HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1997_01_28Pa ewsuB�, Rice ri n f Oc �1r�lC>�c��tl,G P �JAIM . dv irtiser Newest Models IBM STEALTH SERIES NOW -IN -NOCK Pickering Town Centre (905) 420-9707 P�K�jgi q*04 0 ual &j LATER TUNE-UP • • :�SPECIAL Reg. $ Now `3T 4 2 No. 3 S1 TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1997 1'ressrUn 44,000 16 Pages lospCKERNG s 837 - Local health care underfunding claims reinforced 131' MARIANNE T:'.KACS surgery and some diagnostic prose- its own 1996 survev of hospital wait- cent longer for access to diagnostic other 27.7 per cent. STAFF REPOKnx duns. ing lists in Vancouver and Toronto. technology. As well. acute care hos- The survey showed GTA patients People in Durham and the rest of Those are the findings of the According to the survey, people pitals in Toronto. where aFout half of outside Toronto had to wait wecks the Greater Toronto Area have to Fraser Institute, a Vancouver -based living in the GTA outstdc'l''w ntc arc GJA residents residc, receive 7_ longer to rccci%c treatment or dMil- wait longer than Metro residents for 'think-tank' involved in social and waiting 20 per cent Irm«cr to rcccnc rvr cnt ,I c �"I:\ hospital ti,n(l,n medical services such as elective economic reseanh, teased largely on elective sur,cry and 21 t , A;_!1 61 the G 1A S,,-,, Top GTA politicians It condemn' Province forpassingwelfare tab B} Ki -I -M GILLIGAN S lAk RF: 090_ :R Metro Toronto could become a hol- lowed -out shell like major American cities if the Province doesn't reverse: itself on handing responsibility fox wel- fare over to municipalities. Ajax Mayor Stcye Parish charges. At the Greater Toronto Area Mavors and Regional Chairs meeting Friday. INSIDE Agencies struggle - Social ser- vice agencies try to help families of disabled kids - page 4. PC candidate - A third person is seeking the Tory nomination in Whitby -Ajax - page 5. Editorial Page ...........6 Sports ................11 Classified ..............12 HOVE' TO REACH US General ..........683-5110 Death Notices ......683-3005 Auction Line .......683-7545 Sincerely Yours .......... ..1-800-662-8423 Email ................ NewsroomOdurhamnews.net Internet .............. http://www.durhamnews.net STEVE PARISH Downloading welfare to munici- palities bad for towns. Mayor Parish won almost unanimous support for his motion to "strongly con- demn" the provincial government for downloading more welfare and social service costs to municipalities. All but one of the 31 politicians at the meeting in Markham supported the motion. Community and Social Services Minister and Durham West MPP Janet Ecker announced two weeks ago that municipalities would have to pay half See `NOBODY/ ...page 5 photo by Andrew Iwarrowski Making treasure from trash i Residents were invited to celebrate the clos- Pickering Recreation Complex Saturday. ing of the Brock West landfill in Pickering Here, Marisa Carpino works on part of the by helping to build a Waste Not Want Not tower constructed from items which would Tower of Triumph 'found art' sculpture at the otherwise end up in a dump. ..,.,. - - r..-" -._...__ --. - _ - _ ...�..... .--. ..- --• ...i..n...--.. ...:.. .., ... .,...•:y�,�«�.,+�:^rxw+.iyreW....•�+..wan,�<-•"°5�-e+.1Y.m-^"pw.re,ee. sg a.. PAGE 2 -TIE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY M 1997 Prices in effect • Tuesday, fan. 28th FUTURE SHOP,Sunday, Feb. 2nd • S er savin vent,• --1%ulaIE•' % bmrbx l R~e Coefrr w..nu.i� •rrr e. m w..r.. tum... 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En 428-4450 IFUTURESHOP at Harwood Ave, ■ Oft maty not be cmMnW with any ether proerotonal Oft. Only No bonus or free older per custoeher perMchase. 'Oa Bids lllfiirrreii► rrtpiroi atidtdmieit�irbr Mtiwof Arrlwtat'a. - Irurfi •YorNwiteKM/r< Armermtmarire8rolparo rcotirep:est Nibs aetttilrihrltiW4miiewlwliritirmailrwr�wetiblww�ie�rdM bt�rlb�ig>rldbisi wilmrr WtirtiwfrlS!1.lSlafr�gSkltrer4fia ihwri i�ttrpwl�trm rllainiYta141aaYt�ierat awrta� MitSSH1.NrS1SN��rSllllSr padhwwatirtlitiraY w olio lttrttit: YrrtamwldSR." aama&Iof24711"1"d IK1rS2IN Ipatitrrlrwltrraiihdl2riea�aitiaa�i��arc S111g71rS1SMrwtlwrfl5ii�r INriiww�irl�aiirSiarotS111S1a512q]Sipilirrlll4re�c Od iafiitr`aigs►�r sari-lommet'ASbrrrpsStlr.gSlrl aZ1NRlaSl, jatlwagf]1WrwSipitllrlfh9fAFileS;Mlpria ieivalt ietrwiiierAiaaiaiYSfwi Msralml TYPwrete 04raswMrtt-Otirwvkbm� SrmiswwraYr /%!ta AaY Area hospitals get $300 less per FROM PAGE 1 nostic testing after having seen specialists in areas such as ophthalmology, orthopedic surgery, otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat) and urology. One of the longest delays was in orthopedic surgery, where the wait was 8.7 weeks in Toronto and 12.3 in the rest of the GTA. Waiting periods out- side Toronto were equal or shorter in specialties such as general surgery, gynecology, internal medicine and neuro- surgery. The survey also detailed the imbalance between Toronto and the rest of the GTA in the availability of ser- vices such as MRI scans, CT scans, dialysis and radiation therapy for cancer patients. "While it's not specifically Durham data it is generally Our mistake A headline :Y in the Friday, tan. 24 News ."Advertiser #incorrectly Vindicated that to Durham ;Regional P o l i c e Inspector said the rumored .move of offi- cers from the Ajax station to the #'Pickering detachment was "a one deal". In fact, as the story reported, 24 Division Inspector J o h n Hamilton did not make such a statement. The quote on which the headline was came #'tram - all offi d in (bout *Obi + the experience we're having in Durham," says Jim Armstrong, executive director of the Hospital Council of Durham Region. He believes the Fraser Institute results reinforce the argument 905 - area hospital councils have been trying to make to the Province -- that health care in the GTA outside Toronto is underfunded. "We're not saying every- thing should be done in Durham," notes Mr. Armstrong, explaining some medical services require the concentration of specialists and technology that can only be efficiently provided in a big -city hospital. But he maintains many of the services the survey found lacking in the GTA outside lbronto could be properly FaaM s% 905-649-2112 THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY n, 1997 - PAGE 3 e capita than Ontario average g provided locally in Durham, ed to the Health Services health care dollars. Durham hospitals in Ontario. particularly orthopedic Restructuring Commission hospitals hope it will mean According to Mr. Armstrong, surgery, ophthalmology, oto- established by the Province to they will receive as much per Durham hospitals receive laryngology, pediatrics, dialy- oversee the restructuring of capita (based on the papula- about 5400 per capita. while sis and radiation therapy. health care services in tion of the arca thcN serve i as the prrn incial aE crage is ahE rut Durham patients now often Ontario. The commission is the average f()r Ilio rc,t of the S7(N)- have to wait a long time or travel a great distance at con- siderable inconvenience in order to obtain these services. The local hospital council and others in the 905 area have formed the GTA/905 Health Care Alliance to, among other things, make their case to the Province for more equitable funding and service distribution. Alliance members are currently work- ing on a study to determine exactly what services are needed and can be efficiently, delivered locally in each of their jurisdictions. It% findings will be provid- AND MORE/, Farm Products W --Anima Fecds & Health' 50 Ib. OILED SUNFLOWER SEEDS 315.9, SOFTWOOD SHAVINGS 4 CUBIC' $3.85 50 lb. BAG OF PEANI TS $34.99 173.1 Hoxton 5t . Claremont (Brock Rd.N - Icft on old Brock Rd & North to Hoxton) SASE a CIAL 18ARGPAS � jH TODA`t''S I News A�� hesday January, 281997 • Adra Canada Fide. • MdtM Meats - A jaxlPick • Shoppers Drug Wet • Sb dry Women's • Town of Pickmr g PkAL • White Roes • Wism � ' DI�d it Idxlei Mll�tldl ml� currently working on Metro Toronto and is expected to turn its attention to Durham and the rest of the GTA later this year. So far the commis- sion has upset a lot of people in other areas of the province by recommending the closure of several hospitals. "We're already way below delivery levels elsewhere In the province," says Mr. Armstrong. "We expect when they come to Durham they're not going to he subtracting. they're going to be- adding." The Province is also in the process of moving to 'popula- tion -based funding' to allocate SHOP-14*41 OMOTOROLA Sleek Slim Design Flip PhoneTm • :20 mirute [a1K ume • Flip activates/deactivates phone • Compact design fits easily in yo.r pocket • Super speed dial/call timer 010`2650 M081LTY OPC650 CLIP PMONE"- ACTIVATION REQUIRED 'F.E�=aornors .E ...AAM o.a�ME -. —m .Eo."s • * rwAEw P K'w'aw M'M cu jpA 't�f y, -.-....I: A.... _,P*.E►..ONE � �X_I tFtFA.OE4 v[}Y„µr GEES AMG +f S'+ ' . h•, YA. WP.. -.EDI' c YM...' A fto w*o ohcls l , of floe Q.O.E. �F:.^�,t.P E. t -7.E SF'...K: —F MI�',Q," k "111T1oM 41[ . Vow co. DE Tws-uS'OYE.S MUST �kYYM:iM -E SINl 4'YIJ1i1 c7MSYDt+'�+s :OYT�twRxlY. —CELS KA. SAES—S" BE !I 4;COYc'.EWt M.M .M K "'�."OF .' .l ":..[ S.O. 4Mo'.toARE .'cE IIIMG Mb K':`Yi C.M1 '. E E 5 YT•., �j EXCEPTIONAL ADVICE FOR CaarrR Twaff is a 4a stQwa • a%w.. noiolw ailme r tofsrn•ist finowdeAmwofMakwim a•/ as Minimr of 1Vaaaaat Xmmr. era rte ca wny i an spsrew. SAT., FEB. 8 9:30 a.m. ANNANDALE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Church St. S. AJAX UNSETTLED TIMES RRSP strategies with Garth Turner nunoMU Topics covered include: • RRSP strategies for GenXers Boomers and Seniors • The top 15 winning retirement strategies • How to find an advisor you can trust • What happens if they tax RRSPs? FO RTU N E 335 Ba* St. W. 11"WwairMENT AJAX co nk presented by Debbie Morgan & Richard S. Price SEATING IS LIMITED RESERVE NOW (9w) 427-7334 (EXT. 302) 24 HRS. ton TempleAIC Group of Funds ,.,,�CrroAag portfolios of excenest bwieesses kligdliikdll�t+�eii�� Ikkle�d�lri�a tri�tianlitm Cd Am it}Sma currently working on Metro Toronto and is expected to turn its attention to Durham and the rest of the GTA later this year. So far the commis- sion has upset a lot of people in other areas of the province by recommending the closure of several hospitals. "We're already way below delivery levels elsewhere In the province," says Mr. Armstrong. "We expect when they come to Durham they're not going to he subtracting. they're going to be- adding." The Province is also in the process of moving to 'popula- tion -based funding' to allocate SHOP-14*41 OMOTOROLA Sleek Slim Design Flip PhoneTm • :20 mirute [a1K ume • Flip activates/deactivates phone • Compact design fits easily in yo.r pocket • Super speed dial/call timer 010`2650 M081LTY OPC650 CLIP PMONE"- ACTIVATION REQUIRED 'F.E�=aornors .E ...AAM o.a�ME -. —m .Eo."s • * rwAEw P K'w'aw M'M cu jpA 't�f y, -.-....I: A.... _,P*.E►..ONE � �X_I tFtFA.OE4 v[}Y„µr GEES AMG +f S'+ ' . h•, YA. WP.. -.EDI' c YM...' A fto w*o ohcls l , of floe Q.O.E. �F:.^�,t.P E. t -7.E SF'...K: —F MI�',Q," k "111T1oM 41[ . Vow co. DE Tws-uS'OYE.S MUST �kYYM:iM -E SINl 4'YIJ1i1 c7MSYDt+'�+s :OYT�twRxlY. —CELS KA. SAES—S" BE !I 4;COYc'.EWt M.M .M K "'�."OF .' .l ":..[ S.O. 4Mo'.toARE .'cE IIIMG Mb K':`Yi C.M1 '. E E 5 YT•., �j EXCEPTIONAL ADVICE FOR CaarrR Twaff is a 4a stQwa • a%w.. noiolw ailme r tofsrn•ist finowdeAmwofMakwim a•/ as Minimr of 1Vaaaaat Xmmr. era rte ca wny i an spsrew. SAT., FEB. 8 9:30 a.m. ANNANDALE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB Church St. S. AJAX UNSETTLED TIMES RRSP strategies with Garth Turner nunoMU Topics covered include: • RRSP strategies for GenXers Boomers and Seniors • The top 15 winning retirement strategies • How to find an advisor you can trust • What happens if they tax RRSPs? FO RTU N E 335 Ba* St. W. 11"WwairMENT AJAX co nk presented by Debbie Morgan & Richard S. Price SEATING IS LIMITED RESERVE NOW (9w) 427-7334 (EXT. 302) 24 HRS. ton TempleAIC Group of Funds ,.,,�CrroAag portfolios of excenest bwieesses PAGE 4 - THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1997 Agencies struggle to help families with disabled kids This is the third article in a series about families of dis- abled children and the struggles they are facing. B}' LINDA WHITE S rAFF REPC)RTFR Social service agencies which lend a helping hand to families of children with disabilities face a difficult struggle as limited resources keep them from doing as much as they'd like. "We know dozens of families who are in desper- ate situations and we know that this is because the sup- port their children need is not available." says Maureen Emmons, presi- dent of the Ajax -Pickering - Whitby Association for Community Living. "It's not available because funding for devel- opmental ly- handicapped People is at a much lower level in Durham than the average in the province." she saes. Other agencies face simi- lar difficulties. "Wc tr to do w hatcver we can to get resources out to families, but there's an end to what we can do." admits May ah Scvink. director of Durham Association for Family Respite Services. The agency has an actiyc list of almost 4(X) tamtllcs In need of respite and assis- tance in finding financial support from vari- ous programs throughout the region. And while it can provide "at (cast some ser- vice" to each of those, about half woull like more help than the agency is able to provide, says Ms. Se\ ink. "Most (social sen ice) agencies arc at or above their limit, in terms of num- bers." notes Ms. Scvink, who wel- comes restructur- ing of the funding of agencies but fears "there's a real danger in focusing exclu- sively on efficien- cy. We're dealing with people's lives. We can't treat them like machines." But the system isn't currently up to par, Ms. Sevink agrees, pointing to regular calls from families who can no longer cope with caring for their disabled child. "Especially around busier times, like Christmas, we will be getting a call every week from families who've just had it." Ms. Sevink say s. "Seeing families beaten down like that is really diffi- cult. i know the Minister (of Community and Social Services)Seices) receives letters daily from families" lobby- ing for change. "That's a lot of work on top of what they already do." she says of par- ents fighting for increased support. The search for financial support to help families cope is also difficult. according to Ms. Sevink. "It's a pretty confusing field." she says of social ser- vices. "There are little pots of money here and little puts of money there." Getting money from those pots "is a huge amount of work. Even with all that work. you're never assured you're going to get anything. fight. It's always a It tends to -Acar people down. If you have to keep fighting for a buck. it's really devastating if you come up empty-hand- ed. The process is "heart - wrenching," according to Ajax resident Dawn Roper. whose I -3 -year-old daughter Carolyn Latour has Rhett's Syndrome and can't walk or talk. has lo,,t the ahiGt,, to "A,1iik'.k and must %kcar a dia�cr DAWN ROPER Parents have to beg. going from one pot of money to another begging -- and it is begging -- as you bare your heart and soul. You have to portray your child in a terrible light. We want to focus on our chil- dren's positives, but they don't want to hear that. It's depressing. It's soul destroy- ing." Ms. Roper received $20,000 last year from Special Services at Home Funding from the ministry. This year, she has been cut back to a recently -imposed ceiling of 510,0(X1. "The people who need the money the most are being hurt the most," she says of the cutback. %Is. Roper maintains "there's a lot of money in the system. You aren't going to find a parent who doesn't think there's enough money, province -wide. It's just how (the government) spends it." .But as parents continue to cope with limited sup- port, "you are seeing ener- getic, creative and caring families being damaged," says Ms. Swink. "it's diffi- cult to watch. We keep plug- ging and they do too." It's particularly difficult to meet with older parents at or near retirement who fear for the future of their dis- abled child. "When you meet with them, their first worry is what's going to happen to their child." Ms. Sevink reports. "It's a real point of panic. We are look- ing at people who are really vulnerable." Minister of Communitv and Social Services and Durham West MPP Janet Ecker recently announced an additional 515 million to support families whose chil- dren have developmental disabilities. Of that. $6 mil- lion is to be directed to developmentally -disabled adults being cared for at home by aging parents. While there aren't enough group homes for disabled children and adults, hls. Scsink wonders if the demand would decrease if families had more support caring for their children at home. "For many who want a group home, it's not a ques- tion of a real choice. They're physically and emo- They've been pushed there. tionally exhausted." N BANKRUPTC! Offering all insolvency services including personal and corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJAX 50 Commercial Ave. 619 -1473 COBOURG 72 King St. W. 3724744 Saturday & Evening Appointments available. JAMES R. YANCH photo by Jason Uebregts Precise car care Precision Tune Auto Care recently opened its doors at 355 Bayly St. W. in Ajax. Owner Bruce Schie and mechanic Jeff Carbonaro work on one of their first customer's cars at the new outlet For best results advertise with the .News Advertiser delivered at your - door three times a week THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY 2a, 1997 - PAGE 5 Third person throws their hat in the ring for PC candidacy in Whitby -Ajax Riding A third person is seeking the Progressive Conservative nomi- nation for the new riding of' Whitby -Ajax in the next federal election. Frank Snyder, 39, says bud- get deficits have to be eliminat- ed in order for the country to prosper. "I'm concerned about the future of -Canada. I've got kids and I want them to enjoy as good afuture as I had. As long as we're running up budget deficits, we seriously cripple the kind of Canada I'd like to see," says the Whitby resident. "We're overtaxed and it leads people to have double incomes to support a hcc- tic lifestyle. People have to work hard for their money today and a lot of it has to do with the way the gov- ernment is set up," says Mr. Snvdcr. Other issues he believes arc important include excessive govern- ment regulation on business. keeping Canada together and strengthening the FRANK SNYDER Eliminate budget deficits. tion. family. Mr. Snyder and his wife lane have two sons, Alex and Philip. The professional engineer owns a general contract- ing company in Whitby. He's making his second attempt at elected office, having run as the PC candi- date in Oshawa in the 1987 provincial elec- Other declared candidates for the Tory nomination are Robert Chopowick and Bruce Kelly, both of Whitby. The Whitby -Ajax Riding includes all of Whitby and Ajax south of' Hwy. 2. The Tory nomination meet- ing is being held Thursday. March 6 at 6:30 p.m. at Sinclair Secondary School, 390 Taunton Rd. E.. Whitby. Feb. 13 is the deadline to become a party member and be eligible to vote at the nomina- tion meeting. Call Christine Charest-Monty at 721-7592 for more information or about becoming a party member. ham. College offers 'night school courses t Pickering igh school PICKERING -= Durham College is now offering night school courses at St. Mary `'Catholic Secondary School here. Credit, computer and general interest courses are held at the school, 1918 Whites Rd., Tuesday and Thursday evenings now as part of the college's continuous learn - program. For information call 721-3052 or 1-888-627-1191. `Noboby will think ill'of Province �`` " FREE BIBLE SEMINAR if PCs reverse welfare stand: Parish I Thurs., Jan. 30 through FROM PAGE I the costs of welfare. The Province cur- rently pays 90 per cent and municipali- ties 20 per cent. In return, the provincial government will take funding for education off the property tax bill. "It's an unfair burden on Toronto and that will he bad for all of us," Mayor Parish says. He notes that, during a recession, welfare costs will climb, leaving munic- ipalities with hard deci- sions to make. "Welfare is volatile. You never know when cases will go up. In the last recession they went up quickly and dramati- cally," Mayor Parish says. "During a recession, welfare caseloads can suddenly go up 50 per cent or more. What do you do'? How do you react'? If it's midway through the year, you can't raise taxes and couldn't if you wanted to. We'd have to plunder ser- vices like police." In a recession, if an outlying commu- nity has difficulty paying for welfare, "those people will naturally gravitate to Toronto with its better services. " I'he extra effect on Toronto, with more poor people in Toronto combined with tax reassessment, wealthier people will flee Metro. We'll replicate what we saw in New York and Detroit. That is just not the way to go," Mayor Parish says. "It's a matter of principle. The social safety net, income redistribution, taking care of the most unfortunate has to be done by the Province, with all the taxing powers and the deep pockets they have," he contends. "The government knows, if this is such a piece of cake, why did it set up a fund (to help municipalities that can't pad their portion of the welfare tab)"? In a serious recession, the fund will be gone in no time. Then what hap- pens'?" Mayor Parish won- ders. WAYNE ARTHURS 'Not proper' to burden property taxpayers. Quality Dry Cleaning for 30 years All cleaning done on the premises. See our weekly in-store specials! CATALOGUE MERCHANT Only Oshawa 'Mayor Nancy Diamond was opposed to his motion. "She felt it was pre- mature because we don't have the whole picture of the government's plans. I don't agree with that. We have the broad picture from mega -week," he says. Mayor Parish is hop- ing the stance taken by the GTA Mayors and Regional Chairmen will help convince the Province to change its position. "I hope they do. This government. what they've announced, are doing a lot of things right -- things we've asked them to do, like property assessment. It's gutsy, but a government had to do it and they're doing it. Nobody out there sees (downloading welfare) as the right thing to do, except this government." He points to opposition to the move, including last week's announcement by the Metro Toronto Board of Trade. If the Tories reverse their position, "Nobody will think ill of this govern- ment. They will think better of the gov- ernment." Pickering Mayor Wayne Arthurs PAYING TOO MUCH for HOME & AUTO INSURANCE? 653-9725 Phone quotes Mon - Wed until 8:00 p.m. PINE RIDGE INSURANCE March 13, 1997 says, "Our consistent position is income 7:30-9:00 P.M. redistribution, which is what welfare is, BICKERING EASTSHORE COMMUNITY CENTRE should he borne by the broadest possible tax base. It's not proper to lead the prep- or further information call Ried Ferguson erty taxpayer with the extremely large -7672 share of well -are 41fi are costs."-� -( --� 49$ ,KUM 11X1 01 0 996 ACCENT 996 ELANTRA • ENeo.wy Gor of so 11Y�'94" M :�+cow�. . tlis s'otrllls s.�i■.. • co... see tlwllflatsoolitttlr Irs.liso aiiii. t■ a glom Eft'o��oM. dds 4ml wo."t he "� 005764669 rD% 496 Tmm t n RA. E„ st4oc= THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1199"6- PAOF 6 P Pickering News di*torials aettAdvertiserA Metroland Community Newspaper published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday PHONE: 683-51 10 1Fr1X•• 683-73(,3 130 Commercial Ave.. Ajax, Ont. LIS 2H5 Publisher: Tim Whittaker ♦ Editorial MPPs should pay price if health care not improved A provincial election is at least two years aN%a%. mavhe three, but it's never too early to put pressure on local NlPPs over a lack of health care tundIng. Given that all fOur Durham MPPs are on the government side. it would went to make political sense that the Tones would like to keep Durham happy. It may conk as a surprise. howev- er, that on a pt►pulauon-based funding chart. health care in Durham is w a% helow the provincial average of S7W per person. In Durham. it's onl% S -4(l(). Nk'hs is this so' Its likely funding has not kept up with the rapid csLalation in population. NN'hilt hospital lacihtics have remained stagnant with little building and expansion in the works over the past two decades (save the latest fund-raising project at Oshawa General Hospital i, the Region's population has more than doubled. Certain IN. health care Iunding and tacil- itics havc failed to keep pace. «'aitine lists in the flour y05-;trea regions i Halton. Peel. York and Durham) are much longer than in Toronto. Mose who need orthopedic surgery in l'oronto must wait an avcra,,e of h.7 weeks while the waiting timc in the rest otthe GIA is 12.3 weeks. A comparison ol' Toronto w ith the rest of the GTA show s a marked discrepancy in total hospital funding. Toronto gets 72.7 per cent of total GTA-ho%pital funding while the 905 -arra regions get dust 27.3 per cent. This occuri despite a balance in population bLtwecn the two areas. For a number of vears now there has been a complaint about over -taxation of Mlctro -Toronto to pay fir 905 -area services. This is one case: \& here the reverse i, certainly true. A high per- centage of health care dollars are going to Toronto while Durham gets the short end of the health care prescnption. Beyond an companson with Toronto. Durham is underfunded in relation to the rest of the province. It could he argued Durham Region is one of the worst places to get sick in Ontario. As Jim Armstrong, executive director of the Hospital Council of Durham Region says, ' We're already way iglu\& delivery levels elsewhere in the province. We expect when they (Hospital Restructuring Commission) conic to Durham, they're not going to be subtracting. they're going to be adding." Citizens in Durham can do their pan by reminding their local MPPs of the importance of health care in the region. They should be- assured. as should Premier Mike Hares and Health Minister Dave Johnson, that there is a political price to pay for ignoring the health care necxis of Durham voters. kTo respond to this editorial call Infosourre at n� f OSOurce 683-7040 and dial 5112 ♦You said it... In response to the editorial `Fighting crime easy and painless' in the Tuesday, Jan. 21 edition, our readers say: ♦ "I think it was a well-written editorial and it certainly excites me to get involved in Crime Stoppers. Perhaps at this time it would have been a good idea to list the Crime Stoppers hotline. It's an idea for a fixture editorial." Pickering mews Advertiser Publisher: Tim Whittaker A Metroland Community Newspaper published Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday 130 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont. L IS 2H5 v Letters to the editor Can you help feed my feline friends? To the editor: H1 people. My name is Chaser. I am a very lucky cat. I live in a home where 1 get lots of love and attention. Sometimes I think that I am thoroughly spoiled. I am hugged, it seemed like a hundred times a day. Everybody in the family, and friends, talk to me (too much some- times, I think). Apart from my regular "cat" food, I will occasionally get served sirloin steak, prime rib roast, roast chick- en, roast turkey, tuna, and salmon. I am so happy. But my life wasn't always like this! Two -and -a -half years ago, I was thrown away in the bush by my owners. For several days I had nothing to eat I was starved, had severe dianfiea, and ,dia- per" rash I saw these two young people rooming along the road. I ran towards them. They stopped, picked me up and took me to the vier Then they brought me home to Ajax. I was only two weeks olds I recovered quickly. Today, I am a happy and healthy cat. But I always think of my friends, abandoned and alone, roaming the countryside with no food and no hugs. ,JOANNE BURGHARDT, Editor -in -Chief STEVE HOUSTON, Managing Editor BRUCE DANFORD, Advertising Manager ALVIN BROUWER, Retail Advertising Manager FRED EISMONT, Classified Advertising Manager MONIQUE LEA, Real Estate Advertising Manager ABE FAKHOURIE, Distribution Manager BARBARA HARRISON, Production Manager JANICE O'NEIL, Assistant Production Manager CHERYL HAINES, Assistant Production Manager LILLIAN HOOK, Administration Manager A lir\& lucky ones get to go to a slicl ter. Here, lot), they need loots of fcxxi and other cat things. Will you do what my master does'. When he buys fixxl for me, he buys a little extra for my friends in the shelter. Will you do the same? John D'Costa on behalf of Chaser, Ajax Welcome back To the editor: An open letter to Premier Mike Harris. Dear Mike, How nice to see you enjoy yourself on your recent "boosterism" trip to some of the most downtrodden, impoverished, and corrupt regimes in the southeastern part of the hemisphere! While you were away, however, your loyal underlings were reeking havoc on we Ontarians back home (as per your instructions I assn=)! While you were exchanging toasts with the "leaders„ of the oppressed mil- lions, probably the most brilliant econo- mist on our planet was in Toronto -roast- ing" your regime for your "War against the poor" (his quote). I realize Golf Digest may be to your liking for reading ability, but surely there must be someone in your flock that understands the words of John Kenneth Galbraith! Jim McLean, Ajax TO REACH US General: 683-5110 Classified: 683-0707 Distribution: 683-5110 Admint laaified Fax: 683-7363 Composing Fax: 579-9273 E-mail: newsroom@dwtunuwws.net LINDA WHITE _ w Staff Writer C'mon, Ms. Ecker, help those in need Over the past month, I've been talking to parents of disabled chil- dren and havc been touched by their love, strength and determination. I've written a handful of stories on their plight -- not all of which have yet appeared in the paper — and I'vc just touched the tip of the iceberg. You may recall the ,tory of Dawn Roper, whose 14 -year-old daughter Carolyn has Rhett's Syndrome. Ms. Roper speaks proudly of her daugh- ter, who can't walk or talk but who can draw someone to her side through her sparkling eyes. While Ms. Roper enjoys boasting of her daughter's strengths, she must talk much longer and louder of Carolyn's weaknesses in her bid to get the financial support she needs to keep her family from falling off a narrow ledge. That financial support comes mainly through Special Services at Home funding from the Ministry of Community and Social Services. It allows families to hire in-home workers to help care for disabled children when help is most needed. Last year, Ms. Roper received $20,000 in funding. This year, she will get $10,000. While that may seem like a lot of money, it doesn't take long to gobble it up, families of disabled children assure. And it is certainly much, much less than it costs the government to care for just one person in an institu- tion — or in a prison. Why isn't there more help for families of disabled children? And why is Durham Region — home to Minister of Community and Social Services and Durham West MPP Janet Ecker — grossly underfunded compared to other regions in the province? Ms. Ecker, these families are looking for answers as they try to keep their heads above water. Please reach out your hand and help keep them from drowning. Linda White writes in our Tuesday rotation of staff columnists. To respond to this col- umn call Infosourre at 683-7040 and dial 5108. The News Advertiser is one of the Metroland Printing, Publishing and Distributing group of newspapers. The News Advertiser is a member of the Ajax dt Pickering Board of Trade, Ontario Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Community Newspaper Assoc., Canadian Circulations Audit Board and the Ontario Press Council. The publisher reserves the right to classify or refuse any advertisement. Credit for advertisement limited to space price error occupies. hupl/wwwAurhamnews.net v i►,w sr,s. photo by Ron Pietroniro Ballad for a poet Anne McDonald belts out a tune during Robbie Burns Night at Ballycliffe Lodge in Ajax Friday. Residents of the lodge were treated Billboard TUESDAY, JAN. 28 SENIORS: -Ihe Tucsday Morning Discussion Group meets weekly at 9:30 a.m. at 46 Exeter Rd., Ajax. Bill Parish will speak on the impact of gov- ernment cuts on seniors. 619-0315 (Betty). AEROBICS: The Tuesday Morning Club aerobic classes for beginners to advanced are held every Tuesday from 9:15 to 10:45 a.m. at the Ajax Community Centre on Centennial Rd. $3 per session. All welcome. Child- care available. 686-0258 (Catharine). READING: 'Ihe William Peak Co- operative Housing Reading Circle meets Tuesdays from 7 to 8 p.m. at 1990 Whites Rd. (at the corner of Finch Ave.), Pickering. Volunteers are needed to read to children four to 12 years old. 428-0573 (Debbie). AMNESTY: The Pickering -Ajax chapter of Amnesty International holds its annual general meeting at 9:30 a.m. at Pickering Village United Church, 300 Church St. N., Ajax. 839- 3969. . WEDNESDAY, JAN. 29 PARENTING: A free Parenting For Success seminar is held at 7:30 p.m. at Lincoln Avenue Public School, 70 Lincoln St., Ajax. Topic is Effective Communication and Discipline. No babysitting available. One of a series being held. 683-7842 (Anne). THURSDAY, JAN. 30 LEARNING DISABLED: The Learning Disabilities Associationof Durham West holds its monthly meet- ing at 7:30 p.m. at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Hall, 35 Church St. N., Pickering Village. Guest speak- er Colleen Bacon of the Attention Deficit Disorder Ontario Foundation discusses Strategies at Home and School. All welcome. 686-1790. FRIDAY, JAN. 31 to an evening of music, highland dancers and bagpipes, all in honor of the Scottish poet. CLOTHING SALE: St. Martin's Church holds a New to You Sale from 7 to 9 p.m. at 1201 St. Martin's Dr., Pickering. Clothes for the entire fami- ly in great condition, fabulous prices, household items and books. 939-9281. FEdlIIAMY 11r S & 911991 COME M BAT'S M FW 191 wen twice lbSim! e# lb N AW. EVBff M FOR M OORTAR,E a. FUN FOR M WHW FAW iT�IW a a &ON* neer ., e ban r* sdft udk ph! i WM VWT li� 00111Mi CANADA WLtM *NWWM "slim CW IAM'97 AI�SIOIE �� StM NNIi • S1.N SWIMS I SMMf • aaltw mMt I ae UINi11 9W ML AVAMMUI 14*387-7U2 • "5415417 Volunteers sought for children with special needs Would you be willing to help the parents of a child with special needs'.' Kinark Child and Family Services is l(x)k- ing for volunteers interested in pro- viding emotional support to parents of" children with special needs. It's also Icx>k- ing for volunteers interested in being a Special Friend to a child and for people willing to drive families to and from appoint - mem s. For more information, call 433-0386, ext. 308. THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, Ifl7 - PAGE 7 4f 1 --'- 57t1,ijf30 tasn G:ve < L to R Bob Myers (pies.), Hector Bcsotti ;sales mgr.;, Laune Holt, Douglas Holt (the winner) and the Holt's niece Samantha Seagrave. Douglas Holt and his family welcomed the new year with an unexpected surprise - namely a $10.000 windfall. He was overcome with joy and why not'. The jackpot news came to him on Monday January 13th, 1997, when he called Bob Myers Chev Olds to hear who had won their $10,000 Cash Giveaway. Upon his inquiry, he was told the great news. Bob Myers Chev Olds Geo in Ajax. had been holding a customer raffle during all of 1996. Ken Shaw, CFTO's late night night news anchorman and local Ajax resident, was the Master of Ceremonies for the draw which was held on Saturday January 1 1 th, 1997. The President. Bob Myers, was also there with many of the finalists to await the last name to be pulled from the drum -Douglas Holt. Douglas Holt purchased a 1996 Chevrolet Lumina last June and has been very happy with the car and the service he has received, but never imagined a car dealership could bring another meaning to customer satisfaction. He says he'll be back for another car soon! 427-2500 1OXARCH • KITCHEN & EST" —'-%TE _ l5h � r U s CORIANO CLASSIC COUNTERTOPS A AM FOR THE SAME PRICE AS LAMINATE COUNTERTOPS WITH PURCHASE OF KITCHEN CABINETS You can have genuine DUPONT CORIAN® in your kitchen for the same price as a laminate countertop. By using our colour offering for your countertops, a simple edge treatment and- a standard backsplash, your Dream Kitchen will come to life with CORL&M1% wow No other material in your kitchen is easier to live with - CORLW survives chips, nicks, cuts, stains and scratches. Plus, CORIAN' adds more lasting value to your home. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM TODAY CORLAN 1020 Brock Rd. S. Pickering Created For Life" (905) 686-2001 - Watch for additional in-store savings! PAGE $-THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1997 HEp►LTHwAT +� S ,�,tCs>> maul- n�.,itit.�nnE 'And nlccli- ,C-c,mp�tc.ct�c:�i c�i 3ruL . maims r,-tcmi - �Q 1�"' - ��o stuff` arms x txu tcIV „r p ti11 mi�t�ht �rq rn;u`! ctpt Q PRQQ, .`" atxKlt `vcty- ring �� Ii1P-� c?txtt" t1�. j dna Y f•.sm lareil �ttes'=r v�CS C�-Vg . t��� a' a' future �e GO Uat►r, poisiv, ery time You CU 4. CS x20" Wig..: i Inw •v rQt'�►� C. want �hing_YOU If you didn't receive your SHOPPERS DRUG MART flyer in Tuesday's.... PIZk News Advertiser Please call 6$3-5117 and let us kno w! e *T If you didn't receive your SHOPPERS DRUG MART flyer in Tuesday's.... PIZk News Advertiser Please call 6$3-5117 and let us kno w! - -- THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY 24 1997 -PAGE 9 - Around Durham Region Charge laid against driver after man killed by car A Lindsay man faces two charges after a 62 -year-old man was struck by a car and killed in Oshawa last Tuesday. Ken Noonan of 378 Park Rd. N. was walking east across Ritson Road at the traffic signals at Dean Avenue around 9 p.m. when he was hit by a northbound 1991 Ford Tempo, Durham Regional Police say. Mr. Noonan was walking with the green light, says Sergeant Rick Bates. Mr. Noonan was pronounced dead on arrival at Oshawa General Hospital. Oshawa GM F local battles with national union on 1 overpayment to striking By BRIAN LEGREE DURHAM STAFF An internal dispute con- tinues between the Canadian Auto Workers national and Local 222 union officials over a S 1.25 - million "overpayment" of strike pay during the three- week walkout at General Motors last fall. The national union is demanding restitution, but a Local 222 official says "there's never been a com- mitment" regarding reim- bursement. CAW national staff rep- resentative Bert Rovers says 10,000 GM employees were paid $125 apiece which they were not enti- tled to at the end of last October's walkout. "In all fairness, I have to say it was a mistake — that's all," says Mr. Rovers. "No one had any personal gain, there was absolutely no fraud or anything. h was a simple administratiive mis- take." But Dave' Broadbent, Local 222's secretary -trea- surer, says locale officials were "following the direc- tions of the natigpal repre. sentative who was in charge of the strike fund• when the payment was made. Both sides agree the problem is rooted in return dates of employees follow- ing the resolution of the strike. Some workers were back on the job a day after the ratification vote, while oth- ers missed up to five work- ing days before returning. A payment was made to workers who remained off the job after the strike was resolved, Mr. Broadbent IS workers says. The national union is not blameless in the dispute, he says, noting the payment was made with its knowl- edge. Officials from both sides have held several meetings in an effort to resolve the situation. "We're trying to reach a compromise figure and even at that there's never been a commitment (regarding restitution)," says Mr. Broadbent. In his report to the CAW council last month, CAW president Buzz Hargrove said "these monies were paid by experienced nation- al and local representatives, who knew, or should have known, they were authoriz- ing an overpayment which would have to be repaid." The $1.25 million belongs to all CAW mem- bers, says Mr. Rovers. The money is legiti- mately owned by the total membership, totally across Canada.. It's their strike fund," he says, adding the situation was caused by "an error, but nevertheless, the error doesn't [Wean people were entitled to that Over- payment-" If Local 222 agrees to pay money back to the national union, the actual process of repaying any amount has yet to be deter- mined. "If there is an overpay- ment we don't now how it's going to come into play," says Mr. Broadbent. No new meetings are scheduled at this time, but both sides expressed opti- mism the issue will be resolved. The driver of the vehicle was not injured. William Scott McQuade, 25, has been charged with careless driving and failing to stop at a red light. He's scheduled to appear in provincial court in Whitby on March 19. a ,- KEN NOONAN Pedestrian killed. SAMAM EARS CORRECTION NOTICE Media 0211 in sale Monday, Jan. 27 -Sun. 2/97, Page 5 Reads: Save 30% Nike, Reebock and Adidas Athletic Sports Bags The "Nike" Bag Will Not Be Available For The Promotion. Sears Regrets Any Inconvenience That This May Have Caused. Call 683-51 10 if you spot news in the making. I INJ a man 71 -1 niww, N 199.. DODGE CARAVAN 24 T PKG„ 116, 7 PASS, STEREO [STK N97-148 $19,988* As Low As DODGE NEON 4 CYL, AIR, CASS, TACK & MORE STIM7113 $149488* DODGE DAKOTA V6 AUTO., AIR. j $18,199* 4.9% FIN.: WCLU45 1992 FORD TEM 1 9SUNDAMCE. 19 HONDA C DX . DA nrdwau. 4 Cp aru ar Iasuper yes satyr. rb,Wc-m— swemg Nie. la" car 4 cy aro ae a rm os+n+ PC~ n ", oo+�+r merors � c+ 1993 DAKO a<.q 7 495Sikecassoido[aLe �995�A„erunning car, e 161 'A 4 995 „. Finw 6 c13 500 Lu SN f GREAT i P—FX e' low b„ 73 • S?EAl • 9 f ! ! ` Al , 1989 GAL LTD. 1994 DODGE P.U. 4 1994 CHRYSLER 09TREM 1 O 250 VAN Sharpe machine. fully loaded, low SLT Fully loaded trailer tow pkg.. M sal W "0*. ya am. Slow. rice dean MAW a must to see and dnue. 57.000 km. M.D. service post 3.3 LT V6. pw .pl, pm. cast wneefs ;11T;15,500sm e7,995 22,995 50.01 14,995 1M SUNDAN X 1995 DODGE NEON 1994 PLYNOWN SUMANCE 1995 DODGE AVENGER 4 dr.,air. aulo. Vary clean eaW. . 2 dr.. spoiler. sun roof. a vhn 4 d., ar, aulo amrtm cars. Auto, w. all power. 39.000 km. 73.001 5,995 —; 9,995 $ 8,995 s 14,995 • SALE MNM Kim fwd VU E& UQ 4A% LIP MQ MONM ON SELECneo NEW CARS awe- AULATE To DEALER SEE MALER FOR D UL4 `1 % l �', w..... WrW 'A maw was VIP,# ANNANDALE DODGE CHOLER683-5722t�AYLY>:T.11 p3-12>6SS-6488 ` 41 4 %11k*4111 PAGE IW -TM NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY 2ti,1"7 ALY'S PROFESSIONAL PET GROOMING r• *Try our Computer Frame Selection' Daytime and Evening WE ACCEPT BLUE CROSSILIBERTY EYE EXAMINATIONS HEALTH, CUMBA, GREEN SHIELD, METROPOLITAN LIFE, VISION ARRANGED CARE, SOCIAL SERVICES PLANS y �` AJAX OPTICAL AJAX OPTICAL DURHAM CENTRE PICKERING OPTICAL 56 Harwood Ave. S. 135 Harwood Ave. S. 1360 Kingston Rd. Ajax Plaza Harwood & Hwy. 2 Pickering (Hub Plaza) 683-2888 683-7235 839-9244 •C _Or„rc:,- +n"' a'v :.. _ 7r5ccJrt vDg, r* Sale EndeFeb. 2819; GRAND OPENING 15 • FEB. 01 `97 All grooming 1/2 Price the first week! (Book your appointment now) % ------------------------------- 10,2`0 1W Grooming for all breeds of cats & dogs. w Pick-up and delivery service available. All competitors grooming coupons I accepted. -m Aly's will match all competitors i grooming prices. L----------------------- Aly's --------� Kingston Rd. Professional s Pet Grooming 40 I (no C j 420 en�� #637 Kingston Rd., Pickering 7 J/ 5 Inside Petschoice Warehouse ft P • AlP 0 ickerin Rivett, sports writer 683-5110 Fax: 683-7363 - THE NEWSADVERTISER TUF_4DAY, JANttARY'28; 1997 PA(;E 11 _$]Oorts News Advertiser Panthers drubOshawa,qualify for play BY Al. RiVE-Fr SPQR] S REPOR FER PICKERING — The Pickering Panthers did some- thing they haven't in several scars when they demolished the visiting Oshawa Lcgionaircs at the Pickering Recreation Complex Friday. '['he Panthers blew away the Lcgionaires 8- 1 in Metro Junior 'A' Hockey League action to nail down a playofl' ,pot — something the franchise has been unable to achieve in many previous seasons. The win and the playoff herth brought a smile to the face of ['anthers' general man- ager Ron Bliz/ard who's been in charge of the rebuildino of, the club for the past two seasons. "I expected to make the playoffs, but the Position we're in now is great for the organi- zation. It's been a long time since the Panthers have made the play- off's.- The lay- offs."The Panthers opened up a 3-0 lead on the rival Lcgionaires in the first period and doubled their output to hold a 6-0 bulge after the second frame. Pickering continued to lire on all cylin- ders in the final period, adding two more goals. Oshawa broke Panther goalie Kevin Boyles shutout with a powerplay goal by former Pickering Hockev Association product Murray Sheehan in the final minute of play. Boyle stopped 28 of 29 ,hots. Graham Horne led the way The Pickering juniors lead the league's Eastern division with a record of 25-7-4 for 54 points. The Quince Hawks are nine points behind in second place. The Panthers travel to the Centre Duf'ferin Recreation Centre for a game against the Shelburne Wolves on Friday night. The next evening, the Panthers arc at Port Hope's Jack Burger Sports Complex for a game against the Buizards. METRO JUNIOR 'A' HOCKEY LEAGUE EASTERN DIVISION STANDINGS (As of Jan. 27) _ TEAM 1'GP W L T GF GA PTS PICKERING 36 25 7 4 165 110 54 Quinte 35 21 11 3 172 105 45 Wellington 35 15 18 2 -150 151 32 Oshawa 37 16 21 0 187 209 32 Port Hope 35 10 23 2 115 185 22 Syracuse 36 6 28 2 160 263 14 CENTRAL DIVISION STANDINGS TEAM GP W L T GF GA PTSIry Thornhill 37 24 10 3 .210 140 51 Wexford 34 24 7 3 186 136 51 Markham 36 20 14 2 175 165 42 Niagara 34 12 16 6 169 176 30 North York 39 11 24 4 192 249 26 WESTERN DIVISION STANDINGS TEAM GP W L T GF GA PTS Aurora 37 32 3 2 252 98 66 -Caledon 36 28 6 2 218 116 58 Durham 35 ',9 26 0 141 208 18 Muskoka '34 8 25 1 -117 201 17 Mme -36 -6 28 2 143 240 14 F for the Panthers with a two -goal effort. Dan Cioffi, Jeremy Schott, Paul Howes, George Triton, Shane Terry and Matt Jenkins notched one goal apiece. PANTHER POSTSCRIPT: The Panther, will host their second annual Bic Panthers' pen night for fans at the home game against the C a l e d o n Canadians on Friday, Feb. 7 at 7:30 p.m. Pens will be given to paying cus- tomers while supplies last. The event is being sponsored by Bic Inc., in association with Payless Drug Emporium in Pickering... Tickets art still .i�allahlc fnr the ca,h The drain ulll he made at Panthcr,' dr.i,.% tor a I9l)7 the la,t Panthcr,' home Lamy to A Pickering Panther player is taken into the boards by an Oshawa Legionaire during :Metro Junior 'A' Hockey League action in Pickering ti gip. rw. photo by Ron Ptetroniro Friday. The first -place Panthers drubbed Oshawa 8-1 to clinch a playoff berth for the first time in years. Ajax's Bob Turcotte hopes to ice another national curling title BY Jim EASSON SPECIAL TO THE NEWS ADVERTISER AJAX — The curling Turcottes of Ajax were busy on the rinks last weekend. Bob Turcotte started his mission to defend his CIBC Canadian Senior Men's Championship which got under way at the Thornhill Country Club Jan. 25 and will continue until Feb. 2. Turcotte is the defending Canadian senior champion, steering his rink out of Brampton to the title. However, a conflict with the zone playdown schedule forced Turcotte to move his team to Kitchener where dates in a different zone worked for his schedule. "KFC's new Fries are always HOT and CRISPY ... Perfect!!" James Bountrogiannis, Ajax, ON In fact, Turcotte was actually close to retiring last year from the competitive scene after his national title win, but his teammates talked him into trying for a repeat. The Turcotte rink has captured the Ontario title and this week is curling to sec if it can repeat as Canadian champs. Meanwhile, his wife Kristin was elim- inated in her pursuit of another Canadian Women's Curling Championship after falling short at the Ontario playdowns in Peterborough last weekend. The winning team there advances to the Scott Tournament of Hearts Canadian finals in Vancouver Feb. 22 to March 2. Turcotte won the Canadian title in 1990 playing vice for Alison Goring's Bayview rink. However, this season with a team of her own, also out of Bayview, the run ended short of the finals. s*: Locally, Annandale's men's curling league teams are playing a lot of extra games in an attempt to meet the schedule laid out for the club's Skins Playdown. The skins games are played anytime available ice can be found, and it can he a challenge scheduling two teams to meet to play at odd times. With many of the other league teams requiring make-up games after several were missed due to bad weather, there is a lot of competition for available sheets of ice. Forty men's rinks started the Skins competition last October and a team is eliminated after two losses or by failing to meet a schedule deadline. The early games did not have any prize monies attached to them, but virtually all of the surviving 17 rinks will now receive prize money for each win. 'A' side teams play for $40 each game, while the 'B' side rinks have $20 on the line. When the field is finally cut down to the final two rinks in April, the final match will be played for an $800 purse. 30%AWPRIFRIIS FREE! With Every" Aeal Purdose. //////� KFC*. PAGE 12 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY 28,1997 Buy one week, get the 2nd free! l Call us for details 4 4 905) Call 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Friday TORONTO. (17ln7 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday LINEr514!1 or fax your ad Applies to Articles For 798-7672 (905) 579-2238 Sale and Vehicles For Sale only. GARAGE SALES BIRTH NOTICES Announce your baby's arrivaliST $ +GST V� i and receive a gift certificate only 35 entitling you to p$25ro worth of quality baby products. 1 ' Careers 1 ' Careers I I Careers 1 ' Careers ' General IM, General Help Help Employers are seeking 10 trained individuals for the Metal Trades industry." Durham xfer ,he � ai :,-C lv i C.mpic%"er` "v -I !Ux-:nie-_ ,T.1: .^.C'.' ;3n r.... ^r -- : a � :he JUr^ct.'xt .i[tL'ar:CtQP' _ere a.echrar.; rt �ur_r .rel- .�e 77:a2u:ai:z:rn,4 ndusir." 'Cr of 'he 3letal Trades :7,oQmm. ";eye .'re -or l al:f:r -_mcioveC> :or .Nac6:rasts. Tont & Die and .Lh!Uu-rtQnt .dpprenttces ::i Jr :\ Rlcn n lii ,e �% .:C :lCUtZf C •IC`.... TC1�C` CfOk'3... DUC :O ^.:J 1CrO .Cr J :onail J::CCLV )f orograrr '-,11 -,e :)[TereC Dr.,, _,^,nunuciuzS .=Kt `asi5 rG DOrt1 -ee givC'S anc -ec:ClenrS This fuil-utne aroQr3m \:i! `Te:e Oen ::Oors ro I. -Our .uCure :r. Thr rIL1n.Uf2c-...-1nh :ndusrr. sive '-s a -all and -inc )l how you car. career :n ;6 wer::s )r sooner Work towards your career Coll today for more now -- program begins information at February 3, 1997. 721-3300. Educeting You for tfle Real Wori6. M11Careers General Help COMPUTER TRAINING - Pr.vale lessons in Wind ows. MS Oftice. Word. Ex Cel Lotus Individual less- ons or full certificate cours- es Flexile hours 427- 6266 TEACHERS WANTED - daytime position to teach small business course and investments course. Must have prior teaching experi- ence 99Fax resume to: 905- 619-64. AM Career Training CONSULTING AS A CA- REER - one week course starts Feb. 3. Fee info. sessions every Wed. Fi- nancial assistance avail- able . Durham College, 905-721-3333 or 1.800- 8163615. WANTED - employees for casino operations. Black Jack Course starts Feb. 4. Durham College, 905-721- 3333 or 1.800.8163615 'EXPERIENCED ONLY" Produce Clerks Fax resumes 10 905-430-0771 3 PART TIME telemarket- ers need $101hr exper. enced preferred 686- 2445 APPOINTMENT bookers wanted. no selling in. volved, full and part time available. Experience pro- faned. Full training provd- ad. Hourly wages plus bo- nuses. Positive and enthu- sastic individuals only For interview. Call Sherri at 429-2010. EARN Se51.00 per week from home, clipping cou- pons. Light assemly den - Cal (416) 812-6891. Earn money reading books from home. $100 per title. (416)812.6892 code 6. HOMEWORKERS: EARN S1500/week! Free details. Send S.A S.E. to: Alice En- lerprises. 701 Rossland Road E., Suite#319. Whit- by, Ontario. LIN 9K3. m General Help IT PAYS to lose weight' You look good Feel great and earn extra income Cali 571 5063 JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! Na- tional Chanty is hiring ma. ture individuals in the Dur- ham Region tot its doe -to - door canvassing. Paid dal yf For appointment call. (905)721.0476 LARGE RETAIL company (Tupperware) needs more M. Ph sales positions filled to service growing custom. er base Paid weekly, no special experience neves. sary. Will provide full train- ing. Applications now being accepted. Cal! Barbara (05) 428-6877 or Shinie (905) 427-6297 or (416j293- 1354. 1 General Help MODELS HEEDED Female Ages 7-26 EARN EXTRA INCOME Travel to excitifV titles: New York, Pans, Milan. Cap for FREE cons lltalion. 430-5715 H10 SELLING INVOLVED. Busy Ajax Distn blubw cen- tre requires 4 - 5 people to took appointments for sates staff. West be outgo- Ing. and like to talk on the phone. Hours Mon. -Fri., 5-9 Orn. Sat 10.4pm. up to ler hr. call now. 427-4892. OVERLOAD OF WORK. PO people needed imme. diately to fill various areas of Oshawa Company. Mast be hardworking and ambl- f ors. We will train. rail Ashley for personal inter- view. 721-1411. Corporate ANIIEii1ClNII 1 Dt3a47fE55/ Services BILIN'G1'.AL CORPORATE TRAVEL (:ONSULTANTS \NIEX C:\NAU:\ IN('.TIIF LEADER IN CORPORATEI'RA\'EL HAS AN I\1\1FDIArE l)PENING FOR AN EXI'F.RIENCED l:t)RI'()RATETRA\'EL (:UNNI'I.T.kNTTo\X'ORK IN t)1'R PICK FRING/'<:ARHORi)( Gif OFFICE IF1'01 ARF BILINCA AL (FRFNI:H \ FN61_1�,f).\\'ITtI \Ijtillll'\I '-: YF -"\R!, 11R0)\ IiN >ABRE EXPERII_Nil H Y\ FA HIGH ENERfl- LE\'EL.:\RE SFR\1CL c)RIENTEO AND \1011\A'rF1) 1 SIN(l R CORI'OR.\TETRA\ FL ',ER%R INC,F.SPFRIFNCETO NIAKI C :.\ DIFFERENEWITT1t)I'R( ST(U1LK Cl - _l0IN ()UR 1X"INNING TEAMl ll FACT, . VALERIE til US A.ME\ CANADA IN(. F .A-\ ( -4 10) -+-4 1-K-4 ; I AN1E\ CANADA INC . is an equal oppc)rttill rrnpiovil ImGft. Help al P PART TIME Fioral Desgn- er Three years experience a must Fax resume to (905) 683-5218 RECEPTIONIST for small O'tce Basic accounting. Computer skills. knowledge Of the trucking industry Telephone end Communi- cation skins Send replies to File 0 9139 Oshawa This Week, PO Box 481, 865 Farewell St Oshawa ON. L1H 71_5 TAXI DRIVERS, OIS- PATCHERS S Mechanics needed rmmedatwl! Drivers no axpenence necessary Full time 8 part time Call (905)683.7301 or 905.427-7770 THE BEAUTY CENTRE requires NAIL TECHNI. CIAWESTHETICIAN. Call 420--5411 THE MUTUAL GROUP seeks a sed-motivagd of vidual wKh exclownt people skills and an will~ in achieving entraprwt•urial independence. Complete t programs available. Mini- mum 2 years full fine work- ing experience requiredernd a University degree to. quested. Fax restore to: Person Lanes, 129 Byron St. N., Whitby, On. LIN 4M6 (905) 668-2141. unGeneral Help YOU DESERVE R HOME CLEANING SERVICES. Mature lady with ex- perience, in profession- al home cleaning re- quired Irnlnedlately for 15-20 hours per week. Must have references,. $8 00 (hour, call 420-7042 1 Office Help BOOKKEEPER I RECEP- TK)MST required for growing multi -trade con- struction company. Must be experienced in a computw- ized environment and be able to work indepandently. Dulles to include recapabi typing. payroll. accounts payable. accounts receiv- able, job costing, goneral ledger and financial state- ments. The stnasshd tip pkcant will be a town player who thrives in a aggressive and fast paced ernviron• ment. Please tax. restate to Oshawa 9905)571-6M. M111EDIATE OPENING. Property Manage- menl,knowledge of Land- lord Tenant Act. Extensive Lotus knowledge a must, Word Perfect. Fax resume to: 905.668.4569. Off ice IM ice Help Help 5 MONTH TEMPORARY POSITION Busy Ajax light manufacturing firm requires CLERK TYPIST for computer invoicing. Must possess good typing skills and the ability to work well under pressure. Minimum 1 year general office experience a must. Call Ms. Jose for appointment 428-6990 -- T IiIA`/Sal" HoVital rldusaieslnc. - !TOHelp I Agents it Medical Dental EARN EXTRA INCOME selling pantyhose and baby's clothing to your friends. tamuy and co- workers, can 1-800-263- 1432 ABSOLUTELY THE BEST hones. Must be 18 yrsold. ROYAL WOODS LIN- COLN MERCURY Auto- motive Sales We require two sal as representative Experience preferred Growing dealership Great working atmosphere For interview call Reck Lan- tegne. 905-6862300 Skilled 1091 Help BOAT Buildericustom wood -worker required for custom boat work can Whit- by Fax resume to: 905- 430.8088. EXPERIENCED ALARM INSTALLER required for Greater Toronto and Dur- ham Region area. Full time position. Salary Negotiable Own vehicle required. Fax reslxres to (905)433.0213. GRAPHIC DESIGNER - exc•Ment design d organi- zaaorW shills. MAC exp•ri- once with Quark. Philo - slop b Illustrator, knowl- edge of pre -press, print production d direct mail an asset. Mad or tax your to- sume, clubbing salary ex- pectations to: McGraw-HiN Ryerson, Aa: H. Breen, 300 Water St., Whitby, Ont. LIN 986. Fax (905) 430.5044 LICENCED TRUCK OR Heavy Equipment Me- chanic required. Must have minimum 3 years exped- ence, own tools and cap- able of working hic epon- demtly- Apply for Fie #9743 Oshawa This Week PO Box 481 Oshawa Ontario L1H 71.5 Check Out Our Flyer Delivery We are by far The #1 Distributor of flyers in ow area. Hove your flyers delivered any Wednesday, Friday or Sunday With The Newspaper that everybody needs. DENTAL Assistant, full time positron, with at least 1 year experience 750 Okla- homa Or unit 11. Pickering or call 420-4808 DENTAL Hygienist. for Thursdays. Pk*erng office. for maemny, leave. tun of- hoo Cap 905-509-9999 MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST needed for family practise can Bowmanvins Computer skills preferred Reply to File 09744. Oshawa Whitby This Week. PO. Box 481 Oshawa. L 1 H 715. R.N. required immediately for Medical Chnc. Mad re- sume to. South Ajax Fal Doctors, 969 Well Rd S. Ajax, L 1 S 3K7 Daycare Available AFFORDABLE, Reliable daycare available New corns welcome. Nutritious hot lunches and snacks References 6 receipts. Can anytime 686-0959 DAYCARE Christian T,other of one offering home to children from ages : months 8 up Dally shacks Nutntious meals story time 8 Crafts. Large backyard Smoke -tree en v,ronment Call anytime 686-9104 IN MY Home. all ages, nu- tntious lunches snacks, dose to parks 6 schools. Receipts available Har- wood/401 area Call 428- 6381 LOVING CARING, Mother 1 Ic provide tun filled. Narnmg environment Nu- '• .ous lunches/snacks. _-acts .outings. non Smok meg, recepls. 619-9845 MOTHER of 2 year old. 4 i"ars ECE experience. providing quality daycare in South Pickering home Fully fenced yard, struc- '.::red environment. ell tiOhal toys, r%AnbouS lunch- es and snacks Cali 905)839-0361 QUALIFIED Teacher, oW- Ca -al activities and pro- grams. warm loving envi. ronment. all ages welcome. bussing to various schools. references available 509- 6612 ' Employlnnt MATURE FEMALE looking for work, skilled in office adnnnistration, customer service, good work ethics. available Immediately Please call Janet 905-il 9104 • , Business to Business INCREASE Profits. Adver- tise on the Interne( and reach over 60,000,000 LIVE41110UT NANNY RE - (PARED 2 - 3 days per week in my home, weekend work, 14 month did baby, References, ISO person, to start Feb. 10. (905) 683- 14W aper 4 p.m. "NNY. Live in or out, ex- penienced iron smoker. ref- erences. for 3 dtildion, fight housekeeping. start April 28, minimum wage, Ajax, 428-2271. BROOKUH FIREWOOD, BuOVface cords, kindling quality seasoned firewood. Please phone peawe mes- sage) 905-655-8797 Hwy 12 to Spencees Road, tum north on Ashburn Road, 200 yards. $501face cord, mixed. picked up. FIREWOOD, Excellent quality hardwrood.. Guar- anleed, extra long fully seasoned, cut and split. Honest measurement Free delivery. Kozy Heat Form wood 905-753.2246. Service. News Advertiser - ■ a a People. FREE into. Call Daycare 905-434.2170 Dept. TW - • ' Wanted 2401. DURHAM Prolowonal ' Firewood Home Daycare reeds car- ing people to provide w- Pervisaid day- in their ABSOLUTELY THE BEST hones. Must be 18 yrsold. . top quality hardwood at able 10 care for children 6 low prices. Free delivery. weeks 10 12 years. provide Serving Pickering, Ajax. criminal reference check Whitby and Oshawa. Cap and have a good soros of DURHAM FIREWOOD humour. Call 905.509- 427.4741. 1207. LIVE41110UT NANNY RE - (PARED 2 - 3 days per week in my home, weekend work, 14 month did baby, References, ISO person, to start Feb. 10. (905) 683- 14W aper 4 p.m. "NNY. Live in or out, ex- penienced iron smoker. ref- erences. for 3 dtildion, fight housekeeping. start April 28, minimum wage, Ajax, 428-2271. BROOKUH FIREWOOD, BuOVface cords, kindling quality seasoned firewood. Please phone peawe mes- sage) 905-655-8797 Hwy 12 to Spencees Road, tum north on Ashburn Road, 200 yards. $501face cord, mixed. picked up. FIREWOOD, Excellent quality hardwrood.. Guar- anleed, extra long fully seasoned, cut and split. Honest measurement Free delivery. Kozy Heat Form wood 905-753.2246. Service. News Advertiser - ■ a a THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY 28,1997 -PAGE 13 Fin,Bargain Art- ides Automobiles Trucks For Corner For Sale � 1 For Sale Sale s ' Snowmobiles 0 ' Snowmobiles Apartments J Apartments Apartments For Rent � � For Rent 0 1 For Rent ADMIRAL WHITE tndge MOVING S 24' X 27 1/2 ' X 56' $191 Hanvick white gas stove, 20- X21' $150. 4 years old. Call 427-9291 anytime. BEAUTIFUL PASTEL Mink Dinner Jacket. Waist - length, full collar/cuffs. 'Stunning': must be seen. Asking $499 o.b.o. Call: 427-8752 Ajax. DINING ROOM TABLE: large. beveled -edge, glass top table. 6 chairs, brass and black lacquer (tubular steel). very sturdy: pur. chased 1990 for $1200 and stored 4 years. $400 (905)725-8861 HAND hewned beams 8- 15 1 lengths. S748/tt . per- lect for mantle, fire- place.cohage. recroom/bar. old solid wooden doors S30leach. Storm windows $5 each. 905-263-M3 KENMORE FRIDGE 8 stove almond. $350 each or best offer for par Good condition Call after 6 p.m. (905)420-6687 MONEY -MAKING Oppor. nniesi Collection of 70 hot, money -making reports. Free bonus. money -back - guarantee. SA. S. E. $500 Dept M131. 1700 Alliance. Rd. Pickering L 1 VI 7 REFRIGERATOR. Sears white 8 5cu 4 Coldspol, ex- cellent condition, $185 er best otter Triple dresser. S50 3pc. coffee table set. 575 Cap 837-0090 WASHER 8 DRYER, good vnirking condition S250 for pair 428-3616 Articles Rue for Sale 6 PC uMJniurrt $55G, an- t,Cue 4 Oct bedroom 5250. french provincial 3- pc sofa set $400. sofa. armchairs SM. many other Mems 623-6332 8 HP. ARIENS SNOW- BLOWER. S,00 voya gear ,,,over SW Exercise equipment. Gibson 5 hp snowblower 5400, 1988 Caprice Classic $5.000 623-5342.4356229 BEAUMARK STOVE, gold r -,:;,.r ,--ellent condi- bon Dining room set with 6 chairs. Oak finish, good condition 668-3510 BOAT '-8 Z6Z Formula, th•-..,.s. camper top. Iona cover. remote spo- Bight, swim platform, be and trim tabs depth tinder New :ompass jackets. ropes ani $17.500 no GST 905.42 7 BURGLAR ALARMS allow ff` ei s ^,e In your home KEEP THEM OUT! Custom Loi,:: steel security window bars allows affordable Peace of mind even with the windows open. For a free estimate call Secure Designs (905)428-8429 CARPET for sale - for Ir ee st.,;p at home service Cap and we will show you the difference We also do cus- tom Installations, repairs and restretching. Seniors Discounts. Call Mike 905- 431-4040 Carpet Mill D+srt+butors, 12 months No payments. No interest, (OAC) 3 rooms (301 installed with deluxe pad from only $399. Specials on Vinyl. Ceramic and Hardwood Flooring. Free Shop At Horne. 1.800- 663-6046. CONTENTS - MOVING; Nome Tract ski machine - Pro Model, slapper. Perego double stroller, N'Gage Iran accessories, child - rens toys, plus numarous Small items. Reasonable. 686-0776 HACK SQUAT LEG press, multi gym, 800 lbs. free weight. brand new, $2.000. 19M Firebird $700. 1966 Audi $1,000. (905) 263- 2729 INDUSTRIAL / Commercial Wagner Pro -Series 1250 Classic 1/2 horsepower Aides Paint Sprayer. Hose and spray gun. Ex- cellent condition. Paid $2200. Asking $1250 OBO. Must SON. 905-728- 3D". 05.7263044. INDUSTRIAL sfehring for sale. $1.900 or best offer. For more iMomapol (905) 649-1960 MODERN DINING SUITE, Blast Glass top with 6 chairs, $1200 OBO. Also CO"60 maker, household tams arts more. call 571- 6080 ALE - Washer $300. Dryer $200, table and chairs $75, bedroom Suite $300. sofa $100.. plus much more. 434-7616 STEF'S a HANK'S AP- PLIANCES, SALES a SERVICE: Showroom is lull of reconditioned applianc- es. Must sell! Best prices in town! We carry the best warrantyi Built-in dish. washer, $250 Stoves. $150 8 up, all colourslsiz- es. Washers. $200 8 up, all makes/models Dryers $175 S up, all makes/mci els. Fridges Frost -trees, $200 8 up. Side-by-side, almond with black glass doors. $800 Apt -size dry- ers, $200 8 up Apt -size washers. $300 Stackable washer/dryer. apt size, $650 5-7 cu h chest freez- ers. $200 8 up. Upright freezer. $250 6 month's warranty 432-7167 Slat's 8 Hank's Appliances, 362 French St. Oshawa OAK/PINE FURNITURE Traditional Woodworking One of Ontario's largest manufacturers of Solid Wood Furniture announces our New for 1997 knish it yourself line of Solid Oak 8 Pine Furniture. Eg Can- nonball Bed $34900 Solid Oak Pedestal Table b 4 chairs $695 00. 905-985- 8774 USED FRIDGE $225. and up. used stove S20C and up. used washer $250 and up. dryer $179 and up New brand name 166 c f 5579 and up Stephenson'g Furniture and Appliances 227 Court St. Oshawa. 576-7448 WHITE HOTPOINT FRIDGE, side by sideg months old. 5 year warran- ty. purchased from the Brick. $1,300 427-1911 ' Articles Wanted APPLIANCES ocancel. wo,l or net working Call Stars Appliances 432- 7167 • 1 Petsris s/ Boarding BARK contra coasts. ratio lance sysl•ms Dog 6 Cat Grooming available at FAMILY PET Fil 905- 509.3417 AMERICAN COCKER SPANIELS purebred, I.rst shots. vet checked n0 pa- per (416) 281-1889 Dar- ren or Laurie. LHASA APSO PUPS for sae Non shedang, non allergic. health guarantee. vet needled House train- ing started Payment terms available (7l 786-3124 BABY AFRICAN GREYS. Orange Wing Amazon and Sutter -Crested Cockatoos Basketballl, bowling, treat machines. bird -sitting, h grooming Iguana wit house 576-8045. PARROTS - ONE BREED- ING par of Umbrepa Cock- atoos, plus large live-in cage. (6 h long 3 lit. wide. 5 IF high) . cage stand. sepa- rate nesting area, two large individual cages, egg incu- bator with food storage area, training bar and stand. food etc. Call Keith 430.8406. ��Sk flor NEED A VEHICLE? Poor credit? No credit? Bankrupt? Call Tracie at 905-5761800 or 1-888- 259.3673. 1 can help! 1964 OLDS V -i wagon. 1978 Olds 98. 350 rocket, $395. each - $600 both, 1982 Audi 5,000 $ 750. Private. (905)576.7697 Oshawa 1946 Tran•Ars, fully load- ed. Flocks, ps, p.trunk. ale, SL auto. Tbar roof, 1st year winter driven. New paint, tires. brakes. Mint condition. No reasonable offer re- fused. 434.7226 after 5 p.m. 0432.8444 days. 190 MUSTANG 5 litre. standard. Maroon with grey interior. Good condition. Only 90.000 kms. Asking $5000. Firm. Call Troy 905 579.6146. IM OLDS CERA, while, 4-11 a/c, cruise control, 215,ODDkm. Certified. $3400 obo. 427.9575. 1991 Cadillac Brougham, excellent condition. Load- ed, black/grey leather in - tenor 130 kms. $12,500. Rick, evenings 666-4670. 1991 CAVALIER. Must sell! automatic, a/c, 2.2L. 2 -door, blue, pis, p/b, 126,000km, new tires. exhaust 8 brakes, $5000. certified. Call 905-404-1328. 1992 PONTIAC SUNBIRD LE Excellent condition 86.000 k1 non-smoker, lady driven, P/S. P/B, P/L, auto. amRm cassette $5999 Call 905-571-0493 ask for Mike 1992 SAAB 9000 CS., Eu- ropean import. 2 3L, 4Cyl 16 valve. Direct ignition, ABS. Cruise control, power roof doors, windows, heat- ed passenger 8 driver seat. Color, champagne Metallic. 86k ilow mileage) A-1 con. dition. $42.000 new asking $15.000 905.683.580.. pager 416-406-9723 1992 SUNBIRD, ABS alc. 2L. auto, Carl. S6750 697 - Ill 1994 GRAND PRIX, Vr,. pis abs. prl prw pltrunk security system. 4_ door, ap PcOx. 79.000 highway kms. S14500 Like new, one owner 905-683-3020 1995 GRAND AM white auto power wrnd- Ows. 97 K. tertihed. war- ranty, SIL995 1995 Ford Taurus Wagon, certified. warranty, $11.995 1990 Mercury Topaz. $3.995 certified Express Auto Leasing 427-1044 13 SUNBIRD 56K and '94 SUNBIRD 70K Art_ stereo. electric locks CD player, sunroof, certified Tele- phone (9051 432-7253. 579-8815. 728-4917 JANUARY THAW' NOT YET. BUT Will HAVING THE SALE ANYWAY!' WE HAVE Mini Vans !rpm '999 'C 1993 all on sale Eg 1993 Ford Aerostar Sport. burgundy and silver $7.995 1993 GMC Safart SLX. 101 $10.895 1990 GMC Safari SLE, loaded. 90K, extended $9.950 Want affordable luxury 1990 Olds Dew 8e. Royale Brougham, white, loaded, gorgeous. 94K 58.795 '990 Buick Losable Ltd bailed. rides like a dream $7.995 Spol 90 and 91 Grand Prix's. 2 Cavalier Z24's from $4.995 1992 Grand Am - all at prices Mal will warm your heart Special" 1989 Celebrity Euro, loaded, nice 54.995 Need a TruckP 1990 Ford F-250. 141 ton,5 8 V 8 with only 41. km $8.993. 1991 Chair Silverado step side. Loaded and pretty $13.488 1988 Ford Ranger. 4 cyl. 5 speed, with cap $2.995 Many more quakily recond+ boned and certified vehr Iles to choose from We pay cash for your car Cer- ticar Auto Center, 155 King St. W. at Midtown MNL 'Whom our Custom- •rs send their friends' (905) 579-2306 Open Sunday - CREDIT PROBLEMS? On the spot financing. Down payments from $500. Monthly payments from $150 O.A C. Cars, trucks. vans. 1981 to 1996 Alandy Auto Sales Ltd 146 Brock St. N., Whitby. 905-666- 3382 TURN KEY AUTO SALES 1967 Chair. Astro van, V6 auto.. 5 -pass.. At condition, $3795 can.; 1988 Topaz, 4 cyl 5 spill air, runs and drives great $1995. cert.; 1990 Tempo, 4 cyl. auto., air. At condition, $2995. cert.; 1988 Taurus, V6, auto.. loaded, special price $1995. cert. Call Ted Babut 723-7471. 1 AutomobilesWanted $50. to $7500... Cash on the spot for scrap cars 8 trucks. Anytime. Call 905- 7065740. CASH FOR CARSI We buy used vehicles Vehicles must be in running condi- bon. Call 427.2415 or cone to 479 Bayly SL East, Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES. 1 for Salee 1945 GMC L4 ton, new brakes and exhaust, 350 standard, certified asking $3.200. Telephone (905) 839-7764. Ask for SM 1990 Jimmy S Series, 4X4. 32,000 kmon rebuilt motor 4 3 New pant Loaded. as is $680). 905-985-2306 Jim (Port Perry) 1991 FORD RANGER XLT, extended cab. load- ed, one owner, excellent condition, sacrifice $7,995 Certified or reasonable off- er.(905) 728-7242 or (905) 242-4222 4 Wheel Vans/Drive 85 PLYMOUTH Voyager: 7 passenger, certified 8 loaded $1900 obo Call 697-2405 ' Trailers 1990 HOMESTEADER 12 x 38 It mobile home. 10 x 20 Ronda room Main trader fully furnished One bedroom. 4 Pc. bath. fudge Nil size. propane stove and oven Eleclr,C not water,. deck 10 x 16. shed. new roof on Florida room. new carpet Located at Nestle - In Park on Hwy 36 bah ween Lindsay and Bobcat'' geon. on water Brand new $45.000. ASKmg $30.000 or best otter Leave message before 4 p m or call after 5 pm to 9 p m Park fees ne- gotiable. Ask for Denise (905) 579-3791 TRAILER FOR SALE: Steel trader, 10'x6xS. ve.y Sturdy wrath all the bells d wmisdes Can be enclosed Great for hauling wood. fur. niNre, etc. 51000 firm Call 725-8861 fOshawal or (705)799-1352 (Lindsay- BoOcageon) 6 ' Snow mobjles 1990 �K,-D,;., Mach 1 5700 kms '96 studs. clean $2750 obo 438-8481 any. time 41 1 Apartments For Rent 1 BEDROOM basement. brand new. separate en- trance. parking, air. fire- place. security systems. cable. $600 inclusive Non smoker no pets. Id" for single female 404--8886 1 BEDROOM newsy reno- vated egal basement apt South Pickering near GO No smokers, no pets $700 per month. utilities includ- ed Call 839-0361 for an appantrnent 1-BEDR00011:1leicely decorated bachelor apart- ment near Lake Ontario, West Shore. Pickering. In- cudes healthydro, laundry. S495/month. Suitable for one Near schoolypudic transt 1a 16)605-9997 N. OSHAWA (Russet Sim- coe) 2 -bedroom apart- ment. newly -renovated 12- plex Hardwood floors. Ca- de, parking; $686/month- includes everything except hydro (approx.$10imonth.) . Laundry taaktte5 No dogs. Lease optional. 905.576- 2982. 2 -2 BEDROOM apts. ap- prox. 5550/mo. plus hydro includes one panting spot. north of 401 , close to Sim - Coe. Available now li Mar.l. 1197. Message 571-4720. / BEDROOM apt.. freshly painted. Oshawa, Simcoe St. N. available anytime. 655-3068 AJAX Oxford Towers. Spacious apartments, quiet twiliall dose to shopping, 401, GO. Pool, sauna. Three bedrooms, March 1st. From $883. 683.5322 until 7:30p. -- AJAX, Harwood 3 Hwy 2. New, large, clean, quiet, bright walk out basetrhenl apt. Available immediately. 905.619-0803. AJAX ONE bedroom basement apartment. 4 111 pharlc•s, separate en- trance, SSW inclusive. Available Feb. List. (905) 428.0425. AVAILABLE FOILIsL large 2 -bedroom apartment in quiet building, $545/ monlhehydro. Please call Debbie or Judy 905-434- 7572. OSHAWA - clean 1 bed- room basement apt Sep. entrance Fridge. stove. washer, dryer, yard, close to downtown No pets Owet single welcome 5500/mo includes utilities 435-0110 SOUTH OSHAWA, 275 Wentworth St W. 1 Bed- room $500. 2 bedrooms. $600 8 $620 3 bedroom $678. close to buses, shopping, available imme- dtately, fridge, stove. heat. hydro. parking. 1st /last re- �II OSHAWA: SOUTH OF °red no pets 721-9722 OC Bachelor-basmem. or 723-6637 suitable for one Clean, SOUTH Oshawa, large 1- new, carpeted. S4507month bedroom raised basement includes utiltiea Parking, apartment on ,ower floor of '89 FORRIULR MX '91 SRFRRI LCE large fenced yard,private semi, with laundry. 2car 470 Liquids, gauges entrance: February 1st parking private entrance. S K l SK IA S 905.686.3204 $575 all inclusive Avail- OSHAWA. Beautiful 1 able Mar 1st. Mature work - Hand Warmers oedroom apt in man floor Ing single/couple No pets of home, with basement. Wl 905-579 1869 Double Bed Trailer o to deck backyard park SPACIOUS ' bedroom $4500 0.B.0. Will Sep. ing. $800 including itilihes Casement apt Private en- Jim 705-328-1613 N 434-4946 trance. utilities included. in, Apartments For Rent AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE- LY. Whitby Apt Cwid- ng,, spacious, carpeted. newly panted, with bill ny. Close IO bus. shopping, alt uhhbes included, first last required, no pets. 2 bedroom. S750 Also 3 bedroom $815 call 430- 0134 BROCK/HWY 2. newly renovated avadade imme- diately Walkout basement apartment. spacious. one bedroom, living. dining kitchen. a/c, appliances. utilities, cable. included 5690 per mo (905) 1183- 1206 COURTICE RD 2 bed- room apartir,ent, ;n farm- nouse. appliances. avail- able March is- S952 per rta inctusrve. Harmony Rd Call 725-9991 COURTICE. beautiful brigh• _:ean main floor of house. living room dining •i,+om. 2 bedrooms. 5 ap- pilances. 5 mm to 401. 5795 plus 1,2 uahties'non ,.-noll 434-5422. 432 '163 OSHAWA DOWNTOWN: 2 large , bedroom acar• ments. available imme- tatey 8 Feb 1st IsULast. -1 pets 5495, i plus 'rydro One bedroom $425 :905725-871C DOWNTOWN WHITBY, in small apartment tR+uding, - I� PICKERING- Whites/401 laundry. March 1. non bruar, 'st S4I utilities m- C'ean orgh' walaou+ smoker Oshawa. $550 1 OnApartments cehroom basement apart. MC. 427-6226 , For Rent • '01 A/C. fridgestove. ca- THICKSON / ROSSLAND, 725-2642 after 5 pm de. parking. utilities mck+d- t bed•com ;i,•o• area OLIVE AND WILSON, ed Single working female large lot Gose to parks. ,urge. C•gn• , C.,rppm welcome No smok,-•;pets stores. utilities included laundry. parking. 5650 plus 'stllast $600 Avai imme- S55C Call 905-434-5556 hydro Available March Ist dialety 420-4093 TWO oeciroom apts. near (905)436-9448 or 1,416) PICKERING GO - oed- a., amenities $851 an in - 590 8/94 •Corr :ase^ -ens aparmert. elusive No subsidy avail - ONE 8 TWO bedroom excellent condition. central able Beafnce/Simcoe arar•w:eni - ediatepets. �'awa 721-1553 pOs- air non smoke, rip session, prefer couple. park pawing, first and last. Fe - North Oshawa. includes bruar, 'st S4I utilities m- rlydro. trudge. stove. carpet. cfuded.831-2791 'reshly-painted. shopping $ Plaza. bus stop. aundry PICKERING. Brock 3 facilities. Reasonable F ncr arge 2 cedror�m 725-2642 after 5 pm walxa, basement apt m- •'lur'"5 n I ONE and two bedroom apts ;:at 1st Lwmgroom, dining Kitchen. bath. park - ng, laundry 1 -bedroom includes util, 2 -bedroom in- cludes util Near Oshawa Centre 723-1647 or 579- 6989 ONE BEDROOM case- ^ mer* ava,,ac � eaabi IV S55C near Oshawa Center Ouiet crescert Large camroom private entrance White glove dean No pets 579-2945 g an, uti hies. available March 1. call 427-9667 PICKERING bache,or aoa•' iI w •h fireplace Near GO $55G Includes laundry. cable ubhbes Suitable nor single person 534 MARY ST E WHITBY 2 CedrOOm apt available in well mantaired and quiet matu a building. Utilities. parking laundry lacand sill ry cameras On site management For apot to view call 666-2450 WHITBY 3odrm •Harr ' r arse• duplex electric heat very spaciousback yard. 2 -car pariurg, walk 10 GO. 5650 hill Avail now or Feb ' 666-4850 42C 9477 WHITBY, Bachelor, one bedroom, in well main- tained buildings. 4 Sevens Realty Ltd. 668-7777 WHITBY, specious two bedroom in home. fire- place, in -ground pool. Washer dryer. fridge, stove $695 plus 112 ubb- ties. Immediately. (905668-4469 Houses For Rent $1.1 A Absolute Affordable WHY RIEW" OWN YOUR HOME FOR SSW/MTN!! tilt Dow-cavrr, ' cn Discharged Bankn,p(7o Call Mil (905) 571-6273 1-800-840-6275 Marts sfapley _ales �:: ;_-•-r- i•-u- Exrei Real"r Available now Non smoke, -o pets Is0asi 1905 3344537 OSHAWA - NORTH .. / HOUSCS / Houses tad i _d ea, �� For Rent For Rent station 401 Partin; �y. oro. balcony patio 5630 5 5 5 J J 5 55 5 5 5 5 5 5, 5, 5 5 5 ONE. '•oro and three bed and S837 Ava..aohe re - duately (905 72' 2232 S 1 ST CHOICE $ roc, apts in most beaull Available 4,6. 239-175[ S AFFORDABLE HOMES! $ adult budding anytime Steverscn-ROss- SOUTH OSHAWA 275 $ WHY r1' ENT? BUY! $ and. Oshawa Call 723- Wentwor•.n ;• w bled. $ NO down payment, Noproblem' P Y $ 1009 room 5500 2 bedrooms. $ let me show you how! $ OSHAWA . 3 bear.,ire 560`3 6 $620. close to bus- $ Mortgage Payment newly •e-ovated. 5 m es, sping, nooavaiavailableae .m. $ 5700 per mth. oac Irom downtown, parking mediately tndge store. Call Thomas C. Pike. Sales Rep., S spot. 5650 mo inclusive heat hydro. parking 1st $ Remax Accord Realty Ltd. $ first d ast avail Feb t last required, no pets S (905) 576-3111 $ 432-8159 message 7219722 or 723-6637 FURNISHED BACHELOR�(4 huge 3 bedroom, with Cal- rJ$$$S$$$$rJ'�JrJSSS$$$$$$ cony. parking. laundry available Fe o st $865 heal and hot water includ- ed T•kephone (905) 669- _ 4009 ^ I 9 - L FULLY FINISHED. 2 bed- -� room tasernenr large l kitchen, fireplace. central A' y\ V. parking, laundry facdi. ties. cableno pets. non smokers $725 inclusive. 905-436 8447 Avail y / /_v / March 1 _ FURNISHED BACHELOR�(4 apt in quiet East Oshawa kilkill home. $400 per mo. inclu " 1 sive. Ist/last references. Im- 1 It mediate No pals, no smi ng (allergic) 723-9214 HWY•2/WAVERLY: Luxu- • / 1 b • 1 ' Improvertterlts • ' B Plumbing Party rious. 1 -bedroom apartment • • • with 3-peice bath, ap- pliances. walk to Oshawa Centre Private entrance, parking, carie. 1 st4ast. $525/morl Available im- r-�0. mediatory 721-0894. low k a vc OSHAWA, LARGE 2- BDRM APT No pets. 1st/ last req., all inclusive. 5705/mo. Avail Feb 1 Call John 435-0266 or Joe 728- 9584. MAIN FLOOR living area, bedroom. full bath, private. excellent location in Whi by Single tllrthale wralcathe non smoker. $115 weekly: 723-6684 leave message. FINISHING A SPECIAL Huge apartments, bright kitcherts, dose to amenities. Only a few left. Call NOW I X571-4608 MCLAUGHLiN SQUARE Oshawa 2-bedroom+tamily room Nath west view, 11th Boor. Avail. immiadately. $930. underground park- ing. utilities included. Fool a gym. FIS. Ensuile rawndy hook-up. For more into. ceN 905.7263050. NEWLY DOCOrOWd apart- mant units, available in aduB building, near hospi- tal, 255 Skneoe St.N. (905) 726.4966. BASEMENT? Book With us and pay '96' rates. k*tltlt Rating workrrlanship- 905-576'•6341 CARPENTRY tree estimates. house additions, basements, deeps, trinn work, doll IFF stallabon, baseboards, sheds, root repairs, (905)1319• e Rill Jr. , IT NOW . CAL 683.0707 OR FAX 683-7363 x seniors CALL TODD (965) 619.6806 or Pager (416) 330-1201 gone Plumbing PLUMPING RENOVATIONS New insulations, ce- ramic tiles, basement neat apartments. 686-1781 • Moving tit • Storage MICHALSKI MOVING Houses, Apartments. Of- fices. Appliances and Piano Specialists. Senor and M*Month Dis- counts. Licensed, in- sured. Free Estimates. Exeellard servile•. Call 436.7796. • House • Claiming LADY available. Qjality service at excellent rates. Call Lisa 655-5074 SELLING YOUR CAR OR TRUCK? Shoii it acrm D1 rbam Reeon. CA C1aSSWC& at 683-0707 or I fax 683-7363 PAGE 14 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1997 am �For Rent Houses Townhouses 1Auctions e 1 Auctions 6 1Aucttions e 1 Auctions e 1 Auctions 1 Auctions 1 Auctions 1 For Rent • 2 -BEDROOM bungalow. targe lot IT basement. parking $800 'mc +uta Ties March 1st Reterences tAeadowvale & Sheppard 905509.8872 ci 905771- 8448 3 -BEDROOM Sem, de tachea ''•erlace wait -cut to decktenced backyard double arweway nea- OC Available Marc" 1 5950+ uhnl,es Cali Ga•'v Baer, a! 905-436-0990 AAAA MAIN FLOOR a' 3 quiet crescent two blocks from Oshawa Cen!e- fenced ya'0 tree launory cable. parsng SeS- rl_, Plus 12 uV,iiec 57964.45 BEAUTIFUL FARM �r lie•^an, ae.i .,..see bedrooms urge vara. $790 Plus ,:.eddies Immediate Nea• 115 Hwy Cali 14161 225-5397 BOWMANVILLE. 3 pea. -e w.,- appliances gas heat ten, -.ed ya•d Minutes from 4,1 Nc pets 5775 month ut t:es Ava'iabie lmmedrately 430-2276 FEB IST 3 -BEDROOM sem mea- OC; n~w •enc vatec gas parking faun dry I-c'l, ales basement bachelor separate en trance No pets S995-uh1- dies. 1st 'as' 905 432 2705 GRENFELU KING ST OC area 2 Dec -3 a- er bungalow a,qe orve way fenced yard $675 pi -s -1. Heating forced a., al 726-8868 BARGE HOUSE certa Os -a+ v:a• _ ^osp,fa, 5 bedrooms :era -ate c, ng room, hardrroa floors. 2 app-,ances park --g $95,; month Plus Ava, able Mar lsi 723 629' or 576-4534 ROSSLAND/CENTRAL PARK NORTH 4 Dail'"* oe!a=^e,: bunga- low garage. d,n,ngroom. 2 baths eat", etcher. pro - tessmaily ',maned rec room.. gas fireviace family room den prvale yard. pa ho Ava, Apm 1 $1100 Pius , 1 4'E 769-9497 Toll t,ee 1 OM207-6604 3 bedroom Bowmanville townhouse. Sep dining - room, den, playroom with walkout avail Feb 1 FirsV Iasi $850 mo plus utii t705i 2'/-3646 (leave message) AVAILABLE MAR t, Large _ bedroom town- house. neutral decor. 4 apps ' 1 7 Cams garage King & Townlme area S895 . ubl Phone 905 8213 COURTICE. 3 bedroom Tow"i, 11 a appliances available Feb Ist 5950 month 80c ;9051509-2460 or (905)683 95c3 OSHAWA - 1300 Oxford St t a'oE 7 Dec,-,- . w., h.,,- rewiy renovate7, fndge. stove Available Mach Ist Istlas! S80Q it: inclusive Telephone 436 0276 DICKERING S & L ve,ccl R.. - ,_.,,m townhouse close to gc. schools & shoppno 5901 plus ubh ties F,rs1 & ;ast avail Mar 1 905 839 9446 WHITBY -ce 3 Cec'c,c- w. ^; , garage. 4 ap prances. fins^etl base •-•ent great ccahor 5925- Available Feb 1 Can 416-931 8919 Rooms 1 for Rent 1 BASEMENTn -s,ir a $35' 4 a S, ` lose t PTC & GO. park,, perm Included Ou,e' tome. ma- ture .e-ernar welcome 639-a`._ • ALTONA RD i Sheppard it quiet ack li home for ma- ture emppoyed nonsmoker Share separate k'_re Dafhls� w•m two other, Ref 'st'asr $100 per week .905 509.2459 evenings LARGE FURNISHED rp,.N" Includes : va'e k!t_'.er, use of laundry and pare. ng South Oshawa Available February 1st $50C per month Call 5-6 9780 PICKERING- S ngie room w'•' -.ap,r sae of kitchen !a Lii t.es. walk f - P,cilenng Generating S!aoon GO PTC $340 per month S170 R,.- -f, fon-a I.c BOWMANVII.LE LIONS CLUB 26 BEECH ST., BOWNIANN'II.LE LIBERTY ST. NORTH OFF CONCESSION ST.. WEST SATURDAY NIGHT' FEB. IST VIENN' g:30 P.M. SALES 6:30 P.M. 1•Rt ('Ik LOAD OF MIXED %IEW'HANDISE INCLUDING TIiF. BAI.Ail It%NKRI'1'T' sl'011'k OF ('ONSI %IFRS DINrRIHt,"rim; N11.1. HE sol.D NI TtilsS11.F. I'.,r Isis Int Sw*%,,. Scoll. Emerson. hlenuirex. Int'. clectnaucs. camcorder.. .doss Lhonrs. "i colour T\�s. 4 hcad VCRs. amwcnng machines, 'ilio, compact disk r tilos & Motile stereos, lwuscv,ares. glftK':IrC. cr,tlCcirhies I•, t,clalll dolls up ti. 40". .mall appliances. Sunhe:un & Proctor titles, Beth 4' .:kcr mixers, t,lod processors. toaster owns. knchc•n mates. deep lty-er, coftCl 'luncs. excr;rsc nlachlncs_ ism hikes. steppers. ski machines etc . tools. .'.wdri%ers+ drill press, socket -sets, dill hos. pliers. hlc sets, punch & chisel. .ikon Bases. small pool tihlrs, loss. 14K IrHcllcrN. dianxlnd nngs klichiko I•.. -1. Canadrm corns. furniture. Filtam lamps. canister sacumns. ;utache cases. :aces steel Framontlna &Moser ctxlkw:uc sets+ dinnerware. die cast cars. baby '•lace stroller. iewclicr} boxes. cork pictures. kmchenware. hath scales. bath . s & I,,wels set,.:darm with talhos & phones, shormasc radius. ,:all d,splaycrs. fluid tables & orgarm-er table. 7'V'. �'('H stands. cntcn:unnlcnt unit, cotter table gull umbrellas, shoe racks. cedar chest, knnc sets, scales. hudy massagers. . I) set Ttx) many to list Suhfect to addition & deletions Perot. cash. V'I'a h1'(' a ' Personals e 1 Personals a 1 Personals Personal Pra1rer To The St. Jude THANKS TO ST. JUDE and the t Sacred Heart of Jesus for favors ":' ° received. Mav the Sacred Heart of d Jesus be adored, glorified. loved and preserved throughout the world now It and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus pray for us. St Jude, worker of miracles, pray for us. S1. Jude, helper of the sick, pray for us. Say this prayer nine times a day for nine days. This prayer has never failed. and your prayers will be answered. Publication must be promised. A.B. Industrial • Units INDUSTRIAL UNITS 968 so IT once warenous- inq S325 sq it net Cao 9055795077. after 5 pm 905-436-9481 Condos W11 For Sale PLAZA 700,900 Jsrawa s ^,mss' Presuq,ous condo- miniums offer a secure. carefree life style m a vat,e N, of floor plans Irom $179.900 Viewed try ap- pamment Through Ristow & ;.•q water!•; nr 4 ped- Fleming Limited. Realtor. rooms county ^en Shared • 576-2548 camedral ce 1,ngs :a' 1 Accorhodation a e Resorts ga-age wa'kcut $i lW Vacation 568648 yus ., 1:656 '9051 AJAX Share will, r;.a.<. Pro rties 568.6980 905555-41_7 THIS SUMMER +�s,t the Pe Cara' bedroom goof k)- T. , OUVEJHARYONr : bed leve Dedrz^ tasmment OPT 2 parking w_;odstove $695 mo including ubl, ties Available unmed,atefy rk Pets 4161 754-8916 OSHAWA. AVAILABLE irnrned ate y Emma: _ a•. bedroom sem Gose to schools and shopping. $900; plus uhhbes Refer ences stlst. call 434-9753 OSHAWA. main floor of 3. Ded':,om -me. app:;anc- es Gose to all amenities. bus route owlet people preferred non-smokers no pets Rossianct Ritson $875 incluswe Ava,aabte FeD 97 571-6492 PICKERING Dunoanon, 1753 Fairpon Charming 2 story stone house, large lot, 3 . one bedrooms. S1200. utilities March Ist Reter antes. 4416)741-5418 PICKERING - gorgeous 3 bedroom 2- storey. double garage. Gait appliances. $1150 plus util. Rob 428- 0210, all messages promptly returned PICKERING, Rougemont executive home. backing onto wooded area. 4 bed- roorls, 5 appliances. $1,550 plus Feb Isi Condolyn Management. 428-9766 AN EXCELLENT two bed- room residential Oshawa bungalow, dining room, fireplace. 112 basement with extra finished room. laundry room with washer/ dryer Only quiet, respon- sible I ed I Caton. an apphill park.ng S90 w,l inclusive (905.428-0425 NE OSHAWA S^are large P p• --r w" _ �-an. em D4oyee. non-smoking cou- ple Large room. owe• barn room, TV use laundry. kitchen Available Imme- diately $390/month 1st Last (905,15712720 (mes- sage) NSE Oshawa luny •ur- rlshed ^Dose use of all facilities, cable & telephone in room $80 weekly Can 905-721--0122 SINGLE ROOMS with sharea facilities Females welcome Non smoker, no Pets references. available unmediently Rent from 5375 Call (905) 420-0249 anytime after 7pm on weekdays WANTED - housemate Leave message 623-62M RC9ntblttinitalts For Rent AJAX: East Haleptoa complex by the lake. 1 bedroom, 5 appliances. fireplace, underground parking, modern decor; S800+. Available February 1 Condolynn Manage- ment: 428-9766, UVERPOOU401, 3 bed- room. 12W sq -ft.. shortAong laundry. $995 inclusive, 416- 600-1400. leave name / phone number. -en. Valleyhentordi area for good fishmg. tun and affordable accommo Cation For information con- tact Cole's Point Resort. Tet 705-653-1227 Privale Homes RE For Sale S4119.900tt :J-860,.om, .a•ge eat m k.tchen. re. Croom. garage wro Io fenced yard. with 5% down, carries for 5657 including taxes Ted Houghton. Sul. ton Classic 905-439000 NO COMMISSION to Sell- ers I need smaller de- tached semis & investment properties For Investors and Renovators Low or No Down Payment Home are also for sale Some vacant with fast closings Must have good employment & credit. Call Andy at Remax Accord 905-576-3111 PICKERING - Rosebank/ Sheppard, private sale, one year old semi, 3 bed- rooms, 2 112 bathrooms, upgrades, $179.000. No agents please 420-6179 RAVINE, Pickering, beauti. ful 2541 sq. ft. 2 -storey, 4 bedrooms, finished base- menUwalkout, dose to all amenities/401. $259,900. 686-0645 WHITBY - senior execu- tive. over 3000 sq. it.. 4 large bedrooms. 2.5 bafhs. California eat in kitchen, spiral staircase, open basement. Double garage, ceramics french doors, broadoom, Deal of a life- TIME SHARE for sere. K,, s --ee orange La -e Country Club Christmas week (week 5r PLUS 3 accumWatee weeks Fully furnished bungalow. sleeps 6. 2 bedrooms. 2 bath- roomsplus pullout couch Next door to Orlando and �,sney World Beautiful Calf Keith 1905i 430-8406 1 y�B fus�iiness tT`^ •unities, ATTENTION. An exciting franchise opportunity in the lawn Maintenance ' Snow Removal Industry Join the Gardener team Call 905- 8897196 EARN FREE Long Dis- tance and a generous sec- ond income. Sound too good to be true? Call 404- 9144 or 721-1290. PN4E LOFT, furniture d accessory store. est. 20yrs, nveritory, 90K, proven op- erator profit of 40.60K passed 3yrs. Will train. $114,900. Fax (705) 749- 3150. PREPAID GAS eeril cafes, fill your tank and earn a great income. New company launched Jan. 1997. Looking for business builders. Network market- ing experience an asset. 1 - BBB -573-3589. WELL ESTABLISHED travel agency available. Centrally located in Ajax - Pickering. area, Owners rel bring, call (905) 625-5216 for finer coup ippon 57620 pus a ne app y. utilities. 579• , 1 Oi�ICe d1 time. For sale or rent. (905) 678-6822. 1. • Retail Space S 1 Personals � Housing 1 Condos for Wanted TWO MONTHS FREE Sale RENT - 450 sq it. office for ARE YOU INTERESTED in HOUSE NEEDED to rent rent, divided m two, coin- HARWOOD / gAyLy a very inexpensive bus trip to Branson Missoun? t so, or Rent -to -Own, in North pente with co computer room. Spacious 2 bedroom con- call 683.9235 kx more de - Oshawa or N of Oshawa washroom, waiting room do, upgraded kitchen, car- falls. city city limits Rent 8 coca- etc. $450 includes every- pets, professionally deco - High triflic area. rated with many extras. CHEATING YMES - ON- negotiable 905-438 Prime location - available Open house. SatJSun, Jan. TARIO TARIO PHONE NUMBERS. 8312 immediate) Simcoe N 25 & 26. 1- 4pm. 66 Fal 1-900 451-5566 ext. 253 576-6999, ask for Steve. Cn 01110, Asking 592.900 $3.49/nun touch tone, 18 call683-OOM pkw. rem, Personals EVANLY RAYS Police use us Rated e1 .n Cana- da Love. Money, Career, Lucky is Achreve Suc- cess 52 9W"wnute 18. 1. 900-451-4055 LOOKING FOR BIRTH PARFNrS or family, of baby girt bowl at tae Osha- wa General Hospital. Loma Ann Bond. September 27th 1944 Call or leave mes sage at 655-5290 PLAYCLOTHES FOR LOVERS Just 1,,n Stull for You and your honey or XTC leathers for the more sen. Pus Send cheque or mon- ey order for Fun Stuff $5 00 Of X T C 610 00 catalogues to Paume's Special Gifts. PO Box 58007, 500 Ross land Rd W. Oshawa. On- tano LU 8t, 6 SWM, 35 5'6'. 140 pounds. attractivetit. varied inter- ests, seeks freckle face lady for dating Take a chance. I aml Reply to File +9740 Oshawa This Week PO Box 481 Oshawa Ontario L I H 7L5 Business Personals ?U OLAStr J'E71�/(YJ�S exporter" WOVl�ng services for senior ClfizenS For more rdormajort call Heart to Heart Seniors Services Susan & Karen Henry GUARANTEED 6'49 win- ning CrOmbinations. For more information send SASE to: Sabco Merchan- dising PO Box 44303. 600 Grandview Street South, Oshawa Ontario L I H SRS AUCTION SALE SAT. FEBRUARY 1-10 A.M. REMARKABLE Estate Auction for the late JERRY DUNN, a lifetime Sharon res- ident, and a View Lake Estate, held at Phoenix Sales Arena, Uxbridge. Hwy. #12 or Lakeridge Rd. #23 north to Hwy.#47. Go west to Uxbridge. Go north on Main St. Watch for signs. SALE INCLUDES: Large quality of an- tique furniture, dining rm ste., antique tables & chairs, tea wagon, secretary, sofas, chesterfields, loveseats, settee, rockers, treddle sewing machine, trunks, doll carriage, old beds, quilts, linens. Marlbora enamel stove, parlour stove. Zenith 54' big screen TV,( 2 yrs. old, never used). Sony stereoicd player, ap- pliances, hand & power tools, Tudhope (Orlllia) box sleigh, qty. collectibles, old postcards. (150+), stamps, old cata- logues(1920s), knotted rugs. Army uni- form 1943144. butter churn. Biltmore hat box, 2 Banjos. Ig. qty. of antique china, crystal & glass, over 100 old, old Dolls (china & porcelain) over 50 dinky toys, 13 Brttains toys, (some boxed. call for de- tailed list). NOTE: -Toys & Dolls sell at 11a.m. Very unique and primitive articles from Jerry Dunn Estate, a lifetime Sharon resident plus quality inclusions from View Lake Estate. TERM$,- Cash, Interac, Visa & M C. VI WIN _ 8 a.m. Sale Day. GARY HILL AUCTIONS (Div. of 1081454 Ontario Inc.) Sunderland 1-705-357-2185 Toll Free 1-800-654-4647 Everyone 101111talcorno AUCTION IM as -N. - Fabruary legead Holiday Inn 1011 Bloor Str19ot East Oshawa, Ont NOTE! - TMs Is The Association's Annual Auction Competition , Bari ueft & Deice. In Addition To A wide Variety Of New Ml/thafldise (Tools, Crafts, Hotrseltoid Goods and Furniltue, atc.) Beilp Offered At Unreserved Public Auction You WIN Be Enflin fined By Approximatefy 60 Past i Fukwe Ontario Chnimplon Auct onsers• Stay Wkh Us For A Superb ewwqualt, FogewW By A Dlarice WM1 The "FNrtltr 3-sf1N Sour. MWTIM - Alas memo Itt r why Tba OW @Mont - 012.011111 Ores $1LU =100MASSICUM OF A�y Per, � w�T,+ier, t Roes Joyce 111111M) 432- loos) 961-14= Coming Coming 0 1 Events SEA 1 Events- MKTMEM of PmSerft The &JAA Poaw* - Show M111111willow ow r �M 7900 AM. - p"WM ly FMRUAMV 21-e sw'e " sites 0whowi omitillfeete OEM EVERM lw VALCO E tpay Ater Tb Shaw And Job wo Us M An Andlim UYr lb An Ammon M of A-asmr Alld Ed On A lutea tI m h ft of Mare mWbo liter Site. Tb The 1 10was1 E1ddaw. We Call k Our'Ful Auc@W And wslts Certain ThatrvwO CI&%SBtlyThatYOU Asitim MOW TMUT& S 29M soot Atllal NA n. Deal.r *aft Men IM) M -21W W dem amen To heow a AUCTION SALE of Antiques, Collectables b Household Effects. Thursday Jan. 30th, 6 p.m. Sale to include 19c oak wardrobe, oak side- board, ash commode dresser/matching wash- stand, Sheraton style dresser, 5' casual mirror, old decoys, hump back trunk, ball & claw food table. What -Not, wicker sewing basket. R. Dalton dog, wrought iron table, 4 wrought iron chairs, set of pressbacks, old rockers, jewelry, glass, china, pictures and prints. BROCK & SEVEN AUCTIONS, 1/4 km. west of Brock Rd. on Hwy. s7, 905-686-4620 to consign. Auctioneer Maurice M. Jones AUCTION SALE SUN. FEB. 2ND. 11:00 A.M. (VIEWING 9:30) MacGregor's Auction Hall. Bowmanville. Take 401 to Waverly Rd.. North to 12 Hwy., East to Scugog St. & North 1 km. Sundays Auction features a varied se- lection of articles from ih�, past to present, antiques, collecta- bles. household ef- fects including Finley wood/electric stove. Quebec heater, beds. dressers, named milk borties (Oshawa pat tenon. Parker etc I 400 board ft of ash lumber, plus many more articles with something for one & all Terms Cash, Choque, Visa. M!C & Interac Call to con - Sign to this or up- ccrning sales. MacGregor Auction Services Mike MacGregor 905.987-5402 905-623.7949 GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTER NEWrONVILLE, JAN. 31 FRIDAY. 6 P.M. Selling the attractive contents from two homes, birds eye writing table 5 pc country pone dinette. rattan nesting tables and armchair, pair Duncan Phyte end ta- bles, several occa- sional tables. occa- sional chairs, 9 x 9 wool carpet, love seat, chesterfoeids, glassware, quality china, beds. Chests of drawers, oil lamps. painting, antique rocker, washer, dryer. stove. microwave, color uv.'s gas bbq. lamps, mirrors, bed- ding, linens. 9 x 9 tent, sewing ma- chines, and more. Preview Friday after 2 P.m. Terms Cash, ap- proved cheque, visa, nVC, interact Auction. eer Frank StaplNon (905) 786-2244 110 0-2 639!!6. AUCTION BARN Friday, Jan. 31 at 5:30 pm 3 miles east of Little Britain on County Rd. 4 The Property of Mrs Helen Sillett plus the property of Emily Wil- son of Sunderland plus others. Gabbard walnut tea wagon with tray: walnut Duncan Phyte drop leaf table: 4 walnut dining chairs: cedar chest; wicker fern stand: GE 251n. portable colour TV; 4pc walnut bedroom Suite. walnut maga- zine table. floral ches- terfield & matching chair; brass table & floor lamps. occasion- al chairs: walnut van, ty dresser. walnut chest of drawers. Electrohome console colour TV. maple cot - tee & end tables: chrome drop leaf table & 4 chains: milk cans. 3pc. modern bedroom suite: chesterfield & matching chair. oak t- Dack chairs. Crafts- man Skil saw; Crafts- man toot chests. Bea- ver table saw. Crafts- man gin radial arm saw: 12hp M F riding lawnmower with snow- blower, Oty hand & power tools plus a ON china. glass. household & collecl- able items Don & Greg Corniffil Auctionefeim RR1, Little Britain (705)786-2183 MATTRESS SALE 870 Taunton Rd. E. Whitby. Next 2 teaks, 9a.m.-6Ill We have been asked to sell new mattress- es for a factory in Toronto. There are approx 500 singles. doubles, queen - mattresses and box springs, chairs, cof- fee and end tables, cedar chests, buffet and hutch, toilet pa- per, new car batter- ies, rocking chairs, roll top desks, oak of- fice chairs, greeting cards, office desks, plus much more. MCLtan Auction* and Liquidation 005.432-2336 or 905.6111111 1 SELMG YOM HOME? kquh t1 WW air BOW FOB IN" -OM asaft Call 1-900-451-3793 $2.49 per min. ENJOYABLE TIMES! 'd year old single female. E^joy watching hockey. -asketball. long walks and 1.111, Looking for that spa - al someone to spend me with BOX 11016 SINGEL RED HEAD! `8 year old red head. y ' 1' Looking to meet an -utgoing gentleman Enjoy wa'lkirg, dancing and ',urtry MUSIC BOX 13129 WINTER BLAHS? wed, maybe together iney won't seem so bad Well established, attrac- 've. professional woman. ^•.d 40's. petite. Looking for someone in the same age ;•cup Enjoy country •^'.sic, dancing and good Ines with trends and fam- v BOX 13513 JUST SPOIL ME! 45 yr old. educated good ^,mored, attractive bru- e1te Ickes the country, cels. animals, nature. king. eating out. Ide. '_ Seek ng a vintage gen- *iii who has his head .r straight without bag - ;age BOX 10646 HAVE A GOOD HEART? ',c yr )id single mom. 5 3' :0 Ips Seeking a male 25 35, wrc is good „mored. BOX 10968 WANT FRIENDSHIP a•^ a ^Or^. of Iwo search - ^q For someone for friend- , -,a It gets kind of lonely -..,Metimes. BOX 13491 WICCAN GODDESS... seeking god for romance. "ir, relatively attractive, yr old female. seeking .omeone who will treat me veli Like tall, inn man with ,ng dark hair. who appre- .ales the darker side of 'e BOX 13498 GROW OLD TOGETHER ^gle wine female. 33, -is dancing, movies and ..-el nights at home- I've lased my children the bast could: but now I new -,we than motherhood- Mr '9111 is what I seek, an vcu make my heart get Ii BOX 15976 LET'S CHAT 5'6' female seeking a black. Palter or white male. If this s,�unds like you give me a -au sometime and we can !alkl BOX 18042 LOOKING FOR FRIEND C yerced lemaie seeking "sendshp, possibly more .ater on. I am family orient- ed Enjoy dancing, movies. walks and quiet evenings at home. BOX 12903 YOUNG IN ALL WAYSI 57. full figured, separat. ed. lonely single female. 48 Love country music and dancing. Require alot of attention and hate silence. Need someone to hold me, talk to me and take me dancing. Are you the one? BOX 17864 50 SOMETHING FEMALE Seeking a non smoking, acive, caring, mature male 60 to 65. Attractive lady, slim, secure and humor- ous. BOJ( 20479 TWO FOR TWO Two single while females seeking two single while males, 18 to 21. If you enjoy music, arts, good convensa- tion and more... call Ward someone mature, sweet, good looking and raaaMic at heart. BOJ( 10438 I'M WORTH 1TI 28 yr old, 5'7', 128 b attractive, single mother of two. Looking for a good looking trials, 30 to 35, over 1180 to 210 bs, with good morals and beliefs. Seek a man who is P.tialt for a sanious nlatiptthp, SM 10579 DO YOU EJIST?" Attraiscliive. 58' temale good fooking� mala. Ward 30M III who has his hOW on BCD( 13MG his shoulders. AAROUND THE SAME 50 yr old, smakig, social re mother a Chniffier mi for linwA • Ship, BOX 17908 WANT SERIOUS CALLERS Seeking friendship: possi- ble relationship with a sin. cere. honest gentleman. I am a petite white female. 35 BOX 13028 OUTDOOR ADVENTURES.. 5'5'. medium built, altrac- trve female enjoys sk.,ng_ baseball_ goo, hockey. etc Seeking a good looking. tall male 19 to 22 Must have a lob and be child- less. BOX 13035 SAME INTERESTS? Seeiii a single white male 40 to 50, with similar interests I am a single white temale. 44.5'5'. slim Enjoy gourmet cooking seasonal sports, reading. etc BOX 17895 DOWN TO EARTH! Seeking a employed. 5110' Plus employed male 33 to 45, who encounters life with a sense of humor I am a single white mother of two. smoker, n;d. sincere, apart mincedand have a positive attitude BOX 178% R UTNE GUY FOR 11i 18 yr cid. 56' 1. s'r, e wholefemale seeking a good lookingsingle while male. 18 to 20 If you are the guy for me, who war t play games, likes having fun and wants a serious relationship, all' BOX 17900 HOPE TO FIND YOU! Sincere and aTT•aJtive. 5'9' medium built temale seek irg a handsome. good humored maie Want someone who Ickes danc- eq and has a secure job BOX 18059 SOMETHING PERMANENT! Interes',rg, erinus Iii career orkanted and active See -king permanent mate for peaceful home- do' 30 to 50 BOX 18484 FUN. OUTGOING, KIND Black hair blue eyed beau- ty. 22. lows muscle ars, rock and roll, and hockey I am a romantic arkst desir ng a wonderful man, 20 to 26, who loves Similar nler- ests I wont to make a dd- lererlce in someone's We. BOX 21486 FIT THE BILL? 28 yr old. 5'3' shy temale Looking for a white gentie- man, 30 to 38. with no dependents. who is tall. attractive. reliable. trust- worthy, successful, and funny BOX 15695 LETS GET TOGETHER 23 year old black temale, 5' 10', medium build Looking for a white male. 26-39. for a discrete evening BOX 20489 TIME TOGETHER Slim, professiohal, single mom. 29. enjoys laughing. dancing, quiet timesand good conversation Looking for a tall, non smoking professional man who is interested In spend - ng toe together. Replies from Northumberland County only. BOX 23299 SEEK A COMPANMON 54 yr old, 5'1 118 Ib female with no depen- dents. I'm financially secure and a non smoker. Enjoy country music, danc- ing, dogs and hugs. Looking for a NIS single male, 55 to 65. with a sense of humor, for coml- panionshp. Bin( 23310 TIRED OF WATCHING TV 36 yr old, widowed while mother of Infirm seeking understanding9-4 humcced mallet. who lours Me. Like pals, evenings at Militia and cottage Coul- try... BOX 10490 CANCER MALE WANTED 44 yr old, 521, 140 b young film sis with brown hair. Looking for a tion smdtirg w hila mW who IS honest and caring. Enjoy den0ing, mlovkes and din- ing nicht. BOX 21476 SENSITIVE.- ... as trustworthy Seeking a black make 35 to 40. who is young at heart and mature. I am a young look- ing, single while tamale, 46. Enjoy dancing, quiet awanirgs at home, etc. BOD( 10455 DOUBLE DATING.. Ajax/Pickering News Advertiser Brings You... THE NEWS ADVERTISER TUESDAY, JANUARY 28,1997 -PAGE 15 To place your FREE ad, call 1-800-662-8423. Anytime. Clay or night. 011"amakyo urs To respond to an ail. call 1-900-451-3793. FREE Personal Ad FREE Voice Greeting $� .49 per minntf'. tion innst be 18 or older. B--th nifnd.-•r, work with 'fuur h'Tnn. anri Krill:n v' Irhr.n.•.. Two single white females enjoy dining, dancing, play. ing pool and having fun. Seeking two single white males mid 30's to early 40's. BOX 20579 WANT BIGGER WOMAN Seeking a heavy set female of any race, for trienaship I am a 61', marred black male. BOX 20879 YOU'RE MY HERO Your life is in ba,ance and like to pamper this lady of 50 Old fashioned, enthus: astic and ambitious Com- panion, friends. lovers we have it all! BOX 25933 MARRIAGE MINDED? 32 y• �­J queen sized female enjoys scuba drv- Mg..hiking. art. walking my dog, etc Seeking a male for a serious relationship. Tend to like tall, blonde. blue eyes BOX 20473 UNE ANIMALS... 48 y• lid single white female. 57', full figured Seeking a long term rela- Winship with a tall, single white gentleman 48 to 55 Smoker and social drinker BOX 17954 LET'S MEET Attractive Y. young at heart blonde, new to the area Seeking someone to meet for a drink and share a good time. Erjcy working out, camping, movies and more If you are good look- ing, honest, sincere. 30 !o 45 call' BOX 20457 LOOKING FOR LOVE 22 yr 5 8' "Gib rr,i at Of one. old fashioned Seeking a male 22 to 29. mono is employed. tall, nice- ly bwtt, likes romance, dancing, cuddling, movies, quality time, having fun and more. for a serious relationship. possible mar mage BOX 20710 JUST BEING MYSELF Petite lady. early 50s. enjoys biking hiking, dant- ng. skiing and many offer interests. honest. sincere, 11ustww1, Seeking gentle- man with smlar interests. Honesty and trust a must Social ornker only and non smoker BOX 23211 PETITE BRUNETTE Underrated French trea- sure in Cobourg. with tole shape possesses great personality. unique qui tars Looking for hiendship with non smoking, single or widowed white male, 45 to 55. 5'11', establisned, with morals and a conscience BOX 23_'81 SEEK SOMEONE SPECIAL Single mom looking for companion. 25 to 38, for a discreet relationship, who enjoys the outdoors. Quiet nights at home, dnng out. dancing, and more Single lathers welcome, smoker and soca) orinker. I am hon- est. have a great sense of humor, nice personality. no Head games BOX 23284 COSOURG AREA Full figured, professional female. 28, financially and emotionally secure. Enjoy outdoors, movies and laughing. Seeking single male, 25 to 40. Single fathers welcome. BOX 23286 THE REAL THING Are you a fun loving, confi- idem man, 35 to 50, full of life, romance, employed non smoking, emotionally secure, spontaneous and looking for a fulfilling rela- tionship? I'm 36, mother of one, 5'4', full figured con- sidered beautiful and very loving. Cubourg area. BOX 23300 VERY LONELY 1IIIIDOW Caring. spiritual. 58. enjoys dancing. reading- wril'ng nature and people. Looking for a meanflgful ralefk0nn- �lfrtandsltp fest BOJ( LET'S GET CLOSE._ cgood Ii reed, chk1yr old. 1 s, dwworo 1tlrnW Enjoy coeaa- out for denar M=Kb tine wdh #w special lomsorr• VAIM b meal as him fist pos- sby mora.. BOK 12856 BROWN -EYED BRUNETTE 5'5'. very attractive. single mother of one. 19 Seeking a male 20 to 25, with the same interests Enjoy dancing, music. quiet times at home and more BOX 17835 COLLEGE STUDENT 21 yr cid 54' '40 b female likes snowboarding. kayacking, hp hop music. clubs. etc Seei some- one with similar 'interests BOX 20436 OUTGOING GAL! Mother of 'moo grown daughters. enjoys sports. walks biking, outdoors. etc Seek ng someone to talk to on !ne phone and go from !here BOX 20505 SEEK MERCURY MAN.. 3' yr - .i;. -smart, mother of one seeking a white male 33. due eyes . sandy blolde hair Must '.die movies. walks. dancing. outdoors. snowmob,Mg and able to film cars BOX 20915 FRIENDS FIRST 35 years ;Id. 5'5'. hark hair and eyes. divorced no chil- dren, enjoy dung out, cud- dling and more Looking for someone Interested in the same things BOX 10448 COULD THIS BE YOU 21 year old, single mother 56'. 175 lbs. looking for a man 28 to 36 to snow me a fun time BOX 12817 AM I THE ONE FOR U ,i:ngie white 'emaie. 46, enjoy west Indian food, dancing and cuddling In the evening Looking for a Will male BOX 12833 ANYONE OUT THERE 21 year old single female. 5'6'. 175 lbs a mom Looking for a male 26 to 38. race is not vmpoli Fun, tun, tun.. BOX 15354 FUN TO BE WITH 31 year aid white single *male, enjoys dancing, cooking, walking and play- ing pool Seeking a single white male 33 to 40 who has a good sense Of humor Must like children BOX 17802 (PORT HOPE AREA 54 year old. 5'4' 118. non smoker tnancialty secure from Pon Hope Like coun- try dancing. hugs and quiet Wes BOX 20428 HOPEFUL ROMANTIC Single white mon. miodle 40 s. teenage daughter Looking for a man for com. panionship and friendship BOX 20909 ONE MAN WOMAN Looking for Mr Right not Mr Perfect ONOrced white female. 39. very petite. brown hair with hazel eyes Enjoy talking, cuddling, romance. friendships, hon- esty. Seeking stable employed male, 35-45. who knows what he wants. Friendship first, possible relationship NO head games. BOX 21422 SLIM AND INTELLIGENT Very attractive. charming, outgoing, great persoralily. sense of humor, non smok- er, young 49, well estab- lished, no dependents. Enjoys music. dancing, camping, the good life, creoor at outds: many other Interests. BOD( 21460 GREAT PERSONALITYI Very attractive black female seeking a single white male 35 to 40. Must be very romantic and love kids. BOK 12902 JUST LOVE TO DANCE Seeking a gentleman 50 to 55, for dancing, socializing and travel. I am a 50 yr old, 5T, 150 Its while larnnale. BOJ( 17778 TWO FOR TWO TWO moo witift ilemaless me single whise males, 35 to 45. who are aD(onuttgyoing, confident and BO20� a good time. WIDOW WANTS WIDOWER I enjoy travel, de ncing and dining out. Looking for a simian honest man. 45 to 80. BOD( 15379 WANT TO SHARE LIFE '.57 yea, old. 'vii '-gu•ed female. 5'5' with brown eyes Enjoy my family sports. bingo. quiet evenings at home and going out Seeking a male with the same interests'or a long term relationship BOX 17022 GRACIOUS LADY Peine 010n1, 'emale enjoys dancing. traveling, dining, romantic evenings. and more Lxo n, for a tall gentleman. 49 53. for Mendship BOX 17315 FLORISH TOGETHER Irteniyer, �,a rile female mom of one Seek sing a single chnshan man, latr who have a sense of humor BOX 2^.332 MEN SEEKING 'I 7 Call 1-900-451-3793 $2.49 per min. ONE SEXY GUY Were male. 4• gcc' lock ng. 5 10'. 180 ib. romantic and canny Enjoy dancing spars and more Looking for attractive single lady 25-40. for 'riendshp and possible long term relation- ship BOX "064G GIVE ME A CALL! 34 yea- :d ^.ai skin build Look for an aggressive -ren minded woman BOX 13113 LONELY MALE! 3' year c.1 Professional ma e. 5'8' Enjoy sports, dining, dancing and more Looking for a spontaneous. outgoing. honest female who is tun to be with BOX 18519 ANYBODY OUT THERE? My, wde and I are seeking another coupies We are 40 yrs old and want Bi hill tionships BOX 10867 JUST CALL SOMETIME 32 Yr old seeking someone who is around the same age as mysea it you thin• you would Mke !c gin to si better gyve me a call and we can talk- BOX 10950 SPEND TIME WITH 23 yr old atn,etc male seeking someone to spend time with Not just rornant"JIft but comped hwry too' BOX 10967 SERIOUS CALLERS ONLY 41 yr aid Christian male seeking someone 'or a long term relationship leading to manage even- tually I am kind. atfection- ate. honest anc consider- ate BOX 10970 SOMETHING LONG TERM Single while male. 38 61", 18C lbs. Like brig walks. Children, outdoors. family life. going out, etc Seeking a temale for a long term relattonshp. BOX 13473 GIVE ME A BUZZ! 511'. 163 Ib maie seeking a slim, attractive temale, 18 to 21, tf this sounds like you and you would like to meet call' BOX 15960 ONE SEXY GUY 41 yr old, good looking, 510'. 180 Ib. single while male enjoys dancing. sports and more. Seeking a nice looking female. 25 to 40, for friendship first pos- sible long term relation- ship. Single moms wel- come. BOX 10639 ARE YOU GOOD HUMORED 45 yr old. 95'. 185 Its male likes movies, attitnals, din- ing out and quiet nights at Rome. Seeing a *male 25 to 45. who Mas cooking... 80x 13492 RM AND EASY GOING.. Tale, dark handsome black me* in my 3071, seeking an atkKmornea female in the Oshawa area Want to find someone for arnconn- W& BOK 15945 OMETTMMES V. 185 b male, 41, seeking a lsmale under 45, under 135 los, to be my law and companion. I am a smoker. BOX 15524 00 THINGS TOGETHER! 3� y. ^ d s ngle w..,.e male. 5'8'childless. finan- cially secure. Seeking a woman 2510 40. to go out and enjoy each others Company Like 4 sning trav et seeing new'^ergs etc BOX 18021 HOPELESS ROMANTIC Seek,-; acy 39 ', ;7 have compassion and pas - son to gave, as well as a devoted and �.oyal heart Like walks romantic ever.^gs. Ca -loss g and massages -0Stfy cuo. dhng BOX 214!9 HAPPY-GO-LUCKY GUY 33 yr :ini xl,acvye -or e part time dad. 5'8' 150 lbs. employee Enjoy moy,es. dining outdancing. and romanlc walks. Seek a sin- gle -'nom. a smoker ere- ' -mored. who '.ekes 'c have fun Ind interested r a special 'watlonsho BOX 'C607 OLD FASHIONED GAL... 38 year ,v1 self-empicyed male and tamer ^J -wo :-rd- dren. 112 and 14 year cid , '.r my custody 'ewe in Ajax. 5'11- and 22C Us Seek down to earth attractive female w_mi ght iPropcn tined 'o hems wrath Christian yas, ues BOX '5554 IS THIS YOU? S,rgle wn,te -aye seek r, a single quiet temale. pe- ter petite, but not n -e5. sary.personality is really more important I nave my own acme and Ste Id, ly employed BOX 18122 PORT HOPE AREA Ser'r - w,dcwe• • ^a^c ally and em Cticnally stable. ntwesteo n cardstheatre and travel Would like !c meet a fnancialty stab -e lady for companionship You Irye in your house and I in mite BOX 23300 HOPELESS ROMANTIC Hones! and sincere 38 y• old male win a Medium build loves romance and special times wrm that spe- cial friend Looking for a new friend who ,s Sim and attractive Enjoy -roman Dc dinners. god, sximg and more BOX 23721 TRUE ROMANTIC Hc -ii „arng sensitive gentleman. 55. down tc earth No dependents Enjoys trawl, dancing, nusicdining, the good Ide, and great outdoors Omer interests too numerous to mention Will reply 10 all calls BOX 23723 LEO SEEKS HONESTY' 35 r :dmg cck, male seek ng someone honest and sincere who takes are at herself B you wart a long term reiation- ship all' I am stable and secure with no leper. dents. BOX 10561 SHARE JOYS OF LIFE.. 39 yr nib. good looking. Slim male likes bowling. swimming, fishing, pets. kids, etc. Seeking an attractive. skm female who is honest. caring, tun t0 be with and not into head games BOX 10565 SINGLE GUY Smoking, occasional drink- ing, 5'10' 190 Ib white male 38. enjoys boating. movies. country music. etc. Seeking a single white female, slim, attractive, 30 to 38. for a long term rela- tionship. BOX 10568 TIME, LOVE... ...tenderness! Seeking a single whine female 25 to 32, for trierdship; possible relationship. I am sing* whfe male, 6'1', 175 lbs Enjoy music. walks, dining in and more. BOX 10942 COMMON INTERESTS? NIS, single while ire*. 36, enMoYs fig• swimming, etc. one good woman to shote my Iia with. Kids okay. Friandshp first: possible long term relationship. BOX 13048 R U MY MEMPHIS BELL? Finarncialy and anobsorsally secure, kind, loyal me* enjoys NASCAR and coun- try mum. Single mallet's welcome. BOK 15900 27 NEW Ads! LASTING RELATIONSHIP E"p^.,e^. 7rge white mal@ 36. from C•-cG,,g who is honest s,ncere and fun Seeks open ndec. sincere. ,.rest. s,rg,e white female 3C 'c 39 'or Possible relatonship no headgames. children ok BOX 31977 DRY SENSE OF HUMOR 29_ .� r ^-: 5'6' 140 it, 'i4 s soca. drinking singe proteSsion- ai -a•e er;oys sports. work ^g -.1. cooking. din- ing out r,Ilerblading, etc If you are '.nick r, 'cin a reia fisnship ca Age, race and •e gion urimportant' BOX '3C73 TRANSPLANTED BRIT 58 v- _ - - ' -, b chddless� emp-oyed drvorced male loves out doors. class.cal music. reading. moor racing efc I am a smoker and •a•e drake• ;eek., someone win^ r^ IF ,interests 4C !c 6C BOX '5929 SIMILAR OUALITIESIF F- ;.r• -s Ta.. s,ek rga caring write 'ema-e 22 'o 28 Wan; someone for wanks or Sit, ng around ano ta,ii . am a -,Ice guy BCX t 7905 SAME AREA' 42 r g �' ,•x�c ,oaf. ung ^.s- socia: drmk.rg maie enjoys lets of ihrii Seek r , someone close •c Me Vrr:dby area Want a fv's BOX '5064 NO ONE S PERFECT' See. r, a a•,r F !wt -,g. urea Female 30 to 40 tin a non smoking, non ororsk . honest heavy set man Oshawa area Please, BOX 12795 YOUNG LOOKING LIBRA 4C L., r v".. emp-uji non.11I.I r 5'9'. 18505. blonde, blue eyes. in good shape Liars ji animals conte-•, sports. VASCAR and much more Looking 'cin single lamake. 30 to 4C. with a sense of humor and similar interests for long term re/a- iionshp BOX 21457 FRIEND TO COMPANION c -g;c -ane 48 IOdk'y or that spa C^ai femme .:an share des pleasures with Long walks good conversatior dinng. dancing are all part of the agenda It jou are shin. attractiveand over 35. please give me a au BOX 21489 ARE YOU OUT THERE? Irish Ccnadian ma -e 22 5'11', good looking and fit Seeking an amactme Irsn female 18 :o 23 who enjoys going out for a drink or two and likes to spend romantic nights in lust relaxing and watching a movie BOX 21495 FIREFIGHTER Hopeless romantic. very late 30'S. 6'. emotionally stable, financially secure. honest and caring seeking female. 35 plus, who enjoys scuba diving, out- door actrymes, and good vine. BOX 23317 Call 1-9"1-3793 $2.49 Mf lain. STARTOW OVER AGAIN Seeksg a Bi or Gay male for a big tetwit relationship. I am a 67, 185 b. 35 yr old, very straight baking and acting mala. BOX 130883 VERY PARTICULAR White male, 29 bin looking for other guys who are masculine not feminine, good looking 1 am a&w- two with a good body, V. Ulf Ica More Pbo*. Sn Mftq Place on the Internet at Mft://Vmw.w4pbM*n&.com *n&.com '? •' , MY FIRST TIME cox ^; a •-a-e. 26. 61' 18C as See. ^, another 8, rna,e in '^e Oshawa area BOX 15587 ARE WE A MATCH' '? yea• c'wr'F '^die 155 los . 6 attrili clue eyed and ,ery hyper,nos - vtdual Seeking a write or black male '' 'vs attrac We cearl:ness are a, a must If you -ave -orey enjoy playing. and are i you are my match, BOX 76 VERY CURIOUS! _-r:0us clean write mage seeks the same 'or daytime er counters or ly BOX - 3 i 18 DO LIKE WHAT YOU.. . lust P -all" 2' i'd' • 15 lbs and ooK nil; for over minded.'Jow•- •c earth guy who doesr, , play ^earl, games Enjoy the ceacn felaxirg at home and watching c, es. a"" sattons. horseoacik -,ding etc BOX • 9' =2 NEW TO SCENE 8 -a a ale 2C Is 35 V -s' ce clear and discreet BOX 2'5C7 ANYONE IN UNIFORM rg white -ale !BC bs Loom rr;';r guys.r ur,trr•- wnr. are good as rg 7e^y discreet BOX ' '74 NEW TO THE AREA the Oshawa a ea for friendship tin^ a 27 yr sic rlandsome mac with blue eyes BOX •5907 SOMETHING NEW 5 . ,. 21C Is -a-, i -ale enjoys movies. ^husk and talking on the phone See+ r ; a specie' ',mono •o tik Ind have J'screer -ayume ger !egerhers SOX '546' DAYTIME MEETINGS 198 :bs 5.0m ig a spi friend for discreet get togetners BOX "459 SNEAKING AROUND 38 1, - _ - - • 31� . 3 mate seem r; anctner mar- ried 8. -a � ':r a r"!Cn Ship Must oe discreet and clean BOX • -843 JUST DO IT' 2' i : is --^a a see. r ; a good I0CK,rg gart e -an who s clean a non smok er and about 6 !' It you are the right one cease all and we''f have some tun BOX 20453 MEETINGS WANTED Mee:ur•• ou t mor Te -aye 5eelsi another mase for enccurters Lme in clown- lowr Oshawa BOX 2C6C 1 NO MIND GAMES 22 year cia gay white maie 59". 18C los L ---..ng for an open.. honest long term relationship BOX ' 7800 DISCREET FRIE14DSHIP Tall, clean. cute, 00i !poking 35 yr old male. Looking for other males lot discreet encounters Downtown Oshawa area BOX 12907 COULD BE FUN 42 year old bi while male. 5'11', 220 lb, attractive from Oshawa, Looking for couples, clean and heanhy. BOX 20420 SECRET FUN 5'10' bi male seeking dti creet meetings with anoth- er gay car bt reale. If you're in*resled, please gyve me a call. BOX 20414 1111111\ fill If1 i 1i a 111 \ S FIRSTTIMERI Single while bi curious Cama*, 28, 5'4', altractive and easy going. Looking for an attraalve female to share BOX t3bt2in% tine wrilh. PLAY POKER Young couple. 21, looking for another couple for fun games, cards and other INTIMATE ENCOUNTERS :c'..ple seeking a^;thli. couple or B, coir .us car to temale Want ,ur'artas,es fulflled BOX •857 HEY. GIRL' Via r -'ed ' ,i female 26 into sip rTs 'use and mdv,es Seeks fe ria e playmate with 5:'^da• n._ ests BOX 21508 BICOUPLE PP •e C :--i in our 3G s ook rg 'rr couples. females are select males, bin discreet evening encounters All ,ails returned BOX 2150' LET'S GET TOGETHER- Attracr:ve ruc e - - early 20sseexrg a B, ill lar rTimate get !oge!ners Must oe clean ani_ drscreet BOX "74 LET'S FIND ADVENTURE :d-. s .g advertur OUs ;c,pie .ocx,rg 'or another couple whin are very clean and d screen BOX '2885 LET'S PLAY CARDS Ili r.,e . as temale Odkrg'IF a thin b: lama -e Enjoy =arcs and Mary other mugs Must be discreet 80X'537• LOOKING FOR A FRIEND 35 ilea, ,..-'a.e ,yi. snorr os-wr ^.d,r arc green eyes Enjoy•ni •navies dr- nerS =lobs. quiet ghts at home and mere Looking 'or a single 'em.aie 2- 1„ 35. mono Is ofmrne. -.me, gong out as we'• as stay Ili at home BOX • 5434 BOYS ON THE SIDE Boys ,r .^e sloe 2- yea• Old o--temale in seariS of open m.ndeC drearrbcat it you sound mfuresrel give me a :all BOX 1279' 111- 44 FRIENDS/5111"i P%RTNERS t i •4 NEW TO CLARINGTON a .y."-1 mon e female 31 mother of one sill attractive. 5'6' and good humorea Seek.rg friends only, straignt nen or women. for lunch can nein :oi dancing. etc Must ove to laugh and keep active BOX '0635 NEW TO AREA S:•a grit sing a wh to temale. 31, onorcea with one child cols -or friends for coriee 'uncr and other mugs BOX 13101 AUTUMN FUN Large single male wishes !o Meet with lull figured te- males for daytime get togetners and chats BOX 2313: JOYFULL TIMES! 50 yr old. 6'. 190 Ib. divorced Born Again Christian male seekng a Christian Lady for friend- ship. I am a father of three. Like cinerna, walks, con- certs. music, outdoor sports, etc. BOX 18493 FINE PRM,/T To place your ad will a 'line' attendant call I- 800-360- 1`411113 The oper. ators at Oshauw This 2VOok reserve tide nphr la edit ail ads bin confarrt and assume no fiabiify j dor ads or responses. refect or revise ads w itian are dawned nappro- prraM; Print ads based an space avai4biliry Advanced Telecom Services, Inc. are the program cpwwors and can be ilaacfil at 1.800- 928-5699 Aron -Fri Barn to 5prn. you may also cffartpa or renew your ad by cisArg Bra number • Burlington • Hamilton • Brampton • Mississauga • Kitchener • Windsor • Toronto • Guelph • Oshawa - FIRM SUPPORT LUXURY ' 1 SUPPORT M N N c 0 Its ,, F' %. `� =l..=a •ice � %� ,! i' �'•�. _ :i�.%: �� EXT = RA FIRM � _;%=f ' f�'�, '� •.:',. SUPPORTSS lot 1A. k •i oz-� � t4. mist,i , sets 7 �09 SFT 489 SFT 5129 '' Sing 529 SFT -69le Set'•" 5159 � Double Set••••••"' ..,� ULTRA -' SUPPORT _�•.,,�I 0 a 0 C \'�,-:_7�ft-%,--%i iz'� — the Sleep Factory 9 3 • — ` — PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED HOURS SET UP — 0 - y- - AVAILABLE - - - •� OPEN ~•� Monte Co M •► :� , ai SUN. - ► ® FREE 6 Mo. OPEN CD ®® SUN. d • >> a, � � � LAY -AWAY ; 11.4 , ' . WE MAKE ANY DISPOSAL • , . . SIZE MATTRESS OF OLD SET ' AVAILABLE I CANADA'S LARGEST CHAIN OF FACTORY DIRECT MATTRESS MANUFACTURERS SINCE 1978