HomeMy WebLinkAboutPN1887_01_21i to TT( VI V V1J. s' I. !- • Vraft" wttat �Gax��. , . 1 Med'ieal• 4�} FIELD, M D., M. C. P. S. PH SI- . CIAN, SUR(,IEON. CORONEU, &c•, yickeritlh, Out. ofiicehoim— Morning, fro 8:30 t„ 11::30 ; evening from 5 to 6 o'clock. _ 1 y R. W. FEARIER, ➢1.D „M.C.P.S., Ont. ! . (•p}tON ER. Oflicte .hours -- mornin from ,::)III, evening 5 to 6. Surgory in Tear of RUG ~•1,()1;1:. firock St. North, Claremont. P trons 4 sPPlie(1 with Pure Drugs, Chemicahs, 2 .f all ('Iwdl+ for cash. - - LP y(cl,. . - r B. L'L�TING, B. A., B, RIS- r. TER Solicitor, Notary Public, C nvey ,1.11 "t•1 -• tic -, Pickering, Ont.' Accounts pr niptly 3 11,.ctcd, \L,DCy to loan at lowest rates. 1 -tf • -i,, UII N .'BALL DOW, LARIU' TER - all-,I Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. OF ,'ICE- 1) ere➢1's Block, Brock- street, Whitby. rivate fnutl., to loan at lowest rates and on fa rable tours of IM",,'lei,t. _ Ily _ ri111O11_�S PARKER, BARRI TELL 1 ttn(1 solicitor, &c. Honey to lo14-y - No C„I,lI11i53i011. Ofileo : Haney's Building, icker- iu� ol)el, every - Saturday. _ -IIELAMERE, BLACK, RESS ft dt T l ENGLISH, Barristers at Law, Scitdrs ill Chancery Conveyancers, &e. Offices, No. 17 'Nrouto Street (over Gas Companfs),T ronto. :Honey to Loan —No Oommission. D. DEt. T s DA IDSOr E BLACK, H. A. Rzzsole, TAY LOUR FXGLISH. _ _ T E. FNREWELL, LL. B., BAR - t / . I11STF,R. County Crown Attoin y, and ('c•unty solicitor. Court House, Whitby., i(i-v - YPteriwtrll. , , - - 1 _ �_ -- HIInP _ISIS, tiTETEI3INARY SUR- . c` r,oNf , Graduate of tire Onta o Vet - ,•rinary College, Toronto, and' practical horse - Quoer- ete. oil account of increase of p active Mill 1;1 accustomed visits every Satur ay to \t•hitevale. Cherrywood and 'Dunbarton ll at - tt,l,l the (liseases of tie horse foot at m own till.-le. ( =A' «t, River, in the forenoons 4 Tu sday, Wedll,•- •lay, Thursday and Friday of each eek. 1 flr - (•111,,4 asxista„t$nrseshoer always on and. 1-.•t,�rinary instrilluents mado to order. Iedi- cin,- f„r horses Mull cattle always on hand. ails -i,t ,,;:;1,•t or by day promptly attended to. Ad- .Ir,•:: t lW11 River, Ont. 34 y ., i J* - /. t LL 11* - I I � - -4 k' ,' 1 - - - ------.--- ------------- -- - 131tail- ess (garbs. 1. __- r -=-- - - -- - colt l'( :il(t need, ilve. ; (�_) I( RXI� D STOKES,- CO1i1 IS- I l t:,ner and Conyoyancer. Office at R piper " ,-t „1-,.s', (ienoral Merchants, Clare, lout, ,k- �I,e,.ial attention paid to making wills an l,tr,n:; i:ecessar} r+aners for Probate. 4 pre= -tf 1t. liEA'lON, TOWNSHIP CL 1tii Tl l . conveyancer, Coinniissioner for t kieg ,,t ?; iat-its, Accountant and Insurauce- Agent. )Iw.,.y :n loan on farm pronorty..OFFIC - -At 1:16tt.`i:unt. L7 - -- - - - -- i 1•('lbi tort. - -- -1-. _- . A. POST, COUNTY AECHIT • CT 1. 2„r the county of CnAo. Drat ings :;: 1 -i,t clticatiutlsl furnished for eyery e2 ass of i,s:i,l,ls;. steam and hot water '.hea�tliing and ',t•ntiltitlon a specialty. Office— Gerr4e 'Brock lock, c"•,rnw, Dllndas and streets,” W t itlry. !;esstl(trce— liingstou Road, East Pickering 37 -y -” .i4ec(t lolleeli- i!lft1. - I)OI: CIIER & 'ROWLAND, Lice sed 'i - luetioneerii, for. the whole of '-iortl and `'tail Ontario. Strict attention t,*iveu t all (:airy: 1,y letter or telegraph. Char, es moth rate. '11 or, Poucher, Valuator, Arbitrat ;r, &c. Ad- o-r.= -n. THOS, POUGHER, Box 47, lirongli i, or \.-h. hoWLAND, ` ilithy, Ont - `- -- Bl(tcks)i# i th i rlil. -- r HICKS, GENERAL BL CIi- j111()-S). - 'r.: :il and Waroumaker, (.11. heed' old -.,ft(1. 1'ickitring, Oiit. Having prrc'hase I the h,i' -ins s carriwl on by the late 3ficliii.el Reed, I : i.l r'(,ntinue the sanlo at the old stitnd. (YIYC 1;, a -Hal. .111rworl: Iirousl)tly an(1 sxtisfac orilp &,l.t• at ton s:tlue s:;nle of prict,s. G -v - - - ­4 - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - 1'(lillt('l:c (fil(t.(;I(I l.e) *.(: 2 (. 1. :j I) A I N T I N 6-,' GI,AINN ING, .' GN I \t, ril'.11g, 11a))(.1-13fulging, Ti1ajug, &-c., t all ;.::r•i "t` cll,tus on th(. ;ll-.vrtest notice: :111 _-,hat es of ;,.lint t,:ixed to order. None but the ,lest Eng- li�il l,ea1l usc•,f. 1111jS cti) NVIL:Ll>:(�L`RNE i'G} 'T - 1j•(>f�►tti "(f lit( �7•�l(�('}'s, r - - -_ 1)IIN 1,ESLIE, BOOT AND "S OE ' 1L(k(.r. Ilegged and sewn work. U dens :- will "'IN. atended to. F,xperienr;eti w®rk wan- ' :,il,. ii:.tl•t forg, :t the f?taiiJ, nearlyolll)UAi 'the Nt "(vim. i in ,-!,greet, Pickering vilhthe.. 7 v - .. 1 - Hote s. - . - - '�`1:I�IPI ` MOTEL,. GRE � ;�- Wood. John \Iitchr_LI,,, proprictar. This •t „I�e i6 a .11f.t4 buifiling, Mted up witdi every wx,o nsuodatioil for the travli linig bublic. Large un(I (-ouuuo•,ious stables and sheds for 7n rses. I , HIly l at all times be lileas,ed to rere..we call lro-lu Illy friends and the pu:l>rlic henerallay, hen Ill (-,1•eellwood. O It 1) O NT HOUSE, PICKERS G. G- Janioc'Gordon, PropritI*3r. This ,,a is R ht:e new brick building, finished in su�xxior style. Every convenience a,slyd comfort f trhe :ravellixg public. New and commodious a les 2ROUGIIAb1 HOTEL,, d. M. GE )W W II I'ropyietor. fiaving bonAt of Mr. s -Pout:ller, the above hotel, and tref3tted the s me alirouKhout, I intend to keep a strictly ten per - uce house in conformity with the law o the -cud. A call respectfully solicited: An atte tine Hostler always in attendance: 1 - - - r((t . u,�u - - - . f VAIMES' WISHI` GTAKE TO lessoirfi in Instrumental or Vocal It usie ('1111 obtain voml .Music in Class or by private i:t,trnction. Apply foruerms to Miss A. E -. Coutts, Prof.,ol' Music, Music room at the residence of .lfrs. Head cil,i,osltc-'N'Ews office, Pickering. -- —4­-.---- - -- - - - - -- :01INSO,T; Y The TWo -- i M l• i=Pecialties• :-- Perffe t fit, moderate p ties, satisfaction guaranteed. DF;FY COMPETITIC-IQ in price, styleor rk- manship. I have a tine select stock of new goods to pick front: _ V1CKERING: �111TT live at home, and make more m new foucan at work for us, than at anything el 56 in the world. Capital not needed;Iyo are started free. Both sexes ; all ages, Any ,):1e can do the work. Large earnings wire; rem irst start. Costly outfit and terms free. ter sot delay. - Costs you nothing to send Ill, ymir dflress and find out ', if you are wise you wi 140 o 41912M, H. HALLE:'T &Leo„ Forth tud, 1 -¢¢- .. - :7::. -" . 1c , - i- _- -_: - • 1. I .. -. ; -�'• I . ., I- . , - -.f _ .. . „: . `, a t ►j� f'}( j'� T T who has been in Manitoba for the -past tho � chair; and called the meeting to ordeu,..: - - h S,taff6 Q vT 1 AROUND v month, arrive(i Home ou $ aturday. He after which the Seeretary�re @d the tut - • - �1•.� ' I. ; . says lac - ex lienced some cry cold .aces, and the, reports of the various of- . = . � , LA,T;ZST LOCAL HAPPEMNas RECORDED D'Y weather while sojIourniag-in that nor'ther'n cers wore presented-and passed. Tr1E PUESS AND JUTTED DOWN BY OUR ; clime... Kirtou is visiting friends The election of officers for 1887 wair- CORRESPOxD1g1QT8. in Miehigan.,.....11l our local c arts ace Cher, proceeded with, and resulted aR far- ' p .. , t bound for Newcastle to take in the races; lows :-- President, George 'PbVips ; Vice- - - '" - t QREeNwoOD. and probably get taken in- themselves, if President, J. B'. Burk; Secretary, Le i:: `; rmaCK I - they fall to pick a winner•...... Mr. A. P. 1llackey ; Treasurer, 'Thomas Pouch . I1Ir .hauler Murphy .ails buried 4b Besse has sold a half inSerest iu his Directors -A. Annan, T.,G. Colwell, ., ; - V V .CZ f1't�' "`j- ;�; ;Sunday last. 3• " Loch Tay," to Mr. V. Richardsdn, •Geo. Davidson, Joseph 1- C1 del+dale horse, 111; Jelin Mitchell �s seriously ill n ith Thomas Ball, of Michigan...... Messrs. Monkhouse, T. Michell, W. Sadler, i " *• * * I in fla>xanation. , Befifie and Ball -are in Michigan st present Hunter and R. R. Mowbray. Auditors' SC�1001 B00 S 1l -s. 1I. Gle ®yeti i); improving slowly. n �.� '� ! w..kiu nrcnu tinents as to a rotlte for 1Yln. Hubbard and C: W. Matthews. _ j1Y The roads are all blocked with snow. " to PA, e1,', ���`� . the . coming season...... Mr. E. Burk- A deputation consisting" of. Messrs ; - • . - �, holder has invested ill a housq, and, as Jerry Long, W. B. Pringle David Annan, ' F. . I } Slates, BROUGHAM. too boys say, he's uo `lottch, being sired and R. R. Mowbray, appeared on behalf Ink, spells, • by Grand Turk, and has a record of 2:40, of the S. 0. ARsoci tion, and urged that. = . , I , It s reported that ex -Mal or Smith, � of g . 11 . Pens Elastics Brou ham, will be the Goverument which he is able nuw to sustain; so bring the two societies amRI amaze. Messrs. )- . - .i r ' g ou your dvers.......What we want in our Long and Pringle spoke at some length . ' ande,all llecessari s fcr first -class Book candidate for 1Vect Ontario at the al) town :— People to shovel then sidewalks: in favor of such a mo.ve,. but Mr. Tlios. and Sta ionery Store. preaching Dominion elections. Ur• . —A 'little more Beat in the Baptist Poucher, and other directors of the Pick - - • . Smith would make an excellent represent- •• 4 - A . calf solicited. o , church on Sunday mornings...... Someone erintt Society, were strongly opposed to'" _ ativo and would „i� a the oppositionist �. brio back Stephen to a to an such action, - „ candidate a close run. q P g y beeatYse It would be pi" , I ra er meeting and fewer to dances and no benefit •to Pickering. No de:&nite'ac- . I j * The skating rink is provulg a great at. P, y g q• . Stafford & co rac srch.......A few bachelors in'atrrmpnially, clop was taken, and the deputation with traction. ? ,• inclined, - for the especial benefit of drew. -' Mr. Brodie, the new teacl►er here, is W ITBY 4 -16.. such as SARAH. Tha new officers and directors present ` , I I. " an estimable young gentleman, an i5 .. ; , I . giving aped satial'action so far. -'—" —` , • expressed a determination' to go to work ire and �fe Insurance. The installation of officers at Union UXBRIDGE TOWNSHIP. at once and make the Fair of 1887 eclipse T that of any previous ,year. Cadge N o. 269. A. P F. A A. M., toots place , I J. Forsyth 's wife, wto� has been sick --�- -- , j - '�7C%~_; V CYi ;rd�4 here on the evening of January Wth, as for some time is no Utter. We wish Pickering Council. A ENT FOR follows : —W.M., Geo. D. Linton ;, S.W., ' " The Lancashire Fir Insurance Company, Head her a speedy recovery ....... Joe. Middle- R. J. Price ; J.W„ Robt. W. Ward; , „•• Miss A: Mackie The first meeting of the new Council li$= Oftl' a : Torontp, ton's wife is very ill... Th� We tern Fire asurance 'Co., lieadiQffiob, Tress., Joshua Bundy; Sec.. D. R.' Bea- is around doing fancy work and visiting held at Brougham on Monday last, all tile' ! . - . Tor tc, and the I t(n ; Chap., R. ,Stokes ; S D., F. A.Beaton; g Y R members -elect being resent. - orth American Li Insurance Company, Head .T,D,, p' old friends here.......The snow is ver g P . Offi Toronto. Andrew Annan,; D. of C., W. H -. After subscribing to thA usual declar= I -• - Smith; Stewards, deep and the lines and sideroads are a 1 " C. W. Matthews and f ation of qualification and of office, the 1 ' I 1 blocked u .iMr. J. I3. Fore th lost a t � . I l '':. In. 1 '"I I effected f the lowest poai;ibl rates J. i11. Gerow • I.G. Francis Johnston ; p " "" y members took their seats .around the 11 consistent wit safety and security! ' fine calf which was devoured by his herd Bo r • . Tyler Jas. Milne. a d, Mr. Moukhouse, Reeve; in the 45 y , of sot ine.......� . H. Crittenden, Es, ., Rlitiiiie .Solicit tell. �sw chair. . was visiting• his sisl,er here.......A big A,, number of accounts were resented. - i ,,. .. DUNBAITON. \ I P. 7 - - -- - - - - - -- -- - -- - -- -- i , dance at Mr. Pilkej-'s a few ni lits ago, for payment. 1. SOLD 'GA i 1 --t- ••••'1I1's• "J. Smyth presented�er has• Mr. nlackev seconded by Mr. Pacftler. - Z1Te leaio trust life new Presbyterian band with d beautiful little dllugliter, a moved that the following members consti- - I Church at Dunbartou will b� opened few (la s a o..:...11rs: B. Hunnibon lead tote the Standing Committees for the + /�' p ���777 ��,i with appropriate ceremonies on Sabbath 3' g g rC3:. -& 71 1 and Monday. February Stli and 7th next. A wood bee 1�k.the 12th....... Amos Craw- year,IH87 :_ ford had a bee (t7� wing t1p wood to ors FINANCE. Messrs. Monkhouse,- (chair- ,: Team Cora,,��s, Blan ets, Whips, and lots On Sunday seimouR suitable tQ the a man), Percy and Palmer. 1 of other things.- S ill more left at special occasion "will he reached b some of the house, He has hired to: �� . F. - Forfar, , p P y Esq...,..Mr. Forfar expects to soou start Ro i)s AND . B►tILaES. — illesiii Pe1'cy rates fo4• one mont . We guarantee our most noted clergymen, and ou 'Monday (chairman), Mackey and Parker.- , work do ievery line. Call again. evening Ilse tea - meeting will Lake place his saw nii1L � . CONTI%GENCIEs.— Messrs. Mackey (chair• , j -'" in the basement., Every preparation is man), Noukhouse and Parker. I....'. OHERRYWOOD. �♦ Brougham arness Depotr beiny, made for the occasion. See further l � ' -- SBFEP KILLED BY DGGs.— Messrs. PaT er . - . W, Ii. JA 'KSONI, Prop.. -; announceuleuts. (chairman), Monkhouse and Palmer,— -- On Suntlav evepiug 111ti the Methodist Adopted. .! ' P:S�:- Blacksniithing usual. All otirae tmnts p areI)atable when rendered. � ;� ALTONA. - ,.Uhur•ch was crowded to hear tlfe mission- Mr:"Perev move$ for leave to introd ce P.i. - -ei -two Fine Cutt for sale cheap.. , ' ar'y sermon preached by the• Itev. 1Ir. a by law to a iut an Assessor for the (� T, T�( ji - r` i � The tie~► teacher's name' is William I Rowe, of York,, and judging by the coin. year 1887, and tali Auditor '"to audit the- .I ��I f v v 1��� ureutl+ rna(le b the hrflr_ s it was highly accounts for 11,386 an to confirm the h - • Stark, and he comes horn Bloom►ngtt+u. y 1' g y d P - Watchmake alAd Jeweler, it is tlimrght hiewill be quite successful: I aplIf""'I tiu.....:On Saturday evening one pointment of an auditor named by the ' . PtCKE'R NQ ONT. t fir'• ��'lwin Cliff was returned for Va. I of utir smart j'ottn tt;!en, in attempting to Itceve. By-law introduced and passied, _ �.; 17, aR 5chool Tr•rtstee for lt#i7. I a'iin by a sleigh, carne to grief', by .cuuling the blanks •being tilled with the name of •A beau assortment n1,'; A credit sale of fife late S. L'arke •'s in contact with stn ollstrtictipn in front of Levi Mackey, as Assessor, at a salary of l effects took place latel • y M the icood shop. On exMinatiQn , the Levi and y, as el weer, as Audiivor. •shell Gloelis, Jeweler• and 1� 1It• I j • ' y i The Reeve appointed Trios. Dunn "as ibis � A4 the election of Sabbath School aril- :shafts were fount, loose 6om the cutter, Goods. On Lan(i. , auditor, and the appointment -was c' u- - �L LL suer the llill'uNSt+ bad. broken. Drive R.RPAI tI'�iG PRU PTLY E1ECI; TEll cers_ lfltel j', a:l were returued by acclain- a 3 firmed, the salaries being placed at 15 I • atin: Owing to 11 r. Farrar b reti #ovitl :;roarer, )•au>�_ �" ilaan, especi,811ar wl#en _goti ` eat��i After years eiperi ce Lam able to say I ivil] airothet• teacher for the Bible class' had to 'are so near lire cull of your• journey• ••••• Mr. Percy presented the report of 6 1 ; guaraute satisfaction. 12s 1 I ' j — -� -- - -= - --- -= =- be seemed, anil Mi. E. Clio «ill discharge I Mrs. Fred. Roach, who has beeu ill for Committee on Roads and Bridges, recQm... • a the duties, sage time, is slowly recovcring.......The mending payment of the following ac- . nSoin(� of the far7]teith sltr'•e teaming their, 1lisses Taylor, of Exeter, are visiting re- counts: ---T. Clegg, for building culvert tau - H. ;,. . I_! j an �.� ba. to Clartrnont anti sc'li1 it There.. , lntives in this neigllborlwodr.....,3Ir. G. east townline. and ditching, $3.20; Ifse►ac :1 Tour of Air. Forfar's ruts were stic• I Ilwlges has been laid up with an attack Linton, patbinaster, supplementary grunt of rheuitiatism....... Mr. Fred Humber- in Pickering village, $4.29 ; P. Matthews, PIP$ERI G AGENCY, hful at too recent entt�xee exams. Ire aiin brie R on Brock road; $2 ; 4eo. stone, • our new school teacher, � has Lhe' P g g — - -- - -- ` `�`' -� - Cormack, lumber furnished Mr.. Webi�er Open for the �traia action of all legttitnatei r HIGHLAND ORLEEK. schail iu goal working order, and we be- - on east wnline, (Whitby_ paying a like Banks 1,' Busmes� I I J. ; liave is giving general satisfaction.......' amount) 117.Fi ^. UFFIC HOURS F om 10 to 3; SaturKlayell The first of it .series o+feottioeltitions for �Ir. d; R. 5tant%r has, pntchafied a farm On motion of Mr. Percy, the report was - 10 to 1 clock. I Marie challenge cap .,f tt� Hiklrlana Creels, near Grrtnt ;bv, anti intends• settling triers adopted. ;f J G: pion Rifle Asfitrcrau(>,m waft held on the ; in the R iris Tliere a Mrs to be a spring. P Mr. Parker .Rave notice that at meat Sa` i gs, B�,lll, in connection.. ARRoeiatiou rangy Deeac 111gliland Creek, a lnaguet at Grimabi•, a hielI is attracting mleetinx he would introduce a by -law to (3 -y) GE4 t('iE KEHR,e t. on ;�eH Isar fi Day.- 111e rhootiug was all our people in. that direction,......A amend Tay -law No. 497, entitled s By -law _ ? atTanges of l0ia, 2(i0 rwtl 400 yalyds, 1I r. I cran,i sacred concert is to be held Here in to Re ulate the Tax on Dogs, b • rovi i IF Y U E GOING 110 • �� �llarles Humphrey uiitkuig t�►e hiuh.est i the Methodist Church ou Wednesday for the publication pf a list of the owners. r. -'. -- r.rh a �(�, Cc'umi � -, score 145 in a wRsible � holds the cn evenlug, Jan. '16,1,11, Which • romises to be of dogs, and other amendments. p Mr. 1lackev, moved for leave to iutro- air are [s acting +:or ljro(r�tends who are tjlere, i until next COUiEwtitiou, All communi. very good. We '1),ive no hesitation in dune a by -law to amt nd By -law No. 510, �� �71<T r 1 cations on club >nrs;inelaR nthh�asROtl to sayial; that it will be of a higher order relating to the Board of Health. By -law - ll�J LI �1 i He.,ry 1ti'et�tuev, HighL*tutl Creeds, seers• than trio one gig eu by the Uraeu Itiv ©r introduced and clause one repealed, the Jt -GI:I - •tI.LA N L1 7`4 cal- i•, well receive lm+oi>ltpc atteUti�►►i. i L'und a short time a o• following' being appointed members of the t I Brad'- t. Whitl.y• l:ev. ` Choi:. A. Trwuer's lwtiseholti -- " . �'. `�°'o` `�`; Board as well as Sanitlary luspecto s " l . 'This l l t'he`nk1 rcli .le Canarlian'TAno.. IThe effects were reemtly- of3ete,d for sale by h. WHITBY. '; W. V. Ri'hardsou, Geo. Philips and Geo. .' . �hortef4 hea I'aesa w, 1 p q 14 ,' ' .i ;I�, I +' Lew rater,. ublic nuctlorl, b t the ricer realized Gerow. 11((t(•s� har(• .I (Q • 1�leei lle(lofel iyt i fivere 'far heiow ynhie:' A tim bu;;,2y A representative of an Albany 6m of Sir. Perev, seconded by Mr. Parkerr I . '_ th,e h eeraa�, i broll0it $10, Anti iytller things iu pro= ,1;eeduieu was here last week t;hillping the I moved that ,7: M. Gerow, Commissioner, I -.-- `E" - - - - - -- - -� -- i portion. .11r. '1'auut�r ha+: taken charge , pens grown for the tirur from seed dis � instructed to ask for tenders for timlper of his new statlou ut Lei i�t. t,jtte. l tcrbuted b their local fl�!enL, .Terry bong. to be supplied to "the- municipality of Pi�k- lttl T of 1V1sion �Courte; - ering for the year 1887, to be delivert?diat = ,r ""' �IGS6t•R• J B. Slliltll, Ou the (IreonWaod . G;� !'] ' I (1 �;T�IILIU. 1 ' OSHAWA. .. I buck places as the Council may dir t, - i farm, a Isaacs t� say,. on the Iipl,•ers I, .{ farm : est �`'hitb • are said to iliav and' such hinds and quantities as they ay -, t ° i j' a decide upon. Carried. I ` . •87_ :', �, Mr F. W: Glen, M.P., wars in town grow t 1e befit Ram ley. • I p 31r. 1 ere gave notice that at 'next meat= j! ' 1. N�?itfiy.: Cher , C. Rlaedonnelt Whh thy,:- last «•eek• John Hawle was comt�iitted fort trial .' y full of the Council he would ask that he Jan. 3, Ii�'eb. 2, ..far 1, A ail 2,malq' s, June_ 8, tlyy. The Refurlyitr is agitating for �i'e eon - i for resi tiu+� a constable while in the dis- ' - #, sei,, 4, act. s, X� v. �; Dec. 2. � Council resolve itself into a committee :of J .; 2 Brqughanl: ! erk �1 Gloeoon,, Greenwood, l rArtiction of a railway from the Oshawa i charg ctf his duly searchinG for liquor. the whole for the purpose of revising e i I May 4, duly 5, 8( -T.s- harbor to Bobenygeon, in the heart of Th annual tneetin� of the S. O. A " • S2. k'idkering Vitixge : Clerk,' -AL Gleason, Green-; „ gri• By -laws of "the 1VV1Cunicipality, and for }ixi g " , i" i.• . , wood, Jan. 4, Mar0i 3, oveuibar 3. tjte lubber regiou, with �wwer of exteu- cul'tur t Society was held on Wednesday a time to make said revision, i . ! '- 3. Port Perry. , J W Burnbain, fort .eiou to Kinmount, and t rence in a due last• Mr. Parkler, seconded by Mr, MaCk�Q. :Perry, February 8> April 13, June 21, Kept. s, Oct. dine north to Calendar station on the C. Miss Fitzpatrick, whb has been- in moved that the taxes of Geo. S. Palmer.. _ ; 1511 December,, fie, is line would buiiness here far somA time, .is closing + q Y "J. Uxbridge : Clerk, Z ilemphill, Uxbridge, P.R. P_;1•il. at Lake Ni issiu� f( r 1886 be refunded he being in very des- - -rob. 9, April 20, Jane ', Sep. 7, (kA- 19, Doe 1L cross the ridges and the C.P.R. alt -a very u the same and removin to Oshawa. chute circumstances. Carried. + .5. Cannington: Cher , Geo Stpith, Cann ieig n P �' 14Ir. Mackey, ellairrtiatl fie t lI, Oct 20, Dec ' .favorable point, a little east of Raglan Chas. Barney, ex-publisher, 1s beeom- 3' presen'�ed theme I , .Tab 10, April 21, June :, ri• 1leavomon :.Clerk. G 1 Bruce, Beavertaiu, said will run south and east of Lake Seu• ing quite famous as a oultry fancier, report of the Standing Committee n Cha- - : j I.� t .Ile?., 11, April ",,June 2 , Si pt 11, Dec 16. tlrrou h Csrtwr•i ht and lltinvers, tiugencies, r"ommendinq that the idlbW 7: Uptererove.: Cher , I- C,tillespie, I�pter gam, K g Ile swept everything afore bin# with ing indigents be granted aid from u. 1st gitowe, Feb 12, April -0, une t5, Sep 10, Dec 17 along the wide and fertile valley. of his Spanish fowls during the pllst ygar at June -let, as follows ;—Jas. Rob nand . i . E. fAREMIE�i. Pigeon creek to Omemee and thence to the veurous fairs. - By ;Order, eon. It will connect with the wife, $1.50 per week, '1ld. Gleason oaon: • , Clerk of the Penes � "Hard Times " socials are about td be M. Ryan, $1 per week, M. Gleason cam. ; _ - -' - - -- t C.P.R. and Midland systems, and pass- luau grated in Whitb ?" M. Giessen co i-- A \ ==)r 939B= K y• , • Phoebe Johnson, 01o., , • ; i•trg tl►rcugh good territory in the eouu- Major Harper and his wife have re. Mrs. Graham $2 M. Gleason co . •�: I 1 ties of. Ontario, Dalham, Victoria, Peteri turned from a visit to Fiords. . Miller, $1.50, John Monkhouse, co .; G _ , Wag CARR, pZactii al ds!assmaker, hab j t , opened shop over Die & Marquis' Store, sine . berc and Haliburton will enlist in its It is said fir. G. Y. Smith will - be a Wilkinson, $1, M. R. Summerfel It .coni�•; � I .. - bee_gs,a hereof the flu lie natmna_•e. 7 -tt. fa -.or the parliamentary represbntatives caritiidate for�tli �Vardenship. Ed. Bowes, $1, W. MoKitt,m,,, com.; Jeis. ol',these counties and will receive Muni- The. Count C� unc#1 meets next Tnes• McGlinil, ?5c., Joha McNab,com. ; Foun "� . , Notice, "of lication r p� F gi say. - . ping. $1, John McIntyre, com. ; Devi#'s ci ' al bonuses and conirnswd ants froixl , k . :;i Litter of G ardianahr i �uoth governments. A toboggan slide is beitiq built .ogre, child, 50c., W. , Hubbard, com. ; Mrs. �. " - ... P Smith, $1, J. M. Gerow, com. • Fonndli 1 crueler the supervision of Mr. A. A, Post,,g `' at Mrs. Starks, $1, Wm. Hubbard, com - p -. Irt the, :ylutter the �uttr(l(�i�l- wNrTEVAta. thR well -known architect. Mrs. Tripp, $1, J. M. Gerow, ,com. !' +,,:: 04, I :, i . x)�ify�f�>jfrillicc 4eorffe Corranit• t The officers of St.�John tl a AI roper That the following accounts be paid• S �te�si blc�.well. Ti le third anniversai =v, rh connection Piece for , G. P. of C. were instal ell on M. Gleason, -{- t;: 1 P 3' Clerk of Division Court,'costs ' with the Methodist churGla here, tvill.be the evening of Tuesday, 11th inst., by in appeal case of Corporation vs. H 1 Appl[cation will be made to the Surro ate dui celebrated on Sunda and Monde ' Judge Da# tneli. - Scarps, I I . Court of tie County of ntario, before the J dge y � �' $4.75 • �ohn Mitchell, supplies to• ,. in Chambers, at the Court House in Wh tby, I Jan. 80th and 81st. On unday sermons The re resentative from Sougog is Mr.. Wm. Jeffrey from -1st June to 4th of. Nod- , J: I ` . after the e%piration o twenty days from the T am. not Mr. Bateman), and emberi 1886, $22.50 ; John Macnab,- balant)e> 4' first publication here f, on behalf of Ch city vt•ill be preached at 111:80 a 1x1.' and fit R ' Reed, p1, the Tea pelf D of Pickering, iu the a•00 and 6:80 p.m., by Revs. Hill, of Rarua's Reeve, is 71d>�. Trou#i( ►slit instead due for aid to Jos. MoGlinn, 1686, $1.50. i ; County of Ontario,'%V w, far on orderapp int- storifft•ille, '_Matthews, of Pickering` and of 'McPherson. } These gentlemen will On motion of Mt. Mackey, the repo�•t. K�1 . ' ins; the said Cbarit H d guardian of thg aid WAS adopted,,.,. , •, . - . t William (;4eorg® Cainis heed Burrell. Conroe, of Bearboro, respectively. On take seats at the County Cotiucil Board. p .I Dated at Pickering his 5th say of Jann ty, Monday evening a dinner will be served 11Ir. Percy,' seErpnded by Mr. Ma(ike,, ; "I A.D., 1887. . CHARITY REED moved that the Reeve grant an order ill• s;, i - • I in the basement. after which speeches, -, l � ° The a icuitur4d Soeie -e I k'7lte Solicitor, �' 10-12 T. B. Bunt{ing. favor of David Hafoe, for .s1, error in -- ,' , : 1 __ -- ,�,,��_ -music. etc., wilt fill up "the evening's pro •' } Dress and 11t1e �akli� sessment o #. dam. carried. , � I 1 "' gram. Avery pleasant time may he ex. The anlniat rrieeting of th8 Pfckeriag ► �' ected. Bee stars.. A cultural 800ietp tools Tylsee at' to Mr• Parker, seconded by Mr: ,� _ „ I - I p - rx - °i J - • , Xao e# that P. R. Hoover be instructed do .: z tat•(ri J _ ;v , 1. lie x. i. sTO•rT Seas to igforari ftl<10 `ub. Mr. W. 8. Major, of -Toronto* 8 nt Brougham on ti#e 18th in. sts� The arty- furnish Wm. Lawr- 25lbs.: of floor - i. t 4- �� , 1''? f e fA1at sop has opened Orem and ;`lands Stak- Sunday here......Re Dr. Welton, of �o- tel►ditnGe of 1�#�bers tad others was vary :v�k do the:v�►lue of $6..:Carrie►d. � �: 5 fnglitroms, Opposite a Lovery. Perfect At t( } 3d # .' guaranteed ilir eve 8. Pi'iCaB lJP0.d4JAt'8. ront0; preached' i>� tkle ap���t Cl3>~uoI# Ou #'air. _ t�►rp >mo¢isry f+l1e., •Contlofi • • u,djOarned:. xrla:t�ud i ka "+ I A cle!) ojicited. '� 7 -Ica � I Sunday Morning...... Adolphe Tbow6on, . The Preq* elit, kir., Glsb. Phllipi, •too$ Diatu�a�►, February, 14t1� .a-t l01&'T' I -:ry ' Al t. �. ,l , . . .. _ } 1 i', . i �.. . - ..:. - , - .. - -. - -. .. . :. : - 1" �� . 7 t- I 3 i �.... 1, .. ,. - I x. • h ,. *( .; _ . -. ,_ c 4 ,3 rz. s I 01 '4 u r: " b 1. -- - '. 1 I r. -., -: .. -t, .. - YIL ?a .Xl - . .. 1. I I ' � I E t.. .. -Y 1... a �' `. y. _ u - . 4Y ,:,.aa�sf! :.;�dlal._ ..s:_� tE , f� .. .. s .*Al* t,. �, � ,. �- '� -a_.' N• - 0 , . ._ L . . . . + ,. .- . . I .: . - ,, ..' , l", r . .. ,, .. .. - , , - 4 .- t : ,,. - .,, p ) I % • r. :r -.f .r ' seemed to me thrit half the county were in- N01`E$ FOR HOUl�EHE!'EB�i. __ A DItEADFUG EI�I'IBftACE, 1-I EL.'H 0 E LY �, T E �, tltere ��, t3aeh a bevy of tale ygting T E �Y • br•idemaids • and Phili �f►oull¢ have me Difaka "children's. erbread with'oat .THE M. S ,g . . .- Philippa tic Reid��tttaas ota strati Rtio Cr1s ;: + he chief. fnotead of wheat flour. It acts as a medi- i`t's for c r A• ins of JIM lle.-ti Fish -. i . " The squire could not ,pay hon6r enough to tine. > 1. " I Sir Gu tiVhen at last he retinotutrated " We were 1 in about half a mile oft th Y• Scraped potato 'sp lied to a burn on th'cs Y g �• CHAPTI:JR ti) '�- (Co_XTIxtTE0. ive without ea h oth& More than. once with him °n his lavish expenditure end skin will relieve pain and "reduce inflnln- beach at the Rarl„�,lUes, overhauling th ( rthur Brandop as inclined to tell the ma nifi:ent resents the uire said : standing rigging," said James Gillis, abl Word by word a read this letter, nd �'' p ' eq °mHOm seamen "when the mate .ordered Job . when we h•ad ender it fell from Philip 's quire, but he feared that his uncle would Let me show the world how I wish to A simple home remedy forcroup is aInm ' ithdr%w his allow nce if he knew all. atone to you, Guy. Do not interfere. I owe Webb, an apprentice boy, and myself ant hall Is to the grout d. She trembled like a The met at $ tefore Hilda's and'they were you alt't6e amends one man can make to an• and sugar. The way to use it is to take a the yawl, which had been covered an leaf in the wi.ad It r eyes were full of ild Y > knife r a grater and sha'v off in simall brought around to the port side that som l arried there. eix mouths had other." Po - light, }lee face Husl e•t crimson. rtiol about a teaspoonful of alum•; mix la evd the usrr(�led and th(j oun his• On New Year's Da the hall was one mash p°O painting might be done just abaft the roai - " 1 l:1iew rte w innocent !" she cr eel. P q • Y g Y this wi h twice its amount of su ar to. drake with th and, in a t of an er, said that theirs lead of evergreens &lid wedding favors --�reat g mast. It was a terribly hot day, - � Glad,, s, go t,- the quire, and tell him hat $ g g bloc• it pall Ale and administer it as quickly as' water very warm and the men having littl . he mum come to m in the library at on e— n a runaway iarriage, and that she was wreaths of holly twined with oI'ange ibl . Almost instantaneous relief will t Y o wif�. He mean nothing b the words so ,•s mistletoe and.laurel twine wwiith dark energy. The paint -4'&3 'owere'd down to u - he mn t wa delay Oh, thank Heaveq, it 8 Y j •I011ow• and while I used the brush the boy held th' Q 1 ,» , ut she believed t em, agd they drove her tie. The earth still ware its bridal dt'eas of _ has c ill : to-light last . ire white snow ; Dr. s Hammond warns people against ` aW;l in girl 1. I w. it at once, he squire looked at . me. p but the memory that is y position. ' •on. We had been at work f(' .,y f aq, ndi mono for silk to be used in mak " Is it about Arthur—ha they found He had kept the secret of their marriage choicest to me, the dream that is sweetest is g Y about a quarter of an hour when the bo ; in un er arments. Bilk is ,not, he says, a „ ell. His via�ts St. Hilda's Bay had of Philippa s, face, as I saw it through her $ f3 • Y , suddenly yelled out in affright, and as J,•.: • him'!" he asked. ne knew an - bridal veil. - aultab,14 material to be worn next to the turned to him he declared that he had see " No ; it is som it in about ourself send en so well magna that) no o y akin; � y, saner ally for the reason that it is not her. Pray, sir, be gnat 't bins of them. e'waa quite safe in i�vlt- On tl►at tnoat -happy day Lord Est a p p A IIOARIELE- LOOKING OBJECT • �d ood Absorbent of moisture. Wool is by I I shall never for ether face - we - entered ing the squire Dover, for no one h the had been invited to the weddine, and he g . all me i the beat. the library. The ght f 11 full upon it —the least suspicion of hiis secret. � came. I am sure no one rejoiced more I� pass under the boat, and go on under, th - noble dignity the proud happiness, I shall His foolish words spoken in anger, had heartily in Ptilippa'a happiness than hedid. The �lateat announced theory regarding ship. •here are plenty of strange creature -y' driven Anice mad, !for she left her home and While every one was busy wishing all kinds 'canc(a Is that it is a result of a nervous floating. about in these waters, and'a.pate never forget. ,�, went he never know' whiyher. He would of good wishes to the bride and bridegroom, sh ek. ' The case of General Grant would of seaweed will somjetimes assume a quet "'What has hap cued to goal, Philippa . / g ae m t sustain thin view in asked the squire. "There Is something in have•given mudh unsay them, but it was he cam(t to me: g part, and more shape. I laughed ai the boy's fears, but a , i your face that I aye not seen for years. too late. 'Ile share ad, but could not find ' "Gladys," he said, calling me by My name clearly the case of John Roach, whose ill- the same time saw how pale and frightene What is it ?" any tea �e of her. Then he committed the for the first time. " I'want to speak to you. Ileac is said to have manifested itself soon he 1 ked. I - She went to him holding the letter in her worst and moist ameful part of his sin. Will you spare me a few momenta Y" : of ter hi business misfortune, which came What's. want dl below. there ?' calle . I e ou8ht at ante, on ,login her, to have. We went to the large bay window, and sudds n y upon him. Hie to as he leaned over the rail; haven' .- h>nds. one to the sir and confessed all ;,land stood looking out on the scene. Turning ts, heard Webb's cry of ,alarm. . "'Heaven is ve good' to me," she said, g g JOIt�r Ys•AKt,— Two thirds of a teaspoon « < 3' - I simply; "Guy is c eared." hen, without doubt, she would haves been me, with a look on; his' face that I had, ful of soda, three tablespoonfuls of sugar, I —I saw something go under th I e ook the lett r from her hand and look- ound by their united efforts ; but a coward newer expected to see:there, he asked me tP one teaspoonfulljof cream of tartar, one egg boat, air, i _ ear came over him and he yielded to it. be his wife. one teacup of sweet milk six tablespoonfuls . `.` ` O, you did. Well, if you bawl ou . . I edat it. 0C _.*a � g � , � ' • ' a sin you'll feel something o under yo - - "Wh this is A ice Vanes writing ! he a thought tai t, i# the squire should know Haw his proposal surprised arse . of Indi 1n meal three tablespoonfuls of Hour g Y g 8 Y ' y' ow, he would never forgive him, and that ' . Even to my own heart I had never "wills- and a little salt. jacket.' + - � cried in alarm. • .. I . - „ o the an er he would feel at the elo maul red how dear) I loved him. There was I I began work again, and had been at 1 Yes ;and this s a lock of her hair, and 8 . Y CIiNA�t Btsetll•I's - -Six eggs, separate the 1 I this is her little art vin =it was her IId marriage wou�d be added a moat just rut one answer to his questioII, and that gg ' only three or four minutes when the yaw Aug nd righteous a er at the lose of her.. He was "Yes." yolkeaztld whites, beat the former with six heaved away from ilia ship two or thee ` i mothers once. N y, do not tremble ; sit b 4g ounces of powdered sugar and the same of +�° down and read ills letter." readed lest the squire iri his wrath should Arthur Brandon; as I have said, did` nail flour, whisk the whites and then mix them feet, and at the same instant the boy scream ' "Where was it ound Y' he asked, with ithdraw his allovJance ;and cut him out die on Christmas night.. He recovered, acid togethe �, add to it hi d cream in pro- ed again. His voice. had' scarcely reaches f his will ; so he sacrificed Anice. ppe my ears when something flashed before m + i tl ; shakin hands. after awhile went abroad with his regiment. portion to the su ar and flour stir it care- `; g There was no a case and there could , B ' eyes. + - I j` Gladys Ayrton found it —I will tell you • He repented of the wild sin and folly of his fully. our „this Into moulds or paper cases ` .. 1I - ! ,* I + ! �•vthere afterwards. Anise wrote it to me on ardly be any forgiveness for him. He told h sOMETH;<a(; youth, until the hour of his dear He and bak , CAUGHT MI ARM, ow sore he was to find Iub cousin de- :. ( the morning she le t home, and it has been Y died on the battle -field, and in the annals of CAxIU T -4 it and of bellied and ulled it down and inned it last to tan hidden ever since. Read it father.” ermined to ive u Kin a Norton, and military story it is Fold how fearlesal he p° P P g gg Y 1'Y Y and m hed carrots one pound of flour bed and in five aecomds more I knew wha I, ' ow often be had fe t im elled to confess to I P Y, Without another word the squire opened P met his fate. had happened. A devil fish had flung on e a uire so that . it Guy might lit be clear.- — — --r= �= one-half pound each of suet, raisins and cur- pPe g • - ! it and read. Ever now and then he utter- q Y g As I write these last words there rases rants otle- uarter of a and of citron and of his arms about me- -Webb was scream along low c Philippa stood with her d ;but the same coward fear 'deterred him lye ore me ' e .visio of that ha New } q I ' his 'voice; and as I of I ed g, ry PP he could not afford to an er his uncle f th n' PPY H a hills exalt. Mix and tie in a cloth and ins at the top of g , III 'i �� I il I F ,. ".J , 'Ii_1 of 01 j_ - I arm around his neck. When h_e ha finished g Year's. I see the snow, the holly, the orange . � his head sank on ]lie breast with a deep Rut, when the accident happened, and he blossoms ; my heart grows warm with groan. Before we hadhime to speak a see- f ut,d himself in tha,very presence of dea*, - P e was afraid with ore than mortal fear, N w Yea r! greetings ; the sound of New . vant opened the door. • • I• r belle makes a%cetest music ; and I say " Sir Guy Brooklyn wishes to see you, sir, d he confessed. y u, dearest reader, as the squire said to The squire s wratl was. terrible to wit- . jt once. ", his uests the time- honored well loved ss ; but the rievs >us arise into which he _ I1Fo one mewed or spoke. The Next mo- tad fallen reeresting Sir Guy made him ,1 r s " A happy New Year." 11 1, ment a tall, handson le man with the noblest ore humble land mere merciful. He for THE E"iU. 1, _ face I had ever seen entered the room. Phi j I i but no $ound escaped ve his nephe' but it was a painful par. I , ; - lippa s face flushed, p ' ' �' ' her lips. He went raight up to the'squire. n 1 `� t will for ve ou " he'said • ' but ou A- New Moxor for Steamships. _; ' - _ " Sir," he said, p cud y, " I summon you Y I • Y to do me justice at 1 t." ust not lives in my presence. You are As great an improvement on the screw 1 . But the white he d only dropped lower, t y brother's Son, but you have destroyed propeller as the screw was on the old paddle When the squire 1 oked up at last, there t e daughter of the woman t loved, and ' wheel of Fulton is claimed` to . h ve been - was something so h art - broken, so unutter- I cannot look Upon your face ; you must go made by- a loeal inventor named A. B. Smith, ably wretched in his worn face, that Sir Guy a ay: If in after years you wipe off by who has been for many years in the pilot involuntarily bent o er him. b aye and goad dee{da the stains of your service of this coast. To the end of each of - "You have been ryhard, very cruel, very c wardly sin, so much ,tile better. I shall two hollow• shafts, running astern after the . unjust to me, sir ; y u persisted in believing n t alter my will ; the mopey I have always I fashion of the screw shaft, is. fastened a cir. ;' me guilty when I a ore to you that I was i tended to lease you shall be yours ; but I cuear steel plate made in' two actual parts innocent. No one c uld do any man greater I moat forget what you have done before my 9nd joined on a vertidal line. The twt, wrong than you hav done me. Come with h me can over be yours again." I parts of the plate are so hinged together and Arthur Brandon did not die that Christ- . me. To night, by Haven's help, I have so moved by 'a rod running through the saved Arthur Brand ri s life; he lies at my as night, shaft that they may- be opened to resent a _ house. He-. has been very near death, but The squire and ! his daughthr returned I flat surface of great diameter to the water r' he will live, I hope. Ile has that to tell you h me. They had been missed front among astern of the steamer,por closed go as to p I I s tad it ion their guests, !but I� made some excuse for sent only the thickness of the steel of whir bgil two) flours or more. As this receipt in- I look at him, I saw that two of the beast' ' . - eludes neither milk nor eggs, when mixed it 1 feelers were clutchil g him. T e arm u ; . • is as stiff as a loaf of bread, and should ould be I feeler which had reached me pinn my ar i . .` made in form to boil. to my side gs if in a 1 vise, makin a cleat i - _ TtiE A(•c.E. —One cup of sugar, one-half wrap around my body, and the extreme end) cop of butter, hat water sufficient to melt °f the feeler crept u� along my neck ant them an d flavor to the taste. face. Talk of pain ; I never felt anythin ; like it. The teeth 6 a bulldov couldn' TRY DARLEY FLoup, —I wish top say a have hurt worse. It Iavas a burning, biting I • . • word of Favor for I ley as a general arti- blistering sensation, ias if a live coal ha - ele of f0iod. Asa r ular breakfast dish, been laid on the flesh) I added-my yells it will be liked-better th oatmeal by many those of Webb, but b Aore any one cane its persons especially ladies not children =it the rail I was jerked to my knees in - th - takes a �(nediu-n position between brain and boat and saw that the creature's object wI muscle feeders and oats is largely a muscle- , to pull me overboard I hears) the boy g feeder. In ancient times barley as the! •; . staple cereal, --the old Homeric heroes used' down and thrash about, and then three . the men came to our "istance. fruit uleyinly for bread, and the Roman sot- f "The devil fish he d outwitted himsel .� , dier received his rations in barley. For in I He had gone under the ship and fag ed i; - - tellectui *l work wheat constit R�,;! he king j her bottom or keel, and as soon ash'e be " ' of the co'reals, but one might c ey the an pulling n us he of course pulled tl�►�+'. . . - queen, a;nd artists will prefer it Close- ya wlpclose gagainst the ship's side. Tha ly obser e the effects. closed the gap, and he could not pull u , overboard, although think he would, hav T•wo lavuLLASII HoIADAV CAKES. I upset the yawl, for -e were both down on . Yule Cakrx. —These cakes are made in , her starboard side apd she was almost otl . - - large quantities in the northern counties her ;beam ends when he men jumped down _ . . which will c ear m . . . su pad, g of l+'n land during Christmas or " "yule tide." j Tlley began to cut an>q slash and hack with , •,ice o „ their absence; and the events of the night the two parts of the blade are formed. I g g Y their knives and after two or three minuted . - �+ d d not. transpire until afterward When in operation one of these, two round Tile y are often served as an acconl mninlent " There is no nee for me to liear� more, P to ch a but the also form a wecorne ad- they had us free - -nf�t of the arnla but o€ 11 said the squire, al wry ; I know enough. blades is forced outward with great velocity Y i ' ::;: CHANTER IX, while o n, and the other blade at that same dition tp the tea tattle, especially when one the creature. We w re hoisted on board Read -that. is growing weary of the richer dainties. ' Sir (.uy took the etter and read it in ai- While the Aberdare bells were'-soldndin instant is closest and browght back toward , HOWLING A_ D GROANIad:, . g e shaft as will I Put four pounds of fine flour into a lar *e s ' . '1 lence. . errily on Christmas morning, a knock wag the stern of the vessel. Th , bevel wi a dessert spoonful of salt ;rub to with the feelers still iting, and they h to . ` 1. It is a sad story, sir," he said..; ' "but, hard at the hall d r and tt was almost be seen, ia. not turned se in a screw steamer, ' f oo be cut from us aImos b' inches. t� eb. oar ` . ! �' when you have hey d what Brandon has to a hock of su rise to {hose present when the only action t>ging a horizontal stroke. mc�otbi then make, a hole butter, o the lice lire, I • a, g h a ' .. tell pu, - ou will d e him less harshly. As the stroke is dives it is unnecessary to it far worse than I iii as he wore a thici y y jt} s Y• S r fang Bra Brooklyn en led. Every one Y and pour in a quarter of a pint of strong cotton shirt and was barefooted. He wa. - There is a carries a waiting for ou and Miss use engines, the wet in applied from `bitten on one foot both hands # g g Y k eve of the quarrel and se tattoo, though l g ed p hr me -made east; or three ounces of (;ter , and acv ;. - Carleou. There may be One t e cause was notjso. well known. There's the cy order. It is also cLum that much the breast and it was a ion two weeks be , .'`t doctor says that Brandon has not an hour less power is' necessary than for screw pro- man yeast, dissolved in lukewarm water. g y not one present) who did not rejoice. P° �' P Draw a little of the flour from he sides in- ( fore he was on deck again, his face swelled .h ' ` to live. I have ho s ; .,u� you lunar come P iii a Car n mad to haves' wn pillion, as in the rotating motion of the ,� • I u until one eye was closed, and the ice PP 4� 6ro to the yeast, sufficient to make 't like bat - I P Y Po to him. ' are oun er in th tone ni ht. screw from 35 to 40 per cent. of the power _ Y Y 8 } g ter, then sprinkle flour on the to cover the ' made md'ill for many days. Whsrever one "Guy," said the stluire in tremblin is lost in keeping the number of revolutions ' P g What a wet me there was for the taro P 8. bowl with a clean cloth, and set it t a warm I of the cups or suckers took hold the skin tones, "can you eve forgive me �" n t ! And as he and Phili a stood to- per mtt;ute up to rite figure at which head was entire) taken off, and it seemed as if ` As he spoke a st in of music atai•tled us. - pp way can by made.. p When the yeast begins to Y po ther, I thought that I had never. sash a Y ins had been stuck i into the raw flesh. rise to bubbles th u h the flour, A , It was the "waits, ' and resent) these g rQ g r, kneads the P s presently h ndsomer couplp. ` 11i q wonder that she For a steamer of the dimensions and ton- dough thoroughly,) in the same manner as native doctor brought me some herbs o i words saluted our "Peace on earth — to esd him ;loo in at bids and listenin to t►a a of the State of California the no Iler gg g 8 p Pe for common bread then,let it rise again un- which to make a poultice, and, though the . c peace on earth." (h' I did wonder that any man living blades would each be six feet in diameter relieved the n d her me to e . Guy," a in aired the arembiin� tit gisae and light. At the end of two or P Ped g y ga c Id suspect im of dishoikor• with a seven -foot stroke; A boat thirty- three hours, when the dough is sufficiently around again, it was months before my-fact >. . voice, :vill you par on me . ( " The chur�h bells are ring' !n -said the 'two feet long has been built for the trial of risen,! work in b d was entire) well. - g y egress, two pounds of Y I turned away to ids my tears, for I saw ire. " W shall be la unless we start the new ro llin a slam. $hs will soots „ - - hie white head bent 4 P g p curry�pis one pound of raisins one pound of The devil fish minded the loss of h' the squire on his kn , d , at once, Guy, take - ilippa." receive her boiler and machinery, and will sugar, an ounce of spice, and four or five I three arms for' only half an hour, at the end -' ' t /' and I heard Phil* p weeping aloud. . I here was t o ne do h ve said that, fcr make her first iri about the middle of neat , p P well tteatea a Divide the mass into of which time he cl tchesd the empty boat,,` ` When I turne(i a a n, Sir Guy had his h stood Already b Phili 's Bide aNd was month. The size of. her blades is about one �� y P . loaves of the required size, put them into I half caps zed her, a d swam twice around arms aroundthe. drop ipgfigure, and the old 1 king with lover a ey ea at her i,eautiful and one half feet, and rise shaft has a went - squire's head lay on hQ young man's breast. fa e. I '� y tine lintel with butte ed paper, and bake in ;the ship as a defies to the crew. 1'wo o' . �; tour inches stroke. Great interest is taken "I always loved ou, Guy. I loved you How ion is i', myarlin ," I heard I in the invention, and its success is, hopes) •well well-heated ovenor an hour, or more, i three musket balls v}�ere fired into hire, an so dear) that I c u1d not endure the •� i t according to size. These cakes are better he sank out of sight be seen no More else t • • y hi say, trace 1 we • w 4jked t rough the for by all steamship owners here, who are made just a des or two before usin . V ought of your guilt • it stung me as nothing ' w s together ?" I anxious to secure an increase of speed and a iI Y g• ins our stay. I - _ _ , }v eLe + ould have don . I did believe you s we passe ou of the Mall door a beau• reduction of expense in the running of their Loton Sponge Gake.- -This is a moat de ' . guilty ;Anice did not express herself clearly, �, of 1 sight ere led s. Th • tempest of the craft. The motion of a steamer can easily liciauis cake, and forma a nice cu..trast to ' ; �} , . _. . and she was dyinb. can understand now' nil ht before h it ►ated lie srin - was shin- he reversed, the, opening and closing of the the dark fruit cakes, and this is a great How t0 Live ja Null Cetltltr)`. r, - that when she uttere your name it was to in on the snow ; he trim on berries of _the ro ller blades bein re mated b s sins le Point; for if we wish to have an attractive ( Prof. um >hr o P 1� g g Y P H I Y (,ambrldge has tire , - i ` clear you, not arc e, you. It was . my �, ho ly trees a d t e whit flowers of the attachment to the rod enclosed in the shaft. tea ti►ble, we must always study variety. ! dared a series of tab es which contain sutra ;NA• ' • 1. ' bu la ntstinua s me to am le u n us ;the If the rudder ►xs lost, the steamer can easily l;rs*a six fresh eggs, w 14 ho son who di his eat wron + upon + Y 1k g , and separate the I interest•' lg information about centenarian: C . g I olk front the w itea Beat the elks ' ° ` - "Hear •him sir fore you jud a him h' I Y s , g + su 1 a lulus n t e roar- root and on the -atiid Sir` Guy ; and th tl he went ' hgtippa- ici •les, made the earth 1 k as though a " Day true, dear love," he .said, ` . truest di mond shower h fallen over. it. :t . ' • and dearest ; there a no letter for you to- ( ' We have som thing thank Heaven night. I was bringi g it, and, coming over fo to- day," s id t ' e squire —and I saw tears the cliffs I heard a feeble ,moan. • It was in is eyes. I never thought to see the d k and storm but ); soon found light and ' h' b htl be steered through the medium of the shaft. All of these peculiar features of the new system of propulsion have been fully demon- strated by practical operation, a small boat with w*on propeller blades and abaft of the kips referred to having ma3e an uau• thoroughly, and while beating, add hyalf a Of vz arsons whotn the mentions, at least 1 ' I 1 —'2- niades and .i feniales -- actually attained pound of sifted white sugar, the rind -of a I the age of 100. tJthers attained ver V .41 largos lemon, grated and -two tablespoonfuls I nearly'to the hundr9d years. Only one o "{ of or#►tlge flower water. When the beating. the persons reached 108 years while oil - } has Keen kept up briskly for some time ' dred ' e in gradually half a pound of fineat died at the alleged age of l Ott. Of the :,' y 1 - ar y, su s Ina eo ig y again. dually high rate of a the machinery flour then add the mans, 36 were women 'grad 16 men. Pro " help. - After search' 91 for come time, we ! f I could ' dge from Sir Guy'a � face his working to the entire satisfaction of the in + juice of the lemon, umphry tells pat at the cotnparative im, 4� . . • - -� ' discovered Arthur B andon ; he had fallen, . h rt was fills with grati ude. � vesl� tor. egg • - strained and the a whites whisked to a munit of women fr m the ez y posures an not to the bottom of the cliff, but to some has rest of that Christm day will liner - . -1.��� firm froth. Beat for a few minutes longer, risks to which men re'subjected and th - distance. Because a was your cousin I ' h me as the awleetest m mo of m life, till all the ingredients are thoroughly blend - 1'3' Y greater temperance �{n eating and drinkin risked my life to s ve his. I went down ; jt uubounde h ppinees,' the uric, the The reoord of The. Ledger allows 'the ad ; rhea pour the" mixture into a pretty, exhibited.by women are the - chief points ' with the her of a stout ro Aron ht ! w. rmth deaths of sons who died at eat in well, uttered mould and bake at once in a ;�' and p pe the fry nce, the Arai ht ever- t� a8'v determinating their �iigher chances of Ion - r IM up more dead th n; living. We carried gr no, the tmas batsquvt —it warms Philadelphia during . 18f3t3, as follows :-- we sated oven for about three-quarters of evity. Out of the . women 26 had bee ' ;' him to Deane's Ch , where he recovered m heart eve no, when L think of it all. Ninety years, 34 ; 91 years, 23 ; 92 years, hour. t�� his senses and fou that I had saved his .I nd then when the salts ere one and % years, 13 % 94 years, 8 % 95 Yeah. 13 ; married and 1'1 had borne large fail ias : � 1 • f3u g� Of the 26 who had n wives 8 had marrte r _ • life. He confessed h' sin to me, and prayed th moon was shining on t e snow the Y 12 ' 97 years, 8 % 98 Yom. 3 ; �• g • S the Snow Plough• a before they were 20 one at 16 and 2 at 1 i - I f ' me to fetch the squire. Philippa, my true sq ire sent for $i# Gn anti P t i yean, 5 ; 104 Years, 5 ; 101 yef►ra, 1 ; 102 ; love, I can say to ou, now what I have II aT wt(. ssArns. y " ppa ears 1 104. 2. 109 ea 1. The Twelve of the fifty- -two centenarians veer Come with ins Glad s id Miss Car- ' y°ms• • years, F , - •• Y invariable re nderanee of women Ls Le other@ pr's'° the rural plouth . discovered to have beenxha eldest childre -•.. �: written before." I le n. You have shared my sorrow and .° agave That turns the soli in lengthening furrow • j-, He else her in is arms and kissed her, must share o " emphasized t year. .On the male side And farmer sto t th.t guides the sham of their parents. ` This fact, adds Dr. Hu - t # .1 I Y n?Y i y' Where once a hr does not a with ular notio ' .' - ' No wonder she to him. He had the went, and the aquire smiled when he only 22 lived to or beyond 90, and their th gopher used to burrow, p y, gr PoP . braver that would me, combined ages make up a total of 2 061 The plough I sing s of other sort that first children ' herit a feebleness grace, the chivalry, e y . That runs in town when all is whitened ,�k have befitted akin IAnd then, notwith- `Glad a A rtdn " h(s said Y ,while the aggregate ages of t base ; • constitution, nor, w th the opinion of racin +. -. g y Y you must be No field it waves with la in sods, • s woi n a ed 90 or over ive 4 But wwpe s path for %fidrgen iri stables, which is d tdediy against then id standing the snow nd the wind, they set a aughter to a when I my owls. g g ,2?4 year. 1 acd ghtened• fm who schoo w went with easy sae that `' firstlings " a e to be.depended on f apt, ut Phili pa clung rol�n'd his neck I W,ag�t�tci Ova nwgt.Ltl°tis. —The of - But had not P.t. whom oo rat�on - t� '' 1. p d rpo good performances) on the course. Tl , E : - On what he believ his death -bed, Ar- `you will tot lose me," $he said: I shalt .fashioned fireplace, with its black to of . _ Has hired, been here with thee to plough centenarians a er 11 regarded were f ._ thur Brandon told h story to the squire, ne er o from IKin 's Norton." g 'they'd stayed at home and roused the nation, g 0 Y f , d , <<. glowing coals try Lhrow heat lnt0the room, 'heir merry shouts have died away, spare build. Gout land rheumatism war , I He had not intended .such e3adly harm ; he Li ten to me said the squire. This was probably as wasteful a method of . boat- , But welcome black without a sorrow as a rule absent. `I` It seems " - says s Pro . • '• • "� i ;Y Y t Ag The dear@ who've left this morning had loved Anice Vane very dearly, but not is he 25th —I m as he 26th —of Decem- i houses as could well be devised. But g cold ; ' « ' well enough to brave the s uire a anger for be and you Must Humphry, that the frame which is d - g b q g y be mal•fiied before the 7th the fuel of those days was plentiful, and the And but for thee had stayed the morrow. ' t - Then @ Poised thee, plc h, pile u the snow tined to great axe heeds no such pr h. t :..+ her sake. He loved her best, Ant he would of anuary, if yo t are ever to be mistree f flrephlce with open draught to the chimney Tor ht and lefts o need o�harrow ; fatties; end ed endesra none of the bv $ t have married Philippa for her fortune if she K' g's Norton,, hilippa. Now, Guy, r- at least gave tier ventilation than has Ina of tramping road so rough humors for which t)he fingers joints (as n - • had been willing. Bu a her to name the day, while , talk, � been devised by the inethode of heating They walk ally track on etdewalk narrow. gout) may find a vent." i He did not intend asking Anice to elope wj� h Gladys .bout the wedding. The very houses provided now. Heated air is not I Of the fifty -two aged people, .twenty fo r� :: with him; but, when she knew that he was word .makes lie young again cannot im- anhealthtul provided it has been heated so M�rah. only had no teeth, the average number f • ;;going, hey sorrow so great, and- his a ne anything appier than a wedding at as to destroy attbgtaneesmith which it comes ' 1 • ; *. sr nlAlta eossar.. teeth remaining be' four or five. Lo ` • vanity was so flatte a by it, that he'pro• (, riatmas three.' in contact and thus char a its carbon to Like Rachel I am mourning form dead. - g �g g pe g g hours of sleep were otable among these od . posed to marry her pri ately —and she was it Guy belt ;char Philippa =what f r rbonic acid gas. Our present modes of The evening shadows gather rounds my heart, . - h peo pie the period cif repose eve n nine • ; . • ` only too willing.. �. all ion a used who shall say ? In a eve armin houses are defective alike in the ,, And my eyes the bitter tear-drops start. hours g t t They arranged the the marriage should m' utes he raised his head. y are n t, and @httJl I be oomtorted ,while out-of-door exercise in plenty. -14 , d sate o heat and in latsk of ventilation. The, while tltroug�, this deepest harsh I am led t' and early rising are to be noted amo tie :, take Ahtree at St. Hil a's Bay, an that she - ' That is Qod news," h cried —" of all' -best stoves and furnaces allow an enormous I see their dimpled cheeks, their sunny hair; . rag - th des s in t 'e ear the v des I ehonldonnt of heat to go, out thmu h the ohim- factors of a prolo life. One of the ' was to live there unt 1'they had summoned y y ty Their laughing eyes and faces ure as fair. « �+ g I hold arms to them, and a centenarians to excess on festiive , N .courage to tell the sq ire. ha a chosen y If —New ear a y. ' nay, while all give mach im are air to the ., o, v1slon of my l children, they fly' occasions ;" anoth was a " free beer Such oonduest. was of to be defended— it• was eelded ; a d the squire rooms which the " °q Y °SPY• el±e is room N•ogh# but' the win r wind doth make reply. drinker "add "drank like a Sall daring ' i -_ . it was base, treache and dishonorable= co Id not do �n ugh for Sir IGluy. The wed- for invention as to the best meaty for ohea Tl'o `Op �'t� •`"�'• r• 1 eh p whole life. Twelve - had been total ab- bat -they were yotin$, foolish, and so mach di was to the gte►nd t festivity ever 1yy and effectively warming houses, and pt No "�' bitter, any. .. is love that the rile could not b bt the of wa1L of 's Nortonet the same time 1 lontw my I their tovec� features seen a stainers for life or newly no, and mostly all ' - Y Yg seoaivtg $cod ♦eatilation, ilraad memory Bono remains to tale. wets �` small meat tars." .; r ,,. _ . . • , . .T l I' . . . •. .. _ , Ijk f I,• „i I r k- - , ] t I r 4 - —. ; i S . - - r • F t . , I , v' I �• 1 : F 1 ,_ c s : . "..,r,. f f i t >.�_ a . . : a r� •tc i. €. .. : �. q;, i �r „ �. �• - ,> :. _ , � �, ,tea . .t:y . �, ...� _ ..... , � x -- - -- - 1100000000 .- I . - , i � , . , 1" • . " . . .. � . - � � * . . , : . ;_ * . . I .. . -1 ­�_ . • I . I . . I . I I 1 . � . I. , o' I I _. . .. I � .1 I , . � I 3 .. t I .. '. , , . : , . ­ , - I I I , .1 __ — _ - HOII[B AND t�ENESAL NE'1Y8. - A COCKNEY'S l�TUSY. FABM. - ;: I. Of NurdA6lp at name skirl Experfeiaee to t I O'L _E-�, F ' �, ,W . _ erect at 51. John N. B. RaO3 i►oa ll�!sY Cows , .. g .., ., to , . I ().LD ..; sad , _ It is a. t tinad a memoiroial hall in commetiQOi�atiou of the it hoots axe healthy food for cows and in» . ` his tsame�'vi•as John Coo, lie had ha Queen's jubilee. '' of the character• known as " brick�durt." crease the $ow of the milk, but care is re- 1 N - 11, It is estimated that over 1,131101ooamotives His head', hands and feet were of abnormal gaited in feeding those Hable to give an un- A DOMESTIC STOR WITH A MOR were blii�t in the United States during the proportions. He had the body of a lad of Pleasant flavor to r the milk and .butter. past year. They cost about 615,000,OOU. tlfteen and the face of a man of twenty five.. Garrote and sugar• beets, experience has . . _ ' - `'' Guelph, blue eyes had a 'keen en atria taught, are among the roots best adapted . _ ' j The other night Chief Randall, of G p , Hts big bl y q g (:HAY•rER: I• —t�s ��ox ttlk about l,er now to ear users was tin $' assisted b two licemen, arrested five look, and whoa he epoho you believed him for dairy cows. Turnips and cabbages 1. ible. He had no languag . by which to ex- Y �° give unpleasant flavor to both milk and . ♦• The dreary March evening is rapidlv pass- ress : the heavy, paraly ing pain in his Young men engage in gambling with dice that he was twenty years of age, although utter. Roots should not be fed alone - ingfrom murky gloom tai obscurity. Gusts earl ijn Coady's Billiard Parlor. __ at first glance you had talon him for a lad but in combination with more nitrogenous 7 . of icy rain and sleet are sweeping full The Council of Sherbro ilre, Quo:, have of sixteen. He told the following story of . y inst a man who, though driving, bows J For a titirie h performed necessary d l Jeff imposed a tax of $30 on a Montreal menu- orphan life in London, En land, and of his foods• • , I aka n a dazed mechanical a . The ho es Pose his head so low that 'he cannot see his yy facturer who shipped into the cif and sold strug lea in Canada since a arrived seven I The patient beasts, however, led and live stock were fed re larly, the c ?WS P Y ' To INenEAA$ Tsiy Flow of . ILK. . horses. pa , . pp c da r to the highest bidders eighteen carloads of months ago. The folio advice is applicable to every r along the miry road, unerringly taking their , milked ., but the milk . a d in the y „ Yes, sir,, I was born in Whitechapel -- PP course to the distant stable door. The high - t �nnm until it spoiled., Ten he would it furniture. on don't know what a poor place it is.-' farmer who eeps cows, especially if fol- co sometimes es ithrou h a rove on own at hie desolate' h hand or Smu if has 1>$en detected in the ales yy + lowed during the afar sasses : Give your . p hundreds and thousands'With ' ardly any- g y l? g g ! ours into the fire, until i sunk dawn et d ing cars which cross the river at Detroit. thin' to heat the whole year, roan'. My Dews three times a dad► wester sli ghtly warm, - , the edge of a forest, and the trees creak and ied out. Perhaps no cl sin the wo ld Porters have been in the habit of s in - i «roan as - they writhe in the heavy blasts. Pa rt'Y g father was a ca tin — leastwa ll an time sli fitly Halted, in which bran has been stir �• I Q uffer from such a terrible a use of lonelin s9 dutiable s over the line ' ` to accomo- P g Y ' Y at the rate of one quart to two gallons ccasional Daps of pines there is sigh - I seed tin he wore a big sword, and had red iq z gr a aim le- natured count people, to wl► to date a friend. ing and moaning almost human in sugges- I P r3' Pe P goold lace do 'is breast. But 'e was always of water. You will bud that) the cow will tiveness df trouble. Never had Nature been I Very few have been, all tl a company 4 I y The school teacher at Osceola, A . T , is a to Hindia a fightiu' the Hafghans, and a not Only give much more milk, hilt She will in a more dismal model' never had she been squired. yyoung woman of only 18 years ;but she has scarcely sent anythin' to mother. I 'ad to become touch attached to the diet. The o down the streets, and look for. hodd jobs amount of this drink necebea is an ordin more prodigal of e�•ery element of discom- At last Holcroff' partial y shook off riia- no difficulty in keeping order for she threat g I rY + water pad each time moriling, noon p fort, and never had the hero of my story tupo'r, and began the exp iiment of keep- ens to sit down on the first pupil who is rich as carryiit parcels, gciin messagesy and ary pa , . 1►een �rlore cast down in heart and hope than i. g house and. maintainin his . dairy with insubordinate. She weighs 32.5 pounds. . a'olding 'orses' �e.l,de, while the gentlemen and sight. Oil tll& chaotic day which, even to his dull ire1 hel I'or a long yea • lie had struggl- A Chicago 'merchant reveals the secret' went into the banks to draw money to pay KEEL, A (}ooD TEAM.' . fa-ic , appear closing in harmony with his d on thipu *h all kinds of omestic vicisIli- of -the fact that while in cold weather other their men. Y Sometimes I d sixpence for '' . I and fortune. He is going home, ude, co scious all the t me that things show windows are heavily frosted, his re- every 'orse, ad I've seen me make two or Without doubt the greatest and most ` Yet the thought brings iio assurance of wel- I ere going from bad to worse. His ho,' a main clear and transparent. He has his three shillin' in a day. i Othgr times I'd common lose in team management is from 1. come anti comfort. As he cowers upon the as isolated, the region paraely aett�el, windows rubbed twice each werk with a .make nuthin' and then it. was 'ard. to live. keeping poor horses unable at any time to . seat of his market wagon, he is to the reader " nd good) help difficult to obtained u�iti r cloth dipped in g'yeeiine. Mother died, sad sister and hi were taken do a full day's work. It is the mostdifficult . '. what he is in the fading light, —a mere dim avoring auspices. The ew reaper � le to the t Harm's Vine We was well thin possible for man farmers to get the It is allged' that at a ,toboggan slide a g p° Y mltline of a man. 'His progress is so slow omen i�► the nei$hborho. who occasi n 1- Magog Qpe. there is a gained dog that treated there —got good grub, clothes, and idea into their heads that a horse capable of that there will be -plenty of time tp relate y " lout a hand " in of er homes n wilj mount the, sled, go. down the slide, go04 bee• doing but little is entirely valueless. An s)me facts about him which will make the heir ow�t would not compromise them lv g, draw the sled ,back and go down &gain to After some tame we eerd that father old, worn out horse will always sell for �' �4cnes and events to follow more . intelli- i tyy expressed it', by " eepin' house # r 'ad been killed b the Haf hang. That was something, no matter how poor he may be, ' ` widower." Servants o ined fro . t e an indefinite extent, and it properly enc:our- Y g g Bible. • ` ld not e d re af{ed will accept the company of a young m 1f3t30• Sister, 9vherl• elie 'eerd it, she jiat and always for a greater price to proportion) "James Hol&oift is a middle =aged man and eighboring town either could went to sloop, and never wakened. She lay to his value w hen most worthless. For so waetefu a d lady. stunned -like for along time, and then died. farm purposes, with the dear wages no the owner of a small, hilly farm. He had he loneliness, or else war Throu h a blunder, ' the handsome real- g f' inherited his rugged acres from his father, gnorant, that the farmer, n sheer d g T need to cry to think I ad no one in the paid to term hell , it dose not require mac u them and the feel- ton, discharged them. he silent, i f- dente of Mr. Hugh Sutherland, of Win�i �� world; it made me lonesome. I. was fond deduction front a lull day's teen, w each .1' had always lived �°jn - ing had own strong with the lapse of tricken, "rugged - featured an was no co - was sold for a small sum for taxes, an 'o sister. Then, about six months ago, me day to make - up the value o€ a first else ggrr and another lot o boys were brought out by team in every i aspect. 1 - Lillie that he could live nowhere else. Yet pang for any one. They r was but , e- way not redeemed the purchaser no claims . I - c rd of than es waste an $mall ilfe in it. big. Sutherland, however, hods a tax vernment� in the " Sard nian" to Canada. . he knew that he was, I in the vernacular- of o , p ,go the re ion, "going aowvn hill." The small though he knew he cool not afford 't, a receipt, and a livelvy contest in court fa anti - We came intermegiate, and was very tom- SoF-r Cotta na Fo�ln. 1 g P fortable. A kind lad was in charge of ur i� ings of years were slowly melting away, tied the device of obtain' g two wom n ci sled. y $ • The I 'greater part of soft or unmerchant sail the depressing feature of this truth was stead of one, so that they night have Is ci- Some months ago Daniel Kelly of Port and we used to sing hymns, and the big able corn is fled easily, and to fattening hog that he did not see haw he could help him- ety in each other ; but et her they old Clinton, 7'a., saw that a heavy boulder had nobs 'ud chuck us down money. without grinding. `l'i►e idea is to get rid o g g• I self. $e was not a sanguine man, but , not stay or else he found that he h two fallen on the track of the Pennsylvania III was take n to a place at Richmond ;but it as loan as passible to prevent it fro b Railroad and he managed to run ahead and I had to leave m master with only 25 beating and moulding. It is true enou � . • rather one endowed with a hard, practical thieves to deal with tastes of one, — n. ,. Y $ g• g ! sense which made it dear that the down- incompetent creatures ho knew re stop an approaching passenger train in time contain .in my pocket. I could get nut);iin' to that in large unventilated heaps it is apt. 1 a hill process had only to continue sufficiently about whiskey than mil , and who' de t o avert a wreck. The other day he receiv- 'do in Richmond, apd I wanted to come to spoil ; but hundretis and even thousands f ed a costly gold watch and chain wi�h the Montrehal. Hi went to the station and saw bushels may be kept until it is dried uu long to leave him landless and penniless. It his home a terror to him, I P y' a kind lookin' guard, and asked 'im, wad 'e - . 11 ., �i<<s all so distinct •otj this dismal evening Some asked good -n turedly, 'f', --A, hy compliments of the railroad tom an gu Considering the waatefulu�ss of the use 1< 11 t'l it he groaned aloud! don't you marry again '" Not only was the I A Connecticut newspaper otters a big cite- gimme a rids. '1': said „'e dursn't, 'but fist methods of feeding it will pad to take the . ” If it comes to that, I don't know what eery thought repugnant, but he knew well tiunary to the person who shall write for it, as the train was stattin' 'e - winked 'ie eye, needed care to keep it later. ( ;iving tIO• ' his ant the. ma to thrive n any I before Jan. 15, the best article' not over and nodded for me to get up. Wasn't that hogs while wet and even water -waked b n 1'll do —crawl away op a night like 'this that 1 ►e was not _ i gig e it up; like enough." . i I such errand to the neig ring farm ouses. 1,000 words long on the subject, " How to kind of 'im' «' hen I got ;to Montrehal I sing it is little more nourishing than o I' + lvas i ht. `Vheii a ma Though apparently he h d little sen iment I insure to the criminals in our prisons the hollered 'im the 25 cents ; but he wouldn't• much- grass.. Much of the nutriment iyi i s 1 Perhaps lie # g S PPa a oecu alien essential to their mental and take it, and 'e brought me to a place anti buff state is in the cob, which latteuing ho s . wife enc e error of h s . the et th - fives a in his nature Y ,. of i , , fs with a nature like h g P Y It � � has come.. The low, sturdy oaks that pre was like his religion. H felt that h could bodi y health without bringing their labor give me a good dinner. wall not eat. 1 Probably the best use o - u abundantly along the road were types o not put an ordinary_ wo an into his wife's into •competition with the labor of honest �+ j went about the streets and basked in I corn, i,, to feed 'it to nulch cows, and after; i his character, —they could break, but no place, and say to her the words he h spok- i working men." The solution of that prob some places for aoniethit,'- to do, but could Cd,ld weather comes there is no ditculty r` y get nothin'.! ' I slept bout that night —thin keeping ►t. Dnri ►•g the winter this soft t' }end-., - fie had little suppleness, littl , en before. Such a mar iage would to lam i s worth considerably more, than an l�e ' jutiei to adapt himself to variedconditio s him a grotesque farce, t which his sou, re- eight dollar affil -a half book. was in October—an next day I spent corn freer "es dry, tiucl towards spring may i W. T.- ' tl►ut the the 25 cent. Then I 'ad nothin'• ground ill the cob with a mixture of eclZi of life. An event had occurred a year sine, , ! volted. It is reported from Blaine, y parts of outs or light barley. ! -which, for months, he could only Conte - I At last lie was drive to the uses si y of Chinamen, opium, liquors, and merchandise " I went about for three da a and three . lac ` plate with dull wonder and dismay. In h s applying for help to Irish family that ( are being smuggled in large numbers and nights without grub. I went to the Salvia quantities into the Cnited ti bu the said the cudn't vouth he had married the daughter of a had recently moved int the net r od. `q tates from Brit- lion Army people, y S.n>: Et• Hvstt,txI . small farmer. Like bitnself, she had alwa s The promise was forbi ding, inc ee he , ish Columbia,. by the, way of Point Roberts, 'elp me. , On the fourth day I went into a tiheep need but little care. this' month. 11 h.eeu accustamed to toil and, frugal livin . I enterd 'the snualid a e in whir ere • the Gulf of Georgia, and the island$ of the I confectloner'a on St. James attest— Halexait' Give them good hay and a few roots ea h . . I From childhood she has been impressed wi h huddled men, women aid children. sic- lower mound on Semiahmoo Jay. In Whate I tier's —and I basked tl�e hold gentleman for day, and in dry weather let them have a ten the thought that parting with a dollar w ter of the mistress of he shanty as vol- I om county, W, T:; the border is entirely I somethin' to heat. Mr. Haleable, avid-= in the fields for ext. r.;ise. It may not be well ,, serious matter, and to save a dollar one f able in her assurance o unlimited a abil -'. Sit you right (low at this table, an eat unprotected. I y g to allow their fleecra to be soaked with snow, - your fill.' , An' 'e 'n.ade a lad wait on 'rue the good deeds rewarded in this life and � ity _ i I Nicholas Spear of Hartland, Mich., went , an' I tucked hin all I could and then Mr. or by a ruled rain, as it gives them a hea��►►'�yy file life to •come. She and her husband were'. Faix I kin do all ' he wourk, iii doors I home for a week's spree one day last week, ow, put lent in your load to carry, besides the fact that the eh ;ill ; , _ in eonlplete harmony on this vital point. I and out, so I _takes the notion," she I had as- and the next morning put . I'arte green in Halexander said— n , p plenty may injure the weakly ones, but they need 1; Yet not a miserly• trait entered into th it sorted• • , . I, ' the waterpail used by the family. Then pockets.' keta.' Wasn't that kind, an me a fresh air and execcibe. The air in u wll- . mantle thrift. It Kral a necessit enfai d y• ' strain er' " J ist as I was of 'Bout he said tt' - y There certainly w no lack of i�cln 'and he for of all about it and drank of the water . 8 g n tilled sheep shed is too strongly impregna d ; P j K himself and died. His wife diacovsred the ` —` I know w hat I ran do,' hand then he b� their mean a resources ; it was inspired ed• muscle in the big , re faced, middle a ed ' he said — with anuuonia to be beat for breathi� an honest independence m woman who was so r dy to presii�e t fits : poison in the dip before any other wrote bout tw u uotea. 1•.re, lur see." Kee the flour of the shoe ale ' b� the wish for .Ps C `Take that to Mr. Dick, of the Boys 'ome, 1 p° p P their old age. I � I hearth and glean from his diminisl d dairy • on drank of it. Web supplied with dry litter, atul sup�►lyr and this td, bit. Garde So hi thanked im There was to be no old age for her. �e a modicum . of profit but as he rytd6ed y theta with pure water at least twice a day_ 1. Abram Cretis of Grant county, «•: t a•', ' an' went to the 'ome, lan' Mr, Uick, he said ' took a heap y cold, and almost before r i home along the wintry road, he ex ri' need , tells a remarkable sheep story. He says j how it was hall right Then I Went to They need it as much as any other anim I , < er, she d stron feelin a of die st at the tH u ht of Petbre I 'They will also relish an occasional feed ref `; husband was aware of her dang j$ g g that he was on the, mountain near left his side. He was more than gr f- ! such u creature- sittin by the ki lien fire I Mr evergreen and a safd it was hall rtg t bur ►h Ga after a flock of sheep, when one I' ' evergreen boughs if there is snow on the stricken, he was appalled. No` children in the place once oecu ied by his ,v ; of theem startled by' the sudden appearance i and nigh the a job -v messenger, and m ground lung. _ - Y During all these do estic vicissity ies he i hall right. Homy I can't help feelin' lone- . • Messed their union, and the had bee a (: of the shepherd do , lea ed from a prec[ - - ,. _ - J t p 8 P„ some sometimes when I think that my lit I nwre acid more to each.other in their si le had occupied the p� rlor, a stiff, .n ►rma , ice and landed unin}ured 175 feet below. tle sister -all I hall is dead. But Mrs. COLOR IN 110IMEg, 9. 1 home life. To many it would have seei d I frigid apartment, 'w ich had beets, scaly i Abram watched it in its flight, he says and Dick ishe says, `don't fret,-for you'll see her A good horse is never a bad color, it is i _ . , ''! • ` a narrow and even a sordid life. It eo,ild u$sd in his married lif He had no i cline- ,saw thus it passd th'e tt> of several tall - _ ` not have been the latter, for all their rd lion for the .social f big help t fact,.l p� again in 'eaven,' said. tittll color has it$ i^ portanCe, es - - work their eft economies and plan ' to Y I pines, leaving little tufts of wool as mamas " Oh, you've e no Idea of hove poor they are .cially as itidicawng temper' and purity of petty p s bank o there had been none fth whom he co ld as i toes, and appeared to 'light in a top, whem I at 'ome. The big nobs what own the fact breedi. Thee, black coloredd horses are ¢f a increase the hoard in th. saving le sociate. The better ass of those wh went it was thrown back against the mountain ! orses, fail hevery day on account of things, h ,t and fiery temper• and disposition ; ate . . robbed of sordidness by an honest, quie jaf- out to service could nd places mac more ;and there btruck another W , and su on o each other- b mutual a m- their taste than tl a lonely farm house. ' the ound. P be11 'flies&, hand t}wusands .are turnc(,� Clisetaut and brows bay are reckoned .tle fection f r Y until it reached g i hout of work." ; I have'strength and spirit,, and the white !are i - pathy and a common purpose, It The kitchen had bee the one coley, cheer- �_ \ ' �. eloubtedl was a meagre life which a im ful room of the hour and, driven from it, Ina school section in 1�'orthutnberland i I always tender, As to gray, it has been ob- y where a Dan lad in en gad as The Hard- �ark�etiacea otSpvil�. I served that those which 'tend the moat) to ,N • eel to grow narrower with time : and h lVttt. (the .farmer waa an a ile in 1►ie own house, County, , There had never been much romance to ibe- teacher, there has been quite a dais dispute as , The ,queen- Regent of Spain is probably b1aCk are stronger than the brighter greys. I In the parlor, he cou d at least br over + in with, but something that always w cars the happy past, grid hat was about all the to whether it would be prudent to re- engage 1 the most overworked woman in her )<3omiu- LT�here are besides these other colorsl in t her or not. I c' was claimed that she had I ions. She rises at ; , and as soon as she 4iorses, as the rerun, which seems to be the - e better,-' mutual respect a d affection. ijom solace he had. . too man admirers of the o its sex, and the first, James Holcrof had enter i' tied PPS has tnade her toilet she $ends for her little offspring of the bay and white, or the Lay Bridget came and took poasessitork of her that the section had thus been de rived of a son' and the members of the royal family, and gray. The sorrel and white seem t� be ' sensible hoe that shl was just th girl roidl which a lied p eve been • or ao with the pi. At 91 the author of the dun and cream color, land • 1 .' t ld ensib p 7 domain with. a san f portion of her time that should h anti spends at- hour li to help him make a living from hiKlil fide Holcroft from the fi t. To Ilia di actions I p° she attends to her household affairs goes as for those horses which are called s aw - farm, and he had not hoped for or el en and suggestions, ah curd inform d hin► • spent in, the discharge of her duties as a $ thou ht of vet much else axes t th last- teacher. Accordingly at the school meet- I over her accounts, gives$ her orders for the berry, they may, probably, proceed from a g Y p that she knew her business and `didn't in the trustees had an agreement drawn up i daft, reads her letters, lancets through the Coupling between a bright gray and a y, mony sad good comradeship which less want no mon around, , orderin' and faterfsr I g _ who are suited d ''each other. He , „ to.the effect that she should not keep Dom newspapers,, aua is ready by 10 or a little There are also some horses mottled, or red, people in . . , I I pany'. durin the coming year with any after to receive the report of the Captain- (commonly called piebald), either black ,and hall been disappointed in no respect ; they h g pea , young men during school gars, as her un- General of tiie garrison He is succeeded white in spots, or ,chestnut and white_. I . - ' -had toiled and gathered like ants ; they In fact, she iiid a r, as she h said ca ble of an sine nt of work, and sually divided time Bb�uld l,e devoted to the by'the Prime tiltnister, who ha$ a long in As to the choice of color in a atlalli n, ar were confidential partners in the homely Pa _ y school, Upon her, ^refusing to sign this ter�view with the tlueen on affairs of State person of great skill says the dapple y,. j ; �. ' business and details of the farm ; no hing was in a mood to Morin it ; but a n her bat The little arm`- male relatives begs to drop in to moke a agreement it was decided to leave it to a every day but Monday, when she presides the white y, and the d�pple gray ale to : I was wasted, not even time i with her in th evening. Alit le later vote of the meeting as to whether she should at a Cabinet Council instead. ' be preferred ; but does itot object to a -horse house abounded in comfort, and was a iodel .P , pp g be compelled to sign it or not. A show of At 12 the royal famil aft down to of a pure black, provided it has a bite on the supper tab a was left elan in for y ww�� ' of neatness. and order. If it and i aur' were a ways read take a hands was taken, and it resulted in a tie, drjeuuet, at which meal the little King star and a white foot. In the juAlgnie►t of T roundings ere devoid of grace and erns- bite., The farmer had never hear of the when. the chairman, being young man, Y g y pee , meat, they were not missed, for n iffier g Y g always assists—though h onl as a spectator, others, however, he should be vll of one ,f its occupants had never been aecus ined camel who first g4 his head into a tent, gave the casting vote in her favor. of course. At 2 one of the bii�iistera pre color. Of such things. The ears which aed but it adually d wne u n hi thvt he Vir sents himself with the decrees and State We find in many cases that horRea of a Y � P° A fast train. on the Fast Tennessee, _ cemented the union was half suppoktin the whole I ' h tribe ginis and Georgia Railroad ran into a big papers of different kinds which await her bright bay color, with a black mane and ,' . so uneventually only down at the chant Ever evenin , while the other da et i.ture. Twice a week she holds a levee, tail, are good as well as beautiful, and these I andincreased the sense of mutual depend- y y bald eagle near Chattanooga, y gtt re red as he shivered in his at room, he was compel- d threw him upon the cowcatcher, where and it is rarely over before 6. The other have Commonly the tips of their ears and once. They would have been $a ed to hear the eon jests and la hter in y - exceedingly matter -of -fact and uudemons- h clung. Before the bird had time to re- da a she tapes a drive without an escort or the extreme parts of their legs black.. It is excee a but the were kind to each other he adjacent apart ent. One nigh his bit- C vet from the shock of his oolliaion with any other show of State. After dinner the so common fo a dapple gray to have a ' r thoughts foun ex cession : I might and understood each other, Feelin that g P he keeping t le cow - 'catcher 'Fireman Fortune' climbed, royal party amuse themselves wfth cards or white mane and tail, with the former men swell open a free II for P g along the footway to the pilot and endeavor -I talk literature and art with Count Morphy, tinned extremities white, such. as the tips of I they were slowly yet surely getting ahead, g � they looked forward to an old age o rest, inan.and beast. , I , ed to capture the eagle, which fought vi- � who is an acwutplished musician, and at 11 `the ears and the extreme parts of the �egs ; for their simple needs. -He had endure this state of a' airs for cioualy for his liberty. The train was ofng the Queen retires seek the -rest to which but far other colored horses, except the ;dun, - and, a sufficiency g 'Chen before he could realize the P t th, he some time simply because the an did at the rate of forty five miles an hour. I she is so well entitled allot her fatiguing we seldom find their manes and tails of a The man had to hold by one hand to keep t day's work. color different from that of the body ;but in ' Was left alone at her wintry grave ; eigh- the essential work n her off =hand, ap dash his footing and manage the eagle with the --_- __ �'- ,- __ � a dun horse the long hair in the thane and - - hors die erseil after the brief service, nd he style, and left him unmolested to h g brood- STrc xt;TN ot� Bxtt,x Vy aLis. It is found tail is commonly black, and for the most p here in as long as he d d not interfere ith her 'other hand. But the bir�f was-finally secured I r - plodded back to his desolate home. T g $ . was no relative to step in and partiall make ideas of domestic conomy. _ But his impa -. after he had nearly torn Mr. Fortnae's over - the walls laid up of Toorl hard burned part there is also a black stripe down the . rood his los,9. Some of the nearer tali- ( tience a nd the sense of being wronged were ells to ahred� with his powerful talons, and briclie, in mortar compose of good lime and back, which is not a little remarkable, .as it was Carried back Drat the footwa , fi htin shaft sand, will resist a tessure of 1,500 is not observed in any other creature, ex dents sent a few cooked provisions til he producing a feel'ng akin to des ration. Y $ $ PO�p per aq P could et hel but these attentio a soon Every week there was less and le to sell like a demon. He .measured seven feet ds r ware inch, or :216,000 pounds cept the ���, mule, zebra, etc. In a h rse, g p' kens and a dies - per square foot, at which figures it would indeed, it is only a iilain, straight at 'pe ; i Ce used. It yeas believed that he wa abun- from the dairy ; fife g P from tip to tip of the wings. dantl able 'o take care of himself and he peared, and the a tites of those w o drop- �_..__ _ - _.�._ -- require. 1,600 feet height of 12 -inch wall to but in the asa.there to always a cross a coke 1. � ' was left to d° so. He was not exa 1 un- red in to " kape Bridgy from m a bit A beaky dressed in expensive and elegant; stash the bottom courses, allowing 135 of black over the shoulders, so that if the . i_ Y pone grew mot voracious. clothing was found the other day in a snow pounds as the weight of each cubic foot's It skin was to be opened and spread the ark . popular, but had been much too retie nt and' 1 ly R °� . . had lived too secluded a life to find unin- Thus matters ad drifted on u ltil this bank beside the Chicago and N�tt� iwea hro m�urem measurements walls laid tip in theasa a cross, exactly prate d to tell s as to the ' . -- vited, sympathy' now. He was the tzman, March day when` a had takes two Ives to Railway track near ;, rfrom the It u flit of brick and mortar, witil one -third cross upon the ass' skins, that asses Iv►�ere I' howeve, tiask fo •sympathy or hel ;and market. ' He had said to the kitchen poten- evidently been thrown from the window of qulantit of Portland cement added to the not thus marked before the Christian era, - this was not due to misanthropy, but simply tate that he would take supper wit a friend a passing train. When found it was nom Name, are capable of resisting some, ",500 and that none are now without the 1agn ; / - to temperament and habits of life. He and in town andthere ore would not back be- "fortably sucking its fist. ode r square inch, or 360,000 pounds but upon what good authority they sert - his wife had been sufficient for ear other, fore nine in the vening. The rf n was puts AvExnaE WE1011t. According - .Ln Po q - of the t -hou a l had r s square foot; this would require a height this we do not know. and the outside world was excluded chiefly the official kee r p Quetelet, a Belgian savant, a man atSainq Pe q pe of •wall of 2,700 fee to crush the bottom The produce of a white horse and a bite because they had no time or taste fir social been a crony of olcroft s in earl ifs. He his maximum weight about his 40th year. bricks. • mare will be white,' and by keepin the . `. - interchanges. As a• 'result, he suffe ed ser- had taken to `litics instead o arming, A woman, however, does not attain her i •I. . ' breed constant) without an intermixture ' ions disadvantages ; he was misun erstood and now had at ined to what and his mazimum weight until hot 50th year. The Two t�}onthg ag� young Tatro, a mere Y �' , f. and virtu `ll lef t to meet big lamit uaintances a ke of as a `•` an berth." weight of persona of the same age in differ - boy, was caught b a shaft t was whirled: whirled mainitai ode color So, a black horse and a a lack I - . : alone. Y Y I Vo ant classes y Urosvenordale, Conn. F Holcroft � had m intained with th a man a of eociet also differs. In tl�ae But, ind ed, he kould scaicel h ve met 'endshi based part Y yvealthier classes the average maximum .around, his right arm was torn from the mare will produbc�Wlaee brawn ho and 1 on basin es rela- g it its any o her way. Even to his wife, It ' Hong, and the well -to -do pure yor for weight is 172 pounds, and is attained at 50 socket with such force as to send it a die a brown mare, I _ had never formed the habit of king' supers always gave .his old ;pia mate an rs of e. In the artisan class it fa 154 fence of fifteen feet, his left leg suffered a :r; freely of h's thoughts and feeling There ' p p his right knee was die- Whittier is said to have lately finis bed a ' - . • Y $ g onhst welcome his rivate su r table, Yeunds, age. at 40. Among farm compound fracture,; had been no need, so complete as the which differed mewhat from .tli spread it is 171 untie, attained at 60, located and fret tired, and he was other- rather long Pie the ublic wi'tsh anew nets.b�e�eileral ohtss� it is 164 audit and wise fearfully b , and yet to -day is which will be gi p understanding between them. hint, a for thQ town's io In the g Po of e. alive end well. edition of his Works revised by himself - . sentence, r4svealed to each other heir aim- - - is reached between 40 and 50 years . ag . plc and limited processes of the ght. To (TO s ooxaixt,n). .. i t. ' ill . . . . ,. " . . , . .' . P. . . . -: ; c r(. + I'' f. . i- . i. a t +I - �1 t F ... - I- ., d- , 1 -r - i 4 1 ._ 11 - . 1 < y I 0 r ,k ! 3 7 n 1 ii Lr :I i- a l r r 1 t ai ... - I' 1 \..: ,t 1. _ - '.>+ I ' ,,. _ - -: I 1. I - - 4 , .. i7'' .. l P - -� ;. _. , .. i i:. s -:.. p. . ., , - ':f: .. . i -._ . : -_. -. - -.. - - - -ti:- a. 1 I , -- s 1. l j i. I. . _ 7 Y� 1- ,. ' ] l`. . . „. 1. ,, <. a: �`z I i Y 1 /: 7 r ..a6 , } -s Y � , _ < .. .... i a y..P l .. .iI , h �. , .n c .. - •iA .: ,. ..I .� - ..ui.. Y � L.:L� � a i_.�.i . x.11_,._. -, :.],•��' -'. .. .t .s- f. f.'? f T- 9< - i y - ., , ,: .� .. f „• „, ,. .� r .�.d3$rs�r ��a..�'3Ls..c,., .. .d, %. �P. -... � Y9�v� .skr.r ;r.' a &-. x - , .. , 11.4. I I }. . , i ( ,i : - �' 1 I :, .. -. - - -- 1 . - 1 advantageous t the company, and tuariy other iestions, wish 1►t,erent h'im 4 . '~ ­ - ­_: � +, i ��•' , y i may tend to see re the' settlement of from ever bei elected to a seat at the - V - i �' t r that portion our Province lying Council board. He is a municipal dead err L • Q :, . duck. The o le . h ve v , near the no7­1._;L_ ern shore of ab Pe a not for otter a ;,, ' �I , . _ rt . DI e the stand lie took at the nomination@ some ' I . , - �' I - Huron. 8 Faser offers better inducements filarI t . THE . �. t,��_�l. ::x_.,r Seals ago, on the Questioxx oftem. f three i r I:: o buy - • C NA -ot perancQ, and I doubt very much if he . t THF. -i �. - wA�t�tl `etrft7 t_AttAl' � C011ld OUnd -. -_ - I - /��'� i ! �' -- be elected p •deeper to -day in !. CROCIERyo' GLASSWAR .i +: k OTH KY� `lL ����� (`From ou ' i thl8 tow>Rhl � E, Etc# �j /s �o rj Re afar Corresp�ndsnt.) 1'• ` a iv6 a i Div .. 'is published every Friday morning ct its office, $O llljf, r E 8 QpeClal dlsCOUnt, from tLe present low prices, 0 10 per cent. ort Per I Congress h ' aid special attentio io p Ai Editor' }•oil will find space. j - J Yio oring, Ont. farmers Shia �ve k. It hag disnuwsed the in your paper for this, ause it is cress. �, �� LaZn I thieve ,. s3.ib paT,,r; i RMt3 q in a e R y, ��, Tea Setts C 11 0o it[paid aaatiaa. uestion of TI�to -State Commerce, of eo g [ at deal of fee in in this vlChriit ! Offibinat10I1 and DinnertS. `' , The - RATES Ol' ADVERTISINGF : much importf�n to, them ; bas talked I remain, A vasaBtBlett. Our Mock of failey Cl' 8. Clips n fist insertion, per l ne - - - 8 cen'in. about how be t to eradicate leuro• nee- Greenwood, Jan. 10th, ,1887. lle49ert Plates, etc. d $savers, China Frttit B gets, Fruit slam - tObOR - 't ,Each subse ueut in rLion ., P I' n I etc., be sold at 20 per cent. discount, make roocu for " 8 q ,per line - 2 monia : has ad'e an attempt to consider : [ED. NoT$. Ae -the columns of Talc P R foods. A large and well assorted stock of choice f mil rover' Y',: Meth Tl;is iii.@: ciGt ll°t ucludo 1.egai or Foreign ad- the bill amendatdrs pf the act establishing't:ws are open at all times for the dis- ' Bpeclal ralna in TPati and Coffees, seasonable fruits at r�du Y R Ies, vertisements ; • ' a bureau of animal industry, and the eussion of uestion@ of importance to the . Frebll o eed prices, Mr. Special terms gi en t>o artiea snaking con• q ys68rs iu hulk and can. The famous Louise Baking has re - racts for 8 or 6 w nths or by the year. Half- $case has succeeded in elevatipg the Agri - . epayers, we cannot.objeet to inserting ! Powder takes the lead against all competitors • t u . yearly or yearly con acts pa able quarterly. cultural Department to Ezseutive import. ,'A,yubseriber's" letter. IIa doing so it pound cans at 80 cents per Quad, D ' p p In As I Business cards, to lines o under, with papeY, ante. S'o when the Senate concurs, the , P P Don't forget to see . `" were i one year, $s o0, pay ble in vance. is understood, of course, at we do not � ( 1 our goods, and rives before purchasing elsew ere: I - tzs'Notics in local column ten cents pbr line, Commissioner of Agriculture will here a necessarily endorse the a pressions con I -. (: P _'' The live cents per line each b bsequent insertion. seat in the Cabinet, and be Called the Sec- j��T - special contract rates mad known on applica- retary of Agriculture, and his wife -will tained therein. It Mr. M wbray desires, I ' • . 1. 1 j\ RA►� ER lleld'i aion. lTo free adve hstng. assist at the white House receptions on our columns are open to him to re 1 �- Advertisements without written ,instructions pv, rjE�s p y ' ' Deverell's Block I The I °lid ngly�Orders i r °diedontinu n charged ac- Bt9�te occasions.. jI , B10Ckt., j Whitby C t Was b g advertise- There will also be in the DepartmenC �f -- mentsmust be to sting and sent to the pub- T�, _ Cne taper Agriculture a division vt hich shall be under OAR- to a pause 'n ' a London I V V,-1-1Y '7�T"�- -�•- - Job Work prompt y attended to:. - the char a of a Commissioner of Labor, p 1.L�..L.J v g theatre 17 arsons lost t sir fires. • mooted . - - who shall - hold his office for four years, Evicilons are causing 1 is of trouble in - electio ? . 1.. S. ACKERMA . - P�PRIETOR. and receive a eala�ry of $S,000 a ye r. His Deland. A 11 business shall be to collect information R YOU � An Irishmatri called at pt'intin#f office a�Rt Our I'oliti4"— strictInde - upon the subject of labor, its relation to ement, a d like a rod t cue k' pendence. with an advez'tis $p using common lasses, when you can parch , oh Otte Aim —A �irst -clase Local Paper. capital, the hour 9. of labor, the' rate- of �.' P i Ai ' i Our I•.ape�tatione —The hearty wages, the cost of rodnetion of the articles ant man, inquired what it .would coat. L`��� Two support of the ueooll of Pickerine and eintty. He was informed that for one insertion lJ ►'' RRj►S &, Q• �� iecfn ° prodaced, the ea mugs of the laborinfi the rice would he 53.00, and for enbe - ': ' i Fe men and women, ' he means of promoting P e o ) 19.: r L - 1. the material„ loci 1, intellectual, and moral quent inner. ions, 75 cents each. - " An' `!. 1;. I '_ - The FRIDAY 7ANUAR X 21, 1887. faith " ' .. prosperty, and th best means of protect- said lie, I Il ha a two Sabsequent- , C lebrated ODtar ing life and preventing accidents in mines, insertions." 6�ebTat d �' et Taesd worahops, factories, and other places of - • 1'be ' THE DOMINION ElECT10iVS indaatr . ' Y S *lE REOIBTE F E r . I — _ . ap th The .8ebrethry ! Agriculture is em _ : T` E D SPE T CI� E S ^ �' 'The House a�f Commons hairs been powered by tihe bill just passed to inquire MortnAr. Jax. 24Tx,— Credit sale of cedar L ' Into the ceases of I discontent which may pasts, rails, scakea, and abaat 76 cords The bass; in the World, About a million. pair now in use, gi i renal seasoh r -Idiss(llved. No inations throughout . 1. 8 zest between employers and employees of dry and green wood, the property of -_ satisfaction. For sale only by EIg �. the Dominion ill take place on the within the Unit d States, and he may in- John Fercy, on the pram yes, lot 14, 4th to be 15th of February, and polling on the p t - vita and hears o n statements from both con. of Pickering. t3al{e ab 1 o'clock. i - lion o 1. 22nd. This leaves only about five nch parties cone ruing matters in con - Thos. Poacher, Auctions r. t t _ v�50 a - weeks before election day. The con- novenas, Moivr,�r, JAx. 24ru.— Auctio ealeo horses, ;. GISTi.-A I_ . - Another import nt step has been taken cows, and wagon, under wer of mort- I j - - 1CGrizLg, QTZ.t. Rey" ' '. test therefore will be short, char and - n the of the P permanent exposition movement. a e aL Gordon House, R i; Pickering Vil- - for t��' no doubt decisive. he Sanatoraal co mitts@ on this subject lags. $ale at p.m. Geo. N. Decker, 1; - ave reported in f vor 'of commemoratin : Mon o K Bailiff. i 1 1 NbTES AND COMMENTS he great Consti Constitutional Centennial in ` 51 - _ . 889, and very p perly Washington has -`'- The - New dver•tiser ellts. . i .� : � Counc n selected as t e place for holding it. _ ehanhl fihei e. is i general apprehension he committee ha not et re T y ported upon T ` "" U R , PATR OIT _ Tu d 1 • r among the people of England that lie manner of the proposed celebbratiou, TO Reut Oi` FOI Sale. I 1. r in regard to th uadri- Centennial in f►11'• I. ' the Queen fray not live to complete Q °� - . L. .. 1 892 but the gcti u new taken furnishes tied lh .., the .. jubilee year of her . ref Prick cottage snd lot on Cht arch Street, Piek- 1 , - - I .. uf5cient assurane that the entire pro- •ring. F.very convenience_ F r particulars ap- I•: 1 ! . . Static . Evidences of declining years are moat ram, as contemp ated by the Board of 1'ly t° C>,s15EIi aTUT� s, oral cbe office of ( ' •• • i NoS II, L. . clearly marked even in her jubilee romotion anti i including its exposition this naper1 is tf Wlshing yQU each a d' The __— , 4 i portrait. - !i onnresa,will sieve ve the indorsement of Fg�,rm t0 @l1t- s big r le An x �+ i I There ate a'n'n b�� all Pleasant and .Pros e - is I e tea of the Canada Gazette m of absentees from One hrimlred arias, lot i8, d Coocessioa of PeOP f - f _ less th vas issued last week containin a t e senate Chem r during these exciting Pickering, ai;joining the Rroc Road, she -halt ous New Year, we take th�� g ys of Be natori 1 contests. Senators t; viii and one mtle in th mile west of Pickerin • . proclamation calling into . force the onger and geM' Ian have not returned from Pickering Harbo Posse @ion lot of April - • ' 1 , +' • _ - The Act passed at last session Of the I10- 4ezL_ For further particulars apply at'onctl to Oppol tL1n1tV of thanking Qu tjait22i f *Om their fruitles errands to secure re- THOS. PL'(1H, V►hitevale. 1S1 t4 1 1 g Y e 7tion. Senator ewell is at New Jer• I -alert minion House, giving representation for the heral atl'O s y'. capitol, looking after his fences. NOt1C P na (', i = Toren to the North -'Vest Territories, but it , • . nasors Miller an Van Wyck are in New ( yo have . . come was soon after recalled because of• ork and Nebrask respectively, looking The @@nasal meeting of the ickeridg Ciiae s �` en us durin . Tlx� some informality. a ter their interests Senators Voorhees Fnd i3utbr Factory .�ompsw �rtll be hatd iii - p� the Factory on . - g1hP past , .ear, We - comps �. - I a d Hagriaon are i Indianapolis marshal- 3% ' ` The rumor that His Excellency i Ii' the opposing forces, and Senator Sa r hople aher P 1. j i1 . to day, the 29th f �a�l►ary , ' durin the c . , I - I,ord Lansdowne has recently "been. azey Rent to Te s in pursuit of Con- at i p.m., for the election of restore for ens@. I g Qming ea�' tit/ - town i ' y Y .cry 1 i offered a Cabinet R essman Reagan. The race of the" rirale ins year, aqd the M►nsaottOn o an ocher bast- 1, • li y . position in Lord a,;�I'eome amu6e ant. Hasa that ma eons. ap. i , -�, E'CelVt-' a, COI1t1I1uan j,, J. whi Salisbury s Government, turns out to enatol. Maxey h and of Mr., Reagan's JAD, T, RICH RDSON, ee of thle t - ` __ i be t ue. His Excell it . th f envy replied that de sitars a ut t enty minutes after the _______ --- -I __ _ �are�• Or s me. ' �... . pointn ` while deeply appreciating the offer, fat r a fiat steam d away from the eta - +� - - he was not prepared abruptly t sever blo- , and immedi tely he ordered his • weeks �n e Ca 1' bftern. 1 You,i T ;�, u� V ` his connection with the �omilaion a n k and engaged sleeping car accomo- Ona'good demrwrat, one doable- seated bug , �n 1 : tat ns to Austin. Mr. Reagan had about and one good set, of plow hotness. Apply eta * T�7� I I hard w the present time. He wisely Con- the horns the tart, but as he took CALLS R06E, Dunbat-too. a' w ass "�I 4111d SO�rie�thlll Qu \ 1' - Mr. f , - sidered that $50,000 a Fear, without the irginia Midlan , and Setlator Maxey - - _� .^, - ,1 �, y I " -., . Foley, the t. Louis ro te, it become not only a , NC'I'I �,e ed aonst 0111' We11 �1,s�— - ' p�sess 11 . onerous duties, was better than an q 1 I::: race for the Sena or hip, but a l:yely race 1 office in a precarious government, as w I1, to sea w hi h scald be the first to /ill pate=s w•hoare indebted t6 Viarren W00A- T SOrtet� � i � ( : B'S` i'` rthti are now requested Hosted to settle their 1►ecGan4 stoe,k. of (�ellel al - the cc,n with less pay and lots of office \ork. ante tfie Legisla ur an opening day, due Jatt. let, 1887. at once- " Cash a @vor taxi _ y y . 1 Hai d` are P I . i was �� • - _ T e Hoaso of ep esentatives was mach and save a breakdown. 1►luRt of all rods at the � alnteh'S , , (�� - ' We do not- know whether Reeve shop or sleigh, but it takes cash to ut iL . y 1"- . him c', �' stirr d up over the Anti - Polygamy Lill: p Ionkhoiise is a candidate for the �Whe h it came p for consideration on t _ here 1St -lb WARL ' OODIlu I'F. p - -- -_ les, Table andPocket Cu - `" 3. i10l, J . . - - Wardeiiship or not, but if lie consents toed hesday; the el Kate from Ijlth'h, Mr. �,/jC ga�•� ta,l@ Cain , took the d r in a l.0 8 , halu \ i e ;, to stan(1 for that position lte should whi command he c :osest itttenttiion lei Platedware <t 1, —�>r— 3' ,, : , HOt1 Sej but hl In all fairtless be elected. He is one He aid, the me su a - was and mocratic, �or , s, C�yVS an wag8n. 11ee )er � � • � 1 ti� railed s Stlppj1es, .F arni.. L. the oldest members at the hoard, un merican, au cc ntonly des ructive of protest slum o rights; t at it set at n ught the Undera power contained in, a ct,actel mort� i 1. d as the worth has Lad the holier Tools ate his pa imm table prim pl s upon which the MID, I have as Bailiff for Rober G1, 1 ost, seized 7 • . _ this ��. for several years ast, it seems t0 Us com on• rights o m n were founded, and and taken the gcx,cls and chatt Is hereint•nder ' - t 1. mentionts.f, sncl will, ualet;s the mount secured I . , •• / •LIIC it scale be only ustice that the south turn d the Mbrm us �nd their church over i,y file asid mortgage and the co t of seizing and f° i C i DALE �;ot a chha ice th s ye r. Ai'e believe to in atiable spoijers: Dele ate Caine at• keepin the asid Kuods and cha eels i' 7 r me R are sooner be _ltr..11onkhoase, if el •tell, would sal- trac d the whole I house around him, and pald,� gcr the sane for asie by uIlie auction at j, :'` ' on Tin excit d the interept the galleries during �rdt�►� >t .1lotPi . Mkering, ;7 ,' • I ickel in blo- -n 11 fil the duties of the o c2 to the setts- 11 tom' his s irited defen e o the Salt Lake hier- —"'` -` I N' h.om, faetin of all, slid we tli • @fore hope. to arch '. Monday, the 24th day f _ ___ _ y o laluar -- I �` IIIOVed I be able to report his election In our Tl ere was a g d .deal Of "differtnep of l8h-,. at 1 clock, p u,.. ."it:., 1 lsay,Ftily• two vyi 1 ` - _— - - — day, Or ' llext issue. opinion n among to bers touching . the old ; I lis ?• stare, :+ years e�lct, Re�neml pur}ws, -: f I ' -, • .J.: y 1. , � . Mtich Loh a :. i Lt :ntl.er \ \'a un. uo,e_ 1 eru,s I I I% - cons itntionality of ome features of the gg I _ 12is litil caRih• GEO. \DECKER, Aailitf. - � -, �, • Mormon bill, It pr poser to extinguish January ihth, 1ms-.. Tl � Journalistic plufe 'Ssi -or' will be wlh:h,t is known as t e Mormon Cha "nch, _ fovea~, er fain re t - -- .- • • . and cutter or divid its property anhong r F'iCl�Qri2i 1 ! = (,�uinta y y p •esellted ilr the next r';. Ontaxio Legislature, ilc less than six thos who do not be ieve in its tenets or - "+ � Huu:;,� prat ices. f�ome m tubers argued that ��� �l, +rylILL �ar� �i ssor.tr�ent o �,am :70 to of tli( frrtternity lla\in secured seats E Et the ,onstitntion, wh ch prohibits the ea. `cur.— 1 P i �rot,r - (lttring tl)e last election, namely :— Hour ii, full operation. \Ye are Prepared to All , tabu hmeut of any cl urch or form of re- orders of alt kinds on the shortest possible (r 1 l ` A - n J R. Stratton, of the Teterboro " Ex- Iir;ioh ,was to be inv ked to disestablish - notice, \\'c, also nhanufactur suitable for the 1 I • e ,HO iday Season, raDgin iII riCes :_- viciuit� aminer "; U• Pacaud, ; of the Ii�SSex and a tirpate an obje tiothable creed, and ri00I15, SAZ;H, Ii�LI\ j)b, week, s � " '� "Progress "; E. F. Clarke, of the that his was etri�ing rather two d my at 11iU1J'LDI!�GS, HAND RAILS, 1 froln 25 • cents (Complete) up. , - • {{@H era l !! .. - , - the rots of religion freedem,Uthers 1\et<•oJ Posts, Iialueters, ikc., fie. ;t_ -- a ,•foal i Orange. Sentinel D: Creighton, of . _ I i argu d that it was useless to call this bill - : _ the Owen SOUlld "Times "; W. D- an a tack upon a rah ion. It was an as N•.�- -First class mixEd candies anI J cents 8r lb• /sou v sin any. t'1? ! Balfour, of the Amherstbur `Echo" Po �OCr toad Al caul u n a . baud o men organized for - , g priCos down to suit everyone, for cash. i'lesse ' �y ,tnd w.:1I. the urpose of elusively irely controlling a ve ns a call and oblige ,( • Lf A N ; p j C K is a pe► Dace, of the h'tncardine Terr tort' which longed dad to the people of I vh14lf�h :D k K1~;ki ERIN !l • ! . . - ;"Reporter." 'f'hey ouf;llt to make i Ht)R:1, PT __' _ the cited Slates aI d ahpuld be tree and O. 12I _ _ good representatives. __ - I .11 Mara . open -to all. �_. _1.:,. -_ O. !. ' -- _ - - - - -- -- 1 in the c j 1 �V shinton, Jan. 1 , 1887. ( - --,- - ", ' " lduley .11 I =off L08 i._' pmalyt. The .Toronto "Mail" distinctly - e and aft ETTERS O. HE EDr affirms in a recent issue that it 18 n0 t'ui. Collie, six months old, sas,rers #o the Dame o[ 44 I For ' 88 FI'eSe on t'1'et 1. � I lon er- the Or an of the Conservative C Collie'" Suitable reward on return to JOHA X1 t$ -` ' g g HENDERS30T, Che 3 [ o espondente ez ass theirown views, and tie rrywood• _ party, but now belongs to the noble do of neoesearuy ndorse them.] - - - - -- - ----- - -- - - --- -- - - r " on Fr* and . fast - increasing Army of inde'- r For Colored,, Gh6sware _ I - largest - a . Free C 11 pendent journals in this 'province. Fencing th Ways L . , p ce. -; j i tribute We have no objection to this i _,I ,I For Fruit and Confectipner. r The move i S —I was sit rued to lea ye 'r- ti S t . '.,I i s i .. .." family J it suits the "Mail" management, but Y ' !, ;.; : - ' da that bin. alpl� K, liowbray up. Coin rn n f rn,tn For Choice Groceries F � • the rest if they would shunt Dyas, and put .a:• pear d al, the last mefting of the Picker W�IIGIII UUYII Q 0� ��I .. I , r. • 1 $ ` of Iiing,� 5 in,�g Agricultural .1�ooiet as ne of a . - 1 .. I. ' µ � • their N t� man with some brains in his place' y For Comb and Strain d II - r {11, they would be doing art act that would dal tction to a �e that the Pickering _ Oney on. 1. g Tbo Council of the Cotporation of the Ccun place the paper, on a better footin '86ci `ty give up it F�ll Fair a a throw of Outario will meet Ppursuant to the statute u ; : "� ;' $pa $ j A ' - ' g in i s Influence to boom a outside that behalf at the COURT FiOtIBE, Whitby, on - • • latter ��; C with the other` journals of the countr mar band Instit tic y• known " the Tuesday, Jan. 25th 188? saac, 111 -- Ray. r S, lc * RZ I ` Dyas is a a`, noodle," and we don't Sou Ontario A •ic Itural Soci ty, while T t i I •' ... ,� - " iliR❑ a h I L. ; . mind telling him so. - - - . , at 0 -same time e 1 olds the p itiou of - -- - -' -- . All a w -- - -- ___- - - - - -- t clnc;k in the afternoon •� accounts be laid bosons the Council trust "� ;� will by _ - � a dir etor in the P'ck ring Socie .'No \y, ' ba sent properly certified to tLo Clerk before" ' A In the meeting of tihe Council, r - ' - The Grand Trunk Railwa C"om- sir, don't wish to be under Brechih2 { ' '= : )' ( tOQd as JA's. E. FAREWELL, " psny are about establishing connect- says g that lZr. n wbrav has o right it -12.; - c °arty Clerk• an alter to th s 'act, but as a� farmer and lone who �t hitby, Jan, 8th, 1887, 1 - ions with St. Paul, Duluth and the takes a ! - - -- -- -� - -- - •!I j, and fror: - v. :, . - Nort11 -Vest ' b vha of Sa great rote st in our local Fatr;'l _ _ f ut I have tlA r ' stiff lr ul ec i t S e ved a y . Y te. Flri gt J eA _ - mea to sa• this AaCt ssortment of .- v ,that he should �ome lea Sale of Cord rood. 1 the othe t Marie. The work will be com leted I P ; P outs ttarely and ay in the interests ofOO�, "�-t ^ Z,T, ` olosedlo during the coming season. The dis- whit Society het working. If in behalf The "adenig"ed has re6eiv8d instructions ,•�' 1Z 0 � r - ret.'ilintL it , ' farce between the Atlantic seaboard .of th Whitb S eidt then he should from A. A. Poet Fsq.,to sell by public auction on r - J Y �' Camp lsiu Grey Flannels, Tweeds, Fancy Trou:;erings, ;` getthug t ` ' .' '' and the region of St. Paul and the sit his director hip In. the Pickering Thursday, January 20th, �8$ ?' posithou Canadian and Fancy Yarn, Cotton Bags, & ., lie pro�t• : North -Nest will be very: much °C a y, or vice ersa.- No mail can 4E ,HVr�1tF;D ' serve two masters and coo justice to both, CORDS OF MTX .D WOOD iArV, is fft•e cord lots L € . Iiiost bt , shortened by this route. We wish on the south halt of lot 3, 8th con. of Pickering ,, All Vera% �bsap. ; ' 1. I '.11r. R. bio bray has = municipal All sums of +31. and under 'sash ; over that ' — - ` ' ar, a the Grand Trunk Railway success in aspir tions, but I can tell him that the " amount 4 months credit to Purchaser furnishing I seated, t _ the enterprise. Zt will no, doubt be stand lie is takiu on this, as well as on a roved joint u °tee, sa a at 1 p.m. LEVI � j I �'� ;tli�I tilt !! . � : lJ l�li NK PARKER_%�:DUNBAR s. suet. whitt►y. Jan. 11th, i8ts7. e . I i: �,, . 1. - _ . _i I I ' the face, 11 • . • j Id � i r - , _. . - -r c _i� _. .. z s >< ... ' .: 1 I 11. : I - -. ... . - .i - ..... .. .. I , i I 1. 'I' l.. I r, I r .. ,` tr . >. - r. i . t. f I , r. : -. -- . -... _ - . '� .. -_ -. .. .� � ,.,. . -. .. ,,.. -� it , , ,: . „ . , - .r.I - . ... s .. , .. . a .. 't t, k l .,�.. r a, - rye+ , - .. , . _ - ¢ - 1 1 7• P ` k +. !: ! �_ _ k :r- {. -. -..- i,e .._. �- ,y¢: S :,- - .. ,.:. .f#�.. .t{ - �' , ... :. a .., r"t._f ,..- -- - .,.. �.� ,. '��3 -�. -a- .. -If.: :;........� .,. d.A�a,.• 'N��vc�1 := a.— :Il�:>�,1 ,:.:i► ..,., ,rw,,,.......�. �f° � ?} - - - 1. 1 �. � ..- ' � ; �� �. '�- - . . � OT - � DI TRIC TD S The redo tioli= of - ih�rnal r8v8nn8 end � ' � ` .t � r +•. F .�} r : + � .. + t' �'�y`. � '`�'`'. '� =.�" � r: ' ' the taking o of revenne'atamps from pro- �.,; ; i „ 1 ,. - � -, ; i � , '� t� �:. ; � THE PE1RY EATERY NEws C17LLED � f�80L[ rietary me iaines, no c�onbt hoe largely � : , � , ; . I ;,; � ;,, , � '•` '� �' � - , r #� �'� f '` - � ; THE 7.(1GA7f PRESS AN7� tiLEANED; FRODf �ne$tted- t e conanmena, as well 9a re- � -,: ks� �. t,` ;';:r `', , .;'� ��(5 � �� 'r>. X��.'� •? - ;� i . . _ OTHER SOURCES. 118viIIq the t burden o� home mannlao. #:. �, ��{ , . +'' � ,�+ •"s� �'+� � z�K '�` X� f �� �. -�- �' � 't tnrers, Es iahy is this the case wi h ; ,� � �. • - • : - . ' - - - - - �� -t = C�rcon's• Au t Flower and Boschee's - - � �` ;- :_.:- Port Pe� ` �is doubled with sneak German Byr p as the redaction of thin 1 .�, �,. ���'3��, �LZ @GI1 � � �' �'tz�bi�.��(` Oc�� to �r "C7``iatori�l,: - • "; � thieves. ,.. , t.� _ -: •eta Dente per dozen. has been added to i - - ' �.. - The pooplo of Cedar Dale have a crease the a se of the bottles oontaini � � �; � . " � ti .` ' , : l � �. . toboggan slide. these tamed os, thereby, giving one -flft � - - ' I �, r� � . ;. ,:; : . . ' more medioi a in 'the 7 sent size. T - , �� - � � - - � < � � -��- r • _� S vial services still oontiilue in the ,' , . - ,- `' _ ,,, � -� ♦ � � 1 , � ; -: ' - - � t Flow r •for dye B'Y wILLIAlfi : M fiTH�WSO1r LA$$. '� �r a� �, �, . Methodist church, Port Perry. Angus .psis and liver � :. ; , � ;, t � a � r �� �_ ._ �� kjt,`r �. - , complaint, red .the G rman Byrap for � - � _ � #�' t �� _ \Sr. J. D.: Hcwden, `'�hitoy s ' �.Ei., .,: ; � :. � ' ' ' �, ,� ¢ �4 .• ► ,� � H$ �' � " . - _ $Ducted Victoria, -stir beloved � assn, ' - . � • • cough and In troubles, eve perhaps, the r �;, , ; Q And while o er Ed%olie vola>liori'�age�pit,- . has rented his fariin near ;Cohtmbus. .largest axle o any iaedic nee in the world. Whose virtaoas life adorns the British throne, And monarch's lto�m their lofty Beata. deaeend, � - �- At Gravt�nhurst, this year, two ladies The advents a of mare sad size of the Tho' touched by grief thy tender heart bath `been, . . � Thy throne's foundation still secure 13e keeps, Think not thou heat been left to wee alone. � 'And wider still th Eni ire's bounds extend ?�.` were. nominated for School Trustees. bottles v�ill Kreatly a predated by the ,� i , p y p - • sick a,nd afflic d, in ever town and village When Death, with all - relentless power, tame near, ,, Until th ref � _ The Bowmanville Poultry Association � y gn, in humble trubt begun, . . -�, ; - - , in civilised co retries. B�mple bottles for And severing life a moat s6�cred social tie, Bo roared tha�world asserts its entle swa . held an exhibition in that town last week. 10�eenta Tema n the aetm size.. '62 - Thiiie honored Consort, to thy heart most deaf, °• That o'er thy widening realm the rolling u'n _ The Whitby and Port Perry Railway A young da ghter of lax. Dobson, of � Traneglanted to a fairer.dimre ou high. � Hie beams diffuse throughout revolving day - - • vvas badly blocked tip by snow last week. Beaverton; di d last wee of diphtheria. � : � F 1 many a heart among thy social peers, ' ' Obedient millions wait for thy command, l � � [ _ One thQusatld and fifty- even women Thos, Porri ;father of Mr. R. porrit, n deepest sympathy thy sorrows share, � ' , - the distant isles itn thee their sovereign greet' � ` �•oted in the recent Toro to iiiunicipa�l of Sunderland aged 90, fed in Thorah � Wile we in hni>ibler walks have brought our tears, While haaghty India bows to ki -thy hand, � '� - • -� elections. - � _ late) ' and M -Fair, of iek, ed 88 `' '• And borne thy cages before the Lord in prayer. � � And la s h y� ag y ar jewelled sceptre t thy lest. ?! � a "i :r:: j A Derryville farmer br sight to Can- passed � away week ag last $nnday. - �{ Fall many a scat who kindred sorrow bears, I � When' ower satanic nerves the arderons ban �y �. - . pd,, . ,, nington four and a half co de of wood in They'aere tw of the of eat residents of And of life'8 bitterest adp bath drank a part, And base attempt upon toy lif is made, :" i- "� -- ' one load, and never had any upset. .• the die riot. � Hath )alt the) anguish df toy falling taste, �� Around thy pathway guardian angels stand I _ Jahn R. Clark, the boot -black orator, . Nn stores tieeidents biawe ricctirred � � I And shared the sadness of thy widowed heart. : ' And spread their sacred pinions o'er thy head. `� �_� � . � - ;ectnres in Pot/ Perry on the •bred and t3rd Ilene la sly. he wife of Michael Kelly, +' j � And when the unwelcome messenger refutes, � � '' �'� - ' Let those who doabb the ezis.tence of a God, - of February. �� � of Soa h Osha a, slipped on the pave• � I And claims the gentle Atice as his prize, ;, � Ascribe thy lifo to chance, or chanQelese fate ; �. y range Lodge of North ment d brok her right -arm. Mrs. M. �� A epmpathetic world in concert moarna— � ; ',, Onr God, who parts the sea by Moses' rod, �• . • - The Count b `Ontario meets at fort Perry the ;Bret P. Wa en slip d� and feu backward an � '„ ,�! A aaivereal flI►g at half -meat flies. �,:, -; Mbar (,Iod, who did the universe create; �-�. �• s q . - � - Tuesday in February. - �� the.d r step, ,striking ,her head .with �.. j; 'Again the narrow sobbing knell is heard; � � Whose tvatohfal eye observes the.sparrowa fall -- � - _ hoses tom an of Gle •r � great tee. 8 y ihsensi:ble for a �' - sin th tender heart in rief ie crashed • ' �' !Whose hand i � -= The c p y ne a wog long t e. - Tb� ale - horsed meaeen r nnsheathea hie sword, � -' $� whom oar vetr htairs arelnagmbe=s of hght, _ rep their business of 1886 last week.' t � p ge y ed all, - � \ -- ! - � � has been a a in institution for the ant . ADVi To Mo xati�•- U+e ye?rn distnrbe� at And Leopold's gentle woiee in death is hashed. �iverts that deadly bullet in its flight. l P Y g P nirtht broi�e or your � tart by . aioi _ , . . ` :season. child s, Brings erring with pain of Carting , � �„` � ' Again the echo of thy sorrow thrills .. ' Thoa art immortal till thy work is done, - .. - _ - - °� Teeth If .qo se st once and et a bottle i . Etch to al heart -thro oat th vast domai Thou hest from God a mission to ful$ll ; • Eight liotelkeep�rs- of Port Hope of " rs. Wine) ms's F3oothin • �Trnp" for `` �; y �' Y Q � �, ' , Again each loyal head is bowed and tills His hand �. ttp before the Beak last week for vi la- 'C`hitdr n Teethin . Its tame, a inealoutable. .who. placed toes on the0.British throne,• ' j ' tion o� the Scott Act, and were each fined � wilt retievethe rlittlesutterer immeiately. ,,, �' .. Each eye with sympathizing tears again: Btill /;nerds t y seared life from every ill. Depe d upon -lt, otheri ; there is no mistake ' _ $50 and costs.. about it. It care Dysentery and Diarrhoea, - ' These crashing griefs of thy Brat happy reign, � + Revered �"iatoria 1 dear thrice honored name, - � - ; � _ - _ Rev. "1�1r. �'4'hite, who bus been' aRtor r"gn1 tee the sto hand Rowels, tutee wind which cast their shadows o'er thy social sphere, It thrills each loyal heart with honest pride ; - • P Co •c, softens the ume, reduces Inflammation, �' �; With all the 1118 that follow in their.., rain, � � ; , ' of fhb Congregational Church at A�Ianilla and vas tone mhd energy to the whole system. t And children s children shall rehearse thy fames ..: ' � , S "Mrs. Winslow's B thing $ 'for children :. �, Bret prove there's no abiding city here. �. , Nor shall the tepee of time its lustre hide. � � "� ' - ' 'for two _years, preached his farewell ear- s pie cant to the t ate and �t�ie perecription � � . - � - , `� Yet while in retros t o er fift earA � That name to each true British heart endeared more on Sunday last. of on of the older and best female physicians � ,., peC y y , . • The first sittin�� of the �i'ork County and arses in the nited•'Btates, and ie for sate � +, we trace thy life through agenea of joy,itnd pain By native jirtaes seeking no display ; ��. �.. "J � - , o by al druggists t nghont the world. Price � :`.` -� In gratitudQ we wipe the falling tear, Thy noble life ou nciemory's mount bath reared _ Council will commence in the coui,cil cent a bottle. I3e sure yon ask for "1►Ins. wiN- � � memory of the blessin a of th ref n chambers, Court House, Toronto, •on kind s Soorsixa YRIIPi' and i take no other g Y g A monument that will not soon decay. • . - Tuesday the 25th treat. � ' 'When first the tiding of thy royal call, � � � Ttlat name, revered, before the world shall stand =' - ' i►Jr. John Currie, an Oshawa resident �PICKE ING MAR E'T. •• � At early dawnii,g reached thy youthful ear, , � �! The tender mother, Gentle, loving wife, -I - . : - *taws O pe, Jan. 90, 1687. First regal act, before Iliia throbs to fall, (�. Not only Queen, but woman, true and grand ---`. -- lia�l his pockets picL-ed at the L'nion F i wheat 75c to ; spring�5c to Roc, gD�ose And offer rep thy charge to God in prayer, � . New )setts shedding on our social life. � : '' Station, 'Toronto, vyhile in the city late] arc �• Flour r cwt. i�9.00, to ass0. Bnn � p. I � . y' g13 per ton ;oho ts, 8oc per cwt Chop feed~ ;.' � When in the twilight of the morning shwde, � � ' Long may the Crown of Britain race th ha � _ • tiot mush boodle was secured. i41.;C . 1 ficreemngs, vet cwt. ' �; That feKvent consearetive prayer arose i Lone ma thy hand the British sceptre bear! - FARM RB YA$HET ; - � � y The authorities of Lindsay "are having' Then Britain's corner S tone was firma stet ed, �- _ -_ Toronto, Jan. �Otb 1887. y y I Lone o er the realm may Peace her pinions spread, - - .- ' �� a big time with the •Sah•ation Army ; � ' a` �� Begare beyond the re h of envioas fees. ' � Beneath the ma is of th sorts care. ' . ,- peoples out there. A w ,ek or so ago no T esireei•receip'e of grain to-do were small f, � .. R Y K qe and prices urethan ed. About � bushels o! And when at last th "work on earth is done, less than forty were ai7ested for obstruct- wh t offered ap$ td at Slc to 81c for fall and =• `� And other hands hall tae the reins below � ' - ins the streets. epri g, afld 73c for goose. Barley firm, sellin K 1? , at to 69c. oa 6rm, with sales ot, s� May'st thou obtain � mansion near the Throne, �, - , The law suit Hof Couthard vs: Dingle, bu els st• 33c to Peas are nomintil at 610, > � . , ! And glory's diode adorn thy brov�. - � : � �� - ' -' claiming damages for alleged infringe- and Jac for rye. H y in fair apply; 35 loads _ - .. 1 - went of patent, came np for hearing in ssco�lldd ` ' ' Toronto lately, but was dismissed, by e = consent of both parties. - • Tlie lrieth;odists of Sctigog Island lime romp red the work of removing >ihe far. >aner . C. church to a neav site near the - �. town 1, a distanee of over a'mile, with '. •cry little injury to the bnildinR. qol at s13 00 to id16 60. Straw wt S10 to a14 store. Hoge sot at �bts �6 tie g6 56. Beet, 83 to$ ,n0 for forage re, and S1S600 to !7 00 fo: bin gnaroere, Lar. g6 fo g7 50; and mutton ib �6 ti0. e prodaoe mar et was ggiet b -day, and Uri � aenenllyrat •nesd�. -We quote: Beef �c to 14c ; bntte'r, lb. rolls, b 39c, large rolls 16 1P; inferior, l b 19c. Lard lOc ;Cheese 19c to ibc.. Bacon 1 to 19c. Eggs S 1 to S9c. T ><e�e 76c to •1 00 ; chic)rens r pair 36b b ' 40c Potatoes per 7be b Apples per . al � ro s� ' - While Rev. ]4i-. Washington was c�r�ea= _ _ ins the lake from Sesgrave to his ap- iR� pointment on Scngog Island, a couple of sT Nrsi. -in ptc><e ' _ weeks ago, his horse broke through the, - i.�amnet >�tanley, >�� ' tae, but was � rescued after 'considerable - M I R� ' � hard work. 's •-- pa•i•>�a -�At t e __ Mr.:�Ge a. '�Piikingsbaw, ' Postmaster, recta, on the l�cli i st. Foie ,Tad the bad luck to become she • A•, ter• Thomas - m. y store, of Qwilliam bt possessor of a cou>terfeit 82 bill of the 1 � r . ': B issue recently. Upon prPSeotation of �� aHShD= Atheison' r - the counterfeit at th© Untttrio bank, It f Pickering, un Jan 1� • - vas detected, and the bill 'returned to ho late atept,en �. E ' - him cancelled. ud �� months. - - � : - -� � � M arav =At (lreenw i " � fir. Speight 'entered a protest against argaret Fitzpatric' , ;1. Robinson's return as Reeve of hfArk- ued 5fi years. , - ham villa;.e, on the gi•ouud of illegibility, - ` I,ut a number of tLe latter'b friends pre- T TASL1ei- vailed upon 11�ii•. �peil;ht to nitbdraw the T Ixs aal�tr} EAST 1 ' protest, as Robinson threatened to sever NIArL ExPRESS. his partnershil, with_ IV�r..Clarry unless. 1►incEn, , _ this was Yone. � - �iocaL, `� - • ` ; Tlie office of I�IcCleIlaii dti � Cann, Itirri- T SINS GO1R�3•�VE$T ] ���`ber merchants, I3owmanville, was entered Ai:►II, ExPRESSS • . on Rlonday night of last week, .tae safe MIXED. . � bloivu open and X90 abstracted there. �1AiL F.xPItE$:.• . from.' Foi•tnua.tely the clerk lead re- Trains run oi, Rt � moved 83fl0 from the office the .previous :- • -- .' � - •- day, or all would have been gone. � '� � � _ AIr. G. Gould, c,f lixLrid�e, lies sold : - • his little driving ruare•to' Mr. John Gal- ' Ioway, a•ho leas a ,mate to it. 1�1r. C. '•� t,�uini; :�l bought �7 horses at Bascom ' .t' House here on Friday, last, paying fi�gm. _ , it70 to 1;140, or an average of Ab011t �11J. • — �c�isrnal. �' �'e-wish Ito inform t • A curious fossil wns ,diseoverec� in Ithe ins that we h ` �ieilai 3T of Cainpbellford one• day last one of P -, week, and w=11 probably Le eYhil;ited for- = �eueral inspection. It is described as t11�t+b4ed ', �' ' . u " toad_ in � the .moss," arid, with the es- r ' - caption of a portion of the nose of the also some of the ' toad apparently having been rubbed off, �� �.is a perfect specimen. Mara has lost a very•estimable woman d would invite all 1 • � in the death of blrs. Wm. Johnston, of hluley Point. 'The deceased lady had a 0 CALL �► ' �; paralytic stroke on Tuesday, the 4th treat., before . � ' '. and after a couple of days' illness expired ... '� on Wednesday evening. She wa8� buried "', on Friday. Tl?e funeral was one of the - ' " - BuY whet largest that ever wended its w�,y to the , - =' Free Church of the township —a fitting Always • _ tribute to the deceased. ithout driviu; 40 0 The annual gathering- of the Ross twice the diets - family was celebrated last Saturday at � and intend.k �; the residence of Air. Root: Rossi 6th con, ' �! - of hiug, being the G7th an�uiversar� of line of ' them weddin clay.' There were present � � a 'L7 Brown- upersons, 11 g�aud•chilclren, and 8great- „;Cared- children. Two of the- al �•`' ~ latter «ere christened on the occasion by - �: at reasonal Rey. i1lr. Carmichael. The old gentle- � q man n•ill he 40 nett May and.his partner B• •FORSi wi11.L�s S-1 iu I'ebruai•y. •. PZ�ikE A In•tttal afTai�• occurred lately' at '' � __ ! � Iii•ecl�in: It appears two parties got into ���� _ •an�altereatio>�1 one day week before- last • - and from words came to blows, In the is "ve b Deed `gored, � strt�grle one of the men got hie finger in r other legal d current 1 - . the other's mouth which -a•as immediately or want to n u e your - closed(on it, inflicting a severe. wound, iu •u�!lieh or Canadian Cot retaliation the bitten man snceeeued in ossible rates; or a Plow called the " gettin ; his opponent's -face in such , a 11 ri��•als ; - ' position as to vei:der h }m poiverless when or a supply of Oil -o lie proceeded to teatraway the face in a Floc ar, New Kind of Oat k ` most beastly lnanuer. O.n being released augthing used heretoforE or a ticket for the l;outl a niost fearful looping spectacle «-as pre• oall�n the undersign sentetl, tl�e nose was hanging by a threat) I nlQase you. _ - area the chiu•iras completer' eaten from : � �, B• P the face.-- L'ea�•ei•tou Ex��•ess. .�, � �� 40 -y Nota -i , ` - - .. -� , I�. .. i •:r I'- t _ r .�- �� ;L : -'t� ��` ,�: f' r { 4 i xa. s G' ``r „' 7 z> p - :1.`.'.�.: �'rrs FL !i41:.,.4 x. 1 -S. .. �4..»tt�,.l.s3 ih- c�",�ib'_����i1S'.�c.�iicG���. rHS. on Jan .3t19� th8 wife � Wn. residen of the bri i e's by Re . J. J.'Camezon, ith to fee Mary Jane D. esidenc slot 11z,�9th eon. ith, lil87 Aeien, relict of Inboard, aged 9f3 yews !, an tl�e 11th !natant, wife of ante) aturphy, ,•rlai >atatioa a.s.lg )OE AS FOI:LOW3: -- .8.20 A. M. �- ,2:48 I'. M. G.40� P. 11L SiJE A8 FOLL w8:— , .9.08 I�:�tiI, ' 1. 5.10• P.1►1.' :- I . � 902 ^. P.,11d. ;.: �dard t'me. - ::. � . t. , . , ,. ■� �e farina � E of Pieker- �e just ;�eceivec� .ttersou' � ': i ►elf - ind�rs, oulthard � Scott LLB; (`.: ntendin� pnrch%<s+ars f D INSPECT guying. > Ou L�a11' 4;,�. p �,� t Repairs,;• . 50 miles or sending ��e. we have • saying a full repairs 1 '� - �,,. t , . �pleents ,le prices � � ' TH 8c BRA.,• LY].g_ . .YOU ill, Lease, Ddeitga�'e, draw roperty iii First Clash ipanies at the lowest Buenas,” which baste ke, Flea -seed, Eatra sal that�is superior to for ppoorridge; piftario Fair, ad, xis Charges 'will RINGLE, � � • y Public, whitby. . � - ' i 1 {•- 1 r ti• ;i ,:�:,� ,��' Pk: r. .w'.� ;. . ,.. ' � � , . . Men s Felt ve�rsho�s, � :, :�,. '..; L�c�es Felt Overshoes; -Men's Felt foots, '}� - Ladies' Felt Balmo�a s::: - - . `: � 'i .' � - - Hoi�e= 1V�'ade Mitts, L�n�ed mid and Buck � Gloves � Mine � � � �� . •. f �, . -. Clouds,. Shawls, ardlgan Jackets Ca s � • - Blankets a d Underclothing.: ; ,: _ - ' • i I , • - ' '. r �. - ,� �_ . . .. �� I , . • • � • . .\ I i .. . , ,. . ,. • ., ` ,. `� to be made. Cut this out and return '� ' � • � �0� E�to ue ♦sad we will send you true. some- P H 0 T 0 G R A P H Y , � `. thin of great valuo and importance i • � to yo . tha►will start yon in bu�ness T_ � ' , which will brie 7ou in more money Mgh�t way E verybody R Onders Wh there is :sell ' thou anything lee in this world. Anoone can y i ' `� do the won` a d live at home. Either sHI, all a 1'Uf*h to . epee: �methf �g new that just coins tnoney for , , , ,: •. • a(l�l workers. t e �iil start you► orpital ne! 0 Brien s � Photo. Gallery. � � .. . ' needed. This s one of the geDaine, important The reason is b ©cause .lie gyres r�'ect -. - � _ chances of a lit time. Those who are ambitious Pe _ . satisfaction .iu ever .tae and enterprisi g will not delay. Grand ontflt y ,and going ,till tree. address ' revs ar Co., Augusta, t[aine. farther will say if there�re .any persona t - - � ---- - - - - -- - � - - - - -_ -- - - - - -- wli J � � ; � � ' .�— o Have had. Photos taken by me that - - • � Wcr�u� Classes wte @ar�10 0 � are not, equal to any city work I will ' � � ' , re aced to fa uieh all ciassea with empto meat ��e them one dozen Panel I'ortr� 'ts _ ._ - ' st tiome, the foie of the time, or for theft spare (free of change.- �To work allowed to le ve � ' �:- momenta. Business new, light and. rofltable. the Studio unless first -class and hi�hly - . Persons of either sex easily cam from �0 cents to finished Photos made in any kin of i66A0 r evening, and' a roppoortional sum by de- 0fthe Beat Quality. . voting 1 their time to thebneinesa. Boys and aeather�rai.n or sunshine. Having � � girls aru nearly as mush as men. That all who added some ve fine seener to the Studio Hams, Bacon; S iced Ro�1 see tie may send their address, and test the ry y 1 �i business, we make this offer. To such as are not am grepared to make work second to npne well eatls8ed we will Bend one dollar for the In Canada. trouble of writiaR. Full particulars and outfit i and other Provisionsy 0�168.p� ham• Address •moo. BTixsox dr Co.,Portland, t[e Copying and enlarging a specialty. I A � -' • ,� � ____ __— _____— __ large stoc� of Frames always on head. �-�•=� =N� +' � - _ - -�- —. �- All work done by the instantaneous pro - �. ; .. i . . . CTTRRA%�i•TS, case. _ ' � _, - �'reeh and Gtoad. � � � � �v: E. o BRiEN� �An inspection Rill oblige. , � AND 48.8 Photographer, Whitby. ��. �. ' Teat door to Post - office.) ALEX FIND��`� ' � - - � �: - - -. - -- - - - - - -- PIC KERING - _ . �• —•._, ,� �� LUMBER: BAR • � �' Obtained, and all other business iu the L. s. - ;- Patent Oihce attended to for Moderate Fees, The sllbscri er is prepared to sell Stores - � "^—" , our office ie opposite the U. B. Patent Olhe ©, and Ranq s rely much cheaper than , � �,. � LIT YOU AVANT } . and we can obtain Patents in lase time thpu ;• those reTpote from Washington. lie ids done for years. LUMBER, t :.. Baud MODEL or DRAWING. tVe advise as to , —�•=,. - ' patentabilityy free of. FharKe ; and we freaks NO _ LATH G : � _ � � � CHARLIE CNLF.68 WF. OHTAIN PATF.)\T. Call � ' d See 0�� St�c� � � � _ _ ., We refer, here, to the Poetmastor, the Supt. � SHI_'�G -LE S, � � � ; t of Mone�y Order Div., and Lo o8lciale of the u. B. f � ' Patent Ofrice. For circular, advice, te*tns, and Y ;,' _ "g TITS LATTST � � � - ' references to actual clients in yogi• own Ktate or � � � I S T ►� � � - oonnty, write to � _. � Q �, S�C.�.�TTLI ��S �• _ G: ..��YU►! ,� CO.,. Iiii r � �'ed. Stoves � ` -. 2- Oppoe�te Yatent Office, w ashin4{tou, D.C. � j f �� r7`OTICE '; - � ` _ --Ta -E i��vE -- . , .� • - FEN(�E P�Sa S r , I;,, ; '' '- '� StovQppes, Lai�lps, Baal ail, � �� PICKETS.. �� GRISTIHG 8c CHOP�IHG d�c.� always on -hand. , tIYVE t7S A. CALL., ,_ ", —voxE- >i:very Day in the Week at � '� LL � . P$ICES GC�A�AATEED. �urnke8 and � . � ( •` Thy ELI �AI� ��LLS all Job �'or)* promptly attended to. � ���' O�� �� , ' yr IEgI►f'y fRr�ner care have hie o;►n wheat ground. J - - - � -e � = , <, �;, a:::. •'.. f ' — AHE -�-� ,; ; _'.� , s ' � _ !dud if you bring Good wheat sou are ears to get good fl • lr. s � � 1�Promptl� �''i11i3d.• � .. � , �a:� �. �oavER,, • �� ,1_. �iC1��Ti11g'. .., ',:� Pio��l'i11R or Claren'lout, JOHN GEE, Pr ��• `' �� V� -- Z.- • �: . �. •} .. . - I'' �' �,.. y �. -I :.[ -- � q (.'(< i , *'i , r `. U`. , �i i. 1 i .i�}� �[ P f d At �:I: ' -., i^1 ' , l; • _ }. � � ' ,'1 - ti 8`: v ;� t i` f Yr° i f ' is 'I ' u a w .� - - �A v: - •1 , .,;� ' R n ,. "i. � � u �4 �, l' �. .' ,. ,.. 1 � `�. , =y, ,A. ,, _ ,� .. ° . .� 1 ,.� 1- � - - - -- •: -,. .. „+ a .- , t . I I � %. : 'I . ;� I . . I . I :1, �. . , I �' . . I . . I .1.. : I Ill. . . . _ I • I . f I ;:.. . I . I . - * ;,; ;,- �. �.,,, .-.�. " : , -.; :'. I r d r. . . -i . - - -, ( � � . , I . . . . �­- 4- � '* a I . I . , I -- _ _ _ _ � -_ ._-_- - - - - _ ' ... :� - - - - .- . n our way. , But it HER A� D T H ES F. ' • S Dl�ine. rendered dry as tonchwood For the fins- snare•, able to bear us o + dredth time that winter we arraigned the was our only c}iance, tt,uud we again toiled on, _* esa*sr °ir a'`�u"o•' - I inhuman custom of employing savage allies, the lighter and to io enduring women e�p jA North Wal'' , owing o i;Iie pill! 4 �lold over, subjected us rin to suffer 1 a taan we (lid. On the o •° vie"44 hrat I wi�i l� . T' i who, now that war was , b) pea ring � the season, a rend crop of f tbi p pea9 li:i TN: ` ?' ; ; - .. 41- , �' In holy warm b blood was shed;., - to its• worst horrors. But there was not a third y we gout go no further, t1 bat been ad gather: ed, and ild l rimr. are t 1 _� • , From'6%3e's heat my soul has sped ; cued" ant to be lost, and every eau and our Indian foes li begun, cold and -ex• gym• s That sign is mine." woman in the building rushed -down to the hausoon had completed ; and after all our A b!(ltlor des er ;at Chailottetott : 1►.• $ 1 basement, into which a covered trench led scrag des, we lay quieitly down to die in a I -, has' been ae tensed to two most,; im- f - " I i Mot bid the Rate unfold risonm .nt for third violation of t Scott • i 1. '. For si n like thine." .' ' from the lake, and water was drown freely. cava;beside# the_ lake. There was neither P ` .. la� • on the conflagration. lI g Y A : g nfla8 wee no wailing now. Children la ct. Mra. To oly coolers I gave myo el conaeioas ou tbeir rentJo' knees ; burned t I pave �1—the sum was man ,old ; It soon a r ho v ; that sbm6 s y pa► F. . Kenni , of San >; rtinciaco, e' �� f : • , i That sign is mine. combustible mu t h ve been ingled with and hand in hand, husbands and wives city has 300 young women who are . re t Cathay '� ; .: 4''1'hj works one grand ;but thou past not the brushwood, for the flames but hissed awaited the coming visitant, who would to $500,000 or >jr►ore each, and all a rommit4 I The sign Divine." and sparkled beneath the descending for- relieve them of all their sufferings. married, n• smugglirl 1. " O 11 I have safely brought rents and then rose hi her than before Otrr last night seemed closing in, when, The total nan}ber of visitors to . t' i f 1 A twell ' The r� of the deeds f wrought ; Hi her, and still r her, £fiercer and strong- above the still eontiuuous roar of lire fumes onial Bxhibitioi� London, recently 1 derly, w� That sign is mine." .. 8 g . . er, d3spite our utmost efforts, until the fire rose a n�hou�of white men, and the next was 5,550,749, and the average daily 1 tend' slipped t� Not that t Not that !Thou must yet bring had obtained it firm hold upon the building, moment a p 'ty appeared 6iefore the cave. once was 33 846 As a 0 ' A sign Divine. "_ g °' " o an i, angel ! tali the King leaping in tongues of flickering flame, that They are merioana from Michels Mackinac For six consecutive Sandsy' s Ja "C' ' ut`Y BOA°' 1. L j + That fo him I gave ed g has attended church and the New rker. ve ever �trin , seem to lick our devoted walls, roaring where the heavy cloud of smoke alon the Y I the CiV i That: sign is mine. and crackling as they mounted upwards, northern shore had awakened fears for the who are keeping tab on him .are rkr. rs month. i ! �' until we could hear them riatin in fearful British st snd our forme a emirs had P Pa ed 1. . b t Qige thy I:ord g ' ' for almost anything in the way of viltry i .. �, li' a cocas ure : P 1. - 4 Hies divine." revelry, upon the roof, while the thick n.,bly despatched a bateau across the lake The i gn ry Po from tie time o Quebec, If' '• o anR ,angel 1 tali the Lord juniper smoke, with its overpowering frog• to rescue us•if 'needful ;the crew finding the _ . 1. ( That ail life.I taught Hid word , :'- �, rants, filled every chamber Lo Suffocation, blockhouse burned, had tracked us lcross The Philadelphia Humane Society' keeps hun��E �1 ` a 'hat �aign i mine.?' and the so lately inclement blockhouse the lee, and over:,aken cis just in time to a boat on runners at the skating ;club's .- by e _ I house on the Sa u lkill Th :. ' ' '( He kno eth 1 ; but the mutit t{nalce I almost scorched us as we stood. save, our lives. y ,ready to res fie any 1 Th n Divine." It was but too evident that our habits- one who breaks througgh the ice. It ould been l►( WE �AAE OFFLRING BI „ Thenext day we arrived at Mackinac, not be a bad id to do something + O an • .I d gladly take ' tion was domed -- nothing could save it, nor, more dead than alive ; and though we g : if the of the Great It n me for H sake, it seemed ourselves a lust 'fie fate g same kind in Toronto. etandi1 r DRIVE$inLAD1ES',MrSSES �ci►at ign is mine" 8'a received every kindness, it was long ere we Anex i r : : which made it our funeral pyre. Ae a last rewvered the effects of our recent hard- The French Alcademy has resolved I peti•.. - " I ' ' ' s "" 0 wattin sou 1 thou has not brought refu a fro the overwhelming Meat and ships and exposure, or ceased to remember tion the Govern ent to revoke the eceee has be4 rj i I AND: CHILDREN S ' IrAAN h sign divine." g ps that extract t : - i � " Bweet angel, for the Lord fought, smoke, we descended to the basement, with horror the incidents of t siege we expelling the D c d Au ;pale, on the ound (if TL ES ' 1 N ALL THt'� yK at His gate Y have not t E .though the roaring of the flames .Love our had undergone in peace• time. that he has pro ed his pat�otisin by s gift I bank .1 >' His sign Divine." heads and the. crashing of. timbers• as the to France of the Chantilly estates• fa- Fiftj. 7 , :. " O spirit dear ! I cannot upper floors began to crumble aild fall, vorablti reply is xpected. ! North; I .. I - - 1 ` `" I P e sign Divine warned us that the end was close at hand. It was an odd Christen$ 'ft that I by th`' a :, • =L Th ig A food bop. gt 11ew • I -jThat lifts the heavy gate fo thee " � The friend�e grasped each other's hands in a �� York family fpu d in its hallway — i blue• operau ad n St des . , O angel 1 see ry .Reny J last farewell • and'men held to their aching have a little story to tell yon, boys, led baby, to w ich was tied a to with . { Halii e,. g Y For si n Divine." . ' ' the old doctor said to the oun le the • ' i hearts the trembling dear ones they were Y g PAP t Ia writ the eon in Glerm%n ri t ia. tee's , , I "0 hi' soul the gate in wWe, werlesa to save. one but ourselves can other evening, " One day- -a long, hot day ,, ceml r - f ppy gs Y Please let. m� be your child. ha a "� . The n is thine Ynow the anguish of that moment.; and' as it had been too—I met my/- father on the Aeither father ndr mother." �; :'I gragat FO THE Ia woe thine (� to eztended wide if to add another to our sufl'eri s road to town. . I '- " The Ill - Portrays the crobs —the cruoieed P� + „ , There is ttton y to wood PuIP j gin$.' : � The si n Divine." above the howling of the storm, and t e I wish yon would take this package _ ernmett 'i cracklin of the flames, rose the fierge ye to the village for me, Jim, he said, heaitat- from the doman One mill-in 13ru irk, s stem . - ! I g Me., has hard work to keep ahead f its y 11, ._' ., and whoops of our victorious foes. mg• + orders tannin night and day, an pulp :..'� - .. ..... - Id$ Illt PEACE -TIME* ! : �Suddenl a voice broke the des n "Now, J was boy of twelve, 'not fond g g y' P p d��r . . Present Season .y „ g made there has one to Boston and re rued A s I silence. Let us the trench. I of work, and was just out of the hay -field '.# where I had been at work since da break. I in the shape of newspaper's within orty- - has d( . I `..1 - The words were like a galvanic shock in. Y ei ht hours. Cabinle '� : ' � ' Shortly after be conclusion of the last Eosin new life. For thou h thh alts t was tired dust and'hun r It was two g r •I a ; = g 8 mP ' Y g Y' Uharlea Zadoek an Anarchist Ir ose of leap; � •. American war, was stationed at Sima ro cone beset with man ditliculties miles into town. I wanted to get my sup- I_ P P • diti „n. ! , lfort, a em 11 isol tad blockhouse near the r and- wash and dress for singing school. death in New ;York- is announcer was i al though the result was more than doubtful, - ' The i' hied of the Hurop, _ which had been eetab- and might but lead to capture, still it held” M1' first impulse was to refuse, and to know as " Powd' ,Charley." He con not e l - _ i lished to hold in check the neighboring out a chance of rescue frgm a most horrible do it harshly; for I was vexed that he should have been a ver} sac eeeful Anarchist r he leg Wi , ., _ DIES, DO T Shit Wii` Atirierican post of Michel& Xaockinac. But death. With an ea er ; shout men seized aslr me after m long day s. work. If I did would have bee kn con by a more t rible; ; for an 1 . i had been reclaimed between g wonky o s name. . Powder meek and unsatia to ,onto < 1 , though ,peace h p refuse he 1 him elf. He was a en- the nearest pickaxes, and in a few nriuutea g g >� ' 4 :; OUT FIRST SEEING OU the contendin powers, and thankfully re- tle, patient old man. But eto ed force in the anarchy line. univep the, well end of the trench was laid bare, Pa g PP Tha r : _ I �' ' ooived end rattfie$ by all the white inhabit dis^,overing a pointed aghoduct scree five tne` one of (,od a go«1 anggels, I thinl(, :4lra. Joseph I axton, of Ruert, Pa. cede• I LARGE . STOCK.. AS N ante, the authorigiea were powerless to tom- feet high, half filled with water frozen over. Uf (,curse, father, I ll take it, I said,_ orated her 100th birthday on (�hristm clay, �t l ,-- Along this ewe resolved to try our heartily, giving my scythe to one of the men. ' She • was born i the same house in filch = �r pe1 the white txibes of Indiana, who had _ all R " . - ! 1 USE IN THE - ITY CA been e> ployed during the war, to bury the fortune so stn passage ahead our examen to He gave me the packa�e. she now lives, a d until ten years a , was the dot - • hatchets and smoke the calumet of pew clear the outer end —w hie h deboucbed u on " `Thank you, Jim, he said, ` I'was go- active in househ ld duties. Now. he ni_,d have 1) G 11/ E YOU A S GOO with those a ainst whom their evil ions p in myself, but somehow I don't feel very is active her a etite ood she reads uch • , _ Th g pass the lake —of the logs and brush; concealing g Y Y P g , had been so fiercely aroused. On the .con it from view, we crape on hands and knees stroug to day.' and kek, well i form(_d on the news' f the .r " aebet>t fSTYLES OR V/ 'U E FO t 'y, the;i very attempt to suppress them, into the narrow tunnel. • e walked with me to the road that day. Her deer ndants are ►child t, _19 about I like oil bred on fire, seem but to in• Our sacs cons not.too scan, for ae I en- turned off to the town ; as he left, he put grandchildren, greet grandchildren n(1 2 wan at YOUR MON Y. r' ` crease the r stain th, and in the shelte>; of 1'° his hand on m arm, ea in a ain, `Thank eat ,eat an children. r two �� gg tered last the blockhouse fell with a sudden Y g g gr g gr I 1 their pall a woods they danced anew' the crash azin me with the splintered raft- You, my son. You've always been good to Th I - war•dance and wh�rpened their kni� es and g p During the fi t two daps of the cent t„ - era, and blocking up the• entrance to the met Jim.' f g,in London t e receipts of one a tom- ; - ter off I { -:' •, tomahaw aafresh swooped down on seedbed' trench while •w(s were almost stifled b the I hurried into town and hack again, lg show:x', � ed farmho sea ana solitary posts like packs ' ny were incr increased by £ l0, , an. was 0 0 k `\." rukh • of smoke which swept throng as When came near the ho eel I saw a shown that the, fog of twenty -four urs'- i �n v 1 ' of Nowlin wolves. crowd of farm hands at the d r: One of ' - Our lit a stronghold was a favorite point though it hart been a funnel. As we crept duration necessitated an increased 1 _ _ largel,� slowl on in'duubt and darkne� and thick them same to me, the tears owing down PP y 0 9 g of attack. The vast forests around us of Y ' of gas by the Gaslight Coke Comp y b. . ,. A Ip j smoke led b the ru re tiltrbers, and his face. { forded a e. and food for the hordes o� ' Y �}, ,. , , 37 r crone., or over 3:1,000,000 feet . ! It is . 'culat(ti 1 - ; r torn b the de ep(lia icicles, I than times 1 our father, he said, - fed dead just , ; dusky ors who swarmed within their Y P g �' estimated that twenty-four hours Kin__ .skin'+ thought we should not live to mach the out as he reached the house. The last words ' shelter, and who watched us w ith the un g he s ke were to ou.' London increase the consumption o cads candi 1 let, cud. that we had but exchanged one �° Y by one gas cam y alone to the ext t of �. the en ; t . slumbering vigilance of their race ; so that death for .'another. But with bent heads' " ,m an old man now; but I have thanked ' each tree we hewed . each deer we shot God over and over aip in all the ears 3'500 tors. bly ar i ► and .closed lips we held on, battling sternly a$ Y A t;r was done armed rti ' at the ril of , I, ��' for life ; even the little ones without a that have passed. since that hour, _that those -I' -. , rl , . _ . . 1 their lie Meanwhile stealthy hands last words were,, " You've always been a I . The urger Cure. jury q murmur groping along the frozen way, until - Yatriyl 1 - were lurk ng arou d the post, seeking to at length the opening was gained,. the last good boy to me. fi _ ' Not favoring ything which may fair- . discover mew k point in our defences, barrier ken, and we issued in safety out - �•�+• •_�---b ` -- y called stare tion it is un ueetti ably. � Thon�ir t.. , or to dete t some n uarded moment aeon rier broken, 1 . upon the ice, though we knew not what qq fraud g true that; there s a manifest advan e, as t` Y \ ourselves and wh n both endeavours fail •Polsotfed b a Cobra. a curative mean in reaonable fasten , er � ' . ' . i �� '' ' in in elfin hundreds fate to meet. I y , g, at � , ed, they ame g y g least to n exte t to allow the a stem rid 1h' I Never shall I forget the seepe..which met ?he �Vorr(i »t Star of Jaffna in Co Ion ai. against o r pall es, hoping to "overcome y itself of 1411 ob.3t ctiona. As vi- hen w have a in O"' 1. - our eyes. It,was as though they; had open re its the death of the taxidermist a the • • - us by force r of umbers, and were only ed on a world of re. 1•'lamca were eve more lalioi on and than can be ibly pared >� Victoria Museum in that town from the bite � P ' • driven back at the coot of brave lives to w' there ; L where ; roaring (arid heaving ore us in of a c(,br , under curious circumatsncea. done ta•c�ay, sense of it must remain 11 to j I` I - a : .ill could spare. I was indeed a troublous burn waves u to the lurid sky, rolling morrow, o when we take more foot than 6, to 1 time. Again and in were these attempts P y' S « "hide feeling a cobra, which he thought J. g P fill her cur almost to our feet ;while the can be di estedn the allotted time that ells P Y g� was from previous extraction of, repeated until our lender garrison number P eo ditiicu t of di ea i ; avow and ice flawed crimson in the univer. the ,son lie it suddenly belt his hand. g lion that it cannot die Tit( ed scarce a dozen, nd there was no hope of d p° g' Y osed of in the usual time, there mu$ ' au. ' for l >a • , - _ rescue from witbo t —for the' Indians lay sal radiance, tan the passing snow - flakes For a few minutes he took no notice, think- P �j f� Y lowed like gems as they flitted, by- Tire iii' the bite harmless, but to and nausea accumulation, something which serve s an - cal de . , in a broad belt � and us —uo messenger g obstruction an accumulation of ma ,lads peratt 11 r could enetrate to 11 our needs to the a r_ fire had clan ht the woods, and it was al• soon began. (.arbolie acid was applied, digs `Y 't P Y i t ready swee ng coward like a burning treee were bound round the arm, an incison a hmh need to disposed of, the wh a sy ' . ave,al t. suspecting colon file canoe could venture (deluge; for though the snow lay on the was made at the bite and th blood of the being more or less cogged. . . the ". `° _. ANO�HER SHIPMENT O i ; -out uponithe lake, ven in'the dead of night ,round the alarm had ewe t it from the $ Fastin therefore, under such c um .• At buts hostile fleet would rush out to inter' P arm was wholly removed. Yar•ioua anti- g' 3 ' ' dept her. caflesa branches, while the sap not having 'dotes were used but 'the unfortunate man stances, aeon the most important ', f the the U ' I:..' yet risen, the trees were at the ( ryest. The loaf the power. Hof speech, and soon after remedial lneaaur s. ��'hen this aH n„t one,•= - a ` _ with ; :.. a r p e t - Such as Aar h zardoue position when vengeance of our ruthless,assailants had re- every muscle teemed to have become par- nature, as the ext beat means t., em A carryi the long d rigoro s whiter of the north, verted on their own heads, and we could al zed, and breathing entirely ceased. Ar- Ployed,- throws o such offending teat + ��� _ � rock. • with its eep snowx d bitingfrosta, buret near, above the turm(►jl of the fire, the of tificial respiration was therefore, resorted vomiting or our, ing, thus avoidinb i.. r I math over us, findin ns short of fuel, abort of fri filed shrieks ells of the ince►adiaries �• forma of disease, if as disease these fr u.,. 1 1 Tlii $ g Y to, and tit$ operation was unceasingly con 5 E Ir , 1. - 1food, of ammunttionl and, saddest of all, of as they fled before t4c awiftly- pursuing timed for nine 1 {ours, when at last the pa_ manifestations may be regarded. well r , cents' I hands to use it. It cons a depr�seing tom- pie$, tient made' an attempt to breathe, and soon know that ther�"er are persons who ie� e- .( jmp� dition, and as time on, and our an- The Indian drawer was' 'ended, but well- that one must eor soon die but th fqr , • -,` grans r . i regained consciousness enough h to make his o provoked adversarie continued to increase, nigh as terrible a foe remained in the eon. wants known. He steadily roe get that Dr. Ta lived for forty a s, '. of thi we be n to oresee hat a fearful doom was y mp ed until ay s, began flagmtion they had kindled, which, as morn- the Friday, the accident having taken lace taking only water, and that others are ni ;'. � ,. `1 awaiting not only ou lees, but the hapless ing broke and the storm passed, we could on .a Wednea(iay, and then astonished those lived still onger, and that in high fete and _. - women acid children, who shared our hard see a readin se far as the eye could reach, around him b ltatia that durin the severe acute' diseases, w en the appetite is e rely�r W Conlin a to eel! ships, and must eve tuall share our fate. Y g" Y Lee►ptng coil ly from tree to tree, clothing operation of Wednesday night he was con_ suspended, aevei�al weeks may pass Nile block Al Ithat' was left was Eo friend our them in a rb bri filer than their sutufiinal the patient is fasting. citadel ' i the utters t ; and man a time ga asgit s v' scions of all that was taking place, but was The d r o wing z. `��� Y foliage ; then, pad on, lea ing their unable to make his feelings known, not fine -Se f gtarvatton is not as gr a� Y1,. and during t e days pf th terrible let►gner; as lofty trunks a wilderness of giant torches, ing power over a single muscle. It would 'a usually supposed by any means, sin the intro • 1 we coats from behind our loopholes the which would blaze for days. body fie cojrrposec mainly of the rises of f . Y sap that the ion zed the nerves I T c �T stir am g these savage legions, and the ;dilently we stood upon the ice gazing on of �otion, but not those paralyzed for he air sand wt�ter v►ihich we suppose m bye ` ` At ! V p lr t ni ht Eel on the boom of the Indian drum g' U0.11' L. 8 the fiery landscape,' with the bleak wind could see and hear and feel, althdtigh the aPProrriatad in emergency. Tier ore, end ''; and the I shriek of the warwhoo ., we did -scrip us throw h, until we shivered I am firm din thei opinion that at the '`our I : ` L;+ p fI 8 physician even by touching the eyeball, rt I i not thin that the mbrnin would find us ��p ice the neighbourh of the flames i �' mencement of an�acute disease decided 'irk - : II de "` �fifi g con d get no response either of- feeling or ' an,l i g1Y1TN�E� alive. h man indeed of our little band and thougb deeply th kful'to be spared, consciousness,. His partial recovery was, pees may eve , in nine cases out o en, aid • fought like a hero, and each attack was w• hel less and wed -n' b overwhelmed b reasonable fetdin at least so to . as 1 "� p Ig however, followed by a high fever and in- Y { aaaceaeftlly repulsed, but with every con- by our utter desolation. Nothing, indeed, $ammation of the dun there is np apptiteg� with extra bat ng, i�tou+ i and �CTELVE ,and he died per- .. flirt our powder w owe , ntil at length could exceed our wretchedness, for we were fectly conscious, on t e following Sunda friction of the urface, quiet rest, a od :A ' _ - A o axed 1 r u our last 4hot wits fined,. hundreds of miles distant from our nearest g y' supply of air an sunlight. — . Hans rd. + the • .. Meanv pile midwinter drew near, bringing count, men,' and the burning land before I ; � . = - _ Win , - . - i a Specs Prices, in order to r• -. with it the wildest weiath6r. One day the us could neither• affordshelter to our child• ' .Tn`g FASTF -ST ToRi'ano BOAT. - An' official A Won erflll Mei>lritory„. _ The .1 . I fiercest storni which had raged that season rents heads, nor food to anuiage the hunger trial lately took place at Gravesend of the { In the old day of Louisiana many o �lte i Ame duce on large shock. We a e swept over the land. The wind howled which already made them wail. Nor was jut new, torpedo boat built by Yarrow do �Presentativea were Creoles who c ld " - rat -( ,` through -the leafless forest, like the spirit of there better prospect for the future, since Co. for the British Government. A contin- scarcely speak a word of En dish. • also giving Big Drives In desola ion, at intervalg daShin down some all the ame the woods contained had either On account of the large Creole ale nt - into g 8 boas run of two hours was made, during , I I ') . .L .0, - ­ '. ..:;, . . - . , ­ . '�,; . . %I-!, ancient tree with .resounding crash. The sled or perished in the flames ; and though which were six runa)of the measured mile. in the State all ajcts of the Legislature re . i ;` : i. F snow ew pt by us in whirling columns, that the lake aboundhd with fish, and though we The average speed during the entire ru coil ed be to ' ulyliehed in both Fr uch nil : - , t'� Em s blinded eyes, and the intense cold pens had axes to cut through the ice, we had wag 22.39 knot per hour. The hi heat Eng fish, and all speeches made is the u fel(f� trated -every cranny of our badly- joined and neither hooks nor spears to capture its speed on two of the mile runs was 23 knots ate were confers in both langua es. or ' ih ill -war ill-warmed blockhouse; and almost froze us treasures: per hour, or about 26ij miles per hour: many years Gen. Horatio Davis, of ew• . detr at the 1 pholea Where we still held our all , The only scheme our despair coned devisey� .�F LIGHT ax PLADTTS. —From a Orleans, G�lerk pf the Senate, transl ' (1ti{ . . -- . ­. � .. a o r a c ., but useless watch. watt• to travel along the ice along the shore the speeches, ad such was his roe r series of experiments b Sachs a strange ef- Dou I The raging of the term swelled above fie the hope that ere long some considerable that a ter listens to a speech an hot or ;�a' a • I � the din p the Indian ca and we almost river mi ht cheek the ro of the fire, fact of light transmitted through a solution P. '� whir I i �ri� B two don he wand immediate] deliv i it wil►ich we are ``selli[i „at Abr, ho d i violence would kee them within and that be and reach of its rave ea u,e of sulphate of quinine is to be seen upon the y arri l?e P Y blossoming of lasts. Germinated and ,own in theot erlanguage, and with perfect ur . �.. their : gwama, whe' , suddenly in the might, by the help, of our axes, 'be able to under thg' pp g acy. And this was accomplished will at I'' ' ' - '° ton and 4:1 per yard and up, a d:_ theriz} darkness a yiiozen don fla$hes of sustain life in the bush until rin came a mfiuence of such light, plants, 1 . sups ga ff $ sp g the use of an n tee and apparently w h f . li ht shot throb h tie rushin maze of on when our count, en mi ht .discover while thriving otherwise develop only repaid Y ' pP Y I We heavy wide UNION CAR g g g g imperfect and speedily perishable flowers. out any effort. I - A .J snow, right over our hsade, our retreat. It was an unpromising plan, No one eonld have filled his lace d - . 1. . a "It' cannot be li htnin +" said the own but we had other resource and at once Light transmitted through pure water did his aerv4ces were jso hi hl a reciated ire I , Tel - PET at 40c, aIId ALL- g g 7 g" not impair the blossoming powers. 8 Y PP_ rest est among us. we set forth croon our melancholy pilgrim- widely known t at rival candidates for he W OL at 63c per yd:. d " It is a flight . of burnng arrows !" cried age, trav611' on the strip of ice between )E.xciLtsH RABBITS. —A naturalist, who office rarely pr pled themselves. To r - u'n our brave old ca tain. The are firm the the burns crest and the o n'ls►ke which thinks he is conferring a boon on the or see P Y g ng �e P° rectly repo t a 1 ng speech re(luires an �► } House specs will faaVe >� HLy .blockhouse ! and followed by half the heaved bill and cheerily iii the sunlight:, people along the New L( ngland opast, fe im- cellent m�mo but to translate it a8 is . _1: r W en fl i•tin fifty English rabbits. He intends ry'! • W party, he rushed ; to the upper oor, to as But that tumultuous sea of firs, iii sll its fear Po g ty g delivered must require alinost marvel s I pre acing their CARP TS sure himself that no arrows were urverin ful lendour, stretched unbrokenly before to turn them loose, and says s that in the - - den -' p i �' . g �• ' Y course of .few ea powers. - I " among our timbers. us, mounting hills, and leaping water- courses years they will have more"- I ...»..�......�. - , . �osI room ed to a wonderfu: extent. Some -An lo- . . ' .. -, tfie( i .. The ext moment a triumphant.yell, loud in its resistless fury, until we almost despair- g ANEW FUEL.--A A citizen of Pocahon �;' as if fr m a- ;thousand throats, burst from ed. When night overtook us, the ' onl maniac a few years ago turned a lot of Eng Ia., has invents a new fuel, which s ate' '� I _ I. y dish - our ens en enemy, as a red h ht darted u lace of r we sonde fierce r was ai nook sPrrrows loose here and sow we know.the Y g P P •per result. The same may et be true of the fair to take the ace of eo�l in the pl lira fie past on loopholes, and the dense smoke of among the lake -side rocks, which sheltered Y Y countries. He finds corn talks and c se 7 � , , : I . •- � Y c�c � ET L Y brushes d came throe h them. us from the win blast • and .we •were rabbits. - pET E , 1 pouting rairie to8 they and moue oen i Tlie bn arrows were but a tint to din- thankful for a soli fish found stranded MINE g S+s tens th n. • -Al g rf 'y EXPLOSIONS. --The official mvestt- This pulp is p weed into blocks a ut • , Sae 1 . ( � - ,� a ' �i ! tract o attention while they tired our re- on the tee to divide among the little ones. gallons ivaade in Prussia relative to the twelve inches don and four incise thick d . !1�0 1� �tiiflr DtI l:�otl fogs from below, and fib our horror, we could Had not the tu'o tempatc�ed the air, T doubt causes' of mine explosions show, among dried, Opp bloc will give an hotrr'8 e y - j thr ' b d fare that the f is whether i►n of us w v 'v . perceiv to the cud y g ag^o y onld hove ed till other thti�ps, that many explosions attribut• final. This fool oral be produced for a - were led hi h around our walls which mo ; as it w we safferedl tl ,, . p , ruing cis, grea y ed to fire damp, or outbursts of Poo ton, and the rove for claims that it will t I sm, he arks TOEONI'O, <;its time d the intense Meats of sumsier "had 'and oar stiffened and weary lii>aibo were really due to the fine coal dust in mines twice as to as a best. soft _ chi _ , . Opp• t t. r!8 coal. • . .. _ vn . , ,. ; { f. a t` - , ,. 1 .. , - li+. . 1 .-1 i Z. . i. (' i. . r' Fair :` j. , ) 3� I . 4, :f , („ : .. -. .. l .. - r ... t ' r _ .. _ f. : : ''1.i,.( ; - - . :. : `'i, a 'I :. - - - - , it .� 1' • iti: .n , o - : , -� -. 1. - s 4 : LL 6 - }} {j A tl i, k -.e t . : :f _fir . : r _> _ E PY r. <i L. dt 4 a } 11 w .,. ,k�. h f ..: -.... s .. ,�. .. -i a ... :, %.- r[ r i. -.ro ... , r:. q. .. - �J 5... f- !Ji ` :- )td.''"'-'•k 3 . .. . -, : „ ,k 1F ..r -k , .. t i �<. d� mow . 1x.1 . lfa 4 .. i. a- - r.':4 _. '� _ r .. r't •T .;;: �.... : -cox., .,,, - .... - - - - - -- I I \-/ +•8k; of been • 1m)III. _ I'. };. 1111. - 1t'ott . :4 that rE's4(.s I ' 11[1• ICol - Iltsed,, ttvild- 0 t: o111d 'rkers 111tred viltry Itf eq!; 11111 s o any -011141 the iCC ee 't1 ud is lift. - A fa- N e". • blue. with -• 'r ipt have cluing IV a,Ck ' If its _ pulls . 11-11C41 ort} - 11 ose , Nv1Is, ' - .14)t 11 1r lie I idle `, t 'r`- . 1 lL� . !11,.•11 , �rtj, . Ili'Id - IEI, h,' f t he- t'I I , 12- L :LS 1 :rs i!Ill�- h� I iS 1. 111 .I. I:, 1., f - Lair- ;Lbly -4.! t•, as I. , it ' I,ld - . 1,t v" - +ihly -, I tII - than t i1at - Ili;- :t11 " . • ,U1 rial sv- •1,IIi- t11c ()lit" -, �' , 1,1.1 - w r l l IcVe for- . t 1•s, 1A VC iold 1•cly' hilt - t US the of bc- ore•, }III• . irk - rIi, 11 its no ( o )xl 1141. -. . she. ,II'l . i'nt rl*c L!I.l t'11 f -1,r tIi ,,l ` a III 11t . dill - I IId •iI(• . I I ..K_ . i . s .II.. LS, . . Id - rind 1st. 111 . tut Ild ,4ly a - its t i sl . I . 1. ': , . . . I , � : � . : - . I . - , � , . - v - . i .. . . ;� , . i i '{ : - � I . . _ 11 I I , . . } �- s` . r - . �I , i • i ; . . I , , , , . . . L - - , 4 . 1. ,- t. I 1? ;I . . . I - . , � , , . -, , � * , �' . � . ..� :s I . , � . . � I , 0 i �. - . . -, ; - . .. :. -.: t . : I , � - . �_ — t i jjj _ — J TIt . ' - -- - - - ! 400,600 t ns. This will leave 8,000,000 monthsAgo,,And he is confident the effort of A, DRE FOB DRENSElOiNE , I H E WEEK'S S N WS. - bushels fo a rt to Europe. the Government willattain alasting success. o�iu , morphine, chloral, tobacco, -and ' I FAYQ 1� I' � One hun r thousand dollars in cash apd The Govenor of Herat has been called 0 I d .rl /ur��it�r. The medicine may be given - securities been found hidden in out -of- upon to answer' the charge of secretly fo- in or coffee wit4lout the lcnowled a of I- g •. IL. HOME. the -whey ac eh in the house.. of the two tiibnting natipe hatred against England. 'If the pe n taking it, ;/ xo dexi,rrl. Send 6c. , • of Elma; Ont., was miser�wh w re found dead in Philadelphia. found guilty, lie will be sentenced to- death. ii eta pe for book hand testimonials from THERE IS , �' ' firs. Fritc,tley, t he have been Cured. Address" 1V1. I burned- to death by he�C clothing takine fire. At Low 1 ass. Dr. E. E. Ro a French At the Austrian Cabinet council,.the Em- Toronto NO BETTER _ ' y' V. Lu n, 47 Wellington St. Fast, , Catharine Taugher, of Bellevi le, has been Canadian h sician, was arrested for bur - eror pre�sidiug, it was agreed to great the On , "ut this out for future rreference. The Snow Drift [tak,nq Powder t;o., itrnnwoI OrN j tti War minister funds for extra expenditures, f -. `' ' committed for trial at Buffalo o a charge of glarizing e e Bourke s store. Ovdr $"`100 Wh ►i ritin mention this paper. vv��,,'�� �,i I. lie worth of s 1 n: goods was found in his subject to the subsequent approval of the K nail L1I10 Royal X11 8t8a h�p8t , shnugg 9 I .. roe- delegates. Mr. McCracken has been elected reeve A twelve year old boy name John, Ad- - of Rat orta e. I Sailing during winter from Portland every The I •1 deriy, whi<'_e skating on the bay at Toronto, 1 San Fra ci Was - rocked from east to A meeting of unbmployed workingmen, g day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, Whenever our Stomach or Bowels get out of or- summer from Quebec every Saturday to Li erpool, F slipped into an air hole and was drowned. west at ei minutes after 4 o'clock the held at Norwich, England, became disorder - y ia, or Indigestlerl, calling at Londonderry to litnd mails and ngers der, can9ing Bfllousness, D�spep�+ g As a compromise, it is stated the Treas- other mor in by a shock of earthquake ly, and an °attack was made - on the shops ; and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr. fori3cotland and Ireland ; alsolf"rom Bel on, via }hoard have decided herea ter to pay which last d seven seconds. No damage but the mob was dispersed before much Camn's tomach Bittcro. Best family medicine. Halifax and 8t. John's, N.F., to Wverpool to ightly ury damage was done. All Drugglte, ti0 centR. during summer months The teamers of a Glar the Civil Service salaries on the 5th of each was done. w nee Bait Burin winter 'to and from slits:, ontii• The dyn ite factory of Plattsburgh, N. Mr. Rae, owner of lint} the pearly rental An Ass mbly of Knights of Labor is about Pond, �n andWiladelphia ; and du g snm- m Y- was to al destro ed b fire and ex- of which amounts to $3,000, has been cum• to be org nized at Calgary. men between QlarRow and Montreal weekly'; lasgow The Slterbrool.e house, at herbrooke, Y Y Y woCwe Rx snfterintr tmm th•. PtT.w•ts �° ap. +y and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Phil iphtia Quebec, an extensive hotel co taining one plosion, h shack was felt at Burlington, palled to seek admission to ithe Killarney e� habits, a result of tgnaranoe and folly, who find fortnightly. . itul141rt�d rooms, has been totally destroyed V t., a diet nee of 20 miles, doors and win- workhouse, having been una. )I to get his themselves weak, nervous and exhausted ; also Mm• For freight, passage, or other Information= i ' Bows rattli ig as if there was a heavy eartk- rents from either trustees or tenant 1. II D� -AQm and OLD Mix who are broken down from the ( A. Schdmacher do Co., Baltimore; S. Can CO.. by fire. . quake. I Halifax Shea & Co. St. John's N.F. • Wm. Thomp - 1'he Church of Ascension, Hamilton niltt3n; has A series of evictions haa' >begun on the i etiecte of abuse or over -wort, end in advanced tits The s a e "Alabama "which left Glao. Winn estates in Kerry, Ireland, the houses feet the consequences of youthful excess, send for and rop � bold St. John, N.B. ; Allan r pod, ; ' b gal burned to the lrrottnd, oul a portion to , RMAD M. V. Lubon's Treatise on Diseases of Men. The Love Alden, Kew York ; H, liourtier, oron ow, Dece n er 24th, for New York, anti being burned as the to ants. were evicted. Rae CO., uebec • win. Brookie hiladd• . of the stone walla and the tows being left g P bAok will be eeut Reeled to snv address on roreipt of Alisne, .o. , d which was r ported as putting hack disabl- Intense excitement prevaillt in the . district two Be. stamps. Address M. V. LUBON, 47 Welling- phis ; H. A. Allen. Portland, Boston, Mon standilg• , I I - ed has arr v d at Queenstown. a elope p ton St. E. Tomato, Oat' I i k charier from Port and` Maine, + She and it is probable there will bloodshed. Archbishop '1'ache is still ill, and has been I . Ali ex-ban rienced toi�r' c weather when 900 miles ' - . sated in Winnipeg nd held for Id the Ut;rtnan Reichstag the fovernment P 008 arrested removed to .std Boiliface hospital. M ERIDEN B has been P g westward bf Queenstown and lost three Army bill was rejected by a vote of 186 to I - extraditi0ii 011 the charge def audiug the MANUFACTURE ONLY 1,ank of e, ti,000. blades of h r propeller. 1"114. Prince Bismarck immediately read . The Hamilton Scale Company hove area - The men ch line steamship Celtic Dion, an Imperial decree dissolving the 'Reichstag tinental' reiiutation for making accurate Fifty stiles additional of the�l< anitoba and `.arch was a ndoned at sea in a sinkin con- and appointing February 21 for the elec- scales.- The Fanners' Improved Platform 1=1' EST T . Western railway have been accepted Scale, and the Im roved Five Beam Dairy I orth Y gg tions. . dition whit on her voyage from (,ardifl''to p by the government engineer nd will be Scale, are specialties which no farmer or SilLVER- PLAT11D • Phi, . The passengers and raw Efforts are being 'made to obtain the re- �7 s . operated at once -1 dais nan can afford to be without. The were rears by the steams hip Lake S pe- lease of Daly, the dyn�mitard, who is under- ,, Y' Halifax exports for Decembe showed an Irior and to " n to. Liverpool going a life sentence, and whose health is IUetective scale for the h usehold enables W REs increase of :;;125,000 over _ the t<evious De- the good wife to check the iahoclest grocer, i . . •� , ' . - I ti comber. Halifax's fish export last year ag- The Ger n ship Elizabeth; from Rain veryy ,bad. Daly declares he had • no $ym- and 13 a for itself. .in a short ime: Accuracy, �, 000• burg to Bal more, was wrecked the other patty with the dynamitards, and . .that his durability and reasonable ricer are what AlrtigtlC Iiesiglns, COlnbiried gr�gat.d.n"'481' morning nCa Ca Henr Va. All of the arrest wag the result of trickery, deception, Y IInequalled Durability+ The statement that the Do onionOV- crew; numbs ink twenty -two, were.drowned, and betrayed confidence. this company, guarantee. A Conservative A iati n hen been form- and Finish. _. - ernntent had decided to revert to the old nd five of t e life- saving men met a $imi- The report of the commission of - officers . system of licensing foreign fishing vessels is ?m fate whit attempting to rescue thom. - sent to Canada . recently to purchase ref ' at Fort McLeod, with r. D. W. Davis gg� ffILTON, ONTO. Id. - declared to be utterly without foundation. 'as resident. - ble am says s Lor Lansdowne A despatc from Mount Carmel, Pa., as s mounts for the British cavalry and the tria- P j BABY'S B 1 R T H D A Y A special ca - � y People who are sub sot to bad reath, foul coated • v gr Y that the st ike of the coal handlers at the horses taken to England have proved so t- tongue, or any disorder of the s mach can At once - has definitely declined joining the British shipping nts has resulted in the suspen- isfactory to the War Office that orders helve A Beautiful ImporteQ mother will Gard sent I ,, 10 pp g P° be relieved by using Dr. Carson 8tomsch Hitters, to say baby whose mother will ser}d =the . Cabinet, giving as his reason t e unwisdom sion of open ions at Bellmore mines, Logan, been given for the purchase of three hun -- the old and tribd remedy. Ask y ur Druggist, names of two or more other babies, and theft eavin Canada in its resen politcal con- 1 other col ' riea in the die- Bred more Canadian horses next year., The Torrens .s stem wen into .operation parents' addresses Also a handsome Din l p ] Y monoD� a sample Card to the mother and I\ . 1 of 6 _ Centralia a d s i . - dition. trict depen nt solely upon the Lehigh Val Mathilde Marr, 18 ears of age, and Miss in the North tiVest Tern rtes on New mach.aivabteinform noon. ' pl,,: Soli, ors for the Toront Baptist eel- ley Railroad for cars. Two thousand .men 'Romaxo, aged 16, Polish art stg�lents, were Year's day. Welts. Richardson dz Co.. Dlon�real. -leoe will apply to the Ontari Legislature are thrown ut of- employment. found suffocated on a bed in a hotel in Rome. Catarrh, CatArrhal eafoess and t • suite the ' Wood ock and To- nl land On the floor la the dead body of a . man. Hay Fev a A 72.f8T�r0�Q' °� . for an act to 1 he extra freight on the Wilmingta Y . 11 ronto colleges under the name of McMaster Northern R ilroad ran into the rear end of Letters adressed to relatives were found Sufferers are not generally aw that these diseases PATENT. TEMPERED STEEL BOB. SLEICNS. university. another freight near Wawassit station, Pa., which indicate that all three committed are contagiou;, or that they a due to the presence I.1 of living parasites in the lining entbrane of the nose The Salvation Army are ' •eeting (with Conductor enry Huberts and a man sup. suicide. - and eustachian tubes. �fierosoop c research howeverb ? il ,great success in « rnnipeg, nd Victoria- posed to be Wm. Martin, who was riding Mrs. Lindsay, the elder of the two Eng• has pro%ed this to be a tact, IL d the resu {t is that a \ I i Mall, where they hold forth, is crowded to in the Cabo se, were killed and their bodies. fish adventuresses, who were recently ar- simple rep,edy has been tonnula whereby catarrh, I. -, F. the floor every night. About 300 converts badly burned. . Brakeman Knox and fire rested in Paris for s*indling by means of . catarrhal deafness and hay to rare cured in from I i Matrimonial advertisement$ ahem fed `tu one to three simple a piication made at home. A Made In sizes, carrying rem bY0 to s;tiM lbs. have been made so far. man Philli s were injured. Two care and a p pamphlet explaining this pew t stment is sent tree �ght, Neat, Strong sad very unable. Will standby- . The sheriff has seized $10, worth of caboose we a burned and one engine am" commit suicide in prison by opening a vein on recut of stamp by A. lid Yon a Son, 308 King actual test 300 per cent. o er law tole, I and thr - debentures of Rapid City, Man ,which were aged. with a piece of glass which she had broken Street eat, T6ronto, Canada` A- P. 31 runners wear six times to r, and, bein spring - alxtut being handed over to th Saskatche- tempered, r not drag or p, drawing lu y cite• It is iil,d sateen that thlc riegotiations�with from the window of her cell. � d P H hall taster on bare group rites are RI T, and t6alt and Western. railway, in he- interest of the Chines Government; to which allusion A special cablegram says }fir. John Bright, SHEI,"TS OF 6 a 1 MUSIC; � orders should be placed AT CE to secure delivery ; i. two creditors of the town. was made in the Yresid nt's message for in a letter on Imperial . 'ederation, argues �NN>QON Plays. Braes Inst' , Violins, this season, as our entire e p ly fie bein rapidly , ,- I ' Fifes, and Musical Inst. Trimmings, at reduced taken up. Just the thing for slivery eleig s, carry `The annual reports of the arbour � Mas- such modifi ation of exis ing treaties alI} will that if, Canada were independent she would prices R. B. BUTLAND, 87 Ki g 9t w., Toronto. ails, democrats, eta. Send f circular with full ppra►rr , '- , published. I: entirely r vent the fats uction of Chinese 'have to field in the figheries dispute to the to loan on Me e. Trust funds. For titulars, and ask your car age makers for these- ter of 'Toronto has just been y P MONEY _ pp y shows that the bUSiilesA of the past year has coolie labo into the United States, have United . tates, and if she were not a Uoinrn rti©ular@ • to Bsarr•T, CnAD. goods. slid R. AMiIISTaO G M'F'G CO. (ILd.h been very good, and that the receipts were just been rought to a successful termina- ion England would settle the question by whoa,. BLAChte s h GALT, Toronto. slU1CLlPH, Canada._ 1. ar el in excess of the previous ear. I tion, and hat in a tew days an amended concessions, and Mr. Bright thinks England i - - - ltB6PN Baalneaa t'.oll Gtel pig Out., 1 g y P Y _ . bein cis- treaty cove 'ng this will be'>iubmitted must act on these views, even though Canada I Megan the z hirti Ye +r 5e t. 1 et, havitlg already A S S E S S M E N S Y S T E M A largely signed requisition is g• Ito the Sell a for ratification. y disapproves. received patronage from Tss 6 TER AND PRO Mew. • culatet} for more signatures in Winnipeg I ,•. - , I Young marl and boys thorough y prepared for bad asking 'Mr. Win. Barr to bete a the labor At San- raneisco the other night a ernwd In .the French Senate recently D1. Sadi- . new pursuits. ortwuates a ilnently sumeeetul ' were two special courses in 3hprthand, 'n+nch and (3ermau; ThehtRaIR 1seeF� ' ` b na at i of atrikin treat car drivers stopped a car' Carnat, who presided, sand there p«a . candidate in �ti'innipeg for th (.ommo g Ladles admitted. Fqr ternle, a ., address I 1 the ensuing election. Mr. Bar will probe- on Sutter reet, and with sticks and stones conditions esaentis;l to the prosperity of I M. -MAd: ItMtCK, Principrl, LIFE ASSO IATION... . attacked t e conductor, gripman and pas France— stability within the nation and . bly accept. Jt vs I ln, 188li. For two years m} A true bill was returned the '` nd =t low of the passengers was dealt a ace abroad. To exhibit France as impa wife s h lth was run down. She was 1 - ; I' . Y I P e g bar mere' ' an artifice used to grestl • emaciated and too weak to do The largest and most'ptoe roes open A�eesment jury at the Toronto Criminal seizes against `heavy blo on the head with an iron trent for war was } 7 Association in the world, d ires active re resents- I - cutting a cep gash :in his seal ,which bled remove hes1G►tione 111 certain rliaments. an�th►n'� for he It ;she was given up �a�F - Patrick Burns, John H. enables and p � tives in eOe section of C nada.: Libe induce- rofusel Stinultaneousl the conductor people ' 1 b�' ttve doctore, hey all parsed the ry y The national spirit of the French opinion that she could not live. She rrteflte It has full Govern ant deposit, d under 'l'homas C. Johnson for con piracy to • de . profusely. had no need to be revived, he said, by fear comber red urinl, Dr. Jug's Medicine in the supervision of InsuranceDepartment a Ottawa . ` ' on the r platforni was struck on the head Depa j fraud the city in connection ith the deliv h a clu and on the knee b a brick -. of an forci n wer. No military party I Decernb)er, IM4. and after taking six Correspondence solicited. Mddress, i. el• ' 1'of coal, hotties she was so much improved that f� a� W T_T_�tt with Y Y K P° y The grip n was alaostruck and severely existed in France, for' the army was essen j p The total number of immi nts arrivin she could look alts her household duties. General Matiggrir, i .- K g bruised, he attack was so quickly made tially a civic body. The country desired ' 1 1 t �• M_ RQ DICK, Engineer, C. P. R., West in Ontario during 1886 was 66,800, com- ' that no arrests could be'made. l,eac;e, but should events occur contrary to T ronto_ sa Mldg sett Bast. crofts , pared with 40,069 in 1885. f the arrivals, FOREIGN ` its wishes, it would pr we that it had not i . 1 there went to the'States 46, 22, to Quebec st time durin the t fifteen years. SA USA E C SING. } in- . There ere 358 suit des id Vienna Last g' 1?W _ PTIONN . emained _ N N beer I CO (i, to '_1lanitoba 4439, and t 1 , the province 14 633. year. - , , r odds. v.. remedy for them w edlr i by th an J I p ' T . j WHAT A POLICEMAN SAW, ," •°� The report of the weath r in Toronto, The M' ietly of rlewl South «ales '.IiaVe , I Now shipment from England Ex Steamship I�os mo...■d.ar..... °r«w d stome tarie■r ghIS 1� Ire Lowest plow to t trade. we an solo have b«n cared [ ■deed so .erons b my �1tb a its for December, prepared by t e meteorologi- resigned. F A Remarkable sight Wltuesse,d by a Geer,- A nts in Canada f r MeB 's Celebrated SWWV �yd met i will s.nd i*o sor'ri ze Yom, tseMb°r ; ni- ussia has oc U' fed a . gia •moer of the Iaw. CmADO& write for notations. so a vAwASLS T "P. O. an tars dw.I a alp cal department, shows that t e meat►' to It is run oured tlliit p etrsllrer °' "' :r'""`° r. °' address perature was 21.55,• or 4.38 1 wer than the portion of Afghanistan- The other- morning myself and another po- �� PA N>r. Tor°nN' D>s. T. A. eLOCtnt, average of forty-six years, and 6.61 colder Prince lexander la of Bulgaria, ,will fireman were standing at the corner of Broad l $• 'aP pad QO.r ��° Y8 St.. T g Y - . ' won't be positive as -- - -- ------ _.i 1 . i .1 than December, 1880. shortly s A for Egypt.' and Jackson streets. I At midni ht 1111 «'edneada o4 last week The Rt. sign budget for the past -year , to the exact time, but it was between 2 and W donst UMwIrs 1 end it their ad.antags 30 � Falls fell g . 3 o'clock, I am suite. Aar ou we'll know, ask the crd for our aka of Fun. and n g Ni are y fed tttluca ,y. Send Hamilton Scal , of the Upper Table Rock at g shows a ficit of £5,22`1,661. ! . I 1 • with an awful crash into th gorge !below, the night was dark and stormy, with heavy J for�priw list farm.. i - 1 The Din t Cable Company lost - £18,000 rains and f furious gusts of wind alternatin so All Styles of ved 111111111 carrying with it an immense gas of ice and last half b the was of rates. g ` rocks The quantity of falls rock is eati- Y Y At the hour indicated the 1.111 had ceased, W Hann � � ntario. STANDAR i ands. The (, will pr°babl visit Berlin on the and the fitful dashes of wind hsd been au- _ _ mated at 123,000 y yy SOLES The London Chamber of Comm see 're- occasion o Emperor W illiain birthday. perseded by a stroa , steady ; blow. From " u Memory . Marvel centl offered a size for the beat essay on Mr. G stone has n de reseed ever the southeast the blow came, increasing I We make a Specialty of I, r . Imperial federation, and a special cable- since he h and of the death of Lord Iddes- in its power every minutia. I was certain I D1 �+�� RYa j j that a storm was brewing or approaching, Hay StOCk and POrtab I Plat i at N gram announces that Mr. I. H. Turnock, leigh. - - and began feel W�hoUyuuuKeArt nc1w19y4Lt� u- Cure Wan- - of the Dominion Lands De artment, Win- The Su tan intends sending a diamond dertr,g -AUy L, ••�K Ir.4rutrl lu t nn r.+udluLt. HL•u�y rc t form Sales. NUMEwIIA'1' ALARMED. I ductione [ur 11.4.1 i clwse4e4,. n•alxclu� with /�pt•� nipeg, secured honourable mention. ring to the Pope and decorations to the Car- lone of ltr. PR'• -11�K• c'. sF' ,n " °' «r, It +•n "• w. N. ' t nts ostin about dinala. But a few minutes had passed when we dia• I oU� tt�� h� Ix, rs atr °014. wuoD and BEST IN THE MAR!(ET. Interior improvements, g X4000, are being made in th parliamentary It is a fed Rnasia 1113' -made proposals corned a bright reflection in the direction "g, F. O ETTE, Even. one auarsnteed. rin>Si all n the. Senate lculate to efull solve the Bulgarian from whence roceeded the storm, and at 9x7 Fifth A suns, IOear Torn. I All Styles of Trucks. t block, ,Ottawa, p- p y ca pear wing, the whole of which is sing repainted difficulty.. once we forme the opinion that a eonflagra- v i s Send. for tlluetrated and decorated. The electric light is being I- tion had broken out in that portion of the ® ♦ Price List. The Fri nth in T'ongttin hay a sustained a cif towards the Central Railroad yards. I 0!0- " 'introduced into the Senate a amber. series of defeats at the hands , of Chinese Y- ' � e BORNE & CO " "HAMILTON ONT . - At the annual meeting I the Montreal While watching, the unusual* sight, and taro , I ' pirates. mentarily expecting the fire alarm to ring 23 ADI�LA1DE ST. ., TORONTO. Board of Trade the other d• , a resolution i The Be lin official -J_ss say s the arrisons f P'1` 3' g out, we were amazed to discover that the All classes of fine work. fns. of Printers" Lelida .. `` endorxing the proposal to rovide a resr I on the we tern frontier. are to be lay el in- I ' . largely light did not spread or take on that fiery Slugs and Me Ftunirw'e.d for prices. - . Bence in the city for the Go ernes l:eneral, I creased. tint peculiar to fires. . - sari pledging the members t ' give it all- the - 'A strike of'30,000 minors in Northumber- Then a strange. t umm ,roaring sowed : ELM CIT - .!'. y- i aid in their power, was armed unani becante� audible, much the same as that - - - - , -- laud is i iiient, owing to a dispute about a M - � � r mously. wages• made by a coal- burning locomotive ill the HARNESS L s i . A battle. occured on the Detroit river ' ' the other afternoon between a large force of The con erence of:Gla stonites and Liberal distance. By this time several people had • - . • , Unio fat$ has been postponed until Parlia- . gathered to watch Windsor newsboys and a number of Detroit �tnee THE y'rRA"l+=E SiasT,, 1 THE MOST r SUP RB ; `i �- newsboys, clubs and stones being used. meat , The Canadians were ctorio sand drove the The Po has made riarigetnents to retire and at the suggestion of an earthquake a FITS i " . the middle of the street was I RE ■ y�: x-. uro n .war a for \7 Americans across the river. During the to Monaco in the eve t of a E pea stamped HA� - retreat of the Detroit boys two of them, involving Italy. made. But no vibration being perceptible, t "A ra SATO them rot aR n. oan a r aiml N�` S ' , , . , ' and the which had now come awful, 6"Um [ ha mad. the dlesese r FITS SPILKF%Y or sALIr • John Werra and le;rnest G isier, dropped British naval penei ors have been warned [H° slohr>irhafs a fire -lone et dr• f w.rraat my rem.dy called into bein co nod to the south east, soemtingly n being l3 , to o■rs the worst saw. ' Bee othan h•.e fatted tr ■o IN THEDR1D into a hole and had to be fix ed out. of the ability of g I . • in company with the luminous visitor, the tlaee■tbr: et ■ow Lti4sNvfnxa care. 6endstoncefora BASED ON NEATSFOOT OIL. ' Captain Douglas, B. N. ; , of London, active se vice. 1 ' �"'� o inion was reached that Au eta was about traa "'° a ih'rw setth. °i y iar.ulfu. remedy. oi.. . Eng.; is in Ottawa re resent n the Norden- pa ,000 to the P �' gals ro.t a. re to you ror.trlal, Eng.', p g China as agreed to to become the centre of a disastrous, death- u wui pars 'der"' DTa B. °' ItooT, I SOLD WALL HARNESS D EWis f .Idt Gun company, for the purpose of soli- America missionaries who suffered losses dealing storm of some kind. Then, too, . it � ��t 31 I � St., lUr�IlLO• . . citing the Dominion Gover ment for an or- during th recent riots. was noticed that the light, instead of grow- _,_ -_ . -- - -I der for ordnance, but it is n t expected any it is ex ted the militai ► `operations in ing larger, became brighter, and was advane. action will be taken at pr sent. (G�ptain Burmah ill be finished within a month, tug toward ,us with- Itghtniug like- rapidity. .. . . Douglas is having brought o t aeverall guns, when Get. Roberts will- return to Calcutta. The wind had increased in fury and calms which will probably be to ed after their i - : % i - . ..; - j The Fr nth Government has decided to in- mound the corners with enough force almost - --WITH ALL THE - i- arrive} in Ottawa. Major sacral Middle- r3' tary to t'a a man off bodil , JI. ton considers the Nordenfel t guns eatly crease t lean s extraordina mill rry superior to the Gatlin e'use in the North- credit fr 50,000,000 to 80,00,000 francs. wl. N'ERE FR�iHTEtiED, .. Pe $ but the scare'was of brief duration, for in a l West rebellion. Joseph and Charles Stur *e, commission few minutes the aerial isitor had come and i S P R 1 N PAR S S B O x, W H 1 T 1 OAK P STS', At the annual � meeting the Montreal merchant and millers, of Birmingham and one, gar abuve us, sweeping onward with N D IRON BRACES. Telegraph ompany, held in Montreal, a Gloucester have failed. Liabilities, ffi750,- great ra idit was seen a luminous cloud, g Ot•or ti00 of our "Ines now in use, and no oompisinte. Prices and Terms;to suit buyers. Send 'or turenlar. resolution was unanimously opted author 000. _ while close hind followed an immense - . izing the new directors to . ke all necessary The PO ; hhl�e instructed the Trish Episco- mat as black " the shadett of Hades. The E E' & C CURNEY CO TORONT01111-.'. - r steps to enforce the terms o the agreement pate to t with strict legality, in dealing noise accompanying was fearful, and was of i entered into in 1881 with th Great North- with'the agrarihn question in its present enough to bring terror to the heart of the __t_ -. 1 ' ' Western Tele rah Coma The resi- ,of th8 roe w'ho - . g P P Y• P state. staunchest man. Several g p- dent also promised that no ttlemerit pro- ' i The to ants on the Winn estate, ountyp witnessed the wonderful phenomenon ch►im- ' ' ,- - posed by the latter compan should be rat- d the evicting bailiffs, ad on ed that the black cloud moved in the shape - ' ' ified without being first ubmitted to a Kerry, re isle g u el but of this I won't be certain. FAR &� - l3 I reatened to fire on of a f nn special meeting of sharehol rs. yielded. hen the polio© th , them. USE 6N YO R, MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL -KNOWN AMER1 Ax. What is Deeded - An ava anche in t to 'canton 'of ilxisons', I i '' Two officers named Meza and ortrllto re- �- i centl feu ht a duel with swords in San Switz6rla d9 has destroyed thirty chalets. By evEry man and woman if they desire to s r I Y g The villa er s escaped destruction, but great secure comfort in thin world is a corn ahel- AtrfOL a 0 t, ct.0oal0o I 1. i . °� ass oil f. Savador. Meza'was killed. distresetp avails. ter. Putnam's Corn Extractor shells co tJ1tDE Nt Y e[t(itUti - At Brooklyn, Druggist. Jose h Maun, ' ' nest of Mr. in two or three da *and without discomfort Joseph Egypt, in ret�ponse to the t8 z. Have been awarded it du the last four y�lars. Try Moo PEiRLE" I 'i . three of whose children r Gently died of Henry M Stan ay, ,has sent one hundred or iq. A hun ed imitations prove the .- E smallpox, is also dead. Th two remaining trust blaclirs to take part in his, expi- . meat of Putnam's Painless Corn xtractor NINE G`p !,MEDAL . "LE QREASIEs for your Wsgow and Horss Powttesr ' i . at 11 children will die. dition for the relle►f of Emin Bey which is always sure, 'safe and pllnlesr. � �I UEE a: TV OIL WORKS by _ ' - 1;11 Official statistics give the stock of wheat The d Lieutenflnt of Ireland Bays b11e Bee �i�n�!tare of Porsox Ce. an each not- Q nn hand in California on anuary 1st a1s tie. Bold by medicine dealem I- SAMUEL ROOER8 QO.� TORONTO _ outlook far brighter fyhhi►n it was a few , I ' I 1. V I ._ j - - - .. .. :. Ij 1 ya I I I { 1 1 ,I n _., 1 '} , .. �. - .i. , I 1 . .. .I I l: I : ,' , , i 0 I• -. , ,I I . . . , .,. - �Y i.: _ ., . , . I t I' r .., I �` , t;. , .. . .- . .. 1 1 Y ... ... .I . -.- - ., \ I Y, T- i r ' .: - -, . I... 4 . ,. _.: t ` f.h b a ; .. i `:; t , w ?. ! �.,, } l l .Y - , i ( I " -- - - =- .. ,1-, ,'. . - - - i , 1. - - - - • - I _ N1AOVERTI8EMENT8 HI$ DAY.' t'arniel+s, IM IN This. - - - - - - - --. -- -- - ---- Locals —O Brien. ° dared a Y�r $ Little Maggie Ham. t W e lip R gi anti, 66 - " Local-- indinRitw n . . . Y a E: 5tepheusgfl of the best quality,, for the 'die `frail lamb ot'the 8o�+k, =+gate in the axis 11 I =' � "�'" 11 �neninR se so , and solicit the nago of Jesus." - ' - For Sale—Caleb RQSe of the far rs. Bu where yon e -, ' Sale— Dickie &Mar . . r ,, t 1 t 1 ' y g t I$ there in th homme a dtrlina' 1.' War still —Simou Fraser t �; j.: Yioo�mod tion. ---P. B. Forsyth'& Bro., z _; . ... ;, Notice — warren Woodruff1, 4 _; i tti ;) leering, ;ti Weak and ragile from its birch 2 'they 011 at a singular thin tha>1 ba eh� a$ �ert�oti� aka.:.', 1 Mark bow the dear lamb is tended, w eenwood lake the uWlcr day. • g pp o ' �otiee- -Jsu1, T, Rioharr?son t� Soothed its sorrows, wooed it mittbone ace The little son of 14ir. - arm to Rent— Thos..Pu • " Some sus scion as to the i q b• f n Years of s e --the son, not the old. 8 • - . gemm�essa ref O, the mother loves it dears n•t -had ben in the habit t feeding 1 r Local —P, B. Forsyth &Bpi. r � ,� the new 86c pieces now circulating has Since its first low feeble wail that abound in R the pickeral - ; . Variety Hall— Forsyth Bro . i' been caused by the want of the letter H woke the love that never dieth,- -. ~� the lake, especially One ,of enormous • Blacksmith3ng- -Thos. Hie a. on the rave a side, just below the wreath Deeper that her lamb is frail. see' . Otte ay the little fellow, while engaged at this from,a boat front of his father' Dog Lost -John Henderso of maples le vas. It is announc 1 s.resid . ed that C ose her tender arms enioIding, • board, Axtd hie identical „�iekeral, with aememory of A Wonderful Fish --J. Gre g. none of tote oinage of 1886, either �5c, Shield it from the, winds that blow; y To Rent or Sell— Casper St tts. - 10c, or 5e. p aces, has the letter 9 All its little wave of wisdom, the past wor h of all praise, swans to the boy, took' - se wants con` the 'appal o his jacket tenderly in hi 11�ortgage Sale =G ®o. �V. D cker 9 y ere need 'lie no fear of Mother is the Bret to know, swam with m to the sh s mouth, and' ,. Carnival Nunfber— Montre 1 Stat~. counterfeit o that score. ore. Then . . Little feet uncertain trying, en accrue flint the -, PA In operation— Olmsted & K mpthoYn; Zt Qives a sat adng. 4 First hard steps on life's htghwtiy, lad �vas'uneo scions it ran up to the house and brought • ! the famil d wn. It waited only long enough to see An exclia ge says : � Did • " o ever Ah+ the mother makes it easy, �"'� �I the boy resus itated, and then struck across the ' (��'', pick up a pa er in a strange totvjn and Guides the limbs that bend and swag. B purer- " � (T - --, . �W i .. see a large sl w adver Moth ramie count for Pickering, and is now y t' m6nt *ithout er is thy heart quite broken. , . at Oreig's tai or shop. Call and see it, ou exhibition PICKE:RING, Old T., JAN. 1, 1887• thinking to ourself or saying tb your That thy lily -bud lies low ? 1 _ 1. . neighbor : •�T'llat man must be do'i'ng an O, the love that craveth, eraveth, -- _ ' r T T T �/ immense, btt iness," or forming ' O, the tears that ever flow. i -- -- --- -- - -__ __ I '­,. L�C L1s1V S• lotion to' via t, that firm g a peso- - . - . 11 at the first . One there is, born of a •woman, " i' , ' i I . - opportunity ?, There is nothin ltke it, Man of sorrows, known.uf brief, ' i ' I'" �', / � �,� s , and wlte ' yet put an advei•tisem t in a ' 0 thou sad one, lift thy sore heart, i i =-Felt boots at cost nojv at L onard s.'' 1 g He alone can give relief. I " ' " .1 —Owing to rush of joU wor we have donatedlo m clr tone that nu , Have S, snow poor mother, bruised and broken, ....� �' i . 1. lieeu unable this week to get our of the oor -ho se, keep the editor out i . i. - r - p Ili His garden fresh slid fart, 1 • mail list 11 type, Hope to have it 8una,w I Never sorry, never sinful, - . I . ready by neat issue. , I Magg]e bath His tender care. G, ' ` `�etlrodist Church, Ficker' Sab- in wnwlrich wish t hanaway occurred • `- SALE f - - bath, Jan. Z3rd. 14fornin sub'ect ; -- AnALENA tESTNEY. - . g ve ended in some The Parsonage, Pickering, Jan. 17th. ' g J damage to the horse and vehicle, but for '_Christ feeding the multitude.," Even- the braveray an presence of mind of o --Ov i -: �` ing : �= Belshazzar's Feast." of our' citizen . The animal was ur- Cam b ] Overcoats at half price at R. & J. I'' . i.. P P' e 1 s, W1riLUy. I )o( \ :: —Mr- Arch: Matthews has o anew an I: i suing its mad "c rear down the front street ;� ' ` ' - I, office in Crawfordsyi }le, India a as a Chewing tobacco, 15c, Ili for 12 e, ' (and Wv R catch ng up to too when plug 1 .1 a;* �;:. veterinary surgeon. The loc 1 ..+Paper Wtruren Woodr ff, who )' at R. & J. Campbell's. r J • - gives him a great puff. �' anon at a gl ace, sprang in the situ- — For °your ordered clothiii ,;;g IShln� redllc ou Beware of lien thieves, as the entered tT3' . & 1 lame 1 the premises of Mrs, Y animal and by Sheer Rtren th of ,arms J, Campbell, Whitby. . Allison, on Tiiure- 1 tQ of Q o d S '. . day of last week, and stole nears all her drew the horse 'read down �o its knees, --For carpets, lace ° curtains, oretons,' � " before , stock:' fowl, near Dumbarton. and succeeded i postponing a nice little floor oil cloths, go to R. & J. Campbell's. • 1 ta, lil ,' �` j { -Take your- plump, handsom 'child- accident until s e other day. --A lot of, tweed just bought d ' ' 'f' w�' 111 joie' �ljf; n 4 tsoSt to �. R a in - eat few . ten to O Brien, Whitby and Osha a,• and stock this day, less'thfrn, half price. Call .� we ks'c sal • " Sometimes,' a subscriber says,syour and inspect them . at R. & �- • have them photographed. The don't paper carries to many advertisements." Wl�itb J. Campbell's, ' a V a big reduetlo� all live to grow up, and you wo ld not this objectipn ll be heard #'tom some y . fr t • like to forget how pretty their de r little thous, li there are more draw "five column paw'`' T our lreldy close rle : 11 _r. s; t � 1. faces looked. .. : p e S. of reading matt r to one of advertisiti s kits. James A. Palmer, of Cheboygan, �' -. W h #: t —We have` received .ti co " of the To such arsons ,. g' Mich., is visits �lve I I- I; py p it can be said, jf you , visiting at Mr. Chas. L, a °large n and an ,: - - - annual New Year address of the artier will read those vertisements careful' Palmer s.......kitas J. Pal�n er is visiting ' _' we 1 jj�� bo3•s o! the Bowma.nville Statesf raft —a throw h vet y friends in Cheboygan. I assor ed stock i, all -, tffl very fine and artistic piece of job pr ntin they will pro t out -° ca h,l An mtoiat �i� 1 A 0 1fO�i Cemet. I ' . l lS er ��,,,,, • • l. and a credit to the establishment from in the course of t} a year, than the a cunt Many of or 1i ' , . e11t 1� es 1• readers are not awAre that %ltted . " wool . which it emanates. Thinks. of money which L re paper cost yo ,and 1 - a comet can tit present be seen in the sky. ,a { ' —The editor of THE NEws bas to and if you care a ything for the w 'fare y '�ovember, and gQ `A'S awn �1 1. 'acknowledge the receipt of a very land. It was Srst noted earl in .T elo�w wholesale of your town you ought to be glad o see at that time had just come into visibility i - some A,O.U.W. Past Master's adge them, for they are every week telling the y mall, hazy sot in the s as a vex R j�1•eS • P k3 • 1 .ail '118 I from airs. W. S. �Vestney. The adJoining to a d tliose- be on Since tli wan good : " beyond of the at time it has travelled more . I ting ► t emblems and characters of the Ord r are advantages of co ins to this localtt t . that5 10 d act ss the sk assrn throw h i g sh told atte id this • beautifully ]land- painted on satin, and buy and sell. " —TI a Comnfer:ial Uni' H, Several conste ations y� p gg • the design of the badge is uni u ,and is now at the �� eat sale. q and ImPOrtant 8 Ott at Decision, western border - of Hercules. It has de- • i tasty. Justice Armour gave an imPo •tent eloped two separate and distinct tails, t� o�lbl�e o show -QQas• .. ` — A very pleasant time ryas ape I at � nom ant regards g the Scott A t at one of which is much larger than the ti , the residence of llr. Cuthbert Hol_ues, secede Hall, Tue day, in the (�uee �s, other, and aitlr the ! Heatih. In Decem er last a; niotior was traced from the nucleus tocmeye can be a mile w'e�t of Dumbarton, or F ids - ore than lu Friday made ±o gnash a c nvletiond a ainstj the de I 11IE E. L' evening last, by a sleigh load of y lino g epees in the sky. Just before daybreak ~' UIS• 1 _ . people from the village. Although the deferdfirt -for aidiil and abetting in the .it may be seen almost. - lirectly east, 'l0 1> - . sale of ht wor coutr ry to the rovi ions degrees -above the Iron on, and 1 in '` • iright was stormy, and the likelihoo of 1 P " d , upset was momentary, everyone en_ of t.ie Canada Te Perance Act. iThe nearly parallel with it. f Y R joyed the whole affair. elact ofTeucA was t] at he purchased the ,' " • : d ' " . h quor ' as all aide • and abettor. T Bend us The Aews. I I 1. -0h for Europe, California and • Iar• he �.. I Pound tri tickets earned judge is of the In order that we may carry out Ivith _ P goad for Si sit gpininn that t a - ..1 1iir rAlls to ret;iru. Also special cl el Purchase is not an ider and he quashes success our views cunuected with matters. — - - - �- -- - - -- -- f of local interest nuts utility, we have ' -� — — - -� -- i • " P the couvieciou. It-t ill be seen th t if �^-� t -`~? "� .; - 1 1;� tickets for and from England, Ire' u.d earnestly to curtest , the co -o ©ration f 1 and Scotland, (Ocean steert:ge only ,� l the purchaser of lit' for sold irnlaw f ll ,� P a �, I I (� ! 9 i► S' our friends in this and coot, `' / �� 33ritisli Columbia, Manitoba, is held to Lo au o cute runishab] ®b goons town - r �-- �� . C�iic �o y ships. As we carnet be "like a bird, in J`' t__.� _ r and all points beyond, with best ch 1Ce conrictiou the infer er kould be deer ved - - �- __ -_`_� `� p of his strongest weep n ofattack anti ,ro- two places at. once," to uKe the Sotrtewhat ItiT �'IIJ«► of of routes. All roclirabla froru E. Ste th- THE` N 1Ap, ApI'I10AC ensPu, telegraph and ticketotfice,«•liit v. hibitn•euneastuescow deasily' be evaded. confused Fimile of Ivaor faddy, there may OF THE . .. � -` All tivarauteed at rook bottom rates. --It is a fact —at 1 .ast it was told u as Le fr•equentic many events, calling for H , • —The Christmas number of the M n- a fact, that the photo slips it O''Sri re's notice a• auiivad�tlrsion, taki +ig Iiluce ,r tress St fr was a gigantic success, Lei window at Whitby, re so life -like that around lie unkuouu to our editorial ken,, ' . i. ` • now in great demand at $1. ti coed , fo 19 when people pfisa ti \ Now when a murder is eomtnItted, or an `1 . � i . • I y fancy they are I elopement occurs, or, a bridge is iu a den �` I ' : dines the put ►l;sller'� rli��,t1G it ]s to ,e liviuh, and.+ call out : Ah, there 1 ;rlorniun ! R °d gerous btate'of delapidation or au i I bog to announce tI fit I have otv on fraud a full and complete ktock of ec.:I;seci l,y the eomin�q Car:ni'vaI numb -r i ignorant _ of the Star. This, the Queen's Jubil a tiVb down fimashed: . { J.P. JP rides tyrannically on tire, top of hie ometinig uuri ❑ =� commission, or a gooseberry bush bloc i ' •• I st• Thursday nigh year, will not be goon forgotten by Ca Y K sores in winter, or an other Vw0alwatches, ,!Lch, C�e'DPelr _ _ adians. The Cxruit xl number; of t e solve. parties unknurti threw two o iron Y nine days' f an d Sst�erare " -- - ` alai �l wonder happens. in the nei hbordily ►' Star i..11 fig it indelibl • on the. mind f E i runners "throw h the large front R , Suitable for Holiday or N ecldID Z Gift , nil of which I 1. I 3 window of the ciub•r oms of the Sons what is to hinder some• intelligent sub• alit re a I e� ercLodv. The (,arrival Star is to a scriber on the !spot from sending as lowest possible PriceH at which similar ttilar goods can be sold. P p red to offer at tL0 . so;ne- forty odd mammoth pages, wit r al wing smashing a $1.50 pane and R a the Jetcc•!ry Iju mess tn. X hitbv for the ast t, Having been in allowing the scow to c rift thr ouglt. Ar `Mull, true and particular account" of p hrr ty years, and t plate suppleuleuts, each worthy of the affair. «'e, will willingly n the haj fug gained it reputation for honesty in all 1, franTe, and each good ��ale for the cost f effort was also made o smash in the P Y trsiness expense incurred in trausmittiLg through tranKac>tions,which Mean to uphold, urchaserK tl,e whole paper•' sash-and thus virecxl. t le entire ttiirldow. p Isar' klajesty's tuails, the information ; m rely on all articles l,eint,� as represented. InSpectlon solicited. The missiles tliro�vn might have caused ay Change of Pnlnitk. 1;e� . Jtr. 1l,tttlten s rrFaclied iu Queen I entered pewee snore tlf irlage had. they and if the writer be nvt accustomed to street �Iethotlist church, L'ownlauvil]e oi•=. foob te't'ra westw•ard„s the r'trnl►ositiou we will giro the substance O �. N T 0' . 1 >u tit;utla3• last. I►ec. kit. �Voodger, the hrt�anrecei�elll tlas.btans ing open, W Ill] of the �orumuricatiou in our own lau. _L low. As the Sons of gun °a Pract iczl �'4';;tc 1ru�ker. Brocli street, Whitby, � `m." 1,reaclier cu Greerj>,•ood circuit I'hest have no a emies u the -- :.. village to Lost on the "Naar." _' - - -- ore,al,ied the pulpit here- He i; quit their xuowled ►e -_- - -- - `- --- - - - - -- -- t -'-T 1 " elo�luent for x new begiurer, and nit•e I criine on ati bo 'they carnet tasteu the Oro tla,y last week tiff estO&ned voting i - . promise of;making an excellent sbeaker dr 11113 t13 • A though they have friend of ciurs, sad his wife, 'froru kt'hitb • - • _ =a. opped this afi'air*, Alfa •'wis laid 3' - * . - Wolf in the rold,y+ h the guilty • 1 a visit to a friend li% iu west sand I ' _ C►ii the inside papas of T1tF \i;/ y i. I saatt pull ishablercrand t tat Ruch conduct south o! tlio village to spei,*1tF, aftQr1i0011 . coiuii'en 1 irne, red that if slid evening. *. . - ct d this week one of the most i repeated neither. time nor expense will be The Lours slipped ralritilly interestiur; serials that has yet appeared, p P away, as they al�cnVs d. when the cow• I C mike i.iost stories, it has an e�:cellent Ou the sari ep�eleevding the guilty parties., pant iR t) letti:nut nuts the surruuntliugs l/s li 1i E �j �T nisi','' some bo3 +R threw a cosy+ find. it was el ©yen o'clock Phi OA'''R IETOR. inoral, and cauuot fail to please all p.m. be. ' stick of stove wood thro igh a window in fore a start for home. was contemplated ` •I classes Uf our readers, „both of =1 a.nd sir. A. I'iirdlay'F store,. reek' It h I 112t1`'fJ taken t 0 above T • L'e sure and get the opeuirg Pane of Klass. The par es were seenigin a4i 3' luring the Ede auLd drifted cow 0� 8 1I11S, alld x-111 ai.- 3ounn, eiderabl c - Ways keep Flour wbiel b cllfipters. }, the boat CSllnOt 8 b8£lt. • Try It ( ' the apt, and will sma t for• if. Such tried to pursnado the couple to romaru aDd. you tiVill Ba it i8 °Cl e �est q. Laid Down, , _ destructivPnessis a.diRgr ee to thevillage. g , but the •invitation tyaq de over ni ht Y you ever 'used.,:. . Oii Saturday tin ruin+~ 'flie.bloo y lftst llr. G, m of beaut" is but the tran. clined, as there would be no difficulty A specialty lu -de of - Cornell fiat] his 'copse it front of liessrE, sit of life. To -day itwa, here, to- morrow Ching. the kit stop - hickie & :Marquis' store, and while in- whatever iu tea E�ChadY I - gone forever, Though s me people would well, after goodbye greetings had been . �"� ng lour for heat side, the animal for some reason or other 1 t give thousands to prt►s rvo their beauty eachauged, a start wag made, biit the f decided to Have a roll in the. snow. For- throughout life, MieO' rien, th �w]iitby and am giving more Fl ur per Bushel than C _ tunately its action a ae noticed in time to P s;r'aplier, w }]1 gla ly do it for -R fe dpi ter soon found that the sideroad was can be bete R, blocked up with snow: H© got oat and 1- �O C18C.11e1'e. T save the shafts of the cutter from bei d °liars. 1. being let down a fence, crossed a few ditches, 1 smashed. Bran and Sbo is always o`n' hand. jTltiss 8itltt•., i and started through the fields, tom li Evening patty. is , An exchange says •- • us ti h • an "any mtin tell ntenting himself drat be had left dirtpi � H E A rz W .,� N' W .M Z `r I. A large load of our yotxn peUpje pro- 3 it is that when s many men want eulty behind trim. fie drove for half an • seeded to the residence of Mr Joseph credit, they: trade.'at h me; and when bom' and wondered why he did not come Highest epic palCl, Apr Wheat. the a cash the J�o it a ? to another fence ; still wonderin Y -he. Gordor, on the lake shore, on �'ednes• P Y y : We have - Clay evening noticed a good.man ti es that the reran . . ' ' Y 3. GREEN'._ . . „ of last week, and kept up a . Y drove for another hour and then con- - contirual run of mn'sie, ,sin n times, who takes a Toronto a r,' a s eluded that he had drivers right over the ' - _, g, g p ,y for it in 1 `' and so forth until the "wee sma' hours advance, while his I h me paper gas fetwes. and never noticed them, but could avant the - twal." About twelve o'clock delinquent, as thtitt�;h it vas an accommo. not account for the length of time taken ` +� Nits- Gordon invited the party to the dation to the pub 'Jisher t send it to him to reach the Kingston road. Presently ....'.. , _ � _ -. • dining -room, where a4 excellent spread year after •year for 'not ling- We Have the horse came up against a • fen y Tw ' : i awaited th noticed h fence, an em, after wl ' tat men an d itch th d om . . e evenrn en who we he gave a si h of O �� g Q R relief , was recommenced with renewed enjoy _ large' dry goods bills at ome, go abroad at having at last _ . reached the front v cad, and as he let the, I . — o Ment. It was ore of those affairs which anti pay ' ill down for what they get, fence down, he peened through the howl• J i , , we•.have nbw' in stock a full line of those present regret to name in the past 1 We- have noticed that w en men wished in storm, and imagined lie saw a build- to buy a wagon, drag o plow they al. ing loom up darkly a few rods ahead, 1 I. tense. 1 • • a >Dsefui -Work. j - wad's nay cash clown t . agents, while Just picture hs a liazefnent atlren he � �eed►�f Sep. gje► r� VV rst�,`ds CQ('�r 11r.yGeo, J. Bennett; " nears echtor/ of their- fi•iend and neiglib r is obliged to discovered that this was the vet h k erews' i ,• the Toronto Evening.. T,elegra»a, who is wait for a more convenient nt sensor. �t'e Y Dose and Tr userin he had left three hotil'R before on starting I I'., g I = 11 ought to hang to together better. `Ve for horiie. Investigation proved that the 1 1 also Grand Registrar OfAbe Grand•Lodge ought to be just to tl' *e • ho have been couple had been k'V I1C12 ° of Canada, A. F. & A.Irae just issued n making a diligent circle U3 0 th e public at prices that can't be beaten.. . - __ accommodating to usJ before we are of fr large field ad'oinin the pease for o The FreeinOn s Popket -Book; Diary generous to those Iwe do of know. Too the last three hours, then bliudin' storm ' and Calendar for '1887." It is a .cow- i . . � prelreusive" �ttide t5 the Grand many incur new tabliga one when the preventing the driver from.. taking his Suits Got up m the 1 �est Style a�d La�es� 1 bpd washerwoman is gait tin id, and when b gs• It is unnecessary to state that ,��l��s _ Subordinate Lodges of the Dominion, and the owe for earir I a second invitation to remain all ni ht at, love figures by.the new Tailor, J. Gres 11 may be correctly termed the Masonic Ago and for thecoodstt idt ate themm ,especially as their host "Enquire Within." No Mason should comfy rtable, Be n the Pointed tot i :efused t j , he without it.. The book comprises near- b squaring a New Year right P lit ed out the similarity of their ex• The late$ sty'et 'Q F�►gli and Ame Bari. stiff IIath 3' q R p. He is a verse man who, patience with that of the late lamented • �y 30o pages of useful matter, elegantly opens. the New year free of debt. Tim ally Gray. A start was a a' WITH IMPROVE FLEXIBLE B P encased in leather, gilt. edges, and costs best reROlutio map can fo m is to pay qtr K to l�tada 1 , r .', fJ ,,.r '. ... I. " . 1nl evcruty -Ave for home in the m . m'�,; ,, cents.: < r .1 they g was orttin , wh trust , r - ;1 o• lc we k , I . reached itiitlloat further lxtisbap, m j }. i:.F i. �J1 1�. 1 R n r.,_ :r.) .. . ­ . ­ i.. I RE - I i -1 _12'��s.l � - . f I r . ". - : I . . . f. .. • , I ,' x �• .:.,. � , ;_­ �. -"I' - t . ., , . t I ,, . . ...%- I . . -. , :l - - I.. t�f .'r. . I I "._ _i­­ _ :_. . . f • _ z. t ­ .. . ..::. .. Z »h E Myna:: : I � Ij 3 . ­ , � _ - .1 *A " , . :�­. ­ _. -" . -. '. k .. taw M, J f ". .1 1• ('r Goa. ­i ­_ 4 I ­ . � � pp� 5� ::k: 4s. I .i - -� -�, ,� - .. .-.. � . " .. — - t. pv.,t; 1 3 .11 ja .. - . i :..: .: :..rvr. � 1 I q- Y ­ � 1 I 4. -,ran a.. -• ,• ...., H.. a "I. .�i.'. ...'' ­ . • _ � S W F i -\clan -. .. _. t .. - ... •. .} •a y1 ,. 3 t b as :N . J0 I III ill .tx - U. H � -r .. � a��w "k- �..a ,:�f -.'`�' .pro . � -.m°�. -. '- ti. W��. -1 - I rtIELD B,e CIbN, pictering, Ont. to 11:tf0 ; evenin - DW. FEI . COROv to 10, evdnin,z STORE, Brock supplied with cheap for cash • B. BU I:* TER, ti - tinter, &c•, Pit" collected. 1i'�' m-N L. r and 80lici ' Deverell's Bloc funds to loan terms of pavui rr tl O `i k 1. and Soli commission. ing ; open c�• ID -- ELAM1• 1, E \GLL, - r - 'in Chancery Toronto Stree Money to Loa DAriLBON 13L -• Ert'aLrtis. -' . E;- FA . rj RISTE . `I Countv Solicit 1 .• fi0i' cal- 0 erinary Coll. ehoer, etc. tt and my ac Whitevale, Ci tend the disc• forge, Oreeu 1 ,VW ednesday, - A first -class R. Veterinary it tine for horn - by nigia gr 1, . dress, vreen N • RiCTI.kII 1 s:oner & stokes" Special atte , • paring ned'eS- R. - V _ D . co:},- affidavits, 1 Money to 101, , Brougham. ------ -, AA. 1't : for t : and specisca building. St ventilation 1 corner Dun• Residence- . :; • ,, ,.., ,.. , - POIvCIII Auctiol' South Ontar orders by let rhos. P „ncll dress, THOS. A. R. ROWL --, -.1-1 � .HOS: ' 1 smith siand,i Pict: • . 4usiness ca will contiuu us a trial- - . dcne at the I'tf T AI 'i�\ , 1 Wnitil kinds done= , imin: ,nix= •• „ fish Lead u. ` Tv%I \� I JOHN \Takla. ! proiuptl� a: L hip. Doll ' I News, r.in;: '. - -- — .�, . : =:. • TE \iP • l 1 wood`. house is a . accoinnioda -and c0tiin,. . I shall ra .11 froin niy f, in Gteeilwo . G 0 J1.11 fullq - � . :., a fine new I .j. style. Evfj Travelling it J and sheds. PBROU G roprj • • • Poucher, tli throughout ante 'hous; . -ti . land. A cal hostler alw i 1: - ' - ti- .,.•._. • T?ARTh I 1 less I can obtain inetruetio.; Miss A. Music ro i� '-` opposite .. . JOAN .,-. MY f�peciF DEFY cc mans' ”' F1 y � � W �v the . awt ! � ' • one can do Bret start. �, 3; not delay. [• address an � Eo at once. . � `� , F. t ,_ -t A ,11 6 %5 f . . • 4 - ,, ?'a -•. ��,�