HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1998_09_29PICKERING EDITION -Am* AbOW W% U m"4204707, Optional 4 week home delivery charge $5/ $1 newsstand V E R T I S E R September 29,1998 i..-fressrun44,000 L716 pages NG AL CITIZEN AD . VISORY PANES HOPES ONTARIO 14YDRO 6�. t9=7 -1�7 Ax 4 1 IN " 4_t -7 4 Air TAKES NUCLEAR REVIEWADVICE shal's office and Durham smoke was thick and By Afarfanw Takacs -1� IV IR:ft Ub - Staff Wrftr ing for an action plan that bis grandfatheir's Rouge- Staff Writer dense," he says. Mr. would have made it. It was first undertakes the research PICKERING PICKERING We'll 'mount Drive home Friday required to identify all ra- Macpherson then rushed wait and sec. DMO Neftes ..683-3 005 dioactive and conventional night after Pickering fire- Tliat.wems to be the atti home to call 911. contaminants being emitted AWWIM Lin .... 683-7545 tude of citizens advising On- four- by the station, and then to basketball with his chil- tario Hydro on its envIron- 00M provide detailed mapping of ,year-old Pickering mental review of the Picker- gional Police made several the way they escape into the -When burning home, Isaac's ing nuclear station, now that ......... 1 -800-W2­­R23 _�AM_A ; C. t t.; natural environment. Only f..1 tt 2� t the major part of the public Af— L LA: 16 a 91 _T . A when that's known, he says, :onsultation process has can any reasonable plan be -en completed. made to identify the cnvi- Citizen member-. of the ronmental impact of the 1 H%dro 'working group' on plant and deal with whatever the 'Env -ronmental Review harm it may be doing. Project* (ERP) recently DAVE STEELE PACT chairman be- -qvni an all -day session pri- 'it will be very interesting -,.The lieves most of the priority is- mozing a list of about 160 to see what the action sws identified by the group :n%ironmental issues related plan is at the end.' support the strategy he has the Pickering station they, been advocating, though it li�.dro and Hydro's consul- the issues identified so far in remains to be seen how the ants on the project had klern- a report due to the AECB by consultants interpret the id -led. Tbat list and discus- Nov. 15. group's rankings. ,Ions that led to it will be However, Pickering sta- He estimates it will take used to prepare a report ana- tion chief Bob Strickert has more than $100 million to iyLing the effects of the committed Hydro to ad- pay for the kind of environ - plant on its biophysical sur- dressing them in the longer mental research and protec- -F 7 roundings. and to come up term. even those not includ- tion measures envisioned by with an environmental ac- ed in the process required by the working grolip. He says Lion plan with recomrnenda- the AECB. it's now up to Hydro to make tions on how Hydro should '1t will be vc6 interest"- good on its declarations that deal with some of those ef- ing to see what the action it wants to be among the best fects. plan is at the end and how in the nuclear industry. pW# by AM*W MUOWW Hydro embarked on the much money they're willing -1bey cUmcd they want ERP in response to commu- to spend," says worki ng to be le�ders of the world by ,In hot pursumit inty concerns about the Pickering station and to ful- group member Dave Steele. who represents Pickering- 2005. We'll see how serious - -,---.'See PMEL[Page 2 fill a licensing condition set Ajax Citizens Together Ajax -Pickering Dolphins' ball carrier Paul suit. The Central Ontario Minor Football down by the Atomic Energy (PACT) for the Environment Leckey (32) runs hard for the end ane. League atom division gridiron contest was Control Board. Everyone in- as well as the Pickerung Wa- WHAf INSIIE)E while the Oshawa Hawkeyes' Tyler Philp played at Oshawa's Civic Stadium on Sun- volved has conceded Hydro, terfront 2001 Task Force. - (12) and Kevin Jay (72) keep up the pur- day. The Dolphins prevailed 26-12. cannot possibly deal with all Mr. Steele has been push- tdflorki pop %' - Funeral service Wednesday for Pickering boy kifled in fire"' ........... �'i 2 6�. t9=7 -1�7 Ax 4 1 IN " 4_t -7 4 Air a �ffajv W "School, died in a blaze at shal's office and Durham smoke was thick and says. "I don't think he -1� IV IR:ft Ub - Staff Wrftr they noticed smoke com- bis grandfatheir's Rouge- police. dense," he says. Mr. would have made it. It was Boom/ ....... 683-5110 PICKERING Fu- 'mount Drive home Friday Area resident Jamie Macpherson then rushed juact luck that we were out DMO Neftes ..683-3 005 neral services will be held night after Pickering fire- Macpherson was playing home to call 911. __Ahere and saw the "smoke...but AWWIM Lin .... 683-7545 �ednesday for a four- fighters and Durham Re- basketball with his chil- he returned to the I guess -not . ShKNVN Y"rs ,year-old Pickering boy- gional Police made several dren and two brothers -When burning home, Isaac's soon enough." ......... 1 -800-W2­­R23 _�AM_A ; C. t t.; C.—L f..1 tt 2� t Ik �1 re— 0 h- Af— L LA: 16 a 91 _T . A ........ 6�. t9=7 -1�7 Ax 4 1 IN " 4_t -7 4 Air a �ffajv W a W Y a I-' F-915- stall t V& 16 1W a nail. IL 3 just evastaiting. :1. fivor Jly home on the weekend. save him. they noticed smoke com- dies was in the garage. just a terrible thing. Isaac Crandles, a '117he cause of the blaze ing from the Crandles "He was very weak hut -it's Our guys did their very ... newsroom@durham.nd .___T; -.kindergarten student. at is sti.11 under investigation house. he was determined to go hd~..duftmnm.net ­:; Aosebank Road Public by the Ontario Fire Mar- "We ran over there ... the back in," Mr. Macpherson See PICKERNGIPage 2 Vol. 33, Me. 40 6�. t9=7 -1�7 Ax 4 1 IN " 4_t -7 4 Air PAGE 2 - T= NEWS ADVMTII;M TUNWAY, SWrWIMM 29, IM Panel calls on' nuclear offic ials to' heed review sug' g'- estions PANEL/From page 1 they are * " Ircne Kock of Durham Nuclear Awareness agrees it's too early to evaluate how effective the consultations with the working group have been. "We haven't seen any re- sults from our work yet," she explains. "It's been a one -di- rection thing. lt*s hard to know if they heard us." Among the issues DNA has emphasized is the need for testing of past assump- lions about emissions. the doses of them received by the public and their effect. DNA would also like to see cost -benefit analysis of early shutdown of sonic of the Pickering reactors — as would be required for a full environmental assessment under provincial regulations. "It's difficult to be opti- mistic." concludes Ms. Kock, "but a lot of promises have been made by Ontario Hydro people about taking the process seriously." Working group member Al Goodall — representing the Town's Pickeriug/On- tario Hydro Liaison Com- mittee on which he's a citi- zen member — believes the most important result of the consultation has been the .opcn-door' process it has establisihed between Hydro and the community. Every- BOB STRICKERT Addressing issues over the long term. one will benefit if that door remains open and Hydro will continue to listen, says Mr. Goodall, who's "very optimistic" that will be the case. 'I'hey have said they will attach to the AECB report our issues, our priorities as we saw them, and they'll also address our problems:, he states, adding that says a lot about Hydro's intentions. Pickering station spokesman Pat O'Brien de- scribes the working group process as having been -very productive". Though some of the is- sues brought up are outside the scope of the ERP, he notes they will continue to be dealt with, in consulta- tion with the public, past the ERP deadline. "We see this as a long - 0 Pickering nuclear review tomdo list. PICKERING — Fol- lowing is a list of some of the priority environmental issues at the Pickering Nu- clear Generating Station (PNGS) identified by the citizens' working group advising Ontario Hydro on its environmental review of the plant. The group believes the following have to be pro- vided or done to evaluate and minimize the impact of the nuclear station on the environment. * A comprehensive historic review of the station from its construction to the pre- sent. identifying environ- mental changes on-site, in adjacent areas and the sur- rounding community; * Inventories of known contaminated sites at PNGS. emissions from PNGS to air, water and land, and past spills; * Remediation of contami- nated areas-, * Groundwater monitoring and determination of groundwater flows-, * Audit of radioactive, Pickering boy killed in basement blaze PICKERING/From page 1 with heavy smoke". Firefighters arrived best." says Pickering Fire soon afterwards and locat- Department Deputy Chief ed the victim in the base - Bill Douglas. He adds that ment of the home with the police "helped us im- family's two-year-old Ger- mensely". Tnan shepherd. Isaac was Deputy Chief Douglas, taken to Scarborough Cen- who live; down the street tenary Hospital by ambu- from the Crandles, says he lance and was pronounced smelled smoke shortly dead approximately an after 9 p.m. and went to hour later. investigate. Mr. Crandles was taken -When I responded, the to Sunnybrook Health Sci- police were already on the ence Centre in Toronto and scene," he says. "We tried treated for smoke inhala- �w make entry through the tion before being released. garage but the smoke was Two police officers were too bad and we couldn't also treated for smoke in - get down there" to get to halation. the youngster who was in A memorial service for the basement where the Isaac will take place blaze began. Wednesday at I I a.m. at Deputy Chief Douglas Dunbarton- Fairport Unit- -says the officers then tried ed Church, 1066 Dunbar - the side door but were "hit ton Rd. Cop a barnin at ,,.,.,.:Saturday police auction More than 200 bicycles runs until 4 p.m. at the po- ind other unclaimed items Durham lice property bu- -such as portable stereos, reau at 19 Courtice Ct. in car radios and household Courtice. tools will be for sale at the Take Hwy. 401 to Cour- Durham Regional Police tice Road, north to the first -fall auction next Saturday, set of lights, east on Base - Oct. 3. line Road, south on I'lie auction, open to the Progress Road and east on public, starts at 9 a.m. and Courtice Court. non -radioactive and con- ventional hazardous and non -hazardous waste stor- age and disposal practices at PNGS-. * Investigation of radioac- tive releases to Lake On- tario due to radioactive liq- uid waste management system operations-, * Analysis of cnviron-nen- tal and human health im- pacts of catastrophic acci- dents involving failure of safety systems, and post- accident rcmediation; * Evaluation of effluent and air monitoring sys- tems; * Evaluation of quality of drinking water at munici- pal water plants-, * Analysis of physical health issues including po- tential cancer and other health risks related to ra- dionuclides and other chemical contaminants re- leased by PNGS operation into surrounding urban and rural communities; * Evaluation of adequacy of emissions regulations, spills management. There is a printing error on page 6 of this week's flyer, Excellence Creme Hair Colour should read "2 for $12.99", not '$12.99 Kit -Buy 1 Get 1 Free." We apologize for this printing error and for the inconvenience it may cause our customers. #*-I I Please recycle me... MW To in J*d k. Imbed's #4 Picimb Hy**. " beliwe in as" ho @WWWO wW -1 1 1 an ON VNIMMS""W"" Y- 411"M *00 yoff a" 011011". " es beftm " pw Anv, n0" bw o6w"P" "M VM "M mi" " fa M" cw"emI . 0 kv as 48pub af V& WMMM Nw. Im we W 0006441 off Pic"" "1*0 W It yoff MOW I ecrw comillftr V Vamboureschw" 01 ?*Webb" rwre"Vow Yaw W F 111110011111" Fw Mift own ca ar Cuomm Qn Dow"" at 0" W -V". 4116101111611114M Ift Yaw sum P"Ple - term process. Ilie work that the committee has done will be acted on, We've commit- ted to that from the first meetings we've had and we'll be doing that." According to Mr. O'Brien Hydro will be mak- ing decisions on the action plan's recommendations ..shortly" after it is submit- ted to the AECB. He says Hydro has committed to spending money on the pro- ject, though "we haven't said how much". Fresh -p Qualit7 Mealts at lUnbeatable Prices! BoneleSL WiAoin Steaks Save sift 1b, 01 Breaded f"Llo Cludken Fmigers 1$ 99 SAVIE 4i.00 1b.3 M.) Tenderloins vx$499, sA IL BZe"R Ilibs $I." Vb. ft. $389 vE sA ift 1- pperet R" MUd $5"as/ I*/ Vk9_ $4 "Vkg imube sea Hot Dogs SAVE$ 19 9 00.00 1b. 1b. ORDER YOUR FARM FRESH TURKEY TODAY! &Mae" PorlL -N Lom' Roasts 69 vE$3 sA Vrerne or Eton" SAVE$ 9 9 1.00 ft. I ft., Breaded Pma-F" fthniftels $299 sAvE 1b. or M.1 sAvz$299 =Flm "Tim Me" r ihv"y. a idftftn N PHU 04K JIL, ftftm 490solln uN d 01-18-4 ISMS ff __000 - Downloading blameed for 70 per ced of tax hike DuRHAm REGioN To sEND oUT moRmAnoN FLYER Durham Region's slant on why prop- erty taxes are going up will be in your hands any day now. Homeowners will soon receive an information flycr, Your Property Tax Update, which blames 70 per cent of the tax increase in Durham on provincial downloading initiatives. "Most of the Regional tax in- crease is due to the downloading process," Regional Chairman Roger Anderson says. "What was suppose to be a rev- enue-ncutral exchange of service re- sponsibilities has not proved to be the case for Durham. "We have done everything possi- ble to minimize the increases, and the mail -out explains more fully why we still had to raise taxes." The document notes property taxes are going up 1.4 per cent for services traditionally provided by the Region, including police, se- niors' services, public health, day nurseries, social assistance and roads. Traditional regional services total about $101.1 million this year. Services downloaded by the Province totalling $98.1 million in- cludc social housing ($34.7 million), social assistance ($25.6 million), GO Transit ($11.3 million), public health ($11.1 million), land ambulance ($9.2 million), assessment services ($4.8 million) and child care ($1.4 million). Average property tax increases in Durham, including regional, munici- pal and school boards, fall in the range of six to seven per cent. The document states provincial down- loading accounts for more than 70 per cent of the increase. When the provincial government announced its downloading pro- gramme last year, it promised it would be revenue neutral — for every dollar passed on to a munici- pality, one dollar in education costs would be assumed by the Province. However, downloading costs to Durham were about $30 million more than what the Province took from education. "The reality is that for some Re- gions — and Durham is not the only one — the costs to provide the re- aligned services are more than the revenue.This was not something we could change without more assis- tancc from the Province or else an increase in regional taxes:' Mr. An- derson says. The brochure states average annu- al tax increases by the Region were less than one per cent from 1994 to 1997. And, it's noted that since 1994, the Region has cut spending by $24 million. There's also information on how to appeal your individual property assessment, why tax bills are late this year and assistance available to homeowners struggling with in- creased taxes. -Nothingfancy at ingfuneral PIP -just do it my way (She really numns lots of flowem and a string quartet.) Everything you ever wanted to know about pie funerals is just a phone call away. Talk to us. and discover what a funeral can be. and bow easy it to to arrange your awn funeral. -Call & Compaire Befom You Decide" IMEMB" RONALD MARTINO 8L SON I ccl� DIR WIMRS & Lon= 1101M cl�_ Ms� PLJMM CAIL 1067 lwmk no" ~ 981sib of 4011 rkhwbg "a) "s-"" Read up onNne. We're at WWWA&WSJ0 f Carpet h Z Aw Smilli iiiiiiiiii Is I 400Z stokmadw. I Cn Ipm WIlIkultow I ch, I I UndIrW 95 .$J $ 1 0% ;_J $21"Id 795 %*d Midway CarW 120 Hunt St Ao'x 683=6126 32= Stahmeadw 0 he SIM - -1 1010161~6 1 a-FaIld- UrKJKW F&I - U -pie F rl 7= 10EWS AVVVMTMM TUESMY, SXVMN� ", 19M - PAGE 3 Toronto man killed in head-on Max crash A Toronto man was killed in a head-on collision on the Ajax -Whitby border in which an Ajax man was also injured Saturday morning. Durham Regional Police said a 1993 Subaru was south- bound on Regional Road 23 nounced dead at the scene. when the car lost control at the The driver of the second car, intersection of Rossland Road a 23 -year-old Ajax man, was and collided with a 1990 taken to Ajax -Pickering Health Chevrolet around 5:15 a.m. Centre where he was treated for The driver of the Subaru, minor injuries and later re - Thomas Enright, 65, was pro- leased. Easy �.752n 3279 Carpet :---(EMI ajar, Is$ M ! a .12:1 CARPET RUG C E CENTRE 1540 MIDLAND AVES':J an ELL� AVE LAWRENCE AVE L ajar, Is$ M ! a .12:1 CARPET RUG C E CENTRE 1540 MIDLAND AVES':J 0 PAGE 4 - THE NEWS ADVERT11SElt TUESDAY, SEMMER 29, IM You P a i+ 01 r y Lnniversary aging war a-gav,01[i r By Natiptiv Atiller Special to the News Advertiser A founding member of the first Take Back the Night march in Pickering hopes when her two sons marry, they won't dc - fine the perfect woman by her super - model looks and knack for doing laundry. If Debra Owen's involvement with a local women*s organization has brought something home, it has been to raise Matthew, 14. and Jesse. 8. to respect women. Mrs. Owen encourages her children to participate in the work she does for the YWCA APPLE Community Project, a United Way organization which provides counselling. information, education and referrals for Ajax and Pickering women who are victims of abuse. Mrs. Owen. 36. is the voice on the bull horn at the front of the Take Back the Night march. She also sits on the YWCA board of directors and Women of Distinc- tion task force (annual awards that recog- nize women who have made contributions to their communities) and initially became involved with the organizat on because she enjoys working with women. '4orklng with women is consciousness raisiny.­ she says. "Women can know each other for 10 minutes and rca]IN know each other ... so Ahen you get that kind of a group v%orkin,-, togcthcr , �ou can really yet a lot accomplishcJ." �,c -Iolc" Mrs. Owen also becarnegratulations to cause she considers herseirgina and Cliff woman. "I have healthy chilor. formerly of in a healthy relationship," sh- on their 50th Many women aren*t as juversary Sept, 25. APPLE Community Projec wishes and hopes selled 98 abused women fliany more from chil- Pickering. Even more pa Judy, Candace. group counselling sessions. ise, Kevin and Ian Mrs. Owen says it's difficall their grandchil- to leave abusive situations a - end up going back home devil you know is often bettlay known." But the assumptions som about a woman's decision to abusive man irks Mrs. Owe "Women are brutalized home every single day. An is. *Well, what is she stupi have left,' It's always shoulds' with women. I -A "We don*t even bat an, ­ I)V )n ian woman is murdered or brut -pt. ;I; I.. , I ) on Se Birthday �Ykeith Eng "Our special lit- tle guy" Tris- tan Lyford cel- ebrated his first birthday Aug. 22 with best wishes and lots of love from M o m m v , Grandpa, Grandma and Uncle Jay. Birthday J * want to change." * Oct. I is a big day for Ve vou re She thinks a logical pla, - Heather Littmann. as with children, which is wh, %he celebrates he :rday we has introduced her sons 10 birthday. Baby sister Tess children Aho have been thr( wants to wish her won- vivcd abusi%e situations _\I � our lives derful big sister a happy — that's got to he in,piratioi birthday. Mommy and love, our Through that influence. al Daddy want their very nfar ­­ spccial girl to know how i wishes Daddv, Gram- turned and cel - camping jax Cub � outdoor ie boys. indsay, s wished time. much they love he r. -Have a fantastic birthday sweetheart and a great Grade I year." 1 Birthdav nce g change for more M an only get better. 0--w—UPLE COMMUnit amanth y of Barlr more information. Barker, the sonTy Hanks Hanks, (NERS wish thcowEsrPRICING love." 'ANING PERinn Fool )PPORTI-TNT17ry (ALJL- 837-0140 83--3300 Ad.. REALTOR* After c "7411111111wilftin-st very di fi,010"a"-sapt 34 1 little chimEp"" Ing, into toothle��� Megan Mcpha� on June brated w Love a Momm] Matthe, and Fins tc_" Birthdays , I" Ck- gob# - 1"mile 0 party for Andrew Zopf, who turned four on Sept. 9. And, on Sept. 19, s i s t e r first birth- Keana cel- ebrated her 1. . ��l I . day. A family party ). rM 14 , _;I IV—. A —A- 4 W ro's up too fast little mar 0 forever, to infinity and beyond. Happy birdxi. "Happy birthday, princess. Your smile brig every day. We love you more than you could Wishing them a happy birthday were Mo �('eftto Debba, Poppa, Grandma, Grandpa, a Debra Owen has been busy helping women with having healthy c'hil .1ida L dren m y break the cycle of abuse through her efforts lationship, notes the Apple Cot getting to be one Birthday with the YWCA Apple Community Project ject counselled 98 abused Mrs. Owen, who says she is doubly blessed Pickering in 1997. Womls six Sept. 29 with Happy second birthday wishes a hannv birthdav ao out to "our bi Ir -11— I Mom Denyse, Sweeting on Sept. 28. Love from Mom, Dad, Nana, Papa, Yo u can m a k tr,=j Grandma, Grandpa, aunts i and I and uncles. a difference., CA is (M y? Anniversary? Weddirig? Whether it's to donate tim eetn'ey NaMe Dr & W �cnow. We'U pitbilish your money, the United Way ­C/b Keith C'aA'ff%l for can help you help othevoccasion in an easy -to -read - 130 CoMmerci & Caff the Uxited Way at 6g&iY-to-clipformat, Nax, Oftt. L r7j-;rl I IF ACROSS CANADA WE'RE TO GET RNANCING UP TO 48 MONTHS 27 "--=W- I ; A A r- i -; F-_ ", i - :A I. I I 9 MAKING IT EASIER TM WINS ADVEWSM TUEMAY, Scpftmbw ", I"S-PAGE 5 FOR CANADIANS SIM= SHMG FN ENNT AMM, CAM BOOM FN 41 8'SKM OF KYM AN MW WTOM CAFACM TNAN NO MMMS. WITN TNESE FEATWS: Vortec 4300 V6 engine, automatic transmission with ove drive, 4 -wheel ABS, dual front air bags, air conditioning, 8 -passenger seatiny, AMIFM stereo, deluxe chrome grille. 24 flionlfi"I.SM doon M A 099MILL L804MM M M AM MMM�01M 230 HP Vortec WW V8 wpm, automatic trwomssion with overdinme, 4-~ AM Not Generation dual front air begs aw conditioning AWFU stereo with cassette ttW puise, cloth seats, chrom pialed wileeft, deiuxe chrome grille, deep tinted glass. �Wrmr psy"Mmlok"ft P, M Em � MINM, 0 A IBM FACWK M � 195 HP 38W Series I/ V6 engine, Enhanced Tmc6m System, 4 -wheel independent touring suspension, MagnastSer- varWA10-ahbrt stowing, 16- cast -aluminum wheels, 4 -wheel ABS, remote keyless entry and air conditioning. MAW, WR -RIF � SMW M! 0 P$17�20 frMht M AWA�� CKVIW W UL E� OW = M RAMM 2.4 fitre TWO Cam engine, automatic transmissm, 4 -wheel ABS, Next Generation dual front air begs, child-secu* rear door locks, PASSLock"w theft-daterrent system, AUTW stereo with cassette, air conditioning, power trunk reWse, -till steering. I WE HU SE ONZI AT YOUR CHEVROLEPOLDSMOBILE D F -ALERS.. Vou should', I VAL, *Bosed on a 24irioid! lease for Chevy Astro 1SAChevy ExlerKled Cob ISO and a 35 nwM lease for IrAnque 1SAN@1bu ISA. A down prprierit or Veda of $3.35041AMWAMYS1.830 witAred. NO security deposit required kirlus! Morriefte kret 20.000 krrk, $0.12 per excess Wkirnstre. Other lesse options available. *tFreigN es Widicated. 1imm, WISNIV1011, Off wnftmwV excels tax arid Uum not irickided. Doider may sel or Wave for hiss. tFawricirg on approved CWAC credit only Examoe: $10.000 at 1.9% AM, ft The GM Cae ..K-W*y parriorit is $216.51 for 48,.mxvd Cost of borrowirg is $392.4& Totel obligation is $10.392.4& Dow paVnww, trade w4or security deposit nay be required. AAord* psyriverit aridoodotbonom wdvary now or deirmnaboloi modsk equipped n descrioed, and apphes to qusiF tied Few cuskwws in cordial vA Nd may not be corrimried with ottior oilers. See ymw dooler(s) for wWdstrALwww.gmcanuiLcomisatadwrwkolGenwWLiowmConora%wtSR-gi" - TrmbnwkotGwwWkioimsCorporabm.TDBw*hcwnoduswo#MariL PAGE 6 - THE NEWS ADVERTMM TUESDAY, SEMMER 29, IVM A Metroland Community Newspaper published four 11imes waft on Ne Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday OPINION WS130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. Ll S 21-15 A D V E R T I S E R Mbber. Un WMu*m EDITORIAL OUR VIEWS ON THE NEWS Pointing fingers for tax increase Durham Region officials don't want you to be confused about download I ng. So, to make things as clear as a blue sky, they're sending out a four-page information packet to homes.across the region to expla, n that your taxes are going up courtesy of the provincial govern- ment. And Durham Regional Chairman Roger Ander- son pulled no punches in describing the need this week for the information flyer. "What was supposed to be a revenue -neutral ex- change of service responsibilities has not proved to be the case for Durham," says the chairman. "We have done everything possible to minimize the in- creases, and the mail -out explains more fully why we still had to raise taxes." We agree that Durham officials have acquitted themselves admirably in trying to minimize the downloading Impact. Their figures show It breaks down this way: Durham regional property taxes — minus downloading responsibilities — are going up by an acceptable 1.4 per cent for services including police, seniors' homes, public health, day nurs- eries, social assistance and roads. Services downloaded by the Province totalling $98.1 million include social housing ($34.7 mil- lion), social assistance (S25.6 million), GO Transit (SI 1.3 million), public health (SI 1.1 million), land ambulance (S9.2 million), assessment services (S4.8 million) and child care ($1.4 million). Durham must now pay those bills to meet down- loading requirements. Unfortunately, revenue -neutral math doesn't add tip the way the old math does. And Durham Region taxpayers are left with the responsibility of making up the difference. As for Durham Region. its staff and elected officials want you to know this: Down- loading is responsible for 70 per cent of the prop- erty tax hike you may be facing on your bill. j3ut. if any comfort can be found in all of this, it's in the fact that Durham Region isn't alone in coming up short in the downloading scheme of things. Taxpayers around Ontario, like you, are being faced with similar fiscal realities. But� it's important for the leaders of Durham Re- gion to help you direct your anger, if indeed it is anger that you feel. Direct your calls westward. To Queen's Park to be exact. To respond to this editorw call Infosource at 683-7040 and dial 5112 LETTERS OURREADERS'_ VIEWS ONTHENEWS Why the strike To the editor - No teacher is on strike for no pay be- cause they do not want to teach an extra 25 minutes a day. We would welcome fts initiative, we could put in place a teacher adviser programme, offer extra help, give students more time to leam. Rather we are on stnke because we are being asked to teach four classes per day. The math is as follows: Four class- es means I will teach five hours per day. Each class takes a minimum of one hour prepamon time. I am now working nine hours per day. If I only mark the work of one class per day, 25 students per class, a minimum 15 minutes to mark and record the assignment which is a six -hour task, my work day is now 15 hours. In those '5 hours I have not at- tended a single meeting, completed a supervision, provided extra help for a student. talked with a parent. organized an exWA-curricular event, or any of the many other things I do in an average day. I am also way behind in niarking for my other three classes and have not hW tune to prepai or mark testL I ham been teaching almost 20 years and I am a good teacher. I r F, F - r prop.- edy so my cl we interesting and good learning expericinoes for my sm- dents. I prepait fair and appropriate tests and exams, I arrange field uVs, guest speakm and other inwesung events for my students. A teacher cannot maintain the level of work expectet:11 without burning out in a few week& Our public school board has known for some time the requirements of Bill 160. Therr are a hundred creative ways of ex- ;lend ng the school day 25 minutes. Our =d chose instead to implement the only one teachers find impossible to ac- cept. We are not asking for more money although we have nox had a raise for six Years. We accepted the terms oftlic So- cial Contract and still worked hard enough to win our board the Bericls- mann a,*ard- Our students are second to none, they do well at university and col- lege and win awards. We do a good jot) of educating your children. Do You really believe we would go without pay. walk a picket line. deprive our own children of school, if we did not feel strongly? If there was an alternative, we would willingly have embraLed it. The government put in place two ini- tiative% most teachers welcome — a cap on average class sizes and a longer school day. The government knew that a smaller class size would mean more teachers yet it chose not to provide more money. Instead it and our board believed that teachers would, as they have in the Past, accommodate, III&- we would vol- unk= Our ser-lices to work even more for even less money. SorTy, no more. We am concerned about the future of education. I am concerned about my own son in ChWe 9. 1 am concerned about the kmd of edu=m the children in future classes will have. Ibis is why I went on Mike and why parents arid stil- dents should be mWirting teachers Ammice Bl* Pfickerim T111 WHITTAKER Publisher JOANN11i KNWWOT STEVE HOUSTON BRUCE DANFORD EDDIE JOHN 1111.1.013 AK FAKNOURIE BARBARA HARRISON JANCE O'NEIL CH19M HAINES ULLIAN HOOK Editor-M;hief Aftiaging Editor Director of Advertising AtIvertisirV Managw Classified Advertising Winager Real EstatelAutoniative Advertising Distribution LUnager Production 104anaper Assistant Production MarkW Assistarrt Production ManaW Administr� VxmW UWE UD R &MIL GENOW 683-5110 CLASSN`IEO 683-0707 INSTROMON 683-5117 FAX M-7363 COWOSX0 FAX 579-%73 newsroomOdurham.net E4AAL www.durhamrw%vsAd WEB SITE OMMOOM ANN smduw" The News Advertiser Is one of the Metrownd Pdaft. pUtifting and Distritititing group ol ROW31111111011L The News Advertiser is a inernber of the Aiax & PCMrkV Board of Trade, Ontano Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Com- MunkY NeWSpaW Assoc., and ON Canadian Circulationi; Audit Board. The Now Advertisa is a awnber of the ftuio press Council, go Gould SL, Tomato, OnL M58 2W. an indepen. dent organwition UM addresses reader com- p . al is, about niernber newspapers. The pub- UWW reserves the right to Classify or refuse any advertisernent. Credit for adverfisenient .. In 0 to space Price am occupies. SpoRTs EDITOR Let the games begin The rivalry between Ajax and Pickering junior hockey teams takes to the ice tonight. The first of six Ontario Provincial Ju- nior 'A: Hockey League regular -season meetings between the Ajax Axemen and the Pickering Panthers will heat up the Ajax Community Centre Tuesday at 8 p.m. And, coaczs of the hockey clubs are looking to set the tone for what could he a hard-fought and, perhaps, bitter fivalry be- tween two neighboufing towns. "It's important for us to do well in the season series against Ajax," says Panthers' head coach Rod McGillis. ­17he six games against them are essential to us and we want to get off on the fight foot. I'm sure it's going to be a battle with Ajax. We'll be excited mid well prepared for this game and I expect Ajax will be the same. It's going to come down to personnel and execution." "Pickering has a very good team and are well coached and It's going to be a good lest for us," says Axerricn head coach Mark Watson. "Pickefing is a very strong hockey team, but I think we'll put up a good show- ing against them. If we get some breaks, we can win' " The Panthers are currently in a three- way tie atop the league's Eastern Confer- ence with a 4-1 record in the early going of the season. Meanwhile, the Axemen are I - 3-1 and arc sitting I(Xh in the 13-tearn di- vision. In the pre -season, the Panthers preyed on the Axemcn to win both of their exhibition encounters. This season, the Panthers possess a so] id mix of veteran players to go along with a crew of rookies — many from the Ajax, Pickering and Whitby areas. They've been filling opposition nets with pucks; to get the team off to a good start to the season. Conversely, the Axemen's roster is filled mostly with talented first-year players. Lack of experience through the line-up has caused Ajax to stumble out of the gate. But, the club's brain trust expects its patience with young players will be revairded later in the season. Everyone in the Panthers and Axemen camps is delighted common sense pre- vailed to put der H junior hockey in Torow to and area under one umbrella. Tier II ju- nior hockey underwent a renaissance dur- ing the summer, as the former Metro Junior 'N Hockey League merged with the On- tano Hockey Associiation's Provincial Ju- nior W Hockey League to form one of the largest junior hockey loops in Canada. With neiglibouring learns now playing ,one another, it should crea sonic good ri- vahics which shoulcl stir some fan mtenst m 'ing in some centres in recent years. iss And fans of die Axemen and Panthers will witness dw beginning of a can't -miss rivalry tonight. A Rivett is a regular News Advertiser colum- nist. To respond to this column call Infosource at 60-7040 and dial 5108. P OCTOBERS Town Council Meeting 0 Town Hall OCTOBER7 Site Plan Adviaory Committee 0 Town Hall OCTOBER13 Executive Committee Meeting 0 Town Hall OCTOBER15 Statutory Information Meeting Cb Town Hall OCTOBER21 Committee of Adjustment 0 Town Hall TOWN OF PICKERING HOLIDAY OPERATING HOURS MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1"8 Monday, October 12 Closed Tuesday, October 13 Executive Committee Meetina at 7:30 D.M. No Collections on Mondays Monday, October 12 No Service Monday, October 12 Closed Pickering Central Library closed Sundays until Mid -October Closed for the Season Monday, October 12 Closed Monday, October 12 Closed Monday, October 12 Closed Public Skating No public Skating on Mondays IU Safe Cmmumtoes Incesillive Propatils— can help you reduce workplace hilury and lower WSIB costs! Ask Communitia; of Pickering AJax (SCOPA) invite small busifficis ownerdmanalgas to a Breakfast Meeting bosted by Mayor Anburs Mayor Paub & the AjaVP6&wms Board of Trade to discuss The Safe Communli" Itsmadve Pfriwam to be held on October 1, ato&-00 am. a Regalis Restaurant, 1305 Pickering'Putway. RSVP Marisa Carpino, SMPA Project Coordinator at 906-937-6638 Spaces am limited. so call today! ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD HEARING An Ontario Municipal Board Hearing dealing with applications relating to the development of the A. Lennox and Graywood Development Limited properties, will commence on October 5, 1998, at 10:00 A.M. in the Council Chambers, Pickering Civic Complex, One the Esplanade, Pickering, Ontario. Members of the public will have an opportunity to participate in the Hearing on October 8, 1998, at 5:00 PM. in the Council Chambers. Those wishing to view visual evidence that will be used during the Hearing may do so on October 2, 1998, from 12:30 PM. to 4:30 P.M. in the library of the Legal Services Department, Pickering Civic Complex. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Geoff McKnight of the Pickering Planning Department (905) 420-4660 or 683-2760. extension 2032. 0 Town of Pickering 1998 Civic Awards "Call for Nominations" Nomination forms are available at the information/reception areas of the Pickering Civic Complex and all Library Branches. All nominations must be received by the Clerk's Department by the end of September. Call 420-2222/683-2760 RECREATION COMPLEX IEMkERSHIP ADVAIVTAGE —1 - 100% - . r.,J -,I SATISFACTION X-_1 _RENE7WArk GUARANTEED DISCOUNT 11 We cm hwo to , mks hl - i ib it recehe a $ure vou U40Y vow 20% nes cliscount Pworkoull No quft* evwy *no Rw awo so 7 dftay mkrodd twir curriard, crowd I CLUB 11- It who 4: 1 1100wodfouls In I Yaw cm C1 c, wO an 0 xm*4* "ICLUM S"Ou PA lb Cast usig Cal FOR YOUR low tp-01�eta�ftio WWLE FAWLY rcardo Places ot no AcftMft 9ciom. exic Plus a knft Dy THE POOL AN - d3 a have occess Io Im garomm Pool. a STAFF OMW TO SERVE YOU DOES NOT FIT . ftm& .0 N, Ovw 36 mwftbmW Pmbl* f2- i cd bw oplons.-ft'in go UP to hi"Wily � 8! - Ic ErIlMrs ym MW 110F YW -dd to awsoo.- THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, September 29, I"@ -PAGE 7 The Town of Pickeriz4f. Department of Culture and Recreation would like to thank the fol.lowing contributors to Artfest on the Esplanade 1998 Our Partners, The PineRidge Arts Council St John Ambulance The Department of Parks and FacWties Coenerous Donations from: Second Cup (1550 Kingston Road) Loeb Supermarket (Flickering) SuperCentre (Pickering) Fasson Canada Inc. (Ajax) Surefit Factory Outlet (Nax) All Glass and Mirror Services (Ajax) Continenta.1 Restaurant Supplies (Scarborough) Doncaster Medical Supplies (Oshawa) and the many Volunteers, Performing Groups, and Artists. PICKERING 000-d4bW4W C�Amo� R i 4's 0 tutiary SC4 , '�3% Tuesdays *V 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 'Large Gymossiums- it"ok shoe do 0 CIOZI %1b edo Violisesilays & Fribys 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.111. 'Gym Ali comes Room" *.2ty Cam, Fridays 0,0y 7:00 P.M. to 10:00 P.M. "Large Symnatium" P-- . AGES 13- 19" -41 1 wee6 L 2­- gooko"I * 119160oll golf Aso* 11 ' Toommooft liblo T000k poss000. 416. Now A Iwo" I piowl setmtw very 0 sob �Mfw** W. 5,&%haR1 #41J 1 %\% love - ofit �4_/]/ 04084"s 3:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. V144"sam 3:01) P.M. - 6:00 P.M. 'llmewio& C146 - I - 12 r Fridays 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.n.1 "Gym and Drop In" I Watch for flyers of loor school shoot eor FREE Gym & Drop In Programs starting MONDAY SEPT., 21st were info? Call 420-6588 or 420-4621 P011aC;9i;=d1y n do"Oval Sundayg, Oeteber 4th mitionme. to 5:00 P.M. le"mrb"6-. hersedaism and other heritage games, live nuolifoll entertainment raffle, live and silent auctions, pioneer activities. The Cow Plop Lo" One Parent Families Association Car Rally. Join as in the museum VMW for an afternoon of olde-ftshioned = Its and help raise fun& ADNOWN: Adults $5. Children $3. Families $15. is on Hwy. 7 between Brock Rd. & Westney Rd. Pleam call, (905) 683-8401 for event information. rvc� FOUNDA2101411 information N&Peum *Village PAGE 3 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY.SEPTEMBER I"S LA Ic "A % �-J - gwirz ith gilligaim "_,_,;-P, IN Ai ".. �,AND,­� AV, Birthday Birthday Birthday Anniversary Birthday Birthday Engag__e_m_e'nt All i -O - W� Lordy lordy, I She's I so "Our special lit - Bill Hedge is 40. Alleks Ottonen turned two she'll be asking Congratulations to tle guy" Tris - Bill reached the on Sept. 19 when he "pro- for the car keys Georgina and Cliff tan Lyford cel - milestone age on claimed his toddler inde- any time now. Taylor. formerly of ebrated his first Samantha, the daughter Sept. 19 with pendence". Helping him Te'ri turned Ajax, on their 50th birthday Aug. happy birthday celebrate the special day sweet 16 Aug. 6 anniversary Sept. 25. 22 with best of Barb and Steve greetings, bes-it were Mom, Dad, brother with happy birth- Best wishes and hopes wishes and lots "Our two special girls" Barker, will marry Jay, wishes and love Markus, Opa, Nana, day wishes from for many more from chil- of love from Sydney turned five on the son of Sharon from wife Ber- Grandma and Opa Mike. Mom, Dad. sis-, dren Judy, Candace. M o m m v I Aug. 4 and Whitney was Hanks and Warren nice. his Mom, "Hope you had a great ter Leslie, Denise, Kevin and Ian Grandpa, seven on Sept. 3. "Mommy Hanks, on Oct. 3. "We Dad and sister, birthday Alleks. We can't and all their grandchil- Grandma and and Daddy love you very wish them everlasting arilyn. I I Granny and! much. Happy birthday!" love." believe you're two.­i�n ndpa- dren. Uncle Jay. Anniversary Birthdav Birthday Birthdav Wedding Birthday L .. iigel "Our precious ",A) Ian Lord turned two on S e p t, 13. Oct. I is a big da) for After overcoming a "We can't believe vou*re Heather Littmann. as very difficult year, "our A ft 11111�hj W turning two %he celebrates he little chicken" is grow - 1', \,%as 'B1.jA Saiurda-,' Wasn't it yesterday we birthday. Baby sister Tess �&w ing into a beautiful, but on Sept. 29. 1973. Happy first mct you" wants to wish her won- toothless, little lady. 25th anniversary wishes Benjamin Mattison is You*vc blessed our lives derful big sister a happy A beach in the Bahamas Megan Ann go out to Brenda and the o%%ner of'one great big with smiles of joy birthday. Mommv and was the setting on June 23 McPhaden turned six start of a blissful Ron %lathieson. "Let's smile. He celebrated his Our bundle of love, our Daddv want their very for the on June 14 and c le - hope the nem 25 v%ill be first birthday Sept. 18 sweet little boy.- spcclai girl to know how life together. Groom Neil brated with two parties as 'blissful' as the last. with best wishes and a Happy birthday wishes much they love h Taylor and bride Ruthann Love always from Love cr. Lomas wed that day and .our daught whole lot of love from from Mommv. Daddv, -Have a fantastic birthday Mommyl Daddy, Lisa and Sarah. M Mom Katie, Dad John Nana, Grandad, Gram- sweetheart and a great the 'new Tavlor team' Matthew, Grandma i Ajax. ble, Din* and BandiL" and brother Jordon. ma. Grampa. faniihy. Grade I vear." now resides n and Fins. Birthday, Birthdav Golden BIRTHDAY Birthdays Construction was the name of the party for Andrew Zopf, who anEuversary turned four It %%as 50 years ago, on on Sept. 9. And, on Sept. ih. 194N. th t Audrev and Bob Tav- Sept. 19, s i s t e r lor %%alked do%kn Keana cel - aisle and into wedded ebrated her b I i ss. An open house Kevin Re an turne first birth - held to mark the occa- eight on Sept. 24 and cel- Aug. 16 was a special day l N for "our best friend" JWie day. A family party was held in the Sion was attended bv the ebrated by going camping couple's family and with the 5th Ajax Cub Ross. Heather, Tara, pair's honour. Andrew is "growing many friends. Pack. It's his first outdoor Carly, Danny, Felicia and up too fast litdc man. We love you weekend with the boys. Cynthia wished her a forever, to infinity and beyond. Happy birthday." To Keana: Mom, Dad, Lindsay, happy 14th birthday. "We "H.Wy birthday, princess. Your smile brightens each and every day. We love you more than you could ever imagine." WLDEN family and friends wished luv ya." P.S. Hanson rules Wishing them a happy birthday were Mommy, Daddy, him the "bestest" time. and Damion luvs ya. i Debba, Poppa, Grandma, Grandpa, aunts, uncles, ANNWERSARY COUSINS and hiends. It's been 50 years of Happy seventh birthday B irthday wedded bliss for Celles- wishes went out to Erica tine (Sally) and Binder on Aug. 15. Scott Jeffrey is getting to be one Birffiday George AHen (All) HiB. "Hope you and your big guy. He turns six Sept. 29 with Happy second birthday wishe's The couple mark their friends had a great dance best wishes for a happy birthday go out to "our big guy" Tyler golden anniversary on party. We love you. with love from Mom Denyse, Sweeting on Sept. 28. Love Oct. 2. Sending along Love from Mom, Dad, grandparents Audrey and Maurice from Mom, Dad, Nana, Papa, love and best wishes are Stef and Darren. Keep Jeffrey, and WM and Jeff Fry, Grandma, Grandpa, aunts family and friends. on dancing." MW aunts Sylvia and I and uncks. AL S�l too ?A; 1794 Liverpool Road Birthday? Anniversary? Wedding? Pkkering 831-5431 Name Dropping, re. Let Lis krww. We'll publish your TM VMS CAM WINNM ARE: jn, c/b Keith Gill V*an, 1. &two Own 2. aeftber]Lkft� special occasion in an eas -to-read 0 3- SMUJdb-y y -130 Commercial Ave., and eaSy_to_Cl, Pf Winnas amy go dirv* to Ba*m Rot)"Imms to m-cedi OrMat.... theff FREE cake. (Pkaw provi& kletwficatim) jVax, Ont. LIS 2H5 FUM VALE) UMML SAT� OCF 3,19" 111�� Allb THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, SqAmber 29, I"S-PAGE 9 Maybe you're concerned about making sure young children get a good, safe start at life or about older kids getting strong direction and focus? Perhaps you'd like to keep an aging relative healthy, safe and inde- pendent or help a disabled person towards real accomplishments and dignity? Or maybe you'd like to ensure that people in times of distress have a safe haven or a caring friend? All of us are touched by such concerns — whether it's in our own families, our neighbourhood or our workplace. But sometimes really doing anything about people and issues we care about — in the face of our own busy work and home lives — makes us want to throw up our hands and say "It's not my JOB!" Meeting all those needs (and many, many more) is somebody's job — United Way of Ajax - Pickering. Every year, United Way funds over 90 critical, LOCAL communitv ser- vices that reach over 45,000 of your friends, neighbours, family members and co-workers. That's one in every three people in Ajax -Pickering! And every year thousands of local work- ers and residents make these commu- nity services a reality. In fact, local workplace campaigns raised over $550,000 in 1997 — that's over half of the total United Way campaign! In addition, many residents working outside our community choose to support their local United Way with donations at home or at their workplace. WHY SHOULD YOU GIVE? First, give because you CARE and you want to do something. Ask for a list of United Way of Ajax - Pickering funded services and you'll find there's something for somebody you care about. Second, give because you're confident that United Way is the best way to keep services in our commu- nity. Strong businessand community support makes United Way fundrais- ing the most cost-effective way to support local programs. Plus, citizen volunteers ensure your gift is spent where it make -s the greatest impact in your community. "Everyone "Everyone Has a Gift" says 1998 United Way Campaign Chair Maybe you know him as the congenial fellow who runs the friendly eatery known as Dakota Bob's. Perhaps you re seen evidence of Dakota Bob's community spirit in local sports team sponsorships or charity drives. Now you can get to know the real Dakota Bob — Bob Pizer — as the driving force for the 1998 United Way of Ajax -Pickering campaign. I'm really happy to give something back to the community that's been supporting my business 11 11 has a gift" for the past 10 years, says Bob. I individual and coilective ztrengths- strongly believe that everyone has a "My vision is that 1998 ,%,ill be responsibility for building our com- the vear ihat we inspire everyone to munity and that everyone has a SPe- bring their gift — be it their dollars, cial gift to bring to this crucial task. their time, their energy or their com- i see United Way of Ajax -Pickering munity passion — to the United as a central force that can naturally Way campaign. The challenge of unite all kinds of people to build a building our communitv, a commu- better community, based on our nity that will provide a' Ithy, car- hea �,,$1.3 MILLION ... ANIJ EVEKY BIT �A.%HIELPS! year, with the help of thousands of donors like you, United Way will raise ,�,$1.3 million to deliver local services to your friends, neighbours, colleagues and "loved orms. It's the community's largest "'fundraising and community develop- ment effort and your donation — no matter how large or how small — plays ,q ��jm important rolef Your gift ensures that United Way of x -Pickering can deliver a -helping 'J "hand p- to someone in your communi- ii.- U via -services like - e the th,4�_ r lo� years, YMCA and John Howard Sodety's r .,Ajax -Pickering must double its prb�Xalns for young children MW par- I to continue to nxvt ents ,--gn a' e in thi Big Brothers and Big sisters rnatch- &_ , s.fast growing area. what you, am WUUW to ing of adults and young people 0 ppotect the future of groups like *Community .CaWs .' Nleab on '*xian Order of Nurses Ai National 1mt0q Wheels and.,VK p je for,, the �*,�ation for-, t*mnunjity keepspg our senioa independa ing and safe environment for all of its citizens, is something that every citizen, and every business owner, manager and employee, can take pride in." Bob, who lives with his young family in South Ajax and runs his restaurant in Pickering, is well versed in the community's issues. He looks forward, over the next few months, to getting to know much more about his communitv and to working with the many people who take up the United Way challenge each year. If you'd like to play an active role on Bob's team for the 1998 campaign, contact the United Wav office at Responsible Care: A Total Cornmitrnent DuPont Automotive Finishes The DuPont Commitment Safety, Health and Environment • Highest Standards of Performance, Business Excellence • Goal of Zero Injuries, Illnesses and Incidents • Goal of Zero Waste Emissions • Conservation of Energy and Natural Resources, Habitat Enhancement • Continuously Improving Processes, Practices and Products • Management and Employee Commitment, Accountability 408 Fairall Street, Ajax Ontario, US 1RID' 683-5500 Supporting Ajax -Pickering United Way 0 Regist� trackmark of El. du Pont de �kmours and Company Dupont Canada Inc. is a licensee. "Bu 111�� Allb THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, SqAmber 29, I"S-PAGE 9 Maybe you're concerned about making sure young children get a good, safe start at life or about older kids getting strong direction and focus? Perhaps you'd like to keep an aging relative healthy, safe and inde- pendent or help a disabled person towards real accomplishments and dignity? Or maybe you'd like to ensure that people in times of distress have a safe haven or a caring friend? All of us are touched by such concerns — whether it's in our own families, our neighbourhood or our workplace. But sometimes really doing anything about people and issues we care about — in the face of our own busy work and home lives — makes us want to throw up our hands and say "It's not my JOB!" Meeting all those needs (and many, many more) is somebody's job — United Way of Ajax - Pickering. Every year, United Way funds over 90 critical, LOCAL communitv ser- vices that reach over 45,000 of your friends, neighbours, family members and co-workers. That's one in every three people in Ajax -Pickering! And every year thousands of local work- ers and residents make these commu- nity services a reality. In fact, local workplace campaigns raised over $550,000 in 1997 — that's over half of the total United Way campaign! In addition, many residents working outside our community choose to support their local United Way with donations at home or at their workplace. WHY SHOULD YOU GIVE? First, give because you CARE and you want to do something. Ask for a list of United Way of Ajax - Pickering funded services and you'll find there's something for somebody you care about. Second, give because you're confident that United Way is the best way to keep services in our commu- nity. Strong businessand community support makes United Way fundrais- ing the most cost-effective way to support local programs. Plus, citizen volunteers ensure your gift is spent where it make -s the greatest impact in your community. "Everyone "Everyone Has a Gift" says 1998 United Way Campaign Chair Maybe you know him as the congenial fellow who runs the friendly eatery known as Dakota Bob's. Perhaps you re seen evidence of Dakota Bob's community spirit in local sports team sponsorships or charity drives. Now you can get to know the real Dakota Bob — Bob Pizer — as the driving force for the 1998 United Way of Ajax -Pickering campaign. I'm really happy to give something back to the community that's been supporting my business 11 11 has a gift" for the past 10 years, says Bob. I individual and coilective ztrengths- strongly believe that everyone has a "My vision is that 1998 ,%,ill be responsibility for building our com- the vear ihat we inspire everyone to munity and that everyone has a SPe- bring their gift — be it their dollars, cial gift to bring to this crucial task. their time, their energy or their com- i see United Way of Ajax -Pickering munity passion — to the United as a central force that can naturally Way campaign. The challenge of unite all kinds of people to build a building our communitv, a commu- better community, based on our nity that will provide a' Ithy, car- hea �,,$1.3 MILLION ... ANIJ EVEKY BIT �A.%HIELPS! year, with the help of thousands of donors like you, United Way will raise ,�,$1.3 million to deliver local services to your friends, neighbours, colleagues and "loved orms. It's the community's largest "'fundraising and community develop- ment effort and your donation — no matter how large or how small — plays ,q ��jm important rolef Your gift ensures that United Way of x -Pickering can deliver a -helping 'J "hand p- to someone in your communi- ii.- U via -services like - e the th,4�_ r lo� years, YMCA and John Howard Sodety's r .,Ajax -Pickering must double its prb�Xalns for young children MW par- I to continue to nxvt ents ,--gn a' e in thi Big Brothers and Big sisters rnatch- &_ , s.fast growing area. what you, am WUUW to ing of adults and young people 0 ppotect the future of groups like *Community .CaWs .' Nleab on '*xian Order of Nurses Ai National 1mt0q Wheels and.,VK p je for,, the �*,�ation for-, t*mnunjity keepspg our senioa independa ing and safe environment for all of its citizens, is something that every citizen, and every business owner, manager and employee, can take pride in." Bob, who lives with his young family in South Ajax and runs his restaurant in Pickering, is well versed in the community's issues. He looks forward, over the next few months, to getting to know much more about his communitv and to working with the many people who take up the United Way challenge each year. If you'd like to play an active role on Bob's team for the 1998 campaign, contact the United Wav office at Responsible Care: A Total Cornmitrnent DuPont Automotive Finishes The DuPont Commitment Safety, Health and Environment • Highest Standards of Performance, Business Excellence • Goal of Zero Injuries, Illnesses and Incidents • Goal of Zero Waste Emissions • Conservation of Energy and Natural Resources, Habitat Enhancement • Continuously Improving Processes, Practices and Products • Management and Employee Commitment, Accountability 408 Fairall Street, Ajax Ontario, US 1RID' 683-5500 Supporting Ajax -Pickering United Way 0 Regist� trackmark of El. du Pont de �kmours and Company Dupont Canada Inc. is a licensee. PAGE 10 - THE NEM ADVMTMM TURMAY, SEMMIM11111112 ", 19" A WHAT's HAPPENING IN AiAx AND PICKERING TUESDAY, SEPT. 29 PARENTS: A support group for par- ents of kids involved in drug or alco- hol abuse, running away, dropping out of school, crimes or parental abuse meets locally every Tuesday at 7:15 p.m. Call 1-800-488-5666 for lo- cation. SENIORS: The Ajax Senior Citizens' Friendship Club Tuesday Morning Discussion Group meets at 9:30 a.m. at St. Andrew's Seniors Centre, 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. Margaret Both, an environmentalist with Animals and Reptiles, discusses the environment and snakes. Phone 619-0315 (Betty Batho) for more information. CANCER: A weekly Caregiver Sup- port Group drop-in meeting, where people supporting a cancer patient can share feelings and coping strate- gies, is held from 1 to 3 p.m. at Hearth Place Cancer Support Cen- tre, 86 Colborne St. W., Oshawa. Phone 579-4833 for more informa- tion. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 30 TOASTMASTERS: The Ajax -Picker- ing Toastmasters group meets from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. every Wednesday at the Fortune Financial office at the corner of Bayly St. and Finley Ave., Ajax. Improve communication and leadership skills. Phone 686-1443 (Mary Ann Pietrusiak) or 683-4439 (John Johnstone) for more informa- tion. CANCER: Yoga for Bodies Under Stress, for cancer patients or their caregivers, is held from 10 to 11:15 a.m. at Hearth Place Cancer Support Centre, 86 Colborne St. W., Oshawa. Bring blanket and a small pillow. Lim- ited space, registration required. Also available is a session on relaxation and guided imagery techniques for cancer patients and their caregivers, from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Phone 579-4833 for more information. Partners in safety Durham MPPs Jerry Ouellette, Jim Raherty, Janet this year's provincial grant under the Partners in Ecker, Julia Munro and John 076ole were at Durham Community Safety programme. The five-year pro - Regional Police headquarters in Oshawa last week to gramme was introduced in 1995 to share costs with present a $75,496 cheque to Chief Kevin McAlpine municipalities for increased community policing and and Councillor Bob Boychyn, chairman of the police initiatives such as community patrols, traffic safety services board. The money was the first instalment of and the creation of specialized units. Pacesetter Companies Motivate Others to "Build Your Community the United Way A team of dedicated are firms that have made corporate supporters a commitment to dramat- have taken up the chal- ic increases in corporate lenge of helping United donations and employee Way of Ajax -Pickering. campaigns over their make its quantum leap to 1997 gifts. The official $2 million in the year Pacesetter Campaign 2000. This increase, which announcement will be will double the annual made Tuesday, United Way campaign September 29 at the -over the next three years, United Way's Corporate is critical if United Way is Campaign Kick-off. to continue its level of At press time, these service for citizens in our local corporate support - fast -growing community. ers had committed to Paa5etwr Companies raising a combined total of over $165,000! • Ajax Hydro, • Pickering Hydro eHubbell Canada *Pitney Bowes (Brock & Bayly locations) *Purdue Frederick *Siemens ElectroCom Sorting Systems &Bayly Communications *Costco Wholesale *Hepcoe Credit Union Precision Tune Autocare eNews Advertiser *Dakota Bob's *Elements by Yanagi *Holmes and *Brackel - *Volkswagm Canada *Monarch Marking *Town of Pickering Look for United Way PACESETTER logos, banners and flags at these and other great local corporate citizens — and be sure to say thanks for helping to budd our contmuniW. I United Way Pledge Form Name Address Town Postal Code Phone (H) (W) I enclose a total gift of S or United Way may charge S Card* Expiry— (circle) MC VISA Signature Fax to 905-686-0609 or mail to 407-95 Bayly Street West, Ajax, Ontario Ll S 7K8. Cheques paipble to United Way of Ajax -Pickering. CharitaMe Reg. No 1192 78109 RR0001. For gifts over $500, phmse sign hem If your name can be listed In United Way literature Unless specified, your donation Is allo- cated Ovough Citizen Review Process. Volunteers, assisted by prokeekwial staff, monitor agencies and evaluate community needs to ensure your money is well spent Or, to specMeally direct your donation, circle one of 5 United Way service areas: Helping People in Crisis Reaching Children Meeting Health Care Needs Assisting Seniors/Disabled Supporting Families/Community Or name a specific, registered Canadian Charity Complete address of charity Aromalfwapy - Relaxing, SIress Free, Affordable Facials, Manicures, Pedicures (Cedified Cosrnetobgist & Nail Technician) Therapeutic Pa� Wax Treatment MA9 ovm - Weddiings, Prorns etc. FOR HOSPITALIZED & BEDRIDDEN PATIENTS SPECIAL VIMATION, CAN BE ARRANGED 'Ve also oft frW*, bwwledgealA conaftV experience to people with cancer helpim Im rebuild 11heir sed -nap. We are Mud to represent TM LOOK a0W FM OWT1011 PROaRA111111, bamm you're worth itl Senior & Student DiscoutA r iPORTL RECREATION IN AiAX AND PICKERING THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, SEIPTEMER 29, 1VX - PAGE I I Pmickerming Panthers splimt weekend At Of " spy FV sports editor PICKERING — The Pickering Panthers squan- dered a chance to put to- gether a pair of wins at home on the weekend, fol- lowing up a solidly -played ,gamc Friday night with a , lackad4isical' effort in front of' the home crowd Saturday evening. The Panthers played the visiting Auburn, New York Junior Crunch (for- merly Syracuse) at t�e Pickering Recreation Complex Friday and emerged with a strong 5-2 victory. Pickering couldn't match that effort in Satur- day's clash with the Wellington Dukes, losing 5-4. The Panthers play their first of six Ontario Provin- cial Junior 'A' Hockey League regular -season contests against next-door neighbours, the Ajax Axe - men. tonight, Tuesday, Sept. 29, at the Ajax Com- munity Centre. Game time is 8 P.M. The split of weekend contests enabled the Pan- thers to hold a share of first place with the Kingston Voyageurs and the Wellington Dukes in the league's Eastern Con- ference with a 4-1 record. In Saturday's contest against Wellington, the Panthers lacked the sharp- ness they exhibited 24 hours earlier, notes Pan- thers' head coach Rod McGillis. The net result was several undisciplined penalties. poor goals com- ing off of defensive errors and, ultimately, a loss to a Wellington team which outworked Pickering for the victory. "We were our own worst enemy," explains McGillis. "We made a lot of poor decisions, took some undisciplined penal- ties and let in some poor goals which have not been characteristic of our play early in the season." Pickering led 2-1 after the first period, but Wellington surged past the Panthers to take a 4-3 lead after 40 minutes. The Roundball loop wants to round up recruits Sign-ups will be held Thursday for a youth basketball league for Ajax and Pickering kids. The Durham West Basketball League will hold registration at the McLean Community Centre on Magill Drive, Ajax, Thursday, Oct. 1, starting at 6:30 p.m. The league's open to boys and girls in the ban- tam division (horn 1985- '8 6) -, minor bantam bracket (born 1987-'88)-, and junior category (born 1982 to '84). Cost is $85 per play- er. The league starts play Oct. 3 and continues each Saturday morning until January. For more information call 831-6753. teams traded goals in the final stanza to give the Dukes the win, Brett Macrury, Tyler Middlebrook, George Tri - fon and Joel Johnson scored for the Panthers. Meanwhile, in Friday's contest, the Panthers threw a balanced attack at the visiting New York squad. Pickering led from start to finish, opening up a 3-1 lead in the second period, then opened up a three - goal gap in the final stanza for the win. "I was very pleased with the effort Friday night. We were excellent defensively and we really executed the game plan very well," says McGillis. Joel Johnson, Toza Crnilovic, Oliver Lopez, Neil Raymond and Darren Forbes scored for Picker- ing against Auburn. The Panthers play a home -and -home series with the Cobourg Cougars later this week. Pickering travels to the Cobourg Memorial Arena Thursday night, then the two teams meet at the Pickering Recreation Complex for a game Friday evening at 7:30 p.m, PANTHERS' POST- SCRIPT: It will be like old home week when the Panthers play the Cobourg Cougars this week. The Cougars' assis- tant coach is former Pan- thers' head coach John "ES R. YANCH TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY Personal and Business Bankruptcy Including all other Insolvency Services LOeD Uon dr Mr OSI-ILAWA 122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJAX 50 Cornirnerciiall Ave. 619-1473 COBOIJRG 72 King St. W. 372-4744 WHAT IS MY BEVr___" INVESTMENT CHOICE? 666-8245 bie 1-OW790-mil games at nome Blackburn. The Cobourg juniors are coached by for- mer Peterborough Petcs bench boss Brian Drumm ... Forward Tanner Westfall is still on the shelf for the next week with a broken thumb. Thanks to all our loyal Ajax and Pickering customers who voted us the Number One grocery store for the second year in a row. Soon our store renovations will reveal an even bigger, fresher Loeb than ever before. You7ll quickiy remember why you picked us in the first place. LOEB Z Loeb Ajax Market Place, 475 Westney Road North, Ajax - Loeb Baywood. 105 Baviv S t wes A x tree t, ja: Loeb Glendale Market Place, 1900 Dixie R4�ad. Pickering' AJAX PICKERINGNEws ADVERTISER I WN = !RC W�MM"aaam'"', MAX PICKE MING IFNEWSADVERTISER V�r T OFFICE 683mO7O7 NEWS ADVERTISER 130 G i d Ave, Aiax 0 a Sin 1111m. I OUTUT HOURS: 9W - Spoil #Am- FrL 10 sele U&L41 V 798-7259 1822 WhOes Rd, � IN Swe/Loo - Andledoo a dosed Sotordow New who ro adinuft raf word ad do appears as to blarm at HOURS: I Om-8poil Tues. Frinows AMSOL 1113056111 MOIL FAX: ("S) 579-4218 124 how) 1111111111IN1117- //w WANINnivainif E M_A&� FAX: ("S)'579-4218 (2 ma IVYMCA PROJECT - OF GRFA`ER'00')"`T0 CO-ORDINATOR T�e �arruly & Community Action Program, a Health Canada initiative designed to enhance the well-being of Durham Region children 0-6 Years, invites applicants for Project Coordinator. FCAP is a multi-year' federally funded program in agreement with the Province of Ontario, iind administered in Durham Region by the )NICA. The Pr*ect Coordinator is a member of the Prolect Management Group. Responsibilities: C(virdmating and administering region -wide program planning and implementation activities, involving volunteer committees, appropriate agencies and parent consumers. Identifying and =ding to policy and procedure needs. Initiating mari�eting and relations activities. Recruiting, hiring, supervising staff. Qualifications: Thorough knowledge of the s-ervices and service needs of Durham Region. Abilitv to conceptualize, analyze and problem solve. An understanding"of Human Servi i -e proFams and a graduate degree in a related field, or a combination of relevant undergraduate education and experience. Current Ontario driver's license and use of vehicle. Please send cover letter axd resume by October 6, 1998 to: FCAP Hiring Committee 1400 Bayly St., Office Mall One Unit 16B, Pickerin& ON LlW 3R2 A " NAIRSYLISTS AEOUIRED Join WALENMOLUMM YEAR! VOTED irl 1"7 & igia READERS CHOKE 4wARoS_ FOR KST SALON AM NEST STYLIST 0 DURNMAND4 YOU WANT TO EARN AVERAGE WAGES . TEM USES, RAW[ A LOVE FASHION. EXCELLENT PEOPLE SKILLS. CALL 11FIT1110 FOR YOUR 1111- TERVIEW 1111116-31111115, 010 CLIENTELE REQUIRED f21LU2AEj9r_ Personal liner Producer; and C.S.R. I B 0 licexi:oe, I itlobe/Tabs exDeTi Contact Pat at Worderl Insurance ("5)579-1317 Pn valentinvilDrum am volsd 01 1"7 & 1998 Raid. ps Do" am for first W Ion and 1101161 000 in Doctors If you isian: to am atim amage walies - Win W 111WAS. hM A lose lot tisrson. people staft. am VMV*M for Your sirefMVIL w6-31105, No chankilk re- (111111"Id I* MA SUT" C~ Turs" Cwft ftcone '' . M.0 L.04 in artificial nuts. ZCar Studerd able. Wk S20. M55)723 -- am molEftm W *a POSON lor MINIMUM* Assistant. Md-SLod Co= W ie 111101119 - , I M 0 . W" Vowel office - a am' Cal owm at 4"-M Ms. bdwm GWAINO Hills Do. we hwe job for yor. sh"ift = ll+, am Quilk, so am "0 Noled (905) IM. (905) 725-M3. AM W= d� Eximunivid psou" IVA am 11111101 iNd kon Walk dw Work 10 11110 don IN TomeD am 416 -251I -M. A� sopowffEw ME CKVLE mature couilke r4TW W in AJOL to! bud "OL Fax 9-2901. SEW" sum raw" a- m" ainstart maw lor Aim Soon. Salary or cow =P%d om *W lor AJPL CIN C)TANN JM 4254180 General Help JR2 Goneiral N* CONFIDENTIAL TO BOX REPLIES e , If ther Ire firms or individuals to whom You do not wish your reply sent, simply p D ,ace your application in an envelope addressed to the box number in the advertisement and attach a list of such names. Place your application and list in an envelope and address to: Box Replies. If the advertiser is one of the names on your list your application will be destroyed. PLEASE NOTE, resornes MM are faM dir" to Oshawa This Week, will not be forwarded to the file nomber. Orilinals tonst be sent dinmily as indicated by the inistiniction in the ad. EARN EXTRA SSV&t Men aful Women with cairs. trucks of vans we needed to deliver Telephone books in the Durham artai. includang Oshawa, Apx, Pickering. Clarington, Pon Perry. Northumberland. Port Hope. Coburg and surrounding areas. Musir be 18 years of age or older. have car' insurance and be able to work daylight bouirs. Paid by contract - No deducitions. CALLTODAY 1-8W306-1071 Monday through Pfidaiy. 9 to 4:30. AA about our new incentive paymesat program!!! Pkmse Do Not Call Mile Telepbone Compiany. ROSEUR WIEIGHT LOU & WELLNESS has a full time HEALTH COUNSELLOR position availaW. If you are a motivated self-starter with both sales & nuftftn exp. pleitse fax your resume to Pickering: 905-4M-4484 us M and Car "IN at- WAUM I I FO; =w am CA P." 11111211 or ** in 159 HM St. W Va Em Slow antE�& __ - rillilvirst No ovelluacit me - "SAW VA VOL A" in pill= vm ressn" at 49 W am" W. W O%d" VOW) roomnmm AVAIL MIM- It YGW GM6 DWdaNN@ larval low aw4aw Jobs 2000 4-1410 Bayly Street, Pickering October 1 - 1:00 p.m. sharp We currently have fight industrial opportunities in the following areas. W is Assemblers - Packagers arehouse/Production Supervisors If you - have rehable transportation - can lift 40+ lbs 0 own safety shoes - can work shifts Please bring - your resume 0 S.I.N. card 2 business references Kelly offers: Paycheque every week 9 Great benefits, including vacation pay and paid statutory holidays. If you cannot attend, please call 1-888-GO-4-KEUY. KEW SERVICES Conisrutted To Employment Equity The WInchester Anns is currently seeking energeb . c & outgoing people for the following positions. Floor manager Wait staff Line cook in au Durkasa location& 0shawaAllowmanville(Pickering. Please deliver resume at 540 King St. W. Oshawa Attn - Lisa Miller DUNMWS PIZZA now rdnng Dmws Apply a 1 c milirwood Ave S . Afx,, 693-9M 1051 Simcoe t 0istuma 434- 2M 300 Durdu St E. Who - by 430-0M 121 PKW. $31 _01M. ing I , I mansilers a as ECE nesdad for fi*W lure as 1611C1111011 aursurn for a War clal-.(905�UWSM Ext 105 BTM'Tmm NEOMM xa­ , - .. I for busif. Wd es- UONSW W46 Centre, Nor s" & Pklg com .. n . SAIM653. for -"Mw EIMELI.Elff EKINA CASN, 119mana2ul, r, a-filb. aw M yaw am Cam S� A0x1Pl*wft9o5V7-0W� OPENE� tow Ww =rs IW= 111=1 abstim. " 10 "N' O"W" T11 LIN 71.5. 8PWA3m sananiusir Ill, a fw imwadha Oft For Odirass $am Phore (M) 723-8030 EWFA� NAIR DESIGN 11110111 STrim. am so yr- Ixii. If yoli-re alaw yew cam" blinking a W of ow no' '= =.DM 440"; OOMK UMWAIL wad- ed for " ii -i Wra iniall OL 3 lo 5 yms I am Nine Nine tuaipiralkin. riam CA STVW ad Neft Wall dl*s" to Itin 9111111110 illIZAr comwAs. Oft Call MANSTRW a BINETM. owl" 01 Anan; 0oussoaa a%". ft* Wd opw- tw*. lim. =. ft we CNWAW. plant Newor at on -M or on fausaii at 122 11hadl: SL a. Oft. MANSTYLMT wo dwft* for trw0f saion/b" sp rn Ostia" Excestiv au mosPhare,1104-2573 even IF TO An aft of ft killow me aileopracsor. Esdivocian. =00"p, TWMt`r`1=SW`t: how an oipio� Im you 10 I , my am be 4 Sub-tenarill at Extritiart Fd. nm lnc� You him amilin 10 our 50110 Plem coaxt im" by tw. IN15-701,2W or Point "5. 705 -UN ext. 2V onlEom OPE� - "ft aw 4* No Tom poialkon Whist be ba " am "a bodL S? tir. Ple. ca I �iil 3M SW Pigs, MalaKT&VAL= "em lor am* of ft- follossial; , - "' - —9: Martial AM, Ginia. , Dol0t. and AM aft Craft. Plam 00mact iner bir to Wt-7W2M or Omura IML Z17. UM somana- larin W*. MW New 6 00aft var" - , Slad 00 Sft bwfs� in air a , INON am sadwo MW so - $10 per IN: Go SON PINK 1404W3222. a Dis- we 10 *AltL 10 M� lor KUM MCNOW. irAlm Par (MR 57941111110 UK la� unt cow %it for ft:wk= am all- dult csintiers kir now "ur delivery i ouseholdis between 6 &.aL Mon. - sm a inust. Call 1-Ul�-NO-7742 "ItAIN) OPENING EKTRW FffNEU . ...... AN now 30.000 sq if !it, facd- Ity Alois as to go you vilo Wear slope surrinier "W be oier. =**&A rrALL= SPRING, ~ to nw S~R NOW" Let our ; , --) trunut ftun conSIAT11111113 Wild I - I - take YOU lftrovP a full iA Zft�% D%9 FIT - E: ME Enp ft use at Vie beg ,, I do in Canam� Stake at 11% art S as Ismass . Quinion. Lift slaroualkir. Mini M " son. and Fin just 10 nom a low Our now UOWY as mo T -nm styk sftmwoOW4. Offic". & 1�� Niassa Thm" X. Tx ow cow is located a I&p=pw.a put." ,i . Him & Laism Come at &ft ad am ft 401 H110= TODAV 708 LAST CNAIKEI! 2 mMO4 for SM. E*m sila-VIN, POST Canada's new nabonal new per requires alrull carrim for news- paper delivery to museholds btwn. 21-6 a.m. Mon -Sat. Vehicle a must. 14MO-268-7742 =in cift in UCO" Ior dava a um sun" Cal NO T= CAN DSWMW mo� 01*. M .Raill.ii 1-t ftw� T EWSL E. Oguw_ CA MIL & FM UK Lem Tnk*bL 0111 da4m I meow S. Aim (a FM AS Van N %w III Moffbsrft I" d I* n rw 0 wra Ab - - rV/ IN "a " Win. D*. WMW. -M. Allsobilslif. no d go OPM OWN I. wahma 9 =rs PAL low 111011110 PA, FWW" mm 4U_W" TELEKUKMrA needed, full li rt time. houdy plus t= experience preferred. Call %5 -438 -OM. PONT HOPE- The Railside Restaurant is looldnil for en. Line Cooks to work in a W paxid restaurant Em" am weekend shills. ApM in per - SM - 1 1 2 Peter st Hope, REQUIRE COOK for Gerrrun- Hungarian cuisine Sauter's Inn ReStaurarill in PMnng villw, call 905-4, Mike or Joe, STYLIST. 2 years experience, full or part -line , training avulaw. Willi clierillele. in very busy salon. Call 831 -MI. ask lor Joe. SUPERINTENDENT - experi- enced for a 64 unit apt. buod- ing new Cisruivia Crrdfrr� Saf. M Plus 2 bedrow api, re: quired a s.a p Pit= fax re Surne to 905-579-9472 TM NEWS ADVVAIISZR is looking for prospects to deliver newspapers and " to the following areas * _.�r -A AJAX Trowell Lane Reed Dr. Redmond Dr Wright Gres. Arnold Estate Lane Annie Cres. Roberts Dr. Betts Rd. Elizabeth St. Tarns Dr. Allard Ave. Field Cres. McNeflage Crt. Chatfield Dr. Stockbrridgie Cres. Hester Ave. Kemp Dr. Dennis Dr. Noake Cres. Gibson Crt PICKEFtM Media Rd. Garvelin A". 1555 Fl" *a. Amb a Rd. Nililinial Crt. NOPM" Rd owasialit i� valleylarm Rd. Rach An. Ledge Rd. P"" Lug ,-While Pin crell. Vall" Ridp Cm. Secord St. Thkbf Cm. Flainelle CrL Fu 111. N --- sq. Salinas 3111. 1"bale or. SCARBOROUGH Centennial Rd. Evenwood Ave. Closson Dr. Lawson Rd. Ellwood Dr. 0"Gis CF. 0 - on Blvd. Wpm Tudor Glen Crils. Faidia Ave. Port Union Rd. Jos* An. Roup "in"-- d Dr. DKWW Plaw cAbr5mm CFIL Kilkilene Dr. East Ave. RrAne Park CmL Sunny Sim ***i3r*** FOR FURTHER W,MMTMN CALL NMI 17 Agent, M/F required by Ajax metal fabricating co. Exp. in manu- facturing and/or metal fab industry an asset. Please tax resume to: 428-6933 0shna nart� rAm— ny requirn Bookkeeper. pan Um fill 10 10 hrVweek) Must raw MI reinittance 5 yj$� IV In accounting am cole, IM0111101 required Fax to 905%3-7698 S" SAUS POSITIM ava"itik in Durfurn Fisilm for cons- 100rMall telephone equiprinerif COmPtli"M fackage de- pendant On expenen". Fax Muffu to 11105) 5711-3111111, 2 CLASS A 11 r, r needed lot busy &AO MW $11M. E.- 1:—" Ablininents and must las mbame X Wwktanbc. cam RA, 004M. =ftawbo "ar. and SuVie neridle machine required Coslume deco, ting background an asset Apply wth resufne to. File 0223 Oshawa Whitby This Week. N5 Farinself St Cisnam. oni LIH 71.5 WET METAL Workers, Rough -in & Baserrieni Me - Mama ' and Apprentices "Willed Union or non-urvon. full brne Positions Down- Sv" AIC 416)G75=0 illor Gary of Jack. or lax rfturm� 416- 575-9404 WELDERS AND FiTTERS e- quired ti� S14W Mon Eqlaipinent aft must be expenencild aw have Vow Weld" tickets TOP Wailes and beriald pacli- aw Ilownial"k location Fax resunie to IV Engs- Mew ) 721-1 WMIEWT WELCOME to Im expanding family practice deftaled to excarnif pah" cw Join our rKam iiiiii7an 3-4 diys per wed am even- inilit-g—P r, bean asser. bit nor nuridgwy Please apply in lursm ji joil "I'ver" Rd . Bowwanvik HEAD COOK, Jowineyman P211101M r"Wred. atperiencir in a retvairient rawmW long-term cam. supilirvisor expe W . low urr4a so- Pervinor cmu an and FAX fitSuffus to 905 -420 -OM 135 NORTHERN PBSONEL SOLJMMS Rarqgiivs 15 AZ drwm llor local Durham work. lots of hours, rate $15ft inim I NOW ICC , plus abStrilCt. Nu rqvkw 20 AZ Drivers ruNnN 40 States, no East Coast, 34c /ft., plus SM. each pick -W & drop- Mk*ntirn I yew operl- once. AW toplired Town drivers runring Western Canada & US, 40c team, andl pick-up & drop Oft paki. T ralle /Benefits. S p p :in erson or call ra pefsomi 112 Athol St. Whitby. 905-430-7166.1-888-439-7777 Day Care Avallable� DW" TRUCK CAP ACCIESSM CABINET aill manufacturer requires Instal- for night exp SfiirFuffreqiaer� er/Driver for 1=1 deliveries, enced cabinet nwkers need I i n*- Good d,7 0 tax res— t..,,r,r,d,.an,d crianica re re E.- to�90?%Vr :;,ence installing running d etc. and asset. Fax CONSTRUCTION HELPER re- resunie 10 RDL - Nckering - Qeu:d D It. ta �nq Ex� �q� 905-4211-73M p ice 11 Scott (905)831-3961, WANTED - Experienced Cook 10 M, d dirnarrx team at our COOMACTOR required Mon new bar and Wo in Coumce - Fn 5 1/2 hrs/day spki sfivill Must have at Wag 5 ins ex- 16 -. it. — mquirixi for the PenerIM. WFM refererims Call OSN- a-. SAM SM -000 Jim" iiietween 5 and 8 p rn Call (613) 833-22()2 Mon to Fn orgy 436--8736 GAS/OIL licensed service' office UTIT— technician rrunimurn lo years Hoy expenence in residential and light commercial trou- EXPERIENCED Book Keeper bieShWhng and repair A/C required for Condo Manage. experience an asset Clean merill office Strong account- driving record. professional trig. cornputer& organiza- appearance required Benefit tiorial skills a must To stairi PaCkW UP to S21 jbow Fax =I%osend resume to resurne 10 (905)885-1108 perties Manage- 206-339 Westney Rd S INOMYRIAL SE"r Alax, LIS 7j6 MaCnine Operators needW rninie"ety Exp win sew Agent, M/F required by Ajax metal fabricating co. Exp. in manu- facturing and/or metal fab industry an asset. Please tax resume to: 428-6933 0shna nart� rAm— ny requirn Bookkeeper. pan Um fill 10 10 hrVweek) Must raw MI reinittance 5 yj$� IV In accounting am cole, IM0111101 required Fax to 905%3-7698 S" SAUS POSITIM ava"itik in Durfurn Fisilm for cons- 100rMall telephone equiprinerif COmPtli"M fackage de- pendant On expenen". Fax Muffu to 11105) 5711-3111111, 2 CLASS A 11 r, r needed lot busy &AO MW $11M. E.- 1:—" Ablininents and must las mbame X Wwktanbc. cam RA, 004M. =ftawbo "ar. and SuVie neridle machine required Coslume deco, ting background an asset Apply wth resufne to. File 0223 Oshawa Whitby This Week. N5 Farinself St Cisnam. oni LIH 71.5 WET METAL Workers, Rough -in & Baserrieni Me - Mama ' and Apprentices "Willed Union or non-urvon. full brne Positions Down- Sv" AIC 416)G75=0 illor Gary of Jack. or lax rfturm� 416- 575-9404 WELDERS AND FiTTERS e- quired ti� S14W Mon Eqlaipinent aft must be expenencild aw have Vow Weld" tickets TOP Wailes and beriald pacli- aw Ilownial"k location Fax resunie to IV Engs- Mew ) 721-1 WMIEWT WELCOME to Im expanding family practice deftaled to excarnif pah" cw Join our rKam iiiiii7an 3-4 diys per wed am even- inilit-g—P r, bean asser. bit nor nuridgwy Please apply in lursm ji joil "I'ver" Rd . Bowwanvik HEAD COOK, Jowineyman P211101M r"Wred. atperiencir in a retvairient rawmW long-term cam. supilirvisor expe W . low urr4a so- Pervinor cmu an and FAX fitSuffus to 905 -420 -OM 135 NORTHERN PBSONEL SOLJMMS Rarqgiivs 15 AZ drwm llor local Durham work. lots of hours, rate $15ft inim I NOW ICC , plus abStrilCt. Nu rqvkw 20 AZ Drivers ruNnN 40 States, no East Coast, 34c /ft., plus SM. each pick -W & drop- Mk*ntirn I yew operl- once. AW toplired Town drivers runring Western Canada & US, 40c team, andl pick-up & drop Oft paki. T ralle /Benefits. S p p :in erson or call ra pefsomi 112 Athol St. Whitby. 905-430-7166.1-888-439-7777 Day Care Avallable� • 1 Owning l�e BABYSITTER f"Wred M my home. Rougemo4rd An Hwy 2 area. Weekends sot call 644-71 s) OAYCARE deeded In my home for 6 month out. Rehr- etces and receipts. Please call 427-6237. GUYANESE couple Inquires babysitter 1:30pm-Qpm in our home. Pickering, BrockMwy 2 area Please call Jan or Mike 619-0024 from 6-8p.m. REQUIRlf- ED: responsible able babysitter My home. evenings 730.11:00. Must drive and have current First Aid a CPR. ECE sluck"s wel- come. Please call Lynn (905)686-1517. STUDENT FOR occasional babysitting, 2 boys age 4 a 6. Whites Rd. a Finch area. Ref- erences required. Leave Message for Deborah at 416- 384-1137. • Otyrefe M AFFORDABLE, LOVING day- care in non-smoking safe home. Experienced mother of 2. Near Glengrove P.S., Gle- nannaMwy 2 area. Outings. crafts- hot lunches, snacks. Urge tome. fenced yard. Ex- cellent references. Full time/ part time (905) 939-7237 ALL AGES, loving home in North Ajax, experienced mother of 2. non-smolu ng, no pets. outside adivftfes dairy Rhonda 619-1675 BABYSITTING at home. moth- er of 2 willing to babyst from 3-7p m 5 iays/week. Has six year old daughter who is cur- rency attending Glengrove PS. If interested call Barbara 831-58M LOVING. Reliable Hone Daycare. Accepting ages up to 5 years. lunches, stocks, big pay-. large yard, ANona/ Pinegro" area. lyre fame only Cap Jaliue 905509-7787. PICKERING Beach / Meng: Loving daycare. 18 morels to 12 years fenced backyard andopa rafts. story bme. must[. nir heibuS nneys a snacks Fret Aid. C P R ceridied Non- 12mOlun'g• receipts. 905-428- DUALITY Daycare in Liver- pooVGlenanna area, smoke- free daycare rld ro, d pro, day tnps. ersntarwictift CPA. te. nuirritlout meatshrodks References avail" upon re - . CAdry, 905420-2400. WOMAN OF COLOUR with ece experience, loving home daycare, smoke free home. fkiabk howl, reaaw and al - ford" services. to month and old. Bayly/Krosno. Before and after Saw also AraM- am Cal Linda at (905) 420- 9041 1 IF I'WI MATURE M M$AfAM clean- ing Lady Available. Honest. reliable excokM references. Cal Maria at 723•-rn7 1 F7feWood KOZY HEAT FN*IMIW. ex- wood.ceners Wlan�kedPW4 blliprdp- Mme fully seasoned. ad i sWd Honest mtasmmmt. tee delivery. 90575Y TUE B63EE-ii22246.ttoopp AeUaftly nvABSOOIJITRslesared hwdwood- ND �lDI! I Nu NL961. 44`Lxnl2'L - $�64. 4`XrXIIr - $69. Dfscom on to bol cad. Fret Dowry Oshro Area. Bur Local i Saw Bp Savings. Days: 706-277.3381. fall in him OWNA W skin - 00: 905-,34-.ees. ORION 1 ftm* CORN OMAN for sale. 4x- 4�0pt A" so 5200. Spi GOMSK canabS s 11f�dM�M, 5110. tkM (l-1014 1$3006 bir closer 50��6. 0 . at (W) 1 WmIE ELECTRIC slow CW boom cloW SM. RCA $lolled Moaq bmNs hv*id- by Boma. (905) 1 Arm" bt Sob 11 PC. ONttn Am.-ttwry- �wood.. A toots NL mod $11,000. SWM $4.5so pa"Pick 00. (410) 2S -M& 12 L abuse proud pod soft ogt )1Mkr and all otpipmwr. h111p YbleclloNwn.Alm me If MI flarracle with all '00 111. pmlplmNM pop SM CAN all or Hope 432 -IM (kip) TM NEWS ADVKWMKR TUESDAY, September 29,1!!1) -PAGE 13 � / tMii ' 1 SLIM 1 At7elsl VtlNllsd 1 1) a so. - 11 � 9tM 11 � EtMa 11 "�' - 11 � � a M LAMNA7N6 MMMM3.1- FUS -' 26x26 DrYNCII herd top; 1- 32x80th m excettem corWlDiVINA !" � SmA SROW Value opportunity Pty lot lamination of po�sten S, Prints mear Will ell S (S35o�o.) lair. GA 9 PIECE OAK diming room sulfe. $1 BOO. Mates bed and bookdase headboard, $150. mirror. $50. Phone 668-1982. Aconic NAILS - Supplies and set-up. Only / yr. old, Complete package for sale, Includes AN supplies for acry- lic nails. air brush, compres- srx paints a stencils, desk a chairs. 19ff1, Ori11 and a1 lits. ear pleranq gun a lit etc. Too newt' ifems to bus nes$. list. Paid $3500 asking $1500 Call Lon 721- 9192 AJAX CHIMNEY SWEEPS. Special chimney cleaning/ caps. as low as $5900 Pest screening installed $25 00 No muss, no fuss guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES (905)686- 7741 REO, MACK wrought iron ca- nopy. queen orthopedic mat- tress/frame. Never opened, $1.200 Sacrifice $490. (416)255-0285 BEVELLED GLASS ROOM di- vider. 3 panels. leather back- ing, approximate size 7 feet high 87 feet wide. Call 905- faaps, UAgs, Abm toil. No cash outlay. IANty rc sales. Sports teams. schools. youth groups. etc. 579.4552, 10.6 weekdays or kava rressape. Blow- out APPLtAKU Blow - Saks. Parts, Serv- ice. Maytag Washers. $275, Maytag electric dryers $250, Maytag Gas dryers $300. Fridges 5100/up, All Sizes. Stoves. self -Gearing and reg- frreeezer $20oveni 0 �stackaple each Uwa`ish- er 5yrs old $70C, valued Atry$16000 Dryers Sloo/ UP. washer S175/up Hurry - stock is moving fast. Financ- ing available. Up to lyr war- ranty. 426 Simcoe S1.S (9D5)728-4043 WASHER i DRYER Excellent Cmidilion. will deliver a hook - Can rate set. Calf KING BED X -thick Orthopedic Pillovrlop. sell and frame, still in plastic. Cost $1.500. Sell $625 (416) 255.0285 MARSHALL POWER GUARD 4 tires 6 4 samkss steel rims (6 holes) P235/75/R15. $200 obo After noon 72&5088 OFFICE MOVING - coments for sale. desks. chars. tables, (drafting equpmem, letmany more. Call 905- 931-3791 BLINDS Cut the middleman up POOL TABLE. Professional 4112 h x 9 It $0940 Gkrry Installer has custom made oak with imported IalLart 1 in widow coverings Vertical, state Custom built $2.000 Venetian, Shutters Free esti- mAeS (416)-n7-7777 Cal Tim 433.0927 or Al 655 or (905)-660-0072 1-888.369- 8489. or RENOVATION SALE - washed DRAPES - (blinds 37- long, tnOge kitchendoubledbuudDkm �r 41' wide). matching shower Excellent comithim, only 7 curtain Unenal design. Uke After 4 30 P.m 905 - flew 905127-1822 �32�80 BEDDING - Duvet cover- RENT TO OWN APPLIANCES. (queen) bed skirt (double), new and reconditioned. full Pillow -shams a sheets, blue warn Paddys Market. foal rehhr 905-427-1822 05-263-8369 or 1.800.798- BARRDAY BODY ARMOUR - with tweets/crossovers; $ISO Size 44 Comes with two bat- SAVE $SM..Woodstove,l2' a kSbt pads and with boa inner 7' double insulated chimi ity i outer anter Brad new with all hardware i uter4als JUIYM 5500 obo. 905438- $750 Beaver table saw, with am (snp) metal stand 5300 905 -434 - BRAND NEW Inglis washer i 7535 dryer 5600 Fetter Duan va- SHED"" - Oualffy, wooden cuum $200: Black emertalrr sheds 8' X 8' tam jut. orgy ment unit ad microwave - $299 pis tack. Many other. _ make an alter 905433-8803 es and styles available Also (snp) 0gaarapgess and decks 751 Mc- BKCKWELL P24 Oeiuxe pel- " d � �� let stove and pipes. will haat more int� 10 2.500 sa ft., 1 old SOIJD OAK DINETTE won 52.200. Masts CW 50M BTU buffet a hutch oval table, 6 window air cadeoner ,125.. chairs. Sectional sole coe- Gendmn 4 x 8 pool ale with Uerg puoout bed and 2 re- cover. 2 acts of bah and all ckrers Must see 905 -665 - accessories mchm ed. 5400 6357. Cal (705)132.2706 SOMI y�5195. GMmwe Mom $0 Doors VM $USS aMM $300. as PANASONIC CD PLAYER CARPETS SALE: Lots of car- with detachable lap i rem - pets. 100% nylon stem re- tae Asking $225 BIG BOX him, car" 3 roonts 5339 with two gust 12- Storm Subs. (30 sq. t'0.) Includes: anpel. (This Baby Pounds')) Po premium pad Ad wall lla• over 5900. Asking $450 Also bon Fra estimates. carpet a pair of 6' Boss spears repairs Serving Duncan and with tweets/crossovers; $ISO sri MWXWq Mile Sam 905- AM car s"rco equip hardly 6861772. used. Don't inn Bis icred- CAMPET Sill Cad Ad save Ible dal (905)-427.1822. up to 50% Oft Large saI - I NUE/OAK FLWJNT M.. En - o1 coon an tlrtamment units. Horne of- sakettaction guaranteedraxam- $6,795 1994 SUNSIRD 2 dr, t estimate ad Mike. (905) Bedroom and Custom 431-4040, (416) 822-6226 Designs. oar Craftsmen lune COMPLETE ENGME ad transmission for 1993 Asuna SuOrt. 108.00km: 3.0 hurt ee�rhcppuuvke (1988 Olds Calais) 145,000bm, Can be heard nor nog.: 2.0 him rll0rle (1990 � ro1M6k1�.00 Cal �OOa 74 Cat's. 705277-3250 rughn. 1y- COM►NN1Ew FACTORY. Amu" school fperJAl. 1 yew no Pa/moft (set $Cao- nc 26bN toedit fnMente 16 iylo s 1800 mom 5515 Free OovMy- M am an set dun. new. havy carved PAk pp,reqo 515M will sell for "CO. 905 120-4564. BOM6Li lead, UM OW am" 1MMt brass coats 5775: oak/oal( vmar dining table, 4 elatirs, ho* bMNI, 537& CAR B/5-9074. ti�napyYopN s�yskRNeLvolNNawY mem ANw 4 rMtls ir�dubOnei 421% rglL& in wtYMMs i 154% wcfuu in stln flint nss a nasticily. 100% thl oonolar searamm. 00 your Orodim me tae up? YOY could win bo = tale Mr a VW For Wo. d 905- 7�0 cad. 2. been plot & wk (um - lure for the bone snce 1974 .Drop m ad sa our State d 1e M woodwork" facility ad lit us show you how But Mrnburc is mum ..ow mato... Then is No Substitute for ouw ty'-..Tradbonal Wnndwork- rp 115 North Pot Rotel (S. off Rosh Rd.) Port Pert$ Boa - 9B5 -B774. CARPER - ba ol urge. 100% nylon. new steelre- kew angels on bank I YA carpet 3 roes, 4349. Pia mcluda appl poe!NM ped. UW NWANaWk flit it *#- try. Nee alimms (30 Tarda). NatRan 616.2314. USED F� 5196 an tp Need rapes 5125 and sle, kid dlytls $125 and tip, wo rNSI 5235 and up. new and lased cola operated $tallest and dripm al low Prices. Now bran/ Name Miden $460 an op, now of top rescpts wMb clod and ons door u» aid Nps weft $dK§m of oMNr am ad kid aIt-Ntas Call we to- day, SMONWA N's apPIN C- 00 154 61ea SL OthNtB(90� EtE1rE OICIEN 576-7445 cabhuby and ooW . UK AIMad col- MINECIDM "84 Clw Will* or. Meleda abet and rich- elft v N*m wBstw 5750. or slow ARd $halon hVdl GN MNAM dslmeBgw 5900 (905) 666- sal. few. $96. 2 uNiWA s6n pre - PM MU CASO EVM SOMI y�5195. GMmwe Mom $0 Doors VM $USS aMM $300. 6 kMNts, SM. Oak doors, Phwe Oq-7Y9. 32x80. 596- SUM IW radial FILL WE MANE i :11115 arM saw. SM Ali cordloft Fisher Prki 3 n-1 for saM. oa6ltUrM andsee YMNOW pfira,u a$a150. 01 Wk. S9& 905-576- � Netca >375 fore goFeN ssell. OSHAWA AUTO CENTER - An role Kamone GAME tom IsM% baba IK and tabus. shgeoow cofri cables,� Ron Mdpt 400, slow 250 d 430021. us�MeON ANTMM?AhoMeryt Ad. *I- swap cable, usually free! outr4m. es- tates wsome antique cont- ents, (no limit b value Cao- sidered), collections of any sort. quardities or single an- tique items. Special kterest m Moorcrolt popery. 1•0 try to re- spond to all queries. Robert Bowen Antiques- Bro din. Ontario. (905)655.8049, tax (905)6555501 CASH ON DEALS. We Buy, Sell, a more! Pay top dollar for top Items Home audio/ video, car audio. tools. CD's. movies. games, gold. dia- monds, furniture. appllatices (905)433-1785 905571-2274 (905)666-0004. (prefer all items in working order) DO you have valuable an- tiques or estate contents? Lel us assist you in achieving the nigfkst possble prices Call today Henry or Gayle Kahn Antique CorKultams' with nearly 30 years experience. Phone 9059858161. USED EMBOSSING MACHINE For plastic I.U. cards Please call Sav at 579-0407 wheek:hair. in good cpldlpn Please call (905)6447183 • 1 Arta i Cine CRAFTERS +tenteo at me Gm and Craft Showplace Iocaled in the Courtice Rea Maket. 4km east of Oshawa Lel us show aro/ sol your crafts of. MON to to pubic you do not haw to be there- Can 905 W 1024 FOLK ART CLASSES Avail - Able NI levels, morning. af- ternoon and evening classes Available Beginners our spe uahty, Lasses "a;115 tark Oc toter 5thLeant a rnft roar can relieve stress and give e erhpyment Call (9051 5763947 for utoma- tion 1 Canperer CO BURINNG heed someth;r�q put on CD1 Can own a CD for encu l prv� For Ito Jots 705953 9409 (SM) 9.011 Law i WIDE BROWN and black part german shepnerd found UQNV d by tar on W -ft Sept 21. 930 p m Westney, Rd at Fared CAN Debbie (905)427-6310 m leave mes- sage FOUND Approx 5 in aid Ipg bat grey aro bemq tabby we FreerWW WW Pub CAN 831.403366 Bata LOST - WWo CAT. reamed 'Lyne'. Roseburg Rd. S area Reward. Cal (905) Wg--M7 LOST KEYS. Urgently re- quired for a saran uaaen Lost on King and Harmony Mod last Thursday (905)725 • 1 PelelStppw Bowdm 4 JACK RUSSELL pups a• mak, pure bred. nicely marked . Phone 1.705-678- 5326 Call arybme.snp PMEBM PONERMUN puppies for same. 2 makes, 10 bake. old $3M tech 705.876 7066(srp) M TZU puppies, ;FtWw. *9 shpts. Adorable, also hand led ayrorreainNgepwifq AAta- iane al� AN CAR 576.8045. LEMiA AM p"s for salt 5350. Wks i looles awill- aW. VWiWA MkWS. Ready 10 W (7 766.3124. Maur nffasapt• I" 90 Blow so taws wo 61AI . ackNOe 1 pair temdK 4 - 1, 1 g Molt sol date ID inesd- 6Mwe 9 Baal 434.2318 al* for Rad$ &ANN FOR OW 12 Slag Clam No 5010 Indoor show Are yoe boldlq for a nice �got ft �� on "WO12 jttt d Y)raRe Sta BOR. 5750 alM MWalw. l� tall 965.4327 Ed or ANUNWAN #or so 6% OQ�MM - no kali dotal good sokdoa Star9np N t199ymlolNh. 906.420- 9o58.(Sendgr•s by ayoL) M �soab Caroli t g. AsWq car, In 1977 00. 1-a'AI70rr� M JAGUAR -F Type. V12 n0M contow, origi- at 34.000 ■MHN. 53$.000 ter -IN L call 728- W71 by apps- qt'• If" MOO Oak W Racer. new 1600 CC. pidfsl6d i port- ed. posf-Irac, Holly cart, shaved ores $1000. obo. 1- 705-328-2212 (sip) 1963 TOYOTA TERCEL, SUN on the road. $500 as it call Abe 905-683-5117 or 905-427- 1637 snp 191W GRAND Prix, 1984 Nissan King Cab. 5800 each or best offer Box traw 5250. Plein cap (905)436- 1964 VOLVO 246 for sale as a parts car Many new and re-bufN parts tial take no less than (30000 Call 905-259.2952. snp. 1965 CAVALIER TYPE 18. 2.0 litre, 4 cylinder. fuel injection PS. PB. a -speed Blue on blue 159000 km mag rims, new rub- ber exhaust. 51200 as is, $1400 Ixrtdied 1-705328-2212 sip 1985 HONDA PRELUDE. run- ning. $1000 o b o 1986 Mer- cury Cougar, certifiable. $1800 o.b.o Call 430-0780. WE FINANCE EVERYONE No turn downs. First time buy- ers, bankrupt; bad credit; no credit! If you work; you drive! Lots of pre- owned vehicles to choose from. SPECIAL FINANCE DEPARTMENT SHERIDAN CHEV 905-706-8498 N Grandam L.E $2850 and 87 celebrity S/W 1995 Both 1987 TOYOTA SUPRA. T cars In excellent condition Roof. arn/fm ass . 6 5 " . Cer6fled or best one spd. Pw. pd lac. 185.000 km 683-7301 or 428.1879 alter 6 FAST" Only $5300 CAN 426- M 7476. (snp) BEAUTIFUL 1994 Lincoln 19U CAVALIER RS air. sun- TOwm Car While. vnth while Oaf cruse, excellent running interior Sunroof. total Gondition. am luxury ar All optioans,great ryry highway. $2000 Call 905 Shape Certified 17.000 Call Kirk 706-1460 or Hope at 432-1863 Isnp) 1998 CAVALIER or tulles. 4 -door au- or OSHAWA AUTO CENTER - lomab bony ,3595 SERVICE REPAIRS LICENSE ),,k I. sincerg E Oak Vey Leasing Call 905 -ONLY MECHANIC LABOUR RATE 683 1395 SH/hr. with this ad. Alto Ca cleanep. Reaee"aMe 1998 JAGUAR XJ6. 96,500 rales. Easssyy thurrtiul i tel miles all Se,wce records avail- rarity awilatle. 44 Reeondl- Able, beautiful car. heanwr ufkn- Based CertHled cars available. o. Pirelli tees, gunmetal grey in 1994 GRAND -AM 4 IF colour, asking $8,500 Call $6,795 1994 SUNSIRD 2 dr, Robert 905649.1565 auto. $6295 1992 Z24 . Auto, 1961 CHEVY BERETTA GT - $5995 1995 Sunbird GT 36 400. 1992 Geo Storm. auto. 110.000 km auto air loaded, $4 995. 1992 Astm $e 500 fit' `� 54995 certified Ask , 1992 LeBaron GTC 5 speed. for Dan or Bonne 697-0757 $5.495. 1992 Lumina APV, 1989 DODGE GRAND CARA- $9950. 1991 Sunbird GT. VAN loaded. new battle and auto $4.600. 1991 Hyundai anem.1w mum wok 31500 Scou a LS $3 495. 1991 So- ar Is all Rick (905 '54 nolle 55.995. 1991 Sonoma 5 speed $6.995. 1991 224 5 HH FORD AEROSIAM. 7 span S5,495, 1991 Lumene passenger $4 525 1989 Euro 4 dr $5 995. 1990 Aeto- Chev Sprint low nal 52.500 Star $4 950 . 1990 Taurus 2 to 1988 Chrysler LeBaron, 2 choose 1990 Spirm 4 or. door. coupe, loaded- $3.200 auto, 19% Z24 5 speed. A cei"W (905) 720-0168. $3.595, 1990 Sunberd 4 dr all (905) 6261176 53.450 1990 Corsica 4 0 1989 FORD Probe. Mazda err auto, $3 695. 1990 Cavalier 2 Or.. auto $3.200 1990 Regal gine economical, tar. gam- 2 or. auto $3995 1989 Car- pere0- WWW red pail, lady aye. $4 995. 1989 Cavalicr 2 owrwl. as�anq 53200 obo tar- aged. 728-2395 or. . auto $3.300. 1968 Sentra, evenings auto. $2.495 , 1988 Grand 1!98 GMC Sawn kaCed. air floc, 2 Or auto. $3.950 1988 MO pw,pl ordy 148KMS. Mustang LX $2695 /9119 $4800 198$ Nissan Manna Berets GT 5 speed. $3 695 auso. pvpdps. sunrod. air. 1964 CW.Wm $8.995. Custom only 154Kms 52.200 1967 S-10 ,7.995 . 1973 Mustang Mercury Sable Auto. loaded. b 400 NorTbers. Beg• pups tar, anom cats. 166 .Fri. Isg 798 Sas gee Kms. $2.500 1965 Toyota - � I Sell. TradM 164 Cressida Ids/Dt. Auto. bhre. fk"ae4e x- S.. Os4wa 166 Kms. $1200 (905)-432- ("5M64$-22SS- 2821 TITANIC SALEI ROCK BOT - Is" K -CAM - $1000 as is o TON PIOUS ON A LIFE SAV - $1250 crow Cal 985-0074 RIG SELECTION OF 1f05IIH- or 705.277-3250 snp ABLE CMS AND VANS EG. JUST DOCKED - 92 Suribro 1191 PONTIAC Grad Pru LE. lovely •sill. Ilse new. SE 2 door. Pearl whae, o- $4.495 93 Geo Storm Spot ea, cartelb", candied. auto. 104,000 kms. Hurry $4.700-00.905GW-4135 $5.995. 95 Cavalier 5 Speed. 1991 Blurs Regal Grid a` . hrisvent red. 500. Apo3ty van. 1 sport. loaded, excellent carr . re sive. ntiM- r. $6.995, 95 (Itch low mileage Askng Do awan.. Grand Canaan. a1 579M Ian - even- gs 723- Was bis ad wtktaes $9,995, 92 14W (sm) Mere Sable G S . Hist qa IS" PONTIAC Grand Pnx. Overs toaded. $6.695. BON LE. pflet condition. only 1oma 06 olds Dela 88. V- 98.0170 tams (Itosllt. MV- � �f Ilvry )new Drakes. fres. at. 89 load- tilt. certified. 56. BOW all ed. cendwll $1.995. 90 Goo } Sprint. auto, P"". only S2.995M rv�92 "0 CNBYJEA 79,000 U., 4 Grad Am. v-4. loaded- prhH- Or. auto. Dower loft 4 now line wlrk- 111,goo ams, flan lines, new bom. ar. Aset"g taste 57.925.. 93 Dodge Car - 86.50o. or best dkr (905) am. SE. Chs Ormm. Maas. 726-0670 tar. tiny $6.850. 95 Ilion 1914 CMc61b. tidy Ibaded, swwoot, Wel ilonrleorl laady driven. o rbAed. ApppK 11�Mss., 112.000 aR 01 7914 Grand Am SE 1100. Dark vett Aub.. V6 115koL "cow Cm d low hems MUM $9600.. reduead b rnn.bbo. cad OfareN 616 4083. (sip) 1914 PONSSAC rind Prix SE 4400. V6. Nue meta-',, 105,OWAMS, exeMenll Cgtd- tlorl otrllk ' moist stl $9250 "o CA 509-6370. soar+. auto, tar. 92.aoo kris, sB.tloo5 6a. am. 6B.Wo less, sinal R $6.500, 95 kwn 4 dr., tar. auto, 4 cyl., low kis, only w$7sg919& MnM- . N Toyota 4 x 4 l moic D ►s� Milt' "Ms. am mutt - 91 Lincoln 129.000 lows. btanim on IIaRw now $8.915-, 92 Pats Ave. Supe loaded, 127.000 kn6. black. on grey leader qtly 59-11M. 912 aids Ddla N Royale LS.. kway an price $B as. 91 Olds Rola$ ft.bK%K mod 1e sant. obhh 58.965. IN TNSE AM OVEN I= Um UNM r •LOANS VESSELS SEE Ya Jur 4611E t o AMTO CEN E. 155 11111101 SE NIM oNNLLpal `� AT n Militia E Ems. t WWW. CARCHOICECOM A 6 A Att W Cam trait b tL We pay SW $10.00. aCab arny � AslAN us an0yi- Bne. 21 him. 7 days, 30 mill. serwas. 9057065234905-686.5003 m CASH FOR CARSI We buy Used vdM*s. Vehicles must be in running condition. Cap 427-2415 or come to 479 MUMEast, Ajax at M AUTO SALES A AJAR AUTO WRECKERS licensed recycler and dealer. $100-510.000 ash on the spot. For ars. trucks -any COnditfom Guaranteed parts sold and repairs(905)686-1771 days or (416)684.1121 evenings. 1 Trucks 1984 S/1 PICK-UP, 13OK. saletied, automatic. lora box. 2.8L . 6•cyl new fres a brakes. has box liner a storage tarn, $1500 080 Call 9D5-644-6888 1998 CHEM 1564 SERIES. hall ton. PS PB. V8 cap, 200.000 km, all original. excellent codf- �askinq $4150 Phone 579- 4008 79 - Yaw 4 Whew4n 1913 FORD /AN 150 Model 300. 6 cyl 4 standard. S11% as Is 9059853740 1991 WHITE Fare Econolme Van, new tires- anernator front wuvdytfeld i dine biers. 97.000km, great ddivery van. Cap 905-837-9083 to view. leave message Me Lumma Van lady driven, very clean. one ower Onty 75.000 km Asking $12.500 firm Can 433-7056 1Snp) 19% CHRYSLER CARAVAN 86 kbms mm corvdnwn one owner $15.500. certified 905.404-1307 can evenings 89 ASTRO CARGO Van Re- bhan engine aslonq $2500 91 Satan Cargo. parbaty, converted. new fres. asking 54500 Can (9051.728-9218 relay or night 91 Jeep 'rJ Safi cert excel- lent Gond HD uB SFT Tops. 120 kilometers. 4 M 436.9350 1996 Dodge Grano Caravan. 3 3L V6. auto overornC 64.000 km Am/fm cess t0 - risk CO changer. $15.900 obo 434-2775 S Tracers 1910 COACHMM 30 ;c; trailer Jeri good =cndition, needs brei FnOga and stow. furnace. at condiborrhp- rear bedroom 56500 Can 995- 0074 or 705.277-3250 sno 1998 FLEETWOOD Prowler 5th what trailer 25 ^ skgs S. tike new 59 500 Solid new screen doors. 36W write Minnow $150 earn Can (905) 666-1951 NINE1 AWa Porte i roe WANTED-19WISM FORD F - 1M 'enders Fleeced Must be in good Condition Call 1.705-357- 2358 snp 1 Aiso Laeeep BMGMN RENTALS from SilMn)a maudes KM a In- surance Pickering CAsh Ox (4161-937-9742 • 1 S"owwahMr Ila PIUi, good condom, $1500 o b o Can Doug 915- 0074 or 705-277.3250 sip • Martie FEIM a boats s i s narrm Oshawa Cal 7n4713 OYISIOE STORM for boas, cars. motor homes. traan. eek. Wilde Saks, 4700 Trea- son Rd Moroi MAI Biooken 905.655 -Bolo. 11 AHewbt"k Fa► Red 1-1/2 MDOW basement W Sawa" entrap. Gose b schools. ublineS included eroepl Cable a peak. N% noaMh. Firaftst required �07d t st. Cala 7 6ENO0 TOWNHOUSE speG6ls room. Stone buten ad bads. Also 1 bedroom above ground apaMcdn. Sed smoler. no 0 839-0609 APARTMENTS - AJAX 33 & 77 Falby crt. 2 & 3 Bedroom apart- ments. Includes fridge, stove, broadloom, air, heat, hydro, water and one parking. Call 686-0845 or visit us at: www.geocities.com/wall street/Floor/ 7657/highriser.html. NORTH OSHAWA (Russell Semcoe,S of Taunton) 2 - bedroom apartment. newly- pallted in 12-plex Hardwood floors. able. parking. heating a hot water, Included Uundry facilities No daoppss Avail Nov 1 905576-2982 2 BEDROOM - Central Osha- wa, 11 FanrbaflkS St. between Simeoe and Centre $679 in- cludes utilities. parking. laun- dry. Clean, secure. small family building Suns adult working people No Dogs References (905 985-9106, or (905) 259-7)747 Leave Message 2 plus 1 bedroom, 2 bath, fire- place, Laundry, fun basement, fenced yard parking. quiet street central Oshawa $770/ month Ava able November 1 571 5320 1 -BEDROOM near 0 C . Available Oct ' All rMustve No pets, 1 car only, FirslaSt references 5625/mortthy Phone 433-2464 AJAX - 2 BEDROOM case- ment self contained 'r dge. stove. 4 pce oam, own en- fraw., near akte Abstainer non-smoker $675 inclusive emmeoiatey 426-4226 after 7 Pm AJAX large 2-0edroom base- ment apt Clean. freshly ren- -vated 5800 rlduiwe Aval- abie October est.. hrsvlasl A must Parking laundry (905$576-4178(messagel AJAX 1 bedroom bnemem apanmem for rent. Marwood/ 401 area Separate entrance available October Ise MW "PON rhduSnve Frrsitlast re - ow Call (9054666-�1 AJAX nage 2 bedroom base- 'rwm apar"ent New flim orngnt separase entrance. great 100110n, Clean. 4 appliances. panuq, $950, Rio" in- dLow 63 Call Bid at (905) - AJAX. OCTOBER. .targe 1 bedroom basemart pArwv separate entrance, pas lire- !, pro* quiet. responsi- ble nature working female Na smokinWpets, lFrVAAW, $600 mclusrw. rwercflotS (905)-0664773 AJAX, COUNTRY selling. I bedroom, double walk out overlooks pond, prolesslon, person Pieter.M. non smoker no pen, refelel , first d Last 905426 7407 AJRK. WESTWIM 1 bed- room tsm.sttdy kW4 to amaWNUM ad 00 Non-smok- Soe adurt 50 nrhWwve Alsswum forr o room for rem M50 m�J16" (9D5µ26 2941 AS1f6SRM - NewAy rervovAtM " trght one Motion es- tate to. large PAW. prate entrance. fireplace. nota snooker d pub. $875 irctoo- 5466 6t. (905) 655 - KIM. 118L 1 Bedroom, vary clean. Nord Oshawa Every - f v dam". No pets, qui b05-579AJSDO. /itconwh. Call 905-557799•• AW MLE for Oc%*w 1 an Nov. 1 -Two bedroom Apes. Steel WAN b odfr g. Sam dogs OIL Laundry m Parties - Its. SIOWANNson arca. Call 725 -OM of 3 p.trh INSURABLE MON300M in Whoby Apt. blblift spa- dq6, capes. newly paffa- W wo DADWW. dose 10 blit, first lowered. no pMs, 1 bedroom SM. 2 bedroom, 5790. 3 bedroom $150. Cal 430-0134. BASEMENT AFARTUM Available for Dec lsL 1 fwge brilroan an tat, own Utah - dry mora. WIN suit matNre WW" couple. No $Moho,. 00 PFIS. 5700 . utiMks. West Shge/Bacty. 420.3509. KANTtAIE new a^ . 1 an 2 1 ' nim. 5820 inclusive plus Andre• Awil. Mov.l. Krq a flxnany area. $,targe barA yard 135-8544 or 720-2329 After 12. noun. CENTRAL. Dotage, large 1, a 2. bedroom apartments avad- We io well-mafntaned build- . clba to AR an ran. Can (905x723-0977. COUNTRY UVWG North Ajax. 1 bedroom apt. newly reno- vated $650 month Available Oct 1st For more into call 905-619-4663 NORTH OSHAWA triplex. clean. bright large 3 bed- room. with hardwood floors. air, dishwasher. parking and storage facilities Surt profes- Sooral November Ist $900 Pitts i s hrdm353�)839-3939 or FIRST OFFERING. near Oshawa Cenrtre. Clean and goat. 3 bedrooms top floor in 3 unit building Oak flooring. newer Irdge a stove. new washroom, laundry laahties. parking.677lus UtOdies. f AvalaOct 1 579-0658 OSHAWA 2 BEDROOM Newly decorated pan ng. available October 1st No $750 per Mo IMAM. Can 71-7014 FOR RENT: m a house 4-peo- room $950/month AN induseve Avvabre Oct 1st Preferred northwest Oshawa location. Gose to all amenities 905- 723-3420. or 416279.0093 LOVELY 1 BEDROOM 9smt Apt m Oshawa. o+ quiet ; Feer across Park close 10 AM amenities S52Smo nGusrve. Looking nor quiet non-smoker 19054 '2!. 2394 2 -BEDROOM Apartment. $725m0 Nry ';t Imrracuive nerra 1t � accommodating nly,i�* wa neighborhood, (905 x433-7360 or 579-7225 NOIITN OSIMWA 3LPw urge 2-oedroom E ra targe taco- ny WW managed oust OuIF inip Cahtroled giniance 5729 Octa /November 1scam PH" t 905- 579.5584 2 BEDROOM AVA LAKE W MEDUITELT 2 .cx:Alrors - 35C Mnaga Rd Oshawa and 916 Masson St. Oshawa. From $700 per mo at mow" No Pelt; pleau x9051-576-6124 d aniyrhme. 00--. . 1 base- ment apartment. 5785 mdu- Sive. hrs0ast. non-smoker 90905-0666-�59 evenings Lad I KORO0M tacmdor *art. merits. S475/mo . able a all ut*Mm included. quot non- Smoker/pets Close to All amend- Sho-9 /Dm-6pm (905)922-4911 �Y SPACIOUS welrncyntawhed 2 bedroom Apes Aigil at 900 and 988 Glen St Some we walk-on closets- palm provid- ed Close to schools. Shop - �centre. GO Smon Link- included Call 729-4993 OSHAMA CUB central lo- cation 2 bedroom SWO.. 3 bedroom $900.- 4 bedroom Plus den $1.200. AN obtain included, mom rise. rae2925 IEMnFULLY Decorate Lange 1 taerboom. Sep. Ertr Pa1Mic6 fireplace. AIC Owsmolw. no PM $656nbo. Md. Rrw Last . CA1905726 I'M MCtENNB.NMITES ad Finch. available inr"edfasefy Bea ow. langnt on bedroom apwtw-x. no pelt, non snow assume ptelerred. i625AtabailRWi. 0� 839--1200 () P1CME - PARKNRK ups�k 1-DedroOin, en sulk laundry. &Owushv, sakragn. tec+eauon acifoes. ant -door pool ex.. wdwgroetd pwkng, mow* Novtebw. iaS mom. Call (905)509-1341. f'IC 1, Bean 1 DEdrooe badleIn- chicken �4 AAAM�ppm$650lna . In- taanroom, caw appliances, And 9�. taw+ Od.t, AJAX o n �mdM awmem. fridge. stow. gas fiePface. sable. pwb4 liar bus, lake, park and Shopping. No pewsrnokng- LuAnt, 5725 inclusive. Avail. Dec 1SL (905) 686.4043. SOUTH OSIINKA dean 1 bedroom rt - mat Bus a l�Pri- vale entrance. All inclusive. Available Oct. 15. references quiet Pw.smLoaIW to r single 905579.4051. sem' PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVER77SBR TUESDAY, Sepsesaber ",19" 410 410 410 590 590 -SICK OF RENTING?T :. OWN YOUR HOME - From $700/month hAn+mum kit" $now year Not mlach dCMRpfrniona? Can Marml ti a • 1.160 for dlsdiat barb n,ptsChoose x Oilsootarh w Cash robaft up to ,000 (905) 5714275 or 1-600.8404675 Mark Stapley %:Sslee Rap Relax Aeily tieaN Esaee tale. ROi Bright, spacious 2 8 3 b!r apts. Utilities incl. Close to schools, shop- ping and 401. Transit right past your door. For ap t. call - (905) 721-8741 TOP FLOOR. or house. cen- traliy located tAZ 3 beo- room. fenced backyard. 1st 8 Mo. references. $1150.. available Oct 15, 839-0263 No pets TWO KAUTwix I bedroom apartments Must be seen. Private entrances. NI ind0- srve Ain VM morin Whit- by $650 moll Available tm- rnedatety No pets or smok- ing please 905-427-7371 ant SNMCOE S. Newly reno- vated 1 -bedroom from S53o Inclusive. Srmcoe1Gibb arta 2 tied fop NOI(Ino 1.WS Available immediately Ste- phen (9051-571-3229 wi ftly - apt for rem. 1 bed- room $575. 2 bedrooms $675 first/last required Cab days 905-725-8911 Eve and wee- kends 905.668-4015 wMRIY - Bums/Henry 3 bedroom upstairs M bunga- low. on fireplace, as open concept. deck. tented yard. >A nRllkes utdlded labo neg"bke Available af- ter Nolo Ise (905) 666-1863 leave message no VALSOWOLNE urge 2 bed- roon main }loot apafirnttfif Idge stove, walkout to baf- cam. titndry 2 car parking, Cb" to am anwvma $795 (905) 436-944 dtXDo- 1 ntoaeea For Rant WHO SAYS YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO Blu.'�Y A HOUSE? J nv•: i tron' $-)Gnpn'4'- sio.. w¢r (905) 571-6275 1-800-840-62'5 Mark Stapley oswm , 3-0ed00m seem. etc room laundry foom. O c area SVS. WNW. wstlfau. references, no dogs. kmrnt- eatJNov t cal 726-9499 4 DedfOarn, wdmy. deck. yam. softi. 2 car wme i SQIIiwo�nth plus 1 1-5 � � a GREAT OPPOMTNW" TO ONI No down paryMere. tua0or assisampt. tarries an real May don two swr ay. torr (kdr00m. dose to ins a M Oda . Call (MH33.7aes. AOSOLVW As1 B 6 mortars fres. Ifsm owe a Mouse Irani $s5wmooL q Rasta Conrad BWW Is 726.1414. AT7E91111N � �tIBIM1I�BE 90V �- woof Vdm-b-Aml bless= FORM is 2-cor spaaril1oup $800#*Nbsr: RmNaatl MaN6 wralvs iMlm p dim m a"2 O , 3l9laasrrt aaadsr emd yard. Bo rile-msm wwo 4314364= Ater 5 p f Seem CAK 3 ImbaOmt, � bM Aye, MA. Y0R mw ail amsrn ow dMt at No pals MM.. ISL 100 all Ittd0f W 720-9175 (f0) � 420 420 COOP WH =T is accepting applications for 3 bedroom units Applications may be picked up during office hours: 104, Mon.-Thurs. from the office; after office hours pick up points are posted on the office door between 1 Oam - Spm. Please respect flours requested. 95 Crawforth St., Unft 05 (005) "65-2008 We JR swq. aw so" naNalife of fill- arwe. r 1 ► oweea Reri Fot LEASE m CQImTICE - 3 bedrooms. fully fenced yard dose 10 pudift sow and sfhoppiq. 1100Mto. plus Les - dies FfrstAast required as deposit Employment and credit will be verified Call Jam 985.6836 PgMRIIG. upper level pri- vate deck 3 bedrooms, WW kitchen. great location. Twyn Rivers Or 6 AMOa road Al ockswe S120000/am. t st 6 Lao revered 905-5ow-M Towhhouen 1 n For nen 3 -BEDROOM Townhouse len "mity'osharra border fridge i stove included. S%G'n ontl . ubbbers. no pets prem Available Octlsf Cap 116- 281-02, days. a 905.683- 6270 aper Spm Al OSHAWA SOUTH 3 bed- room lowM.nouse :lose t0 sdtoos Lnoppnp 595dnto ALL INCLUSIVE FwsVLW Avadabfe Ora 1st ( 90479- 9966 days BRIGHT, clean. spectow 3- beoroom towri om. 5 ap- pkarhces. 1 and rgromnd park - mg spot- dont to all amrrr- ties. Town Conlim lake 401 and Go s--, S1IOQ"Lx h Aval Nov 1 Cap Laa 4161263--d205 ABSOLUTELY A GREAT DEALT own Vola tome. tsaa down ,c to 6 n10rwM tree, from $775 twoall ttrJrlaw lliw- Tum itconse V8.000 o a c AAM M Rasanu to day Cold - wag Oeaer RaIR Rq1 listak. 1 21-91114. ed 201 or xv bk (9051427.31001 1 FAWU our Foy ROSSLAWAMO OE AREA Newly decorated fully for- rhsthtd Gookno tadiba 5250 tonNiy 6 up GoOm- man plain d (905)726.4145 AJAX Urge clean nhaetsr tm- wN room 6 ensuNe Shared kitchen Cloee to 60 i 401 :n M0� () z knOOM bon$OMftly Fw- rhsIhed mom in Pldarwtp co- me. me. kltclheh tac*bes. near Genetatihp station. C. 60. S3eGMNM. $170 tit-weetly, 420-4318 wwy RE IM= Iv- OMW mortes M raomnp hem. fridge M mourn. ow wy. psrlowtp startirrp at Sao so*- Ir- (905)576 9716 or 911Y571r BULVM -FwvA*to room in terlfral location, wAk or It - mak wbomc. s320 mother itck on. somm i w dao*. Photo s f*M. ti1B1M AM now tar not 35M flows bol home off Ulm III go. Used sa.wmhoamL �II�y � i slSOkamfetly. fy 42i-/104 A.wmlmisslr. Now M oBso w4M^ avas- a m iwmwa MO ry. Rb.M.mi d F:, - ad tree Imlrsksd rsrww pdvm Wwas�I/► LamL s�NmmM y7 te Frac Rte n Oft= oalm a 441x00 Ola. 01- ZEast commwc0w NN W Warerep s . co 434-2447 32. uwmOomtwlwl Chwoha- an or two am= it Fides Calvin SamAM (( ))onow 42?- N075. No Ap1b PImM. • 1otam a 4" WHITBY Corporate SP, 8 Whitby ProfessiorW Court. Prime office retail space for lease trom $6 sq ft. net. from 600 sq. fl. Cal Louts (905)- 427-283 or (905) B96fi601 • 1 m Ror ldt vac. NRt CLEAR wAr" AREA. 3 bW- roorr:, nownhousa pod. Iaoun, BBD. pnvak yid. BOAS N now For rip arca b view pholin 905-5713,-37M CLEARwATE11. 3-b"m fur - n$1 mobies. heated pod, Ind tub ltr u to beaches. NHL, AN star game Jan 24OV99, NFL FoOW, Blue ,lay baseball, dogiho se track Children wo- come S275rweek. Photos (9051683-5503 For 5- 1 1 PnaMe rCattes 200 ACRE FARM- ONLY 5199.900' Exceptional beer or hose farm near Argyle Mod- em 3 -bedroom brick bunga- low wrth newer carpet" 6 Itpov. g Field h doors to kv- ihG 001,n ret m uv rerhorMW. in erceaent COrhdnbOn, twit Writ. drive shed call Ian bw- ney. Saks Rep . RNatax Lakeside Raft Inc . Realtor. I-BOaBOI¢h 56 (snp) IEAUTLWI basement "a- od i backyard. FAG. onaw eta throughout rt-uw fuse. edW1YrJWc S193.Wo OPEN HOUSE Sun Sept 27 1-4 p- $70 Cnmson Cit. Oxha- watRoatand/Thorrrlm) 905- 571-6936 BEAUTWOLY setorsNa. Madv to move in and ahoy In deshreabk FaBitgbrook aro of WhIl" 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms Open House. Oct 3a4.11prn 25 lrtabofm cow". 1Mdby me --5109, for appomargm ESTATE SALE: 5256.900 Don't mos out on aws Naue- br dream cerhbMy, home. W graded watdows. on~. Waring. plumbov. newer fur- nace- new well and sym" Four (5) Nairobi . formal fwd and dwhw4 MOM UW lyf- with fireplace, lupe . M . we men Icon lawn - Ory lnsumm workshwea- fape ante two dW rouge cid beld"s M on 1.4 few ag- es ildrldeg perene" beds AM gdditl ponds. For apps call (905) 7669106 Tow on ft nen INVJ/MeM- Mmspruuton -dmmgw M.r. OBMMMA - 30likrsis OOra ffarOw00 floors, 2 fiatNs. S air. '�p0 Shu 1 rlwdbn s1w.9oo. TMapRmk l9 720-2307. BUkUk Mdk bttpaba. 3 . 1 08*00 a. Walk -M bas0- mkml 2 604. Garapt. 56X125 bood IOL HNdwsd amm wtpOae. EaaiAr cw vww b i taw. $1 ,900. CA OU4721-IM Ot1O1M AM - 3 Batman SMemmr tMdoft dBt �fitn I, , `&Mhmm ad kK Hip s b@Ku d po61 a� iw RAMINT IES mom h- MacdmW 2132st M., 4 spa- (d0smtasslbsrmoms, 2-1Q - igyMsamNm�rrry�� b/r t4W,i00. 001M. 12-4M m 1tisllbehs, �►72i-.tfSO. A t+Wffw 3 aobb p kamis • 20 Pa1Mwm Or. Ctatlbe $156.900. 2 ft",4pc. i2pc. 1OW wiftstap/�d 14M sq. Sepala "W loom wam asw fats* Mea IodR alto pftllMMr i Masd Caudle ab Is 401. IN apt. PRIVATE INVESTOR Required for new and existing business. Serious inquires only. (905) 432-1416. 1 Tawsnbwtte or so SPECTACULAR MUST SEE 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. new hardwood doors. new carpets. dose to all amenities. Whitby. Bassen Blvd., end unit 107, $136.000 (905)430-2962 1 Ctindn r kb PICRERMG Spacious 3 bed.. kvirg 6 dM11fg room. 5 appl., dose to Town Centre 6 401 Balcotry d Immaculate $125.000 (905)-686.2760. Lou for • $ant KENDAL HILLS. 50 scenic acres with Gararaska over. pond, dost to ski dub. beau tifully treed property Asking $180.000 Walter Frank. Royal LePage Franc RE. 576-4111. WANTED - If OR more ansa of land, to build on. with stream or creek. in North PtckaUlg or extremie south Uxbridge Call (905) 839- 00-Y b LOW MONEY PROBLEMS. Get out of debt quick wrlout pomp bankrupt or berg gamstteea. Everyone accepted regardless of credit raking. Cal for free information 905-576-35M swaem Ions nduded 9:51 fes' MORTGAGES Good bad and ugh Financing Ior any pur- pose AN mO adm acnpr- so Cal Community (905)665-M MuitQapt a 1 Auctloe8 • 1 BMWAGG GAS MR with store - Esso - Whltby location. Investment required. Fax (416) 536-4422. M Rls"r PHOTOGRAPHY CLASSES - by protessiorol. Fashion. Por- traits, Commercial, Madelm0. Posing. Action, held in Pick- etinq Studio (6 session course (416) 615-0660 or 1.888 -FOTO. PIANO STUDENTS - looking for beginner students Less- ons m my home. Ajax area Cal JWn A 905 6868351 MPWSOMIB 41 CHEATING ONTARIO HOUSEWIVES - names d pri- vate phone numbers. 1-900- 451.3638 ext 235. S3.69/min. must be 18. T -tone. EMLY RAYS... Install an- swers Amazingly aceturate psycl 971E .. Rated 11 Spoon problems. kicky /'s. romance 18.. 52.991mim 24 hours Call 1-900-451-4055. OSMWA RELAXING MAS- SAGE Shiatsu Service 40 King St W(905) 404-9625 1130 or. -9pm PERSONAL Trainer. 15 years experience certified. PI1 Education Degree avilable Call Brun 905-683- 4509 r 1 Auctlons TESS Tidd Estate Sales Service AUCTION SALE SAT. OCT. 3RD AT 11 A.M. Being held at-TIDD'S AUCTION HOUSE, 5 kms east of Cobs, on Hwy x2 Dir.: Exit 401 at Hwy Cobourg. Go south to 3rd set of lights (King St. / Hwy 1112), turn left. Follow forapprox. 6 kms. Watch for signs. ANTIJES - Gkutav Becker regulator clock (Germany late 19th century) ex. cond., lady s Hunter's case Waltham watch (c 1880) mint Gond. Pine 2 -door jam cupboard, 1/4 cut oak double bowed glass china cabi- net, Duncan Phyfe double dropleaf table and 4 chairs, 2 -washstands (1 -tiger oak w/harp back), pine table w/drawer, Eastlake dresser w/ mirror, 2 -drawers and side bonnet chest, set of four press - back kitchen chairs and several other ppressback chairs, pr. oak side chairs w/ hih backs, pr. Victorian side chairs, I finish 3/4 bed w/high headboard, end wings to Chatam cupboard (refin)., primitive bench oak table w/pressed apron (3 -leaves), Duncan Phyfe sttyyle coffee table, plus other side tables, 21d dolls, cash Register set on 8 -drawer walnut chest, old iron barber's chair, plus more. GLASS, CHINA lir COL- LECTABLES: Lug pr. covered glass can- dy dishes (Netherlands) c 1830), carni- val glass dish; cut crystal cruet set, Meese dishes, 2 -toilet sets, old teapots, salt and peppers, pressed glass pces., cups and saucers, decorative plates, vas- es (Empire, England 11181), ornaments, pottery pces., etc. Sheffield Reproduc- tion silver tea set w/oak leaf pattem, leadeagle for pole, 3-pce. pewter set (cream, sugar and tea I) selection of old silver coins, old =itt•s Cleanser tin , old copper kettles, copper hot wa- ter bottle, old child's boys metal John Deere cultivator, tractor and hay bail- er, old brass pot, bras cow bell, sm. and wooden sled, several old and new fish - rods and tack1le, /Bay or Quinte 4 pauck. Coboum CNX black SII ' players photo dated 1939, Robert Wood print`Sraw, m the Catskills', feigned and dated 1955, Gibbard tritest of drawers and dtfeaaer w/mirror, Crahmatic ttyypoee bed, many cid books one dated C1710 and so much more. Viewft 9:30 ami. day of sale. Terms - Cash, lsa, M.C. Interac, cheque w.roeopQeerr I.D. Lunch Available. For more - information or to conap your antlque and quality items, Call Patricia 7Tdd. T1IDD ESTATE SALES SERVICE. ("S) 37Z-2914 for amill state 9.m�e ng in auHtples asci gestate a sales. Appraisab, Wpittlationst and BanlimPkT• PAYS Od1El/Iumm 1111- Ibll - 1d111t1g ene pradet anti IxeMldertce d hk duderws for ten years In Oath ere education system a private tuohg. For further kilorrrallon or corsul- tation. Call 430-3898 1 Atictiora AUCITON SaL Oct- 3 10:00 aen =or Mrs. vanduser of Co- xhurm Wmedv at Pion. MALL, Hwy 02, Col- borna. early tall case wrandlather's clock, early alnut curved front desk. mahogany nest of tables, rnatrlirr0 pair Gibbard, 3 diawlv lamp tables, unu- sual signed drop trore desk, early drum table wlbrass date feel, nice carved ma - china cabinet. oval walnut coffee table, early set 6 baton back does, rare chairs meed rehn., un- usual comer what knot, dining nm suite with ext. table, 6 shield back caws and malctvN carved serversmall walnut abs net, panted ant. china abriet, gloss 3 -sides. Un- usual server with drop sides. pineapple 4 poster bed, sof. walnut candle table. claw n. parlour table, Martha Washington sewing stand, old radio, hrakhUt cnesL cedar chest, cid trunk. walnut smoker stand, dressers and chests of drawers. small tabies. wicker fernery. S" church crack (thanle), haigng lamp rd prisms, 2 cid teddy bears. selection old pictures, prints, names ndu6rrg 2 cid maps. old 0t0rfi n box- es. other cid Doses. Ip. se - faction bedding blankets. guilts. etc, lap desk. smart boxes, old ntgs, old tins. Several weefeWV pcs. cranberry. opoheam cued glass, Cobalt. SarN rg pa.. oke wall cocks. cast i brass pa., chiles, cute. 0asswares. house- hold arbdes, apt. size freezer, alder auto washer 8 dryerk11rlan We and chairs. plus cmnless mes- cal aides. 0 sate (tole Mrs vartdtser has meuvoeveryd- Io nurfung hum twg to be old) Vlas. M.C., Interac. ash or good a Bi tlrarW U. -1 cwa.IL 6W-75 for up-to-date auction listings. Harington at Port Por" rsstde ds call 4042615 For an audio version of all cunenl and upcoming auctions located in southern and eastern Ontario please call the above number. MARRIAGE SPLIT Contents of 3000 sq. It home to be sold unreserved at WARNER'S AUCTION HALL, Hwy f2, Col- borne. Thum. Oct. 1st, 6p.m. 2 dr, fridge, stove, auto washer dryer upright Brest heeler, all excel. condition. good oak desks. double pedestal oak com- puter desk, 4 oak bar stools, antique 9pc. wahhA dining room suite, Rattan chrieftit with top and lgairs, several chgood infer- esting prices and pictures. sofa and love seat, oak coffee b end fables, good bud sofa, 3 good occasion- al chairs, one Walter other fabric with foot slook, 1 rice tying chair sold oak half bench. 36• round oak pedestal table. wall dock metal baker's rack, nice girls cartopy bed with matching night stand, crest b desk wittookWse top, other kld's bedroom kaan, 006K caidrest etc. in solid maple, master bedroom suite signed with bed. rights stands, 3 Or. chest and Phiadeiplra No boy al in cherry, oak tall boy diet, r offiests hand made bar table b dater set, made from oak bar- reK brand new set double entry house doors still en- cased. pks Mesal house- hold articles, weight set i bench e1C., par. IMS. dishes, glasswares, crys- tal. some coeecables, etc. Also included several per. Members. Krelghoff. Mushalt. Manning. Cas- son. Romance. Car- inchael. Batsman. etc. from Our R rim g at shop liquidation. No reserves. Cash, droque, credit ands and .0 Gary i Bill Warner Aue- tionum (90S)365•-2106 CONSMOOM E Ur*M- AUCTM BERItY9A11R FRAMs. RR112 Taeaba RCI. Omni. ONL 1112 miss Illlat ofMI-111. 10ry. 115. SAT. Oct. 1Ifl1, 11 E. Selling a full line of farm equipment, tractors, machin- ery, vehicles, hardware, lurrnber, tools etc. For ilio. and to tohsign to this auction contact the aucboneer: Job 0. Ba11ry. MW or 116•E34757 EocGrolor Alcws COMM, lonwAWW a today, Od. 40, 11 a.m. (rimial IM1 411111 le Mfatralr M. (EsM 4311. Nw* M 02 PLY., ESN s Scum SL We 1 IBM. Starhday's Auction Features a quality selection of anodes from the past to present including: rattan kitcnlvh set i couch, iron bed, modem chesterfields, mist. tables (kitchen. parlour. coffee i end), bedroom set, patio set lamps, k tem. colour tv. country tOMeChbles, glass i Chia, dressers i dusts of drawers, pictures bikes, mac. tools 8 hardware store display cooler, Counter A sink plus quantity of black cherry lumber (in roup). Somelhoto to one i ant. ftd A "i$IIIBnnrs + SNBby Ora 11N flax liswiL ma GrOiLt•t J. Mtiit3- 1 bBI'' mut M pu AUCTM - er na M a1B BwEr r Sdwdory 0d:d:w 3.11M Oftbf4a I rballBB bw B am. NRN 18 lam. M flry N ad* mol 74 pm. Ful. Del. 2.11M ktckfdtd is a o1 Is I-- ," M in oripi- firtish: taoodan bandtao�bLlrtlNE- boom. Wolk bases. Smd tables, clolMs t ws, ddd's craft cMlb bon. Dedsoom ssrb. Grip mom suit.school, Ws desk, Cal oI bmpe, to bit• baltkdL Cates and dimmal % e. bullar bolds, wooden bot. buitfor Imolft quW* hafh , , quits, of paiNrtirtpl, docks. PriNs and Piotion. bis art NA cars. ntomt tiMirs, Ptwt rrasppmq tablNdotk "*I- raw h1M, 57 Srtidlr Cosrpbs, dome top trunks, box with drawer, tilt cob Coder in oT19M b14 ch mail. Tomes: Cash o dolue milm too AMCUOIINc Cedl KRi�llt 1B. OI 1Bd. jh Oefatla OBJ IN iit.aM A9 CT11ON BARN FRIDAY. OCT. 2 AT 5:00 P.At. 3 MILES EAST OF LITTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 rhe property of the ate Marion Jewell of :annington plus arti- ies from an antique ;tore closure from )rillia, Antique Bon- net chest, 9pc. Gi- rard oak dining room wite, 3pc. modern bedroom suite, 4x8 fool table, oak clover eat parlour table, ilesterfield b match ng chairs, refinished iak sideboard, refin- shed oak dresser, Dove tail pine tool box, oak washstand, flat top farm scales, 9ft. Inlaid mahogany board room table, Hussier kitchen cup- board, 4 matching press back chairs, spool bed, refinished pine harvest table, oak dining table, press back rocker, cherry drop leaf table, Duncan Phyfe table, rattan book shelves, qty. odd wooden kitchen chairs, 6 pc. modern walnut dinette suite, modern hutch, par- lour chairs. modern dressers i chests of drawers, cast Iron Implement seats. 3-5 Hp roto tiller, 3Hp Lawn mcno r, qtychi- na, gglIaa household i collectible items. Don i Greg RRrt1 Little Britain Al)C770N BARN TUESDAY. OCT. 6 AT 5:311) P.M. 3 MILES EAST OF LITTLE BRITAIN ON COUNTY RD. 4 k large quantity of foodquality antique l modern furniture, he remairling stock 1f antique 6 modern urniture store clo- ;ure of Orillia olus grandfather clock, oak buffet, mahogany chests of drawers, walrxrt parlour tables, walnut dining exten- sion table, vanity dressers, Queen Anne style coffee b end tables, walnut sewing cabinet, pine lamp tables. qtymod- ern dressers S chests of drawers, qty. walnut 12 moon tables, single 3 dose ble box springs i mattresses, chester- fields 3 matchirno wide, l :her b dryer, Wal - diming room urs, qty. maple Aon kitchen airs, qty. table & r lamps. Macerata :ordion, entertain- nt centres, mod - book shelves, lour chairs, qty. I wooden kitchen urs, plus a qty. of nd quality antique modern furniture. e sale time 5:30 Dort i Greg Corrnil Aucuoneera RR/1 Llttla Britain (706)796-2163 SAT. OCT. 3, 11 A.M. PUBLIC AUCTION at Peterborough Auction Centre, an Hwy07 - 2 nu. Fast of Pekerborw8lt Repos, buslee vehicles, public consignments, huhu sccepttns cars. trucks. vans, t x 4's, all years, makes, rnodeb, Rvs• mMor hocres, boob, neer whowers, eapecunt appro, 40 vefucfes. Seine unreserved. all vehicles Xuaran-ed clear biles (2110. draw. Terms $.500_ cash. visa, or Mas tecard at sal Baearwe by cash or cerbfiad funds wtth- row.Call' $50. Buyers fee. Let m sell your car, Consign ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTIONS - PETIERBOROl1GH (7061745 -lee? OR 14MO461-*M THURS. OCT. IST AT 6 P.M. M TAWTON NO. E. MINM This wok we are sdkV the balance of Ed. Goulet Es- tate. Some one leaving Canada plus a lot from the movers nduding: 8 hp. John Deere tractor, 11 pc. oak diner. 7 PC. kisch n set Iite, 5 pc. diner. coffee a end tables, bedroom suite. 9 PC. oak diner, bar stools, bookcases, buffet i hutch, chest of drawers, sofa, chains. beds, school desk, pis chiufa, kits at smalls, Loh of toots electric i hand tools, no". slosm. lots of %mal tools, MSO ThNo:1 p.m. Tks is partial Na". Lego ask - Pba Is $am. Unna Coo. IRs, EIC. ilbmG - IIII I IAncliss• i�Upliil iR sui. 3281 or Msji2-2fsi WED. MT. 3Ir rtRIM 11:311pile. View 118111110 ANdW= 2W Bmek RI. M. 3 Bd. M. N Ary. a1• HB 7iB be Bailin this wltesk alttigtM fine fum.. glass, ch CONKtOU b incised/: B PC. sale poorlt sLise ((mrd). ricin by side ta6iNMfMrr Ill NrIoBMr d pad trdrA. mot. desk pair of m m � nuh. Gilbard No side fable, oak kbit k conic cabiNM- . 9 PC. sidiallt dirwtproom sN I. d" led lable, Ift top � � grung mw ( If . stick table. MtfigtM slsiplll foo rlmsion Obss, beer stein - OcclipildJapBn, Mui BownMRfils. pop bode, ROBB - Dom, Cal I pie sal-. old wooden balls. corner whol n an whut bre concrete badaih. kitchen set. couch. dmir & In Mod ell of 6 meh. Chairs, urs a I I irMt ant pitcher and bold, priall ails, a is 3 denim R Fraser ' m 1t - ktdo Mike, n vicimu4 sant liarl�ieN taDle� w�oodl p�br)ia kr wood R Mnr1111 ywrl�1 NBRa Fax 2054M2257 I •'IMAEIS�BBIC SIA► SALE M. OCL Ir . _. j i� yyet l • 800 835 Rec rooms. In law 8=7 =. becks, etc. Licensed kx over 20 years. AN work guaranteed, Fr" "Id. -- call Emie 905404.8170 IMPROVEMENTS B-emsrr aprurswsta. non. roans a krlArern Tires saasa.r ,vans. N types of rods Eleatrrcal and Ohnb.rq. 22 Yr•r• of me:perrwrce. box 6acov/ to seniors. No up brant tees CtNI Wke (905)663-0190 or cell (416)876-6060. 807 A & C ROOFING, And Alumiam Shingling, all types of roofs, new and old. Workmanship Guar- anteed. 10% Discount to Seniors, fully in- sured, Free estimates. Call Andrew at (405)42x-8704 I prntn,y a Dwwatim PAINTING i PLASTERING Colour matcri ng Stucco callboys No money up front, Day when your satisfied. Fr.s EttWrata. Se low Drmt/s can lar at Pkbm (416)414-5911(ceI) Having problems finding time to clean your home? For Professional Home Cleaning, call Helen's Home Services today. 427-4385 $50 will dean up to 3000 sq. h. Vacuumirta, dust". path deanirq, kilchen. floors washed, wkldow aches, bate boards. a wherever else the house needs dew", tO Yom ewenenul Call Rrla ® 417016-!¢M �� At. it ctarw. wl. 892 GIRLS are willing to be naughty for youllt We're young & innocent but willing to learn. Call Holty, Janice, Amber, Beth 1-900-451-5954. .68clmin., 18+ Please read your classified ad on the first day of publica- tion as we cannot be responsible for more than one kmertlort In ttte event of an error. Cox my S•rYl • • w•I services >RA»T WANTS WORK Dong Magic For Chikhen's Parties And AN Occasions. Have My Own Magiaan. CaM Erisie 668-49U FREE! A GIFT FOR YOU AND YOUR BABY Place a birth announcement in our paper and receive a FREE "BABY'S HERE GIFT PAC" �rS It_0 ). ■ Appl . $25 WO Ye of brand Raffle wo&xt3•e Your free coupon is redeemable at Sears, Oshawa Centre or Pickering Town Centre Jill Inquire at; NOWS A I V I A T I S E I 131D Commmpeerds,' Avew.L,Ajax 18122 a tikes PAd, P1 oft w 583-0707 TIS H1 M ADVER rOM TUESDAY SE177JAM.R 29 ,19111111 - PAGE 15 A,1AX%PICKERING NEWS ADv RTisER BRINGS You... Yoults lompoND To AN AD, cAu 1-900-451-3793. $2.49 PER mNm. You Musr BE 18 OR OLDER. sir-•neer zm �MMIUM"1 floated home that Mpalarmuft •mpPsraaas=" •Pat.Paar•r�wka=Mraa" rsta� brttarPr.�rra-re.rgar r -ray ata ow snore m -k a fart. r s r arra r r rare. Oars aces errrmryapta-rRr.rrtST. s�•a� wmr.ra.ad-r•-tw.ba•i-srryatrmr �r�Kl •-asri•/Sasr+waeat� �abaw.w-rrwr,ryr,•g9om nrawrNaracma.aP•a+•waa,awgb rr��r .rrrrerwr.'w..,r, r,tti,..am.rrr ��a etWasereraaryaayLrltetss �'- • b del r. v mOw b •�•./ M.'lo••' • /Prrr-a.ans , ww f rib bob's --. !eq apo ,r. r,..aaww,srrw.mw as tta aerreRarrrerrL Prat/- ver r-era+rrwrrlia a. r.e..rere*a n.. .WW r..e . r•r.0.,r.o w eco' A,S Gall 1-9451-3%93 eereaatae l �•• m¢•rr .e . m --w. Late Ny 4 r r, -9m Vvap L00-Ia tells 101E atEl- M..IOM M •s. mrarr. was so txciGng. couldn't mh rr,wr-•.mono f-• N --p r -m•... f•p '+ a r f. P, dim r r• mw •r r w. wee 12 49 per min. V. agrq yae w f mw- r,..•r• ay. b. r-rr �. -.., abaps rrarrk dit4 trra•efara believe one little, free ad in oar eam :� aft 10" W.. �•,%W :s e[CrM a O[Car7 r r..r..a IN 7 se-ak ..Nmww r d --•ma No P. >r • r mar w.spm Is ar rwrarlirall.SKrbr•raeY >w nrarre/rcafrrw >t r L r wdmwe r aro b . o•rf. do.. rrw•er,rrr r�rr byR did ad SON* bow ad p nd"do n / m 57. r tp.a sere tree. ob •mS,w rq rwr stat ata ��� the personals, and that quickly Sr.n.mra. t.b 7.90 R C nears-wmmrs oma*".A ars r WIN. P" r CAN r 9(111 Free- Sa.afrr aptRr;RstlKrelraa ayPt•by ab taLatEatu lfa00rrbbdr r p.. S,? rar•r,.w-q row25-4b •O. .,r w- mew r rt -r - � S.r• ram.. 'hr-, .er w•... *.ft Spd&Pr. fA"ftubmaNnrar I was (aging for someone. s.q. r...w n. sr!x r ba. ti r..,.. '1•o•e ---rn b-rI . Nolo OUR m2W No 6pw+see •lmrm-, Orr. ••'9 r. r mmmrfak rt ravel aft old slid refs lifew r 001ML rmyr--pm Mofrgkrf/arrn --w •-'--a ret -r ,.. sr w wee' -yore 7rrarffaL f®tef rafet.rrm•raaar .....rrrwr-wysw--.a.s. r.rrMra.kaasr Herr l am, director of 5•••r. INN mrr r... n b tee. -m; r -r w.•-,.br r,., moors. e..•- W9. Srmy,db.+rrd,roVSrrweq,op.ow crlowP. on me aatO•at OYrrwtROYPefmt/arktrtt awsaramr.•.•mfiamlo $ r orrrr.7 6q• rs4 .-r'9 a. -q ^r'1 +•.. tab • 4. ob .ire wee r+.9.'u.r o Cu -.7 w. b -mid" Imp " A..1 y marbCGng at a WIF eir�'j N went S.e ova r: rims nwr r mmr dd-• b. -:M. r. Dim,.e.- -ra .orates global a r a. S'S? M G rm wr aaq b . 9012110, %W -.p r a-0 No aero r mw Oam ' to r a r, rr, S7. see. Prom,. w.•a r R - � t/Gn5p0rtailOn -NL r ..-- oar .r wsa .4- r Aok torr •wee 4-•. "M Wis saq mows art r a .•. as �r•, Ar,e.. Noor• a . n .w. ,s r ttnrrNam s.mp mor. d r wrrr,r.ta.oa,.rr.rr.-w ea- r aims .ft - rq mgr w wd mr . Pr fli -- as giddy rQrawrrE mma sw v. •n .Prim bw..: n rm , a.. w q r. wa.r.-r.mr 'w '..-',Srq •urd �-s " • rat �.... ,company ktiera r. r. Sr "' r enoa-. •0/ ir4 rrr.r. -9 � a -.s-: r . Tr w d ill^ -wl.'••s9 ,ow w V.-, .z..,.rrwwrge.or "•trst No= OF rfae I as a 15 year-old INNI re'40ar--.r.�....,.-..r �.�- ., r., a..\n. ..,ra .-oro. q.Rmer •.r. r a• dm�r r. a r a. mar fan r r.iftho him.. immom, -Nims, ... •.o . atter a stollen kiss -- n[ altr r •seururE � nPLn[ s-..o.r avys.wiy.rnw 7w+rq wo. -ft -1 a*:r.: fw.r,.w-..wdr:.q ob,'-wr. nr:+w...q. fr «rr r•rr.res .q.N..ObSC. dnr,r-rdbns aa'L•9 ,s• --R mrrrrrb.rr Imift .r.ey loving andb ..a,P...d..r.....-.�.. WX ntbarr- WPRSbHH S." .-Lima rr mr.rp sm- m -•.p r mmmm no Pr minute of it.I a p aM-.a sow. smw r.+•.•r -0 r a $T. IN t Pr r wok b. r w a mlrr.rP.rrb,y.a P•r a.a c-r.r •-lrr•wM.b BJ w.,rr.l M.Y4 mmmr b amwa-rwt som" - T w Nr -9 frim + 7.o ra r -w-.q r pow, rrm •m•'4 . rr r mrmr ma rr7 •lS1> •R r ► •! a d ll ban sws emmsa .,'►r: 'sqY-Vn sb.•rs:µa.r'•`a fr id Sr seer arlsKlrarMA row r rdr r Jrr b. r w• •••rr•. rwrmm.... enl7ew Tr -'.'sr rb •.re -r .n -mmme iOFArf/•PrOr'! So• -4 r,..r,. ,y-„� .,,,,�, �„s r„ me v- b r f rim. w w -...r w<!/rq Sas • r .l t ira won.ama mwq •'-m.• Ctzt na-r N:e m14'1: r,�wgr•r a.K w.•lwr mmr o . Lome Y r mw r 114 ,w "r a r a d. +.•.. am•.ra -r!. Pr. baron Qll r- '•�• rlw,rr aorRl_ perrNow wee o.•.r.t.r.w-a wrrr.y..wrk...rrmrr • • mmWis.St 'A r+•--mr vmmrm ww'1-, mm.r _, rnwaw rsBe malls, as Sr w m -w, a }. a ! 'r -w.. b maw r.\ mo•a/..mrr r r tom • I I I • "•- •r '•'w's •004 mmoa"r oe N-• , a mo. c w os .o.► o ANN .p r .r•wy.rwrwmr•wab.paar Ness wmara.r.r -'s as 'lr o...r,..r ..w.e..rf.- r -r bw • -•mryr- nfKra tt t.sf-ro Orr raPbmr�r.s. dm••.s a ,rm.•r-a.• ra rS 1lrr .Il•. r. -a b wwk a R Sf ... al.rr •- meet -a r w me. R os •--mrw. ir- y r ON 7w CraerasaesarlT .•.a r.s •w -r +.w ammo-- .a-aars.rrr a r a rr• grim mar r w er.+r • r too aim No •wee m -•ma swat ••a•a s r•. -a +•.r w •mm.Ns err. -r •me.mwmr NOW -rows s+..w.rim rsw r•aS Ora: �. w., -•.w.-. oar. omnr NarQdr•rpm>♦a-.Or. rt w..m mr.rw•y.or e.w Jramr arta Tor ora a.-aswwa•,..aws ,.rmrr..a 1p. arra rr ramrr Probe. ms .mrtwrmwrr d .r •b.as•.r•rwPwwosasStmo wwsraamm tarr.r.wdr•r awrrraa•am amrlsa.swar.ra.Y. m.trat-Sat alter add �SBT• sea r w d .raw = ? T`0 Y i wrfr n v a M •-w rnr r.'a•-' 1.a r•F metre. rmw r e r Me w -Post eR Ib�r wrr M aHr a m so wr r Elmi, r-1 arra r7.- r. R r,ra rmmra Ni amsr-r r roc =L -Not swim ••r ma r rs . r ■ • } a S., et a br.. mmmra r,.. arm -m-11- i+s:'a.wr-a •rP 1 s• Prim- S•w7. Piro a r N r• r .• Own Petr. No --p • b. - .N1 a /maim a.. m.M .•wr r • a -m' mrr r mr • .. or r r see .. w �.. ma 5w ar w.a +r..• wets mrma •rim bwm wo-7 s w mr sow r w r mor .rr b pawr••rrtrrr-merrr■•air r-�-r ow,rrrr r.r.QafV •.Warr ret. ON"a-rwmmw %."- r mr rr row•, rrswr f r W, Sm .►rmmmr rrrr.r. see +sr erwDtartr NNo o- sows-mrm a a b. mato rmm.r a.r sates ...rrw..ms ir.. prrr ...Ion" r aamt-•tau (� 1�-451-3i9�. tmum seen r.-w•alsp riar..trrmog Prat •rrmr•a SY Mrmw.r rr fPr a ► a •� dr mrr r r r . mra r . roe a. -.r- r r. ar r wreear rrafrar LErS rr r aim a . rr .wrr r . -rr maw . mr .. =2.49 per RMrL mmr- • r .r M ram r r w masa Y �.rmr r y ma r rt a•aa mr ae•oaw..ar..r► ra r on- !rim-. er, as • dr. Orr m..a.r .r. f a•. >, Petr. y -r.! ra farm ww. awry w wrlry r s, r Lo•r . Peter wee .-ma meta p,r r r , Pr w rr..•Qtr' r a Post wP.•armp.-e,.k --r, rt spa wraroeraworr .p,. r w.a ••P ams smst .+ r tLPSONOM .fern aO m-.rr w-••w-r-egnw No, as Prim. trowxmra..rr► wsmmmr low-rr. til rm,nsr 4.wwr wafter Maww•-mew metra a. rmo,ksrrr-. -..w-+a11011WC I Krtrtawer •r.rr.Ira is 280 Pr..rwom.pa. lom•rr rr 7r •br Trr.m.r or+. mar w+wwtw fr imrq.q Prrr rrr...am arer ba�[�a wm.w as �J•1 Dat,r•N-w mr -rmmm.rr raw e-1rM tlll' rraST a\.Prima ra.rr rlrwsw No'2rtw rrwrO •?r aa�arn ~rriramrrr....-.r.1 ars...r r.., rims. ,.Prima LLT78r K a �7 .roto -Y Srrr.r vra r,rrPw m/1KOr•rrbe0.- moss rw� wms.w.ms-.•r•�rr•sr rwm.wr sr smwwrs•• sr -w•+ -r. - w•r,O [aaCet_- rrrramD.• _Nm. mr w b mr . or • b P • ••ret. I.mr. w w-rr saw •--mP motto r.r s . mime I . K ✓.. a,p.q r r •ow r•m.r-rmo..br .�w.r wrr• r-o•w rmm•n>•w soma rrrr •O',w pr aa•Ca mw wen .mkt •-motor naw -CInrE11t♦ • K. rims r' -w.-r rets r w rim r- .w- r -0 . w w 7.p.L.ww •o am 1Rir A fa1R rLL�i 4OR w -.w !Ot IDP rwparr•ga b arm. srrr-r. r rmw r w_ a bmw w ra o► •aryra six-W�; a r r R mr.ir a s w rim rims O► r r mmwP.a ws..moa- ms ora r .a�rrr. s.aar-f-.I swot wee• CiR.� Pais a. •.P rima ma r w W ar r rets • mrd r a• r - r w. rr•r...rrr aam.r arsm.r�.•. rcr.m-rmr...r ueA rraEm.Prrrrr, wrrmr Neta N-•Nwrn•1� •w.mw a.•. rm-,.r Q•ari ms-r►.aMpw1*r-Dara W. mover mom r b- r.. r.w rimmma r•mmw mra •w Nrarr w. wawrarorrnc ■rtrnaraa ar rmmr armr.my.rrrr.wr r.arr..r.r,�..rmmwamrram.r mmrw.rrr.w p -r lrrr•rrrrrrra nn TV 40 IN am .mr,rstr maramrrS a-br ear mr rwasT ,OL m.rr, mor r►as•m\.rr..r�.awrw-+..a &fust -Mew rr•M..wr. mrr]r-•Jeb-.r fwd. O IFR -W-.ft No, mal •-a verwNim r•rl•r•a w-mprrrprw. alar w. Pw a r. dorms .rq r. ro NO Naiomoix sl►r-rw/ww.a•A m1Y•ltt/Lrr :arrr•r n.I mom WPM stow fT in\rY•r•arprwr.rR r-rmrAs- o ww-No, moo,rmi r ow No mr,a-r. 40, O.1^• sh-Kx Wee fereasreaa rear• rp.-wr.wa-er.wq Poet ,IDP i♦aa•OLOU saws �•tr ••r .r- r sift u..a ..e to tow sir• Mr %ver Row a r r .a .*. r ••b► ra Orr r r s ► r ager'r► IT •a r sir r •.r o•'p► Por 'N.", .ver r wmk wq o• -tmiss miss "N d` w ♦ r r mr.w''w'aa wee r +mar r eo..s aro r o. -1: r mw aro /••r M wm,•mw[ r�'i•.w. •rim •-r rwr r . mw-- err . mmr mow r.rr.a..amrr..r arra nt •iw a" or► -r sr +r -r • pr -r Srr r -m. r rnrt.r. r r wapra.ry R• r •ro. r rmara mmr err w A pe r wimmwooi d rrrrrsarar•r,rr sir •rnm mrwrmm.r-rrr -mera.r•wm r o IDSL ttwe-L aim mow Sorn. s.r••w m.rr wr.wya•w. art.n•s- ararmmmmr-ratma�+rr.a aeraw Y,.pwra. q. era rim ata m., V ..rrrror.wr..p'MO LLTSrK r -I sr-aruman OWN,, r ■ mew r.m>t • mid"• r.r PcerrLima ra s► rima Isom r. +s r wrsr► sir .•wee Orr sir r r - torr aresrrer. up or r...w-.r i/rragt'7•r wrr wawa aw0.w•w r.a r.• S•ra.-r. rt wrrrwrrpr wk .r•-. srt•r.r•rr rC•S.w .aay.aP etas g-rra mmrat mgeee rraSr mr.ra rrrrrrr ft Is, IV r.a. .mow. nrapa r r-r.r.Irw•-a r.wrrmr• •oar,rrw.rarrmmL oraq waertr rmY rrM rwra.wr WwrmP.,mL .tr..a reamarq lav rrgk•aP.r•ra►aP�aa r.orr mrwrwwrrrmnrua.a tar.rr *law •\m..O ..mr•rra^ra.r•r■ eroK7"t •r rel. r•k '� r� ~•-� yamwrkarim.rwrms o.srrrr r-rr• r•rtw.Wddm- .sip+set CallsOIL r•m' r•... S, rtl r,arr-r•Yra wet•, i r No. r -k roe rim sir m- r aim►rya fLLiarawl mmm.P.rr..r. mmr rw.r.rp r ..settee O -0rrR rrrrr..ot pa rwr .0.0RIaE�r Orr rmw•rrk,•roa setas r•plar IrWaaallwtls wwwarwsswo"simow►r taut Yrrrrrrerrrtr •fr •-'r Wild,.rrrrrrrrrr r r p r m•r- mod moms, Nip rim w rrrr.ar•rryort-w.. orka.•aw.a te'. rarrrr r.r LOa-eras- r a gowK 0**,K w"ar arra Waa)� Ir ra'n'% Cd1-'9"14MM rr.grr•a*.dtltr.1 rrrr.p rww.r.wraakwa.rrrar ,rra.P,r..•.ST, rrrrrwmr Grp Por sets sir r stent seeb mrrMar.rwrpwaarar tOsarlNM rrrpw Or imp aft sir ,now ft ft srsrr ill 11 As Oft r► ST 'S r rrmr r gee, $L49�� rr/oi••astwl ,rraee-r eprr.aa SlrlS urr+L a r."Wis-o low Now No r.srgk sir r. Pres •.assk Fa �r.ra imw 1Q SLS r•oamwrmg�r.ylrar� "OM ON Sbwa4db aR4. tet0 31. NO r�aa-�r w•e••r Sir .0 am lm•Em eaaa•taaml� ararrr.rrrrU.rrrramar • r mea >f, ,a \ r.aw. Warm-r.r r Pam* tarn ;at• e•o& Yat n.1•r r bM OR ]KM s sr n W2 rime Vra 00.00 wrr r a t m raeogee.rimow%om".LOrrr sir wrsaa arm •tieffi rrUaa sireaseeaw •ark rraorr. r•mrr•r.k rim torr w� o ant rat ,r r+r a sett' ✓R a • x a.wwk ffataar-won •r'krrr•'r"arr•"'ada`pow srw r. •+r sir w•• r t. urwrwrwr rsrrraKssrr • ararrP.rarrrw r, r •f•s aarrPa-tar-rarrwarr►rw asrrrrarrw...rrrrr arerlr[e*r as asr.rarr.rrr.rrr�\r Iwaal•IW /rm-t f r a mae r aenyrr• est rrrPwrrr ar„rr.rrar• •r-woK=,d •sr•okxw•q araa.r..r r.r..a zm a,-,•rr\rrr.-.rrP rr.,rrr► -�rmr�P ftwg 14M old WftS =N adogOL � . Por orw,r,r r sm■+yr+r.r► �at ru cOi s -a umm lb a.a los aSts r am W r boa tree rsams Orr Ir.rwrrYao[aar mr.a•o►r.1T uLrl Prima rmrra Swtlaw�alYaf Orr -,-ata Sauk waawr Orr aa•arpr ar Err. rrw-sr neer Ora soon tong- a rim ttt�rarrat suttrftara >K/kw►"wa.yea >Pwak Petrous -r ./yrsfarrwrnr.OEM rbr/r crr•.rsr..rrrrarraabrr.aar• Meku.rrm.aara.wr.keri rrrtrrrrr•mm mud K-ra wmr saw• aim• r -, paP Ee.e nwwraeats as sss ebq wlefmbmaarq seta •arpr.r -euq.r raprrarear la/r,ra waragmmwm - pr- Orr s>.r-rrmrr.a a. ret •.-sir rwiwaaurewa dmw.r er a-raerai. tat rwrr �m �r►mL eek ounalo sir a a► a•ffn-r rr••arr rA r a moo, �yrallrl r•s-r.•rrra.rraarrrw\s1► armM•.epNwmrrw.*A"a em• �►.tt �a.a� marm• 1 -*0451-3M rrrraatpmOman wr-rkaa ME rmPear.rrara OltO! r�rarr atraaap, Aerra r•••reaarrraw�drlr VIN 011wt ursar•aue aware" etaaata eranar►trr 12A Per NNIR - rrLaefParar.-�--rrrrw ars fr. %aft""rraareb.mars rwr�f-rrml wag.Aatr,rT.w alalaaaaNtrtwt ar A, W. til Myra frraarr arts gk ff. kr-a-karalrrrrpsra yarrrrrn-t•.1•rrrasrrara p.wtkr a% r a p- Pik tart rt L Omrmr as rraraerreaabra art tree arml a.ry mea.a rrLt arr.r trar.wgk an. r oa.m�. U" a prrffagwrr,ryermaertrx Catwtsawtw seen a-rragtea/ r►l�-r..�q-re•rt(rrl/rrm►� a..r.rwywa••rgwranrrtN w•rrrrrMwa.�ra•'ALI" MSmarrmm-aryrrtaOs� �P.LLfS..m1Y•Mrlr•rmrrraYri COLOMBOrrrrb.rwaawa i+•\�te-rArrO� arrraar•f••/r•rak aa7R ye�pR rasr•mrrwrew,ara Sar arrl!'raearrlrraraalK/sa rawt•twr a1LR'Ew1/! artr.wp-fwre.r ftr .rkarxrwrrrrrr@MORr IraCr� rrtt•r+ra.reana.+rPr�a+4. ar.rrrprrtwtfr,uatfbrrw sra.pamw.wsr.ratwrrr r,o� arrlatrrrrsk•aksr/ugr-rrmrk .raM•a.arrrrartl.,re,Parr aarreyrli-ae.rstbrrrr•aa a-k~Owe wakrr.rrm.r.eeseea rrrwr�ar.-mrrrbrarr m//-1.Otblllt teemrwt a.a r.rrarPrmaarrr row ams Wawa srx eaarraw INflr trek 1-trrrarfr-al•rrrapml regrew-lwmm rrapwasolo O•YrSrkPaaePw.r asmme Iso Ma.arr as arta M -a eeLmrmM•rwptew IE7MIrOwt a 0boa or. btftmodi taaea n •cep rrMP sir aa� No aFP a-.wo• CN114064114 M mom arrb►bws r.awrrberrOtaM w4mmus sir-•neer zm pIr �,4Ja NN� • 1: 1 I r-rgPra•w+�/•r+ Mpalarmuft •mpPsraaas=" •Pat.Paar•r�wka=Mraa" rsta� brttarPr.�rra-re.rgar r -ray ata ow snore m -k a fart. r s r arra r r rare. Oars aces errrmryapta-rRr.rrtST. s�•a� rs4aawr• �r�Kl •-asri•/Sasr+waeat� lsaurarK&Wbo aska.as rr��r ea Ora�rrr ��a etWasereraaryaayLrltetss W. 1111114 *Oft MOM NOW Oft Old, a eels-rrak$V.dMk rrrrwgr. /Prrr-a.ans orwew ftnkar• era rre�.a aerreRarrrerrL Prat/- ver r-era+rrwrrlia rover r rr-wy ase Orr ,RwwR r�.rwer•ro,wror..r. P. eereaatae "Ifto r•rrrrraaLmsm "VOL Sr. Mtaaarkfrrawarrr rrrrmatei-rf/..aeal ata r -ata .ar..re.rtr.r.ea.aa.rw•+L 1pdLdioLofth"i.etrraq ep Mall i}/Lteryerrrrrrr-.r/r aarrw abaps rrarrk dit4 trra•efara Pry .Proem rrw omms IN sir r/taare•rak7lsxrfragtaaQ aKebt•rmewaaraker-rRamY wMbrlaerttr •Oso rwrarlirall.SKrbr•raeY >w err.gPeuYP.t-raKarr-atr rrw•er,rrr r�rr byR did ad SON* bow ad p nd"do �rw rrrttrtear its aa.r.r+sir-.reatfwa affwraa=a- yae•rrr-brat armrp6+ewe7► Lesrcearbla[ aptRr;RstlKrelraa ayPt•by ab taLatEatu wrLtriace ae adddbrae-rwkoaraetr rwra-mlKaararr•erramwr• Or►pari•Oak MAdL r� = Spd&Pr. fA"ftubmaNnrar aP-rLrbft#b mkxrx sir r �OL - s WONOMOW / rafrr araWr'mood r trp Err ataartrtrara.wr Prat as afraaa-srarrat/►mw ravel aft old slid refs lifew r 001ML rmyr--pm Mofrgkrf/arrn -tsar aortas a. pWaLWwrr► tl� Eallceal -af4arrrrtKar-rpaOrD1 r.rrMra.kaasr rLaOlae •aa�at� arpt.e.rtlaer.a+..tetra+. Ottarb7N ea�tatl�ttwa aatO•at OYrrwtROYPefmt/arktrtt ft Soft rrrP art ram Pa 00 Milo trratlr�Yrr/e-�ukaraakaw ere bm-Prt Sar, emppagbn OPrrr apfrr.frrrnRtatafffsPwrl tm�erraKd r sbaetlat tlfMWerrrl arra rr•rl ark ism a►arta sir afinemb•a/bearwrr Ore Para 40 ON* DMV* ft" a atnr 600e lbllrrrox7 FREE PERSONAL AD * FREE VOICE GREETING - Toc� YoFREE �D, cau.1-800-662-8423• Ar,rr, DAY oR mgr. a] :� tom`. 1• '' Sy � �_ _ ,ti+': AND ffiuuim0Kw`,Em,-rt�iCo -� ON SEPTEMBER30TH, WERE MAKING .:-L r — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — A FEW CHANGES TO MAKE ROOM FOR THESE GREAT NEW CHANNELS. 'katch fi>r %luch.MoreMusic coming on September 30th and ( 1 tiprrrt,nct "Ihich arrive~ on October 9th. ! I % Sport%net will Showcase NI11. hot, Lev. BA )lavoff%, NIA golf', (: \SCAR racing and more• .part% action. �lucitMorc%III"Ic \\ill "11(mca,c• adult t.ontcmpo rary music. Iight rock. clavR hit', ,olll R&B and much mmrc Canadian I�rrr�rantnlin�. I,cc•h tflc ch.111"C, t() a minimum and \%c,ll hc. ri lirr� \„u a "h.tnncl card and ,iitkcr in III,, mail ,mm. l ntil li. ii I,I ,t. r fcr to this eII,Innrl line ul, t.. lind %mir nc\\ ,incl 1 .h.Ir:rt.l,. I hi. „ill mAL \wir tr.m,mgm I() IIIc rIc" i .'111;1 hil: uh r.I,iir. i, c„nlnlltted I-� .lddillo orc,It t. inntcM to cuur dial ',o ,it hacl.. rcl.I\ ,11111 1nen\.