HomeMy WebLinkAboutNA1996_04_03SPICK N- GOA TAXI it 24, KOM. R A �*"I" We're growing to serve .you better! t .; Your Wednesday Ajax -Pickering News Adver- tiser is reaching ever further into the community. publication is growing. Effective with today's edi- Effective with today's edition of the News tion, an additional 2,000 copies are being distrib- Advertiser, Wednesday edition circulation is now uted in the community to bring the best in home 4050, an increase of 500 copies of your commu- sales to more potential buyers. We're growing to nity newspaper. serve you, because you deserve it! _ , i MATERNITY SALE :$10" OFF any order 5100" (exlndirtg tax) f °/�jjc UNonntil �Nck ' TWO'P.M amrs-1 A e e News dv r is r Wednesday, April 3. 1996 44 pages A Metroland Community Ne%yspaper Pressrun 40.500 Vol. 115 No. 14 Hwy. 407 may be fast -tracked into Pickering IB. MARIANNE TAK:%('S tiratt RtPVWVFR PIC1:ERING — The fi ,,, 4()7 project whish is planned to cut through north Pickering may reach as tar w, Brougham by the end of 1998. A team of Ministry of Transpr)rta- tion of Ontario (MTO) officials and consultants attended Monda\ nights meeting of Town Council to announce the Province has undertaken a stud} into the lx,ssib1l1t} of bringing H"-,. 307 into Pickering sooner than expected. The first leg of the new highway bemccn Hwy. -127 and Hwy. 404 is scheduled to be completed by the end of 19%. and the portion from the 3(1.3 to Markham Road is expected to be Inside Sn the news Editorial ..............................6 Entertainment ...................23 Sports ............................... 26 Classified ..........................28 1101001e lines General 683-5110 Fax 683-7363 Classified 683-0707 Sincerelv Yours 1-900-451-3793 1nfoSource 683-7040 Death Notices 683-3005 Auction Line 683-7545 On the Internet at www.durhamnews.net 930 + 7¢ GST = $1 finished by the end of 1998. But the MTO is now looking, at moving the end point further cast to avoid rx)tcn- tial traffic problems to the Markham area. "There have been a number of con- cerns brought forward to the minis- ter's attention." Paul Jankowski of the NITO told councillors. Mr. Jankowski is project director for the Hwv. 407 cast project. the leg of the highway which is supposed to eventually travel from Markham Road to Hwy. 15/115 near the eastern border of Durham. No start or completion date has been sort for the eastern portion of the new highway. There is a western leg planned from Hw\. 427 as well. The MTO is considering three alternative extensions to avoid the problems associated with ending the highway in Markham. and is fast - tracking the study and approval process for them. "What we're trying to do is sec if there's any solution that could he implemented by the end of 1998." said Mr. Jankowski in an interview. The goal would be to have whichever alternative is chosen built by the end of 1998, if possible. The first alternative would take the new highway past Markham Road to the existing Markham Bypass or a new Markham Bypass being consid- ered by the municipality. That alterna- tive is expected to have few traffic implications inside Pickering. The second would take the 407 to Townline Road (Regional Road 30) on the Pickering boundary, which is expected to result in an increase of traffic on Hwy. 7 through Green River and Brougham. See HWY... Page 3 _eav THIS SATU1tDAY Cheek to cheek Denis O'Connor Catholic High School from teammate to teammate. The activity Grade 10 students Paul O'Grady and Maria was one of the fun events during the Ajax MacDonald take part in a Friday contest to school's two-day Fast for Life which ended determine which group of teens could have Saturday. the most shaving cream left after passing it photo by Carl Ferencz Speak out on GTA reform DURHAM — There is still time left to share your views on Greater Toronto Area reform. The Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser has received many responses to a survey we pub- lished last week in preparation for a meeting with Durham Region Members of Provincial Parlia- ment to pass your views on to them. All of the questions are on Anne Golden's report on reforming the GTA; they were pub- lished in our Wednesday, March 27 edition. Copies of the survey can still be picked up at our Pr mr- _"RILL 6 BE NO offices if you want to fill them out. Deadline for submissions is Friday, April 5. We urge you to take advantage of this opportu- nity for independent analysis of the report; let your MPP know how you feel by participating in the survey. For more information, contact Steve Houston at 683-5110 ext. 249. Drop off or mail your completed survey to our newspaper office, 30 Commercial Ave., Ajax, Ont., L IS 2H5. Or, you can fax us at 683-7363. ON A_ND 3 PaMe i (PAGE 2 -A -THF: NEWS ADVERTISER. WED., APRIL. 3, 19% uet a neact start on your lawn ana drUr11 nrruse .,. NN Hose nozzle 23" spring -braced rake h- --attems. Metal PVC construction for P• ^. , ;-a* wears of Serv,Ce Comfort -grip handle 59-3464-0 An exceptional value trom Canalo, ` 59-5553-6 pop Q wall 3 -in -1 Super Blower/Vacuum Moulded plastic yard cart ccrcdw y j.rbarae 4 'y VV:^,,: ", wheels for easy .an (extra) In one simple step. 60-3838-6 ^ ,ineuverability tool tray Acc�,ssones extra. 60-4582.6 !71_4 T I -f r- ",4q 99 Re - 27.99 Deluxe graphite hose cart Garden Tools S ,oe T,a. e^s. ,es srnooth-w!,c!^g 5 leade, hose. Cho-ce of C„ It veror (59-1232-2). Towel (S9-4231-4). Holds up to 2140 hose (extra) 59-3400.2 or Transplanter (59-1233-0). Solid alununum construction. v0i, Garden gloves 1. Spv!-,eatne' �`� - 59-2860-2 2. Cotton -vinyl S9-2639.6 �0111111111111111 .­ I A6 i`_annrlinn Tiro Nutrient rich! Choose from cattle or sheep manure 20kg bag The choke for healthy plants' 59-22534/22W6 1300 Kingston Rd. 260 Kingston Rd. at Liverpool at Westney 839-8017 683-8473 Mon. -Fri. 8:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Mon. -Fri. 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p. Sat. 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Sat. 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Sun. 10 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY * Optiom AND EASTER SUNDAYmwnlum '" 4 rn rw wi 11 A CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER SUNDAY Nutrient rich! Odcriess and weed -free cattle manure. 10kg bag The choice for healthy plants! 59.2300-6 Topsoil Weed -free. Large 30 -litre bag. Stock up today! 594525-o h' rkzllo no ew Pw us ��Y X10p�,,��Do" n to � � les to anel' ► instal all l��ellt For Centre w `nd Auto No bterl�t ys a! tOver l � Onldung fires) Your Ca charges 90 p on aPProv� Tre CardAY FREEpnq 01N RIDE edit/ Repair your car no Your CanadianPay no tTir or 8U ayseavaiPayment, bio Service for cornPlefe d rd. Ask at Customer 9F�CAr M. 1300 Kingston Rd. 260 Kingston Rd. at Liverpool at Westney 839-8017 683-8473 Mon. -Fri. 8:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Mon. -Fri. 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p. Sat. 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Sat. 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Sun. 10 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY * Optiom AND EASTER SUNDAYmwnlum '" 4 rn rw wi 11 A CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER SUNDAY Nutrient rich! Odcriess and weed -free cattle manure. 10kg bag The choice for healthy plants! 59.2300-6 Topsoil Weed -free. Large 30 -litre bag. Stock up today! 594525-o h' rkzllo no ew Pw us ��Y X10p�,,��Do" n to � � les to anel' ► instal all l��ellt For Centre w `nd Auto No bterl�t ys a! tOver l � Onldung fires) Your Ca charges 90 p on aPProv� Tre CardAY FREEpnq 01N RIDE edit/ Repair your car no Your CanadianPay no tTir or 8U ayseavaiPayment, bio Service for cornPlefe d rd. Ask at Customer 9F�CAr P News Advertiser carrier collections begin today AJAX-PICKERING -- Readers are advised that Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser carrier collections begin today. Carriers will go door-to-door to collect the S4 vol- untary four-week delivery charge. Since the News Advertiser is a voluntary -pay newspaper, you'll still receive it even if you don't pay. People who choose to give their carriers $4 will receive a valuable coupon sheet and be eligible to win a splendid prize. Please welcome your News Advertiser carrier with a smile for the good work they do. i DURHAM i *_�:�"PID TAXI--* i 5342345 i FAST SERVICE • COURTEOUS DRIVERS i i /'rircc•/ /)c'Irt c•�Z .•Ilr7�r�-1 .lt'�'1 (c c• i 00 90 AIR CONDITIONING SALE o FREE AIR CONDITIONING _ �� : PRICES REDUCED on all i OF M Sumner Loeb In -Stock arc conditioners i IN% financiNg available OAC ! while quantities last. 01 SHERIUMM HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING % OP SHOWROOM LxATION ;aye. Nc P ,. ,1W 3v5 op o SCARBOROUGH PICKERINGiAJAX WHITBY OSHAWA 0 (416) 752-9111 (905) 839-3234 (905; 427-5551 TRE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., APRIL 3. )996 -PAGE 3-A Hwy. 407 meeting in Pickering Thursday FROM PAGE 1 A third alternative would see the 407 extended to Hwy. 7 just east of Brock Road in Brougham, which is expected to increase traffic slightly through Green River and east Brougham and decrease volume through west Brougham, White - vale and on Taunton Road. The MTO officials said either of the three alternatives would pay for itself, since the 407 will be a toll highway. ��nfosour-ce phone poll Show Hwy. 407 be fast -tracked into Durham? Why or why not? Call our Info Source at 683-7040 and punch 5112 to offer your opinion. A public information drop-in meeting on the three alternatives will be held in Picketing Thursday from 6 to 10 pm. at 0 Spring tune-up 4 Cyl...................................... 6 Cyl...................................... the Kahn Auction Barn on the east side of Brock Road between Taunton and Rossland Roads. special $3995` $5995' $7995• 8 Cyl...................................... 'Additional parts & labour extra if nec. R JL G Auto Cem:"tre Open 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. 1 600 Bayly Street, Pickering Sat. 8 A.M. - 3 P.M. 420-1389 - Offer expires Apnl 30196 GE AL PI, NEWS AvEIR UISER. Vv PAED., APRIi, 3, 1996 B credit rating for Pickeringtaxpayers Durham's top By KEITH GILLIGAN STAFF= REPORTER DITRHAM — The Region has no rea- son to feel moody about its credit rating. Moody's Investors Service has again set Durham Region's domestic currency debt rating at 'Aaa', the highest possible. The Region has enjoyed the triple-A rat- ing since 1980. Durham finance commissioner Jack Gartley explains the top rating allows the Region to borrow money at one-quarter of one per cent below the interest rate. That will save The Region and its tax- payers big bucks. For example. last week, "k- ^�'� Tax Returns min less time than you think :Tax Experience •Tax Planning -Monk tax returns proce,Sed N tthin 2 -,k eek,, 831-1028* "line't,)`, Rr, enuc IU20lir,t�k R-. Canada #100-1. Pickering 1. F=ihnL- �1�1� * CHRIS ALTO REPAIR REP --SIRS TO * DONIESTICS & I`IPORTS .* 420-5297 905 DILLItiGHAM RD. #10 PICKERING Durham Council approved a new $93 - million water supply plant in Ajax to also serve Pickering. About $56 million will be debentured and, with the Aaa rating, Durham will save about S2,250.000, Mr. Gartley says. "On big projects, it's a considerable savings," he notes. The Region's foreign currency debt rat- ing was set at Aa2, the highest possible for any level of government in Canada. It's used when a government borrows money outside of Canada, something Durham hasn't done in 15 vears. Mr. Gartley says. NC3 PAYMENTS N430 INTEREST FOR ON YEAR h.. , .N (. FREE CHOICES • NO GST • BEDFRAME • PILLOWS o SHEETS • NO PST • MATTRESS COVER • DELIVERY NNNNM��P 1y� Moody's reports Durham's "conserva- tive budgetary practices have led to the establishment of sizable reserves, which provides the Region with a high degree of flexibility to deal with the challenges stemming from reductions in provincial support." Durham also has "an extremely low debt burden" because of the Region's pol- icy of trying to pay for projects with available funds and a rapid amortization schedule when it borrows. At the end of this year, Durham will have an outstanding debt of about $30.2 million (principal only) and will make P payments of about $8.5 million. "Despite relatively large investments in new infrastructure in the past several years, capital financing through annual operating contributions and the use of accumulated reserves kept the issuance of debt for regional purposes to a mini- mum," the Moody's report notes. "A sizable and relatively affluent tax base provides ample support for the regional municipality's operating and infrastructure needs," it adds. At the end of January, Durham had cash and investments of about $164 mil- lion. 11 the siat -�•_ —1 Sleep Factory - n p ' p 0 p 1 r ) AIA Li I i �► _ 'r c LcJ - 10 15 SLUMBER REST POSTL RE CARE � COMFORT SLEEP SAC.LE SINGLE $1139 SINGLE $1179 Y."'RE SS -TWSS YA?TRESS SET `184 SET '224 SET '2134 IM>I I—I'nl l ... 169 X1 1 Z.. I>a>I'oil1 ... Iti•) 'I I ♦11 Q1 I I N -... I ♦ ♦-• MEW PRICTIC SINGLE $229 MATTRESS SET '374 IK H'In 1 2Sa) .1 t a1.t DRAIN DAYBED Many More To f ni,h / 8 SOFA BED Niany More t- IYrYW IncluLlL, m 28 IT` 0 9!��altrc+, ORTHO ELEG A.V 1 SINGLE MATTRESS 289 SET '479 Qbl 1.1'.N. _... %6y ANIAmINGIV ELECTRIC ADJUSTABLE BED ILK luck+ _'(Iwar µu.�r nar I)A MATE'S BED Many More Mate I2urw .Ia>r.�a. $ 178 ffi�kl alnvvcn AJAX the ACTORY OUTLET BAYLY Sleep • ry F CLEMENTS PHONE ORDERS • . �j N � FINANCING PERSONAL bISX 1 � ��'^) AVAILABLE CHEQUES '�� Mon.4101, !o Westney Road S. A A ia" �'I" 619-1315 -3 ' 79 TwOoa ROW West 433-1052 25% off Women's & men's Reebok, Adidas & Nike nylon wind suits. Add i*t all up . It's Eaton's 25 Y(0off 25% off All women's dresses, blouses, T-shirts, chino pants & shorts. .pr , (Exc!udes Sporting Goods, designer & denim dresses) (and more) sPrint fashion & home event. THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., APRII, 3, 1996 -PAGE 5-A tI25% 0 Kids' brand name co-ordinates, dresses & Easter plush toys. F'r ,. s✓jo .;nC r' a I_jntil Aorl 6th Push n '.ys P -forts meats LL25% 0 Easter tableware, decorations and accessories. Stat onev Deco enti 25% o25% 0 ff off Pipeline sheet sets a`�`. Men's casual R al Su shirts, pants, & Regal Supreme towels. sweaters & den) m . Sheets until April 28th, towels until April 14th- (Excludes Designer CorlecT,ons and S144 ?ed Too 3 S ynature Lev, s 25% off Women's handbags, accessories, Pursuits dress shoes, & selected Vanity Fair slee wear Eaton's reallv ,"Tarlts to be' your store. pSavings off regular ticketed prices. Excludes Factory Outlets, Warehouses & Clearance Centres Until April 6th Non-refundable $25 administration fee and all applicable taxes payable at time of purchase. On approved credit. U to $108 o . Sofas, appliances' & mattresses Brands like Sealy. Serta. Simmons Panasonic, Frigidaire and more. Until April 14th $13999 for our Jones Wear jacket It's only at Eaton s And it compares to des,gner pieces that we carry in our Signature shop for 30°o to 40 more (Compare the locket at $220.) Pants $69 99 (Compare at $130) LL25% 0 Boxed casual dinnerware, glassware & flatware. .r.C_Oes A K,�, Oneida and la9csr1na Until April 14th. Our new easy way topay. 24 equal interest-free monthly payments .,n Eaton Card home purchases of $300 or more (before taxes) - Furniture • Major Appi:ances • E'ecTronics Floor Coverings • Mattresses BBQs • Summer Furniture Unnl Apri! 14th Expect the unexpected. From Eaton's. PAGE 6 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., APRI1. 3. 1996 Editorials an Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser TINIOTFII' J. w HMAKF.R. Rthhshcr A %lorolmd Conununit} Nc%%,raper JOANNE BURCHARDT. F.htoi-m-chief' puhhaxd wcdne Alas. Fnda%. Sunda\ STEVF: HOUSTON. %lanaeinc Edilor I Ott I i' Commercial .Aw Alax.Om BRUCE DANFt)RD. 1,henrsing manager AL IN BROt NVER. Rctad y1ana,,cr LIS 211'; AM: FAKHOt'RIF.l):,tnhunonmanager Mint (,.z -ills) Falk: hs,-'zhz Nobody wins It ended not x%ith a bang. or c\ en it -whimper. So went the agreement het\%cen the Ontario 2OV_ ernment and the Ontario Public Scrwice Employees Union (OPSEt') struck in the final hours of last -week. Yet OPSEU chief Leah Casselman came crashing out of the ratification sate clainurw 'victory' for her membership. Similar %words of triumph could he heard by the Province. although Management Board chairman Dave Johnson had the good sense to claim victory for both sides -- and ordinary Ontarians -- in the dispute. The rhetoric note` ithstanding. nobody 'won' before. Burin z or after the month -Ions strike by OPSEL' mernbers. Instead. Ontarians were treated to picket line fool- ishness. organized labor temper tantrums and omi- nous words about the future of collective labor bar- gaining in Mike Harris's Ontario. When you cut through the talk. however. the Ontario 20yernment must continue to follow the path less travelled by previous governments in this province in the latter half of the 1990s. It must cut its bloated bureaucracy, eliminate a le,_,ac, of spirallin_� debt and deficits. and hriI1L investment and prosperity hack to Ontario. Its handling of the OPSE:L' strike underscored its commitment to a better tomorrow fur all of us. It there is any comfort in the strike's settlement. it's in the fact the provincial go, ernment negotiated it col- lective agreement, but not at am cost. tiohodv wins in a strike. We may vet see the bcne- fits of the provincial government's handling of it with a more vital economy, better job opportunities and reduced government inefficiency. Furthermore... There's still time for residents in all of our communi- ties to hop to it and help make someone's F-rsster week- end a little brighter. Community groups across Durham Region are joining forces with the Ajax -Pickering News Advertiser. Oshawa. \k'hithy and Clarington This Week. The Oshawa Optimist Club, and hospitals in Ajax and Oshawa to help collect and distribute food this coming weekend. And as we reflect on the holiday and what it means to us -- as individuals and communities -- we can help fill a hungry child's tummy, a family's bare cupboard, and a desperate and growing need in the region. If you're shopping for groceries this week, please remember that hungry child, or the family which has fall- en on hard times. A few extra items from those of us who are more fortunate will go to good use in homes across Durham. We know there's a need. And, we know you can help. To respond to these editorials call lnfosource at nfosouftW-7040 and dial 5109 on your touch-tone phone The News Advertiser 'rhe Ajax -Pickering flews Advertiser. 130 Commercial Aye Ajax. Ont. LIS 21-1.5. General: (905) 683-5110 Classified: (905)683-0707 Circulation: (905) 683-51 17. FAX: 1905) 683-7363 Real Estate FAX: (905) 432-1635 Composing FAX: (905) 579-11273 E -Mail: New srrunn0- durhamncws.net On the Internet: litip://,A,vA,%.durhiiiiinews.net • Overheard... Did he say that? "And all this is just the beginning. We're going to get hit again (with cuts from the Province) next year. There's going to be nothing left of our education system after all this is done.'. -- Durham Board of Education chairman Audrey MacLean, followitig a tough budget meetitig last week ♦ Letters to the editor Why is it always my dollar? To the editor: Re: Attracting business should be GTA -%k ide cfTort. 'starch 24. The mayor of the Greater Toronto Region, who seldom can agree on any - thimg other than their own right to main- tain and expand a bloated hureaucracv, have agreed the region needs a new, unified economic deyclopment office. Whv Could it Ik because they paid our money for An Approach to Organizing f,conom►c Development in the Greater Toronto Arca" Karen Campbell of the GTA Economic Development Partnership suggested the $1.5 million cost is "a ballpark estimate." She also) adds. '.You'll spend a dollar to make a dollar..' Why is it always n)\, dollar' And when only a dollar comes hack. they keep it to spend themselves. w title putting their hand in my ptx:ket fur another dollar. At least a business expects $1.50 or more hack from an investment of $1. Usually it is the busi- ness that puts in the dollar and the gov- ernment takes a share when it comes back (and sometimes a share at the beginning and during). Perhaps they just see this as some kind of' sporting event. It matters not who wins today, as tomorrow there will be another game. And at the end of the season, we can gain even more from playoffs. If the mayors listened to the taxpayers who elect and employ them, thev would get over this foolishness of acting progressive, while standing fast on maintaining the status quo and increasing our vests. In case the politicians haven't heard it yet, we (the taxpayers) want: Less expensive gmernn)ent: greater accountability by politicians and depart- ments. lessinterference and red tape strangling our business and personal The Ajax -Pickering Ne -As Advertiser accepts letters to the editor. All letters should be typed or neatly land -written, 150 words. Each letter must be signed with a first and last name or two initials and a last name. Please indude a phone number for verification. The editor reserves the >rW to edit copy for style, length and ,'';content. Opinions exprestied in letters ,i•,tre chase of the writer and not neces- thaw of The News Advertiser. lives: less catering to special interest groups: improved quality of education at less cost: less racism and violence: a hotter emiromnent to live in and raise our families. Are you listening' There will be a test on what you've learned in the next municipal election. I1N)nald G. young Ajax Keep Pickering beautiful To the editor: Do we or don't we have a sc(x)p and pcx)p bylaw in Pickering? As a new- comer to the area, I am appalled at the amount of dog excrement along side- walks and Town of Pickering green area~. While walking over to the central library through a play area recently, it wasn't the soggy wet areas of the thaw my husband and I were trying to avoid, it was all the common toilet areas that man's best friend uses. ]fit's become an inconvenience to carry a plastic bag for people who have dogs. the owners should restrict them to their own properties. Some of the culprits of this easy -to - control problem are people who, for rea- sons known only to themselves, no lunger walk their dogs, but drive them to their daily ablutions. They pull into the hbrary parking area on the Esplanaoc. then, with engines still running, up•n the drx)r for their errant txx►ch and with a way c of a hand send the animal oll'to do his or her thing. "then, when limshcd and with tail wagging, the pet returns Ik the car and of -f- the owner and ding 2 This letter is a reminder to keep Pickering heautiful, whether we have a hylaw or not. In case you're wondering. I am it dog lover. my dog died three years ago when he was I8. Pat Sutton flickering Points a reader ponders To the editor: In recent days I have read two letter - to etterto the editor which I fund interesting. One, by Mr. William Girling. suL- gest , an idea worth putting into prrctio: That is to put able, healthy welfare recipients to work cleaning our streets and parks. There's nothing degrading in performing this kind of work. I'�c picked up many discarded cans, catnd\ wrappers and other unmentionable things during my twice -a -day walk will) my lovable four legged friend. The second letter by Mr. E. I). Alphonso raised my hackles a bit as it is written to all Canadians, so obviously It) me, too. When I voted for Mr. Harris. and I will vote for him again, I did it after serious thought and consideration. I don't think we are a "stupid nation". I like what he is doing. It's obvious the unpopular cuts and restraints have to be made if we want to have any quality life in the future. I don't hear many pe0l1le complaining, especially not those vk Ill' know from experience that your spend- ing cannot be bigger than your intake So there. To the editors of the Ne%+'s Advertiser, my heartfelt thanks for your wonderful work. The newspaper is Let_ ting better and better. Barbara Hynek, Ajax P THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., APRIL 3,1996 -PAGE 7-A * �O�N of Town of Pickering* z (905) 420.2222 P1C1r* * RING(905) 683.2160 • April 3 COMMITTEE OF ADJUST!NENT April 9 EXECUTIVE CO.MMME April 10 SITE PIAN ADVISORY COHMIME April 15 COUNCIL MEETING April 18 STATUTORY PUBLIC CYFORMAnON MEETLVG April 24 COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT 0 Friday Hall Rentals Don Beer Arena and Westshore Community Centre Capacity: 199 Resident Rate $300 Non Residents: $400 Call the Booking Clerk to reserve your weddings, banquets, dances, family gatherings etc. 420-4623 Pickering Civic Complex planning nt? 1 Eve Spermia NEED A GATHERING PLACE FOR • Wedding Reception • Anniversary Party • Family Get -Together • Meetings. Etc. Historic Brougham Hall (circa) 1850 is available The building was the Township Hall for 100 years. Now used by the Brougham residents as the community centre. To offset maintenance and program costs, the Hall is offered to non-residents as a meeting place. Modem washrooms, kitchen facilities, stage and anterooms are included. Capacity... licensed 122 ... 154. ttmeeting PICKKEERI HIN&V to your next event For Rental Details, Call 905 686-1456 HARASSMENT l HURTS US ALL Our Great ,K r Lakeshore The new "Harassment Hurts Us All Brochure" is available at the Town of Pickering Civic Complex, Recreation Complex and Libraries. 10�~ OF opt.+ The Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations & Equity Register Now for Spring & Summer Programs - It's Easy! Quality Customer Service The new registration system Is part of our continuing effort to Improve services for you. our customer, as well as to provide a faster, more efficient system for our staff. Drop Off Registrations 24 Hr- Pickering Civic Complex Drop Outdoors. across from Friday, April 5 Closed Monday, April 8 Closed BOX the Central Library. Tuesday, MApril9 Executive 1 The Esplanade Drop Pickering Recreation Complex BOX Front Counter (683-6582) 1867 Valley Farm Road at the Civic ComplexJoin Mail In: Department of Culture and April 3rd to April 26 Recreation Pickering Civic Complex (*Tobe collected on Saturday, April 6) 1 The Esplanade Pickering. Ontario L1 V 61<7 ¶¶'} Black & ll l�� • Cash payments: Civic Complex, 2nd floor Rec. Complex, Front Desk For additional information call Infrared 420-4621 or 683-2760 �K TOWN OF PICKERING HOLIDAY OPERATING HOURS FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1996 to MONDAY APRIL 8 1996 Friday, April 5 Closed Saturday, April 6 Regular Hours Monday, April 8 Closed Friday, April 5 Closed Saturday, April 6 7:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Sunday, April 7 12:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m. Monday, April 8 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Public Skating Closed as of March 31 Dunbarton Pool Closed April 5 Rec. Complex Pool Closed April 5 to 8 Emergency Services will not be affected by the Holiday Schedule. Town of Pickering Public Works Emergency Telephone Number is (905) 6834319. Join us for an informative workshop on the Lake Ontario shoreline from Tommy Thompson Park ;City of Toronto) to Frenchman's Bay (Town of Pickering) "detro Region Conservation along with our municipal partners, is developing a new way to manage our shoreline. Share with us your thoughts on shoreline issues and your vision for the Lake Ontario shoreline. Where: Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club When: Wednesday, April 10. 1996 635 Breezy Drive, Pickering 6.00 to 7:00 p.m. Open House (West side of Frenchman's Bay) 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Workshop For more information contact (416) 661-6600: -arryFieltl ;: ; 1,lacP,Prs^r Natertront Specialist Coordinator. Coastal ext 243) Ecology. ext.246' metropolitan toronto and region conservation authority IWorking Together for Tomorrow's Greensoace 2 'E' 4C__>R z 1 SQUASH Z 1E= 7R z >E= c R >< OR RACQUETBALL 2 I=C�i2 it THE PICKERIM; RECRE.-MO.N COMPLEX .ALLOWS YOU: AND .A FRIED TO SPLIT THE COSTOF ONE MEMBERSHIP' PURCHASE BETWEEN .APRIL 1 1996 Your membership includes: - Pre -paid Squash or Racquetball - Membership Changerooms (whirlpool/,,auna) - Pleasure Swimming - Health Club Facilities - Combination Squash and Racquetball available L N% EI.00NIE NON (Transfers not eligible, 1996 GST not included). Friday, April 5 Closed Monday, April 8 Closed Tuesday, MApril9 Executive jC On Exhibit Committee Meeting at the Civic ComplexJoin us for a no -hassle intrafucuon to the Pickering A Friday, April NNo Pick up* April 3rd to April 26 Recreation Complex Health Club. Ixarn the dos and don'ts about exercise. Try our fat -burning and FREE: (*Tobe collected on Saturday, April 6) muscle-lorung equipment -all for l Friday, April 5 Closed Saturday, April 6 Regular Hours Monday, April 8 Closed Friday, April 5 Closed Saturday, April 6 7:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m. Sunday, April 7 12:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m. Monday, April 8 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Public Skating Closed as of March 31 Dunbarton Pool Closed April 5 Rec. Complex Pool Closed April 5 to 8 Emergency Services will not be affected by the Holiday Schedule. Town of Pickering Public Works Emergency Telephone Number is (905) 6834319. Join us for an informative workshop on the Lake Ontario shoreline from Tommy Thompson Park ;City of Toronto) to Frenchman's Bay (Town of Pickering) "detro Region Conservation along with our municipal partners, is developing a new way to manage our shoreline. Share with us your thoughts on shoreline issues and your vision for the Lake Ontario shoreline. Where: Frenchman's Bay Yacht Club When: Wednesday, April 10. 1996 635 Breezy Drive, Pickering 6.00 to 7:00 p.m. Open House (West side of Frenchman's Bay) 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Workshop For more information contact (416) 661-6600: -arryFieltl ;: ; 1,lacP,Prs^r Natertront Specialist Coordinator. Coastal ext 243) Ecology. ext.246' metropolitan toronto and region conservation authority IWorking Together for Tomorrow's Greensoace 2 'E' 4C__>R z 1 SQUASH Z 1E= 7R z >E= c R >< OR RACQUETBALL 2 I=C�i2 it THE PICKERIM; RECRE.-MO.N COMPLEX .ALLOWS YOU: AND .A FRIED TO SPLIT THE COSTOF ONE MEMBERSHIP' PURCHASE BETWEEN .APRIL 1 1996 Your membership includes: - Pre -paid Squash or Racquetball - Membership Changerooms (whirlpool/,,auna) - Pleasure Swimming - Health Club Facilities - Combination Squash and Racquetball available L N% EI.00NIE NON (Transfers not eligible, 1996 GST not included). MAP. SUVIMS R_ ESUME ON - by TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT. T Laura Sawodny CALL The Pickering Recreation Complex of 4W""" 831-1711 OR 683-6582 yyy yy 9y9y9y9y,,9y yy. _ .9y,._.9y.9y...9y.._ yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yy yy �y y TTTT�TTTTTT`T��T�TTTT�TTTTTTTTT��T���T�������** FREE FITNESS ROOM jC On Exhibit ORIENTATIONS... at the Civic ComplexJoin us for a no -hassle intrafucuon to the Pickering A April 3rd to April 26 Recreation Complex Health Club. Ixarn the dos and don'ts about exercise. Try our fat -burning and FREE: muscle-lorung equipment -all for l ¶¶'} Black & ll l�� Let the qualified fitness professionals on staff ans r / all your exercise and health questions. Infrared FITNESS ROOM �K ORIENTATIONS: Thursday, April 11, 1996 7:30 - 9:30 p.m. MAP. SUVIMS R_ ESUME ON - by TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT. T Laura Sawodny CALL The Pickering Recreation Complex of 4W""" 831-1711 OR 683-6582 yyy yy 9y9y9y9y,,9y yy. _ .9y,._.9y.9y...9y.._ yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yy yy �y y TTTT�TTTTTT`T��T�TTTT�TTTTTTTTT��T���T�������** PAGE S -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED.. APRIL 3,19% Pickering school wins temporary reprieve suggestedr mc osure o B% STEPHEN SH.%N% tions ranging from 350 and 7(X). Portables a sI -\l l Kl l'()kII a possible expansions would be required DURHAM -- Durham Board of Education trustees ha\ c given it temporar\ reprieve to seven public schools slated for closure, but the schools could Net he destined for the history hooks. A controversial staff report suggesting the closure of the older. smaller eiementar\ schools prompted a Icn,-,th% 90 -minute debate among trustees al Monda% night's standing conrntitice rncctng The discussion ended in -a decision to ,helyc the report — for now, at least — until hoard school closure regulations can he re%iewcd and rc\ ised it sonic trustees get their wish. "All the schools (,listed for pro- posed closure) are sill on the bubble," cautioned Oshawa \'Wards 3 and -1 trustee dike Nicholson after the meeting. "This lust buys us some time for awhile, but when we (review the hoard polic\ ) all trustees have to do is not change the regulations and this report is hack on the table." said Mr. Nicholson. The document. which proposes the closure of four Oshawa schools and others in Picker- inc. Wh)th\ and ti;u,_o,_. sparked a public uproar followln, the release of lt. :on1cn1s h% Oshawa trustee Kathleen Hopper last Frida%. Students would he reassigned to other schools in their :oniniunitic, under the proposal. Monda\'s mect)nc• drew an an_r\. vocal inoh of more than 160 placard- and hanner- wa\ing parents and students. who pleaded with trustees to "Sa\e our schools-. The parents angril\ %owed to fight an\ attempts to close their schools. And. while the\'\c won the first hat tic. the war ina\ not he o\er. " We are indeed in extranet% diffi- cult financial times and we cannot afford to not look at all the options. Pat J' This report needs to he looked at,.. . Full see • •. said Ruth Ann Schcdlich. Pickering . Pt,lc•rm,at Ward I trustee. IX)%der • Rrappi "There arc advantages to consoli- \tanicu dating these schools." said !FIs. saxing Schedlich. and m Pickcring's Valley V icw Public School is identified in the report as meeting school closure criteria because of consistent under-enrol- nTcnt and high maintenance costs. Susan Kular. trustee for Picker- ing's Ward 3, said the report was "nut well -thought out "out of the question" and 'so ridiculous I don't e%en want to talk about it." She "resents" the inclusion of Valley View P.S. — which is in her ward — and added sending the school's 185 students to Claremont P.S. as the report suggests is "unacceptable ­ given Claremont's sire. Mothballing all the schools, except for one Oshawa school which is owned by the City and could -F remain open for community use. •twit would save the board $1.1 million thus annually and $5.6 million over five 'Low vicars, the report states. The hoard would alsoavoid planned school ren- ovations costing $6.8 million. Nlo\ing the schools' students into others in the communities would cre- ate elementary schools with popula- to nd to accommodate the receiving schools. The report proposes Vallc\ Vic,.% students he transferred to Claremont P.S. Under school hoard polic\, schools which meet closure criteria must he identified and a school committee, made up of school, parent. corrinlunit% and hoard representatives, must autr1n1,11J, ally he struck to study the potential closure and alternatives for at least ,i\ months. "\L'c are really caught het\veen a :,ick and a hard place." said hoard halrnlan Audre\ MacLean. who (iescrihed the procedural wrangling over the issue as "rcall\ quite sill%.' Trustees final l} voted I2- s aI(T us - pend and re%icw the policy. ani! the the report for the time heing. AjA-1.1\Wards I and 2 trustee Colleen Jor- dan. Pickering �� and I trustee Ruth Ann Schcdltch and Bruck trustee Bill Fairburn opposed suspending the policy. Mr. Fairburn said he couldn't understand ..%k -h\ h\ there is such pan" over the report and that there is nothing "hugcl\ \&tuna_'* with stud\ing the closures. Following the meeting. \1s \t iJ,can said. "I don't think we'll sec this report In this form conic hack a,,ain... Whitby trustee Doug Russ, though. said it's mcrel} "on the hack burner. It still has to he dealt with. It won't he over until we change the Audrey MacLean ncni rr uch 4Lt3-f37�37 tiYl:( :lAl ti Relaxers iTuo. & Sat.; '30W & up r ►o -.Mine ......... i.ak fitx-rgla..) 'ash & Set (teed & Thurs.l. '1505�") & up Frrnch Tips 1J Curls . >W ........................... J I am (x>rcrlain Rlarx i BCald$ • '60'x' & up nog Tip. Full Head of Veave ......... 58000 I & up Prdicur" more Hours. Tues -Thurs 10 a m 6 p m Friday 10 a m. Saturday 7 30 &M2 30 am - 8 p.m. EVERY SWDErrr DESERVES ftCCEii Grade Eatpectations specializes in supplementary education designed to insprove classroom performance. Our one-on-one attention increases self. ranEidence and helps your child achieve their scholastic potential. F -or remdl sal programs -Resource Ream featrriwt AMk Sir"es a through OAC M&el.tesh Cemtpeera and educatlu tal R.ad1.g.mnsed wmh, w ash/ itM! • software scieel and Saturday&: sammrr pregrams also avallahle au ient/teaeher ratse 1885 Glenanna Rd. Suite 103 Pickering Medical Centre c yUME Me Hnart Way rn Learn 420-993 Teens nabbed for PTC shoplifting after ditching stolen car in chase PIC'KI:RIN(' — Two Oshawa teens who fled from Pickering Town Ccntre with thousands of dollars worth of* stolengoods w'cre nabbed by police after they hailed out of a stolen cau on it H\%N. 401 on-ramp last Tucs- day afternoon. A third was caught by Sears depart- ment store sccurit%. who police say witnessed the three shoplifting. Durham Regional Police say the R%o \ouths, a2Cd 14 and 15. fled from the store around 1:30 p.m. in it vehicle which had been stolen earlier in Oshawa. Police were called to the mall and ON SALE NOW followed the teens in the stolen car to the Hwy. 401 on-ramp at Brock Road, where the youths pulled over, left the %chicle and tried to run away. One was apprehended at the scene and the other was caught after a short foot chase. All three teens were charged with two counts cacti of theft over $5,(XX) and possession of stolen property worth over $5,000. One was also charged with dangerous driving. Two of the three young offenders, 14 and 15, are from Oshawa, while the 15 year-old nabbed by store secu- rity is of no fixed address. .--rs by Aesigr, ',.mylbilt 'technology brings you the warmth { ' «-uthern-style shutters with the -T,(),+ advanced advanced product in the r dustry ''ie shutters are custom made. --- . osv to install and require virtually San mc lint;mance _ - nlv Vrnyibdt offers you the _ : inllty. pride and service : us cur exclusive Lifetime „ .arr^,ntv CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE son , 3 '­Lir Vilnii„\c tkr,Trating (:entre FREE SHOP AT HOME /��, V � �►-�,���`�% SERVICE =BLINDS & DRAPERY 428-0937,f) 88 Old Kingston Rd. Ajax (Pickering Village) SHOWROOM -GuRS Mon Wed :0-5 Nurs. &:❑ -b. Scr 10-S Z • FIVE APPUCARON PROGRAM 1) Early Spring Fertilization 2) Spring Weed Control 3) Summer Fertilization MOST IAWNS ONLY 4) Fall Weed Control$120 PER SEASON. 5) Fall Fertilization (BASED ON AVERAGE SIZED LOT) - ALL Gran..tlar Fertilizer - Insect control, Crab grass control, and Aeration available as required - Professionally applied by licensed applicator FULLY INSURED AND GUARANTEED 686-1436 le P 1885 Glenanna Rd. Suite 103 Pickering Medical Centre c yUME Me Hnart Way rn Learn 420-993 Teens nabbed for PTC shoplifting after ditching stolen car in chase PIC'KI:RIN(' — Two Oshawa teens who fled from Pickering Town Ccntre with thousands of dollars worth of* stolengoods w'cre nabbed by police after they hailed out of a stolen cau on it H\%N. 401 on-ramp last Tucs- day afternoon. A third was caught by Sears depart- ment store sccurit%. who police say witnessed the three shoplifting. Durham Regional Police say the R%o \ouths, a2Cd 14 and 15. fled from the store around 1:30 p.m. in it vehicle which had been stolen earlier in Oshawa. Police were called to the mall and ON SALE NOW followed the teens in the stolen car to the Hwy. 401 on-ramp at Brock Road, where the youths pulled over, left the %chicle and tried to run away. One was apprehended at the scene and the other was caught after a short foot chase. All three teens were charged with two counts cacti of theft over $5,(XX) and possession of stolen property worth over $5,000. One was also charged with dangerous driving. Two of the three young offenders, 14 and 15, are from Oshawa, while the 15 year-old nabbed by store secu- rity is of no fixed address. .--rs by Aesigr, ',.mylbilt 'technology brings you the warmth { ' «-uthern-style shutters with the -T,(),+ advanced advanced product in the r dustry ''ie shutters are custom made. --- . osv to install and require virtually San mc lint;mance _ - nlv Vrnyibdt offers you the _ : inllty. pride and service : us cur exclusive Lifetime „ .arr^,ntv CALL FOR A FREE ESTIMATE son , 3 '­Lir Vilnii„\c tkr,Trating (:entre FREE SHOP AT HOME /��, V � �►-�,���`�% SERVICE =BLINDS & DRAPERY 428-0937,f) 88 Old Kingston Rd. Ajax (Pickering Village) SHOWROOM -GuRS Mon Wed :0-5 Nurs. &:❑ -b. Scr 10-S Z • FIVE APPUCARON PROGRAM 1) Early Spring Fertilization 2) Spring Weed Control 3) Summer Fertilization MOST IAWNS ONLY 4) Fall Weed Control$120 PER SEASON. 5) Fall Fertilization (BASED ON AVERAGE SIZED LOT) - ALL Gran..tlar Fertilizer - Insect control, Crab grass control, and Aeration available as required - Professionally applied by licensed applicator FULLY INSURED AND GUARANTEED 686-1436 le P son , 3 '­Lir Vilnii„\c tkr,Trating (:entre FREE SHOP AT HOME /��, V � �►-�,���`�% SERVICE =BLINDS & DRAPERY 428-0937,f) 88 Old Kingston Rd. Ajax (Pickering Village) SHOWROOM -GuRS Mon Wed :0-5 Nurs. &:❑ -b. Scr 10-S Z • FIVE APPUCARON PROGRAM 1) Early Spring Fertilization 2) Spring Weed Control 3) Summer Fertilization MOST IAWNS ONLY 4) Fall Weed Control$120 PER SEASON. 5) Fall Fertilization (BASED ON AVERAGE SIZED LOT) - ALL Gran..tlar Fertilizer - Insect control, Crab grass control, and Aeration available as required - Professionally applied by licensed applicator FULLY INSURED AND GUARANTEED 686-1436 le P Clarification DURHAM A story in Sun- day's News Advertiser reported that 3S Of' 79 elementary teachers issued I layol'f notices last week by the Durharn Board of Education have already been reabsorbed by the hoard. To clarify, those 38 teach- ers. among* 5' lost due to the elimination of Junior kinder- JUartcn, were rca.signed to ,cher positions A ithin the sys- :m prior to last %peck's layoffs. ,,I% board pokesman Man liroH n. So far none of the 79 teacher,, issued la�olf notices last week have vet been reabsorbed, she says. THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED.. APRIL. 3, 1996 -PAGE 9-A At Sylvan, better grades are just the beginning From reading t<> math. Sykan gives students the• skills and confidence thev need to succeed. We pinpoint your child's needs. develop a personalized program and deliver it in a positive, fun and caring environment. Sylvan has already helped Over a million children boost their grades and their self-esteem. Call Svlvan, to>dav, to learn hcnv we can help \-our child. SYLVAN 981 BROOK RD. S LFARNING PICKERI'NG m CENTRE2 (905) 404-1818 (905) 839-9637 NOW OPE_~" LV PICKERLVG! If you spots nev\,s in the mal, n`7. please call our newsroom at 683-5 1 1 U. News Advertiser Dr. Parker, Medical Dog Every week, Parker and his owner Norma Kennedy drop-in on Lillian Milne, a visit the 85 - year -old Ajax resident says is the best medicine for whatever is ailing her. Parker is a certified St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog, tested for his temperament and social skills. Kennedy and _Parker are volunteers with the VON's Friendly Visitor program. Call 571-3151 for more informa- tion on it. photo by Walter Passarella No More Excuses It's Time 2T/ e:`r.000=0_ PICKERING SQUARE U% Kingston Rd., at Vaneyfarm Open daily Mon.. _ Sat. Call 1-800-387-8227 Dr. Kevin Tyber OPTOMETRIST • Dispensing of contact lenses and glasses • Evening and Saturday appointments available • Complete Family Eye Care 427-4144 15 Harwood Ave. S.. Alax Wheelchair (Between Hwy. 401 8 No. 2) Accessible ..... ...tea.., ... - iMr!rtTN&:•'.%+,J.r r _ � . - - PAGE 1414 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WEU., APRIL 3. 1996 Tories ready to slash costs and staff after OPSEU strike By CHRIS BOVIE IVRRAM STAFF DURHAM — The five-week civil servants' strike has ended, but while 67,000 workers are back on the job, the Tory axe is being sharpened. 'Che Province's fiscal year ended March 31 and ministries are scrambling to complete pre -budget reports outlining service changes and cost-cutting mea- sures, including job elimination- Some liminationSome reports are already completed, says Durham Centre MPP Jim Flaherty. and actual savings and job loss's should be available prior to the provincial bud- get expected to come in early May. 'This has to be done as soon as possi- ble." Mr. Flaherty says. "We're already into the next fiscal year." That fiscal schedule pmlxably expedit- ed the process, admits Mr. Flaherty. "Sometimes we can get distracted by reading the headlines in the papers, when our focus should be moving ahead with our long-term plans... Ontario Public Service Employees Union members voted overwhelmingly on Sunday to ratify the agreement pro- duced from three weeks of mediated negotiations. Although 95 per cent voted in favor of the agreement just over 50 per cent of the OPSEiT membership actura iv voted. "I haven't seen the final numbers (on voter turnout), so I can't comment." says OPSEt T Regional 3 vice president Joan Gates. "Wbere I was (in Durham), the turncwt was around 75 to 80 per cent " The government reporuxi a swings of S200 million in unpaid salaries during the strike and stated the contract falls within the: S 150 fol S200 million parame- ters for costs, set out prior to the strike. It was the first strike in OPSEL) histo- ry and Ms. Gates believes there are mon: battles ahead. "I believe it's just the start." says Ms. Crates. "This government intends to pri- vatize more serices. ' With an agreement in place, however. Mr. Flaherty doesn't expect any major battles down the mad. "I don't think we will continue to have problems," says Mr. Flaherty. "After a five-week strike and hard bar- gaining, a settlement was negotiated. I expect the government and the union to stick by it" Highlight-, of the agreement: • job offer guarantee eliminated: • sir -month layoff notice (previcwsl} I l months) in all cases and pay -in -lieu where "operationally feasible", • rx) wage increase for contract period — Jan- 1, 1991 to Dec. 31. 1998. 'Fhe union had been asking for a two -per cent raise in the final vear: • humping reduced to three bumps where previously unlimited. Bumping must be in first two weeks. cross -min- istry bump allowed if job was previously done. and bumping outside kilometre area with no relocation expenses-, • no voluntary exit package: • no successor rights, and government will mance reasonable efforts to transfa employees with divested jolt,,: • employees have right to refine a pri- vate sector job if wage is less than 85 per cent of current wage: • employees have the right to bid on contrae-tcd out operaaoris: • reinstate number of work days to pre -Social Contract level. 0w Our EMiro Regular Stork of probol ter a Craft Fabrics, Notions & ardwere HERE.'$ R WORK -6: Buy 1 full metre or unit of regularly priced Drapery, Upholstery or Craft Fabrics and/or related Notions and Hardware, and get the next metre or unit (of equal value or less) for 1/2 Fabricland's Regular Price. Sale in effect Mar.25-Apr.9%, on regularly priced Drapery. Upholstery and Craft Fabrics andlor related Notions and Hardware. Sorry, no special orders. please Note: The term regular price refers to Fabriciand's regular chain -store price. 1355 Kingston Rd. Pickering Town Centre (C CFA 839-5990 Mastercard •visa eCheaues •Interac The Best in Selection and Price Anywhere 69EEIAR69 T.,xpect more, f om Sears LOWEST PRICES EVER ON GUARDSMAN PLUS! Diel -lord" battery has up io 630 m nutes of reserve capacity, plus 66 -month warranty w 12 -month free replacement. 050600 series • -1— , a S, Tru; , — r " huy :o mew borew IT .`r;r .Nv dcpt r «. »r .r,, ,I , Ad ban.,y I,r -yd ­4 STARTING FROM 3449h Guardsman Plus has a computer-assisted all -season tread design for excellent traction on wet, dry and snow covered surfaces. #I A000 series SILVERGUARD® AQUA IV HAS 100,000 KM TREAD WEAROUT WARRANTYt This tire is designed to provide improved wet traction capabilities as well as the smooth, quiet ride of a touring tire. +68000 series 'Comp6w warranty detoih d Sears USE YOUR SEARS CARD AND DON'T PAY UNTIL OCTOBER 1996 No minwnurn purchase r,"d N o dawn payment reqs N o w"c.,nrM of tares N o 3rd P" calif apptitafi- offer applies 10 sell ouromMire products and services, on approved a*&, with your sears card. $35 deferral Tee appie& Off" ends Sunday, April 21, 1996. liquidation in in Cle..m Centres and Catalogue purchases are not incWdod in"offer. Ask for details. SALE PRICES END SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1996, WHILE QUANTITIES LAST F'x/xict morefarm Sean - SHOP SEARS PICKERING TOWN CENTRE rr:r open Thum. 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m., Sat: 8:00 a.m.-8.00 p.m. Wye. 401 (Closed Good Friday April 5th & Sunday, April 7th,1996) Copyr4d 1996. Sears Canada Inc. THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., APRIL 3, 19% -PAGE 11-A New education director forpublic school board DURHAM — A long-time Durham tee, said trustees agreed unanimously on The board won't reveal the number of Mr. Yeo will be paid a starting annual resident has been named the public Mr. Yeo's selection following lengthy candidates who applied or were inter- salary of 5116,499 which escalates to school board's new director of educa- weekend deliberations. viewed for the position. $123,935 over three years. tion. Effective Aug.- 15, Grant Yeo, born and EXPERIENCI raised in Orono, will assume the position left vacant as of Jan.h_, 1 by Pauline Laing, who was appointed by the provincial gov- ernment to head the Ontario Cur- riculum Project � � P 1P long at con- XL '— AT A NEW LOWER PRICE! densin the five- year � q 6 F -SERIES ' S year high school program into four years. FEATURES Interim Director - 5.OL 200 hp V8 Engine of Education - Automatic Transmission Clarence Prins • Air Conditioning will continue - Cruise Con trol/TiIt- Steen* ng filling the posi- - AM/FM Stereo Cassette lion until Mr. - 133" Long Wheelbase Yeo starts. - Two -Tone Paint A former - Chrome -Steel Wheels AFTER teacher, princi- - Chrome Rear -Step Bumper 51,000 pal and superin- - Light Group CASHBACK tendent with the • Tachometer N o r t h u m b e r- - Headliner and Insulation Package land-Clarington Board of Educa- tion, Mr. Yeo is c u r r e n t l y employed as education direc- tor for the Lambton County Board of Educa- - .tion in Sarnia, where he has held the position for three years. We wel- come Grant Yeo to the Durham board and look forward to working with him. He has been a long-time resident of the area and now•t will be returning $1,000 to work here as PAIMVANS! INC: well," said VILLAGER! Sl,' board chairman A u d r e y - MacLean. The , appointment-�---= was announced at Monday night's standing committee meet- - ing. Pickering Ruth 1 trusstnee '97 FORD F-150 SUPERCAB S c h e d l i c h, All-new and Better Than Ever!" chairman of the Features: - Standard Third boor! search commit- • Most Powerful Standard V6 in any Pickup! NO, To hook up to the Net, call us at 683-5110 - Dual Airbags! • Air Conditioning - Largest standard payload of any pickup - Available 4 -wheel ABS brakes 'Test Drive One at your Dealer Today.!" • '96 FORD RANGER "Canada's *I Selling Compact Pickup!" Features: • Available Dual Airbags • Deep -Dish Aluminum Wheels • Available in Regular or SuperCab! • Choose from 2.31 -4 -cylinder, 3.OL or 4.OL V6! • Choose from regular length, extended length, or stepside boxes • 4 x 2 or 4 x 4 models "Corguide Magazine's * 1 Compact Pickup Value!" $1000'CASHBACK! FOR A UMITED TIME ' ON ALL '96 RANGERS! $ 259 PER MONTH 24 MONTH LEASE $1,500 DOWNPAYMENT AFTER $1000 LEASE CASH'' "FORD F -SERIES IS CANADA'S BEST-SELLING TRUCK!" 1001 QILJ '96 FORD EXPLORER 'XLS' 4x4 "Includes No -Charge Power Windows, Mirrors and Locks'" Features: • Dual Airbags • 4.OL EFI V6 Engine • 4 -speed Automatic Transmission Air Conditioning • Deep -Dish Aluminum Wheels • Four -Wheel ABS Brakes - AM/FM Stereo Cassette "* 1 Selling Sport -Utility in North America" AW $30,9950 .'$399Tra, fM 1 ,009 LEA CAST Arrla¢ I,.uoo k>Ewsc cws„^ SEE YOUR ONTARIO FORD AND MERCURY DEALERS HURRY! OFFER ENDS APRIL 30TH1. PA_MP, •11;a smote P 14991 hdwd un nnw 1996 V 1111t.•,lul r1 ..IL w Ih P I P 41),'1 Pa, h.r,I P..,, ul h., SI l(0) d hhd,k ' •S:1`I .unlhly Ir.nr I•. n1•I. nl f.1yr' .' :J . 'Ir I+r h.. r. 1 1. I t".0 I """ "I I . I S' 1 1 t ' 't• S• I 1 ., S AP vrl Iw uu 9 S 30.991 b.Iwd JII x 19')b l+pinh I all with P F r' b8h1 N...I,IIh,uA ,tvdddblr w1 I" .I I�.ru`+ ut taP-> , • •SI J ,, rrdw I.r+l..ny-I I—I W ,k W , 'S;44 I .xl thly 'r +r I.Iv I., ,I I, -,I u,1 :4.I , + I I I ."I'l h. ,R�' t.," F. :.,.. , S, t ,1 t. )- nhbdckl or Ua,1r .-.-valent. Play brut munch , WY111-1 ,Ind w, urrty AwPInII Iepuowl IS 1,01X1 evbluck un nrw 9h Harv9r I. upplrev to Pa chuwv ally ONw+r+, Intr Irw9hl F Srvw+ 5891 n ul t ,ulorw c 5780. 6, en, r..I rnd .III ,Ippb. ubh• + „� t SI pWublr m he ,unamt of I u- ­P1111.11 E) .raw cOM Ory ,,Ile Ir I xr .,ibi> E k 1 drdn ted l dvhbuc k, muvl br vpllwl back to drdlw San• <ondrllonv ulxf mllydl)e IevUrcban dPuly to all Ira.- .ytlrry l uJlbdck on SPlxyy Srll Out Fvent ,rvdllnblr on puc<hd.r. only I nnuwl l lnvr Uttrly 1)rd4•v m.Iv vll alvf kdw hvv Ir. yrr Ordlw to Iktdrly Ont.wlu FMD1 P l) 8u. I WC ()dkvdlr Ontduo lbl Skd PAGE I!•A-THE NFWS AUVF:tE Tt,;F.R, %VF.1)., APRII. 3. 1996 V RECYCLER'S REPORT G 0 ive a little, take a little from the Treasure Chest During, the first week Int infant to size h -- 410-441- 11 ) Fridge. stove. washer. ing. drN"alL plV"00d. shin- aprroximatcly two Deet by 9604. cern month. Rc:�cler's 1355. drvcr. vacuum cleaner. glen for \\hccichair reno\a- five feet -- Tesh 416-597- 2) Waterbed three-quar(er Report and the Ncws 5) :Artist oil paints. brushes. wooden chest or blanket tions sought by Durham 94M. sine (four Deet by seven Advertiser bring you The drawing tabic, other sup- box -- 6x6 -415x. Better Lite -- 690-91 13. 17) Guinea pig cage -- 428- fret) with headboard -- 683_ Treasure Chest. This feature plies. niagnif\ing glass. 12) Double box spring and 14) TV coffee tabic, chairs. 2295. 4746. U Ll allows residents to gi s e frame for pettipoint, needle- mattress. wrought iron tur- computer. toys -- 427-0749. 0 awa\ items they no longer point wool and embroider\ niture. sewing machine 15) Scrap yarn two inches ITEMS TO GIVE AWAY GREEN TIP: Many pct want. Likewise, thread, bi-fold 416-285-1425, or longer-- x39-1913. 1 ) Refrigcratur, washing salons, stares and clinics people who larraine roulston I doors (four 13) Building supplies. 2x4„. 16) Small countertop with machine (old style) in would appreciate old clean want to pick up I - panels of 12”- 2x6s. 2x8s. aluminum Sid- cupboards underneath working condition - 427- towels and sheets. free articles can wide doors) for ad\crtlsc their a four-foot- nceds. One wide opening -- w oma11 w ho i i wants scrap 6) Old toys. \arn and fahrics i -� dolls. small fur- rcportcd that nrture -- 416- she's had a , 4`) I -;;o43. o n d c r f u 1 The 71 Motorized e x p e r i e n e scooter. tiling c rc.crving all cahInc1. sola kinds of materi- bed 686- al tr rn draper, ReCycler's ;.• 17. companies and Re Oil x Dior chip meeting inter - clothes clothes for chrl eslirtg people. A dren tivc to To use The nine \ears. Trcasurc Chest. call 4211- Items such as aprons. capes. 5625 durin-, rc_•ular busy- uniforms and clothes made ncss hours. from \cl\et. chit -ton. satin. etc.-ouvhi h\ da\ care cen- ITENI` NFEI)EI) tre -- 6x3 -1St 9. 1 ) L'scd clothin, and w hitc 9) Draw m; desk for graphic elephant items for tit Mar- designs. dr.t%\ ing materials. tin's Church's rnonthl\ \cw weight litting, equipment to You sales -- S39-4761. x 9-906 2i Old to\s. cspccrall\ Hot It)I Lighmewlit wheelchair. �1 heels. Corgi. \1a1chhox massage table and help and Dinky. am old tin toes needed for photocopying a collccior .416-.4',9-9392. and porting artik lcs b% non- -,i un- 3i Record pla\ cr w lth two profit Fihrom\algia Chronic speakers -- 6S ;-5361. F, -'UC Support Group -- 41 Boss and _•iris' c Iothim-, S :r) - 35 Better guide for Pickering Transit riders PICKF:RING - - There's an impr»ed �crsion of the Pickcrine Transit Riders Guide available this \ear thanks to a co-operative effort by the Town and the Canadian Imperi- al Bank of Com- merce. Previous ver- sions of the u,uide were of limited quality and quantity because of a lim- ited budget. says Neil Killens, pro- gram supervisor for the Town operations do pa rt men I. which runs the trans[, service. This vicar. a S2.500 contribu- tion from Picker- ing's three CIBC branches allowed a total of S6.5(N) to be spent to produce 7.5(X) of the improved guides. The 1996 guides provide maps and sched- ules for all transit routes, some cus- tomer service information, and LASER SURGERY FOR SNORING CERTIFIED SPECIALISTS Dr. R Kassel N4D FRCSC Dr. S Siomra N4D FRCSC 905-723-8551 Oshawa listings acid loca- tions for local CIBC branches. The\ are avail- able at no charge on Pickering Transit vehicles and at the Picker- ing Civic Com- plex, Pickering Recreation Com- plex and the Pickering GO train station. 10 urE TIC Reg. $24.99 SALE $19" uTEl(sual For use on painted surfaces, new wood and wallboard offer ey4wee May INS MW IP*Vfff CUM45 AIN �A �I E Reg• $24.29 SALE $19" U1EQ CERM FM Ii Galled to eliminate drgwV, covers beauMuly Ons e,P,ree Mag 1196 Reg. $23.99 SALE $1988 neININ IMrEwII Ulu EYINU E1rANEl1 Washable. for wags. trim and doors Oft e.pne Mar 1Ne. AJAX 2 Hardwood Ave. (905) 427337 Reg• $25.93 SALE :1988 VEL EI LARX EN W1. Washable, non -yellowing low gloss enamel ONO moms Mey Im PICKERING 1194 Liverpool Road (905}837-0317 Reg. $37.05 SALE $29" EINNELL lllff I LATU Scrubbable finish between flat and sem-gio s Omer armies May 1N6 SCARBOROUGH 2611 Eglinton Ave. E. (416) 269.7110 Reg. $29.99 SALE $24" NIB= LATO SEMI -WSW Low odour, washable. etaln ne sistard ply, omires May INS 9 WE Lawn boy Christian Wigglesworth, one -and -a -half years old, checks out some equipment for dad Saturday during the weekend -long Metro East Spring Home and Garden Show held recently at the Metro East Trade Centre in Pickering. photo by Ron Pietroniro PUBLIC NOTICE THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM IN THE MATTER OF, THE MUNICIPAL ACT TAKE NOTICE THAT the Counal of the Regional Municipality of DuTam may pass by -taws authonzmg construction of the falovnng projects ROAD NO. ROAD NAME MUNICIPALITY DESCRIPTIONILOCATION 1 Main Street L=x1dge Reconstruction Rossland Road from Brock St to Intersection Installation of traffo signals Reach St prejudicially affected by the by-laws Dated at Whitby this 18th day of March. 1996 3 8th Conic G anngton upgrading to acceptable standardsd 4 Taunton Road Whitby Wenmg to 4 and 5 lane urban DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATION l4 from Mcnney Dr to [Apni16th• 1996 standard VJL SILOAILIS, P. ENO, weof Anderson St st coMlalSSIONER of VK"3 5 Central St Plokenng Rehabilitation ulckdmp a Cuh*n from Claremont By -Pass to replacement east of Barclay St the west limit of Claremont 14 Liberty Street I Claru+gton Intersection improvements KoV Street Intersection 58 Adelaide Avenue Oshawa Rehabilitation. trom Park Rd to Stevenson Rd. Hwy. 2 Highway 2 m Clagton Reconstnuton to urban standards from west of Waverly Rd. w inckdutg the removal d ovasuperele+ratan. Green to east of Rd. Hwy 2 Highway 2 Ajax Road and intersection Improvements from Weeney Rd. to including repair to Dttffui Creek Bridge and Notion Rd the In of lights at Elizabeth St. 14 Liberty Street I Clafington Intersection improvements Itckx*FV oft Concession St. turnlanes: and the IKtaIlabon of traffic Intersection signals 23128 Lala edge Road / by Interjection improvements ludmg left Aj-AVhtIc Rossland Road turnlanes on Lakendge Rd and the Intersection Installation of traffo signals Plans shoving the details of the protects and the lands Works Commitee. being delegated by affected may be seen at the offices of the Durham works Regional Council as the hearing body Department. 105 Consumers Dr, Whitby. Ontario. shall hear in person or by his or her T 906 668-7721 or 1-800372-1103 counsel, solicitor or agent• any person prejudicially affected by the by-laws Dated at Whitby this 18th day of March. 1996 and who apples on or before April 13th. 1996. to the undersigned to be heard T PREVEDEL, P. ENG at a meeting of the Works Committee on DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATION [Apni16th• 1996 VJL SILOAILIS, P. ENO, coMlalSSIONER of VK"3 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., APRIL 3,1996 -PAGE 13-A HAPPY EASTER Family shoe shopping,,.,,,�E ....experience � ,r ����u 111011 TOOTSIES While Qurnrtitre; GIRLS'DRESS SHOE B GIRLS' 2 gs BLACK PATENT DRESS SHOE l�l�l�ll l�l�lall�l 7izes 13 3 1996 burbrown BOYS BLACK HOT! HOT! BROGUE R DESS s _ - 2996 LADIES' Fisherman Tie : la :-h tar. Saes 6-11 5496 rAVORe3 IF W-8; ,4,96 MEN'S AND WOMEN'S GOLF SHOES" Women's not as Illustrated Not Available In Cambridge lbitdPi TooLrtes "VICTORY" • Walker w���e. �ad�ess�zes up to :: 329G wmv_?Y_W� a Collection Ladies DRESS PUMPS r+.da:.e , rv�'.c aJ ucbc Nac.'• st or �ubucK clack. ti1eC,u­ and wide up 'o s ze ? 1 >x 296 .ROOKS MENS AND ; WOMEN'S ATHLETIC SHOES 4 3996,' MEN'S �t DRESS BROGUE Available in wide widths. black. 2996 Prices well below normal retail ... always! P'tri,,;/1' .vhoe, .S'boppf'lig... /•..> p(.1 ' n(v Ajax - Harwood Business Ctr. Harwood Ave. & Hwy. 2 'r,MOTSIES (905) 427-6044 Also in Brantford, Hamilton, St. Jacobs, Cambridge A Guelph Tootsies is proud to donate 2% of annual net profit to: — The Canadian Cancer Society for Breast Cancer Research — The Canadian Foundation for Aids Research VALE 14 -A -'rim \EN%s ..%m vwrisF:R. N f:I1.. %PR11 ;. 119% s 4 Anew way to LENNOX FURNACES AND AIR CONDITIONERS _00 t� ellris z-,. BUY • RENT • FINANCE • DELAYED PAYMENTS AND SAVE UP TO `1.2D0 INSTANTLY BRj.FW8nO HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING AJAX/PICKERING WHITBY OSHAWA/BOWMANVILLE 428-0333 665-0885 436-3212 L : l We're in ablers ace at W I' 1' Y 1' r durhamnews. net 7 y, A learn in Ajax --- Ajax Grade 1 student Nadia Persaud reads an interactive story during the all day "cleepover" party held recently by teacher Joria Lee Golin sky's Grade 1 c:ass at Roland Mlchener Public School. photo by Ron Pietronlro Wa a er ok ersf when you buy 2 single rolls /spools or more. "On our mv.Ay Dote Der wit ml / spool 5oicim labnt and ammsonesi rzlet0V�aQ CLASSIC Of IO'Our Emycki he �4 - °� 49 #170 3961 Safin Usbe 3.78 Regula Pike 18.09 #1437 IV PAINTPeWlar Rte x1.99 um ••"�" Dour Favourite Finishes 4 #127 JIM St Clair latex paints are water washable, high hiding os #lard 3.7e< PeQubr Prke 13.99 and available in 100s of off-white and pastel colours. QmiW Rte 22.99 VENETtAN BLINDS Wrdm BIM �� � LVULUR ® iF"mAL ��� 44 sin lead► to we home cftm Older 1" mn m m ime to wwx64• ftonr " Vroc w Magic PREMIERE long, Availal* In wnae r 45• Avallebie In over 100 Popular colours. V kkhS uP lel 120'and Wvft and Wy uP to 108•. Made to your meaknments. Instoation nol Induded. Prte guaranteed AD ADM 10.1990 Dealers may sell ror kms 24" x 30" 24'x48' 30'x41• PICKERING Discovery Bay Centre WrAJAX Pickering Town Cemre S70 Nealnoy Road highway 21 Liverpool the paint and paper people 428.1608 839.2252 24" x 30" 24'x48' 30'x41• 48-X48' 48•x00• 150 5200 141_ 6950 8 SCARBOROUGH Abbey line Shopping Contra 91 Rylinder Blvd. 724.0781 Q s • V COMMUNITY THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., APRIL 3, 1996 -PAGE 15•A What's open and closed this holiday weekend AJAX-PICKERING -- Following is a list of what's open and closed during the Easter weekend. SUPERMARKETS: Most major grocery stores will be shut Good Friday and Easter Sunday, but will be open Monday. RETAIL: The Pickering Town Centre and the Har- wood Place Mall will be closed Good Friday and Easter Sunday, open Mon- day. Drug stores in the malls may be open. BEER/ LIQUOR: Stores closed Friday, but open Monday. VARIETY STORES: Most are open every day, many around the clock. BANKS/ TRUST COM- PANIES: Most will be closed Friday and open Monday. (Check with your financial institution for hours of operation.) RECREATION: In Ajax, the Ajax Community Centre will open Friday from 7 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. for squash and training room only, while the Mclean Community Centre will be closed. A hockey tournament will be held at the Village Community Centre on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The Ajax and Mclean centres will open Monday at 4 p.m., while the Village Community Centre will be closed. The Picker- ing Recreation Complex will be closed Friday and operate from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, noon to 5 p.m. Easter Sunday, and 9 am. to 5 p.m. Monday. The pool at Dunbarton High School will be closed Fri- day but open for public swimming from 2 to 4 p.m. �JIRI, PODIATRIST Roland J. Klein B.S.C., D.P.N1. Wishes to Announce the Upeninx 4 his Practice At the Pickering Medical Centre • C,;stom Foot Orthotics -• •. •-� _• . F.i- veterar s Coverage SocrtsD p • aoet Med C Dabeh � • c Feet. Com a 1 Cauuses • �,4en*s Foot FILAT R Long Distance FROM I 2 e`vS Sa.'[ an -Wil:, wlal '•.IIY:, aM A your mhLr Ming d.,13-hv .'at6. 11—bak U.6 -y 111.. %—u ide. expanded service to: Whithy, 0%hawa, •tiowntinville, Nea'c2s11. , Port ferry & B124: tock areas O."ad. to Alan-ftkff" or_- >rWca -W) `r Telehopo (416) 406-3977 Got A Beef? Tired of Grief? Got some News? Tell Us Your Views! AjaxlPickerir News Advertiser 683-5110 Please Recycle S CORRECTION For our 16 page Buy More, Save More Flyer (sale dates march 25 -April 6, 1996) On pg. 10: The Craftsman 5.5 -hp rear bagging 20" gas mower #36518 is not available. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. Sears Canada Inc. Saturday and Sunday, adult swimming from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday and a family swim from 1 to 4 p.m. Monday. LIBRARIES: All branches of the Ajax Public Library will be closed Fri- day, Saturday and Sunday, and open on Monday. All branches of the Pickering Public Library will be closed Friday and Monday and operate on regular hours Saturday. TRANSIT: Ajax Transit will not operate on Friday and Sunday, and will pro- vide regular service on Sat- urday and Monday. Picker- ing Transit bu:,es will not run Friday and Monday, and regular service will be available Saturday. GO Transit is providing only holiday service on Friday, with westbound trains leav- ing the Pickering station every hour on the hour from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Ajax GO commuters will have to take buses from the Ajax station to the Pickering station to catch a train. Sunday and Monday service will run as usual. For more information call GO at 416-969-3200. GARBAGE PICK-UP: Garbae and Blue Box col- 4- lection normally done on Friday in Ajax will be picked up April 12. In Pick- ering, garbage and recy- cling usually collected Fri- day will be picked up on Saturday instead this week- end. GOVERNMENT: Ajax and Pickering Town halls will be closed both Good Friday and Easter Monday and reopen Tuesday. Dunn's Tailors SPRING LIQUIDATION 1 • 1 W! 175C .,.1' 9. OVER $500,000 OF DESIGNER MEN'S WEAR TO BE CLEARED AT SAVINGS WNIffsa 1995 0 OF U�O��OOFFNI . CHOOSE FROM AN INCREDIBLE SELECTION OF SIZES FROM FROM f 36 SHORT TO 52 TALL SHOP DAILY 10 A.M. - 9 P.M. SAT. 9:30 A.M. - 6 P.M. DESIGNER SUNDAY 12 PA. - 5 PA �.� SUITS,t. DUNTSM fJA00 I� WITMI:ii: I� MEN'S LONM FOO TOP COATS A750 • :19111 al. a+M.a. a..�... Two -Way c:...v...Mae CN. Calling 111anr •tarLaa� r /.1...11.. l'.le.•.. M I l'nNl. 14.i+..r1 I I M 4wtivW., V,eer.vill. 11—bak U.6 -y 111.. %—u ide. expanded service to: Whithy, 0%hawa, •tiowntinville, Nea'c2s11. , Port ferry & B124: tock areas O."ad. to Alan-ftkff" or_- >rWca -W) `r Telehopo (416) 406-3977 Got A Beef? Tired of Grief? Got some News? Tell Us Your Views! AjaxlPickerir News Advertiser 683-5110 Please Recycle S CORRECTION For our 16 page Buy More, Save More Flyer (sale dates march 25 -April 6, 1996) On pg. 10: The Craftsman 5.5 -hp rear bagging 20" gas mower #36518 is not available. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused. Sears Canada Inc. Saturday and Sunday, adult swimming from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday and a family swim from 1 to 4 p.m. Monday. LIBRARIES: All branches of the Ajax Public Library will be closed Fri- day, Saturday and Sunday, and open on Monday. All branches of the Pickering Public Library will be closed Friday and Monday and operate on regular hours Saturday. TRANSIT: Ajax Transit will not operate on Friday and Sunday, and will pro- vide regular service on Sat- urday and Monday. Picker- ing Transit bu:,es will not run Friday and Monday, and regular service will be available Saturday. GO Transit is providing only holiday service on Friday, with westbound trains leav- ing the Pickering station every hour on the hour from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Ajax GO commuters will have to take buses from the Ajax station to the Pickering station to catch a train. Sunday and Monday service will run as usual. For more information call GO at 416-969-3200. GARBAGE PICK-UP: Garbae and Blue Box col- 4- lection normally done on Friday in Ajax will be picked up April 12. In Pick- ering, garbage and recy- cling usually collected Fri- day will be picked up on Saturday instead this week- end. GOVERNMENT: Ajax and Pickering Town halls will be closed both Good Friday and Easter Monday and reopen Tuesday. Dunn's Tailors SPRING LIQUIDATION 1 • 1 W! 175C .,.1' 9. OVER $500,000 OF DESIGNER MEN'S WEAR TO BE CLEARED AT SAVINGS WNIffsa 1995 0 OF U�O��OOFFNI . CHOOSE FROM AN INCREDIBLE SELECTION OF SIZES FROM FROM f 36 SHORT TO 52 TALL SHOP DAILY 10 A.M. - 9 P.M. SAT. 9:30 A.M. - 6 P.M. DESIGNER SUNDAY 12 PA. - 5 PA �.� SUITS,t. DUNTSM fJA00 I� WITMI:ii: I� MEN'S LONM FOO TOP COATS A750 • :19111 al. PAGIF lfwA* TMF NEWS ADVFRTISER, WED.. APRll.3,'1996 Pickering Museum Village set to plant new old roots PICKI:RING --The greenery at Pick- ering Museum Village will soon kook more authentic thanks to a donation from Canada Trust. The trust company, through its Friends of the Environment Foundation. has agreed to cover the fuli $1.500 cost of the museum's Heritage Tree Planting project. Trees and shrubbery will be planted at the museum village to match what would have been growing there in the late 1800s, the era from which most of the buildings date. Large trees that were prevalent there in the late 10th centun will be planted -- including maples, basswood and moun- tain ash. Other trees and shrubbery from the period such as common eldcrtxrn•. gooseberries, high hush cranberry and dogwoods will he placed mostly in areas adjacent to the homes and build- ings. In addition to improving the appear- ance and authenticity of the site, the plantings will produce fruits which should attract more native wild birds and which can be used in cooking demonstrations in the museum. AM AM WM%Iff ownom = IMa♦/� _ ,Q L __ _= A � Ve are now s honouring all GOOD`, YEAR ..Warranties for Durham Region 850 KING STREET WEST AT THORNTON / KING CENTRE OSHAWA PHONE: (905) 436-9010 . n orGende Kids, and Glis. To help you Convenient care -- �., --� feel at ease: r'� with you in mind: ✓ t-Itrasonic J New patients cleanings ' - - ✓ -,()()thing _< nitt•ous lid � , '\b,_�. oxide & general direct insurance anesthesia - payments ✓ Virtual Vision you pay only porti( n glasses & stereo headphones to not covered by plan, help you relax ✓ ✓ Autove sterilization � ✓ Aniazrintraoral camera senior citizens ✓ Complete preventive. J restorative & cosmetic ;. dentistry appointments for Call for your free cosmetic consultation! • I earn h()�\ tooth x\ hitcning. pwcclain cncers. wid other cosillctic proccdures can nlal.c OUr mills look brightcr. Dr. Steven Nadel, D.D.S. Former Editt)r ut the IIC�%:lt ttC fr dentists. THE D NTALP,,7TE_R CALL NOW 683-1432 172 Har«-oocl A% -e. South, Suite WI, Ajax r F welcome �� ✓ We file & accept direct insurance payments you pay only porti( n not covered by plan, n q ✓ 5((' discount for senior citizens J Same-day. " g sof . appointments for 4 emergencies ' ✓ White fillings for it back teeth 'y J Impacted wisdom teeth treatment ✓ aturday appointments Call for your free cosmetic consultation! • I earn h()�\ tooth x\ hitcning. pwcclain cncers. wid other cosillctic proccdures can nlal.c OUr mills look brightcr. Dr. Steven Nadel, D.D.S. Former Editt)r ut the IIC�%:lt ttC fr dentists. THE D NTALP,,7TE_R CALL NOW 683-1432 172 Har«-oocl A% -e. South, Suite WI, Ajax r F hutting for a cancer cure V.A. Hair Design owner Angie Baglieri gives Danielle Buttell a trim during a recent fund-raising Cut-A-Thon for the Canadian Cancer Society at the Pickering salon. About $1,000 was raised during the event and will be used to fund medical research and public education programs. photo by Ron Pietroniro THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., APRIL 3,1"6 -PAGE 17-A �� ACTUR�,S C> 4C) & B'ILL . b 55 of C to la v t6amis �ft W 1 n)" 50 trf Custom varr�N¢;at ow P460*d SAIII lS SD Cuttro uu U&Ide i�rr Irl 0 so Am Quo n� PICKERING TOWN CENTRE Lower Level • Sears Wing Store Hours: Mon. -Fri. 10:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m Sat. 9 30 a.m -o:CO pm . Sun CLOSED MAJOR CREDIT CARDS �rarmy�. r PAGE I&A -THF, NEWS ADVERTISER, %VED., APRIL 3. 199(+ Easter food , drive is hopping along DURHAM -- Donations are urgently needed for an ongoing Faster food drives - being held here. The Durham Faster Food Bank Drive. being co-spon- sored by Metroland newspa- pers such as the Ajax -Picker- ing News Advertiser, has a goal of collecting 100,000 pounds of food. All items collected stay in the region to help needy families. That drive began Saturdav and continues until Wednes- day, April 10. Drop-off locations in Ajax include fire stations on Monarch Avenue and Cen- tennial Drive, and on West- ney Road just north of Hwy. 2. Items can also be dropped off at the Loblaws store at Hwy. 2 and Harwood Avenue, and LOEB stores in The Ajax Marketplace at Westnev Road North and Magill Drive and in the Bay - wood Centre at Bavly Street and Monarch. Other co-spon- sors of the drive include the Optimist Club of Oshawa, Ajax -Pickering General llos- pital and the Oshawa General Hospital. Other Metroland papers also involved in the drive are Oshawa. Whitby and Clarington This Week. The Optimist Club will pick up food from more than 35 locations across the region to be sorted at the Oshawa Armouries and redistributed to local food banks. The Ajax -Pickering Salva- tion Armv will receive food for people in Ajax and Pick- ering. Other agencies benefit- ing include Sally Ann in Clarington, Oshawa and Whitby, the Clarington East Food Bank, Seventh Day Adventist Services and Sim- coe Hall Settlement House:. Among the items sought are canned fruits, vegetables, juice, meat or fish, pasta and sauces, peanut butter and powdered milk. To help with the drive, call Maryanne Sholdra at 570-- x8 or S" Webb at 655 --Wo. Pickering church also needs food items AJAX -PICKS -RING — SL Paul's on -the -Hill Communitv Food Bank for Ajax -Pickering has many shelves to stock this Easter. The Pickeing church is running its annual food drive in an effort to replenish its nearly -bare cupboards during its annual Faster food drive from March 2() to April 12. All food collected by St. Paul's during the drive will, as always, go to people in Ajax and Pickering. Anyone wishing to help out mas drop off non-perishable food donations m Pickering at the SuperCentre on Liverlxx-)l Road, LOEB Glendale on Dixie Road or the Save -A -Centre on Whites Road. and in Ajax at Focxl City at Harwood Avenue and Westnev Road. Food may also be dropped off at the Pickering fur ha1Ls on Bayly Street west of Brock Road, Kingston Road east of Rosebank Road, or on Finch Avenue at Dixie Road. Donations of food and/or money will also be accepted in the mornings at St. Paul's on -the -Hill Anglican Church at 882 Kingston Rd. just west of Fairport Road, Pick- ering. Anyone wishing to volunteer to help sort food dona- tions for the St. Paul's drive should phone Barb Macrae at 839-8923. I'ni i, In FIIcc i Fn.ul Al nl k. lQW unnl April 9, Eusnnua� ter Egg Hunt Every year at thn tone th.• Garden ( :ellery Runny Inde, c1"­ l'µh tort Nlgh, rllt tilt' (idnlcn le'ntre G,r kids r„ tin,l Jinn if c tiln! -llle ( )re,u I nrt•1 Err I hint .tart, ar ):nn Fnd.ty'. APnl 5th. A .r,ntrlhun„n f, rnm-rx•n,hahle f XXX nl'nl 6,r tI M MI ,II:l rl' N-,.rlld ht' :I1111n, 1,11 All ihlldmrn under s a•,Ir., At, "Ilr,.m,• (�athcnn� hat'. ,call h, .0{�I•L,,I Best Selection of Potted - Roses �� p8 over 250 P-0 varieties, Shia year c v zWE SUPIPORT 7,n OO 8�{ 9 •2 Hwy tory All ^ti - PickeringMetro East� � � Town CirConv Ctr ' ' ' ♦ Io Toronto Hy 101 Oshawa r - , GOOD FRIDAY OPEN 4-5 OPEN: MON.-THURS. 4 SAr. 4-5 EASTER SUNDAY 10.5 THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., APRIL 3, 1996 -PAGE 19-A It's time forStorytime at AJaxpublic AJAX -- The Ajax Public weeks. All sessions are free and Library's popular Storytime pro- operate on a drop-in basis. Parental gram resumes later this month at all supervision is required. three branches. At the main branch on Mondays, Storytime is for pre-schoolers there are "Tales for Twos from who enjoy hearing stories, playing HY 15 to 10:45 am. and Books fix with other children, games, finger- Babies from 11:1.5 to 11:45 am. plays and music, with themes On Wednesdays and Thursdays, changing weekly. Sessions begin sessions are offered for children the week of April 15 and run eight three years and up from 10:15 to 10:45 a.m. and for youngsters four and up from IL 15 to 11:45 a.m. At the McLean Community Cen- tre branch, there are sessions for children four and up on Mondays from 1:30 to 2 p.m. and for young- sters three and up on Tuesdays from 10:30 to 11 a.m. "Tales for Twos are offered Wednesdays from 10:30 to 11 a.m. and Books for Course offers writing tips for kids ❑ Writers' Circle aims to spark young imaginations DURHAM -- A five-week course starting this weekend could encourage young people to put pen to paper. What Words Can Whisper Through Waving Wheat is being offered by the Writers' Circle of Durham Region for youngsters aged eight to 13. The course is designed to spark interest in creative writing through Prepare for a Career in Air Traffic Control Call Today Toll Free 1-888-892-7778 DOES YOUR CHILD SMILE WITH CONFIDENCE? A6 Z--- il CALL 839-5000 CANADA FAMILY CENTRES 1995 200 SX SE STK. #196141 Air, ABS, power roof, power group h MOM. LEASE $ SPECIAL 199 M0. 24 months, $2.800 down Prices exclude freight, PD1, Taxes & Lic. 1st lease payment & security deposit due at lease signing. Mileage conditions apply. See us for details. O.A.C. Vehicles may not be exactly as illustrated. KINGCHURCH NISSAN 375 AJAX ayly St. W. 686-0555 dramatic techniques. It's offered Saturdays, beginning April 6, from 9:30 a.m. to noon at holy Trinity Anglican Church, 91 Kings Cres., Ajax. Cost is $40 per person. Call 686-1183 for more information or to reg- ister. Babies from 11:15 to 11:45 am. On Thursdays, there's a gathering for children four and up from 10:30 to I 1 am. The Village branch hosts a session for kids three and older on Mondays from 10:15 to 10:45 am. and one for two -year-olds from 11 to 11:30 a.m. On Wednesdays. a session for children four and older is held from 1:30 to 2 p.m. The main branch is at the corner of Harwood Avenue and Kings Crescent, next to the Town hall, while the Mclean Community Centre branch is at the corner of Westney Road North and Magill Drive, and the Village branch is on Church Street north of Hwy. 2. Call the McLean branch at 428- 9499 for information. customers are gaining onus,. `t -al Shorlblt•r C6 (:anada 4:1111114•41 Broccoli Produa•t of t1J San Danit-lr -Mo ►rtat It-lla �1��7 arirtir•�. I )r•li-�li�•rd N 00 f�rrt�t;lrAlt' .4K-ktA Emil Cooking Onions Product of Canada Mi da No. 1, 10 lb bar y0 mt, btl. :.91/100 mL Plus Deposit i -Up, Coke, Canada Dry A Drinks Assorted Varieties 24 x 357 mL vans .0'/100 mL 59� .599 Prices effective until Saturday, April 6, 1996. We reserve the right to limit quantities. � For People Who Love Good foodLOEB v? PAGE 20 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED., APRIL 3,1996 Wanted: Your time and talents to help others in Ajax -Pickering AJAX-PICKERING -- You're spe- cial, so special that your services are in demand by numerous area agencies. They want you to put your time and talents to work to help your neighbors who need a hand. Agencies like: MEALS ON WHEELS -- AJAX- PICKERING RED CROSS: Volun- teer drivers and packers are urgently needed to help deliver this vital ser- vice five days a week. If you can spare one -and -a -half hours once a week from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., call Car- olynn at 905-120-3383. ONTARIO MARCH OF DIMES: The annual fund-raising campaign is in urgent need of co-ordinator% as well as canvassers. Have fun with other volunteers who are making a differ- ence. Volunteers are also required to assist with special events and Bingo. All volunteers enjoy excellent train- ing, flexible hours and a great oppor- tunity to help adults who are physical- ly disabled. For more information con- tact Denise Harding at 905-134-5280. PICKERING CONCERT BAND: (filen to all who would like to come out and play with the band. Rehearsals are every Tuesdav from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at East Shore Community Centre. 910 Liverpm)l Rd. For more information contact Joanne Dies 905-831-275.1. PICKERING PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA: Volunteers are need- ed for advertising, fund-raising, events planning, poster and brochure design- ing, community liaising and assisting at concerts. Call Carolyn Wooley at 905-683-2519 and leave a message. PICKERING READING CIRCLE: Looking for volunteers to read to or listen in Eng- lish and French to chil- dren four to 12 years of age Saturdays from 9:30 to 10-30 am. Call Ms. Shukla at 905-839- 3037 for more information. STEWART GROUP HOMES: Spare a few hours to help with handi- capped children. A simple task such as pushing a wheelchair around the block can give a child pleasure. Call 905- 686-3111. SUNSHINE RECREATIONAL YOUTH GROUP FOR DEVELOP- MENTALLY HANDICAPPED: Volunteers assist with recreational and social activities for special needs ado- lescents. Call 905-571-4980. UNITED WAY OF AJAX-PICK- ERING: Volunteers assist with spe- cial events during fund-raising cam- paign. Support your community and help the united Way at 905-686-0606. VOLUNTEER SERVICES OF VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES - DURHAM BRANCH: Friendlv. dedicated people in the Ajax and Pick- ering area are needed to volunteer their time to visit with senior citizens, socially isolated and disabled people throughout Durham. An hour -and -a -half each week is all the time required to help improve the quality of life for our clients. Contact VON volunteer services at 905434- 2530. WHITBY JAIL: Volunteers assist with self-help groups using a 12 -step program similar to the AA approach. Help is also needed with the education and literacy upgrading. Interested peo- ple over 1K can call Judy Skinner at 905 -669 -7791 - WILLIAM PEAK CO-OPERA- TIVE HOMES READING CIR- CLE: Looking for volunteers to read or to listen to children four to 12 years of age, Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Call Debbie McMullan at 905-427-5050. YMCA DURHAM REGION: Vol- unteers can assist in several programs: tutoring in math and language, assist- ing in gym or craft classes or supervis- ing visits between children and non- custodial parents. Call Donna Morri- son at 905-686-7849. Hospital offers foot care education for diabetics AJAX-PICKERING -- A free information session for diabetics and their families will be offered at Ajax - Pickering General Hospital Wednes- day, April 17 at 7:30 pm. Keynote speaker will be Robert Hill, D.Pod.M., whose specialty is the field of sports medicine and dia- betes. The seminar aims to educate dia- betics on the impomance of self-care and the recognition of potentially serious foot ailments. It will deal with areas such as foot care, hygiene, nail care, first aid and preventive exercises for the lower legs. A brief discussion of why and how diabetes affects the lower limbs and feet will begin the seminar, which will conclude with a slide pre- sentation. No pre -registration is required. The seminar will be held in the West Wing Conference Rooms in the lower level of the hospital, at 580 Harwood Ave. S. in Ajax. For more information call the hos- pital's health education centre at 905- 428-5269. PickeringCivitan Club needsyou PICKERING -- If you have a drive to help foot of Rosebank Road in Pickering. others, a local service club may be just what The club is a volunteer, non-profit co-ed you're looking for. organization dedicated to "helping others". The Pickering Civitan Club meets "Thursday, New members are welcome but are asked to April 4 at 7:30 p.m. at Rosebank Villa at the call before attending. Call 839-8890. RIGHT HERE! RIGHT NOW! •RbI• a A !> - NO FREIGHI NO AIR TAX NO FUEL TA; INCLUDES AIR 1995 GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO Only14*per �Day 199-2 PLYMOUTH SUNDANCE "DUSTER" 2 DR. Only �.00*per Day 2 5L. auto p s. p b a.' cond . rear spoiler, AM/FM cars cloth buckets and more 1 owner Only 53.600 miles 1995 STEALTH R/T TWIN TURBO A.W.D. -` V. o spa., p A. p, a . prseai, cruse. a.., coni.. AM, FM cass.. equ;&zer. Gather seats. 18" chrome wheels, pnvacy glass. p,,mirrors. D532. , TWO TO CHOOSE FROM CH Convertible. loaded. sulo..p.s., p.b-. or. p. p.d.. tilt cruise plus much more. Only s9.46* per Day 1995 STRATUS 2.4 L, auto.. pls. pro. security Pack. cloth buckets. AYiFM CD, pits, Will, phrkriors. ABS, seat height adjuster, or coed. P4629. Only 59■ 10* per Day r 4.0 1,40 prolee0on ABS, trailer low. r wsac at, adad vel:. tint console. MAD.. brigld pkg. P� OWL, pw., pd. P. mors inAWFM cast, air Ptto7. ^_r.. S4 02 '7tt%• ___ 19%DODOS RAM 1500 RM grand M 3.9 L, auto, pis, pro, air coed. AMM tau, cwWuer Packege, cloth seets, skp hamper• T772. only $8.59. per Day No down payment! No freight! No air lex! V6, air. Right price! Stk. IIP4480. Only $17,488 1992 CARAVAN LE WAGON of 3 3 L. prseat pidl. pew. p/mirrors. 7 pass.. sunscreen. tilt cruise.crse• overhead console. AWFM cats., air coed- keyless entry, phew windows. root rack. V4514. ?ricer To Sell 3.5 L. pha, p/dl. plsests, tilt cruse, auto. temp or. keyless entry, overhead console, security, alarm, traction control, cloth seats. P4641. Only 'I 1 -88' per Day 1992 GRAND CARAVAN SE WAGON 33 L, polo.. pls, pro, NAM tau., air cortd., V';root rack, 7 pass. seating & ma v4616. I Owner 1992 GRAM VOYAGER SE WAGON A 3.311sub, peau, pldl, pk irrors, lilt, Cruise, console, air card, AM" case, pM'IOCY 9 . rod rack, i more. Only 47,740 miles. T83M It Priced To Sell 1995 GEO TRACKER Buckets, 5 speed, one owner with only 17,000 miles. Priced to Sell I;I;"!;t'if. �.if, i 1992 GRAND VOYAGER SE i T 3.3 L. auto.. pis, pro. 7 pass.. tire, cruise. sunscreen glass, air cond., phnirrors, AMFM sass. , bug deflector, roof rack. T743A. Pnced To Sell 1994 JEEP COUNTRY 061111;_�-© Auto., pis, pro. air. V6, p.w., p.d., tilt cruise. fully loaded, one owner, mint P4641 A. Only 510.35. per Day 1996 DODGE RAM 1$00 CLUB CAB SP 'Tag 5.9 L. sub. ptsr, pla, till cruise, air coni, AWFM cats., sport apparana, airtime whale trailer tow, lYD service, anti spin ads, pArirrors, slide nsr windows, SILT lainw r pact. T622.. S ♦ A 1995 INTREPID 4 DR. 3 3 L. auto, ^ Pro, ph% pM, tip, pfiwrors. air cord, doth buckets, l AWFM can, message center. P4606. u a w• 1996 DODGE MM 1500 C SCAB 52 L, auto, pew, plea, Ilk Cruse, air aurid, AWFM cass, SILT decor, 4WMW neat HA) Unice, trailer low pack, chrome wheels, anti spin ark, two tone, WWI rear window. T752. 1. Only $11 .80* per Dayj rVILLAGEPLYMMM HWY.M1 CHRYSLER =i ♦ HEALTH No mad cow disease in Durham: health official By CINDY UPSHALL rA M IAM STAFF DURHAM --There's still no mad cow disease in Durham, despite rumors to the contrary. But health officials say some residents believe there is because of confusion between it and a similar human brain disease. Alex Connor, manager of envi- ronmental health with the Durham Region health department, says since the disease started cropping up in the news, people have called the deparunent claim- ing to have known Durham residents who have died from mad cow disease. In actual fact, says Mr. Connor, peo- ple are referring to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a fatal degenerative human brain disease. The confusion started when Britain reported 10 victims of a new strain of Creutz.fekit-Jakob disease may have contacted it through eating beef cattle infected with mad cow disease, medically termed Bovine Spongiform I- ltcephalopathys (BSE). Mr. Connor says while some scien- tists believe Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is caused by or related to mad cow disease, no scientific link can be found between the two. "There's no confirmed evidence that BSE is transferable to humans, but it's something we're looking at," says Mr. Connor. While there have not been any ��e reports of mad cow disease ir. Durham, Mr. Connex says them are cases of peo- ple dying from Creutzfeldt-Jakob dis- ease. fie says the disease is very rare, affecting 0.5 to 1 person for every mil- lion people. Scientists aren't sure how or what causes Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, "but (it) is thought to act similar to a virus. but isn't a virus," says Mr. Connor. Although the disease is invariably fatal, it doesn't receive a lot of attention from the medical research community. "A kx of the time, effort and money goes to diseases that have killed people in the millions and billions. "explains Mr. Connor. TMs ^YEWS AMP,R"iISFR, WED., APRIL 3, 1996 -PAGE 21-A TRUSTEE IN BANKR Offering all insolvency services including personal and corporate bankruptcies OSHAWA 122 Albert St. 721-7506 AJ A X 50 Commercial Ave. 619 -1473 COBOURG 72 King tit. W. 372-4744 Saturday & Evening Appointments available. I JAMES R. VANC11 `■ I The News Advertiser is now an Internet Service Prodder. Callus at 683-5110. GRUBS INVADE PICKERING AND AJAX LAWNS! Courtesy of Carle Allion iEnvirofeed lawn Carel In recent years Gruh infestations have been on the increase. causing severe damage to Pickering and Ajax lawns. The sure tell signs of their invasion are scattered about the community l.eayin_ some home- owners with very little left of what once was a perfectly healthy lawn. Now faced with the task of repairing the damage many may wonder: What are grubs anyway'' Why our lawn? And how can we avoid this problem from happening again' Grubs are pre -adult June Bug and European Chaters that mate in spring, laving their eggs in grassy areas nearby. The eggs hatch in a few weeks and the young grubs begin feeding ravenously on the rnxrt system of lawns and other plants. Damage caused in this first year stage may not he that apparent. Look for brown patches or soft spongy areas of your lawn that are loose and that can be rolled hack like a carpet. Quite often Raccoons and Skunks will find the problem for you, by damaging your lawn while enjoying a late night snack. The entire life cycle of these insects. except for the relatively brief adult period, is spent in the soil with the most damage being caused in the second year. It you lawn is infested with Grubs, keep in mind that they are insulated by a layer of grass leaves, thatch, and soil. By aerating and dethatching your lawn, you allow better penetration of control products. This will also help your lawn in its recovery, especially if re- secding is required. t'p to now chemical control was the only solution available. Although alternative biological control (the use of living organisms to control insect pests) is becoming .i s iahlc option. Beneficial \eniatodes for example are showing protnisim_ results in reducing an managing insect infestations such as Grubs. Sod «chworin and ether damaging law insects. \ematodes are considered sale to humans and animals .::id Dose no negativ impact on our em ironment. There are no quick -fix solutions to a Gruh prohlem. and achieving 100'7, control would he an unrealistic expectation. Fortunately lawns are resilient and are often able to recover. provided detection is made early and control measures arc implemented to reduce and manage the insect prohlem. We_yp_athe GST _ PREMIUM QUALITY FERTILIZER Unlike many lawn care services Erniroleed uses only professional, dry _ranular. Slow release fertilizers .. the kind used on championship golf courses. Bonus MICRONUTRIENTS If your lawn is not as green as it should be, you may he suffering from mineral deficiencies in the soil. A balanced diet of essential minerals such as Iron, Magnesium and Sulfur are added as a special bonus to even our most Basic Program. WEED CONTROL Weeds can be persistent ... but, so are we! If you have unwanted weeds in your lawn after 3 to 4 weeks of receiving a treatment ... Call us ... and we will re -apply weed control at no extra charge! f PAGE 22 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED.. APRII. 3. 1996 • Coming April 4 to the World Wide Web News Advertiser puts Durham Region real estate on the Internet Looking for a new home? It could be waiting for you in Cyber- The Ajax -Pick- ering News Advertiser, in partnership with Oshawa. Whitby and Clarington This Week and the Northumber- land News, is one day away from putting real estate listings from Durham Region and Northumber- land County on the Internet. On April 4 we will launch our new Real Estate site -- an addition to our popular electronic news- paper Durham - news. The News Advertiser will put all the listings advertised in our newspapers on the Internet at bttp://www.dur- 6amnews.net. Now, in addi- tion to reaching home buvers in our print coverage extensive cover - area, real estate age available to companies will our real estate reach the millions clients," says This of shoppers cur- Week and News rently surfing the Advertiser pub - Net. -lisher Tim Whit - "This move taker. "Where the will allow us to Internet will take continue to pro- society in the vide the best, most future is anvone's I rr � L`, 3'.rmWWOETHEART 420-5100 guess. But one thing is certain and that is the News Advertiser will be a part of that growth " In addition to searching our real estate listings, vis- itors to the new site can take K Quality Handmade Chocolates • bunnies, baskets & bows • asserted chocolate novelties • truffle eggs, cream eggs. • unique packaging, great fudge 6 • foil & malt eggs, jelh• beans "Bunny Bait" "Lil Bag O Bunnies- 4 unnies- and some sugar free line available r EASTER HOURS:OPEN TILL 7 P.M., SAT. TILL 4 9) M­ CM - tM 860 Brock Rd. S. Pickering. 1 Km South of Bayly advantage of our tents of Homes & If you have any other electronic Chief Joanne mortgage calcula- lifestyles online questions about publications, con- Burghardt at 905 - tor and the con- magazine. Enjoy! the site or our tact Editor -in- 579-4400. RIGHT HERE'! IND N EWIE • LA fv"ODA Y AiFOR YOVR V_-;.8EST SELEc7 o,vt Family Value Package: • 3 -OL V6 • Auto Trans. • Air Conditioning • Dual Air bags • Side Impact Beams • 7 Pass. Seating • Luggage Rack • AWFM, stem DOWNPAYMENT MO. PAYMENT 52.4.; x, S24 J^ 130 mo. S345'!30 mo. -1, DOWNPAYMENT MO. PAYMENT S1,950 S199130 mo. SO S278730 mo. PURCHASE S139998' 22D Package Includes: • 132 hp 2.0 Litre 16 valve engine • 3 Speed Automatic • Air Conditioning • AM/FM Stereo • Split Folding Rear Seats • Dual Air Bags • Power Steering • Side Impact Beams MC24 HOUR OSIDeST4 CE r$2,996 ENT MO. PAYMENT $289730 mo. SO $389/30 mo. PURCHASE S209888' •New spixtYdesign • 3.3 Itr. V6 eng. • 4 spd. auto " Console • AMIFM sass. • Dual air bags • Side Impact beams • Floor mats • Power window, locks and mirrors • Fog lamps, Air cond.,16" wheels • Tilt • Cruise • Best Buyl 2,500 265•/3o mo.:Povm Slowing SO S360'/30 mo. • 6x9 Offors • AMIFM Steno Cassette, . , , • Row Sliding Glass • Rear aim 1URCHASE S1 • Rear Step Bumper • 16" Chrome Whub • KUM - PLYWM H" am MrAn THE NENVS ADVERTISER, WED., APRIL, 3,11990 -PAGE 23-A Entertainment Alannah Myles confirms Ajax WIRED gig rX,i z• , . y tl IA �lil. •l �..t�a nadian rocker Alannah Myles is for a headline appearance this nmer for WIRED '96 in Ajax. Dunbarton 1 play among the best in high schools By BILL SIMPSON SPF -IAI. To -n [E N-ENVS ADNER-nSOt PICKERII G -- Dunbarton High Y Sdxool's one -act drama. The Tree of Life, continues to impress audiences and A udicators. On Saturday evening in Kingston, the hometown play was selected as -one of three outstanding productions when the awards were presented for the Eastern Ontario Region of the Sears Ontario Drama Festival. The Dunbarton production was in ccxrtpe- tition with 14 other award-winning plays from all parts of Eastern :Ontario. The three plays will repre- sent the Eastern Region at the provin- cial finals in May. As well as the :award for outstanding production, individual awards for their fine work went to Cindy Peters, Amanda Goundry, Dana Rogers and Mike Bhardwaj. A story about life in a Newfoundland fishing village after the cod fishery collapse, The Tree of Life is sometimes funny and some- times heartbreaking in its harsh reali- ty. Congratulations to Dunbarton High School, to all the members of the cast and crew, and to Dunbarton teacher Frank Luke who wrote and directed the play. J soar ami% Herowe Barn 2885 Altona Rd., Pickering Now PtaybV "S7EIFINC ouT~ A Hit Comedy ...0inner and Show Thurmlay thru Saturday Running until May t 1 Stand g at $3x.95 CK hiss ad and Save $5.00 _ , '6 Group Rates AwWable For more iaoinnal ion call: ON (905) 472-3085 #P ❑ Juno Award winner brings her bluesy brand of rock to Annandale Golf and Country Club June 8 AJAX -- A major international recording artist will headline WIRED '96 as part of Ajax Home Week in June. A showcase for up-and-coming Ajax bands, WIRED '96 will feature Juno Award winner Alannah Myles as the headline act at the Annan- dale Golf and Country Club Saturday, June 9. WIRED '96 will feature local opening acts which have yet to be determined. Myles' multi -platinum self -titled 1990 debut album with the bluely Black Velvet as its hit sin- gle sold more than five million copies worldwide and led to three Juno awards and a (yrammy for Best Rock Female Vocal Performance. THE HIN 7 The Hume of CoL,/IUntrN Music in Ajax ..VVK 4 ,Jr�1V V April 5/6 Lorne tiache� `WcYd - L:u11c, Nwht *Thur~ - Karaoke I pii *Dail.- lunch arid dinner specials 619-21 The "Toronto -horn songs gess is currently working on her third <dhum Alannah, tcaming up with long-time collaborators Christopher Ward and David Tyson, along with contributions from Pat McDonald (Timbuk 3), Kevin Savigar (Reil Stewart), former Robert Plant collaborator Phil Johnstone, guitarist Kurt Schefter and producer Pat Moran (Robert Plant. Iggy Pop, Fdic Brick - ell ). Tickets go on sale Saturday. April 6 at 1 1 a.m. at the following Ajax outlets: Rack '1':m I ip at 250 Bayly St.: One Hour MotoPhoto at 105 Bayly St. (in the LOEB Baywood Plaza): Annandale Golf and Country Club (corner of Church and Bayly Streets): and Marios Compact Discovery at 376 Harw•oxd Ave. S. Tickets for the performance are S25 each and will only be sold to people 19 years of age and older. For more information, call 619-6762 and leave a message. CORRECTION We inadvertently overlooked a mis-print n the Home Depot advertisement in the 1`0arch 30th catalogue. Our BUILD YOUR DECK cg. 26. Pricinq structure is for SURFACE ONLY ar-i ::oe> the following Pressure treated 40 posts. 2x8 for beam. joists 16" O.C. and ledger. OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY WE APOLOGIZE FOR THE INCONVIENCE. r Come In and Visit Us I N`, S Friday & Saturday - Prime Rib Special 9 X95 The Best Breakfast in Pickering! J lull Lunch 8[ Donner Menu At > rJ J Affordable Prices J l� -Fully Licensed Under LLBO *Import &_ Premium Draft A--ailable I= �. 376 Rougemont Dr. Pickering (905) 509-�21 J BRITANNIA FISH & CHIP SHOP Next to Fooxl Basics Truly British Owned & Operated Serving the finest Fish & Chips to he found anywhere in the Durham Region and presented in the typically British fashion. lt�VL 1 FEATURING THE VERYBEST... ALASKAN HALIBUT NORTH SEA HADDOCK ICELANDIC COD — /i"­qq IN AUDITION WE SERVE... SCOTCH PIE DINNERS, SAUSAGE ROLLS, HAMBURGERS, RIB -EYE STEAK ON KAISER, PEAMEAL BACON ON A BUN, PLUS MUCH MORE. For this Good Friday and Easter Saturday only w ith *OPEN EASTER each full order of Fish & Chips you will receive SATURDAY "FREE" *CLOSED EASTER your choice of one of the follow ing SUNDAY & MONDAY 4 oz. cup of mushy peas or regular coleslaw or 6 oz. cup of gravy HARWOOD PLACE HALL And while your order is being cooked fresh for cat -in or AJAX by our nun -stop M11r Beanvidei4 take-out hephone or you can hone ahead and lace your order for pick -u, 683-2811 . Let us entertain you • • !_ April 3, 1996 The Winchester Arms Special Events MAY 4th EASTER SUNDAY Bt'FFET !C(I// /(,)I- do hitt ~ APRIL 27TH -J:\// \ I(TI 1-1- ------------------- APRIL -I- ___'yy--- APRII. 20TH Ann i t:I-.-;ar+" I1"1I-ty Liv(: Band. Prize ------------------- )XTD.ESDAY \\ IN r NI(dIT ------------------- 1-400 RavIv tit. tat Li%Vrp/)4/ll �-2 83 366 Upcoming Workshops Second City Comedy Improv. Audition Sunday April 14th (adults) Process Sunday April 28th Sunday April 21 (young people) Inquire about our summer camp and musical theatre programs O'Leary's School of Drama 905-420-8129 Pickering I'I EATERY OPEN Mon -Sat 9:00 A.M. . Sunday 9:30 A.M. YOU CAN EAT FOR AS LITTLE AS YOU CAN AT HOME Breakfast Special (Daily) Luncheon Specials Daily $f)95 TWO CAN DINE FOR $ (Every Day of The Week) 130 EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT99 (Everything on our menu (after 5:00 p.m.) 19orless TWO BEAUTIFUL BANQUET HALLS ALL INCLUSIVE 159°° per person Pickering Town Centre 839-2507 PAGE 24•A -THF: NEWS ADVERTISER. WED.. APRIL 3.19% SHOP BY BASKET 8 SAVE' S2 DEPOSIT �� '­11NF`Z>' _ _011%_" WHOLE OR HALF G • LAMB • GOADS AVG. :3.95 kg RICOTTA CHEESE 1, 1.99 ai.�ANTA (). h -FS SMOKED PICNW PORK �_], .1sREQ SMKkgwgp s olcm RE ADv TO 1,/i■ �N�i/F i■J■ SENVE WN( _ - L B 1.69 "THE FOOD CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY & EASTER SUNDAY 1 "Havvv Easter TERMINAL TRADEX FOODS- •GRADE AJLAASIK� PINK SAILMON2-4 1.11. AVG. = FRc'-N WNGENESS _ CRABS .r EA 5.49 R T vFa a c: r EL --A RO a F NA 4(lA fill NA .F il(C"AUL 2_ ..7E C N M - I I: 0: : I�1 I�EIVION SII.VERSIDE Cc)I�v i QUI �-!�,� ;� rAizc,Ic JUICE � E A 7-r. -•t. 6�7 i_ E • FROM ONTARIO PACKERS • FRESH NEVER FROZEN • • • �' L NEW16,10IF11,41 am- ' 5r M rli r � frilMk-FROM ONTARIO PACKERS • FRESH NEVER FROZEN • ' g — - Hip ~Q•/� 6 , fid^ 0.tA� E EAF • GAESH N E Y E P PPCZEh • PAN^G6" E G-- -r A'• PAC GFRRARD ST CARLAW AVE ••M I�Ar 4�� • a VAC PAC • DEVON BRAND 500 g ••1pN/71�/�/Y •�7= 11 ro RITSON IHwV 'O1N o_ :7r1�1� •� - •r•• .A•i i•99E 3r. r OUA-iTV PACKERS TOWN CLUB BRAND -3-41-6 AVG VAC PAC u•ra/ wr _ VINEBUSH RD r D!xIE VALUE r • - • • - • • C:<)D •Lti()I�E H�A�I��ILXk'K $"I m IMx • HI•.AI.I'I-Il' I3,Ei�{I'. MNI I{I)x -SHOPSY S - 450 g VAC PAC I I • OL VMEL CADET BRAND - AT THE DEU COUNTER 1lop• 1 1 • SHOPSY S CUSTONI SLICED AT THE DELI COUNTER • / A 1 _ HWY .o M OFw M�: 5r M rli r � M : wNEbu5R IY ,li �-'�` g — - Hip ~Q•/� 6 , fid^ o� s's • GFRRARD ST CARLAW AVE ••M I�Ar 4�� • a aW� SIMCOE rr •00• �• r mow. « 't ••1pN/71�/�/Y •�7= NORTH-�u^•.♦ IIWv > �!• ro RITSON IHwV 'O1N o_ :7r1�1� •� - •r•• .A•i i•99E 3r. r T1��v OUFEh ST u•ra/ wr _ VINEBUSH RD r D!xIE VALUE r 25•b•/�r t 22? r 6HWv 2• t uct gOYI� OI �. MAIL D,., Rd Swl. DURHAM NE STON RD al tii vt• M IuH+rv• u�rr� tANSDOWNF AYE Hwy �O• t O E w so• e� UuTMas St w — _• a•r�il•i�inr fw• Ewsr�l•�1•iiwr r CAMBRIDGE WATERL • • MISSISSAUGA NORTH YORK CENTRAL P • RED VALLEY • FROZEN • CANADA FANC*10RIA 111 X11 I I I/ i I17 I_: LARGE 2.27 kg BAG 199 F.♦�2 • M CAIN FROZEN SHORTCAKES 2,49 660g -DO gBOX EA • IM E1,NUT - MILK CHO 370 X BAR CUP -A -SOUP BOX OF 4 5 LIIVIIT . iOOF MUSHROOM lip t7. oz. TIN r E.D. SMITH - ASSORTED — — • - — — — — — — — - ' • JAMS1 1 �1 1 250 mL JAR L — IN-STORE RETAIL — J r - E.O.UITH • ASSORTED - - _ _ _-199 - -_ i ' PIE 1flnl1 ' GS - 1 1 1 540 mL TIN • 1 L_ — —NN—SSORLR=TA=L S3 Z9 j.`,� J .AxEyoaE &v� N MQ��IS r MOYRi fA Rwv71I ham! Invv 7 MO Rs � W � _ - •M �N�/ � Q fM•r sr� a M•�r••�MY• •�'�• — - Hip ~Q•/� ]1�•��� 11SFF{ ��•••• •► FIRST AVE—fid••~ POISON>T iOM /fir CHERRY ST GFRRARD ST CARLAW AVE ••M I�Ar HWV Wt ��-7•. WOODBINE r S WY.01 -.� Q-il 1iWY 2 ••ft /��r aW� SIMCOE rr •00• �• r Boum ul on �� - 4• -ow A �r�Ar ,E RRARD E r— _ I•'• NORTH-�u^•.♦ IIWv > �!• t W T BROCIc RD S - M RITSON IHwV 'O1N o_ ut/rnali•wr u•ra/ wr ■w•r/gl•liw TORONTO/ TORONTO/ PICKERING OSHAVVA/ DOWNTOWN - • DURHAM DURHAM 2 • LADELPMIA ASSORTED C� DIPA L59 THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED., APRIL 3,• I"6 -PAGE 25-A -PRODUCTOF ONTARIO COLD SPRING FARMS FROZEN YOUN( •OV 16 LB ADV Y UTHM 1 BIRDwmmTs LIlVII'I' • ROA SMG • FRESH NEVER FROZEN O 24 LB. AVG. • 3 BIRD LEM CHICEENS• 2.18 kg KING COLE FROZEN YOUNG OVEN READY sI m •UTILITY GRADE • GRADE 'A' MATURE 4-DUC�S S LB AVG 2 LIMIT 2.62 kg I.R. LB • USAGE FOIL LNEE" Wit" tiAU<'FOGgCUBE .•� i..�" EAZ64UX _ ;z ' 1 EA • CANADA DRY • COCA COLA •CANADA DRY 135 • COCA-COLA 99 VL JS ,) I.Itilrr • CASE Ia rfaTv ;� p.•,"CZ=NASS0l::l SAS+=RS • CHIPS •PUNCHES c,H0 OI.ATE • SNACKS • ICED TEAS •59 UARENL 19 1- A A ALWAITM CASE OF 12 x 750 mL BOTTLES AULT DAIRIES SF,kTEST PARLOUR ASSORTEC ICF. CREAM 2� CARTON I LEIN 1.99 6:ACHI 9*95 EE I'VE ,ROZEN 01111%4 2.49 wHip Di I YIw, A , D1 A scoTT PAPER - TRACTOR TRAILER LOAD SALE:]' C NFT j .E BATHROOM TISSUE 24 ROLL. 'l PIX PACKAGE 2 A JUMBO IPAIPF-R FAC IAT. 4.99 TSSUES 1.59 I!An fill S 3OMS 6" POTS >n *POTM LIMIT WHITE I CAULIFLOWER LARGE SIZE "125" SEI VIA, YOCR �..' OWN ' `• -_ - i7 •' 3 HEAD •� LIMIT va'lli_1199 - wHr " �b116UU PARSLEY69,)� PRODUCT OF U.S.A. - FLORIDA STRAWBERRIES !J KI C . I NAI, I•xI'I� F''CJ I J.. Y I N"I''_'� I FLAT OF 12 PIN'T'S �khj 19569 PIN -17 • \litJclI MwAlA.NT,AjiN rt • 6Q K • PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA 1 kl faiD D1 &f) &A! low, \ 9_• I I PRODUCT OF U S A TEXAS PRODUCT OF IOUISIANNA �,�irE�s2l,.�k wuui. v� [�C �i�M �'PIIVG KILN DRIED CALIFORNIA j AGE CHEESE 1 CRFAM CORiANDE LEMONS w�500mU TUB EA. 250 ml CARTON LRGE ORI(3MAL BUNCHES7 74kgLB• BARGE SIZE '95 s" r------- —__ -_-------___, -- ••CALIFORNIA•-•• • �CHTRISTIE • ASSORTED •• • S 1 NACI[NG 1 LARGE SIZE 26• IAR[,.E SIZE ' CR _ C BOX SELECT YOUR ICERS LETTUCE FII.L. YOUR OW11 FRUIT LL — I=_R RETAI s. 49 EA •'-�► — ! — J 1 RM. SW HS FROM 1 B06C AN.IOLJ 'SRI' APPLE PEARS 1 t I LARGE ORIGINA 737 • PKG.1 L BUNCH FILL YOUR OWN BAG 218 i(swtrii [ s 1 L— Ms=°==�s'IU N -*A- —J PMASBURY jC�CENT fln 11 ' —A Fc- r D�E•I�KONI01 RAR7a (-F •I IM •GOKJ)EN DELCIOU ROLLS s CxAI� "PILES x•TueFILL YOUR OWN BAG 218 M-STORRETAIL $1 N ! 99J -- �►` IL.IB. 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MAP, 31 TO SATURDAY APR. 6196 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT DUANTITIES PAGE 26 -A -THF: NEWS AD%'F:RT1SFR, WED., APRI1. 3.19% PICKERING SWIMMER LISA FLOOD QUALIFIES FOR SUMMER GAMES PIC'KFRING -- Pickering's Lisa ands. She was followed by C'hristin team. She also competed at the 1992 Wildcats women's swim tram, she set Flood i,, headed to the Olympics. Petelski of Victoria in second place and Summer Olympics in Barcelona in both school and Big East Conference records The fomrer memhcr of the Pickering Riley plants of Winnipeg in third. the 2(X) -metre and the 1011 -metre breast- and is an right -time champion at the Big Swim ('luh qualif led fur the 1996 1.1oo 1 also met the qualifying standard stroke c\cnts. East Conference Championships. She Summer ( James in Atlanta after comlet- in the 2N) -metre breast stroke after fin- Curreink on an athletic scholarship to was named outstanding ",()mail swini- tng at the Calladian 0I�mpic ti"nnnting ishing third behind Pctclski and !Tants. Villano\'a lrniyersity in Philadelphia, rifer at the 1991 and 1`ll)'_ Big East Trials in Montreal last weekend. lion%eycr. countries can onl\ send two she has drlavcd going to graduate Championships. Flood met yualif'\ ing standards in the sw inun rs in cath c\cnt. school there in order to train fur the Flood represented Canada at the 1104 100 -metre breaststroke after finishing, 'This \%ill be Flood'", second time as a Ohmpics. Conunonwralih Games in Victoria first in a time of one minute. 19.99 sec- mcmher of- Canada's Olympic swim While a member of the Villanova "herr she won two hronir medals. RE -OPENING SPECIAL LOOK FOR YOUR FREE WASH & WAX COUPON ETRO-CANAI Pickering `AA' atoms ousted from playoff's 4111 t'it'KI tCi�( The Pi:kering Panther, M.rnar:h Kii:hcn atow 'AA' rcp ho: kcx team play off run hal cnJcd after the squad 1011 its York- Smi:oc league .crier to Ri:hmond Hill rc:mils` The Panthcrl were defeated three games to onc. Ri:hniond Hill heat Pi:kcrin_• h,, s:orcl of I-0 and -1 in file first fwo _ltnicl of the lcric,. Pi:kerin_,'s lune _,oal %%a1 scored h% Kc%in Krasnoffski. assisted h% K%Ic Hannilton. In •game three. PiJorin/g fought hark from a 2-0 deficit to win 4-2. S:orini: for the Panthers were Kr,ilnowski with two. Adam Bodu:h and Daniel Forrester with one apiece. Assists went to Forrester. Hamilton and I:nc Ranta. Pickering took in carl\ lead in game four. but Richmond Hill roared hack to :lain a � win. Brad Binns and Nicholas Vicira scored for the Panthers. with..i,,sists to Binns. Krasnowski. Bo du:h and Vicira. Billy .'tib:holson and Daniel Sharpe pro\iacd strong goaltending through- out the series. The Monarch Kit:hcn atoms advanced to the series against Richmond Hill after defeating Aurora six points to two. Pickering skated to a 3-2 win in the series opener. Jonathan Samson. Binet and Boduch scored. with assists to Mark Gosse, Vicira and Boduch. The Panthers pounded Aurora in the second dame 7-I. Krasnowski and Binns led the way with two goals apiece, while Hamilton. Ranta and Boduch added singles. Brian Greer, Mike Cur.zolino. Adam Murray. Forrester, Greg McHale. Hamilton. Binns. Boduch. Gosse. Samson and Vieira chipped in with assists. The third and fourth games ended in tics — 2-2 and �-5. In the first lie, Panthers goals were scored by Binns and Vicira. with assists to Boduch. Murray, Samsun and Vieira'III the second draw. Pickering's attack was led by Boduch and Krasnowski with two goals each. Hamilton had one. Assists went to Krasnowski with three, Binns. Ranta and Vicira with one each. SPORTS Al Rivett sports reporter 683-5110. Fax 683-7363. Blocked by a Bear A member of the Pickering Bayview Heights Bears blocks the route of Oshawa Central Park's Nathan Carroll during Durham Elementary Athletic Association basketball championships at Anderson Collegiate in Whitby last Thursday. Bayview Heights won this quar- ter -final game and advanced to the semi-final contest on Friday where it defeated Pickering rival Glengrove Public School 51-38. The Bears met West Lynde from Whitby in the DEAA final at Durham College Tuesday right after our press deadline. photo by Carl Ferencz ---------------COUPON---------------� FREE WASH & Iwo I Q �` co. WE GUARANTEE A CLEAN CAR I A WITH EVERY OIL CHANGE AT TIRE OUR LOW REGULAR PRICE J IIINCLUDES: WORKS ' • SOFT CLOTH wasH I • TIRE CLEANER •HOT SEALER WAX Tinnin0 CO`�10� • Nos, txoru or mechanut reproductroru I • RUST INHIBITOR No cash v" HOURS: • UNDERBODY SPRAY we reserve the 7901 to refuse to wash MON +RI. 8 a.m.-9 p m • BUFF AND POLISH i) Ary °eerie wan extrerrey, mounted non factory irtstahed eawpment SAT 7 a m.-6 p.m ,;—Y . ,, u.yni -ui pass--, ux..j cat was" JUN. 9 a.m -6 p.m REDEEMABLE AT: PETRO -CANADA 831.2757 EXPIRES 1 401 !� H_ 1299 KINGSTON RD. PICKERING sit HWY. 2 & LIVERPOOL APRIL 30M --------------------------------- Players -------------------------------- • P Lisa Flood ti� y ANNANDALE A MIXED RECREATIONAL A summer of For info. call Mike fun carts w 428-0757 �Ykh 11er 27/9h Players sought to try out for midget boys' rep softball squad PICKFRING — 'Ihc Pickering Rep Softball Association's midget bons' train is currently recruiting players for the 1990 season. 'I'n-outs for boys aged 10 to IS are on -Tuesday evenings through April at the Mapic Ridge Public School gymnasium. 2010 Bushmill St.. Pickering. The Iirst tr}'-out was this past Tuesday. Subsequent try -outs are on April 9 and Ih from 8:30 to 10:30 r-ni. PoRTHon, � kali . � � a.r,,, • : lrtr MEMBERSHIPS (includes 112 hr. lesson with Bob Keyes) 17 Jay unrestnctea 5625 + GST I GREEN FEES day before t p.m. 5550 + GST ex.-ludes SS & Hol. weekdays I5m/`19" lay after 1 p.m. 5465 + GST Veekends '170 "200' ex.-ludes SS & Hoi. (Incl. G.S.T.i Call for More Details or Tee Off Times ot�"t. G MarchRAN23rd Possible 9 holes 1-800-346-5361 or 1-905-885-6487 weather permitting 82 VICTORIA STREET SOUTH • PORT HOPE Fully Stocked Pro -Shop OFF SPRING 207500/o-- SAVINA! weekdays ................... 533* 1p.aL 52r 3 p.m. 122" "finds. & Holidays... -V 1 p.m i33" 3 p.m. 12r PRACTICE RANGE BUCKETS OF BALLS _2FOR 1th4ad asci 1 :� 1 8FA'10R8' SPF.CI.4LS ' 1 1I Allif 1 t, P THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED.. APRIL 3. 1996 -PAGE 27-A The St. Anthony Daniel Voyageurs senior boys' basketball team cap- tured the Durham Region Roman Catholic Separate School Athletic Association championship this year. In picture are Wayne Merced, Dante Umengan, Mark Skerritt, Shawn Loughlin, Robert Fortunato, Miguel Amonte, Andrew Gardner, F.J. Sarmiento, Chris Wright, Vince Ricci, Brandon Cowie and coach Arn Kelbrick. Atom Panthers have rough time in exhibition, tourney action PICKERING — The Pickering Panthers Canadian Tire minor atom 'AA' rep hockey team lost all three of its con- tests at the Glenn Bellerby Memorial Hockey Tournament in Barrie recently. The Panthers dropped a 5-1 decision to the Vaughan Rangers in their opening contest. Craig Burrell scored the lone Pickering goal, with team captain Chris Papalia and Daniel D'Alimonte earning assists. Playing the Whitby Wildcats in the second game, the Panthers were clawed by a 4-1 count. .� Papalia fired the Ione goal for the Canadian Tire atoms, unassisted. Pickering was dumped 4-1 by the Oakville Rangers in the third game. Brian Campbell scored the Ione goal, �CIAt� unassisted. In recent exhibition action, the Panthers dropped two games to the Markham Waxers. The first was a lopsided affair in favor of the Waxers. No score was provided. Campbell, Burrell and Michael Murphy tallied for the minor atom Panthers. Assists went to Ryan Gemon with two, Jennifer Sadler, Chris MacLeod, Greg Garrett and Brian Simpson -Fry with one each. In the second game, the Panthers lost 6-2 to the Markham Waxers. Papalia and Gemon notched the Canadian Tire goals, with single helpers to Matthew Yarmoluk, Garrett and Burrell. The Canadian Tire minor atom team is coached by Tim Fry, with help from Ian Hackett, Peter Murphy and Carl Chivers. Pickering peewees PICKERING — The Pickering Panthers Mr. Greek major peewee 'AA' rep hockey team has qualified for the semi-finals of the York- Simcoc league after defeating Whitby in the quarter -final playol'f round. The defending league champion Panthers will now face Belleville. In the hest -of -three series against Whitby, the Panthers won the fourth and deciding game 3-0 after it dramatic 5-4 overtime win in the third i ne inrru game was treU 4-4 in inc Last minute of the extra frame; a draw would have ,_,even the series to Whitby. However, the Panthers major peewees scored to force the fourth and final contest. Pickering lost the first ontcst. No score was provided. The second ,lame ended in a 4-4 tie. Pickering lost to Ajax in the first round of the Playoffs. In a round-robin series with \c�kmarket and Richmond Hill, Pickering posted three wins and a tic '• to move on to the third playoff round t against Richmond Hill. ��i,�►, In that series, the Panthers posted N^ two wins and a tic to earn the right to meet Orillia in the fourth round. h Pickering won the best -of -three series two garner straight to meet Whitby in the quarter finals. In Ifs playoff contests, the for- L f T' k t ward line of ea Ic e s Wanted. Jason McAuley. Will pay face Steve Johnson value for Toronto and Matt Steinke Maple Leaf combined for ?1 tickets. greens goals. or better. Call Scoring for Bruce at 579- 4400(Oshawa) Pickering in the or 798-7672 playoff were (Pickering) and McAulcv with 15 ask for Ext. goals and 15 1 #2207 Association X%.L:A RATIO New Members Require Copy of Health Card andBirth Certificate semi-final assists; Johnson 14 goals, eight assists; Mike :Mitchell, 10 goals, six assists; Steinke, four goals, 19 assists; Andrew Goodine, five goals, six assists; Sean Grieve, five goals, three assists; Danny Lusina, three goals, five assists; Clint Randolph, three goals, three assists; Craig Hilhorn, one goal, seven assists; Craig Lillie, one goal, six assists; Paul Cain, six assists; Chris Reed, one goal, four assists; David Lcwis, two assists. Both goalies Aaron Gray and Matt McMullen posted solid plavotf outings. Call-up players Ryan Tracy and John Porter also contributed to the series wins. rt * h Jim Cogger of Scarborough was the winner a new Toshiba multi -media laptop computer a raffle held by the Pickering Panthers ma peewees last month. PAGE 28 -A -THE NEN S AD%TRTISER. WED.. APRIL 3, 1199(1 Buy one week, get (905) the 2nd free! Call us for TORONTO NE . details 7987672 Applies to Articles For 6830707 S'�'S' only. For CLASSIFIED Sale Only. i M INTERNET ADDRESS: C='VISA Htt ://www.durhamnews.net Call 8 a.m. to 8 P.m. Monday to FridayE 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Saturday o residents or fax your ad cianngtor 40 -2615 (905) 579-2238 BIRTH NOTICES Announce your baby's arrival and receive a gift certificate 47+11, entitling you to $25 worth of quality baby products. 0 ' 1 Careers 1 ' Careers ' 1 Careers 1 1 Careers ' ' Careers ' ' Careers ' ' Careers ' ' Careers ' Careers Don't Forget Oshawa/ Whitby This Week Classified Dept. is open for your conve- nience every Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 1576-9335) yr Horn Plastics Ltd. is a recognized leader in the custom injection moulding business. Our success In the industry has led to this opportunity for a Systems Administrator with management potential. You will be responsible for the maintenance of networks and hardware at our various companies. Your involvement in directing the company s growth in technology will include the implementation of a new MRPII system and sourcing and purchasing hardware and software. You will also maintain the in-house voice mail system. You have five years' relevant experience including a background in Novel network (version 3.11 and 4.1). P.C. hardware, and communication (i.e. E01 and E-mail). A reliable vehicle is also required. Please send your resume. in confidence, to:Bruce Watson, Human Resources, Horn Plastics Ltd., 922 Dillingham Rd., Pickering, Ontario L1W 1Z6. We thankall who apply, but only those under consideration will be contacted. HORN el"I" ad Continuous Learning Spring Course REGISTRATION Register now for a wide variety of interesting and informative courses. Your January calendar is still in effect. also new and exciting courses are now being offered. Call for your free copy of the course calendar today[ For VISA or Mn tl.rcurd regiMration, c(i today for mors tail 721-3000 or iii4a wim at 1 -a00 -X61 -260(90S) 721-3052 DURHAM Educating You For the Real Worid. Transform Your Future in ONLY 5 Months! Windows • Word • Excel • PowerPoint • WordPerfect • Lotus• Bookkeeping • Novell Financial assistance may be available. Full instruction. Day and Evening Ajax (905) 427-1922 DIAMOND MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE ADVERTISE YOUR WORSHIP SERVICE BY CALLING JANICE 576-9335 OR FAX 579-2238 WANT TO OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS BUT DON'T HAVE THE SSS? Mature? Self -motivated? You might be the person for our fast growing financial services company. We train. CALL KELLY (905) 427-2763 Career Career Training � Training (W TRANS CANADA TRt7CK DRIVER TRAINING ONE ON ONE PRIVATE Ak D/. REGISTERED AIRBRAIt:F. - DAN(:EROt'S GOODS RD.LC. - I.(X. B(K)IC - BORDER TAX DEDI'C'nBLF. - NO GST- PST 24 11R.: � DAYS PER 'WEEK FINANCIAL ANSISTAN( E MAY BE AVAIIABLE 905- + 28-9-f �S l ( 800) 3-t-`-880 i GeneralMrIF-General Help Help SEMI RETIRED PERSON LOCAL COMPANY LOOKING FOR BUILDING MAINTENANCE /JANITOR 4 hrs per day 5 days per week 3 month contract - possibly turning into perm./ part time lob. - must be familiar with various hand tools, plus carpentry 8 repair skills (light duties) - Valid drivers license Reply with resume to File #9605 Oshawa This Week. P.O. Box 481 Oshawa, Ont. 1-11H 71-5 CLASS A -Z DRIVERS Required Immediately Clean abstract, 3 years verifiable experience, full, part time, openings. .Please Call: John Saarinen Can -truck (1993) Inc. 1-800-361-7940 or (905) 404-6622 ELECTROLUX CANADA seeks 4 pleasant, positive, persistent individuals to service existing sales base in following areas: *OSHAWA WHITBY AJAX " PICKERING Mr. Lyon 723-3411 i THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., APRIL 3, 1996 -PAGE 29-A ' 1 Careers 1 1 Careers ' 1 Careersgin,Careers Im Careers ' 1 Careers 1 1 Careers 1 saiw int mSal" Agelp/ r. Get Started! • • ;AN Systerns Technology • Programmer Analyst • Computerized Accounting • Network Specialist (CNE -3) • Computer Maintenance Technology • Office Administration Financial assistance available to those who qualify D GROWING with Oshawa OBC has moved to new, larger facilitiesl to serve the career training needs of the Oshawa area even better. Call today! Limited seats available! • Dental Assisting • Pharmacy Technician labo Scarborough Oshawa •Medical Office ratory Assistant (416) 291-6662 1-800-993-9993 •Environmental Assistant 325 Mi Avenue 560 King Str fet West 21X1 john St., Suite 201, at the Midtown .Nall <.:FCDI COLLEGE 5 76-9175 -OBC Ruch ror OMARtO BUSINESS CO/lEGE your yutura OF B11S1.^vESS & rECh'�'�'JLGa General General General Help Sim, Help Help Career Training C)7'0�U3e to attend the Durham College Continuous Learning Exhibition Career Career Career SUPERINTENDENT Training Training Training Wednesday, April 3, 1996 5 9lt.m Gordon Willev Building, Cafeteria. 2000 Simcoe St. `.. Oshawa Course displays & demonstrations ✓ Karate 6:00 - 6:30 ✓ Blexxt Pressure Clinic 6:00 - 7:30 ✓ Peter Vanderdium of the Prince smoking, all -you -can -eat. Canine knit with "Leo the Dog" 6:30 - 6:45 ✓ AxoniaEherapy 6:30 - 9:00 ✓ (,ountry Line Dancutg 7:30 - 8:00 ✓ Fitness 6:45 - 7:00 ✓ Tai Chi 8:00 - 8:15 ✓ Stencilling & Block Painting 7:00 - 7:30 ✓ Plus many other interesting displays For further information please call (905) 721-3052 or 1-8)0-4161-05419- • Basic & Advanced • MCCR & CWB Certification • Gas, Arc. MIG & TIG • Financial &.lob Seard • Day, Evening & Shift classes Call Now (416) 750.1950 747 Warden Ave. (near Warden Subwav) A f tuwelc°�' 44W EducotiN You For the R" WorW- PAYCHEQUES • WORK FROM HOME IMMEDIATELY • ABSOLUTELY NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED • NO SELLING BINGO Caller required. Must be licensed. Call 668- 9029. Ask for Sharon. Barry or Dave. CLASSIFIED CUSTOMER SERVICE News Advertiser requests that advertisers check their ad upon publication as News Advertiser will not be responsible for more Man one inro ect insertion and there shall be no liability for non -insertion of any adver- tisement. Liability for er- rors In ads IS limited to the amount paid for the space occupying the error. All copy is subject to the ap- proval of management of News Advertiser. DISCOVER a way to live while you work. Ladles Fashion Network marketing company expanding in area. Canadian made quality clothing. Generous incentives and compensa- ion Immedate Payment Ideal way to combine family a career. Cad for your FREE catalogue 1.800- 810.3186 EARN S927 wee. home" Light Assembly. mailing, typing, forms. etc Guaranteed, menrwomen (416635-2701 Code 6 124 hours, EARN EXTRA MONEY 'RISK FREE Consure� -Fr V r,,e•.ni rdAALMi ,,wi a part line NO EXPERIENCE NO PROBLEM " `ic sass"Is J_.''3' r; .dao Wtivaead paooia (416) 7034093 Scarb. EXPERIENCED st and rat iecnrnaan wanted for new Salon in Durham Centre. Alai Good wages Carl ;416)4382530 or l416439-8576 EXPERIENCED sales heirarc ^tanager required for laes clothin dg store in Pickering Town Centre Call 14161 755-8918 TELEMARKETER and appc,ntmert booker re- qurred for day and evening shift Experience is a must S' 511hr . bonuses Call 438-1540 lot an inter- view FULL-time/part-time bus - person 8 kitchen help AP - Ply in person 49 Old King- ston Rd. Ajax. GIRLS WANTED FROM ONTARIO. between 6 - 19. to compete in this years 1996 Toronto Pageants. Over $20.000 in prizes and scholarships. Call today 1- 800.367-2125 ext. 240 HAIRSTYLIST needed with clientele. experience necessary. Please call Kim at(905)831-6531. HAIRSTYLIST required, part time,some exp neces- sary. Phone Strands. 666- 0550, HARD WORK maximum eanungs! No strikes or lay- offs! Earn up to $13.87 per hr. Strong backs. good attr tulle. over 18, car required. Call now. 404-0403 ext. 213. MARKETING SALES PERSON for accounting andcomputer services of - 'Ice In Ajax. Straight com- nxssan.686-0486. MATURE person required for the sale of new homes in Durham East, approx 20 hrs/week commitment re- quired including week- ends. Experience in the sale of new homes a must. Position is payable by commission only. Send re- sume to 511060 Ontario Ltd. R R e5 Oshawa. ON. L1H 81.7 MODELS NEEDED Female Ages 7-26 EARN EXTRA INCOME Travel:c ex -1 -ng cities New York Pans. Milan Call for FREE consultation 430-5715 MOVIE a` ->P. E s`aste t growing agency seeks extras -or film and TV work. all Wes. no exp 'eq Earr S7.522 80,*' Work guaranteed we puce poo- pie on movie sets every Say Calf Jonathan 4161961-2226 PART TIME INSTALLERS required for 'es dens a and commercial alarm sys- tems. Experience neces- sary Must stave own transportation and fools. Please send resume to. Ontario Security Contractors Limited. 100 Westney Rd. S. Suite 10-4, Ajax OM. LIS 7113 Tel. 905.427-5745 Fax 41W21-1142 RETAIL SALES PERSON with plumbing back- ground prekn'ed- FUY Time: Apply M Pelson. Plumbing For You, 1050 Brock PA S. Unit 7 Pk Wng 905.837-1350 SENIOR TRAVEL Con- sultant. Full -Time. Apollo required. Call Clive at 90 (905)683-66or fax re- sume (905)683-§837 STAY at home Mom - earn extra SSS from home with this easy M.L.M. matt out plan. No special skills re- quired. Earn large profits for little time and investment. Please send seH addressed stamped envelope for more info M. Green. 144-125 Harwood Ave N. Ajax Ont. LIZ iEra `; O�p�o cxpecer Bpd in `dantenance. Cleaning. Fire safety and Security. WHIMS training, painting. gardening. snow removal. and etc 'L,ve- r posahon . salary and Denehts Re- sumes Only Yew Hope Non -P•ort Dweuirgs 'Dur - -am. Inc 139 Mary Street. North Oshawa Ontario G .X1 or tax 9051404 - .-,47 NO PHONE CALLS eml De taxer Closing date r all res„ -es April 15. . 196 Only those resumes `at Mu De issued an r'er ew will be comacted -�.- ',,r ^a,.•� .r Dos '''Y" c7 p' :nsrtar's able No experience 'ed Get paid weekly. tree glftsvacarl :.re even drive a free -lore information or to hase Jocorwara ease cad Barbara (M) 42e -6a77 Shlrlie MM)427-6297 SALOWSPA Cer:aec Ha rsry st. Estheti- _ian, Nail Technician For nterrnew call 905-623- 7653 Office Help IF you are single or a sn- gie parent or separated or divorced with three years work experience. you may quality for financial assis- tance of it you are over 45 and have recently been laid oft, you may qualify for training assistance. DIP, CERT. Lotus. Wordperfect. O -Base. Word, Accpac. Bedford. Autocad. Ventura. Pagemaker, Harvard. Cor- el. Computer Programrtxng and Systems Analyst. Co- bd. Pascal and C. Photo- shop. Quark Express and Illustrator, Durham Busi- ness Computer College. 427-3010 SkilEM led Help AUTOMOTIVE painter needed, experienced in Spot S complete. Must know 2K system. Call 579- 4000 1 Ilieflical Denial RMT required for multi dis- ciplinary rehab clinic in BILINGUAL SALES POSITION!!! • Must have previous sale experience (inbound or outbound) •Must have excellent communication skills • Keyboarding skills, preferably on a P(; • Positions located in the Pickering area • Full time and part time day shifts hour available Please fax resume to (-heric at 905-831- 8134 or mail to 7305 Pickering Pkwy., lite. 201, Pickering, Ont. IAV 3PZ MANPOWER TEMPORARY SERVICES RETAIL SALES High ticket leisure store looking for experienced sales staff. Must enjoy people. Reply to File # 9606 Oshawa This Week P.O. Box 481 , Oshawa, Ontario. L11H 7L5 SkilleIR dSkilled Help Help 0NVNER-0I'ERATORS Required Immedlatei�, Clean abstract. 3 years verifi- able experience, late Model .chicle. 1CC Medical, U.S. experience. Please call .john Saarinen Can - Truck 1 1993) Inc. l-}11111-361-7941) or (90 31)4-6622 I.NSTRL; CTOR CLASS AZ yutrc c.;:._. _ :.:.\,..:. area lint lu%v olsl, tcnific:tty ur 11DU: and .Lir Ihrakc•%. fax rc %Vfib' to. 905-428-3659 TRANS C INADA TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING Daycare Daycare • Available O Available INFANTS -12 YEARS OLD In canng, safe. fun home environment Licensed by M.C.S.S Reasonable rates Receipts, flexible hours. Call DURHAM PROFESSIONAL HOME DAYCARE 509-1207 ga g p leave message at 905-420- 9802. MATURE Lady to babys t in my home, 2 children ages 3 8 1. Non-smoker. ECE. CPR, Call 433-0062. PICKERING area. live -out caregiver with car required for 9 month and 3-1/2 year old, permanent part-time. flexible hours, non-smoker. references 831-2460. DAYCARE in my home Harwoodi'401 area. Refer- ences available. Meals, structured pay. crafts. daily walks. Non-smoking envi- ronments Call Teresa 686- 3854 OUALITY Home Daycare in a warm loving environ- ment provided by experi- enced pre-school leacherf educational assistanVmom Rossland/Harmony. Deb Oshawa with established 404-0541 clientele. Send resume to. Daycare 212 King St w Oshawa. Available Employment 1.1.12J2 1 wanted DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my home (Rossland/ Church area) CPR trained mother will provide nutri- tious meals/snacks, crafts and learning activities. Reasonable rates, any age accepted. Call 619-0174. CARPENTER, Experi- enced looking for full-time work. Own truck and tculs. References available Call Jeff (905)436-79% DAYCARE in my home. Daycare RN, eary days. late even- ' Wanted Ings, pan-time/full-time. starting at newboms, non- smoking, all -you -can -eat. LIVE -n Caregiver needed loving environment Refer - for 2 yr and 5 yr old, flew- ences upon request. re- ble hours. 7 days week ceipts given. Ajax area. English speaking and Ta- o referred Please 905_4P7-8114 ga g p leave message at 905-420- 9802. MATURE Lady to babys t in my home, 2 children ages 3 8 1. Non-smoker. ECE. CPR, Call 433-0062. PICKERING area. live -out caregiver with car required for 9 month and 3-1/2 year old, permanent part-time. flexible hours, non-smoker. references 831-2460. DAYCARE in my home Harwoodi'401 area. Refer- ences available. Meals, structured pay. crafts. daily walks. Non-smoking envi- ronments Call Teresa 686- 3854 OUALITY Home Daycare in a warm loving environ- ment provided by experi- enced pre-school leacherf educational assistanVmom Rossland/Harmony. Deb Oshawa with established 404-0541 clientele. Send resume to. Daycare 212 King St w Oshawa. Available Employment 1.1.12J2 1 wanted DAYCARE AVAILABLE in my home (Rossland/ Church area) CPR trained mother will provide nutri- tious meals/snacks, crafts and learning activities. Reasonable rates, any age accepted. Call 619-0174. CARPENTER, Experi- enced looking for full-time work. Own truck and tculs. References available Call Jeff (905)436-79% PAGE _0.A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., APRIL 3, 1996 Employment on,Wanted Articles Articles ArticlesM Articles Articles ;M1 Articles N Articles FMI Articles tel. (416) 560.4663 � For Sale � For Sale � For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale For Sale FREELANCE Dictaphone 0 PIECE. solid walnut CARPET 3 rooms. $299. COMPUTERS 386 sys- ELECTRIC Motor. 1/4 Hp, KEEP YOUR 8 mm 8 su- PIANOS - GRANDFA- SOFA Al Love Seat for WEDDING DRESS.slze to - letters. OLAP accounts. dining room suite, $775. 5 price includes 35 yards of tem value package ,n- 115 Volt. A C. 5.2 amp, 60 per 8 film, safe on high THER CLOCKS Please sale, good condition Ask- 12, designer dress, full long Word Processing, Process pica. antique bedroom suite carpet, premium pad , and dudes 386 4 mb ram, color HZ. 1725 RPM, $50 Elec- quality video.Tnple R Video excuse the mess, we're ing $500. A must see! Call skirt, off the shoulders, no Service (Durham Region) $575, antique tall boy installation Sal 905-432• monitor and new color Inc Motor 2 speed. 1/3.1/15 Transfer offers the best renovating! New and used 683-0055 beads or sequins, very ele- Free pick up and deliverydresser $175. 2 - 26' color 2750 printer $575 Other 386'5 Hp. 115 Volt AC. 5.8-2 8 amp, 60 HZ. 1725-850 p rice with music added no panus. Not sure? Rent to SOFT TOP TAN lot Jeep gant. asking $600 433 - 5036. Call CaI1 905 619-2205 t v a $700 each. t-20' col- Carpet Broker, 700°j•. ( mon included) from $175 RPM $65 (905)839-1357 extra charge call 905-725- own, apt size. upright. YJ Fits 1987-1995 $550 or I v $75 6 dressers $45 - $130 each. 3 sectional Nylon thick, plush, stain re- overdrives wit h DIAMOND RING, set, 64 1001 grand, digital, keyboards. oleo Set motorcycle leach- Di- WHY pay cable? Di- ' Firewood Pc sola $425. Queen size bed sistant carpet For 3 rooms. Qu spa Quad speed CO rum, Carat. pear ,plus /2 tion- KENWOOD Deluxe 250 All 1995 merchandise re- ars. size 42 pus matching l rest! RCA 18' Digital eels. rte. Up to 775 channels. sofa $295. 4 recliners $35 only 5369 00 Price in- sound cannel and speakers ants, appraised $5.70 watt home theatre stereo r duced Telep Piano Works. helmet, red, black and Best quality picture b $75 each, loveseat 585.2 eludes 30 Sq yds carpet. plus color ink )et printer Beautiful set. Asking $t 700 system. Dolby Pro Logic 433-1491 while, $450. oleo. 985.7709 sound Rent to own by coffee tables 565 each. 3 deluxe pad and installation $1,099 Pentium 75's from final 432-8919 receiver, HX -Prot ape deck, POOL TABLE. with snook - after 4 pm, phone. $8.50 wkly (905) SKIDS 8 Pallets for fire- S65 each. 2 d- in our home Free quota- y gg hand doves 8 5 disc CO player. Sspeak- er balls, asking $200. In 571-1413. wood. hardwood 8 shoo wood mored. pre cut or bio- lice desks S75 each. 4 set tan in your home No in -one rarest no payment for one M m e rum lots meg ram etc. - FOR SALE DAT tent Panasonic Excellent Con- ers, 5 yr. warranty Free de- ty good condition. Call 434- TOMMY Armour 854'5 - one year old. 2 thru P W. ken, delivery available, of kitchen tables and chairs fun year. Daniel. t-800- (with speakers) - quad s) Hardly dition Hard Used $700. !wary Rent to own by 7521 ask for Michelle plus S W and fob wedge Articles large 6 small loads. Limited 550 - S175. waterbed frame 217-0104 speed $189 six speed O.B O Can 905-721.2490 phone for only $13 751 RARE FIND! Solid cherry $800 oleo Call 433-0440 ' Wanted time offer call (905)430- black lacquer 6 drawers, (hex) $279 Clann on � week. Call today. (905)577- wood table and 6 Windsor 9013 $100 , 3 fridges $65-$85 CARPET MILL DIS- Computer 164 Baseline Rd FRIDGES 8 stoves - var- 1413. chairs by Pennsylvania TOSHIBA 27' stereo tele - and $115. maple school TRIBUTORS. 12 months E. Bowmanville [Just east of iety. built-in dishwasher, House Table $1600 vision. Amazing picture. 6 ANTIQUES Absolutely, desk $30 697-3532 No payments. No interest, the Flying Dutchman Hotel) uD^ght freezer, apt srze ze KITCHEN cupboards. W;ndsor chairs $205 each. yr parts 8 tabour warranty Purchasing furniture or an. Flea ABOVE•GROUND pool. (OAC) 3 rooms (30sq yds ) freezer, 12 h freezer. complete set. double sink. Call Katherine 435-0639 Free delivery Rent to own hrn did Scientific instru- 9 Market IS it grea! condr,,on. in- installed with deluxe pad CONTENTS. king size beer fndges, Thomas organ hood tan, fridge 8 stove, in- phone. Only SZ95/ merits, china, silver. adver- m cludes all accessories, from only $399 Specials bed. doube dresser. chest with m ms. wood burning 9 tenor railing, solid birch FOR SALE .WASHERS wk (905)571-1413 w tis,ng, toys, decoys, dolls, KITCHEN hutrnichina unique liner. $2000 or best on Vinyl. Ceramic and Hardwood Flooring Free of drawers. double bed. etc. 905-686-4369 stove. washers d dryers. Dunk bed, kitchen fade set. dryers. stoves. $175 and up 3 month warrantyRe- WASHERS. dryers, fridge. milk bottles. collections or glass front. white offer Must remove ourself Y Shop At Nome. 1-800663- coffee table. dark S75 $350 ilem Call pall service flat rale. $35 stove, new and ref once- estates Call Robert Bowen Antiques (905) 655-8049. vnth brass trim Good con- with Call 905-683-0978 60x6 DINING SUITE. Tho- m pine coffee 8 end tables. pine coffee (905)668-3951 s up Wanted. Appliances Honed. $225 and up for re- grooklin Bro dithon 4 H. wide x 42' deep AIR TECH Treadmill, g,av- mss ire Trarcnional Pe- blueigrey couch, chair. MOFFAT full size fridge working or not fridges. conditioned washer, $175 x 76' high Good condition ig iry-eoge 2 Voyageur Stair- CARPET. Fallmgbrook. can black highlights. par- loveseat, cream/blue/rose and stove lself dean oven). stoves, washers dry- and up for reconditioned CASH for most fridge. S250 831-4414 masters Take your Dick your home at discount son leg table, curio pier couch. brass/glass coffee 8 5 yrs. didr almond. oke new. ers.905-438.1545. cover- dryers $175 and up for re- stove, washers. dryers, an Best offer Call 837-0733 Vinyl, statin resistant es Pace includes and ex- cabinet. server, 2 arm cabinet. end tables. round glass 5700 for pair. 839-4478 mg Counice to Pickering conditioned fridges and conditioners. We'll sell re- ' Articles APPLIANCES FOR pad pert installation Call Nick chairs. 4 side chairs. new table 4 swivel chairs. solid OAK/PINE FURNITURE area stoves Also coin operated conditioned appliances. Fast service Call 24hrs. for Sale SALE Beaumark fridge 8 g at (905)655-3519 condition. $5.000 or best oak teachers desk secre- Why Pay retail pnces7 One SATELLITE DISH. washer and dryers Ste - 430-2322 stove. almond. S80C OBO carpel, CARPETS - !ors of ca offer 433-1733 tary desk/return, small ster- of Ontario's oldest and lar- Cheyenne IR.D plus. re- Pherson's Furniture and Kenmore freezer. almond eo cabinet. bra sslglass oval cerver / descrambler. Appliances. 227 Court St.. SCUBA equipment want - Circa 1920s walnut dining $' SC Kenmore washer g 100`` ryior new stern re- DUNCAN FIFE table dining table. 6 dusty rose gest manufacturers is now $1050 or best offer 905- Oshawa 576-7448 ed Need fins, mask snorkel and possibly BCD room suite. beautiful condi- dryer. white $650 060 Al lease carvers on nand. I will 53°C wench provincial 3 chairs, 9 PC mahogany din. selling direct to the public 263-8617 or leave mes- d Octopus Must be in ex - Don 52. 000 576-7763 orf- good condition Can 905 carpet 3 rooms. S349 Price pc set. $225. 2 end tables. ing suite. rectangle pedes- E oak pedestal table and 9 sage WATER TREATMENT Sys- cellent condition and of re - ter 6 r m 665-7494 includes carpet. pre"Um 560 sofa ,chair 5125 15 tal table 4 chairs. double 4 chars 5649: 7 H double terns. filters, hydrocarbons. cent design and premium 6 MONTH o�c state 4 x 8 ped. expert fast gallon fish tank 8 stand bed. 2 dressers. Weider pedestal and 6 chairs SHe Quality barn chlorine taste 8 odor. PCB. quality 4 3a-5780 !ao'e 51000. freezer BEAUTIFUL dark walnut estimaon. delivery, free estimates (30 540. TV's 8 dressers. 263- cross trainer w/stepper. 4 $1499. cannonball beds shed style shed led 8' X 8' $394 Toxoplasmosis. para- UNWANTED Scrap metal Poo 15 cu $'S0. 20' colour TV hane :abed butte! and hutch. bar Hutch. tahle'6 yards) Norman 686-2314 Ya 219' evcontliboners.438-0526 fom $399: Over 20 stain aplusnd tax. Many other sizes and styles available Also sites.etc Available above Decked uR lodges. stoves, sears model $100. battery in padded chairs. used only y COMPUTER 486 DX. 45C Meg HD a Meg Ram. ELECTRIC Furnace 5100 HAMMOND ORGAN, choices. an solid. no veneers Traditional Wood- garages and decks For or below counter Anne washers. dryers. cars. trucks. etc Can (905)430- operated car $100 723 lew times. ask,rg 52200. SVGA cobur Rom x32.1863 made 1 Leslie $650 or working 905-985 877d more into call 905619- 666-9586 9013 9881 623-od69 55 package. 51125 655-5605 r best offer 725-9153 2093 oil ��l f oil � 95�11 � *ii: �1� [OIL, rl D 1 R E C T O R Y Fax News Advertiser&33=0707683-7363 i ' ' Improvements :101l] Improvements • ' ' improvementsPainting a e Moving dr Decorating • Storage •MSTER CHEAP' Ho^e FENCES a DECKS SIGON Corsn.cr o, L!d DRYWALL and painting. HARRY -O -THE -MOVERS iniprcvemects, ec coms.rn War- a CUSTOM DECK- serving Durran Region for boarding !apt^g. texturing, Move erg or small. we price law apartments. additions. Need a new FENCE? Let 19 yrs Additions, sundecks renovations and repairs them alli Fret estimates, fences. decks etc Li- GOODFELLOW do it High patio doors. windows. rec- Small lobs. 15 years ex- seniors discount. short notice cens•d for over 20 years. Quality Workmanship rooms. flagstone. free esti- penance Free estimates, rooves Pianos moved, also all work guaranteed, for Guaranteed 2 yr warranty Matters 905-576 5760 Serving Dumsm and out of appliances Comparable harsh Call 432'2850 Free estimate can Ernie We also do Pool Cabanas. town area Ken 434-4500 905-404-8170 Gazebos 6 Sheds BOOK • EARL MORGAN MEN ill large truck will NOW for SPRING IN- • Handyman x household moves, resi- AJAX FENCE custom CUSTOM PAINTING. STALLATIONS For a dentiaO over can All wood renteS 8 detk5. Faux tleCOr ragging. FREE ESTIMATE can types ol moves Can Can or thein l-ir dog runs sponging. textured ,Jana 427.27356 wrought -iron repairs :o ex- GOODFELLOW FENCE 8 HANDYMEN � Snow gougn- DniShes moor drywall fisting lances Cait 666- DECK (905157-3145 ,ng carpenter dm umber dry- repairs free esbates MICHALSKI MOVING house A955 ort -800-598-8160 well rooter. retaining walls a men avarlabie to meet all Earl 931-7972o, es apartments o"ices appli- Speckill your household requirements pager (It6►462-5454 Senor anancills d pmd•month - for repairsimaintenancelreno- NOVA DESIGNTECH - Re- counts. Licensed, insured - vations L•mited time offer. tar 6 Decorative Painting. Free estimates Exceaent ser - 1D% off roofing ,t cooked Faux Finishes, Kids rooms, vice Call 436-7795 now Odd obs $12/hr Free murals. signs Residential 8 • House • House • Cleaning • Cleaning GAILLIND A4, MAID SERVICES SPRING SPECIAL FREE Cleaning with bookings of weekly 6 bi-weekly services. Inquire for details. Caring for your home with personalized and professional service for over a decade. JL(Fully bonded and insured) 683-7515 Gardenin a 1--..A- - a estimates can Dave 723. Commercial Call Connie 1- • ' g • ' ning 3014 MAN WITH "2 ton truck will do odd lobs Fair 8 rea- r bi Call 571 - call fv no HOME IMPROVEMENTS 473C a prices • Additions basement apart. • (905) 619.4663. ments. Moor installations. • tel. (416) 560.4663 kitchen/bathrooms. decks. • ' • Plumbing Bobcat Services, available, fences. tree estimates. Cal • C 8 R Maintenance Build- Tom (905) 839 1333 or pager Cate 666-7716 rng repairs and renovations (416) 336.5957 TREE MAINTENANCE dt REMOVA electrical. Plumbing. cerarl Also tree stump removal. AAA -LICENSED PLUMBER tiles. carpentry From small ' """"""""' __.. available AN your pWtfir" repairs to major renovations INC. Specialuring in custom needs. Complete renovations Fully guaranteed. free esti- homes. additions. renova- Guaranteed lowest prices! mates. (��-3300 tions. ret rooms and base- No job too small!! Senior ment apartments Residential discount. (905) 432-2913. and commercial Serving ALV•1 SAMEDAY PLUM DEMTTO Durham Region for over 15 FE NG Yrs Free consultation Call araC licensed plumber. no Jeff 905-4?L5706. fob too small, no job too big. Decks. Chain link, iron, free estxnates, great prices, drilled holes, Set s. POLDOM Renovations. guaranteed it-'" 905. 725 - For Free Estimates Basements. bathrooms. dry- 2507. wall. Paintng• textured cell- B G PLUMBING tall Steve ingis, carpentry. For profes- (905) 509-5077 sional service call 905-721- repairs. alterations, • Moving S Mobile A4& 2310. 2310. new• work, gas in- • 6456 CANDID stallation and DISPOSAL RENOVA- TIONS Fences. Decks. Carpentry . roofing, demoii- bons, dears outs, odd jobs, Dan 683-7009 DUCTWORK installed, moved, relocated. Excellent rates Free estimates. Elec- trostatic air Cleaners. hu- midifiers. Big. Small jobs. Call Paul 428-0295. EUROPEAN lie special- ist. will renovate your bath- room, or kitchen walls, as well as floor ides. Good ref- erences and satisfaction guaranteed. For free esti- males call D Dykstra 725- 4913 IMPROVEMENTS Quality home renovations OIrIC• 1975 NO PROJECT TOO SMALL Kitchens • Basements Windows • Doors Bathrooms • Etc. �I i drains. Water well pumping systems 416-969-0974 905-686-2959 • Painting a • Decorating STAR SMALL ENGINE • Flooring, � • Lsndsaping • Landscaping AND MAINTENANCE • Carpeting plied . Soho tubes installed, spiritd•anup - Va. shrub Bobcat Services, available, and garclen pill" 'Cedar 6 pressure treated garden dasgn - tarn rtWhmnarhtt lumber.at All work guar- Cate 666-7716 anteed. Serving Durham for n fund raisers. Magic TREE MAINTENANCE dt REMOVA CARPET Installations - 25 Also tree stump removal. years experience, re- ls% DISCOUNT FOR SEIIIIORS. stretching, our speciality Skills You'll be amazed $200 Free estimates. D a N AVOID SPRING RUSH Duncan, 987-1799 or 987• call Dare 131-7055 1800 House LAWNMOWERS- Tune - up, oil change, sharpen Cleaning blade, only $35. + parts. FREE pick up(delrvery Oshawa/Whitby NORTH STAR SMALL ENGINE and piano specialists. Flat rate or hourly We now SHOP 905-726-2716. TItRGEON P.H.P.S (post holes / LANDSCAPE DESIGN Posts set) Post holes AND MAINTENANCE drifted, all concrete sup- 10 years AonitlAixal wperience plied . Soho tubes installed, spiritd•anup - Va. shrub Bobcat Services, available, and garclen pill" 'Cedar 6 pressure treated garden dasgn - tarn rtWhmnarhtt lumber.at All work guar- Cate 666-7716 anteed. Serving Durham for n fund raisers. Magic 12 years. 1-905-349.3636. special' $99. and Storage AFFOIIDABLE, reliable 3�t9-3�63�6 (cwt tone) 905- . pay cleaning lady with expen- • Services i-•1 even sk rill - once. tine 905-831-9689 ARE you having problems finding time to dean your home? For Professional Home cleaning, Call Hel- en's Home Services today. 4273385. r!M Yard a i poaala, elaao•o�aail, alai CidaalA SItM aINR Pocrlottb Mni Tlol•A tool Blgl, Fora Partin • Ma4Nerltrlt! TOP SOIL from $15 per w •fir++ yard, Cedar Mulch fro, $30 ALL Pro Painting and and piano specialists. Flat rate or hourly We now KST GROUNDSKEEPING - per yard. Total property maintenance programs ready to entertain for arty Wallpapering, intenor/exte- have healed storage units. lawn rutting Spring 8 Fall from $19.75/week. Call age, any occasion. Birth - nor. stucco ceiling, general Now offenng free boxes cleanups, aerating, de -thatch- GREEN THUMB 905-786- days. promotions, open - repairs, top quality work. with move. Park and load ing tnmrtxng garden work e,vestrcx* cleaning Free 2150 or 1'800'760-1058• n fund raisers. Magic reasonable rates. 2046 special' $99. and quotation. Call Ralph, RESUME BLUES? Of cre•N shows are fun! Lettuce seniors discount. 404- Call in Up Call for information, Worthington 905327.9558. Skills You'll be amazed $200 het P 839.7057 or 728- 9669 725-OD05 or 427-0005. 8334. e Party • • • Tax, Financial • Sevices • • Directory RABBITfl work acing FREE E -FILING refunds magic for chudr1 s Parties within 2 wks Get your r• - and all occassans Have my tum prepared by a proa•s- ownmagrcwn Can Emhe 668-4932 668-4932 Sion accountant Corpo- rat• tax 6 businal ac- Business count"ng services available • • J„oy Ill CGA. • Services (905)420-206' RESUME BLUES? Of cre•N FAX . , DS a Target Biography to sell your Skills You'll be amazed $200 d05-509-6694 579-2238 . • Health, • • Health, • Beauty • Beauty DISILLUSIONED/ HELPLESS You can empower yourself. "Lets Talk•• It's a time tested remedy Therapeutic Talk, combined with all natural stress releasers. Complete Confidentiality For appointment Call 668-8584 open mornings, afternoons, evenings • • • Tax, Financial • • Tax, Financial • • Directory • • play PROFIT -COMPREHENSIVE FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING •SPECIALONG IN NEW VIEWS SOFTWARE -CANADIAN AND U.S. TAX HARDWARE a SOFTWARE DW& Hulley, 4 LCIen TO APPEAR ON THIS FEATURE CALL CAROL SCHEFFEL 579-4400 Ext. 2303 416-298-7672 w CALL • 683-7545 • � tr,r ur, r<, .fart, a ur.hr,n fish rids Clarington residents call 404-2615 For an audio version of all currenl and upcommy :,ucuons located o, southorn :rn•1 ,astern Ontario please call the above number AUCTION Sat. April 6th, 10 am. at WARNERS AUCTION HALL Hwy It2, Colborne Owners have sold and are moving back to Europe Everything to be sold from this nice Cobourg home. Lge sale with an- tiques, collectables, china, glassware, Royal Doulton figures. etc. Partial list in- cludes: hardly ever used Victorian style dining room table with 6 matching side chairs in mint condition. at- tractive sofa & love seat. Antique dresser ant- Jenny Linn bed. ant. radio cabinet, marble top table. ant. oval mirror, press back rocker, ant. wash -stand, small carved ant table. ext. kitchen table. Ige. cupboard, modern pine corner cupboard. 2 rugs. lamps, pic- tures. Ige. collection glass. china, brass. cast pii depression glass. 3 Royal Doul- ton figurines. Lge. quantity dishes. knick knacks etc, bronze statue titles the Out- law. old trunk, nu- merous boxes of small still unpacked and unseen at tinge of advertising. No re- serves Owners leav- ing Terms Cash. cheque. Visa. MC Gary & Bill Warner Auctioneers (905)355-2106 SAT. APRIL 6196 5 P.M. PETHICK AUCTION BARN, 2498 CONC. RD. x8, BOWMAN- VILLE (HAYDON) This week we have to be sold a large variety of antique & modern furniture. collectable -glass & china, lawn & garden equipment. tools. Ltd. Edition art & many other interest- ing & unusual items. Large sale. Viewing from 4 p m. Terms are Cash, Visa, MC or Debit Card. For more into call (905) 263- 4252. Sale man- aged and sold by Garry K. Powell sats & Spring your place ours AUCTION APRIL 5TH AT 10 A.M. A Large and out- standing sale for Jean Middleton of Stouff- ville and the contents of an antique estate from Newmarket. Held at the Goodwood Community Centre (4 Isom west of Brock Rd via Durham Rd. 21). Mwinlficent set of an- 6r;ue furniture dating bark to the 1860'5, many pieces refin- ished. Beautiful glass and china. early light - Ing, hundreds of fine antique. collectable and rare articles. Call for faxed listing. Terms: Cash. Good cheflue CLARKSON AUCTIONS 905-640.6411 GRIST MILL AUCTION CENTER NEWTONVILLE APRIL STH FRIDAY, 6 P.M. Selling the contents of a Ccbourg home and CG;,irtice home. Sears nsrstertteld, pr Sklar seats, coffee brass lamps. 7 I, oak dining suite A th buffet and hutch, .1 ane back chairs, nandeher, stereo. ,;lass top buffet, dou- hr! bed. chests of 1r—,sers, vanity :f•essefr, Combination de1;K chest, quantity of t e,11ing. small display 1—it, occasional ta- numerous an - crock churn. -;uantity of china. q,assware. 8 hp tiller, 4 hp tiller, and many other Interesting Items Terms Cash, approved cheque, visa mterac. AUCTIONEER: FRANK STAPLETON (905) 786.2244 "CELEBRATING OUR 25TH YEAR' CONSIGNMENT EQUIPMENT AUCTION BERRYBANK FARMS. RR#2 TAUNTON RD., ORONO. 1 1/2 MILES WEST OF HWY 115. SATURDAY, APRIL 6TH. 10 A.M. Sharp Selling a full lne of farm equip- ment, tractors, ma- chinery, vehicles. In,)ls. hardware. etc., JD 1120 diesel w046 loader. Kubota 8200 diesel (4 x 4 with load- er backhoe). Leyland 272 w/cab i4 x 4) MF 3`, diesel and loader. David brown 3800 rias) Massey 50 (Cockshutt 30 (Gas), Ford 8N (recond) Ferguson 2085 wi loader, Fordson 11 y27), McCormick Deering 1020 (steel). Riding lawn mowers, 3 .1 - 5 furrow plows. Int Ac Wllwnch culti- va',rs (trail and 3 pth) seed drills, corn planters. baler, hay - bines, rakes. mowers. stacker. Mf 6 bar Hay Rake (PTO e pth). bush hogs. sprayers. ;Trail and 3 pth), MF/ Nil spreaders, Horst 30 ft- double reach wagon wibig bale ra_'«. 16 ft. hay wagon, potato planter. digger, Hila>r, harvester, 1987 Rod F150 wfWinne- Iago slide in. 1976 Cnev 350 (4 x 4 farm tr,ick). 84 Fiero. 81 trans am, 84 Riviera. 191 Seville, 72 Pontiac C :rvertible. 16 ft Bow viler vs hp Mercury Outboard, 9.9 hp ,icr-ison. HD log split- ter (mobile). calf hut, hes, Kubota 12 in post digger. Honda 3 1 2 hp water pump. new directional light bars, sheep feeder and equip, quantity old tractor manuals, case 1816 Skidsteer loader (16 hp) and numerous other tots uqu pment. this only a s^oft list of a large sae - plant to attend Lunch available Terms Cash or ap- proved cheque Call to consign. AUCTIONEERS: JOHN D. BARRY, RR82 ORONO (905) 983.5787 FRANK G. STAPLETON, NEWTONVILLE (905) 786.2214. NOTE AUCTIONEER AND OR OWNERS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LOSS DAMAGE OR INJURY IN CON- NECTION WITH THIS AUCTION HOLIDAY INN, OSHAWA GOOD FRIDAY APRIL STH VIEW 12 NOON SALE 1 P.M. 1011 BLOOR STREET, OSHAWA I full tuck load of merchandise will be offered at this sale. Porcelain dolls, electronics, furniture, gym machines, toys, tents, partial list: Sanyo, Scott, Sony, Emerson, Prosonic, Electronics, compact disk, home stereos, CD radios, cordless phones & answer machines & caller IDS, walkmans, 20 to 25" colour TVS with closed caption, 2 head & 4 head VCRS, personal CD player with car kit, porcelain dolls L.E. Edition, Ashley, Santas, Emily, Samantha etc. TV/VCR stand, baby strollers, kitchenware, country dining set, air beds, tramontina & professional cookware sets, 14K jewellery, diamond rings, bracelets, Michiko pearls, baseboard heaters, humidifiers, porcelain vases, fish bowls, watches, toys, chess sets, steppers, gym bikes, ski machines, tools, wrenches, screwdrivers, socket sets, pliers, bench vise, air hammers, drill bits, senders, socket sets, organizer tables, computer table, trampolines, die cast cars, antique oak reproduction phones & radios, oriental hand painted figurines, cork pictures, cedar chest, porcelain musical clowns, Harley Davidson radios, Tiffany lamps, touch & bankers lamps, mantle clocks, bronze figurines, bath scales, crystal figurines, small appliance, coat & shoe racks, Hoover vacuums, Iona upright wet & dry vacuums, ottoman chair, rocking chair, tents, bread machines, etc. Too many to list, something for everyone. AUCTION BARN Friday, April 5 at 5:30 pm 3 miles East of Little Britain on County Rd. 4 Oak china cabinet secretary combina- tion, Refinished pine harvest table. Wash- stand. Refinished oak dresser with hat box, Marble top sideboard. Walnut hall table, But- ter churn, Co -oil lamps, crocks. An- tique brass hanging light, Colonial ches- terf eld & chair. Mod- ern dressers & chests of drawers. Coffee & end tables. Table & flow lamps. GSW Au- tomatic washer & dry- er Occasional chairs. 3 pc. modern bed- room suite. Honda HS 3 5 Snowblower. Tim- t;er line airtight stove, Sears Craftsman ra- dial arm saw, qty. de- pression glass. Wedgewood. Blue M ,untaln etc . approx 2C pcs Dainty blue Sftelly china, plus a rlty tools. china. glass. household & �Ilectible items Don & Greg Cornell Auctioneers R.R. x1 Little Britain (705) 786-2183 GOOD FRIDAY APRIL 5 10:30 a.m. A. iii i Sale .` An- '';'•ies & Collectables :n.. property of Car- ;ll's Curiosities S:ur- geon Falls Ont Sell- ,),,, at the Stoutivdle C )untry Market Sales Barn) New Bu lding located at the East end of S:;;uttville on 10th North A large se with approx 600 is of antiques & _,­iectables, Includ- 9 pc diningroom suite. 7 pc. bedroom suite (both Walnut) fla: to wall cupboard. ;aK hall stand, wash- stand, icebox & bookcase. Victorian & Bird's Eye Maple Ar- mcirs, Press back rocker. blanket box, etc. collectables in- clude bone china cups & saucers. Croi- bait blue )ars. old milk bottles. ADV & To- bacco tins. Granit - ware. coins & money. glassware, old tools, oil lanterns, cook books. etc. A very clean sale with some unique & Interesting Items. Plan to attend. Lunch available. Terms: cash or cheque Phis Faulkner Auctions 1-903-852-9631 Don't Forget Oshawa/Whithy This Week Classified Dept. is open for your convenience every Sat. 9:30 to 3:00. To Place Your Classified Ad Please Call 576-9335 10 A.M. Antique and modern furniture. collectibles, vehicles, appliances, estate at Orval Mclean Auction Cen- ter. Lindsay, selling the property of the late Matilda Johsnon Estate and Donna Ross, Beaverton., giving up house- keeping. Mahogany dining room suite, mahogany bedroom suite, modern bed- room suites. walnut cedar chest, buffet, oak parlor table, fan- ny center pedestal lamp tables, brass Iambs, chesterfield su fes. end tables, sr,fa bed. pine hlboy ,:it, desk, 3 nee- .i';:Olnt chairs, spool 1 rope bed .pine 4et. 3 sideboards. -++ee and side ,.'ars. Duncan phyte •a,and 4 chairs, 2 risers. trunks. a cabinet. 8 day ^'a rtle clock file it. net. Royal Albert ierware. glass. a. collectibles. .ayr1 furniture hand S refrigerator. '-+-'les. too's of in- eSt+ng items 92 c ' 1 Taurus, loaded. W,, Chry Voyager van, nr'lal list call to con - ;'l estates. full .se or apartment - quality Mems. iness liquidation V : can Auctions `S) 324-2783. Call -00-441 tc your auction or or at our bar ORVAL & BARRY MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS SAT.. APRIL '3 11 A.M. PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION AT PETERBOROUGH AUCTION CENTER 01 rfw•, 7 2 mf �_: -)t �1'erborough Now ,+.. ephng consign- - ­its cf cars. trucks .A, S. 4 x 4's. RV' s. "sign early to be l,sred in ads Expect- approx 40 vehi- es. Let us sell you -ar Call now Orval McLean Auctions Peterborough 745- 53C7 or 1-800-461 ORVAL AND BARRY MCLEAN AUCTIONEERS AUCTION SALE Monday April 15,10:30 am Auction sale of restaurant and piz- za and commercial equip. Ovens and coolers, slicers and more. All unre- served to be sold at the Mabee Auc- tion Centre on Hwy. 4 35, 1 mile north of Rosedale or 7 Km south of Coboconk or 23 Km north of Lindsay. Phone for full fax list. Calvin Mabee Auctions 705-374-4800 AUCTION Thurs. April 4, 6 p.m. at WARNER'S AUCTION HALL, Hwy 2. Colborne. Seuing household contents plus Ige quantity new articles from a closed out shop to be sold In lots Ideal for vendors or those preparing for yard sales Household includes fridge. stove. washer, dryer . chest freezer. 6 nearly new press back chairs. dining room set. sofa & chair, love seat & chair. occa- sional tables & chairs. dressers. chest of drawers. some small ant & collectible PCs . dishes glasswares, etc, new articles in- clude lots of hard- ware pCS, household articles. k. -ick krdcks. 'ool type and Sundnas Items all being sold In lots New 486 com- puter complete with mouse. Ouanty exer- cise equipment. new showers & toilet sets. glass shower doors, plus numerous small articles, too many to list. everything sells wrth no reserves. Terms Cash, cheque. Visa & MC Large sale, plan to be on time and stay a while Gary & Bill Warner Auctioneers (905)355-2106. AUCTION SALE SAT. APRIL 6 - 18:66 AM, OUTSTANDING Auction of An- tiques, Collectables, Primitives & Toys for the Estate of Harold Albert Mitchell (Pickering). also the Estate of Mary HILI (Claremont). held at Wil- son's Sales Arena. Uxbridge, 2 miles north on Main St. to Davis Dr. : or Hwy. 4404 north to Davis. Dr. at Newmarket. Go East 24 km. SALE INCLUDES• 9 pce. oak dining rim. ste. , oak hall stand, deacons bench oak sideboard, walnut sideboard, pine dough box on stand, cupboard with 9 pane doors, pine armoire, oak 3/4 bedstead, blanket boxes, walnut drop front secre- tary, pump organ , washstands, ant. ta- bles, chairs & rockers, dressers, bedroom stes., ant. mohogany Victor player piano with bench & approx. 26 rolls(Ex), wool winder, oak hoosier, Victorian couch,new chesterfield & chair, wicker doll carnage, wrought iron crib, appliances, stoneware, redware, crocks & jugs, 8 gal. chum, foot warmer, Crucifix c. 1890, ant . lighting, Ig. coffee grinder, (EX stencil), 1930s Coke cooler (mint) , Canada Post office scale (orig. crate), min. Victorian accordion (orig. box), oak Victor table top gramophone. brass ant., microscope (Ex) , cranberry enameled ink well, barbershop sign c.1900's (rare), qty. Kiwanis & Rotary memorabilia, Ig. qty. ant. glass, china, & silver, Victorian clothing, ant. coins & pa- per money, ant. toys, dinky cars, Ltd. Ed. prints etc. Call for full listing. VIEWING: 8 am Sale Day. TFBM: Cash, Visa, M/ C orinterac. GARY HILL AUCTIONS (Div. of 1081454 Ontario Inc. ) Sunderland 1-705-357- 2185 Toll Free 1-800.654-4647 •rHE NEWS ADVERTISER, WEU., APRIL 3,1996 -PAGE 31-A Articles Garage/ Garage/ Wanted ;M1 Yard SalesM11 Yard Sales WANTED used wagon ;fpr 2 children). used play- housemens and ladles bike Call 723-7175 WANTED CAMERAS - oid china and glassiewel- lery. microscopes tele- scopes. binoculars and re- lated Mems Ck,cks. watch- es, furniture. any'th,ng old 4'12.1678 CRAFT & FLEA MARKET 3 day special clearance slap Holiday Friday. Sat & Sun. Save up to 9176 on liquidations and recycled bargains New stock every week Start your own part lime nuslness 5451 weekend It's worth the drive to 1910 Dundas St. E.. (2 lights east of Thickson Rd. Whitby) 666.5100 Com Ute r !Internet Rqnl Crafts Ron, Crafts INTERNET ADVERTIS- ING WEBVERTIZER weo page ^,e5 gn a•.^ creation including graphics. sables, hypertext links. 'orms, and mage scanning a' reasonable rates See home page at w ww dumamnews net, 'gc3291webvertizerhtml or :.all Dave at 905986- 4102 Pools, MI Spa EARLY BIRD SPECIAL 16 , 24 rec-a,gwa, Kayak pooi includes decks & fere img $4.995 Meets local oy- laws 25yr waranfy 1 800 568-7564 Pickelrg,'Ajax phone 416-738-7509 PKIIPets/Suppliesl Boarding DOG ' HAINING ULAbb- ES s-arrg Apr Small :asses for more individual a-ention, Klaumar Issi B,,osii 655-48" C1 Spot CRAFT CLASSES for dults and Kids at Basket Kase A lax asses begin April 1; L, lilt tank. ai -tiop in and .l our sample. Register at 2;0 Bay1v St. W. .Next to Iain Oueeni or call 905-427-9769 BARK -rrpl :r„,a•5 'arl,, Kid`, classes Sat. morning 10 - I ' ” .,'.toms 18K $fi- includes Dairy Queen Lunch erce Diet Maintenance $34 95 Avail at FAMe 5 9 Ly PET FOODS 905:s- 34-7 3a•' INTERESTED IN HOUND DOGS. Blue ' upas gentle. PORCELAIN DOLLS ? w;rk:^g class ^urlers. ter- amid pars nspecb Afternoon & evening class 4,1 w od rth Shots, S' SO 905,473-9175 call 571-2520 ATTENTION: Dog Own e•s D'ggi.r :;Doled Pet waste Systems staining et Computer Computer S54 99 up to 150 lb wt Video Video Dog L to Jacxf stamng at S25 32' F�-e Hydrart,n lin,or outdoor Lifetime Guarantee Ball. 9-9. . days wee• 9051723.5413 Fax 723.1466 COME! SIT! & STAY' EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE' AT K9 CONNECTIONS Dog Oc-alence We Motivate with success"' Classes all levels FREE " leather training ?a : ' ' 31' new students -all John or Dianne tc Register 1-905-437-1711 Automobiles 9 M11 for Sale 1979 Pontiac Sunbird 81 300 original KM V6 38 ,231 cu m) Engine a,, con droning, body and engine ,n good shape Selling of parts as is Make an otter 436-6244 1963 PONTIAC ACA- DIAN 68,000 kms. 4 door auto. $1400 certified 905- 728-0490 1964 DODGE Anes. 4- door, automatic. ps, pib. new 1988 motor, new front brakes, safety & certified. 51499. Call 905-697-1045 1964 OLDS CUTLASS SUPREME mint Interior, great engine. needs body work S1000 certified 905- 576-5415 1965 5TH AVENUE, fully loaded, V8. asking $2000 or best offer 432-3945 atter 4pm 1985 CADILLAC Fleet- wood. good clean car. $3.200 or best otter 432- 3107 1985 Cadillac Seville D'elegance, 130K. power everything including root. electronic dash, sympho- ny sound. black'grey. leather, tint. cellular, viper alarm, 56001) firm. Sil ous Inquiries only (905)420-5979 1985 IROC Z28, metallic silver. 5 -speed. 109,000 km. mint condition, fully - loaded & will cernfy Call 905-436-1515 INTERNET SERVICE AVAILABLE Home and wec page c -c-3 cr Hyper link and server storage. Call John Duarte at 5'79-4400 obi Automles 9 M11 For Sale 1986 ^a ^ Loaoed very N ear, n and out S2200 +rtified 985356' atter 6 wee«cays wee«enc any -me 1987 Cnevy Caprice Wag -r ceige said. some sur - ace rust 9 passenger deal arge family or work. 'nary new parts $190C firm �emhed Can Jett 404 9517 1989 HONDA ACCORD, EXI coupe. 5 speed, pill pol, cruise. very clean. certified $6,899. 1988 DODGE SHADOW 4 dr, 4 cyl . auto. art lin Cass, 88.000 km, fully certified, dark brown met auto trans. am -fm Cass, Sport stripes, low km, very dean. fully cem.. $6,666. 1984 CHEV CARGO 3.4 VAN, auto. p.s., P.D.. runs good. uncen., needs very little work 51,550. 1988 AEROSTAR 8 pass., auto trans. arc. budget price. For fast sale' uncen. 53,199 PELESHOK MOTORS AJAX LTD. 509 BAYLY ST. E., AJAX,ONT. 683-6300 1987 Cavalier. 4 door. auto. low kms. air, mint condition $2600 certified. 1987 Dodge Caravan, minis. van. 137.001 4 cyl auto. air, p s . p.b . 7 -passenger Exc cone very clean S3595 cert 433-1787 Automobiles R M11 For Sale 1987 P' '%' A- - _ - lied Cal 420-5894 1968 NISSAN Mull, van. S1 JCC as s '39C Merucry Marquis 52.500 or best off- er 666-0018 Brad 1988 Plymouth Cara- van. :6. 3 �I:re '+ew •eowm e g ^e new McPherson Struts. new oases -ew tires. S540C ' 384 Ply' mouth Reliant wagon 2 2 engine S1500, 1982 Ford Econolme Van 3 tre. made nto flat bed true« 52500 very good work truck 1983 Camero Z26. new paint P S. P,B. 5 speed high performance. 52895 All vehicles col tied call 728-6337 1989 HYUNDAI EXCEL. 3 dr auto, 3-spd . 143.000 km 5750 404-0582 1990 TRACKER CL. red, amtm stereoicassette. soft - top, new hard -top. stan- dard. 114k, excellent con- dition, must sell S6500, certified o b o 905-432- 3119 1991 Honda Civic. 96.000 kmmif .. 5 -speed. am cars. Peter 434.7564 1991 STYLUS ISUZU. k Red. low ms. well main- tained 5 speed 54999 cert Looks & drives lake new Must SNI 905-831-6004 or 416-287.3644 evenings 1992 CHEV CAVALIERWhite. 2 door, Al 56.000 kms. 1 driver, 56995 certi- fied OBO Price to sell 432 7621 1992 CHEVY Corsica LT Grey. 4 -door, 91K. air, abs. auto, ari cassette, good condition 58000 Call 905- 427-0968 1992 GEO STORM. 80.000 kms . 5 speed rpanual, psi pb, am/tm cassette, car alarm. rust proof for life & new tires, asking $7.300 cert 666-0610 , PACE 32 -A -THE NEMS ADVERTISER. WED.. APRIL 3, 1996 Townhouses Automobiles FMAI ABuReParts ApartmentsEA Apartments 4 Apartments Houses ' For Rent / ' Townhouses t gin, For Sale pairs � � For Rent M11 For Rent For Rent For Rent SPACIOUS 2 -bedroom basement apartment, all In clusive, near mall Fndge. stove, washer. dryer No pets. no smoking 5650 month tst/last 619 9634 TWO BEDROOM apart- ment. east Oshawa. private entrance. $675 per mo heat and hydro included Available April 13. (905)723-4012 FULLY LUAUtU1Vy3 Park Avenue. must sell. $16000 or best offer (905)263-2446 1994 Cavalier VL. 4 door, red. auto. air. ABS. PiL. P?, delay wipers, AMTM cas settle, 55.000 Kit, $9700 certified 1-705-887-5729 1987 NOVA !Corolla) 4 or hatch 5 speed one owner, highway driven. new brakes. arl cassette stereo Economical . excel lent running. well main tamed, extra rims. $2500, certified call 905-725-0104 LEASE to own cars. '83- '86 everyone qualifies No credit check 570034 On tano Ltd 686-7428 MCMILLAN & WIFE AUTO SALES '98 - New y,nil excellent cor ditior caned. 143km $3295 1987 Cadillac Sevd,e loaded, blue 121Km 55995 19M Mus- tang convertible. 156k - new top. only 54695, spring is here. 1988 New Yorker loaded. sive' 118k-, $5795. 1985 Bonneville new paint, very clean low km S2495 ac. 1988 Buick Centu-y only 12911 4 door S49o5 ac. '987 82000 C, ck-uc standard very clean -^ly 144k- $4495 1992 Mercury To paZ •ke new V6 LS. load- ed, orv 55995 Mal cars tc choose from unite• 5300: cert MCMILLAN & WIFE AUTO SALEz 200 Dun Jas S! Was' Whitby Ont 666-336' JIMMY SAYS 'GET READY FOR SPRING' C--- a': o -.c _rte D. - < weeks Best Buys from our selectior of quality Cvehi- cles 1987 Monte arlo SS black fil T -tops. spe- aa' S845C '986 Monte Carlo SS sive, 57450 1984 Z28. $3950. 1984 T,3 -s A•-- $4650 Many spring spec;als !c chocse from Rvar A„ to Sales 517 B-oCk S! % Whitby 666 062- Pager 721-5959 Automobiles o Wanted AUTOMOBILES and Yrks -a-leo scrap Any conditior. any age, free removal in the Duman Region. Cash paid Also needed. -81 Chev Pickup Call anyt me. Oshawa 43' 04C7 CARS FOR CASH' Ode bu, .sec ,e^:les '+era Iles must be in running condition Can 427-2415 or carne to 479 Gayly St East Ajax at MURAD AUTO SALES SS CASH SS UP TO 5200 CASH Fer scraV, aI - I- Sid. unwanted can and trucks. FM MOVING - RIOWT Soma NO ONE PAYS MORE: WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE -FREE w'�g •_.• s -•a: used or abandoned cars 1',Cxs •fir p,cx-lc top prices paid up to S 1 oc (416) 281-3499 (416)281-9804 Trucks for Sale 1977 GMC Shortbox. for parts Rebuilt motor new rear -end. new transmission, all this year Best offer Call atter 6pm 666-5175 or 665- 7517 1988 GMC Safari work van. engine has less than 30K. replaced 1 year ago. FUD suspension, auto. 4.3L. 53000 as is 905-427-0216 1989 Ford 1:2 -ton. F-150. 5 -speed standard w;over- dnve. very good condition. 300 cubic' engine p.s tint windows. custom sun visor. funning boards. many ex. tras. $690C c b o certified (905) 404-9283 1995 CHEV. BLAZER 20.000km Loaded. $29.500 00 . 576-9335 Varll 4 Wheel Drive 1991 Chev Astro Ext Van. 8 passenger V6. auto. air. p.w. , p l , cruise. tilt. artUfm sass. rear heat etc $10.500. Call 576-3023 (leave message) CLASS 'A- MECHANIC Licensed transmission specialist willing to do work at my home Great rates. all work fully guaranteed Also body work & paint Call Tony 571-0967 OtorcycleS 1980 YAMAHA XS 1100 SPECIAL. only 15 000 original kms . shah driven, complete with front letting and Alpine stereo Excellent shape Great deal' $2000 as 1s o b o Call (905) 725.2383 1985 500 HONDA Inter cede• under 10.000 km Ike new Call 905-436- 15'5 INSURANCE: OP.- Monday Pr Monday to Saturday Motorcycle, Auto. and very competative Property rates call Jones -Dooley Insurance Broker (905) 427-3595 MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE 683-9725 PINE RIDGE ANCEI B ' ovirmoblles 1966 tidy 60C Limited! Ed' Showroom con0'- :.on Must be seen M,r! $2300 9853561 atter 6 weekaays Weekend any- time 1988 SKIDOO stratos, - --ecol cs^Tor low km •' double trailer Asking S2200 Weekdays after 5Dm Can 619-'262 Apartments A M11 For Rent WHfTSY/90 WMAN- VILLE ' 9 = available .mmkildiately Call 4161-789-4.45 or (905) 665-7602 1 BEDROOM basement apt Oshawa Sint single non smoke• sep ent on bus route - dge & stove. share laundry. S50C per month inclusive. a -a,, May 686--8227 1.2 & 3 -Bedroom apts m 5"awd a^d Elow-'anvdle -laming at $600 month, age & stove :nduded. �-,,h laundry tarJlithes No gts Call 4o.41,4C7 AJAX. COUNTRY set- • t:edropm casement parfinent double walk ou' +erlooili pond Non smoke, n;, pets reterenc. es. f -wast. S60C inclusive 428-'4u7 2 BEDROOM aca^mens for e Downtowr Oshawa Brand new wi r balcony $695 Cal Carmen 723- S. PICKERING 2 bed - 00 ^ basement apart Tent-CIoste to all amenities. sepa,ate entrance. laundry facdiAes. non-smoker, no pets.S600 plus Available May 1 Call 839-9627 2 -BEDROOM apartment. full -height, lower. N Whit- by. quiet cul-oe-sac, fire- place. 4 appliances. S700+ utilities Available June St Phone 905-683-7658 Showing Saturday 2 -BEDROOM apartment, centrally located. fndge. stove. 5650+hydro Avail- able May 1st Call 434- 3942 atter 2 30 pm 2.'3 bedroom apartments. 8 story budding, close to schools. library. South GM plant Available immediate- ly and Nov 428-0328 1- 7pm for appointment 3 bedroom main floor bun- galow. parking, garage. fenced yard. appliances. 5750 mo 112 utilities Ill last 723-9881 3 -BEDROOM apartment, private entrance./parking, Whitby. $825/month utili- ties & appliances included Available May Call 430- 9684 AJAX - ONE bedroom basement apartment, quiet area. separate entrance. parking, $500/monthly plus 112 utilities Avail. May 1 683-0987. AJAX - CLIPPER APTS. 2 & 3 bedrooms. broadloom. 2 applianc- es, underground parking. 55 FALBY CRT. MON - FRI. 9 A.M. - 5 P.M. (905)683-6021 SHELTER CANADIAN PROPERTIES LIMITED AJAX 1 bedroom bsmt apt with fireplace Kitchen and full bath Includes utilities and cable Available April 15th 1stlasl plus referenc- es $750 mo Cas Berry 905-665.7098 AJAX. Bright clean two bed•cbm condo. two bath ooms. master with en suite. 5 appliances. air fireplace. 5875 mo plus utilities Available May Ist (416) 283-8163 FURNISHED - Ajax new •-bedroom basement bachelor Private entrance. laundry utildles. Cable in- cluded K tchenene/mi- crowave near 401 Go. public transit 5575 905)427-0283. after 6 OC AVAILABLE MAY 1, c'^g,e ad r• no pe's _: •'s. pal tic tl apt gar civ c $475 month 1 !Croom apt downtown. 2C moot^ 432-2705 BACHELOR -asement. in A 3, '-fa•w "d Hwva2 +-ea Sec a^!•ante bnghl ea- W C S5C_ - .s`.e ^8:r BASEMENT -- s w 54 a .r - f2 s'as' A.a able s• 68c- - - BASEMENT bachelor 5: a us. e s 's non-smotil single Avail- able May South A,ax Dark ^g and laundry mclu0- ed 305 427 7827 BRIGHT new 1 -bedroom w c basement apartment in executive horhe K,tc^en tamely -room. washrpO^^ A. C. quiet non -smoke, no pets 5650 831-3165. BROCK RD. Hwy 2. 2 cro•dor- casementapart- ment. bright and dean. non smoker no pets $745 in- Jusrveavailaole now 666-1650 CLEAN _ bedroom apart - mill available imme- d'itery (',lose to downtown, O C Starting at 5650 Can 905718-9097 DELUXE 3-bearoom apa^.mens in well kept quiet building, in Port Perry 15 m r north of Oshawa balcony will' sliding Coors. Large uvingroom. 1000 sq If Irving space. 1 oath S84C or 2 baths 5855 plus hyorc Cal! 728-2255 or 985 7349 GREAT Neighborhood C, g • spacious. newly decorated one bedroom basement apartment Lots of privacyown Dark ^g 5600 an inclusive 905 433-4157 HARWOOD/ Hwy. 2 b,arc new large bac^eio, full Kitchen. 4 pC bath. in- cludes laundry parking and cable F.rstlast Refer ences 5570 619-8054 LARGE one bedroom available April 1 Every - Ming Included Carpet throughout, balconies Laundry on premises Wd- sonl3loor area Please call anytime 721-1178. LARGE NEW Whitby- ground-levei. 1 -bedroom, basement apartment. fire- place. full -bath, 8' ceding, fudge, stove. no pets & non smokers, firs! & last. asking $695+112 utilities. Avail- able immecl ently - TBA. Call 905.430.7311 NO APRIL FOOL'S. 2 bed- room deal in clean and quiet 6 -unit budding, central location. no pets. 5645/mo all inclusive Available im- mediately Call now 516- 5887 NORTH Oshawa home of- fering large 2 bedrooms. full bath Iivingroom in basement or 1 bedroom upstairs with full use of main floor Share kitchen (2 others) Suit mature adult Includes all utilities, rent negotiable. May 1 Mornings 723-2111 ONE BEDROOM avail- able Apr Ist. in nice. quiet apartment house. 5475 per month All utilities an park. ing included Laundry available Sorry, no dogs 164 Brock St. E., Oshawa Phone 571.5291 for infor Brit viewing appointment OSHAWA 2 bedroom apanment available at 888 and 900 Glen St Close to Schl shopping and G M Utilities included Firstlast required Call 728- 4993 OSHAWA 2 bedroom. $690 it apt budding In cludes heat. hydro, ap- pliances, laundry on site Convenient to 401 and city bus •outes Available May 433-0677 CLEAN 'amity budding. Oshawa north one. two & three bedroom Includes Heat. hydro. ll stove. laundry facilities 7232094_ OSHAWA two bedroom apa,lme-! '•eshly decorat ed. new carpet. clean. bright, ctulet building. uhla lies, parking mcl laundry facilities. good location. available now 5685 me Cali now 1905 68.3-6778 OSHAWA. Boor Park Rd Mar - c,,o.dom aDt •-'am floor urge k !-mer w disr- wasre t ewace v_9 •ooh^ hookuc 'or washer & d•ve• S-_5 ^ont- -cil 5 ve f^5! as! required -28-5382 OSHAWA Dse to GM. ✓ewe- -, o ng 1, 2 3 bedroom apartments 905 438-'229 OSHAWA. One bedroom base -e^' a. artment. park - ng. aundry S55C mo in. cluswe Excellent area. available April Ist Refer ences and deposit re - cu -ed 723-3032 PICKERING one bed room :asamen• apt, park- �ri air. storage. tented yarddose to amenities. first and last Avadabie May 1 5550 an inclusive Lucas 905-839-2451 PICKERING Bngtr and dear one Dedrocim base- ment Private entrance. Ava4able May Ist tot a non smoker no Pets $550 (905) 831-6"5 PICKERING 2 bedroom mai^ �f bungalow. dose t0 town Centre and transit separate Laundry. a c. puking. 5950 nnonth in cluswe hrstil"I.509-1651 PICKERING 1 -bedroom tase•- ­ apartment 1 room also. all inclusive. apt 5650. 1svlast Room 5350. 1 stlast Hop to GO (416)347-9767 PICKERING near Town Ce,- B- ;f; bachelor apartment wit?) swimming pool & air Non-smoker Available immediately 5550 inclusive 905-831 9766 or 416-505-6883 PORT UNION x01 clean, c•ign! 1 Deal base- ment in West Rouge. laun- dry. cableseparate en- trance. non -smoke, 5570 inclusive Call 4'E 293- 8649 c•416-287-9492 SELF CONTAINED 1 bed bsml apt with'h, fire- place and separate en- trance Laundry and cable included $575mo.. 1st' last required Call 420- 1736 available May 1 N. OSHAWA Simcoe/ Taunton at Russet Ave Newly renovated TWO 2 bedrooms in a 12 plea, laundry facilities, hard- wood floors, parking. Cable inc, no lease. June 1 $686 plus hydro. May 1 5705 in- ciusve 576-2982 BACHELOR all utilities & cable, laundry, parking included. Whites Rd.l401 area 5400/month 420-5534 SOUTH Ajax, spotless oversized 1 -bedroom basement apartmentsep- arate entrance non- smokers. no pets 5725 in- clusive. 1 SIAast. references required Call 686-5519 South Ajax, Working non- smoker, private entrance. laundry,cable.air condition- ing. Rent negotiable Call Dan Mon -Fri 6pm- 9pm.686.8784,or 9am- 4pm (416) 496.1644 Ext 4666 THREE bedroom apt Adelaide. GMnorth, in- cludes appliances. uUl-ties, freshly painted, available immediately $6501mo first; last. on bus route 723- 4733 or 571-6552 TWO bedroom basement apt Fireplace. 4 pc wash- room, full kitchen, separate entrance. 5650/mo Non smoking, references After 6 p In 905.668-3053 WHITBY large 2 bed room alol ,r desirable area. close to 401 and Go Park - ing. laundry facilities. fire- place. appliances 5850 inclusive Fvsilast'refer ences Available May I 5796572 or 666-0049 WHITS Y-SpacloLis townhouse Style apt with 2 baths 3 bane S850 + hydro available now Contact G Miller 619-0228 AVAILABLE IMME- DIATEL• Whitby 1 cec roc_ psmt 3 pc bath use or laundry 5695 month rlclusrre. first & last rel 723-7306 WHITBY. 2 bdrm apt ac,ve stre stove. Indge. parking, S600/month First & las! No pets Available immediately Call 668- 2248 WHY vent when you can ow^ four own home for less than you Chill Call Dave Hayfock Sales Rep Re,Max Summit Realty 1199'' Ltd 19051 668 3800 or (905 666.3211 Houses For Rent $1 Absolute Affordable' Why Rent? Own your Home from $799 month (utilities included; NO Down pay- meri Call Me" Mark Sta ploy Sales Rep Sutton Group Excel Realty 571- 6275 or /-800.840-6275 WHO SAYS YOU CANNOT A"ORD TO BUT A HOUSE' S- S bungalow S'89^ - 5.3f Exec $969nth Rent-to-Owr Aia,,ab* No down Payment? Bed Credits Balkrup? Call W! 571.6275 1-800-84"275 %LARK STAPLEY ".Jr" k. r ""tt i (rt„ur _- Excrl k; by irk 1 ST CHOICE AFF&DABLE HOMES! WHY RENT? BUY! No down payment. No problem' Let me show you how' Mon Pay. $700 O.A C Call Thomas C. Pike Sales Rep, Remax Accord Realty Ltd. 5763111 3 BEDROOM house with garage. $1,000 inclusive 2 bedroom house. oshawa. $725 plus utdhies Call 434-2407 3400 SQ FT house In Courtice area available for rental First/last, references required $1500/month. Please call Sund or Harsha at 436-7381 or 242.2645 AJAX newly -renovated detached home plus base- ment. ravine. fenced. 3+1 - bedroom, family/living room. fireplace. double ga- rage. ac. appliances near plaza. school Non- smokers. no pets $750- , fillies 750.ufikties 905-686-1152 BY Oshawa Shopping Centre. 5684 monthly plus utilities. 6 rooms (3 bed rooms) Eat -in kitchen, big front room Close to schools. fenced yard, pri- vate driveway. Appliances included Phone 905-728- 0079leave message COURTICE nearly new tletached 1200 sq ft 3 bedrooms. en suite. eat In kitchen, attached garage Available Immediately Call (416) 498-0073 after 7pm COURTICE 4 bedroom raised bungalow 1 1/2 baths. single car garage. fenced. gas. $950 plus ufih- ties. available May 1.Call 905-387-6592 OSHAWA 3 bedroom. detached house. close to Hospital and downtown Available immediately 5900 -month plus utilities ;all Abe 683-5117 or evenings 427 1637 OSHAWA •,entre area. 4. bed•oc^• bacil semi. garage. 11'2 baths. excel- lent condition. S995+ l ties, firstAast references, no pets. May 1. 434-5656 OSHAWA S. CENTRAL. ?veiy sunny 2 storev 4 "edroom family home gunroom. 2 baths. hard- wood floors Large garage. private yard quiet child safe street May 1. $900 utilities references 839- 1450 PICKERING. 4 bedroom, rl '- 4 appliances, shared laundry close to 401, no pets. first rlast. credit check, 5975, plus 213 uekbil 905-420-9171 PICKERING 4 -bedroom, 2 1 7 ca' ^s -am floor fare dy, laundry room. $1150, month Also 2 -bedroom basement apanment, sep- arate entrance. available in tame house S750rmonth -16-755-8%1'905-427 t296 PICKERING, Steps to Parl creek beautiful 3 bdrm executive 2 W/o. air, 5 bulls in appliances. park - mg. owner maintains prop- erty, non smokersno pets. professionals preferred. $1250 plus. first & last. avail xmmed 831-2822 THREE BEDROOM north- east Oshawa Quiet ne gh. o,omood. near park, ;hods. bus. 5895 plus .•:rimes References No cels May Is[ 438-1178 WHITBY 2 bedroom de - !ached bungalow fridge. s-ove private drive. yard :lose to alit amenities 1st liSt. references $800. ••roma Cal 905-666-5334 Townhouses For Rent GOOD NEIGHBOUR- HOOD in south Oshawa 3 bedroom townhouse In small family complex close to schools and shopping S950/mo. all inclusive First' last 435.1088, 10 .7p m 3 BEDROOM townhouse Whitby/Oshawa boarder Avail May 1. $900:mo + utilities tst!last. Fndgei stove Included 683-6270 after 6 pm AJAX 3 BEDROOM, gas heat, air, end unit, 5 ap- pliances. avail. May 15. $1050 plus, Lynne Papazo 905-428-9766. COURTICE - 3 bedrooms. close to 401. June IsL $1,000 plus utilities. Pets Okay after 5 p.m or wee- kends. (416) 283-0647 or (905)683.2852 SPACIOUS 3 bedroom townhouse, in well main- tained family complex, Includes all ublrtie5, 4 lip pllances, parking, dose to schools and all amenities. 122 Colborne St. E. Oshawa For appt. 434.3972 KING & TOWNLINE Area available April 1 and May Ist Large 3 bdrm townhouses, neutral decor, 4 appl, 1 112 baths, base- ment & garage $895 + util Phone 721-8213 Evening and weekend ap- pointments available 0 11111110 -- 10th ANNIVERSARY Wallace, McRain & Associates Ltd., is pleased to announce their 10th Anniversary in Property Management. Wallace, McRain has managed] condominiums, co-operatives. non- l profit housing and commercial1 properties for 10 yeah in the Durham, Scartkorough, Toronto and Mississauga ! areas. We have highlighted below• just '. a few of our many professional services. • Flexihle Financial Services • Complete Physical Management • Excellent Communication 10 • Knowledgeable Staff For further information on our professional services please call 10 1-800-449-3545 16 111111 1a 10,616,61010*19 1019 Isle PICKERING.r.a.. r_a. spokes. 3 bedroom, w/0 basement. large eat n K.Ir^en, garage. 51095 ,rlhly Available lmme. diately Call Joan 905'x3' 7677leave message WHITBY town^Ousenear schools and bus route Available June 1 $1000 per month plus gas Water and hydro included Can 905666. 3637 Shared EJMI Accomodation PROFESSIONAL ­-na:.: seeking Same •) share dear 3 m bedroom home. "l Orth Whitby. Must be eatnonsmoker dike cats :400'month ncl,isive , 66-9494 SHARE quiet clean 2700 -q I, executive home in 'll with 1 Single profes conal person, $700 lnclu- Ive (ex phone) 905-655- 825 anytime THREE BEDROOM Ole to share with ^re then, non-smoker pre - lined. mate or female O C rea. use of all facilities. 1400 available immediate- / 5716276 leave mes- age VICTORIAN HOME to share. 11u1e' Ce son, small per okay pool, fireplace. panurg. ,aundry. cable. phone. dishwasher. walk -In closet. walk to downtown 1 minute to bus. suit older person, $110 week Call Space May 905-432 7859 For Rent Office & OR Retail Space INDUSTRIAL „n.ts a worksnOps r industrial plaza next to Oshawa Cen- tre Indudeds high ceilings, parking utilities, wash rooms. air compressor. overhead doors Month -by - month Parking for truck, with hydro. Available lnr mediately 576-2962 Rooms for Rent AJAX F „mishit ruia;: ILi rent quiet home Seal -ale entrance & bath. Call 686-0959 Please leave message. SAYLY/WESTSHORE clean cozy furnished room, all facilitiesseparate en- trance. 5400/month 839- 4271 LARGE bedroom with pri- vate bath, laundry, kitchen, deck, BBQ access $350/ month. Call 905-42B-1557 NEWLY -DECORATED extra -large furnished room for clean, quiet person. Cooking, near bus. Gose to Durham College. $300 monthly. Call 905-728- 4845. PRIVATE ROOM IA clean home, share lutchen, bath and laundry. non smoker. S90 week, 683-1 ROOM FOR RENT Courtice, With full use of house, Includes parking. laundry, non smoker, air, available immediately. 404-2164 !!! 4 Months i lac Rent ". Oshawa West 600 sq h second floor Oshawa downtown.600 sq main $500. 3500 sq lwr Yl S1000. 250 Sq main S350. 600 sq 2nd for $500 1050 Sia main. S1.000 Call 434.2447 or •;55-4132 AVAILABLE Space from x 1500 sq h. secorw 'loot. suitable for office or music dance, karate studio similar Please call 905)683-7111 Townhouses For Rent OUALITY D'Angelo Multi level N W Oshawa 3+2 bedrooms, kitchen over looks familyroom with fire- place. 2 walkouts, Inground pool, 3 baths. FAG. In law potential. 160 Goodman Or $171.500 Call Sheila Mc- Laren Sutton Status 436- 0990 AJAX $92.500. newer condo, 5 appliances, 2-4 pc Baths, ensure laundry, 2 bedrooms. pool, sauna, whirl pool, gym Mary Wright . Caldwell Banker. 905-686-8801 EAST Oshawa - large 4 bed backspin, 3 applianc- es, quiet court, ,.at parks/ schools. 2 pc/ 3 pc. baths, familyroomlreplace. No agents $138,900 433- 3089 Leave message I WILL buy homes lot cash Owck closings Tele- phone (905, 434-8116 Oshawa to Pickering, or (905) 786-2980 Oshawa to Port Hope NORTH Oshawa 4 bed rocm brick home next to small park Large Kitchen Hardwood floors in L'D room Gas Fireplace in 'amity room Master bed- room with en suite Two Wic. double garage 5179.000 Call (905) 728-5972 PORT PERRY S139900- 1 139900- 3 bedroom, convenience plus walk to all amenities Large lot for garden First time buyers dream or retire here Call Catherine Ayohe. Re -ax Scugog Realty. (905) 985-4427, 24 hr pager PRIVATE SALE - Picker ng $,96'40C Wnde's and Finch, 3 + 1 bedroom, main Ill lamely room. eat in kitchen. w o deck. pod. pn- vate hedged lot, 2 gar CAC Call (905, 839-0021 WHITBY. 3 bedroom brick br.nga,^w gat -in kitchen dkningroom, separate en. trance to 2 -bedroom apart- ment. 5126.900 Low monthly payments'' Ted Houghton, Sutton Group Classic Realty. 430-9000 Whitby $141.000, Free- hold 3 bedroom street townhouse, w/ga rage. Quiet area shows well. finished R/R. 2 1,2 baths, deck. backs onto park 430-0899 after 5pm Vacation 9APProperties 53500 fun priced. 5eciuo. ed wooded Trailer lot, good roadsandy beach. fishing. Cobourg area (416) 431- 1555 Camper Ti ler Sites HOLIDAY ALL 6JMMER" A 'or time' A be aubtul park OFFICE space for lease designed for all ages It 2na floor of Courtice plaza. the best time of your life' overlooks busy Hwy02 Buy a trailer set up on site -- Available immediately. -or bring your own M & K's 755.8 sq. it . & 779 sq h. Can BEAVER TRAILER PARK 725-9991 LTD. Omemee. Ont 705 799-6221 One mile north Cottages of Omemee off Hwy 7 for Rent W Money LAKEFRONT Cottage for to Lend rent 3-betlroom. 3 -piece hro batom, includes 9 HP motor & boat and much more Call (905)632.9140 or (705)738-2657 TRENT river- Woodland Estates, family house keeping cottages. 3 Poe bath. pool, beach, store. playground. 90 min. north- east Pickering. 1-888-813- 22/2. MIT vac. Rentals CLEARWATER, 3 bed- room fully furnished and air conditioned moble (per- manent) heated pools. hot tub, close to beaches & major attractions, children OBTAINMIG A LOAN IS NOT GUAR- ANTEED. SOME COMPANIES CHARGE UPFRONT FEES, OTHERS DO NOT IT IS SUGGESTED THAT YOU INVESTIGATE THOROUGHLY BEFORE SIGNING ANY CONTRACTS. Mortgages, MEInsurance MORTGAGES - Good, bad and ugly. Financing for any purpose, rates from 5.95% All applications ac - welcome, $275 weekly cepted. Community Flnan- '$hared (less than motel) 683- tial Services 668-6805 ACCOMOdalfM 5503. Business 2 Good sized rooms„ May Private Homes ppoRunitieS 1, attractive south Ajax FOrsale home. Share kitchen, laun- dry, bath, fenced yard Full use of basement rec room. $475/moeach including utilities. Non- smokers pre- ferred. Fustlast/references. 416-635-4877 or 416-633- 4793 after 6 p.m. PICKERING, 1 bedroom, shared facilities, parking, bus at door, $350/month, fust/last, available imme. diately- 428-0282 15 MIN of Bowmanville, century church converted. 2 -storey home, 3200 sq it living area including 2 bed- room basement apt Asking $169.900 905-263-4943 3 -BEDROOM Kassinger- built raised bungalow, N/E Oshawa. quiet court, gas furnace, large pie -shaped lot. $142.000 Phone 571- 7317. 'BUSINESS for Sale' property maintenance busi- ness for sale (year round) Vehicles, equipment and contracts Contact Eric at (905)839-7649 or (905)706-2890 after 6p m EARN $900 PER WEEK, Sell quality laundry deter- gent. Invest 5490 Protected area for distnutors Mr An- thony, (416) 600-7031, at. ter 6 (905)837-1362 t1 • Business 1 oppo funibes HEALTH conscience indi- y,,duals interested in run- ning a Health and Nutrition Business from home Train- ing provided Full or part time Call 705-749-3504. PINE LOFT. furniture & accessory store. estab- lished 18 yrs. inventory. 90k, proven operator profit asking $139.000 fax (905) 853-5967 SMALL Business in Travel Ac�esso"es - Established accounts Ideal for retired or semiretired Call John at 905 420 7599, leave mes- sage • 1 Registrations DANCE Adult Classes. Social Ballroom and Line Dance - Greenwood Com- munity Hall & Clanngton locations. Free Class - Registration Nights. week of April 8th Call Barbie 905- 263 8224 or Veronica 905 428-0789 DRUM LESSONS Private lessons available . rea- sonable rates. Call 428-2000 M� Coming e l Events GREAT FISHING in May for Yya_.eye and Pixe $85i00 in Prize Money Fcr details see our wet) site www 7unte com/walleye or call 613) 392-3243 e1 Personals EVANLY RAYS Police use _a N1 Solutions on Career. Relationships. Health Love S2 99irrrnute 18 • . 900-451 4055 HEAVENLY PSYCHIC a -I-, servmg over S3 mil or readers only $2 99 per min 24 hrs 18 yrs plus t -900-451.3783. AJAX AND PICKERING GENERAL HOSPITAL AJAX, ONTARIO CALL FOR NOMINATIONS FOR ELECTION OF DIRECTORS Notice is hereby given that there is a call for the nomination of Directors for the Board of the Ajax and Pickering General Hospital. Subject to Section 10 and all other provisions of the By- laws, nominations for election as Director at the annual meeting of the Corporation may be made only by: The Nominating Committee of the Board; and Members of the Corporation provided that each nomination by Members: (a) is in writing and signed by at least (2) two members in good standing; and (b) is accompanied by a written declaration signed by the nominee that he/she will serve as a Director in accordance with the By-laws if elected-, and (c) is submitted to and received by the Secretary at least (30) thirty days before the date of the annual meeting. Applications must be received by Friday, May 17, 1996. Please be advised that Directors receive no remuneration and candidates will be required to attend an orientation session. Applications can be picked up from: B.W. Cliff, President Ajax and Pickering General Hospital 580 Harwood Avenue South Ajax, Ontario L1 S 2J4 •ITS] ak*1191go-:• 683-7040 404-2623 nfoso(From Dday's Birthday ...........5020 7022 nes ....................W21 ..7023 aurus ...................5022 AI -Anon. AI-Ateen emint................... 5023 ancer...................5024 ......5037 ao......................5025 irgo ....................5026 Weekly Video ..............7029 bra.....................5027 Rogers Community 10 .......7030 corpio ..................5028 Theatre Durham ........................7031 agittarius ................5029 apricom .................5030 Crime of the Week quarius .................5031 S.O.S isces ...................W32 First Oshawa ITC Club ......6031 49 (svori. d w ToWwp Co^ M� ) 5001 ick 3 ....................5002 uper7 ..................5003 :11ttario ...................5004 )ke of the Day ............5016 cote of the Day ...........5017 rivia Quiz ................5018 nvironment Canada ........5556 Oshawa Centre Cinemas 7022 Whitby Cinemas ...... ..7023 Ajax/Pickering Cinemas ......7024 AI -Anon. AI-Ateen Pickering Movlplex 9 ........7025 Parents Support Group.._ ....... 6052 Oshawa Little Theatre .......7026 ......5037 Whitby Little Theatre ........7027 Durham Shoestring Performers7028 Weekly Video ..............7029 NHL ..................... Rogers Community 10 .......7030 Proline ...................5042 Theatre Durham ........................7031 Oshawa Generals ..........5043 Major League Baseball ......5033 Toronto Maple Leafs ........5034 NBA.....................SIM AI -Anon. AI-Ateen Pro Sports Update ..........5036 Parents Support Group.._ ....... 6052 Oshawa/Whitby Update ......5037 Local Lacrosse ............5038 Local Baseball .............5039 ,( About Crimestoppers NHL ..................... SW1 Proline ...................5042 Oshawa Generals ..........5043 NFL .....................5044 Crime of the Week Blue Jays .................5045 S.O.S CFL .....................5046 First Oshawa ITC Club ......6031 Local Hockey..............5047 Durham College ............5051 Durham P.C. User's Club ....6032 Ajax/Pickering Update .. ....5137 Aiax/Pickenng Hockey . .....5138 Raiders 'AAA' Hockey .......5139 Aiax/Pickenng Dolphins . ....5140 Ajax/Pickering Ringette .....5141 Ajax/Pickering Baseball ......5142 Aiax/Pickering Soccer .......5143 6010goompBax Ajax/Pickering Softball .......5144 Home 8 Office 8100 Ajax Bridge Club . 6000 Oddfellows,'Rebekahs .....6001 Oshawa Legion .....6002 THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED.. APRIL 3.1996 -PAGE 33-A UPPersonals • 1 Registrations • 1 Registrations • 1 Registrations LIVEPROFESSIONAL psychlc5 solves all prob IemS. love career Reunite loved ones $2 75 mm 18 . 24h, 1.900451 2787 ompanlons • EASTSIDE CONNED MON`: DATELINE Free to :all to place your ad no charges for ad,es no Dhorp bill champs 9n.6 430-7060 Krac ke r -J ax PRE-SCHOOL Arts in' Crafts Kinder Gym Creative Stories f : Movement Lots of Games Fun Now registering for SPRING April through June Reserving for Fall 9:15-11:15 a.m. or 1:00-3:00 p.m. 2 Days from $59/month AJAX ACRO'S GYMNASTICS CLUB 42? -0036 April 16, First Class In In 1 Births wilm ' Births Memoriams J I Memoriams IT'S A GIRL ESPLEY Belinda Esq --, -,- ^. Paul O Hara are happy ' j announce the safe arrival of their daughter LAURA BERYL O'HARA ESPLEY. born Friday. January 5, 1996 Born at the Alax- Fillr9 Hospital, Laura arrived at 6 02 p m and weighed 8 lbs 1 oz A little sister for William Fourth grandchild for Beryl and George & Maggie Espley. Seventh grandchild for Sheita and John O"Nara a KENDAL ..CSEP- HGWLEv Bor- Ap, We -ave $owed h+m during life Lel s not lorget him in death In iovrng memory of his wife Darlene Howley In laws ,t the Ouimene family, aria many 'nerds You and Sam are Dot?, sadly missed May your souls rest in peace We will always rove you and keep you •n our Means Sam dwd February '2 '995 HOW TO USE INFOSOURCE 1 Call 683-7040, or from Clanngton call 404-2623, using a touch-tone phone or push button phone that emits tones. It's a free call from Oshawa. Whitby, Clanngton. Ajax and Pickering. 2 When prompted enter the 4 -digit code of your choice from the directory provided. FREE 24 HOURS A DAY! (Durham West) ... .... 6023 Myalgic Encephalomylitis Association . .. ...6024 AI -Anon. AI-Ateen Fibromyalgia Support .....6025 Parents Support Group.._ ....... 6052 Epilepsy Parents Support ..6026 Osteoporosis Support .......6027 United Survivors . .........6051 ,( About Crimestoppers Parent Finders . ........6044 Business Networking Group of Whitby .. . .... ...6045 Poets in the Pub .......6046 Ajax -Pickering United Way 6050 Sydenham Museum.............8188 Parents of Teens ...........6003 AI -Anon. AI-Ateen ..6004 Parents Support Group.._ ....... 6052 ...... Alcoholics Anonymous ....6005 Oshawa Revenue Toastmasters6028 ,( About Crimestoppers Women's support group of Durham Oshawa Toastmasters .......6029 Macintosh Users East a of, 6047 Community Care ...........6006 .......6030 Crime of the Week .6048 S.O.S First Oshawa ITC Club ......6031 . ...................6007 (Smokers Overcoming Smoking) Durham P.C. User's Club ....6032 COPE (Depression) .........6008 Free From Fear ........................6053 Canadian Calorie Counters ...6009 F.3 One Parent Families .... 6010goompBax amExecu-Care �w� Home 8 Office 8100 ....6011 Parents Without Partners. Care -Givers . • . 8101 Living with Cancer Support Group St. Mark's United Church .....6033 ..... .... Anscot Contracting ....... 8102 (Durham East) .............6012 Simcoe United Church .......6034 Living with Cancer Support Group Erotica Video ...........8103 (Durham West) ............6013 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Youth ofttiir�"s •_ owl Vallillee Products Ltd. ....8106 AVE Entertainment ......8107 Durham ..................6014 Emergency Plus "CPR" ...8111 Emotions Anonymous .......6015 Clanngton Walking Program ..6036 Once Upon A Child ......8118 AIDS committee of Durham ...6016 Clarington Older Adults . .6037 Call for Less Multiple Sclerosis Society ....6017 Oshawa Seniors Club dances ..6038 ............8003 Heart Savers CPR Ontario Friends of Schizophrenics (Durham Chapter ...........6018 It�ri:'� .......8017 Language Workshop .....8018 e Oshawa & District Ostomy durhamnews ....................9999 Association ...............6019 Sweet Adelines .........6039 ff Caesarean Prevention .......6020 Durham Writers/Editors ...6040 i La Ceche League ...........6021 Homepreneur Group .....6041 Reach to Recovery Ajax Block Parents .......6042 (Breast Cancer) ............6022 Hone Business Associabon ..6043 IC -RSP Hotline ........................8247 Learning Disabilities Association Take Off Pounds Sensibly 8004 J _....w.a..�.nsr.�►rsar.-.wes9.'A's+rIR.1�Y�..elRwn�.risA.e✓IA'rMw.�.1s�.#�/�+IW P.;._•..w.<.-..1eR91R.�ihi".Ii^Gr+xf4•'...io7.es'Y'^'r.:.".....�..-. ...w........�.._ _..__. PAGE 34-A-r1fF N11%'S ADVMTlNFR. n`Fb_ APRn. 3. 1996 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Celebrate the Miracle of Easter Renew Your Faith this Holiday Season Peacc Lutheran Church 92S l.i--crfxxil Rai. (fu%t Youth of Ba} -h') Pickcring.Oil..1.1Vt ISO z; i•r V;21 Aff are zv ome to come share Peace zi th us }i011/ 'l I ek Ser-nces April 4 -7:30 pm. - Maundy Thursday April 5 -10:30 am - Good Friday April 6 -9:00 pm. - Easter Vigil tcr _�cr:triG� 7:30 am - Easter Sunrise Service 9:00 am - Easter Breakfast 10:30 am - Easter Festival Service 35 Church St. N Pickering Village Good Friday - Breakfast 8:00 - 9 15 am Worship - 10 00 am Easter Sunday - Worship - 11 00 am Sunday School Supervised Nursery Wednesday -Apr 10 -Informal Worship Service 7:30 pm Rev. K. Rowland 683-7311 Everyone Welcome AMBERLEA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1820 Whites Rd. N. FAMILY CHURCH WORSHIP 11:00 a.m.. Sunday ® Sunday School. Supervised Nursery 839-1383 The Church of the Hol} Trinity Ai,,;„ 91 Kings Crescent, Ajax EASTER SERVICES G(xx1 Fridav: 9 a.m. Hoh Saturday: 9 p.m. Easter I)a}: 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. — Don't miss out in the celebrations Plan to attend! Easter Services at Pickering Pentecostal Church 755 Oklahoma Or,, Pickering 905-839-1302 Good Friday, April 510:30 A.M. = • Cotntnunion • Special Guest from Slovakia • Music: PPC Quartet • Message: "Behold The Lamb!" Easter Sunday, April 7 6:00 P.M. y p PPC Choir Presents: 9:22 & 11'07 A.M. -My Faith Still Holds" He is Risen! An Easter Warship Celebration Arranged by bfosie Lister I c -Hl K( -H t)F('HKIST CEDAR ST, AJAX 1 street north of 40� west of Harwood SUNDAY- BIBLE SCHOOL 9:45 WORSHIP - 11:00 A.M. b 7:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY - 7:30 BIBLE STUDY THE BIBLE IS GOD'S WORD - JESUS IS LORD. 11,110 )N111(: EASTER SERVICES 1)l'ti1)11:'tRToN'-F-:'%IRPoR-t- t'\ITE1) CH1"RC ti 1066 Dunbarton Road Pickering, Ontario 1905)839-7271 Thursday; April 4th: %laund\ thursda\ Service at 7:00 p.m. Friday, April 5th: Good f=rida\ Service at 10:00 a.m. Sunda%, April 7th: Easter Sen. icc at 10:30 a.m. ( h ursery through hq,_h School Classes) Assistive Listening Devices are available. if you are in need of this assistance, please speak to the ushers. ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH PICKERING VILLAGE HWY #2 & RANDALL DRIVE AJAX, 683-7981 HOLY WEEK & EASTER SERVICES WEDNESDAY - 7:30 p.m. Stations of the Cross and Holy Eucharist THURSDAY - 9:30 a.m. Holy Eurllanst, &ble Study & Coffee Hour. 7:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist of the institution of the Lord's Supper, ritual washing of the feet, and stripping of the Altar. GOOD FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. Children's Service 11: m. Solemn Liturgy ' HOLY SATURDAY - 8:00 p.m. The Great Vigil of Easter EASTER DAY --8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist (no hymns) 9:00 a.m. - Sung Eucharist 10:30 a.m. - Festival Eucharist ' and Sunday School ST. PAUL'S ON -THE -HILL Pickering 839-7909 882 Kingston lioad cast c11 White.,, Rd Maundy- Thursday (April 4) Prayer `, IgIl 7:30 a.►n. to ail p -m. 3o p.m. Communion Service Good Friday (April 5) 9:00 a.m. Chiiciren , �vrvice "The Faster N-icton" 11:00 a.m. Hol' Communion Easter Day April -th -:iif a.m. ',unrl�,e C.unullunion 9:00 a.m. Fami1v Communion 10:30 a.m. Fanliiv Praise 124Y) p.m. Choral Fucharist You and your family are invited to join us as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. PICKERING STANDARD CHURCH Community Methodist Church Brock Rd. at Hwy #7 EASTER CELEBRATION Sundav Aoril 7. 1996 @ 11:00 a.m. Theme: The Risen Lord Special Music & Singing Worship,With Us every Sunday 11:00 a.m. & 7 p.m. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Family Night 837-0126 � Holy Redeemer � to Catholic Church 796 Eyer Dr., Pickering 1 Easter Weekend Services Saturday: 8 p.m. ° °I. A •� Sunday: 10:30 a.m. r ° • 12 noon �� After Easter, the Sunday Evening Mass will • 14.7 remain at 5:00 p.m. -A 4all year i P ♦ HOCKEY Pickeringeewees p take tourney title, win playoff round PICKERING — The Pickering Panthers Arnst Loam Supply major peewee select hockey team won the 'A' title at the rep 'D' tournament in Madoc recently. In the title clash, the Arnst Loam Supply peewees skated to a 5-3 victory over Bancroft. Team captain Ken Stevens and Scott George netted a pair of goals apiece for Pickering while Darryl Malandrino scored the first Panthers goal. Assists went to Stevens with two, Ryan Faulkner, Jordan Hutchinson, Brandon Marks, Jamie Ward and Chris Bryden with singles. Pickering opened the tournament by creaming Creemore 6-0. Goalies Kevin Emerson and Rory Clephan earned the shutout. Faulkner notched a hat trick, with single mark- ers to George, Stevens and Joey Pandolfi. Kevin Fleming chalked up three assists, Bill Antoniadis, George and Steve Costa had one apiece. G y0 In the second game, the Panthers got past Newcastle 5-3. George tallied twice and added an assist, Stevens and John Reid ~ "� both scored singles. Chipping in with assists were Pandolfi, Bryden, 9l,/ Fleming, James Kimball and Cl Stevens. In North York Select League playoff action, the Panthers eliminated Forest Hill in the first round of the post season. Pickering lost the first game of the best -of -three series 2-1. Brandon Marks scored the lone goal, assist- ed by Costa. In the second contest, Pickering turned the tables on Forest Hill by the same 2-1 score_ George and Faulkner scored, Pandolfi picked up an assist. In the rubber match of the series, Pickering hung on for a 2-1 victory. Stevens and Malandrino scored, on assists to Hutchinson with two, Stevens and Marks with singles. The team is coached by Jim Coleridge, assisted by Steve Coleridge and Ray Malandrino. The goalie coach is Rick Morrissette and the manager is Gord Bryden. V RINGETTE P ickering petites win leque final g PICKERING — The with the persistent Pickering Slo-sports petite forechecking of forwards 'B' ringette team capped a Jenna Valera and Jessica successful season by win- Cater, were all critical in ning its Central Ontario the win. Region league final in a Absent for the final hard-fought contest over game was Courtney Markham decently. - Howell, whose consistent Backed by superb goal- goal scoring throughout tending by Shannon Kay, the season was a major Pickering needed goals by factor in the team's over - Nicole Delory, Meghan all success. McKenty, Melissa Gibson The Slo-Sports petites and Nicole Larochelle to captured gold medals in stave off a final -minute tournaments in Barrie, assault by Markham to Etobicoke and Pickering post a narrow 43 victory. while earning silver The strong penalty medals at tourneys in Wing of Lorissa Dowdell Ajax and Gloucester. and Stephanie Flatman, The team is coached by the solid defence of Dani Larry `Bird' Dowdell, Stover, Julie Ross and John Valera and Dave and Lindsey Rocks, combined Wilma Larochelle. Please recycle your copy of the News Advertiser THE NEWS ADVERTISER, WED., APRIL 3, 1996 -PAGE 3S.A Spend $35 On A Lottery? Donate $35 To Charity? Now You Don't Have To Choose. IS Htime rvnn�irg out! Call now to enter 1 er the � 'mus Draw [Winning never felt this good] The Second Annual Red Lottery You can support the Red Cross and get a chance to share in over S250,000 in cash and prizes. Only 40,000 tickets are being printed, so your odds are better than 1 in 30 that you'll be a winner! Early Bonus Draw April 11th, 19%: S30,000. Main Draw May 81h,1996. 1st Prize: $100,000 Cash, 2nd Prize: $10,000 Cash, Bonus Prizes: 2 x 55,000 Cash, 8 x $2,000 Cash, 400 x S100 Cash, and 1,000 First Aid Gift Certificates (a SW value). Tickets are SW each, 3 for $100 or 10 for SM. For credit card orders, you can call the toll free number below Monday to Friday, Sam to 8pm. To order by mail or fax, see below. 1=804-850-5090 Order Form To order your tickets, complete Ibis order form. Insert it, along with YM cheque m MON" order, Info an envelope addressed to: Red Cross Lottery'96, 5700 Cancross Crt., Mississauga, ON L5R 3E9 Or tax Is: (905) 890-1008 The Cwao� Pad Cros*Socotv 0mam 0� ---____________________________________________________________________________a 1 1 1 1 O Mr. Mrs. Please print in block letters 1 1 1 Name: U Ms. _I Miss_ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 — -- - first name mwdw miWis last name 1 1 I Address: I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I 1 1 number street apt , ' 1 Cid' prowca Postal code Phone: i I I 1 1 I I I- I I I I I 1 home bwewu Please send me 1 ► Ticket(s) at $35 each = s Or, send me 1 ) Setls) of 3 tickets at $100 per set = $ Or, send me 1 1 Setls) of 10 tickets at 5300 per set = t Please accept my charitable donation of-. is tax receipt wi0 be issued on donations over filo) 1 S ; I prefer to pay by: 1 i 1 4 Cheque payable to The Canadian Red Cross Society' 1 Amount $ 1 1 1 1 ❑ Credit Card U VISA ❑ MasterCard ❑ AMEX 1 Amount $ I 1 i 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I/I I I I I card numberI 1 up" date 1 Signature of card holder: 1 I 1 1 Charitable registration number 0017780-11 Lottery license number P956105 I 1 Code L32 1 i Lottery ticket purchase not eligible for charitable receipt i 1 1 Final draw to be held on wednesday, May 8, 1996 at 4:00 pm. Early Bonus Draw to be held on Thursday, April 11, 1996 at 4:00 pm. t 1 Cut off for Early Bonus Draw is Friday, April 5, 1996 at 4:00 pm. All draws will be held at 5700 Cancross Court, Mississauga. i 1 r 1 I 1 L________________________ ______________________________J PACE 36 -A -THE NEWS ADVERTISER, %% ED.. %PRl 1 3. 096 L ALI -7, APL yr cc -jN cc cc L ® � O O UA O• rF III K 4w v > IP cm u v I I CA... SUPER STARTER! $139,500! Immaculate 3 bedroom it Detached 4 bedroom Bright, eat4n kitchen Family -size kitchen •Separate dining room it Party size rec rm. with Hardwood floors* Renovated bathroom fireplace * Rear addition W/o to inground pool * Updated throughout 50 ft. lot on quiet child -safe crescent * $128,000 CALL NOW BEFORE JACQUELYNN TNER*, irs ... GONEM 619AN-9500. RICK SERGISON* 831-3300 till . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . RVM A FIRST LRtd.eafty HERITAGE REALTY INC. BACKS ON TOS FIRST-TIME BUYERS... PARK AJAX -ONLY $152,500! This 3 bedroom brick home $202,000 - AJAX North Hermitage area. 2,224 features a finished basement, W_ central air and garage access sq. ft. 4 bedroom home -,r* from house. There is an eat -in loaded with upgrades, cent. kitchen and a walkout to a Ft air, cent. vac, 2 level deck from the living h' sundeck, security system andpartially finished room/dining room in basement and on a quiet combination. Outstandg F street. value! CALL �00 CALL TEV"_ FEARON*, BRIAN KONDO*, .0 S 683-2992 683-2992 RVMW QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. DUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. SOUTH AJAX.' $179,000 MOVE UP TO "MAPLE RIDGE" Quiet court location/50 ft. $199,900 POOL LOVERS DELIGHT. Great opportunity to own in one of fron " tage Pickenngs more desirable area N;A�_ 3 bedrooms + 2 baths Popular -Brougham" model Gas heated inground pool approx. 2-300 sq. tt Greenhouse kitchen with walkout �0 New whirlpool bathroom Finished basement with wet bar !o a deck Two fireplaces + family room Main floor family row with $12,0W sunporch addition fireplace Central airlinside access from 4 bedrooms garage Finished basement Renovated oak kitchen & Excellent value'! pantry, won't last. PLEASE CALL CALL DAVID BFATON* rig r= BARRIE COX-, 939-7"9. (905) 683-2992 Orr— Rvr-.'IAVAIW R VM KC ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD. QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. LOCATION PLUS SUPER STARTER $142,900 CHARM PLUS VALUE Detached 1 1/2 storey Attention Value Seekers! Super home 4 bedroom loaded with * Beautiful mature lot upgrades. Spacious master with *Spacious rims., fin. rec rm. en suite. Central air and vac. JL with woodstove & wet bar Ceramics. Pantry and breakfast 'Updated vinyl, roof & area in kitchen. Totally finished basement. Berber carpet. Deck windows Detached double car -- - - - - off liv. rm. 133 ft. lot. Great • Opportunity at $154,900. garage CALL LUCY BATIESON, LAURA MARKS* Associate Broker :Z (905) 619-9500 (905) 619-9500. HERITAGE REALTY INC. HERRA E R INC. BEAUTIFUL FIRST -TWE OFFERED ALTONA-SHEPP*" DISCOVERY DAY* Mint condition, 3 years AJAX new This large 4 bdrm. home oft * Huge rooms, 1,920 sq. ft. a tanidy-Ated bright greenhouse kit., a main ftor * Oak kitchen, illum. ceiling family room with fireplace, cent. * En suite bath, main floor air, hot tub and more, SO an a family room ■ premium lot Priced to sell at * Interlocking brick CALL Call BERNARD LEE* or JUDY STACMm RICK C#IOMCV* 837-1064 (905) 42111111-0533 OR 416-286-3993 Oft 1-800-663-7119a NEW CHOICE inREALTYLM. R�MwMEMBER ROUGE RIVER REALTY LTD. M BROKER I -M 1330A JW" LOMY a1WAT STARTER Oft" BUNGALOW This fully detached, all brick Gorgeous Wt 65.5'x152' for this kinly 3+1 bdirm. HN 10. how has forced off gas heating and a in - F, P yard Fabulous cart localtion. with a patio. There we two Hardwood floor under carpet an main floor. Updalled 4 -pe. & 13- spacious bedroom and an pc. Sep. side entrance. 13111111* eatemin kitchen. G" location partially finished with In demand area. SHOWS well stove. Modem kitchen. Lots of and very clean. extras. CALL CALL ANGELI NOFFMAWrt DERRY THATCHER, AT II8I-1011111111 TODAY"_ �Broker, r_1A Aw RV/V1 164 900 OMEGA REALTY 295 QUALITY ONE LTD. RLTR. es" Illptaantwha -Associeft Brohsr "'BroIwA`77 V "PAGE 2 THW14MS ADVERTISER. WED., APRIL 3,19% 77, I t t� fit, i ., {{ �, I�' t�+tt,111111111 i11i! t i 1,i1{, •� t,i�{iiflf}� + f �.f�}}}[[[ !'+ J r`•'ssrsr iN ( u Iii jI rtt.;i:ra 1 51` SII} 3 3 � 11E ` E- 0 t 1 t f f E- + yy { • - },jM Roy* ;,, .,,'} °`'' ':�i `!'' LEI N PRI' i* i i+ ` fs i' ,f { t�i3 1 831-3300 831-3300 E 831-3300Zi I qqy4, • lI 7 r li' "AJAX BEAUTY- ({I ATTENTION: ALL BOATERS JUST LISTED AT 5109,9100 This is a beautifully decorated home on a pie -shaped lot! MBoating close to home can become an affordable real' � this wen- This 2 bedroom bungalow shows velry welt, new tihilx,Iles- family room, mail floor laundrIL Double garage. 3 spacious bedrooms. , >l�ntained bungalow on Scugog Island k's on a large lot with mature hardwggd floors. updated tliririrtg i rl�rtnbrnty w Et rl "Master bedroom has a full en suitlG Located close to schools and � trees, has an oversized garage vdworkshop, right across the street trom � � �' 1 shopping the lake and close 'c Marina s ICIr, 83t 3 r, BUILT" - WHITBY NORTH OSHAWA CHILD -SAFE COURT LOCATION. ARST i W FO �. us area of Whitby, this home has a huge You want to see this spacious semi detseMd home with dwee bsdfeetrn, Singh i� 4ib 14i M I iSfrt11 �! SI ., I �0 Mouse main floor family room with fireplace. Main floor attached garaga. well-maintained inside and out Features irrthde Anundry, fenced lot. 4 spacious bedrooms. Master has full en suite!! breadoom. entry from garage to the home. nicely �; n 2:; i ��; tIt�i��yylin��f i j D oil0 T A �- excellent buy for the money a ? ar ��> lel i U{INigl � 91„i�4 ! i :lid I 4 s IS A STEALH DOESN'T MAKE SENSE TO RENT LOT kieahPicls�iipg! gee" This home is situated WHEN YOU CAN OWN FOR LESSS Fake. Hu I ` � �' on a beans bt, family room with a Great investment! Located in South Ajax's Discos ; by ust tItaEat-in decorated Sills , Ossirabk complex, bright two bedroom condor ftllllcony, 4 f tent vac. lus 5 A PklANCES. DOUG, i qcen suite, includes five appliances and: Y won't be ' CALL MARY ROY AT 831-3 NJ LIiKE A HEMI ' bw I ' a nice area in i CUfTOM Mum It has a side =trance ftardwood floors, cent. An olAstartdig the upgrade here bee f Totallhy' + sheds, large carport and eat4n kitchen, plus! A_.- uPgnded waldoals i b"nirg cta nm Ill dl ooa1, on surlei .DOUG TAYLOR, 831-3300. upgraded limaow, reek at ww. rue seen atarty hoaras otdside. OW fins one is W* a RON AT 831-3300. 831-33 It. CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE MARKET EVALUATION and a SERVICE GUARANTEED CERTIFICATE CALL � F1 RSTREALTY LTD. (905) 831-33 OO INDEPENDENTLY OWNED & OPERATED REALTOR(905) 686-3330 1885 GLENANNA RD. PICKERING ItrRrllntr�R'�R,'tR �rE"Rrr1r}! �l�r. 1rR'11r1!I}�'!l�Rr!!rA�tIR1}l�lRrrlll R!/1 r1m111!! I't'4R�' �" tali ♦Mr A.. «..r..pw«rurr�rrr�rr.rpt*�.prrf►M*�►M •�Qas*** as. appop.p p. ti�p ~A 7 v - STEVEMILL iaLL' ki JOHN WILSON' LAKE VIEW $212,900 OAK HILLS ESTATES - ASHBURN - $359,900 STARTER HOME ' Prestigious street Walkout basement Approx. 4.000 sq. ft. of gorgeous living space - 4 fireplaces, For first-time buyers, this home features affordable and spacious 4 bedrooms ' Central air 8 vac. master retreat, nanny's quavers, sauna, 9' ceilings, french living with 3 bedrooms. large, eat -in kitchen, walkout to deck and Open concept design. ' Multiple fireplaces doors + walkoul basement You won't be disappointed! Call private, fully fenced yard, furnished rec room. Priced at S114.90C. Overlooks orchard ' Walk to Petticoat Conservation 8 lake Bev ' toaay 831-330)0 won't last. Call John Wilson' at 831-3300. Call 831-3300 OPEN HOUSE. SATURDAY. APRIL 6.2-4 P.M. v - STEVEMILL IL WATERS' FLORAiii STUNNING 4 BEDROOM $166,1300! OPEN HOUSE. SATURDAY. APRIL 6.2-4 P.M. Four large bedrooms' *Three bathrooms including en suite' 1444 PARKHAM. PICKERING Eat -in kitchen! Gas heat' *Sunken living room + fireplace' Finished bsmt.' Freshly painted' BRICK BUNGALOW =acing canoan,; F raved baseme�• 5 :r, ],ry wrtr sep entrance 3-' txlrr-g Jacwz nrdwd floors. newer a Newer carpet and flooring' S _para. -o Call Geary White' 8-,'-3W0 ,learning a.x -crox 3.000 sc 't - ` Ilv ucgraded unique open concept living: 2nd F. ocr retreat with cathedral ceding 8 gas tp., separate living room 8 : 7ir.ing rooms Oak hardwood in Combined kitchen b family room. �� i. _„xuri en suite with 6 let Jacuzzi 8 glass shower. Fantastic location - , hrnstic Iandscaoing! Call Steve Mill'. 83'-3300. ' - LYNN McCULLOCH P\NG�. IJ" TREED COUNTRY LOT - 84X178' Spacious brick bungabw Double detached garage' F Strip hardwood floors ' Cosy fireplace }' Large full basement Some newer windows + root ' Country living - city convenience Call to view - don't wait' = Move-ir conorhor eeensjoe iodates Warm inviting decor - hnsned top to wriom TIRED OF THE RENT Great family recreation room wan extensive woodwork' RAVE Combined Iming room b lmmg room wan new walkok;t to a spectacuIN deck nilly tented Say goodbye t0 your landlord, and and private. rear yard' New windows, roof 8 flooring, Call Steve Mitl. 831-3300 , Invest in this beautiful end unit T --- townhome. Decorated In pine accents ' >; with parquet flooring on the main floor that will set off your area rugs. Finished t' walkout basement backing on to a parkitke setting covered with trees! JOAN ELL' Bank sale - sellers loss is your gain. ''e! TIMBERS OF YESTERDAY This century home is ftanswer when modem isn't good enough. A $119,000. CaM now! Jayson Vanular', 831-3300. - Remarkable view from this premum location country gem on a 1/4 acre offers 3 bedrooms, 3 balks plus ground 111" • Private rear yard Dackng to parkland •Tribute bull - 2,700 sq. K. all brick Fainly -sized kitchen with centre island, chefs desk and pantry nanny flat. Features oak kAchen, skyWk new gas hrnam, WWaded Huge master with step-up a separate shower carpet, deep wood baseboards, unique d charming. Cal Joan • A Outstanding -Hermitage- area - steps to schools - great value! Campbelr, 831-3300. Cay Steve Mill. 831.3300 DREAM HOMES AT DREAM PRICES RICK SERGISON f! _x 831=3300 r RE/MAX FIRST REALTY - `r DOWN BY THE BAYI * Bright. c b * Fansly-suze cWNM kil MI1, WaMW JUST GORGEOUS9 ° I � - JUST SPOTLESS9 *tI'arty-roman * cep "°°'1i; JUST $1249800: T * Centre! air c«,diuontg * Omt duld-safe cart *Extensively upgraded * walk to Frencfimans; Bay, shoppi g & 4- * Beautifully decorated GO train! RICK SERGISON', 831-3300 - : ' * Sunny, stained oak kitchen WMXWT eASEWff To MOE Lon t� ' � *Master bdrm. en suite ftkd ^ bmwo by�.� pe Ma h..y o >k Bright, party -size rec room with wood ' I D 1 cat at, va i Wiiii 1 miss /1B ON. * slim 7:y� �— wainscotting t H up pe (over 10o fl. at reed) * Open concept living & dining room who to patio * � i dm" o & yard froom n. to moo„ deck *Quiet, child -safe crescent by the lake! - * Cent. air ltvac.,wnAwO THIS HOME SHINES! R °tSERGI0"" 831- IX1 "� � RICK SERGISON', 831-3300. 4.7= NEWS ADVERTISER, WED. APRIL 3,19% ivometimes, a little effort can mean a big improvement. Like pulling away old carpeting and finding a hardwood floor beneath. Or stripping off years of old paint to discover a full -grained wooden molding. Enjoy the quiet pride that comes with ownership. Whether you seek a starter home at a realistic price or a roomier home for family or entertainment, the skill and sensitivity of a professional agent will help narrow the field. Why waste your time on unsuitable offerings when you can pinpoint your efforts and reach the payoff sooner? Let our Real Estate Sections help you find that special „ =via.• -s home. News Advertiser 579-4404 TOR. LINE 798-7672 Fax 432-1635 * "Thinking of Buying” �k Get Your F R E E COPY Of *> the new Ajax Real Estate Guide �K Call David Beaton*,sales rep. * RVMKC ouaIity one Ltd. �k %K DAVID BEATON* (905) 683-2992 Retremeni t?- BRIGHTON!' from ' R-2000 detached from $1196,900, Open House- 3 completed houses to view on EASTER SAT. AND MON. & EACH SAT. IN APRIL - 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (or call for appoint). In Brighton - Go south from main intersection stoplights on Prince Edward St. approx. - 1.2 km to Applewood sign, then left ( TO VIEW R-2000 @ 1750 sq. ft. - $154,900 FOR SALE Save $10,000 - R-2000 @ $129,900 Also 2300 sq. ft. R-2000 @ $195,000 Free Brochure of R-2000 detached homes on fully serviced 66' town lots from $119,900. Custom computer designs, free Prof. Engineer consultation. •• Let us make your dream a reality. ' GORDON TOBEY DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 1-800-544-0535 or 613-475-0618 S1FREE...+ 1 1-800-463-7363 4 . APPROXIMATELY 1,800 SG. FT. 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW 5176,000 Located in mature popuiar area c' S Pickering. Close _ Detached a cearxT onck home to schools. parks and beach. Features hardwood / FRENCH IMMERSION! ANA Mar floor tam rm 8 gas tP. ceramic floors. casement windows and finished sec Cny $178.800. for this beautrtulty maintained South Ajax 4 Sca- ous r 8 break!ast area 8 w;c AJAX BY -THE -LAKE Cedroom sidesplit. Close to parkland. shopping and -eck Mair flr 43und 16 master room with fireplace. W/O to mground pool and private S' 58,900 4 bedroom. totally schools. This home features a renovated kitchen. 2 - tiered ti --pc er sine bat Pane North yard. Modern eat in kitchen, updated baths &mirror —novated. CAC. CVAC .. loaded' deck, family room, fireplace. CVAC perennial gardens and = :+ area BRYAN RODRIGUES- doors are just a few more extras. Sherry Hoover'. MARTY STREETER• C •ect !c Marr 683-1088. Info Ire, more' Marty Streeter. 6831088 nt� ne,® BRYAN ROODRIGUES' �•,_95,X 831-9500. 683-1088 4000 S + ,1 JUST LISTED! SOUTH AJAX! r FANTASTIC HOME SPARKLING BUNGALOW!! Lovely bright 3 bedroom home Newer tumace b windows boasts family -sized country MAKE THE RIGHT MOVE! Located on 2'3 acre lot, Central air kitchen with oak cabinets, 2 L TM sought after Queen s Common oversized country kitchen, Ceramics walkouts, spacious master it beautiful Whitby. Uniquely Finished basement r main floor family room with bedroom with double closets, designed home with approx. y 'Double dove 2.737 sq. It. of luxury featuring a fireplace, finished walkout 4 appliances included professionally finished rec room sunken solanum with 2 skylights basement. updated Located on quiet crescent with walkout to sunny south facing • Buy this win only 5% down (57.325) back yard. Don't miss the boatl and lots of windows. Call Brenda bathrooms. super location. A 10 A C) Great va ue' Cali Mary Hu',ealt Call Barbara Preston, CGA, (905) BRENDA CLYDE' Clyde at 619-9500 LAURA MARKS- must to see" MARGRIT HULEATT' at 905-619.9500 for more irtc BARBARA PRESTON' 619.9500 TODAY! S1 S`L S1 S� INDOOR POOL % South A' lax ?ICK ONE! ax OUTDOOR POOL v Quiet Crescent N Rec room with bar Pic ke" Village In-law suite in basement v' Updated kitchen, bath N Huge heated garage 8 Huge 104x116' lot •l Huge principal rooms A SUPER FAMILY HOME! LUXURY FREEHOLD workshop 3 bedroom, 2 112 bathksfop '✓ Customized oak kitchen In a great area of Whitby on a tome has so much to offer. Full en court, this home has large suite in master bedroom. powder room PAT CLARK I�PaI rooms, fireplace, built-in on main Moor The kitchen erm. is . tam with * � bookcases, oak trim A doors. 2 ,• caner windows. The inn. Ac lam. rm. rl w walkouts, CAC, CVAC, fenced 6 has a walkout to the fenced yard. landscaped PLUS MUCH MORE! ` Finished rec mom _with wet bar. �.► ! vac., security a drive, CAC, ppi gyral 61 9500 GREAT PRICE -GREAT AREA - - 1 w7 Call Diana Plitz', 619-9500. Move n and enjoy! Sheila Earl', 619 - DIANA PLITZ' SHEILA EARL' 9500. +- "' ELEANOR- `, _ ~TOLD YOU TO HURRY!" SCENIC VIEW! STANDFIELD• - I have several buyers for 'The - ,-► R Discovery Bay" area who missed Fabulous updated home ONE OWNER HOME! OPEN CONCEPT - GOOD VALUE out on this home! If you live in this On half acre property. 619-9M Custom bow windows, double garage, french Cosy 3 bedroom, 2 storey, 1 - 4, 1 - 2 piece area now and are contemplating a+ doors, living room, dining room. Oak accents baths. Gourmet family kitchen. Comb. liv. / din. move, please call me first - Fora Dont let this pass you through the home. 3 bright bedrooms. 1 - 4, 1 - room. Basement ready to finish. Priced well at free no obligation market by! Call Darryl at 619- 2 piece bath. Custom bath, double shower. $157,900. Don't miss this one! Call Eleanor evaluation! Thanks! Call Susan 9500• Must be seen. $189,900. Standfiekf, 619-9500. I'm only a call away! SUSAN VINCENT' Vincent', 619-9500. DARRYL GLOVER-' THE NEWS ADVFZMER, WED., AIr'RIL 3,19WPAGE' 7 11111111`7of Wanting to make the switch? Relocating to a new area? r Move to a Bigger or Smaller Home? Let our Real Estate Sections guide you through. Oshawa - Whitby - Clarington Week This d�Best tf'_ News Advertiser Call 579-4404 TOR. LINE 798-7672 :•� Fax 432-1635 $218,900. J. Boddy Bridlewood. 7+1 rooms, double garage. Charming, well kept home for a growing family - CAC, fireplace. Central vac., french doors, etc. For details call Flo. $159.900. 78x162' lot. Immaculate 2 bedroom Tudor style ranch bungalow, upgraded. It's a beauty. Pickering detached. Call Flo. BETTS FLO BETTS Florence E. Betts CoLtd. Rltr. Br0ker/0Wn e r (905) 831-8613 BACKING ON TO a�..,4. JOHN CRAWFORD* Yawn FAMILY REALTY 1 Large 4 bdrm. home, . �tltllllllllttllllltlt 683= 17 ROYAL LEPAGE step-up oval tub & Sep. shower in rVill �IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII E4.4 5 Lra B.o.. '` 2��r�:i� �� ���`� Q ����. Porn l.ep. wr -•.KN to the yard. 2 large AJAX (905) 683-8542 Pickering, Custom Design a$379,900 BRYON one from the kit. - 3.600 sq. ft. on 70' lot, 3 1/2 car garage, 5 bedrooms. 2 en suites, separate mud room & staircase to w/o basement, suspended staircase - v , ceramics - white kitchen, upgrades galore. aU e� yesat zcaotv�als Pickering Village, 5299,000 • ` Best bungalow on best lot on best street. 2,400 + sq. ft. centre hall - 3 FULL OF SURPRISES Prerruum lot on quiet child -sate Cres. Large bedrooms + den (could be 4th) - greenhouse kit., w/o to inground pool. Beaubt* landscaped. Rec nm. with wet bar ' grand formal rooms - marble & oak. --'=_- flagstone, plaster walls. One of a '� .. ' .. kind. BUYERS BUYERS $218,900. J. Boddy Bridlewood. 7+1 rooms, double garage. Charming, well kept home for a growing family - CAC, fireplace. Central vac., french doors, etc. For details call Flo. $159.900. 78x162' lot. Immaculate 2 bedroom Tudor style ranch bungalow, upgraded. It's a beauty. Pickering detached. Call Flo. BETTS FLO BETTS Florence E. Betts CoLtd. Rltr. Br0ker/0Wn e r (905) 831-8613 r% BACKING ON TO OPEN SPACE $219,900 FAMILY REALTY 1 Large 4 bdrm. home, . 2,600 sq. ft. 3 baths including a step-up oval tub & Sep. shower in rVill ® mstr. A custom-designed kit. FAMILY REALTY FIRST CORP.wlwalkout to the yard. 2 large AJAX (905) 683-8542 decks including one off the mstr. & Bryon Coghlan, BRYON one from the kit. Independent Member Broker COGHLAN' 683-8542. SPRING IS HERE! adl yew .(reucc Now is the time to put your home on the open market. aU e� yesat zcaotv�als There are many purchasers out there right now & it could be your home they FULL OF SURPRISES Prerruum lot on quiet child -sate Cres. Large want t0 purchase. Call now greenhouse kit., w/o to inground pool. Beaubt* landscaped. Rec nm. with wet bar for a Free Market KATHY Evaluation. Call Katherine a gas nrep1m. 4 w>mns. d 4 baths. circular GEORGE staircase open to basement. /Wing CHISHOLM* Chisholm, 905-683-8542. sm,wo. call George teens:, se3-ft542. BUYERS BUYERS LOVE BUYERS EVERYWHEREM MIKE NEWMAN The demand for resale homes in YOUR FAMILY Pickering is growing rapidly. REALTY FIRST Lsgngs are in "short supply". TOP GUN What better time to list your home WITH THOUSANDS OF MLS AT MY FINGERTIPS than now! Get into the spring rush. LISTINGS MIKE WE SHOULD TALK For a free evaluation please call NEWMAN* CALL 683-8542. Terry Chamberlain* at 683-8542. r-u� S � t GORGEOUS BUNGALOW JOHN BODDY PICKERING Beautitully reno. hone near lake. Move -in cond. Huge W. nn. with gas 1p. Fabubus Idt. Located on a quiet coup, this 2,100 sq. h. home feat. a 23 x 15' tarn. rm., fin. bsml. Fn. roe ret. & extra bdrm. Mn. fir. laund., cent. au. Shows beautifully. $179,500. Moreen inn. flr. laund., eat -in kit., foetal IN. 8 din. GARY rets. For further details call Gary King at MOREEN 91x2 Rep., Fancy Reafly Fust. 905• STILES* 9Sfiles, Sales KING*- 683.8542 today. r% .4 � eeee 4Nd • ea�rlelally a~ ani 4(lei 9 u a4 �dtealuted 4,414 a " dire." aaks'd 'reae91ily,&9 mv 4ekteve«Ire/rt4 40 1995 x4114 mea ,Mel sx. * aA" . y INe o* .Srttatid #. 'Ilia" 23. 1996 4 Relftsx O�rta�sta-r1iYa�rtic .trtd. at r ae Wlea za v,4� eaa *. %zeKto. �!,�u� �'%'..�s�h,'•ycue ,�. ��? '�z�:z�. ..... ?Uig �re eeauLeklj ,1 I OIL 41L coag -sag. va emee a wew 4t t& eepme fes. ok d""& cd U94C a" Aliro kaaiN9 yolac Aur &I'Me aeal eti & NWPC Co & d4t 10"e yea 4WOW,-2&i49d dWA~d 44 at. % A'm*&, rAe 414s aw4. ua lt4de real eewrAwa ai,ea t+K44e"ge CONaaltalmija. 5%, aM 411 4 "CM x141 CM4t1 ' Nelda-" �.��- ; �,� e4& we ae (905)-683-2992 (24 �. ' 049os). Li w a!L e� � ce.Klulslsity adl yew .(reucc aU e� yesat zcaotv�als yea �# yesat N1uI keac . ��OLe�r4ae .4 � eeee 4Nd • ea�rlelally a~ ani 4(lei 9 u a4 �dtealuted 4,414 a " dire." aaks'd 'reae91ily,&9 mv 4ekteve«Ire/rt4 40 1995 x4114 mea ,Mel sx. * aA" . y INe o* .Srttatid #. 'Ilia" 23. 1996 4 Relftsx O�rta�sta-r1iYa�rtic .trtd. at r ae Wlea za v,4� eaa *. %zeKto. �!,�u� �'%'..�s�h,'•ycue ,�. ��? '�z�:z�. ..... ?Uig �re eeauLeklj ,1 I OIL 41L coag -sag. va emee a wew 4t t& eepme fes. ok d""& cd U94C a" Aliro kaaiN9 yolac Aur &I'Me aeal eti & NWPC Co & d4t 10"e yea 4WOW,-2&i49d dWA~d 44 at. % A'm*&, rAe 414s aw4. ua lt4de real eewrAwa ai,ea t+K44e"ge CONaaltalmija. 5%, aM 411 4 "CM x141 CM4t1 ' Nelda-" �.��- ; �,� e4& we ae (905)-683-2992 (24 �. ' 049os). PACE, 6 -THE NEWS ADVERTISER. WED.. APRIL. 3.19% ws .net _Real Estate VWN urhamne nd Net sews w.W •� t _ .' �' W. mneWs ¢ North ,�, _----- tscaPe- ��a a Fie sty !- N e 3: Ow Pr" sofware 'ti°'d 11na9 pyran "a'_ Fward t . �{ alrob Nrt 8ac`. cool?+'�'aa°° -0. �1 �� _ IYIE p�I oY ART � I �'�FI � L °Y tfi2 ext links SEE,,SO I N ` , clerk �nbeY]an� County s - - s � Dtiu1� Regan � cj�acxaa� � broke �°'�h Home Foy Yep es try ou, nvmace below. sxue to 11 1 �` _T*F F M `al :u� - a - oN1CQ B� `rII,Ly.1 TS N 1109— - G 1 p,J�X 1 PERRY 1 B� 1 AIX in our papers Oshawa/Whitby/Clarington Th"Is'Week 1 a.rFTK` S Line on Brought to you by: roet News Advertiser . 'A.s_.. `. Y.Y•i...Y..W�-r /T a _ �-���ws9V.arV�. Aj AJAX — Town councillors collective- ly showed up for about nine out of 10 council meetings held last year. Of the 22 regularly scheduled council meetings and one special session held in 1995, councillors had an attendance rate of 89.3 per cent. Ward 2 local Councillor Scott Craw- ford only missed one meeting, as did for- mer Mayor Jim Witty before his resigna- tion Dec. 6 when he was appointed Durham Region Chairman. Mayor Steve Parish, while serving as Wards 3 and 4 Regional Councillor, and Ward I local Councillor Frank Schaper each missed two meetings while Wards I and 2 Regional Councillor Roger Ander- son was absent from three. Wards 3 and 4 Regional Council- lor Jim McMaster, who was the Ward 3 local Councillor for most of 1995, and Ward 4 local Councillor Pat Brown missed four meetings ax Council all present nine times out of 10 Don `The Dazz' Daynard to host charity dance May 4 DURHAM -- It's time to shake, rat- tle and roll. Back by popular demand Don "The Dazz" Daynard will return to Oshawa to host the Breath of Life Dance for the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Founda- tion. The 14th annual 50s and 60% dance will be held at the Oshawa Civic Auditorium, Saturday, May 4 at 8 p.m. Tickets will be sold in the lobby of the Civic on Saturday, April 13 at 9 a.m. Tickets are S22 each and there's a limit of 10 tickets per person. All proceeds from this dance will be directed towards research into a cure or control for CF, the most common life-threatening inherited disease of Canadian children. So dust off those blue suede shoes and mark your calendar for a great evening of fun, entertainment and dancing. / 1 BUY •-, SELL orfee as A! 31/21 14 9 • Feature Home MAIN FLOOR FAMILY ROOM 3+2 brick detached on oversized pie - shaped lot! 2 bedroom in-law with r iri bath. Present income $1,425/mth. ESTATE AUCTION NO RESERVE BID The estate of John Nickolaiko is auctioning off the following items! 2 curio cabinets, teak dining room set, portable teak bar, couch and chair, bedroom sets, kitchen table & chairs, vacuum cleaners, bear rug, antique sewing machine, lawn mower, lamps etc. Inspection: 9 - 11 a.m.day of sale 11 a.m. Saturday April 6, 1996 1010 Green St., Whitby Cash payment only call David Joseph, Broker/Auctioneer. r 427-1345 ©0� each. One of the meetings Mr. Schaper, Mr. McMaster and Mrs. Brown missed was a special session held at 10 a.m. on Thurs- day, Aug. 1 to deal with expropriating privately -owned land at the foot of Har- wood Avenue. Council meetings are held the first and third Monday of each month, while the standing committee of the whole meets on the other Mondays. Ajax Council doesn't meet in August. "The attendance record of Ajax Coun- cil is good. Nothing sticks out in my mind. to most instances, there's a good reason (for being absent), such as health or something like that," Mr. Parish says. Two of the meetings Mrs. Brown missed were due to illness, the mayor notes. Occasionally a councillor might miss a session for a holiday. "If a councillor is away one meeting a year, I don't see a problem with that," Mr. Parish says. In addition to sitting on council and the standing committee of the whole, all councillors were members of the plan- ning and development, and the opera- tions and finance committees last year. Those two committees have since been merged into the general government committee which meets every other Thursday afternoon. The attendance figures only cover council meetings and not any of the other committees on which councillors sit. Other committees some of the council- lors are on include Ajax Home Week, the Historical Board, the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee, the Mayor's Task Force on Business Devel- opment, Pickering -Ajax Citizens Togeth- er (PACT) for the Environment, the Pickering -Ajax -Whitby (PAW) Animal Control, Pickering Beach Road realign- ment, the Ajax Recreation Advisory Committee, the Sportsplex committee, Transit Advisory, the Ajax Waterfront Advisory Committee, the Ajax -Pickering Social Development Council and the Ajax -Pickering General Hospital board. &IMI 1 0 AIDE Mqin 1:0M : NE' ��#c I "E�d. M E M B E R B R O K E R ©Q© MUMPLE USTiNG SERVICE 9r ... l mal interior renovation. Cerami(/hardw•cmnl Jloorx. Fin, bsnet. walkout to gar Enclosed pie lilt. Call Garry Free 837-105.1. 2.200 sq. ft.. 41x1r. cent. uir N Gond.. cent. vac. h) bsmt. to Jenced hard. Huge eat -in kit.. K•/o to deck. Jam. roc. wffitreplace. Absoluteh gorgeous! Call lois Thompson" today! 837-105.1. 1 1 ram MINIMUM COMMISSION * SLlep ent to one bdrm. apt ('c•rcinti(/hrdwd. Jloorc in this 111,71 rcntrept 3 bdrin Pi, kering. Shows well all Garry Free * * *, 37-1054. 1 4 bdrm. executive home. 5(1' tor. Huge eal-in kit.. ceramu s Tont hall - kit.. huge nnstr retreat .Wet. Ilr laund.. gar a(cess Stunning home off * , gorr;eous .Street. Call Lois Thompson" today! 837-1054. JU( 111 l..kP0SCRL' Bright & modern unit with central uir, new broadloom - fridge & stove! Priced to sell!! Call Barbara K Smith **, ■!�!.*.�1� 837-1054. SC.I RBOROC (til 1.1 1( R}" ( (GADO ;uildtit•uodlKingstun bdrnz. condo. '.5 % mortgage, rssumable 3 Yrs. 3 'r. Old buddin,q. 'all for info. 'aul Casino*, /154. 1 III-- 1111) POOL I A trul unique S rlacsv hone 'En ,uae bath hac Jacu-t S Ailtie I *Faro mi. ha.c gas tp . California chutrer% A Ki„ to nautn al derA *(irrrh.,r All Kith Jen -Air o8rauritul !ir h.mt *1.14 .i, re lot irirrar lo, orlon Call Ron Arjeue*. 837-1054. M IKBOKut Ott BUNGALOW "Large bungalow with bdrm. bsmi. apt. appliances. 2 baths & kitchens. Call Peyton Ding*, 837-1054. 57- i B'( 11-:R Fur this 4 hdnn. luste/idlr upgraded, xerantic hrdvvd. firs. & wliboard s. :Nu r It laundn-. f int. rni. tt /firelylace. ('all Raul Casino*, I 837-10954. ironic' * lust $7,(X)0 down payment !'W/o it) neK lari;e deck * All hnek K/ant .gtir *Eta -in kit. * l Npa(ious bdrnis. * Close w %(hools & pcirk Call Ron Argue*, X37-11154. 1':%1 N1 EN F 2 "Assurne mortgage **3 6 bdrm. wed fin. bsmt. "All PEYT• appliances incl. **Bnnck & Kingston Rd. Call Peyton Ding*, 837-1054. 5Tt'NNING DECOR!! �' LIRGF. RACKSPHI' NYri1.' S1 PER VALVE' r' Onlp 2 Yrs. old All brick ? �' garage & driveway • 4 bdr►n. Modern, spacious layout. All • Demand NW Ajax - Double hdrms., en suite buth. Beautifully sunny 4 bdrms., hardwood g upgraded throughoul. Large deck. Landscaped de interlock___ - ___ --flooring. Located in detached • Modern decor - brick driveway. Cent. air A alrne expensive area. Walk to park. spotless! •.lust nuive-in. A nran). nwnr estrus. EMIL Cal! Emily Tan* - Call Wayne Harris* Call Emily Tan",TA N- 837-1054.837-1054. B.Sc., 837-1054. "28 OFFICES IN SOUTHERN ONTARIO AND GROWING" 011P(1R11 NNYIl-( 0 1 F\7F %CF -North Oshawa Renovated brick/aluminum bungalow - 42 x 208 Jt. lit - Close to all amenities - Open concept • Newer K'indows & plumbing. Cal! Wayne Harris* B.Sir., 837-1054. *Based on 6% commission • 4A6Qb�l7�'iVL�rY'S'X1iVERTISLR.WLrD'.`,1RlRtE`J;1�r.•....•.• . ,...�.•,,.,.,t .. , ,-.•. •.ti•r.•=., .1 ...�•e-..... ,•.r_•.�.•_ •,••...y.•..'r.e-.`...,1';' � .',� r,r'• .; ••�yc', ,•� .f � .< ' . , . , .... � i t... � , ., , . _ , • r. •1. t - -_ _ _-_ r � . i . ` I�www�w�*�l•��IT���} ! • • •ISI• Iw�� 1 . . ri FIJMW UALITY,ONE LTD1': 1861 683 -.01419--, • _- 17• .. • A r t •�$23I 1 °r - You'll love this 4 bdrm. all brick home in north Whitby. It features a greenhouse kitchen that's open to the family room, a main fir. den and a pie lot 74 ft. at the . '. rear. Call today. _ r x - !:. - You'll love your summers to this beautiful 3+1 bdrm. 1.500 sq. ft. has main floor tam. rm. with fireplace, x 'Double car garage ' Main floor tam. rm. w/fireplace ' home. It's loaded with extras including a prof. fin. separate living & dining rooms. Kit. with centre island, 3 baths, 4 -pc. en suite ' Eat in kit. 'Location •„ bsmt, and an inground pool. It's getting warmer so call 3 big bdrms., master en suite + w i closet, fin. rec rm. location!! 'Ali this plus more. A today. Sep. side entrance. Just listed. , r f ti m z i1 S With S6.000 down this -arses for S818 per month P & I. Immaculate 2,758 sq. ft. 2 year new nome, upgrd. brdlrr,. This home has much to offer the buyer on a budget! 3 bdrm, semi in central Ajax. Some new windows. throughout tam. rm., library. 4 bdrms. & Ige. liv. & din. rms., 4- Main fli tam. rm. with fireplace. 3 baths, 1 4 -pc. en Needs some work. Great starter. Call today. pc. en suite off every bdrm.. spacious eat -in kit.. woo to fenced suite, 3 bdrms. Access from gar. to house. A real deal, lot. gas fr. Many more extras Call for private viewing compare & see' Ca today' ail:11111 IA ul V 1 1 _ ve-v spacious & unique Boor pan: Shows irrrnaculate, true Dnoe of ownership. -e 'nr N, offers sep & spacious hv. & din rms., eat-ir k t & 2 spacious �crr•s The 2nd storey feat. the rrstr Darn w* we Omer feat. are prof fin. rr* w office ce-, air new oecy & -ore C&! today for "ismer irtfc. •11td_0El Zan :1 R•IN \rt•i:11, -71F s2��_4eeRAW11 MAPLERIDGE BEAUTY! 4 bd ms mr fir. tam. rm. & laundry. Professionally finished basement with 2 bdrms., wet bar & washroom. Call today' 13NE OF 0 RINE Ir Ideal for antique outlet - bed & breakfast. Built in 1885, solid brick, 10 ft. ceilings, plank flooring, over 3,000 sq. ft. Full of charm in the hamlet of Claremont. Bright, clean & neutral. Eat -in kitchen, ceramic floors, hardwood, finished basement. Must be seen. Bright, redesigned floor plan. 3 bdrms., cent. air, ceramic & parquet flooring. Approx. 1,600 sq. ft. Definitely worth a look. 7QrVATF 11 sr(E Pr(=WEfi 111 -- Custom-built home with 263 ft. of lakefront. 2 acres of landscaped property. This home is open concept with skylights, 4 car gar., hot tub. sauna & lots of trees' Must be seen! 3 spacious bdrms., all brick with front porch enclosure, private landscaped entry and eat -in kitchen with sliding walkout to deck. There's a fully fin. rec rm. with bar and woodbuming stove. Value for your $'s. "NEW" HOME AVAILABLE Quality built brand new home. Approximately 3,100 sq. ft. Main floor family room, library & laundry. 4 bdrms. & more. Act now! t / 1 1 This summer in this 3 bdrm. home in south Ajax. Gas fireplace, main floor laundry & walkout to patio. Great family neighborhood. 1 1 Fully detached all brick home, ceramics in foyer and kitchen. Fin. rec rm., freshly painted, great back yard with sun deck. New listing. •Ilot ==; to] L'i 1629500 An original owner home full of tender loving care. You'll find strip hardwood flooring, new cushion vinyl and a fin. rec rm. with a dry bar. A real beau . S.. 1 F