIerraiiianess.
Care r Man. moat, shouted to thg Water and the that has breath praise the Lord I To- 0. Soukkkid speech that cannot be
I lift!" 'Come. and day let thoi PeOP18 00ma out from c'oIlid"lina'ad' Whether in public or
Fire, "Come and li ffices, from in. private. He that is of the con,
adaptation of the world to the com- drawl" "Coma and helps:" And they their `store houses and o
'A despatabi from Washington says ntagonL-
I,Ay, ay, we come;" and they factories, and off from Western prair- trary part. The. aaaa who a
fro sort and ha�opiness of man. The sixth answeir,
Dr. Talmage preached from Christianity. Slay be 'ashamed.
day of creation has arrived. The pal- joined hands--the fire and the water ies, and up. from mines, and. out from zee lag
-the following text; "The earth is full of -and the shuttles fly, and the rail- 0 as and in from the whale ships Stultified, disproved. having the world wasj5a&1j6 but there -f r to, a shine', and evil,_Lhirig to say of You, Not beirkg.
-of tb,,:% goodness of the Lord."-Psalm s no king tsi> live in it. Leviathan txaim rattles au., and the ateam-8hlP and wherever God's light a
xxxiii, 5. led the deep; the eagle the air; comes ' coughing, paintings flaming broods; let the thanksgiving arise! able to prov*-&i*- of -hio malicious aa..
Th-, season of harvest has come• lion the field, but where was the iiezoss the deep. 5'e r-r-Lia nz,
'I-fothlng could stop it'. it pressed ox Vtre which sholuld rule aU? A new I take a step higher, . and lq9ktat 9. Exhort SETrants to be obedient
do.%n through the weeks, and months, . e of being was created. Heaven man's moral nature. Made in he unto their own Masters. it in a try
111E So SAESSONO biute to the power of the religion
I its way lighted by bu.Tning cities, or earth were represented in his image of God. Vast' capacity for an-
clett by cavernous gTaves; now strewn Ure. His body from the earth be- joyment ; capable at first of eternal " which Paul acirocated. that slavery - is
with orange-blasksouls, and then witty w disordere4, still, INTERN N, NOV. 25. now abolished from the CA'v4llz5d
I th his soul from. the-heaven above. joy, and, though no INTERNATIONAL LESSON,
amid: Instruments world. T Paul's time
ftr eira I weeds; one rem!-riding him of his origin, through the recuperative, ?once of hea- The servants of ul,
l oldou Tr-xt-- were nearly all slaves. christiaraity
'that pi ped .,the quiclikatep".amd drum- It other speaking of his destiny- venly grace, able to mount up to more liolier Liviiig. TIMP6 V. 1-15- G
dead march.,' Throtwhi Ile -Ihooild Live sstokiserlY, U10"cou-11).
p,,,,tjg World. has wrought achange in public opin-
I hi the connecting link bete than its o and 4.1odivq W Thloi
med. "the Ing it came, ,n original felicity ; fiicult'ea . makes slavery now impos-
tes Of the morn -d bear fruit inux- iQ;iI which
� th a,:itnal ereaticid and angelic u- that may blossom an Tilsit. 1. 15.
oa-r-rying on one thiculder a sheaf of te e:�ce. In him a strange com- hausitibly. Immortality written ul•oa PRLACTICAL INOTILS. sitbi-e. To lease them well iu all
wbeat, and on the other a shook Of ling of the temporal and stet- every capacity; a caul destined to th ita g s. To be courteous and' com.;
corn. Children in holiday dress, activity Verse 1. But .peak thou. in-ocintra laisarit whatever they are asked too
7, hold up their hands to bless it, and rials,, the finite, and the infinite, dust ' "range in�unllmited sphere of activ to the ban,Aul 'Way in which p
.-a h
I es, do. Not a,�sw�,r again. Not de,
it welcome, and, ory. The earth for his floor, and long after the world has put on a heathen teacher's were spo-ak-
Old age goes out to bid ' ! hea fr),r his roof; God for his Fath-,and the solar BYstcm shall ii:lve snap- P_ lug i L Lis 1, - 11, 15, 16, clal;t-Iing their rights. 'rho modern s tic t it come in, and by the - --fy that, In ry to is dirt:,L�Liy alka1ligUnistiC to. the
-asiking that Come in, 4&1`4; r-;ity for his lifetime. I ped its axle, aiiii 6z:--stars It is never-5o neceosba aiawser cur!-
rest awbil 1 taught agl�ust -,,:-svra,
sitars of U le. lk!istian anatomist, gazingup- their coulasta, Impulses ]to- �dPZ't that ljLLU' urjr-d,
Oh se"con, fragrant with a t bous- and burled amid DUSALU--itious as to give in PLU.JULU�Ikag.
Oak confirmation of the human shall have been slain, SO 10. Nut The eory-amt,
—der the tolling thunders of the last day. wand holy living. sound doctrine.
ow ,-,..d by h.b muster and dependent
"d meadories, and borne down on
1c:Ams, "I am fearfully and WaVIOSKAMI' teaching.
t1boa, weight of Lanianwable mercies. hotly
ultv made," Volumes have You see that God has adapted every- 1-ciLn ii.�w tar food •ikid raiment, natural-
end T
hearts how wand 'r comfort ". That ib,! agL:.d men be in his
o-nd toll to our thinkiful thing to ou and advantage. ord,U_ , I y. f• -F• ' Lk. sent v I pars l-,a sh V
be�lq itten of the hand. Wondrous "Aged" ckcludt�s moue than is
Vir-at 6 the goodness of God. m 181c to ap-
Instru t With it we give friendly Pleasant things for the Paiate English w <)kr d was loady
alily lacladed in our
ALat he desired. bbowing
a sublime egotism man has in gts' kocz, arid grasp the sword, and for the ear; beauty for the eye aroma l, ber"
By appropriate this world to xec". mature m,a are intense y .11 "1 Lug fL" th-
-coome to apprit I climb t rock, and write, and carve for the nostril; kindred for our affec-
is resat t our carries LbQ-iie;1 of "olgilaut," it in -'all good
hicals000lf, when the fact and- d. It constructed the Pyra- ticras; poetry for our taste ; religion ula�ss W God as well as ,�, their
minority. The : I LiUllel,il "nut W il� ea to WILIt," as -we see
-trace in in raids. a 5 That they
a small min hoisted the Parthenon. It for our soul, We are put in a Vait[Fn, 3; but mur-L inure than I i- . " "11's. may aduru the
Lns*anc,Is of hunts life, as cOmpa-r- i Inalde, t tarp, and than struck out and told that from ail the trees we 'from vase kx't-r-Lat of (jud our _-,av-Ioux in ii-a
led with the Lnessitances . of animal I of it a apt here and there one, sl,,nelice fruin intoxicants is included d des all
ri, world's talk nstreisy, In it may eat escape In Paula ideal of Ciar,,Stala -_-.Qo.1IvEy. Lh�:41 "Th-2y" here includes
life, 'are not one to a rkaollion- the wt .t =arbLe of Perstialicon mines ft� feed and refresh Our into. llect, The rcpeated 4iiijUnctiuns Lu fUsst . ex Gais. be:e u[- eleven,
enlarge our !.leas of God's !road- d
saitila I dreamed : -elf away into immortal •tea thousand wonders in nature an nUte%pi thy tea- Young nil,.Iti� Young wuuien. And mallure
neeks and mmooe to a better under-,. of mind and r t "" are Like rusyst
of tbor. text it, before we sculptor It reins in the swift en- providenct-woudera and lture . of this is,osaun, Grave. Lisigul;fled; 1 to to jud wometi• All of wioi d-:t Inessint
Standing gine. it bulfis the steamer to its path body, wanders of earth, and air, I Lu bo-e hod's us sIames-t God's jeveis,
having d 6,ast of propriety and rever-
scans,,N to look at the -up of Our biefts-
in the sea; it snatches the fire from deep, anaklogies and sicktithOses: all lempereki,' Cale- J* I ul L la., io,� � LLA t L�Qd Ile i! g IL to
eau letnpetate. bag we look at the goodness of . God child with its delicate touch, and colours and soundA . lyrics in the air , lukli) resbt.iairk,d ; oAiae , el-acreet. �cuud 511"v"Lis as tLeo o results 01 his tea"-
to- U0118 10 !�1`0
13.a Lp"t4onal creation. imakeA the riati"Osas quake with its kdYts in the fkt,ii ;c�,wlagrd 'Ill lAitill, in charity, 111 Pdl,,aC(: lurflizw
On a ffum=.,,,r day, when the air 5 tupeockdocks achievements. What power sunset , races of must On the ' M"tn- I and c mipares IN An The gr-tcr •Af Livol. God's great
and Lh,_� grsss are most po'pulous with , brought down the forests and made ts-13A - and the, "Grand March" of (,,d !chanty re" "lave,'
'J'a I i 9,al%.tion in the
sound of diis- I this I I:Lm U. 11 anxi 'gift
life., yuLi %4!1 not boovikr a the marshes blossom, and burdened In the storm. lend" x Lrut cLirmm)n ptiid.��eU409Y is 1A).1i JV�U& krIil.s. !LLtJl appeared
trots, unless perchance, & gent le, the earth -with ail tho cities that But for the soul still higher adapta- (.uwivajuly applt%j to LIUAJ)I'r, OUL to ill Ulea. iiLA, been mi•cidested to
hay robbed a bird's neat, - thunder an with &ntarprL&e and pow- tison; a fountain In whIct it may i'do."s tL�UIZLA. hare is the wuria.
7 or a hunter has broken a bird's wing thumb A %% a,h; a ladder by whtol it may 13:0nb r 4"t! rh-- grit es of this he uu.,pe 1 'etches its zoat will
robbed of a or, Four fingers and a th LvU 1) e O�d U
or a pkiatuxe hey been hundred' million dollars. would not a wing of triumph that it may tstccme all auras of men and u- abisul,i 4eny uji,;l • 'Iineass ind Aorldly
-jamb. and th�,xe -goes up,-a bleating light that vers'
whole e-irth purchase for yucL a machine as exquLss- sing; a crown of unfa4-i,Lng wen tft,�Ul U44.,aiaao ,-ULL t6, �klikk:L . dLed lias?.s. oUi UdS, to AW.416slaLze
from tbiss, flock. rhe, 4te and wonderful as your own hand it M;: -ear. Cbr,.ot cam-to save It- Are ea,jtt,dlly uvLLut:iy In the. -te",seri;_ &L_J___cusTc=s of the
-)QY -t- -k ; 'Lai, L'J God-
Lsr filled with azimal delight Mighty hand! In all its bones, and came I,,tb ac c'me mature Clual'd�tvrs for tliv) are the %Iuxll ,rt akstag-111-L&C
teiat-trined. &M sealed, and boorned, a ad Joints, I learn that with spikes In him feet, came w ben no fruits of lips, txpeiverl i �az,l Ilso un•iuly ex:prlui,, at ovorldly
and hoofed_ T be__be�o� It -,.- the- es, pipe do S. Oui t 1.1-is n studying - de,ir",
it; thin squirted -chat- gosccl� - else w (In I'd come, to else this P, asagp. I f,r LhII IS ',bt3 rae'skia;t of
frog c r o �JVA the eye which isia its Daguer- a work w hc 12 010 one I - I turn � i n fife Ill h horn i h, i, it- i 1. titan iuzo. s .,1f)svrbe.d
t be At- h i le -
resin gallery, in an Ln5tant oatched the would do See how suited a In 'le,iTob
_z t;& -s w thi Isirk caroLit It.
of their acoquaintance to the elderly puo4l-c d
lb,�,, snarl. the, rhinoceros. wor Iiy encle,,vor.
o4sootits it, mountain and the -ea This perpetual mans conALt ion is what God has d"De
th., Irrzzly be r, the tokid. the wn-qpl Man iz a sinner t bert, III a "finnaw l"foe ig.-c ' v,,iu..0 air I.-I. to fur LII ally f is
:1 1 be thought if as old pAciple any wore dtsstbe�s,� Lilt LL1jLL1I1'tL0U �) 'h
tvcseg I a ph Ing of thp nerves thin for him I
It b, - ovpt ier, the shell-fLsh, have their human vowe. capiab!4_as has been pardon. He has lost kiUd'& imsg� I t54 sin- 7
silos. our joy is to hrLbt retraces it He -,a helpless; %I- than the dagk,d" Mea, but as ro.itfile as re Illy An If he k6ore -I besut
ra,4 y et,4mikst&i. cot pruducsing seventeen tril- C ali,&L 8-,51-179 in the Church The Is i bt "e- net NVe l., Lll l live suberly, rights-
at cliIm�bng thri rooks: iiina- Mighty grace is proffered. he is
W. Go I 'k,:iin comes the
1,,on,i, 1,v* hundred and ninety -two
me. 1C,,ii;m2ndation to them That thvir -be- socil kial g'L"Iy'
canna crawling through th, jun;rlel, b'1 oh,-_ hundred adex v r ; J eib Lie urizga Ilan bA
pi usik,4 i . ng Zc-rcs" Lb,-" prairie; b, rood and eighty -Sil He lis blind; and at unc touch of li'm ha"r sLail be rich as b, exh",xtat on &0 f.-r,,s t r I it is
buf f a lu m- 14-nool. for,-L-y-fou r 1,umd_r-d- and fif. . - - ' -."- � -=- th b-line* t, i-h ir ev- �,ole, I uuf
sarocojllo trL-Ak1sAZ In troprz-il s= seal Dartilinvilika, ere-ra-vt g'ur
-on I ok, . strich -strilling I teen sounds. If we Gould real;,ze the 0-1,r•am into his soul'. Jesus, I sing ,I.Mtirs_ `,+bo had la, vin huu�tu ire lar:e 11UA1 ;e-I, Nve
wokad«r, of our phyi-ca. kargarkazatllOnv of +s arse a4xirt as priestesses, in lie:kthen teul are elf-rt•�tr,iittlsa In fur per-
th, de.Ae r t , are 9,,). M—Y
7 we should become hypochorurinacs, Hdmm.,r to smite off heaviest chain 1. pl" is sauctificatioh,-amn- 0 Are to be "righte-
bu4,. d Ion Of joy: :hey do not V moping: fearing every moment that so . me Light . for thickest darks. as ! Grace dition. of being set apart' for special to our ne4hbors We sus OT cupsialickvily; the), at,& not only half part Of the maeblas would. break Devils -acolf at it and men u-,es, Christian women are more than ar* to j be that vol, ''rever-
suppliod; God say% they are filled ' I -
dove in. -But many -men have Loved priebteftses. And " heathen prit�,t- erit,.' wor.�t;il,ful in oW reluLwns to
with gocs& rej,-ct. it, but heaven celebrates it I
* , - 11 - - L9 ssewn t y years. and not a a M G�j Id, whic-b
• Go.i'm bond fo*ds ill .these , _b L Wish you good cheer for the nation- asses were expected to actin ail- world, broods, , I In t.L on every
ae.. flocks. and iarve r� ceased to thr;:1, or a muscle' . years has -cum-. to drive out its thou- net that was to resentative�of th4, w,.d
end shfoophoords all the - ac k, p presses �ib,'%Lll u, s0 closely
He sweetens to contract, or a hand to mans- ck i ht arses has 120t visited our nation. or gods Lhey'worabipped, so shou'd . hst no
kends. all these he�rds., pulate. Christiaii, w,rmen act in'lofty consist- 13 LA)o-king for that blesse'l hope.
"'N clover top for the oxen's taste; r1t ib a gionuous -thing to be Noo eii. How
rand pours out,crystaTffne I tak- astep higher, and look at -strap ge that "e birould keep our ancy with their profession of Claris- The obicc, of bope, whi:.h is to bring
-waters, in
constitution: ring of
-,."I cups of ro;,k, for the hind to health when one breath from a marsh. tianity, Eph. 5. S.; 1 Ti= 2. 10, False haptiLne,,s" 'I'be wIjri(nL* IVP'e�
tialoor 'd 'r saviour Jesus
way down the Behoi the lavish benevolence of. or, the sting of an insects or the bl,p- acewo;ers, In gossipera. ".Not giv- and OU
dxionk, out of on hill the great God
God im- powers of perception, or •-the of a rout, or the failing of a tree- en to much wine. Which, as we ktioiw, Christ. The manifestation of his
CTags; and pours' nectar into the cup ping
so f tho hosirkeyrruckle •to refresh the
�faculty you hare, of transporting branch might fatally assault our life! was a besetting 'sin of the inhabit-
''humming -bird; and spreads a ban- this outside . world into your own Regularly the lungs work, and their ants of Crete. The Greek word is 14, Who gave himself for us, that
mind—gathtTing into your brain the motion see-ins to be a'apirit within jus enslaved ;" addiction to wine all iniquity.
que't of a hundred fields of .buck- Is Slav- hetiaL,:ht re us from
z--- Ir-c-4 a n d -.sPlend- --p-a fi—tin-g after its LM]mOTtEili-ty,_ -Qu-r-- -dry, Pet. '2. If b-0—live,t 7ind—died -an*
wheat, and lots the honey-bee put his 1, In our beha.
of the day-dawn, and idt1mg in- 4ull
-:-7=Alt h to any cup of -all Chet banquet,; Ours. sight falls not,. thongir the air is so 4. Teach the isciung women •to be —that we na�ijrht be bought.
It your easily as tp�a_ia
and tells the g-rassh)pper to go any bo yo . mind the, ocean as e of objects which by one Witch could scoloex. The word here, as above, might as slaves are bought fr�oonb their mAs-
where he likes, and 'ves the flocks y1ou might put a glass of water to break out the soul's window. What bse� translated,.," restrained," or " dis- oters, and made free by him. We are
91 y lips. year.'s tossing on the sett, essence of
-of heaven the ahiai-e of all the, ;grain- IKLch the law of association, - or �sbip, after a creel."- I It, of course, wou.141 include redeemed freed, frum the
c in W;tJI So little damage as the prohibition of indulgence in intox- and from its n-
o old come pe
�.fielils. aie, mysLarious'l Ln king together Of all sirk—fr,.),�= its 9.1111t
Yea, God in the Bible annoturs, ew ()ourselves, thudgh Nve arrive after a i0auts, bat it Means Moore than thai. alty. Purify auto himself 'a pesc*-
Oar those .osiers of creition. you -ever t . bought, or knew, or felt, Fear's voyage to-day? "odd" people,
hii oars To love their husbands, To love their liar le. Not an
He says t hxt he his heave I ult,fort!- and then giviag you the power to I I - Liar people. . strange- minded
fi(�l iuns for their' defence —Psalm take hold'6f the clewline, and draw 11 wish I js(A good cheer for the bar. children. The laced of the household. however,'. 'as same
through your mind. the long train vest. Reaping machines never swath- i§ love. M40 . dern Christian1i would teach, but
high hills -are a refuge edl thicker rye, and corn-husker's his. own. � Zealous
rhe with ind-sc*ribable , velocity—one peg 5. 130 discreet,. chaste, keepers at a peo,ple. peculiarly • I& the wil,i Batts, And the rocks for
watches the bird's t-hought start ing up i hundred', and never ripped out fuller eai�j I and mow- laissarae, good. The •variations in the of goo(I . Nvorks. Their peconliari4. is
-.the conies.'; He this again a thousand—as the chirp of pOl"s never bout down under sweeter ntc.anirjsgs of those words are not wide - to, consist in their constant, endeavor
ra civ.'.17; !'As for the stork, nest ;Fsal one bird 8OMeLLrue' wakes . a'l,vhole bay, and windmill:S hopper never ly Jiffe.reut in Greek from those scf� to. promote good works.
the= fix-trees are her house." He sees forest of voices, or a the thrum of one 6"ook *04t 'largi,_r wh ed t' 'The gar- the English. " Guardians of the hiduse- 15. ;ilw,i;k, and exhort, and rebuke
that the cattle ):�avo enough grass— ners are fall, the store houses hold" might bring more directly. to with a . 11 authority, Froich with such
P6aImc1v 14; "Ile GAUSeth, thegrass strixig will ecouse, an orchestra. 1 .1 evercrov,`Nd, the canals us the meaning Of "keepers . at horne.-, thoritativeness •that no
. I h sh e&4- are
to -grow'for the cattle.*' He sees �o it NN ate your memory—that freights :pr itgor and au
horses- bIL'O-ex that gyres forth to gather the '.axe blocked -si(ith I 12A�ing The earliest man:43cripts-r6a�4 "'work- one clan despise thee - disregard -thee.
that the cows, and sheep, and -down td-the markets. The c-ari rum- ars at home," that is, persons diligent..
.:have enough to drink -Psalm civ. 10, !harvest of the past, and bring it in- ble all through ,the darkness, and in bo-uselrol-ol duties. Good refers to
11: "Ile sendeth the -springs into. the t-O the present. Your power and Yelo-
whistle up. the flu ten at dead of good teat beneficence. Because
g the bills; city Itif -44,au��thought of the Lots of fellows malie 1 a I good front
valleys, which . run . Amon taglt to let the Western harvest• one is thrifty is no reason why. one
they give drink, to a I ver I y belastpf the swift wing and the lightning foot. I f T without much backing. . -a .. man -
-40"-a to feed the' mouths . uths c the should be inhospitable o crusty," ins cal
the wild asses quench their In reason and understanding, man OOM& Jablin--Jaik.-Igi led you
cities. Obedient to their 'own hu . sba-nds, that How can You stand that ? .Did-
Why alone, The ox surpassda him in 9 p P,,,t Nvcul
strength, the antelope Lu)speed_the I wish,you good obeer for civil and the wckd 'of God be not blaspbemiI.d. d you advise me, to do
Why did God make all these, and e him prove it,
hound in kt6nness'uf DUSL.ril, the eagle, religious liberty. . No . official ^ a i)y " Blasphemed hero carries the about it ? -'Make -'Mak
why make them so happy? Hoiov ac- am armed so thought not of out-and-out profanity of course.
dancl- in 'far-reaching- sight,:. the rabbit .-in watches us, nor does 'You are the sixth man
count JOT all this singing and with the honest utter- but of evil speech, reproach. Disregard Mrs. Goode-
Ing, and friskirg amid the irrational quickness of,heariag, the honey-bee djeir interfere w a t to- oil home duties and lark of love, if who has asked me for something to
creation? Why the perpetual 6bant-.
in delicacy of tsorksgusea, the spider, in ance of truth. Blessed be God th etit to-(iay. The Tramp, sadly—I s'pot%
the pros- observable in wives and, mothers,
ling so many voicets from the irra- fineness - Of touch. 'fan's Power, day we are free men, with I h ompetitibn in die linc,pet..
Of soon boting reproach on the cause of SO. If des co
b, and air; and theiref7ore, oornsist not in what he ..pact and determination of always be U�
eth ;so some of us'll have to go TIL,
tIonal creation in 6art i nig I tee. and jGentife-:-Arrnini-nn' Christ. any Nv
cattle, creeping can liftf Or how fit,t_b,e can run, or Jew
ocean - beasts, and all oat —9 m— are also to be sober- work.
things and flying fowl, permitted to how fftrcirig a wrv% -I* he can throw 9_nd Calvinist—Trinit.ar ian and Unit- Yo.
want a 'transfer C, e,,�Jcec
Join in the praise that goes tip from —foi in these r,�sipects the ox, the rian—Protestant and Roull Catho- minded. Like the mature men and Do You fo r ? , ask�d t.he
ostiicb,,- a-ad the , byeqa.are -his he—on the same footing. ff.porsecu- women,, and the young women,.they the conductor. What
oeraph'and arclfang�ell Only. one so-
mkpierior—buk by his reason he comes tion should cci_ against the most axe, to be self-r6l6tTwitned. Lack of man wlt�sjtbe alligator bag. So that lotion, one eAplanation, one answer-..:. tb' sects, believe self-relstraint is the besetting sin f v on , Can car. No, air.
forth to rule all. �,�L -his all-conquer. unpopular of all c, n 0, take another
43 cod is good - The earth is full of the -
- ------ the fore • bad, stood' that all other denominations would our age as truly as Lit was of Paul's I have waited t'w6htY for. t ty,
U9 On 'V
goodness of the Lord."' • ing decree, 'aside to t d together, And arm themselves,' 7. In all thiliagal' showing 'Iyiskelf R' 6no, and I propose to h"
l tAlci p, stay higher, and notice the for ages steeps him -orklyild ban
.. �.r, ✓;4,: • n..• •'� . •� Sls�s .,ti./J',Ji� .. ^ o-n �/, r •.j. -'-y; ".ny .._<"Y+w _ ^s e. T't94F. v.• ab�. - 'i.t.:. _ � .y�� ]..'.+. �..e.. _- . L;. �''i'.��•., P �.• � - ¢ •e
` vier' ' �_ _ � . `c' ,�: .;^' � rs ••i j '� - - -_, .r.:r� ` %' r�'�.`;ci
,_ �•t... t -- _ •+ekaesa' y r ± .,e.«W +. .. - w,.,',, ., .'.v.r„T.fe. . .. .. _ - �. .+,f.._ � i ..- . .. ,....,• ' - .s• 'w,..w, .� ., .�.. _ ,. - .ti. >... �
s;) the solemn promise to meet on the with, "Yours sincerely, Daisy." It I FADING l� ��s n4*
j morrow, and of his wild grief -more was Just such a dear, timid letter as
< r 1 bitter thin dead} -when he had found many a pare, fresh - hearted loving'
•� • X41•
}Q the cottage emq?ty. young girl would write, brimful of y... -- " {•~ ', "
`Hc,�ress and Wla` T CONDiTIOi OF YOBN(i QIBL9
s "It reads Ilike a page of a roimanee," the love which filled her gtilleleas r
- her handaome, debonair Rez Qe'o „H� or AgS ANAEMIC-
value Tse+eata
.______..__ - -_ - •. __ _:_-_ r- said Rea, with a dreaarp smile, Penn . heart for
Ling his head on his white hand. "But -with many allusions to the secret s <..,
I must find her!" he cried, wits: en- between them whiob—weighed so -
"All my life I have' ergs, "I shall search the world over heavdry on bar heart, sealing her lips -1t 1+ ". llaetuase cram s ]lather a• _
CHAPTER 'VII. - Continued. wered Daisy, Mothers or rrowlas strut.
Brooks d his sister for her It It takes a er m t o for his ear sake.
y� y Jived the Hvtlhurst Plantation, fortume, I shall find vDaisy ! y After d sealing and directing qB you•ng girls throughout
Mme. Whitne s Seminar for f m her Among the -
Yommg Ladies was a magnificent
stature, situated In the suburbs of I �Il them aunt and uncle. 'Septima Rex •looked out oP the window at puecious letter, and. placing it in the ntda who owe good healtia -par-
Baltimore. On either side o1 the has often told' me no relationship; the soft, fleecy clouds over -head, letteirLbag which hung at the law- las life itself -to Dr.Williams' Pink -
pebbled we which led to the main at all existed bet-een us." l little dreaming Daisy was watching er and od the corridor, Daie}r hurried ills, is Misr Hattie Althouse, of -
-- .- _entrance_svas� tall fountains tossingI ='you are az'OePha , than ?" tug -', those self -same clouds, scarcely. a hack to her own apartment and crept Can Aden, Ont. When a represents-
their rainbow- tinted sprays up to the Bested the sympathetic Sara. "Is a stone's throw from the very spot softly into her little white bed, be- tive, called at the Althouse homestead
stivamei• sunshine., The lawn in front there no one in all the world related, where he sat, and at that moment side Sara, and was soon fast asleep! to make enquiries as to the particu-
'was closely shaven, and through the to YOU ?� I be 'was nearer Daisy than he would dreaming ad Rea and a dank, haught lars of the cure, he was cordially re-
trees in the rear of the building could' "�'es -no-a, `answered Daisy, con - be for perhaps years agaila, for the scornful face falling be sea the I,Ceived by Mrs. Althouse,. who readily M
Ibe seen the broad rolling Ch fu3e'ily, thinking.-of lies' her young strong hand of Fate was slowly but and the sunshine -the cold, miocLi consented to give a statement for ,
lanai husband, and of the dearest relation - I surely drifting' them asunder. face of Plumiiurlhurst. i publication. " Up to the age of
ng and sparkling in the sun- • fourteen ears," said Mrs. Althouse
light, The reputation of this ir:,ti- ship in all the vv-o ,#d which.esi&Led For some moments neither spoike. Mme. Whitney, as was hkousto y
titian was second to none. Young bet'�'een them "Perhaps," said Mr. Tudor, breaking always looked over the outgoing my daughter Hattie had always
(ar!ies were justly p>}oud of tieing able "« hat a pity," sighed Sara. "«-ell, the -silence, "there was a previous early im the morning, sealing+ the le enjoyed the best of health. Then she
to sap they finiyhe.i their education Uiisy," she cried, impulsively, throw-1 lover in the case ?" tars of whi,ah she approved, 'and e- began to complain of weakness, and
at say they Whitney's establishment. ing txytla her arms around her and "I am sure there, was not l" said turning, with d severe reprimB d, grew pale and Janguid. We tried sev`
As, a natural consequew,,s, the giving her a hearty kiss, "you anal- I' Rea, eagerly. those which did not come Up Lo a eral medicines, but instead of helping M
school was compose! of the elite of will be all the worid. to etch other. Still the idea was new to him. He standard of her ideas. her, she was steadily growing worse,
�. s the South. Clang'. clung! clang! I shall tell you 'all my secrets and adored Daisy with a mad, idolatrous "What is this?" she cried, in ae- and we became alarmed and called in
sounded the great bell from the bel- you u:u.'t tell ma pours. •The:a's puma adoration, almost amountiug„to wor- meat, turning the letter Daisy ad a doctor. He told us that her blood
try as Daisy, with a sinking, hums- gi•'is you. can trust, and some you ship, and a love so intense is suscep- written in. her hind. "Why de- was in a very watery condition, and
sicak feeling ate.tling over her, walk- can't. I: you tell them yuur secrets, tible to the puisonoas'breath of jeal- Clare, it is actually sealed!"-%V1
nt that she was on the verge of nervous
ed slowly up the paved walk byJuhni the first Lime you hive a spat your ontap, and
jealousy ran in Rex's veins. the least compunction. she brat tLo prostration.. She was under his care
Brooks' aide toward the imposing,' secret is a se rat' no loner. Every He could not endure the thought of seal, grimly scanning its rani enta for several months, but still kept
aristocratic structure. girl. in the school knows all about it; Daisy's -hie Daisy's -eyes brighten- from beginning to end. If the was growing worse. She had become
Poor little D.ilsy never forgot that 01 course you are sure to mike u2 ing or her cheek fiushing at the ap• anything under the sun the me very pale, had no- appetite, frequent
Ilrst dap at boarding - school; ho v all again. But,,, added Sara, with a proach of a rivdi -that. fair, flower - abominated it• was love -lette rheadaches. and after even slight exer-
the dainty young girls in their soft vvL-ie expression- "after You are once like faoe, sweet and innocent as a I It was an established fact t no lion her heart .would palpitate -via-
white muslins glancr t in surprise at decriced, you .an never tru +t them 'child's - Daisy, whom lie so madly tender billet -dour found t iy' tently: Ai Lime passed, she seemed -
-- - laved. l from the apad6my ; the ar a ed to grow worse and worse, until at
her when. aims. IVhi'.ney brought her a� -, in.'; _-
into the -�eb,w1- rooiu, but she cou!d "I have�,rer known imany girls•" "Well," said Mir. Tudor, as Rea &ruse madime was too watchful for thi.. last she could scarcely move about,
have forgiven theta for that if they replied Dai =v. "i do not know bow to depart, "I will do all I can for With a lowering- brow, s give' and would lie upon a sofa most of
ba•l ncrt laughed at her poor old U11 -1 (,,hers .tu• bit Pat sure y,vai r.':>- Al- You- Leave yuur address, please. in the bell -rape a hasty pull, i the day. At this juncture she _had
ale John, in h plain noun -ry e.,rb• w•:,ys trus- my triena'r.'p•" case I should wish to communicite "Jenikina,'' she said to the xr nt'occasional fainting fits, and any•
and they giggled behind their h:a? -; 1n I tw, ¢i l• .re.iel 'beir�cc.m- with you," anawering her �+ morons, d Visa, fright, as from a sudden noise, would
"I think I Khali o back to Allen- Brooks to me here at once I bring on -slight attacks of hysteria;.
kerchiefs when she ,:'kung' t•) his ne-k; litc.t with a 1. just as the graft g M1 _
an -s could not sup good -bye thruu,th bell in the beitry r•in„ •,',rain.e them dale, remaining there at least a 1 "Poor little thing Cried r e sym -' Both my husband and 'myself feared
• ber: tears, but suns down into her iiey mu.•+t be Lt their l »eras again= month or 'so. I have a strong con -' pathetic Jenkins to he self. "I'i that she would not lice more thkn a
v:c'i,in DaLy mi:ht crime back, or air 'wonder what in the world 'N ,miss few months. It was while Hattie
sail leaning t:ec h: :.l on her deia,' recess iv,a aver. 1
- - brave! tr•i.n tc keep hick the,' - -- 1P.i9t write to me there." now? There's fire is the madames' wag in this oaadition that I read an '
y 3 p Sir 'I'u.lor jutted down the address, eye. I hope she don't intend to scold ; acc<nint of a girl rure.l of a similar
primly drops that w,iull fill. CH1PiER VIIl,
feeCtag +ctuilly. s<rrry for the 6ynd- I poor little Daisy Brooks " Jenkins . di meat through the use of Dr. �i'il-
N1'hen recess, came Dui&° 'lid not In one of the private offices of ;
• -• leave her se>it. nhe wrou1�1 hive, w�rue pu�ang husband elin,ing to su h i had taken a viclent fancy to the ` „a ms' Pink 1'i:li Then I decidg�
lea her world to hide oLL,i hive yfe-sr9 I''arior. L'. -c�k 3 Co , -Is - hrew'd a friil straw of hope. In h,.9- own sweet- faced, golden - haired, timid 1 that Hattie shouid give them a trial, —
Ili 11ta.,cre detectives, P. Lid Rex, mind, inn before !lei:'hid conrlud -I young stranger and procured th ;ee boxed:'when she
moire ,poet then she iv a s t s,; i n n i n g to: ;
1 w:,i:ing pitiently -until the "snior e,l hL+ story. he hid settled his spin- "IC must be something terrible, t'm had used 'hem there was an un -.
lealiza how much his she;terin; 1.- I member of the firm 9hriuld be at leis- _
+was to her. she would eve n,.e` rs- 'laaLfrom some Citwe *he youngtsure:'' cried tiara, when she heard thei doubted Improve in her condi-
ure wife h:i.i fled from him with tom• mi,iamE load sent - tar- H-rz9g-. 'r�=� tom- anI ea —� •e "!
been heartily gtnd to hive en bait Now. my dens sir, I will attend - r:v-a 1. bitter! re ng her mail.! p +N�r jlalep'e Mead tremtked ao -she wool!
in the little kitchen - it the cott,,ze y i�t� re,gsin her tseahn. -he con-
prru with plea9ure," %,o, qtr. Tudor, hasty marriire. oculd scarcely tell why -th.it she' tinuel using the pills.• end from 1 -hat
no matter how much neptimi scul.e1 11n,r inl d,s itching 'ba not he
-- her p "I have great filth in your 'ac -1 coul'1 hardly bind up the gulden curls on daily made pruareas tow'Lrd rumY
311 the girls bore has the, ..uiej ball ju9t 1i[iiyhNri ;ad maziTmlag -Rrz tucuwle�LIS d :lily.' � iii3�l? -risii . that fell down to heir onset is a wavy, piece recocery, Eier appetite re- - - --
h�ugh�y way ut to -ing their h in. t” .i hej•' .ng Mr, Tudor's oursrretched hand. lStltniil$ yhPea. -f t-•. �--. +: -'i k -esn sci on»• b•tck!.Q_.
i "I shall be ple.iye•t if you wail permit "I shall rest my hopes upon year find -' Daisy never once dreamed bar let- ,her face, he.Ldachss dtsapp•!an•d, and
No !'curling their lips and lou.un; in I me to light a cii nr." 31111 , Rex. tak- unexpected -- -
numerable things ouf of their :yes.!
iAS. D.lu +y. I c.zn n +�t, d iii not, believe- ter was the cause of her in zha cvurda ef-- a -#e;v :ezihe she
which reminded Ileii,y so s:rungly of zOir the .seat indicated. she is false: I would at, soon think of sti.mmoms, until she entered Mate._i sr is ss well as ever stain h3:1 been !n
Plumy Hurlhurst, ''Certainly. certriinly, smoke ifynu the ILzht of heaven plAying me false Whii.ney's presence and a.iiv it opened her life It is now more than two
Most of the girls hid left thes,th.'o! SeP1 +o int-linel, by all mends," re- as my 9wast little love!" -yen, opened -Gar own sacred, loo-I
years store she disconttinusd_ the nee _ --
pliPil :lye de ;active, wit, hint: with a' • • . ing letter to Rex -in her hin'i. of the pills, and Ja ail Tait time ,has
,troum, dividing off into groups :tnd pnizzled' twinkle in hia eye the fair, Daisy was impulsive, and her first ,er'u ed the best of he•ilth, with ab-
pairs here and there. Daisy sifts The dark mintle nt =n ht bad fold- J Y
watching them teeing Daisye.ilyi boyish face of his v,sitor. "No, thank ed its dy+kp wings over the inmates' thought was to grasp her precious''sulutei'y no return of the trouble, I
kmeI Sudden! d soft white hind You," he slid, as Ilex tendered him of the serrunarp, - %it the lights' letter -and flee to be; own room How can acaroely say how grateful, we
Y. y an 13 c.aa; "I never smoke during - d.tred the gladame..tr the serious
— +vas laid lighlly on her shoulder, and weie out in'the young ladies' rnoma t P feet -for what Dr. Williams' Pink fills
--- • - — bUFInPC9 h,61i2'8 "•, .. - -- ._ - —�: t 1Ptter she hall iatea,iel Only fAF- Ilex *a _
a sweet voice said; - -as the nine -oclue k c-O , SI. li�hfs y taive dolts 2 ", ,.,y 1..sLi�.• .,<1 I
is to engage Your services to eyes! wi;SI7 sLruusiy urge rnvtbers w-hose-
- ' We have a recess of fifteen min- out !" had bean eilled some tam min- I „ML" Brooks,' an mtdame. im- tight y g find our the whereabouts of- of -of- � da hters may be- ailing to give
Cites, won't you come out into the utes before -all the lights save One,
• igrounda with �m,e'? I &Gould be so my wife," sari R.PI, hesit,ttingly• "`he flicl[ering, -,dim, and uncertain from preaaivelp, "] auplaO�e I am right is them Dt;�_�'v:illia_ms' fink Pills at ,. _, _•- has left me etildenP -she fiery --on � 6elieviag this epic ?le belongs to once,' ini not ea riment with. other
-- - +pteased to have you Dome." I;_he y Wisy'a window. -
- caeca was so gentle, so cotzing, so - the. very night of our m.Lrriage"' "Oh. dear!" cried Daisy. Paying her You l" meIIcine.9."
II hurt Rex's pride cruelly to make pink cheek down on the letter she To Be Continued. Dr. Willi.imi"Pink Pills create new
tweet, I�iap involuntarily gl'Lnce.t up' ihis admission, and a Linful flush bI coil, 'and thus reach the rOOt of the
,pt the face of the young girl bending p wu. writing to Rex, "I feel as thou;rh _ _
crept up into the dark rings of hiir c ~� disease. In the cash of girls merging
'ever •her as she arose to accompany I c <�ul l do something very deype, s
lyLnz on iris white forebend. into A,o=tnhooi th �rei almost in-
_ -_her. bbe put her arm around Daisy's to get away from :here - toad- an',3- �' .
wai_ +t, school -girl fashion, as they air. Turlor w'as decidedly' amazed. beck to Rex. Poor fellow!" she sigh- WHEN JAMES I. WAS KiNG. dispensihle, and their use is s guar-
wasilked down the lone hills and out He could•not realize how any sane ea. "I wander what he thought, as an-tee of- future healL$'and strength.
y young woman could leave so hand -J satarir. 7 \et Base Grows and Berths do the green grass lawn, "�Iy the hears toilet by sad I did not Other so- c,il.e.i tonic pills are mere
some a Dun !hat Have Ynnhhrd•
young fellow as the one before imt[attons of this • medicine
' Dame is tea Miller," she sail'; Will carrye? Of course he went over to a - -
him In mast cases the shoe was on' The new volume of the historical
you tell one ours ?" the cottage," she museI, "_and ;epti>ha shoull be uvoide.i. If Your deafer
iey '- Broc,kav- -she aasv+'erad, the Mher font; but he was too thor- nisei have told him where I had gone: nuscripta commission, relating to door not keep them they will be sent
aupthly mister of his btieiuess to ea- the manuscripts, of Lord Montague of 9t aid • at 50 cents a box or. sit
lipiY, Rex will surely c;ime-ifor me- tq -mor- po• P
-What aIpretty name!" cried her press surprise to his face, He merely row, she Luhl herself, wi -th -a - sweet,l�ulieii, oomtuins some interesting boxes for $=•5u, by addressing the
said , ' tables of the salaries• Paid to public Dr. Wiiliam-s Sleriicine Co., Brockville.,
tew• -found friend, enthusiast ic'lip, +i shy blush. I officials about 1807 -8, says the Lon.
and haw well it spite you ! Why, it "fib on, sir;; go on . ' , •' -she read and rare id the letter her Ont.
Ie a little poem in itself." � And Rex did dcin Daily Mail. ___♦ _..- .
go on, never a�iiing -trembling .hands hid penned' - — -_—
The lord tree er of England .took SUEM¢RINE SO,ATS J
,Daisy flushed as rosy as the crime in himself in describing now he urged with many a heart - flutter.. It was a - i 1.
-geranivazie • near them, remembering Daisy to marry him on the. night of shy, sweet little letter, beginning a ;n lacy of £36i,' with £l5 eztra for
Rex, ller own hanlsome Rea, had the fete, and of their p.irting, and with "Dear Mr. Rea," and epARng I livery; Law v L -,u olio � �f LLn sit tiequ- Ttti�+t+t Torpedo �+c Bus[d a a -a• 7'i,nr
said the same thing that morning he - -- -- _. - - -. _ -- - _- _ .. _ -- _ -. -' -- . - _ er, �_8, and £13 fair.Ai'very. . Novo the r•ubut rinr at. 'Are del �PCP+lil rT•
pad retried her heavy basket to the first lard of . the treasury, gets £5,000 Mr. Thorne croft, England's torpe
tat of Whitest liall -that morn- HAVEYOU � and the .chancellor Z5'
&,000. The lord do boat builder, has been repressing
-� ■ chancellor of England had a verly fat interesting opinior{s' on submarine
ing when . all the world seemed. to
mange as she glanced up, into his berth, embracing a fee of 'a day, boats. He does not believe it neces-
merry brown eyes• 400 !or- al.tendaaoe in this star cham- spiry for Great. Britain' to build sub-
"We are to be room-mates," .er -A severe easeof Chronic Asthma, which Would ber, £300 annuity, £41 for clothes, - marine boats, even if the • ezpe.rinients
piained SaT&, "and I know I shah yield to no other treatment cured by Dr: two tuns of wine, and as odd £T31from of other nations have.been. quite sac -
0 a yore ever so much. Do you thin Chase's Syrup of Linseed and "turpentine. somewhere or other. The lord, chief cessful. He 'is carefully studying —'
will like me P" justice took £348. the problem' of devising a submarine
/o The'symptoms of asthma are keenly I In mast cases. hove: vet, it is found -�- - destroyer should it ever be necessary. ,•
"'Yea, said Daisy. "I like you 'distressing and are nut easily confused advisahl:, to eomb,n � 1. tw'o reme-dics, A't that tlme'Aere werevarious in-
�nv r• with those of an other ailment: The Dr. Chase's Syrup of L'. seed and 'lul' Mr. Thormeycroft regards the Amer -
s p P tereating law offices that have now,
"Thank you," said bliss. Sara, mat- victim is suddenly aroused by an n= pentin, anti Dr. Chase's `serve '1:ood• vmfortnnately, quite' disc lean submarine boat as the best type -
tense'angu`e!i !n the chest, the breat h The fnrm,,r as a local treatment acting disappeared, yet made, but he' doubts it's efficacy
ing a mook , courtesy. "I am going Ing is accompanied by a loud vvhccezing, dircctly on bhe hronnhiat ttibea anal air such as the clank of the hamper, the even for hart r defences. "A sbell
y to love you with all my might. and if the face becomes flushed, and bathed pa.san; es, and the latter as a nerve re- prothonotary, the c-h.affe'r of wax, the
you don't love me you will be the in perspiration; he gasps for air, lie- sto•raLive tb build up and at r• ngthon crier, and the joyners of the tales,
dropped in fife neighborhood of '
most ua4gtafetul creature in the lieving that each moment may be his t he whole nervous system. It is c °.n• The latter office m,.ist have been ex- . a submarine boat," said Mr. Thor,ney-
wrorld. I ltnovv t how lonesome ou last, After these .paroxysms, �vhic6 fidently believed there L9 no treatment croft, "and exploded either level or
h>a y may last for 'hours, the patient usual- extant that is so perfectly successful tremely uaiderpaid at £'0 a year.• The below it would afford sufficient shock
paust be-'.. coatinued Sara. "T re- ly falls aslat:p to arise next•day weak, in the cure of asLlima as the combined lord' admiral received £133 as pay and .
Tne.mber just how lonesome I'was the lainguid and debilitated.- use of,these two great remedies. £::00 for food. The "Clarke of • the to crumple up the Boat. Possession of
tiTat day I was away from mamma, Dr. Chase's treatment for asthma Mrs, George Bu•dden, Putnamvitle, storehouse at Dettford strand" re- a submarine boat of your- otvq will
6onsiats in the oombined use of two Ont., says: - "I feel. it mp�duty to re- i not help you to.find an enemy's. They
and when night set in and' I was all of his remedies, Dr. Chase's Syrup of command Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed ceived £3. 13s 4d a year, and was at-
it °
lone, 'and I'•knew I was securely Lin-d and 1'arl>`ntine and Dr. And Turpentine, as I bad the asthnla lowed one clank at is a day. The are at present of .too,fmited, range
locked in, I was actually tbinking of Vhase's Nvrve Food. Asthma is a very bad; could get nothing to do me and insufficient liropelliug power to be -
nervous disease and,the attacks are any good. 3 friend of mine persuaded royal slur s" got £30 apiece, 'really a serious factor, and -the un-
tearing the sheets of my bed' into brought, on by some irritation of the me to try this reme -dy, as he had tried i "'phisitians," £100 apiece, a> fi apothe- satisfactory . problem of keeping a
at.rips and making a rope of them, nerves along the air passages. These it,.and id proied success{ul.. I triad it pies, £'? 13s 43 &pia ^e. level keel under water is' Yet to be
and letting myself down to the ground nerves are soothed and quieted ii•nd ' an•l it cured me, I am thankful to -day a solved. If I ever have to go under '
through the window, and maik'ing for imm,diatr; relief afforded to' the pati to say Iam a well womrlu through the I There were also full staffs of of- water with n submarine boat, I will _
'_]come as fast as I could. I knew T en' i',y Ihr use of Dr. Chase's Syrup of use of this remedy,I keep it in- the fickls for pantry, buttery,' cellar, prefer to sit outside." -
would be brought bark the neat &y, Linseed! and Turpentine, In fact hause all the Lima and would mot be 1 larder, k:i�tch-en, scullery, beds, bake- In spite of the pessimistic oyinions +'
tllc•ugh," laughed Sara. "Mamma - ta,'aathma is frequent': r hrwou thly cured j without it:' hoti9e, spicery, confectionery, pastry, of Mr. Thor neycroft,.the British Ad- _
" atriot_ with me. I suppose pours J,bv the Use, of this r, .••,<iv alone, its is Dr. Cliase's family remedies are for miralty has at last decided to grant
is too It' I xvHenrrri by the tesLtinuuial'' Quote('! sale at. all dealers, or from E<imansont pitcherhause, oheumdry, laundry, •a submarine boat designed by J. E.
I have no mother -or father," acs- !slow, I Bates is Co., Toronto. watery and -and woodyard. - Howard of -Tasmania an official trial-
-- -
- _
,r ,k - -
-'e-11111MM. D! lx _'Ut
GOIS - �1_ Z,.;11VqS I
Al rVp.
Q—_ AZ 4
AM :9P
nit that either Grit or To
ry Govern-
J. A.
walle d 00.1 of Bloc gb--. will p6i
ment was in power, but they have de- an coob price for dreend bats, ores
call solici
Tea sad pouil ofall kiw
veloped all the same. The Other day #A 1196 QQOOQ east. Two 0 S 7!
one of the members of Congress Of p, of K"tand.
sonab-e- G & d
two the Unitid States, remarked in dpen —64. Goorga'v Cbareb- PiGkwftd-�
Ths Vi4fliq meeting that be was surprised to find
fa Published io'*7icksliag. OUL $amilsy School L30 P-�M 0 =,3iuiug bitill after looki ng over the statistics for SVwoLy-NormlmU Prayer
the past year that Canada bad export- BYeniug Pvger 6.30
TERM ftMAT-80"iM and ibLe Made
0S." Up"d 'as, $a into Great Britain, more cheese fo XoVe u.1
ZUTAS OF &Vv9BT11S0G.: and batter than did his country. The r
10 a" I be- PICIMPM L =-Y is
6 English people buy more butter
V suboN.;ro3==1=
a ral's, or yoreign cause they like it and cheese the same.' 7,
Fir9t_*j&wvthjelse -for hire by day
special asnas even to p"U" -'M" ft -
-morle4ors at 5 utoullis or It has been said that an Englishman or night 'Bas ineonaso4ionme"-
.�Vesrjy of youly 10-awid p.; i3 is an epicure, be that " it may. We jag all G_ T-R. %raists -11reigta-and
Ba"0449 cards, sou lines or ULIder. with papor at -Vu b-a-r-s
10, peyable in advance. tq sell express delivered to ill parts of ibq.
ulocalsolukanst" 06AS
!060 year, $4 have the producAs of the soil Vill
i a". Teaming of 41 kinds d
-Itwe 000be per line 66413 Nub- aaal d the best market is ours. SLls and
Zu. appllc� on shortest notice,
mission stables in connection.
The result of the re -count in Ottawa 12 RUBBERS. OILCLOTHS.
AAvertiameate without wriza OX have Mr Belcour; elected by. 17
vi I I be inserted an til forbidden over Stair Oilcloth-One and two y"
oordinaly--arderie for disco" W. H. Peak,
All sizes. Storm
'Utitse man " to writing &04 goal to %be pub. a Cliampwe and Croquet
The whole Empire will be saddened by b4rs for ladies and Misses, Mensand wide. Floor Oils. 86 in Hemp and
fob work promptly &%tsad*d W. announcement that Lord Roberts has Boys heavy an es and overshoes. Union Carpet,
PROPRIETOR. 0 iajurod,.8612d will pray that his rocov.
W. J, CLARX miLy be rapid and complete Pumps. pumps.
our 1P outice-antot Independence I have the agency for Pirie's Pumps
40ur dim-AFLrst-alsas Local Paper. New Adverttsements. iad parties wishing -a good Pump will BOOTS AND SHOES 'KNITTING YARNS.
tour M.,,,*t406t10XLo;-Thu hearty a under. find it-to their interests to gaxonyi-_ 5c. Fingering'. so IT*
-pall and Ladies Buttoned and laded Bala. B
sapport of the peoilo of Pickering ladvicizary, ICYCLE FOR SALE -The Childs.
s:gued has & itst-ei.%as 1900 Leader', get prices before placing their order. Neat goods $1.25 slad $1.50. Fingering. 2 and 3 ply yarns.
bi axe tar &&Is, cheap for cash. &Pply to 0, but first-class material used. ' and Misses School Boots.' Infanta.
P , G-tf None Knitting Wires.
FRIDAY, NOV. 28.- 1000. FM Ickerx
Q -CVED-From the premises of the
Wells dug and cleaned on shortest Black-And.Tan buttons.
Or & ut tag 1st, one yearling Ayribire be4fer. George Gilder%,--- • 11OWSY, - . . - r ... READY MADES.
But WHAT ABOUT IT in reward fQubtrrocovvry. 3. FLANNELS.
A pet'Lion claiming the NiPis3i'29 situated 38 6m Pickering, Outarlo. Mena Lined Smocks. blens Fleece
_EN'T.-A vaivabie farm I shakers— White, Greys, Blue, Pink
teat for 'Mr. J, B. Klock. the Conserve• To 6 j..h con. t�o�ng pazt& of lots il and 18 back Overalls. Boys' Berge Knickers.
PLtxe , The r- - - — - -
five candidate and former member, p1bed ". Water and is a farm. rey Flainnels-plain And twill. 'Mena Top S&i�.
or .;!are apply 50 WM. Allaway or W. V.
4�r L4 L Canton Flannels-Wrispperettes.
• was filed at Osgoode Hall Wednesday
D. MePherioi. - In th;s, she Apples. 410-411
by Mr. W L p, Y HEIFER :- Strayed from
pro I- Pick-
r. Riock alleges that ou the. S� 1: rod heffer. 2
petiLion M I — • - -
Was or,,,, �o or "--� 0 . Iftli 19W.,&
oth of October the. -Writ Ze"o . 5.41'abie reward wk b4 given to
pany� g i-afortustion as w its vLozoaboats. Persons laving apples suitable for
Aering 034, be
naming October 31, at NortL Bay, As arm ea:: &ka. P% v&riQgLnd3elAV0riUX C30M as t
al)d place far receiving Picker: cg Evaporatcr before it o�oeeg. ------
the date November in, will receive highs"
on that
110mina,;;cus. He ia.atea ths' DO INION BANE eish prices for same.
late his nomiatio, pa 7.d
were aeiivered at North Biv,- but the "0 D. BENSON,
ital Paid ua. $1,50.0,000 Pfopnetor.
returnaig,dffice- was nowLre to Le Cap
t was W.ade 500.000
J()UCd and the 5atemell
-of tjwn. Lilt-
that he was oa' C h is ,-Go' ds .1
not 'AAF� n tmas o
the pe.dioner says -ia no. -arrect. 0 , . q. . -2
;natien wu filed *m WHITBY BRANCH,
no other nom,
Mr.- Mock day. Mr.- Mock
The made on behalf of F&Mar a saw sad other No%4L
the rau tl "t-Tit were- bAv,.NOS I)EPAP
p rchaaed ample sup.
;34 T
-ter". av*4 02 upcs�'a
sio voters Uats,and-th'e�-elec":)n must via4la. - L"
a enabled to ctaow you prices below pres.
itlierefori be pos,,poned. aen*3 L-v - E. J. THORTON.
KA%&am ec; values in fits elmsned currants aelecwd
the eeiLioaer -Globe. for rW valencia�. Falcon seeded aSine. figs. nats
H. k.ods of vab
Electoral District all Kinds and cand.es in great variety.
lc.ea manGiaeftared by _tile IdeLacichim Ask for Cross Blackwell's turned down
4. AND CU . MMENTS. of Co*y. of Oehaws- Peels. They are the best - Prices as low
A #Pee al o ffeT of N orw & y Sprace 4 to .11$ for poorer izoods elsewhere.
.West OntariLo. 7 -felt, b6altLy Lad right for traosplainglas: Ovpr 20 varieties of canned meat and
C" our conservative Lienb W.r
der at the returning officer ajctiou. in a each, tl�.e porebaseal to -dig their vegetables, etc. Ycu can Lave lunch of
trees. Thin offer wilil be good w end
elooice goods in money.
West Durham' rham'� What was the 3z'"O'n In
The 0 rry i t.
Ei�,;nsw�ck,' . . .__ . _4L , .- .. : • 'and wer�
Hing*s Coually. are fast. I Lao
:nj of them
d by an Agent
deposits money waa paid coming in. If I cannot Boot You yoL; aieTard to at. 8socLii -La sff-
-Financial Agents:
Goods &"iving almost every day
_Inat&AA of by _the Candidate 2.1d nila� lines well selected and up -to date.
Best. in 1,Lereby give a_tjc• test Harvey J. Loan
Mitv candkaste held the 4 tho Town of U tbr.49e. Merck fi-i-nize-of the immense �tack I carry. Come
such m&, and see, ex%mine and compare va!ue,3. Place your orders.
ten am—ilw sho ld be c;2ar. been appointed balneW
Gould, rn the recent e do we rest.
wlko - run ir-sy -read". 9 eat fcz Itasc T
--:,,,o that z I emion, " a that John F %
botn�aion E. JLC
Tetlinicallities should not govern pre. i Ltzknn, of The Villize of AurWs. "a 11160
erdare in ;his our Canah. bean appointed auaneial &, fw for Froa•
all J Rocha
E AD E, Wlatevale.
The efinsw 4f a country or people, Those aLo are 'n-tereok'd 'Wi!f,gov-ern -TH
1j, sdeajs in an audible voice thfimse:ves ccordiL Bu_dm"es!
-aj to their growth •and- propiierity.
Given quaor-my bond and seal it Pick-
.We Canadians are 01333e(I -within the erirg, this INh dav of' November, 1900 ..,Bngldies •
Si3t million standard, The other day- w V RjCH,&RD..)ON.
Returning Offteer, Having semrea the agency for the
in Torqnw alone, some twenty ore
ewes Were on the docket registezid a- r� ......... ................ McLAUGHLIN CARRIAM CV
Oslis, wa; we an preored ta qualm
The cook sto
who had complied " Sol, make or •ap �4
0(. 6 Priam for a4l kinds of frebioliss.
-with the registration law. as to the 6" as before Pare . h"in.i.
registration of birthi'.ia their various
. families. J.0t is all biiezve.'Our law, A Man's Wife .-Muncan Parker, • H*hlisad Creek
27 &t 1
in rural districts as vien as in towns r—_ � .......... I is the He4d.
_.and cities &nA, make proNr retarris
of the HT�
e Ontario stet-
'in*aecordaace, with th
- _._�._
when it comes to buying a Cook-
stogie. we find that whenever a H / D011 N EY
t It is probable that before long a •woma�a of experience and good PUNTS OF ALL
system of insuring all registered mail, judgeaw-tit. has an opportunity Of on baked by ;Mo. 0100
thorou,gWy exitInining our Kr. Biftett Sawa= Or at The faoW�yry to
W operation in. Canada, -.Famous Cattle. ptmp cisreca"61 out.
ill be put into opera &C I ' • *
so says wa gaijangs., But when one GEROW SON9 owwasnottloult..
ragistirs-i Tatter it, ialnatuzallY con _-Wbitby9,.. Ont.
-eluded that it -is insured, Why 'not
=a 5th, 1900,
have'the Government haumi Friday, rea- Thursday *and ayl .'October 44th
such letters.ihd parcels, as do express 11 k
•compta "Sinqb the -GRAIN and SEE
till Ili
triads of
nies and thi like. DS.
-consibiliuy for the safe delivery 'of all
,.prsseM- Postmaster - 'General Assumed % • Also dealers
qffice, he has introduced, advatuag• All the newest notions in-Hals sad Bonnets•as well a Triiiiiiagi.
eons. charges and the public , are AL
Call and see'our Display..
lVem. Health and weath .00 -MISS Ci BAKER'.
pleased with she prtfers it above all others and 41.
$r permitting, be has some five years when it is sold it always stays sold
more in shish to ealargle upon his al- becau3eitgives pe rfectsatisfactioii. (Five them a cal•
Xelay mapea•out, plan,. It .4 the, hatidsowst. stove manu- Frompr_quo6a%i0Q6.9iv9b On
factured and it cotnbines'the four
'the t points which we bave al-Rn-s
grea po.
e say 7,
They y ;' That Cinada has not —f armers..
I ' kept in view. -Perfeci avking, con-
advantages that have some. Other' , dL
I reuien(e in operaling, -rconovty qf_
'ty 'ee yearn conntries, Some Ewell -thr i fuel, durability. :;1 If you' contemplate purchasing a Corn Binder, a L%rje or -Small
-ago' we Were grouped with b
- the If y6ur'deiler cannot sbw you 2_0
Gang'Plow, Single Plow, E asilage, Cutter,
other provinces of the then 'Canada. the " Perfection" Stove write to Call at• the Old
;Ana as such we have sincZrbeen' aesicr- its diiict office ......
nated. During that Lime our miner Reliable Emporium.
The James -iti., market Building lag
__jct" Mt CO."
tltural resourebb have bee n levelopee BROCKVILLE, ONT.
EAN et6r.
Whitby, POD VTE11 Propri
largely iQjreased- .............. .......... *0
and exports have
;7,- 7 �r
Z c
!P 1�7
107vistled and early eighties' chat had
Pickering Council.
&-" -- • - But g I
better dsve', and sb* ought, So have been cherin
• 'laid up an the'ithore to rot 'Out her Lost r
TIM ocauca m"'TQrsuaia" two adjo Fu &%.Peelle
00 Monday, Nov. 19th, 19M. Me insteat of sailing around, a veritable Having purchs6iaWihe ba busi-
all pro-.01. Reeve in the cbs. Ole OF WHITB
a The crew Abe "Rairina" consisted of new carried on for oonsrderable ti. me by 0-
HavVust taken in stook a eQnsimment I. King we are prepared to
411111101' of.actiounto were presented r Captain Ames Trip. Job* Young. *,ad -Zi meats of all kinds as well w*s*00
swwwelks� Wm. Lawrence. all of Collingvrood, John of LIVERPOOL SALT. Tbay are i us$ sea 'A full Has of first.
V-11101micstion presented Alex. *ding also a � c" of the es age and poultry in addison.
Oaks. Port u cuon, "and whose QUIC ohm furniture Dow
complsaui,4 Of , r between name was uaknown to the owners, Shortly WINDSOR SALT. In all linag-,Of Itaticy �rMlt]KIIR CAJSEK. Ar -.on exhibition in
LOW 12 and 13 in Sad con. and asking for before the "Regina" work down she loaded and staple groou-:m they offer special sA• bat OQV we"' rooms.
vantagea. Caill. and we u4* ShiwzLg could Rum
From Gen. Gerow. re increased - aid to lumber at Parry Boand dock, and Captain ad as usual.
Trip, *ho was wall known at every port Everybody acknowledges th*4 tbay sell
SAL manue. the mow so be h"
RICO- W. i's. vanstone, ols., oil Lake Haron and Georgian Bay, was the beat TEL for HUSSNELLi -ces fight.
SW iujQzim to more oil iming damages iudcuvr,&SioA wish a friend, wha]- asked anywhere.: 40-1y
sideline 'between him if be 11,15 act tialld &bout "ding such .32 ly Pickering.
Actis 17 and IS in 2nd'oon. . &q old boat in the fall owe —W. B. P. 4t, Co. t.
J6ft- Findley complained of. water fwm• ye".
a Pool in road in front of his remises storms might be expected. Caption 'Trip
44 raphad-good-vaturedly by saying; "Oh, the
unbarton. _Picksriag, Ont:
W R Vacame was heard re damages t old boat is all right. so long as she is loaded CARTS IRV.
0 with lumber; she'll float as asho
X""Ahrongli alleged defection in culvert iu Trip, wAsIms.�-Pukestax Suntan 4LIPA
taftr H Calvertis residence. where. - Unfortunately fok C.,,.re -in.- Horseshoelng
4 H Connor was Neared re culvert on the old vt"el -was- not loaded with lumber —AND— - 01wim
.0013ro FUST Ams-" so"owm-
on the 1 itk of September, 1881. She woo TA&M
Brack Road 3rd con. in Goderich to a Georgian SECOND HAND
7- Poster Hutchison was heard re t%xaa.'- on the up trip from Geneisl Bli cismithing. lio. 6 Mum 7:52 A. M.
Me Underhill LachLirmstiotCoatingen- Bay port witl2s, fall cargo of salt When Mirsy% 02 12 Local, 8:00 P. M.
nearing Cove Island the ,Regina', W168
-,tide secured the passage of the'fooliowinv:- caught in a squall. She began to labor Having purchased the business receady 10 Lois, 1 6:13 P. us
•40 Brown. stave (t zinc, 03;08,, IV J beavilv. The straining of the bull, by, the. conducted by A. T. Law, I am prepared
Clark, printing, ; IdTurner, window poundIng of the seat, ra.vatel by the to do all kinds of b1seliBmithing in Tz&ms oortte Was-P Dun as FoLLowe:-
M; D R Beaton, on acct of sal. b her to S d"t-cla." M No. 9 IAC4L 8:59 A.M.
g6b6odes, 11;' x Manor and RA Job Work of all kinds a4 ttsuAL
wry •t disbursements, S.50;tm), hOLVY cargo a e carried, caused very low prices.
springy & it, The waves washed over the W. H. Jac LocA.L .2:19 P.M.
Mr Richards " chairm%a of 'Committee (1�� a alt in the hold becanie we$ and
an sheep killed by dogs reported and the vessel water-loaded. All the crew ei,.pt 2 ly Piekering
reco GORDON LAWp BrockRoocL
-mended the psvment of the following: W the caption took to the yawl boat and
R Coates, I abeep and 2 ILIbbs killed by a acceeded in getting safe ashore. The crew gum Outwit.
dog or dogs, also two sheep damaged 51433; told the story of the wreck, saying that MONEY TO L -S
D E Pugh I sheep killed 6:436. Said am. Caption Trip refused to leave the schooner M OAN FRUIT THE LLOws:—-
r cattle being two thirds v%Lue, believing he could beach her on Cove T`]SWX5 GODW EAST DVX AS 70
Me Pouctier, chairman of Indigent Com• [$land, ca the Georgian Bay side, in shelter No. 6 Aim 7:47 A.M.
Inittee secured, the passage of tLe follow. kinds of No. 12 Mrrar, • 2:5B I.M.
from •the sea. They Sold a story of their -MORTGAGE SECURIT-Y 1� FRVIT TREES,
;39: P J4140470n. ti�-o -weeks suDriart of the (Lowest rstea of tatkress.) SHB
"aAdonmerit cf the vessel and of 8, Etc., 10 LocAL .6:06 P.M-
sdLU 5-3:75; J Burk one months, support tj djree,io,ot the wLadwhich was at vari• room nursery of
R Gibson 116:00; Win Firminghim . one, ance with the facts. E63 WC11 LO , F, ''ti; "'
�- "' I ae acne A L; 5,c, m be 5.r Cw) 2 tht E. D. Sac", no. WAST Drx As "rlzwv;�-
Tium Go
kU6ny it coicib wood support *to Mrs F brouKht to light the schooner's f*z-4b.L �"ap- Ali waft g--ar sz- seed t" -,s L-- a 9-.05 A.M.
Johnston 1-5:25; H Xechia clothing, sop. clock, early. No L.. --OCA.L . . .
plied to Mrs V Johnston, 11:00, - , Vllb had stopped some hours later 49 11 2:28 P.M.
that the bour'Which the crirw gave as the Agent for Fire, Life' Accident, -Plate JANN E. GEL at, '22 P. M.
Your committee are in receipt of a com. one at which the Regina" had foundered kering. 7 VAil B:
municatitin-from, t'iort Gerow s6dt�'A""S-The schooner's top-mm, was found ati-k. Glass and Steam Boiler I risurtarice-
L� Mantle needs farther assistance from jag out of the water, within a. short disance doaveysatzing carefully done.
the Council and wod-ld recommend chat he of Cove island. showing that had the
tstestive 26c pei week c.,xtra until ])so 31st vessel kept afloat 16 few minutes 10112er she Private and other tuna on bAnd.
Age have been saved, From &,I She circum Parma W'Rent. Good Va -W Call
world have reached shallow water and
Mr Beare, chaiirman of Roads A- Br; Ina.
.Comauttee secured the pas�sage of the foil• stances disclosed dy the investigation i� e ou
owing accoanta:-J H Gorman, an, work. U., was apparent that bad t3e crew stuck to W. V. RICHAR SON
X)tv 1, 07 31: W J Dt.itt, p�pe ca W T L Pic e ima
4"h con, 5d vessel instead of ab-4--dming her wher.
arxL am to pay LL! f the amoi at 'they did, she coi; have been ran a.- the
:613.12i. W H Coates, wrs; std pat for L
.3%,;d bar at Cove Island ant saved As it
t IV was the schooner 'waa Icst. and CaLvtiaL
10&L!20 6.41011L,- bet'w'een tits I", �t I•; ia --Ina on to the icterst of the owcer, whi-Le
w, digging 4r&wiL:g tiie &ad Pa"'09 "' Trip perished ra ccaseq-iecce oltis e ttention"'"
Elmdale* Mills
ror, 14 �(), &�-;o digging .;�p cul�e;t &azi the crew edcaped b� roust looked Like a
rebuilding sa.%-e acd r,;ttiog rai!LLg 0-. 1.0warday daaert:-)z'of the scbnocer act lets
iaidehoe bel-�Ntei !a's 13 &- I-- in' Zed CL e caption to d:,)wn almost within ;each r-1=!ajz ic fT1 blast 7.2 prepared iOf the public
th - �ropar
.5S.4)o• W H Calvert repairi%g col%srt of land. Imse yaur
-ldrawtDg mlllng-f-jr acme between !arts 11", S Work :Jae w 0 YOU W•"It. To our well selected sWek Of
Tte stater scl�=er of the Reg.*�:I.
lea' nn ccn, e1,5t1 Ju_ Barry � pbecea 'Yuii the - A:ia E Foster. to charge c! Capt' Pro a r. Bran.
'H . .. '.Kaittting Yams, EmbroiderY Silks,
itAmber ter -&;,i -�= Clark a c!,ow bridge ajo'WLI,;&= Rxhmord. of Parry Scuba Sh,&rtv, slao Fsccv Goods, TOYS, Rug P&tteFns
p" aoc ,-.nt rendered $11 C, W J Devitt, wail esuizt% is the samazalp, within a 1tw G-raham nour. - Com- -w-e-.4--acd DLamaza---D-1e'SL-
-too eccount of concrete sere: p.;c 51-, ro:, crt..,as -! Red Rwk Lighiboase at %be
Win Nli;cbeli , -1 yda crags! on Tigia 1 ne ea%rLr :e A Parry Sonod channel and her Bolted 9 .. eat, Bolted Oats,
•Ibsgwoon Marttzm ono E'ickerng 'tl con crew with a little pluck, were able to ride I; ways 1, a L&C A so I " sale it reasonable p0d"
117: 61 &1" frLLZc W T L :-,ppos,ta 5th out toe e%;e and reach shelter in the Parry y Zriap @"and to *a's M. & E. Boone, Pickering.
Coo. Sound cb-azzal. "Asa LZ exab&n4a cl-O.C=
%Van Carlton rSPLIrL" Greenwood bridge Although only one life was lost by the
dad three col%erts between lots �O and 21 "king of the ReiriaL." it 10043 " if D. Brokeusbire. Ptakortni on
in sLb sad nth -can_ - 2,5 00 J W L•&w, . cork Q=amlally coarsae-outs &cd devoted man W as road it V'r-7. 1.1* A beltsi for Clazu 6 bollow bridge 64 40, Jac Ir. aney -
iGre�g. right of way to gra%el Ot for I" Greenw000. S
Sioux J W Roach. brush for culvert
91.1*• Chat the for drain LA Cherry - Mrs'Gw Gibson is visiuug friduls is Practical 'Painter.
wood S1? 01 W J RAILAim 116116 etc 613PPliOd Collmewood Important showing of Boost "ptay of
$1 -29, Win Gordon timber assortment of
on'so gal Whiteside rotornitd bomo on Satur, P D000r'Usiag. very tarp
beato&zz And n&&Ia at Diabarloo per car a&i st"r Spending %#V4rLl Aals W, 01. ]ft a Hanging Stationary. - Books, Dolls, Tore. jars --
&r"4 5.1.5 oo, Win Oka work on E T L and Mrs 660 Bone --- - _ I _ _ _-zl: --Tinting. reeavred for the Holiday trade Cal 1
wzingq, paid 14* 6mosat VU (ffl Graining. Lad We them.
whatiby h E G'.eeson has purchased a new dri7ar.
Win C.4ritia putt&Qiz in ca;Vart on W I L 1[r and His V Glaeaun visited White All orders promptly szoentod. Sbwripticug taken for as Magazines.
I to pay ti&ll &=otlat, 6 1,30
U&Zkb&Lr vale frienis an S�-Zday� Estimated given. ? Weekly and Daily Newepapers,
-bar seconded by %it Richards
&,r Poacher The bbooting tournament of the sessou order@ ,en 16t -maws om", wt1i be pr;o
moved that tboReeve grout litsorderan the There
parties MT
of the recom. cook phum here on Thursday last
wended M the re of the vartooi stand waie, z-5Yg-e-ff=bsr-u,'vLwww. a I& V� 4
AY- aide -placed,
i teed as pre"aled-Ma d
lias 00mca
UQv*d by.ldrBeare, seconded by 311r. Scores. Event No. 1-10 live birie St=049t-
-lPaucher. chat tLe Samoa of Miss 31X&Icla J. Hortop 9, S. Gerow 9, M. CEoesou, 0
is be porgitted to her -_- r- rigg"n in, R. Birrall 10• W I'anatone
=tlon al Mr Underhill a by-law was T
0 -d 4, Event No. 2-- To live birds. .-Geraw
1put through its various readi"ga and a 7, J. Horiop 7. H. Gleason 7, L Glosiaou
M appointing the hours had place -&Hy psalm 6, R- Birrell 6. W. Vanstone G, Event No
Is for the c__ e@ 5.
for recitiving nomination
nr the Tow;Iiibin 3-5 live birds. J. Efoitop 3, R. �Birrell
itmvz .-1 C. I— -- & r
viti I - to appoint -.Fall Vinte. ...,Clothh
Pickering for the year I X. Uleeson- 3,'L 0tso5Ou-0-,-W-- Mell*
'jiagm for holding the Municipal election 5. L. Gerow 3. Vier -the shoot was over Blankets, Flaunds, E.tc-
of the the shooters and a crowd of about seventy Xuderwe
�Wkiqre for and for two members pre- Eye partook of a very symptnow -dinner We he put placed in esock a large assortment of Boots and Sb*" and OtAiln they
side thereat ae scoquly Coancil� and two persons to era as Bone's Hotel under the mal ameak red.
Deputy rettiruing OM, m are the best value we b&vs ever 0110
I" follows: -No 1, H E Webetar;.2, A Har• of John Whiteside one of Toronto's best
4. Thor Moody, police. Discount Sale. -i-b- Park
S. pro Davtdeoa; 6. IspWilt; 3, W IF Riobar:146ti
Cb" L Macgi-Y;
1kni Moon; 9, Colin Philip; 9, Jae Taylor. Tor*nto,
I*. it W Mowbray; 11, Thad. Dann: 12, Abe
-a I The dead body of Le ii Gaby, a' Rich - For tea (IM days I will gi*e Medicin-es'.
043 motion Council jouralid W . meet mood"Hill, earter, was found about 7:4.5 Pure Drugs and Patent
Rein on Thursday Dec. 13;kl o'elock Tuesday morning in one, of She advance Christmas We of
'War Tow*llar
market Watches, 0100" ail- 4t Cut ]Rate Prices•
roundskion holes, for the now
works. The discovery was Made by Job a verrare, Ekbao, E40. , Save Wo
.Taidi . of the Geo*r.'S3y* Reeved, one of the workman enpil oyed on, uld , patch&" your Chrielm" Salkylio Laid for owing 9"-Pat S Ouniced 0 40 Callon barrel:
wrecked on the IRII of She jam -Mews side 0 P14MMIM now. WiiiiamskrLult paid, a bosas 41-00 .
Two vessels were the velocity Of The body rested on its left side and the Twzteriw�, s"Piw, our"rii..powder, for oateup Dodd's kidney pills 30i
September, 1881, although I exceed thirty. head was sabcdorgod in a W 'of water oll, I bottles for We piww Polls" 150
--7-the wind that day did DOI I - --- All work - guaranteed. It very 67o
a, W. that• bad trickled in the hole during the for-uo Medical disco
two miles an hour. The prCipell Favorite P-Moription''67-3
visibia,' rri. grain from Chwg- to W. previous evening. The face was blue and ScoWs illn"Q11075srge,650, Small 35C
charter of the Georgisn slightly diaorted and there was a small David's cough Balsam, 250 3dilbams heart and nerve pill* 350
"Ifnewood, tinder v, was oaugltlt wound on the back- of the head. John ]KIInt C,,Ue,,, syrup li,sw4 and,barpon1tine 150 Down's Kidney Pills 360
Day Transportation Ct)mP&13 Ointment 2ZO
to the; moderate gale off Fratiltpoct, Lake The body was taken out by Constables 7 Lywo cherry Pectoral 876 �Wcas -5@a
Michiken, ::-and shifting bar Cargo, 1140k Hamilton and &bboU Lad removed in Ayer's hair vigor 660 Beef, Iron and Wind-
Ion of Cjwo@�*,@ pULs, 2 hazes Me Parmalse's Pills 150
within fifteen muitates, cau"A"ho the patrol *Mo:n to She Morgue. Bzmaja,a old, SWAd, Whitby. W 0&"mb to" L5o Gillets Lye 100�3'tims fOV 250
liftsel"ves. Doesued was 48 years of a" sad leaves Randall's sparia oure 75e.- -
Is is net the awry Of the wreck at the a widow. County Councillor Williana Pug- Ointment, 400 CiolAian water while 009 oil ISO
that I wish to relate, bec-ailiM, sleyof Richmond Hill is a brc4ber•ia lsw. Castorist 2; Poultry Panacea 300
1-0ciumbia"' series of q tork a fla
I am reminded that this 4 a 'ation Of decease& Seigeft "p-smell 260, Ism 500 FOwlerIvextrout W, strawberry 250
of the G= . Boy. and the only ra, . Gahv cams'so the city on Nobw 'morn- Condition powders 6t all kinds ' se and cattle food 31b box he
rvborsto�eorgianBay was -: ooa :�r own receipts Made up beraftally from Yorkshire hot
She -Col, orgiso Bay ing and collected a load so take to rit drugs 26 ceako,
tb&& Collingwood Was the GL
ever, it might do The rain kept him m
RiIhmobd Hill. ;A "o Is to so lb-9 The for 25 Naua,s food 40a
end of her voyage. However, M9
that the Col. the city Lai his wife was notified that he A, NO, sulphar So lb--9 lbs 256 ,means cheado colon
ego barm, 10 may, in pawing, Would not be b iaff 1-ides -of batter color
-time cacal type 0. _0=9. Leav his bastim a Glauber Wks, Sc lt�-10 the 25or A.0 kinds
ambist' was of the old P
vowel, of which is was remarked by an old and wagon M she Commercial Hotel on a 171 King SiZAAs
tsio that these N essela were 'built Jarvis-street, he went odfat about 8,30 0 01 0 Wholesale and UotiSil D. Dwel TORONTO-
--.take cap mile slid cut ciff in SecticD43, the' in the eyening.- He was not a -4 v]q Drugge'sta • seeh again Is ai 11
by the r W C4 -,,dV Opp. Clyde Howl.
length of the C-61 10cr` • They were till his body was found and is is thought ti! i
bluff bowed and foil aft, made w carry that he lost his way in the darkness and ar,,Zlx ca rA Its
to sail well steer- well, or ride " Cornelids' GaVy 'a -qoa
.cargo and not fell into the boIC
This type of vessel -7
well over heavy -&a, , I from the )sIk, Yorkville -avenue, s.brother of deceased,
bag now almost vanished
fine class of sterol Sub in its place wtbavo C5. 0 • • Is •
with foul la Jae, he .had considerable 01 0 V.2 a 1V�E'a -p-pers
I - � t Ch
i however, believes the man may have met
encountering say lea; y 0
1 freighters capable of arc, money im�- Is 1 .1. . 15 . I
a A aw ox O-E *. Z
hence the comparatively Amall list Of rnar- is posse"IM a C3 It
alties in recent Years• .sae essu many YeWTS prior 10 IhS1 William H. Read of Si; Catbarinei M� ye The rz
the -oldest in a 1;
-*be memory- 01. b-- 4iea suddenly. �); . A
irs tbeAnnivE'- Foster't - Van. Archeeacon Dixon of aaelph has Z a a* I-
small W-'hO()[)
plied the waters of Georgian dad to retire from active work.
and -,Regina," a 0.
Horan, picking Up. C;�6!90es Allibe plowing much at Toronto '-Gire 4-
13&y and fiske- as , , :
wherever offered, and Of a strangely miscel - will be held on Thursday, 22Nd inst. PW Locks, Bolts,
Both veiseI8 Eighteen Lead of cattle, shiped in 012 d CS T
oater,.If Owen Forks of 4111 laneous character at times, '*a
Is • Mr.. Wrri, F 01060C car, .*ere - kzlid -:&;pjo�bersd on
-were owned by I -s of Dav stiltt"n Spades, S o els,
Sound, and in the early days oes
eeseig were f, arrival as Ottawa.-, wo ON -- - . . . 't
base sch00100TV (iid (irlaass Pat a and. Varaishes.
,60, Gebrgi&u Bay, who* v , *mong the valra`[ileso�msksbroilglit 'Who am t1tt"a - . -
and trade was limited, t at home by Liant-Cot, Pelletier from his trip of some sampie
good set -well as dcoggioval loadv*� to South -Africa -is. it clock, fermWI, the Shins to eaZ1111 Piqksrtag, Onli. I
-vice in carying small cargoes to co
hi 4 imp • MIT may bringp= wealUL
i� the chl
re pKed 11,
oaf !amber." The -Regina'l wag ones o the property of Napoleon T, aU a 00 ta oj;6
,,y ports, as Waftd—An Idea i aIR
%beir 140
oommon in She. latter tiv.ity �Lt SsizlHe:*Qs. two
Ci+m of
Taweh! *0
..�'•,'n'c .m :' ,,�. '; a.. ; ' a • •a. • b:.: �,w;,�• ''"`i'' _;:'- [�Y""• .'m: A: :c�� ••�". :+,r a ';' "q' `d; s �;'[ r °4.i.'r't` "• `�'-,*w . .�.. ,� . 7A:: .a!,: .r rt- ,�„'"• _an7 ',�"Dt :FN :i -- "+t'.ti'�,,°
• {�, '� .. a° a ;.t,,,.•a,_ "° t - - .,? .,y« - ,;'�qu.,,,: • -k'', 4� • .�£�r -.u: ' ;�n-a''"•
Sn -
;T .y,�►+ . '' - r . - M _: Y —.� — =_ rY y V •ri - -. _.. - .. ' � ' •�' �: �y ''•
ST ,� 1 ■ 1 � ��, Tun]'
WORT ei-ate aaPDly ate in fats demradsteady RECONCEIrTkADO - POLICY 1 `
.. and unchanged in prioes- CH EN 0 , "'" Export bails sad feeders are steady, l+ltc3hene =s Method of Dealing Witt :
Prices o' Gettig, Chsg33. Gr+tttL �o end not quotably changed.. Civilians Now Aiding Burghers.
to the >: o iing NulkeGi. {
The receipts today included 780 cat- 4 A despatch fr°au Liyndon nays : -Aw -
- Move Eve " FR1Ds9TVFFS ETQ Ue• hOga, >90o sheep, sad lambs, a cording to a despatch from Durban, __ - - - -_
--May Non- F14itary In' few, Delves, and a down m0.ho cows. the Natal Mercury ;pa onto, Nov, t29.-- �Pheat ooatiavea . The 'beet rice for prime hogs is, 4- Y " depo rd
�ibltattt t Kitchener has decided to " depopn-
j.� Co ['� _ gvlet and weak. White and red wta- q� per lb. and. light e,nd heavy, 43-So Iate, "-the towns in the Transvaal, ow.
t ■e �/0aS `. ter was' gttotli3 at li9 aqd $9'1.24 weer'-ar lb, Lug to the difficulty of dealing with '
A despatch- from Landon wayw;- • .Spring dt'heat east; goose, 6?c .west. the Republicans, when hampered by -
ry non- militar Inhabitant . to- Hog* tQ fetch the top price must be
y No _ Manitoba I*rd, --" Toronto pin the civilian- pbpulatiun,"
} of prime gaeiity and scale not below_
Lord XkLebtmer, is nova{ for the first id the ouast, -where they will be went; at" 9-: 1 -2 to -93o; g.i.t -; at 851 -2c, 16D nor above 200 1Ls.
time iitnhampered in Carrying oa thg re easily fed, while freeing the Mielland and Owen bound; and Sac, It is upderstood here that the state.
UNITED STATES MARKETS. meat of the Natal Mercury means -
Wuth Afrialin 'war, and it promises y's hands. This 'mgvement
wilt ;" William " Buffalo, Nov. 20.•- Spring -heat--' that Lord Kitchener will de ,
• to be widely , di,ffer.aat than - under -,I ' lve great time, sad it is doubt Flour -Trgde dl; prioea steady, Nq. 1 Northern, old, carloads, 821 -4c; Populate'
Y ford- iR.oberts• The latter Will. 000- t It Lt is= feasible. Ninety psi cent, patents .fetch $ 2.9$ the latio' s in and large towns, their
i No. 1 tiosthera, new, =r91 -•o Winter ntatlons in .the 1
tLnaie to sign the official despatches rd gitcfiener's movements show in 4arrels, weal, and at $_'.65, In bags. PCP atige towns, oth-
natil hie departure, but the campaign t feaxful desxilatien to vvhieh the wheat -No. 2 red, 77c; mined, 78c: No. or' following out a reconcentrado -
west. Choice brands quoted at 15 to 2
rvoll be devised aat+d directed by, Lord vv ..has reduced the countries. The ? 1 white, 75c. Corn- Strong; No. policy. ;
fff�nAba patents, .�t.60;
faced the on l u ful s' is t of yellow, 43c; •Np. 3- yellow, 411 2c; No- A despatch from Bloemfontein says -
Hitcharsr alcmie, _- He j _ , - Pa i;{a he Doming and atrgng bakers, $!•36, in bags, n P _ - -
grim ltet fiat thtl enemy tneams the th r- .tnsvaal winter, ishe\n; the heat .Brae- Steady. Car lots quoted at 4 yellow, 401 - o; Na 'L corn, 411 -,.0; that the Buet•s §- .ily --attacked -the
entire population and has greatly vviI eke the tropival - veldt unbear- $11 to $11.50 west; and shorts, #12-50 No, 3 corn, 41c; No. 4 Born, o. Oats- railroad at Edenburg, November.15th : I
tightened the ceatscuship, while he ab! The northernmost cowman= 7 to- $11 west. Firm No. 2 white, 273 -4c; No. 9 white, Thursday. It is repotrted that the
Cads it awnam,ry to carry out certain dO :11 ' hSve to
'07 toward the Corn -in steady. Canadian corn is = 61 -2a; No. 4 white, '151 -2c; h °' 2 Beers Were completely cut up. One
r"litary na!!oe a.eta more rigorously mixed, 24I -'Lc; No. 3 mixed, • 4c. Bar• -
scut „here they will meet the Bri- oq(,o�ted'at 38c; west ;'and new at 8%c, report has it that 75 of the party were
than under Lard Roberts' regime. �Lsn ;Tres' will' bring Gen. Delary est. American yellow- is quoted at Ley-High grade, •nominally 6» to 840; killed or wounded.
bato ra tK 4&, Toronto. alelium, 59 to BJc; low grade„ 55 to'
The Transvaal and the Orange Free oho gge of severe f' ht- r
-_ State are now opening the second sea- ice' en. De V,'et has oat beeaiieard 57c. stye- fJnsetHed. Ne. 1 nomin- GRAND TR 3NK S NEW MANAGER
Oats - steady, No, 1 white, 34 to r
son at" a crop wag sown, and it is Of, a .t is believed that he 0 --ad- -25C, weatLand 25 to _251 -'2c, east; mix- ally 56c. Floua- Steady,
Chicago, Nov. :0, -\ \'heat having
14 mouths since' normal imports of vat toward Ficksbnrg, wv t i std, 23 to 231 -'lc, west. Geo. s. Reeve, Fwrater Treat. xannge.
been so11 to a standstill, ral:ied to-
_ jicodatutis ceased. The railways are ; the 11 =. holi. The systematic break- Burley -Quiat an-1 prices t}ncliaaged. '41,111
day, chiefly ou Iirofi[; taking bq shorts,
still biokan fbr 'several days weekly, Ing of )re Kimberley and .I)Iocmfott- No- 1 is, quoted at •44c,_West; No.- 2, at y' A despatch from Montreal, Bays: -
S- a1 -h�ugg the -� ""i, some news of a
Thess things combined make the feed - i teil r�•,has fur its aim the ty- 3gc sad No. 3 extra, at 37c, west. I Nish hue. December closed 1 -40 Mr. Ct�r a a €leaser fog_^ - tr,t•.•Lf _ _ _
r ktig,mf the ocoupants of th two Re, img up :ae trots in the up -coin- Ry�-ly ewte.dy, with sales at 470, over e3terda Corn closed'a` shade manager of-
the Grand Trunk, hug
uirira a wart ad' grew: ds€ €i°trle„ 'ry U� r r � :: , n.y sbortaae of middle_fra4hL, � y y P „ovl been , �4pointe t. genera; menig r of
hfehPr. .u�oaCS uiichaugea. - -
w1lieh is creased by the tilIi :s3 of 'euppliew Buikwb,eit -Firm $t 48c west, an° r� th,Gran+l £Ferak itailuaY-5yatvm, -i= -. - -'-
awns advanced on light holdla3
Ithe w*na with stores under gum- -'�i ;a will forgive anything' 47c mildLe freights. Clip23; January pork closing 3-' 1 -20, success ;on *»0 11r. G. M. Flaps, appoint-
b These garrisons the •inhabitants which bring the fightlag to an THE iTREET SL•\RKET. January lard 15c, and January ed president of the Southern Paci-fit
r betray to -t a oommaadoea who there end anti 7e,ise -t he ea! rt of the Peas-Quieter sad unchanged. railway. 'the nevus of Mr, Reeve's
Br Pa ribs 111x, higher. Prcmaiy receipts,
V by easily repienuah' ” their at res. tiruops. !a;d of that. however, the iiacetpts of grain on flan street 719,WO bush,' compared with 837,: appo: cam ral. cam le a surprise, as it
t tor-day were larger than has been the was eaerall believed in - C'anadian
b - Ithua making the starvjog but of the! hwi,akiti: ,1 :iailiera, who returned to y g 000 bush fast pear. Minneapolis and
g Y'
Mt- _ Ifightkug burghera imp:aeylhtp Lord Enjrjan': m Natala few mouths, ago case lately, and prises were genar- Duluth reported 359 cars, against 428 be gi p circlet that the position would
$ttehener's alternative is the de- i trive bee or'lered to re- embark for ally well maintained. finless of 90U care last weep, and ?6G cars a year ago, be given to bit. McGuigan, the pro.
- -- �populatias of the towns. moving; tize Cape- _ _ _. bush of white wheat at uAh ,00 bush Local receipts were 5e care, 10 of con- Bent gee ?ral -a M ntenden' The
_ - od red at Si to 69c, 7011 bush of goose tract grade. Est mated Fec -pts for offer µas made to Mr Reeve, 'who u
7T1�T ,SY Q�R� CAPTURED. at 651-
to GBc. 1.100 bush of barley' g ars•, corn, now living :n California, by Sir Charles
- - ROU�DIl�TG THEM UP. k at L to 48 1 -20, and 1,000 bush of oats to- morrow: - Wheat, Nivere- \ti`;ls ,n, president of the com-
i I 3l5 earn: oats, 106 osra; hogs. 27.040 parry.- Mr. R-eve w -red his accvp.
!9 to fii!o. )�.k.risp wan 6asiar at - -
' Pom -poet Captured-by Methuen and mod'
i3z4ndle Has a %urdbor of Sklrmishet 4! to 4lic. Urfa were unchanged but Duluth, Nov. 20. -Wheat - Cash. No. lance on aitutday morning, end has
" Field Cornet by PoLae. I left for ]unseal
i' — - - -- With the Boers. [um. stye ,woo aam�na} at 31 L - -c.
_ 1 hard, Tl 1-2c; *io 1 Northern. 75 1 -Lo;
A despatch' from London, says:- Hay steady at from $13 to $15. Straw -Si Charley Fl;vere LV:lson on Sunda -
A despatch from London says:- _ _ No. 2 do., 71c; No. 9 spring, 65 1 -tic; No. y
$prd Roberts telegraphs'to the War Lard Roberta cables from Johannes - unohaagged. IINorthern. 75 7- 8c;- December,_74 6-80. mlde th- ofLcaal aonouncameat 0f the
Office as, follows:- burg that sixty- Boers were'captured FolLowrng are the range of quota- May, 78 1 -20. 0orn -35 7-80. Oats- appo�btak.'nt, wb+Ch becom -a effective
"Rundle reports olalretlshe■ with -b:le trying to croee from Portuguese bona. 123 1-4t o 280. on January ist, 1'x01.- It ia'and «rstood
y - territory to Naumbach, whe.ra - -- -tie w' +���, ..lrl.oacra i -$088 #6.68 i• - that liar Reeve's appointment wt11
small parties of Boers !n the Harris- i1d nneapoi e, Nov. 40.- Wheat-Cash, _
Hoer■ are endeavouring to get am- R'heat, red - .681 -2 u o9 Dave �tbe herds of all departments can;
Jeni.b, Rests, tad Vrede dkstrlots re- 73 3-3c, December, 78 5-8 to 73 3-4d
mua.tkon into the Transvaal W Meet, g101o6e'" • ` °'� 0 g7 I disturbed.
Deafly. The oomatiaadaea appear to Wheat, spring. 0.6b 1-3 0.69 'May, 76 3-4e; on track, No. 1 hard. 7S
be acting kadepeadeatly, and wktboo 1 Be reports that Lord Methuen ban Pay_ 0.40 0,45 �3-4c; No. 1 Northern, 74 8-4c; No. 2 z K
bject except to glue as mch sago/- ;captured a pom -pom from t he Boers , Barley. . -0.42 0.46 Northern, W 1 -4 to 7d 3-4x. Flour- --
t - that Piet twainer, a omis:n of the com- Rye• 0.32 0- ORDERS "MUSKET , PRACTICE
t age w pose, ble to the Bret sub. Oar eas- Oats. Y 0.311 0.321- 9.Quiet, ftrat,patents. 34.15 to #4A. ne*- _
k +ua:tles to theca sk rstiahea ware two mandant of the gam name, had died r� - --
t Flay, per . too. «..,.. 12 UO 14.50 ond- patents, $3,90 to $405; first cie-I t;
Ikklled Lad seven wound" al woeads roc +atty received; and -that I atraw, per ton. 11.50 1200 . $1.95 to $3.06; second clears, ;2.15 to, Brigade of Mounted Infantry Farm
` "Douglas srrtved at 9entersdorp`!the police captured Field Cornet Da Dreaaed - -mss .. 650 725- 9._+5, t3ran -Ill bulk. $11.18;a $IL54' ed From the Regiments. -
- -- kL'v. -It.- from - seems+; sspttsrinlg- dur -P, a- zt-V1Yburg- - -- _ T Batter lb rolls, 0.18 0 1 _ ,A despatch from Pr etarie says :- -
I ,_ .
keg the marsh twenty-one, prlaottetsY Two lraooers who were ed of Egg% new laid' '• 0'19 0.1:8 SHOW HIMSELFQN BRIDAL DAY • Lord R barta has issued an order cam-
3"" $number of cattle and eheep,'treachrr October 26, were Irked by CLecYana per pair..... 055 O6U
Ventprsdorp, witch has been a depot of I y, 'Turks a, per lb. .' 0.88 0.11• pelting. the men. to taker regular mus.
supplies for the 1loero, will dbw be court- martial at Potchefstroom loose- I Gam, per. lb - .. 0.06 O.t)8 rtrasga ■eteule sr serseaaaysa)or or. ketry practice. Each man will bare -
- cleared oat." 9uitted Their relatives were aaton- Docks, per pair, 0•bY OSo Ar,lliery at Halifax. _ tto fire :a rounds at a. target, and if -
)abed and impressed by the justice Duds, lave, per pair. U 0 0.50 ,A despatch from-Halifax, N. S.. soya his showing is poor. a penalty of 25
THIRTEEN KILLED. shown by theBrittah. :Potatoes per bag - Battery Sergt.- 3aajor' Edwjrds, of -
` {j Apples, fall, per bbl. 0.76 1.21 additional rounds will be imposed: The
I Apples choice, per bbl. 1.15 2.00 the Royal Artillery, shot himself on commander- in-chief is very anxious
•�..,Jrlart /a1 se■stl of taaltway Aeeldest un, SIX THOUSAND' BOXERS SLAIN, Beef, hknr'auartera. 700 85$ Wednesday. morning, the time set Los
jj that commanding officers shall make
hewer Line. Beef, forequarters. ... 4.00 600 -his marriage. When the carriage the trainrng of the men effective -
�1 :. 1. .� BaT -FeR �.�., ` .: .:e ' .., :a saute >t6rE..re■ He4L aarosees_- - -'.__ 510 730 arrived at tbe- door - o[ the kil_lartera to . -
s =Ttie southern a Calvee,- tkash �• i0-- -ta take hi:gt-te elk arch he was iound-eni�giAB ihstee rsgLtatkeu. _ -
y express was de- t7,iaess• at Fa44,41A te..
r-=� "railed at soon an Thursday etween A despatch from VaetorLa, B. C„ Hatton' per lb. U,05 0.07 i
y Pe La.anhe, spring, Per � 0.07 0.081-3 ��. having shot hinge![ tyY.�L ,i,e , G. 1: <'kknde or 'mounted infantry fa
- $utter -Repel to of chotw batter The young Ind , Mgr Casale Allan I being format bare, and excellent
_ at c: i -b -t- ' -DAIRY 3[.1 RSE T9.
shoat 39 stiles wrtb east of Bayonas: steamship 'Vaoteria Vconcsraing the s y - progress 'has already been made, Oar
D was waiting, at the altar of Trinity ' oocapany is taken from each - regiment
'Tbs restaurant oar was precipitated rebellion in South, Cbkaa, l`be Triads I are fair, and we hate a good demand. I of infantry, and
some of the men who
-- aver to embankment. Thirteen peraoa$] - have_rebelled_Ln an aianrl_�tt>zs-
church for Edwae - . when the news- ry,
Creamery is quoted at 21 to 29e for !by special messenger came- that he had ' were never on horseback before this "
waste killed and 20 othrra Lajared, acv- steal Su, commander -in =chief of the ,�� cholc dairy, tabs, at from 18 scheme was started are already sere.
tea seriously. Five passengers are Imperial forces, is asking for men to l to 1W; .Creamery, prints. 22 to U6; $omitted ■-folds in the Citadel bar- - -
rack's, Tbe bride -to-be fainted is the iceable cavalrymen. -
IslisSiag. Tbe list of killed included. auppreea them. The British-, havel�ium butteir plentiful at from 18 to, clergyman's arms. The story soon
Senbor J. F. Canevaro, Peruvian Min- despatched infantry and artillery to lbo -
safer to Frsacse sad an attache of the guard the Kowloon frontier, tii', heir � sg.r� is Lair desttlid; fresh reached tbe,ea.ra of the large number _
Peruvian Legation in Madrid. the torpedo-boat destroyer handy � are quoted at 17 to 18c; cold htorage praeeat, and as exciting scene ea- THE AUSTRALIAN CONTINGENT.
The section of the line -where the was .land _ stied. -
fag men she encountered a stook, 1b to 18x; pialtie3 eggs. 180. Tuesday evening the • news of ;Id-
- , accident occurred is under repair, and force of rebels and threw shells a mor g•I. Cheese - Steady, and unchanged at s will P■ a Fade [pate t- ire leaaaaell. et
wards' Intended marriage was read at fife Feder■u-a or rro.t'ee ■.
- the'derailment is attributed W the them as they advanced on Sanscbuan, from 11 14 to 120 per lb. "the mess by another sergeant, and A despatch from London, ssya;-
Igreat speed of the train. The ensi- routing them and killing 40. DRESSED HOGS AND PROVISIONS. the others ! . sad, whereupon-M. Y
says the groit ad save way us- A stiong -force of K kang -sl rebels,' 'just ;now shipper6 arc well' oecnpted 1 wards struck LUG oftat _sergeant, ' tsry forces be to tralia W
tier. ••the loeomiotive, which sank -into marching to join the Kwang -3iag re- in rush'iag goods to catch the last boats knocking him down,. and the officer in for the inauguration of the Common-
Cho ballast. The restaurant Car oanie bels, 'met and defeated the Imperial at Montreal and the North ; all the g wealth has been- fixed at a thousand
-Into terrific collision wjtb the tall. troops near )ova charge was called in. 1
ngniag and captured'�o�ts leave next week. Light dressed Edwards -came home from Bermuda officers and men, with four guns. .
de�;vne rolled dowa the em- dirty bo s ar4' anabangea at =8.26 to $6.60
g five years ago, an3 it is reparled that The force from Aldershot - will be
bonkment. - A battle was fought at Tsan -Cho% fper cwt.; heavy $5.50 to $5.75; straight had is wife yknd family' there. Hadar the command of Captain A. H.
he It was lunobeon ' hour, sad out of- on the Tsang- Chi-Li border, an Oeto- car lots, $6.
M passengers in the train, 30 were ba 17, between a body of Imperial Provisions -Dry salted meats -Long = Wood, of tne,2nd Scottish Rifles, son • _
of Sir Evelyn Wood, the the Adjutant -
st table. troops and Boxers: Gen. Yuan's troops clear bicoa,'91 -2 to 93-4o. Smoked FEARFUL PENALTY. General It will.aonsiat of one offs-
The' bodies' were terribly mangled, numbered 8.000 sad' the Bozeia 12,000. meats- Smoked hams, medium, 12c; —
One 6V the butlers of the restatitsaat -Two thousand men were-left to guard large, lie; breakfast - bacon; 12-to 12 Negro Murderer chained to s wail aed car and 23 Task and file of the let
ca'r, who was slightly injttred, became Tsan,-Chou, and Gem. Mein, in charge 1 =2c; baq'kd,,J2'•to 121 -2e; rolls, 10.to 10
Rained to a crltn. Dragoon Guards; the same number
suddenly Insane. and 'walked to and of the Imperial troops, gave battle l o; ehouldeta, 91 -2 to• 100. A despatch from -Limon, Gal., says: from the 7th Hussars; one officer, ,
' fro amid the wreck Chained to a ''railroad rail' Set fiFmTy area sergeants,- a trumpeter, 52 rank - - -- -
age singing at the oateide. • The battle' lasted all dayrand Lard- Tierces, 91 -'2c; •'tuba, 9 3-40; _
atop of his voice. resulted is the* def eat of the Boxers pails, •lOc. in the ground on the exact-spot Where, and file, two -guns and ammunition -- "
The engine6ra and stokers,-wlio viers 'w•ith great -loss. Their leader, Chen, Barrelled pork= Heavy, $17.50 to $18; his fiendish crime was committed wagsane of the 10th Battery, 'Royal'
thrown into a field, had miraculous refused to retreat, and when the tight short cut, $19 to $20. _ Preston Porter, the murderer of Lou- Field Artillery; two 0tiicerts, aia aer-
«" escapes. - was lost fought with 300 desperadoes "
LIVE STOCK. ` ise Prost, on Friday evening •paid a geants, and 46 rank and ft of the
L in a ravine until all were killed. His Toronto Nov. 20, -We had about• fif- •terrible penalty for his deed. It was Royal Engineers; one officer, one ser-
bead was ken and h the 11 v ' ock, when the father of the , s btigler, a piper, and 21 rank
•' -' ' ' to a hung on wa s ty carloads of live stock arri a •at the "6.23 o'cl _
__ ' • .- CHECKED BY PLUMER ' of the amity, Biz thousand rebels, were . western cattle � yards this morning, murdered girl touched the match to and file of the '2nd Highland Light
t...r killed, most of it being poor staff. Prices to fuel which hail been piled aiounk Infantry, and the band of That regi- `
Bdbr Trek `through the Magalies- = a4l. round are practicall y unchanged the stake, and twenty minutes - m
em t.
PA " convulsive shudder told that - Horses will be provided in Australia =
_w. g
l- • - er, a fast convuls - °'
berg Passes Stopped. - from last Tuesday.
A despatch •�fromo, Pretoria says;— VRYAEID EVACUATED There was, as naval, a cod demand life was satinet. _ for. all mounted oPticers,a4ld men ass
Tivo strong Boer commandoes with
for the best liatchor cattle, and but The eaecvtion�ra, who numbered for the guns and vehicles.
- bi;rds of cattle have arrived near Bal- WHI Be 111OWn to Pieces if -Boers - little' -of the right sari here to meet about three hundred citizens of Lim- -
Reoeeu It• the demand.•Good cattle is worth from Coln county;-had - nat- the'le�is;'aQ�l, E-E
_ sacral, one on each aide o1 the W11ge , PY ___•_- .. _ w�EU�D T ,Ak.�FaV, -
rive_r.- -'Tisey have bean trekking front A despatch' from Lamdon, Saturday;- t9t -�4O- per pound, and fro '' ^ ^° ^` - the - ordinary �6, Their ev- _
the bush veldt, wheae ilt is imposes- • s&ys 'mhb Vryheid garrison is prat. tti 20o' more per curt. was ocoasionaHy cry sat was deliberate, and during x11
_ • bbe for the cattle to live in the sumr tioally besieged," says th_ a Pietermar- paid fn picked lots. - 'ttie preparations �s wall 'a`s through- $rokeri in 20 Places Between Bloom
_ Max. -The object ad the move ap- Ltaburs warespoadent of thb Daily Nothing of 'consegdeme is being out the sufferings of the negro, hard- , fontein and Orange River. _ -
ppeears to be to reaaU good pasturage Telogra.ph; wiring Thursday, "and the done in shipping cattle. ly an-unnecessary word was spoken. ,A despatch. from Cape- Tciwn,'sayw:-
(,or the cattle. town is evaonated.- A P65itfon has Stocters are easier, but not qudt- Grimly -they stood in a circle about It is report~' here that the Evers havt -
Gen, Delarey, appears to be trying been taken up on that hills commandL ably changed• y the fire until the body was entirely broken tho railroad in twenty placer
'to move southi for the ssntia p'arpose, ing, and notioes Nave been posted in ' There is no change' in either milch consumed, aZ3 tllein they quickly took between Bloemfontein and the Orangt -'
but has been checked byi Gen. Pl'u.mer the vicinity, warning the' l ears that ornvs or ealves, but '*ice grades of 'their way back to Limon, from e•,•hich river.,
to the MagaResber•�passea,- which are if they - attempt to re- occupy the both are_ wanted. " place they departed for their honiea _They have also cut the line betweel .
�' W-w ttrmly, held. by the British•. t(,wn it will be blo•.v ri to pieces." gbeepind -lambs being in only mod. , shortly afterwards._ Kimberley and Belmont. "'
dq: ur•Y+r,• .'t,' Lh'- ,y., i;r . .,: _ .K rllv! 4�:+" u.;5' rl .$:�,pv p. �_ "�'• ;)';,.t;� ,.. .;.`I'Ez�n" ° '9 ` °�y ;`•` "14",n c ^' ;1;4r'4;iv}y�,rr,°' F,A 7, ,• ry '.t , w„ n$y.!r ,br.,.'.. �'"d'+..., ' . . -:'s•. �, "c txk%,. _ � 'e `n - "" ' -: �" �' l• .'+e "'i. r� , ;' /-' - . �'r - e:•: s,' _ pig u
'�,"�'r'~ x, :h•-' 3' ..« '+ '•irf,,'"x: Y'K. 7 ,, "y •,:' "�.7 °''",�yS.": �'4' y``SS ?;K. «B ".. ^^• w .,., '.q . _ - {'*`," '";+
.. - + `i. ...a.; .. ,,, a. . _ ., :r,,{r .. .rfr%� - - ,'Y • ., •�. i-• :,t.. -. � •et"" "• 'aw••w y.k .. , - - �,� ,t,,
Ayyr iyitfyWNNW WI W AWM AIL,�apan -Ceas are colored. _._" It V a well IGOOrsn fast that the I Peliatss fgsy- Cbae�, Oplslou may Craasr 1st one 1tYht LYaI sever ohsiires, rhea
entire Altlantic seaboard. is sinking Is the quality of
, A teultllrat at the rateoQ. two feet a century from _ U'D - -- ,. ".',�•��r•1�
Cape God to Cape Hatteras. LL It can
sLoik that fast it oertainly has. no - -- -- = -- -
- - - -- TO S4EEP 9 $ITT.L SAFE. - very solid 'underpinning, and some, -
- - - - day the props may let Bo all at pace,
II&Idnost every day we read in the and where will New York be? Past t��YLON 'T3BJ„ italwsys re :h, bast• _
papers of noes one gored to death CEYLON UREEN TEA tracts of Holland are already be- _ to fwd �' �' �' 80 and - • - ,
low the surface of the am, and the -- ---Je '
- by a bull. But al- t always it is is pure and uncolored waves are kept ovtt with the great
a Lull tbht 'has been more or' less _ dykes, and science ',says that handled and not one that has been - -' ' ' land, Belgium, Denmark and . all the
running loose constantly with a herd gestsd area and the alkali in the southern coast of the Baltic are sink- Poultry, Hutter,,s'£ And othor Osrod'YCi. .
and therefore open to suspicion of be- soap disinfects the galled spots. This Lag steadily. The entire continent of If you have any correspond us, We want 100 OARLOADS
wild and possibly dangerous. These simple treatment, if it can be follow- Atalanta has gone down under the to ply our tt ads -
ing 1?o8S g P waves -wby ehou]d.o3ot other con -
tragedies occur so often that- we-- ed-by- seat -for the.- .galled - animal. -will t- inests follow? -- - - - - -- -TM- Dawson C' amr _sion...Cia,t LlrMted, Toronft
;think same suggestions by Henry E. hasten the formation of a new coat To balance these depressions, some _
Alvord, Chiet of the Dairy Division on the galled places. spots are rising. About one -half of HOW KWANG RSU LOCKS."
-- of zhe Bureau of Aniiiral Industry the Pacific islands are betag elevated, d
FOR A OAR LOAD, Sb are the West Indies, the west coast 'Tke- Emperor Hot-in Audience Frain I '
at Wasihirsgtom, ought to be placed of South Amerio't and .5pitzenbergen:-
_ within reach of all who keep one or Open people are anxious to know The entire series of Japanese islands ntrciu Ttit sawn. 1
more bulls. It is a fact well known what constitutes a car load, axed we rose from the waves bi a oomparar The Chinese Emperor is now a 2 f•'
- ' by' > egular stoa]Bnen that any bull ahnez the follow for the benefit tively brief time, thirty years of age. He is under a of an wile may desire the knowledge. - "The Land That Swings Like a lmeJium height, sallow, and appa tly
inlay be very dangertnLs;_it is also Y Hammoak" is the name given'by In-
a as well known that any bull pro- The figures may not exactly suit ev- dians to .the territory about San of a weak constitution. FIe hat re-
trained, kept in sabjection,and. arywhere, but approximate so closely Sitivador, Central _',merica. Tbat I ceived ,good training in Chnness and
managed may be perfectly
safe. We to a general average that shippers city ywastterly destroyed by an 1Lmtihu Fla knows noes En He
will find the a great convenience as - - has a wife, a dozen oonaabinea, a d no
quote the suggestions for trainingand '�_
imanagement entire: reference: chit ilea. He is unable So coat his " `t
The chief objection made to bulls As a general rule 20,000 pounds or gxplosive temper. it is d tiul
cd sii t age is that they are likely 70 barrels of salt. 70 of lime, 90 of whether he can exert a rule a
to be vicious and dangerous. Every flour 60 of whisky asks of flour, thority over others. He figs d in•: of
one recogniaas the difference intern- 6 cords of hard. wood, ?cords of Aoft flack clear vision of aurrouni' RHEU ���S CURED.
Iperameat between the fleshy, beefy wood, 18 to 20 head of cattle, 50 to ditu+ns. His reform edicts ire i tue'
ball and the one of pronounced dairy 60 head of 'hui;'s; d0 -to 'IW- head of ' is the history oL.the empire. It n im- _BY_
chraracter; but experience and obser- weep 9•� feet of solid boafds, 17.000 possible to say, itowerar, a •Art , ,
pe r ' of them are due to him a •� eat � I%r• YaLttilr��ln II El00tNtlo !<NL
ration have taught that this bulls of feet of siding, 13,000 feet of flooring, part to Kang Yu-Wei, e reatest PAY ��� C�tR�■Ce
inarked dairy type are much alike in 40,000 shingles, one half leas of hard leader of the N„eform party. P CURED
lumber, one fourth less of green is a symptom of Kidney The Emperor, as is chat
disposition, regardless of breed, asi P ! ! 'r� to t nase:nt. try ■.:.en y',u.ar,y, rate- +*fr.s
lumbar, one tenth leas joists, scant- Disease. A well -known China, transacts all slate at be- r.;dy you don't".. tc pay acent t you .re
among' men, some bulls will be found doctor has sx.A, " I never 1 tween twelve at mi,lnight �n rke 1 o�:d t do thu it -) set. *.• not ■t "Lm to .d
nxl,naturally bad tempter, but it is be- ling and all althea large timber, 950 yetmadeapt,st•raortemex- = of the sun. some sharp t has f;�np;nt`I �yenn►itane'tp waeun-nc o
tiered that the great Ana jurity of butts bushels, of wheat. &U of corn, 680 of aminanor ina case of deatk eai(l that the Ohinesd love a fitness ynn r-a f"'. and reau o,', an,i wo,•,b wl; cot 6w-, r _
oats, 400 of barley, &V of fiazseesd, from Heart Diseasew•ith- because their deeds are evil %Vr.:1t' is j} Take he Chances,
of all the dairy breeds, can be safely out finding the kidneys i good, however, is done at same ff is s
- - -rapt until tar old for service and 9r 1 of apples. 730 0[ Irish potatoes, _ wereatfault." The K.diiey I Lime. it s during these h, ,- that y,, m r.: 'dna . .,s a ■,..a :on,{ .aaaea- oa my,
lzandied without serwus trouble, if s' of sweat potatoes, 1,000 bushels of mad cint whinfines Anton I Kw•ang Hsu formulutee L s e- licts, rem,, oast Taere u :nor, o-
!he market, most succesq- which are all biL,he 1 in Pekin a+ tn:at it iertortu .00a -r- n • i _
only properly reared sad judicious) bran. - Pu I,rater down ,aaa. It not au:) ■ :i ris rosin ui o•au► =
y fyl for Heart Disease and Ga zrl te. Two Off ie iii l.+ aha + =u'v the ao� r +s •'r riot iii w•. n.s.s r mac t-« r 91did f it.
managed. �- all Kid,ioy Trouilos, and ror without cei+ l'bt'se are y' -•s •.a t.l iii—W11 1,b-4 oa rat nap:anasotm.
FOWL HIVT9. Empe 41 ae.m'_ -,rod- bat tam proeo,a"W Is is an
" in rearing a bull, acc'uctom it to ' most w,duy imitated is the Iinivr!..I iiroordera. Th-v note «av -netor rot :. a.o.r w' •. a�.,a ,ct Then
being handled from ctlfhuod, but In selecting the breeding fowls sac- - ail" transcribe nis every
act, hiq ev- dot. . ;i:,.: rautnna:ee.r.:n , oa,a
without fonsiling or encouraging fro- rifice puinrs f 'r vrgvr D " ? I ery wont. Their rnemoraiwa are FREE 806j(a r-a t nano er1L . ter or
ow,i,eot ai itn•t ft trust for
M;Ik is cone of the beat foods for tr' +anferre.i to the Imlrral archives tam ■,wr..••,l,as tt- +eoc■eu «iasltL
tic. Give it kind, quiet, [jrm and no- ___ , __ pn+t- are_nrrt opetled until ' .e h,Atofy
varying tre=atment, and keep it al- y`'c'uZW or aduic fowls. — - -- - - of the Ivneiity iq written lo`a'f,- after IS Yo �' MCLaiu�hiin
ways, under subjection, that it may A tat hen seldom lays anything but � �� the rotting bones at K•v.inx H^su have 1�0 Yirtee aL• Tot•On'to, Qnt.
never know its strength and power. 'salt- •tbelled eggs ,a11 b■c „tae aacrei beside those of his an-' --�. Y - - -- -- -
-.Insert the nose ring before it is a One way to ,naike money wtth 4vW- P ■ s ■!� eartura THE MYSTERY OF TOBACCO. r
ear old, keep this renewed so as to try is to keep down expenses _ POR Or ER FIPTY YEARS - - - -' -'
y `1=6g tsnurffii�rcii►1 value of tobacco ds- _
- -- - 11j Rtways strong, and always lead and Fowls_ctrnttaed take on fat festal .�_ -_ ___. - ! MR8 wT1 �1,,i% - -"THING -18r'P hso beeo' pendn not upon Its dicotfae. but up-
than those a lh,wexl to rasa loose ; u wi .., m._ ' «r-r -, pair cA..arw re. ,,n,•,t t•
'baxt - rile the unitnal with staff to the earthquake on 3lan'h 1S, 1978, but th' r:' "c•, "" ^ "r,• „ ".•;sr "o,i" "•,W'ai'l . (#1 certain cumpNa +.s, the chemist
hands of a discreet and trimty man. When possible it is always best to the pe+:G;e had gro+sa .!armed and ���;, ,�` a «'`r.ow.dr'o�� �e:ae.`d-scr nature of which is stil to be wbo!ly
rbe bull should cover run loose In have two ru+oms to the poultry house _b;td der +ed it, -sj only 5W were till - �r 'ai* •t, +ow t&��+hfnaanap." - USk flow fi th3iat 4.=Lpirt the - "VIQr -V_ _
1 Fil h aaxters give rPat feasts e,l.- Ir tiouru+bes to -da —" arom-t which consumers l.ke. rbese
— - -= -}'ard oc paxrure, but yh.L iW be pro- Y q g g y' I A DEFEAT �ca d-4 differ !a unlit ind
roc' fhe lice and they Multiply ra id- But in .;ate of tbewe terrors men 1 li;,n q Y
►uled with abundant and regular a : - Y P live c ilmly on Most men nArer l When 'my daughter gat mart•ted we qu w'1;Y in drilerent gr•sdea of the
arouse; always under restraint, and I'Y• stu iy rWure, ,and” ai do not know I leaf There is no appzrgnr relation
tall control. T2ie 'walk around sr- Boiled oats mixed with corn meal is "these th nits Others read of rhem to thought we would bo►rd with her and between the color or the arora.a and _
full candtro like a 'walk
horse pow s good e{tg 1.roducer, bw,%r vtiuul boo:cs aul forget theca ber huvbaind _ the arnjunt of nicotine Nicotine di-
Suft floe is a 1 remedy for seal al. rid; witti lbeir Latin an l mythold,cy Weili mutlsheq d he 'the proFea -ea of cur-,
N• affords A fair degree of voluntary p g°Oi Y Y Onty the ptruft�sional s,'ienrists keep We got a lite'start. somehow, Mild wtr'Ie the lLivor in.f atoms ars
bxercise, but is hardly sufficient The ,legs Rub on and let rematti & shiort them eter in mind, -and these ire not derek led It has been suggested
- tinge and wash off. alarmed, for ithe know there . is they are boarding wit& us. tbaL the lstter are due -to the action
be.tt plan seems to be to provide a Y -
sui! ible tread power with a governor Fed for grmWth and for e-gR�, not really no sate place an salt$, anyhow, SIMIMA of bacteria.
_ MosrrRSarr horn
attached. place the bow -t rF -a,n� or pgKv. not
- b rot The a 9atmorzlr" I 9W gip, -Mines i P 1' IUii
STA let h m wnitr g..,,'fl.r A tie.., •f0�•rllTfe■le -- - -- r ` - -. - -- -- -- - - -- - a °! - ---- ---- - -- - -- -
” .Yr_ esitRen:�e_ - E :♦ t"1__.!` + Hi1!?•,�N. _ -. _
- Ladies o[ Candda; treGw -oou.w Aewa - - -
a, ,Y pullets will mature much AVENUE N6U8E— �aaut, soar ,w sr.N r
d;xtanee- -Thy. aui n. .a -J - -- �'!'h !e stet 9mw s sad -� „ti�la.,d - -- per der - —l�j�� ART'S
should be regular said •ruUicient ex- earlier then those allowed to go to argue the..Zollverein and. differential -_ _
eg Oarbelle DutnetyeeanU, soaps. Olnt•
arci•,ei for the bull. Incidentally, he raxit without a well -filled crop. trado within ibe Empire. _which they ]PEC( -LIi R ACCIDENT. ■ree"t, Tooth Pewdera etc, hare Neon
may be made to run a Ladder cutter The ber:t of ' rtimulitnts are pure will do while jaw displaces com•map awu.••sod loo tnadat;" .nd dip.omim for cape -tar
sense, settle this mutter Lor your• e1 peculiar aceideat uccurred in a exce:leoce. Tn. r regular u.e prevent ufsctl•
or a cream separator and perforin watex. clean and propr+r food, ,clean selves. on% dt»ea,es, A-k your dearer to obtain a
g g and caQZifHrtable quarters. western town recently. The big iron sav919 L!-ts mat!ea rrueon nppiicattoa.
vatu.ible service. Asa a and strength h 4 Ycur bro! her colunviats of Ceylon safe in* shoe factory refused to open, F. C, CAIYERT & CO.,
tncreeiie, let the staff be supplement- The breast bane at am early age is wnd India are gr.iwdrs of -pure teas: and the buukk e r and engineer con-
- i,: rt as }'- i F:__ -_s a -'.:s =-_ 131. rckand .Greerp;__CanadianandUnit -_ pe g _RtAaortssTlR eNOl.wleo. -
' , etrap;--bbain or rope aweII be - "- ". a Lr 3 ed Siatei imp,irters supply you with ceived the idea that they could burn
Ab a second ring. TV this may well be 'lY bent. 11,000,000 u.uds annual! of Japan 'out the eomb;natiun by use of carbon I To sand far our
In buying ducks customers will not he Y p ! ootnalea &boat
- added some bitching or leading chain 3' ng teas, yet they- km�rw, Japes -ns are ¢rti- land elce'tricity. It took several hours MUS1,
C � Ilo�ue or reset •-
wi�h a sCroag strap around horns or take those with dark pin feathers, no fic;ally colore.l and adulterated. ' Let to accum{lkish their ur e, but xhe' tru,to and Books
neck. LeT'tbere be always a double .matter how good they may be in other the knowledge. of these [acts apd the purpose, y of setintrnta
'sentiment at patriotic sisterhood finally succeeded, but not until they S of dtseeunt kitchina device, so tEfat the bull may rASlects, if they calla get those witb �� you to help the- Britis& pleat -,trail aloud !or eevt•ral hours in the ,!
white feathers. WHALEY,
never by accident find himself loose er. ;glare of, the electric light taking turns , _ROYCE dt Co.
when he should be tied. I! restive- When s'hen is given food that she B /Lrish-gmwn Black Teas hold the at bolding the wire and carbon. When Wanted f
. salsas and telnper are shown, add to does not require, it Is si,mpjy
was Canadian market. Drinkers at Japan 'the work was over both'complained o! It�rooranutont
the .esercise in duration or quantity, ed, and it may prove more or less in- tea sh ,uld try the Greens now corn _
i'ng on the market, and your. dainty 'a dizziness and pain in the head yvhicS�- '• DOUGLAS SAge. --
Without violence; a bull physically jurious• palates will approve therru Yes -11-e increased as the hours passed, and ima Fetallie SKYLIGHTS tr, Adelaide HL.
.tired may be depended upon to be Do not attempt to keep too many, hear your grocer's excuses; but in- short time both went suddenly blind roxoit'm,oaT.,
quiet and 'easily managed. brpe•is atone tiate, unless fully pre- sist• Ladies c,tn aiways get what at about the same time. All efforts sautaseCasin N`ew Importations en.et Eagibb - - - --
Y they want- 12canember how._ sou ran , ■bee and Am,�recrn Tic Ctsin rotia6le oa■at __ _
" It is much better to keep the bull Parec. to- )iee'p each breed separate, as your busbaind to' well, do they atilt Ito r��nre their eight have--be-en_Un� }t F r ice. PARR, BL�i'xtvll"1LSt'4- io'onto.
as ranch as pogsihle in the:. presence crossing promiscuously•does net pay., {h.i,n$ it Paradise? They certainly levailiag, for - while the ey8 balls appear
-!-Dr in full sight of -the herd than sta- _ _ will if you give them Ceylon, and fall right, the eight is destroyed. b b s 1 t e a 1
bled by himself in a lonely place. Let "NO SAFE PLACE. _ India green tea. Blue Ribbon and 1 -- him be in the same room with cone Sal"ada packets 'are •now obtainable. •$100 Reward, $100, LOU i 1 - t- •
Said to Be Dnntreroer to Live Any" here The readers of thin parer will. be leased to
dui ing -the stabling seasoq, and' at P r p LAWRichwo_dSLW,,Tor,iuM � Mlllna Millis • NA4E
E on Thla sart)t. - learn that there is at esRr one dreaded digeuse S, MILL etc, lnilki times the rest of the ear!' —= - LOGIO - that science has bee i able to cure In `ail its ag y ' r Remnvedto w'u-ley Buildintrs, Many scientists insist that it is t stitaee and that fa Catarrh: Hall's Catarrh Bystander -Poor fellow, One of hie Cure Is the only nrsitive curd now known to -- - --- - -
-- dangerous to live anywhere on this _ "
alrth, and wounds is "fatal, I believe. thomedicaliraternity. Catarrhbcinl;aconq sooMS,ROSarlss,Cru•
HORSE HIVTS, -~ give facts and figures to'i policeman -So it is; but the other titutional di.en.e, vquirea a consntutioaal Catho�ie Qrnyer olfixes, soapulitm '
treatment, Hall's Catarrh Cure is iai later. R.liyious Pictures Statuary, and Chtvch Ornatu-nu
Pro ve it. From pole to Fole clanfier� tally, acting directly upon the brood and F.dncationaIworks. nailorde"receivepromptrtr,n,
B, abounds, and frightful, cafastrophes wan ain't, so he has an even chance.
Correct feedin clean water,. cOm- g - -- mucous surfaces of the system, thereby des tioa D. aJ. tADLIER i GO., Montreal
fortable housing, thorough curr •in Y troying the 'oundadoa of Zbe- disease, and -
t3. g 3 B are 'liable to overcome humanit at', constitution the pa ndaatiting aturo in doing the Dyeing t Cleaning I
and brushing, plenty of Work and good any s of on the lobe. Science rtrves constrtntion sad a3•ieting unroll+ in doing iw
P g p work. The pr.,prietom have so much' faith in
care are the safeguards of the health that ' not a square mile of the en- Bred Dollarrior anyt aRPtihat itfffaue too ogre t� Pot the very best send your work Lo the
tcf the farm horse.. fire earth but has in some time of VV JJJ��� / /iCa/T +/r Send forltatoftentim•nial.. BRITISH AM[RICAII-0Y[i110 CO.
The hciis# that is coritpelled to pull the been sw b flood, fire or Tilts sC atun is on every box of the trnnlss F. J. CHh 1 RYdc CO., Toledo O.: "Look far agent in tour {own, or sane dir-at. - -- - - -
ages apt y it, fold b drnggis•s, 75c.
his 'hay from a rack above his bead 9kicier, or buried by volcanic erup- lAnfilYe BrOM&,Qaimne Tablets j Hallo amily. PUM are the best Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebec.
will 8enerally be troubled by inflam- tions, or violently ahaiken by earth - > t�tst etee� s aoN sass "
FOR sovilsaavz.a a1a1li
watioti of the eyes. When he throws quaikea that all human life there FEARED THE OLD MAN. What are you 'blowup that tin inn dr:' w"hingClotheNI•onint,seaunspros r"s
lip his head and noses the h'ay' all the must . )save been ended. Y g PAiiAP FIIilm
_:toose dirt and seeds will fall from, As to eart'.hgva aes, there is no place He meant to pop the question, horn, for, Joneat Your side was - _ the hay, and the horse will get more that has not felt them. There is +an But prudence made him stop;. - snowed under.
ur less of it in his eyes. Much. trou- erromeous and popular belief that Fqi• even if he accepted That's all right; I'm blowing it so
•ate may xie caused by 1 rs i repiaai_._regiona are liable He'd have to question Pop. .I can't hear those otber fellows blow.
with the best and clewnist of hay- to 'severe earth-gwrtikes. Even the
uzzN QITY OIL 0T0,... united.
t.nwes the racks. - — - chilly plains of ltiasix=y -Enos b — -� �' a -- —
When' the hoarse is suffering' from torn by these shocks. Earthquakes r - - -- Ask 7611111, �te1,%ers, Prss>c' Rw7v
__tlolla� and harness rwbbing bathe the have visited - the city ot! . New Yor3c_ LC/1V �/ NUTRiTiOtJa- _
sore spots in lukewarm water and ass- within this century, that, were they � THE MOOT
the soap, and after drying thorough - t:o came too-day, might topple over '/F�/
1 wi h a soft cloth, apply with Witch the ek -acre sa and kill thous- • S
thexel. The witch batxel is mildly as- ands on the streets. Tornadoes, i,g- ( '
''iringent, and Nerefore closes the lac- •norantly called cyclones, are liable to lei (iRATt«UL- OOMFORTiNt].
- eratsd pores and tbu-s soothes by pro- strike anywhere swiith of th4a polar �t �
tecting the exposed, nerves from the raglans, sad where they c•innot live • O ;
air. The warm water keey" up the the bUzxsrd takes up the w,orb of ,
eircule tbon of the blood is the con- scaring ro.nliind.
y .
�, l
Toceph Cordon it w itb Hamilton Mr. ly.m. Cr creig Promoted.
to %be fans::: 16 On Your Pa"r 10
01W Saw*Ys 666"tsin 112's data To friends. Wr 171=u 4
youi�§Qb"riyuell to T= Nawats -Mrs. Times O'Brien is spending & ' On Saturday afternoon the agents of
Bowittan0*2 ar• ow S
few days with Hamilton relas;iv9s. &be Massay-Harris Comptny in .6he
sbalwo of date on I&bsi 012 the Pan
-He flemmerIg berm was raised
Owls 76041 t of money as this a - Toronto distriln met at the Albion Hotel
Che'ap Good
1110000 al. dwavaid ahead t on Tuesday despite the rain: The frame sad' presented a diamond ricg to Mr.
went together without a himb, William Greig, their general agent, who
-John hm E. Gee Lad wife vrere with has lo!i�mpromotad by the comp"y to Memo Bocce limed abirts 450 wens 1146ce lined dra'wers 4bo —
Toronto to friends over Sunday. Mrs Gee a position in the m&nagemeel of the Mons Beene lined Shirts 500 Mens SHOO lined drawers boo
will remain then for a few weeks. Maritime Province branch of the business Moms sock and rubben $1.90 MODS IDOW 0101'Qder and rubber $1.50
-Mrs. W. Howlett has taken Poem. as St. John, N.- B. Just Lrrivod-Car fine salt. Watch our grocery window, something good eonSima
J?ZCXZPJX a. Ox?,, N ov. 28, 1900. u of the doiuieile of the late Mrs. • Gib- Those present were: Richard Watson,
R.J.]PIT111- Weston: 11. G.
v. We believe Mrs. Howlett h par. I W.U., SLreeterille: S. A. Egam, Bolton,: 3F. 03F9 4C.Aj" If 1 40 -�q
LOCALISMS. the property. D. Beldam. 13carbor'o; J. H. Prentiss,
A Allen who has been Clerk in
the Unionville; T. A. Greig, Pickering; Chas -------
ering Pharmacy for She past few Murphy, North Toronto; James Bell, — — - -
Some guts prefer the 0101bel of Men, Mile his secured a Situati-on, with Mr Georgetown: F. A. Egan, King; R. Frisby
But Of pray don't deride them., ld BA Laurie olDorris is-now in Aurora J. H. Kirby, Maple; 2, W.
Th* 're fonder of such garments when e e of tbe-Pbarmley bore Lawrence, Woodbridge, and a number of
. 71
Re owners are inside them. During the gale on Wednesday the representatives of other firnole. Those
-Mrs. James Bryant is sbe gases of 0 Simeoe Company's ice house it present spoke in high terms of Mr, Greig's
or%, collapsed per and business posh
]Hamilton friends for a few days.
d go was dome so timber. The building and predicted still fnthAw promotions for e e
-James and Mrs. Gordon were with F ed and as it result much unfailing good rem Joh ]Di 'ki
11asollson frioidas over Wednesday. empty however. We learn that it will hi.m,
coastrucled forth•witlo. Mr. Greig will leave for St. John at
-Mrs, Joseph Gordon is sojourning for
mom* days with Hamilton friends. The Jennie a steam barge with pig- the end of the week,
-hire Knox. 13. A. of Bellvillp, is iro bippedfrom Hamilton for 0obourg .... Are Sellin
visiting her neice, birs Bell. for. a few on ond&Z and it Wednesday's gale ran Aurora. 9
weeks ash near the piers at Frenchman's
B bor The crew reached land but Mr. 12• Legge of Jefferson, is* baving
-W. P. Spink will leave oborLIv to fill large brick residence built, immediately a ree nsible position ore they sank the vesserin order
.-D*iry Flo. - pletod, tbeb--ilding will compare favorably Th Goods'You R
with Toronto not south of his prLsant home. When oom.
to, 'a her from oommesc wreckage
uld is be c,,ofdrd pros eaPire
-Charles Mrrq-iis, of Ripley, was here anoP810D with any along Young street.
art to mention that the Toronto or r 0 Four outgoing mails leave here daily for
fifes few days this week calling upon b:
parents and friends. G Ic' now showing its Wtb. ead the Toranw, two by G. T- R. and -taro by the 'A job
edito To be sue the conservative N et Ict-of Children's Undervesto Eery cbeap-from 3 to 13 cents.
ropolitam, end ar
-Goo. Harringon, of Toroxito, was P agravatizig during she woald five exactly the earne service. with
e so timed tbsi two
ham fameral,.Pf prase 1)eell
-Ge Mr W. Roth =crning -A A ^r% i9alres—way below %lie re
.,Ibe late Henry Savage. Rular�_
-There was born to Chi, le; I. and aisioag' editor of the Globe we, have eveningthe-bage for the city are despatched
admire fairness. Lnd'jut now wonder within a few minutes of each )tber. and
Mrs. King, on Tnesday Nov. 'Z01b a Now Salisbury flannel wrapperettee, . nice goods, race patterns 10 and IS
boaftb3 boy.
at me its uUmnees. for what reason no cne seems able to-"ex
All doing well. plaza. The Poetirnaster. General's claim of ct&
-W, J. Its"-im returnei from his MARKHAM,
saving in his department must be taking New Dress Goo y'
.0lactistious in Muskoka in Saturday eve- Goods - Plain, plaids, Checks. A goo variety Big stock fiaiijar�
hunting season is now effect in other places than his own con. ettes
Ding after bavwg had a very erjoyoble The I over
onsing, and the tort returning with their Three doer parties returned home. on
-Those indebted so, W. Hopkins, V. tro bies. Friday. bringing Evidence cf having bad Try a 10 sect package cl our new Invincible Jelly Powder We Lave, it in
IS., wEl kindly call as the house and settle ?be S h, Wigon Co. have received good sport, Ca t. J. Davis' camp btjught Lemon, Orange, Vanilla. Pine Apple, Strawberry, Raspberry, Cherry, etc. It is a
befiar, Dec. lot. after %bat date %fi accounts an order f r- Sault bse. Marie for 3 10 deer, Dr. Rutherford's I I and A. F. delicious table desert, and can be make in a few minutes
nos Scaled will be placed in hands for carloads o Wagons Lai I of alleighs to be moseley's 4 deer,
ealwatica. deliver *Ad boon as possible. Mr, A, Love has disposed c-f a small resi.
D. -Wn bear that St. Andrew's congregs • D N, r the popular host of &be denoe on Xe%salf street zo air Jonathan :Fresh Honey, clear and pure, in jars or by the p-cuni Try some
N� -
og�fie. RSVW A most enjoyable
Sion will mass for a Social evening in the I F,:Llir Weston,
Cbunb parlors on Friday, Dec, 7%b. 19001 oyster sac r to his boarders and there It hes. been decided to hold an 'Xmu !Prime new cho"e, vbe very best choice Coffoo and Teas, that stand tb4s,
market again this veer, and it is expected la 160 eatmet for to usi4t the Ladies friends an ew invised guests on Tues. I that at Is"% $150 -will he distr-,buted in Sees Canned Veg"ables, Fish and meat an.1 ever thing that's good to Set
806isty. All welcome. Jay evening About one hundred ant down iL pr..ws. Mayor Daville and Mr. F, A. Red.
-lira. W. 3, Clark is with Hamilton to the well spread tables, The Citizens cliffe • have acdertakem the responsibility
hiSUCIS for S 14V days, and while there Band played several selecuoi
wilt attend the wedding of I:or youngest i supper was served ai3d after 9-0 of collectizg the cash for the prize list.
The reoeLt stowstorm made tZoell.
around hare, tare earliest for
Mies Fannie Allen who is to be man was satisfied another hour was i sleighing C
wedded so- Hobert N Finaimmons. We Ple1AAMtJY Wbil4d away in SP6041244. gongs � many Years P364t John Dickie' W 06
1wiab the yoore coulols, every no-A&#. sad graphopbome seloehons.-Economist I Mewers Lennox and Lennox have recent
-John -MeQnsy, aged 76 years died at ly opened a branch cfhoe at Markham vil
Astiburn on Friday The remains were
�iinsarrod in she Friondo cemetery here on
--m"day. the l6sh ium. Doessited was Sir Wilb" IA,4rm ••Iummy accile, West Ontario.
well known biro and his relatives have diX&PP4ArGd as soon as she election was .1be rympasby of all in their bereave. over —and the country froze up The following to the offieiaf statement
1 1 ESP@ if & showing the czzber of vows polled for
poo,11C.Notm ircm She Bob. b o* the CaccLdste* for election Ln %be
'a I -These are
Vii! face that Axtirew idasoa. 0f -His many frAnds here deep1g. regret [I Ma 'gas accent. the I
right an electoral distin-,t of Wast Out
ah&ws, b d WED days. wbea the pump member of the House of cominons of
W*1) as his wd-s amJ oldest boy are III kin is gathered tro= She 5= L a wLm ray* ad, oic Nov. 7Lb, A D', IWW 'arlo Spink Mill's
with Typhoid fever They are all serious. aza the joyfo.1 farmer his subscription rol!'=C Sz-b- Dawnoz For roe
ly ill end professional assistance has Ps Lam, rfoTad�P,4- _X44glb-a
been called m. Being former residents 9A, French Somew Las Liovoduec"I ---`.Price' -.-List
7: d Pickering Tp. No 32
W* all wish to extend sympashms bill to tax bachelors. old maids in 2
-We* there a eate, on Wdd,sodayq-� married couples that 1121TO 130 children
Something of the% sort, and unbra;lss re, I witti;t five Year@ What a hi-allimg - 4 W 2
&rodm I there wotA be in C xbriJme J our'
versed their P041SIOU LA 5'redily as vision 44 33 V_
& 41
would desect, No paricu ar damage was �1 government puled legislation of the sisi ti 1
done to property in She villvge that we, A new smrviag machine weighing
ps 1 pr 'a
J�A ""i L..... .. q�vjj -
t 94
their fcrndmicus, t>eiue Icale] cm W Jcnes dray at the -to 2 .13
&$&lion 7366-Jay"ALI the, ":ffiCU'l Opera
At the Council m5eetine bel-d- On`
11 a3 32
tg fit- Bfo"h*m. W� E, -Va M.5.
-,a-remxov,,=g-a rot.W -=41�rnesxh a
appiicati06 for dacosges natainei by the pondeftue --isAice was thrown from Total 7 1
him through his horee brvinR become the wagon wad slaffere• consiJersble
I aied on the -cn!ver% opposite H, G. 3&=age.-Times, 'Uxbridge Tp.. No. 1 43 17
tvers a barn. The claim will be invest.
-ipW by the council memers. 2 :81 81 t
3 61
Stouflv; !a•
-The funeral of the late Henry § AT.
4 24 24
w took place on Priddy afternoon --antl- -Mrs. Dallas sai children are
r t✓ .21)
was well attenied, there being a casaba spending a few days with friends in -20
of friends acid relatives present from a Toronto. f •k
distance. Rev. A. C. Wilson veristed by Messrs. C. R. Piwb. W. T. Stari. W. C Total 2Srts
llliev. Mr. Carpec6cr conducted reliCons Renfrew and R. P. Coulson have returned '.Cream Buns," Family Flour, $8 80 per bb].
"ryico at the house. The members of home from their lomating trip to TemiAkl W-hi"burch Tp., 1 44 53 "Toroqto Patent," Fauo Pastry Fiotii, 9380 per bbl:
Ontario Lodes LO.O.F. took charge of aming• 2 72 3.i "Boo
0* remains and conveyed them to the The oll St"dard Batik, building is 3 .16 ldn,",Pure Manitoba Patent Flour, 13 00 per bbl.
.35 Bran, $14,00 per ton -Vilbeateleue" '25c or package
RMVG in the Methodist Cometiry where being remodlod Lad tastily tined up with 4 61 48 Shorts, 516.00 tar -too Corm Meal. 1.01bs for 250
the twoAl wvioe was conduesed. offices, and will be oompud by Mr. Jas. .5 W 32 Jumbo Flour. $18.00 par ton W Merl, 101bo for 2.5c
McCullough and Me"re. Swufter A coal. 6 87 46
-Tbae aisa as whiievaie, on Monday son. Mixed Cbop, $16.00 per t,611 MW Otte, 10lbs for 25c
Nov. 19th, John Moore, in his 840 year. Avery pretty wedding took place Twat 356 7jj0' Oil Cbop, 1W.00 per low ---1ktWd-Wbssrt,--9-4bo4or 4&e
-Deensed hiss, resided in ibis township for Wednesday of ASS week at *0 home 010 Oats Wo per -but - Graham Fjour� 12 The for 25e
many yet told was all his life, am Uxbridge Town, 1 53 4g Corn 46e,. per bus-Corn Chop, $IS 00 per too
'a' UP, Ud Mrs. Chu. Radmore, 'Is IM
-dustrious farmer. He leaves an aged 01 Orion 2 54 .0.5
Ave, when Hise Belle Smith wan married. Tr
widow as well at a grown 9 67
fam"y- `l7c_W-. itlerb*rt Elvidge, of Nowingrket. 7 —
-TW remains won imserred'in the B.
C, Ikv J. C. Wilson flicialing. Total -17t
eemetery bore, after service in the churdr Alf. Vamzant who is well gavancea in' - -
'Tbo funeral was a large one, there being years met with. a serious accident On Stouff 72
many old friends of the , fkimily ville Village, I
present, Friday-at J. H. Davis place bm the Oslo, 2 -al 54
To.1ho death of Mr. Moore, Pickering
• Township los"'one of her best citizens, While Out in 0e bum one of - the doors -Total 153
tho,flawily a good father tied was blown against him knocking bi 54, Tall & �l�tef . �OVdi3
the W'do-V down causing fraef-nie of the lei'.
an affectionate ' husband. Owing to Mr. VinzLiol's age it will be Newmarket Tdwm,-
St George's Ward 66 1-4 Special Value ;n '.Nlen*s Leaver Qverqoats $7 to $10,00.
-Wm. Greig ware here om.Wedneagy Some time before be is able to be around Andrew's tie (il
caffing upon his friends prior so lee -Betitimel. st Men's and B
for St. John's X_. B., 10 wh.eliplaclehe is The-Bell Tolepb . oiii CO. is this week St. Patrick's Ward 65, .52 oy's Saito.
being sent by the Massay•Harris Co. is quite a number of private Total 11,t4 '191,
their representitive, "Will*'- deserves
telephones in basins'" places in town C�
crwUs for the push and energy he Las die. $100 to set I for I. J. —Underwear, Blanket', Flannels-,_Ztc:��_
IS just cost C. E. Lardy Total " . Gould 1740. S
"a of _ 'with F. J. Roche lZil,
ilayea since embarking upon the lie Mr, IAbomsa, on account of Mr. wsjority. for 1. J. Gould .509. -in stock a large aisortment, of Boots and Slices, ara
to. As a Pickering boy we cannot but Landy*s doi frightened Mr. Labonta' 6 We have just placed
rejoice that he is so well suceeinR. His .130roo, causing it to run away and result•L elaim. they are the best oalue we have ever offered.
.-family will for a time remain in Toronto. ing in bit death. Sale Reglster.
Before leaving for the east, Mr. Greig Her many -friends
will deeply NYM.- TuEov.kv, Nov. 27th-Anction sale of 12
was the recipient of many valuable prep. patbizg with Mrs. Elizabeth Robson acres of standing timber at lot 20, con. 4, A. BUNTING*
ents, among them a diamond ring from wbdge youngest son John William Rob- Pickering, the property of John Tool. Picketing, Oct- 30, '00
the local agents of the Toronto district Of son died Nov 41ra in Syracuse, N. Y. at See bills for particulars, Poucher
which he was general agent. Postill, auctioneers.
rate early age of 20 years and 8 months
-The young men of the village have A. movement is on foot to organize L. WIDNESDAY, Nov. 28th-Anction sale of
organized themselves into a society to be company t ino usilizd the water supply at standing timber at lot 23, con 2, Picker. 1900
'known as the Pickering Entertainment : H. Cood's Laonville, to ouppIv the i'g, the property . of Alexander Lawson.
Company. Following the officers:-. various villages on the way to Toronto Sale at 1 o clock. See bills for partion• lars. Poacher A� Postill, auctioneers.
Rev. Carpenter, Pres.; J. Rome Tteztou, and also North Toronto sad Toronto FRXE),ky, Nov. 30th, 1W,-Anction sale of
Boo. Tress, MLnsgiaR Committee.- jncc-.ion. beech, maple and cedar standing timber
Messrs. Ham, Carswell, Allaway, Greig. A writ for 81500 anq 7
(IRUIRROB was at lot 34, rear of con. 2 Pickering, the BAR T
mod Every. The first entertainment issued on Saturday by J 1W, MccullOUR11 rop . crty of George Tate. Salo at I p.m.
will be held on Chriatmas night and will of Toronto" on bobalf of Mrs. Easthor A,
gee bills for particulars, Poucher
be of the minstrel variety. As the vi)]. I Phillips, Of Aurora, against T. William• rostill, auctioneers.
age is sea, without • public liall '-son, of thiw'town, and purchase at our ELEVATOR,
I a Mrs Phillips formerly TrFMDAY, Drc. 13Th 1900:�Anction sale f We are prepared to receive, urchas
this On as pre have undertaken to seat, owned a farm on the 8th coast of farm stock, implements, bonse•hold far. FRENCHMAN'S DAY, any quantity of Barley and Oats.
light a.dotb -iseltirnislo the fire•hall Whiteburcb, which was occupied by niture 6tcc., at lot 24, 8th -con. Pickering, We would-stromgly recommend farmers, in their own interest as well as
'eat. fanning crank vigorouely. Whist is blown, over is not
for. such purpose —in' * fact much of She Authomy'Speng, and there being a mort- I -the property of ,Tames N Sale to ours, to tuni the fannin
work is already done. The stage will be Rage field against it by the Camada Per- commence at I o'clock- See bill" for lost, round, it can be ted profitably! Tliis advice apply'& particularly to
elevatel and comfortable and the body of maiaout it- was held to satisfy the mortgage 0.rtical�rs. Ponaber t, Foatill, An6t-
Pill fnrnished with . oo an"! Mr. Wil;istnsou was tliq purchaser.. Barley.
Chrinroms night nee are promised that the Mrs. 11?'Ilips, however, claims F%rmers widiii19 to store outer kinds of graill Call do so there in plentri
decaratioDgwill surpass anything •here. 0126 lie y .1 . - .. . . . I .
was acting as her'Rient in purchasing and Hurry iip Vr Kruger, or France will of room. Coal of all �i idA for sale.
fqfcrf- P-pn ig P:rkerisor. The bona he' 410"ito 0
ya have that tb,� 81500, proEt. ma,le by Lini on forget a)) about VC11 and n
V 'I't n. it Willi will ormi we wish them a. r-41ing )t again, riR),trully be longs; to hur.' s,-,riiv.bo4ly or 8.)Iuethirg else byjth e time & Co. T. MOORT.
llenc-e the acLkm —Tribame. W. D. Matthews
iyou arrive,