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The Nautilus
1:515 Kingston I{d.HwY 2
Icwellen 'Making
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Thurs. 1'o !1.30 p.m.
Vol. 25 No. 26 flickering, Ontario Thurs. July 3rd, 1975
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Tabloid Day At
Woodlands School
The annual Tabloid Dav at Woodlands Centennial Public
School in Pickering was held on Tuesday. June 24 this
year Some of the activities in which students participated
%u -re the egg toss_ the obstacle course. the caterpillar race
and the tug of war. This last event was one of the highlights
because of the waterpuddle that separated the two teams.
It was a day of great fun for both teachers and students.
11ic•hard DeSouza 1 Grade 8 � desperately tries to avoid getting
wet i n the tug of war. i Photo - A.C. Verhei•j
Tug Of War Is
A Muddy Business
Kill Hill
Before It
Kills Us
Nblind hill on Liverpool Rd. Pickering Council decided at
North has caused two fairly
its last meeting. Amotion
serious accidents in recent
from Councillor Alex
weeks. Reducing speed
Robertson to improve the
limits to Zi m.p.h. and in-
dangerous conditions at
stalling for -way stops will
Liverpool Rd. and Bayly was
not curtail reckless driverxs,
defeated by a vote of 4-2. "I
had the misfortune of wit-
nessing one of these ac -
(idents involving a speeding
car and an elderly gen-
tleman."' SAID Councillor
Robertson, who demanded
that Council quickly im-
plement the aforementioned
corrective measures.
Robertson later warned his
colleagues that their con-
sciences would re -direct
them sooner or later. Mayor
George Ashe stated he would
never support 4 way stop
"They're a blasted
nuisance. " he said. "I
believe they cause more
accidents than they
prevent." he added. 'Mayor
Ashe said he has already
talked to the police about
arranging additional police
surveillance and enforcing
the present 30 mile per hour
speed limit. "The big key to
this problem is enforcement
of our present road rules."
the \favor continued, before
voting against the motion.
fie suggested installing
standard warning signs as
an alternative .also
suggt-steel in another motion
was the possible redesign of
the life threatening hill and
:i stud} toexaminea possible
�••rt_ �� _. ,;;_' -_� f'. .. -... t reduction of the <peed limit
• .K,yi -�l� �"'� ata later date Councillor
Hohertson �. oted against this
�� fir_ -,� .� './,, ,�,.-• matin twc-ause. as he put it.
"I can't >;u with
�;Ar ' : pissit>tlitres
The tug of war at the annual Tabloid Day at Woodlands 'K.4
Centennial Public School saw grade 7 students. Gerry
Deighan and Ron Caissie hit the mud but good. (Photo 't a1
4:120 Kingston fid
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Page 2 THF, 'SEWS/POST Thurs. Jul• 3rd, 1975
Ottawa Kills
Nixon Chances
-Nhout six months ago, political pundits concerned with
affairs at Queen's Park were busy predicting that Premier
Davis and his Conservatives would he losing the next
provincial election. But always aware of the Conservatives'
ability over 35 rears to rescue almost any situation, the same
observers were making their estimations with tongue in
Well. last week the federal government handed 'Mr. Davis
his win ,when it imposed a ten cent tax on gasoline. The On-
tario premier seized the opportunity to stand up for the
provincial motorists - the same folks for whom he won't build
ilow•ever, as the average voter's memory is short-lived• the
expressway issue has been eclipsed by the immediate.
direct, obvious extra cost for the automobile. if Mr. Davis is
politically astute - and all signs indicate that he is - he will
announce an election for late September or early October.
Our sympathy goes to Robert Nixon, the Ontario Liberal
leader. who has been left high and dry by the Ottawa
Liberals. who seem unconcerned that Mr. %iron had an
outside chance to become the first Liberal premier in Ontario
in 3.5 years
Nir Nixon is further harxficapped by %omeof his candidates,
whose previous political reeords are not exactly one- which
suggest success at the p)16 if ever a political leader were
frustrated. it must he Robert Nixon.
This newspaper has predicted the results of even election
in last 2'S %ears and at this moment. we predict that the
Consematiyes ,ill win the next provincial election
In our sur ey of public opinion in local areas we found that
most people were astonished that there was a doubt about a
W , m The Hon Tom Wells' new education hill to give
teachers the right to strike certainly has removed much
discontent F:ve'n the liberals and New Democrats ap-
plauded him in the legislature for Bill 100
The criticism of the provincial government's waste of public
fund, appears to pale beside the budget of the federal
i;overnment. which despite the current recession and cosLv
,tretch, continues to hire more civil servants
The Spadina Expressway issue will he red hot in North
York's ihownsyiew area, but some Conservative candidates
.-ire for the expresswa%. which will also frustrate local
Mr Dais' stand on '•law and order" is bringing favourable
response from a number of citizens and has hrought Metro
I'Aice Nssoociation president. Sid Brown. out as a possible
candidate for the Tories
Nlmoest as though planned. the Conservatives make news
ever% day with another well-known candidate, or another
pronourx•eme•nt from William Davis. which is topical and
designed to influence another sector of the voting public.
Meanwhile Stephen Lewis is wrestling with the intriguing
idea of having Dr Morton Shulman run against Mr Davis
however, it may not happen as Dr Shulman's demands are
almost impossible for Stephen Lewis to meet He wants a
guarantee that the News Democrats would balance the budget
if elected , a trick the Grits and Tories have yet to pull' i and
the famous doctor also wants it cabinet post With the current
%oter trend moving away from socialism. Stephen does have
his problems `-
Rut who knows - in politics some future event could turn a
,ignific•ant part of the public completely around and the
Conservatives could he replaced Our bet is that they won't
---------- - - - - - -
Supports Increase
ik'ar Sir
i am one person who is not opposed to the increase in the
price of gasoline.
Although Me a gallon sounds expensive to us. this price is
,ell below the going world price. This price is now in line
, it h a large pack of cigarettes ora hottle of beer.
1'11 bet m% gas tank that hars will still be as crowded as ever
as 'the little man'. the one suppsedly hardest hit by John
Turner's budget. continues to pay top dollar for his habits.
A look at European countries will show Canadians the true
signs of a fuel crisis. in France, big cars are virtually non-
Citizens motor around on mopeds and in small economy
cars They use their vehicles only for long hauls. Walking is
the most widely used mode of transportation.
If spoiled. fat -bellied Canadians want to live like kings they
must he willing to pay the price.
i am willing to pay for necessities because I know the excise
tax is helping this country get out of debt that we as citizens
hi•lpcd to incur.
It's my guess that 'the little man' will still opt for his big gas
gobbling machine and will still drive to work rather than take
some form of public transit.
So let's not he hypocritical and oppose the gasoline price
increase. Let's be realistic and support our government.
S. White
A Kiss Miss Canada. Terry Meyers. paid a visit to the Agincourt branch of Royal Trims
week as that company celebrated its tooth branch opening. Miss Meyer thanked .I;rmie i
for his rose with a kiss while sister. Leslie sporting a beautiful black eve watched V 4' .
For Rose Toronto area sales manager Fred Crease. and just behind '.hiss Canada is Archie Nested
manager of the new Agincourt branch. a Photo -Bob Watson)
Answers Asbestos Criticism
Dear Sir -
in her letter printed June 19th. Anne Mare Hill, suggests
that the Progressive Conservative government has been slow
in responding to the concerm of those who live nearby and
till who work in ashestos plants.
If Ms. Hill. a candidate in the forthcoming election. had
dmw some research. she would have learned that Ontario
,tarted surveillance of dust coeditions at asbestos plants on
Se•pte'mher 13. 1949
Nis Hill would have the public believe that nothing is heing
rkww However, about 3.000 asbestos handlers in 135 plants
:ire re¢ulariv surveyed by the Ministry of Health kith mobile
o trent
-<-ray units.
Themasttroublesome factor in dealing with asbestos is that
the effects are accumulative and it is often 30 or 30 vears
before itis known that a man has asbestosis.
Ns I've noted before. the most distressing part of this ex-
perienic•e is that we cannot make our improve- ments
retroacitye There have been, and there will continue to be.
;advances in technology and medicine
I Ontario's Ministry of Health has guidelines equal to the
,tiffests in the Wesern World with regard to conditions inside
the plant
The air in the community near the Johns -Manville plant in
1e-arhxorough is monitored by the Ministry of the En-
i ronme'nt since 1972 Fright samples taken from August 1974
to Januar 1975) were all well below Ontario's 24-hour am-
hient a it oluality cfiteria of o 04 fibres per cubic centimeter on
tuts of fibres greater than five microns. The samples,
analyzed h% the Ontario Research Foundation, ranged from
a reading of zero to (V2 The samples had been taken when
---------- - - - - - -
Deeply Disturbed
Editor's Note: - Pickering Ward 3 Councillor Ken Spratley is
%oicirig his objections to a misuse of a fundamental principle
in the case of Dr. Henry Morgentaler. His letter to the Prime
Minister is reproduced below.)
Dear Prime Minister Trudeau:
In March 1 was shocked to hear that Dr. Henry Morgentaler
acquitted of an abortion charge by a jury had been sentenced
by a Quebec Court to an 18 month jail term.
As a layman knowing little of the law i was deeply distur-
fied in my view the voice of the people is supreme whether it
be %cot ing for government or a decision of a jury. I came to the
conclusion that it was a mistake and cooler heads would
It is obvious now that Dr. Morgentaler is not going to be
given his freedom by your government. This rape of the jun
systern tri• appointed judges who are not answerable to the
people takes away a basic right given for the protection of the
common man at the time of the Magna Carta. We are now
witnessing a return to the divine right of kings. With the
denial of due process to the Doctor. I too am denied. fie was
found innocent by a legally constituted jury and no individual
or group can change that.
i am not prepared to accept the jailing of Dr. Morgentaler
and in protest i am going to write to the agency which has
.jurisdiction over the naming of juries and indicate to those in
charge that if and when my name is selected i will not stand
as a juror until the sovereignty of the jury is restored by the
release of Dr. Morgentaler. i will accept the consequences.
The faith that you would protect the rights of Canadians
,which reassured me during imposition of the War Measures
Act has now evaporated.
Yours very truly,
Ken Spratley
Councillor - Ward 3
Town of Pickering
the prevailing wind was Mowing from the plant toward the
It will take the co-operation of the employer, the union and
Government to ensure that plant conditions are the hest
peossihit, i would hope that Ms. Hill would help to foster that
eco.operation if she has a sincere interest in the community
Margaret Birch
Provinial Secretary
Ottawa Report
N. V. rtin WConne'll. Ni P
t'IIF F'F.i►F'NAI 0)VF.li\\iF.7%"T RFSi'(hNDS TO SCAR-
Ite ol;o it GII \FF I)s
I .ia Fehruar\ I ,as alerted by constituents of the Cen-
itmi;il e omnninify. ,here the Canadian Johns- Manville
1'!-i tit i , hae•aNA. to Ihi• potential dangers carried by the use of
' luc ;iht-stos in the plant This resulted in my raising
-iue%tiotr in the Ilot►s' of Commons and my writing to the
Ntintster of Consumer and Corporate Affairs in order to
-•xplain to him the problem and ask him to consider using the
Il:trardohis Producth Net tin ban the import of blue fibre
! have iust t)eo, }ee•n informed by the Mimters of Consumer
,ref t', �rpora tv Nffa irs and ; Iealth and Welfare that industries
end ceutsunwrs terve• been alerted to impending regulations
' lir —wild hon the imlaartahon by blue asbestos and the sale
-I consumer prioefucts containing free ashestns fibres. The
,,Ir 0 ronvonsunu•r products containing asbestos would
Iso he rt•kulatcd o that the% %%ould hear labels which give
-tor•tn ltuti ,in IN-ir contents and safe use
I li;i%v repAwwd before, research has revealed that
nhal:a on of Iree asbestos fibres is a potential health hazard
f ich c;in result in cancer The danger exists for those living
n the • 0 plants which use asbestos, as well as those
ekiri_ ithin the plants Experience outside Canada shows
'hat the hamrd w.-i%y he greater with blue asbestos. Although
f,liie• :ishesto, is not mined in Canada . it is imported in small
nnaints from So$hgh Africa for use in the manufacture of
-b—tot, ccRhent e•wer and water pipes and other products.
\o iiantcr ;appears to dist for consumers, however. from
,he presence of blue ashestos in water pipes, since these
fibres are no,i released from the solidified asbestos -cement
i\tun• The hazard is primarily associated with inhalation
•f t hese lihre•s during the handling or manufacturing process.
V, -r• Ihese reasons, industry has been asked to make changes
m Iheir pr-essing which %till eliminate the use of blue
. fteste, as moan as lnossible without depleting the supply of
-hcao.1rnhcnt pipe, to nninicipalities where it is essential
-1111 t0 acc•c•leratc current efforts to introduce control
t-roccduresduring the manufacturing process to prevent the
irculation of free ashestos fibres in the atmosphere.
The' lahelling of other forms of asbestos and non -consumer
products containing ashestos would alert workers, unions.
11 an:igenr•nt and the public. Proper precautions must he
taken toavoid inhalation of dust from thesesources.
Nlnuost all regulations dealing with industrial safety and
health fall under the• jurisdiction of the provincial govern-
wents and. as %ou know. the Ontario Government has been
conducting tests and strengthening the health regulations as
ebl•,. relate to asbestos
I �cas pleased to work with theRorough and with other
cleete'd officials from Scarborough, in particular Alderman
i►oug Calling in i,chose Ward the Johns -Manville Plant is
-ituated, in order to arrest the lx>tential health hazards which
lire toeing causevt by the use of blue asbestos. I will certainly
continue to pursue the matter in order that regulations be
adopted Io han the impor•ation of blue asbestos as quickly as
Scarborough lacrosse Association
llut all is certainly not lost. In 5 of these games they meet
Brampton and Oakville twice and Ajax once, plus 2 games
against Ennismore, whom they lost 2 games to by a single
The A jax encounter was a close one, as the end of the period
scores indicate: 5-5 after the first and 7-7 after 2 periods, the
Knights outscoring the Saints 3-2 in the final stanza.
Gary Nicholson continued his scoring pace with 3 goals and
2 assists, keeping his spot as the team's leading scorer and in
2nd place in scoring in the O.L.A. Central CDivision. Bill
Fagan enjoying his most productive season as a Jr. got 3 and
ridded an assist: goaltender Kent Wentzell played an out-
standing game defensively and also picked up 4 assists: Matt
Egan. John Dalgleish and Ward McKee scored one goal eahe.
Friday July 7th, the Saints host Brampton Excelsiors at the
Mid Scarborough Community Centre. In what has to be a
`must win' situation. The last meeting between these 2 teams
resulted in a 10-9 decision for the Scarborough Club. Greg
Williams counting the winner with just over a minute left in
the game.
The Saints will be at home every Tuesday in July. Game
times 8:30 p.m. and lif you like excitement, thats the place to
tin July nth, Ennismore will be the visitors and again on the
15th. Oa kville Clippers come to Scarborough on the 22nd, and
on July *-Nth. Saints close out regular season play against 1st
place Nlississauga.
Heres the complete remaining schedule.
Bridlewood Softball
1 aw•n King _7 - Tribee 17
Agin. News 15 - Wishing Well Pharm. 7
Ihiff c Es." 14 - Murphy's Rebels 16
Agin Lions 31 Vaughn Nurseries 19
Graham l.(cxse Leaf 7 - I,usty's Survey 39
A.h Cairs 3 - Novice Camptiel) 35
Creation D'Orlan 12 Loves' Esso 11
Burman Interiors 24 W.Well lions 13
Br Comm Assoe - Burger -Hut (Cancellied )
Presteign Can. Milan (Cancelled)
MS pN Ba
_'7 '.Hite Campbell 5
Piriemeadown 11 - Watwm's Warriors 10
Faster Pontiac 8 - Anchor Fish & Chips 13
Watsons Warriors - Faster Pont. (Not Available)
Anchor Fish & CWpcs - Pinemeadow (Not Available)
Ritchie's Raiders - Br.C. Assoc. (Not Availablei
D & 11 - Can. Acceptance (Not Available)
Can. Acceptance - Ar. Co.. Assoc. tNot Available)
Ritchie's Raiders 25 - D & If 5
I Not Ayailahle I
Agincourt News 10
Iawn King 2
Tribee 2
W Well Pharm 6
Agin Lions 6
'.gin. Lions 6
r of r Esso 2
'Murphy's Rebels 6
Vaughn Nurseries 6
A.B. Cairns 2
Graham I ooseleaf 2
[ALMY's Survey 8
Novice Ca mphell 8
Burman Int. 10
Creation D'Orlan to
Loves F:sso 6
W Well Dans 2
Br. Comm
Br. Comm. Assoc. 2
Burger Hut 3
Milan Barber Shop 8
Prestein Con. 8
Shopp N Mg 9
Anchor Fish & Chips 12
W'atsons Warriors 2
Faster Pontiac 18
Foster Pontiac 18
Pinemeadow• 12
Br. C. Assoc.
Can Acceptance
Ritchie's Raiders i Not Available)
The Shooting Stars 4
Northern fights 4
Comets 0
Bridlewood's Atom A team. "Reffle Investments." won the
B Championship at the Richmond Hill Tournament on Sat
.lune 28. They lost the tournament championship by a score of
Branch 614, 70 Salome Dr.
'Telephone 293-0812
South of Sheppard East of Midland
F'riday.luly 4th 8::V) p.m. vs. Brampton Fxcelsiors
Tuesday July 8th 8:30 p.m. vs. Ennismore
Tuesday.luly 15 8:30 p.m. vs. Ennismore
Tuesday .lulu :2nd 8:30 p.m. vs. Oakville Clipppers
Tuesday .luly 29th 8:30 p.m. vs. Mississauga
lllonday .luly 7th 8:30 p.m. vs. Brampton F.xcelsiors
Friday .July 11 th n:30 p.m. vs. Mississauga
Wednesday July 16th 8:30 p.m. vs. Oakville Clippers
Monday .lulu 21st 8:30 p.m. vs. Ajax Knights
4.. Nicholson
W. McKee
N. Burns
W. McKee
G. Williams
D. Lumlev
B. Egan
T. Claridge -
1. Dalgleish
K. Wentzel
Ni Fagan
S. McMillan
D. Gladwin
G Heitzner
S (h�inn
1. Matson
K. Rickard
B Porter
S. Radford
1 Heneghan
M. Higgins
GP W 1,
14 5 9
181 10
'rhurs. July 3rd. 1975 THE NEWS/POST Page 3
Block Powder Arms In Action
For a faing-up good time.
xou might want to visit Cold
Creek Conservation Area on
Siinday..luh• F, when Upper
C.irk)da liiflcw will provide a
demonstration o of of old
rime musket and hand gun
drill %cork. The "Black
Powder" arms action will
include the unit's popular
"Buffalo Shoot" demon-
stration in which members
Nalance rifles on crossed
sticks and fire at targets 100
years away. Action gets
underway at 10:00 a.m. and
continues until 3:00 p.m.
The popular area's trap and
small hore ranges will also
N- in operation as usual. It's
an inexpensive and in-
teresting outing for the
whole family. Cold Creek is
located between Bolton and
Nobleton, three miles north
of King Sideroad on Con-
cession Road 11. For fur-
ther information. call Metro
Region Conservation at 661-
:400 Midland Ace.
N ()I Sheppard)
John I) Thompson D.C.
I'hone 293-5164
Telephone 293-7191
Everybody has the right to
affordable housing.
This is what Ontario is doing
to help them obtain it.
In recent months. the Ontario Government has
introduced. or expanded. a number of measures
aimed at putting affordable housing within reach
of greater numbers of people. That means doing
two things— making more housing available and
helping you to meet home ownership costs.
Five Ontario Government programs are
directed right at these objectives
1. Home Ownership Made Easy (H.O.M.E.)
brings home ownership within reach of many
moderate -income earners. Houses are built
on serviced lots which are then leased by
Ontario Housing Corporation to new home-
owners, who may buy the land after five years.
This combination makes possible lower -than -
normal down payments and carrying costs
2. Ontario Home Renewal Program (OHRP)
offers grants and loans for home improve-
ments through local municipalities to low and
moderate income homeowners. This plan
works to rehabilitate sub -standard dwellings
— especially those with faulty structural and
sanitary conditions—and to upgrade plumb -
Ing heatinq and electrical systems
3- Ontario Housing Action Program (OHAP)
helps municipalities and developers to i n -
crease the supply of serviced land thus lower -
Ing the cost of home ownership and rental
accommodations. It also encourages the
building Industry to more closely match
the housing mix to the purchasing power of
the majority of the population
4. Ontario Home Buyers Grant provides a S1.500
grant In three Instalments to any Ontario resi-
dent who is 18 or older and buying a first
home. There are no price or Income restric-
tions but the home must be the buyer s princi-
pal residence and acquired at fair market
value The purchase must be completed by
December 31. 1975 and the buyer must be
living In the home by June 30. 1976
S. Accelerated Rental Housing Program
Is designed to encourage the budding of
moderately -priced family rental housing In
urban areas where there are very low vacancy
rates 25'0 of the units In this program are for
low Income housing. and there Is rent stabili-
zation In the remaining units
If you would Ike more Information or free
literature on these five housing programs.
write to:
Ministry of Housing
Communications and
Information Services
101 Bloor Street West
Toronto. Ontario M5S 1P8
Ministry of Housing
Donald Irvine, Minister
Government of Ontario
William Davis, Premier
Page 4 THE NEWS/POST Thurs. July 3rd. 1975
places to go
Summer Reading Clubs
The Scarborough Public
Library is noted for its
progressive views and its
modern facilities. it offers
}youngsters all sorts of
'library hardware' such as
films, a portapac camera,
records, cassettes, viewing
hooths for video tapes,
listening stations and
educational television
But its children's librarians
never lose sight of the
significance of reading and
the necessity to foster a love
for it with the young.
This summer there are
hook -oriented projects at
eight branches: Agincourt.
Albert Campbell. Bendale.
Guild%wxul, Highland Creek,
Morningside. Taylor
Memorial and Port Union.
Show Of The Week
Chinatown 9,30'
4th Great Week
•DDtD FlATW! 915
Shamus 740
»►d.,. 4.0. 7 ID
Sot - Sun
Each library has different
plans. For details contact
your nearest library, or pick
up the handy Summer Fun
Time schedule at any
some clubs have
specifically recommended
book lists selected by
children's librarians. Others
are unstructured with
children reading whatever
they choose. Some have
membership cards. and
some have achievement
charts with members names
set tip in the library. in all
cases, to get a credit a child
must give a satisfactory
verbal report. written
review or. in the case of
younger children. make an
original drawing inspired by
the book. Plans are under
way for a closing party and
lwmk prizes at some
'i hi-aries
Another look At "By
Women's Hands" Exhibition
Artist .Foy Walker created
the large t78" square)
colourful acrylic on camas,
expressly for the current
exhibition. By Women's
Ilands. at the Cedarbrae
District Library in Scar-
Celebrating international
Women's Year. the mixed
media of 37 paintings,
sculptures, drawings, relief
structures, textiles and
bronze medals is running
from June 9 to July 12.
.Foy Walker is one of fifteen
top Canadian women artists
represented. Her work here
is an excellent example of
her creative objectives: "i
want my paintings lush and
full of life. something to
contemplate, enjoying the
contemplation, something to
figure out. not easy to
grasp „
.lo Manning, printmaking
instructor. Fine Art Dept..
1'ni yersi ty of Toronto, who in
February and March
exhibited at the Art Gallen•
of Ontario. has donated two
etching aquatints. Space and
Matter from her "Paradox"
Lois Steen, painter and
photographer, is well
represented by her three
drawings. Modular in-
vention, Epic Series and an
untitled work. This fall will
see her first hook of ten on
Canadian artists published.
it will he on A, I. Casson.
Katharine Hunt, another
Artist represented in the
A G.O. show "Five Toronto
Printmakers", shows her
fantasy serigraph - Bobsey
Twins Gingerbread Dream
(louse and two other prints.
Olena Kassian, born in
Munich. now living in Corn-
wall and once a Scarborough
resident, gave three untitled
drawings that illustrate her
development from• the days,
when as a young student at
the Ontario College of Art,
she did poster art for the
.4 -arborough Public Library.
Other artists in the show
'written up last week by this
reporter, are: Mary Davies
' collages a Dora de Peder-
Ilunt 'bronze medals).
Donna Dick 'tapestry
Defer Wood Products Building hanging,. Diane .Johnson
' woven hangings, lta
`i%- Denise Romberg
An application for in-
dustrial uses that would
)-e rmit the manufacturing of
,% and products at a site at the
, orner of Bellamy and
A as deferred at a Scar-
c•orough Planning Board
,neeting last week. A
incision on the matter will
: wait a community response
,n the application.
According to the President
f the North Bendale
'(mmunity Association, the
,•xecutive memhers of the
ssmation are not in favor
-f the prnpnKa; because they
Kantaroff'sculpture) Helen
feel It hat the zoning will bring
more traffic to the area.
Alderman Frank Faubert
argued that the 'noxious
aspects' associated with this
industry may he harmful to
the residents of the area
whose homes are in close
vicinity to the factories
Two %%ood working
manufacturers have been
operating at this site for i1
months and 2 1/2 years
respecively, noted Bob
Mill,r. hoard member
"WM has there been no
complaint prior to this
meeting". he asked.
Lucas rlithograph and
drawings). Krvstyna
Sadowska c metal sculp-
tures). Jane Sartorelli
'hangings). Mia Westerlund
' mixed media) and
Elizabeth Willmott 'relief
stnrctures) .
Summer library
For Seven Oaks
Scarborough Public
Lihrar%. in cooperation with
tit Edmund Campion
Separate Sc•honl. will run a
summer library for
residents of the area during
the month of July this year.
The public library will he
placing a sizeable amount of
adult paperback hooks in the
-chnol library There will he
puppet shows and 16 mm
films shows for children A
-e orkshap for the productin
-f T' programmes is also
i cl tinned
The new service will he
Xailahle to the public ever
`A-Anesday from Injil) a.m
1 41111► p m starting .July
Edmund Campion
- pa rate School is at .3o
.rdeastle Road in West
!-it Librarian .Janice
nglois and Corliss
rx•h will assist borrowers.
For Fifty Years
1-'Iftieth wedding an-
�ersar• celebrations for
:ind Mrs. Allen Leith of
:pin Dr . included an in -
•...r outdoor reception at
'vi r daughter's home in
-tet Ilill.
-- � nntv-five well wishers
d hered a t the home of Mrs.
i cluinn on Sun.. June 222nd
congratulate Allen and
' , I Bred Leith • who were
u•ried half a centur_ on
i,,�x• �>Ilth.
'if- Lviths have lived in
;jrhorough for 22 years.
-1�'Ilen we first came. there
eren'l even streetlights."
. onfided !firs. i.eith in a
Telephone interview.
`She said her six grand-
children ldren keep her busy and
11im she and her husband
h;,re Wen very fortunate to
f,e enjoying good health.
Mr. Leith, now retired and
:in avid gardener, worked at
F-iton's for 17 years
Eliminate Mushrooms,
Bumps And Bare Spots
from Your Lawn
How to mow a lawm and
eliminate mushrooms,
bumps and bare spots is
covered in John Bradshaw's
Lawn and Garden Guide,
which is available to home
gardeners, free. John
Bradshaw is one of Canada's
leading horticultural figures
and is well known through
his radio and television
programs. He has prepared
the year - round guide for
Canadian industries Limited
and it is available free from
Cit. lawn and garden
products dealers. Ac-
cording to Mr. Bradshaw
here is how to mow a lawn
properly. "Grass makes its
food in the leaf. Cut most of
the hlade away and the
grass will starve. Weeds will
take over your lawn. "Set
the mower Nades at two
inches, and mow when the
grass reaches three inches.
Mow regularly, leaving the
short clippings on the lawn."
Mr. Bradshaw has these
suggestions for eliminating
mushrooms, bumps, and
bare spots. "Mushrooms.
Lift sod and look for rotting
wood -dead tree roots, for
example. Aerate area, soak
it to six inch depth and treat
with a fungicide. "Bumps.
Don't roll humps, it com-
pacts the soil. Lift the sod
and scoopp out excess soil.
Replace sod and water it.
(Follows are best leveled out
by adding an inch of
sterilized topsoil per month
until surface is level. "Bare
spots under trees can mean
tow much shade for the
grass . or. not enough food.
First try feeding CiL Tree
Food once a month. if after
two months the grass doesn't
resond. re -seed the area with
shade -adapted grass.
"Bare spots in sunny areas.
Gently dig out grass -plants
from the lawn edge, rough up
soil in hare spot anplant one
grass plant per -quare inch.
Water well. The bare spot
will disappear with a month.
Free Films At Libraries
At Agincourt Public
Lihrarv. Films for Shoppers
Will he .hewn on Fri. July 4,
at R::ItI p.m. There will he
four animated children's
films. Don Donald. Mama's
Little Pirate. Walter the
Lazy Mmi-e and Rosie's
Walk. Also being screened
that evening will he Safe in
Water. a film describing the
exist common water ac-
eidents and various rescue
f4enior Citizens are invited
to Slimmer Senior Cinema.
at Taylor Memorial Library,
fm flex) -h1k 7. at 2:'111 p.m
The two special outdoor
thriller films that will he
,c'reened are. White Powder
World. displaying spec-
tacular glacial scenery as a
-kier comes down the
itccgahof, mountains of
ftritish Columbia: an.+. Coral
.hingle a .Jacques Cousteau
film depicting tranquil yet
-avage coral reef waters.
''e darbrae L.ibrar, has a
t I Im show every 14'edm sday.
at2pm On July2nd,a 19:37
satirical comedy feature
film. entitled Nothing
Sacred. starring Carole
Lombard and Fredric
March. will he screened. it
%% ill he followed by a 1903:3
Laurel and Hardy film en-
titled Laughing Gravy.
People of all ages are
For children there are the
regular matinees of Dick
Tracy Films shown every
Saturday, at 2:o1 p.m.
through till September 13, at
McGregor Park Library.
'2219 Lawrence Avenue Fast
at Birchmount Road
1'hildren of all ages are
%c el cone
New V.P.
Mr. R. J. Mvirold has been
promoted to the position of
Vice -Principal at Sir Oliver
Mowat Collegiate. Mr.
M*%rvold's was former head
of Guidance. He will replace
fir. Bradford who has been
transferred to Wexford C I!
I'e' 1 Recording Star Grammv Award Winner
Concert FRI. JULY 11th.
Itesen'ed Seats $4.50 R $5.50
•T'ic'kets \nw On Sale At The Ron' )ffice
:ind;i t The font in Yonge tit • Richmond flill
Markham Centennial Centre
8172 McCowan Rd., Markham
PHONE 297-1366
Music, History
& Blue Skies In
The brochures say that
summer is swinging in a
hammock in Acapulco and
there is no doubt that a
holiday in Mexico is a real
Under the Mexican sun, you
hecome another person -
vibrant and alive - absorbing
the rich history of this
colourful land and respon-
ding to its exciting present.
Make for the beach the
moment you arrive. Here
.,-ou will tan to lilting
Mexican music and swim
against a backdrop of
spectacular mountains.
The water sports are ex-
citing too - parasaiting,
spear fishing, scuha'diving.
And when you want to enol
off, siesta in a swinging
hammock or tiled patio and
sip exot icy drinks like tequila
and n;arjrleritas.
During the sunshine hours,
you will want to explore the
mm) -%car old culture of this
land. or watch a bullfight or
jai atai
It's fun !o %%alch the divers
leap riff the c riffs at 1
Quetxada. Shopping at the
waterfront market for onyx,
silver and curios can be very
interesting, too.
A trip to Mexico City - just
an hour away by air - will
take you to music of
mariachie and marimba
hands and exciting food like
tortillas. tacos and tamales.
This time of year there are
low. summer rates for
Norda it flights leaving every
Friday until ()c•t. loth.
The round trip, first class
flights feature ac-
commodation at a choice of
three hotels.
The Caleta is a large,
nxlern hotel with every
room air-conditioned and
including private terrace
and ocean view. There is a
dining room and har,
poolside garden restaurant
and fresh and salt water
swimming pixels.
At the El Matador each
roorn has a six elac•ular view
of Ac•apuk•o Ray. private
Ikkttio, refrigerator, har and
music Therc is an in
ternatiorkal rtstnurant, fresh
Thurs..July 3rd. 1975 THE NEWS/POST Page 5
water pool with cocktail bar,
houtique, beauty salon,
harber shop, tennis and
squash courts.
The Posada Del Sol has 7.1x1
rooms and hungalow•s. all
completely air conditioned
and on the beach A fresh-
,ater pool is set in Inch
tropical ctardens. There is a
pian har and a restaurant
featuring international
dishes plus famous
'.Shalom" Kosher
For the time of your life,
%ou should consider
lle•x i cots Acapulco as the
next holiday trip.
S TH %%'F I. LTD.
�:ae �hrpp trtl
P:ckerirw 839-5191
tiexi oor the M" U U0
EL MATADOR E at h roorn ha, ,pec tacular view
of Acapulco Hay. private patio• r�-tngerator. bar and
music. International restar_rant. F rt,h-water pool with
cocktail bar. Boutique. beauty salon, barber shop.
Ter ris and squash courts.
CALETA I arge modern hotel, every roorn air-
conditro; red with private ter race and ocean view. Din-
ing roorn and bar. Poolside garden Ie,taurant. Fresh
and salt -water swimming pooh. Meeting and banquet
POSADA DEL SOL 200 rooms and bungalows,
all completely air-conditioned, on the beach. Fresh
water pool set in lush tropical gardens. Piano bar.
Restaurant featuring international dishes plus famous
"Shalom" Kosher restaurant.
Hotels 7 nights 14 nights
EL MATADOR $279 $349
POSADA DEL SOL $279 $349
CALETA $289 $369
MMC, ''.eate .
• Round-trip airfare from Toronto (via
Windsor) by Nordair DC -8, with delicious
meals and complimentary beverages
• I or 14 nights accommodation (based on
double occupancy) at your choice of
hotels '
• Baggage handling at Acapulco airport
and hotel
• Tips for maids at hotel
• Continental breakfast at the CALETA
and POSADA DEI - SOL hotels Ohl Y
• Welcoming cocktail
is I
. ,each bag, passport folder, baggage tads
and tip sheet
For complete information on this or any other top
value Travel nin I rnrrs Holiday Package
Or Coll Intervoc (Toronto) 361-1050
0111of town call collect r
x a m r I; nr %Ion Fri Mani 5p►n Sal. Sun
Page 6 THE POST Thurs. July 3rd, 1975
by Mary Horn
When Columbus discovered
Jamaica, his shipmate Andres
Benaldes called it "The fairest
isle that eyes have ever seen."
Its golden beaches and green
hills have been delighting
travelers ever since. In ad-
dition, the constant trade
winds keep this island a not -
too -tropical paradise all year
It's possible, in this earthly
Eden, to climb a waterfall;
cruise down -river on a raft
or dive for hidden treasure
at Port Royal, once the rich-
est, wickedest pirate city in
the world, sunk (for its sins,
some say) by a tidal gave
in the 1600's.
If you dig history, there's
a recently excavated Indian
village, the 17th century Brit-
ish fort where Horatio Nelson
once walked, and the remains
of great plantations. Or, visit
a rum distillery to taste and
toast Jamaica in Appleton
Rums. The Blue Lagoon is
crystal clear, ultramarine and
fathomless, and the Luminous
Lagoon etches its inhabitants
in streaks of light.
You can see that you view
the beautiful blue mountains
or Kingston's picturesque har-
bor from your private bal-
cony if you stay at New
Kingston's new hotel. It has
two pools, several fine restau-
rants, dubs and pubs, and
even lets your child under
12 stay in your air-condi-
tioned room free. Called the
Jamaican Pegasus, it's one of
the Trust Houses Forte Hotels,
with the best of the British
tradition of service.
After a few days enjoying
Jamaica there, you too will be-
gin to believe Senor Benaldes!
Sixty -Four Year Old Pefferlaw Grandfather Receives
Edward Sarasin, 64, of
Pefferlaw, -who has been
unable to work since 1972 due
to crippling arthritis• has
been cited by Environment
Ontario and Minister
William G. Newman for his
work in organizing com-
munity Spring clean-up
campaigns. Mr. Sarasin and
his wife Shirley are the
parents of eight children and
three grandchildren. Or-
dered to stop work in 1972 by
his doctor. Mr. Sarasin
immediately got involved in
community youth programs
and in 1974 and 1975
organized clean-up cam-
paigns along Lake Simcoe
shoreline in the Townships o
Georgina and Brock. Aided
tn- 40 volunteers. plus his
children and grandchildren,,
Mr. Sarasin's 1975 campaign
covered -0 miles of shorline
in May of this year. Three
Ions of litter was collected by
the group. During a brief
presentation ceremony at
Queen's Park. Environment
h1irtister Newman said that
Mr. Sarasin's personal effort
was instrumental in assuring
the success of the two
campaigns. '"The fact that
those who volunteered to
help ranged in age from six
to Mr. Sarasin age 64, speaks
well of the need for all On-
tariotns of all ages to get
involved in such community
projects.- the Minister said.
"He set an example that all
should follow." Mr. Sarasin
is the third recipient of
Environment Ontario's
Award of Merit since its
creation last year. The first
two awards were made to an
Oakville student who spotted
and reported an oil spill and
to a a Kielland woman who
also organized a Spring
clean-up campaign. The
Citation to Mr Sarasin read:
"Etiward Sarasin is to be
congratulated for the effort
he expended on behalf of his
community. neighbors and
the environment Although
Environment Ontario Award Of Merit
Pipe and cigar smoking
can damage
by David Woods
Cigarette smoking has been linked
to lung cancer. heart disease, emphy-
sema and a whole host of respiratory
and other problems. In Canada, and
elsewhere, television advertising of
cigarettes is banned, and cigarette
packages earn a warning that their
contents are dangerous.
Pipes and cigars, on the other
hand, appear to have escaped these
indictments and restrictions almost
completely. Does this mean that
tobacco smoked in these forms is
Not at all, says Dr. Norman
Dclarue, a Toronto surgeon and a
member of the steering committee
of the recently formed Canadian
Council out Smoking and Health.
The cigarette smoker who switches
to cigars or a pipe has established a
smoking pattern, says Dr. Delarue,
that makes him liable to inhale the
smoke from either. And that's just
as dangerous as cigarette smoke.
Even for pipe and cigar smokers
who don't inhale, some of the
smoke, inevitably, is going to wind
up in the bronchial and nasal pas-
sages — and even in the lungs.
Admittedly, that's not quite the
same as taking in the deep breaths
of concentrated smoke that the in-
haling cigarette smoker takes; and it
can also be said, in defence of pipes
and cigars, that the smoke they
produce burns at lower tempera-
tures and comes from tobacco that
is likely to be less impregnated with
health, too
chemicals. Moreover, it's only to-
bacco that's smoked — not paper.
Against that. it must be recorded
that cigars and pipes have been
clearly implicated in various can-
cers, notably of the throat and lip,
and in a number of respiratory
problems. The clear fact, as Dr.
Delarue sees it, is that taking smoke
into the body is obviously not going
to do any good — and may weft do
considerable harm.
While others may argue that pipes
or cigars represent an alternative for
the man who must smoke some-
thing, they offer no such option to
women (except in such tolerant
countries as Denmark where women
do smoke cigars). Perhaps this is
because pipes, at least, are such
noxious, messy, graceless and anti-
social instruments that no self-
respecting woman would be caught
dead with one.
It seems rather odd that pipe and
cigar smoking continues to enjoy
social respectability while cigarettes
are becoming increasingly ostra-
Perhaps, in considering the dan-
gers of smoking• we should be less
kind to the pipe and the cigar, con-
sidering them, as King James I did,
"a custom loathsome to the eye,
hateful to the nose, harmful to the
brain, dangerous to the lungs, and
in the black stinking fume thereof,
nearest resembling the horrible
Stygian smoke of the pit that is
Now if we'd put that warning on
tobacco packaging ...
ordered h - i l ong the
cease vmcoe in
).,ring a five-
strumental :r.
of Spring clean up ('ani
cit -on up campaign in
paigns in Georgina and Ntay. 1975. Mr. Sarasin and
Blood Donor Clinic
The Oshawa Branch of the
Canadian Red Cross Society
is sponsoring a blood donor
clinci on Thurs.. July 3 at St.
Gregory's Parish Hall,
Simcoe Street North. This
clinic will be open from 1:30
to 4:30 p.m. and 6 to 9 p.m.
t Dawson City hockey team
,et two Stanley Cop records
v.. hen it took on the Ottawa
Siler St•ven in 19(6. The first
record was set when the
txtrthe'rnem lost M-2, to have
the most goals scored
against any team in playoff
history. The second' was
ik hen ttttawa's fine -eyed
Frank McGee scored 14 of
those goals. the largest
Numher in any one game by
tone player These records
Mand today.
When placer mining
ttrieratioms in the Klondike
arca finally erased in 1966
total production was w•ellin
excess of $2(xl million. The
told rush of 1898 was
parked by discovery of the
nx>tal at Ilt)nanza Creek.
Today's treasure hunters in
the 1'ttkon are searching for
silver. lead, zinc, iron.
copper and tungsten.
Come out and be a donor and
support the summer slump
of blood donations
40 volunteers collected three
tons of litter and garbage
from 5o miles of Lake
Simcoe shoreline. Mr.
Sarasin, 64, who suffers from
arthritis of the spine, em-
physema and chronic
Irotnchitis, has set a stan-
dard of environmental
concern which stands as an
example for all Ontario
residents "
Hwy. 2 Rouge Me
No east of Rou 1p 8rfdw
Fresh Homogenized Partly Skimmed
1 % Milk plus qt. jug
$1 a 9
Al Red Brand
Prime Rib Steaks Ib. $1,39
While Thev 1.ast
12 flavours to choose from C
Ice Creamlimit 3 per family 1/2 gal. 99
A-1 Red Brand Boneless Round
Steaks or Roasts lb. $1 a69
Thurs. July 3rd, 1975 THE POST Page 7
Dayton Dayton Dayton Dayton
(shernishi d)
F78 a 14 01988
G78 x 14 - $20.88 each
G78 x 15 - $20.88 each
H78 x 15 - $21.88 each
Super Belt POIY ft Glass W/W
* Whitewalls �
* Radials
(Save 5 - 10% on fuel!) 9 ea.
* Full Size Range Subject to full Tire
(B through l) Consultant warranty
(While stock losts)
'Remove -heels. died cali-
oen condition ck Chemaster 9 5
cyknde. Check discs for Dura.
out and woof 'Labour for m-
ing from pods 'emove
rem drum%, inspect lining LYms mlt
condition and heel cyhn-
dors *Chock Broke lights .Ins- 14
Pecs and measure drum con-
dition 'Assemble drums and MOTE: o.., mecho me
wheels 'Final quality control •'I+" +s""E erre - a..r
test=+"`e•.�M S14 es
*06=20"6 aw eamlwe
and .}Eli" .odds •EI-
mtiw whw nen
d�� 95
>re. rete% yn"s�lslww for
rnbW, 4 wieels LEDER 0111T•C1em and Warks" +� r.rts .,r....
#Nwlrew 4
wbd "I& •Fsmlilw $soap. Cyr"" •"west Mia *a"
ln" Illoft 'Clod pow n War •Ftad ilini ty ceetrel
Cn it 13 00
each If4iJeach
1 E78 x 14- $26.88
r F78 x 14- $27.88
G78 x 14 - $28.88
G78 x 15 - $28.88
H78 x 15-$29.88
178 x 15 - $30.88
GR78 x 14 - $45.88 each
HR78 x 14 - $54.88 each
GR78 x 15 - $45.88 each
HR78 x 15 - $47.88 each
JR78 x 15 - $59.88 each
'uPPef and byre. boll �oirr►s
•u hw-g and lo -or control arm
bushings 'Idle oruw •pifmon arm
Centra link 'Sloof ag bw od. 95
1ustnsent 'Front and rear springs
'Frontand rear shock 'Correct
:amber case' and ,er rc 12 wst aws
6 cyl,
Phone for 30 Minute Service 90% of les"w * PLUGS * POINTS CIRCUITRY
Quality 19
all makes and models Economy and o * ROTOR* CONDENSER * ADJUST IDI
Monday to Friday. 8:30-6 p.m.
Thursday, Open til 8 p.m. ef�Y`2664Saturday Onen at 9 a.m. L
As low as
As low ae
31 30
GR78 x 14 - $45.88 each
HR78 x 14 - $54.88 each
GR78 x 15 - $45.88 each
HR78 x 15 - $47.88 each
JR78 x 15 - $59.88 each
'uPPef and byre. boll �oirr►s
•u hw-g and lo -or control arm
bushings 'Idle oruw •pifmon arm
Centra link 'Sloof ag bw od. 95
1ustnsent 'Front and rear springs
'Frontand rear shock 'Correct
:amber case' and ,er rc 12 wst aws
6 cyl,
Phone for 30 Minute Service 90% of les"w * PLUGS * POINTS CIRCUITRY
Quality 19
all makes and models Economy and o * ROTOR* CONDENSER * ADJUST IDI
Monday to Friday. 8:30-6 p.m.
Thursday, Open til 8 p.m. ef�Y`2664Saturday Onen at 9 a.m. L
Page 8 THE NEWS/POST Thurs. Jul' 3rd. 1975
Ontario Hydro Chairman Indicates Increased Use
l►ntario I'dro Chairman Robert B. Taylor says it is Yir-
olw•Iloyl I•enerating Mations."
Mall• certain that future expansion of the Hydro system will
Foalall important. the past year brought a keener ap-
Ir heavily nuclear. He makes the prediction in the foreword
nri•ciotion of the need to learn how toconserve energy.
,,f the utility's 1974 annual report which has just been
The roil crisis obalc•d but left in its wake the vivid
••ealization that the (limy of 'cheap' energy was over and that
lie said. "if hec•ame evident in 1974 that fuel availability
'terve cNisl definite limits to such non-renewable resources as
--ill pose a problem in the future.
••nal. oil ;end natural etas."
"inasmuch as uranium is indigenous to Ontario and the
114mble-digit inflation appeared on the scene for the first
C:\NDl' reactor has proved eminently successful. it seems
•inn• in(.(. 1951.
virtually certain that future expansion \Pill he based on
••T'•e cost of ofclivered coal. for instance. went tip 55 per
nuclear power complemented by the addition of some fossil-
rent -Iron, :12.75 Io 819.75 a ton. in the face of this ac•-
7 i,,.r ,.coo to ito.7 billion kik►w'att-hours.
ovIvrating inflation, (►ntario Il dro had no alternative but to
'Defer Subdivision
Bland said.
„nntrnee substantial rate increases for 1975." said %1r.
Social Planning Council Of
<emois injected into their
The course is scheduled for
•n \pril 24. Ihc• utility presented rate proposals for 1976 that
by Denise Romberg the application.
•••arld nlran ;in average increase of 2x1.7 per cent in the
The Scarborough Planning A site plan for the property
twllo sale costs of elec•tric•it .
'Board deferred an ap- east of Bellamy Road. and
in 1974 11\ dro took important steps to improve its relations
plication for a subdivision of hounded by Nelson Street.
Ili the ixthlic it serves.
63 semis and 34 single family Cedarbrae Blvd.. and Grace
r t. dro :1c•cepts. 11r. To vlor said. "as an intregral part of its
homes at a meeting last Street was approved last
1•01t•. the desirability of involving the public in the major
week and will await a neigh- November on the basis of 121
•'ici.ions Ior system expansion that must he made to ensure
bourhood response before single family lots.
••n ;Idequate supply of electricity in the future."
laking any further action on"The semi detached homes
Ili- said that he continuing need to maintain adequate
Mo nday. June •Z3. borough Civic Centre on July
rw,\+'c•r r•eserYes ";Is c•leariv demonstrated in 1974 when two
In the area will produce an
".IT" saving which we will
" 'iI►r oYluipment faihrtc s one at Nanticoke and the other at
quite happily pass on to the
Pickering --sharply reduced Ontario flydro's generating
consumer". said a
representative of Cadillac
r•apocit. q �r
'•B• -cause othe bleak supply outlook in late November as a
Development Corporation.
"I, -;nit (if 'his loss of t.!enerating capacity. arrangements %\ere
The new plan of subdivision
ado• „ith \meric•an utilities to obtain emergency power
was presented to the
'rpt►lees." Ile said
"o-xv er. only minor assistance was needed because of
Cedarbrae Community
Lorranine Partridge. Scott
Association said Alderman
" -rm `• oather and a slowdm in economic aciti%ih.
Fred Bland.
I'rimam energy requirements in 1974 increased by 5.8 per
Means. Russell Woods will
ent to •;g 6 billion kilowatt-hours and total energy generated
The Association had
� y 11, dro rr purr•hased from other utility systems increased
tmanimousl• agreed that it
7 i,,.r ,.coo to ito.7 billion kik►w'att-hours.
would not oppose this plan".
Total assets reached It7.1 billion in 1974. compared with t6 :1
Bland said.
syiew Public Lihrary. 2793
: an of
Social Planning Council Of
<emois injected into their
The course is scheduled for
mcrtther Robert hiller.
Scarborough Executive
motioned that the hoard
4 0
;Idyertise the plan to the
community and another vote
Committee Meets
he taken by the Association.
Mderman John Wimbs
The Executive Committee Relations. and Jean Wylie
.poke against the motion
orf the Social Planning and Susan %(rill will recruit
-a\ Ing that he didn't think it
('ouncil of Scarborough met and record memhership.
nec•essany to approach the
at the Scarborough Civic The F xecutiye Committee
community for a second
Centre on the evening of will meet next at the Scar-
Mo nday. June •Z3. borough Civic Centre on July
-The alderman had done
it was decided at this 7 at 7:45 p.m
his lob and done it well"•
meeting that a Special The next general meeting
Wimbs said
committee he set up to draft remains scheduled for the
chairman of the Board.
;, constitution for the evening of Soret 22nd at the
('ass Brewer. said that he
organization, studving the ' :, is centre.
lived (-lose to the proposed
carious uncommissioned
,uhdivlsjon but did not
drafts already received. Congratulations
re-ceive any Information
John Hallinan will chair this Congratulations are ex-
:Ihl,ut the meeting of the
(.,,mmjttee, tended to the 17 (►ntario
C.•darbrae Asso ciation when
The nature and scope of the c•holars from Mowat C 1.
w' consent by Its members
Sowial Planning Council of \imine Wild headed the list
.I ;,ttendance was given
Scarborough was a popular c%ith an average orf 9:1.5%
Fx• he if 1
,olptc• in drwussron
T M r wmnen are r
it %k as agreed that. until the
Munro. Doug St-hmldt. Susan
next general meeting. Larry
Hopman. Cherly Morrison.
calc•utt ccjll serve as
Mai Maegi. Angela Iepper.
Chairman, Gan' Jackson as
Scott Marsh. Brian
Vice - chairman. Jim
Mc•Aulay. Chris Tomkins.
Frandsen Recording
Lorranine Partridge. Scott
Secretan . Lan Markwell will
Keir. S% I.•ia Rrodem, Rill
tie In charge of Ways and
Gallagher. i.iz christiani.
Means. Russell Woods will
Sarah Gregganis and Nancy
he in charoe of Public
Phone 465-0120 Make Your Own Movies
d d th I )FY rk ho
rhes summer the Scar-
:i en e e wo s p
horough Public Libraries
to sign up for it Film %laking
offer children an unusual
('Luh which will he held ever%
rlpportunity to familiarize
Tt►esda% through July and
themselves with video
August at 1:341 p.m. The first
programming. The series of
lesson will he held on Jul
lessons is conducted in- three
teenagers who have had
Evans Ap-
() F: C A television
Free Law Course
workshop experience and
0 2
attended the Albert Camp-
A course in Small Claims
hell i.ihrary's Video Club for
Courts Procedures will he
the past year.
offered free at the Down -
Children between the ages
syiew Public Lihrary. 2793
of.-) and 16 will be allowed to
Keele St. at Wilson.
participate in this Op-
The course is scheduled for
port unity For Louth July I.8.9and 10 from o:3010
programme where they will 9::3n p.m.
Professional D irreeto ry learn how to operate Audio- The instructors will be John
visual equipment and will Laskin. director of student
make their own productions. legal aid at the University of
\ll the branches of the Toronto. and Marjorie Hiley.
CHIROPRACTORS IF—ACCOUNTA Scarborough Public Library director of the Student legal
System. with the exception Aid Society. Osgoode Hall
2351 Kennedy Rd.
of Eglinton Square and Port
Vnion branches. are offering
this programme. Generally
;he classes are divided into
two age groups. 5-10 years
and I1-16 %ears. For detailed
information regarding dates
and times check with Your
Im-;.l library. Registration is
Aeinc•ourt Library.
welcomes all throe who have
Jaw School.
The course will include four
nights of open lectures.
simulations. and possible
guest lecturers.
The Wturo-s will include an
explanation of what an ac-
tion imolves. preparation of
illy action before and during
the trial and the aftermath of
iudgement For more in-
formation call 928-5157
Of Nuclear Power
illicn ohe previous ,ear. Revenue of %997.8 million last year
'I,r1,1411'e(I ,c ith IZR55.5 million.
".-Inv if !•tw,ds ;Ind services purchased in 1974 \%-as $1.5
' illion it 'his amount. nearly 141 hillion was ordered in
o • nada N� ith 147:3:3.7 million placed in Ontario.
VI". r•I.por•t says. '•Business arising out of these projects will
re;rte - ignificant workload for manufacturers and service
Iwhl�l l'll`� .•
Pee Wee A
(Clare Mobley's Texpos)
They did it again' Our Pee first run of the game on a
Wee A team coached by single by Scott Smith. in the
George Rancourt won the extra inning with runners on
championship at the second and third Geoff hit a
Stouffville tournament last single scoring the 2 runners
Saturday. They won their and then homself as a result
first two games 7-0 and I1-1 of throwing errors on the
and then took an exciting same play. Catcher Brad
extra inning final from a Hitchcock was named the
Forth fork team by a score most valuable plaver of the
of .71,-2. Sc Feoff Rutherford tournament. On seven bunts
led off the second inning with Grant Waddinham got on
a triple and brought in the base seven times.
Cedarbrae And Maple Leaf
Soccer Clubs - -
It to t' S F. 1. F A G V E Andrews Comm. Assn. 3
K F: Sl' LTA Ml ►.SQI' 1TO:
SQUIRT: S. W. Fleming i - Gunter
'supreme iAwksmitlts 2 - Turner 0
Beaver Real Estate i Bra ndwood Travel 3 -
Cedarbrae Cubs :1 - Cedar- Cedarbrae Explorers
brae Hornets 0 Pirri's Rangers 4 - Hearne &
Lighthouse 2 . Cedarbrae Som ince. 2
Flvers 0 M.F'\\EE
AOM: Parkway Sand & Gravel 7
Glen Andrews Comm. Assn. Geld .lei-% 3
30 Struthers CIL Paints 0 i) & M Electronics 1
Irish Reg. Vets 3 - Glen Cedarbrae Chariots 1
Cedar Hill Softball League
STANDINGS :\C OF Jt NE mh. 1975
N' L T P
\lex Irvine Motor 5 0 0 10
Margaret Birch 3 2 0 6
Rick s Pickles 1 4 0 2
Act iso Sport s Photo 1 4 0 2
Nl ►ViCF. G tRl S
Coughlan Holmes 4 2 0 8
Codarhrae Motors 3 2 0 6
clinicPharnmcy 3 3 0 6
Watts Rest 1 4 0 2
T S H Tow Girls 5 1 0 10
Danforth0ptical 3 2 0 6
The Music Post 2 4 0 4
KI nsmen('lub 1 4 0 2
MiTE R()1'S •
Fidt's \files 4 0 1 9
Ken'sTexaco 3 2 n 6
Mardi liras Florist "— 3 1 5
Golden Mile('hev 1 :, 0 2
Rotal Bank of Can 4 1 1 9
l'rk" \ tier Cen 3 1 '' R
.1 \fact) Thomson l.td 2 3 1 5
Marvi n Sta rr Pon 1 5 0 2
INmdervxsa Steak House 6 0 0 12
('IA VoAks :3 1 1 7
Of\ Buick Pont 3 2 0 6
F:a�t F'rxl Electronic 2 :1 1 5
F'll Mark BP Ser 1 4 0 2
Trac•ev Mach. 0 5 0 0
Rr+gers Maintenance 5 1 0 10
Connellv's Mens Wear 4 2 0 8
Foodarama 2 3 o 4
Guorge's Drive-in 0 5 0 0
Maryvale Softball
Jamaica 4
0 2
Evans Ap-
praisal 4
0 2
Clean Air Con -
d. 4
2 0
Mr. Jackets 2
2 2
BillsTowing 2
3 1
Aid. Norm
Keliv 2
4 0
11-1f Variety 1
3 2
Ilasting Elec-
tric 0
5 1
Sayeway Lum-
her 5
1 2
Aluminum 4
3 1
Dev. 2
3 3
Steaks :3
5 0
11-i1 Variety 2
4 2
Marvvale Bowlers
%laryvale Bowler-
s 6
0 1
Rest. 4
3 1
Maryvale Ten-
nis 2
6 1
•\nes% Thrift
Shopp 1
5 1
Beloffs Fsso 7
1 1
Multi -Tech 5 :3 2 12
Tim Horton 2 6 0 4
Chrvsler 1 6 1 3
Wishing Well lion-
s 5 2 0 10
Golden Mi le Lion-
s 1 0 0 2
Pop Shoppe 7 1 0 14
No•sel'11nving2 S n 4
Thurs. July 3rd. 1975 THE NEWS/POST Page 9
STROUDSMonday through Wednesday
MINCED 8: m to '-:(x) ay
Thursday &Friday j
ON HIGHWAY 2 at ROUGE HILLS, JUST EA ST OF ROUGE BRIDGE Saturday 8:30 a.m. o 6:00 p.m.
PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS., FRI. & SAT. JULY 3, 4 & 5th. Macaroni &
Al Red Brand Cross Cut Short Rib Roast Ib. $1.19DinnersIb. Cheese
FOR YOUR GARDEN WHILE IT LASTS 7'/a oz. pkgs. 5/1.00
Tops A Complete Selection Of SUMMIT (Save 254)
Dog Food Steele - Briggs Flower & 'CE CREAM High Liner Canadian
large 25Y2
Vegetable Seeds :,;� 412 flavours to
4/$1'19 choose from) Mackerel
O2. tins
(Case of 24 tins $6.95) We Sell OLYMPIC LOTTERY CANADA TICKETS ,'�,, •
Cotelti ,�,
For Sept. 28th Draw ,: 7 oz. tins 3/$1.00
Have you got your ticket yet? 1,2 GALLON 990
Meal Maids (While They Last) Limit - 3 per family Tulip
5 oz. pkgs. (4 Flavours) Margarine
(Save 174) 3 $1.00 Al Red Brand Boneless
Catelli Habitant Round Steaks 1wrappecd pkg.
Strawberry Jamil A PP P g
' or Roasts s Peak Frean's
24 oz. jar Ib. 1.69 �''�-'� Biscu its
(Save 104) 1.39
All 15 oz. pkgs. 994
Ontario Fresh Tender ave 10
Realemon Pure Al Red Brand Fresh � C)
Reconstituted Minced Beef Green Onions Red Rose Regular Grind
Lemon Juice $oo Coffee
albs. 99C
25 oz. bottle 59� (Save39t1 1 Ib. tin69c(less than 3 lbs. per Ib.) 4 bunches
Dr. Ballard's We Sell Canada's
Champion York Frozen Finest Government
Ontario Fresh Crisp
Dog Food Concentrated Inspected A-1 Red
15 oz. Tins Radishes
(Save 184) 4/$1.00
Orange Juice brand Beef Only
FRESH GRADE "A" 4 bunches 59 There are 4 grade% of A I;re Brand Beef
elute They last
LARGE 6%2 oz. tins (NI Lower sales)
- - — But there is onh i )!A.
EGGS 5/$1.00 Jolly Miller Wilkinson Sword -
Razor Blades SunkistSweet Eating
.. pkgs. of 5 Valencia Oranges
`os% #1 O ntario H of House Flavour 2/ � 1.00
e�pe`I size ISO's
Crystals (Save 5041
690Bassette's 2 doz.
DOZ. 15 oz.
Large size 24's pkg. of 4 x 3%2 Liquorice pkg. $Limit S doz. Per Family 99`1 •00
Nlfire than :� doz. ;x lx•r doz oz. pkgs. 4/1.00 Allsorts 89c-
Elliott's Veri-Best Squirrel Premium Value Raid - House & Garden
Beef Steak Pies (Less than Peanut Butter Tea Bags •Box of 8 pies 3 - 394 giant 48 oz. Bug Killer
(Save 104) $1.89 each) lar $2.19 pkg. of 100 79c , P $1.59
(Save 2041 (Save 104)
14/2 oz. pressure tin
MAPLE LEAF ? Al Red Brand Fresh Homogenized A-1 FRESH RED BRAND
� Short Rib part) Skimmed GROUND
HAM t Ib. $1.19 -
'_.� Al Red Brand LB.$1 ■
■ 19 LB. SA'iSFA-_'1"%'` Blade Ib. Ocean Spray
A-1 Red Brand Roast s1.19 i 3 quart jug $1 ■19 Cranberry or
Prime Rib Steakss (Blade bone (plus deposit) Cranapple Juice
While They Last Ib. 1,39 removed( I giant 40 oz. bottle 99
Wishing Well We Sell Arriving Daily Cherry Hill Processed
WINTARIO TICKETS Fresh Picked Ginger Ale For$100,000.00- Ch
eese Spread
July 10th Draw STRAWBERRIES �i
family 30 2 for 594 Have you got your ticket
oz. bottles plus deposit yet? (While They Last) Attractively Priced - 1 Ib. jam $1.19
Page In TIIF NFW'S'Isc WS -r Tfinn .hih- led. 1975
Classified Ads Can Be Accepted Up To 11 Noon Tuesdays
WANT ADS CALL 291-2583 In Pickering Call 284-1767
hW Dmiw Rmlherg stations with the c otwil and
The borough of Scar that council approval he C BONING UP ON TROUT
New And Used
Soles -Rentals - Repairs
Adding Machines - Furniture
R. We Dee Co.
Ih, t 7•irrvv r, 11,.. ManA 1,a
14248 Sheppard E 291-33011
-` Days 762-5001
Evenings 762-050x r
►M 1h'SB F:R(: 12 RatMle pump slrlpurl,
sntsm tet -92211
-- ------ -- --- - ------
TEAK buffet and hutch sec feel king.
excellent condition. 431-700
Ign 1111'(' \TI 4550 cc F.xm1hrot con
Miro t con miles lAr new Willing In
trade ,r sell Aslkiryt sl Ann 14W -5n14
Sl'ND\Y .tub nth. knexpr Maehel cos
r}Wre glover Fast Rochlrwwsd HIR
,1.r,_...4 -Tr- .. rC.. - j. r,
By yard or bushel.
Delivered Alletro-Wide
SALARY range 5200-S751 per
2233 Yoroe Sr.
Lawn Spraying r BLAOM
F .i,hrinelt DC)NOr
tea he.. twit-,- ,a116rg
Lloyd's Landscaping PAINTING &
Aapb#At k Concrete
J.E. O'Hearn
Inrmgih has already begun
to reel the mtlsequences of
the increase in gasoline
prices In the future. the
n6ohournd 2 hay service
,latices, that vont call on a
cold wintery mdrnrng or
when your ran cwerbrals will
m k•Rer he there but will
probably he replaced by a
,elf -serve Ras bar
V a wring of vicar-
mmugn vounen last weft a
marketing representative
from Imperial (til told
rolmril that the small two
bay stations are m longer
rtvssionical They are bring
abdnloned In favor of four
and five hav stations
Twelve in the Ia•Vl I have
been also domed as service
stators and now sell gas
„nly, no a self -serve basis.
given to these plans before
cornemiom took place. As a
result of the meeting. Im-
perial nil has agreed to
present their plans to the
council at an in camera
The imile came to Council
from beth the Planning
Word and the Board of
The Planning Record. a few
weeks ago passed a motion
ivecennarlding that controls
he placed nn the use of lard
that ,ervia' statins orcup,%
The rermnme+daticn was
himughl about because a
number of service stations in
the Mrnxlgh have closed
their operation in the last
few mood hs
Since the lards are oared
highwav commeretal. the oil
~Modern American meal -
makers ale always m the
look caul for rood that's good
tasting, nutritious, yet ••ay to
prepare. One tempting treat
which is au this and hos the
added plus of being an ep
entree, . trout.
can new Mtrem casae. A lack of
Nowadays trowt, plaeksd
poyvcal acavdy, hesvY swoki•t.
Ileum pure water porde, aro
shipped nationwide in both
MOVING man with Webs, big or unclad
fresh and frozen form. Them
ill your gpRrnarket rob .or
Reeser ease to proride year
round eating pleasure. What's
more. these .peek led .plaahaa
are nicely notritqurpnektd
with witnesses. minerals and
plenty of the all-important
protein. And for ealorieeotr
ariouo citiztyu the good news
\Idrrman Ria not questioned eompsanies could toe the
AVON the Imperial nil represen. papl•rty for purposes other
11-71' THE KIDS III) THF If111'SF,WnRIt tative and was color... d 11an Ras stations ...... I
THIS q,%Tmf.R Get out and meet Arctic the borough resident The Board d Control en.
couple -Ad dew interests. earn mons. ant rend on a small nearby rkrwl the Planning Rnard ... �
,rflint gmNly products Intel it' station for emergency section to pro IN, me cash gas .. - -
Can Mr .1 ('tanr%worth. 149 Sheldon sNuatuos nations property to gas -
N,cmle N.-rnarkrt, I%Narin. Plane . Mavor Cosgrove urged that station
use Orly. taA added
raft-� bopwnal Ghil share their an amendment that •. •� -
:dan, for n -w setf sers-r a.etlawed self -sent gun o ..-.
TRAINING: Keep ,sur 1•b and Darn m
spare occur, News. Sports. ftmhJsdey.
TV cmmreeahw Program Heschati. cote.
F'eir yarn ... p boor
Coll 921-7811
Wanted 1,000 square Feet
for light manufacturing
petal) by September 1st. in
Scorboreugh, W est H ill
or Pickering.
759-3800 or
425-2506 evenings
& Son
425-5043 I PETER FUCKE
SCI )TCH DEtIIRATuR. guaranteed,
paperhanging. pamtmg, c:avkn Ifs 9.
alb Doacirth Rd.
�rnur n ,teem - an
-meth In It for sou
RISHvett^ Mp. r hampocn sued
Jrr, iatt,eeet Heave 1QV , -,:34mi
Sales a Service
SINCE 1938
1245 Ellesmere Rd.
serpent•. a Cabinetmaker
14tchem. Ree Room.. AOaraea. Pr-
ies A Formula etc Fee a mmras. Lar
FNTF-R1nR to N'Q; PAIN'TTN(: r'411
Isar rates M 'vtudrass rawng mseey lar
1n1v-rv11 FT appraosal call after 4
p m
MI, "Vol or :nrV=I
Summer Happenings
At The
The .umm-r snson if
prryQamming started this
.,.it at all irarrhn of the
%nnth \-irk Public Lstrary
.-If-r,rw acImtes for an age
Youg,, From .trentensg
'or We ,cfi—ler, through
•raft class-, ant <p -cul
rents to legal r.rhahnpn far
Ault, ant .,cul drop-,rw for
I the hM
om prehen,i- course
I"' no, W,A Jul, 4 at I-V.
r"F ens It, sl; for the .aa
THREE LITTLE ue vile wsIs re Pre
registnbon n resPoured to
C ralhobg the library at 44!
FISHES Alt es -
Ba s wt11 lead
all ages on a viwal Walk
\Img the Bruce Tra11 (ran
•, (gosh Fir rr„IArm Niagara to Troherrn'" an
NURSERY SCHOOL Wed. Jdv 4 >, open in the
KINDERGARTEN Iron Milk l.ibran Me
DAY NURSERY Rayllcs cat the Rrvcr Trail
�s, mry r �d .4,r -rung, :� ailntl,• Asvrul,exi
Toronto, wool
ulk aborut the trail's hist ry
293-6846 Ihetrailll.fr'.exwi In
i r
gP mfnrmatiort n on
wrgaaurd hikes 111rsv a no
,surge For the ymcnger
vet. apo 610 the Lem mills,
DRESSMAKING laboratory filers four weekly
sessions in flutdoor Painting
no Tuesdays from 9.30-
IN-Vtom. beginning July a.
EXPERT dressmaking. everything If of ramthe program will
trade to measure, ro pattern required he held in the library's
2!3.3154. auditonun There is no fee
but pre-roiglstratdon is
�rnur n ,teem - an
-meth In It for sou
Program 1;,r" g" ung
Cardiovsscrlar d.ease - meat
r'(Jilyd ipWnawtion nn
can new Mtrem casae. A lack of
Fairview Librarv. Fairview
poyvcal acavdy, hesvY swoki•t.
�um mor h:u p>prnonog, around
.ad C.res.,ve afh, cat all! C.a-
MOVING man with Webs, big or unclad
\•Illi ,,,Ilk ar- .11 allaw al
Odd iota. cettMM Reamm*k 261-
wNtlaut the.rllnnrr To
.our In'al htran branch
-uwwwwwTeftteewmarrrl.m mereeefelrfrUlef efapiMB•
musty to vemlable foods, say
faces. dance aarR Iia P-44.
Thr bdknc rig i, a list of
RIDE ranted from Giermstrose IK to
, I, happy w this week
I.taloe \"ortk Mfflk R,ud Arrive o a m,
the hbrar F:.ASTF-R\
depart 4 p m 291-4&t r- ening,
cal%ISru\ \•.tine Film
So maty respected roemery at
-.kir, .,#I- kola are of
"ohne the cleir se to a h.0 fat
..f crrrrm ,vssuris
rri ,Ata.. Aoolevterol, came he
8 -;1"
;and x rartvras argil Gum at
vaaCor (oatd aaasary in the body
'car Den MAP. IJtlran ask.
[:r—Pre \,e F.a,t ThR
om prehen,i- course
I"' no, W,A Jul, 4 at I-V.
r"F ens It, sl; for the .aa
THREE LITTLE ue vile wsIs re Pre
registnbon n resPoured to
C ralhobg the library at 44!
FISHES Alt es -
Ba s wt11 lead
all ages on a viwal Walk
\Img the Bruce Tra11 (ran
•, (gosh Fir rr„IArm Niagara to Troherrn'" an
NURSERY SCHOOL Wed. Jdv 4 >, open in the
KINDERGARTEN Iron Milk l.ibran Me
DAY NURSERY Rayllcs cat the Rrvcr Trail
�s, mry r �d .4,r -rung, :� ailntl,• Asvrul,exi
Toronto, wool
ulk aborut the trail's hist ry
293-6846 Ihetrailll.fr'.exwi In
i r
gP mfnrmatiort n on
wrgaaurd hikes 111rsv a no
,surge For the ymcnger
vet. apo 610 the Lem mills,
DRESSMAKING laboratory filers four weekly
sessions in flutdoor Painting
no Tuesdays from 9.30-
IN-Vtom. beginning July a.
EXPERT dressmaking. everything If of ramthe program will
trade to measure, ro pattern required he held in the library's
2!3.3154. auditonun There is no fee
but pre-roiglstratdon is
M. -dual curiosity and
rreatrv,ty ,n making various
.,mmat farm at the (Ia.
club on Tuesda vs at 1 :upon.
.:artkng Juh a at the Vr-
1 r,a %dLage I.obrar, W
.Inakr \, r F- is f for
Inc .-a. scull plus t2 Z for
."Merin. \,-seed sesssnn
„ i!1 begin tcmtust : Pre
mg„tra ti,aa air ram twang
,empledat the Ikbran Call
D1l'ISIn\ Millnw Aa lr
1.,hrlr :illi yang- St
hcdArim ,ummrr Rrvele
''I -c rel Wed J Jti1, 4 fmm
In y\,m !f. assn fruit I In
t ppm \s:-, w i?antmvard
:„ hiring Ibet, Mcycie, to the
l,trar, and get advice on
tow to keep them ,n top
-haps- If ,sw have an%
-grin tab for hocycrs-
Ir,rg them ..kw* Wall"
Srhmela president of the
y,rk S,aring .Assnriation
roll he presenting farts and
Jion,n thr Spit d C.kdim
It,, tank begins at spm on
ll cad .Iul% 4 in the
Wlllwdale Lobrarv.
\ „u itsters air offered an
ormdkwi on io thesewwe d
lirchaeolsRy with films.
cards. ramous digging tiles.
trading lips and places to
Visilin Tarmgo FM.Mfr
far s vsaons can Wedriesdovs
from mom to 12notn July 9,
W :_.-.vo d .eLcion win be
held udgast 6.27 Pre-
ri7o,tration is ronpoired at
the W'dhou Aale I.,Mary by
eabhm MAK con 71st .
July a the Wdleadale
ljhram hosts a group of
muter, performing in a
program called Summer
Breeze The show starts at
It, I5pm There is no charge
Registrations are being
accepted for an eight
>ossion Art Course for apes
4-13 at the Wdlowdak
IAbrary These basic
lect"MS. which are held
Tur,aa ys and Thursdays at
hsspm starting July a. will
give Individual Instructions in
eharenal and chHehing but
Itr concentration win he
mainly on at pointing
Parls,gants are advised to
wear old shirts or smoutts
The I- of SM includes the
GO Train Status
Reports Take To
The Airwaves
I :c iTram rnmnrosers and
thmr iamibec waiting at
hone will be atlf to keep up
t• door all the slake at Got
Tvam y IaOeeiltR to their
friosrrlte reds. stats•.
-starting Jaly 2 M a pen
oigrl of the (led Wig Notice
carper Caoffidw a National
"Adways. and GO Tramd .
in Trane %snor repos sir
e finished to Torero arra
soli. staftlelR as part d t1hr
eu.'s standard eewh how
ragir ,.parting armee
".o"an National has
nmele % revl . molitlws,ols
h rMmm prompt ritime hing
d am .strarriwry ee
crm•tatre. atfasisug GO
Troon prlormame and CN
In --mm .car make every
rrlmrt to ar W&04V product
rianwrs in tram sebrddn a
auric both vompub r and
,bt~ rating al he~ to
.dpmt their plana In more,
,has right scars r,r
Iteration (:c) Tran have
h Ird .,n unpseets- out
ar rer.rI ramplettng
irAsl-, as pleased nr,rr
von M per Eger of the came
,It r nth more -Llan •S fro
-ph, ie,w nebng GI) Tracca
:1:s, 1, even that ,inad per
'rnlJge.•1 la tetram affreT,
., .igmlicant number of
Juveniles -
6reat Athletes
h, I.A. Sryd
The P L C Juy.ntn hove
.carted the .seams play by
.,snag all Iter pan m
the lakeshre 1. A So Ir
these tins are ova gradate
12 1•4 2. tirarbwwAo I I 9
and Rramalva t2 1
INA" from Illi Jlrnr 'a'
.ad 'r' leans are in
-dim e at every Irmo
heeaose, mamv of these
players went all tha years
ludo rebaal lwrmw tactics,
,nd seven were o0 the
flanforth Right Mem that
wear the T S S A A ►[rare
rhampwmimp fee the sutll
,ens in a r.- These seven
.re goahe Moue il*Handey.
c'ap Roo Brown who woo
the High School League
%I t- P Award Randy Arm
,tang Goals, Wavle Elbe,
4.,r IlAmhly, Dow Me
Martin and Pad Trtado
Players from Parkdale's
-em, Grutist team ant rapt
vw "all..A.'Notar rp
foomuac Caliscl. aid Vic
I.,t - n I.,twvn and CaImb
,coed the two gook in
Iranforth's 15 2 win over
Juvemlr coaches are Roo
Vasrlwshym and Big Blare
and Manager is Bob
New -part Ran was she
Parkdale's coahc add this is
his second year wmh 8 LC
After the Rramalea Came
A Ted Breve Arena last
Thursday night President
Ron Palmer said 'Many of
these players have been with
R L mawe it started in flat
and the backbone, of both
fbnfrth's and Riverdale's
strungf lacrosse leans arc
Its arhes playas. a fact that
makes the R L
organization very prod.'
To see these players in
Volumes come to Ted Reeve
Arae. Main at Gerrard evey
Thursday evening at 9:00
Coca of matalab. Session
two t,egots August 5. rail
21940n1 to register A Ages
L12 are invited to help RuiW
a(iiant Built at paper maehe
to the Bathurst Heights
IJtwar, ,m Tuesdays from
1,1114 111pm .hdv A to August
26 There ,s an fee but pe.
repstratwon is rrqured rail
the Ishrary at M411 x1 The
Vnrkcble branch offers a
craft bar for ages 7-11 an
Tluesdhys at Spm and %lobes
Ice ages IA al Ilam
throughout the wormer
ye 1k.:.
Till Fall
SearbNwAoIY fust Ward
(1mc61 has toagkssd ifs
hoorms for the iallmnrr
mw will news until Wrd
Sept lark (Tremor of Ile
Ward 11 Carni. Alderman
Jen wwwn. am 60 ase
rinit fear mmdhs d the Ward
raswiY operation has born
extremely saccetul and
Nos served an a owed serum
far the eselrare of adgmnoors
And ideas -"'At the Jere
meeting lar wok" saw!
Alddrman Wombs
b. Irate Wavers. lorrsiiwe
no the tyjnewr 1'wwnsssis
%-,I— \ss.rlaeioa. said
Mn /lrs,v Ilamseb.l. d Yr
Sr..b...Mtb l.irsry owed
and w w.a Mori. rd.
,kebwal Trw/er. Gorr,
g'bflMps. ant d{.prai.rd
�Iarsealar .. Anpprmac,
d the %elli named ISA
Peer" Im rrMrrerr le cow
\emr.ert .rear " Wd-t
wlsM, I .ft d Ina
rrwN.r.n+ m Ib. M and
1 -merit I. .Pim I. an
r- dorwb d w aid 11 and 4
her w v►- tend sew lair.
al to. Far .s..sfag. I—
nra -se ea Wedsept asch
m _w-rarbr.aieh
1 e, ie IY\Idrr nae
Wins►. slite.dirus.d 1►al
Ward 11', Mob P4MM:
n-med ape sar Moe .1 .1,
1, as 1 hs -colts.
wi-ralsat-trraNs cell
and .- P"...Il, tart
lbrwaighan rdwrlsaiw-I
Vac . ..n .. r.rph
r•-Peralr 1 Ise kr
►.-raeb pla—c Amid
M r*"r Ramberg
Tie Starbrsedu llheary
Word will neve ve an 0o-
,Tams, of t21.am ,n their
hladgen for tie prrmw of a
Hook nnnbak the Scar
horgdu Cassel decoded at
tact reek's tnra.g
The hoard has meof ved an
.conditional pruvioral grant
,Aalkng litt-o . but council
-Mrd that the halalmY would
ion plated in a Borough
,'..erlgerry Account mill
r he hnragth had an .p
r-rium" to suvev other
,ervloes and drdr where
the tumt, .xwcw he put to
Ihe,r M-st use
C.ntroller Brun Hurricanes
,p)kc carr st the Hanson and
I-notel out that the IJbrary
board had exceeded its
budget Mi:r Illi Past %*or
. nd had :greed to stay
.,Mn their budget less vew
' rho caused has to ap-
preciate Is a bnitel is A
hurt R a guideline for us
all Harrison sad
kk*aded in the Library
Roved propose I for the use of
tow grant funds, was a
special ad)ustmrnt for
lltrary diviaron heads and
admimstraarsr but this and
the proposal to return the
funk to the library cwn-
tingenry flow was tunWrd
7v�lsalai,� a p
sNOIW c`.4 L3wr"
kit ere neaw KILLING oar sW
by eeoefoangn
O NW keh N #cosh do con,nlowe
A - Nas•fr, aosil, acssn and Vans
0. Nur whme?
A • To eraw toW a mibWlama.
Vh*Aw nd••ll ads raMr da•alep
an lice. use Mew twin lar
r To assume der Me. Become I
. ai.wst br of tall room" .dour
bee s knast hr as keep"
. Tennessee leeeaaaen sod
tlroe. uosrlor aan .land ami
ow doss" "mew a1 land dl m
and OWW* w
• To prelsem s Morn .imp of
p• , OL Sana omm a hearty
sono" shoo bond mnda sorra
a Is or ors fir Pak" pmcar
waam tact ol am sebsaa"e
A The wlm" pwca" don
wmons aewr d eco .Wean".
hwwar. iso cosmonaut aunt
alpellsl•t ant out hack sh n•1 Ea
.a.ahal.ar sup Of Ow 0 so
O Who smarms hod ar,ckowmt
sod ba?
A - Eovicnaoatl n csureem by
as ""a hssemoo &raw*
sal• n Policy is N Militia se mi.
MWANWV Ina awra- of see
land imam Wow a a a-rob•wal
Imasditlueln tar r i.e
,l nam am aMuMcaaat rntak.
of ion minister, Is rale on rank
w hs w a PrWact .plans or hod
•.1•kwr as •nPsrtma now= at
anva•t I Is -a. Ilk M drat. in
gamma Ise brow.
• rings • edaottm in mast a
aa,•ed hem a $"pie tent a oho
sawn of good msetawterag
trscsae, in aencW the,. To .eke
Ea am least, -aw ss•t and to
Pea,Ml M lata", IMdn M
an M
M arrear adarawm again"
of O.AW rows each any be
added a a oo ow Imp aasb
a tha hell
a - Caw iscon .a.aml csnesonp•eln
M -do" hells celwmeon a
seraW praa"m a eh barony
A - tairae Ianebmw rt tmoid.
is du kms• d mop ave be
note ry an ON musicians a
heli I Muck a muck footnote
for in ows a rasticel maw brat
bot Sarco Intel a W&IOM"
sa"amt as goo toot a R
easlewan d 00 emoxmoal
pol" a sant ceatwd.
a - Am M sy-som som m se
and mrnak Wed l'oca'l
wrrnmmt wear an PW and
haualCall! a tl .antral *aft?
A Yn, ritualistic: wtomms bow
sir low ,era" Musa a bba
an -4 onaL
e that cont Ions Ions tat than
.liar F, F I Protein fnh:p.
Each a•pn.ticned and
wife cooks will find pl•se.
nee a - face sag trent foe
at bas dining. Jast b.wam
of u..ncookmg, deal two
t unions Wit asrusd. end
loop the .cola. on. W's even,
easy fair you to Disk. After
Wit cooked, tip a better lams
slung the wotie Ia agtn d tris
bmckb.ao.. oar I) the rob
with ■ fork. awlb aA away
0. roup r l .. snd.ditlg human
and tai. with the kind.. cart
arae. band b- tba Inset m
ra" std lay tba tea rift
sk.mdr do ww out the ph".
L ft away ti. tai. bar
.t.ressM said head. sprinkle
based temra Bross with town-
1y6e-.aW I.rea lw.ow. spies
it •o wick •r'•••wiw/ seek as
nssesen. -it--. di. a.eseu.
peaty, sem. -meowy or
tby- Q try yww taww
pamcbsd and mi...d wish a
same. of 1/2 cap same common,
2 b•••p•wm inseam lmio•• 1 n
somsp.ea rut said 1/4 sue
.piano dor wooW.
Cho d r cause and big► r
wearisome. it rT ameI .fy
army P -mol. "ae .wet bo o
a tba. trent .calm.
Tor Cigpswa laidior amid
tw irk I- rwr baodsobw
The Wierng S -arbwanob
Lgtne art arra rrsldell is
Now cdMetrd proves from
err caiara l..Hrry Cr-
parabw in the Junr Mb
wwdarw tb.MW
dooms Prue Winners
W Lorna ssmcshre. t2ts
Pharmacv Arenas, Star
h•rsough Ns May Towels.
11M S, I It rd Amount.
$tem Phar William
Moet Stefanawk. 134
Naver••e Ave . Scar-
borough. V Reomnku, 74
Hart Ave . Srwboremo. Mr
K. Pbeyk. m Hamennod.
SrarbonvAO, Me W G
William. O craw Deposit.
ScarVan oundu. Ms Gladys M.
Da) to Trudirde Street.
Scarbrough, Ns Franca
Pot Is, 90 A,Icswerth Avenue.
Scarbrough. Me G K
rounkwrogbt. 117 N.
Windrow Blvd. Scar.
borough. 9Ls 1"hows ea Ras.
421 Markham Road. Scar-
Can diet protect you
from heart disease?
by DewM Wa.i
retailed by canting 449.3711
Superrahfragllistkc Fun is
Cardiovsscrlar d.ease - meat
Ile title Ill a gecal craft
club for ages -al at the
can new Mtrem casae. A lack of
Fairview Librarv. Fairview
poyvcal acavdy, hesvY swoki•t.
pas line a rtm MAk
.ad C.res.,ve afh, cat all! C.a-
Road This chub nretel every
MOVING man with Webs, big or unclad
Thursda%y at I.1n pm
Odd iota. cettMM Reamm*k 261-
wNtlaut the.rllnnrr To
regn4er call the library at
191.7.4 Hellen ran dee
-uwwwwwTeftteewmarrrl.m mereeefelrfrUlef efapiMB•
M. -dual curiosity and
rreatrv,ty ,n making various
.,mmat farm at the (Ia.
club on Tuesda vs at 1 :upon.
.:artkng Juh a at the Vr-
1 r,a %dLage I.obrar, W
.Inakr \, r F- is f for
Inc .-a. scull plus t2 Z for
."Merin. \,-seed sesssnn
„ i!1 begin tcmtust : Pre
mg„tra ti,aa air ram twang
,empledat the Ikbran Call
D1l'ISIn\ Millnw Aa lr
1.,hrlr :illi yang- St
hcdArim ,ummrr Rrvele
''I -c rel Wed J Jti1, 4 fmm
In y\,m !f. assn fruit I In
t ppm \s:-, w i?antmvard
:„ hiring Ibet, Mcycie, to the
l,trar, and get advice on
tow to keep them ,n top
-haps- If ,sw have an%
-grin tab for hocycrs-
Ir,rg them ..kw* Wall"
Srhmela president of the
y,rk S,aring .Assnriation
roll he presenting farts and
Jion,n thr Spit d C.kdim
It,, tank begins at spm on
ll cad .Iul% 4 in the
Wlllwdale Lobrarv.
\ „u itsters air offered an
ormdkwi on io thesewwe d
lirchaeolsRy with films.
cards. ramous digging tiles.
trading lips and places to
Visilin Tarmgo FM.Mfr
far s vsaons can Wedriesdovs
from mom to 12notn July 9,
W :_.-.vo d .eLcion win be
held udgast 6.27 Pre-
ri7o,tration is ronpoired at
the W'dhou Aale I.,Mary by
eabhm MAK con 71st .
July a the Wdleadale
ljhram hosts a group of
muter, performing in a
program called Summer
Breeze The show starts at
It, I5pm There is no charge
Registrations are being
accepted for an eight
>ossion Art Course for apes
4-13 at the Wdlowdak
IAbrary These basic
lect"MS. which are held
Tur,aa ys and Thursdays at
hsspm starting July a. will
give Individual Instructions in
eharenal and chHehing but
Itr concentration win he
mainly on at pointing
Parls,gants are advised to
wear old shirts or smoutts
The I- of SM includes the
GO Train Status
Reports Take To
The Airwaves
I :c iTram rnmnrosers and
thmr iamibec waiting at
hone will be atlf to keep up
t• door all the slake at Got
Tvam y IaOeeiltR to their
friosrrlte reds. stats•.
-starting Jaly 2 M a pen
oigrl of the (led Wig Notice
carper Caoffidw a National
"Adways. and GO Tramd .
in Trane %snor repos sir
e finished to Torero arra
soli. staftlelR as part d t1hr
eu.'s standard eewh how
ragir ,.parting armee
".o"an National has
nmele % revl . molitlws,ols
h rMmm prompt ritime hing
d am .strarriwry ee
crm•tatre. atfasisug GO
Troon prlormame and CN
In --mm .car make every
rrlmrt to ar W&04V product
rianwrs in tram sebrddn a
auric both vompub r and
,bt~ rating al he~ to
.dpmt their plana In more,
,has right scars r,r
Iteration (:c) Tran have
h Ird .,n unpseets- out
ar rer.rI ramplettng
irAsl-, as pleased nr,rr
von M per Eger of the came
,It r nth more -Llan •S fro
-ph, ie,w nebng GI) Tracca
:1:s, 1, even that ,inad per
'rnlJge.•1 la tetram affreT,
., .igmlicant number of
Juveniles -
6reat Athletes
h, I.A. Sryd
The P L C Juy.ntn hove
.carted the .seams play by
.,snag all Iter pan m
the lakeshre 1. A So Ir
these tins are ova gradate
12 1•4 2. tirarbwwAo I I 9
and Rramalva t2 1
INA" from Illi Jlrnr 'a'
.ad 'r' leans are in
-dim e at every Irmo
heeaose, mamv of these
players went all tha years
ludo rebaal lwrmw tactics,
,nd seven were o0 the
flanforth Right Mem that
wear the T S S A A ►[rare
rhampwmimp fee the sutll
,ens in a r.- These seven
.re goahe Moue il*Handey.
c'ap Roo Brown who woo
the High School League
%I t- P Award Randy Arm
,tang Goals, Wavle Elbe,
4.,r IlAmhly, Dow Me
Martin and Pad Trtado
Players from Parkdale's
-em, Grutist team ant rapt
vw "all..A.'Notar rp
foomuac Caliscl. aid Vic
I.,t - n I.,twvn and CaImb
,coed the two gook in
Iranforth's 15 2 win over
Juvemlr coaches are Roo
Vasrlwshym and Big Blare
and Manager is Bob
New -part Ran was she
Parkdale's coahc add this is
his second year wmh 8 LC
After the Rramalea Came
A Ted Breve Arena last
Thursday night President
Ron Palmer said 'Many of
these players have been with
R L mawe it started in flat
and the backbone, of both
fbnfrth's and Riverdale's
strungf lacrosse leans arc
Its arhes playas. a fact that
makes the R L
organization very prod.'
To see these players in
Volumes come to Ted Reeve
Arae. Main at Gerrard evey
Thursday evening at 9:00
Coca of matalab. Session
two t,egots August 5. rail
21940n1 to register A Ages
L12 are invited to help RuiW
a(iiant Built at paper maehe
to the Bathurst Heights
IJtwar, ,m Tuesdays from
1,1114 111pm .hdv A to August
26 There ,s an fee but pe.
repstratwon is rrqured rail
the Ishrary at M411 x1 The
Vnrkcble branch offers a
craft bar for ages 7-11 an
Tluesdhys at Spm and %lobes
Ice ages IA al Ilam
throughout the wormer
ye 1k.:.
Till Fall
SearbNwAoIY fust Ward
(1mc61 has toagkssd ifs
hoorms for the iallmnrr
mw will news until Wrd
Sept lark (Tremor of Ile
Ward 11 Carni. Alderman
Jen wwwn. am 60 ase
rinit fear mmdhs d the Ward
raswiY operation has born
extremely saccetul and
Nos served an a owed serum
far the eselrare of adgmnoors
And ideas -"'At the Jere
meeting lar wok" saw!
Alddrman Wombs
b. Irate Wavers. lorrsiiwe
no the tyjnewr 1'wwnsssis
%-,I— \ss.rlaeioa. said
Mn /lrs,v Ilamseb.l. d Yr
Sr..b...Mtb l.irsry owed
and w w.a Mori. rd.
,kebwal Trw/er. Gorr,
g'bflMps. ant d{.prai.rd
�Iarsealar .. Anpprmac,
d the %elli named ISA
Peer" Im rrMrrerr le cow
\emr.ert .rear " Wd-t
wlsM, I .ft d Ina
rrwN.r.n+ m Ib. M and
1 -merit I. .Pim I. an
r- dorwb d w aid 11 and 4
her w v►- tend sew lair.
al to. Far .s..sfag. I—
nra -se ea Wedsept asch
m _w-rarbr.aieh
1 e, ie IY\Idrr nae
Wins►. slite.dirus.d 1►al
Ward 11', Mob P4MM:
n-med ape sar Moe .1 .1,
1, as 1 hs -colts.
wi-ralsat-trraNs cell
and .- P"...Il, tart
lbrwaighan rdwrlsaiw-I
Vac . ..n .. r.rph
r•-Peralr 1 Ise kr
►.-raeb pla—c Amid
M r*"r Ramberg
Tie Starbrsedu llheary
Word will neve ve an 0o-
,Tams, of t21.am ,n their
hladgen for tie prrmw of a
Hook nnnbak the Scar
horgdu Cassel decoded at
tact reek's tnra.g
The hoard has meof ved an
.conditional pruvioral grant
,Aalkng litt-o . but council
-Mrd that the halalmY would
ion plated in a Borough
,'..erlgerry Account mill
r he hnragth had an .p
r-rium" to suvev other
,ervloes and drdr where
the tumt, .xwcw he put to
Ihe,r M-st use
C.ntroller Brun Hurricanes
,p)kc carr st the Hanson and
I-notel out that the IJbrary
board had exceeded its
budget Mi:r Illi Past %*or
. nd had :greed to stay
.,Mn their budget less vew
' rho caused has to ap-
preciate Is a bnitel is A
hurt R a guideline for us
all Harrison sad
kk*aded in the Library
Roved propose I for the use of
tow grant funds, was a
special ad)ustmrnt for
lltrary diviaron heads and
admimstraarsr but this and
the proposal to return the
funk to the library cwn-
tingenry flow was tunWrd
7v�lsalai,� a p
sNOIW c`.4 L3wr"
kit ere neaw KILLING oar sW
by eeoefoangn
O NW keh N #cosh do con,nlowe
A - Nas•fr, aosil, acssn and Vans
0. Nur whme?
A • To eraw toW a mibWlama.
Vh*Aw nd••ll ads raMr da•alep
an lice. use Mew twin lar
r To assume der Me. Become I
. ai.wst br of tall room" .dour
bee s knast hr as keep"
. Tennessee leeeaaaen sod
tlroe. uosrlor aan .land ami
ow doss" "mew a1 land dl m
and OWW* w
• To prelsem s Morn .imp of
p• , OL Sana omm a hearty
sono" shoo bond mnda sorra
a Is or ors fir Pak" pmcar
waam tact ol am sebsaa"e
A The wlm" pwca" don
wmons aewr d eco .Wean".
hwwar. iso cosmonaut aunt
alpellsl•t ant out hack sh n•1 Ea
.a.ahal.ar sup Of Ow 0 so
O Who smarms hod ar,ckowmt
sod ba?
A - Eovicnaoatl n csureem by
as ""a hssemoo &raw*
sal• n Policy is N Militia se mi.
MWANWV Ina awra- of see
land imam Wow a a a-rob•wal
Imasditlueln tar r i.e
,l nam am aMuMcaaat rntak.
of ion minister, Is rale on rank
w hs w a PrWact .plans or hod
•.1•kwr as •nPsrtma now= at
anva•t I Is -a. Ilk M drat. in
gamma Ise brow.
• rings • edaottm in mast a
aa,•ed hem a $"pie tent a oho
sawn of good msetawterag
trscsae, in aencW the,. To .eke
Ea am least, -aw ss•t and to
Pea,Ml M lata", IMdn M
an M
M arrear adarawm again"
of O.AW rows each any be
added a a oo ow Imp aasb
a tha hell
a - Caw iscon .a.aml csnesonp•eln
M -do" hells celwmeon a
seraW praa"m a eh barony
A - tairae Ianebmw rt tmoid.
is du kms• d mop ave be
note ry an ON musicians a
heli I Muck a muck footnote
for in ows a rasticel maw brat
bot Sarco Intel a W&IOM"
sa"amt as goo toot a R
easlewan d 00 emoxmoal
pol" a sant ceatwd.
a - Am M sy-som som m se
and mrnak Wed l'oca'l
wrrnmmt wear an PW and
haualCall! a tl .antral *aft?
A Yn, ritualistic: wtomms bow
sir low ,era" Musa a bba
an -4 onaL
e that cont Ions Ions tat than
.liar F, F I Protein fnh:p.
Each a•pn.ticned and
wife cooks will find pl•se.
nee a - face sag trent foe
at bas dining. Jast b.wam
of u..ncookmg, deal two
t unions Wit asrusd. end
loop the .cola. on. W's even,
easy fair you to Disk. After
Wit cooked, tip a better lams
slung the wotie Ia agtn d tris
bmckb.ao.. oar I) the rob
with ■ fork. awlb aA away
0. roup r l .. snd.ditlg human
and tai. with the kind.. cart
arae. band b- tba Inset m
ra" std lay tba tea rift
sk.mdr do ww out the ph".
L ft away ti. tai. bar
.t.ressM said head. sprinkle
based temra Bross with town-
1y6e-.aW I.rea lw.ow. spies
it •o wick •r'•••wiw/ seek as
nssesen. -it--. di. a.eseu.
peaty, sem. -meowy or
tby- Q try yww taww
pamcbsd and mi...d wish a
same. of 1/2 cap same common,
2 b•••p•wm inseam lmio•• 1 n
somsp.ea rut said 1/4 sue
.piano dor wooW.
Cho d r cause and big► r
wearisome. it rT ameI .fy
army P -mol. "ae .wet bo o
a tba. trent .calm.
Tor Cigpswa laidior amid
tw irk I- rwr baodsobw
The Wierng S -arbwanob
Lgtne art arra rrsldell is
Now cdMetrd proves from
err caiara l..Hrry Cr-
parabw in the Junr Mb
wwdarw tb.MW
dooms Prue Winners
W Lorna ssmcshre. t2ts
Pharmacv Arenas, Star
h•rsough Ns May Towels.
11M S, I It rd Amount.
$tem Phar William
Moet Stefanawk. 134
Naver••e Ave . Scar-
borough. V Reomnku, 74
Hart Ave . Srwboremo. Mr
K. Pbeyk. m Hamennod.
SrarbonvAO, Me W G
William. O craw Deposit.
ScarVan oundu. Ms Gladys M.
Da) to Trudirde Street.
Scarbrough, Ns Franca
Pot Is, 90 A,Icswerth Avenue.
Scarbrough. Me G K
rounkwrogbt. 117 N.
Windrow Blvd. Scar.
borough. 9Ls 1"hows ea Ras.
421 Markham Road. Scar-
Can diet protect you
from heart disease?
by DewM Wa.i
7 baa there are ssreralW aW en -
,al sM tat Tit saturrcd one
Cardiovsscrlar d.ease - meat
generally releaie aid at room ICP-
ei as cal It tonee ,Was disease -
ptralrrt, tetsd to ra.e cholesterol
can new Mtrem casae. A lack of
kvtk a once body. ad come moat
poyvcal acavdy, hesvY swoki•t.
from -----at- foods. The Cusp -
.ad C.res.,ve afh, cat all! C.a-
ter m tha general Category all
Irih le. sad a family kuwv at
link chictem. turkey and veal• which
been trouble may be sigt,acase.
all leave Arte low fa levels.
Bun white there's m cul -and -drill
The cenalrated fats are found
answer a rbob" diet I. the valor
musty to vemlable foods, say
faces. dance aarR Iia P-44.
Varied of roost lenkptrauR. and, d
wbo crosuufy maieaiw tbeor
they're highly wunryed. Ido curt
lw::,, holy stand the best
nr -
ul - Int gam
I chance d avoiding cardiovascular
to e t e bop
oily oewd soul w ra.e lir body's
So maty respected roemery at
chdeuerd whe Meg are and to
"ohne the cleir se to a h.0 fat
replace amnal fan.
.."..►r chat the case: axaiaw Iba.
Cholesterol. incidentally, is not
rri ,Ata.. Aoolevterol, came he
ta"Vely villsomia. In's a waxy sob-
hr:M11 ak""est. There's oo do cks
vaaCor (oatd aaasary in the body
ih..l the stay build -op of far in
and n used in nary of the body's
Ihr arcerrs. casi.g them to become
chemical processes. A cerasin
keys elastic - oke condition called
amoral Of it . eoasial.
alhtrnrtitr... - can or -m -lb,
aka wbai% importam . the over••
lead to uhiaenbos.. or blockage of
all quality of your din. east the
the artencs,
xlaw gc,andiy d fat you A. h's
AW while wane argot that this
all a Caner of it dWeneace be,
accuasulaloon has link so do wah
eswe moderasm and eacea.
the nl c.rsmpliy. d pal. is
e than a
mors I. possibility. tM"Wr
The arguments about the stats
cal goo much cit
d 'tr. anyway-
J Lal on vasiailar or any aper di•
T. do lit" ellevu,Ny. Vita it,,,
cast am fel tram couches", and
kcw- -bun fm s k', an, n.da
Ice ,bo-Mn't kap ono an entirely
...,Iter of avoniag Ibwt gobs d
fa -fro ea ng partes or, woo ••y
C: ray scale -- harbor "allmarprine.
fad does. twent m a doctor to a cues.
.."A Ilse tat on bsc.n and other
Su c -Me~ 1. v W. cholesterol
iiran. There'. fa a bean Weal. loco,
wdh--'4wram• and centrmrate on
as -r as in n on, and sale) , Jet tloal s vsrsed. 1'alanmd and -
dce.-ro, .Mor all - amdrrJor.
tlERR!lEf11111 *+:ttfltt/IN122IItlitt1E:ai44attit3
The i)cin Victoria 1975
season ended on Saturaday
.time :N with championship
day a F'enside park. Nine
championship games were
played throughout the day.
starting at 9a.m. and
finishing shortly after Bpm.
Leading off in the game
lineup,, were the Peewee
uirls. '.Metro Envelope.
coached by Charlene Hearst
-►nd Linda Circelli vs. Mr.
Plovers, coached by Don
N'oung and Boge Lippert.
«ith the winner being NIr.
Flowers by it rccore of 21-8.
Ttv, next game was TN'KE
hogs with 1laner Shoes.
coached by .Lim George and
Dan O'Connor vs. Standard
e►xygen, coached by John
Nightingale. Ted Forster
and Peter Birchallin this
tame which ended 21-5 for
Don Victoria Softball League
with Rob Ilallam
Maher Shoes, pitcher Mike
to decide ;i winner, which
Prett hada total of 21 strike
was .Judege !Motors with a
outs. The third game of the
score of 12-11. The days
da ,• was a MiNOR PEE
forth game saw Victoria
WEE boys game between
Village United Church a
Judge Motors. coached by
MINI girls team, coached by
.tack Berry and Gregg
Bob Hallam lose a close
ilaslam and Blue Brutes,
game to Barri-Lea Cleaners,
coached by .Jo' Tersigni,
.lack Purvis and Barbara
coached by Dick Graham by
hlontemurro. This was a
it score of 21-19. The half
hard fought. close game
way point of the day was a
which had to go to 11 innings
PEE IEEE, boys game
et -00 „y w
• ti
Red Devils Are Red Hot
The Agincourt Lions Red Devils proved Sunday they are
till the hest ladies fasthall team in the league.
Agincourt won four games straight in the Scarborough
Ladies F asthall Tournament, defeating Scarborough 9-1 in
the final.
The games were ptayed at Agincourt Rall Park on Glen
Watford iN
The stands were packed with cheering Agincourt fans who
%vitnes,ed the Red Devils at their finest making spectacular
catche, and precision plays.
e ►nl% four runs Here scored against the Red Devils during
the tournament
Richardson's Pest Control
Redmen have met and
niefeated every team in the
Scarborough Softball
Bantam A division The
North hendale teams record
stands at i win, . no lasses
with loo; runs for and 5
to put thein well
372 Old
Kingston Rd.
iighland Creek Plaza
ikwma hardy. left fielder for Agincourt and captain of the
team. was named the most valuable player of the tour-
nament. (hte highlight was when she slammed a home run
into centre field bringing herself and two team mates home.
I'hir= received a trophy from George %arraway of Sport
O'Keefe. Ms. Hardy pitched the Sunday evening game.
Penny Gibb was named the most valuable pitcher of the
•cries and Shelh• Urquhart was proclaimed the top hitter of
the tournament with an overall patting average of fix►
:VI three ladies arewith the Agincourt Lions Red Devils.
last week the team won the Oshawa invitational Fastball
Redmen Dominate League
ahead in the league stan-
dings The team is looking
I o repea t t hei r perfor ma nee,
oaf two vears ago when they
%% on the All Ontario
Chamionship. The team has
represented the Borough of
S -arh rough in the Ontario
playdowns for five con-
<ecutive veam. winning
champioms twice. The% have
;also heen the Sc•arb"gh
and Metro Toronto Cham-
pionships all five years.
Their good fortune will he
well tested in several On-
tario tournaments namely
S -arho rough July 5th. North
fork July 12th. F icton July
t9._'t►, and Belleville Jul
461h Aslo they are looking
forward to the return visit
from Indianapolis U.S.A.
Last year traveled to ilt-
dianapolis representing the
Borough and proceeded to
show their American
,1r Paints
a MooreA
PAINTS wallpaper
Complete Selection Of Wallpapers
And Colour Charts Brought To Your Home
Call or visit our Showroom
it'd- 1919 374 Old Kingston Rd. 282-0961
counterparts how to play
defeating them in two
straight game, Redman
pitcher Barry Holt is
averaging 12 strikeouts a
game and is heing hacked up
by some excellent relief
pitching of Paul Glasgow.
Redman season victories are
:1► -0 and 2540 wins over
Bayridges =1. it 8-3 triumph
over Corvette, ") and I1-2
victories over Cedar Hill. II -
o win over Rayridges =2 and
o; -o. >-n scores over
Bridlewood Three new
players added to last years
team are .ramie Mitroskv.
Danny laviolette and Stuart
Richardson Other menbers
are Derrick Brough. Rory
Campbell. Mark Greenwood.
Pe,le .leffery. Mike Kightley,
Bob Lukewich. Paul fiercer
and Scott Wagner.
Robbie Tournament
St Andrew Soccer Club
�toste'd 42 girls Teams from
,he United States and
Canada in the Scarborough
Robbie Tournament on June
*18. 2?9. and :0). Twc.American
team, from Florida.
Virginia. Ohio. Illinois and
New Jersey. as well as
menty Canadian teams from
Metropolitan Toronto and
Senuthern Ontario played in
the Girl's Division of the
annual Robbie soccer
tournament. nue to the
tremendous growth of girls
soccer. St. Andrew has
expanded the Robbie
tournament program by
adding sixteen more teams
this.vear. There are three
divisions in the girls tour-
nament: Peewee i under 14).
Bantam (under 16, and
Senior 1 16 and over). The
total Robbie tournament, in
aid of the cystic Fibrosis. is
organized by the Scar-
borough 1linor Soccer
Association and i, con-
sidered to he one of the top
minor soccer tournaments in
North America. Each soccer
club in Scarborough was
aked to host an age division.
St. Andrew, having the only
girls league in the area, were
asked to host the girls
tournament. Virtually every
soccer pitch through out the
Borough was in use on Sat.
.lune _>8 and Sun .June 29 with
the finals in each age
division played at Bir-
chmount Stadium on Mon
.lune V.
Thurs. July 3rd, 1975 THE NEWS/POST Page 11
between Ray Kar. coached
by John '.McCrory and
Freeway Express, coached
by Bruce R oberberts and
Mark Nlc•Kay. with Ray Kar
winning after 8 1/2 innings of
play by a score of 12-10. The
sixth game saw Wm. Allan
Real Estate an ATOM boys
team. coached by Bud Horne
and Bruce Hill defeat im-
perial Esso Service Centre,
coached by (kin Johns and
Bob Girrard in, 32-12. Peter
Popadamou was the winning
pitcher. He pitched eight
innings getting 19 strike outs.
The BANTA -NY boys game
between Drew Sinclair.
coached by Peter Blue. won
over J. Keiper Contracting.
coached by Paul Banner and
i)ave H Haywood b% a score
of 15-11. The final boys
game of the day was a
SQVIRT game between
Monticello Steak House.
coached by Ted Fearnley
and Aikenhead Hardware,
coaches Joe Rees and
George Cook. with
Aikenhead losing 7-10. The
wrap np game of the day saw
the BANTAM girls playong.
Dressmaker's Supply.
coached by nave and Lrl,en
Minty defeating .Joseph
Anthony, coach .Jack
McLellan. by 22-5. This year
the winners received gold
medallions and the losers
received silver medallions.
Congratulations to the
players of all teams that
participated in the day'
Small Engines
Chain Saws, Pumps,
lowGarden Tractors etc.
(1o.ed Saturda% hurin,-, .lulu & %ug.
Parts Service
261-3303 ALjT0 261-3358
2444 EGLINTON AVE. E. (E. of Kennedy)
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r I WI..
6WARIO Teei fill w-0721 ■1M in
;th hack pack and tank hoot
Whv Buuy a Tank for $99 00
plus the cast the necessar%
Rack Pack
Tank Boot
Buy the complete package
3410 Kingston Rd. Near Markham
S•arboratgh. ontano
Phone 267-0721 (After 12-00 Noon)
'Guaranteed Service with satisfaction
'Over 1 1 years experience
`Expert, Trained Personnel
*No Sub -Contractors
*Honoured Completion Oates
10 Day Service.
Custom Designed Concrete &
Vinyl Lined Pools
Page 12 THE POST Thurs. July 3rd, 1975
corner ofl Road)
683-2611 839-4463 V t NIBERS OF tTHE tTORONTO REALLE�STA PL BOARD -- PHOTO M.L.S. Toronto 699-1121
Relocation Of The C.P. Rail line
. People living near the
proposed Pickering Airport
have been shown four
proposed routes for the
relocation of the C. P. Rail
Line in the area. Some are
upset that the Federal
Government may be getting
ready to expropriate still
more properties for the rail
The rail line will be moved
to allow the proposed airport
to be built and a committee
of the Toronto aarea Air-
ports Project announced that
four possible relocation
routes are being considered:
each of them would require
expropriation of property.
1 think the Committee
should give serious con-
sideration to other ulter-
natives• such as tunnelling
the line under the runway.
or, strictly confining the
relocation to lands already
expropriated for the
proposed airport.
Surely these are practical
S*sfi011 Rt JOY 12
Sid 8ollik
Plumbing sJW Nestle=
All types of plumbing
& sheet metal work.
24 Hour Service
P.O. Box 11,
Pickering, 839-2359
by Bill Newman, M.P.P., Ontario South
Alternatives which the
Committee must address
itself to. I believe these
proposals shoold be in-
vestigated and the public
informed of the results of the
Committee's findings.
Because I want some an-
swers to this, and other
questions surrounding this
project. I have written a
letter to Mr. R. J. Hedman.
the Chairman for the site
selection Committee, which I
reprint below:
Dear Mr. Hedman•
As the Member for Ontario
South. I am most distressed
with the manner in which
site selection for the
proposed relocation of the C.
P. Rail line at the proposed
Pickering Airport is
IA4 me briefly review some
of my concerns:
t. The relocation of the C.
P. Rail line is a joint un-
dertaking of the Federal
Ministry of Transport and
Canadian Pacific Rail. 1
assume that the overall
decision on the relocation
rests with the Federal
Ministry and that the role of
C. P. is to liase with the
Federal Government at its
invitation, throughout the
course of the relocation
2 It is unclear to me, and
the public with whom I have
held discussions, how the
route relocations
suggested were determined.
and by whom.
3. You will recall inviting
Mr. R C. Burdett of the
Ministry of the En-
yironrnent, to discuss
environmental concerns
affecting route selections. I
understand. he has not been
requested to contribute
anything more than general
New Public Swim Rates
Effective June 30th/75
I PASS 5 t Each
10 PASSES $3.00 Each
St' MM ER SN1 %I PASS (.lune 30th - Sept. 1st 1 sl o.oe Each
QUARTERLY PXS,S i 1 Months) 11-10.00
MONDAY - FRIDAY '2:00 p.m 5-(x1 p.m.
6:30 p.m 9:00 p.m.
SATURDAY & SUNDAY 12:00 Noon - 4:00 p.m.
6:191 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
For Further Information Please Call N.'19 -M21.
guidelines for you committee
tofollow in site selection. H e
was not issued a set of
proposed route selections
until last Monday, at the
same time you released the
Proposed routes to the
public. Therefore, he would
;not have played an active
role in deciding on any
possible route or knowledge
of routes under con-
4. 1 am advised that there
has been no Report prepared
containing any relevant
background information
setting out the rationale for
each of the proposed routes
for anyone's scrtutinv.
5. Because the 'Flyers'
announcing the intent to hold
informal discussions with
affected residents were
distributed only last weep. it
would appear there was
insufficient ime for people to
prepare a proper submission
for the Committee's
I therefore, request a
clarification of the following
1. Who has the overall
responsibility for deciding on
the route re"tion?
2. By whom were these
proposed route selections
determined, and why each
was considered? Were then
others, and if so, why were
they rejected?
3. Will the Committee be
releasing any of its rationale
for site selection to the
public, through a Report?
4. Has tunnelling the rail
route under the proposed
Pickering Airport been
considered as a possible
alternative, and if so, has
this method been rejected?
and why?
5. Is serious consideration
being given to confining the
C. P Rail relocation through
lands already expropriated
for the Pickering Airport.
thereby averting the meed for
furt her expropriation of even
more property'
6. By whom was the
pamphlet prepared and to
whom was it mailed? How
were the mailing lists
determined and was there
consideration given to
alerting the communities
7. Have you any indication
the 'Flyer' announcing the
'drop-in' sessions was
received in ample time for
people to properly prepare
themseles for submitting
their comments.'
8. Can you assure me that
the public will have future
opportunities to review the
Collection Of Paper And Boxes
for Recycling
Council has decided to continue the collection on alternate Mondays for a six month period.
Would youpleasetie the bundles of paper or boxes in reasonable size and leave them at the
roadside in front of your home by not later than 7:00 A.M. on the dates listed below.
Your cooperation in this resource conservation programme willbe much appreciated.
The dates of collection are:
.July 14, 1975 Aug. 25, 1975 Oct. 11. 1975 (Tue.) Nov. 21. 1975
.July 29, 1975 Sept. S. 1975 Oct. 27, 1975 Dec. 9. 1975
Aug. 11. 1975 Sept. 22, 1975 Nov. 10. 1975 - Dec. 22, 1975
The collection of newspapers in that part of the Town North of Concession 3 Road will be
restricted tothe Villages of Brougham, Claremontand Greenwood only.
Mayor Director of Public Works
proposed routes through
Public Hearings because of
the insufficient notice given
to the 'drop-in' sessions of
yesterday and tommorrow?
9. Is there any conceivable
way, in your opinion that the
relocation can be achieved
on the existing, proposed,
Pickering Airports lands
already expropriated?
10. If as indicated in the
Federal Budget of June 23rd.
1975, the Government in-
tends to cut one -billion -
dollars in Federal spending
on previously announced
projects, will the Pickering
Airport be included in the list
of projects to be abandoned?
I would appreciate an early
response to the above
questions so that I can report
beck to my constituents who
have ceta m grave concerns
about the selection of the C.
P. Rail route relocation.
William G. Newman
Liberals To
Hold Picnic
The liberal Association of
the Federal Riding of On-
tario is holding its annual
picnic on Sun. July 20 at
Iamb's Camp. D uclos Point.
Lake Simcoe, commencing
at t p.m. Bring your own
hutch and join in the fun and
games. Invited guests in-
clude Norm Cafik. M.P.. The
lion. Barnev Danson. Des
Newman. Provincial liberal
candidate for Durham Nest
and Robert Nixon. Leader of
the Opposition. .%I the June
meeting of the Executive
two more committees were
formed. Norm Collins was
appointed Chairman of the
Committee on Gun Control
and Joyce Collins ('hairman
of the Committee to In-
vestigate the legalization of
Marijuana. Anyone wishing
involvement in either
committee may call x:M-1103.
Ron Soroule presented the
brief on the Green Paper on
Immigration, and a copy has
been forwarded to Ottawa.
Milton %I ow bra% was
commeded on his con-
tribution in this effort. The
Women's Committee reports
that plans are well underway
for a seminiar on Woman in
a Changing Society to be held
in Ajax an Jan. 17, 1946. It
was announced that Tern
McCarl has been elected
President of the Pine Ridge
IIaliburton District
Around Bay Ridges
Sy Pat Lloyd
compromising, instructed
Week of .June 23/75
Pickering Mayor Ashe. One
could say the Councillors
Royal Home Imp. 18 - B.R. Shell 10
were **fence sitting". In a 4 -
R. R. Kinsmen 14 - Colonial Homes 13
2 vote, it was decided that
R.R. Shell 9 - Colonial Homes 19
the individual situation
Royal Home Imp. 12 - B.R. Kinsmen 4
would govern how much
Royal Home Imp.
8 16
Colonial Homes
8 6
R. R. Shel l
8 6
B.R. Kinsmen
8 4
Council moved to continue
Supreme Alum. 18 - Kitchen Kuties 12
now being collected goes
Big M Drive In 20 - Ashes Deputies 11
the general feeling was that
R. R. Kinettes 10 - Big M Drive In 26
urban area but to cut down
Kitchen Kuties 18 - Ashes Deputies 24
Ashortage of markets has
R.R. Kinettes
6 10
Rig M Drive In
6 10
Supreme Alum.
6 6
Kitchen Kuties
7 4
Ashes Deputies
7 2
Kitchen opposed the cont
Andors Cartage 8 - B.R. P.M.A. 8
Council learned. Bundles of
Andors Cartage 4 - West Shore P.M.A. 18
down," said the Mayor at a
Happy Birthday Wishes to Barry Douglas of Chapleau. and
also Debbie Douglas and Ron Henson of Tutor.
wishes to Craig Mackey of Breda.
beenset. In the past, the
Township has always paid
Get Well Wishes to Mr. Simpson of Liverpool Rd. N.
and also
Harry Vandenbtug of Dixie Rd. N. Hope you both are soon on
the mend.
West Shore News
by Diane Matheson
The last I'antber Ringo for this season was bell on Monday
Jane alt. There was an excellent turnout. The Jackpot Game
was $1.00 - Urea Ga. It was won by one winner. a reXular
player who comes from Ajax. We would like to tbank
evenone for their support this season. Nye hope to ser you all
again in the fall. The first game will be Monday September
xtb. one week after labour Da%. It will be a 11.1 Jackpot -
Must Go. Ilave a happy and safe wmmer and see you all in
the fan.
Next Wednesday, July 9th. there will be a demonstration of
Flower Arranging. The Club is located at the corner of
Notion Road and Kinston Road in Pickering Village.
NEST SIIORF: I_%DIES S WTRALL - report by Sheila
The Kinsmen Ladies Softball Team plaved the next game in
•heir regular schedule last Thursday at Centennial Park
igai nst Pickering. It was a good game and rather uneventful
as hall games go. Our team captain Joanne was sitting on the
hench keeping score and nursing a foot injury she acquired
the night before while substituting on another team, when a
foul bal l came out of the blue and smacked her on the leg.
She decided maybe the stands would be a safer place to sit.
�s 1 said it was a good game and except for the usual pulled
muscles. etc., we showed well. Better than ever, in fact!
However we last. The score was 15-13 for Pickering. At this
rate we are bound to win soon. We play again on Thursday at
Centennial Park against Ajax. Keep rooting for us fans.
.we'll make it. We will have out neve sweaters on so we are
hound to win'!
Won't Be Fenced In
By Policy
Pickering Council won't
compromising, instructed
allow itself to be fenced in by
Pickering Mayor Ashe. One
a policy requiring it to pay
could say the Councillors
the tofal cost of fencing
were **fence sitting". In a 4 -
around parks in established
2 vote, it was decided that
communities. Nor will
the individual situation
Council commit itself to
would govern how much
follow a proposed 50% cost
Council would dish out for
sharing plan with abutting
fencing. In a new sub -
property owners. ..We
division where a park is
should be flexible and
su lied the develo er
should install a chain link
protective fence at no cost to
the Township, said Coun-
Town Will Continue
cillor Bruce Searle, who
originally introduced the
Idea of cost sharing. "This
The twon of Pickering. will
programs are hrd to re -start
should be part of the sub -
continue its recycling
after they have been stoped.
division agreement," he
stated. Where any type off
am even r
R°�' thoou h g ��
Council moved to continue
danger necessitates fencing.
now being collected goes
newspaper collection in
the general feeling was that
directly to the dump.
urban area but to cut down
the township should pay the
Ashortage of markets has
on urban collections until
entire shot. These dangers
caused a temporary summer
there is more demand for the
could range from deep ex -
slow down but Mavor George
paper. This action will cut
conation pits to keeping
mini -bike riders out of the
Ashe is convinced "the wheel
down on operating costs,
parks. Councillor Don
is going to turn again. It
mainly on gas for the trucks.
Kitchen opposed the cont
would be a shame to back
Council learned. Bundles of
sharing motion because he
down," said the Mayor at a
newspapers will be collected
felt a precedent had already
meeting of the Executive
on alternate Mondads as
beenset. In the past, the
Township has always paid
Committer_ =addirl� that s��s
f:re for fences in parks_
... #nijsl�lasxllltM.