HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA2007_07_29Wildlife Centre sole resource for injured animals By Erin Hatfield ehatfield@durhamregion.com DURHAM — A sad story of how, despite best efforts, one Ajax fam- ily was unable to save an injured bird’s life highlights a gap in this region’s response to wildlife. Jacquie Eyre’s daughters, aged 14 and 21, found an injured seagull on their property in Ajax on July 21. The bird had a broken wing, she said, so the family called the Toronto Wildlife Centre (TWC). Unfortunately, after three days of phone tag with the TWC, when arrangements were finally made for a volunteer to come out to Ajax to pick up the animal, the bird had died. “Had it been a dog or a cat or, God forbid, one of Canada’s animals like a beaver what would have happened,” Ms. Eyre said. “I know it was a seagull and people think they are annoying, but be- sides the point, it is still a living, breathing creature.” After the bird passed, Ms. Eyre said she had quite a time find- ing someone to come and pick up the carcass. She called around to a number of organizations until finally the Town of Ajax came to retrieve the animal. “I am disgusted I can’t believe that bird had to die,” Ms. Eyre said. “Someone should have come out immediately.” Nathalie Karvonen, executive director of the TWC, agrees it was a terrible situation for the bird to be in. “We were actually quite upset that this animal was in this situ- ation for so long,” Ms. Karvonen said. “It was a terrible situation for the bird. It’s absolutely not some- thing that we would consider ac- ceptable.” She said the centre did all it could to try to arrange to pick up the bird. When people call the Wildlife 35.2//-3s7).$/73s$//23 905-686-2445 Visit our showroom 239 Station St., Ajax Manufacturer of SUNROOMS & WINDOWS 12 months - grade 8www.blaisdale.com 905-509-5005BLAISDALEMONTESSORIOPEN HOUSE Wed. August 1, 2007 @ 7:00 p.m. Rougemount Campus 365 Kingston Rd., Pickering BLAISDALEBLAISDALE MONTESSORIMONTESSORI SCHOOLSCHOOL The Pickering 32 PAGES ✦ Pressrun 48,900 ✦ Metroland Durham Region Media Group ✦ SUNDAY, JULY 29, 2007 ✦ Optional delivery $6 / Newsstand $1 DurhamDurham Daily News Every weekday at noon            !JAX 0ICKERING A wake-up call Is Durham ready for an aging population? Page 24 SPLASHING AROUND IN PICKERING Ron Pietroniro/ News Advertiser photo PICKERING — Marshal Yosofi, along with his cousin Sadique Sadar, cools off in the lake at the Millennium Square Beach on a hot, humid afternoon. Seagull story has unhappy ending ✦ See Wildlife, Page 4 durhamregion.comA/P PAGE 2 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 AREA RUG BLOW-OUT SALEBLOW-OUT SALE ONLY A T ONLY AT “Where Customers Send Their Friends!”“Where Customers Send Their Friends!” “I’VE FOUND THE BEST...“I’VE FOUND THE BEST... NOW I CAN REST!”NOW I CAN REST!” Pickering/Ajax 905-683-4477 Oshawa/Whitby 905-571-2377 Call today for information on the rebates available. Replace your old furnace with a high effi ciency gas furnace. Take advantage of the numerous government rebates of up to $2000 for high effi ciency gas furnaces and air conditioners (14 Seer)! Don’t get left out in the cold! Serving Durham since 1987 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 PAGE 3 A/Pdurhamregion.com Pat Perkins says land freeze on one side of Lakeridge Road and not the other wasn’t fair By Lesley Bovie lbovie@durhamregion.com DURHAM — Fighting a north-south link to Hwy. 407 in west Whitby was a battle the Town was destined to lose, says Mayor Pat Perkins. Whitby’s fate was sealed the moment its lands near Lakeridge Road were frozen to development in the early 1990s to allow the Province to study the link, she argues. “Only the east side was frozen,” the mayor told the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) and its consultants at an information meet- ing Thursday. “That same consideration wasn’t given on the (Ajax) side.” As a result, when the MTO began looking at the link again in more recent years, it found relatively less impacts in west Whitby than Ajax, which had been allowed to build homes, recreational facilities and business- es just over the border, Mayor Perkins said. “We have not in Whitby been treated fairly because of that issue,” she added. “Now (the link) will be severing a portion of our lands from the rest of Whitby.” Whitby has long hoped Lakeridge Road would form a more natural link than WL8, the technically preferred route that was identified by the MTO in the early 1990s but never submitted to the Minister of Environ- ment for approval. In this study, the MTO took another look at WL8, which had raised the concerns of residents in Queens Common, because it used Halls Road and came too close to their homes for comfort. Instead, consultants are recommend- ing WL7, “a compromised alternative” said Doug Allingham, project manager from Totten Sims Hubicki. It uses Halls Road but doesn’t extend as far east towards the neighbourhood. Mr. Allingham acknowledged the history surrounding the link and agreed with the mayor that because of the freeze, as a route, WL8 didn’t have many impacts. WL7 is the closest to the midpoint between Ajax and Whitby, he said. “But this was not an exercise to try and find a balance between Whitby and Ajax,” the engineer said. “Our job was to do a thorough techno- logical review within a study area.” The issue now becomes the future of Al- mond Village. Councillors say the new preferred route will cut the Whitby subdivision near Lak- eridge Road and the 401 entirely off from the rest of the Town. They argue those residents will be sand- wiched between two highways. Why not Lakeridge Road? While Lakeridge Road seems like an obvious link, consultants pointed out the following dif- ficulties: • a Lakeridge Road link would have too many negative impacts on the surrounding en- vironment. Building a link there would require constructing another major road to replace Lakeridge Road as a regional corridor, as re- quired by the Region. • widening the interchange at Lakeridge Road to accommodate the link would eliminate the Almond Village subdivision altogether. • Lakeridge Road also presents some diffi- cult ‘geometrics’ in terms of interchange design given its spatial relation to the Salem Road interchange in Ajax. • WL7, or the new Halls Road route, has less impact on water quality, fish habitat and other natural features and lower noise impacts than proposed routes using Lakeridge Road. To view the technically preferred route and links, visit www.407eastea.com. The public can comment this month. A concept design for the preferred route is being drafted this fall with the Environmental Assessment report to be filed to the Minister of Environment by the end of 2008. Ajax received better deal when 407 extension studied: Whitby mayor Timeline set for ’08 Ajax budget AJAX — Property owners should circle Feb. 25 on their 2008 calendar. That’s the day Ajax councillors are set to approve the Town’s budget, which will include a tax increase. In what range that increase will be won’t be known until October, says finance director Rob Ford. That’s when staff present the four-year general levy forecast. “That’s when they give us the guide- line,” he says. The tax increase this year was 3.5 per cent. When councillors set the target back in October for this year’s increase, Mayor Steve Parish suggested the goal of 3.5 per cent and decreasing it by one-quarter per cent each year until it’s 2.75 per cent in 2010. Whatever the increase is, one per cent of it will be used to address staff- ing issues. Mr. Ford notes staff begin “thinking of next year’s budget” around the time this year’s document is approved. hotline, calls go directly to a voice mail message. Hotline staff record the calls into a database and they are sort- ed in priority sequence. The injured seagull was a prior- ity, Ms. Karvonen said. “Seagulls are federally protected birds and we work with lots of them,” said Ms. Karvonen. What this situation comes down to, she said, is a re- source issue. She said the TWC is the sole resource for injured wild animals in Durham. There are agen- cies all over the Greater Toronto Area that direct calls to the TWC and Ms. Karvonen said because of this the TWC gets approxi- mately 200 calls a day. If you find an injured or sick animal the Ministry of Natural Resources rec- ommends calling the On- tario Wildlife Rehabilitation and Education Network in Welland, or your local hu- mane society. But, a call to the Durham Humane Soci- ety confirms it would direct callers to the TWC. The TWC is a charitable organization, and they get 50 per cent of their fund- ing from grants from foun- dations. Other sources of revenue are donations from individuals and special events. Ms. Karvonen said of all the municipalities TWC service in Durham Region only Pickering pro- vides it with a grant. With more funding more animals could be saved. “Best thing people can do is to contact their local councillor and say, ‘I am a taxpayer and it is important to me that there is some response to wildlife’,” Ms. Karvonen said. Remember, all inserts, including those on glossy paper, can be recycled with the rest of your newspaper through your blue box Recycling program. For information on delivering your advertising fl yers, call DUNCAN FLETCHER at 683-5110. Sunday July 29, 2007 Carrier of The Week Ajax and Pickering Locations Ajax 10 Cinemas 248 Kingston Rd. East Kevin Today’s carrier of the week is Kevin. He enjoys hockey & skate- boarding. He will receive a dinner, pizza and movie voucher compliments of McDonald’s, Boston Pizza and Cineplex Odeon. Congratulations Kevin for being our Carrier of the Week. * Durham Business Times Ajax/Pick. * Fairport Guardian Drugs Pick. * Little Ceasars Ajax/Pick. * Rogers Home Phone Ajax/Pick. * Westney Guardian Drugs Ajax * Delivered to selected households only WHOOO has FLYERS in Today’s If you did not receive your News Advertiser/fl yers OR you are interested in a paper route call Circulation at 905-683-5117. Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9 - 7:30 Sat. 9 - 4:30, Sun. 10 - 1 Your Carrier will be around to collect an optional delivery charge of $6.00 between July 4 - July 8, 2007 $%.4!,$%.4!,#%.42%#%.42% -"%2,%! WALK-IN HOURS Daily 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. AMBERLEA SHOPPING CENTRE ON WHITES RD. PICKERING BETWEEN FINCH & HWY 401 • FREE 2nd Opinin Consultations • Nirous Oxide Gas • Collect from Insurances Readers Choice Award Winner for the past 4 Years SERVING DURHAM REGION SINCE 1970 Hours: Mon. to Fri. 8am-4pm or by appointmentShowroom: 577 Ritson Rd. S. (at 401) 905-725-9731905-725-9731CALL FOR DETAILS! AUTHORIZED DEALER Limited time offer!Replace your old Air Conditioner and Furnace with new high effi ciency models and get back $$ in rebates! Don’t pay for 1 year O.A.C. or put on your gas bill! 10 yrs warranty on parts & labour. Authorized Dealer On High Effi ciency Furnaces - up to $1600* back! On High Effi ciency Air Conditioner - up to $900* back! *Government and Utility Rebates. Call for details. durhamregion.comP PAGE 4 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 Erica Allingham graduates secondary school with honours and Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award PICKERING — A Pickering student has a little more to add to her resume after fin- ishing school at Lakefield College. Upon her recent gradua- tion from the Peterborough boarding school, Erica Allingham was recognized as a scholar of distinction for graduating with an aver- age of more than 85 per cent and also received the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award. “Having the 85 per cent is going to help me because I know how to focus on my studies,” said Erica, who is attending Dalhousie Uni- versity in Nova Scotia for business commerce this fall. The school is awarding her a $1,500 scholarship. The Duke Award pro- gram is designed to involve youth in personal develop- ment activities, including community service, expedi- tions, hobbies and physical recreation. To reach the gold level, students participate in a hobby or skill, sports pro- gram for 18 months, and in a service project. “I guess the stuff that it taught me I can use later on in life as well,” Erica said. For the expedition com- ponent, she went camping at Algonquin Provincial Park. Along with cooking for herself, she also went canoeing, portaging, and set up tents. The sports por- tion was tennis, while her skill was choir and reading. Erica’s community involve- ment included purchasing items for people overseas. Photo by Jennifer Roberts Cleaning up the beach AJAX — When Samantha Chambers, 17, and Steven Murray, 17, decided to clean the beach near Rotary Park in Ajax on Monday afternoon they got some unexpected help from six-year-old Chantal Branch. Chantal was at the beach when she saw the two teens working away and decided to help pick up garbage. Pickering Lakefield College student gets recognition Wildlife centre says more funding would allow more animals to be saved Fast Facts What to do if you find an ani- mal in distress, according to the Toronto Wildlife Centre: Health and safety should always be your first concern - never do anything you are not comfortable with. If it is safe to do so, confine the animal to a cardboard box in a warm, dark quiet place. Do not offer the animal any- thing to eat or drink until you have spoken with a Toronto Wildlife Centre hotline staff member. If it is not safe to confine the animal, try to block off the area where the animal is so that it cannot escape while you are waiting for help. Call the TWC hotline at 416- 631-0662 and leave a clear, detailed message.www.durhamregion.comCATCH UP ONLINE AT ✦ Wildlife from page 1 • Health Canada Approved • Medically supervised • Proven safe & effective • Men & Women • Enjoy smooth silky skin • Unique cooling system for comfort M ediSPA THE FACIAL PLACE FREE CONSULTATIONS www.thefacialplace.com 905.831.9700 905.668.8128 Downtown Whitby Beside Valentinos Pickering Brock & 401 Photo Facial Rejuvenation, Peels, Microdermabrasion, Botox®, Acne & Rosacea Treatments, Laser Hair, Skin Tightening, Pixel™ Laser Resurfacing for Lines, Wrinkles, Large Pores & Scars NEW “Non Surgical” Face Lift, Free Consult call today! 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Along with its ability to deliver a “non-surgical facelift”, ACCENT® is also extremely well suited for the treatment of love handles, saddlebags, cellulite, and fat deposits in diffi cult areas such as the bra- line, knees, and arms. CALL FOR YOUR FREE CONSULT TODAY! Medically Supervised, Health Canada and FDA Approved Laser hair removal Beautiful Body with ACCENT® As featured on City TV, Oprah, Elle Magazine, CTV News, NBC and ABC. A revolutionary medical treatment for Cellulite, Fat reduction and skin tightening. No needles, No surgery, No downtime, No Pain! Health Canada & FDA approved. The most effective medical cellulite device in North America. Cellulite &Body Contouring. Turn your skin around in 30 days SESSION ONE FREE Call for details! Photo Facials50% Off Hair Removal50% Off THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 PAGE 5 A/Pdurhamregion.com durhamregion.comA/P PAGE 6 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, JULY 29 2007 EDITORIAL LETTER TO THE EDITOR NEWS ADVERTISER Metroland Durham Region Media Group Tim Whittaker, Publisher Joanne Burghardt, Editor-in-Chief Mike Johnston, Managing Editor Duncan Fletcher, Director of Advertising Andrea McFater, Retail Advertising Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak, Classified Advertising Abe Fakhourie, Distribution Manager Lillian Hook, Office Manager Cheryl Haines, Composing Manager Janice O’Neil, Composing Manager [ Contact us ]-- News/Sales 905-683-5110; Clas- sifieds 905-683-0707; Distribution 905-683-5117; News Fax 905-683- 0386; General Fax 905-683-7363; E-mail mjohnston@durhamregion. com; Mailing Address; 130 Com- mercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L1S 2H5 [ About Us ]-- The News Advertiser is a Metroland Media Group newspaper. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax & Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc., and the Canadian Circula- tions Audit Board. Also a member of the Ontario Press Council, 2 Carlton St., Suite 1706, Toronto, M5B 1J3, an independent organiza- tion that addresses reader com- plaints about member newspapers. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertise- ment. Credit for advertisement lim- ited to space price error occupies. Editorial and Advertising content of the News Advertiser is copyrighted. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited. Publications Mail Sales Agreement Number 40052657. [ Letters Policy ]-- We welcome letters that include name, city of residence and phone numbers for verification. Writers are generally limited to 200 words and one submission in 30 days. We decline announcements, poetry, open letters, consumer complaints, congratulations and thank you notes. The editor reserves the right to edit copy for length, style and clarity. Opinions expressed by letter writers are not necessarily those of the News Advertiser. Due to the volume of letters, not all will be printed. Fax: 905-683-0386; e-mail: mjohnston@ durhamregion.com. The newspaper contacts only those whose submissions have been cho- sen for publication. EDITORIALS & OPINIONS durhamregion.com No sympathy here for Toronto’s woes Message is that big city must go through same process as regions To all the whining, wailing and gnashing of teeth coming out of Toronto these days, Durham Regional Chairman Roger Anderson has a simple message: suck it up. Durham’s top municipal official, who also has plenty of local government experience in his previous role as president of the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, recently weighed in on the $575-million shortfall faced by the megacity. His comments come in the wake of a decision by council not to take advantage of taxing powers granted by the Province that would have raised more than $350 million. “Toronto is in the same position as the rest of us,” said Mr. Anderson who brushed aside complaints by Mayor David Miller and others about downloading difficulties and revenue short- falls. Toronto’s resistance at raising property taxes and its demands for funding relief from the Province were not well-received by Mr. Anderson who has been regional chairman of Durham for the past decade. He well knows the hard choices the region faces every year it crunches the numbers and how hard staff and councillors work to keep the books balanced. Mr. Anderson also understands the chronic underfunding Durham and other 905 regions have faced from the Province for many years now. Tax revenues from the Province -- and the feds -- have been nowhere near to balancing the growth faced here and calls for more money almost always fall on deaf ears. The message to Toronto is very simple. Either reduce the deficit by finding efficiencies and making service cuts or make the tough choice of significantly boosting property taxes. The other alternative, which Toronto will deal with again after the Oct. 10 provincial election, is to implement the new taxes under the City of Toronto Act. It would be unfair indeed, if the next premier of the province simply turned around and bailed out Toronto without making the big city go through the same tough process Durham and its eight municipalities have continuously gone through. It’s also important to note that a provincial bail-out of Toronto takes money out of any fund that would provide equitable funding to Durham and the other 905 regions. And that would truly tip the balance to Toronto and away from the 905. It must not happen. Book title gives all women something to think about A s girls break out the belly tops and short shorts for summer, a Toron- to author offers some thoughts on modesty they might want to consider. In a recent Toronto Star article, au- thor Wendy Shalit discusses her books ‘Girls Gone Mild’ and a ‘Return to Mod- esty’. According to the story, her writings are about girls reclaiming self-respect and getting away from promiscuity and the idea that being bad is good. Unfor- tunately, her beliefs have led to insults and even threats against her. Sad, but not all together surprising. Of all the columns I’ve ever writ- ten during my six years with Metroland Durham Region Media Group: the need to ban legal strikes by publicly paid em- ployees or various issues dealing with homosexuality - a contentious subject despite your stance, never have I re- ceived as many letters as I did for criti- cizing the length many girls wear their Catholic school kilts. The letters, from girls and boys alike, said I have no right to say such things; no teenager in their right mind would wear a kilt past their knees because they’d be made fun of; that some girls roll up their skirts because they like to and have no provocative intentions attached... the list continues. Some of them were well- written and supported, but others went as far as to swear and even give me a “cautious warning” about the next time I think of writing “stupid ness (that’s how they spelled it) like this”. Some people - most or all of them adults, agreed with my position and even thanked me for bringing the issue forth, but those letters were few in com- parison to the ones from teenagers de- fending their kilts and angered by my approach or opinion. Another girl said some do obey the rules for kilt length and shouldn’t have to suffer for someone else’s actions. That’s true, but unfortunately when women in music videos, bars, even schools, walk around exposed it creates a negative image for us all, which is why it’s so offensive. Those who criticize others for pro- moting girls to dress in a less provoca- tive manner and cool down their sexu- ality, perhaps need to work on their self-esteem. Dressing and performing sexual ac- tivities because they come across as cool is a terrible and misleading way to gain self-assurance, especially when the consequence of doing so can leave one feeling worthless. Regret can be hard to overcome. Good for Ms. Shalit for stepping up and taking on the challenge of trying to promote the traditional good girl – something one would think all parents and responsible adults would encour- age. Crystal Crimi’s column appears every third Sunday. E-mail ccrimi@durhamregion. com. Crystal Crimi staff writer A positive message for teen girls We need to do better at recycling To the editor: I find it interesting that a comment in a recent article in your newspaper suggested that the stores should be doing something about reducing the number of plastic bags distributed. That way, Durham Region wouldn’t have to deal with the problem. Great idea, but why is it that people who live in the Co- bourg area can recycle absolutely everything, including plastic bags. If they can do it, why can’t we? I think it’s time that Durham Region politicians contact Co- bourg politicians to see how they manage to do that. I work with a woman from that area who very graciously takes plastic bags I bring in from home to her place to recycle them for me. Unfortunately, she will soon be leaving our office and I will have to go back to putting them in the garbage where it will take 1,000 years before they disappear. I have purchased three of the reusable bags but there is still so much plastic to discard other than the bags. We need to do better. Helen Campbell Enniskillen IN-STOCKIN-STOCK POOLSPOOLS BLOW-OUT!BLOW-OUT! OPTIMIZER PLUS FLOATINGFLOATING CHAIRSCHAIRS IN-STOCK!IN-STOCK! LIQUID CHLORINE ON SALE SAT & SUN $3.50 plus tax, 10L Mid SummerMid Summer Madness SaleMadness Sale HOT TUBHOT TUB BLOW-OUTBLOW-OUT IN STORE SPECIALSIN STORE SPECIALS 16 kg $9999 TURBO TROPICAL FISH LIQUID SOLAR BLAKET 8 Time Readers Choice Award Winner 2006 Award Winner 637 KINGSTON RD. Beside National Sports PICKERING 905-839-8399 www.diplomatpools.com Round & Oval PoolsRound & Oval Pools from $2,139from $2,139 POOL SAFETYPOOL SAFETY COVERSCOVERS Custom shapes & sizes available for any pool. Call for pricing!! 2006 PRICING,2006 PRICING, BOOK EARLYBOOK EARLY Reg. $399.99 WALL MOUNT FOUNTAIN Will fi t any pool! $2999 Limit 2 per customer. While quantities last. 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QUALITY ONE LTD., Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated SOUTH ROUGEMOUNT BEAUTY LOUISE GUERTIN MICALLEF Sales Representative 416-286-3993 “Service en français”$369,999www.homeswithlouise.com lmicallef1@rogers.com • Charming front porch• Second Floor Laundry• Modern soothing décor• Gas fi replace • Fenced yard, steps to Lake Call Louise Guertin Micallef416-286-3993 or 905-428-6533. ROUGE RIVER Realty Ltd. Brokerage NEWER HOME - AJAX BY THE LAKE CHARLES D. FERREIRA BROKER 905-619-2655 www.homes-condos4u.com HomeLife Success Realty Inc. Brokerage This Village townhome with upgraded open concept design also includes a fi nished basement and gas heating! Call today for an appointment or more pictures at: PICKERING VILLAGENEW LISTING SONIA SAMPSON Broker 905-427-6522 JUST LISTED!! Over 17 Years Professional Service - Proven Results • 4 Bedrooms • Large Family Size Kitchen • Family Room w/Fireplace • Double Garage • Approx 2300 SQ FTConnect Realty Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated $279,900PRESIDENT’S GOLDAWARD Service en français RENO VIOLA Sales Representative 905-427-6522 EXCLUSIVE BREAKERS ON THE WATERFRONT Email: reno@renoviola.com Move In & Enjoy Waterfront Trails & Lake Ontario - only minutes from front door. One Of A Kind 1800 Sq Ft Luxury Executive Condo. 9Ft Ceilings, Tastefully Decorated In Neutral Colours. Pass Thru From Kitchen To Family Room. Move in and enjoy this summer!Connect Realty Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated $309,900BRAD SOMERVILLE Broker 905-683-5000 416-388-7199 DETACHED NORTH AJAX www.bradsomerville.com Fully detached two storey 3 bedroom home in north Ajax, This lovely home has a fully fi nished basement, a backyard deck fully fenced and close to shopping, transportation,schools and the Mclean Community Centre. Call Brad Somerville for more Details. QUALITY ONE Ltd., BrokerageIndependently Owned and Operated JOE PITINO Sales Representative 905-831-3300 1-866-539-3300 $609,900STUNNING LIFESTYLE HOME Visit: www.pitino.ca This Custom Stone, Stucco & Brick and featuring a 2800 sq ft Bungalow/Loft open Concept 3 Bedrm, 4 Bathrms Design, fi nished Basement consisting of Gym, Home Theatre, Rec Rm & Wine Cellar, on a 72’ wide premium Park Like Setting, Pond, Hardwood Floors, Crown Moulding, 2-Storey Great Rm With marble gas fi replace &Palladian Windows, 9’ Ceilings, Amazing kitchen with island, landscaped, Treed, Deck, walk to Rouge River and conservation areas..$609,900...905-831-3300 call now Joe Pitino. First Realty Ltd. Brokerage $389,898TAKE A CLOSER LOOK... Fabulous open concept design, upgraded kitchen w/pot lights & a walkout to the deck & yard, spacious master bedroom with a walkout to a sundeck, skylight, wood stairs/railing, built-in cabinets, interlocking brick walkway & much more! Perfect for commuters with a short drive to 401 and go transit. THIS HOME CHALLENGES COMPARISON...CALL TODAY! MARY ROY BROKER 905-426-7515 Call Mary Roy today @ 905-426-7515 FIRSTREALTY LTD.BROKERAGE DEBBIE MICHLITS Sales Representative 905-428-7677 $159,900JUST LISTED dmichlits@trebnet.com or www.ourfamilyrealtor.com Bright & spacious 1 bedroom apartment just steps to amenities, move in condition. 5 Appliances. Demand building Westney/Hwy 2. For More info or to view, call or email Debbie. 0RUDENTIAL!CHIEVERS2EALTY "ROKERAGE An independently owned and operated affi liate of The Prudential Realtor Affi liates Inc. PATRICK GILLISSales Representative 416-543-4559 416-462-1888 $344,900JUST LISTED VIEW PHOTOS AT www.patrickgillis.com or call Patrick direct at 416-543-4559 or 416-462-1888 STROUDS/ROSEBANK. You’ll love this absolutely stunning renovation! 3 bedrms, 4 new bathrms, new hardwd fl ooring, new baseborad trim, crown moulding, fabulous new kit walk out to fenced yard and party sized deck, gorgeous fi nished bsmt-perfect for nanny/teen suite! You’ll just fall in love!!!HALLMARKREALTYBrokerage KATHY WEBSTER Sales Representative 905-683-2166 416-419-5500 OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN.JUNE 16 & 17, 2-4 P.M. Call KATHY WEBSTER 905-683-2166 or 416-419-5500 803 STROUDS LANERENOVATED THRU-OUT! Professionally Renovated Thru-Out; Open Concept Kit. w/Granite & Tumbled Marble; All New Bathroom Flooring, Moulding, Jacuzzi Tub; Interior & Exterior Doors; A/C; Furnace; Roof & Windows. Shows Absolutely Spotless - Like a Model Home! Percy Fulton Limited Brokerage SOPHIA TANSales Representative 416-439-1660 416-417-4488 100’ X 255’ LOT CALL SOPHIA TODAY AT 416-417-4488 1861 Pine Grove Ave. (west of Altona Rd.) 3 bedroom bungalow. Every room is on one level, big addition of salarium with cathedral ceiling and wet bar, potential extra 50x100’ lot at N.W. corner of property. $489,900. MLS. #E1158396 0RUDENTIAL!CHIEVERS2EALTY "ROKERAGE An independently owned and operated affi liate of The Prudential Realtor Affi liates Inc. *Salesperson **Broker ***Broker of Record June 13 - June 19, 2007 www.homesdurhamregion.com Pressrun 51,800 Has you Covered! www.durhamregion.com 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, L1S 2H5 P:905.683.5110 F:905.619.9068 To find a feature that fits your advertising needs, contact your Advertising Consultant. today! Bringing Your Listing to 51,800 homes and apartments in Ajax and Pickering Wednesdays. When it Comes to Advertising your Resale Listing Ajax and Pickering News Advertiser Trustee In Bankruptcy TrusteeTrustee In In BankruptcyBankruptcy James R. Yanch Advice on Proposals, Bankruptcy & Alternatives “Lets fi nd solutions together!” Over 20 Years Experience OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 905-721-7506 AJAX 50 Commercial Ave. 905-619-1473 BY APPT. ONLY Saturday & Evening Appt.’s Available FREE CONSULTATION www.jamesryanch.com 50%-70% less than most funeral homes Showroom Open To Public Metal & Wood Caskets, Urns Free Delivery to Funeral Homes 416-321-5688 1-866-511-5688 235 Nugget Ave. Unit 21, Scarborough, ON www.casketdepot.ca THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 PAGE 9 A/Pdurhamregion.com AJ Groen/ News Advertiser photo Built to fit PICKERING — Steve Hovnanian, right, watches as a crane lowers his new fibreglass pool into the hole pre- pared for it. He bought the pool from San Juan pools. Gino Arcangioli, left, keeps an eye on proceedings. Reactor down for seal work PICKERING — Just weeks after starting up from a planned main- tenance outage, a reactor at the Pickering nuclear station is off- line for an unplanned mainte- nance outage. Unit 5 was taken out of service on July 19 for inspections and maintenance on valve and pump seals on the primary heat trans- port system. The unit underwent a two- month outage starting in early April. Jacquie McInnes, manager of public affairs at the Pickering sta- tion, says the current outage is needed to replace faulty seals. “It’s a manufacturing defect. It has to be taken off-line to re- place the seals,” she says, adding the unit will be back in service “within the next week, the end of next week.” This outage isn’t related to an issue last week with a pressurized duct system running between the reactors and the vacuum build- ing. “We were planning this for the week before that (duct issue),” Ms. McInnes says. Do you have a recipe for the best BBQ meal? The best frozen drink? The best summer dessert? Send the recipe, along with a picture of the tasty treat, to Christy Chase (cchase@durhamregion.com) for your chance to win a $100 gift certificate from Halenda’s Meats. Recipes will be printed in the Life section of durhamregion.com. Three winners will also get a chance to show us how it’s done in a one-minute how-to cooking video filmed and pro- duced by Durham Daily News. Now, get cookin! Contest deadline: Aug. 12 -ARKETPLACE 9OURLOCALLISTINGS SUPERSITE 0ERSONALS &OR2ENT .OTICES *OBS -ERCHANDISE !UTOMOTIVE 0ETS 2EAL%STATE 3ERVICES MARKETPLACEDURHAMREGIONCOM "UYERS 4HEMOSTLOCALLISTINGSFROMTHEBEST LOCALWEBSITE 3ELLERS "ASICADSARE&2%% &EATUREADSSTANDOUTANDCONNECT WITH™MORECUSTOMERS 2EACHAHUGEAUDIENCEATAGREAT LOWPRICE -ARKETPLACE9OUR AD R YOUR WAYR durhamregion.comA/P PAGE 10 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 TEMPUR is not a mattress. Nor a pillow. It is a sleep system created by professionals dedicated to one purpose - to let you fi nd the sleep you’ve been missing your whole life. Deeper, more restful than you’ve ever experienced before. You’ll notcie the difference the moment you wake up. THIS WEEK ONLY!!THIS WEEK ONLY!! 90 DAYS90 DAYS NO INTEREST!NO INTEREST! NO PAYMENTS!! FEATURING CANADIAN MADE ‘FURNITURE’ BIRCH, HARDWOOD BY ‘FURNITURE’ BIRCH, HARDWOOD BY ‘COLLEGE WOOD WORKING’‘COLLEGE WOOD WORKING’ Bringing Our Local Communities The Best Sleep ‘Since 1981’ Futons • Bunks • Desks • Etc. GUARANTEED BEST PRICE! SAVESAVE NOW!NOW! * TWIN MATTRESS TWIN MATTRESS $$99999595 &UP/ D-MAT &UP/ D-MAT $$1391399595 & UP & UP 7-PC SUITE FROM $199995 (NOT EXACTLY AS SHOWN) 5-DCHEST $39995 CRAFTED PINE BY B&M ALSO AVAILABLE *Purchases over $29995 AJ Groen/ News Advertiser photo On the run PICKERING — Amun Binning plays a mosquito who is being chased by a dragonfly. He was taking part in Ontario Power Generation’s Tuesday’s on the Trail that took place at Alex Robertson Park recently. T h i s S u m mer at Discount Tickets for Canada’s Wonderland and Other Attractions! Discount Movie Tickets with Cineplex Entertainment! Travel Insurance for trips within Canada! Maps, Luggage, Day Packs and Other Travel Accessories and Essentials CAA Travel Store – Pickering 726 Kingston Rd. 905-831-5253 Ont. Reg. #50014517. CAA Travel (South Central Ontario) Inc. 60 Commerce Valley Dr. E., Thornhill ON L3T 7P9. ®CAA and CAA logo trademarks owned by and use is granted by the Canadian Automobile Association. g T h i s S u m mer at THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 PAGE 11 A/Pdurhamregion.com Pickering student previous winner of TD Canada Trust award By Crystal Crimi ccrimi@durhamregion.com DURHAM — A Whitby student is getting all the help she needs for university, thanks to a $60,000 scholarship. Katie Zeppieri of Anderson Collegiate Vocational Institute heads off to Ryerson University this fall with a TD Canada Trust 2007 Scholarship for Community Leader- ship, which will cover her tuition and living expenses. “I think now the doors are all open for me,” said Ms. Zeppieri, who recently turned 18. The scholarship covers tuition for an un- dergraduate degree program up to $10,000 per year for a maximum four years, and also provides her with a $5,000 cheque for each of the four years to help with living costs and supplies. Ms. Zeppieri said it includes the offer of a summer job at a TD branch for each of the four years as well. Since the award began 11 years ago, only two other people from Durham have re- ceived it: Amanda Goundry from Pickering and Amanda Dunn, Courtice. Over its span, 220 scholarships were provided. The award presented to Ms. Zeppieri is in recognition of her community leadership, particularly her involvement with Ander- son CVI’s Culture of Peace. Through it, she created and delivered diversity education lessons to more than 250 elementary stu- dents to teach them about peace promotion and acceptance. She developed a resource book and CD for the program, available to all Durham schools as well. Ms. Zeppieri was also a representative at the United Nations conference on violence against children, co-chairwoman of a re- gional conference on partner abuse, and a leader at the Students Together Against Racism camp. She applied for the TD scholarship in fall, after finding out about it through her school’s guidance department. “I went along with the fact my school thought I had a chance,” said Ms. Zeppieri, and added, she had nothing to lose by ap- plying. “But I never would have expected $60,000.” Her confidence was also boosted by other awards, such as the YMCA Peace Medallion, being named a Young Woman of Distinc- tion, the Whitby Youth Council Commu- nity Award, a $500 Whitby Race Relations Scholarship, and a Millennium Scholarship provincial award. She was also a finalist for the Youth in Motion Top 20 Under 20 in Canada. “It’s been an amazing year,” said Ms. Zep- pieri. After applying to the TD scholarship award, she was called into an interview at the top floor of the TD Tower in Toronto. She left it feeling confident and like she did everything she could. “When I got the call about a month later, I started crying on the phone and my parents took me out for a celebration dinner,” said Ms. Zeppieri. “I’m so excited,” she said, and added the scholarships and awards she’s received have provided her with even more oppor- tunities. The awards help people identify if you’ll be a good employee, she said. Without the TD scholarship, going to uni- versity would have been a lot harder. “Financially, obviously it gives you a head-start,” she said. “When you’re leaving university you don’t have student loans.” At university, she’ll be taking radio and television broadcasting. Ms. Zeppieri plans on commuting so she can stay at home with her family and continue her community involvement. Fast facts • The $60,000 scholarship was awarded to 20 students across Canada this year • This is the 11th year for the awards program Some of Ms. Zeppieri’s other awards: • YMCA Peace Medallion • Young Woman of Distinction • Whitby Youth Council Community Award • Whitby Race Relations $500 Scholarship • Millennium Scholarship provincial award • Finalist for the Youth in Motion Top 20 Under 20 in Canada. Durham teen wins $60,000 scholarship AJ Groen/ News Advertiser photo Katie Zeppieri won a $60,000 scholarship from TD Canada Trust. Of note is Ms. Zepp- ieri’s work at Anderson Collegiate’s Culture of Peace. Just one more way to get your news thanks to the NEWS ADVERTISER newsdurhamregion.com durhamregion.comA/P PAGE 12 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 Residential + Commercial 905-509-9002 ARCHITECT1 Ajax Paint Centre (905)427-3337 12 Harwood S.Ajax Pickering Paint Centre (905)837-0317 1794 Liverpool, Pickering PAINT CENTRE5 Eavestroughing In Business Since 1970 5”, 6” Seamless Eavestrough Supply • Run off Installation FREE ESTIMATES Eavestroughing, Siding, Soffi t, Fascia 905-426-5001 www.unictrough.ca 759 Kingston Rd. W., Ajax (at Church) SIDING & EAVESTROUGHING7 W WINDOW & DOOR REPAIR AND SERVICE CENTRE DD YOUR SOURCE FOR QUALITY PRODUCTS AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE since 1996 Showroom & Shop: 31 Barr Road, #5 905-426-6788 www.windowrepair.ca New Custom Windows or just the Right Parts. We help with your Projects in all regards. WINDOWS & DOORS9 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE FULLY INSURED FREE ESTIMATES (905) 706-7047 • (416) 702-4252 BARK TREE SERVICEBARK TREE SERVICEBARK TREE SERVICE SERVICES:SERVICES: • TREE REMOVAL • TOPPING• TREE REMOVAL • TOPPING •DEADWOOD• DEAD WOOD • PRUNING • STUMP REMOVAL• PRUNING • STUMP REMOVAL • HEDGE TRIMMING• HEDGE TRIMMING Call RobCall Rob TREE SERVICES11 JJONESONES D DOOLEYOOLEY INSURANCE BROKERS An IndependentInsuranceBroker CCoversYou Best ™ An Independent Insurance Broker Covers You Best 905.427.3595 www.jones-dooleyinsure.com Fax: 905.427.3098 “Personal Service Makes A Difference” Serving Durham Since 1985 MARSHA JONES DOOLEY CIP, CAIB, RIB (ONT.) • AUTO • PROPERTY • MOTORCYCLE • MARINE • COMMERCIAL We are Growing and have Moved to Serve You Better INSURANCE SPECIALISTS10 STAMP CONCRETE & SEALING Build Design Tavares GroupBuild Design Tavares Group Driveways . Porches . Patios Walkways . Sealing www.tavaresbuilddesign.com 416.828.2464 Stamp ConcreteStamp Concrete && SealingSealing . Landscaping . Waterproofi ng . Curbs . Waterfalls . Finished Basements SPECI A L SPECI A L WIDEN D RI V E W A Y S WIDEN D RI V E W A Y S 2 ROOFING TIM’STIM’S ROOFINGROOFING CONSTRUCTION inc. FREE ESTIMATE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED (647) 898-6661 (1866) 218-5889 EMAIL: TIMSCONSTRUCTIONINC@GMAIL.COM LIC E N C E D & I N S U R E D rrs TM ¤ 6 GOLD LEAF MARKETING Residential Ceiling Fans & Lighting Good Selection, Great Pricing! Less cost than retail ... Seeing is believing! Call Ray 905-995-4220 Call Ray 905-995-4220 CEILING FANS & LIGHTING12 1550 BAYLY ST., #35, PICKERING 905.839.0574 www.aroundthehome.ca • KITCHENS • VANITIES KITCHEN RENOVATIONS3 Rouge River Realty Ltd., Brokerage Independently owned and operated MEMBEROF 100%CLUB ★ Free Market Evaluation Certifi cate ★ www.stuartgass.com HELP YOU”HELP YOU”“LET STU“LET STU (905)428-6533 Stuart W. Gass, ABR, CSP Sales Representative TM REAL ESTATE8 The Parts. The Pros. The Price. 1095 Kingston Rd., Pickering (at Dixie, between Whites & Liverpool) Tel: 905-420-1332 • Fax: 905-420-9885 This vehicle is running smoothly & looking great with parts & knowledge from PartSource. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS4 1SOLD 8 7 3 9 11 4 10 f ind t he PP rr oo ff ee ssss ii oo nn aa ll ss you need for 12 TIM’STIM’S ROOFING CONSTRUCTION inc. 6 5 Build Design Tavares Group BARK TREE SERVICE Summer 13 2 Camille P. Gooden LLB Barrister & Solicitor Residential & Commercial Real Estate Mortgage Refi nancing; Landlord & Tenant DURHAM & GTA Areas T: (905) 683-6990 / F: (905) 683-8449 Quality Services. Affordable rates & fl exible payments BARRISTER & SOLICITORBARRISTER & SOLICITOR13 Find the Pro's runs every other Sunday. To advertise in this feature from $75, call Michael Briggs at 905-683-5110 ext. 238 fallregistration show 2007 Thursday, August 2 3 , F r i d a y , A u g u s t 2 4 and Saturday, Aug u s t 2 5 Your guide to all t h e f u n things to register f o r … gymnastics, danc e , music, art, theatre, martial arts, education, sports and more! At the Pickering To w n C e n t r e Call 905.683.5110 E x t . 228 for more deta i l s ! it’s that time of year again! Sponsored by: THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 PAGE 13 A/Pdurhamregion.com Whatever your business or interest, the News Advertiser has a feature for you. Healthwellness& ADVERTISING FEATURE RUNNING EVERY OTHER WEEK Education Advertising Feature EVERY OTHER SUNDAY. Publishes every other Friday in the News Advertiser homeWEET &LawnGarden& Advertising Feature Alternate Fridays April – September. DINING & ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE Publishing monthly. Ajax & Pickering’sAjax & Pickering’s monthly feature formonthly feature for the 50+ marketthe 50+ market Publishes thePublishes the 1st Sunday of1st Sunday of every monthevery month www.durhamregion.com 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, L1S 2H5 P:905.683.5110 F:905.619.9068 To find the section that fits your advertising demographic, contact your local sales representative. durhamregion.comA/P PAGE 14 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 PAGE 15 A/Pdurhamregion.com LIGHTHOUSE A “SOUND DECISION” Disc Jockey & Karaoke Service 95 Pittmann Crescent, Ajax ON www.lighthousedj.com 905-427-8898 • 1-877-461-DISC LIGHTHOUSE Make your day special 123LIMO.CA123LIMO.CA SUV’S - Limos - Limo Buses. We Have It All! 905.391.2333 Durham’s Largest! We will make your wedding special ~ Weddings ~ Portraits ~ Engagements ~ Packages Available We provide one on one personalized service to make your special day a memorable one. 905.655.7827 jhouse@silvertouchstudios.com www.silvertouchstudios.com BANQUET HALL 1755 Pickering Pkwy. 905-427-3403 Wedding Packages Wedding Packages Engagement PartiesEngagement Parties Jack & JillsJack & Jills Rehearsal DinnersRehearsal Dinners from $20pp cash bar PERFECTPERFECT FOR ANY SPECIALFOR ANY SPECIAL OCCASION!OCCASION! Ellis Bridal Boutique 2201 Brimley Rd., Unit 4,(N of Sheppard) Scarborough • 416.291.2108 Bridal gown & Bridesmaid Dress Mother Dress & Flowergirl Dress Chinese Gown & Evening Dress Wedding Accessories: Shoes, Headpiece & Veil Mon.-Fri. 11:00 am - 7:30 pm, Sat. 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Sun. 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Wed. 12:00 pm - 6:30 pm www.ellisbridal.ca 619 Liverpool Road (at Frenchman’s Bay) • 905 420 4123 Call for a Free Bridal ConsultationCall for a Free Bridal Consultation Advertising FeatureTogether Forever Brock Rd. & Pickering Parkway 905.683.1694 Pickering Town Centre 905.420.6177 Oshawa Centre 905.434.5507 3 locations to service all of Durham’s Brides & Grooms for your special day! TRADE Special Services offered at Oshawa Location Full Body Wax, Manicure & Pedicure Plus a wide range of Nail Services. Ask about our Wedding Specials Pickering Town Centre 905-831-0222 www.tuxedoroyale.com TUXEDO ROYALETUXEDO ROYALE Attention all: Spa Salons, Event Co-Ordinators, Caterers, Real Estate Agents & Financial Planners. To advertise in this exclusive feature call Michael Briggs at 905.683.5110 ext. 238 or mbriggs@durhamregion.com You fi nally chose the dress, decided on the location, booked the fl orist, music, and caterer, and agreed on the guest list. Be- fore you breathe a sigh of relief that all of the details are tended to, think again. The most important — and often overlooked — detail of achieving wedding day perfection is the bride’s complexion. Dull, blotchy skin, unsightly blemishes and dark under-eye circles are enough to make any girl cry — let alone a bride! Since your wedding album will last forever, it’s equally important to look beautiful in person and have camera-ready skin. Follow these simple steps for a radiant, glowing complex- ion: Get Glowing: Every bride wants radiant skin but can’t always afford costly facial treatments. Achieve similar results with an at-home product like Vita-K Solution At Home Micro- dermabrasion Kit. It includes a Resurfacing Cream containing the powerful Vitamin K and C Complex that works together with the Derma Brush to gently resurface the skin. Replenish lost collagen while infusing essential vitamins and nutrients to moisturize, soothe and protect. The result is fi rmer, smoother, Look Picture-Perfect on Your Wedding Day younger-looking skin. Protection is Mandatory: The most important thing any bride can do for her skin is to apply a broad-spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen everyday, rain or shine. When prepar- ing for the big day, the last thing any bride needs is a sunburn, uneven skin tone, or dull, dehydrated skin caused by the dam- aging effects of the sun. Fight Back: If you’re prone to blotchy skin you can actu- ally treat the problem rather than cover it up. Reach for an effective remedy that will eliminate the appearance of blotchy uneven skin tone, acne marks and facial discoloration. Try Vita-K Solution for Blotchy Skin, which helps to fade them away, and with continued use, keeps them away. Its unique, rich cream formula contains Super Vitamin K, which pen- etrates deep and begins to work the instant you put it on. Plan Ahead for Radiant Eyes: If you’re one of the many women who suffer from serious under-eye dark circles and/ or chronic under-eye puffi ness, start a regimen at least one month before the big day. Look for an effective, yet affordable, product such as Vita-K Solution Dark Circles for Under Eyes and you will begin to see a reduction in the appearance of dark circles and puffi ness within two weeks of fi rst application. Optimum results usually occur in one month so make sure to time it before your wedding day. Take a Deep Breath: Brides are notorious for suffering from anxiety. Make sure you tend to all the details for the big day, but don’t forget to take care of yourself — or it will show through your skin. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day; cut back on fatty and salty foods; get as much sleep as possible; and engage in a stress-relieving activity at least once a day. If you take care of your body and your mind, your skin will benefi t! DURHAM — Ten automated external de- fibrillators (AEDs) are on the way to Dur- ham thanks to provincial and private-sector funds. The new devices were made possible with a $3-million grant from the Ministry of Health Promotion and $1 million from the Frank Cowan Foundation to the Heart and Stroke Restart a Heart, Restart Life campaign. The money helps pay for the purchase, in- stallation and associated training for (AEDs) under the program, to be placed in 50 com- munities across the province. “This historic investment through the Heart and Stroke Foundation will provide people in the Region of Durham with im- portant life-saving assistance,” said Wayne Arthurs, Ajax-Pickering-Uxbridge MPP. He announced the additional devices July 26 with the Heart and Stroke Foundation of On- tario. “With access to this life-saving tool, public facilities in the Region will be safer places for all of us to gather to lead more active and healthy lives,” Mr. Arthurs added. With the help of corporate sponsors such as the Frank Cowan Foundation, one day AEDs will be as commonplace as fire extinguishers, said Rocco Rossi, chief executive officer of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. In Durham, the devices will be installed over the next few months in high traffic public sites, chosen with help from Durham Region Medical Services. In the first year, training and equipment will be provided; eight to 10 trained personnel will be available at each location to help those having cardiac arrest. Jim Watson, health promotion minister, said he was touched when they launched this program with the Heart and Stroke Founda- tion of Ontario because he has heard stories of people saved by their use. “Sadly, I’ve also heard stories of people who lost a loved one because there wasn’t an AED on site,” said Mr. Watson. Public and private funding brings more defibrillators to Durham Heart and Stroke facts • About 6,500 cardiac arrests occur each year in Ontario; • Survival odds for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests are about five per cent; • Probability of survival declines seven to 10 per cent with each passing minute; • Rates can increase to 50 per cent or more when the AED is used in the first few minutes and CPR performed. The Present Reality Isn’t it odd that despite well-meaning intentions and bil- lions of dollars spent on developing new drugs, heart dis- ease continues to be the #1 killer in the western world? In fact, the WHO reported that by 2020 cardiovascular dis- ease will account for half of the world’s deaths — that’s 275 jumbo jets crashing everyday. If this happened in the aviation industry, don’t you think that all airplanes would be grounded? Fortunately, there are alternatives. Are your arteries covered with rust? Ninety-fi ve per cent of all heart disease is accompa- nied by atherosclerosis, the process of hardening of the arteries and fatty plaque build up. Just like rusted metal, the artery becomes stiff and brittle. As a result, blood pres- sure is likely to be elevated. Poor nutritional choices and lack of exercise are responsible for the hardening of the arteries and can also stimulate the body to produce ex- cess cholesterol. The solution...Help the body Heal Itself Fortunately, the body has a natural built-in mechanism to heal itself. This mechanism is collagen. The body makes new collagen to replace old collagen in order to repair damaged arteries. The main building blocks of collagen are the amino acids lysine, proline, glycine and Vitamin C. The renowned scientist Dr. Linus Pauling, who won the No- bel Prize twice, established that this damage to the arteries requires one to go beyond the daily dietary recommenda- tions of these nutrients in order for repair to happen. Other important nutrients for healing the heart and arteries are vitamins E, A, the B vitamins and selenium. As the arteries restore their fl exibility, blood pressure and ‘bad’ cholesterol are likely to come down. Don’t forget a healthy and vig- orous cardiovascular system requires Omega-3 essential fatty acids, a healthy diet and regular physical activity. For more information call Dr. Elie Klein at 416-222-1300. Healthwellness ADVERTISING FEATURE& How is your cholesterol/ blood pressure? Story by Dr. Elie Klein • Custom Foot Orthotics • Full Veteran’s Coverage • Sport Medicine • Diabetic Feet, Corns & Calluses • Children’s Feet Ronald J. Klein, D.P.M (Podiatrist) (UB-ALL +INGSTON2D'LENANNA2D831-FEET(3338) 1885 Glenanna Road, Suite 210 Pickering, Ontario L1V 6R6 Get Off On The Right Foot! 905.231.1191 109 Old Kingston Rd. #1 Pickering Village Court Yard, Ajax With every Manicure and Pedicure Receive a FREEFREE Leg Wax Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is a short-term, goal-oriented, evidence-based alternative to medication. In fact, study after study has shown CBT to be as effective as pills for the treatment of depression and more effective than pills for the treatment of anxiety. Regain control of your life. We can help. Centre For Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, in Ajax Dr. David Direnfeld, Psychologist 905.427.2007 Depression, Anxiety, Social Phobia, Panic AttacksDepression, Anxiety, Social Phobia, Panic Attacks are real, serious and treatable conditions.are real, serious and treatable conditions. Call or email info@ccbt.ca for more information or to book an appointment Call your nearest location for a free consultation. REFER A FRIENDREFER A FRIEND for your chance to win a shopping spree.* GRAND PRIZE $2000 WINNERS Shopping Spree 2nd prize $1000 WINNERS shopping spree 3rd prize $500 WINNERS shopping spree You’ve lost the weight, now you need new clothes to match! Refer a friend in the month of August and you could win one of the following shopping sprees: PICKERING II 1660 Kingston Rd. KINGSTON RD & BROCK RD 905-427-0556 PICKERING I 376 Kingston Rd. KINGSTON RD & ROUGEMOUNT 905-250-9741 AJAX II 8 Harwood Ave. HARWOOD & HWY. 2 905-428-1472 AJAX I 250 Bayly St. MACKENZIE AVE & BAYLY ST 905-426-9261 SCARBOROUGH 875 Milner Ave. Unit 11 MORNINGSIDE AND 401 416-286-5354 WHITBY I 1910 Dundas St. E. DUNDAS ST. & GERRARD RD 905-436-3780 Call your nearest location for a free consultation. * Referred client must present Refer a Friend coupon upon enrollment. 6868 degreedegree nailsnails IS IT TIME TO FRESHEN UP YOUR PEDICURE? New Pedicure Chair MONDAY-FRIDAY 9AM-8PM • SATURDAY 9AM-6PM • OPEN SUNDAYS • Facials • Nails • Threading • Waxing • Piercing • Ear Waxing 68 Degree Nails 905-683-7546 68 Harwood Ave, Ajax SPECIALIZING IN MANICURES & PEDICURES durhamregion.comA/P PAGE 16 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 905-231-1068 475 Westney Rd. N, Ajax (Dominion Plaza) 905-426-4136 570 Westney Rd. S, Unit 12, Ajax (Giant Tiger Plaza) Over 10,000 loactions worldwide. Offer based on fi rst visit enrollment, minimum 12 mo. c.d. program. Service fee paid at time of enrollment. Not valid with any other offer. Valid only at participating locations through 08/26/07. ©2007 Curves Internationalcurves.com 905-509-5578 300 Kingston Rd., Pickering, (Gates Plaza at Altona) 905-421-9550 1050 Brock Rd., Pickering, (Between 401 & Bayly) Work out just 30 minutes, 3 times a week on our strength-training and cardio circuit. You’ll get a total body workout with the support of our trainers and see real results before the kids go back to school. THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 PAGE 17 A/Pdurhamregion.com Scenes for upcoming show filmed in Oshawa By Jillian Follert jfollert@durhamregion.com DURHAM — No, a plane did not crash in Oshawa on Thursday. The twin-engine aircraft sitting in the middle of Stevenson Road was there as part of a shoot for a TV mini-series -- but the unusual sight did prompt a few concerned phone calls. “We’ve had a lot of calls from the media and some people out walking around were wondering what happened,” said Stephen Wilcox, manager of the Oshawa Municipal Airport. “Today is the one day it’s OK if you see a plane on the road.” A Toronto production crew spent the day in Oshawa Thursday, shooting scenes for an upcoming CBC mini-series called ‘The Border’. The show revolves around the elite Immi- gration and Customs Security (ICS) squad, which tackles Canada’s toughest border se- curity cases. The scenes filmed in Oshawa will be part of an episode where a twin-engine Piaggio P-180 airplane goes down in northern Que- bec, landing in the middle of a rural road. From there, the ICS team has to track down the passengers that fled from the plane, leading to plenty of action. Thursday’s filming -- which was visible to passersby on Taunton Road -- also featured simulated gunfire and lots of extras. “It’s a pretty exciting scene with lots hap- pening,” said Maureen O’Donnell, a spokes- woman for the show. “With the plane and all the extras, the producer said this could be one of the most expensive days ever in Canadian produc- tion.” The plane -- which came from the Os- hawa Municipal Airport -- was positioned on Stevenson Road north, between Taunton Road and General Sikorski Hall, and getting it there was slow going. Mr. Wilcox said it took three hours to move it less than a one-and-a-half kilometres. “We had to remove some of the fence around the airport and tow it up. We tow planes around the airport all the time, but you don’t usually see them on the streets,” he said. “That was the fun part.” The ensemble cast filming in Oshawa this week included Jonas Chernick from ‘Little Mosque on the Prairie’, Mark Wilson of ‘The Red Green Show’, and Gemini Award-win- ning actress Catherine Disher of ‘Snakes and Ladders’ and ‘Forever Knight’. CBC mini-series lands in Durham Smarthost offers discounts to tourists DURHAM — It’s intended to get tour- ists out in the community and already the Region’s smarthost program has 300 local residents online. “The smarthost program is a program to encourage local residents to get their visiting friends and relatives out into the community,” explained Andrea Monaghan, Durham’s manager of tourism. “Basically it’s a discount card.” Smarthost offers deals on area accom- modations, golf courses, spas and attrac- tions. The Region’s economic development and tourism department introduced the smarthost program this summer as part of Durham Tourism’s five-year strategic plan. It is intended to showcase Durham’s diverse tourism offerings. Residents can become smarthost card- holders by registering online at www.dur- hamtourism.ca/smarthost or by calling 1- 800-413-0017. Once the registration form has been pro- cessed, a smarthost card is mailed along with a listing of special offers and a copy of Durham’s 2007 Discovery Guide. Jason Liebregts/ News Advertiser photo A plane was seen crossing Taunton and Stevenson roads recently. The plane was to be featured in a film shoot for ‘The Border’, a new CBC Television mini-series. Open-wheel car places 33rd in competition DURHAM — A team of University of Ontario Institute of Technology open-wheel racers accelerated to a 33rd- place finish during its first en- gineering motorsports event. In the competition, re- cently held at the California Speedway, the school’s For- mula Society of Automotive Engineers team raced away with rookie-of-the-year hon- ours. “This is truly rewarding because our overall team is made up of more than 30 members, representing all of UOIT’s faculties, and together we contributed thousands of hours of work over the last two years,” said team member Cameron Mackey, whose role included chassis and aerody- namic work. “Everyone on the SAE team contributed to our outstanding results and we’re proud to have helped raise the profile of UOIT on an international stage.” Competing against uni- versities from across Canada, the U.S., China, Spain, Ven- ezuela, India, Japan, among others, the UOIT Durmach team finished 33rd out of 80 registered, and second of the nine Canadian entries. With its open-wheel 610cc Suzuki-powered race car, UOIT scored well enough to record the best finish by a first-year team during the 2007 Formula SAE West event. For the accomplish- ment, the team received Bill Mitchell Software for suspen- sion and vehicle dynamics design, along with the full line of Carroll Smith books which are used extensively by SAE teams. During the com- petition, UOIT members Mr. Mackey, Sean Hopman, Dan Jung, Matt Newcombe, and Shane Viccary competed in a skid pad test, acceleration and endurance runs, and an auto- cross event. The mechanical engineering students also had to make a presentation on how practical their entry was, the possible daily assem- bly of three or four similar models at a production facili- ty, and the marketing of those mass-produced vehicles for commercial sale. Students have been work- ing on the car over the past two years, with lead sponsor Durmach, a tool, die, jig and fixtures company. Other busi- nesses also helped the team defer costs surrounding the trip. Next up for the team is entry in the University of To- ronto shootout on Saturday, Sept. 15, at Mosport Interna- tional Speedway, near Bow- manville. Want to know what’s happening in Pickering? BE INFORMED! Check Wednesday’s paper each week for complete details durhamregion.comP PAGE 18 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 711 Krosno Blvd., Pickering 905-837-9332 (Frenchman’s Bay Area) Th e Original Hamburger PlusTed’s Famous Steak on a Kaiser & Onion Rings Th e Original Hamburger Ted’s Famous Steak on a Kaiser & Onion Rings The Big “M” Drive In The Best in Take-Out Since 1965 Chris is back fl ipping burgers SpotlightSpotlight on Businesson Business ADVERTISING FEATURE Fresh Homemade Dishes - Full Menu • Take Out • Off Site Catering • Daily Specials Casual Dining Reservations Accepted 905-427-3403 1755 Pickering Pkwy. www.papps.ca Join us on Pickering’s Largest Outdoor Patio! 2006Platinum Banquet Hall All round restaurant FULLY LICENCED TO SERVE ALL YOUR FAVOURITE COCKTAILS! BANQUET FACILITIES 50 - 130 people PRIVATE ROOM 20 - 40 people 120 Gibson Dr., Markham 905-427-1488 or 1-800-521-3229 Any window job ordered in July/August valued at $2,500 or more will receive a $100 Amercian Express Gift Certifi cate. We’re celebrating our 35th Anniversary and being awarded The Consumers Choice Award. If you have a business you would like to Showcase and tell your story with a FREE Editorial Contact Michael Briggs at 905-683-5110 ext. 238 mbriggs@durhamregion.com Seminars, Lunch & Learns, Workshops Personal Training Studio Available 416-841-1688 Terri Patterson, NWS Durham’s Food & Health Coach food_coach@hotmail.com Nutritional Counselling For The Whole Family EAT BETTER - BE BETTEREAT BETTER - BE BETTER FREE FAMILY ASSESSMENT Custom Made to fi t EVERY WINDOW www.windowcoveringscanada.com SHUTTERS INC.Innovatio n Q ualityI n t egrityWCC Window Coverings CanadaWindow Coverings CanadaWindow Coverings Canada 109 Old Kingston Road #3 Pickering Village Court Yard, Ajax 905.426.9414 Family owned and operated We Manufacture Blinds, Drapes & Shutters Authorized Distributer for Vinyl-tek Established in 1996, the Power Soccer School of Excellence conducts soccer training for youth players between the ages of four and 17 years in the GTA, Peel, York and Durham Regions. Players receive professional soccer instruction in a fun and positive environment. The soccer camps focus on developing confi dence and creativity through challenging sessions. Fair play and skill development are at the root of the Power Soccer philosophy. Power Soccer School of Excellence offers year-round soccer camps, a School of Excellence as well as a full-time, 11-month Academy program for elite players, all at the direction of Liam Power, Camp Director, former Provincial Coaching Instructor with the National Coaching Program and former player with Galway United FC of the League of Ireland. “The atmosphere is very positive,” he says, adding that with 55 coaches, many of who are provincially or nationally licensed, the program is run in a highly organized fashion and keeps safety a major priority. “Coaches are licensed and we aim to provide a professional and caring environment in a fun setting. We have high standards for our coaching staff and they are encouraged to obtain coaching licenses on a regular basis.” Now in their 11th year, Power Soccer School of Excellence has built a strong reputation for delivering quality soccer programs. Players are treated with respect and have fun while learning. “Your child will show visible improvements after participation in our programs,” he says, adding they have a curriculum in place and all coaches are required to make session plans for school clinics and camps. “We believe in delivering value for money and conducting quality professional soccer teaching.” For more information, visit www.powersoccer.ca or call (905) 829-0562. Power Soccer School of Excellence University gets rookie title in motorsports event Submitted photo Dan Jung, left, and Cameron Mackey work on the Ontario Institute of Technology open-wheel racer. MATTRESS & Suite Shop Hours: Mon-Fri: 10-9 Sat:10-6 Sun:11-5 18 Harwood Ave South, Ajax (Just south of Hwy 2 beside Staples) rrs TM 905-686-2717 BOXING DAY RETURNS QUEEN SIZE SLEEP SET Reg.$199999 HALLMARK EUROTOP CONSTRUCTION ONE WEEK ONLY! plus NO GST or NO PST #1 mattress brand save 50% King Size Sleep Set Reg.$2599 Sale $1299 FREE De l i v e r y FREE Se t - u p FREE Re m o v a l (Memory Foam) $99999 Save $1,000 FREE SHEET SETFREE SHEET SET 300 Threadcount Luxury Deep Pocket THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 PAGE 19 A/Pdurhamregion.com With over 20 years of experience Let the Shank family share their NEW kitchen experience with you Call Gary “Chip” Cairns to build your dream kitchen or bath. Call for a free estimate 647.231.4847647.231.4847 Gary designed and installed a gorgeous kitchen in our Scarborough home 15 years ago. We have since moved from Canada to the U.S. and back again. We had an opportunity to visit our old Scarborough home – the kitchen still looks new! We purchased a beautiful century home in Whitby that we are currently renovating. Of course when the time came to do the kitchen, we contacted Gary Cairns. Once again, Gary has lived up to our expectations and built our dream kitchen. Gary brings your vision to life. He takes the time to incorporate your wants and needs into his design. He is a perfectionist and is therefore very meticulous. Gary also provided fabulous business choices when choosing everything from the faucets to the countertops. Gary and his assistant have been a pleasure to work with. As with all the craftsmen who have worked on our home, my husband and I had certain criteria that needed to be met: • PRICE (no surprises or hidden costs) • QUALITY OF MATERIALS • WORKMANSHIP (including standing behind their product) • FUNCTION AND DESIGN • TIMELINESS Gary exceeded all of our expectations. Thank you Gary. Our kitchen is stunning. The Shank family durhamregion.comA/P PAGE 20 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 WIN Vote for your favourite business at www.readerschoicedurhamregion.com say!have your a $300 shopping spree from Pickering Town Centre (see website for details) Durham Parent Reader’s Choice Awards are now online! SUPER HOT DEALS ON CENTRAL VAC BYSUPER HOT DEALS ON CENTRAL VAC BY LOWEST PRICES EVER. REPAIRS, PARTS, BAGS, FOR ANY VACUUM. 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HoursHours PricePriceBUFFET Adult Child (5 - 12yrs) Lunch Brunch Monday - Friday 11:30 am - 3:00 pm Saturday - Sunday 12:00 pm - 3:30 pm $550 $995 $595 Regular a la carte menu is served outside buffet hours $795 Dinner Monday - Thursday 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Friday - Saturday 4:30 pm - 9:30 pm Sunday 4:30 pm - 9:00 pm $1295 $695 $1495 $795 $1495 $795 Regular a la carte menu is served outside buffet hours Lunch BuffetLunch Buffet Mon-Fri 1/2 Price with purchase of 1 adult Lunch Buffet Good for Monday to Friday. May not be combined with other discounts and offers. Limit one coupon per table. Valid from Aug. 1 – Aug. 31, 2007. See store for details. Ming-Du 905-619-2000 • 15 Westney Rd. N.08/07 Lunch Buffet ✄✄Weekend DinnerWeekend Dinner Fri-Sun for Adult & Senior Good for Friday to Sunday. May not be combined with other discounts and offers. Max 2 persons per coupon per table. Valid from Aug. 3 – Aug. 19, 2007. See store for details. Ming-Du 905-619-2000 • 15 Westney Rd. N.08/07✄✄$10 95 Reg. $14.95 + tax + taxOnly Dinner BuffetDinner Buffet Mon-Thurs Free with purchase of 1 adult Dinner Buffet Good for Monday to Thursday. May not be combined with other discounts and offers. Limit one coupon per table. Valid from Aug. 1 – Aug. 30, 2007. See store for details. Ming-Du 905-619-2000 • 15 Westney Rd. N.08/07 Dinner Buffet ✄✄Brunch BuffetBrunch Buffet Sat & Sun Good for Saturday and Sunday. May not be combined with other discounts and offers. Valid from Aug. 1 – Sept. 2, 2007. See store for details. Ming-Du 905-619-2000 • 15 Westney Rd. N.08/07✄✄Free with purchase of 1 adult Buffet Brunch Buffet Valuable CouponsValuable Coupons Coupon Coupon Coupon Coupon Lake Ridge Rd.Brock Rd.Westney Rd.Harwood Rd.Salem Rd.Bayly St. Kingston Rd. Pickup & Delivery Service Available 905-619-2000 15 Westney Rd. N. (Westney Heights Plaza) Your Birthday is always FREEFREE Photo ID required THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 PAGE 21 A/Pdurhamregion.com durhamregion.comA/P PAGE 22 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 DURHAM SECONDARY Academy & Middle School SUCCESS BUILDS SUCCESS New Campus Opening Sept/07 est 1997 Expanded & Improved Facilities Private School Grades 5-12 1 Cedar St., Ajax, Ontario www.durhamsecondary.com 905-426-4254 Our Formula for Success is: Indivividual attention with outstanding teachers in an informal, friendly environment. * picture is an artist rendition SPECIALISTS SINCE 1949 RODMAN’S HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING 285 Hunt Street, Ajax 905-683-3641 www.rodmans.caȘViÊ£™{™,"  ¿-30¢ a day Ensure that your home is comfortable regardless of the weather outside or the season. For only 30 cents a day, our extended warranty program and expert technicians will give you peace of mind, knowing that your heating or air conditioning unit is protected and working effi ciently to keep you comfortable. Call us today for more information. *Applies to one unit only Mention this ad when scheduling an a/c tune-up and receive $10.00 off. Offer valid until August 31, 2007 * ȘViÊ£™{™,"  ¿-CustomerCustomer AppreciationAppreciation SpecialSpecial Summer Specials on Patio Furniture 40% SAVE UP TO ON IN-STOCK SETS 4ORONTO"ROCK2D(WY 0ICKERING0KWY #ANADIAN 4IRE 7ALMART #ANADIAN(OME,EISURE (WY Brock Rd. & Hwy. 401, Pickering 7500 sq. ft. showroom 905.428.9767 Toll Free: 877.245.7727 www.canadianhomeleisure.ca BUY NOW AND SAVE BEST PRICES OF THE SEASON KETTLER® THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 PAGE 23 A/Pdurhamregion.com Your denturist can help! All Insurance Plans Accepted FREE CONSULTATIONS CALL US TODAY Pickering Denture Clinic 2006 Award Winner We want to see you smile.... • Complete and Partial Dentures • Removable Dentures on Implants • Evening & Saturday appointments • Repairs while you wait • Custom mouthguard • Same day relines • Dentist on premises Andre Maragh, DD (Denturist) 1792 Liverpool Rd. (Loblaws Market) Pickering 905-420-2652rrsTM durhamregion.comA/P PAGE 24 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 Business News Advertiser Sunday, July 29, 2007 durhamregion.com TRENDset Note “Canada runs the risk of being left behind in the increasingly competitive global market un- less there is a shift in the prac- tices of our entrepreneurs to capitalize on the international trade opportunities available to them.” Mike Tierney, president, UPS Canada. Globalization Canadian entrepreneurs are hesitant to look beyond the Canadian border when expanding their businesses, a new study has found. The UPS 2007 Canada Business Monitor found that although the vast majority of small- and medium-sized business owners (SMBs) see globalization as positive or at least neutral, they aren’t will- ing to take the chance. The entrepreneurs identified two major hurdles that stop them from doing business outside of Canada’s borders: sourcing with trustworthy suppliers and understanding complex trade practices. By the numbers Those who believe they have enough business to deal with in Canada Those who say global trade is out of the question until they expand their business domestically The percentage of SMBs that import goods internationally view globalization positively Percentage of SMBs that export goods in- ternationally view glo- balization positively 37%37% 17%17% 6565%% 5656%%                    !JAX 0ICKERING 7HITBY /SHAWA #LARINGTON Is Durham ready for an aging population? By Izabela Jaroszynski ijaroszynski@durhamregion.com DURHAM — The tidal wave is coming and we need to get pre- pared. That’s the message Garth Whyte hopes business and political lead- ers will take away from the cen- sus information on age and de- mographics released by Statistics Canada this week. Mr. Whyte, the executive vice- president of the Canadian Fed- eration of Independent Busi- nesses, says the aging population will wreak havoc on the country’s business environment if nothing is done about it. “We can’t sit on our hands, we can’t ignore this issue,” he said. “This is like a tidal wave coming and something needs to be done.” Indeed, the numbers released by Statistics Canada from the 2006 Census reveal an aging population trend: the 65-and-over population made up a record 13.7 per cent of the total population of Canada while the proportion of the under- 15 population fell to 17.7 per cent -- the lowest level ever. Although Canada is still one of the youngest countries in the G8, experts agree that the aging trend is alarming to the labour force. Currently, for every one person that retires from the workforce, one person enters it. But if population projections prove true, Canada may soon have more people at the age where they can leave the labour force than at the age where they can begin working. “It’s a wake up call,” Mr. Whyte said. “Ten years ago, 25 per cent of our members said labour shortage was an issue. Today, over 50 per cent say its an issue. It’s our fast- est-growing problem.” For Ontario Power Generation -- one of Durham Region’s larg- est employers -- the problem is already looming. “We estimate that in the next 10 years -- actually the next eight years, starting a couple of years ago -- in that 10-year time frame, we could lose up to 50 per cent of our workforce,” said Jacquie Mc- Innes, spokeswoman for OPG. “Fortunately, we have been able to put in place a number of steps to make sure we are prepared to address that,” she said. Ms. McInnes points to the company’s investments in the University of Ontario Institute of Technology and the University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering, as well as the Women in Nuclear program, as steps to- wards targeting a new generation of employees. “As a result, over the last few years, we have hired many new graduates from engineering pro- grams. I think, on average, about 100 per year,” she said. “Once they get here there is a lot of training and integration into the workforce to allow for us to transi- tion from the current generation to the future generation.” Diana Hills-Milligan, the presi- dent of the Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade, says all local business- es should be thinking about that transition. “Companies are aware of this change coming and should be planning for it. They need to change company dynamics and become more flexible so that older people remain in the workplace longer,” she said. “They definitely should be look- ing at employee-succession plan- ning, training and retention pro- grams. If companies sit back and wait then they could run into some serious problems.” The Statistics Canada report shows that between 2001 and 2006, the fastest-growing age group con- sisted of individuals aged 55 to 64 -- those nearing retirement. The census counted nearly 3.7 million people in this age group, an in- crease of 28.1 per cent from 2001. In Durham Region, the trend is just as strong. The median age of a Durham resident increased from 35.9 in 2001 to 37.7 in 2006. The number of residents aged 55 to 64 increased by 16,130 individuals. At the same time, the number of residents aged 25 to 44 actually decreased by 310 people. As the population ages, Ms. Hills-Milligan says economic growth may slow down and add pressure on government resources that cover rising heath care costs and elderly care. “There will be less government income from taxpayers in the work force and it could mean compa- nies may demand more work hours from their younger em- ployees causing more stress and less family-time,” she said. “It will cause a major change to our social structure.” Mr. Whyte says the problem is only going to get worse as the baby boomers reach retirement age and he is encouraging the federal gov- ernment to start thinking about changing immigration policy and employment insurance policy to deal with the labour shortage issue. “We all know this is happening,” he said. “But what are we doing about it?” ‘A wake up call’ Durham’s Aging Population (% of population) Do you have a new business opening in Durham Region? Tell us about it at www.newsdurhamregion.com. To submit a business opening, just scroll down to the Submit column and choose Sub- mit Business Opening. Please include a photo. THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 PAGE 25 A/Pdurhamregion.com SPORTS sportsdurhamregion.com INSIDE More sports scores, photos available on page 31. Ajax-Pickering peewees finish first in Ontario varsity league division, earn playoff bye DURHAM — The Ajax- Pickering Dolphins peewees ended their regular season on a high note, capturing first place with a convincing 47-8 victory over the Halton Invictas last weekend. Finishing first in the Ontario Varsity Football League’s peewee division meant a bye for the Dol- phins through the opening round of the playoffs. The peewee Dolphins finished with a regular-season record of 7-1. The ’phins led 14-0 after the first quarter on majors by the backfield duo of D’Shane Chung and Keldyn Ahlstedt. Chung added a second touch- down in the second quarter, along with fullback Taylor Wilen- ski, to send the Dolphins into the half ahead 27-0. In the second half, pivot Nik Shah would run one in on the quarterback sneak as he com- pleted a textbook 12-play drive for the major. In the fourth quarter, the Dol- phins were deep in the roster and trying several new plays leading to the last major by slotback AJ Thomas. Adeem Bembridge and Brian Derksen led the Dolphins’ de- fence with several sacks. The Ajax-Pickering defence kept Halton on its toes until a late bootleg by the Invictas’ quar- terback allowed him to run for a 65-yard touchdown late in the quarter ending the game at 47-8. Dolphins’ head coach Jeff Ahl- stedt and the coaching staff are now focused on prepping the team for the new season, which will start at home Friday, Aug. 3, at 7:30 p.m. under the lights at Pine Ridge Secondary School in Pickering. “We know it’s a new game now as one loss and the season is over, so getting the bye week and time to rest injuries and prepare for the playoffs is crucial,” says Ahlstedt. “We know we have a strong offence and the best defence in the league, but preparation and attitude is what creates a winning team. We’ll be there and ready, regardless of whom we play.” Dolphins ramble past Halton Invictas in football finale AJ Groen/ News Advertiser photo Recording the out PICKERING — Canadian Progress Club’s Jordan Livings tags Alysha Butler of the Caribbean Colour Tanning Salon squad for the out at third base. The teams compete in the combined bantam/midget division of the Pickering Softball Association. The game was played at the Hydro Park diamond on Monday evening. Debbie Stobbart photo A Halton Invictas’ ball carrier is stopped in his tracks by Ajax-Pickering Dol- phins’ Taylor Eskins as a gaggle of teammates prepare to lend a hand during peewee football action at Kinsmen Park last Sunday. The Dolphins won 47-8. A-P Rock switch sticks for brooms Ajax-Pickering sweeps Mohawk out of senior ‘B’ semifinal series By Al Rivett arivett@durhamregion.com DURHAM — The Ajax-Pickering Rock brought out the brooms Thursday night. With a series sweep on the line against the Mohawk Stars, the Rock came through in dramatic fashion. After allowing the Stars to tie the game with a mere three sec- onds left in the third period, the Rock was unfazed at having the game proceed to an extra frame. Scoring the only goal in over- time, the Rock posted a 10-9 vic- tory over the Stars at the Gaylord Powless Memorial Arena near Brantford. The win silenced the Stars in three straight games in the best-of-five OLA senior ‘B’ la- crosse semifinal series. And, for the second time in as many years, the Rock are headed to the league championship se- ries. The game-winning goal came appropriately off the stick of Wayne Burke, who’s been the Rock’s top sniper throughout the post-sea- son. Burke finished off a pass- ing play with running mate Mike Daley at the two-minute mark of the 10-minute extra frame. For Burke, it was his 10th goal of the playoffs. All told, Burke is tied with two others in league playoff scoring with 22 points thus far. Starting goaltender Mike Miron barred the door the rest of the way, including making a game-saving recovery with a Mohawk player looking at a wide-open net. Rock coach Paul St. John says he’s still awed by how the burly ball stopper whose nickname is ‘Tiny’ somehow got to a ball that appeared virtually unstoppable, thus preserving the one-goal OT lead for the Rock. “It was definitely a defining mo- ment of how great a goaltender he is,” says St. John. “He allowed one goal in the last 30 minutes of play. It was a really proud moment for me as a coach and a proud mo- ment for him as a goaltender.” St. John notes the series-clos- ing contest was a signpost of how confident the Rock have become in their ability to battle back from adversity. First, the Rock scored five consecutive third-period goals to rebound from an 8-4 second- period deficit. And, after Mohawk netted its last-second marker, they had to dig down into their reserves once more to win it in overtime. “When they tied the game with 3.3 seconds left, our guys hung their heads, but only for a mo- ment. Then it was, ‘we’ll just beat them in overtime’.” PARALEGAL DIPLOMA DIAMOND INSTITUTE of Business and Computer Technology (905) 427-1922 diamondinstitute.ca Study in a small class environment in AJAX Student assistance/funding may be available for qualifi ed students LEARN • Legal Research • Small Claims • Investigations • Highway Traffi c Act • Civil Procedures • Insurance Claims • Dispute Resolution and much more! ACADEMY OF HAIRSTYLING AND ESTHETICS EST. 1980 Graduate E. Clarke EDUCATION Register Now!!Register Now!! • Earn Your College Diploma in Less Than a Year HAIRSTYLING (905) 576-0479 ESTHETICS (905) 728-7383 15 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa www.artandtechnique.com Inspired by Inspired by BEAUTY ArAr t & Technique echnique Academy ofArt & Technique Integrated Dealer Systems,div. of Brunswick Corporation, has the following opportunities in its Pickering location: ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Duties:Assist managers with projects, contracts administration backup, contact for incoming clients and guests, mail and courier handling, maintain office supplies and equipment, bank deposit delivery, AP assistance and other duties as assigned. JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT Duties:AP processing, sales tax processing, AR assistance, month end, journal en- tries, account reconciliations, GL maintenance and other duties as assigned. INTERMEDIATE BUSINESS ANALYST Duties:Analysis and reconciliation of GL accounts, month end processing, budget and forecast preparation, liaise with managers on department profitability analysis and other duties as assigned. SENIOR DEVELOPERS (.NET, ASP.NET SOLUTION ARCHITECT AND PICK) Duties:Develop new solutions for the RV and marine dealership market. Contribute to development in our enterprise PICK/Universe solution and our .NET business applications. For full job description and qualifications and if you are interested in any of these opportunities, please apply in confidence on our website at www.brunswick.com, select careers and search Canada. Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. Community Living Oshawa/Clarington Supporting People With Intellectual Disabilities If you are motivated by a career that offers personal and professional rewards and have a passion for advocacy, community participation and support others to achieve their personal goals, Community Living Oshawa/Clarington (CLOC) is the place for you. Part Time Support Workers (Residential) In this role you will provide individualized personal support to adults with intellectual disabilities. You will support people towards the achievement of their personal goals, facilitating relationships, skills and roles, which promote people's participation in the typical and valued life of the commu- nity. Part Time positions offer flexible schedules including over nights, mornings, evenings and weekend shifts. Qualifications: • Preferably a Developmental Service Worker or equivalent two-year Human Services Diploma/Degree • A minimum of a Secondary School Diploma & relevant experience CLOC Offers: • Competitive compensation plus 6% in lieu of benefits & 4% Vacation pay • Mileage allowance • Paid Team Meetings & Training • Staff Education Fund • Opportunities for advancement • Workers' Compensation Protection • Employee Assistance Program (E.A.P.) Please send your resume to: Pamela DeRaaf - Human Resources Manager Community Living Oshawa/Clarington 39 Wellington Ave. East Oshawa, ON L1H 3Y1 - Fax: 905-576-9754 pderaaf@communitylivingoc.ca For more information & Conditions of Employment visit: http://www.communitylivingoc.ca C.L.O.C. is an Equal Opportunity Employer Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. "B R O A D E N I N G T H E C O N C E P T O F C O M M U N I T Y" The Murray McKinnon Foundation SEEKS 1 FULL TIME SKILLED & EXPERIENCED GANG WORKER to work for the Early Gang Intervention Program.This program is in collaboration with the Durham Family Court Clinic. Minimum requirements include post secondary education and five years related work experience or an equivalent combination thereof; a valid driver's license with a good driving record, reliable vehicle and the required automobile insurance. Individuals should have demonstrated strong interpersonal, organizational and youth worker skills, as well as excellent verbal and written communication skills. Group facilitation, knowledge of youth gangs, ability to work independently and computer skills are a requirement to this position. The successful candidate should have demonstrated knowledge and skills on various behavioural approaches, a good awareness of community/social resources in Durham Region and a commit- ment to developing risk reduction plans. They must have the ability to work in collaboration with our partner agency, families and traditional and non-traditional community services. We would like to thank all applicants in advance for applying. Only those qualified applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Please reply with a current resume by noon on Tuesday, August 6th 2007 to: Executive Director, The Murray McKinnon Foundation P.O. Box 2218, Oshawa, ON L1H 4G1 or Email:mmf@murraymckinnon.ca Located in Oshawa, Ontario, Durham College is seeking experienced, motivated individuals who share its commitment to quality and success. Support Staff • HVAC Technician – Competition SS07-08-OTW • Researcher In Residence – Competition SS07-52-OTW • Research Systems Analyst – Competition SS07-53-OTW We offer comprehensive benefi ts, pension and vacation entitlement. For further details on these and other employment opportunities, please visit www.durhamcollege.ca. Interested candidates may submit a resume to jobs@durhamcollege.ca, quoting the appropriate competition number. SECURITY OFFICERS Required Immediately Full training and benefit plan provided POSITIONS AVAILABLE FOR: Well-groomed, mature individuals, with good communication skills, able to work various shifts. Must have own transportation to sites APPLY IN PERSON NOW!!!!! MON. - FRI. Fax resumes to (905) 579-8028 or in person at: G4S Security Services 214 King Street East, 2nd floor Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1C7 All new applicants must complete and pass pre-screen test Insurance CSR Full Time *Experienced Personal Lines CSR *Ribo Licenced *Call centre experience & TAM knowledge an asset Whitby Fax resume to:905-668-1488 or inquiries@mmfinsurance.ca AT DURHAM COLLEGE SUCCESS MATTERS!Ware- house Operations Certificate Pro- gram, 5 weeks,125 hours in a structured learning environment acquiring the skills necessary to work in a fast paced and critical thinking work setting of a ware- house environment. Next start date September 10. Funding op- tions available for those who qualify through Service Canada (HRSDC), Ontario Disability, WSIB and OSAP. For more infor- mation call 905-721-3334 25 AZ Drivers Local Durham All shifts available 40+ hrs per week Min 2 years exp. Must, Read, Write, Speak English Call (888)535-6502 Fax 905-565-8993 DRIVER REQUIRED full time, /part time. 3 - 4 day work week (30 hrs. plus) Residential deliv- ery. Able to lift 50 lbs. Fax re- sume and clean abstract to (905)666-2418. DRIVERS WANTED, B, C, A, F License only, for busy limo/bus firm in Ajax. F/T & P/T. Call: 905-391-2333. ASSISTANT MANAGER wanted for an upscale coffee shop in Pickering Village. Fax resume to: 905-428-1970 EXPERIENCED DUMP TRUCK loader/operator needed immedi- ately. Call (905) 579-5571 or fax resume to (905) 579-4595. 25 AVAILABLE POSITIONS for Hard Working Full Time People. $20/hr. Piece work guaranteed by contract. Fun Job. Great Pay. Full Training Provided. 2 Locations. Near Fairview Mall & Oshawa. Full Time Students Needed 18 yrs. and over. 905-435-1052 $15/HR. PART TIME Canvassing for home renovations. Training provided. Own vehicle. Call (905)686-2445 after 4pm. Ext.306. LAWN MAINTENANCE company seeking full time experienced fore persons and landscape labour- ers. Must have valid drivers li- cense and clean abstract. Call (905)831-1833 or Fax resume to (905)831-2446. Email: indoor.outdoor@hotmail.com **ABLE TO START** **IMMEDIATELY?** $500-$700 per week 40 hours plus 23 JOBS AVAILABLE WE WILL TRAIN Call Jane 905-837-9555 2 POSITIONS available immedi- ately for Ajax distribution center. Room for advancement. Wages based on experience. Enthusias- tic team players. Mon-Fri 9-5. Fax 905-619-2662 A/P PAGE 26 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, July 29, 2007 newsdurhamregion.com RECRUITING NOW!!! INDEFINITE ASSIGNMENTS Durham Region •Shift Work •Manufacturing/ warehouse experience •Own transport an asset •Steel toe safety boots •Able to lift If you are dedicated, a team player and reliable and need to work please call 905-579-2911 for appt. or apply in person with your RESUME Spherion Staffing Solutions Oshawa Centre Corporate Tower 6th floor, Suite 601 YMCA YMCA Durham Employment and Community JOBS EXPOSED Find the hidden job you've been searching for. ✓General labour ✓Office ✓Hospitality ✓Retail Tuesday, July 31, 2007 1-2:30pm (905) 427-7670 1550 Kingston Road, Suite 16 Pickering ON L1V 1C3 Don't miss the iPOD Shuffle Giveaway! This Employment Ontario program is funded by the Ontario Government. Your YMCA's charitable registration number is 11930 7080 RR0001 HOSPITAL SECURITY Must have 2 years security experience or a combination of Police Foundation and a security background. Hospital security experience an asset Strong understanding of Trespass Act If interested please drop resume off in person at: 214 King St. E., Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 1C7 Other opportunities are currently available Online Advertising Sales Representative Metroland East, Interactive Media Metroland is seeking a skilled salesperson to drive online advertising sales. The successful candidate will be a strong (oral and written) communicator, a skilled cold-caller and an aggressive closer. Sales experience and strong working knowledge of the Internet is required. Familiarity with businesses in west Durham a plus. This is a performance-driven position suitable for a competitive self-starter. Work close to home. Flexible hours. Salary and aggressive commission package available. Please submit your resume in Word format to: Todd Blayone, Manager, Metroland East Interactive tblayone@durhamregion.com on or before August 15, 2007. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. A MEANINGFUL CAREER *Get paid for helping families solve financial problems *High earnings potential *Set your own hours, *F/T or P/T Fax resume to Don Zynomirski 1-866-202-9710 AAPPLY TODAY! START TOMORROW! Various openings. Full time only. Growth opportu- nity available. Call Alesha for in- terview today 905-421-8777. APPLIANCE WHOLESALE DE- POT, come & join our team! Our new Oshawa location requires the following: Delivery Drivers, General Labourers & Appliance Service Technician (min 5 yrs ex- perience, full ODP license). Must be able to do heavy lifting, in- home-delivery experience an as- set. clean abstract, must be bondable. Apply to: appliance wholsaledepot@bellnet.ca or fax: 905-728-1838 APPOINTMENT COORDINA- TORS needed, immediately. Full and part time, English $9.00 per hr. Bilingual $11.00 to start. Call (905) 426-2353 ATTENTION, DO YOU HAVE 10 hours a week that you would like to make productive? Learn how to operate a mini office outlet from home earning $3,000+ per month. www.succeedfromhomebiz.com FARM & STORE HELP full/part- time. Looking for hardworker, run automatic egg packer, daily main- tenance jobs in the barns and the store. Will train right person. Only apply if you are a team player. Please drop resume: White Feather Country Store, Raglan. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! AVON Join Avon NOW and receive a gift bag of products valued at $50. Full/part time careers available. No quotas. Limited time offer. Pat-905-903-2129 905-683-6032 BEDWELL VAN LINES.Full time DZ and AZ drivers required for corporate and residential moving. Rate based on experience. Call (905)686-0002. BUSY AUTOMOTIVE SHOP in Whitby looking for Center Manag- er. Call Lee at (905)320-3280 CLEANERS NEEDED URGENT for fast-growing maid service. Permanent position. Room for advancement. Excellent pay, great working environment. Not suitable for students. Call 905- 723-6242 CLEANERS NEEDED:We re- quire cleaners for Oshawa area, night shifts, full & part time. Previ- ous cleaning experience required. Own vehicle preferred. Serious inquires only, call (905)619-2673 COOKS, WAIT STAFF,dish- washers and buspeople needed for new restaurant in Ajax. Part and Full time. Bring resume in person to EggsCrepes Restau- rant, 250 Bayly St. W., Ajax, or call (905)725-0248 DISPATCHER REQUIRED, busy Pickering contractor, afternoon 2 - 10 p.m. Knowledge of Toronto and surrounding areas. Computer knowledge a must. Fax resume to (905) 831-4690. DRIVERS WANTED Earn CASH DAILY! Full and part time shifts. We will train you. Call Jane at 905-440-2011 or cell 905-244- 0094. Blue Line Taxis is now hir- ing for Oshawa, Ajax & Pickering. ECE & 2 TEACHERS ASSIST- ANTS needed for a permanent full time positions in Ajax. Experi- ence for both positions preferred. Please fax resume to 905-428- 8993 or call (905)428-8847 EXPEREINCED call center op- erators, days start at $10.00 per hr. to start. Call (905) 426-2353 FORE PERSON with AZ/DZ, Spreader for busy paving compa- ny. Minimum 10 years. $27- $40 per hour. Call Rod 647-889-1717 Full /Part Time Counter Person. All shifts, available immediately. restaurant experience pre- ferred/will train. Apply Subway 789 Taunton Rd. E, Oshawa (Taunton/Harmony), 40 Water St., Port Perry GAS FIREPLACE INSTALLER, G3 license, drivers' license, full- time position. 905-686-3666 or fax 905-686-9028. LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION persons with 3-5 yrs. experience including installation of pavers, retaining walls, grading, natural rockery. Must have own transpor- tation and valid drivers license. Call 905-430-2522. LOOKING FOR RELIABLE, out- going, open minded people to support adults in their west Pick- ering homes and community. Must be energetic and creative and offer deep respect in all as- pects of support . Must be able to take initiative as well as follow in- structions. Must have driver's li- cense and vehicle. Contract po- sition $13.10 per hour plus mile- age allowance. 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Other part time hours available as well. Cur- rent police check required. If in- terested, please e-mail: dihuson@gmail.com or phone Diane at (905) 509-5654. NO LAYOFFS! Expanding company has various openings available. Office, Warehouse, Marketing, Management. FINAL WEEK OF INTERVIEWS. Full-time, immed. start only. Call Julie, 905-421-0476. Student Hotline: 905-421-8752. MAGICUTS requires full/part time stylists and a licensed manager for our Durham locations. Base salary and commission, opportu- nity for advancement, free up- grading classes, monthly prizes, benefits, hiring bonus up to $300. Join a winning team. Call Sabrina (905)723-7323 ORDER TAKERS NEEDED $25/hr avg. Full time. We train you!!! Call 905 435-0518 RECEPTIONIST & SALESPER- SON needed for Tajmahal Gran- ite. Full-time. Saturdays re- quired. Start immediately. Apply in-person to 113 McMaster Ave., Ajax or call 905-686-5511. RECEPTIONIST PART TIME Tuesdays/Thursdays 4-8 p.m., Sept. start. Good people skills and computer knowledge required. Related experience preferred. Fax resume to 905-721-6880 or email cgray@oshawapsychologist.com. REPLACEMENT WINDOW & Door Crews. Minimum 10 years experience. Own transportation, tools & brake. Good rates. Full/Part-time. Call 905-433-7695 ROAD & SEWER construction company working in the GTA looking for skilled Pipe Layers, Labourers and Equipment Opera- tors. Please fax resume to 905- 939-4082. SCHOOLBUS DRIVERS train for September. Clean drivers ab- stract. Free training provided. Suitable for young retirees. Regu- lar part-time hours in Durham Re- gion (including Claremont). Stock Transportation 1-800-889-9491 STUDENT WORK PROGRAM For teens 12-16yrs preferably. Selling chocolates door to door. Cash paid daily. 905-439-9358 TELEMARKETING Part time evenings, mature individuals with experience preferred. $10/hr. Call 905-686-2445, ext. 306 after 4pm. AESTHETICIAN WANTED: PART-TIME & Full-time aestheti- cian needed in well-established Pickering salon. Salary of rental optional. Please call 905-706- 1951 or fax resume: 905-492- 1475. HAIR STYLISTS and nail techni- cians for busy salon in Newcas- tle. Good salary. Phone (905)391-7686 or (416)910-9587. PART TIME receptionist and Barber required for busy upscale salon in N. Whitby area. Please call 905-620-1493. UNIQUE SALON & SPA needs a hairdresser with 5 years expe- rience. One room is available for laser technology. One rented chair available for hairstylist. 905- 422-0086, Maria. AJAX SIGN COMPANY requires an experienced computer opera- tor knowledgeable in sign design software, plotters and digital print- ing. Industry experience & cus- tomer service skills required. E- mail or Fax resume with salary expectations to: 905-686-4398 or: ajaxsignjob@yahoo.ca ASPHALT HELPERS & Labor- ers, rate of pay depending on experience, Gold Seal asphalt, Call 905-435-6673. CABINETMAKERS & INSTALL- ERS. Ideal candidate will be skilled in high-end residen- tial/commercial cabinetmaking or installations with over 5 yrs exp. Permanent F/T days, benefits. Please forward resumes in confidence to: RH CABINET & CARPENTRY Fax: 905.723.0791 email jhastings@primus.ca ELECTRIC WATER-HEATER installer wanted, drivers license and vehicle required. Fax resume to 905-725-0886 or call 905-725-9731. EXPEREINCED AUTOMOTIVE Checking Fixture Builder wanted. Fax resume to 905-725-1744, lofthouse@bellnet.ca. LICENSED FORKLIFT opera- tor/laborer wanted for Masonry Co. in Oshawa area. Call after 6:00 PM Phone (905)623-5594 Experienced Duct & Carpet Cleaners must be available to work Sat. and Eve. Must have valid drivers license. Tim at (905) 686-5854 EXPERIENCED CARPENTER, framer needed. Must have 5-10yrs. exp., own vehicle a must,. willing to travel. Read blue prints an asset. call (905)432- 5572 LICENSED PLUMBER required for commercial and residential service work in the Durham Re- gion. Excellent wages and bene- fits. Fax resume quoting file #PL-07 to 905-697-8221 LINDSAY BASED COMPANY. looking for experienced flat roof- ers. References a must. (705)324-3634, ask for Larry. STONE MASONRY, for residen- tial construction, working with limestone, 3-5 yrs. exp. Long term project. Wage to be nego- tiable. Contact Steve by email: steve@adamsonproaudio.com or fax: 905-982-0609 Att: Steve. TRUCK MECHANICS, Trailer Mechanics,needed immediately. Apply to: Quality Truck Repair, 840 Colonel Sam Dr., Oshawa, or call (905)721-2788 Fax 905-721- 0459. WANTED: F/T SOFTWARE DE- VELOPER Successful candidate will work well alone or as part of a team. Have 3-5 years experience (experience will be given prefer- ence over education). Strong command of the English lan- guage. Strong Business Analysis and Communication skills. Will- ingness to travel occasionally if required. The following qualifica- tions are required: Delphi 7, 8, 2006, Delphi VCL programming Oracle 8i or newer, Visio/Docu- mentation Tools, Rapid Applica- tion Development Methodologies Experience in ERP software de- velopment, Crystal Reports, R. & R. Reports (an asset), Borland Database Engine/DBASE IV, Mi- crosoft Office Products, API de- velopment experience, (Quick- books, Simply etc.), Rapid Appli- cation Development Methodolo- gies, Experience with Integration to CNC, Robotics, hand held de- vices (Intermec/Symbol), Bar- coding System Experience, RFID an asset. Full Benefit Package - Renumeration based on experi- ence and qualifications. If you are qualified for this role please send your resume to: chale@Simplicitycs.com WANTED:Maintenance person required immediately, full time with benefits. Some job func- tions: drywall/painting, work with wood, worked around automo- biles/heavy equipment, general labour, organizational skills and much more. 'D' license would be an asset. Call Jody at (905) 263- 8369 between 9am - 6pm or fax resume to (905) 263-1076. WELDER FITTER REQUIRED. 1 year experience in Mig welding, full-time year round. Wage nego- tiable. Benefits after 3 months. North Pickering area. Respond by fax 905-683-8213. ACCOUNTING MANAGER, min. GCA level 4 with experience re- quired for F/T position at 401 & Whites Road. Fax: 905-839- 8895, Ref. #AM or please e-mail to: employment8@gmail.com. AR/AP PERSON required with experience in G/L. F/T position, benefits available. Salary $21,500. Location, 401 & Whites Rd. Fax: 905-839-8895, Ref. # BK or e-mail jobswd@gmail.com CA FIRM, SCARBOROUGH, re- quires accounting techni- cian/bookkeeper. Full-time. E- mail resume to: reball@ ebdcas.com EXPERIENCE REAL Estate Receptionist/Secretary required. Approx 25-30 hours/week Mon- day-Friday, starting Sept 4th. Lone Wolf, Microsoft word and accounting would be an asset. Please fax resume to: 905-404- 2295 Attn: Jan FULL-TIME OFFICE CLERK needed. Previous banking/mort- gage experience preferred. Local mortgage company, Monday-Fri- day, 9a-4p. Call Steve, 905-434- 5626. OFFICE ASSISTANT,must be fully proficient in Excel and Quickbooks 2007, Data entry, other office duties involved. Suitable for Recent retiree in same field. 10-15 hours/week. Call 905-723-6242, cavanaghsoncleaning@rogers.com OFFICE CLERK - Customer ser- vice, computer knowledge a must, afternoons 2 p.m. - 10 p.m. Fax resume to (905)831-4690 AJAX SIGN COMPANY requires salesperson with experience in digital printing sales as well as commercial & industrial sign & decal sales. E-mail or fax re- sume with salary expectations to: 905-686-4398 or: ajaxsignjob@ yahoo.ca CAR SALES REPRESENTA- TIVE with experience in manag- ing and operating car dealer- ships. Experience in the mainte- nance and operation of trucks and trailers considered an asset. Knowledge of the Arabic and He- brew languages is a benefit. Call: 905-837-0007, Fax 905-421- 9333. WANTED SALESPERSON for the road with some knowledge of graphic design for printery in Ajax. Base salary+commission+ Sales training. Call 905-426-4677 ajaxresume@yahoo.ca DENTAL RECEPTIONIST required for busy oral surgeon's office. 16 to 24 hours per week, Mon-Fri days. Dental experience preferred. Please fax resume to 905-434-2357 or email: dentalre- sumes@rogers.com DISPENSARY ASSISTANT, full time position available for Experi- enced Dispensary Assistant in South Pickering. NEXXSYS Sys- tem. Fax resume to 905-839- 1433. RECEPTIONIST, PART TIME, Monday - Friday, Please mail re- sumes to: Whitby Civic Physio- therapy, 555 Rossland Rd. E. Whitby, LlN 2M8. Attention Nan- cy. No phone calls please. REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPIST needed full-time for busy Ajax massage/chiropractic practice. Fax (905) 428-0495. COMFORT INN,Oshawa & Quality Suites Whitby looking for Full and part-time Customer Ser- vice Representatives. Apply on line www.durhamhoteljobs.ca DIETARY MGR./HEAD CHEF re- quired for upscale retirement resi- dence in Bowmanville. Minimum of 2 years experience. Eligible for membership in OSNM. Previous supervisory or management ex- perience preferred. Please for- ward resume via fax to (905) 697 2918 Attention Derek Hornby, Executive Director or e- mail in word format to dhorby.kams@rogers.com. $244,900 OPEN HOUSE,Sat. July 28th 10am-1pm. 65 Wilkins Crescent, Courtice (Avondale Rd/Trulls Rd.). Private Sale, Closing. Professionally land- scaped, tastefully decorated home located in desireable area. Large eat-in kitchen w/walkout to extra deep fully fenced premium lot (no neighbours behind). Spa- cious master bedroom w/ensuite, including corner jacuzzi/soaker tub and seperate oversized show- er. Partially finished semi-walkout bsmt w/oversized windows. *Ex- tra's* C/A, alarm system, gas f/p, california shutters throughout. Walking distance to both elemen- tary/high schools $$CASH IN- CENTIVE$$ Refer a friend, and we will pay $1000 finders fee on close. For more info, call Chris or Melanie 905-441-1398. ** PUBLIC ** NOTICE List of Durham Region distress sales and bank foreclosures are now available to the public for free. Www.DurhamBank Foreclosures.Com Dan Plowman, Salesperson, Remax Rouge River Realty Ltd. Brokerage 0% DOWN,100% Financing (O.A.C) Why rent? When you can own! Newcastle $239,900 Immediate Possession. Completely renovated 2 bedroom Bungalow. Close to schools and Shopping Brokers Protected www.mereniequitycorp.com Call 647-268-1333 AJAX SOUTH,Bytheowner.com. 4 bedrooms. 3000 square feet+ Partially finished basement. Lots of interlock. Use the heated pool this summer. 34 Parkes Drive. $489,000. 905-619-9871. OPEN CONCEPT HOME, Bewdley, OPEN HOUSE Sat. July 28 & Sun. July 29 1-4p.m. Extra-large kitchen w/walk-out to 2-tier deck, 5-bdrms, 3-baths, fin- ished bsmt w/familyroom, self- contained in-law suite w/separate entrance. Large lot 120-ft x300-ft w/mature trees, new windows, $279,000 www.propertyguys.com ID #128063. (905)797-2294 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, July 29, 2007, PAGE 27 A/Pnewsdurhamregion.com Welcomes You to our Welcomes You to our In-paper and On-lineIn-paper and On-line JOB FAIR COMPANY NAME & LOGO COMPANY PROFILE: Including company product/services, years in the community, company benefi ts etc. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Employment / Training opportunities here. Company Address Phone number email • fax • Contact name Be a part of our IN-PAPER JOB FAIR + TRAINING EXPO supplement and let us put your employment & career training opportunities into the hands of every household in the Durham Region. Simply provide us with your company’s profi le along with address, fax & email information, phone number and a list of job opportunities or training courses you have to offer. Your ad will be placed in our special section with editorial content to assist people with tips on how to get the job that is right for them! Terri Geo r g e , I would li k e t o s u b m i t s o m e f e e d b a c k o n the succe s s o f t h e O n - L i n e / J o b F air In- sert. This e v e n t h a s h e l p e d G 4 S S e c u r i t y Services ( C a n a d a ) L t d . m a k e s i g n i f i cant progress i n i m p r o v i n g t h e s t a f f i ng levels overall im p r o v i n g o u r s e r v i c e l e v e l s a n d overall se c u r i t y p r o g r a m . W e a r e q u i t e satisfi ed with t h e w o r k o f t h e Y o u r s e l f and the O s h a w a W e e k S t a f f . Peter Law r e n c e Regional B u s i n e s s S u p p o r t M a n a g e r G4S Secu r i t y S e r v i c e s ( C a n a d a ) L t d . Eastern R e g i o n Testimo n i a l + TRAINING EXPO+ TRAINING EXPO The in-pape r , o n l i n e j o b f a i r p r o v i d e d me with a v a l u a b l e r e c r u i t m e n t t o o l . T h e well-design e d a n d c o l o u r f u l a d v e r t i s e m e n t far exceedi n g m y e x p e c t a t i o n s a n d w a s a nice alterna t i v e t o a t y p i c a l c l a s s i f i ed ad. The respon s e s i n c e i t w a s p u b l i s h e d h a s been fantas t i c a n d h a s g r e a t l y i n c r e a s e d m y applicant p o o l ! T h a n k - y o u T e r r i f o r y o u r personalize d a n d p r o f e s s i o n a l s e r v i c e . H EN D R IX FO O D SER VIC E Equipment & S u p p l i e s Testimonia l Ad spots are 3”x 6” Deadline: Wed., October 3rd 2007 Publishing: Sun., October 7th, 2007 Call: 905-576-9335 Fax: 905-579-4218 email: classifi eds@durhamregion.com • Your ad will also be posted on our website @ www.durhamregion.com • My Adbox Tele-Interview System (voice recording up to 5 questions for your callers) (pre-screen potential employees) www.careers.rona.ca RONA, Canada’s leading distributor/retailer of hardware, home improvement, and gardening products, is growing once again and is opening a new store in Whitby! If you are a customer service oriented individual who works well in a team environment, visit our ... JOB FAIR Tuesday July 31st, 2007 2:00PM – 8:00PM Employment Centre in the Midtown Mall 200 John St West, Oshawa Please bring a copy of your resume to the Job Fair. If you are unable to attend, please submit your resume online, in confi dence, to www.careers.rona.ca BE PART OF THE TEAM! YMCA LOOKING FOR FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT? Are you 16-30 years old and a resident of Durham Region? Are you unemployed, not attending school full-time and not collecting E.I. Benefits? YOUTH CAREERS 2000 will be conducting interviews in Pickering for an upcoming session starting Monday August 13, 2007. Don't miss this opportunity! ●Paid 4-week job preparation.. ●Matching your interests and skills to employment opportunities. ●Opportunity for up to 16 weeks of work experience. ●Continued support in securing employment. For an interview: CALL (905) 427-7670 YMCA Durham Employment and Community 1550 Kingston Road Suite 16 Pickering ON L1V 1C3 Graphic Designer/Site Developer/Web Junkie Metroland East Interactive Working with a dynamic, young Interactive team out of the historic This Week compound in south Oshawa, this totally unique individual will help set new functionality and aesthetic standards for open source and .NET community sites. Absolutely required competencies: *Graphic design diploma with print and online portfolio *Demonstrated ability to build complex sites using HTML, CSS, Java script, PHP and Ajax *Established proficiency using the Adobe CS3 Suite and Microsoft Visual Studio *Determined problem solver and self starter *Over-the-top passion for design and the creative process *(Almost) pathological obsession with details and completing tasks *Ability to accept direction and share ideas, or work in complete isolation *Willingness to learn, grow and stay focused in a dizzying (but fun!) environment If, and only if, you possess ALL the required competencies and desire a cool job close to home, send your amazing resume to Todd Blayone, Manager (tblayone@durhamregion.com ). The Employment Advantage Get Connected! Call Today Ajax: 905-426-8337 Oshawa: 905-436-2957 www.theemploymentadvantage.com START HERE! FREE Access to Employment Resources Are you lacking current skills - considering training? Is your resumé getting results? Would you like to learn where 85% of the available, yet unadvertised jobs are? Looking for better job search results? Employment Ontario programs are funded in part by the Government of Canada. Canada's largest and fastest growing Dollar Store chain is NOW HIRING! Whitby & Pickering area Key holders, Managers,Trainee Managers, FT/PT Associates We are looking for mature individuals with retail background. Duties include daily cash deposits, supervising up to 20 people. Well organized and customer service oriented. Benefits include: Flexible schedule, Competitive wages, Career opportunities. Send your C.V. by fax to (905)665-3156 AppleOne Employment Services NOW HIRING For a new facility in Oshawa 24 General labour positions available $12.00 hourly 12 Counterbalance / General labour positions ~$14.00 hourly All Shifts available Excellent Career Positions Call today / Work tomorrow Please call 905-831-3400 New Residential Heating Air Conditioning (HVAC) Contractor, looking for Sheet Metal workers, R/I Crews and Basement installers needed. Please contact BOB at 905-625-9113 or fax at 905-625-8127. PRAXAIR CANADA INC. AZ COMPANY DRIVERS * 3 - 5 years experience (tanker preferred) * Clean abstract/CVOR & Driving record * Computer experience and USA entry required * Excellent wages and Company benefits * Salary Range - 60 - 65K Fax resume and current abstract to (905) 827-8677, Attn: Peter Spiller EXP'D RENOVATORS, LICENSED MASTER ELECTRICIAN for the home repair & renovation market.Flex.hours, immediate pay by the job.Estimating exp.req'd.Min.5-10yrs exp.Need tools, vehicle No criminal record. Call 905-686-7236 Progressive manufacturing firm in Durham Region has immediate opening for: INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN (INSTALLER-STAMPING INDUSTRY) PERMANENT FULL TIME POSITION REQUIREMENTS: ● Completion of High School ● Industrial Electrician Trade Certification ● 6-9 years Experience ● Speak and read English ● Read blueprints ● Install, examine, replace or repair electrical components;test equipment and components for current continuity and voltage;troubleshoot industrial control systems and devices with programmable logic controls ● General Skills:Math; computer;writing & reading;working with others;planning & organizing;problem-solving. ● Job entails installation of specialized controls & safety devices on to stamping and metal forming presses & related equipment. ● Experience with hydraulic systems preferred. ● Must have valid Ontario Driver's license & passport PLEASE FAX RESUME ONLY: (905) 831-4064 FOR A CAREER ABOVE and BEYOND! ●15 FLAT ROOFERS ●SERVICE CREW TECHNICIANS We are looking to hire reliable people who take pride in their workmanship to work locally. We provide high wages, company paid medical/dental benefits, tools and a great work environment. Call: (905) 668-3244 Fax: (905) 668-8205 PIPE FITTERS Needed immediately $22 - $25 per hr. (for the right candiate) We are recruiting for a number of Pipe Fitters. Company is located in Pickering. We require at least 5 – 10 years experience, supervisory skills an asset. You are flexible to work both Days and Af- ternoons. Please fax your resume with your tickets to: Janet Parks (905)579-6050 VISTA Disability Management Inc.seeks a bookkeeper / accounts receivables specialist and an administrative assistant for challenging work in our Scarborough office. The specialist in accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, and general ledger, with expertise in QuickBooks, and the administrative assistant will both operate in a dynamic fast-paced team envi- ronment and will: ● Be fluent Excel, MS Word and similar data entry software ● Communicate clearly and accurately on the tele- phone and in writing. ● Demonstrate initiative in organizing and prioritiz- ing assignments. ● Delight our customers by exceeding their expec- tations. Qualified candidates, please fax your resume to 416-850-8098 requires an ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK duties to include payables and payroll, Reynolds computer program experience a must. call Wayne Turner 905-420-9000 or email resume to: wturner@pickering.toyota.ca RECEPTIONIST NEEDED Looking for a mature person to work part-time. Drop resume off at the Great Gulf Homes Sales Office on Taunton Road west of Salem in Ajax Mon-Thurs 1-8 pm. Sat & Sun 11 am - 6 pm. CLINICAL RESEARCH COORDINATOR FULL-TIME RN with current CNO Certification, preferred. Independent/team member.Preferred knowledge of (ICH/GCP) guidelines.Organizational and time management skills.Computer skills.Good clini- cal judgment.Recent intravenous and venipunc- ture skills.Fax CV and cover letter to 905-683- 7071 or E-mail:pats@adamedical.com HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER 436 Fairleigh Ave, Oshawa (Gibbons/Adelaide) $217,900. Excellent condition, many up- grades.2 bedrooms, living and dining rooms, full bath.Lot size 50x150.Gas heat, A/C, 8 appli- ances.Self-contained basement apartment.Bob or Linda (905)725-3785 Government of Canada is offering assistance with up to $20,000.00/person to purchase your first home. Free report available at 1-888-599-0098, ID# 7767 (Free recorded message) Dan Plowman, Salesperson Remax Rouge River Realty Ltd. Brokerage (905)668-1800 NEWCASTLE,by the lake $435,000.2-storey, 4-bdrms, 3 bathrooms, open concept kitchen, c/a, gas f/p, ceramic/harwood, fin. bsmt, fenced premium lot w/deck, many extra's.(905)987- 4992 bytheowner.com/9874992 OPEN HOUSE, BOWMAN- VILLE,1 Barlow Ct,Sat.July 28th & Sun.July 29th 12-3 p.m. 3-bdrm all brick link house, 3- bdrms, 3 bathrooms, fin. bsmt w/gas fireplace, c/a, dishwasher, 10-ftx10-ft deck, $218,000. (905)697-8460 OPEN HOUSE,July 28 & 29, 12:00 - 4:00 p.m., 463 Athol Street E., Oshawa, $299,000. Window coverings, appliances, ir- rigation, detached garage, fin- ished attic, family room, 4 bed- rooms, 1-1/2 bathrooms, eat-in kitchen, dining, living room/fire- place.905-436-1804 www.propertysold.ca I.D #1506 AJAX, 243K, BRAND new open concept end unit town home.5 appliances.3 bedrooms.Up- graded kitchen, single car gar- age, Master with en suite.Sep- tember.905-542-1283. CENTRAL OSHAWA,8600 sq. ft.of multi-purpose, good income, perfect owner-operator property. May also assist in financing.Must sell.$499,000.905-259-2552. NEW REVITALIZED commercial building for lease, approx 2100sq.ft.great potential for fami- ly restaurant with patio, walking distance to GM Centre, Regent Theatre, and Court House, locat- ed 14 Ontario St.Oshawa.Call (905)728-7383. ELEGANTLY Furnished Office for rent in Whitby.Includes wire- less internet, board and meeting rooms plus reception and admin services.Free parking, 4-minutes from 401.Call 905-433-0040 OFFICE SPACE,approx.500 sq ft.2 offices. Also, 1000 sq.ft.4 offices, washroom, reception area.Located South Oshawa. Call (905)434-1888 ESTABLISHED VENDING business for sale! Two plus two machines.Successful, profitable and still warranted! Fully opera- tional in Whitby/Oshawa.$6900. Call John at 905-665-7581. JOB AT HOME.$487.68 Weekly. Assemble Products, Mail or Computer Work.Free Details www.TopJobReview.com write CHRJobs: 372 Rideau St, #916-A15, Ottawa ON, K1N 1G7 1-800-351-5120 $$MONEY$$Consolidate Debts Mortgages to 100%.No income, bad credit OK! ONTARIOWIDE FINANCIAL CORPORATION 1-888-307-7799 CENTRAL FUNDING GROUP, first & second mor tgages to 100%.From 5.7 % for 5 years. Best available rates.Private funds available.Refinancing debt consolidation a specialty.For fast professional service call (905)666-4986. PRIVATE FUNDS - 1st, 2nd mortgages.Consolidate bills, low rates.No appraisal needed.Bad credit okay.Save money.No obli- gation.No fees OAC.Call Peter (416)460-4594, Mor tgage Lead- ers 1 & 2-BEDROOM APTS. TrendyDowntown Oshawa, new- ly renovated building.From $750 all inclusive, suit mature univer- sity students, yearly lease, no pets/non-smoking.Call 905-728- 7383. 1 BDRM RENOVATED base- ment apt.401/Whites, Pickering, Separate entrance, A/C, clean, quiet, suits mature person.No pets.References.$650/mo inclu- sive.(905)839-3053 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent, $650 inclusive, close to Oshawa Centre, first/last, refer- ences, no smoking/pets. Available August 1st.(905)436- 6740. 1 BEDROOM WALK-OUT APT, Pickering.Bright/clean.Large eat-in kitchen.Established com- munity near Rougemount/King- ston Rd.No smoking/pets.Laun- dry access.Female preferred. $750/mo/inclusive. Available im- mediately.416-805-4058. 1-BEDROOM APT,Oshawa, beautiful knotted pine throughout, full bathroom, laundry, 2-parking spots, utilities included plus A/C. First/last.Available immediately. $750/month.905-725-7644. 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT, $645/$745 plus hydro.Clean and quiet building, Harmony/Bloor area. Available immediately.No pets/smoking.(905)424-4005 or (905)424-4518 2 BEDROOM CONDO available immediately in Bowmanville. From $1050/month.5 Applianc- es.Free utilities for 3 months. Rent to own.Call Jennise (905)697-8261 2-BDRM,upper floor, small quiet 5-plex, near Oshawa Centre. Avail.Sept.1st.$715/mo inclu- sive.No smoking/pets.Suitable for adult lifestyle.First/last. (905)728-9257 2-BDRM.apt.,Simcoe North, Russett, Oshawa, recently decorated, hardwood floors, well- maintained quiet 12-plex, small building Close to bus/shopping. Laundry, cable, heat, water, parking, included.No dogs. 905-576-2982. 887 SIMCOE ST.N.OSHAWA- 2 bed.hardwood, nice, bright, clean, near bus, coin laundry, available Aug.1 & Sept.1.$745 + hydro 1-parking.First/last/no pets.(905)668-1946 AJAX - new spacious, beautiful and bright, 1 bedroom walkout basement apt.4 piece bath, own laundry, central air,patio, parking. $750+.905-239-0367/647-271- 6660. AJAX HARWOOD/BAYLY area 3-bdrm main floor of house, close to hwy 401, includes all utilities, parking, washer/dryer, A/C.Close to hospital and all amenities. First/last, references, no smok- ing/pets, $1350/mo inclusive. Avail.Aug 1st.416-818-7751. AJAX, 2-BEDROOM basement apt., separate entrance, living- room, large kitchen, own laundry, air, 2 parking, $845 utilities in- cluded.No pets/smoking, Available immediately.905-428- 2637 AJAX, PICKERING VILLAGE. Large bright new clean 2-bed- room bsmt., eat-in kitchen, huge livingroom, open-concept, a/c, 2-parking, cable.No pets/smok- ing Aug 15th/Sept 1st.905-426- 4773 ALEXANDRA PARK, OSHAWA 1&2 bedroom newer apt., "Old charm building." Totally renovat- ed, new kitchen/bath, hardwood floors.In-house laundry, inter- com.Parkview.Near Hospital.No pets.(905)579-9439. BROOKLIN - bachelor apt., 4pc. bath, kitchen with fridge & stove, bed sitting room, available now. $595 plus hydro.905-424-9743. ATTRACTIVE WALKOUT 2 bdrm. bsmnt.apt., private entrance, air, fridge, stove, cable, $1075/mo.inclusive.first/last, Rossland/Garden/Bassett.Avail. August 1.Call 905-665-8504. AVAIL AUGUST/SEPT 1ST.Rit- son/Bond, Oshawa.1-bdrm main level of house, would suit working person. All inclusive.First/last. $685/month.Call (905)725-2228 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, 3-bdrm main floor apartment, Whitby, private yard, laundry hook-up avail.$1000/mo inclu- sive.Call (905)668-0815. BACHELOR APT., OSHAWA, own entrance, full kitchen & bath, cable included, central air.No smoking/pets.Close to bus route. $600/month.Call (905)723-3754 BLUEWATER PARK WHITBY 1 & 2 Bedrooms Please call Mon - Fri 9 am-5 pm Evening by appt.only 905-571-3522 Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd. BOWMANVILLE 1-bdrm ultra clean building, quiet, security controlled, near hospital.Large suite.$934-includes utilities.Par- ing, laundry facilities.Spotless. 905-623-0791 or 905-666-1074. BOWMANVILLE 2 BDRMS, clean, spacious apartment, $900/mo including utilities. First/last.No pets. Available immediately.Call Masood at 905-987-3683. BOWMANVILLE, LARGE 2 bedroom, 3rd floor, includes heat, water and parking.$800 per mo.Available immediately. 905-623-4622 or 416-737-1872 CENTRAL NORTH OSHAWA ver y clean quiet large two bed- room main floor, private entrance includes fridge, stove, parking, all util.$750.(905)723-0393 DOWNTOWN WHITBY - huge 3 bedroom with balcony available. Aug.1st.$1100.Heat, hot water included, parking.Near schools, Call (416) 520-6392 (905)669- 4009, A/P PAGE 28 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, July 29, 2007 newsdurhamregion.com SUMMER BLOWOUT !! Apt's Starting at $740 monthly Move-In Allowance + Incentives Condominium Suites 1, 2, 3 Bedroom Apartments Oshawa New State of the Art Balconies New Roof ✲New Corridor Carpeting Full Security System ✲ 24/7 on Site Staff FREE UTILITIES ✲FREE PARKING SENIOR DISCOUNTS GM RETIREE & EMPLOYEE DISCOUNT Call for more information 905-728-4993 e & oe WWW.FIDELITYPM.COM What More Can We Do? ... Let Us Know 2 & 3 bedroom apartments starting at $978 per mo. On-site superintendent and security. Rental Office Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (905)686-0845 Eve. viewing by appt. www.ajaxapartments.com OPEN HOUSE JULY 26 - JULY 29 ** MOVE - IN BONUS ** AFFORDABLY PRICED! Family, friendly community conveniently located near shopping, GO & 401. Public transit at your door. Free Utilities. Spacious 1, 2 & 3 bdrms from $895. Highland Towers, 200 White Oaks Ct. (905) 668-7332 www.caprent.com WE REALLY CARE WHERE YOU LIVE. Realstar offers a full breadth of apartments, penthouses & townhouses, plus application approval within 24 hours. No appt. required. Drop in TODAY! Ask about our “Move-in incentives” & “Open Houses” TOWNHOUSES Oshawa - Carriage Hill, 122 Colborne St. (Colborne & Mary) 905-434-3972 Taunton Terrace 100 Taunton Road, East Taunton Rd. & Simcoe St.) 905-436-3346 Uxbridge - Testa Heights (Reach St. & Testa Rd.) 905-852-2534 APARTMENTS Regency Place Apartments 15 Regency Crescent (Mary St. & Hickory St.) 905-430-7397 Whitby - 534 Mary St. Apts 534 Mary St. E. (Mary ST. & Hickory St) 905-666-2450 Whitby Place 900 Dundas St. E. (Dundas St. & Garden St) 905-430-5420 Urgently Seeking Daycare Providers! Would you like to care for infants and children in your home? We are a reputable licensed agency and can offer you: training, CPR/First Aid, regular pay including payment for stat. holidays and children’s sick days, major equipment, some programming and craft supplies, ongoing support! Please call us! 905.823.2625 www.weewatch.com 1-866-333-3299 DUNDAS/BROCK,large 3 bed- room, coin laundry, 1 car parking, no pets/smoking. Available Sep- tember 1, $1125 all inclusive. call (905)983-9082. KING/WILSON, OSHAWA Quiet building, near shopping, transpor- tation. Utilities, parking included. 1-bedroom Sept 1st, 2-bedroom apts available immediately & Au- gust 1st, 3-bedroom Sept 1st. Call (905)571-4912 until 6:00pm. LOVELY BRIGHT 2-bedroom basement apt. in Old Whitby, $975 month, 3-bedroom upper level, $1275. Both include Laun- dry, parking. heat & hydro. Avail. Sept.1. No smoking. (905)431- 2343. LUXURY 1-BEDROOM apart- ment. First floor of large home in Pickering. Fireplace. 5 applianc- es. Jacuzzi. $1100. 416-451- 7860. N/OSHAWA,large one bedroom basement, living room kitchen, bathroom/shower, a/c, shared laundry/driveway, utilities inc. ex- cept cable/phone. No smok- ing/pets. Adults preferred. (905) 728-0934. $750 mo. NEAR 401/PARK Small 2-bed- room apt. in legal triplex. Large yard, private entrance, $745/in- clusive. Available immediately. First/last required. 905-668- 6700, 905-721-8009 NORTH EAST OSHAWA,2-bed- room bsmt walkout patio door to backyard. Jacuzzi tub, sep. show- er, Sep. entrance, parking, suitable for professional/couple. Avail. Sept 1st. First/last. No smoking/pets. $950/mo inclusive. (905)720-2307 NORTH OSHAWA,1-bdrm $750 & 2-bdrm $800 for rent. Includes utilities, fridge, stove, parking. Call 905-435-0703 or 416-902-1174. ONE BEDROOM (2)- Oshawa/Whitby, $650 plus hy- dro/$700 all inclusive. Heat, wa- ter, parking included. Quiet, first/last, no pets. Call (905) 424- 5083. ONE BEDROOM basement apartment Oshawa/Whitby bor- der, separate entrance, parking, near bus stop, 401, shopping and GM. $655 inclusive. lst/last. Im- mediate. 416-264-7990. OSHAWA Park/Adelaide (230 Nipigon St) 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms Well maintained and newly renovated apts. Near all amenities. From $775/mo+ hydro. (905)723-0977 OSHAWA APTS.Clean quiet se- curity monitored newer bldgs. Bachelor, 1 & 2 bedroom includes utilities, parking, laundry on site, no dogs. 905-260-9095, 905-260- 9085 OSHAWA cozy triplex, 21 Col- borne St. W. at Simcoe St., 3- bedroom , 1 1/2 bathrooms, dow- town. Close to GO, hospital. In- cludes: utilities, washer/dryer, high speed internet, cable, air. Available immediately. $1200/mo. Viewings Sat. July 28th./Sat. Aug. 4th.1-4pm. (905)773-3028. OSHAWA KING/WILSON AREA - Bright & Spacious 2 Bdrm. $950.00 + Utilities. Avail. Sept. 1/07. Call Dorothy for Information: (905) 623-3651 OSHAWA NORTH,gorgeous 3- bedroom main floor of house, SENIOR-LIFESTYLE COMPLEX, secluded area in the city, beauti- ful lawn, ample parking, $1100/month, heat/hydro includ- ed, May 1st (905)723-7291. OSHAWA, 1 & 2-BEDROOM,in 8-plex. $750/$900 all utilities in- cluded, close to all amenities, transit. Available immediately, first & last. Call (905)720-0100 OSHAWA, BOND/SIMCOE, lowrise building. 2-bdrm apt, $780/mo+hydro, avail. immediat- ley. Appliances, laundry facilities and parking included. Call 905- 434-7931. OSHAWA, SPRING SPECIAL! Newly renovated 1 & 2 bdrms in senior lifestyle bldgs. Large units. New kitchens & applianc- es, carpeting, windows, security. Near schools/bus stop & amenities. Available Au- gust/Sept. 1-866-601-3083 or 905-432-6912. www.apartmentsinontario.com OSHAWA, SPRING SPECIAL! Under new Management. 1 & 2, avail. in adult lifestyle bldg. Large units, new windows, security. Near bus, shopping. Avail. Au- gust/Sept. Call 905-723-1009 or 1-866-601-3083 or 905-728-3162 www.apartmentsinontario.com OSHAWA,Wilson/Athol, large 2- bdrm, spacious, new windows, avail August 1st. $800+hydro. Park/Gibb, 1-bdrm, brand new floors throughout, immaculate condition. $800/inclusive. Avail Sept. 1st, first/last, no pets. Call John 905-576-4229. OSHAWA- HARMONY/KING - Spacious and bright 1 bedroom basement apartment with lami- nate wood floors - 700.00 include utilities & cable, near college & university. Laundry & parking for one vehicle. Steps to bus, shop- ping and easy access to 401. No Smoking or Pets. First/Last. Avail Mid-August/Sept 1st. Call Omni- plex Management Group at 905- 441-4461 for more details. PICKERING (401/WHITES), 2-bdrm, bright, roomy, bsmt apt, separate entrance and laundry, full bath, eat-in kitchen with dish- washer, $935, (905)686-8612. PICKERING (WHITES/FINCH) - $1200 all inclusive, 2 bedroom open concept bsmt apartment, approx. 1200 sq. feet. Sep en- trance, private washer/dryer, fire- place, a/c, fridge/stove, cable, 1 parking. No smoking/pets. Call 647-504-9855 for appointment. Available August 1st or end of Ju- ly. Must See! PICKERING SOUTH - 1 BR. Bsmt. Apt. Private entrance, walk out to Patio. Parking, cable, inter- net & utilities. incl. No pets, no smoking. Available any time - $800.00. 905-839-9357 (after 5:30) PICKERING, 1 BDRM.bsmnt. apartment, separate entrance. Near 401/all amenities. $650/mo. inclusive. First/last, no smok- ing/pets. Available August 1. 905-420-5121. PICKERING, 1-BDRM $800/mo, like new, near Go/mall. Avail. im- mediately. Short-term considered, rent negotiable. Call Roger (416)817-7835, (905)619-2655 PICKERING, 2 BEDROOM base- ment apt. for rent. Parking. Close to amenities. First/last $900. References. Available im- mediately. 905-839-1256, call af- ter 4pm or 647-637-1437. Regency Manor 2-BEDROOM extra-large in quiet bldg, freshly painted, in beautiful Whitby neighbourhood. Ideal for adults & seniors. clean building. insuite storage, onsite laundry. Incredible value! Aug. 1st 905-668-7758 viewit.ca (vit #17633) SIMCOE/MILL OSHAWA,near 401. Nice, clean and quiet build- ing near shopping and transporta- tion. Utilities included. 1 & 2 bdr. apt. $749 & $849, Available Au- gust 1st, first/last (905)436-7686 until 7:30pm. SOUTH-WEST PICKERING,new upscale basement apt., side en- trance, 5-appliances included, gas fireplace. No pets/smoker. Suit 1 or 2 people. $950/month+ 40% utilities, August 1st. (905)509-0136 WALK TO GO,Tim Horton's, shopping, "waterfront" bus at door. Minutes to 401. Brock St./Victoria St. Newly renovated, large bright 2 bedroom with sep- arate entrance, eat in kitchen, new laundry facilities, no pets, no smoking, $850. 416-238-4775. WHITBY CENTRAL,large 2-bdrm, quiet small building, newly decorated, new appliances no smoking/pets, $939 plus lights. 1-month free rent? Avail. Aug 1st. (416)438-4895. WHITBY,FULLY FURNISHED, Bright 1-bedroom basement quiet residential. Separate en- trance/laundry. A/C, Single occu- pancy preferred. No smok- ing/pets. $800. First only. MUST BE SEEN!!! September 1st. (905)433-8992 WHITBY, immaculate re-done 2 bedroom apt, top floor, Avail. now $910/month includes appliances, heat, laundry facilities and park- ing. Call (905)666-1074 or 905- 556-0455. WHITBY, large two bedroom, laundry, dishwasher, private en- trance, very clean, $950 all inclu- sive including cable. Available im- mediately. (905) 999-3312 WHITBY, NEWLY RENOVATED 3 bedroom main floor duplex shared laundry, one parking, no smoking/pets, Avail immediately. $1,100 plus utilities. 905-686- 3664, (647) 209-1950. WHITBY- Bachelor walkout bsmt apt, 5 min. to GO and 401, no pets/smoking. Parking, c/a, sep- arate entrance. $650 inclusive. First/last. Available immediately. (905)666-7784. WHITES/TAUNTON AREA.Two extra-large bachelor apt style rooms. Avail Aug 1st/Sept 1st. 1 w/fireplace, bright separate en- trances, all amenities, 10 acres. Smoking. $750 & $650/month all inclusive. 416-527-3858 TWO BEDROOM condo, Park- wood Village, off Hwy 2 and Trulls, near 401, 5 appliances, a/c, parking, storage. $875 plus utilities. Available Sept. (905) 683-3197. LUXURY CONDO units in Downtown Oshawa. 1-2 brm+ den available. Granite counter tops and stain- less steel appliances. 5 appliances incl. Lots of amenities. Starting from $800./month Please call (905) 404-1400 LUXURY NEWCASTLE waterfront condo. 1050sq.ft., 2 bedroom, 2 baths, asking $1400/month. Available now! visit newcastlecondo.blogspot.com OSHAWA,2 bedroom, quiet building, suitable for seniors, $850./mo, recently decorated, first/last required. Aug.1, no pets, on bus route, call (905)579-4015 $1097/MONTH,0 Down gives you ownership, NOT Rent, for this immaculate 3 bedroom home. (OAC) Includes Mortgage, Taxes, Heat, Hydro, Water and 4 appliances. WHY RENT? Require good credit, and family income of $40,000 per year. Call Bill Roka, Remax Spirit (905)728-1600 or 1-888-732- 1600 (1) ENTIRE HOUSE. 5 bed- rooms, 2 baths, detached, fin- ished basement, parking, North Oshawa, A/C, laundry, hardwood, walkout to back yard, carport, $1500 plus utilities. September 1st. (416)892-8864 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY, Harwood/Hwy #2 spacious large self-contained 2-bdrm bsmt apt $850/mo. Call Dennis Morgan 416-587-0060, 905-831-9500. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE for rent in Oshawa, Ritson Rd. north. $950/month. First/last required. Available August 1st. Call 905)260-2007 3+1 BEDROOM clean & well- kept, non-smoking, desirable Oshawa neighbourhood, big backyard, close to bus, schools & hospital. $1250/month plus utilities. Sept/Oct. 1st. Catherine (905)436-3422 3-BDRM UPPER two level semi, close to shopping & transit, possible lease to own, non smoker, no pets. $1000/mo plus utilities, Avail immediately. (905)431-5081. 3-BEDROOM HOUSE,5-appli- ances, jacuzi tub & more. $1275 /mo. + utilities. Require first/last, no pets/smoking. Available Sep- tember 1st., (905)720-1584. Cen- tral Oshawa location. 3-BEDROOM HOUSE,Oshawa, air conditioning, fenced yard, newly refinished, $1100/month. Available immediately. (647)281- 8438 5-BEDROOM HOUSE,downtown Oshawa location. 4 vehicle park- ing, laundry, 2 baths, appliances, satellite TV. Available Sept. 1st, $1500 monthly, first/last. (905)903-0597 AJAX 3 BED main floor, Tulloch Dr., 1,012 sq ft., bright, own laundry, hardwood, fenced yard, no smoking/subletting. Pets Ok. References/credit check manda- tory. No time wasters. $1050 per month plus 60% utilities. Avail. Sept 1st. Call (604)609-9948. AJAX Harwood/Bayly. Large 3 bdrm. bungalow, upper level. Newly decorated, new kitchen, Laundry, parking, near all amenities. $1050/mo. + utilities. Avail. immediately. Cell 905-903- 2335 or homel 905-509-2335, after 4pm. BOWMANVILLE, 2 BEDROOM, main floor of house. Fresh paint, laundry, fridge/stove. Big yard. $800 plus 1/2 hydro. First/last. Available immediately. 905-441- 2435. BOWMANVILLE, Modern 3 bed- room, 3 bath, finished basement, C/A and Vac, aboveground pool with deck, friendly neighbouhood, walking distance to schools, wa- terpark and playground. $1200+. Call Tanya or Randy (905)571- 3427 BUY/LEASE,2yr old 3-bedroom detached house, 2 1/2 baths, op- posite Durham college, available Sept. 1st. (905)420-5214, (416)662-5212 (cell) NORTH OSHAWA,single de- tached house, 3 bedroom, 2 & 1/2 baths + ensuite, garage,5 ap- pliances, Air, no pets or smok- ers. Available Aug. 1st. 1300.00/month+utilities (905) 723-3790 NORTHEAST OSHAWA - Wil- son/Beatrice area. 2 bedroom bungalow, eat in kitchen, big pri- vate deck, off master bedroom, mf laundry, parking for two. Available August. lst. $1150 per mo. Call Jack (905) 576-1910. OSHAWA N.,Taunton/Wilson, 4 bedroom executive home open concept. Appliances, 1 year leas- es. $1950 plus, avail. now . Con- dolynn Mgt. 905-428-9766. OSHAWA,2 bedroom house, large dining room and kitchen. $1100/inclusive. Available imme- diately. No smoking/pets. (416)708-7369 PICKERING (BROCK/FINCH), 4-bdrm, 2 1/2 bath, 4-appliances, A/C, 2-car garage, $1550 plus utilities. Available Sept 1st, (905)294-7165. PICKERING (Dixie/Kingston) 3-bdrm house main floor, 3 wash- rooms, 4pc ensuite, hardwood liv- ing/family room, eat-in kitchen, walkout to deck, 2-parking, near 401, Sept 1st, non-smoker, $1450+2/3 utilities. Nicholas 905- 201-0280, 647-290-0280. PICKERING WATERFRONT, Small House Nice View, One Bedroom, Jacuzzi, Completely Renovated. Launch your canoe. Suits professional couple. Available again, but the deal fell through (August 1st.) $1,200+ utilities. 416-991-2825 PICKERING,3 BEDROOMS, very clean house, finished base- ment, garage, Creekview Circle. Petticoat Creek area. $1,400 plus utilities. Available immediately. (416)453-1318 PICKERING,with all the amenities of Muskoka, 2-bdrm, immaculate, furnished/unfur- nished waterfront cottage on Frenchman's Bay, with canoe, no smoking/pets, avail. Sept. 1st. Call 647-285-0866. SPACIOUS 3-BDRM detached, 2-kitchens, 2-full baths, gleaming hardwood floors/carpet combo, 2-fridges, 2-stoves (can remove separate kitchen if desired), washer/dryer, finished bsmt, air, multi-car driveway, 2-yr lease. Call to view 905-452-1878. 316 Arthur St., Oshawa. $1250+. WELL KEPT,2 bedroom home with attached two car garage and finished basement for rent. $1,550 plus utilities per month, in- cludes fridge, stove, washer, dry- er and central air. Beautiful large lot. Call (905)576-8805 WHITBY Cochrane/Rossland 3 bdrm main floor, available Aug. 15th. Lots of parking. Air/cond. $1100 + utilities. (416)573-5350 or 905-550-5350 WHITBY, OTTER CREEK de- tached, newly decorated home, 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, Air, at- tached garage, no pets/smoking, $1350 per month, Occupancy to be arranged. Call(905)509-2141. 3 BEDROOM Whitby townhouse for rent from Sept. 1 2007. 2 years old. 3 bathrooms. First and last month required. $1300. call 905 665 2191 3-BEDROOM townhouse/garage in prime location Whitby. Close to schools/GO/401. Rent $1295 (includes water/4-appliances) plus utilities. No smoking. Available October lst. (905)668- 2204, (905)706-5603 AN OSHAWA SOUTH town- house, 3-bedroom $975/mo+ utilities, close to schools & shop- ping. First/last. 905-579-9956. HILLCREST HEIGHTS,Oshawa now has townhouse units available. Hydro included. Please call 905-576-9299. PROFESSIONALLY done 3 bed- room townhouse, with private yard and finished basement. Close to all amenities and friendly family neighborhood. Cozy and well kept. Water, appliances, parking, included. $930./mo. at 735 Cypress. Call 905-242-1332 ROSSLAND/WILSON,New kitchen, woodfloors, paint, doors, windows, bathrooms,. Ravine walkout, 3 bedrooms,1.5 baths, Sept.1, no smokers, $1300+hy- dro, first/last. (905)623-6812 AJAX - HARWOOD & HWY 2. furnished room in quiet home. Laundry, cable, phone, a/c includ- ed. No smoking/pets. First/last. $450/mo & $475/mo. Avail Aug 1st. 416-893-0140. AJAX, CHURCH & DELANEY area, 2 large rooms, one with walk-in closet. Use of laundry, back yard, kitchen, cable, inter- net. Own bathroom, Utilities in- cluded, Furnished/unfurnished. $450-$500/mo. 905-626-2030. NORTH OSHAWA -1 room. Clean, close to all amenities (bus, Durham College, etc.). Share kitchen & bath, $400/mo. Avail. immediately. Call 905-571-3014. OSHAWA,2 large rooms for rent, in house. $500/each. Available immediately. No smoking/pets. (416)708-7369 ROOM AVAILABLE ($500) in new Ajax home. Cable, internet, parking. Full use of house. Close to all amenities. Available imme- diately. Call (905)442-3276. AVAILABLE AT LICENSED Rooming House: Fully furnished rooms with own fridge, free tele- phone, laundry on site, full staffed office, shared bathrooms and kitchen. Contact: Rianna, (905)576-6268 AJAX, SHARE LARGE home $500 Cable, internet, parking, laundry, non-smokers, no pets. Furnished/unfurnished. Near tran- sit & Shopping. Call 905-239- 1732, leave details & number. NORTH WHITBY,house to share, close to all amenities, pri- vate bath, use of all facilities, parking. Avail Aug.15. 905-442- 2483 after 5 pm. PICKERING: SHARE 3-bedroom townhome with 25yr old female, underground parking, walk to Lake, conservation area, water- front trails. Female preferred. $500+. August 18th. Call (905)839-6648, (647)273-6942. CLEARWATER FLORIDA, 3- bedrooms, fully furnished, air conditioned, manufactured homes. Close to beaches/major attractions, pool/hot tub. Children welcome. $375/wk (less than mo- tel). Photos shown in your home. (905)683-5503. WATERFRONT 2-BEDROOM cottage on Lake Scugog. Escape to great fishing & swimming, close to Town & Casino. Week- ends $300. 905-985-1565 after 4pm. 1986 PROWLER 27ft - 350 I/O Merc cruisers, VHF, compass, am/fm CD player, microwave, fridge, stove, BBQ, stand-up head. New upholstery inside/ out. Canvas only 3yrs. old. Very well maintained boat, just serviced & ready to go. Great on gas!!! $16,000 OBO. Days 905-252- 6736, evenings 905-989-7816. 2004 30' Pioneer,front master bedroom, rear bunks, 4pc bath, air, awning, deck and shed. Situ- ated on large shaded site. Asking $17,000 o.b.o. Call 705-696-2107 5TH WHEEL 2001.29 RKB chal- lenger. Excellent condition. Two slide outs, gel coat exterior, spare, bike hitch, double insula- tion and heated holding tanks, queen pillow top and queen hide- a-bed, 3 burners, oven and mi- cro, a/c, corner shower/tub, ceil- ing fan, awnings, ext. shower, non smoking, $19,500. (905)721- 2954 1994 STARCRAFT pontoon boat, 60 hp Mariner, 40 hrs. on new power head. Toilet/change room. Stereo CD, fish finder. Seats 3 - 4 . Redone new Bimini top. $7,500 firm. (705)328-0402. No trailer. Boat in water at Scugog. 1995 PINECRAFT PRO 162 DLX bassboat, 50Hp Johnson, electric motor, 2HP gas motor, radio, live- bait tank, fish finder, carpet, good condition. Lifetime warranty. Pinecraft trailer. (905)720-4573 MISTY RIVER INTRODUCTIONS will meet you're criteria. Don't spend hours surfing the Internet looking for love with people that aren't serious about being in a relationship. We match weekly, provides photos and screens people rigorously. Free consultation (416)777-6302 www.mistyriverintros.com SWF WOULD LIKE to meet SWM (64-68) for Ballroom Dancing and perhaps relationship. Serious replies call and leave message and phone number at: 1-800-692-3269 Box #321886. FINDING CHILDCARE Has never been easier! Connecting providers, parents and nannies. Not an agency. View free list today at: www.durhamdaycare.com (905)665-2346 AMBIANCE VILLA - Now open. Assisted living for retired seniors. 24 hr. safety and security. For more information please call (905)428-6402 HERD REDUCTION--1 Palimino Gelding, 1 Pinto Filly 2yrs old, 1 Yearling Percheron Quarter Horse Gelding. To many horses and not enough time! Please call 905-342-9696 leave message. +CARPET CARPET CARPETS 3 rooms carpeted with Berber carpet and premium pad from $389 (30 yds). 12mm laminated flooring special @ $1.69 sq. ft. 52 oz. cut pile carpet installed with pad from $2.30 sq. ft. Free in-home quotes. SAILLIAN CARPETS 1-800-578-0497, 905- 242-3691 ; 905-373-2260. 1980 SKI-DOO, BLIZZARD, 500cc, twin cylinder, runs good, low hours, $250/b/o. 905-427- 1667. 2 JVC COLOUR TVs 26" $250, 32" w/stand & smoke windows $375. Frigidaire Fridge, black $375. Call Anita 905-831-3546 2 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, excel- lent condition, pale pink (Mercedes blush), $1000/pair. Beige sofa, Sklar Pepper, excellent condition, $1000. (905)665-1799. 26FT. LANDSCAPE TRAILER, 7 1/2 ft. wide, tandem wheels, winch, $1400. OBO call (905)391-6191, (905)683-2939 6 PIER 1 wrought iron and wicker chairs with cushion. Asking $120. 905-426-5602. 9 FOOT DUFFERIN solid oak slate pool table and accessories including: 9 cues, 1 rack, snook- er/eight balls, pool table cover, chalk tip repair kit, brush, gam- bling dice, solid oak pool cue rack & pool table clock. Asking $2400 o.b.o.! John (905)240-3155 A BEDROOM SET,gorgeous cherry sleigh, triple dresser/mir- ror, tall dresser, night table, new. Cost $7450, sell $1,500. Call 416-524-2018. AAA CARPET FLOORING & HARDWOOD:Carpet 3 rooms from $329 (30-sq. yd.) includes: carpet, pad and installation. Free estimates. Carpet repairs. Serv- ing Durham and surrounding are- as. Professional Painting also avail. Call Sam (905)686-1772 AFFORDABLE APPLIANCES, HANK'S APPLIANCES. Durham's largest selection of reconditioned appliances in-stock. Washers $199/up, stoves $149/up, coin operated washers & dryers $499, 24" fridges $200/up, front load washers only $399. Large selec- tion of Scratch & Dent applianc- es. Parts Specialist. 426 Simcoe St.S. (905)728-4043. AFFORDABLE LUXURY Vaca- tions: Luxury resorts/hotels world- wide at a fraction of the price! Just returned from California -5star Marriott Resort, paid $681/week Canadian/taxes incl. - Others there paid twice that. Call for information (905)440-4674 AIR CONDITIONING from $1595. High efficient gas furnace from $1650. A/C Tune Up $69.95+parts. Installation of duct- work, water heaters, gas piping from $100. Furnace cleaning, gas, oil & propane Sales & Ser- vice McCoy Mechanical. (905)259-1415 ALL NEW QUEEN orthopedic mattress set, cost $1000, sacri- fice $250. Call 905-213-4669. ANTIQUE PARLOUR wood stove $1500. Antique cast-iron claw foot bathtub $500. Glass round table, 4 chairs $500. Elec- tric water heater $75. Call Brad 905-442-7547 Ask us about our 3 week Summer Special! 905-576-9335 BEAUTY SALON FURNITURE for sale, 4-styling stations with 6-ft mirrors, 3-dryers, 2-shampoo stations, desk and computer, waiting chairs, 3-storage units plus more! $7,500 o.b.o. Call 905-622-5923. BROWN leather sofa/ chair/otto- man. Red sculptured carpet 5x7, brownish tall table lamps-2. May- tag Gemini Gas Range, 30" wide free standing double ovens, stain- less steel. KitchenAid stainless steel side by side refrigerator. (905)240-0342 COAST HOT TUB, 5-6 person with lounger, 40 jets, 2 x 7Hp pumps. Cost $10,000 asking $5000 o.b.o. Call (905)404-2440 CONTENT OF CONDO,2 bed- room suites (double); diningroom set; kitchen table w/chairs; freez- er, 32" TV, coffee & end tables, etc. Good condition. (416)286- 6734 or (905)839-0655 COUCH (PULL-OUT) and love- seat including new cream col- oured slip covers, $600. TV Cabinet, from Pier 1 Imports. $500. Toshiba 27" TV, $400. (905)433-7966, (905)926-0571 DINING ROOM SET,Duncan Phyffe style, 4 side chairs, 2 arm- chairs, Mahogany Buffet, large mirror. Occasional tables. (905)665-7365 GOLF CARTS,2000 Electric Club Car. 1999 Gas Club Car. $2,695 each. Excellent condition. (416)319-2793 DINING ROOM SET, hutch buffet and server. Solid wood. Excel- lent condition. With extension. 4 chairs and 2 arm chairs. $1200 or best offer. 416-428-4074. DINING ROOM table, extends to 8 ft. 4 chairs, 2 armchairs, solid oak, excellent condition. $950. Brass chandelier $60. (905)579- 6892 DOUBLE, SIDE-BY-SIDE, strol- ler, like new, asking $75. 905- 839-2424. DR. SCHOLL'S FOOT Spa Plus, like new, asking $20. 905-619- 3689. ELEGANT SOFA,$250. Micro- wave stand $50. Sewing machine w/table $40. 905-831-9727 ESTATE SALE:Solid Wood kitchen suite, (table, 6 chairs, cor- ner buffet), family room furniture, end tables (Sklar Pepplar). Excel- lent condition. Call 1-5pm (905)571-3990 or 905-655-1515. FREE RENT - Vendors wanted at Courtice Flea Market. Book by June 30th and receive one month free rent. Call 905-436-1024 or visit: www.courticefleamarket.com GENERAL ELECTRIC,4 burner stove, white, 5 years , excellent condition, $135.(905)509-4178. HOT TUB (SPA) COVERS Best Price, Best Quality. All Shapes & Colours. Call 1-866-585-0056 www.thecoverguy.ca HOT TUB COVERS Custom cov- ers, all sizes and shapes, $399 tax and delivery included. Pool safety covers. We will not be beat on price and quality. Guar- anteed. 905-259-4514. www.homeandleisure.ca HOT TUB, 24 JETS,redwood cabinet, 220/40 amp, warranty delivery, GFI included, $2995, 905-409-5285. HOT TUB/SPA 2007 Model, all options included, LED light, cov- er, full warranty. New in crate. Cost: $8,695, sacrifice $3,995. 905-213-4669. KENMORE WASHER/DRYER $200 each obo. Very good work- ing condition, Canon MP830 Pho- tocopier/Printer/Fax/Scanner $200, 6 mos old, 4 drawers legal file cabinet, nearly new $60. Call 905-620-0190, 416-841-0135. MOVING SALE:Misc. nearly new appliances, includes Maytag Range and Fridge, microwave, TV, and more. Professional office desk with matching credenza. (905)666-5213 or 905-922-6836 NEED A NEW BED?Brand new semi-motionless water bag and brand new heaters and filling kit included. Never used. Frame not included. $200.00, Call evenings and weekends only, 905-626- 5128 or 905-493-2674. PIANOS AND CLOCKS- We have the best prices on new & used pianos, Come in for great deals! Not sure if your kids will stick with lessons..try our unique rent-to-own system. 100% of all rental payments apply! Large selection of upright and electronic pianos and Howard Miller clocks. Call TELEP PIANO 905-433- 1491. www.Telep.ca WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD! NEW DANBY WINDOW AIR CONDITIONERS, FROM $129 AND UP.Danby apt sized freez- ers $209. New GE bar fridges, $119/up. Also, variety of new ap- pliances, scratch and dent. Full manufacturers warranty. Re-con- ditioned fridges $195/up, ranges $125/up, dryers $125/up, wash- ers $199/up, new and coin oper- ated washers and dryers at low prices. New Danby Frost-Free Apt. size fridges $399., new 24" and 30" ranges with clock and window @$399 Reconditioned 24" ranges and 24" frost free fridges now available. Wide se- lection of other new and recondi- tioned appliances. Call us today, Stephenson's Appliances, Sales, Service, Parts. 154 Bruce St. Oshawa.(905)576-7448 NEW SET of golf clubs Maltbys 3 - pw putter, 3 - 5 driver, new bag, $400. Golf clubs, Maltby 3 wood and driver, slightly used Golf South irons (knockof Calaways) putter, new bag, $300. (705)328- 0402 OLD, LARGE, SOLID brass lamps, $200, old brass mailbox, $15. 905-509-0324. PEG PEREGO DOUBLE stroller, grey, asking $200. Call Tracey, 416-892-8713. POOL TABLE, 1" slate. Accesso- ry package included. New in box. Cost $4395 sell for $1500. 905- 213-4669. QUEEN SIZE PILLOW TOP wa- terbed, 6 pedestal drawers, $150. Must sell. (905) 683-1249 (416)819-1036. RENT TO OWN - New and reconditioned appliances, new TV's, Stereos, Computers, DVD Players, Furniture, Bedding, Patio Furniture, Barbecues & More! Fast delivery. No credit application refused. Paddy's Market, 905-263-8369 or 1-800-798-5502. SAVE UP TO 20%on last minute embroidery, 1-800-773-7762 Open 7 days a week. SOFA-PULLOUT,trailer 4x6, chainsaw, rubber mats, large chest freezer, wood table, 47x24, 24" TV, Panasonic Micro- wave (1,000 watt), glass/bamboo table, 4 chairs 42" round, dining set, 4 chairs smoked glass, 55" round, beds (905)983-6412. SOFA-PULLOUT,trailer 4x6, chainsaw, rubber mats, large chest freezer, wood table, 47x24, 24" TV, Panasonic Micro- wave (1,000 watt), glass/bamboo table, 4 chairs 42" round, dining set, 4 chairs smoked glass, 55" round, beds (905)983-6412. WALL BRACKETS for TV, $25, brass table lamps, $20, car mats $5. 905-509-0324. WASHER/DRYER, great for cot- tage, asking $249. Available Au- gust 3, 905-839-2424. WEDDING DRESS,long sleeved, white satin w/long train, covered w/sequence, pearl & embroidery, size 16, veil, underskirt incl. paid $1500. Best offer 905-426-4827 WHIRLPOOL FRIDGE water and ice $500, GE fridge 14 cu. feet $200 o.b.o. Call (647)339-0558. NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, July 29, 2007, PAGE 29 A/Pnewsdurhamregion.com North Sheds Rustic Pine Garden Sheds 8'x8' for $1,675. includes delivery, on site installation, solid pine walls, floor & roof, door, 2 windows with boxes, choice of stain & shingle colour. All sizes up to 12'x16'. 905-473-5895,1-866-473-5895 www.northsheds.ca 905-619-2093 761 McKay Rd., Pickering Specials Complete Pine Gable Kits: 8x6 $918.75 8x8 $1,014.00 8x12 $1,439.25 Visit our Pickering Showroom www.shedman.ca To Contact Us Call: 1-800-519-9566, 905-668-1838 Apply on-line atApply on-line at www.creditzonecanada.comwww.creditzonecanada.com Bad Credit? • New to Country? O.K. • Bankrupt? O.K. • Slow Payment’s? O.K. “Durham’s Original”“Durham’s Original” *Need a Car Loan-*Need a Car Loan- Call Credit-ZoneCall Credit-Zone FIREWOOD for sale. Maple, Beech, Oak. 16", seasoned. $260/cord plus delivery. Also fire- wood logs & cedar posts (905)986-9610 or 905-718-4765 AUSSIEDOODLES,Labradoo- dles & Goldendoodles, great family pets, come for a play and fall in love, 705-437-2790 www.doodletreasures.com GERMAN SHEPPARD puppies, 2 females, 8 weeks old, CKC reg- istered, micro-chipped, first shots. Call (905)706-3524 GERMAN SHEPPARD Pups, available August 10th, German working lines, CKC Registered, first shots, dewormed, micro- chipped, 2 year health guarantee, parents on site. (705)932-1567 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUP- PIES,4 males, 1 female. CKC registered. Two year health guar- antee. Micro-chipped, dewormed, 1st shots. Champion blood lines. $800 ready-to-go mid-July. Call (905)718-2326 HORSE TRAILER WANTED for 2 horses, must be in good con- dition and a reasonable price. Call 705-431-9485 or email to: bgoodyear@rakon.ca MINIATURE SCHNAUZER PU- PIES, male & female, from a reputable breeder at www.nannys kennel.com. 2 years health, eyes certification, microchip. CKC reg- istration. Pedigree. $1000+PST. 905-428-6206. PUG PUPPIES, one male, two fe- male, black and fawn, vet checked, 1st shot, 8 weeks old & ready to go! $800. Call (905)579- 9615 SPECIALIZING IN POODLE Mix- es, Registered business, licensed kennel, 28 years experience. www.perfectpuppies.ca, (613)332-5975 TRADITIONAL DOG TRAINING CLASSES. No clickers, no treats, just great results. 905- 797-2855. 1992 HONDA ACCORD,4dr., black, auto, 204,300kms, excel- lent condition, certified & e-test- ed. $2000 firm. Call 416-578- 2113 1993 Ford Ranger $2400 o.b.o as is. Please call 705-878-5791 1993 GRAND AM,extremely cold A/C, safety, certified & e-tested, runs great, $1600. Call 905-925-4080. 1998 BUICK CENTURY,4-dr, p/w, air. Blue w/grey interior. 34,000 kms. Asking $4,500. Well maintained. E-tested. Call (905)925-1750 1998 DODGE RAM 1500 pick-up. $11, 500. V-8. 104, 000 km. Box liner. Truck cap. Body in ex- cellent condition. Extended cab. Call 905-767-6246. 1999 TOYOTA SOLARA XLE,2 door coupe. Sale price $9,475.00. Automatic 6 cylinder, Black on black leather, power moon roof, every conceivable option pos- sible, Warranty. Very low mile- age. Immaculate vehicle. Priced for immediate sale. Only at Ajax Nissan. 1-866-304-7326. 2000 CHEVY IMPALA $3999, 00' Sunfire $3699, 96' Grand Am $2699, 95' Mazda MX3 $2999, 91' Honda Civic 131 km $2999, Others from $1699 up, certified and e-tested. Kelly & Son since 1976. 905-683-7301 or 905-424- 9002. www.kellyandsonauto.com 2001 FORD FOCUS SE wagon, Great condition, 135,000 km, au- tomatic, 4 door, red with grey in- terior, roof rack, power windows and doors, cruise control. $4,900. Call 905-995-2082 2003 Impala LS fully loaded 73,700 Km hwy driven. Always maintained. New tires, certified. On Star avail. Maroon color, 4 dr. Asking $11,995 o.b.o. 905 432-3587 91 SUZUKI SAMURAI & parts, hard top $500., 4-32x12 tires with rims $300. New soft top for 93, Tracker, $250. OBO. (905)728- 4881 Ask us about our 3 week Summer Special! 905-576-9335 FOR LEASE:2006 Mazda 3, 4door hatchback, silver/grey, 32,000kms, monthly lease $350.15 Call 905-620-0190 or 416-841-0135. NEED FINANCING for a newer vehicle? We offer financing for: *1st Time Buyers * Bankruptcies *Divorce *Slow or No Credit 1- 866-532-4245 or apply online www.thecreditrebuilders.ca ! ! ! A - ALL SCRAP CARS,old cars & trucks wanted. Cash paid. Free pickup. Call Bob anytime (905)431-0407. ! ! $ ! AARON & LEO Scrap Cars & Trucks Wanted. Cash paid 7 days/week anytime. Please call 905-426-0357. $ $ ADAM & RON'S SCRAP cars, trucks, vans. Pay cash, free pick up 7 days/week (anytime) 905-424-3508 $$$$$ JOHNNY JUNKER WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE. Has the best cash deal for your good scrap cars and trucks. Speedy service. (905)655-4609 or (416)286-6156. ! A ABLE TO PAY up to $10,000 on scrap cars & trucks running or not. Free Towing 24 hours, 7 days. (905)686-1899 (Picker- ing/Ajax) or (905)665-9279 (Oshawa/Whitby). ABSOLUTELY the best CASH deal for your old junker. Cars & trucks wanted, dead or alive. Free p-up. Call 24 hrs. John 905- 263-4142 or 905-914-4142. CASH FOR CARS!We buy used vehicles. Vehicles must be in running condition. Call (905)427-2415 or come to 479 Bayly St. East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES 2000 DODGE DAKOTA EXT. cab, red, V6 magnum. 105000km. Air, auto, fiberglass tunneau, bedliner, cruise, tilt. As is $9200. 905-579-3996. 2003 MAZDA B300 Cab Plus SE. Sale Price $13,975. Fully loaded, only 54,000 kms. 5 spd., immacu- late inside and out, well cared for. Priced for an immediate sale. Only at Ajax Nissan, 1-866-304- 7326 www.durhamcreditzone.com 1997 DODGE RAM VAN, Ex-Bell Truck, 6cyl., ladder rack and shelves. Runs Great! $3500 As- Is. 2002 Cavalier, 83,000kms. A/C, 4-door, safety & E-tested, $5000. (905)434-6933 1997 DODGE RAM VAN, Ex-Bell Truck, 6cyl., ladder rack and shelves. Runs Great! $3500 As- Is. 2002 Cavalier, 83,000kms. A/C, 4-door, safety & E-tested, $5000. (905)434-6933 2002 VENTURE VAN LS,140k, 8 seats, pwr. locks, windows, doors, seat. Cruise, keyless en- try, roof rack, am/fm cassette/CD, tinted windows, $6,200. Call (905)668-6355 2004 GMC DENALI,white, grey leather, 7 passenger, excellent codntion, loaded, 122k, $26,900. Telephone (905)436-6985. 95' SAFARI VAN,black, seats 7-passengers, good condition, $1100. Call 905-697-7828. BUSTY Green-eyed blonde For a pleasurable time call SHAYNA Discreet & Independent 8a.m -6 p.m. 905-441-1661 ASIAN LADIES Chinese, Japanese, Korean Pretty & Busty Open-minded, Good Service, Good Rate 24/7, Out Calls Only www.cuteorientals.ca 647-221-5858 PRETTY SWISS BLONDE 905-665-2907 by appt. 8am - 10pm Relaxing for Gentlemen Sweet Charlotte 35 yrs., petite, exotic green eyed beauty, 34D Out calls only (416)455-0336 A+ AJAX SPA BEST ASIAN CUTIES Head-to-Toe Treatment Swedish, Shiatsu, Back Walk Deep & Relaxing FANTASTIC MASSAGE (905)231-0092 AAA PICKERING ANGELS ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Relaxing Massage VIP Rooms & Jacuzzi 905 Dillingham Rd. (905)420-0320 pickeringangels.com AJAX AFTER DARK Friendly relaxing massage clubmiragespa.ca (905) 619-9205 CANDO RENOVATIONS INC. Call (905) 686-5211 Bathrooms • Windows • Doors • Basements • All Home Renovations • Making Home Accessible SPECIAL *No Tax for month of July RENOVATIONS & REPAIRS QUALITY HOME RENOVATIONS Specializing in Carpentry, Painting, Tiling, Drywall, Electrical & Plumbing Call John (416)456-4826 • Minor/Major • Animal Damage & Removal • Chimney Repair • Skylight Repair • Eavestrough Repair 416-299-1788 LICENCED & INSURED FREE ESTIMATES ROOFING REPAIRS by RAPID TAC B a t h r o o m Renovations& Repairs By Quality Construction 905 626-3771 www. QBATH.com FREE ESTIMATES Call Dan for a FREE Estimate 905.436.9823 or Cell: 905.243.1459 Interiors / Exterior • Commercial / Residential Over 25 Years Experience • Competitive Prices FREE Shop-at-Home FREE Estimates Seniors Discount Specializing in Carpet, Laminate & Vinyl Tiles www.supreme-fl oors.com UPREME CARPETS & FLOORING (416) 750-9090 CLOWN / MAGICIAN • Live animals • All occasions • All ages Call Jeff (905) 839-7057 CDA Home Improvements & Landscaping Kitchen, Bathroom & Basement Renovations & Tiling, Hardwood, Interlocking & Decks Call 416-402-6907 DOORS "R" US NEW GARAGE DOORS, OPENERS, (We install), FIX BROKEN SPRINGS, CABLES, ROLLERS. Sales, Service & Repairs 905-837-0949 G.C.B. CONSTRUCTION INC General Home Renovations & Improvements All work guaranteed Craig (905) 686-1913 HANDIMAN 4 U All types of work •Carpentry •Finishing Basements 416-937-1948 905-409-9903 MUELLER RENOVATIONS ❍basements ❍decks ❍flooring ❍interior renovations Expert Workmanship Reasonable Rates Small Jobs Welcome Chris Mueller 905-683-2253 No Job is too small Basement & Bathroom renovations Decks & Fencing Let me help you get rid of your TO-DO Lists For an estimate call Ian at 416-606-0195 TBG Aluminum Siding ~ Soffit Facia ~ Eavestrough Free Estimates Call Bruce 905-410-6947 A1 1/2 PRICE JUNK REMOVAL!! All Junk Removed. Homes,Yards, Businesses, etc. We do all the loading. Seniors Discounts. Cheap and fast Service!! In Service for 25yrs. John 905-310-5865 DEPENDABLE GARBAGE REMOVAL Want a Better Deal? We clean out & dispose of household junk, renova- tion waste & all general garbage,including furni- ture and appliances. Friendly & careful same day service. 416-677-3818 Rock Bottom Rates!! ALL PRO PAINTING AND WALLPAPERING Repair & Stucco ceilings Decorative finishes & General repairs 20% off for seniors (905)404-9669 Tor. Line 647-868-9669 PAINTING & WALLPAPERING ✦ Reasonable Rates ✦ ✦Interior & Exterior ✦ Serving Oshawa & surrounding area for 30 yrs ☎ 905-725-9884 ☎ TMS PAINTING & DECOR Interior & Exterior European Workmanship Fast, clean, reliable service (905)428-0081 CROSS MOVERS Dependable & Reliable Good Rates 24-hour Service Licenced/Insured (905)683-5342 (416)423-0239 (905)239-1263 DOAEC MOVING/DELIVERY ✓ fully insured and bonded ✓ honest and reliable ✓reasonable rates (905) 426-4456 (416) 704-0267 Quality Cleaning By Jayne Serving Durham 21yrs I'm very thorough and reliable, low rates. Ref. avail/Work guar. Duties : fridge shelves, glassdoors, baseboards, couch cushions, stove top/fan/burners, bath- room floors hand washed Call 905-683-3864 HARDWOOD FLOOR SPECIALIST Hardwood & Laminate Installations Sanding, staining and finishing of old floors 20 years experience Call John (905) 655-3492 (416) 220-4768 A/P PAGE 30 NEWS ADVERTISER, SUNDAY EDITION, July 29, 2007 newsdurhamregion.com NO TIME TO TALK Why not Fax us your ad! You can use your fax machine to send us your advertisement. Please allow time for us to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadline. One of our customer service representatives will call you. Please remem- ber to leave your company name, address, phone number and contact name. ☎☎☎☎☎ Fax NEWS ADVERTISER 905-579-4218 SELL IT NOW CALL AJAX 905-683-0707 P h o n e : (9 0 5 ) 6 8 3 -0 7 0 7 TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS OR SERVICE IN THIS SECTION PLEASE CALL AJAX 905-683-0707 Please read your classified ad on the first day of publication as we cannot be responsible for more than one insertion in the event of an error. AGASSIZ, Sandra (Warwick)- It is with great sad- ness that the family of Sandra Agassiz announce her peaceful passing in her 90th year, at Ballycliffe Nursing Home on July 23, 2007. Beloved wife of the late Alfred. Loving mother of Charmaine Nolte and husband Ben. Dear grandmother to Sheila Wil- mot and Sean Wilmot and his wife Kris, and their children Rachel, Cassidy and Alexander. Loving mother of Christine Silvester and husband Peter. Sadly missed by daughter Colleen Jordan and Ross Mackie. Grandchildren Tracy Gillam (Jordan) and husband John and their children AJ, Keagan and Emma, Bobby Jordan and wife Suzanne, Jen- ny Jordan and fiancé Andrew Murgatroyd and Jackie Jordan mourn the loss of their grandmother. Dear grandmother of Dianne Brunton and husband Roger and their children Natalie and Stefani and Valerie McCullouch and her children Shawn, Kim- berley and Cody. Loving aunt to her late sister Le- na's daughter, Judy Sherlock and husband Frank. Sadly missed by her many nieces and nephews The family would like to thank the staff and person- al support workers provided through Durham Ac- cess to Care that allowed her to stay in her own home for a number of years. Special thanks also goes out to the staff and volunteers at Ballycliffe for their compassionate care and support over the last few years of Sandra's life. A private family ser- vice has been held. Donations in Sandra's name may be made to Ballycliffe Nursing Home, Ajax or a charity of your choice. I'll be seeing you In all the old familiar places That my heart embraces All day through The Country in Pedlar in Whitby has lots of Great Tasting Summer Treats Summer is fi lled with great pleasures and tasty treasures and the place to fi nd them is The Country Pedlar in Whitby. Located at the West Lynde Plaza at Dundas St. W. and Jeffrey St., The Country Pedlar has everything you need for a season fi lled with fl avour. If you’re planning a summer party you’ll fi nd a wide assortment of drink and dip chillers and dip and butter warmers, assorted dip seasonings like Mango Curry and Lemon Dill. Enjoy refreshing drink mixes including Mojito and Apple Martini. Once you’ve been to the Country Pedlar you’ll know why and come back again and again. If it’s your fi rst time, plan on spending time browsing around and awakening your senses to all of the great treasures in the store. Why go to the big mall or drive to Toronto when you can shop in a wonderful local business fi lled with things you won’t fi nd anywhere else. There are great gift sets and the best selection of candles and accesso- ries in town. There are tea pots and tea sets. There are delicious specialty teas as well as many varieties of delicious single serving hot chocolate and mouth-watering chocolate treats. Theres also lots of sale items available. While there take the time and enjoy The Tea Room where you can savour 25 different fl avours of loose tea in real Chi- na cups as well as Tetley tea. For those who want something delicious with their tea, try the tasty fresh baked goods made daily like the secret recipe scones, apple crisp muffi ns, yummy butter tarts and as- sorted squares. The Country Pedlar is also a Sears catalogue outlet and so please drop in and pick up the latest catalogue. It’s free and a very easy way to shop. Why go to the mall if you don’t have to? Simply call the toll free order desk and within days your order will be sent to The Country Pedlar. The store is also a drop off for Whitby This Week classifi eds. The store hours are Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed Monday and Sunday. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call The Country Pedlar at (905) 666-8000. The Country Pedlar has lots of great summer entertaining ideas. Mortgages to 100% (OAC)Mortgages to 100% (OAC) • Best available rates • Private Mortgage Funds Consolidation a Specialty For FAST & PROFESSIONAL SERVICE CALL 905-666-4986 • Arrears P.O.S. • Refi nancing Debt From 5.7% forFrom 5.7% for 5 years.5 years. 1st. & 2nd.1st. & 2nd. The Country PedlarThe Country Pedlar Inc. authorized agentCatalogue CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DROP-OFF Summer Clearance Now On... Visit Store for Details! (selected merchandise only) Open: Tue - Sat 965 DUNDAS ST. W., AT JEFFERY, WHITBY 905-666-8000 DURHAM WINDOWS & DOORS SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION Complete selection of Vinyl Windows & Doors MOBILE SHOWROOM (905) 579-2222 1-888-576-8575 Wayne Hutchinson 696 King St. W. Oshawa, ON 1-888-BATH-RENO it’s easy, practical & affordable! FREE IN-HOME CONSULTATION renocanada.com turn the house you have into the lifestyle you want... THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 PAGE 31 Pdurhamregion.com PICKERING SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION MITE/SQUIRT BOYS’ DIVISION Standings (As of July 21) TEAM GP W L T PCT. GBL Pickering Men’s Slow Pitch 11 7 2 2 0.727 -- Pickering Performance Firestone 10 6 4 0 0.600 1.5 Hazmasters 8 4 3 1 0.563 2.0 Ontario Power Generation 7 1 4 2 0.286 4.0 Knights of Columbus 10 2 7 1 0.250 5.0 MITE/SQUIRT BOYS’ DIVISION July 17: Pickering Mens Slow Pitch 9 (Aamir Zahid) vs. Ontario Power Gen- eration 9; Knights of Columbus 11 (Kyle Faller) vs. Hazmasters 11; July 12: Pickering Mens Slow Pitch 6 (Sean Walker) vs. Pickering Perfor- mance Firestone 5 (Michael Baskette); Knights of Columbus 10 (Kyle Gibson) vs. Ontario Power Generation 8; July 10: Pickering Performance Firestone 15 (Mitchell Noble) vs. Hazmasters 11; Pickering Mens Slow Pitch 17 (Zak Genereaux) vs. Knights of Columbus 2 (Casey O’Neil); July 5: Pickering Mens Slow Pitch 13 (Colton Robinson) vs. Hazmasters 5 Pickering Performance Firestone 12 (Cody Smart) vs. Ontario Power Generation 9; July 3: Knights of Columbus 7 (Shawn O’Neil) vs. Pickering Performance Firestone 6. MITE/SQUIRT GIRLS’ DIVISION Standings (As of July 21) TEAM GP W L T PCT. GBL Air Plus 11 7 4 0 0.636 -- Ontario Power Generation 11 6 5 0 0.545 1.0 L.A. Pet Grooming 10 4 6 0 0.400 2.5 Under Pressure 10 4 6 0 0.400 2.5 MITE/SQUIRT GIRLS’ DIVISION July 18: Air Plus 13 (Sarah) vs. Ontario Power Generation 1; July 16: LA Pet Grooming 11 (Taylor Barbieri) vs. Ontario Power Generation 12; Air Plus (Katie) vs. Under Pressure (Air Plus forfeits to Under Pressure); July 11: Under Pressure 10 (Nicole Percy) vs. LA Pet Grooming 7 (Alison Brunton); July 9: Air Plus 10 (Jenna) vs. LA Pet Grooming 5 (Katelyn Walker); Under Pressure 16 (Melissa Hall) vs. Ontario Power Generation 7; July 4: Air Plus 10 (Rebecca) vs. Ontario Power Generation 9. SQUIRT/PEEWEE BOYS’ DIVISION Standings (As of July 21) TEAM GP W L T PCT. GBL Pickering Men’s Slow Pitch 9 5 2 2 0.667 -- Northex Customs Brokers 9 5 4 0 0.556 1.0 Suburban Glass 9 4 4 1 0.500 1.5 Ontario Power Generation 9 2 6 1 0.278 3.5 SQUIRT/PEEWEE BOYS’ DIVISION July 18: Northex Customs Brokers 5 (Carter) vs. Pickering Men’s Slow Pitch 19 (Justin Genereaux); July 16: Ontario Power Generation 11 vs. Northex Customs Brokers 18 (Brian Mott); Pickering Men’s Slow Pitch 18 (Alex Ritchie) vs. Suburban Glass & Mirror 16 (Nick Jaksetic); July 11: Ontario Power Generation 14 (Kevin Hamilton) vs. Suburban Glass & Mirror 12 (Romel Waltoo); July 9: Ontario Power Generation 14 (Leandro Diaz-Matus) vs. Pickering Men’s Slow Pitch 18; Northex Customs Brokers 7 (Justin Trach) vs. Suburban Glass & Mirror 15 (Ryan Doherty); July 4: Pickering Men’s Slow Pitch 17 (James Murray) vs. Northex Customs Brokers 10 (Peter). SQUIRT/NOVICE GIRLS’ DIVISION Standings (As of July 21) TEAM GP W L T PCT. GBL Century 21 Percy Fulton 8 7 0 1 0.938 -- Ontario Power Generation 8 3 4 1 0.438 4.0 Ellis Packaging 8 3 5 0 0.375 4.5 Elite Mouldings 10 3 7 0 0.300 5.5 SQUIRT/NOVICE GIRLS’ DIVISION July 19: Elite Mouldings 10 (Valerie Bartlett) vs. Ellis Packaging 9; July 12: Elite Mouldings 13 (Jennifer McNamee) vs. Ontario Power Generation 3; July 10: Elite Mouldings 11 (Paulina Minoia) vs. Century 21 Percy Fulton 20; July 5: Elite Mouldings 18 (Rhiannon Chong) vs. Ellis Packaging 15; Century 21 Percy Fulton 22 (the team) vs. Ontario Power Generation 7; July 3: Ontario Power Generation 17 (Tara Watson) vs. Ellis Packaging 13 (Adrianna Minoia). BANTAM/MIDGET BOYS’ DIVISION Standings (As of July 21) TEAM GP W L T PCT. GBL Pickering Men’s Slow Pitch 15 11 4 0 0.733 -- DISTICOR 17 8 8 1 0.500 3.5 Papps 14 7 7 0 0.500 3.5 DDC Sports 16 4 11 1 0.281 7.0 BANTAM/MIDGET BOYS’ DIVISION July 19: DDC Sports 10 (Dan Keith) vs. Papps Restaurant 13; Pickering Men’s Slow Pitch 18 (David Harrington) vs. DISTICOR 9; July 17: DDC Sports 5 vs. DISTICOR 13; DDC Sports 7 vs. Pickering Men’s Slow Pitch 17 (Chris Chapman) Pickering Men’s Slow Pitch 11 (Brandon Rogers) vs. Papps Restaurant 10; July 12: DDC Sports 6 (Brodi Robinson) vs. Pickering Men’s Slow Pitch 17; Papps Restaurant 23 vs. DISTICOR 10; July 10: DDC Sports 13 vs. Papps Restaurant 10; DDC Sports 17 (Jordan Robinson) vs. DISTICOR 6; July 3: DDC Sports 6 (Griffin) vs. Pickering Men’s Slow Pitch 18; DISTICOR 9 vs. Papps Restaurant 13. BANTAM/MIDGET GIRLS’ DIVISION Standings (As of July 21) TEAM GP W L T PCT. GBL Carribean Colour Tanning Salon 11 9 2 0 0.818 -- Canadian Progress Club 11 6 5 0 0.545 3.0 Spencer’s Garage 11 6 5 0 0.545 3.0 Century 21 11 1 10 0 0.091 8.0 BANTAM/MIDGET GIRLS’ DIVISION July 18: Century 21 - Percy Fulton 5 (Lauren Spigarelli) vs. Caribbean Colour Tanning Salon 23 (Jessica Whitfield); Spencer’s Garage 12 (April Harrison) vs. Canadian Progress Club 10 (Veronica Dell); July 16: Caribbean Colour Tanning Salon 6 (Sarah Lake) vs. Spencer’s Garage 5 (Katie O’Sullivan); Canadian Progress Club 17 (Jordan Livings) vs. Century 21 - Percy Fulton 8 (Samantha Haddock); July 11: Century 21 - Percy Fulton 15 (Lauren Spigarelli) vs. Spencers Garage 12 (Courtney L); Caribbean Colour Tanning Salon 16 (Laura Fujita) vs. Canadian Progress Club 11 (Colleen Coleman); July 9: Caribbean Colour Tanning Salon 24 vs. Century 21 - Percy Fulton 1 (Paige Fulton); Spencer’s Garage 18 (Courtney B) vs. Canadian Progress Club 11 (Stacey); July 4: Century 21 - Percy Fulton 11 (Paige Fulton) vs. Canadian Progress Club 12; Caribbean Colour Tanning Salon 15 (Laura Fujita) vs. Spencers Garage 8. PICKERING MEN’S SLOW PITCH LEAGUE League standings as at July 22 Invis Mortgages ‘A’ DIVISION TEAM W L T F A PTS Dazed & Confused 8 1 2 161 109 18 Gophers 8 3 0 186 100 16 P. City Rollers 6 3 2 145 120 14 Molson Canadians 5 4 1 106 137 11 Yankees 3 7 1 117 142 7 Papp’s 0 12 0 60 167 0 Results, July 22: Dazed & Confused 18 vs. Molson Canadians 7; Yankees 16 vs. Papps 6; Gophers 20 vs. P. City Rollers 4. Results, July 15: Gophers 20 vs. Papps 6; Dazed & Confused 23 vs. Go- phers 16; Dazed & Confused 12 vs. Yankees 11; P. City Rollers vs. Molson Canadians (Rain out). ‘B’ DIVISION TEAM W L T F A PTS Shoeless Joe’s Sox 8 2 0 140 101 16 Storm 7 4 0 121 117 14 Danforth Roofing Supply 6 6 0 137 116 12 The Old Stone Cottage 6 6 0 106 111 12 Winston Shagwell Chiefs 5 5 1 126 116 11 Rockwell Rowdies 5 7 0 133 165 10 Pickering Isotopes 4 6 1 112 117 9 The ‘Burbs 3 8 0 84 116 6 Results, July 22: Storm 11 vs. Winston Shagwell Chiefs 4; The ‘Burbs 7 vs. Pickering Isotopes 0 (Default); Danforth Roofing Supply 10 vs. The Old Stone Cottage 9; Rockwell Rowdies 9 vs. Storm 7. Results, July 15: Danforth Roofing Supply 6 vs. The Old Stone Cottage 4; The Old Stone Cottage 14 vs. Pickering Isotopes 6; Storm 15 vs. Pickering Isotopes 12; Shoeless Joe’s Sox 15 vs. The ‘Burbs 6; Shoeless Joe’s Sox 20 vs. Winston Shagwell Chiefs 2; Rockwell Rowdies 9 vs. Winston Shagwell Chiefs 8. ‘C’ DIVISION TEAM W L T F A PTS Marauders 11 1 0 160 78 22 Shockers 9 2 0 156 93 18 Longhorns 9 3 0 154 107 18 Pickering Rounders 5 7 0 113 128 10 Lion & Dragon 4 7 0 91 95 8 Cruisers 4 7 0 83 125 8 Deloitte & Touche Rebels 2 9 0 76 120 4 Durham Bulls 2 10 0 99 186 4 Results, July 22: Shockers 19 vs. Pickering Rounders 11; Marauders 15 vs. Deloitte & Touche Rebels 14; Cruisers 18 vs. Durham Bulls 4; Longhorns 12 vs. Lion and Dragon 8. Results, July 15: Marauders 14 vs. Deloitte & Touche Rebels 2; Shockers 7 vs. Deloitte & Touche Rebels 3; Shockers 18 vs. Cruisers 8; Pickering Rounders 12 vs. Lion and Dragon 11; Longhorns 14 vs. Lion and Dragon 7; Longhorns 18 vs. Durham Bulls 5. Cruise Ship Centers ‘D’ DIVISION TEAM W L T F A PTS The Labatt Brewers 8 3 1 148 111 17 Gladiators 7 2 1 137 87 15 Bank Of Montreal 7 4 0 154 129 14 Scorpions 6 5 0 137 136 12 Steiners 6 6 0 136 134 12 Scarborough Lexus Rangers 5 6 0 127 123 10 Robbins Moving 3 8 0 111 146 6 Trail Blazers 2 10 0 75 159 4 Results, July 22: Scorpions 13 vs. Gladiators 12; The Labatt Brewers 27 vs. Robbins Moving 3; Steiners 14 vs. Bank of Montreal 13; Scarborough Lexus Rangers 15 vs. Trail Blazers 9. Results, July 15: The Labatt Brewers 13 vs. Robbins Moving 12; Gladiators 15 vs. The Labatt Brewers 9; Bank of Montreal vs. Gladiators (Rain out); Scarborough Lexus Rangers 20 vs. Scorpions 10; Trail Blazers 12 vs. Scar- borough Lexus Rangers 11; Steiners 18 vs. Trail Blazers 5. ‘E’ DIVISION TEAM W L T F A PTS Wingshack Titans 10 1 0 185 99 20 Game Cocks 8 4 0 151 134 16 ISOFT 6 3 0 100 84 12 Water Doctor Warriors 6 5 0 137 114 12 Underdogs 5 5 1 106 116 11 Eastern Eavestroughers 3 7 1 124 122 7 PRD 3 8 0 109 150 6 Canadian Clubbers 2 10 0 110 203 4 Results, July 22: Underdogs 14 vs. PRD 2; Eastern Eavestroughers 27 vs. Game Cocks 6; ISOFT 7 vs. Canadian Clubbers 0 (Default); Wingshack Titans 25 vs. Water Doctor Warriors 7. Results, July 15: Underdogs 14 vs. PRD 9; Underdogs 23 vs. Wingshack Titans 17; Wingshack Titans 21 vs. Game Cocks 12; ISOFT vs. Water Doctor Warriors (Rain out); ISOFT 16 vs. Canadian Clubbers 15; Canadian Clubbers 17 vs. Eastern Eavestroughers 15. Ross Wilson Memorial ‘F’ DIVISION TEAM W L T F A PTS Butt’s Pumps 9 3 0 131 68 18 R.C.L. 606 8 3 0 97 43 16 Papp’s Big M 8 4 0 103 80 16 Bear & Firkin 6 4 1 97 69 13 17 Catchers 5 5 0 73 81 10 Remax 5 6 0 90 89 10 Country Style 4 7 0 74 99 8 Jesters 3 6 1 73 78 7 SAS Masters 0 10 0 37 168 0 Results, July 22: R.C.L. 606 13 vs. Country Style 3; 17 Catchers 12 vs. Jesters 11; Bear & Firkin 7 vs. Butts Pumps 3; Papps Big M 12 vs. SAS Masters 7; Remax 10 vs. Papps Big M 9. Results, July 15: R.C.L. 606 11 vs. Jesters 7; Remax vs. 17 Catchers (Rain out); Butts Pumps 15 vs. SAS Masters 2; Papps Big M 8 vs. Butts Pumps 7; Country Style 13 vs. Bear & Firkin 7. Scoreboard JULY 29, 2007 Ron Pietroniro/ News Advertiser photo Up and over PICKERING — Alison Gardener clears her hurdle with ease during a training session at the Durham Dragons Track and Field Club’s summer sports camp at Brockridge Park recently. To Advertise in this space please call inside sales 905-579-4400 durhamregion.comA/P PAGE 32 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, July 29, 2007 say!have your a $300 shopping spree from Pickering Town Centre (see website for details) Durham Parent Reader’s Choice Awards are now online! Vote for your favourite business at www.readerschoicedurhamregion.com www.readerschoicedurhamregion.com