HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1999_01_05Pickerin9P onders funding for :charities PICKERING — The Town has established a committee of' councillors and staff' to review applications from local charities for financial assistance under the Ontario Lottery Corporation's Advance Funding Program. The program provides interim funding to make up for money that was supposed to go to local charities through the charity gam- ing casinos the Province had planned to establish in communi- ties all over Ontario. That plan was abandoned and in the future the Ontario Trillium Foundation will distribute a mini- mum of $100 million annually to charities and not-for-profit groups throughout the province. Pickering has been allotted $291,747 of the $40 million in in- terim funding being distributed across Ontario. The deadline for local organi- zations to apply for money was Nov. 30. The Town received 40 applica- tions requesting funding totalling $999,955. All applicants ap- peared to meet the eligibility re- quirements. The Province has not made any rules to govern how local councils are to deal with the ap- plications or divide each munici- pality's allocation. Pickering's committee is scheduled to report back to Council with its recom- mendations in February. --Council's recommendations on how the funding should be dis- tributed must be submitted to the Ontario Lottery Corporation by March 31. PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER PICKERING'S COMMUNITY NENN'SPAPER SINCE 1965 PRESSRt'N 44.000 16 P-NGFS T1 ESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1999 OPTIONAL 4 WEEK DELIVERY $5/ $I NEWSSTAND The calm after the storm... Pickering digs out quickly im We_ g :.. .: it -JASON UEBREGTS✓ News Advertiser photo One shoe y el at a time... Larry Christie, along with thousands of other more than 30 centimetres on the area Mr. Ajax and Pickering residents, spent a good por- Christie says he now rues his decision to wide tion of Sunday clearing driveways and sidewalks his driveway last year, it resulted in extra work following a weekend snowstorm which dumped for him after the season's first big snowfall. BY MARIANNE TAKACS SiaJf Writer PICKERING — As winter storms go, last weekend's wasn't so bad as far as clearing snow off the streets was concerned. Pickering director of public works Richard Holborn reports Town crews were out salting the roads at 7:30 p.m. Saturday shortly after the storm started. That took till 2:30 a.m. Sunday morning. The crews returned to work at 6 a -m., after less than four hours' sleep, to start plowing and do more salting. By Sunday night, about 27 Inside the News Advertiser �1w1 TO ROD ff F 111 fl, Pap ...........6 sle�fle Ildn i ...........6 spwb ................10 Classified .............12 NVE 0 A CALL Gomel ..........683-5110 Ois7ri WOU ......683-5117 Death Nation .....683-3005 Lig Antill e ......683-7545 iiesefletr Yefers ...........1-800-662-8423 n Email .newsroom@durham.net Web site ....durhamnews.pet FAX .............683-7363 hours after it began falling heavi- ly, the snow had been removed from all Town roads, which add up to approximately 400 kilome- tres. Works department staff were back on the job Monday morning widening the cleared portions of the streets and cleaning up piles of snow left by the plows at road- sides and the ends of cul de sacs. " I think that's a pretty good job by our crews;' says Mr. Hol- born. He expects everything to be cleaned up by the middle or end of the week. "There's just so much out See PICKERING Page 4 ou" HARDUYrN Roos M TREE'"".K* I Stonrc­nn 1550 GAYLY ST. UNff 17, Pickering (905) 420-3285 ShOWWO 10 Now IrDn.-Fri. !-3 PAL Sat 10-3 DAL Computer Clearance ""42"70T P11001MTttrtttt1111 Cert, P"725-2199 oshw Cowell _ '-7 _ ,age t _ -- �p}�p� �i The calm after the storm... Pickering digs out quickly im We_ g :.. .: it -JASON UEBREGTS✓ News Advertiser photo One shoe y el at a time... Larry Christie, along with thousands of other more than 30 centimetres on the area Mr. Ajax and Pickering residents, spent a good por- Christie says he now rues his decision to wide tion of Sunday clearing driveways and sidewalks his driveway last year, it resulted in extra work following a weekend snowstorm which dumped for him after the season's first big snowfall. BY MARIANNE TAKACS SiaJf Writer PICKERING — As winter storms go, last weekend's wasn't so bad as far as clearing snow off the streets was concerned. Pickering director of public works Richard Holborn reports Town crews were out salting the roads at 7:30 p.m. Saturday shortly after the storm started. That took till 2:30 a.m. Sunday morning. The crews returned to work at 6 a -m., after less than four hours' sleep, to start plowing and do more salting. By Sunday night, about 27 Inside the News Advertiser �1w1 TO ROD ff F 111 fl, Pap ...........6 sle�fle Ildn i ...........6 spwb ................10 Classified .............12 NVE 0 A CALL Gomel ..........683-5110 Ois7ri WOU ......683-5117 Death Nation .....683-3005 Lig Antill e ......683-7545 iiesefletr Yefers ...........1-800-662-8423 n Email .newsroom@durham.net Web site ....durhamnews.pet FAX .............683-7363 hours after it began falling heavi- ly, the snow had been removed from all Town roads, which add up to approximately 400 kilome- tres. Works department staff were back on the job Monday morning widening the cleared portions of the streets and cleaning up piles of snow left by the plows at road- sides and the ends of cul de sacs. " I think that's a pretty good job by our crews;' says Mr. Hol- born. He expects everything to be cleaned up by the middle or end of the week. "There's just so much out See PICKERING Page 4 ou" HARDUYrN Roos M TREE'"".K* I Stonrc­nn 1550 GAYLY ST. UNff 17, Pickering (905) 420-3285 ShOWWO 10 Now IrDn.-Fri. !-3 PAL Sat 10-3 DAL Computer Clearance ""42"70T P11001MTttrtttt1111 Cert, P"725-2199 oshw Cowell _ '-7 _ ,age t _ -- �p}�p� I ..4FL; 490 NEM ADVERflSER TUESM EDITION, dANUAW 5,190! PAGE 3 Atv • • FJDE numbers up- in Durham Region this c More charged, suspended over six-week program BY STEPHEN SHAW Staff Writer Durham Regional Police say a slight increase in the number of people charged during this year's festive sea- son RIDE program is a re- flection of a new "zero toler- ance" approach to drinking and driving. During the six-week pro- gram 79 drivers were charged with exceeding the legal blood-alcohol limit. That's six per cent higher than last year when 74 were charged. Police also issued 12 - hour licence suspensions to 168 motorists, up 29 per cent from 130. Constable John Givelas of the Traffic Management Unit says this year's hard- line policy resulted in a 15 per cent jump in the number of breathalyzer tests admin- istered during spot inspec- tions. "Even if there was a hint of alcohol detected on a dri- ver's breath they were asked to blow;" he said. A total of 635 road -side breath tests were carried out, compared to 546 last year. One person was charged for refusing a breathalyzer. "With 15 per cent more tests we were bound to have more people charged," Const. Givelas reasons. "It is just a reflection of the hard work of the officers involved in the program and the zero tolerance policy, by which we are saying 'We've had enough'" For the third time in the past four years in Durham Region there were no fatal collisions in the month of December. And that's no co- incidence, according to Const. Givelas, who believes "there's gotta be a correla- tion" to the RIDE program. Durham police looking for leads He said the biggest con- cern for officers who con- ducted RIDE this year was the startling number of drug finds. Police said the number of charges laid for offences that were not alcohol-related went up by 253 per cent. The majority of those 152 charges were for being in possession of a controlled substance. "A lot of people who were blowing just over the legal limit may have also had narcotics in their systems and that is something we are very concerned about. They Pickering woman sexually assaulted New Year's Day PICKERING — A 19 - year -old woman was sexu- ally assaulted early New Year's Day by a man she met at a Pickering pub. Durham Regional Police said the victim met her at- tacker — whose identity is unknown — some time after midnight during fes- tivities at Mud Hen's Taps & Grill, at 1211 Kingston Rd. About 2:35 a.m., police said, the woman accepted a ride from the man to her friend's house on Mead- owridge Crescent, located in the area of Dixie and Finch roads. She was driven to the residence, "but before she could get out of the sus- pect's vehicle she was sexu- ally assaulted;" said police spokesman Sergeant Jim Grimley. Following the attack, the victim fled to the friend's residence and police were called. She was rushed by am- bulance to the Sexual As- sault Care Centre, at the Os- hawa site of the takeridge Health Corporation, where she was treated for injuries and released. Detectives with the sexu- al assault squad are investi- Robber makes off with gas bar money A man armed with a knife got away with an undisclosed amount of cash Sunday morning fol- lowing a robbery at a Pick- ering gas station. Durham 1tegional Po- lice said the bandit entered the Petro Canada at 555 Whites ltd. about 4:35 a.m. and demtinded money from the 46 -year-old mak clerk. The robber fled on foot through the rear of the sta- tion, heading in a northeast direction, police said. The victim was not in- jured. Police are investigating the holdup and have seized the videotape from a sur- veillance camera at the gas bar in the hope of identify- ing a suspect. The suspect was de- scribed as white, about 20 - years -old, 5 -foot -6, wear- ing a white sweater, a white hooded jacket and a scarf covering his face. :RONALD MARTINO & SON a FUN OMC CORSSPAz PiioWTAANTOUL BURIAL rk CREMATION SOrAM "TMMMHAM PLMM IYMEOUTE BtM& oR CREMATION SERVICES 9 10 .. • TmnsporMion of to OecessW . • Fanny Ootuultation • Docinerttation �ICLUOES • Minimal Wooden Cmnition or Burial Container NWM ROAD t3UPEL ENGUtAES PLEASE CALL 1 1067 6r+sek Rad (JMeatdb d 401) PIq�ROKi t16) gating but need assistance from the public in identify- ing the suspect. He is described as black, 21- to 28 -years -old, 5 -foot - 6 to six -feet, with a medium build, brown eyes, very short black hair and a thin mustache. He was wearing a white dress shirt over top a dark-coloured T-shirt. A description of the ve- hicle was not available. Anyone with informa- tion is asked to call Det. Kevin Mora_sh at 693-9100. ext. 5317, or Crime Stop- pers at -136-TIPS may be more impaired if Durham police stopped using a combination of alco- 41,675 vehicles during the hol and drugs;" Const. Give- six-week period, up two per las says. cent f'n•,m last year. s is. ie lbs. $ V 1b. Breasts 1• am lb. P PAGE 4 NEWS ADVERTISER TIDY EOf XKjA N M 5, IM Managing all that white stuff costs plenty of green stuff`' 'Winter caii be.a Pain in , the pocketbook for Pickering BY MARIANNE TAKACS Staff Writer PICKERING — If you were cursing about the snowfall as you shovelled your way out of the house Sunday, imagine how it was for the guy responsible for the clearing of nearly every street in the town. "I don't like winter;" admits Pickering director of public works Richard Holborn. And it's not just snow wreaking havoc on Pickering's streets that makes Mr. Holborn dislike the stuff. It's also the fact that only one or two too many storms like the one on the weekend can also lay waste to his carefully -budgeted winter road maintenance plans. If you look in the Town of Pick- ering 's budget books. you will see $260,000 set aside for road salt and sand for one year, and $60,000 for overtime costs that allow staff to be called back to work to clear the streets at any hour of the day. But when things like the cost of regular staff time and snow clearing vehi- cles and equipment are taken into consideration, says Mr. Holborn, the price of dealing with winter is actu- ally much higher. Before 1996, when the provin- cial Ministry of Transportation sub- sidizcd municipal roads mainte- nance expenditures. Pickering used to calculate the Town's winter con- trol costs to submit to the ministry for its share of funding. That figure, which included all labour, equip- ment, material and overtime costs, was about 5700,000 a year. "That's how much it costs to clear the roads in Pickering;' says Mr. Holborn. Most yeah. snow clearing mate- rials and overtime cost the Town $230,000 to $350,000. A relatively mild January -to -March and Novem- ber -December in 1998 meant Pick- ering managed to stay within its budget for snow removal for the year. By way of comparison, 1997 was a budgetary disaster, with snow clearing costing the Town $466,000. We don't want 1997 to happen again;' [totes Mr. Holborn. Whatever kind of winter we get, the strategy for dealing with it is rel- atively simple. When enough snow falls to stick to the ground, Picker- ing sends out trucks to cover eight salting routes south of Hwy. 7 which we about 25 to 30 kilometres eadt- If snow begins to accumulate north of Hwy. 7, there are two routes to This scene was replayed several times in neigh- bourhoods throughout Pickering and Ajax over the weekend as residents began the clean-up fol- lowing a weekend snowstorm which dumped ap- plow and then sand. If . enough snow stays on the roads even after the salting is done, plows are sent along the same eight routes to clear it away. Each truck requires two people, one to drive and operate the front plow, and an- other to operate the •wing' aaachod to the side of the vehicle to create a wider plowing arca. The salting is always done first to keep the snow from actually swk- ing to the road, which would make it much more difficult to clear, espe- ciially after being packed down by traffic. Salting also makes it easier for czars to get traction when snow has piled up on the road. Salting each route takes four to six hours, and plowing it afterwards takes another eight to 10 hours, so the whole operation can require 16 hours for a major snowfall. Of Heating ,' plowing problems close schools The effects of Saturday's storm were still being felt in schools {4, w across the region Monday, forcing the public board to close two high M schools due to a lack of heat and burst water pipes. The Durham District School i Board closed Exeter High School .� .� . in Ajax at lunch hour due to prob- lems with heating in part of the building and cancelled classes at _ Dr. F. J. Donevan Collegiate Insti- "1` 14, tutc in Oshawa early yesterday �r .,K:�;" because of "some burst water " I,ipcs at the school;' reports com- t inunications manager Mary IirF wn. M, Brown said Donevan re- •nained open to students who _uuld stay at the school if they iiad no other option. "Part of the school was functional;' she said. But pupils at Exeter were sent ;- home at lunch because part of the building had no heat. Ol,-F .ii it "This is Canada. We're sup- posed to have weather like this II and be prepared;' said Exeter par- ' ent John Haste whose son left school before classes were can- ",:. ' celled yesterday. "My son and a whole group of kids walked out because the school wasn't ready for them;' he said. **They've lost enough time already...it wasn't as if (the storm) just happened (yesterday) morn - ANDREW IWANOWSKU News Advertiser photoing" I Mr. Haste also said the parking proximately 30 centimetres on the area. Here, lot at the school had not been Andv Bastedo clears a mountain of snow in Ajax Plowed, leaving students and to allow pedestrians a clear path along Bayly teachers with nowhere to park Street. their cars. "A lot of individual contractors had not followed through " said course, for a really big storm where the snow keeps falling, it can take days. There is a priority schedule for each route that lays out which roads have to be done fust. Major collec- tors and roads that have bus routes on them are finished before streets in residential subdivisions. '[be operation is not deemed complete until every street has been done," says Mr. Holborn. .It's Durham Region that clears Pickering streets under its jurisdic- tion — such as Hwy. 2, and Whites, Finch, Liverpool, Brock and Ahona toads The Town has seven employees on a `standby on-call list' who re- port for winter control duty imine& ately when summoned, even if d"'.ve just completed a regular shift. Odxxs are called in as re- quired. It takes a minimum of 12 to Ms. Brown, noting several park - handle a major storm. Alternating I ing lots at schools in the Ajax - on -call foremen have to monitor Pickering area had not been weather reports and sometimes set I cleared before classes began. their alarm clocks to go off several Meanwhile, students at South - times a night in order to be able to wood Park Public School in Ajax respond immediately to a significant were being encouraged "to leave snowfall• outside jackets on" in class Mon - Two days were required to clear day because of a problem with the the main roads in the worst storm heating system at the school, said Mr. Holborn remembers, a Decem- principal Jan Montgomery. ber 1992 snowfall of 18 inches. "There was a problem getting Snow also had to be removed from the fan system started," she said, the sides of roads and places like adding "the building is getting turning circles where it was piled warmer and warmer as the day up, so it took three weeks to clean goes on, up completely. Pickering has a 24- At the Durham Catholic Dis- hour emergency line anyone can trict School Board, spokesman call (683-4319) to ales staff to snow Kathy Bazley said there were no or winter control requirements. An reports of any problems at sepa- answering service may respond, and rate schools across the region. will pass on any messages to the "Everything seems to be fine," foreman on call. she said Pick e -*-nn sees its woqv"cleaf after9_ sea'son9s f1rst PICKF.J?!NG Finn page ! Though everything went more' - "To put it mildly, they're residents can expect plenty more'- or less without a hitch, the de- mad," says Mr. Holborn. shovelling. _ there,' he notes. moi: , a - •partment has still been receiving While having your driveway However, Mr. Holborn pre - The works director estimates the usual post -storm calls from blocked that way can be pretty diets the -worst is over. ,. the eight to 10 inches (20 to 25 frustrated residents whose drive- annoying, he admits, there's not . "I'm going out on a limb and centimetres) of snowfall Picker- ways were blocked with snow by much that can be done about it. saying we're not going to have ing received cost the Town about passing plows, after they thought There are special `gates' that another one like this this year," $25,000 in materials and staff they had shovelled themselves could be purchased for the plows , says Mr. Holborn, "because l time to clear. out. that are supposed to hold the don't want one." .u.�T,.. snow sto rm snow while the truck passes each driveway, but he explains they are costly, practically impossible to use when driveways are close to- gether, and slow down the clean- up process considerably. Unfortunately, Pickering usu- ally gets four to six snowfalls a year which require plowing, so • ^ f•�'�'�+i��`�: -r�• 1'� _ `, � . 1, A' �Mr Don't move Pickering's sexual health clinic: Brenner MAURICE BRENNER 'We... should be very concerned about it. It only makes sense that you put the program where the clients are.' BY MARIANNE TAKACS Staff Writer It's "ludicrous" Durham Re- gion is considering moving a sex- ual health clinic serving mostly young people out of its location at the Pickering Town Centre (PTC) to a less accessible site, according to a Pickering politi- cian. Ward 1 Regional Councillor Maurice Brenner, who's a mem- ber of the Region's health and so- cial services committee, told his Pickering Council colleagues re- cently he may ask them for sup- port in fighting the possible trans- fer of the clinic to a plaza in the area of Hwy. 2 and Finch Avenue. "We in Pickering should be very concerned about it," he said. "It only makes sense that you put the program where the clients are" Coun. Brenner's worries were echoed by Ward 3 Regional Pickering grounds push for others' airport stance BY MARIANNE TAKACS Staff Writer PICKERING — The Town has decided to back off for the time being on plans to use Freedom of Informa- tion (FOI) legislation to determine the intentions of other levels of gov- ernment regarding an airport in north :Pickering. One reason is that some of the governments want to charge hun- dreds of dollars for it. Council decided in October to make FOI applications to the federal and provincial governments, Durham Region, York Region, the Town of Markham and the Greater Toronto Airports Authority for any informa- tion they had regarding initiatives for an airport in Pickering between 1994 and 1998. The FOI action was being taken, councillors said at the time, because other governments seemed to be moving ahead on their own agendas pushing for an airport in Pickering without consulting Pickering. However, according to a report from Town clerk Bruce Taylor, Durham Region wants to charge $226.90 for its information and will not provide some which it says in- volves solicitor -client privilege. The provincial Ministry of Trans- portation is asking for $420 for its data, and will hold back iniormation it says deals with solicitor -client privilege and intergovernmental rela- tions. Markham has supplied all the in- formation requested at no charge, however the clerk noted it's of in- significant value. "It would appear that most of the government agencies will require rel- atively large sums of money to pro- duce the material that is being re- - �iquested," stated Mr. Taylor in his re - ...port, adding .he was bringing the Councillor Rick Johnson, who explained in a later interview Durham is considering the move to save money by going to a less expensive location. "I'm advocating that it remain at the PTC," said Coun. Johnson. "It's got to serve the public. You can't drag these kids up to a plaza that doesn't have proper transit service." The Sexual Health Program office and clinic operated by the Durham Region health depart- ment is currently located on the lower level of the PTC next to the food court. It offers counselling and med- ical services in the areas of healthy sexuality, birth control, fertility awareness, pregnancy, safer sex, HIV and AIDS and sex- ually -transmitted diseases, as well as providing hepatitis B vac- cinations. It's open to everyone, but is used mostly by those under 25 years old. According to a staff report conducted for the Durham works committee, which oversees facili- ties leasing, it would cost the Re- gion $33,948 plus GST per year (about $23 per square foot per annum) to continue to lease the PTC premises to Dec. 31, 2000; and $36,900 plus GST annually ($25 per square foot) from then to Dec. 31, 2003. As well, the landlord would provide $10,000 to cover a share of improvements to the premises expected to cost about $21,700, with the rest to be paid by the Re- gion. "The main clients of this pro- gram are adolescents and staff have found that this location has worked very well, therefore the health department asked that this lease be renewed for a further term of five years," states the re- port. The Sexual Health Program office and clinic has been located at the PTC since 1988 and serves mostly Ajax and Pickering resi- dents. urham's health department runs a similar facility at the Os- hawa Centre mall, and is looking at providing another in Bow- manvi lle. Durham Associate Medical Officer of Health Dr. Donna Reynolds said no lease has yet been signed anywhere in Picker- ing and the location of the clinic will likely be resolved early in the new year. An important factor, she ex- plained, will be having a site that people can get to easily and feel assured that they'll be dealt with confidentially. "It's got to be where the youth are, where they have access to it," she noted. "That's most impor- tant." BRUCE TAYLOR `Most of the government agencies ;,Will require relatively large sums 'sof money to produce the material that is being requested' issue forward again because he be- lieved he should have Council's ap- proval before paying the requested charges. . In deciding to hold off on the FOI requests, councillors noted develop- ments on the airport issue have led to a situation that is less adversarial now, and that the other governments might now be willing to provide all the information Pickering needs without asking for payment. AREYOU FlNANCIAII PREPARED FOR THE FUTURE? RQ. r P PttYk6 NEWli ADilblri q TUESDAY EOfTm, iatwgry S, natal! opiArjoiv Edi oria & Cewbrarte the future! J" L DURHAM N E WS A DV E RT ISE R J A N 5, 1 9 9 9 1.7• . 1••. EDITORIAL We need tax relief, Mr. Martin Cuts in GST, EI and CPP premiums a good start First the good news: The federal government has cut the weekly contri- bution you'll be making to Employ- ment Insurance. Now, the bad news: The small cut in EI premiums you'll get will he more than offset by an in- crease in Canada Pension Plan contri- butions, an increase that will almost also wipe out the last chink of the multi-year 30 per cent provincial in- come tax cut. It all leaves us wondering, what gives? With a tidy surplus showing at the federal level and a huge $I 5 -to $20 -billion surplus in the Employment Insurance fund why isn't Finance Min- ister Paul Martin considering a mayor tax cut'.' Do the math — Someone making around 539,000 per year will pay $1,186.50 in 1999 CPP premiums, an increase of $117.70 over 1998. They'll pay $994.50 in EI premiums, a de- crease of $58.50 from 1998 levels. In the end, our taxpayer is down $59.20 on the year, or, about $1.14 per week. Mr. Martinhas announced some minor tax cuts but they're largely cos- metic — an elimination of the three per cent surtax on those making $50,000 or less per year, a reduction in that surtax for those making $50,000 to $65,000 per year. Nothing But, in the end, when inflation is taken into account, the Canadian Tax- payers Federation has deduced that someone making $39,000 in 1992 will pay $377.40 more in 1999 for CPP and EI premiums alone! With a healthy economy humming along, with unemployment down around eight per cent, and with sur- pluses building, now is the time — this February — for Mr. Martin to give us all a well-deserved break. How about a one or two per cent re- duction in the GST for starters? Why not cut the basic income tax rate by five per cent across the board? What about a serious reduction — a dollar a week for every $100 earned — in EI contributions since the fund has a huge, monstrous surplus anyway? Remember, all of these cuts will en- courage taxpayers who have more money to spend it, returning in kind plenty of cash to the federal treasury. The cuts won't likely be made up by a spending bulge, but with more people working and paying taxes and a grow- ing economy, we'll all be better off in the end. Serious tax cuts in February: what a wonderful valentine that would be to us from our finance minister. It sure would help ease the winter blabs! MKS ALL - m 5m FOR ON U9ho .. H D"- OWPE IF YWLL JUST 5i6M UFK. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Compare present problem. You report that for 1997 crime stats to Durham had six murders, 264 rob- L_4 ob- be ' 4 061 10 years ago To the editor: You really have to be kidding. The News Advertiser conducts a crime -by -crime comparison be- tween Durham Region and Gene - sec. Michigan and concludes that because Genesee has more crime, Durham does not have a crime nes, burglaries, 8615 thefts, 3,085 auto thefts and 200 ar- sons, but Durham doesn't have a crime problem because Genesee has more. Maybe you should ask some victim-, of these crimes if they think we have a crime prob- lem. I'll bet they're glad they don't live in Genesee. One of the reasons we have so much crime is because people keep j burying their head in the sand and veritser reported that a gunman re - Patience, understanding and compromise o a longwaycendy sprayed bullets into a Picker- ing pub, narrowly missing an em- Pi&wixg „etidertt Bnemda Birinyi has been a wbutre r in the cowmrnattity for 10 yews and is caurend*rf'y chair. naan of Ae St Mmy Catholiic Sec. om imy School commuwiry c aca At 2 am. you take your chances with what you find on TV. I speak from experience. I have trouble sleeping through the night and often resort to boring tale -night programming to put the back to sleep. One night recently, however, the topic on the tube was in-. terecting: children. The focus, though, -became child abuse, not a favourite subject of mine. The show's producers were able to convince parents of four families, who admitted to hitting their duldren, to allowthe eye of video cameras, strate- gically placed, to catch their every move. I became alarmed when a dis- claimer appeared on the screen, advis- ing viewers that "some scenes may be uncomfortable to watch". I watched with one hand on the remote, ready to switch channels if any scenes were too disturbing. It tinned out they were all ployee? How about all the gas bar kids pretending it isn't happening or, yet, believe that violent crime only happens to other people. cod gg comes from hittinworse await a smack from their father- The braver twin first. But louder have the record for being the most goes the held -up gas bar in the country? Was it fiction when the News Ad- veritser reported that a gunman re - Patience, understanding and compromise o a longwaycendy sprayed bullets into a Picker- ing pub, narrowly missing an em- Pi&wixg „etidertt Bnemda Birinyi has been a wbutre r in the cowmrnattity for 10 yews and is caurend*rf'y chair. naan of Ae St Mmy Catholiic Sec. om imy School commuwiry c aca At 2 am. you take your chances with what you find on TV. I speak from experience. I have trouble sleeping through the night and often resort to boring tale -night programming to put the back to sleep. One night recently, however, the topic on the tube was in-. terecting: children. The focus, though, -became child abuse, not a favourite subject of mine. The show's producers were able to convince parents of four families, who admitted to hitting their duldren, to allowthe eye of video cameras, strate- gically placed, to catch their every move. I became alarmed when a dis- claimer appeared on the screen, advis- ing viewers that "some scenes may be uncomfortable to watch". I watched with one hand on the remote, ready to switch channels if any scenes were too disturbing. It tinned out they were all "FT"`dVx ry�.'{�-+T i11.'� �'s'GY,�!`y.Jy, .r ,'�L■... �1•. PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER A Mctroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor -in -Chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Director of Advertising Duncan Fletcher Retail Advertising Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak Classified Advertising Manager John Willems Real Estate Automotive Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager Lillian Hook Office .Manager Barb Harrison Composing .Manager hYr:� (905)683-5110 5110 (905) 683-5110 Classifieds (905)683-0707 Distribution (905)683-5117 General Fax (905)683-7363 E -Mail news mornr!durham. nct Web address w-ww.durharnnews. net 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax dt Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Corn- munity Newspaper Assoc-, Canadian Circu- lations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisanart. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error oecu- Pies. ployee? How about all the gas bar and sent to her room. robberies and convenience store Twin girls line up nervously as they robberies? Does the Penny Gas Bar Brenda await a smack from their father- The braver twin first. But louder have the record for being the most goes the held -up gas bar in the country? she cries, the more she gets slapped. Am I worried about crime? No. iBirMyl The other twin cowers and pleads t Thra I am worried people will believe to be hit, but that only lands her more that all we need is improved street Opinion Shaper abuse. Their offence? Not picking up lighting, Neighbourhood Watch their toys. - and a highly -trained police force Many who believe the philosophy that will etch the bad guys and disturbing — especially when corporal of "spate the rod, spoil the child" say watch helplessly as the courts let punishment was inflicted on the chit- hitting is a natural part of parenting. them go. I am worried that crime dren for every minor offence. .Experts, according to this program, will be accepted because of some But I could not stun away. I knew I cringe at the taught and claim nothing silly comparison drat says we are would be haunted by the fate of the positive is accomplished through hit safer in Durham than we are in children portrayed in the program, ting. It just means that the most power- some otter city in some other coun- Would the show end on a happy note fel person gets their way try- where the parents seek counselling and No surprise then is the aggressive The Genesee -Dunham compari- promise never to hit their children behaviour the ctiWmn show toward son means absolutely nothing. I again? Or, worse, would nothing be re- each other when their parents are not would be a lot more interested in a solved and the parents would defend around. I was lucky; I was not hit as a comparison of present-day crime to their `right to hit -?-child and we do not hit our two chit- Durham region crime statistics of And hit they do. A routine dinne dim 10 years ago- Maybe, just maybe, scene dissolves into chaos when a If you want to instill good behav- I've given you something produc- young child's hand is slapped repeat- lour in children, patience, understand- tive to do. edly because the girl doesn't eat fast ing and compromise go a long way. ` enough Crying soon erupts as she is And, remember children ate great imi- �k Grabswn, wrenched by her arm from the table tators of what they see. y f t- "FT"`dVx ry�.'{�-+T i11.'� �'s'GY,�!`y.Jy, .r ,'�L■... �1•. PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER A Mctroland Community Newspaper Tim Whittaker Publisher Joanne Burghardt Editor -in -Chief Steve Houston Managing Editor Bruce Danford Director of Advertising Duncan Fletcher Retail Advertising Manager Eddie Kolodziejcak Classified Advertising Manager John Willems Real Estate Automotive Advertising Manager Abe Fakhourie Distribution Manager Lillian Hook Office .Manager Barb Harrison Composing .Manager hYr:� (905)683-5110 5110 (905) 683-5110 Classifieds (905)683-0707 Distribution (905)683-5117 General Fax (905)683-7363 E -Mail news mornr!durham. nct Web address w-ww.durharnnews. net 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax dt Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Corn- munity Newspaper Assoc-, Canadian Circu- lations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisanart. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error oecu- Pies. !.w - P •,�.,,,,,__,, ____. -___ THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, January 5,1999 -PAGE 7 Nice `N Easy: The best way to start exercising if you've not _,been active for a while! Step `N Stride: A step Reebok class. Basic Step:. Learn the step lingo & technique; easy -to -follow, anlat if you are afraid to try step! Move `N Groove: A motivating hiAo fitness class that offers lots of - - alternatives. Sculpt: As part of step, hi/lo, or on its own; you resUy ttolre F :.using weights we supply! Moms'n Teens: An hour of fun fitness for the family to share! Yoga: Experience the ultimate in mind, body, spirit fitness! OSTEOPOROSIS Just far dirties wah d1wgwosetd per! Weight bearing and resistance exercise is used in a gentle manner that ensures you keep, and possibly increase, your bone mass or density. This I -hour group exercise class is a perfect social and emotional support If network. SLOW `N GENTLE For rwilo fi mwdiad condifiew! Safe exercise if you have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, arthritis, joint replacement, osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure, angina, heart attack, by-pass surgery, obesity or stress. This 1 -hour group exercise class is perfect for you if other classes are too fast and furious. There are no dance routines - you simply work at a pace that is comfortably challenging for yost. Experience the supportive social and emotional network you just can't get by exercising on your own. F WINTER PROGRAMS F: T Y NZ rX ,v i Toxvi-c P ..lire IL 100% RENE«Al, �13 SATISFACTION } i+ GUARANTEED We arc here to make sure • • • NEW 1 JANUARY 11 Executive Committee Meeting Fitness Classes in Claremont! @ Town Hall The Town of Pickering is pleased to be offering... JANUARY 13 Race Relations & Equity Meeting Fitness Classes at the Claremont Community Centre JANUARY l8 Town Council Meeting Date: January 11 -April 9, 1999 � @ Town Hall JANUARY 20 Committee of Adjustment Meeting Day: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday @ Town Hall Type: Move'N Groove Fitness Classes JANUARY 20 Heritage Pickering Meeting Time: 9:15-10:15 a.m. JANUARY 21 Statutory Public Information Meeting Location: Claremont Community Centre, @ Town Hall 4941 Old Brock Road JANUARY 25 Executive Committee Meeting i Ages: IS yrs. and older @ Town Hall (youth 13.1& may repsta if they include a note of Clearing of Ice parental consent with their Repstralm Form) Q' 1 class per week = $33 and (only $2.37 per class!) J� T Snow from 2 classes per week = $63 Wj WE HAVE WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR AT THE (only $2.26 per class!) Sidewalks 3 classes per week = $93 (only $2.23 per class!) All sidewalk, shall be clear of ice and snow, 12 "Fees: hours after the snow has fallen or accumulated. (include GST) As per BY-LAW 577/77 For more information, please contact the I'ktwn of Pickering at 905-420-4620. *i Parking on c Town HIGHLIGHT OFTHE MONTH WASTE MANAGEMENT BY-LAW x5422/98 �- Streets In accordance cath the Towns new Waste manareceptacles 'aw a oonkbirted manrrktRn d six (6) receptacles or items of o stem of During garbage wit be permitted for collection each week effective January 18. 1999. M approved receptade for this purpose must either be a heavy-duty plastic bag or a reusable can that has two suitable hartdes and is not greater than eighty (8o) * Snowfall centimetres art height by fifty (5o) certtdth metres in wior In as cases. each receptacle shall not exceed twenty-etree (23) laiograms with contents. N loose collectible No (son shall on an Town street stop an Pe y P y garbage mus' be cortibred with- an appmved receptacle. It should also be, that wilt the Passing of ete rtew by -taw vehicle in such a manner as to interfere with the the source separation of recyclable items aro yard wage clearing Of snow from the Town streets. S materials a now compulsory "nl' gaibage found 00f1firury eaner of these solid waste materials will be tagged and left COMMUNITY GROUPS tr behirATTENTION Is � compliance f P respective htdrtteoha, a Plaasa Mlp the Town of Pkkarin9 nndute f1N ttnauM of arc invited to use the Town of Pickering LED Community Information � no It �� lu iR � of M-� naduoo, R and Rahe � Sign located at the comer of Liverpool Rd. and Hwy. 2. This is an T For further information regarding the Town's rage ega opportunity for your group to promote upcoming special events. For information management practices or a copy of the new wage management b1' -law please contact the Town of Ptdwitg more Pubic Works Depan neat at 420-4630 or 6832760. call 420-2222. Look detiverod to your'999 �;, Management calendar tt, be Nice `N Easy: The best way to start exercising if you've not _,been active for a while! Step `N Stride: A step Reebok class. Basic Step:. Learn the step lingo & technique; easy -to -follow, anlat if you are afraid to try step! Move `N Groove: A motivating hiAo fitness class that offers lots of - - alternatives. Sculpt: As part of step, hi/lo, or on its own; you resUy ttolre F :.using weights we supply! Moms'n Teens: An hour of fun fitness for the family to share! Yoga: Experience the ultimate in mind, body, spirit fitness! OSTEOPOROSIS Just far dirties wah d1wgwosetd per! Weight bearing and resistance exercise is used in a gentle manner that ensures you keep, and possibly increase, your bone mass or density. This I -hour group exercise class is a perfect social and emotional support If network. SLOW `N GENTLE For rwilo fi mwdiad condifiew! Safe exercise if you have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, arthritis, joint replacement, osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure, angina, heart attack, by-pass surgery, obesity or stress. This 1 -hour group exercise class is perfect for you if other classes are too fast and furious. There are no dance routines - you simply work at a pace that is comfortably challenging for yost. Experience the supportive social and emotional network you just can't get by exercising on your own. F WINTER PROGRAMS F: T Y NZ rX ,v i Toxvi-c P ..lire Members who complete membership. 100 workouts in I year are rewarded with a CARDIO special gift' ONIETHING INCLUDED FOR YOUR Members can use all the WHOLE FAMILY top-of-the-line cardio Activities galore, plus a pieces at EVERYBODY tamily discount' no extra cost.' INTO THE POOL All members have access \to the gorgeous pool. `\Make a splash' +'ONE SIZEDOES � NOT FIT ALL Over 35 membership options... We've got one hat's absolutely perfect S" for you! QUALIFIED AFF TO SERVE YOU Degrees, certification, and professionalism all back up the friendly service you wave grown to expect H x Of flints! iAf/o�d *1a Finalft Acdvft SWIM PASSES I A swim pass offers pre -paid admission to all public and adult svnnv ting at both Dumbarton Indoor Pool and the Reaeanci n IComplex Pool. This pass includes the use of the nwmbetship changaoom facilities MR ADULTS ONLY. This pass is not eligible for the 20% fancily discotmt, and is valid fo- only two adults per family membership. Swim passes do not have guest privileges. ANNUAL AVAILANLE Anginal Ptawes are for a 12 PP Seasonal Pttmm are for a 3 asovith For Swim Pass information call 831-1711 or 683-6582. 100% RENE«Al, SATISFACTION RecreationTickering GUARANTEED We arc here to make sure %Icmtx rs resets( a 20% y MUNICIPALLY OWNED & 'T LOPERATED SINCE 1983 \tit yefuhnd;? day CLUB 1/4 Million sq. ft. OF FUNM _ * 2 Racquetball Courts * 4 Indoor Tennis Courts � * 6 Squash Courts * Certified, Professional Stag * One of only Two Accredited Fitness Appraisal Centra in Durham * Fitness Room and Cardin Annex * Treadmills [•t(;ST010 .dip * I.ifecvcles *Tennis W � r * Sauna * Racquetball * Whirlpool ^rt rsvtw y I tt StairNfasters O Y * Free Public Swimming °1p'tA•c oy,,,M� Child Supervision Services 7 Day Morwy Back Guarantee YOU J� T DON'T WANT To miss our. Wj WE HAVE WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR AT THE PICKERING RECREATION COMPLEX Membership Pickering Recreation Complex advantages' 81 I -171 1 or 6K 1-65K? Members who complete membership. 100 workouts in I year are rewarded with a CARDIO special gift' ONIETHING INCLUDED FOR YOUR Members can use all the WHOLE FAMILY top-of-the-line cardio Activities galore, plus a pieces at EVERYBODY tamily discount' no extra cost.' INTO THE POOL All members have access \to the gorgeous pool. `\Make a splash' +'ONE SIZEDOES � NOT FIT ALL Over 35 membership options... We've got one hat's absolutely perfect S" for you! QUALIFIED AFF TO SERVE YOU Degrees, certification, and professionalism all back up the friendly service you wave grown to expect H x Of flints! iAf/o�d *1a Finalft Acdvft SWIM PASSES I A swim pass offers pre -paid admission to all public and adult svnnv ting at both Dumbarton Indoor Pool and the Reaeanci n IComplex Pool. This pass includes the use of the nwmbetship changaoom facilities MR ADULTS ONLY. This pass is not eligible for the 20% fancily discotmt, and is valid fo- only two adults per family membership. Swim passes do not have guest privileges. ANNUAL AVAILANLE Anginal Ptawes are for a 12 PP Seasonal Pttmm are for a 3 asovith For Swim Pass information call 831-1711 or 683-6582. 100% RENE«Al, SATISFACTION DISCOUNT GUARANTEED We arc here to make sure %Icmtx rs resets( a 20% y renewal discount every 'T you enjoy your workout! C FtiTI RY time they renew their \tit yefuhnd;? day CLUB current. annual � Members who complete membership. 100 workouts in I year are rewarded with a CARDIO special gift' ONIETHING INCLUDED FOR YOUR Members can use all the WHOLE FAMILY top-of-the-line cardio Activities galore, plus a pieces at EVERYBODY tamily discount' no extra cost.' INTO THE POOL All members have access \to the gorgeous pool. `\Make a splash' +'ONE SIZEDOES � NOT FIT ALL Over 35 membership options... We've got one hat's absolutely perfect S" for you! QUALIFIED AFF TO SERVE YOU Degrees, certification, and professionalism all back up the friendly service you wave grown to expect H x Of flints! iAf/o�d *1a Finalft Acdvft SWIM PASSES I A swim pass offers pre -paid admission to all public and adult svnnv ting at both Dumbarton Indoor Pool and the Reaeanci n IComplex Pool. This pass includes the use of the nwmbetship changaoom facilities MR ADULTS ONLY. This pass is not eligible for the 20% fancily discotmt, and is valid fo- only two adults per family membership. Swim passes do not have guest privileges. ANNUAL AVAILANLE Anginal Ptawes are for a 12 PP Seasonal Pttmm are for a 3 asovith For Swim Pass information call 831-1711 or 683-6582. f J AR PAGE 8 NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY EDITION, JANUARY 5, 1999 ANDREW IWANOWSKI/ News Advertiser photo Nature's way... Budding horkev .stars Michael Nelson (front) and Santiago Barreda took advantage of the cold weather to p4v a pick-up game of one-on-one hocke►• on Dufftns Creek last week. Winter arrived with icy weather last week followed by a weekend snowstorm. :u.,:._,._.. HR. SERVICE SIDENTIAL DRIVEWAYS Oil" IF get fir"Ovul# 4, LAWN CUTTING SERVICE & SNOW REMOVAL 0BOOK EARLY (905) 1-14fRED AVAILABLE 626=7624 ABLE A Growing Generation Of Choice. In the, ti adition of quality. value and fresh iciems. Lc KI) is proud to uwr * v the, Generation hc►use br�uxi. At about '?.5() different products surd graining. the Generation ration mune offers you products � miging from cat focxi. to waffles, to cooking supplies, to chips and snacks. I'hc \-arietx- you mint, at prices you'll love. For all ,your favourite brands under one roof, all you need is Loeb. J.: . �, Jt _ ���<<►IWuwWll�w����,. GENERATION — bit + ` 1 K. - �—" iA 1i W - _' - - - - _.. - �' _ ■rte_ -- --�'.- .---.....-..__. - BILLBOARD JAN. 5, 1999 TUESDAY, JAN. 5 TOASTMASTERS: The Pickering Powerhouse Toastmasters meet Tues- days from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Board of Trade offices at 1099 Kingston Rd., suite 224, Pickering. There will be a seminar on Taking the Terror Out of Talk, designed by Toastmasters Inter- national. Guests welcome. Toastmasters is an international or- ganization promoting improved speak- ing, listening and thinking skills among its membership. Phone 420- 9816. LUNCH: The Ladies Auxiliary of Royal Canadian Legion Branch 606, 1555 Bayly St., Pickering, offers lunches Monday to Friday from 12 to • 1:30 p.m. All welcome, no member- ship required. Under S4. 839-2990. SENIORS: The Tuesday Morning Discussion Group meets at 9:30 a.m. at St. Andrew's Community Centre, 46 Exeter Rd.. Ajax. Bill Parish will up- date provincial downloading initia- tives. 619-0315. GENEALOGY: The Whitby -Oshawa (Durham) branch of the Ontario Ge- nealogical Society meets at 7:30 p.m. at the Arts Resource Centre, 45 Queen St. (back of City Hall), Oshawa. Enter parking lot off Bagot St., north of Robert McLaughlin Art Gallery. Guest speaker Jim Hubbert discusses British Army Records Research. Free, all wel- come. 683-2476 (Marion) or 723-7460 (Bessie). WEDNESDAY, JAN. 6 OSTEOPOROSIS: The Ajax -Picker- ing Osteoporosis Support Group meets the first Wednesday of every month from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. in lower -level conference rooms A and B at the Ajax - Pickering Health Centre, 580 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax. Guest speakers. Free. All welcome. Phone 831-2175 or 428- 6632. BIG SISTERS: The Big Sisters Asso- ciation of Ajax -Pickering holds Wednesday Twilight Bingo Sessions from 2:45 to 6 p.m. starting today at the Delta Bingo, 975 Dillingham Rd.. Pickering. Volunteer runners needed. 428-8111 (Linda). AUTISM: The Durham Chapter of the Autism Society meets at 8 p.m. at 19 Bird Circle, Ajax. Support for families of individuals with PDD or autism. Phone 427-9572 (Judy Crosbie) for more information. Overeaters Anonymous meets Thursday A local support group for people struggling with food disorders meets Thursday. Jan. 7. Overeaters Anonymous meets each Thursday and is available to those who have a problem with food and want to recover. No dues or fees are required. Call 428-8660 (Marv) for meeting locations and time. NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY EDITION, JANUARY 5,'1i09 Mt* 9 A* HEALTHY SMILES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY We keep ourpatients smiling by taking the time to understand their needs. Add our friendly, caring staff and state-of-the-art techniques and you've found a good dental home! A Full Range of Dental Treatments Saturday and Evening Appointments • Flexible payment Options • A Reh ing, Stress -Free Atmosphere Cosmetic Dentistry •ll • • 3-1432 DR. VIJAY BADHWAR a DENTISTRY :New Patients and Emergencies Welcome Conveniently located in the Ajax Plaza at 172 Harwood Ave. S. &epl o y�. a s t P PAGE 10 MOMS AmaRTIEERTUE1110AY EDITION, JANUARY S. 1999 SPOFt &LEISURE NEWS ADVERTISERJAN 5 1 9 9 9 Pickering posts wins over Oshawa, Peterborough and Port Hope Panthers take over. first place in conference BYAL RIVETT sports editor PICKERING — A three -game post -Christmas winning streak has the Pickering Boyer Pontiac Pan- thers perched atop the league stand- ings for the first time this season. The Panthers (24-1 1-0 for 48 points) knocked off the rival Os- hawa Legionaires K -F in an OHA Ontario Pro% racial Junior 'A' Hock- ey Lcaguc contc•t at the 0hao�o,o Civic Auditorium last Saturday night. The previous evening. Picker- ing doubled the Peterborough Trent- way-Wagar Bees 4-2 at the Picker- ing Recreation Complex. The Pan- thers also hosted the Port Hope Buz- zards on Wednesday, Dec. 30 for a make-up contest. The Panthers re- sponded with an `i -S %tcton The wins lifted the Panthers on top of the lea,,uc'> F a,t G,nfcrencc standim:s. one rhe Trenton Sting and the Lindsay Muskies, which are tied for second place with 47 points, and three points ahead of the fourth -place Kingston Kimco Voyageurs. With only 15 games remaining in the regular -season campaign, Panthers' head coach Rod McGillis says the squad plans to take it one game at a time in an attempt to hold on to top spot in the conference. "H'e're pleased to he number - ANDREW IWANOWSKU News Advertiser photo Port Hope Buzzards' Tomas Meixner (23) watch- during OHA Ontario Provincial Junior 'A' Hock - es as the puck goes through the crease behind ev League action at the Pickering Recreation Pickering Panthers'goaltenderJoel Cameron(]) Complex last Wednesday. Pickering won 8-5. Pickering`X tweens queens of Ontario Cup Tournament' one in the league right now. but we're not far from being number - four," notes McGillis. "Our goal is to work hard and take a game -by - game approach. We're pleased with where we are after 35 games and we want to continue to improve. I don't think there's any contentment set- ting in. Personally, I'm looking fix - ward to tightening up in areas where we need to tighten up and finishing the season as strongly as we can:' In Saturday's game, the Panthers hlitzed the host Legionaires for five iecond-period markers, including two powerplay goals, to essentially put the game on ice with a 7-2 lead. Oshawa did outscore Pickering 4-1 in the final frame, but the damage by the Panthers had already been done. "We were able to maintain our composure and discipline in the sec- ond period when Oshawa went to the penalty box;" notes McGillis. "We did have some opportunistic scoring when we plaved them livc- on-five in the penod:' Scoring for the Panthers against Oshawa were George Trifon with a hat trick. Brett Macrury, Luc Chias- son, Mike Hanna. Joel Johnston and newcomer Jason Lange. Assisting were Bill Duncan with three, T.J. Kemp and Toza Cmilovic each with Mo. Jeff' Milroy, Hanna, Neil Ray- mond, Johnston, Oliver Lopez and Trifon. The Panthers swept the season series against the Peterborough Bees this season, winning all four contests. Pickering jumped out to a 2-0 lead in Saturday's contest and maintained its two -goal bulge through the remainder of the game. Lange, Lopez, Milroy and John- ston scored for the Panthers. Adding assists were Doug Carr, Tanner Westfall, Garett Winder, Trifon, Chiasson and Brett Macrury. The Panthers put a damper on Port Hope's quest for a playoff berth with the win last Wednesday. Going Ringette squad golden at York University event PICKERING — The in the tournament. Courtney Howell, but rebounded to defeated Pickering Photo tween 'A' Pickering started strong Meredith Clayton and Emily Forest 'A' 4-1. Hamilton ringette team won the 'A' and held a 3-1 lead at the Mikus led the attack, with easily turned back Pickering championship of the inau- end of the first period. support from forwards Lori 5-1, setting up a crucial gural Ontario Cup Tourna- Hamilton narrowed the gap Marks, Tessa Noble and semi-final match with Wa- ment at York University to 4-3 in the final few min- Melissa Gibson. terloo. ;Dec. 18 to 20. utes. But, Pickering ran into The defence of Dani The teams were tied 3-3 . The tweens won silver at some penalty problems and Stover, Nicole LaRocheile at the end of regulation time a tourney in Scarborough was two players short in the and Nancy Gallagher pro- in a fast -paced game. In the week prior. last minute. With the Hamil- vided strong support for overtime, Pickering held the In the Ontario Cup final, ton goalie pulled, Pickering goalie Ashleigh Howell. edge and won it when Pickering scored a 4-3 vic- skaters were outnumbered Pickering opened the Meredith Clayton buried a tory over Hamilton, which six to three, but they didn't tournament by dropping a 3- shot to send the team into had beaten the locals earlier fold and held on to win. 2 decision to Forest 'AA', the final. . into the game, the Buzzards were on a 9-2 run in their last I I league games. "They have a good team and they're definitely a team that can knock off any of the top teams, so it was a big win for us," says McGillis. The Panthers held a 6-4 lead after two periods, then put two more past Port Hope goaltender Karsten Ernst in the final stanza, including one into an empty net, to seal the victory. Milroy scored a pair of goals for Pickering, Lopez, Hanna, Winder, Chiasson and Johnston with one apiece. Assisting were Trifon with three, Duncan and Crnilovic each with two, Chiasson, Winder, Kevin Vandergeest, Lopez, Scan Macrurv, Brett Macrury and T.J. Kemp each with one. The Panthers will play two home games this weekend, hosting the Auburn Junior Crunch at the Picker- ing Recreation Complex on Satur- day night and the Lindsay Muskies on Sunday e%ening. The puck drops at 7:30 p.m. for both games. PANTHERS' POSTSCRIPT: Tlic Panthers signed left winger Jason Lange. The Bowmanville resident had been playing for the Ontario Hockey League's London Knights. "He wasn't seeing the amount of ice time he wanted and asked to be moved;' says McGillis. He's scored two goals in each of the games against Oshawa and Peter- borough ... Brett Macrury is out of the line-up for the next four to six weeks with a shoulder injury ... Mar- cel Rodman is still playing for Slovenia at the World Junior 'B' Championships ... Of all the former Metro league teams now in the OHA Ontario Provincial Junior 'A' loop, the Panthers have the best record. That includes perennial powerhouses Wexford (15-12-5) in the Central Conference and Caledon (11-20-1) in the West Conference. FAMES Re YANCH TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY Personal and Bmiiness ftvakmptcy Including all other Insolvency Services OSIHAWA 122 Albert St. 721-7506 ATS 50 Commercial Ave - 619 -141:73 COBOURG 72 King St. W. 372-4E744 NEWS ADVERTISER, TUESDAY TUESDAY EDITION JANUARY s, low p%aE 11 A/P Ajax -Pickering `AAA'squad Toronto Marlboros Holiday Classic champs Novic' e I on allwin The Ajax -Pickering Raiders IBEW Local 353 major novice `AAA' rep hockey team went un- defeated to bring home the cham- pionship from the Toronto Marl- boros Holiday Classic Tourna- ment over the Christmas break. The Raiders posted a 6-0-1 record in seven contests over the four-day tournament. The championship game be- tween the Raiders and the Toronto Red Wings needed two periods of overtime to decide the outcome. Louie Martone scored the game winner in double overtime in a 6- 5 victory for Ajax -Pickering. Mike McCusker led the way with two goals and three assists, earn- ing him most valuable player hon- ours in the final. Alexander Cyr, Derek Gregorack and James Jarvis scored one goal apiece. Marcus Carroll, Brendan Hann, Johnny Paterson, Cyr, Jarvis and Martone earned one assist apiece. Goaltender Jeremy Eckford played a strong game to lead the team. The IBEW Raiders mauled the Mississauga Rebels 7-1 in the semi-final tilt. Carroll scored twice for Ajax -Pickering, Shaun Adams, Garrett Trainor, Hann, McCusker and Paterson tallied once apiece. Cyr registered two assists, Michael Carey, Carroll, Martone, McCusker and Paterson earned one apiece. Eckford played another solid game in nct. 17T.,,_ , 4, In the quarter -final game, the Raiders upended the Rochester Americans 8-1. Adams, Carroll, Hann and Jarvis all scored twice for the Raiders. Gregorack earned two assists, Carroll, Jarvis, Mar - tone, Trainor, Cameron Holding and Daniel Pineau recorded single helpers. Eckford was outstanding in net. The novice Raiders started the tournament by playing to a 5-5 tie with the host Toronto Marlboros. McCusker scored a hat trick and added an assist. Carroll tallied twice and set up one. Adams, Hann and Gregorack added one assist apiece. Cyr was solid in net. In the second game, Ajax -Pick- ering blasted Brampton Battalion 'A' 9-3. Carroll led the way with four goals and an assist. Cyr and McCusker scored twice each. Nicholas Mainelli had a single marker. McCusker and Gregorack each had three assists, Hann picked up two, Carey, Carroll, Cyr and Jarvis earned single helners Eckford again came up with big Barons 10-0. Cyr earned the saves for the Raiders. shutout in net. Paterson led the The Raiders skated past the scoring parade with a hat trick. North York Rangers 7-3 in the Adams, Carroll, Gregorack, Hann, third game. McCusker and Jarvis, Mainelli and McCusker all Mainelli each scored twice, scored once. Marton posted four Adams, Carroll and Cyr netted assists, Holding and Gregorack had one apiece. Hann registered two two apiece, Adams, Hann, Pineau assists, Carey, Carroll, Gregorack and Trainor had single helpers. and Mainelli each earned one. The IBEW Raiders are Eckford was steady between the coached by Jim Gatens, assisted pipes. by Chris Cyr. The trainer is Ed In the fourth contest, the McCusker and the manager is Raiders blanked the Cleveland Blanche Carey. med et Raiders stick it to hosts in tourneygfinal The Ajax -Pickering Raiders Coughlin Homes midget 'AAA' rep hockey team won the Burling- ton Invitational Golden Horse- shoe Christmas Tournament. The Raiders downed host Burlington 3-2 in the final with a packed house on hand to watch what turned out to be an exciting championship contest. With Burlington leading 2-1 late into the third period. Ajax -Pickering coaches called for a stick mea- surement on a Burlington player with a minute left in the game. The manoeuvre paid off for the Raiders as Burlington was as- sessed a minor penalty. The Raiders pulled their goalie for a sixth attacker and, with 36 sec- onds remaining, Tyler McGrccor scored the equalizer. Dave Vis- conti earned an assist on the play. Three minutes into overtime, Jason McAuley scored on a breakaway to clinch the champi- onship. McGregor assisted. Dan Schofield scored the other Ajax - Pickering goal, set up by Jason McAuley. McGregor was named most valuable player of the final. The Raiders got strong goal- tending from Chris McLeod and Bob Popaski. Solid efforts were also turned in by Allan MacIsaac and Aaron Wilson. In the semi-final tilt, the Raiders knocked off Halton Hills 4-2. Roy Macleod, McGregor, Matt Peneycad and McAuley scored. Assists went to Jason Wyles with two, Kyle Aitken, Schofield, Derek Spafford and Andre Darlow with one apiece. Ajax -Pickering posted a 2-0-2 record in round-robin play, enough to earn the squad a wild- card spot in the playoffs. The Coughlin Homes midgets started the event with a 4-1 win over Chatham. Peneycad, Macleod, Schofield and Darlow tallied. Assisting were Peneycad with three, McGregor, Mike Cuz- zolino, Schofield and Wyles with one apiece. In a close match with Hamil- ton in the second game, the Raiders prevailed 3-1. Darlow sealed the victory with an empty - net goal in the last minute of the game. Other scorers were Macleod and McGregor with one apiece. Assisting were Spafford, Wyles, Visconti, Aitken and ban- tam call-up Colin Jennings. The Raiders played the Missis- sauga Reps to a 3-3 tie in the third contest. McGregor, Macleod and McAuley scored for Ajax -Picker- ing. Assisting were Macleod and Visconti with ovo each. Aitken and Darlow with one apiece. In the fourth game of the round-robin, the Raiders had to settle for a 2-2 tie with Halton Hills. Ken Stevens and Spafford were the marksmen. Assisting were Wyles and Visconti with one each. Sidelined for the tournament due to injury, were Steve Burnett and Chris Reed. .-,Find out how your Business can be involved in t the spring bridal event of the year. Participate in °a bridal and evening wear fashion show! r AJAX/ PICKERING" NEWS ADVERTISER .47 's Presents... A Wedding Extravaganza Sunday January 31,199 ��•} . -• Pickering Recreation Complex Valley " `• .Farm Road, Pickering .r 3660 Kingston Rd. 1� 44ckering 831-422 ickering 426-78841 7 / PICIKEEdRING NEWS ADVERTISER al Section publishes:Friday, January 29 1999. a 4 76 reserve booth space call (905) 683-5110 •. %`4. .-Rua A S PAGE 12 -TIE MEWS ADVERT111111ERT1!<'MY.jwAlBaryS.1M C;;ra Bison 1w.•Il ANiMw te btnelat it {Harlon N ;Hilar (kR6ertra*. r1 %_• ; 5th : C7 AJAX PICKERING NEWS ADVERTISER ILON-10 C1,.,&.SS11F11E11D ,t3t..cr+ ,' • ' sty _ __��- .•+.�..►w- � Y��r �� •�� ::dam- � k.b W ..«• • • • •• vvs�s V tool t�rn•en�.e tt7ts tseal- ergo "bow. Iove 0 wl ASkeng a1 can "ll-oSNP To Place washer. Your Ad Call: ^A683-0707 atrial dryer, newer, irYtrgtara single bad with 2 ,rrwt to vasal NEWS ADVERTMER PICKERING NEWS ADYMZMER Toronto Line: (416) 798-7259 ow am ow C.�Iaa a!►>Ye eA 8X't iwa., P ckerins Sara Lee-Aebarial Plasr� 4-tla�ur Fa�lc. (WS) s79-4218Mono pa, soy 4�9 p(a _ : to K 1118:00 pm. gam~ wh1e. Now w m.ym adtownee, ytwr wmd ad r ; a ;, tYl�Mi also appears on the; ,net at: htlp lrlrMrw.11Wf t1lltlrflitlrll.Itla .ire► nrlrlr: "NEWfl 1 Camra I I 0ar19n I I COfOM 1 GatRafY Nftp 1 GWMW tf.41 S" MWAW are... - bl• w A•.+Mrw 1 ► PM A@@ut•tt•n Inalrarnrunxun ���•� ! Classified Advertising Manager, 865 Farewell St. Oshawa, L1H 71_5 Fax: 905-579-4218 Deadline Wed. January 13, 1999. We thank all applicants, however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. 11 cwwrs CAREER SCHOOL OF FLAP AL DESIGN 26 wk Rorwry a Sullahess Programs. 12 wk ur- bnflve 3-phase program 3 Wk Pr01essio l Coursein- home wdec: Beginners Pro- gram Part-tunamaN Imtw Comtel &%WWk. A school oft err your training becomes wooD w Me Fma- aaek 905-fJ67745 annum be avad- TME MAIL STATION Career Trammg Center Become a rod tuagrk, . urea traxtrtg smadable in artificial nawt. NV St�uOem aural: e %wk S2O 1723- 1 G.rr.r 1 3 SHLIRMT DRIVERS with AZ ianse Require 2 years ex - ."I Avalaoile for Me _ aro 5r'-4172 APPLY swill $10 85 b Sur, FuWpan time pos,borw is Drovict- sd Great rStudents. F/ome- a M*M and extra "corse seekers Call Mon -Wed for rervrew 905-723-4920 REALITY SALOM requires !r CeSSud Assistant Manager. salary or commssron am W" aW PMM sharing. AAISo pmn tmne stynrst lex Afar Cal Cheryl 19Iy5n 723 7'323 CLEAMERS Warred to clean, bondable a insured ww trax., car an asset. bid ria neces- 985-s sayroe 9i � s Mad Pcwrrwm AVA _ RNR. a Peer 0"6 DawbW sew (Ms) 6ft-" 4 wcu�xarr Mr•o!i - xww ;lave pent 1lehl10. PIT. FIT; 1 row b Well FYN. Cash IPM INNY 00 wan -cart ate work aleilaWe 426- ars and AsststanMs- r9 arty Deaeao's Ioa- t e Durham am EAE $200.. 5300.. 5500.. or more per wets, assetwlYrq products in ate =a at � � SWAIspt�Re- b: O.P-H. 6-2400 Durwt St -IRI. Saris 541. Ref 636. ku- ON A9i. Ors. LSK 2W WORKS PRUNING SMALL APPLE TREES, WILL TRAIN. BROOKLIN AREA. (905)-649-2474 1 Gwasrai H4 M_Gwwal Help ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A CAREER ? Home Hardware Pickenng are looking for people to train in sales, could lead to management position. Contact: Anita Hole 8394321 or fax 639-2051 CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES If there are firms or individuals to whom you do not wish your reply sent, simply place your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resumes that are taxed directly to Oshawa This Week, will not be forwarded to the file number. Originals most be sent di as indicated by the instrections in the ad. LIVE IN COUPLE/STAFF An opportunity, exists in the Toronto/ Oshawa area for a highly skilled energetic couple or staff to reside and work with latency aged children in a family styled setting. You Provide•. Minimum C.Y.C. diploma with child welfare experience. Knowledge of crisis intervention, anger management & computer skills. A desire to work UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE requires NEWSPAPER CARRIERS to deliver papers three times a week in the following areas: UXBRIDGE Young St., Jonathan St., CANNINGTON Hillside Crt. Riverlea Rd., Albert St. Meadowlands Dr. Country Lane Laidlaw St. N. Ann St. N. SANDFORD SmlthDr., Sandford Rd., Conc. 4., D RA Ravenshoe Rd., Victoria Old Shiloh Rd. •Minonen St. York St., Mill St., CALL DEBBIE 905-852-9741 RME/M FLIRMRINK... En- tertanmatt units. tome office. diningroom, kitchen• bedroom and custom designs, our Craftsmen have been hath building the highest anality sow pine aid 0* furniture for the home since 1971. Drop in and we our Stalk at the Art Woodworking facility am let US show you how fine fumihre is made There s No substi- tute for Quality'. TradiligNl Woodworking. .115 North Pon • Permanet TELEMARKETERS REOUIRED umrttire IS seek- a � s Positions To call Existing Database. ' ma aa�1 ino arca ants must have °�"ground yaddnnalnootlt•onwng.m.ca Top wages paid a or W Dlrs and Byers door b door ' Training provided s ex - Pe aere furniture sales Penance -tax IEC /s Mpatif. amill $190. Contact Peter at resumes to Joanne at 905- schedule! (905)-686-2445 (ex. 224) t83 9908 or all 905•683-9660 for an appointment. UXBRIDGE TRIBUNE requires NEWSPAPER CARRIERS to deliver papers three times a week in the following areas: UXBRIDGE Young St., Jonathan St., CANNINGTON Hillside Crt. Riverlea Rd., Albert St. Meadowlands Dr. Country Lane Laidlaw St. N. Ann St. N. SANDFORD SmlthDr., Sandford Rd., Conc. 4., D RA Ravenshoe Rd., Victoria Old Shiloh Rd. •Minonen St. York St., Mill St., CALL DEBBIE 905-852-9741 RME/M FLIRMRINK... En- tertanmatt units. tome office. diningroom, kitchen• bedroom and custom designs, our Craftsmen have been hath building the highest anality sow pine aid 0* furniture for the home since 1971. Drop in and we our Stalk at the Art Woodworking facility am let US show you how fine fumihre is made There s No substi- tute for Quality'. TradiligNl Woodworking. .115 North Pon • Permanet PARTINE OFiICE CLFAOM required 2 - 4 hews per Rd (S oil Reach Rd) Pon Perry. (lids! 985- fine www. Positions ioelnraer, valued'$129 only 5199. ApI.-stze waster/dryer. Boor lartups.orage tralteL �y -Mag• 554822. yaddnnalnootlt•onwng.m.ca • Flexible hoursr_ ..,RIMosniD W Dlrs and Byers door b door TRIMg UP at Mryi to suit your IEC /s Mpatif. amill $190. I - Pbom pe lasiotuY SILK peRM b Yttr Tk PLUS 11 schedule! bur hos a vn-tY b 6.00 PY. as their ttetgllaorluooet. ate after sun call wR1 all malars in. greQerss. Jug $3995 for hr 50 AZ DRIVERS JACK WASELL i Bogle pups err sane. Raley now. Val Dow $� expenses P 8 On going staff support, supervision and month supply Money back REQUIRED • D• ear im guaranteed (41sr712-2984 R.A. Fester's Ar USED FRAIGEf $195 and w �S off R, oro- CHILD CME Brenda Shed- BEDDING Blue floral duvet used ranges $125 aro lap. Trucking den E CDE (Lx* C� cover (Queen) Matiywrg prl- used dryers $125 and up. (905) 434-5110 wtiMe frost Irse Iridga low shims a bed slur' Snell used washers $199 and upi AM A. available in ON Home Am- � IDotabk) Hew (905) 427- new and used cam operated a C OPERATOR require' eq dee bearea WMS Rd IN of 1822 SMPrices waroers arid dryers low New braW a� r•qm stxn a a custom 4 401)1) Cate f9�1-a313f01i JEMMY'$ OL1MM Cut the nrOdk man Insialler has custom nude fridges $480 and up. new sagfor mq shop Fey ex. a C C operators need LITTLE PEOPLE OATCME ECE mom provW- window �^nOs Verbal. deanxlg ram ypa $535 seypan of other new and or need Only appy PMase lea b fun. rxisoDpat targe venetian. SthBkrs Free esti• mates (416M7.7777 appkafeW. Call 1K to- txaette (90519f3 9711 in m playntom�e Inst w 905 �f0 0072 or t 68f 369 dW to lu 4 a 151 CARPENTER REIMMIREO un• ad nfnDous St1iCMs AW IentClta SMA SohmaeYe, dW iltf * sad ML S25p0 Bruce Su �M) 576-74198 medatety rel 1Nhrt basad ,.Ssm.b „c"'Paril" Self by lJetSOW27-M, nor CAMETS - Lott d SuErnoT for howl t-cWy elM Saks warrewg stater with dmer'ss Yt:Mese "011gro M 427 6025 100' nylon. new i - an- Woftd EmRent renureerafion pad- MAPLF Rim home Moerer. base on IUM. I will ape with bvwhn Please tae 7 years eapenence. hist ate carpel 3 rooms. f349 Pince ANTIOLI(SI'Abselebtyt Ad - 1905) SM5756 for an weer- CPR, m• srwo" no pleft nasalis cww. prenaun pad. - always valuable usually mw apes hat cape, uaUgabon. fast dgkv tfe per,„ g warxgAt. is. ateate. rLC. atorWOte GR 637-2042 M. free essmales (30 yards) Norman 666.2314 tabs Wsome amprre cont. for AD 810OPEwIT5i (T cc Ft w for AND 9su w/to pqs. (no kmI 10 value con. lots Fax resume to (905►83t- 0 1- RNG Medi 1 RNb: CAIW'M SALE: ids o1 tar• s��). t 111 c of any 6722 Lmimg Lovmng oaytare to months to pets 100% nylon scan re- so,' gaaimmes w single ar- 1 Iloeptta (fencad backyaem rd and pily eak) wase. Carpet 3 room $339 (30 sq p) ndms OO. carpet. bpless m e ARM special un MoorcrOR Pon" 1-1 try to Sit - UP" omw craft. story bme music. nu- pierarum pad am "Stan&- spond tBowe o al.filiffiell DENTAL ASSISTANT required lrwpts me&k a S aCks Fret Aid C PR cendwd Non- ban Free estmWes. Carpet repos Servetg D lfai aM Brod Oman° 96ques. 6019. la■ IW time everxrg and Saar- fwd' noelpis. 905 426. sunot•tdMO ane. Sam 905- (5) 1 dr LOIIRs POA preAertee 1244 666 ,772 �o . fax reseem to. 905-931.7W4. CO OTER FACTORY. Bbvr, CASH OR DEALS. We Bey. Sete. A more, Pay top daft FEL TE Phifg tedee 1 �a�e yr no I reset oulAtion lbwk (OAC) 300 wr top items Lome audio, win n Ptder"g E mertatcw E NO2Y NEAT Fm1EM000, ea- Mu loaded. pruner, maorMOr. vreeo. tar alnrAo. tools. CO's, an asset good fours a d arrr very Dat patty fwd- mbmet. idtwert and altos. mbwes, 9Anta, gold. dW 19oaitt Can manager a 1905) 631-5870 or tax nmew gwrameed extra Iqq lust fury seasoned. pA t Free I -NO -515 5.56 �I 7B5 9D5.57� t�j4 lu (9051831 4751 sped Hottest atnsareWAW. COeMLITER SPECMIL. Imd- 1805)666.0004 (prefer all NOOPER MOLIEf Ptxtamt• Illia Mmy. 905-753-2246 Pensum muni media cam- Nene in ronmg order) dsc requires RNs to cOwptne ASSOLOTELY TRE EST - MP system. CD. manor. AIN. pa"a MAMTED - OL.OER CASA" pre-wl&WW medical. Re- pe 1tlerentlMAt on a MOMS bass quality seasoned Ladwood. Serving PcMnrq Apx WM- By and wra Dsra IBM lap pop $744 We We doling lip• moo dffioA regain. like Caen. Nrtm Aslufla. Pentax. RoWa. Rothe. La- ta. Lintz. Zless. Coniest- Cw wq ares Mug e"p INAMAAIM F6tEWOOD 427-5278 7FIR105655CO-3561 5 1- BeaubfW Cho- . trox & 2- 61 t O WN cmras new people. can wort o twin own am are able to meq BONA LYEER. eft 1961 -x16- CDUk brown. call length. site 10 - 12 A'S6 sed A $8.500 ■AMTED: JAMAICAN deadb- Verif" racture and 116-x12' • $64 1•x6 - $69 Discount m full bush Sacnace a $6000 705) 786- RECORDS - tall Pali for Reggae ski Dub Snow the E L G etpeeteR- an and cord Free Otlwery Otfyn.0"p 60's-8A0r'nsy. LP's. al's. 12' *$. Mug ISM ow ritede. Fax area Buy Loral A Save Bg wIM6 SALE - Beds. soh -703$ qty Can 905 - Kelly Brslwp at (905)579• Sawgs Days. 705-z77-3341. bed. 20' TY, aompukr, Pt 1333 MS or 416-413-9184 and 6539 free from D Slam: ewn- 17, non at (4 months oid) �• message tOf Arletee CAR - ISM Ford Taenias.pw� 15200 Ca" (905) 579- �rA : 1 MEDICAL 1 x753 OFFICE AJAX awan yLE .'must go m LOST • GOLD dela" with pop Requires Part Lime RE 1 nSOFA. 2 Hue mowmedaety Brand-new custom cross we teddy bar charm, recephorust 20 - 25 his. per week urs. Mint new, $950 or bat offer Cab (905)420-501, soUsel am glass cafae/erid tables. I(Achen tab" dors. Alam location, IM Mon Dec. OWM ally CNAW 28 $9.50 houE'S r. MMAPPLMMCES Pats/ ttad-kalter char. 2 office neattaR r427- (MY ale - per Saks/Serwa Swivel d M aooderCretin b Mlle 0" with children and effectively make a difference in their lives. PARTINE OFiICE CLFAOM required 2 - 4 hews per TE 1 5 Aa1EKT is baling for Inas b detrel Call Dr. Grange until sunday ioelnraer, valued'$129 only 5199. ApI.-stze waster/dryer. Boor lartups.orage tralteL �y -Mag• 554822. • 1 We PtDvidez e•etrrq 5 Oars per -leer 11ust b OorteAbk W Dlrs and Byers door b door (90$) 426-23" Me new $449. Detuae most. IEC /s Mpatif. amill $190. I - Pbom pe lasiotuY SILK peRM b Yttr Excellent remuneration including holisin & benefit a srW ctean, and nave °•'n dtpitaAMe traeportanoe Drop Rseete bur hos a vn-tY b 6.00 PY. as their ttetgllaorluooet. ate after sun call 1r4e Ind valued 51200, we 1e" Apt -sin Swiw 6 naorulu .efyaq aOPws calf John atter 5 m- T2s- 0858( P JACK WASELL i Bogle pups err sane. Raley now. Val Dow $� expenses P 8 On going staff support, supervision and to: 344 WI M R0. N , Own to Araeersoa's Ntl6artg 905-M"117 (9051631-bGi6 sY24" e, mo s�,Sts°. SoA"o Apes Req -tact int- ntsieley- pN 421-3M5 arslkalft. Call Lalaui706f63 full training ppaa MAraerotuoe �S off R, oro- P.R.A. 4 days. for Wk"y 24' sores. wink $150, sew- deartirq stove hit 55'M. 1EAMT 00" RASVC SER rm seal 2703.OM) support, psyclRological,Cps�ychiatrie and recommended therapy. Lor soodt 4wy Apr were Son Mi ifMMa Rover- PppbaNO ppppa= � sr.�u3r-44 yam erprlapc-1 tares. Cate wtiMe frost Irse Iridga Mbo. 721�� �n AM A. Plea!! fax NlauMToes slot dm1m.as WIN trais. fat Raw aW 1bM' 161taory Rlatdriv- NBCZ M !OS 66F1565. or tale rssaere b /ry�5e2�7902wya�m 426 SislMt SLS. (W72tL ad r CA �d fxMli I_ - on p FJvie:pfru9e CIWd l- Faalily Servicest74 slip-glMsute b 905- AfLMr s p.w. Oay ttgraoea. itteralk 411 atftr 6pw- ,tar 905�M-ilm 40,13 9gtS /20 i113. spot liiasisug. i wtlws Mow 11 b:00D ort . 1-905-434-1775 powtNlR wldi4Mc we Ne evtNaefee swulk. MG)-1w4w W" ted fI or eo ewtregl or wslridM for tAtaNy pr>efi4 18th POMIMC P/�Pal. T/S. can", AM 19 M new sing ►ocoeeiMatee• full p� 51991wowL MaM- des Oave in aRaeo- sal- my. tapy 10 no /210, SohmaeYe, dW iltf * sad ML S25p0 serrar�y PAd� s llarlel, 886-263-6319 or 1-600-79/- ISIS -1996. "s- IV-51N.(SRrm" by apps) 1P�1�'�tTflOff(fM?*1 SuErnoT for howl t-cWy elM Saks warrewg do OMaiee This week 1115 Fwowo sN �F THEE doulft wile Monk Trail hof CaEr PRO, l On 114 ICE "V*VMR �Ojlled For busy dealership. Two years experience. ADP Peri *-tt o syst+ear knowledge a must. Piesie fix resolliiie to (903) 6835738 SICK OF Win= 24 Ross for par? iSS Paid nary. 1O ulamedute openings. go"! tunity OU40V arm paopk "WO to train! Cam ;:%IM1F 1o(OIy) for rferkiew oovm Mt beds 5750 OJLC- Im 1rleis<s taste. 1961 b 1981 AMID Saint UIL 722 phm 901$4204M 1l11i M6Sr11RRi ,HEN. Cy. bleed, 4 door, 227,000 �. Me 10 c 0y OW . • y Cal (SM 723.7019 9!6 OLD. o. you fo tow our Mew amass- irig for to Willes in cgwe. SLtMt ewe den vmm* For wore ttroaaallon (905) Calan OMWW LIR , $0 Oft at large Full Me. SW=l Rooms no GM6RAMARMM your - ' - O pealed, lout Yoe 2 dieters 2 to i 1 aragM e1Mte 6 reWry sRiri br AACN11 �4 �AAIr11 Ned sok Good for ai*m" rs- haft raft 0"aftra b: sew Not p oliva drinks Oa VA" Meed outs iaaeea°eRiror Ills ooewfoR 5/0000 This Mak PO 11Wt I - Pbom pe lasiotuY SILK peRM b Yttr • WwbY Md S7FISM LIN 715 me red" BlleiaelMf b WON nCp CME ,11E ttplrea w our. Nora. Yehre SKM &Art woos bed - THE STRRf TIE NEW YEAR M SPIN- AW!neo P P b oar prsgraw, 10 wsleoms x11 new home- Ryi.RIM. ata =ww for 2 loaf 19 RoofRs a d 3 11,12ya. roof seine: adWa 4 -post alis, 2 sive laws i Wge ile dusssrr wWrim, wbt non- avyou d ertlgy nlewp pope we wowd we swters b we tarswett14. Ex- odiM cemerssIll e ift1M ie- SoA"o Apes Req -tact int- ntsieley- pN 421-3M5 1MiM. as"51800. CA SW 425-4901. oovm Mt beds 5750 OJLC- Im 1rleis<s taste. 1961 b 1981 AMID Saint UIL 722 phm 901$4204M 1l11i M6Sr11RRi ,HEN. Cy. bleed, 4 door, 227,000 �. Me 10 c 0y OW . • y Cal (SM 723.7019 9!6 OLD. o. you fo tow our Mew amass- irig for to Willes in cgwe. SLtMt ewe den vmm* For wore ttroaaallon (905) L11E M &am MT�IMI- won. Pi- A VARIETY of house Brick °Mr Meed WNY.d peARAaEA t4 430-1106 Or nit Rstwe 1W. - ' - O pealed, lout Yoe 2 dieters 2 to i 1 aragM e1Mte 6 reWry sRiri br AACN11 �4 �AAIr11 Ned sok Good for ai*m" rs- Ilourlly kt� iq ( ) 2 In yw °les. eager iRd6de f�rydeldterL furs RMp1Yos A IR rooves. r .: waAeed. CO MIKE all C@SMFpAIM awl • WwbY Md 4190 !7 6-0313. M (Oi traced an OAl M wink ba- Fax resw to ARROOMCIM LOVER PMC- � PART ICE fElommETEa11 Plw1 Rift tons in OshtM. Pkferhtp or all Aft 9pta Den. 906• RM on mini SMONles. CMI- of {nil KI or Mich CINNIN k sea Art NNte aro sae wildly r•1e!rK li/ era so11 oMz vkM syskw oR1r $to.99 r I KI or Sall ' WOO Md. eadeel CWIMW '0 UK NO" par Brae sells ptatipk. Ccs- RNffIB11 q�Y. Dad service skin: rRiE fAC1AL NO" we hip« meeett. am faotin 095 h. 13 r :iOShawa Wltilhy Clado on byyACE 21 SL S TMtYt- 416415-086 gs 0or olk scot wa was am MR. Fai RMefMe b am �OiilMe�i6. wa- Nor no N comm.'ogs I-905- ..1111116 Walk 9015-ra-0100 416465.70Ei a CM 90642146M• 100 3161 ' / rel .01 • �-k i 11 two* Corona sRs, z door couple, auto, rear wAkel iprlve. amllm cassette. PS, Pe, 1701m. NO rust, runs ex- tellern 52300. Ceftlkd or 10. f WSW7-0218. 1916 V6Niswmgen Gori. Good funnel co dibbil, body fair. Asking $1300 1988 Jeep, 4 Wre. excellent condition. Ask- ing 53900. CaN 432-2258. 19M CAVALIER automatic, new exhaust, computer, top had of engine. lots more. Ex- cellMlt condlbon. Good reN- able car. $2190 fkxibte, cor- tlned. (905)579.4538. 19a9 LINCOLN SNUATURE SERIES. 3.8Ltr engine. 143Kms. Loaded. stand tree car phom. Champaign on tin leather. Mint tend $5500 0.8 0- or trade for best pick- up or jeep. (905)-438-8382. www. CARCHOICE-COM 1991 DODGE Ram short -box fully loaded, excellent condi- bon. 8-cykinder. 101K, certi- fied. asking $7.995. 1990 DODGE Dakota. 6-c'1Ainda. 156K. certified. 54,995. 1992 CHEV Cavalier, automatic. air. 4-cylhger. 151K. certified. good CorKO o- asking $4.200. 1991 CHEV Lum rw MPV. fuly loaded. exct kM cornditon. 174K, coshed. only $5.400 Pickering Rust Check 931- 2551 _ 1996 GRAND AM over 40. OW extended warranty $13.900 311. ora.. ..... air corndtiorwig, power windows. power steemig i brakes aw- baulk door licks 905404- 9o40 - IM III M ACCENT 2 dr 5 spit Cass amlm PS/PB, Whft 0" 57Km Mme cone Ext Warranty $7.900 bent. (905)"432-1461 or 4WIG77 WE FINANCE EVERYONE First time buy- ers, bankrupt, bad Credit, no Credit. You work? You drive! Lots of Choice. Down Or Trade may be required. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SH ERMAN CHEM 9tlff-79ti-i499 97 i AM 67, bka. Gel employee kassd. (1350/ momnh) bbl or tam over Ime. 2 c=. auft tool end- ed. mint etori0ikn . 561(. Lal (905)_5763116. tlEWTIFK 19% Lincoln Town Car While, with while IMIRw oftkw. SUN". im Reay war. AN Kith of HOP alt 9964= or 261-4317. CUM WT TWU 1 KMW SPEOM - 1995 Ninon Sport #N0. air S7,7n, 1985 LIWO, 4 d, 15N& 19W Grad Am. 4 oll loaded S6•SK 1995 QWW 2 dL, S7AK, 1995 UvdnM APV, kited 11OAK wen Sues. 1992 CAMK alit ak !6.656.. 1966 sh16- ow lab, all $4M5:, 1991 sanwt ani. ale 54.565. 1191 Tom 6S. eery kor lett, stow ISO Roida L -S, toed. e4 OAK 1916 Sm" 2 dr.. low kms., MJM. 1996 CaM- Vae 7 pall.. lite" $6.777. UM Ford finger XLT, Ex- bmkNL V6, 99.O6g W ;$WWI IN t1Hmm 66M - CIS, IMMNI6 MW- OUL we 7 Ohm Cow int AOM CEMIE, 19f on Sill: IN.. OINMWL (Moil 671-$66R piBaa road ym I'- I! fl ad on ten tion as INI/ Ca1M10t i11aBf1i0n ill Ula .wilt a sa «bol: 0 3557TI, whihim 355 300300 1973 TR -7 Tiger 750, SSpd. 13.500" o.b.0 Classic beauty, economical to own, ride it store iL good investment Call MikeCa 725-0156 (Nights) or cell 1424773 (Days, 11 uomo ee her Sale KEITH MITCHELL AUTO SALES. Best price in Durham, shop and compare. AN cent - lied ars Sold with 1 year free limited powertrain warrafiy1992 Jeep Cherokee . 4x4. $9,990. 138.000 ms 1992 Chev Lumina APV. V/6. 3.8 litres $6.990. 176 000 kms 1992 Nissan PZhi inder, SE v6. 5 speed. $9.990.. 209.0001ims . 1992 Plymouth SWXUnee. 4 cyl veto. $3.990 168 OOOkms . 1990 Plymouth Voyager, 7 pass. auto, $4.490, 165.DDOkms . Py - mouth Sunclar". 4 cyl auto 52.990.177.0001kms . 1989 Ford Tempo, 4 CYL. auto. $2490. 174.Mms 1988 Hada Asad LX. 4 Cyt. auto. $4.490. 183.000kms 19 Ford Br68 Bronco xn . full size. VS. auto. $5.990.. 225.000kms . 19W Ford Tena L_ 4 Cyl 5 speed. 52.490, 170.00kms. 1987 Ford F150 )1. Nu with cap. 4x4. v6. S5.990. 2M.00mms 1987 Ctev Ce - W". ve auto. loaded. 5990 as04.000 V. 1966 Mercury Topaz autk419886 Plymouth 1 Rehm Sationwapdn. auto. 4 cyl. $1.990. 104.000kms . Marry more to choose from Franc - mg antabte OAC_ wpter beaters under $1.000 Ask all our lease to oven from $1200 dam. $149 per month for 12 months 160 Domy, Mad, Ata 905.426-5512. NEED A VEHICLE• We lmiroe everyone No tum downs warranty and certified Can 905137-5664 1998 Chore Malibu 26 000 km white with grey interior loaded. balance of factory AWM*. $17.450 434-2775 r�[171eCi . 1 USED CARS. LEASE OR PURCHASE . .. .J.•i�C � ,Jig AneNniiw A a A AUM Cars, tuft boas. We Pay up 10 110.000. Cash on ft spa. Any cond- * a, alt year Can as any- WM. 24 howl, 7 On 30 into. service. 9054WSM or 906.706-6236 CASH IN CMil We bay WO wthkln. VMdciu mW be in raaaing coadaal GI lar -2415 or coneb 479 a" SL Eon. A: at NAM AUTO SALES, EASTON AOTO•CM$/ 7N6C14 Needed - Pay up b St6J100 waw an de spot Ary ow diaoa. m7 you. 24 11 service. 112 1t-. service. 7 dysAwet 906.421-1600 A AM AM W UMW.WPM and dl$W Up b $10,000 ave on the Spot. For am kala -any aondfbon. Somanlyd puts sold and rip i i f9g5W 1771 days or (416)BWI121 �C 1964 t1K -Oft WCl, Ine new. Lae amlupa. vary fast, Cost ova S0.00o. IMat sem SaaNldng al $3.5000 (with Nailer. 13.900) a1 1105-725- 1171 /6M POLARIS MY LITE DE- LUXE. 1500 Mleb, has re - SM. eboCaN 05-25M - a 11 Ap•tm.ms For Rent 1 BEDROOM apartment n fine mouse Available immediate - Clean Clean.largeclose to S C. 5650/monthly inclu- sive. Fust and last required Call (905)723-3420 or (416)335-6104 2 BEDROOM apt now Ostia- wa Centre and 401. Parkrhg. laaadry. storage Avoitabk Feb 1st. Non Smokers Pit kited Smino plea hydvo. 905.579.0246 2 BEOROOM basemem lap Reath Oshawa Close b Oar - ham Couepe FustAase/reter- SM ahcim" 263 -MS 3 IEOM M Condo. an dnk- tes included lexcepl cele i Phone) Mailable Feb 131k security cafwas. whaer ground parkng, $105oilmorEL Cau (90.5)-831-7996. or DIC (416) -409 -DSM AGIES ST.. OSHM 2-NND- ROOM spacim. man poor of none. tented yaro Indge. stove woonded. 75 all ndtuive. braAast removed Avadabk Jan Itt. Can 436 - AJAX tassmem apenmem. Feb 1St $operate entrance Fridge A Stove. An mclisivt. including CabkJ parking. First 1 last. S500f cold Alto avae- able snared ixommouthon AN mcksihe. S40WMorM 427- 7405 www. I Will wearOOwl All mem, separate entrance. no smdkers. 1stAiSt jam 's re- routed. 5650 Odom oft= Very Large apartment. Can 90$V? -445. AJAX, Large 2-', an base - Mem apinmm. nullity row roiled, dose b lige, 1rkW Sibve. 41111d7 bciwAn. svai - AM Jam 150. No smobw¢ SM indenue. Cil (905)o- boom= *NWA mal Ann February 1st A Me" let dose to an annvwnniesPlease a1(906)7284l77. COMSIn--gwp oo mo i Rt - food *hit- MAIM. 1200 e¢R 2 1a - ren plvak N*artes. Fire raevd. wim'M o �lirnOo Speipttsvilmnom-mnoker1. PrOIeS- WAM Ma 1SIAin I' i Awad" Fek1st. Call 0�p7. p7p7 hes kava loam° . a`acw a p waism cit 905- 576-4111,112. 9-5. 105576-8812.9.5. no wmhwm - bid AM wum Wge rA* in- an bodam 6nmA tt api u we auw* �J 6vAry 151. CIN 415 LgMY Wp 1 bedroom pmn and now Oak U.pinker Inge w0. B SWM and St34. FWMV 7. Can 64! 2-b . E*xera " k os� sum sum ii ny. W01 molmd qM hdM- Ing. Corulrolbd OIba1, . vdn surveialla. 5729 an.. ca - big. =k5mmo �. Jinn APARTMENTS - AJAX 33 & 77 Falby crt. 2 & 3 Bedroom apart- ments. Includes fridge, stove, broadloom, air, heat, hydro, water and one parking. call 686-084,5 or visit us at: www-geOcities.com/wall street/floor/ 7657/highriser.html. OSHAWA - One bedroom tt .". apt Clean a staves wen. we are Laking fox Nat special tenant Adeaide/iiK- son area, 5500 Inclusive. Available Feb Phone 983- 5705 PICKERING - LIVERPOOL. Hwy 2 area One bedroom. basement apartment. Laundry hvdro, able included $650 mer month. Available imme- '1411eY (905)-842-9242 PICKERING, large 2 -bedroom ,casement apartment sepa- 'nle entran ce. close to SOW i Go. NO PETS Laundry tiNtes FrrSt/last. referenc- 5750 includes upNpes. �,adabk knmotemety. (905). ::'7-8479 SMALL one bedroom apan- 1. <r,l also bachelor apart- -ent. Parking. laundry, all ,rimes. Smintnm tustAasl "u oft (905)576-8675. SPACIOUS well -mania Tied 2 bedroom opts Mil at 900 and US Glen St Some vent walk -m dbseK. Paint prow* edclose to schools. ^emm. 60 Station UM mpuded. Can 7264993 it. spacious 2 a 3 apts. Utilities ind e to schools. shop - and 401. Transit past your door. For can - 05) 721-8741 apartment-. tndoe.stove. iia► dry nacipies. no-poss. non door S800 0000 n Mons vab ties included separate oa- t to Hg - 188 n and Wnftn 905-42111- 1886 one bedroom suite avail m Werk ataNKIkvd low-rise bOW4 Ii beg. ueo.. w aney-camera auwy tac. Sen Single prmts$mW. For aw b view an Jam No- 2450, Mvmv very large 1 -bed- room legal basement alaart- merit Somme a nonce. 4 xpDlia lim. park" $680 rn- dulsdve. no cif Mrs Evan JLM)427.6522 or (905)655- 771. wIn1NT- BuuWW 3 bedroom Fob 1 $975 as inchisim. can Pad 665-6114e 1 "'ale• Far Renk YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO BUY A HOUSE? a gam{ from $700imore J Not Muds Dn""Mwt7Y/ (905) 571-6275 14800 -SAO -6275 Mark Stapley laws til�w■AY W a 1 R. r ABA DABA OU We have a home for you 5500 deposit Chace - 6 months free or free *90s or reduced mortgage raw. From $750/month all in- clusive Income requirement from 527.500 gross call Ken CDIIiS. Caldwell Banker (905)728-9414 PICKERING 3-tedrorxn de- tached beck house. Two 4pc baths New paint 8 carpet throughout Gas heating, up- pilanceS S1250/mo - ub ktWS OR $1450 Inclusive Vacant Avaiable immed 504.8044 3 BEDROOM HOUSE Avad now 5850/mc . uki LaS' Mon" rem required Co- boiling Downtown Location Close to all amenities Cali Jason WORK (905)-373 1358 AAA - 3 bedroom bungalow norm Oshawa borne for MC. SM, am - uMOes. wan distance to JN COIlvenKWAS Short Or king term available avaaam ren. Lately,. Can Cam Bolen 436.09M AJAX (Pickering Vdnill Int maculate newer 4 -bedroom Seratr home open tpn- I; . Pas hreplact- 5 alpow ces neutral deco, rave toe. lenced. garage. no Vols $19Mmomn plus. Am Evans Sales Rep Royal LePage (905)427.6522 AJAX 4 -bedroom. 2 aifd / hams 5 new appeencds. IN - Pet Npet and part Fanny room w ifs 11 11, , . dodioe car W rage, eat -m -kitchen 51300 . ItOw 905.427-a8ol AVX. by the Lake. cult 4 dean 2 -bedroom cotage. 4 appkwhas. backs to ppa�rt awd mi a wwomalety. f1o0y 1MOM 31 - UNNNn Cal Liz. 905- CLAREMOMT 4 bedroom house Law n town toe . Oka par" f953rimmcodk pin wtibn 905)-649-3073 or (416)-6660413 MOOLLON AREA 3 bedroom farm house S9oxYmpah tows iAllaox. Ma umum 4 pestis. noR-siaokcrsItm W aft MWXM 905655-4231 uv8N4 0L AM FINCH Area. 2 storey home, 4 becrooms. basenext semi finished, W 04nen. la[um. pompe. cla. cnac. rtwry, other features. ava mile MuUi 1St. St400 bans union (905) 631-6136 LOOK NMI Time to own your own Inose up to 6 nioiM , Dae from $77x. am in- in - corn I�gistp�0�00 OOAAC.Can Mar - fox. Cullom Bitkr RMN RMI Estate 726- 9414. 26 9414. Tor. Line 905.127-3504. NOR1N EAST OSMWA 3 bedroom Semi. Panislied basenmte. Ava" w ' am e- dakly. S960laeoiun "' 4 klw F 151am to. enam utN Emotions WAW Can 579-x! osmm 6,a%waMe imme- datdy. 2 bedroom snmi. P� 169500 ndNtive. tan not w Qoffl d. open homeJammy SI/hail 0. lor.00 Mel 72_33051 Nasia (M) OWAOL OM 3 bed, 2 smM house. 5 app. Parking hm- 906 am. i90ghmo, in - 1i'150 for lee Noise- (906)_ 4284183 or (416)_51548D3. TWO-STOIIEV hoose tot red IA n IlsratlM. AvaKSMe Feb. 15189. $750/*Wft . WANK Fest and fist. Rlls - - w $wind. MS -76M (Sept -310 � 310 For No Al OSMAWA SWIM 3 bed- room townhouse close to schools. shopping $950/mo. ALL INCLUSIVE, First/last Available FEB 1st (905)579- 9956 days CARRIAGE HILL TOWN- HOUSES - 122 Colborne St E Oshawa. 3 bedrooms avail- able Feb 1 For apps all 434.3972. 1 IRoorne or got AM- 5 rooms for rent in Whrlby lame near Dundas d Garrard: Bus service, an con- veniences within a few minutes d wa" $80/week Prefer Durham College stud- ents Available immediately Cam Garry Bolen 436.0990 Available Immediately Fur - rushed room in Pickering, a- ble. lutchen facilities. near Pickering Generating Station, PTC. GO. SM. ionm. $170 to -weekly 420-4318 CILEAPI BRIGHT HOUSE %'hites Rd S /.u)j Room for rent Suit working professionaf 420-0042 IDEAL PLACE rushed accommodation n professional tome. Gose to l)GN, suits working male. non-smoker. Sl=week Call 905723-4761 LARGE dein furnsted room close to Oshawa Centre, share lulc en 6 bath. avail - am Immediately Phone (905) 4361420 LARGE ROOM. n rooming haus. law" putn0. phage n room. Share l,tdhen and bathroom S3401mort ey Can 576-1675 R For Rem 2-KOROOn1 ci ,w, wasne, dryer hncige Sive 711 ROSSOW Rd Whitby 5975/ month AN inclusive Available �Pool will podbilliard room. exercise raw Cale 433-4014 • 1 Ooke i Noted PART T! SPACE avaaw in noM Pickering Holistic MOM Cam Centre Can a" to into 905419.14M moment ® aid MM Oshawa Centre. En- cased flay for rem we avertiead Oobrvsmk door M ndusive(busnen tax ndaa ed) (mop &IwW. parkig. ubbtes. wunroomS. Alf -com- pressor included) Lease W trpW Space for paring emiepmawbuctaroumoe SID pet 905.5762982 p 905- 11 Romeo FW Sun OSN MA MVia ed, dean 3 bedroom pointe. Formal din- rghwig limy room. klCh- on with walk-od to Iwicea- yard. Garage. Close b ad aaieirbes, no Stoker. no Dens• 59$0/moiIII plus uhh- pas. IUAast Available Jan 1St- Feb 1st. 576-0017. L.elt ler 2 W ACE static0cr1�i� Ipl al L*Owd. flow don0. Ody 579,000. wow Frank AWN Lepage Frank IIE. 576-4111 ■cin COTRU. sun deck a lit MWAa $2000 down, am mMft $47,000. BaWs VAW. 3) 33r$ -W47. MMI MOIIEY POOOLAu. Get old of debt muick wiMW 00110 or being repird bl aedit rating. Cal lir tete MtOrMatMW 905-5763505. Skit" b= nckOeuL 1ws r RIM S/CK -,4F RENTgNIG?? a, OWN YOUR HOME - ITS E.ASY11 ? ' • First Tirm Buyer? - Cal Martel DieCftaryert Bankrupt? - CaM Markt Not Much Dawrvpayrrvant? - Call Markt Mark 00" hon -t, prot4essior-1. no pressure service to help you own a hanta. Ll (905) s7i�k oory`1-l8�0004HO.6275 LSWAMPAR tileM I AOMY/OM Ei1Mn t ill THE HEWS AOVERTN"TUESOM, JMIIMMfy 5, IN&PAOE 13 :1 IebR6gs, rrwaien MORTL40S - Good. bad and ugly. Financing for any pur- post AR appliLmons accept- ed Cam Community �5as Corp. 1905) e l 19eiemm OPERATE YOUR own lawn maintenance and snow re- moval franchise. $1.400 gross weekly income guaranfee0 ExGits ve territory. Call the Gardener (905) 763-9343 PRINGLE$ POTATO CHIPS Limned no of distributorships are now available Ground floor opportunity. no selling Be your own boss Min m- vestmernt $16.800 For inror- aiaicka 1.888-335-7533 �� . 1 L"W Notices 30 Days After January 4, 1999. Aix Mini Storage will seg by public auction, the fol- lowing accounts which are delinquent to Cover the cost of rent and expenses: Carol Curley Yvonne Bunting -Gar- den Mike Burley Melissa Brown Any of the above ten- ants may pay amount owing in cash, and re- deem their merchan- dise. at any time prior to the auction. • 1 Personals F1 OLDER LADIES - 4en!s 6 Prwate Home Phone Numbers. 1-900-451-3638 nod 235 $3 "Mo must be 18 T -aria OSHAWA RELAXING MAS- SAGE Snutsu Service 40 " St 11I1905) 404-9625 71 30 am Spm PERSONAL Tremor;erhhed ll 15v- t-D",ence it create ndivic" program Tmm- Tone-firm Can Bnan 905- 693-4509 05693-4509 (snp) A PSTCMC READER Helps in all Problems Cad and talk veil^ 1.900-130-8100 Ext 6261. $3 99 per met Mi v be '8 yrs SEFiV-U (619) 645- 8434 MoAuctions A L CTION Sat. Jaw- 9 It." aim at WARNER'S ALCTION HALL Hwv 82 Copthorne jay two Of our sale from he Matrrno int home and nuque shop of code Pet. must sea everything ) settle. Good selection nkqure and Victorian tir- Lstwi9s. large citysmall ishes, glassiame. cdlect- ties. etc Pickens, patrw- 9k Dmfseek-, paw kat fey rice klolung circular lass snow case. refnished OR peamw 1/4 exit oak 6 with Jacobean twat, ychairs and malmirg deboard, ant Ikessefs, tests of drawers. &X. k small tables, i Is, ant. solid b I bed, ant Chairs, is, modem found and lairs. Cur oak Chen calk y him odem IN MA glass a d wry. sallin gh s. prinikve p i old akdes. NO L lout be sold Visa. M C.. kne NVGood Che". n Wmw Don't Forget Tit: mm Advietti9er Cla9silia DVL We aval llbk for yaw convenience ever y .AL 9:30 to 3-00. TO Place Your [Claini ied Ad ua3-0%U% MAuctions . 1 AueMona Madmpr Auction Centre, lownuNville. Antiques, Collectibles, Books, Coons a Household Effects SUNDAY, JAN. 107H, 10:00 A.M. (VIEWING 9:00) 401 to Waverly Rd. (Exit 431) North to e2 Hwy., East to Scugog St.,Not* 1 km. Auction features a varied selection of articles from past to present including Victorian sofa. mission oak buffet. dressers and wardrobe, tables (parlour, sofa, kitchen, nesting, coffee 8 end), musk stands. desks. chairs d rockers 'set of 5 pressbacks, wicker, parlour wingback etc) Blanket 8 wood boxes, scales, old books, tints. postcards. stamps. corns 8 paper money, jewelry, ltd. Edition art prints, quality glass 8 china, wool rugs. country collectibles. Royal Doultons (Fair Lady. Top Of the Hill, Margaret, Helen, Shirley, Hazel, Diana 8 Den- ise etc) Kenmore washer a dryer, plus many more rare, unique 8 useful articles Call for all your Auction, Appraisal a Moving Needs. MacGregor Auction a Moving Services Michael J. MacGregor 806-623.7949 1-800-363-6799 WED. JAN. 6. START: 6:30: VIEW: FROM NOON Kahn Auctions. 2699 Brock Pic N P,ckern7. nil N of Hwy. 401 exit 399, leaturing this week antiques. fine furniture. glass, china 8 collectables to rcl 8 PC wal- nut DR ste, hand knotted silk carpets. Seeburg jukebox, Empire dropleaf table oak nal' stand w/seat.oak rock- er, old wicker pram walnut/ictonan server, oak ex- tension table oak parlor table, oak church pew. 3 pC French style sofa set. Eastlake parlor table, cherry chest of drawers, pine It top table ash washstand. Ig. pine cupboard. oak Oueen Anne style table. 2 pc. pine flat to wall, oak plan.,), pr mah endtables, 9 pc. modem DR Ste pine butter churn. printers trays. 3 PC. oak sofa set.mlaple table will chairs. painted dressers. o" ental screen. Set 6 pine captains chairs. numerous antique pine PCs in rough. waknut vanity, w/stool, 4walnut din- ing chairs- Canadian toms. 45 piano rolls. Royal Doul- ton character lugs. numerous Royal Oux figurines. Td- fany style lamps. lighted deco standing ashtray, floor lamps, cups/saucers. depression glass, oil lamps. crys- tal. carpets, prints, occasional tables 8 chairs a so much more! Thanks to everyone who make our Mew Year's Day sale a huge success! Randy Potter Auctioneer Pione(905) 6$3-0041 Fax (905) 576-2267 ESTATES a CONSIGIMIENTS OUR CIALTY!!, Them Jaa. 7 6:00 P-wa• at WARNER'S A L CT10N H A LL Hwy 12 Colborne Set" from 7o hone of Mrs Taylor of Cobourg n+oved to mPemww home. rice dean sal. Fuirmpe. h"sertold articles, some codecrible cies., dishes. 'glasswares. ow, Darhal W rickides. wy nice dun- 09 ry09 IT. Sul* with ext table. -hairs a marching hutch, oak bedim vete with nice aeon bed sit. other very nice Many new double Dal I man set. 2 good tied sofas. 2 good chrome lets. soca a crier, set. offee a end tables. rltw "I tables• occasional liars. desk and stair, arge quantity oisnes. impS, pictures. smaN awe saw. dressers. thests of drawers. conflct- Oles, Ltd edition prints M Countless rust_ am Its 40 Reserves. Sale ;tarts 6'00 p.m Visa, C.. Imerac. Cash or hoc d Chenille Gov Bill Waffm iAucdoneer6 AUCTION ■AILN FRIDAY. JAN. 8 AT 5:00 PJM• 3 AMLES EAST OF LITTLE BRRAM ON COUNTY RD. 4 'he Estate of the Late Allan Woodward of Wriderland, plus fur- tishings from a Peter- iorough home- 9 pc. raklut dining room su- le, Gerhard Heintzman pright piano & bench, ron bed brass trim, an - qua dresser with bev- led glass rnirror, oak arbour tables. 4 pc. ansianos, new D mer china cabinet, lid chesterfields air in excel" core in, Oak rockirig chair dfl E. Automatic wash, itique hanging lam toil lamps, Tin to insole colour T ess back rocker Intel clocks, pine dr( I table, oak coffee I tables, maple the drawers, model car de d floor lamps, III ineft- all electrrical lappliaa a collectible items. Dan a Ws Conlon OW LN11e Britain Phots or Feu The property of Mrs. I Sharltoa of Oshawa SAT. JAN. 97H AT 6 P.M. AT IIYLES KING AUCTION HALL 33 HALL ST. OSHAWA b ,conal t r^ %,re and glassware. perfect con- dihcn. 3 Vctonan love - seat 2 Victorian arm chairs, (Ms and hers). 2 .,ger oak smart direst of drawers, walnut chest w`h wooden candles. neediepont Victorian 4 - Pit$ chair. grandmoth- ers clock. 2 hand carved end tables. 2 marble top tables. drop front desk. antique amps, antique Centre table wQh one drop leaf. wrought iron round !axle with 4 matching Chairs. oil paintings, leather onlay Coffee and end Miles. 5 antique small tea tables. 2 an- tique wine tables. 3 PC. bedroom suite. one press back oak rocker, one high back oaK �OCx- er, antique hal, Table with mirror. telephone table with matching chair, crystal Chandelier. crystal amps, sate and filing Cabinet, 2 tier table. 2 antique step ta- bles, oak podium, two chest of drawers. 3 Persian rugs. targe tuant)ty, Of antique )lassware, china, bed - ling and keel. Plan to mend. NI conslgn- nents welcome. Terms ash and interact OShM*l mod rimsuned i 1WrvicM, suction. swvinl Durhalyn� her am 31 AVCCF OE C 725 -Ml NO IM TO TAIX Why not Fax us your 10 You Can rise yoor tax machine to send us your ad4a6semNa. Phase snow pine for LIS to confirm your ad copy and price prior to deadute. One of our Customer service room- safthes will all you Please remainner to leave addrye c, phorm number and contact name Fall �*Act 1111 PNE 1421E ROB ADVERT MTUE@DW EMMK jitintuilli S.1998 ft 10 serms basement finishes, renovations, painting: interior, exterior, plumbing and much more. (905) 831-2416 VVY 0411 W PLUMM ON THE GO Your Classified ad In a's Top Quality umbing at — o�11!,,&S , Reasonable rates Service and new installations Residential -Commercial No 'ob��,Ig or small Free est s -over 20 years experience Call 905-937-9722 any as iv -00 newspapers as little as'$10 'GUARANTEED' ............ PAINTING & DRUM LESSONS A PLAMRMC Price of ad varies Colour matching egn to 0 Stucco MANS :d by ,pccording to highest priced No money up front, experinced *V Frw Esb . Sew Now% pay when your satisfied - instructor. item in the ad Call Sew 0: PWM All styles. • 14 )416)414-5911(cell) Call M'w-hwl 4" 0-W% 5-42 1i •S LL THOSE UNWANTED ITEMS = e M P" um. M P" Swvicn y Placing an Ad in our Classified Section'- •;: RA=ff WAPM WOMM Do, or CNaren s Parties JW M Have My Ow Magician.can Ernie 6615-4932 • OM ONLY A YOUR sumESS OR Sell those unwanted W rM items and mke CWON PLEASE extra cash foar Items costing up to $100. Your ad for 3 days ONLY 4 0 00** Christman A -CA" For limited time, Items costing un [910 910 $hy struggle against several anesses, Klaus rno pe" at Manson H06pifal on Jartoy 1. He was devoted husband of Helm and lowV tat w of army and Christopher he will be sally mmed mnonal wtve wd be held Monory dere (2 Streets eets south of Dan on sat JZ an, 16 at 11AIt in Wu of �Plem coraider a don0on to a damity d r dam. I KMADULTS EARN EM MW HWI AM BY DEJM M min- WlPAPER VX*CAN YOU WX I OR WE WlJRS A Wo ONLY 3 DAYS A WEK IN THE WER111M. F YOU CAM, TO YOU CAN TUN SPARE TOE K10 SlIPPLOW YOUR OW IM A MIMTRLHELPYOU 4111EETLOISCHOWL WL TOW, 11107 AM FM OUT flWYWCANEWEBRACM . E ` W .. A I V E I T I S E R we are onlering an almost give-away VrfKNI Items costing up to $300. Your ad for 3 days ONLY $3000* Ads are based on 10 words or less. ($1 Mword over) Items costing up to $4 00 . Your ad for 3 days ONLY 14000* Price of each item being sold must be in the ad (plus GST 7%) to a maximum of $400. I-V F •More titan MW welcome one hkjhestpriced iters W9determine Ad. rate. Ir :Ad wil appear in al your bcal papers for 3 CWSe0JivQ days. ff bm selL= u may canceL but no refundsrefundsand no Dee&* 48 Prior to Ads no be !g�n by visa, Madward, Aniek Cheq FoL Cash (k*m Odom kw!affm Wcaka. _W MEMO 11111111110 0'a 010 . . . . . . . . . Abilkig Adders: ft=4% AD Copy Info Here: THISWEEK T�i,S Week 865 Foe SL OdmM ON Ll H 71.5 or Fax to (905) 5704218 Name_ ipodwCodeL_I t. chofte to WoM by (Pbm circle your dwilm) ovwoucoroc oanque OCaM 0kftw(0shM6CWW0nW OsO Card # Exp, ogle::.. '10 wot or fess (1.50 for ewh addftkmW word I ONAWA 113AINUM IV VZMDGE 'A Emm"Wun .,f jKf NEWS Tnis W= THIS WEEK This WEER TU TMUNE THIS WEEK PABOK411 1032 Brock SL SPA 06 Khq 9L Endo.ort• us tits 0TKNuk INS So" K Unk 12 IV Dir SL WFOO MR0111M Mft 0K LIN 4A a' '01 0A U*idp port Pal Oftic LIN 71.5 pm*"Gf*Q LTINI ft2ff 00"LVIS Qftb UL IKI CobM ft Ift 404 '"M will 1, wim A�AX/PiGICERING NEWS ADVERTISER BRINGS YOU... ..caw weclknwcn lk alkcaartwsm wlwwl�� li7w 17lr> Ire dC 1.1 'T'o respond to an ad, call Call 1-900-451.5793 S2.49 per min. LOOKING FOR ME 27 yew old sensitive, attractive white female. very outgoing. Spontaneous. hon- est. loyal, and friends first. No head games. 1 enjoy hof summer walks on the beach. going out. traveling. and ooking for someone new BOX 30540 SWOLE MOM Dhiorced. 34 yr old mother. 57, shoulder length horde hair. green eyes. non-smok- er. tun. klvig, sensitive sod a mrhrtic. Enjoys dancing. sports. outdoor, hong and math more. BOX 17420 FUN AND ROMANCE? AMINMve. pebte brunebe. non-smoker. Separated mother Of two. employed. look- ing for a fund, fun bung, good matured guy, 35-45, for h enfW . companionship and Possible romenoe. Enjoys aransis. music. movies. cooking and serving romenac gndlakpltl driners. BOX 192W rM READY ARE YOU 27 yr old. sensitive, artractm* lemale, who enjoys sports, movies vie c". and treno- ship first no head games. muhq be we* educated. should ewe a sow d humor dean and dw"rg. BOX 305,M FORGET THOSE GAMES 5'8-, slim. drvowced morn, 30, a igrns. arergaac. with Berea of advenbwe. Look- ing or a tdl. w*Wganl and m rmaN who is fun bog to shogood brew wmh Nd nus haw games. x 14426 xnLL SEARCHING Singh triols aamar. 57. good 10O . dart ram. brown eyes. non- smoker. social **a-, a". tavaarg, music. a" out.Oemcihp waaunp seehrg a male 45- 55. looking Idrwad b tiarYg Yom you. Box 17603 riot AVALAOLE Sada whhee Notate. 34. 5'11-. m edkrn WK ror►anolre. s -Cal drinker. hent• worlar anrhp"mid. eryoys big walk& good cawersalon, (horses. Yianda ankl More. seekr,g an hetet. bbm.dw.M, lea B0 1x 1900 with a g00d erre of f Imbir A GREAT CATCH Yang at hot Netior aan a e. 57-, vow boaln% blip de herblue eyes. social drbilimm nor[-ar. bl r. mirth delibeg erhpys nkMie, aerie. wak dMg dirt, quiet anus urs her Brreeae. Seelig a Mae. 9i6S. BOX 19718 REACH FOR THE STARS 27 p old, sirgr weia Neale. 6'. anplo"d. with no ids. fakes mil". IllOvfaa, fleirmrming. the outdoors and imbue. l OokYg for sonleahe. 25 to 33. who Is ny fields or tallr. employed, secure. CPSI%'-fast end else YyirtO now 1fW1ga BOX 16740 TAKING IT SLOW LOW 30a. prdaastaal black to of. Omme ntirie, sepnafad mom looking ler an Did tbla IMIY10 9WMWV-k or k hods 27Arid Poll - MAKE ME LAUGH 10 pall awnhals, bdd brown fair bpi ayaL Lbu novas, drtcng. goad con- vosidam ta plus, w wt �g im. Seelig nub. good sere of 1ram10e. CAN 1 lda4Sl-3710 $2.4! Pw Mea. Aa1�ATt�! -rook lnh hraallffer maksb49, «allrtdrb Mawa4 aIIIII m9bp4 wftdasn fMEIdataafdfaallfmba_9M Her eLLalljwr111 alaMdtowrwkatjlrlMwmia al4fbftatlftaw9f wlaala.t9l1��a tli abdpbMtldrladl+[irlkww�lML oOraLrlorEll 11110111t.a ps OK to w baled MIL *4 IMya Mdjo IiMiMMawearowletSII asa11RbtIrLaMIAA 11It0�91Aa rt ri119 r 11iq Mra l9tlaldlmn Md gkdt 9Q A 9�_ atpwcrpilt I - elf NW LN" br a sw jl setae of humor. be hOre3t. clean. aro St les easy going. Box 3054 i - COSOURG I know your out there somewhere. rve seen you in my dreams...a dean 1n^rg- si gle gentleman. lata SD's or 80's, look- ing for a lady who enjoys life in AN facets. except btumpse �urnpmg a write water raftirgf BOX 30544 SHARE LIFES JOURNEY An honest down to earth gentleman. eery to and 90's. nonsmoker. social drinker. Cobourg area. who seeks a Mord and c0e paniol"WhiP. with attracsve lady. I espy good eom ersatwn. music. We vie- aw. din" out. nature. SPW*AW vaka$ i a saw of humor. BOX 26M WHERE'S MR. RIGHT 22 yr old. single morn. 5'3', with blonde her and bha eyes. looking lo meet a mala. 25 to 35. Mp can keep fie interested. 1 enjoy clubs. walks on to beach and warts b be swept Off "y Nat. BOX 30543 COUNTRY LOVER $*pealed rmothime. 38 yrs old. with one Manage gin, kind. hon. burg and stable. 1001txg 101' a omm" cowboy. 35 b 48. medium bud- king havmrutadie. bard ok. Who Mees aueaons, raarhg or ndrp horses. Litres outdoors and much more. BOX 27000 LOVE TO LAUGH 31 yr oil. women. seeking tall srigle male. betrwe0 25.40. who Mrs to Broil hard SM IMfpn o1Mn. Look" for sommorne wild levee children. has a great orae of fkrmor ad ea boknq tor klendst pest. I Me Mtrave". spots and music. BOX LET'S GET TOGETHER 34 yr old. professional km mile. enjoys Apple. moves. aorele, vie oul0oors. quiet ever'- at of and Mitch more. Seetmg a non- smokrg fele. 26 to 32. IPM muter raweeta. ler possible keg krm feraW". BOX 19724 HOPE TO HEMI FROM LM Strawhrg, 43 yr old. Im"arn brurWla. edtfealed promotional with ecleea, tams. mould Mr 10 meat an rMtlgarrt, hMlb Soria, wall ewaepehed. flL AporihMoull. P"SWM% gentian-". 30 a 50, with a day seise of humor to share my bra WW Me. BOX 11531 L.Erf OOT 709ETIIEiI Ss yr old. 57 W. am racsi" rdy. wilmOr to mom a Sun bung goWwl-eh. Enjoys travelling. sjl, Mhieg. dancing and ler0 b be road and dyad. Sea for yotreelS. BOX 26M SESOM GENTLEMEN M p old. Sr, mown her. bale eyes. WW" +erne 1. "Mules. ktng web. and mala. Nm1plaW A. rld smi . . wish 9*W some of limon. BOX 26975 70" OF PLAYING! 27 yr aw amigla, wpkrg Scorpio. a"l-liar am a social 01 A Ai, est. , n mala, 27 111 35. for Yfaeldafttp. poaebM reale-"alllp. Er4oy long wale etrwy nifie. hoelmox 'M41g and speerang Ina will mitalda. BOX 14178 TAIL IEJI ONLY Hi -s 1001li 9. Caring and tor" fabs aia-w. Lab Ws. ward We b met a UN t'Noma to boo" of PON amillo - • Slot rE AFIIN r. Nrrd 1,010 jLaTK9oami.aohgMoittlaLYIItIM9 OtMOMdalldm lea kib3Lblwdlqald Nallb Visit[. LIM "4 I14 N ilL *oft oltMt 0adb mdwxm mw flop tm OMNOaTONMERM *FdLs/9;11IRrt/k.alba.lavrtlYttrtarr aviI So E *P Mswt Will a ped 0th aM ftitala>IijbaalwMadlbs b daMba a oldWgM Ln bla/ kM b how let. =911716 At IMfK clan r ftai /�iiart eodr b w sole. alt `awomwoM�soiYMlk t� w0"roWsammiy. as atjoft jli maw GIMME calk IN MOK dela= 4 4 A" *lid lrloAaowmodblM9lTd ME --NLA aoRlgtwwladMwrta aw.raib 4t wbdabrbllllk 903 Mi9 LANKWLLOE M p A bit OK MOPPA bsfw btu MMY NO a pl t d bot til -a WM tibia $L49 Per min. SOMETHING IN COMMON? 39 yr old. 5'6' male. non-smoker, with brown hair and blue eyes. Enjoys movies. musktheater. long walks. outdoor actm- tles and more. Seeking a femnale. 3010 40. with similar interests BOX 14462 HOW ABOUT THIS! 36 yr ole divorced white male. 6'. 175, lbs looking for temaki. 35- 42. Enjoy sports, dancing, spending time at home and cooking for that special someone in the Oshawa WOodby area BOX 14527 LOOKING FOR LOVE musk:. art. nutrition, trying now Ihngs and personal growth Box 1"54 SENSE OF ADVENTURE? Protessgnal male. tall. slim and fit: His wee is In arcus. slender. gorgeous and friendly. Seeing a lady for an exotic adventure of pampering and pleasure. BOX 14793 SPIRIT IN THE SKY 35 yr old white professional male. S'>f. 175 bs, financial secure, seeks a skin fenrle. 25-35. attractive. enjoys traveling, casuos. ice-fisMng. snowmob". 4- wheefrg, for daarng. It reviewed Ieemwe name and number. BOX 14794 fr ' Place your FREE ad z" today! Call... 26 yes bid +tale. 62-, seeks a, W 30- 36. Must be Gown o erMt, Onloys big wYts on 9e beach, incieW rhuW_ dote rp read sofnons with aimtftar iasneat BOX 12296 CHANCES ARE 0000 36 yr old naN. 165 be or"" brig wediw, nate and Irms. Seakmig a tw oft. 24- 37. for possible keg term rlaaorafhp. BOX 12311 HONEST a OPEN 30 p ad mala. nommen "naiad see" an keel ad -Oen "CipMdhiWfgasemur who oid troll i waftat ake"I 'sole.UMMIS I ovm ole_ M0 yr ow. 6'. 200 b. good bokir ig. t>iwticed narlop for a fnla ler�raltp 111 aft W., Its LAM 0 "Wdi0.10111ip wad JUST THE SASICs._ 63', 160 b, male. with short boom has, and eyes• likes sports. big soaks ori the beach and more. Box 16769 sm aw swe"- Shy single, who into with brown hwr and blur ayes. looking for a woo. -Riot tamale who MT-ys eartprq, drwea. bowA rg tarda and quet brrae at tort-. Non. aetoker. socni dnirtr please. Box 16660 STRAIGHT FORWARD OUII MM yrs OW 5'T. 135 b tnafa. tie sp,t[. r0aar bNOifp, quiet tires. rodaf , tr10 M. dieting out and fors. No law Qafe- BOX 19072 THAT LOVNG FEELMIG 5'7, 160 b. woo h 'Orae and siban nWa with brawn hair and eye. Mrs novas. artarig ail darbig Quiet arms at cwft bill % b-matkS ler miiaet011kP fIM i51-3793. must be 18 or older. .ace your FREE ad, call 562--84230 Anytime, day or night. NEWAM '[ship. BOX please. Let's share the New Year toghether. BOX 19674 E ys walks an -__ker, seeks a female with the same interest, down to earth, for a long term r"bonshp. BOX 17512 JOYFUL PARTHERS111P 37 yr old, white professional male. 6', with dark brown hair, brown eyes and a good build, seeks a relationship where our souls become as one Children welcome BOX 176" STARTING OVER.-. 46 yr Old. emp-oyed. drvorced 'atter of three. enjoys fishrg, boating. bowling. teatime and more. Looking fur a 'emae. with slmlar interests, for 'nendsnip and dating BOX 19131 . 4 MEN r (:aU l900 -SSI -5'94 12.49 per miwt- WHITBYlOSHAWA AREA Sb 117. 185 b. straight acting whine I 43. enjoys weekends at the conage I am a smoker and casual dnnker Seelunq we same. 35 to 45 BOX 11930 CLOSE FIMMOS._ Vey suraQM. warm- sincere. nleMgan, rOeeanbC. South American born. black i*nw. Is. 5'7. 138 be, with fight. brown her and grey eyes Looking or An rarac- D". waw male or a rose fnadshp and Possde long tam. monogamous relafton- Shp BOX 12193 GOOD TIMES AHEAD... ?7 yr old thele. Oshawa area 57. ISO Itis. with brawn hr and taw eyes. Look. ng or an attractive. M. k". strapht ac- emv guy www likes o raw lim a good e BOX 14721 irs w F04ST T1a1E 19 yin old, b curious male is hooking tow anoOar male. 30 to So. for a first free encounter BOX 16901 woe Car 1-900-451.3793 IlLN Per Mia. ARE YOU THIS FEMALE? Ataacav0 WTwft. lag ads brown hat. brown eyes and 115 be, Enjoys boards. hhirg and moves. II you how whir artlaryate. M in D~. haw a resporet^ bib aMluda bur tan small Nave obs of fan. 1Mtiol ta toy we n vet beg ~ Box iNCEMW A MUST N for ow SUFOCW40 Iannle. And 6.225 b male. we look .tg W urrque bfawrrhate i$tlsnealsd n parae4aarg in a treMOrmta. Room. oreed, calor and rakgi, all inn► porw* It you we sneer, wwhfkbM0. coo slider hea ft and ra0dy b a" a9 We has b Odea, eM BOX 14MI SERIOUS OFFERS.- --only. Simple whits Iwnhala. a quiet aiy anomias is too" for a now type of new 6netMt19 ong loft it f/ha now naaenitrR Ettjfy atrhWs ow ci them No brs ARE YOU THE ONE? Professional attractive couple. rte is. 39, 57. 160 lbs. I am 34. bond. 5'6. seeking d curious female. for fun and fantasy. Dis- cretion and deaniness a must. Serious replies only. Box 19766 LOOKING FOR A FRIEND Fun. loving professional couple. seeks a tiWemale for friendship and delight. rm 5'T brown hair and green eyes He is fall. dark hair. dark hazel eyes, enjoys movies. 00ino out to dinner. outdoor ar`tn tr of imeresw eave a message BOX 16922 WOMAN OF CLASS 34 yr old white single female honest. sn- care. shy. Onto" the oulODOrs, music. "hove". romance. seeks to share a rela- 1with a female 30 plus. BOX CREAM AND SUGAR? 30 yf Old. slim. attractive. curious. wfwe ternaw, happily maned. enjoys moves, 111`44 C and quiet owerwga. Looking for a single. open rrwded. claim and discreet bi or b curous lemur. for frenOstV. cof- fee cwwrrsaaone and poesby more BOX 14435 DESPERATELY SEEKING AtYacave couple are Osaperaafy seeking an atsra^bve woman tot tents" fumilnarnf BOX 19643 COUPLE LOOKING Attached. to female 10OWN for clean. ow elle[ d tenure. 28 o 38, for occasional fun NOR rrtaesle . In ■ retaborwrp. Box 28988 00 YOU LOOK LIKE ME? 24 yr old whM. European female. b cur, imus. 5'4-, 11a be. curly brown her and eyes. looking for a brcurous withHer". w similar boles as me. BOX 14283 NEW TO OSO4AMA 37 yr Old. gay while IerwlW, stinker. palet and shy, ales music. movies. traveling. camping. phowgrapry, novas, et. Look- ing or a gey lemale. 30 to 40. ler a sour 13"s No a women places BOX GENLOW Taft. Of&* and attractive. Nan smokng, 36 Yr 010 mph Of two Looking for sincere ant immom tertame to enjoy muse, spoes. walks. now- dheal" and fon Ames with Friendship het. possibly more. BOX 26979 ARE YOU INTO TITS? SWOO gay. who female looking for an honest, sincere. trustworthy. fenknre woman. 32-42 for linrtdfthip traL Ino sports. god, wonting out. sravearg. M Wig. SM. Nor -smoker. socof dmhe. with a greet $*rise ON humor. AM j; ttr same. BOX 19012 eu mmim S 1b chat+yprad awn a lww-a0atdrr oar $^a00 -3641481 -The rs cPaabd rya Ide rhy Aleut A0leragr tae rm re mgrr 11% am all adl J r eorrw and anno Amboy ler atilt or reap -rimes; mill[:$ or reuses ads ~ Arlt do~ negwo- PMW Pent ads Calked an WWO a- ramo i Or Aftwoed 74bbbe, $snorts. kw_ N +t.pprroo��aarrmn� tp+waaois aril con ell reerJre at 1,90.047.1297 AAvfmFn gain b spin oimopretg;iafrorarnber aurtianewtr hamnaJ°°w` «y0tavra $dda arA FM eft efalb4 Ell Sial rook of r IbA. as M die sort howl ONK "Oft PokmlraL M4 be go" +letll i wM ark MW ONFUS M* L: al/raor rat 80^ MAIL MOM NIM tact tie/ bow LEP9alT100E11B • fA dl 57 IV. fates 04 wit b bury fill- Ea'ploadt wfkb W=11OaTNE1aAN 3Tpdt *4b "bbnk N. sillimpt wool 61M Mit. Mull, NO Mt M semi{ and ■ Lm"fwnffMft2Sb3taMssoyho wo w6bpl «aur NL burr wtl an IMI r ObF MR we r9dET0rFAr tq ftM% 43 R aL b*M ba19a SKU M Pld saond aM adadle alk nae alto tial M emm" awatboaa sod eabbk%K R oioamon, Orton POln,39bSkaft aput serdblkar, aroorbsa deLwxt1S3t - FREE PERSONAL AD 7k FREE VOICE GREETING r TO PLACE YOUR FREE AD, CALL 1 3-ANMME, DAY OR NIGHT. •� - �- 'rl�r.>�.-.A"r+A.�'ii� m!r`1y�wrt��YQl�i,�i.As*y`3'FiY i - .. `�yy, ....� a Of AMER1rrTTAit e� Towners"',1.1Spey =` gap sada tub alt/ not b beet a art bat fnM au sod w qa afwwdtll Nojileb of WA Oomilk andis qsa nifst eMa teal via' am" lite nand 1 Ttol memi tart or Pt �.., 0 ..��.1 to aA •_llraadol9laEl[1151 pix cam �[ TiiTpvJeai �Rii ._ 1_ _ 90'D�-4513793. R01ItOaalMICEt III IwBtbpW" %I4alol, If ll$ leo arybpd wbMl ler. lr4 r IwMt.M -1-900-451-3793o pod 1* 3645. b jolliest, wgrllmAP And $2-Oper xshwsAc. You ernt l8 or w :mea ills *A&r..�aa,�n.� 1: rfttalam�tllrlfMMrtawdw}raellat d1aa11la�oba�.�1♦e 9E1ON "AEYa�T� _ M1rraLr/tsrdanaaoiwtbriteooYMtMa I L9RTEINBL/E >r rrd441*by11 Mtlr d tea Miyl beet [[tile MI V4 craw AN OLO Wale. 1.40MI1r M Mm4 >p rr d4 gar bftrla 57,1>t k �w Lk Mill uasroL adnbaal MM w�N stmitar tadigbr 00 00 80 eller NOWK ciao saw Nina Md dlolilg "ft Mita wilt MM OM lift wad as a plept mo- foo t looml %mo nk a a w 19--M BOK MR Lw Sad 4 A crab 111111i ilir Mbatl 90 63L bb*ditgdnnft NbdmMR BOX IMIS 11 NOR E 9110 311111110111`411LOW _ 41 ST. 6WO MK pod am d litimmi ` uE` a X ad. one" wtwfd bark tale bad4 sr SMjIalLSytd4St,/ImsN►MIMbitMI► in OKbomekwwill toMIM"aLitfMort alm-Aw---L am.wftilMftdwAm w moo "MMMMMI4N"rnMia W"basi. aRat�rw4a�oOtLtwf�YwMatlnMgaM La* doe Moe itkMMesebbpmi lhdMMiwk bBblr1w11rMirlrafiakwtltftldMaMwew ora nwrtle mk for a POMW ONOWaP BGT Loft, to townon b lams a wtml bwwq wta 1" ARE YOU THE ONE? Professional attractive couple. rte is. 39, 57. 160 lbs. I am 34. bond. 5'6. seeking d curious female. for fun and fantasy. Dis- cretion and deaniness a must. Serious replies only. Box 19766 LOOKING FOR A FRIEND Fun. loving professional couple. seeks a tiWemale for friendship and delight. rm 5'T brown hair and green eyes He is fall. dark hair. dark hazel eyes, enjoys movies. 00ino out to dinner. outdoor ar`tn tr of imeresw eave a message BOX 16922 WOMAN OF CLASS 34 yr old white single female honest. sn- care. shy. Onto" the oulODOrs, music. "hove". romance. seeks to share a rela- 1with a female 30 plus. BOX CREAM AND SUGAR? 30 yf Old. slim. attractive. curious. wfwe ternaw, happily maned. enjoys moves, 111`44 C and quiet owerwga. 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Mull, NO Mt M semi{ and ■ Lm"fwnffMft2Sb3taMssoyho wo w6bpl «aur NL burr wtl an IMI r ObF MR we r9dET0rFAr tq ftM% 43 R aL b*M ba19a SKU M Pld saond aM adadle alk nae alto tial M emm" awatboaa sod eabbk%K R oioamon, Orton POln,39bSkaft aput serdblkar, aroorbsa deLwxt1S3t - FREE PERSONAL AD 7k FREE VOICE GREETING r TO PLACE YOUR FREE AD, CALL 1 3-ANMME, DAY OR NIGHT. •� - �- 'rl�r.>�.-.A"r+A.�'ii� m!r`1y�wrt��YQl�i,�i.As*y`3'FiY i - .. `�yy, 10 -GE 16 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, January 5, 1999 Vj Flt for We Health & Racquet Clubs Invite you to) make your New Year's Resolution! We have the facil- ities, professional staff and state-of-the-art equip- ment to make It happen for you In "99. As an added incentive we invite you to take advantage of our spe- cial 3 Months Fre6l Make 1999 the year you keep your fitness resolution! 41 F:--(Z::)FR I I F='E-= !Health and Racquet Clubs Pickering � � � :: jax W A sOscisl on all Pm-oWd memberships A V ff ........ ..... ..... Vj Flt for We Health & Racquet Clubs Invite you to) make your New Year's Resolution! We have the facil- ities, professional staff and state-of-the-art equip- ment to make It happen for you In "99. As an added incentive we invite you to take advantage of our spe- cial 3 Months Fre6l Make 1999 the year you keep your fitness resolution! 41 F:--(Z::)FR I I F='E-= !Health and Racquet Clubs Pickering � � � :: jax W A sOscisl on all Pm-oWd memberships A V ff Vj Flt for We Health & Racquet Clubs Invite you to) make your New Year's Resolution! We have the facil- ities, professional staff and state-of-the-art equip- ment to make It happen for you In "99. As an added incentive we invite you to take advantage of our spe- cial 3 Months Fre6l Make 1999 the year you keep your fitness resolution! 41 F:--(Z::)FR I I F='E-= !Health and Racquet Clubs Pickering � � � :: jax W A sOscisl on all Pm-oWd memberships A V